HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa;-- 7 ' ·------· . -----· I DAILY PILOT Newport Couple Held * * * 1oc * * * FRIDAY. AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 24, '1969 In Oregon Bobberies VOL, '1. HO, US, 4 SECTION$, 12 l"AGES Hail of Gunfire Suspect Flees Court, Captured By ARTHUR R. \'INSE L 01 th• 0•11-Pilot Sll ff A Nf\~·port Beach burglary suspect ~ambled for his fr eedom Thursday, d:isbing frorn Harbor District Judicia l Couo·t, Costa l\1csa. lo ;i v>ni ling getaway c:1r as deputy nia rshal s bl.'.IZC(] illl'ay v>ith l't'V01 V£'rS. The defendant fled in a vcl11clc whi ch hild been parker! nearly one hou r on rJ~wport Boule vard, but \\'<JS c;a pturcd early loday. several hours after his alleg· ed accomplice was also pickrd up. John D. Faulkner, 26, is held at Orange County Jail pending riling of felony escape charges as a result of his I p.m. County Clerk's Aide Accused Charges of grand l11eft \l.'Cre filed today :igain~t a !\f ission Vir jo 1nan nccu~ed or l:'mbezzling an estim::ited $5 .000 fron1 the Orange. County Cll'rk's office. Richard \V. Burk('. 27, of 26,172 Papagayo Driv(', 1s hclrl in Orange C~un· ty jail pending setting of a court hearing. H" is :"lrcuscd of <'mbezzling funds ad· ministered by the coun ty clerk's finance division in the. county courthouse O\'Cr a tw~year period. Chief D{'puty District A1lorncv J:irn e!\ G. Enr ight today stated that Burke sur· t<'ndered to sheriff's officers Thursday .;:if\er A S200 banking d1~crr panry ";1<; :i!Jeged ly spotted by an Orange Counly lJrand .Jury a11l.li\or. 'He obv1ot1.<ily p:inick('rl.'' Enr1~ht cha rgerl. "Spot 4'h,..ck~ n1n hy the counl y ;iurl 1tor prior Ir> !his: had re\c-alL·d no flpf1· C'1enrii.:s but thC' (;r;1nd J11r v 1!1 ~0\'r ry oh· \'iou;;ly unncr\'cd him and he !.urrcndcrccl t he ne xt 1lay.'' J::nright s.11d th(' defi1cncies occurred lhrouy,h BurJ.;e·s <laily banking of !unrls received in the tounly Clerk's office. Burk e allegedly ·withheld .'.In cstimJ tcd $200 to $300 on several occasions in a manner that has apparently eluded coun· ty auditors. . Burke's irnmcdiate su pervisor, C. f\1. f\!errifield, tod ay refused to comment on the arrest or his assistant. County Clerk \Vil lia.rn E;. St John could not be re.11.chcd for comment Newport Couple Held u1 Oregon Bank Robberies Federal ngents arresll'd a Newport Beach couple on bank robbery charges Thursday stemming from two theft s rrom Oregon bs'nk s in August end Sepl ember. Joo Louis Rosell \ni, 22, and his wife, Yvonnt>, 34, were arre:-t.cd during the afternoon al their recently rented apart· ment at 1601 W. Balboa Bouelvard by FBI agents, federal spokesmen said. Rosellin i, held on $10.000 bond, fac~s charges of robbing the Security Bank o( Oregon, Eastgate branch, in Portland. FBI spokesmen said a lone gumnan entered that bank Sept. 17 and demanded money from a teller at gunpoinL The bandit Ocd in a stolen car wilh $2.600. ~lr'I. Rosellini "'ill be charged '"i th r1?CC1vlng proceeds from another robbery Aug. 14 at the Muh ll(lmah Bank, Hillsdale branc;h, near Portlnnrl. 1'1rs. Ro~rl!ini r1ns1rd S7.~00 b<1n1I i ·hu rsday evening, agents snirl , and \\'::I~ freed. li er husband remained 1n cu.~tody. flight from !he downt<>'.vn area marshal's officr. Dani el T. Rog('fS, 23, of 15082 Purdy St .. Vt'estminster, was booked into the coun !y jail on a charge of rescuing an '"'CJfK'e. pii:;ked up about 8:30 p.n1. 1'h ur sday at his hon1e. Orange County Sheriff's deputies said Faulkner \Vas captured about 2 a.n1. in a fi ardcn Grove alley between Lampson Avenue and Twin Tree Lane, near his estrar:gcd wife·s home. lnv£:st1gator Da le Carrison said com· plaints charging Faulkner oind Roger!I would be sought later today, \\'it h ar· ' ~ ·:r . ~· . ;( . ..,. ....... COULDN 'T MARCH VP't Daughter Kim Agne1v StoJJped Daughter, 14, Joining ~lurch PAL\f SPRINGS (AP) -Vice Presi- dC'nl Spiro T. Agne'\\', vacationing at this SQ111hcrn California desert !pa, is dC'clining to comment on a report he slop- ped his daughter from participating in the. antiwar J\1oratorium Day rlemonstra- 1 ions last week. Agnew and his wife arrived Thursday night and secluded lhem.seh•es . The. ::\ccret Service said the vice president "·1n1ld have no comment on the report. 111 a copyright interview with the vice president, columnist Nick Thimmesch of Newsday, of Garden City. N.Y., quoted Agnew as saying: "My 14-year~ld daughter Kim wanted to show her sup- port for the moralorimn by marehlng and wearing a black arm band. I wouldn't let her.·· "She \\'as unhappy for aOOut a day but she got over it. Parental-type power niusl be exercised. Some parenl.!I have just forgotten how ,'' lhc. new~paper col- umnis t quoted the vice president as saying . "People in the establishment don't ""'ant to say 'no' lo young ~pie even if they are wrong," the interview .went on. ''So1ne self-se rving pollUcans see our huge youth population u a volatile political commodity available for pluck- ing. "Youth sbould challenge the adult generation and. put its Jde.as lo test. But they must reaM>n their way, not jump to "'hat they feel is the truth. Educalion is a continuing thing ... • • Before flying lo Palm Sprinp, the vire prr~ident s~nt 90 ,..minute~ al Scrippii Jn.~1au 1e of Oce.anngraphy in La .JnlJi:1, Calif. lie is chalrm11n of tJie National f'ouncil on r.·larine Rcwu rcC'.~ nnd Engineering DeveJopinent. raignment scheduled in the same court ?>londay. l 'hc escape by Faulkner, who fled th e marshal's office '\\'hile being allowed to make a telephone call, preceded anot her frnin Costa !\-lesa City Jail by less than one hou r. The Co~ta tlle~a pri.~oner, assigned to 77 day:;' dut y as a trusty. v,·as C-'"1ehl ~h<irtly after 4 p.m., v,·hen an ofOcer hcadr.~ hon1c fron1 \\'Ork spol\ed h1n1 l1itrh-hik1 ng. Autr.orities said Faulkner had been before Judge Donald Dungan f o r p1ell minary hearin g on a Ne11:port Beacn (Set GETA\\'AY, Pase Z) Sex Education Supporter Cook Quits Positio11 Paul \V. Cook resigned a.~ superin- tendent of Anaheim Union 1-ligh School District Thursday night at the same. meeting the school board delayed unt il February start or a revamped family Life and sex education program. Cook , through a stat~ment read lo the bo::i nJ by hi s attorney, said he '\\'as resign ing because of gro'>''ing differcnce!I of opinion and procedure. IX't"·~n him and the board. J{e suggested he could hest ser\'e as a consultant to the. school dif>tricl for the remainder of the school ~ea r. Cook. 60, hacl bren suprrintrndenl for 12 ye::irs dunng "'"hich time Ile led the ~chool d1s1r!ct In national recognition for its se x cdL1ca1ion program. began in 196;), Cook actually has Of>!:ra!ed .is a cur- rlc ulum consultant to the ~chool di.~trict rather than superintendl'nt fnr $lmc lime. Since. he suffered a heart attack in 1967 he has been housed in a portable of. flee separate fro m the main school of. fices and sat almost on the sidelines at board meetings. Deputy Superintendent R. Ken \Vines took o\'e r the reins of day.to-day opera· lion of the school dislricl. COOk said his heart anack was cau~d by increased pressure from unhappy school board members. Relation.~ have fu rther deteriorated since April this year when two avowed sex education foes were elecled to the school board. Last month the school board voted to revise the sex education prog•am and 41 textbooks were deleted from the cur- riculum. Now bttause of sched uling pro- blem~ brought about by the delay lo change the curriculum instruction won 't st11rt until February. -!I 1 An estimated 28,000 :r:.tudents of the district's 35,000 students had been ~igned up by their parents for the program before it underwent the sweeping changes voted last month. TllOSE WERE TflE GOOD OLD DAYS PASADENA (UPI) -Piclure a posh restaurant menu featuring soup, seafood cocktail, salad, and a choice of sir en· trees, including filet mignon, Ne~ York cut sirloin and broiled baby lobster ·for only $1.7S. Norman Goss. owner or the Stuft Shirt restaurant here, ceJebrated I he restaurant':'! 201h ann iversary Thursd::iy night by ~crving 1he s::ime menu he 1erv· cd Oct. 23, 1941 , at the price he charged in l!MI -$1 .75. His Car Burn \Vi!Lian1 C. Leonard, 20. of Boston, his face cut a nd bleeding, \vatches his car go up i n flames after hit· ling a utility pole in Quincy, l\ilass. Czecl1 Reds Expel Zatopek Fron1 Pa1~ty; Trial Next? PRAGU E ,,\P) -Etnil Zato pek , the rorn1er Ol ym1)1c .!!Old merla! ru nner. has been expelled fr om the Czechoslova k Communist party and ha rdliners tod;•y fi l'emcd fl) be preparin~ the groun d fur pu lli ng hi1n 011 tn.'.1 1 f0r treason. Expul sion from the party har! been widely expect ed following frequent flt· tacks on 1he 47-year-old ex-colonel of the Czecho slovak army who had givrn vociferous support lo last year's libern!. izalion movement under Alexander Dubcek. ~1orc :iiurprising: and serious \\"ere the cl.argcs leveled against Zalopek by J iri Hecko. a member of tbe army 's politica l administration, in disclosing Zatopek's oust.er in Rude Pravo, the Communist Ejection System Blamed u1 Deatl1 El Toro Marine Corps Air Station of- fi cials today blamed the fail ure of an ejectlon System ror· the dealh ThLirSdaY tl l :,; Marine pilot whose aircraft !lmas;1ed into th e de!!crt near Joshua Tree . They refused lo identify the dead of- fi cer pending notllication of his next o( ki n. The dead man's copilot, Capt. John A. Tlrew of Sa n Diego, ejected from the alrc.raft when it went out or control dur- ing a practice bombing mission over the desert country. £1 Toro official s said the plane was b.ll!!ed at the Marine Corps Air Station, Ywna, Arlzona. 6 l\1illion Auss ies SYDNEY, Australia (flP)-Six mill.ion Australians are expcctr.d to vote In Salurday's general election. and latest polls forecast that Prin1c Minister Joh n r:. Gorton·~ Liberal-Country party coali- tion wtll be. returned In offi ce for :inother thr'!c 1ears. party newspaper Hecko "'rote that Zalope k had corn- 1n1tted "a number of acts at \'ariance not on!y \\'i1 h the rlut ies of 11 Communist but alsn with lhe law and the sta tules of our litale " Specifically, lleckn wrot e. Zatopek ''betrayed a number of in ternal m('asures or the Czecho~lovak ariny contained ir secret documents of the Min istry of Na- tional Defense." ' . "E\'ery young heufenant know~ how lo deal with secret docu ments,'' ~lecko observed. "It \\'ould not seem aski ng too much if one demands the same from a colonel with more than 20 yea rs of service.'' Party and army authorities, he !laid, also had fou nd out that Zatopek had been systematically vio lating regula· tioos" on army contact v.•ith foreigner s. Zatopek was expelled from the party, lfecko added, because "he allowed himself lo be misused by the right-wing forces and consistently obstructed .• .the (>('aceful development ol the society ." Zatopek was believed &0rnewhere iil northern Czecho.slovakla and n -0 t available for conlment. County Attorney Namecl in Suit \Villism L. Pereira and A11sociates have accused an Orange County attorney of breach of contract in a Superior Court complaint charl,ing the laY.'Yer with refusing to pay more than $113,000 in buildi ng cos'8. Samuel Hurwitz of Orange Is named as defendant in the action filed by the Corona del Mar architectural firm. The charges stem from a contract drawn up between the pa rties for a $1 0 million, JS. story building in downtown Santa Ana. The complai nt cont.end!! that Hurwitz refused to make ::igreed paymen!~ on more than a dozen oct:aslon11. Included ln thr charges Is the accussilion thnt he al:r:.o failed to niake p<iyment on a promissory note drawn up lxttwcen the parlles. Shoppi11g Trip Proves Expensive A Dov.•ney veterinarian \\'ho stopped In Laguna Beach to do some shopping found lhe list of his needs unexpectedly in· rreaserl \~hen he returned to his car Thursday afternoon. Donald Edward \\'at1. 4.l told police he had parked in the 200 block or Broad· way ahout 3:30 in the afternoon to do a little shopping, leaving the. vehic le un· Joc ked. \\'hen he rct!lrr!C'rl , hi~ bag conlaining a suit. sporl 1ackeL shirts and ties · w::ii;: mi~sing. Vatu~ of the items was sci at $195, poilce said. Essex in Last Tri ('I BOSTON (AP) -The USS Es..c;e:x , the oldest active carrier in lhe Navy, made her fina l lrip from Boston today as • group of former crev.·men saluted farewell. The Essex was headed for New Yort Nava l Shipyard and then lo the Atlantic Inactive fleet. Orange Coast Cloudy conrtllions continue to clog the coast with the weekend fore.- cast offering ooly partly sunny aftern90ns and little chaoge in tem perature. INSmE TODAY Tile Nitty Gritt y Dirt Band ond Orange County'.! ozon Sun- shine Company ore among the llttractiom at Silvtrodo Daus in Buen.a Park thU wee kend, Detail Tn. today's W tekendtfr aectioR.. 1i et1111 " t1• .. r11ll I C1111tt1M JI·._ CtlfllU M c,........ '' 0111• "'4ollf.. ' ot""rc" IJ *"11 .. 111 ,... • EnHl'11!11-I fl.II 'lll•11c1 U·ll .,._,tt.. u .t.n11 l..,ft" U M•HM • ' Mtrrl"" LJctnNt It I l I , I' -----' ... '-'--... . ' . '. ' .. .. -. -,.-... • ...... "' .......... ~· ·-, .. ---.. -·-~--------.... ------........ ______ ..,.,._ .... __________________________ _ ~--...... ~- f OAJLY PJ LOT lJeary 1-,akes Stand Ex-Harvard Prof Eriipts A11grily at Trial Ir anyone wa s down on all fours in Dr. ilmothy Lcary'.s car la.st Del'. 26. era\\ J. lng around lik e an animal, H \\'as Laguna Beach police man Neal Purcell, the drug cultist testified Thursday. The onetime Harvard pi;ychology pro- fessor h3J!i been cheery arxl e\·en flippant during the four-day pretrial hearing 10 Sl!ppress evidence in the narcotics case again.st himse lf, his wife and son. But Dr. Leary erupted angrily during 1bursday's procttding5 before Judge Byron K. P.fcMillan in Oranj!e County Superior Court, ho11 r1 cr, contradicting police testimony. The "49-year-o!d 1'1t'd l'1 pl'r o [ Psychedelia said his liOn, .John 8. Leary, 20. \1·a~ only hunting his booLc: ;in1! 111~- Leary and his "·1fc Jlusf'rnary, JJ. ~a1rl they 11.t rf' droppi ng ~oung Joh11 Leary of f C'ln \\'oodland Dnve to spe1l(I thf' night with friends \1 hcn the puhten1an a~ proached U1e c:1r, Putct:.11 sau! !lit• youth's all·fou r.s stance and allegedly r11l:it ed C) f''> Jed hin1 to su~pect drugs \1·ere involved. "lt was Offtter l'1 1rcelt \1 ho v.'as on hi s hands and knees like a dog -u1 the front seat of the cur -searching !fi r nart·otics.'' Lear')' P:<pla ined, "my SQn's !x>ha\ 1or was appropn :itc ., Quar.t1!1cs of rlrug pill~ bel1f'1 <'d 10 he LS L>, S(JTIC rnanJuana and haslu:.h, the tt'f1ned sap of th1· ,,·red's hlo~som , \t·r re ASTRO SCROLL -Standing next to astronaut mockup a t "space convention" in Anaheim, Dr. Robert Gilrulh, director of I\1anned Space Craft Center, accepts ASTRO SCROLL from Thomas ~1cCann , DAILY PILOT public service manager. Scroll containing 6,000 local signatures Ui on its way lo Apollo 12 crew. Astro Scroll Greetings · On Way to Astronauts Greetings lo !hr. Apollo 12 astronaul:oJ from an es!imatrd 6,000 Orange County area residen ts iod11y were on their way to 11stronaut headquarters in Houston under lhe personal care of top :-.iASA off1c1a !s. Dr. Robert Gilruth, director of the fil anned Space Craft Ce nter in Housto n, offici a!y acc epte d the •·ASTRO SCROLL'' Thu r.sday ill lhe American lnslilute of Aeronautics and Ac;\rona utics t AJA,\) meeting in Anahe im Con\ent1on Center. The scroll had been displayed at Sou th Coast Plaza by the DAIL Y PILOT and South Coast Plaia ~1erchants As.soc1a t1on ;is a fmalc 10 J\'aucina! ;-.;C\\'Spaf)l'r \\'eek, 1009. lt v;as .su rrou nded by photo~ ;ind ot her rlisplays of space ai::(I harrl"·arc ::inrt fac il it.ies. Visitar.'i to the "!>p.1re ... hn1\··· \1'C're 1n1'itf'd !n sign thr ~tToll And thry did. It \VBS estim ated !hat morr than Ii {)(If! gignatures \vere plnced on more than a mile and ;i f!U<lrlrr of p~per a..'i thc \·isitors .e;pun n thr1 r ,i::rrc t1ni;s 1n the. Apollo 12 cre1v-many vi them voicing DAILY PILOT ~ ........... .......,. ..... &.e,lm...... .......~ Con-. CAUJOINIA Cl.AHO& (OA!I f'\lll\SHUHl COMHtt 'f ltob1rl N, W114 .,,..~1 -'~"'"""' J1,Jr It, Cutltf Vlei l'rn._I -o.ntr .. INt11tu Tlle11111 kttTil l:dilOr T~lt"''' A. M~"l'lilnt """-~"'"' £1ilor -CMlt ¥al: JlO Wt>! ..... St.wl! .......... -1'1 1111 Wptt h lllot ........... L...,... •11t~· 1n ~.,Ht .,.,.,.. tlUl'ltlnflllOI k Kl'I. -ll~ 5Prlfl DAI\. V Pl\.01, •llll ..,,,..,. ,. c .............. ..... ... _ .. -1-....... ···-· -....., "' _.,. .. ,...... ,., c-i. ...... .._., hid!. l-1-, Hlllllll .. - ..... -'-"" v.1...,. ·-•lll'I -"""""' ""''-°''"" c.... '""'""'lt>t <-. """' ..... 1 .......... tfll .... .. ...... ., ... ~ NfwPOll 1"4tll. .... 1:11 ........ lrwt, (01•• ....... f 'IZ::•• 11141 MJ-4J21 Cf Moe"Wzt M2·J411 °""''lal'lf• ""· o...... t.otol "'*'""'"" (._,.,.. Mio ..... ......... • • .,.l•••lelli. ........ --... _,, .. ,_.... "'-'""' . _.. ........... """'.. --.. '9tl'itfll-•. lacW Cit# _._ ..... t i ~••"'1 htdl -" C•ll ....... Cl~leflllol ~v!Oo(lllllWI ~. _,.,... 12.ot ~,.,, .., rMll ll '° ...... 1111,, ~ •""-' ... U# -1111y. personal fee lings prccrding 1he l ~ cre1~··s !ri p to tl1e nioon ~chcdu!cd to begin Nov. H f.i!nuh Thursd;iy rea d th,.. i:crolrs message "h:irh t•<J rriC'd "11:inn grcctin~~ and heartie!t \\·ishes for a hil ppy landuu(' from Orange Cou n!y. ll endrd v•i!h the :-.cntcnre: ''Good lurk ;ind (;oclSJX'l'd.'' Ile l'Ornn1entlerl !hf' J)('•Jrle of Orani;e r 'lun!y for .<.1gn1ng the l'lrolt :irid a1lded. •·\1,.. certainly apprecinle the scntuncnts rxprC'.e;~ed in that n1e~sagt'.'' fin the scroll "hl''h fi1!ruth .1n•I lii<: aHlrs \1·rrf' hand c<irry1ng !•' /lot1~llln 10- d.\1' 11rre rn:1ny pcr~ona l n1e ssages :.cra11 led b~· Lhosc 11·ho ~ignrd iT. )1<111y tin1rs on the srroJI. 1he rflr·urrin.i: thrmr of the mcss;iges \1·as rrliJ!IOlJS . 'i.~od bless you .. nr "I'll be pr ayi ng for ~ .. 11' or "Cndspcc\1 " cl•·. There 11cre 11o(e!i. Jr Cl11l aerOSfi!ll'r r n1 ploycs in tile ·;1rr<i : ''Hope the unit..~ I 1n.1rle fOr the C.11ncril :. arc ~till 11·or~in e.'' "All .e;ysten1s go. (nnn1c1. AJ)O i lo Stt p<>rr1sor. :-,·nrth r\1nr r1c<1n." C':c. There \1·erC' ~1gna111res 1n J apa nese, ChinC'SI'. Tahitian. Swrdi.~h. l'ortu1n1esr Rori one name l\'ith the iniOal.s "L'.S.S.R." in.e;cribed hchlnd it Some of thf' comments 11·erc on the. light side: "\\':i tch 011! ior J.111H1r hrk,c;.'' "Oka1', you pro,·erl you r l)(Hnl. nn11.• ~tay horn<'." "!'It take a pcunrl and :1 h.1lf of grl'rn rherSf'.'," "\r e hore you r landing 1 ~ a S(lft !ouch." ''Sec 1·ou on \t a r~" "I'm l'igning for my rlog: Pug, Inn,·· "ll:ipµy Th anksgi1·ing." "A set of di p~ ,1nd knee he nrls anrt best \\·ishes (signer!\ \'i c Tan · n.1·.'' "Take J\'ixon v.·i th you,""! 11ant rny $2~ hi Ilion hack." Others 1\'ere palriotir: ''I'm proud to be an An1er ican agafn:· "~o ma!ler 11·hat thcv sn1·. !he L'.S. \1 as firs!." "Frn1n .a lil!Jc.~iri'11 ho 11·,~hrs biE! thing s for sun1 c grr:al tnl'n." "A.e;t ronaulc: ;ire my favorile heroes." "GNl blei:.~ \'OU, yri u·rf miiking man'$ r>lrlf'sl drrarn .e; rfin1f' 1r11c.'' ".\laJ spal'c i:;rol~ ~n1.1 lk r 1.1r ;t+I. of u~" Perhaps lhc nnc ~111.i:lr rnr.e;<;;u!r whirh ~u1111nrrl llf' !hr innJorlty leFl1ng r:-.- pressed on the scroll ..,,·as !his C'lnr · "\lay all tl1c glory and honor be Thine Oh Lord . our God ... Vaya con Dios. ·· Gilruth turnt"d the scroll o\'rr to 1":\SA press aide, Doug \\'ard, on<' of the "\'oires of Apollo 11 ·· lie "·::is heard around the world on radio and le)ev1s1un as he: talked "'ll h a slronaul~ Neil Armstrong, •·Buzz" A1drin anrl ~Marl C-011in.• Ja~t .July -nolably Armstrong end Coll ins con1p!rtl'd !heir !'uccr~sful \ISlt lo lhP lunar ~urface a~d fh(I !hrrr- man crew 11.·as rrun1IC'rl \(l go "fl~·in;: 1to11.n liighwa y r · 011 thr1 r dl'flllrl urc from thr mMn . "I'll <l"'!i\·er you r messagrs lo the 12 crew ," \~'ard prom1.sed. ,i::a~(' 111 !hr rear nf !ht• stntion 11.:1gon 11 h1 ·n /'alr1thn;111 Purtell :1pproachl'rL !;1kcn fr o1n the C';ir, a contention lhc defense docs not d{·ny. Their ch;,irge is tl1at Ofricer Purcell did not J1a\'e any reasonable cau~e Jn suspect the Learys of possessing coniraband and the arresL~ are t he r r f o re un- constitl.!tiona !. The Learys and their team nf rlrfen!'>e attorneys, George Chula, Marl'in Cooper and Hoberl Law claim the family was rousted bv la11.·men bccau~-f". of their 1!rf'.,~. fan1r, ;ind pres<'nl'C 111 a h1pp1e !>e<.'tlO!l. Officer Purtell t.:iJd h<' stopped first ht'<'ausc lhe <'ar 1\'a!'l illegall y stopJ)l"d in thl' ~1rcct . but a 1\1tn"S.C, Erl"in 1·. E;irl, ll'Sli f1i'i! Thursrl;iy hl' sa1\-ll ll'g:i!ly parf.- l'd on \\'ocirlla nd 1Jri1r. Dr. Lc;iry <1 lso testified that a crowd of hippies stood cheering and saluling him 11.'ilil the pc<1ce and sol idarity sign that r1ighl as hf' sal handcuffl'd in Office r Purcell's p:1trul C<ir. Dutt:; rif ('on;;11 mrd man 111nna l'ig:ir1·l· lrs 11•Tc f1111nd in the a~l1trav 11f the Lc;ir,•s t'nr. but 1hc 1910 Cahfornia gubei-naloriiil candidate d(lnled smoking anv e·1 ruure from the mou ntains to l.11.gu11;i Ht'<1Ch. !le h1nll'd rhf'y ~·ere illt;"g<il plan!.e;, llr~igncd l•l fr an1c the f<r1n1ly. Th ey said they had smoked normal rigarettc<; rn rou!e and that. i ncen.~c sn1ellcd in the car -often used to mask marijuana -v.•as burn«t earlier to cover the sn1ell of some spill ed kerosene. P.l rs. Rosrmary Leary and John , both charged with carrying marijuana and LSD as a result of the poli ce intru.~1on. 11·1're present in cou rt Thursday, John as uniqul! ill his presence as c1er. Clad 1n purple shirt and orange light~. younr. Leary scratched himself corn· fortably. ya11.·ncd and combed 111~ shaggy ha ir \\'ilh his fingers. lie occasionally chev•ed a \\'ad cf Kleenex . .since gum is prohibited. ~trs. Leary said on the stand that her :;te pson has some peculiar characteristics -such as spitting on !he courtroon1 carpet as he v.·as warned about Wed· nesday -bul qualified judgment. "l am harsh about Jackie's conduct.'' lihe said, "but Jackie is Jackie." f'roin Page 1 GETAWAY ... burglary charge and \\-as ordered sent up lo Superior Court, so he asked to n1ake a call . J ud{!e Dungan agreed and Faulknl'r ll'<1S taken lo the mar.shal's office in the old, O\'ercrowdld court facility by Deputies Al Eichler and J ohn ?..fid- dlebrook to make the call . Suddenly, howe\•er, he dashed from thC' adjacent open door toward Newport Boulevard and Eichler fired one shot from hi s .38 serl'icf' wevoler "'hen thr. de!endant ignored shouted romn1ands to h<ilt Deputy J\lirld!ebroo\.; <lashrd ot1l af1rr Fa ulkner and fired two 1nore shots, au1hont1cs said, but all missed the e~rnprf' and no one rise \1·;is injurC'rl . l·:J('h ler's slug lr1rlgr·1! in thr rf'ar donr or \·1kki's. a ta1·(1r11 al 1;911,:i Ncwport B!l·d., 11•hi lc ~l 1ddlebrook 's llvo shots h1 l a parf.- f'd c<irpct l'Ompany van. Depu!.v Eirh ler fl ai:;ge<l 1!01,·n Co,ta '.\le~;i Jlol1ce Off ire r Da\'ld H ;i~cs alter v.·al chin g 'Faulkner jump in1n ;i bclg<' compact car \l'hich left th e scene 11 1th the <'Srapce at !he wheel, but it \\'ilS too lat e. A 11 1\nc~s :>.Jiri he sa1v a ~·oungrr, bu .. /\\ hJ1rcd 1n;1n ~!'it 11 ;i111ns in thr r:1r t 1r :°1h<u1t 15 1n1nutes hri•1rc the briefly .SUl'Cl'ssfu! cscap« b_1· Faulkner. f'o •ta ~l rs;i l'OliL1' today. rneanwh11C', 1111rr <C'rki n~ .1 '01npla1n! rh.1rgi ni:: n:i1·\d 11 fl\ rd. 2.1. '1f !7:lft'i ();i~ 51 . F1•l1nt.11n \.ille\, \11 th C'~Capc ;i n1t po~~~·~~JU!l 11f ctangCrollS drugs alter his arrest ;it 4 ~O p rn. Thur;;d::iy. Patrnln1:in Ooh (iood<' picked 11p Byri\ ;it ;\c11 port Boulrr.1 rrl and Palis.1drc: Ho~rt. allegedly conf1~r a11ng 111·0 a111- phPl an11nc tab!r!s from 11117 111tehh1 k1ng µr1~0nrr. ,\11t hor1t1t·~ ~a1r1 jailer J.:1n1es Cor r'111'~ no11c<'rl Byrd nii~1ng shnrtly before 2 p.m. and 1hc hunL 1•x1 rndt•d 011t~1df' 11 hf'o ;i 1horough search of the jail facility fail- ed llJ !urn up any trace. l!r 1r;i~ ser\ 1ng i7 da~-s as a jail trusty for recei\·ing stolen property. Police .said B\'rd be<:an1e \ io!rnt al1cr bC'ing rc1 urnerl ·to the jail facilily anrl l1nallv had to be confine<! in a !;\ra1t- Jackri ;i nd ('{nnrniltrd lo 11 IJ!>".1 chi<itr1c obser\·anon cell. County l\'lotorist Dies in S1nashup A P!arrntia motr rist <lie<! durinE: rush hour traffic Thursda~· \\·hen his car slam· med into a tr11 rk <it :111 Anaheim in· l('rsrction and skidded o[I into a power pole . It look pol1f'r and l1rC'rnen morr than ;in hour lo Or \' 1hl' hoctv of Henrv Davirl Cou nl\' Traffic Drii th Toll 1963 168 l>urnas, 26. frC11n behinrl the 1.1·h~l of his ~h::i11ered car. Coroner·s officers .said the 111:111 d1td on 1n1pael. D11a.1nc L. J ohnson. 27. of Anal1cim . thr. dr11·rr «f the truck, suffC'red only 1n1nor 1n1uri1·.;: 111 the crash. I-le v.·as 1rea1rrl fnr cut~ and bruises cit a nearby ho~p1tal .ind rr!cased. Lea,-e, 1-lospila l B R OOf\Ll~E. ~l all!i. IAP) -Rtmigia Br(l(!kr, \l ife o( Sen. Ed11'ard Brookr , R- f\la5.~. i~ r '<pcCtE"d to lt'O\'e Brook·:;; llo:;p1 t;i!. toclriy after undergoing :surgery frir C<int"cr. • O~ ll 'I' Pll01 51•1! '~~II AT EL TORO -i\la j .(;en. R ober\.. 01\'Cn s, con1n1.a ndcr of the 1'hird :'l laru1c ,1\1rera ft \V1ng, greets Konstantin I-'eoklistov (right) upon Sovie'!. _cosmonauts' arri~al .i n Orange County 1'hursrlay. !\Jan in cen - !rr is interpreter. Feokt1 stov \1·a s accon1panied by fel101v cosn1onaut Georg iy l'. l3cregovoy. No Spa~e l'os111011aut Pushes for P eac e By HI DI \"IEOZIELSl\I 01 1111 0111y f'not 5rol! illach1ne guo.s and ammunit ion dn not beh1ng Jn Ollll'r ~p;1cr, according to Sol'il't cosmonaut Konstantin .Feol;tistov, one of two cosrn onauLc; who paid a short visit Thursday to American space scientisLs at a cor.vention in Anahc.itn. "It 1s 1n y pCr!i011al op1n1on !h<1l military use C'lf space 1s simply not prarrical. It lh'nk tha t the idea of a space ship arm:-d 11·11h guns and 1nachine "\Jns is ~impl y ral 1·:ulous." s:iid thr ~ray-ha1 rerl sclrn1 1~t 1,ho orbi ted the C'Jrth 111 Oclobcr t!l6~ a<; ;t men1ber of !l1c three-1nan Vokshod cre1v. "!'oace is !hr srenc of pr::iccful t"~· plor•tinn,'' he added. Facing a ha t1rry rif rJ111CTil~ and m1crophonl'!', the 1·.10 R u~s1<1n 5pacc ex· plorers told nrll·smcn of their im· prf'SSions of the U.S. Speaking through an interpre ter from th:.: V(ltCe of 1\mcr1c.1. ?-h1J . r.e11. (:eorg1y T. Berf'gO\'O)' 11 ho or bited alrinc lasl year, said, "The prople arr: \'t'ry nice, very lr11'.idly ;i nd ~llnw r,uo(J\1 i1l , I fC'Cl \ikr f :i101 lir11nr. If 1hc l)l1!>i;ib1l1ty <·~1~\s, I "·111 1·•1:11c back J1crc 11·hrLher ;,i1u inv ite me or n"t ., Th ~ i:,cnrr;1I lold nt'11 ~1ncn th:il ~omr­ iiay An1cr1cJ11 Jlld Hus~1an astronauts n1.1y fly n1i~sions together. Looking at ,1stron.-iut Eugenr Cern11 11, \1'ho at"- con1pa nied the 11\0 cos n1onau ts to Anaheim, he decla red. ''In principle Uus p'l••1bit11y rx1st~ A.~ l)f nii1•1e .:1re gou1g parallel but d1ffercn1 11.·.:iys. Such flights \1111 be possible in one, !wo, or three ~ f':Jrs and lead to in1crnation:i! l'OOpcra· lion.'' He thrn quipped lhJ~ !hey .,,,.oulrl ac- cor)lpa ny the Ainerlcans "as soon as "·e l~nrn the English lnngua ge. ·· Fcok!istov said the Sol'icl space pro- ,eran1 JS no1v co ncern ed with f11·e niaJor g1.a!s r;i !her than JUSI e.stubli~hnl'~nt of <Jn 1irbii1ng space sl at ion. Thry ar e· --Large low orbit Space slallon.s for sc1ent1/1c observation_ -Creation of unmanned a ~!rophysical spac(' sta11ons ~·1th high orbit s. -Po11·erful aulorn at1c ~pacrcra lt for thr explcra1 1on of far regiou~ 1n the solar ~y.stern. -r.tanned space ships ror the ~x­ ploralion of Mars, ~lercury and Venus. -Development of a .system of ap- plications satellites for earth uses , .such as meteorology. "\\"c are no11• tryi ng lo !ind !he most in- t r>re~ting product," Feoklistov explaine d. "A donkl'y on l.v has to \\'Orry about two l1a~·sta cks. 1ve h<n·c li rr." \\'hen qucslio'.led abotJt th~ Hu ssian program for landin g a nian on the moon, Veoklstov .smiled and said that that ll'ou ;d proba bly be announ ced by ~l r. Lcv:ta n. "He is a famous radio an- nouncer In J\1osco"··" he laughed . ' Frie11d s Aid In Appeal Of Won1a11 Friends of San Clemente PTA leader r.t ar\'f'na Kl'nncd_v, convict ed of smug- gling marijuana across the U.S.·Mexican border, today Brr pushing a fund drive to derray costs of he r court appeals, Even lhe Board of Trustees of the <:apistrano School District has f!ndorsed the appeal fund . Dr. Robert lleaslt>y, .S;in C1ernrn!<' ''e!ennarian and pres1drnt of thr boarrl. confirmed that he had addf'd his namt to the; list of those; support.ing the appea l. "I have kno1~·n i\1rs. Kenned y for some time through her \rork v.·ith the school~ and l believe she should be g11·en thf' benefit of full ]l'gal support in hf'r ca.se,'' Beasley said. Endorsernent of the ~larvcna Ken nedy Appeal Fund also has been signed by trustte Nofie Famula ro and half a dozen friends and PTA associates of Mrs. Kt!n· nedy. Fund chairman is P.l rs. Huth Clar\.;, longtime fr iend and co-worker in PTA and other yoi:th projects. ~1rs. Clark asked that co11tribu tions tn the fund to pa y )trs . Kr11ned.v's lr:~a l fees be addre~sed to thf' !\larl'ena Kt'n· nedy Appea! Fund, Post Off1tc Box 23, in Dana Point. The 44-vear-0ld mother of three ha!! heen tried. t1rtce in San Diego on charge!! of transporting several pounds of 1nari· juana across th!' border from Tijuana one year ago. The first trial last spring resulted In a hung jury. Follo\\·ing a second trial, !lfrs. Ken· nrd~· \\·as found guility by a jury in San D1ego·s Oi.s1ricl Cou rt and on Au.'!:. 11 \l as st>ntrnced by Distnct .Judge \.. A. \luccke lo a prison tern1 not to P:>.cecd f1l'e \·ears. An-appeal has been filed b.v hr.r ;iltnr· nr\·. Jefferv )1. Lcvv of Lo~ Aogr!es, tdio maint3ins that ac1d1t1ooa l e\'ldence has been discovered. \!rs. Kennedy ha.s returned to her San Cll'mente home to awail the outcome of the appeal. Throughout the trials she ha~ main- ta ined her innocaice, insisting that she did no t kno11· v.·ho placed the n1a rijuana, discov ered by border patrolrnen, under the ba ck seat of her car. H!'r husband. Jan Kennrd.r. cha innart of the San C!e1nente Piirks Commission, said his 11.·iff'. had gone to Tijuana on a routine shopping trip. taking with her ~ tenant in their apartment house, J\fark !·Janson, 22. Hanson. who \lo'al ked back across !he border. also ~·as brought tn tria l and fou nrl guilty, but did not ;ippear for ~entenri ng. A bench wa rrant "'as issued for his arrest. A former Sunday Schoo l t(lachrr and Girl Scout leader. P..trs. Kennedy last year \\'as given an honorary PTA award for hrr YOH\h .service \\·ork. She has held manY PT A off irts and \1·as an actil'e 1,1·orker in support of school bond drives. .\;,tronauls Lca,·c ()nfy African Stop Kl~Sl-lASA. The Congo (AP) -'The Apol!o l l astronauts left aboard thelr presidential je t today for Tf'hran, next stop on th eir \\'Ot!d tour. DREXEL'S NEWEST For kids <!I nd f un peop!t, Ava ilable in two refresh. in 9 finishes. Yfl11ow •nd sa lm on color. The best of <!I ll, it is 1!11in, •nd burn resiitant. Your whimsy will sl•y like new no matter wh at you do. Completa bedroom furniture <!I v.a il. a ble from day bedi to chflYal mirrori •nd alt at Vflry though t ful pr ic.1!11. See it today. DftSSlt._ $159; .,,.ooo_ $ 50. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HENREOON . HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1 n1 Westcliff Or,, 642-lOSO OflN fllDAT TIL f INTERIORS Professional lnteri« De1ign•rt Av11T1bl._AID-NSIO LAGUNA BEACH l4.5 No rth Coest Hwy. 49U.5.5 I OnM HIDAY 'TTL ' j -l I I i l ' ----~-------------------~-~---------------~-~---~ ---------------------- Huntington Beaeh Today's Final N.Y. Sioeb vor. b2, NO. 255 , 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1969 TEN CENTS Aide Embezzler? County Official Held i1i $5,000 Theft DAll.Y P!l .. OT $1111 P~o<t Wfao lfilf Wear Crown? One of these fi ve senior:; ,,-111 be c ro\lfncd J-Ju ntin g- ton Beach lligh School 1ro1necon1ini;: Queen during ceremonies at halll11ne of Oiler footba ll contest Saturday night against Santa . .\na Saints. Frorn lefl are Kerry Barrett. IJiane il1arlinez, Laura Catlin, ,lanet Schaefer and Sheryl Croft. Y alley Fire1nen Ready for Bi.g l/allo1vccn Part.y· 7he succulent odor ot barbecue beer - ],Ol)O pounds of 1l -JS alrc<-idy dnfling ovr!' Fountain Valley as lirernen prcpar·e for Saturda)'s city-wlde H a 11 ow cc n ct>ltbralion. , The entire fire dcpartn1cnt -lnC'!udlng chief Harold Lawson -is pllching in for the big barbecue, highlight of Satu rday ~s planned e\'enl!'. Chief chef, however, is fireman Don Kaiser. The barbecue will be served al 2 p.n1 .• behind Fountain Valley I !igh School , \\'edilesday, firrn1en dug the hue;:c pll, fi ve feet deep, JO Jcct ac:r o.'>S and 25 feel long. Ingredients for the barbe~ue menu ~ead like an army mess hall d1ru1er. BesHJcs the 1,000 pounds of be<>£ -already on 1he pit beeause it takes 20 hours to cook - there are 300 poWldS of cabbaJJC, 500 gallons of oarnge drink and 3Jl00 r(Jlls. Other extra~ include : 200 pounds nf sugar, JOO galluns of pork and beans, JO gallons or mayonnaise, JOO p<iund.~ nf onions, 100 rounds nr ('arrots. :io R(lllrtd ~ ol butter patties and 20 pounds c<t~/1 of salt and pepper. T'hE' price of food at \he hrirbcc11c - ~1.retching from 2 p.rn to 7 p.m. -1 ~ $1.50 for adult.Ii. 7:> cen1s for children and tiny tots under fi ve are free. Surrounding the barbecue. s1tr on Foun- tain Valley H1gh School v•ill be nearly 40 gaine and food booths plus £requc~l cntertainmenl Preceding the barbecue 1.~ a fu ll-fledged l!allo11•et>n parade ~tart1n.1; from Fu11on Schoo! al JO 30 ;i 111. and \\ind in& its \•;ay to lhr hii;ll sehool. After the parade. firc'n1tn ,,1JI ~f·leLt"' "Little ~liss ;:ind Lillie :>laster Barbecue'' lo serve as official chef~. The day's acl.i\'ilies ;ire co·~pon.<.orc-d hy the city and the cha111bcr 111 com- merce. State aucl C:itv • Partuership_ .Eyc<l On Euviro1rn1cnt Charles A. O'Brien. chief deputy .<:\alt'! ;itlornl'y general, announced plans Th\JfS· day night in Santa i\na for a se ri('i:; or regional conferences in California to form a "local-state partnership in the pro- tection of our environn1en t." Ln1klette1· Urges Beatles Debate Nix.011 Over· D1·i1gs SA!\ FRANCtSCO (l_;pj) -Tele\'ision IJ{'rsonality Art L1nkletter 1oday sug- ge~ted Iha! 1he onl y type of television llrogram th;i t would carry the drug nicssagc lo the young .,.,·ou!d be a dt'batc bctwe·~n the Beatles and President Nixon, linklctlcr, call\11g the Beatles "the lcadin['. advocates of an acid society,"' 111ade his suggesli6n in answer In a question by a member of the House selrct <·0111miUee on crin1e before which he was \f'stiJ_l';ng on drug abuse . L;n).;letter's daughtrr Dianr. 2 O , recently plunged Lo death V•hile tinder the 1nfluccce. of LSD. Rep, Robert V. Denney or Nebraska asked Linkletter if a simultaneou~ lcleca!t on three net.,.,·orks featurfiig drug experts and leen·agers v1ould be a good .,.,.,!) .... lo bridge lhe generation gap and pu;nt ou~ drug dangers tQ the young. ··That v.·ould get the parents." Linklfl· Ir r rtplied. '"But the only thing H1a l '1ould get the kids .,.,·ouJd be a dcba\e hr1 1·cc1~ the Bea tles and President Nix· <Jn ." Dads' Night Set At Marina High F;ithcr and Son ~1ght \1'111 be the 111i:rhlighl of ton ight's football ga1nc bcr.,.,·ecn ~larina an<l l\ewporl lli.l!h S!'hools at \rrstminstier High School fil'ld . Each ~l arina pl<iycr v;iJI rnrct h:s f;1thl'r at thl' 50-~ard line during in- 1roduct1ons l:iefore the game. Fathers will 1\'c:ir jcrst·ys v.·eanng the same number .1~· their sons. The event 1s sponsored by the Marina 1 !1gh Bl'()slrr Cluh which \I' ill ~how films fli lh<> r.arne ~1011d :1y Ill i :11] p.m. in the tc;i C'he rs· cafeteria Ill the school. lla111ilton Street Gets r10 1"1Pl-l Speed Li111it A 40 rnph speed limit has been placed -On Harnilton Street from Newland Street to the eastem city limits and on Newland fl'cm Indianapolis Street to Pacific Coast 11ighv•ay, by lbe liuntington Beach City Council. The. new speed limits v.'ill take elfecl t\ov. 19. Linklcllr.r said he \':ould prepare a rt ln1 v.ilh a Uni versity of California 111rdical scl1ool granl to bring drug 1-nov.·ledgc lo educators. li e rttommrndcd that such a film be made co mpulsory for e\·ery tea cher in America, saying that the lack of knO\\'\edge on the part of lracher:>, deans anJ adn1inistrators \ras "shocking and horrifyi ng." tie also suggested a compulsory educa- 1innal program on drug.~ lo be startrd 1n ;:ill schools at-U1r fourth to fifth grade level and continued th~ough high scliool. Zodwc Myster)· Clln't Be Solved By Dick Tracy S .. \C RA~IE:\TO (t;P!) -St.ale crime :;lruths tOOa y f:il<led up their comic pages and gave up hope of finding clues to the r iddle of San F'rancisco"s zodiac kller in Hie Dick Tracy cartoon s c r i cs . \Related story, Page 8). Agents of the state bureau of criminal idcnlifica!ion and investiga!.ion began thc~·king h1·0 month~ ""'Orth of Tracy «01nic.~ on the theory thry inighl find ~ornc paralles bct"·een lh<' San F'rancisco l.111 1.!r or fl\'C persons and the '"Scorpio" leader of the "Zodiac Gang" bt-ing hunted do1\·n bv Tracv. "\Ve ·g\H"e l 0 ht \Vhl/!<' thing up," Earl B;iucr, ~eniflr ana!\'st in the crime labora10r)'. ~airf trxl<i\·. •·\\'e didn't. find an~·thing lh<Jt tied it up ;it all. \\'e g~•·e it up." Rauer said his bureau llrga n th~ cherk 'I hC'n an office !"111.:k TraC'y Ian ~ug'gcstcd a lin k m1gl1t be possible." '"The y're 111~t ln two differrnt worlds.'' Bauer said of the reJI and fictHiou!'l zodiacs. J{e said lhc killer began u.~1ng the 1odiac svmbo! before it appeared in the comic slrip Aug. -11. Bauer said he decided lo check out U1e Dick Tracy series because, "if you have a book, you don't know ..,..·hal"s inside until you open Jt up and take a look." San Francisco police al so dlscoontcd the possibility ol the two being connected. Charges or grand theft we.re filed today a gainst a t.-1ission Viejo man aceused or e1nbeuling an estimated $5,000 from the Orangt! County Clerk'!'! office. Rich ard W, Burke, 27. of 26372 Papagayo Drive, is held in Orange Coon- ty ja:I pending selling of a court hearing. lit is accused of embezzling funds ad- ministered by the county clerk"s finance dh•ision in the county courthouse over a twa.:year period. Cnief Deputy District Attorney James Meadoivlark ~4irport Lease OK'd l\leadov.'lark Airport in tluntington B".'ach, the t arg~t of many a battle over tl1e last sel'eral years, i.~ here to stay- fDr a'Ahile anyv1ay. Johr! Turner, airport operator said to-- d,1y that he had rene~·ed hill lease for the 40 acres tl1e small fl ying facility otcuplr:i; for another five years. Ov.·ners of the land arr the Nerio fa mily. Tume1 said talk of a metroport. ai; en· \ii~ioned in the P ereira Master Plan of Air Transportation of Orange County, has died out. "'\Ve are a small field operating for the benefit of private llyers and that is what "·e lli\I c."Ontinue to be as far as I can :;ce," TurDer said. Tbt airport has been under fire io re- ttnt years from the ever growing number of residtnt.s in nearby sub- di·oisions. In 1~. Turner appealed to the city to t ak~ over the facility, an action which created a m ighty furor. '11'-c city dropped the idea aftrr determining that Lile operation v.-·ould be a :osinb propo~!tion. Aboot 120 planes u.o;c the field now, 'T urner s.ald. ''Y.'e ha\'e rKl air pattern problems ""'ith planes from ~ng Beach fi.1unicipal Airport or Los Al.amttos Naval ,\ir Station,"' the operator said. "Our planes fly under lheir pal\ems." i\1ead<N•lark is one of l'>''O small airports remaining in Orange Co1mty !O :;erve the pri\'ate flyer. The other 1.~ Capistrano Airporl. T1irn<'r ~aid there arc no plan:.; to ex· pand the airport. "Ou: on1y trouble lnday is with real estate men. "Turner said. '"They tell peo- p\~ Uv• airi:>ort is going to be shut d0'>'1l .,.,·hen stiling homes in the area." Kicking Winners Co1npetc Again \\'uu1ers 1n the Hun tington Beach Pu ni, Pass and Kick co1npetltion will enter 1,one competition Saturday at Orange J-ligh School. Taking lop honors in last Salurda:y's ci· ty championships \\'ere, by age. group~. ~1ike 1-lale, 8; Steve Curran, IJ ; Bob 1-lcrson, 10 ; Paul Fnichamp, II ; Rich Clapp, 12, and Dan t.-1cPherson, !3. T he contest ~·as sponsored by the Hun- tington Beach Recreation and Parks Department and the Wilson Ford Co. O'Brien e-ir:plained the plan tt!. a dinner meeting of the Orange County League of California Cities, He said Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch \\'ill be host-at the conferl!flct', designed "lo further rei;ional. ~oordinatl?n of legal efforts in tlus critical environmental area, coordination ""'ilh private groups 2nd public agencies." Escapee Flees Gunfire Through the conferences. he said, the :tttorncy generars office could share its eliperlise V•ith local agencies and help local district attorneys and coUnty counsels to act in lhc. lield of cn- \'ironment. "Our primary relationshlp 1 .. ·ith the ,·arious citif:s has been in the area or (:rime prevention and control ,'' O"Brien ~id, "This second area or enforcement Is really aimed at the \'Cry quality of our lives. involving such quesLJons as the purity of our \\'aler and air, the i;afcty of our food and the right Ill recreational areas," Stork lllnrkets NEW YORK (AP)-Thc stock market rushed steadily upward and was on firn1 ;ind higher ground 1n active trading late thi ,: afternoon. (Ste f!lH)lations, Pages 10-1 l). t\d\iance.~ <.·On1inued to oi1tnumber dC'- <'lincs among lndi\iidunl 1 ~:>U('S traded ()n the New York Stock Exchange and \vcre a1 a ratio of 81 l to 4i$. Suspect Ducks Mesa Court, Caught Later By ARTHUR R. \'INSEL 01 "'9 0•11'1' f'l .. t S,.11 /\ Ne\\·port Beach burglary suspect gambled for his freedom Thursday, d:ish1ng from Harbor District Judicial CooO'l, Costa Mesa. to a "'ailing getav.•ay c:ir as deputy marshals blazed away with re\'Olvers , The defendant fled in a vehicle whlch had been parked nearly one hour on r~"wport Boulevard, but v.·as captured early today. several hours after his alleg- ed accomplice w11s also picked up. John D. Faulkner, 28, is held-at Orange Coontr Jan pending filing or (elony escape chargea a& a result or his .t p.m. flight. from the downtown area marshal's o/fite. Daniel T. Rogers, 2.3, of 15082 Purdy St .. \Vestminster, v:as boolied iato the <-:oun1y jail on a charge of re'.'!cuing an escapee. picked up about 8:30 p,m. Thursday at his hornr. Orange County Shrriff's drpulies said Y."aulkncr was captured about 2 11.m. in " Garden Grove alley between Lampson Avenue and Twin Tree Lane, near bis estranged wife's home. Investigator Dale Carrison said com· plainls charging Faulkner ard Rogers 11·wld be sought later today. with ar· raignmenl scheduled · in the 5ame court ~londay. Thi.! escape by Fa1,1lk.ner, y,·hc fled the m<irsha/'s (lfrice while being allowed to make a telephone call. preceded another froin Costa t.-tcsa City Jail by less than or.e ho1.1r. The C<lSta t.-tcsa prisoner, assign~ 77 day.:t' duty as a trusty , 'A'as caught shortly after 4 p,n1., 1'."hcn an ollitt.r , ~ticadt.~ horn~· .from v.-·o rk spotted him hitch-hiking. Autt:Orities said fatilkner hnd been before Judge. Donald Oungarl for preliminary hearing on a Newport·Beach hurglary charge. and \\·as ordered seot up to Superior Court, so he asked to make a call, '. Judge Dungan agreed and F aubr v.•1t:i; taken to the marshal's ofn~ -h! 1"' nld, overcrowded court flc:l1.ftT" 11;._ ·-~ I • Deputies Al Eichler and John Mid· dlebrook to make the call. Suddenly. however, he daihed from the aJjacent open door tO\\'atd Newport Bot.ilevard and Ekhler fired one shot from his .38 service revoler "'ben the de~endant Ignored shouted commands to halt Deputy 1'1iddlchrook dashed out after Faulkner anrl fired t\\•o more sboi.,, . aij\hQriUe.s 1ald, but all.:. mined ·the i Ge~ •nd no one elH trM.injurtd,. , ;,£1ci1!er"1-Slug lodged in 6'e·f'Ui-door of , Vikki's.;aJavem i;it 11111.':.NewportBtvd., • ;;,ilile .Midfflebroot's two~ hlt. &"'pllr~­ etr carpet company van. Deputy Eichler flagged dov.·n CO.ti 1-tesa Police Officer Da'1tf '11ayet-,tler ""'aLchlng' Faulkner ju1np tpto a .btip compact car ,.,hich left t1*1Cene with llte.1 escapee at the wheel. but "-*as too late. A witness said he ~· a y,oungtt. , bumy-haired man sat waiting in the ctr· fdrc .about 4$ minutn beff.te the •bdefty f!ieo GETAWAY, ftp a), ' G .. Enrigl1t today slated that Burke .sur· rendered to sheriff's officers Thursday after <I $200 banking diF.Crepancy ""'a.."> allegedly spotlC<'I by an Orange Counly Grand Jury·audilor. 'He obviously panicked," Enright charged. "Spot checks run by the county auditor pr,ior to U1is had revealed no defi- cienril"!'-bul the Grand Jury dii;covery ob- .,·iou~ly,unnerved him and he surrendered lhe next day," Enrighl said the deJicencies occurred !fleeting Ttiesday through Burke's daily bankin~ of funds received in the county clerk's oHice. Burke a llegedly withheld an estimated $200 to $300 on several occasions in • manner that has apparently eluded coun· ty auditors. Burke's inimediate suprrvisor. C. tf. t.-1errifie\d , today refused 10 comment on the arrest or hi11 assistant. County Cleric \Vi\!iam E. St John could nol be reachtd for comment. Top of the Pier Plans Awaited F inal plaM are being completed today ror what city officials describes as "one of the mos:t important meetings in lhe re· cent history of Huntington Beach." -'The session will be held T\Jesday at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Huntington Beach I-Ugh School. The subject: the n1och-herakled "Top of Lhe Pier Plan'' for dovtntown redevelopment. To be outlined i.~ the plan ol lhe Urban Lanrl Institute Citizens Steering Com· mi'.Li!<:! (CSC) lo cQnverl the equivalent of scve11 downtown blocks on the north side of Pacific Coast Highv.·ay into a mas:!i\'e 1,800-car parking complex. ):he Jl<opooal has be<ft· .,.plaht!d by csc member9 to directors or tM: Chamber ol Commerce, ~ :flamiac ' Comrnlssion and a 1n~ting (If drn1:ntcrwo businessmen and property owners. '"\Ve are pleaS<'d \\'ith the almost corn· plcte acceptance of the proposal," said ~tonl.e Nitikow~ki. chairman of the CSC. '"It's now up to the city councilmen, v.·ho a,; lhe cornmunity',c; parking authori- ty, must a ppro\"e the project," the chairman continued. ln\"oh·ed is lhP clearing of five cify block:i; between 6U\ and Lake Streets plus aboul five acre~ of property east of Lake inland to Allanta Avenue O\vned by the Jluntinglon Beach Co. As outlined hy the CSC the project will invo!oe bu ying the land at apprai~ pri~s. clearing e.xi.!ting buildings and construction of the 1,800-apace parking com pl ... Goldwater Raps Scott On Cease-fire Proposal "IASHJ!\'GTON (AP) -Sen. Barry Go ldwater has acidly criticized the Viet- nam cease-fire proposal of SE'n. }{ugh Scot t, adding the Republican leader does not necessarily speak for his GOP col· leagues. It v.·a5 the first flicker of conservali\c Rcpubliran resLll'eness since Scoll, a sc)f. described progressi;·e, became GOP leader last month . Goldllo;au_.r noted SC'Otl had said hr was not in the habit of clearing his idea!'l in adl'ance i;.,i lh the White House. '"I think it \1·ould be helpful if 11e "·ou ld also stale tll<jl he is not in the habit or clearing such stalem<'nls v.1th ;il[ members or his ov.·n political party in the Senate:' Goldwater i;ald. In advancing the plan for a unilateral V.S. ceasc-flre, to remain effectil·e unlcs.'I the Communists violate it, Scott said he v.a~ offering a personal hope. "I for one wish to make it very plain Iha! while J r ecognize the senator from PenllSylvania has been dilly selected minority leader of my party, I do not accept his personal recommendations on any and a ll subjects," Goldwater told the Senate. Goldwater said unilateral action will merely convince the Communists v.·e are afraid or them. Scott, in Sharon, Pa .• renewed the cease-fire call Thursday night. "I hope that a cease-fire wit! be an· nounced just as soon as it can be safely Damages Sought In Girl's Injury Damage! of $250.000 are being &Sked hy the pa(enUr of a 14-year-old Huntington Be.a('h glrl ~im was Injured in a fall at the San Diego Zoo. , Named _as defendtmb in a sui! liled .. W ~tr. and Mrs. WUliatn Romo, 9JOl 1'f016kal" ·Or1\·e. on c behalf or-.their ' daughter, Ftanf:cs .Ru!Ji. are the · ZoOI~~ 'Society of' Sari .Diego, tile. city of Sart 'DftgB and the city o! Huntington BeJch. The Superior Court complalnt alleges Iha! oegligeoce by till} (fefend~ts led to the ciJl'1 fall last "fgy 20 OOwn a con- crete !'llairway, SQe was .one o( a party or roo visitors under 1pon&orsh..lp of the City ot lilJl'.lj.ngkln BJ~ch's, fecrtfl\kln and J1brkl9 department •t the '\ime of the 1e- cident. " ( arranged," he sald. That speech was the late5l in a serie!'l of almost nightly appearancei; at Repuhlican lnnd raising dinners In Pennsylvania where Scott will seek re· clectil)n next yrar. - ScoU \\'on re·election in J 964 despite the rrushing defeat of Goldwater. who wa.11 the Republican presidential nominee. He has a record n[ attracting Democratic and independent \'oters, Trasl1 Disposal Day Saturday ncsidrn1s of \.\'est mJnstrr can haul lhrlr bulky lra,~h. jllnk o~ debris to two locations Sa!urr!ay for free disposal. Communl!y trash disposal day will ~tart at 8:30 .a .m, and ~top at J p.m, Items may be taken lo the Westminster Shopping Center, behind the F'ood GiRnt market. \\'estminsler Avenue and Golden West Strret or the Bolsa Shopping Cen· ter, behind the Alpha Beta market. Bolsa A'•enue and Magnolia Street. All arlicle.s too heavy or bulky fol'.' normal trash disposal-except !or au~o bodier will be accepted. The clcanvp (Jrive is SJ)()nsored by the Civic Beauti- fication Committee. Orange Coast Weather Cloudy conditions continue to cf°". the coasi with the 'A'ttkend fore- cast offering only partly sunny aftern,oons and little change, ln temperature. INSIDE TODA. Y The Ni t.111 Gritty Dirt Band and Omnge Count11's 01tirt S1t11- .,h.h1e Co-t1ipany are a111011g ttie altrnctions at Silverado Days ill- a,e1l<r Park.· th/.,, l~flGend. De· Wil-1 i'.n toda_M 's Weektndrr !'lOC-' /1Q11 . -Yi.1 U·H Mu"'" ,.....,.., If N-'lltft•I M•n ._, Ct"-(-Ir t ......... r11. , .. ,. ,....._ u-n 5'9<~ M•t1•b 1•11 Tti...i.i.ti lit , TltMle"' U411 w .. ~, • Wffl4 "-•·S ·-" " ... ,,,,, ..... '"""' ,,_,, .. : ----t ---· ----------~ ---' --~ ,.-. ~------~~ _______________ ,.. ____ ... ___ .., ___________________________ _ 2 DAILY PILOT H Cuts Ha%ardtr County Airport Now Using ILS POINTING -'rhis exotic-look- ing arro1v is part of "localizer" in n e 'v instru1nent landing syste1n at Orange County Air- port. Localize r tells approach- ing p iJot if he is in line wi'lh cen ter of run\\'·ay. United Nations Week Noted By McDonnell United Na lions \\leek is being obsen·ed 1his \1:eek by 1'1c0onne11 Doug 1 a s r orporation per~onnel in Huntingt on ncach and all ot11cr company facilities throughout Uie nation. Flags of all UN member natioos werl! rlisplayed In company cafeterias, which serred di~hes that are tradlttonal in the \·arious UN nation.~. The corporation's ob!>ervanc~ of UN \\'rE'k dates back lo 1958 V.'hen the ~lcDonnell Aircraft Corporation became th" f ir~t organiiation in the y,•orld lo 1·rlebrate tl1e founding of lhe UN ~·ith a p<1 1ii holiday. Th!' UN holiday V.'as changed this year 10 July 21, the National Day of l'::ir1icipation proc\air11ed by Preside.nt llichard ~!. Nh:nn in tribute to the Apollo 11 moon landing. Glenn Considering NEW CONCORD . Ohio /UPI) Former· astronaut John Glenn, first American lo orbiL ihe earth, said tOOay t.:.S. Sen. Stephen Yo ung·s retirement an- nounc('mcnL would be a n1ajor fact-Or 1n .,. hether he would run for the Senate seat. By T0~1 BARLEY Of Ille O•H'I' P'llOI 51.it An instrument landing system that is guaranteed by its makers lo cut visibility and approach hazards by ~t least ~ per- cent went into operation ThW'sday at Or::inge County Airport. Federal Aviation Administration of- 11cials, a tea1n of experts front CutlC'r- llan1m~r·s AIL division -makers of the sophisticated device -and airport direc- tor Robert Bresnahan ran the !LS ~ystcm through the last of a series of ex- haustive tests before fin a 11 y im- plementing the $110,000 flight control in- no vation. The airport project -the first of 110 orders totaling $7 million to be completed by AIL -will be paid ror tiy the federal government. Bresnahan hailed the ILS system a.-. "someth.ing that y,·e have waited and longed for over a long period of time. Thii; ILS innovation is going to have an immediate and dramatic effect on our airport traffic. particularly our com- merclal flights." Air West and Air California \\'ill be the major beneficiaries of the newly installed .system, Bresnahan said. The combined airlines had a total of 40 fl ights diverted because of weather conditions last year, "a total that \viii be cut hack con- i;iderably w1der this ne\v system," he ad· Ced . Eventually implementing the new ILS, Bresnahan said, will be a new series of lights at vital approach areas, particular· Jy the south end of the airport. And the emphasis on lighting \~'ill be switc~ to the point of touchdown rather than ft s present cpncentralion of light at the pre· touch dow n area, he said. Introduction of the 11..S systein \\ii\ mean good nev.'S for the anti-noise groups in the airport area, Bresnahan said. "T l \1•ill mean that aircraft approaching from the Dover Shores area will now come in at an altitude of 7()0-800 feet rather than the 400 feet to 500 feet level used in pre· 11.S days," he said. "!l's impossible to measure what the actual noise reduction will be at this time," the director i;aid, "other than lo assure you that it will be a considerable reduction.'' FAA and AIL officials described the lLS syste1n as "the creation or an in· visible highway down y,•hich the aircraft descend.~ at a n easy glide a ngle to the runway." Pilots get both horizontal and vertical guidance as they approach the runway from ILS 1 r a n s m it I er s y,•hl<'il 6imult.aneously emit three kinds of Very high frequency radiG beams. Signals from one port ion of the !LS. lhe localizer , guide the pilot directly toy,·ards the runv;ay. Anothrr unit. tht gl ide slop(', provides the correct angle of rl!>scrnt \l'hile radio "niarkcr" signals lell U1c pilot ho1v close he is to the run111ay: AIL officials predict that thelr 11.S :o;yste1n, y,·\th FAA cooptratlon ~nd ~n­ co11.ragen1ent, y,·ill prol'ide a nat1onv.·1de network of landing and navigation a id11 designed to improve aviation regularity and safety in bad v.'eather. "It has passed every test -and they ha\'e heen, believe me, stringent tests - \ld\h flying color~:· an AIL engineer com· mented. ''All organizations in1•o!ved have endorsed our Orange Coun ty airport svs!fm and we knt'lw that the a irport u;ers ""ho have been j ntroduced to the plan are. just delighted v.·1th it." Czecl1 Reds Expel Zatopel{ F1·0111 Pa1·ty; Ti·ial Next? PRAGUE IAP! -Emil Zatopek, th e (onner Oly1np1c gold p1edat runner. has heen expelled frorn the Czechoslovak Communist party and hardliners today DAILY PILOT 11ob~·I ti, W1•I r'•\\•O•"! "nd l'U~IU"tr J•tl· 11 . Cuiltv \ "' 1'1e1:<"' •nd C.r"rr•I M•n1t•• l~o"'•• "•••>I Le ··~r •."•"••1"11 E n•~­ ).1\..,d w. ,.~., Au•xi110 Ed""' Joly "ln111•" l 1111h Offic t J/>9 SI~ S1"1t M1;l;r9 Add1111: P.O. 1 ~. ,,0, •l£4S OtMr OHie11 fol•-" !•J<" ;;1! \'.•" t •'h"• ,..,,1r;11d (o:-.11 M<~' ll~ We 'f;,,., ~•1cr+ Lill~"· 8•·'"' ~ll ~""'' ..... ~. D.,1LY P•lor ... ,11> "'"''" •1 """b·"-'d 1•1 ,.,,..,,,.,..,., i. ~'~''"'a ~· , ,.,."1 ~u"' 4h'I' "' •flll'lll I O>O•OtlJ !Of "'~"lln~•O-t l!•o.c:"· '~""I"" V•ll•v. (~,,. /,'tu , ti,,., ~""! llUt~ 1•d Lt~uno P.f•1•. 1 ·~·~ '*I'"' '"'° fliti<IN1 •di"""'· o·~n~• <.o;»•• "ob•••· •"'II (omr>o""'' ""M•"<I "'~"" ··~,,:in '"" ~•I••• 61.,.. ,.,.,,.c~'' ~'"'"' ,,.., ~ \'If" llt., Sl"'t', l <nt1 '-'"'· l tl•phont 17141 441-4Jll fro"' Wtlt"'I~'''' Ctll S40.1110 Cletl.iflttl At1w..-tlll11t 642·5•1& C~•1,~1. ,,.,, 0 •1ft t, C11•~I l"vb«••l•t l~"'t•"" llO "'"" J IO I j ~ \, ~tu•lra• G"•• ll'llllSt••I ""41!•< ~· ,lfve10 '"""'"'' ""''" "''""' ""'ft11t("11 .. 11~1 u•tCl•I ptrm~u 141'1 ... <G••"•ro ~ ..... .-. l'f''" c••u •••'•~• r• d •• "1-•.err ... ,, •"II tco•a M"o,"rai.o,., • •, , • ., •' '~ L• <•""' t~IZI '"o<.•f~IY/ ~, "'1" JI •n -~'"'""' ,..,., •• ,, ~· ....... ~,, l i·o ..,,.,~•r, seeined Lo be preparmg t.he ground for putting him on trial for treason. E:c:pul!"i::>n from the party had been \\'irlely e x~cted fo\lo\ring frtqucnt a!- tacks on tht 47.y ear-old ex·colonel of the Czechoslo\·ak army \\'ho had given ,·ociferous support to last year's llbtral- izalion rnovemtnl under Alexander Dubcek, 1'fote .surprising ancl i-.eriou~ \\·ere U1e charges leveltd against Zlllopek by Jiri 11ecko. a mem~r or the army's political "dministrafion, .in 'l i~closing Zatopelc ':!I ouster in Rude Pra\"o, the Con1munist party newspaper. llecko wrote that Zatopek had com- mitted "a number ()r acts at \-ariancc nl"lt only \\'i!h lhe duties of a Conununi5t h11t ;i.!so \Vith the J1w and U1t stalutts or our i;-!:ite," i'pecifica1ly, H~'kn y,·rote. Z.'llopek "hrlrayed a number of internal mt'asures nf the Czechoslovak t1nny containN:! in :1ccrrt documf!n!s of the 1-linistry O( J'lia- llonal Dtftnse." "Every young li~ttnant kOO\\'S how tll de11I \\·ith 15ecret docum~nts," ~leckO observed. "It would not st'em asking too much if onf! demands the same from .a colonel with more than 20 years of servicr." Party and army authori!.it s, he s.aid, a!Jio had found out that Zatopek had httn systematically vif.lh1ling regula· lions'' on army con1act \\'ith foreigner~. Zatopek was eK}tt'lll"fl from the party. llecko added. ~ause "he allov•e<I himRlf to ht M\isu&erl by the right-wing force:o: and con:o:lst ently obf;tn1cted .• .the peaceful development of the society-·• Zat<>pek v.·as belie\'ed somev:here in. northem Czerhoslo\1akla and no l a\·ailable for comm<'nL Escapes Flatnitig Death \Villiam C. I .. eonard, 20 . of Boston, his fac e cut and bleeding, 'vatche s his car go up in flames after hit- ting a utility pole in Quincy, 111ass. Jnjuries, except to his pride, were minor . From Page 1 GETAWAY ... U11de1·ground Sl1eet Called Beacll Fees .Voting Set 111 Cleme11te San Clemente voters nt xt April ma.y pave the Yr'<•Y for a $1 annual charge for use of public beach to ease Lhe property lax burdep. Clly councllmen have ordered the city attorney to prepare a proposition for the Arril 14 municipal election ballot._ Cit/ Manager Kenneth B. Carr said tht proposition would essentially be a straw \'Ole to determine whether the electorate favors the unique municipal beach ftt. . Implementation of such a Plan -U favored by voters -would require a citj ordinance. • Laguna Beach struck out a few year~. ago or. a plan to charge non·residtnts • fee for beach use. State legislation holdi t hii> is discriminatory. City ~tanager J ames D. Wheaton said In 1962 the st.ate Attorney General gave an opinion that it would be legal to charge non-rtsidents. Wheaton said Asserr,blyman Jesse Unruh thtn secured legislation making It illegal. Carr said San Clemente interpreted the government code as allowing the charge so long as all persons are eharged equally. He likened the charge to one for use of a municipal golf course . Beach attendance over five years, .said Carr, is estimated lo have averaged 1,170,163 persons annually. Many of the lls~rs, -howe \'er, are repeaters. Said Carr, .successful £'scape by Faulkner. "Orie person may have gone to the beach 'P t f SDS c • ' ;')f.5 limes during a )'ear." Under the San Investigators said today that Faulkner a1~ -0 011spu·acy <.'lemer.le plan such a user \\'OUld still on· has apparently never cared for the idea Jy pay $1. of incarCt"ration and that he was arrest-In the 1969-70 budget. said Carr, $233; ed one week ago today in the same car 5$3 v.·as eannarked for beach acquisition. believed used Thursday. An underground newspaper circulated leadershi p of radicals. 1-fe cited SDS pro tection and maintenance. This equal! Faulkner lvas pulled ove r at ~1acAr-Jl.loratorium Day at high .school and col-recomniendation that u n de r g r o u n d about '48 cents on the tax rate. thu.r Boulevard and the. San Diego Free-lrgc ca n1puses on Uie Orange Coast 111as publica1ions arc. an effect ive means n[ \\'heaton said he y,·ould be l1'alching the \\'ay not long after a Nev:port Beach Jinked Thursday to a SOS conspiracy by :-ipreading the New LcH 1nessage to San Cle111ente election ~·ith interest to se.e homeowner surprised a cat burglar in Orange County Board of Education P resi. )'OUth. how the electorate responded. his kitchen. '"Ninety-nine pe rrcn! of peoplr. oppose "from a theoretical sense and a prae- Robert F. Ingold, of 4008 Topside V'..'nt Clay ~li lchell. \1'ar," .l\l itchell said. '"They slart "'·ith an tical dollar sense, it may be good," said Drive, tussled with the intruder, tore The underground neYr'spaper i-IAN"K ant i-war article and then get the kids \\'heaton. However, he said he could see two black socks off his hands -used ri;i \l'as distributed at Laguna Beach and hooked on other things." mecht1nical problems such as the mean!l avoid fing erprints -and also snagged Carena de.I Mar high schools, UC Jn ·Jne ~lilchel l's blast came after the county of collecting the fee, probably fencing of thf' ~u~pect's watch, ar.d Orange Coast College. Its lead article school board unanimously adopted a beaches. Faulkner \Vas arrested on the basi~ c;iUtd for support of M·Day activities. chapters in the county that follow the na-"If they gf"t a big \'n!e in favori_ng of a license number given by the \\"ou ld-~1itche!I, a South Laguna resident, resolution "refusing to recognize" SOS this," said \\'heaton. "I'm more in· be burglar cap1or at that time, police Tcibeled it a del·ice to get high school tional SOS line. terested in the how part tof im· r ecords re1•ealed. students to fall gulllbly under the plementation) .. " Trusll'{"S recom1n en<led that the coun· Costa Mesa Police to<lay. meainvhile, ly"s 3~ school d istrict boards follow suit. He noted that the situation of beaehe~ \\·ere seekin g a con1plaint thargin~ Dal'irl differs ln the two towns. ~1 heaton said ~ B·-d 25 of 17'"5 o k Sl F I · H" h S h J S r-.l itchell also took pol ~hots <lt The Ne1" s Cl h h 11 d f ''" .. • , .w a • .• oun a1n t . ~n emente eac es are a seav.·ar o Valle~v. \\'i1h escape and possession of-Jg C 00 S e l inivt'rsity, L.:Cl"s official st II dent a !;anta Fe Railroad right of ~'ay. dangerous drugs after his arresi al 4.30 neirspaper. and The Proclamation, "TI1eir beaches are so nice and straight P Tl " "'·'a undergrou nd ne1~·:-p<lper at Villa Park · ,rn. l '"'-' Y· D { p and available and there are no private Patro!n1an Bob Goode picked up Byrrl ay 0r 3felltS High School 1rith Bob Gumperlz, the slu· ownership prolilen1s." at Ne\\'port Boulevard and Palisades dent body presalent ·v.·ho Y,'on't lead the E•·en if the San Clemente plan should Road. allegedly confiscating two am-School belb \J:ill ring for parent!'! Pledge of Allegiance to the flag because e1·entuall11 become la1v and fact, \\'heaton phelamine tablets from the hitchhikin,g ~!onday at Edison. _1$.Jntington Beach and he is an atheist, as its editor, said Lagilna couldn't necessarily emulate prisoner. \\'c.~lmin ster high sd!ools "'·hen th'Y v.·ill it. Authorities said jailer James Corra le.~ hr <1ble to visit classes the ir children al· Except for street-end access and the $.1 noticed Byrd missing .!ihortly before 2 trnrl daily. Beacl1 to N otc million Main Beach a rquisllion (about p.m. ;ind the hunt extender! outside \l'ht>n follV"Yr·ing a general assembly at 7 p.m. 1,000 lineal fectl. much of Laguna '• a thorough search of the Ja il facility fail-pnrcnts v:ill follow the daily sche<lule of be;iches are prtl"alely ov.·ned to the meaD t-d to tun1 up any trace. rhrir soos and daughters with about 10 Utu"ted NalI.OllS high tide li ne. He was serving 77 days as a jail lrusly n1111utes provided for each class se~~lon. Tl".e city manager ('onceded that the for rrceivlng stolen property. "This is an opportuni1y for parents t;> rounc1\ aL so1ne fu ture lime mighl want Police said Byrd became violf'nl alter meet the teachers of their children and 10 'foday ha ~ be en r roc!a1n1rd L"n1!cd ~::i-10 inve~tiga1e a charge for its (yet un- be ing r eturned !.o the jail facility anrl get a better understanding of C{)urse ct1n-tlons Day by Hunllngt on Beach /'Ila) or dei·eJopedl Main Beach park. finally had to be confined in a slrail-tent. teaching methods, homew ork J;ick f.;reen . This , ho\.\·ever, v.·ould raise lht likely jack('l and committed to a psychiatric asslgnmenLs , testing and grading pro· lie urged citizens lo reaffirm faith In problem of fencing Laguna's "window to obscn·ation cell. rcdures," sald District Supt. r.fax the fundan1enta l human rights 1he sta" which ~·ould probably cause an J udge J .E.T. "Ned'' Rutter, one or F orney. represented by the t:nited Nations. esthetic ll'hiplash. three Jurists presiding in the Costa r-.1esa 1----''---------------'-----'-------------'----''---------- chambf'rs, today blame<l the Faulkner escape on crowded conditions rontinual!y pliiguing the facili1y. '"It's not a case of nc1;!igence." he said, "cnr.ditlons <ire ~uch \1·e can·t pro~·lde proper se<:urity and still give defendants thei r righL~. su ch as making telephone .;:alls." Lei;s thn n ~ix months ago. another prisoner char ged v.·1111 thcfl. fcrgrry .ind ;i~~aull l\Jlh a deadly v.l'apon flE'rl un<ler identical ci rcumstanc e~. c:itlin~ h1:!1 n1o ther after bctng ordcrrd tn .5t1prricr l'1111rt. !it' wa s ha!1ed in the plrh1ni: 1.;t n11ts1dt , howevf"r, y,·hl'n Depu1y tll<irsh;il Ed \Vins!ow cut h1rn dov.n 11·i1h a J f! caliber slu.'( which tore into his thigh and sh11Hered thn bonf". Plans are under \l'ay by county <1Uthorities for a new niul'Jlcipal rourt ~itc, either on the Orange County Fairgrounds or in the new Nev;port Beach Civic Center. Authorities estimate it will ht a minimum of three years before. the initial C'ourtrooms go into service and the ex· isling facility a.t 567 ,V. 18th St., must ha ndle. the load. Three portable !railers now supplrncnt !he original structure, one a s a crurtroon1. Mrs. Trueblood Fu11eral Held Gra\·cside servicrs \vlll he c-onducltd t.lnnd11y for Wini llourigan Trueblood. l'.lf 2575 ~c .... ·por1 Bl vd., C~ltl ll1esa, ~:ho rlird 'Vedne~da~· at lloag Memori1'1 Ha5- pltA1. She wa~ 51 . r-.trs. 'Trueblood we~ a ~~cre1ari:'ll ~upet\'isor at r.lcDonnell-Douglas. Hun- tington Beech. She i.~ !'urvived by her hu~h:ind . John \V. 'Tn.Jeblood; ~ son. John fl.I.: a •laughter, .J uanlta : tv.·o brother~. Hanj llouri~e n of f'Jey,•port Beach and Ric.hard Hourigan, of Glen Ellyfl., 111. Funeral •rrangements are pending al '\"hite·Emerson Mortuary, Whittier. Astronauts LeaYe Only African Stop KINSHASA , The Coni;:o IAPl -The ApQlln l 1 a:oitrnn11ut~ lefL t1board thE'!r presiden!ial jf't today for Tehran, next ~top on their world tour. I I DREXEL'S NEWEST Fo r kid1 •l"ld fun p•o pl1. Av•ileb!• in two refre~h· in g fini1h11. Yellow e nd 111lmon c.olor. The b1st of _.11, it is it•in, end b urn rfHiitenf. Your wh+m,y will stey like n1w no matter w het you do. Compl1te b1droorn furniture e veil· eble from d1y beds to c.h ev1I mirrors end all et v ery thou9htful riric.es. See it todey. ,,_UlllL._ $159~ ..... .,. __ $ so. .YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL. HENREOON • HEIUTAGE NIWPO•T llACH 1 'f'J.7 w..tcllff Dr., 6'2·2050 OPIN NIDAf ,ll ' INTERIORS Prof•tfoMI Interior O..lgn•rt Av•llebl...-AID-NSID LAGUNA BEACH J.45 North Co•tt Hwy. 4t4-6"1 OPUf NIDAT 'Tn. ' I ~ I I I I I I I I I j I I I I 1 I .I -.. --~ .. ----~ ....... ,_,_.,_.,._... ___________________ _ ----------------· ----------. ----------------------.... 0•1lY ,llCl S1.t1 '~•111 AT EL TORO -:r-.·taj .Gen. fl.ober G. O\vens, co1nn1andcr of the 'fh ircl i\'larinc Aircraft Win g. greets Konstantin F'eok ti stov (ri~ht~ upon Soviet cos1nonauls' arrival in Orange Counly Thursday. J\lan in cen· !er is i nterpreter. F'eoklislov \1·as accon1pa.11icd by !ellO\Y cosinon:;iul Georg1y T. Bcrcgovoy. Astro S croll Greetings On W ay to Astronauts C.rcrt ing:; !n !he Apollo 12 aslronall1<; from ;in rgl!maled 6,000 Orange Coun1y <il't'ii residents lodny \1·crc on their \vay to as!rl'naul li e<1dqunrtcrs u1 l!oustnn under the personn l care of top NASA officials. Dr. Robert Gilruth, director of the ,_1anncd Space Craft Center in Hnustnn, nfficialy a cc c pt e d 1l1e "ASTRO SCROLL"' Thursday ;it the A1ncrican J n~litu!c of Arronautics and Astrnnau1ics I 1\IAA) meeting 1n Anahei1n Convention C!'nter. The !'Troll h.1d hren rli~playrd al South (!Xl!'l Plaza by lhP l)i\ILY rlLOT and :>;outh Coa<;t Pla1.a illcrc-hant!i As.~oc-iation .a.'I a fina!c to National .~ev•spapcr \\"eek, 1969. It wa.~ surrounded hy photos anrl other rlispla~·s of spilce age hardw<1rc and facilities. \1isitors to rhc "space shov. ·• \vcrc. in\ ited to sign the scrol l. And they did. It \1 as estimated that inore than fi,000 ~lgnatur<'S \Y rre pl;ircd on mnre than a mile and a 11uartcr or p;ip(>r tis 1he visitors spun o lllr1r RTCt·lings lo the /lpolln lZ crc.\\·-m11ny of 1he1n \Oir1ng pcrs0nal fcrl1ngs precNling !he 12 cn:'\\"s tr ip to Lhe rnoon scheduled to begin Nu1·. Jl r.ilrul11 Thur~day rr;1<l lhc srrflll"s ri1cssage \\'hich carried "u.·arn1 i;rrrtings .1nd heanfcll wishe.~ for a h;ippy !andin~" from Oran.gr County. IL ended wi:h ll1c scnlence: "'Good h1ek and (;O<J~pcl'd ." lie comrn!'nded 1hc p<'Ople vr Oran J:e r:ou nty fo r signing 1hc ~crnll ;ind _added. ''\\"e ce rtainly <1pprec1<1tr !hf' S!'nt1n1enl<i f'xpresscd 10 !hnt n1cssagc ·• On 1hc stroll \1·h1rh (;1Jruth and l11s :11des \I ere h,1nd c.1rrying to Hnu~t nn tn· <1.1 y \1 rre many pl'rsonal mcs~11ges ~e ra\\ lrd by tho~r 11 hn ~1gnrd 11. :O.l<i ny limes on the scrnll. th e rrC\Jrrin~ lhf'mc of the n1r ~s.1gt•s wc1s re!1i:1n11.~ "(j.{ld blr~~ ~·nu" nr "f'I! be praying Irr rou·· or ··God speed," etc. Thrre \l'trr nritr$ fr01n ;:iero~pace <'mplo~•es 1n thP arl'<i · "llopc the unlls T mndc for the ca mera s ;ire still \\'Or king," .. All s,vste1ns go. Jnamcl. Apollo Supervisor, Nnrlh Ameri can." etc. There \\'ere sign<1turr." in .J<ipa ne ... c. Chinese, 1'ahitian, Swfflish. Portuguese and one name with lhc initials ··u.S.S.R." inscribed hchind it Sn1nc nf the conirncnts were on U1c light side , "\\"a1 ch out for Lunar licks."' ''Okay, ~·ou pro\-cd ynlJ r point. •. now slay hon1c," "I'll takr a fK!Und and ;i half of grcl'n cheese." "\\"e ho pr rour landing is ;:i soft touch ," "'See you nn ;'-.!ars." "rm ~1g11ing for rn.v <log:. Puc. too," "Happy Thanksgh·in g. '' "A set of ri1p" and knee. tK'nds and lwsl \\·ish l's 1s1gned1 Vic Tan- n~." '·Take r."ixon \\"il h you," "I wanl my ~Z~ billion back." Others \1•erc patrio1ic: "l"m proud lo be <111 Amrric<1n a,l!a in," ··~a matter 1vha t they say. the U.S. was firsl," "Frorn a littlte" girl who Y•ishes big th ings rnr some gr<'al inl'n ," "As1 rona u1 ~ Rre rny f<l roriH• brrots,"' '·G nd bless yn11. 1·ou·re n1akin1: m;in's l'ldcst <lrrams corne irur:·.:·r,1ay space grow ~n111ller for all or us. Perhaps 1hc nnc ~in.clc rnr~s;ii::r \\'hirh su1n111cd tip the 111;11nrilv feeling f'>.· prc~~rd on 11ir .~t roll was 1h1s one "/\lay all tt1c glory <tnd hor1or be Thine Oh Lorn. Otlf r.oo ... \"ay:i con Di os .. ·· r.11111111 tur11rd !hr ~(TOii Ul'{'r !O .\'.\SA prr!'s a1dr , f)r"111g \\'11rd. nnr of thr "1n1t•es or Art-•llu 11 ., l!r \\":JS hc11r1! l'lround !hr 11·orltl rin radin ;inr1 t r](•1-l.~1nn ;i~ hr t.1lkf'r1 1111h a~trc1naut~ i\rd :\rrn<lron.c. · H1111:· Alrlnn ;inrl ~1 1c-h;orl Co1llln~ l;i~t .h1ly -no1ably Ann strong :inti Collins •·omplrtcd 1hr1r :->UCl'C~~rul \ i--11 io the lunar :-urf:ire 11nd the 1hrcc- n1;1n t"rrw 11 :1~ rrun1!crl lo go "flying l!n1n1 1!1gh11,1y I · on their <ieparturc f r·llll 1 hf' Jllf"ll)I! 'J'I! 1lrl11rr ~011r n1c .• ~:1.;c~ to the 12 Lre11, '' l\":ird prorn1~ed. EO• ll 'I 'll01 Slltl "'°'" ASTRO SC ROLL -:'itandin.i; next to astronaut n1nckup at •·.~pace convention'' 111 Anaheim, Dr. fl ohert r.i!n1lh, director of l\1anned Spaf'c Craft Ccnler. a ccepts ASTRO SCROLL from T~(!ITl as Y..lcCann, rlAJ l,'' P ILOT public :i;ervice manager. Scroll conta1nn1i; 6.000 local fli gnalurcs is on its \lay to 1\po\10 12 crc\v_ ' No-Spa~e Arms Cosmonaut Pushes for Peace By RUDI N!l'!DZIELSKI Ot "" Ollh' "''-' $1•11 t.tachine gll!ls and ammunition do not belong in outer space. according to Soviet -co.~monaut Konstantin F('Q!;tistov, one o! two cos monauts whG P.aid a short visit 1'hursday Lo American sPace scientis ts at a convention in Anaheim. ''ll is my personal -Opinion that military use of ~pace is simply not practical. It think that the idea of a space ship armf'd with guns and machine guns is simply ridiculous," said the gray-haired scientist who orbited the earth in October 196~ as a member of the three-man Vokshod CTf'\V. "Space is the scene of peaceful cx- plore:ition," he added. Facing a battery of cameras and microphones, the tw(l Russian spacc <'X· plnn•rs told ne\\smen of 1hcir un- prcssions of !he U.S. S1X'aking through an interprctrr from the V0ice (Jf An1cr1ca, ~1aj . Gen . t:corgiy T. B(;regovoy \Vho orbited alone last year, s;:iid, "'The peo11lc :ire vr ry nicl', 1·er;.r fr iendly and sho\v goor1\\'i11. I fer! like I an1 ho1nc. If the possibility exists, 1 will ("Qme back here \\·hether you invile me or not.·· Th:-: general told newsrnrn \hill so1nc· dav Arnerican and Ru ssian astronaut.~ n1~y fly mi ssions together. Looking ,1L aslronaut Eugene Cen1an, who ac·· corn panicd the two <'Osn1onauls lo Anaheim. he declarc<I. '"In princi ple this ro~sibility exists. A-s of no\\' \\·e arc going parallel hut different \\'nys. Such flights \\ill be po~siblc in onr. two. or three t ears and lead lo internati onal coopera- iion." lie then quipped that they \1·ouhl ac· <"On1pany the Americans "as soon as v.·e learn the English language." Fcoktistov said the So\'iel sp;occ prn· gram is now concerned with five rnai0r goal s rather than just establish1nenl Clf PR EDI CTS JOINT FLIGHTS Cosmonaut Beregovoy nn orbil1ng space ~tatio11. '/ hry <ITC : --Large low orbit spare stat ions fo r i;rirntHic observation. -Creation of unmanned aslrophysic.11 ~pa<'!' s1a11ons wi!h high orbits. -Po....-erful autornatic spacrc-rafl fnr lhr explorat ion of far regions m lhc sola r .systr1n. -~1anned spacc sh111s for the ex· ploration of fl.1ars, ~1crcury and \"rnus. -Drvc lopinenl of a syste m of ap. pl ic ations satellites for earth uscs, such as 1netrorolog.v. "'\\'c <ire now Irvin ~ In fu1d the mn~! ln-trrr~ting produ ri."• Feokt islnv explained. ''A dnnkey only has lo v.·orry abot1t two ha.l'slacks. \\'e have. fiv<'." WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION r r1day, Ottobfr 14. 1%9 Agnew's Girl Preve nted Frorn Marchi11 g .. PAL~l SPRINGS I AP ) -Vice Prrs1· clcnt Spi ro 1'. Agnew, vacationing al th is ~uthcrn Callfornia desert spa, is declining to comment on a report he slop- ped his daughter from participating 1n the antiwar ~1oratorium Day den1onslfa· lions lasl week . Agnew and his \\'i fc arrived Tln.Jr.<:day night and secludctl themseh·es. The Se<.·ret Se rvice said lhe \ice president v.·nu!d have no e-0mmcnt on the report. Jn a copyright interview v.'ith the vice president, columnist Nick Thimmesch of Neu.·sday. of Garden City, N Y ., quoted Agnew as sayins : "~ty 14-year-old daughter Kim v•anted lo show he r sup- JlflT1 for the mnrarorium by n1art hing and \rearing a black arm band . I u.·ouldn't lcl htr .'' ··shr \l':ls unhappy for about ~ day but ~he ~ot 01'er it. P<1rcntal-type po\\·er n1ust be exercised. Some parenlll have iust fnrgo1ten ho11"," th e ncv•spaper col· 111nnisl quoted the l'iCc president as :;:aying. "PCQp!e in rhc establishment rion't \1•ant to say ·no' !n young people even if lhcy arc \\'rong," the in terview went on . "Sorne self-ser\'ing politicans see our hugt-youth population as a volatile pCllitical commodity 3\•ai\ab\e for pluck· ing. "\'ourh should challenge U1c adult generation and rut ii.<: ideas to test. But 1hcy must reason the ir wa~'. not jump to what they feel is the truth . Education is a continuing thing." Before flying to Palm Springs, the vice presidrnt spent !lO minutes at Scripps Jnst1tutr. of Oceanography in La Jolla, ralif. 1-!e i5 chairman of the Nationa l Counci l on ~l arine Resources and Engineering Development. H DAILY PILOT 3 U'I Te!WMt9 COULDN'T MARCH VP'1 Da ughter Ki m Edison Athlete Remains Cri tical t>tark Naylon. the Ed ison 1-ligh School junior varsity football player, remain.<: in critical condition today in 1-luntington Intercon1n1uni!y llospital. ilospilal (Jfficials said the boy is still In a CQma as he has been since he collapsed Saturday after a football game and was taken to the hospital. Jl,fark, 15. is the son of t-.tr. and P.i rs. William Naylon of 10012 Jl,feredith Drive, Huntington Beach. P enny ]{allowcen Carnil·al ou Oct. 31 The annual Pennv Halloween Carnival vdl\ be hrld Oct. 31 at Sigle r Park ln \\'eslminster. Included in the activities planned for children hy the \Vestminsler Recreation and Parks Depar1ment are a costume parade, spook house and game and food booths. OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO CHOOSE FROM t\rnt Slylr., Sligl(t Variat ion COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $1495 II ror the hcmeownrr w;tl1 discriminatinR l.1Sle and an ey! fer surerb workmanship. here are J tornpl~te •mms cf Sn..,n1s11 de.1.1gnP.d lu•n<ture at unsurpassed Villuesl The hwng 111om ensembl~ os warmty "'ctented W•1h h1nr! r..irved wood t11m Oil the .1.cl.1 .:ind love .1.r~t !hat tu11y ccmpl1mcnt their sumptuous velvet lilbrits. A lo11el1 le•n tree. Willi p1.:1quc ilnd l.:1mr'> till lhe 1ccin with elegant w;umth i!nd t harm. W3lk into the bedroom an<I yo11'll immed111te ly tall 1n love with this Rrac1ous furni- ture lh;it carr1e~ lhrtiugh the ma.1.ler!ul harid des18n and .1.upe1b ccnstruct•on. lrispecl th•S group• 111g r.are!u lly , . , trcm lh" m~1e.1.t •c m•nor and h1ple d1esser • , . lo the ~·ngsi;:e he~~bcard and lull s11e rio1" .1.l~nrl~ .•• .ill deep 1n dc\311 .ind t onstrutled for a lole!une: A !•ve piece d1n1l'lg rccm S"f comnletPS tllll sp!en'11d 111nup•ng w1lh 1nt1•ti1!e sc10U Horii. en beth l1ble r>ede.1.lal ~nd chair insert~. «:"nh.:1nced by plush 111nyl ~eat•. Our pr otcss1coa1 dccor1!ors i re •t your service, [tty lermt , cl tourse. RIJ 1:,,,.,,;,,,,.,, 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (only) AT HARBOR Boulevard Cll'•'ry night 'ti! q -W1·d S.,+. & 'S ·Jn t ,I f_. Complete) loom rroup lrteludes: • Sol• • Lowtst1t • squirt or he1 tommode • cocktail tJble • lrtt • table ll11p • hanrinr lamp • pklure • !riple. llrtLWI' • mirror • Z rtllt s1111ds • kintsilt htldbolrd • 5 ptKt dininl room sd ·~~:;·' ... $ .. &~ ·a· .... a .. ·00 SACRIFICE Each Piec• can N purchaHCI separat•ly at equal savings • OPEN SUND A y TILL 6 I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ._ __ TERMS e NO MONEY REQUIRED NO PAYMENT TILL 1970 ---·.--. ----------· ..... --... --..... -. ·---~-·---·-~----------------------... --.. ·---------------------------- OAJLY PILOT F11day, Octobtt ?4, 1%~ Sir Edmund Hillary, who led the first successful Ml Everest climb, iays the N epaJ government has so far declined to let him nlake a n attempt on the virgin peak Karyo- lun g. Karyolung, 21,700 feet .high, is 15 miles west of Everest. Hillary flew to Katn1andu from New Zea- land to seek permission for the at- tempt but a Nepal government of- fi cial 'said the mountain was "not open for climbing." • Son Francisco public health service 11urse.~ passed ou t free peanuts in f1ont rif tile f ederal bttilditt(7 (J IJd 1vore necklaces adon1ed wi th goobers to express their jeelings abo1it recent pay raises. Target of t he so lty dem· onstratiari u1as the Regio11at Civil Ser vice Commission who granted the nurses hikes of $3 to $50 per year while bestowing raises of $750 to $1 000 to o!her federa l employes. • The ladies' football team s from Ches hire, England, and L~ark· s hire, Scotland, planned a friendly match in nor1h London to sho\v their game v.•as better behaved than the men's version. As i t turn· ed out police had to m ove in 10 break Up scuffl es in the crow d. They also had to a ct during the g ame when England's Joan Tencli Jumped for a ball and Scottish de- fenders pulled do\vn her drawers. 0 Police con verged on downtov.•n Portland to help a fellow officer tackle a tough assignment. Officer Frank Howard had radioed he was t rying to catch a naked girl who was run ni ng dow n a one-way street a gainst t raffic. The winded officer finally made a n u na ssisted stop on the 17-year-old and , after covering h er with his coat, took her t o the \voman' s ja il. 0 . . "'. _, ,vancy Fahrnkopf, Springfield. Hf., ga.::es al the quarte r·paae "Bill Loves Nancy" newspaper od that her fianre ,;11 rprised he1 toith. Bill. is \Vi/11am Jlaivlley, an aide to Gov. Richard D!ti11.ae. f'{ancy in 071 assistant to the 11/inrn s }(oiue appronria11ons comm it· lrl'. :inch a p ublic d1.sc/osure of nffec· f!O!l se emed f iltin!]. • June Crook of Sooford. Eni;:lt1nr1 Is going to \\1a lk for ch<J r1 ty for a \~·ee k -and ~h e doesn't pla n io l eave her \nn, She \1•111 u ~c <1 pcd1r m ctrt to measure t he nurn bcr of m iles she w alks in serving dr inks and collecting glasses. Regulars at Uie inn V.'ill s ponso r her -a t si x ce nts a m ile. The proceed<; 11 il! f'n t o charity. Mideast Heats Up Riots Threaten Lebanon Regime By United Press Intemntlonal Th<lusands o[ armed demonstrators seized government building~ in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli today in a day of street fighting with government troops. Israel warned the Arab world to stay ou t of Lebanon and Syria demanded that Lebanon ''sweep out il5 treasonable clique." The Israeli-Egyptian a ir war blazed up a gain and Israel sent its planf!s against Egyptian missile s.iles on the east coast of ihe Gulf of Suez. Egypt r etaliated with a surprise raid on Isr aeli positions in the northern Sinai Desert, wounding 1 l soldiers. Soutl1 Y emenesc Break Relations With America . ADEN (APl -South Y(men broke diplomatic r elalions with the United States today, barred entry by U.S. na· tionals and ser ved a 24-hour order lo Charge d'Alfaires Charles Eagleton and embassy pcrsonne.1 lo leave the country. The decisions were aMounced by the South Yemen chairman of Lhe presiden- tial council, 35-year-old Salem Ali Rabyee, In a speech to a massive rally following a demonstration staged by the ruling National Liberation Front to sup- port Palestinian guerrillas against recent attacks by the Lebanese army. Rabyee assailed Lebanese attacks on the Palestinian resistance movement. He questioned how an Arab army would dare to fight \j,'hat he said were Palestinian refugees in their camps unless it has been induced by "'U.S. imperialism." Describing the Lebanese army anrl governnient as "stooges and tools in hands of the United States," Rabyee claimed that campaigns against Palesti- nians were planned in Washington and aimed at liquidating the resistance move· ment. The TripoU lighting was a grave threat to the government of Pre11dent Charles Helou of Lebanon and came as a force of 200 guerrillas or Syrian troops mM:!!ed on Lebanon's borders with tank.s a nd armored cars. Five per!Oru!I were reported killed ill Tripoll and a nearby refugee camp as the demonstrators stormed government offices, police stations and a historic fort in the city center. The demonstrators sald they woo ld hold the building until the government meets four demands: -End the Lebanese anny siege of Arab guerrillas. -Withdraw the army from Tripoli. -Remove hlgiH"anking army officers, apparently those reponsible for the week- old clashes with Arab guerrilla forces. The army tried to prevent guerrilla al· tacks on Israel in fear of massive Israeli reprisal. -Arrest those responsible f o r repression of the guerrilla demonstrators last April and their recent crackdown in South Lebanon. Tripoli, with a population of 145,000, is a hotbed of Arab nationalists and ex- treme leftists, including Communists, a nd ls usually the bellwether of Ll'!banese politics. The actions brooght a warning from lsracl that it could not stand idly by and see the government of Le b a n o n o\•erlhrown. Almost immediately Syria, in a statement from the office of Presi- dent and Premier Noureddin Al Atassl, said it would mount increasing pressure against Lebanon until that country adopts an active fighting role against Israel. .. \Ve will increase our measures until Lebanon takes on a real Arab aspect, sweeps out its treasonable clique and takes its full role in the Arab baU!e for the liberation of occupied territory." Lebanon, wh ich is ball Arab and halt rhrislian, did not takli! part in the last three Arab wars with Israel, Heavy fighting also was r eported in southe rn Lebanon between government ! roops and guerrillas including 200 rein· forcements said to have poured inlo the <lrf'a from Syria. Israeli troops also were fightin g guerrillas and the Arabs sa ld Israel had seized a border village. Senate Committee Okays Minimum Income Tax WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Finance Committee voted today in favo r of a form of minimum income lax. It \vould apply to lnco1ne now sheltered from taxation. The new tax v.·ou!d increase govern- ment r evenues by $700 million a ye ar - half of it coming from wealthy ln dividuals and half from corporations. People and corporations with tax preference Income -that which is either Allied Advisers Sent to Saigon PARIS (UPI) -The two allied peace talks delega\ion:s sent their top mi!it.ary advi sfrs 10 Saigon today amid spe cula· \inn the allies are considering a cease·fire proposal in the war. An American spokesman sa id Col. Nguyen Huu Loi and LL Gen. Frederick C. \Veyland \\'ere making U1e trip as part of a "routi ne seri es of consultations." The trip coi ncided \j,"ith consi~tent r epo[lS that the United States and the South Vietnamese were considering a general cease·fire proposal under which both sides would agree to stop shooting. exempt from taxation or subject to special low rates-would have to pay a S percent excise tar on it. However, the first 130,000 of t.u: preference income slill v.·ould be exempted. The new levy would .spply to 14 categories of tax preference lncorne These range from the half of capital gains income now. exempt to the tat: break coming from fast depreciation v.·riteoff provisions for real ~t.ate . The Senate commit~'s version of a minimum income tax \s broader but con- siderabl y softer in its impact than the l'ersirin :ippro\'ed by the House In il! tax rt>form bill. T1vo sections in tax laws v.·hich now ~ive a big lax break lo oil men -in· tangible drilling expenses and the pro- vision under which oil men can deduct a depletion allowance that is larger than their actual costs -\\'Ould be subject to the 5 percent minimum tax. l.n another a ction, the committee voted lo ex tend until Dec. 31, 1970, the 7 pe r- ccrit excise tri x on new auton1oblle purchases and I.he 10 percent exc1M: I.ax on trlephone se.r\'ice. TQday's CQntinued progres:o; on the lax reform legislation fol!ov.·ed a Thursday vote to cut the 01! depletion a!lo\vance to 23 percent. Temperatures in New Lows Frost Warnings Vp Clear Into Deep South C9'llornla II "''' -I• """"" 11" ' .,, ' l<>u!1'1e..,, C.Utornl• lod81 Wiii• ,, r t .. 1,r.r •fld M rl., mo•n•n• io·,. crovd•· noH. Tt>ert W•• llt11r lfmMre!Ure chin••· A -•k 1!ot•n """' !!ldlce•ed PoMI~ ~"' lo 11\t l •"•'"•OI •"" S•n 11.,,.rdlno movnl•ln1 b., S•1ur· dl1. f ht l()t AnHIH """ hod ~o •m~ eccordll'll to 1111 "Ir Pollullt>n Con!rol Oll!rlcf. SOVfHEltN CALlt<Olt"'IA -Latt nl"'I I nd ,_.,,,.. low (ICll/lta tn Cr>fl>lt1 t•t•I· Dftlln«IN "'01111' lllr , 111 "•rltb~ h'91t clM1 l'rlaty tr>d ~o tur!My. Cllll\C9 of t ,_ lltl!I ..-. • .... I UITV Wltldl ~"' ..,,..,,,_ ~• Oii St •urdt.,, Hll't """" ,.,,.,..,. u•I """''· LOS •NGIE LES AllEA-l•lt ~'tl!I Con•tnl '4 ""'"'l"I -Ciovdl bul n">(HOll1 """ In ,., .. ,,_, l'rldll' 1...i S••· ·111y. Ll!llt 1...-r1tur1 cP•t nfo. .,.. --•'U" ,., .. , "ltll' .a. "" """"1 n . COASTAL AMO IMTl!llMe 0 1il.TI! Cloud .. m(W""1"f•, moill., -.... 'A.Ll•YJ.-lUt 11ltl'tl •"4 tt•IT "'°'""' .. •II' 11!1.._ I01111. LJt t\I "l tlt b" ,~, ,_ or !OW clovdl bul MOallY W0..01 nh1M I nd fP>Qrftl"f llN•I M• •v-1' '-'• mo<'ftlne ,..., 1t11'll00n '°""Int '°""'"'''' lo ,...II 10 lo 11 ~•16n' 1...i s1•11•d•1. t,.t!llt ~,..,,. ~~°'' In 1t11.._,1 todt., •"<I ••tu•· •urt d'f"9f, l ow J<rldtf 11!""! '' lfl d iv. 1-tltll lod1¥ 10. $1. I-tit"' l'•id•Y 11 lo IO. C1191!1f ~lttf•'Urtl fl"fed lrom MOVH"T~ll4 ~ll lEA !.-Vt•labl• 11•111 '9 lo 11. lnlt..., •~moerttu•t ""°'""''&I <Jvudt -.UI '""'''" telr Frll!ll' 1nd lrorn .M lo n, W1•1r t.,.,J",.t~•• M. ~1Ur6r/. Chonno ot t "'"' 11'"' ~'1111 /fin""· Tides 111_.. """"''n r~n•" &1!Un l•Y• t E1t1 Y "'°'~ln1 lot 11-1-'""""' "JllDAY 11°"". l nc.tllt ... ln<IY f llli 1llplli!)' ....... !of (M<I M~ll f 17 •fl'\. j 1 -... S.IUrGI!)', ltCO"~ lo.. J•3' """' ~l l"llllllOlt il.,,.0 Ot!'SEPT lll'"Gt0 NS S.\lUROAY -M"'l!" h lf will\ v•••1~11 lll~h ( o.vrt1 !'><II h ~" I • )I I m I. I f'•krll' •r.d ~1111r<I~• l.O!(•ll r win.ff '1'11 1,..,. .......... J ll • ,..,, I l S•!urd•Y· Ur" l•mr>otr-7~••• l'rlrt11 S-.c'1"<1 h•"" •• ••• •• ••.,. l G .Tl 11 m., l I 111 ... °'"'"' VtHtv. l 5 lo •! "P""' :St \Or\d le1< • 17 "'"'' 0 . ¥11'...,1. "' to U •n IQw•r volt•~•· M''"' jl"rkr.V .......... In M• ,., ~""' ... ,, .... , ' 1'. "'· '"' • ,, I'"'· Y•ll••• .,,.., IKI• io-.tr viii••• MM n .... \ ' •l ""' 10!1 I ; ! ' U.S. Summary l ...,oer•turt• dlr>H<I "' recnrd lo;iw• '"'"" Ntw Entlu w:I IQ 0 11•11 !<1(11¥ 11 • m•H of Arclk 1lr COY••td t~ ••"• •. ,, """''°" "' ·~ C"OU"lry, Cf>ftCO•d. N H., 11w ,,,. .....-ellr'I' tklrt k> IO d~'t'l"I. ll!rM lltllM '"°' pr• Y•IO<o• Ocl~!>t< ••ctl"' .. , 1rt l"U. il.1· b •~V, N V . l lMI .. t I MW <kl- rK OfO •I l,, F•,,<t .a 1•,,!n1\ '''"' llltlfd 1• d- i • ~"tl•ll (••~'·"•• ()e.lv In P l"''~t . l(lt/ll'>f"' 1"••11 t~d '" t/\t elr 501 l"w••! 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" ~ ~· n " ~1 ~· ... n " " u J I '' T ~· J, " 11 " . $1,0S0,000 DIAMOND Carti•r Bid Wins Liz Bid Fails; Big Diamond For Jackie? From ~'ire Services NEW YORK -Actress E lizabeth Taylor bid $1 million dollar.<1 at an auction for c perfect 69.42 caral whi te diamond but lost it to Cartier Inc .. the Filth Avenue jewelers, which bid $50,000 mo re. The underbidder for the stone that set a v.·orld auclion record for a piece of jewelry was identified at the Thursday Parke-Bernet Auction galleries as Al Yugler of Frank Pollak & Sons, a west side jewelry firm. Later he disclosed that he was bidding on behalf of Miss Taylor. The actress bought a 30-<:arat diamond ring for $305,000 at auction last year but apparently the $1 ,050.000 bid by Cartier's was beyond the limit she had set for herself. The winning bid 1~·as offered by Robert Kenmore, chai rman of Kenton Corp. whi ch owns Cartier 's. Kenmore shook off eight other bidders for the pear-shaped diamond , the i;ize of a pigron's egg. 1'1ore than 800 spectators rose to their feel as the auetiQn reachM its climax then cheered ancl applauded when Ken- more finally \\'ent over the million mark to gain possession of the jewel. Afterward Kenmore said he was not a free agent -indicating he had a customer. But he refused to say whom. "The diamond is the Cartier diamond now for the moent," he said, referring to the fact Jt was one of the few large stones without a name. Jn addilion to Elizabeth Taylor, fo.1 rs. Aristotle Onassis, also \\'as among the women reputed to be in terested. There was no specific indication that Onassis had an agent at the auction. The Greek shipping magnate reportedly ga ve his bride $l.2 million v.·orth of je we.lry when they were married last year and added a 40-carat diamond to the col· lcction this year. The 69.42-<:arat stone was the third targf!'!t ever sold at auction. A Parke. Bernet spokesman said it brought the highest price eve r for a piece of jey;clry at an auction. Other famous &!ones include the 4·1- carat Hope Diamond, bought by jev.·eler Harry Winston in 1958 fnr $700,000 :inJ presented to the Smithsonian Institution . Apollo Buffeted By St1·ong Winds In La1mcl1 Test CAPE KENNEDY {U PI} -The 36- story tall Apollo 12 roc ket was buffeted by 35 to 40·mlle·an·hour winds during the. :::econd day of a co11ntdO\l.'Tl test today but ()fficials sald the exercise was proceeding ·without difficulty. The rehearsal C(IUntdown, Apollo tZ's last big test before launch to the moon in three weeks, began Thursday and is a im- ing toward a mock launch next Tuesday. A space agency spokesman said it was not nffected by the voindy v.•eather. Weathermen said the oo·sbo~ winds were gusting up to 45 mph at the top of Apollo's 445-foot tall launch tower. The J63.foot rocket and spacecraft com· bination can withstand 65 mph winds on the t'Ceanslde \11unch pad. F'orecasters said the winds were caused by a difference in pressures between a high pressure area centered over the northf!astern states and remnant! of tropical depres~ion Laurie In the Gulf of Me.xico. f\-l ost of tJ1e e<>Unldovm I.est was devotf!rt In the. installation of flight equipment In the. Apollo 12 moonship modules . Elvis to P crfonn <\tHouslon Astrodon1c ~l f.fo.1PHIS, Tenn. (AP) -E ntertainer Elvis Presley has been booked int.o the Astrodome in llouston for a run of ap- ptarances from Feb. 27·March I, a Memphis newspaprr reported in Friday editions. 111e Memphis Commercial Apptal. In an article by reporter Jim Kingsle y, said Presley wlll mnke the Texas a ppcaran<"e after a return engagem~nl or four weeks nt a Las Vegas hotel. Kingsley. 11 frirnd of Presley, ~aid the ente rtaln er wi ll he paid lifi0,000 for the Las Vega!! run th<1t start s Jnn. 26. Senator Be tiring Young, 80, Bowing to Age WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -With tears and regret!, the Senate's oldest member, •year-old Sen. Stephen M. Young ID- Ohlo), announced today he will retire when hla term ends ln 1971 lo make room for ''a younger man who is .under .65." Young said he was 1lepptng aside even though he feels as spry as ever and would love to wage another carnpalgn. But he said "the reality of age I caMot ignore." He said he had no personal preference among candidates mentioned a s JICl8Sibilltle.s to succeed him but "ln the spirit of our young nation, I believe. a man my age should pass on opporturuty to a younger man who is under 65 years or age." Young is one of 13 senators who will be 70 or more by the end of the year. In the House. three are senior to him in age. The oldest member of Congress is Rep. William L. Dawson (D-111.), who is 83. Reps. William J . Kirwan {D-Ohio), !82), and Emanuel CeUer (D-N.Y.), (81) also are older. After handing a statement to reporters at a no-questions "news confl'!rence," Young told a reporter in his office -as he wiped tears from his eyes -that he felt "terrible" about the whole thing. He said he made up his mind .after reading the result! of a private Ohio Democratic public opini on poll. I-le said it showed that he v.•ould win "by a good margin" in a race for Lhe Senate against the present Ohio governor, Republican James A. Rhodes but v.•ould lose to Rep. Robert Taft Jr. {R-Ohio), whom he defeated in 1964 in what was generally regarded as an upse t after a bitter cam· paign. UP'I Ttlei>tM"' TIME TO RETIRE S•n. Young, IO Both Rhodes and Taft have been mer. tioncd as possible CrOP senatorlal call didates. Several Democratic aspiran'.1 had been eagerly a\l'aiting Young'. decision . As for Taft, Young said, "J'\'e mad'l peace with Tafl Jr. I had a nice talk wit11 that young man on a planE' reeenlly nyin~ to Cincinnati and I really Uke him.'' Haynsworth Outcome Still Unknown; 2 Stories Clash WASHINGTON (UPI) 0 n e Republ!can senator :saicl after a con· ference with President Nixon tod ay he was confident Clt ment F. Haynsworth would be confirmed to the Supreme Court, while another said foes were "very close'' to having enough strength to block the nomination. Sen. lliram L. f ang (R-Ha\l.'aii), already listed among Hay n s w o rt h backers in unofficia l Senate headcounts on the controversia l nomination, said he and Nixon "spent a great deal of time'' discussing the Haynsworth case. 1-~ong voled for Haynsworth when the Senate J udiciary Comilt.ee appro.,·ed the nomir.ation and said he v.'as confident the full Senate would go along. He said Nixon told him he was ''solidly backing Judge Haynsworth." But on Capitol l~ill. Sen. Edward W. Brooke (R-J\!ass.), v.·ho previously had said he would oppose the nomination, said he fell ''we are very close t.o a sufficient number of votes" to block conHrmalion. At a news conference, Broo~e said those opposing llaynsv.·orth g a i n e d :s!rength whCn Sen. Richard S. Schweike: (R·Pa.), came out publicly Thursday against the Sou th Ca rolina nominee. Jiowever, some unofficial cvunts already had listed Schweiker in the opposition column. Brooke. said he still hoped President Nixon \11ould wi thd raw the nominalion, but said in light of the Presidenfs reaf- firmation of faith in Haynsworth ~1onday, it appeared Nixon v.·ould rather ''go do\vn to defeat" than pull back thl'! ap- po intment. Brooke said he pt>rsonal\y had not felt any \Vhite House pressure to change hi~ mind . He opposes Haynsworth on his civil rights r eC'ord. Sch\\·eiker, on the ot her hand, said he had felt severe pressure. "I've had more pressure put on me over the HaynS\\'Orth nomination than anylhing I'\'e experienced in the nine years l\'e been on the (Capitol) hill." SC'hweiker said he had receivf'd pressure to vote for Haynsworth from \\'bile House. a ides. from a cabinet mem ber a nd from "Pennsylvania con- stituents who obviously 'had been told to call me by the \Vhitc l loui;e." Base Returned to Viets; Two Ports Next on List SAIGON {UPl) -Thi! l '.S. Command turned over another base to South Viel· nam tcxlay anrl ~aid two of iUi major port fac1li lil'!s, including the one in Saigon, were next on the list lo be "\'1et· 11amized .'' Government soldiers took over the B!ac khorsf!. ba se 38 miles east of Saigon :is rnilltary spokC'smen repor1cd U.S. aircr aft losses for lhe V.'ar were one short of the 6,000 mark, a financial Joss estimated at more than $6 billion. 'The 5,999 losses have been di vided almost equally between helicoplers (3,01 4) and fixed-wing airplanes 12,885 ), a 11 victims or ground fire, shelling at· tacks, breakdowns or the wear and tear of war. With combat remaining light in the sixth week of the balUt lull, South Viel· namese Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Minh ac- cepted the 5,000-man Blackhori;e camp and told the ceremonies : "With this turnover, we {South Viet- nam) are on the threshold Of a new ap- proach to our war problems. We are ready to take more responsibiUty." Painter Dangling On Ledge Saved SACRAMENTO {UPI) -An ale.rt slate employe Thursday rescued a painter dangling rrom a fifth floor window ledge after a scaffold collapsed beneath him at the ProfCMlonal and Voc ational Stan- dards Building. Harold V. HalV'Or30n, SO, an official of the State Cosmotol.ogy Board, wU.nessed the act:ldent from hill fifth floor offk:e. He broke a window aod held painter Jerry Me.Mer, 42, Orangevale, by one arm until four other worker!I pulled him to safety. Halv01'30n said he broke a hole in the window lflth a pair of pilers l'lrter Messer "!Creamed to me to break open the win- dow." Mf.rton Bercovich, a State Board nf F.qualir.atlon employe "'ho ~aw lhe ac- fldenl from his flrsl noor office, broke th!'! remaining glass In lhe window so Mcsst r could be pulled through. Anolher painter on the .<1caffo!d, Bob n c!se, 35, Orangevalr, mnnagrd to gra h tln to nnothcr portion of th e ~affo!d ond climb up to the roof of the building. Former headquarters of the U.S I 1th Armored Cavalry. Blackhorse was the third major American ba se turnl'd O\'er l'l Sooth Vietnam in the process nf givin~ the g ov e rn m e n t troops more resµonsihili~y so U.S. ~old1ers would be freed lo go home. LL Gen . Frank 1·. J\1ild rcn. the dt•puty t;.S. con1mander 01 Vic1nan1, tnl d newsmen at Blackhorsc thal the ports at Saigon and at Yung Tau, 60 1nilrs southeast o[ Saigon. would be next to go to the South Vietnamese. "We hope to turn O\'er facililics at both before the end of the year." he salcl. Brith ports were instrumental in handling the influx of Amer ican supplies when lhr U.S. buildup began in l965. No New Trial In Novarro Case LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A motion for new trial for two Chicago brothers con· \•icted of first degree murder in thn beating death of silent screen ~t;ir Ramon Navarro was refused Thursday by a superior court judge. Judge Mark Brandler said the evidCflC'f! ''establishes overwhelmingly'' the guil t of Paul Robert Ferguson, 23, a nd hi! brother. Thomas Scott Ferguson, 18. The same jury tha t convicted ihe brothers set a penalty of life in prison for Paul Thomas was 17 at lhe lime the 69- year-()ld Novarro "°·as slain, making tJ1e life sentance automatic. BrandJer set formal sentencing rnr Monday and was expected lo folluw U10 jury'1 recommendation. No More LA Freeways Urges Bob Monagau LOS ANGELES fl:!°lll -No mr1 r11 frel'!ways ~hou!d be buil t ln \...l)s Angele~ because of th e esthe1 lc and rn· v\ronmenlal damage they ha \'e crea1<'il, A~sembly Speaker Bob ~1onagan s::i1~ Tht1rsd11y. Monagan !l)ld a meeting or c1lv 11 11~ countv ofl irial~ thal a m.1$<; ira n~il ~stem ~hould be the only <'Xr f'p l1('11\, I I I I I 1 ! I ··---.---~ ~~----------------~--~·-------------------·-------------------... Speak-er's Aide Tied To Payoffs NEW YORK (UPI) - Nathan Voloshcn, a r-.-tarvland attorney and "close Friend" of ;in aide to House Speaker J ohn W. J\1C.'Corn111ck, sat in the speaker's otfite chair wh ile ('Ollccling 11; S5,000 payoff on a tax evasion case fro1n an Ohio 1loctor. Life magazine said Thursday. Volosheo. 71, had in \'oked r-.1eCorma <:k·s nnn1c to in- fl uence the ou!co1nc of a dozen other ca.~es, Lile reporl ed, ad- ding, "the evidence 1s that l\lcCormack '1'as more than naive1v involved'' in 'vhatever took p-lace in his office. The story alleges t h a t \'olo~'hen y,·as paid by urologist Dr. lrviog llelfert of Dayton \l'hO \\•as a<:cuse1I of evad ing $300.000 in income taii:es. 1\1 c Corm a ck , denying First C:lai1aese Diesel P cit N ixo11 llas Neiv Press Aide \\'ASl-llNGTON (UP[) Pat Nixon ha:. hired Constance Corne!/ Sluart, a :lJ-year-0!d public re lations specialist \\'ith experience in ad vt·rl 1sing, as her new press secrelar\'. J\lrs. Stuart, a n1od-dre ssing redhead 1'.'ho has v.•orked 111 public rtlations \\'ith the Bell Syste1n since 1967, replaces Gerry Van Der Jleul':!I, who is going to R11n1r as a spel·la ! assistant lo the t;,S. an1· bassador to Italy, Grahan1 J\·lartin. The new appo1ntn1ent an· uount l'<f Thursday is e)(pecled to result 1n ot her staH <"hanges 1n a rcvarnping of Uie t~irst Lady's rc:at1ons with the press. J\1rs. Van i)(>r lleu1·eJ's assii-tant P:1t Gall's l'.'ill return U,I T•l•pllolo PAT"S PICK Constance Co rnell Stuart DAILY PILO T 5 Vet Be11efits Hiked; President to Veto? \.\'AS!JI NCTON (APl -The Senate appto\'ed a 46 perrent hike in \'('ternns' edu<:utioo<i l benefits Thursd:iy -an in · rre<ise President f\1 xo11 ha.~ ce1l!ed "c.xcesi.1l'c" and "i110a- tionary." 1'he bill "'llO ;i 77-0 \!t•!ory and was sen t to CQnlcrces who will 11tten1pt to rea<:h a co111- promise bet\\'ecn the Sooat1 \ ersion and the 27 percent hike 10 benefits approved earlier by the Mouse. !n the mcaotin1e speculatio" is rnounting U1a t the President I'. ill cxrrcisc his ''elo pow'r for the firsl tin1e sint'e taking office if lhe 46 per cent rigur 11 isn't lowered . ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA l;no\\·ledge of any misdeeds, Red 'vorkers \vatc'h a s first Communist Chinese des igned diesel locon1olive. ~uspended his chief aide, Dr. rolls on to tracks in Peking recently. •n1e loco1notivc '''a s built at the Tslngtao r-.tartin Sweig, "'hen Sweig and 'fsufang Locomotive and Rollin[!' Stock Plant in Shantung P rovince. Caption Voloshrn \\'ere named in a '? lo I.he Voice of Amen ta. '"\Ve."re going to rnls:; hPr ," publ11.: rcl;1t1011~ firin of Phil , said Mrs. Nixon of J\1rs. Van ' Deal Asscx:1alcs and <is an De r Heuvel. 11·ho wa s a rrporlcr in \\'ash inglon before ad verti sing executive for Vic 85( civi l suit by the securities and _m_a_l_e_n_· a_l_w_a_s...:.p_r_oV1_._d_ed __ b~y_o_ff_ic_·1_a_I _c_o_1_11_11_1u_n_i_s_l _s_o_u_rc_e_s_. __________ _ Inking the \Vh ite llousc job. J\faitland and Assoc 1ali:s. Exchange Commission this n1onth. Soviet Spies Freed lri Priso11er Trade f..lrs. Van Der llcuvel had She \\'<IS an honor graduate I ' l K"ll I been criticized by s ome or !he Uni\'('fSi ly or J\laryland \.Jr3lll SOU I CC reporl ers during her tenure in l!IG2. Charl r.s E. Stua rt. 1\•ho OAKLAND (UPI) _ The for being una vailablf. sh? n1;irried 21:i yenrs ag0. is grandson of lhe late founder of ~lrs. ·Stuart, ii native or a \\'hite Mouse staff ai;si!>1ant For ca~fler 6 p.rn . week.dar.; ihe }ferrick Iron \\'orks or \\'hetling. \V. Va., has l10 to Nixon's counsel, John D. and all weekend, 3 minutes Oakland was killed "·hen his newspaper experience bul h<1s Erllc tunan. and has <1rransed sL::1lion-io-station, plus· tax. @ speeding sports car overturn-l\'orked as an account ex· son1e of l\1rs. Nixon"s tours ,,.....,.._ ''The fact is that Speaker ~fcCormack knew at least as far back as midsu1nmer that not only Life but two federal grand juries "'ere looking into Voloshen's affairs, and that since then tie has held a series of urgent conferences "'il h Swcig and Volosbcn,'' Life said. LONDON (U PI ) -Soviel spies Peter and Helen Kroger. freed as part of a prisoner s1vap 11·ith the Russians. new to \Varsaw toda y. ending on!'! of the most cclebrat.ed es- pionage cases of the decade. •~<~d~i~n~l~he'.._l'C:·'~"~o~.:'\~·1:'":"~"~;i~1,'......_:''~'~"~il":•_'l~nc'......~lh~c.....''~-,~,~·~Y~n~ck~·_:a~b~N>~a~d~in~l~h~c~p~a~s~l.-~~-~I ':::::==========================================~ hand luggage. the ex-New • Life said that "·hi\e it in- \·estigated the story, a frie nd of Voloshen offered $511,000 if the-story was scuttled. 'fhc paymenl \\'as to hal'e. been $2j,000 in ~J>Ot cash and $25,000 in six mon ths. Carrying a blue tedd y bear in a cellophane bag and some Ho111eowners' Tax Aicl Sho11ld Go: Ron111ey WASHINGTON (L,;Pll 11ousing Secretary George Ronlney says the nation'!'! af- flu!"nt are living in homes par- tially subsidized by the gov- ernment, yet manv of them hegrudge ihr use o·r ta~ mon- ey to help house the poor. Romney said the Ferlcr<1l H o us i n g Administralion I Fl-TA). by hel ping the n1iddle cclass buy homes in the sub- urbs whlle stranding the poor in city slums. has contributed to racial and ed)nomi c ten· 51on. 111c fornw.r :iutn mrtkcr and T<.,ichigan govf'rnor suggested Thursd3y partial repeal of a lax bre:ik enjoyt'd by mirlrlle ;ind upper income hon1emvn- t'rs lo proride revenue !o hel1> rchuild the slun1s. lie said tJ1c government has hcll)Cd hou~e the alnuent throu~h FHA loon in su rance and by allo"•ing-income lax deductions f(lr n1o rtgagc in- terest payment~. Pre!'ient tax lawi; pern1il ill dcducLioo for the interest and -::r property taxes, v.·hich make up much of a homeowncr's monthly installment payment. No simila r deduct ion is av<1i !- ::1b!e to a person \1 ho rents his honH' ,\ fa1n1ly or fnur earning ~10.000 annually pays l!l per- cent on the '"m::1rgina1 dol- lars" of his income. A deduc- tion results in tax saving~ equal to 19 percent of the amount deducted. Thus the governinent pays almo.c;t 19 cents of c1·ery dollar the fam- ily puts out for hou~ing . Al $1 5,000 income. I.he rBle t•lin1 bs to 22 percent. ··~1aybe "'C ought to repeal part of the righl to cleducl the interest rale from the income tax return to bring home 10 rhe m1cldle incoine and afflu- f'nt families the ract that thry <1rt gel ling a housi ng sub!>ldy and it is not ju~t the poor th<1t ''c <1re concerned about." Romney said. ":0.layhe that tmonev) ouJ,lhl to be earmark- f'd to meet the problems of the slums.'' ~ ·'· House Act May Alter Vrba1i Re11ewal Plc111s )'orkers lurned So\'iet agents grinned and wa1·ed to ne\\•sn1en and photographers as they boarded their jet at London Airport in the rain. Hea vy security precaulions \\'ere in efFect. Po!ice escorted the Krogers to their British European Ainvays p I a n e , rollow ing a lelcphoned bomb threal against them. The couple, sentenced in 1961 to 20 years in prison for ~elling British Polaris sub- n1arine secrets to the Russian~. 11•ere traveling first class. Their first nooprison meal aboard the plane was to be smoked salmon, chick.en and cha1npagne. The Krogcrs were freed as part of an f)(changc deal "'tlh tile Soviet Union that gave British lecturer Gerald Brooke his freedom la st July :4. He had been imprisoned for four years for anti.Soviet activities. The Krogers: traveled in separate prison vans from Brixton and Holl09.'ay prisons to the airport. Police cars .11nd motorc.ycle escorts led the way. Hoine Se<:re lary J a mes Callagha n personally supervis· ed lhe security me :i~ures. T"·o officials from the Po!lsh em - bassy acC<Jrnp.'.l nicd the couple on the. rHght. The Krogers. \\'hos e es- pion;ige activi!ies are still causing problems for the Hoya! Navv's s ecuri t v <J ivision, enicred Britain i;1 19:>4 1'.·here they assumed their prcsrnt names. Thev had been knnwn in lhP Uniled States ;:i5 ~!orris and Lola Cohen and al one !i1n e had 11,·ed 1 n Brooklyn. N.Y. The Federa l Bureau or Jn,·cstig;itlon harf ;o;oui;iht thr l couple after lh('1 r pholo 11·a.., found on Col. Hudolph Abel. a Soviet spy :irres1cd 10 Nell' Yor k in 1957 <1nd later ex - \V ASlllNGTON rC PI) !he Senate earlier. changed for f ro11c1s Gary The llouse has udoptcd a con-Present law g 11·1:~ 1:11.ies Pov•ers, pilot of a l.72 shol lroversinl hou sing proposal by \\'ide discretion to 1Ju1lcl sh1)p· down by thr. Russians in 1966 ping centers. city halls or of-Brili~h Foreig n Ser ret.ary a freshman congressman that fi <:e buildings \\'i!hin urban r-.1lc;hacl Stewa rt. i n an · c·ould change the directions of renewa l areas. Ci!ics ·1nust nouncing the c11change, ~id multimillion dollar urban find .replacement hot.sing [Qr the KrogC'fs \\'ill hal'e paid a renev.·al progranis across the each person displaced, but not substantial penalty for their country. nl'ccssanly "'ithin the same offense and that the lransac- area. lion would remove obsta cles to In a 3urprise move late The 1a1v nO\\' requires I.hat 1mpro1•em enl of British-soviet Thursday, the House put into 11•he n housing is bui lt in urban rrlalions. its housing bill a plan by rene"'al areas at least 20 per· In anolher pa rt or th' eii:- Rep. Lowell P. Weickrr Jr. <'Cnt or the units must br. change, t"·o British su bjects in j R-Conn .). to require cities for people. The program, fina nced Jail since las t year for alleged- reserved for lol'.·er income ly smuggling mari juana inro the first lime to replace each primarily v•it h fede ral money, lhe Soviet Union are to be home razed by urban renewal does oot require cities to released the day after the with a new housi ng unit -in repla<'e housing unit s, Krogcrs ·are freed. th e same area. although there is a re· /\third provision or lhc deal Tile plan was pu t into the quirement that they find allo\\·ed four British subjects suit<lblc housing for the to enter t'· s0,.· l u · housing bill and sent to !he •..:: • 1e n1on displaced . to marry So\•iet citizens. Senate on a :139 lo 9 roll call, ?--------------;i;;;-;;;i;;;;i;;;:~i.;;;;;;;,f J-[ouse and Senate conferees Ii vdll have lo \.\'ork out I.he dif· rercnce bet\\·ecn the one-year $4.9 blHion House hill and the lwo·ycar $6.4 billion extension of housing programs voted by Second Ilo<ly Found in 1\-linc . FARi\tJNGTON. \V. Va . IUPTJ -A secood body was recover!d today from the Consolidation Coal Co. 's No. 9 mine where 71 miners died In a series of underground ex· plosions last November. The two men whose bodie.s were reroverM were crf:'Wmen on a 24-car coal train which had been opcraling a "good <h~tance" from the place "''here the 76 other miners 1'o1ere believed lo have hero lr<lppro, mine company of-1 ficiuls &aid. , I SEE BY TODAYS ... WANT ADS e Ref1""1.ions o! the pl"('S~nt; nf!ar perlect mlrror, rl~· mittic whh gold '"eLn~, .11.p. prox. 6"x8' for only s~. • Rflkoction or the paal, ma~ lhi1' 1d10Wd br In 11.. mlUt'um: oririnaJ ~flck~y i\loU8e Walch for We , mil.Ice an offer. · • e Whim.It! while you whittle! Cuve wooden model boats from factory blueprint3, - falenlt!d with a kntfe ~ Jo:arn a little f':t"t.r11. ~ar 11.1,,ond, intertstlnir and protitablc. SHELL ~\11/d' Ifs Sometimes, good to make a change. No'v yo u only need one coin to 'vi n in Shell's States of the Union Game. Nol a wl10\c gro up of coins. For instance. get Arkansas, and you've \\'O il $5 00-just like that. Or pick up any of thcothercoins we've circled-and you win from one to five thou sand dollars. The othe r rules stay the same: '\'oLt gc.t a coin-f rce-evcry time you visi t a partici pating station. You don·l have lo buy anything. You n1u st be a liccnscddrivcr. · The ga1nc is void whe re prohibited.\ States of the Unio _ ............. w1r• ssooo •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '" "" ·•; , "" . llllll, '. ....,._, ~ . ; .. . '· . . ,, '" _, 1•1 I,-~ "'""'~'""" ... .., ...• .. , ...... . •' 't . . . . . . ' ' J~H ~._, "••H•••• .., '• •• . . . . -:, ~ J1,, .~··' t o.,+• t o-.1•"9 • ••• ji· • ;;" \ . ' • . . . . • . . . . ., . • •. ,,,_,,,• I\" 1'' • • , ..... ,. '°"""'""' • .. -~ • . . ._.A,'. • ' . . . • ' . ~ ,.· '1~1 ,._ .. • ,, .,,, ... " ..... ~, ..... ""''"'" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WIN • SlOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... ..... '. 1'111 ,.- ~ ...... , "'"' ., ... ,. : I . : '. . . . ~.., _... -, ,· "'• ,....... '~ .. ,,- ... ,,. c ...... . • ..... 1.10...t ........ . . " ®" : ... :• . ....• J .. _. . ' "I I• • • ,_., ,_, • •• -l-···· :_ ........... ,\. . . 't ,: .'""~ ......... , WIN$l00 .• ··~""· .... . ' . . . . • • • • • • ...... WIN$5 WIN$1 ,, ..... ': : . : . . •--""" '~"""'"' • 1i \,,_"' .,.,..,. ...... .. . ... ' •: 1, "' ,,, .,, __ . ...... Prize information for Southern California Prizes available ::is of I 0/ 17 /69 S.1000 ................... 8 SIOOO ••..........•...•. 3 1 $500 ..••......•.•..... 124 SIOO ....•..•........•. 465 $50 ..•••.......•...... 310 $5 .•..........•..•. 12.400 $1 ...•••.....•••.. 372.000 Bron ze scls •.....•.. 186,000 Odds of winning I in 3,875.000 I in 1,000.000 I in 250.000 I in 66.667 I in I00.000 I ilf 2,500 I in 83 I in 167 1,027 Shell slations arc part icipating in this area . Scheduled 1crmination 12/4/69 . There is a total ol 571.338 pri zes in this area. Thal gives you a I i1t 54 chance to win so mething! ------------...... -·---·· -----,. ... -....... -.~-~ .... -....... . . . --DARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Power and The current and very lively controversy over air pollution in general and the local Southern California Edison plant in particular find/\ the City of Huntington Beach and its residents filled \\'ith mixed emotions. The huge power generating plant on Pacific Coast l-ltgh1\/ay is admittedly not a thing of beauty. It does benefit the community's tax income. It is estin1ated that the proposed $179 million ex- pansion of the facility will increase Ediso n's annual tax C'Onlribution to the city treasury by $700,000, to a total of $1 .3 mUl1 on. . . . The total ultimate tax contribution to all taxing districts within the city will be about $7.7 million a year. ~lore than !4 million 1vould go directly to local school districts. . Jt is obvious that if the Edison plant expansion is blocked the taxpayers of the community \l.1ill lose. Then 1here is the other side of the question -air pollution. lritic.'1\ of the expansion concede that the po"·er plant is not the big factor in Orange County's overall smog proble1n. l\1olor vehicles are 1\'orse villains and (e1v have suggested that ti1ey be banned. l\lavor .Jack Green of Huntington Beach, speaking al the hearing last week of the Environn1ental QuaUty Control Council. put it this way: ''\\'c a s~un1e that there are means lo eliininate ai r pollution problems of the past and stUJ make production of electricity profitable enough to keep utilities provid· ing their services. ''\Vhilc fe...,, of us may fully understand \Vhal en- \tironmental quali·ty reaJly is, or \Vhat effect it may have on human life, all of us can understand that Or· ange County needs additionaJ po'ver s upplies to move forward." Natio1i ls Sivci111ped by Pa1Je1· Work [ i ' . ·~· .. S d • ··1 H • t y ney . arr1s., Nlmrwhcrc in 1hr F:ast this summer lhrre ,1·as hrld ~ large con fC"renc~ on "papt:r 11ork '' l\h1ll' largely an ignored i.-ubject, it 15 a rud e !act that ~aper "·ork in most businesses arul rrufcss1ons 1s Lak· 1ng more tune and f'nergy than go into The actual production of goods -0r t.l'rl'iCE'1'i. As a nation , v.c are be ing swamped by a !ida l wa1·c of form~. applications, report s. memos. and n1isct>llant-ou!'I raper!' -to 1hc point thal the proce~liing ha s La.ken prC<'edrnee over the product. T'eac:hers in a la rge sch!'\Ol syste1n. for inslane<• spend an cnorinous amount -Of time in' (·ompi!ing records and filing rt'ports th:il n1akc the administratil'c burea11cr11 c:y feel important an d t)Qwerlul : an d this ti1ne, of course. is lo.st to t~ pr ilnary function of teaching the children. KL' RS ES IN HOSPITALS oflrn C-Om· .... plain today that thf1 r paper ...,·ork h11s • priority 01 er their oatients' c:irr ; and ' doctors in pr11 ate of1Lces llkev.:ise prote~t that f11l1ng out Insurance and 1'.·!edicarc forms t:uts sC"r niu~l.v int11 tti~ time dc1·01CTI 10 actu:.il 111l'dt1•al practice Pohcrrn!'n , :ilso. ;1rr ins11fler;1hly burd· ('nrd 11 11k 1ht· 11-r11 1ni:: of rl"porL~. a n <l mu{'h 1x1l11·c rou11 n1: 1!> s1mrly i::loriflrd 1 tenojlf.1ph~ It 111~· a\rl:i,~r cup lost h1., pencil . 11 11 n11ld be 1norr cripp!tng lhiln 1f he lost his g11n. !'ART ()f Tllf. HF.,\50:--;' lf'>r !hi~ 1S hll01dn pride an t! s!11tihornr1~s~ 'ln~I prn- frssion~ and occt;rat1nns want total dntn1nancc 01 er thf'lr f 1rld ~. and resrnt Dear Gloomy Gus: After having lost $7,000 of the }luntington Bfach taxpayers' mon· ey in a "concert'' and now giving away n1oncy I.hey did not eam by holding a "dance," isn't it about lime to abolish Youth Coalition:' -J. D. T~it l•etwr1 •.t•ct1 ,.,~..,, v11w1, "01 "ttou1fllY t~o.1 or 1i.. ""-•~•'· Sr"4 r1ur M """ .. Gil_, Gw" 0111, ,.1111. •·outsiders'' coming in lo lake 01·C'r an.v part of the \.\'Ork, no matter ho1v burdensome. Thcrc is a terribl~ shortai;c o1 dO<'tors in small to"·ns and rural areas, ;:incl the leve l of medical servi ce 1:; shockingly lov.·cr in such places than in the largr r cities. Yet the medical profession ob· Vurately reslsls the usr of "para.pro- fe ssional " \\.'orkcrs in performing rout1n r. tasks. EVEN TRAINED nurses· au.Jes and in· terns are presently prohibited fron1 doing a lot of little jobs that rob regisl.tred nurses and physlciaru of \•aluab!e time they cook! be using to treat patients. The medic:tl profession pretends that a rel<1x· ing of these restrictions would .. lo11er medical standards." \.\'hic:h is rubbish - ""·hat tht'y really rear i.~ that it might red urc their sphere of authority and om- ni potencc. People like lo hold all tht"; reins in their O\Oo'n hands, e1·en if they are ah5urdly overv.•orked. PoliC'e departments rrsent non-policemen doing clerical \1·or\; or rou!ir.e jobs that require nn speci;il police training. such as is.~uing parkini; ticket~ -which lakes up more police 1ln1r than !he pursuit of critnr. But 11·P. v.·on'L i;iet the paper out of our hair until \.\'e get the false pride out of our heads. Tlie Art of Double Talk l-~latt.ery may get ~ou nov.ticre. bi.11 double talk can nrt cn get ~·ou <Hl)'\\'here in lh11 social game. Double lalk, of course. 1s the art of ~aying one lhing \\'hile thinking another. Jl enables unc lo go Cln for years, i! necessar}·, 111thou1 ~a~ 1ng a thing he ~ means ur n1eaning a thing he says. f\aturally, thrrclore. rlouble ta lk is the most \.\idesprcact fnnn o f com- : n1un1calions nn earth . 11 fll'nf'!ratcs evE"ry : language and is USC'!ul in all \.\'alks of : life. ll is ab.~olu!.Ply 11Ki1.c;pensable 10 suc· ~ cess in business and 111<1rriage. : For tlw uninitialc1L hf'rc arc a few : s<imples of double l:ilk. followed in each : case by \\'ha! Ille prrson \1·ho spokt was : actua11y thinking: • .. GEE. JOE, I ncl'tr saw you looking : belier. Why don 't you grt oul of thal bed ? and gi\/e it to someone \.\'ho's really ! sick?" -Boy, he sure look5 like a goner. : Jfe'll ne\/er walk oul ol this hospital. : "J'rTI in a tough !!:pol. and as you're one f or my oldest friends. l'\'e conn• to you for • ad\•ice.'' -Aflt'r you lend me the $500 I : really need , lhen 1·11 l1~1cn to your ad· . . • Vl('C. • "You mean you wallpaprri·1l this fnhr~ : rnom all by ~·ourscH ?" 11 looks like : yoo 'd been helped by 11 herd of lhumb· : lumblin~ elephant§. • "Afte r all, it isn'I the \'Bh1r of ;i : prf'SCnl that counts. il'I! the senlim~nt · behind ii.·• -After all, It's !he 1 aluc of a : pri~sent that coonll . • • : "LF.T ~IE cnngrarulatr you. ll:'lrr~'. 1l : ('rrta111lv \.\'ill'> a 'H'fll-descr' rrl rro· 'Jnoiion ,:' -l!ut r "':r.i the onr 11110 dPSl'fl'E'rl it, \'OU buni. "\\'tiy ~lri-ue. artfr :ill thc!le ~l1r1r.- ' v.•e'\·e. been together, you certainly must knO\\' the rea.'IOn I ma rried you." -I v.•as &low on my feet. "'i~eah, it's a real thrill to CQme back lo thesf' (.'1lllege reunions and remember all the fun ·we had here durlna: those t imes that still seem like they 'H'erc only yestcr· day.•·-\Vhat the hell is this guy's name any1·,.ay7 '·Young man , yo u wouldn'l try to take a taxicab from a li red old woman on • rainy da y, would you~·· -If you evrr reach for lhat door ha nd.Jr, Buster, I'll put the point of this uinbrell:i righ1 throujh your ribs. "IT'S GETIII"G Jund ol \ale tor me. Shall we make this hand lhe last one?" - 1 must be $50 or more ahead. "The sk)'s th~ limit, baby. Ord<'r anything that appeals to yQU ." But if it's anylhing but the $2 95' C'hoppe<I steak !<peri11I , kid. you·re going lo hal'C a lon11: \.\'alk home. ··1 don't see ho"' Ronnie lh1rik~ he. <'an afford to support a famil y and sl1ll keep a girl fr ien<l on the side, too." -But rd tiurt li ke l-0 leam his secret. "\'ou al\.\'8Y5 did ha\'C a talent for nos· ing out fine wint's, Henley Tell rnc. 1\'hfrc on earth did !his one con1e fron1"" -It Lll St!'s like it h11d bcf>n dislllll'<l fn11n Lhe ring~ in an old brithllih. .. An)·ll n1e I can do anything for you, ju!'>t r :lll on me." -And call ..• arKI call ... and call unlll you·re ~ar~r Clean Air But he added, "\Ve must have these supplies with- out further pollution of the air Y.'e breathe." Last, but certainlv not least in this controversy, a re •JJe problems of L .>e people living near the local plant. They complain that emissions from the facility deteriorate the paint on their homes and cars and kill their shrubbery. Edlson has promised a significant reduction in those emissions because of recent research break- throughs. The company must make good on those prom- ises. Valley's Hallowee n Fun Fountain Valley has prepared a package of J.Ial- lo\veen fun fo r young and old alike this Saturday. \Vork ing \\'ith the Cha1nber of Co1n1nercc. the city has lined up a series of events and activities stretchin g throughout 1.he day, They include a full-fledged parade, a gigantic outdoor barbetue, entertainment and game and food booths. The brightest spot ln tile day's preparations is the coopcralion of the city's various organizations and cl ubs. fl·lore than 30 groups have lined up for the parade, ...,·hile nearly 40 different sponsors have been found for \'arious booths and attractions. !\·fore than 3,000 'vatched the parade and joined in activities at Fountain Va!Jey High School last year and the number shou.J d top 5.000 this year. l•t's a n event \\/Orthy of Fountain Valley's claim as a \\'ell-planned, family community. Nothing saucy and nothing sassy, jus t plain community spirit. ~~ ~ f,_R, l'<>f -ii-1~-'t SI /1!,,.. H .. fODTPR IN TS." Their Sarecesses Have High Prices How People Outsmart Themselves By GEORGE R. HOFF', Ph.D. Joe is an extremely successful young executive on the .... ·ay up, "'hose n1otiva- lion, drive, energy and pc rs on a I magnetism are be<c:iming almos t legen· dary ; Joe is sexually impotent. Huth 11·as ele<'tcd .. \\·01nan of !he ''car" hy those in her social group v.·ho consider her the person thl')' inost ad- 1n 1re · Huth has 1ncapac1tat1ns migraine headaches. 1-!cten 1s 101·rr1 and respected by rl'eryor1c fxcept her husband, \1·ho r!1\'0rced hl'r . and her children, 11ho can·t stand her unt·Ontroll ab!e en101 1ona l out· bursts. Ste1·e is a bnlhant. inl'entite st:1cnl 1.~t 11 ho suffers period.~ of e x t rem t: cJrpre~s1on and leehngs ol unrealuy, THESE ARF. FOUR /J{'t!tiOIJS exan1plrs or how peopl e outsma rt IJ1en1selres - 1n;i11y llmes 11·ithout f'l'en k1101\ 1ng 1t. The 011ls111nrting hl'ls to do with bei ng to..1 suc- rf'~sf1 il. !Oo admirable, too respect able, 100 hril!iant for one's ow11 good. \\'hene1·er a person lll'es his !1te ac- corr1inG to ho11· he thinks othe rs 1ra nt hi111 IJ be, or searches for external arcolades i j ~ ' I 1 ! ..... . ' ' ... -·~ --.· day le1ns " . . ·- to rill the. void in his existence, he outsn1arts himself : he suffrrs the in· f'1·11able consequences or surreptitiously mainta in ing perso11al integrity and id~n· t1ty through one sy mptom or another. Hi:\: physical-emotional systc1n says, "Who do you think you arc, denying my presence \.\·hile you're out gaining lame, f.:>rtune, or personal satisfaction ?'' ,\!A NY BELJEVE that some form o{ chs!ress is inevi!11ble in pursuing success, that so many apparent ly successful peo- ple are terribly distressrd gil'eS crNlenc~ lo this falla cy. It is reinforced by overv.'hclming evidence of the high pr ice of l\uccess: broken fan11!ics, unhealthy bodies, shattered drca1ns,. and sic k minds. It ne@d not br thus. The mo~t suc- cessful among us 11re those who function as \.\·hol,e persons; one part of them doesn·t outsmart 1he other. 1·heir in· telleets don't con their emotions -their motivations function togrther with lheir reservations -their heads don 't rule their hearts -thei r needs appret:i ate 11hat thetr va lu es tell thetn . Or "ice \ crsa . PEOPLE OUTS:\IART 1 hen1~clves by denying, <1 1stort 1ng. ar 1gnor1ng p1:r~on;1l information wtuch is not only .:t\·ailable but crying to be pC"rceil'ed. The business1nan re fuses lo admit he doesn'l like the profit moti\'e. The star \.\'on't acknowledge his insecurities. Th~ theologian remains out of tooch with his humann!'ss. The p:irent won't remember his childishness. The doctor prefers lo sec himself as an immortal iron man. Hence, !belr successes have high prices. \\'henever a per.~on clel'erly tries to lool ot hers. and hin1sclf. by disclosing on· ly those parts of hi1nself he believes wi\l bring .him fun and profit -when he robs Peter to pay Paul -he eventually finds tha l his deceitfulness is expensive: Peter demands restitution and retribution. REALIZING THIS, It 's understandable Calls Visitor to Mexico an Tn 1he Ed itor . Pur~uant to your slory by John \Ve!d !Oct 18 \ on the situatloo 1n f\1exico, I \\'OU]d like to ::.av 1~at lhc American tourist to this p.Sfudo-friend\y country acro.~s the border i~ JUSI a plain on ager. Look 1L up in the dictionary :ind sue n1c. He i.~ lln onagcr bC'r.au!'c he gOl.'S 11110 ".\1 ehico'' kno11'ing that hi" is 1•1an!ed there fflr his 1nooey and nothing else. And 11 hile he is there. enjoy ing the rer..botr.n illing~ den1C'd him in the US., lponr 3oul) hi' Is the gullible patsy 11·hlle the :<lexic<in iiorernment, 11·inking al the goings on, arrears lo ~.1oction the ".\1ordida," or 1;rall, n1e11t ioncd in ~I r . \\'eld·s story, and ah1·ays under !he ag~ld ~lexican phi lo~phy that it is OK to milk the American tourists who CQm c to ?>lexico ta 1'-ihnw olf with their bad manners. and \I ho inad\'ertentty cast their pC"arls before the S\\'ine. TO STOP THE dope traffic coming from our not-so-friend!~· neighbor soulh of I Ile border is quite another thing, yet it 1s 1ied in with the shenanigans mentioned abo\'e. And it \\•ill "'-''er be solved until the American phannaceutical powers:, plu s the cooperation of the Mexican government. ~top 1he shi pment of dn1gs to MexJco Lhat are originally dc sUned to arTlve in the U.S. via smugglt'rs. and the to.texican growers of marijuana are rooted out completely . to.Ir. \\'eld's slory is time- ly and shouJd be gi\/en the ulmost al· lention at lhis llme . ~11LT BASHAi\1 Review Auumpllo111 To the Editor : The Jetter from Arthur 0. Gaskin (:\lallbox, Oct. 20 ) illustrates a point 1vhich has bewildered me for years. Why is it lhat right wingers think that they are the only ones \.\·ho pay taxes'! To say that "99 per~nt of I.he ta.x- pa)'crs arc disgusted to find that tl1i~ \.\'Oman was hir@d in the first place '' is to <lisplay incredible arrogance, Has ~I r. Gaskin pers-0nally made a sur,·ey of tai- paycrs? Or is Ile going by the results of some opinion poll ? If he \!.'SS I ~·ouJd like I know ·which onf', !Or I arn a taxpayer and I "·nuht rertainly ha re liked lo C.\· prrss n1y opinion IT TS Ui'O F'ORTll ~,\TE rnr con. ~rr\:J111'es !hal lhrir th Jn\;1ni:: Is ~n o!l~n c·h1rr:1C'tf'ru.rd h.v i<och ;irrog11nt ~tu1>lrlity It Js difflt'ult indeed to cnndlll't a ral1n11al 1 :\faiUJOx ' l•'1•» t•om ''"~''' ••t "'t!tal"t . Ne•,.,tll• wrol· r•1 Jh1>u10 ccn~•• !""' m r>$&q" In JOO worO• or It ... '"" "'"' •o C~ftft•n" I•"•" TO Ill ..... , or '""''"'" l•bol 11 r•H•V"<I '"II l•l'•ro "'"" lnc<~o• •'ono!urt •nO "'"'""• e<lditu . but •1mt1 "''' boo wllhhtld ~n rtQUO>I It IUf!•cltM •enc~ " IP~lr•N debate with a person v.ho 1s either unw1l1- u1g or unable lo expreSlo his l'icw with iJl. tel!igerce. ~1os: or the pcopl~ in the state or California are taX"pa~'crs. There are far more lax payers, in fact. than voters because there is no age rcslricLion p\acE'd on paying taxes. As a resident of a coun· l.y "·here lhe majority of people are under 25 years of age, I think that 1'tfr. Gaskin and those v.·ho rind themselves in sympa thy \\'ilh him had best review thclr assumptions. JI is possible that a little bit of thinking may prove. to be: of great benefit. \\'ILLIA.