HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• ' , Co1·ona del Mar Costa Mesa 12 0 l'oothill 31 0 San Clemente DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1969 VOL. 4l. HO. lS6, J SECTIONS. 12 1"•0£5 r_n_~lf!·~"!<·~ .. ~'1"~~:;7"',7 ~ Learning Clo~k '- • -· • .. "' ~ I,, ~~~-..-; ... ,, ' I ' I I D.lll.Y P ILOT $!1U l'ho!o "J·lo\Y can T learn lo tell Li mr, ir they keep changing the system!' says i'vlikc l•ell, !'i, a first-g rader at !\la rincr's Sc hool 111 1\Jewport Beach. ,\'Ji ke isn't the only one \vho's confused Pi · s\rit ch from daylight to standard ti me. Don't forget lo turn yo11 r 1 k 1):1t'k ;:in hour before going lo bed tonigh l. Nixon Won't Put Curbs On Agnew, Cabinet Talks \VASHTNGTON (U PI} -The '\'hit e }fouse has made it clear it "'ill not ask Vice President Spira T. Agnew or any other member of the admi nistration lo Mubmit to it for clearance statements or i>peeches on national issues. Mystery Alhun1 Of Bob Dylan Has Hot Sales NE\V YORK (AP) -Someone ha~ is- ~ued a mysterious album of Bob Dylan performing his own songs, n1ost pre- viously unreleased. Columhi~ Records, 11·hft:!h has Dylan under exclusive con- lract, says it will seek a court injunction to halt distribution in the United Slates and Canada. The origin. or the two-record albutn js shrouded ,in secrecy. It.is $'1d in. Iii .uQ.· Olf.J'kcd whit~ cover, with both rccords bearing bluk labels. There is. no indie.1~ lion anywhere cf who is ~t1ormisig what. _ But Dylan fans h8ve foµnd out aod are:. buying the album at a brisk rate. At first it wns sold under lhe counter, but it sur(aced last week in several record •hops here. ~vertised in the window .a.a lhe "\Vhile Wonder.". Columbia Records estimated th.It about !1.000 copies o( the album had been prf.ss- rd. But they were surprised when told Friday that s'lorc.s \\ere selling lhe '.'\Vh1tc \Vondcr" openly. , I The poh('y "·as outlined f 'riday by presidential press secretary Ronald Zieg- ler, 'ol'ho 'ol'aS asked for the firth time in as many days 'whether Agnew had clear· cd a recent speech with President Nixon. 'rhe Agnc1v r emarks 11·hich set off a running battle betlvccn the Vice Prcsi- rlcnt and various critics in~·olved an a t- tack on aflthvar den1onstrators. Ag new called them "an effete corps of in1 pudent snobs who c haracterize the1n- selves as intellec tuals." Ziegler said : "The President does not put a leash on Cah1net members. \\'e certainly are nol going to have specchcs cleared. People are free to articulate their feelings ..• I think it's generally clear that indi vid- uals in this administration are free tn discuss their feeling8 on national jssues." .. The Vi ce Presidenl of the t:nited St ates as "'ell a s all administration offi. c1als are free to express themselves 011 matters that occur \\•iU1ln th is country." •le added that matters involving nalional securi\y arc discussed and cleared. 'in iid~allOe. ' . • I Agnew woo a de(efl{ler Friday. in . a , 1l lo1.1se s~lll. Rep. Walter Fl!)1,ers, ID- ·Ala.). pr.aJ('ed ihe Vice Presidenr1ot "l!x· prusjng hki·eonvic;llons in the forUirighL mel\ner. has has." "'!would remind these people (Agnew's c:·ltics) that less than 1 percent of the 1·itizens of 011r great nat ion have parti- cipated in ~ dcmon!traUoos of dis- sent which are dl\'ldlng 11!1," Flowers said . "It is a ~ce of, great encourage- mcnt to me Ulat someone in the high of- fice of Vice President of the United Stales will i;tand up and 'tell it like It really it' for all to hear." Football Scores. Fountain Valley 44 SA Valley 0 Westminster Anaheim 21 6 Tustin Newport ltlari11a 18 IS Missio11 Viejo 20 0 SEE DH AILS, SPORTS PAGES Ce11te1~ Said N ee:11· Isla11d Off Coast Orange County 11·as hit by a tlurd earthquake 1n two days rrid.::iy. The lat- l'~t temblor registered 5.0 on the Ra:hter sce1lc and alarmed residents as far north as Santa B<irba ra. TllC.' third quake c.1 n1c at r 27 p.n1 .. just 12 hours after the san1e area or Southern California "'as jolled by a !emb- lor \\'hir h registered 5.25 on lhe scale. Seismologists at Ca lifornia lnstitute of Tct"hnology said the l'picenter or both F riday shakes was a sub1nerged fault in !he Pacifi c near Sa n l'iieholas Island just :)o miles off the Orange County Coast bl'yond C;:italina Island. Dr .• Jruncs ~f. Brune , director of the (Jltecil l;ibnratory said both "'ere ~tron,i: rnough to cause ex tensive dam.:ige 1f the <.:<'nter h;1d \Jl'en in a populatrd area. Hc.s1den1 s of the Orange Coast area saicl furnuurc was movt:'d by Fr iday af- ternoon s :-h()('k. On Thursday. a ql1;ikc rrgistenng 5 :'I in the 1n:1g1111Udt'. scale JOited roa~t;i! :ircas lt1 lht· north <tnd soul h of Sanla Barbar.t. Dr. Brune lJ<ild !he 11ndrnvatcr faull \1·hcrc Friday's quakes centrred wa s the !-.ile ol a n1ajor temblor Nov. 4, l!IZ7 11hich registered 7.5 on the .scale. lie said little is known about the fault near San Nicholas lsland because or U1e difficulty of studying undcrwatrr geologic formations. J[e noted. howel'er, that activity <1long lhr. submerged fault indicates the <1cti1'c :ieismic zone is so broad along lhe South· r rn Californi a coast lhal it extends out 10 !he continental shelf. So far this month, li ve qua ke s of 5,0 or greater magn itude. have rocked the state. \\iithin hours on Oct. I and 2, lhc Norther n California community of Santa J!osa v.a11 hit by shocks o,L.r.5 and 5 L causing ~10 million damage. &:ores of persons "·ere treated for injuries. Angela Davis Ruling Official LOS ANGE LES (AP) -Superior Court has formally ordered Unil·ersily of Ca li· fornia regents nol lo fire Angela Davis or withdra w credit from tier philosophy :course on grounds thal she is a Commu- ·n ist . J udge Jerry Pachrs sun1mary j11dg- n)enl F riday Clime four days a(Ler l11s 1·rrbal ru ling that the regents' firing i\fiss Davis \Vas unconstittJtional. Paeht ruled unconslit utional the 1940 rt· gents' policy under which lhty tired l\fiss Davis last month. Faculty members al UCLA , where ~1i1111 Davis, 15. teaches. itled a taxpa~crs suit seeking her rejnstatement. Regents' aUorneys have not announct:d plans for appealing the ruling. Theft Loss Higher? County Audits Records of Viejo Clerk B.v TO:\I BARLEY Ot 111<1 OlllY ,iloJI $IHI County Auditor Vic 11 e i m ' .s 1n· 1 r stigators are 11·ork1 ng thrgugh the 11'eekend to dcterm1nr the full extent of <111 ndtnitted en1hezzleme11l from the 1:ounly clerk's office cstiniated Friday to be "about $5,000." BuL •lei1n admilled hin1sclf th<1 t the allt,!;ed ti ll-tapping of Richard \V. Burke. '27, "coul d prove to be niuc:h more than I ha~. \Ve just \\'On't kno1v exactly ho1v n1uch could havt been taken until \1·e co1nplete our investigation," Iielm said. That inves tigation. he added, will in- 1 olvc every transaction handled by Burke in the two years th<1t he has been c1n p!oyed as assistant to finance division Supervisor C. M. Merrifield in the county llerk·s office. ··~ve know how he did il hoth from his statements to district al· to!ne}"S investigators and froin our early checks,'' Hein1 .~aid . "But v.'e're going into e1'ery tiny de· MILLION DOLLAR TRINKET FOR LIZ It Would Look Like Thia (left) •1 Ring, •nd Pendant Liz"s Tri11ket Dick Ups Ante, Gets Diamond 1'iE\V YORK IU Pll -Like any atten- t1re husband, Richard Burton likes his 1r1fc lo have a nything her heart desires. So when Elii.abclh Taylor's SI-million bid \\'3S insufficient to buy a (h1wJeSS 69.42- t·.;r;il dia1noncl , he upyed the ante enough to get the stone fnr her. Burton arranged th~ purchase -one or the biggest jewel transactions in his· lory -in a person.to-person deal F riday. An agent for Y..fiss Taylor had failed to buy the huge stone al an a uction Thurs- day. apparentJy bet:au6e he \\'asnl au· thoriied to bid more than $1 million fo r ll. At the auction In Nel'f' York"s Parke· Rernet gal~eri es. the diamond was knock· P.d down for $1.115 mllllon to Robe rt Ken- more. head of the firm which owns the Fifth Avenue jewelry company, Cartier Jnc. l\enmorc outbid jeweler Al Yug ler, who 'WRs acting for Miss Taylor. Although there was speculation at the time that Kenmore \o\'as buying !ht stone for an unnamed client, he said later that he "·anted it only 1!111 1 showpiece for Car- tier's new Chicago salon. Burton got in touch wilh Kenmore J through a New York lawyer Friday and arranged to buy the pear-shaped dia- mond. which is as big as a peach pit. Kenmore attached only one condition to the sale -that Cartier will be allowed to display the stone in Chicago from NO'V. J to Nov. 8. "I cannot d ivulge how much Mr. Bur· Ion paid for the stone,". Kenmore said , but he didn't deny that Cartier's made t1 profit. "We're businessmen." he said, •·and ";e're happy that she's happy." 1\fi.ss Taylor bought a 3(1...carat dlamanfl ri~ at Parke-Bernet for $305,000 in 1961 and has worn it repeatedly -most re- cently at a film premiere In London \\'ednesday night. lier new diamond also is set aa a rin,I(, in platlnu1n flahked by two crescent· shaped diamonds we ighing 2.92 carats in all. The laboratory which tested lhe new diamond for Parke-Bernet a.aid il is one of the fintst in the \\'Orld. CUt In the lll50s by Firth Avenue je"·el'r Harry Winston, it had previously been ovtned by ~n American woman \\'hose na1ne has not been made'-public. tall," the county auditor add~. '•Jl's lm- pc.'Sfible to pin do"'" lhe extent of his con· fessed embezzlement al th is time and { don·1 think \\'e'll really have a fi gure unti l early next \\'CCk ." B:.i rkc, today in Orange County Jail, fares cha rges of grand theft following \1 hat investigator~ say 1vas his adlnission that he took an estimated $5,000 during his hvo years as ~ferrifield's right hand man. Burke. a Mission Vie>Jo resident -he Jives with his 1vife and t"·o small children at 263i2 Papagayo Drive -\\'as said by investigators to have made his ronfession tn sheriff's officers fullo1ving an Or ange Co!lnty Grand J ury audit that revealed 1 ~2'.IO deficit in accounts. Spot checks by the county i;Jerk's staff l1:1d tailed to rc1•c al \\'hat Burke allegedly 1ol d officers \\'<JS a series of such defi· c:icncies nvcr the l\l'o years that he handl· rd tt.c county clerk's takings. S1aten1ents by County Clerk \V1\liam Sl J a~n and Heim Friday imn1ediately rais· rd fo1 rn ti ny 1n1•csflgators. the spe cter or lhc Louis T V:1nseuurt embezzlement~ -the bi lking of nearly $15,000 by a lonner deputy puhl1c achninistratnr 11·h11 is no"' in slate prison servi ng a onc·lo-1 0 ye::ir term . St. J ohn n1:Hlc it clenr, in a guarded sta1e1ncnt, that he bel ieves Heim ·! auditing of his dcpar11ncnt's books wa~ l:ir fro m sufficient. He revealed cor- respondence with Hcim·s offi ce indicating his offi ce was not audited by Hein1's staff for :. lhree·ycar period trom 1963 through l!JG6. Mei m sai d Friday lhal current check~ l'l; St John's office. have been limited to all annual investigation. Confirming Sl John's observation that the auditor's off ice was "sho rt of staff," llcir.i insisted, ho"'ever, that the annual fSee AUD IT, Paget) Coa•t \feather The wealherman reports some sli ght chance of precipitation - that's mol!ture -for the weekend, "''llh slightly cooler temperatures morning low clouds and clear 11kies in the arternooo. INSIDE TODAY Ghost u1rifcr -pnd c/loser - Iraus llo/;;er of/eFs a tour of Anicrica's /1a101ted houses ht a prc·hal/ower11 Slory i11 todau'i F' a nL i l u 1Veekl11. The Unitect Stntes lt as 1norc gl1oslS 1ha11 any oll1cr naUrni ht t l1e 1vorld. the 1101cd porapsychologilt clai m$. (~~Hll .. ~Mttll"'I ' ., .. , ...... u.;1 Mt~!n " (""I<, " '"' I JI tit •• c .. 11Wllrt ' i .... " 11•1• l411t•'91 , ••• ' •1tc• Mt fll<lfl 16•1, f "ltrttl<lmt "I " '"11•1111 " ... 1.tn•e•l ' U•<lt L1t1 " ·1 • ) I I -----------------------------------------------------------------------~--. --.. ---. laflatlon Cheek Bonn Hikes Value Of Mark by 8.5 % BONN (AP) W e s L ~urpl11s of expo rts over 1m· porls. DAILY 10·10 SUN. 10·7 It \1·a~ the first :;;ignificant _ 11, act of \Vesl Gcrn1any 's new , 1 "....., • •' ..., 2 tlA.ILY 'llOT Saturd1y Octobt r 25 1%q COST A MESA STORE ONLY ' I. L i ' Germany r aiiied tl)e value of the mark 1.5 ?Crcenl Friday to check an lnftationary boo1n. The revaluatioo of &lrope ':r; strongest currency \vas CK · pect.ed t.o send shock waves lhrougtl th e international monetary system. coalition government or &:M:ial 1 "l; "'" · ' ~-e mocra t s edod d Frbee1,L._: ___ 1~--~ .. --i~!,__.J~ ~t:t __ JA:mocrats, he a e y ~~=~~f.'~",~~11\~1,",;,~ "i'.'.!0 SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY OCT. 26 • 10 AM TO 7 PM WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Effective flolonrlay. $1 1-1 111 buy 3.66 marks. Linder thr old rate $1 was worth four marks. proposi ng Up\varo r evaluation since la st March but their fn rme-r coalition par!ncrs, tne (:hristian De1nocrats, suc- <.'Essful ly blocked it ., ---=-.:.:.!.:-=..:: -- Announcing I.he revaluation after a Dbinct mer\11\g, EcoOOmics f\.linister K a r I scluUer said il was "a caunlgeolll bu~ not a fool hardy step." He said it would bring stablllty to West German in- duatry, and "you can't have stability wJthout sacrifice." Schiller told a news con-~~~~::~;~~~~~~ ference it became obvious last ~ • :;pring that the cou11tr y's unchecked boom and rising ~ ) :: ~l prices cdu ld not be controlled ; ~ '. .. ~:ithout raising the mark's ex· ! '':~::::::::::-., ] change rate. . . . j Friday's actio~A he 1 sa id 1 , t .:,-;·-. • . ~ , Apprehensive West German l n d u 1 t ri;;;\ists anticipated :-;harp cut.<1 in prorils and ~tH­ fer competition abroad. An of· ficial of the \Vest German Industry Federatio n s a i r1 : "cannot remove \U<: re.su ls o "C' • .., ... ..,~ ......... ~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~a , i11acf1on then, but il is ne ver too late for a good policy." In \Vashington the U.S. "The revaluation is being regretted by industry but ac- cepted." Beside! rrvaluing the mark /rom 25 cents lo 27.3224 cent.<;, the government announced ii had decided to do away with a 4 percent export tax imposed last November in an effort to curb \Vesl Germany's huge Treasury D epa rt ment v1c!co1ned the mark's revalua- tion . saying it "should resolve '.t in a constructive manne r . the t prin-cipal cause of uncertainty thal has existed Jn the ex- change markets.'' The revaluation. the second :; in nine years. was another 1!