\f KINDEL Dacia Deel.'1011 To the Editor ; Thanks to Judge Jerry Pacht, for his efforts to uphold lhe consti tutional rights of the Co1n1nunlst. Angela Dal'i!'I. He in l1U'n denied n1e and all loyal tax.paying Californians their constitutional rights- ycs, our right lo say how OUR tax money is: spenl. No1v, th11nks to him. we can pay a person or persons v.·ho seek to destroy our "·ay of life. It seems to me that the constitutional rights or lhe majority should come before lhe rlghl.s of one. JAl\fES L. HORSTMEYER Pl•fl A ll 80111 To I he Editor : ~fay I express a lhought on the fre-shm11n Football Carni\/al, held Friday night at Huntington Beach High School? I lcnow lh11t tht. theory is: to ere.al.~ bet- l~r men for a better counlry through rrlnllr.n! f)f lhis type. As we know. lhe "nrld is depen<!ent upon what the young n1en in thc!'>c ages are taught ind how' 1\raelit'C'd The basic concept of a carniv11I of thi.~ nature is l{l'eat, and I "·lsh "'C hAd ha<l one \\'hen I was at· tending high school in Santa Paula. POSSIBLY I }lA\'E misunderstood as la ho~· the coaches 1n1cnd to ach1e1·r this. After my son, Rock.v, i1tld 1 1n1·1tcd lnends from out of state :ind ~:ountry. as our guests, to witness this ne1v concept of t:on1pctJti\'e sportsma nship, 1l wa s disap- pointing for all to cliscol'er that the ru lC's gol'erning this c1·cnt ;ire ~uch thi1t all the ~-oung men particip:it1ng are not bclni:: ta ught lo real ize thrir lcamm;ites 1vill ha\le an equal chance to express their leadership, ~porlsmanship and physical abilities. No"' 1t "'ould appear to me lhal some ronsicleration should be given, regulating the rules of lhis carnival, such as: com· pelling all participating schools lo plrty all boys that have desires to participate in that sport. AS WE K.~0\\', AU. coaches wanl to \\'in. therefore to "'in in U1is el'ent they \l.'ould be for ced lo know each and all the boys' capabili1ics. This would give equal attention to all the boys partici pating on the squad. Who kn<l\.\'S he Ohe CQach) may haYe a future unkno"'n "star'' \\·amiing that ,.,·ell-known bencb. Please lers not kill the incentive of the "starry eyed" young athlete. RAY PAYTON All Should Play To the Editor: ~fay I lake this opportunily lo expre~s my Jeelings on !he Frcshn1an Football Carniv1I, played Friday night •I Hun· tington Beach lligh School'.' T'his is a marvelous idea, and an ex- cellent chance for the parcnt.s and the public to see all the freshman footb<11I teams in acUon against each other. So often \.\'e only sec our "home teams·• play. Ho1\·cver. there i~ onr thi ng I do not un· derstand. \\'hy didn .l the coaches play all the team members? II i' n1y un- derstanding tha t all the boys were led to bfolie1'E" they would play. Each and e"ery member of the .squad had to practice for Lhis carnival, and were instructed to e1t certain foods al 8 S"pel'lfiefi time cl day. If the coaches didn 't 1nten1t to use lhtse: players, why go lo the trouble of build ing them up? IT SEEi\tS TO ~I E. if the ru!es nf lh1~ earni1·al could be l'lrnendr!l so lhal all lhr. tl"a1n nicmbers ol each participallng Stchool had to pla)' an equal amoll nt <>f how he may develop sucll l\)ndilion5 ns: (I) psychopbysiologic disorders -skin <1isorders, ulrers. colltis. unpotencl", ba c \.;a ch c, h ead a {'he, asthma , hypertension, hyperventilation: ! 2) neurotic rcaC'tlons -anxiety, amnesia, unreasonable fears. unwanted thoughts or urges·, depression, excessive fatigue, feel- ings of unrea lity and self-csLTangrmenl: ~:I 1 personality disorders -unwarranted ~uspicions or je;illousy, alternating n1ood ~ of dl'prcss1on and elation, avoidance 11r l·lose relationships. uncontrollable en1u- tional outbursts, excessive conrormily, irresponsibility, in capacity Io r en· Joymen!, sexual dcvi:itions, ak11holism or exce~si ve drinking , dn1g dependence; l ~l social maladjustments in marri;ige, joh, friendshi ps: and IS\ 1n rare instancrs, p~ych~es -sc~izophrcnia, paranoia, psycho!ic depression . PEOPLE OUTS1'11ART' themselves 1n niany :;e lf-Oefcaling 1vays. It 's really more intel ligent to spt>nd less tim e and effort trying to make an impression 011 others and devote more attenti:>n lo gil • ing an expression of as much of oneself as pos3ible at any given time. 'Onager' time. the teams 11 ou]d still rcn1a!n jusi as equa l. Since the resul!s or th1.~ c:arni1 11l !lai r no ofh rlal s!and1ngs 1n ll'111s and losses 1n cleter1nin111g a league chan1pion, wouldn·t this have been an ideal time for lhe C'OIH'hCS \O Utiill.{' ;ill the lllCtlll>cfS Of !he football tcan1'.' 1\ boy 1vlll lost> his in1tiati vl". and the \\•ill to 1.;eep l ry1ng. 1F he is continua lly refused the opportunity to J)artic1pa\I'. Evervonc likes lo be a \,\·inner. Uut 1sn·11t true ihal ea c:h boy could have been a win· ncr. if he had bee n allowed to ci.:press hi ~ ability of lead ership. and be.ing a good sport . I ask you. 1rllich is more im· portanl. 11·inn1ng or kn owing each of the boys was a winner? !\ARLA llOBBl~S l :o .. al 1Hl11orll11 To the Editor . I \.\'as amazed recenll y. that the high school di strict trustef's voled to appease the vocal minority regarding famil y life education. I 11'onder if !he next goal of these unreasonable militant!: will be In ban all biology classes where the arumal and human reproduclive systems are taught and discussed. Most high school students must be arnused at their parents arguing aboul \\'hat they should be taught. I'm sure 1.hese youngsters have a more healthy and sophisticated knowledge of life proc· c:;ses than their parents. ROBERT E F'RE:Et-.!AN ---WWW- T·'riday, October 24, 1969 Tlit editorial page or tht Daily Pilot 1eckJ to inform otid stlm,. 11lo!c rtadtrs by PTesnitin17 thi.s tltW.!paptt'1 opinion& ond com- n1t nlary on topicJ of lnt~rcst 01td .~ignifioonce, by providing o forrim for the! t:i;p'l'tllion nf our rttJdtrs' opillion,. and by prcsef!ting tlit diverse vl~w­ poinrs of rnforn1f'rl ob.~trul"ra and 1poktsmen OJl 1.opics of th e day. Robert N. \reed, Publisher I I l I I I ' . ----- I I ..I 't l:· 1 I_ '-, t < ~ .. ' ' ·' """~~..Wt-.-;;._t"" ' . •, ' -, .. '" " ' '1: • ~ .. ANTICIPATING THE BALL -'Vith their go,vns picked out and acressorles chosen. Mrs. Harry John r.farch (left) and Mrs. \Vil · liam Bents arc recidy to go to the 1969 Celebrity Ball Friday, Oct. 31, which \Vill preface a two-day meeting of the Republican State Central Committee. George Brokate gives his a pproval a s the wcr man model their formal attire. The three '"iU join political and social leaders as well a s Hollywood. celebrities a t the gala in the Anaheim Convention Center. Views Revealed Critical Eye Kept On Consumer Game Consumer Game '"ill be the lecture topic of Betty Furness. fonner U. S. special assistant [or consumer affalrs, \\'hen she addresses Chapman College Town and Go\vn. The group '''ill meet at 10::30 a .m. \Vednesday, Oct. 29, in the Saddle- back Inn, Santa Ana. Lunch will follow. Jn addition to members of the women·~ cultural support group and guests, faculty n1embers and students in the college's home ccono1nics depa rt1nent have heen in\ited. Before going to her \Vhll.e !louse posi· t.ion. \\·hich she hel d fron1 1\1 ar c h, 1967 t hrough Janu:iry 196!), J\l iss Furness "''a." ac· live 1n voluncer '''Ork on behalf of VIST1\ and received a special citation from Presi· dent Johnson. Daughter of the late r.Tr. George C. Fur· ness. one of radio's pi oneers, J\liss Furness has been actlve in both r adio and tclevi.~ion. :For five years she has had her O\VH CBS ra· dlo net,,..·ork progran1 and she al so \vas seen on ('du rational television as hostess of "Living for the Sixties." lfer other television progran1s ha\'c hren "Studio One" and "At \'our Beck and Call ,'' and she presented t.he "Dimen.c;ion of a '"-'01n· an·s 'Vorld" on CBS radio. !\1iss r·urness, in her acting career, appeared in 35 RKO and LECTURER ~JG l!.t films. toured in legiti mate shows and Betty Furness pla;;ed on Broadway. • j j I ' . • JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 "rlclly, Oc!obtr 14. IHJ " ''" 11 GOP Gala Ball Guest List Star Bright The famous mllsic of Les Bro\vn and his Band of RenO\Vn will drift fhJ01 the 'Anaheim Convention Center F riday, Oct. 31, as more than 2,000 political and social leaders from all over the state mingle on the dance floor inside. Also among the dancers. at the 1969 Celebrity Ball will be many noted Hollywood personalities. The occasion for the ball, which promises to be a higbli~ht of the Orange County social season, is the openrng festivities of the Republican State Cen- t ral Commit•t ec's l\vo-day session. On the t\vo days following the Celebrity Ball , more than 3,000 Republican party leaders and mem· hers \\•ill forn1u late the positions for the 19i0 elec- tion year th at the Republican Sta'le Central Commit- tee \Viii take. · The party has invited Orange Countians to be among those at the gala, \vhich \vi!I include a gour- n1et dinner at 8:30 p.n1. A reception in the Grand Lobby o[ the convention center \viii signal the start of the festivitJ~!s. Sponsoring the ball is the Orange County Re· publican Central Committee. in conjunction 'vith the State party, and serving as ca.chairmen are Thomas C. f<.ogers and Robert F. Deaver. Many countians already have made reserva. li ons and others a re assisting \\'ilh plans. Anyone '\'ishing 'lo purchase t ickets may call the Orange County Central Comn1ittee, 547·8006. 11 ii Covering everything from political conve n· tions lo fashions. lhc speaker is the only woman to hold the off ice of presi· dent of the Ne'v 'i'ork Chapter of the National Academy ol Television Arts and Sricnt·cs and :::he also was chairman of its awards committee. Miss Fur· ncss is the wife of Leslie 1'.lidgley, produ~er of the \Valter Cronkite Even· ing Ne,vs progran1s. 'Showboat' Schedule s Regular Stops in Fountain Valley • \'ou ng passenger s a-re invited to climb aboard ror voyages do'"'n the river of time to the days of !luck Finn and Tom Sav.·yer, or book ahead for space passages when the f·o untain Val!ey Library's "showboat" is in town. Ad ven~u re waits !or all area youngsters J..to-5-year~ld during the weekly story hour each Thursday be- t,veen 10 and 11 a.m . in the library. J oseph and Paul TO\vnsend <left to right) are enchanted by Mi ss Virginia Kennedy, children's Librarian. Waitress Tells Wives' Tip on How to Increase Allowance DEAR ANN LAr.{DER.<;: For a long t ime I have been bugged by a prob1'm that has been preying on my mind . 1 hope you can help me -as well as other hard· wnrk.ing wait resses. \Vhal ran be done about a wife v;ho t=:neaks Uie tip ofr the ta ble while her hus- band ifl paying the bill? This has hap- pened lo me more times than 1 care to think about and il makes me furious. I y.·ork hard. My base salary is low and 1 depend on tips to live. The wile who grabs my Up i.! taking S'Omrthing tha t belongs to me. T:i:n't this idealing? Any jl:\Jggestlons? -f'L AT·FOITTED FRAN• Nlf. DEAR FRANNIE: A tip I~ 11 grAlulty. Whrn 11 "'irt filchts the "·altres1' Up 1he is inlrrct'pttng a gilt. This Is , of course. a ANN LANDERS cn:immy trick and any penGD wbo would stoop to U 11 rock-bottom. The fi ve dlnln1 room b01k1sc1 wllb whom we cbedtd, _.ever, wt:n ......... ~y cf the apl>loo -..UU.1 Poold be ••kl. An •hint: of dtt srtevuce would crute embftnaumnt, •&Ir t:l• cll1nge1 -and lD the tDd, m wOl for lhe es&ablisbmrnt. DEA R ANN LANDERS: Now that we have proved It ii possible to land on the moon, a great many people are making suggest.Ions as to who ought to go there. Here is mini!: The moon would be an id!!!al place for all wives who think their husbands are lou.ry lovers, can't tell a joke rigpt, pay no attention to their kids. ICJl.lei!ze the toothpaste tube In the middle, snore a lat, are too la7.)' to throw their soc ks In !he clothes h.amper and falJ asleep in front of the. TV. How about it, Ann. Do you agree? - YUKON JAKE DEAR YUK: Sorry, the moon wouldn•t bold 'em. DEAR ANN LANDERS: We ha\'e four teenage boy5-J9, 17, 16 and·l3. They are g()(ld students. rellable arid cooperative and have never been in any lrouble. Our boys have wOf"ked since they were old enough to carry papers and mow lawns:. We taught them to· aave a par1 or every dollar. lf they wa nt extras they are allowed to buy them with their own n1oney. The boys have bought cameras, ~·t1ter' skits 11nd ~uba dlvtna: eQuipment. They also paid for their ow n lessons. Last month we bougtit a color TV and put the old blark-and-white TV up for sale. The old TV also is a stereo and radio combi nation -in excellent con- dition. Our two middle boys said they wanted to buy it on the installment plan and keep it in their room. We .sold it to them for $100. When my brother-ln·law heard we sold our old TV to the boys hi! said it was the chtapest th ing he 'd ever heard of. He called us a few unnattering names wh ich made me feel awful. My husba nd insis l!I we did the right th ing. rm not so sore now. \Vhat Is your opinion? - GRAND RAPIDS • DEAR GRANO: It seems ,tfl me that your brother-in·law Is sti cking his nose Intel places wbere U doesn't belong. If morl! kids had to earn money for el· lras there·d be fe"·er kJds lo trouble. Thal which people get for nothing bas no value. I am Impressed by lhe way you and your husband are ral1i ng your boys. I hope you r brother-in -law dots al weU . Is alcoholism a disease? How can the acoholic be treated? ls there a cure1 Read the booklet "Alcoholism -Ho-pt and itelp, ''by Ann Laoders. Enclose 3i ccn1s in coin with your request and a Jong. stamped, self-addressed enve)()pe. Ann Landers will be!: glad to help )'OU with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. en- closing a self-addressed , stamped env~ Jnpc. • --. . ... J 4 DAILY PILOT r r1day, Dttobfr 24, 1%tJ Horoscope Gemini: Be Optimistic • : I •I ,' J ,. ' ' ' '• •• t ·1 "• • Cornucopia of Bargains at Bazaar Mrs. George Perley, chainnan of Harvest Fant.asy Bazaar spon so red by \Vo-- men's Society of Christian Service, First Uni ted Methodist Church, Costa i'vlesa !'ihows young \Qesley Butterwick one of the handmade items for sale. Many new items \\'ill be offered at the preChristmas bazaar in the church fron1 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28. A buffet luncheon wi.ll be sold for 75 c~nls and family dinners will go for $2 lo adults 8!J.d $ 1 1 to Children under 12. ~USl~~l entertainment will be presented both by Gumy s Gang, a group of senior c1t1- zens, and David and flis Friends. GOP Guest Encountering Sex Education Mi ssion \'iejo Republican V.'omen's CI u b, Federated members \1·ill hear arguments against sex education when Bruce Glenn, f.lission Viejo Hi gh Schoo\ tcacliet, speaks to tMm at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct 28, in Buffy's restaurant, Laguna Hills. Glenn is chainnan of the rocial science department of the high ~chool ancl sponsors a Young Amer ica n s for Freedom group on the cam- pus. According In ~trs. Paul Ricker• spokesman for the group, he attended a con- vention for supporters of sex educatioa during the sum- mrr. Relerw'~!?f"LS and fut!her In- formation may be obtained by Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment. p rospective brides are reminded to have rt.heir \\'edding stories \vith b!ack and \Vhi tc glossy photo· g raphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the \Vedding. For engagen1ent announcements it is suggested it.hat the ~tory_, al!'o accon1panied by a black and \Vh ite glossy picture, be :;ubrnitted early. If the betrothal announce· n1ent and \VCOding da te a rc six \vecks or Jess apart, only the \\'edding photo \\"lll be ac· cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be a nswered by Social Notes stafi members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. calling ?tirs. Harvey Spencer,'----------------------' 837-2344. Art League's Agenda Told An artist known for his ac· tion--filled paintings -0f the western scene, A n to n i o Gomez. ""ill speak before Cost.a. t.fesa Art League du.ring a public meeting in Adams Elementary Sch()()], C o st a Mesa. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdar, Oct. 28. Chorus 'Sings Out' For Fountain Valley The first rehearsal for the \7oice of Fountain \'alley. a new four-part chorus, will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday. Oci. 3ll, in the city's high school. Directing the ne\\' mixed chorus ~·ill be Don.a id Sauter, music director for the Foun· tain Valley Arts Association, and all area r esidents in· Sirens Sale !crested in the chorus are in· v1ted lo attend. Saule;-, v.ho currently in- structs in Giesler School, has directed choruses in t.his and other countries. Ile has sung professionally and y,•on ay,•ards for his direct ing. TPntat11·e plans include the presentation of Ha n de I ' !<; "~lessiah'' in Dt"Cember. Ad· dilional inforn1ation 1nav be obt.11ned by c.allin g s.:iuter' 847-2389. SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 By SYDNEY Oft1ARR TEEN DATING lllNTS: Full moon tonight: Taurus Is 11poillgbted, but may have to make commitment. Aries may be co n ce rned w it h budget.--cbttk faUs that way. Romance is fealared for Capricorn, while Sctirpio co n· slders poeslblllty of permanent relalioosbip. No time for anyone to play games with emotions. FlirUng could prove more serious than imagined for Arir-s. Be forewarned. Pisces does a bit n{ moving aroond, but It's worth It, Prac· lical matters dominate for most; more showdons occur than are usual. !\1any are pugnacious. Leo may be lionized, but ulterior motives could exist Lunar phase coin· clde1 witb eccentric acts on part of mBlly. Virgo aetms to feel grass is greener somewhere else. ARIES (March 21 -ApriJ 19 ): Setlle financial affai rs. Be practical. Those who en· cou rage get·rich-quick .schemes don·t have facts, Consider valid suggestions. Let others take a flyer. Start savings account. TAURUS {April 20-May 20): Accept responsibility. U you Members Enjoy Luau Rright costumes and floral leis contributed to a festive at· mosphere when Bib N' Tuck· er or Orange County member!! gathered in Newporter Inn for a luau and dance. !\Ir. and !\trs. Edwar d v.:ronka. dance co-chairmen, arranged for music by \~'arren Barker'!': orchrstra to put t.hose otlcnding in a tropical mood. Cret>t ini:: members at lhe door \\"ere hosts and hostesses the Tlles.~r~. anrt !\1mr~~-.Joh n f\.('(>l<'r of Costa r-.lesa. Tho1nas ,Judy of Laguna Beach. (;rant !IO\\'ald of Corona del l\lar and Robert French of Laguna Beach. New members were in-- troduced and welcomed during the gathering. They included I he fl.1essrs. and Mmes. Fred Harrison of South Laguna, Joe Sv.•eany of Laguna Beach, Birkett G. \Varren of Newport Beach, Paul Bruckner of Orange and \Villiam 1-lundley of Anaheim. School Moved Sunshine Comm u TI l t y Nursery School, a parent- participation facility, now is operating at a new location. the Presbyterian Church of th£' Covenant, Costa P..fesa. The school still ha..5 a few openings. Parents \I' i l h children bet"·een 2 years, 9 nlonths and kingergarten age n1ay contact Tl!rs. A 11 e n Chirby at 546-9396 or !llr~. Ter- ry Dazey, 546·0994 for in- formation. The artist's recent works will be featured in color anrt black and v•hitc: 1n next rnooth 's i.~sue of \Vcstem magazine. He \\.·on the $1000 purcha5C a,,..·arrl in Lake San ?-.larcos in 1966 and v;as awarded second place anrl honorable mention in the Beaux Art.s Shov.·, Reno. Tl's rummage l'ia lc lime ~ • • • • • • • • aga in for TVPS Sea Siren$. who ha\'e planned their <1nnuil l • fund·raising event for tomor-• row, fronl !l a.m. to 6 p.m. <il • 2420 E. !~th St., t\t\vp:irt • Ee<H'h. • •••••••••••••• • S-T·R·E·T-C-H • Gomez, v.·ho began art gtudies with his father \\"ho ~'as a noted Mexican portrait pajnt.er, has h.:id numerous one-man shows anrl exhibits aDd is a mem~r of Fine Arl~. Lo5 Angeles and Palm Springs Art associations. The SC'a Sirens meet every \\"rdnesday at 7:30 p.m. ii1 • K1Jlybrooke Schoo!, Co~ ta • ?-.lesa. • ;==========================.I. •' ,. 1: ,• . ~~ . _,_. -i I: 1 ,, •• •t. •' HIS AND HER INITIALS Rings that are very n ow and ours alone. In 14 karat gold with diamond end black oxidized finish around initials. Choice of his or hers W it h 2 initials, $1 25. W ith 3 initials, S 135. Allow 2 WMk• for delivery. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Sine• 19 17 II FASHION ISLAN D NEWPORT BEACH-644.1310 • '• .• 1• • 1. 1. '• .. ========================~I· • o,.. M_..,., ,riday •irtll t :JO P-'"• • &SEW 1r.M.1 Knit Fabrics in Orange 724 East Katella • • • • • • • • • • •1 .,,... ___________ ....... ___ ......... : WE TEACH YOU HOW • TO SEW WITH ALL • • KNIT FABRICS • • FEE $15.00 • ,__ .................. --................................... ~· NEW CLASSES START NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th IMAGINE! Learn to make Stretch Pants in one hour, bathing suit for $5.00, even 9ird les! START SAT., NOV. lst-9-11 a.m. HRS . DAY 9·5; NITE 7·9:30 P.M. Parking in Rear -Phone: 633-2842 • • • • • • • •i •1 • • • :1 • • try to duek issues, prief' is paid. Be soli c.itous to women Cltound you. Cyc le is such that you must express yourself. Others cannot read your mind. GEMINI tl\1ay 21..June 20): You arc n1ade aware of plans which could affect your future . Realize you cannot hang on lo p~t. Look lo future--with optimisn1. Be sympathetic to one who seeks aid. CANCER (June 21 -July 22 ): Some friends 1Tiay appear morose. Key is to act on beliefs. Adhere to principles. You cannot go wrong if you proceed in this manner. Ac· cent on fulfillment of desires. l..EO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are tested. Some events may seem to be going against you. But today ob.~tacles arc valid challenges. You can earn respect of lhose in authority. \'IRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22 ): Complaints of younger persons should be taken seriously. Open commun i cat ion lines-narrow gap. Many want to hear and .see yo u • Telephone, write -show :rou are genuinely conce rned, LIBRA (Sept. 2J·Oct. 221: Avoid playing games \Vith se rious matters. 1.Ioney is in· volved. Key is to be thorough -and dedicated. Someone you respect may be dabblln g in the o cc ult . Withhold judgment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): A Libra individual may need )'our advice. aid. Gh·c it, but avoid appearing pompous . Give attention to publlc rela- tions, legal affairs. If 1narried, mate needs ch~ring. SAGITTARIUS tNov. 22· Det'. 21 ): Full moon position. conjoined V.'ith Saturn. accents awareness fo r you or health, \Vork, basic chores. Slick to \\'hat you know. Avoid talking abcul what you thin k you know. CAPRICORN IDec. 22·Jan. 19): Don't creale issue when~ none emts. You may not feel elaled by events. Bu t slowdoy,·n is tenlporary. Kno\v this: r espond accordingly. Not so good for speculating. Be conservative. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. l8J: Home, property, basic possessions r equlre y o u r personal attention. If possible , .stick close le> home base. Some remodeling would prove beneficial. PISCES (Feb. 19-?ltarch 201 : Obtain hint from Aquarius message. Avoid unnecessary journeys. Someone may need you al home. ?-.1essages receiv· ed require your attention. Follow through. Don't delay in respoading. A New King Reign s \Vearing the cro\l.'n of "l\ing 13oss" is .lan1es L. Ru· tiel Jr., chosen Boss·o!-thc-year by Lhc Orange Coun· ty Harbor Area Legal Secretaries :\ssociation . With him l s his i;ccretary, ~l rs . Barbara Willia1ns. \Vho nominated him. Rube! \vas cro\vned during festivi· ties in the Costa !viesa Gol! and Country Club. GARDENIAS in BLOOM Md BUD Indoor or Outdoor 3" Pot~ ONLY larqe 9UGtts Req. 69c ONLY TAMS INDOOR or Qts. OUTDOOR Rtq. 1.19 IVY 39« GREEN PFITZER JUNIPER Reg . 1.7999« HOLLYWOOD JUNIPER ""'· 99c: TWISTED 1.98 REDWOOD BASKETS ~i; 1.19 BONSAI POnERY WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE IN STOCK WAX LEAF PRIVET R"I· 1.79 99« Sun Azaleas ""'· i.89 99« Ge t rid of .11 OICHRONDA LAWN WEED~ with SUPER WEEDILrzER $2.00 OFF! The Be1t by Ban dini! ORTHO Special of The Month , .. Get • Bcnut cf • 3.98 SPRAYER FREE with purchase cf ISOTOX 5.91. Do you ha¥e Snoll and Sluq prcbl~l? Ule lest PELLETS, 20·1b., req. 2.,8 1.79 KAREN GASKIN Will Marry December Date Told The engagement of Karen Lorraine Gaskin and Michael L. ?11oro has been announced by t.1rs. Alice Gaskin of Hun· tington Beach, molher of the Goal Set For Drive Signing up 2.000 n a w membtrs is the aoaJ ol B"na1 B'rlth Women throughout the Y1'estem states who a r 1: participating in a 12-day mem- bershi p campaign. Ask and Add is t/1e theme of the emphasis, which is beinR supported by Los Angeles and Orange County chapter~. From Monday. Oct. 27, through Friday, Nov. 7. !hr. chapters will plan individual events designed to attract ne w n1embers. The women annuall y par1icipate in irojrcts in· eluding the provision of need.~ and ente rt ainment for hosp italized veteran.~. volun teer work in un· derprivileged areas a n rl assistance to various \\'elfare organizations. They also sponsor such prr>- grams as Operation Stor~ . Dolls for Democracy and toy lending libraries. Clean Marble bride-elect. 'fo clean marble, mi:t soll Miss Gaskin is a graduate of soap and \\.'hiting to a thin Huntington Beach High School. paste and apply l'ith a liOft Her fiance, son of Mr. and brush . ?llrs. Adain f\loro of Hun-l..et stand until dry and wash off v.·ith lukewann suds. tinglon Beach. is a graduate oil;;; _________ ;;; Coronado High S c h o o I , Scottsdale, Ariz., and attended Golden West College. He now is serving in the Navy. The couple plan to be mar· r ied in the First Christian Church in December. UNITED NATIONS ASSOc;IATION GIFT SHOP lmpotl•d Gifti-Unicef C1rd1 2204 N. M1in, S1nl• An• Mond 1y thr u S1tu1d1y-t 1·4 Lose 10 lbs. in 10 Days ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET If it i1 followed •~•clly. th• 1wfr191 0•1rw1i9h l p111on 1hou!d lo•• I 0 pou"d1 ill I 0 dey•. Thi 1 n1w d iet p!1 11 l•h you 1!uff your1tlf wilh food1 1~•+ w•r• forbidd1n. Such 11 big 1!11k1 h im m•d of f1!, 1ovth11n fri.d c~ick1n rich fi r1vi11 m1yonn•i1., lcb1le11 1Wimmin9 i11 but11r, becon, '11u1e9•• 1nd ,1cr~mbl1d •991. You c1n ••t until you ••• full, u11!il you ctn11ol po11ibl-1 eel •"'I mor e .. A cop-1 of thi1 ne.w and 1lertlin9 1ucceulul diet pl•n Cllll b. obt1ined by 1endin9 $1 .00 lo Gr1p1fruit Oi1t, l e:. 61 2t. L11· wood, Ken••• 662011. Introducing Ben Stiles • NOW AT AWARD WINNING ST YLIST Win!Mr of I HoiM1tylint C:o111p1title111 Appeorod lit W"ter1t leout1 Trend.. M11tuino .Jlai1• WJt Beaul'J Salon Jl05 Newport leulnard (ocrou from City Holl) 67l-411' * PREE PAll:klNG-* EYI. Al'POINTMINTS GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA 646-3925 PATIO SHOP GAS LOG SALE! COME IN AND SE!: THEM NOW. DISPLAYED BURN ING IN OUR PATIO SHOP ! PET SHOP Come in •nd Listen to Our NEW SUPPLY of SINGING CANARIES in our Pet Shop! Do yolJ have spoti on your .CA~PETS er CHAIRS . Use our specie! SPOT SHOT Carpet and Stain Remover ... ONLY This Really Works! DOG COATS ••• SPECIAL PRICES During Our Winter Sale ••• DurinCJ Our Winter Sale • • . GoinCJ at 1 -Price GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA 646-3925 Ask Ann Landers • • •1 r• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fl'lll .................................................................................. ~ I I I I . I ' I 1, ! \ I -. --. --------·------~, ~-~~-~-~-~-----.... ..---------~-------.--... ----------------,, ) Fountain Valley Today's Final N.Y. Stoeka VO[ 62, NO. 255, ~ SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO~NIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 , 1969 TEN CENTS Aide Embezzler? County Official Held iii $5,000 Theft DAl\.Y I'll.OT Sl•ll 1'"91• Who Will Wear Crown? One o f these fi ve :-enior~ \\!ill be cro,vned }funting. ton Beach ~l i gh Schoo l llomcco1ning Queen durin~ ceremonies al halftime oi Oiler football contest Saturday night against Sant.a t\na Saints. From lefl are Kerry Barrett. Diane J\1artinez, Laura Catlin, Janet Schaefer and Sheryl Crofl. Valley Fireni en Ready for Big flallou;een Party The suCl'lllen! odor of barbecue beef - J ,000 pounds o! 1L -is ri!rrady drifltni;: ove!" F'ount:tin \1alley ;is !irc1nen pr epare for Saturdoiy's city-11•ltJe ll a 11 o "'" e c n Cf"lf:br alio n. The Pn!ire fire depart1ncnl -inclcdin~ chief Harold Law son -is pitching in for 1he. big barbel·uc, highlight of Saturday'.~ pl anned events. Chief chef. ho1~·cver, LS fireman Don Kai~rr. 'The barbecue wil l bf' ser1 cd al 2 p.m , hrliind Fountain \'alley High School. \~'cdnesdav. firf'n1rn dug the huge pll, five feel deep, JO feel acruss and 25 feel long. Ingredients for Lhe barbe~ue menu read 1ike an arrny mess hall dinner, Besides the 1.000 pounds ol beef -already on the pil because it takes 20 hours to cook - there are 300 pounds of cabb age . 500 gallons of oarnge drink .and .1,000 rolls. , Other extras include: 200 pounds n[ r.ugar, 100 gallons of pork ;ind hcans, 30 gallons of n1ayonnaise, 300 poonds of onions, JOO pound s of rarrots. 30 pounds o{ butter patties and 20 pounds each of salt and pcp[X'r. The pr ice of food al the barbecue - stretching from 2 p.m lo 7 ~.m. -1<; $1.50 for adults. 75 cents fnr children and tiny tots under hve are free,. , Surrounding Ille barbcru.e site on f-oun - !aln Valley High School will be nearly 40 game and f<>O(l boo~lis plus freque1.1L cnterlainmcnL Preceding the barbecue 1s ;i fuJl.fledgcd Halloween par;ide starung fr om f ullnn School al 10.30 a.m. and 1o1•inding it s v.•ay tn the high school. After 11;e parailr, fir1:mcn 1\·111 select a ''Litlle l\1 1ss and L1ille !\la ster Barbecue" to serve as ofltc1<1l <:hc[s. The day's activitit-s arr co-sponsored by 1he <'ily ;ind the ch:11nbcr of com· merce. State and City Partnersl1i1> Eyed On Environn1cnt Charles A. O'Brien . ch1cr rlrputy state attorney grncral. ilnnouncf'cl plans ~hurs· day nighl in Santa Ana f?r a . ::;rr1es of regional conferences in Cal1forn111 to forn1 11 "local-sta te partnership in lhe pro- tec lion of our env1ronn1cnl." Lit1l<lette1· U1·ges Beatles Debate Nixo11 Ove1· D1·i1gs ';AN FRANCISCO lli PI ) -Televi~inn per.~onal1ty Arl Linkletter 1oday sug- ge:ted that the only type of television program that \.\'Ou ld carry the drug message to the young \\'ould be a debate betwe-.:n the Beatles and President Nixon. Link1ctle r, calling 1hc Beatles ··the leadin r, advocates of an acitJ socie1y,'' 111>ide his suggestion in ans1\'Cr lo a question by a me1nber of the House ::;elect con1111ittec on crime before 1o1·h1ch he \1·11s te~tify;ng on dru,ll abuse. L;nldetter's daughter Diane. 2 n . recenUy plunged to death y,•hi!e under the Influence of LSD. Rep, Robert V. Denney of Nebraska asked Lin klrtter 1r a simullaneou~ telecast on three net"'Orks reaturing dn.ii: experts and lcl'n-agcrs \'IOul d be a good y,·2y l{! bridge the generation gap and po;nt nut drug dangers lo the young .. "Thal would gl'L the parents." Link lt!- lr r replied. "Hut the only !hing that 1rould get thr kids 11·ould be a debate bct1 .. ecr. !he Beatles and President Ni:.:· on." Dads' Nigl1t Set At Marina High father and Son N1ght 11·111 be lhP. h1ghlighl of tonight's footba!l ganH! hetv.·cen ~1arina and Ne1vport High Schools at \\'estminster llii;:h Schoo! field. Each ~1arina player will mrrt hi~ falher at !he 50-yard line during io- !rod uctions before the ga1ne. fathers 11·111 11•ear jer~eys wearing the same number a~ !heir sons. Tlie c1'e11l 1s SJXlnSQreQ by the r.!arin a J l1gh Booster Club which will ~h0\'1 f i!n1~ of 1he game ~1ondav at 7 :10 p.m. ln the teachers' cafeteria at the schooL lla111iltou Street Gets 40 i\IPll Specfl Li111it A 40 mph speed limit has been placed on Hamilton Street from Nev.•land ~tree\ lo the ~aslern city !imitJ an(I on Nev.·land from India napolis Street to Pacific Coast High...,•ay, by the Huntington Beach City Council. The new spttd limits will lake eUcct No1·. 19. L1okletter said he would prepare a fi lm v.'ilh a Universily of California 111e<lict.l school grant to bring drug knov.·lrdge lo educators. He recommended lhal such a film be made compulsory for every teache[ in Arnerica, saying tha t the Jack of l.n0wlcdgC' on the p;irt of teachers. deans n11J :1d111inistrators was ··shoc king and l10rrif) ing " !Ir al.~o suE:gested a compulsory educa· !1f11oi1I proE:ram on drugs to be started in all schools at the fQ11rth to fif th grade level and continued lbrOUi:h hi gh IChool. Zodiac Mystery· Can't Be Solved B y Dick Trac y SACH.A1\lE:-.ITO (UPI) -State £"rime sleulhs today f'Olrled up !heir comic page~ <1nd gave up hope of li ndin,ll' ('\ues to the riddle nf San Francisco's zodiac ktlcr in the D1t k Tracy Cilrtoon s e r 1 e s. (Hclal rd story, Page 8l. Agents of the st ale bureau of <:rln1inal id entification and investigation began checking ll\O n1onths worth of Tracy 1·omics on !he lheory thty n1ighl find i:on1r p:ir:illc.~ hrlwern the San Francisco 1.'illcr of fi ve prrw ns and lhc '·Scorpio" lrader of the "Zod1nc Gang" be ing hunted do\1·n by Tracy. .. \Ve gal'c the v.'IJolc thing up," F,a rl Bauer. senio r analy~t In the crime laboratorv. ~aid todav ''\\'t• rlidn 't finrl cinyth1ng 0 lhat tied 1i u·p· at all. \\'e gave_ it up " Uauer s:ud h1i; bu reJu hcg;in the check v. hen an nfficr Dick Tracy Ian suggested a link m1i:ht hr possible " "They're J11s1 1n twn diflerent worlds," Baurr sa id of the real and fict1tiou,~ zodiac.~. He s<11d \hr killer bt!i;an u~ing the 7.odiac s~·n1bol betorc 1l appeared In the com ic !>\rip Aug. 17. Baurr said he decided to chrck out the Dick Tracy series because, "if you have a book. }'OU don't know what's inside until you ope n it up and lake a look.'' San Francisco poli~ al!lo discounted the possibility of lhe two being connected. Charges of grand theft were filed today against a f.tissJon Viejo man aceused of en1bezzling an es timated $5,000 from the Orange County Clerk's office. Rlchard \V. Burke. 27, of 26372 Papa!!ayo Dr ive, is held in Orange Coun- ty ja:l pending selling of a court hearing. 111 is accused of embezzlinf? funds ad- 111in1 ~tl're.d by the counly clerk"s fina nce division in the county courthollse over a lwcryear period. Cniel Deputy District Attorney Jame' Meadowlark :4irp<Jrt Lease OK'd ~1eadO\Ylark Airport in lluntington fi •·aeh, the targel of many a battle over the last several years, is here to stay- for <11\·hile anyway. Johr; Turner, airport operator said t°" d:ly that he had rene\ved his lease for the 40 acres the small flying facility ocCupies for another fi1·e years. Owners of the l a~d arc the Nerio fa1nily. Turne1 said tal k of a me.lroporl, as en- vi<;ioneci in the Pereira f.1aster Plan of Ai r Tran~portal ion <Jf Orange County, has tJ1 ed out. "\Ve are a sn1all field operating for the benefit of private flyers and that is what '1'e v.·i\1 continue 10 be as far as 1 can 5Ce," Turqar said. The airport has be.en under firt in re- c.:er.l year' lram the ever growina: nt!mber of resjdenl1 in nearby sub- di·."isions. J•1 1966, Turner appealed to the city lo lak<:: over the facili ty, an action \fhich < rea\ed a mighty furor. ·r!'oc city dropped the idta after tlctermi ning that the operation \'"ou\d be a :osin& proposition . A.bout !20 planes use the field now, Turner said. "We have no air patl€m problems v.'it h planes from Long Beach Municipal Airport or Los Alami~os ~.aval Air Station," lhe operator said. Our plane~ fly under their patterns .'' ;\feadowlark is one of two ~ma!\ a.rpo r!s remaining in Orange County ~o :-erve the private flyer. The othe[ 1s Capistrano Alrport. Tumer said there are no plan3 to ex- pand the airport. ··ou~ only trouble today is \1•i!h real e~!atr. men . "Turner said. "They tell pco· pie Lh" ilirport is going to be shut down \1hen s£!!ing homes in lhe. area." l(icking Wiin1ers Compete Again \Vlnne rs 1n the Huntington Beach Punt. rass and Kick con1pctilion will enter 'ln ne compcliti-:11 Saturday al Orange lligh School. Taking top honors in la st Saturday's ci· ty championships were, by age groups, Mike Hale, 8; Steve Curran, 9; Bob \lerson. 10: Paul Fnichamp, II ; Rich Clapp, 12, and Dan McPherson, 13. The. contest was sponsored by the Hun· lington Beach Recreation and Parks Department and the Wilson Ford Co. O'Brien explained the pl;in ;it a dinner mt>eting of the Orange Cou nty League of (;alifornia Cit ies. He said Atty. Gen. Thomas C L~nch "'ill be hosL at thr conference. ctcsigncd "lo further regional coordiniltion of legal C'ffort& in !his critical en\'ironmenta l area, coordination 1vilh private groups i.nd public agencies." Escapee Flees Gunfire Through the confCT"ences. he sairl, the attornf'y general's office cou ld share itt ~xpertise with local agencies and help loca l dis!rkt al!ornr.ys amt county counsels to act in the field of en. \•iro~enl . ''Our primary relalron::;hir ...,.ith the \•arious cities ha s been 111 rhc :irea of crime prevention and control,'' O'Brien safd. "This second area of Pnforcemenl is really ai med al the \'cry quality of our lives, invo lving such questions as the purity of our v.·ater anci air. the safety or our food and the right lo recreaUonal :ireas." SloC'k 1Harketa NE W YOR I\ (AP) -Tut-stock market pu shed steadily up...,·ard arx:I was on finn ;:ind higher ftoond in active .trading late U1is alternoon, (See quotation~, Page1 JO-I !), Adv1nttii; con11nued In Qlllnumbcr de· r1lnt'!ir Amon~ indi\·1dt1~1 1i:sues lraded (In the NPw York Stf){'k F.~chansc And V<ere i t a rati(l or 811 lo 'Ii[, • Suspect Ducks Mesa Court, Cauglit Larer By ARTHUR R. VfNSEL 01 tM D1ll'I 1'1191 11111 A Newport Beach burglary suspcrl gambled for his freedom Thursday. d:1st11ng from Harbor Oi~trict Judicial Cou; I. Costa f.lesa. ro a wailing gelav.·ay c:'lr as deputy marshals blazed away "'ilh revolvers. The defendant fled in a vehicle which hod been parked nearly one hour on N•·wport Boulevard, buL was captured ea rly today, !it ve ral hour• after his alleg· ed. accomplice was also pi cked up. John D .• F..aulkner, 28, ls h.eld at Ors.nae. Cooml,Y 'Jail )iendfil'g 51ing of ft'!>J.Y W ape chltgts is• a rtsult of' his I f11rt1.' flight from the downtown area marshal '~ olflcl!. Daniel T. Rogers. 23, or 15082 Purdy St., Westm inster, was booked into lhe county jail on a charge of rescuing an l!'SC3pee. picked up about 8.30 p.m. Thursday l!ll his home. Orange County Sheriff's depu ties said Faulkner wa~ captured about 2 ~.rn. in a G<i rden Grove alley b£tween Lampson , ·"venue and Twin Tree Lane , near his estrar.ged wife's homl'. Investigator Dale CE1tri1on said com- plaints charging Faulkner and Rogers \\'Wid be sought later today, with ar· raignmenl scheduled in the same court f.londay. TI1c escape by Faulkner, who fled the marshal '1 office while bei ng allowed io make·a-telephone. call, preceded another from Costa J\.fesa. City J ail by leM than one hou r. 'the Costa Mesa prisoner, assigned to 'l7 d&)'li' ,du~y , as a trusty, v.·a~ ca~ht :;hQ(tty ·•(!' 4 p.m., when an ofhet:r Wcaile.~ · ~ from y,·ork spotted him hitcr.-hiking. i\utt.orities said Fm1lkllf'r had been bl"fore Judge Donald Dungan Io r preliminary hearing on•a Newport Beach burglary charge end was ordered sent up to ~uperior Court. so he askld to make-a call. Judre Dungan Agreed a"4.• F.aulkner v. ;.s tnkrn to lhe marsfu,l 's office in the cld, O\'r.rcrowded court facility by Deputies Al Eichler and John Mid· d!ebrook to make the call. Suddenly, however, he dashed from the aUja cent open door towa rd Newport Roul e\'ard and Eichler fired one shot from hit. .38 service revo/er when lha defendant ignored shouted commands to halt Deputy r.tiddlebrook dashed out aflrr Faulkner and fired t\\'O mOl'e shots, alltl'lorilies s:aid , but all missed the escapee and no one el.!ic wa s injured. Eichler"'s·61Ug lodg~ in the rear door of V i kkl'.~,·a tavern at 1791',~ Newport Blvd., while M1dtJlebrook's two sho\.s hlt a park· rd carpet company van . Deputy Eichler flagged down Costa 'f.Tesa Police Officer David }fayes after Y.'alchiDg flaulk ner jump into a beige compact car which Ifft the seen~ with the escapee at the wheel , but It was.&oo late. A. wltne" sard he Saw a yaunger. bt11hy·'ha.lntd man u.t y,·alting In the car for about 4 minnl ell berore tht brltny (Set GETAWAY, h•e !) \ J G. Enright tod ay stated thal Burke sur· rendered to sherllf's officers Thursday after n '200 banking discrepancy was allegedly spotted by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. 'He obviou!ly panicked ," Enright charged. "Spol checks run by the county audi tor prior lo this had revealed no drfi· rienri.:s but the Grand Jury discovery ob· viously unner\•ed him and he surrendered \he nex t day .. " Enrigbt said the delicencies occurred Meeti119 T1resday lhrough Burke's daily banking of funds re<:F!ived in the county clerk 's office. Burke allegedly withheld an estimated ~200 to $300 on several occasions in a rna nner that has apparently eluded coun· ly au1l itors Burke's im rnediate supervisor. C. M. fl lcrrifield, tod,1y refused 1o con1ment on !he arrest of his assistant. County Clerk \\'illiam E. St John could not be reached for comment. Top of the Pier Plans A waited Fin;.! p\aru are being co1npleled today for what ci!y officials describes as "one of the most Important meetlngi; in the re· cent history of Huntingtpn Beach." The session will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Huntington Beach High School. T1lt' subject: the much-heralded "Top of the Pier Plan'' for downtown redevelopment. To be outlined is th e plan of the Urban Lanrl Institule Citizens Steering Com- mi·t';!~ ICSC) to convert the equivalent of sevl'u downtown blocks on the north side of Pacific Coast llighway inlo·a ma.ssive J,IO(k:ar pirking complc1. The proposal has' be'en eicp\alntd by QiC members to director• of the ctimber of Commerce, tl'le Plannina Comm1ss1on and a meeting of downtown bus inessme n and property owners. "\\,.e are pleased \Yilh !he almost com· plctc acceptance of the proposal." said t.-lonle Nitzkowski, chairman of the CSC. ''It 's now up to the city councilmen, v.·ho as the conirnuni ty's park ing aulhori· ly. must approve the project." the l'ha1rman cont1n11rd. ln\'olverl is the cle<ir111~ or fl\'r ci ty blocks between !ith and Lake Streets plu:'\'. ahout five acres of property east of Lake inla nd lo Atlan1a Avenue owned by lhe l luntington Beach Co . As outlined by the CSC the proJec1 will Involve buying the land al appraised prices, clearing existing buildings and construction of the LSOO.space parkinJ complex. Goldwater Raps Scott On Cease-fire P1·oposal \VASHfNGTON <AP) -Sen. Barry Goldwatrr has acidly criticized !ht Viet· narn cea~e·fire proposal of Sen. Jfugh Scolt, adding the RepubJican leader docs not necessarily speak for his GOP col· leagues. It was the first fiicktr of conservati ve Repub!!can re!tiveness since Scott, a se:lf· described progressive, became GOP leader last monlh. Goldw ater noted Scotl had 11aid he wa!'I no! in the habit of clearing his ideas in advance with the \\'hitc House. "I think it would be helpful if he wnulrl also state th at he is nol in the habJt of <'learing such 5talements v.·ith all members or h!x O\\'TI political parry in the Senate," Goldwater saltJ. In advancing the plan for a unilateral U.S. cease·fire, to remain effccti\•e unless the Communists violate il, Scott said he was offering a personal hope, "I for one wish to make ii very plain that While I recognize the senator from Pennsylvania has been duly selected minority leader of my party, t do not accept hill personal recommendations on ;iny and all subjects," Goldwater told the Senate. Goldwa ter said unilateral action will merely convince Lhe Communist& we are afraid of them. Scott, in Sharon, Pa.. renewed lhe cease.fire call Thursday night. ''I hope that a cease-fire will be an-- nounced just 11 soon as it can be 5afely Damages Sought In Girl's lnjm·y Da,mages of '250,000 are bein8 aaked by lhe parents of 1 lf.year-0ld HunUngt on Beach girl who w11 injured In a fall at the San Die.go Zoo. Named as dtfendanl! in a ~u~ fi~ by f..fr. and Mrs. Willism Romt1, 9301 ~lolokal Drive, on behalf or · their daughter , Prances Ruth, · are the Zoolog ical Soci,ty of San Diego, the city of·San Diego and the city of Huntington b'coch. The Superior Court romplalnt alleges that .nearllgence. by the: (lefend•rrt• led to the girl's fa ll la~t May 20 down a con· crete stairway. She was one' of .1 party t'lf zoo visit9" und~ spon~!'lhip of the Ci ty of Hlintngtt'ln Beach's recreation and flm'ks department at the time nt tht ac- cid~nt . I arranged," he sairl. That speech v.·as the latest in a series nf almos~ nightly appearances at flepublican funcl raising ci in ner~ in Pennsylva nia whcrt' Scolt will l'ieek' re· election ncxl year. Scott won re·eleclion in 1964 despite the crushing defeat of Goldwater. who was !he Republican presidential nominee. He has a rl"cord of a!lracLln g Democ ratic and independent voters. 'f rash Disposal Day Sa turday I Re.~iden1s of \Vcstn11nster can haul !heir bulky tra!ih, junk or debris to two locritions Saturrlay for free disposal. Community trash di~posal day will start at 8·30 a.m. allCI slop at 3 p.m. Items may be taken lo lhe \Vcstminster Shopping Center. behind the Food Giant mark et. Wes!min~ler /\venue and Golden West Street or the Balsa Shopping Cen· ter, behind the Alpha Beta market, Bolsa Avenue and Magnolia Street. All articles loo he;i vy or bulky for normal trash disposal-except for auto bodles-will be acce ptrd. The cleanup drive is sponsorPd by the Civic Beaul1- ficalinn Committee. Orange Coast Weather Gloudy conditions continue to cloa: the coasl with the weekend fore- cast offering only partly sunny afternoons and liU lc change in temperature. INSIDE TODAY The Nitty Gritt11 Dirt Ba1td and Orange Col(nty'a own Sin~ shine Company are among the at.tractions. at Sitvtrarto Da111, in: Buena· Park th.is uitekmd. Qc• I.nils in today's \Veeke11der sec· lion. •t l tlflt H C•lltlrflll ' Cll,1111.. J1.44 c1 ... 1u .M ("""'-' ti l>o:•IR NtflC•• t Dl..-rcH U e ..... UI ,._ I e11t1"•l-I 11·'' 'I-• 1 .. 11 14«9-c... 14 .. ,... l.Mffrt l) M1llbl• I Mlrrl•t • l lt111"' 11 Mlvltt ~,, 11'1111¥111 """"' 11 Hllllolll Nr.t "I Oretto C..11tJ t 11 .. 11wn11h 1J.M '""" ''"" 1'9U MMtth 11·11 TtlWlt"'°' • TllNfWt 1'-M ''""'"' t Wfflol '"°"' "' ·-··,..... 1).11 w .... ..., ,, • ., -.. -. ~-. ·--·-------· .. -..... -... -·---------------------------~~~"'!'.,."!" ... ~-""0:0 ..... !ll! ................ _____________________ _ ---. ~· ' 2 DAILY PILOT H Cuts Ba:ards County Airport Now Using ILS I I ... ,.. ,, r i . ' .... "'1 ... 1 , i .. A "'-•< 0•"1 Y 1'1101 S!ttt l'llltto POINTING -This exotic-look· 1ng arro\v 1s pa rt of "localizer " 111 n e \V infltrun1ent Jandin~ .sys tem a t Oran,gc Counly Air- port. Localizer tells approach· 1n g p ilot if he is in line \Viti1 renter of run\\·ay. United Nations Week Noted By McDonnell i;nitcd Nati(lns \\'er\: is bcin~ observ~ !hts v:eck by ~1cDonnell Doug I a s Corporation prrsonnel 1n Huntington Beach an1I ;ill nlhrr company lacilitics lh.roughout I.he nillion. Flags of all UN mcn1ber nations were displayed in company caretcrias, "A'hich f'l'r\'ed dishes I.hat arc t.radiltonal ln lhe \';irious 1·N n<1lions. The corporation ·s nbSt>n:anr r of UN \\'rek rl ;ites back to 1!158 \\'hen the \!i'OonnPll Aircrart Corporill ion became lh" fir.~t organization ln the worlrl lo 1-rlf'b r;ilr the. found ing of the CN v:ith a pa1rl hnl1rlay. Th" \..i'N h:ilida v \1·as 1·hangcd 1hli:; year I<\ ,luly 21, the Natklnal D;iy of rt1rt1rlpation proclaimed by PresidPnt n1cha rd J\1. Nixon 10 tribute to the Apollo 11 1noon landing. Glenn Consid ering f\"EW CONCORD. Ohio IUPI) r·ormer a stronaut John Glenn. first Americ-an to orbit thc f'ilr1h. i;aid loday U.S. Sen. ~tephen Young's rrlirement an· r nunCf'mrnl would br a major fa ctor 1n 11·hether he "·ou!d run for the Senate ~eBl. By TO~I 84RL.EY Of 1'11• 0 1111 l'lltl Ul!I An instrument landing system that is guaranteed by its makers to cut visibility and. approach bawds by al least 50 per· cent went into operation Thursday at Orange County Airport. Federal Aviation Administration of· ficials, a teain of e:tperts from Cutler- llammcr's AIL division -makers of the sophisticated device -aod airport ditet" tor Robert Brtsnah<1n ran the ILS sys!;m Ulrough the last of a ser ies of ex- haustive tesu before f i n a 11 .y im- ple1nenting tl1e $110,000 fl ight control in· novation. The airport project -the first of I ID orders tol.al!ng $7 million to be completed by AIL. -wiU be paid for by the federal government. Bresnahan hailed the !LS system as "something that "'e have waited and longed for over a long peri od of time. 1"his ILS innovation is going to have an immediate and dramatic effect on nur airport traffic, particularly our com· mercial flights." Air West and Air Calirornia will be th~ major beneficiaries of the newly inslalled system. Bresnahan said. The combined airlines had a total of 40 flights diverted because of "'Cather conditions last year, "a total that "'ill be cut back con· sider ably under this new system," he ad- ded. Eventually implementing the new !LS, Bresnahan 6aid, ~;n be a new Strles of lighl$ al "ital approach areas, particular· ly the south end of the airporl. And the 1;mnhasis on lighting \\'ill be s"•itched In Ille· point of touchdo"'" rather than its present concentration of light at the pre· touch do1vn area, he said. l!1trcxluction of U1e I~~ system '~'ill mean good news for Uie anti-noise grou ps in the airport area, Bresnahan said. "'It \\•ill mean I.hat aircraft approaching from the Dover Shores area will now come in at an altitude of 7oo-800 feet rather than the 400 feet to 500 feet level used in pre· ILS days," ht said. ''l!'s impossible to measure what the actual noise reduction wiU be at this time," the director said, "other than to assure you that it will be a con!iclerable reduction." FAA and AIL officials described the lLS system as "the creation of an in· Yiiiible highv•ay dov.'n which the aircraft descends at an easy glide angle to the runway." Pilol!I get both horizontal and \'ertical guidance as they approach the runway from fL5 transm i t t ~rs wh)(b simultaneously emit three kinds (If very high frequency r adio beams. , Signals from one portion or the 1fl:. the localizer, guide the pilot directly towards !he n1nway, Anothrr unit, the glide i;lope, prol'ides the corrl'cl angle nf rlescfnt \\hllc rarlin "rnarkcr" si gn11ls tell the pil"l ho1v clo~e he is to lhe run"A'ay. AIL of/icialii predict thflt their l LS system '"'ith FAA cooperation and en· rourag~ment, 1vill provide a nation1vide nt't11 ork of landing and navigation aids designed to improve avialion r egularity and safety in bad weather. "It has passed e\'ery test -and they ha1·e bten, belie\'e me, stringent U:sts - 11it ~ flying colors," an AI L engineer com· 1n"nted. "All organizations invol \•ed ha\•e cndrir:;.ed our Orange County airport ~vstcm and ..... , koow I.hilt the airport 1!sers who ha\'e ~n intrcxluced lo the plan are just delighted v.·ith it." Czecl1 Reds Expel Zatopel{ F1·0111 Pa1·ty; T1·ial Next? PRAGt:E /Arl -Emil Zalopt.k, the former Olyinpic ~o1rl 1ne<lal ru nner, has been ex pelle<I fr om the CzechosJ01·ak Communist party anrl ha rdliners today DAILY PILOT 'ob1rl N. Weed rru·~tl'>I ~"" P~bllU\Cr J •ck I!. Cud ty Vkl P/U •otnl 1no C.ent••f Ml'lltfr The,,.•• r,,,v;J i:.o ·~• T ~omt • A. )~ur l)~;.,. l~•~111r1 £d.1er Alhotl W. a.1o1 "l >Otll!o !dhor Hw111l"tl•11 h•th Offlu .309 Stll Strt•I Meil;n9 Add ren: P.O. le• 7!0, !26~1 OtlMr Ofrltn ti1 .. M1•t l'e•c" llll W'll !l•l!l'"e 1ov1101rl (<"• N"O" ll~ Wi\I B •~ ~'"'' Leg~111 &t•fll; 211 ~orn1 "~'""e DJ.IL" Pll0f, .. ,,., "'"1<11 11 <C"'?.lft•O !•e ~-Prn•, 1> "'•bh1noo o•••• t•t,•• s~~ •llY In "l>••llt t0<1-• IOI' liuMrriO!M ae•d" f'-•••n V•llf~. C°''' Mru . P<lt- r>Ol'I l~Hll •"" L•G"1"• le•tll. •I-"''tit 1 ... 1 ''9'°"'' •d•'"''I o"~'Jf Coo• r u&""'· "'" Cornpon~ "''"' nt ,,,.,,1, ••• "' T.lll w .. 1 !lo•fOI Ill>!! "'"'i""'I l'•O<ll, •nO J)t Y.'f \I I'll¥ SI"•'• tc1l1 '·"'' f elt ph1M 171 41 •41"'4121 fr•• w -.1,.,l11tN11 C1ll 140-1111 C1Mtlf111 U nn1,111t •42-1671 ("'V"l~I, l,.t, 0''""' (.ftoll l'~bl!•llll'tl (_°"'"'"' liO '\tWI 1 111 1••· •llli11t t...,._ •lllOloOI ..,111•1 ot odV.,l V"'fnh N-tolll <nor !If !•ll'fldU(" •11~~1 IO(l •"l Pl'mlU• cl <~""'~' e.,,,.,, ~oc,~n t••it ro1··~· P• ~ •• "' "'""" 9, ... 111 arll Cr1'o M•1,, C ••··~·· • · ••·••"<~ t.r ..... ~. u Oii ''''"lti''I'' ~·· ..,~.I' '0 ..-111111 r'"•l olo•., ~!lh~alo&nl, 11!·0 ... '"Y. t .!'terned 111 be: pr~paring U1 ~ ground for putUng him on trial for treason. Expulsion from the party had bttn \ridrly f'Xp('c1ed following frequent at- lacks on the 47-ycar-old ex-colonel or the Czechoslovak army whG had given vociferous llupport to last year's libtral- ltalion moven1ent under Alexander Dubcek. ri.tore surprising s nd ~rioUll were the charges le\·eled againsl Zatopek by Jiri }leek.'.!, 8 member of the army's pol itical administration, in diM:loslng Za topek '! ouster in Rude Pra\ o, the Communist party newspaper. Ht'!cko wrote that Z1topek had com· milted "a number of acl~ at ''ariance not lln!y l\'ith lhe duties oi a Communist but ;il so v>ith the law and the statutes of our litate.·• Specifically, llecko ·wrott:. Zatopck ''betrayed a number of internal me1surt~ of the Czectmlovak army contained in secret documents of the l\iinii;t.ry of t\a. Ilona! Defense." · "E\'ery youn11 lieutenanl knows how to deal "A'fth secret documents," Hecko obstr\'ed. "It v;nuld not seem asking loo much if one demands the same from a colonel with more thin 20 years of service." Par1y and anny aulhorllies. he ~aid, al.so had found out that Zatopek had been 11ystem1tic:ally vlolatlng rtgula· lions .. on army rontact 1,1•1t h foreigner!. Zatopek was expelled from the party, Hec:ko added. because '"he a\loy;·ed himself to be_ misused by the right-wing forces and con!isltnUy obstructed ... the peaceful development of the society.·• Zat.opek wa.i; btlleved so1newhere in northcm Czcch(Jslovakla and no t aval!able for comn1ent. Escapes Flanaing Death \·Vil!iam C. Leonard. 20, of Bost on. his face cut and bleeding, \\•atches his car go up in names after hit- ting a utility pole in Quincy, !Yi as5. I njuries, exc ept to his pride, were minor. 1:ro11a. 1•119e 1 GETAWAY ... successful escape by Faulkner. lnvesligators said today that Faulkner has apparently never cared for the idea of in carceration and t.hat he "·as arrest- f'd one "'t:t'k ago today in the same car belie\'Cd used Thursday. Faulkner \1·as pulled over at il'laC'Ar- U111r BouleVard and the San Diego Frec- "·ay not long af1er a Nell'J}Ort Beach homeow ner surprised ::i cat burglar in hl 5 kitchC'n . Robert F. l ngold, of 4008 Topside Drive, tussled "'ilh the intruder, tore l1~·0 b!;ick socks off. his hands -used to avoid fingerprint.<; -and also snaggcd the su11pccl's v.·atch. Faulkner \.\'as arrested on the basil! of a Hcense number gi~·en by the "·ould· be burglar cap1or at that time, police rocords re\•ealed. Costa ~tr~a Police todav. mean,1·h1le. \\Crt' seeking a con1plainl charging David <:. Byrd, 25, of li305 Oak St., Founta in Valley. "·ith escape aorl possession of rlangcrous drugs after his arrest at 4•30 p.m. Thur sday. Pil!rolmen Bob Goode pic ked up Byrd at Newport Boule1'ard and Palisades Road, allegedly confiscating lwo am- phetamine tablets from the hitchhiking pri~ner. Aut hori tici; said jailer J ames Corrale~ no!icNf Byrd missing shortly before 2 p.m. and the hunt extended outside whf'n a thoroui:h search of the jail factli1y (<11!· f'd to llirn up ;i ny tract'. lie "·as ~erving 77 days as a j.:ul trusty for r<'c<'ivin~ !'!oleo propt'rty. r olice sai1I Byrd became \'iOlent aft er hein,c; rct.urnrd to the jail fa cili ty and finally had to be confined in a strait- jacket and c-omn1ittcd to a psychiatric observation cell. Judge .!.E.T. "Ned .. nultcr. onf' or three jurists presiding in tiJe Cost a l\tesa c·han1bers, today blan1ed the Faul kne r escape on crO\\·ded conditions continually pla_1.!1rlng th~ facilit~·. "It's not a case of negligence," he said, ''C(l!':r!ilions are such \\"C can't provide proper security and still g1\C derendant..s: rheir rights, such as making lclephonc calls." Lr~s than six months agn, anothe r rri~r•nrr ch11rgt'{! v.ilh thrft, forgrry t1nd OI S~<!\llt \\1th <I rlf'adly 11·e,1po11 Iler! 1111rlPr identical circumstances, c<1!ling hls 11iot.her after being or~ered to Superior (°(11Jrt. llr· \\'J S hallrd 111 t h~ p:.irJ..ini; l11t ou!::1dr. ho"·el"er, "hen Deputy ~tar:>hlll F;d \\'1n~lriw cut him ri0\\11 \v11h ii .'.\R ral10Cr slug \\'htch tnre inlo his thigh a nd :;hilttered the bo111•. Plan~ are under \1·ay hy county ;H1thorities for a nrw 1nun1cipal cnurt ~ite, either on the Orange County Fairgrounds or in tl1c new Ne1vpo rt Beach Civic: Center. Authorities estimate it \1•i\I he a mini1n um or three years before the iniliaJ courtrooms go into service and the ex· isling facility at 567 W. 18th St., rnust handle the load. Thrtt po rtable trailers now i;upphnent t h~ original st.ruClure, one: as a C'£>urtroon1. Mrs. Trueblood F1m eral Held (;rr11·e~irle srr\ ices v. ii I be t'nnduct-:d ?-.fonda y for Wini Hourigan Truebloorl, of 2~7~ Ne.,.,•port B\\'d., Cost:. ri.1es11, who di ed Wednesday at Hoag Memorial •1os- pita1. She was ~I . r-.1rs. T rueblood Y•as a ~scretarial :-upen·isor al 1'1cDonnell-Douglas, Hun- tln!llon Beach. U11de1·g1·ou11(l Sl1eet Calle(] 'Part of SDS Co11 s1Jn·acy' An underground ne"·spaper circulated r.1oratorium Day at high ~chool and col · lcgc G01 mpuses on the Or;inge Const \1<;1s linked Thursday to a SOS conspiracy by Orangr County BoMd of Educ<1tion P resi· clenL Clay fllitchcl!. The 11nderground ne1vsp;1p!'r H1\:\K \Vas distributed at Laguna Beach and Corona del f\far high schools, UC lr\'ine ;ind Orange Coast College. l!s [Pad article c11 !led for support of M·Day a ctivities. f\1 itchell, a South Laguna resident, l<ibeled it a device In gf't high school ~ludents lo fall gul!ibly under the Hig h Sc hools Set Day for Parents School bt>lls ~·ill ring for parenl :. f\londay at E dison, lluntington Beach and \\'estmins!er high schools 1,1·l1f'n thf'y v.·i1J be Able: to visit classes their childr en al· tend daily. Follo\vin~ a R'.f'neral as!'(>mbly at 7 p,n,, parrn1s \\'ill foll ow lhe d;i ll~· schf'llul~ .if thr ir sons anrl daughters \\•iU1 ahout 10 1ninu!t'~ pro"ided for each r lass ~es~,on . "111 is ls an opf>'}rtuni1y lnr p;'lrtnts t.1 meet lhe teachers of lhf'ir ch!ldren and t!l get a better understanding of cour~e con- tent. leaching methods, ho n1 e \\' o r k as~ignmimts, testing and grading prn- r('(!ures, '' said District Supt. fll <1 x Forney. leader~h1fl nf rarlical~. He titl'd SOS rct•on1mf'ndat1on that 11 n d r r g r o u n d putilic2 lio11s ;ire ;in r ffcrti\"C means or :-:ir<'<Hl1ng the /\cw Left incssagc IG youth. '·Ninc!.Y·nln<' percent Qf peop!t' npPQSe \1ar," ~l itchC'll said ... Thry slilrt \Vi1h an <1n1•·1rar arlicle :111tl l.l1en gel the klds liooked on other things.'' r.tit chell's blast c.:i me after the county school boa rd unani rnous\y adopted a chapters in the county that follow the nR· rcsnlu tion "refusing lo recognize·• SOS tionnl SOS line:. Tru.~tees rccom111endcd that lhc coun· l;. -i; :1~ srhool district boards follo1v suit. ~!ttchell also took f)Ol shots ;Jl The Ne1v Lniverslly, L"Cl's official stu dent nr11 sp:.per. ;ind The PrOC'lamat1on. undcq::round ncwsp;ipf'r al Villa Park High School \l"ith Hob (;un1pertz, the stu- dent body president "·ho "·on't lead the Pledge of Allegiance lo the Flag because he is an atheist, as its editor. Beach to Note United N ation ~ 'rl'M"l.1;v h;i~ hrf'n rrocl;i11nrd 1 ·1111rd ~ii· hons Uciy by Jl 11nt1ni;1on .Br1it h ,\layor J.:ick r;recn. lie urged <"il izens to re.1flirm fa ith in lhe fund;;mcntal human r i ghts represented by the l"nited Nations. Beacl1 Fees VotiI1g Set 111 Clen1e11te San Cleinente voters next April may pave the "'ay tor a $1 annual charge fo r u<;e o{ public beach to ease the property tax burden. City councilmen have ordered tht city altorney to prepare a proposition for the April 14 municipal election ballot. Citj' ri.tanager Kenneth B. Carr said the proposition would essentially be a str1lf \"Ole to determine whether I.he electorate favors the unique municipal beach fee. : Implementation of such a plan -If favored by voters -v.1'.>uld require a citr ordinance. Laguna Beach struck out a few yearii: ago or: a plan to charge non-rei;ldents a fee fo:-beach use. State legislation holds thill is discriminatory. City Manager James D. \Vbeaton said In 1962 the state Attorney General gave <In opinion that it would be legal to charge non-residents. Wheaton said Asserr.blyman Jesse Unruh then secured legislation making it illegal. Carr said San Clemente in terpreted the government code as allowing the charge so long as all persons are charger! rqual!y, He likened the charge to one for use of a n1unici pal golf course. Beach attendance over five years, said (:.irr, is csti1natcd to have a veraged 1.170,163 persons annually. J\1aoy of the users, ho1,1·e\·cr, a rc: repeaters. Said Carr, ··one person may have gone lo the btach :;~~times during a year." Under the San Clemer.te plan such a user \l'Ould still on· ly pa)-$1. In the. 1969-70 budget. said C<1rr, $233,· ~j:l v.·a~ eam1arked for beach ilt quisition, protection and maintenance. This equals about 48 cents on the tax rate. \\"hralon said he v.·ould be 11•atching the San Clcn1entc election \1 i1h interest to se.e how the elector;itc responded. .. From a theoretical sense and a prac· l1c:il dollar se nsr , it m<1y be good." said \\'heaton. Ho11·ever, he sa id he could see mechanical problems such as the means of collecting the fee, probably fencing of beaches. "If they get a big \Ole in favoring this," said \\'heaton, •·f'm n1orc in· teresteG tn the ho1v part 10[ im· plcn1entalion l. '' I-le noted that tile situation of beache~ rhlrcrs in the t110 towns. \\'hcaton said Sao Clemente beaches are all seaward ot a .. anta Fe Railroad right of ll'ay. ··Their btaches arc so nice and straight an.I a\·a ilable and there are no pri\'ate 011 nc rship problems ., E•·en if the San Clemente plan should l'1·entually become Jaw and fact. \\'heaton !'aid Laguna couldn"t necessarily emulal• it. Except for street-end access a nd the $3 1nillion 1-tain Beach acquisition (about l.O(l(l linea l feel.). much of Laguna':c !)e:ii:hes are pn1'ately owned to lhc mt ati high tide line . Tt".r. city manager conceclerl thal the counci l at some fut ure li1ne mighl want 10 in1·cslig<1lc a charge for its lyet un· cle1•eloped i J\tain BeRch park. This, ho11·ever, "'ould raise 1he likely problem of fencing LagunR·s "window to Lhc sea" which v;ou!d probably cause an esthetic "A'hiplash. DREXEL'S NEWEST For kid ~ •nd fun p111opl•. AYail11bl111 in two r111fr•sh - ing f ini5h1\. Yellow •nd s<t lmon color. Th11 best of <t ll, it i1 1t1in, a nd burn re~i 1 t111t. Your whim1y w ill sl•y lik• new no m•+t•r wh •+ you do . Compl•t• bedroom furnitur• • .,.a. •bl• from d•y b•ds to che vfl1 mirtors e nd a ll e t v•ry thoug htful prlc:e1. See it toda y. DOISlll,__ $159; Mlalott._ $ so, Sht' is ~urvived by hrr hu~ht1nrl, .Tohn \\'. Trueblood; a son. John 1''1.; a daughter, Juanita: '"'O brol.her~. _Harry l lourigan of Newport Beach and Richard llflurlgan. of Glen Ellyn, Ill. .YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FO R DREXEL-HENRHlON -HERITAGE Funeral arrangements a re: pending at \\'hite-Emerson ri.tortuary, \Vhitt.ier. Astronauts Leave Only African Stop KINSHASA. The Congo (AP) -The ApollQ 11 aslronau!s lfrt aboard their pregidcnHal jet todny for Tehran, next slop on their world tour . NEWPORT BUCH 1727 W..tcllff Dr., 642.2050 Of'IN NIDAT 'TIL t INTERIORS Prof .. •lon.1 Interior 0.igttert Availabl---.A.10-NSID LAGUNA llUCH 345 North Coa•t Hwy. 4M-6551 t OPIN NIDAT 'm. t .. ! r l 17 ! I I 17 I I " -• -• -• --• • • ·• --------------r-'!--;---.-;-~"i-D oo o;sc..,._ o;;c;=;roo; "15 ~--.-,-..-.----------~------------·----------------. Laguna Beaeh Today's Fln•I N.Y. Stoelu voe. 62 , NO. 255, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1969 TEN CENTS Friends Aid Clemente Mom • Ill Drug Appeal Friends of San Clemente PT A leader Marv'ena Kennedy, l'Onvicted or smug- gling manjuana across the U.S.,J\1exica n border, today are pushing a fund drive to defray costs ol her court appeals. Even the Board of Trustees or the Capistrano School D1stricl has endor sed lhc appeal fund . Dr. Robert Beasley, San Clemente ,·eterinarian and president of the board, C'onfirmed that he had added his name to the lisl of those supporting the appeal. • • ''I have known ~!rs. Kennedy for some time through hl'r \\"Ork \\'llh the schools and I believe she should be gi ven the benefit of full legal support in her case,·• Bea~ley said. Endorsement of the J\'larvena Kennedy Appeal Fund also has been signed by trustee Nofie Famularo and half a dozen friends and PTA associates of J\1rs. Ken· nedy. Fund chairman is l\lrs. Ruth Clark. longtime friend and co--worker in PTA and other y oulh projects. i\lrs. Clark asked that co11trlbutions to the fund to pay r.trs. Kennedy's leg<1I Ices be addressed lo the l\farvena Ken· nedy Appeal Fund, Post Office Box 23, in Dana Point. The 44·year-old mother of three has been tried twice in San Diego on charges of !ransporting several pounds of mari· juana across the border from Tijuana one year ago. The first trial last spring resulted in a hung jury. 55~000 FroDt F ollowing a second trial, f\frs. Ken· nedy was found guility by a jury in San IJ1cgo"s Di~~~:c; Court and on Aug. 11 \\'as senicnced by Distr ict J udge C. A. f.h1rcke to a prison term not to exceed fh·e years. An appl'a! has been filed by her atlor· ney, Jeffery i\1. Levy of Los Angeles, \\•ho maintains: that additional evidence has been discovered. J\lrs. Kennedy has returned to her San Clemente home to a.,.,·alt the outcome ot lhe appeal. Throughout the trial.~ she has mai11- tained her innocence, insisting that she <lid not kMw \\'ho placed the marijuana, discovered by border patrolmen, under the back seat of her C'ar. ffer husband, Jan Kennedy, chairman of the Sa n Clemente Paris Commission, said his 1vife had $one to Tijuana on a routine shopping trip, taking with her a tenant in their apartment house, Mark: County Clerk • Ie 0 an e Ill Leary on Stand Disputes Officer's Testimony lf anyone was do\\'n on all fours in Dr. Timothy Le ary·s car last Dec. 26 , cra\\"l· ing: around like an animal. it \\'as Laguna Beach policeman Neal Purcell, lhe drug cultist testified Thu rsday. The onetime Harvard psycholo~ pro- fessor has been cheery and even flippant during the four-day pretrial hearing to s1!ppr6Ss evidence in the. narcoUcs case against himself, his 1vife and son. But Dr. Leary en1pled angrily during Thursday·i proceedings before Judge Byron K. l\fcr.tillan in Orange County Superior Court, howe\·er, contradicting police testimony. The 49-year-old Pied Piper o [ Psychedelia said his son. John 8 . Leary, 20, was only hunting his boots and lug. Leary and his 'l,,.ife Rosemary, 33, sairl they v.·ere droppiOg young John Leary off on \Voodland Drive to spend the night with friends ''hen I.he policeman ap. proached the car. Purci;ll said the youlh"s all·fOW'S stance Missio11 Viejo Predicth1g Rapid Acceleratio11 i11 '70 By RICllARD P. NALl. DI t~o Ot ll, Plltol Sl&tf Officials of J\I ission Vie jo Company th is \\eek predicted a 1970 acceleration of one of the 'Vest's fastest gro\\'ing planned cvmmunitirs. i\1ission Viejo officials, by leller and person, a ppt';irerl at the nl(1nthly 1neeting 11£ i\>loulton ·Ni~ue1 \Valer Dist rict direc· lors. The d1.~1r1rt 1s rcpons1blc for part of Ille utilities in ~hssil)n Viejf) ter ritory. G. II. Lodder, cn1;1ncrr1 ng managrr for th!' J;1nd rlc ve!opn;ent. and :'lh~~1Qn VieJO ~rO" th 1ril l be 21 5 1><'rrcn~ :inn11;illy com- p;ired tf) JO 8 pcr(·cnt estin1;-1ted frir ~outhra~l Or;inge County and 3.7 percent for Iii<' <'nlire coun ty. Jl will. he. said, in<:ludc: --..!;jcville llon•cs. apl)roxi1na!rl? 900 homes with ronstruction of f1rs:l un its in February and completion expected in April, l97L -Eldor;ido Home..~. 501 ho1nc:or, con- :>\ru<..11011 to bei,:in in April .,.,·ith coin· plelion schLi:l11lcd in l\1ay 1971 . -Coronado llomcs. 298 homes. \\'llli consln1etion under "'ay and completion scheduled by 0£cembcr of this yea r. -Lt Paz Homes:, {units 17 • 21) 30l liomts. Construction has started and completion is scheduled for October. Orange Coast Weather Cloudy cooditions continue to clog the coast with the wet!kend fore· casL offering only partly sunny afternoons and Jillie change in temperature. INSIDE TODAY -La Paz Homes (unit<; 22 . 25), 21!1 homes "'ilh construction to begin in October and rompletion .scheduled J uly, l9il. -Granada }Jomes (unit 6 and 71, 117 homes, v.·ith construction to begin 1n J anuary and be completed in June. -Granada llomcs (units 8·12 l, :IOI homes. Construction is to begin in J un e \\'L!h completion scheduled for July, 1971. -fllission Ridge, 86 homes, con- struction is under "'ay a nd co111plelion is sc'.leduled for August, 1970. -fllont.anoro Apartments, 144 units. Constructior, is to begin in ,January, 19i0 \\'lt'.1 completion sla!ed for late 1970. -Auto Mall, located along Marguerite Prirkway. Thi~ 73 acres of commercial <le.velopment is under \\'ay 11nd comple- tion is scheduled in late 1970, -School Sites, Two schools will be unde r construction within the next month. They are Cordillera School within Eldorado Uni t 2 and Via Grande School \1·ithi n Granada Unit 2. Four other school sites have bc€n graded. Lodder also reported lhal the Bur. rouehs Corp, expects about Nov. 15 to commence occupancy of a 300.000 Mjuare foot industrial complex al the i;outheast corner of Los Alisos Boulevard and J eronimo Road. "The Mission Viejo Company is com· pleting a large medical center at the sotttheast corner of La Paz Road and Chrisar.ta Drive. The center "·ill have ap- proximately 25 medical suites," Lodder stated. Lodder said the development forecast for Mou lton·Niguel officials: adds up to 2,-:23 planned homes in addition to the other facilities. lie predicted saturation of the Moulton·Niguel district's portion in two or three years and tolal 11aturation in ahoul five. and allegedly dilated t ye5 led him lo suspect drugs were involved. "It 1vas Officer Purcell who was on his hands and knees like a dog -in the front seat of the car -searching for narcolics." ~ary explained, "my son·s bthav1or w.as appropriate." Quantities of drug pills believed to be LSD . .scme marijuVij: 11nd hashish, trte rl'fined sap of the weed's blossom, v•ere gage in lht repr or-the station wagon (See LEARY, Page ZJ Linkletter Asks Beatles Debate Nixon on Drugs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Television personality Art Llnkletler Friday sug- ge;:ted th at the only type or television program that 9•0uld carry the drug mr~sage to lhe young would be a debate betwe~n the Bealles and President Nixon. Linklettl'r, calling the Beatles "the leadin[; ad,·ocates or an acid society," n1ade his suggest ion in answ€'r lo a question by a member of th e House select commit1 ec on crime before wh ich he \\as lf'sti fying on drug abuS('. L1nk lettrr·s daughter n ianr. 2 n , recently pluns.:l'd to death 1~·hilc under the influencr of LSD. Rep, Robert V, De nney of Ncbra~ka asked Linkle\ler if a s1m11l1aneous trleca~t on three ne!v:ork.~ featuring dru~ experts a nd tern·agers "·ouk\ be a good way to bridge the generation gap and point out drug dangers to the youn~. "Th at v.·ould get the parents.'' Linklcl· ter replied. "But the only thing thflt v.·011ld get the kids would be a dehate bctwccr. the Beatles and P resident Nix· on." Linklctter said he \rou!d prepare a film with a University of California 111edical school grant to bring drug knowledge IQ educators. Ile recommended that such a rilm he made compulsory for every teacher in America, saying that lhe lark of knowl~ge on the part or teachers, deans and admlnistrators was "shocking and horrifying." lie also sugge!ted a compulsory e<iuca· tional program on drugs to be started in a!I ~hools at the fourth to fifth grade level and continued through high school. Stork Jtlarlcels NEW YORK (AP) -'The stock market pushed steadily upward and v.'as on finn a nd higher ground in active trading la!e lhis afternoon. (See quotatio ns, Pages JG.JI ). Tiu• Ni11u Grit111 Dirt Bn11d and 01·0119c County's oiun S1111· ~h inc Co1n/X'I U!f (Ire among tllr. n tt.ractio11.~ nt Silvrrodf) Days in Buen{! Park //ii.~ 1uec kend. Detail f1l today's \Veeken<ler sectio11. PuDtpkins Pi~ked •••nnt "' Ctijlornlt I CM111UIH 11.ft (;"'IU )I c ..... w .. , " Ott!~ '"'"" • Dl¥ .. (tt 11 l.ilo•ltl "••t ' lftft'ltlllrnttl It,, ''"""~· 10.11 HefoK•~• 11 Ann l t ncl•" 1J Mtl!Mw 6 M•.,ittt L l~t~1•• 11 -itt JS.H Mutvol ir11..-o 1t "'">11111 """ -.s D••n" ("'°" t lttll11r1111~ ""'' SHfh 1-.H St...~ Mt1111h 1 .. 11 Ttlt~ltlooo :Je Tht AIH• f).J• Wost ht• I w .... "''"'' -.s Wt..,_,.,, l'lowl ll·JJ Wfflutfl'-• l!·U One o( the best things In Tih~ at this time of year is a great big orang~ pumpkin but. contrary to the song, not a ll lhe brst thing.s in life are free. They C06t about a nickel per pound. Pumpkin patch owners throughout OrangP County have suddenly developed the problem or pumpkin pilfering, t:!;ipeCially from a &iant field of 80lden R:lobes at 13471 Sand Canyon Road, El '.I 01 o. 1be neld has bttn used as • acenic Halloween harvest tableau bJ. rn ore. than one pewspaper photographer, )tiding Mme poople lo think ptrhaps it ll.~me· ()ne·s idea of a ~btlc service. Giving pumpkin pluckeri; the be.ntflt of 1he doubt. Mrs . Louie Eteheberria notes that the patch is not a nonp~lt enter- prlsr and reqllests people to eiilier buy or simply look. e>•ll l Pl~Ol l llll 1'11111 AT EL TORO -1\Iaj .Gen. R obe r G. Owens, commander of the Third f..Iarine 1\irc ra.ft Wing, greets Konstantin Feoktislov (right) upon Soviet cos1n onauts' arrival i n Ora ng.e County Thursd ay. Man in cen· fer is interpreter. Feoktistov \\'as a cco1npanied by fellow cosmonaut lieorg1y ·r. Deregovoy. No Spa~e Ar.ms Cos1nonaut Pushes for Peace Dy RU l)J NIEUZIF.L .. 'iK I or th• 0111v Pllor s111j f.l:ic:hinc j,\uns and ainmunilion do not belong in outer space, according to Soviet cu~monaul Konstantin f'e(lf;tistov, one n! two cosmonauts who paitl a shorl visit Thursday to American space scienlisls al a conven!ion in Anaheim. ''It is my personal opinion that military use or spnre is si1nply not practical. It think that the id<'a of a space ship armed \vi!h guns and machine guns is simply r idicul ous," said the gray.haired scientist who orbiled the earth in October 1964 as a n1ember of the three·man Vokshod crrw. "Space is the srenc of peaceful ex· ploration," he added. Facing a battery nf c<imeras and microphones, the two Hussian space ex- plorers told nr.wsmen of their im· pressions of the U.S. Speaking through an interpreter from th::: Voice of America, Maj. C.en. Ge<>rgiy T. Reregovf)y who orbited alone last year, s:.1 id, ''The people are very nice, very friendly and sho1v goodwill. 1 feel like I am hnme. H the possibili ly exists, I will co1nc back here \\'hether you invite n1e or not." Tile general told newsmen that some- day AmtriCM and Russian astrooaut11 may fly mi!1slons together. Looking at astronltut Eugene Cerna.n, who ac· rompanled the two cosmonauts: to Abaheim, he deC'lared . "In principlt thi!I po~slbilily e1:lsl!. A! or now we are going parallel but different ways. Such flights v.·ill be pos.~iblc in one. two , or thrf'c yr~ri; aod lead to in tcrnaUonal coopera· tlon." Ti e !hen qu ipp(:d 1hat they \\'Ould ac· «i:Q111p:iny the Arncr1cans "aS soon as "'c OAli., 1'11,.01 1'9fl Pi.i. PREDICTS JOINT FLIGHTS Coamoni1ut S.regovoy le~1m the English languaie." . FeQ~listov said the Sovitt space pro. gr<1m ls now concerned with five major ,g<ial.!1 rather than just establishment of an orbiting: space staUon. Th-'y are: -Larae low orbil space slalions tor scientific observntion. -Crea1ion or unmanned astrophysical tSte COSi\.IONAUTS, Page %, I Hanaon. 22. Hanson, who walked back across !he border, also was broughl to trial and found gu ilty, but did not appeiir for sentencing. A bench v.·arranl was issued for his arrest. A former Sunday School ttacher and Girl Scout leader, i\.fr!I. Kennedy last year was given an honorary PTA award for her youth service ·work. She has held many PT A offices and was an active worker in suppor l of school bclnd drives. Surrenders After Audit Shows Loss Charges of grand theft were filed today against a Mission Viejo man accused of embezzling an estimated ts.000 from the Orange County Clerk's office, Rich;:ird W. Burke, 27. nf 2637S Papagayo Drive, is held JJ\ Orance Coun- ty ja,il pending .etting of. a court ht.ring. Hr. is accused of embezzling funds ad· ministered by the county clerk's finance division ~ the county courthouse over a two-year period. Cnief Otputy District Attorney J ames G. Enright today stated that Burke 5ur· renrlt recl to sheriff's ()fficers Thursday after ti. $200 banking discrepancy was allegedly spotted by a n Orange County Grand Jury auditor. 'He obviou~Jy panicked ," Enright charged. "Spot checks run by the county auditor prior to this had revealed no defi· ciencics but the Grand J ury discovery ob-- viou.;ly unnerved him and he 11urreodered the nexl day." Enright &aid the deficencies ocrurr~ through Burke's dally banking of funda received in the county clerk's office. Burke allegedly withheld an estimated $200 to S300 on several occasions in a manner that has apparently eluded coun· ty auditors . Burke's immediate supervisor, C .. l\f. ~l erri field, today refused lo comment on lhC': arrest of his assistant. County Clerk 'Villiam E. St John could not be reached for comment. Se11. Goldwater Raps Scott Plan For Cease-fire \VASHJNGTON <AP) -Sen. Barry Goldwater has acidly criticized the Viet· nam cease·fire proposal of Sen. Hugtl Scott, addi ng the Republican leader ck>e:ii not necessarily speak for his GOP col· Jeagues. It was the first nicker of cooservaU\·e Republican restiven,ss since Scott, a self· descr ibed progressive, became GOP leader last month. Goldwater noted Srott had 5aid he was not in the habit of clearing his Ideas in advance with the White House. "I think it would be helpful If he would also stale that he is not in the habit o( clearing such statements with all members of his own political party in lhe Senate," Goldwater said. In advancing the plan for a unllateral U.S. cease·flre , to remain effective unless the Communists violate It, Scott uJd he was offering a personal hope. "I for one wish to make it very plain that while t recognlie the senator fZ'.om Pennsylvania ha been duly selected minority leader of my party. t do not accept his pe.rsonal recommendations on any and all subjects," Goldwater told the Senate. Goldwater said unilattral action will mere:?' convince lhe Communist$ we are afrai of them. Scott, in Sharon. Pa., renewed the cease-fire call Thursday nlaht. "I hope that a cease-fire will be .,,.. nounced just as soon u It can be aaftly arranged." he said. TJ1at speech was the latest In a terle~ of almost niahtly appearances al Republican fund ralalng dinners In Pennsylvania where Scott wi11 teell: re-- rlectl on ne.xl year .• ASTRO SCROLL -Sta nding ncx l to astronaut rnockup at "space con\<·ention" in :\nahe1 n1, Dr. J1obert c;ilruth, director of !\1anned Space Craft Center, accepts .-\STRO SCROLL fron1 T!1~1nas 111cCann . DA.I LY P ILOT public service .n1anager. Sc roll conta1nu1g 6,000 local signatures is on ils \\·ay to ,\pollo 12 cre\v, Astro Scroll Greetings On Way to Astronauts Greetings to th e Apollo 12 astronauts from an estlmated 6,000 Orange County area residents today \Ve re on their \l'ilY lo as!r0naut headquarter~ 1n I !oust on under l~e personal rare of lop :\ASA 11fficials. Dr. Robert Gil rut h, di rector cif the r.1 anned SpaC'e Cra ft Cente r in Houston, o(ti r1alv a•'C r pt e d II\'! '·AST!lO ~CROLL" 'fllur~d.i~· ;it !ht• An1cri c:a11 Jnslitute of Aeronautics and Astroriauncs CAIAA ) n1eet1ng in Anaheim Convenlion Center. The scroll had been displayed al South Coa~l Plaza bv the DAILY PlLOT :i nd South Qiast Pliiza Jl,ferchants Associ11t1on as a finale to National Newspaper Week, 1969. H was .surrounded by photos and other <lispla"s of ~pace age ha rdw are aorl f2c ititles. Visitors to the "sracc show'' \Vere inviled to sign the scroll And they U1d. It \11as estimated that mare than 6,(1(1() signatures V.'ere. pla ced on more than <t mile and a qu drl.er of paper as the ,-i~itors spun o their greetings to the Apoll0 12 crew-many o( th em voicing pcrsonill feelings preced ing the 12 crew':; trip to the n1oon s1.:heUuled to be gin 1''ov. H , Gilruth Thursdav read 1he scroll'~ message which cairied "111artn ~reelings and hearlfe!t v.•ishes for a happy landing'' from Ora nge Coun1 ~·. It ended vdth the E>entence: "Good luck and Godspeed." He commended the people of Orange Cr"Junty for signing the ~crol! and addrd, "\\'e certainly appreciate the senllmcn\s :i Indictctl in Try To Srnuggl c Hashi sh j.flS A:\CEL ~;~ l l~Pl l -fire person.~ J,· .. r tircn 1nd1t1rrt 1·:11 11 , . .,11,rllr:1l'i tn :--rnll~hle 80 pn111HI.'" ,,f l1;1'hl:·I\ 11110 11\r <•111111 r~ fro111 Ho1nc 111 a 600·ruuod rnar · Ll1· !abl e top. ~11<.a11 1\rinr \'nrdc:rcn , Frrrlrri1·k ::;, ~lafl!•rd , Brur1· :·:1r~en~. <;cor~r Ll•e Knighton and Kenneth Da1·l.s Naglrr, a\l fr om 1hr S:in F r.:1nci~c·o Bay :.rra, \\'err c.harged Thur~d;1y \\'1th con~p1r:1t:Y lo ~m11 ggle and conceal Lhe contraband. DAllY PllOT 0•.4JIOI C:OAll ll"Ull ISHIHG C:OM.l"A"''f 11oli•rt N. Wtul Pr.iidttll 9"" l"lltl!llM.r Jtdr 11. Cwr1w ""-,.,U1Clffll a~G G • .,. •• 1 Mtt'Mltrr T~om•• l(•e•il f:d11ef V.0..,11 A. Mw•p~;na Mtn1el"' £dll0t J.icl,.,,j P. N.1ll l.••u"' lottl'I c111 Editor L••• 9-11 Of"'9 21! Fo•t•I Avt . M1ili•f Add••n: P.O. lo• 66,, 926S? Ott-OffkM c ... 11 Met•' uo ..,.,1 l•v '''"' ,.,..,,.,, .,,<~: 7111 "'"' .. lbO• IO'·lt'llr9 tl\lllllnlllClll ... U'>: »'I ~!II .l"td exprtssed in that message ." On the !icroll u•hieh Gilruth and his aides were hand carrying to Houst on to-- day were many personal messages scraw led by those who signed it. Many Limes on the scroll, the recurring theme of the messages was religious : "God bless you" or "I'll be praying for yott" or ''Godspeed,'' etc. Thc:re were notrs from aero~pace emp!o yes in the area : •·Hope· lhe units I made for the camera~ are still \vorki ng ," "Ail systems go, (name), Apollo Supervisor, North American," elc. There were si gnatures in Japanese, Chi nese, Tahitian, Swedish, Portuguese and ona name with the iniU&ls "U.S.S.R." inscribed behind It. Some of the comments were on the light side: .. "Watch oat for Luna r ticks," "Okay, you proved your point. • .now stay hom.e," '1'11 take a pound and a hall C1f greel'! chttse.'' "'Ve hope your landing ii a soft !ouch," "See you on Mars." "I'm :>igning for my dog, Pug, too," "Happy Thanksgiving." "A set of dips and knee bends and best wishes lsignedl Vic Tan· n:-.'." "Take Ni xon with you,'' "l want my S24 billion back.·• Others were palriotic: ''I'm proud to be an American again," "No matter what they say, the U.S. was first," "From a little girl who wishes big lhings for some great men," "Astronaut.I are my favorite heroes," ''God bless you, ~·ou're making man's oldest dreams come true." "May space grow smaller for all Ctf us.'' Prrha ps !he one single 1ne~sage \l'hich o:;ummrd up Lhr. ma1or1!y fer!ing ex· pressed on the scroll v1 Js this onr : "i-1a.v al l the glory and honor be Thine Oh Lorri , our !,nd, .. Vil\'<I ron Dins .. " C;1!rut!1 !1irnt·d lhr •q.'roll 01rr to i\ASA nr('~~ <lltll'. !)l)vi:: \\"nn t, l)nl' fJf 01e "1111rrs nf Ar>1lh) 11 ·• llr \1 t1s heard ;iru1u1d the \\1tr\ti ()11 r,1dio ;111d IC'ltviqpn n-. he !al ked \\'Jth astron:1uts l\"eil /1r1nstrong. "Buzt." Aldrin and ,\!!chae! ( ,,JIH1~ l;iol .J uly -notably Ar1T\Slrong ;1111! ('11ll1ns coinplctcd thei r :-tit'rl'ss ful \ 1<.Jt 10 the luna r su1 fac:" anrl Lhc 1hree· 11\:111 err111 \1·a~ ri•11n1ted 10 gn "llvln!'.; r!1111 n Hif:h\\<IY l ' un their depar"ture fro111 the 111oun. "1"11 de!l\·er your messages to the !2 crew," \Va rd promised. From Page l COSMONAUTS • • space stations with high orbil!t. -Powerful automatic spacecraft for thl' exploration or fa r regions in the soltir system. -Manned space ships for the cx- plorAUon of f\tars, Mercury and Venus .. -Development of a system of ar· plications satellites f.or earth uses, su ell as meteorology, "\\'e are now trying lo find the most in· leresting product," Feoktistov explainerl. "A <lonkey only has lo ":orry about l\10 havstacks, we have five ." \Vhen questioned about the Russian program for !.anding a man on the moon, Feokistov smiled and said that th:H \\·ou:d proba bly be announced by JI.I r. Levi tan. "He is a fam ous radio an· nouncet 1n ,,_ioscov.·," he laughed. Population Explosion Dcrnocral "lcel Topic •·t he Population Explosion, or Two Square feet Per Person" wlll be the topi c for lhe Jl.t onday evening meeting of thr La guna Beach Oemorratic Club. SpeJ kcr Virginia J\fcC;ilJom v.·ill nd· dress men1bcrs J:tnd guests at the a p.m. J!alhr.rlnJ? in \hr LagunA Federal Build· ing. 21i-O Ocran A \'('. The mee ting Is open to the publlc. Beach Fees Voting Set In Clemente San C!e1nente \Oters nexl April may pa\e the ... .-ay fot a SI annual charge for uo;;c of public beach lo ease lhe property t11x burden . City council n1en hare orde red the city attorney to prepa re a proposition for tl1e April 14 munici pal election ballot. Ci!/ Jl.ianager Ken neth B. Carr said the proposition would essentially be a straw \'Ote to determine v.·hethrr the electorate favors the unique municipal beach fee. Implementation of such a plan - if favored by 11oters -v1ould require a city ordinance. Laguna Beach struck out a few years sgo or. a plan to charge non-re~idents a fee foe beach use. State legislation holds t his is discriminator)·. City Jl.1anager James D. \\'heato n said ln 1962 the state Atlot'ney General ga\'e an opinion that it would be legal to charge non·residents. \\'heaton said A~sen:.blyman Jesse Unruh then secured legisla tion making it jllegal. Carr said San Clemente interpreted the government code as allowing the charge so 1011g as all persons are charged equal lv. He Hke-ned the charge to one for use of a mun icipal golf course. Brach attendance over five years, said Carr, is estimated to have ave raged 1.170,l&:; persons annually. Jl.1any of the us~rs, hov.·ever, are repeaters. Said Carr, "One person may have gone to the beach 305 times during a year." Under the San Clemer.te plan such a user would still on· ly pav $1. In ihe 1969-70 budget. said Carr, SZ33 ,· 553 was earmarked for beach acquisition, pro tection and maintenance. This equals about 48 cenl<; on th e tax rate. \\'heaton said he \\"Ould he v.•atching the Siln Clemente election \l'ith interest to see ho111 the electorate responded , ··from a theoretica l .sense and a prac· lical dolliilr senst. it may be good," !Said \Yheaton. However, he said he could i ee mechanical problems such as the means of collecting the fee, probably fencing or beaches. "If they get a big vote In favoring this," said Wheaton, "I'm more in· terested in the how part (of im· plementatlon)." He noted that the situation or beaches differs in the two towns, Wheaton ::.aid San Clemente beaches are all seaward o[ a Santa Fe Railroad right of way. "Their beaches are so nice and straight and avail able and there are no private owner.ship problems." Even if the San Clemente plan should r ventually becomt law and fact, Wheal.on said Laguna couldn't necessarily emulate it. Except for strtel-end acct11 and the $3 million Main Beach acquisition (about 1,000 lineal feet), much of Lagun1·s beaches are privately owned to the mean hlgh tide line. T~.e city manager conceded that lhe council at IOme future time might u·ant to in\'estlgatt a charge for its (yet un· developed) Main Beach park. This, however, would raise the likely problem of fencing Laguna's "window to the sea" which would probably cause an esthetic whiplash. From Page l LEARY ••• v.·hen Patrolman Purcell approached, 1'1k en from the car, a contention the defense does not deny. Th!.'i r charge l.~ that Officer Purcell <lid not have any reasonable cause to ~uspcct the U!arys of possessing contraband and the arrests are therefore Un· constilt:tiona!. The Learvs ancl lhrir lea n1 of defense attornrys, G{'orgc Chula , r.tarr1n Coope r Jnd Robert La1\' ela1n1 1he family was rous t!.'d bv la'>''men because of thr1 r dress. farrie, anii presence In a hippie serUnn. Uffirrr Pu rcell said he slopped first because the car l\'.as illegally stnpred 1n the street, but a \V ilness. Edwi11 'f. Earl, le.!!!1f1e<1 Thu rsday he .~a1v illegally par k· ed nn Woodland DnrC. Dr. Leary also testified that a crO\\"d of hipvir.s stood cheering and saluting him v.·l!h the peace and .!!olidarity sign that night ;:is he sat handculfed in Olflctr Purcell 's patrol car. Butts or consumed marijuana cigaret· !es v.·cre found in the ashtray of the Leiirv ·~ car. but the 1970 C.'.llifornia ~ubci-natorial c11ndidate denied ~moking any e'l route fr om the mountains lo Laguna Beach. He hinted they v.•ere illl'gal plants, deslgnrd lo (r11n1e the fa1nily. They said they had snioktd normal <'igaretlcs en route and that incense smel\L-d in the car -often used to mask marijuana -v.•as burnrd earller !o cover Uic smell of some .spllled kerosene. \fr(:. Rosemary Leary and John , OO!h ch;irged 11·ith ca rrying marijuana and LSD as a result of the police intrusion. were present in court Thursday, John as 11niq11e in h15 presence as ever. ':JaJ in purple shirt and orange lights, young Leary scratched himself con1· fortnhly, yawned and combed hls shaggy hair '>''i\h his fingers. He occasionally che\\'td a \\·ad of Kleene~. since gum is prohiblttid. \1rs. Leary said on the stand lhat her slel)5'1n has some peculiar characteristics -such as spitting on the courtroom carpet as he was wanitd abo ut Wed· ne9day -but qua1ifitd judgment. ''I am harsh about JackJe's conduct," ehe said, "but J11ckie Is Jackie." Leaves llospital BROOKLINE; Mass. (AP) -Remlgi11 Brookr, \1rlfe of Sen .. Edward Broo ke , R- Mass , is t xptclf'd to leal'e Brook 's llospital. tOOay after undergoln' surg,ry f~lr cancer. . . ~ . " . t-•ll 'I' P 1~0l Sllll ,.hot~ ROOTING FOR BEAUTY -Tree planters Loren llaneline of hotel-motel association. l·farry La\vrcnce of chamber beautification committee and fllayor Glenn Vedder /from left) ad n11re their handl\1·or k after installing evergreen pear tree as part of do1vn- to>rn Laguna Beach beaulificnLion prOJet t. Trees Sprouting Highi.va:y Beauty Project Begins A cltftens beautification projPct began lo take root Thursday wilh planting of the first evergreen pear tree along Laguna·.s bustling Coast Jfi gh1va y~ The sapling \\·as planted in front of Laguna Car Wash, 540 S. Coast Highway. It wa s the fir st of 11 lo be plan ted between Laguna A venue and Legion Street on lhe <:astcr!y side of the highway. The project \1·hich had required !ilate Divi.15ion of lllghways approval was srearheaded by the beautification com· mil tee of Laguna Bea~h Chamber of Com1nerce. ''!l is th:;> result of nfany don.1fi,1ns or property O\\·ner~. club.'> ;ind dcdic·;;trd pcr~ons,'' sai d \\'arren illorgan, c.haniht'r· c:.;ceutive nia nagcr. Property owne rs chipped in on a fron - lage foot basis. The hotfl-mo1 e\ assoc1a- l1011 gav e $1 ,000. The Soroptin1ist Cl ub and Chamber Mcr1naids ea ch gave a tr ee. Morgan said the. ever;:treen pcnr is the tree chosen both fr om standpoint of size, brauty and likeli hood of survil'a!. He said the beautification gro11p hopes lo get properly ov.•ners <1nd f ilizens 1o dona1e additional fund ~ so the projrcl t;an i;rvw lrorn Laguna A1·enu~ to Drqadl':ay. Unde1·groundSl1eet Callecl 'Part of SDS Co11spii·acy' An underground ntv.•5paper circulated Jl.foratorium Day at high school and col- lege campuscs on the Or angc Coast v.·as linked Thursd ay to a SOS conspiracy by Orangf' County Board of Education Presi· d~nt. Clay Jl.1itchell. The underground newspaper HA\"K 'vas distributed at Laguna Beat'h and Corona de! f\.1ar high schools, UC Irvine and Orange Coast College, llS lead article called lor support of M·Day aclivities. Mitchell, a South Laguna resident, labeled it a device to get high school students to fall tullibly un.der the. lradership of radicals. He cit!.'d SOS recommendation that u n d e r g r o u n d publications are an eflecli\·e means of Glenn (onsiclering r;Ew CONCO RD. Ohio fl"PI\ 'Fonner astronaut J ohn Glenn, firsl American to orbit the earth, said tod ay U.S. Sen. Stephen Young's retiren1 enl an· nouncement would be a major fa ctor in v.·hrl.htr he would run for the Senate seal. ' ' ~pre.1ding !he New Left message to you1 h. "N111e ty-ni11r prrcenl of pr riplr npp11fr 11·ar,"' il!Jtchcll s<11d. "They sta n. 11 1\11 ;in ::inl i·\rar arti cle and 1hc.n get the kids hovkcd 011 othe r things .'' tl1ltchcll"s blast came after the count ? school board unanimously adopted a ctJ::ipters in the county that foll ow the na- rcso lulion ''refusing lo recognize'' SOS tional sos. line. Trustees recommended that the coun· ty·s 34 school district boards follow ~uil. tllitchell al sn took pot shots ;it The Ne\v Cniversity, L"CJ's eilficia! stud f' n l ll('\\Spaj)l'r, <nu1 The Prorl.1 n1atlv n. u:irlrrr.rounr! nr11·<;p;1prr ;it \"il ln P;irk ll 1gh ~chool \11lli Hob (',u111perl;:. the .~lu· d1'nl body president 1vho 1\on't len d 1he f'lcdi;::e of Allegiance to the f lag berau~e hr i> an ;itl1C'1~t. as ll~ rd1tnr. Earl ier illitrhell h;id l111kecl drrss-cnde protest :it Saddlcback Collrge to :i tJe· tical r ail for v.·inning student ~ympathy in a SOS ni anual. County Motorist Dies in Smashup ,\ l 'l~.rr·n !i;i 1nnlnri.-:I JliFd ilul'in::: rush )J'•llr tr:iffi\' Tl1111'~rl;i1 11 l1r11 111~ i·a r :;lan1- n1r(! 111to ;1 11·111·k iit :111 1\11;1h1'i111 i11· ter,,cr11ou <l11rt ~k1ddr.d off 11110 <i po11 cr poll'. It !f)(1k fJQl i1·c :ind f11·r111c11 n1•ire lhd11 :in liour In prv !Ii(' bndy rif !l rnr~' Q;H irt 1969 116 Count\• Traffic l>eLlth Toll 1968 168 Duenas. <!6, from behind thr w!1tel of 111.; shallered car. Coroner's ()fficcrs said the man di ed on itnpacL D"·arne L, Johnson, 27. "f An ahein 1, the dri1·er or the· !nick, ~\l!fcrr([ only m111or lnJllrlf''i fn thr <'r:1 ~h II~ \\;1-> 1rr;11rd for t'uts :111d 1Jru1~c" ;1! a 11c;1r!1y hospital and rc lcu~cd. 'I' . ' rans1cnl s Stomacl1 Pun1ped .A. 2J.ycar-olrl tran~lrnL al l ir~l tl1ought ht he Linder the influrn("c of dru{'s 11·a ~ la ker: !0 Or:·1ngc County :O.lcdic11I l'e11 tec hy Lagu na Bc<ich po lice Tln1r~d.1 ,': ;ift<'r at(l'nda n1 s at Soull1 Cn:1<,I Cn111n111111t.v !fo~pit:il pun1prd in~t't.\1c1<k out of l\11> ~il\111•1cl1. J'olire 11·C'rr' [·;i llc d lr1 :1 S, Co:1,-,t Tl 1gh11'ay 1nolr.l 11·hrn thr n1 ;in;1):.!cr r::-ported a in:in h<id r ntrrcd a rnnn1 and refused to ll':ll"C, \Vhrn they arr ived , the 1nan \\'<'.IS \1·;111dering on the side11•atk in · coherent ant.I apparently dn1gged. police :-;::;id. 1-lc said he hnd swallo1red in· sccticlde, and hospital attend ants con- firmed th is. :\f!er emergency treatment lie \\·a ~ booked into the n1 cntal war d at the ~1edica\ Centf'r, .\,1ru11a11l ,; Ll'a' c Onl~· \frica11 Stop J\l \'~!li\SA. Tile Congo i \Pl -. The Apolln 11 as1ronauls left ~1hr>;+rd !heir pre!.identia\ jet IOd;1y fo r Tellran, ne xt :.top 011 their \v nrld lf1u r. DREXEL'S NEWEST For ~i d~ a nd furi people. Available in two refre ~h· ir1g flni she $. Ye ll ow a nd s<'l lmon color. The bes t of all, it ;, sta in, •nd bur n r es•~ta nt. Your whimsy will 1lay fik• ne w no matter wh at you do, Comple!• bedroom fur.,ilure avail- a ble from d ay beds to cheva! mirrors and .tl! •t very thoughtfu! pric.es. See it today. o ........ -· $1 59. MIUOR ___ $ so. ~OUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HENREDON . HERITAGE N!WPORT BEACH 1 n1 w"''"" c ... 642-21lso Of'IN NIDAY "T"IL t INTERIORS Profft1lon•I lnt•rlor O.aign•rt Aw1ll1bl.-AID-NSID LAGUNA BEACH 345 North ~o•at Hwy. 494-65.51 OflN ,110.l Y 'TT\ t -' ... ---------------------~------------------.-·------------... -·--·---------·--------- .. Ridi11g a Wi1111er Scaled · on 1nockup of Apollo con1mand module, George Glacken of F'ul!erton dis plays flight patch Apol lo 12 astronauts \Viii \\'ear on Nov. 14 lunar l~ndlng-mission. Glacken, \vho \Vorks for Space Di- vision of North American Rock\vell, sub1nitted •·Yankee Cli pper" as code na1n e for Apollo 12 fli ght. Ii \Vas picked by astronauts fr on1 more than 1 500 names submitted by North American employes.' Air Freight Growtli See1i i1i Next Decade ANAl!El'.'11 -An explosio n in air freight grow th during tile next decade is fore seen by .in 11crnspace engineer from the Lockheed-Georgia Co1npa- ny. "As grea t a.~ tile expansio n of passenger air travel will be IJEATll NOTICES FAIT Je•1i! C r a ! A<1e u . cl 1001 L• ... w~rn l•n•. r;e,..u<>r! ee .. <n. D"• of ce•11i. ocrn1>1:• 11 s,,,.,,.e<I b~ two $(111•, "~"tll. cl C~•o~" del 1.11r, tr><! Geoi«1e F ~It. "'"""°'' Bt•t~; three 'II'~""'" 1(1••~ •"d one QtOil-•••nd· chlld. Service• woJI bfo held S1!vrd•v. 1! AM !loll 6 rG.1dWiY {l\IOtl. wi1~ Rev. Ll>fO'! l'lo<~•no•' olllc•Mlng, lnte•onont, [yf•Orftn Ce"!ttf •Y In Ev· ~"' """'""'o•on O"•<l•d nv Bell Brood"'·•• M o••u•rv, (~•'• Mei.a. GA UU!lf.:,\U ••P~O"''"" l'lo,tnce r~1vd•t•~. l:IO ••n•<1 P<1r•, C"c•t~ M •H 01te of d•1•n. Oetoe~r 77 !>u'"'"P<I bv d•uoh- '"'· lr•n• Sevin, ln~l•"'<>Od: •on. (';t n• G<!U!l•t~l'I •~~ omi douqhror ln·l1w, Mr 1nd M";. r rnt•• Go•Jdce1u, of in the '70s:' ~ays F .A. Cleveland, ''an even greater increase is foreseen by the in· dustry leaders.'' The firm·s vice preside nt of advanced programs offerod his remarks in a paper called ''The Freip,ht-Shapcd future'' prepared for the a n n 11 a 1 meeting of the Ame rican Jnslilute of Aeronautics and Astronautics herr. He compared !he projected gro~·Ui of free-wo r ld passenger air travel "'ith airfreight operations from 1965 to 1980. "Forecasts project t1 n ~ P1r;l,c S•1rh7 d111qh1e,.1 ... 11.v, M"· >'crner G1ud't~v; lwo ar•n<l<hl<drtn, BA•rt S•••~ ind 1'1 1·1>••• G&Vdreou. l'l;tnUif"' M•'1 WI• 11•id !Oda\O, l'•I· n•v. H ~Joon. SI. Joo\~hltr'\'5 C1lno"c Cnwch '"'"'"'~"'· llclv S"c"lch•r '""'"'<'V. 01,e(•~a by W•••diff (h1o•I average annual growth rate of 11.4 percent for revenur passenger 1niles in lhe 15-year period , representing a Five·fold increa se." Cleveland said. "On the same basis, air freight miles flown in the same period are predicted to enjoy a IO-fold intrease or an av<'ta ge annual grov•th rate of alrnost 17 percent." ,l,',C•1VlfY, 6•~ •11118 ll ALATOFF P1ul M. H~la!olt 11.•,•d•nl of l• fl~1>·1 ~nd Now""'' 6•••h. 0 11e o1 ~••h. Ot•obet ?1. 5u•vlvtd bY wUt, Lllll1n l , lj•l•lo!•; ~"" N•<"io••• 4n<! r au+ M. ""'"'""· u,woo•t El••<~; d•uqhl"'" lo;•!nerlne G••Uin. E~con. <l•<!c. C."•1'""' t<o·"'"'d· L11n~ El••<ft; Mor•• El••n•IT, S••Plt, V"u""" So u- "''• L• Hob•"· He•d• l<•loJol!. Now· Mr• a,.,~. bro'""" P.,• 1111.1 .. n. Down••· '1•••t• Lon<> llo•t~. And J~.,n •i•l••on, Les 1.n;el•o: s+1tt •" M•"' A1>1>1f111•, O<fl~"d" Ann lH••"•· wn '""" i:: ..... , ~~'"'"'"· LI Mo .. t• o~d •ou• ~·•"~''"'"'"" 5t rv-lr•• "' II be ... 111 Se!U•J••· ' PM, ,,, In• {""~"' "' "~''' r v,,.,, ..,,,., ri_ev. Don A El•"f't <>"•<•••1nn Int•'"'""'· _. P 4r'hr v,,.,.. "'"""'""\ P••\, Oirtcltd bY Par "' V '" '""''""". HARRIS "This is attributed in part to a vast nev.' market of contract fr eight waiting to be Ulpped by airline operators.'' he ex- plained. "Our airports may see several planeloads of aulomobiles, appliances and e\·en foodstuffs transported by giant airliftcrs each day." All nf this increased airport a<'tivlly y,·ill rPqu 1re thC' im- pro\·emcnt of the flow of peo- ple and goods lhrough cx1st1n,:'. .airports, a cc or tl 1 n g lo Cl('veland. l'"••I• u • .,1, "~• l o• 1011 '''" • .i;•. °'""'1>11'' B•••" s~•••<•• utn<11no -------------1 • • 1t WelPclll! C~.1rtu1 '•· 1-16-•IU 1 DE,\Tll i\'OTICES AHRUCKl.E & SON '\'('~!cliff Mort uary 427 E. 17th SI., Costa !\1csa 1il6-488S • BALTZ l\·10BTUA RIF.S Corona drl l\far OR 3·9450 Costa. l\tesa ~II 6·Z424 • BELL BRO,\DU'AY l\IORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cos ta fl.lesa LI 8-3433 • DTLDA V RllOTllERS Huntington Valley l\lortuary 1791 I Beach Bll·d. lluntington Beach 8U-i>71 • f\tcCOR!\UCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laguna Ca nyon Road Laguna Beach 494·941$ • PACIFIC VIEW ri1E!\fOlllAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drl\•e Newport Beach, Calllonrl• &44·?700 • PEEK F A!\flLY COLONIAL FUNERAL HO!\fE 7801 Bol•• Ave. Westml115ler 8f3..35Ui • SREFFER l\fORTUARY Lagan11 Beach 494-ISlS San Clemente 491-0100 • SMITHS' MORTUARY 127 l\laln St. lluntingtnn ncarh S36-6539 HORT E,tl•" L t<ort 1>g• r~. nl '111) "~' '"~ llu>n .l.T , Ou~rT•" II, Lonc•'I"" (AIT! Su,~<Vfd l:V a~uQMCr. M•I ll•n•• ll•nJt•n "'''" M". C~&rle~ s 11,1. F•.,no; ,Mr1, !,.cul<"·~ W~JI•· ~••d. Co•t• Mel., Mf\. Eln•l•n Sru•· 1•••"'· L•"'"'"'" ""· Enoa Mi.An· """'' Ho.word; l>'OI~•'• Ell" W•"•'• ldo~o; •nd lwo ~r•n0<.1hldr fn, 5•<v•t<• "'"'~ f>old IO<lO•. F•1d1•, ? PM, 5tll e,oodwey (~a,,.,1. wit~ Rt~. Por(v A. """'•" otllc1~t1nv. '"'"'"''"'· Ho•IXI< II~\! MffT>.,,IOI ParO_ Elolt El•,,,,dW&Y M~•lu•,,, Co"• Me••· Oirtc10'>. NOREK ~rar.c•• £ tlnrel<. ~lll So'I B<•n&•d ~o. t<ew""'' Reocn. Suvite• pend,na 11 W•>1Ch!I °'"""' Mott~erv, 6'6·•911, RUSSELL M•• R llun•ll. .O• 1' !t•n••d St • ~0•1• Me••· t>et• m .,.,.,~. Oct. ,l. ~~•v lvt<J bv daughlor. Mfl. eovHI• Donni•, Ca.ti M OH .' ••lier. M •>. Mo1· !lo Holmt1, MuP-•'11ln. MlcfttGftn. lie· "°'""' M11l MondaV. t AM, ~·· JOl-chlrn'I Corllollc Cnurch. ln!ort'nl!n!, Gt>OCI S"•Phud C6nflftY. 81111 Mo•· 1 tuorv, Co•!• M•..,, Olreclcu. :,-~===.I UNITED Ii STATES NATIONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPEN SATURDAYS t I• 1 P.M. MON.·THURS. 10-5 P.M . FAIDATS 10·' P.M. f7141 540·5211 , l~9'ff I•: So. c.-'1na, Co.t• 1111- A"'· "k* ''"·-M•nater E. H. LEVAN BOAT BUFFS Al"'•"· loc••b•v ;, !~1 only full-tim1 boiling t ditor wor\lnq O'I •"Y 111w1ptp•r i11 Or.119• County. Ht1 •~du1iY1 co~1r•9• ol bo•lln9 •nd v•t~l;nf n•w1 !1 • d1.l y f1•l ure of I~• DAILY PI LOT. rrld.v, Octob,r 24, 1 %~ 'Space Airline1·' in A1nerica's Futur e? 1~~~~:;:;;0:;:;;F C:;:;;OST~,.~Mu~,.~ woo\u h"' cockd '"";""! BAHA I IS I PRESENT ANAHEIM America's next generation spatt•cr;.il t may be a .. workhorse'' that looks like an 31rhncr, launches iuto orbit like.(! rocket, flies 1n space for up to a tnonth and returns to ;in ai rport landing on earth, a top s1Kiee agency officia l said Thursday. r•o1ax1me A. Fagl'l, director or engineering and del'elop- rnent at the ritanned Spacecraft Center in Houston, said the new design migh~ make placinj'! payloads in orb1l from IO·L0-100 ti1nes cheaper. "Such a vehicle is visualized nc1v era ol .spaee f11g l!l," Faget said . lie said it could .\rrve .'.IS ~ t urgo or passengf'r lin<'r operating betY.t·l,'n Earth and spate stations, pcrlunn JO· dependent n11lltary or scien- 1ir1c reconnaissance r11iss1u11s in orbH, retrieve d<inta gt•rl un· tnnnned satellites and eject robot sp:lcec raft into pret:isc orbits. such 1 vehicle uperatu1& in the 1n1d·l970S. "If the dcsii.,rn is deficien t either as a rock1:t. entry \Chi · t·lc ur ai rplane, it'i payln;.id 1::1rry1ng a IJ 1 I 1 t y 1;11 1tl eco notny l probably y,•01110 ~uf­ fl'r greatly." Fa1o:et <;,'l!tL \\'hen put in pl;,i1 'c for lau nching, Faget saut. the spaCC' stuittlc would st:1nd 225 l'el't and wl:'igl1 2 [} 111(1\ltln pountls. It \vould loft 25,000 pounds into orliit. inounteJ 1n I t ~ 1ad , '1'!11· dui.I \l'hl<·li· \l l•ttld t>o: launched !)(JS(' lirst J1~1· a l'Ul\\l'IHl!!rl:1I f!.lCkli The long 1•ch1l'l e "'OtJ!d servl! a~ :i l1rsl st;ige l<iuncl11·r tu start llic trip into urh1t. Thcn.1 ils fur! spt_nt, ii woultl drop nfl 1 the sn1all orh\!;_1! cratl ~ind rcturo to a lan<ting <1! tli<'r l.'11Jn<·n site . \\'111gs woul d let 11 ~ l'.rl·w l'rllisc 3·15 n1des bat k lo :111 airplane·l)'pe 1.Jntling. I SPEAKER -JOAN BULKIN THE ME -"RELIGION Rf NEWED" TIME -OCTOBE R 27 -a,oo P.M. PLACE -985 VICTORI A ",\/ •/ f!/i/i'l'I i~ 1•f t/1C !!'<11/d j1/1•. 11(lllf' ot11t'r Utan U11' bettcr1nen \ U1<d !ht• 1r1111IJlllldy of lls peo- BAHA'U'LLAH as rarr~·ing out a great many .... ·orkhorse tasks, 1 .. ading lo a Speakin~ <luring the fin~1l day or the 6th a n n 11 a I An1erir:an l o s t it u I c uf Aeronautics and Astronautics 1nceting, Faget said de velop- 1ne"t or the craft \.\'OUltl be "a maJOr engineering ta s k . ' ' Space officials h1J pe to ha\'e Tht t110.sta11e 1'ch '1cle 11ould look l1kt a pair of a11·l111e r'" - one short and fat <il!'lt·hed "plggybaC"k" to the top of a longer and sltn1mer one -at !he t1n1e of l:1 u11ch. Eath Hockel.s 1n lht' sn1 :1llcr p:.i ylu:id vrlu~le would t<irry 111 tln l!l\O tirhit and .illow 1LSI C'Tl'1v tn 1naneu \'cr there, __ _ f ;igl't s:ud . Compare to Others Selling Elsewhere for Dollars Morel • -~ s411 List Price s1 59 Maalox '·"~ Gift Boxed -'' Jewelry 31c Similac • • • • • • .4~99c Stereo ~~IA;:'Record Albums •Top lobol" "'"°• Mm•.Y• s 1 ss · Iurt rw i.s of dt 1isnt r <Ol\lll!t< j .... ·• <'lry! O't'>O'>C r mm • l(rnO\'• "'f ~1ft °''OrL• men• ~f jr .. ·- d ry let <O.'ll· 69~ p!oment ntw !:IJ 11'~rolrobos _. , let 1:i•·c fctr Cliri,im.., ! C<ntume pi•(l't tliit ,1;11 1o~~ther in h•rrY humoor or ~1:111<! ol<tfle du 1in.i .. ·cly. Ncwr.t f;uhictn color.i, .iaisru. S:ho? uily for ba1 xl~ti11n ! $695 Value! Colorful Metal Bookcases :~:.::~· .. ,~~ 399 d KOtatiroo Oil ••cb 1b t lf, They're 1to<k- •b:r, <•II he "~ i11 pain c.n lop of c•ch roth•r. /!.diusulote !hel""" ,O~ t1ll 1-y ~O" 11·,dc. ;;oo pound. a~ri1y. Reg. $291 Men's Knit Shirts • • • 1 ·ou11c1 HeoMrrh•lclol Oinl"1tnT $1 29 Preparation H BBC ltt11tfl 100 Tt~lth s1 39 Anacin •••••• Full fo1hlo11 :>olid colcrs ... i:b <Oil· tr..,rin;: color 1'>111 "" mock natlc 11er~ Ril> knot sl«veo anJ """'~· S<•h and luniri<>us or.ylo ic in .-hol e, block, ,c:old. hiN •nd ro,.-•! blue. S·M·L-XL s1aa i1 73···1·otex SANITARY NAPKINS • • .s12a Women's Scoop Neck s1 45 Schick PACK OF 8 DOUBLE EDGE Jersey Blouse ·-·-M ..... W .. '-'""'"''·"·"·· .... , S29a !..~T~".~'~!gate 100 .. 4Bc ~hiir.mrrin,I.'. din,;- 111.: 00..1>1 .. ~lit( ., ... '•'< 1"'"1' io '"'h"" nary, ~roTn er "'Id. l.onii•IO'C'e., T6b1~· l<>ll iinnr. S •rn e 1;1< .,.11 roc f~r JiS I !IJ!O d1ew~K. ~,,. •• 3:. ·~. 59' Bicycle ~11 '~'' f"llrr. r •-C · ron..hlr S:•tllt"'~ ~r"'· , ('J., t"l, [aw d1<th0!~I .'l io'! p11c r f<>t lurutN t!_ ~-r.mc ctn I,! t-\i~Cordless Electric POCKET SIZE Norelco Shaver $21' Aladdin lunch Kits W1"' Pint lettle ~Orbflol'l'I lllie ltet! l•inrh I:• 1 •·11h r•ot h<r.tle. Grnr fctr ititf>r< uk/Q.c to woik or fur """" MacAlpine Scotch Quart Bottle An oot'lt&lldin, Tlhll 11 oor eo.·r"fd•J lo .,. price <>l j 499. No.,. j \.OO ll•~ {(>I iuru1td time. - WM"' but ..i Thr\f!J un )'OU buy I <!~rt of {i"<. lo•l•t, i171l>Oned 1 t a r c11 wh11\Pf for "' io... 1 ptia. SAVE $1.00 $399 69c Ultra Brite ~~~i~ 44c 971 Bazooka Bubble Gum $1 2 ' Value! }~·~;Halloween DISCOUNT. PllC[ BOX OF 120 ·. Costumes f) 88 .., Dl1cou1t C Pric1 79c A ru l ""'! oil or ''"'""-I 11le Hill,,. ..,._,.., 111dr~ ,.,11 A ·~~·l tJrul •r ,,:".;"" <>i ~· , ~n.-~·,,." • I •~••··~ru 1• .. 1 .. 1!.01 h >l- t"•nt<. cnwr : ~ '; 'I I ,_ "· .. '\. \ ['$14's Values! } 'F h' / H1 as ion Pendant Watches ,.,,,,., S.lo•lonl $ Unlqvely Stylecll JkpMt 11( ' Jc11nut1 See tlteSt' NJut iful f !CJ!,Jon! hr P.llrccl 1n a wide st!tcri"n (Jf n~·~t 1hJf'CS l nil ll)·lt'11Q clrli i-:ht C•Cf)' l'Jll 0~pcndAlJk. l({IJtilC limcpi«M It ),l\•11,£:' c;f $!).'ZG. Duy for yuuvclf.,, for gifts no"'" Atco, Atlo11tic • Top-Sellil'lg ArthlJ l!."l hot 11\e ot 1111 01 \il>tl ~td .tbum1 1t o o,hu "I ri lo,.. priC• ••. our hL;~•·: r{,<t.l ol~<• )'<!'.Choo"' from • 'f"'<"l ,.1, :11•n r I ' .rr<c,c .. 1 .. 1•. "•no, tidc.i •• ~i;ld I~ fu~r ' · k'uo~. ""' JSJ ! Modi to Seti lo• $9.94 $371 2 ·Album S•t• •• , , • , •.....• , , , ••• ~okction ir1t!<l<la Y~m1i;: l\is.:•lt, y,~,~~rt: ~c::, Crra M, Wll"'!J of J .. e. $7'5 Value! Hi Intensity D1SCOUHT PRICl Desk lamps J'ully •diwubl• u4litr •11J de-\; l o ml' in ch~l<c: of role". C.Cm· 1•k1e 11·oth bulb. s4aa $J'5 Value! 2400 Ft. JJ.~ Recording Tape A,UDIO MACil•UTIC ~p<c 1>tulJ1 •·ol v<' 7 onrh 1rrl, sph..:r f,ro, 11"1 ~u•f· ir1 t>f'( • _ '. •I ''It tip .... i1h '"'""' red •., thi• low dnwunl Jlll(r : $)97 General Electric AM/FM Clock Radio Discount. $2588 Price ~!ul '"tr i1'1!tlnl pl•f· ?\u •ubn IO 1•t "'it ~• or Ju. l.<)n,t:: :IQublr f '""-,....,, 1cf. Au:om.uic ,..,kc to m1Wc: Oymmil: >f"'•k" &: tt<rl!<11t t<tM. Mod. VQ'O'. Foot High Floral Toy Poodle A•I"""'"-""""'' 98( ""h b1,i: bl""k ti<• •nJ n'"' .. , "''"'oms "".;,,_,,,. loo~: (.>\or <(lr''U1nuNI bo w <,.., nr,k •r.J ht•J. He • h<ci;;n, 10 ~ ril.rQ loor.•<: (Ji!l :L" Automatic Transmission Fluid 2 Q;::" 6 7 c TJP• l c .... ,.,. t• 0tt. ... s.ttl"I fM '''A O...t -'SWij f1'•.•· .. ' ---,~ • . ' -' JQ DAILY PILOT L Ir d~y Ot tobtr 24 1%11 ---- LEGAC NOTICE LEG 4.L NOTICE ·~· ClltTll'ICAll' Of llJ51HIE'1.. I Ul"l'•ro • COUllT 0, lHt IT•TI' 0 11' CAl U'Olt .. I• "0 11: TH l COUHTl 0 1' 0 11 ... HGE •1c 1111ou1 NAME 'ffl, ""'"' 1lvno:<1 GG .,, !~ t~·~ • 1 N• " 1n1• OVER THE COUNTER C~ll"ll I bli> """ ot ~ F 19•~" NOTICI Oii' HE.tiltlltO 01' l"(TIT!ON ltqitd Nfw"°"I 8•1c" Col '<><n ~ """' , ... flt!"°"' I m 1>61"• o f'l j1,(;Sl-i P ltOAO CONVAlE!>CfNT 1-lQSP T•L 1rio -· 11 d I rm ' <""""1'«1 O' ~· .,, ON I... lltt>Of'• "''>O>• nom~ n 1« I 1nd •l.u• of rn d•n<• • • a1 loll<>"' f Oll PllOl&TI' 01' Wil l I.HO 1'0 11 l••"'"'=""l:lficz!>"''""'"':::;l"""""'c----:-"'-'f':::-~---l~TTER1 01' o\DM1H 1l !!Al 0 N ' . ..,•±fE!a••w WITH THI Will .llO•EJtED "'• v •"" Cn• 10 to Jo •i>" l It ..., lltvt:,.. (; -0 v• ~·~• v " " 1<0 11([ 5 l<(llt:8Y GIV[ j T • ~n •u;:11)c.:t':.' :": .. :'~":.~ llon~ "' .,.,. <• ~alon.ol l ,,.1 """ S~• P>[W ....,.. n C• '""' • OOOli ....,, Anoe •• on"" t if'O.., • n • o• •on -ln< 0.19d CklOO<' t l't9 o I> oha • ol .,. o <I or Lrllt • o """ • •r<I "• v Jo.•on Cho lo t Jo••P~ A bo'<1 s """' F tnt ,_ ~man Sole Ill Co lorn• l°" An~•• Covn v On Oclobr t t6t ~ o • m• A 1, ~"' '"Jl>lt n An<I lo ••d ~~· D• on•~ •DH• NI "'" .-. Jo•""" tn• ~ • Jn •on ... ~ I Slm~n •n~ F •nC•\ 1 "'"" "" lo "'* lo l>t "'' ~' ""' ;,no • n•mf t ubo<•lr.Ni o "" "' n n n ym•n • U • ~no ... ....,9,0 ""' •••<~ r<1 "• Jn t (SEAL> C.EP•LO .. we N~TC l NO o v f' ~ r 'I• Comm1•on E o •• Ju • 1i t1J Wf NSTEIJO S•ttl f, I UFFN(• •UorM1• •• l oot ... Sun,.1 t""lt vo 6 Sii I• 11 I Lo1 Antllt• (ollt"'" • -· T Ulll O 1n~• Cn~ D• JI • d Novt mbr T ,.,., HOTICE 01' TRUSTEE~ SALi! No TS NO IUO O• N•v-b• ~ 1969 • 00 .. T A.dm "''""" 9o9 o <O~f """' 0 O~o· m• I No J ruu l t IOOC Y<C•n • 0 ••W h•C ,o S•••A•• c, 1011 • O•tea OCICill• 1J 19b• W [ ~T JO>N Co~nrv Cir fllO,.l(llJO .. NO fllANl!'.llH 1'1 E••I Uth lt<oo! Co>I• MH• C• lo n o JUH I t (I i f )o<I U31 P Ml•I CE•TIF CA TE OF tUSINESS f er TIOUS "IA.ME T"• unor 'onr<1 ""'" • •~• '"' •<on <1~t1 "" • bus""' "' 12• Fo •1! A~• L •gund B••<h Cel torol• cno• h• t c I ''"" f "'n•"1• of HILLS o~ LAGUNA llEAL [SI.I,![ ""° 111•1 <al<! llt.., <omoo "<I al 1n• •ollo"' nQ o•f'IOn ro•• n•m• " tu I •nd P •<• flt ~• Ofntr • l l !o "'"'' NASO L15f1ngs for Thursday October 13 1969 l epteH"ta ~t 1"11<-Gtalfr •uot.01 .. "' II .OPjlto• m.olt r t "M It"' NASO P• <_. H "°' oAdl.olio ro l• 1 or nwt\lu" "'" •M•A o. •• ..,.., n- , ~ N~U••NCE .. ND TllUSl co~· ""-NV "' du v •PPC n od T u• •~ ""d" •~d "" •uant to O!'<'d O! Tn1s 01..., M•• ~ 96! £ tu!.., lh \'/ILL .... C. l ONG Jll •n<I P"Tll lC " .. .., J LONG t-'"""" •nd wt• ona uo Goo J un• 'I 1•65 " n 'o 7 661 n DI><~ 71~• r>I~• 613 ot OH c • 11 .... 0 d> n "' ot « n! '"' (ouMy lltto ~•r o O a Qf Co n v C• lo n1 W ll SFLL "T PU!IL ( llUC ,. ON 10 HIGHEST ~ ODEii FOil (llSH ~"" •O• o •m• ol ••en 1wtu n<>n< <> n• Un t•d 5 •"') 1t lno ~n lh " L•• Pt ••o• 11161 Mfl/' • •v <outn I •QU'li C"• orn • 0• •O .'.PP 3 9~t Inves tment ••<• lo ~. O • <1• Co u" • C o~ nou•• 1<1t ••d • 7?1'1 C v< C•n• 0 •r Wt •I (lo m• • \".• 'h < ••t S•nM •n• Cellon• • ~ t • 1"'1 In •••• (OnVOY"<I •o ~nd ..ov ... d 11' '""' •&dO~al T' n n•o n•r; • u~ •d In "'' cltv a '"' • 11• • ., ••Id C~u•t. ••d ~ • • d• er "" •• Loi l6 ol T •<I No •' n I"'< • ' (o • M••• COUf\ v "' 0 •no• I~. <"••onft ••o• ,..,o •r,<!oot n !ln ~• 1>ev• ~ al OI «•11.,~v• Mao• d• ol • 11 •~unt. S•11<1 •• "'"''~•bt"'nr l'Ov•n•nl o "'" •" v •<i> • • o mp •<I ••••rd 1><1 11• -•On,,. •n<vmt>r•nc"' o 06V "' •m• n nq P n <o• $U,,.. n! ~ • • •u •<! rv ••~ L.-. Po ••fl• ~TA TE or (A roRN A QPA N!"I (OUNTV o" ~""'"''11~' I '"' lir•o • rrt • HO~ PuU < " •'Id to '~" ••• or '""" v ••P•• •~ l•o P• ~vn., • nov n ro rn• o b• "' P• "" w" • 'T'• "'t" l\f'd I> 'I• " "n n'1 ••,.r! i r>O • •"O" rO?•~ '"' < •<.,tod O '"""" !O •<•!Sra '"" 0 ob• •• F•~P Sl'i"' t o Arv Pubtlt (• •o n • f' ~""" (cunl• I~ (omm ••on f~p •• 0 I 1111 ~·~ o ~nQ• Co•'' o~ .,. o lo 1• J ""d Novombo 7 • H~169 LEGAL NOTICE O••d<>I T u•I lo w 1l<ID J w ~ !> "IOTICE,.OCllEOTOllS l• • Io ... M•v 1~ 11\9 •• n • d < S PE• 0~ COU'f OF THE I>~•<!"" "dv•"<' I "" n<!• ST•TE nF C~l lFO•.., .t, FO' Bank Fit·n1 " • • n o o! >• d O•"d ' T ~ •t< r • ~· THE COUNTY' OF OR1'NGE "'" • o•n •> <r' II'>• l ~ •••II n ! • tjp Al<ll1S I • r •M•~ bv ,. d O•f'll T r •• of ~All Y' ~ N"'ILO D•r .. av·<t l"~• M o•f tMY \n<!• •<I 0•1" f10T(( 1$ H(r:l"'fl'I' (;V[N n I'>• ' '" " • ~ MUTUAL T U\ l'>v '"'0" cl • b ••<' n ,., 1 < r " •l>ov• "~m•O u• ~· '"" •bl <11e• •n ""1 "' bvtl'>••P'O"l'>•v"uc~m<dP•n •e t.• • "'"'' • •tu ·~ 'Id <' '"" •• 4 n•c•n•nr • • Hlu •d ro 1 • """' ...,t. 9nM ~ v •n fl• " • ., " .,, "'<" • v •l>ll(h• < " t • " ""-' Dof•u • ~ O•.,..•o<" ·~ < "' ~~ ol n• r • ~ o '"" al><i.' "" Pd <o I o ""' < al 1> ••r" M•d nl • • • 1~ 0 , • , ~"' w " •c• ~ • I~• nd• • o ..., '" • r ~· V to VQUC , /' "~" !> 9n•d Al '"' o!I <• ~· v s•ld ob oo flM ""~ • r ! • " 01 n " " n•• ' "' r.. (ho n~ ""~ J v 1 196• "' U"~" ~..., • ·~ ~l>d t! H II; m•o 8;J Oov•r 0 o• Su P "'" r• of ~ ••rh • <I ,. • • """ ",,": Numb• N•.,110 I ll•"ch C• o n ~ • n d"<I n I><'><>~ 90 1 1>•0• I)) ~ u w" h n• 11 <• ~ I> o n•, n Ii• (' • ll•Gd• un<f' •<In• m• o ''" """~ 0•• r1 oh• !•• h• • """ •~ o•c•~•nl "' hn nu T TLf N5U"A' E ... N[l "'O""' •• , Iii•,,, PUl>I<• on or !h > TIPl 5T<"0 Nl>.O.NV ~\{• • )Ad T <• O•ll"<! II• Elm• W t<•nf • !ho '"" s "". ,. b '""" O • o• rotl Oa t OcP\o-1D 17 ?• 19!f , " " l EGAL I' lOl~t CEllT !F IC .t,T ~ OF tu~ t.tEi' F CTIT!OUS NAME ~h• ,,...,, , """" de•• • " •• r'uc ~· 1 IN• "'" ol 1 ll s~ G• "''~ '~"" A"" Col ~ ~ n~• h• < ou , "' """'" of P~O~ "1 fl!f" I Oil ••d •I •d t"' <0"'"~ •n •• ! ""' •• po "'" ,,..,.,,, "-""'" I• u I • d " •<• " • d••<• " ~~ J•v .O.(•~ <••A•(~o 0• od !"l(lob• I • • ) . ~ ( '1 •C•e"O ••<. n Oto=• 9•' r r ~ • .... " . ' ·~ J• ' . " A (~ ~· ' • • • "' ., ' •• 1-. n• t~r .,. r . " on<I t • ........ , ... g•1 "' t O~<t( •L ~rll\ 11• V •••tv r r•u r ~~~O •n f'l •n~·r ., ' r ...,,.. " "' rl1 ,.,,~•dO• "'~.,-J1011 I F.f:\t ot:P•~TM ENT o~ l u&L ( "o~~~ O V•ON 0~ H (;HWAY• NOT CE TO CONT ~AC TO P~ ' "' LI (,Al r\OTICE: ><OT ([OF PUlll!C HEA~ING • horP n• ~ v•~ " ~. f'I•~ • .... Cl'>O h•( ~ No .. PQrt l\•~~ ~~o ~ ~vo ! "" ot l M FUNDS \Vl11 tc 1'ak c~ " , • " " " " ' ' ' " ' , .. " " " " • ' . Otl ;J NEW VOPK (•P -lh~ to ow "9 ouo • on• 1u"" ~a nv nvr o • N• O • A nt OS n~ ~ on of 5rru I •• Mv O••r n( •• P O<! l~t p er• ~I "'" C" S or;O ~... •~cu • 5o "<I tov d h••• t>otn V• Pv •oln h <I o hlkloh n• P•>h (~•-•OI I;• 1~ A.b• dn 11·!1.·~d 1~ ll ul • " , .. "' . " ,M A Am F : A""" F<I I ~'.!;' tv• ~" o" " '" Am G n .o.m ~v Am Mui AmN G il " 17 ~· ' . Don't worry. Golden West will still fly you lo LAX. 1 7 round trips a day from Orange Counlv Call yow IIavel agent or (714) 636 4071 Golden \Nest Airlines ? • YOUR ANSWER: You ca ll TH E DAILY PILOT Class1f1ed Advert1s1n9 and ll ~k for pl.:i ce a - '· PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLA SSIF IED AD • AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE • • • 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS " . ~ 1 i" IO <1 10 1 11 II ~I !1 I 11 < 10 •11 '' 0 •• I 80 11?1 IJJI O!ttO'I 1fl 7• 10 ,. •-a l!l?J •• , 9JJ I• Ill 16 01 ! 11 ' 11 <!.\O !J50 ~un<h 1 00 , , 10 Complete-Ne,v "''York Stock Li st Nf.W 'VOIU( !•Pl fr <llY I ton\1111 • N'"' 'rQr" ~ 0<1. E~tfl1n<10 o lc11 ,. ' ' ' l\C.Y '" • ll"'•H• p ~ P.> l•nUG /1 B ~"'" Co l\own(o~ awn ~~~ " 1 llwnSnO" I loO e ""'"'~ 1nv BucvE I 10 llu<ld Co Ml 8V<ldCOD5 8v<19 F of !oO lludQrt In i • Bu tFoo 1 o lluo••W ~ Ru k l.l~n ~ Bun~!> or SO flu no I •o 6 'Id• 7~ e on ~· 8 •11Unv I 6 r "' 1 ... 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' • • Final Stocks In All Home Editions ; ' . . .. 12 DAILY PILOT '"·""'= '"-•• l ' -··-· ---• '_"'"! • Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Coast ANIMALagi< ltfarriage Lice11ses L AS V[GA$, !l•• l,,.,,,~go '•<•n•r• •»~!'On.,• m<l11<l< $(HMI01 AflM~T~ONG -0<! )I, T"'' 11'.o••· 11. 01 S•"'" '1\on•t •, •"a Ltnd~ LOU•"'· I•. ol (O'o l& ...... \~' J0HNSON·JOHN$0N 0<' I?. <1.1, l<>tO l , ••· •ml l.U<•I" (~<"''• .)), bot~ OI W•>lm•"""' M<(A.RA·l!A.:ER -0" \~. 1>•111 •I •n<I Jt•nn•'t•. :)(I, ~t~ o• 1.-••111·•1 ll••<h. OUCl(WQflTH 1HOY.~~ -f1d, Woli.•m E , •1. ol L~~""' ><11» •"d flou no. •.l. o• SPO~e~•. W~•I\ (~Pl E I> <IO~l l'.:•l -0<1 1/ P "'' •! n• Hu~••"<lton 1!•0<~-ond V<>•.,, •1 "' f uni•~~ l/,'FIM~tlO U l"N -0 " ll '·'""I,' ••, •"<I Jul•• M ., •-i bQ'~ ot ra» l>tfl 8••<'>. ~«illG~N -MOllGAN -Oct 1;, t• •rr• ~ ' "" "~~" e<' ~ ootn l.oU!< '!, ~~. t.u<n ot Co"• M•,~. /'·1 1<;£f ·BOllO~So<Y -Or i 11, )~~n c , ~1, ..,no t .• ,. I . ;:1, I><·'" c• r vn 1,~q!Oo B•~(~ CHAl'MA>j.$TEI"' -Ott 11. B••'' O•••d, 11, OI L~' v~q··· "'". 11nd ll•ntv J•vn~. 19, a• co,ra 1,1"•"· r r.c.ER!;.M<DOWELL 0<1 11 Go•~on Alv,n. ll. ond Do'ouw (. 36, !>OW o! Hun1 ,n0Ton B~11tn, P;ALZCil!Al'f·l!AllDLI' -Otl 11. Jo~n t<"qo, J9, al 1:.,,1>u, 11n~ r~•n<• JP~n. 1~. or W••'"""''''· ACit;LIN·LA VENOEI! 0<'. 1'. [11rn~'' row~·~. J,, ~nd G"""" Le•, '"· oorn ol Coo111 A',•«•, C~THCART-lOWN~ENO -00. l~. trwon L, 5~. llnd Mll<P•'" [, •~. 1>atn ol L11ovn11 Bt"'"- Bl!OMAN-PIER-DOMINICI -Ott. \!, l ll'fV 11 , 7), OJ ""~""''" •0c, ••d Kr.•Ton~ C .. 19, pl Lo• Alllmo!O!. LOWMAN·l'ISCllElLI OCT, 1~. L•W'PntP YMvn•, ?\I, QI Co>1• I.I•••· 11nd M11'1•, ;>(l, ot Arcad\O. BFMI\!! CAMI' --O" 1~. r;•·~nrv P 11 , and C•iol A~n, 2l, ao•h of ~<IAl.T·H EP ENOON --0<! JI, 'f,•'lo•I Joll•n, 10. •nd M•"v Annr, I!. bl!lt>"' Hu011.n~1on !'!•~<" BERr.f R·KRUEGEll Or• 11 lO,.,,POCO A<nold, ..)j. ~nd (~lllt. ,/, l>otn n• W"""'"~t••-r>OR TEP B/11.'TOtl -0<1 11, C.orv JnM. )I, and B•r~aco, 11, bo'h o! V,',.,1...,l~•IPf MAP11E·WELCH -OCT l~, J•nir· .. ll. ""d (onn'r A , ;;, ll!llh ol L,19~·n• fl••(" 11/IG EN-Sfl~ -0<1 I!. Fto•• f , 71 ~I Polmd•lr, """ Robort• nnn. ll, o• Huntn>gl"" 8e~<h. Divorces DIVORCES FILED Ttiomp•on, Sh••on LYn v• ,.._; Thom•• t ""'"· Jo Ann S v• Ch,.,. ~. P,,,,., .. it;ov M••« ., C.•'V l'lrtnlon 11 r•o~•. \11<\"''" Anr • v~ Jat~ Hr>fl~nd PuO> v; El•1"1><'ih \\'~•· Pnllm F.. v~ l'otr«•• l l"<Jrn•~n. 1/1••9••"1 f v' Pob••! I •nb•rn, l o•r• v• J•n1•• S l'wtr<. Linn• rk v~ o~n••M ~·· With, lforoorP! El1on V' ~o·r.,,t Lt • /.f••••C> ~I'"" I! v> Pn~•d J <'"""·'· Ch•d•< F '" 0 .. 1~0• r'"""''"' 11u1 n M•<&•re! "" Millon I r•«~ \'l.,,t;.•9, M•(n••' cn.,1~, "' B•f·~ Annt C.>l><ll, M••'~"· (y,,l h,• "' Llcvo >lorn.tt~n "C<\, D"""' Lov:< "" J•t.• //•l•ll. SYIV>A Ju"' V5 (narl•I W•"Y r0,,,,10,.·, w;11;am L••<• "' 11.,, r. f .,dn••, i.,.,,, Ann VI 011.v'd D, Oo•'""U'-Mary•nn., 1-<ort>oc! [. 1'•11n•• f•I••~ ( ~' l'l"h•m· (, 1/1<\.oonOhn, M•tr•n~ J. vs l •«V L•• 11 ""• M~<) ~u• v< Wllh•m Jo,•pti I "'"• No<m.1n Alt.or!"' H•l•n <>n« > ••· "nb•" Jn"on v' s~i"•• .,.,,.er. """"'· 11.,.,,,,, (ti•rl•• F "' D••l•n• r ••em.1n, Putn Mo"''""' ., MiH~n l•W"· \/. ""l>"'Q· Mi<~••I fh•"» "' B•l1y Aon• (I N;!, //\•rl,nr (•n•n .• "' l.lovd H"'"'"on ''"'" D~nn• Lnu>< v• J•n • l '1t•I• • .!.YIV·• Jvn• V' (ko,lol \~·· ., (~•n<IO<k, Willlom L_,ny "' l/,>ry (_ ('"•one<. ll'r~<• A~n V< O•~•d r\ (•ll"•Mou•, //,Mv•nn V1 >l rrtl<"d l . Ru<h"''• E LI••~ ( "' \'lll11~m C. /t'L""""'•n, M~r<•n• J y, T•"V l •• IJ••,., M•rY ~u• '' Will<am JO<•~n I """· "IO"'T"" .. IM! v' H•••n Qo . t ·'>. ll o,...,I Jo»Ph VI Sk•d•Y P•''"'" c .. •~. fi>1•""'" """ "' J11••on '"'"'I '°''!> ·~~·, P4ul.ne lln• ~ V•, Jo••r>~ '""''' JP~n M V\ Okl.n ll"~·oll 1 ••·dnm, C•,1t(• """ v~ 110~"" r.l11n r.·~·n (on•l,lnc• 5. "" r.-"k ,.._ IH•1,•>, /~·"Y l '" P•,.I W s,~1 1!'1<•, OMn• 11~•·• v•. Po~•" P~¥ J~m,.,,, Hol•n v• llnttorl A,•IOC• M~o>ll•ld, Oo,onw (, ~I Rot•fl S, INff;:RLOCUlOllV OF.(O[FS Mttown. J~4n II"" .... \lofQ•I EUQ'"' {•n,.1, """"'"" e "' E<IW•t<I H J,or~\~'L, Oon"d SL'" "' JCY1'•• A•~•n Pnm_,O, M~/QM OI M•tY "' J~• l'~lrlll """""'· 6t•·~ar. Ann• v•. L•m~od W r· tiOPr•nr, C.l~cn~ ~ V' f'"•I''~ J, C-n!" Hr·•• P v• l!oU•" C "\ ntl•"· "'"'"'"'~ I to v' W.1l•u~ II~·, '·'••<kAn!, fl~""' V \/' 00<'\ \Y·l"1" C•iol W•••'' "' II"'"•"~ I' •"". I\ ,,!'I l.'.M'1,1••t l\nf1 .,, 1><1!1'" P•ul I•"'"'""'' I ~-,Mn o f>'•"I ~ l wn•' s,,,_.,., A " 11~<1~' I r• (·»llf~t••, I',,,,./,\ V, p,,..,.,. 1 un• '''"''' J~"'" W•'"c v• t•H'" c:• r •i , '"'"rt" ~•oJMI>' j••I" ~-O>v•n ''•~V; '"'~~' P"""'~ I•' " lL1'•~" T r·ro1;0. "'''~~'"" L v• tJ""•ld R. S. Ul"CJ'S I:'.) Get llonors F011r1ccn nr 1\1:.irin:i High !'i1:hoor~ 111p sillJ!Prs h;1\'I' ht>cn "clrcll'd lo pcrionn \\'Ith thr '·l\tarlners," a ~chool vocal ~roup, Thcv arc : S<.1rn1nr l\tcl ton. t.alr1l l\1cl.(JCC, Cvnth1:1 Bur· c·l11'tl and Connie f:hris1ir. so· pranos: ,/<icqui Sp11rlin . /li~n­ cv .Juler, and Kerry Ncv.'hn, :-i.11os : Ril l J)a\·is. J\·likr liza1n;i :-ind l\1ike U-dd~·. 1enors ; ;ind . John Spitlrr,_ r::ct ChoaL Roy Co111cr and Doug \Villia1ns. basses. 'fhc l\farincrs arc schcdu1c{l 10 p<Jrticipate in ll-1·0 conl· pet itive musir festivals in ad · d1tion to ent crtaininf!: other schools, c i v i c J!ri:111ps and church and con11nu111ty or· ganizations. lfanoi Prcn1ic1· Vi~iting Pekin" " TOKYO (AP) North Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dollg arrJvcd Tuesday in Pelting with a dcle,eation fr om Jlanoi alter visiting East G<.'rman\' and !he Sovle1 l)nion, ·Peking 's New China Nev"s Agency repor1l'd . 'fhe nc~·s ;igrncy ~a 1 d rkln~(s pa rty ~·a~ 01('1 hy Premier· Chou £n.J;11, \'1t (· f.'rem1r r f.i JlSJCO·llll n :ind other officials. ' ..... ,, ... I-ti• •• Wo01r (,ootu• ..1~~"~''-(.llllQ.11 H•ll V> JV~> l •• ! O•i•!, fl<v• v> Md•O• ( >'o'"''"· J•m•> •> Andt>o•I• ~<unuw. 0 (1«• l. "' O•V·~ W ~o.• ,C.•n"~"' F, "' O••IY<'t e Be<• Do••d G "' Btl1V• J_ (.oroon, M•M"'" Fl v> Rot>orl il. ,.;,,,. l!onn•• L v• Don D ~•m!'n», L"•o••·• v~ Mi<naol l. r,w1r•. Bon•!• If·•• "' BoDll·• r"''" l~<eoh. Jt1mi!• l!•<""<d v• 6••&a•• /'tn o;.~d1Q, .01c.-no J . v• W••"" J, !.t>ulh,,OfO, Jr., A~<'(:. V> M•ly1n r. M<(•ll· W , ( '' l'hYTll\ [l•;n• D•••'. AID•r: l hO••,., •• l rvltlll I.I••- '"' ~~•"'"'· B••b••• l . "' l(...,.,~1n I, l'Oll'!. Co•t l '" Ge•ola l a,.,tfn<• MoCO<>nl ld, J""n R. v• .o\nQl9 L, ~~q.,, 1.~v·' l ., i;i.,. •• 1a r,,.i Po,. L•~r6 Loo>• Rol>f:<I 1-<tnrv 1 •. cGu"'-Fr1nC•• ~an<!•• "' JOl\n JP<C)m• MC(urOY, llot>o" F "' IJ\ob•ll• >l, tonvor!""· J""n A, Y\ 5Jl•ro<\ L. All•~· L.nPt c.~" "' l!alph c lnomP>""• L>r111 E 11e~ '' LorJ" '-1~•" Mul>O" "'"~"I'"" M •< C.ulll~•,.,c li•(•f« For<r,1 L. "' 00'1"'1 J. l'•l••~n. MM• Lu'" KrnnoTn Fr~nk [u<hlor, Jr., Co1n1rrn M '" VIAr crn I' S<n11r1>och, C•nOI~ LOll"t v; G'<l ld W1l11om Lr Mo•, Jr .. Nan<v Marlo ~• Krnn•lh S<oTI l'nrl.,, l!ol>forl Ell.•"' <'oh"l~ I '""' Vd"'" AuO••v ... 1 •• n0o ., l<,fflOl•l•I [ .... 11 Na,t>o•I, ... ~Ole• f.."r~I V• '•"O•O• C.o•dM l'ur<r tl, f.'v• A. v> r'~'"'' J,,.,n Sprlno. M•"•~ J •I v,c1or (Ol• Co">"d~•. Jonn ( "' Su• Ann lowrrnc:t, Oav10 D .• , Jron 1')01ot"' FINlt.L 0£(R££S (~""""• Bne,1~ s. "' J•m•• JO. 5mil~, o,.,,., P. v• C.r r&ld A McCo~. LOI• f•v• ~• Hil1ar~ ll•v JQne1, Ella M•• vs Rov L••ll• lnm1n, LH It >'I Virgin,. P. Gf'Orgr, II, Martol .o\nn >'I 01vid Wickham BEVERLY ANTIQUING OR WOODGRAINING KITS Choo•• from gr•cil co!ot1 or wood1on•1 during thi1 clo••Put cind .av• •no1.1gb to hir• a tutor to b•lp JttCd tber eo1y ilr.1tr11.ction1. Reg. 6.29 3 77 CLOSEOUT BOW SAW WITH QUICK RELEASE BLADE Dandy li1ll• 1ow lo •lcirt your awn lum ber bu1ln••• with (now you know ciur 1ecr•t.) G•t lh• 1Cw, '/~;,.:;;;:;:J~~ ••• Smoi•y about ci for••\. and ~ ,wtl l IDQk• a deal. 197 Jt>hnton, J• 5;~,I [d,tn• " l!t.L.,I H. O<Jo"~ N•n<• l •• Oonoltl I Blown, /,\a,.~or«I C.. •> 11.,, O. P••>l•Y, G~;lrPl l•• "' O•nni (,•!.• W lhon. JOtl• •• t.\r l• n f< C.t••t><r. J•l<V All>«! v; llt~rtOI J, D•<k•<. l fw" M. •• Rob>'•• J (OmPIOn, J•rome 6r(lm10, ·~ 0"""" l.\a•!• p.,.,,,m, D•nn•~ '<:•nn••~ v~ l H•~• ll•oom•. J""'P' 1<11ndoll V• 1'6vlo I "lcn A~P•I, Lovl•• M Vo Vocto• ~. Mdrl~UI•,., C•rolvn S "' C.ro.-g• B. No,unan, Adell G•rf,ucrr "' Het t><-rt William P~10,.on, Susdn M~•le v~ Jdmt> £_ G•ubb, Gtnger Lou"e •> O~nvrr Sornp'°n J.;"''" 'n. Cw1iT.,1oct Motl< "' It•'"" 6•u•• l"""~'"' (<r·•l"• B••r"Y YI l•dn"v ''" 1 ,,. Q•lr"'"' A v• llhfl•,·I (; f M •O• C.<•dlOir>c M•t« •> l'l•ll1•t!l c ...... P·•~, lP\I" P "' Onnn• Mdt" c·~~1•, Ju11r L• v rroe "' lHtnMd o,,~, ~ur.d•. t<el•P1 It ~, F "'"~ I! M•"n"11, ~ana<0 S. "' Jonn P M&<11n, Vor9 ,~,a M '' Horry f,I_ N.~ .. ~o. G~•~l<I'"" Aon•• f.••n«• Jon~ Br)(., C~1olvn M. "' P•th~'n P, W"9"'· Rac~~•l Leon• •~ Wrli>~r Conw•V 1/4 INCH SHOP PLYWOOD I know i(1 early. and we shouldn't m•ntioo it until all•r Thank•srivinsr, b\lt 11uch o gODd daa! on plywood lot holiday cu!ouls should nol pa11 t:rr1Bung. !So 1ing a little.) 197 4'8 FOO! GALVANIZED RAIN GUTTER Col•anized. slip joint and solder1'1·.-s. easy and light to put up. Keeps waler ham woshing yol.lr plants away, adds value !o yol.lr home. (about 77 cont5 worth.) JO FT. LENG Tl! GROOVY STUFF Advertised specials good thru Oclober 29. 1969. . . . '-• . :· . ':. .. .. .. - HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC FLOOR RUNNER u.e !his heavy duty pla11le floor runn•1 io' sup•• proleclion for carp•t•. Choo•• hot0 g1••n. gold. Of cllt<lf, LIN. fT. AMERICAN FLAG CYLINDER LAMP A po!riotie decoratlv• lamp that nicili•• nic• lighl all year long, not ju't on holiday1. Us• ia den, recr•oHon room • kld '1 room. 1377 12x12 CARPET TILES Luxurious tiles in fool square siza do a IOI of room tor less money than ever before. Choice ol sorne reolly sparkling bright colors for doing a s tainprooL weatherproof lloor in the den, bath. nursery. bedroom. 1ritche-n. patio, garage; it's even nice enough for the more formal dining or living rooms. Goes down easy with two s ided lope. Foom backed. no pad needed. 7 INCH HEDGE SHEARS Why monk•y oround with on ol d 1u~ly . cull poi• ol shear• when Jor a cool 97c- you con do th• thing wilh o biighl new pol•. lh•y'll \ook good honging in \he gorcig• loo. 1~4~e~ ... ~~::::Z:: LONG HANDLED POLE PRUNER Sio nding an a lcidde r ond r~cich1n g •kyword to pru n• i• a good way ta lcill h•hiod in yov.r work. Try thi1101 OD •a•i•1 operation.. EA • -....... '°'•"•· "•'"~'• A "' Ea<;•• ll' er1·w,., ll••~dr•::; •• P•vl (. V~•~ntu•••• Joonn• t\<O ;. AtnOld •ivn•' ( •""M<I, Jo•nno C v~ JQ~n O~V>d ~"·low, ""'"''a Ann v~ l •"~ llt•n R••'•<k, Ah~e E YI Ro< [ l y~e" YoolA ,\on>> Ra"•ld l u<• 5chvt.>.r!, K•!n1-vn Ola~I"\ 11• Jol>n S<•lh•. JO•t .. n •> C.N•IOin• "'•>Ir,_ Wdl\Cli Md• v> Cu<l1> C. l'•vl,.n, Glor•• Jun• •• r,,nnf L"l'r f•ul~nrr. M•rv c v• Jolm r M~n,,, M••Y P. ,. Havw•11d 1(. ~-' ,.-... JUOGMENlS ··sPtAI( OP. Ct.U~P~ l C-'W'f IJWPfR· 'if).»9 'fW ! .. Cntne•, Jr .• 511<'<0<! L•c •• Nel.on A. IGno~lm~nl). tT CAULKING CARTRIDGE Se(l!ed lip in1ur11 lreshn11~. tils •landard caulking gun. g•I those 1001e lla1hing1 now and com• !h• rciin1, you won't be haari ng drip, drip; dri p. {You·ll hear lhl.lnk. thl.lnk. thunk. tba tky is lolling.) 19~. 45 GAL. GALVANIZED TRASHCAN Rugged bo10 comes compleht with lid !you supply the ira1h and feaJ lree to us~ this ad to wrcip 1ome!hing in.l A long laster that jusl won't g+•e 1.1p, 347 FREE 3.98 ORTHO GARDEN SPRAYER Her1!1 lh• deol, buy th• laotax aTid yoo get th@ 1proy•r Ju1e (beal1 using on -vedroppl!r, rlght?) Sove money and g•I th• be1t while yau'1• o! II. Thl11t11.!I kiU1 almost cifl suciing and chewing ins•ct1 . 1ome lrom !hit i115id•. WITH PURCHASE OF QUART SIZE ISOTOX 5.98 or. BLACK & DECKER JIGSAW Sa ve 3 do! lats on thi1 n:ion sler ol rlllc.1ency !ho!'ll make stroighL <'llrve d. or irregular culo. in cu1y type oi rno!er ia! o.uch a s melol, pla•tic. wood, o r c ompQ1ition hocird, 1499 METRIC SOCKET SET Grl!a! for cill you folks that own Jor•lgn cors and cycl•• too. p,•••011 stripping th• he(ld witb th• wrong wrench, 199 6 INCH DISCHARGE CEILING FAN CAT SCRATCHING POST FEDTRO BURGLAR ALARM FOR AUTOMOBILES 677 Kinyc('tl just Jove lo 1erotch. &$pL1<:ic\ly lurnl!•" J a nd carp•!1. Hio. very own post will ~,,,,your nerv•1. your vocal COTdl, (Ind hr ' le•lin91. Choic• of color,. Prol•ct1 your ear automoticcilly :I C houri a day agciil:r1t lhi!lt or tamper- ing. II 1omeone·s m•1sing ciround. lh• alo:nn aound1 loud blo•t lhat •cona lh•m awciy right into lh•1;1r1111 ol an ear doc\or. ~- Saddleba~k N.Y. Stoeka VOL 62, NO. 255, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, .1969 TEN CENTS Friends Aid Clemente Mom • Ill Drug Appeal Friends of San Clemente PTA leader J\1arvena Kennedy, convicted or srnug· gling marijuana aer o!'>.-> the Li.S.-Mex1 can border. today are pushing a fund Urive to defray costs of her court apJ>(!ats. E\'en the Board or Trustees o! the Capistrano School DistrKt has endorsed t.hc appeal fund . Dr. RObcrt Beasley, San Cleincntc veterinarian and president of lhe buard. confirmed that he had added his name to the list of those supporting the appeal. "I have kno\\'TI ~1 rs. Kennedy for some time through her \\'Otk with the schools and I believe she should be g1vf'n the benefit of full legal support in her ease,'' Beasley said. Endorsen1ent of the ~l:irvcna Kennerly Appeal Fund also has bern signed by trustee Nofie Famularo and half a dozen friends and PTA associates of fltrs. ·Ken· nedy. Fund chairman is Mrs. Ruth Clark. longtime frit'nd and co-v.·orker in PT A and other youlh projects. tl-Trs, Clark asked that co11tribut1ons to the fund to pay ~'lrs. Kennt•dy's legal lt'es De addressed to the ~1arvena Ken- nerly Appeal Fund, Post Office Box 23, Jn Dana Point. The 44·ycar-old mother of 1hrre has been tried twice in San Diego on charges of transporting several pounds of mari- jua na across the border fro 1n Tijuana one year ag(l. The first trial Jasl sprlng rcsultc<I in a hung jury. $5"000 From Following a second trial, l>lrs. Ken· necly wa~ found gu1!ity by a jury in San D1ego·s Di~.!:-:ct Court and on Aug. 1 l was senlcnced by Oistriet Judge C, A. t.1uccke lo a prison lerm not to exceed five years. An <ippcal has been tiled by her attor- ney, J effery t.t. Levy or Los Angele5, "·ho maintains that additional evidence has been discovered. ~t rs. Kennedy has rrturned to her San Clemente home to awa it tile outcome of the appeal. Throughout the trlills she has main- tained her innocence, insisting that she did not know v.