· lustralion of the mark 's rise to ~ ~\ability froi:n the cconom!c -~ ruin or '~art1me Germany 1n less thcin 25 years. Lincoln and NlcCardle Close Property Series F inal ses~1on In lhl' currl'nt Rea l Eslate I n v e s t m en l Conference Series presented jointly by :~1c J)AlLY PILOT. Orange Coa~t Evening Col lege ~nd New port Harbor-t:osta r.!csa Board of Realtors is scheduled for Tuesday ni ght An attorney \\ho specia\i~es in real est.a le-orie nted legal problems and a longtime 1-larbor Area rcal!or will share lhc podium for the lwo-hour ~ession at f\ewport !!arbor l !igh Sc hool. Jack LinCQln . attorney for !he Harbor Area rea!lors' board and a lecturer on real estate financing al Orange Coast College, will lead off the program. TO CLOSE SERIES His lecture on "!low to Take Randall McCardl• Tltle Advantageous ly'' will in-I elude presentation of an actunl \C'Slrncn! ObJCCtivc. properllc;;I . c.ase study to sho w how lak ing title to investmenl properl y af-hcst suited to achiev1ns lhe feels the estate planning of the objeCll\'e and financial re- lnvelitor and his hc lrs. qu1remcnts for acquiring and ' Appearin g in the other half protecting 1hc in ve;,l1nen1. 1 flf Tuesday's program \VIII be Randall r.t cCardle . who also 1\lcCardlc, \\'hose real est ate 11·as Lincoln's "partner" on a t'Olun1n appears each Salurday recent trip lo EutOfX'. Both in the DAlLY PILOT, \viii WOMEN'S DUTY OXFORDS ti .S1111da11 011111! C rC'ilt i·om!ort fc1.llll'<'~ in· <'ludr f11 ll poly-foam cushion 1nsvlr~, 1 1·rpr. soles. 5 tu 10. 244 " ; 8-PC. HAIR CLIPPER SET .S rmday Only Con!11 ln~ Plrctrir-r hppr r. 2 <l ttachmcn ls, ),h1•ar~. lilP"rrd t 11n1b, in struction book, tray. 491 ! :r::.:· -~ -:-r:_- ____ JS_ ...... ~ VINYL PONCHO HAS ROOMY HOOD F'ull c111. .3::x80'". 1-JP8 1· ~.-a lrd , hc>a1·y gaut£; snap Llo.«urr~. Colors. ~· 1 ,, ·• men \\'ere selcctl'd t n close the 196!1 series of lee· ' :rz:::;:::!'! ' 1 ' • ..._ _.,,.. represent the stat e 0 f turrs 1rh1r h has been offered California in a ''good 11•1!1 and unde rstanding" i;tudy proiect lrcc ol ch a1ge to I.he general nn real estate pracuccs 1n public. i\orway and Cermtlily. Ticker~ \\Ill be al"a1l able at ~!cCardl<', preside nt <l nd lhr door ''' f\cwport !!arbor nwncr of the brokcragi: and 111. High Schnol"s aud 11or1um for ieslmenl flrm. The Heal lhc l!nal program . It sta rts at I h 7 30 p.n1 T11csd ay. EsLater!'. w1! covert r 1op1c.1-==========:::;-I '"Tailoring Your llcal l:.state ,. Jnvcstmcnl " 1 He \\Ill di.~t:U~~ !ll!'lhMs 4il determ1na\Jon or l h e u1- Fir st Lad y Ma y Chan ge OW Fabri cs I WASHINGTON' (U Pl l FiTsl Lady Pat Nixon is con-I sidering changing the decor 1n I some of the fo rmoi l \Vhitc }louse rooms thal J acqu elin£' Kennedy Onassi:o; restored \\'hen she lived therr Sl'lttld -ITW'lh1mri~taminr -1 ~ •"'f l \' danffrOll~ druc. Widesrrfad 111'>u!>C nf the 1rn· f!hfiaml nt • "df $1rovinc more )nnni: mind• in C11t- fnrn11 !h~n any nlht r dn1 ~. OrMtic •«eci. A ~•tittd l-1ni'.t" ,, ""' nf 1he "11'>\I r h1,u;ally anit p11 ch1>- lo1ic 1lh l1am~i:1ns: e \f'f fl · t nce• arnone can h11e Over· a ,11 v~1ton of 1he nerv ou' •1•lrm '' f1'1n,.·td 1-v a'u!e l1rrrr ••1nn •nd t~h•u•ti nn. lmf'111111e< 111 tl'te OnJg: c1n ~ill. ~frs. Nixon 's 11c1v pres\ i;ccretary. Const~nce Corn ell Sluarl. said lhe chan~cs 1r11uld he sligh t and genrrally in the ' nab.Ire of replacing "-orn ' fabrics. I She indi cated Ulere y.•as no plan for a 1najor overhau l or l the refurbishing f\1rs. Onassis rlid to restore the hlstoric1 rooms to their original co\on1al I era fl avor. Any big change would bavc to be approved the the Fine Aris Comm.illct and the C:Ommi~e. for t h e PreSttVation of the \\'hite }louse. 'i''idth· 1•all1hlt .~rd it nhta 1ned from bl.ct m1 rl t l dt•ltn.. ()rtef! it 11 rtf roor qu ~li!)'· Cont1min1ttof' 1• freQutn l i nd producea in- Juriott' <!dt t lfC'CtP.. •uch " af..•,e•<.e1. blociod poi)oninc ~n d •e111 m hap&l•lil from d.uty "«<.lit ... ""'"' .... A~cordinJ: to vol....-ctift- ica l ttt.~1 which i11elude lnnMr dive u"n. ther. 1re. thrtt b1•1c .ief" if! copi111 ""1111 this d•nttrow dni1 K1t.I.· at1on. HASSOCKS IN Round & Square Shapes Tin:t; Gt t 1he fkt!I. S.01111: ~11.k• • \i.itd h-1 on clinical rvldcnu. TbiN: ln .. OIYe )''O\l!"W lf. if tbe- trend 1\ to be rt verwd. for funht r delailtd inform1° Mrs. Stuart &aid f-.!rs. Nixon u·anted to replace a rug and ' problbly 110me upholstery. She has bttn conisuttin~ h c r I favorite decoralor. Sa r ah .Jackaon Dolle of New York 11 r-.t rs. Doile rttently comp leted re.decorating Pres1tlen! Nill· ~.AIJIJ88 on's office afl(f lhe fa1111 l) 1 ~· ~· quarters at IM Whlte 1-lou~r 1 JnfoJ 11191 kM• 1'.1rs. OOJlt was rtporled IO !\OJ .~.11,.. Strtir ~ IO()king at silk labri cs in j 0_.. Fro ... <1""· c,,'ftf. 04/Qt New York. 1' I '--------- Sunday Onl?I 3 3 3 Poly loam \\'ith 10 ga . vinyl covering . Li1nited quanll· tic~ on this di scount special' • \ VINYL SUEDE BOMBERS LINED IN ACRYLIC PILE Sunday Only! 666 \\'ar111ly Jlnf'd b omb tr .IAckr t~ f,,<1!ur e quilt~d ,;IPrl'r.~. 1110 ~ra~h poo:-k- r t~. lu f nr c .51, ~!I nd, -....l" -·- fULL LENCHH DOOR MIRROR 1.97 Includcl'i ""ood rran1r rnr ra ~.v moun11nc . B11y !('\· ··~ rral and "ai r '. 1.44 .S1111da11 011ly i"o11 trd \1·1th !lard-Coat Trf· ln n;al. l"Dul"o"I < ... lM Llm•IH 0"1"1 1ty -"la~• 10111 I• llN~fl. " • GIFT FLOWER'S MUM'S 1.97 Floril'il Quality. • ' ' ~ ' " ''l!:• 250 LUNCHEON SIZE NAPKINS S1111da11 Only Packa,r of 230-ct., \1·hite pa - P"r lunchron na.nk1n.5. Say Chari::r 11 L•ml!H O"'""'Y -"lent ,,111 t• 0••'•"· FOLDING BED 9.88 S1111da11 011111 ~1x72'" Alununum tied, 1n&t• tress. Tree • r. ' .. Tomato's : ·1 .97 n .. 9 • J.aa ' ~ Grovw' (lUldoo.rs as • Ire" ' Gro1v indoor as a hou3 e • plant. • I . I r ' ' ' • .. " .. ~ GIRL' HOODED NYLON JACKETS Sunday Onlv! 333 I • I i I ,, ., ' t ' ·' I ' '. " Quilted nylon jackets are lined In acrylic pile ; . for extra warmth. In colorfu l floral an d gc<r !~ melric skier prints .. '\ll \Vith zi p f ronts. 4·14 ,...,,,. ... ~~~,~-~ --··· .·~· . . ' ' -.: SKEIN SAYELLE" ACRYLIC YARN " j I . 1. ., ' f !.' '1-ply, ·l·n.:' .'511 y\"Jllr® llC· I.I I ,V I i ( /\111 lt1ni;:: ll'Ol'Slt d I ryp('. ;'11 o1h -rroof, maeh- 111r 11'<lli /]. i.'Olors. :!,Ou l"O"I r ... TM ~.t Wt. . " -... ' --:;.1 " • BRACH'S • 1 LB. 9 OZ. BAGS ' TOFFEES & ROYALS S111aday 011111 Smooth chewy toffee in assorted fla vo rs. Tend-f e't oougat r ofals centered in caramel. ! . -~---.--.,,.. ' .. ~ .... 41-PC. ENTERTAINMENT SET Sunday 011111 Cry&tl.l-hkt st! rontains 8 r~ 0-oz. .. l'\·fJZ., 10-oz .. 12-01. p:h1&.st s: 13-oz-nHlJ:;S 111 nd l i;hol ,1as.,. 5s1 , . I Weekend EDITION vor. 62, NO. 256, 5 SECTIONS, 82 PAGES TJae Lea1·1ai1ag ClocJ, •·J~ow· can I learn to tell titne, if lhey keep changing Lile sy::i ten1.'' :-;ays r..Jike Fell, 5, a first-grader a l J\lariner's SchO?I in Ne\\'porl .Beach. J\l ike isn'1t the only one 'vho's t onfused by S\VJtch fro1n dayhgh~ lo standard t in1c. Don't forget lo turn your cloak back an hour before going to bed tonight. Cos1noliauts H cive c1. Ball During Disneyland T pur ANAHEl:'ll IG Pll -The a111 p1tllcatr r lrc1nbled and tile thundering sound of a rtiekel being launched ro.1rcd fr orn lhe loudspeakers. T•1·0 vi siting Hussian CIJ~· 111011auts were '"blasting off"' Jor the moon . ··v.:ow'.'' :-;houtcd /l.laj. lien. tlcorg 1_v Bercgovoy. and Jtlbbcd hrs fin grr al tl1r television screen 111 the ceili ng as 1hc rockcl soared through the cloud.<; 1n1u }:p<tCe. llis con1panion, :-.cicn1 i:.l Kons1anlln :Fcoklistov craned his neck al the screen and laui:thed. The <'ir<'nlar <imphithC'a!rr 11 ;i<; a! !)1•- nryland. the famous Southe rn Cahl orn la Zodia<" Victin1 Say~ Voice No t That of Su:s1lecl SAN FRANCISCO (UP!\ -A survn•11r nr ;in attack by a killer •Nho cii lls h1n1· .;r!f Zorliac <l°''S nnt. th ink Zo<liac J.'i thr .~;i1ne man who called a 1c!e vls1un talh show to \11lk IO allOPll'Y 1\IJ eh'lll Be11L Bryan Hartnell, a pre-taw ~\talent '.''h11 talked to Zodiac for a hair hour bcforr being critically stabbed, listened to tape~ of lhe television progra1n \\1edncsday and again Friday. He said he could nol b<' .sure whether the voice was the same. but con1n1ent ed that 11·hen the voice told Belli "I've gol to kill," it see1ncd younger and more ex- ci lable than Zodiac. Hartnell and Ceilia Ann Shepard, 22 , encountered lhe man believed lo be Zo- rliac Sept. 27 on a lonely beach n~ar Lake Bcrrycssa in Napa County 60 mil es northeast o( San Francisco. lie said lhc man hnd such a 1.:;iln1 voi1·r ''it never entered my mind that he woulrl try to kill us." The attacker stood 40 reel away be- hind a tree, donned a black h~ and then ordered the couple, al gunpoint , to give him mont>y. He dir.ected ~1iss.Shep­ ard to tic up tlartncll w1lh clotheshne he provided and then lied up the girl. But his quiet line of talk dld "nothing to make me frightened," Hartnell said. He said the man told him he had kill· rd a man in a recent escape from a ft1on- l ;ina prison and needed money to help hinl get to \1exico. Then, when the couple \\'as li'C<I Up and lying on the ground, the ~n pulled a t.nife and silently sta bbed ft11ss Shepard 20 tin1es Hnd Hartnell a dozen times. !~c only sounds were groans and the. girl s crlrs of "stop, stop" before she du~d . . Four other mu rders have been atlr.1· hut<'<! to Zodiac who has written cryptic ~rul bragging nc'.itcs to Bay Area auUlori· tics. One threatened to kill school chil· cirrn "as they come off the bus·• so that no1v Jay.·mcn in riv• counties are guard· ing school buses. amuse1nent pnrk. 11herc th<> \•isitors fro111 the Soi 1c·t L.:nio n 11 ere on the "'fl ig l1t lo l11e n1 oon'' ride ;:i l "To1norro1vland." Afte r spcri.ding 1nnst. of lhe day louring the altractions of \\'alt Dis111.•y·s ":'llagu: !\ingdom," Beregovoy said "I feel 2:1 years younge r." . The cosn1on;iu ts ""'~re presented with J'llickey J'llouse 11·atches by the Disney characters i\lickey ;ind Goofy, ·who were decker! ou t 1n space suits and hcln1et~. ··Thank vou \'erv much,'' Berego\'oy :.aid as he °3nd f'eoktistov obligingly don· ncd tv•o round-eared f\.1ickey f\.touse caps for phot o~raphcrs . ··Now "'e are adrnll· led to lhis p.:irtirular society." The cos1nonaut" were 1n San Diego, tod ay for a tour of the city's fainou!'i ~0<1 ;i nd a protcs~1onal footba ll ga1nf' Sun d.11 Berego1·1)1, ~lrc:-.~cd in a whit e tur1lr- nrck :.hir1: hro11n suit .'.Ind pointed-toe .'hoes, hl'ttl 11 p to his advance billing as ~ li ve-wire. FrOU~tov, dressed ir1 a c:on- "efl':d1 vc gra\' :.Ult, had a reputa tion as a tleadpan in other t:.s. cities hut he loos· c11ed up during: the tour of Disneyland. Later F'ritlav the cosrnonauls .,.,.·rre guests at a g.;1~ pa rty in Beverly Ilill:-; 1vhlch 11'ns attend ed by so1nc of the inosl l;.11nous n111tio11 piC'ltl!'(' Slil r~ in Amcrle;1 !l•111'CVPr. the Hu.~s ian spaccrnr.11 r ould t!'c11g1117.c only one nf the enterta iner:;. The gu cst.s at the party, hosted by at·I· nr Kirk Douglas, included Fr:in k Si11a1ra . Lee ftt arvi11 , Dinah Shor<', Glenn Ford and Milton Berle. The only star lhe co.-;- n1onauls r(>C()gnized was actre.~s Natalie Vi'OO(t . The cosmona uts, first Soviel ~pacemrn lo visit the Uni ted Sta1rs succeeded where Nikita Khrushchev fa iled. 'J'hc for- n1cr Soviet pre111ier "'anted to \'isit Dis· ncv lend on his tour of !hr. United St ale,:.: in ~t959 but U.S. and Sov ie t security peo- ple thought it was too risky. LIZ'S DIAMOND Could Be Riot . Dally Paper SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 196~ TEN CENTS 3rd uake Jolts County Latest Sliake Centered Off San Nicholas Island Orange County y.•as hit hy a tlurd earthquake in t1vo days Friday. The lat- est ten1 blor registered 5.0 on the Hichter .sca le and alarmed residents as fa r north as Santa Barbara. The th ird quake came at 1.27 p.111 .. just 12 hours after the same area of Southern California was jolted by a temb- lor V.'hich registered :J .2:i on the scale:. Seisr.lologists at Ca lffornia Institute nr Technology sai d the epicenter of both f'riday sha kes "·as a submerged fault in the Pacific near San Nicholas Island just 50 miles off the Orange CoWlty Coast beyond Catalina )stand . Or. Ja1nes ~1. Brune, director of the l:altech laboratory .said both 11·ere stron,; enough to cause extensive damage if the center h•-d been In a populated area. Residents of the Orru1ge Coast area ~•11d lurniture was rrioved by f'riday af. tcrnoon's :shock . On Thursday, a quake rrgistering 5.l In thl' magnllude. scale jolted roasta l area! to Lhe north and south of Santa Barbara. Dr. Brune said the underv•ater fault 11·herc 1''riday 's quakes centered was the ::.ite 0£ a major temblor Nov. 4, 1927 \Vhich registered 7.S on the scale. He said little is known about the rault nf'ar San Nicholas Island bccau.se of the difric ulty of i;t\.ldying underwater geologic formation~. lle noted, however, that aclivity al ong the submerge<! fault indicate! lhe activr seismic zone is so broad along the South - ern California C<Ja st lhat it ex tends out lo the continental shelf. So far this month, fi\'e quakes o( 5.fl or greater magnitude have rocked th~ state. Wilhin hours on Oct. 1 and :!, the Northern California co1nn1unily o( Santa Jlosa was hit by shocks of 5.5 and :1.4, causing $10 million da mage. Scores of persons were treated for injuries. A1·abs Told Embezzle Loss May Grow To Dest1·oy County Audits Records; Viejo Ma1t Held Lel)a11011 BEIRUT IUPtl -Arab E1Jrrr!llas l'lung to three enclaves in Tripoli, Leban· nn's second largest city, tod ay and gol orders rr otn Cairo to desiroy both the Bei rut governn1ent and the /uncrlcan presence in the Arab 11·orld , "F'or the victory of Our re vol ution. !he Lebanese hireling authorit ies as 11·cll as the An1criean pr<>scnee itself should be destroyed ," lhe Voice of St orin guerrilla radio in Cai ro implored its men. \\'ilh thousands of supporters. the gurr- r1Jlas ~eiled the three govcrn1nent build- i 11~s anti nolicr b!ations in Tripoli durin::: l)attling Friday :ind vowed to hold thc>n1 unt!l the go1·er n1nent gives up its r<>~L~­ tance to having guerrilla bases in south- <'rn Lebanon abo ve the Israel i border. Al least five persons ~·ere killed and rlnzens in jured in the '!Jolent pro-guer- r illa outbreaks which nged in several cities and posed a grave threat to the goverrunent of President Charles He!ou. who is tr ying to maintain Leban on's neu- trali ty in the :'-1 iddle East confl icl. 1-Jetuu lifted his round·lhe·cloc:k l'ur ff'w i11 ~ill cities but Tripoli , a metropo li s 111tt1 100,000 resident s 011 Lebanon ·., northern cnaf;t, for three hours lht<: n1or ni11g but cont inlied his J:>an on gath- eri ngs of n1ore than th ree pe rson),. Fro111 Cairo. Voice or Slorn1 radio blan1 ed lhe United Sl::ites for insliRa1 ing Jle lou 's .1ntiguerri lla <lrive and fomenling 1he biggest rifl in Arab solidarity since the 1967 ~1iddle East 11·<1r. 0'De111onstrations of support (for the guerrillasl are not enough.'' the broad · east implored the guerrillas and thei r :-;uppor1ers. ··Tue Arab masses should de· :-trov 1he American presence in the 1\rab worid." Vo1rc (If Slorm said 3.500 Lebanese Jroops 11'C're continuing their offens11·r :i g;un.~t guerrilla camps in ~outhern Leb- ;i non, "enforcing a plan inilppcd out by 1he An1cri r<J n military aitnchc 111 Be1r11! JDintly 11·1tJ1 Lebanese ruling author1tl cs. ·• .