·ho placed the marijuana, discovered by border patrolmen, under the back seat of her car. Her husband, Ian Kennedy, chairman of the San Clemente Parks Commission, said his ll.'ife had e:one to Tijuana on a routine shopping trip, taking with her a tenant io their apartment house, t.1ark County Clerk • an e Ill Leary on Stand Disp utes Officer's T est imony If anyone was down on all fours in Dr. T imothy Leary's car last Dec. 26. cra\1·1- ing around like an animal, it \vas Lagun:i Bc;ich policeman Neal Purcell , the. drug cultist testified 'fhursday. The onetime Jlarvard psychology pro- fessor has been eheery a nd even flippant during the four·day pretrial hearing to Sl'.ppress evidence in the narcotics case against himself. his wife and son. But Dr. Leary erupted angrily dur in~ Thursday's proceedings before Judge Byron K. ~lc~lillan in Orange County Superior Cou rt, however, contradicting police teslirnony. The 4[1..year-old Pied Piper o f Psychedel ia said his son, John 13. Leary, 20, was only hunting his boots and lug- Leary and his wife Rosemary. 33. said lhey were dropping younR John Leary ofF on \Voodland Drive lo spend the night with friends \111('11 the policeman air proached the c:ir. Pu1ct:.ll said the you\11"s aJJ.fow·s slanee Miss io11 Viejo P1·edicting Rapid Acce leratio11 i11 '70 By RICHARD P . NALL 0 1 l~I Diii'/ 1'1101 S!tli Officials oft.fission V1eio Co1npany !hL'i v.·eek predicted a !970 ac,·c!('ralion of onr of the \\·est"s fa slesl gro\1•\ng p1;1nncd c•.)mn1unit ie~. ~lission Viejo nfhcials. b~· lette.r and person, appto ared at lhe monthly mcf'tln~ or ~Ioulton·Nigue1 \\'atcr I>istrict rl1reC'• !ors. Th(! di strict 1.~ rcponsiblc for part of the ulililies in Mission VicJo territory. G. H. Lodd('r, t'n ginccring managt•r ror 1hc land rleveloprnrnt. and ~l!ss1nn V1t·111 grov.th v.·1!] bl' 21 5 percent ann11:illy ron1- pared tn 10 3 pe rcrnl c~t1m;1tC'd fr1 r ::i;intheast Orangr Cnun1y and J 7 percent for !he cnllre county. It \\•ill . ht ~aid, inrluclr ; -Seville llon1es. ;ipproxi1natr..ly 900 l1omcs \\'ilh constr11r!'lon ol lir5t uni ts 1n February and completion expected in April, 1971 . -Eldorado llomes , 501 homrs, ron· :'\ru<:tion to begin in April v.·ith con1- plction scheduled in l\1ay 1971. -Coronado Homes, 298 hon1es, v.'ith construction under v.•ay and completion scheduled by December of this year. -LI P:iz Homes, (unil'> 17 · 21) 301 h0mes. Construction has started and t:ompletion is scheduled for October. Orange Co ast Weather Cloudy C<lnditions continue to clog the coast with the weekend fore- cast offering only partly sunny afternoons and little change in temperature. JNSWE TODAY -La Paz flomes (units 22 • 251, 219 hon1es with construction to begin in October and completion 6chcduled July, l~i I. -Granada Homes (unit 6 and 7). 117 home~. \.I 1th construcllon to be gm Jo .lanuary and be completed in June. -Granada llomes funl\s 8·121, 301 ho1ncs. Con5truct1on is to begin in June 111lh t o111plctlon scheduled for July, 1971 . -~li ssion Ridge. 86 homes, c:on- ~truction is under 1ray and completion Js !'t:1lt-Ou lrd for /\ugu~t, l!liO . -:0.fontanoso Apartn1ents, 144 units. f'ons1r11clion i:;; to begin in January, 1970 11·1\~ co n1plC't ion ~lated for \ate 1970. -Auto t.·lall. li;icated along t.larguerite Pnri\w<1 1'. This 73 acres of commercia l~ developii1ent is under v.•ay and comple· t1on is schedt1led in late 1970. -S<.hool Sites. Tv.·o schools ·will be under construction within the next month. 'J'hey are Cordillera School within Eldorado Unit 2 and Via Grande School vdthin Granada Unit 2. Four other school sile!'I have been graded . Lodder also tePorted that the Bur- rou2hs Corp. expects about Nov. 15 to cc;mmence occupancy or a 300,000 ~uarl'.: fO(:t industrial complex at th e southeast CGrner of Los Alisos Boulevard and Jeronimo Road. .. The Mission Viejo Company i.~ com- pleting a large medical center at the SO'lt heast corner of La Paz Road and Clirisar.ta Drive, The center will ha"e SJ>- proximately 25 medical suites,'' Lodder .stated. LoddC'r said the development forecast ror P.Joulton-Niguel officials adds up to 2.':23 planned homes in addition lo the other facllitles. He predicted saturation of the Moulton-Niguel districl"s portion in two or three years and total saturation in ahout fi ve. and allegedly flilated eyes led him 10 suspect drugs "'ere involved. '"I! was Officer Purcell who was on his hands and knees hke a dug -in the front se;it or !he car -srarching for narcotics," Leary explained , "my son's beha\lOr was appropriale." Quar:titiei:; of drug pills believed lo be LSD. stme n1arijuana rtnd hashish, the rer.ncrf sap of the v.·ecd"s blosso1n, were gage in the r rar Qf !hr staUon wagon (See LEARY, Page 21 Linkletter Asks Beatles Debate Nixon on Drugs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI J -Trlc1•ision personali1 y Art Link!ettcr Friday sug- gc~!rd that the only type of television program thol would carry the dnJg message to the young \vould be a debate bet\\·c-:n the BC'at!es and President Nixon. Linklrttcr. calhng the Beatles "the leaCtnt advocates of an :tcid society,"' n1<lde his suggeslion 1n ans\1•cr to a q11est1on hy a mC'mber of the House select comm11tee on f'rirne before which he was tr~1 ifyin~ on drug abl1sc. L1nklelter·s daui;:htrr Oian(', 2 O, rrccnl!s plungrrr to death 11·h1lc ur1der Lhe 1nfluenl·e of LS(l Rep. l!11brrt \". nrnnl'y of l\cbrai;ka a"ked Linklr!!C'r !l a simultaneous 1 clec11~1 on thr('c networks Fc:ituring drug £':\perts ;1nd tl•C n·:-tgrrs 1-1·011ld be a good 1-1·;:1y !1' bndge lhc gent•ration gap and po;nt ou' drug dangers to the youn~. '"That 1vf)uld get the parents," L1 nkl ct· Irr replied. '·But the only thing that v.·ould get the kids v.1ould be a debate bct,•:ecr. the Beatles and President Nix- on.·· Linklctlcr said he v.·ould prepare a fi lm with a University of California medical school grant to bring drug knowledge. to educators. He rt:commended thal such • film be made compulsory for every teaeher in America, saying that the Jack of knowledge on the part of teachers, deans anJ adminlslralors was '"shocking and horrifying." He also suggested a com pulsory educa- tional program on drugs to be started in all schools at the four th to Fifth grade level and continued through high school . Slock lllarke l s NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market pushed steadily upward and was on firm and higher ground in active trading late this afternoon. (See quotations, Pages lll--11 ). The Nitr11 Grill" Dir t Band t111d Orannc Co1111ty's 01vn S1111· shi11e Conipntl!I arr. nnio11g tile nttroction5 at Silverrrdo Day1 hi 811e11n Park I/ii~ tveekend. Detoil T11 today's \Vtekendcr section. Pu1npkins Pi~ked .. fl lllt " C•ll'-'"'' ' (lln.lll" J\·U ''"'lu • c ............ .. O.fl~ N•ll<ll • OIW .. (H " Ellli.r111 '"' ' E11fflt1l11l'flt lll 2t " ,1o1 ..... 11·11 .... __ .. ...... "-" " 11\11 ... • Mi tri ... Lltt<19" 1t Mlvl•t JJ.H fllulw1t ,w,..i .. ''"''-"•• ·~· •• o ...... c ..... ,, • ....... ,.,.,, ,,.,, ·-· 11·1• SI.ct "'••ttll !fol l TUtvltl9" • ,.,..,"" 11·H W•ll""' • Wt• .. ·~· ••• W .... tfl'I N...., 1).!J w..--r 11'11 One of the. best things ln life al this thne nl year is a ~real big orange: pumpkin but, cnntrary to tht song, nol all the best thing.<1 in life are free • They cost about a nickel per paund. Pumpkin patch owners U1roughout Orange County hive suddenly developed the problem of pumpkin plUerlng. t specially from a giant field of golden ii:Jn~ 1t 13i71 Sand Canyon Road. El 'Joro. The field has' been used as a acenic Hallo,1·een harvest tableau by more than one new11papcr photographer, leading some people lo think perhap! it is !(>me~ one's idea of a pubUc service. Giving pumpkin pluckers the benefit of the cloubt. Mrs, Louie Etcheberrla note! that the patch is not a nonprofit enter4 pri~e. and requests people lo either buy or ~uriply look. D-IVf l'ILOl Sit t! l'lltfe AT EL TORO -~1 aj .Gen. Rober G. Owens, commander of the Third ~1a rine . .\irc rafl \\ling, greets Konstantin Feoktistov (right) upon Soviet cosmonauts' anival j n Orange County Thursday. Man in cen- te r is inte rpreter. Feoklistov was a ccompanied by fell ow cosmonaul Georgiy T. Be rcgovoy. No Spa~e Arms Cos nionuut P us hes for Peace By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI ~fnchlne guns and ammunition do not belong in ou ter space, according lo Soviet cosmonaut Konstantin Feoktistov, one of two cosmonauts who paid a short visit Thursday to American space scientists at a cor.venlion in Anaheim. ''ll is my personal opinion lhai military use of space is simply not practical. It lhink that the idea of a space ship armed v.·ith gllns and machine gun~ is simply riOicutous, .. said U1e gray-haired scientist who nrbited the earth in Oetober 1964 as a member of the lhree-miln Voksnoct cre1v. .. Soaee is the .scene of peaceful ex- ploralion,"' he addtd . Facing a baUery or cameras and m ierophoncs, the two Russian space CJ:• plorr rs told new~men ()( their im- pressions of the U.S. Speaking through an Interpreter from the Voice of America. Maj. Gen. Georgiy 'f. Beregovoy who orbited alone last year. 11:aid, "The people are very nice, Vf!.rf friendly and show goodwill. t feel like t am home. If the possibility exisl'I, 1 wi\1 come back here whether you invite me or not." The genera l told nc"·smen that some· clay Ame'rican and Russian astronaut.. may ny missions together. Looking at iiSlronau\ Eugene Ceman. who ac- companied the two cosmonaut! lo Anaheim, he declared, "In principle th.i s possibil ity exist!. M of now we are 1oing pi'rallel but different ways. Such Olghts wlll be possible in onf', two, or three years and lead to intematlonal coopera· tion.'' lfe then quipprd th11t they would ac-- compan)' lhe A..-t.-!t'AN "u ~ u .,,., PREDICTS JOINT FLIGHTS Coarnon1u t Beregovoy learn the English language." 'Feio«listov saJd ttie SOvitt spact 'pro- gram is now roncerntd' wtth Jive: major goals rather than just fist.a;Ustiment of an orbiting spacti station. They are: -L8rge lOw or'blt space stilions for scientific -Observation. -Creation of unm•noed ast.raphyslcal 1Sfoe f'MR.t.ONAUTS~ Page !) I . Hanson, 22. Hanson, who walked back across the border, also was broughl to trial and found guiltr, but did not appear for sentencing. A bench warrant wa ~ issued for his arrest. A former Sunday School teacher and Girl Scout leader, Mrs. Kennedy last yrar was given an honorary PTA award for her youth service work. She has held many PTA offices and was an active \\'orker in support of school bond drives. Surrenders After Audit Show s Loss Charges of grand theft were filed today against a Mission Viejo man accused cf embezzling an estimated $5,000 from lht Orange County Clerk's office. Ricflnrd W. Burke, 27, of 26.171 Papagayo Dr ive:, is held in Orange Coun- ty jail pending setting of a court hearing. H1: is accusect of embeuling funds ad- ministered by the county c lerk's finance divi!ion in the county courlhouse over a twcry!ar period. Chief Deputy Di.strict Attorney Jame• G. Enright today stated that Burke sur. rende.red to sheriff's olficer.<1 Thursday after <1. $200 banking discrepancy wa~ allegedly spotted by an Orange County Grand J ury auditor. . 'He obviously panicked," E nright charged. "Spot checks run by the county auditor prior lo this had revedld no defi- cienric.s bu t the Grand Jury dbc:overy ob- vlou.:ily unnerved him and he surreDdertd the next day." Enright said the deficencies OCCWTed through Burke's daily banking of lundl recei~d in the county clerk's ornce. Burke allegedly withheld an esUmated $200 to $300 on M!Veral occasions in a manner that has apparently eluded coun- ty auditors. Burke's immediate supervisor, C. M. r-.rerrifield, today refused to comment on the arrest of his assistant. County Clerk William E. St John could not be reached for comment. Seu. Goldwater Ra ps Scott P lan F or Cease-fire WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Barry Goldwater has acidly criticized the Viet· nam cease-fire proposal of Sen. Hugh Scott, adding the Republlcan leader doei not necessarily speak for his GOP col- leagues. It v.·as the fi Nll fli cker of conservative Republican restiveness since Scott, a se.lf- flescribed progresaive, becamQ GOP leader last month. Goldwater Mted Se<ttt had said he wa.~ not in the habit of clearing his ideas in advance with the White House. '"I lhink it would be helpful if he v.·oul.cl also state that he is not in the habit or clearing such statements with all mem bers of his ow n political party in the Senate.'' Goldwater said. Jn advancing: the plan for a unilateral U.S. cease.fin, to remain effective unlesi; the Communists vtolate it, Scott said he was offering a perlOnl.l hope:. ''I for one wish to make It very plain thal while I recognize the senator from Pennsylvania bu been duly selected "'"" minority leader of m y party, 1 do not accept his personal r tt0mmendatlon1 on any and au subjects," Goldwater told the Senate. Goldwater said unilaleral action will merely amvince the Communists we .are afrakl of them. Scott, in Sharon, Pa., renewed lbe cease-fire call Thursday night "l bope that • cea~fire will be an· nounced Just a IOOl1 u it can be aafe:ly arr1u1ced." ~ said. Tb4t .~b" WIS the ta.t.tst In • llll'les of almost nl1hllJ l.JIPUrancet at R>publlean luo4 nlsl._, d'"°'ra: la Penn,vlvania where SCOU wlll ~ ft. clect.IOo next year . I' I I I ---•• p·. ,. ,.c.. .... 1. . .. .. . -· 2 DAIL V PILOT L -·~--.. ' .... -------- Frid&Y. Oct., 24, 1'16t . .. Beach Fees Voting Set In Clemente ~an Clemente vo ters next Apnl may pave the way for a $1 annual charge for u~e of public beach to ease the property 1.<.tx burden. City councilmen have. ordered the city attorney to prepare a proposition for the April 14 municipal eleetion ballot. City f.tanager Kenneth B. Carr said the proposition would essentially be a slr<1w ,·ote to determine whether the electorate favors the un ique municipal beach Ice. lrn plementalion of such a plan -ir fa\'ored by voters -"·ould require a city ordi nance. L3guna Beach struck out a fr1v r'ar!': Ego or. a plan to charge non·residtnls a fee fo! beach use. State legislation holds thi;; is di scriminatory. City fltanager James D. \\'hcaton said In 1962 the state Attorney General gave .nn opinion that it v.·ou ld be legal lo charge non ·residents. \\'h.eaton said Asserr.blyman Jesse Unruh thfn seeured lc~isla tion making it illegal, Carr said San Clemente in1erprcted the government code as a!lov.'in g the charge so long as all persons are charged e~ually, He llkened the charge to one for use of :i municipal golf course. ASTRO SCROLL -Standing nex l lo astronaut mockup at Hspace convention" in .l\nahein1, Dr. Robert Gilruth, director of f\·tanncd Space Craft Cente r . accepts ,<\STRO SCRC!LL froin T~~1nas l\lcCann, DA ILY PILOT public scr\•ice 1nanager. ScroU conta1n1n g Ci,000 loc al signatures is on its \l'ay to .l\pollo 12 ere\\'. Beach attendance over five years, said Carr, i~ estimated to have a veraged 1,170,163 persons annually. ?-.!any of the 11sers, hol"·e1·cr. are repeaters. Said Carr, "One person may have gone to the beach :lDS times during a year." Under the San Clemer.tc plan such a user would slill on- ly pay $!. Astro Scroll Greetings In lhe 1969-70 budget. said Carr. S233,· 553 v.·as earmarked ror beach acquisition, protection and maintenance. This equals about 48 cents on the tax rate. \\'healon said he would be watching the San Clemente election with interest to see how the electorate responded. On Way to Astronauts '·From a theoretical sense and a prac- tical dollar sen&e, it may be good," said Wheaton. However, he said he could see mechanical problems such as. the means Gref'tings lo the Apollo 12 ::istronaul5 from an estimated 6,000 Orange County area residents tod11y "ere on 1hcir 1r;iy to a.~lronaut headquarters in J louslon under U1e person<1! earl' of top r\ASA officials. Dr. Robert Gilruth. director of the ?llanned Space Craft Center in 11ouston, officia!y a cc epted the "ASTRO SCROLL'' Thursday at the American Institute or Aeronautics and Astronautics f AIAA) meeting in Anaheim Convention Center. The scroll had been displayed at South Coast Plaza by the DAILY PILOT and South Coe!!. Plata Merchanl£ Association as a finale to National Newspaper Week, 1969. It was surrounded by photos a,nd other di splays of space age hardware and facilities, Vis it.ors to the "space sho"'' ''ere invlled to sign !he scroll. And they did. lt "'·as estimated lhat more lhan 6.000 ~ignalures were placed on more lh:m a mlle and 11 quartrr of pa(l4'r as the visi tors spun o their greetings to 1he Apollo 12 crc1v-n1any or thrm voicing personal feelings preceding the 12 cre1v's Lrip to lhe moon scheduled to begin Nov, H. Gilrutti Thursday read the scroll'~ message which carried "v.·arm greetings and heartfelt v.·ishes for a happy landing" from Orange. County. It ended wit h the i entencc: •·Good luck and Godspeed." He commended the people of Oran.ge County for 5igning the scroll and adderl, •·v..·e certainly appreciate the sentiments 5 ludictcd iu Try To S111u gg lc 11 ashi •h LOS A\GELES 1l.Pll -f l\e pl'ri;on" h;:i \ c OCen 1nd11•\f"rt 11 1th ~·nn~p1rac~ lri ~mllggle 80 pr;und!t nl 11."t-ht~ll 111\0 lhr 1·ountry from Rome 1n a 601J pound n1ar· ble table lop. ~:.is<1n An:i(' '.\f1rdlirrri. 1-'rr'l"nck S. Stafford, Bruce Stev en~. fi(•nr,gc Lrc Knighton and Ke nneLh 0 :11·is !\'a~ler. ;ill frnn1 the 50111 Francisco Bay arc;i, 1rrr~ charged TI1ur!'d:ty I\ ith c11n~p1r1u.:y to smuggle and conceal the contraband, OAllY PtlOI OllAHC.~ C~1 l"Ullr$HINQ COl!l.P',t,HY l•"9rt H. W••• f'rnlllN llNI l'l.CllllNt J.~., •. c •• ,.., Vlcil ,.,......,. Miii Gwolrlll M ..... TJio,.,•• ic.,.,;s Eol'°' no"''' A. M1TJ11-ln• -"9f!M IEdllof' '-1c'-•• .. P'. Noll ,,.,..,,., a..u. Coty fdl1or L••lffc•Oflk• 1J2 f•••" A.,1. M1inft1 ,...,.,'"' r .o. ••• •••. t2•s2 --C••• ,,.,...., no "''" ,,., s•rwt fW#90rt klC~: 1'11 "'HI ltltlo• llO'•lf;Vlt9 ,...... .... ...,.: -~h '""' • oan.• f'ILOI wllll """ldl .. amblMd .... ........,._ " .. 1111-""!ty ••<•I ,_ -If! -·te mlll~I.., I-.... ,.. --· ''"· ..... .., 11"'11. c..• ..,,_ H~ IHc!O tfllll .. _toll'! VII- ...,. Oft... CtHI ~WI.... ~1ny """'"" ,_ '" '' nu w111 111-arw .• N1wpo•t fl••ui, n m '#Ml .. , ..,..,, Cftlt 1"'a•. . · T...,..... 1n41 494-9461 aw-.. ..,., Ma .. 111 c-r""'' IW . 0<-C-1 ''\•lltflll'fl =.-r "'-.__ ••••· ,_,,,.,., ......... """.. .. .., ... ,,IHfN"l• ...,.., .. -.. ._.....,..., ,.,.,,.,.. _... -.......... _..,..,.._, ._,. t: .... ---.. ~ t i """"""' 111(111 ... ~ MMt. c..1 .......... ""'9K,"" ..... ~ .... ..-!M'f•...,. -11 u .. ......,,., ......,. ....--. Iota __,,.. expressed in that message." of collecting the fee, probably rencing or On the scroll which Gilruth and his beaches. aides were hand carrying to Jtouston to-"If they get a big vote in favoring day v.•ere many personal messages lhls," said Wheaton, "I'm more in· terested in the how part {of in1· scrav•led by those who signed it. plementation)." fl1any times on the scroll, the rei;urring He noted that the situation of beaches. theme of the messages was religious: differs in the two towns. Wh l!aton said "God bless you" or "I'll be praying for you" or ''Godspeed," etc. San Clemente beaches are all seaward of There were notes. from aerospac~ a Santa Fe Railroad right of way. employes in the area: "Hope the unit.! I "Their beaches are so nice and straight made for the cameras are still working," and available and the.re are no private "A!J systems go, (name), Ap oll o ownership problems." Supervisor, North American," etc. Even lf the San Clemente plan should Thf.re were signatures in Japanl!Se, eventually be<:ome law and fact, Wheaton Chi~, Tahitian, Swedish, Portuguese said Laguna couldn't neceasarlly emulate and one name with the initials "U.S.S.R." IL inscribed behind it. Except for street~nd access and the $.1 Some of:. thf comments v.·cre on the -{million Main Beach acquisition (aboi.!t light sJde· , 1,000 lineal leet), much of Laguna s "W1teh' out for Lunar Ucltf," "Okay, -beac~s are j1.vately OWned to the mean you proved your point. • .now stay hlgh tide line. home '' "I'll take a pound and a hall of The city manager conceded that the green' cheese." "\Ve hope _your landlng Is cou_ncll a.t aome future time .might want a soft" touch." "See you on f..fars." ,;I'm to 1nl'estigate ~ charge for its (yet un· signing for my dog, Pug, too," "Happy deve_loped) M:am Beach par.k. . Thanksgiving." "A set of dips and knee This, however_. would ra!'e;, ~e ltkely bends and best wishes (signed ) Vic Tan-proble~ of f.!nc1ng Laguna .!I window to ny," "Take Nixon with you," .;I want my the se_a' v.·hich would probably cause an S24 billion back." esUieuc whiplash. Others vlere patriotic: "I'm proud to be an American again," "No matter what they say, the. U.S. was. first," "From a little girl who wishes big things for some rreat men," "Astronauts are my favorite heroes," "God bless you, ~·ou're making man's oldest dreams come tnie," "~lay space grow smaller for all of us.'' Perhaps the. one single message V>'hich summed up the mojority feeling e:t· pre."sed on the scroll wa;i; this one: '":'llay a!l the glory ancl honor be Thine Oh Lord. nur l.01.t .. \·al'il cnn Oins., ."' r:!lru1h !11rnPrl !hr sc'foll n1·er to r\AS A rirr'"' :llrir, lliil1;.: \\"nrr!. nne -Of 1hP · \ntrr~ nf Ap.1llo1 JI" Hr 11',1" henrd :lf1>:1nrl lbr 11 or!rl on radio nnd television .i' he talked 1v1th aslro11nut.s Nell /lrmslrnn!!. ''Btizz " Aldri n ;1nrl fl1ich;ie! t .. ll1n<; );1,!. .J11lv -no1.1hlv 1\rn1stron~ ;1nct (. rill1n;i; rn1Tiri!rtr rl lhe'1r si.1i.:crs$f11l 1 l'>lt to the luna r su rf <ice and the lhree- 1n:111 rrr11· \\':!:<: r r11111tcil !o gn "flyi ng c101111 Hii;hv.:iv I'' on tl1e1 r departure frnn1 the 1noori. "l"ll flelil'er ~·our messages lo the. 12 crew," \\'ard promised. Fron• Page l COSMONAUTS • • space stallan5 v:ith high orbits. -Powerful automatic spacecrafl ror the exploration of far regions in the i;olar system. -Manntd spact ships for the ex- ploration of l\tars, l\1crcury and Venus. -Developmenl or a system of ap- plicalions satellites for earth USC3, &uch 35 meteorology, "'\\'e are now tryin g to find the most in· teresting product ,'' Feoklistov explained. •·A <Ion key only has to worry about two haystacks, we have five.'' When queslioned about the Russian program for landing a man on the moon. Feoklstov smiltd and said that that would probably be announced by t-1r. Levitan. "He is a famous radio an· nouncer in ?\-1oscow,'' he laughed. Population Explosion Dc111ocral ~lce l Topic ''Tile Populalion Explo5ion, or T.,.,·o Square Fett Per Person'.' vlilt ~ the topic fo r the Monday evening meeting or th<-Laguna Beach Democratic Club, Sl'J('aker V1rg1nia f.1cCa1101n v.·j )l nd· <lress members and guesL! at the 8 p.m . gathering in th' Laguna Federal. Build· 1ng. 260 Ocean Ave. The mectlna 1s open to the public. From Page 1 LEARY • • • v.·hen Patrolman Purcell approached. taken from lhc car, a contention the derensc does not deny. Their charge is that Officer Purcell did not have any reasonable cau;<;e lo suspect the. Learys of po;i;sessing co ntraband and the arrest.~ arc t here f o re un- coni:;htt·tional. The Learys and thrlr tea111 nf tlefrnse a!!ornry:<:. G€'orge Chula. l\larv1n Cooper :1nrl Robert La1v cl;i1n1 Hie family 11as roust.ed by la11·men because ot thei r drei;s, fa me, and presence in a hlppie Sl"C!ii;n. Offirer P11rcell :<:aid he slrtp]Wd firsl because the car v.•as 11!egally ~t(Jpped in 1hc street. but a ,,·\tness. Erhv1n 1'. Earl, trstl[ied Thursday lie saw it legally pt1rk· ed nn \\'oodland Drive·. Dr .. Ltary also testified that a cro1,·rl or hippies slood cheering and saluting him with the peace and solidarity sign that night as he sat handcuffed in Officer Purcell's patrol car. Butts of consumed marijuan3 cigaret- tes "'·ere found in the ashtray of the Leary's car, but the J9i0 California gubernatorial candidate denied smoklrig any en route from the mountains to Laguna Stach. He hinted they 1>ere illegal plants, designed to frame !he family. They said they had smoked normal cigarell es en rouie and that incense sn1el!rrl in the car -often 11sed to n1ask marijuana -11·a.~ burned earlirr lo cover the smell of some ~pilled kerosene. i\trs. RoS<>n1ary Leary and John, both ch:lrged with carrying marijuana and LSD as a result of the police intru5ion. 11·r re rresent in court Thursday, John as un iqut in his presence as ever. :::taJ in purple shirt and orange tighl<1, young Leary scratched himsell com- fortably, yawned and combed his shaggy hair wilh his lingers. I-le occasionally chewed a \\'ad ot Kleenex, since gum is prohibited . ~rs. Leary said on the stand thal her stepson has some ~liar characterlslks -such as spilling on the courtroom car}'>f't as he wa~ warn~ about \Yed- ne.sday -but qualiried judgment. "I am harsh about Jackie.·s <'onduct." r.hc said , "but J•ckic is Jackie." Leaves Hospital BROOKLINE, ,_,w. (AP) -Rcmlgia Brooke, ·wile of Sen. Edward Brooke, R· Mais .• i5 expected lo leave Brook'5 Jlosplt.al. today after undergoing surguy for cancer. .... . . . ' . . . • 1 ./ ~ ,. ·' ROOTING FOR BEAUTY -Tree planters I.,orcn Haneline of hotel-motel association. Harry La .... ·rence ol chainber beaut1fication corrunittee and i\layor r...1 1t~ "llOl Sllll ,_~111 Glenn Vedder (fro1n left) a dmire their handi\vork after installing evergreen pear tree as pa rt of d O\Vfl· tO\\'n Laguna Beach beautification project. Trees Spro11ting Highway Beauty Project Begins A citizens heautirication project began lo take rool Thursday with planting of the first evergrern pear tree along Laguna's bustl ing Coasl High\.\•ny. The sapling ll'aS planted in front or Laguna Car Wash, 540 S. Coasl H!ghv.·ay. IL was the fi rst of 11 to be planted bC'lween Laguna Avrnuc and Legion ~!reet on the eastC'rly side of the hlghway. The project 1rhich had required state Division of Highways approval was spearheaded by the beautification com- mittee of Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce. ''rt is U1e result or 1nany c.lonatinns or property owners, clubs and 1ledic1Jted persons.'' said \\1arren t.lorgan, chan1her cxcrutive niannger. Pr'.lperly owners chipped in on a Iron· !age foot basis, 1'he hotel-n1otcl a~socia­ tion gave $1.000. The Soropt1111 i~L Club and Ch:11nber fltcrmaids each ,::a1·c a lrl'e. ~1f.lrgan said the evergreen pear 'is the lret chosen both from standpoint of size, beauty and likelihood of su rvival. He said the beautification group hopes. to get property owners and citizens to donate additional funds so the project can grov.· from Laguna Avenue to Broadv.·ay. U 11de1·groi1nd Sheet Call eel 'Part of SDS Co11spit·acy' An underground nev•spaper circulated f.1 oratorium Day at high school and col- lege. campuses on the Orange Coast \Vas Jinked Thursday to a SOS conspiracy by Orangr County Board of Education Presi- dent. Clay f.1itchell. The underground nev.·spaper HANK was distributed at Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar high schools, UC Irvine and Orange Coast College. Its lead article called ror support or ?\1·Day activities. f.1itchc11, a South Laguna rcsidcnl, labeled it a device to get high schonl studrnts to fall gullibly under the leadership or radicals. He cited SOS recom111endalion that 11 n de r gr o u n ri 11ublic2tions arc an effectil"e 1neans Qf Glenn <.:onsid eriu~ NEW CONCORD, Ohio (C PI) Former astronaut Jolin Glenn, fi rst ti.meri can to orbil the earth. said today t:.S. Sen. Slephen Young·~ retirement an- nouncemenl v.·ould be a major factor in whether he would run for the Senate seat. spreading the Ne\v Left niessagc to you th . '·Ninc\y·ninc percent of pe ople oppose \rar," Mitchell said. ''They start with an anti·\\'ar article and !hen gel the kids houkkd on other things." f.!itche\l's blast came after the county school board unanimously adopted a chapters in the cr.unly that rollow the na- resolution ''refusing to recognize·• SOS tiona l SOS line. Trustees recommended that the roun- ty's 34 school district boards follow suit. 1\1i1 che11also1ook pot ;i;hot s al Th<> Ne1v Universitv, LCJ's official st ude n t ne.,.,·~papPr. :ind 'J'hc Pri;ctan1ation, 11ndf'rprnu11d ncw~papl'r ;it Villa Park !1 1,;;h Si.:hool 1vi1 h Bob Cun1pcr!z. the .!-.tu - clr nl body president wl10 won·t lead tl1e Plf'dge of All egiance to th e f!as because hr is an atheis t. as its editor. Earlier l\fitchcll harl linked dress col.le protest at Saddlebr1ck College to a tac· tical call for 1vinning student syn1pathy in a SOS nianua!. County Motorist Dies in Sn1asl1u1l A Pl;icenlia motorist <lied du ring rush hour lraffic Thursday \\'hen his f'n r slam- n1ed into a truck al an Anal1cin1 in- tersection and skidded off into a po1\·cr poll'. It took polict' and firc111cn ni orc th."tr1 ::in h0ur to prv lht• OOiy nf llf'n ry D:iv1•! 1969 176 Cou ntv Traff ic Deiith Toll "" 168 Duenas, 26, front behind !he 1\•flcel ol \us shaltercd car. Coroner's offi cers said U1c man died on impact. Dwa yne L. Johnson , 27, of Anahci111 , the drh·er of the truck, suffered only minor injuries 1n the crash. lie \\"a3 treated for cuts and bruises ot a nearby hospital and released. Transient's Stomacl1 Pumped A 2i-~rar.olrl t.r;:ins\rnl. n1 f1r~L thnugl1 l !o be 1lnder tbe influrncc 9f drug~ wa" 1 nke1~ 10 Orange County i\l cd11·;1I Cen ter by Laguna Beach poli ce 'rhursd;iy nft.er <i ttendants at South Coast Cornrnunity I lospital pun1pcli insect1c:1<lc out or his stomach. Police \rere called lo a 5. Coa st lfigh1\·ay mote.I v.·hen the manager reported a man had entered a roon1 and r efused to leave. When they arri\•ed, the n1an 1\'as \•andering on the sidC\\•alk in- coherent and apparently drugged. police said. He said he had s.,.,·al101\•cd in· see!icide. and hospital attendants con- firmed this. After emergency treatn1cnt ho \v:i<1: booked into the n1 cntal w;ircl at the t-1edical Center. .\,tronauls Lea' c Only ,\fl'ican Stoll Kl!\SJIASA, The Congo (1\Pl -Thl!I Apollo ! 1 astronauts left ;.iboartJ their presidenlial jet today for Tehran, next stop on !heir world tour. DREXEL'S NEWEST For k;d, <'!rid fur-. peopl1. Avail able in two refre1li- in q fin;she1. Yellow <'I nd 1<'11mon c.o lor. The best of al!, it is sf•in, a rid burn re1islanl. Yo ur whim1y will 1t1y like new no m•Her whet you do. Complete bedroom furniture 1v1il- 1ble from d1y beds fo c.hev•I mirror~ e nd 1 11 et very thoughtful pric es. See it today. OW.lSSlJt ... ·- MntttOJt __ $159. $ 50. ~OUR LOCAL DEALEJ\S FOR DREXEL -HENREOON-HEJ\JTAGE l N~WPORT IEACH 1n1 W•1tcllff Dr., 642-2050 O"N NIDAY "TIL 9 INTERIORS .,. Prof"1klnal lnt•rlor LAGUNA &EACH O..lgner1 345 North Coast Hwy.. 494-6551 Avallabl.-.-AID-NSIO Of'IM FllOAY 'TTl t I I , Newport Barbor Today's Final N.Y. Stoe.k.s . voe. o2 , NO. 255, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, ·1909 TEN CENT! Bulldozers To Tee Off On 2 7-l1ole1· Ry JERO~IE F . COi.LINS 01 Ille D•lly Pl'°' U•!I firading opcr:ition s 1 nn the site or 11. n1ul1i-1nillion dollar, 27-holr cha1npionsh1p ~olf course behind Nt>wport Center \l'i\I begi n ne xt nionth, tile Irvine Cornpany (j1srlo~cd loda.1·. I! \11r City of Ne11•porl Bca('h gi1·cs its pcrn1ission, the gh1n1 hulldozC'rs 1•;il1 he <lning the ir 11·ork unlil n1idn1ght 11•rck r!ay~ nnd until 6 p.ni. on Saturdays for ::.~\"era! n1onth s. The reason !'or the after-hours hill-flat- 1cning, said lr11inc vice president Frank }'_;, Hughes, is the necessily to cope ...,,ilh the r ainy season. "\\'c can't predict how much r ain there \\'111 be," said Hughes. "We may have to accelerate our work schedule to prevent clo...,·nstrcam erosion.'' Some 3 million cubic yards of earth v,·lll be ~hu ffled about on the Big Canyon go!f course site. The area is boundl'd bv J.i111 borce Rnilrl on the "'est, J\lacA1·thur'l3ou\cvnrd on thf' r:ii-1. Ford Road on 1he nor1h and S.in ./0:1a11in Hllls Hoad on the .~outh . S;in .Jo;i. nu11'. Hills lload se rves as the northcrit hnund;iry ol Nc"·port Center, 11lc hub of "'h1ch is Fashion Island. City COl111cH n1cn J\1onday \vii! consider the Irv ine Co1npany·s request for night- 11rr1r and v.·cckend 11·ork. The cit}'s noise ordir.ance prohibits i.:rading v.•ork a f1rr dusk, without special permission. The ordinance :.i lso bans v.•cckcnd projects, except. on an emergency basis. Huches said it 1s possible that con· tractors may not have to v.·ork their crews into the extended hours. It all depends on how many -H any -pro· blems the rain creates. But just in case, he wants city approva l to have the heavy equipment rumbling beyond the normal v.·orking day. "It'll our prl'sent anlieipation lo hav1> Iii! cour se ready fo r pl ay by Decl'mber of J9i0," said Hughes. "'This means con - :-:1ruclion must be in prog res s during the roming 11 inte r 111onths. \Ve hope to be :ible lo plant the turf either ln i\1ay nr June so it can grow d11ring the su111mcr." Thr Irvine Con1pany v.·il! rrceivc hid.~ for lhe mnssiv r. project from contractor:. nrxt v.·ec.k. \Vork "'ill begin in mid· Novembt'r, sa id Hughes. lloping to fend off po$S1blc noisf' com- plain ts from nearby homeowner~. llughe11 h<is agreed to these conditions on the city ~talf's recommendation: -No after·hours grad1ni:: "'il l take pl:ice v.•i1hin 1,000 feel of existing re siden- tial areas. -~hould "ind~ blnv,o r-;ccssi1·r noise nrrnss the 1,000·fool hulfer zone .1nd 1nln rf'c;1dcnhnl ;irf'a~. the grading operations 11 ill be suspended. -The pcrn11l tor r x.tc11dr1l hour~ nf npr rat1nn 1,11!1 b..· ff'\'fl~ed If 1l JS rlrtrrminrd hi· the r1 t1· th:i t tile noise pro· hlr1n is br}ond control. Ataclaors Aweigh HAPPY TALK -Ti epublicnn legi.'i\illors Ro bert Badhan1 (left) and .John Schinilz chat 11•ith fl·trs. Ru th Stein. pr('sideni of N1;\11port llarbor Hepublici:l n \\"on1en, I·'cderatcd prior to their talks before the {~OP Ju dies Thursday. Schmitz in Higli Gear, :4.ims Quip at Newspapers By EVELYN SHERWOOD 01 hit D•ilJ" ,1"'1 Stiff Stale ~n. John Schm itz anni:ninrr.d hi~ "ire i:: rxpcc!ing their seventh child and irnpartcd various gems of wit anri politica l \\·isdom before the J\'C\1·port llnrbnr Federated Hepublicon \\'omen 1"hursday. Speaking 1,1•iLl{out notes and ~11·itchi11g frvn1 subject to ~ubjcct. the Stall' Senate's lone John Birch Society 1ncmber Jncluded in his talk a rap al the DAI LY JJJLO'J'. Asscmblvman Robert E. Badham or Newport ·Beach also l1,1'eakcd ! he ni;-1v~paper al the gathering of 100 lad ies, 1vho mel at Newporter Inn. !i;ijd Schmitz: ''Neilher the Tlme~ nor the DATl,Y 1-'ILOl' carries my column. If I rrarl only lhr Pilot. I wouldn 't \•Ole for myself " Sa id B<1dhan1 ""l"d like 10 inlro<luce m\' ne\v ad· rn1n1~1rativc assistanl. f,d 0 \\'ard. The ll \ILV Pl LOT dirln"l see fit tn pnnt the a•111011ncement or hi.~ appointment." Bn1h legi slators are ur fQr re·election nex1 year. 5ch n1 ilz di~clnserl 1ha1 11 h1lr in thl' pasl hr has campaigned as :i conS<"rval1 11e l:e publican. he OO\\' has a ne w slogan . It 1~: "\\'lien you 're out of Schmitz. you 're 011! nf gear.'' 14is olh('r comments to the GOP \vomc n i11cl11drd the~ observations: -"Hon (Governor Ro nald Reagan ) and l Feel laxes hurl." -'"When in doubt. I votr no," -"It's going to take all the available su1 plus money Lo keep the water pro- gr;i1n going.'' -··1 think v.·c shou ld freeze or slow rlown higher education expenses." -"'A legislator shouldn 't be judged on the bills he gets passed. Although I have a r.rr11y good batting average." -"'The Orange Counl y ffrand Jury ilors not refle<'t the county. It s members .'ltC nom1n:-itrd by JUdgPs 1\·ho arc mostly Go1ernor Br1111 n':-appointers " Srhmi11 ;i l:;o ~11_gi;es1ed lhat th" only 11;1y In solvr ro!lC'i,!<' c;impus 11nrc~t is In 1Scr <;or , Page. 2~ l Jnsung com1nunity heroes pin on ~ilvcr a nc hors ;1fler bei ng rcr<>g n1 zed for commun1ty service by \Vo mcn's Ulvls1on ol New port 1·1<lrbor Chamber o! e'om merce. l"r01n left are Lou Yantom. executive cti rector of llarhor Arca Boys ('!uh: Mrs. Peggy Reinert, v.'ho acccpled a11•ard for volu nt eer 'vo rker F rances ti.fears; flo rist De J\llurl Tosh, winner of special award fo r her donations of flO'v.'er arrango- mcnts lo com1nunity events; Diana McKamy. lead· er of Hoa g Memorial ~lospital Candy Stripers, and Gery Burrill, 01vncr of radio station KOCM. . ' Aide Embezzler? Co1tnty Official Held in $5,000 Theft Charges of grand theft were filed today a gainst a Mission Viejo man accused or embezzling an estimated $5,000 from the Orange County Clerk's office. Richard W. Burke. 27, of 26.172 Papagayo Drive. i11 held in Orange Coun- ty jai l pending selling of a court hear ing. H• l~ accused of cn1bezzling funds ad · ni ii 1i~tcl'cd bv the county clerk's finance d ivision in Ilic c"ounty courthouse over a lv.'o-year period. Cnief Depu ty District Attorney Ja111es FBJ Arrests Theft Suspects In Newport Federal agen ts arrested 111 New port Reach couple on bank robbery charges Thursday "'lemming fr om two thefts from Oregon banks in August <ind Se ptember. .Jun Louis Rosell ini. 22. and his v.·ifr. Yl'on nr. 34. v.·ere arrested during the afternoon at thei r recentl y rented apart- incnt :.t 1601 \V. Balboa Bouelvard by f'BI agents, federal spokesmen said, Rosel!ini. held on $10.000 bond . face.~ ('harges of robbing th e Secu rity Bank of Oregon. Eastgate branch, in Portland. F"B I s pokesmen said a lone gunman t"ntered that bank Sept. 17 and demanded mone.y from a teller at gunpoint. Thi! bandit fled in a stolen car with 12.600. Mrs. Rosellini will bt: charted . "'ith receivinl prgcaeds frora.o1~ robbery Au&. 14 1t the Multnomah Bank, Hillsdale branch, near Portland. l\1rs. Rosellini posted $7,500 · bond 'rhursday evening, 11ents said, and was f reed. Hr r husban d rema ined in custody. The pair was placed in custody of tht U.S. J\1arshal in Los Angeles. Bal Isle Citizen Honor Awarded To Pl1il Mam·er Nl'.'wport.~tesa school teacher Phil l\1auter Thursday night received the Balooa Island Improvtment Association's '"Cili zen of the Year" aw ard. filaur«"r, fonncr tv.·o-time president llf the homeov.·11ers' and merchants' group, \1as c11ed for his contributions to the city an<l to lhe association. \\'tl!ii!Jn L;.i Pl;1nll', new associ<ilinn pr cs1dc nl. noted lhal J\laurrr had sue· cr:.sfully worked l0r solution~ lo the 1~l<i11d '~ beach erosion :inrl heauti fic:i· 11011 prohlem~. He <ilso hclprd 11110 beeled- ur l<tW enforcement for thl' isl and. r.1aurcr received the honor al the :issoc1a lion·s general meeting, held in the Community Methodist Church. Bl:'autification a war d 11 went to homeowner Ed Bates, 226 Diamond St., and to Charles Koon, owner of a laun. dromat at Park Avenue and Agate Street. Both were praised for upgrading their prop<!rties du mg the past year. Lautader's Son Takes Over Firm The son of a ft1ontebrlln indust rialist once wed to Newport Beach milhonairess ~;;ira Bartholomae in a storybook romance with an unhappy ending suc· ccrded his late father today as head of their firm s. Richard L. Launder took over as presi· dent of the 1-1 & L Tootll ComP,any, Presision11 Heat Treating Company and lh·1 1-li·Productlon Forge Company, all located In Montebello. Mr. Ernest Launder, 71, died Oct. 2 afl er.a brief Illness, lea\'ing his son , who lives In Whittler. and two grandchildren. He had not remarried following the divorce from 1'1rs. Bartholomae in February, 1967, follo~·ing thei r stormy marriage. Sfork ~forkeu NEW YORK (Af') -The stock market pushed ~leadily upward and was on firm and higher ground Jn acti ve. trading late thl~ afternoon . (See quotations, Peges 10-ll I. Ad vancelf conti nued to otJtnumber de· clinelf among individual is11 ues traded nn the New York Stock F.xchange and v.cre al a ratio of SIL to 475. ·' G. F.nright tod ay stated that Burke sur. rendered to sheriff's off ice.rs Thursday irfter t\ $200 banking cliserepancy wa,<; allegedly spotted by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. 'He ob viously panic ked," Enright charged. "Spol checks run by the county auditor prior to !his had revea led no defi. cicnci~'~ but the Grand Jll r.v discovery ob· vinu.-;ly u11nrrvrd hhn anti he surrend ered the ncxl oav." t-:nrighl s"aid the 1lrficcncies occurred '' ! ' POINTING -This exotic-look- ing arrow i ~ part or "localizer" in n c \V 111slrun1ent landing system at Orange Cou n1y Air~ port. l~ocnhzer I.ells app roach- ing pilot if he 1s in line 111ith cenler of run1vny . Lin.klette r Asks Beatles Debate Nixo n on Drugs SAN FRANCISCO (LiPl ) -Tf'l evision per~onalll y Art Ltnk)etter today sug· gc:·!cd thal lhe on ly 1_vpe of televi~1on progran1 1hat 11011!rl carry lhc drug n1cfsai;c to the young would be a dehale br!1>,c~11 thc Bcallrs .1nd Prrs1drnl Nixnn . L1nkle tlcr, c<1 Jllng-1hc Acatlr~ "t~r lead1nL advocatr~ nf <in acid society,'' n1::idc his suggestion in answer to .a r1uestion by a 1nemher of 1hc H ou.~r selrct comminee nn crime before which he v.·as l<»~lifying on drUJ: abu.~r. L;nkletter's daughter Diane. 2 n, recently plung!'d to death "'hile under the influence of LSD. fl ep. Robert V. Denney of Nebraska asked L1nkletter if a simullaneous te lec alll on three nelwo r'ks featuring drug experts and leen·agers would be a good v.·a.y to bridge the generalion sap and po;nt out drug dangers to the young . "'Thal would get Lhc. parent11." Linklet- lrr replied. ''But the only lhing thor t ~·ould get. the kid~ v.·ould be a debate be!v ecr: the Beatles and Presi dent Nix· on." _ Linkl~ttc r sa irl he "·ould prrpare ,. !1ln1 "·1th a Universily of California ml:'dical school grant to bring drug koowltdge to educators. He recommended that such a fil m bf! m;ide compulsory for every teacher. in America, saying !hat thr lack of knowledge on the part of teachers, dean~ ;1nJ admlnislralor1 was "shocking and horrifying." . ire al so suggested a compulsory educa· t1onal program on drug~ to be started in a.JI schools et the fourth to fifth grade level and continued through hlgh achool. USC Alu11111i Plan Ho111cco1ni11g Vi 8it The Newport Harbo r USC Alum ni Club v.•ilt sponsor .a bus trip to the Univers!ly of Southern California'~ Homecoming Ganie against Grorgia Tech Sa turd11y. Buses v.·UI lea"c from Irvi ne Coast Country Club at 9 a,m., and pr ice of the roundtri p tickets are $2.50. F'or rc.~ervntions or Information ca!! 646-0162 or 67~5973 . , '. 1hrough Burke's daily banking of funda retP.ived in the county clerk's offfce. Burke allegedly withheld an estimated $200 to $300 on several occasion!! In a manner that has apparently elud ecl e-0un· ty ;iuditors. Burke's imn1c<liate supervi sor, C. t.t . fil crrifielrl, today refused tu co1n1nent 01'1 tho.! an·est of his a$Si11tant . County Clerk \\'il!iam E. St John could not be reached for rommenl. Ora11ge County Airport Now Operating ILS By TO~f RA RLEY 0! !h• Ot11Y Pllll! U.rl An inslrumcnt landing system that i.~ g11 ar:intccd hy its makt>rs tri cut vislhility and approach hazards by at lca.~l 50 per· crnt 11·e11l into operation Thursday at Orange County Alr]Xlrt. Federal Aviation Adm1ni~tration of- fi cials, a tcain o! expert.~ fron1 Culler· Hamrn:!r's AIL division -makers of Lhe sophisticated device -and airport direc- tor Robert Bresnaha n ran the 11....c; sys!f'm through the last of a ~ries of Cl· haustil'e te sts before I i n a 11 y im· plementing the $110,000 flight control in- iiovalion. The airport proje<:l -the. first of 11'1 orders totaling $7 million lo be complet@d by AIL -v.·ill De paid for by the federal i OVC!'nment. Bresna han hailed lhe !LS ~}'&ll'm M ••something that we have wail@d and longl"d for over 11 lon g period of lime. Thi~ !LS innovat ion i~ going to have an immediate and dramatic effec t on our a!rport traffic. particularly our con1- mercia l flights ." Air \Vest anrl Air California will be the n1ajor ben cfi l'larics of the nev.·ly insta!lcd systl'm, Bresnahan said. The combined airlines had a lot.al of 40 flights diverted because of weather conditions last year, "il tota l that will be cut back con- siderably under this new system," he ad- ded . El'en\ually implementing the new JL..Ci, Bresnahan said, will be a new lierie!l of lights at vitaJ approach area5, particular. ly tt•c sou!h !'nd -0£ the airport. And lhe emphasis on lighting v.·ill be s.,.,·itched h> lhe point of touchdown rather than it. pre~f'nt conecntralion nf light al the pre· touch do1,1•n area, he said. ln1 roduct1on nf lhl' ll-"i system will rne:i n gOQd nr11·s for \h!' anl i·no1sc group.~ 111 tht airport arr:r. Bresnahan said. "It 1,·111 mean thal aircraft approachtnR from rhc Oo\'t>f Shor::-s arra 11·ill nnw come lfl ;+t ;in altitude llf 7fll)-ROQ fert rather than rhr 400 fcf't !o !')(Ill feet le1·cl u~ed in pre- JLS rla ys," hP said . "!l's in1pnss 1b1c to n1casurP what the :.ctual noi.;e redu c1 1nn 1,1•ill he :it th1!1 l iPH:<," tllr d1rrc1rir ~aid , "other than lo ;i"'sure }'1JU lhat jt will be a considerable rcriuction,'' FAA and AIL official~ described th! lLS systrm as "th~ trcation of an in· visible highway down which th!' aircrRlt descends at an easy glide angle to the runway ," Pllo!s gel both horizon tal and \'er!ical guidance as they approach the runv.·ay irom JLS tran s mitter 5 "·hich :-imt:ltant'Qu.~ly rmit lhrre kinds of very hi&h frequl'ncy rad io beam~. Signals fr>Jm ont: portion of th,. !LS, lh t !See AIRPORT, Page Z) Orange Coast Weatlaer Cloudy condition~ continue to clog lhe coast with the weekend fore- cast off ering only partly sunny afternoon5 and little change in temperature. INSWE TODA. Y Thi! Nitry Gritty Dirt Bond nnrl Ornnge Counq(s 01nn Sun· sh111r. Company ore nmong t.h.e 01trocfio11s at Silverodo Doy a i!• B11ena Pnrk lhl.~ !('tekrnd. Dt · tnil.~ in today·s 1Vct"lrendtr stc- 11011. •••••ftt 11 (•"'•••·• ' (l.IHili.ii l1•U C1m1co 'JI c .. u..... " ti.ttll Mtll(t t t 01 .. rc" 17 IJd!N•lel PHI I l~rt•l1lftm1nt !1·71 ,1 .. ~c• , .. ,, ""'"''" 11 "'"" LI-ti II Mii""• I lrll•rrl"' l l<tflllll lJ IM~lt<I JJ•U llW'111I ,_ 1t ....... 1 ....... l·J Or1.,.t Ct11fth I •.. ,........ "'" ,_.. , .. " SIM-M1'1otlt lt-11 T11ev\"'4I M ,,,...,.,, JJ,N ·-. Wttlill ....... l •t w-·· """ IJ.11 w-..... 11·11 ' . . . . . --•I-,. ! DAIL 't' PILOT N Hail of Bullets Beach Fees Suspect Escapes Court, Captured Voting Set 111 Clemente By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot tM Detlt' PIM-! Stiff A Newport Beach burglary suspect gAmbltd for his freedom Thursday, d.Jsl:ing from Harbor Di5trict Judicial (':>u, 1, Cosla ~lesa, to a waiting getaway r:ir as deputy marshals blazed away with rrvol\·ers. The defendant ned in a vehicle ..... hi ch had been parked nearly one hou r on ;~ .. ~·port Boulevard, bul wa s captured C'arly today, seve ral hours after his alleg- L'd accomplice wa:s also picked up. John D. Faulkne r. 26, is held at Orange County Jail pending filing of felony f'SC'ape charges as a result or hi s I p.m. fli~ht from the downtown area marsha.J's off!Cf'. Daniel 'I'. Roger!'i, 23, of 15082 Purdy St., Westminster, was booked into the county jail on a charge of rescuing an l'Sc:i.pee, pic ked up about 8:30 p.m. Thursday at his homf'. Orange County SheMff's deputies said Faulkner was captured about 2 a.m. in a (iarden Grove alley between Lampson .A.venue and Twin Tree Lane, near hi:s estratlged wife's home. In vt:stigator Dale Carrison said com· plaints charging Faulkner and Rogers ,1·ould ht. sought l<'lter today, ~·ilh ar· raignment scheduled in the :same court 1'1ooday. The escape by Faulkner. who ned the marshal's office whlle being allowed to make a telephone call, preceded another from Costa Mei8 City Jail by less than one hour. The Costa Mesa prisoner, assigned to 77 days' duty as a trusty. \'¥3S caught ~lwrtly .after 4 p.m., when an offi cer hcade,1 home from "'ork spotted him hitch-hilting. Aul~orities sa id Faulkner had bee n before Judge Donald Dungan for ~ pr.eliminary hearing on a Newport Beach burglary charge and was ordered sent up to Superior Court, so he asked to make a call. Judge Dungan agreed and Faulkner ·w<1s taken to the marshal's office in the fl ld, overcrowded court fa cility by Deputies Al Eichler and J ohn f..f id- dlebrook to make the call. Suddenly, however, he dashed from the adjacent open door toward Newport Boulevard and Eichler fired one shot from his .38 service revoler \\'hen the cle!endant ignored shouted commands to hall. Deputy Middlebrook dashed out after Faulkner and fired two more shol!i, '1ulhorities &a.id. but all missed lhe escapee and no one else was injured. Eichler's slug lodged in the rear dOOC:of Vikki's, a tavern at 1 1911,~ Newport BJ>/f!,• while Mldlilebroolt' .. two lhota hit a~ ed carpet ·company van. Deputy Eichler flagged down COii.a J\tesa Police Officer David Hayes after 1o1•at.ching Faulkner jump into a beige o.ompact car which left lhe scene with the e:o;capee at the wheel. but it was too late. A witness !aid he .saw a youngu, bushy-haired man sat waiting in the car for about 45 minutes before the briefly successful escape by Faulkner. Investig-.Ors said today that Faulkner ha:s apparenUy never cared for the idea Services Slated For Mrs. Fait Funeral services will be held Saturday for wel l-known Ntwport Beach resident ~!r5. Jessie Fa it, 84, who died Thursday of a heart attack. RH.ts for Mrs. Fait. of 2001 Leeward t.-a n!', will be at II a.m. in Bell Broad1o1•ay J\iortuary. Yti!.h int.ermenl lo follow at E vergreen c ,metery, Evf'rell, \\'ash . ~!r5. Fait wa~ a n1ember of the OranJ:l" County ~o\ogical Society, ser\'ed as 1936 Regent for 1hc Daughters nf 1he Amertcan Revolution 1n Nort h Pako\'1 11nd was a member of the National Defc-nsc. Council. Survivors include t~·o sons, Nev.·ell. nr Corona del f..1ar and George of Nev.'J)Ort Btach, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. OAll Y PllOT OllANG• ('l).Ul PUil llH!tl• c.oN#wt ••i-t N. W,H .,..*"! .. ....ii- J.,i.-t. c .. ,1 • ., ~•U •r.1 ...... 1 '"" Ge,.., .. Al-llt T~'"''' ICeewil ··~ n,,..,,., 14.. M.,,,._:,., .............. ~ ...... . J•;;:::,f :;:J.i1t1 ''"' llt!I• ---1211 w ... t ••lllN '"'"•"' Mai1111t ,u4,...1 P.O. 1 .. 1171. tZ66J. --c.... MRwo: Ill Wn t .......... ~ llllC>: m ,_, •-.....,,....._ IMO!: .. "".,,.. I of incareeralion and that he was arreet· ed one Wf':f'k ago today in the same car believed used Thursday. Faulkner was pulled ovrr at MacAr. thur Bouleva.rd and the San Diego Frtt- 1o1·ay not long after a Newport Beach homeowner surprised a cal burglar in hi~ kitchen. Robert F. Ingold, of 4008 Topside Drive, tu ss led v.·ith the intruder, lore tv.•o black socks off his hands -used to avoid fingerprints -and also snagged the r;uspect's watch. Faulkner was arrested on the basis ot a license number given by the would- be burglar captor at that time, police rtc(Jrds revealed. Costa Mesa Police today, meanwhile, were :seeking a complaint charging Dav1d C.. Byrd, ~. of J730S Oak St., Fountain Valley, with escape and posse5sion of dangerous drugs after his arrest at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. P<1trolman Bob Goode picked up Byrd at Newport Boillevard and Palisades Road. allegedly confiscating two am· phetamine tablel!; from the hitchhiking prisoner. Authorities said jailer James Corrale!'I noticed Byrd missing shortly before 2 p.m. and the hunt extended outside when a thorough search of the jai! facility fail· ed to turn up any trace. He was serving 77 days as a jail trusty for receiving !'ltolen property, Police said Byrd became violent after being returned to the jail facility and finalty had to be confined in a strait· jacket and committed lo a J'.l6)'chiatric ob6ervation ce!L Judge J .E.T. "Ned'' Ruller. one of 1.hree jurl:sts presiding in the Costa Mesa chambers, today blamed the Faulkner escape on crowded conditions continually plaguing the facility. "It's not a case of negligence," he :said, "conditions are such we can't provide prnper securily and :still give d!'fendants their rights, such as making telephone calls." Less than six months ago, another prisoner charged with theft, forgery and assault wlt.h a deadly weapon ned under idenlical circumstances, calling his mother after belng ordered to Superior Court. I H~ "'as halted in the parking lot outside, however, when Deputy Marsha l Ed Winslow cul him down with a .38 caliber :slug which tore into his thigh and shattPi'td the bone. Plam are under way by county authoritie.s for a new municipal court site, either on the Orange County P'a.irgrrunds or in the new Newport ~ Q vic Center. · Aothortlles 1estfmate it will be 1 minimum of lhrte years before lhe tnillal courtrocrns go inlo service and the ex· Isling facility at 567 W. 18th St., muEt handle the load. Three portable trail 'r-' now supplement the original struc~ure, one a:s a courtroom. County Attorney Named in Suit William L. Pereira and A:!lsociates have :iccusr:d an Orange County attorney o[ hreach of contract in a Su perior Court complaint charging the Jawyrr 9o"ilh refusing IQ pay more tha n $213,000 1n building costs. Samuel Hurwitz of Orange is named as <lefendant in the acti9n filed by the Corona <lei ~lar architectural firm . The charges stem from a contract drawn up het\.l.'et'n !he parties for a $10 million, li'.i· ::.tory building in downtown Santa Ana . The. complaint contends that Hurwitz refused to ma ke agreed payments on more than a dozen occasion~. Included in the cha rges is lhe accusation that he also fai\~d to make payml'nt on a promis!Ory note drawn up between the partie!. 2 Explosions Rock Pla nt; 8 Injured TEXAS CITY, 'fex. (APl -Two ex· p106ions rocked the Union Carbide Corp. plant Thursday night, injuring eight per~ns and causing hundreds Cl f residents lo evacuale their homes. None of the injuries \\'as believed ln be !ierious and the residenl!i returned to lheir homes after fires at lhf!'. plant "'ere brought under control "·ithin JO minutes. Escapes Fla111i11g Death \Villiam C. Leonard. 20. of Boston. his face cut and bleeding, \Vatches hi s car go up in flame' after hit- ting a utility pole in Quincy, Mass. Injuries, except to hi s pride, ,,:ere minor. From Page J AIRPORT ... localizer, guide the pilot direcUy towards the n1nway. Another unit, the glidl' slope, pro1·ides the correct angle of deM:ent wh ile radio "marker" signals tell the pilot how clooe he is to the runway. AIL officials predict that their 11..S :{y:slen1, ~·ith FAA cooperalion and en- couragement, will provide a nationwide network of land ing and navigation aids designed to impro\'e aviation regu lari ty and safely in bad weather. "It ha:s passed every te st -and they have been, believe me, stringent tests - \\'i!h flying colors," an AIL engineer com· mcnted . ''All organizations involved have end orsed our Orange County airport system and we know that the airport users who have been introduced to the plan are just delighted with it." Zodiac Mystery Can't Be Sol ved By Dick_ Trac y SACRAM ENTO <UPll -State crime sleuths today folded up thl'ir comic pages and ga 1·e 11p hope of finding clues to the riddle of San Francisco·,. 'Zodiac kller in the Dick Tracy cartoon s e r 1 e. s . !Related story, Page 8 l. Agents of lhe slate bureau of criminal ldt'.>nl1f1cation and investigation b<'gan checking two months 'vort h of Tracy ('Olnirs on the theory they mi ght find so1nc pa ra lles between the San Francisco l\lller of fi\·e persons and the "Scorpio" leader of the .. Zodiac: Gang'' being hunted down by Tracy. ••\Ve gave the whole th ing up," Earl Bauer, senior analyst in the crime laboratory. said today. ··v.•e didn't find anything that 1ied it up at alt. \\1e gave it up .'' Newport Library Of fe1ing F ihn s Forty films on a \'ariety or sub1e<'ts became available lo Newport Beach hbrary patrons this week in a new pro- gram made possible through the joining of the library \.\•ith the Santiago Library Syslem. The !ilms. available on loan from ~larinE"r 's Library, will remain for two rnonlhs. Then they will be replaced by 40 new ones , chief librarian Dorothea Sheely said . Listo; or the films and rf'cor<ls available lhrou11:h the ne1\' sen·ice '1re a\·ailable at an\· cfl y library branch. The films are available free of charge, ~Ir~. Sheely ,.aid. ~pecific-titles and other information on the service is aval1a ble through li-1arin,r's il brar)' :slaff at 6~2-8650. Aldrich Says Revolution In Grain to Halt Hunger A ne-w grain revolution likely will save , lhe world from hunaer, Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr, of UC Irvine told the open· ing session of the California World llung er Conference Thursday in Anaheim. James W. Riddleberger. n a lion a I chairman of the Popul ation Crises Com· 1nittee in \Vashington, said the L'niterl Statns is more likely to run oul of pure air and clean ~'ater than food . The conference of nalionwid e authorities meeting on the problem of food production versus people production conlinued today at the Disneyland Hotel. Aldrich told the conference, "I don't hclleve we can afford to sink in a morass of pessimism. There is a new revolution \.l.'hich is occurring in parts of the dt>vclopi ng ~·orld -the grain revolution. "It is as significant as lhe industrial rcvoluUon and it is taking place in far rlung regions such as India, Pakistan, Ceylon1 the Philippines, Me~co . .and the Gold Coast of Afr ica." , Aldrich slid special varietie!i ol ·crains in cereals are being dt,velopetl for greater yield . Second, he added, selecth·ily of food~. that ~·ith Increased nut riti onal value per acre, ha s taken place. Rye produces only half as man y calories per acre a:s "'heat but corn produ ces twice as many ca lories as wheal. Aldrich said. ''Th,re is enough flex- ibility in the world's e);isting food supply system :so that any proJcctions of existing production pattem:s, existing diets and existing rates of population growth, with the Inevitable prediction o( food shortages, are bound to be wrong. "The question no longer i:s can man feed himself in the 21st Century but will he '?'' Aldrich said. Riddleberger said. "\Ve know now how lo produce enough to meet the phyliical needs ol the people on f'.'arth today and tn learn how to control thei r nu111bcrs \\'llhou t resorring t.o fl!altbusian means. 'fhe opportunity for !his generation lies in this potent ial and this may be the lasl generation that has thal opportuni ty. ''\Ve can and ~·ill meet this crisis but nnly if there can be developed that level of pubhc understanding and support to pul into effect programs that are essen· t1al to curb world hunger. "The efforts to meet the problems of hunge r rnust be broad as "'ell as in. ll'nS1\·e. They must ioclude the rapid ac· celeration or fo<Xl production in the hungry nations themselves. They musl include sharply stepped-u p efforts lo con. lro! population growth. They must in1- prove efforts by government. private sec- tors and by concerned citizens.·· A~s tr o na ut s Leave Co ugo for Te hra n KINSHASA, The Congn (AP) -The Apollo 11 astronauls left aboard th~ir presidential jet today .for Tehran, ne);t stop on !heir u·orld tour . San Clemenle voters next April may Ji.ave the way for a $1 annual charge for u1e of public beach lo case the proper!)' lax burden. Ci ty cooncilmen have ordered the cilY, 11ttorney to prepare a proposition for th~ Arri! 14 municipal election ballot. City ~1anager Kenneth B. Carr said th8 proposition wo uld essentially be a straw 'olc to determine \\'hether the C'lectorale. fa1·ors I.he unique municipal beach fee. Implemen tation of such a plan -I! favored by \'olers -\\'OUld require a city ordi nance. · ·Laguna Beach .struck out a frw year~ ago or. a plan to charge non-resident!! " fee for beach use, State legislation holds this is discriminatory. City 1tlanager James D. Y.'heaton gaid in 1962 the stale Attorney General gave illl opinion that it would be legal ll"I charge non-residents. Wheaton said Atsen,blyman Jesse Unruh then scc:ured legislation making il ill egal. Carr said San Clemente interpreted the governm ent code as allo1ving the charge so long as all persons are charged f'qually. He likened the charge lo one for use of a munici pal golf course. Beach attendance over five years, 1aid Carr, is estimated to have averaged 1.170,163 persons annually. Many of the us~rs, ho1o1·evcr, arc repeaters. Said Carr. "O ne person may ha.,·e gone to the beach :>65 times during a year." Under the Slln Clemer,te plan :such a user would :still on- ly pay $1. In the 1969-70 budget, said Carr, $233,· 5j3 was earinarked for beach acqui&ilion, protection and maintenance. This equals about 48 ce nts on the tax rate. Wheaton said he "·ou!d be \\'atching the Sa n Clemente election with interest to aec ho111 the electorate responded. ··From a theoretical sense and a prac· tical dollar sense, it niay be good ," said \Vhealon . Ho1o1'eve r, he said he could see mechan ical problems such as the mean~ nl col lrcting the fee, probably fr ncing of beacbes. From Page 1 GOP ... tell I.he studenl!i either to shape up or ghJp out. On the su bject of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clemen t 1-laynsworth, Schmib said: ··1 have investigated the charge!I against him and I am convinced he i:s the man for the Job." Assemblyman B.11dham took note of the uµcoming gubernatoria l contest. He :said Republicans should nol be over-confid enl abou l the pro~pecl of the De1nocrat!I: coming up "'Ith an Unruh-Alioto ticket to ch;,llenge Reagan. As for the Angela Davis case. Badham ~aid no person ~hould be allowed to teach if he is not academically free. "A Com· mun ist is not free," he said. The GOP 1\·omen lightly applauded bolh speakers. DREXEL'S NEWEST For kids •nd fun pecpr1. Av•il•ble in two refres h· ing finish11. Y1llcw •nd 11lm on cclor. Th e best of •II, it is sf•in, •nd burn te1i1t1nt. ,Ycur whimsy will st1y like naw nc rn•ftar whit ycu de. Ccmpl1t• bedrC1C1m furniture •v1 il• 1ble from dey b1d1 to c:h av1I mirror• •nd 1 11 1t vary thoyghtful pric;es . Se• it tcd1 y. Underg1·ound Sheet Called Dmnit-_$119. M...__$ IOo 'Part of SDS Conspiracy' An under1ro11nd new!ipiper c1n:ul1ttd J\loratorium Day at. high school and <'Ol· lege campuses on the Orange Coast wa!> linked Thursday to a SOS conspiracy by Orangf' County Board of Education Prl'si· dent. Clay J\litchell. The underground ne11o·5papt"r HANK \\'SS distributed at Lagnn :i Beach .11nd Corona del fi.1ar high !'chools. UC Irvine: and Orangt Co•At Co11egt. Its lead 11r1tcle callr.d f<K support of fi.1·Day aclivit.ie~. Mitchell, a South LagunB resident, labeltd ll 111 de vice to gtt high .!ichool !ludents to rall gulllbly under the leadership of radlc11 ls. He cited SOS recommendotlon !hat u n d e r g r o 11 n d pubtica llons are an effective means of ,;preading the New Lefl meMage to )'OU th . '·Ninety.nine percent of people oppose ,.,.ar:' fi.fitch@ll i;aid. "They :slart with an anti-war article and then get the kids ho,;ked on other things." r.1Uchetl's blast came afle.r th' cou nty i-;chool board unanimnu5ly ;.idopted a t'haptl'rll in !he count y that fr;illow lhl' na- rcsoh1 lion "rf!'fusing to rc-cognize'' SOS l1nn:il SOS line. trustees rtcommt'nded lhat the coun- ty'.• 3.: .srhool t!istri cl board,. follow suit. f..1itchell also 1.ook pot. ~hots at The New Uni ver!tity, t;CJ's official s l u d t n t newspaper, and The PrOC"lamation, und l'rgrOtlnd ne1o1 1;papcr ;it VIii a Park flig h School with Bob Gumpertl, the :du· dent body preside nl v.·ho "·on 't lead the: Pledge of Allegiance to the Flaa be.caur.e l1r. is an atheist, as its editor. :YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DR EXEL . HENIWlON. HWTA&E NI WPORT BEACH 1727 We1tcliff Dr., 642·20SO OPIN PllOAY "Tll t INTERIORS Profes1lon1I ln,•rtor Oe1ign1r1 A¥1ll1bl......AID-NSID LAGUNA IEACH 34S North Co1tt Hwy. OPIN PllDAY "m. t j I ... I Speak er 's Aid e Tiecl To Payoffs NE\V Y 0 R K <U PI) - Na lhan Vo\;;ishen, a Maryland attorney and "clOSC' friend" or .:in aide to House Speaker John \\'. l\1cConnack, ~at in llie spea kr r's uffice t·hair while cnllectin.1: a sa,ooo payo ff on a 1ax-e1•asion case !ro1n 11n Ohio tloclor. Life 1n<ig:lzine i;a id Thursday. \'oloshen, ii, had 10\·uked !\1cCornlack's name Lo in· fluence the outco1ne (1f a do1.en other cases, Lile reported, ad- rling, "the evidence is. !hat 'tltcCormack was morC' tha n naivel v involved'' in 1vhatever took p·Jace in his office. The story alleges t h at VoJoshen was paid by urologist Dr. Irv ing Helfert of Dayton \l'ho was a ccused -0f evading $300,000 in income laxes. 1\.1 c C orma ck . den~1ing ---~---- Fii·st Chi1iese Diesel Pat Nixo1i Has New Press A ide \VASHINGTO N IUPI) Pat Nixon has hired Constance Cornell Stuart, a JJ .ycar·old public rela tions spc('ialist v.·11h cxper1c11ce in aclvertising, as hi:r ne1v prc-ss secretary. .l\lrs. Stuart, a n1od ·Uress1n~ rL'dl1eatl 1\·ho has v.orked 111 public relations 11·ith the Bell ~.vsten1 SJn(·c !967, repl aces Gerry Van (}(>r lleu1·cl, 11•ho is gulng tlJ J\(1J11e as a 5pe cial a::.sistant lo the li.S. am· hassador lo lt<ily, t.:raha1n !11arun. The ne w appointment an- nounced Thursday is expec ted lo res11 lt in o!her staff changes in a revam ping of the first Lad y's relations with the press. !11rs. Van Der Heuvel's assistant Pat G<:1tes will return UPI Tfltpllolo PAT'S P ICK Constance Cornell Stuert 1- DAI LY PI LOT JS Vet Benefit s Hiked; Pr ~side11t to Veto? \VASillNGTON (AP~ -Thr. Senate approved a 46 prrcenl hike in Vt'leran s' educa!ional benefits Thur~day -an 111- crease President l\"1xon has called "excrssive" and "'infl a· lionary." The bill won a ·17.0 \'ielorv and v.'as senl to conlerecs whO \\'Ill aurn1 pt to reach a l:olll· promis~ helween the 5Niat1 version and the 27 percent hi ke tn benefits approved earli tr by the Houst. In th e meantime speculation is n1 ounting U1at the President >\'Ill r )>ert isc his veto power lor the fi rsl t1n1e :i;lnc~ ta king office if !he 46 percent figur1 isn't lo>l'ered. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA kno.,•:ledge of any misdeeds, Red \v orkers \Vatch as first Communist Chinese designed d iesel locomoti ve suspended his ch ief aide, IJr. rolls on to tracks in Peking recenlly. Th e !ocoinotive \\'as built a t the Tsingt.ao ~fa rt in Sweig, wh en Sweig anr! 'f sufang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Pla nt in Sha ntung }'.lrov1nce. Cap t io n Voloshen '1'rrc named in a n1ate1·ial 1,vas provi ded by official Co1nm11nlst sources. civil suit by the Securi ties 8nd -------------------------------------- r:xcha nge Con11nission this lo the Volce of America. "\\'e"re g0ing to miss her." pu blic re!al!ons fi rn1 of Phil1 ~aid !lf rs. Nixon of !ltrs. Van Denl A.~sociales and as an Der Heu1·r l. 11•ho w;;is a I :1d 1•r rt 1~111 g i:_\rt ut 11·e for Vic reporter in \\1ashington before L:i klng ihe \\"hite !louse jol.i. 1\!a1l lc1nd and Assoc1:t!es. 85< OR USS 1non1h. So·vie t S pies Fr ee d In Prisoner Trade illrs. V;in D'..'r ll cuvcl hnd :-;he 11·;1s ;:i11 ho11or gradua!t! ,. j }'" 11 I tx-en criticized by s n 111 c nl the r 11111crs11y iJf i\laryl;ind U l"illlC /!'!Oil· \I e( rl·por!ers during hl'r tenure 111 1!162. Charles E. Stuart, \\'ho OAKLAND iUPll _ The for bei ng una~-ailablt'. -~h ~ 1n;i1Ttrd :!': yc:1rs ai;o. is i;r"anr!so n ol tJie ·iatc founder ol ill rs. Stu<i rt, a na tive of " \\ih itc House sta ff a s~i~t;:inl ' For ca :ls after 6 p.rn . weekd.JyS the Herrick Iron \\.'arks or \\'heeling, \V, Va., has no IQ Nixon ·s counsel, .John D.' ~nd all weekend. 3 minutes { N.. --' ............. "'The fart is lh~l Speaker ~1cCormac k knc'v at least as lar back <as mid sutnincr thal nol only Life hut two federal ~rand juries 1vere J.ooking inlo \1oloshen 's af!a lrs. and that since Lhe n he has held a series of urgent conferences v.·ith Sweig and Voloshcn ,'' Life said. LONDON (UPI) -Soviel spies Peter and Helen Kroger. freed as part or -a prisoner swap with the Russians, flew to Warsaw today, ending one of the most celebrated es- pionage cases nr_ the decade. Oakl and was killed \\'hen h-1;:, newspaper experience bul has Er lichn1an. ;ind has arranged slalion to s!.a t1on plus tax @ speeding s ports car overlur n-v.·orkE,J as an account ex-some o l\1rs. '1xon s tours ~r~n:_.::in~t~h~e~F~·::i~~\~O'.'.:.''~-l~'~":rl~J~·f'~"~'~' _ _..'.':_'"~\~i~"'.__~fo:''._~11:"~· -·~N~'~"~' _>:Y~o~,k~·-~o~h~m~a~d'__".io'_"lh~<'_':P'~'~'~------1~========================'. hand luggag t, the ex·Ne w •- Life said that while It in· vestigate<I tbe story, a friend of Vo\oshen offered $50,000 if the story was scttttled. The payment was to have been S25,000 in SJX>t cash and $25,000 in six months. Carry ing a blue teddy bear in a cellophane bag and some Ho111 eow11 ers' Tax Ai<l Shot1ld Go: Ro11111ey \VASHl:-lGTO:-l" (LPJ ) 1-lousing Secretary Ge<.irge Romney says the naf1on's af· fluent are living in homes par- tiall y subsidized by the gov· ernment, yet many or thern begrudge the use or tax mon· ey to help house the poor. Romney said the Fedr.ral Housing Administration 1FHA), by helping the mid dle class buv hon1es in the sub- urbs ~·hile stranding the poor in city :i;!ums. has contributed to ra.cia l and econon1ic ten · s ion. 'f11r forn1cr autn m:1ki.>r ;inrl !'-1u:higan ):!O\'f'rnor sugi:::ested Thu rsday partia l rcpc.:il of a t;ix break en,ioyrd by middlr. a11rf uppe r incomf' hnn1f'O"-·n· f'r;:.. tn prf)vidr re1·enu e to help rehuild the stun1~ -He said the gol"ernnren\ has 11elped house the affluen t th rou~h FHA lo.an in.~urance :ind bv allov.1ng income t .:i :f deduction~ for 11X1rtgage in- terest payment.s. Pre;ent ta x h11\·_~ permit ;1 deduction for the interest and .:., prof){'rt_v taxi's. \l'hich rnake U[) much or a hon1eo1\'nf'r'S monthly installm ent payment. No similar dedut tion is avail· able to a person 1vho rents his home. A r~1111J!y or four earning $10.000 annually pays 19 per- cent on the "marginal dol- lars'' of his in come. A deduc· lion results in tax savlngs equal to 19 percent of the an1oun t Cleducted. Thus thf> government pays a!rnost 19 cents nl everv dryJlar th~ fam - il,v puts oul ·for hnu:-ing. AL $15.fl()() incon11;. the rate climbs lo 22 percent. '"~la .vbr. \l'E' ought to r1>pral part of the ri~ht to dc-d LJCI th e l n!ere~! rate fro1n the income ta,; r{'t11rn to bring h0me !o the iniddlc inconre and aff11i· enl fan1ihe.~ the fart th at 1hey are getting a hou.~ing sub.~idy and it is not just til e _po or !hilt 1\"f' are concerned <iboul.1' Romney said. ":'llas be th;it imoney) nughl to br rarm;irk· ed to meet the problems or the slunls. ·• _,_ ' -. Hous e Act Ma y A lt er V rba.ii R e1ieu1ul Pl<11 is Yorkers turned Soviet agents grinned and ·waved t o newsmen and photographers as they boarded their jet at London Airport in the rain. Heavy secu rity precautions v.·ere in effect. Police escorted the Krogers to their British European Airv.·ays p I a n e , foll owing a telephoned bomb threat against them. Thr couple, :-entenced jp 1!161 to 20 years i11 prison for selling Bri tis h Pol;iris ~u b. marine secre1s lo t. he Russian s. v.·err travel ing first class. Their first nonprison n1ral aboard the plane was to be sn1oked salmon, chicken anrl l'harnpagnc. Tbe Krogers v.•ere freed .as part of an exchange deal with the Sov iet Union that gave Britis h lecturer Gerald Brooke his freedom last J uly 24. He had been imprisoned for four years for anti.Soviet activities. The Krogers traveled in separa te prison vans rrom Brixton and l·loll o\\'ay prison~ to the airport. Police cars and n1otorcycle escorts led the v.·ay. Home Secre!arv J a m e ~ Call <ighan personally supervis- rd the ~ecurlty mca~ures. Two otficiali;. from the Polish t:n1- basi;y arcompa nied the coople on the flight. The Krogers. ll'hose e~· pionage activities are still causing problems for the Ro)al Nav~··s s e c urit ~· division, entered Bri tain 111 1954 wh<'re they assumed their present n ame ~. They had been 'known in the Uni!ed States a:- \1orns and Lola Cohen and .at nnr tJJne had II\ ed i n Brook lyn. N Y. The f"pderal Burc aq ri! ln1 estigat.1on had so11ght thP r<iuple after their pho10 u·a ~' found on Col. Hudolph Abel. a ;>;0~·1el ~PY ;irre:.ted in 1'"11 1 )'nrk in IP57 ;i nd la ter e.\.: ~VAS l-llf\r.TO:-l fC Pl \ till' SC'n:ite r ar l1rr !'h<inged f\'r F~ri!n('I~ (',an· 111e J•fOUS~ hai; adopted a t:O ll· Pre~Cn! lrtw £11 r~ . l'lll<'~ /IOIVf'rs. pi lilt Of a r z :>hr.!; I 11·1de cil scri?!\on to huild ~hop• do1•:n by the Ru.~:;1ans 111 196"0 troverstal housing propos::i by Rrlti~. h ,-"'''.''' S•r.,•t·~ ping crntrr.~. city halls or of. " ..., ~ "·; .:i freshma n congressman 1hat flee bui lding::.-\\'ithi n llrban r.tichafl Stewart. j n .an· could change the directi ons of renew al areas. Ci ties musl nounc ing 1he exchange, !5a ld multimillion Clollar u r b a n find rrplacemcnt housing for the Krogers will ha ve paid a renewal programs across the each f){'rson displ11cerl , but not substanllal penalty for their nrcessarily ll'lthin t he same offrnse and that the t.ransac- country. area. tion v.·ould remove nbstacle.~ to In a !5U rprisc inove late The Ja1v nO\v requires !hat improvement of Brilish-Soviet Thursda!, the House put into \\'hen housing is buil t in urban relations. its housing bill a plan by rene1ral area:; at least 20 per· In another part or the ex· Rep. Lowell P . Weicker Jr. <"ent of the units mu st he change, \v.'o British subjects in i n .conn.), 10 require cities for people , The program . fi nanced j;,ii! since last year for allegr.d·1 reserved for lower income ly smuggling marijuana into !he f 1r~t !1n1r ln rrpla re each prltnaril_y with federal 111onry, the Soviet Union are to b!' ho1ne ra1.ed by urban renewal rlori; not require cities to relrascd !he day aft er thc 1 \11th a new housing unit -in replace housing u n i I .~ , Krogers are freed, the saine area. all hough thrrc i-l' a re-A third prov ision of the d('al r1u1re111en! 1ha1. thev f1nrl ;illo11·ed fo'" s.-,,,-,h <uh -1 The plan \\'as pul into !hr -' , · Jee ~ !>UJ1 11blc housing for 1 h e lo ente r the Soi iel Union housing bil l a11rf_ ~rnt to lhe <lisplaced 111 n1arry Sov iP l citiienl'i. Senate on a 339 lo 9 roll cal!. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-, Jfou se and Senate conferees / ll'ill ha ve to work out the dif- 1 ference betv.·een the one-year S4.9 billion House bill and the lwo-year $6.4 billion cxten.~ion of housing programs voted by Second Body F ouncl in i\1ine FAR.i\1JNGTON. W. Va . <UPI) -A io;cc:ond body was recoverrrl today fro m lhE"I Cnnsolid<ition Coal Co.'s No. !I mine \\'here 78 rnin<'-rl'i died in1 .a serie~ of underground ex-: p!o.~ions last November. I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • ~ection11 of th! pl"'f"!'Pnf; near perf~t mirror, dra- matic with gold vr.1n~. ap. prox. 6"x8' for only $35, • Rt>fl~ction or tl\I' p;i~t. may~ thl.~ i;h.;.1uJrl t..... in a n1u:Y.:um : orig1nl\J !-.firk~y !\lou~ '\'afi·h for ~1lf' , , n1akc an off<"r. · • \\'hii;rle \vh1le you "h1rUe! Carve 1voockn rnod<'l hoe !s from faclory hluepnn!.1<, talented \\•ith a knife ? f;;rrn a little f"XtNI. yf'ar 1tround, intercsling and pmtit.blr.. SHELL ~\1!4f It's Sometimes, good to make a change. Now yo u only need one coin to win in Shell's States of the Union Game. Not a whole group o_f coins. For instance, get Arkansas, and you've won $500-just like th at. Or pii;:k up any of the other coins we've circled-and you \Yin from one to fiv e thousand dol lars. The other rules stay the Same: You get a coin-free-every time you vi.'ii t a pa rti cipating station. You don't have to buy anything. You n1ust be a licensed driver. 'f he g"mc is void \Vhcrc prohibited. States of the Unio WIN SSOOO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '"', 'I" ... , ..... , •: ~· "; :· \ Jiii ' ' . ' . . . . ' ' . -. ' -' ' ' -; ~ II ~...,, •.,n,.1·'" \"''. I \·11'\ ,, .... .,, ..... .... , ..... <; ....... (•"-"""' ' 6) e .... ' -~ ,.; , -. --. "' ' '"' ... ,, . .' ,,,,,,,-- ''"""""'"" ... .., -• ""t•Co<Ol'"• ....... ~ ..... y ....... • • • • • • • • ·••·•••WIN SlOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ................ ·--""""' v,. ...... , . .," _-,"''•" . ' . -. --' " · .... 1,,--~"''- ~-~ ........ ..... ~. WIN SIOO ,,~"""·,, . ' -. . . WINS'.X> ... ,, -.: ' -i I .111"~' °''' ....... • • • • • • • .,,, .. I • ;....;.;; ~-.... (SJ.\., .,.,. • . 1,"W_ r •• ·,,,,-· ., .. ",· ,,,.,~~· .,,,,..~ r.... •·•"'•'"• • 'I'' ' . '· ,-,, ,, ~·' "''"""'"' • " • • • • • • • • • .. .,,, -•: •,,I"'" . ..... Prize information for Southern California Prizes available as of I 0/ 17 /69 $5000 . ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' '8 $1000 ,, .... ' .... '' ' ... ,3 1' $500 ... "' "'" '.''.' '.12 4 5 100 ' ' . ' • ' .. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . 465 55 0. , ... , -•... , _ .. , , .. JI 0 55 ' " ...... " ... ' . ' 12,400 $1 ...... -' .. , ..... 372 ,000 Bronze sets .... , , ... 186,000 Odds of winning I in 3,875,000 I in 1.000,000 I in 250,000 I in 66,667 I in 100.000 I in 2,500 I in 83 I in 167 1,017 Sliell stations arc parlicipating in this area, Scheduled rermination 12/4/69, There is a rota I of 571 ,33 8 prizes in rhis area, That gives you a 1 in 54 ch ance to win something! ' The 1wo men v.'hosc bodies \\-ere rrcovere<I wore crewmen on a 24-<:ar co~l I.rain whichi had been operating a ''good1I distance" from the place V.'h<'rc th~ 76 o!hcr miners'I were bcliev~ to ha ve been r'.a.pped. mine comp:iny of·[ ficial.s i aid. '---------------------11---------------------------------------------;---------- - --' --' -----·--------------·-' 6 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Tidelands Thf! :\"e11·port Beach Clty C~uncil .is _embroiled in a di!f1cult and 1ncend1ary public issue, 1n its effort to ar- r ive at an equi table system ol !~es to charge proper~y Q\1·ner s 11·hose piers :ire on pubhc prope11y-the p11bl1c t1dC'la11d s. It is an cflo rt that needs to be nlade, and an issue lh;:il ought to be fac£'d and d ecided. The. question of reimbursement to th e city-to the public-for piers v.·hich occupy public property has been simn1e ring for years. Past cou ~c1Js ha ve ba cke_d a11 ay 1vhen the goi ng got tough, warning "so1neday this v;1Jt have to be dealt \rith." The principle seems simple. enough : Anyo~e con- verting public property to his pnvate and -:xclus1ve use ought to reimburse the public for that privilege. f\1ost O\\'ners of private piers agree ~hat the princi- ple is JUSt. But, they maintain, they a re indeed c~pen­ ~a ti ng the public in a variety of ways for the rig ht to occupy a few hundred square feet of public tidelands \\'Ith their piers and boats. The n1a .ior form o f repayment, t hey say, is the un· den1ably ti1 ghcr taxes they pay on \\'alerfront property . The san1c nrgumenl hO\Ye\·er. coul d be advanc.ed b.v n\\'ncrs of hig h!~·-1 axed con1n1erci~I proper!.v. or hillside 'ie\\' p roperly to justify thf'ir, budding ~ pr_ivate struc- !urc into ;:i pul~lic street, or into a n adJ01n1ng park or ~chonlvnrd . Sl10uld a person then be .equa.lly pri vi l ~gcd to buPd hi s carpor t. ho11'e\·e r attractive. in a public stree't? Or a :-helter for his trallered boat? Or even to have the r1~hl to h<iYe permanent, private parking p!aces at his curb" P ier O\V ners poin t out, \Vith justification. that they contribute to the upkeep and th~ bea_u ty of the ha r!'<>r by their bulkhead s. their attractive piers, the dr~~ng of their sli p and the adjacent channel and the policing oI public litter that floats ashore. n ut O\\'ners of hon1es and businesses on streets any- Fee Debate· \Yhere in the community can point to comparable serv· ices on adjoining public property-streets. walks, park· \\'ays-that they routinely contribute as a secondary re· sult of making their O"'" property m ore attractive or 111ore useable. By la\\'. revenues derived fro1n public t idelands must be spent on public tideland s. So if the pier fee revenue can prevent increased demand on the general fund for harbor purposes, or permits new investment in harbor improvements that otherwise \vould be financed by general funds, the budget justification for the pier fee seems clear. Under consideration by the City Council at present is a fee of SI per year per slip foot. What really is both· ering the pie r 0\\1ners 1s not the amount of the fee now proposed, but how fast the fee may be increased in years ahead, once it is established. This is under1tand· able. The most difficu lt argument advanced by the pier O\vners is that the 800 or so of them represen t but a small pa rt of the boat traffic in the bay-certainly so on \veekends. \Vhy, they ask. should they carry an extra bu_rden !~r operating the ha rbor. ~·hilc th e People ~·hO' bring their boats here from else\vhert.. are not similarly chars;;ed ? The ans"·er is t\vo-fol d. The "visitors" still d o not have pern1anenl private usage of a piece of the. bav. 'f'he cit.v \1·ill have to find other equitable \1•ays to obtain toon1e con1pcnsation fro1n them. It has taken ~reat courage for four inembers of the council lo bring the issue to the point of decision. \Yha t is needed now by the counc ilmen a re expres-sio~s of public sentiment on the issue, pro and con. The ordinance is scheduled for public presentation Monday November IO. ' The DAJLY PILOT believes that an equitable sys- tem of fees for private piers on public tidelands is due and can be arrived at and should be enacted. !N) Their Strecesses Have Higli Prices f,<R, ~ jl.IP-()"-r SR ;;:,... Natio1i ls Siva11111ed by Paper Work Dca1· GJ001n y Gus: How People Outsmart Then1selves Somti11·ht're in the East this sumn1e r t:wrr "as hclrl a large confcre.nce rin "'paprr 11·otk " \\'hllc largely an ignored ~ubjcr1. 1t 1s a rude fact tha t ~apt'~ "'Ork 1•1 n1os l bu!'i nes!'<'s anrl professions is ~ak· l'lli rnnrc !line anti rncrgy than i::o into !he ,1ctual product ion of goods or t:r r\'iccs. A'!' .'l nat 111n. v•C' arr being s"'amped by a tida l \1:1\c of f()rins, iippl1ca11on:>, '"por1-;:, n1~·1nos. a11d 1n1!>C'rll:i11eous r..aJYr~ -I \) !he poinl lhal the procegs\nlf ha~ 1,1kc>n pr l'cf'(lt1ncc over the product. Teachers ill .1 lar,t!e S<'hno1 sys tem . for i11~liln<:e, .s pt:n(l an enormous ;imount of time 1n 1:nn1p!l1ng record ~ and filing -reports that n1aJ...e the administrative bureaucrary !rel ltuporlanl and .;J1011e rf uL and 11l1s limr. of cour~I'. Is lost In I.he prhnary function or teaching the \"h:ldren. f\l'RSES I'.\ HOSPITA LS oftcn corn· rJ:un 1oclay thdl 1he1r papt"r work has 'i°3,riority n1e r lhrir pilt1en1 ~· carc ; anri -'! •IOCl'lr ~ in pri111te oft1re~ hkcwi~r. prate.st :: th;il f1lhnt: flUI 1n~;ir;1nce :i nd ~Tedicart : lnrmc; c11:~ !<r no11~h into the time ;. (!r101C'd to ac111<1I u1c<l1ra1 practirr • l'()\1errr.c11, al~ll. arr 111~utrerab!} burd · ·1 ctit"! 1111 h 1h" 11r1 !1n~ of rrport ~. and ·: n1iJc h p0l1rc: rruitin" i;; ~.n1ply glor1J 1ed : 1.!cnn!:r Jphv If 1hc a1erai;:.r· cop lost h1-:; ; pr1"1r1I. I! 1\ 00-'lllld be rnor"." cri ppling than 1[ : lie h1ol hi s ~un • . 1 l'ART OF THE nEASO'\ fflt ll 11s 1s t hu1nd11 pn111: a11d ~1l1bbornnr~:-.. ~lost pro· : l!'ssions <111<1 nrf'lll'a1ion ~ ,1·aril total ~ Uomtnancc 01rr t11t•ir fiel ds, a:id re.seot I didn't know I would trigger !uch a gold·plate<I beautif1cation for Jamboree Road when r 14·rotc Gloomv Gus last ~lay 28. How c.'ome ihe subd ivider did n't put in the btautilication'! Nine tho usand dollars is a lot of hay (p\asllc). -ill. A. T. T~i. IH I-nlt.ct11 re•••r'I' v;...,,, ntl ftto( ... I FllJ tft-ti floe R.....,,l ,t r. $1Mi '"'' "' _...., '9 Gl .. m• G~1, 04l ll J ,.Jlol. "outsiders" coming in lo take 01er any parl of the ~·ork, no matter ho1v burdensome. Th-:rt i~ a terrible ~hortagc of dortors in sm all towns and rural areas, and the lev el of medical se rvice is shockingly Jov•er in such places than in tl1e lilrgrr cities. Ye! the medical profe ssion ob· durately resl.5ts !he use of "para·prf)- fcssional" workC'rS in performing routine. tilsks. EVEN TR AINED nurses' aid es and in- 1erns are presently prohJbited fr om doing a lot of llllle JObs that rob regi stered nurses and phyi;i cians or valuiible time they cou ld be using to treat patients. The medic:t1 profession prttends lhat a relalli· ing or lht~ restrictions \\'Ollld ··1ov.·er medical standards," ,•1hich is ru bb ish - 1\·hat they really fear is thal 1t might rrdure their sphere of authoritr and oin· rupoteoce. People like to hold all !ht? rrin'.'I in their 011·n hands, even 1f Uley Me a b~urdly 01·erv.·orktd. Polict department s rC'se nt non-policemen doing clenca) v.ork or roulir.e Jobs that require no spel·1al police !raining, such as is.suing parking t1tkcLs -which takes up :norr police 11n1c than the pursuit of crin1e. But l\'C 11 on't .i:et th ~ paptr out of our hair until \l'C grt the ral.se pr:de out of our heads . Tlie Art of Doitble Talk • F!attC'f}' 111a y get y(\u n1"111 h!'re. but ; f'louhlC' l;ilk can orten get you an~14here. m • the ~l'!Cial ~amr. !Jouble talk, of ('f)ursc, 1~ ihc an of ~aying one 1h1r.g 11'h1lc thin kini:; another. .; Jt <'nablcs one In go on for ~ears. lf · nrcessar~, 11·11hout !';J~'1ng a lhing ht 'means or 1ncJning a thing he says. .: J\'aturally, ther efore . double talk is the ·most \\U.lesprea.d lurrn of com· : munica lion~ ll·l earth. I! penr1 ratPs p1·cry ·:language and 1s useful in all 11·alk.s of ;1ire. Jt 1s aosolut'!ly 1nd 1 ~pcnsa blc to suc- ~cess .in L.usinc ss :i.nd rnarriage. ; For the unini!ialcd. here are a fel'I' {samples of double lalk, lollo\l'ed in tach •case by \1·hal the person "'ho spokfl was la c\ua/ly thinki ng: ~ : "GEE. J OE, I ne1rr :.av.· you looking ;bctt<::r. \\'hy don ·t }'OU get out of that bed ;.anrl gl,·e It 111 r.omeone 11·ho's really rsick?" -Boy. he sure lflO ks \Jkr a goner. fJJe 'JI ne1er v.·alk 0111 of th1:; ho~p1\;il. ~ ··1 m Jr: a toui;h 11pot. ;inrl as yllu·re one Jtlf my olde!il frienrl ~. 1'1 c come to ~·ou for '<tJ\')ce ... -Afll'r vou lrn1f mr the JSOO t 1ra11y need, then · J II hs1rn to your ad· .. vice. ~ •·vou mt-an )'OU ~'31tpapcre<I lhis ent ire ,. om alt by ~nursrlf.,' -11 looks like )OU'd been b(lped by a herd of thumb• "1 umbhn~ elephants, : "1\fter all, ii 1sn'! lht' \alue of a .present thal count:;. 11·:1 the :ientiment '.behin<l 11 " -After ;ill , it's the \'alue of a ·pr~it that counls. . '"LET l\IE congra1u1:itc you, Harr;.•. 1t r<'n:on!v "·as a """ll ·tlr~erved pro- mnhon. ;. -nut I 11o as the one \l ho (!f't.,-Vf'<f h. vn u hum "\\hy :'lfJrtll' ;.llt 'r .;iJI (hr• ... 1 ye;ir ~ Hal Boy le 11·~'ve been logelher, you ct.rtainly must know the: reason I married you.'' -l ~·as slow on my feel. ''Yeah, it"s a real !hrill lo come bacK to thei;e colle~e reunions and remtmbe.r all the fun ...,.e had here durinc t~ times lhat still setm like they were only yester· day,"-\V"hat the hell Is this guy's narne any1-:ay'! "Young man , you would n't lry to take a taxicab from a tired rild woman on a rainy day, woul d you?" -II yriu eve r reach for lhat door handle, Buster. I'll put the polnl of this umbrella rl1ht through your ribs. "IT'S GETI'rNG kind ol lat e lor me. Shall we make thi~ hand the lasl one~" - J must bt ~or more ahead. "The sky's lhe limit, baby. OrdC'r anything tha t appeals to ~•· But if it's anything but the $2 95 chopped slcak ~~ia1. kid, you're goi ng to ha 1·e a Ion& walk home. "I don't see how Ronnie thinks he can a fford to support a family and still kC""ep a girl friend on the side, too ." -But I'd •ure Ukt lo J,arn his secret. "Yoo always did h11ve 11 talent for n05· ing out fine ~·1nes. Henley. Tell me. ~ ht'rc on earth rl1d this one ron1c fr om .. ·• -It tastes like it had been cJ1sl1lled from the rinjls in an old balhlub. "A,ny11mc I c~n dn any1hing fnr ~011. j11•t raH on m~ " -Arid c~ll ... and ca ll and rall unlil )'1U rr ho.1r ~c By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Joe is an extremely successful youn g executive on !he way up, \Vhose motiv a- lion, drh•e, energy and p er son a J magne1ism are becoming almost legen· cJary ; Joe is sexually impotent. Ruth ~·as elected "\\'oman of the Yrar" b>· those 1n her social group \\'ho l'ons1drr her the person they most ad- mire ; Ruth has incapacitallng nugraine headaches. Jle lcn 1s 101 cd and respected by ever )Olll' except her husband, 11•hn ll11·orccd her. and her children, 11·ho can 't :-!and hrr uncon troHab!e emotional oul· bursi~. Stp1·r is· a brilliant. in venth·e sci rnt1st 11·ho s1il]er.~ f)Criods or e x I re m e dcprrssion and feelings ol unreality. TllF.SE ARE FOUR fictitiou s c:oi:amplrs ol ho1\' people outsn1arL 1he1nse!ves - 111any times without even kno\\:l ng it. The outsm<1rt!ng has lo do wit h being too suc- cessful 1 too adn1irab!e., too respectable, ton bnll1ant !or one ·s 01vn good. \\:hencl'er a person lives !us hie ac· cording to hO\\' he thinks others v•ant h1rn ta ht, or searches for external accolades •, ' ·~ •. E):~ryday ,1 Piri'blen1s ....... ;.$ ?> -· to fill the void in his C'~istencr, ht outsmarts himself : he suffers the in· r111able consequences of surreptitiously maintaining personal integrity and iden, lily through one sym ptom or another. His physical-emotional system says, "\\'ho do ~ ou think you are. deny ing my presence 11 hlle }'ou "re out gainlng l<in1e , fortune. or persona l satisfaction".'" !\IA i"\V BEL IEVE that sonic fo rm o! 1l1strcss is inevitable in pursuing success ; that so rnany apparently succe.ssfu! Pf!O- p!e are terribly distressed g1\'es cred l'nce to this fallacy. It is reinforced by over whelmin g evidence of the high price of success: brokc!'I famil ies, unhealthy bodies, shattered dreams, and sick minds, It need not be U1us . The mosl sue· cessful among us are those 1\·ho function as .,.,·holt persons; one part of 1hrm doe sn"t outsmart Ilic olher. Their ln· tellecls don"t con their ernolion!! -their motiva tions !unction togctl1cr 11•ith their reservations -thr1 r heads don·t rule their hearts -their needs apprceialc \\·hal I.heir values tell the1n. Or \'ice 1 ersa . PEOPLE OUTS,\IART themsel\'es by denying. distortin g, or 1gnor1ng pcr~onal information which is not only available but crying to be petc.eived. The businessman refuses lo adn11t he doesn 't like the profit n)0\1\e. The star \\on·t acknowledge his insecurities. The theologian remains out of touch with h!~ humanness. The parent .,.,·on't rcmemhrr his childishness. The doctor prefers to see hilnself as an hnmortal iron rnan. He nce, their ~uccesses have high prices. \\'henever a person cleverly tries to fool others, and himself. by disclosing on· Jy U1ose pa rls of h1n1self he believes wil l br ing hi1n fu n -;inrl profi t -\\'hen he rob~. Peter to pay Pau! -he C'ven1ually finds that his deceitfuln ess is ex pensive : Peter dc1nands restitution and retribut lon. REALIZI!"G THIS, it 's understandable Calls Visitor to Mexico an To the Echtor : Pur suant to your story by John "'eld <Oct. 181 on th e snua.uon in f\lexico, I 11 ould hke tQ sav thal Lhe American tnur1~t \O this pSeud .l·frlendly country arro~s the border is JUst a plain O!'lager . L011k 1l 11p in the dk·t1onary and sue nie He is <1n ona,'le r becausl' he goes into '':0.1ch ico·• knowing thaL he is wanted lhrre fo r his money and nothing else . And 11 l11le he is there enjoying the l'erboten t hing~ denied hlm in the U.S., (poor soul) he 1s the gullible patsy ~·hilc. the Mei.:ican J;Ol'rrnmCn\, "'inking al lhC &Oln&S on, ~1pprars to :>an ct]on lhe ''Mordida ," or ~raft, mentioned in ~Ir. V.'eld's story, i nd all1·a} s under the agH>ld ~le.xica n philosophy that it is OK lo milk the A111erican tourists "'ho come lo ~lexico kl shn1v off v.ith 1heir had manners, and \\ho 1nad\'erten1ly <:as\ their pe1rls before Lhc :;11·lne. TO STOP THE dope lra!f ic coming from our not-so-friendly neighOOr south of !he OOrder is quite another thin g. yet it is ~--Bu Geo1"9e Dear George : My barber won't talk to me, my bartender won't listen to my I.roubles, trave ling 5.11\esmen v.·cMi't tell mr: jokes and my \•,.Ue won't nag me. A.s an advict rolumnist, \vhat is your adv~ on what I'm doing wrong? FRUSTRATED De&r Frustrated ; I doo't think wr've been in· troduced, fell ow. Dear Gtorge : I mo1·ed from the farm inlo the city to my ncv.· job and people laughed at me about ~·earing my red mrspend,rs. just likt I thought. You're a pretty bad advice col- umnist. ttlhng me !he lbing lo do .,~;as slmply to ~·ear a coat \l'ith my suspenders. An~·how , a roal l1X1ks funny stuffed dov.·n inside my su•· penders. You're prttly sJupid. ANGRY J)eA r Angry, /.\'SIDE the coat~ l ~SI DE !ht ('0<11'. IH;:11e :ii! oi11cr ilrl11te rnlu1t1n1~1~ l:lil c<l )Ou" \\"ri !r to GeQrgr a11<l let h1rn fad }OU, too j .I'-"'' "lailbox Let te r& from re aders ore welcomt. Nor1nall11 writ ers shou ld co11ve11 their mt11ages in 300 word! or less. The right to conde nse lelters to fit space or ellntinQ<'.e libei is reserL'ed, Alt lrt.- ters must. 111clu.de signatu re and mail. ing address. but names may bc: with- li elrt D1t reques t if s11ff1c ient rtaso11 1s apparenl, tied in v.·ith th e shrnanigans mentionfd aOOve. And it will ne\'er be solve<! until the American phannaceulica\ pov.·ers, plus the cooperation of !he 1tcxican go\·ernmenl. stop the shipment of drucs lo illex ico that are or1c-1n ally destin.ed lo arril'e 1n the U.S. \'ia smugglers. and the 1fe1'icen gro...,·ers of mari1u ana are rooted out completely. l\lr. \Veld "s story is ti1ne- ly and should be given the utmost at· ltntion at lhls time . 1'.llLT BASHA1'.t Ret•le1v . .\11u1npfions To the Editor : The letter from Arthur D. Ga.skin ~Mailbox. Oct. 20) illustrates a point which ha s bewildered me for years. \\'hy Quotes L .. nard \\'tssen. Jr .. ~rkelr,y - "Amtric1n ld»ols forn1ally al'oid givinr any :>iplrltual food to sludtnts. and the result ia a spiritua l matnutritk>n for whi ch radicalism is a false cure. 11Jt00u1h at least an attempt." r.tirtrrlt Willen~. Brenh!.·ood. on moon laadJa1 -"We can re}Oic.e in I.he realii.a· llQn thal 1hert is ''irtua!ly oothing men cannot do. E.:cepl , that is, l1\'e wi1h one anot her." r.1ra .• J. R. ~Or1Juiat, Coocord, " future or spAfl' e1plor11t1on -"r.1an has mad!'.' a prr1ty h1,1: )'T'l<"SS of l hing~ on planrl E11r1h, and ii sef'm~ to mt 14't ha v11 enoubh 10 1111rry abou t naht here 1\ It that right .... ·111J!crs think that they are the only ones ~hn pay taxes" To say that "99 percent of tl1e t<tX· pa:,'e1s :are disgusted to !1nd lh<it 1h1~ 1\'0mari ~·as hired 111 the first place" is. to clispl11y incredible arrogt1ncc. Has .\Ir. Gaskin personally niilde a sur1ey of la~· pa}'Cr!i? Or is he go1n& by the rcs111!s or ~ome opinion poll ? If ht was I ll'Ou!cl likr I . kno"' which one, fo r I ilm a t;ixpayer and I "'ou!d ~erlain ly hllvl' li ke d to e:\· press my oplnlon. IT IS USFORTUNATE fnr con· servatives th 11:t thtir thinking is ~o oftPfl characterized by !UCh arrogant stupidit y_ Jt \1 difficult in<letd lo conduct a rat ionnl dtbate with a person who ii; tither un...,·!lt• ing or uri ablt to express hi s vie~ "'·1th in· telllgerc.'t . P.1os~ of !ht J>l'Oplt 1n the. state rir Caltfornia art taxpayers. There are fa r more taxpayers, in rart. than ''oters because there is no age re slric!ion placed on paying laxes. As a residr.nl of a coun· 1y where the majority of people are undtr 25 years of age. f think Iha ! i\lr. Gaskin Bnd lhose \\'ho fi nd themse[\•l's 111 1ym~thy with him h11d best rtview their assumptions. It is possible tha l a little bit (lf thinking may prove lo be or great bene!it. \\'ILLJA:\1 Kl;\'DEL Dacls Deeblo11 To tl\e Editor : Thanks to ,Jurigc Jerry Pacht, for his f'fforts to uphold the consUtutlonal riihts 1'1 the Con1munisl, Angela Oavi3. He in turn denleQ me and all loya l tax-payi ng Californians their constitutional rig hls- yes, our right lo sAy how OliH lax n1oncy Is sf)t'nl NO\\', tha nk.s to him. "''e can pay a. person nr persons "·ho seek lo destroy our •·ay of llft. II sttms to mt' tha1 the conshtu lional rights of tht majority should come before lht rights Of Ont JAi,IES L. llORSTi\lEYER • Adobe BPnch To th!!. Editor· I would like to toi1111'lcnd lhc foresrght of the contrar!Or5 rc~pon~1b)c fnr clrpo~it ing mud an<I cl.'.ly Instead nf ~i:inrl nn !he uoded Nc11·pnrl Rt?arh :>hnrcl111c. They added 3ome new characttri~tics 11'1 I ii~ lJt<i"h :ind 1101\·rd n prnhl~1n lhal how he_ niay d€ve]op such c::inditions a~ (I) psycbophysiologic disorders -ski n disorders. ulcer.'i, to!ilis. impotence , b a c k a c he , h ea d a che, asthn1a , hypertension. h~ pervcnti!aiion; ( 2 ) neurotic reactio'ns -an:\iety, amnesia, unreasonable fears, unv.·anted thought s or urges, dC'pression, e>:cessive fatigue, !eel- 1ngs of unreality and sl'lf-est rangemen t: ~.it personality disorders -unwarrantf'd susp1r i:.i11s or Jealousy, alternating mood~ vi depression and elation. avoldanct o! rlose relationships. unconlrollab!e e1nn· 11onal outbursts, excess11e conformity , 1rrcsponsibillt v, inc ilpacity Io r en• Joy1nent. sexual de1·iations. alcoholism or c:\crss1\·c drinklng. drug dependence ; J4) soelat maladjustn1cnts in marriage. job, lr lcndshlps : anrl 15) in rare 1n5tances, psychoses. -sc:hlzophrcnia, paranoia, psychotic depression. PEOPLE OUTS!\IART lhemse]l'es 111 many sel f-defeating ways. It's really 1nore intelligent lo .spend less time and f'fr(')rt trying 10 make an impression on nthers and devote more atlenli1Jn to gil · ing an citpression of as much of one self as po~sible at any given llmt. 'Onager' youn~~!ers ha1'e faced for a long time. \Yith <i dnbe r\ay 1nstrarl of ~and, ~flllfl,l'.~\rr ~ \1l1n·1h:nc1n 111,rry ;ibn11t tl1e ~.ide~ nl 1hc>1r ho!C':> colh1p:-1ng any mor<'. Jn fact. the kids probably v.·on't e1·en h;n·e 10 conl rmpla1e the prohlrn1.~ of <l1g· g1ng a hole or building a cast Ir. The c!a\l' i• ~n hard thl'y can 't evl'n breil k through lhe crust . Al.S(), 1\0"' Tiii:: teen.agers hA1'c another pla l·e lo ride their motnrcycle~. \\'hat a gre al track th;it adobe make!!. tn addition, this gh•f'!i the New port Beac)I police so mething else lo do. They can run the cyr!e cnthus1as1s off the ne1v racetrack. I !han~ you J\·lr. Contractor~. for tlunk Ing of the kid s. the motorcycli~ts and thr police clt'partm~n1 ~llK E c;HRISTEi'\SE:I\' Fr11s1ratit1g To the Editor · \\'ill it takr. an art of Congre ss to get the traffic si gnal system changed ;;t l\facArl hur Boulevard and Ford Road? There arr 1n11ny ne1v residents 1n thi, arta and it is very fru strating lo sit at this siga nl for at lea$! rive rn inutes \1•aiting for the red light to change. l\fany res idtnts have called an d written !o lhc state highwa y depart1nent eom· plaining of lhis exi~ting situation, to no al'aiL lfow about a li!tle help '! il11SSY S!\'OHTLAXD ----- [o' rid a y, October 24 . 1969 The editorial pnge 01 I/it Dai:y Pilo t setks to i11form and stim· 1!/ate readers by prt seriling tl1is new.!pcper's opi11io113 and com- rucntary on topics of i nl ere~l 011 d significance, by providi"g • forio" for the expression nf 0 11 r ttader1' opinions. and by prrsl'nti11a !ht dir;ers e t1c ro. pni1its of i nformtrl obst>rL't r,, a 11 d spoke~mcn 011 lopics of rlit dr.y. Robert N, \\ ccd .. r ublishc r r , • r ., l . , : :- , . . > .... ~ ' ,, •J . . ..., ~·., ,, ' . ' • ,. ANTICIPATING TH E BALL -With their go\vns picked out and accessories chosen, ~1rs. Harry John !\larch (left) and Mrs. Wil· liam Bents are ready to go to the 1969 Celebrity Ball Friday, Oct. 31, which 'vill preface a two-day .meeting of the Republican State Central Committee. George Brokate gives his approval as the w~ Views Revealed man model thei r formal attire. The three \l.'lll join political and social leaders as well as Hollywood celebrities a t the gala in the Anaheim Convention Cenler. Critical Eye Kept On Consumer Game Consumer Ganie \\•ill be the lecture topic of Betty Furness, former U. S. special a ssistant for consu1ner affairs, \vhen she addresses Chapman College Town and Gown. The group v.ill meet at 10:30 a.m. \Vednesd ay, Oct. 29, in the Saddlc- back lnn, Santa Ana. Lunch \\'ill follow. ,..-Jn addition to n1embers of the women's LECTU RER Betty Furness cultural support grou r and guests, faculty 1ne1nbers and students in the college's home rconomics d epartme nt have been invited. Before goin g to he r \Vhite }louse pos i· 11on. \\·bich she held fron1 !\I ar c h . 1967 th rou~h .January 196fl. !\liss Fur ness ,,·as ac· ti' e 1n \'OluncC'r \1·nrk on beha lf of VJ ST1\ cind rcce1,·cd a special citation fron1 J=•res1· dt•n t .John son. Daughter of the late !\'Ir. George \. Fur- ness. one ot r.101o's pioneers. !\liss Furness has been active 1n both radio and telev isibn. J-'or five years s he has had her ov.•n CBS ra- dio netwOrk progran1 and she also was seen on <'du cational tclevi ~io n as hoslcss of "Living for the Sixties." lier other television programs have been ''Studio One" and "At Your Beck and Call." and she presented the "Dimension of a \Vom· an 's \Vorld" on CBS rad io. J\ti ss Furness, in her acting career , appeared in 35 RKO iilnd 1'1G:\1 films. tou red in legitimate shows and pla.ved on Broad\vay. BE A ANDE RSON , Editor H ''"II GOP Gala Ball Guest List Star Bright The famous music of Les Brov.'n and hi s Band of R eno,vn •.viii drift fron1 the Anaheim Convention Center Friday, Oct. 31, as more than 2.000 pol itical and social leaders from all over the state mingle on the dance floor inside. Al so among the dancers at the 1969 Celebri·ty Ball will be many noted Hollywood personalities. The occasion for the baH, which promises to be a highli~ht of the Orange County sc:iciaI season, is the operung festivities of the Republican State Cen- tral Commil'tee's tw<Hl ay session. · On the two days following the Celebrity Ball, more than 3,000 Republican par ty leaders and mem- bers will formulate the positions for the 1970 elec- t ion year that the Republican State Central Conunit- tee "'ill take. The party h<1s inv:tcd Orange Countians to be among those at t he gala, \Vhich \viii incl ude a gour- met dinner at 8:30 p.n1. A .reception in the Grand Lobby of the convention center \v ill signal the start of 'the festiviLt!s. Sponsoring the ball is the Ora nge County Re- publican Central Committee, in conjunction with the State party, and serving as co--chairmen are Thomas C. R ogers and Robert F. Beaver. ~1any countians already have made reserva- tions and others are assisting with plans. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets may call the Orange County Central Committee, 547-8006. Cove ring everything fron1 political conven- t ions to fa sh i on~. l he spr aker is the only u·oman to hold the office of presi· dent of the ;\C\\" 'l:·nrk Chapter of the l\'atio nal Academy of Television Arts and S::irnces a nd :-he aiso u·as rhairn1an of its a\1·ard.c; committee. illiss Fur- ness is the \I ifc (1[ Leslie illidgl r y, proclucer of the \Valtcr (·ronkite Even· Ing Ne\\'S prog~a n1s. Cost a Mes a Li braries in Need of Friends Staging a Book-in and Concert in the Park next Sunday from 3 to 4:30 p.m . at J\tesa Ve rde Library \11ill be Friends of the Costa l\1esa Library. Everyone is invited to attend and guests are ask- cd to bring contributions for the group·s annual used book sale. \\/ailing for the event to begin are (Jett to right) rt-Irs. W. J. Col- Jwn, Mrs. Dorise J esko and Chris Creely. Waitress Tells Wives' Tip on How to Increase Allowance DEAR /INN LANDERS ' For a long time I have been· bugged by a problem that has been preying on JTIY mind . I hope you ean i-etp me -as well as other hard· working waitresses. \\"hat can be doot: about 9 wife who sneaks lhe tip off the table while htr hus- band Is paying !he bill? This h3s hap- pt>ned to me n1orc times than T ca re to think about and it makes me furious. I \ol·nrk hard. ~1y basr salary is low and I dept-nd on lips to li ve.. The wife \\·ho I gr;ibs my tip i~ tak ing .~mething that brlongs to me. Isn't this s1ealing? An~ suggestions? -FLAT-FOOTED FRAi~· NIE DEAR. FRANNIE: A tip 11 a ~balty. When • wife fU~ Ute wailtts11' tip Pe k hltercepthl1 • itft. nI1 11, of coarse,·•· !l ANN LANDERS ' crur.1111y trick and any person wbo would stoop lo It is rock-bouom. The lll•e dining room hostesses with "·born "·e checked, llowevcr, were unanlmeualy of the opinion il11t nothing should ht 111id. An althi1 ef tbe pinlntt 11·ould create embanaumeat. qly e1- chuge1 -and i.D tbe eed. RI wUI f« tH e1tabU1llmtnL DEAR ANN LANDERS: Now that we ha ve proved it Is ~sible to land oo the moon , a great many pec>ple are mak ing F.Uggestions as to who ought to go there. Here is mine: The moon would be an ideal place for all wivea wbo lh!nk their bulblnds are louiy lovm, can't tell a joke right, p11y no attention to their kkis, aqutez.e the lootbpute tube in the: middle, snore a lot, are loo lay lo tbrolr t.beir·IOCU iD the clothes hamper and fall asleep ln front of the TV. How about it, Ann. Do you agree? - YUKON JAKE VEAR YUK: Sorry, the moon wouldn't bold 'em. DEAR ANN LANDERS : We have four teenage boys-19, 17. 16 and 13. They are good students, reliable and cooperative and have never been in any trouble. Our boys ha\"e worked since they were old enough to cArry papers and mow lawns. We taught them to save a· part of every dollar. II they want eitras they are allowed to buy them with their-cwn money. The bo}os have· bough( cameras, water sklis and 8C'Uba diving ~uipment. They also paid for their own lessons. Last month we bought a color TV and pol the old black-and-whlte TV up for sale. The old TV also is a stereo and radio combination -in excellent COrl- dilion. Our tv.·o middle boys sa id lhey wanted to buy It on the installmrnt. plan .end keep lt in their room. \Ve sold it to them for $100. Wheri my brother-in·l11w be·ard we !old cur cld TV to the boys he said it was t~c cheapest thing he'd ever heard o[. }le caned u5 a few unllaltering names which made me fe81 aw[ul. ~fy husband insists we did the right Wng. I 'm not so sure now. What is your oplnlon? -GRAND RAPIDS DEAR GRAND I It tuml to me tllal yoar bra«Rr·ta-law ll J\lckbl( ~fl· •OM hito pJ1cu wbere tt doeln'I beloa(. If mare kids ta.cl te earo money for e-r. tra1 there'd be fewer ldd1 In trouble . That whkb peotile get for notbiD& ha1 no \'ak1e. I am Impressed by the w11y you sin<t yoar ba~b11nd are raisins your bo:v1. I hope your brol.ber-ln·law doe1 111 well. Is alcoholism a disease? How can the acotiolic be treated? fl! there a cura1 Read the booklet "Alcoholism -H~ and Help, "by Ann Landers. Enclose 35 cents in coin with your request and a long. st.amped. self-addressed tnveloJ)t'. Ano Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of lhe DAILY PlLOT, en- closing a sell-addressed, stamped enve- lope. -·- J .f DIJL Y PILOT f"rlrliy, Octo~r 24, 1969 ,, • A ·£! . ' , . . • Cornucopia of Bargains at Bazaar Mrs. Gf'orge Perley, chairn1an of Harvest Fantasy Bazaar spon sored h~' \\'o- men's Society of Christian Ser\'icc, F'ir,"t United l\·tethodist Church. Costa ivl e~a sho\VS you ng \Vesley Butterwick one of the handmade items for sa le . f-'lany new items \ViJl be offered at 'the preChrislmas bazaar in the church fron1 J() a .m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28. A buffet luncheon will be sold for 7.5 cents and family dinners will go for $2 to adults and $1 to children under 12. ~tusica l entertainment \vill be presented both by Giruly's Gang, a group of senior citi- zens, and David and His Friends. GOP Guest Encountering Sex Education ~tission Viejo Republica n Women·s C J u h. Federated members 1v1U hf'il r arguments against :=-e:t education when Bruce Glenn. fllission \1iejo High School teacher, speaks to them at 11 :30 a m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, io Buffy·s restaurant, Laguna Hills. Glenn is chairman of the social science departmenl of the hlgh school and sponsors a Yoong Ame. r i can s for Freedom group on the cam- pus. According to i'>lrs. Paul Ricker 1 spoktsman for the group, he attended a con- vention far supporters of sex educatioo during the sum- mer. Restrvalions and further In· formation may be. obtained by Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, pro::.pecti\·e brides are reminded to have their \veddinc:: stories with black and \Vhite glo.o;sy photo· graphs to the DAILY P ILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the \Vedding. For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy pict ure, be submitted early. If th e betrothal announce- ment and Wedding date are six 'veeks or less apart. only the wedding photo v.'ill be ac- cepled. To help fill requirements on both wed- ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- abl e in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes ~t.aff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. calling Mrs. Harvey Spencer,'----------------------' 837-2844. Art League's Agenda Told Chorus 'Sings Out' For Fountain Valley Horoscope Gemini: Be Optimistic SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 By SYDNEY 01\-IARR TEEN DATING mNTS: Full moon tonight: Tlurus Is 11potllgble.d, but may have lo make commltn1ent. Aries may b e t on ce rn e d w i th bud get-t-beck rail s that way. Romance is featwred for Capricorn. while Sco rpio con- siders possibility of permanent relationshlp, No time for anyone to play games wi th emotions. Flirting could prove more 5erlous than Imagined for Aries. Be forewarned. Pisce1 does a bit of moving around, but It'• worth It. Prac .. tical maUers dominate for most; more showdowns occur than are usual. Many are pugnaclou1. Leo may be Uonlze.d, bat ulterior motlve1 could exist. Lunar pbaae coln- ddea with eccentric acts on part of mey. Virgo lffms lo feel grass is greener somewhere else. ARIES (f\·farch 21·April 19): Settle financial a[fair s. Be practical. Those \vho f'n• c o u r age get-rich-quick schemes don't have facts. Consider valid suggestions. Let others take a flyer .. Start savings account. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accept. responsibility. If you Members Enjoy Luau aright costumes and floral . leis contributed to a festive at· mosphere ·when Bib N' Tuck-· er of Orange C9unty n1embers gathered in Newporter Inn fnr a luau and dance. to.Ir. a nd fl·Jrs. E dwar d f\'ronka. dance co.chairmen, arranged for znusic by \\larren Barker'.~ orchesLra to put those attending in ;:i_ tropical mood. Greeting members at the cloor were hosts and hostesses the Messr~. and Mmes. John Keeler of Costa l\1esa, Tho1nas .Jud y or Laguna Beach , Grant .Ho'l'.·ald or Corona de\ l\Iar and Robert French. of Laguna Beach. New members were In- troduced and welcomed during the gatllering. They included I.he Messrs. and Mmes. Fred Harrison of South Laguna, Joe Sweany of Laguna Beach, Birkett G. Warren of Newport Beach. Paul Bruckner Qf Orange and William Hundley of Anaheim. School Moved try to duck issues, prict: ls paid. Be solicitous to women around you. Cycle is such lha t you must express yourself. Others cannot read your mlnd. GEllofINI (May 21.June 20): You are made aware of plans which could afrect you r fu ture. Realize you cannot hang on to past. Look to future-with optimisn1. Be sympathetic to one who seeks aid. CA!'\CER <June 2I ·July 22): Some friends may appear moro5e. Key is to act on beliefs. Adhere to principles. You cannot go wrong if you proceed in this manner. Ac- cen~ on fulfillment of desires. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are tested. Some events may seem to be going against you. But today obstacles .are valid challenges. You can earn respect of those in authority. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Complaints of you nger persons should be taken seriously. Open rommuni c alion lines-narrow gap. l\olany want to hear and 11ee y ou • TtlephonC', v.>ri te -shov1 you are genuinely concerned. LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22): Avoid playing games v.·ith serious matters. J\1oney is in· volved. Key is to be thorough -a n d dedicated. Someone you respect may be dabbling in the o c c u I t • 'Vithhold judgment. SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov, 21): A Libra individual may need your advice, aid. Give it, but avoid 21p pearing pompo us . Give a ttention to publit rela· tions, legal affairs. Jf married, mate needs cheering. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 \: Full moon position. conjoined with Salum. accents av.•arene.ss for you of health. v.'ork, basic chores. Stick to what you know. Avoid talking about y,•hat you think you know. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don't create issue where none exists. You may not reel elated by events. B u t s lowdown is temporary. Know this; respond accordingly. Not so good for speculating. Be conservative. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Home, property, basic possessions require y o u r personal attention. If possible, stlck close to hom e base. :Some remodeling v.•ould prove beneficial . PISCES (fcb. J!l.Y,.tr1 rch 201: Obtai n hint from Aqu ariu s n1ess age. Avoid unnecessary journeys, Someone may need you at home. Messages receiv· cd require your attention. Fol!oW through. Don·t delay in responding. A New King Reign s \Vearing the crown of "King Boss.; 1.• .Jaines L. Ru- bel J r., chosen Boss-of-the.year by lh c Orange Coun- ty Harbor Area Legal Secretaries 1\ssncla tion. \Vith him is his secretary, Mrs. Barbara \Vil\ian1s, '~'ho nomi nated him. Ru bel '~'as cro\v ned during festivi- ties in the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Will Marry Decemoer Date Told The engagemmt of Karen Lorraine Gaskin and Michael L. ~Ioro has been announced by Mrs. Alice Gaskin of Hun- !ington Beach, mother of the Goal Set For Drive Signing up 2,000 n • w members is the goal of B'nal B'rith Wom en throughout the west.em states who • r • participating In • 12-day mcm· bership campaign. Ask and Add is the theme nr the emphasis, which is be ing supported by Los Angeles and Orange Coun ty chapters. From Monday, Oct. 27. through Friday, Nov. 7, thr chapter~ will plan individual events designed to attract new n1embers. The women a n nu a I \ y participate in projects 111 · eluding the provision of need:oi and en tert ai n men t for h os pitaliz ~d veterans, volunLeer work in Un· derprivileged areas a Tl d assistance to various welfare organizations. They also !POflSCI' such prn- grams as Operation Stork-, Dolls for Democracy and toy lecding li braries. Clean Marble bride-elect. To clean marble, mix ·~f'>f! r.tiss Gaskin is a graduate of SDap and v.·hlting to a thin Huntington Beach High School. -paste and apply with a gol ~ lier fian cc, son of flfr, and brush. r.lrs. Adain Moro of Hun-Let stand u:itil dry and wash off wi1h lukewarm suds. tington Beach, is a graduate ofl;; _________ __ Coronado High S ch o o I , Scottsdale, Ariz., and attended Golden West College. He now is serving in the Navy. The couple plan to be mar· ried in the First Christian Church In December. UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION GIFT SHOP. ltnport1d Gif1-Unic.1f c,r4, 2204 N. M1in, S1nta Ana Mond1y t hru S1 t..ird1y-l l..f Adv&rtl1emer>t Lose 10 lbs. in 10 Days ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET If if i1 followed •~•cll y, ih1 •••••o;• ov1rw 1ig~I p1r1on ,hould 1011 10 pound1 ;n 10 d1y1, Thi1 n1w di1I plan (1h yGu 1lufl you ro 11f with lood1 th1i w1r1 forbidden. Such •• big 1 le 1 ~1 tr;mm1 d of 111, 1oulhern fri 1d c.hick 1n, i•d• 9•1•i11, m1yonn1i11 , lob1!tn 1wimm inq in buH11, becGn, 1eu11911 ind 1cr embl 1d 1o;91. You c1n ttl until you 1r1 l ull, 11 ntil you ,,nno ! pon;blv 111 •~V mcr1 , A CGpy cl th i1 new ind d1r1!in9 •ucceuf.,! diet plan c1n b1 obtained by 11ndin9 $1.00 lo Gr1p1lruil Oi1t, lo~ 6128, l1•• wood, Ken111 66106. Introducing Ben Stiles • ' ~ ~( f\1 \.A, ~, . . NOW AT AWARD WINNING STYLIST Winner or I H1i,..tyll111 Colf!p1tltion1 Appeo11d 1~ w""''" l1ou1y Treftih Mogo1lftl JJaii· U},,Jf &auly Sa/011 llQS H1wport loul1,ord (otroa fro111 City Jotolll 67l·4116 *FREI PAIUtlN$ * IVI. APPOINTMENn An artist kn~'Tl for his ac· tlllft-fllled paintings of the w~ scene; Anton i o Gcmez. will speak be.fore Costa Mesa Art League during a public meeting in Adam!! E lementary School, C o s t a Mesa. al 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28. The first rehearsal for the Voice of Fountain Valley, a new four-part chorus. will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30, in tbe city's high school. terested in the chorus are In- vited to attend. Sun~hine Co m m u n it y piii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-ii Directing the new mixed chorus will be Donald Sauter, music director Fnr the Fnun· t.ain Valley Arts Association . and all area residents in- Sirens Sale Sauter, who currently tn- stnicts in Giesler School, has directed choruses in lhis and other countries. He has sung professionally and won av.·ards for hi;; directing. Tentative plans include lhe presentaLion or Ha n de 1 · s •·:'llesslah·' in Of>ce1nber. Ad- ri1tlonal information may he obtained by calling Sauter, 84i.2J89. Nu rsery School, a parent- participation facility, now is operating at a new location, t he Pri:sbyterian Church of 01e Covenant, Costa ~1esa. The school still has a few openings. rarents with children br1ween 2 years. 9 month s and klngergarlen a,l!e m;:iy contact r.tr~. A 11 r n Chlrh:v al 54!}-93% or illr~. Ter· ry [Jazey. 546-0994 for in· formation. The artist's Tecent ·work~ will be featured in r nlor and black and v.'hlt.c in next month·s is~ne of \\lcstern magazine. He \\'On the $IMO purchase award in Lake San 1-larcos in 1966 and v.a,<> awarded second place and honorable mention in the Beaux Arts Sho\v, Reno. Jt.'s rummage ~le t i me ~ • • • • • • again for TOPS Sea Sirens. .......... ·-..... Gomez, '1'.'ho began art studies with his father who was a noted Mexican portrait pajnter. has had numerous one-man shows and exhibits and is a member of Fine Arts, Loe: Angeles and Pahn Springs Art associations. v.·ho have planned iheir annual • fund·raislng event for tomo r· • row, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at • 2420 E. 15th SL , Newport . Beach. • S-T-R-E-T-C-H :: • i.' .' . ' The Sea Sirens meet every Wednesday .at 7 ~30 p.m. in • Killybrooke School, C o t5 ta • Mesa. . , ~~.Mt:S.;' "';~, • '>!r~'.!;J·•-;. ,,.,,';!'i(Y;R.._ r _ i;,;, , l: • .. -... ~ .. , . ~ ... :! ~ ' r ~· • . . :-...~ ,, ~ ~ . .., . .. . . ' & SEW (T.M.) Knit Fabrics in Orange 724 East Katella , . .,,.. ............................................................. ..-.. 1: WE TEACH YOU HOW HIS ANO HER INITIALS Rings that are very now and ours alone. In 14 karat gold with dia mond end black oxidized finish around initials. Choice of his or hers With 2 initial!. S 125. With 3 initials, $135. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SLAVICK~s J111welers Sinct1 I~ 17 I 8 FASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644 .1380 Ask An11 Landers :• TO SEW WITH ALL :: KNIT FABRICS 1 : FEE $15.00 • ,,. ................ ~ ............................................. ....i • • • • • • • 1• ,. '• m • • NEW CLASSES START fLl11tlted l11rollrne11tl NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th IMAGINE! Lea rn to make Stretch Pant s in one ho ur, bat hin9 suit for $5.00, even girdles! • • • • • • • • • • ' •, ., ' •1 • .1 •' • • • • • • • • • • • ' •1 :1 • • GARD ENI AS ;n BLOOM ond BUD Ind oo r or Outdoor 3" Pots ONLY Lar9e Quartt. R.q, "'" ONLY TAMS IVY INDOOR or OUTDOOR 9ts. RelJ. 1.19 39< ~f~~R JUNIPER Re<J. 1.7999< HOLLYWOOD JUNIPER Re<J. 99< TWISTED I. 98 REDWOOD BASKETS ~~Z; 1.19 BONSAI POTIERY WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE IN STOCK ~!~ PRIVET Rog. 1.79 Sun Azaleas R .... 1.n 99¢ G el rid of all DICHRONDA LAWN WEEDS with SUPER. WEEDILlZER $2.00 OFF! The Best by Band ini! ORTHO Special of The' Month .•• Get a Bonus of e 3.98 SPRAYER FRIE with purch111t1 cf ISOTOX 5.98. Do you have Snoil ond Slv9 problems 7 U1• lest PELLETS, 20·lb., r~. 2.98 ------ 1.79 GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA 646-3925 PATIO SHOP GAS LOG SALE! COME IN AND SEE THEM NOW. DISPLA YEO BURNING IN OUR PATIO SHOP! PET SHOP Come ;n •nd Usten to Our NEW SUPPLY of SI NGING CANARIE S in our Pet Shop! Do you have spots on you r ,~ARPETS or CHAIRS. U:e our spe c;al SPOT SHOT C•rpet and Stain Remover ..• ONLY This RHlly Works! DOG COATS •• ~ SPECIAL PRICES Du6n9 Our Winter Sole ••• Durin9 Our Winter Sale • . . Goin9 at 1. Price GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA 646-3925 • 3 ; • • . • -- • f;osia Mesa '•'oday's Flnal N.Y. Stocks voe. 62, NO. 255, 4 SECTIONS. 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI.•: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, H69 TEN CENT3 • u ets Ill esa sea e ... ' .. . 'd -e\'~•\ CA IL't tllOT St•!l Pholt POINTING -Thi s exotic-look- ing arrow ls part of '·Joc:alizer" In n c w instrument landing syslem at Orange County Air- port. Localizer tell s approach- ing pilot if he is in line 'vith c:enter of run\\'ay. Cotmty Airport's ILS Systcn1 Cuts Sight Hazards By T0;\1 BARLEY OJ th• D•llY Pile! St1H An ins1rumenl lan ding sys lcn1 that i.'! guaranteed by ils makers to cut visibility and approach hazards by at least 50 per· t·cn t V.'cnt into opcr11lion Thursday at Or:1nge County Airport. Federal Aviation Adminl~lra tion of- li,:ials, <1. !('an1 of experts froin Cu ller- ll <11nmer·.r; AIL di\·ision -n1aker~ of the :-;ophisticatcd dr1·1cc and airpo rt cl irrc:- lor Robert BrC'sl1Jh<ln rJn lh!! 11.S ~l'S1('Jll through !h t~ J:<Sl Oi' a SC'riCS of e:\· ]J<lllStlV(' Ir~!<; bl'fflf(' r j 11;i 11 \' 1111· ple111en11ng thr $1 10 ,(~10 l1 1ghl cnnlrr.I 111-- n0\·.1t1on. The ;11rp11rt prn1rrl -l hr f1r-,1 nf llf'I nrd crs t111al1ng ~i 1n1ll11•11 10 lir i·n111p1r·1 rrl ry ,\J L ~ 11 !11 bf' p~lld f11r I)~· 1l1r fl'dcra l F;nv,. .. nmen1. Bresnahan hailed t h~ 11.~ ~yi;1 en1 ;i~ •·son1eth ing th at 11'e ha1·c \v:i1 tcd and -lon ged for over a long period of lime. This TLS innovation is going to have ;in lrnmediate and dramatic effect on our ;<irJ>Ort traffic, particularly our com- mercial fligJ1t s." Air West and Air California 1vil! he !h~ major beneficiaries or the nev•ly in stalled f>Yf>tem, Bresnah;in said. 'T'he combined ilfrlines had a tolal o( 40 fl.ight fi diverted hecausc of \\'Cather c!)nditio11s· last year, ";i total th;it \vill be cul back con· ~1dcrably under this new system,"' he ad- <!ed. i:;ventua lly imrlrrncntlng the n:-,1· H ~5. Bresnahan said, \\'ill be a new series of light!: al vital approach are;1s, parLtcul<ir- ly ti'e south end of the airport. And the rmphasis on lighting \\'ill be S\\•llehed 10 1hc point or louchdown rather lhan its present con cenlralion of light at the pre- lnuch down area, he said. lnlrocluction of the ILS system \\'ill mean good news for the anli-noise groups fn the airport area, Bresnahan said. ''It v.·lll mean that aircraft approaching from the Dover Shores area ·will now tome in ;it an altitude of 7()0-.800 feC't rather than l he 400 feet to 500 feet level used in pre- ILS days," he said . "!t's impossible to measure what the ;;clual nni:;r. red uction ,.,.1\l he at thi~ tin1e" the director s;iid, "nthf'r than lo ;1ssu;e you that it will be n considcrabl~ r(·d'.!clion." -FAA and .AIL officia ls rlescribed the J1 S syst em ai:: "!!"le crc.~Uon of ~n ill · 1 i~ible highv•a y down v.·h1ch the a1rcr;ifl i!"~cends at an ca.~y glide 11ngle lo the run1vay." . p;J(l{S get bolh horir,ont al and Vf'rilca! gu idance as they approach the runway i1·om ILS lran s n1illc r s which :-.1111 ultancously e1111l thret kinds of very liiJ!h (requency radio tw>:nms. Signals from onP. portion (lf the !LS . 1hc. (Set AIRPORT. ra,;' 11 Aide Embezzler? County Official Held in $5,000 Theft Charges of gr<ind thf'ft were filed today against a Mission Viejo man accused of rrnbezzling an estimated $;),000 from the Orange County Clerk's office, Rich:ird \V. Burke , 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive, is held .in Orange Coun· ty jail pending setting of a court hearing. HP: is accused of embeazling funds ad· n1inistered by the county cltrk's finance division in the county courthoust over a two-year period. Cnief Deputy District Attorney· James Co111ic St,ri]J Yields No Zodiac Clues SACRAMENTO IUPI) -Slate crimP ~leuths today folded up their comic pages and gave up ho~ of finding clues to the riddle of San Francisco's zodiac kller in 111e Dick Tracy cartoon lier 1 e Ii . (Related story, Page I ). Agents of the stale bur~au of criminal Identification and investigation began checking i\\'O months worth of Tracy ron1i cs on the theory they mlght find :;01ne paralles bel\l:een the San Francisco ~i!Jer of five persons and the "Scorpi o'' leader or the "Zodiac Gang" being hunted down by Tracy . "\\"e gave the \\•hole th ing up,'' Earl Rauer. senior analysL in the critne laboratory, said today. "We didn 't find an ything that tied it up at all. \\'e gave it up ," Bauer said his bureau began the check ·when an office Dick Tracy fan suggested a link 1nighl be possible." "They 're just in two rliffercnt v.·orlds." B;iuer said or the real and fictiiious zodiacs . Ile said the killer btgan using the 1.odiac symbol before it appeared 1n lhe comic strip Aug. 17. Bau f'r said he det 1cled lo chec:k out \hr n1ck"Tracy sc.ries bri:ausc, "if yot1 have :l book . \IHI rt0n 't knO\\' \\'hrtt".i;; Inside untJl .\Ull ope.ii 1t l'P and 1;ike a look.,, Child-stealing 01arges Reduced For Mesa Woman A Costa Mesa woman charged with a~ fi lleting two neighbor children for i;ix riays has pleaded guilty and fa ces psychiaU-ic evaluation pending a Nov. 10 se11tence and probation hearing. Felony child-stealing charge~ against ~trs. Patricia Stagner, 30, of 773 W. \\'il ~on SI., were reduced lo misdemeanor lcvrl at her preliminary henring \V ed· nf'.<>day in Harbor District Judicial Court.. i\1rs. Stagner was arrested last Friday in San Diego, where authorities took f\lithael Finkelstein, 6, and his brother (liivid. 4, into protective custody, along wi th the defendant's own three children. She and the five youngsters had vanish· rd Oct. 17 from lhe Wilson Street ad· <ire~~. where the Finkelstein children live in a separate apartment with their 1nolher and stepfather. No motive has been advanced or the six-day odyssey and Mrs. Stagner'~ sentence or probation will hinge on the findings in her psychiatric report. h1rs. Stagner is free on her own recogniiance pending disposition tlf the case. :; luclictccl in Try To S111uggle Hashish LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Five person~ have been indicted with conspiracy to $muggle 80 pound.!! (If hashi~h into the country from Rome in a 600-pound mar· ble la ble lop. Susan Anne Nordgren, Frederit k S. .SI.afford. Bruce Stevens, George Lee Knighton and Kenneth Davi.!I Nagler , all from the San Francisco Bey area. were charged Thursday v.-ilh conspiracy to smuggle and conceal the contraband. ' G. Enright today stated that Burke sur- rendered lo sheriffs. officers Thursday after a $200 banking discrepancy wa., allegedly spotted by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. 'He obviously panicked," Enright charged. "Spot checks run by the county .auditor prior to th is had revealed.no deli· cienrit!S but the Grand Jury discovery ob· viou,;ly unnerved him and he surrendtred the next day."' Enright said the deficencies occurred through Burke's daily banking of funds received in the county f'lerk 's officC". Burke allegedly \\'ilhhcld an estimated $200 to $300 on several occasions in a manner that has apparently eluded coun- ty auditors. Burke's immedia!e· supervisor, C. ti.I. Merrifield, today refused to comment on the arrest of his assistant. County Clerk \V\lliam E. St John could not be reached for comment. Suggestion for TV Linkletter U1·ges Beatles Debate Nixon on Drugs SAN _FRANCISCO (UPI) -Television personality Art (inkletter today sua· gerted that the only type of television program that would carry the· drui me~sage to th_e· young WO'Uld be I d,batt betv.·een the Beatles and President Nixon. • Sen. Go]d,vater Raps Scott Plan For Cease-fire \VASHINGTON <AP) -Sen. Barry Goldwater has acidly criticized lhe Viet· nan1 cease-fire proposal of Sen. lfugh Scott, adding the Republican learler does not necessarily speak for his GOP col- leagues. lt was lht. firsl-flicke.r or conservative Republican restiveness since Scolt, a self- described progressive, became GOP leader last month . (;old11·atcr noted Scott had said he. was not in the hahit of cleari ng 11 1.~ idea~ in ad \·ancr 1~·ith !hr \\'hite Hou,.('. ··1 !hlnk 1t woul d be helpful if lie \\'ould :il ~o state th:1t he 1s not in !be habit of •·learing ~11ch ~ta tement~ with all 1nembcr<0 of his own polilical party in !he Scnatr,'' Goldv.·atcr said . In ad \"anci ng the plan fnr ;,. un1]aleral U.S. cease-firr, tn remain effective tinle.~~ lhe Commu nists 'iolalc ii, Scott said he \\'ai:; offering a persunal hope. "I for One wish to make it very plain that while I recogni ze the senator fron1 Pennsylvania has been duly selected minority leader of my party, 1 do not accept his personal recommendations on .any and all subjects," Goldwater told the Senate. Goldwater said unilateral action wiil merely convince tht Communists we are afraid of them. Scott , in Sharon, Pa.. renewed the tease-fire call Thursday night. +·1 hope that a cease-fire will ht-an· nounced just as soon as iL can be safely arrnnged," he said. Thal spe~h v.·as the latest in a Serie.'> nf almost nightly appearances al Republican fund raising dinner.<> 1n Pennsylvania where Scott will seek re· election next year. Scott won re-eleetion in 1964 despite the crushing defeat of Goldwater, who \fas the Republican presidential nomine«". He has a record of attracting Democratic and independent voters. Linklttler. ca Hing the Beatles "the Jeadin2 advocates of an acid society," made hi! suggestion in answer to a quutioP by a member of tht House select committte on crime before which he was testifying on drug abuse. Linkletter's daughter Diane, 2 O. recently plunged to death while under the influence of LSD. Rep. Rol>erl V. Denney of Nebraska asked Linkletter If a simultaneous telecast on three networks featuring drug experts and teen-agers \\'Ould be a good 11·ny to bridge lhe generation gap and pvlnt out. drug t;iangers lo the young. "That \\'OU Id get the parent.s," Linklel· lcr replied. ''But the only thing that \1·ould gel. the kids would be a debate brtv·e;?r. the Beatles and President Nix· on."' Linkletter said he would prepare ! film v;ith a University of California mt'dical school grant lo bring drug knowlt'dge lo educators. He rttommended lhat such a film be made coinputsory for every tea cher in America. say ing that ihr la ck of. knowledge on the part of tcac;,hers, deans anJ adm inistrators \\'as ··shoc king and horrif)'ing." He al so sugge sted a compulsnr:v educa- 1inn;:!I prngra n1 on drug.~ Lo be started 1n ;ill schools ;:!( the fourth lo fiflh grade !0·.-el and continued through high school. Mesa Burglary Hearing Slated An Alabama carnival worker nabbed In the wrong shooUng gallery by Costa l\.1esa police three v•eeks ago faces pre- liminary hearing Oct. 29 in. Harbor District Judicia l Court on charges of b1,1rglarizing a popular gun sto re. Irby 0. Stephens, 27. is held at Orange County Jail pending disposition or the case. with two more originating in Texas and Nevada yet to come. Stephens v.·as arrested inside (franl's Surplus. 1750 Newport Bl\·d., early on Oct. 2 \lo'hcn police dispatched to a silent burglar alarm found him browsing over guns, with 52 valued at $5,000 already boxed and ready to go. The Tuscaloosa, Ala., resident wanted for forgery and federal auto theft charges in the two other states had just hit town with a carnival hired by a ~erv· ice club far iu weekend carnival. LEADS MESA CHAMBER Gordon A. Martin Marti11 Elected Unanimously Mesa Cof C C4i~f ('J(lrdon A. 1\-lartin has be~ unanin1ou~­ ly elected president of UW! Costa MeJa Chan1bcr of Comm trce for 1969-1 970. The vote by acclamation came at Thursday's Board of Directors meeting at the Mesa Verde Country Club. Ou tgoing President Jack Hamn1ett t11rne<l the i;avc l over lo J\1artin, afler lh<inking rr!iring members of the Board C. C. "Chic" Clarl;r. r>om1n ic Racltl, Kerm Rima and Bob Robins. l·lamn1cll, 1vho \\'a s presidc rit for two frrms, said, "A good chamber reflects the endeavors of its board." Ne,vly namrd to three-vear terms on the board of directors were KC'nncth S. f'lark,. presidenl, Mission Beechcrafl; \Verner Escher, director, Public relations ;ind advertising, South Coast Plaza; Alton L. Geiser, manager, city/area Southern California Edison Co,; fioy E. June, Costa ~1esa tlty attorney ; John C. Lennhard l, president. Le o nhardt Enterprises, Int': Vaughn fledding. 1nan:iger , induslri.'.ll rel11tions, Cadillac Cont rol Divi sion or E:;.;.Cell-0 Corp .. and Cli fford ilt \\'esdorf, vier presiden t· 1n.:i11ai::r r, Cal ifornia t-rdcral S;il'lngs and L0an As.-ocl illl!ln. 27(1() !l nrbor Bl\'d . Presiden!-c.lect il1nrtin ha' been ownrr of Four Se<isoni; ~lohil e Es!alr.s, 2~:i9 l\rwpnrt Blvd , Costa J\'lcsa, .~inrc 1.956 . 13urn 111 i11 nntrc~d in J~J<l. illartin ,t:rtdu ati'd fro1n Stra thrnorc Acaden1y. ,\1ontreal. and the Un lver~i l}· of Norlh 11akot a, where he ea rned BS degrees 1n general lndust ri.:il engineering an cl bu,.iness ad1ninistr11tion. From 1!132 to -1942, he wa s with the Jewel Tea Comrany, rL~ing from route salcsmein to branch manager and opera· lion i;upe rvi s·or. He served in the Army Air Force from 1942 to 194S, attaining the rflnk of ~ergeant major. From 1945 to 1ll50, he was vice president of Cook Cof· fee. Company. He header! Martin il·ferchandising Co1npany from 1950· to J9fifi. A 14-year resident of Costa riies a. r.lartin is Relive in civic affair~. In ad- dition to membership in the chamber, \\'here he has served as first. vice presi· denl and a member of the board of direc- tors. he is a member ol Kiwanis Club, Cosl.a Mesa Golf and' Country Club, El Beka l Temple, Gold Coast Shrine Club anrl the Irvine Coast Country Club. Martin and his wife Ceil moved lo Costa Mesa-after living in Glendale for ta (See·MARTlN, P•se Z) Underground Paper Scored Mitchell Says HANK 'Part of SDS Conspiracy' An underground newspaper circulated f\loratorium Day at high school and <'ol - 1E>ge campuses on the Orange Coast wa~ linked ThursdaYl...fO a SDS conspiracy by ()rang(' Count y Board or Education Presi- der.I. Clay Mitchell. The underground newspaper 11ANK W8$ distributed at Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar high schooli, UC Jrv!ne ~nd Orange Coai;t Collegt. It• lead article called for support o!. M:Dil'..fctJyi_ties. Mitchell, a South blguM resident. hibe!ed it • device to cet high school • " • student.!! IQ fall gullib!y under the leadership of radical~. He cited SOS recommendation that u n d e r g r o u n d p·ubllr&tlons are an effective riiean~ of spreading lhc New Left message lo you lb. ''Ninety-nine percent or peop le oppose v.·ar," Mltchel1 said, ''They start with an anU-,war article and then get the kids hovk;ed on other things." Mit~tll's blast came afttr the county scli"opl board unttnimously •doflttd a chapters in the county that Collow the n•· resolution "refusing to re cognize'' SOS lional SOS line. Trustees recommended that the coun· ly's 34 school disLrict board~ follow suit. Mitchell al.~o tool; pol shots at The New Universlty, lJCl's official stud t. n t new sp;iper. and The Proclamation, underground newspaper at Villa Park Jligh School v.'ilh Bob Gumpertz. lhe stu- dent body presidenl who v.·on'l lead the Pledge of Allegiance IQ the f'lag bec.;iuse he is ac aU1el&I , as its editor. I . Makes Court Getaway, Tl1e11 Caugl1t By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 I~• Dlilr PilOI Slt!I A Ne\\·port Bcac:h burglary suspect garnbled for his freedom Thursday, i!;1:>!1111g fr oin Harbor DistriC"t Judicial Cou, \, Cosla J\tesa, to a v.·aiting getaway c:.1r as deputy marshals blazed away with revolvers. The C:efendant fled in a vehicle which had hee n parked nearly one hour oo f~•-wporl Boulevard. but v.·as captured e<lrly today. ~everal hours after his a\leg· ed accomplice "''as also picked up. John D. Faulkner, 26, is held at Orange Cuunly J<lil J)('ndlng filing ~f felony f'scape charges as a result of his 1 p.m. flight from the downtov•n area marshal"s oilier . Da ni('] T. Roge rs. 23, of 15082 Purdy S1 . \V rst1ninster, was boClked into the touut~ jail on a charge of rescuing an r~~apee. picked up about 8:30 p.m. Thursday al h\s hon1£' Orange County Sheriff's deputies said Faulkner was captured about 2 a.m. in a (~arden Grove alley between Lampson _'\venu e and T\vin Tree Lane, near his es1ra1~ged wife's home . lnvtstigator _ Dale Carrison said C'Om· plaints C"harging Faulkner and Rogfrl v•vuld be sougbt later today, with ar• rQignment 6C:heduled in the same court ]IJonday . Thll escape by Faulkner, who fled the 1narshal's office while being allowed ti) make a telephone call, preceded another from Cos ta r.1esa City Jail by leS5 than one ho11r. TI1e Cos1r1 Mesa prisoner. assigned to -;7 days· duty as a trusty, \\'as caught shortly ;,.fter 4 p,m . \\'hen an officf'r h.;adr<' ho1ne from work spotted him hilcl"!-hiking . Aut)~oritie.<> said Faulkner had been before Judge Donald Dungan f o r preliminary heari'ng on a Newport Beach hurglar.v charge and was ordered 5ent up to Superior Court , so he asked lo make a cal l. Jud~£' Dungan agreed and Faulkner \\'<is taken to the marshal 's office in the: old, O\'crcrowderl court facility by Dept.ties Al Eichler and John Mid· dlrtirook to make the call. Suddenly, ho\~e\•er, he dashed from IJ1e atljacent open door toward Newport Bo11[evard and Eichler fi red one shot fro1n hi~ ,:J8 ~"rvice revoler v.1hen the <le~11nd ant Ig nored shouted commands to h<:t lt Dr puty ;\il1ddlcbrook d3shed ou t alter F:i11lkn£'0r <ind fired two more shot~. <11 1thorit1£'s said , but al l missed the csr;iprr ~nd no one ebc 1vas Injured. Ei1·hlrr·s ~l11g lnrlgcd 111 Lhe re<1r door o{ V1kkl '~. a J:Jvern nl 1191 '2 .Newport Bl vd ., v:hilr i1!1ddlcbro11k"s two sho(s hit a park- ed carpel t ompany 1·an. Deputy . Eichlf'r flagged down CostA f\l esa Police Off icer David Hayes after (See GETAWAY, Page 2) Stoel< Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock markcl pushed steadily upward and was on firm and higher ground in active trading late this afternoon. (See quotations, Pages 10-11 ), Advances continued to outnumber de,. clincs among individual issues traded on the New York Stock Exchange and \\"ere at a ratio of 8!! to 475. Orange Weather Cloudy conditions continue lo clo1 the coasl with the" wttkend fore- cast offerin~ only partly JUnny afternoons and little change in temperature. INSIDE TODAY Th e Nitty. Gritty Dirt Band find Orange Cou11t11's oivn S111l· 11/Ji11e Company are f!mo11g tflt nttrocrions at Sil.vcrndo Days in 1Juc11n Pork tltis ll)ee~·end . De· 1'1ils ill lod(!y's lVeckcndcr .!tC- lrnrr. 1 0111111 ,. C1!!"'r11•1 I (11111119<!1 ll·U (•ml<• II <ltnwtr11 11 0.1111 N911Cll 1 Ol••rct1 II E4llO"tl ...... I ll~ltrlll"""'"' 11·11 ... ,~..... , .. 11 H<irt1<eH It """ L..,..r, ll Miii~• I 11111'1111 l lltllUI It MIVlf' JJ./I Mut~1t ,U ... 1 U ,.,lkl~tl "••• t•f o .... ,. <"'""' ' • .. ,......... U.Jt ~-'· 11.-Jt J~-,.. •• -... , .. 11 Tti.Y111t01 JI tl>ffttr\ U·H 11\'Mn..r t wtrld ""'' .. , Wfffltfl'I Ntw'I U•IS ,,., .. ...., ti.ff ....... ______________________________________________ _ Z tlA.ll V PILOT t Leary Takes Stand Ex-Harvard Prof Erupts Angrily at Trial lf anyooe wts down on all fours in Dr. Timothy Leary's car last Dec. 26, cra'>''I· ing around like an animal. il '>''as Laguna B'each policr.man Neal Purcell, the drug, cultist testifiM Thursday. 'The onetime Harvard psychology pro- fessor has been chtery and evrn {lippant during the fou r-day pretrial h~aring lo i>l!ppress evidence in the narcotics case against himself. his 14'ife and son. But Or. Lfary erupted angrily during Thursday's proceedings before Judge Byron K. ,.tcMillan in Orange Counly Superior Court, howe\'er, contradicting police testimony. The 49.year-ol d Pied Piptr o r Psychedelia S!lid his son, J ohn B. Lrary, 2(1, \\'115 only hunting his boots <1nd lug- Lcary and his wife Rosemary. 33, said they were dropping young John Leary off on Woodland Drive to spend the night with friends when the poUceman ap- proached the car. Purc£11 said the youth's all-fours stance 11nd allegedly dilated eyes led him to llU!ipeCl drugs were in \'olved. '' lL \.\'8.S Officer Purcell who was on hill hands and knets like a dog -In the rront seat of the car -searching for narcotic!," Leary explained, "my son's behavior "-'SS appropriate," Quar,lllies of drug pi lls believed lo be l..SD, so me marijuana and hashish, the refined sap of the weed's blos~om, were gabe in the rear of the sta tion wagon 14·hen Patrolman Purcell approached. takC'n from the car, a contention the defense does not deny. 'fheir charge is that Officrr Purcell did not have any reasonable cause lo suspect the Learys of possessing contraband and H~e arrests are t he r efor e un- cnnslitctiona 1. The Learys and their team of defense .aUornt'ys, ('~orgc Chula, fl1arvi n Cooper <l.Ild Robert Law claim the family wa:i; rousted by lawmen becau~e of their dress, fame, and presence in a hippie section. Officer Purcell said he stopped first because the car was illegally stoppeif in lhe street, but a witness, Edwin T. Earl, 1estified Thursday he saw it legally park· ed on Woodland Drlve. Aldrich Says Revolution In Grain to Halt Hunger A new grain revolution likely will save the world from hunger, ChanceUor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. of UC Irvine told the open- ing session of the California \Vorld lfWlger Conference Thursday i n Anaheim. James "'· Riddleberger, 11 a l Io 11 a 1 chairman of the Population Crises Com· mit~e in \\'ashinglon, :said the United Stat~s is more lik ely to run out of pure air and clean water than food. The conference of nationwide ~ulhorit ies meeting on the probll'm nf food production versus people produr.tio n continued today at the Disneyland Hotel Aldrich told the conference, ''I don't. h..Heve "'e can afford to siTik in a morass of pessimism. There is a new revolutio n \1·hich is occurring in parts of the developing \\'Orld -the grain revolution. "lt is as £ignificant as the industrial revolution and it is taking place in far flung regions such as India . Pakistan. Ceylon, the Ph.ilippines, 11-Jexico and the Gold Coast of Africa:• Aldrich said special vari(lties of grains In cereal~ are being developed for grealer yield. St<:ond, he added, selectivity of foods, lhat with increased nulritionh.1 value per acre. has I.a.ken place. Rye produces oo\Y half as many calrn1es per acre as ..rnut but corn produces twice as many calories as wMat. Aldrich said. "There is enough nex· lbi!ity in the v.·orld's existing food supply ~ystem so that any projections of existing production patterns. existing diets and existing rates of population gro11.th, ?.'ith Lhe inevitable prediction of fo o d i.hortaaes, are bound to be wrong. "The question no longer i.~ can man feM himself in the 21st Century bul 14·jlJ Ejection System Blamed in Death El Toro ~iarine Corps Air Station of- ficials today blam!'d the fa ilure nf an eiec tion 5ystem for the rlra lh Thur.'><iay nf Ii ~!arine pilot ~·hose :urcrafl smas11rd into the desert near Joshua Tree Tht'y refused to identify th!' drad nf fie.er pending notification of hi!> next nr kin. The dead man's copilot. Cap1 John A. Drew nf &In Diego, ejected from 1hc aircrafl when it Y.'l'nl out of control dnr. 1ng a practict. bombing mission over tile de~rrt country. El Toro officials said the pla nr u .. ~s hased at the ti.larine Corps A.Ir Station, '.'uma, Arirona, DAil! Pl lOT OlllNOI ~r •UM. ~tNii COM,A>n ••Mrt N, Wttl ............ .,., ,..i.., J1~rr A. Cvrl11 v ... •r-*'°" •ftt c;...,, .. MtN tl! n,,,..,, A. "'4v•p~i~• ............. I! ... ........... _ l lO Wed lty St•11f M1Tll11 "'4rttl: P.O. In 1160, t2•1• .......... .......,.....,., 1711 -· ....... ~ u-...,,~. m ,_, •-..,.._ .. ...,.: • •-- he?" Aldrich said. Riddleber ger said, ''We know now how t.o produce enough to meet the physical needs of the people on earth today and to learn how to control their numbers without resorting to 11.taltbusian means. The opportunity for this generation lies in this potential and this may be the last generation that has that opportunity. "We can and will meet this crisis but only H there can be developed that level of public understanding and support to pu t ;nto effecl programs thal are essen· llal to curb \lo'orld hunger. "The efforts to n1cet lhe problems nf hu nger inu~t be broad as "'ell afi In- tensive. They must include the r apid ac· celeration or food production in the hungry nations themselves. They must include sharply stepped-up efforts to con- trol population gro\.\1h. They must im· pro1·c efforts by go1·ernmen!. private see· tors and by concerned citizens." Schools Facing Foreign Barrier, 'Seek Translators An influx of 17 foreign-born ~tudents !o Costa Mesa High School is posing a pro· blem for the school staff. J\fany of the s!udents don't speak or re;:id English v:el!. Chairman of Jnslructional Servicts Jfec1or Navarrette is calling for volunteer h~lp from anyone who speaks one of the folJo"'ing languages -Chinese. Japanese, t\orean, Persian, Spanish, Portuguese or Tahitian_ Twa German-born students atl' be:in& taken care of by "'omen of the school's 611-member Parent Corps, Navarrette !'aid. But no one has been found \\'ho i:.peaks the languages or lhc other 15 :;tudcnts. l'\&varrettc said he has no idea \\'hy so 1nany foreign.born students suddenly are enrolled. "I guess !ht1r parents j'ust heard Southern Cali fornia 1~· nice and im · 1nigratcd herr," he said. N"a1·arrelte said the stud ents, ages 14 lo lt. C'OUld use somr nali\'r language ('Oach1ng in undl!rs1anding Costa Plesa Jl1 ~h'f> romplex fle.x1blr. scl1edulc. Persons able lo help shou ld call 545· 94JL From Page 1 AIRPORT. • • localizer, guide the pilo t directly toward.!. I.he: runway. Ano1htr unit, the gli de i;lope, provides t.he correct. .angle of desce:nt while radio "marker" s ignals tell the p.ilot how close. he is tn the. run1\•ay. A ]l_, offic\a\s preclict tha t !heir lLS system, wiU1 FAA cooperation and en· couragement, \\·ill pr11vide a na 1ion1v ide 11e lwork or landing and navigation a id~ de.signed lo impro\'e a viation regularity asid safety in bad "'eather "It has passed every re~I -and they have been, believe me, str1naent te~ts - \\'Jlh flying color.!.," an AIL enginetr com· n1ented. "All organiiations involved have: f'ndorsed our Orange County airport :;ystcm and 11·e know that lhe airport u~er!. 11•lw have been introduced to the plan are just delighted 1~·i1h i\:' Mrs. Trueblood Fu11eral Held Grave~ide i:;trviet!I will be: conducted fif ondaY for \Vini Ho11rig111 Trueblood. or 2.'>75 Newport Blvd .. Costa J\fef;a. \\'ho d ied \Vf'dncsd:ay at Hoag J\lemorial Hos· pita!. She was ~\. filr!I. True:b\ood \\'as a ~scretar i11 1 ~upervlsor al P.1cDonnell·Oou 11:las. Hun- ti.'IJ!:IOn Beach. She Is ~urvived by her hushand. J ohn \\'. Trueblood: A ~n .• John t.f ; 11 rlauahter. Juttn1ta : 111·0 brother~. Harry JlouriRan of Newport Beach and Richard 1-lourl1an, of Gltn Ellyn. Ill. F uneral 11rran~rment ~ arr pending at \\'h1!c-t::111er~on J\lorhiriry. \l'httt1er. Dr. IAary •Ito t..Ufied lhtt a crowd of hippies stood cheering and aatuUng him with the peace and solidarity sign 1hat night as he sal handcuffed In OHicer Purcell's patrol car. Butts of c9nsumed marijuana cigaret- tes were found in the ashtray of the Leary's car, but the 1970 California gubernatorial candidate denied smoking any e!l route from the mountains to Laguna Beach. I-le hint@d they were Illegal plants, designed tn frame the family. They said they had smoked normal cigarettes Pn route ana that ir.cense s1ncllcd in the car -of1en used to mask 1narijuana -was burned earlier to cover the smell of son1e spilled kerosene. r.trs. Rosemary Leary and John, both charged with carrying marijuana and L.50 as a result of the police inlrusion, were present in court Thursday, John as unique in his presence as ever. Clad in purple shirt and orange ligh4, youn~ Leary scratched himsell com· (ortabty, yawned and combed his shaggy hair with his fingers. He occasionally chewed a wad llf Kl eenex. since gum is prohibited. ~lrs. Leary said on the stand that her st e~n has some peculiar characteristic' - such a s spilling on the courtroom cat;:>el as he y;•as warned about \l.'ed- nesday -but qualified judgment. ··t am harsh about Jackie's collduct," ahe said, "but J ackie is Jackie." NewP.ort Couple Held in Oregon Ba1ik Rohbel'ies F ederal agents arrested a Newport Beach couple on bank robbery charge:i; Thursday stemnting from two thefl s from Oregon banks In August. and September. .Jon Louis Rosellini, 22, and his wife, Yvonnr . 34, 14•ere arre~ted during the afternoon 11 l their recently rented apart- rnent at 1601 \V. Balboa Boue!vard by FBI agen ts, federal spokesmen said. Roseltini, held on $10.000 bond, facts charges of robbing the Security Bank or Oregon, Eastgate branch, in Portland. FBI spokesmen said a lone gunman rnte;-ed that bank Srpt. 17 and demanded 1noney from a teller at gunpoint. Thi! bandit fled in a stolen car wilh 12.600. J\frs. Roselllni wi!\ be charged with receiving proceeds from another robbery . A.ug. 14 al the r.tultnomah Bank, Hillldale brancll, near Portland. Afrs. .Ro!ellinl r<itted $7,500 bond Thur!day evenitl(, agents said, and 14·as fretd. Her husband remained in custody. The pair was placed in rustody of the U.S. l-farshal In Los Angeles. 3 Generations Htu·t in Cra sJ1 Thrre: geners1ions of 14'0men in a Cost.a 1-lesa family sulfered injuries Thursdty nlgh1 in a t'>''<H:ar col!ision. Mr!!. Hsordis Vaerstad, 63, nf 991 \V. l;th !'\., and hf'r daughter 11rs. A~trtd flansen. 42, of 989 \V. Jith St., were listed 1n good condition locla y at Costa r.1esa r.·lf'!nor!al Hospital. 11-fiss Lisa Hensen . 12, of !IB9 Y.1. 17th SI .. \\'tis treat ed for her injuries and released ,1 f1 er the 7:4(1 p.m. C'o!lis1nn on \\'est !9lh Slreel at fllonrovia Al'enue. Police said Le if Hansen 4i . hu~band and lather of the two ~·0111111.cr 11 ornrn, \I.I!' driving on 19th Street 11.hrn th(' ;ic- l'ldrnl look pl are 111e scrond r .1r 11 .~.,. c1t·11·rn l:Jy .lean llarri,i:;, 19. o! 10111 E. Ba lboa Bl vd., Ne wporL Beach, Shopping Trip Proves Expensive A O<JwnPy veterinarian \l.'ho stopped ln tagun11 Beach to do !\Ome. shopping found lhe list of his need~ unexpectedly in- creased 11·hfln he returned to hi~ car Thursday afternoon. Donald Ed14·ard \Vatt, 43, !old police he had parktd ln the 200 block or Broad· 1vd.V 11bout 3·30 1n the aflf'rnoon lo do a little shopping, leavin g the vehicle un- locked. \\.'hen he returned, his hag conta ining a ~uil . spor1 jacke1, shirts anrt lits 14•as m i~t.in£. Value of the item15 "''"~ !!Cl at $195, police said . f'ro1n Pqe 1 MARTIN ... ye:1r1. The ~fartins live at Four Suaons Mobile E11tatt!! with their eon Gordan Jr., 22. a commt.rcial pilot. Anothtr son, J im , 24 , \:o; a SPnior at Duke Univer~i!y Law School. Durham. N.C. MartJn. announced ntw i:omsl')itlee chairmen and \'Ice-chairmen for J969- 1970. They are : Annual Metting, Robt-rt M. Wll~n : A'iiation. Kennt!h S. Clark, J11ek Him· nieU: Educ11tlon, Ltsl1e Mlller, Dr. Rof)ert B. tifoore:: Grttltrs, Alton I.. f'~iser. Ronald Hardy IC<H°h:airmen); lncluslriaL Vaughn Redding; l.egislatlvt, Clifford ~f . Wesdorf. Nale Reaclr.: Pa~l Prtsidenis. Jack Hanimett: Public Rrla- tioos and A.,.1ards. J ac k HtmmPtt, C. C. "('hie:" Clarkr: Community Afh1\r11 and Ilel1ll. Kerm Rima. J03epb R. Me~11lf : ;ind \Vomen ·!t. Dr. Hilda 1'1cCartnty and ShJ rley Hardy .. DAll l PILOT S11ll Pho!t HAPPY TALK -Republican legi slators Robert Badham (left) a nd John Schmitz chat with Mrs. Ruth Stein , president of Ne"•port Harbor Republican \Vomen, Federated prior to their talks before U1e GOP \vomen Thursday. Schmitz in High Gear, Aims Quip at Newspapers By t:\.'ELVN SHERWOOD 01 Thi Dt ll, .-11o1 5111f Stale Sen. John Schmitz announced his 11 ifc i~ es pecting thc lr seventh child and imparted \'arious gems of wit enrt political 1,1.·isdmn before the Newport Harbor F ederated Republican Women Thursday. Speaking without notes and ~witching from subject to subject, the Stale Senate's lone John Birch Society member included in his talk a jibe al the DAILY PILOT. Assemblyman Robert r;. J adharn flr f\1~1rport Be<ich also t)' ked t h~ n'!Wspaper "'t the cath~ring oi 100.Jadies, \\·ho met at Ne\vporler Inn. S;iid Schmitz:: ''Neither the Times nor 1he DAILY f'IL01' carries my column. If I read only lhe Pilot, T 11.·ou ldn'l vote for myself.'' Said Bi!dham: "I'd like to introduce n1y new ad- ministrative assis1an1 . Ed Ward. The DAILY PILOT didn't see fi t to print thr. announcement of his appointment.'' Both legislators are up for re-election next year. Schmitz disclosed that while In the past he ha ~ campaigned ;i~ a conservat11·e Republican, he no1v h<Js a new sloga n. fl is. "\V hen you're ou t of Schmitz, you 're ou! of gear." Jlis other comments to lhc (iOP women included these obser\'ations· -"Ron (Governor Ronald Reagan) and l feel taxes hurl." ·-''\V hen in doubt. 1 vote no " -"Ifs going ro take all the a vailable su1 plus money to keep the water pro- gram ,going." -"! think 11·e should freeze or slo1v dov.·n higher education expenses ... -"/\ legislator shouldn•t be judged on the bi!ls he gets passed. Ai lhough I have a i:retty good batting a verage_" _ .. The Orange County Grand Jury 'IOE's not reflect the county. Its members ;i re nominated by judges 11·ho are mostly Go\·er nor Brown's appointees.'' Schmitz also sugges ted that the only 11 .1y to solve college can1pus unrest 1s lo tel! the students either to shape up or ship out. On the sub;ect or U.S. Supreme Court noininee Clc1nent llaynsworth, Schmitz: ~aid : "I have investigated the charges aga inst hirn and I am convmced he is the 1na n for the job.'' From P .. e 1 GETAWAY ... watching F aulkner jump intn a hci2e con1 pact car which left the seene wlth rrye escapee at the wheel, but it \YBS too latf'. A witness uld he saw a yoonaer, buaby..ftalred man l51t w1ttin& in the car for about 45 rninutes before the briefly successful escape by F aulkner JnvesUgators said today that F'aulkner has apparently never cared for the jd~a of incarceraUon and t.hat he was arresi· ed one week ago today in 1he same car believed used Thursday . Faulkner was pulled Ol'tr at J\·1acAr- thu r Boulevard and the San Diego Free- way not long after a ,...ewport Beach hOOU'OWner surprised a cal burglar in ru, kitchen. Robert F'. lngold , of 4008 'Topside Drive. tussled with the intruder, toie two black socks off his hands -used to avoid fingerprints -and also snagged the su.~pec\ ·s v.·ateh. Faulkner was 11rrestcd on the hasjs of a license number gi\'en by the v.·ould· be burglar captor at that tin1e, police records re1•ealed. Costa l\.fesa Police today, meanwhlll", "·ere seeking a complalnt charging David G. Byrd, 25, of 17305 Oak St., Fountain Valley, \l.'ith escape and possession of dangerous drugs after his arrest at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Patrolman Bob Goode picke:d up Byrd at Newport Boulevard and Pqlis.adei:; l?o11d, allegedly confiscating two am· phetamine tablets from !he hitchhiking prisoner. Authorities said jailer .James Corralcs noticed Byrd 1nissing shortly before 2 p.m . and the hunt extended outside when a thoroogh search of the jail facility fa ll· <'d to turn up any trace. He was ser\'ing 77 days as a jail Ltu sty ror receiving stolen properly. Police said Byrd became violent after being retur1ed to the jail facility and fi nally had to be confined in .a slralt- jacket and committed t() a psychiatric observation cell. Judge J.E.T. "Ned" Rutter, Of1f! of three jurisls presiding in the Costa Mesa chambers, today blamed the Faul~r escape on crowded conditions continually plaguing the facility. "It's not a case of negligence." he said. "conditions are such we can't provide proper security and still give defendants I heir rights, ~uch as making telephone C.!llJS ." Less than ~ix months a go. another prisoner charged with theft. forgery and assault v.·ith a deadly weapon fled under identical c ircumstances. calling hi~ mother after being ordered lo Superior Court. He 1,1.·as halted in the parking lo~ outside, however, "'hcn Deputy r.·!arshal Ed Y.'inslow cu t him do14·n with a .J.": ca;iber slug which tore into his thigh and shat1 ered the bonf'. Plans are under way hy county author ities for a new municipal courL :-itr, either on the Orange County Fairgrounds or in the new Ncwport Beach Ci'iic Center . Authorities eshmale il 1v1ll be 1l minimum of three years before lhe inilial courtrooms go into ser\•1ce and the. ex· is1ing facility at 567 \V. 18th St., must hanc!le the laatl. .\stronauts Leave Congo for T ehran KINSHASA. The Congo (AP} -The Apollo J l astronauts left aboard their presidential jet today for Tehran, 1Je1t stop on their v.-·orld tour. DREXEL'S NEWEST For kid1 •nd fun p•opl1. Av•il•bl• in two r•fr1~h­ in9 fi"i1h1t. Y1llow •nd 1almon color. 1h1 b1st of •II , it is 1tain, •nd burn r11i1t•nt. Your whim1y will 1t1y Ii~• n1w no m1tf1r what you do, Compl1!1 b1droom furnifur• • .,.,.;1. •bl1 f,om d1y b1d1 lo c:h1v•I mirror• •nd •II 1 t v1ry thoughtful pric11 . S11 it lod•y. _ ..... _._$159~ ...__$so; YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HiNR EOON . HWTAGE NEWPOllT l&ACH 1727 Wtetcllff Dr., 642-20.50 OPIM NIDAY 'T1L t INTERIORS Prof ... ion•I lnf•rlor D••lgn•r• Av1ll•bl._AID-NSID LAQUNA IEACH 345 North to.st Hwy. 494-6$51 Of'IM NfDAY 'TT\ t 3 I ---.,, - 3 I ------. -... --. --.... -~--~------------------------------------------------------------, Speaker's Aide Tied To Payoffs NE\V YORK IUPI) - Nathan Volnshen, a r..1ary\and attorney and ''close friend" of an aide to HOUl\l' :-ipe<iker John \\/. ~1cCormack. sat in the -liJ)('aker·s o!hce l'iia1r \vhile •·ollcc·tlng a ~5.000 payoff on a tax evasion casf' from :in Ohio r!ottor. l.1lc n1:1ga:d11e said 'fhursda,y. Voloshen. 71, had in1 oked :0.1cCormal·k·s n:irne to ln· fluence the outeon1e of a dozen other cases, Lite reported. ad- ding. "the evidence is that ~!<:Cormack y,•as n1ore than na ively in \·olved" in whatever took place in his office. The story alleges t h a l Voloshen wa s paid by urologist Dr. Irving Helfert of Dayton ~·ho was accused of e\•ading $300,000 in income taxes. Mc Corma ck, denying First Chitaese Diesel Pett, Nixo11. Has Neiv PressAicle \\'ASJ-IINGTON (UPI) !'at Nixon has hirrd Constance Cornell Stuarl, a :l!•)'C;1r-ultl pubUo rclat1uns :.pe1.:1al1st \\'1th C'XJX'ricnL·e in :id1'C'rll:.111g, as her new pre~s ~ccrelary. i\1rs S!u;1rl, a n1or.l ·dl't')>~L11 g, redl1e;id 11ho has 11·orkrrl 111 IJUblu.: rcla11c111~ with lhl' Bell S~sl i>111 ::;u1cc 1967. rtplac('S Llcrry \'(111 Ucr llcul""I. who is ~uin g In H01nr as a ~J>Cl'!al :.i~sislant to the Cs. an1- hass:i'1vr lo Italy, Gr;i h;uu l\larlln. The n('"" appo1nt111ent an- nountcd Thursday ts expected lo result in olher staff changes in a revamping of lhe First Lady's relation.~ "'ith the press. r-.trs. Van Der lleu\·el".! assistant Pat Gates "'ill return U,.I felep~Glt PAT'S PIC K Constance Corn•ll Stuart . 04Jl V PILOT .5 Vet Be11efi ts Hiked; Presill e11t to Veto? \VASlllNGTO N ( 1\1') -The Senate appPl1 ed a 46 percent hike 1n veteran!'.' educal1ona! benefits Thur~d;iy -an in- crease Pre~idcnl Nixon h:i:> called ''('Xt:C5.~11t"' ,1nd "1nf!a· llun;Jry." The bill ""'fl a 17·0 1<1t:lory and y,•as !ient to t'onfrrecs who 11'11! «ll!!111pt to rc;ich -a cr11l1- Jlrnmi se bet~·een the Stnalt rers1on and the 27 percent hike in benefitll approved earlier by the House . In the meantime speculation is 1nou11ting th ;it the President 11'11! ('Xerci s~ his velo power ior the first tln1e si n('e tak inJ( office if the 46 percent figur e isn't lo11ercd. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA knowledge of any mi!>deeds, Red \\"Orkers watch as first Communist Chinese designed diesel locon1ot1ve :;uspended his chief aide. Dr. rolls on to tracks in Peking recenliy. 11ie locomotive '"as built at the Tsin,gtao ~l<n1fn Sweig ..... ·hen Sweig and Tsufang Locomotive and Rol lin"' Stock Plant in Shantung J'lrovlnce. Ca pti on \1olo.~hcn \ri!re named in " '"' to !he Voice of Amerira. "'\\'("re t;ning to n11ss hrr." pu blic rrla!ions r1r111 of Phil ~;nrf r..·l r.~. Nixon of r..·l r~. Van Oe:i! Associates anr:I ;ir; an Drr ll ru\"L•l. 1vho 11'<1,' a t ad1'f'rt1 s1ng t'~c1·ut11·e for Vi c. r<'11t1rter in \\l;ishingtnn hf'forc 85< 1naterial '~'as provided by official Co1nn1unist sources. f1 1·i1 ~uil by the Securi tie! and ---------------------------------------t:ikini;: 1hr \\'hilr llou~1· Job. :O.ln1 tln11d arid A~~i1r1alcs . I txch~nge Commission this n1011th . "The fac1 is th nt Spe;iker '.'l·li.:Corinack knew at least as f;ir back as rnidsurnn1cr lhilt not only Life but two federal grt1nd juries \\'ere l:>oking in to Voloshen·s afta irs, and that since lhen he has held a series of urgent conference~ \Vllh ~weig and Vo\oshen," Llfe said. Life said lhat while it in- ,·estigated the story, a friend of Voloshen offered $50,000 i.f the story was scutlled. The payment ~·as to have been $25.000 in spot cash and $2S,000 in si x months. Soviet Spies Freed 111 Prisoner Trade J_,ONOON (UPI) -Soviet spies Peter and Helen Kroger, freed a~ part of 'a prisoner SY.'ap v.·ith the Russians, ne\V to \Varsaw today, ending one of the most celebrated es- pionage cases of I.he decade. Carrying a blue teddy bear in a cellophane bag and 50me hiind luggagt'. Yor kers turned griMed and !ht> e11:-l\"e\.\' Soviet agents waved to newsmen and photographers as they boarded their jet at London Airport in the rain. Ho111eowners' Tax Ai(l Heavy .secu rity precautions were in effect. Polict escorted the Krogers to their Bri tish European Airways p 1 an e , follow ing a telrphoned bo1nb threat against 1.hen1. Sho11ld Go: Ro11111ey The couple. sentenced in lfl61 to 20 ye11rs 111 pri son lnr ~elli ng Briti~h Polaris ~ub­ marine secrets 10 t he Hussian~. 1\·ere traveling first <'lass. Their nrst nonprison ineat aboard the plane v.·as to be smoked salmon, chicken and champagne. \\' ASJ-IJ:'iGTON I l P!l llousing Secretary George Romney says the nation 's af- fluent are living in honies par. tiai!y subsidiled by the gov· ernment. yet many of lhetn begrudge the u~e of lax n1on- ey to help house the poor. Ron1ney said the Federal ll o us i n g Administralion (fHA), by helping thc middle class bu.v honle!I in the sub- urbs while stranding the poor ln citv slums. has contributed lo ra"clal and economic ten- :,1<1n. TI1P form<'r aLitn mttker anrl !111ch1gan gOl"<'rnor suggested 'Thur!'iday partial repeal nf a l::i;c break rn1oyed by midd!f': an'1 11p~r income hnmeo\.,-<n- f'r~ tn prol'idc revrnue lo help T('hulld the slun1.~. He ~aid the J:Ol"crnn1enl ha~ hP!f>Cd h11use the ,.rflLient throu~h FHA lo.in in surance ;ind hv aJloy,·ini: income ta,.- dPdu elions lor nlOrlgage in- lf'rest pa}'1nenL~. Present tax la11·s !1('rmit ~ deduct ion for the intere~t and ... '. property taxes, \\'hirh 1nakc up much of a homeo"·ner·s monthlv installment p<i ymenl. No sirriilar dedLiclion is ava1!- able to a person y,·ho rents his home. A farnily <>r four t'arning $10.000 annLially pays 19 per- cent on the "n1arginal dol- lars'' of his income. A ded uc- tion results in tax sa\"ings equal to 19 percent of the an1ount deducted. Thus the go,:crnmcnt pay~ almost 19 cents of <''·cry dollar the lam- il.v puts out for housing. At S!.'i.000 incon1c, the rate climl;ls to 22 percent. ''.\laybe Y.'c ought to repeal part of the right to deduct. the in!errst rate from th(' income tax rl't11rn to bring home to the ml<l<lle inco me and afflu- ent families the fact that thry arr. gen..ing a housi ng sub~idy and it i~ not just the poor that .... -e are concerned abou t." Romney said. ··~taybe 1hal (monryl ollght to be. f'armark· ed to meet the problems of the glums."' _.. The Kr ogers were freed as part of an exchange deal with the Soviet Union that gave Bntish lecturer Gerald Brooke his freedom last July 24. He had been imprisoned for four years for anti-Soviet activitie5 . TI1e Krogers traveled in separate prison vans (rom Brixton and Hn!lOY.'ay prisons to the ;iirport. Pohce cars and motorcycle escorts led tht> v.·ay. Ho1ne Secret.Irv Jam e. s Callaghan persona.lly supervis· ed the securi!y measures. T"·o officials from the Polish em- bassy accompanied the couple on lhc flight. Hous e Act May A ltel" Urbu11. Retieivc1l Pla11s The !\rogers. whose f's- pionage activi ties are still causing problems for thr Ro~·a l Navy's s f' c u r I l y division, entered Britain in 1954 \\'here they assumed their present names. Thp\· had ~n knoY.•n in the United States as il-forns t1r1d Lola Cohen and al l')ne time had 11\'ed i n Brooklyn. NY. Thr federal Bureau l')r ln\ estigat1on had ~ought !hr 1 couple ;iftcr their photn \lo'a~ found on Col. Rudolph Abrl. a so,·irt spy arrrslrd in l'\e11 I \\'ASllli\CTQN il Pl l Thr House ha s ;idopled a con· l rovers1a l hou sing proposa l h.V a rre sliinan congressn1an that C"()uld cht1ngc !ht directions of multimillion doll;ir n r b a n rrne14·al programs across !he country. In a surprise mol'e late. 111ursday. the llouse put inlo l1s housing" hill 1 plan by Rrp. U,14·eH T'. \\'rickt>r Jr. IR·Cnnn.J. lo requrre cities for 1he first time lo replace each hon1e raze<! by urb;in rcnc11 ;ii 11·ilh a ncw housing unit - in thC' same area. York 1n 1~57 :ind later e~ thr Scnatt c;lrlicr 1:l1a11ged for Fr~nc1 s Gt1rY Pre~ent la1v gl\ e~ l'lll es f'o1rers. pilot ol a L2 sh01 I l\·1de d1~cret1on to' huild shop-down hy I.he Russians 111 1960 ' ping crn!er~. cJ1y halls or of· Bri!ish f'~orcig n !'-iecrctary fi ce b11il'1ings 1~ithin urban ~lichael ~te11·art. t n an· renc11al are:is. Citics 1nust nounring the exch :ingr, s;11d find replacement. housing for the Krogers "'·ill ha1·e paid a ~arh pt'rson displaced. bul not substantial penally fnr their necessarily within the same offense and that the transac· area. lion ~·ould rrmove ohstacles to The law MW require~ that improvement of British.soviet '\\'hen housing is built in urban relalions. renewa l areas at least 20 per-In another part. of the ex· cent of !he units must be change, l14"o Briti.~h suhjecl.s 1n people. The program, financed jail sine' Ja~t year for alleged- reserved for I01rer income. ly smugR ling marijuana into primarily y,•i1h fPderal mone y, the Sovirt Union ;irr lo be dors not require citit's lo released the day after the replace housin g u n i I s , Krog<'rs are freed. al1 hough thcre is a rc-A third provision of tht dea1 1 quiremen1 that lhry find 11110\\"ed four Brili~h subiecls put into lh~ suitable hou.~ing for l h e tn enter the Sn v1rl l;nion housing bill and sent !o the displac<"rl. tn ma rry Sovif't ci lizens. The plan "·"-~ Senate on a .139 to 9 roll call. -1l"OiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiii0iii0iii0iiiOiii0iiiOiii0iii0iiiOiii0iii0iii;;;, I louse and Senate <:onfercc5 / Y.ill have to work out the dif-, fcrcnce br.h1·r.en the one-year ' S4.9 billion •louse bill and the t .... ·<r-yca r $6.4 billion extension of housing programs voted by Second Body Found in l\iine FAR.l\11t-.'GTON', W. Va . (L'PI I -A second body was rrrovered lodav rrom thel c;on50lidaUon Coii:l Co."i'I No. 9/ niine y,·here iR mint>rs died in ;i scriei; of underground ex - 1 plo.~ions last J"ovember. I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS •~otu~~nt; MIU' perfect mirror, dr:t- matic with gold \'f!ill.~. li p.. rmix. 6'xS' for only $35. • R~fl'('l:iron or the f'a5I, ma:Yhe thiii: Ahtl\tki h,,. in a mulll'!wn : originlll l\lickey 1'1ouM \l:111ch fnr AA.I.. • make llJl oNcr. · ' e \\'hl~Je v.'hilo: y"t1 11·h11U .. ! Carve .... ~n motl,.I holl1i'1 trcm factory blllt'pr11!1l!, t.a.le.ntttl .,..;th a knift '." Earn a h1~ 1>x~ yeilr 1u·ound. inlett51illl and protit.ablr. ~!rs \';111 D·'r llr111-1'I h<ni She 11 11.o; a11 honor grai.luiltC' ,.. I 1 .. 11 I bC'rn cr1 t1c17ccl hy ~11111(' ~1f1lirl1111ror!-1l1·of)ll;1ry!anrl 1· \JI.all( 1'0Jl \.I l'( rrpllrtt·rs dur1nc: her tenure 111 J~G:!. Chari l':-E. Slu ar1. 11•ho OAKLAND 1UPt 1 _ The lor bring una v;itlablr. .-.11~ n1;irnrd 21.! yr;irs ago. is ; _t:ranclson ol the late !oundcr ot :'11rs. Stuart, <1 nali \'C' 11[ a \\'h1lr Hou)>r st:it[ a.-.sislanl For calls a1ter 6 pm. weekdays the J-lerrick Iron \\Porks of \\'heeling, \\:. Ya, has no to N1xon·s t·oun ~cl, .J ol111 D. ,.and all wee~end . 3 minutes Oakland \.\'as killed y,•hen hi s ncw ~paper c11:prric11r.e but has Erhc:hnl<ln. and ha~ arranged ~tation·IO·Sldtion plus L3i: @ ( ' ............ speeding sports car ovprt11rn-1~·orke<I as an accoun1 ex-sonic o r-.lr s. Ni xon·s tours •-'~;~;"'..'.'''~'•:..".f~':''~o'.".'."~kf~:·:":"~'~'~''~''--~'~"~"'~'~'·''._~r:o~1~th~''__~N~''~"'._~Y~o~1~k-~a~b~1o:a~d~io'..'.'1t~1c~pa~s~t~.~~--c'":::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~ SHELL ~\1 1/J It's Sometimes, good to make a change. No\v you only need one coi n to 'vin in ShclrsStates of the Unio n Game. No t a whole group of coins. i:·or instance, get Arkansas, and you 've won $500-just like that. Or pick up any of theolbercoins we've circled-and you win from one to five 1housand dollars. The other rules stay the same: '(ou get~ coin-free-every time you vi.~i t a participat ing station. )'nu rJon·1 have to buy anything. You 111ust be a licensed driver. The gan1c 1s void where prohibi ted. States of the Unio WIN S5000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • ·-· --· . . . '• '•· '" . .............. ~···--!II.~ 6) ® .• : < J • 9,, : , ,. ,,a , .. ·, ''• \~ I .. ,,~ '~, 1·' ... "" ....... , .. , ... ,,., ·~·" C•••l•"O .,. • ~ •-O•'" o ,,., .• ,0 • • • • • • • • •••••••WIN SlOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f ; ~-' ... ........ 8 · ... @··i .• . ~. -. .. '"''.. .., "' ,- '"""''... o-.. , .......... ............... ' WIN$!:100 '" !.'. ·,, ,: ''""~ ......... , WIN $100 WIN $!!0 ...... :-.' ' -11 111"~' Olol-· • ~ ~ .. '""""' 0 o o t f o t o • I I t 0 O o t t t • • • • • • • . . ,. •• ''I"''' ........ Prize information for Southern California Prizes available ~I S or J 0/ 17 /69 $l000 ................... 8 $f000 .................. )( ~lOO .................. f Z4 ${00. • • • • • • • • "" • • .. c465 550 ................... 310 $5 ................. 12,400 $I ................ J 72.000 Bronlc sets ......... 186,000 O~ds of winning ( tn 3,875.000 I ;n f .000.000 I in 250.000 f in 66,667 f ;n 100.000 1 in 2.500 1 in 83 I io 167 1,0 27 Shell sta lions arc participating in thi s area. Scheduled fer mination 12/4/69. There is a total oi 57 1.338 prizes in this area. Th at gives you a I in 54 chance to \vin something! The IY.'O men \\'hose bodies ! \\cri: recove red ~·ere rrewmen l no a 2•-car coal train which had been opr..rating a "good d1s1 ancc" fro1n !he placel "here lhc i6 other mint>rs; "'er' hclie\'ed ln have ~n l lrl'lrred, mine company of· hcial.s iia\d. '------------------------..itf----------------------------------------------------------------- .. -· ··----------------..-.......... -------~ - 8 DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PA.GE A Hazard Lessened A story pubhshed by the .DAILY PILOT . this week revealed that Costa i\1es a chJ!drtn "·ere beLng e.ndan- "ered on •the \\·eedv, roc k·stre\VTI. overgrO\\'n section of fhe Orange Colln!y Fairgrounds adjoining r-airvicw Road. one child \\'as 1nolc:;ted in the area and sl·hoo l off1- r1als agreed that 1t posed a hazard lo the hw1dreds of young people \vho cross the area on th eir \Vay to and from one of the lour schools nearby. On Thursday, one day after the .'l lory appeared, '''C'eds and other debris "'ere burned by the Costa Mesa Fire Department and the area was cleared of much of its menacing characterist.ics. Fair officials should be commended for prompt ac- tion after learning of this danger. Crosswalk Is Needed Cost.a i\lesa businessmen in the area around the l·la rbor Bo ulevard-Newport Boulev;i rd int c rsec_tion ~re undcr:-itandablY. c_oncemed ~bout_ a sta1e cng111eer1n;.: proposal to eliminate a pedestrian croSS \\"alk at the busv rnid·lo"•n c rossroad. ·They say Otey ha\·e giv~n up enou~h of thc!r cu ~­ \flt ners' convenience to provide a sinoothPr trafl tc no1v through the do v.•nt o,~·n area. They are probably right. Severa l Years ago, the state shut off Rochester Slrcet pedestrian and vehicular crossings across J\'e_1~-.. port Boulevard just south of the Ha~bor B_ou!evard in· tersection. The city 'vent along "'Ith this' program, agreeing \\•ilh the state's contention that too many acci· dents had occurred in this i1nmedia te area. The mer· chants howled, but thi~ cro~s ing was closed and has stayed closed. Street. There have been con1plalnl~ about inconven· ience . but for lite most part n1crchants have overcome the obstacle. Costa !\lesa counciln1en lvlonday night agreed with lhe downtov.•n n1erchants. They asked !he stale to come up with so1 ne other ans\vers to the problem-perhaps a pedestrian s ub•,vay or bridge over Ne\v port Boulevard . Neither of these may be a pproved in vie\v of the fact that in a fe\v years heavy traffic now carried by New· port Boulevard •.viii be shunted onto the Newport Free- way. If an alternative to the crosswalk elimination scheme can be found, certainly it should be pursued. Elimination of one more crosswalk in this area is too big a price to pay for a few seconds time nved by driv· ers passing through downtown Costa Mesa. Burden on Carless People 'r"ou can't hardly ~et froin here fo lhere by taxi in c:o ~ta l\lesa-nol unl ess you are \Vil!ing to pay substan- t1allr for the convenience. l ler m<:J ll Tate's Yellov.' Cab Company has rece1veil approval nf a nl:\\' fare slructure \Vllieh means Costa i\tesans \1 di pay 50 c~nts for the first on('-sixth n1ile and 10 cents for each add!l1onal one-sixtl1 rn1J e they t ra ~el by cab in the cily. The econon11 cs of :\Ir. Tate"s business are inescap· able. Ti e has con1pelling figu res to show his company could no t opera te for lesser fee s. \V1U1ou t them. he ar· gues, he \1·ould be forced ·to abandon taxi service in a community tha t ha s no other public t ransportation. ~ ~ = f,.R, I-bl' ~ \M~OJ.T 5P. !~-·'.!!:' Since that time pedeslrians going from one si de of Ne'l'port Boulevard to the other have crossed at one of the t"'O J.l arbor Bouleva rd crosswalks or at Rochester It is unfortu nate but true that Southern Californians• Jove of the family automobile has made it a lmost im· possible for car-less people to go from here to there- not \Vithout paying extremely stiff fares such as those approved for Yellow Cab. (C) "FooTPRINTS." J Natio1i Is S1va111ped by Pa.per Work Somewhere in the East this summer 1here was held a large conference on "paper \\Ork ." \\'hile largely an ignor!d ~ubjec1 . 11 1!' a rude ract that ~aper_ work in most bu~1nesse~ and profe&~ions 1~ tak- ing more lime :ind <'ntrgy lhan £0 intn thr> aclua l production or goods or scr1·ice~. As a nat1f'ln. ire arc ht>ini; SY•ampcd by a tlrlal 11 ;i1 e or lorins, applica tion!', rep.o r!,, TIH'1nos. and n11S<·ellancous paper~ -!(I \ht' point thal the proce1sin1 l1as t~ken precedence 01·er the product. Te;ichers in a J;irge school systc1n. fnr instance, spend an enormous amount of time in compiling recorda and filing reports lhal make the admjnistralive bureaucracy feel important a n d po1~errul: and lhis time. of cour.se. is lost to 1he primary lunclion of teachini lhe childrrn. :"UR.SES I~ HOSPTT ALS often com- Jila1n loda y that 1helr papt-r v.·ork has .·prtorily O\er their pali@nls' care; and ; doct'Jrs in prirale offices likewise protest : that !lll1ng out insurance and ~ledicare · form!'> ruts scriouslv into the lime : de1·otPd 10 ;1c!i1al 1nr01cal pr3r!1cr l'nlJC•p1n t•11. ;il~o. ;Jrr 111~ulfrral}ly burd- . r ned v.uh !hr wntu1 g o{ re por t~. il n d -n1uch p:il111' rout ine 1o; 1"1n1ply glorifier! : ~len\1~r;1rhv II thr ;.i1 eragc cop lo~! h1~ : pencil. l\ 11ould be. more cnpphng than I[ he ln-t his gun rART OF THE TI EASO\'. !or this 1;<; , hun1r1n pride and ~!u bbornnes~. )1os1 prn· -f1>~~i('!n:> ilnrl ocrupa!ions v•ant total ~ domlllance O\ er their flrlds, and re.sen~ Dear Gloo1uv •' Gus: To L. E. E. (Gus , Oct. 10) Not only do ou r n1ailboxes ha\·e to be on the curbs on Costa ~tesa's wesl .side but they have to be clearly marktd with residents' names, openJng us to undesirable mail and saleimen's gimmicks. \Vhy not this in other residential areas also~ -C. I\. 1'1. 1'~G fMhltl "llltlf rtl d_. v""''· ftol ~•<u.11r1ly t~ot• ot lftf ft~-•o••. S••d YIUr '9f "'''' M GI""'" G«~• lllllt P'1!ot. "outsidtrs'' coming in tn take 01·er ;iny part or the v.·ork, no matter ht1w burdens(lme. Th~re is a terrible shorta~c of dnr(ors in ~mall towns and rural areas. ;ind the le,·rl ol medical ser1"1re 1<; shock1nsly lov.·er in such plilres !han 1n !hr la rgt·r c!Uts. Yet the medical profession oh· durately resists the use of "para-prl"l- fcssional " 11·orkers in performing routin e I.asks. E\'EN TRAL\"EO nLLrses· aides and in· 1erns arc presently prolubited [rnm doin g a lot of linle jobs that rob register«! nurses and physician~ of valuable tfme they could be u!il ng to treat palient/i. Thr: mtdir:;il profession pretends th at a Tl'lax- ing ol these restrictions wou ld "lo\1·er med ical !landards,'' \1 hich 1s rubbish - v.·hat they really f~ar i'.11 that it mi&h t redure lhtir sphrrc of ;iuihority and om· nl potencc . People like Lo hold a\1 1he reins 1n !heir oy,n h;inds, e1·en 11 1hey are ;lh.,1J1"dl v overworked. Police dcparltnent:; rc~cnt non·policemen do ing r lrrica! 11ork or rout1r.c jobs that requ1rt; no ~prei:.il l'"1hcr lraining. such as 1sst11ng park 111~ tll·kets -v.·hich ta kes up n1ore pol1r1· 11nv· th an 1hc pursuit of crin1t• 13ut 11"P 1ro11·1 g~t th~ paper out of ou r hair until 1,1.e get lhc fa lse pr!de out ol our htads. The Art of Double Tcilk Flattery may get ~·ou nowhl're, but : double talk can oflen i:;e1 you .;inyn·hcre in : t he ~f\C1al game. • Double talk, of Cll\lr~r. is lhc :1rt o! s,:iy1ni; one 1J11ng 11 hilt-tl11nk1ng another. • It enables one lo i:;o on f(Jr yt ars, i! : nece!>sary. v.·1thoul !.a}1ng a thin; he znea.1s or n1c<1111ng a thing he !ays. :'llatur.;iHy, thcrt'forc, double tal k is the • n1ost \I 1dcsprtad form o f (·on1- • mun1c·at1ons on earth. It pe net rales t\·ery : language and is usefu! in al l \\'al ks of : life. It 1s aosolul,.ly indispens1ble to sue· ·cess in l:tusinl'SS itnd marriage. For the uninitiated, here are a fe" ~amples or dl"lu blc lalk, lollov.·ed in each :case by "'ha l lhe person \\'ho spoke "·as :actually thinking: : "GEE. JOE, J never saw you looking :better. Why don't you get out ol that bed 7.and give it ll"l &ameone who 's rtally .J;ick7" -Boy. he sure. looks llke a goner. :J!e·u never v.·alk out or this hospital. : "I'm ir. a tough spot. and as you're. OM '()f my oldest friends, I vr con1e. to yo11 for :advice." -After you lr nrl n1 e the 5:ioo I '.really need , then 1"11 listen to your ad- "ice. _ "You mtan you wrillpapered lhl s rnt1 re r rom all by yourseu~·· -It looks likt '.you'd been helped by a herd of thurrtb- lumblini elephants. · "Afler all, it 1~n·l the. \a!uc or .;i }>resent that count.'!, il's U1e i.enllrnt:nt behind it," -After all, it'5 the. value of a pre~! that counts. "LET ~1E r-ongra tul a!P you, •l~rry, tt ttnainly was a well-de5er''td pro- moUon.'' -But I v.a~ !ht one ~hc:'I de.!'.Crvcd ii , you burn . "\\'hy-~fyrllr, aflrr all these )ear~ .Hal Boylt> ' ' w~·ve !>ten trigethrr , \lltJ rertainly n'u~l know tht reason I marri td you." -I wa" 1low on my feet. "Yeah . it's a real thn ll to romf' back 10 these collrge reunion:i and ren)embcr all the fun \VC l1<1d here durin& those tlnles that ilill seem like the:y were only yesler· day.''-'''hat lhe hC'!I is this guy's name an~""aJ ~ "Young man, you wouldn"l try lo lakr: a taxicab from 1 tired old woman on a rai ny day, \il."OU]d )'OU~" -If yow e.v('r reach for lhal dOQr handlr. Bu!iler, I'll put the point o{ thl~ umbrella r1gh~ through your rib~. "IT'S GETTING Jl"ind of late for me Shall we.make this hand !ht last one:'"' - I mui;t be $.)0 or n1ore ahe ad. "The sky's the Hmil. bRby . Ordr r anything lhat appeals to you." But 1! 1!·~ anylh ing but the $2 93 chopped J;l<.-<tk ~peclal. kid , you're going to ha1c a long \1·alk home. "I don't sec ho111 Ronn1r. thin ks hr r :111 eiF!ord 10 support a fa 1n1ly ancl :;till 1-«·c r a ~irl fdend on !ht' ~1de , tl)O," -But I d liure Uke to le arri his serrel. "You always did ha1·e a la len t for 11n~· ing out fine \\in1P:s. Hrnler . Tt"ll rnr. \l'hrrr. on earlh did thi ~ one corn<' trom ~" -It t~1~tcs like it had hC\'Tl t11.~111l(•d fru n1 tht rinR!. 1n an old b;ith\lib. "1\ny11me I l"il fl 1!0 rir1.1 1lun.i.; rnr 1011. Ju ~I rail nn n1r" -1'11•1 r·al! .111(] c;ill . <1rlll l'~ll until ~'•l1°1 l' 1•0,1r C' Their S1iccesses Have High Prices How People Outsmart Themselves By GEORGE "R. IJOfF, Ph .D. Joe 1s an f'xtremely sucee~sful young executive on !he v."ay up, wt1osc moliva- tiori , dri\"e, energy and p er s o nal magnetisn' are bec::im1ng almost legen - dary ; Joe is sexually impotent. Ruth \\'as elected "\Voman of the ''c;ir'' by t ho~c in her social group who conside r her the per!;un thf'y mo;,! ad- rnirc: nuth has 1J1('apac1tatlng 1nlgrainc headaehr,; Jlelcn is lfl\Cd and respected by C'I cr.vrinr except her l1usbanrl , v.·ho d11orC"cd her . .incl her r·h1\drrn . who can"t •!:111rl hrr uncontrollable r mo11ona l oul- bur;.ts. ~l l'l f> 1s a bnll1onl. in\rnt11c scirnt1ft 11 ho s11 l ler!'i pcr1 l)(ls of P x t r r 11] c dcprrs:-1on ;ind ff'cl111gs of l1nrr<il11y THE SE ARE FO UH l1ct11 101J~ t':\-(11npl1•s of ho111 peopl e out sm&rl lhcmselves - 1n;iny Innes \1·1thout el"en kno\\1ng 1L The out sinarting·ha s to do v.·1th being to:i sui:- rrs~ful. loo <1<lm1rab\e, loo respectable, loo br illiant for one's O\\'n good. \\'hencver a person h\"PS his li fe ac- cording to how he thlnks others v.·ant him ta be, or searches for external accolades I l ' .. ·~~ 1}" . 'y.day ,-,If . lems ,•· • J' • t ·\- to fill the void in his exi stence, lit outsmarts himself: he suffers the in· rv1t:ible consequences of surreptitiously n1a1nt a1n1ng personal integrity and id en- 11ly 1hrough one symptom or ano ther. His ph~·s1cal·emotionat systen1 ~ays, "Who do ,\OU think you arr. denying n1y presence 11h1le you·re 0111 gaining fanie , rnrtune, or personal sa tisfaction~·· ,\JA:\"Y BELIEVE lhn1 ~on1c lorm of d1stresi:; is lne,·1table 111 pursu ing success, th.a t so many apparently successful ptO• ple arC' tf;'rribly distressed gi1·es credence to this fallacy. ll 1s reinforced by overv.·helming evi dence of the hi gh price of su('cc ss : broken fan1ilies. unhealthy bodies. shattered drean1s. and 1ick ITI!nd~. It need not be thus. The most ~uc­ C'C'ssful among us are those \l'h.'.) fun ction as 1,1 hole persons; one part of them doesn't outsmart the olhf'r_ Their ln- te!lects don'l con theJT cn1ot1011 s -their n1otivation~ fun ction together with their reservat ions -their heads don't rule their hearts -their needs appreci ate wh;;it their values tell them . Or 1 ice \ersa. PEOPLE OUTS,tART themselvt's by denying, distorting, or ignoring pr<Son;i l informat ion which is not only availabl e but cryin£ to be perceh·ed . The buslnessma11 refuses lo ad mit hP. doesn't like the prorit motive The st .ar \1·on't acknowledge hi s insecu rities. The !heo!ogian remains out of touch v.·ith his !lumannrss. The p:'.lrr.nt 11·on"t rcmembtr his childishness. The doctor prefers lo sec himself as an immortal iron m.;in. Jl enrr. their sul:ce~ses have high price.~ \\.'hrnever a person cleverly lries to fool o!hers, and himself , by dlsc:losing on- ly tho~e pa rts of h1n1sell he believes v.·11\ bring him fun and prof!! -when he robs Peltr to pay Paul -he eventually find11: that his deceitfulness is expensive: Peter dtmand! restitution and retribution. REALJZll'OG TlilS, it"s understandable ho\1' ht 1nay develop such condllions as t l) psychopby~iologi c dlsorder1 -sk in t11sorder~. ul cers. colitis. impotence, ba c k al·he , h eada ch e, asthn1a, hy pertension. hyper\'entilat1on: f Z) neurotic rlP:actionl -anxiety, amnesia. unreaso nable fea rs, un\\•anted thoughts or urges. depression, cxces~i ve fati gue , ftt!- inss of unreality and sell-tstrangemen l: 1:1 ) prrsonallty disorder!! -unv.•arranted ~usp1c1:>ns or jealousy, alt ernating mood ~ of deprcl;Sion and elation. avoidance of close relation ships, Unt"Ontrollable e1no- t1onal outbursts, cxcessil'e ronform1 Ly, lrrespo11::.ibi!lty . incapacity i o ~ en- joyment, sexual del'iations. alcoho hsm or rxee~5i\e Orinking . drug dependence: 14) 11oelal maladjustments ln n1arriagc, JOb, frll:nd~h1ps : and lft) in rare instance$, psycbo5ts -schizophrenia, paranoia, psychotiL· depression. PEOPLE OUTS~1ART thems1P:lves In many sclf-<le featini;: ways. Jl'! rea])y more intelligent to spend less lime and tffort 1ryi ng to makt an impression ~n others and de \'ote more attention to giv- ing an expression or a5 much of onesell a1 poss1blt at any given time. Calls Visitor to Mexico an 'Onager' T•1 !hr l::rl1 lnr Purs11.J11l to your ~tory by J<Jhn \~'P.ld 1 Ott 181 011 the. s1\u ;ition 1n :-.1tx1co, l 1\ould !1 ke to ~ay t11:1t lhe American tour1~! to this p~rur!.)·frienrl\y ~~ountry <1<'ro~s the harder 1s JU:>t a plain onagrr. Look J\ Up in lhe di ct1011 i1ry and SUt n1 ~ lie 1s an 011ager because he goes into '')!rh1co"' knowing that he 1:-\\'3n\ed 1hc rr fnr h i~ money and nothing t lse. And 11 hlle he Iii there enjoying the \erbottn 1ii1ngs denie cl him in the t:.S., (poor soul) h11 is 1hr. gullible palsy 11"hllr the. t>.1ex ic<ln J;f'l\·ernm enl, \\'Inkin g al the goings on, appears to sanction the "\lordida," or iirafl , mentioned in ~1r. '\'eld 's story. •rid ah\·ays undf'r the age-old i>.le.xic an philosophy 1h;1t ii is OK to milk lhe Ari1 rric:in tour1~ts who con1e to i\lexlco 1.1 i-lh'W •)If v.1!11 1he1r bad manners, and 1, ho inadvertently ca5t their pearls brforc !he s\1 inc. TO STOP THE dope tralllc r.Omin 1: from our not-~o-friendly ne ighbor south of lhc border 1~ quilt another thing, yet it l!! 11C'd in \\'ith !he shennnigans mentionerl abo1·e. An(t it v.·ill ne1•cr be SOl\'ed unti l the American phannaceutical powers, plus the coo prration or the Mexican government , slop lht 5hlpm cnt of drllf'."i to ~lexico that arc originally destined to arrive in lhe U.S. ,.ill smugglers. and the t>.1exican growers of m1rijua na are rooltd out completely. t-tr. We\d 's story is time- ly and should be given the-\ltmost a.t- tention at Lhls l1n1e. ~llLT B ... Sl1A~f R eviet., Asst1mptlot1s To the Editor · The letter [r o1n Atl.hur D. Gaskin !Mailbox, Ocl . 201 illust rates a point """hich has be1,1·1Jdrred me for years. \\"hy 1s ii that nght \\"Inge r~ lh!nk lha1 they arlP: the on ly ones v.·ho pay ta;..es~ To i:;ay that ··99 percent of the ta>:- p:iyrr~ are d1sgus1ed to tind !hat !h1 ~ 11·01111111 "'as lured 111 \ht tirst place"' i$ 10 1H~l:iy inrrc.cllhll' arroganc('. Ha~ ;\1r. 1 ;;,~k111 pr.r-un;ill)' 111:1dr a :-11r1ry nl tax· p.i)r·r:-~ nr 1s h" gnn11, by 111(' re~u lt~ of '01111' Op1r11on poll~ JI he 11a~ I \\"OUld Iii((' t knn1r 1\htfh l")tl('. lnr f :t in·• !;t~p;i~·r r nn11 I l\fllild ct t!~111!y h.:11 c,: !Jkl.'ll IQ C:>.· jlfl • IH} Ojlllll"il. \failhox l """' t•o..., •••O•" ~·• ,.,•lcom• l.<l'"'•llY wr\t. • ' •~11~ o c.;"v•• .,., 1 <•"!•10•· '" XIO word1 o• 11\1. l~I "Int to (O"d~n!• ••11•" lo 111 1o•tt l)f •tl"'l"ll• ll~lf " 'u~,v•<I .O.'I I"'"' mv1• '""''d• ''~nt!v•t l "d l"llhft~ •Odl•"· ~"' """'" "''' DI .. n~~tld on reour>! •I •ullrt•en! '"'"'" 11 IPPf •t M. IT IS U:\FORTUNATE for ron - 5ervati11es that lheir lhinking is so alt.en rharacterizerl by suc h arrogant stupidity. ll is difl1cull indeed lo conduct a rational tit bate 11·11h a person 11 ho i~ e11hrr u11111\1· 111g or un.;ible. to cxprr.'.'ls lus v1c11· 11·1th 111· tclllgerce ~1 0.>~ of the peu1)lc 111 111r -~t11t~ or Ca ~forn\11 are ta xpayers. There are t.1r more taxpayers, 111 fat't , lhiln \·otrr~ because there is no age re~tnt·t1on p!;1 rl.'t! on PilYlng taxe3. As a re~1 dent o! a coun· ty v.·here the majority o! peop le :ire under 25 years of age, I think that i'llr • Gaskin and Lhose v.'ho find then1st.J ves in /iympathy with him had best review their auumplions. It is possible that a lillle bit or thinking may prove to be ol great bent fit. '\'lU.IAJ\f KINDE L fJ11t·i1 Dct.·is iot1 Tri !he Edi!or Tt1<in/...• 111 .Judge. .fl'rr,\· P:icl1\. for h1:- eflorls lu uphold the con::.LHulional right' of the Communist, An gt·la Oa,·is. lie In 1urn dt nicd mr and :ill lnya! tax-pa)·1ng Californ1;111.-; thei r const1\ut1onal nghts- rcs, our right to say how OU R tax money 1s spent /\ow, thanks to him, we. ca.ii pay " p1P:rson or persons v.·ho seek lo de!:lrOy our "'·ay of li fe . It seems to mlP: thal lhe constitutional ri iihls of the majority should come befor e the rights of onr. J A~-I ES L. l·!ORSTMEYER U.S., Canada, Waters and Oil Canada and the United States live in a pccllhar rtlat1onsh1 p. It has been called a i;ymbio~is. According lo \\ .. ebster'~ lh1'.'I i~ I fo rtn of living together \\"here the 1ssoclat1on is •·.advantageous, or often nt:ees~ary. to one or boU1. ::i.nd not hRrmful lo either.'' But strains do develop. Premier Pierre Ellioll Tn1dtau or C<inada ha s promised 11'1 give a full stale· men! on sovt"reign!y of Arctic water to Parliament. In a prellminary statement 10 the !louse of Commons las t May 2!, Trudeau said: "Canada's sovereignty 01·cr it s Arr lic regions. incl uding the islands of !he Arctic archipelago, is \\•ell esta blished and .• _\here is no dispute concerning lhis matter." A mild dispuie v.·as no! long 1n develnp. ir.g. Al a Canadian-U nited S la I es r11inisleria l n1ecling 1n June, U.S. Undersecretary of State U.. Alexis John~on challenged any idt"a that Can11· clian so\'ere.ignly extended ht>yond the tnrte·mile Jlmit around the Arctic 1~i.ands . TRUDEAU , a forn1er profl's~or nf 1:1w. he~ been very careful not lo let popular lce!ing push him into a hasty a!l-en1· bracing $lille.ment on sovereignly. He dld s;-;y last ~la;•: "Can:ida's sovereign rights 01·er the ronllnen1al she lf in 1he Arctic ll O\\ from Ganad:i·!i sovereignly over lhe :1dJ(1cenl lancl~. and again lilert is nn rl isputr on this mat ler.'' The Montrct.1 1 I •\o/l·tre l11tf1 ch1pp..·d 1n v.·1th an ed1ton nl e'.'<plal11111.i; Canada·s h1~tor1cal rights lU lhe r1111rr arra ... Conad<t 1nllf'r1ted the Editorial R esearch \ \rholr Archi pel ago frotn Britai n i11 1680 ;i;·.d has maintained definite prescnt·e there since " Tr udeau has poinled out that the la\11 o[ the sea "ls a co n1 ple:.: sub1ect ," and tha t sovereignly or the right of inooetnt p;;.ss;iige In the v.·atcrs bctv.·ecn the islan ds ""·ould ha ve to be setlled not on •n arbitrary basls but with due re1ard for r ~tahlished principlt~ of intemaUonal J-.w." He noted In ~lay th pt the Canadian government \\"OU ld \\'c1conle lhc voyage of the supertanker S. S. ~lanhatt an in its al· tempt to open a Nor1 hwest Passage. THE CANADIAN go\'ernmcnrs claun!I for thlP: continental shelf and sealanes arc important becaui:;e they m•y hold new deposits of oil. One of the big question.s :ibout Lhe Canadian posi11un nu1v develop- ing 1s whether Premier Trudeau will ai>- ply the. '"li\raighl base hnes system " ol SOl"ereignty to the Arctic 1vatrrs. Thi:; systen1, dc\"clopcd in 196(, means drawing " line from thr h1rthermo~t lo l!·e in nermost point or shoreline and c1a1mi ni;: sove.r1P:1gnty ovrr thr. rntire b(ldy {If v.·atcr in betwec;1. Thi..-C<:iflt1:i~t ~ \\"Ith 1•'r u ~11;il pr:irlirr or trillo11111g th<' 1"011· tour of the s!1orchne and dcclanng ~.11err 1gn1 ) 1)1 tr a thrrl' nl!ll' arta. Trudea u Is expected to clarify the Cana· dh1n posillon in !he upcoming statemen1 There I!! anothe r cons1der111tion. Th• t.lon\real Slar explained '. "If a l.ankt r i.11r-k or 11 as damaged. Lhe effect on nr rtheru wa1crs could be disastrous " "I hr ne11"spapcr notes lha! ioologi sl ~ alrtadv hal'r \\";irned thal oi l develop· ment 'work ha:o; dama ged the oHshorl' 11atcr~ and tundra 1n which Arctic wild Jiff' maintains 11 precarious e.xlslenc r. Other papers -and opposition politician$ -· hil~e expressed the sa1nc concern over a disastrous oil spi\1. Premier Trude:au J1:i~ on his desk a problem of national uulty, con servation and pride . --~--- Friday, October 24, 1969 Tl1 e tdi!orio! pagt or tilt Doily P1/01 s1ek·1 10 infoMn a11d slim.. 11/ahr rtade.rs by prtst rttlna this newspaper's opinions and com· 1ne11 tory on lopirs of hiftrtst 1111d sig11ificoriee, by providin g • (or11111 f or the t .t.prt1slon nf otJr rtndtrs' opf11lons. and by rresenllng the d lvt rsr uir1v- roiH/s nf 1nfor mtcl obsi:r t'tr.1 oud spnkesmi:n 011 topics oJ tht dorr Rober1 N. \recd. P ublisher I I 1 , I 11 -... -. ---------------------------- F'rida~. Octobtr 24, ]%~ s OAJL V PILOT :J Laguna Quandary: How to Force Trash Picl{up Cy J\,\RBAHA KREIRICll 0! 1~• 011!1 !'•IOI Sto!1 Results of a stully of Laguna Beat)1's n1ounting trash problem were aired at a City Council study session this week , with the unan1n1ous conclusion that some form of cnn1pulsinn v.·111 be needed to persuade residents and visitors to have their trash Dotv1i the Mission Trail •IJroj ec t S ' tart Seek s Workers <.APISTRA'.\0 \'ALLEY -Project St :irl a e11111m11nlly l llloria! program 111w1·;1 t111g 11 1\hlh tl1C' C'a[)lstrano Unifi{'d f;1·l100! l)istrJl'l is 111 nc~d of volunteer tutor:;. The progr;1n1 fi'lcuscs on in1proving J;1nguagc :-kill:. 11r f\lexican American st.ullenls \1\10 mi ghL profit by such a F\'1'lf;tll. . i'\o :-.f)('t'i;il !r:iining i::> nrct ssary. For furti1cr infor mCJt1on 1ntcrC's\Crl persons may call Alan Schreiber at 495 ... 1809. Q D1111tr 'fril•11tc .lij1•t SA .'J J l'.\~ C/\PlSTllA NO -The n irharrl I !enry D:ina n1cn1orial and the Sa11l<1 Fr :otal1<111 \\ill br. two il ttn~ 1!1,c·11~f::cd h\' 111Prnbf'r~ nf lhc S;1n ,Juan Ciqi1;;trano l-li~torlcal Socict~ Tuesday. (;ur~1s are \\'L'lcnn1e 1o the 7;30 p.m. m{·ctlng in th<' cafctoriun1 at San J uan C!rn1t r:t.1ry School. PSa P11triol C<I fl Pttt 1•i11t i.~IJf. l'r·ogrntfl ~AD DLE:BACK VALLEY -1'1<'mbers nf !hr El Torn L;H.~11na l!ill>; E.xch::rnge <"lu h 11;-,\f" lannch1'(J 1hc1r "One .r-;a11on l '11dc r Coil" pn1grarn 1n Golden Triangle c.·i!y sc:l'nvls. The pn1gr;1111 \1'dl include essay con- 1 r~l<;, li 1slr1htHinn of p;in1phlcts on tl1e A1neric;in flni:: and a ~1arine Corps drill t1•ru11 cxh1b!l1on for elementary school C"f11ldre11. ()n llor> :c;rcnnrljrv level \1'il1 he a ~rholri r;:;hip pro~ran~ fnr Sadrlll"bac k .J11- n1"tt Coll1'gl' and ~1 1 $~1on \.'1c10 High ~~huul. 9 C1>llt•!1•··s t1• illet•t \trSSIO:\" \'11•'..J!) -P.\1~inC'ss-11p<'r.1 · 11·•11" ,.,\ tT,lli ~,.,,, 1,llJ Ur· 1l1C' t01p1c (lf the !I 11 11 l.<'11 :-O•u hlll·bnc k Collt1:c ho~t~ co in· n1'1111·v i'nll"t:(' h11 ~11l•'!'.:; nffiri:1ls af· ld1 ,11'·:I 111\h thr (':1lif1Jl'l1J:1 /\:'l~ni.:l;11!nn <1( ~' h.inl Ullir1tdi:i ;1t a h111cht'Ot1 n)eCt1ng J\•11, 11. Ht•\' T\. f'{:orl r\1 :1. S;1dlilr>h:i rk b11sinr;:;~ 11,.1n,,111T v11i! 11 1·olJ('gC 1l1~ll'll(S \I 111 be r1 prr'.\11h•1 I. 1 :1w ~1 . 11 1\1 hr Pr H:1rrn0nrl F. I 111 r:11 11 n flf .'':•fl H ·n1;i rd1no \'<1 llr.v : Dr. I ,"" ud ,\_ t ;rnndy (1[ H10 1lnndr;: ~',11'1.I!'! f l ;rll..'~h\· ,,j \'ll.1ffpy: \\-llfOrd \1 a·•1:11 I 011 ~.1+.1 1 1\11,,. l·:ldnn I·~. ]'earl'•' nl \\1 S1 11 A11U•11111: '\vi1;1cc .r H1>1lcrl flf '\11111! t J1 .11 •l!" ('1111n11; r;r;111t ! •. S1111tt1 ••{ ( !lfl••, ~·,J,TLll.111 .I Th 1•r.1p~nn nf Orcingf' !' 11~1 K ;.;, \\"hr lll"r r1f J\11cr~1d<'; and J 1111 S11 np~r•n of 1.,'1:rr1tos. 0 ·"I""'/; ,'ihnn• S ltrlt'd \l l:-:,:-10N" \'IJ.:.10 -l'"cir thr :-"r0nrl ~1 .1~ lhc· :\11·~1011 \'1rin l!t·t r\\.1l1nn ('t'n!r r 11 di hr 1111·nf'd 1ntn ;i !J al!r11l'ren Spook ll ri•1~f' nn ~·r1d:1.v ('l"l'n1ng, Ut:t. :JL Fil!C'1 n ~po(,~ ;1r\•;1s. ranging frnn1 "Qr•t 1111! lir ,11') 1 f11r l11tlc tot.~ tn a \\'1tcht'~· J)c n :11111 Torture Cht1n1bt'r for !he more l1arriv. 11 ill he r•pcn fron1 6,311 lo 7 30 p.m. :1)11! ·;;g~in fron1 II lo 9 p n1 . Last }'car it1nrc 1h:-in 1 /KlO f\11 ss[on Virjnns toured 1he ~J)l~Ok llou ~e. .\<!1111,,~1011 of 1() rc111s will he rh:t rgrd 1\(•r-rcCJt1nn <.t·n!cr members and 2~ cents !or nn11-rncn1hrrs .. There will be free hot 1logs fin-1111 yt1u11g.~lt1·s un the tutirs. 0 St111lrr1t.~ Seel.:. t\i'orl.: :'1115:-l !ON Vl E.J O -Ernplo.vc r;:; ln \hr> S:iddk·hack ;:irca arc in vitt'd 1n avail 1hr,1n;:;plrcs rif the services of the Sad- 11lebai!k Coll<'ge student pla c e m c n t ::.crv1ce. accortlini;: to Jack SwartzbaugJi. 1·1111rrli~fl lnr nf stur!ent activities, whose off ic~ l1clps students find work . Students arc assi;:;tcd in seeking part time v.·nrk \\'hile they arc in college and 11111 time \\'nrk aficr graduation. ~11 :1rlzhnugh ~aid. Pr>r~nn:;; inlrrr'~lrd in r' m r 1 n yin g ::.t udent$ ni:iy call 837-9i00 or 491·4950. J{c gcnls Order Sludy ()( '1\0 Political Test' nc:nKELEY (UPI ) -Four University ni Califor nia rrgrnfs ha ve been n~med to i' ~Pl'ciaJ con11nil tee 1vhi ch will v.·ork lo ') 1•11_\' thr> regent.~· order b;inning p01i1 1r11l h'~I • fn r fa culty anfl employe 1•rr11not1nn-.. '111" <"111n1111llf'r 1111! c1ues\1on faculty 11 11rl ;n:Jn11 ni~l r:i 1 11rs in an altrn1pt to get a 1·rin~l'.'11.,11s on v:h;1t is ;ind v.•h.1t is not a pnlJ!1cal lt \L picked up -and to pay for the service. 1f the Laguna Beach County \Vatl"r District cannot be persuaded to cooper. ale with the city in trash billing (and it is •·very reluctnnt," City Manager James Wheaton noted) councilmen lndi-:ated they are willing to consider the alternative or forming a sanitary d[slrict or geUing trash collection fees added to Ctits Ha%ards County properly tax bills. "Ou r greatest weakt'lfss," said f\,1ayor Glenn Vedder. "ts lhal "'e have no leverage on the property owner. The \Valer District has the ability to cut off water, th~ property tax is a lien on the land. \\'e have neither at this time." Vedder said he and councilman Roy llohn had held a series of meetings with Airport representatives of l!ash collection firms :;ind with the ChamhPr nf Cnmmer('e beautification commillte<'. 1'he experiences or 99 (·itles in the \1'cstern states had been studied. Vedder said, wittl lhe conclusion that resort cilies like Laguna Beach arc most likely to ha~-e serious trash problems. ··\Ve have to remember that many o( the thou.sands of people v.·ho vi sit us are nnr tno c;i rpful ," the mayor pointl'l1 011t. "And n1a11y landlords don'e \\'<Int tiny part of being responsible for their tcn- <tnt.s' lrash. So no one takes care of it " Holm expressed the view that the ultimate and most efficient procedure 1vould he to have the wa!t'r tli strict col· lee! the trash and handle the billing, b11t said he realized hte district v.·ould not w<>lco me this solution. "But it might be that the titizens of lhis community would decide this is the best method," Holm added , Formation of a sanitary rlistrict or 0U1erv.-·ise adding trash collection fees to tax bills would require a vote, but coun· cihnen seemed to feel a majority or resclient s would support some form o[ manrlatory trash collection. U1e city and benefit everyone." Co11ncil Richard Goldbe rg fa~'ored put · ting the fees on the tax bill. He pointed ouL lhat overall trash collection coe;ts might be reduced If the contractor were guarantectl payment and could dispense with su bscriber llsts and simply pick up a!I containers .Sf't out at the required t:n1c. "This cou ld save the taxpayers some moner," he said, "but the im· portilnl thing JS the welfare of the com· n1un lty ." "\Vhat 's goin g to happen if we add 20 rents to lhe tax bill ?" O'Sullivan asked. ''Other cities arc laki'ng off things like trash sn they'll look like goorl guys." Now Using ILS '1 Present cost to subscribing household!! -4,[l()() at last count -is a flal $21 a yeflr. There are about 300 to 500 delin- {1uencics on the first quarter's billing, Vedd er said, and this drops to a steady ~lelinquency rate of about 50 on later bill· 1ngs. tltrs . Robert Peacock of the beautifica~ lion com1nitlee rose tu assure the council. "sou v.•i ll ha ve the su pport of mo st residents ir you can do something about the trash problem.'' Jloln1 rommen1cd, "f suggest you remember this at budget time and coma on down to support 11s .•. " He and Ved- der both commended the work done by !he benutificatlon committee during the lrflsh study. Dy TOrwl DARLEY Ot l~t Dtil1 PilOI ~1111 An inslrumcnt landing system U1at is g1J<iranteed by its mnkers to cut visibility anJ approach hazards by at le;ist 50 per- cent went into opera tion 'f hursday at Or:inge County Airport. Federal Aviation Adm inistralinn nf. ficials. a learn of experts fron1 Cutl er- llammrr's AIL di vision -niaker.~ of the sophisticated de\'[ce -and airport direc- tor Robert Bresnahan r<1n the JLS sys•e1n through the last of a ~eries of ex- haustive tests ~fore fin a JI y im- plementing the $110,000 flight control in· flo vation. Tile airport project -!hr first of 110 orders l0Lal1ng S7 million to he cnniplrtcrl by AIL -v.•l!J be paid for by the fcder<1I gov(· .. nrnent. Bre~n<ihan h;iil ed the TLS sv~1rn1 fl~ '',:oinrthing that we h<n·r \l':;ll!'d and longed for 01·cr a long period nf !11nr . This !LS innovation is going to have an lrnmedi:.ite and dramatic effect on 011r airport traff1<'. particularly our tom· ml'rei al fl ights_'' .\ir \\'c~t and Air California will be thr ma1or beneficiari<'s of the ne\1·!y installed sy~t em. Bre snahan said. 'fhc combined a irl ines had a tot.al of 40 fligl1ts diverted be cause of v.:eather condit ions last vear , "a Iota] that v.•11[ be cut back· con· sidcrably under thls new system," he ad· derl. Evrntu;illy implc mrnting thr nrv..• lLS . Bresnaha n s<r 1d. 111 11 he a nc\v series ol light.<: at 1•nal approach areas. par!iC'ulnr- Jy 1r r sou th end of the fl irport. And th e· 1'111!Jh:i~ls on l1ght1ng "'ill b(' swit<'hcd lri 111r p<1int of lollchdnv.•n rather thnn it;:; rrc~cnt conccntraliun of light at the prc- louch dov.·n area. he said . Introduction of tht' IL.'\ s~·.~(em v.'\11 mciln good ney,·s for the <inti·noisr gro1Jp~ 111 the airport area. Brc-snahan said. "It \\•ill n1ean lhat aircraft approai::hing from the Dover ~horcs area will now come in ;1L :ir. ,qllitude of iOO·ROO frrt rather th.1n !11 1• 4f)() fl'rt to 500 feet le'vel used in pre· ILS day s." he s;iid "~(~ irn possi blc to mc;i~urc ll'h.1t lhr ..-.ctu<il noi<;r> rl'dllf:llon 11111 be fl t th1'I 11r1r," the d1rcttnr s:.i1cl. "c•thrr than t•1 .1:-.~11r(' you tl1at 1l "Iii be a con;;1dt;-r<ihlc rl·dul'tio n. ·• f,\,\ find AIL nffitial~ dcscrihc-r! the 1 1.~ sy~\\'n1 a<> .. thr crrJl1on nf ;:in in· \·1s1ble highway dov.•n -..·hich the aircraft Moderate Quake Jolls (:01111ty , Grea ter LA Arca A m&fern!c ciitthqllilkr. the SC1:nnr! in f\1 0 rl:--ys in s<iuthrrn Califo1·n1 a . .swayed l111iid1 ngs and raltlf'\l windows 111 partf' 0f (Jr:ingc County and 1hc greiit rr Lo;, An~l'les area <'3,·ly toda_v. There were no re1virts of d;unage nr JllJU t'll'~, l h1.· temblor was fel l rl1sti oc.tly ln rlnw111nw11 l...-is Ange!rs and nl(JVernenl 1ras reported 12D mdcs to !he north in S.inl.:i B<1rbara. The quake began at 1 2!1 a m. and l ;i~ted alrnos\ twu ni1nutes. It rcg1slercd 5.Z:i on the J\i chtcr scale. Dr. J-'lmcs ~1. 8runr. :i ssociale pro-- fc.~snr of gcophy~ics at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. sairl it wn s "a fairly s1 rong one centered 1n the Pacific about 90 miles offshote from U:is Angele~. •·1 t1er e will prohably be no flama gr hcc,111sc it was centered in Lhe 1ratrr," l3n1ne said. Thr shoc k was frll thrn11ghout Orangr County and acrnrd1ng 1n Brune, 11 CilllSCd niovcm enl in aho11t a JOO mile section or /luuthern C;1liforni;i. A moderately hea vy e fl r t h qua kc Wednesday was recorded along a 75-milr section of Southern California centered near Lompoc. The temblor registered 5 :i fin the Richter sca le-. There v.•ere no in- juri<'s nr damage. 'f'he Los Angeles Police Oeparlment ~:iid al \east 200 prrsnns had called lf) report 1novrmcnt and to confirm it \va s au f"arthr1u<ikc . The flUake \\'as the third In hit f';1hforn1a this month. A IC'mhlnr in Sanla nn~a Oct. 1. \Vhich rei;:istered S.4 on !hr Hi chtcr scale, caused I I() million in d:images -mostly to old buildings. Three Firen1 en llurt In $3 00,000 Blaze LOS A~r.ELES fUPfl Three firr1nen SU!ilained mU.or injuries Thurs· 1l;ly night btiltling a $,11)1),000 fir e which .itut!ed a two-story ind11slrial bu1ldlni;: anrl trapped tv.•n persons nn an upper floor. A spokl"~man said the two per~ons were re!'t11cd by fi rrn1en 11.~ing an Aerial ladder before the blaze swepl througll lhe rooms in that section of the builrllng. <l c.~t-cn(!s lit an easy glide angle to the runway." l'.ln!s get bn!h horizontal <ind vertica l gu it!aoce as they approach the runway f1 on1 !LS lran srn i tters 1\·hich :;i111ult:1neously cinit three ~inds of very high fre11uenty ratlio bcarn;:;. :-:i1g11als frnn1 one portion of the ILS, the. lnc::il1zer, guide the piln! directly towards !hr runwa,v. Another unit. 1hc glide slop<>, 11ro1 ides 1hc corr<'ct angl{' of descent \1 h1lt• r;idio "n1arkcr" signals tell the pli111 how close he is to the run w:iy. ·'IJL oft J<'ifll s predict thrit their JLS sy~l\·111. with FAA cooperation and en· cou1 flgCn1enT. -..·ill provide a nationwide nel11 r.rk nf !anding and nal'igation aids dC'~ignC'd to impro1'e aviation regularity ;ind -s.1fcty in b;-il1 \v ealht·r. "IL li<11> passr<! e1·cry lest -and thry h:i rr hr<'n. bC'lic1·c rnc, slringent lests - 11 1' >t fl;. 1ng cri lors," an AJL engineer con1· nH·n!rd. "All nrganiznrions ln\'olvcd h:i1·c f't1d•1rs1;'d ollr Orange County airport ~ystrrn ;ind ll'C kn<J\V that the airport usrrs \1·ho have been introduced to the plan are jL1Sl delighted with it.'' r .. 0~ tl l f'll01 51111 P~o!t POINTING -This c:xot.lc-look- ing arro\v is part of "localizer" 111 n c \V instrument landing: .sys!en1 at Orange County Air- port. Localizer lclls approach- ing pilot if he is 111 line \\'iLl1 center of runway. WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION The conlraclor is pt'rmiltrd In "rcrl Ing'' trash containers set out by ::.u bscribcrs whose bills are delinquent, and this contrihutes seriously to the un· tidy appearance of lhe city, il was pointed out. Adding trash fres to 1he property tax bill v.·nuld up the tax ratl' about 20 cenl<1 per $100 of assessed valuation it was C'Stim<ited. This would result in a Jov.•er annual cost to O"·ners of properties with a 1nflrket vnlue of less than $44,000, and a ~omewhnt greater cost to lhose whose hon1es arc worth more than th al. The property tax procedure also would lnrlude ov.•ners of vacant land who now pny no tax fees and the justice of this c:an1e ir for some discµssio n. Councilrnan Jostph o·sullivan note<l !bat owners of vacant land alrrady pay taxes for school~. police, fire anti other municipal scrl'ices v.·hich they are not yet using. "The nbjectil'c shnu ld be to al!ain a rlran clly." ~nid ('Ouncilmcn Charlton Onyd. "\Ve want a minimum amounl oC ~arbagr on the streets for a minimum llrne. This v.·ill enhance the appearance of 1'he trash commiUcc. Holm said, would recommend asking f(1r bids on a new trash contract and for this reason 5US· gcsted delaying the request of the present. contractor. John Lindley. for an advance extenskln of his agrrernent. Tom Trulis or South Laguna also has asked to bid on the contract. f\1inor considerations pondererl by the trash commiHee, Vedder said. were revisions of the contraC'\S to include back\·ard pickllp (rlifflcult if dogs ere loose· or gate~ are left open to permit small t·hildren to wander out): plastic containers to reduce noise, or plastic bags to eliminate the problem of empty cans left on the street {both somey,·hat expenSi\'el. The bags. \vh1ch cost eight cents apiece, enuld be used by householders planning ta be awfly for a whole weekend and not v.·anting to lca\·e containers out, Tru!is suggested. The council r!ecidcd to ask the city at- torney fnr advice on the compulsory bill· ing procedures suggested and to make a direct approach to the board of the \Valer Di~trict to seek their cooperation. OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO CHOOSE FROM Arm Style.~ Sligh t Varin!ion COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $1495 ' Di] fnr Hi '! li'lmeowner with tliscriminaline-ia~t!!: and 11n eye ror su p~rl) workmanshiri. !'~•e it"' 3 l l'.Hi-1p1ete rooni~ of Soan1~lo des•~ned furnitu re al unsurpassl'd va1ues! 1 lie liv•n•. 100111 ensen1hle •s warn1 ly acr.ente(l woth t'land carved wood lnm on th& sn'1 .1n1! love S"·ll 1hilt hllly co111plirnerit the•r s11mrituous velvet f;ib1 ocs. A lovelt 1 .. rn 11ee, wall plaque and 1a111ps foll tt1e r1,om W>lil eleg.lnt warmth aim charm_. w~11( u•tn the hetlroo•n arn;f you'll 1mmed•ately fall 1n love wol11 lh1s grac•o:15 turni· lu•e that carrit~ !l11o u;sh the masterful t'l~nd design and sunerb con~truct•on. lns[>t'ct flus grouri· iru:. care1u liy, •• from tho: ma1e5t 1c rn •rror end triple dresser, , , 10 !lie kmgsrll' headboa rd and fu•l ,.,e n•lt> st~nds •.• all deeri '"detail !Ind constructed tor a lofet1rne A l•ve piece d1n1ni 1oom ,~t con1plf'\es th•~ splendid group111g with 1nt11c~te scroll·work on hotn table pede,jal ~nd chair in~erts, enhanced by p!ush vinyl seats. Our p101ess1onel decor1lors i re 1t your HNl!;e, Lt1y terms, ol course. RIJ , ... ,,,.,,;1,, ,.,, 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa lonlyl AT HARBOR Boulevard Eve rt night 'td 9 -Wed. Sat & S1Jri t ,I /-. Complete 3 Jloom group includes: • Sol• • Loves,eat • square or her commode • cocktail !able • !fee • Uble limp • haftJin1 lamp • picture • triple dreuer • mirror • 2 nile stands • kin1size head l>oard • 5 pleu dininr room set Each Piece can be purchased separately at equal savinlJS • OPEN SUNDAY TILL 6 I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE '------ TERMS 0 NO MONEY REQUIRED NO PAYMENT TILL 1970 .. . ------------------------------- OAILY PILOT • • • ' ; ,, . ·- ' l. ' -----. (C-11..:1 DY TM D1lll' P'll>tt s111fl Si t Edmund Hillary, \\·ho led the Jfirst successful ~It. Everest climb, i says the N epa l goven_imenl has so •far dec lined to let him make an \attempt on the virgin peak K a ryo- : 1ung. Karyolung, 21.700 feet. .h igh, 1 1is 15 n1iles ,yest of Everest. Hillary ·fle\V 'lo Katn1andu from New Zea· ~land to seek permission for the al· :t empt, but a Nepal go".ernment of· :n cial said the m o untain \\'as "not '.open for climbing." • • " Son f 1'ancisco public health service nurses passed out free pea111<1.s in frorit of the federal ' buildtng a11d wore necklaces i } adortied ioitll g oobers to express their feelings nQout recent pay raises. Target of t/le 6alty dem- 011stratia11 was the Regio1•al Civil Service Commission who granted the nurses hikes of $3 to $50 per year 1t1hile bestowing raises of $7SO to $1000 to other federal employes. • The ladies' footbaU teams from Cheshire, England, and L~ark· .shire, Scotland, pla nned a fnend ly m atch in north London to sho'v their game "''as bette r b~haved than the men's ver sion. As 1t turn· ed out police had to m ove in 1.o break ~p scuffles in the cro\vd. They also had lo a ct during the ~ame when E ngland's Jea n Tench ]Umped for a ball and Scottish de-- fenders pulled do \vn her drawers. 0 P olice converged on downtov>n P ortland to help a fellow officer t ackle a tough a ssignmeat. Offi ce t Fra nk Howa rd had radioed he "''as t rylng to catch a na ked girl \Vho \vas running do \\•n a one-way street a gainst traffic. The \\·inded officer finally made an unassisted stop on t he 17·year-old and, after covering h e r \\'ith his coat, took her to the \\·oman' s jail. 0 ,;, . I ~ : .... 1 ;. ' 1'11'!. i' , ~Iii : " 'IV Nancy fahrnkopf, Springfield. Jll., ga:es at the quarter·page '· Bzll Love.! l\'a ncy" newspaper ad !/\ct her fianct. surprised her wilh. Bill, 'is \V rlliam f l undley. 011 aide to Gov. Richard Og1/1.11c. Nancy i1l a1i assistant to the llli1101s lfouse anproprl(lt1ons commit- tee. Such a public disclosure of affec- t 1011 sce11i,ed f llting. • June Crook of Seaford, En_cl fl:n rl Is going to "·aJk fo r charlty for a \\'eek -and ~he doesn't pl an t o le ave her i nn. She \\'il l use a pedG- 111eter to mea.~ure the number o f m iles she \valks in serving d rinks and collecting glasses. Regulars at the inn will sponsor her -at six cents a mile. The proceed.~ \I ii! go to charity. Fri day, Octobtf 24, 1%0 Mideast H e ats llp = Riots Threaten Lebanon Regime By U ni~ Pre111 Jat.eninUonal Thousands of armed demonst.rators seized government buildings in the northern Lebanese city of Trlpoll today in a day or street fighting with government troops. Israel warned the Arab v•orld to stay out of Lebanon and Syria demanded that Lebanon "sv.·eep out its treasonable cliq ue ." The lsraeli·Egyplian air war blazed up aga in and Israel sent its planes against E gy ptian missile si!es on the east coa~t of the GulJ of Suez. Egypt retaliated with a surprise raid on Israeli position~ in the Jl\'.lrthcm Sinai Desert, wounding 11 soldiers. * * -tr South Yem en ese Break R elations Witl1 America ADEN CAP) -South Yemen broke diplomalic relations with the United States today, barred entry by U.S. na- tionals and served a 24 ·hour order to Charge d 'Affaires Charles Eagleton and e mbassy personnel to leave the country. The decisions "'·ere announced by the South Yemen chairman of the p~siden­ tial council, 35·year-old Salem Ali Rabyee, in a speech to a massive rally following a demonstration staged by the ruling National Liberation Front to sup. port Palestinian guerrillas a gainst recent attack.s by the Lebanese army. Rabyee assailed Lebanese attacM on the Palestinian resistance movement. J1e questioned how an Arab army would dare to figh t what he said were Palestinian refugees in their camps unless it has been induced by "U.S. imperialism." Describing the Lebanese army and government B.!I "stooges and tools in hands of the United Slates," Rabyee claimed that campaigns against Palesti· nians were planned in Washington and aimed at liquidating the resistance move· ment. The Tripoli fighting was a grave threat to the government i;>f Presidenl Charles Helou of Lebanon and came as a force or 200 guerrillas or Syrian troops massed on Lebanon's borders witb Lanks and annored cars. Five persons were reported killed in Tripoli and a nearby refugee camp as the demonstrators stormed government offices, police stations and a hlrtoric fort ln the city center. The demonstrators said they would hold the building until the government meets four demands: -End the Lebanese army siege of Arab guerrillas_ -WiUtdraw the army from Tripoli. -Remove high-ranking army officers, apparently those reponsible for the week· old clashes with Arab guerrllla forces. The army tried to prevent guerrilla al· tacks on Israel in fear of massive Israeli reprisal. -Arrest those responsJble fo r repression of the guerrilla demonstrators last April and their recent crackdown in South Lebanon. Tripoli, with a population of 145,000, is a hotbed of Arab nationalists and e:o:- lreme leftists, including Communists, and is usually the bellwether of Lebanese politics. The actions brought a warning from lsrael that it could not stand idly by and sec the government of L e b a n o n overthrown. Almost immediately Syria, in a statement from the office of Presi· dent and Premier Noureddin Al Alassi, said it would mount increasing pressure against Lebanon until that country adopts an active fighting role against Israel. "We will increase our measures until Lebanon takes on a real Arab aspect, s\vceps out ils treasonable clique and takes its full role in the Arab battle for the liberation of occupied territory." Lebanon, which is half Arab and half f'hristlan. did not lake part in the last three Arab wars with Israel. Heavy fighting also was reported In southern Lebanon between government troops and guerrillas includ ing 200 rein· forcernents said to have poured into the ;ir('a from ;:iyria. Israeli troops a!SIJ were fighting guerrillas and the Arabs said Israel had seized a border village. Senate Committee Okays Minimum Income Tax WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Finance Committee yoted today in favor of a fonn of n1inimum in come tax-. It would apply to income now sheltered from tax-ation. The new tax .,...ould increase govern· ment revenues by $700 million a year - half of it coming from wea!Uly ln· dividuals and half from corporat..ions. People and corporations with tax preference income -that which is either Allied Adviser s Sent to Saig on PARIS (UPI) -The two allied peace talks delegations sent lheir top military advisers to Saigon today amid specula- ti on the allies are considering a cease-fire proposal in the war. An American sJXJkesman said Col. Nguyen 1-luu Lo i and Lt. Gen. Frederick C. \Veyland were Jl)ak ing the trip as part of a •·ro11tinc S£'t1es of consultations." The trip coincided \111th consisl<'nt reports that the Lln1ted Stales and tt1c South Vietnamese were considering a general cease.fire proposal under which both sides would agree to stop shooting. exempt from taxation or subject lo special low rates -would have to pay a 5 percent excise tax on it. However, the first fJ0,000 of lax preference income still would be exempted. The new levy would apply to 14 categories of tax preference Income. These range from the half of capital gains income no\v exempt to the tax break coming from fast depreciation v.-riteoff provisions for real estate. The Senate commil!ee's version of a minimum income tax is broader but con- siderably softer in Its impact than the vcrsion approved by the House in 11.S tax r efonn bill. Tv;•o sections in tax laws which now give a big lax break to oil men -in· tangible drilling expenses and the pro- \'ision under which oil men can deduct a dcplelion allowance that is larger than !hei r actual costs -wou ld be subject to the 5 percent minimun1 tax. Jn another action, the committee \'Olrd to e:-;tend until Dec. JJ, 1970, the 7 per· cent exci.~e I.i x on new nulornobllc purchasC'.'l and the 10 pcrct'nt r.xci.~e tax on tc!e phone service_ 'I oday's rontinued progress on the tax: refonn legislation followed a Thursday vole to cut the oil de piction a llo\.\·ance to 2J percent. Ternperat_ures in New Lows Fro st Warnings Up Clear Into Deep South Calllornln If Wit ...,,u., 1unn'I' I~· Sou'"-'" C•lltornl• •oo~., .,.,,, ,,._.,., ri111hl 1"" u rl'I' "'0'"'"11 low C•oual· ,....,, l"'•I w11 l<lllt trm,,.,•1lure ch•nDe. A ww ... 1torm Iron! lndltAltd """tlbf1 t'-'Wefl ~ lhl lth~( .. I P• l l'd 51n fhrn1ral1>11 mount1ln1 b'I' S1t~r· "'"· Tn1 Litt An11el11 '''' h•~ n~ 1m!!ll 1cco•dl"9 to !he Air l'ot•.,tlon Control O!Jtrlcl. SOUTHERN U.l!FOll N!A -Liii "'~' 1n<t m<>fnlno -clouds 11> t Ollolll 1•111. o! ........ IM ... O•tl• 111• Wilh ¥1'11bll Mvh cloucl1 F. rldt'I' t nQ' ~1•11•dlY. Chtnc• of 1 l•w hoM •""w- e·o 1M 111111Y wlM1 ""''"''" meam-!nl•U .,., s.rurdl'I'. Nat m<>cn ,,,.,...,,_ ""'' (Ill-. LOS ANGELES AlllEA-Lt•t n 11~1 ->nQ' momfPMI low tlOllll• but rr>OHl'I' '""" I" 1ft1rnoon• FrlOl 'I' 1nd s~·· ·~•'I'. Lltlll i..-1r1rr1 ""•na•. 'lW t""'pet"lfll<"e 1"rlQ'1, nJ1~I II(), Hoh Frldl, n. CO,.,~rAL "ND IHTERM EDl•TE llAl..LEY.$-l.1!1 nf1hl 1...i lttlJ "'C'"' lntt ,... ... ""' cl-• ""' "'f.<11'1' .~,,,.., ~.. .....,....1,,. '"" ·"~"'Xlfl Ftlal'I' I nd ~1turdt'I'. Liiii• 1~,.....r~­ tur1 (11111H. L-Frldt• "ltM ~1 ro $1. Hltht Frid•• n lo ., MOUNTAIN J\RIEAS-ll1r 111!1 111911 c.Jt<.od• but PTlf!lllV l~lr Ffldfy l "d s..111...,•v. c111nte 01 • '"" ll•l'lt "'°"',,..' ..,.,.,.,,. ••nott S••11rd1•. 11!'.1rll' "''""'"' lot 1lon1 l~Wfr (('O•I•! ol-, l oe<1llV WI""" I"" t lll llll'I' -ler S1 •~td•V. 1!./'l'l!RIOll: JINO OE:S£1!:l ll [GIONS -Mosrlv l1lr ... 111> y•,!1t1lt ~fol> Cl(:udt l"tld•r '""' l 1!11r111v loc•••r w•n<IV 51hlfd•Y, Lew if"'!'pe<•l11•1' P'"d•V J,, JOt 0...~n\ VAllf V, Jj !O •l ~"""' ~1 ll1vt, .. lo j6 In IOW•• vnll~v•. Hl"ll Frid•• mo•!lv In 70• In UPPllr v.itlvl I'd llh lo,...,-Vl!ln1. Ill! I 'Ill Alli( It fOTOC•Stl!J Const.nl Cloud'/' morn"'9J., mo11!¥ ..,,.,.., b'I' "°'IV Irk,,,_, T00:1Y, l l1M v1r'-~" •IPC11 ,,11~1 '"" "'°"'Int 11<!1/ri ~ t llm!"' IOUl!lwfll to '"''' IO lo II ~no•1 111 •lier"°"'" li>oH'I' -••lllr- d~v. H>g~ lod.IY 70. C1'1'11t ........... tv... ·•~!It'd ,.....,, " ro 11. lnllfld 1...,<>er1tu .. '""" "'"" l·11m ~ !D 7l. Wlltr l..,_D1••!11r1 1.4. S 1tn, /fl1Pn r1 . T id e s P'lllOAV ''"'""" tltgl! ,,,, 0 "'· " 5•«·"d ... l.~c.m, ., SATIJROll.Y ''"' '"' . .. • 1• ..... " F inl !~·· ......... 3 1l • fl'\ " ,K_ ... ~ .. " ....... 1n·.:in n m " Secof\11 , .. • I] ~ m. .. Su~ lth M 1 It• m. ,.11 f ·)4 ~ '"'· M"°" AIUl l <l p.,,1. St•I ' 14 •.~. ll.S. Summary l er111•t•1t11r~1 alODf<I to •Korcl lewl tmm N .... CMllNI ID 0 1110 IOOIY 11 • m1u "' Ar<lk: •I• COVI"'" lllf •••I· .,.,, OOr'IH>n ot ,,,_ (DllMry. Co<KOra. "'I<., SI•""..,,,~ ...... ~Id lo 10 fl<'Qtf'l1, 11••H b.1-tho pr .. "'°"' D<•owr •t«lf'<j ltl ... UM. Al· b~nv, N Y . 1100 .. , 1 rt.,. OUDl>t• tt<O•cl II 1,. 1=•01• "'•"llM11 w"'• 111'!!1'<1 •• cleft! 1• ~Oii"' C•rp••••. O"IY In ,lt,,n•. 'IOu!tlft~ l•••• •'>d I" lh~ .,1, Soul~•·e-.1 a!a PVf•n••tll '•"'""''•!1rr•1 ,.,....<I I~ If\• &01 Pt 101, T"~'fl ..,..,., '"""e<'I Of !f\~Nll•,P\OW· ••• C•"f M111•t1.,n oor!!on• ot f lctil!• wll~ >lam••'•~d ., r Forcf 8••• nltt ln1 11p l '.) inr~<• durlnt • II• /\r:Olir <>tdO<I, !>• t• ..,.,. '"""'111r ci .. , 1" t~t EA•t· •n<t ~tnwe•• So1r1,..rn C't llfor. ~ .• tlad ~.,~ 1un1hln• 1<1 mo•t loc• 110"1· Tempera tic r e• 81k•r1l!told llhr111rck 111>111 ·~~ B"'"'"'~lllt Cl>-<100 C lnclron••I D-• On Ml)l"H 0-..TtOI! F1ltW"t.1 F•tt"'I k~\•,,. K•""'• City l o1 Vt••• l o• An111n Mlt'IU Mlrlne....,111 N-OrlN n• l'i..,. YOt't N0t111 P'!•trt ON'll"" Oo'!~horno City Omol>• Pooo llob.,.. P •lr11 S~•l"llt P-c• "''"o.J•QI'\ I' or II AM l!:•o·Q C11'1' p"" l!lhtll ··~ S•<>•"'lt.io 5111 Lt~• (lh S•n Dl•90 S11> l'tt nd KD Sotllle Sno~1n1 T~t•mol ""•"11notO'I 111911 lo• ,fl'<. " " ~ " u " n " 'l J! .. 0 " " M M . " •S 11 " " !I <0 " n '' n n " t i 31 ~ <I .U " " 10 .!t ""' 1) 1 '' " " 11 •o " " ll • " .!J •• ,lJ .!I 4? ,O• ,. 4) u " 1t SJ 11 ~' ,(I 1'1 Od .10 . " tl !I n " ~1 :• ~ . 11 '' ~1 ,. ~i •• T J• .,, II JI " ~ 11,050,000 DIAMOND Cartier Bid Wins Liz Bid Fails; Big Diamorid For Jackie? From '\'ire Services NE\V YORK - Actress Elizabeth Taylor bid $1 million dollars at an auclion for <.: perfect 69.42 carat v.·hlte diamond but lost it to Cartier Inc .• the Fifth Avr.nue jewelers, \1•hich bid $50,000 more. The underbidder for the stone that set a \.\'Orld auction record for a piece of je"·clry v.•as identified at the Thursday P arkc·Bernet Auction galleries as Al Yugler of Frank Pollak & Sons, a v;·est side jewelry firm . Later he disclosed that he waf:; bidding on behalf of Miss Taylor. The actress bought A 30-carat diamond r ing for $305,000 at aucti on l<ist yl'ar but apparently the $1.050,000 bi d by Cartier's was btyond Ille limit s he had set for herself. The winning bict \Vas offcrC'd by Rober t Kerunore, chai rman of Kenton Corp. 'tl'hich owns Cartier's. Kenmore shook off eight other bidders for the pear-shaped diamond. the s1ic of a pigeon's egg. ~lore than 800 spectators rose lo their reC'l as the auction reached its cli max then checrC'd anti :ipplaudetl \1'hen Ken- more finally "'ent O\'er the million mark lo gain possession of the jewel. After.o.·ard Kenmore said he v.·as not a free agent -indicating he had a customer, But he reflLSed to say \\'horn . ''The diamond is the Cartier di amond now for the moenl," he s111r!, referring lo the fact it was one or the few large stones wit hout a name. Jn addition to Elizabeth Tayklr , ~!rs. Aristotle Onassis. also \~'as among the women reputed to be inlerested. There was no specific indication thal On assis had an agen t :it the auclion. The Greek shi pping magnate r eportedly gave hi s bride $1.2 million worth of Jl.'1vc lry when they were married last year anr! added a 40-carat diamond lo the col- lection this year. The 69.42-carat stone was the third Jargi:st eve r sold at auction. A Parkc- Bernet SJXlkesman said it brought the highest price ever for a piece of Jewelry at an auction. Other famous stones include the 4~· c;irat llopc Diamond, bought by jt'11•elt'r llarrv \\'inston in 19:>!1 for $i00,000 and presented to the Smithsoni an lnslltution. Apollo Buffeted By Stron g Winds In La 1u1 ch T es t CAPE KENNEDY !l'Pl) - The J6· story tall AJXlllO 12 rockC't "'as buffeted tiy J5 to 40-mile·an·hour "'inds during the ~econd day of a co•1ntdov.·n test today hut officials said the exercise .,..·as proceeding v.•ithoul difficulty. The r ehearsal countdo\\'n, Apollo 12 's last big test before launch to the moon in three weeks, began Thu rsday and is aim· ing IO\\'ard a mock launch next Tuf'sday. A space agency spokC'sman said it \.\·as not affe cted by the \vindy ~·eather. Weathermen said the on -shore winds were ~usting up to 45 mph al the top of AJ)'ll!e>'s 4~5-foot tall launch tower. The 363-frot rockel and spacecraft corn- bination can withstand 65 mph \vinds on the f'Ceanside \aunrh pad. Forec<isters said lhe winds were caused by a difference in pressures between n. high pressure area centered over the northeastern states an<l remnants of tropical depression LiluriC' in lh e Gulf of f\1 rx1co. fl-lost or the countclov.·n I.est wa s devo!rd lo ihe instnl lation of Fligh t cquipmenl ip the Apollo 12 moonship modules. E lvis lo Pcrforn1 ~t }[o n s t o u Astrorl omc ~IEr.IPlllS, Tenn. (AP) -Entertainer Eh·is Presley h11s been booked into lhe A ~trodome in llou~lon for a run of ap- pe:iranres from Feb. 27-~1arch I. a l>.li•mphis ne\\'~-paprr reported in Fr1d·1 y e<lilinns. The ~lcn1phis Commercial Appral, In an article by rC'fl()r!c.r Jnn Ki nr:~lry. ~1id Presley "'!II make the Te.'(as ap1l('ar:i n1 c. ;if!rr a return cni;::igem('nt Qf fuur 1\'tt'ks 111 ;i Las Vrg01s hotel. Kin~s!cy, .1 frirnil or Pre<;l('y, SAirl lhe {'fl!('!'l.(linrr will hr p:iid lii S0.'000 for the L'as Vegas run th;it .s t.;.rt:; J an. 2G. Senator Retiring Y oiu ig, 80, Bo1ving to Age WASHJNGTON (lJPll -With tear~ and regret..s, the Senate's oldest member, 80-year~ld Sen. Stephen M. Young (D- Ohio), announced today he will retire when his tern1 end s in 1971 to make roon1 for "a younger man who ls under 65." Young said he was stepping aside (•ven though he feels as spry as ever and would love to wage another campaign. But he said •·the reality of age I cannot ignore." He said he had no personal preference among candidates rnentioned a s possibilities to succeed him but ''in the spirit of our young nation. I believe a man n1y age should pass on opportunity to a younger man who is under 65 years of age." Young is one of 13 scnators "'ho \\'ill be 70 or more Uy the end of the year. In the House, lhree are senior to him in age. The oldest n)cmber of Congress is Hep. \\'illiam L. Da wson (D-IJl.l, \11ho Is 83. Reps. \llilliam J. Kirwan (D.Ohio), 1R2 ), and F.n1anuel Ccller (D·N .Y.), (81) al so arr-older. After handing a statement 10 reporters at a no-questions "ne"'S confe.rr.nct'.'," Young told a reporter in his office -as he wiped tea rs from his eye.!i -that he felt •·terrible" about the whole thing, He said he made up his mind after r eading th e results of a private Ohio Democratic public opinion poll. He said it showed that he "·ould win ''by a good margin" in a race for the Senate against the present Ohio governor, l~epublican J a1n es A. Rhodes but would lose to Rep. Robert Taft Jr. {R-Ohio), whom he defeated in 196i in what ""'as generally regarded as an upset after a bitter cam- paign. TI ME TO RETIRE Sen. Young, 80 Both Rhodes and Taft have Or.en mer: tioned as possible GOP senatorial can didates. Several Democratic a spirant: had been eagerly av.·ailing Young ': decision. As for Taft, Young said, "J've mndi peace vdth Taft Jr. I had a nice talk V.'lll that young man on a plane recently llyin1 to Cincinnati and I really Hke him." Haynsworth Outcome Still U11linown; 2 Stories Cla sl1 \VASHINGTON !UPI) 0 n e Republican senator said after a con- ference with President Nixon today he W<JS confident Ch~ment r_ Haynsworth would be confi rmed to the Supreme Court, \Vhi!e another said foes v.•cre "very c lose" to having t'nough strength to block the nomination. Sen. Jfiram L. Fong <R-lfav.·alil, already hstcd an1ong H ay n s w orth tackers in unofficial Senate headcounts on lhe controversia l nomination, said he and r\ixon "spent a greal deal or time'' d1s::uss1ng the Haynsworth case. Fong voted for Haynsworth when the Sen3\e Judiciary Comillee appro\·ed the nomi~ation and said he was ronfident the full Senate ~·ould go along. He said Nixon told him he was "solidly backing Judge. llayn~·orth.'' But on Capitol Hil!. Sen. Edward ,V. Brooke ! ll-~·tass.). who previously had said he v.•ould oppose the nomination. said he fell ''we arc very close to a st1fficient 11un1ber of voles'' to block con firmation. At a news conference, Brooke said those opposing llaynsworth g a i n e d st rength when Sen. Ri chard S. Schweiker (R·PA .), came out publicly Thursda::o <igainst the South Carolina nominee. J·fo\vever, some unofficial counts alrea.d j harl llsted Schweiker in the oppositio~ c olu mn. Brooke said he still hoped President Nixon \.\'ould withdraw the nomination, but said in light of the President's rcaf· firmation of faith in Hayn.sv>'orth Monday, it appeared Nixo n "·ould rather ''go down to defeat" than pull bark !he ap pointment. Brooke said he personally had not feU any \\'hite House pressure lo change hi! mind. He opposes Haynsv.·orth on his civil rights record. Schweiker. on the other hand, said ht had felt severe pressure. ''I've had more pressure pul on mt over the. llayns\.\'Orth nomination than anylhing l 're e:o:pcrienccd in the nine }'cnrs I've been on the tC.:Jpitolj hill.". Schweiker s;iid he had r(l('C'IVed pressl1re ta vote for llaynsv.·ort h from \V hite House aide.s . fro1n a cabinet member and from "Pennsylvania con· stituents \'>'ho obviously had been told t11 call me by the \Vhi!c House.'' Base R eturned to Viets ; T wo Ports Next on List SAIGON (UPI ) -The U.S. Command turned o\·er anot her baSC' to South \Ii('\· nam today an<l ,i;a1d lw o ol Its maior p<irt facitlt1e.~. includ ing lhc one 1n Sa1~on, \\'Cre next on the list to be "V1 et- rian1ized." Gn\'ernment soldirr~ tnok ovr..r the B!ackhorse ba.~e 38 1n1les casl of Saignn as military spokcsnicn reportect L'S, nircr.:Jft k•~SC'.S fo r lhc wnr "'ere onr short of tile 6,000 mark. a financial loss e~tim~ted nl rno rr th.1n $6 billion. The 5,999 lnsses have beC'n divided almost equally between hcllcoplers i:l,014) and fi :o:ed·.,..·ing airplanes (2,885 ). al l victims of ground fire. shelling at- laC'ks, breakdowns or the wear and tear of '"ar. \Vith rombal remaining light in the .sixth ~·eek of the battle lull, Sou{h Viel· namese Lt. Gen. Nguyen Va n Minh ac- cepted the 5,000.man Blackhorse camp and told the ceremonies: "\\'ilh this turnover. "·e (South Viet. nam) are on the threshold of a new ap- proach lo our war problen)S . \\'e are ready to take more responsibility." Painter Dangling 011 Led ge Saved SACRAMENTO (UPI) -An alert state employe Thursday rescued a pa inter dangling from a fifth floo r window ledge ::iftcr a scaffold collapsed beneath him at the Profe sslonal and Vocational Stan· dards Building. Harold V. Halvorson, 50. an official of the State Coomotology Board, witnessed the accident from hi s fifth fl oor office. lie broke a v.·indow and held painter Jerry ~fesser, 42, Orangevale, by one ann until four other workers pulled him to safct~- l!;ilvorson said he broke a hole in the \Vindo\v with a pair of pliers afler Me sser ''scrl.'amed to me lo break open the win· dOll'." r.lr rton Dercovich/ a Sta te Bo:i rd of Equalization en1ploye who s:iw t he .ai..:- r 1dent from his first noor office, broJ..e the. rcn1ainlng gla~s in the "'lndow so ~fi;s~cr could bl' pulled through. Another painter on the scaffold. B0b Rtlsr. 35. Orange ~·ale. managed lo grail on \O :ipolhcr pclrlinn of thr ,i;cnf/old and c ll n1b up to t.hc roof cl I.tie building. Former headquarters or the t:.S lllh Armored Ca\'a!ry, Blackhorse v.•as thr th.ird major American base turned over t~ South \'ietnam in the process of giving !he r:,nvcr11n1l'nl 1r1Y>ps rnorc responsibility so L'S, soldiers would be frrerl tn go h0me LL Gen. Prank T. ~lildren, 1he. depul v t.: S. co111n1ander Jn Vi etnam, tnld newsmen at Blackhorse !hat thr ports <H S ci1~on and at Vung Ta u, 60 mil!'~ southeast n[ Saigon. v;·nuld be next to go to the South Vict narncse. "\Ve hope to turn O\'Cr facilities at hoth before the end of the ~'Car." he said. Both ports \\'ere instrumental Jn h<indling the infiux of Amer ican supplies when the U.S. build up began in 1965. No New Trial In Novarro Case LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A motion for new trial for l\vo Chicago brothers con victed of first degree murder in thr beat ing death of silent scrren st;.i1 Ramon Navarro was refused Thursda) by a .superior court judge. .Judge Mark Brandler said th e evidenr~ "establishes overwhelmingl y" the guilt ol Paul Robert Ferguson, 23, and hll brother. Thomas Scott Ferguson, 18. The samr.. jury that convicted !ht brQthers set a penalty of life in prison for Paul Thomas v;as 17 at the liml' the fi9. year-old Novarro was slain, making the life sentance :iutomatic. Brandler set fonnal sentencing for l>.1onday and "·as e:ic:pectl'd ta follow th£ jury·s recommendation. No More LA F reeways Urges Bob l\fouagan l.OS AN GELF.S /UPI\ -No morr fr('c\\ays should be bui]L in Los Angel e• because of the esthcOc. and C'tl \'ironmental d(lmai.ic tht'y hn ve c rl'alc;I /l "semb!y SpeakC'r Bob l>.1on.:1~11 n r;aj( Th11rsd.1y. r.lonag::tn !nld a meeting or city 11]"1( r.ounty (lf(lf'1al" That ;i rnn ss 1ran~1 ~y$\em !\hould be the only Cxce:ption. - Speaker's Aide Tied To Pavoffs _, ~E\V YOH K rUPll - :'<athan Vol :lshcn. a ~laryl:ind altornt'y and "close friend" of .in aJdc to !louse Spc'<\ker J!»hn \V . r.1cConnark, ;;ut in the ~pcaker's office chair v•hi!e <·ollecting a $5.000 p<1yoff on a tax CV<tsio11 <.:ase from an Ohio doctor, Life nutgazine said 'I'hursrlay. Vqloshrn , 'il, had in1·oked lvl eCorn1ack 's n:i mr .. Ill in- fl11encc the outcon11! of a dozen 11\hcr cases, Life reported, ad- 1li11g. "the e\·inencc is lhat ;\lcCorm11ck v.-as n1ore than n<111ely inl'olvc<l'' in whulever took pla('e in his offiec. Th<' story alleges t h at \10Joshrn 11·a ~ paid b:v 11r::ilogisL Dr. Irving Jlelfert of Dayton 11·ho W;'lS act11scd of evading ~300 ,000 111 1ncon1e t<.1xes. ~I c Co r m a c k , denyin g_ Fi1•st Cltinese Diesel Pat Nixon ' Has New l Press Aide \VASHJNGTON IL'Pll Pat Nixon has hired Constance Cornell Stuart, a 3l·year-ol<l public relations Sjlttiallst with experience in advertising, as he r new press secretary. l\1rs. Stuart, a mod-dressing redhead v.·ho has wor ked in public relations with the Bell Sys tem since 1967, repl<1ces Gerry Van DE'r Heuvel, v.·ho is going to Rome as a spc ria l assistant to the L1.S. a1n- bassador 10 Jlal y, (jraham ~l a rtin . The ne\V appointn1ent an- nounced Thursday 1s expcctcd to result in other staff eharigcs in a rcvarnping of lhe .First Lady's relati ons v.·ilh the press. ~frs. Van Der Heul"cl's assistant Pal Gates will return UPI T1ltPhOl9 PAT'S PICK Constance Cornell Stuart F"riday, Octo~r 24, lti61J DAIL V PILOT 5 Vet Be11ef its Hiked; President to Veto? WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate approved a 46 percent hike in veterans' tducational benefits Thur-day -an in· crease President Nl>;on has called "excessive" and "infla- tionary." The b1l! won a 77-0 victory and was sent to conferees who 1vi!l attempt to reach a com-1-- promise betwttn the Senate version and the 27 percmt hike ln benefits approved earlier by the House. In the meantime speculatiOI\ is mou nting that tile Pruldart. will exercise hill veto power for the first time alnoe ta.kine office if the 4' percent t!IW"• isn't Jowertd. l.;11 011'il·!lge of any rnisrlce<l s, fled \\'orkcrs \1•atcl1 a s first Con1n1unist Chinese designed diesel locon1oti\·c :-u~pcndl'd liis chief aide. Dr. rolls on to tracks in Peking recently. T11c locoinotive \vas built at the Tsingtao ~J .. rtin Sweig, \\•hen s ... ·eig and 'fsufang Locon1o tivc and Rolling Stock l)lant in Shantung J.J rovi nce. Caption \'olos hcn wf.'re na111ect in a t.o the \'olee of An1erica. .. \\'e·rc golng to 1niss hrr,'' puhl1 l.' relations firin of Phil s.;1id t-.1rs. Nixon of J\·lr~. Van Dea l Associa tes .1 nd as an Der lleul"cl. \.\·ho was a ad1·er1isu1" rxecut11"e for Vic1 ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( ri\'il suit by the Securiiies and _1_11ca_t_e_r_ia_1_"_·acs.....:p_r_o_1_,i_d_e_d_b"y_o_f_fi_c_ia_l _Cc'o_1_ncnc1_u_n_i_st_s_o_u_r_c_e_s_. ------------re.porter in \\"ashington before " taking the \Vhile House job. l\·1;-iitland and Associ;itcs. 1:::.:change Con1m1ssion this ll)onth . "The fael is th:~l Speaker :-.ll"Cormaek knew at least as lar back as n1idsun1mer thal nol only Life but two federal gr;.111d j11rirs \.\'Cr.e l:ioking into \"(Jloshen·s affair~. and that :-ince l11en hr ha s held a series c;[ urgent confe rences \1·it h S1\e1g i:llld Volosllen,"' Life ~;11d. Life. said lhat \.\ hile it in- \(·sti~,1lrd Lhe :-,!nrv. a Jrii;nd <lf \ olosilen olfcretl S50.000 1f 1hr :.tory wa s sculllcd. The p:1) nit•nt \1':1 ~ lo h;1ve bt·en ~:lj.[}()Q in ~pot C<l sh ::ind $2fi .()()O in !>JX n1onths, Soviet Spies Freed l1i Priso11er Trade LO!'JDON (UPll -Soviet spies Peter and Hel en Kroge r, lrerd ;is p:irt of a prisoner swap \1ilh tile Russian:;. flew tu \\'ars<J\V toda~". ending-fine of the inQ!il celebrated es- p10n:i gr c<iscs flf 1he deradr, Carr~ 1ng a IJ lue teddy bear in a cellophane bag and so111e li;ind luggag1'. "'i'orkcrs !urned grinned and the ex·l\'ew So1·iet agents v.·aved to ne\\s111rn and pholographers as they boarded their jet at London Airport 1n the rain . Ho1neowners' Tax Aid Should Go: Ro111ney J !e<1vy sec:uri!y preca utions 11·cre in effect. Police escorted the Krogers to their British European Ai rways p 1 a n e , following a telephoned bomb threat against thent. The couple, sentenced in 1961 to 20 years in prison for selling British Pol aris sub · marine secrets to t h e J{ussians. were tra\"Cling firs! t·lass. Their first nonprison 111ca! aboard the plane \vas to be sn1 oked sa!inon, ch icken .and chan1pagne. \\'ASIJ\:\~~TON IL:Pl ) llous1ng SecrPtary Ccorge Hon1nrv sn vs the 11;.Hi0n·s al- fiuflnt ;re 1;11ng in hon1cs par- (1ally ~ubsidizcd by the g0\'- trnn1ent. vtl manv of th1•rn brgrudgl' ihe use o"r tax n1on- cy to hcl p house l11e poor. Hon1ncy said the Federal JI o using Administrat ion 1FHA1, by helping the middle <;lass buv hon1cs in the suh- 11rbs v.•hilc stranding tilC pf)(lr in citv slu111s. l1;is conlribuled 1n ra.ci:1l and econon11c ten· s1on. Th(' rnriner .111!1i m:iker ;ind \111 'l11f:<111 P,O\rrnor sugge5tCil Tliur~da~' partial rrpc31 of ;1 \;i\" brPtik enjoyed by nilddl c i!nd upper inron1e hom<?o11•11. f'rs to providr rrven ue. lo help ri'huild 1hr shuns. Hr ~aid the govPrnmrnt l1a.~ l1t•lpcd hQuse the afflu ent 1lirough F!IA loan insurance :ind h,v allo11·ing income \fix tll'durtinn.~ for rnortgage in- terest pa~1nents. rresrn t tax l;:iws 1u:rn1it ;i deduction for the ir1tcrc~t and propert ,v taxes, 1rhich niakc up ntuch nf a honirownl"r'"s n1onthly lnsli1llll1cn t payn\~ol. No ~ln1il<ir deduc!ion is· avail· able to a person 11·110 renls his /1 0111('. A farrulv (J r four carnint: $10.000 anriually pays 19 pcr- c:ent on the "n1arginal dol- l <irs"• Q[ hjs income. A deduc- tion rcsulis in tax sa\"ings equal to 19 percent of the ;imount deducted. 111us the go vrn11ncnt pays aln1osl 19 1'entS nf ('\'Cry dolJ:'lr the fa1n- il.f puts n11t for hou~lng. At ~1 5.000 inc0n1e. 1he rate 1:iin1bs to 22 µerrent. '.\l:iybe \1"e ought lo rrpral pa r~ of the right to dedurt the i11tcrc.st rate fro m the 1nc:omc 1ax relum lo bring homf' to the midd le income and affltJ· cnt families the fa rt !h<it tbr.y <ire gelling a housing subsidy and it is not ju.~t the poor 1hal \l'C arc. ('Oncernrd about." llrl mnf'V s;ii<l. 1'l\ta\·1J\' 11l:1t (n1nne.\1 nughl lo hi' ·carmark- rd to n1cct the problcn1s of the s!un1:<. ·• . '. ,. The Krogers were freed as part of an exchange deal with the Soviet Union that gave British lecturer Gerald Brooke l1is freedom last July 24. •1e had been imprisoned for four sears for anti-Soviet activities . The Krogcrs traveled in separate prison vans from Bri>;ton and llolloway prisons to tile airport. Poli ce cars and 111olorcycle escorts li:!d the \1 3}'. l1 0111e Secrrlarv J am e s Callaghan persona.lly superv is- ed U1e security measures. T11·0 nfficials from the Polish em· bassy accompanied the couple cin the flight. House Act May .4lter Urbci1t Re1iewal Plc11is The Kroger,;, \1·hose es· pionage acti vities are still c.:iusing problems for the Rny;il Navy 's se cu rit y divi:;ion, entered Britain in 19:>4 where they as~un1ed their present na1ne s.. They had been known in 1he United Sla!rs a~ J\lorn~ an(J Lola Cohen and a\ one tin1e ha d 11\'ed i n BrMkl~n , l\.Y. The Federal Bureau of T111'f'!iligal ion had :.:ougl1t 1hf' {.'Ouple after !heir photo 1ra::. found on CoL Rudolph Abel, a Sovie[ spv arrested in New York in ·1957 and later ex· \Y1\SH1Nr.T O.'i 11·r1 1 !he Senal c £':1 rl11:~r, chJn.lled for Fr:ineis Gan· The Huu~c ha s ar!optcd a con-Pre~ent !a11' g11·r·s (•il1\'~ /'n11·crs, pilot nf a 1.:2 sh0: ''']' 'l '"l"I." •.., I> 1·11 •h , cl1i11n bi• the Russ ian<. ,·, 1~0. lro\'('rsia[ l1ousing proposal hy \ ' 1 ~· ~ 1"11 '" I I [ ., or. Br1!1<. h L",,.,.,,gn s·-.· ••01"a~ .. · 111ng c·rntr r:;, ci1y halls or ()f. r u0 ~ ,,\., .. , , a 1 re~hrna n ~ongrc.~~1nan lh:1 t ficc bi iildin.I!~ \\·iih in urb:;in t-.tichur.I Stewart, 1 n ;.in. t'oultl l'han_l!e \he clircc (1 on~ nf rcnr11;!1 are a~. Citif'." musl 11ounring the excll:ingc, said n1111lin1Jll1on dollar urban !ind replacc111 r11t hous1n1? for the Kr ogcrs \1•ill have pa.id a rcne\.\'al progr<1rns across th e t'ach pcr~on displaced. bu t nol :-.ubstant1al penall y for their nt•cc.ssarily \.\ ilh1n the sarnc offense and lhat the transac· country, .area. lion would ren1ove ob$tacle.~ In ln a surprise rnovc l;ilc The law now requires 1hat 1n1provement of British·Soviel 1'hllrsd:iy, lhc House put into ,1·hen hnusing is built in urban rela tions. its hol1sing bill a pl ;-111 hy rc11c1Yal areas at lea st 20 per-In another part or the ~X · nrr. Loi1·el! P. \Vcickcr .Ir. cent of the unils must hf' C'hange, two British subjects in tR·Conn .1. jo require ci!ics for pcoplr. TJ1e program, financed jail si nce lasl year for alleged · rest!l'l"t'd tor Jo-.rer incon1e ly smuggling marij uana into the firsl tin1e lo replace each primarily \'i'l!h federal money, lhe So\"iet Union are lo be horne r:izcd b_v urban ren c11 al does not require cities to released the day after the. v;i1h a new housing unil -in r cpl<ice housin g units , Krogers are freed. !Ill' same area·. alt hough there is a re-A third provision of the deal Tlic pl an w;is put into the qulrcn1en! thal they find ::illov.'ed fou r British subject s sllilable .housing for t he lo ent er th e Soviet Union housing bill and sent to the clispla crd. l.o marry Soviet citizens. Senate on a 339 lo 9 roll call. jjOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;iiiioiom;;;;i;;;;i;;i..iiii,I l [011sc and Sen:itc conferees 11·ill ha1·e to \.\.'Ork out the dif- ference bet\.\·cen the one·year S4.9 billion House bill and the Jwo-ye;ir $6 4 billion extension of housing programs \'Oted by Sccoud Body Found in i'liue FAR.\.llNGTO:'J, \V. Va , (LP[) -A second body was : reC£1ve red today from the Consolidalion Coal Co. 's No .. nj mine where 78 n1iners died 1n ;i series or unde rground ex-1 plosions last Nove1nber, The l\.\'O men \.\.·hose hodies1 ,1·err. recovered wrre crewmen <•n a 24-car <.'oal train \.\."hich l1;id bcrn (lperaUng a •·good• <li~1ance"' fr nn1 the plaf(' ..., here the 76 othe r m1nrrs v;·rrP. brhe1·ed lo ha re been lrappcrl, n11nc t'OlTipany of-1 I I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • P.efle,..tions of U1C' presen t; nr11r !M'rfect m1mir, t!ra. n1atic: \l"ith gold \'E'ins, ap.. prox. fi"x8' for only $_35. e RE:ilection of the past, maybe 1 hi~ should he in a mn5eum : original J\fickey r.tou.c;e Watch for Mle make an offer. ' ' • e \\'hist!• while you v:hi!tlc! C'.<ir\'e v.'\'l"l'"len niodE'l hofi.111 from fa ctory blucprin!~. talenttd \\'11h A knfft "? E11111 a li!!le r:-;tra. yr11r fU'Ollllfl, inlrresting and ,profitable. t-.li::.. Van 0 ".'r Heuvf'l had She \VJ.~ ;111 honor gradu.1 le G I K II I been criticiZt'd by so in e o[ tl1!' L:111 l'£'rsi1.1• of l\laryland '1•::111( SOll i C( reporters during hr r tenure 111 J'.Jfi2. Charles E. Stuart, \1'ho OAKLA ND (UPI ) -The for being unavailable. sh~ rnarried 2 1 '~ years ;1go, is grandson of the late foun der of Mrs. Stuart, a nati1·e of a \Vhite House staff assistant For cans after 6 p.m. weekdays the Herrick Iron \\"orks o( \Vhf'.'!ing, \\'. Va., has no to Nixon's counsel, John D. and all weekend. 3 minutes Oakland \.\.'as kille d whe n his newspaper ellpcrience but has Erli cbrn an. and has arranged sta tion-to-'Stati on, plus tax. ....._ t.';\, speeding i;ports car overturn· v.·orked ;is an account ex-· so111e of !\!rs. Nix on's 101.lrS 'I ~ ,,_::e~d~i~n~t~he:._1'F~:?~<~t ~n~·~'~'":":<'...'.'."~''~'':·· _ __:':'~"~'~i1~e~f~o~c__'t~h~c__rN~'e:w"._~Y~o~r~k-~a~b~r~oa~1~l~in"._'l~ho"_'p~a:''~·----~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! SHELL ~\l /Uf It's Sometimes, good to make a change. No\v yo u on ly need one coin to \vi n in Shell's St ates of the Union Game. Not a whole group of coins .. For instance, get Arkansas, and yo u've won $500-just like that. Or pick up any of the other coins we've circled-and you wi n from one to fiv e tho usand doll ars. The other rules stay the same: You get a coin-f rec-every time you vi . ..,it a part icipating station. Yo u d on't have to buy anything. You mu st be a licensed driver. The ga me is void where prohibited; States of the Unio WIN ssooo •••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••• .~'. ,_ ' :: ,, ... '" _, ........ , ... ,. ... ,, .... .. , ...... ,,, . ' . . . . 1, ,- " >I .- ,.. ...... ,\ . . . . '·1 ... 1·'- ,. ...... ., ,., . . < > <, ' I\ H 11' t•""''~'"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WIN SlOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..at. • • • • • • • < • • • .. ,, ... ·I'·. . . ' . ''1 \' ..... " ············:·· WINSIOO _,. ........ ,, , ' . . . . WINS50 ,,-" ... ,, ,.,.·-~ , -~' ·111•'~' °"'·-· • • • SO STATES BRONZE SET WIN$!> -....... - "'"''' • ,, "" • ..·· • •.: • • '1 •' • '''" ,' • • • ............... WlNSI WIN .< "'•"• Prize information for Southern California Prizes available as of l 0/ l 7 /69 $5000 ." ................ 8 $!000,,. « •••••••• , •••• 3l $500 .•.•• , ...••....... 124 $100 .•. ' « •• "< « ••••• 465 $50., ..•.•. , .•....•... 310 SS « •• , •••••••••••• I 2,400 SI ...........•.... 372 ,000 Bronze sets , • , ••. , , • 186,000 O<lds of winning I in 3,875 ,000 l in f ,000,000 I in 250,000 I in 66,667 I in 100,000 I in 2,500 1 In 83 I in 167 1,02 7 Sh cll s1a1ions arc par1icipa1ing in thi s area. Scheduled termination 12/4/69, There is a total of 571,338 prizes in this area, That gi ves yo u a I in 54 chance to win something! f1cials 'aid. l''-----------------------11----------------------------------------------------------- C' . • • . ' 6 DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Time to Underground Despite the urging of planners and the gr?~v~g tide of public opinion in fa vo r of underground utiltt1es, the n1ajor uWjty companies apparenlly choose to maintain a head-in-sand alti'lude toward the problein. \Vhile their crews continue to drape the landscape \vith unsightly poles and wires. This is mildly unbelievable in an age whe n the tech· niques to supply all ulil ities to large areas by under- ground channels have been developed. are available and are, in fact, in use in some locations. Of course the immediate problem is mo ney. espe· cially \vhcre r eplacement of existing overhead utilities is involved. It is a very cosily business and difficult lo finance through routine assessment procedures. Prop- er ly O\Yners who are \Vi.B ing to agree that ~ ro~d shoul d be \Yidc ned, seu1er s put in or s tOf!Jl drains i nstall~~· 1nay be less enthusiastic a bout paying 'to replace ul1l1· ties that. ho\Ycver ugly, arc slill serving their purpose. But as one Laguna planning comrnissioner coin· m cntcd recently, we have to accept the fact th at even· tual undcrgrounding of all utilities is inevitable. \.Ve 1n ust \VOrk to\vard that goal as rapidly as possible. At the moment, the approach is strictly pieccn1eal. Ci ty ordinances can force utilities underground in bra nd 11e\v developments. SOme property owners voluntarily underground on-site utilities in the process of remodel jobs. This helps, and also could be made obligatory. The Public: Utilities Commission requires the utility companies to set aside an annual su m lo1va rd under- ~rounding projects in the communities they serve. 'This also helps, but the amount is too sn1all -$22,000 a year in Laguna's case -to finance a major project, so the present approach is. m ore or less a block·bY·block af- fai r. The PUC now is discussing the possibility or re· quiring that all new and replacement utilities be placed underground . Public opinion being \Vhat it is, the ruling probably 'vill go through, despite complaints that it would place a "horrendm.ts" burden on the utilities. At a recent meeting with Laguna city officials, rep. resenta lives of I.he utilities indicated no long-range plans are in the making for tackling the overall prob- lem. If total under,grounding is indeed "inevitable," it 'vould seem very m uch in order for the utilities to be sitting dO\\'TI \vith city officials and planners right now t o devi se practical methods of financing that would equitably s pread the burden. Preser ving Canyon Beauty The Laguna Beach City Council 1noved \visely in putting in an early bid for des ignation of Laguna Can· yon as a scenic freeway route. As one city staffer com· mented, "If a ny free,vay is considered for development as a scenic route it should be Lag una Canyon -and the san1e \Yill apply to the inland bypass route." If the s tate approves the bid, the Laguna Canyon r oute '"ill get s pecial treatment right down the line. frorn design to maintenance. Scenic routes are designed lo preserve, and \vhere possible, make the beauties of the roadway's naturaJ environment more available to !he public. s Tlaeir Successes Hav e High Prices ~ ~ f AR. l'or ~ T\.li;lt> .... T S"!P I/:"" Natio1i ls Sivaniped by Paper Work Dear Gloomy Gus: How People Outsmart Themselves ~ I ' ... ,'\!I, S)'<ln~y J. Harris ' , SomE'v.•here in the East thi!'I summer there was held a large conference on •tpapcr work." \\'hile la rgely an ignored subject. ii is a rude fact that ~aper y,•ork in most busi nesses and professions ls tak- ing more time and energy than go into the . actua l production of goods or services. As a nation, we arc being sv.·amped by a tidal \I'd\'(! or forms, applications. reports, memos. and miscellaneous papers -to the point lhat the processinr; has t<iken precedence o\·er lhc product. Teachers in a large school system, for instance, spend an cnor1nous amount of time in co1npi!ing records and fil ing reporls that n1alie lhe administrative burcaucraey lcel important and powerful : and thi!'I time, of cour~e. is lost to ihe primary function of teaching the children. NU RSES IN HOS PITALS often com· filain today that their pape r "·ork ha!! priority O\ rr their patients' care; and <ll)C'lors in private nrt1ces likt'\\'isc protest that f1l11nJ! out i11su rance. :-ind !\ledicare forn1s culs ~criouslv into the time Uevote<I tu ;oich1<1\ n1edical practice. Pohcrn1cn . alS(l. arc insufferably burd· f'ned \l.'lth the "'Ttttn!! of reports. a n d much pJl1 cc routine is !.in1 ply glorified ~tenogr;1phy. If the aver.'.l~e cop lost his pencil , 1t 11·('111hl be more c1 ippllng than 1£ he lost h1r. gun. PART OF THE REA SON for lh1s 1s hun1.in pride and slubOOrnnes~. ,\10r.t prn· l rs~ionr. <inf! OC<'Upc111nn~ \\ant 10!a1 cfon1inance over Lhcir J1clds, and resent \Vhal's all !ht: fuss :ibout profes· sors not tea•hini; on !\lnratnriu111 Day \1'hen they so often arrn·t teaching in lhc.U" classrooms·! -D. ll. A. T~I• IMlijrt r.ii.ct1 re1,or1• ~iltWI, "ol nK•ll••ll1 lftfl>.e ol lh• n ... M>l o•r. S•"4 ywr INI -v• I• Gloomt Gijl, D••l\I ,.,111. "out.siders" coming in to take over any part of the \\'Ork, no matter ho1v burdensome, Th-!re is a tcrrihle sh0rtage of doctor~ ln small tO\l.'ns and rural areas. and the le\·eJ of 111edicat ~c r1·11.:c is shockingly Jo"'er in such places than in the largl·r cities. Yet the medical profC'~Sion oh. duralely resists the use of "para·prn· fessional"' \1•orkcrs in pcrforn1ing rout111c tasks. EVEN TRA INED nurses' aides and in· terns are presently prohibited from doing a lot or little jobs that rob registered nurses and physiclans of valuabte tirne they could be using to treat patients. The mcdic.11 profes$ion pretends thal a relax· ing of these re strictions 11·ould "lowrr medical standards," v.·hJc h is rubbish - \\'hat they really rear i!' that it migh t redure !heir sphere of .:1ulhurity and un1· nipolence. People like to hold all thf reins in their 01vn ha nds. e1·en 1f they :irC' :ibsurdly overworked. Police departrr.l'n!s rl'~ent non·pohcemen doing clerical 11 or k or rou\lne jobs that rcq cure no .sprc1al polii·r training. such as issuing p<1rk1 nE?, 11rke1-; -\Vhic h takes up more pnhcr t1111r 111:111 lhe pursuit of crimr, But \IC won·1 gt·t th ~ paper oul of our l1air until \1·e gel the false pride ou t of our heads. The Art of Double Talk .. Flattery may get ~ou nn"here, but double talk can often gel you any\\·here in the social game. Double talk, of roursr, is the arl of sayin g one thing ~·h1lc thinking another. Jl enables one lo go on for years, if necessary. \\'ilhoul saying a thing fie mea11s or meaning a lhing he says. Naturally. therefore, double talk i!! the mO'St \Vides pread form of com· munic:itions on earlh. It penel rat.es every language and is useful in all walks of life. It is absolutl'!ly indispensable to suc- cess in business and marriage. For the uninilia!cd, here are a few : samples of doub le talk, followed in each • case by what !he person who spoke was : actually thinkina:: "GEE. JOE, I never saw you looking • be.tier. Why don't you get out or that bed • and give it to someone who's really : sick?" -Boy. he su re looks like a goner. Jle'll nevC?r walk out or this hospit al. ··J'm ir: a tough spol. and as you're orle! of my oldest friends, I've come to you for advice.·• -After you lend me the $500 I really need, then I'll listen to your ad· vice. •·Yoo mean you wallpapered this entire rrom all by ynu rself?'' -ll looks like you 'd been hflpcd by a herd of Lhumb· iwnbllng elephants. •·Arter all, it isn't the \•aluc of a present lha t counts, it'& the 11enlimen t behind i! " -All er all. il's the value or a present that counts. ''LET fl1E enngra tula1e you. Jff1rry. it certainly \l.'as a wetl-dr~er l'ed pro· n1ntinn." -8111 J ••as the ()nc "·ho der.erv«J il. you bum. "\\r liy ti.lyrtle, :1f1cr rill 1111·.iC )rar~ , ' -~··~ .,,._., ... _ .. -. ' ,_,..._........, Hal Boyle ··, ' • i V•e.'ve be.en togethe r, you certainly must know lhe reason 1 married you:• -I "'as 5Jow on my feet. "Yeah, it's a real thrill lo come back to ttiese college reunions and remember al l the fun "'e had here during those times that still seem like they were only ye~ler­ day."-What the bell is this guy 's name anyway? "Young man, )'OU wou lUn'l try to take 11 taxicab from a ti red old "'oman on a rainy day, would you?" -If you el'rr reach for thaL door handle. 811s1er. rn put the point of lhls umbrella right through your ribs. "IT'S GEmNG kind of late for ml'. Shall "'e make this hand the la st one ?'' - 1 must be $50 or more ahead. "The l k.Y's the limit , baby. Ordrr anything ffiat appeals lo you." But if il"s anything but the $2.!l.'i chopped steak special. kid, you're going to have a long "'alk homC?. "J don't see ho\v nonnic think:;; he <'an ;i[ford to support a family and still keep a _girl friend on the side. too." -But l"tl sure like to learn his secret. "You alwa )'S did hal'e a talent fc1r nos- ing ou l fine \\'inc~. Henley. Tell ""'" \\·here on ear1h d1rl thi~ (Ill(' comr frQn1~" -It tastes like 1t had bet•n d1st1 llcd fron1 lhl' rings in an uld li;:ithl\Jb '"Any time I r:ln <In :in}thing [1\r ~·i\1!, jusl call on 1ne. ·· -/ind cull ••. and C•t ll •• , and co ll until )ou"rc ho:lr"r. By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. JO<' is an extremely suci.:essful young executive on the way up , whose mollva- (ion, drive, l'ncrgy and per so11a l rnagnctlsm are becoming almost lcgt'n· dary: Joe is :;c!l:ually 1n1potent. fiuth \~a s l'lrcted "\Voma11 o[ the ''<'ar" by lho~e in IJt>r :;0<.·1a! group "ho t•n11sah.'r her 1he person lh<!y most ad· mire: nuth has incapac1tal111g 1n1gra1ne hc:idaehe1>. Helen is lol'ed and rcspt'ctcd by cv!T)'one except her liusband, v.·ho divo rcC'd her. and her children. "'ho can·t i.t.'.lnd her uncontrollable emotional out- bursts. S1evr is a brilliant , inl'entive scientist \1ho su fJcrs periods f)f ex fr em e depression and feelings of unreality, THESE ARE t~OUR f1ct1t10 11s r;.;amplcs oJ ho\v people out s1nart thcinseJves - n10iny li1nes without e1·en knowing it. The Ol1ts1narl1ng has to do 1~1th being too sue· ecssful. too tidmirahle, loo respectable, too br1ll1a11t for one's own good. \\'11encvrr a person livl'li his life ac· cording to how he think s nthf'rs \Vant hin1 lo be, or searches for ex ternal accolades --~ ··-~.r-...,,· ·~·--· ... ·---·· . \ · '"~V<;ry<l ay Prphl e111s to fill the \'oid in his existence, he outsmart s himself ; he suffers the in· c1•ilable consequences of surreptitiously ma1n1ain1ng personal integrity and iden- t Jt}' through one 'ymptom or another. Hi5 physiC?a1-emotional system says, "Who do you think you are, denying my presence \1 hilc you're out gaining fame, fortu ne, or prrsonal satisfaction?'' J\\Af'W\' BELIEVE that some forn1 of flislre~s is 1ne\'l\<1btc in pursui ng success : lhril !-10 n1any apparently successful peo· pie c.ire 1erribly distressed gives credence to 1 hi~ fallacy . It is reinforced by ovcr"•hchn\ng evidence or the high price of success : broken fa milies , unhealthy bodies, shattered dreams, and sick n11nds. IL need nol be thus. The most suc- cessful among us are those \l.'ho function as whole persons; one part of them doesn"t outsmart the o1her. Their in· tellect.s don't con their ernnt1ons -thei r motivations function together \\•ith their reser\'iitions -thei r hcnc!s don't rl1lc their hearts -their needs apµrcci cite v.hat their l"a\ues tell thein . Or vli:t: versa. PEOPLE OUTSi'ltART themselvC's by denying. distorting, or 1gnor1ng persona l information which is not only a1·ailable but cr}'ing to be perceived. The businessman Tefuses to admit he doesn't like the profit motive. 1'he star ,.,.on't ackno\\•ledge his insecuril>es. 'The theologian remains out or touch "·1th !us humanness. The parent won 't remembC'r bis childishnrss. The doctor prefl•rs 10 see! himself as an iminor1.al iron n1an. ]Jenee , the ir successes hal'e high prices. \V1n•never a person t'leverly lries 10 fool other.'i. and hi1n st>lf , hy rlisclosing on- ly those parts of hiinself he believes will bring him fun anc! profit -when he. robs Peter to pa y r~aul -he evcnt1ially finds that hi s decei tfulness 1s expensive; Pe ter demands restitution and retribution. REALIZING TIUS, irs understandable ho\v he may develop such c·ilndi!ions a ~; (I ) psychophyslologic di sorders -skin clisorder!i.. ulcer~. t'oliti.~. impotclll'r, Jinek<il·llc , headn thc. n~ll\111;:1 , l1y pcrl r.nsion. hypcrvi'nlilallon . 1 :! 1 nrurotic reat·tions -nnxict y, amnesia, unrea.so11ab!c frnrs, unwanted thoui:::hls 1ir urgrs. dcpresi:ion, e11ccss1ve fati gul', fl'rl- ings of un reality and seH-est rangc1nl'nl · fJ) personality di so rders -unwarra n1cd suspicians or JC'alousy, alle.rnatfng mood , of depre~s1on and elation. avoidance <1i. rlose relationships. uncontrollable crnu· tiona l outbursts, excessive conforn1ily, irresponsibility. incapacity t 11 r en· joyment. sexual del'Jatlons. ;1lcohollsm 1/r ex•ess11·e drinking , drug d('IX'ndi·nce: 1 I~ social n1aladjustn1ents 111 rn;irrit1gc. Joh, friencl sh1ps; an(l 151 111 rilre 1nsttJ11c1·"· risychoscs -srh1zophre11111. puranoJ;l. psycholic Uepress1on. PEOPLF: OUTSi\1AH1' th emselves i11 n1any self.defeating \\•a.vs. lt"s reall.v more inl{'lligcnt to spend less tln1e and effort trying to make an impression '1n. others and dl'VO\t' 1nore atlentiun to g11 • lng an expression of ;.is much of onc::.elt as pos~ible at any given time. Calls Visitor to Mexico an 'Onager' To the Editor; Purs11 ant to your story by .John We ld IOcl. !A l on lhC' situation in !\lexico , I \\nuld like to :-ay that the Ameri\:tin h1uri't lo this pseu<krlrienclly country across tlic bor<lcr 1s just a plain onagcr. Look it 11p 1n the dictionary and sue 1111•. He is Gil onag er bec3use ht' goes 1010 "\\ehico'' knowing lh<iL he is \1'antcd thf're for lus 1noney and nothing else . And \1 l1ilc he is th~re en joying the \'Crbn\en thin gs denied him in the U.S .. I poor soul) he is the .:ullible patsy \rhi!e the. Mex ican government, \\'inking al the goings on, appears to sanction the ''Mordid11," or J!Taft. mentioned in P.lr. \Veld's story, and .1h1•ays under the age-old !\l ~xican phJl re;ophy th;it it is OK to milk the American tourists "'ho come lo Mexico t:> :;how nfl w1:h lhelr bad manners . .and v.'ho inad\'ertently cast their pearl' before the swine. TO STOP TllE dope traffic coming from our not·so-friend\y neighbor south of the border is quite another thi ng, yet il is ttr.