\[urdcrc r Granted Sla v or Executi o n • \VAS111 NGTON 11;r 1 l-S11p r('1nr Cour1 J ibl lCC \\l il lia m 0. llouglaS h<l!i ~r3n!C<f .1 )>lay ol l')Oceutinn to Hnhr·rl l .cc Nye, •d10 1s on dr;ilh r(>w i11 S;;in Quenl 1n. Nye w;;is scheduled to die 10 the gas !'han1ber Nov. 5 for the i~GJ 1nurder or a woman in Arcadia, Cal if. Dy TOM BARLEY Ol IM D•llr ,.1191 t1s;f County Auditor Vic Hei m 's in- 1 e6t1gators are Y.'orking through the 11·ttkend to delenn ine the full extent of a11 admitted en1bezzlem ent from the <:aunt y clerk's office estimated Friday to be ";1bout ~,000." ~ut Heim ad111illed himself that the ;illr~cd till-lapping of Richard \V . Burke, 27. "could prove to be much more than t1111:. \Ve just won't know exactly ho1v niuch could have been taken until 11·e cun1p!cte ou r investigation,'' H:!.in1 said . Th;1t 1n vcstigatio11. he add<>d. will in· 1·nll c every transaction handled by Burke in the two years that he has beea Biuuest Battle 00 In 0Ycr ·Month fi'ought l\y Gls SAIGON' (AP) -\~American lroops killed 47 enemy soldiers in their biggest battle in more than a month. There \\'a!' no assistance rroiTI governn1ent troops, a :.pokesman said today. 1'he U.S. Command said U1e fi ve-hou r battl e, fought by the U.S_ 25th Infantry Oil ision 28 milt's northw,sl of Saigon fr r- ilay, lrft !O Arnc ricans dead and !2 ll'UUllded. It c.'.ln1e ol a linic ll'hcn the United Sl:itr,; is tr)·lng 10 shift the niaj or ground fight ing to the South Viet11a1nese. Aske d "'hy no governn1ent troops joined the bat· 11c, a spokesman for the division said, "No request for assistan ce "'as 1J1ade Uy A1neric;1n forces .. , 1!011·ever, another U.S. oHicer 11·1th knowledje of the area said it appeared lo ~ a question of speed. "Thc.y needed reinforcements in a hu r- rv," he said, ··and there Y.·asn'l anyone .1·1·ailable except n1nrc American troops. 11·!'> al"•ayi; ea.1.1l'r to break loose Ameri· 1·.111 troops 11·ho can go 1n by helicopter. The South Vi<>tn:in1e::.e 1u~t aren·i able to rc.1ct rast ene1ugh ~lost of the u.s_ t·as u:ilt ies occurred in the last couj)le of ininulrs of the bat· tic 11·hen ene1ny troops concea led in "spi· fler holes " popped out on all sidrs and j,.illed eight and 11·ounded eight y.•ith furi· 011~ sma ll anns fire. The U.S. troops recovered enough ff) s11ool back, anti m~ny of the 47 enr111.v dead V.'cre killed ln the exchange, ofl 1· e 'er.~ said. The battle appeared lo support the bt'- lir.f or some U.S. intelligence officers that the Co:nmunist cmnmand is planning a 11ew winter campaign starting in early November. Liz's r".rri11ket Dick Ups Ante, Gets Diarnond • NE\V YORK ! lJPI) -Like any attl'n - til'e husband. Richard Burton likes his 11·ife to h;l1•e anything her heart desires. So y.•hen Elizabeth Taylor's $!-million bid was insuffi cient to buy a flawless 69.42- caral diamond. he upped Uie anle enough to get the. stone for her. Burton arranged lhe purchase -one or the biggest jewel transactions in. his- tory -in a person-to-person deal Fr1da.v. An agen t for f\.1iss Taylor had failed to buy lhe .huge stone al an auction Thurs· day. apparently because he "'~s~·1. au- thorized to bid more than $1 n1illlon lor it. At the auction in New York 's Parke- Bernet galleries. the diamol'd was knock- ed down fo r $1.05 million to Robert Kt'n- more head or the lirm "·hich ov.·ns the Fifth' Avenue jev•elry company, Cartier lnc. Kenmore outbid jeweler Al Yugle r, "'ho was actiog tor ~tiss Taylor. Although there "''as speculation at the time lhnt Kenmore was buying the stone for an unnamed client, he said later that he \Ya nted ii only as • showpiece for Car· tier'111 new Chicago salon. Burton got in touctt with Kenmore .. 1hrnugh a New York lawyer Friday and arranged tCI buy the pear.shaped dia· nlond, which is as big as a peach pit. Kenmore altached only one cond ition to the sale -thal Cartier will be allowed to displ;iy the sto ne in Chicago from Nov. l to Nov. 8. "f cannot divulge how much Mr. Bur· ton paid for the stone," Kenmore said. but he dldnl deny U1at Cartier'll made a profit. "Y.'e'rc businessmen." he said, ".and we're happy I.hat she's happy." f\.-!iss Taylor bought a 30-carat diamonrf ring at Parke-Bernet for $305,000 in 19611 and has worn it repeatedly -mofit re- cently at a film premiere in London Wednesday night. lier new dia mond' also is set as 1 ring. iJi platinum flank ed by tv.•o crescent- sh npcd diamonds weighing 2.9'2 carats in .a 11. The laboratory which Le.sled the ntW diamond for Parke-Bernet said It ls one or the fioe11t in the world. Cut In Lhe 19$08 by Fifth Avenue Jtweler Harry Winst.on, it had previously been cwned by an American woman whose name has not bcrn made public. • ., employed as assistant to rina ncc division Super visor C. ?if. Merrifield in the rounty <lerk 's office. "\\'e know how he did it hoth from his slalen1cnts to district at- to?ncy's investigators and from our early cheeks," Heim said. "But we're going into rvery tiny de· tail ," the county auditor added. "It's 1m· pu~~ible to pin doy.·11 the e:it:tent of his con· fe:;sed embczzleincnt at this lime and I don 't think we'll really have a figure untll Ciirly nexl y.·eek.'' B:.irke, Laday in Orange County Jail, (Jces charg<>s of grand theft fol\o\ving 11·hat in vesligators say was his adrnission that he took an es timated $5.000 during his two years as Merrifleld's right hand man. Burkt., a lltission Viejo resident -he li\·es with his wife and two small children «t 263i 2 Papagayo Drive -y.·as said by invesligators to have made his ronfession tfl :;hcriff's officers follow ing an Orange Collnly Grand J ury audil U1at revealed a ~~·JO deficit in accounts. SP>l che<:k.$ by the county clerk's ~4!ff had t'alltd to reveal wb1t Burke alleaedt)' lold cfficers 1vas a series of such defj. t:icncies over the l\VO years that he handl- ed the county clerk's takings. Statements by County Clerk \\'illiam Sl Jo:1n and Heim Friday i111111edialely rais· ed . for many investigators, !he spec;lt.r of tile Louis T. Vanscourt embezzlement~ -the bilking of nearly $15,000 by 11 former rJeputy public admi nistrator 1vhfl i!'i now in slate prison serving a one-t().10 year term. St. John made it clear, in a guarded stalemenl, that he believes Heim 's audi!i ng of his depar!n1e11t's books was far fro1n sufficient. li e revealed cor· rc.spondcnce with tlei1n's office indicating his office \Vas nol audited by llcim's staff for t. three·year period from IOOJ througD J9t6. Ileiin said Friday th <i l current check.• c~ St John's office have been limited lo an annual 111vestigat1on. Confirming St John's observation that lhe auditor's ofrict. "'as ··short of staff.'' He1J.1 insisted, hoy.·ever, that the annual (Ste AUDIT, P•rt ?) Nixo11 Won't Put Curbs On Agnew, Cabi1iet Talks . \\'ASHINGTON ILlPll -The \\'hit<" 1-louse has made it clear 1t y.•ill not ask Vier. President Spiro T. Agne1v or any other mcinbcr of the adn1 inistration lo subrn it to it for c!earanc:e statements or speeches on national issues. The poliry "'·as outlined Friday by presidential press secretary Ronald Zieg- ler, "'·ho 11·as asked for the fifl h time 1n as man y days whether Agnew had clear· ed a recent speech with President t\ixon. Th~ Atinew re1nark.~ y.