<I in with the shenanigans mentioned above. And it ~·ill neve r be solved until the American pharmaceutical powC?rs, plu s the cooperation of the ~1exlcan govern1nent, stop the shipment of drugs lo !\1exico lhat are originally destined to arrive in th e U.S. via smugglers. and the 1i1exican growC?rs of marijuana are rooted out com pletely. Mr. Weld's :citory is tim~ l.v and i;ho11ld be given tile utmost al· lenlion at this lime. 1itlLT BASllA;\1 R evlelll AssNmptlons To the Editor: The Jetler from Arthur D. Gaskin (Mailbox, Oct. 20) ill ustrates a point which has: bewildered me for years. \Vh)' is il tha t right "·ingers think that t~y are the only ones who pay taxes? To say th;it "99 percenl of tllf' tax- pa,Yer~ are disgus1cd to find t.hat this ""man \\•as hiretl in the first plact>'' is to chs11lay incrl'dible arrogance. llas j\·lr. c:askin persona lly made a survry of t:ix- paycrs? t)r is he going by the resulls of i;on1r. opinion poll ~ If he \l.':l.~ I woul1I likr,: 1 kno1v "'hich one. tor L an1 a lllx poycr .nnd I would certainl y have liked to e~· prcsi; my op1n1on . \ Ma ilhox L·lt•o ••em •e•a••• .r• we•com• Norm~llY writ• '" ,nnul(I <onv•v '""'' m•>'~"'' •n JC)O "'crd• or len . l"• •·~M •o tO~(lrn!! l•l•t r• !ft l o! •~•<e o• ,l<m!~•·• 11~+ ,. ••\e•••(I ••1 I•"•" "'Ult ln<lua• "~""'"" on(I ..,.,~,II~-•Odr~"• ~u1 """''' f"\8l •·• w11n~11a on rtQUt l l 1f tulf1coent '"""'n I• •QDl'~'ll. IT IS UNFO RTUNATE for c-on· Aer\'atlves that their th ink ing is so ofL.en t::h11rac!C'tized by such arrogant stupidily. Jt is dilficult indeed to conduct a rationa l debate with a per50n 11ho is either un1111l· 1ng or unable to exprC$.S his \ icw 11•1\h in· telligerce. ~lost of the pcrip!e 1n 1he statC' of California are 1axpaycrs. There are far more taxpayers. •n fa{'\. than 1·1"11rr<; be causr there 1s nq agr rc~tric!1011 plated on paying taxes. As ,, rCllHlcnL nl a eQuil· ty \1'herc Lhe 1n;i1ority ot people ;ire under 25 years of :ige. I think !hill i\!1·. Gaskin and those 11 ho find lhe1nselves 1n sympathy wl1 h hi111 had best rev1c11' their assumptions. It is possiblr that a l1Hle hit of thinking may prove to be. of great benefit. \\l lL LIA!li KI NDEL To thr f:t11tor: Thanks 10 .lud~r ,Jl'l'l'Y Parht. tnr 111i effort~ to uphold tl1e c•111sl1tut1011nl rig h1; of the Cornmu111st. A11rcla 0 ;:11 is. li e 111 111rn dr111ed rnr :incl ;111 l\1~·al t.1;.;·p.1\'111tl C;i l1forn1an,; l11{'1r l"11n:>l1lllll11n.1I righl ~­ ~rs, 011r rigl1t 10 s;1y liow Ol'I{ l;n; n110111 •\I 1s spt:nt No11_ tl1an~s li:i t111 n. "'(' 1·;111 p.1v a pcrs<•!l 1Jr pt•rsons whu .~Cl'k l!1 de~!r11.1• our 11·ay (1f life . 11 ~rrn1s lo n1c 1h:1t Uh' eon.'1 11111in1111! rights of the 111a1ur1!y :ihould co111c. be for r· the rights vf one . J i\~1ES L HOnSTfl'l EYE P. U.S., Canada, Waters and Oil Canada and the United St.ates live in a pccuha r re la1.Jonsh1p. It has been called a symb iosis. According to \Vebster's this is a fonn or living together where the association is "advantageous, or often necessary. to one or both. and nol h;.irmlul to either." But strains do develop. Premier Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Cnnada has promii;ed to give a lull state- ment on sovereignly of Arct ic water to Parliament . In a preli1ninary statement lo the! House or Conunons last May 22, Trudt>a11 said: "Canada"s sovereignly Ol'er H~ Arctic regions. in cluding the islands of the Arctic arch ipelago, is wl!ll est11 blisticd and ... there is no dispute concerni ng this n1atler." A mild di itpu te was not long in develop- ing. Al a Canadian· United St ates 01lnislerial m~ting in June, U.S. Undersecretary of State U. Alexis Johnson challenged any idea that Cana- dian &0vereignty extended beyond the tnree·mile limit around the Arctic i~Jand,. TRUDEAU, a ronncr professor of la"·· ha.!! been v~ry careful not to let popular feeling push him Into a hasty all~m· bracing statement on sove reignty. He did s;iy last !\-1ay: ··canada's sovereign rights 11\·er 1hc contine nta l shel f in •the Ar ctic 1101' from Canada·s sovereignly over the :idj11cenl lflnds, and ag11 in there is no dispule on thi' 1natter." The Mon1rr:i l G:J1rr1c latrr chipped in wirh an edi toria l t xplainl nl( Can11da 'A historical r+ghU tn the tn!lre 11reu : "Cnnsda inherited the Editorial Research \\'hole Archipel11gn fro1n Bri lain in 1880 ar:d ha s n1ainlalned defini te presence there since." Trudeau has pointed nut th til 1hc law ol the sea "is a com plex subject," and 1ha l sovereignty or the right of innocent pessage in the waters between the islands •·.,..,ould have lo be! scHlcd not on an atbilrury basis bul \l.'lth due regard for e:lahlishcd principles of internatio nal law." 11e noted in May that lhe Canadian gove rnment \VOUld welcome the voyage of the supertanker S. S. Manhallan in its at· lempl to open a Northwest Passage. THE CANA.DIAN government's claims tor the continenlal shelf and sealanes are important because they may hold new deposits of oil. One or the hig questions about the Canadi an position now develop- ing is \vhether Premitr Trudeau will ap- ply lhe "straight base lines !lyslem" of 80\'ereignty lo the. i\rctlc w:1\rrs. This system, developed in 1964, mfans drawing a line from the furthermos t to ll'e innermosl point nf shorellne ;1nrl cla iming sovereignt y over the entire body of \\·:iter in bet"·ren, This conlnist~ with lhr usual fHACtlcc of follo"'Lll!; thr con· tour of the shoreline and decla ring S1ll'erti3 nly ovtr a thrct·n1llc area. 'l'rudeau is expected to clarify 1he Cann· dian position in the upcon1ing st;iten1e n1 There is another con.s1dcralion. The !\tontre:il Siar exp lained: ··11 " tankrr ~ank or \1·a11: dan1aged, lh<.' t>ffect on nr:rthern "'nlcrs i:outd be disastrou~ " 'i he newspaper nolcs thal zoolog1 s1' already have \\'arncd lh<it nil develop· men! work has d;imaged Uie nffs/1ore 11atc.r~ and tundn1 in \l.•hlch Arctic wild life niaintains a precarious cxistencr. Other pape rs -and oppnsil.ion polilician~ -· h;:n'e expressed !ht' same conct'.rn ovt'r a di sastrous oil ~pill. Pre1nier Trurleuu ha ~ on his desk a problem of nati on<.1( unity, conservation and pride. ---iWWW- F riday, October 24. 1969 The editorial page 01 the Daily Piloi seeks 10 infor'fl\ and ,s[im- 11/atr readers by pre.Jentiug this t1 e1v.Jpape r·s opinions and com· mentary oil topi~s of i nterest anri significance. by providing • for"m fnr tlie t".q>rts.~ion nf llll r f'eadrrs' opinions. and loi lf 7n·rsrnri'lr1 the d iverse 1·1e11>- poill l.' of fn formed ob.~f'r!lrrs nnd spokc$1nrn ()U topics of th~ dny . Robert N. \\'ccd, Publisher • • MR.MUM CHECKING •UP• Hi s I{leal Woman Tap es 36-25-35 By L. r.1. 80\'D I DEAL \\'O~tAN -Eric !11orlcy sa.vs 1hc. Ideal ,;irl iohould be 5-fce\-6-inchcs tal l. \\'hat, yoll SO"t.V yo u've never heard of r:ric: J\tor le,V? lie is an l·:11gli~h n1an \1•ho runs bf'a11ty contrsts, l,.a~c1 11;1t1ng ff'llU\1, il lr. J\lol'lf'y. He has supcr1·1~t·d n1orl' th<in 2.000 s u c ti pageants. Thi s qu nlifirs him to 111easurements nf you n ,; ladies , I l111nk. It 1~ l1is opuuon 1ha l lhc :Jforcn1f'ntioncd idea l girl should tap•• 36-25-35. A~OTl l EH C0f\.l f\.1 0N • rnist•oncep\1011 '" that only a ff'1V 1vpes nf "Jlitlf'r bites. StJ('h .<\s !h:11 of 1il<' 11 \ack \Vido"" lor 111stant:l'. ;irt• j)(ii~nnous In fact, ;il l :-.pidt•r hilt'" ;irr po1sun<1u~ . , . "\\Jl,,T Du ''OU (;,\1,1, lh;1I ill'lnk of !i:ilf bct:'r :u11I h:tll ,.,ll.i''' ;1~kcd I. A k11ally ~t1 !)'l'r1brr reports 1he tllizenrv ~l!"Ullllt! SI. LOUIS refer.\\ 111 s:iid contoc!ion ;is a Dulch !1 1ghball TO PA y DEBTS -non·t count the n'nl or 1nurtgagc. .Just co11111 \1·1int goes lo settle instalrnc·nt <lebts. Dor!> i1 add 11 p IC! 14 per('Cn1 ,,f 11 l1at you 1nakc'.' l\l erl'lv a rlictnn c;il 1n- qu1 r:-i. si r. nt• a11~11 r r ex pcc!f'tl. The po1nl is s1atislici;u1.; cla11n exactly 1~ pt-rt£'11l of 1hr 1n· ro1n1· i"' 11h.11 11ir a11'r,1gf' f,1m1ly 1i:1_1.; n11t 1111 ..,1rch 111- Ucbt t"'dnt·"~ Cl'STO,,IER !'::iEH\llCE: Q. ''II o 11• did The street c<illrd i\lai1lo ·n l.:1111· 111 San Franl'1scn i.:1•t ll <i na1nt•'''' A. Ain guess- 111~ \1 11 ,1-nnn1t1I r1llrr Nrw Y11rk 1 111 ~ 'l:11den Lane. \\'h1rll 11.~l'fl 10 hi· ll1e bed of '1 1·r11ol.1·d 11'1 '\'~ \\ hi·rrat thf' ~ oun~ I 1111( II \ ;1 d I ,. <; l'Ull· .crcgall'd lu 11a~l1 clulh t•s. l '11111·r~11 1nd 11r1·arJ1 lr e ;1n11•10 he k111)11·n ;J\ ti1(' pl;1rt· "·hrrP !hr ~11'1.-. \\('I'(' . • , Q. "CLEl >l'AT Hr\ IS Strrpn.~ed [0 h:ivc· cl1~sol 1·pt1 ;1 tug pearl 111 :.i glass Ctf wine just to 1how Marc Antony how rich she was. How about that? Argu· ment here is whether a pearl actually will dissolve in wine." A. It will . But it takes some \veeks. NO\\' EVERY TH IRD . 1n~rriage ends in divorce. Ex- ;iclly JOO years a go every thirty-Fourth marriage ended 1n divorce. , .. AUSTRALIA IS anoth('r of those nations "'herei n the population is re- qui red by law to \'ole in elec· lions. Not a bad notion, that. .. IT IS ENCOURAGING to learn the average \\'eight <lf \vo men in !heir 40s is 140 pounds •.• PLEASE NOTE . lhe first rice c1•er to grow in North Ainerif'll '''as planted at ('harl c~ton. S.C .... AS FAR AS its value in chemical con- lent is con('ernell . the 98-cen t hun1an body has gone up to ~J.50 in the las1 30 years. ARGUMENTS -Tho s e :;peci ali sts "'ho make a study of why yourrg ladies fight with :; oung men have been looking into the argun1ents "'hich oc- eur Jn pl aces of busi ness. Specifically. ar g um e n t s het"·ecn office girls a nd :-:a lcs1nen. And it is ihe t'.'.On- 1cntions of these e:.:pcrts that 1 h r <' c ou1 of fou r s u c h ;1rgun1cnts are started by lhe i.:1rls. P lease don 't a_,k n1c 1\·hy lh<' pre\\y little things chose to fll{'k on 1hosc innocent fello"'S. Just don·i kno1,·. To get thei r attention mavbC'. RAPID Rf:PL\': Yes. sir. D<'troi t turns out as inany cars in 10 t!a1 . .; as the Soviet Ln1on !ur ns oU t ln a year. Your '/Hrsl1011s n11d co111· n1 i •1ir.~ (11r 11;e/e(J111rd and ,, 11/ /.Je ii.~rd 1cl1rreve·r po8· .~1 h/r 111 ''('l1f'tkiur1 Up." Ad!11·css n1ai/ In I.. ft!. Bn11d , 111 core uf OA TLY Pl l.OT. /~{).r 187.5. f\1euiport .Beac h .• C'o/1f .• 92663, e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWS PAPERS Qua li ty Pr int in9 •nd Depend•ble Service for more than • querier of • century. PILOT PRINTING 221 I WEST IALIOA ILYD .. NEWl'OIT llACH -641·4JJI ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( 001.DS For ca11 s afte r 6 p.m. Aet"h -V,S ond all weekend. 3 minatis !>!,1tion-lo·stat1on, p~ I.ax. . ,.... @ ·--=========i INSTANT SOFT DRI NK MIX • AD D SUGAR MAKES 2 K QUARTS You add real sugar to Regu la r Kool -Aid~ What could be more natural. We're taking Pre -Sweetened Kool-Aid off your grocer's shelves . But you'll still be able to buy Regular Kool-Aid. Refreshing Regular Kool -Aid is completely safe for your entire family. OAIL Y "ILCl" 7 • • • 8 DAI LY PlLOT GRAFFlTI Brig Officer Y 011;s '!Vo Br 11 ta lit :Y' C'A1'11' PEi\'DLE'l'O.~ (u r11 -ThC' 0('11• 0!11 rer 1n i·h;irge (lf 1hr 20·:1C'ff' brig al 1111~ :-µrawl1ng ~h1rinc B:isr ),;!Id Thursday lir wou ld 1 .. 1cr;11e 110 1n1stn:•;i\ 0 1nc11t ol pr1suncrs b.\' brig guards. Lila). Bubcrl r. F11111r.v al ~n said nuincrous steps <in: bc111~ t<ikcn to improve physica l and procedural condit ions al the facility V.'hich has con1e unde r hea\'y criticism recen1ly. He said nc\\' buildings are being opened to prisoners t1nd guArds and ('ounsclors are rccci\'1ng spcrial t r a 1 n i n g before bl'ing as~igncd ln brig dut~ Bt>pons of brutahl ,\' 1011 ;1rd pr1sonrrs and srvl·1·;1I out- breaks of \ 1olf'01:f'. onr 1,f 11h1ch v.a.~ put dn1rn with \C':1r ga~. spurred 11 (·ongrc~~1onotl in1•esliga11on into eond11io11;:. The find ings of Ilic House Armed Services Conirnittce have nol been anno1111eerl. Asked ;1bout punishment of prisoners, Finney said, "There is no proper ph_vsie<1! punish· menl." lie added that ;is bri~ CJfficcr he cou ld rcprim;ind pri soners, order extra 1101·k or suspend privileges. Finney stressed the training !he brig !"ilaff uru!rq~ot'S as p:irt of the unprovPint•n\ pr11· gran1 11 h1rh ht• said 11·as 111· itiated in part ~1x inonth ~ ago. J le said the rcl'ent charges 1hat the bri g has bt>en lhr. scene ol \\'1dcsprcad hrut:il1ty toward prison('rs \Ye re not JUstHicd and said lhe bng 11·;1<; and i~ being run in :iceordancr wittr ,_farine Ulrp~ standards. Posl-!'I id u i I!; Ii l f are J)ip 011 c ~:\N FBAi\"CISCO !Al'\ Reduced post·n11dn1gl1! a i r 1 fare~ -~If/ bClllCf'll S;.n1 Franri~eo :-ind Los Angclrs, I for example -rnay be in the 1 offing. Pacific South11·c<:.t Airlines proposed Thursday the rel'isrd fare systcrn ()TI a three·mnnth trial. The apphe:i t1on for !:ire rcduc1i(ln was mvdc hc t11rc the ('ahfornr;.i Pubhc l t 1 l i t I e s Con1n11ssl11n. P:.ilrol Car,.; Bi ii A 11:11·.! "" I SArR ,A, \1 ENTO (AP I -·r11r ll1shw:iy l ':iln1I ~ 1·:irs lnr lhc l ~·on11ng .\'t·••r 11111 ens! ;10 1 :11\'r,1gr ol 52 :1i83:! ;1ud hi' !llrreu 1·1·~. j Tn;n 1-1 :1s :i nn1•t111!·rd 111\11'~· day a~ 1t1 r :-1:11r ;1w;irtkd :1 S5.a6 inillto n 1·on lr;1t'! to fnur Sacra111cnto :11"c:1 f\lrrc11rv cle<1lcr~ to pn11'1dl' 2,1J8 nc;1. cars. LEGA L NOTICE El«"'" No, lJO·ISI t<OTICE 10 CllEOI TOll ~ 10 THE C llEO!IOll ~ Of 0 .. Nlfll it, JCt-liSO•I •n<I t OCV J ( N I ~ 0 N . lP.Atl~F Ell Oll. Pu""""' to S•<'•Dll< 6\GI •n<I 1101 o! th• Un.lo•"' c .............. (00" ~OU l 'f l>•••b• '''"•"•<I "' tollow• I Tr•n1l~•o• '' •l>l>ut to m••t • "'"'·•" to th• und•"•on•d HAii'"' 'OO :Mit,N i ·~II 11LAT11.1C£ roo•,,.•N, 1,.,.,, ..... 1 on bul~. •II of th• mo:fl,OI' -.•onl"'· m1rc111nll•I• o• o•h•' on•'"'O'>'. ond ""ulom•nl ~· !hot (••!~ n cl••""" ••·O l•u,..,-•omot. ~.nown "' •·L·~·On Cl••n•« ond ~•un<l•nm.11" •II or wh•<n '' lnro••O I ot no Ll"11P<>n SI . L•qunl ~••<~. (0..'11• o• O•lno•, (olllo•n•• Th~ "'"'~"' n8m• <>• """"' IO/\d bu•fn"' 1do"''""' ot m• Tr on1t••or 1od l•1n1!••tt '" •• lollOw•, lR-.NSFEllOll 01nle ll A """ Ll'r• J•nl,On, 1?0 L .... lon ~I .• L•g~n• ll••th. C•lllotn•I , TP-.N51"EREE H•••Y """ ll•Olrit• Fodi1T1•n. 1101 E11! ll1Pen, Son11 '""' C1hrntnl• 1111 o!~' b\l>ln•n n•m•• •"~ .•<!<!r-•1•1, o:t'd ~v "'' Tr1n•ft•Or wi!~'" lh• !•,,., ~~••• 11,1 P1•t, 10 I~• •• ~nown lo II'" I l rl nlffrt •• •'' Sim• 1~• bul~ ''""'''' 1, to bo con111m..,1l•d 1 ! UN•T ED C.ALIFONN IA "!IN,., l•l'~nl B••<~ OHict. n i Oc••n ·~·l\IJ• I···~··· lle1c~. Counly o! Oron~~. C11t•orn.A, on or 11!•• Otto~r l!. 19e'I I D.iK Oclobor 17, lt69 ~':~;;,<:~;;~~·~n1 '"r~~~:::... I l'11l>ll<h•d L1011~ 811th 01•1• P ,'ot. j CltfOtle• ,., u"' 10,1 •• I Get the most an INSURED SAVINGS! KEYSTONE SAVINGS •;iJ LO-.H >.~.,UC.11.11 •1 ~~'1W( r• ,.,~ .... ... ... , "' 5 38"'' • S~ICl.ll RIIS PUI • hNr.11:1 l~IN'•tt ,.,.;"fro m ''"''J••"''-..._,,,.~..,, •• .r.1. nJ .. i"r1.r1 .. , .... 1 II[( ASTIOlO;tC.l.l fOIECAST I OIJ f 0UR SIC:'! 1 "' ,,.,,..,.a-.. r r1day Octobtr 24, lrJ61'1 WildAuto ~ Injures 6, ~·. l(ills Pc1ir • • ' Belli Tells of ltfeeti11y Attenapts Caller Not Zodiac, Says Survivor ~A~ FHA:\CISCO I L:PI I - /lllur1u·y i\teh 1n Helli ~aid Thur.:-d;iv !ht tr11u!Jkd JTl iJ ll 11 110 fi:1ln1t•d lo tie the 111a~s 3!al'Cr known ;is Zod 1;1c 111:1dc r1·1;..·:ncJ ! .111cn1pts lo St'L up ll ~··tTr1 rnc{'!ing with l1lrn niter n 1t·ir <lrani<1t1c l'Dnvers<.1l1011 11n .i 1r levise1I t<ilk !-,how. .. Ht' r:illcd ITIY humc !Wil'e <llld lold 1n,1 l111u:-.rhrcp1·t he \1 :111tcd tu 111c1·t 111e thrre l\ledru:sd<iy 111gli!," Beth saul, '·L.u 1cr he <·ulled Ill}' .i11::.11t·r· Ing s~·rl'1re ;,nd said lie kn1111 -; 11 here 11'C tan 1ncel 1f 1L·.:-pr•·· :irr<u1g1·d. But he !iasri "L called back. There 's 110 question it's thf' sa n1c 1n•1n " \Vlule it may haYe been the s.in'r ma n "hu pleaded for !1f'lp and t'ricd oul. .. l'Vt' got to kill'' during the b1z~rre ~t·ril'~ of COil \ l'(SiltillnS 1111 t h c. tele.11 ~1011 ~how \Ved11csday 1norn1ng, a sur1•11·or o f ZudfaL \ lo11r alt:icks t'S· prtssl•d dou bt that he is the killer. Dryan t l lartnell, 20, a Pac1t 1c Univer~1ty s l u den 1 11hose coed t <11npan1011 11;·,,_ one of Zud1:it's fll'l' 1 let1r11:-.. s<11d !heir a!!ilC'kcr·.s 1 Ult"l' \v:is rnuch older and tll·<'Pt'r lh<in that or !he television t aller. who spoke in i;oJt, aln1ust boyish tones. llartne!J's opinion was :;u p· ported by a Napa pol1ccn1an and j Valle;o police t:lcr~, 11\111 hco1rri th1· rt·.d killer's 111w1! 11 lit'11 Zod11Jl' l';1lled t11 rPpurL t"o uf lli s 1Jt!:1t·ks 1nrliltlJt1l: !hr <Jill' in 11 1i1('h Harlnl'!l 11';i,; !>l:1l!hi·tl <J <1v~1 ·n 1iri1t'!> "'l'lus n1t•n11s wp ~ire b;,t·h ln s4u;J re one.' ;-.a u! IHlt' ul thP 1Jozcns ot delcr L11 cs as~1gn1'd to the t<1se. ~pring~ SLrec!. Dead 11flrf' Tina i\facia~. 13. and J)o1111n1c: Z<i!Jln, 11 , of \I l11l11cr. 1'ot J(ill cd • • B y Dog Pa('k \Vltat 's Cooking 3 Men Leap Golden Gate "FROM THE FARM" The c~111forni~ II i ~ h II ;i y r ;1lrol said lhr c;1r tlr11 co by Fern:inllo Fr11usl•t. 18. ;ip· p;,irently had a fa1\urt• in 11s :-lt>cring n1el·h;1n1.'.'tn_ The car fi rst struck \110 l:l· ,1car-0ld girls ~uu1 a 12-.ir:ir-<i!tl llol' on a birvrle. thrn ~];1 111· rnCd into a p~nel !ruck. Fr11n1 tllt·re 11 hit a second p;-1rk <'rl 1eliic le, 1~·h1ch in turn strul"k :1 mtlv1ng au!o injuring both Jls Q('l'llP<lnls. 1\le:inwh ilt·. the truck spun ;11'u1111d, .\!ruck and kill<'il f.;1lf1n. tl1en hit another 13· ) c<1r-0lrl girl. The drad girl 1\aS stnJck by Frausto·.~ car, C c c 1 Ii a Gallegos. also hit by the. car "·as in fair condition at La J\1 irada Cotnmunity Hospital. Frausto. the two occupants of the other auto. the 12-year· old boy on the bike and the gi rl hit by the truck esc:iptd "'1th minor in1u nes. f ra11s10 "·a~ not 1·ih'1I hy J>Ohtc. UC Created. Audience Says Davis OAKLAt\"D ( AP 1 -A CCllTI· mLJni sl 1ns!rLJct11r ;Jl t he U11h•crsity of Californ1C1 .1t I.us Angeles says ;1lt~n1pt s lo nre htr havf' n1ercl_1· givt'n hL·r ;1 11;1tiouw 1d<' spt•aking pl;ltfilt"ITI , Angela D;n Is, 2;,-yt•ar uld i\c,r.;ro philosophy profi:>ssur. ~:11d Thursday her 111J!lt1c;d \ 1e11.~ ;utd thr 11pro<1 r ovf'r ht·r t1is1nissa1 a nd l<1tc r re1nst:1tr· fllCnl g<1ve her •·an <1UdJ~lll'C of ;i rnillion people all ovrr !lie country." Not J(nifer S:\ '{ JOSE l l !'I I -/\ t11 0- ~1'!1!' n!it Lu.' t:,1tu:-J:irl. 11 110 II:\.~ h1•l/L'I ··d to ha1 .~ d11 '~I ;(!, !ht· l1a11rl~ uf i1 kn1ll'·\\'11 •ldu1~ sl;,iyer ]111· d:11 s ag... :q1- parc111ly 1vas hilh·d b.1' a IJ:i ck tJf 11 ild dot,:s. :-i:111l;1 Cl<1r:1 County Cor,11H ·r .J ohn fi<111 scr ~:1 1d Tllur\d<t.Y rr·- i')'<;11111na l1on r>I lhi: bod y o[ !";hclly llnl1nb1)('. 1.1 11d t·n1 11- p;1 ri~n11 11 1th 1u1·t•:11'• ,,r 111hL·I" clog .itta<'k 11<•!11ns. 1'l<';lrl.v 111· <li c:a ted the t hild wa~ killed by animals. Shelley's body, 1\·hich con· 1ained nc;1rJ~· 200 slashes. 11•<1s found ll•.<;s than threl' 1ni!cs from a spot \1•here two San .ro~c tPPn·ai:e ~1rl!< 11t'rr k1llr-d t:i,I Aug 4 Tho·.v 111.'re st:1hl:n:d ;1 to!al ol :!:otJ t llllt'" .';111!:1 1"1:11.1 l'u11n11· Sh1•nlf t 0h,1rl1'-. l '1 r hn1h -.;11fl the 1 10~ ll1l'!lf\' 11,1S ··.,~ l!rnJd .1 ~ illlY 11<' hll\t". probabl.1 h1•1 H·r '• H111 J1r-s:ud In• \\'a.'i rf'l uc1;Hll !o abandon l"nn1plelcly the ~r:1hbing l111e of investig;itiu11 ht•<•au .. e •·it 1\'0tdd he <l hnr· riblc thing if 1-1'<' baeked o!f uo11· and ltt a killer loo:;c ." Shelley's nnkcd body !'.l:1shcd, ripped nnd torn 1Y;is found 111 n vi ney ~1 rd h(•hind lier horne !;i sl Sund<1.v ni ght. 1l;1user said J11~ n.:1'ic_11· ~ho1rl'd 1hc bud~· 11·;1~ l)tni.: ''hkt· ;1 r;i g doll thal !1r1•I bl'~·n \\'Ul"l"l('d :1ht)Ut by \;U"gC <ll ld I h"\(lll~ dt1g" 11:111-.•·r s;ud n r i g h ho r ~ rcpor!L·tl hearing ;1 dog light 1n 1111· area :.1hnu1 the 1ln1 c !ht· t"h1 ld 1hs;1pprared :ind noll'd dogs hail h('Cll run111ng 11·1ld th~·rc 1ur ~0111•· 111nr. 1·11rer v.·cre c:1plured i\1ondrty. "The last thing in the \\'orld ;:=================::-:--::=::~ !hat [ a1n interested in JS Ill• doctrinating studenls." :-h{· s<.iid ... This dof's nol Tll<'llll that I 11·otild not present f1"!J rx1 st prr.~~clivcs 11·hen 1h<'y :11 c· re lev ant," BEST T ~e DA ILY PILOT oil&" "·"'" o f tht beit le•IY<t •. bv ~c l11 ~I ou•v•v o f •e1deri, ~•8il 8 LI • i11 •~Y ~•'"•DdPe' in l~, ~~,;~n. Coming Oc:t. 25th Family Week.{y Family ~ekh', ·Why Middle· Age Men Revolt By Somnel G. Kling The oulhor, who wrote ~he Comple te Guidc- to Divorce," explains w hy lhe middle-age man rebels and describes how he must help h im~elf to adjust by facing reality. • e NO GHOSTWRITER -f';irJp ~ythol 0~i.~t Jinns J [0[7.('J". nO!('d ~pook <.'hil~<.·r. ,,;1_~ s .\r11e r1c;1 h<1 s 1norc haunlcd hou,;r s th ;111 <-1111' ut ht•r 11;1t10rl 111 lhe 11·orld and tells 11 here Iii fin d 1l1t::tll 1!'1 ~1 dc- 11111 \cly not ghost.11 r1ttc11 <-1rt1clr. e HALLOWEEN HINTS -Natinn:1l Safrt1· 1·01111· cil tells youngste rs ho\\' to h;11 c 1u11 \11!iHllll hl'- ing hurt on trirk·Of·t real 111i,:h1. e 'HELLO DERE' -1\lnrl v :\llrn l('ll!' ;1 bn11t 111:- "0pcration l·lello J)rrc" In \I h1c h llr cnlcrta 1n s returning V1 clnan1 n1ilttJry ca)l unl l ic·~. COMING SATURDAY IN THE Prison R eci pe for Drugs tha1 he t:Ould 1nake a ne1 an· nu;_1J profit of n1ore th:in $3U.fJOu from illegal sale ol !he tlrui;. Suicides 5A'.ll FH A :~CISCO (APl Al least two and po~s1bly three uiCll plungl.'d to tht•1r de:1lhs fro1n the Goh!en c::11e l:tndgc Thursday. A fr1urth n1;i11 wa s ~pprehcndcd :i! thl' r:11ling by ORANGES .. TOMATOES . 20 ~~s0 1 1 oo . 1 QC LB. CORN PICKED DAILY 485 EAST 17th STREET, COSTA MESA I Next to Lido Car Wash) S:\'.'\ FRA;--.iC ISC{) I L.:PI l - _.\ n1:1n \l hO ~d 1n1lte d 1nanuf<1ctun ng il!t•g;1I drugs 1uld :i c ongre ss i on a I 111 · 1e~11ga11ng eu111n11trt:c he le:1rncd ho1v 11 hilc in prison. and another s;.iid he got lh(' knowledge rroin 3 college J1hr;;rv. li1t·liard Benneto. a :10-yea1'· old San Frant:ise:111, said ht• "'1~ serving n j<iil s(•nteni:e fur reel.'.i1•ing ~t 11le11 prnpi'rly \l'hcn I! rclicJ\V !1ll1J<l[C liJ ld hi nl he 11ntild need n1oney when he got ou t. .Jaml's King, a proll'.:-siosal n1usici a11 and >o!ude11t a l Sacramento S1a1c Colll'gc. said he had a !lltle knu11·letlgc. of che1nistry and lhl'll :;pent 111·0 hou rs i11 th1· vol ll'ge library one dt1y looking up •:he n1tc;1! ;:i bslr:icls 10 lear n l1ow lo n1ake the illr-gal dn1g '. offit:ers 111 a rOYJng su1c1tle ~=~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~ JJl"f:V~'nl1011 p<1l rn!. 1------- The fou r unrcb1led ineidcnts --- sc1 a on<'·dav record tnr thel bridgr. l<in10Lis for its ju111prrs sinl·e lL 1v;is opened 32 year>o ago . I ·;Let ine tcai:h you ho1v lo t·ook," the i n1n~tc told him. Bcnnel!o said Lhe "cooking·• 1ras the illegal preparation or ··speed'' or amphetamine, a :-ll"ong st in1ulanl found in such prt·~t·nplion drugs ;,s '·d1l'l ' pill:-_ B1·n11rl11 !-.;11d he had 1111 hut·kground 111 ph) ~1c·, ur 1 '\ii•1111~\r~. htll li;1d no (!ii· l!l'U !t.v ]P:1rn1ng 1he fu1·111ul11 an1! n1r11lud lor 111:"1k1ng Ilic 1irug froin his lellow 1nn1;_ite. l\ing ~aid he h~td a h:t- 1crhcad printed and opened a bank acr.ounl in the name 0£ Df'lta Resea rch in order to ac· qu ire the cbemica!s \\'ithout :;usp1cion. lie also said his original in· vestment 11·as $200, but denied 1hat he had anyth ing Ir) do l•l1h d1.~lr1hu1lnn of thr drtiJ!" nr knf'11• 11h.1t the ul!i111.1!<' 11rul1t 11 :1s. (j II l.'I ' II lo Ca11aila in July Ident ity of une \'ll'lin1 was, being 11•ithh(•ld p e n d i n g notHica!ion of relatives. ( T\\'O othf'r lxxhcs h;1 l'e no! been identified. 1 Off icer!"i said the first man ' jurnped off the Qtean !.Ide of !ht• brulJ:t' al 1!·44 a rn. lits hotl.1 11 as rr-L·o1 ercd by a p:i ss· 111!,! ll,hHll! bo:l\. An hour l.111·r ;i 1n:111 11 ho ad· n1111rd he \ras i·onten1pl~11ng st1Jl•1dc was s1iu!!ed by ulfircrs ;i i Ilic 1·;11l1ng a11d t:.ikc n 111101 prutt•ct1rl' custody. I ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85< \\"hen he got oul uf pri~on, Benneto :-aid. h<' .set lll> hvu l1nns, one supposedly dealing 111111 insectici des ;ind the other \\'1th dyes. This enabled hin1 ro buv the. two n1ain ingredient~ 01 .. "speed " 1l'il hnut suspt<'ion t111 the part of the che1n1l'J I rt·t:iill'r;;. 01 .. fA\\'/\, CtHlilda fAP) - Queen El1z:ihclh 11 :ind hl'r hush:1nd, l'r1ncr l'hil1p, \1111 1011r C;111a\1;1 111 .July 1970. A g(lvc rnrnrnl ~lillt•1nent \\'cdne~dav ~ai d 1he rov:i l v[~1t 1101ild li1gbll~h1 lhe ecr1trnn1~1 ls (Jf Iii(' pnJ1·111ve of 1'lan1toba .:inc! lilt• .l\"orth w<·.-.t Trrr1torics. About the sa1ne 1i1nc, lhe had!y brUISl'd body of a 23.1 yeo-ir-old rniln \\";lg f o u n 11 1 bcne::ith !he bridge. A cor·1 liner 's irn•c:;tiga !crr said he is prf'su111ed 10 l1:11·c Jll rnpedl Iron\ the bridge l;;tc \\'Cd· I For ca ns anrr 6 p.m. weekd<J)'S ncsday or e:1rl:.> Th1irsdJy. 1 and all weekend. 3 minutes Bt·nnrtto said his in11ia t in- "·as <ibout Th1· 1hrt·<' nC'wi·~t vitl1m ~ slation·tO·Slal1on, plus ta...:. @ hclfk:T•~ &.lo would bring tile :12-year tot:il 11[ f011firrned Jurnµcr s tu JiO. 1 ~----------- • Small Truck Owners! 8 PLY $5995 f .E.T. J .~4 f.[.T. l .84 MAG WHEELS ' 4·PLY NYLON WHITEWALLS $16.95 F.E.T. 1.16 e VW e POll~CHE e VOLVO • TRIUM'H ORIG. E~UIPMENT WHITEWALLS $21 ~95 F.E.T. 271 815"•1 5 • 145i15 e I ULCK • CHRY!>L[ll 646. 5033 11111"'" I e r LYMOUTH!i General's NEW JUMBO Jet Commercial Size Ply A.1r Carry1nr Pressure Capac1ty 10.16 .S I 0.16.5 6 8 45 60 2,JJO 2,750 SS/8000 Super Sport • Mirror.polish chrome • Cast aluminum center ' • Theft-proof hub cap • Other styles avail able LOW MILEAGE USED TIRES $5.95 YOU" CHOICE Don Swedlund Complete Brake Reline ( J11r 'rc~i.di,l~ Jd1oc ;ill J. v.lic~l-., n;tn1ilJ ()1i11dc1>t, Jura hi.o~c dn111i-. ;~;;~~tc ~~~··, $4995 Most u.~. Carl Front End Alignment Onr 'rr. : . .i,,t, c,11 IC< l , "'IP, ,·,1111\v<. ln~·<ll, 1.>t \ '"! "' 1n,111.,1."1'"''·s ~r~ .. n. 1••r>M•. $850 Mo~t U.'5. Car' ~1u! ~;olcl 1 ·dor, k )QIJ( ~.LIS ~lC:CUl\i• 4-PLY RAYON WHITEWALLS $29.95 F E.T 291 e CADILlAC tt LINCOLN 8 CHRY5l[R .e IUICI( 4-PLY NYLON WHITEWALLS $25.00 F.E.T. 2.'4 115wl4 • 855il4 e PONTIAC, CHEY .• e OLDS COMPLETE CAR CARE Sinc;e I 959 Hour!.: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally • • " • " • • • • • • " • • • " • Riding a Wi1111e1• Seated on 1nockup of Apollo con1mand 1nodule, George Glacken of Fullerton dis plays fl ight patch Apollo 12 astronauts \Vill \.vear on Nov. 14 lunar landing mission. Gl acken, who \vorks for Space Di- vision of Nort h A1nerican Rock\VCll, s ubmitted ''Yankee Clipper" as code name for Apollo 12 flight. Ii \vas picked by astronauts fron1 more than 1,500 names ~u bmitted by North An1erican employes. Air Freight Growtli Seen i1i Next Decacle ANAl1 El1\.1 -An explosio n in air freight gnJ\\'1h during the next decade is foreseen by an aerospace engineer fr om U1e Lockheed·Georgia Con1pa- ny. "As gr('.1l as 1he expansion of passenger air travel vdll be IJEATH NOTICES FA IT J e»il! C. Fdi! Avo ~~. ol 1001 ltt· • ward l~ne. Ne..,.nott lleacl!. D•1• of ~ do"!I!, Oclot>~r 1l . 5LJr•i>'Od l>V two ""-oon,, Newell, 1)1 Coron• del M~r. BM , Geo"'P Fail Ne"'por1 Beacl\1 11\r•• # vrnnaonlldren and l)nt 11root·g•and· •.> cl\lld Servi<~• w.il !><' l!eld Satu•dav, fl 1T AM, Bell Bro~own• Cl!IPl!I, witll • Rt "' lore~ Fhci<11>Qer o!f!cialing, -,. In!""'""!, Evo•9r~en Ctmeterv In Ev· ~ .. ,~11, w~,n.nqton, Di•~cie~ t>v Sell -• Bru1dwat /.\or!uarv, (o~•a M"-••. ,, c:AUUREAU -Alo~O'l>i""-Flo••nce G<tudrr•u l Xl ... .0.l~orl Pl&(•, CO•I• 1.'~o•, D•re of ~, deolh. OUobor ?1 Survooed by douOh· , '"'' lrone Sa vin, ln'>lewooa; "'"' G•ne ~ G<>udr•""' w n ""d d<><J~l!lor.ln·l"w, .. M r ond M"· Erne•• G•~<lrr•u. of ., P•cJllc eeocn: d~U9h••r·ln-low, M,., • Hom•r G•udr~~u: !WI> g•anri<llol<lr~n, ,. 6or<t Sov;n and l:larb•r• Gaudrt•u- • ll eouiem Ma" """' h•ld !oday, Fr•• .... d~v. l2 Noon. ~I Jo1<hi""'' C•lhol•t • Ch<Jt(I\, ln••rm•n!, Holv Seoulrh•r ,. Cem•lerv, Dl<oc!•d bV We~ltllfl (hoPel # MO•IUorY, 6•6·•8% ,_ llALATOFF r Paul M, l'•laTol!. Rr~·denT or L• .. t<at>r1 and Newnort lloa<h. Dete at ... de••~. Oclo1'or 'l ~<i<V•v•d bv w'lo, .; Lillian L. 1-1•1•10!1. ion•. Nl<h<>'"' an<! -P<>ul M , t<olMolf. "'""""°'' fl oo<h: • dou~hTt,., l<'dlnorme G~r>~n, E"on· d;do: Cnr;"•n• P i~·~••d. 1.or,q 8 e11•11: ~ I..'""" B~,,,~11 . S•·M!le: V"YI~'• F!•<i• 1 (le•. l .; HM!t~i ll!i<ll H>ll~lc'!, fl<••· rio•T e rac~c hroth•"· Pele t•"l~toPP. Downe•1 tt••vc•, (..nn~ l<~•<n; •"d John Ha101ou: LQ• A'lqe••·, $•$tor~. M"'• A oo'~"""' Ore•n»de: 11., .. Ur''"•• Wnlf!•e" E''h•' 5neoMl1, (! Mnn!e. •NT lour .,,~n<!C~•ld"n ~ff•­i<e~ w.11 be ti'1d S••u•d••• ! "'M, '" the Cl1•1>el "' Pa~.i < v .~.,, w1rn Rrv, D~n II B•"~H O!HCIM•nQ lnlerh"on•, P•ti•I< Uoe" Mrtl'loro•I Po•~. Dl•r<!t'1 by Paor.c Vi•"' ¥o""•rv. llAHRIS ARBUCKLE & SO:"l \\'estrliH J\1ortu ary 427 E. 17th SL, Costa J\lesa 616-·188& • BALTZ i\fORT UARIES Corona drl i\lar o n :1-94)() Costa l'\lesa ~ti 6-Z424 • BELL BROAO\\'AV .. i\IORTUARY ~ 110 Broadway, Costa l\lesa ~ LI 8'.433 • ~ DILDAY BROTllERS Jluntington VaUey l'tlortuary J7911 Beach Dl,1d. in the 'iOs," says F.A. Cleveland , •·an even ,r:reat cr increase is foreseen by the in- dustry Jeaders." The firm's vice president of adl'anced programs offered 111~ remarks in a paper called "The Freicht-Shaped Future'' prepared for the a n nu a JI meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and 1 Astronautics IH'rC'. I I-le compared the projected growth of frcC-\1.'0rld passenger air travel "-'ilh airfreight operations fron1 1965 to 1980. "Forecasts project n n average annual gro\\'lh rate of llA prrcent for r evenue passenger n1ilcs in the 15-yr;ir period, represen1ing a fi ve-fold inc rease." Clcve!:ind S.'.lid, '"On the same ba sis, air freight miles flo>vn in the sdmc period <ire predicted to enioy a JO-fold increase or an average annua l growth rate of almost 17 percent.'' "Th is is attributed in part to a vast ne>v m<irkct of con tract freight \\'ai"tlng to be tapped by a irline operator.~." he CX· plained. ··our ;i1rports may ~ce sc1·eral planeloads of .i11torn11bi l('s, appli ances and even foodstuffs tr,1nsported by giant a1rllftcrs each d11y." All of this increased airport acttv1ty \1·ilJ require the 1m- provcme.nt of the flo1~· of peo- pl{' and goods through existing a1rporJs, ac co rding lo Clevt l.'.lnd. HORT Eve'V' l -11011 A9o m QI A111' Pur "'"-11.o"h ';I Quart in !I. LA11t~''"'­ C•lil, ~'""'V•<I ~, <MUQMer. lo."• H""'' B•nrren '"Tor~. "'"· Cl\••I•• S•I"•· f rc1no, f>'11 lov••n•o wn11.,_ hO~<I. (o•t• "'''"! "'"· Eth~''" 51.,, • lovonl, Lan'"'"" Mt.<. E{loa Mclln· """'• .,.,,..•rd; ~•ol r.or. Elli• W111er, IO•ho: ond '"'Q ~r.1ndch!ld1en, Serv•<•• ...... ,. t>e•o '"""'· F"""'· i PM. 8!11 eroadwov C ~a1>el, wl•ll "'"'· PNov II. """"" offLc••l1nv. IM•<ment, t<~•tlot Ro•! Memori•I ""'~· Bo u Bro•dw1Y Mor!u1r1. Co•t• M•••· Dl<octo ... NOREf\ F •ancr• £, No<ei.,, ~)9 S•n Bun•r<llno, •irwJ>Ort Be•<ll. S"v;ces 1>ena:n~ •t We•tc!lll Ch<>;;el Morl~~,y. (1.16..jiN. RUSSELL Mae P. Pv.,•11, l()j .0. Brrn1•<1 SI., (Oil• Meu. D•!• al ae•lll, Cto. 11, Survived l!v d•uynter, ""•-Bevt,IV O<nnl•. (Ml• M•o&: ''''"'· M ... Mtl· ''' Holm•~· Muo~egon, Mlcnl~~n. R•· o~·•m M•<• Mon<leY, ' AM. S•, JO.· <ll•m'1 Ce•hollc (~ur~h. IMt•m•~I. Good Snepl\!rd C•m•lerv. eell• Mor-• Huntington Btacb 84%-7771 i '""'"' (Mte Me1a, Oirtoto ... • l\lcCOR.J\flCK LAGUNA BEACll MORTUARY J79S Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach ~lt-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW ft1E1\fORIAL PARK Cemelcry e l\1ortuary Chapel :1500 Pacilic View Drive Newport Beach, Californil 644-2700 • PEER FAl\JILV COLONIAL FUNERAL DOl\fE 7801 Bolsa Ave. WestmJnskr 893-35?5 II II IJNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK SOUTH COAi T PLAZA BRANCH NOW OP'EN SATURDAYS ... MON.-THURS • fll:IOAYS 1 P'.M . 10-S P.M. 10·' P.M. 17141 540·5211 . Locctt.d h11 5o. Cont "••· Costo MtM Ant. Vice "'"··M~~ff•r E. H. LEVAN SHEFFER :oRTUARY 1/'=========:'.I Lago"" ll<aoh 49~1535 BOAT BUFFS San Clemente 49%-0100 I • 1: SMITllS' i\tORTtJARY II 627 i\lain St. ' Al mon l odo:•b•v " I~• only lvll.tl"1• bo•lin9 •dilor "'01kin9 (In e ny nowtp•p•r '" Or•ng• Cou"IV· Hi1 ••<.lu1iv• cC••r•g• of ba,.tin9 i nd '1 1chlin9 n•wo it 1 iltily l1•lu1• of l kt DAILY llunlinRtnn Reiu:h S3~6;ill '-~~~~~~~~ 'i PILOT. ( 'S pace Airliner' in Anierica's Future? ANAllE!t--1 next i::cncra1lon $p:icecr<i (t niay be a "1101'kl10rsc" lhti L looks like an airline r. launche~ into orbit like<• rocket, flies in spuce for up to a month and returns to iln airport landi ng on earth, a top space ugcncy offic:ial said Tbursday . i\laxime A. Fagct, director of engineering anti develop- ment at the fl-f anne d Spacecraft CC'nter in Houston, said the ne1v design mighl ma ke placing payloads in orbit fron1 IO·l o-100 tin1 es cheaper. new era of space flight,'' f';1get said. I re sa id it could !'C'rre .1i. a r:.irgo ur passenger line r operating between Earth :1n1J spaee stations. perfor1n in · dependent militnry or sl'icn- tific rrconnaissance 111Lssions 111 orbit, retrieve dam ;1ged un- n1anncd satclli!es and eject robot spacecraft into pret•ise orbit s. such a vehicle operating ln t11c 1rud-1970s. "!f Ila! cle:.i~n is <lefkii:11l eithe r as a rocket, entry 1'eh1· rle ur airplane, its Jl.'.I~ load rarrying ah j I I I y iand cconorn y) probably' would suf· fer greatly." ~'ll).(C! s:ud . \Vhen put in plaec for launehing, Fag('t said. the space shuttle would :.utnd 225 feet nnd \'o'e1gt1 2 5 1111llion pvunds. lL "''ould loft 25,00U 11ounds into orbit. \\'OU!d h."n1e rocket engincs1 n10111\l(.'d 111 its tr11!.. The dua l vch1cl~! \1·oul<l ht• lJlHlchrd nose first like :l t·on1't·11 lion:1I rocket.. I The long vehicle would sr.r1•(> as <i fir st stage lilLJnl'hi·r· to start the tnp into orbit. Then .: its fuel srent, it would drop o[f I lhe s1nall orbitnl craft ;:111d return to a landing at the launch site. 'Vi n!(s \\'ould k t lls l'!"cw cruise 345 miles back to an a1q1lant"type land111~. I BAHA'ISI OF COSTA MESA PRESENT SPEAKER -JOAN BULKI N THE ME -"RELIGION RENEWED" TIME -OCTOBER 27 -s,oo PM. PLACE -985 VIC TORIA 1111111· otl1rr· //1011 1/11' /Jc11.crn1cut (/lltl /h e tl'11H41u/l ly uj 11.'i pr•o· BAHA'U 'LLAH "Such a vehicle is visualized as carrying out a great 1n any "''orkh urs(' tasks, leading to a Speaking during the final day of l11c 6th a n n u a I An1eriean I nst i Lu t c of Aeronautics and Astronauti cs 111eeting, Faget said develop• n1enl of the craft would be "a n1ajor (>ngincering ta s k , ' ' Sp.'.lce officials hope to ha ve The two-stage "'ehirle \\•ould look hke a pair of a:t iincrs - one short and fat '1ltached "piggyback" to the lop of a longer and sli rn1Tie1· nnc -at lhe !irne of launch. E<1t h Rocket.~ 111 the SJTialltr p;iylo:id \'l'hitle \'o'Ould rr•rry iq 011 11ao orbiL and allo1v it~' {'fl'W 10 rn onCUl'l'r there .I F;1get ~a id . -- Compare to Othen Selling Elsewhere for Dollan Morel Gift Boxed Jewelry · futt C~!>iel llf Jr•ii;n rr C<'llutr,, 1"1"• • elry~ Om0>e fiom 1 srom- .,. 1.•f( "'ort• mrnt .,f io·· ~lry to ""''. 69~ p!rment now {al] •11drobe •• , In ,.:i•e for Cbrl\!m1>! Ul1hune pic«i 111:11 ga ln;;etll<i In h.lrp, larmonr or •tlnd alon• doiti ct,•clr. l'.'o:wr>t f.ub1on cnlo11, Je)•,;i>'. Sbop e11l1 for be! ~election! s1 59 Maalox • • • • • • I l·O•. Plain •r With lroll--lwy 4 •~' :H~t lUf. 31c Similac • • • $6'5 Value! Colorful Metal s1 59 Contac COLD CAPSULES .. 97c ps B' mm 21 !. Penetray Bookcases ~~~i!~·;o'f~ 3ss d«t>rotion o ri f >c ll 1br!/, 11>ey'rc •ll•k· 1b'.c-, r•ri b e "''"! in r•1r1 cm l~p of ellll <>thrr. J.diu.<W>I~ sbcl~..,_ ~Ow u!l bi· _jQ" .. ·,de. JOD f>OWlds r•f"U!)". Iott I• 1f I 00 Ttbl..t1 DANDRUFF SHAMPOO • $139 A • Reg. $2 91 Men's nac1n Knit Shirts • • • • • • Pull Faihion Solid calllrJ -..·irli rotl• tr.u1ia,i;: <<>lor trim on modi: turtle atl 11.Lho ktiit ,ko;·o and ,...,lt. S"ft .,,d lurwillll3 1cr;l• ic in ••hite, black, rild, l•mc or><I fO)'>I blue. 5 ~f·l·Xl.. s1aa i1 73~··Kotex SANITARY NAPKINS • • K'<l~o C~"'"'• Women's Scoop Neck $1 45 Schick PACK OF 8 DOUBLE EDGE Jersey Blouse ·····~·w ... '""'""""''""'"' :::~;::::,:' ... ~,~~ S2'a 79 Colgate 100 .. t"e JC"~ Ill "'ho<C. n.l\T, bim..,, Of o;"hl l."n11 .•!.,.vrs, 1•,bm- tf'n hom. S' me J Yi -01. T~b• "~c Off" Lak! 1;k srlhr..o: for sis ~";~~:;~,.,,,,. 69c Ultra Brite ~~~~~ 591 Bicycle Playing Cards ~''"\; tip nn1f' f~f br .. 1.-·, rn'"" r1-n!~hl• i;•mrs!. ~r« cu ! ] ow <l1•(nur.! f'•lce for JUTIJ1..J ••me nn)y! 44' Cordless Electric POCKET SIZE Norelco Shaver Con1plctel1 .elf COf>. ,1,mi<J. G ivr! 51) >hl'<" al1f"'hn.-nq nnl, 4 pml.j;l11 !tit. !C"1'<J (nOI indud- ed), Mirror built,,,.. tu""'· On.-yr. .. ·ur1n1r. •ur-12. ----s14a1 $21' Aladdin Lunch Kits \l'o11un•n" uric 1:ttl !<rnth I: it ...,;,11 riot boutr. Grui fnr ~itJ-.~r 1ak1n.i: to W'O•k (If for $Cbool! 971 Bazooka Bubble Gum $1 2 ' Value! . '· ~Halloween DISCOUNT. f'RJCt BOX OF 120 4 Costumes 79c ""·"'I sac P'ric1 A rrd trnt >II ~( 1lio•t lr11lt ll•llo- ""tn tucken .,.,11 C~)")! Jo 1ro«R l~CTol1t Jdl\'lonn N' ~tolt~Vm• t h• " •lid >l.•l<eon• ~·!"' llih<t •~•· /'$14'5 Values! /,, Hi Fashion Pendant Watches ::.~~: .. 1$59& Dluovnl Prk.d Jl:ef"tt of ._ 1elloot.J Stt ,thew bt~uti!ul (lti l.ionll by '-f~r(c] in ,1. •·i<!t ~~1~11•.lll oC ncwe:s~ slupcs and Jtyles to <ldi,r:hc t·1 cry F,1( I lkrend.•bk. ••t:u ril~ tirnepiect"J 11 ~.11 onp of $?.26. Duy for yourself .,. for gi ft! nnw. ~ j ~·;;~!:,":~:~!~,· $795 Value! Hi Intensity Desk Lamps J'ull1 1djru11bl< u~ilifJ 1•1d .!r<I: J 1 n1 p "' •'•oi(e d color,, Com- rkte ... ·ith bulh . s4aa $1 99 Value! Gold.Finish $395 Value! 2400 Ft. ct-.~ Recording Tape AUDIO MAGHOIC 5!'<'<!.lrul.rr volu"' 7 i~<h reel, iph'" fttt, fot\t qwl- il• t.pc , • ·• ~mrk up ... ;,h sM·tr•I m:IJ •t lh11 1,,... i1;1ro11111 rri~e ! $)97 General Electric AM/FM Clock Radio Discount. $2588 Pnca .S.-lid !llt~ lMt1n1 pl.1y, Ko tubes IO i« out n! orde1. Ling eroublc free,..,..., 11.-. A11tont.1l<C •·ake lll miuic ! Dynamic >poku k n~Ueo1 tooc. J.lod. vo10, . Foot High Floral Toy Poodle 11,;,,n".o:t1<nrt1 r<>0i11c 98( ""'' ,,, "'"' "" "' "'"' • • , WlflH!P'",e '•iv~ie'' look ! i:o:~r <•w•uon•t<d b o ,. > ~n "~'k •nd h••d. l!r 1 b(,-~fog in be u.1.:.,, hnmr '. ~~:!:/)Automatic Transmission iib " ., Fluid 2 •;:;to 6 7 c -~ TJ~: .. ,.oou..-s.111~1 ff•f5fAQotitt ~;;......;... ___ -;: -·,~-·-------..,...,.._--------------------------~ JO DA!L V PILOT s ,,, Oclobtr 24 LEGAL NOTtCT.--1 LtCAf I: ---.-,-,-,-.-,-,-.-,-,-,-.-,-,-.-,-,-.-- ~ 1 A IE Of (ALIFOlllHI. J'Olll NOTICE , 1•n1 c eltTll"ICATli OF FICTITIOUS NAME TH [ (0UNll' Of 0 .... l'Gi NO A 1tllt NOf C[ O~ HEAlt NG Of l'ETIT ON OVER THE COUNTER Con1plete-Ne,v York Stock List 'lEW YOll K IAP I T"u "''' • (Ompl•lt N'" 'Vo A StocA E ~cr11n1jt "'tu saiet .,.,, (1'19' I Hl1ll \.1w CloM {hi " TM Uf\Ge~i'Olnllt<I 00 t t r11t• 1~•1 • • (.,....tKl...,111•""""~ 46'1.,o•nn lte.d Nf'WPWI flt•<~ Cal lo • d• , ... I (! I OU• I rm ........ .,. ~I •CS• IP llQAO CO'l\IALESCENT I OSP T•l ~no ttial 11 a r rm , (omt'OJO'd o! t... !a "" '"' ""''""' w'>a•• ,. ...... ~, " u l • "' pl&c•o (ti rt s O•r>(P or ~ ! I .,. FOil l'ROI ATE OF WILL ANO FOR I•• ...... ,,..,""'''''"''="'" l£1 TElf~ 0 F AOM!N ~TltATION ~-:!!"",c:c·"'-"'''"-'-''"'~-o:::cci::'""''"'"'""'""''"'U"'""'"''"'"'"'''''''''=•g•1••,...,,_,..,..,. I NASO L1 sl1n9s for Thursday, October 23 1969 -A- l 1!1 1I~ 176 3• • l1\o IOU •l•o •1'- ll ?o • '''"' Jl .. -•• •1 . + \ , .. He ,, e"ll (~~ O !~ J~•n• ll~~'fG ••nD••ll•••• C• •o•n • 90111 .,,.. , •<I rr•n $'"'"" IU \ (• •it' '"'"'" ~0> .. ....,.~, C• iorn d ll'llll l ou~o o~•otwo • 10~9 H•v Jo •P" (n8 OI f JO'ffl~ ~ boor $mo" F ~o<• ~ "'"" Sl•!t ol (• '°'"' lo enq• ro On Orob• 'l•i>O o~• •n•~l r•~ ""bl c n •nd IO ~•d ~ • • ~ un~ V .,_8 •<I H• ¥ Jo•~o• {ho • Jo •Ph Albt I S rno anC F ~"~' ~ mnn lo.now 'om' o bt •n• <>•""'~"'"a •"""'''~ t •vD•cr l'>od o n•wlnn nu"'• 8U A ~ """' ..OU•c:I hf> • f( U!f'<I I e ~· • !SEAL) Grfl •lO .. wt Ull[ II •o ovl'~DI< N• (~mm •CO [•~ ., J~•1•10l WEI J<ISTE!N SAL Tl • ll UF F ,.£11 f HomeYI ., L•• fllllO Su•••! &nul1u1 d Su • \ O \"" ,t,n11 '" Col •-v~ ~ ~t "" 0 ·~ T •llU •II ('~n~ (~ D :i • o tJovrmO• WITH THEW LL AlllH EllEO ... t<EflfflY n~C ~ Gf ~dn il A.ti• t:iltu O•lto 0 ·~•It' 11 1'•• ~ Sl JO> ll <.olJlllY (!• • N Alll D FllAllll(LIN Co•lt Mnt {I I lorn• '1011 r.1 i1 • ~· n 11 " on•r • ,. ' '" '"' ' "' " . nr<1 O ofi Ocnn• 1• n :i " '-------,--- LEG \L NOTICE LF.r.AL NOTICE: <•~•~•• C• O• 'd n ~~· •• • t •on " " Or g1>• 1 ''' ~·r .. , ... 1~··~ •r l!1 J>'A {~ ' . .. " '"" .. .. . .... . .-.. . ..,. ..,,~., .. IC,~<(~ A • • ' • .. ~ • • .. NOTI CE • ' .. ' ' '" "' ,, H•I lltprnont11 •1 ln!or..,_., •< •"O!~hOn1 II I P11<D• mal1t, t AM I tm NASO. Pf'"' 111 nol on<l..Ot t1I• I or m.,~~P ml rAG•wR or tom1n1u11A Investment Bank Firn1 'Vhitc t 11~ ~ I d • . ' 71 79 . ' 11 I' . ' ' ' l ')\ ' . " . 93 ,. . ' ' . '" ' l • JI ' ' • • " J9 OI ' ' .. ' I?. !J •• •6 Don't worry. Golden Wesl will still fly you lo LAX. } 7 1ound Ir ps o'l d ay from O r<\nge Counti; Cul' )Our lta\cl .;i;;cnt or (714} 636 4 07 1 MUTUAL FUNDS "' ' ' • O<t 7J "01!1( ' " (w ~ 1 11 .. 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'"'• ~~ . 91 OJ a 3 • 32 ?A o ?I JI) ' JO " ' • ' P1·ices Take Loss 011Peace Outlool{ NJ_..\V '\ORK (U P l)-Jl1of1t lak1ng and a tlan1p cn1ng of peace hop('s pushed stoc ks ]O\\CJ Th ul sddy after three consecut1vc 1dvHnces Peace cnthu~1as1n \vas (heckcd a bit by a con1 inent from Defense Secrctaiy 1\1clvtn R Laird that he \VOllld oppose a cease fue by US to1ces 1n Viet 11an1 t11at 1s n01. part of any ag1ccn1cnt \v1lh North V1etna11' Recent gains slen1med partly from speculation that Presidcnl Nixon 1n1ght announce a cease fn e or possi bly a large US troop \Ylthdra\\al Sho1 tly before the clo<:c th e UPI n11rkel\\1cl c 1nd1 cato1 \Vas off 0 '2.7 percent on 1 601 issues cross 1ng the tape fhere \\ere 808 declines and 551 ad vanccs fhc [)o\v lrJnes dVCrage of JO blue chip 1ndusl11 al s \Vas do\vn 6 53 at 853 82 nedr the final bell \'ol un1e of a round 14 000 000 shd1cs \\US son1e four 1n1llion shar es belO\V the prev10 1s session An1ong the inosl active issues \1 erc lnterncit1on di Telephonc C ty ln\.esting Benguct Jcr~cy Stan d<ird nnd ( hryslc1 lhc 3u ton1otl\c g1oup di splayed a 1111xcd pal lei n despite a lag in n11d Octobe1 ca1 sJlcs Oil ~ ::.il~o n1 'cd 1 1 irregula r fa s!Ho n <.if!( 1 the Senate f'inancc ( on1n1Hlee voted to CL t tl1 c o!l cit! pletion allO\\ancc a major tax benC'fit for the pt t1oleun1 indu ~ti ) finn1 the p1esent 27 5 pei Le nt to 1l pei rent The llou3c had voted to 1educc 11 to 20 pe1cent ..J AL l<1c ' UAJtCO I UC. Cu 10 MC d n "' ,. co .... J (•m~ 1 Jn{~ Oii• l U~n(o 11 Un E • lO Un I n6 •0 .. 01" so Un o • \Jn l u!J lO UnO Ca I oQ UO(d D I 10 Uo P•< Co 2 U onPdl 1 Ul'•c•O un cnam •O u ovel O Un o•<l<>I Un oo~ )J Un A c 180 Un t1> IQ Uni Fn (81 u ~ " l '(I IJn Ind 20 IJn I d 11 <1 Un MM lO Un Nv<r 9 1 Uo P~ Mn USFo5 J !a US F•a l•O USCvo m l~ U5Gyp oll 80 U> ndu fi u~ 1 vcn I• USP(h p > lO USPCn QI 10 U5 Sn~· U u~ 5me! t> UISne p llO us •• ? ·~ us lobac Uni UI It unu 1 o 1 1 U U I t ~o unvl••t I IO u o vO Pd 80 Unll•Y Cmo Uo "hn 00 IJ •Bdq ~o USL FE SU J5M Co 00 USMoJ O enCon 11" • I' '~ V• •• Co •O II• •n A c Vo~ll• M Vo non { o Ml VF C ,, l II Co 11 ' . ' \loF "" V•EP n \I n !.<> ~ ' ll•EP n<80 ll•fn o•i~ voEP nl• 1 ..... H•!I"'------------•\ ,.... . .. lll&•J lll~l ... (lco. .. ,hl lld• I HI•• u. Clou en. -UV- " ,, ' ' . ' 0 ' " " ••• J('J ll ~ ~I ., w • • • • ' "' ... o • ' .. " "' ., " ' " ,, .. ~ " ' .. • " ' .. 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' ' . 10 • + • ' ' •• " • " ' • " ]O , +1 ., " ' " .. l~ • + " • " ' " • " '" • " •o • -... • .. '" , ' ' '" • ' • .. _ " . • , . - " " " ' • '" n•, -" " ' . • 9 ?516~ I~~ !~ " " , . • ' . " " ' • 00 10 3q ., • • • eor1 os • " ., " • ' .. . ' ,, ' . " ,. • 'I • ' • '" " " .. '• ,. '" " • ,, '" " " " .. ' " • • • . ' .. " " ' '" ,., .. • • " .. .. • •• .. " • w ., .. ' " ~ .. " ' " " " " _, _, 8J • l " I .. " • " • " .. .. '" .. ---------·---------------------·-----------~-·~ -- I 2 DAILY PI LO T • _.:. --· --~--. ~. Vital Statisti~s ior the Orange Coast ANIMAlogic ........ =r-·..,.·· ltfa1·riage Licenses llt•'1>f• ''°""d '"" HOCIVd~ $CHMIOT ·.O.llM~1llON(; 0" 1) f ftrl"I' l(•r•, ?1 01 ~•~I • MOr•oro, ,,nd L•"do ln'"'"· Ii. <ll Co;l<1 M"'• JOHN~ON·JOHNSON -011 I? Cir!· lord L ••· ""d ! ~'dip C•o''"· ~;'. ""'" O! W•>"'""''tr l.IC(AllA·BA iCf II 0<! 11 l'A"I, •1. .aJ•d JionnPPlf, ;~, r;o•h <ll L"I'""• OU(KWOllTH lHO ... A \ (II' ·~ \V<ll om f ' •] "' l ••Ii"'" H lh ... o 11'1''"•· •J, v• ~po•~•" V.•"'' c:.11rr1>-llOS TEN . Oot I~ 11., ., "' HUM1n<1lo~ ll~·~"·· •"d """"A, •1, <>l r.,,,,.,,~ Wt"'l,\A N QUI/JN • 0•< 11 ~A"' t\ ••· on!I JVI"• M, •1, b<>•n ol No" ""'' a •• , ... MOllGAN·M.011-GAN (le! l!. f1 ,mi " .: , •l, ••m•rr•r<I Fo,th l.•u•r!I, ""' l>O!" ol (0;1.1 •~•••· M<K [f.flOll Ol"'~io:v ~ 0<1 11, IO~• (, SI, M\d 50li0 I,, JI, l>OI~ o! 11<><1• •••q!nn 6ra<n, CHAPMAN·STf!"1 -Qc!, 11, llt"(' O.o•id, 11. 01 t.•~ v"""'" N••, ""d N•n<• Jovn~. JO, ol (<>"" M• ·•· r,GC,€11S-Mr00W£l l. Or•. 11 (;~•dOtl AIV•n, )1, ~nd OOro!hl r, lO. bo•n 01 Hun1 ,n~1"" lle•cn. r•r ALZGll AFr~RA"D~l -Ot l 1! J ohn ll•i"u, ~ nl lf"l"OL" """ r<anc~ J••"• 11,. "' W••'m ,n•,1~·- AC~.1.111 l AV E,JOEP 0". IQ, Eo•1,.,1 fo~wMd, q •nd (;l•nOa l~•• ?9, both QI (Q,la M"'•- ( A THCAllT· TOWN~F,NO -0 <1. 1R, E""<n L., ~D, and M•rg•r•I [ , •!>. t>o!h o! Looun• B••ch. llllOMAN-PlEl!.·OOMINICl -Oct. 1!, L•'" I!, 11, o! W~"""n\trr. ,i,nd l<rio!ln• £ .. I•· of l o• Al•""'"'· LOWMAN-PISC ITELLI Ocl. \8, L~wr~n<• w,1vn•, ?(l, O! Cc"• f,\•>•, •n<I Mone, :>ll. 01 A":ad'"· llf'MAN-CAMI' -Oct \~. Grenn•V "' ?I, ond (orol Ann, 2l, bolh al HIATT·f<EllENDON ~ 00 !~. N ,~;1aPI A•l•n, 10 . .on~ f,\"'" Anne, 11, bO'h ol B!'.:RC>Fll-KllU EGr R 0<1 I! lawr~•<:• l\r"olP, J;. ""d Call·~· ·~, tlo!h o! W•"•"•n•,1•r POlll(R·BARTON Ori 1! C~cv Joel, 71 . •nd B~rb,,,~, ~!, too!" ol W~•:n "'''" MAllrlE·WELCH -0 <! l!, .Jam_,, ll, ~"d Conn'' A,, n, llOlt\ OI L.ogl!<IO !l•a(" HflGEN-SELF -Qi t. 1a, F.1•<1• 1 , (), 01 P~lmd•le, •nd Roto.rl• fl nn. 1~. Gf Hun!ln~ton S~•ch, Divo1•ces DIVORCES t<t\.lO Thomplon, ~"~•on L•n ~' l(o lhomo! l.oui~, Jo Ann s "' C "p" ~ II"""'•· l(•v Mad• "' C>••• 6ffnlon l\ri~M, V i<IO•I• Ann• v' J~c• Hotl~nd. Rod• v~ El•1'ht-•h l'!~V. Pllllln E_ 11• P•!rltl• I "Tho•n•on. M"'""'"' E V" llnto•• I h•n~Prq, LNr• \/\ JM~•· ~ r."·"'' Linda M "' Qr,n,1d L•• W11h, M••q~<'•I Ell•n v1 r o•fP'' LP• M•,.·c~. Aln'1" II "' llob•rl J llOQ•f~. Ch••I•• F "' DMl"n• F••~m•n, Jlul h M.rq~'"' v< Md'O" L•w<' W•i•Oor9. M ·c"•~f (llMI•• "" 6•1'V Anne (•bol, M••len• C•n•h•• '" LIO•d H~m1 11on q,,., Danny l oll" V\ )""' Ml•"''· 5•1v•• June'" Cll"'''°" IV""' (pm>IO(k, l'l•I "~"' Loco• ,, M .. ,.,, [, G•ranpr. T•r"'• An""' O•V•d D. Qi'>er~""'' M&ry~nn "' ~·r~'' [. fl•«h••· f il•~n C "' W •llLom (i M'l•u<>nt.n, M,..,.,,, J , "' 1 .. ,., t" U>P<V. Ma<V $u• V\ Wlll<•m .lo·.•o" l otP•• Normon Alb•rl v\ ff•••n Pnv 1-:•Y· Rot>f''1 .Jo1~f'h "' Snlf"• fl•lr,cio ""'""'· f'!<>0c.,, C~<rl•< F v~ L't •l•n• I ,....,,.,,, !h ilt! Mo'""'"! v< /;\'l!~n ~ .,,.. .. V •o•O••~. M•(h••I (h"'I" "'> l\•IW An•>• (•""' M3''"'" (•olh" "' l ,~.,~ H•m"•nn II•"' OM•nv l ~'"' ,, ,., • Ml1•t1, 5vlv•• l""' "' (0~""' >'/•• ·~ f om>Toc1";, VHlli•rn l"'"' v~ /..\••v l _ r.~•dM•r. r,.,,.,. A!\n '" O•"~ n Ob••~•u;, MM•""" v• ""'°"''' [, l\v,n•'< f Oll.'f'n ( "' Wiill•m G l.'<~Ou~nlon. M;ott~'1' J V> l"'"° l "' l)•orY, M•rv ~u• '" W•lll~m .JO"v" I "~•. No<m•n Ale•1 v~ H •len !>n•• ""-"• 11~0..-1 jo;•ot\ ~· ~h'"'' "'"'"'·'" { .,,,, Elllo1ill'!t\ Ano1 v., Jo>•Ph J••""' Ad••~""' P•,,11~• f'r1'r ,,. JQ<N>h ''""''' J••n M '" O"lln 1'<1 «00ll I ••OD"'· (~•"I' 11,nn v•, ll Oh"' 1-••n ("""" (nn•l•nc• ~ "' F •M•~. fl. Ro•W•<> M~r. [, v; <'.11<1 w J,c~il~I\. 0 0""" //,.<,• ''' llnh••I l'~Y J~"'"'· ><•l~n .,, Ror·crl /\1'•1• M•nsfi•'~• Doro!hV L '" """"'' .S. l~lCRtO(UlOl>Y DEC REf.S "'~'""'"· J••n A11n '""""'I Eun•n• { rnul N•~·o• 8 .,, (<lw•1d H l•,~•nn, Or,nn• Sv• u• Jn•"" A •~"" j,~•tn, lfo•fqMel M'•f -~Jn• ''•I"(~ l>ohn•r. ll•r"•ra "'""" •• l •n 1 .. 11 VI, J u•~•••nn, (;l•no• K o. rn.u,., J r.,1., H•1~f R ., llc,b•·• I ( .Slntl•", V••nint~ le• V', '~'~"o" "•• More~•<>!, R<><o<' II v-. Du•" W"~"" (•<'.JI We''"' •· fl•'"'~' /\\•ftl'o> 1;,,,6, ~··'~""!Apo v·, ""1·'" r•ul r,."'.'"'"· r o,,~•d .,. ~"'"v · 1"'""" '""'"" /. "' llno"r I•• r.onl•I•~· M"M M .,., ,,,,~ ... -' """ ~,';~:;~~ J,~<;::;,~·~~~,'" v,,'. ~;:~ .. :~o'~;,' .Srm1.,! ll«h•·~ l •" "' l•il"" l p~,g~, K~'"''i"< L "' Oo<>a•~ R, 14· Singers Get llonors 'Fourlccn (\r ~1~1r1n<1 ll igh Scl1oors hlp s1 nf:f'r~ l11n·f' lx'C'n srlec\f:d to pcrforin \\·ith the ··111ariners,'' 8 school \ f1t'<il group. They arc : ~;in1n1r l\1c!t on. (;:i!t'n l\1cLol'<'. Cvnlhia Rur· ch ctt and Connie Chri stir. s11- pranos: .l<H'Qlli S11urli11. N;i n- t'V Julcr, and Kf'rry Nc\1•lin. <1.llos: Bill Da\'is. l\1ike liJt.ama ;ind l\1ike l.cddv, tenors: and John Spiller, f.t1 Choat. Roy Com<'r and Doug \Vi\1ian1 s, basses. The l\1arin<'t'S arc srhc1h1lcd to participate 111 two con1· pclitive music festivals in :i1l - dillon to cntcrt ainiog other school~, c ] vi C'" ~ro11ps ;ind church <inrl co1n1nun1ty or- ganizations. lfauoi J'rcniicr Vi ~iting P e king TOKYO !AP) North Vietnamese Prem1el' Pham Van Dong arrived Tuesday in Peking with a dclcgallon fron1 }fanoi after vislting Ea~! C.ermany anrl 1hc ~(lvict Union, Peking's New Ch1n;i Ne..-•s Agen cy rt·por1t•d . The nrv.1s ;_1 ~f'11c,y i;-a i d T>ong·.., party v.·;1~ n1l'I I\\ PremlC'r Chou l~n -1:11 , \'u't' 1'1·rm1rr Li lt:;icn·lllt'n <11111 other official!:. , -·---~"' ~ -. -' ( ~w••• E II• VI W•ll01 C•v•O• J•«••o•" L•"'0" "•II•• JudV l " I 9>'"" ll•v~ W\ M•I'('~ l f'o~•ll. ;arnc• ., An•U• I'• f<rvnow, Oo•a \ v• D•"U VI to .. KN1n~'1• 1· Ii> 04rl•"P II. fl•C~. Oav•O G "' +l•tlv~ ) Go,do~. M•'llM" II ., Rol»<ll l'. t<•ni•. l!onr"" L v• Oon 0, $anl•m,, ~onO•I•~ "' M•C~•el l ""''""' flnnil• Mo• •~Bobb•• C-urfil N•>OI" JAft•O\ llt<n&1d V\ 0~cb~'~ '""' "'""'"' Alb<-<I• J , V> W•'ln• J ~"""'"'~'"· )', fl,nn E •> M~lvin r , w.rrall, w c V> ,.~ym·. E•••n• o,,., f'.llwrl Thom.t' •• 1,ul•U• A'.t« '"' ~De'1~•e. 6•rP~co L. "' l<;•nnr!~ I. "all•• C.~•I \. ~' G•••~ l •V"•"' • M•ICJon~•o, Jonn II. V• Ann·~ t- '.•Q•'t.. L~v•~ l "' llpnolo E ~.+ ll~v L•u•• L•• .,, ll oProl 11~•1'' //.((.;~""' fraoc•> ~•noro "' J<o"" )"Orne M,Cu•OY, 1101>•'1 F_ V> M,ob•ll• ''• (orw.-!ln•. JOl'n A "' ~~dr<!n L, ,.,..,,, u .. a .. G~i1 v• 11 .. 1.,~ r lnomP•On, Lvnn t:ll•n V'< l~"' I'll••" M<o.,01. Anoelin• M. •I C>U•ll"""O f'.r~•'· FoHr>I l .• , Do.,.,. J f'~t•"rn, Mft,. I.~ "' Ile""''" r ••nk r u,hl•r. Jt., Co!hlf~n M '" Wd""~ ,_. ~<h~rh•~~, (o~d"e LOU•>t \'., (..,old W1Uo~m tr M~v. Jr., Nancv M•fl• "' Ke,.ntl!\ Seo!! Pnr1•<• !IQll•tl Eih\ ~• !loll•r to I <nn• "'"'"' :..,~I F• l<I•\!,• '' Ktmoi1n r. ••rtl1 N••hrl, .Audi•• (lllPI •• •:•orv• Go•np" P~1<011. f v1 A "' r'~""' Jn~" .i;,,,,,,q, //•&ll•n J y, V'<IOt <:.oile l <11 U""''~• Joh01 C '" ~vt Ann \..tw1e·nte, 0 1.,a D. "' JO•n l"lorol~; f lNAl DECREES '"''"°"· f'"Vtrl• S. v• J~n1eo E". ~m1m, 01~r>e I'. •• Ge•••<l fl _ Mc(ov. Lola F•ve "' Hollard 11.41 Jon•" Ell• Met "' ll ov L•>l1~ l~m~n. Lff II.. "' Vltgln1o P . c;,,org~, 11, M•rgot Ann "' D•Y>d Wl<kll&m BEVERLY ANTIQUING OR WOODGRAINING KITS Choo1e from 91•al colorto or wood!one• during thi1 cloaeoul and MJV• enough to hit• a lulor to h•lP r.ad the eoty ins1ruction•. Reg.6.29 3 77 CLOSEOUT BOW SAW WITH QUICK RELEASE BLADE Dandy li!1l• 1ow to litarl your own lumber bu1ine1s wi1h !now you blow CIU r t•cret,) C.t 1h• sow. see Sincik•y obout a l or•1t, end "'•'JI moke e deal. 197 John.on. Jr 5•~il LdVlh, "' llO~"'I If Od~"~ ll~"'' l •> Du«oiJ ! llrown, M•r11are1 G. ~• llov D. "'~'''v, V~ylen lee '<• Ot nnv I""" W ll•o", Jod·1 Y> M•IV[I> R (,"'""'• Jerr• AID•" v~ lole•nQr J. De~~·" L•w" M_ .,, lloli." J (ompton, Jerome erom••v v• Donn;. M&1le •f'ol~rim, D~nnr, l(•nne•n vs I.I"<!., Broom•. J•tn•• R•f>(l•ll "'-" f'n<Jlo I 1le_n /.opel. Lau!•• M. v• Vlc!or ~. Mdccau1av, (OtOIY ll .S. >> Georg• ll , N•w•n•n, Adell (;Ot!n/de "" Hnl>tr! w;1111m f'e)er,on, Su••n M8rle "' J~m•• C. G•uDb, (;Ingot Lou<>w V> O•nv•r .SomP.Oll ~ .. ,. .. r.. dJ•r. (.•'""'"~"-B••.,1Y "' ~l~r.l•v ' ""' "'" (10<'<11, ~ • .,.,1. Y' 5'<ilh V 1'1\0J111', D•Jlo•e> A '' llotlorfl C, ll·~~ ... Gorola1M M•"• VI Wlll l•m c~o,,,r ll"ed. L•••·· A. "' Oon"A MM,. G<~on, June. L• V~fnt •1 Leona<d o,car llye<M. H~l·n K "' Frdn< H M"'~hiilt . .Sanara S, v• JQl\n D, Ma,11n, \llt511n•-> M-y; HdtrV M M~,.go, Ger•IO"'" ;.nn ·~ Frdn~·• J~l\n Bric•, (ArOIY~ M. VI l!l<h~ttl ? w,1~111, l!.•chaol L•0•1• v1 WolDur Conw•• 1/4 INCH SHOP PLYWOOD I know it'li ~rly. and we 1hou!dn't m•ntl<1n it until all•r Thanlr.•glving, but auebagood d•al con plywood for holiday culout1 lihould nolpa•• unsung. (So •ing a lilll•.) 197 4x8 FOOT GALVANIZED RAIN GUTTER Calva niz.d, 11ip joint and 1iolderles1. •a1y Olld light lo pul up. K•ep1 wo1•r liom wo1hin9 youi planl1 eway, a dds value to your home. lobout 77 cenl!IO worlh.) !OFT. LENGTH GROOVY STUFF . • .. .. TO RUG Wt=AVERS 12 xl2 CARPET TILES Luxuriou11i1es in fool square size do a IOt of room for less money than ever before. C hoice of some real!y spa rkling bright colors for doing a s tainprooL weatherproof floor in the den. bath. nursery. bedroom. kitchen, patio. garage; it's even nice enough for t he more formal d ining o r Ji ving rooms. Goes down easy with two sided tape. Foam backed. no pad needed. ' . 1"'· ' .. .Advertised s pecials good thru October29. 19&9 • . · . . . .. .. · HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC FLOOR RUNNER Use !his h eavy duly p la•lic !Joor tunner tor auper prolection \Qr ~orp•!I. Choo"e Jrom green, gold. or clear. LIN, rr. AMERICAN FLAG CYLINDER LAMP A pahiotic d•cora!l•• la mp lha t mok•• nice Jig-hi all y•or long, not ju1t on holidoy1. U1• in den, recreation room. ~id '' room. 1377 .. 7 INCH HEDGE SHEARS Why monkey oro,.nd wi1h on old IUli!y. dul! ;>Inf oi 1h'!'l ar1 wh•n Jor o c<1ol 97r; y"u condo !he thing wither brlght n•w pair. They•u look good honging •n !hegarog• loo. LONG HANDLED POLE PRUNER Srond1n9 on a ladd•1 and reaching 1 kywa1d IQ prun• i1 a good woy 1o lall b•b.ind in your work. Try thl1 lor an•a•i•t o~rolion. 571 EA. ., ". Pr1~•. P~lnci. A v1 Ea~•r K, (l,r ..,fi , l)~rl>o•~:; ., Po1d ( "'"'""1~•11, JOIM<1• E:v• ., Arn~ld """"' (~••and. Jo•hn• r v• J""" O"v'a F .. f(Ow. Polfl(•• A~h V\ L••rv o,.,, l!""''c~. llllc• E_ v1 !lav I', lv~r•. Vlol• Ann"' Ron~ld l "~~ Scnut>.,,1, l(ott•rvn Gl;i<WS •• J~h" ~cAll~I • .Jo•n>h "' Ge•11d1n" R,,,.,, Wind" Mo~ "'Cuti" C. P1u!1on. """'"' Jvn• .,, rvr~•• L~>lt! roulkne'. Mar., C. v5 JQ/1n r M~nn, M•tV P. "' lll>Wll'd K. J UDGMENTS "!)PtAI< LJP, C~l~P ! l CllJl'f UW11U::- CJ>•Mr, Jr., Sh<!rnn l•~ ~> Nel'o" lo. ".)"fAf.ID 'IW ! • (ann<Jlmenl), N1<1.T1tNA.L sau.s CHEAP tttae.,.. CAULKING CARTRIDGE Sealed lip in1ure1 frelihnes$. fill s!andmd caulking gun, get 1ho11e loo•• Jla•hlng1 now and come the ?a ins. you w on't be heari ng d ri P• drip. drip. (You 'll bear thunk, thunk. thunk, the •kf i1 lolling.) 19~. 45 GAL. GALVANIZED TRASHCAN Rugg•d boio eomeli comple1e with lid !you •upply lh• 1101h ond Jee! lree to u~e thl11ed lo wrap lio me1hing ln.l A \onq 10~!•1 thcit Juli! won't give up, 347 IT DoNT CoS1 Noffii1'\C FREE 3.98 ORTHO GARDEN SPRAYER Her•"• lh• dtot. buy the lo.olo~ and you gt'! !he 1proy•r free ibeirt1 u1ing o:n •yedropper, right?) Serve montty o:nd gal thtt be1t whll• you'r• a! ii, Thl1 1!ull kill1 ahnol l oU ~ucking and tbewing \nsKll. 11ome !rom lh• in1lde. WITH PURCHASE OF QUART SIZE ISOTOX 5.98 oT . BLACK & DECKER JIGSAW :;o 11e 3 dol Jo rs on lhi ~ monster o I Pltic\oncy 1ha!'ll make ~1rai51h1, cv rved. or iriegular culs 1n any l ype o! m o1 erial 1uch 01 me1ol. plo•tic. wood. a r compoal!lon board, 1499 METRIC SOCKET SET Great for oil you lolk1 that own !or1 i9n car• and cyc!e1 100. Pr•v•nts 1hlpping the bead wl!h the wronq w1ench. 199 6 INCH DISCHARGE CEILING FAN CAT SCRATCHING POST FEDTRO BURGLAR ALARM FOR Super 1i!e nl. ""TY el!icienl. vt ry aa1ily installed. Keep• the air fre1h end pur•. ge111id ol noxiou1 odor• fo•t. 677 Killy CC"11 ju11 Joye to 1crntch. e1pec:inlly lurni11' .land carpetr. Hi• very own poal will \ ·"'" your nerv e1, your vocal cord1. and hi1 leeUngLli. Choic• ol colo1 1. AUTOMOBILES Prol•cl• your cor outomotico!ly 2~ hours o day agoin1~ lhefl or tamper- ing, II 1omt0ne'1 me•slng a round. the olarlll 1ound1 loud blo11 lhat .•ccrres them away tighl into th•aim10! on ear doctor. 1 -----· --------·- ' • * COSTA MESA OPTl~MIST CLUB * PRESENTS JOHN STRONG'S 1869 CIRCUS AT * CIRCUS UNDER CANVAS HARBOR * STREET PARADE CENTER * SIDE SHOW • MIDWA y STORES SHOWS AT 1 P.M. and 5 P.M. , 2300 Harbor at Wilson Costa Mesa J ~ OAJL Y PILOT Pill lm.portant for Girl, Not Parents NE·w YORK -Even in the absence of parental consent doctors should prescribe con- traceptives for sexually in- volved tffn.•Jers who cooau1t them, according to four fac- uJty members of the Unlver- slty of Wuhlngton Medical School in Seattle. They urged lhl.5 course on the profession in the new issue of the influential journal, "Postgraduate Medicine." this service 1imply becaU£e the patient is younc or does not have parental consent," they Wf.. ''Al~.1¥, tee.-.1 ~r should be encouraged to seek parental consent, the j>hysl- clab lh(Kll4 trY. Co ~e .the l.ituatioo 80 that ilit patient's sufferiop Jre m1n1mat "We feel that un1Vanted pregnancy is a disease-a dis- ease with . consequences ~ that affect e-1ery level of· IOclety.'' fessor of psychology and psy· ing that a tee1H1er old enough brides are pregnant at the their sexual involvement or, chlatry; Dr. Donald J . Pion, to be aes:u&lly involved and to time of marriage." 1Qmetimes, abstained from It director of family plannin1 ....... _...,.,A_, .... t.f .. ..,..e '· old M h of h and A" .. c uo· · the --i.~1• -"a ~ .......,....... ui ore t an 40 percent after they . ave received con- ot:U1A a n m lll\;UVU a _..,.., .... •-be ~-'"""·-". rAe-..i ............ t of 01..n#nt.· • nd '""""'"6u .., ~""' .-mothers of .u.Iegitimate babies traceptives and IOllle support-.,...,....--r;i ~it· a -.tbl•" ...... l)'necology; and Pion's Re--•.....-"' art tttn-ager.s, u~Y said, and ive counseling. search assistant!, Nina Per-They were alarmed by sta-all indicaUons sbow a~ult.s "It seems that ~ tong u thou and Byron Fujita. ~isitcs 4howlP1 ~J .. gne of can no longer prevent sexual adult society says, 'You can't: There ~· no ll'ounda for e-1ery 12 cbl1dttn .. la ¥rn 'out activity among teen-a1ers ·by they feel that they must. But tearing law suits by paren~ ol wedloci.' one of every aix inst.Ulinc fear, by cklle auper-when the teen-ager la asked, wbo have not consented to women aivd blrtb • within vision or by other muns. 'Ls that what you want?' the their teen-aiers 1eting contra-eijht monthl after laa' first "Wt have been Impressed responsibility for rus behavior ceptives, in their 'View. marria1e IDd an atima~ 50 by the frequency with which ls returned to him, which is as ••u auch a . case ls brought to 75 percent of teen-age teen-agers ti a v e restrained ,it lhould be." to colllf, a loilcal argument lriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii---.7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiimiiiiii can be made for a legal find· ~~~~~~ ~ SINGEWS "When a young patient has need for a contraceptive, the physJclan should not ref\lle The urgen were Dr. ~athan­ lel N. Wagner, associate pro- WONDERFUL WAYS TO 81 - "UP-TO-DATE'' as well as "UP-TO-THE·llRTE'' Aak AHut 011r ConYtniot Cr~dit Plo•H UH•.umucoo t M'-5TUI CHA~Cic BIW YOWB.f TO ta. GIVE Ill All OMEGA 14 ••••t whlte cir yellow 9olcl m.,qui1e 1h•p•cl u11. dew clropped fuhionecl 4'e1i911. h •v·lo· rud time yet elt 9•11tly femi11i11t. Shown here $125 Prices Shut et $79.SO 0 OMEGA 11rtd's 1ost waatld wat~ IOW YOU W ACTUWY SH lllSIDE Omeoo hos token the boc:k off the world-fomo\.s aeomast11 '° you con look il"51de end SM 'th9 lnomovs 111'ovlty-powertd, ~d­ uh.im-llke r o t or t+w:>t wlndl movement. Fully jewelled oufo. motic movemmt. Oote-<liol 1 '4K veld -filled. "I< leotrbock.. °" metol bock. from $110 --a=ma=--~-------n. Store Thal CoaAc:Mnce I Wlt JEWELERS FOR U YB& HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER St-N-.1 Me&1. n. ..... '"' .... ,,,., 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 545-9485 :I 4t•'--.w..&~_..,..__.._..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I CIRCUS OF VALUES ' All Roor Models, Demonstrators and Rental Machines Must Go in Harbor Center • • . Singer's Big CJ est Pre-Christmas Clearance Ever!! This Includes Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and a Wide Variety of Fabrics. ~ Black & White & Color TV Record Players-Radio Combinations ~=- SINGER 2300 HARBOR HARBOR CENTER .,_ -----11I~l'·'hl1.14111 -ONE DAY ONLY - SAT .. OCT. 25 -9:30·6:00 MITAL JUP ltet. SUI 166 TIGElt HUNT 411 SET let. S7.00 TOOTSll TOY 1 s1 CAR CARltlH LAY·A·WAY HOW FOlt CHRISTMAS. $1.10 HOLDS ALL TOYS.TILL DEC. 2lrd TOPPH JOHNNY ASTRO 2" __________ _....._. _______ .._._. 4 PIECl 89 SPORTS OUTFIT C R99. S1.1t ___ ...... __ _ TAILI TOP 688 POOL TAILE ••9· $9.11 ---------· ~ .... TO"'Elt • 411 ltOTO CR.An 22 JOHtOtY TOYMAtllll ''TIM T.y y .. coe C ltet. '7 .11 ttwe w ereltH ~,,,._ ____ ..._ __ _........;;......._... __ .._ ................ ~ ................ ASST. MnAL TIUCU .... $1.29 ' TELHCOPU • .... ti a1tll"PIDll .,. •RAVIDH lt99. $12.H AltltOW com• .... ·" 66c ROOM SIZE RU& ~00% Rayon Pile with Slip Resist Tex-A-Bak Back- rn~. Serged 011 All 4 Side!i. Choice of Decorator colors . Reg. $19.99 SPEC~AL "! '-'"' 1:1 •1:. ••1u•r h11lll STYlE.SPRAY 2i51 11 ••• 71~ J h ir spray with l'm-TeT, an exdush., kxtm i1tr. lncre11~rd )1ol<li11~ power. Water soluble. •1511 5 PC. DINE·TTE SET '4495 $49.95 VALUE Walnut vinyl top taut,•. 4~·· long, :16" widl'. Four h1-hndc chairs. Additional chairs, ea. 7.H :lie•· ~lJe eR•. • • f ACIAl TISSIES 5i51 200 two ply tlssues ln a l1l11d- some showoase box. Soft ab- sorbent, sttoo1, White, colors, Clrnice •'. trc• ,,,,,.. SEAMlESS MESH IYlONS 3i 51 a.,. 41~~r. F irst quality <leJni·toe or lH'rl-a nd·tOe mt1sh sheers. Choice of maoy fashion- aulr shades. Sizes 8~ to 11. MONEY'S WORTH MOltl AT SDFT TDICH TDllET TISIE sac Stock up now on tl1is !am· ous Waldorf~ soft-touch bathroom tissue. Cet 10 rolls in polyethylene pack. AUDITIOr CHll ORGAN ENSEMllE 39• Organ haq 37 treblP-keys. J2 chord buttons. 011/off i-witth. ~tahogauy fini~la po!)·slrene. 3 music books. l'11t!lr~•l•t~tl 1964 to 1968 COIN SETS Reg. $2. 99 each 2i55 r.~~~ sih·er coin• minted, Eac·Tt s•·t i'I mounted Jn a clear pins· He holder. Displ11y• colus, also ketps thern tarnish fret, I' I ' • • ,.1.-11 .> . . . . Friday, October 24, 1%' OAILY PILOT et l.. . .. ' • ' - ANNIVERSARY . , SIDEWALK SALE 7••1l~-11r••I tr9•1 lllTTHI WORSTED 99c 1.29 ral•• Pull skein, ready to usel Ideal choice for sweaters. afghans, fashion accesso. r.ies. Mothproof, washable. •ntA rf'lflera61e tr•1 JUMBO PllSTIC SEWJNI CHESTS a• Storage spaco Eor mend. ing, patterns, Tray holds 18 spool~. scissors, more. 14Jh~x8", Clear or shdL ',,., ........ ". . . w • MELAMINE DINNERWARE fodudes 8 each: <linner plates, cups, saucers, bread/butters, desserts. Creamer, covered 1ugar, platter, vegetable bowl, I HARBOR CENTER STORE ONLY 2302 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA 'S NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11.,5 MON.• THUR.· FRI. 9:30 -9:00 SAT. TILL 6 P.M. -*' . . . ............... -·-·-... _ .... , ........ , Friday, Octobtr 24, 1%9 State Capitol Has Survived 100 Years SACRAMENTO I AP) California's Capitol marks its lOOth year in use next month, surviv ing a century of floods, demonstrations and political controversy with quiet dignity and grace. The gaslights were lit tor the first time in the Senate and Assembly chambers on Nov. 25, 1869. The governor and secretary of stale moved into their otnces the next day. Newspapers recorded that the Capitol 's 1'handsome ap- pearance drew forth unstinted praise from the hundreds of ladies and gentlemen who visited it." Although the exterior was still rough and unfinished, the state's elile attended a grand ball in the Capitol on the even- ing of Dec. 15, 1869 to celebrate its occupancy alter nine years of construction at a cost of $3 million. The date truly was ll landmark in the boisterous early days of the Golden State, coming just 20 years after the great Gold Rush. The legislature met in Monterey, San Jose, Vallejo and Benicia before finally moving to Sacramento in 1854 and agreeing six years later to appropriate an initial $500,000 for a permanent home. The foundations were nearly complete in January J8ti2 when Gov. Leland Stanford was forced to go to his in- auguration at the temporary Capitol in a rowboat. It was the worst flood In Sacramen- to's history and the lawmakers finally were forced to recess to San Francisco un- til the waters receded. William Henry Blower rode around the city in March and wrote, "The new Capitol is far out in the water .. :· Waler stains had to be ground from the granite walls. As California grew t o become the nation's most populous state the Capitol was the scene of political storm, strife and change. 111ere was the reform administration of Gov. Hiram Johnson, the ONE DAY ONLY! ~ 2l00 HARBOR Bl VO. e COSTA MESA~ I ~OCT.25th ''CIRCUS OF VALUES'' TURTLE NECK SHIRTS LONG SLEEVE REG. TO $12.00 $476 BERMUDA SHORTS s3~~ REG 31s1000 TO $6.00 SHIRTS, MOCK KNITS 100°/o ORLON-WASHABLE STRIPES & SOLIDS ·~ ~eCJ. $6.00 SWEATERS WOOLS· ALPACAS CARDIGANS AND P.ULL·OYERS 1/2 PRICE WASH & WEAR SLACKS IVY & CONT. REG. TO $11 .00 $667 Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa '1 EPIC antipoverty program of would-be governor U p t o n Si ncJair and other political machinations that constantly barne out-<>f-staters. A visiting couple strolled through the first floor hallway this summer gazing up at the portraits of governors. ''l never realized Earl War- ren was a governor of California," the w o m a n remarked to her husband. State govenunent outgrew the original structw·e even- tually, even with the con- struction of other o f { i c e buildings. A $7.5 million, six- floor wing was added on the east end in the early 1950s. The wing houses offices of the governor and bis close ex- ecutive staff, legislative or- fices and committee hearing rooms and a cafeteria. The west steps of the Capitol have become the traditional demonstration ground f o r groups seeking to make their voices heard in Sacramento. Most notable of recent ones have been the Easter 1966 march of farm workers led by Cesar Chavez and the gather- ings of students protesting the educatiooal p o 1 i c i e s of Republican Gov. Reagan. Tentative plans for a new $65 million twin-tower Capitol at the eastern end of 40-acre Capitol Park have been shelv- ed for the time being although some legislative experts con- tend the room wlll be needed before long. In the meantime, l h e Assembly chamber undergoes an $81,000 redecoration. When the lower house meets In January the old institutional green color on the walls will be replaced by light gold. There will be a new carpe\ and new drapes, in darker shades of gold -one of the state's official colors. The assemblymen still will use the handmade wood desks first used 100 years ago. Assembly Speaker Robert T. Monagan , CR-Tracy), wandered amid the painters' and plasterers' scaffolding and clutter in the d a r k e n e d chamber recently, checking on progress of the remodeling. . I -' ,, ~!~g~E $787)} MEN~-~~~~ALS BLACK PATENT ..J4 ~ RecJular $16.H . $7 87 ONE DAY SPECIAL! • .Ref. $1.ff·$l2.tS • · WOMEN'S SUMMER MEN'S AND FALL SANDALS AND CASUALS, NINAS, JARMAN SLIP-ON MAGDESIANS. LISAS s300 2 STYLES $1287 Reciular $10.95 NOW Reciular $19.95 Im Sav-on Shoes ~ 2300 HARBOR BLVD.546·6775 ~;;: ~ .. ----'• - HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER (Nnt to Thrifty Drug} SIDEWALK SALE! Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa SAT. OCT. 25TH PELTS~ • • Hundreds of Genuine Bunny-Fur Pelts. Make Your Own GENUINE FUR Vest -Tunic Skirt- Pa_nts at less than_ half the ready made pnce. Natura l, White, Leopard Tiger, Ocelot, Jaguar. DON'T BE A FAKE- USE REAL FUR -UVE A UTILE ·~ e ~ !O in al JI :t ?t !r .e 11 3 •• ·' • :I :I a ·······~·············· Fridiy, Octobfr 24. l~ DAIL V rtLOT a Yosemite Notes Success in Easing Traffic Probkms YOSEMITE NATIONAL the tickets -$1 ror adults and operates the tram) can't be Quist said currently the Cur· tribuled ii lo a general \•isitor "We don'l expect they will PARK (UPI) -The first at-50 cents for children who take expected to operate al a loss," ry company ls running 1n the dropoff, normal for this time be losing money on it next tempt to ease traffic conges-up a seat. he said. red on the tram but he at-of year. summer,'' he said. ti on in a national park through "Nat ur all Y people wonder lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm;;;;;;;;~ the use of a mass transit sys-about this but you have to pay tern appears to be working. the drivers and Yosemite Park and Curry Co. (which "We haven't had one com·i----------- plaint so far about the service," says Larry Quist, Yosemite National Park. He referred to the park's recently instituted t r a m system to carry sightseers through the giant sequoia redwoods in the p a r k ' s :Mariposa Grove. Autos were banned from the area Sept. 13 when the buses went into oreration. JC the Yosemite trams prove successful it may set a Lrend to end snarled traffic and frayed nerves in other sections of the park as well as at other lcderal recreation areas in t.'le nation. NO DATA YET "We don'l have any real hard data on how it's doing so YOUR far," said Quist. "Bul we do know people are !lot turning DEPARTMENT STORE around and Jeavmg'' when ther sec they. have to leave Of ELECTRONICS their cars behind. Prior to this year, thr 2 STATION SOLID STATE Mar iposa Gro\'e held a special attraction for motorists. No ·INTERCOM one could really say he had SYSTEM . b-.oen to Yosemite without ha\'- ing driven through the famed Wawona Tunnell tree -a redwood so huge a hole was cut in the base of the trre allowing cars to pass through. But the ancient ginnl lop-. pied to the ground sometime ' .. last winte r. Now cars cannot l \ gel with.in three miles of it. ' .~ ''The real reason for the tram is that traffic was so heavy it became oh\'ious we would have to enlarge lhe present road or take th e cars out altogether.'' Quisl said . 'To enlarge the road would have endangered the shallow root system or the trees. 11 D Push·Button Operation-Simple GOITEN WORSE Anrt there is little doubt tra!hc would ha,·e gotten pro· Plug.Jn Connecting Cord a Inter Unit Tone Callin& • Beautifully Styled • Operates on 1 9-Volt 6atte1y 9'5 LMAYm£ < • EXPLOR·AIR MARK V . grcss1,·cly worse. There were ~ .......... .. 2. I million visitors to the park thi'> year and Quist estimated I a·tcndance has been doubling f nboul eve ry JO yc>ars. ~-.. _. --· .. -. ·- "Actually people driving t!!"~ll!J!l!i'111i!!""""""~ti!!'!llll!lllli!lll Ju~t were not getting a quality " • • · rxpcrience In the gro\'e, .. he : INT£RNAT10NAL SHOR'TWAVE ., $JJ<I. ''They were m 0 r e +AM BROAO<:AST RCCEIVER Broadca•I + fru :rall'd than ~<t.11siicd ." ~ B•nds 5495 The tram ~~Sll'm placr~ .-ex,,11,.1 maximum cmph:itis on illl· 1n1erna1ionol PTO\ ing the qual1l.v uf th1• \'l!.ll Shortw•ve ~9 p 2~eswx B1nda • wilh a minimum of strt>ss 011 the visitor. lllll' Ml4TOl'f M~~~: ... The passenger hrars a total 11£1'\ 11610 'v~~~Kt l!OJ\.Ol or six recorded messages on what he ic; scein~ as the bus wheels slowly through the {:TO\'P. Several stops are made ancf the \'isitor may gl't off lo look around and caLch the next tram lo another sto p a few• minutes later. The trams now 1 flO .. A\.L 0 • -·-run every 30 minutes but ne~t1._ _________ __. summer they will be schedul· ed at 20-minute in tervals. ~O COMPLAINTS Quist noted that while there have been no complaints on M?rvice there have been some Harbor Center 2300 HAltlOR ILVD. COSTA MESA 540-4740 questions about the price of••••••••••• Ask about our Special LOW, LOW TERMS I I I Ask for MODEL TBF 15 SE ?f/•~·· JET FREEZE ICE COMPARTMENT Sub-zero 1ir Is blown over trl)'I for freezing ice tu~tS ntra fast -arut for parties! GIANT ZERO DEGREE FREEZER ••• holds up to 147 lbs. of frozen foods ready for use whenever you w1nl them. NO FROST CONVCNIENC[ IN BOTH RE· FRICE.RATOR AND FREEZER. SEPARATE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS "Mobile·Cold" providts continuous air movement Separate controls It! you dial emtly rieht temperature in reh 1ger· ator or freezer 1tctlon for ideal st0t1re. CONVENIENT SLIDE OUT SHELF ••• Ovtr 22 aq. ft of shelf 11u , 1 handy slidc·shell b1inp th• food riaflt out to you. ~~:a.~· TWIN VEGETABLE BINS ••• Rueaed porcelaln-on·sltel vegetable bins keep up to ~~ bushel aarden fresh ••• rudy for instant use. Available In Decorator coordinated colors, Avocado, Copper· tone, Harvest, or White, 4 STEREO e TELEVISION e APPLIANCES 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA CHARGE PLANS l'OA VOUA CONVENIENt • TELEPHONE 540-7131 Daily: 9 to 9 Saturday: 9 to 6 -·, I I I I I/ . ,. 8 DAllV PILOT Friday, October 24, 1%q FTC Works on Backlog of Long-pending Cases WASILINGTO~ (AP) -A Federal Trade Commission Lask force is urgently review- ing huitilreds of long-pending deception and monopoly cases -many so old they are as good as deatl. The task force, whose crash review represents the FTC'• first official reaction to a recent critical American Bar Association report, has befn dubbed "The Garbage Com· mitlee" wit.bin the agency, Jts first report is due Nov. ·10. Reports ranging from a 1949 Hoover Commission probe to the ABA study have complain- ed that the FTC lacks the fast action needed to head off KN(f lOP5~1 Jo ~8 SC!Jl'bo.tlonai «{roup fot" pan-h> o..nd <A~tca( W~r' WOOL 1JAN1SREG.~l0.Jo~lo -fb.mo~ btc\nd -e, -1o li~s qo4 po..tte. m .:s. WOO 1. S KJRT ~ "R£6,t 1oJo{13 so/ ids, plo.ids, ~-ff,r wofk ¢1t'5 choor . WOOlor0010~SWfATER5 RfG. :!a )0 +o ~1 3 1 iove.1+~ $o r:J5a."d ~tt<irn~ ea ctz, 2pG:-ff\NT5ETS an<i SUCl5 ~EG. ;o ;so DR.e..~~ES ancl FORMALc:, "R!<:>. ~ !2...0 io ~.l.\O deception and monopoly in the marketplace. The backlog of .old cases clogs agency ma- Chlnery, tbey have contended, 11>roblems of delay have· vesed the FTC ever since it was established, and some of the most nortorious examples of protracted administrative proceedings ha ve occurred in that agency," said the Septem· ber ABA report. An investigation of one firm for · questionable sales promo- tion practices was clost"<i after 3Yi years with no acton taken. The firm had.gone out o[ busi- ness. Commissioner J a m e s W. Nicholson observed in a memo last December that cases re- viewed by the commission the previous month included sevcu out-of-busines.s cases. Commissioner Philip Elman said a random sampling indi- cates at least 100 cases are closed each year solely be- cause of age. "The actual num- ber is probably much higher," ht said. An appeals court remanded for further stucty , e,arlier this year a 1967 FTC cease-and- desist order against Columbia Broadcasting System. The case WflS based on a 1959 investiga- tion the court declared was so old it was worthless. Elman complained th~t one pending matter in the FTC took more than two months just to get from one bureau to another. "This kind of delay SAT. OCTOBER 25th ONLY EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 22¢ LADIES & GIRLS ASSORTED SPORT'SWEAR LADIES SPORTSWEAR VALUES TO $10.00 LADIES $200 CAPRI SETS VALUES TO $14.00. LIMITED QUANTITY ls quite common,'' he said. The seven·man "Garbage Commlttee" held . Its fir s t meeting Oct .. 10. It is to report- to commissiOners by Nov .. 10 on matters pending more than a year in the bureaus of Indus- try Guidance and Deceptive . Practices, and for more than l 1h years in the Bureau of Restraint of Trade. In the Bureau or Restraint of Trade, the /lBA. round 76· percent or . the . m investiga- tions peµding in Washi ngton and 51 peioent of'the 224 field investigations were over a year old. Ei~t of the 20 com- plaints· a\Vaillhg litigation were between two and four V<!ari old, the ABA said. ' • The ABA study ,Wund 79 per· cent of the 781 investigations pending in Washington and 35 percent or the 339 field inves· ligations initiated by the Bu- reau o[ Deceptive Practices were over a year old. Three of Its 16 complaints awniting JegaJ act.ion were bet ween two and four years old, ac· cording to the study. "Th!! task 1s lrnmensr. '' slid FTC task force lc3c1er Bartley T. Garvey, an as.liisl· ant director in the Bureau of Restraint of Trade. The reviewers hope to clear !hi! decks for incoming FTC chairman Caspar Weinberger, who takes over in January. Carvev said task force mem- bers "d·o the wark at night and discuss it during the day." The commission ll::is r<'- mained officially silent since the ABA report was relcascll last m o n t h. Commissioners Nicholson, who lea ves in Jan- uary, and Elman have praisetl the report publicly. But outgoing Chairmnn Paul Rand Dix®, who issurd a lengthy, bi tter rebuttal to nn - otber critical report compilt<l under the direction of con· sumer advocate Ralph Nader last January, has hncl no pub- lic comment on the ABA report. .. STEPHEN R. NESS Manager of -Month Ness Named Manager Of Montl1 A rt'lath e nev.comcr to tl.e Jlarbor Shopping Cl'ntcr 111 Costa Mesa hns been selcctd manager ~r the rn~nll1 by li.s lcllow merchants. Stephen R. Ness or Cardt n C::rnvc. manager oC the ct>n tcr's F. W. Woolworth stor<:, cs winner or the title. A graduate or El Capitan Hi~h School ln L:lkesidc, Ness s t a I' l i n g working ror Woolworth when he w<1s a sl11· d1:11t at C:rossmonl Jun!ur Colll'~l' in El Cajon. I le has worked fur 1 he Woolworth organization for fi\(~ and a half years an<l has bC'cn man:iger of the I lurbor C'<•r:tt'r slore since Feb. 28 o[ thi-; }C:.11', Ness and !us wife, Cun nit' Lt•e (whom hl' married in June, l966J h::ive a 2·ycar·o1d son, Brandson Robert, burn Ocl . 28. 1967. LADIES 99¢ , •••••••••••.••••••• , ;• SIDEWALK SALE : • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th • PANTYHOSE REG. $1.59 LADIES 3/99¢ PANTIES REG. 59c & 69c. LADIES 3/75¢ HOSE REG. 3/$1.59 LADIES ! All PROFESSIONAL :• • BEAUTY SALON., ·ITEMS • ! AT WHOLESALE PRICES : e Example: • • • • ROUX FANCIFUL RINSE • je 4 FOR $4.05 OR $1.19 EA. : I GOWNS AND PAJAMAS : STYROFOAM • e WIG HEADS 49c EA. : BRAS nnd ~l~VERJ "RE<:>.+ 5~.~8 REG. $3.00 $1 OFF ON ANY ITEM OF $7·.00 OR MORE : . : REGAL BEAUTY SUPPLY : I• (Next Door to Jolly Roger) • WHIU QUANTITY LASTS •• . tlARBOR CENTER : WI WILCOME-IANKAMERICARD-MASTHCHAltGf HAllOI CENTER 2JOO HAllOR ILVO. • 2300 HARBOR BL., COSTA MESA • ______________ ._ ..... 11••················'· --------------------------- Frid~. tctobfr 24. lM DAIL V 'llOT 7 Seiler Ke!JU Sen-et ' Mother N-ever Knew Son Was in Vietnam ~ .ANGELF.S (AP) -for duty in Vietnam. Navy In.stead; ht let them think he Coneemed that ru. pvents Storekeeper Jerry S l 1 v. t r was on Fonnesa. woul4 worry if he' vohmtee~ decided not tq ,tA!IJ t,bem. Then a dtvastating typhoon .. hit the NaUonall!t Chinese island. Sure enouah, Silver 1ot. a ·Counterfeit , Bills Hit By Inflation WASHJNGTON (UPl)-Prlce inflation has bit the counter- feiter. The Secret Service said 0- day ·a record $3 million worth of bogvs money was passed during the fiscal year that end· ed June 30, an increase of 4 percent over tbe previous fisca l year. But the total number or counterfeit notes circulated declined 1 percent to 189,903. UPI TftttllMI• Most ·counterfeiters still spe- cialize in $10 and $20 bills but they are making more $20s now, apparently to keep up with the rising cost of living. The average value of notes circulated ·in the past fiscal year was $16, up about $1 from JERRY SILVER CAN KEEP SECRET Navy Man Doesn't Tell Mom Where He'1 on Duty the previous year. SIDEWALK SALE SATURDAY OCT. 25,fh worFied letter trom h i s mother. "I told her I practically slept right thl'04llch it," the 22- year-eld sailOI! r e c a t 1 e d Wednesday. _: He did. He wa! at Da Nang, 700 miles from .the storm. · Silver kept his 9fC!'tt,dllrihg H months of shore duty In Viet.nam -but it wasn't e,sy. His parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Silver of Lo~ Angel.es, never sus~ted the· decepti6n. His address, which carried only a Fleet Post Office number out of San Francisco, never betrayed him. ''I told them," be aaid, 11that t was working on deep water. piers -which l was -but tbey didn't know it waa Da Nang." . "My buddies thoupt I WU crazy,'' he said. · Silver got two big scares1 Once his parents suc1ested tha t they fly over and-meet him when he was sla,ted to ro to Australia for rest and recreation leave . "Fortunately, they didn't,0 Silver said. The other time was when the family contacted the Red Cro8s about seodinc special presents for their s0n -a f 1{11.l!y pertrajt and recordin1. "Ob, oh; I though~, tht Red 'Cross told them \\'here I was;• aaid ~il".er.•But it hadn't. Silver, transferred from ac- tive service to reserve statue last week, now hopes to com- plete his education by 1etting a degree In payehology or sociology. . ~~~~....--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Windsor SATURDAY OCTOBER 25th ONE DAY ONLY! 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. -A NUMBER OF JACKETS-PANTS ALL ·NEW BRAND NAMES TOPS-SKIRTS-• OUR HOUDA Y UNE IS IN. COME AND SEE DRESSES SAVE 10% TO 50% I SWEATERS I CAPRIS WHILE THEY LAST! $ 100'5 OF ,AlltS OF SEUCTED STYLES-WHIU THEY LAST: WOMEN'S DRESS WOMEN'S CASUALS MEN'S DRESS ~' HAND BAGS 2.00. 5.65 1.65-:too- 6.oo 1.65 SKI.RYS • -tn or ••• OUR OWN WINDSOR. CHARGE HAllOR CENTER 2300 Harbor llvd., Costa Mes• M6-26H ) ' .. J l I ., •• f t I I • ~ 1 DA.n. Y PILOT Friday, Oclobtr 24, 1 %9 Grandmother Cooks Up Aid I or Gls in Vietnam LINWOOD, N.J. (AP) -A grandmother wbo believes an- tiwar protests do more harm than good is up to her elbows in a kitchen cabinet movement to raise the mor#.e o f American servicemen in Viet- nam. Mrs. Hazel Slick, 5G, bakes bread and apple or pumpkin pies to sell so she can buy gifts for the GJll. Although her first customers were friends and neighbors, word of the homemade pro-- ducts spread rapidly. Now Mrs. Slick is doing a booming business. "The telephone rings constantly," she says. Her small apartrnenl·sized oven which holds only four loaves at a time is operating full blast. She baked 260 loaves of bread and 245 pies in four Harbor Shopping Center ALY}!!!!t!,,1 SIDEWALK SALE END-OF-MONTH Women•s Tailored, Yet So Feminine LookillCJ Uniforms In the nicftt styles. Fa1hionocl from a quiclc d ryin9 I 00 '!. polyester knit. Com· fortable encl n .. t a ppHring. Women's Sportswear Auorted tOf11 •d botto1111 111 .. , core t.IHkt. Netrt Giid comfortGllle. 1.00 Jewelry for That Extra Touch Addi sparkle to any fasflio . Just un ,our lmQCJiHtlon. Colors and 1tylil191 to pluM. Women's Flannelette Gowns Ftill length or walta styles 2 22 "'ith Pen. Pres 11 washability. So worm and comfortable. • WOMEN'S FASHION COLOR H~~ 5/1.00 WOMEN'S H·BACK SHORT SETS orig. 11 .00 GIRLS' COTTON BRIEFS NOW 4.99 NOW 3/.88 NOW .so GIRLS' OVER·THE·KNEE socic,:ow 4/1 .oo GIRLS' FULL AND HALF SLIPS INFANTS' COTTON UNDERWE~~W 3/1 .oo COLORFUL BATH TOWELS MATCHING HAND TOWELS SLEEPING IAGS It Only. ACRYLIC 8LANKETS C.AFE AND TIER CURTAINS NOW ALL REMNANTS N O\.'J 088 NOW NOW .48 7.99 NOW 4.44 1.88-2.88 1/2-Price NOW Men•s Handsomely Tailored, Fashionably Styled Suits 111 the MC11011'• latest sltadn. Comfortable and etav·nH+ loo.ing, lightweight, long-wu r· Ing fabric. No ch•r91 for normal 1lt1relions. Men•s Dress or Casual Sh1cks ActlOll COfftforl phn eosy core Witti .._Prest@ w..-llity. For crisp ltaY·llleGt fresliMSS. Orl9. '4.88 Boy's Pants for Dressy Occasions Tapot04 for "'• f.t. Witti .... PIWlt@ weorwllity, la ,..._, felMoa colon. Ori9. 4 44 SUI # Men's Popular Sport Shirts For tttat atoy frnh looli. 2 50 Witt! P .. 11 ,,_t@ ...,wUlty. Cit.tee of lo•t °' altort ''""'° e MEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR NOW 2/1 .oc MEN'S RUGGED JEANS NOW 2.so MEN'S SPORT COATS 18.88 10 Only. tJOW MEN'S POPLIN JACKETS 3.33 NOW BOYS' ASSORTED PAJAMAS 1.50 HOW BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS 1.50 NOW BOYS' FIRE HOSE JEANS tJOW 3/1 o.oo BOYS' STRETCH SOCKS NOW 2/.88 BOYS' COTTON UNDERWEAR NOW 2 /. 99 WOMEN'S SHOES Orig. 6.99-t.99 WOMEN'S SANDALS 30 Only. MEN'S CASUAL SHOES Orl9 .. 9' Orl1. 7.tt-10.H NOW 5.88 NOW 044 NOW 5.88 Shop Mon. -Sat. 'Til 9 p.m. Sidewalk Sa le Sat. Only days. The brea d sells for 75 cents a loaf, the pies $1 dollar each. Mrs. Slick takes out some money lo buy ingredients. The profits are turned over to Howard Warren, a 41-year-old Northfield resident, who ships packages loaded with books, puz.zles, razor b 1 a d e s , toothpaste and like items to servicemen from south Jersey stationed in Southeast Asia. Warren figures that during 1 the past 21 month! he has sent 1,016 gift boxes to military men in hospitals and in the field. If all goes well, 200 ad- ditional packages will arrive overseas in time f o r Christmas. i Officer ··wow·· ONE DAY ONLY SAT. OCT. 25 INSIDE -OUTSIDE SALE INSIDE· SALE 10°/o OFF on All New Fall And Holiday Merchandise OUTSIDE· SALE CA PRIS $3. BLOUSES & OPS HOW $7. DRESSES olMS to $50., .• ,, Bathing Suits likl•ls . ond 1 pltc• s4t 199. to SZI. Pant Dresses 199. to $17. e IANKAME RICAltD e MASTElt CHARGE ss. e SYLVIA'S OWN CHARGE llOO HAUOlt ILVD, HARIOll CIHTH Chet of Molli P atricia Boggs. man- ager of the Windsor Shop since its opening in April, 1968, at Har- bor Shoppin~ Center, is secretary ot the cen- ter's merchants' a sso- ciation. A former resi- dent of Downey, she has been in the Costa Mesa area for the past 10 years and says she "feels proud" to be an officer in t h e mer- chants• group in "such a growing cen'ter .0 Barnacles: What Makes TJ1em Stick NEW YORK (AP) -Scien- tists report they're gaining in thei r age--old fight against the lowly barnacle. And, they saitf, there is "a dfalincl possibilHy" t h e barnacle's powerful adhesive -the property that long has made the barnacle a pest to sea-going men -might be put to work in dentistry and in repairing human bones. The barnacle research was reported by the San Francisc~ Bay Naval Ship Yard at Valle- jo, Calif., l() the 158lh national meeting or the American Chemical Society. ''Ever since man started sailing the ocean," the researchers said, "he has been faced with the problem of keeping ship bottoms free o( all kinds of ottaching marine organisms.·· Barnacles stick to wood, steel, concrete, glass. rubber, porcelam, canvas, tar, and other surfaces. As early as the fourth century B.C., Aristotle credi ted ''small fish" - barnacles -with being able ta slow down a ship. They also have many other destructive effects, such as promolin~ corrosion, t h e overconsumption of fuel and increasing the weight of buoys and na vigationa l equipment. The scientists have taken barnacles from the sea to the laboratory for study. They fuu~ t~t ~e cement secreted by barnacles ls a pol)'ll1er coosl~tiQg mniQlJ ~ protein material. ----·-~---~---·------·------·-----------------~---· ------.. - -~ 1 ' J ANTICIPATING THE BALL -With their go\vns picked out and accessories chosen, Mrs. 1-larry John f\1a rch (left) and Mrs. \Vil· liam Bents arc ready to go to ihe 1969 Celebrity Balf Friday, Oct. 31, which will preface a l\vo-day meeting of the Republican State ~ •· J ~ .... ' "' I ., p . . ~). l'{l , ' -' Central Committee. George Brokate gives his approval as t he wcr man model their formal attire. The three 'vill join political and social Je'aders as well as HoUywood celebrities at the gala in the Anaheim Convention Center. i l ·' JEAN COX, 494-9466 '•Id•'· 0<1obtr Z4. u n s "''' 11 GOP Gala Boll Guest List Star Bright The fainous music of Les Brown and his Band of R enu\vn will drift from the Anaheim Convention Cen ter i''riday, Ocl. 31, as 1nore than 2.000 J?Olitical and social leaders from all over lhe slate mingle on the dance fl oor inside. Also among the dancers at the 1969 Ce\ebri'ly Ball will be many noted Hollywood personalities. The occasion for the ball, which promises to be a highlight of the Orange County social season, is the opening feslivities of the Republican State Cen· tral Commil'!ee·s t11·0-d ay session. On the 111'0 d ay~ follo"'ing the Celebrity Ball, 1n orc than 3,000 Republican party leaders and mem- bers \vi ii for1nulatc ihc positions for the 1970 elec· lion year that the Republican State Central Commit- tee \vill take. The party has invited Orange Countians to be among those at the gala, which will in clude a gour- met d inner at 8:30 p.m , A reception in the Grand Lobby of the convention center \Vill signal the start of the festi vit.1t!s. Sponsoring the ball is the Orange County Re-- publican Central Commillee, in conjunction with the &late party, and serving as co--chairmen are Thomas C. fl ogers and J{obert F'. Beaver. l\1any couritians already ha\'e made reserva· tions and others are assisting \\'ith plans. Anyone \vi shing to purchase tickets may call the Orange County Central Committee, 547-8006. Views Reyea/ed Ghosts Summoned for Hospital Cause Critical Eye Kept Consumer Game On Consumer Came \\'ill he the lecture topic of Betty Furness. former 11. S. special a ssistant for consumer affairs, \Vhen she addresses Chapman College Town a nd Gown. The group 1vill meet at 10 :30 a.m. \Vednesday, Oct. 29, in the Saddle-- back Inn. Santa Ana. Lunch \Vill follow. In addition to n1embers of the \\/Omen's cultural support group and guests, faculty members and students in the college's home economics department have been invi ted. Before going to her \\lhite l~ousc posi- t.ion, \\'hich she held fro111 l\I a r C' h. 1967 t hrough .January 1969, flliss F'urness '~'a" ac· t ive in voluneE>r 1vork on behalf of VIS'fA and received a special citation fro1n Presi- dent .Johnson . Daughter oft.he late Jl·lr. George f'. Fur- ness. one of r adio·s pioncf'rs, l\·liss Furness l1as been active in both radio and lelevision. }'or five vears she has had her 011·n CBS ra- dio nctv-:Ork fJrogran1 and she al so "'as seen on educational television as hostess of '"Living for the Sixties." Her other television programs have been ''Studio One" and "At Your Beek and Call,'' and she presented the "Dimension of a \VOnl· a n's World" on CBS radio. ~tiss Furness, in "" her a cting career. appeared in 35 RKO and LECTURER l\l Gl\1 filn1s. toured in legiti male shows and Betty Furness played on Broadway. f\.fembers and friends of Queen of Hearts G u i I d • Children's Hospital of Orange County are putting the final touches on their witches' ~ and other ghostly garb which they will don tomorrow nlaht for the Jong-awelted Goblin Hob Nob in the San Clemente Inn. At 7 p.m. gutsls will grope their way down a darll and winding stairway tnto a witches grotto where a cocktail hour w:lll be tn MU!on midst a scene (l(_ Halloween horror complete wJlb leering pumpkins and skeletom wbic.b pop up unexpe<::tedly. After gu8sll mingle, at I p.m. \\'illiam GwtM, muter of ceremonies will c a 11 logether the group of ghosts and goblins for costume judg- ing. Dinner wUI be served at 9 and dancing will follow. t.1rs. Macauley Ropp Is chairman of this major fund· raising event. Judges are Mrs_ J oh n Leeds Kerr, Mrll. Robert L. Turner, Robert Cosgrove, George Gide and Martne Corps (ret.) Brig. Geo. Frank 11. Wlrsig. PrOCf:eds from the atfair will go to the hospila..I which Is a private nonprofit speeialized pediatric center for children of all races, creeds and economic Jevels. Queen of Hearts, led by fl.Irs . Covering everything fron1 polilical conven· t ions to fas hions. the speaker is the only "'oman to hold the office of presi- dent of the New York Chapter of the National Ace.detny of Television Arts and Sciences and she also y,•as chairman of its awlirds committee. Miss Fur· ness is the wife of Leslie ~lidgley, producer of the \Valter Cronkite Even- ing News programs. MAKE NEW FRIENDS -Those who want to meet ne'v and interesting people might head for the Golr Jin Hob Nob which Qneen of J-l earts Guild, Children's llospital of Orange County is presenting tomorrow night. Among the unusual people will be (left to right) the Mmes. Macauley Ropp, George Gade and Earl Steer. Fr,ancil G. Fabian Jr. of Monarch Bay, i1 one ot If women's tuilds.-which sup- port the hospital and was lbe leadln& contributor f« lllSI. Waitress .Tells Wives' Tip on DEAR ANN LANDERS: For a ldng time I have been bugged by a problem thal has been preying on my mind. I hope you can help me -as well as other hard- working waitresses. What can be done about a wife who Bneaks the tip off the table while her hus- band is paying the bill? Tttis has hap. pened to me more times than I care to think about and it makes me furloos. I work hard. My base salary is low and 1 c:lepend on tips to lh;e. TI1e wife who grabs my tip is taking 90mething that belongs to me. Isn't 'this s1ealing? An y suggestions? -FLAr-r·oOTED FRAN· NIE DEAR FRANNii:: A Up 11 a gratully. When • wire filet,l1 &he waltrest' tip lbe k lnterceptln& • . .tut. nit ll, of course, a • ANN LANDERS tnnnmy trltk ud any penoa wbo woa.ld 1t.oop to 11 11 nM:t-hUom. T'llc nve dlntn1 room bostessn wttb wbom we cbecktd, however, were unanlmoasly or the opinion that notblng: shoukl be 1ald. An alrln1 of the grievance "Would create tmbarra11ment, ur:ly ex· changes -and in the end, W wtU for the establiabmenL · DEAR ANN LANDERS : Now· that we • have proved It is possible to land on the moon, a great many people are making suggestion! as to who ought to go there. Here is mine: The moon would be an ideal place for all wives who think their husbands are 1008}' lover!, can 't tell a joke right, pay no attention lo their kids. squeeze the toothpallta lube In lhe midd le, snore a let, are too la'!;. ti) throw their socks in • I r;ow to Increase A ·llowance the clolhe& hamper and fall asleep in front of the TV. How about it, Ann. Do you agree? - YUKON JAKE DEAR YUK: Sorry, the moon wouldn't bold 'em. DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have four teenage boy~I9, i7, 16 and 13. They are good sturlents,' reliable and cooperative anrl have .never .been in any trouble. Our boys have worked since' lhey were old enough lo carry papers and mow lawns. \\'e taught them to save a part of eve ry dollar. If they warH ext ras lhey are allowed to bqy them with their own money. Tile boys have bought cameras, water skils and Scuba divlng equipment. They also pald for · their oWrl lessons. Last month we bought a color TV afid put the old blac k·and-while TV up' for sale. The old TV also is a stereo and radio combination -in excelltnt con- dition. Our two middle boys said th ey wanted to buy it on the Installment plan and keep it in their room. We sold It to them for $1 00. When my brother-in-law hen:rd we 11old our old TV to the boys be said it wa11 the cheapest lhing he'd e1·er heard of. He called us a few unrlallering names wh ich made me feel awful. ~fy husba nd ioslSts we die! the right th ing. I'm not so 1ure now . \Vhat is your opinion? -CHAND RAPIDS DEAR GRAND: It seem1 to me that your brotbtr.-1.a-law b 1Ucklllg hi• note I ---------------------- into places where It doesa't bel0111. JI more ldd1 bad to ean1 moaq for es- tru there'd be fewer kid1 In troablt. Thal wldcb pe<iple set for Mdat.c ..... V•lae. l •m imprened bJ U.. way ,.. a"d your baebaDd are n.lsta1 y•r boy1. I bope your brother-la-law does u wdL ts alcoholism a dlseaae? How can tht acoh'olic be treated? ls there a curet Read the booklet "Alcoholism -Hclpe and Help, "by AM Landers. Encloee 3S cents in coin with your reque!l and a long, stamped. self-addressed envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send thera to her In care of the DAILY PILOT, ~ closing a sell-addressed, stamped env• lope. -. -. -....... -------.. ----------------------------------------------------------------...... . frldq, l<tobtt 24, tM Horoscope Gemini: Be Optimistic Cornucopia of Bargains at Bazaar ' -·-""' --·~--'.: .'.fr ' ",J t" ,, l~"'\1...<, ~ . . I .J ,·~ I Mrs. George Perley, chairman of Harvest Fantasy Bazaar sponsored by \Vo- men's Sociely of Christian Service, First Un ited Methodist Church, Costa .Mesa sho\v s young \~esley Butterwick one of the handmade items for sale. Many ne'v items 'viii be offered a t the preChristmas bazaar in the church from 10 a.m . to 8 p.n1. Tuesday, Oct. 28. A buffet luncheon will be sold for 75 cents and fam.ily dinners will go for $2 to adults and $1 to children under 12. Musical entertainment 'vU I be presented both by Ginny's Gang, a group 'of senior citi· zens, and David and His Friends. GOP Guest Encountering Sex Education Mission Viejo Republican Women·s Cl uh, Federated members "·ill hc<ir arguments against sex education when llrucc Glenn, r-.Hssio n Viejo 11igh Sc:hool tcacl1er, speaks lo them at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday. Oct. 28, in Buffy"s restaurant, Laguna :Hills. Glenn is chainnan of the social science deparlment of the high school and sponsors a Young Americans for Fr~om group on the cam· pus. Accordin g to r .. 1rs. Paul Ricker, spokesman for the group, he atlrndtd a ron· vention for suppqrters of ~ex education during lhe sum- m..-. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, pros pective brides are reminded lo ha ve their 1vecl ding :-;tories 'vith black and white. glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- n1ent prior to or within one week after the \vedding. }~o r engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompaniC'd. by a black a nd white glossy picture, be submitted el!rly. If lhe betrotha l announce- rncnt and \veading date arc six '''eeks or less apart, onJy the v.·cdding photo \\'il l be ac- <·cpled. To help fill r equirements on both v.•cd- ding and en gagement stories, forms are avail~ able in all of the DAILY P ILOT offices. f 'urther questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 6424321 or 494-9466. Reservations and further in· formation may br obtained by callJng Mr:s. 1-larvey Spencc.r, 1---------------------..! 837-2844. Art League's Agenda Told An artist known for his ac· tion·h\led paintings of the western B<:ene. A n t o n i o Gomez. will speak before Costa Mesa Art League during a public meeting in Adams Elementary School, C o 11 t a fl'lesa. al 7:30 p.m. TUesday, Oct. 28. Chorus 'Sings Out' For Fountain Valley The first rehearsal for the Voice of Fountain Vallev. a new four-part chorus, "''il! 'take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Ocl. 30, in the city's high school. Directing the new mixrd chorus will be Donald Sauter. music director for the Foun- tain Valley Arts Association, and all area residents in· Sirens Sale tere~ in the chorus art ln· vitOO to attend. Sauter, u·ho currently in· :structs in Giesler School, has di rected choruses in this and other countries. He ha~ sung professionally and won awards for his directing. Tentauve plaru include the presentation of H 11. n d e I ' s "r..fessiah'' in December. Ad· ditional inrormat.ion may be oOU!inOO by calling Sauter, M7-2389. SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 By SYDNEY OMARR TEEN DATING HINTS: Fllll moon &onl&ht : Ta111111 la 1poUJpted, bat may bave &o make commltmeal Arie• may be concerned with budget-cheek faU1 tbat •ay. Romuce Is featured for Capricorn, wbDe Scorpio coa· 11ider1 po11lWUty of ptrmaoent relatloublp. No time for aayoae to play games with emotions. flirting could prot1e more aerlou I.ban lmaglned for Aries. Be forewarned. Piacea: doe! a bit ol movin& around, bot lt'1 wortb It Prac• Ucal mitten: dominate for most; more 1bowdOW111 occur lhaa are usual. Maay are pugnatj.om. Leo may be Uoatud, but ulterior m0Ut1e1 coWd eii•L Lanar pbaae coln· clde1 wiLh ecctntric acts on part tif many. Virgo 1eem1 to Itel gra11 Is greener 1omewbtre else. ARIES I March 2I·April 19 ): Settle financial affairs. Be practical. Those who en• co urage get-rich.quick schemes don't have facts. Consider valid :suggestions. Let others take a flyer. SI.art savings account. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accept responsibility. lf you Members Enjoy Luau Bright costumes and floral leis contributed to a festive at- mosphere when Bib N' Tuck· er ol Orange County members gathered in Newport.er Inn for a luau and dance. Mr. and Jlilrs. Edward Wronka , dance co-chairm en, arranged for music by Warren Barker's orchest.ra ti') put l.h6sc attending in a tropical 1nood. Creeling members al the door were hosts and hostesses the ~fessrs. and Mmes. John Keeler of Costa r.lesa, Thomas J udy of Laguna Beach, Grant{ Jlowald of Corona de\ f\ia r and Robert F rtnch of Laguna Beach. New members we-e In- troduced and wt!comed during the gathering. They included I he r.,,1essrs. and Mmes. Fred Harrison of South Laguna, Joe Sweany of Laguna Beach, Birkett G. Warren of NC""p:rt Beach, Paul Bruckner of Orange and William Hwxlley of Anabcim. School Moved Sunshine Com munit y Nursery School, a parent. participation facility, now is operating at a new loca tion, the Presbyterian Churrh of Lhe Covenant, Costa Mesa . The school still has a few openings. Parr:nls wi th children between 3 y~rs, 9 months and kingergarten age may contact Mrs. A I 1 r: n Chirby at 546-9396 or Mr!!. Ter- ry Dazey, 546-0994 for in- formation. The anht's recent work.o; \\•ill be ftarured in coloc and black and Yo'hite in next month'.o; is...i1~ of Western magazine. H~ won the SlOOO purchase awarrt in Lake San ~-larC"o;, in l >ill and was awarded !iCCOnd place and honorable n1en\1,n in the J~('au:it Aris Sh,,\1 lleno. ll's rummage sale lime ~ • • • • • • • • again for TOPS Sea Sirens, who have planned lheir annual • fund·raising even t for to1nor-• row, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at • 2~20 E. 15th St., Newport • Beach. • ••••••••••••• it • S-T-R-E-T-C-H • Cr£11ncz. \\"ho 1,,•gan ,1rt studies wllh h!~ 1 .~her who "'as a notC'd l>lcxic11n pcrtrail pal ntcr, ha s had numerous one-man sholl"S nnd exhibits and is a memlJ<tr of Fine Arts, Los Angelf.~ and Palm Springs Art associ <ition.~. . -.... • ~-_ •• 1 .... l;.~ ·~ ,. ~'-.,, The Sea Sirens meet every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in • Killybrooke School, Cost a • Mesa. • & SEW (T.M.) Knit Fabrics in Orange 724 East Katella • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .,.... ____________ . • • • • • • • • • • •, HIS AND HER INITIAlS Rings that are very now and ours alone. 1n 14 karat gold with diamonc1 and black oxidized finish 11round initials. Choice of his or hers W ith 2 initials. S 125. With 3 initi11ls. $135, Allow 2 "WMka for delivery. SLAVICK'S Jew•len Sine:• 19 I 7 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -M4-1 l80 Op.ti M111tdsy, P:rldey •ittll t :lO p.111. WE TEACH YOU HOW TO SEW WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS FEE $15.00 • 1.-.............. ._ ............. _... ...................... ..,, • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. • la 1. NEW CLASSES START NOVEMBER I 0th thru 14th IMAGINE! Leam to make Stretch Pants in one hour, bathing •uit for $5.00, even girdle s! START SAT., NOV. lst-9·11 a.m. ·1 •1 • • • • • • • • ~ '============================'!• • HRS. DAY 9·5; NITE 7-9:30 P.M. • • • • Ask Ann Landers • ~~ing in Rear -Phone: 633-2842 ........................ try to duck lssues, price i.o; paid. Be solicitous to women around you. Cycle is such that you must express yourself. Others cannot read your mind. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): You are made aware of plans which could affect your fu ture. Rea lize you cannot hang on to past. Look to fulure--y,·ith optimism. Be sympathetic to one who seeks aid. CANCER (June 21·Ju!y 22): Some fr iends may appear morose. Key is to act on beliefs. Adhere to principles. You cannot go wrong if you proceed in this manner. Ac· cent on fulfillment of desires. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are tested. Some events may seem lo be going against you. But today obstacles are valid challenges. You can earn respect of those in authority. \'IRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): C.On1plaints of younger persons should be taken seriously. Open commun i catio n lines-narro1v gap. t.1any 'vant to hear and sec you , Telephone. "Tile -show you are genuinely conr.erned. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Avoid playing games with :serious matters. Money is in- volved. Key is to be thorougb -a n d dedicate<!. Someone yru respect may be dabbling in the o c c u I t • \Yithhold judgment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 )~ A Libra individual rnay need your advicl', aid. Give it, but avoid appearing p orn po u s , Give attention to public rela- tions, legal affairs. If married, mate needs cheering. SAG ITIARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Full moon position, conjoined with Saturn, aocent.s awareness for you of health, work, basic chores. Slick to what you know. Avoid talking a&oul what you think you la'l.ew: cAf'RICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don't create issue "'here none exists. You may not fee l elated by events. B u l slowdown is temporary. Know this : respond accordingly. Not so good for speculating. Be conservative. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18): Home, property, basic possessions require y o u r persona! attention. If possible, stlC'k close to home base. Some remodeling would prove beneficial. PISCES (Ff'b .. 19-M arch 20): Obtain hint from Aquarius message. A void unnecessary journeys. Someone may need you at home. Messages receiv· ed require your attention. Follow through. Don't delay in responding. GARDENIAS in BLOOM and BUD Indoor or Outdoor 3" Pots ONLY TAMS Large Quarts Reg. 69c: ONLY IVY INDOOR or OUTDOOR Qts-. Req. 1.19 GREEN PFITZER JUNIPER Rt<J-J.7999« HoLLYwooD JUNIPER Req. 99, TWISTED 1.98 REDWOOD BASKETS ~i; 1.19 BONSAI POmRY WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE IN STOCK ~~~PRIVET Rt<J. J.79 99« Sun Azaleas Roq. 1.n 99« Get rid of 11!1 DICHRONDA LAWN WEED S w ith SUPER WEEDILIZER $2.00 OFF! Th e Best by Bandini! ORTHO Sp•c:i•I of Th• Month ..• G•t " Bonus of • l .U S,RAYll FIR with purch•s• of ISOTOX 5.tl. Do JO" .... S..11 and 5109 probl .... ? UM ... , PELI.ITS, 20-lb., ,..,_ Z.'8 1.79 KAREN GASKIN Will Merry December Date Told Theo engagement of Karen L<>rraine Gaskin and ~1ichae l L. r.1oro has been announced by !>lrs. Alice Gaskin of Hun· 1ington Beach, mother of the For Drive Signing up 2.000 n ' \•1 members is the gbal of B"n111 B'rith Women throughout 11ir y,•estem states "''ho a r ~ pa11icipat.ir:ig in a 12-day mern bcrship campaign. Ask and Add is thr: theme nl the emphasis, which is being su pported by Los Angeles anti Orange County chapters. Frorn Monday, Oct. '27 through Friday, Nov. 7, tllr chapters will plan indiv id1w \ event.~ designed lo attract nC'1\ mem bers. The wQinen an n uall v participate in projects in· eluding the 'provision of need, and en t er t ainmen t for hosp ita l i ied veteran!> \•ol unteer work i n un derprivileged areas 11. n 1l assjslance to various wellan~ organizations. They also sponsor such prn. grams as Operation Stor ~. Dolls for nemocracy and to, lending libraries. Clean Marble bride-elect. To clean marble, mix ~1111 Miss Gas kin is a graduate of soap and whiting to a th111 Huntington Beach High Sc.hoot. paste and apply with a soil Her fiance, son of Mr. an d brush. Let stand until dry and wash Mrs. Adam Moro of llun-off with lukewarm suds. tin gton Beach, is a graduate ofjp;,_,_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Coronado High S c h o o I , Scottsdale, Ar iz .• and attended 1 Golden Wes t Colfegc. He no'"' I is serving in the Navy. The couple plan to be mar· ried in the First Christian Church in De<:en1bcr. 1 UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATIOH GI" SHOP Im ported Gilh-Unicef C•rd1 220~ N. M,;,,, S1nl1 Ana Moncl1v tflru Saturd1y--I 1·4 Lose 10 lbs. in 10 Days ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET If it it foll owad •••t lly, tha •••••9• ov1rweight p.1r1011 •hould 1011 10 pound1 in 10 days, Thi 1 "'"' dit l pl"" leh you 1luH vo uri e!f w-ilh food1 th1t "''''forbidden. Sue" .1 1 big 1!eek1 ifim m1d of fel, 1outh1rn fr iad chic~1n, rich g re•i•1, m4yonnal•f!, lob1to r• 1wimm<n9 in buH.1 r. bacon, 111u1e9.11 end scrambled •99'· You can e1I unl11 you 1r1 full, uitil ~ou c11nno t pouiblv e11l en~ more. A copy of lhi1 """' ,,nd •lorllinq "1cc eulul Giel plan c111 ba obt .. ined by 11ndin9 $3.00 lo G<4pelru1! D•tt, Box t.118, Lt•· ""ood. "'""'"' 6t.201i . I ntrod uci ng Ben Stiles • AWARD WINNING STYLIST Win1111t of I Hc:ilrstylint Co111p1tltlo11• Appeo1td i11 W.11l1r11 1101111 Tre11ds Ma901i11• GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA 646-3925 PATIO SHOP GAS LOG SALE! COME IN AND SEE THEM NOW. DISPLAYED BURNIN G IN OUR PATIO SHOP! PET SHOP Come in ond L;sten to Our NEW SUPPLY of SINGING CANARIES ;n our Pet Shop! Do you have spots on your CARPETS or CHAIRS. Use ou r spe6al SPOT SHOT Corpe! and Stain Remover ••• ONLY 89« Thi~ Rea Hy Worki! DOG COATS ••• SPECIAL PRICES Dur;ng Our W;nter Sale ••• During Our Winter Sale • • • Going at , -Price GARDEN CENTER 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA__,6'·3925 t t .• r I ' I- . .-. . -~ ..-' .. -,-r ,... r r , . ..--~ <',.... ;--.,.-p ..-------,•-•-•-••...,...---,.· .. -..,..-,. .--"'" .--.--........-.-..,.......,......,.......,...----,..-..,.-;-r .----,....-..,._.......,._,.....----..-.,. ,---,-r --• ·-·· --~~---------------------, 4 .gc; 4 _ • .....,. Newport Beach Home For Frank G. Wernets November Porty Ideas F'r!day, Ott?btr 24, 1%~ LEGAL NOTI CE OArl y PILOT 15 I LEGAL NOTICE DEANN EVANS Engaged January Wedding Betrothal Revealed i\lr. and J\Irs. I ... 01\'t'll \V. l·;\;1n ::i of Nc11 - porl 8c;:ic:h have d 1sclosetl thC' (·ng a ge n1~nt of their daughter, lJe:\1111 l~v;in li !o P a t.ri ck Ant.llony Durke. so n ut Suprc1n~c Court ~h_t sl!c:e and i\1rs. Loui s 1-L Burke of ~a n J·'ran('.1sco. The couple h;:ive se!cc:tcd .Jan. 1'7 for their v.•edding in Our Lady Queen of An gels Church, Nc.1\·port Bea('b. , l\li ss Eva ns, a 1967 Childre11's llon1e Snc- icty debulanlc, is an nlun1n<1 of CorQ11<'1 ~rl !\Jar l·l1 gh Sc hool. I1 r e.~(·ntly ~h e 1s at1 cnd1ng Scripps \ol lc,ge, C'l;1rrn10111. lier fi ancc, :J t <~l ionC'd 111·:h 111 r 1\rn1y ;1 t Ft. Bli ss, 1'ex .. \l'ill continue !J 1~ r d11c>c1 tion J.t 'j\1orthern i\rizona L1n1,·ers1t,V. J·'l<igst:'llf. Club Offers Agenda • AUTHOR Mrs. Millie St amm Bake Booth Prepared r.-!r1nbC'r~ fl f 1-:r\a < .. 1mn1:1 Chapter. t:p'idon S1.:111;1 fllpl111. 'ol'ill sponsor a b;i li e hr1nth rl ur-! mg the Foun1:i1n V ;i 11 l' v i . I '' barbecue and carn1v~1 taking , pl;ice tomorro\v·. I The booth \11\ll npf'n <it I 11 ~.m .. and serving a~ 1·ha1rn1an of arrang<'mcnts i~ Mrs. L9 u1s I Bacc;i, ways :ind ni can s , chairman. I A va rie ty of hnn1c111ndc cookies. bro\11nies ;1nrt 11lhc>l' baked Hems v.·ill he provl(lrll to eat on·the-sput <1r lake , home. Shoe Shopping Experts ad\'\~c !hat. v.·hcn purcha sing shoes for children . have both feet nieasured ;ind I the larger one filled . Mr~ . _\!J!llC Sta rnn1 o r Ka11 ~Js C11y, i\·1o,, aut llor tJf ":\1 f!rhl:.i!ion :'l·lon1rn\s r () r \Vo11,c11" 1'-111 ~JK·;1~ hC'fC>re nH'111b1.:r~ of tlil' i"L•wport Ht':ic·h lhri-11ri 11 \Vn1nrn's Club <(l nno11 Tursrl:i.y, Nn\·. ·1. Th~' l1J111·heon is schedu led in !he• r->c11 porl er Inn and will ~·o~I $3-iii. Hcserva tlon s. d11e Friday. flct. 31, may be rnade 11·Jlh i\lr~. \Villiam O'Brien at :-d;j-:JOIH or Mrs. Maurice !ll:11·r1nn;ild. 962·61i2. Al-,o lr.1t11rrd during the ri f1Pr n<1ri 11 will be a demon.•tra· t1 •i11 I'll 1hc l;llcst kil chrn g.idg1·10. Spi.>t:i al musir ·will be J1l'•'!ir11l cd hv lli e t-.1 :idri~al . 'i111gcr~ 11f Coron a dcl J\·!;1r llu;l1 Sthrinl. '.l!r·~ Si.<111m h<•.~ tr<11·rii'rl 111 •r•• I h:111 2:J0.000 rn1le-; 1n !ht! l n1tt·rl ::.1:11cs and Can;u!a 111 t h~ 1nttTcst of Ch r 1 i; t 1 an f'l'11.<:;1n"~ii ;i nd Prorc~s.1011:i l \\0111rr\ -:ind Ch r is tian \\-Pnll'll"<; f']llh,, !'rank G(':'.!rge wernet Jr. and his bride. the former l)onna J\laric J\tan11, "'ho were rn<H l'1etl io Chr it.l Lulhtt'all Churc.h. Co s t a Ml'sa. have relur11C'd rron1 1hC>ir honey- n1oon trip Lo Eureka and are n1aku1g th c ! r new home in Newporl 8C>ach. The Rev. Lothar Tornow performed the ceremony link· ing the daughter of t'llr, and f\·Jrs. Archil;lald ~I. J\·lann Jr. of Costa l\lesa and the son of l'li r. and l\1rs. Frank G, \Vernet of La pistrano Be~ch. For the C<'fE!mOny thr hride 11 0 1·e an ernpirc prau de soie µ011 n ~ty !ed with pearl trirn on thr nccli, long slcc\-cs and a 1'h;i pel train of ch<1nt1lly lace. A {'rown of pea rls ;inrl lace r11ses topped her el bow lenglh illusion veil and she carried a bouquet of white daisies, l'rirnations and baby's breath c_·cnlercd by talisn1an roses. :Vtr;:;. Bruce Ruby nf Irving, Tf'~. the bri'r1c 's si ster. was malro n or honor and wore an unliqlic gold en1 pirc (·llilfon O\l(•r 1affeta creation. Brides1naid s, dressed i n itlcotical moss green go wns \\'~'ri" l\·liss t~cri Ann \Vernet. tile britlegroo111·s si ster; tl1iss Marci J. J\'l;inn , the brlde's sister. and l\1 iss Bert b a J\·loss1nan. r-.ti ss Kim Mann, rhe br ide's sister. was a junior hrldcsmaid. Mi chael W er net , the hridcgroon1's brother. was bcsl nian and another brother, J;:imrs \~·crnE'I. 111as an usher. Al~·o r'icor1ing gue~1s to their ~r;i ts v.·rrr .Joseph i\1cndc, !he br1dcgroo1n 's uncle and Leaders Called Together J\l nre than 800 Orange Coun· !y Ci r! Seoul leaders will gather '1n St. Joseph College, Orang e, Jor the fir st annual l1•adcrs conference n ex I \Vcdnesday. AtTording lo ~1rs. Robert r-.t Fr:iser of Orange, chairman, 1he conference is planned to explore \1•ays in v>hich the volunt eer leaders can help their girls develop a greater sense of 1ndepcnrlencc and responsibil ity and to establish :i hc1lcr undcrs\;'lnding be- l\\'C'l'll ad ults ;ind yot1th. Kcvnoling the 9 a.rn. event \1-111 be Dr. Arthur L. Bietz, nolrd counselor and educator, "·ho will :;peak on Developing Respons1bllity in Children - the Youth We !\now and the YouU1 \V e Don•t Know. During the afternoon session the leaders will go into discu~sion grou~ arranged by J'lfrs . Ted Ri scha rd of Tustin. Other~ assisling with plan s ;ire the r-..1me~. Robert Lewin. Ed11·in Orth, Ralph G. Degn an , IL N. Bevcrirlge. H;i y1nond \V. 110relly and Robert Babcock . CM O vereaters Ove reaters A non y m o 11 s g;+1J1cr r1·cry \\'crlncsday even- ing nt 8 u1 Bear Street School, Cos t.a J\·1csa. 0 OMEG_A Proper nicn s11rr1nrn\ i s done v.;ith the fool tip 011 1hr fitti ng stool and the lrg al a ' right angle. Make ~1ir~ the salesman holds the c"·hi11I s foot 1 down while nicasunng, Mrs. Jaycees TI ME IS GOLDEN Especially when you keep it like this. Huntington BeacQ 1\t r s . Jaycees meet the seCQnd ~·lnn· day of the rnonlh at 8 p.1n. Local.ion information may be received by telephoning f.lr~. Michael Broo ks. ~36-7022. Watches in 14 karat gold by Omega with sapphette crystal. Narrow mesh band in white or yellow gol~ $250. Wide mesh bracelet. $350. SLA.YICK'S MRS. WERNET JR. Mesa Nuptials flliehael Potter. Festivities a r le r the ceremony included a church reception followed by a buffet dinner hosted by the bride's ·parents. Assisting were Misses Sharon Kirkn1an, the benedict's cousin, Les Ii e Marshall and Lynda Hess. Specla l guests incl uded Mrs. Fay Ga rdn er, th e bridegroom's mater n a I grandinother from· Corona. The new J\·Jrs. Wernel is a graduate of Costa Mesa High ·school and attended Orange Coast Coll ege. Her husband, <111 alun1nus of Capistrano Union 1-ligh School, was a slu· 1!enl at Saddleback Juniorj College. Rites Set Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams of Newport Beach announced the betrothal of her <1a11ghter, Wendy Baker to Jerry Roy Clark during a family party where the bride- E'lecl telebraled her birthday. Miss Baker. who also is the <laughter of William Baker or San Francisco, is a graduate of Nev.·port Harbor High School and attended the University of Oregon. Her fiance, son of Mrs. Gene Owen Clark of Corona del 1-olar and the late 1\1r. c.lark, is ll!l alumnus of NHHS and Orange Co;ist College. The couple wlll be married Saturday , Nov. 29 , in St. James Episcopal Ch u r ch, Newport Beach. Demonstrated llouse, Fashion Island at 10;30 a.m. Tuesda y, Oct. 28. The program by Edison home econon11st, Miss Ca rol H<'lnz includes a Sna ck Party for the young hostess. a Ban· dido Buffe t for Leens and Fon· due fun for young adults. The demonstratlon is open to the public, free o( charge, and each guest \I'll] receive a recipe book. Beach Bab es E1·ery \Vednesday at 7 p.m, members of TOPS Beach Babes convene in Huntington Beac h 1-ligh School for pro· gram!!. HOTPOINT BUILT·IN 1970 DISHWASHERS Se ll-clee n!n9 •cl;on e-... sv TlllMS "Y"ILAILli Rin1e-•w•v dr•in •nd 1oft.foo d d i1po1er p"lveri11 •nd remove food p•rticl11 ti 1ve 1y dr ein ptti· od. R1ndom·lo1d:n9 re,~l hold 17 ft· l:i le 11ttin91. LEGAL NOTICE JIOTIC• 70 c•101ro•1 tUl"l•10C COU•T Oii TMI LEGAL NOTICE ,..non "·J4U1 C!llT!,!C"TE 01' 8US!NE11 (l!!ltflPl(.lTE OF 9U511'11!!SS FICTITIOUS H"ME FICTITIOUS PlllM JIAME The und•"l<;1ne<l """' ("!llV he 11 (0,,_ 1877 HARBOR BOULEVARD COSTA MESA THE UNDERSIGNED <!Oe• h••ebv d11cHn; o b11•ln•" al 1i)51 M-ln Sir••'• .... ,._ (O<!lly tl\U he 1, conducting • 10,.Jgn ur Huntington Beach, C~h!ornla, ur.der tne 1ervke bu1lne'1 et 111G-A Harb<Jr llc•ollov• fl•m name of l{ENNEDV "M· Boul•v•rd. Co.i• M•••• (•lllornl•. vnd•r BULANCE ~nd !hat >•Id firm I• comP<>oe-d lh,. !IC!ltlou1 llfm name O! CHRIS' cl lhe following P~"on. WhO•e n•m• I" fOREIGN CA ii SERVICE And !hel oald r.,11 and ol•<• cf •••ldence I>•• lollowo: ll•m h comi><».-d ot tr.. f<lllowln<;1 0.,,0n ll;en""m N. 1-lvnl••· HflS2 Emtrlld wno1• n•me In full and place of •••ld•nc~ ln • Hunllnglor> B•ach, C•lll. 11 •• lollows, !1>-wlt: Dale<l Del, )!, 1?~9. Chd1 G-ovgh, 21•1 Repu~llc Avenue. l{ennelh N. t-lunler (O>l1 Mew Ci lllornla 5Tal1 o! Call!ornla. Orange Covntv: WITNESS ;,,v t>and in1i 1~d <lat a! Dn D<-1. ll. 19a9, be!ore me. • Nolarv October, ""'· Publk !n •"d •or ••Id Sl•lt. l>f'•sonellv Ch•I• Gouo1' •PP&af"ld l{onnein N. Hunler known lo ml ST.1,TE OF C"LIFDRNIA l !o Ile !he """"" wno'" nAme h IUbo(rlD- CDUNTY OF ORANGE l sl rd To !he wl!~in ln•lrumenl •rid b<J~o~• T~~~ 2:..!!~ft L~(~~1~ •. ~.DNo~~~'~ ~Q~F';('~~~E~t_"i''<utffi 1ne temt, Public + .. •M lo• ,~. ••Id Co<intv •M J•"n L_ J~t>,! S!•!e, retldlng 1t1ueln, d"lv commtu io""d Not••v Public • Ca lflorn11 10 DAILY 7 OPEN to 10 -SUNDAY 10 to • ........... _ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY GIRLS' LAT KNIT CARDIGANS Our Reg. 2.97 200 1 Girls' 1-~lat Knit Cardi· gans. 100~0 A cr yli c. Crew necks. Assorted colors. Sizes 7-14. Stock up now! And Save! GIRLS' WIDE LEG SLACKS Our Reg. 2.97 200 In prlntc;; and solids. Some ~''ilh e!aslic waist bands, .i;ide zippers, unlined corduroys. Cotton bond- ed stretch denim. - rr.d '"'"'"· .,.,,on~ll• IPI''"'"" (1'•1• l'drl(•P•I OHie• In Gougn kl'IOwn to me to t'!' the l>'r:oon OrAnge Covnlv wno•t neme Ts IUb•Ulbl'<I '" !ht .,..,1Mn ~~r~no';'.~~·7~on E.•olre1 ~",•1;~~~7~ •,~ :~~":.wle<ig•d to mo 111•1 Publl1n""' 01dn<1e Co••I Do ily Pilr!•, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 "••e f9~•;ber 1/, 14. Jl 8r>d No\Oember 1. ~"'""nto set mv hend 1nd e'1i~l'd my ol· 19•0.6t U~l•I ~••I Tno dev •nd "'"' In tnl~ C"'!lllo:•te tit>! eb<Jv1 written, (D Fl·ICIAL $E,t,Ll Meri11rol L. l(ellv Nofary Public -Cellfo•n 11 Prlnclo•I Dr!l<t In DtonQe Coun!v Mv Comm1.,1on E~olrn Febru•no 1" 197J Publl•ne<I Orenge (<>111! Dally Oeioe<r J, 10, ll. l•, lto? 8"11 • JlOl LEGAL NOTICE '""IS• _____ _ Cl'llTll'ICATE OF BVSll'IESS FICTITIOUS •tllM NAME T>!E UNDERSIGNED doe• llerpbY •••lllV l~U ne ll tondu"ln~ • n~w on~ u•~<I au!omoblle ..,1,a, i.ttvl<es hu1lnt " ~• till E. Fi"! Slreet, Clly of S~n!a Ano, Couotv ol Oro"g"• Mele o! C•llfo,nlo, u~d'"' '"" foc!l!tn,,, 11 • .,, n~"'" 01 CALIFORNIA SPORTS CAR S, LTD, "nd lht! Uld '""' 11 t Ol'liPO>.-d or lh! lollOW· lnq •••ion. who>! name •'1<1 •d~re11 11 ol follow1, to-wit: Nolh•nlel "· D•ln9, m1 L~••••ew \'lev, Fulrtr!r.n, C•ll!~'"'" WITNESS 1'1• ll•nd 111,, 21•d d•• of S•Mrm~~r. 101' N•lll•nl.i I' Drln.g STATE OF CALll'OP~llA COUNTY OF D~ANGE L EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE OllOIN"HCI! NO. ,,,,, A"' DllOINANCE 01' THE CITY COUN• CIL 01' THE! CITY OF COSTA MISA, CALIFOllH IA, "M!!NDINO ~llTIOHl OF AllTICL E t. CH"PTEll 11 0, THI!:· AOMINISTllATION POllT!OJI 01' THe' COSTA MES" MUH!CIP,t,L CODlf llELATINC TO OO CU ME.HTAllY STAMP TAX. THE CIT Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF COSTA MESA. CALIFDRr<IA, OOES HE:R EBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS, SECTIDJI ! S~llon m • "1 Ar!!CLe 1, c~ ... 1., II ol Ii\~ c o.to MOM M"nklp1I CO<!• 11 hereby •mend"" I!) reed •• 10110 .... , "SI{. "°'· -ny dttd, IM!ru"""11 .,.. wrl!l r>g IQ wlllc~ '"• Unl•O<I Slat•• n• env eg~ntv or •nl!rumen!allN 1n~r~<, ""~ •!tie or l~rrl!o••·· or ...,11tlc&I tvt>- dlvl11on '"••to/, 11 • <>•riv ,n.11 ~ ••-- '"""' ••om !"~ I•• imPo•...t nuroiJ•nt to tnJ1 Arlltle "'""" 11\e e1em1>t •genoy i• ec,.ulrTnQ !Ill•" SECTION l rni. "'~'""'<' •"•II •• ..,. •!!~~! ftnd ~ 1n 1~11 !or~• !i\lrl't 1JO) d~•• lrom •nd '""' II• "'""0' •n<I pd or •ft •~·''"''•Hon o' !fll•en 11~\ d•v• !r<>m 1•1 """"q" •~•II be o~bill!\ffi on<• In !he OtAnq• '""'' D"ll• P1•n!, • newso•o•:r o• ON THIS 1lrd dov of S•OI A.O., UM, 9en•ral d r<ul•llnn, odnt.-d •nd oyblillll'd be!ort me Wm M&lov • Nol••v Public In 1" rne Cl!v 01 '"''a M•>o, '""""'' wJ!~ •nd ror ••ld Co11nlv •nd Slat•, '"'d•nq !ht n"m"• 01 lh~ membe" of !he Cil'I' therein duly commln lonffl an<! ,-..-o•n. Covnc;1 voll<>o fo• •<>ti ~o•ln" !ne ••mo. oeroo-n•llv eo .... are<i Nt1n1nl el P_ Or1n9 PASSED AfJD ADOPTED 1h'1 101~ dav ""own lo me lo "'-the ""'>on w!\Q>t o! OclO"'-'• !969 n•m• +s •vln<tlbttl lo ,,, .. Within In· A. L, PINKLEY <l•Y,..eni, •nd 1(1rnow!e<l~•d to me ln•I M•vor o• the he ~•tcu!ed lne 1eme. IN WI TNE SS Cltv ol Cosle Mne WHEllEDF, I n1ve hereunto 1t l mv htnd c. I(, PlllEST •r.d •ffl•Ml my olflcl•I ""I !he ••• •11(1 C!h Cl~rk ol '"" ve•r In this O!rllli~•f• llrat •bo•• wr ll1eo. CITv "' '°''" M•>• (OFFICIAL SEAL) STATE 01' C"L•FDllNIA l Wm. Melo• COUNTY OF ORANGE ! '-'· Not•no Public CITY 0 " COST" MESA I 5!1"" o/ C1ll lornl1 I, C. I{, PRIEST. Cl!v Cl<!rlr Ind ••-ol· P•lnc:1.,..1 Otfke In Helo C•••I< col 1i.t Ci!v Council ol tn• Cltv Or•no• Countv "1 Ce•I• Mn• """by c•rllfy 1n11 I~• My Com.,.,lulon E•ol"1 •tlOve end lo•eoolng Drdln•n.:~ No, 69-n JYIV I, 1910 we• IMrod<1<e<I on<I tcn•ldet...i ••<!Ion bv Pybli11>fd Or•"ll• Ccost oellY r>llo! 1tc!I"" If • •"9u!er m~tllng ot ,_.rd C!tv Dclooer 3, 10, II, 1~. \'69 1eao-.19 CotJntll on "'' 6111 dev ol D<lollt r, lt.19. tr.cl 11\f<etfl or """"' end ldopl""' •• " LEGAL No r c1cCcE=----1.,..holr et a 1eovlo• m•etln<i ot 101d CITY f.•'"ncll held on tt.e 10!1' d•Y of Oc!oblr, .------·1196', bv flM fcllowln' roll <-"II ~ere : ... 15171 AYES: COUNCllMEN w 11 1o n . Cl!llTl,ICAr• T1Kl<1r, 51 Cl1lr, Jordan, Pln•ler IT IS HEREBY CEllTIFlEO AS NOES: COUNCILMEN Ncne FOLLOWS; A8SFNT • (OUN CILMFN Nono Tiie urtr1eril1ned, a C•lllOrnl1 l o•· POrtUon. h•' ct1M'd dl>IM bu1Tr>Hs In the SIDI• of C•lllorntt u""'er lht llc!ltlotJ• n8m1 WAllREH W, GIBllONS CD. The f •lntlP•I 1>l.t<1 9! bl!llne .. •r.d !llt olett af resldtnte col slid co•P<>••l~n ll lou!N ti ''°° Cem1>u1 Drive. Orange, Countv, Celllornl•. D"TEO: Oclober U, l?t• WA ll LE V CDMP,O,tlY Waff•n W. Glbbo,.1, Pr,sl~ent SMrltV (. Gltl~n!. St(rtl1r1 $T ... Tli OF CAL1 FOllNI" ) COUNTY OP DR.lNG~ \ H, On 11111 Hiii d•Y ol Oc!-r, l ?t9. bf.lore ..,.., lne Uflofftil1ntd, A Nolerv Publl~ In 1r.d for 11ld .Sit!•, ....,tontllv •Pl>ftt!'d Warrtn W. Glb~n1. known lo me to be tl\t. Prt•ld•nt, er.cl lll!r l<lv C. GlbbOns, ~nown lo nw to b<J ,,,. -St!t "911"" ot 1h• Coro•>r•tlo... lh•I t"x!'Cule<:l 1111 wl!ll!n lnf!nml-l!nl, _,,,,...,.,. tg rn1 to bt ltlo Mf"SOl'll wllo t~Ku14111 ""-w!ttolft ln1lrv· "'""'' Of' belMtl Of ttoe Cor111,.1tlon 11\ereln """'*· .,,,, Kkllll'wleOH(! lo ..... 11\t.t 111<.h Corpor1llon t~tw!ed tl'ltl wl!llln ln1ir.,. ,,,.,,, ""'"""' lo !11 bv-1tw1 or e r1!1<1lu· !lot> of 111 boltll af dl•tc!or1. WITHE!$ mv hlr.d '""' ol!l<lll .... 1. !DFl'lC IAL !EAL! 0 0 NALD W. l(ILlfAN, J R, Nolt•v Publl<, Calltornle Ptlnc:lpftl O!llce !n IN WITNESS Wt-IEJIEOF, I tl1V9 ~ertunlc i.et mv Mr.cl end •lll~od '"" $eal ol I~• Cltv of Cot!• Mow, !Ml~ 21•1 d•V at D<tobl!r. 11>!\t. C II;, PlllEST Cl!v Cier~ 1n<1 •v-ottlclo Clork nl rno City of Co>!• M•1• Cl!• Coun{il Publl!hf'd 0•8"0• CD••I D1ITY r 11e1, October 11, 196' 1'69•61 LEGAL NOTICE ••ll·Jlll IUPl'lllOll COUllT O• TM• STATlf 01' (ALIFOJIHlll. 1'011 THlf (OVNTY OP o•AHOIE '"· "-Mtd HOTICI!" 0" HEAlllHO 0, ,.l!'TITIOM l'Olt ,.llOllATE 01' WILL "HO POii LIETTIEllS TESTAMl!"HT,t,llV E1!0T9 01 GEORGE CDJINE5 MAT· TESON. Dtaa1flt. NOTICE 15 HERl!:llV GIVEN Tn.t Je• Me"eten Cell>oun l\ils llltd ""•In e Pitll• tlon for pro~I• of Wiii u ld lor IUYtnce M L~ft11<1 Tes1amen!ery to P1tlllor>er, re!~•enct lo wni(~ 11 mtdt for tvrl~t~ 1>•rTlc;t<ltr1, &M lh•I 1111 tlm• •nd Pit~ of tieerlng 1ne "'m! 1111 bte!I wt -N""t mbt• l•, lt60, •t t o:lO 1 rn, In 1"9 (01rr!1corn ol Otoftrtment Ne. l of ~tld co1ir! . .i 11lO (lvl, CtnTtr Ori~• Wtll. In 1~t Cl!v of SonT1 Ant. Cellfo•nl-. Drt nte Co"""' PllOFlSSION.AL PIANIST 18 FASHION ISLAND ~~1_c;;':'';',1;:1o" f~"l'e' .Acte,tl1t9 p11pJl5 for Nl';W PORT B'ACH -644 .1380 Dl.,.111 W. Kl!ll•n, Jr • .ltt0<11e• •• L"" Oa!t'd Octr.ber n. l~f W E ST JOl-iN, (.011nl't (l•r> . l11dh•ld•al l111rt11ctlo11 in i:; i; 414' (•mp"' 0,1,., PIANO It MUilC THlOJIV 'r~w (11.••~• Ar'CU"I l'fe!rn,.,., BAn~""'"''CAtJ, Mq1ter Cll••§fl', IM> ~:::'::t'o•;:.~;;•llfemll f1HI N"'l!lt. SILLS & WOOD, U.1.0" ~·n~ s~ '"' IOUllll Tewt .. s11111 Number "'· o,.."" C•lllorn11 nue All..-.....-• tor ,.1111..,er 1>11~•11~--0 Or•"ll• Co••I D<lltv ,11(11, - . Op111 Mo11dey, Friday v"til t :JO p.m. Oclol)lr u, 11,. M end Nnv•ml>or '· 1•t111111e1 & Ad1cinc1d·A~ .A9a I p.,~l+l!>t<I O•lnot C•MJI D&r"' Pl"''· ._0J0A0C0 K-R0l 01D0l010N0G __ ._ ... ·.7070U_. L----------------~-------"' ·-------------------------------------' 1ut 1t4J·~• !kt~ber n. ,l, it. !9~9 1'9Q.f>t \ \ ' , . I 8 OAILV PILOT Lew Alci ndor Lady Ump Cries Fo11l At Hearing NEW YORK (AP ) -A house.wife went to bat for her sex Thursday, contending she 1o1·as thumbed d01o1il for a baseball umpire's joh beca use she is a .,.,.oman. r.lrs. Bernice Gera, 3 8 ·y e a r • o 1 d housewife of Jackson ]{ei ghU , Queens, t~tified at a hearing before the State Di vision of Human Rights concerning her contention tha l women ·were un1o1·elcome as llmpires in organized baseball. She told Hearing Examiner Amos Carnegie that she wa s turned down by the Al Somers School !or Umpires , Daytona Beach, Fla.. after it \vas disctlvered that "Bernie" on her 3J>" pl ication stood for Bernice. She was accepted and graduated in Ju· Jy, 1967, from the Florida BasebaU School in Palm Beach. r.1rs. Gera, 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 129 pounds. sa id she had been offered a contract by the Ne\V York· rennsyl\'a nia league on July 25. 1969, but that the offer was suddenly withdraY:n. She \\·as told, she said, tha t she \.\'as not ~tween 21 and 35 years of age. was less t)lan 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighed Jess than 170 pounds. She said she also was lold she "·ould ha\'e trouble changing clothes in the Jeag>Je"s existing clubhouse fa cilities. She testified that Kinard Latham, a former umpire "'ith the league, wa!'i 5 feet 8 inches tall and ·weighed 160 pound~. She said another former umpire. t-1. T. Fedyshym, 1o1·as over 50 years old v.·hcn employed by the league. ~1rs. Gera's compla int Is aga inst the Ne.,.,· York-Pennsylvania League and the National Association of B~ebaJI Leagues as well as their presidents. In !he hearing room, t.1rs, Gera crouch· (I(! behind her six·fOOt·laU attorney, Alan Saks, who pretended to be a calche r. She r.a id she could see do1o1·n the "chute" - front the pitcher's mow1d to home plate -"·ithout any trouble. She has been playing baseball "as long as I cnn remember," ~1rs. Gera said. She ~aid she has umpired ga mes for the T~tCA. the Little League, a local league In Bridgeton, !\.J ., and at the National Baseball Congress in \\"ichila. Kan . She also said she V.Tites a baseball col· umn for a Jackson lleights monthly publication and gh·es frequenl talks to youth groups about the game. r-.lrs. Gera said her husband, Sle\'e, a photographer, is "all for" her becoming an ump ire. The !\ew Vor k-Pennsyl\'a.nia League has t.eams in \\'1lhamsport, Pa .. and in Auburn, Bat.1~·1a, Corning, ~n~\·a, J ameslo"·n and Oneflnta, N.Y. Philip Pilon, president of the National . Associallon of Profe:o;.sional Baseball Leagues, told the hearing that Mrs. Ger a v.·as re;ected he<'au!,C she did not meet the physical req uirrments. lie said he was told that she \\·a.~ "temperamentally unsuited" arid was a publicity see ker. NBA SEES CR ISIS IN OFFICIATING BALTl~ORE (AP)-Officiating v.·i\l be "a grave problein" this year in the National Basketball A5.5ociation. accord· Ing to lhe administrative assistant to Commissioner \\'alter Kennedy. . Car! Sheer admitttd the gra\•ity of the 1utuat1on at a sportswri!ers meeting the night after he watched the Los Angeles Lakers score 4A points at the free throw line in a 142-137 overtime victory against the Baltimore Bullets. The rival America n Bask~tball AsSO('l- ation caused !he crisis by luring away the lop four refertts in !he :'\BA with big money offers. . ..... --------·---""'"""'."'--:--:---~-------------.... ~.li!"I. ~. __ .__ Wilt, Le-w Square Off Tonight LOS ANGELF.S I AP) -\Vill Cham· berlain, lhe greatest scort r in the history of the National Basketball Association, mttts a $1.4-mlllion challenge tonight - Milv.·aukee's Lew Alclndor, IOSt:r of <lnly tv.·o basketball games since high school. Chamberlain, however , apparently doesn't view his due l with the former UCLA star in this dramatic hght. "What Milwaukee posrs as a team is more important," said the 7·1 Los Angeles Laker center. "It doesn't matter i( Lew gets 100 points and 100 rebounds as long as we win .'' Wha l kind ol challeng(' is Lew., "He has quick hands and good moves around the basket," said Chamberlain. Alc(ndor, at 7·1~. 1:; probably the biggest post man Chamberlain has ever watched and one of the I astest. Although he was cons1dertd a good shooter from !O·ifl (eel by t.:CLA Coach John Y.'oodE<n. Lew has resortl'd to inside tactics in his fi rst three games this year. Using a leaning, flat hook shot, Lew scorrd 36 points against the San Diego Rockets \\'ednesday night btJt was llnhap- py aboot his play because "I v.·as Jetting Elvin sec too much of the ball." Elvin I/ayes bloc ked a few o( Lew's shols early in the game but v.