·hit h .set off a runn ing ba\\Jc bet11·een the Vrce Prci.1- 11cnt and 1•ririous cr1 l1cs in\·oll'ed an al· lack 1111 antiwar demonstra1 or~. Agne1v called them "an effete corp:. tJf l111pudent ~nobs ,1·ho charactcrrze the11 1· selves as intellectuals." Ziegler said. "Th~ President docs nol pul a leash on Cabinet members. v.·e certainly are not going to have speeches cleared. Peopl e are free to articul ate their feelings ... J think it's generally clt•nr that ind i1 id · 11al~ in this ad1ninistr<.1tio11 arc free. 111 dis~uss their feelings 011 nat io11;1I issues.·· "The Vice Prei>idenl of U1e United :)tatr.s as well as all administration offi- cials are free to express themselves on matters that occur "''ithin lhis country." He added that matters involving national serurity arc discussed ;ind cleared in advance. Agne w "'·on a defender Friday in a Jlousc speech. Hep. \Yaltt·r F'lo11•ers. tD· Ala.). praised the Vice Preside nt for "e:<· pressing his con victions in the forthright manner ha! has." "I would rem ind these pcopll' (Agney,·'~ GAUDY BAUBLE Could Be Pendent t rit icsl th;it less !han I percent of the citizens of our great nation have parti· 1:ipated in these demonstrations of dis· ~enl 11·hi ch are dividing us," Flowers said ... It is a source of great en courage· mrnt lo n1e that someone in the high of· fice or Viet> President of 1he Unlterl Stales 11·i!J stand up and 'tell it li ke it really it' for all to hear." Angela DaYis Ruli11 g Official LOS A:\'GELES f AP I -Superior Cou ri ha~ forrnal!y ordered University of Ca li- fornia regents not lo fire Angel a O!I\ 11 or withdraw crt'dil fr om ht'r phi losophy course on grnulids th<it she. 1s a Con1m ll· n1st .Judge .Jerry l'acht ·s ~un1111ar.v jud ~- 1nenl Friday can1e lour days after 111~ \erb<il rulJng thal the regents' fir ing Miss Davis "'as unconstitutio nal. Pacht ruled unconstitutional the 194'1 rl"· gents' policy under which they fired fths3 Davis last month. Faculty members al t.:CLA . where f\.1 1s~ Davis, 25, teaches. filed a ta x~yers suit seekin g her reinstatement. • Regents' a\\orneys have no1 announc~ plans for appealing the ruling. Oran~Aonst \Veatber The 11eatherman repcrts some slight chance of precipitation - that's moisture -!or the Wtckend, Ydth slightly coo ler temperatures morning low clouds and clear skies in the afternoon. L~SIDE TODAY Gl1ost 111ritcr -011d chaser - llo1ti llolzer offt rs a tour of Arnerica's haunted h.oll.$el in a pre·halloween storu in today's f' am i I y \.Ve-ek/y . Tiit U11ited Stales lio., n1ore gl1osls thaii 01111 ntht r 11aliou in tlit 1vorld. tlit 11oted poropsycltolooist cloi111.Y. C~wrt~ .. ""••""'' ' Ci.n it!" "'" M•~lt) " CH!llt• ,, llt•I l1HI• •• C.rt!l"''. ' '""' ll·lt ... llrl•I ,., .. • 'IMCt Mt"'•" ... ,, •"••rltlftm•"t " TtMt!•t1 " ••• u ... , .. ' UMll l"' H ' laflatlon Cheek Bonn Hikes Value Of Mark. by 8.5% BONN I Al' I \\' c ~ t ~urp\us (if exports O\Cr Jill· purl~. !I \\.3 '1 th(': first significant ' ~ atl of \\"c.':il Gcrn1;iny's new 1·oal1tion governn1cnt of S<ic111I , D c 1n o c r at s <1nd free L. Dc1nocraL5, h ca d e d hy DAILY 10-10 SUN . 10-7 .. 2 DAILY PILOT COST A MESA STORE ONLY Gumany ra1~ the 1·aluc nf !he 1nark 8.5 percent f'riday to check an inflationary bo0n1 . The revaluation of 8uropc's stron.ge~ currency \ras e11.· pect.ed to send shoe!; ~ a1•es 1hrough · th c international rnonetary sysl<'ln . ~~=~~~1~0',,c~!1,1;~1/1~a~ \~!, SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDA y OCT. 26. 10 AM TO 7 PM WHILE (j)UANTITIES LAST proposing Up\1·ard revaluationl•---------------------------------------------------------------------------· Effecl11·c J\l ondilv , iii 11111 buy 3.66 n1;irk~. Under the ohJ rate $1 was ll'Orth four marks. ~int·c !Jst ~larch llul thei r fonner to;ilition par1ncrs, !he Christl;in J)ernocrats, suc- cessfully bloc ked il. Schiller told a new s con· .- rerrnce it became obvious last » spring th :.it the ("Uu1,try 's unchec:kcd boon1 and rising pr ices cou ld not be controlled '· \Vithout raising the mark's ex-ii .. ~-_,._ . .r--·:--~----~--- I )~ Announcjng the revaluation ;ifter n Cabinet n1eeting. El'onon1Jcs .~llnislcr Kar I Schiller ~aitl il w;i s "a courage<Jus bul nol a foolhardy step." He said it would bring st.ability to \\'est Gemlan in- Uustry, a11d ''}'OU can't have ~tabHily v.·ithout sacrifice.'' change rat e. Friday 's action, he said, .... ; ..;::;;;;:;;::::::::-~Ii)" "cannot ren1ovc the results of ~ , ..................... ~~~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~} ·: ... Apprchensi\'e ~'est German Industrialists anticipa!ed sharp cuts in profits and stif- fer competition abroad. An of- ficial of the \Vest German Industry Federation s a id "The re,'aluatlon is being regre1tt>d by industry bul <ic- ccptcd. ·• Besides revahiing the mark from 25 cent..s to 27 .3224 cents, the government announced it had decided to do away with a 4 percent export tax imposed last No\·ember in an effort lo <.:urD \\lcsl Germany·s huge inaction then, but it is neve r " too late for a good po Hey." Jn \Vashington the U.S. Treasury De part men t \1•elcomcd the mark's revalua· ~ lion, saying it "should resolve in a constructi ve-manner the princlplll cause o! unccrtaint.v th;1L has existed in the ex- change markets." The revaluation, tile second 1 in nine )'ears. \\'as another ii-lil: Just ration of the niar~'s rise to stabili!y fr on1 the cconon1ic ruin of \1'a1·t1n1t Gcrn1a11y in Jess than 25 ~cars. Lincoh1 a11d McCardlc ·Close Property Series Final session in the current neal Estate l n v e. ~ l m en t ConferE"nce Serles pre.sentcd jointly by !he DAILY PILOT, Orange Coast Evening College ;ind Ncll·porl Harbor-Costa flfesa Board of Realtors is scheduled for Tue.sday night. An attomey "'ho specializes in rea l cslate,-0rlcntcd legal problrms and a longt ime Harbor Art'a realtor \\•ill share Lhe podJurn for lhc lwo-hour session al Newport Harbor High School. Jack Lincoln. altorney for the Harbor Arca realtors' hoard and a lecl urrr on real estate financing al Qr3nge Coast College, will lead off the program . Iii ~ let'lurc on "J!ow to Takr. 1'ille Ad vant<:igcou:;ly"' will 111- TO CLOSE SERIES Randall McCa rdle clude presentation of <i n a1lu11I c:ase study to show ho\\' t<Jkuig \C?~1111("!Jl (llJJcL·t11t', proprr{ic!, title-to investment property t1f· best ~111 tcd lo achieving lhcl feels the estalc pla nning or the 1Jbjcelire .:ind financial re-_ ln\est or and his heirs. ,1ui rc111e11!s fur at qulring and Appearing !11 the other half 11rotccl1ng the investment. nf Tuesday's pr ogran1 \1•ill he fllcCardlc, \\·hose real estate Randall ~lcCardle, \1·ho al.-:;o \1as Lincoln's "parlnt'r" nn a cnlun1n ;ippcars each Sa!urd<1y recent trip to E:uropc. Doth iu the OAILY PILOT, v.·111 WOMEN'S DUTY OXFORDS .'S1111da11 flnly! G1<'at co1nfort. features in- r ludc full poly-foam cushion insoles, crepe sol~s. 5 in JO. --"" - -·~· '1' -· .. -~ -.. , ......... I ·" ' '" ' \' ~ ' ' ' ..... -···="••·· ..... ~. '· -""" "" ... ~ ... . B·PC. HAIR CLIPPER SET S1111da11 011111 Conlainio; C'leclri\· rltp()ri". 1 attachment~. shea r~. t;q~rrd con1b, instruction book, tray. 491 _:,,•" __J_-:£"_::... "_------1!'1111 ' VINYL PONCHO HAS ROOMY HOOD .'S1111dn11 011111 " ., f ull elil. ;;2~i10"", 1!,.a t-... ~ralcrt, hFavy i::;au1;r., s n<ip closurrs, Color!'