·asn't close tat.er. In hi.\ three games, Lew has sctlred S4 poin ts and hauled do1o1·n 42 rebounds, averages of 28 and 14, respectively. Chamberlain ha s also gotten off to a good start, having games of 36, 33 and 43 poinU. The Lall:trs 11.re 2·2; the Bucks 3-0. But Alclndor alone is not the story or the Bucks this year. They are more of a team because of Alcindor's unselfisll nature. lie plays the high post occasionally lo give the Milwaukee forwards and guards 1nore room to maneu\'er. UP'I T•l1p~111 RIGHT ON TARGET -Al l eyes are on George 1\rcher's pin-high chip !>hot to lhe ninth green dur· ing lhe first round of the San Francisco Open golf tournament Thursday at !"l arding Park. 1\rcher tap- ped in a birdie putt, one of 10 he made during the firs t round, to fire a 63 and take a one-stroke lead. 59 Getter Par 10 More Birdies lt Day And I'll Wi1i lt-A rcher SAN FRAr\CJSCO (AP) -George Archer said his elbow hurts, .J;ock ~lontgomery said he "as still 1reak front a recent appendectonly and Dick :-.l:i~er said he just came alon~ "lo sec 1rho oil these names belong tn.'' But the three amhlcrl and scramblc J through lhe cold anrl d;:in1p, "'llh an OC· casional side. trip to the \1'oods, in tn the top three places in the. $100,000 San Fran· cisco Open golf tournament Thursday . ,\rcher, the 6-foot-6 i\laslers champ1011 who has been sulrlincd 1o1•ith tendonills 111 the lefl rlbo1v for six "·eeks, had 10 birdies en route tn an eight-under·par 63. Non ·~·inner i\lontgomery and the veteran fliayer, each had 64s 1n the first round. And Arnold Palmer. "ho said "1he course could not be playing easier," 11ad to setll e for a 70, far back in the 144-man field. The tight, 6,677-yard Lakeside layout took a terrible healing. In all. 59 players broke par and another matched par 71. "'·ith the prospect that it may take a sub· par tot.al lo make the cut 1o1·hen !he field is trimmed to the low 70 shooters and ties for the final two rounds Saturday and Sunday. J erry Heard. a 22-year-old who has just completed his first year on th~ lour, and big Bob Lunn trailed flfayer and t-1ontgomery \1•ith 65s. Lee Elder and Mike Hill eaeh had a 66. 'Seven more, including Dave •!ill, Bob Goalby and Dale Douglass. had 67s. Billy C~sper. 11·ho 1o1·on lhe event a year ago "'hen it 11 a!' called I~ Lucky lnterna· !1ona1. had a 10 and PGA cham p Ray F lo~d took a ii. 1\rch<'r. 11•ho \\'i1hdn'"' fr om last week 's ~:ih.1r.1 ln1·11at1onat :ind 11·as a ques- tiona ble starter until the last minu!e said .. ll 11a::. JU~ n1y day. ll is like shooting dice E 1'f·r~th1ng T ~hot came up a ~\·en. 1-.vrrything l gut close to the hole 1o1·ent In ., B:g George said the pain in his elbow h:i~ rc:Jue<'d "from being like a knife in )0U to ;1 1illll throbbing. son1ething you ca n sl and " lie had a !crambling round. deEpi te his JO hirdies. Thr~ shots went into the woods or caromed off trees. On 1\.\'0 or them he got birds. One 1o1·as on a p:;ir fil'e, v.•here he hooked his second shot back to the fai rway, put his third six inches from the pin and lap- ped in. Ano!Jler boun ced off a tree and back lo lhc falf\.\·ay, he reached in regulation and ran in a 35 foot putt. ··1 predict," he grinned, "'that If 1 get IO more birdies each day, I'll win it." He got his last bogey v.·hen a tee shot travelled only 50 yards but he birdied his Ills\ three holes. "\\'ou ld you say you were more lucky than good ?" 5omeone asked. "I'd rather be lucky and good," he replied. "We're movi fli the ball a Jot better v.·1th Lew 1n there,·· said veteran Guy ROOgers, a former teammale of Ch11mberlain. "I'm gelling more roo1n lo dri\'e and so is t'~·erybody else," said swift, hot·handed Flyn.1 Robinson. And tu give further motion lo the Buck attack, Alcindor darts oround the top of the key and flits to the baseline often enough _jQ.-Opposing centers can't gel compl~nt. Tonight, howeve r, the n1il lion dollar center gets his first real lest. Wilt Ch1mberl1in College Football Roundup OSU Terror Train Draws Easy Chore By AssoJlated Pre5s It sounded a bit like a put on. •·we won't haven problen1 or o\·ercon· fid ence," said Ohio Stale coach \\'oody Hayes about Saturday's game 11 ith lo\\'ly Illinois. "We 've had too rnany squeakers ·wit h Illinois lately," But lhe sho'>l·do1\•n at Colu1nLus between the terror or the Big Ten and its 1\orst team ~hapts up as anything but a squeaker -more like a squelch. \\'hile the junior.studded Buc keyes ha1·e been reeling off four stra ight victories \1•.!th the greatest of ease 1 by such one· sided scores as 62·0, 41·1~ and 54-21 ). the 111ini ha\'en't managed a 1·1ctory yet in fi1·e tries. They v.·ere outscored !55-70 in those games. To top it off. thC' Buckeyes \\'ill have a llulc el\tra incenti\'£' going for them - Illinois \vas ll1e J a~t tean1 lo beat Ohin Sl!ltc (17-13 in l!l671 before the BucJ.;s s1 ar1ed their current 18-game victory ~!ring. The n1a1ch. howe\'er, takes s&ond bill· ing 1n the leagu e lo u p s t a r t Northwes!ern·s visit to :'\o. !5 Purdue as far as a trip to !he Rose Do\1·! is con· cerncd. The Buckeyes. drfending Rose Bow l champs, are barred lron1 another trip to the New "t'ear's Dav rlassic because of the league's "no repCat" rule. Consequently, if Ohio State \~·ins the championshi p, the runncnip learn goes to the Rose Bowl, and Nnrth\\·eslern - "'hich lost its fi rst three games before beatnii Illinoi 5 and Wisconsin-Indiana and the Buckeyes are currently lied for first , all with 2{1 records. Purdue, \1'ilh a Joss to illich igan the on· ly blemish on its· record. is a three t ouchdO\\'n fa\'Ori te t o sto p North1o1·esterri"s siring of success, v.·hi!e Indiana isn't expetted to ha\'e much trou- ble 11·ith \\'isconsin. fl leanv.·hiJe, a couple of thousand miles lo the \Vest , No. 6 UCLA tral'els to No. 13 Stanford in anothe r crucial test th!lt could go a long \\•ay to determining the other Rose Bowl representati\'e. The bruising Bruins ha\'e brushed orr ell six foes this season in building a J·O mark in the Pacific.a. Stanford"s only set· back in the league was a 26-24 clipping by t\o. 8 Southern California 2-0 in the Pacific--8 and 4{1 over·all. two "·eeks ago. Southern Cal steps oul of leag ue ac· tivity this "·eek to entertain Georgia 'fech. Olher games lind Rice at No. 2 Trxas. \\"ichlta State vs. No . 4 Arkansas at Lillle Roe].;, No. 5 .\lissou ri at Colorado, Ohio Lniversity at No. 8 Penn St ate, No. It Auburn at No. 9 Louisiana Stale, Van· derbilt al No. 10 Flo rida , !\o. 11 Oklahoma at No. 18 Kansas Slate, !\o. 12 Notre Dame at Tulane. nigh t, Kentucky at No. 13 Georgia. San Jose State ai No. 16 \\'yoming, Houston at No. 17 ~ .. !iss1ssip- pi and Colorado State Cnivers1ty al No. 20 Air f orce. No. J Tennessee is idle. Tex as Christian is at r.tiami, Fla., in tonight's only major college game . High-scoring Texas is an over"·he!m- lng favorite to whip Soulh\\'est conference foe Rice, 11·hich has 1o1·on only one of four game.<:. \\'hile Arkansas, 4-0, should h11\'e an equally easy time 1~·1th sputtering \\'ichita State. L'nbeaten Missouri V.'ill he trying to protect its share of the Big Eight lead against Colorado, 3·2 over·all. Surprising co·leader Kansas State. 2-1 and 4·1, will try to end 31 z decades of frustration against Oklahoma, 3·1. in the loop's other big battle. Kansas State. for years lhe Big Ei&ht doormat. hasn·~ beaten Oklahoma for 3S years. In fact , the closest the \\'ildca\s ha1·e come in the past 30 years 1o1·as a 17'6 loss in 1961. H11l111e Breaks l-la11 Record At River side RIVERSIDE -Tell an auto race fa n that S(lmeonc just broke lhe track record at Ri\'t r5ide lntcrnational Raceway and more lhan hkelv he'll ask. "'\l,'ho .,.,.as it- Denis H11ln1e or Hrul'f! fl.!cLaren?" This tin1e it \\'as Hulme. The "other half'' of tht: lan1ous racing comb ination toored the Ri\'erslde course Thursday in an averagr speed of Ii4.7B9 miles an ho11r , thf' faslr~I time for a lap in the history of the course. The new 3.3-mile road C'(lurse 1s a bil differrnt this year. ho1o1·ever. lo n1ake it a bit safer. Just to sho\1' he kno1o1·s 11·hat lo do out there. though , llulmr 1rent back oul and <!id 123 .108 in a backup car during prac- tice runs for the $80 ,000 Times Grand Prix-. lt's a r ace he"s never \1•on and he's taking no chances. J\ut hi s racing brother, t lcLaren. \\'ii~ onl y a hair hack in Thursdily practices, running lhrough in l22.98 1 n1 .p.h. Bo1h men drove l\lcLaren Chcvrolet·powered n\achineii. Barry Has Surgery Today The New Zcaland-brt-d team or Hlu me. nnd fl.1cLaren has \\·on all nine races on the Canadian-American Cl1allenge Cup lou r and this 10th race appears v.·lth!n thrir grasp, too. flleLaren ha.~ won the Jast t1o1·0 Times Grand Prix races. WASHINGTON (AP ) -Rick B&rry, one of the true 11.1perstars of profC5.Slonal basketball, says he wonders at tl m,s if hJs problems of the past year ll'OU!d ha1•e occurred had he not switched to the ArnerK:an Basketball A.s:sociation . Specifically, Barry is concerntd about ttie l~JIJ!ies he's suffered si~e lea\'lng lhe National Baskttball Assoc1allon two ~ars ago. Barry, the g..foot-711, 217 pounder undergoes !lurgery for the removal Qf a cartilaee in his ltft knee today, the se· ·~ cond such operation he's had this year. '"I seldom think about ii,., said Barry Shortly before he entered the 'Vashington Medical Center. '"But if I C\'er had any 5ttend thoughts. it 1o1·ould have been 'If I !'ilayed in the NBA, would I h .. 1·e gotten hurt ~· But v.•ho's 10 sa1·. I don't know." Against lhe Caro.lin:t Cougers Jn Charlotte \\'edn~S<lav. he !;aid he v.•as running do\\·n co1irt 'and "it jU.'it pop~ \rhen t tried to cul." Dr. Stan Le\ine lold him, Ba rry ~aid. he could tape ii again 1100 he would be able to play but he could not guarani~ that it 1o1•ould not go out on him in another game. "I couldn't play because l wouldn 't ha\'e any ronfiCence," Barry said . "1\nd rm no hero. I don't like it whm it pops out." Barry said he expected to ht out of nc· lion for .1! least s\:t weeks but hoped he CQUld. be playing for Lhe Caps in early J anuary. Despite !hr abst'nce of Barry, the Caps .,.hi pped the t-.liami Floridians, 102-92. BARRY KNEEDS HELP -Jn ob,·inus pain. R\ck Barry o( the \\la!ih· inglon Caps is helped orf 1hc floor after tearin~ t he car til age in his left knee. The A B/\'!'> scoring leader las l season "·as to undergo surgery on Lhe knee today. - lf an)'tlne can give \hem a eo. it might ht. Dan Gurney. 1o1·ho lives in Ri\'erside.·s backyard. Costa Mesa. lie knows t hi~ Ri verside course well and Thursday ran around in 120.365 m.p.h., just back a( Pele Re,•son's 120.609. Quallfyine: wj\I conclude Saturday, starting at 1 I 11.m. Also. a ~ries or amateur races will bt staged, 5tarling al 12:30 p.m. Sunday, final practice for Can-An1 car1 "ill start at JO a m. Am11teur races i;!et un<lrr way at 11 and the Grand Prl:r i.tarls a~ !..);] p.m . . . ' r riday, 0C1 &~ 24, 1%~ DAILY PI LOT J T. · • Never a Doubt-Loara ' .. Dumps By ROGER CA llLSON 01 .... OtllY Pli.I lltff In a classic revtr5aJ ol lut wee~'s of- fensive output. Estancia High School 's \'arsity football team dropped a 26-0 deeislon to Loara Hish Thursday night in an Irvine: Ltague struga:Jt at Anaheim 's La Palma Stadium. Coach Phil Brown's Eagles had scortd a school record hl&h of 38 points in rip- ping Santa Ana Valley last f'Mday but this lime around it was a different 1tory. Loara sported slightly belier crtdtn· tials. The Saxons ~·ert. No. I in Orange County. No. 4 in the Clf' AAAA ranklncs anC hadn 't lost a game in lhtlr last 19 tries. And lhtre was \!tilt doubt at any limf' Thursday night that lhose streaks ~·O\lld be in jeopardy. Tht. Saxons won it in evt.ry phase. And \1'ithout tailback Dave. Johnson in the Eagles' startin1 lineup what little hope there was for Estancia va!ni shcd. Johnson had sustained a ba{'k injury in the Santa Ana Vallt.y \·lctory, but in- formation was withheld by the Ea1lts' coaching staff. apparently thinking that the info could bt utiliitd by tht snemy in Sports In Brief Eagles, lls game plan. But it m•de little dirf1rence. E.!tancia ran its normal plays ~·llh quarterback Ctirt Thomas taking Johnson's tailback spot fo1 lhe first hair. Loara handeuffed Estancia lo the: lune of two yards net rushin& the flrst half -.';: r ... r ..!,,r GAMli iT.ltl1f\() F•"' (!o..-n• •u•k•~t f "" o~""' ~"'"~9 F"•l t <IO·•~> P'rl<•lll!; To••I l':rl! aowrt1 Y••<ll •ut~I~~ Y•rO• ~"lr.g v.,,, 10 .. • ' ' • '' " " • c ' • • " "' ,. • .}jj Not r••d• ~•loed Punh1 A•1<•~1 01i11rtt Pon•ll•e• V&t<I\ 11tn1111ed F'~n,1>1t" F um"I" 1011 11 ll l .• 1• ' l"" t~ Clu1tll'1 (,1•n~,• o ~ l_Ol<I I 14 1nnt1•N4 f)ll M ll "' Tr>om•\ I~ Sc~ulll lt Jov<• 5 l crdn 101'11 ;1 PA~SING (•ltncl• ' " '" • • •• " " ' ' " ' " " ·-• . -" " ·~. ' . ' • .. " .],~ • " " o> P A PC PHI '!"<$ P<I. T~~"''' II 5 ? )I lll JOr<e • 0 0 Q Q.,, Tott!! ll j 1 '1 ,1/1 Crawl ord Ear11s Crown; EAGLE OFFENSE-Estancia lligh School's Curt Thomas (J I) fakes lo his ful lbaci\ .Jim Schultz 122) before going back to pa_ss. Thoinas com pleted five of 14 attem pts for 57 yards Thursday night against Loara. Loara \\!On, 26-0, to remain u ndefeated. Sax· ons recorded th eir fourth shutout of the season. Bruins Gird for Plunkett LOS ANGELES lrish Frankie Falco11 s Tes t 111 Seheduli11g Baro11 Defe11 se Sa1i Di ego S tate Bid Crawford , who holds a \'ictory over \1·orld 1ight1\•right king ~tando Rsmos, today holds the C.11!iforn ia statt. ftather\\•eight title after another impressive v!l.'tory . But !he scoring of the 12·round fig ht Th11r srl<iy night al th e 0 l y JTI p I c Audilorlu1n ll'a~ a bit unusu<1 I. F nt:ntain \'ri llt·~· football roach Bri1re Pickford will keep a 11ary t:yc on tl1c aroreboard tonight whf'n his Barflns entert<11n 11 i nlc s~ .S;1nt<J 1\n'1 V;.lley in an Irvine Le<iguc ganH' 011 the llunr1ng1011 l3each I ligh grldJriin. (;<1n1e tin1c is 8 o'clock . For Big -ti11i e S hun1ied lsing a dancing, Ja bbi n.': oflr fl5t. thP.t krpt J ost Moreno, 12;), San J o~, o{f balance, Crawford. 126 . Los An!Je le~. pounded ou l a unanimous decisi on for the 1;ican1 title. Pickford's tenn1 hl-l.~ fl 4-1 nvcrall record and is undch»Hed in th ree league outr'ngs. San!a Ana Yal lry .h1.1.~ !o~t lhrcr: 11lraight in lcrig ue 11t1y and 1s 0-4·t 01·eral[. Yet thr fal co11:<1 h<nc outstorcd 1he Baron.~ i11 thr [111' Jo:flrnt·~ rnc h ha<. pla yed . S<int,1 _.\n.1 \'all('y h:i;;; prorlucrrl fl~ p.:ilnts \'/hilc !he B:.iron~ hav£> talliet1 48 The big differrnc(• in lhc two t ean1~ i~ on <1cfense. Founl<.i in \'alley has g11c11 11p onl y six points in lhrcr ll'agur out1ni:,: a nd 4a for lhc season. The l;i.-;l t1.1·0 11c· tories have bern shu!o111 s The F:ilcons have yiC'lded at lca.~l fu11r toucl1downs to cvl'rV f(){' this se:.itiOll 1\ ith the oppo~ilion ~cori~g u;s pnin ts \\'1lh 1hC5C <'lilllS!JC S 111 n1111d. f'IC'k ford has concrntratcd on 111n1ug 1n drill.~ th1S" \\·eek. especially inslllc lhc opponenrs !0- yard linr. F OUNf-"IN VAl l( \' ~h"T A '" VAll (Y ... "•' v H•t 'l,.o"(l"I ' A '"'~ .lo"""" ,., "' C,.•p~f )/~lb.,,,... " ·~'" l"'t.i.<!•O •• .,.o ;,m Hc->o'1fr ' P'll!'C p ,..,,. '" '" ll•ll c~ .... ~''" '" C•I"' "" ' "' ll •·1 ...... ,.,, ~" ' .... " "' '"' w •. ,, 13-.m ''••l•r• . ; "' ••• l<~ovn ' p.,~,. ~·"·~·" "' '" jo~n Svot?o(I• ' P~11 fl'•o<I "' t•~ S•~OY MQ<l<,_ ' ooi. G•" • .. , , '" Pl<< '""""t 'l " ~o' ,,.~,, ... ..,, Hl "" s~~w ' .... ,, II<~· I :.,Q St\:\ DIEGO (.\P\ -Ohio St<it!' ~aid 11/i. polJll'l.1 SO (lid 1\lalJ<11 nJ Bul 1111s is 11111\· the J 1rst ~ e;1r ;1-. a 111a Jor-l'ollrge tuulbtill tt<.1111 tor Sun Uicgo St:il1• "Ohio .State wl\I l'Onie around:' a lari srud. The A zto,>c~ are 4-0 tu rtate i'nd rrusl1111g r1eryone around. Ii~ their last 37 g :111H·~. 1 11«~ 1r lu.-t to nee - Statl~1 ir;1lly. So.it\ D1~~11 :->t;it(' ;1fH'r l1111r J,!<lnH'~ II ,j, f•Jlll'lh Iii !l\f' 11.Jlilln 1n defense. g111ng up 18ti3 ~ards 1n 111(' ;1 1·erage : \\'JS six1h in total 11rfense w!lh ·.17 In yarlls, second in for\1·arcl pa s~1ng of- l1·11sr 1rit11 :J I~;\ ;i art!.~ ;1 nd :ic1cnlh In ;;;coring 11•Jth 38 8 ~11·er.'.lgt'. "Tu l1rck 111t h s!:1l 1~11c~:· to.1111 ])on c ,,1'\'t•ll said todaY. "\\'r Jll ~t 11ant 111 \\'111 li~ill g;<nll'::>, By Qlll' po111!, II 11\'Cl"SS<ll'~ ., t or ycll 's record since con11 11 g lo S.u1 lJ11'~(1 111 !!!61 from thr un1ver~i1y DI :-ou11ier11 l'.1 l1fornia. 11hcre he was tK1C'kl1rlrl f'()<ich. IS i2·l l·2. l'or_\(•11 11a$ think ing uf 01ir :-.!:-111~11 e:il l'('(;(1f d Ill p;)r!IC'U]Jr -\QUCIJ<irJ\\'I\ naS~!'~ ~"111g11t -1vh1ch nearly cflst !he 1\zt cr~ 11ctory S<iturday nig ht against t.:111 1 l'rs11y 1d Tf'~<t~ ;1< :\rl1ng1 ()1L Qu<inrrb<iL I. Dc11n1 ::-~h<111 11J ~ lr}111:::: !•1 1111rh TU pass No. ~l 10 end Tor11 Hc_1·nf/lrl~, anPthcr 111 the hnc of cla~~Y ,\1tc-c roceh·rr!': The Azte c dr11c~ 11trt' ~lnppccl t111ce N 01·tli iveste r1i Coacli Irate Ove 1· A 1·a,'s Gif t CH!r AGO ( . .\Pl -One tlo~en rosl's from Ara wnh lol'e to Alex. "Get 'en1 away fro1n me." ro<i rtd North'>'·cstern footba ll coach Alex Ai;:a sr. "\li'ait 1inlil I gel thal guy on the pl1one 1u South Bend " "That guy" is i'io:rc. Dan1c tnach Ara P::irseghlan 11·]10 sent the roses lo Agasc as a gesture of Korthwestl'rn's lo ft y stan- ding in the Bi g Ten foob t111l race. Northwestern. after losing it s first lhree nonconfere nce games, has won [\\() ;o!rai,!!ht in the Big Ten and is tied Jor fir.!il place w·ith Ohio Stale and Indiana. Ohio State cannot go 16 the Rose now·! becau se of ttie Big Ten's "no rl.'peat" rule and assuming the top-ranked Buckeyes w•in the lille. the teaJn finishing second will make the lrip. !ihorl He's :r.o himse lf \1·hcn Jown_" ~ood that he protect ~ "" prot ect ion bre8\.:s The Boilr rrnakers ha11e yirldf'd 146 points in lire games. an arcragc of n1orc th<1n 29 points a game . "Don't lrt !hat Jool you," sai<I A ga~c" They have a gfl()(I defeni;e. From !he lilrr•S l\·c seen the oHensr has gll"en up the baJl on !urnovers in Purdue territorv and the opponctJ\t; sini ply ha ve taken il JI),'' Purdue coach .Jac:k !II o I I{' n k o p r <lisregarde(! the fa cl Purdue 1s r~trd 1.hrcc touchdo11'ns h e t r er than Northwestern by .sa.~ ing "Those guys are gtimblers. not football players" and 1hen sang !he praises of North~·estern. when Sh;1w's end zonr aeria-1!:;..-tnf'f'nded lor the clos c>l y guarded Reynolds were in- ll'l't:cpte<J .. San D1egi;i ~t~te l1n<1lly 11·b11 17· JO. "Statistics :irl' nic e." he sairl. "Thf>y'rt. i1nr way 111 ge t nati onal r1x:ogn1!1un. But k·rs fae"-1! -we're not goin g to be rank· rd 111 the !op 10 in lhe near future. · !l's 111cc ti"r he mentin ncd <i round th f' t·oun'.ry because it 1n1ght help us schrdulf' ~1 good brill gan1e -but not at t11c c>.· prnsr nl losing a 1-!atnr .. , Onr 11estern !'!Choo! recentl y added to ~an Dirgo·s 1970 schedule JS Brigha1n Young , Says Cr1rycll • "ill 20 year~ of l'Oach111g: ;1t San Diego State, I 11;in! to be !'l·o. I lieforc: 1 retire That gil•es n1e 12 years to go.'' The judges , Chuc k Hasse1t and Bobby Hings. scored the fi ght 7·! and 9·2 in fa\'or (If Crawfo rd , But the men close~\ to the .!IC!ion. referee Geor)\c Lal ka, saw I\ onlv 5 .. \ in fa vor of the wl'nner. Thr ti tle \\'ent empty when San Jo~e·s Bobby Valde z suffered a d•tached retina ;111d .;.,as forced to rttirt . The victory w1~ Cr:n\·ford·~ 29t h against sel'en defeats and three draws. l\foreno. ~·ho had ll'On his last ~even right~ Jn a row by knockout before ThurM!ay, i~ no1\' 2~~·l. • I.OS A~GELES -Jim PlunkeU, Stan- ford's jun'lor passing ~·h iz, i! the i\'o. 1 large! of the rugged liCLA delense Saturday \1·hc11 the Brui ns and Indians ta ngle in an Important Paciflc·l game. The Bruins ~'ound up practice session5 Defe11siv e Tiff 011 Tap: Mt1 sta11 gs Tackle CllM Al' r;LE~t' "'HITE: 0 1 t~• 011•r f'i1o1 t1'H l>eFen.~11·1;.,1ninrled rival:; Corona de.1 i\1 ;:ir and Cosl a i\Je~a lock horns tnn1ght ;it \ewport Harbor High School 111 a key Jr1·1nc Lca~ut> foot hall rh1 sh A;i ale lx·g111.i at a and Ctl:-0.1 tnat h D<n e JJnllanrl says nne touchrloll'n '>''ill 11·in 1t lnror.<i rlt'I !llnr throll'S a \'t!e~a n. b\l l sn1all. lineup al !lit' underdog r.-t ustangs .1nd !hr Sea Kings are ris k1n1-: their chctn<:e.s fnr a :-;h<irc or the ltague. cham- pion~l11p ;ig;iinst a tean1 tllaL ha s los t four 1 lo~c !la111 c~ lo tough opposition. Costa :\-1esa has found touchdowns to be. ;i rare c01n1TI0(1i\v and inju ries h1vr hecomP commonpl ace, causing coach i\1ax l\11 ll tr considerable grief. \\lednesday's count had Cos ta. ri1esa 11·ith seven ailing starters. But before !he ink on Iha~ report had dri ed. another r .. 1ust11n,i: regular was ft.lled a.s Terry fox 11lcfense) suffered wha t i\flller described as mu~lc hr rnia. Costa fl1esa has surrendcrt'd an ;:i1·erage of 6.8 points per game in five outings while the Sea Kingi; have yielded onlv Four per tilt. Offens ively, lonight's foes are on a par wit h ~fesa averaging 8.8 poi11t:i and Corona del Mar 6.6. Corona dtl Mer is called "a tough Item v.-ithout out.~!andl ng !nd i\•irlual talent." hy ~fiilt.r. Holland lauds Mesa's hl'ft, its fur~ard 1ralt and its running b;u:ks . "l expect !he m to try and grind it out aa:ainst us. much the way Fountain Valle y did. Ou r goal line defe nse has bten our strong point so far. \l,'e'vt stop~d op· pnnen!s sel'eJl limes in side 0~1r &·Yard Ji1ie," he says. ,\liller says tht. Sta Kings are on a pa r 11·1th Fountain Valley, a tt>a1n that d..:m ped flfesa. 6·0, last wt.ek wtth a score In thr last 66 seconds of acti on. Fountain Vallty throttled Corona de l tll ar. 12·0. in what Holland calls lhe: worst ga1ne a Corona tea m h11.s played since he tc,ik o\·er as head coa ch. The other common toe. -Ne,.·port Harbor -tdged Costa ~-lesa , 9-7, and got ·by Corona de! ~tar, 14~. tllesa·s trio of potent runni ng b•cks in· r ludes Kim \\'ol f, John l\lenix and ,Jerry Reilly. But the latter is a doubtful starter because of an ankle injury. Spearhearling the Corona 11ss11ult. is Stel'e: JudiU1, who av•ragts five yards pe r carr)'. COITjl. Ml 5A c••o ttA 01 ~ MAit ,. JO rfnk Ktlly ' Pov• l<rOl'n "' "' '" s-tl•n• ' ,,. "'•"• "" , .. (_noun<•• ••vtt G )•II Tonn•r "' ,,_, O•c• l'e.,vm•n ' J1:1t~ "''' ,. ,. O•vt fdWo•a1 G Doue H•llll rt '" n: Jim l}lll~r " k •nt ,,.,.,. ... ~{I "' 0 011 l(ob"•il• ' lilt Ml rlln '" ,. Robrn s•~1• • Ktllll St ,,,.,tlt "' "' Kl"' W~I~ • ~,.,.. Ju~lt~ "' "' '~· Mt~I • • J•I! C<•••"?tl~11 -lU , .. 5•fYt LO~yrf • Al Ji lt '" Thursday for the contest at Palo Alto by again concentrating on pass defense . UCLA ha s stopped si x opponents \\·ltho11l deleat this se ason and three foes have bttn shut out. But Plu nkett, one of !he nation's. lop passe rs. is expected tu 1;:lve the Bruins aerial fits Saturday. Stanford is 2·1 in the Pat·8 and still has a shot at the ti11e and a trip lo the RMe Bowl. I;CLA is J·O in the cnnference race . • LOS ANGE LES -Pa~sts are expected to fill tht. air in ~lemorial Colise un1 thls Saturday \1•hen Geor,e:ia Tech brings a \\'ide-opcn oflrnsc_ in to face the: unbeaten but once·tlcd Troi11n~ of ~tefi( Califorpia. The Troians, antlcipalin1 a pass ing at- tack by the visitors. bolstered th ei r pass defense in a 90-minute noncontaet 11·ork out Thursda.v. And quarterback Jlm· my Jnnes also passed the ball 11,·el l. Jone:; is only three touchdown pa.."l.ses '$hy of the si ngJe.se11son ·n1ark of 12 ~et 20 years ago by J lm Po11,·ers. • SAN JOSE -Coach Joe ~1~r-.1ulletl said Thursday he '4'aS confident all hls San Jose State College football players ~·uuld be in action against Wyoming at Laramie Saturday, de spite any picket lines. "All the: players met and discussed the \\'yomlng situation, then v o I e d unan imously to play and "'tar multi-col· ored armbands," he said .. • SAN DIEiGO -San Diego Charger tight end Jacque J\1acKinnon, sidt.li ned by a pu.IW hamstring mu.sc le, ~·ill return to the starUng li ntup Sunday against the Oakland Ra iders, the Cha rgers sald Thursday. MacKinnon joins "'·ide receive r Lanet. Alwort h lo give Diego t~·o seasoned rtreil•er~. Richard Trapp. a second·year pro. ~·ill start in place of injured Gary c;arrison at the other 11,•ide rl!'Cei ver post. il f ,4RINE E~\PE RTS I N 1HEET AT OCC Oran1e Coast College v.•ill hnld a marint. 1ympo.slum, covtrln& all phases of unde:r~·1te:r recreation and work Nov, l in the college science hall frnm 9:JO a.nl. to 11 :30 p.m. Dean \\'estgaard, OCC di ving instruct· or and program mod.tr a tar, said the day- Jon1 symposium wll bring top experti in all phases of underwater work to the col· l•g•. \Vestgaard said the prorram is aimed at ptt>pl• wt)o art Interested in dlvin,!! but have little or no practical knowJtd1e of ii. Tht 8ymposium is the first of its kind to bt held in lhe Oran11• Coai;l area for the general public. fte for tht proir•m is $5 ptr person. Agase. pcrlurbe.d ~·ith effort.~ by photographers to {!et him ti) pose with the roses. ::isked everyone to •·face the facts.'' "It 's great 10 be 2.{I in the conference and that has been our objeclil'e at this point but we have lo play at Purdue Saturday." Newport 13-point Pick Over Marina Purdue, 4·1 for !hr ~eason and 1·1 in the: Big Ten, is currently ranked 15th r.a- lionally. Thl.~ put's the Boilermakers behind Nn. 12 Kotrc Dan1c, a 28-.14 victi m of Purdue. "I don 't see how .t1nynne t'an be ranked 'behind a team ii heals but that's how !hose thing5 go. Purdtrt ii; a great learn with greal .skillti and then lhu11 ·s Mike Phipps. "t said Phipps was ii great querlerbllek "·tw-n I ~a w him es 11 snph omorc. two years ago." .~aid Agal*'. "\Vell. he hes improved _ So mlich so 1hR! I l1111·f' to s11y he's !ht' greatest col!r.gc quarterback t'\·c eve r seen. ''He's big. strong ;ind can throw long or In a battfc of opposite s. Ne wport llarhor meels r.tarina J--Ugh Sc hool tonighl :!t 8 o'clock at \Ves1 n1irn;ter High School in a Sunset League football showdo~·n . Tht. high-rty'ing Sailors of Newport are IJ·polnl favorlles o"'r Marina, a tean1 !hat hall apparently faile<'l to jell a.5 a unit. The Vikes sport a l·:l-1 reco rd with only ;:i_ 6.0 deeision O\'e r Dos f>ueblos lo their credit. If$ flno!hl'r mus t·win slluotion for t\ewport, ho"'r ver, as the Sai lors nf roach \\'ade '''alls rem11in a game beh ind Anshe:m in the Sunset chan1 p1ons hip race.. They n1us t win and hope someone t'an knotk of/ the. Colonist11. Wt.i;tmln!ttr is a~ Anaheim tonight, and mi1hl lurn the trick. The last lime Newport and Marin11 locked hnms at Westminster ii ended in a 0-0 tie l''ilh Newport lni~lng a short field 1oal 1v!th no lime remaining. The 111rs ft.alure an eKcellenl pawr in Bil l 5?icdd and he guides the Sailors out of lhe ir ~<rcalled T·formatlon that utilizes a grrat deal of singlr wing type blocking wit h lrequl!'nt cut backs aa:a!nst t.he gr ain by a horde or t'xcellent running baeks. \l,'attx iiays hi s club has not had In tnake any adjus l1nen\s defensively since last wttk ~·hen tht. Tars b t • t '.Ve1tmin•ter. "Muina is ''try 11lmllar lo Wt1trninsttr in its style of attack with a 1trai1ht I· formation •nd • slot man. They like let run nrt tar:klt . A Jot of their plays look tJlactly th• ••me IS Westmin1 t1r," 11y1 Watt5. He 'll combat that attack with a 5--3 deftnse !hat has llntbackt.rs 11t1tio~ dtrtclly behind tht dtftnsJve tnd1 i nd middle guard. ~1arlna 's blggtsl thrtal is tallback l-lenry La14;ano. who's laktn over the No. I spct In place of hobbling Joe Vtn· tlmiglia. Coach Jim Coon says his club has to be ~·ary of Newport's counter play11. "Thty run three backs throug h and then the. q1J1rterback kttps tilt ball behind them. And they have a fift h back with their tleht end. It's tricky ... especially frnm tht dt.fenaive aide of it ," 1111ys Qlon. Naw,••T MA.IN .. '" O••tl .... • , .... M•~•"1n . .. "' ·~ M'1!1" ' l':lc~ WT °'~' '" ... ... T•l~e G Jo'>n "'"~ "' ... Ot~n1o Btl~ ' o ... 11 1111~. "' "' ·~ Td•• 0 Tim Jf~.,I~•• '" ,,, G••nl Gi•ll<'< ' O•vl J.,-•• ~ :l1 ,._, Jllrv .... 11~ ' ... Wlh ... '" '"' s~.~~ • ... 5ttmt n "' "' -"!Ir~ W•llOt o • 5t•v• O'H•,. "' '" ·~(•.• Ol •O~ • H•n•• l Ur•"" '" .. l•1v• f t1n • TY•r \'In •-•" •• 26-0 and no yards passing on four In· completions. f\feanwhl\e, the Saxon u·ar machine ' was in full force with dev astallng runs by , backs Ray Spagnuolo, Greg Helm5, Steve , Elkins and JJJn Beyers. And when Estancia offered rtsistance to the running attack, lhe Sa>1ons riddled ti1e defen1i l'e secondary. In all, quarterbll('k Don Standley hit nine of 17 tries for 150 yards and a louchdo1\'fl. . lie StrlK'k first \l"ilh a ~7-yard [>t'rfec\G ! to Bruce \\'agner aft er a penalty had · 1.ullilicd-a 28·)ard effort to the Estancia th ree. Three minutes into the stcund quart er < ll wa.s 20-0 and that w.is that. ~ Foot1lall Stanlln1g s SUNSET LEAGUE An;ihl'im Ke\\'port Harbor \\'tstminstcr Huntington Beaeh Santa Ana \Vestern illarina \\I L PF :PA 20 4211 2 1 67 48 2 l 51 46 I l 20 14 I 2 57 77 l 2 '.16 46 0 2 32 $1 Tonight'~ G·ame!I \\'estn1i nster at Anahel in :\'e\\'port Harbor 1·s l'l·larina at \Vest· ' n11nsler Sa:urday's Game Santa Ana al Huntington Beach IR\'INE LEAGL'E w L PF PA Loar a 4 0 113 II fountain V;olley 3 0 " 6 Corona de! r-.1ar 2 I 3.1 20 Costa r.1e~a I ' " 34 Edison I 2 J3 45 111a gnolia I 2 34 " F:stanrift I 3 64 '" Santa Ana Valle y 0 3 20 111 Thursday·~ Score Lo::ira 26, Est:.inci<i 0 Tonltht's Game! Costa flfesa 1·s Co rona dcl ii.f ar al Newport Har bor ~A Valley \"S Founta in Valley at Hun· tingtor. Beach Saturday's Game !'.lagnol!a l's Edison at \\'estrninstcr FREE\YAV LEAGUE f\en11ed y Fullerton Savan n:t Sunny Hills Troy La Habra Buena Park Lol'itll \\IL Pf PA J 0 6l Jl 2 1 i.l 2l 2 16653 21 56 4:? 2166?8 I 2 38 3!1 0 3 21 l!~ 0 3 2660 Tonight's Ga mes Kennedy vs Sunn y Hill s at Buena Park Buena Park vs Savanna al La Palma Fullerton at La Habra Lowell v~ Troy at Fullert on GARDEN GROVE LEAGUE Garden Gro1·r Rancho Alamito.~ Santiago Bo\sa Grande La Quinla Pacifica W L PF PA I 0 19 D l 0 20 0 I 0 14 0 0 J 8 14 o 1 o 2n 0 J 0 19 Tonlgbt'5 Games Garden Grol'e: vs La Quinta at Bolsa Gra nde Santiac:o "=' Pacif ica at Ga rden Grove Satu rday's Game Rancho Alamitos at Bnl sa Grande ORA!'iGE LEAG U1': Los A!a1rutos Sono ra El Dorado Bre.'l Katella Saddleback Valencia Los Amigo~ \\'LPF'PA 3 0 1 l2 lB l 0 82 39 2 166 .J? 1 226 56 I 2 41 71 l 2 4l 28 1 22559 0 J 6 101 Ttmi1llt's G1rnes Lo11 Alamitos al Brea Sonora vs Saddleback at Sa11ta A11.i Bowl Saturday's Game Valenciil v~ Los Amigo5 at Garden Grove: El Dorado vs Katella at La Palina ANGELUS LEAGUE W L Pf PA Mater Dei Bishop Amat St. ~aul Servile St. Ant hony Pius X Tonl1llt'1 Game& ~later ~i at Pius X Servile at St. Paul 1 0 11 13 l 0 80 9 1 0 19 0 0 I 13 14 0 l 0 IQ 0 l .9 80 Bishop Amat at SI. Anth ony CRESTVJE1\' LEAGUE l\I LT PF PA Foothill 3 0 o 118 7 Orange 3 0 O 90 6 Tustin 2 1 O 70 41 SAn. Clamentt I 1 t !I~ 42 Vill a .PArk 1 I I 49 15 Mission Vlt jo I 2 0 13 111 Laguna Stach O 3 0 Ill lOZ El ~todena O 0.1 0 39 18 TonJ1bl'1 Games Tuetln al ~!ission Vlejet r oothill •t San Clemente ~ El Modt.na al Villa Park Saturday'.1 Ga111e · ·, Laguna Beac h \'S Orange at El f.lode lli.I -' J 8 OAI L V PILOT f r>dd1, Ot1obtr 24. 1%9 ·Jmprohahle Meeting Pirate-Ru stl e1· Re1natcl1 h1 State G1·icl Pla yoffs? .. .• . 'The 1969 football sra:.on ha:. llC'rn :;rr:1l so far lor Orange Co:1 ~l and Golden \\ l'-'L And already underground \ ni<·rs are m urn1uring .. ,,·ouldn 't it be i;:reat if t l\ry ml't again in the statr pla.1o!fs ·• It would be. But oclils agains1 a rrn1atch are pretty !'t11f. The on ly pv~:1- blc time lhl' 111 0 s<·huo1s could n1rt'I 1 . .; [}(>c \J for 1hr ~1.,tc ('han1p1nn~h1p ·.To do th11 t Orange Co•i-l ~till ha' 10 11 111 fou r more ~oul h (r1;1.~1 Cunftrcn1 r ~;11111 ' and t"o playof! till:.. lncludt.:d on !lie ········-······ J OEL SCJ-1 \VARZ ................. j'onferrncr sr\11'd1ilr <irr t't'r1·1to.' and S;in D1cg1 \1 esa. \1 tuch h;nc a l'Ornb1ncU j .'l record. The road for Co lrien \\'est is e\'ell 11111rc haza rdous. The Hus11ers still ha1e tht'1r enti re five.game 1.:onfercnce slate and the n they 'd have to 11·1n a pair of p!ayo tr contests. .Aind tha l conference menu, 11 hich starts out \.\'ilh Last Los Ange les Satur- tlay night. is no soll.v. East L:\ ha.~ llcen the tor-r<inked 1c:i111 111 the sl ate since the ~tart of the season. Aller lhal arc ga1nes 111th LA ll<1rbor anU Los Angelrs Clly l'ollegr. Those three tea1ns are 10-2 lur the year. 1f Orange Coast and Golden \\'u;;;: do m<1nagr to v.·1n their conference titles thev"ll be in opposite playorr brackets. Orange Coast 11·oul d be in /\. ~rac~et, \\'hich is strictl v all Southern Cal1forn1 01. The Pirates i-l·o11 ld br inatchcd against the \.\"inner or the lllission Conference !pr obab ly Chaffey or Grossman!) \.\'hile t he other game pit s the Mctropol1tnn Conference ( Bakersfi cld l ;1g:i 1n~1 the \restcrn State Conference (S an t" Barbara or Ventura I. Golden \\'est. however. \1·ould bc up againsl three nor1hcrn conlcrence 11 in- ners in B brackrt. ln the tirst rountl , scheduled for the Thanlisg11·1ng \1eekcnd. the Rustlcrs \.\'OUld be at the winner i.f 1hc Vallev Conference 1Amer1can Hi ver1. The Canlino Notre (\\"est Valley) illld (1f1ldf'n l.:itf' n1nfc rrnl"CS !Chabot IJ!' lJ1.ih!u Vallc y1 r:H'<'t u1 the other game Tl1i.: tw o 11 llllll'J'li l11 cac/1 bracket then 111ce1 1nth the 1110 surv11·ors the n cl;i!)hJng for Ille ::.late title 1111 the fi eld u! the 1\ br:.ickct 11 inner. ~adc!l .... batk Collcgc also ts 111 the th1r k nf tt11n i::s ir1 1hl' small s«hool r:i cc for !hr ~t:itr lttlc JI th•· <:a1icllos 111n the Desert l'unll'f(·rK"C c·ro11n 1hry \\'IJUld n1ee t !he Ct'nlr;1I C.:onh:l'l"lll"t: 1 Hcet!lcy or I Ia n· c'1i<·k 1 cha11111. And if ("O;ich (;eorgc \!.1rt1nan·s frl'r- scoring outfit sur1·11•cs that tes t they'll nlC("\ the \.\·inner of the Coast t Giiucho:>I -Gulden \"allry (Yuba) bau!e for the .:<111<1!! school title. There <1rl' a lot of ifs :ind bis hurdles ~till !11 be cleared. but I\ 11oultl g1l'c qul\e ii boo~~ /or Orange CO;i!:i! area footb;il! 1( ;;JI thrC'r ;unior colleges 11 on their rcspcc- \1\·c cor.ferrta'r titles :ind 111ade 1t 111!0 !he )11(1yrift~ • • :\1ost football roaches like their pla.vers to be tough and its doubtful if they co111e ;111~· more rugged than Orange Coiist"s fullback Coe tl1 cycr. Three \1·eeks ago before the Pirates played LA Harbor. tl1eyer \\'as injured in a motorcycle acciden t and among other injuries suffered :;:eve ral cuts on his arm and ~huulder. "'> l11stt<1d of ~ce1ng ;1 dot1ur. fl \eyer 11·ent ho1nc and callC'd a ir1cnd, asking hiin to 1·0111l' 01cr and !'il"W ur 1he cuts. The fricntl refused. 1\lry1•r e1c111u;illy went to the doctor and l:il er played aga111:-.t l-l;1rb.·1r. Last ~u!urday night he su ffered \1 h:i t 11 as betie1·rd to be ii lorn cartilage in lus nght knee and the tean1 doctor put him on crutches and bandaged the knee, Ap- parent ly he wa s out for the season. ~1onday allernoon the doctor 11 a:5 astonished to sec !\feyer off the rrutches. Thr doctor 1ras e ve n more surprised lo rliscCiv('r that llleyc r 11·asn't e•'en wearing the ba!idage. The cariilagc \va sn'I torn, the doctor ~;11(]. ,\Je.1·{·r had only d1s1oc:a1ed the knrr. llo11·c1·er, the Piratt's did have one ('!l5ually on :\!eyer·~ inJury. Tca1n 1n:inagcr Jn!1n \\'allier. \.\"ho took f\1eyrr lo the doctor saw the knee. heins drained nf lluid and faint ed. llO\.\'ever. he·.~ ex- pected to be ready for Saturday night"s gilmc at Cerritos. LOOK OUT FALCON S-Linebacker Finch Sterling \Vill direct Orange Coast College's defcnsi\"c untl again st Cerritos College Saturday night. Sterling is rated 1\ ilh 1hc bC'~t li nebnckcrs 11·ho have played for the P ir atf.'s. PLACE KI CKI NG SPECIALIST -Bob Be ss (53) puts his foot into the foo tball \Vhi!e tcan1matc Greg l!enry holds. 13ess has run up a string of 16 straight conversions ,,·Jthout a miss this season and ha s three field goals in fou r games. The Rustlers journey to East Los Angeles City College Saturday night to face the Huskies in the opening Southern California Conference game. Rustler Ace Has Magic Toe B ess Ge ts Kick Out o f Foo tball By 110\\",\RD L. JIASOY 01 l~t Dt•I~ 1"1191 Stttt ,\lore 01·er Ben Asa1anian, Bruce Gos· :>eit and Hon Ayala. Goldl'n \Vest CollC'gc has a place kicker ninv1ng into the !i1ntlight on the Junior cnl!ei::c hori zon 11 ho could t.'.lkr 01·cr for ;111v fine of the three illustrious kickers 11,1;11cd abc11l' Uob llcss nl tl1r 1111:.!li>r"' ha sn'l 1111•~1 ·d a tOn\'crsion trl' 111 fr/11r r:;a111e~ 1!11~ ~C'ason ;ind has ihrre fiel d gtJals to !11s crerli L l 'he K iek111~ s p e c i a I i s t fron1 "'cstn1inster Hi gh School has recorded \6 straight conversion aitempts. Ye ~. the Hustlers have scored 17 1ouc:hdn\\'11.<; hut in the Orange C'o;ist game. the fina l ron~ \·ersion try 11·:is a pass 1h:i t failed and llc>s.~ had nothing 10 d0 \\'ilh th<it. Bess gil"CS part nf the credit to 111.; holding parlnf-r. Crrg Hrnrv. And 111' 1lo<'sn·1 U!>r any gun rnieks 111 k1C"li1ng 1hr hall. i\o .~OCl"Cr slyle k1cJ..1 ni.:. uo sprt·1:1I shoes ;111d no barrfootrd kirking. Ju~t plain hra<l ·On mo1en1rnt 111!0 thr hall. ;\1rling the kicking .... 1 .. r 111 11101"i ni; a1 <t rr1 ·ord paee is lhe h1gh·t-cnring Golden \\"csL offensive mach1n1• !ltlCt"d by To:iy Donwrll and Charlie Buckla nd . \\'Ith Bonwell at thr hehn. lh<' Rustlrr~ ha1·(' scored 107 rxi ints 111 thrl't' ga111c~ ;11ut :iga1nst Or angl" CQ;1 ~t haij 20 in a los- ing c;i11.~c for a seasnn H1!al '1f 121. lnelud('d ;ire thrt·e f1.-ld goa ls b~' Bess frurn 31. 31 ::ind 39 ;,·ards. The polenl scoring niaf'h1nc j, ;11rr ag. 111g: 31 .8 pn1 nt~ !X't' g;1111c a11rl 1he rlcfrn~e 11;1." ~i\'Cn up 18 :i e;1r h i1n1r 011l. ~·l uch hn:> ller11 ~aid :ibout lhc dr r1'n~r of lh(' Golde n \\"('Sl squ ac!. B11t undt-r thr chrcction of Donwt>ll. the Rustlrrs h;11r ;1 veraged 35.7 points per ti lt ll'hile giving the opposition an aver.'.l.ge of 14 .7. Coach Rav Shackleford is an nlfe1p-.1\r ~pC'ciahst iiimsclf, haring played at Sl\'Un 1'1cet Se t Tht: in itial i\i ission \'1e10 ln1·11a11onal S11 in1 i\lrel \.\ 111 be held :'\01·. 8 at the '.\fissio11 Viejo Rrcrcation Center. The all-Oay meet 1\·itl be hosted by the f.lission Viejo Nadadores and \.\"ill feature 68 e\"ClllS. .Swimn1ers totaling 1 .• )00 representing 100 s~·irn clubs are t'Xpccted. The n1eel is san<'tioned by the 5oulhcrn l'at ific Association 11f the AA U and is in lh<' .!Jroup 's Ccr Dil"\sion. qu;irtcrback during his undergraduate dJl"S. Ile has turned the defen se over to Don Jio11·r and Fred Hoover and has a former college tea1nn1ate \.\"Orking with the of· fcn~1 vc line in Gene Farre ll . \\'ht'n the Bust Irr~ tangle 11·ith r.:as1 Ln~ Anl!f'les Sa1urdav night 1n t11f Southrrn CHl1forn i:i ConfCrencc open er on ihl' ll11sky gr1d1ro11. lhe Pn!i re lcaguc season 11 ill be <it slake !or both tean1 s. Class Wiii Tell ThP Huskies are heavy favorites and are ranked No. I in illc: state and high in lhe national ranliing:5. Golden \\'est is in the to p ten in the state but unranked na- lionaHy. The \\inn<'r 111 this one 11 ill be the odds· on fa vorite to v.·in the eonfe rrnce cham- p1on~h1p . And the powerful kicking toe of Bob Bess could be the difference in the l110 1ean1s come Saturday nighl. Mat er Dei Favor ed Ove r Piits X Tonig ht 1f <'la ~s \.\Ill lrll . r 111s X lhgh Schoors roo1hall rram \.\ tll be in for an easil'r garnc on the scoreboard tonight 11 hen 1l r-ntertains lhc l\\a\<'r lk1 !\\onarchs 111 Angrhi;, Lcag11c ac11on. Kickoff 1s ~ct for a o·cl oc k. Cn.1 ch Ton1 Christophl'r ~a:is '";\l alrr Del h:is !1101"C tl·1~l1 lh Jfl \\';IS ~hnwn hy fJllf oppnnc nt { l31shr1 p ;\ni;it 1 last 1-1·celi Thl'y arc a n111rr sound , f11nlian1cntal rcan1 ;ind 1'111 Hire they \1011·1 he hus rlln~ 5El!•ES l!ECO ~tl ·~·' M•lor DI'• IJ. ·~-~ """'"' 0•1 1~ 1011 l.IM•' Ooo 16 ltll MMPr o~, I 19111 M>I•• C•• ll. ltecor(I 'Ii"" oe, 1 w;•1, 1 ••• f' U\ )( ft P,v> ;( )I P,u, :>< " P•v• .'< I P,u, ;>I 10 tn run up a score lo get a little print 1n the papers " Hcga rdlcss of Chr1stophcr·5 feelings ,1bnul the outcon1e , the ,\lonarchs are 24- priinl f:1ror ites. ,\lonart h coaC'h Bob \\'ood!' sars. •·1 ju!>l hope \IC can \\"in. Pius X had Jost fnc 111 a row la.~t year \.\'hen 11·e playrd them and 1hey ga1·e us a battle to the 11•1re. ..The.v ha1·e !he san1e kid back <1t q11.i r1 crbaf k and ha\"e speed in lhcir IJackfi<'ld. This is enough to give anybody trouble ." The i\lfl!er r>r1 111enl{lr 5a 1·~ hi~ linr11p ~·ill rc1nain 1ntac1 (or tonight's conte~. TI11s n1eans that Bob 1 !au pert '"i11 again di rect the offense. Haupert is deft at run- ning !he option play and has one of the arca'5 lop runrung bac ks trailing him 1n ~lark Dunn Ron ~1 unri: and Jim Bl<tckbum are llauPfrt"s fa\·oritc targrts 11hen the .\lonarchs go to 1hc ai r, 1111h To1n Crrl'clia and Stan Jackson bolstering the runn ing game and doing the blocking for Haupert and fJunn . Chrislnpher fi!iu res ttus as B rcbuildinl: ~·car at Pius X and fields an of!cnsi\"e. lineup 111th only three seniors. The defensi\·e uni t 1s coinposed entirely o( so pho1norcs and 1un1ors and the 'Varrior roach u~es substitutes freely. The offense is built around quarterback na'"r t\nos, a good thro\.\·cr and a ~crarnbler al lbe signal calling position. J"utlback Steve Shepard .;ind halfback Dennis i\liller handle most of the running assignments. -& f: ~.:r M.t,Tllt "' l"IUI x ,. JOrn ll•t t lrll\Orn ' Jol>n MtN•,,,_ "' XO J•t -G~"!"! ' Pet Po1>1e., "' "' """ O<clr•M " Me•ty v,., l ltrol ,,. '" Ml~~ llletHa•CI < G,.,,t ,.,...., • .,lo '" ... '" Htrnt"~·• " JI.., ~ioyolrt "' "' St•V'I l(•rno•r ' Jim ""•nn '" ' " • M Mvn'1 F .Sl•vt oi.on Ii> "' llnb H•"n•rt " O•vt K•91 ... '" M•rk o~.,., • .'.Sterling Shines Like Silver for Bucs Si~'" ~~·o.•·~ 1 iD '" fg"' ("'""'~ • P•< O'Nt II "' ... ~, . ., Jttlr1~n • Dennis MUI or "' G.fVC llOS DEFE.4T R A;l1 TEAM, 1847 . . .,., By .JOEL SCll\\"ARZ .• 01 IM Dt •I• """' '"ti ft's tasy lo mix up Finch S1erl1ng ·s nam~ because it sounds like ils bern rr· vfrse by accident. But !here's no m1stak· ing his football abili1.v .Ju"'t ask any Mith Coa:5t Confe.rence hiiU 1·a rnrr \\"hrl·~ bf.en hit by thl' Jll(}.pound OranRc Coa~t linebacker. St erling is more lhan JU!>! a llnrbart t r he·s the defensive l1eld gcnrral !or 1 h~ P ir11tes and <inyone 11 h11 h,1.; f11lll'l1\f"tl Or;inge Coast College footh~I! !h1 \ •r:1~.,n ltno\\·s thP defrns<' 1~ largely rc.•pnn.~1hlt Jor a pcr!eet 5-0 r{'('onl \\'hen I.he Pirate def en:;<' l<1 kc~ 1hc held, i· ' Stl'rl 1ng \\ho calls the "'isnals and m'I~( .,f 100se calls have been the right on1 \ this fall. I;. ~P1tc thl' perfect record posted by lilt l'1ra1es. Ste rling feel s he and the defrn5e h•-" '.f't to play up to their full potential. '\~·~ 1p pla}l'd F:ood football , but \.\"C r.~ r• ' rl;.( hM our full potentia l ye!. \Yr ,,..,. ,, nu r l>r\t J,?.ini('s <1hearl of us.·· -, .. / ",, ;:r;odu.11r or Bolli:t (;rtl nde lhgh ,)I "I I 1f " l t,~1c-n 1 pl;11···d a.~ 1\ell as I r 11r1 1.11: ;h .. ··~ IX·• .•u~r i1t our lron1 fllr Pr"r':r \f>T \' r:ir1'!I' ~cl hy lh<'m and I h111rn t h .. +1 .i l•d 11f t.1• kl1ni; to rlo, part1· 1 \llarly rn our first Lhrl'e gnmes. ·• His opinion . ho11·e1•er isn·l comp!ctr!y shared by Orange Coast defcnsh·e coach Da le \Vonacou. "Finch is every bit as good as anyone "·r\·p had playing linebacker for us. He's a lilllc smaller, but he's just as good as 111rryl Snow. Hon Paterno ;inrl J im Bar- suk and they w<'re good linebackers. •·11c·s rlurable. ~t rong anrl hll~ likr hrll."' sa1s \\'ona('fl\! '"Anrt he ·s a~ :.n1art a hnchaC ~rr a.~ 11(1\r had" Ur<ingc l'o.1>t ha~ more dcfcns11·e at1i;n· rnrn!.~ th is ~c;i.~on lh:1n c1·rr before and " doing more ~111nllng. bul Sterling has <id- JU~tcd ea s!l.}' to !he job of calling the ~tG· n;il s. "Act ually, it has helped me," he says. ''I ha l"C to do a lot more thinking lhan 1 did last year and J ha ve lo be aware of "'hat's haJ)('ning all over the fil'ld .'' Oranse Coast has given its fans htart failure during the last U1rtt "'eek.~. \.\"inning lhree games by a total or four poinls. Howev er .S!erling never doubted !he Pir<1!rs 1ro11ld \.\·in each ti1nc. .. \rt• nr1 er though1 of 10~1n~. \rr knew·· rr 11 11111rt hr ,, h<'ll of .1 J!lb. bu! 11'e J!l.<t 11 11rkrd 1ogrlhl'r <1nd ~l opprd thl'nl, ()ur 1lcfensc has a lot of pridr and even 1\·hrn 11c ~·ere behind Fullt·r1on by two !ouch· rlowns 11c rl1dn·t think they "ere going to beat us,·• be :;ays. Saddleback College cross country team defeated Victor Valley, IM7, W. a Desert Conference dual meet Thursday af. IL~moon on the "·inncr·s cou.rse. Larry l\lann. t\o. I man on the GaUC'ho ~ua<!. \.\"a~ the indl \"idual v.•inner with a r lorkini; of 21.10. T<".1rnmale Bob Sle\·ens f1ni~hed SC<'Ond in 24 12, giving !he G.iucho~ a slrong on!'·lwo punch. Co1npletin11 the scoring for Saddlchark "'t>re John Dau~s !n lourlh plare t24.JOI :ind ;i tit for filth br1 "·ecn ~lark Vining and John Fo:5ter (15.0ll J. Sl1owdown: Lions Duel Colonist s By JAY DAVID 01 11-0 11/r !"Ii.I ttflt '\'i1h its aspirations of repeating as Sunset League champions toltering, \Vestminsler High School moves into the t'ye of a hurricane tonight i.o take on Anaheim High School in L.a Palma Stadium. Kickoff for the game. which \\'ill be broadcast by radio slation KEZY (J190J, is 8 o'clock. There are no two ways about It . Westminster must win if !ht: Lion:5 are to stay in the race for lhe. loop football titlt:, Anaheim currently 1ead:5 the pack with R 3-0 record \.\'hile \\'estminstt:r i:5 tit:d for Sl'COnri \1"ith Newport Harbor at 2-1. The Lions already hal'e lost to Newport Y•hile Anaheim tripped the Tars. Any basic game plan that env isions a Sunset League title requires a tea1n lo beat Anaheim. Last yea r, the Lions did just that. rip. ping the Colony 14-2. However, coach Bill Boswell had a big, mob ik: lint:. along wilh a handful of dangerous backs like ClF player of the year Daryl Berg. This season, Boswell has virtually a complete new squad and its inexperience has shO\\'n and hurt the Lions at limt:s. Anaheim leads in the emotion-charged series, three games to (11·0 1\"ith one con· lest 11'inding up v.·ith a tie. \\"hile the two schools ha\'en"t been et each other's throats this ye ar like they have in the past, it figures to be another tense bal\le. Boswell ·\\·on"t rome out and say his team can win it. b\lt he admits "all things are possible in footba ll.'' If the Lions do win it they 'll ha1'e to get a fine performance out of quarterback Ed Bane while choking off Anaheim's talenteC QB , George Fraser. \\lestn1i nster has a pot£nt one-11'.'0 run· ni ng punch in r-.tonte Downing and John Baiz.:, but its passlng game has been spotty. and the Lions need a strong pass· ing game from Bane tonight to balance out their attack. Fraser, meanwhile, has dirt:eled lht: Colony lo fou r \\'ins in fiv e games by being a doub le threat "'ilh his passing and running ability outside. Fullback Tim Thorne, the only other \•eteran in the Anaheim offensive. lineup complements Fraser's outside running on power plays up the middle. Neither Boswell or Anaheim's Clart: \'anHoorbeke has been ha ppy '1'ilh his pass defense and thars \\'here the gamt: could be decided ii Bane or Frazer ha,~ a hot oight through the air. WE$l~ll'<Sf lll. ANANilM '" ~'"' Of'tlfl t~ ' /A•~-• LAbow " •• Qon Wl~<!O)t•< ' Jo~~ Co••• •• '" ,,m MCNOU9MO~ " 11111 ~··to "' '" ,., Pos~ol.CQ!>t ' Mlk< O"~l•ll "' "' Woll Judv " O•nny tllc•obetk ~ i I ~· " oa.,.~ ' lt•rod• llcoQM '" ·~ " Mtl tVlt~lr" ' Mevt ~<~VII '" ... " .. ~ • Gf.o•OI Fro•t' "' '" Mooit• Down ln9 • Mo 1t<>drl9vti ... '" Jo~n g.;,. • "m '~"'" "" '" ~!e•e GrtnNuO~ • Corv TCl•r "' Trito11s Fac e U11defeated Foothill Tea111 San Clemente High School's last chance at the Crest\·iew League football litle i ~ at st ake tonight as lhe Tr itons hos~ undcfea!ed Foothill. Kickoff is at 8. FN>1hill"s Knights n1arrh in \.\'i1h II perfec:L 5-0 reco rd \.\·1th 1hr<'e 11·ins 111 league play 11·hile San Clemente has a J.\. J Crest\ie11• niark_ Footl1ill has been impressi\"C \\'ith ii.~ 11·1n~ and is fourth rated in Orange Coun· ty anr1 third in CIF AAA circles. ·Coach Ed Bain·s Kn ights utilize 11 bn1ising running game that \Vorks out o! a full house T-formation "·ith a split end. The Knig hts like to control the ball \.\'ith running backs Bob SJ)('icher, J im Vol aw and John fletcher doing most of !ht: \1·ork. Ho11•ever. the Kn ights ha\'t: an excellent passer. too. in Bob Blackridge . Dcfcnsi\"ely. Foothill has allo\\t:d l:t points in fi\'e games \\'ilh bot b touchdowns scored on tht: second unil San Clemente counters "'i1h an ex· cellent defense, Jed by linebackers ~1ike Colt and Steve Di vel. Divel doubles up at fu llback for CQach Tom Eads and his San Clemente crew. Quarterback Rick Geddes is lht: main cog in San Clemente's offenst:. He's a 9.8 spriter. has played split end and i~ .;i capable pas~t'r and punter . 5.-,N Cl.fMlliNTlf ,OOTHl~L lM egb M::N emtrt [ Crt1• G•lmm "l' 111 Trm Ovvtll T llcb tlCY! Jl~ 16'(1 !toe~ And••te~ (, ftlll 5h1mbron II\ llC Ml~e Well! c. ltlclr MIU .. ~ ,10 11.1 R•v C tn•~vo (, Oou<;1 l!.oftvocY 11.G 7~S '°""' N.ev(r T ft•uc• N•Md•I ,,~ 19S Jot-Kt lClt £ •~l~t JtO.-h f 160 Ric~ GMdu "' !lot> !lltt~••dM llf 1'1l !ttV• Olvtl ll 8(111 Sotlt"tr "' 1'15 •I<-8rown II J I"' \rotl "'" H I 110 T~Y Plf:fwflft t Jol\n flttth... l/Q P enl1all to Start BERKELEY -Junior quartubacl 0 31·e Penhall of Vt1estmin~tcr wlll makt hi~ first start for C.;ilifornia in Saturd 11y·a game al Vlashington Slate. It 11·a!' one of !he nine: lineup chan11:c~ announce<! Thursday by coach R;1y \\'i11Y"y, Penhall "·ill replace Randy Humplu1,.s, ~·ho ~tarted agains t L'CLA last week. On 1he offensi\1c llnc. I .1 I I ~ .11 I f, -~ ----~-------- ! .. -Frld~Y. Ottobtr 24, l%q DAIL V PILO T ... 9 Drag King I~~~~~~~~ Will Head Race Field J)on Prudhom1ne . 1 96 9 Nl!HA nat ion<il 1.:ha111p1on, w1 \I nuike b1~ first appt:•a rao ce a\ Or<ingt County lrilernation:tl Hatell';1 y since winning the ti· tie in September <is he races an outsland1ng f1elt.l or top fuel dragslt'rS Saturday rug hl. ·rhe exis tin g track retords 11 ill b(' 111 jeopa rdy a ~ Pructhon1me has re c o r d e d 111a1·ks of 6.51 se(·onds and 231 n1ph . both uf 11'h1ch top the track records. 'f'orn '.lll·l::wen at 6.64 and the l:ttl" John r-.1ullig;1n al 229 111ph. hold the l'U rren1 tr~rk 1narks_ A grinding tcch111q!1e ha•; he('n ;1pr!ied to 1h e OCJ H asphalt sinl:'e Prudho111n1e ap- pe;1rtd here last an d t•ould ad(t to a new rccnrt!. Atlhougll J\h·Ewen \Viii nOl be there to defrnd hi,, record . several of the south1 1l nd'~ tnp <1n1 crs and r:1r:; 11111 be ou hand D111ght !-iahsbury will dri\'r the Sn1cthers B r u 1 he r s sponsored dragst er . Bil'C rside charnpion L<1rry Dixon and James \Varren of Bakersfield with a new automati c transmission. \\'ill con t es t Prudhomrne's newly achieved title. DUNTON FORD 2240 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Pres1nt1 JOE HARRIS'S Football Forecasts Be A Winner With DUNTON FORD Jlll0 .0,Y. OCTOI E• H. l•.t ~11 01 .. llE Wl'°!r<illS & \~Ollf5 ~llOIA.llf tOSfA\ & 1(011 1:1 ""'"'M l IFLAI II T£X .. S (HO:ll5TIAN ••..• I' ~•I ll FORC E Alo.ton ALAllAl.IA • 'l~.on • Al"1a • A,,.,,,,,., .o<l 1ZO•J.o. ........ ,., ~·•t• •Ro;ANSA!i AP'AY A'~'•"O ..,.,,." n •. ,, ...... '" "<'.'o~ l.o Sc<,nn-• 601\'LlrlC. C.REE., • ll<•d•t• Fl'""""'' ~ .... (Al •FOllNIA •C~•n.,.; .. 11.•lion ., Central ~\l(hioon ,. (•ol•r , •CIT .. DEL (Tf<E) -- COLGATE co,Han<l Stal• ( w Pr•I 0A"'lM0>JTH •0•1"'""'' •D•laworr Vtll•v O•n"<" s•ru•o.o.Y, OCTOBfll 11. 1111 )1 COL011A00 STAT( U la •Oayron ?n •CLEMSO •J ,. . " " " " " " ,, ' "' ,. "' ,, ,, " ,, "O " " " " ?I " " " . 7• ,, .. a,.a., ~,.,, ..... fH0 ·1 r~F •1 cri l'Oll•~• ('''"''°" \' jl" «tl A 6 0$10 11 COLL EGE Oh ' >IO"h"" ,. -~·· ''""' ., 1' "Q•W (" '""~·· ~1••• ''" n• (""''" l.'l .. /,',I 1C•t101 l'lh••lon < M~nll"I~ S!Jt• WASH INC,TOt/ ST ATE Fron•l•n ~ M.-i"•ll ·- £••!•1n '"'''°'' •MMV>•ill• 0AVIOS0N ~l'll!OWN -·l!~ooe l•••nd •• ~ lth•t • 'HA.JIVARO T•mP'• \'It ''"" Maryland Ob"'l'n " " " • " " " " .. " " " " " " .. ... ~ " ' " " " " , RIDGE ROUTE TERROR -Jarnes \Varren of Bakersfield \1•ill debut a ne'v auto1natic transmission in his 230 n1ph top fuel drag· ster Saturday night at Orange County International Racr"·ay. National NHRA drag cha1npion Don Prudho1nn1c \Vill to oppose \Varren and 16 other top fuel dragsters. be on hand ln <ill , 16 of the ni tro-gulping slingshots are entered in the S3.000 contest Qualifying bl';:1ns ;>.\ 2 S;:it ur- dav :iftf'rnoon \\Jlh cl11n111a · 110.ns ill 8 o'c lock . D'•~• fl••-·•I T •c~ r .. i.,,, •:···•·,-•• F~••t•n ,.,,~"''' F.•J! f•nn"''' !:''''°'Viii• . :o ,. " " " ,. \'/•""" 110.nO•• '"'0""M \""''"" !{o,llv••.,-T ·mn• " " ' " ' Diablos Host Tustiri In Bid for 2nd Victory After taiiing it on the chin for four straight "' e c k s , Miss ion Viejo High School finally v•on a football ga1ne last 11,eek and tonight the Diablos 1rill be out to al complish soniethlng of minor historical importance-a tv•cr game 1vinning streak. Tuslin, v.·ith a 2·1 record and undisputed third place in the Crestview League standings, t1•il! supply lhe opposi!ion tonight at Mission Virjo High School. Kickoff y,·ill be al 8 o'clock. Victorv has been a sc<1rce commocfity at Mission Viejo ever since !he school opened its doors back in 1966. The Diablos t 1-i this season) have managed to "'in just five o[ the 32 games they've been In. For a while this year it even looked like the Diablos might never score after being blank- ed in their first three games. But then came a touchdown against Orange two weeks ago on the last p!ay of the game. Last week il t1·as 7-6 a victory orer El Modena. ''Yeah, "·e feel pretty good now. but "'e have four more games." says Diablos coa<'h Ray Dodge, whose team is an eighl·point underdog. One of the five victories in }.fission Viejo's small lrophy bag was a 7-6 "·in over Tustin last season. but Dodge figures his team will have to pass the ball with more success tonight to get by the Tillers. .. Our pa ssing has hel'n ter· rib le and \\'i!hout passing i1 's been prclty E>asy for our op- ponents to gang up on our run· ncrs." Dodge has 11 fine runner in Aundrc J-lolmes y,·ho he says y,·ill be a rral good player before he is done playing !he game. Tustin coach Georgr Allen agrees: ''He·s the be~t runner in the league." Allen's team is plagued wi1h several key in juries and he ligu res his defense will have to ca rry the load. Tackle Roel Cummings. a 22~-pounder, is the key lo th e Tiller defense and Allen says he's as good a tackle as lhere i~ in Orange Counly. TUltl"I 110 Swain ?OS Curh• 170 Sv-• In !lender l'>(l ou~n loll5110W \'IEJO 72j (umml"~I <IO Mumtor<1 160 Ca•nt ha" 11! 1-<oll~WYt>' lOS 5,1,, ll>'l Or.oc~ll ' ' G ' 0 ' ' • • • • 11.,~ .. lH!h..- DolJDl.,4 O•v•• Wtlllt• 5(•1"01f l ll(ktv G'-" Kt•.d•I~'( ionr~·e1 (•i'Q 160 ,,, "' "' ,,, m 1'0 1 ~ j "' ,. ' "' Frosh football F101~ C.••"11• •1 11 Cnmn• oe1 Mar ~ 3 To-...:~ocwn LIC>Clt•t>ov~• ' n.-Jo . ,_ . P•T Ptlm•r (,,.IS from ~ ...... 1 E•U n<1• 0 6 I (>..!• SI. JOl>n Be><o 0 3 Q (I-.. I TOYc•o,....,.,., Moo•t, Pan el PA.l: Rt>bee (runJ l>le""'<lrl H•rbor $1. P1ul lov<:h<!r:wn: Wt•l • • • • • • Pro Cage Standings "' f •\!trn D;.,,1," Won \.o•! !'(I Gii ] 0 1000 ,,. l"·••;f., II•~ Y•·O· 11~11'"'?'e 0 •tf0'1 (>"cOnn~H Bo•!0t1 1 0 1 WJ • 1 1 -~·1 -.. ' <r-Q I ' ' • 11.:l 7 • ·"' ' -~'-5..-1 "''•"'''to Lo• '""9tl"' San ooe;o ("";<~ ... p""""'" £ea!Tlt 1 .~1 - 1 ~ ., 1 .Jll l 1 .ll) 1 ' • T"uttd•Y'• llt1ull• .1SO I' , .000 1', ~•n r renr'"" 111. •ow Yo1~ 10' Tod1y'I Gt'""' {'"''""•" ot 6olhmOr• .0.11•n•• 01 Bo•lon ,. • .,. Yo•~ •! O•troit Mtl.,•v<tt 1! Lo' A.n;t '•• (l\t(o;o •' !'llo•n,.• ~ofvrd•Y" G•'""' l\•11,mOTe •• N•"H Yo•K r '"''"""" •I Pl\iltd•lo"I• O•lrCI! tt Atl•nl• "~""nlv M San 01<!;>0 M•l .. •v••• at ~A" ~·ond•ro LOI '""9''el a! ~e•t'I• S~nd•Y'> OilTIH r~1raoo "' Lo~ ..,,,,,.1,, 0•"~" ••· .o.111Ma u M1con, G• Mlr..-1vket a! PP>oenlK ... E111trn Dl•\lle" ( ••ol•n• ""l•bu<;n In<! •nt w ... , Lest !'ti. GI I 0 1 Ot'lO - ~ 1 !)'II ·~ /; ""'' . ""'""'' Nt v 'l'or~ Wn !orn D1.,•lon L~• A•,o•I"' \'\'•'"'""''" °'l•N on .. ,,, Oen••• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . ' Tn•,.dt Y'< •nul•• YJM~in;tu• 101. N i•ml •1 ToOa••• Gl1"U lftntu••• •' titw O•lt•n• fl•n••' •' Ne,.. Yo•~ p;TT•bvr;ll t1 0 111•• S1!unl11'• 01""11 ro1olin1 ol 1r..:1t1n1 Oenv•' al Wu~ln;to" Ntw Oflo•n• 1t 0.11•• .t•1 '. " ' "' ' "' ' ,l!O - .~ '~ " ' '" ' .M I'• Barons Top '69 Surr.rise In Irvine Loop Football Th"· ;;:urprl~(' or lhe foolb;il! re:ir in tile lr l'ine League has to he Fou11ta111 \"alley lligh !'.><hoo!'s Uarons. holding a cap!ll'ity of 5.500, the Tars ha\'r. dra11n 6.000 for Corona clrl :\lar. s.~on for l'risla \lcs;i . 5,000 for Santa Ana and 6,200 for \\'f'stn1inster. Arou nd Lhe f1r~t part {•f Sl'pt(•n1ber 1hC' flarons certainly d1<l1l't sho\11 the size or speed 1 1.~1 ls generally rel;itcd \\•il h v.•inning football . , . and they sli!J don't have those two con1· t!lfl'hlies. A standing ·room ·rrowd o' 10,000 jap- JlrQ\imale) witnessed the Sailors· only loss L?S·IG to Anaheim) at La Palma Sladium . Bul, coach Bruce Pickford ha:ii apparentl.v i11~ti1Jed teamwork and a lot of fundamental kno,,.,··how into lhe team. And to date the * * * 1\C\l'port's figt1rcs are in contrast to Estan- r i;i I !igh 's. Coach Phil Brov.·n and hi s £ootba!l tcan1 (2-~·I) :-:hould sue for non.support. HOGER CA RLSON il:-tttt•********* The gur~st 1 1natc at the Sa nta Ana Valley 11·n 138·121 ll'<lS 500 Est;incia faithful. * * * llnc of lhr all·timc quoits from a disen- l'h:inted r<:iilbird . "If I ~·a~ a hi gh sf'hoo l football coach I'd de sign a play aimed to trample the rtferet~. And if one of my kids missed hi~ block I'd thro\Y him off the field." [l;irons are 4·1, including Irvine v.·1ns ove r f1l<ignolia, Corona de! Mar and Costa Mesa - ln,. last lwo by shutouts. * * * The Su nse t Le.'.lgt1e v.•ifl follow the trend the J ~1·111r Leaglic sel th is year. Fountain Valley fa ns have r1·cry rr:i:-;011 In [;('!ie\-e their team wHI mtcl J.0:1ra Nov. 8 11 it h an t111defcated league record and a cle;1r c.1 1 shot at the championshi 1>. BL"ginning in 1970. football "·ill be played on ''!°l rsJ!y. 1un1or 1-.u·sily, sophomore anti l r,...~hn1t11 IC\'tls. Pickford'., only real stren1?1h hn~ liec11 llentl i. 11·hrre he has been able to call on any n 1rrber of pr.oplc ro co1ne up wi1h 1hr <1d1 .. r . .iate replacements for 1nJurcd fi rs!·strin~ers_ Tl.c Orangr. f'o<i.~1 ;i1·e;1's four 1c;11ns - !1 1111t1111:ton Rr ach, !\larin<i. Ne\1·port !!arbor <•"d \\'r.s1n11n~ter -will play against eal'h 0th rr <inn [r\'1ne lea111s in freshm;in footba ll In get ;1ro11nd An aheim School District's ll1 rf'~·year schools. DeFensi\·ely. Fountciin Vallry hcis al!oy,·ed ~,x points 111 three Irvine struggles. * * * * * * \Vou\d you btlif'\'t 32,';00 people h~l\e witnessed Newport Harbor football in the Sailors' first five: ~amcs or the yrar? fl appears that the footb all power or :\C'wport ll arbor may be here lo sta y. The Sailors' junior \"arsily !ram. undefeated ~r trr fi1·r tries, boa sls 26-0 wins O\'er \\'r~tmin qrr and Anahe im. Co nsidering the pa5t trnck recfird for S;iilor football, that figure almost stag grrs the im· aj!inntion . \\'e.~tmin<ler·s {'l ub c,:rushed L:ik c"ood rarlier. JJ.I). \\'ith i\·c ~'Porrs home field -1Ja1 irlsQn - Pro Hockey Standings kA.TIONA.l LEA.GUI E111trn 01~111.,,, W L T Pll. G' GA l'IO"O" Oe!•o1t Mnn! .. ol N~w Yor~ D I 9 11 ~ J ' l I 'I !O ' 0 u 10 ' ' 10 11 ! 1 11 11 • Wut1r n Dl•lUon ) 1 I , " l.lonne•o'• l'ililfdel1>hl• Lo• A.nGl.ltl Pl!11tl<lr;~ n u " " ' ' ' Jl 0 6 1JI' 1 I } ~ 10 ll 1lD410 U 0 l l J I! 11 TllurMaJ'• •nu1" ~roll 2, Phll•dt lohlt 1. lit t*'lf1M .,,,.,, Sol"'" a! 0 1kl1nd S.tuf'dl'('I GtMH (Mt•°" ti Monlrt1I St. LOYI• •' Toron•o N .... Vor-11 De!roll 1'10•!0<1 al LOI .. nqt lt • Pl!hb\J r;~ •I Mlnne•ot1 s .. nd•1'• GIMtl ~\On!r•A! U N&W Yir'< S!. lOY•I ol Phll•<l•loh•o Calendar ,_.. Wolff DOlo -G<l~n \V~•I ti LA. li••bor Cl::t:ll. UCI •I use (6•J01, N,..,l>Ol'f t-<1rbor 11 Downfy, Corti M•Vt II E~•oni;l1. Fou11111 .. Vt lil-Y ., Ed!Mn. Coro111 drl Mir •I $1\ v1111~ (111 ,, 3• 1$), w""""' (riMi (<Nnl ry -O••"" COt11! al S.n Ditto CllY rl;JO\. Wt!tr POio -UCI •I Sin F~rn•fl<lo Vtt~v Slit• fl:JOl. W•i!m!n1ter •I ~r ... POrl li•'bQr, Hun-"""''°" 6•~{!'1 1! A.••~•IM'\, MIW~tn ti Cor~n• dtl M••· M1<tn• •• Wl'1'ffn, $•ddlt~1c-It L..oun1 6•ttn !t •I •t l 1SI. l~v1•d1v roo•~•ll -M•T•• O•I •I 6 •1!1on ....... , ii! l'I•'" ~oln '""" ll:lO!. '""'01 L'reiv Zeala1ulers Top CM Cycle Prograni nick \\'oods of l!untington Reach, Steve Bast of Van l\t1ys and Sonny f\utlcr of Culver L't!y have ;i hc;n·y lorr d nn the ir col lecti ve shoulder!', The talcn lt·d trio of :-;pcc:d\1 ay riders ·t1,i!I be lhe n1alns1ay tonight \\'hen two of world speedway racing's all·tirne greats, Barry Briggs and Iva n Mauger of New Zealand des- cend on the Costa Mesa track fo r the kick off of the Anglo- Amertcan Series. Competition begins at 8: 15. r.t auger (pronounced m<ijor) is the currenl v.·orld speedway f'hempion and , despite his Ne\11 Zealand homeland. rides for the British Be lle Vue speed~·ay learn during the Engl ish racin g season. Br iggs, also from New Z4!aland, is a four-time v.·orld speedway champ and rides for Swindon, another E n g I i s h team. Both will be joining 29?"ear- old Bert Harkins of Edin- burgh, Scotland for the two- race An111<.rAmerican Series which will debut tonight and concJucle nex t Friday al the Orange County Fairgrounds 01'31 being unfamiliar with l).S. tracks and techniques, the f;rotti sh capt11i n of lhe Coat· bridge r-.1onarchs tearn gbvc goOO account of his racing talents although Bast. \roods and another top U.S. rider. De\Vayne Keeter of Ojai, defeated him in match races last week. ffowever, most knowledge- able observers rate 1tauger aod Briggs as almost Un· bea!able in world speedway cornpetition. I n exhibition races in 1968, both New Zealanders literally ran away rroni their American c:oun · lerparls du ring a U.S. visit. f{egardless or t~eir highly· touted r a c i n g reputations, Briggs and Mauger may ht-in for a surprise during the Series. Wooods, Bast and Nutter watched and listened clo,ely 111hen the two Kiwis were here last year and the trio took e:oi;· eel lent advantage of ~'hat they JcarnC'd. ,, F•r<" Stoi• " ~tOQ H)A ~lATE '! FLORIDA. ?I Fro•o~ STt!f 71 • GFO<l GIA. 79 •Gl•,,l>oro Sl•lr H 1-<0'•''" '~ •HOU STllll ...... , l9 'd•l'oo S•••• .... -......... 10 •·lda•o ........................ 11 Indian• Slate , ... ,.,, .... , ... , •.• '/I INOIA NA. ..... 11 • ln~••n1 IPl .l •• ll • IDWA. U Jrhn• Hop~;ns •. 31 . ), .. ,,,,~ ... ., i:ANSAS I< •Kin°' r>n,n! I• •l •l•v•O• "~ l•~•eon 11•1>•' • I •"•"k LOUl ~U•IA ~TA il ! ~""''"" lf(k Ma••ff" "'"""'"'""'" 1."(MPHIS 5TA1t Ml(HIGAll MISSO URI •Monl•na Moreh••d S••I• ~\orq1n S••te Mount Unon" _ •Muhlenb.,q •Mu•~ln•w"' -•. ., •NE6R .. SKA. •N•"' "•"'"'~'" llOl!TH C•lll)L lll• Sl AT f •NORTH C ~P OL••iA NN •h o .. •nt• ~l••• NNlh 0A~n•• Nor'""" 11i:no1~ , ''"!""" In,.,. tJn,•h''" /},(~'""" • •llJPT.; Tr'>:A.$ ST"I' NOTRE DAM E .• •OHI O ~IA.TE QMp W•<"v•• • OO:l AHOMA. •• -01;,.1 • Oll EGON STATE ..... •PENN ST AIE •• , •. Pl4Tt~vlll~ M•1• ••••••. •PRINCETON •• PURDUE .• •Jllonn•••" 'O>v •• ll lCHMONO ••••. , . ll&r h"'" RUTGER5 . •SI, Jo•-o~'' I In~ ) .. s• l •..,.•tne• 'in 01...,n S•••• <QU~H r •<'OLHIA •Sr.ulh O••o•• S!•lt ,, ·SO (ALl<:ORNIA. ~O (nnn•th(UI • • ~n !H•~~i· <0 I.Ir IHODl<l • s~"'"'"••l•rn ! l•nn 1 ~~n'·"~'"'~ ~sr.uiFORO ., ~!u•nu•""""~ ''''"""'"' Shi~ •• •Tf)(AS A., &M , ,. , •TE)(l~ -l OlEOD •J,,nll• l (onn 1 •Trl•"Y lle•11l ,.full• •lUl SA. •Union !U v') , •U TEXAS !EL PASCl "UP\•I• . '!"'"'" V•ln•••l\O Vile ••·•(l I• v1,q1" • Tt<~ v•<>;~.111 '• I' ~'Hl'IT. l(l•j ....... '"rl"' ··~·· 'll•<f•"I ','•!" ~·~ -''°''"'""'t•r IP• I ,WFST T(lll''i '.>TAil •WfST VlllG!lllA •W"'" •WILLIAM I. l.IAl!Y •W•'"""' J•w"I ~W•!l•nb••• Wr.r-.Tor Pol~ •WYOMING •YA.LE •. " " " " ,, "' " " " ., ,, " .... ,, " .•.• 1' -·· 1• " " " " " . ~· " . " " " ..... " " " " . " • " " . " " " " '° " " "' " " " " . " " " ,, " ,. ,. ~~ ..... ?I " " ,. ,. " " " " ., ' "• " " ,, " " " ,. . " " " . " I,"'•,,_ Sl•I• r:i·n~uw F ·"~'-" Ml~S1~~1 PPI ~TA T ~ VA>IOEl!61L T lo\ Ang•I" SI•" O:EllTU(KV {•"""I (onn'Clicvl " • " ' " ' " s .. aQ"""'' I' MISSISSIPPI ••• , 11 """""' S!1to • • · • •• " 1,·~nl•n• Sl•l• ,,. · .. :::::·.,,.,.,JD •B""" ••-'•··· " ;~~1;,~er~:. ~l~'e .... ······:.-:::: i: IMCHIGA.N STAT E .. 11 "H•mod•n·S~ant~ Havfrfo1d • •OW .. ST .. TE W•q~•· 11u< >••11 /'"•0·•~ r.•''"'h'"~ A!•!l'JP•I " ' " " .. • II T•no lfho•lonGr~•I ' " " " • 11"""''" (o~n•(tl'"' Ul ~H ~r•TE Jlj >Jll ~!(]T• •COLORADO Po<!l•nd 5tat• • T•no.-.\Oe T•tn O•l•WO" St•!• •Hifim Oicl<Tn•<m ••• , ••• '"'"" Oo..'.l .. HOMA. ST .. TE "'""~···'~'" Dl'li " WAKE FOl>[S! " ' " " .. " , .. ' ' -1• ...... .. •• .. •• 1 ... •· .... ,, .. , .. .. " " ~ROl.Allf lO~E•S I SCO•fl /,'""'"q''"' '""~v"ono IS.OJ •. II•" S••t• Sovth Po•cy•• S• Norr•i! l<"IUISVn LE TUl AN[ Il l 1t101S • l'i•h~'" • K .. NSAS ST AT( O:•l•m1100 UTl'H O><•O II .. " " " " " • ' • .. . .. •····· ... 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N .-ootllll llA.GV( • HOU~TON .>:ati\A~ (llY <>l.l l•t~t 1iEW YOll.K J~ 11 OA.ttLANO BAL TlfADll E ,, , •ClEVEL ANO i GllEEN 6 .. Y LOS NGELE~ •• , •MI NtiESOT .. oPHIL .. OElPHIA WA.SHING.10~ •CALLAS • ., ••• ,, " " . " ,. DE NVF!> C•NC!HtiA.TI ~urF .. LO llOSTOfl •SA'°! 0 11:'10 " " " ., " " " h.lllONAl ltOOTIA.ll lf.IGU( ' . " . U ~AN F lll\NCISCO .. n ,. • J< ST , LOU IS )I .. ,l ... ~TA. •• " " ?O ~C H ICAGO ,_ " " 1• 0£Tll.OIT ?• NEW O<lLE .. NS •• 1' •PITTS6UllC.H .. •• 1• ..... l l Nf'N YORK GIAHlS •.•••• , ~ ..... , 10 .•. •' . DUNTON FORD S...I AIOI' .. ". 0..-.• COtlllJr ForO.er 50y_. Over -400 N1w .nd U11d C•r1 •nd TtU'b to Choo•• "Hom• of- ll:H Corp.t Sft'ffc1" Used CoA-54t•707' New Car1--54'·7070 ''c'' toun•rv --tot'• M •'• •' [<li•<>n· F<>11nt••" V•ll•v at !::•l•n< •· ""'"'"" Vl•io .t L1gun• 6•o(h, Srn (""'"'"' ti lu11ln, l.OA•• •• to•~n• r!I Mi r. lli1rki 11~ has alrcad_1• had a t a~te of Spl'edway racing - An1erican stvl e since he <:i r- fl \'f'rl la.~t w£'Pk. Despite his handica p or Th(•.v'l'c been n a tic n 1 I y polishing and hon ing their r£'spet."ti vc techniques a n d abilitits all ;o;ca~on I o r lon ight's drbut e1•en l and a major upset could be In the"======================= v.•ind. - W DAILY PILOT Friday, Octobff 24, 1%~ by Deke Hou/gate Jackie Oliver is not exactly a rookie in Formula 1 grand prix racin g, but he is enou gh of a newcon1cr t o be nan1cd by other drlvcrs as "the 1nos t promising: young driver" on the intcl'notional rJc1ng c:ircu1t this yea r. His pcrforn1ance ill n101nr rat:in;:.: is probably n1orc in1pressive off the (;J> <·ircu1 t. \\here his undcrpO\\'l'r<'d BR!Vf v.•as '''i11 less. 'J'carn111g \I ith Jackie lckx of Ucl- b'ium, OHver 11 on both the Seb ring: 12-hour and the Le J\'lans 24-hour races this season in a 3-year-old John \\Iyer t 'ord Gl'. \Vhat impact ha~ his sudden r ise to fame had on the life of the 27-ycar-old Engli shn1an? "\Veil, 1·ve drive n a lot this year," Ol iver said. ''I have raced so1ne k ind o( car somc\VhC'rc in the \VOrlcl every \11cc kend . and a lot of d ay~ during the \vcek loo . .. It's jolly good cxpt·riencc, and I think it helps 1ny driving: in11nensrly In ~C't as 1nuch c.\1)(>riencc. I .have been in and out of 12 d1ffrrcnl kinds of C<irs this yC':ir '' Kot loo long ago Oli\'er \1·Js J'nerely a i:::ood an1ateur dri-ver . \Vh a t \\'as the transition frun1 racing fo r fun as an amateur and for n1o nC'y as a pro'! "Quite a bit, I should say. I used to enjoy \\'Orkin;:; up to a race, preparing: n1y car, doing the co1nplete job. No\v I get on an airpla ne a nd go to the race. E veryt.hin~ is done for 1nc. l just get in tile car and race. "\Vh en I \\'as an amateur I \\'orked at a job all \\•eek a nd put in all the spare time J had to prepare the car, cvcry n1inutc 1 could afford. No1v I should :;;ay 1 have all that tln1e to 1n yscl f during the \Veek. T don·t ha\'c lo 1r ork at a job and I have to find soinething to do '''ith n1yscl f \\hen l'nl not driving. "I concentra te n1ostly 011 becon1i 11g: tnore profes- si onal. 1 clo so1nc public relations. 111<1ki ng talks <uut appcara1K!e anc\ all tha t sort. J a 1n also a journalist and write arliclcs for racing publications. Jl's quite an interesting: li fe and a cha llenge." Oliver, like many another European. believes Ame rican racing goes a bout compensating its com· petitors the Y:rong way. "You ina kc this big thing about prize money, '''hich ctoesn't al101v you to plan for racing an enlire season. ln grand prix racing. you can start out the season kn O\\'ing ho\\' n1uc h 1noncy you \Viii ha ve to spC'nd to dc\'elop a car an<l a n1otor. hcca u~" you kno\v ho1v 1nuch app<'<ira ncc n1oncy you .\1'ill be E!el\111.('.. and then you gt'l pai d cxtrci by !he Jccessory co1npanics. '"y'ou'rp st\. )"ou'rc secure. You cJn go raC'ing \\'ilh a cl ear n1 ind and not ha ve lo ,,·orry about expenses." In this country. on the other h and. drivers are expected to co1npcte for prize money to earn thei r keep. Jn the Riverside Can-A1n this Sunday t he winner may receive a s much as $20.000. 1vhile a g rand prix driver inigbt win as little as $1 ,500 at a world championship race. * * * li.'iAC 1lln11 S1cilc/1 '" P""!I Cars The United Stat£"s Auto Clu b \viii leap on the Pony ,~ar racing band1vagon nl'xt srason an d n1ay conve rt its entire stoc k ca r division \\'ithin l\\'O years to accon1- 1nodate the popu lar n1ini·slockc rs. That's !he ,1·ord frotn Rodger \.\'ard. \Vho is close fo t he picture as a retired race driver (Ile alrnost accepted a ride in a 1loger F'cnske Can1aro this year on SCCA's pony car '!'rans-Am circuit ), a USA C insid er and an official of the $25.5 million On lario J\1otor ~peed \l.·ay. \Vard \rould l1e in as goocl a posi lion as anybody to kno1v 'vhal is being planned by USAC, even though he is no t a 1nc111ber of the US:\C board or executi ve comtnittce, \\here j111portant decisions like this arc inadc. I ii .~ long h rne <tssociation \\'ilh Indianapolis Speed- '"a~1 and his lll'\V job \\'ith the CJlifornia I.rack pul hitn in the kno1r Accordi ng to \Vard. USAC~ plcins to legali ze t he ~mail er size stocks for 1910. \\'hen thcv \\'ill run along· side the bigger cars. 1Ir s~icl J~oger J\JcCJuskcy tested one or the ponies at a USAC track, and it \\·as \Vithin a second or l\\·o of lap tin1es n1acle in competition by the conventional size i,t ock cars. B y 1911 , if pl:1ns co1nc to pass. t ·s 1\C:'s stock cars \\·ill be all i\lustnngs. ('atnaros. (·hallcngers. Llarra- ruda.s .. J<t\'f'!ins, etc , and the !Jrger s ize stockers \\'ill be 11handoncd Tt11s l\Ol:ld .1!·c·111 11p\1 ~h 1;10 thing;;· /[) lt \\011111 r('n1n1·e Ili c 11t·;1k l"S:\!' ~tocJ.i l'~lr (l1\1 :-.1on fron1 dirrcl c:on1pctit ion 11ith the high lv suci:cssfu l K1\S(';\R (ir<1nd Nat1on<1l c:trcuit. ;,ind f:!.J It \\'ould prO\'ide CS/\(' "·it.h a rclali1·eJy tnl·x pcnslvc. very popular race car tha t hn s a chance to 1rin support of all th e Detroit 111anu · facturcrs, Accord ing to \Vard, Tnny llulman. president of Jndianapolis Speechvay, has il grecd to consider addin.c: a second racc-<1 stock ca r race-at the speedv.•ay. but only if all Detroit. n1anufacturcrs could be counted 011 lo participate. 'l'he chances are ,·cry good they \\'Ouk! participate in pony cars. he said. A S\\·1tch frotn 'J'orinos. ('har,c:er." anrl llo<-1d l~un­ nC'rS to the sma ller cars could solve US1\C's :;tock 1.:ar ra ctn~ dilc1n rn a today -not enoug h con1pctitive machu1es. Planners fi gure thJt n1ore drivers \ri!l be il'lter~sted i.n USA<.: ~toc k s if they can gel in \11ith a relatively inexpensive car and if they can count on t w'i> big money races a year -one Jl Indy and the other at Onta rio. * * * 011larlo Trnrk Tflp• fflr Sperlalors The USAC stock car race \\•hi ch fits into t he D?rtario Speerl"•ay picture h.:i sn't been n nnounccd and probably has n't bcc·n srhC'dul ed \'C'I bul \\'ard talked about it n1atter-of-factly . Onta-rin 1 n1 anagctncnl is aP.parenlly hol(ling open the 1loor for .:1 ;..i .i\SCAI{ slock st .race in J970 before finalizing its d eal \l'ith r ival "'AC. ~ Sanctioning uncerla inties such a s this are jrkson1e to': the people responsible for success of this trcmen· dfusly expensive and impressive racing stadium. ~g~r for one can't _understand \\lhy all of racing dqesn t weJcom e--O ntar1 0 Speedway with open arms. ',: The spectator facility is surely a new pl ateau ror tne apart. They are even talking about banning the l~ditional sand-drenched hot dog in favor or cuisine in ali' q1nditioned cafeteri a and cafe. • 'One might expect good viC'1\·ing and comfort for th,_ prices 1$8 to $25 for J!rifnds tand scats for next S§>~!ffilber's SOO·rni.ler.)-bul. c·,en at Ontario's prices t?P.only element 1n1ss1 ng will he the profcssionul ltckcl •f!lper. ... Th~ public 3J?pca rs to be wrlroming Ontario Spf'C'<l· "ray with enthusiasm. A s pokes1nan said S4 .000 "'Orth otf seats were purchased the fi rst day tickets were on s~e. The race is still more than 10 1nonth s away. Me sans Remain U11heate11 at the LONG BEACH ARENA OCT. 24· NOV. 2 SHOW HOURSt WEEK DAYS, 2·11 PM SATURDAYS. 12NOON T011 PM SUNDAYS, 12NOONT07>nl , Devoted to Salls Big Boat Show To Open Today In addition to the displays ol. SO boat manufacturers and over 250 craft, the Long Beach arena will be jammed with huge ·displays of ma rine hardware and sailing .ac- cessories. u Nan1es Told For Panel INDIAN RESERVATION LAND ll ~t TIME OFFEREDI 1/2 GAL. SALE wait?· • • The JaguarXKEll one ol tlie world'1grul1utomobU ... Yd ll&dlslor1- thon baH what lhe world'• other great automobiles sell for. Under S600Cl Whatarc youwa111n8 1or1 Jaguar[i POOLE BUICK·JAGUAR 234 EAST 17th STUET 13 ... F'riday, 0(tobtr 24, 1%9 .Q.AJ LV PILOT %J EEK E DER A Complete Guitle • • • Where to go • •• ••• •; ! ' < ' :...: • ..ffe NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND WILL PLAY TEDDY BEAR PICNIC, NOT TUNES OF LOVE AND DEVOTION lloll!lmood 'Oliver' Star Has New Love -A Big 011e Ry YERNON SCOTT U"l Hollywood C••'<!•OnG•"' lIOLLY\VOOO -l\1ark Lest.rr, the angelic youngster ·who playrd the title role in "Oliver!", no"'' finds himsC'lf \\'here most beautiful English children find tbemsel ves -nt Disney Studios. Mark ls J 1 years old now and a portrait of childhoorl brauty. R11t he is ;il~o :ill ho~· horcd by in- 1rrvic11·.<:, full of rni schirf :ind 111 lo1·c ll'ith his co-star, flilarg1c. • Youn,c: Lcstrr is \1arrl put 1.o check his ebullience when it involves fl.1ar,O!lc. Just the Q,lher day he ran onto the set, hopped atop a box and sprang feet first on l\1argie's back. It is only fair at this point to explain that fl.fargic is an MARK L'E5lER l'lcphanl. "She's great fun," said the Nipper fron1 Blighty. "I g;i\'c her sornc or my lemonade th e n!h<'r ch1y. !'h<' sur kerl ii up In her trunk and then sprayed it all ove r inc-" Lesler's father, Mike, alJoy,·Cf:I a groan to escape "He can be a trial," Les1er the cider said. _ "Mark has never had ;iding lessons, hut he takes direction well," Mike con- tinued . "He can b~'into tears on cue." "You don'l have to write that down," r..tark sald reproachfully. "Do yoo know how man y muscles an elephant has?" he asked . "\\lcll," said Mark, ":in f'lrpl1ant has 40,000 1nuscles in its trunk, ru be t you tlidn't know that.'' ti.lark \\•as 11·earing a r-.1irkcy r-.to11 se "'Tl stw<1tch and a T-shirt emhlazoned with the legend : "I \Vas in Carnaby StrCf'l." Jn the short time he has been 111 Hollywood. the lillle actor has visited Disneyland three times . "It's super," he enthused. "J"m going back as dften as I can." His father groaned again. F or his age. Mark is an accomplished :ictor. He had appeared in nine pictures hl'for ! becoming a major child star in "Oliver !'' lfc \viii return l.Q llollyw(l()(/ l.1 ler I his ycttr or early in 1970 lo begin a television ~cries. l\1~an\\•hilc , he \1•ill pla_v lhe starring role 1n "The Hoy Who Stole lhe Elephant" -a twrreplsode segment of the Disney television series. "When it's ove r, J'll miss Margie,'' fl.lark concluded. Silverado Days Opening Rock Groups~ Victor Borge • in Buenn Park Sho1u The City of Buenil Park will be rock· 1·1bbed this 'vec kend , _As parl of its 12th annual Silvrrado Day!>, Beldis Park, at Knoll Avenue and I::ighth Street, \\-'ii! be filled Saturday nighl with the sound of Paco, the Nitty· Gritty Dirt Band and the Sunshine Com· pany. The three rock groups will join in a two and one-half hour program. beginning al R p.m. Tickets are $2.50, $3.50 and $4.50. tapping off the soun1ls in the night \\'di be con11c Steve r-.tartin, a former S1nnU1ers Brothers gag \\'fltcr. Fnr good reason, Poco sounds like the Buffalo Springfield with more of a rura l flavo r, a country twang. The group was formed y,•ith two ex-Springfield members, chief composer Richie Furay and producer-guitarist Jim Messina. Poco's background is explained on the group's first album: "Jt comes from the backwoods or n1eadows and memories ..• lingers so ~enUy in rusti c illusions, to whitllc your cars lo the sound of the lin1es."' Orange County bred, the Sunshine Company has since taken its close harmony on tour around the rest of the country, with much success. The NiUy Gritty Dirt Band's repertoire, unlike that of the Sunshine Company, steers clear o( songs o( love and devollon, and even rejects the path of socia l co1nmcnl. Instead, NGDB sings tunes that include "I-lard -Hearted llan- nah, the V:imp of Savannah." "Cra1.y \\'ords, Crazy Tunes,'' "I Wish I Could Shimmy Llke My Sister .Kale." and their hit, "Buy for Me the Rain ." They arc also noted for a se nsitive rendition of ''The Teddy-Bear Picnic." Their instruments include e I ctr i c guitar, clarinet, piano, tuba, tambourine, violin. mandolin, wash tub, jug. mouth harp, fiddle and anything else that makes sou nd. Another concert will take place Sunday at 8 p.m. in Bcldis Park. sta rring fan1ed comedian and masier or the kl'yboard Vic tor Borge, backed up by th e Dillards. Borge. acC1'Jmpanied by Leonid llam· bro, will present "Comedy in Music.'' it nos talgic ramble through the history o( show business. The great Dane is without pctt la his . ' f ' -;; " ~ ' • ' ... ---- SUNSHINE COMPANY IS ORANGE COUNTY'S OWN GROUP routine. In 11. career that. spans ~.!';()() pe rforman ces around lhe world, he l'C· rn ains ir reprcs~ibly ft1nny anrl hnpossiblr. to irn ilate. The Dillards. a f:im ily singini:i j'.!ro11p. arc probably best known for lhelr hit recording. "Hair." In addition to the concerts. Buena Silverado Days. Inc. will sponsor a fireworks show tonight through Sunday at 11'1 p.ni .. a panc:1kr hreakfns1 Sa turday f1·01n 7 a.rn to noun, a youth p:ir:Hle n~ 10 ::o a.n1. ~:.iturday, a l\1 i:xll'a11 l1e:ila <1nl1 dinner 111 5 p.n1. Sat11rd11 ~1• a gra 11d parade at 2 p.01 . Sunday. and a ramily barbecue al 5 p.1n. Sunday. All events lake place al Beldls Park, Knott Avenue and Eighlh Street, Buena Park (next to the Japanese Village), For information phone 826-2740. What to tlo • •• Weekend Higltlights CHILDREN'S THEATER -There is a ch oice or plays ror children this \Veekend \l'ith th e .J unior Division of the Costa !\1esa Civic f>Jayho use slagi11g "The llobbitt" tonight at 8 p .~ .. Saturday a l 10:30 a .nl. and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 1>.1n .. in the Con1munity flecrea'lion Center. 1vcst i::ate of the Fair· grounds. Golden \Ve st Co llege, Huntington Beach is perfortn· ing "The Misadventures of Aesop" in the Actor's Playbo:< {Gothard St. entrance) at 2 p.1n. Saturday. South Coast Reper· tory will present "Winnie the Pooh" on Sunday at 1 and 2:30 p.m. at the theater, 1827 Newport Blvd, ROSE SHOW -Orange County Rose Society will present a show Saturday 1 to 7 p.m. and Sunday 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. in the Recreation Bldg .. 8200 \Vestn1inste r Ave. Competitions for roses and arrangcn1ents \Vil[ be held 'vilh a\11a rds going to 'vinners. POPS CONCERT -'rh e Costa fllcsa llig:h School bancL or· cheslra and l>tagc band \vii i present a "!'>ops" concert in the J,yceum on Ca1npus. 2650 F ai rvie\v Road 11t 8 p.111. Monday, October 27 at 8 p.m. Selections from "Mercy," "My Fair Lady" and "Classical Gas" \Vil\ be performed. Se• GU IDE TO FUN, Page 22 Intermission Local Theater Deluge Starts Flowing Tonight By TOl\1 TITUS OJ !~t O•ilY l"llot \l1fl '!'lie f1ng<'r ('Hill('~ 011 L of !hr ]1l'1ng tllr<l ter dike tnnigh l il!ld lhr (lrangc Co:i~L won't dr y up u11111 yo11·vc finishc1I your Chri~trn;1 s shnp11ing. In Lhal <irbitr:iry lri;1nglc formed by U1e co;:s1al area, where ni ost ol the theatrical action is. Long Beach and norlhern Or:i nge County, no less than 22 new producti ons are going on the boards 01·er a span of seven y,·eeks. The crest comes, as usual, in November when 14 !healers li~ht up during that. month alone, including one two-we<'k stret ch 1v ith nine OJX'Tlln/.( nights. Tr:1d'ilionally, Novcn1ber i~ the ht'v1·i- <'St 1nnnlh for loc al [!1ealcr, \\'itl1 tile nrea'.~ ni.vri:i1I pro- ducing gro\Jps :-;triv- 1ng tu squr.cre in one n1ore show be- tore l h e holiday hi <llus. \\lilh n e 1v lhcntcrs cropping up r1·cry season. tl lis 1"\f1v e1nher sli<ipcs 11p as !hC' most :ie- 111·e to dale . ioM -r1 T1.1i ()r;111g(··tnn~t \'11lli ·gr :-;lartf'rl the lJ;ill rull1ni; \\'ccl11rsd11v nii;lit 11'1111 it~ pro- duction of "J.6 .. " 11h1rh runs through !)aturd<1_y. Tonight Sou1h Coast Reper tory opens "A l-~unny Thing Happr.ned on the \\lay 10 the Fortun," Ncwporl Beach's Open End Th<'<i1f'r launchei; its multi-!itl - erl variety series and the f'ullerton Foollighters take !hr. wraps off their revival of "All 1\ly Sons .·· NEXT \\'EEKEND, THE i;pollight belong) so lely Lo t.he Long Beach Civic Light Opcora as "flower Drum Song" 11pc11s Thur.~d;1y for l\\·o wcc k<'nrl~. B11t the follvwing week Or ange Counl y 's com- niunily and coll egiale groups swi ng into what prn1niscs lo he <1 ~weel. Nove1nbcr to: the lil'e theater buff. The home-hunling Rancho Community Players or Mission Viejo unwrap their comedy "The Marriage Go Round" on Nov. 7, followed the nexl night by "The Odd Couple'' al the Westminster Com· 1.1unity Thca!er, also using tempo rary facilities. Golden West College turns Shakespearean with "Macbeth" and the Old .l ames Players of Newport Beach t11ke their melodra1na "Christmas Eve al the Sawmill " lo San Clc111entc. UC Irvine ctnd the new LaJ{una-i\-1oult on l'la,1•house shure a Nov. 11 openi11g night as the university prl!scnts ''The Hoar ol the Grease paint, the Smell of the Cro\\•d" while Laguna offers a single-\\·eek presentation oJ "The OnlY. Game in Town." Laler in the same week "Black Comedy" opens at the Long Beach Com- munity Playhouse. IT ALL COi\tES lo a head In the third week of Novembe r when the Lido Isle Pl ayers open "Pools Paradise" on the 18th, followed hy Orange Coasi College's "Che1nmy Circl<'" 011 the l!"lth :ind •·J.uv" at the San C!r1ne11le Com1nuni1,v Thcatl'r on lhr 201h. Sh11ring an 011enlng night Nov, ZI 1\•.111 be 1he Co.~t a i\lesa Ch•ir Playhouse with ''Slop lhe World -I W:u1t to (:et Off," the Huntington Bear.h l'layhouse with "Invitation to a Murder" and lhe Open End Theater with "All the Lonely People." The Santa Ana Community Players i;tart things nff at th ei r nrw theater thr d(ly aft1•r Th;inkligiving INov. 281 ll'ilh "'Any \Verlnesr!ny" -ilncl nn turkey jokes. pl\><1sr ; y011ri; !nily i.~ <lirettln~. The F'ullrrton Fon111i.;hlrr~ pull ;i rahhit C';dlr: "Har1<'.v" oul of thr1r li:it the next night, N11\'. 29. St;irting tip the ho1nestrrlch of 196S will be L;iguna's pr oduction o/ "C<1ctu~ f 'lo\1•cr," opening Dec. 2. while South Coast Hepertory caps it all Dec . 5 with a show sti lt not se!ecterl at this \Vriting. And th en, for IJ('rformer and playgoer alike, C'Omes a \\'ell-earned month's rest over the Christma s hnlldavs. Come ./;inuary thr. '1'hole business · ~tarl~ all over again. * TllE l'IJ ENO~I ENO.\J OF a t Io r -l\ pl t1yin;; a :;1ngle cha racter fnr 100 or rnorc tlnH'J; is: pretty n1ut'h unhea rd or al()ng the Orange Coa~t 11·hrre 1narquces cha1h;1~ mo11l11ly and long-running sho1v.'! arc fin1111tially prohibitivt.. 1 Yr!, c<irlicr t h1.~ rnonlb, Bill l\!illcr of South Coast Hepcrtnry pas~erl his IOOth pcrfnrrnance in lhr title role or the chlldr<'n·s rl:issic "\\'innir the Pooh," t·t1 rrentl11 br1r1g prC'srnted 11~·icc each Sund;1y ·10 ~l'lin11l hnusr~ <Jl sc n·s Custa 1\l1 ·.~:.i lhr;1ler Tll<• .~11"w hri~u I lu•1•11 :irn11 nd this ;irra 1h:il luni;:, l1<.111•1rr ft :ill :-;tartc1I \\'hen l\lill"r 1•as a 111rn1!)('r nl the AC'tnr's Cir~ r lr Thl'<:1tcr in 1.un.i: Rcae)1 ;ind did thr part In Lwo .separate prod uclinns. \\'hen ACT hcca tne part of SCR t11i·n years ago, MiJl('r came along and played Pooh in the first Costa Mesa production in Marer., 1968. A couple weeks ago the co1npa11y re vived the show and Miller "'as b:Jcf: in cos tume again. As long as the kids kee p coming out of lhe 1rooclwork lo fill the Third Step Theater on St.ndays, as they have been for ear h perfo rrnancr, l\liller will be Poohing It for ;:i long ti1nc lo corne. * ' BACKSTAGE -The last hurrahs for !he 1968-69 season come tonighl when the \Vestminster Co mmunity Theater passes oul its annual awards . . . "curta¥1 time" ls 8 p.m. at the Ha' PcMy Inn. WEEKENDER INSIDE FEi\TURES A ll'('t'kcnd nf \vaterfronl thrills is prorni sed as 1hc Fishermen's Fiesta lakes over lhe Port of Los Angeles, San Pe<lro, today through Sunday. Sec sto ry on Page 22. Travtl Art Exhibits Gulde lo Fun Out 'N' Abou~ Sol 1-lurok Ad1·oca tes fin TV c:nidt' to ~10\'i('!I Live Thentt'r Pa1e 22 Pa1e D Pa1e ZZ Paces u.u Page %5 Par: l5 Page U Page %7 llallo\\·ccn in \\'·cstmlnslt'r Page 17 Sesame Page J'7 l\taekrnna·~ Gold Page 17,. Diahann"s Wardrobe Pa1e J7 .,2z DAILY PILOT ,,iday. Otli>bt f 24, lM Art League Holds Scholarship Art Show OCT. 14-ZS SCHCJt.~mP AJl'f SHOW -Member ~ 11( 1hr Co~ta i\1cs;1 Arl Lequ~ are holding their annual show cu11.I :-<ilt• for ~cho­ larship funds fr~. aJ1d. S~!. c:>ct. 24-25. in Ille t-.1a11 :'ll Sou~ Coas~ Plaf:fl· l='~l!Jl!fil§ Ill all mcd1:i and :-,J1.t's 1111! be available, as we I as m•~§! sculpture and uthtr <.Ta.Us, Ol'T. 14-25 NEW CAR SHOW -On the Mall at Fash ion Island .Shopping Center, Newport Beach, ''Auton1oti ve 70," a new car sl1ow ~e-t in the st C1gr cour1. F:ftrrn Ntll'pOrt Harbor nc11' rnr de:il - c·r~ 11ill ba1'l.' tllCJr 71.! rno..lt·b u11 111('11'. Ot.:'f. 2·t-:n AF1'EHNOON CO.~CERTS -/'resented !JV :o.!11dcn1s and fac1Jlly of the Oep;irtrnent uf J\1usir, UC lrvi/1c, Fridays al I p n1. in roon1 178 of the f'ine Arts Bldg. Ad rnission free. Re- ··itals scheduled include; Oct. 24, conlen1porary ::;ongs and Oi.:t. JI, chamber music. OCT. %~·NOV. IS OCT. !I ltOY.\L BRITISH !\lll.ITARY SPECT~CUL~R -Apaheim Con.,.entJ011 Center Arena, Oct. 28 at 8:30 p.1n. Ti~~ef! range fro1n $3.00 to $5 00, with chikjrcu unde r 12 admiltcd for hall price. 'rhc Spectacu lar features {llf:pl~rs of 2ritish regi· 1ncnts pcrforn11ni; with 1nassed bands, p;pes and drum!!. OCT. !t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rA DliA HILLS PLA'' -The Padua llll!s Theatre is present· u1g .. Panoran1a l\lex1c:ino." \1'tlh authentic Mexican lolk dances and song:; through Nov. 15, \Vcd. through Sa!. al 8·30 11.1n. v.·ith in al i 11 c es at 2:JD p.m. "'ed. and Si.IL Adjoining the 300·.':ieat air-conditi oned lhcater is the Padua dining room where the players entertain during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food is served daily, ex- cept Mon. Padua llills is located on Padua Ave., three ntiles north of Foothill Blvd. in Clareinont. Phone 1-626-1288. DANCIO: CONCER1' -An evening of avanl garde dance ls scheduled in Crawford Hall , UC!. caJnpus, 7601 Irvine Ave, Irvine. 11'hen t11c J\1urr<1y Louis Dance Co. 1X'rfor1ns at 8.30 p.1n. Oct. 2;t. ·rickets ~3. lJhone 833-6617. 'Hai1·' Bids Adie11 The Tribal Jn,·e-rnrk n1u :.lea l, "iiai r." 1vll! be lca1- 1ng the .<\<1u~11·1u;, 'l"J1r.1lrr nn .)unset Bl,·rl . in Los .A.n · J;clcs, \1·hcrc JI. hi'1 ~ :,cl ;11.tcnda nl.le records, ·10 011e11 1n Boston the !trst of next year. The •·Poster Protest Parade" 11un11Jrr . one o[ the highligl1ts of the sh01v, leads Lhe t<isl in a parade throu,t;h the audience. OCT. ?4-!G CIULDREN'S PLAY -The Costa f.tesa Civic Playhouse Juniors are presenting J J.B. 'l'olkien ·s clas~ic story, "T!1c ll oblliLL" Oct. 2~·~6 al the Con1n1un1ty Jll!creation Center, \V est Gate, Orange C.:oun1y Fairgrounds, Costa t.·lesa. SiJQl~­ t11nes <ire Fri, al 8 p,m., S<1t. al JO .JO a .in. and 8 p.:o •. ;ind Sun. al 2.JO p.m. Admission is 75 cents for children and $J.OO for adults. with discounts avai lable to groups of 20 or more. For reservations, call 834-5303. OCT. 24·NOV, I OTHELLO -Sha kespeare's drama will be presented by the drama department of Fullerton Junior Coll ege in the campus theater at 8 p.m. Oct. 25, 30, 31 and Nov. I. OCT. 25 CHILDREN'~ THEATRE -"'I'hc tl1isadventures of Aesop," a .student-written and produced puppet fantasy for children. wtll be staged ~t Golden West College, Huntington Beach, al 2 p.n1. Oct. 25 1n the Actor's Playbox off the Gothard Street entrance. Admission is free. OCT. ZS-3 1 ~LQ~N WEST C~LLEGE FOOTBALL -All home games at OCC LeBard Stad1LJm, off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, Costa Mesa; all games at 8 p.m.; Oct. 25 at Easl L.A.; Oct. 31 vs. ruo lloado at home. OCT. 2~!1 ROSE SHOW -Orange County Rose Society Fall Rose and Arrangemen t Show, Sat., Oct. 25, l p.m. to 7 p.m., Sun ., Oct. 26, 10 a.m .. lo 5 p.m. at the ~estmins!er Recreation Bldg ., ?200 \Vcsl!n1nstcr Ave. The City of \Vestmlnster is sponsor- ing t~e fourth annuol show, which leotures con1petitions, trophies and a11 ards for roses and arr:ingn1ents. OCT. 2f>.NOV. 1 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Ho1ne games at LeBard Stad1urn, off Harbor Bl vd. and f'airview Road, Costa Mesa; all games at 8 p.m.; Oct. 25 at Cerritos in Norwalk· Nov, l vs. ML San Antonio, at home. ' OCT. 26-NOV. 16 CHILDREN'S THEATRE -"Winnie-the-Pooh" by South Coast Repertory Chil dren's Theatre, J827 Newport Blvd. Costa M~sa. Admission: children, 75 cents: adults, $1.00: H.~servat~ons: 646-1365 fro m noon to 6 p.m. daily. The A. A. l\!ilne chrldren·s classic 1vil! be presented Sundays through Nov, 16 at I p.n1. and 2:30 p.m, OCT. 27 POPS CONC ERT -Cos ta l\lesa 1-ligh School is presenting Jts fall "Pops" concert, Monday night, Oct. 27, at 8 p.m. 1n the Lyceum on campus, .2650 Fairview Road Costa Mesa There ls no admission charge. The school ba~d. the arches: OC'r. :JO-NOV. 2 GE :\! SHOW -Tile first inlern1111on:il Gl'lll, fll!ncral and ,Jc1velry show ;it llic Exhibition J-1~11 ol l!1c Anal11:1 n1 Conven· tion H<ill of the An!ll1cin1 Convention Cen1cr 11·ilJ be open to the public Oct. .10, ·:n ;1n<l Nov. l lru1n 10 ·a nl. lo JO p.rn., :ind Nov. 2 fron1 JO <i 111. to 7 p.rn. J\d1nl.-;:-,inn: Adults. $1.75; Ju11iors tages !2·l8J 7~ cents ; Children under 12, (rec. OCT. :11 llALLOWEEN PENNY CARNIVAL -The \Vestminsler Recreation and Parks Department is staging, its annua l llal· loween Penny Carnival, Oct. 31 frorn 7 to 9 p.m. in Sigler Park 7200 Plaza, \Vestmin~te r. Included in the carnival are gam~ booths, a "spook house," live entertainment and a c::ostume parade with prizes lo the \vinn1!rs. Prizes also will be given for the best posters placed in merchants 1vindows by the children. OCT. :n l!ALLO\VEEN C.::O!'iCE HT -The Jcf!cr:-,on Airp lane, The l\loody Blues cind ·G!C'n i\Jcl\ays Headlights will be heard 1n concert at the Foruin in lnglc1rood, Prairie ;ind l\1anchester, al 8 p.m., Fri., Oct. 31. Tickets $:l.50-S6 are available at the box office and ticket agencies. OCT. l l-NOV. 2 CRAFTS!\1AN FAIR -A Craftsman Fair, with more than 50 Orange County artisans participating, v.-i/l be held in the side yard of De nwar Ceramics, 236 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa, on Oct. 31 and Nov, I and 2 from Jl a.m. to 4 p.m. Stitchery, mo~aics, \vcaving, stoneware, jell'c.lry. collages, macrame and beaded work 11·iJl be shown for sale. !\"OV. I CHOHALE CONCEHT -Folk ~ungs lro1n around lhc world 11•ill be presenlcd by the Fc~til'al ul 1\r1 s Chorale, Nov. l at 8 p.111. in the F~stiv<i l Fon1111 , Lc1gu11<1 Beach. ro.tuslc r<inging Jron1 Shenaridoah to Hr;ll1n1~' \lunga nan Dances v.·ill be prC'senlcd. Tickets hy don<i(1or1. ~J.~0 for adults ; 75c for studen ts. NOV. I TEEN CLUB DANCE -The \Vestminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Teen C!uh Dance in the com- munity Center, 8200 \Vcst1ninstC'r Ave .• !for \Vestminster teens) each Sa t. from 8 p.nl. !o midnight. Admission, $1. for members, Sl.50 for non-members. J\'f> dance Oct. 25. •·House of Noah' \viii play for dancing Nov. L /\OV. I SA DJ)LEBA CK COLL EGF. -All J1nrnr iian1rs at ~ti~&ion Vie· JO High School. 2.102~ Ll1n~ant<l Uri1·c, ~lission Viejo; all games at 8 Jl n1 .: Nov. J al tl!ir:i (;usl a. Occansulc. J\'O\'. 3·1:! Home on :the U.S. Range Ira and the stage band Y.'ill all perform under the direction of Ea~! Treiche l, with selecticons from ''My Fair Lady " .. Classical Gas" and "Mercy.'' For information pb~e E42-5066. STUTTGART BALLJ::T -S. l!urok is presenting the Stutt- i:;art Ba llet in JO performances, Nov ,. J-12 in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion oI the Music Center in Los· Angeles. Tick· t:!s, $3.95-$9.25, arc available at the box office of the Music Center, 135 N, Grand Ave .. Los Angeles or al So. CaU f. Auto Clu b and all ticket agencies. By STAN DELAPLANE ·. "las! year we took a cruise In the Caribbean :• but found it too humid ... " .. • . . • • • • • . . . • .. .. . .. .. . • . . . . • .. •. \'ou could lry U11s cie.~('rt c::o11111ry. !!a n~ up ci pair ot 1~•i~hcd .~ocks htre and IJ1cy .:ire drv 111 an hoor. · * "Once before you '>Ug gested staying a t Japan- ese inn~ and it sounded good. What we would like to know is how to handle the language. Or do they speak English ?" I ne1-cr f.uun d ;·111y l·:ngli::.h .~pok cn in 1hc r1n· kans. 1 used a ph ra:-.c book -I rl1dn 'L Irv to :;av" it. I Just pointed lo the sC'ntence. J Jearne'd 'lo cOunl ARTIST SKETCHES DECORATED BOl TS Fishermen's Fiesta will !>.held Oc.tobtr 24-26 10 ten so that l c:ould give a phone nu111bcr. 1'hc11 l'd ph one c:1 friend do1\·nto1vn, get his .J,1pa11f'se .~t'l'· retary on lhc l111c> <ind h<Jvc hrr e.~p la1n lh111g s !o 1he 1na1d. l.rl!h~ <lillit·ult, but 1l ) onr. \l"l.V tu grL breakfast. * "Will we have trouble getting rooms for E xpo 70 in Osaka?" Travel agcn1 ~ 1('1] ine it looks like an incred- i ble Inuddle. Bu t tl1C' .JJpancse have a talent for pulling things tugr-ther-~1t ;1 ln sl in1poss1 ble n10- n1ent. Get onto a tr;lve! agen t 1io1v and keep an eve on the bluebird. - * "We don't ski b ut wt would like to go to in- teresting snow resorts •• ," _ Lot ol people like cros s-tou11try :,ki1ni:;. Till .~ 1~ sort_ nl ~1ict111g :110111: 1111 ;,k1.~ on le\'C'l ground. I\·o du11·nhd! brea kwu·ll')! ~tllfl. ) Ou dlln 't need 1<llc111 <•r COl1rage. I\'ur11 ay !.~ b)g nn ( ro:-.s. co11n!ry ~,J.;un ,i:: ancl i("s 110\ t'.'\pensive t'(111n1r~. · * ·ro 11111kc th1 ' ~_.hear _101i 11 .1111 111ntt·1' l'.X(•ur~1011 oi1r !<1rl1, ~ ;1~k ,1bu111 (;r ·r L:1rl". 'fhe sca11d 1na11;111 ;111'!111e ~\::i kno11~ ,1'11 <ibvtll 11 J11ter :i ports Jn thC':.e l'IJtl/l t J' I(''". * "How much dQ you e stlmale for two peopl e who wa nt to do Europe in 11 camper t ruck ?" f1 eo pll• 11'hii'1 r done th i<; trll rnr S8 lo $12 n dn1. 'fhDt's c·1·cryth111;.: rxccpt the co:-\ of gCUJng to Eii- ropc <ind the co.~1 ut U1r cn rnpcr. Lands~apes at Cd~I ~l11tual 11 .. ~l~TUA L SA VINGS AND L.OA:"J -2867 E. Coast. lli.c:h- il}. Coron;i dcl r>Jar . 0!1 cxt11b1L duri11~ regular bus1ne!">S hours th rough O<:L, portrai ts and l;:indscapcs by Sv!vJa .fl.1oon. JCr. - Rillboa. Hours· \\"1•d 1t1r11Llgh Sun. J fl 1n,-~ p.rn : !\!on. ~ r l1L-~! p In. 011 l'\lllilll through i\u1,, 9, "The Nf'IV ArL of Va n(·ou\rr." :1 ~ur\ry of ~l'1rn young: J;aln1f'r~, ~culp- 1or:> and Object rnuJ..er.') working 111 r :int•uu1cr, BrJllsh Colu1n- COFFEE GAHDEN GALLERY-2625 E. Co<1sl llighway, bia. ~orona del J\1ar. H o~rs: II a.in . to 3:JD p.m. l\lon, through ORA NGE COAST COLLEGE LIB RA HY -2701 'Falr- S<1 1iirday: Of! exhibit through OcL, assemb lages by Carl \ iC'lv Jload,. Costa J\l r~:r. {)n cxh1b1t duri ng rC'gular library llcrtC'J : OJ ! p;untings by Susan Hertel. hours, paintings by ,Jeanne Huymond. LAG UN ~ ~RT GALLERY -307 Cliff Dri ve, Laguna l\IESA VERDE 1.I BltARY -2968 t>·le,<;a Verde D r Ive Beach. AdmJssion ~I. tl1cmbcrs and one guest free. Ho11n;: East. Costa J\!t~s;i. On c·xh1b1t r!un ng regular tJhrary ho1irs ~~pn s'~o~.p.m. On C'xhib1t thruugh Ott. 26, annu:il n1en1bl·!·-t!1rough the 1111H1th ul Ol'l , o!I ~. 11a!rl' f()lors and collages by Adela1<le l'nrtcr ~\JESA ART ~EAGL:E -5!3 Cen1cr St, Cosl a J\1csa. COHONI\ Ll EL. \IAH LI BH \l!Y -120 :'11arlgold, Corona Hours: S<il. .and Siin . I lo ~ P 111. Continuous cxllibit o! art dC'l !\1ar. On rxJ!1b1t !liro11gl1 Ocl. 1ltJr1nf! r(•gular libra.ry iiork in 1·arious media by :\rt Leat,rue n1cn1bers. J\·o clln11s· JitJurs, 1111prt·s~1c1rH~!ll' (11l!i hy .l;icnuel1nc :'i!ilgcnbauer. .Sl()ll ctiarge. ., Cl\'IC.:: CE~TE R . llUNTI NGT0.'1 BE \f'll LIRR AHY -~2°1 :i,!;irn SI , Hunt--,., . · ' ~ GALLE RY -3300 \Ve st Nrll'por1 Bl\'d • 111gt1111 Bt·~it'li. 011 rxh1ii11 1il1nng regular J1bt;Jry huurs, in-:\~i~ p-0rt Beach. Hou rs; 8.30 a.111. lo 5 P 111_ i\!oo -Fn. 011 l'1i1(lu1g I p rn . tn :, 111 11. SlUI, J;1 ntbe~1pC's in ud by Dar1v1n exhibit lhrough OeL. stitchery b_v Peninsul;i Stitchery Guild. Duncan. . NE\\'PORT J'"'·:\TIONAL BA NK -llJ.10 Bayslr!e Dr11r ~ .. UCl r\/\T ,;,\LLt:BV -:: 'fli1rd fl!•"r, Fine Arts Bldg., :\rwport B~'acli. Cu rrently on c.xh 1bit through Oct .. cJur u1g i.t. !rv11 1r, 1!01 1r... 1 1,1 .i p 111, T 1Jf'~-s 1111, ()n <'Xhibit r·rgu~ar business hour.~. water colors by Aline Thistlr:t)n\'<.11le. tl1ro11gh ,':0v. :lo. ''i\11 J, .'\. 1·:~1IH·1 11·,·· 1<1ricd nicdi~J hy fou r SO. CA LIF. FI RST NAT'L BANK -171 22 Beach Bl\'d 1·on1 rn1por.1r~' ;;irt1\t~_ llunungto~ Bcilch. On exhibit during regular businc~~ hoLJr.~: ltr\NC'l lO l:ALJFtlH:--1 \·-FU!, 11 \(' :-.u11\lit·r n Cnlifornia through Nov_ 14. paintings by Charlotte fJunn arlJsts 11 111 d1~p!<1,v ul>1•ul r.111~ 1,i1 ;ind 11 :1tcr-eolor paintings COSTA l\l ~A LIBRARY -566 Center !:i-l, Cu.~l.i t-.!r:..l. ;jJ the tir~-t ;111 1111~11 :hn1v 1n lhr fl :1nch1' ~"alif(!rl\l<'I PJaz<1 ()n C.\llib:t during r£gular library hours through 0l'.t oils l11\·Jlat1oi1al fall ~1111 11 . th1~ ~ • .ii. a111I s"1111. 01•1 z;.?.•1. 1-at"d <ind acryl ics by Ferne \Vil!iams. " " _,,._ ~ l\'E\\'PORT JIARBOR ART l\IUSF;Ui\1 -400 'I ·1·n S o11 H1gh'.1';1Y .1~1:i o.n" n11 tr nnrlli oJ Trp1Pcula, n11dway be-1 ,, .. . I., !\1·cen R1 vcrs11lf' :1nd ~;i n fJ1r·g o. :"111 cllarµc . . !t 1ril\ Y::ir_1· ~oinr fron1 cot1n1ry to country. J: ranee i.s expensive; J_}orttigal is cheap. COMPACT ~ . ,.~, .. ~ .. ' . i---· ~ The DAILY PILOT t1 llJ """ ~ mor• -i11 1111 1p1c1 -•~•rv ' dit •bout vour commun ity t h111 '"t o!h1r ''""'lp•p1r •long th1 Gr11t Ort•~• Cot•f. 1==:~~'1 '1 ANNOUNCING! A NEW SERVICE FROM NEWPORT PRODUCE :i No ... , yo u c~n no t only b~v lh• Fi119St Product ;~ lhe wodd, but ,.f,0 Jh• Fi "~' Flowtf"l.. G<'JN)I Ou1 fte•h cul flow t '1 lw• 911 l~cm •I the ..,~,(~t ,1 l JO • d )' d ~ ~. cv••v 'Y ,n ;f you Fish Fiesta. al Su n Ped ro .I w!1h, l ~•V will b• •>p~rl ly •n•"9•d bv E Jrope ~" J'"'""<I d"'"l""''· .~d •'cue lr aclilio~•lly f •..-ou1 low pti,1t! Spo<i•I ptit•1 lo, you' •P•t r,.1 •·~nl, CLll' THESE MONEY SAVIN G COUPONS /\ \1 eo·kei\d or 11alcrfrtJ11 l thr ills h<1s hl'en ~t'I Jor the Fishermen's Fiest;i . 1nclud1n,,: the Parade of Boats. a vachi race and open house on a lrio <lf U.S. Navy ships. Decorated boats. skill C'On· tests by fi shern1en. carni\'al r ides and <1n intcrn;it1onn l panorama uf food and folk dances 11·!!1 be lcatur('d during the ccll'bralion at lhc f'(11·t of Lo~ Angt'll'.~. ~:i11 Pedro . :;!ar!lng !oday and continuing through Su11d.iy. Octub<'r 26 . r>lore 1han 20 \\•ss('ls arc f'ntered 1ri the /'.:1rade ot' Boats, V.'hich wil l be held early Su nday aften1oon 11·ith the Iheme Of the parade being ··Sea or Tranq\Jili!y'' in honor or America's astronaut s. The yacht race will I><' one or the highlighls on SaturdLJy and "'ill begin in Redondo Bc;u:h. "'Ith the winners fl:1shlng O\'l'r th11 fiesta fini~h line ln lhc h<irbor in 1n1d..:1f\er11oon. · Bo1h S-alurday anrl Sundn~·. th<: Navy v.·i!I hold open house during !he d11ylight h0(1r.\' t1bollrd the minesweepers USS Per~istent, Endur;.inc• and Pluck. Street dilncing an d ni usical l'lllcrt ai11111cnt \\•111 be pro\·ided Sa1urday night and un Sunday afternoon. following the Parade of Boats, exhi bitions of the folk da nces of eight dif· ferent na t io n s by in· ternationally famed troupes y,·ill be given. I The Bulgarian-t11acedonian dances of !he Kitka trou pe. the Sco!lish fling s of the Southern DESEBT BOTSP!l.INGS Califo.rni.a l!1ghland Oanc:ing CALIFORNIA. 1's~oc1atlnn . the polkas of the tllt all Y•• l•Nity )1111111 r•Mrt t' z c c h o,<; l ova k·Amcrican Costume Grotip and the ~lex-We 11ave enough blue :sl(y, clean alf. inc1edible vlew1, ll'<itl dances Of Ba 11 et, and brilliant :stars for every- Fol klorico Acapulco DeJuan i:iM ••• plus dozen. or hot Casadas wil be seen. rnintr• pools. mOOWn mo- Also appeari ng will be the tela, and •XC41Penl mObl .. <l 11nces of. the Polish Natio nal hD• tachttlal,. 0 Come to cur Mllthfut err,, o..tft Alliance, the \\'estcrn Lariats, Hal Sprino•-fof a week,, :lv.·edish }''olk Dancers under tor a 111e11me-owrtooklng direction of Ni!s Johannson, Palm Sprlnos . th• golf capj.. tr!\d the Philippinn dances of tiil ol the world (only 10 l'rppt'r nnd Le-ona Lesnich. 1T1lnu1es avr1y), 1111s year lhe Fishernien·s W1fl• tor 1n11inro•r1,,... "' "'~~~'' F1c~la 11·ill also C'l'ltbrale Scin Ch•mber or Commerce, Prdro's 20th vcar of f'on1n1 cr-Dept GN 1·1;i l fi,~hing !Cildersllip tn th e 0.1tf1 Hot Sptl~t, Call!, ' • LARGE-FRESH-.·········~·········:·········· • • • • • • • • I • PINEAPPLE 39¢ ... Limit l W ith This Coupon •••••••• • ICEBURG • • LETTUCE • • Lar91 Slit • • 1oi ... • • • • Limit 5 • • W ith This Coupon • •• • •••••• • • COUl'ONS EXl'IRE OCT. 29 How about you calling us? • In Our Flower Shop FRESH CUT MARIGOLDS 39e, ... h Limit 2 lu"chu With This Coupon • • • • • • • •••••••• f "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST CROWING PRODUCE ORG ANIZATION" I· " W NEWPORT PRODUCE 2616 Newport Boulevard on The PeninJula PHONE 673-8715 673-8718 l L'n1!ed St;:ites. The event is t11ret11, ... : °" 1"t11•t•i. ,o .... ,. '' on p1·01·i I b II ,..1.,, lcofl~o•. II<'~""" en o~• oi I "32 y f P d t, · 1 · .'iJX1n~or1 Y . ic th'•• 1~1n·corr 1 10 O••••c Mo1 enr.! O ro 11/:r "\V/!r.rr. Q11nUtr1 Is Th r ,., City of Los Angelts, County Si>r1~g1. 1 Know /low" Order of-tl<e i-lo~i~c" ~U <1r Los A11gf'lts and the com-1 '------------'I ---- mcrcial fishiag industry. :·,....,.~=·~·~·~~~T~:";::,...::S~·~...-::._:-:':·_:·~::-::.-:-~•=~·~· ':C...,:::C_r'.:.'.'"":!:.~-:::,.~·:!~· J~. ~~-~ic.:~~·~"'~-~~·~·~~~ ' f: ............. = .. =:...:::.:..__..::: •. ::.!,.• ----'.=__....:__..._. --= ...=.:.. ~ ---·· --· ~ ==-= .~ \\'EEKENDER 0 u T N I ' ABOUT ..... --. ---- r .\.IL Y Plt.OT_2 .1 -----------------· NOR~I By STANLEY I' j ORANGE COUNTY 'S RESTAURANT , NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE L:::· Buh Hurns \Ve joined with friends and their friends to com- memorate a birthday last \Veek , highlighted by the honorees declination to state the precise number of years being observed. Can't say \\IC rault Lile _lady '"ftr injecting a li!tll.'! mystery into the proceedi n g~. bu t no one professed to n1 ake a secret of cnjoyin;; the food . Setti ng for the gal3 dinner \Vas the nh1•ays pleasing I.lob !~urns Restaurant, 37 f<'ash1on l slanrl , Nc1vport Cent er, Nc,vporl Beach. D1scount 1 n~ the not too wee bit of Scotch blood that courses through our veins. this is one s pot th a'l ncvl'r fa ils to make us \vanl to adopt it as a kind of second ho1nc. A PLACE TO DWELL Con1 fortable and rcl<ixlng fron1 arrival tl1rou gh departure, the dark paneled 1valls and di1n Jig hlin,!! irrunediately ::.uggest the confines of a fancied Inner sanctun1 . There are 1na ny entrces to en·lrcat the Bob Burns dinner visitor ranging all the \vay frotn sau1e calfs liver and onion s, $3.50, to broiled Au stralian lobster lail, dra1vn butter, S6.95. :\II arc served \Vith choice of soup or salad <tossed green or the restaurant's justl y renO\\'ll ('aesar salad ), lon g branch or hoked pota·to, and speclally baked bcJn.i. ,.\fl er tn uch \vin110\1·1n,t::" and \l'Cighi ng-, l!1c birth- day celebrants selected t1\'0 orders of grenadine o( beef te nderloin, forc sticre. sauteed in butter 1\1ilh shallots. scJ!lions, n1ushroon1 s and red \l'ine, S4 .75; breast of capon. champagne sauce, 1vild rice, S3.95; tournedos of filet 1nignon, s<iucc i\'iadeira, S4.50 ; steak and lnlJs·ter. $6.50; boned r<i inbo1\' troll\, sa ute aln1ond 1nc, $:.i.50. TEMPTERS .·\ncl if yo11 arc vp !o it. a s \l'l're on!y t\1'0 1n ern· bcrs of ou:_~a~1y~1rr e l<i ah1 ay_s_a~pportu111 1y C~~ 26 45 HARBOR BL VD . COS TA MESA 545.9471 GALA HALLOWEEN PARTY Fun and Favors for Everyone .Come As A Spook Or Come As YoLI Are Fun Is To Be Hod At The Corol Reef Bar ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET DINNER 6 • 10 P.M. Pol ynesian Spare Ribs Hawaiian Chicken Prime Rib Roast Eye DANCE TO THE RON SIKINA TR IO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ARLENE SKILES and the DICK POWELL TRIO 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER a.t ..... n l!luttum• .. a,., ...... Ampt1 Parking 1'1-f'Y•lian• • 644-2030. 'Whe~ Exciting ~ings~~ Happening! .,.,., ,.,,. ... , "'Tliret.'• CO"'P'fnr" in /he Se1;ille Loa,,,n Jlirr.iri,<t in fht! hrlf:itifuJ Mritat/or Rm>lfl J,n1;if'.1t lo \vrap up dinner \Vith one of \Vil \Vright's fancy sundaes, ice c:reanis or Euro pean ices. l lopefu!Jy another birthday, or any reason for that matter, \Vill 1.ake us back to Bob Burns in the 11car future. 1-"'rom all the contented expressions following dinner that seems assured. Stuft Shirt Brunch !'>artak in ~ 0£ Sunday brunch. as any atldict to Ille habit kn O\\'S, can be one of the most dcli~htful r astin1 cs Oil the \l'Cekend . One of lhc fine :-.t hr rc- a boul!i . 1ve discovered, is that being served at the !:ituft Shirl in Ne1vport Scac.1. Perhaps lt \V<JS the dnzzingly bri.i;:ht and snnny OctolH!r !'it111dc1y, but on Lhis occasion ·the n1 agnifi· cenl vie\v 1vi ndo1N s Jl ~o seen1cd to provide \VOn - drous nc1v vistas of the b<1y and n1arina activity. Not lo n1cnt iol1 1hc elegant :iurroundings an d su- perb food that rounded out the 1no1nen'L r-rcsh fruit cup or r·rench onion soup and hot blueberry niuffins arc fea tured 1vith the Sunday brunch. Entrees include Spanish oinelet v.·ith hashed bro1vn pol al oe.~. ~1 .95 ; poached finnan had- d1e in crean1. $2.75 ; r-rench pancakes ~tuffed 1vilh crab n1eal, S3.25. The childrcns spcci;i l of broiled han1h11 rger on ,, hu11 , \l'il h fru it cup, r-rc nc:h fri(•nd polaloes :i nd IJC\'eragc. is St.SO. !\II of \1'hich adds up lo n1aki11 ;:: .Sundny brunc h at the restaurant a farnily affair. .'\lso open evC'ry do1y ex cept i\londay for lt1nt'h ;ind din nr r. the Stuft Sh irt is loc<i ted at 224 1 \\'. Co a::.t lligh1va y, Ne1\•port Beat.:h . Concerts Se rie;; l 'ounger out 'n' abou!ers, at least. are really hein;:: given !'On1 e'l hing lo turn on \1'ith in the for ni of .~on1c top·rJ!cd poi) n1us1c groups appe;:iring cil i\!r. Oo'.s in l\·e1v port l1coch. If nothing else. it m1 ~hl '• ' ~1 1 I I TALE I: ti tlJo I WHALE · Ne.. Sr.atood Rer.ta11•<tl'll 11 1~,. Olit Pa·~1hllf' !he nrw Q,( 0 .,arlrz.e ~slaural/f 'J:. arz.d (iarderz. ~'.f: f,, ,,.,~1, ,-;,."" 1\I A rfrl ~lii lu l J" ~1-111"~ \<1 ir"••• ( •'lll''V IT')"nd ~fld !~<.I<' \\'o:ll P•«(l.1i<'d f;l1lJH11c t r 1rr.u-1\'f 11 'r111ccl. !>1r0ll1 n" lllU'l(lrlJh <1drl ,tr> al mn,f)h<'rC of r '1.inn .ind runt~f1Ll', ln1oy lh1s criLh~11l•ni: al fl1~phcic for lu'ld ', '2. 'f!l~.1.1d,, d1rinl'r. A'lrl, opcn111 g ~''''"•The rno~tcxc11 ing wine Ldl~r u1 '.lonu1hcrn C~llforni~. Rr1c•V~l ion~ sug~c~1crl. f.44 · 1700 f \t, SS:!. 011en to the Public ~ Newly Enlarged ltl~~;,; Popular . , , -.~ LARK ROOM Enterl•inme nt Nightly T uesd11y through S•+urcfay THE F ABU LOU S DICK SEA" • BANQUET FACILITIES FOR <SO " " " " • SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK I :: I llt!l1' ba11Q•f'l fttcililie• Gf{AND HOTEL country c I u b .. 7 FrtEf:llMA N Y..'AY GOMER SIMS. CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Ce.ow~''' j " help bridge the ge neration ga.> to have those on the senior side 1unc 111 DS 11'(>!1. ::itaged Uy lnt ernat 1011al !)ollie Productions, a lively concert St!ri Cs 1s t'urrent/y under \\'<lY weekly, Suncl <ly <lnd fll ond t:1y cveriin &~. fron1 8:.10 p.rn. lo 2 a .111. The forn1nt al so pro~des a shov.'c,1 se for local talent lo pcrforn1 al on g~ilic professional 1n ui,1· t'!JllS. :\ppcaring courtesy of Capitol n ecords. the hC'adltnc g ro up kJcking off the series \ras J\lcrry- 1ve:.i thcr. On the sarnc bi ll vies So uth1vind. Others slated for cngagen1ents include J\judd,v \\'a\r rs. Lov e, JJ,onnit• ~"= lJc ane.v nnd f'riends: and t!i!'(•c_·\ fr ont Lond on. Love Sc ulpture. · i\lr. Oos 1s loca'i(·d at 2>DO Pacifi c Coast Jli g-l1- 11·uy , Ne11·pott HC'i1!.:h . Fra1uring coc kt <i il ~. dinin~ :1nrl dJnc111;::. <Jd 111iss io n for the concert c\·c11ts 1~ $2.50. Derhv I falloween llallo1vecn gobl ins and ghosls \\'ill be acting up a \\leek fron1 tonight , ending October on a note of spirited high jinks. \Vhilc apple·bobhing and trick- or-trcnt pursuits arc pre\ly much left to the kid s, lhere i ~ alv•ays a lot of act;on for the gro\vn-ups too . l\lany pla ce .~ in the aroa \l'itl be staging special parties or cv~n\s on Allilal!o\\'S Eve_ One of the n1o~t pron1 isin g 1s that 5haping 11p at the Derl>y l~e~l a 11rt111t. 1162 J-l<ilJsades Rd ., Costa 1\1esa. TRADITION Sccn1 s tradition-u1at goe$ back 13 years \\'ilh the original Derby in A~Cildia holds this nig ht as one of three yearly occa5 ions callin~ for an all-Ollt celebration. 1'he other 1lwo al'fair.o; are St. JJatrick 's IJay <ind the res tc1ur<1111'~ nnni1·ersary, '/'he lnc<i l cclit10 11 of. the J.)crby didn't open unlil .l un r nf thi s ye:i r, .<.o I l<il!o 11•ccn inarl\s the fi r:-.t 11 f -1 nc\v locati on. As a con sequence, O\vncrs l\1urph and SIL1gi.;er Slurn1olo are planning gobs of merriment. Although nol required, costumes 1\1ill be in or- der for everyone fro1n· th e patrons to the ba rtenders and wait[es:-.es. The staff, in fact, usually goes the full route by \Y<JY of \vild and amusing, attire. IB Arcadia. al! three Derby cetehra1ions have developed into dress events and a bedecked cro1Yd pours in for r<1th. It should prove quite memorabl1 1n he in on !h e launchin:;: o( the tradit ion in Costa .\lesa . A DINNER TO REMEMBER .\s a11 added I real-certainly no trick, lo be sure -you 11·ould do \l'ell to head directly ·to the Derby tor dinner and get the festiv ities under \\'ay early. lf it 1s your initial visit you 1vi!J readily understand 11·hy so n1an.v out ·11' aboLiters a rc hitt ing th e place on a steady basis. Rut sa111 plc any o( th e delicious pasta di.~h e~, ho ust' speciallties like flle t steak cuts en casserole nr pot roast of bee(, char·broiler itcn1 .~ such as ba- t on 11•r<irpecl filel 1nigno11 and seafoods like Louisi- ana fried sh1in1p. And \\'hatevcr. fini sh the fea st 1vith a cappuc· ci 110 or Irish coffee and the Derbv's unbeatabl 1 chee5e cake-the best ·to be found, in our opinion, al any restaurant in the country. I .:..J \Ve Gel Letters 1cro1 n our apparently fai thful reader and some- tiines correspondent, R. \V_ Ka terndahl of Costa i\le~a. cornes Lhe follo,ving report on his lat est fam- ily dlning out sortie. "Thanks lo the goo d judg1ncnt of the Out 'N' .\houl co lun111, ou r ('hild Bride elected lo lead us to !Jun!ington Beach·.~ F'ishcrn1an Rc::.laurant for a hir!hrla y di nner. ''\\'c 11ere greeted by c:enc , th e affable bu s-hoy Continued on Page 24 the lhrcc :111nual IJ;ippc n.ing_:_~o~~Jn~~g at__~c "F"-----'-'--=-=~-co~-=-=-===========:::; Reservations: 494-6574 • •• ••• [HBIOWers • • RESTAUUNT AND • COCIC'TAll LOUNGE • Open Daily e llJNC!o<ECtl e Olt!NE lt e $UNO.t.V I RUN(M e LATE ~UPPER. DINING OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWER S WING O f SUR F And SAND HOTE L IHJ SOIJTH COAST H•Gl'iWA'I' Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES * * * * FROM $3 .25 * JESS PARKER Appear ing Nightly Tuculay thru Sunday BANQUET FA CILITIES AVA ILABL E PHONE Sl6-2S.55 317 OCEA N AY[. HUNTINGTO N IEACH Over loo~ing Th, P11 cifi c O ce an At Th e Pier DON JOSE' Now Appearing The Sens<1 tional VIC GARCIA LTD. with vocals by GERMAINE I:< 'l11E Fl t:STA ROOll l·'r.O.\J t-:;o l '.~l. to 1:30 ;\.~!. FINE~T MEXICAN FOOD .6T RE.A SONAll[ PRICES HALLOWEEN PARTY FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 I COSTUMES. PRIZES· DANCING I COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adams {at Magnolia) Hunt. Beach 962-7911 F••'""~" a~, Spe~i ol E ~i.e ~ BEEF, BOTT°LE & BIRD . 15.50 ;J ,nn~' N ·9~!ly S to 11 1'.M. Lun,h.on f•am I !:JO A ,M , -Mon. l~ru Fr;, AFT E-R CN-CO-CO--N--c"o"c--K:::T:-:-AI L HOUR ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DANCING AND ENTE RTAINMENT WIT H MIKE & JUDY ~ow A,PIARtNQ. Fiii .• SAT. & SUN. NITlS JACK KING· HYPNOTIST ' R .o\.111'111\ Pli1\''S &OYAI, PAGE RESTAURANT " " " "' I I ' >I ,,, " ARCADIA ~ ~INC£ !9JI ~.tti!\~'W -AIRPORT Feafurinq Steak • Chicken • Italian Cuisint Servin9 Late Dinners ,,, £ S•I !):00.l •ll A M nl l MU•1!111Gr.:it1 OR AJ!C4 0!A HI 81/J NOW PLAYING " • . clever, brl9ht and funny . • • hot stuff for Anaheim .• :· Ric k Setk>we DAILY VARIETY •••••• OFF' •. at the • \VEST •• •••••• GRAND HOTEL 'i Frred111an \\"ay,A naht.im I: ESE r. \' ATIO~S (714 ) 772-7777 luncheon e Dinner e Cocktails DH.iE !ti 'lt!£"10lT SNUG ~U IU!DUNOINGS .. unoa•J .. !y rfdfC~r•!e<I !n tho CDlor!ul. ln!O•m•I o•ma•pl!•'• ot "O• ~·retl S•n Fr•nC•KO, ,.....~OR.:.:,IGIHAI. OILS ly l••"•"• Co•11 ""'"h ART 'l'~•I Th''''f Mt! T1~1or. Ellttn Wrltftl I Gallery ''' s .... COSTUM! HALLOWlfH FUN-OCT. 31 ·NOY. 1 Dean & Frank's Favorite Chef TONY SIRAMARCO For"••rlv of th, V,116 C•pri, Bov•rly HOiii 8r in91 Hi1 Some F1mn111 ITALIAN AND AMERICAN DISHES TO ORANGE COUNTY TRY TONY 'S SPECIALTIES St1CH ,.t.S VIAL ALA PAllMIGIANA t n C~SSfROll will! M•r11 la win1 • , • 'oa~ed in • "''V tp1,iol 1•1ict, loh of ehttt• ... ttrwod with Sp•9J.ttli. CHICllN ALA CACCIATOll A bi9 clinnor fer bit 11l•rt. A lrua lt1lian lro1t. SHllMP "SCAMPI" Al.A ITAllANO Ju'"bo pf1wn1 wilh la'"O" C.1h1w butter 1au,1. ••• STEAKS e LOBSTER O PRIME RIB NOW: TONIGHT & IYllY Nt•HT •T THE CASPIAN 1050 WlST KATEllA, ANAHflM l •S••Vatlo11• 776-7910 ., 1670 Newport Blvd., -Coi l• Mis• 641·1293 A"""'·IM,CALlt'.7i2-7771 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH 00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lllill~~~~~!!!L.._.F_•_•_R_•_ .. _,_._,,_;_."_'_c_._11_1_•6_·_1_1a_6_•_,_,_•_6_._u_1_6 _ _,i ~[lc!:•~~§~·J:J[l~:::§~§::J "I Sorvm,11 A.M.-ll P.M.Ma11.-Frl.-1-11Set.-1·fSwL "II " IRl11i....-------------' • r ·--·--· ........ -----------~--------------------------------~---------~~---·--. l - 24 OAl LY PI LOT '5::··~===========-==-----======-============, -·-.:.:rt=! •.• •CL •. a U!L£Sli!J _.c•ZJ:!!i::z:ao::5eS e g 1 11 ''"4'"t;::t m .. !5''tt:-• ...:..s:™ .... 5 .-!....! _ -~ ... -. i{?taneois' CONTI NENTAL CU ISI NE F•mou 1o For FLAMING DUCK Open I I :00 A.M. -Closed Mon~•Y HUNTINGTON BEACH , CALIFORNIA '11151 BEA CH BLVD. 842 191 9 ~fa. SIZZLER ~/ IOP $149 g/RLOIN includes french fries or baked potato and Sizzler toast MONOAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT I TOP' SIRLOIN SP'lC1AL s12, With lollled "•toto or f re11tl! friei ........ , , .•• , • , Chlldre11 Under 12 011t·Holf P'r!'e HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ COSTA MESA TOWN & COUN rRY i'<ILLGllElj ~Ql.IAllE lUJl l••(h l lvd. Ul·Jl ll 6EHINO I EX"CO ST ... TION £. lllh & S•M• An• •41·101 CHILD'S PORTION HALF PRICE (Children un der 12) PH ONE IN ... ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE TD TAKE OUT 1111,.E ,\_\·D DA .~CE A 'I' Tiii': BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN 18582 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach · 968-5800 ENJOY THE DYNAMIC SOUNDS OF ,!llCll,\EI, THE ONE-MAN BANC FROM VIENNA 11.11'1'\' llOIJ R ,o; Tue•. -Wed. -Thur. -5 To 10 p.m. SL'.VD1\ Y IS l,1\DIES ,,.IGllT Escorted Ladies Pay On ly Half Pr ice For Dinn er DANCING EVERY FRI., SAT. & SUN. 11.11,f,011 EE1V Di\1\'CE SAT., NOVEMBER l Prizes for The Belt Costumes Make Your Reservations Now OPEN DAILY FROM 11 AM 5UNDAY FROM S PM CLOSED MONDAYS Luncheon Served Until J :OO p.m . ·. W EKENDER Contin d from Po1ge 23 and ct very s::ratious 'heri, the \Yaitress. \\11lh her advice \\'C soon had pn array of te1n plin~ fish be· fore us. \\'hi ch sall~fled our gourmet taste. "\Ve \l'On'l n1cnt1on tt1c libations, but lo cap the c.:lln1ax, the Child l3r ipe birthday honoree 111as pre· ::;cnted 11·ith an a ng el food cake \Yilh one cand le ." Tl1nnks aQai11 . ~t r Knttrnda)1l. fo1 you r commrnts. Tiie Cl1ild Bru:lc rnadi an ezcellen~ cllaice in th t Fi.sit· C/''1!1'.111. !Hell ed l311tte1· Sauce Continuing our refresher course in the sauces th<1l constitute a vital adjunct lo many fine foods, th is \\leek v.1e'll revie1Y n1elted butter sauce -or :::.auce au beurre fondu a s it is kno11•n in French. Onl y six si1n pl e ini:,-edients go into th is delicate sauce, v.•hich is used primarily on grilled fish, especially sole. l'hey are unsalted huller, flour, salt , egg yolks, heavy cream and lemon j uice. ' ~ In its preparation, app roximately one-seven'_lh of the butter is first 1r.eJted in a heavy saucepan. The flour is then stirrM in over low heat. Next. salted boili ng \\'aler is added and the \vhole mixture is 1vhi~ked vigorously until il is smooth a nd reaches the boiling point. 'fhe egg yol ks. c rtarn and lem on. con1bined earlier in a separate bo\\'I. arc then added. All is again mixed \veil but mi al\o"'ed to boil. Jn the final step. the sauce is strained and , b it hy bit. th e ren1ainder of the melted butter is bea ten in \v ithout putting the sauce back on the heat. DELANEY'S ~~n\')! IT;S LOCAL LOBSTER SEASON Fresh Daily From The Boat Select Your Dinner Lobster l ive From Our New Tank Open Da ily 11 A.M. -2 A.M. ' 630 E. Lido Pork Dr., N.B. -675-0100 Real Canlonese Food e1t here or t1ke home. OUT 'N ABOUT ·-.---- Do11· Jose E11te1•tai11111e11t \'ic (:arcia Ltd .. \\'ilh Vic on guitar an d (;er1 nainc carrying: lhc vocal:;, ls cu rrently handling !he enter· tai11n1en t clepart1nent in the f1'iesta Lounge of Don . Jose 1\1exi can Restaurant i n }Juntington Beach. \\/ell k no\1·11 in 1he area fron1 previous en gagements at EVERY SATURDAY Fash ion Sh ow & Lun cheon Buffet $2.00 'l'o~• Hc1l·Jchn W Gr.gory 14 5 5o. Coon Hi91!woy Pho11e 4•4·1151 d.ni nq •nd d•n<inq ••ery •·•~i nq in Pior ' - ·· . .,,-~ the !\e,vporler Inn and the Reuben E . Lee. this group brings a built-in !ollo\\'ing \\'herevcr they play. J)rop in and lisl('n-but first ha,·e a fine fl'lexican dinner in the di ning roon1 . Treat the Family to Dinner In One of Orange County's Fine Restaurants, This Week ST AG CHINESE CASINO t,= ~~~~~~1lc:-:. -~-~,1," FLING ··: .. ·'3 AL LE y w E 5 T II I ::~R;:~.:.E~.·G7 NIGHTS A WEEK 111 21st pl., Newport Be1ch ORiole 3·9560 Opt11 YHr llr•und Ocilty 12·11: -fr!. ci11d Sot. 'til J e.'". dJ.en ~· i!Jnwns Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE DANCING NIGHTLY TUE. Thru SUN. The Naturals I 7'" I MON TH Open Doily-Sun. Brunch· Res. 499-2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South Laquna , ~~"Y\"'1 ~ MON.-TUES .-WED.~ GALA 1 , 1 * .. .,~~~ ~!,~;n ?.~O * L~~~X ·rLake HALLOWEEN PARTY I ,c4111 \\ '""'· '"" ""· ~ COSTUMES • PRIZES 'Ii~ \ Rear·Me$a Theater sci:~;:e Costa Mna I 14 5 E. l~th St. Juu off N•wpo•t llvd. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 2106 W. Ocean Front, Newport B1acM FOR ADVERTISING IN THE W EEKENDER MAGAZINE Phone 642 -43 2 I ORGAN AUDITION Guy Fowkes Restaurant 17171 Brookhursl (at Warner) Fountain Va lley 10:30 A.M. -Monday, Oct. 27 Beautiful New Wurlitier Organ I 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' . --1 oli ~ /~~:'.:::'.·~~::,~ l ~OAT 'Hou~ 1. I 1• 1• • Caribe Room PRESENTS ENTERTAINMENT -l SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING ' Mondoy thru Sa~urday JACK COSTANZO Featuring GERRIE WOO CONTINENTAL CUIS INE ,, ~, •• I •, • I •1 21112 OCEAN AYE. ICoa1t HWJ.I -HUNTINGTON IEACH -5l6·T421 •1 ~·············· ................. ~ Be•ch, Cost• Mes• an Huntington a.1ch 1rea1 - Newport leach ind Co1ta Mesi 111 646-7136, 17th & Tustin For Huntington Be1 ch C1ll 947, 1214, Be1ch & Heil ~_,~ e~ r~Ets "~~~p:~~!~~~~.~. I and AMERICAN CUISINE TROPICAL COCKTAILS "l,', f,,cd •I hoqlilv ti <~,... m~nded ." N&rm 5fonl ~y - b .i!v Pil ot Lunch & Dinner le Sur~ and Trv Our Gci lo •nd s11,r-ial fo'"ll" Dl1111er •• 968·5050 "811n11111a11Riarr , ro111an.-~ ,•."'1.A-L do/ce vita.'' fit?"""'"'(.714) 642°971( :!!10 J'1dfic c.,u~ 11 .. 1., l"e<•porL R•1ch ENTERTAINMENT BY THE PHIL DESANTO TRIO YOU-LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY 12 r .. 'l.TO 4 r .M. !FM~ I 111( IJ111i11~1 S111rc JW.5 :'\SOI Li~T G,1.1.~r l !IGllll'AY C111us>. Ill r. ~IA P , CA1.u=\'.>Rt.:l i' l'un1"1: (i l-1) 6i5-\.l7'4 !--~~~~~~~·~~~~~~--"' ......... ~ ' ' ' .. ~ ..... --------------·--~-----------------------------·------------------------------- ·.'Hamp' to Guest :.Fo1· McNair Sl1ow Lionel llampton, Ameri ca's famed ''King of the \'J hcs,'' visits with one or his 1l1ost Joyal subjects on I he November I edition of "ihc Barbara McNair Show" on Channel 11 at 6 p;m. Jn addition to spotlighting th e "King·• fo r a swlngin' "Hamp's Boogie Woogie," the shapely hostess joins Ham pton in singing ''Midnight Sun," wilh vibe accompaniment. RIVIERA ftE5T.AUftANT Continent•I Cuisine Cocktails Scri.fii1g Luncheoa and Dinner ltionday through Saturday. Closed Sundays Open f or Private Parties Only We li re located next to the Mt!y Co. in South Co•st Pl•z•. lJJl S. lrbtol 540-3140 The U,:;l-paced 60-min llte rnus1c!!~iety series a!so features coniedian J a c k i e I\ ahane ; comedienne-singer Vic ki Lawrence, a regular on "The Carol Burnett Show ~" f1C tor-comedian Jim Backu!' 0£ "~Ir. ?llagoo" fame, in t he •·conversation corner," and 11: c five-man rockin' "Spiral Stare<:ase" musical group. Mlss Wwrence, a recQrc!ing artist who sang wit h "The Young Americans" for th ree years and appeared with them in a doc umentary, is featur ed in the "And I'll G<l" number. and joins "Miss Barbara" in a song and dance presentation of "'\'a lking Happy." The stunning hostess hers<'lf sings "Don't Rain On lily Parade," and Elv is Presley medley of ' · H ca rt b re a k Hotel." '"Love Me 1'cnder," "Clean Up Your 0 \Y n Backyard" and ''In the Ghct· to," plu s her closing theme of "\\'here Did the Tin1c Go?" There ecin be no straight in· terview \1•ith ".\1r. Magoo," and hilarity reign s -just as rock g::ies \1'i!d \vith the "Starecase" offerings of ''This Guy's in Love \\'ith You" anrl "No One For l\1e Lo Turn To.'' LJ s~~ET.~.~~~ 12•1 WIST COAi! i<IGMW ... T NIWl'Oll l t ... Cll (71•1 "6.J0'1 'fitJ Jbuth Coast Repertory "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM " OPENS ~RIDtT-111' NEWPORT eLYO .. ne~• M•rt>ot R E~E RYA T IONS· IN~ORMAT ION -l'6·1 )OJ "Wrnn•e !Ke Poo~" -OEllGHT ~Ul $CR CMILOREN'S TtlEATRE MU~ICAL COMEDY AT ITS FARCIA L BEST: ~un~~1·• ~I 1 :~0 ~no 1:10 p.m. C•ll ror Rnervatlon• The Jolly Roge1· SF.Rl'l .\'G D1tll, \' Breal.;ftas t * f .. 1111t•l1. * Di1111e1· FI NEST IN FAMILY DINING BUCCANEER CUT OF PRIME RI B FLAVOR.CRIS P CHICKEN GROUND SIRLOIN ST EAK TERIYAKI ST EA K STEAK AND LOBST ER JUMBO FRI ED SHRIMPS OR SCALLOPS CATALINA BROADBILL SWORDFISH CAPTAIN'S CHOICE NEW YORK ~TEAK COMBINATION SEAFOOD PLATE SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FOR LITTLE PIRATES UNDER 12 All d inner' served with soup or selad, choice ot Fren ch fries, whipped potato or baked. Hot home- made breads. RELAX WITH OUR NEW DOUBLE BUBBLE COCKTAIL HOUR IN THE LOUNGE ONLY 4 TO 6 DAILY MIKE JORDAN DUO Monday thru Saturday -l :JO to l :30 2300 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa 540-~535 IMPRESARIO S. HUROK Oi5cusses The Arts With Berwick Cl1a1111el 28 Offering T cilk With Sol H 1iro1i llost Keith Brr\l·ic k talks to one. of the wor ld's most famous impr('s;1r1os in "a Con· versation \Vl!h Sol Hurok'' on Chanel 2s·s Speculation pro- gram \Vcdncsday, Oclober 29, at JO p.m. J-lu r"k discusses his 53 years Q[ l>UCCCSS !n bringi ng !he world's n1ost in1portant artists <1nd performing companie:;; to BALBOA 673-4048 Optn 6:45 70t !. lalbu hlbo• Pf'ninsule NOW · ENDS TUESDAY the wildest comedy ever NO ONE UPDER 16 PERMITIED America. 11e tells how he came to this country as a teenager \Vith about a dollar ll and a half in his pocket and headed straight fo r Philadelphia, having been in· spired by reading abouL Ben- jamin Franklin. "A Conversation \\'1th :;o\ J~urok" \.\'ill b<' re,broadcast on Channe l 28 Sunday, Noven1· ber 2, al 6 p.n1. THE BEST HITCHCOCK TYPE FILM IN YEARS When did the love story end eRd Uae nightmare b1gil? Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 S11rrou11det! oy ~ lt~Tfl 111 r•11on1en!o· I '' 'l r~ : ~ r.uo.,J •·C 1 ~ r.1 · •• I ri or· 15 "~ .• r~ .... l \\l:.lll~ 16 511~~-ak-cr's " ol ll'< I JI 17 Wn·~ lS '-'tla! 19 Playl I an1'1"at 2J B•g 1!1J~ll·' 11·. 2 ~.o-.i1 :!J R .l'.'"'~' ! I,' 1 •.f , • p .1\' {1'1 e ·•" 23 ~-1'1 '11f \rr1•r1~, 1li1 1!'. 24 r~fn '''\I ~"I~ j Zf> s1~r 1 w1r~ r•iduct i'B Rollo! d1~r11a 211 fl ~r mli.I JJ R~"1i!! al r•1u• 11 P l~l\10 I 36 K 11HI cl otatisl1ts 3 7 Sun 38 ···· Se! 1't Utn~:1i.-factQry r 111duct: Sl an9 40 Prtstn\ed 4] Epoch 42 rv co ntrol l l • " .. " " " 43 Willlirn Jenn111gs - 44 Dr nl~I r e<'.ha tlits r,rod 'I~ 46 Co11 ~i11 ·~ p:o , '""\ ~ 1 ~l•~i''L<' I ~8Bv st·e r•f ,,,.~ :2F,:;.~•"; ff,~(fr ,3) : : l 1\:t',\J ~ ... ~7 fe-r.,>11>ne ~.:J:i '. ,1: on t-n W?.' god bl Krngijo ,".1 o~ lf\r Pe<'.1 •11 I '! (,ZQ1cle1:1 ,g h s he ! ~j N.,r-rbf' h·l Th i~-5~. &5 •· ·· ' 1 ·, I bb E r~lo,·.1 fi7 Tal l'g<.~SS l C~thedr~I ff d1Ll1r 2 Manry; Slang 3 Vtry slupid Pt fSO!l 4 Kinll i:i f tlec!1011· 2 words 5 Place of telarl b11sine~s fi Public ordinal')( e 7 Ne9a1ive phrase: Dial. Ytslerr!a~'s Puz zlt Solved: ~•l l~ .I •(,• C l •~ •£C •! C ~(~ •C •• BK 1r1dof D11J!t5s •onaf tiFr500 9 \,I~' pcl n t , ·f,,h~'. ] ~ :,p I(:~ J l F f!';!I•~ rF l ~~l'"/~11 12 F1 gmrri t o! the 1 m3g in~!11ln : 1 B ,. 1 .'l Kind or hol •d ay 25 E~p1f'>~ion of drs- approv~I 27 S1!1e ~ick zq Coins 30 Erclarn~t ion of sur pri ie; 2 word<. 31 . .,. Sc oti a 32 DepttSS 1011 between hills 33 Place for I 0 f ~ 10 ·2 ~1 b9 3& Waico Polo's fe I lo w c t!1zens ]~ [11U,ed ~v.1· ~,n.,o; ~2 P \.,~µrr'~ •!~"' 4 ~ f;,1·1i,1{1:·· ~ rn 45 c,~.1~:_11 .. ·1 or pJr.e r ~l ie! 1,, 4~ Be r.o•ie le~s ~t1 ir. l ~a Sec r~ta:y's n~d~rsl11d)': l nlor m ~I 4'1 S1.i1l1011 50 Mak~~ f ~r111 ti ~r:"~~ ,, 51 T~p errd o!f 5~ !~lS l'll'rr.r1 ~ 5> ·-· Vi '~ ~ L<ldY# 54 F~rnc ox ide 5& Kind qi mus;cal compcsi llon 59 Givt i! a wli ir I . ' ' 0 11 11 IJ 'Advocates' Debate SST Cont1·ove1·sy The t.•ontrvversy over the bulldlng of ar American super- ~onlc transport -backed by President Nixon and called a •·plaything" by one Co ngres- sional critic -wi!l be debated on "The Advocates" program on Channel 28 Sunday October 26 at 7 p.m. "It \\'ill be re· broadcast at 3 p.m. October 27 and 10:30 p.m. on October JO. The specific issue of Lhe 1!1·e !e!ccast will be : ··should Con· gress provide funds to develop a U.S. supersonic tran~port?" The decision-maker, "'ho will figure in the outcome of the <lispute in Washin gton, is Sen. 1',rank E. Moss tD-Utah ), cur- rently uncom1nl1led in the SST rOY,'. The public TV net work pro- gram will originate fr om WGB ll in Boston. On altern<ite 1veeks it en1anates from KCET ln Los Angeles. The l\vo advocates. skilled in presenting witnesses and n1;uerial relevant to !lie issue. \\'ill be Lisle Baker, who 1vil l ;irgue in favor of developn1ent nf the SST, an d Joseph Oteri, agcd nsl the proposal.. The spontaneous C\'Cnt also fe atures a hos !·moderator. Victor Palimeri, and a studio audience 1vhich will be polled on the issue. A second audi· UllDIT/ DMD PICI: I 111111' ............ , ... ~~0 OOU>•N W•ST • ••••••• , ot ;"lftll liA~DiN G~OVI & Llll CllGO f'111~ C>.11.t. P(jRgMAN'l!I MIClllU'I HLD NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME [!!I=- "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" 0 MEIROCOIOR MGM HELD OVER 1--OF 6 ACADEMY AWARD-ST ~-AOROFOffi~ DAVID LEAN'S ALM a""'"""""" DOCTOR ZHMGO • l'Wvt$10tr ANO llCTllXll.Cll STARTS WED. OCT. 29 Liza Minelli in "THE STEnlLE CUCICOO" m'iin1·r:11,m 11ctio11 ! oc:tio11 ! 11. tio~ ! Ri+!rt Mltc:hum -G-1'111• Ke1111elfr "THE GOOD GUYS AND THE BAD GUYS" (M) plu1 John Wayne -Dcivld Jonuon "THE GREEN BERETS" (M) Japanese Mov~ Every Tuesday Night I SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS ,,-...., CONTRARY TO ADYIRTISING IEYOND OUR CONTROL AND APl'(ARING ILSEWH,Rf, YOUNG PIOPLI UNDEI:. 18 !NOT 161 WILL NOT II ADMITTED TO l'AClflC THEATERS TO Sfl THI "R" PICTURES t lST£D IN THIS llOX UNLESS ACCOMPANIED IY PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN. "CASTLE Kiii"" !It} "THE BABYSITTER " IRI "FOUNTAIN 011 LOVI" IRl "EAST RIDER" !RI ~ ~l Gr-t action and drama lurl LClftC;cn.tcr -Patrf<k O'N~al "CASTLE KEEP" (R) plu1 G•&l)O•'f Pack -Omar Sharif "MACKENNA'S GOLD" IM) Ho""' vnt11r 11 ... 111 bi 10m1ttH vn!n1 •<<•mplnl..:I l>Y ,.ren•or 1av11 9v•rll!1n. , .............. 1+ !iijiit'*-•"········· K,le Johl!ffll -Ale.:ander Cl11rke "THE LEARNING TREE" (M) i plus .':'mntt...ij "HURRY SUNDOWN" I •ll!COMMl!NOEO Fo11 .-.outrs ...................................... l Font•tlc. Actlo1t Mlcti..t Ceil"• -t.11ur•nc• 011,i.r - "Th• BATTLE of BRITAIN" (G) pin Su1011n "'"""• -l111t McShne --......... -"IF IT'S TUESOAY THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" (G) ••••••••••••• .,,,, ''''ili!il+•············ Ye•'li Int lo•• "THE BABYSITTER" (R) ,1111 "FOUNTAIN OF LOVE" !R) Ne -...,Otr 11 will ~t •dmllltd un!tH •ccomp1nled •v p•r•nl tr tclulf 1u1r1l1ft, ········re··· •••@1:1 ., ............ . $17.~ Glll E.-.T wriTE1>'4 ACTION! Jo~n W1yno K••~ oouoi.1 THE WAR WAGON Jonn W•ynt ltoPHtl Mll<~ullt CARLOAD "EL DORADO" rrtdaJ', Cctobtr 24, 1%9 DAILY PILOT "MEDIUM COOL" ... KYLEJJHNSON·ALEX ClAJlKE ESTELLE EVANS·DAflA El£AR lth AND LAST EXCLUSIVE WEEK REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Ooncn Production 'STAIRCASE" l'MAV1•10..-· COlCMI ... t><<•'" fm ~ ,!.Q. STARTS WED. -EXCLUSIVE COUNTY RUN Robert Forester -"MEDIUM COOL" uza Minnelli 'Wendell Burton ·lim Mclnfoe WILL SHE WIN HER FOURTH? KATHARINE HEPBURN The ZVlliDWOZVlliO ofGHlllLLOT The motion picture designed to save the world from sanity. W1r11•r lrou, Pr•1enh tn Elv L1nd1u·B1v•n forbt• Product:o11 Kalk•r111e H1pburn ••"THE MADWOMAN Of CH.AILLOT'' Ch1 rl11 lover-Claude 01upliin·Edith Ev•nt-John 6 1~i" P1ul Htnt1id·01c1r Homol••·M1r91r•I Lei9hton·Gi11liellt M11 in• Na111tt1 Ne'"'"''" ind Rich1rd Chemberl•i" YUL IRYNNEll: ••the Ch•ir"'.,' DONALD PLEASENCE 11 the P101p1ctor e11d DANNY KAYE 11 th1 ll:19f>;tk•r l11ed oft • pl•v w1 :t1en b, Jeen 6 iraudouJ end •depl•d inl1 Eft91i1ll b, M•uric• Vel1ncy.Scr11npl1v bv Edw11d Anh11t E1ecu!ive P1oduc1r Henry T. W1in1te i1'1 Produc•d bv Elv l1nd•u·Oir1cfed bv l ry 1ft forb11 World Premiere Showing • ' l ' . i ' _, . . ' -----------------~------·-----------------------------........--.·····-·-·-·-· ··---······-· . :-:J:Q DJ\t Y PllOT r(ld~Y. Octobtr 24, l'li.~ =· Your Guide to M o v ies . .. " . ' . ' ·' ' Babysitter Only for Adults Ed nor'!! No te T Ir 1 s nlOl"it !Jll irle IS prf'{>llred by the /1/m s ;ont111111 t•11 11/ flnrbor Coa1tcd /''/'.-\ .. 'I i~ Jo~ll~ Clnrk is 1111'S1(/c111 fll!Cl ~1rs. l /a11 S1jj(·i1 11r 11 ;~ c.0111m11tec 1·/u11r1111111. /t ·is in tended ns a rcferr.•lfC 111 deter1nn1111n suztali lr j1/111s jor c('rln i11 n !Ir grou ps aud u 1/1 nppeur 11ieekly. Your t:Jf'U'S arr. snlicltrrl. 1-fai/ t/1r111 fl) )f,,. t'if' Gu ide, care. of t!1 e DAILY PILOT. • • • ADULTS The BabysilUr !RI Se~ and "iolence in modern ~uburbia. Patricia \'lymt>r, George L. Carey, Ann Bellf'rny star Castlt Keep !Rl: Art-filled castle occupied by wounded men is a syn1bol of resistance <1gainst the enemy on the e\•e of the Bal!le of the Bulge. The setting is the Ardcnnes Forest in the winter of 1944. Hurt Lancaster. P atrick o ·Neal, Jt::in-Pier re Aumonl. r•adrly's Gunr a-ll untin~ C\f ): Contemporary suspr n.~e film set in San f r;:inc:isco. It concerns a happlly married \l'Oman whose former ]O\'Cr THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RA TING PROGaAM The Molio11 Piclur• Co.le •1111 R•lillq Allnii11id r•tio11 •pplie1 fh• followi11q ••linq• lo film1 dillribul•ll •n th, U.S.A. p;,. !ur•• ••led G, M of R qu.lify for th• Codt S•tl. ~ Piclur•1 T•l•ll X llo 11ot receiwe • Seti. The r•lin91 •f>ply to pidurel rt lt t ltll t lt•r No••"'· btr I, 1'161. Pic turt1 1e!tetell b1for1 fhtt c:l •I• ••• c:le1crib. 1.I •• pr1.-iou1ly t ~ e 11 d/or SMAJ. ~-Su q911tec:l for GENERA L 1 udit 11c11. lM)-Su9qe1tec:l for MATUR E t ulli1nce1 ! Pt ren!t l lli1 • c•t lio11 edvi1td l. ®-RESTRICTED -Pe,,on1 und t • 16 no! tdmiHed, unltu tcco"'"~"i ed !iv p•r1nl 01 ellult 9u1td- .@ -l'eno111 1111der 16 1101 od"''""· n,;, •9• ,,. llric tion mt y bt hi9her in ced t in •••ti, Check reappea rs lo terrify her .,.. ith drn1i:i nds of her child's murder ;is ;i!oncn1ent for a pre11ous ;1hon1on Carol \l."hllc, Stoll J !~lands. P<iul Burke. The Gay Decei\•ers ~R )· A ron11c sai1re aboul \ll'o young 1nen Y.'ho aucn1pt to avoid the draft hy pretending to be humusexuals. Kevin Coughlin, Larry Casey and Brooke Bun- dy. !furry Sundown: Con! lu:t 01 er a :c;hady land deal stirs up raeia! lens1nns in a southern 1011·n. ~lichacl Caine and Lor· 1ng Sm1lh. Inga · g,,.-ed1sh !1!1n ahnut :i i:;1rl :is :;;:hP <111 ahi:ns to st>nsua!i!y. The Lea rning Trtr ~,\I 1: \·oung Negro !earns Jron1 ex- perienc es v•ith bolh ra<"es as he grows up in the Kans;1s farm country during lhe l920s. Kvle Johnson stars. ·,\lacken na's Gold ii\I): SLory of a group of men and v:omcfi 11·ho all s.hare a fear of ran1· paging Apaches and a greed for gold. Gregory Pec:k . Omar Sha rif_ The Producers · Hilarious, ?.any farce about has-been pro- ducer and milql1Ctoast ac- countar.t y,•ho over capitalize a Broady,·ay f lo p. Zero ~lostcl stars. Staircase (RI: R i cha rd Burton and Rex Harrison play unhappy, unfulfilled people in !his sad, compassionate and sometimes sordid study or t .... ·o aging homosexual barbe rs. Th e \\'ild Bunch tR ): Plans of an aging outlaw .,.,.ho leads his small band or desperador~ to rob the railroad in Texas in 1913 go a1\•ry. Violence folloy,·s. \Vil!iam Holden, Robert Ryan. l\1/\TURE TEENS A.ND ADULTS Dr. Zhivago : Story of young Russian doctor and pocl caught in his country's revolu- tionary upheaveL 0 ma r Sharif. Geraldine C h a p Ii n , Julie Christie. 1'he Great Bank Robber}' (~I 1 · Zero illostel, Kim Novak and Clinl \Valke r star 1n lhis f1ln1 ;1bou1 three diffcrcnl gang attempts to rob a bank 011 thl'. same morning . Grern Berets: A c t ion - paclied. patriotic film "'hich ;illempls 10 show conflict of \'ictnam through !he ('yes of KEEP YOUR SUMMER TAN ALL WI NTER! THE MONKEY TREE HOTEL e ~o· HEATE D POOL e SHU FFLE BOARD e PING PONG e GOLF e BICYCLES e BAB YS ITTERS JUST CALL BARBARA 17141 327·1S04 the firl!cn Beret~. John \l\'idly nt'"' "ilh sp:"n1lor. <''>· \fayn1' t·1tcrnent and Zelhrc1!1 ·s ln•,h 1r 1r s Tuesday. This 1\lu~l c·,1st 1ng and d1rt:l'Tltn1 Lcon ;inl be fh·lgi111n iGf· A bu!>lnatl or \\'ii11ing and Oltl'C':I /luscy I An1encru1 1011r1sts \\'hi1.1.1n~ 2001: A Spacr Odessey (G ) hil<1rtou~ly !l1rough F;1ir o1~ 1n )-'asc[n:1t1 ng fili n abu11t 1111' ~c11rc:h o! ins111nl culture ;ire h1~lor.v ol -forn1at1on ol ~~Drtl1 1 shl'phcrdcred by a. jaded through lhc dcvelopn1cnt o! yuung EnR\1sh1n:111 I an /11an to trave l in ~pace, .Sli<'C· f.k·Shane, Suzanne ('leshf'll t'. !acular vi.~ua l f-Ffet·ls, l\1cr Good Gu)'S anti Bad Guy.:; llu!lca, (;ary Loc:ky,·ood (.\I J · \\'est11rn starring R11bl·rl _. • • /lli lehum and George Ktn-Tl1e letter in1n1ed 1at1·ly nci~~i I G 1 Tender comedy ~fi'/;i~r111~~ t'~\r/c11:;1t~~~~~iz;~c 1 ~;> :ibo11 t a Pucrlu fl i t an 1/1r J'loflou f'1c1,1re ('ode I 111do11"Cr. pt.1ycd hv 1\h111 '/'lie 1\lr1t1011 1'1c/11rc Cvdr Arli1n . \1ho lolls al three th f· .\11<1 Hn1111f} Pr11(J 1u111 111r1.111 ft·rcni JOb~ 111 ordPr lo i;upporl be .fni1nd 011 the 1no/1uu his rwo so ns Hr sc-hernc!-.,---~-------- !rant1cally to l1!t thcn1 out of 'I lhc1r shun environment. \\'est Side StCJry: RC·Lssue of l the-n1odcrn d<1nee opcrl'lta ;ind po1snant lnvc slory 1\1lh ll Bernstein '.:; hauntin~ 1nu ~1r i'\a1;1l1r \Vood, r:. 1 ch art(, Bcyn1cr. I TEE1\'S AND ADULTS Pe-ler O'Toole "The LioR in W inter" phn 2nd New Fital~•• The Hattlr of Hri lain ~r, I Al"n .A ikin St ory ol l1cro1c pilots o[ 1hr "POPI" R.A F. v.•ho held off the. • Lull11<1ffc 111 l\'orld \V;ir If ;ind --: :,av ed Britain rron1 invasion . t!D'Nf ll "M:!rl<: to•n lllGl!'ll'n ' 9TII n l illlcharl Caine, Lau re n cc. ~I Oli vier, Christopher Plummer and r-.1ichacl RcdgraYC. ~~~I El Dorado: An amusing ac-· 1 1ion·paclicd wcs ttrn. Set after Ta11itt-ot 6:00 & 10:20 1he 1-\'ar bct'ol'een the ::.talcs a PPIU'!I handicapped trio, led by J ohn I •AM \Va~·nc, battlf' for JUS!Jcc fl!ftE 11,,. again~\ an outlaw clan. I \iilW BIA IA ~"1' f.ladwoman of Chai llot IG J: 11.W A satire 1n \1 h1ch Kath arine llepburn plots do11·nf;ill ot rulh!css rnen scheming lo in- c·111era1e Europe. Al~o starsi Yul Bryn ner, Charles Boyer,' Paul llenrcid. I Romeo and ,lul lf'1 ·1 Shakespcare"s cla ~sic becom es "RODm~ "'.:'!:.> TIC-ICOl•lt• .. lloW!SfO!f• .. n ••u• • ..__. •n.-1n111 Alll TS ft. And At 8 :00 ONLY JUNIOR MATINEE SATURDAY . 2 p.m. "Pinoehio in Outer Space" -AL!l>O - II Cartoo1is Al l Se.::ls 50~ .. MllTCHMllKERS /.--ABSOLUTELY HO B-HO C--HOT SURE 0-YES E-AB SOLUTEL y ns I - 1. 2. J. ' .. I. 7. I. •• 10. I!. !L !3. " "· "· "· IL "· "· "· l L "· ''· , .. 21. 71. 21. "· JO. JI. JL )l "· J>. "· ll. JI. "· ... "· •!. •l. ... ... ... "· ... ... ... A I C II l l II t D E l II C D l • c 0 [ • c 0 [ • C D £ A C D E • c ' • c ' I C E • c ' • c ' • c ' . ' ' • c ' . ' ' . ' ' . ' [ . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' A t II [ I C E . ' [ • I t £ • I t [ A I t l ... c [ A I C E A I C [ • I C E A I C £ A I C E A IC l .l I C E .l I C E • I C £ A I C 0 l • I C D E • I C D ( A I C D [ • I C D E l I C D I l I C D l • I C D E A 9 C D l l I C D [ l I C D E I I t D [ I I t D E h n llilfi tull ror ''' to u cepl criticit '"! Art you unco'"1ort.1!111111eUn1,11• petplt! Sbo1I~ se1 t d•calio1 ~• lJui lrt. ••Uld• ol lht boml ! Do yoa prt ltr x tiv1t1tt with tbe 111pesite se1 •ore 11'tn wit~ )'OD'I D•~? Dt yn •elitvt prJY lf c1-11 innuence yeu1 lih! Dt JG• Stftlt l11ne1 •m -eadac:h es or bxk;i.cbet 1n11 • dirticlllt d;ry1 Dt y11 enjoy pM11eipali~l i ~ tl11bs ,nd social 1111niut1ons? Dt yea lleUt vt 1111 1ctt11h blt h r wo111t1 to initia1e dale~ •111' ''""' Do you ~kt the on1 yo1 are !ond ti to bt d11nons\rahlr al!ecliona!P~ Dor t yow personal r1!itio1 or phllosop by include a !ilr aller dtii1h' Can ro• asurtly to I• sleep eas ily and sleep sou~llly' Do you prehi 1oin1 eu1 socially to 1t~l n1~uieHJ11 ho1ne! Docs ltplcss" 1nt1r11iR11ttRI lun 1 Jud effec1 on tM spechtor1? C111••1iYe 1r "tur11 1fhclio1 witllout h1s!b lio11 tr res111!11t• De p t •elin't churtll11 U.1 1 1tJ1111 111n1111ce h 1,1r1d1 tli1 1ener1I mor1lltrf lie 1•• •"• •FJ 111d lklWllS It 11101' wilhoot oll'fio1s rt1son' Dt 111 11!11 pt If!• leeli•t lblt prrfl1111s Uf1 ls11't nr111 liYi nt? DI r11 11!11 1'"111 frililMlll ll JOll ~11111 ! De ,.11 •nirm et •1nl1d W11n11oi111 to luJ1Ch wt" ott11r 111111! Wn l4 ...n111 wilhtvt 11•' sn11I "1.ii111shit •• s11i1!actory to JO•' t" C.d illnllflltt 1..-lins? D1 rtli1i•n pt1plt bind 11 •• N.sican., ''"'' 1111lt! lit,., '"fer 1111 I• kt• 1fl-e11tr ltk11 1fld stoli11! Art lllt!t •••J s•itcts r,: "''" ralher 1111 dil'11SS 1ocl1lly! 111y11r111111011 Mt util lfflirs 11aal111 waste et 1i1111? Sll9ui. ptt p1t try 11 t otlint tltlir 111arri111 ii lh•J ~etHllt dlssati,fit d! Is It lrlpor1111t that tMi ti rs I n1111a11e1 cont111ue tt1ro1ttiout •11ri11e? De "' •t11m II is l110trt"1It 11111111 cburtli rt11l1rlr! l N l'' """ ••re 1lft• DI• •tody 111d d1p11ss1d? ... d "' r1tMt ""''I rtlltelttt Mitt 111111 I 1r1111tt l'S •ft•? ""''l:' htlll' 1 IHd ltlt'y llfl )'II 1111lly bi ll ii It ltllttJ! Shel wt11111 nit hr l'Rsldtllt ti !hi U11 tt1d St1t11? le I lf'lllP lllr.I ..,.. .... ti ttlt .,,.lift: 111! Wiii n H lltl actt111tMllt llf 111 lllllrri« II ttlh Mt 11111 we dit? Old ,., lllJG'J lllt n11 Jtl nrt a cllltd! ""' 111 ''" crmtf tllt str11t It nolll -ti .. 111111 .. r llt ft• ttll• Ja'f" f..., ••••...,.rs! I• tt 1ee.ptltllt or • scllo1I te1tlltt It sieot• •r drift 11 p1•nr ? Is tl1t" tH •ac.• s11ual lr1tlh .. 1t11 011 1chool t1111 p11" t~111 dtfS ! c .... JOI 1110• JI UI child,, e•tttl I rtll1i•• 1th11 IU11 yu1n! .. "'I''"''" •• ,11y ., trt-utnlly! Dt ,,,, in• Jt~r.1111~11t1111d•Wll11 ttlttrs! W1ul• r•• 11rel11 to bt wit111 1r1111 ti ,.,,11 r1f!t1r lh111 1lnt! 01 pt1 lhint thtrl 111 l"lt tlrCllllSll!lttl 1•11 CtUld jui Uty I th1PI! ts 1•1 11~J1c111111 •1i111 •••r-11,11U1d •r ''' 111as1 •tflar Sllf1kt all childtt1 r1c1iTI s1111 "lifiots i111lrirct111? Dt JI• rtlllt111•1r JH1111111 llllt ,11nurt l11o rel1tit1 ll!t111ti1\llt'n' Shou1• 1~1111rri1• co1pl1s" off N 1 trip •11t•••t1oned? Co;1d 111 ~ •• .,111 ••rit~1e" '"'""11011111 ••l•l lllllW 1nl1ti" •• talPt le •• ,..nc ICNtlll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir I -- i '5 'P'-" au 1 SINGLE WIDOWED DIVORCED " Jnt ... re~t"rl in l'llPl!ltinit" hi!!'hly (Q1np11 t.ihlc f1PO plc ••• "'"!ertt<l •"'f'~iRll:V f~r yo\I from 1111nnc t.housa11d:i. f':r"'rl\• ft1r " •!r~m11!ir Rnrl r'f-~111ni ch ang-~ •n y11u r ~u..l&l hf~ T'llh l1sl •ill ••tlct llltlrtlt "'' "'"' II "'" ,, t1•p1t1•mty '4twtt• ••11111 111d shtt ld HI H t ultm• • ~till "II " .ttlfd ,.,clltll(lcal dl1111t111.. ~--· . .,,. __________ .. ,.~--------"•---~"·--- ''!--!tL.__11orne pl'lone ____ w'Of'A pl!Me~----11tCU~al1on, ____ _ Mo;I '"' C Ml\TCHMftKERS OCP 10, l 4 500 So. Main St., Suite 11 OS, Orange Californi a 92668 ;~ill out 11nd 1t111il t:mr preli· n1ina ry profil" today ..• \\'~"~""'it 11.nr! IO!t you kno"' "'ha t th l!I "~l1tthmakin,ir f'"'mf"Ulf'r" """ <lo fr>r y n1L T hl'rf."s 110 to6l e1r e1bligat.ion, of rou r~"- " MO•I COH\llHlltfl (.,O.ll1 OAANGof COUNTY 17141 147-•JI S LOS ANGlLrS 6Sl -•170 Fl ix SOUTH COAST PLAZA THKATllK $an DilCt ftM!JfU tl Bllliol • S~V l 1 OPEN 6,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3 Aca~~!TIY Awards BEST ACTRESS -Kathari ne Hepburn WINNER -"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR !" JOM:Pt!ClO'I'°'-ANAV..:OCMlol.SSY.flUI PETER ~ KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;rn HEPBURN "'''''""" lHE LION IN WINTER "'""00::-:,_ ""''C0 U~Y - ALS0 •.• ZER O MOSTEL in "THE PRODUCERS" Ewe. Show Storti 7 l'.M. c-ti1tuau1 Show Sat, f10111 5-Su". f101n 2 BARGA IN MATINEE EVERY WE D. AT 1 PM TWO BIG ONES TOGETHER -' ~~ ~. ~ IBllGIT PICI: •••• 11111r: TILLT l&VILll IUlll !ll~lt · lHlll l lNI .~ TECHNICOLOl!I ALSO THIS ACTION SHOW -· - ' _ .. THU RSDAY COOKING SCHOOL STARTS OCT. 30 -9,30 AM lftdo l'll .... ~011 llACll -••I~••·"~"'" •• 1.~.1.~, U4o Iola -oi. J-IJIO Eve Show St arts 7 p.m. Continuous Show Sunday from '2 p.m. Adults 1.75 Child .75 FREE PARKING ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST DOUBLE FEATURE ROJIE<i <Yj liLIET ALSO THIS ACADEMY A WARD WINNER Unl1l<.e other classics ·west Side Story "grows young,er.1 ..... NA1All£ WOOD ~IC,H.1.110 BEV ME II RUSS TAM Pl \I~ DON 'T MISS THEM -I R eacl the Star s With O nia r r1 ' .. fXClU~IVf Rf~fRVfD UAJ UCACffllU I! TONIGHT AT 8:30 ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WA L KEO ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST Of US "2001" IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE LIKEL Y TO GET. ~GM •ot.W:•" • STANlrf ~UB~IC~ PROO\tCTIOH 2001: a space oC:lyssey CINERAMA '""'~"""•""""'"'· (( \''l"••lllllf AL L ADULT PROGRAM ~ TNl'ITfl E XCLUSIVE AREA 29~~' Coast Hit hwor PERFORMANCE C arono dtl Mo1-ph. 671-6260 "If I were to desc ribe in detail wliat goes on in 'Ing a', I 'd get arrested." "so graphic . I could have sworn the screen w as .s m oking ." -N • fl••'-r,.• .. ~~ -MARJE LILJEDAHL -110ber1 Stlmt 99I, W•HS "•d•t ' @ &&_,, ____ _ ------•ALSO PLAYINCi------ "lw11y1 o Difler111t Girt With 11 DeYili$h, W ild Affeir fyery Ti,,,1! UNDER COVER ROGUE 11orrin9 Poolo f1ttfori•Ano11k Ai111e1t-Gro1ill o G ronola-Sond10 Mitcl ..... TIQ>.:O.L C.1.:.<£ <>AL C.QllPORATIOOol Cin'emaland Harbor BIYd. & Manc.tonte-r ~ .-cros• from 0,.,...,111><1 \5.::1 -&35·7601- NOW PLAYING EX CLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS HI-WAY 39 ':.!.!111;·i 1UISDDAY , IT ~T II l lLGIU M" FOX CINEMALANO Open Doily 1 :1 S 1 :45 • 4:ls . 1,1s -1 o~oo • --~-----·----- Live 'Theater "J.H, ·• Arehibald Mac L eish '~ drama about a modern-day Job, on stage al Orange Coast CoUege AuditoriUn1, ! 7 O 1 1''airview Road, Co.st.a Mesa, Oct. 23·25 at 8: 15 p.m. Prest1lled by the OCC drama department. Admission !ree. "All ft.1y Sons'' Arthur l-.1 il ler's tam It y drama, on stage at Fullerton Footlighters, 119 Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton , Fri. and Sat. Oct. 24 through Nov, 8. Ileservation s: 827-1339. ":\ 1-'unny Thing llappentd on the Way lo the Fonun>' ~1usical comedy on stage at South C<wt Re""""'. 1827 Newport Blvd, Costa M~ Thurs,-Sun. Oct. 24 through Nov, 15. Reservations: 646-1 ' 1363. ~ •·r.tarriage Go Round'1 A marital cornedy presented in t he ~fission Viejo High :-ichool auditorium on Chris· · tiana Ave., flli ssion Viejo by the Rancho Co 1nm uni l y - Players Thurs. -Sun. Nov. 6-22. I"teservation, 837-17~. "Cbri!lmas Eve at the Sawmill" Diahann's Gowns Fill 3 Roo111s Jf Diahann Carroll cvrr li<Jd plans lo move away froin her Beverly Hills , Cal1L ho1ne, it would be a con1pl ete disaster. The beautiful, ehil' star or 20th .. Ce n l u r y-Fox Telev ision's "Julia" series is television's besl-dressed female. II er reputation for go r g c o us ", . { ·~-,, r'"~ clolhes al so stands when she i' ' · . k I . y. ... -n1a es severa :.1nging ap-_ pcarances around the United ~ ~'\ _.. States each year. ' '~ '¥; Currently, !hree roo111s nf '"' :..:'I"~ · her JO-roon1 hilltop home :ire devoted entirely to housing her F'rldiy, October 24. 1969 111ul!1!udc of elothes. One room is lined frorn top to bo!lun1 1vilh acecssories; <inothcr i.~ filled \1•ith 1nyriad orit:in;il floor-length gowns, and the third devoted entirely to cveryd11y frocks <Jnd sports apparel. Diahann. seen each Tuesday night at 8:30 on Channel 4. rcce11lly passed along this I!µ for the wise shopper. Tli••ee Little l11dians ''Don't buy fad t'lothes becausr you 'll h;n·e t 0 replenish your wardrobe fre- 1;·eed 1n~ k iller \I' hales is a nc1v experience for the three I 11d1ans J\llke f\.1ar- tinez. Cha rley Little Bird and Matias Gutierrez all fr o1n Reservatio 0 ns near Santa Fe , Ne1v r-.Icxico. They \vcre in to1vn for parts 1in \Varner Bros. movie, "Nobody Loves a f<'lapping Eagle," and took a side trip t o r-.1arineland in Redondo Beach. A musical meladrama pre-• · sented by Old J ames Players ~aplured by outiaws, G regory Peck .silences another prisoner Canlilla Sparv 4; Adventurers' Adve11t11re quently." she said. "But 1r vou stay with slraight, sirriple lines. your wardrobe ·will be 'in' for many years." Newco1ner to Join Cast of 'Julia' of Newport Beach and South "M k ' G Id " th C I b' ' ' Coast Light Opera Associa-in a c enna s o . e o um ia P ictures fea ture currentl y playing at the .fudging fron1 this decorative beauty, she knov.•s what she's talking about. Something new lakes place on "Julia." Tu cs d a y . Novem ber II, at 8:30 p.n). on Channtl ~. The "Tic \\iolf'' rfllSOl!t' of 20th C'enh1rv·Fox T<-lev1s1on's :iuf'l'C:-sful · con1- f'dy scrir<> 1\llich s la rs D1<1hann t:arroll 111 the title role 1n:1rks the entrance of f.1ary \\'1ckes 10 the cast or characters u1 the series, tiforton Cheglcy, played by ",Julia's" "frequent st11 r'' lJoyd Nolan. duced by creator Hal Kantr:r, co-star::; Marc C op ace. r.1ichael Link and Bett y Beaird. lion.on stage al San Clemente Mesa Theater in Costa J\lesa and the F ountain Valley Drive-In. 1'he companion lfigh School Nov. 7 and a. fe~t.ure at both theaters is .. Castle Keep'' s tarring Burt Lancas ter and Patrick J\lf't ba Chegley goes !o v.·ork for h<'r doctor·husband 1\'hde 1111rsc Hann ah Yarby. playl'd by Lu rene Tuttle, tcikrs a short \·acalion. Astrospace clinic may never be the same v.·ith both Che~leys working 111 the san1c office. In Fact, it 1nay turn out to be a different office. R 0 Neal. eservations -675·02!0 or ------------;[====================, 57:>-56&0. H&i\l ::i pccial s '::ions' Filming llOLLY\\'000 (UPI) - ~tl:i\l assigned controvmial ~c rcen writer 0111.on Trumbo !o 11·rite the screenplay for Evan Hunter's "Som." ''i\lacbetb" Shakespeare's tr a g e d y 'Sesame' slaged by Colden West College in the Actors' Playbox coin· G "d Aid m~nications Bldg. on Campus, Ill e Fr1.-Sal, Nov. 7-12. Tickets at - book.stace. • To Teachers 1·The Odd Couple '* Neil Somon's comedy of two newly divorced men, staged by \Vestminster Communily Theater .at Finley School, 1352 1 Edw ar d s A ve ., Westminster. Fri.-Sat. Nov. 7. JS. Reservations; 893·5602. Halloween 'Paint-in' Set for Kids 1 l-la llo1vet'n is l1<'re and lo add lo the spooky atmosphere "11! be the }lallowcen Paint ing Contest, co-sponsored by the \VcstminsLcr ArL Assoc1at1011 and \Vestminstcr Recreatioo Department This contest will be open lo children from kindergarten io sL~:th grade. All paintings will be done on paper provided 10 the chi ldren at the Umc of registration. Rcgistra!ion "'ill be held at r.1 cFaddcn, Sigler and B<1lsa Ch1ta Parks on r· r i d a y , October 24. 3 00 In 5.00 p.1n, a nd Saturci(l_y. Octobtr 25, 10 00 a n1. until 12 .00 noon. All p;11nt1ngs must be pu l up for display b.v Tu es d a y , October 21l, <it 5 00 p 111 in n1rrchants' v.1ndo11s for Judg- ing. Av.·ards 11 11! be giren "11 Frid11 y, October 31. ai. ;ip. proximately 7:30 p rn. at the llalloween Ca rnival. Additional information is available by tailing l h e Recreation Department, 893- 451 1, extension 261. ft'IWtMllt tllm'.~ ·~~ 1• PICKWICK rJ BOOKSHOPS , :S.Vl/il ee~st r1.u~.tasl.I Mui 541).lJt~• -~ &ICJ Ho1trwood 11 • .t. llalJ,...c-ad !2llJ HO 9·1191 Te;ichers ;ind mothers of preschoo l ch ildren will be able lo get a preview of KCf.T- Channcl 2B's new v.·eekday cnlerta1nn1ent and educatioii series, "Sesaine Street." by \1•riting for a special monthly guide. The guide For the 2&-11·eek series of programs. beginning November IO on Olannel 28, will offer lhe main educational elements of each show and v.·ill orrer suggestions about followup activities that might be conducted wilh the child viewers to help reinforce what !hey learned on the day 's pro- gram. The first issue of "Parent· Teacher Guide to Sesame Street'' is being offer('{! free lo all 11o·hn send their names and ;:iddresses to Parent's Guide, Box 9140. St. Paul. J\l!nn. 5~177. The subscription rate for the remaining five nl six n1onthly individaal copies of the guide mailed in adv<ince 1v11l be $2.00. A supply of copies will soon be made available for ust by J-lead Start groups. day care l Cn lcrs and spcci;:il "Sesamr Street" viewing j:?:roups. Each guide contains Ur;;crip· lions of 24 sho11·.~ and ser..,es as a full-color \\'all 1>0sler dealing 11c1\h the sarne sub1ecL~ -lei ters, numbers, g c omet r i c shapes and logic ga1nt.s - covered in each sho\\'. "Sesame Street" 1s a n t">:· penment designed lo prcp:tr(' 1hrrr to f11e·1·ear-:1lds 111th in· tormat1nn an'd skill.~ tha t 1v1!l be i1rlplul to !hem "'hen they begin their formal education. TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SEAS Largest Selection o! Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. Naw 2 Lacstlon )II W, WILSON, COSTA Ml~• (all F•ir•,.,w 11<1., :.i+l'ffl 111·Ci. "l•!•!:d• Or. -'1•,.....,rt ~·-'~ lt•~l~d tl'll l'i»! Ol!lct l ""'4"' BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN! Aftlr Its SllSlll111I Doh! 11 !111 llllnplitll Dpt11 Moa11 l "A TRIUMPH! 0111 Of The few GrNt Companies Of The World!"-cw; "'"'""· •. ,_ lhe b 5. Hurok prrsrnls NOV. 3-12 ptrtun rl Hallet ~-"' ~ ....... .,«Ii•~"", ..... T•~••ls:;: M loolutfni 3 FUlJ..llllml BAUm-W. LA. rmim.s EUGEllE ONEGIN =°'=.:.:::'·::!':':.-.;..!;':. ~ --"" 'lllrwW' .. """""'tM!ll .............. 1111.4-latQ.lol.n ... ~-NMll I k THE TAMING OF THE SHREW roit1 8.lO.._lltt. 5, lfvi. 7. "°9.1 z OrAVir1o'N . Of lHl MU5tC ClHml: • FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642 -4321 llOLLY'.\'000 (l:Pll -Dan Rov.·an and Dick fl·lartin will s1 ar in three hour -long television comedy specials which w il l bear nn resemblance to their 't\o'CCkly "l.augb-fn '' sho1v, r-.1a ry plays nurse 1-Jela Chei;ley, v.•ho also happens to be the caustic wife of Dr. 'fhe series, which is pro- COSTA MESA SERRA VISTA POOLS GET SERRA 0 ON THE LINE ss1-61n PRICE INCLUDES: PRICES START AT $2695°0" EXCLUDING DECKING .• •' DESIGN YOUR OWN SHAPE OR SELECT FROM ONE OF OUR CUSTOM SHAPED POOLS UP TO 360 SO. FT., 76 PERIMETER FT. PLANS, PERMITS, EX-:: CAVATION, HAND SHAPING, DIRT REMOVAL, EXTRA STEEL, EXTRA GUNITE, SAFETY GRIP COPING, 6'' BAND WATER LINE TILE, SKIMMER, 500 WATT . LITE, ANTI SIPHON VALVE, FILL LINE, ALL COPPER PLUMBING, 3/4 H.P. BRONZE PUMP & MOTOR. 20 SO. FT. C.H.D. FILTER. 3 STEPS IN SHALLOW . -: END, TWO OR MORE COATS PLASTER (WHITE), ADOBE CONSTRUCTION WHERE REO 'D, FINAL CLEAN U~. INSURANCE, UP TO 100' OF ; ELEC. HOOK-UP FROM ADEQUATE PANEL BOX , MAIN DRAIN, LIE.N FREE RELEASES , SALES TAX INCLUDED. ~~/ ____ /;A1 l ~~d·.. ' 'D. q z. e n ive ·~! Cl==;;;;;:==== ® .. C ORPORATIO N U.WO•-· .. -. ... ~,,__,.,. _ _ ,...,_ .... "'""-·'-""11111 ........ --....... L "' Slightly J1igher in son1e areas due to building department code~ -nor1nal access , norrnal excav ati on. ,.~------,. S INCLUDED: OCT. 26th, 27th, 28th, ONLY - YOUR FIRST CHAMPAGNE POOL PARTY PROFESSIONALLY CATERED BY SERRA VISTA POOLS UP TO 20 PEOPLE SERRA VISTA POOLS O PIH•• send inform•flon. 0 Plee1• have SERRA VISTA r1pr ... nt1tlve phone. 2750 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA COLLE__GE CENTER ""~o:: .. ~·· 5.57-6177 COSTA MESA CALL COLLECT-----. 872-7062-fullerton I 682-0343-Riverside I 966-1737-Covina N1me •..... , . , ........ , .•....•..• Phone •.••.••. Acldre11 •. , ....•••• , • , ....••.... , . City ......... . Moll to' SERRA VISTA POOLS 2750 Harbor Blvd., Cosio Mo10 92626 ·. ·1 . .. . :• . • ' l ···----------------------------------------~----... ··---..... -- DAILY PILOT f riday , Oetobtr 24, 1%~ ,,. , \ ' ATLAS OFFERS YOU BIGGEST SELECTION OF ' . ' ' 'l'r .. • ..... ~ ,~~ ,. • '"1 . ' AT BIGGERBOD~~~~~.;5 ..... VERY! ALL MODELS AND ; .. . ... / OF ALL REMAINING '69 PLYMO UTHS WE STILL HAVE A FINE SELECTION AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS! ""'""\ ,-··:~", ' . ' ,. '. ' COMPLETE INVENTOY USED CAR CHRYSLER Newport 1·DOOR HARD TOP. V-8. r•dio •nd he•ter, eu!om•lic ir•n1min ion, power 1+eering, pow. •r br~~"'" (YXU869 ) FORD Thunderbird '64 59 95 HARDTOP. V-8, •ulom•l>e fr•n1mi11io11. r•- d oo & he•I•<. p ower 1leerinq, power br•ke 1, power w111dow1. INMY 6251 CHEV. CHEVELLE '65 5 7 95 Au lom~!;t lr•n1mi,1ion, •1dic •nd "'"''•culdl • t onditoon. !NCAS28) • 66 PL YM BELVEDERE STATION WAGON. V.B. ~u+om1+;c tr~n•· m;u ion, he1!er, power 1leerin9. Cle•n cir. !WXS98 1 I RENAULT 4 DOOR '68 51095 S~DAN. 4 <peed lr•n1mi11io11, redio a nd he•+er, low, lcw mile<. IWIK2ll) PL YM. VALIANT '67 51195 ? DOOR. b cylinder ~"'line, r~di o •nd ~eo l· er,'""' economy. iTTZ68bl \ . . /'"'''·., . . '~. . / ., ~' .l >... •. ''"' ' , .. . ' .,,.,. -··• A''o·••'•"•.,,.o••O•"• •o•••o•O••o •••••••• ••• : • ..:: •• ::. .•• : ...... ~ "'"'"""••••••••-'-' ••••'•:•••~•'-•••'<••«•••-'•••••'·•·,-.Wi·,,., ..... ,..L~.' ·• All Prices Plus Tax and License ... Prices Valid Until 10:00 P.M. Sunday, October 26, 1969 • 67 CHRYSLER Newport CUSTO M. VB . 11utom~lie, t •d;o, h••ler. pow· er •lee,ing, power br •~eJ, f•clcrv .;,, 1ilt s1·9·9'5 '68 TOWN & COUNTRY CHRYSLER STAT ION WAGON. F•cfo•v ~••, 1ulomolic, r•dto, h.~ter, power >+eeri'nq, powe r br1 ~P. .. power wi"do.,.,1, power iCdl, lug9eg1 roc\t, t !c, etc. j\IDTb9J I 52895 . nt Where Pride Makes The PRICED TO SELL!! 5995 Atlas Service Oepartme d Economical Repair and Difference. Dependabl~ an Your Convenience, Wtt; Maintenance Work. or. Club American Ex~ Bl che Diners • . Honor : Carta an ' B kAmericard, Gasoline press, Master Charge, an Credit Cards. I CHRYSLER PLYMOIJTH IMPERIAL Frida:Y, Oclohtr 24, 1961) DAIL V PILOT ia , <f to '70 MUSTANGS NEW '69 GALAXIE 500 SPORTS ROOF FULL PRICE $2588 S~R. NO. _,U5F1 31l~ New '69 T ·Bird LANDAU l'ULL f,1.CTORY EQ!'T. PLUS P(NI~ ·""'""'"'' 6 WI• w~r.,, •1~1•d Gll SS, ''" ur . .,..,eel. w~irewoll,. No. YJl!N lllll~. FULL PRICE $3988 AT ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING FORD DEALERSHIP HU N OF 1970 FO NEW '70 MAVERICKS New '70 Thunderbird NEW '70 TDRINO'S New '70 Station Wagon ,, '. i --? a . ~- NEW 1969 COBRA EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL SAVE SAVE .. $1300 $900 .. $3988 f~Oll. SUC.C.ESTf.O f JiCf ORY LIST PR IC I ON "'NY FROM SUC.C.E5TCD FllCTORY L1$T "RIC! FULL PRICE 1969 THUNDERBIRD BRAND NEW SEii:. NO. t lC&it1011" '69 f -250 STVLESIDE ' . JOO CID -·· >:"!rl C11Dll1W BRAND NEW CORTINA ~ ~f.'111'%M1!!'Pnd~~1:\1d.11~':; MEW '69 MUSTANG ~, No. 1'158111'91l6J. 2 DOOR & RDORADO 101h: SAVE FULL PRICE CHEROKI! $800 $1788 CAMPER NO). 11110. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM SUC.C.E.\TED FACTORY LIST PRICI OROEli: 'HON Sill. 'HO. 9llOl~111 ~• NEW '70 TRUCKS . V2 TON PICKUP NEW '69 C'NTRY. SON. SAVE $1200 FRO.II. .SUC.GESll!:O l'•CTORY LtSl PRICI! 9J71K1106t>I NEW '69 RANCHERO MODEL 47 250 eng., cruise-o·matic !rans., radio, t1n1 ed glasr., wheel covers, clock, body side rnould 1n9. $2588 .... , No. 9A.'1Ll765)1 SMALL DOWN e LOW PAYMENTS e OVER 400 CARS IN STOCK YOUR CHOICE 1 64 r~~~;~~~~~!d~o~ h~t~~d!~fo.11 $ 9 8 8 Power windows. YOUR CHOICE 1 66 ~~~!!~~. ~~~~~!pbucket ""'· $ 9 8 8 1 65 ~~1~~w;t!.~~:\~~,~~~~~;1 ~~·,\ $ 9 8 8 1 66 ~e°.N.~g~!.N~"~'~'~•mr"" be;;. $ 9 8 8 TAT 061. ZGD 564. ness. E54192. YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE Payments include all tax & total firwnte ch1rg1 of $.220.72 for 24 months. Finance charg1 1Hi1ed on 1nnu1I percent1g1 r1!1 of ?0.8891 •. Dtftrrtd payment prit1 $.1261.12. Ca1h price includa1 tax & lie. $1040.40. DEMO. SALE , 69 ~~~~:~:~~!~: $2888 y.~vl ·"'~""'· ~•OVI root. rd~•O, ~.A..-r Ml' 'I . EXTRA SPECIALS '67 !~.~~~~::~~. s2288 '68 ~~.~,~~ ~!,!~,~:!: sl 788 '68Y2 ~.~!!~,~!r· sl 588 '67 ~:!~~~~~'~"· $1988 f~"'."::i'.(i....o:!.."i~. 'i)lt":'11. .. SUPER SPECIALS '64 r:~~~.~~~~!~~~:,~ s688 '67 ~~~~,~~-~!L~~,n 51088 '65 ~t~~.B!A~~~.~~tr. s799 '61 ~~~:~ .. ~~~::~;~~~n. s17 88 ~. '66 ~~.~,T,A.~~. ~:!.· $988 flH!. Tt 00!1. TRANSPORTATION , 62 ~~.~!!.~~r!n~,:;oo s3ss 163 ~!~~! .. T~.~.o~~,!~· 5388 , 66 ~!~~~, ~!~~~-s 488 164 ~~,R~,!~~!~~:. S688 '66 !~~~~'~! .~!~'· s7ss r1dto, h11t. lllG 11', , 6 7 ~~~;~.~!·=~:~ "'"' ~ ,t 88 ti-__ ... ______________ __ ) • • r.-r-,--:'. =· ~ .... ~ -... - I DAILY PILOT TUMBLEWEEDS ·----1-·- OCTOBER 24 OCTOBER 25 fVENING MORNING &:001J l iK ~ (C) (60) .le!ry Dunphy. 1:00 • rt1: fE Sj Mtalt I Jeckle (C) 8 m H11n~·Bri..U., (C) (JO) Mr. ~~Ti (C) St.ft Alltn (C) (90) Geoflt Cir1in. Ktlfl/lf Roc..-s. ind The First Fllb. thl Cat (C) ldil+on, The Times Sqlllrt Two, SU-7:25 Sillt U1 Tilil DIJ CCI ii~ and Allin D1a ke iu& 7:JO SUnriM s-.tlt (C) 0 Robby the Robot aids f17! !IJ al s-lltr tM ... (C) itn1 Wnti '°"' t1111• * "THE INVISIBLE BOY" kl:• «Sit CioolR (C) D Si• O'Oock Movir: "'Tiii lrMll· 1:00 mi Cl) Thi ~· !C) bit 8or" ($0·!1) ·s1-Rk:h1rd E1er. @~mH1 r 1 com•• tN Pl11l1p Abbot!. S1ump JC) ' Dk:l Vin ~e 130) I (171 m CD C•"•M>Oi• &.Its (C) Pe,ton Plan (30) KimN (C) star Tm (C) (60) T1ln of Wells Flf .. : Wti1t1 New? (30) Gumby (Cl T11mpo de Plnlor! (30) !.' 1:30 ~([I B~~ Bunnr/Road Run· News (C) (60) J1d HIC~ty. · ner Hou1 (C) 6:30 llNBC """"'°'" (C) (60) § ~ ({) @:C Pink P1ntb« (t) TIM G1111t , ... , (C) (JD) Jim C1mpt1t l'rofil1 acKrell host$.. MO'lit: "Chi• 1 CroaMd S111cf. To Tell U. l td (C) (30) o•" (mystery) '5S-Rich1rd lodd, :: ::. ~C) "'::"' 13~ I ~:-ut ll~obin Hood (C) • Jllltticimi 34 (C) (60) ,:00 f» Ci) ID H. l. Pllfnmt (t) ...... (C) (30) Movit: "Rid1 1 Craobd Miii" 7:UI CBS [nnin1 ....., (C) (3-0) \dr~ma) '38----Akim l1mlroff. Wlllri .. , Line? (C) (JO) 0 llil rn m Hot WllMl1 (Cl I l-l!KI' (30) m Movie: .. Mr. Unlm'W' (oom- S..I tlw Clock (C) (30) edy) 'SI-Jack ~110n. Jdnh P•i:t. Co111modity/stodl llPOrt (30) (E) Rllff 'rt' Reddr (t) : lhof1! (JDJ m t.tfldoMs 1 MIBiu dll lltaltr· • lmrrit111 wm IC) (lOJ do Tl11I Gill (CJ (30) ';301J 3 (j) Dnt.trd!r ind Mllttl., 7:30 ~ {j) '91 S..rt IC) (lO) In TI!eir -tlyin M1dl1Nt IC) m ll!P a. .. rrlf IC) (60) I Ill(!) . 81n1~1 Spllb {C) .. o Stand for Somdhin& Moi t " @ (J) TIM HlllfJ Boys (C) O st .. p a. ,..,. (C) {30) Mike lmW111 Thi• Slolu1(1 l\ltsb art 8111 8D:bJ, Ed· CUll"d• J Gu1laff11 •aid Mulh11e ind K.111911 V1lentin1 10:00 f2ll ~The f'wlb el ,_,.,. 0 ll1J {]) GD Ltf'• .... .. DMI , tsto__e ( (C) (30) MorrtJ H1R tmts. 8 !17l , m sty Hrm lCI E M1ftloft $ Nft: (C) ..,..,.,., • . MOYie: "CMrr• 11 fMttltt Rlf. Mont: Koflt' (dr1m1) '61 -Curt If" (~ett11m) ·~J-Cuy Madison. J111gen5. Onan Welles, Sytvl1 S1m1. I!) Movie: "Tht Min 11 lrllltd"• ITl'lltll Of Coilllq...-. (t} (30) (drama) '56 -Dant Cla r~. Jlldd for t11t Dr11MM IC) (60) ED El Dolof d1 i\mar Tttltniul Comer (30) . IO:JOl)~(l)Stoobr·Doo, Whf'f1 At1 frend1 Chtl (JD) Jun• C~1ld Yow!-(C) ChY(.llo ~ Rot. (JO) 8 Ql 'iJ ID J1lftbo fCI 1:00 Qt({)Thl 5eod liillTI (C) (30) 1110,;e; (C) "Ebblide~ (1d~1"- Whlfl Cbud11 WU out to bt•~hf~ lure) '4l -Rir Milland fr1ncn the co1111tryside by iowinl !lo"'" / armtr ' seed c1psulh. tlHi ~le· thin• lllt fJ r,,; rn CE Gu!\inf (C) ind Burt 111 lh10W1nt l"'IJ 11)e111 Q) Mofil: "88flln Cootipondtrit" drup.. (dram1) '42.--0an1 lndrew1, V1rR11t-O lid ......,. (JOJ Wf!'M "IW\on i1 Gilmore. '"'loo" '1! '"'"· 11"'111""" ... (C) D @CI.I Q) TM lndJ ... I,.... fl illbtDMI (t) (?j (lO) "K.ttdloo."'" .I.In IP?JllS F111tatk YllJllf (C) to be •""llC to em.. lrlf .... 11:30 6 . Ulldftol (t) lalht< or the Bnutr dot. . J1CAA f.u.11 (C) I o-hr I .., (C) (Jot Mlchl11n S11tt II lcr.1. 5'lict ,..,... S-.W, (lu1 0 NOY!« (C) .,.,_., ~ (e4- l-'lrfx9 (C) (JO) "Alf 11111!1 venturi) ·5J -Ro/'1 C..lhouf\ Cor- porlt---Thl "ew look! P1rh Ai r inne CelYert Sllow.• P~rt II. (R) m MO'lil: "Code ol' Sllt!tce" (dfl· l :lO !Ji! ~(Jj' H~1<;?! H..-ois (C) .-m1)-£d H'ISDll, Mu• Z1ch1ry. 8 ~ (i) m ,., .. e1 ttie '-'•• , (C) (90\-''f'.oodbr" Harry." ' 0 Acnm !ht S.111 S..s (C) (30) AFTERNOON ~ •T11te and Plac:e ~ lZ:OO 0 ~ (j) Thi MonUa {C) O (17) 00 <Fl Mr. Dlatl ioo.1 b 0 lntenutional Zo11e: "Subbul1\. Town (C) (3D) "The Pui!lltd Man ." ~hm1 al lht United Nations." A TV 1onlp comrMnl1tor lrits to 0 Hunt trK.I RKntliDll Show (C) m•~t Loni!e!low Oted1 1ppur b lac~ Rourllt hos1'. hel't 1051: h•s m1rbleL I EY1n•Nov1' RlpOI! !Cl m Drtll fNSt (C) (90) Sinl!ill.il · T1.trD f•mili11 croup Cltdyl ti:ni1hl •lld lite Plp;s,, . ,..~. FN1111• Jad11 "the !!lint man In the lZ:lO ~ (!) W1c-J Raca {C) world"' S1ewart, 11n1er M1rilyn Ml· . Hi(fl and Wild (C) ch111'1!. comic Joe M1INI) ind 1yricisl· Movie: "Tht Cflllf S•" (dr1- p11,.....ighl Alan J. L•n•. rum. ma) ·~3 -Jae\ Ha,.·-in5, Oon1ld m Thi Bit v.n., ft (fj(}) :-1ndt11. S.pbnrdi ThNtre (tiO) ID Movie; '1ht Jilin Wh o Could C-.11 Mat. Cl• !lO) 8tch"~ Wo•k Mir1cl,s" (rnmed1l 'J7-Rol· ''Sllile No. 3 in C M•iof (Preh111' and Young . .IOi1!1 r;~rdne1 •nd Gigue)" is p_laytd !~ODO .~9. a_, Suptrm1n (CJ CJ Nochel T1p11i11 (3(1" O naublt re.tur.: "Seven in th1 !:00 Sun" (adven ture) "6&--Gi~nna Man a fl GLE NN FORD Canalt, fran~ l~t1moi• "Requiem * ANGIE DICKINSON ler I ltMRllfbltr" {wt:S!trnl '6!>-- ''THE LA ST CHALLENGE" Rod C.mtron. Sttphtn McNally. CBS FRIDAY MOVIES 1 O WD'fil: ~win1l1 lo tht Moon• I !i.c1 h) '59-Richard T!Jv1s, C1\hJ ID fl' f1 1 us rnuy W"•: 1t1 OoorM "'Tiit lut CM!ltnrl" tw~«n) "fi l c.n .•5 ---G!t nn ford. Chad [.,..rrtt. AllCMll t.rui di Mujtl"n O•r ,1n50n. Gari Mt<11ll ,.)0 ~ (Jj.JonrTJ Quilt (Cl 0 "11fboJ A!Ur D111I (C) f&Oll Yh atll (CJ t1ugh H'lritr s g11eif\ "' Boll New 2:90 Mr [d "C ~Ml, 0 C S'l!!!I>. Bill Colby. G.r, 2:JO St"' W LMlllihE (C) l.•Mtl. rh, Pit~le 8r11t~«1, Rodi WlllMI Triin (C) f'•a11a ind G«!f(S C~a~(l$ Chttltr 0 ft CV ca Heft Co1111 !tit The A (C) :od~.• (C) {60) '"l Wild Co!cn11/ J;OO . TIM ft:--~ciitJ {CJ r iul Ud~ll I OJ Dmd s..-illd (t) fl Iv) i\ host . 11 h1t h .s.clloo.I 1tudent1 JllYWI tit. ........ (30) 1n111• '" I 1r .. d1!.tUUIC" cl ton· t :JO Jlwl (C) (30) lid M'flln. ltmpor1'! problems ind conflit11. Kt Seid. -sni (Cl (JO) 1 ~~m Alttricn .. .uu"' RMW. ........ (30) r_,. 41 "'°" P1~ (JO) . I 0:00 ~ ({) m .,_.,., .,.,.,.. (t) · Iii f'ktwt (CJ . (60) "CIOlld 'Set.." J:JO Vinpoftrt (CJ Jenr Witter ho~!\. g at Ntw'I (C) (60) 1f. lmt11ion1I Optn Goll O @CI!Gl Ji••J Ourtnhi I'll· ~1111 (C) llff.. Mnb Thi L111-Sis-. (C) (60) I P~tty D~U 0 DtU1! (C) (60) Bobb1 llr~1nt. · Sil>I~ W•~rs (C) Rit~ Nrtson. Scoe1 Moltlllll Jut!sl ~:00 Mmr1t: lb~U 1nd £411111• l'ltrf M•-(60) MHI fr1nktnJlt1"~ (comedy) ''8- , CM111f • Nejdl (30) Abbott 1nd Co~ellO, Bel• Lu~. IO:JO u~ .,_ "' 11 Obtcllrided (30) B Ch1~pllnlllip lowtln1 CC) 11;-00 n D m""" (C) )•.m,,•= "SIMI SttlRfl t" (west· .Mt.;j HidM:.ct 1m ~O'lll!d Duff, Clofit Mt· ,.h llkl" S11N (t) Gl>ee. ..... u.. 1 .... ttl Tllll F..,.. Ill• Mdtlll'1 ""' . £)(II ... (C} • M.._ W ltt CeltMI ll:JI Qt ~IJ Mtr'f Grill'llt (t) Her· · Ftltl"nr .. ION Cmrold, sina• Eloi• LI'#\, 4:3G Yodt MHI .. Jlltllct (~"Drop lrntutCNli• Willilm LNr, •OW! S111· ind !he Lall'," °" ~ H1ndlem4111. 8 o.tdw1 Wltll llbertJ Mut11ll o oo m,..R"' c........ 1t1 cc) . bin rm, lllbl for Johnny. Cunli I"'' f.,.119 Mtrt11~ Include Phylllt: Dllllf, W11d Dono The Mw11.tlt\ ¥•"· Bobo, Short l!io. • ll'tH!te U Ml'l'lr. (C) -Jtr.C l•apn" · The Wcwld ti l•tlltJ (C) (IVl!ll MCI) ·•z-Frid MecMu/11)' S:OO . It's o\udtM!C (C) ('.Gmpetinc D @ Cl) ClJ _, 1-., (C) hifh 1thoot1 1r1 C1rd1n Grovt. 6imts tcMdultd 1r1 ~1111 Ceut Norte Vrst1 (Riwtl"Sidf) i nd W11ttfl W111. '""*' oc.... •plots whose ~A11Jlle1m). "'The o-t """""' .-ci•t 1!rt 8 lllll Wiii kl ~ F...a (C) C)ct. 21: """' l.lllllt 1'.al.111; TV !HJ Cl} 0) AIC'1 WIOll Wert.I ..-.1itJ Yl(JW9 ~ el s,.ta (C> Bcld11r. U.S. n. leoM~ a.r: Ru•a flM c...'t flllCI lol Lii 8 ...... (q...,. • •...,.... V 11, NMd&. {lr1me) '57-l.1111 Lldd. Tiii Awll9'1 (C) CIJM"* CC> ..,.... ""' a. M•• frw UllCl£ (t) t'jjlq ~ (dflm1) '52-In.. IC) Aw• G11drMir . .lllflft Muon. Pit.-C•t lt:OOIDlltwir. CCI "T'9 hi! ..... ~1)'1111 tfll liitlt« Clll (dfl f'fll ) 'tg.........Ml)ir1 Sht1rei-fiOef·Stcar l:tl 1J ~ (C) "'T'rle "'""I.fl If 5:30 R1lpll !WJ (C) (R ) ,.,.,,......, {liorTor) '58 -I'd•/ llNIC Jt--.ict (Cl CushlnJ. l illip11'1 lsltlllf (Cl l o-l<l """'""'"""' tei.••llf ...... ~ ...,, (C) NO St*W (C) "Goodbft, Ci!J M"": .,..., ,, ""' w..-1~"1 111n ·• !RJ •-1 '!iS-Fr1nt l oveio1. I ml Af!kwJt-USA fCl By Tom K. llyon SIR: 1\WIK 'IOU 'felll m:,LPIN& ME w11tt Ill( ooMt\'.IJRK. 'IOU'LL 1'1E AAPPi' 10 KW# 111AT YOU +\AVE AIVEVA JJf-SERVINfr INPIAN IN FUITT!lffilNfr ttlS 1'JJUCA110N. 0 ·~.? SALLY BANANAS ' • PEANUTS ...:,..:.--~- By Charles M. Scihulz ,...-.,...------~ PERKINS ALL I HAVE TO DO 15 GET THE NECESSA.RV Cl:WTRACT5 S/6N£D 1' o! 'I • ,, ,; •• • ,,,_,,, WHAT KJND OF A DEAL JS Tl1l5? I 6ET A ROVALTI' ON EVERV PERSON IJORN ! By John Miles By Harold Le Doux -----~ •'7 •• ::a::ov=, r=-,.::-:v:O<>J=.- U.WYE~~ "I'M mo.iG TO HELP YOU~ By Ferd Johnson · IT'S "THE OTHEI<! WAY AROUNt>, PLUSHBOTToM ! ~._ $"" ..;,,~ -~~ ~( u. .. ,~?~ ~"~ MUTI AND JEFF By Al Smith ·- IJAO NEWS -·· UP FRONT. Fl'LJ,AllS f • MISS PEACH YE!-\, MAN , WAS I COLD LAST NIGHT. I LAY AWAKE IN BED AND JUST S HIVERED! • I DDN'r l<NoW. WE DONT SLEEP IOGETl-lER ANY MORE.! By Gus Arriola A Pt1/RJL .lJEFEJJ51VE TACTIC f WE. STILL C!OAITROL 7)/£, A/Rf • M"CAU5a t fU!FUSI TO 5PeNC> HOURS OltES.SIN& UP °'' '° C:AAZ:Y C:OSTUMe, Pt.(TflN6 ON TONS OF MAICl!-<.IP, Wl\IJ<IN6-MY Fl!!eT OFF FOIC M11 .. es >.NO 6n'TINO HOLU!UO AT 9Y C:IUINt<Y NE16HBOl<S ""'" 151TTl!!N IJY '™l!!llt ooi;s-.. u. FOi{ A _ _...., FEW PJU/!5 OF STAU! CANr:rt. By Mell you DON'T WKI! Jl!U.Y ? SEAMS. \ ' I I .... '\ ... , If _ ,,. • ---.... - ., ,, 10.i.r Mn.<_ l...-A1 A~ By Chorh•s Barsotti r;---i ~ @ 86!.I M-! t (J aU ';':"" ' ..Ji+.! ... . ....... QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondi : : .. . : .. "'No. we don't need any clowns. What I mean is. all t.he executive positions are filled right now.• TEl.E\'ISION VIEWS Jo11es Unable To Sparkle By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V YOJ\K (AP ) -Tom Jones, the \Velsh singer. is one of Britain's sin ging idols. a recording star and a sn1ash in An1cr1ca.n nightclubs from l~ast to \Ves t Coast. The my!i tery, perhaps, is v"hY Toin .Jones' ABC variety hour is nt be st a fair to middling success. THE ANSWER , still perhaps, is ihat Jones' per· sonality co1nes across footlights better than U1rou gh a camera, and that he seems slightly uncomfortable in television , restrained by cue cards and able to cut loose in his o'vn style only once or twice in his hou r. ln Thursday night"s sho,v, Jone s scrn1ed com- pletely relaxed onl y in hi s solo spot, shoullng a song \1·hilc surrounded by squealing teen-a~crs. The hou r is a hand ~on1e production. full of rich sound and dotted \\11th in terludes of the U!'icuaJ guest stars doing: their osual 1hlllf:S. On 'rhursday, it \vas .Jose Feliciano and Shelley Bcrn1an , \l'hQ did a con1edy bit ri:;quc by TV standards. JONES, v.·ho secn1s slin1n1cd dD\\'ll an d smooth· cd up this season . has his 011·11 \l'ay \\'ilh a song- 1noving a lol and apparently si ngi ng al the lop of hi ~ voice. l·le 'is at his '"orst reading In s lines in the , n1andatory ba dinage bet'"een star and guest.. The sho11"s stiffness is particularly evident \vhen compared \11ith 1.he e11sy-mannered variety program that follo,vs on NBC.Dean l\l<irtin's sho\\•. The dif- ference seems to he that the fir!:>t :o;ho\v seeks to cleclrify 1hc vie\\'Cr '''h.ile l\la rtin <in cl t'orn pany in- \'ilc 111111 1o rela:x. IT WOULD be interesting 10 knn1v )1 111~ 111any o( 1.hc si nging \Velshtnan's fan.~. 11ndcr snn1c n1isap- prehcn!'ion, tune in Saturday nigl1t ·s l'\nC' broad- cast of "To1n .Jones." a lu sty, hr;i1rlJnl! period piec{' lhtd vie\vers of the niovic in lflfi3 11L'\'e r d reamed coulfl ever be broadcast. The sin.Qin_g Toin J ones. born 'fo1n \\"ood1vard. borrD\\'ed 111~ stage name \\"hen th<:' ad;i plat1on of Jtenry Fi(']d ing's no\'el of 18th cen tury E ngland be- can1e such a !11t. The movie, a mulli·O!"i c11 r \\ innrr. m ;i:v anpear on 'fhe sm;ill screen 111i!h .~nme of il s n1Qrc darin~ f>C'quences pr_uned. N13C pol iry prrvrnl s prclimi, nary revel a ti ons or the censo r 's scissor \1·ork. NBC SPOKESMEN say that 1vhile .Judy Carne has left "L;iugh-ln " for casten1 !heater v.•ork her contra.ct ~'·ith t.he sho\v runs through th ls scaso~ and that b11 s in .'"h1~h she appears have been stockpiled.; Thus she sldl \\·11J appea r in the \l'eekly show -a nd ,.,.hen they n.tn out of Carne bits she is expected to r('tun1 to llol!ywood and turn out another batc h. • Denn.is tlit> 1ff P11nce HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener ii 1000 General 1000 --------------- OUR BEST Ba ye rest Baycrcst executive. Large 4 BR z1,~ balhs, heated & filtered pool. Mesa Verde College Park ln11naculate Ca 1n • bridge )'-_;s tale. 3 lld- rn1s + f: . .11nily. 2 story 5 BR :i baths. ('.ornor lol. Jlepublic l /on1e. Estancia Heights ('ozy 3 bdrrn 1 1,~ baths. Lots of concrete. DAVIDSON Realty Eves: 549-1058 General I 000 Genera l 1.:..:=-=----='-C 1000 OCEANFRONT BARGAINS! 3 BR's-POOL-- VACANT ~~ro ~1·a~hur(' ll1 . . • s l'"i.000 4Hij Sita~horr Dr. , . ~4!1.:'il'.!O .11\'! E. (.)l·~·;i nfl\lrH , , S~9,:JOO ,J:1Hl \V. !Jp'\'.lnf1•ori1 •• ~j9,;,oo 2:!14 II'. (JN'anfnlnr .. S7~J,:iOO .-:O;\l!·: T!{ADI:: 0.1~ ! BALBOA BAY PROP. I tli3.7420 A.\'YTL\.JI-~ Unf)("l' b,iy. C<'lll<'OI !)lk, ff'nf'. 1•<[ !\''LI' ,!(. fl'Oll! l\1t.!r1Vf' thru oni;unr•nraJ 11"on .s11·1ng- ing til!•·~. pan'lt.! .~-lif'illlJ ri>1lin~~ ,\: 11 alls, hhns, buf- f1>1, siov••, dshwshr, OvC"r- s1z1•rl lrplr•. Nr w lT{)IS. Sl'l,!J50. Bkr 6-t&.:l750, General Open Houses THIS WEEKEND 1000 keep this h&ndy directory with you this week· end as you go house-hunting. All t he lo<atlans listed below are described In greater detall by adv1 rti1ing ebewhere in tod.ay's DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Patrons showiny open houstt far wle or to rent are urged ta i1t such lnfarmill• tion In this column e&ch Friday, (2 Bedrn om) 211 :~ Seville (Balboa Pcnin$u\a) Gc:i!hoa 675-6-000: 675-6060 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Den or Family ) *204 11 Birch (Back Bc:iy) Ne\vport !~each 675-tiOOO: ti75-6060 jSat & Sun 1-5) 277 l\·lorning Canvon (Shorecliffs) CdM 644-2430: ·833-0700 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) 3144 Sun1atra Place f l\Jesa Verde) C !\·1 642-9730: 548-0720 E ves. (Sal & Sun 10-6 ) 1194 Au gusla , Costa {'.lesa 642-7777 (Sal & Sun J-6) 1802 \\i. OcrC1n Front , Ne\vporl Beach 675-6000 : 67.1-6060 (Sun 1-5) 504 \V. Bay !Balboa J'>cninsula) r~alboa 675-6000 : 67.5-6060 ! Sun 1-5) 401 Begonia. Corona dcl .\l rir 642-9IHO · (S<i t. & Sun 1-5\ 1100 f~erkshire f\Vcstc·!iff) Ne1v port Beach 48'.!l Cortland (Can1ro J lighland~) Cdi\'l 644-2430: 83.3-0700 (Sun 1-5) 51 01 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB 642-5200 tSun 1-5) **10(i Linda Isle Drive, Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 71 7 Jloppv Ave .. Corona d el J\lar 675-2101 !Sat & Sun 1-5) *258 Virginia Place. Costa i\lesa 646-3750 {Sun l-5) (3 Bedroom & Den or FamilyJ 324 Snug !!arbor (Cliffhavcnl NB f>45-2o0o fSat & Sun 1-5) 100 \·in Florence I Lido Tsle ) J'\13 67:1-8000 : 54ti-6Gl8 Eve~. (Sun 1·5) J 311 ('0111vay c\vc. (l l a!cc rc.~l) f'osta ~le~a .'i4.l-70:31 1Sat & Su n 10-5) 311 1 \00!1dge, Costa i\ lesa !i40-5844 (Snt \~Sun) 33,1 Santci J\n.l A\'e. (1\1<'\\port !!rights\ i\'13, 962-2421 : 962-0340 !S\ln 12·5) 512 SC'C1\\1nrd Road. Co rona dcl l\lar 6i5-5i21i (Sa t & Sun 1·5) **·101 E\·cning Star (Qo\·C'r ShnrC's) N I~ 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 408 tarlolta <The Rluffs) Nl3 644-2430: 833-0700 1001 Glen\vood iBaycrcsl) NU 64 2-5200 (Sun 1-5) JOJO Onk Street, Costa t-.tc ~a 673-7420 rsat & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Den or Fami ly ) 3120 Lincoln \Vay, Costa l\1e sa (714) 521-6012 I Sat & Sun) 21542 Archer Circle, ll unlington Beach 968-1564 (Open daily) 14:30 (;;;lnxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (O pen Daily) 461!i Perham (('arneo Shores) Cd1\:I 642-8235 CSat & Sun) *1046 Pescador Drive (Dover Shores) N13 642-5300 (Sun 1-5) *4512 Roxbur}' (Cameo Shores) Cd i\1 644-24.10: 833-0700 (Sun 1-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 1Sat & Sun) tt333 l\.1ornin,g Star Lane (Dover Shor- es) NB. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 10052 Cutty Sark, l lunlington Beach 962-4642 1sat & Sun 10-5) *1907 Jloliday (I3aycre6t) N U 642·5200 (Sun DUPLEXES FOR SALE (3 Bed•oom) 602 Avocado. Corona del f\.tar 645-2000 (Daily 1-5 ) APARTMENTS FOR RENT (2 & Den & 3 Bedroom) 101 6 E l Ca1nino Drive, Costa Mesa 545-3868 (Sat 10.4) (3 Bedroom & Family) 752 Amigos \Vay, Ne\vporl Beach ij;S-5033 (Sat & Sun 11 -5) * '•ell ''* 4 •¥ ... ,_,_. 4f .; ;; 4 Uf ,4 U I••-,_ • ., • .,.__.,,. • .,,..,..,,.......,-.,.,--...,._ .............. 1 ......... .,.. ..... -.-.......--••••• _____ ,.,,,_,. ____ ,,_, ___ ,,_. ____ --·--·--···· ••• ---···~-.. F'rlda)', Octobfr 24, 1%~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 ~G;e~n;•~··~l~~~~~l~OOO;l,~G~e~n~•~·~•liil;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOOO~~Ge~n~•~·~·~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml~OOOiiiil~G~e~n~e•~·~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOOO~~Ge;ii;n~•~··~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~lOOO~ V.l.P. HOME 5 BDRM. BEAUTY Dover Shores []r;u1d n<'w l\.trl \\'rl!s' vlan. Lll;-o.:Ury J11·1ng <ii 11-. h'-'st. T1'rnll1· 1•+1•11· ul 11pr11·r B.1y, :i hdnns ] baths pu11d!'1' ro11rn, !il'flar:11r d1nu1g rumn. r.1111t.1y n111n1 11·11h 11·1·1 0111· S: ~rnuk.l l\1·1•J•la1'•'. 19 \ :;~· ~p:irkl111;.: Jlv..>l JIJ Jantls!';111- 1•d . ~hC'l l('ri'd p;1110. SIO.i,L'tj() lnt·lu1!t•s Ju.~ur·1ow1 1·a)·11f•t1ni::, ha11dS(lllll· \l'Ullp;1pc11' & front la ncls1•np111~. l111nH'l.!1:1.tc oc·~ l'Ufl:llK'y. Ca !l to<lay Ivan Wells & Sons N11·l·St 2 siory in :'l'tr~a \'i.:n.11', f o,lrinal dullll).: !'OOlll &. f'Qllll~ Al't.'<I ad- .Nill.~ kH r•lwn Jo: x 1 r ,, l,ir).:•' 1111 11 l!h 11 .. 1111 fn1· lo'li1! cl]' 1ra1ll'r. Call us 1.., """ r h1~ outstanll 1n~ lionu• Prwc•d al S·ll .!l:l{l. Low 11H•'l'r~1 lu<1n i:un I'(' assunit•J. ~COATS ~ WAL~ACf REALTORS -5464141- (0pen Ev•ningtJ READ THIS • • • • Are you in the mar- ket for a ne\v horne, a home in a prime area very close to l·luntington State Beach ; a home you can customize \\'hile it is .being built, a home de- s igned by outstanding a rchi- tects and construc ted by Frank J-1. Ayres & Son ; a Co mpany that has been in bu siness since 1905? IF YOU ARE Roy J. Ward Co. .E\:CLUSI\'E AGENTi; Surgically Clean • • e • Caine to RANCHO I 1::1) c;a laxy D1•11·f' tilG·l~.->O 1101v <'lri.n 1.., «lean'? Thi~ LA CUESTA at Brookhurst a nd bcau11ful ·I lxh·n1 hon1<' 11ual-Allanta in f-I untington Beach -$21,750 ·THAT'S-All? 1f1cs. LuallcJ \i·it11 •~xtras su ~1ny day bet\veen 10 A.!\1. & ll Y(•p! A r<'all.v lruly 3 bdr111 . JUSI 1110vc ri i;;llt in. lligh l'.i\f. aild select your ho1ne in :!. "·oil• l1u111C'. cha.in link rru:ilily i::tl'[J<'!S, buiJ1 .in BBQ I d UN l'f V • ~ · I' out· ne\v y opene . fl'l\('Pd S• lll<'lud111g a dill. ,t· :!0.~t2' PIJVt're d pa\10. il!l· gar<1gf', rarprlin:;. dr:•JlC'~. l1l111· Joca11011. J.'ricc S31,!(i0. PRICED FROM TV au1rnna & s1111·r, /11>-~---$25,990 to $34,200 n1~11srd by .1 indtpend•'11! J _·•_.c -~~-U~ll 968·2929 or 968-1338 :1p1u·a1sr1·s al S2J.7jij, C0n). l d~~~,-~--~-~~-~-~-~·:il~~;,;;;;;;;;~!~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!I scl11n~ for trans(cn'f'd f'lll- pluyrf', See us -but soon, l!l'.l~ Bakrr. C.ill. ~1(; . .J.\-10 ufthE.O flllilni=r: -cHAN-NEL FRriNT-General TOOOG :..:•.c".:c•:c'":c' _____ 1000 ll!: ........-~· 3 131\, ·I-fc11nily n11 .. -=:1rp:; IQ LENDER OWNED COZY AND QUIET REALTY or!':jn ;· !i ~l1111g, s111n1111 ing, VAC:/\NT ~ ~1lroon1 hon1c in En.~tsid<' <.:ui(11::--;;-11c ·'..! Brei· :?tr.'.i \\I, Ba.lboa, NB 615·6000 l)()ouni.: al )'our front tlooi·. PflJ ,\1~~ loca11on w11h pa 11ial J'OOlll J.1rliC lo1 11·1th covrr('d 21·1:1 E. Coasr, Olilf 61;....liOOQ l)nly S\\,'lOO. T<'l'Jl1.~. OCEAN VJE\V, l::LEC"TRIC pallo and f/iiit ll'<'cs galor<'. llJ:.:t::R BAH. & CAFE CAYWOOD REAL TY bull1 -in lotchC'n, ~ ba!hs. $21,9jlJ -Ser 11 anytiml'. ~·01t I.LASE ij]}!j \V. coa..~t /]\\'Y .. NB. faniily roon1, FIRE PLACE BRK. 6~&-i72·1 • 5'1!l-l:.'90 e Hild ALL lhr C'XU'as! PLUS ==;,;;~=~~==~=========:=: a flf':>.1bll' sell<'!' \\•ho \1·1!1 \O 'THEREAL \"-. ESTATERS 1000 General Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: TREMENDOUS OCEAN VIEW Unique nev; conte1nporary home in N. La- guna -calls fo r paintings, bqoks. Oriental rugs. antique$. 3 BR. & fan1 . S89.000 Carol 1'atum CORONA DEL MAR • VIEW F'irst t in1e offered. Charn1ing 5 BR . beach hon1e. 4!'i' Loi. 'f''orever vie\v of ocean & hc:trlJor entrance. 'fop Cd J\l location. $i9.500 Cathryn 'rcnnille OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOM On !Jest bea('h, 35 \'ds. fron1 surf. Fine vcar-round ho1ne \1·1th electric ki tchen, iarj:!e liv. roon1 \\•ith fireplace. huge patio. Trade considered. $69,500 \Valier l laase OWNER TRANSFERRED J\'111 .~t se!l! 4 BR ., fan1 . rm. ho1ne v.•/vie\V of back bay & hills. S\\'i1n. pool. Existing loan can be assurned ,,, 6:'1;4 rr,, int. O\\'C second 1'.D. P rice reduced -$69,500. Cathryn 'fcnnillc CAMEO SHORES-OPEN SUN. 1-5 4512 RO XBURY. 4 BR. & C' o 11 v. den. 5 halh$. Beaut. pool & patio. Need s son1e re- clec. Oul·of-to\\'ll O\~n er 1nust sell & bas re~ <luced price ~ti ,GOO to ~62.000. l'.:t.rol Tatu1n SHORECLIFFS OPEN SUN. 1-5 277 MORNING CANYON. 2 Bdrn1. & den \\'l frp1. l3ean1ed ceilings ~~ pegged f!~rs . ('ire. drive. c:ood potential for rcn1odellng. S:iS.500 Kat hryn Raulston WATERFRONT WITH SLIP l~xc eptional buy for ~on1e011e \VC1nting a hon1e \\'ith large patio, sn ncly beach. good S\vi1n1ning and rrivatc slip for large boat , rlus 6',;. loan. $54 ,500 \Val\cr Jlaase LUSK H.V.A. • REDUCED Jl arbor vic\I', 3 fJr., r~un. rm. near ne\\.', 11nn1ac. home. \\I /profess. lndscpg. Rea.dy t.o rnove in. J{educed to $49,850 for quick sale. .Joe Clarkson EASTBLUFF A. hon1e \Vilh everything -4 Bd1·111 . - vie\v -pool -lushly planted patio -for- n1a l din. rm. S49 ,500. :ri.-Jrs. llarvey GRACIOUS • CHARMING 3 Bedroom, family rm ., this home inc~r­ pora lcs every item required by the metic- ulous owner. A most desirable neighbor- hood. Picturesque lndscpg. $46,500. A·lary Lou A·larion OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 CAMEO HIGHLANDS • VIEW 4821 CORTLAND. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Entry yard. Sec this one. '\1ou \\'ill like it. Nov; $43,400. .-\I !•'i nk REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Open Sun. 1-5. ''The Bluffs". 3 BR. & ~en. 408 Carlotta Vista Del Oro, No rth on Vista Cajon to Carlotta}. $39,900. No trafric jam here. 3 Baths. 2-story, popular E-pl an. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR ., NEWPORT BEACH 833-0700 644-2430 ll'Ork \\'ITll you! S.11.000 .and ~uh1n11 YOUR TERlilS! WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee :!OC \\'rs!('llff Dr. 1>46·i711 , "I I , ; , 1 , •· , .. ~ 546-2313 --646-7171 * So11th Co11st Real L~la!r is seeking sucrcs.sful pl'oles. sionll\ real rs1atr salc.o;men. E'(r rn\•011111 bf'nrlits. Plrn~r <·all fo1· <1[1pointn1en1 ;:,4;,.g.j,24 Sou!h Coas1, H.ea11ors. 1000 Bay & Beac~ Rlty, Inc. T\\'\ l LOC.<\L ()FFICES TO SE11VE Y0U 67S·3000 or 645-2000 5 Bdrm . Broadmoar o,·cr 2500 sq. ft. 1 y r. ne1v: 3 baths; for large family. Separate fan1ily ~001n 1\'ith lireplace ; 81 ft. frontage. l~x.pens1 vely detailed throughout : $65.000. L 1 111 ! t e d choice of this size and area proper! ies. 675-3000 J;:vcs. 675-5764 Reduced $3000-View Lot 1,4 acre adjacent to E 1nerald Bay area of luxury home$. Ocean and coa~Uine .view. Subordination possible. You \\'ill \\·ait for· ever for a better bu y. A sensational value at $29.000. 675-3000 E ves: 673-2569 6 Units Near Shorecliffs A$S Ured inco1ne. AJ\vays rented. Excellent Joc(l\.tun. No leasehold . Each apt. has \\'ash- cr!drvcr; a ll electric kitchens. lleated ::in d filtere<.1 pool. Roo1n for '2 n1ore unit:-;. Nine c::irports. O"·ner help on financing. $159.500 675-3000 Eves. 673-0554 Feature Packed Westcliff The. con1plete ho1ne .. Just listed. 3000 sq. ft. .; bdrm., 3 baths. For1n.a! ~inin~ roon1. 1:an1il}' rn1 ., 16 x 31 I~ana1 \1·1th fireplace <1nd barbecue. J~uge 1-1 and F' .Pool. Spa- cious thronghou1. Shutters; Tempered ptale glass: Deluxe custon1 hi-fi; lntercoin. :!\1(lnv other plus features. Must be seen ~72 .5oo . 675-3000 Freeway? Forget It! Costa f\·\esa is coming into its O\\'n AND you can O\\'n tv.10 stores \\•il h plenty of p<1 rkin~ for just $47,500. 64fl-2000 ]~ves. 673-1355 Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. 324 Snug Harbor -Cliffhavenl This house is lonely and needs loving care, Three bedrooms. den and large living rooin Reduced to $32,500. Absentee Owner anx-. ' IOUS . 645-2000 Eves. 543-4810 Open House Daily 1-5 P.M. 60'2 Avocedo (Oc••n Side of Hlwi1y), COM T\\'O story DUPLEX! Five year s old , ex- cellent construction -1nodern. Priced well under today's reproduction costs. Lower unit vacant. F:ach unit has three nice sized bedrooms and t\\'O baths, fireplace. b~ilt­ in kitchens. Priced only S62,500. Serious seller -subn11t. 645-2000 F:ves. 673-0479 West Newport! Close to Ocean! Cute t"'o bedroom house wi th fireplace and built-in kitchen. Good Ocean view from Jarge living room. $39,500 full price with 15% down. 645·2000 Eves. 673-1355 ''Tlie Home of Complete Real Estate Servic e'' BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. 2407 E. Coast Hwy., Coron• del M•r 901 Dovel' Dr., Suite 126, N.B. FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT Beautifu l Norman Grant built hon1e on 60 fl. lol \vith pier & slip. Spiral .s taircase le ads iron1 ~pac ious entry to tren1endous master. suite. 4 13edroon1s, 41 :! baths. lge. Jiving roon1 , fa1nily roon1. 4200 Sq. l·'t. Tile root. Carpeted & draped le ss than 12 months ago. Offered by original O\\'ner. $1i9,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 333 !\1orning Star Lane. DOVER SHORES VIEW One or the finest built hon1es in the Ne\\·port !-!a r bor area. 4 Bedrooms, 6 baths, h uge live ing roon1 , 2 firepl ace$, dining room. !\1any e xt ras. No e.xpense has been spared in the construction & appointments of this luxur)', v1e1v home. SlJ9,500. EXCEPTIONAL BA YFRONT Located On exclusive Lido Js!e with 35 FL of Bayfront. !·luge pier & .c;Jip, 'fhis altrac tive :i bedroo1n 2 bath hon1e is being offered at the unrepeatable price of $139.500 . Call for app't. LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT A fantastic bayfront buy. 3 Large bedrooms. 3 baths. separate d ining roon1. 55 Ft. of ba.v- front \1•Lth pier & slip. Ne\\'. Asking :5105 .000. Open Sat. & Sun. 106 Lind a Isle Drive. t \Vil! trade for larger bayfront). GO~D COAST Ove r 4,000 sq. ft. of lu:xury li vi ng \rith a pan- oran1ic view. 4 Bedroon1s, huge living roorn, breakfasl area; paneled 1an1 il y roo1n \Vith fireplace . Like ne\I'. Priced $145,000. Opc11. Sal. & Sun. 1330 Galaxy Drive. DOVER SHORES Unusual custon1 home on large. corner lot, in beautiful Dover Shores. Superbly decorated. :l Bedroorns. 3 baths plus po1vdcr roon1. \Vel bar. Breakfast roon1 & fa m il y roon1. Spacious pool & terrace. l)rolcssiona!Jy landscaped. $159.500. Open Sat. 500 {'.·lornlng Star Lane. BAYCREST Ver_v spacious 4 bedroo1n home \\'1\h den, din- ing room. large living roon1, fireplace. A for- mal home \Yith many extras -ice \\1ater on tap in kitc hen. pluml)ed for so ft \1•ater. foun- ta in in side yard. Rootn for pool. t\sking ~77 ,500. SALE OR LEASE South Laguna oceanfront apart111ent \\I 1 th fi replace. $~5 .000 . or ~375 month. Adu lts. john mac:nab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-823S 1000 Gener1I 1000 3 Bedroom + Dining Room $23r950 Tr1T1170 rnrry 1var. laq::r ~<'fl· 11ratr lo1i11;1l 1Jit11 ni:: J'()(}!ll, l)('aul1fu l 11·alnut 1·ahinr1~ iu l11{' k11t·hr 11, nr..or In erlling Urick fircpl.u·r . lJ1•,1u11rull~· la nrls!·tt [)f'rt h~111r a 1ltl 1·•'al' 1v1 1h ('u1·1•1 .. ·d nnt1•1, h;;th urr 111a;.1rr Ll<'droo111 and <'[11·pt'L inl; th1·u11g-hlJll1, n•J dn\1'11 to Vr1~. 1h1s 1n1i.:;l1I hr lhr-one ~"l'.!U 0\'t> tw-rn looking fut· ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S46-8640 OPEN EVES TILL g,30 IJ'ftii. $8500 you •an assum" a ;p ~·; Joan, J bdrin, ri""[l ~haR tpr.~. lan<1i p11tin, sprinklers, g:iragr doo r oprncr. ~2!1.9j(I lno va{·.~ LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE 1-5 Saturdi1y & Sundey 129 Vie Zurich Cutr Ll!!lr :~ Bf'drooin Hon1 r (Jo ... IU B•'fl('h & Ray Ha~ Hlli!ll p:tllo & ~11n1IC'('k ('hrrrf\11 li1·111g 1•M)lll Q\\'N~:1t \\'ANTS ,\CTJOX! ~:Jl.9.".Q 1.i.~11•11 F:\ol11s1\c]y \\'1th COM.-ANV REALTORS 673-4400 NEAR SHOPPING Eastside be;iu11ful :: bdnn 2 U.11h tir1111,, iu11111l<'io '!y r•'lh'f'. nrall'll. Elr!·t.1·1c h11ilt • 111.;, l.Hq:;r living roon1 w1(h 1!11•. plat·r al~ll 1·r1:11•a1 111n rnoni bca ut1htlly panelled. l;;irflge doors buth 101· CH111[l('r. E .\. tra 2'Clx20' bldg. R·2 lo!, _Cao <'Onvrn to d uplex. Lochenmyer Re.iltor 1860 Nc1vpor! Blvd., C:'ll CALL DAYS 646-39'18 CALL Evr.:s. &12-01~~ DOVER SHORES -VIEW 2 story dream home only 7 months old . 86' Bay vie\Y rron1 every room. Custon1 built by Ivan \Veli s, this luxuriously decorated 4 bdrm 3 bath & famil y room ho1n e has red til e roof, pool & a unique \\'ine cellar. Beautifu l &. \Veil priced at $102,000. Open Sunday 1-5. 1930 Santia90 Drive BIG - & HANDSOME Spacious llarbor tlighlands 5 bdrm 4 ba th family home on 10lx106' corner lot. 20x40' 1enced pool. w/separate play yard. Asking $85,000. Ope n Sunday 1·5. 1709 Hi9hl1ndt -cor. Estelle Roy J. Ward Co. ( Beycrest Office ) HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON lrh'. r.ealto1·i. 3 BEDROOM $1 5,750 R-2 \\'hat'' A. :? br<(r(l()m llurl\o' <UI 11 Ing 11.:.! lot! J\nJ J!'l'! on 1hr .l::a~ts1dr. Al111rn;! unhr;ird of bar- g;un. Ynu 1;;111 Jive. 111 (Ir ]'1'111 11 OUI , P~tys for it · s"lf. Build anu!11"r un1r. N•llrr s a yo; JU.~I Jo,.;, ~1011·11. Ur tt\'I' l1urry. Call nu11 -6 l:i·l•:.:o.J. $2,000 UNDER GOVT APPRAIS AL !.oo.1k111g !v1· 11 harga1n! ~-I !,\ appr.11~!·cl 1h1s near 1w11· :: hetl 1"0Jn1 ! b<1lh Jun101· l'.~1;1 tr at S27,9j.(), (h1 n!'r 1s 1lcspco1·a le-and s{ly.~ s•'lt 001\• at S2j,!f.JO, B 1;:: :-PiU'IOUs 1'1)!)1llS. Cozy f,11111 ly roon1 . D<>!lL~P. in :111 111'1;,111. Thr-aiTa •~ lr'>JIS. ,-.:H\'!' $~ hy SCClng tud{l.y! Call [;.l.).O:l0.1 645-0303 at I lilrhor Crnter 1m Jla1·ho1· Blvd., C.r.r. -FHA-VA TERMS !°'[:\ \'EAR NE\\I, romnlP!I'· ly n"<lrcoral!'d, FOUR BED· rtOO,\l, fa n11ly roon1, l':'t IJ;J!h hon1r 1\·llh lll'C'placf', fon·cri air hr-ut and rit'afll'd. L:ir;:•' nvrr-!<l~f'd double i::al'- ;1~,. u 1rh wa~lun~ farili11c~ I 1· \ '.!O' p.1(10. f1•nrcd yard -~pr111k lL'1'•, Only n1in111r~ f1·01n n1aJOI' ~hnf))l1n~ 11 n {I .~1·hoo!~. l'on\·e11icnlly local· rd lo COST,\ 1\JJ::SA & liUN- Tl:--Jr.TON BJ::,\CH. ONLY $25,9.:.0. !l~N1u1•{'(! Sl ,0001 ~.1·rnin,c:~ Call '.'1111:.'.;71,1 For Rent- Mesa Verde Townhouse S::'G0.00 p"r f11u. t1nfurni.<hrrl 01· S'Li :1.r.o fll'I' 1110. !ul·n1shcd Thi~ 1.~ kx·ah'd 1n rlir br:1un. ful 17 1111 11 l·o111plr x. righ l 11rxf lo lh•· ,\1''.~11. \'l'rt1" Counll'y Cll1b, 11nh tennis Lcour1s and pool. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVO. 546.8640 OPEN EVES Till 8:31 VACANT CO LLEGE PARK ~ !11g llf'druu111s & 'l. luxuliotJ~ h;i1h~: Chf'rry 11JJ huilf • 111 k11t'hr11 ,{: lit't.':iklas! n"rt.Hn Cn1.y l11•1n.1; ronn1 1v1 rh CUS. TO,\f FlH~.Pl.1\CE~ t.:arpcl~ .~· rlr11po·o; pin~ I IARD\\'OOD t'LOOlt"! \\ :1ll1 rri 0 .C.C. ll'{]!ll tl11~ q11i1 •t ('llf·dC·~:tC .~t1l'P! 1'!11~ h1•.tvy ."/l,\f\8 fl!)( >r l!<'i!llly ~UITllUnd··ii hy h11g,.. tn·I'~. su1·11111t $2,.1('() d11w11 lo nt·1~· 5~:..~00 IQ<in OI' 1'n!:d S!rf! V1\. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2190 llal'llt1r Rlvrl, at Adan1s J t).g..1!1 1 ,. --,. ,. ,. 2 Modern Dur.lex On the Pet\insu • 2 BR, fireplace, !:'nc;loscd ... rage • "ll<'h 11nit. Nf'Rr beft,ch. Only SJ·l,9:.0 On Dalbo• lslend 3 BH IQ11 •·r I BR llPl'J(T. ('lr c hl1n11, ftrr11l11Cf'. Askini:t $8.l,M1. Riddl• & Ross Realtors CdM e 675-722, • l ' • • " " • • .. ' ' • '• '• I I • --, .... ,, J -. -----------~-------------------------------------·~- 3! DAIL V '!LDT r rid11. Octob'r 24, 1%9 HOUSES FOil SALE HOUSES FO SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I , i;H:::O°::U':'S':'E';S-;P;".O°::-ll:;:S::.A.::L:.:E;:;:JH .. O:_U:_S:_E:.._S FOR SAL I! Newpert B••ch 1200 1000 Genertl 1DOO EASY LIVING Univer1ity Park 1231 1---------r---------!---------• &I FT. ot \\IATERFRONT.J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:, 4 Bedraoms ESTA TE SALE 5 led rm .• 3 lath· K"'P 2 boat• • •till eo;oy Ml · L M · • 1~ view tllr\J 50 Ct. rJu.s "'-•wn, .~x1 Livln Nl'll'pol1 Heights duplex n1u~1 Pool -$26,950 waU or li'Om Inc. patio. Jn. ln thts 3 BR, -. ba. town- hc .9:>ld to settie es tate. 2 .., ~ Near tennU1 pool & Added Fam.I~ Room Parking lo. your boat ~-1r;;iiJ. door _ outdoor entertaining. · , s bedroom unjr~ that re·l1y "" ahoPP'"i $30 ""° h;i.vr charm. Both units h~·e er too~ Ric h wOOd paneling 3 BR., "l ba ., immac. home. • . ,d. h II $23 front vi<>w plus $f'p1trate handl!Ome breakfa~1 bar, Step-saver kitch. No 1ardeo. • ,950 )<ll'd.$ and palio.~. Th~ u fircpltu..:e. U>\'ely fll'~t a pool, 1ng. B!k. to Lido Shops. P~k-re I Jll'{'stige. hoinr and !ncomc. 5.ll)..Ji"20 I'd lo llf'll. Q\1'1ter leavina; Not le;i.'>f'</ land ,1.<~ burl)-TARBELL 2955 H•rbor area $69.500 HEAL TY injl: firepla1.:cs... Aski"" $1>.000 • LIDO ISLE u P kc •. ., . Co1ta Mes• Cu1t. bit.. J Br. 3 Bath 2-n1v. ar enter, Irvine -;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;~ll;OO;;J Call Anytime 833-0820 • s!y. n10o.l. hon1r. Fabulousl'!!!!~~~~!!'!!!!'!!'F~~~ ANXIOUS OWNER island kileh. \11/all bltns. &i J HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Huntington l••ch 1400Huntington Be•ch 1400 FAST MOVE IN New homes, ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed- rooms, 2 to 3 baths. l/:t mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA T1rms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhur1t 1 mil• South of Ad•m1) 962. 1353 RENTALS Hou1•1 Furnished RENTAL flNOERS IMWINs.IYl • " &UAIAlmD : _j "'*"""-..... "". -llOOMMA Tt sima 4H W. '"'-C.... ........... 111 WP P$¥U"' ... . R•nt•ls to Shirr• 200S RENTALS HoUHI UnfurnlahM B/B TO\VNHOUSE Adult~ only, 2 Bdnn!., 1 baths. Spi!U-level. Avtil. Oc 13th. S225 Prr Month. Bay & Beach R•alty, Inc. 901 Dover Or., NB Suite l16 645-2000 Eves 54H966 'Thill 11\tllll" i~ VlH'!<ll1 &nd ready Jor you lo lllO\•e ln. it has ~ n.1t·r s11.•·tl bedr·ooni-~ '.: baths paneling 111 the> !iv. ini; room and a11 atlded 111111· iJy room or den lh11t 1s toni. pJet(:ly patt('led, 11 h!\s "·all to \\'all ca1'[l{'l111g lliroug-hou( ilJltl 8 VC'l'Y n1c·(' p<1.l10 and l't'ar yard. f'l!A or I/A 1rru1~ Hurry on this cnr. ~paciou.~ .1 i.idrm hO!llr 11_;111 rl11n adjoining. \Vall8 of glass lick 81y { 1240 <11•rrlooking patio w/111ater-Huntington B•~~__!__.~ family l'OOlll, forn1al (lining !all. i\t,lr, Bdrm, w/di·ess. $29,99i Q\\'NEP.. Custom. 3 --~--Huntington B•ach 1400 RELIABLE \Vorking girl, age 2.J to lJ to share nnt on rondominium. S!OO n10 in('I. Ulll. F.V. 5-1&1161 days, 968-T'..69 aft S PM_ 1-IARBOR Highlands 3 BR, 2 BA, crpts, drp1, blt ins, dsh. \\'hi' no pet.s-, Lea~. S27.) mo incl gan::lener, ~ ol 537-1346. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 894-5313 Jj366 Colden \\'e~t llunting-tun Bca<'h --------- HOME & INCOME ,/ 1 lx!nn ho111r ,,1111 fll'I'· µ!;i tr & dining l"<"ll>/11 .•cpa.ratc l bdrn1 rcn1al 011 rear of lrit, f'ull pr1L•r $26,500 I 2 bdnn, clean, s harp hon1r + 1 Bdrm l'enlal ~ Nea1· Coslil T11esa Goll CourS!'. $24,500 Newport ,, Victoria 646-8811 Anytime BAYfRONT On Harbor Island Road Beautiful 2 Bcrl roo111 Honie Plus bachelor apart111ent. ll'i1h picr f.· slip. fabulous baysidr irrracr, ron1fortablr 1iv111g room ;\·1th stone lui'plat•r. Lovely pat.Jo Sl·l$,00il Lis1rd Exclusively \\'1th UNBELIEVABLE ! $126 per n1 onth pay~ al! foi 1 bedroon1s. 2 ba1hs 111th w~u IO wall FJP.EPL1\CE, ~nf1 :-hag l'ill'prl & 1 ·11.~lrHll d1·Hp•·~· Pa1·k likl' gruuni;I~ 11 1111 -:pat"H)llS b:1r·k ~-•nl ,\• COVE:RED p,\TIO: CtJ1111"'n 1r11I 10 ~·hops &.: ~1·1lo"I'-\' ~•llllr 'J'~• t_;[ lo11 n or 1'-:"0 001\'N VET.°'' f'llA lt'I n1s ONLY S~.'.1.:1~•J .. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ;790 !!arbor Blvrt <1 1 Ada1n~ ~)~~j Oprn t1I !:I P:\1 FINANCING TOUGH? [l('rf' JS <>!IC 1,);in 1n;uJr 111 !'l!"fl"r. A~sun1r 11\1~ S~J. 100. ,,:.,'" loan 11 Lih p~) 111r111., or $201 /tno inf'lllrf pnnr1plf', 111! 1i1,\I'_.; ~· 1n.; \\'1l h .~llHtl l down p!l_\llll f'nt 01111rr w1U r<1rry 2nd 11) lo ··~b11ni; Joan . Asking S~'9.~~a. tJ• 1003 Bilker, C.i\I ~l \6-5440 BECAUSE! fhr lf Lg:h Dr~f'l'I Call;' ·This :1 BR 2 h;:i hi':1111; n.,11 avail. To rhscu~s 11'1'111~ l'all Rllr. 64:!·9T.\Q E v".~ "db·\Jf2V e KENNEDY --Colesworthy & Co. "For A \rlsr Bu}''' 6J1.i777 room, fully cai1>C'tt'd /..-ln rm., bath .l pr1v. surw:leck. BR, 2~t BA. E!ec. kitchen. 1mrnaculate eondition. Quiel Pric. reduced SJ.000: now New carpets, dui. rni. tani. tralfic: lree slreet -close to S!'.lj,l)X}, Open sun. 1-.>. 100 rm, frplc, elec g1u·;-ige cir. 11chools, A.~sume high VA Via florencr. Open House 'ti) ~old ?ll:l An. Joall • Sl9'J/mo pays all $HORE PROPERTIES niversary Ln, NB 5'18·9409 P11c~d for quick iiale at 3116 Newport Blvd N B OPEN HOUSE- S.11,9JO. CAl . .L RAY GAULT 67:\-9060 516.o6'i.il Ev~! .'AIJ..U5J Her1taa:e Real !!:stale · :-i BR's. Lr.i;: Jani 1711 ~open eves ). Custom Lake View Cor. 101 •. J\1any ·C'xti·as. H S I d d BY' Q\l'NER. r:HS-8382 ome eC U • 2099 Centclla Pl NB Owne.-Tran1ferred N Custonl 4 bdrm Paccset!CI' ewport Beach 11·i1h 1!!x20' panelled fa mily location vvrrlooklng PRJ. Corona dtl Mir 1250 Pool -GI Reial• room & bar, ciinin.i;:-roon1. VATE LAKE lrom '1 lC'v1l~. DON'T CALL ME A /\ltr:ic1ive COl"ller 4 bdrm \\'\lh scpara!f' ma~trr bdrrn, Large 1..atxl' F~IW"1AL DINING DUPLEX I l'orner Jot \\"lUl pa!io & fllll ROO!'lf. 3 ,i e legant balhs , . lln1hony PQQ , 18:.:38", Jully sprinkle.. A k' t and HUGE RUJ\-fPUS ROOYI I man extra nlcr. 2 brdroon1 •'<roip""rl in-"] """1 .,,,a,.n .!'I. s ing on Y ~ • · 1·10 '11' · rr • " ''-t ,~ " · ,,,_ · " " '" S10,:l00 -Firsl tlm• 0n ~~. f~ xceUrnt insuran(·e J 0 a n ". • :11 1 a ~ uo·c rooni t::xerJ 3·'.',, Joan at $1 911n1J . " "·~ t.10NEY tl!AKER t '· k la.\ &: llls. Owner most 111.~. salr n1arket, CALL 3-t0-1151 ASSUMABLE AT 5~~ •,t,. an. 1 . • 011. Ui.l(' •• J1c:ri!Jtge Real Est:ile nuaJ percentage rate. St~im, 6?th unlls a.ie owne1. occu. 1r>u~ for offer , alrratly trans. topen C'Vt.'S/ fish And boat from your front pied an_d Jlawle~~-Situated lCrred out ot stair. I ==~~~~~~~=:\ door ! on a qu1t't trf'e hnC'd Corona R•ntal WE SELL A HOME tlel r.tai· str'f':et. Oner. you"vt' SALE OR TRADE EVERY JI MINUTES seen ihe rest-Comr ~ee thr : bdrn1 (•on1pl. lllrn,, Condo u111L al $175. InllnNI. poss. S•5·5lll0 (n611' CiMml th!lt!!) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adana aa Klftlw,r.Jl MESA VERDE Cu~1on1 borne. :l bdr1ns, J L>aU1s, ~. acr" 20;.:40' ))ool. I yl'11r old Span- i:oh slylf' bc3m!'d C<!il· Jrig~. shag rarJX"L~ & 1''r11nci.~can tile . ~rii.500. ~OATS & WALLACE REALTORS -S46-4141- (0p•11 Ev•nings) CAPE COD CUSTOM t>.:ril11 sitf' home 111 prestige area ot Nrwpor1 l!f'1ghl~. .Featuring 4 largr. bdrm~. sl'pal"a!e dining room & Jov~. ly rPar ya11!. Coni" see rh1s l!l•."Jlll y. 0\1·ner will trade ~autiflll. Walker & Le·e ~:~v: 6R7<3-al85E5~0atcrs Ex-J1ke new 5 bdrm ,t, family room • 1.lx30' cllslom pool /or smaller home in Co~\& 2013 \\'C'stcltU Dr. Mesa area. Jo~ull pnce 6-16-7Til S::0,9.)()_ Tradr all or part oJ ---;EA.iS~T~B~l~U~F~F~-- yoo,· ,qoity. Now"""' To .'«'f' call :tt!i-82?6, · PANORAMA VIEW \-0 THE REAL '.'.'\... E:STATERS "-'"' r • OPEN HOUSE ABSOLUTELY no doll'n 10 Sat., Sun. 1-5 veterans. \Ve!! kept 3 bdr111 At Iona: l&st! Finest vlew 717 POPPY 2 bath honie \vith double s treet. Spacious home on SPACIOUS !iv. nn. !. J'IJ!n· garagt-, \\'}1v cai·pcts, patio deep lot. Tastefully appoint. pus nn. Storage & shelves & nicely I ands c aped . ed, nun1erOus derorator fea-GALORE! J BR., 2·~• traths, $138/ino include~ principlc tu~s. 4 BR .• fo1mal din. 0VeJ'si2e R-2 loi on BEAU. & interest at 7'~~;, • 3(1 1·n1. Truly a ~ilUI)'. Act TIFUL Stl't'el. PRICE RE. }'ear.~. Full prier only now &: All.Ve. DUCED $-l.000! 522,500. Call a-t~--fM21 South * * * * * SEMPLE Coost Real Estate. EXTRA ATTRACTION REAL ESTATE TOTO OAK ST. L\l.'!k buUt Ea&tbluff ex-model 2j15 E. Coast H1\-y, 67.J-:!101 OPEN SAT., SUN. home. 1-Sty. J BR. &: fam. ~IKE LIVING fabllioll'I dream home for l~m. Pool.~i.1e yard. Cul tit IN A CROW'S growi ng /an1ily ! Outst.and· Sack><.', PI~ced to S<!ll qulC"k'. NEST 1n.i;: 3 Bf'.t. 2 ba. -!-family 644-tt33 E\'1'$, 64-t--ffif6 Bier. Vie1v of ocean. bay, jrtly & rm.! Ochghtful patio !..-yard, B/B ;';addleb1ck J\lts •' · t !'1"13 "•Of" . '-u s - BALBOA-'8AY PROP W•stcliffl SV: •;. l ho111r ;. 2 Br. rtcn or:: BL'., • OPEN l • oan :\'~ ba. Fee lot. Pool. To top 673-7420 ANYT!i\1E SAT. I ~ 5 it a.ll of!. 011·11er \\ill car1y FORMER MODEL . 1100 BERKSHIRE lrntn at 7'.<>. To see. caU:-~poUess J BR. :! bath ho1n ~. J\1ary Graham 642·9l!'IO 4 BR. '.! BA. lge family r1n . Bei.ut. nrw k11ch. Sn1a l! dl11. ~·;11·{'1 \\":ilker, Rcal!or Drp$ & crptg-, C'l\peli~i\'c 111g rm., cov. pat.lo, Jgc. cor. l'1ni! . .;raping & patio. COOL ner Jen: E.xisiinii; loaii c·a n COME SEE _.·• OCEAN BREE:iES. 1900 ~q. bt-a ~sumed at-,,,. p . Th" c·ho1c" bay v1C'1v /1·0111 · .J ,s .-n, Mee 1. BR [ ll ft. on I y S·lS.Y:O. Listed w!th I 11s 4 . t.· ain y rn1 . '.I'~ IN FORECLOSURE Becau~e or Jan1i!y problems this home lS Ill !Ol"l?ClOSl.11'(', JIO\\"CVCr, this IS not 1he US· ual . type or hoine yuu !ind in fo1't'\;]O$lli·e becallse this l101lie ls 1111 1nal.lu!a1rly k<'pl and has custon1 drapes and bC'au\i!11l (;a1·peting. Thi~ ~ yeru· old hu1nr otfe!"!! 3 big bedroom$ 2 baths and a largf' l11n1ily .k1!d1en .. 11 alSQ ha.~ a Jargr irregular yard with covered pa tio . Tim" JS cl t he esscni.;e. This hon1e 19 pril'ed at rock botlom to save the owner's credit. To- t.al price S25,:f.i0. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 894-5313 I;-.366 Golden \\lr st }[untington Beach $19,950 11 The Pric• B~lic.ve mf', for this sharp hon1c . Total p11 y1nC'nl~ on a high G.I. loan is S13~ per rno. include.~ all. flugf' Be:rt- roon1s. J::C'llra Larg" fcllt:t'd back yard fol' thr kids plus "Pla}' 1-lousr", Great patio a rea. Subm1l your ::;mall do11·n paymc11t. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 J::d lngt't' S !2·4453 Op.;n ti! 9 P~T $3999 Toh1l down payment :\.~Slllllf' CT Joai1 Glen ~l.1 r ·1 F.:Pd roo111 niodrl Gd Nc1gl 100rs • 11·alk Schools No Qualifyini:-. No 2nd TO Plcasr call REAL ESTATE hy McVAY ILV97 r-.tagnol11'1. t'V 545-0458 S.'l4,9()J. * 5-lb-:'!l!l.i BIB C'"1t lusivcly ba . hon1f', 011 lge. eorner lol, FOR ~<tlr by oll"ner . XJnt Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. ~~nc~r ga~aF1'. 6\ '.~ Joiin . I •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio 1-;a.~!~ide lor. Oldrr liou~e. 901 Do1·er Dr., Suit" 126 NB ·1~;10· o::·J. bo Panaramic View! OCI::J\N ,(· C'1\TALINA $37.950 Dchght!ul .f Bedroom 1 n d formal dining room, ta steful- 1}' dL•cni·at"d. \\lalk 10 school~ and shupplng. 646-7171 \-0' THE REAL '('_ ESTATERS -" ' . ' . MISSIQN VIEJO OPEN .">UN. 1 J 'J.. \~2'2 :'ipad1•a !)r.;ir1,.. i :arrlen Jlon1" \ 1•'11" plus ~'bl l:.' C111·t111 ~ !Lil PIHi t•urly Ca l 1forn1~ Har1r ·l1 .~1y. lr. La!! /or Ort;i.ds. Tarbell. :--:!1-3776 BY OWNER * llomt> + l ncome-+ Land* C:ust ,~ BR 11 a BA Comp I t'flt, d•'P~. F fl. Bf'am l'til. :; :C:. l-;10 C•'ran11c li lr. '..! <· ,,. !Ir\ )'.:<i r. Int-111111 l'lll "i • IU'h !·; •• ~ _y h L' .. 11)!\, f•],,n<> I fllOtr 111111~ T r l ni s 1:;1 ,::00. BEACH OUPLEX 2 }'111·n. l 1n11s; \Int Lor ! S'..'\l.!l;iO Gitor ge W ill iamson Rra ltur " Be f"ily , 1' t· 1 54;__.,.~ 6 l•"OOI 1·. --tar arrl ~ ~ ·• u ·p u. -.x ra ~-. ~..., .vt:-s. Cheshire Re11I F.::~t;ilp b'i:1.:./:)f):; lgc lencrd yd SIS.000. FAMIL Sn111.JI Oown, 11·/1'a1·1·y :?11d. Y KITCHEN OPEN HOUSE -1:5- 1 ·7'3::-...-4~83 Qu1~t \V,,~tcl1rr. Li1g fa.rn iJy 512 SEAWARD RO. $T8,500 F ixer Upper 4 bet/1'00111 \\"1th s1orag" ga. fa bulou.~ ol"Can g. t·anyon ::'. BR, 1. BA honsr. dblt> gar, lorr, pnvate Adull patio. v1('1V f!'orn l;::t'. l1v. nn ;, ~1·t a-r N· , h d Only Sj2.500, BR., 2 ha. • great Jamily "" <L<. oC'uS an y Hal Pincho'n & As•oc. 1nan /p~1n1rr. S2JO() down. r1n. :! Frr.ilc~. Elct·, blo1~. SE'" 3:,1 1\lagnoha, Co!ta J!nl E. Coast Hwy. Gl:>-4392 Priced rlJ?:ht a1 $.'>4,500 i\lt'sa. BEACH ScC'n lc Propertif$ 6 i".~5i26 Open Houi• S•t & Sun 3 BR.:! ba. Din. rm. FrnccrJ 995 Sandcastle Dr. .:120 Lonr.oln \Vay, C...'\1 yai'd & lgr, patio. l BJO{"k HARBOR VIEW HILLS L<ii·ge ·1 BR & lam 1·1n, to t:>l"ranl 1 yr old Lusk home\~ I un- .'it;l.900, Tr'll.,I Really Only $29,000 beli<'vat)le lndscpg-on 1,; ii(' 1711! ;,21-601 2 PROPERTIES WEST 101 , J BR& Atra IJ-g fan1 rn1, f"'EPlJBI IC h B 675-4130 675-1642 :.1 BA . -.. -· ome. ,.,_( huy 01\·nrr 67:1--il:l() 1,t· 6l\-29j8 . _11·. nld. ·l BR , .1 ha. f31n JUST REDUCED! ~lu;;t srlJ $49,900 nn, rj111 r n1, shac-1·rp1~. qu1t·kly. :?.000 .~q . fl. honil'r-~~~~-----­ rlrp~. sprklrs. S 4 :i, n no , on Ne\\'por1 l ~land. 4 BR , :! 11 "s l>1ffc rr1 11 -!J's Ar!y :.>IG-3~92 BA, ~rp 1l i11 .n11 . Ch<rrntini;: Oprn bt·;i.n1 2 BR. ~to rdr11 1·111 , 3 BR. xtra lgt' lam rni. :.! BA. 40 ~ r l•ld h~,. recen!lv lrg l1v1ng roon1-bcach ho11~I'. "111odrled. S 6 () O [l <I~. N. l'1de o/ hwy. B Y I<;lcc bltns, l't1~ton1 <lrpi; &. a~~u rnc !!'."~;, r ., J 1 1 ov.·NF"R 67:-...-3"":10 shut1eM, crpl.s. Sprinklers $41 j()Q h . .~: ~ s · -· [:a•ont & rtar. Fcnrcd &· "' 11y.s this! 67~363 la ndseBJ'lf'd. S3t.9;1'), 541)...5844 FIXER UPPER. ne111er :i 811lbo• P•ninsul• T300 aft 6. days 54~22!!6. Bkr. BR, 3 BA condo. Frplr. D•veloper'i Dupl•x BY 011.'ner: 4 BT!, 2 bath, ~!:· ci~1111• ~~-Rr~ii.•rcJ Three hrdroo1n uppe1· tll"O detached l!1udio 11hop, p1t10, dn · Y S.S.50(]. \\!low ix';1roorn Jo11·r1', in very ll"ond lg fen~ yd, deadend SI. L" • ,. r t ntal ;irea Now fullv le;i<.- 1 . . 1a 1~on .... o 6~6-07~2 . · • Clore to l!Choo s, \\l's1chff · f'd _ Good groll'Ul Jl<:ltcntiaJ. Pl;iza an'a. S2S,500. &1'1-57!11 N t H . h 1210 s.19.5l>~ Ll nE EXTRAS: This 1s 11! ;: ewpor 119 ts BURR WHITE hPrlronrn~ 2 balhs, onr block SPACIOUS REA L TOP.. 10 &·bool , Park Pool. Br 3 Bdnn & fa1n1!v 1'1\1 Lg,., :'901 NrwPQrl Blv1J..;.: B. ~I .1 11 you c11mr'. 011 nc1 s. liv. 1~11, stont' · f1·pl , · \\'/11 67J-~630 6·!2-~'..'S:J Eves. . ...i~1--llJ31 ep!.~. O\'r r h11. nr~. \\'rll ==========~ 1306 i\SSU MB L..ara:e 6'.o loan kept C~r1Jrn ~"ttinr:. ~~.~.00'.l Linda Isle 3 BR·D.R. 2 Ba1h 0\\'NER • BROl\E!t ---------- Veteran's Sacrifice WOW! Bl'.:ITER LOOK QUJCI': 2 slory Cnral ShOJT'.~ 4 hllro1 3 l:i<•lll ·1-~rp;i)'atr ]itlllily l'OQnl, 10 111onths 111·11'. (;''• '' lnan. ll ur;I' Jot. Try J O~Q. do1\'ll -pnce $J2,000, K1t•lla R•alty 847-6061 V.A . Loan Assumption 11.i th S 1.f'llXI Total D•i11•n pay· mt'nl for !Jll.' 6r, ;i.nnual G,1, lo<i11 J~ Sl:J-' N (1 h1(1d1·n C0~1~, Clr11 11 .1 Brdroon1, reatl}' ror .-w1·11pane_1· Til'c, gor~l'OU.~ h:i.rh~. ,·;irpc1~. drarw.s 11iroughout. DL1u bl<' gan1g1•, 'fwn pa1H1S, Clo~·· to ~<'hqn] ~11rl ~linpp111:;;. See- ing '' l>!'l11•1'111g WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7687 Ed1n;:-"r ~ i'.]. ·11."" Oprn 111 ~ r~J --FHA Ass11u1,d 1\r 71 J ·, laan p~y­ <1blf' ~~1,: Pf'!' ninn tli 111rlud inf: P J 1' 1. 1(1 ('\"f'l)'Onr 3 BR ~ h111h, 6 mo11lh! rilrl E.xprnsl\'r fltl'pc'fll1i::, pilt\O_ \V11lk !11 21 «r'1'o~ p~d". J'll<1.)· gro1111~1. : s111n11n111::: l)()nl~. goll COU l'~f'. l.A!W du"n Pil)• nirnl. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I 673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 CASH TALKS 52:),950 646-2-414 LINDA 1~1,, l"t for :-air by P.cc-rnlly R"n1oclf'l~ 3 HUGI:: bl'&. dn, 2 Ba. rrplc. ownrr. ~:12.:100 pl u~ lr ai;I' T"x Halt' Really 646--7724 bl1n~. crpls, llrp~. $j()()Q dll· pay mr. or S·l300 J)('r yr;ir. Investment Income 7 UNITS, largl' 101 i ::~,;1(1:1'. r90m lo build :, n1orr S~J{l.l:~O Owner '11il! rttrrv l ~t TD. Well1-McCardl•, Rltrs. 1810 Nc wpol"1 Blvd .. C.l\l. 54&-7729 fi4 1·068~ f'VrS 3 BR '!. l,>:"tlh home, t'oriier lot 130:<180 -adrl ~ n1ote unils. Dn\'e by 1:11;) Santa An• Ave. tht'n c.-ill ilania Eralty &1Z.fi-j6\) 5 BEOROOM $35,950 "Family room, J b;ilh.~. bu1lL 111 kllchen. Deep ptlf' 1·11 I"· pl'lill,~. llllge t•ovr1"d p:'li lo, l~!ectnc aara.gr d,".i opl'n· rr. Sprinkler~. ~11~ 17Jt1 TARBELL 2955 Harbor LOWEST PRICE!- 4 BR. Condo in Bluffs Lovely greenbelt vh.•\11 & r'IC'ar swimming pool5. $19,500 Delancy R•al E1t•t• l828 E. C.oast Hwy, CdM 673-3770 BEST BUY 3 BR. pool, frplc, S24.!l50, A.,,,. MU1Tir 6',,, VA loon. Pyramid l:.XChilTI$!<'•"•- !\l'..ALT!JH .HS·!l.'ill!l E1'1•1.. '.'i>I(}. r ,l!I :1 BR 2 BA, (11ni1ly nn, P r<'lf rj<'tnr . 11 1 yr •))fi .~lnt ~-011'1. $32.~. 113$1 Fleet Lri.., llB 011.•nrr fi1fl-i.l~. Y 01 • tL'R 3 B B -ovr·ln c Rt 1 , Sl ip capac11y for 2 60' bo111~. B \Ne.. . • r .. l~ a. '" . asey ) ~1 f' 1 1 A rl 3 bdrn1 hon1C', Jll)Vd Iloors. L•r. Jrnccll yd .. cov. paho. 63.'>-314,, · -' I. wa er ront. pprove •· plan~ Included. nlcr <'ptsl drp.~. li:-lot. Oosr Closr 10 school.~ & shoppina. Ir. ,,11-1n ,1·ho..ll , S2.\,7i'lD FIJAi S2J.~iOO. J.18-1992. N•wport Shor•• 1220 fi l2·64S_t --"' ___ :i 1~1~~6 VA OJ\, O\\'nf'r 1nov111c iioon & 5ay~, '"S"ll no"·:.. BY 0 1\·1lt'r -3 BR .. ~Iii _Ba, e REDUCED $J oooe lido Isl• 1351 II R I lrp!c. fain nn. lmagmation. · _ Fu •r e a ty 546-0814 on treed lot. Assume 514 ,, If you ncerl .•great Januly OUTSTANDING -4 Bedrrn ! + Gue1t Rm FHA. Total $23.500. 642.-823; hoine, i;ee Uiui. one~ Lge. Uv. LI DO BUY rm. plus Jge. party rm.: 4 . . ., Mesa Verde• Br. 3 Ba .. kitch. blt·ins. 1~g Channin.R: 3 Br. & " b;i, $24,950 M-'•~•-•-V~•_rd_•'----'-11~1~0 Blk.'i. to he11ch. Fee simple, ho1nc, Fam. rm .• frpl, in n utET cul~e·••·. '. BR. Sl6,:l00 Equity $49.500 J\tay n1str. -~u1tr. P1·0~·1ncuU de-/la.rd to find a value likr this "' L " • • C(lf". $.J.J,OC<I. 1U1ywhrrc but in l\lesa Vcrdt-2 BA custom C:rpls "'-drps. consider trade. LIDO REAL TY INC it's a rarity! 2 baths. Built· __ s_v_o_i_v_NcE_R_._"-'c.c1·c"c1c6_1::-;:;•0°,'~V;;N..;E;;R"°'64&-=-;c'""~':C•:;...-I JJn Via Lido 67.~-7:ioo ins. rovr1.,.d patio. ~140.17'20 4 BR, 2 BA .i\lcsa }lighland1. IMM ACULATE 4 Bdrm-~-~-~~~~-- TARBELL 1955 H•rbor Pr 1 n ri p a I ~ only. BY SJ:'i.9::.0 or yearly Lse $3'75. B••ut1ful l1yfront , "-I•·."''" Wo•l•d O\\'NEP.. S26.900. :>4r.h3638 F'r11nk iltarshall Re a 11 y ~~eryollf' loves 1 Ne1v Homr~ ., vn ~~·· " " 67j....CGOQ .,.·lect colorli. eh:. NO\V, :i \Ve ha.vr 11. larii:r a11ractil·e. llll Bd . 41;. ha . Din. rm. & la n1. Coll•o• P•rk wrll loCii1cd o!llC'r 1.., J:Tt.'11.l I ·--''--------'-"-'IDover Shor•• 1227 rn1. Jj'/ Loi, pler / s\Jp. 11el!u1g •.iris. \\le. '1"11 "1 greai Mother-In-Law? $2'.?j,OOO. pcoplr '"ho al"f' r n1p,11thi1-. . . lrrepl•cable Vl•w of R. C. GREER, R•alty tor lull 1i111r-. fi11r 1111111<' ~11" ct1 11 _rri.,~ 00 hrro11n p11-BAY & MOUNTAINS! .~:i.-,~. Vi11 L111o 6i~-9300 galo•.s. Call Ti in Thu1111t~ ''HT•' su1t f' •l'llh pn1·11rr b11lh, U 1 " Id . ·\d" t --LIOO LOVELY--67.-,..7223 You 'll sllll have plenty ot n quc 0 \IOI . (•on rin· Riddl• & Ross Re•ltors roOnl for thr res1of1hr fam. ~rary,~..;:~rcutJif•t 4 t•81XP.11~1· l BR. -I fltm1ly rn1 .. ~ b11.ths J · h 3 bed 2 b h nvnie JV\1\1 ICJ, • • 1· &. a kitchen 10 "live in." RARE HOME 1 }' 11·11 ' roDf?S· at ~ 4\4 B.A + m1ids qtn Ideal 4Cl rt. on ""iidr. street. &· enonnous fam ily room 1 · · Ea · · Bring money • buy beau!. 3 lUll doubl B"''l y ·ill or e.nlertainmg. 5Y m&.10. Quality constn.1ction "·· ,. 0 ho P e e. ou"" lmmed occup Furnl1hed W IL RI 675 200 Br. 2 ba. ~t .... u me. apprtt!a.te this home nestled 1178 000 A · 6~c.>: loan e ~.,. ty. ·5 Cond, ~lier tl\an new. Fin. in Q'Uiet and elegant Collt>at Bo 'lsi2 ~ums:s.n: · J.l66 Vla Lido, NB Open Sun. a vail. $39.500. Park . WeU wt1f1h $32.850. >: . ' BEST BUY CORBIN-MARTIN 546-2111 TIME fOR foe I''· family. MO<l•m 2· REAJ~TORS 675-166'2 Sty, 4 Br. + conv. den. 30.16 E. C03~1 l~"'Y·· CdM Din. r m. D1-anu.t1c. entry. $26,950 QUICK CASH O•ily 1 Y>"•. ol<l. 116.:iOO. c.u 15 x 31 ' PATIO lor 1pp·r. Pnr~ 1111~ l:rf¥n ~l11 sned Sl ;,,)() THROUGH A \Yall<,er Re~lly 6i.'~'.?!i76 bv 1 n1 n~ll'rrrd ow 11Cr. Twin N•wport Beech 1100 ATT RA CT IV~ 2 13R 11i<"Nl IK~d11i(Jn1~. 1 ha t h !! . DAILY PILOT 1!'tn1odeleO. Ownl'r 1v11I rnr- 1000 !Ml, 11. •lf J1111n11' ButH · Bluffs prln1e. on Bly Locaf)on. it lge loa.11. No prun!~ in'>. ;)1().1720 2 bd~. 539.roo cau 6t4-:?259 WANT AD S4.J,;,(JO Phil s u I l i v an . TARBELL 2955 H•rbor eve~/wk~nds. 548--6161 '------- Ownef'" Transferred- Sharp ~ ~tnry J hdnn 21"' bath, Un ('Ql'lll'r l,il, Carp- ets drap•'i;, all hu111 -1ns, for. nial dining roon1, ,.ervice POrch, fa mily roo111, A.s.sun1e 6';( GI lo;1n . pr\,·r S3.'i.900. Paul Jones Realty 847-l:lGG EVI'. 8·1i·~19 TR/\Dt: u1 your boat, trailer, camper or 2nd TD on I.his vacant 2 BR Scal1a.ven Hon1e. CJ loan !O takr over, At s2t.:i00 ii hig, big b11rg11in. Rex L. Hodges, Rltr1. 841-2525 Beach Home 2' BR, erc:n. "c11• i·pts 1lrp!<, Irplc, living roon1. Min ing roon1 , 8l'1trr hurry'. Pricc- $23.~:iO. 01~111·l"IAi!I. 847·l:Jl9 or 2 STORY 3 Br, 21, Bil, fonnal din rn1 . Br au t lndsc~ C()J'll. lot. detach. pr., lrg rec rm. t.lany ex· tre!!. By ov.'Jler. $39.950. 342.m i BY Owner f>lllf' or le3se/op. lion, Rf'ducC'd rrom $2S.500 to S'.!i.000 2 ;i, olrl , 4 Rr, 1~ .. Ba hon1c, fill fo!lns, crrit~. rlrps, lall(!s1;11 p111i::. ('l,l~trin1 C«ln l' ~h;ol;" r[)(j f !~;1.."lll-12 -------BY Q,111cr· i\lov1n~~I ll.N'Q. l\IUS1 5('1[ ~ Bfl. 3 )T~ old Tn1.n~l1>r11blc 6 1: '' n-tA loon. $34,950. 962-7673 $100 TOTAL You. G.l. Bu}'Cl'S, hC1'e ls an oppo1·tunity. Use your bene. fqs 011 thts Sha!'p 3 Brdroom California P..ancho. 2 Li.JXur· lous b a th s. "Har.-Jy,·ood" Iloot'S, U~cd brick !1repJacc. Separate' '"18 .X Zl Fan1ily Room''. Gorgeous n1odcrn kitchen. Seller has tra11s fer- r~d house is vacant and he will pay all your cos ts. We'll see ii youi· qualllied on a $24,500 sales price. Ca:ll! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES BAL ISL., g-rad stu. or col· lege grad lo share nu 2 BR. S90. 675--:1915. Co•t• Mei• 2100 __ ...::..;;:.; SHARP l BR condo. pool, e tc Comp!. furn. Avail inl· med. $22".) lse, Agt. 545-3658. N•wport B•ach 2200 BAYFRONT cottage SllD mo. 11·intcr rental only, to l or "l adults. Bayshores "frailer p11rk. 616-2634 BLUFFS, 3 Br .. very clean. Patio, pool, dbl. gara~. Year's lease or shorter. S350. mo. BROKER 644-1133 BLUFFS; lovely -i Br, cpl5, drps, lrpl, pool~. \Vlk to · stores, school. club, p1-rk. No pets. 675-4497 or 644-0-14!1 OLX Ccndo's W/poo\ Ir frplc. 2 BR, 2 BA. $250. 3 BR, :l BA. $273. Liaison 646-0732 LEASE Nov. 1st, 3 Br. 1 Ba, , crpts, drps, near-3 schools, len ced yd, >:I n t ' Walker & Lee Balboa 2300 neighborhood. S21J. 646-9549 . 768"2 Ed1ngt-r 842-4455 Open ti[ 9 LEASE, FURNISHED $250 YRLY Jse, Back Bay, 3 . BR. l~~ BA, 1600 sq fl. no Pi\f Peninst.tla, 4J' bay Jrontai;e . /fl :z.s 5 pet.'!, refs required 833--3430: LO /LO DOWN ;A o;~·s i;1v~%~;er's ~~s: 3 BR. 2 Ba. A-Frame. Neat R ing rm \V/shower. Front all beach. Yrly Jse. $275 mo. epossession! glass. Dishwasher, disposal, CaY'o'-'ood Rlty 548-1290. 4 Bdrms/2 Story :? refiig, separate freezer, :o=='==="======·I !\cw l'pt/palnr. C\.ll-de-~ac Db! oven. electnc stove, N•wport Heigl,ts HAFFDAL REALTY separa1e broiler & rotisser- 3210 842-4405 ie. Laundry rm. Automatic BY 0\VNER: 4 Bdnii. 2 Ba, garage npen<'t'. )'early or winter. 67~-~009. fain rm, bltns, drps, shag 3 BR, ·2 Ba, healed frplc. S300 lease 21~: 421-16.14 East Bluff 3242 . o·i•pts lhru-01,lt. 1 yl' old. on SMALL 2 Br hse. trplc, 1 blk cul-de-sac. Near sch J s, ocean/b11y. $200 yrly Jse. bches. shop'g. Completel.y 30~ L ;';!, 642-3392 or NE\V 2700 sq II 3 BR & fam lt>nced & landscaped. ln1· 67fl-::Ofl8 t-ves. rm, 3 Bi\. 01vner"s lux apt. 1nae! See a! 21542 Archer 752 Ainigo!'I \V1y. $475. Circle. 3·10,00'.l. 968-156{ Lido l•le 2351 67;)-j(l33 NE\V Execu!111e Luxury I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;:;:;;;;;:;i, I l3~Bi(R~f~oi:<nn;o~c'jp1'arUU'ii~yJ!u;;;;:<n~;:Oat home.4/5 BR's,3Ba,3car LIDO ISLE "Bluffs". S385 mo •y rly . gar. Assun1e GI: no points, BAYFRONT 675-7225 1 \1·cck escrow. 847-016.l Beautifully furn. 2 Bdrm. 2 RIDDLE & ROSS 2 ST\'. 2j()[J sq ft , 4 BR, 3 Bath plus Oen hon1e Pier BJ\. \Valk to be.ii.ch & schoQl . & s lip. R1n. lor ·to." boat. Sell at FHA appraisal. $550 PC'r n1on!h, Conslrlrr :::1naller hoinC' 1n Kathryn Rallls!on trade. 9312 }ludson Dr.. .......... H.B. 962-743,i 3 BR & convertible flen. rorn1;;il din rm, c.-ovr..rrd Coldwell, Banker & Co. pall•), lovely g11rdcn 11·/l\sh 550 N•wport C•nl•r Or. pond & 111aterfall. F inished Newport B••ch, Calif, garagC' doubles as gam<' r1n. i\fany c:<tras. FHA 3~t ~(. Jn. 133-0700 644-2430 Owner. ll47·4ffi'2. Founta~n Valley 1410 3 BR, 2'~ Ba, fam rm \l'i?h 11•C't bar, C'.~r;cpt1ornil k11 - •·hcn. drps & crp1s. lgr patio, rlosc 10 schools, ri1any ~tr11s. Ass,,mc 71 ~·; Gr. 17~:1.8 Live Oak Circle !!68-7136 Out Of State 1608 ~39~l f ull Prier S AC. Duchesne County, Ut"IJ Trf'C'S, c·losr 10 nr w lak". xlnt hunlini::. fish & 1n- VC'st1111•111. 644-418:i Lagun11 B•ach 1705 FOP. SAL!:: by 0111 ner . Sa1:1•1fa·r. lr1111ing f n r ~:uropr 1111 ni r clta1 r \ y, C11sln111 huLl1 11ood & glass house. Oet'<Jn & ca11~nn \'1<'11·, 11'<1!1 lo w9 !1 1·ru·prl1n;.:. lq11ll-111s f..· f1t'f'p!at·r. 2 Bl'rlroo1 n, ~ Balhs. Unique ,·ons111.lrhon. OP.EN HOUSE :-:a1 & ~un 1 1 ·~i. 11eckrla ~'S :d1 r1· ~ :i~4 !\11ran1a1, Lag. 1-i«h. 1\'J.!-3066 HANDYMAN'S Special! 4 Income unils 120 yrls, to beach. Pilhos, deck~ 1v,.-ot·ran view. Nd~, pa int, rtl", :'hn11 l!I gt\Jl\s S9.f.IOQ yr. Pr Sti9.~n. Consider tradr~ )lt~"ION Hf:,,LT\' ·1!14-Cl7,)l COA:::'TAL VlF:\\': 'Trrr1r1c· Joan asst1mptir1n' Jntcrc~t ralr clocsn 't 1n- ITC'il~r : 11-0 prunfs ~ Brlrm~ . l111n1ly rn1. 2 bath~ .. ~ year.~ nld Rrrl\l\'Crt tn :'i·ll .. 100 Pl.AC~; Rf.'AL1'Y 49-1·971}1 * Fuvn 4 BR, 3 BA. Con ten1p, newly dee. Bllns. Avail 1\0\\'. Yearly. t714l 624-7109 Balboa Island 2355 2 BR t fam1 y roon1. \\'intcr. $183 n10. ()lvner • tli:.-149& KtNlALS HousttS Unfurnisslied G•neral 3000 CLEAN 3 Bedroom, l bath, nice aN"a. Im n1 c rt i a t e Possession! P.easonable SJ6.1 month. \VALKER & LEE. 2790 Marbor Blv('f . at Ad11 ms, 54:>-9491 Op,._n till 9 p ,\) \VORKING Couple, clea11 k q uiet, w • .apt. r a i ~ e d (Obt;d-tra1ned) dog wishrs 1 or 2 b1', U11fllrn hse. or apt. in Nc11 port Beach,, C.~1 .. J-llg_ n rh . IP1•e[. Nov I ~ s1 1~-s r:.o. S42-'.l7JG · 3 DP.,, Atnu1n. in o d c I towntiousr. Choit'l' greenbelt r n(I unll Av111!. N!\v. 1. Yearly !ease $.)00 mo. illtkr, ag1·11t. 67:i--13!12 $140. 3 Bn, fl'ncd )'d, Children &. fll'IS 0 .K. Con\'e- nient location. B r oker a.14-G:iim $85. l BR 1luplrx. Sto\·c. re!r1!;. llvall now. Bkr. 5.14-ti~J8() $1 7."i. ~ C!.. Vc11erd yd for children f..· pct.~ IJal'. Nice loc Rkr, 6·1:>-0111 $90. 2 BR ol(Jcr tn\t ~2:r-\\"ill con~1dcr prt ~. Avail 111:1. Broker :134-69~0 l ao OJ-:G f':Ef'~-vlE\\I LOT o! whi!c 11"atcr &.· co<1~tln)I'. Costa M•1a 3100 small but lcvr! S7,9~JI) 11•i1h 4 c:.:.:Bcl::o..C.RCOCO:,-,-,-.,-,,-,,-,~.,~h~ed~. SJ.()O{I (lown, bal al S.S;i mo Builtins, lruit trees, cul de i\11 due 3 yrs. Broker t 2 58.C 01, $ jt) per ITIO. •lf\4·1(37 197-1021 Including gardener phone • LEASF./OPTION * Xln\ 1rrn1s 1ot' 1h11< :1 ~T. olrl :1. Br .. 2 b.<1. llo111r \1'/01.:ca.n view. Call for l!'.>rnts, PLACE; REAL TY 49~-9704 l'aguna Niguel 1707 L•gun• Nigu•I Terr. Nr111 2500 sq, ft. 3·4 &. ~1 Br. homei; in ocean view an"B-. Carpeted. fron\ l11fldscafl('d, with sprinklers: bltn.,, self. cle:u1ing oven; 3 car garage, S;}S,i:-,0 To S61.9'5'1. E.-<ceUr.n! finan(:in1<: wil h cll'l"]ining Jn. l('J"C:Sl rate fron1 711 '-~ to G·'\4': . Laguna Ni9U9I Corp. 4!19-\J~I ;147.7751 D11n1 Point 1730 s.1;...1s49 LARGE BR. sto1·e. & refrii:. nice carpeting, drapes. Utilities pa i d. (JnJy. Agt. 642--1771 2 BR house, le~d yard. S9J mo. 2220 D Placentia. • 89J.nn • 2 BR , I bath Eut r.ide, $11:1. CO\lples only. 233 C Co~ta Mfsa St. 673-171J. 2 BR ho11se. $165. mo. 38!'.l Rochester St., C.i\I. • 6~5-.18 t8 * 2 RR·NP. UCL $1fi0 mo. Children & p<'I~ OJ>:. 200:il Cyprr.ss. :MS-'.'il~·I $l4-0·S;\1 J BR. No 11:arage. Fenrrrl . (hildrrnlnets ok. 2001 Cl1arlc. ;>48-50 14 * COTI AGE. l BR. All utll pd. N~111 c-rpt~. drps. $14:1. No pets. 54:l-6294, ;J46-~ BY O\\'NER • Large h1ll~kle Dup. OVl'-rlooking new Dana Point J\larina. Ex. ocean vitws. 2 bdr. upper. 3 bdr. \ourer. Approx. 1200 itq. ft . Mit• V•rde 3110 each unit. Very good firian· :.;.;.._;_._::.:.:.;. ___ .:.;.:.: ('ina. Call • 49&-591.4 F'OR LEASE 3 BR 2 BA $223. Sharp! Sharp! house. ApMtments ~F_o_,_S_•_l•---~1980 NE\\' rli;>i;i:11n! 2 Artr. hl'f'illh· 1.1k111i:-hav v1f'w 11·/boaT rlrn ·l;111t", All hll·1n· k11';hrn, 11/w ep1s 1hroughout. n111« ror 11·al1 . rtrps. halcon1 5,.l'11rity 1p111rrl,.d. N('wp w1 Beiich. \VlU 1nde. 8.18-:>460 Will con~htt r least/option. 838-63-11 ('\"f'!l 3 BR, 2 BA , fBm rm. dhl trplc .. rlrps. hltn~. aa.rrlnr incl 5:'.i.'i, l.<I l11st + dc:p. 545.:1i~~ THE StJN'~,~.,~,V~f~;R~S~f-·:C-S-" Cla~~lfil'rl "~ ~ChQn po\\'rr. for An 11d to J>Cll ;\J'O\Jnd the clock, di11rl 642-5678. Coron• d•I M•r l BR, stove. ~fria. rar. MW luxury crpts & drp&. $11$ mo-)Tly. 67>-722:'.i RIDDLE It ROSS 2 BR. uni. Relrl1 .. · cpts.., drape!. $240 mo. lea~. Corbin-~lartin ~l \VORKlNG Couple. ckan quiet. w-apt, ra~ ( 1raint!d\ clog 11.•i1ht'• l at br. Unfurn hse. or spt ln Ne\\'P(lrt Bearh, C.l\I., Hts. Bch. (Pref. Nov. ll S $130. 842-Zi16. RANCH. lreshl)' decor. 4 Bit, 2 BA. ln1med occupaney. $230. 968-6213 eves 1- \\"eekrnds. 4 BDRJ\!S 2 baths. !amli.y room. Clean vacant, ready fo1· occupancy. S240 I mo. A~t. 5.\6-4141 3 AR 2 ba, C'flt/clrp, blt·lnl, rclr, lrplc, 'lee. dr. opener, \~·atr.r :Soft. A-B R 11 y . 842---77i l or 12131 597-375.l. 4 BR Townhou~. Ne<1r beach. 2 pools. clubhouse. LEASE. ~.16-17!17 Hun tington H•r bour 3405 3 + STUD)', Sharp. U-.a!ll! ' \VHh o pt ion. Askinr S400/mo. FOUP~ ST AR nlty. ~~:>-4-122. Santa Ana H1i9ht1 3630 EXEC. home ~ BR. 3 Ba. ' Cpt.~. (lrp.'i., r h'.'<', blt-ins. ' $3:iO Incl. gardener 54fi-674l'I · 3705 YRS. l..i;c. No. L;i.,i::una at ttw occan. few :<.!ep~ to the beach. Vie11'. 3 bdr .. 3 ha., t.lost modern all built-in kit· chr.n. Large be11.med liv. rm. 111/lrg. lorinal din. -rm. Ne\\·ly p:iUfted and rrpred. $ll0 1no. 494-7331, (!14-9396 2 BDR., ex. cond., Vit>w, choice ;i.rea , sunny patle, m in. yfl. n111.in. $275 yr. lse. 494-1401. Laguna Niguel 3707 4 BR. 3 BA. 2100 ~q ft. I mile to pri beach. B I t I n r 11 n g e, oven dlahw11.sntt, vacuum !lystrm; c: r pt 1 , drps, sprinkler~. gude j !lervice. \\later paid. $325 • nio. :\1741 Isle Royal Dr. i' 496-\8i9 3 BR, 2 BA OOn1e. S2JO mo. I Pll(lne alt 6 p1n \1·k <lit1y1; i <'!nytime \Vk-eocls. ~1~S~837 1 Mi•1io'1 Vi1jo 370l 1 BEAUTIFUL view. 2 BR. l \io BA. Frplc, bltn bookcut , Crpts. drps. 837-8937, TIME FOii QUICK CA$H THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD I ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • I I l ...... --·-···· -··-------~~-----------··--··•1 .. ·--·~··--·-··-·--·"--······-····--··--·~··--·;--.---· ... ,. .... ....,..._.____.. ....... _..... ........... -.-.-----···-·--··-···-·------ It"~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.. RENTALS DAILY PILOT Aph. Furnished RENTALS Apts. Furnl1hed CLASSIFIED INDEX Newport BHch For '••t DIAL !'5enrlc• •~ i.1,.,, AalltaMe DIRECT 642°5678 SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT HOUSES FOR SALE OINllU.L .....•.........• , .. UM COIT"" MEIA ,,,.,,, ........ 11 .. MISA DIEL MA• .............. llM Ml!IA YEIDE ··-····,.·· •. 1111 COLLllOE PAIK .............. 1111 N .. WPOIT &llACH , ........... 11111 NEWftOltT HEIOMTS .......... 1111 &AL&OA CDYES , ........... lllS NIWPOltT INOlllil ........... lllt lllAILE ll PAIKS ~j IUSIHllS ltlNTA&. ........... .... Ol'l'ICI 111' ... TAL .. ,. ... ,. INOUSTlllAL PllOPl:ITY ..... .. COMMlllCIAL .,.,,,,, .. .... INDUITalAL llNTA&. •••"" 6"t o..OTI .... , ................. •t• llAHCHES , ........ -... -.. UM CllllUS GllOYll ............. '111 -,c.EAOl ................. ... RENTAL' A9ts. Furnished l BR furn, \\'11.ter Ii KM pd. ADULT only. $S5. 918 Palm, J-lunlin,glon Beach. 536-4678 or 536-4979 Oran,. County 4600 I RENTALS Apl1. H•rbor Hel9hta Four CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING 2 & J BR UNITS ~rida.Y, Octnhfr 24. 1 96~ RENTALS * * 5210 290."i fll[), cpl. E•1t Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e DAI LY PILOT * * IATClt lST ................ 1111 a.t.YINOlllS ..•..........•... lm DOYl!ll SHOR ES ...... ,.,., ... ,UJJ WESTCLIFF ........ ,. lut ltAllOll HIGHLANDS ........ 1111 IHllYEISITY rAlll( .. ,,.,,,.,.ltU 111.YINIE .............. ,.., .. ,. I)• &ACK JAY ........ ~ ........... 11" LAKI ELUNOlll .............. . lll:SOIT PIOPlllTY _ ...... _6JM OllANOI CO. PIOrllTY ..... 6tll DUT OF STATll PIOP. ,.,. .. ,.61M rr.IOUNTA1N 6 OllSIEltT ......... tlt SUIDIYlllON LANO ...... •211 l!IAL llTATE SEll'lllCI ..... "21' t .L EXCHANOI ............. ltlt All new 2 bedroom , 2 hath townhouses. Lux· urious shag carpet, full length drapes, red tile kitchens with built-ins. Over 1265 sq, ft. plus deck or patio. Pool, recreation building, next to \Vestcl iff Plaza Shopping. $240 per 1nonth -Adul ts only. MARINER SQUARE APARTMENTS SINGLE adults, I u x u r y l(arden apts. >A'ffull fi'Crea· tlon fat:Uitles It complet~ 11rl\'kcy. Sou1h Bo,y Club Aptt,. m So. Brookhur.rt, Anehrlm 11141 772-4500 a.JI 11·ith fi1·cp.lat°<'~. cl•shwashrrJS & 2 bat!l!'I. r..r ntal \l lanager • !\!rs. Chrisllcnsen 3117-A Clnn•mon Av•. Costa Me•• , .G.:. .. ;;;....,"'.:."o."'Gc.ro.:.•;.;ec...._"46=IOJ,.,~P~h:'1:0~ne~546-~l~OJ4~~ SINGLE Adults Luxury J\IERlllMAC \\'OODS ~ Br. 213 ba apt. !or lease lncl. spac. maslr. ~uitr., din rm. & dbl. garage, auto. door OJK'ncr avail. Pool .~ rrc. arra. Nr. Ca1hollc Church. Ath1lts, llO 1>cls. e ONLY $24;; e 86:1 A111ii;l)s \\lay, N.n . DELUXL :3 UH ,. 2 BA."""Lncl gar. i\lountau1 \ 1r11•, good Joe. 7j2 Amigos \Vay. 67~ .... :JO~l Wh•ddy1 Wint? Wh•ddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• i2ASTI LUFI" ................ llft 1•Y1NI TEt•ACE ,., .•.•• ., .. 11U ~. II. WANTl!D ... . ....• ,.,.,,.. BUSINESS ind FINANCIAL gan:kn apts 111th country An r xcilini: ne1v concept In club atmosphere and coin· hi:\.uriouli apt. living. 1·2 plere. privacy. SOUTH BAY BR., 2 baths with EVERY CLUB AM'S 13100 Chapn1a11 CONCEIVABLE 1-'EATIJRE. Ave., Gartl'n Grove (71-IJ 1st U11i1s 11.v11.il11.blr No"· lst. 636-3030. S1ar11ng at S140. Adul1s, 42j =========== / l\1erl'in1ac \\111.y (Ju~ East of S Lines -5 timn -S bucks lt ULE.5 -•O MUS T INCl UD[ CORONA OIL MAit ........... 11541 1244 Irvine Ave., Newport B•1ch Just North of Woatcllff Drive 1-W,_.I \'OU ,,_,,.. to tr•o.. i-Wr.11 vo11 ,.oft l tft tr.-. ULJOA PENINSULA ......... 1-l-lOUR. Pl)One •""'°' oaar,..s_ ._l tin•• .i aov1rll10na. &IACON JA Y ........ , .. ,_ ... 1• IUllNISS OPPD•TUNITllS. IMll IU51Nllll W•NTIO ..... 1111 INYfSTMINT 0.,.,.,..ftllin .. llll I-NOTHING FOii ~ALE -~R .. DES ONL YI UY ISLANDS , ............... lut '"IDO tlLE ............... 1251 PHONE 642-5671 l,ALl"A ISLAND _.,, ...•••• IUS tlUNTIHGTON IEA(:H , .. _ ... 1 ... HUHTINOTOH ltAlllOUll ••... IW INYISTMINT WANTliD ..... , I J1J MOHllY TO LOAN .............. m1===========-o=:::=:::======= Coron• del Mar 5250 To PlilCO Your Trilder'• Paradise Ad FGUNTAIN VALLEY ...... ,.,.1411 Sl!AL I EACH ................. 1 ... rlElllONSAL LOANS ............ 6Mlr JkWELlllY LoANs ............. U» General 4000 Newport Beien COLLATllltAL LOANS ..... ., •. 6Jl5 ,UNSET &IACH ..... , .... ,. ... 161 ~ARDE N GROVE .............. 117S fl:llAL lllTATI LOANS ....... ,ll4ll------~----MOIT9"01S, Tnnl D_.. .... U.S LONG IEACN .................. 1111 MONEY WANTlD ............ ,,»t ..-.xEwooo , ............... llM lltANGE COUNTY ............. UM OUT 01' COUNTY ........... ,, UM oYT OF STATE ., .......... , ... 1 ... ~JAHTON .................. 1111 "'EITMINfTIEll ........... .,.,.1111 MIDWAY CITY .. , ........... ,,.1111 ~NTA ANA ................ 112' IANTA AHA HOTS .... ,.,.,,, •. 16ll otlANGE ....... ,., ........ lllS rUSTIN ................. lMI NOITM TUSTIN ............... lMJ .... AHEIM ........... lut 51\.YEIADO CANYON ......... IUI LAGUNA NILLS .......... ,. .... 11DI LAOUNA llACN .............. 1711 U.GUNA NIGUIL ........... , 11D M15510N VIEJO ............ 11• SA N CLEMENTE --........ 1111 SAN JUAN CAPISTlllANO ,, .... Int Cl'PISTIAHO •EACH ......... 11U DANA rOIHT .................. IJ'M CAlllLSIAO ................... ,.11• OCEANSIDE ....... ,. .......... 11M SAN DllEOO .... .. ...... -.. Im llllYlltSIOI COUNTY -........ 1• HOUSIS TO •E MOVED ...... 1 .. CONDOMINIUM .-•· ........... 1911 DUPLEXES 1'011 SAL• ........ lt1J APAllTMINTS POii .. ~. ,, .,I,. RENTALS Hou ... Fumllhed OINlll•L ............... -llllNTALS TO IMA•• ......... -COSTA MlllA ,. ........... , 71• Mil.IA DllL -· ....... ,. ..... JMI MISA 'lllllllDllHI COLLI.I ,AIC ,, .... .,.,. ... 7111 N•WPOllT 11.t.CM ........... -NllWPMT w•TS. , ,. ........... ... Nll'#f'OlllT ................. -UTIMCNlll ,, ............. -00'111 ...................... -ftlTC&.lrP ........... -1MOVllltfTY ~ .......... -.,._ ,,,,.,.,_,. _____ ... n .... , ........... . ··--·· T..-.C• .......... -ce...A .............. .. .. ,~· : . ~· I~ . .. .. .. :..;., :. to. •.t• • .=.-... ,. _ ..... ....... ~ ==.t ... J!S ..........-i··91r ....... , ..... ,, • .. A .... C4ltllll • • • ,...,.;· .... 1.ANTA ....,. ,.. ••• . .., ..., WllTMIJIST•• . .• . , •• •, .. •• ; • _ MID'lrAY CIT'I' ., ..... ' T he GORGEOUS Ne\Y VAL D'ISERE ~~~·: .... ~-:.:. 1,~,. . ;. SANTA AM Ml...-TI ,. "" I ~.,.,_ -~. COAITAL .......... • :i "' o;oW .... . !.J 'iJ~•• ~ LAGUNA llACM ............. ......~ > U.OUNA NleUI&. .,.......... I l ~ "'91 ' • 11111s s10H vi•'° .............. -••aw 11 1 _ -· ... • ·-·ie-.... ~ 1;" M)"'"iir~ ... , ,_""' \f'9Cft . . .• _. ::-~: • .;.,;r 1 • . • " Jld . .., ... --~·~. ----.. - tAN CLIMIMT• ., .. ,, •.... .,... -•-IE<-"' IQ' • ., ....... • CAPllT•AHO ......... .. •Al • &-_._ 1&AJf ,..,..,.., AlJU. t ArlSTllANO IU.(N ,,.,_,, .. ...... -,.,_. ~ ... fY t .... " .. • .... al OAHA rOlNT . ., .......... -"IU ·= ~ "' ...... .& • "P CONOOMtHtUM .......... -....... WP I= ·• ·-,.,_ ...,,_ "J.\ &,, D•.a Shod. 470.5 2600 l!a1·hor Blvd. next to -"----------N111)('1~ CadlUac.I .>-t:t.WOO. PANORAMIC view overlook· THE VJCTOillAN ing Aliso Beach. 2 bdr & 3 Con1plcti11g Nov. ;_.,! bdr. furn. All f'I~. apt!!:. Brarod 1\C'iv 2 BR i 1 · BA !11ature adults No pels or S 1 ~ ' i · child.SJ9j&:$230.Callaft.6 J ~. ~dulls on l y . P)I 499-J1j,5 Crp1s-drps·_bltns. Sou n d · proofcd. pn gar 11•fJSlorage.. Sf.::'>1 l·FURNISHED cottagf' Fenced y1! 11·fpa!io. \\later !01· one person. $85 mo. ulil pd. Cardcncr maintain«!. incl. 494--4167 Call Sat & 667 Victoria SL 636-4120 Suri. MARTINIQUE LAP.C E l nch'. apt .• $\:JO. Sn1all h.~r . u11L, $200. Clean GARDEN APTS. $.: Close-In. Call 494-:!882. E>:C'cllcnt, park·like surround. 494-2821.. bigs for iidults only, Near 2 Bdr. furn. apt~,~ariult, no shopping. Pool. child. 336 Blue Bird, J..ag. l, 2 & J BR APTS Bch. Call 4~~7J7 l ffi San1a Ana, Apt ill RENTALS Apt1. Unfurniahed 5000 VEN DOME Bedl"OM\ Apartnicnl Pool • Air t'Ond itionu1:; Enclosed garai;:r, CarpC'IS &. drapes i.c~: 160 \\'. \\'Uson Bcdroorn~ a.ho avallabl~ 6-1&-5~2 or 642-1465 ORLEANS APTS. J BR avail. Adults only. 11~1 Tustin. Cos!a \\tcsa l\tgr. l\!rs. Carson, 6t!-4GU Fairway Villa Apts Near Orang~ Co Airport Ii. UCI. Adclt~ only, 20122 Santa Ana Ave. 54{).2796 NI::\V 2 llR. \\'{\V crptg . 1lrp;;. g1\r. pa1io t.· priv yard . Rrsp ttihilts. re!i; req, no Jl{"lS. ~17~> 1110. 376 E . 20111 i'lr. C~I. $160. :: BR, frple, pal in, crpld, 1lrpd, gar1111;c, 11,rlll11s , 289 O~lr. C. i\l 714 : 5-1&.-&301 or 213; '.>fl2-~227 p~T10. nr no pclJS. OUPLEX ll UNl'UltM. ........ Wfl ...... -p ........ •M 9QA 1'73-!')(.j SUMME• ••NTAU ........... tTOee ··~···.. w JI. "' ..... , ..... REAL TORS RENTAL~ C.UL ._.___, ·---.. .,._. flit.., .. ~ .... · r. Utll 2 BR, .1 ''.I Ba, I· i;hnpp1n11;. arlul!s, SJJ:;. 6\Z-2.".S9 • h-, ... ·--,_,,,_ 673-4400 DELUXE l bc<J ~m 'PL Apl1. Furn11 -....,...._. .... ......... m 1LL: L ,. a • ""t. 5Jl5..391J or , ,. 1 • 1 • GENlllO l. .................. , ... Nit ... IM.i ~ -••• r , ) " IJ lllll •JlllJZ, "' \Y rrp1 s "" COSTA Ml'SA .................. 11• :::i'=:. ..... ....... .... ....... ,_., ~)f I BR, l'Jllls, rlrps. i;11·imm1ni:: d~. f>.18-3481, 541)...-0l ~~I ::~~OVJ!~·~~ACll···::::::::::::~ liNT.-Ull .......... , ~ ... ~ aAOtfl.OR . Yearly, util pool. r.:ar1n:r. Adults. nO SPLIT·LA'vrl 2 RR. crp1<:, NEwroRT HEIGHTS .......... .n11 •••1'" MAC;. ... ...,....... ...,,,. ll"''W)'" Dint BAY ,.Id. D t:. Balboa Blvd, ,.,,.1s. fi~2·80-12 rlrp.~. bll i n.~ RIO. No pets. NEWPOllT SHDllE• , .......... 4nt ll!IUIKAL •I U ""' Q.l;"8 APfL J &I ,..... C.JI 613-6970 , .• wEsrc1.1FF ............ •m PIA .. ota_..... ........... ~ LG 3 an, 1 ~~ bi!. Ciit:-, drps. 2~'.°I i\11'ndo7.11, 5-1,;...~..i21 UNJYE•i1TT rAtlC ,. .. ,,.,, .. 4111 IADIO ........ ,,........... Nfwpm1 ..,.... IACK Jo y .................... 4MI TILl'llllKIW ·· ................ ff141 ~ L .. hie 4Jj\ CArpo11 &· pool. Kid~ OK. 2-28Jl. ii pt K. Responsible EAST ILUFI' .............. 41.-J Ml·:~ ·.~~~=·s·"'""""" 22!4 Cnllczr No. 2. adults. No pcts. COllO NA DE L MAil ........... lftN TA ··-..... . WATER.nu:wr N t IALIOA .................. CAMll:lllAI. ·~·••WT .... . e w p ' 1 er.. Util prl. Gar. 1 Adult. LAllGJ:: 1 Br apt~. $1 30 mo, For app'I. 54&--06!U ••Y 15LAND5 ................. 4JM HOl•T '~"= ............. Island. Bf'1ut. Ip. dupkx. l l"' 1 LIDO ISLE ............. 4U1 IPOltTIN ........ bu lnd boa no pelt. "" nlO Yl' y, ;\l('lia drl i\lar Ap1. 998 El $1 30 2 BR. upper, bllns, crpls, Jjlll,.IOA ISL•NO .......... 4155 ••NOCUl.Alll. S(CNl'll:I .... -.. wel • ry. prr, t 673--0IJT eve~. c . ~ c 'I °" "\"1 d I ~ w \Vil""" NUNT INGTON JIACH ............. MllC ILLANllOi.IS ............. doclr. \Vlnlf'r or '°'1cf'r. amino '"'· .I•. ·>1D-<r " rps. no pc JS,""" . .,., FOUNTAI N VALLEY ........... ,,. MIK. WANTIO .................... Adul'• no -ta. ~ 7861 or ATIRACTIVI:: 2 BDR.t'\1-.......,1~ St. 545--0760 HAL JlACH .................. oMJt MACNINlllY', •tc. ............ -... ..... .. ,.... H ti flon tie h 4400 ~· ... 'o========== ~ONG Jl ... CH -.................... LUM.Ill: ..................... ,..,,. fll05) 687-3384 un n ac 1Jrps bltin~. carport. Adult3.I' ~•ANGE couNTY' .................. sro•AGll .... "AiS"'""·:::1=c==-;c.~=,_=,,,.-= QUIET&. BEAUTIFUL No Pet.~. SJ.3:i !\lo. 548-6769 Newport Bo•ch 5200 ... ,',,'.'",,,',',',"IE .............. ~100, ::i';.~IN~-~~~~~-' ...... ::::::: BACHEU)ft Apl, ~n1plo)'('d ................ -adult only. $75. 1216 \V, 2 BR, pool, ut\J pd. $200 mo. Sl~Jt'l. 2 RR uni. Newly dee. YE ARLY 2 BR. Upper. r.,:~;' .... ~NC,:TY ······::::::::::!:: PETS •nd LIVESTOCK Balboa Blvd. 6 7 5 -7 ll 16, Adults only, No pets. 176i6 New crpt.~ & dpr~. Adults. S!ovr, rf'frii:'. drap es. 'ANTA ANA NllGHTS ......... IUI PETS ,G•NlllAL .............. -494--975.'i Cameron, 847·212:•. no pr1 s. 642-2:1:'1(). 5·11Hi116 Adult~. no pct~. Lcasr rcq. TUSTIN ........................ 4'4t CATI .................... -..... ..,.,"'='='========-'-'='=========~~=====-====== COASTAL ............ ,,.4, .. DOOi ....................... ,, __ ,_ $1 ~..0 lllO. ll'atrr paid. Cm1· LAGUNA l l'ACN .............. IJtJ NOllSES ......................... Gtiner•I .. ooo General 4000 Gener•I 4000 rile prr f. Call 67:..-2438 or see LAGUNA NIGUEL .,,,. .. ., •. ,,4Jlfl LIYISTOCIC .................... ... MISSION VIEJ O ............ 41• at 202 :lO!h ~1. Avail Nov 15, tAN CLEMI NTI .............. 4JU CALIFORNIA LIVING DANA POINT ................... ,... YEARLY renlals $17:i lo t111r Ll'X, etc ...................... Nu11:111111_1 ..-.,., .............. ttlt $©\\~}.i\-l!,£f}S" lo\OO. Furn. & unforn. Bay CONDOMINIUM ................ •st IWIMMINO l'OOLI ......... ,,,IMt RENTALS PATIOS ................. -..... 1tu \'ir\\'• Nr .. vpo11 Shore~ AWNINOI .......................... I IM Apt1. Unfurnished ¥ACAT1ow1 ................... ms Solv1: a: Simple Scrambl1:d WoTd Puzzle for 4 Chuc kif! Corona <" 1 Ar OllN ,... RED CARPET RENTALS cosr~•~1.1:sA"'.:::~:::::::::::::11" TRANSPORTATION O . 2Q27l ,V. Balhon, NB 673-3663 MliA VIII.DI' ................. Jn• IOATI. YACNTI .............. ~-ro~· lelle,, of "'• Nt:.Wl'OIT Jl!ACH .......... .,J2" JAIL&OATS .............. f011 fOYr Krombled w0td$ b• DELUXE 3 BR 2 ha. fl.1 1 Nl'WPOIT NllOHTS .......... 1211 POWEi CllUlllllS .......... ,.mt low to for lo r llmpJ.e word1 I d .. h La &. NEWPOllT IHO•I• ........... sm IPll.D-IKI IOAT .............. "' u ' bit-ns, S11WS r. rgc . WEiTCLIFP , .............. IUI IOAT TJIAILllllll _ .......... ,.. IS UN SEC hrlght. \Valk to hes.ch. Avail ",:,1~1.:~1TY.'..' .. '.~ .. ::::·.::::::: &OAT MAINTINANCll _........ Nnv. 5 $:.1j(), (2131 388-52:>5 or IOAT l.AUHCNINO ............ ,.,. II I l I I' ll!•ST •LUP~ ............ .,.IMt M•ll1NI! IOUtr. .. ...... ,MM 622-919,1, COllGNA DEL MA• ..... ,.., .. tul IOAT ILlr. MOOlllNe ,, • ., .•. tlU " • • '==.,--~~-~-.,--&AL•OA ... ,. .............. Ult •OAT s1 11v1c1s .............. ,.,, 2 BR Jo"·~r duplex, Nr ON'an. NEWLY COMPLETED 160 Arr('~ N, DakotH, 11hc11 t DUPLEX & l>arlry hul{I, ('xt·h11ng1· 101· 2 BR. '.! hri . ($2501 or J BR . O!'angc Cnunly 1~al e~1 11tc J ha ~$3l:J). Priv. p:itios, prr fr r i11co111r. • cov. ga1·ag1:s. Cpt'd .• draped, ~~011111. l1C'al!or fil2-."iOCO ccn1p. blt-in~. Bcs1 loc. 6(.0) ac Ulnh ncx1 10 A1r- 71X). 707 Or.:hid p011 & Htq:r r~crf'<1 110n ;:11'f'ft $S0 aerr. \\'ant 1.K';irh hsr or int"Ollli". I BR rear house. Stove, rcfrig. & r1ew carpets. 2 BR. 2 ba .• just con1plrtrd. Carp., drapcs, disln1•ashcr, bit-ins. ~71·0 4:~3103 or :i:r;.:16!1 J BR. :l ba. Brand nr11._ B!tin 4-0 ac. \V. Orrgun. l1111bo._•r di~hwashcr, cpts, drapes, l~d . $121\f . f/('_ C11n adtt. patio. \\•anL:_ Sml 111c~.11~r ~rop or Don Franklin Rltr. 673·2222 Sportfi sher to ~, fl!'. Own. er/Bkr i\lilr Hanson ~9-J.-9471 -72' Cl'uiser T\\'ill D. nu10 -..., pilot, range UOO n1i ; rrcent Q.. survey $401\f. \Viii consider IJ'Ust rlcccl or ~malle1· boat. ON ·rEN ACRES 011·ner (7141 729-J.Hlil. J &. 2 BR. Furn & Unium Cor(lna t!t'l l\Jar . giant puot, Fir~places I priv, patios / ~ BR, '2 B~. fl'jJ!c', in{lr h- J>ools. Tenni~. Con tnt'I Bkist, J>.q. L11'" in lJI' 11c1·f f\•r 900 &a Laur, Celi\! 611-261 1 leasing. \\';lnt: l11con1r 111 !i\lal·fl.rthur nr. Coast H11'YI Riv. 01· S.B. Cnl .v. 67:>-iUS'.I HAVE B-J lAG aCl"<'S. Oceari LARG.I:: 2 '~ Bit + 2 baths, \'1r1\', 21j 7 Pacirlc A~·r, Cos- b!k 10 bcal•h, blt1n slove & ta .\lrJSol. \\'ill tradr for TD's dish1\·hr. l'p!s I 1lrps. No or?~-01vner. t213J 244--3l01 pc!~. $23:i !Vlo yrly. 310 ~~ rvr s. 1'..'l.1! 24&-0700. ll·is. 57;.,..ari9 12 acrr Count1)' !::slate 3 Br, ADU LT living. At1rncl\\'C 2 l Ba, l.11:1:.16 pool, hOl'SCs or Bit apt. Tropical setting. uniL~. :!Ol\l l'qly. \Van! beach Benni. P,.1.lio. :.1 blks lo o<:ran. prop, lncrJn11' or ? S\9~1 1110. ll7J-8jj(j or 673-4841 0 1vnl'r :J31-7G36 t'\'t:.~. i\lt·~. Ca~ry Agt. f11't';ulia • 7 ]J!(' dl~ apts. ~· Hit, fqilc-, \'1·pt, (l11J.~. ~1·11· 1.rw . fl1rpl1tcc.~ . 3 halrony. b:\\Uldry r111 . .c>o_ n l c;u· 11ki; r :1. Trodr C'Qlli!Y Ill\'~', ~.22 llt•l1olruf'('. A1·11il for 11h·un1r vr 110n1r. Nl.'1'>'· Nov. l::i. $200. 67:1-:l&l:i port Be:u'h. 116·b'i l:S * Huntington B•ach .5400 5998 Tustin IA T ISL.ANDI ................. SUI &OAT llt!NTAU ............... MJI I f" I I I LIDO llLE .............. s111 IDAT CHAITl'll ............... ~ CA •. E G I m c. g"rat:r, crp s, 1 rp.s, •ALJOA ISLAND ........... WI FHHINO IOATS .............. ,.. • . bltin~, $17~1 yrly. RI?' ~~~:~!f~0~ .. ~~:~N .:::::::::= :~~ m~i::1 ·::::::::::::·:·= j I I l I" drenratrd. 311 36t h SL 1213) Tll~: A~Pf.N~ Sl!AL llACH ................. kJI IOATS W,lNTll:O ............ .,MM . 21S--192\. 1;..Gj2 \\'lllia111 $1. LONG l lEAC N ............... llW AllCIAl"T ............... n• TU!itin's Ptt~tigc addrrss 01tAHO E couNTT ............. MM PLYING 1.1s10N1 ............. nM A TV od 1 h RACHEi.Ort. ap', employed OA1to1w ••ova .............. u11 Mo•1L1 NOM11 ................... I" AME H I nll!w m e os just 1 1 17• 1116 \V Adull living, no pets w1stM1 HsT1• ............... u 11 MOTOll ttoM11 ............... m1 " been marketed. It · ls sixteen adu t on y. •1· · · St MIDWAY CITY ................. Nlf llCYC&.•• ................ nu Ball:loa Blvd. 6 7 5-7 8 7 6. iag carpets SANT• ANll ..................... 11L11ct111C e.t.•s .............. fttl J I I I inches wide, but only one Inch' ; Total nlr mnd:tioning SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ............. MINI llkel ............ ,,,,., ft11 h' h II · ,_ f I 491-97j Unl•n•ni~'--d TUITlN ........................... MOTOllCYC&.Q .............. '* 1g • II mouw Of" peop e 2 BR " g• C/O . u• "'"'' co11.1T.aL .................... tne MOTOascoon111 ............. with defeclive . _ end , -4' "• • patio, Gymnaslum11 i1r Sauna~ LAGUNA &l:ACH ............... NI AUTO SlllYIC•• a , .. ll:n ....... I rrplc, ~lshwhr. Nr Westcllfl A-nme.nts lrom $1:.0 20"'• RETURN LAOUNll. N1ou1&. ............ 11W AUTO TOOU • 1eu1P ........ '411 TUY RIP squint. 1200 -" IAH CLIM INTI .............. m• t•Al&.111:. T•AY•L. ........... lilS ~--,...-................ -.... -i .... Comp!. th ftuc~I quot9d Pit. 1665 I r vine. . . For h1form11Uon ~T J.AN ~UAN CAPllTll•llO ...... Im TllAIL••s. UIHltr ............. MM I I r I' I' .,. le I c • Adull1! For Appl Ml--0219 1======°"====18 . 2 BR un1!11 1n Coeta l\1e.511 DANA rorNT .. .. ....... ..,.. CAMPlll:I .................. ,,.. by 11111~ In !he Wlllllng WOtd. 0 A &; 23rd REAL ESTATE, TllUCKI ......................... you dwelc,> from .d9p No. 3 h.low. 2 BR uppt!'r. crpts. drpa. lquna leach S70S 1lt'll l' l'tlnge v,. General ~w: • .:"i1ilTAU ............ = A Pl!INf NUMafRfO II r r 1· I' I' I' I' I ~In\'' &: refrl1. $160 yrly. St.rttt. $15.000 do\vn. Con· r111 1r1.1 11, etc ..................... DUN• IUOOlll ftH v ''"'''IN s~· ,,, 67~ 100 CLIFF DRIVE lacl Larry Pllster. Pe.ti' CDHDOMINIUM ............ ,,,. IMPOll:Tll:'O AUTOS ................ -.n1A • . Be.~tt HrAlfy 6<12-43.l3 tEHTALs WANTSO ........... MM sro•T CA•• ............ 11 $1Stl l BR, 11~ BA. Crpts.1~=°'""=.,,..~-"""-~ llOOMI Pott ••NT ............ .,,. AMTIOUll, cu1uc1 ....... :.,.11 A UNSCl!AMBlf LETTfll:S I I I I ., I I I t Newport H-'s. 5210 rlrp.!i. bl!ln~. View of ocean. NEED J'&1'll1l'1' ,,•1th ~mall IOOM. I OAllO Jftt llACll (Altl, llGDI ........... "" v fOR ANSWER •• \\lillkin• dlsr:inr, to IO\\'O, lnvrMn1rnl. lo l"'mpl-10 rr.IOTELS. TllAILEll COUllTI !Wfl IUTO IVllllTI ........ ,,,. ... HH v ' GUEST HOMES "" •UTOS W•HTIO ......... ,,,,.,,.. 1$160. DUPl.EX, 2 Br, frpl~. Al~ fu1·11 n11chr l(1r. vrry purch11.11e of lncor'rlr prop. ·~·~c.11 ENl AL1 ,...N11:wcA•1 ................... ·-----.. -..... ...,, 1 1 , , r 2 27·2 tNCOME Pllor••TY ........ .--UT<' 1.1•11Ne ................. 11 SCRAM-LnS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION SOOO " ns, rrp1~. {rps. 11:11.rg. larar. 110, '1 1·~41 ur nr 1ax 1av1ng.!i. &I -1.i'. 8U51N£S5 rA,OPEITY 116,_ IJllD UllS .... .,.......... .... p11t ln. 67:>--J70R llf!'r 5 4!).\.530.l nkr Income Property 6000 ,. lh11••• ~l'O'lll'lt1•·~. real 1n1'rst. 1111•111 nppnrtunlly_ SAO,O<Xi v:i l. \1'111 t1·adc all or pa1·1 frw hnn1r, u111!s, T.D.'1 or ? ? Ownrr 616·800-1. Largf' lot, upper Back Bay, r ul·dc·SB". Grannda \\'~y. 3:l!l.2JO rlca1". Suhn11t aurQ, tn1ck or 1•;1n1per, Perron H1•alr.v r.~2-l'in ---~--~-~-1 11 .\VE .''6 atTc !railer si!c fn•c ,t· clr. Ila~ sll'f'am 1h1·u. 11·:111t unit~. housP. TIJ's 01"?? ;,:incy J . i\loorc Bkr. Ii 11-ioOo. ~1 ACRl::S n car PAL;\! SPHGS, n111st sacdlit:e S7-.)(I rqul!y, hal:int:."E'-$~0 n1o. \\'ILL TR.ADJ-: Jnr nio!orcy- clr. or ? CALL 536-1131, NE\\lPORT llcighcs homP, 3 BR, 2 BA, DR, nook, ' ~iv pot("h, dt•n, 2F/P, 2000 ~IJ. rr. Tratle 11 1,000 e<t. ror i\<:i'C'ilgP/2nrl TD'.'I', j.l,'l-9821 T\\'0. 150' lots heart or l'all11 Dr.~c-rt , you c·ao b11i1d l!i u. s:r •. OOo 1'q11ily, trade few units Ul' c111111n'I N.B. 01' {' ,\J, Own<'r 6i3·3048. ll i\\·i,; ,·lrur H·I lo! clo~c. 111 L,1\. Value $14.000. \\'ant ncal' ncw a11prox. '.!ll' Cz"Uis. r r l'rcfrr T. ~-C. B. F. G. S."'t'la n. 61 1-Cl!:l5. Chrstnul ~ on OJ>f'll firr! 2 Hr dt•l.>; nn. hon1t• nr Run· ning Sp1·ing.~. }"HA app1• $17,500 ba l Sl~OO. \\'ant little pla1·r. in C.l\I. j.16·6277 \\1hill do you have to trade ? List it here -in Orange County's lnn~esl l't'ad u·aJ· lng post -ar·I 1nal;e a deal General 6000 Bu1ine1s Property 6050 Bl.ck kn!1ht R.st . 3::o E . 17th St .. C.~f. I Land & Bldg.) By 0 11'1l<'r ill: 611"6200 F'U\J :i·' Clllllm, lo aU bkr.<. BY Ownr 1-, S1n/i!l prof. bid:::. lol<: nf r1:01·king 10011· f11n 1 ht>a u!y ~11t1p l Chc11p ;,.\11-1416 Bu1ine11 Rental 6060 !Sc SQUARE FT. Rr !;11J or 01111·" ~µ;Jee. 600. 1Z00-2 IOO !'lfl ft. 21 1 lo 21~ 62nrl ·"'·· Nc11·po1·1 Rcac'1 l\ry fur rnl1J'. N.B. Tr;il'"l u-.. ri::r. Ol1ncr 121:11 ~33-:101 . r\rc; 1 21 ~1 2!&-0iOO. \\",\!\'Tl-:[). Dld~ ap[1 1"0:0. 2.000 ~11 . fl . s111l11blr f o 1· n.·--111\l l':l !\I \\'r1lr. D a I I y J'ilrit 1\(1\ ;\l-:i l7. STORE: for lca.~r. J:JOO ~q .. fl. 0 f'r11nlront JI Kt11·port Pier. 67:t--i:166 Office Rent•I 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FOREST AVENUE Desk ~pa(•e avail.:ihlc \n newest IJ!fice bLiilding al pr\n1r location in downto,vn Lnguna Bcarh. Air co11d l· tioncd. carpc1cd, bcautiful e ntrancr~: Fronlag.;o on Forest Avr., rrar leads In ;\l11ncip11 1 parkini; lots. $50 pcr n1onth for spa ce. Desk and chairs available for ~. Busines! houri< an~·rrini; srrt•ice nv1ilablc for $10. All utilities paid c.xccpt telephone. DAil.Y PJLGr 222 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEAOI 49+-9466 DELUXE 3 rooni offh .. -e suite ln Corona de! Illar, Prestige location. Panelled, n e \V carpet.~ k dra;X's. pr1,·atc parkir1~. Realonomics Corp, 615-6700 OFTIC~S Rccrpt ion· Ans\\·c ring Secn'tarial 3345 Newport Blvd .. N.B. 675-160l COSTA Mesa oHiCf'~. A1c, crpt1, drJll'. P11.rklng. Very nlCt' nftic~!I:. J5:ij Bak~r. 546-4R911 BUSIEST niarke.lpb1ee In lown. The. DAILY PILOT Clessilied seclion. S 11. v e money, Un1c Ii. eUort. Look , • " ' ' " ' .. I ' " WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Dir«I: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" I North County, 540-1220, toll free J IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES:_EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l T!MES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ,.~ ' . ' • • . ' .,. ---~--------~-------~----------.......----...... --____..........--~---~ ·-· -----·· ------T-.-------·-~- SAYE ~ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace c L A s s I F I E D llHST 111118! '. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BUS INESS end FINANCIAL Gen.rel G•nerel Industrial Prop. 6080 R. E. WanfeQ ____ _,_ __ 6240 Mortg•ges, T.0 .'1 6345 '...'500 Sq. rt, ludu~tJ·1a.J Pla.nt with Honle •....... $67,j(l(J Industrial Lot & ONire S.12.~ 2 Bdrm Home oo M-1 L..ot ................ f!.2,9:..0 66 x 300 l..t'V('j ,\J-1 Lot .•••....••.... , . S:!O,ju) 'I'll F: REAL J::ST AT E HS J.16.231.1 li·l&-11 n Commerclel 608S BUILDING for re11L 417 :'9th St. Ne\\'flOrl Be a c b . 6T.:i--2152, 673--4370 Industrial Rental 6090 e 1350 !;fl. IL Sl65/m01llh Costa. r.1esa. • 3100 sq. ft, .-t o!firc!I,, l phase po\11er. S llO/mo. Cos!a ?11esa. NOTICE If you h,1\'l' a ::; 01' 4 lX•droon1 hon1e f,ir ~al1• or for n•111 1·11!1 us lollay. \\'r n ·pf<'·""'d 1hr C'ntployt'<'S ,,r 11 l.i q;.t• f1rn1 rnnvin:; o., 111" li;1 rh•J1· art"a <1.nll they 11\11"1 ln11·r· huu:;uq.:~ All ca~h 1f dt'~ll'l'!.I. (;all l'"a11'0W ~16-l)U.IU. 1ST and 2NDS :-;..., C:i l1L 'f,D'll. Irie. ZF:Nf'J'JJ :.!·6003 _ Toll ~·n·r 1sl TlJ $:1,:li\Lli.-o. VO -J>ro11. Ii'~ Ull . !'-.!IUS!llllllJ] c(!uily \\'il l dist., Pn11. p t y . ·1!~1-1()(~) Money Wanted 6JSO Want $75,000 Loan. Have ORANGE COUNTY'S $150,000 Isl TO as se- LARGEST curity. Will pay 10'}'~ 2629 HARBOR BLVD. int. Principals only, 546-864ll • 546-5984 • OPEN EVES TILL 9,30 1.,,.,..-.,..,...-...,..., BUSINESS and ANNOUNC-EMENTS- FINANCIAL and NOTICES ----Bus. Opportunities 6300 Found (free Ads) 6400 SERVICE DIRECTORY DAILY PILOT ~~~==~==:::::;;;;;;;;;.--,BABYSITTER -your home, Cooks When You Want it done right • , , Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY 3 S('hl age girts. f.fon-F'ri until 5 pm. Perry ScW Dis!, llB. 968-535-t BABYSITI'ER \\'anted, my hon1e, alterl'l!Xlns, n r . O.C.C. Teenager pre I 'd . J.IO.ifl96. 13ARYSITTEH. ;.!y home. J iiltcrn()(Jns & $11 1. Near Hal'<'o View Schoo!. 846-2201 all ij FRY COOKS Top -.•ages, ~·~nt, hon· f'cSI, and good v.•orkini: con- d!Uon.s in area.'• leatlin~ tt&lauranf. Apply 9 am 10 3 pm for interview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP UABYS !lT~~R 11·anrect. ~. 2-1001 El Toro Rd. etukfr('n. l\fy home, 41 ~ days Leisure World Laguna J-llll.J \\'k. lleliab!P k Jove 1i1ds. 837-1014 ti75-lfl'l4 Asphalt, Oils 6520 Carpet Cltaning 6625 Hou5ecleanlng 6735 UAHYS l'f'TER for t<'ach<'r, I * COOK~xperienc•d Exc:ellf•nt \1'orking conditions APPLY IN PERSON - SNACK SHOP ¢1 9 SEALING & PATOllNG RPs1dcntial -Indus -Conu-:'1 Co1npl reas serv. Curi•ent!y ~ngaged by Ci1y o[ C./ll. ((,,. stree t res!oratlon. NATO CORP. Gen'\ Coniraetnrs . rno. 0 111 chlld, my home. CARP ET & uphulst<•iy stc:un \\'OULD You believe I '"1!1 Rr l~ r riJ'd. \Viii ('Onsidf't t'l('/o,)('d, ,,;~, <':a'JX't in· l'lt'an your ho111e for Blue livr .in. ~~16--1).r,1 s1a ll11tinn. 11 ... ~11J1 s ~11 01..r. For Chip S!amp:;·: 891-73,)() BABYS'IT'l'ER f1·.-.1· ""'· «:ill ij.u;--:,;lil I c~"c=o-'~~-.----,,,.--lll'Q:c111 Jy 3-Mli t-:. Coas1 Jf\\'y. L;y qua!11_1·. so a1·p \\'r ! tJJ A~l01''!) C1\R!'l'.:°1' Ci\RPr~TS, \Vindt!l\I~. !h ~. lll'l'f!('fl, B('<tCh & ~l!ilf'!' \ lC: c1 1-·. J(1•s 01· Cuna·'l, .Xlnt 01111 l l'«n~ 2 .i 11kda}s. Call C0~1 B/N/\TION Sh.irp Bar 11·urk llt'as~ R<'f.-;. ~~lS-1 1!1. ,..,1 ,-, pni .11·1~-;;z:,:\ i\laids & Go t.:o Dancer~. Cbnina dcl i\far • 1750 to 15,000 sq. 11. no1v leasing,. under co11sl111rt1or1 Costa l\lesa. C. Robe rt Nattress Realtor Costa r.tesa &12-l•IS5 FAMOUS BRAND NAME CAN DY ROUT E~ FOL:ND: l\1en·s 1wel>cnpt1un gla~l;l'S. V1t: of LaPed C' & Tu~11n St., N1H Heigt1ls. 612-1;;21 6810 lli\B\'SITTEI~. 6 a1n -3:JO. Top . 1vai;r.~. Pl1one for in. Baby5itting 6550 C!.E/\NERS &l~r-1::i 7 ;in)-'li rne Landscaping niy ho111,, Harhor &·hoot lr rvtl'w. Sa~~)' Lassy, 2901 --'--~------6640 LJC'D Japanese J:)llfbt·:"l pc lltl·a. C,\l. 611-7·1·12 art :l :30 1_1'_"_1<"•,c.cC='c"===~=c. HUNTINGTON BEACH 9070 Sq Ft I ndustrial Sp..1cc. Has 3400 sq lt, a ir <..-ond1tion- eU offil'('S. ~1540 ~r month. R D. Sla tes Ag!_ '.M!~S.~01 !!JO() SQ rT. 3 o(ficcs & !ub- b,v. CODCl'('I(' !i!1-up l'Oll- "truet1on: :!·lO·lhrc~· 1Jh11-~(' pow('r. J n1 n1 ('d 1 a t c f>('• cupancy. C0~h1 !\lc~a . i'\1· Nll'pt·S.D. ri-11 ys. 0' c. Aiq>Or!. ~;-10--1~~(, EXCELLENT profit 1n;1kfng plan tot clubs, c hurc h groups-. organiiations a nd the individual. Double your niont'Y. \Vrite or pbone oow for free, compl('!c informa· lion. Compub, JO;).~ E.~lst St. Sult<' 20:\. 1714\ S36-ii955. 800 SQ t--r ill·l :;hop. Store front. Acou~t 1c cc11111g. ~100. Et~~ Pla ccnt1;i , C . !II • :11~-1 :1--12 ---~~~----SOo SQ. FT. BLDG. P. 17Lh ~!. Cos1a l\l1'sa ?20 Elcc. pow,:r. Avu1Jallll.' N\lv , ]:;(. s.~J i\lor1 th_ liT.>-6700 BLDG for lea~. 11 ,000 .-;q . It. Property 90' x WO'. 64:.-11 33 d;iys. Eves. 612-1479. 9-10 \V. 17th., C.1\1. Lots 6100 Now avatl;i!Jlc in Cos1:i il lrsa ii,, ll\llly t1 lll\'f IOI\ n~ JJl this arC':t. All JO('atio11s arc co111- n1c rt•i al or fuctory. Very hlgh f'arn111g~. II(! lif'lling in· vvlvcr!. T(1 qua.llfy you 11111s t he rellab!c 8.-_ IUJ.v1• I hr a tlay sp;ll-e tin1 l' (d11ys or ('V('~). Sl20C lo s:;:1;i0 RF:QUJRI-:D Inqllii'f' ahollt (•\ir •·trt>i• ho nus rnu1r plan". _\f;1],p )Ollr Hl- 1un• .'i!'l"tH'!' 11·o1JJ u,, a 0 111111 S· Brads1ro•r l 1'.tl••d N.-11"111111 Cu, ~-fl!' 11101'(' u1fo1·111,111on send na.111!', ;1ddrc·ss &. phoiw no. 10: ROUT!:: DEPT, P_ 0 , Bu.-.: ;,s P on1011H , Cal~-~J FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Frigidau-c l!I min. \Va.sh. Faslest in the inrlus!ry_ :io. lli 1nin wtish('s \I'll[ du the 11·orl-; of 4~. :;o 111111 wa s11ro. f'!{lGIDii\nF: OUTSTAND· JNG J.OC,\TIO:"l"S: l.:i i\liT'.1· da 111a jo1• i-l1up11111;.: 1·1·nl•'1·. C:11~lr11 G1'UVC s.: Rw.:oa J\11 Ii. Coin-0-Matic Equipment, Inc. ::J.:>I\~ \V, Val~r111 F'ullr1·ton 714 : ;:;z;,.o.ttl Ex Douglus • <lb~I' 1.•11gr 111gr \\'1.~h to t'f'mln 1n an•a \\"tJI llll'P.Sl Up tu $'.!J,(}(JO i\l g n1 t c;ip11h1l i 11r.~: pro- posals, t·o11st111r·T1•,11. pt'•,_ <lue1 1un, 1·on11·<il'I .1rlni, ups- I DEAi~ ranch livini;, ;;h11o~I «0111rol. sal<',.-111~1;;. Jll"•,_ an ac1·r, fronl in;: 011 nn i.:ran1 th•l/d1•1. orang•• gro1·1· 111 Cnpi.'>lrano Agl' i:; -J<d111 . 1\S, G.\, es t'.ITV h1111ts, ll'il h Dana Pl. lil:>-IS.~."o tir~·czr, zonrrl ~111;.dl (;'statr. --~P~A°"RT-TIME __ _ horsr s pern11tlerl, all tilt!., i\lan11fa,·1un• au1u ;.,·, ,.._,,,<'.ll'Y 1111-'1 Sf'\\'''l',. :')29.97:i. 011'11('1' -pilr1 S II) )"Ollf sp:1rl' 111111•_ •191·4264 bcforP i9 A,\11 . Cood f;in1ily pr11.1r1•1. $l~t(t ~ ..................... ~~ ... ~I suppli('S nc<~dc>rJ. Sh o 11 l d 6cN V\1', r!.!S. lot Cl\1-Nl•wpl. t t•lu1·11 s:.OO !--11rr n1 0111h or si r r a.. '['roinsf'ri . \\'11 1 S<'ll or n1nrP full 11111'·-For """'11. trade $7000 <'QIY fnr car nr f'hn1a• 171 ·11 :,39-9S71 , ,.,l prop. ln No Cal. Approx n1k1 :.i:!J. v111 ~17,000. 697-:16:1-1 MANUFACTURING BALBOA Pcnin. ::Ox'.lO l(l t nn E~pa ndin~ o·o111pany 11r1'1l>. !);11'_ ('.] OJ' r...:t SJS,JOO. lllil!l l<ll' ·'Uj)!'l'Vi~<l\11 tJf Ill'>· r;o:i-r.zsG rir G7~ ... :1~!JO diH-·1.1on. S1'1.0:)11 1n1·««ln11'n1. -~--r:.1 lnl, Coista ~\('~,1. ~O 1 11111~-:--'a!aiy 11f)('11 -~li:ir" in p1.,1f. ()w1w1·. P!11l S ll l 11v a 11 ii' ! t'ttn1p:1ny fnn1;1• li1 ·01. ~tlS-fiilil ('11!~ Fur ilf'J'I rd1.,111' lj l 11 Resort Property 6205 VACATJO:i C11 bln nn 21 ~ ar:rcs. l.011', lo1v (IQ11·n & easy monthly payn1cnt~. All rrir only M9!l;c,. B!'cr:koot1 R('al!y 6·12-~H4 R. E. Wanted 6240 NOTICE If YOl l h;n -r a 1 01' ! ho"r]r9n1n 1i,~111e Jo~ sal.• or f.,r l'f'nl. <'a ll ll S today. \\"r rcprr·~"nt th.--. cn1 plnyL'!'~ <1! ;i lat'J::(' l1nn 111ov1ng 10 ilic H11 rhf\r /\rra ;;1nd 1hry 11111~~ !1:ivr hous111g! ,.\[I ca~h 1f dcs1rrd. C11 ll F'a1·rn11· 5-lti-~(i 10 •••••••• NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 te•••o••c :o.19-!!~71 , •·.\t. 490. !'1111«1p.1J s n nly _ DELIVERY D"lrvr1• ;'.'ar pa1·1.-. lo 011r •·U-"- !onier~ in Orangf' c.·ounty <1 r";1. S~l!J:..O for 1nv1•1Hr1ry. /\ \\'o rk r r ran n1;1).;c $1000 pr r mo111h. Fo1· appt phorw (il·ll : •. 19-:lf.O\ t''I ::DL STE1\i\l CL~:ANJ-:ll 1·'01 ~ Ci\HPETS f:, 11rihul. /\1.,•r. $-'110 1tin1 S300 P<'!' •1:11·, 11n pl'rl·rnlH>:<' y •)II !>\\II JI S:l{i()I) !';o~ii !iJii~-o'fj\ !'\I" Llnvr-1n r-rs\11un1ril 1 :;1 1!~•:1 PPn 1n~11L • I'! l<'o·d t •';1-;n11:1liJ;, C•11)rJ 111'"'111•· CJ!i Sl1or•n f'r1•1n•1'l1•- fi7!-:Mllfll ~l(JNi'.:Y )\J .. lu11;.: , ,,f,, f " r tl\'n. S;1111 .r i\11.1 lr11iuslr1a l Art'~. V11lly "'lll1prwd. ~11,.rl r.1·d·•o·~ & i-hor1 h" u r ~ • ~lf).:1:~><~. Investment Oppor. 6310 fl C Q L·l ~I T !ON n rt ,\JEl:<;EI{. l-\111a ll rdtn·a· linn.11 r rodurls 111!~ has pro- duc1s la11nl'ht'.d hut 11('1 .. ls bro11rll'r bi1~r for 1n,1rkrl1nc l'\fllll1s1n11. \Vril" Uaily Pilo1 Box /'11-:HG NEED Invrs!ors lo f11rth,..r •lcv<'IOp ~hallr.w ~. E . 1\an~ai; nil lra~r. Cii ll rir \\Tllr. R:-..11 Arnttt Dr, JIB. S·l~-22•l'l Mon•y to Loan ~320 2nd TD Loan Promrt. conli<lr:ntif1l scl'\i rl'.': 642-2171 S45-0611 S!'l'\'ing llnrbor 11re11 20 yrs. I. No commercial firm ~ Sattler Mortgage Co. b 336 F:. J7lh Sti·C'et or priv,te usiness may ---~~=--- use these columns. $lS,OOO lor i;::ood rPal "~111 1" 1.__,a n 2. EACH ITEM for \',io..::in1 OK, l\l r. 1\rl,-1111s, sale must be priced -R1·01;;,.,,· • 1!1~.111~11 no price over 525. Mortg1ges, T .D.'s 6345 l~'. RF:TUHN $."~~.OOl )>;1•ason<'d l s! Tn, nll.11a hlr s::i00 1110. ~·:. dH(" 111 l I months. Sold a• SI0~.001 with $j(l,000 down; on ;, /\cres magnificent ocean V1!'W So. La.guna land. 11)% D i!tCQUOf, Brokf'r 4!!4-8100 or 49.1·17~ Evr~. IS'r TD un \\'hilr \\'111<:r view lol in Lagunn ~·:1rh. '.\G.OO<I <il S60 1no. in1·I '.l ii . 1\ll dur ;; ye :1r~ 12'f-r11 .. toi1nt nr:OKl-'.H •1'1J.11::1 ~-~-­LJl.,\CJ\ SL\.:IJJ::S!'.:. )-c•llow BARY S!T'r!NC. N <:' 11· po r I Electrical -------o•·· -· AN <'.'Onlr;1t h'Jr, J,.'lwn.~. sprklrs, BABYSJ'l'TEH. \Vantcll, n1y * * LLICA 1 LSSJ::N i\1 patlu~. ('t<'. 830-3037 honie, for !cacher. Own f"ull tin1e work. &e TelTy Jll'l~li l~ a1·ea. 1.<1!'j,(P ft·nt·~·iJ yard. X!nl t:an· & J'('fs. 6-l~>-27.'>1 l'YPS, ab! 4 l)\OS. old, 11·c!I ll'atnl'd. vw. of H.i!h &· 5anta Ana !Sis. c:-.1. f~lfi--0'.H.I f()UNL) hc:n11ilul largv hla<'k ,~· ,11111,-. ra l. Vic J7lh St. C ;\l , ~J-o7-9Zi1. FOU ND tWiillg" lahhy k1!11'!!. Fnunrl N<'pl u11l• Jl o n1 r .~. ~>U.~-::1~~. t 'h1htwh1111. FUUi\11 -:'llhh· I I(' l••l h ,\ ti~2-l!1.~S J1·1111t'. l'.;.11 YOUl\.G, Vr'll'lidly ~lilrnPs<' c·al. V1c•1111 t)/ F ~ i l' 1· <I' IV Hoad, S;_111T;1 A1111 , .~CrO!l2S FOUND: \Viiteh. vie. Corona 1k l 1\lar. Call & 1dcot1 fy 646----iJ79 SIA~1 E:-)F. Cal round 111 \'ir. Pal1 s~1rlrs .~· J a rn b o r !',, Ho;id_ :,fG·-{ns:i --~-VOli'.\'t: Cat. !A u1::; ha1n •d 111·111111 '"\\hi , 11/fi•':t j·.,!1;1]' B~u·k B<.1.11 nn•,1. ,ill!-7~·11 UL1\Ch L;.1°Li·:i~;-;;-;:.J~_ N.--.wpor! H.ol'bor J! . S. lj.U-;._~"j:.!~I =--':.._,,.--~WI _1:;,.;E k1l l<'ll, f•'lll,lif', O>l Lol!J" llalhoa Isl!'_ O\\'llr!' pls 1dent1!.v (ii.-..-!4~.i 1~ () I N 'I' E fl , Fl1'{l1Vll/ll'h1tl' Sfll)I led, 11•'11 1ra 111(•<t. rwrir F:X-PLA YGll OUj•.;o d1\'tt'lor \\'Ill l'ttre !!/r t•h1ld in n1y ho111<'. l\lon !hl'u ~·r1 . CJ.ll ljiJ-1! 1;11' LICI::N Sl.:D P,;tl1y~11 trr. n1y l•Olll". l\!on·Fr1. Xln1 [(.iv1ng 1·.1n' N. l',\l .-o·1~l-07Gfi. G,\ B \· s rr n ~ ;-:-;, -,-, ,-,_-,-r ... -"-.. ,7.,-1 . 1·:1rd. ~1 Ll:1.\\. \\t'<'I.. Cll~lu 1\J('~:J ;irra. ti l'..'-S7~S .--UAilY Sl'f~r !l'\-C70",-,71,-.,-,-.. 111te, 1\lagno!1a & \l';irnl'I'. f 'V. ,l(,12-ti•l7:, Brick, Masonry, etc. 6560 Bli lLD, Rrmodr l, rrp11ir, Bl'wk. l;!ofk. \'Oner!'t!'. l';1t·pt•nlt'r.1·. no .iob IUO s111all. LH·. Cr11111· ~:2.G!"I !~ Business Service 6562 TYPESETTING !\1'1\' ;11111 eurnpl•'I" ,, n I 1! l)l1P f<\1:111 1 11·~ S•'rv111i::-all f\! Or;1ngl" Cou111y, orft'I'· 1111.: Sfl<'!'dy S('l'Vlec .t lo1v r:tl('~. Call ror h1 !'llJ\·1· 111frwn1a lion. (71 4J s~i.;c:x:;:. 1.:i1t.~011 !11 S«lll. llB :!f~~-2~1 x l~========== Bil.; 111:do• l1Tt• hrwn <log. Pilon<' ;11 1 ·1·::(), li !2-07.",s 1/>,\11.: pr .. s1-r1 rl 1u11 ]J1/ucai :..:!.1~M"•. 1-:IJ; li'i\llH'_ ,\ll1'y lll 'll '11<1 ·z2!t ~l1·•'"11 1rn-9~u.-, \\ 11 rr-1~ lnt1>.;·h~•if;-.;i-1~:~1:"J1;7;'1 1·.,11.1r .\ 1•11ll.1r_ 1 le. J l;11·lw1r \'10•11· 11111.<, l~!J-2_·,si; fi\.\JJ.:" H1~1oh11~ ;;-:-1-,,-'"-"-l,-I-.<· I Carpentering 6590 CARPENTRY ilTINOf~ ltEPlllRS. No Job Tw Sn1n ll. C~1b1nrt 1n g:tr· a:::~s & o I h e r "<lbu1c1s. 5-[1.8 !7;>, ii no a 11.~1Vt'r lra1·e n1~g at Gl(i.:/'.:i~-IL 0 , AndC'r~on CA1 t'P1-:NT·71l7Y7,7C7.,~h7i_"_'' 1 s Bt•a«h. II B. li•17-:n~2 -:========== lt.'1nod, N11 jnh luo ~n1all , -I -"-"-'l_•IY_"_"_,.i.;. Call &l!i-'.?:•il;i. :Lc•c•c• _______ 6_4_0_1 QU/\LITY lll'p<.11rs -/l!l1•ra· llon.~ -N('W rn11~r. by l1our or Con1r:1r !. (;.1i;-:;4>1::! \'IC. SlJ. S.,\, t e 111 alc 111rr-h:t1r l1 '1Twr pupp)'. "~·oi ly '. \\111 l'/hro11 •1 f.. /{~:!'A ll:S, /\LTElt/\TlONS C1\Bl,\'l<T. All)-~1 1,,., lnh blk n1rkgs. S~lfJ l:<·w'd .,. S.1/J-'.:47li IJI' :.1::-'.;~l!I •. 1 ,vrs.~'11<•r_ ~d.~·li71:i l '"\l'\l'IJ , 11 1. ,1 ... , rn;:p,\JH. P;1rtit1ons !:>111all "~ • , . ,,111a ,,o . t•i.; .. v I ' 1 1 ,. 1 1 I C , 1,, 1 ,' (l'lllr•r•'. e1,._ "1 " nr 1ay, '"~· UI "-:e-)(/ 1 fl 1 f l " II ]\f":-,J" -10-4fi~') BJ;.,·k "JI'•-. 1 .. ,,1 ·r'.J\I _t~ns' :1 ~. ·" )(, ./\11~\\\\<'1'-" ho.' 1: ii I p 11' •. ij7J--0)>! LOST l..:1!w:11kw H•·lnevl'r, vie R.1krr/Bri~101. C.\1. Lie 1\11. :!·IQ,-), SJO rt' war cJ. f>l8-2li3.J nnytin1'•. Cement. Concrete 6600 * CONCRl~TE'. r·1 oo r ~. patio:-;, f'f,• R0ason<Jblr. CJ J !)on. G1~-lJ~11 ·1 C:E!{:.JAN Shr pl lf'11I, l.011 & Contractors 6620 hlark. D;\l V lag N n . I ---"----C-----'-'C:.: F\VDIJ2ij "Slia1f '. P,cw'd. fll~:D f l. (;Er\\\'ICI\ :1l1-·16~·7j 19 " 1"1-:-W k{;, -. _"'_"_' -" c'c"-,.-,c_ 1-,,.,-1, Hlk hnn<f <ot·uu1 1•( nri I; Btllhl1n::: Contrn1·1 nr Fa111. n 11.~. hdr 111s, pnllfl~ ( .11'('!1St·d-Vr"~' 1·~1 1111:1 Ir~ 6'0;'.---f,(l\ 1 .c .'1 ni-:.1110 11 / 1 ah If S 1;1•.: ,\1 1~ --------·- ' i\!,,.·h<1og . Jlli';-,~" ('a ll I GE:-.'J·:J:AI. C .. :11r,,. fur. _,\11 1!11-~201 t'io!'fll'nlr;, 1·01w1'1'lt'. ad1! & ·~~-,---.-;-,..,-ro 'H\fHl('ll!ll'. :!:. ~I'S "'.· :O.\~ln--:\;.; :\l:1,l1.111 l l!1·k~·. --: p<'T'•Pllo '!' 1':1 j!h !. X\7-23!12 1110~. <•Id, 1<'111.dr• l~i1·~-~11111· ---~· S ,,Iii ~I , ("<]_\J. J;,-.1\'o.J -!i7::-j:~a Carpet Cleaning 6625 [l],\;\l--:-1~1 11:.! -~ ,1,,,11· (':111 f'O\lf'<'\ .di• r s r_\f. J!l~-:.O~G­ f{f·:11 \!{fl_ C/1.1',l'ET & Furn. cJr;i111ng ; l•ir 1 d~y .~<'!Virr !.: qualo ly \\or!-;. l'r>ll :-ilPrl •ni; tor hngi1 lnf''~' 61 2-)(j:l(I !.ll,-;T ;;1t-,.,cll-tn-.,-,-"-,c,,~C-.,<c-I<­ ~\ p,.,, ~J1.11:.~:·' 1111-, f';)I"'-, 1·11· c .. 1x111.1 1f,'I \1.1r_ i;.-·:.r.r,r, ! I 1~0~·1::-:-:1;D1-;rs~11 & -111-:;,-.k ANNOUNCEMENTS ··:11. ,·11-. \"1.cH1 Dl'I 01·1• & d NOTICES v1~1:~ 1 :r~11.1r·. r.;n r,1 1-i;~"'1:i -'-"---------- i'rtEsC.HJl 'TlON-i;Ta~~··s -Ju:;l Personals 6405 ,-:un_ nt•ar !wach. :,IJi-fP.O.t \l'lllTE :=:1anrlanl p<1udlr . •11 1\. l!.8 . IW<'llSt' l :lt;~. Hr w'd. 96S-i::l!ol. ------- Attractive E xpert YOL'NG \\10 i\1,\N d·1n<'fT 11·ill 1r :1r h ynu ,,JI J~1r .. 1 .~1rr~ Call /\n lr ll 21 ~· ~,I\\. t:t ,:':· 1.10 P!ll LOST · S1;i 111<'s<' P.liwpoi nt * H /\R HOJ: CrtUf;;J·; • r:;it. Nrar Balbo;1 j<·ll y Tues. D;iily '/. P.\l. Flin z011,. Bo:,r r11 tr . r:cwarrl. (;7;,....\1(r, -----------j Cn .. B:dbo;i * 67::-02 !0 A!,COl lOLfcs Anonymous Personals b405 Phone 5'l:Z.j217 01 11Ti1e lo :...;c.:.:..;.:..;:_______ P.O. Box J 22.~ Cos!;'1 aicsa. * Don'f! Announcements 6410 c,11 "' ;[ '°" '"" bell'" '" I Grand Opening \'flli" slyl" da!if1g. ' OP.ANGE CO. 517-66GS 1 1 Hr rrt'tlrdin~ Academy of Phys;o Therapy F~LECTRIC lAN : Licensed, \Jon··lcll. i;ina!l jllbs, nuunl & rrpn1rs. :>\~-:,20:\ tran5, Call 540-l!fi9 aft 4:30 49-1 E. 17111 C.il!. Ma,onry, Brick 6830 BABYSl'ITER niy lionie 4:30 COU NTER t3i1·l for dry '"5 RICHARD ALLEN pm.