. men were selected 1 o 1·lo~c the l~G!I ~c ries of Jcc--· .. .,_ • ':1. rrprcsenl Ilic stale fl r 1u1·cs 1vh1ch has h{'C'l1 ollcrcd Californla in a "'g00d will ;inrl 11nders!anr.Jing"' ~ludy prOJl'Cl lrrc. ol L"hargc lo tbr. general nn rral rstatc praet.1crs 111 puhl it·. ;\0r,1ay and Gcnnany, 1'1tkrl1> 1v1 ll be a\'illlablr al ~lcC;1rrlle, pres1dr11l ;:i11it !lie d111 1r nr Nr 11•pnrt. Har bor n11 ncr nf lhe hr,,kcrag(' and 111. High S(·honl 's au diloriu n1 for 1 E'stmcnl li rni. Thr f:Pti\ !lw l111al prog~a1n . ll :itar1 ~ al J·.:-lafer" "111 co1er lhr l<'ll)ll",,;:;=:;i:' :':·":':· :T:":':":'':':' ====;f '"T-,,oring Your f{e;il !::state I lrn eslrnen1 " He \\"ill di scu:-" rncth0<!s "'I rleterminaUoo nl I h e u1- First Lad )' May Change 1 Old Fabri cs \\'ASH\i\GTON f[PI) First Lad y Pat Nixon is con 1 ~idC'ring changing the dccr;r in I ~me of Hie form;il \\'l11tc House rooms thal .J11c:Qucline l l\enncdy Ona!;~i ~ rc,~lored 11·hcn she til"('d there. ~trs. Nix on's nt>w prcs.~i secretary. Cons1;inrc CornC'll Stuart, said the change~ would be slig hl and generally in the1 nature of replacing \1·o rn I fabrics. She ind icated there \1•as nn 1 11lan fur a rnajor overhaul of the refurbishing Mrs. Onassis rlid to restore the historic roQms to U1eir original colonial rra flavor. /lny big change 11·ould have to be approved the the Fine Arts Comrnitttc :ind I Ile Committee fryr t h e Preserv<1Uon ol !he \\"hile ~louse. Mrs. Stuart said 1'1rs. Nixon v.·anted t.o replace a ru& and probably some upholstery. She has been consultln~ h c r ravorile. decorator, S a r a h .Jack.son Ooilc of New York. I flfr11. Doi!~ rcoent.ly. crimplr1C'd rcd~oralrng President r-.;1~-I on 's office and the rnndl) 11uartrrs at the \\'hilt Ho11~l' ~fr~. Daile "as rrrK>rlrd to bl-IQtlking al silk fnbrh:s in New York. ' ~f'tt<i mc1h•mphtl.1.n11ne- ·~ ~ 'tf l' d an~e1011~ drug. W1dt•p1t1d 11t.u~e of 1ht ~m ­ phtllm 1nt1 i• d e ~!ro..-int More. \fluna;: n1in1:h '" Ca\1· forn1 1 1han 1ny ol hc r drug. Orntk "'4f(fh A -·roe~ct i">ln~e-·~Ont of II'!<! mo~t phn1r ~llv 1p1I p•1chr>- lnj •c1 llY d i ma~•n 1 c~rx.r•· e nc~• ~n,one ran haYc. O•·cr- l <"t1'a11nn nr !l\c ncrvou1 .•\~l em '' folo••cd i-v 1cute ctcpre•.,on •l'I~ e~h•u•li""­ lmP11ri11c, '" ~ dn.ia;: c"n l ill. '''INI," •'"•"•bl• . ~t'd "flh111ned from hl•k m1r~el d,~len., ortcn it i• o( N:'><"'r q11~!11v. C.ont•minat1on " frrqll'"! ind rl'tlduct• in• l"""IJ' 'ldr t lf«fll:. uxh •• •b•c r.•~c•. blood pc11M)nln1 1n<I 'trnm ht pttJIJJ. f tOlll dirty 11ccd!e~. "liar., .. AC«1rd1ng 10 ,,,1 ...... c~ \c al lt•m' wllith i11clullt• fomwr dni1 u•"-tMr. •r• 1ti1cc "-•ie ltC!"' in copin1 ,,..;111 thn d&nfl"*!I dnig t.ltu~ ation: l'lnt: Gtt I.he f1e.11.. ~-•: f.lU.t I Sllftd o.-:t on cli n1t •! cvldmca. nlrd1 lnYOIVt you,..(, if die Htnd i) in be l"t"tnc:d- for fur1 hr r dc:tllled iaforme- 11on, wnu: ~Alwawe lnb •••atlnn t19J 5•11~ .Sff~,, 511A fr•n(1xo. Calif. 94101 HASSOCKS IN Round & Square Shapes S 1111da11 Ot1l!J 3 3 3 Poly foan1 "'ith 10 ga. vinyl covering:. Limited quanll· ties on this discount 3pecial ! VINYL SUEDE BOMBERS LINED IN ACRYLIC PILE Su11da11 Or1ly! 666 \\;arn1ly lined ho m brr .Jac ket~ ff"atu re quillt>d i>lt"CllC.S, !110 :<lilsh pock- rl~. fn f o 1• f's f , Hand, bro11•n JG··!li ' .. ! FULL LENGTH DOOR MIRROR 1.97 t n("ludr.<; "ood fr;unc for ra~y n10un!1n;::. Buy SI'" - liO craJ and savl'! " ~···- S101dn11 Onl11 ~·n:i t l'd \11U1 Hai d-Coal 'Trt- ln11J;.'. Q:DuP•MI .... TM llm•ttd Ou1n!1t1 -Noni 10•0 II O~•lln. 250 LUNCHEON SIZE NAPKINS S unday Only r a1;l,agr or .:~0-•'I , \1 hit ~ ra· P"I' 111rwhron napkins Sa,v Cl1ar~•' jl , L1 .. ,,1..i Ou•M•ilv -N1n1 ~.1~ ro D11•~"· FOLDING BED 9.88 .'S 11nda11 Only :'.lx7 ~"" aluminum ~d. 1nat- tre::-~ . _:·"!-.,;::::: .':".'""'t. ,~.,~-·_...,.:te!IV'f ~ ~ t .. • • i ' GIFT FLOWER'S MUM'S 1.97 Reg. 2.66 Fl orist Quality. I , ~ Gro\I• indoor as a hou:ie plant. I ' • ~i ' !, '· ' ' ' ' ' :; GIRL' HOODED NY~ON JACKETS Sunday 3:i3 Onlv! 1~~ 1¥ Quilted nylon Jackel<: <If(' lined in acr,ylrc pile 1 .. for exlra \\"arn1th. 111 toloi ful f1ora! v11d 6CO· metric skier prints .. \II \\ill! zip front ~. 1-14 I, ... _ _,. ·--~·-=\·.z-~ SKEIN SAYELLr' ACRYLIC YARN ,,llllflR!J ""'" ~-!·l~ ,i • .,, :-.~~·,·111 ,."ii"J ar- 1 I i 1 ' I; n11 t111;: 11 nl":\tt>d •,1·1,r·. 11h.th-prrir,J, nHlL h- 1111• 11 a~h. <'Olur » ~0~~001 rog T,,., Ntl I'll_ " ' ' ' I , l ' . ... . ' .. ' , " ,I ~ ' 0 ,, .. ·-....... " • BRACH'S • 1 LB. 9 OZ. BAGS •' " TOFFEES & ROYALS I .'i 1111do11 f111l11 ~ Smooth che\1)1 toffee ln assorted navors . ·rend· t' er nougat royals centered tn caran1el. '~''C':.-~ ... ~ (.'~··." +.-~·-"" -""ll ,. 1' • .'Sunda11 f111ly Crysta.I-like set "Onta.111 ~ ~ re. 6·oz., h-oz., 10-oz., J2-or. gl•sRes: 13-o~. mugs 11nd 1 lihot al&s~. -i ·I I 1· I ' m .. ' . I: . " 1 - . . .,.,, =·---- !)57 f ' ... •• " • ... 1 ' • ' ti u p • ' a n ti l • ( p • ; " p ' • l ' t l ' l l r i ' 041 l V PllOT 3 I rrzr •.• f .,..... ....... ,,. "'"'Z W: ¥! EiFN L '!""t" H'1 f 7 ...... -· >!< ! • ..,,. .... M """"........V1¥!i OQW .. '12!!$" § j0»,!€1 ii AO '..South Coast~s Dana Harbor Takes Shape " . . • D•lll' "ILOT 5llff l'lltM TEMPORARY DIKES HOLD OUT WATER WHILE CONSTRUCTION CREWS CARVE NEW BOTTOM FOR DANA HARBOR. VIEW IS FROM .CLIFF LOOKING SOUTH TOWARD HARBOR ENTRANCE f'rom Po9e l W. Gerrna11 y Goods Cost AUDIT UNDER WAY. • • 11udit is ''a ll thal is needed in many in· :stances. \Ve ha~·e to remember," he said, •·that an audit isn't the greatest thin,i:: in the world and cannot be guaranteed lo uncover embezzlement'" lleim also stressed that his office has pointed out to St John the area of Burkc"s empl0yment as being a highly potential 1;0,1rce of embezzlement. St John emphasized Friday lhat audi1.'I are carried out in hi s dcpart1nen t. but n;ade it clear that he regards Heun's ~l aff as br-ing primarily responsible fur the type of investigation necessary to un- Cou11ty to Sec Britisl1 l\'londay 1'.lore than 300 1ne1nbf:r~ of l3rilain'! ;\rrncd forcrs \1'il1 be e-0n1 erging on Orange Counly f\fond;:iy for lhcir one day prese ntation of the Br itish Tournament cind Tatuo. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday i11 the Anal1eim Convention Cent er. the tourna· mcnL 11·ill lealure massed bands and bttg pipes of Scotti sh Highlnnd reg11nents. i;;:mna stics by a Royal Air Force tcan1 nf aihlcles and stunts bv a Hoya l Signal Corps team of molorcYclc rider~. f\lock banles and re-creation" (If hi!'!oric encou nters 11·il! also be featured by the British performers. Oq::anizcrs stressed that a rigid na· tionwidc schedule for the British toun.~!~ '\\\!l limtl the Oran~e County r ngagcment to one day only at the Convention Center. U.S. Boosts Fuucls For Birth Co utrol \\'ASIHNGTO>I fAPl ~The Off1ceo nf Economic Opportunity h.i~ boosted by S7 nulhon the amount it 1v111 spend t h1.~ ~·£1:1r in its 11.·ar against thr populalJ on explo- 11ion. OEO Director Dtin.i!d Rum sfirld ;:in. nounced Fridav that the le<ler.;il ant1pov - cr!y agency 11.•ill spend $22 millio.n in the year ending nexl June 30 to provide /rim · ily planning services to n1illions of ~·on1- rn 11.•ho have not had previous help Jn limiting the number of their children. DAILY PILOT ~ ..... " ........... ftk "-"" .... ~ , ........ ,...., c .... -CALlfOINtA OIA>l(;I COASt P'Ulllt5 .. ING C:Oll'o ... NY •obt<I N. w,,, l'ruWl!nt •~ l'v,ll"'tr J••• •. c~.1 • ., Vl(f l'rtt"''"I t"ll Go nf,., N<•"f"' T~'"''' Kt1¥il L lfllolt Tl.0..,11 A. "4~•pl.in t ,,...,...""' £dilar -(911f ,.., llO .,....,, llt~ l !•U' Ht-t ilff<ll' l l ll ..... I ltlllN l lhllf•trl Lt_. k«:ll• l7f ~......,. '"'"'" t<untl"9ton ""11 • .aot .llh '""' 0 111..y l'll01, .. 