\:30 am. J\1on thru Fri. 2 clrao111g plant, 1'!-:p prefer- -------ci,)ildren 7 & 4. 510-t&4 f<'rl, bul will train, 111(' se.w-Floorf. l'AllPJ<T VINYL TILr; Fr•'" ,.~1, Lil'. eonlr. J4D--72G:?, ;,10>-l l ~.~ Gardening ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6610 T he Best, CTiS!s no mote! Expi•rienced !l!ainten;.nce Budgrt Landscaping Gradua!e l!or!icullul'is! NE\V I a w n s re·sro'd1ni;:. Coniplch' lawn 1·arc. Clr•a11 11p h.v job or 111011111. Free .--.~1111ia t1 .. ~. Vrw i11t0, <'all :.; 1(;':'1~1::~ -----~-AL'S Gu1·n('l1ing-& L1l\1'n i\la 111l"r1;1 Ill'!'. (n11111ir1·e1 a1. indusrria l S: rrsirlen!i::ll . ------COMPLETE You'd lllai11I . Clea11n11 l(('as. 961!.J~!g/646·.~:!.-17 Cut & E dge Lawn ]1):11111{·1\[]11('(', LiC('JlS!'tl '.olS-'1803/:H\l--1994 af! •1 .!!l p;11\r ~•' Garolt·1u•r ("in1 pl<'lr 'LiLl''1 NTVl"f' 1··rr•· 1·; .• 11 nin1•· !ilii·O!'l'.10 Fu,11 1.a\\'n !'<'!'\'II'~' ,{-I :l'l\i'!';il Y11nf c1,.ar111p ;)IU-1'l!i'I l'r"'' !-'.~!1 1 11:0 1<' (-1,1·:1\l\TJI ;-;1 '!'.t:iAi~i;-<f! l\!<>11 Ill:!, Pii''.111~'.. •~Id jobs, J:•''1~••11:1lil1•. '•·1S·ti!J:,:, ·11{i:":1~~rVH'!', :.:~·1i;·ra l yard Cl••:in111r. 1-toroiill &_ sprtnklc•1· :-;1·rv, ~; 1r..:,s.1s -----~--* Expert Japanese FIN ~::-T \VOrn,; &1&0:~ I General Services 6682 Custom & Spanish ing. Apply 1n 1wrson 5 Po in t BABYSITTER w a nte d, ·11 , s Masonry A Specialty! Cleaners. 18& '!ain I., }'nunt:i1n Valley art'a. Call II · B I B lo•k, Brick, Concrete · ont1n::-ton -C'at' i. " a!lrr 6, 5'.11-3230 Free Est. 63).2343 B/\BYSJTTE R-HSKPR S100 Paperhanging l.1\-(' i11 6 clays. 89:!-4.~)•s Painting 6150 Rcg11la1· raises to SJj(I . ;_;:.;cc.c.:.:!!.-_______ IBABYSl'tl'JNG & ironing NEED PAINTING? pa.it time tor tf!ache r. Call Cull us! Rr!iable Service 1v/ 8•16-(H07 aft 4::\0 Quallly at iL~ best, at the Bar t.laids, apply Sunday, 111ost 1't'asonable priees. Pi\T Fr('(' <'S!lmale~. 5·18·6002 TMF: PLACE, 2000 \V . • INTERIO!t t:XTERIOH * P ainting -Papcrhan:::ini; L11:. Ins. Guaran1t'cfl l l;ir1'1'\ Pain1ing 642~;1:i8: SWur'tB1\N Painlltlg /Df'C EXfK'l'1 1.i11nra ntrcoJ \Vo1'k J-"rr ·· ··~t. NQ JO\J h\O l\ll'J;C or 1tw1 sn1al1. 4!}1-3190 eOB';; ,\la~lt'I' J';i1n1 1•r ,'!,, t-'.s1nn.1trr, C11s101n work Balboa, NB. BEAUTICIANS !or day &-rvr,ni11i;: ~hifts In popular. pd(•ed C.111. ~nlon , P1'e st•nt ~tafl (·a.n'L 11;,nrll •' rap1!1ly C'.Xpand111;:: 1'olun1<' Pa1il vaca tion_ Call V1,1la: ."HS ·~91!l 01· a pply i11 person, Crowning Clary Brauty Sa.- !on. ~67 E. l71 h .~I nnl.Y. ~1 :;: ~·!12-~1S_t>_· ___ Boat Mfgr. \VALLPA-PERINli ~-J>A!N- TJNC, 10 YJl <; tn area. R:f'asonab!,.. r:1lt'~. 6,12-4127 -NEEDS FOlt Better Pa111 Uog. inter. 0 Assembler' ioi· & !';\lcn o1·, aro11s1i" cell-e Finish Carpent•rs 111~.-;. 6·1&-1077 ,t, '.~IJ-l"){)~ Plastering, Repm ir 6880 e I'/\ T C !! Pl.ASTE l'.l NG. /Ill IVP!''. f•'n•P 1'~1 11 11 :11 ('." Call ::10-(iS::!;, ----"'---""=-~-- Plumbing l'!.U ~TR l'.\I G Nn JOii too ~111;11l • 11 12.:11~.~. 6890 * O' DAY YACHTS* ::roo Pul1 111;i n, Co~ta :.tcsa ll0 1\T rnrpt'n1ers, r_~p 't.l /\u to Coas t 5-\~j;,31 l ~Jj"l 1-'lai·('nlia, c.~r. --BOYS 10 • 14 Can·icr Roo1cs Open loc La;i;una_ Beach, !'o. Lagw1a DAILY PILOT 642·4321 Custodian !il1i\1ED. opcn·1ng for reliable man 11·iU1 p.-e11 1ous ln· dustrial j;initorial exp. Xlnt 11•orking coru!., gd. pay &. all fringe bf'nr!lls incl. pnifit sharing". Cal1r. l 11 j e c l ion t.tohling, 200 Briggs A\·c, c .rr.1. ~&-4·160 *DISHWASHERS *BUSBO'(S APPLY !:'-/ PEP.SOi'r COCO'S iS Fashion Island Nell'po11 CC'nler, N.B. DISHWASHER Experienced Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 P•c. C•t. Hwy. N•wport Beach DISHWASHER- Expcrif'nce<l Days ,\pp!v to 111i-. ColP NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 720 \\I, Ba y, BallJ()a (Oo.~er! l\[r,n. & Tuc~,l D!SJ !\\'ASHER • Gra1·('yarrl s ll 1f 1. Sl.65 hr. COTTAG E COFFE~: SHOP, J62 \I'. 19th SI .. Cos!a. atr~a. ~~-model, Repair, . . . -Dt:LJV ErtY dri\'Cl' for r.:om-6940 B~s ' Df\IVETt for pr1\'!llC IDl'l'C!al blu('pf llll :;hop. ' * r~· y•1u 11rr11 r P111ocl('l111g pa1nt111i::: nr repairs. call ll1r'k, !iL'-1197. Ct:rist1ii11 ~thQOl . Par1 ~1 ~1e. !°•Hl-!1 37:! \\'Il l 1ra1n. Good rlriv1ng 1 ----~~===~~ l'"COI'{] l'!'f]Uircrl. Apply 16635 DENTAL ASSISTANT. tor 0 r nQ k h 111·~ t , Fou ntain Orthodon1i" P 1·a C 11 <:e . Vnllr 11. ~2.33 \'..' Cha1rs\<1e & lab. Denial c'p C.'\RJ\CE On.-.rs .-:rr\'1rrd ,<',; Roofing ftepair<'d. f;r 1n•r.1I ll•otJst ---"--------- · rr>q . 01·1ho r xp prr. /\gr l~:·:o_ Top s:i:.sv· b!:!-'.!G:l6 6950 j\·!111111. $11). n11 n. i-.1 .... :.:pn Hauling 6730 YARD 'Ca1· •:l ranup . Jto;rnovc tr;,c'fnr 9G2--S7~;. I r•'"~. ll')',. d iri. b;1ckh0f', i;r a d r: CLI'.;,\N-Up an(1 J1i:_:l1L rnov- Jllg, C:tll [)avf': 11 ~!l.1~12J-, * Clean Up And Haul S!O 11 lo!1cl fi.lli-2.i~S Ca1Twr~ Tf't i\:'\'!'>FET: 1':1111•1 t1·11l'I:" .~- V\\''s 10 Ca1npc1·". Jt1•hui!d 1'('111Pih'I lio;its pr(•f.1IJl'I· r·a t1011, Cll~lo11 1·loltoll O'/\l)llH'!~ S. f1.11111t'!'. l'\\rrl1J{\t "'iJrk. ti,J~..:1219 Sewing 6960 e Drt'~s111ak1 ng • /\Jl('rations Sf1ec1uJ en hr.n1s. * ti IG·G1·16 * Alterations -642-5845 Nr·ar , 1u:ru r~1 ll', 20 )<':irs r xp_ DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Men or women over 18 with c•rs, •t•tion w•g· ons or light trucks. Housecleaning 6735 Tree Service ==--"---6980 \\'(' 11red t·;;rl'lrr~. rnal\" 01· fe•n<ill:', 18 y1 ~ or <JV· r" .. g\IOd hc<J.1111. ro de- live r 1)11nl (las! t)'pe n1:i1! f'al'll Sum!ay moi·n- in:,; 1n rhe,;c ar,a11 -·Hunt· lngton Bea ch, Fountaln V;11lry. \Vesrminster, Sun· ~et Beac:h. l\1idway Chy, &>al Beach, Crn1ta !ll<!5a, N"ll'POrt Bearh, Corona d"I l\J;ir, ltv1nr, Lllguna ll ill~. FJ Tom, It.fission \11c111, .S:in .lo;111 Capis- 1ra11n, (';1pi~Tril110 Brach, t.;1~u nJ B<'.l l"h. ::ou1h La- )!Una . Dana Point, :'an l..1rn1e11 1r; Apply 1:30 1m, 10 :30 •m, or 1:30 pm. Start- ing Monday, Octobtr l7th. JJ,\~-.~· nt'11• h ,l,1n1T•11·1~1 l :-;,.,rV. (':1q:x:1 ~. 11 i11dn11.~. rloor.~. t·I• _ f{r.~ &· Co 111 m 1:' I !~Hi--l ·lnl -.-\Vl:'o.'f1011S Ul!l~ F1 ·•'r ,.,1, J:i \P.i r .~ <'\f' Johnny 1Ju11n · 64 ~-i1r,.1 ll'lNlJO IV C'LE/\NlNG /'ro1n1sr to rilr;i~r ' •:r16-'.!:211J• U E\\',\E ~:' ~ 1 ~111JlJf'r t rr"~ brl'Hk founclatifln~. F rrl' r s1. Any Tree S.:.Tv1~('. :,;;o ... JH:IO °"'' Upholstery 6990 CZY!\OSJ\:!'S Cti~I. UphriL Ji;urorwan Craf1sn111nsh1p JOO":, F in ' 6·12-l·lJ·I 1R~1 NV1\·por1 nL, c .,\I. E:-.rrllf'n t-Pa.1 . "ho t' I ho111·c-. Apply ly [11·rt_·11 10 :in1 & 4 n111 111 lhr fol1011- 1ng addrrssc~. i l."1:' \_,o1')lr Cirt'lr Jl untinglon Beal'h !,\.'.;() Trro1ln:tl I\ ay CJSta ;\lctl<I. 16131 GOTHARD, UNIT M HUNTINGTON BEACH DENTAL ASSISTANT Oral surgrry & X-R ay e-xp only ncer! anpl y. 54lt--i 719 Dcpt. Store J. W. ROBINSON !la~ an orrn1og !or a !_OBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, 'Job5-Men. Wom. 7100 ~j6$! ('a1n1nQ C;ip1<:!J'ano Laguna ,\'igucl -MAID- Offrrini: full tun ,. emnloy- n1ent with excell<'n! bC'ncl1ts. Apply in person to the Per· w nel Drpl. Women 7020 \l'~ E>.p, Aulro. n .\lV. l'ulil i•· A<'r·t1ni.:. .t-~1n:1 U bu.~. \l'nn1s 1m1·1 11111", ~'lr-.;­ ililr lir~. F;isl & 1kprrl!l;1hl« 1~1:!-2:'.J(l."1 "''"-~· !ISl\Pl°tf.:lr-l;o-_,-,-1-,-,.-,-,kc·.-,-.J hr~. rl".I'· C pl. rit1!y. l.1rl11 !,~It-p1r f. E)..p. ltrfs. ~:.!.:!.'; fl"<' hr, ~o H>-1 17~ Job Wanted. Men & Women 7030 ClllNF.SE livC'-in Don1c~tics. Permanen1. Expenrnced. Far Ea~l /\c('ncy &12-8703 Advcrtisin~ Production Artist Production Mqr, *CHEF* Part Tim• for Sunday & a1011il<oy night, 4 lo l 1 P:>.J. nrc.Jed Il l f 1\SJl!ON" ISL/IND NF:\\I POP.T BE/I O I DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Mtn or women over 1 a Experienced agency production a rt is t capable of so m e production manage- ment for Newport Beach agency. Xlnt. salary and btnefits. ALLEY WEST with c•r•, station we9- :t106 Oceanfront on& or light trucks. Nrll'PCJ11 Beal'h 6i5-JTI4 CASHIERS Plensi· ~encl J'('sumr lo Tl~ Full lime. a1a.ny employe~ J)a1ly Pilot Box !lf-;J68. bC'nefits, '11c \1'lll train. AIDES, N11r.~111g. E ~p r. r . /\pply in person 9;Jl).9:30 Pref'd. Apply in person via ROBERT HALL CLOTHES PIJ : 714 -49·1·R075 1601 N('111port Blvd, C.J\.f. Apply 8:30 o1m, 10:30 am, or 1:30 pm. Start- ing Mondey, October 27th. 201 1 PlaC!'n!i;:i, COSTA afESA C II ll 1 t;i T Tit A S spendl11g 2<129 \V. l:<lf St., HOUSEWIVES Doul)I" y41ur nirJ ncy for Xn1as or n1 1~" 1ni111•'y for your <'lll h 1)1' (;hun:li. A 11hn11c 1::111 or l<•!fr'f till/I l''IU \\'Ill l'l'{"''\'(' r. ('''. '''"l•1•l:•fp lnlor111 (l!l1 >11, Cnonpnl), J O.i~ 1•7 l ~t ~!, S11 1lr ~1·~-17!! ~::t'.i-!i~.).i. \\"ANTl·:6;i::.1;;::-frn1n :iOl h'A S.1nl:1 Aria /\1·<',, C .. \1. 111 /\11nhc1n1, :: hi!-;~. nlf S,A. Fri\'}". on Broad\\'!ly, Duy shifl . ::; dnys. 646--8579 nfL 6;:l0 P.ill. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ASSEMBLERS :;:n11na & 1n;i.~s11gc. 6 fe111alc J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Electro ni(' a~srn1hl('r~ l('r ·h, 10 11 111-li n1lr!nlght 7 e.~pcricncrrl only. /\pply; n1911ry? l mmediatc, prof. SANTA ANA it~blr, cnjoyable e-ndeavor !or your spare hour1i. Call ·\JU 6VRA~IgLJ NS r!:1 1~ 'l.'q Tl1aJia .. "ulle C, abilities VOLT l .• a.gu.na Br ;1«l1. 4n.1.1 ~1.~ CJrJlimiteO Tns t.a111 P1·rs.-1nnr! Cemetery Lots 6411 -.C.--'---- FOP,' ~/\lJ-'. hy O\\'lirr. ti Pa· i·1fw Vu •11' <'<'lll<'!l'ry )UlS 0111 ~14;).1).%0. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job W•nted, Women 7020 LICENSED e MINICARE NURSING e Spiritual Readings, edvlcc Nur11cs & Aidl's available for on all mnt lC'Ni, 312 N. El home c&rc on hourly ba~i~, cam inn P.en!, Sa n Clernentc J hour n1 inlmum. Also shifts ·l~l-~1.1\i, 4%-!J:)(/7 .~ ll1·r-!n. :>46-:l.i70 J() 1\:\1 1(1 -P:\l e !lilied l\"•ll'.'il'S ~-Airlrs • On Sun .• O(t~ 19th, 01 o c. 1'\urscs Rr~1stry ~1.~ C11n~ Ur, sunr 1~ agenc,y x('w1101t R,-.a ch :.11;.1;11 Otlahlv !0o~!ltons tor Q11 :1l1flr\I /\('pliC'a n1~ 4/JR ~; l'/1h ::;t., Suitr :.!~I Cn~!ti J\1P.~a 642-1•1'70 --ACCOUNTS-- PAYABLE O,,Cning exisl.s for a per- 90n wi!h recent ~xpcri· ~nee in aroounts payahlr, in our acctJuntu1g dept. Call ~hr 1l:i llirkn1a11 day.~. !i t!-:!·100 **AUTO MECHANIC** AU around aulo m r cha nic, experienced 11o·1th Corvair& & VW'g, Nr1v company de- sires indlvtdual thAI ha I mgint. & training ability, Cail (71~) 774-7()JO And Ask for r.tr. Tuc ker Vanda Beauty Counselor l ------~~-~­ CusiTICi'1iS. 962-191() * DRIVERS * c 1.1::AN JNG \vo:i.1AN No Experience EXPERIENCED n ... rerenccs 642-308~ Necessary! C.O.D. Delivery ,\fusl he nee.I , rt>Sponsil;>Je and ramiliar \\'ith Orng. ~fust have clean ca111orn1.1 driving ttcord. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. County, Will train. Up kl COlrt& r..teu ( $.lO/ day. Apply 230 \V.l----=-'-'-----1 \Vilrncr, suite 217 San!a. AAA DRJVERS corrEE sHo~ . E,, d Minibus Drivers Fcy Cook &-. Di!h1rasher. Call &12-742~ DRTVE AND NARRATE J $""" Nl".\\'PORT AREA r.llNI Cost Accnt. r. to l"VV BUS TOUR. \VRITF. BOX :\1nt cer<"I_' oppor, !-'!a lile Co. ~J.-i67 Di\ILY PILOT Tori bc11rJ1!s. &,tn1c crillc<lr k -~-· 0 ·.,:,,' ~· ~---~,,--,c.I t--:pr!'. C11ll Arn111n 51£..:l·l\O PLANNIN1; !o lllO\'e~ You'll l. DIME , A • LINE ads are accepted and published as a unique service to our patrons and the DAILY PILOT reserves the right to Gmit their publication to one day each week. DIME-A-L~NE ade •re strictly cash with copy. Reaaera 1-te urged to tt- port pr omptly to th' OArLY PILOT Cla111\1led o,partment a.ny V10lation1 ot l he.se Olme-A-Ll.ne reru· l&Uon•: year of our L ·0 rd , i 20::'1 \\', 1.il1~nn Lane, S_/\_ 196~. Gabriel Hol liday i'l l\il ,'ll~11~1g by 1l;1y. (111-;; Tl rE !SUN" Nf=;v t.r. !>a ;rs on beat Thomas Aikin in 1r11nspvrh'111on. 1 ~1-LTON 10\Di.;STP.IC:,<;' lM I \\"h iH I('~ 1\\'I'. C'nsl ll i\]r<..1. Cnl1f. BABY.>.:ITTER • nC'r rlrd l111- n1rd1atC'ly, 111:\lure ni·r~n tn l:ikC' cfl re of 2 chil<!l'f'n; ! sr·hl ·H~•·-~lu~I lil'e in \\'. Npl il•f'11 Y•JUI' ho111r ui· n1ine. ll{·r~ req. Cull aft ~ pn1. '.">41!. 7017 "1ASON BEST find 11n 11m111.i111r nuniber of E11111loyn1e nt Agcnc.)' 2121'1 So. ;\f111n, ~n!a i\n11 home! in lodsy's Classified Ad11. Check lhfom no\v. DAILY /l lLOT \l'J\t°'-'T /\OS! .II game of pool. • 1\3!}.~,0;~1 • :::::::.:....:..::::c.:....:.::_.:...:___c.--"__;.~~--J<qnl1 1 oprru-tu111ty rmployC1r ' ~ -· ------~-·-~----·--. -------·-·-·----·-...... . ---.. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY full lodory lqvlpped ~1<19(0(;113149 $96 Toi•I $96 Tol•I Down Monthly Payment Payment TOTAL PRICE + r .. 1 l llC. S06 ,, !h• •otol do•• po, .. •M ~96 I• •h• totol mo"'hly ~~· ••OM i•<'•6;ng IO•. I"•",. o"d oll <•"""• ''"'I"' a• •P· p•o1 od """'' loo J6 mo•••1 0•. 11 '"'' P'"'"' to POf <••"• '" '"" <o•' pd<o 11 o•I< SlQSI .•O '"''"d'"I "" ,.,.,. J,c•n••· Jt0>p•1 o•d dooto' """'""''""'· 001.,.,od '" {o"a ~·••• Not•·•• mo•• "' oo• Ool•"•d oor"'"" plo<O " ~J•So i"tl""'"• oll '""""P c••'•"· lo•O\, '''"""• I•<••" o•d ooOIO' o••PO'"''""· Not h•ng "'"" ro .,.,. O«t••t•d '" Co"o .lH ... VAl l'l•ClH'fACil lAll 12.11"~ BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE CORONET 2-DOOR COUPE-Immediate Delivery Fvll Foclocy Eqv;pped IW H23B9 E 1442391 .~ ~~--,. ' -) J. ~~-- ~Ji "'"• •o•ol down ""'"""' \11 :, t~o •o•ol "'"''"v •••'"""' ••<l•d'"• to•, i.,.,,. o•d o•I '""''"I •"•'I"' on ooo•o•·•d <'•d<t <01 Jo "'""'"' 0•. ,f ••• MoPot to POf <oo h, '"" 1.11 <••• P"'" •• onl, 1'211 • •O '"''""'"' on to ·•• I·«"•. ""•"' o•d o••'•• o••oo•ot.o•• D• 1,. ••• d '" c ......... "'"'""' '""'" , .... , O.••·••d "°""'"' o•«• ,, \lSl l "''~6·•o on ~, .. .,., ••• 0<1 •··•• !"0010, I "O"' o•d -oloo """'°''''"'· N•''""I "'"'" 10 "'°' Doi ...... '" '"''" ... ••• TOTAL PRICE l 't l II(. ONE PRICE SALE BRAND NEW 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Friday, Saturday, Sunday Oct. 24, 25, 26th FREEWAY CLOSE FROM ANYWHERE! LOOK FOR THE SEARCHLIGHTS I I I OPEN 9 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT The Largest 1970 Selection of DODGES IN SOUTHERN ~ CALIFORNIA All Models , All Colors , All Equipped All Serviced and Ready for Immediate Delivery .•• sg2 sg2 Si i " ·~• torol """'" '''""'""'· S~] 11 "' •••nl '"""'"'v ....... ,1 '"""";., '"" '·«·"· ••d •" '""''"' ·~····' a• oon••·•• '''"'' 1., 16 '"""'"' o'. ,, , •••. _.., •• ••• , •• ~ ·~• 1.11 '"'" "'"" ,. """ ~lU I •o '""""'"g oll '"'"' !«••••. 1"·11" o'd 000101 010 00•0••0•1 D•"•"'od '" Co<'• ,. ... No"••o ,. ••• •o po• Oo'•" •• no\r-••• D••<O '' ~]9)/ '"''""'"' o I <O""'f C'O•t•• !G'"" 1 .... ,. ....... ••d ...................... ,.. ..... , ... ,. ,. PO• 0.h•o"d •• Co•'• ... .,. TOTAL PRICE 1Al 1 LIC. BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE CORONET FAMILY STATION WAGON Full Foctocy Equipped IWL45B9E 1219661 Immediate Delivery 1969 DODGE POLARAS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 2-Door & 4 -Daor Hardtops MANY TO CHOOSE FROM V-8, oulo molic transmission, power sl eering, vinyl inlerior, tin ted windshield, head rests, seat be!ts, while si de wall tires, outside rear view mir ror, fender mounted turn signals, deluxe carpets, hidden windshield wipers, deluxe safely features. Ch oic~e of colors. USED CAR Super Market SALE! '67 MERC. Cyclone G.T. 2 DOOR HARDTOP ••• ., b •o •o • •od,o 1 "' .. ~-·· ........ $1488 ~ .•... ,...... :.. ,, ..... ""'' CO!O ST~•. 1uvv•111 TOTAL PRICE lo• l I <· '65 FORD WAGON 10 PASS. COUNTRY SQUIRE 300 V I. ""'" ''"'" o• ,,..,\ot. o ow o < CtOI" ,.~1. ' •••'••. "'•'• ... u '""'• l•!IOO• •ol', •oO•o, !'All• ll TOTAL PRICE sass ,lo•l t.<. Ol2JCQOJ!2Q17 Ol 2JGQO J11>757, 011JFQOJ IJ0'11, Dt23FQOJ151 QS D\1J r90J16l51, Ol2JfQDJI J09~. Ol2JfQDJ l2902, DllJfQOJ12921 . 53388 TOTAL PRICE +1 •il (•l '68 PONT. G.T.O. 2 DOOR HARDTOP ................. $1988 ,._., ., ••• 1·~• .. ll1. TOTAL PRICE ..; lo• l \ r, '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP ....... " •.• <~• $1388 re~•• ,., .. •1 •od•o l ···'••, -···· -~'I ,, .. COLDS••• \VG11S•\ TOTAL PRICE -'•· ' ,,,, '65 PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY \' ~ ••••• 1 ... ,' •••••• ··~"'· 00 •• '•'••·!-•. ,..,;,, ... ,, ..... ""'"" "'"· '••d•• •••. ,.C..6111 IOTAL PRICE +1 •• 1 11 •. '68 DODGE SUPER BEE ..................... $1688 . ·~ ...... .. (;OLD ~·~• 4 ~1u••H TOTAL PRICE To• 1 \ t. '66 FORD GALX. 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP , · ···· .......... s1088 ~ • ., ••• oow., , ...... ~ ... ""'"" ······ 1•1cion TOTAL PRICE '•· • l·•· 166 PL YMeUTH VALIANT 2 DOOR • ... ..~ ... ·•'l , ..... •u<I• f~ 'o" •O•'~""d TOTAL PRICE ssss +10.l.I><. Tol•I Oow., P•ymen l Tora ! Monlhly P•ymenr S•l 6" ''• •o•ol do••""'"'"'' Sl1 6 :, ••••••al Mo·•~ly '""""'"' incl"d"• •o• '''""'" a•d all '°""'"' ••o·o•• on ooo•••od <••d' 'o• 36 -•••~• 0 '. ,, '"" o'Oloo to oo• <«•~. t•• ••II '"'" ""'" '' •·'• SlS11 '0 l'll•6••• a •! '"'"' l•co•" ''"'""' o•d d•ol•, o•·~"'°'""""' ••••••'Od '" Couo Mooo, No'" "• ,. ••• •o ""' Oo'•"•d ""'"''"' o•'<•" ~•l fe '"' ••••• o•! '""""' '""'"'' '""' • •• ,. ''• '" and d•olo• "'""'°'""""· I·•"•• '""" 10 DO• D• •.o'<O '" ~.,10 ...... '65 PLYMOUTH '66 MUSTANG BARRACUDA FASTBACK 2 DOOR HARDTOP VI ow•o •o"• ·o••. ···'•. ··-·· , .... ., '• •o'I •••• , •• ,. .. •••'• 1r~•O• I TOT AL PRICE s7gg Jo,! I , l od 0 '-<'•', ~ ••••. <PO'I, '"' • •~-'"" •Q••Oood. lfl/'001 TOTAL PRICE s7gg '65 MUSTANG '65 PLYMOUTH :Z DOOR HARDTOP STATION WAGON VI GV'"'""''' '•O"o ood· ia 6 •oa•• ""'"' «•••· ,.. ... .. "" .... '"" jPDE/1/1 TOTAL PRICE s7gg TOTAL PRICE s7gg ..J. '•• • l·•· YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED CARS AT THESE LOW, LOW TERMS $28 TOTAL DOWN PA YMENT $28 TOTAL MONT HLY PAYMENT S71 •S 11<1 IOT"I ll0W'1 P,.T .. INI SJI 15 Tl<( 101A\ M0 NltHY ~AY,.!NI IN(\U01NCi T•l , llC(NSE ANO All CA•t YING (llA•GtS ON APPI OV(D (•~Dll fO• 0"'1' l 6 M0N1H~ O P, If ~OU P•EtE-10 fAY CA.!tH, !Hf f Ull (A~H P•IC[ IS ONlT SillO '0 IN(\UDINCi IA• ANO llANSfl> AH .. V.ll l'l•C.INl.lC.I llATI 16.,•°'• OHE••EO ,A~M(NI ll!Cl I~ SI OOl ll<ClUDIN(, AlL INH•E5T, TA~ A/'olt> l•ANSPCI. FLEX:IB FINAtlCI EASllE! TER~M : Fa st & accurate credit courteous Fina ne e N on duty at all t Y'LOW PAYMEt Y' EXTENDEI> TE1 ·----------··--- BEFORE YOU f A USED CAR AN' Show th e dealer my gt:aran te can ma tch it! If not com e in to H home ol lhe GOLO STA R G Bob .S~u ic £, OWNI t.i::..ll...2 2. ::!.. 6'2.-8 ~!...!.'a-& ii ;1 ~:1 i'J ·'.'1 10 0'/o' UNCOND ITION GWUl!ANTll look For The Gol d Star In Th· fo1 you• p•o•r<•io" 100''-U· "'d" (j _,_,, ><o• """' '" •<«""'"Ho ·.:I ""I••• I~~ '"' 100"1. .... c1~.1 .. .,.he. ~ 1()() dt>~\ Ot ~.000 ..,;1.,, w,•<'·-r• (~ pu•thc••-fh,, in<luM• a l r''"O~ ·~1 "''"1 "'!••?"'•''· bollo')'. •P~'~""'" \. Oft oil (0'•• !IHl 'J"O'OOlt• <O., .. , nl \Ir ho"' bum pr r '" b""'P"'' "b'o""~'~ ~'4,!!"":¥fol_?\WWt'.i'~J3'..~ ..,_.. _____________________________________ .. ~ ... :IBLE ICING llEST i ~MS credit approval, 1 nee Manage r s · e ll t imes. t'MENTS I> TERMS ··----------· rou BUY ~ ANYWHERE J uaran te e and ask if he 1 e in to HARBO R DODGE ·STA R GU ARAN TEE. , OWNER-GENERA L MGR. !':?...:;. ·ai-.::~::?i "'· .~U'J!-:-?::.r;'!\';i )0"/a' ff;i )tTtONAL tl 'ANTU F1 el :tar 111 The Windshield ~~ ''• U• o~d:1,.;oa! Guo•on•'e ~ 1 ~~ •~cil ko•bo• Dodge gun•-~ ~I · 1 ••e<k<>ll•(ol r1~1 .. ,11 fo• ~ '"'·(' ...,.,., ""''"' 1 .. ,1 ofle• • ' • "'"°"'"' '°'"· .,,,. ' . '" """""· •••.•. ,..... l'l ,-ta•~" oil ""'" ond lobo• i;5 <1b'•'u!ely r ..... '" you. ~ !]!!~ .. ~az.,zw;:..mo_.,:ni.&1 BRAND NEW 1970 DODGE Coronet Deluxe 2-Door Tot1l Oown P•yment Tol•I Monthly Ptymenl fully factory Equipped !I• 1, ·~• 10101 ••'"" """"'"'· $19 ,, ''' 10•01 "'"""'• no•"''"' '""•d·•• •••, I«•••• ono o!+ '"'"'"I '""'""' •• ooo••·•O "'"' lo• lo ""''"' O•. •' '"" p rdo1 to 001 <OI~, 1•0 lull '"'" ""'' " ••" !17Jf &O •Otlud"I 011 '"'"" I"'"'"· 4,.,,., ••d """''' o••oo••''""'· "''"''"d '" Co1•• "'"'"· l"ol''"g "'"'" 10 DO¥ Ool•"Od J>O•~•"' ""'' '' $:;i0~ '""""'"q oil (<I·•""~ WLllCOllCll079 <•ooo ... !00•1, I'''"''· !tOolM ond Ooolo• p<euOoo'•O•, J'.,k.,g "'"'' 10 "°'' ....... ,.. '" '""" ....... J.NNVit.L ,[.ClNT ... Gl ~.O.ll 13 .li ~~ BRAND NEW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1970 DODGE DART SWINGER 2-Door Hardtop Immediate Delivery full Factory Equ ipped ill2380Rl03011 ) TOTAL PRICE T l.\X I LI(, Total Down P•yment To!•I Monthly P•yme nt Sl9 ;, 100 •otol ~•·• ~o·~•"' S'' h '"• •otel m•"''I• po•..,001 ••<i•d'"• IQ<, I"<"'" o•d all '"'""'11 <•a•t •t •• ora•a .. d '"" • tot l 6 "'""'" 0 •. ,f )oo o<•lor to"°' '"''· "• lo'I •••~ • .,,. " o•I, S1•ll.•O i•<l•d •o ~11 •01.,, I''"""· loe,~•r and ooolt r n•e•o•••·•••, Otl ••ltd I• Co1•0 ~···• t'•'"'"' .-~ .. •• '"'" D•'•"•d oov-.•" ~·i<o " !:'8•• '"""~''• ell '"'"'"" <'••••>, ••••-. I '""'" "•·•'' o•O d••'" "'"""'"""" No•n •• , """" '" po,, 0,,1 .. •••d '" (0110 M .. o TOTAL PRICE + l A.i 1 (IC. s;:D1970 CHALLENGER Ch oice of Colors -Immediate Delivery fUll fACTOll Y fOUIPPIO JH1lCOf lOS-091, JH1 l COflOl·lS1 JH2l COl 10S·"90, JK~lCOfl OS·Ofl $93 ~:~~ $93 Payment 't l i< ·~• tt•ol dow• po'"'""'· S•l lo •no !otol "'""'"'• °""' .,,,. lo,1.~1•1 '"'· •Ito••• ""d oil '""""" <•••tu oo oo· a••·•d '"d" lo' l6 '""""'· 0 1, if"'" 0,.,., '• 0,,. <•••. ••• 1•11 •••• •"<• ;, oolv J11•~.•0 "''~•:•• e ll ••••I. "'"""· "• •~' o~d oooloo pn oo•ot\001, d<li••••d i• (•"• "'°'"· No•k••t "'"'" •o oo• Dol•,,•d l>O•n ••I ""'" 1, Sll 4t i•<h.d· l•1 all '"'"'"I '""''"· 1a •••. '"""'"· !••·•"' """ ~••lor po100'•''""· t••"'"I '""" •o oo•. D•'"••od'" (0110 M0>0 . ANNUAl ,l -(fNl ... Q' ._..,,, \J.t 1°/0 Total Monthl y Paymen t BRAND NEW $82 ss2 Tot•I Down P1vmenr Tot1I Monlhlt P1ym1nt !a' " ••• •••el d••• ""'~""'· ~!? r. ••• 10101 '""""1~ """''""' l•<'•dl•I too, h1••,.. a•~ oil '"'"'"I <•~<o•• oo OOi>'O•td < .. di> 1o• J6 '"""'"' 0•. ,f 10• p,.1., lo OOY <·••, 100 l•ll 001k ""'"" o•I• S2SJl .•0 •••'•••"I o•I ...... ,,. •• ,. ••••• ,,, ""' ···'•• .......... ,, 0.11 .... ~ lo Co>'o ""'" No"'"I "'"'* to """ Ool•.,•n 00,,.,-, o•i<• " Sl9Sl '"''"n'"o 011 '""'"'I <•o•o••. To,.,, ''""°' "•••"' O•d dool., o••o<"a"""· No1hlo1 "'"'" •• ..... 0.1 ..... d '" (01•0 ....... TOTAL PRICE +TAI I. l lC. 1969 CHARGERS fully factory Equipped-Cho ice of Colors Immediate Delivery XP2980ll0l4l7 • XP29191l061S4 • XP,919119J1ll • :t•29191JC61Sl ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST RECREATION & VEHICLE CENTER ·~:~," 1969 DODGE CAMPER Fa miry Wago n, Heavy Du ty Truck, Canopy, Rddio, Heater, 8 Ply Ra1cd Tires. Double Bed, Sink, Waler Supply, Ice Bel , Cab1ne1~. lou\lered VJindow~. Wes t Coast Mirror, Cunains, Wood Paneling. = 1962164274. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $3088 TOTAL PRIC E "'""d 1970 DODGE Now A-100 Camp er Van Door & Vl indow Pac kage, Tinled Glass, Pa~senger Sedt, Rear Dine t1e, Ice BoJC, Sieve, Curta in~. Wafer Supply, Viny l Floor, ere. A 12ABOU 10 1690. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $2888 TOTAL PRICE ·~::d 1970 DODGE Model A-100 Van Full Fdtlory Equipped A·l2AAOUl063ll IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $2388 TOTAL PRICE -I l.U l.l lC. '66 DODGE '65 CHEVROLET '68 DODGE '68 DODGE Dart CORONET 500 V ! """~0"1. r~• ·••o, ··~· & h•"'• _,., __ , '.,_ ~ •• ,,.1 ••• ,, •• •~• e• l'IU••OI TOTAL PRI CE '67 VOLKSWAGEN 4 tceod. ••.:! o • ~.eo•••, ~.,,.., '""" "'"''" ~•I '""'· ll<[l•ll· TOTAL PRICE IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP v' ......... ' ••<!•, ...... ~·-·· ....... ,,, •"'• woll '"'" i~W~606;. TOTAL PRICE -· lo• I t <. '65 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 v A 'ACTO•f ""• a"''· ...... ,, .... ., ..•• .i.,, •• ~, •• "••'"'· ......... 1 ,,,.,, i,w,,.aaol. TOTAL PRICE TOUR CHOICE OF ANT OF THE ABOVE LISDD CARS AT THESE !OW, 10\V TERMS $35 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $35 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT !l ! IS hi( 101,ll OOWN PATMUH 113 tS l,..E TOTAL ~Q!>jJHlY PAYMINT IN(LUDl"G TAI. llCfNSE ,l tlD Alt C.,~<•T•NG (HArGf> ON AFPtOV lll Clillll FO• ONLY 36 MONTHS, o•. I' )OU •tt'I• TO PA.I c.o.s ... IHl fUtl CASH Pkl(~ •SONLY ,,c•o 10 !N(lUOING T•JC AN[) l•ANSf(I. ClHEt•!D fA •MENI P•ICf 15 i!~l>(I IN(LUt>ING All INIE~l~I, TAX ANO lk,lNSFE•, ... NNUA l ,l RCINT ... 01 lATI l•.l 4% CHARGER '68 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 2 DOOR HARDTOP ........ ,, .. "'"" $1588 ......•. '""'"· """"" C.OI C> $TAI tV,D7!'1 TOTAL PRICE '65 FORD LTD 2 DOOR HARDTOP ,., ...... •h ......... :,. ao,..., ''"'·• """' b•n'~" ~~..... ..~... -..11 11 .... rodio. l0WVJ•I) TOTAL PRICE -1-'•• I. u •. GTS 2 DOOR HARDTOP .. .......... ·~··. $1788 """'"'• r>O-•· ........ . b ..... ··01,_ c:.010 51 AI. rwn B••I TOTAL PRICE '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill HARDTOP '65 FORD STATION WAGON \18 .......... ,: •• """'" .... .. ••d-•, "-'"' [ef12ClSJ I. '" TOTAL PRICE +Ta, & Lit, ORANG! COUNTY L.A. COUNTY ·~::d 1970 DODGE Utility Pickup Full Fac tory Equipped 013ABOSI04725 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $2288 -~:HE'." USED CAR Super Marke~ SALE! '66 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ' ,, ,,_ "· .... $1088 ............ --· ........ . rod .o. "•••or. !15N,10) TOTAL PRICE '65 VOLKSWAGEN 4 •&H', •odl• "~d ~oc••• (W1'j!•J TOTAL PRICE $588 PHONE: (714) 540-8888 (213) 625-7752 Se Habla EspanDI ,. r:""T""."1~""""'.., ~;--;"' ,~--:;----·---------,..,.-·------· ·---· -~-,,.-... ~__.... ....,,.,....,..,,.,,,,_,,,,,.,,..,.-r~-,.,.-.,--~,...,....,...._~~~--~---•, ··-· ~ -~ ... -. •' .... ,_. ····· .,.,. -.--.----·-··---. ··-·-- I I ~ . ' • :r •• ... ~fJLY PI LOT Frod.t). Octob<-1 24 1~' & IMJiLOVMENl JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT J OBS & EMPLOYMENT J OBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDIS E FOR MERCHANOISE FOR MERtliANOISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRAOB l~J·~-~~Mo~n6,~W~om~.~7~1~00iiJ~oi.~~Mo~n.~W~om~.~7~1~00~\Job.-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 f 1;1111 ==II :: ==II === -PARKING -Bestaurant * * Housewives and Mothers Earn extra money for * CHRISTMAS * J. C. Penney Company Fashion Island -Newport Beach Has positions open in *Sales * Stock * Santa's Helper * Credi t intervie\~·s * Gift \\'rapping * l\lerchand1se records * PBX Schedules includini;? afternoons, evenings and combination of both. Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex· cellent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monday thru Frid•y J. C. Penney Company #24 Fashion Island Newport Beech, California CONTROL OFFICER $516. TO $618, T'ER r-.10NTll High School i:raduatc and previous ex1J('nen1'i' 10 meet. u1g ~ dl"ahng \••l!h th' r uhlir. Valid Callfomia op- .:n1tcws l1crn'>". CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH Police Dept. \71 1\ 49-1-1121 PllOTO assistant for Co111111. blueprinl shop. F.:>:p. lies. blil not ~r. 5'10-9.173. -PLASTIC-MOLDING TECH. PART Tl'.1.IE. "Exp"d. in RTV I.:. sihoone molds <tnd in eqoxy & polyester plastics. Yrnr-round opp. t-0 su~lall1- ially supple1nent your pl"'l'S- en1 income. full lune P'l- 1rntiaJ, hrs flrxible, Box il-1. 318 Daily Pilot. PLASTICS - 1;-.:JECr10N !o.1 0LDl1\'G Openings !or r xper1rncccl or t rainees ( rcmalcJ. Pref. ovrr 25 for day shif!. Apply 8 111n to 4 pn1 , :\1011. thn.J Fri. only. ORANG!-" CO AST PLA.SIICS 8.50 r ·~1h St.. C .. "-1. BUSBOYS For Wffk·end• APPLY lN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Rcsta11n1nl NIGHT BUSBOYS AND DISll\VASJIERS Ovrr lli. I\'.o schOOI please. Apply 1n person to BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17tJ1. SL, C.'.1.1. RESTAURANT, P'-'rt thnf', O\"er 18. J\tale. l'\'e.!o; lema1r 11-3 days . Apply afl,~r :2 P:\I. Tast<'e 1-'rttz, :.'966 Bnslol. C.J\\. SalO> * Fantastic! is the '"'ord for thi.ol national co1npany's new program !or Southern Cali!ornia : '"' ""' -DISTRIBUTORS -i\IANAGERS -SALES'.l.1EN -SALES\\10;\1£~ -REPRESENTATNES -TRAINEES This is a real ground 11001 opportunity 11•i1 h a ~olid auto. nialic electronic e<Jl.llpmenl firm lhat orff'rS * * P /Tirr. 1odelmaker. HIGH Immediate Earnings 546-3050 l~~~"~IJ ~I~"~~~'~' ~I l~,,~~~"gi£1~,[' ~~~~ l°''"' " 1.; ' !:~ fa1r1 1 n1odel boa.Ls hlul'prints. Ex. r~ required. •ployn1ent, op- suhstan11ally Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs.--Men, Wom. 7100 Yrar rou porttinit,· supplen;CJ rome. \\'1'1. 1\1 3·18. DRJVER. part 1iml', needed. S2.40 to S2.60 an hour. Call 64'.?·3..137 Ir pri>!i("'nl ui. 5nlcs .11ly P1Jo1 Box ! ;1ri;a. ESCROW OFFICER HOUSEKEEPER &:. Siller. NE F.: D 1:\1'.l.IF.:DTATEL\' rrsponsiblr. de pr n d a b I e olt!rr 11·01nan to carr for 2 e • e EX""ECUTIVE e e • 1 c·h1ldrPn mus! ha1i: rrls & P/Tll\IE girls \1 J:L'nf'ral olhcc 1• dri\•ini;:. Phorll' '.'1 ll1 ~on1c Ou1s1a11ding oppartun11y for e.>;p"cl. sales rscrv111 •1flu·rr to 11ork in our n<:'w fll1ss1011 \'1cjo, $a1"1ngs .t Loa.n o//le!'. '.l.h1~1 be cup;ibl"' of handling sales rscro,1·~ for 1·on11enlion .. <11 loans. Xlnt 11ork1ng cond, &: opponunity !or gro11·th. Contact •SALES CAREER• Starting AA!ary plu:<1 ('()Ill· mission. first yrar earnings of $12,00Q.plus possihlc 2 yr trainini:: program by l'Cll· tu1y old national ron11'l3ny. Bu&iness or ~al es background hclp!1il, No l ravel/l\1 i;cn1 t op.. portun1tie~. N.A "ARNIE"' NIELSEN • 827-7900 An l'fJ11al opporluni1y Einployrr 1-lff E:\"TRA Christina~ mon('y. Easy. fun. no inveslment. no dchl'rry . P:irt tnnr . cood pa~·-Call SARAI! covt:N- TRY. :>4&-7121, $..ls-5779, 536-681() factory ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE OPERATOR TOOL, DIE & MOLD MAKER MILL & DRILL OPERATOR ALL pos1t1011 ... l"'l'Qllire :rome experience J LIBERAL F"RINGE BENEFIT PROGRA:.\f EQUAL OPPORTliNITY l:.:\lPLO\'[R l~ll.i l"'lal" \\"ay Cl'll>la :'11,.~;J. C..t!Jl. 171.h •j.L).8~jl **FIBERGLASS MAN** A1!-3l'()l1rw:I tiberi;lass ma n: mo1i;I, tuinrl layout anrt ~un. nN'rird 11·11h eX(1'.Urnt ('XJl<'t · irrn-r J'l rw l"Offi'7"dny rl rs111"s 1nd111dual 1h;1t ha!i m .. nag,. ml'n! an<! tra1n111c-Rll1l1~·­ D.IJ ~71~\ 7il-ift"l() anl'1 ,\..!\ for i\lr T1wkr r e FRY COOK e Sun. I.: /lohd<t)'S off * EXPERIENCED APPLY IN PERSON' THE RIGGER # 16 Fa~hion l ~l;Jnd f'e"·port &al Ii FRY COOi.: • Da)~ . .1'.:>1p on· ly. Start S2.30. COTTAGE COfFEE SHOP, :.62 \\". J!lth s1 .. or Foreign Car Mechanics Good co. benc!lt!, incl paid vacation, group ins, uni. fonns fumlahcd lrc'. Good comm. Khedule. Ask for Joe Moo~ Ph. 5-10-1764. B F I m1v hirini;: c>iperirnccd carpenters &: I I h " r 1: I a 5 m,n, Call Bill :i4Q..R9.'":o!J HostuY.~ \\'' nttd ~ou: Be a hosteSll 1' 1!h !hr glamorous new II o s I ' ir; s West Ag,ncy-A .i<lls.~ Pnn1 VenlUN'. \\'' hav' JOb~ lo fill • \\'e nttd artrac11ve ill'b; Jrom ages 2() lhru 3:i. Jnl,rview by appt, Ann Dok,, 8174619 HOUSEKEEPER. L 1 v ~ -1 help l1f!e<k"d by l I I 1 mother!'~ llarhor 11 rt: 11 home. Local pml. 111a.n &· 6 yr old ton. Sf.nd bnrl deacr1p11011 ol prcv1ou~ r x-p. k-fil!'l'K!n;J I d:ira. Car or rirl11Pr11 11('. Jll"Prrl . \Viii phol'W' f')l" lntrrv1r,.., n.. Cook, l:AXI Adam.!l. Sulll" 203, C.1-.f. rar. Pleas" phon(' /or 1n- ll'rvil'W 96:2-7592 af1 ~ p.111. !!OUSF.J\EEPER. Someone 11 ho has had ~me pracllc11t nursini; e:-;p. Honest, gd. i.:ook. 011£' \1·tio dri\'l'S. Live ln. S.18-5652. HOUSEKEEPER. l111r in. \.\'tfe ill, away from home. Childrrn 6 & 8. Call l\lr. Hill. J.17-:i883 HOUSJ::KEEPF.R, 11\e p1:t. ;i pl. 2 sch! a i;ers. 67~>-0~10/S-l.~ 71~!7 ltl, Call 11.'iKPR l.· l'h1ld 1·a1'•'. :i 1: da)'s. s:io. 11·k + rm. & board. piild l"a". ;,~Q.9212 !!OU S EKEEPER : I day/wk. Good pay. Hun! Harhour. 8-1fi..48j() l-IOUSl'..\\o'ORK. f\O COOi\. ~1; da,y~ a 11·k, t.lon, \\'Nt. Fn. 9 111 1 pm. Rl'f ~. Own 1ran~p. f.!1-090:.! f\.B. e l~SPECTUlt, for qua lity con t rol. needed in1· rn{'fj1alely, :\lcGrri;or Yach1 Corp. lli~l Placrntl;J, C,\\I. JANITOR OR JANI TRESS P rofessional Employ ment Assistance COASTAL AGENC Y A member Qf ~nf'lt 1ng & Snrll1ng, In('. ?790 llarhor Bl, CJ\! 540.6055 PORTERS E XPERIENCED E xcellent Employee Benefits APPLY P ersonnel Off ice Third Floor The Broadway 41 Court1 of F ashion t'f\!';!110.'ll ISLAJ\'D N ewport Be ach ,\n Eq11,1I Op(l(lr!u1111y l:.n1ploycr PUBLIC SPEAKERS Jr yo11 ··011 1''Cru1t & !rn111. or 1f .1•ul1 l1a~r r1·f'r hnd a C'Qt!r~r 111 puhlw sprak1ni::. lhl'N' m11y h,, a pJ11rr tor y-ou 00\\'NE'l' SAVL'\G~ & LOA.'l J\.O:S<XIAT !ON 8.17-4!!1 I THE NEW JUDY LEE i.~ prnti1.1hlc. f11n & rxc1 11ng. E;orn Sj(] • SlOO Jll'r 1rl'rk full or par1 -11111" Ch•I05l' )OUr 011n l1ul1r.;, l"o drl11r1"} or roli"t.:llllg. nn 1Jl\'•'~l1nen1 lo ~lart. ln1n1cd. pro11ts • 11r trau1. Phnnr ;).15-~036. s,\LESGIRL Z:)...10 "-:p'd 111 kn1ttu1g &. t•roch<'t1ng. Call s.J;)..-'ZS12 for appt. THE 1..:..'lln\'JT. SALES. pt-llnl•', ('\•·~. agr J0...13. 1062 Irvine A1•c., N.B. \\',.~!f'hff Plaza *SALESMEN* f,~lfl hl1.~h1'rl ;:ir('a to bi-"'.'\· pan{.[rd Sal;iry arid (Omni , plus c;ir allo11·11nr,.. l'h: i\lr· ~ll«har.1~. 61.'-7:\,'1.' P 't11nr all 5 pn1, ":'llon·F1i 10 "Ith uur !'\id 'I Cn. !<look 11ork 1n Ci\>!, !\"8 or lrv1fl(' illoorl. <1::6 \V, 6th SL, Tus· al"'l'a. Apply at 17i!il·2C !-'ky. I ,;'~"o-i5~1~·>~'..';:.:;·020-70C7.7'7=--, park Cu-ell', Irvine. ;,.11).1910 REC t~ PT IO N 1 ST f..· J1\NITORS. floor 11·a.>;ers. AS.'ilST1\NT lor Io r a I SALES -1·:ar11 n1!Jll"Y 11·111! no 1nves\1nen1. S ar a 11 Co\'l'ntry /l~'~ds lull & part*t1mc help. J\'o drl: 11·c train. For 1111 ph . 5·1~100 SALE.'i Sar;1h Coveatry has nprnings for fl nr pt 11mc X111a.~ :-11!cs. Plra sa nt, d11.:nifil'rl 11urk 11'/no 1n. vr~L. ro t lcct1an,. or rlrlh'l'r1cs. ChoClse )()Uf 01\•n hr.<. :\l1n. ace 21. For •HI \. 1·all: :.10-0614 & ~16'.!~lli:J:l cpl.1. rpxrnr nC"Cd, 1,ork ronrl f..· \I h1!N:lovr B 1 rl ~, 1r11;;11, {" ;,.i;:..,3:c. ;: llfld r av. ;\ 1<1111· JA;>;ITOR, 1-0m" ~lnrli "·1,r,,; r ull nl" p<or'l tunr t~\ll"r nrr Arri:-' '" \Ir \\"1l11:in1•. :-1L\"[P.\\()UlJ$, ·1~ ~·as)uon 1•1;J11<1 f\ 1:. ••• MACH I NIST \';irird ~hvri :in•I "rld1n~ c ~­ f'1i>{'l~1on uu;1 ru. pl'l lt'f1Lf' fllPn1~ rnh:::r. r\•!\an,.,.d K1f1l'hLS, ln('. 1231 \'tf'lona ~1., C :'>!, IJ It~ lib .• ,\n f'l'JIJ.<! "Pfl"f, "mplc,y•'T ;il.\CHl \"l~f for )Oh .~hoP: :'>l!n. :, ~ r( r\prr. \lu~1 ha1T O"fl ,,.,,..,1~. Applv 111 Jl''r~on onl"j ; ti21 Ten nlnal \\";i.v. C ;\I. \!AID · Hou.;i'k('r1>l'r, n1aturf' 1to1nan !or rel 1rrn1cn1 home. \.nod pay & '1 nrk1ni; 1'flr>d Call i\lr~. Ellis • 4~t-9-l.'>8 i\l ri·fl<l n1P 15a lr-.1n"11. \\"1\NTED Apply 17'.2:• SupC"nor. C'.lf '.1.11\l~Tl~A~CE ~lan. parl· 11mr nl;Jlure, k1JQ11 ll'rlge of "lf'r1r1t'.il .~· 111 a chin~ r y Hrhrcn11~nt hon1c. Call i\l rs. l~ll 1s .\!}.l-!11~~ ~ursc!: R;-.:, parl ll111c; i"-3. ~11. 11 ·7 LVN", full timr ; 7-3 Park Lido Conval~('l"'nt Crnter, 466 F lagship Rrl. "''""'"Port !kach. 6~2-BW4 • NliRSF.S /\!DES * EXPERlt:l"CED .. ~>1~3061 • OU1ct SECRETARY F'OR bu!'V and in1P1?~1n~ job in pcrsoi-inl"I :tnd ••.a.Jes drpt. /\l ust haYc ~ood skills. Receptionist/ PIX )!! ·~ hr 11t!TIIMJ1'e, Y.'tll· ~rl"'l'>ml'd Y.'llh fr1en'1ly Jmi\" In hanrllf' 1nlt'r!':>tlfli: front 1lr~k. r 1rm loca!f'd in San O ('m"'nt,., Pl!: !>11'!. HtlY.ln. "92 11:.1. OPt.~",,".G-.-,=-,~,oo=R~LA=DY tor G<irn1rnl '.l.ffgr. C".ood pi1y, prrmal"lf'nl. 642-2666 011ll(l(lon11~1. Xlnt 11'0rk1n;: !'on1r , A· J)a.Y :->1111r "~JlCT anti q11al1 htr.t11nn~ Bo,,; J6S6 l\"''P"'r! R"a•·l1 r111 Hf·~t<l.lU'<111t Ancient Mariner * SALES * nn11 1~k111::: apphl'ri!IOr,~ lor r l.lll ,f, part lln1c. day & "'l'~ ~h1l1s. f or l'f'rorrlcrl inlnrmati!Jn CALL 636-1991 e K ITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS i\pp\v 111 p>'r<Jlll :'t,Qi \\', Cu.1~~ I hi). N ~11 ['Vlrt R":.r~ Sales Secretary "1•h 1.3 yl'ar~ n1l \1on,1l ~'OO· ~11rnrr p1x~-l11rts c:-1,,..nl'tl•'C , ~lJbmll rr,1Jn1c lo D:itl.Y P L.lot f-\n.\ \J .. o!i!J. 11r:STA U!tA.'lr: LA DY lrir SJ::CRl:.!AR!Al, llrl p. rxp"ri , lu ll or part 11n1r. 111a1Ul'r. S~ onl.v. /lppl In 11\'l"~On. ·1JO p1•r h<llir. :,1·1-f!~t;.~ 1;ll'n11r~rr SI . l;Jg11na Brh . Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 SHEET METAL We manufacture s cientific in$lruments, sys- tems a nd componenl5, We offer a ir condi- tioned shop, up-to-date equipment, ten paid holidays, .and other "Blue Chip " benefits. If you consider yourself qu.al ified for any of the follow ing, we would like to discuss e m· ployment possibilities. PRESS BRAKE OPERA TOR Sct-np and onprale press brake. l'"""errous. non-ferrous, s{ain!css and other special me· ta ls. SHEET METAL WORKER Set-up and operate standard sheet metal machines. Do lay out, use prec ision meas· uring tools, read prints. SPOT WELDER ~et-up and operate s pot \ve lding 1nachines. !:iel h eat ;:i nd pressure. J-"""errous, non-ferrous and s tounlcss rna!er1t1i . .;;. PUNCH PRESS Se t-u p and operate n1ediu111 l'itZe punch pres ses. Do O\Vll lay out. \1·ork close toler· ances. Ferrous non-fe rrous and alloy ma- terials. To apply, v isit our Employment Office. BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2500 N. Harbor Blvd. (North of Ttnperial l l1gh\\'ay) FULLERTON An cqt1,l!.J opportunity en1ployer Job5-M•n, Wom. 7100 Furniture IOOOFurnitur• IOOO Furnitur• 8000Furnituro 8000 Sec1·c1ary NrwspaP"r nt>~s PUBLIC NOTICE P art Time DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION Secr•tary OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS 10 Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture \'~~. Presid,nl $SO,OOO Inventory To Choose F rom & <0el'IC'tal l\.Ianag"r 9 Pc. Meditt Bedroom su it•, r•g . $349, now $168.00 \\'ho ca,o,lake li~rthandd ,100 GorgeOU$ Spa ni,h cu~tom $Of& w /m etc h9 love seat SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN y;pm 1 es vanety an 11;. • I b I . ures'ty,..,..60ivnmorbetterCho1ce o e4'ut ebr1es,re9.$419.95now$225.00Sh R Fl S I F Cl • •··· ,. · S i h Dinin .L " 15 OO ow oom • oor amp es • actory oseouts ~~a11~::,1n~:~~1ro:.n~ ~~c~ s~~d O.k Enj ~:bl.·~·&··c~ff~~-r~·b·1~;·::::~:::·; 18:00 il'ave. paid 1ned1cnJ and Iii' Tall Decor T•ble larnps, reg. 49.95 now $ 18.00 insurance, ct'l'<ii t union, pen-Spenish H4'ng, Swag lamps, re9, 49.95 now $ I 5.00 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. • S pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, • 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love seat, o r chair e 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean m atching tables, top du rable enough for Flamenco D a ncing. Will sell pieces individually. sion plan. etc. Call the 3 Rooms of Gorgeous Spanish Furnitur• DAILY PILOT for an a1>-(was reg. $1 ,295) Sacrifice! $398, ter ms pomlmont. 6tl4 3'l ""' "' R D FURNITURE for r.lrs. Grrenman. =--1 Security Guards 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Every N ight 'ti! 9-Wed., S a t. & Sun. 'til 6 PPrsonable men y,•ho attl '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j"'!'~~~~~~~~~~·I bondablr, 11hle to pass 1!-J Shop Fir~t ! Then See Our Unbelievdble B uy~! 1001 other items with terrific savings ! medical & physical agil i!y JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Furniture 8000 exan1. Posi1lons avaitab]{' ,-----------Bank Terms .Store Charge J'l la!:.ter Charge .starting at ssoo a 1nonr11. Siesta Nights only, E1nployee "'ill Schools-lnstrudion 7600 furnish 011·n unifonns & RankAmericard All .A.cccpted l'IJUiprnrnt. J-:n1ploycr Pn>l---J-O_l_N_T_ll_E_f_IE-.-LD-- v1des .\Jn1 worlc1n_g condi1ions \VJTH A FlITURE: in a REAL advancement Age/education no bi>.!Ti~r! prngrain, For interl"il'w ap. Le i us help )'OU qualify. po1nL call l\1r. Doan al INNKEE:PERS INSTITUTE 0•.,1.,'·-7' .... ,).0iiOiiOiiOiiOiiOii .. I INTER.i'lATION1\L f.fote.l/Holel/ Apt !o.1gmt Sehl See Betty Bruce at A D!VISION OF m 6 ANTHONY SCl lOOLS • 1717 S. BROOKHliRST l .1.1 .A'€C Al\,\!!Eli\I, C\LJfORNIA Classes form c11c1y \Vl'ck PJ!ONI<~ FOR APPT. gel'l.C'J ,\.~k r0r Belly i76-5$fll) f VOCAL Tech. &. song in- \)r Career Girls tcrpl'l'tation. BPginners thru 410 \V •. Coa.st Ji11·y, N.B. advanced. 49-1-9340 aft 6 By appo1nt1nent 646-3939·1,,,~=~--~---c .,. .. ,,., .. .,...,,,.,,."'""~l'CLAVIS lllon1cssori pre-sch!. SECURITY GUARDS 2 1 ~.S }Ts. lndiv. attn. Reas NCl'.'porl aJ"ca.. 637.J070 tuition. 646---232;), ~3706 SERVICE ~"TATION MERCHANDISE FOR Phillips Petroleum Co. SALE ANO TRADE ;-.:ow hinn;; for Salary -• opcratrd S('rvicc stallnn. Furniture 1000 Exper\f'ntc (lf"~1rcrl. (;()()(! • • s1arung s a I a r y plu~ l 7 Pc. King Size generous 1·01n111 .. 111111 i·:-.crll Bedroom o pp ort1Jn1t1c~ for au-1 • q , • . \'anc·f'n1rnt. f"or inlorni;i!ion ..111gr?. dra11er rlrl'-"S<'r, m1r. Brnokhursl & Ad<inis, Hun· ror, • hertsJdl' ~rands, king 1uig1on Jkh. i-::·llll:il QI)-~1te hr<idhoard. frame, quilt- ""r1unity rm In rr. rd ma1trcss, ~herts, blank-,... P Y els rlc. SERVICI'.: Sta1 ion Altr11dant. ' Choic(' ol Srani~h n1aturc e:-:p'd n1a11, ~alary or J\flXlrrn s1.11Jc npen. !1~h1 mech. 11-ork. Ap· All Fo $249 pl,v in p<>n>on Union Station • r !"(ti) \V lrlth, C\I No r10\1'n P m11<, only !S'.l mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE :;IERVICE ST,\. j\f,\N, part t1n1e, Sf'm1 ·re!irrrt 11·/ somc f'>;p, Chc1·rnn. 6().1 S. Const 600 \V. 4rh Ft., ~an1 " Ana i111·y, Lag11na Rr t1. Opl'I\ Da ily!). '.) S'."VICL' ··1 I d S,;:11. 9-6 S•HI. 11·6 .,,,.. • .• ·' ;1 1011 l\ c (' ~1~=.,.c~~~c-.~c_: __ r"p'd n1a11 part 11111(', ~1 p1n ESPANO'l IN QUALITY r~ JO prn. L.1uu11 Oi!, 393 I::. Model Home Furniture ~ '.1.1. Savings to R~'~a. \'cry t'asy SERVICE S1a. h t 1 n d n' 1 . f1nanc1ng. 3 romplete rooms Ex11. Apply in prrson 2900 or decorator~ ~iyled Spanish \\' Clll\..~I HI\)'. N B. furniture. Con.~isling of th~, "$500.00" rainous cusrun1 quality J'l>la- Jrid l1111ng room i;:mup. The or1g1nal l:.J Prt's11Jl'n!e spac- ious n1astcr king sizl' bed· rO?m su:tt? and l hc au!hrn!!c l..a Paz wrougt.t irnn d inrt1l' !<Cls. Llml!~d SIOl·k • Sl.~i/. I [;iu11ltnn .Slio111ruv111, 5!HS \\"es 11111nstcr Al'(', \\es~n1111i;;. lt11. 8'.l•l-ICl Trainrr, rnan.ag1 •n1rnt High !'o.·houl Cr;1cl. l\!1hl<ir)' ron1· plct<' or lY. c•all 1\nn. l\1 r r- rh;i.nts Pcr~n1uH'I i\t;l'1H·y, :~/\~ \\ cstcl1fl Dr.. N B. fi.I:) 2770 ••• TELLER SALE! ••• . ' • . . ' New 9 pc. corner arrang. ~hoiCt> Qf clrs . .r<'g. S?30, now $159 j{I • Nrw IM!ds: King S99.;)0, Qu('f'ns S~9.50, }-'ull S·\9 . .50, 1'111ins $~9.50. fully i::uarn. Kin~ sz spreads $1 3.951,:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j fl. sz. $9.9.'•. llr•adbrds: Kings, ~1 5, Queens $1:!.!'iO, Household Goods 8020 Antiques 8110 FtJ!l ~10.:A), ·rw1ns S,1.93". ·-__ Trundle ~l'ts ldllo riserl w/ SP/\N. dn1. ~''( • :\(•\\' • innr,r ~p~111g n1all , l"l'!;". S106. ··u~IL•l11. ni;1ri<' 111 uut.;l>i 11"1•!1 ~~11'. $~9.:;o, K.s. ;prd~ $13 ,~. base • IJl;1c\; ll.•k l!ild• , (; "l>C. ·pan gp. S-·19. K.s. ve\. carvrd c·h1·s . .'j:l!l-,, 1'1,,.. l~l!l, vc1 spreads $-19.50. CanopyJ===="=="==-=:::__: beds f"('g. SJJ9.5Q. now $89.~. Full sz sleep • sofa reg. Garage Sale $239.50, now $169.50 Christ 8022 mas lay-aways now .. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 llarbor BOTTLES GALORE Blvd., 0 1 6·15-2760 daily ]Q. r.earonablc, son11.• nlrl, s91nl' 9 Sat-Sun 10--6. not so old , a!sn ••lil lns1Jalvrs SPECIAL Sale-Pair of end &-uihrr ~;,oJ11·s . .-: •• 1 .I; .~un labll's, cOlf<'r tat.ii•' a tlfl 111·0 }().:), ZJ I Flo11!'!" !-'1, (''.I.I* THE flJ Z.\!:1:1·:, l S·l:!:; Br 1u:,:l1 Bl1d, HI::. t 1pi>11;ni;: ~P•'r 1;,l · h::1t1Wlll~ 1111<'1" "II l 1 fl U (' lul'n, rug~ • .1••11r.:if.1•, £00 yr o 1 d /i<.Jlllflllg:.~, .~··uJp11u·1 ·'· l>QOkS, tJr.;111;11 11.: tJCL'\Jl'at111· ./ PAHl.J:'\'G LOT SALF: S.it only •. ~t;i rt.~ al JO /\'.I.I Anll<JUl'S, lunutur,.., gl;1~s. ~ihvr, jl'wi•lry t•lc., B<irk Door ln1porl~. 1ll% llnrixlr Bl\11 .. at l'l!li :->!. C .\J. s1dl' chair.~ 111 rock-1nApll"; 71,.,. Ol'!{ 1•,\1 tl,1:-.0 Lt iT l::l::AL:T. ;1111!•1 pun1p org;1n, Early An1rncan r•<11r of :.:._.1 vnly _ ~1.-11.1, IQ ,\'.l.l nrw ht'llu11.; S!Ofl. 11>1~c. labll" la1nps and lloor J;nnp. 11n1 1qucs, /nnutun·, ~! .• :-:~. _1_,.,_·n._~.!J~~s_1 _.,_, _1,_Hi_-<_:!~_<;_. T0<1stmash•r, C'Cll"tru· 1ro11. ~lh'l'J', Jf'l\'1•!ry •·h".. 1;;11 k * 1\:\T!{Jl'~: lradPd gla.,., china, silvrrwarr. TV 1 ray.~. Door Jn1ports, JS'.~; !lJ1lJor CuTT1f'r & il'CS pnn!", 11ater 81\·d., at Ehh ::1, C.:'11. and Oil pa111t1ngs, lu11•ns,Gi\P.A 'L .. 1,,. 1 .... J1a11g1n;.:: 1tro1111·~-* ~i11 .::·1:11 .. ---~-----BRASS BEDS towels, blankets, card 1al1lc. • v s.t · " 1 ,.. P folrling chairs and many drrsser, t•he~ls, c ti ;1 t 1· :;-, lfl, /\NT!Ql"E. mi~c Hr.nis. 7l8--A Joann St .. lahli>s, la 1111•~. 1w 1n bL•1Js, 111· C.\\I. &1~>-08G:i ~~::~~;-; <'l~~.1;,1n~;~;rl c(l;~v~ Sewing Machines 8120 SCRAM -LETS a\1·ay prier~. r,:~; C1.'llll'I' SL.1 ----------- C.:'>l. f'r1 1liru :-.\111. 1%9 f;!Xl:Ert 11/r.c-aL!I \\;JI ANSWERS J7li7 TL'~T IN-7,\-"-.-. -,-,71 tonsulc S ~1;:~i·1i.;. :'llultr~ Hradbo;ird \\1rll 1na1 , l11ni.: ht1rt0 11 h11I•''· IJ\• 1·1·;1~r , f1 b:-i1•1•r!•;1il , Sllr1·n ( ,1i111t·t. Y•'~1 r ;.·uar. ! >1l l p111,· ~~s:n Ccn~11~ -(;r;Jl"f" -lla1·cn1 e 0 u r· i,, l<11s 1,[ 111 1, {:. nr s·, ::to n1u .. ~1;-1:1;11; -Purity -EYE.'i !Cll'f :~1.~-lG.ll A nr11· TV n1,1<1i•I h:.1 ~ jusl . --. --.-,-c - 1"""" n111rk1 •ted. It is !'.1.\H•1·n ,\LL _ !'l\IJ:-. (!~ .. 11.--i..LL· Music a l Inst. 8125 111ehcs 111U1' t 111 n!y Ill' l..A;>;' !,tinir Pl'\\" ~ i.i. .. pl.11 Ull'h high. it 1 1s r~au,~ ~ur S.1t1Sun :'0.l llh ·•c · J!.1111~. ,\[,~fU ·""'· !'-1'1 \l'.·1·. f1nr pli1< pPOpl.~ Wllh drlt'rl111e J::\'E. Bt li. ~1 ~l, ~~lll!'fl.' ': Si lill! I BHn SJGJrr and squ1111 111\ND 1ra1n1ed, li1n .. ,1Jld 1,1,.,. 1i1 • J:S:IJ, <..o1n• 1~. :-.·l111r1 , . • IJ U(' ~lh'f'r ~~'l"\I•" ·~~·V· Fttll Y 111-• i. w Sl'!'.i. USE:D 6 1lra11·t>r v.alnut · · ' ' ·"· \11rl111 ~ 1\ 11111" :s J IO drcsSl'r &: min·or, Sl-1 .95_ n1L~l'. i::ill 11rn1s: ~ •• 1_ .~. ~1.111. ~,-iih11-,1i · · · Pair or 1.1niii:-. ~rccn &· 320.'> l\\nn1;,n11 , l \J .•I r-1 N11 ·· -G I BSON ES JJ5 TD \1·h11", Sli. Odrl <.11nt'ltc t·ha lr GflllAGI:.: S.tl<' t:1· ~cl, S2.~ll. The racto11._ J&S:i lam11~. 1111~1·. furn ,(· '.' p11•k111•". 1°111.:: m' k, llarhor, ~·l()-4ii(l2 l\l)u•rl1•11ol n1 •I L Fn, ;...,• ~I :-uluJ lo 11J1, 1111!• Ill''~· ------·-----I s '~'~ l'J< l t.1"1-:.'~!1, I \•'11111~, NE:\V BOND\VOOD sofa 11·r · 1111. ·"""'" ~·1 · ! ---_ _ __ got 11 y1•st<·1·day, h11 t 11,nJ11::: l\llsc:Tt 1· 111 !'>-R ,, i,,,: 1 ·j'.."l~H<!Jh '.'. 1 ~··, :..1111 1211 .<.1lP. Co~1 ~::/Kl 1!!•11·, srll roi· hdl*S;11 ,•! :-, .. 1 ,\ !"Pl 111 -"'·" L, 111 •1 1. '"''·' ='-nl,11' S210. J1 11::h i::radr clr1·nrn1nr ;1 111-:i pnt. ]'112 \\', (ll'l'.111· ;,1,i .. _o;_· ___ _ [11l,r11· !"11:r1J!17 i\!,-.,a \.\·n:l' front, ;\I; l.t•fl\I IC !11 H •I }JI. ~Ultl'l ii Pos1 11011 ;11"a1lilble fo~ ""r$on. Ll(J,'ll 'T Gi~c 1tp'. You n1,1y \ I I I ., I I ' l'' SO ~'/\ & ln\"P scat, 2 l11 -lia1·k Tl HHl'. 1' 11,11~ 11101 u 1·.1111• ,·;1 ' -('Ull\ · '1 ,,i ' l1Ull L';. Ill· .11JI", nl.i lill " 1ndivutuaL f1ncl It a t A111rn~a '' lr•r:.:('~I. I I ,. 11 I "'-,\ l ~'h'L'l t•halr~. ''"/Ii·(' r n ii $l~1. H.oll-a-;iw;iy t"l!'d );I,, 1:1 ~. '-·' ''·'-' 1" Prrlrr 1r·lll'1" r'iprr. ln11 1,1JJ rno~t unu ~ual unJ 1t11Sll•'d ----------~I I l I C I lhls &. la nips . !<\:::. :o-1Lr Gr1gr1· t·u11nlt•r S.~0 S;t!un TE:\OH: S:t'\". :-;f'li110 •r ,\I.irk Ii cuns1dr r appl1c,1n1 w, th rt'. llrn1 1 re shirr'. ur. P.r\1111! lll!l'rl bkgrnd. Xlnt. ll'Drking & Sa11t11 Ana fll)", Tuslirl, l lwdrm t.f'I. i\ltlr;t s ,, l J • l1a1 r rlryrr .\1~1. ~·lli-4 :-'}l Va Iii" S~ 1.1. A:o-klfl;,: $.1:.-0. f'On(J"s &· l)f·n<'l11 s. n11 So. or I\'.r"•port !-'11·y, &'16--7!i!i7 G i\ fl fl L; ;.; S.d0-Plu111h111!!. Call li-l:.!-21i1.'\ B"lh. Plf'ru;e apply 1n rrri:on to Opi:n 362 days per ~ r. UPllOLSTEllED 1' 11 r n (' r f':1.ri! t·;.diint•l. •lhht'~ . .-1i.11r· ..... :'>lARTTN T1 ·11or S;.n·, 11kf' ?\Ir. L11ch or 1-lrs. Parker. $1·1-5-170 t:t'1"lup ron\'rr1~ inln 2 lw1n IJ!~•l;s, 271 Cos.111 \lr.,,t SI. nr1Y S:.!73. T\\'I~ bed~. 0J11°,. chr, <'Ill· i:K'rb. Co~I S1:iO S;1c S27:1 or C:\I. :11.~.;,;1 GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS ..'~~~ F c,, .• ~1 Jh1"\'. Cu1"il,1 ,,r l :'>l.•1', Calil. ll(]UC 6 d11T rhcsl, larl1rs tw•~t olll'L 6 4 ~ -7 :! 19 1-• .')TATI:: Sal•·. ,. "n1p1" I I' ====*-.- Qurrn Ann rll'~k . Ba ll , law ~~~/\\_21 ·nli~ hntnl" h1rn1~h1 11~-; l :.'>\ti P ianos & Or9._•_n_• __ s _1 J_O !bl. Organ stool. b\·at11 bnn· \rOODE:'-1 il!'~k :;r,·· ' '.'F;" Ar·.ic1.1. s,.1. ~1111 .. ~ '.l.!"11. FAC TORY 11urt Janip. ~111" 1•11V'I 1~ s-r·; \ln!'lr b<'l<'•ll,·.i~r h ('<t. !i·:.O 111 ~, ~.1-.~1111 '-~~ CLEARANCE! Crtbnllu. C :'IL I.Ilk. lru1n Jilh clru.hl(', r\1·r1jrnl \IO. l'lou-S.\ r ,t st·...:. flir•1 t .1, -~ ' ·r hi I I II F.11[1•111•11l•1~1l•:o11l"•"'"r o=-~-------1 .c·c·...::'c"c"c"c· ______ ,. ~·1 '' ~ ... , • ~·""' •11Y nu-1· ;,·1:: :'.·ott J !,1, • .. u \I .= ;,!I "\' 1-1~•!. rlo I ,,•,~11 ,1u1 TOOL 1:0()10 111arhu11~1~.lllDF.-A ·J;1':D , :.;n'l'll S60fhf'•t nfl•·r. !,l-,...l~iO._ 1 ~111~1 r .\1 ll••r 111,.I•·!•, ~t11•li" ,\· n '· r '\"p d n11 Brul!.:"J10r1 !.. J11 the naui:;ihydr: 3 IW :.l'«tlonal, 111\~[)Sl)~!E f;' I\ 1 rt 11 r Y ,;f." (J~':°l.l'XE i;:: ,, 1:1•it.:1 ~· 1 ro1r11.,1 ]'1 .• 1 .. ~ ~ U1;::.1n<: rrq111r1 •rl Si'\ I\, 11.ilh St. F. .. rly A111l'r: l'h1/1 ·n rrfrll'.:, l-l111prd, r\1·1· dr•I., ~ 1n111<•h :! . Ch•iTY '"'a '"''l~h·:iti• J: •• ! i;.1\1r11• 1111 1.1 ::n· •. T\ B. (1prn S.1 t k1lt·hcn !able & 2 rh.ilr~. chair~ 1\ ~It'll! at SIOO 5·{1 ,..,1 f-ii:-'17th ].\'•'!"~111111• ~· 111 1111 1•,•rt [11.,r TR,\I i\t~I : 11::iru"d 10r 111,. la111p~. 1!ei-k. "11'1 ahl<'f> •·tc, til~-t>:.:,;.> T il l'."i !-'~A :->Ht! 1, :-·\!I. 1.1•11 :-><..!. I ·111'· I 111•pr•1f1r ;;-;;~r111hly, ~h1pp 11u: a n ri :;1~1623 hef11r" 'l ,r;.. ;,ft"t :,. 3 HR!< nt 11u,d1ty 11\tl[l!r, al·~ 2\'..'11 F. 1·1111 \II f.11 '\,' . :iJ ,1,., k . ~'',1.1:• i;.· ;-.." oi1nr.ry 11·,,f"t1(1U~f' •ltJ11• ~. ><f\1 \\' J..,111·1.,...:.-dhl mn111i.d <Jn.;.1n. htrll' a·hcd. ~ 1 r r r o. T \ !!.ii r, pii 111. •l''lrl fl),, I• ,..1, :1;"' n 0 \( , 1 '1 ,, , In fl".' Hl'i1~1.=-:n Oan1shmndrr11rh;.or<:.n1•ar lainr•. rnll"c & r nd · I 1111,.~n·it'.l"•"h',ol Typisl nr11. D1nf'!I" •rl. Lots o! t:it•l•'' 5.~~\hll J \1 ,\1 :1 1 . .., 1:.\1.1•\\I\ ."ll'f"llf) Ynunr: typi~t t.· £:ir! r·nrlay ll11n~~. Con1r & ~t'l'' LO\'ELY 111ndrrr• :< 1, r .1 . Appliance• 8100 l'l:I /\•"I~"' r \1 1 I~~ I~ I "21 V ! ~I C\I ·-1 I llor"J J ''I' ·' ~·· f>.lfi-~9~! fnr npp•.2.1111 ---" So1 ;~1~i;;~, ~11·1_,\' ' n101 1r t11nt: i•hr f, r 1lln11.;, l1k1• Rrfrtr:rr;il<Jr~ .. , . lei ,,1q ~ ,, -·~..;1111.i ,\_\IT•·!'''"'"--W AJTRESS ----fll'\\ Sl~Q,j\lany llllSC ll l'lllS r.E l'••l'l al1lr c.11,1· r\ • 1•11,·,,~ I.I "' \l".:" !\F'\l"T IFUL lh'nrr·don di n· f1 lf>-·,·!(l~ llkrlHJ .. ,, ........... \lh EXPERIENCED \p llllH' 1111"( 1:1 ii d fl 11p]1f• tn p11r1'l1.i•1· ".H11• :i .1r111' N E\\' ,\· \ ."l 11 /'I \:>.!1S ,\ in:.: n1111n .~1111 "'. b6'" ()\ill -,, ,o.;1•t·t'l.\I 1,t, Cl17"T C::-.1r . !1111111:.: r ni :.r1, • i..;1·: •'I, ,·1ri, 111'• 1 .... $1 '• '', l;ihlf' 11/C\I & pa(!s, r, ;,11fi'1 "l11ll' S11a11. n1t1• HC\ (",.11,r•l(', ,' . .,,1)1'1'\". ,{J i.., S AUpRpFly&;nSPIReLIOOonlN t·hall'~ & bulfi'I . l )r old. 5lanrt~. lnu•)!ini;: l11r f1 ;.;t1,1rr. r,111rl11'"•1l :.u1nn1.11w 11 ;•~h11·. fi.l·l-0120. kg. ~7 h"rt. m1~r. fi73-41117. lOPll('ll"HC ........••.. ~ti:'l 5930 P ac. Cst. Hwy. CO'.l.ll'Ll::T~; l~rdn>on1 ~rL COliCl~i•tl! naugahy<lc, ;\ DUNLAP'S Newport Beach l1i;hl oak $100 Ptlll' d1n1ni; yrs uld. s2:;. 1111:, J\.r11p.u1 Bhd., C ;\I. \\'0:\IEN t61. n<'f'drd !or rro111 5ct. l rc~tlr t~hle 111..; (;:ill 81~-71\~7 548-7788 11·01·k at !hr 1,.l('IJh(lnr on1rr :11. 8 c·h.i1 r.~ $7.l. h!I :\1n1: r 0 E,\RLY An1Cfl{"/i1' rout:h !::O .. 1. fl s r<)T P'll"lf• n1l·•r fjr,;k, p111"! 11111", !l 10 1 pin 30S3 Plro!tr Dr. C ~1 . <i 11 ti 4 Jflf..\\:-i . I~· -1 '''""~ in Or:ini;1· (',•!1!1!1. \I i.: 1,11.•• 1n11k..:. n.a11K 1• rt11". n1~ 11 ;\[on & f l I • 1 r~. ,.;<111 \! 10 4 II \ \f\11)\lt in r or:t)).,\ 01 :1. \1 'r. 4 111a p!r h.ir i;1ools Sl O f ai:h. J.:""'1 ronf11t 1oa S.ifl l'h1J, . ., ur •1to11 11111 S~QO !X'I" hr l!J ~-Ofl i\1AL Early An1Pnran rTIJ(Vl •'1"lnfli rinn. !1116-\Cil\"I. r<'lru.:"l'a!pr. runs J::(lf.,j }.!.i '..~~·I I~ 1'1111•! 1!<1,·. 1.~~-'il~O start. OfJ('n1ng-s 111 Costa <hn111:: lablr. fi l'ha1rs: •If -9! I --Pl1\7"l1:-: .~ 111:1 .. \\':$- \\"I :\\ /'.. l ;':J.! I l\lr~;i nlrn:", nn r \p/ ncc. h in:h11·00-t J.-Thom 11 s :l B.'\R S1ool~. 5;>,;l tnt;i l ·'.-•c·'~J-.,..<Oc.,.·~--- Call for 11111110. 611-J!il n1nk". Jikr nc11., s l 7 ~.. K1tr hrn f)rt.';ikli'l~t ~l't s::;;. s·11ALI. 1..; · ~: l~•·lr1i:1 rat .. r. < 'O'l •Call l)T.'.-i1f..(l• E..:i•rllrn1 1·nnd11 1011. $.Ill 0 Y:irno1h;1 l'1.1n.1• ~. Ul':;;:in~ \\"O:'>IE'.\". htlJ or "a11 tt mr .• r......... r.1 \ e Tl I I " Cl Bt.ui·. o· .~J·,. walnut 1 h-\Hi(l all 6 l'.I or all 1n1111•' n"''''I n!'l'ct!.'1[ 1m1nf'(! f•1r: i1ld t:SED rl<'llJ \r ~p;1n1~h rrr'I " b 11 ri•krnd . • 1-\imhall 1'1 •ll·'" Carr 1\1df'~ or Con1 pan1(1n~. ~<"11:'1 & l'l\"~"a!. ho!h S14 1. eoek1;i1l l11hlr, 2 cnr! t,l. Jr~ ·:_::.:.:_ ______ e J\ohl•'r ,t {',1 llr•l• l! ,\~c 10 lo 6j. 61".?·32i( C•11n\ us"rl !'pani~ll l11mps S;Ji ~110-:>1!·\ :\l,\YTi\CI:: 1'.1. F. CT rt 1 C C OAST MUSIC Sitting P retty Agency 19 Th" fa ct1111·. I&!J Harbor co t;C!I ,r., ma1ch "hair . rlhlr 11'.0:''ER. Lll\l: :"E\V S:JJ. NE\rP0rtT ,i,, !!.\lll30 R \\"i\ITRF.:!';S t..· Di~t"1,1 ~hf'i'. 54()....filt.12 bl"d. rnd 1bls. Slt:r1ficc!~'. ~l.-..t.?20. Cr.;la ;\l!•:-a • 61:~:-iJl i\11ply 111 prrson. S11.•1ss DANISH rhnu1g man1 lahlr .t· Call 6-lli-11562 \\'i\Sl!ER &. rlryrr, ai·oc.ido, 0["1''n lfl.l'i rri 10.9 Sun 11·'.i Chal,.I. 111 N. Newport rh11irs, Chinci<" 1cak eoffr~ u~ED :J pc. antiqur wh11r ~!2·'· R~fr~:'r;?,,;~!: SIOO. !IA:'ll'.1.IONIJ . .'•ti'lll\,.iy. Ya lllvrl. NB 111hlc. gan1r chairs, lan1ps. brlrm i-c t 1lell1..;r. $9i. The rr,.icr ~ ·'· · ·· maha . 11{'1v & 11~('d pianos -rt•' .. 67~:,!l~. Faf'!Ql'Y. ;).lf\.!'.~12 \VA SHER & riryrr, 11vnc11do, {lf 1111 n11kr'\. Br~t buys in ~~hools-lnstruction 7600 USED chrsi, ~ dr!.lll!'r, $1 •\, BF.:,\t:TlFUL \\"il!ett nHt\ile s:~.). llcfri ~-frosl lrTc SJOO :50 ("a li!. n ..::lit lu•r·••, LEARN TO B E Rnl!-11.11;iy hrrt 1~. P nlr hulf"h .~· rlinii11! roo1n ~ct. f rr•r1•·r $Ii~. :.10-10'.l:, SCl l.\1lf'lT \\l l'.~I C CO , AN AUCTIONEER t:i111p $i Thr f"arto11-. l8SJI -.;I nt $11."•. ~ ... 1'.1-l'lfi!l ;\IODl·.l~ i\00 Kt•nmfll'e :111\n l '.110 N. !o.!.1111, l1;Jd10r. Cl \0*6.1;42 TV--.,, 1 , ,.,,1,,,,,,1 '1:.•lwr. yo•l111\\·, :-.lnl 1•01\d ----'-"•!d.1 i\n.1 ___ _ Hcg11h1.r '.?111'1•kh·11ll 1 • S•fll on,. · 1~ .. ,.,,., 817_,11. -sra1·t~ S(\t.ll1' L:~ED H(',\ TV. $:!!, :, pr• mori•·I .-s.~:, Ca 1 1 Io 11 n:.:" 1• · ' ' h·. '4 ur ' ·' Ha1nmond Chord .. SJ44 \\'E.<;,1".Bt~:'T ~0 1001. \\h1tr rl111rl !r, floral rr111t. rrrh11f'r 1•l1:11r S1"1 :i\:1-2161 ;\11\YT,\G i\u!o111ah1· 11 .. 1~1111 \;1111 1til•-rd OF AUCTlO:-.:EErtIXri .\.~:,. GrTrn s· sofa & ch1R~i!,,· _,-PJErf.:,J,G~[E Ll\"t:>ll xi~! 1·1:1i<J. S:iO. 51U.S6fl ur H ci mmond M -3 5666 E11n1lJ111(•n1 l1rrralu1'f' fl't'(". s: .. s. Thr fac10t')', .,.,. ROO\l SET. LJ l<\E f'E\\"' ~1 i..,ti 11.' J;J-i11,1 1.n1•l1 • .c1m r.1111<'rd Bonded ;ulll rc1·t1!1ed 1nstru.,:. llartior. 5 1().-6~12 ~>li'-33~(, KJ:::-ll\IORL \\'ASHI~lt GOULD MUSIC 1ors. Oppartun1!y f(lr the Quality king bcri-qutl!C'fl. LARGE "oorlrn desk, ncecls Y.1orks ~~ S30 h11111hrappc1t. PO Rox 30"2 1. Cn1npll'te-11nuSC'd SHl:i, \\Ylrlh refinishing S2Q. • 833-0117 * - i\n.1hr.im. Qi.hf. 9Z803; or S2.j[), Alt !'I f.t. 11·knris 842-6.)36 *84l-77R:>• Rf.FRIG. 14 cu 11, llo1""Jnl, (TI4l KJS..5000. ,~ 111\:'ll'l()'"[J ••ri.:.1n, 110;·rfrrl corot]111011. ;\1 n {.[ f' I 13·:\ \\/U'~hc n1orl('l 222 R·V !'<[lf'a.krr l\'l'\1 prl"f' $11.10. _;_;_..;....;..;.:.::;_ _____ l•CA!\.1BRIDGE mapl~ dining v.nri<:s fine $00. rTtOm ~I S'250 or ht!~! offe r. Office Equipment 1011 5-1'.)....{)-l!ll! Eltttr\c typing. CTf'g; iihQrthand b dic1a11n11: NJlllJlnlrnt hnt<hUp Day· 11n1t' ;JN"<"]{'r111cd cla~scs • hy the l'."Cl'k, The Newport School of Business Exct'llcnt cnntl. ~099 BF.:DR'.1.1 ~t. CllQ(I rol'Yl 11n. lilJUf' 11·h1tl'.!. 67~ af!cr 6 nr l''knd< ·I "'"· !11n1c. rorm ~ct 'l2i 11"11 Pl . C :Of. l'.~.1 Doi rr rir , :-,• B. I ror D;J 1ly P1lot \\'Rn! Ads ----"'c"c·'o'c'':....___ rh111 li l2-56<8 n·rF.\\'RJTf.R. Rrlr'I. m11rh., I~ \\'l'511n~llou!W \\'11~hrr 22 \\ 1]1 ~nrrillf'•' l»r S~:.OOC. cWib. c11lculat"r. Very reasonable. lb. ST.. 11 ru fl l't'!ni.:. :\Int 57· ... c:11 Xlr11 r onrl '1!1'..'-2113 rnnrl S~3 C>!O. I'll~ -~·r: t 1: 0 1:1 ;-\ '. ct. \.~-.::1 .~ Bo ll \l~'.:-.""T'J.:J:.-'\l!'lll.\" l>llr• f'il<. \J,,11rl~1 n,1 7 '. ~ ·n 11rro Store Equipment ~1t.1·r ~ 01·1•n 11 1111 ~i· GOULD MUS IC CO, 2 :O:l !tl\\'CA!'F:S 11/ ilra'1"~-_ (',~11ft_..2.pn1 ·1r,_1i··,1_ •1 11 :'\ \11 '\ .i1~1r~1 1 l.ort:.r o•hf'i;I "'•Ir:!""!"' APT .~11r r•'fl'lJ?."l.11<11 ., \1 I I. f\ [!\\..;I :.,-:-ri1rwl ~Ull1>1Jlr for b us Inc~ I 'r n1· ... nlrl +'13 >-<t.l'<l'~ll<;, I )'1.1r '' 1 '1•11' lhll cund 6 1~~~3 ("d>1 f.i~',-,j:'fl .1 ... r.~I\ nf1.1· r, r•i·1 ---- .. -.--~------------------------------.----------------c-------------------~-----~ ------ MIRCHANOISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDIS! FOR SALE ANO TRADI MERCHANDISE FOR SAL! ANO TRAOI PrldlJ', Octob!f 24, 1%9 PETS ind LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO TRANSPORTATION --·-----1 T Pianos&. Org•n• 8130 Miscell1neou1 1600 Misc:. W1nted 1610 t1t1 8820 Sallbo1t1 9010 Bicycl.. 9225 C1mjMrt 9S20 lmport•d ~~!o•_!6~ P UREBRED Siamese ki1. 11' Sl lEARWATER f.1K Ill tens , 2 n1os. old, shots. Ex-Catarnaran. Comp I el• EXELI..ENT c o n d It Ip n FANTASTIC 4-Star Cam- bikes. Girl's, boy's :,.,) inch. pt!rs, nu \Veslway1 & nu $17.~ each. 548-6449 mini-campers. Prit'e!I start Imported Aulot •400 ·- MJ..SON & Hamblin Sheraton console piano. Would blend well lnlo a gracious home. 1117-7201 PRIVATE PARTY \\'ANTS TO BUY PIANO t·oR CASI-I. 542-6045 Television 1205 LeMl' Color TV or Black & White. Option to l)uy. free servll't'. No d1<po . .;1t A-Acl11•c TV R•'ntal Cu. (l) 522.11:i:1 '69 RCA Color TV must M'll, $200. 4-:H-3016 <iHer 5Pill. 329 Popular, Lag. &h. 2EN TERT A I N !\t l::N1' cenh'l"S 1v I 1:pJi;r TV S300. \\'f Fi & \V ·rv. SlOO. 675-<lo'.!89, 67:MJ9'J.l 19" RCA COLOR ·rv. hlond cabinet, nei!'rls rf'pa1r, $50. l\11·1467 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 STEREO, Ai\1/FM radio, pho1-.:>graph, walnut console. Outlets ror l;:ipc rcl'ording &; playlJaek $150 or l:>rst ofr. Sec 10 apprcc. 673-2614 alter •• STE rt£ 0 /RADIO. :wl1d sta1c, instant arn1, 2~ !rans. good <'Ollr!. S36. 5-18-7!f.l.1 Gfl.UN DIG Sten'o consol" in handson1e Danish \\'a!nut cabinl't S4:i. &!6-2046. *AUCTION* FRIDAY, OCT. 24th 7:30 SHARP! UNCLAli\TED S T ORAGE FR0 ;<.1 &\! \'Tll BROi , st:a.L <'<l boxf's. lui·ni\urt\ appli· <lllCC's, pl u~ vlll" $~;).OOQ Stotk of fine Furn1\U1\• fron1 ~'Ink· ruptc1es. S.-"t' our at! that ran \l't'tl S: Thul'S. C0\1f: BP.0 \VS£ AROU'.'lD WINDY'S AUCTION 2075~~ Ne1vporl Blvd. B.'h1noJ ·rony's Bldg :\1al'l~ Costa J\le;;a * 646.8686 ()PEN DAILY 9 lo 4 CLASSIC Lo1v 11VOt! ll<'fl(I & loot boa.rd~, 111'111 !-)1 ~1·, ~ It'\' $20. Small sla1 1.tlll·· s:1.:.o Sn1ull chrst SJ:!. K1tf'hl'n 1lc111.o;, d1~hes, 11 t" n lo. 1 ! s Hk:-i.-ie .l)ou!Jl1' bo.\ ~prings & rnatl\'ess. r ,\l"t"I. eond. S20. \Vas!r. tJ11xk1.•ts JOc-$1. 5-111-239•1 a1 6 pm Sal/Sun 10-12 20l l l\:ing;; Road NB NF..:\\' i.:a;; rang1' :S75. Dining 1alllt• 6 t'h<H!"s, china cabinet $95. \Ox\:) lo(·1ge nylon rug & padding :S:l:>. S.·t fut· S • new dish~·~ :Sl'.:. 2 1 pc rut crysla! gla.-;~c.o; $30. ·rv Pilot ma~I aritl'nna S:!~1. V 11 cu u rn clcan\•r :S20. Ar1t1ques .~ n1any n101'•'. -1:1,~ nolc1'i'I \Vay. NB. O·Hi-1'.:IJ(J NBTC FAMILY Cimtras & Equip. 8300 MEMBERSHIP FOR SALE WILL BUY JG n11n proj. A Good buy ,t gi"C;it opportun. silent or sound. fllust be in ity 10 bclonr:: tu famous good eond, reas. p1·1r•ed. NBTC. &16-5:i97 WILL SELL F' e de r al .FURNITl.:l{J·:, Lu ggage, Enlarger ror :>.J n1n1• 2 1~" Dishes ;rnd J<ill'h<'n utensils, x2~{ ", etc.. in foldaway llcallh Spa 11l'111l1rrship rnr case 11·/ 1na:-k11H.: east'\. 2. Or;in~r Coast Lions Will 1ra·'1.' on proJ·eC1or. Call 1 k Q T'I "· 1 " • ar ct, ua1ry 1 <', .x·c a on wknds. rrl r ven thru 2!:¥.I 1"airi·ir1,., C.i\1. ] lv (i Sun. Laguna l3 ea c h . r~:i.1. 499-21 52 ===-~-..,-..,..---I DRAP£RI£,') frnn1 n1odt•I ENTIRE 'lXJ d.-irk rooni ood · I hon1es, g -selcct1011 o equip. Omega enlarger, etc. colors, fatties & sizes. 3 spd. Graphic ca111cras, Alteration service. 540--0346. filters, meters & l itt's, etc. Randolph House Draperies, All $400 or sell separa!ely. 2957 Randolph Ave., Ci\1. SWE BUYS $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV1-Pi ~no1-Sl•r1 01 1 P'leoe or Ho1<l• F•ll CASH IN JO MINUTIS • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH OLD Electric trains * ~11)·3:il•l * NEED bricks 01rc to 1000, r'f'asonably priced. 644-4687 --FREE TO YOU FHE~: (t) ):'OOd hon1cs, 1 l \,._·k•'r/poodlc 111ix. hsbrk11, li 1110s. old, fen1alc. fl.ho I puppy. G•'r. Shc·p/Labr. 111111, G wk~ old. fl•n1alr 5·15-8993. }()/2J ~'REE l\:illt'ns. Cu cl d I y Calico. black ,t, 1vhite, i;rey & c..rangc. Please ca J I &H--0688. 292 1 Caro b, N.B. 10/25 Al<t Bassc\l Hound. fcniale, l' ~ yrs. lri·color. loves c h1ldrt>n. Perfect pi'!, Ol"eds fcneC'd yard. Adults only c.·al p!rast'. 5-10.S63S, 10/24 ~; Poodle, ~~ euckt•r. Fe1nule 2 yrs. Needs grooming and 1,~ prrgn;int. To ~ood home 11'i 1h Ien ccd yard ~1g...5927 10/2<1 CRIPPLED Tigrr kltien, nialt' a c11ve, clean, trained, loving. NE:EDS HOME, or it"s the pound. 53 1·9613. .1012·1 llAPPY l~ALLO\\IEEN black adorable f<'n1.ilr car. ~ly n101nrnie says I i!lltla ha1·1· a ho111<' by SU!l(!:t y, t:i-!G-Ofrl~ 10/23 B ~-:1\UTi l·'UI. k i 1 l r 11 " ,I lllilh""· l ft'l11 <i.ic. :; bJk-2 :-;lrirwd Cail alt. 5. !Jfi2-2:1~1!l 10/24 AKC BriUany s pan i e I, female, 2 yrs. G<'n!Je, lovt's <·hildren, Needs fencrc! yd. 540-8638 evl's". 10/24 ceptlon:·l. 9G2-3852 eves. "''Itri.lie r S900. 5-1~2220 Dogs 8825 Power Cruisera -~~~~~~~~~1 DOG Obedience lnstrut t1on, 1961 32' CHRIS Corinthian n~·w class Iorming. Srarts fully equippC'd. Xlnt cond: N•1v. 41h. Approved Doi; \Vtl! sf'll equ!!y. Days (71 4) Ubcdlen.ce r n s t r u c t ors 737~1. CVl's 548--2434 t-.tr. J\I a r t 1 n c r e s t Kennel Oii·('ns. 51&--0989 AKC COLLIE PUPS Se•ed-5kl _ _Bo•I• 9030 '.! 1r females and 1 sable l·l' SKI boat, 35 h Evinnidc n1:iie. Shut & 1i·on1le<I. S300 or best offer. Incl trlr 962-Htl7 & hlr5. 644-4445 GREAT Dane Puppies, AKC reg., rav.·ns/black mask. Boat Trailers 9032 \V o n derful trmperan1cn1.1----------- Shols. t.lartincre~t Ken11els, USED 26" l:ioat l r a l 1 er, 546-008!1 t1tndcrn axle, clec brakes, AKC SILKY PUPPIE::i $:.SOO. 645-0222 8 1\'eeks old lat & ready fur al ========== ne1v home. Come ,t s•--c ~ • · then1. * 5-IS .. 1957 Boat -~~~ 9033 DOBER~1AN P\nscher, BOAT CHECI< & year old, rriale, I o v e s •67J.-."I019* children, i:ood 1vatchdog. l\llNOR f\'IAfNTENANCE Papers. :S:.O. 645--0077 •li7:l-5019* \V EIMA11Ar'\1'ER Pu pp i cs ~.. • AKC, 5hots. Grand cham-Boat .Slip Mooring 9036 pions. \VANTED: Boat slip or ==c*cc17,14_1=89c2c-c'',123 7 *_,,;:c l moorln;,: for 24" sailboat. GEHt'llAN Shcphrrds. like Cdl 536---41:17 H.in-T1n-T1n .• top . q~al!ty, OB. 11ants boaL :sli p for 21' pure IJrcd, Ah.C. 8lJ--1Jli8 Ventu1r Please 11T1le Daily BE,\UTIFUL Dachshund Pilot Box M,34:1. r;ippic~, AKC .. 4 ll'el'ks old. Dll .. 11·ants hoat slip !or 'I~' ~;>;) each. 5.\0-~.106. beaut. sailboat. TINY Toy, \VhiJe n1ah\ J)()()-Or!l F.d 64;).0222 <I!(', A,K.C. 4 m1). old. House· I-=========== h1·okl'"n. 5-18-67C6. Boat· Y 1cht B_A_S_S_ET __ P_"_pp';-,,~---A~K~·c'1 Chartars 9039 Champ. lines. Pct or show. ----------- Laguna Nigurl. 495-0759 SAIL CAL 2~ $25 per day. DACHSHLlND PUP. CAL 36, $60 per day. Sleeps Ii . Call 71~/846-1957. JO 1vks. lint! shi)ts. S:t5. • 642·37!\.1 • Boats Wanted 9050 POODLE pups, n1in."turc.1-.----.------- fl'n1alr, S2\ 1'1lnrnhrcd. i\·ILL traoe $21,000 cq. on 6 ('all f.-1G~1\i1 •1 11<.: in Vis\11, Cal. for lrec & -~--=~~~-~~--1 ch•ar late n1odt'I poll'er BLACK Labradr1r Ttrltlrver tTuisrr. Bal due on !and· puflpi1·s. 6 11'C'C'ks, :,hols. SJ.1. $24 ,000 111 S::lf"iO per mo. Land ~1~&-li:l97 Appraised at $45,000 by local ST. Bernard, 8 mo. AKC AU hanks. P.O. Box 2 2 3 2 , shols & ht·s. A!fett1onate. An1theim, Cal. $100. 839-57~2 POODLE, papers .. llca.r:t·con-Mobile Homes 9200 dH1onrd childs pet. $47.50 orl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, a l S375. Scous, 914. N. 9215 Harbor, S.A. AUSTIN HEALEY '6.'> A.H. 3000 MK III Conv. Am-f'n1, wire \\•hi.~. Xln!. ('<lilrl_ 11950. 54&-63$J TACO !l'J 5 h ,_ _ . . NE\V ca1n(X'r 11hi'lls cab p, uunt & ha(k high fully hned with it\-DATSUN ~~~lk8s72. rww brakes. $ll5. !r n;r lights &: Vf"nt. $2?.l.1---------- '69 Bonania mini bike, 4 hp. $1~. Like new! St·o1ts, 91 4 N. 1-fartxir. SA. ORANGE COUNTY'S '63 Ford Econoline NO. 1 * 8.1.~7.l01 * • 6-15-®1 * DATSUN DEALER 3 llORSE lttlc k!'y b1kt'. Good cond .. ltlakc offer. * 5-IS-t2Hl * Moto;cyclts 9300 ----1967 HON DA 160 SCRAltIDLER "fi.l ROAMER c.o. can1pt".r, 9', butane ove r1. slove, re.Iv. S!ps 4. $650. 67>.211!1. Nf:W '70 t'ord P/U 3':'o over dl r Invoice \\'I c a ni p 1• r purchase. Scott.,, ~l<I N. .llJ.rbor. S.A., El~. starter, 80.J orig. ml. Dune Buggies 952!>· $400. ---- '67 HONDA 160 SCRA.\IBLER i\1ANX Turis!a 4 p!a('e. Con1p1e1ely stock • pc.rtecl !'>u1ler ma11 quality in !his tnp shape. $395. of !he line mode!. Tilt' ldC'rd 1967 TRIUMP!I T·ll))(' runabout. kids, car ~o . 500 CC. Very clean. $750, beach, otr road f'l r. finished JAMES LTD in spcetact1\ar fused met.al 15il.J ~ewport Blvd. 6·12-0040 flake s1'! off by a 1968 BSA 650 c(' Lightning n1ult1...ro\ored P.a t t e 1· n e d 1,600 n1iies _ real rlean like upholstery. Ex r .c 11 e n t b<""d "''' "' 1 ·h lhn1out, n1echani('al ,\!, , .. , scra c es, th . 1•..•. 1. 1 & blue book $l 030 ·u o crw1se. ""(' a 111 e for $895. g4z_J813 sacri cc live a little. Tradt's OJ~. ·==~=--''-'-~---I Flrxiblc flnancing, t'xtentlcd '55 DSA Chopper. Ne1v J\.lotor terms. & tran~. ilf11st .•wll. 49-1-3016 t~ri1z \Vart'C'n after 5 P!lr. 329 Poplda..r, Sport Car center Lag. Bch. 547-0764 DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. HLJntington Beach 8~2-TI81 or 540-(l.l,12 '69 DATSUN D1g 4-dr Sedan. 4 spd. D!r., radio, heatrr, 1300 n1iles. \\'ill sacrilir.e.: Take older trade. Call Phil, 4!).J.9m, 5.\S.0034. Z\VJ03l. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES -SERVICE '69 h10DELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. '69 YAr\IAHA 2:-xt Enduro. r.·"1~E~Y"E°'RCS'""'>"1CA~N"x~,c,~-w-,-"'--· lcosta r.IC!a 642-0010 i'vlany x tras. Sharp! $700 or Has everything including I •""~""~""~~~~~ hc~I _of;er. S.16-2074 e1"es. Porsche engine, ete. Cost See 3506 ·'a !11nrcus. NB. o\"cr $6,000-Sell for :S·l ,000. 1!)69 Y"amaha 125. Barely Ser it at 1499 fllonrovia used. $425. Call ( 7 14 ) Ave., N13 .. 646-4<1~ l'!nys. 84&-2674 after 5 pin. 'GR Honda 160 Srran1b!er , 1300 n1i, ·!· x!ras $350. 962-9776 BEAUTIFUL '68 Roadrunner buggy· Indy tires, Amer. n1ag1;, metal flake, r e·blt lGOO CC eng. hdtp, etc. 1~96=9-Y-A7M-AH~A-1-2S=. -,-,,-A-T-l·l 6T~1419. ===~-~~ .i\IX, niotocross, $450. 1969 DUNE Buggy, big tires, * 494 ·7~5 * mags, shag crpt, rarlio & -=.~.=, 7;7• A'>ct7A7H'A~2°'1J~c=c~-l 1,1pc deck, mrtal l!ake body REBUILT ENGINE. $28ii ,,·/T top, 91i8-l606 anytln1e. • S4;)..8j}l6 * 1963 ;'l!ANX 2 prepared tor & ·6~ HONDA Scran1blcr 90. xtnt cond. 2,350 ml, $245. Call &12.5m d1'i\·en by B.I. l\Ieyrr es- <'Ct1!ive. Compl~rely Tl'bt1i!( T600 engine commll.Ildo XT 7D's. dual exhausts, h\'ln '69 HONDA 90, 2,0\'.Xl m i, i'X· carbs. Outstanding in royal ,....l!.,nt -"d, 117 5 00 .... .. ..u · · blue mi'tal flake, black lop, FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Or- ange County's only author· lzed dealer. SALES-SERVlCE·P ARTS JlOO \V. Coast Hwy. Ne1vport Beach 642-9405 540..1764 Authorized F errari Dealr.r FIAT '62 FIAT, fiOO D s!'d. w/7'!1.J Abnt·th i\l illia !llig1lia eng. $~195. li73-li9-l5. JAGUAR KARMANN GHIA 19SS KARMANN Chia 2 ~ coupe .. Excellent!. Stt at 480 Brosdway, C}~. and bring money '66 KARlt1ANN Ghia, $12!.0. Pvt pty. 962-1 722 xlnt, MERCEDES BENZ ~., Ora tl'.].:O County's l argest Selectio n Nl•w & Used Me rcedes Beii z Jim Slemons Imps . • Wa rner & Main St. Santa Ana 546.411 4 • door automatic, power s!t>er .. P!Ywer ~ u n ro o f . A~l/J-'i\1 etc:.. less tha.n 20.000 n1lles. Stk No. Pi\142 on\y S·l4!J::i. J iin ~lemon~ Jmrorts, Inc., 120 \V . \Varner. San!a Ana 546-411,1 l9JO i\lcrccdcs Benz 170 cabl'Ol<!t. A real colleclQrS ircin !n nice restored con- d11lon. Call for details. Jim Slemons Mt'rce<les Benz. 120 \V. \\Carner, Santa Ana, s.l&---1114 1966 i\!erl·edcs Bl'nz 230SL coupe/rdslr. 2 !ops auto. P. steer. A\1-Fi\'f etc.. only I.J,I))} miles. One Ol\11CT car like. ne1v, sold new and MOrviced by J im Slemons Imports, 120 W. \Varner, &inta Ana. Call 54&-4114 1967 250SE ?>1ercecles Benz coupe VJG083 a ir, power, et c. C u stom paint \\•/!t'nther int<!rior on I y Slii50 full price. J i m Slcmons i\lerccdes Benz, 120 \V. \~'arner, Santa Ana. 546-4111 196:1 illercedes Benz diesel 4 door vinyl interior. Nu paint ·1 speed t rans_. A:'>r-FM radio only $1995. J i1n Slcmons ltfercedes Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa Ana. 516-4114 Fri ev<', Sa! & Sun 2905 Broad St., N.13. 5·18-9R04. . FOUND 8 abandoni:>d kittens, ADi\1!RAL Music Center ~·ID now all heaHhy & n1ust find -677"-='-9507~~~~-==-I curtains, and immacula!e GREENLEAF '65 YAMAHA $150 '""doc, Th« Mgh AKC Basset Pups e ?>18-1992 o performance, top quality job best nffl!r. ~.'IB-7970. 1963 JAGUAR Xh."E 3.S. Xlnt cond. t.-IAKE OFFER. 962-0054 1962 Mercedes Benz 22CJS 4 1loor in nice rondition only $795. this weekend at Jim Slemons Mercedes Benz 120 \V. \\'arnrr, Santa Ana 54G-4 U4 Sporting Goods 8500 Quh:k-Broil $1.:>0 I~ning hnn1cs. Plrasr hrlp -11·r·vc board s:.•:J ll<Hl<l al\"ll I had n J"uf! ~!a1 t~ 19·!-j23:.. n1011·cr Sh. All 111 g1Jod. eon-49-l-7:\00 10/\!j Tri·N>lorrd. 5-IO..l!6.1S. PARK ~=='====='===I specially pr ic er! this S!Ll\:Y Tcrr1 rr male pllp:;, i Auto Services \\'eekct'ld. Trade~ OK. F!ex- '&I JAG HTK COUPE E type 4.2, :\'cllo\\', black inler. Tape dee, R&H. 838-5-l!lO '.? SURFBO.>\RDS, f>los1 ic Fantastic 6"6'' and 6'10"" very i::oo<I condition $60 ea{'h. 6i3-1916 8' Bruns1viek Edgcbrouk pool tab!e $150. 962-9776 Misc•llan•ous 8600 Coml' to 1he largest SWAP MEET evf!r held in Orangf' Cty. TREASURES & TRASH at Orange Cly "Fairground~ 9 am-5 pm "~'t'f'Y Sat & Sun FREE Rdmission to bllyt:'rS Selll!'J'S $1 per spac,~ SOLD llo1ne! Every!hinb Goes! Color TV, sectional, table & lan1ps, hedroom set. piano, dine11e set, '~ashrr & dryrr, d!'sks and ltluch fl.fore! 546-9115 11111011. i\l&ny other artitll's! 5'1:>---2441. YIRE\\'OOD lnr salr>-cut In )' O ll r ~["1(·1·11il",1!l«llS; ll'f'IJ s1•asoiH'rl. Uf'liv & stl'k"d frl'I'. s21.:-.-0 1:: c, S47.:>0 c. Call colh:ct. f 714 1 &SS-08,16. 2 Single book<:asc 1nahog. he<1dboards, ~ l>raut. uphnl. bar stools, TV stand, dbl. sink. rollaway bed. Bl'st of- fer. ;,.ig .. ,112:17 KIRBY Vacuun1 cieall('r \\'Ith at1ach & polisher. Xlnt cond & guarantrcd. Pay off bal of $39.67 or 1ake ovi::r pyrnnls. Credi t dept :i.15-7289 \\'anted; Singer TVut:ll & Sew. For Sall': Siminon~ dbl nuit. & springs. F:vrs 49•1:-5009 DRA:\I AilC. laq;r, g ci 1 ri 1•(·inec! mitTnr. 6'T 'xW2'' l11gh. Near Perfect SJ;i. Call 67:1-662~. 1vks, AKC. Adorable h•'althy & Parts 9400 ibl!" financing, c x tc n d c d .. ~r-,1 ,1 £ ~·.. . , & ~hnts SI.JO. 6·11 48(),~. !n clear, clean, cool Costa I••••·---.···•••\ 1er n1s. •• ~:."" ,,..:rupo1nt Slanl<'S". ' . ~1 N 92 Ad II --. " esa. e1v s pace 11 Frilz \\'arren 'l SianH·~c kl!t rn~. 3 bl.k l , POODLr: Pups, tu1y UJY & Park NOW OPE,N' 'l"b.•I• S. k ·I All C · "u " BEACll Sporl C<ll' Crn1eL" , iamc.~e · J I c. n s • tny, al! rotor!'. Al\ , 1op Honie Display l\Iodcls & 547-0769 ln'allh:y . 61~--931':3 1012:1 1111:111!.y . ~IUd sr r 893-~8781930 Sales ollieo' IPOCE•INcd al Park. Auto Supply COCK-A-POO, mall'. 1 year nld, i;hots. Good 11'atch rloi::. Horses Wh I I '60 V\V Chassis 11'llh tran~. '."1 nfn'I & tires. $1 7~,, 1200 cn.t:inc $2:l. 6~6-·l:i\9. '.!ljl J1·v11ll' Ave.,, NB. AH 6 P>l R~:N,\ULT Dune Bugr;y ;11! acc-essorles included S75. Cal! :i4~71W9 !'red~ I o vi 11 g hon1r . ls ... ,",A"L-'L'---Sh-eUand. c hi 1 d 9 AM TO 6 PM 0 e sa • !M7ci9.1.1 JD/27 broke, Claplc h'ITY $75. Greenleaf M b"I Prices to AU LOVABLL sn1all br e ed 5-1:J....5&28 0 I e Compl<'tr f\la eh\llf' Shop female short haired puppy 2 1---=~~~~~~=cl !'PEED EQU lPi\IF:NT ~4~;d n('cds good hon1c. GENTLE BAY MARE HOME SAW H.EBUlLT ENGINJ::S $20(! 96~.7898 11:!.) Victoria, Ct 54R·6.Yi0 i\tANX/CORVA!R !\fake OUe r! [)f'speratc! ! • 6-16-1896 • N(JISY n101or: gr<'y I 1'"111le \\'1th black lips -2 month5 old. lc n1a l c k i \!f'n. &16-73-19 ln/ZT LOVF:, Dla1·k & wh1 t(', long ha!rcd, /ernule k itten. 10 1,·ks. needs golXI homf'. s:i:>-4161 1012·1 FREF. To rJtJalifif'd horn", tcoi.:elhe r. 2 ?IJ;tle kittens, '-:- lllan.x. 3 i\los. No s1nall 1'hilrlrrn :-,.1g...1s.1G 1012:, Livestock 8840 1750 Whittier Ave -1-T'_S_F_U_N-TO_B_O_A_R_o Costa Mesa y""' """'° "1 TALLY 110 714: 642°1350 FA P..:.">IS. Box stalls $55 per '"'c:'.::'"""'":":'"""""'~~ TJ1". !\fetal shaded con·alsl " IUY • J• NEW $·15 P('I' 1110. A\1fnmntic \\·a· SE LL 1m USED trr ferd ,'I,. <:lraned daily. C 11;' ;Irr{'~ lighled a~cna, ooper tra ining ring. R1vrr trn1 ! ar. TRAILER SALES C'C'ss. E"pcrt ~nglu;h & "Buy from a man \Vc~1crn ln~trucuon. Ta lly wh I' · I" 18391 Dr.ach Blvd, JIB 847-0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * i\1EYERS MANX ! FACTOR'.' PR.EPAP.ED Halley Spark Plugs REC, VEll!CLES l !igh f'('rform~nti" for a1J 1969 1\-la nx 2 in an un b!rm- typcs nf ca1-s. ~t of .$ lshcd CQndition, spccialy Prt"· $5.89 pared at 1hr far1ory lC'Vf'\. National Speed Center Thf' perfe~ or! road tourer 2110 S. !!arbor. Co.~111. l\li'sa in a dazzling golden orani::-c 6-46-0700 O~n '!il 9. 6 011 &it. m etal rlakc, E quipped wit h INexr tn Mr. 'T'~· 1 OJmmando XT 70 !ires se! ·;i7 JAGUAR XK·l·lO. Ex- crl!<!nl condition. Phon e 6-16-2'J86 ls Your Ad \n our l'ias~lfiC'ds; Som,.onr 1vill he looking !or it. Dial 642-5678 '68 Porsche 912 cpc. S45rli. Extras 675-2306 Eves, or 871-3232 ext 4186 '63 i\·\erccdes 111'('Ckl'd but v.12-0:m Diesel, running front $850. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 VOLVO~ EX!CUTIVI CAR s ... #1535 144 SEDAN, R & H, AUTOMATIC f ARBER\VARE c!ec broiler & rol1sserlc S30. Port color TV S225. ~pra r.o sa.xophonc $200. 5 us"d pol"y<'sler 82Jxl1 tires ~23. &16-217 1 SE\'i!NCi niach. & chair, BEAUTJt'UL !\:1!1(•ns. 1 patio briH. upri!,:ht piano, 1<ih'i'1' 1abb1rs, I rC'!! trohhv uprighl frrl'Zt't" ,t 1nisc. to i;:ood hOnl!' G·lti-1)2.1 10 :J5 ~):\6-:!6~1. 1701 Park St. Il,B. 4 KJTTF.N .-:, GW ks. olrl 1Ji"r. II. •. l7"2 N 1 P o 1ves '" one ~o c arms, ~~ 1 _e~~ l~ e, l\"E :-E:RV ICT: f ounr111n Vallf'y. 54;,-.58 \\"llAT \V E SEl.L• TRANSPORTATION .121 Su. H<i.rbor·. &in1.1 Ana Boats & Yachts 9000 1 B:rk .'Y,i. of Bolsa 5..1l-l())6 -'-'------'-----11967 12 ~ 60 2 BR. 2 BA a11·n- 2~· J~"nir ll f 1lJ(·ri:)·t~ tl\.'CP 1·ce ing.~. ~k1rts, carp<'1cd porch. K~E"'°L'L~ISoOc.N~-,0.05-c~,-,-, -,-,-.I oH by gle11ming d<'ep dLsh f1brrglas brxly. c:Us1 -nrw full chrQme \\·heels. A su- S~OQ. lJ s c d . now $:1:-xl. ~rh machlne for the out. 642-938.l door oril-111ed. Tradrs 01{. ''°''""""""'"'"'-,,-"'0 I Flex.ib!e financing. Exiended 19&0 CHEV\' l!'ngine, No. 253. s2989 11 PAINT romprf'ssor \Vise. gas air coolr1!. 3'~:-:4. trtr, S:JJ. Paint (ank. 2 gal. Sharpe ]3£ 111 sly!e 111 1~ )'f'flr. \\'h1le & beigr French r;;bb1t run fur. L1kf' n('lV S1 2:1 ('\[" hl·~L nlf1•r . !~2-211'11 ;ifl f;. modrl ii;·, gun n1odcl no. 35, DATlll~OO :il P11Jl 1n;:in, like $25. h~~1l:l2 nr 1r, t••rr;17<> lnp, hn1vl. GIBSON ES 335 TD 1•l11n1l1in;.: f1:--1t1rrs s ~o . 67:1· i 2'lii 2 riirktip~. long neck. Sol1rl ~')<\~·. inaichlr ss. ll\l'An.v fC1 111 11 "•'-" S1 -'° f:i.1:-~2216 EV{'lllng~ Orrh1d [lliHll s Si :-.1 r 11cll!;l.1'\ TIRES, ~rt or 1. f1b<'rglass S:l .~ .. I :';tr;n1 !wrry Jolitn\cr Armstrong. Fit~ 8 2 J :-: 1 4. S'!.;i1J. ~l.'\..;i!l.'i9. Ne\·er used .. fu!l price $100. '02 R1\i\1 BLEP. s\'dan, xl nl 64&-2174 rrinrt. S3f>5. (J;ik nll•ce desk !!' l lOBIE Surfbouri!, Xh1t S•IO, J;rl. Junior hike Si.:.O. cond $60 Bass guitar & an1p '.'131Hil)97 Sl80Trot11honr, good ro n d. BHU!'J.':>\\1!CI\: VIP pll'"ll !ablr, Ill!\\' rase $125. 548-12:1). 4',"~). prac, 11P11• $!JOO. l~d. CARPET Installer has one 11·ood lalhc \?i(J. :170!1 Setting roll, avocarln nylory r.a l"Jl('L Suri nr.o._C_rl_,_1-0--ccc-- double jute·backcd. \V l!l sell Bo."< Spring-& r11i>tlrcss all or part $3/yard. ~•llJ-72·1:1 ncvrr 11sf'1I , CROSS top Ref r ii. , * ~.1~-...00~11 * automnlic dC'lrost. Exe. $6.5. DINErr~: sci S.i(J; 2 to~ car The House in Back 445 E . sra1s S:l: 2 chln<i ~ets $50 & 17th. &12-j741. S30. 897-9631 * * * * I SINGLE k 1 <!ou\Jlc niaplc f"'Ar.tJLY 1\lcn1bcrsh\p In bedstead S5 St S10. Irvine Cnast Country Club • &lfi..R:!iO * for sale .. Pvt ply. 673-!'!1 31 I 'c"··x=:~CoEoLoLcE~.,cT=-c,c0-"c'c.1c;c1-,c"-c" Books_ Bonk.-;_ BQflks hikr~. Girl's. hoy's 20 inch. Old-ou1 of print, elf'. A!l ~uh-S17 '.,(] r =-11"1). ;,i,~.&1·1!1 jt'cts 2.ic to $.'i. 480 Cabrill, Ql.Jtl::N n1a1lri:>:-s set & Costa l'IJesa. hea!!hoarrl s:11. Cl:irk Iloor NORGE gas clolhes dryer, poli~hrr $25. 6'12-11 :12 $25. Carpet. approxio1alely sorA & 2 chairs. >;lrit ('OOrl. l 2xl;,' beige c<:ilor $45. i\1obile rlishwa.shcr. !11isc 64&-2193. furn. 54G-6..107 i\1ANS & Woman bicycles. FURNITURE &. Carpet. Cost both for $15. + 5%. Carpet installations. •675-3354 * Ph. 646-l49·1.. Ry appt. ACME supreme julccr $2.'.i. ROOM size rug 1r:1" x .10'3"", Call ~. Sec. after 5 at Roya.I blue Shag $25. Good 2448 Elden. C.i\1. ronclitlon. Call 673-662'1. Qua.l!ty klng bed-quilted HOOVER Upr \ghi S 3 5, Complete-unused noj, Yoorth HOOV('r tank type $20. Lamp S250. Aft 5 & wknds M2..fi536 tahle $25. CaJI 8-l2-3TI2. Firewood for sale TEEN -clothing . size 10-12, Dry Eucalyptus ~hor1s 10 lorm!lis, che1111. 437 540-9RST C)glr Clrcle. Cosln "l\fl'!'.A. SLATE pool table, smtio &: t h11.ve an nriginal 11-Tlckcy misc. turn. Clothes, toys. Mougc \Vah:h for gale. r.take Aftl"r 3 V.'kdlQ'S 842-2723. offt'r! 546-0150. UMinkablt. fit'.lf'rgla5S EARLY Americrui rouch $3(). CANOF,. 1~·. 4 maplr ))(Ir !'tool.< $10 eaeh. $100. 5..16-2'i31 C.ood rond1tinn. 95.'i-1'.)69. GAS DRYER $15 * 6'16-11270 11' SMALL minibike ~~: :I \.\'hf'el bike $:iCI: h R n d mo\~~ S5 & $6. &16-52C6. Di"I fi42.:-.IJ78 for RF:S\JLTS Machinery, etc. 8700 r n R "LI v T : 2000 lb. \Tnhdtfl , 1"f'huil l $7 :'10 . 642-83'.12 c11·y~; 8 !) 7 -2 4 J 3 NO r••rl'l11 CXJl'1l"S, 1 lllf\ll.~·IY I'"· f,J1;...,>:7;i2 ,..,., . .__ Hl/?I :i YF:AP, "ltl Di1('h.~l1und ff'111cilr•, ar!11lls only. l!r1n ~. 6 n10~. 1••ni~k . \<T Y g11<1d •.11111 eh1lrlrr n r;Hi-'.N:,~ 111/~i CUTr: k~n ~. h•·H"'lll'"h•11 !nrl' t)('oplt•, took fur h1,n1r. 67.l-4 ·1~2 Ill/~~ \\-,\Slll:'\G nlri! l1 111r n1 1rnr !'<'P111r. Cllll . 11""11' ii]~.11:!'Ji 1n 2~ l rn.~. h!ihrkn. ('\'f' .. ~. s :: ~ .. 0 :, :-; 1 10/~i 7 \\'K. 1dd, ('n r ke r 11~1-t~;.7 J1(•nJ1 1i.w· 1111xed II II pp I(' S. 1(){2.i ~·HEF: to RMrl hrin1r G n1n. ol'! Sarnfly<'f! nHX ni;d<'. all shots. ;,.i~.:\1:16 <•ft, Ii 10/2.'i i\JlN IATUHt: pink: 111;11\' kll- !rn, !ra1neil , llve-111 only. 54R-124.l O.\IC \"6 rni::ine, l 3 5 l11ndscap111g. shed, fencing. h1•i',<;('po"·rr. fully ·found, Kids ;ind P''!~ (J.K. !'llu.<t llO:-ad l.'.a.lli'y, r.111 •n, t'"l'"r.> .<<H'l"•rirr, 6 3· 6 -3 '2 9 1 or t'lc. 0111y 'JO ho11rc, \\11h 1 5.11;._,.:i;;r.!l 11hccl 1111 11·t11 li'r. -~~orio --BAYHA-R-BOR-- l':il\I•~ ;\I o.< t oul ~!nnd1ng M b'I H S I ho " l liuy .. 1r t hr ~··;i~nn . o I e ome a •s R('ady tr. J.:(l ;,1 s;,91:1. \\'tll l'.lt.~a Loma RoU · Aw;iy • :;11era1 nn i\lanor. llornr.1lc • lwlp ;1rr:111g(' f i n .1 n 1· i n i.: · KH -P l'rstige . Sajt.:t.l'a CtonTi"\("1 s.<des \!anH i::rr. Boh ALL SIZES l.<•!1)'.:"nrr Pont1a1· at 1:;r;oo NOIV ON DISPLAY H•'d•·+; Blvd., ,\.r s1m1ns1r.r. 1 12-p, k S C ' ' .a "r t., osta ro.lesa 8~12-t6Jl 1 ~ b!nck East ol llarbor Blvd. 27 -foot C.i~ta M"'sa (71 o ~10-9470 Fishin9 Boat 1968 12 x 60 {l1Ji11g! Goin~'. r.01ng~ Slrrps :I. llln<•ss f(lr('es :11.le Must sell this w;,cke1~1 lx'au. su n111st sncnfle1" Sli:OIO. tiful 2 BR ('o·i •! ~c1' 11p ;" 6J:l-i:i!C. for 11101'C i11lt1• ,\f(er " 'r 1 trir1 adull park In Co!":la Rc('en1ly rrbuilt, $75. Call tei·n1;'.RITZ \\'ARREN ~.-t!H).179. EPORT CAR CENTEP. V\V 36 HP I'tblt eng $11.'i; in· 547-0764 1<ta.llrd. f',xc-h:ing(' U>s!C'r's }'Ol'l'1g11 cur ~1'1" fi12-~716 i\!AG~. ,\l/T R.a1rfrr. 15" rnr Ford, Z for S20. &l:>-22•16 nftrr 6 p.rn . 9425 1%!1, 1!11:' Aljo, fully :;r lf conta1nr.d. ean<rpy, u1<C'r! nn- ly 3 lune~. Sacrifice S3000. 8.10-21i.)() Trailers, Utility 94SO Imported Autos 9600 ---- AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AM ERIC A ::;ales, :-ervicr, Paris ln1n1<>d!a1r fl clivery AU ~!odrls J2 r tu I.Hi rt · Jlrn Ol't5 2 WHEEL BOX TRAILER, .1100 W. Coa~t Hwy., N.B. $50. 642·9 lOJ 540.1764 •1147-7711:;* AulhorilCo"l MG Dealer ·I f-'\i .i\!P~. 6?,6..:;2'J J '.!·1 fl Cah1n Cruisrr '66 20 x ~':i .1 BR, 2 Bi\ g· Trucka in 1111.!er n111v. ~1 11hog.1 11y ~,., .1. b IT'S \V ONDERFUL the 9500 many buys in appliances ------yuu find in the ClassWed GMC TRUCKS Ads. Check them now! CORONA SEDAN IXECUTIVE CAR llECUTIVE CAR COROLLA S!D, f:,,11 f•,!Gry •qllip. pl111 r~· Full (1cl. •quip, die. S&r. #0'i01. Str. #4111 $183660 $1790°0 Dean Lewis Imports Or1n91 Covnty"s L1rg:nt and MOit Mod1rn TOYOTA· VOLVO DEALER I t66 HARIOR 646·•lOJ C"t• M ... 2-PJPETtSlAN k1ttf'n ~-l t1)0S old . Ne-cd homrs badly, 530.l ~.3. w1•.•u ee1 111g, uff('1, eoolrr, p!nnking. Ga1 1 !Jnk :ind a wnlnl{s, skirt~. sficd, {"Om· pump. V(•ry elt•:in. ISJ HP. p!C'fe in beau1irul lamUy IW;tf)1 f!'2". jl.!n~t &>LI! pa rk. 6:16-3291 or ~9 Orange Coun!y Sales and Service Headquarters. NEW_ USED ... Imported Autos 9600 ml"arled Aut.,. 5 Killen.~. 7 \\"k~ old. <1 ni;1lcs, J ll'n1olc. All i::o l n r .«.. 49'J-29:.-1 Hl/~7 FILL d irt & crrle. )'t)U :118-39!17 or t1rok!'n con· ha11I. Ev"::; )[)/24 64S...1~7 allrr 7 Pi\1 ALGL 'S 2.,. Fbr"ls. C b\n DOUBLE Expando, Kit Tnr " " ... a Jan, 20x5S. Large carporl, CtlliSl"r F<B. ~S ra~io, porchrs & storage ishecl. Bi m In i Tnp. l/'~.~ t 1an M•••I ••II 1 .. ••itl~ n~•~•o f "ll' ,,, ..... " = ,. ··~'·"' . 75 hr.<. $1 1.000. Call · ts $6,750. l\:atella l\1 ob i I l' 1!ay~ 71:l: 535-1370; nitcs Estates, Sp 114, Stanton, 71<1: 675-:1717 Cnll 828-4670 CHRIS COR~Alrt 11 1 ~· V-6. · -I p I 'fr6 12 x 60 3 Bil. :113A. skirts, UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE :1350 Harbor Blvd. Co~ta ·r.tesa ,.,.,.., ·s2 DODGE pick-up w/utili· !y 00:\Cs and rack. Very good condition, w ith ne.w fires find brakr~. %2-7579 ~IAJ\1 f:SE l'ai. re n1 a l(', 110 rlri\'r, 4;i rnp i. · rr rr.I awning.~. complete 111 >.Int liouscln'l\kl'rl. 11 ~ yrs. nit!. n1r('hani(•i11ly I only :\(JO hri1) adult park. $5100. (lr t;rst of. has sho1.-;: friendly fi7;)...1821. CO!it S.1800-Srll Jor ;_a. Irr. Bl'in& l ran s f r. r r c cl '6~ CHEVY .,~ T, 4 wheel LABRAOOR puppy. 4 nios. ~"~~~'"'~7,·--~-7"--,.I_'""---'-'-'-'~=~----drive pick up. 5 yr, 50.000 female, to loving home. 20" Cabin t•ruiser i/b, & SELL n1i guarani('('. $ 3 3 O O. 54&--3719 10/25 OAR, miller. nffl:ls work. &12-:1671. l'~lulfy, frisky killl"ns Good buy for handyma.n. Your Mobile Home 55 CHEV P ,U, ~) T. V/8. 4 \\'eaned & trained tkst riff Pr. 67:>-3~11 aft 6· FOR CASH i;p, R.H. $3;,cl. 2133 Orange, 548-4615 10/24 8 MAN \Vinslow l ife raft with 636.3291 536-8869 Brak•r C.\1 aft 4 P ltf. All day Sat- l'f1n-ylng bag. 4 Yt'll old.1 ~===·=----~-~u n AUSTRALIAN shepherd, 9 NevC'r been uiwrl . Cht!cked DELUXE Viking 21 x M. Ap- mos. old. "Nc\·Pr barks, i\fal~>. annually. SZ'iO. 6i3-668S pl ianceii. drps, f!Xf)('n. CTpts, '&1 GMC Van. Good ronrl. Stays home_ 675--2'!96. 10/2•1 . . mirrored doors S g , !l 5 o . Nc1v tirt>s. 11300 or be11t ol· \VH!TE bunny \\'i!h cage, 10 t IBERGLAS ti Ing h y, 5-St11r Arlul! Pk, Nn. L(ing r<'r. f,.16-3900. ~ I I "·'" =~::~ 0/2'1 near new $225. Bcri1·h 4l2-078~1 or 521-2117 \\' \NTED ·:.i; F rd 1 • T '""au!l u pct. ..,...,..».>;) I fiT3-8910 , ~ : o 2 on BRAND NEW BUGS 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHOICE OF COLORS ANO MODELS AT ••• 4 KITTENS, J1;l'l'Y striped & I c========== Lt.:i\VING ~11\!e -'68 20x~f, 2 Pirk Up. Must have good b1ark". 962.-7023 10/2.J Sailboata 9010 BR all extras. 5 Stsr a<lul! I cchodo--iy~,~C0•_,_h_. _54 0'-c'-"'--- SPOTTED r11hbit to good "'-'------pafk in Ws!m. i\111.ke Oftt'r. '49 GMC. complt!P. t'll!W eng., c v rs so N tmn1e. 642·1256 GREATEST of raceri; 22'1" 536-8869 or 6:16-3~1 !lre11 & paint. AJter 6 c:llll c H I K i ~ Star .S~nop mod 2;13. ·1:i' FAltfll.Y Park 12x60 2 Oil, Gi.t...7191 • '· ';,~~787~Crig<!rator Call ~,a.~!·7tlhke new. Sac:. $25(X}. 11; RA E::xp. 1n Hunt Bch. 'J~,,-c=h-e>-~-,,-~T-m-,.-N-e<-,.1-,' I J. ~...., l l\lu~l snc. ~136-8869 or tram work. MAl<E: OFFER. 6 KTTIEN~.. all dilfer!'nl Lil)() 14. Hwy 1r.11!er. s11i!s, 6.l!i-32!11 * MG-$262 * kinds. 962-1.:-,43 lll/2~• extras. C.oori rqnd. 17· ROll-&~Rc~,•,-_-c0,-,-_,-.,-,-.'A· 'fr6 FORD PICKUP VERY genUc bunny rabbits. $650/0FFf.R. 8 ·l~':?1~ I. p111n1 Be11 ch PaJ·k, San V-8. au!o, Ku.i;!om f\torors Brin-g cage. 64&-3894 KITE 11,•/dolly. !\lust sell lhiA Cl<'n1enlc. $2200. ( 21 3 l ;i45 Btt.l1t•r, C;<.1, 5,1()....5915 F'Rl!:t.: Klu{'n!<. _all rolor.'I. To wrek~nd 886-41114 TllE SUN NEVER SETS on i,:oorl hnm<'. ;,.t4-!\\2o! 10/27 -~-•~fi'Q.liri8"2"*-~--l2~F=-,c,cl.7t.~h<-,=,,-,,~,=,-.-,~, ~,~=1 OAJ11ih~'11 sc:tlon powr.r. C1.ITf: J\tlxed brcrd p11p~. e 8 ME'fER 0 \\'ntcr lank $1800. 1640 F or an art to sell 11.round the )l~~-2'}f;!'i 11\fll CJ1ll 121 '\l ~;x ;i...1G.15 Ni'l"f"'rl. Sp. No .. 1, ('~f . ClOl'k. t11al 6'12-5678. Harbor Areal Only Authorii:cd VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SIRVI YOU 44S EAST COAST HWY. 11 BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD ., COSTA MESA 673-0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS 549-3031 • I I r ~ " '\ ' I ' I I ' l Ci USPS > ;;;_4f'U"' ~-·----------~-----------·--~--.·--------·~-------------~-~----...---·· .. ··-..· ·---···-. TRANSPORTA~T~1o=N--T=R~AN=s"-p=o1ffATION TRA-NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 1 1,40 DAILY PI LOT F,ld<1y, Octob!r 24, 1%~ -------·l------'---1 mported Autos 9600 lmporttd Autos 9600 Antlqu•s, Classics 9615 Used Cart 9900 Used C11ri MG VOLKSWAGEN ·57 """'" ., " ""'"'"' BUICK 1 co11d. S\600. 8~2..:1716 aft s,1 _________ _ BUICK ;:i------'1-G____ YW BUGS all day \.\'kends. '£4 RIVIERA 6:2,000 u1i ; Sah.•J, ~rvll-C, Paris Be au I i I u I cone!. B!k OUIC!.\ 'GS Rivirra. far ! air, !.Jll p11r, ~l•·rt.'O, vinyl top, burkrt M'<T ts· l\'/consoJ('. :-,lnl t 'Q11ct , low nulL•s. Priv l mmr-rlni!" f)Pl+v1>iy, Autos W1nt1d 9700 '''/whilt-vinyl top. Red inl. f''/{0:0.1 ----------1 A' 11 I All r.tcxlels $399 \\1£ f'AY ... Jr. A c CC!. $ J 7 9 ~. "'"'2?20 J1rtuµort 31111µorts CASH '63 ll1virra: P/\\', PIS, air cotl(f. Lcath<'r S('a!s, Fll'C cn.i::1nc !'f'd, $1200. 67.1-4·100 p•1rry. ~1akr 71·1: •l!.fJ-().1~7 !>16-:i7~:: Of!f't, Days 7l-I: GOOD SELECTION 3100 \V. Coast lhvy . NB. ft ~ ~ -9~!'6 i>-1~176'1 ~h i='=A "='""=;:==~=; rw="='" =I "'Ql.,,~~50 67 r-.1GB/GT Nr\Y 1 1n·~. "\ AM/F:0.1 \\'ood sir '''hC't'i, like new. 6'12-741:-1 aft !i:30 PORSCHE '69 PrirsL·he Nn. 912. 10,l(l() cart>flll n11 , ong owrir r, l1kr brand n1•11. bC'aut . ~l~c·k rnrlallic hrown rulor. A stral ;ii j u~I $J3~;1. Scf' ;ii Apollo De\'clnp. Corp .. 110-1 r:. l71h S I • S.A. Call 0;11·e Han.wn v.kdays 8an1-6p1n !146-71).11 PORSCHE '68 912 5 speffi, bu1"gundy. "1th hlai·k int,, i\'lc Afc(' 11·h!;:, !ID Kon1 shock~. A:'-1 1 ~terro i11,·t tr1r,,_ rs, 81rs('h t•xhau;:r, u11n1ucu- latf'. S.'J.1('(1. alter 5 71~: S3J.O'l'.:7. '66 PORSCHE !ll2/:1 J1n111ac Nu pain1 LXTR,,S !llech Jl('rr Bes t J'f'as olfcr. 673-l'i07. ?ORSCME: '66. 912, :1 spd. mU$1 sell, xtras. $3550. Pvt pty. 673-06fH '6&-912 Porsche, blk, 5 spd, ,19. :;03 1 Ext. 66 or 61 19iO H,\RBOR BLVD. COST1\ l\lES\ '68 vw i\1 ~ cri nd itionl'r. ·1 spd, dlr, loaded: J!unf'y crean1 exr .. plush hlack int. Take small do11 n or trade. Lo\\', low pyn1nts. Vl!l>"'SOOLB. Call l\r n 49--1·9i73 or ~- ·1m CAlllPER, fully eqp'•I. S!f'rro tape dr<'k, runs likr tlf'I\' S26::.0. Dr. Ba r on -l'll-~'613 'li7 V\V_B_U~G-. -:!07,000--"-"· ,\,\1/1'.l\T. hkt' rtc1v. l\lu~t :;;rll at once! Best off•'r~ 6·16·7Sl:i <JI' li-12·5'i03 ·01 V\V Custom Ca n1pr1·. Fac1 . rC'bll <'ng 1n \1'a1Tanty. $1600 or BEST OFFER. Call 6·12-1().18 '67 V\V Bug. xlnt oond, 3;.,000 1ni. hci/.:"e int/black cxr. Pvt p1y 3119J terms, resp. party. >lll-:169'1 V \\I SQ UARF:BACl\·radio !3800. * fi4·1-22~!1 * \\'/11', NPw in July '69. 7700 --=~~~~c-=::-1 n1ilf's. Book:o; $2·1j(I, cut lo CHEgJlY '63 Porsche S90, ~Z'.!B:i. Cllll f\73-S2S2. hC's1 ollr r. fi7~..-0907 ;fl l V.\\'. ~I p;i~s. bus, 30.000 n1i. nn f;icl. !'bit. rnglllf', n11 '£.I POllSCllE SC Con. Ni>w t·!Lurh, inC'c h. pt'rfret. Wl.1• top, tJtT'~, & engln('. 673-S·IOO & intiT. gO<Ml. ~00. 962-00lli 11l'<'k!layi;. 1.;~;:======o \l!l!ili V\V Bu:o;, good cond. $1•100. SUNBEAM * 8•17-7783 * '67 Sunbcan1, new lircs, 'G6 V\V DrllLXC Bus, split rhrm rlnis, Ail/I/Fl\! ra.dio, l 1"0nt ~ral s. gd cond. thruout new p<iinl, priv pr1y $1300 or $1 ,100. &12-l2·1G lx'~I orfrr. Call aft 6 Pi\!, l!lllfi VOLKS\VAGEN Sedan. 67~228·1 :-iunroor. Rill. $M:i. TRIUMPH '69 TR-6 Real Bargain! \\'ire 11hl!< .• O'd1·11·r, !'-Oft top. Bril 1sh grrc•n. $ .~ , 2 0 0 . :1 18-59-12 l-~1·r,:. or 67:Hi000, ~lrs. Burk<' 1rl;iy~1 TOYOTA TPYOTA * ~13ti·86;:i9 * :J(I \l\V Bus. Co1nplrtrly <>1'1t:1na l. 6S.J:JOO re rng1nc. l\l:ikf' QllPr! Kl &-6629 'fiS V\V 'i-scal"r bus. Cp!s ,i:, i11sul;it1n11, Cherry 1,'{)nd.! Bhw . :,1.~7077 V\V 131.iS $129:J. dlr, S.lJ Baker SI. Cn~la !>lcsa, ;i )(}.-.i!)J.·, fllUST Sell '6G V\V Camfl('r fully cquipt. \01v ml. A-!! RC'~\ n[[ &12-1 5.'\6 eve~. '64 Volk5wa9en :\1n! condition. 516.'.r.JJ'.! tor used can & trucks just call us for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROIET Ask for Sales Manager 18211 Bt!arh Blvd. Jlunlin&IOll Beach KI 9-3131 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 l!arbor Blvd. Cf)llla Mesa 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for good, clean used cars, all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins l'~ord 2060 llarbor B!l'd. C.!\T, 6-12-0010 L\IPOllT::i \\'AiVfED Orange r..ountiel TOP S BUYER BILL !'.1.AXEY TOYOTA 1SS81 Beach Blvd. It. Beach. Ph. 84741555 Will Buy tour Volks11•agen or Porsche & pay to11 dollars. Paid for or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 Auto Leasing 9810 LEASE -RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY All popular makes. Ford au1ho1izec1 leasing system. Get Our Competitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD 206\l Jlarbor Blvd. Costa Tllcsa 642·0010 LEASE-ANY MAKE- OR MODEL L<'I ciur Jr a.o;c cxpcrls sho1v ~·ou thr hrst plan fur your prrso11aJ needs \\·11hout obli· E;a\lOll. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2Sj() Harbor Blvd. Costa fltcsa :J.IG-9&10 v LEASE v \\'lutr f'l('ph;1nl~1 Imported •utos 9600 I mportecl Autos YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO-I NOW, WHY DON'T YOU? I Give Yourself A Break 75 CHOICE 75 IMMACULATELY PREPARED SPORT CA1RS FOR YOUR INSPECTION A FEW EXAMPLES ... '"' MO l'<lldtet. OriO/f)ll n.rwgn· ou! l•ul• • "Li!TI• C.em" l'or- 1'¥ms II~• • """ Q<>t. S1><1!1e"' 1n1e,.or •nd l•c!or• oro~•n•I BRITISH 11.•CI NG GOIEtN '"'" ""' vv11ttl>. rOll·uo Ninao"'• •M ••<t llenr me<:.1•noc•llY. 10~. "' 'U .lUSTIOI HEALE 'I' J«it DLX, kl.)'>.1.1 Wo !irm1y t><I•••• Ill rn• ntte11 1n :.o. c~11 1 A de· l1g,1!ful taCIOfl MAoCAlll'.IN ~.o UNBL•Ml'>.HEO! w.:i I>•" Tile "'°" Ol><r>m1n~11nv Duyer> 1n1o>e<nonl '65 M.0 .1. RO.d>1er. " W..l"'l\-•111> COCUA SAl'<U •~leri"' w01n ..,,. «OH i>. Le<•I•• o .. ,,eo tr.O•I<! mec-.lc•ll• In our 11\0P, .l ~IKIC-0\i l! '>.VY 160. 'h AUSTIN ~.1 .... !.Plrle . .l 11·N•! <>! • t•C!Orv orlgm.r Mrd· ~0·s it v ~Rue G rJ~°'~;.,~~1".:1 ~U t>v Dl•c~ lt•tner interior. MOC 21}. ·~/ DATSUN 1600 llo•O<let. 11ere'• • 111111 ctwrmer !.n,,.wd "1 tom~otltlon Oii.ANGE. 11...i. l•t>. ulocK 1<>p •n~ interior. L""•I """' cor tr•Oc, re•Ov for llloo•ond> o! mile• ot trout>t• lrte ari .. no. 10811, 'OI TVR GR.lNTURA ( ..... tn" '"~T•" Enol••n """<'I m.u...ne ,..,,1 g,.e vou Out11.,>d1no per· 1orm•<><e, tne o .. lfncllon 01 •Oott"°entne,.•. You'll rommano •ll•nloon Wlltr•Vtr YOU go. ~:gN~n8f;~i1n1"~;j~'~1 'f.~ c.-oiared G:)l.0 r•<ing ""~· A mu\! -II~. TFA J.>2. 'ti MG•. GT '""""· Tnc "'°'' !l•ojroo10 of Brl1 i•n ~""" Couo-~'o~~ • 01~f''!rin "'j:;•I w~~~~ •"<t lmt1>11cult l• vlnvl 1"1erlor. "4~• r.alal •Ir••. Oulll•<ldifl'll In •01 "'"'~~Of, 1\()21, '61 .ll,.,.INIE: MIC Ill H1,<f>OP lmmJcui.,. n.rou~M"1. I< "L.•!lle Gfm'' Y~u·11 n1,. '" •ee N 1:>· ~'<,;:~;, ~o ~~~~ t~,u1ToP:.°"1'~ "'· •j) MO·TO. Tnou,ou~hlt •~,to<· :" n1~.'u>1~;·1t'~~"Nr~ ~"'(f~'?=E'.~ w•lo wn.i• Ylnyl 100, r~<I 11 '''"~· lonn•~u ~nd w~e<>I covor~­N11E. S..1. ·~/ TRIUMPH TR-14_ Hd' ~ID e··ccl'~[ (~re ~' Prevlou• ONn· er, c. E!Vo\ING MION IGHI BLUE MEll<LLIC h•~n ru1>t><r. 0.1gm~ll• -.,yii •nd Rr>'1<e<I nero. None n<trr. TUR li.:I. •09 TRIUMPH 111·'· E•l .. mely r1•t !n nt .. "' u'"'4. in,. model n.1 onl• •000 ml. 0.0. Or· lo•nt ll• o.olcl aM "'"'ltett /wire. M•cnohn II. r&dl•i.. .lM·hVI, OulS!onalno '" • ~UNFL.tJWE~ l'EL.LON RI on w orn blac~ In. '•'lor and convarliDle !~. ZAC '"· ;~ x~pl~t1~~c~t1"'" ,;;~~;~~'re GREY. Ne•r oecl~<I "''"'d!oon, Ne" ru~oo;r, !ru" ou111ana1n~. LQW 110. '01 tR.ao ll O~IR """ wn11e, 01• 1n1cr, "'''e wne >·1. NU<h· el1n ){ "'"'· ""' ON O .. ""'. I•"· K>ir m••••?• "'""· Tna• ~·'t .. ~. ~;,"." ID Wile·• n~ ... 'Oii Al..F.l ROMEO llO..O>le•-y,,. do\!u>e!ovo loQO "S >oeeo" Ft'10N or•D•nel PERSIMMON REO. A rt" aol•on11 RPI>; ilo.<. '6' FIAT ljg Ro.i.:111or. lo,.. rrt•lt•D• "'!''"' <tr !1 oa~ Will l~/;~1r:~s~Uw'1JtiD'~10~1io'~t GREEN, w;1n con1r•\!1nq Dl~C~ w1n~I ln1 1dor •nd 1<11'. XKK Qt.I. FLEXIBLE FINANCING -HIGHEST TRADE-IN FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTER Authorized De•ler: Triumph, Volvo, Royer, Cord. 710 E. 111. S.A. Open Sund~ys SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BE~ DEALS .\RE STILL ,\T -·i;1 V\V ............ $~~ n10. \' \\' .• Porsrhe • :'-'lrrc<'dl'S 'SJ T·B1111. a ir. IuUy cqp'd.1'!"!1!!!"!1!!!"!1!!!"!1!!'!!!'11!!!"!1!!!"!1!!~'!'~~~~~~~~~~ t•ng ~ . .r..: •.1~rrl parts, steady Sa.Ir prLt·r ............ S99J!:----------- DEAN LEWIS Ill "l()('k. 6-12-03::.0. '69 Cad El noradn !'OU/l('. u .. d Cars 9900 Used C11rs --,6SVW.~$970_0 ___ , fully f'{]llipprd .• $199 mo.I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J!)f'6 ll~rhor. c.~1 . 616-931'1J BILL MAXEY mo11v:~ttl~ 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 3 mi N. ol Coast I-fwy, on Bch '68 Toyota Corona Autnn1a11r. n"'I, hke brand nc11. ~1·r ~I KUSTOM MOTORS ~ 1.'1 Bak•'r ~t , c.1r.la :O.l r~a :d(~'.191:. VOLKSWAGEN '6f. '"''· r::.;cr:ttr:-...:r CO\'D R;11ho S'.100. 61l-3·120 <Jr 6i.'\-"ll l!l ---r9"69""°v"w""c~A~M=P=E R Days 61~-11!l1 ----'61 VI\', '!hi cng., good l~1nil . :S69j. 4!lf,.},714 ·;{1 VIV Pick Up. G00<I rrinr1. Rcrrnt en~ 11·ork. New paint $12:>. LT 8-8.J31. Call 613·30l!l '69 Ca111\lac f'ourc dr Villrll i\1 USf srll '66 V\\', top l'ond., fully r rpiipp('(J .... $16:! n1n. 'G'J Chrv C.iniat,J, pwr ~lr'i S.· r/h, sunr!. $11~.0 Ol' hrst of· IC'r. li7'.1-~0i·1 nr 67:.-7766 hrakr:<. ;i 11• .• . ... $90 n10. SOUTH COAST >lust ~ai·. '6'J V\V, lite hluc, CAR LEASING \\·/sunrcMtf, rx. to11d. SJ!}95, 3f¥1 \V. f st H11y. NB 6l:).2\ll2 Phonr ·l!J l-~lliT.! or :;48-57:\4 '67 V\V BUC, brand TIC\\' Ill'{'", hraullful COJnrl1rion. Qn1rk !>air. Sl'.176. S.19-2&8.l '67 Bu~ Ille hlue. xlnt rond. s1::9:1~nru::. 01\'nC'r. Sll-7113 (lf s.1~ .... ~lfol '!~~ V\\'c__cl7h-, -,7,,-"-"-"7d-. 71~,,o1 r 1y. Sl 1:.0 fii!Z.-171'.l VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NOWI 142 . 144 -145 -164 n11·: 1.0\\'}:S'r PRICES YOl'ft H~:)-.L DEALS . \It!·: ~TILi , 1\T GEAN LEWIS 616-9303 DAILY P ILOT \\'ANT ADS~ Us9d Cars 990< TRANSPORTATION C,\RS NEWPORTER MOTORS :;rJG 11.\RAOR Hl.\'D. ('()ST,\ ;\1 F.~A 548·5294 or 548-8511 YI N1\i'•l'J:\(; ,\ \".\l L.\Bl.l·: BY O" rn •r ·:i:-1 T-Bi rd $1ti~.l I i;:; r:I (',11111110 Sll!Jj, Bolh 1·ral ~h;irp. r,;·,_7j~!) BUICK Jllfi~ J{l'!CI.\ l.!.'Sabrf' 4 rtoo r l!:irdl<)jl .\1r 1·nn<l. P/<, Pih, 111•11· 11l'P~. Xnlt r!llld S~ilO. l 'all i\lr.o. i\l~tTTi1111 6i~>-1200 h!wn li .30-5, alt 6 & 1vkn<I~. :1'1~-13~1. 1!)66 Gran Spar!. P/;;, Pih. ;i1r, Rill. buckrls. Sli;.Q. Call &l.J.-1.i!l7 afl :, Pill- Imported Aut?s 96001mported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S OVER BRAND NEW 1969 IN STOCK 40 IN STOCK Ready & Serv iced for Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! e COROLLAS-Sedans-Fa5tback Sprinters-Station Wagons • CORONAS--4 Door Sedans-Hardtop Coupes • MARK I l's-Hardtop Coupes--4 Door Sedan• • CROWNS-Station Wagons--4 Door Sttdans e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtop•--4 Wheel Drive Wagoni. e PICKUP~ Speed St•ndard Trani. .a.utomatics -<t sp•eds -factory air conditioni"q -1feta:) t ape deck1 mag wheels a nd many other options. • Many Demonstrators at Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS e Select Oome•fic & Imported Used C11r1 Below Market Prices• JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA 540-2512 '63 Corvette Fastback c.-. " '· ...,.a, 1.,,,,,, r•O·~ • .....,""'· r ~~ '65 Chevelle Conv . '67 Mustang Fastback I l J V·I .UIO ,,...,, • v1ory &" to<>dl"On•~V. _,., 1ure•lna. ,,d..,, ""&le<, re v 110. '67 Chevelle Concours ST A,. WGN "·'· '"""'· 1r""". '""'"""' •;r CON! •• '"""""· .,.._ ,,..,..,"ll •.O•o, ne•~•. ucv •i... '69 Ford Gali. 500 H.T. '68 Chevrolet H. T. Cpe. .-.u•o t'""'· '""""'° •lo' ....,a~in. ,.,.,..,. 3l•••Jnii, rod.o, "•a•er. W•IC i)1. '67 Camara Coupe .l'111>. trtM • roolo. -... l\IE SI.'. '68 Cadillac Conv. '63 Y, W. Camper Rtfoe>. -Ito'. 4 '"""· 1011(1r,1, '67 Plrm. Furr 4-dr • ... ... "'"°' tr-, r.a,.. -IH TWJ , .. '1995 $2595 '1995 '1495 '4495 '1695 '995 '1295 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 Open Sun. 11-5 !!!1!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1...__ ................................................. ~ $ ,, BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE F1Jil y r~t!n1~ eq.u pped "" r_l,d•~a heAd •o•I• ,~ .. t b~lh,, b~c l-"P lig~''• wond,h:old "'"'~""· c u!· ,;de mlrro1. (•tpth, e l<. FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! ___________________ __.....,_,.,,,_,__.___.._.,__._ ____ . et?tl:at.W~ft-,f E-f EXCELLENT SELECTION OF (12) '69 Leftovers · SAVE HUNDREDS NOW!. ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS ·y~· NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE·RATED USED CAR I USED ('.QS I '66 v.w. BUG • o"<I. 1' • •"" •'O·O h•••r ~.~r 0 ' '66 FURD MUSTANG " Y ~'·" "'!I, .-n.o, r•o•I" .. ~•rt ' •I , h•i 01'1 '62 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 DOOR vg. •010.,>a hC, rowor •1'~'•"9· ••t'O•• 8", r~d•o. l>•M~•. •QBC ·"' '61 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE V1""r •"n .-n l•~'"fr "'''""'· c~a.,1~<: l>O"Of •QV•PDtd 1'-llL le/I '6 6 CHEVROLET IMP ALA CONVERTIBLE '' . '" ~cv.i• '"'''1• tA ~. ~·' '65 CHEVROLET CORVAIR ' ,. ··~ .•. ,... ,.. . .. v. .,1 I •C ''lOc ., .. , • ojl(•'l J•I '66 OLDSMOBILE 442 HARDTOP V • • n~~~ ""«>• "~"•• ... ~.1 ..... 11 ''" •· "'"'rt <u•Jer~. '64 OLDS 88 4 DOOR HARDTOP v ~ • "~ 1,...,,, Mc•n•• "" <ond•f'""'""· r"'""' '"""n. ~~···' ~······ IMIQ, ~· ""'. , ~''""' "" tuc~. 11n1eo 11tQ"• ""'ti tb1 r• 100.0. ~"11 '66 BUICK ~KY LARK vi "'"" 1._,,., ~""~' ~I(•, ~ l,\J.o, I "' -'"''n·-..H '"''· "'h<ol (O>f 'i• 1 I .i • 91' '68 PONTIAC G .T.O, HARDTOP II • ~''(' ·~I ~c·.y•c 1 ••· •·•o, ••1·~. ~,,,,. "'" 1e.~11 I ·•, "'"' .. cove•I, O IO• '62 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN J' ·I ro,.~• ••~ "" r""n"•O••n9 IE)(1'f .., '66 SIMCA 4 DOOR ~··<• '"n ''"""· ,. •t ••q·•· "" 1111 0 :101 2850 HARBOR BLVD. A W EIM< ------------~-~,,.....--------------------------------------------------------------- IT __ RA_N_SPO_ll_T_A_Tl_ON __ I TRANSPORTATION rRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Uood Cen 9!00 Used Cart 9900 UMCI Cart 9900 \JM4 C•rt 9900 Used C•rt 9900 -• ___ .,;.;_: CADILLAC CADILLAC CAD. '66 Conv. 11'ht f1111~h. '67 CAD ILLAC Coup•'-$33~0., whl. inter &:. lop. Fully 1\ll'lallic broY:n. Ongina.J f!llU ip~. Orig, 0"' n er ~ ownt'r. X I n 1 . l'onrl. Full Clean S3100. 494~. po11 f·r-a1r, Supr•r i.:lean & CADILLAC '6S COUPE DE VILLE Landall Top, Lealher ln!er- ior, full f)O\l'er. Ail' cond. bt1n1 coodition. J~hllne J.37.~l(l or 64·1·4~ ["" rrd IOI'. G 12-li'..16G. '61 DeVILLE, all pwr, lthr, Landau, sterro, \.<'h&I r CAU '62 Coupt• dr Vlllc, bk t '&I CAD convt, '"'IV 1ires, i.op $195. $3695 itlnt c 0 n d . li('ills, a ir, lull P"-T, recond, jn good cond., all pwr &. air, 962-4887 af! 6. trans S'r.r.i. 1!).J-j393 or .J9.00J nii. $15:JO, 8-5 call 67~191 &1:!-'191(1 r,\I :179 !Betty). '61 Cadillac Courw. a J I ) 93 ,, '67 EL DO RA DO, nr nu !1rt•s, A!tr r \ 6·1~-~ . power. Showrooni c on d . $900. 646-SZ.l:l alter 3.30. lo ml, Juli pwr, air , 1ilt-tele, '66 COUPE rle Vil!e. l-;oJd . Cl'\l!SI:'. o. matic, blk w/,.,·h t Equipped \\')1h every po~l­ MUsr SF.LL -DEST o r . l1h r. S·l7:iQ. P t· pty_ 6 \·l-4265 hie-arcesscry. Mu:-;t sell FER '69 Cad. S " d a 11 '66 COUPE de Viii<" \\'h1tr, no w. Any reasoriablc otrer. OtVil lc. Phonf' -4!J.1-R7!H CADILLAC '6 7 Cadillac: Convertible, lllll power, t1lr, exceptionally c lean thruout. ShoY.'.t very fine care. $3399 e~~,,se" ~ff" black lra1 her. ~·ul l t'q11i('I-5-19-1 17·1 d11 ys, eves. 5·16·36~2 '69 Cad •l-ctr ~edan 111ent. Clean. Ask $2~. .61 CADILLAC Flret\\•ood , ~9-30Jl EX"!. 6fi or £7 fl&etM>Od Broughm, loaded! 549-117·1 rlays. e\lf's.5-16-3642 1910 HARBOR BLVD. . 7:i,OOO m1 ., $:i:io. \\'1!1 aeccpt. COSTA MESA 838-5460 1959 CAD 4-door. Good rond. 10 to 10 hp o u ! board or · ' THE QUICKER YOU CALL, Full J>OWt'r + air cond. $~95, scuba f'quip as part pay· 19fi8 Cadillac Sedan de Ville ITH~;E::Q=U==IC=K='E~R=Y~O~U~S=E=L:=L:,.:.~"=8-~75';;:t=P,~·I=. ~P~''="===°'-=m='~"=l.=64~'-4=30=2~. ====o I ZVN533 all power & air etc. Lesli than Zl ,COO millf'S, Fore-- Imported Autos 9600 lmoorted Auto• 96001mport9d Autos 9600 lf'rl 5ale for only $399:i. Jim Slemons Imports, Inc., 120 IJ '\ !he ca r thet won't 9iv• you 1nythin9 fo worry eboul. ·~ W. me~• tur• of lhat. W, 9i•• it ih• VW I ll·point 1afe- 1 ly end f"do,,nence led. It ha1 to p111. So w• give it our I 00 1. quaranl•e t h1t w1'll repll te ell m•jor m l • cll1 nicel p1rh~ for 30 dev• or 1000 mileo, whichever tome1 fir•!. l.n't thet whet e n•w ctr-owner n11d1? A -bug th at won't d1've you nuh , '67VW Sp•<.ial maroon p.i•nl likt .,.,w, !iRH 705) $1499 '66 VW Fastback Sed. E~tr• clt en I-1how1 p•r· 1on1I cara. RQP48 I $1599 '66 Porsche 912 Cpe. F+n1 drivjng cer. S 1pd. iltn•. Thoroughly r~condf. ticnad. Mu1I 1ee lo epp••· t i•I• ih pt,.onel c•••· YOT 205 Redio, 5110. $3999 '6S VW ~•efer, '''· $'199 SQG 1967 DUNE BUGGY Road end Ra lly equipped, H1rdtop. UVR ~87 $1899 '69VW $1899 1963 v.w. \V. \Varner, Santa Ana ~~&-4114 CAD. '68 EL DORADO Joadl'd. exrras, hlu/wh1, vinyl top, orig. owner. 11n· mal', S519j, P hone \I) 629-8£94 '67 C.>\DILLAC Fleehvood Brougha1n. Loadt>d: $3995. •&15-08'-14 .. CA MARO '69 CA!\1ARO 327, 4 ~perd, custom interior. bl 11 n y xtras. Xlnt cond. $2,;,s() firm. PricC'd below book for quick 5ale. 67!>-5229 alt ~ p.111. CHEVROLET CHEVROLET nv Orix-()wOPr '66 Chevy Sta.. v.,·gn carry-all. Lo mis, air, 4 spd !r11n,o;, d ual dee sysll'm , !act 1nstallt>d hitch & acccim . gct tire~. xlnt l"Qnrl . \\ 111 :orll for only Slti'.IO. Sf-,, al Aµol l~ Develop. Corp, .1 104 E . 17tb.1 Sr . s A-Ci.Ill Dave Ha!lS(JO \l'kday~ S <11"l1-6r n1 '.}.17-70-l l '66 CllEVROLE'r Capr..ce. One 01\'ller car 1vith o~ 2·1.000 m iles. ha.~ all povlf!r + Rir conditioning. Abs<llutely the cleanest one in tato.·n. .Jim Slemons Mer ·~e des B<'nz, 120 \I/. Warnu, 31.nta Ana, 546-411~ 'li\ CHEVY \VagO'JI, 9 pas~, P\\'l" \~·1ndow. 8 e:y1, aU!o, 4 nu 1ires. R&H, othar parts. 58 .000 orig 1ni.., Sac. u;,Q. 673-Jl.32. '65 Il'rlPAl..11. convt, SS.127, \\'IW, bk! soots, ale. p/w, p/h, auto. l O\l'ner, lo nil, $1::.85". 96.S-3·15'1. 968-1997 '65 !:>!PALA 3 ~rat 11·f:lgo11. Air, etc, Li.igh n11leag:P. xl r\l runnin~. f\I AKI:: Of'l"ER. 962-0646 '63 IMP ALA f;./5. 4 ~perrl. SIC'reo. Mags & chromes. 301 VPT1 Qtlg. Nl'C'ds 1'11~ \\·ork. Tllakr offer. ;rlS-7~00 'ti6 Chevy ImpaJa, air, R&H, P/S, i o od Cond . Sl4!iO 5--10-1337 CHRYSLER '66 Ghia Coupe The Pink Ledy ~1d io i nd heet1r. S8K 739 '68 VW Square Back Rid wilh b I • c: k in l•rior. Show1 t ¥cellenl c •r e. So ni t• on !he ro1d, R1d ic l h111er, VTU 544 R1d io, •It. Sp1ciel. UOT- 1 .. l!l68 ClfRYS Nr w· Yorker. 4 rloor hardtop. Loader!! Pri I r t.v , lo n1i, 4 new Radial lll'l's. Braut car & cond! Otll 613-8740 '62 CHEV ti 6 C'yt H.T. C'f}Q. I~========= $1699 $2099 $999 New painl , auto, PIS. Very ~ood rond. $·150. 642-1212 ';16 Chc\'Y \Vagon, $2j(), 6'1&-8242 afler 3~30 ·ro ThfPALA 4 dr. HT, Y·8, auto., ps/pb. R&H, JJ<'l ply. S275. ;"l'IS-421 1 '64 Il\1PA.LA conv. ;111to. PIS, R/H, Good cond. $350. 646-1993 '6~ ChevrolC't Brl Air new :?83 Pnginr. stick, $j j() or oiler. 5'1·1-30i'I '£~ SUPER !'('IOr1. 1n1n1ac ., auto shift. gold. SlO~f~ i\!ust ~el'! 642-73i·I 'ti.3 Chev. ln1pala, !'S. t\cw r nginc, $1050. Call 49.f--.-8469 '62 Che<'. Impala Sprt coupe. 327, PIS, P/B, A u l o . 496-2273 CONTINENTAL '6~1 FULi~ equipment. Clean. Leathrr i n t" r in 1·. l\h~tallic hlur. $];)()(). D;)ys 5-!!).. \ 1 Tl or !'.'\'CS ::Yl6-:i6-12 '62 Linr. Continental Fully f.'fJ Uipfl('rl. fllf'('han1caUy sound, $w.l5. f:47-:>!'!2~. 1%!.f i\1ARK JJI , original p1·1va1e: parl y, ]\1w mileage, fully e.1uipped. G44-25fl7 '66 2 DR HT. loaded, low n1i!r.11i::e. Oller/trade. Eves & \Vk-cnrls. 646-8371 'f.6 CONT INENT AL. Lllarlcrt very xlnt cond. ln11• n1Heage $'.HOO. Privatr :'>-11)...782~. '69 ;\\ARK !IL blar k, rl'i:l IC'athc r int rrior. Loaded' 838-5460 THE SUN NEVEH. SET.<; on DAILY PILOT \\'ANT ADS~ 9800 ONLY 15 NEW '69's and EXECUTIVE CARS AT FINAL ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! BRAND NEW 1969 BUICK $ BIG SELECTION OF '67 T-BIRD I '6S RIVIERA l 1"dey 4 deer. Full H1 rd!op Coup•. f ull pow1r, fecfory 1ir cond, oo...,t r, fe,lo•v eir cond. TTE 702 Rod jo, ho1!1 r. TRK 28~ $2395 $1995 '65 FORO Wegon Counlrv Squire. Low milte9•. full pwr ., fe <.lory 1ir cond. RGV "' $1595 '69 JAGUAR XKE Ro1iiltl•1, c~rom• w;,, w~1•l 1, r1dic, h11I· ••· l ow mil••9t. SAVES '67 BUICK Wildttl Cu1lom Cpt. F.d. eir cond,. 1u!o. tr1n1, P.S. UUV05 4 $2595 '6S CHEVROLET Novi Supt r S1Jo•l, 1vto, lren1., pcwt• tletr.. •I· ilio, ~1tt1r, RGH 4ll $1495 '68 DODGE '68 IMPALA Corcntl -400 4-dr. lac!, 2 Dr. H.T. Fi e .,;,, eulo "ir co"d.. eulo fr1n1., P.S., Jt&H. VG8 '179 $2395 '66 RIVIERA Co~pt . Fe et. eir cond .. <1u!o lrt~1 .. pw• 1lett & pwr brtkts. FBD-4b4 $2695 '66 OPEL Spo•lt Coupe. r1dio, h1et•r. TXH 101 $895 lrtnf, powtr 1l11rin9, WJM 189 $2495 '66 CAPRICE 2 Dr htrdtop, 1ir <.ond. •ule> lr•nl, pw r 1l1or, 11dio, hetl•r. S8MJ7 I $1795 '68 PONTIAC 9o nno~ill1. 4 doer herd· top. FA CT 0 RY AIR COND., P.S., P.8. WXG '" $2995 1970's '6S PONTIAC G•1nd P1 ix. Auto. hen,., J>Owtr ''"''" •adio, he•ltr. !MON277) $1095 '65 OLOS WAGON F-15. euto. lrtn1., pow· •• 1lt tr. PBH 137. $1495 '65 MONZA H1rdtop. Aulo, lr1n1., in'lmecultlt c;onditic11, (TXJ J7bl $995 '66 MERCURY Colony p.,,k w19cn, 1 peu1n9t r. f ull pe>w1r, Faclory 1ir tend. SQS. ' 12 $2395 '67 MERCURY M<inlt<f•Y 2 doer h.,rd• I :::;,,'$ti95~:,~:'. i '67 OLDSMOBILE Supr•m• Cutle1t he,dlp coupe, e~le> Ire/II., fa ct. tir, pc...-tr "" UJ B91 2 52295 Open Mon. thru Fri, 8 a.m, to 9 p.m, -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK · OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE Friday, Octo~r 24, 1%9 DAlLY Ph.Of •' TRA>ISPOR T ATI ON TRANSPORT ATl"O"'N-"-~Ti;-RA..,Mo;SP000R"T"A"T"'IOH""-"'TR"A°'N'"S"P"0..iR"T,;A;.,T.,;IOi(m-... "; •'•"~'"'iiliiCii'ii'ii'•••-'9800New C1rs l&I > -· en • i - "' ... z ::» 0 " .,. -" Ill .. a. I "' ... z ::::t 0 " "' -" Ill ... a. I 383 • • • ::I 8 ::I Ill " - Ill " -......... .• 5 .... i! ·--.. :» .... 0 .: . " .. -"' ~ · -~ 111 a .... ~ - 9800New Cars • • --0 ~8~ • • • °' Ill " " "' "' ••o i~; • !l .... a.~ z • &: ~ 1 • " ... -"' :s .I iii -· -· -· Ill 1111: IU J: IU 1111: cc 888 • • • °' Ill " .., .... °' "' • :i :1.,. -9IOONew C•r• f R C> ' ... ::r; > z c( ... c "-Z 0 :::> "' ----·-----__...,,,...---·------------ Friday', Octob~r 24, 196• 41 DAit Y P"OT PORTATloN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION hCan 9800New C•rs. 9800Ntw C1rs 9800New C1r1 9800 New C1 rs 9800New Cars 9IOONew C1rs 9800 New C• rs 9800 me ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • Johusota & Sort Has CONTINENTAL The 1966 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE Beautiful C11rd in<111 re d finish wilh black top <!ind blacl< leather in fer ior. All the lu~ury fe<1lures, full power, fa.c• tory a ir cond1tionin9, stereo tap~. sys I em, <!ll i.J lomtif1c , c ruise control. etc. Excelle nt cond1t1 on. SQA97l $2695 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE Med;um turquoise mettillic fini sh with m<!li ching interior, bl•ck landau roof. Lu-ury equipped. Completely tilt steer whee l, f11clory t'li r, power door loc~s. elt. ZYP7 I 6 $4495 1968 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Attractive light chrome yell ow with black leathe r inter· ior and landau roof. Fu ll power et.t Ji pped. lactory air, etc. WXF335 $4795 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Beautiful H uron b!u• metallic finish with matching leather interior. Black landau roof, fully luxury equipped a!'ld factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, stereo tape deck. One owner car. Beautifully maintained. TTN020 $3395 1967 CONTINENTAL Convertible beautiful Ocean Turquoise finish with match- ing inter. & white lop, Completely lu)(ury equipped, full power, AM -FM r.tdio, fac.t. ci ir, tilt wheel. etc. 4 new tires. UOA 184 . $2895 MERCURY 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 2·Door Hardtop. Arc.tic white with black interior and Landau roof. Full power equipped a nd fcictory air con- d it ioning. One owner. C arefully mainta in ed. UOF860. $2495 Rep11tatiott of Offering • MERCURY 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 2.Door Hardtop. Arctic: white with Ivy gold interior and bl11 ck l11nda u roof, 4ufo., R&H, P.S., P.B., factory 11 ir conditioning . Re•I lu )(ur y at reasoneb le price . VZU202 $1995 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK q pei;i;enger. Popular cardin11I red f inii;h w ith bl11ck com· fort we,,ve vinyl interior, 4uto., R&H, stereo tcipe deck, fa ctory 11 1r rond ition ing, P.S., P.B., dual a ction t11il gcite. Only 19 ,000 miles. flhe Continental of Station W11gc;ini;l No, 3614. $3595 COUGAR 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP l im e frost with m<!ltch in9 vinyl buckets, auto., 289 en- gine , P.S., R&H, new c11r trllde-in, one owner and serv· icod by our company. VDR233 $2175 1968 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Desert Beige f inish with saddle cornfort weave bucket seats, black landau roof, auto., R&H, P.S., P.8., console, factory air. Beautiful condition throughout. XEV86b $2695 OTHER MAKES 1968 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Mciroon finish with black landau roof and bleck leather interior. lu)(ury equipped. Full power, factory a ir con- ditioning, AM-FM stereo, tele-tilt steering wheel. One owner, beautifull y maint•ined. 20,000 miles. VZTS2q $4995 1967 VW BUG Radio, heater. One owner. l ike new. 20,0 00 actual milei;. VEE332 $1495 the Fi1test Sefectio11 of Used Cars itl the County! OTHER MAKES 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2·Door Hardtop. Beautiful 8riti,h Green with black in- terior end white landau roof, "uto., R&H , P.S., P.8., a ir conditioning, etc. Very clean throughout. VUZ837 $1995 1966 CHEVELLE 2 DR. H.T. Medum blu e meta llic mist with black interior. Auto- matic, radio & heater, power steering, Beautifully main- tained. One owner. 24,000 mile.i. SABS4 I $1595 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR BUG Radio and heater. Showroom sha rp with only I 0,000 miles. OXAb95 $1795 1967 PONTIAC GTO 2 DOOR H.T. Gold mist metallic finish with bl<!!ck bucket seats, auto. trans., radio & heater, power steering, factory air. Beau· t iful condition. TRJ 503 $2495 1966 RIVIERA Beautiful Britis h green with matching interior. Full power equipped a nd factory a ir condition. One owner and driven only 2100 miles. Ell'cellli!nt condition. SZN727 $2995 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-Door Hardtop Firebird green, black buckets, factory air, P.S., P.B., stereo tape deck, etc, Low 25,000 miles. VCT9 I 2 $2795 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Door Hardtop. Desert beige finish w ith matching •n· terior, auto. trans., radio & heater, power steering, etc. Very clean a nd well maintained. NCAOl 3 $1295 1968 ELDORADO Full power, factory a ir, ldndau top, autom11tic, radio, heater, t ilt wheel, stareo, AM-FM, etc. W FU46b $5495 1968 JAGUAR XKE·2 COUPE Attractive Brit ish R11 cing Green finish with bl11 ck leather interior, wire wheels, Radlal Ply tires, etc. Beautiful condition. W IDbOI $4695 1966 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-Door H ardtop. Medium turquoise finish with mcitch. in g interior. Automatic, radio, heater, power steering, a ir conditioning, Very clean. SVFOS2 $1695 BARGAIN CORNER In Our Barqoin Corner we have numerous used cars. Some clean, some not so clean, Some that are duplications, some we've had too lonq -in any event these cars are real borqains. LOOK 'EM OVER. '66 '66 T·Bird LANDAU. RTB724 GALAX IE Ford 500 2-DOOR H.T. SVFOSl '65 Mercury 2 00 $1375 MONTCLAIR H.T. ;oo5oJ NEW CARS J'ohnson~son USED CARS 540-5635 540-5630 [!, ~ !ilJ © © IL !!{] © © !ilJ 'ii'~ !ilJ [E !ilJ 'ii' fil [!, • I/al ti:\ 00 fil ]][ 0 I/al ~ rm© l!D rm w a © © llil@li:I 00 1 Mile South of the 642-0981 j 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I San Diego Freeway 9900 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 1 Used Ca rs 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars -----~~---~ CONTINENTAL CONTINENTAL CORVAIR CORVETIE FORD MUSTANG PONTIAC POfllTIAC T·BIRD COr.VA!R. 4 di'. 1960 :'i"dll n. 'OS COHVETTE ;'.27 C'ng. ;;iuto 1%!1 PO:-\TIAC Cranrl Prix. 9900 l:ltil J, i n c n In Cont1nf·ntal llJF1.1.;::. ;ill PO\\•'f ,t· '111' lrs.< lha11 ·lf(J(I 1111k·-. mu~t ~(·IJ th is 111"i:'kr11d nnh Sl·l'.l:i, .11111 .~lrn1on~ 11'11[X'0rt.~. lnr , 1'.10 11· \\·ru·ncr, Sanl.i An~. :.11>-1)14 '67 Ct1i.tom !la 1Tllnp. i\ulo, hill p11T, all ""Tr:o:>. L:ir!y n11l1Pl' :\l u.~! ~PI L 6 !1-2!J:1] 11'l~ Pont1a\ GTO T.\X ~;JI llanJtrin •"fl". \'1n)l top :<\UO , <'I(' Only 1(;.100 1nil•'" \llll~t ~<'I) lhi~ \U'"kf'll rJ Sif)i)I). C11ll :;.ir.-111 1 nr can tw ~"Cfl al 120 \\". \\ <i!"llf'I', S~ril.i 1\n;i. S.J m011l'i, lr.1ll1rr 11111·ri•w, ah~lu1 ely 1n1111;H·11la1r ron- all f'Xfl'11~ 17,()00 n11l('S Xint d1!inn, all powr r f,. a1r-1ust '64 VW SEDAN M••oo" .. ;1h <Jold ,1,.d;"'l· • tuned ••h•~•I. S!r;~;n9 •ppe•ttnt ,. OTV71 I $1299 '67 VW FASTBACK Wh;,• ell over with ble c~ 1e•h . Ont owner lrtdt ;", TY X J6'1 $1699 '66 SUNROOF SED. B•;q• or;9;",1 color. Sol.I "''" bv "'' H11tt¥. SYZ 911 $1499 CORVAIR I "6~ PORSCHE Mor, •~"•• then mo,t. FM ••d1o •nd lo""•~u to~!-. Co'!'pl e•elv chec~td bv Y•. SA8 1<1 5. $4199 '63 PORSCHE CPE. w ;1ho"' • d oubt 1h;, ;, !ha cleone1I co • in !own. 2Rt~ '" $3199 '68 VW SEDAN Aulcm1ti,, r1dic lo ha•l•r, S !r0~;"9 v • I Io w co!o,, B11do: on1irlt. XIH bOI $1899 "65 VW SEDAN E"9'"' o ~e •heul~d bv Yj . Sped •! pain!. Gold "'''h d•·~ b•own 1heding . YP S "' $1395 "6S VW SEDAN N•w Cet lrede '"· Graen ori9i"al ~tinl end ;n!•riot. ROA 66'1 $1299 '68 VW SEDAN 5,,.. vour IT'OM•V· o,;,., I~• be1l. Di am ond blu• 1 ~d bleck !n1•d1. UTL )]8 $1699 , 'i;i~ll 549-3031 " ,, EXT. SJ & 54 445 East Coast Highway at IAYSIDI O~tlVI NlWPORT BEACH I LINCOLN MERCURY '6l DOD(_;!::, 1n;111y 11r11· pru·1s, 111~·1·h1111if<illy gQOl.l , 196~ !II~:r.cunv i\lontc,e;o looks S\)(Jd. B<"sl uflf'r l\lS 11·a;on. ps. pb, ;i1r. '.)(iS-:-\!l!l.": A:\1 /f';\1 1· .1 r! 1 n . E\· _ c,,prio1u1.1' 928 Bowlon~ Gre<'n ·~7 t;>odgc Convl. Run~ i;ood. Dr, Cnsla i\!r:osa. 5-1:,..-ism $17J. :-::..;r hi ;iprwcc1;ile! Ca111,,,.,==-.-.c-c--c-~ 11 r1er ;,, &16-\.~07 '5-t i\1ERC 4 <Ir ~c<lan. gd. '68 DODGE . DART tn1 n~p $7:1. '4.~ !'ll<'l'C 4 dr I srdan, J:;rl. tninsp. SljlJ. I..<>1v 1n 1 cage., Load('{J ! 646--Sl!l-rt -SIGOO. r,~4-5290 . '1 a f>r J • '63 !\lERCURY Colony Park FALCON Sration \Viu:on, full po\\"Cr Si."..O. ~1S-i~74 1963 FALCON F'utu n1.. 6 r-yl, 4 spd Clcon.S:i 2.)()ll)..64S. MUSTANG ·1 .<;pd. Clean. s:2:;. ;)l:MM! ---------- 'It' pm. '65 MUSTANG }-";\I.CON' '6.~ S3:.0/ '.! rl!'., !xi.lop, 1\uton1al1l', ra- ,\l:\KF. o~-FER. din, hcalel', Runs Jlkc ne11·. ====*="='=-'="='=*==='! 'r11kc fore1:;n car in Lrar'IC'. \\"ill fine pr1!. pr!y, DJ r. KC'n, 4~~-97il, 515-0ti34, DCr-1. FORD ---------1 745. '66 Fa lcon Futura N=E\~v-1,,;=,~,-,-"'-''_"_g_G_"_""_'· F'ully fa ctory l"qUippcd, Dlr. · _ _, dcl · air COnu., 11xe 1 n t., $695. t ru\sc4m11tlc, 5 i\1ichclln '=~="~'~~"~'c.:."'~'~·002='---I radials, 2100 miles. Owner 'fi.1 FORD Gal. :i4JO XL. )\In! 644--0266 cond. Full PllT, RfH. sr..0.1,.,~,~M=u~sr=A~N=G~V~.-. =,,-,.-.,-.-,-, Pvl Parfy. 842-2796 \\'/blrk \"ln~·l top. F act air .. '6!l FOR D Country Sr-d;in, !i flOOO mi. Clean. 842·21322 aft fl(li;~('M{<l"l' ~l ~llf1!1 \\"al,!"On 6. ~"ilrl"d ~'looo. Ca ll ~1.~+-5~ 'tii~,,-~,~1u7.sr=A~,~.,.~. -c,=,-,~,b-,-,,~. '67 cor:-:rnv Sq111r(', air, p11·r il1~c hr;1kci; .~ .<rri:. ;::~ rni:: , S2'!fl(). '.1111\-41)19 R/TI. i\111 ~~. :t;h<'lby 11 his. /\ 1 r ~horks + vac. pun1p. 673-626.i eves. ·,:;;; FOIUJ V-li 9 pai;,.;, ~;igon 'Gli fASTB1\C..-. hi,11:" eruo:ioo Xlr1r r ond , '.?-011nC'r. S.1.000 Au ton\ trans. G'Xld mnd. Ori!:!' ~h ~:r"l('I. Ali-7~::6, * ~1 Z"1'1 .07.'.-l!lHi • OLDSMOBILE 19116 flhls 9~ l11:-."l1ry ~-PdHn :";,\l21:l7 <1ll pow r1• & air r :»· t"•'rli•'ll·•lly vl•'an. Io 11 n1i!ragc ('nr onl,v Slfl!J;, hl!I pl'll'f'. J1n1 S lr 111 n n l'o /lhT~·c.·drs &nz, lW \'; \\'an1er. $.ilt11a l\l"la 516-4114 Hlli9 Pnn_•_i;i-,.-,.-,,-"'-.,-1·,-1-h_d_h_' \'111~ I 1 .. p. \'rr~ Io" n11l1•1 1r,r J\111~! ~,1rr 1fiL'f' lnr q111t'k ~~Jr "11ly $2.,Qi:J, C.;11 ~·\6-4111 nr (';111 be ~rn «t 1ZO \\'. \\'arl1f'r, Santa An;i OLDS '68 •J.I:!. P'I'.. (.'Ond. SlOO J~l(j;, Pon11ac GTO Con· r!o1' n & assumr h:ila11c•', Pr1v .. party. ;'.~O [l\~rUc . Lai::una Bch. ~!17-1 •1;'6. '6.~ OLfJS S1arl1ri', blaick. :-:lni Mnd. air •'onV , Jlr\\' 1 Ll'f'S $0()0. ;,1:i-:t~:1:1 '67 OLDS CUTLASS Evr.o;/wknd i; 6<~~3.1:;1 PLYMOUTH 'f·~ Ply Ho11d Run11cr hd!p rpe ·I .o;prj, 4 h<11Tcl, b1i:: rn- }.":iur , t11.ck. 4 ban·rJ. bii:: ('n- 1r.l.~. 111us1 ~al'1"1f1cr. T~ike O\'C'r payn1r nts cllil &16-875'1 '68 Ply wgn Sport Sub. 9 pas.<;. ai1·. lo n1i, X-f'lr11n, Loaderl. S29j([. \Vil! ta ke trd. Owner. x.6-31 ~0 '6:1 Plymouth Valiant SIX, stick, good CO!ld. ~1~-3071.. PONTIAC '59 PONTIAC, good engi!"IC'. fair body. Ek'st olfer. J36.-7106 alter ~ P:\t 'fil PONT. Bonl)('vtllc, 51 7;'/. '1·132 Sandburg \Vay, Univ. Park 833-2?.'>-l 1968 PONTIAC FiN'b1rd 400. -t spel'd , Po\.,,er strg. pci'\\~r brks. 13,000 m i. 5-18-2330 ·r.8 Fireblrd 1i0. air. p/s, p/b, l.Andau lop. Teacher. 847-941!1 '67 GTO, 4 i;peerl, r:-:f'('llent condition, Jo1v niiles, $179:;. • 6J8.-(129J • '6,1 ST ,\TION \\1111~011, lull p11r, 111r, in1mri<'. S79:;. 54;...ozn '67 Gran Prlx-Sharpl 1,.11rtl"rl• S 1!¥.l.~ ~16·116J \·rrtihl!" 4 sprrrr. Takf' u1·cr J}r\,vn1rnt,<;, 646<116.s all 4 - pni. '6·1 PON TIAC' ·1·dr hdtp. Bon· nrv11lr. Au In. P 1!-;. f''R, Rf!/. 11t1 !Ir"~ $SOO 7i\8-l!l0:1. 'G8 F!Hl!:BIHU ~00 Tll rbQ 11_,·rlrCl. JX'IVf'I", ~!f'l"f'n j.'\I :')2'.!~~1 rir ho·J'"! nffrr. 67~i0 '("i!l PO:'\Tli\C Cat~lir.a. 'in~·! 1r1111. Lc;1!l1rr uph. i\IC. lo n1i. 1 O\\"llt't. $3700. 6•12-1639 ---THE QL ICl\ER YOU CALL, TH E Qll!Cl\EP. YOU SELL cond. P1·1v pr1y, S4100. tr:irl1•1J on nr\\' ;\lo'n.:o•dcs 61:1-1:~. B1,111. f'11ll prir" SI 1~· •. Jim "67 GTO, !Jr. on•· '"'ll"r. Sl 1'1nn11~ \1Prvt'llr.~ Bt•n1.. l20 c•l,,:111. l<rw 1111. \ 1ny) Jnr.. \\ l\11rnr•r. ~,dll.,i 1\na, pl ~. Jlf'\\" 'tor ron11ng, Sl.S.JO ~;....]\\I '"'" '"·' 03 ' '63 T-BIRD RAMBLER ·:19 P..A,\!BLER \\"age.in. 6 (·yl au1u . :\!nl cond. S 3 0 U. :}'\I).. 7~1~ REBEL 'Ii!) P,l':BEL, 7,000 1110, V-i'. oili !", ;ifr.. ~"''" o;m this on,.: Dlr , $1.l~l Br1krr SI., Cos13 i\lC:<ll :rl(}-:1fl i:1 STUDEBAKER '~>~ fitu1l Lari;; 11·a~. f!\1ns J::OOd. st :~l. Se<> al Kcn l~ lt1rh!1rld. cnrnfr Brood11·t1y f.· Coast J111)'., t...1g-. llch. 2 dr,. hrl . !op. Full p11·r. Dir For10ry ;iir c0nd11i0111ng. One nwnrt'. !-11111ill do"·n. l'.:xce!. lrnt co nd1t1on. 49-J.97/l. OKL -M(l. 1oc1 ~,=·u=R=1=,-T=.=u="-"-· -,=.,-,11 po11'PJ". {.~l(l(l cond. OfFJ:.f: •C:1ll 675-12i0 *" TEMPEST BEST '6:'1 TE/l!PEST. ~ cyl, ronvt. l'('l'Y ~v.xl l'f'nd. $-I 7 5 . 6-12-71~·1 NO n1;illcr 1vhci1 it is, you con :<ell i! 11·ith a DA ILY PI LOT \\'ANT AD!~ f;42.:iEJ78 r ' .. . SAVE AS MUCH AS $1300 OFF STICKER PRICE ON BRAN.D NEW '69's ! NEW '69 BONNEVILLE 2 Or. H.T. E:tpr•no brown, fvll pow1r, f1clorv •;•, turbo hvdr1m1lic t r1n1,, r1dio, h11lt r, 1lc. (262179CI01l85J NEW '69 BONNEVILLE 4 Or. H.T. l im1liqht 9r1el'I. Pow1r window1 -1l11rln'il · br1k11, lu•bo hyd., r1d io, h11!1r, 1tc. (262l99Cl07406! NEW '69 EXECUTIVE W&9on. While, pOw•r 1l•••in9, pcwor d i1c bra~e1 , faclo•y ,;,,turbo llvd•e,,.,1tic, r1dio, h1al1r, etc. 1256Jb9Clllb111 NEW '69 EXECUTIVE W19on. l <mel:ght 'l'''"• full pow1•, f1 clory ,;, cond:t;on- i119, turbo hvd•1. lr1n1 ., r1dio, h11t1r, 12 56l6'lC!2l 229 ) NEW '69 EXECUTIVE W19on, \leri:loro '1'''"· Full power, fo clory t it con!., 1111bo hyclr1m1tic tr1n1~ t•dio, ll11!1t, 1256J69Cl20152)1 NEW '69 CATALINA ol Dr. H.T. lib.rty Blu•. D•cor 91oup, lur bo 1-vdrt"'t l<c Ir'"'·• pow.1tr., ftc. 1ir, rodio, ht~I .. et~. (25 2l 99C l20141) . NEW '69 CATALINA 1 Dr. H.T. Whil•. Fa clorv air, vin'l'I 1,;,,.,, PS I br11 ~11, !ur bo hyd r11matic, radio, healet, t ic, ( 252 l79C110287 J NEW '69 CATALINA 6 P'"· w•qon. light blu1. F11c. 1ir, full""""''· ra•d & h.,1dlin 0J p\.:9 ., turbo hydro., R/H, 12S2l69Cl216l61 NEW '69 CATALINA W19on. l lu1. Pow1r window•·ll1•r.·di1c br1~1 1, f•c. t ir, 1id• & hendli n9 pkg., tutbo hydr1., Rt H, !2S2 Jti9Cl1lll•I NEW '69 CATALINA w.i;on. 6 p1>11ni;er. 5;1¥e r, full powor, '•clo•v ,;,, lu(bo hvdr1. tr1n., lu9, 1 1c~. R1H. (2~2lb9CI 1 8 24~) '67 COUGAR XR7 Radio ,11nd l1ro trr, nu!l"!malic 1ra.n!>mi<- sion, po .... ·rr ~l"!'rl ll.:. fllctory <11r cnnd1· tion int;, h•a thcr interior. (TZG460/ '67 CADILLAC Coul""" TH' Vi!lr. Full f"l""'""· fart ory 11ir ronditionini;. lilt· tr l('scopic s teerin;:: \\hrr l, A ~!-fl\1 rarlin, blue \\i lh \1·hitr padded top. \ T\VV666 1 '66 TEMPEST CUST. 2-Door llardto1~. V-8. autom111ic 1r11ni;. mh1sion, n11dio and heater, pav.·er •leer· ing. 37,J7S miles. <WZF384J NEW '69 GTO l;meli9ht 9r1el'I, Turbo hvdr1m1lic tr1n1,,,;u ;on, power 1!11r;, 'on1ol1, rtdio ind h11t1r, 1lc, (2 42l79Zl2176b) NEW '69 GTO Whi!t. Powt r 1leerinq & di1c br1\e1. ,;, cond .. con1ol1, tvrbo hvdr1, t11n1., r1die1, heeler, ~2421 79?126301 1 NEW '69 GTO Wht! ... F1 d o•v ~;r, tu,bo hvd remol.c lt~n•, r1doo, h11le•, con•olor, heod la"'p cov1•1, 12•2l 7'lZ l2S76 J) ""'--~ NEW '69 GTO , ~ Midn;g~I green. Power 1l1e• & P0""9' d•lt b•1lt•. c e n1el ~, + turbo hydrt malic, rtdio ind h11lef, !242l7'lZ125'l71l NEW '69 GTO \lerdoro q•een. F1clor~ 1ir tend .. con•ol•, powor 1le1.in9, t urbo hydr1m1tic, redOa • nd he t!tr, t ic. t 2~ 1J79R 1l21S1 1 DEMO '69 GRAND PRIX Midni9hl 9ro111. S!t rto ••dio, till whet!, pawer •'•••.- b•oke •. windcw1, foe."''· turbo hvd••·• t +c, l 276S79P169948) DEMO '69 GRAND PRIX SJ Exprouo b.own. S!ett o ••dio, ,ull pcw1r 1quip. plu1 f•t, '" cond, turbo hvd••· lr1n1 ., t i<. !27b519P2401lll, DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE ' ol Or, H.T. Anllque 'cld. F1clory air, Full paw1r equi p., tu•bo hvdr t, fr1n1., r1dio, h1tler, tit, (2b2 l9'lCI 11 2231 DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE " Or. H.T. E1pr1uo brown, F1clory 1ir, powor window1, Vogua tire1, AM -FM, P/S, Pt B, turbo hvd, jJti23'l'lCl04171l DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE Coup1. l <bo rtv blu1, Ti!! who.I, powet ... indow1 ·•h1<.• braL••, ftt. a•t, lu•bo hyd r•, Rt H, t 2tiil7C!2474l l '67 LE MANS 2·Door l!ardlop. V-8, pn11·rr ~t~>">rin ~. radio, h rat<'r, 11hil ,. "all 11rc!>, f,1r·tnry air cond1tionin&. J7,943 miles. tZCK£il2J '68 CATALINA 4·Dnor Seclan, V-8, hydram!ltic. tranll· mission, (Xl\.\'('r lllreri n~, radio. heater, factory air conditioning. (\VfE920J '66 OLDS SUPREME 4-Door llnrdtop. V-8, a utomate. po .... ·rr steerini;:, radio, healer. white wall tir ei:, factory air conditioning, vinyl r oof. l'ITAl5 11 DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE H.T. Cp1. li"'eli9ht 9111n, full pow1r, plu t fie. 1ir c111d, turbo hyd1f mtlic, r1dio, h11!1r, 11<. (2 62 l79Cll695~1 DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE Ch1mp19n1. 2 Or. H.T. pow1r window1-tl11ri ~o;1-br 1•1 1, f1clory 1ir, turbo hydr1., R/H, •le. (2b2l79CI 16 339) DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE 2 Or. H.T. Green. Full pow1t •qui p., foclory ,;,, crui11 control, turbo ~yd r1~ rodio, h11l1r, etc, { 262) 79C 115901 l ..... .A DEMO '69 EXECUTIVE ~ "Deer l·tT. Gold. F1clory ,;,, pow1r window1, pow1r + 1l11r. l br1~•1, lu•bo llyd., ~/H, t ic. '256l'l9CI01l221 DEMO '69 CAT ALINA 5il~1r. Coupe. F1clory 1ir, powor 1111•, powor ditc hr1•11, futba hydr1, h 1n1., R/H, •le.. (252J79CI 0911 2) ,, , , DEMO '69 CAT ALINA . Coup•-E'lprtno brown, F1clory t ir, pawt r 1+•1•, pow1• d i1c br1k11, turbo hyd1t ., R/H, t ic. !252379CI 127 19) DEMO '69 GTO G•11n. Thi1 on1 i1 1laolut1ly lo1d1d ....;1h tvtry nnc1i~1bl1 pow1• t11i1! 1nd foe , 1ir co~d. Mui! 111. (2 ~2l7'lZI 18611) DEMO '69CiTO H.T. Rod. F1cla<v ,;, cond!ioning, pO'Wtr d<1c br1k11, PS, l urbo hydr1, tr1n1., R/H. ~ 242 l 79? I 09067} DEMO '69 LE MANS Wh ilt w il~ bleck top i nd blt ck buck1I it•h. F•t. 1ir, Pt S, P/8, pwr. t nt ., hydr1. t.1ni., 12l7l79AI 10174) DEMO '69 LE MANS Si1¥t /, Ft c. 1ir tond. paw1r 1nlt "n1 pow1r 1l11r. & b•t~tl, l>ydr 1. lr1n1., rodio, h11ler. 12J7 l79ZI 1018!1 '69 MUSTANG Fast.back. VA, autnrna tir, PQ'-''!"'I" gteerlnl!, r11di,,, h<',11 f'r, \'>'hllr w111l~. faclnry air cond1tion1ng. 7,<100 miles. (XSR134) '56 CHEV. 1/2 TON P ickup Truck. Radio and heater, 3 speed tran!imlsaion. Original one owner. 63,0(X) milts. ( P28A > '68 PONTIAC CUST. Tempest Sport Coupe. V-8 ena:lne, Ml• dlo and healer, white &Ide wall Ure&. (WXFJ84) ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA 0 Kl-64444 < I --~--~ ·--------------------------------------······ --------·-------------~-, , , • DAil Y PILOT T H E s H A R p ,E s T p E N c I L I N T H E w E s T FOR THE BEST LOOK AT TOMORROW sEE Theotlore ·Robins Fortf ToDA"" THE HOME OF THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST See Thein A ll A t Orange County 's Yolu 111.e Ford Dealer! FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL 1969 MODEL S LARGE SELECTION OF BOTH NEW AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS ENGLISH FORDS! qa l lj J England's No. 1 Sell er .,, America's No. 1 Im port Buy I Customs -GT 's - Station Wagons. Larg• Se· lection of Automatics and Four Speeds ! OFF SEASON CAMPER SALE Almost 40 new Four Winds and El Dorados to choose from! Wide variety of floor plans and equipment options, all ready for immediate instal· lation on your pickup or ours! Special Extended Financin9 Available DurinCJ This Clearance! s OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE POSITIVELY NO ADDITIONAL DEALER'S CHARGES! SEE OUR BIG DIS PLAY OF 1970 TRUC KS I JOIN OUR LEASE A NEW Pickups -Broncos Econoline Van s Rancheros Camper Specials READ Y FOR IMME DI ATE DELIV ER Y DRAG CLUB! FREE MEMBERSHIP. DECALS, EMBLEMS TWICE A MONTH MEETINGS. Caff Jim Wanace for full details today! 1970! ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS We Are A Member Of The Ford Authorized Leasing System ............................................................................................ MONTH -E ND : LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD. I SPECIAL S i 100°/o PARYS & LABOR WARRANTY--4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS i • Ca•e11 aU '"Kha11iea parh i11el11di119 a11gi11e, tra11Mni11ia11 d1ive line, rear end, PLUS brakes, bone1y and e1ha11~t syllem • .t.11 repair : ; wark don• 111 0111 0•11 service department. • ,. ............................... &••••···················································el! '69 MUSTANG SPORT ROO~ Avtomatk. radio, h4111'9r, whito wall1, wlllte whi1 Nd l"'9rlor. foe• ta1y warra11ty DYOilablt. Ap1JO•i-toty 7,800 mil .... IYCW061). '65 CORVAIR CORSA C'>nvrrtiblc. ·l ~PC'C'd . radio and heater. (V!!\6711 '64 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-DOOR SEDAN 5695 V-R, FACTORY AlH CO!\DITIO!\"ING, auto1nal1c, po11'rr st ,..rrin~. Jlf'\\"rr hrakr«. !Ot"F'~6.1l '68 FORD LTD 4·DOOR SEDAN $1 995 One O\vnrr. 300 \1-R, 11uton1a I Ir, po\1 ··r sl<'l'rinL:, radin, hratrr. nr11' tir<'.s. !VTl'703l '65 FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP $119 5 4-Donr. V-8. cruison1nti<', factory air condit.ionln.i;, full po.,..·rr, radio, hC'nt rr. I PIX33i} '69 FORD CUSTOM '65 FORD MUSTANG $11 95 V-8 •'nr:ineo, 4 .<:rrrrl l r;in~1n1s~1nn, r:id1n. hr atr r. (ll1\·•· i::rrrn \Vi1h hl11<·k i11 trrinr. f(lTD529) '64 CORVETTE HARDTOP l:rrno\ahlr lr:ip. ,, ~pcrd. rad1n, hra1 cr, po\\rf \1·inrll'l\\'!1. Al\1-F:'ll radio. I RllC901 t '66 PONTIAC LE MANS HAR ~TOP :::.J)or11·. ::'.:'6 V·8. pn111•r ~1 1"1•!'1n::;, RUl'llllil1ir, 1:.~1r. l)<h kr1 ~t'A I~. \\Id{' c.1·al l ll"{'S lR;\l\.221') '69 FORD F-100 PICKUP $2495 s· 1wd S1y1 .... ~irlr. V -M, a utonu11lr. 1·ad10, hratrr. rlinrnnnd plat" Oun1p1-r. 1·lirnn1" rnirrnrs. (,17799C t '68 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8. 1m1\rr strcrini:. rn1,Tr brakes, healer, Jktf"c t'fte Car. !31.'i871 l . '68 FORD CUSTOM 390 YI •1191,.., "°"tit' ,,..,1~. cr•IMmotfc fr•Mmi11ia11, r•di• alMll lleoter. Polle. Car, 1111450) '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA WAGON V-1'!. factory a ir <'"nditinn1ni;, rOO.io, ht'a\r1·, 1•n\,r l' !'.1"C'ri n;::. (/\~Dfi72i '66 OLDSMOBILE f ·BS 4-DOOR SEDAN \·-s. automatic rra r1..~m1s~ion, radio, hf'iih•r. Dr trctive car, !311126) Stock No. Z465A '63 CADILLAC COUPE DeYILLE F11ll 1)()11rr. far lllry air rondJt1on1n1:. S uprrh coJJdiltnn. 1 (~29,\6) '68 CHEVROLET 'I• TON PICKUP ·1 S[l{'cd, spli l rinis, heater. Approx. )7,170 milt's. {22:-l~lGJ-' 1 '66 CHEVROLET 'I> TON PICKUP Loni::: brrl, aulornnlic transn1is~ion. 11'835121 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK (All SALE PRICES EFF ECTIVE THROUGH NEXT SUNOAY UNllSS PREVIOUSLY SO LO.I '' ., .• ; .•• M0 '•D'· 'RDA'. ~A!UPOAY 8 A~' 101. PM ' PARTS 6. URVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY JunhJy '. IU ,1 ,., lob p m 7 AM TO 9 PM MONDAY • l AM TO 6 P~.~ TUE SQ hY r.PIJ . .c\Y 8 ~~,A TO 6 PM _,A,T J~CA 'r' '