1111 ~ .. 1---.,.. . .......,. .• ~._ t. -1-•11• n c.t W,. ••Y In -•II """...., 1or COit• Mtot. 1'11......, INcll, L-lfftfl, H.,...lnf!M l1Kll -F-11111 ., .. ...,. '""' wllll ,,.. r...,....,., 11111t .... 0 •-(-"""1!11111>• c-"" .,..,1.,,. '""'~ ••t ,, nn w .. 1 ..... .,..... __ , .... 111. .... Jl9 Wt• ll•w ~""''• '"''' Ml'>f , ........ 17141 641·4111 Ch•MM ... :c:I' I I M ... 71 ~·"""' .... °'-(NW ....... .... ,_..,. .... ,._ ........ '""''''-.. M'Nlll• _, .,, -Ml-11 ,,..,too .... ., -_ ... __ , •Ht• ..... ... 1_ .. _ _.. -· --~ --... " ,.._., ... di _, CNll ..... (tut..ft ... ..,_,,,.._ h <t rrlw CAI,~, "1 -W ta.JI ....... I•• "''11'9'l' -llnt !lt.,.. d .M -1111,. cover embezzlement. The county <1uclitor m<1dc it equally clear that good ac· co;.inting and supervisory praclices 11.·ithin ClCpartments can do n1uch to obYiate such frauds. Sl J ohn pointed out in a letter dated Se pt. 14, 1967 thal his office had not been audited by lleim "s off ice for n1ore than 1hrcc ycar.!:i and that trust funds totalling mo~·e than $5 million plus !he off ice's con- ~idcrable cash receipts provided tempting f:irc for the potential en1bezz!er du ring th;1 L time 'i'h(· t:oun1y 1·lcr1' alleged that 1he s1,·indle 11.·as carried out through the prcp:ira t1on of separate bank dcpo.~1 t ~!ips -.. on£1 for the county treasurer and the other for us. I've seen the discrepan· l'1C.:: an d I can <issure you that 11 was very i·lever!y done ," said St Jofu1, hi1nself an accouritant. Sl John said Burke ~·as cleared by the F"cderal Bureau o! Investigation when he was employed by Or<.1nge County. "l!e ll'tlf. also bonded 11·hich rncans that our lo.,~es. 11.·ha\e\·er they may prove to de, 11 ill be lully reimbursed ," St John said. A series of top level confer£1nces and <'On1111cnls by a part1c1pant 1n lwo n1eetings made 1l apparenl late Friday tha t both the <lllditor~ will I)(' !ar,i:rt::;: of ;:i coming county probe into the Burke af· f<i l r. 11 i ~ al s.n rxp£1cted !hat tl1e Or:1n,i:e Coun!y Grand Jt•r,Y 1111! 1nvestlg<1 tc Lhe :-1t t1d1ion, particularly i;1nce the panel'.~ 1ni•1al probe led to discovery ol th e alleg- ed embezzlement. llf ore iii U.S. BO:'\N (U P!l -Chanceollor \\'illy Brandt's deci~lon to increase the \'alue of 1he \Vest Gennan mark n1cans Amer1· rans will pay more for Vol kswagens, Gerinan ean1cras and hi·fi sets. For the U.S. Army private in Germany. his $113 monthly pay 11.·tlJ be reduced by $10 .40 in buying po11·er. lessening the an1ount of beer and sausage he can bu.1·. Revaluation represents a fortune worlh millions for speculators who have been lrant1cally buying dcutschmar ks for n1011ths 111 hopes the~· 11·ould be 11·orth n1orc. Th<' nations to 11·ho1n \\'est c:errnany owes niuuey sluod to gain Jnillions. Sing- apore s111d iL would prolll more than $30 n11llion 1hrough revalualion. If the Bonn gorcrnn1ent ,011.·cs a certain numbrr of n1ar ks, IL will pay "back -~1 num t*r de· ~pile the increase 1n va lt1e. It 11·a.~ one of the rirst decision~ or Brandt's new Social Dernocral govern- inenL The announcernent Friday meant rhr mark JS now 11 orth just ovcr 27 t£1nt ~ rather than 25 cenls -an increase of 8 5 percent. Tht' re1·aluation '.ril l rnean :J.66 1narl.s to rhe dollar instead of four . The change 1\':lS announced after the Eu ropea n mon· ey markets closed and il takes effect at midnight Sunday night. Beacli Landniark Shortly To Give Way to Progress By TERRY CO\'ILLE or 1111 011 •• l'•lot Sii!! Alban Holtz 11·as cleaning out lhr Ja<,I rr l:c~ frotn one of !he oldt'SI f,onns 1n l-h11;t111gto11 Re11ch Wilen tY.O £1ight-~e.ir­ old l;id.~ pedalled their b11'es up hi" 11alk ;ind a>:kcd "you gol any 1 11h~ n11~1e1"! · "Sorry ho_rs. not for llt11r le !la~> \\'c need big s1 >. tooters hl'rc.'' hr s<11d in ii J.:•nd \OiCt'. "Besides. the y"re burning these old barns and the hou se to lhc ground next \\Crk," Alban rxpla1ncrl. "\Vbal for?'' qui zzed Da .. ·id Bor1sy. a shocked e.~pression spreC1d1ng across his fa ce. "'I like thest: Oarns.'' "\\'e play over hert a lo!. I hkc old ba rn~.·· added Robert Marcott . '"But thcy·re going to build a lot of nice houses here . .1usl like !he ones you live in across the stree1,., explained Alban. "'I 11·ant these -nol houses," con1· plained David. "Oon"t burn lhe barns, lhey·re fun lo pl:iy 1n." pleaded Hobert. Unlike Ilic young boys. Alban /l olti 1s nol bill£1r abo ut J)rogress mo1·ing hi111 oft lo1s 1£>:ised farn1. "\\'hen you've leased !he 1><1n1e ground for 32 yc;1rs }Oll <:an·i ~1ck,'' said Albr1n, philosophically. The three big. red horse barns an1I ~<irgc green rriune house arc to go up in fli:n)C~ Monday nr Tuesday -praclice tinder for !he Hunlington Beach Fire Department. Arter tha l a Los Angeles construction firm "'ill 1110\'e in to build homes an 130 acres of !he original ZOO, ooce owned by the Anaheim Sugar Co. "'I :;tarted lea~1ng this land in 193i , in p2rtrcrship 11.·ith a man named Erhard llag£1 man," recalled Alban. now 61. ''Through the yea rs 1vc 've grown sugn r bcrt~. lima beans. chili pe ppers, gree n al falta anft recently tomatoc~." The red barns - and a ~mall portion of lhc i;(een house -11.•hich sit on a large, opcr• field on Bushard Strttl south of Adams Averrue, were built by Uo Bort'hardl In 1!'16.'>. Al one lime a ra!l road spur came to tht lann do"11 ~·hat is now Bui;hard Street. \\'ben.Alban Holts leased the farm in he moved into the frame houst and began to raise a ran1ily along 11. ith the crops. 'F.\'er~111nr 11·e ha d a baby, T'd ha\·r Ill ;-.rl'l on anoth£1r bedroom." hr laughed. hut I stopprd bu1ld1ng alicr !our rooms 11 r rr ;iddcd " Alhan h~d ~!\ nlfspring~ Qn(', l~ch1 ,i rrl , 11 :1s h~!pcd clear ouL tl1e nld lann Lhi~ 11e1 f.. Th<' 1Jrig1n.i ! hUttsr had about 1100 ~q11:1rr le£1t \\'hen Alban flnt shC'd it was 111ure thiln J ,;,oo square feet. Tl1e three ba1 .1s -1n a neal line -once housed flO plo1v horses used to \vork nearly 300 <i<.:rC's of fe11ile far mland. "T his place used lo be a sv1amp . hut f;irm rrs. year-by-year. drained Jl and I urned over lo crops," said Alban. He :il\o recalled the greal flood or 1938 11·hcn the ll unllnglon Valley \va11 under three feet of water fr on1 Costa ~fesa lo old I lun t111gton Beach. "We had noth~ng bul l in cans, boltles and logs lloaling a1·ound.·1 "Nol rnuch fanning in this area now .'' said 1\!ban. lle"s not sa d about it. "NoL rnough land and the soil '! getllng too .)alt~·. Smog 1s da1naging the crops too." .o\lban n1ay continue to fann a few acr£1!. of lan d on 1\hich he still hold a lc:ise. Uut he and his family have now n101·cd lo Orange. Alban ·s broLhcr. Andy, lh·eii down the street. and, for now, most ld Ilic o!d equip1nent - and modern - \•;ill be slured on his far m acreage. Sonic of 1hc old equipment pulle d out or the horse barns includes a 1924 tractor, ;-'llrl a n1sty gas pump that dales back lo 1hc ·20·s 11.hcn the fanners pumped their 011 n. Ai:. flldl imers gll, Alban consider!! hi111 ~eH ne1v to lhe area. '"The old frin1ilies. like the T:ilberts. lhe Bushards, the Gi~lcrs, the Lambs. the Farnsworths -they 11.·erc the ones farming this area for years." r.rnic Gisler, a former mayor of Hun· t ~ngl on Beach and slitl plov.·ing the limrl, v.·<i s hel ping Alban move. "We've al ways had good neighbors," said Alban, "and that· .. what J liked he~i.·• "No." said Alban Hollz, ''I don't regret thi~ change. It's progress.·· Then he ~tood back, and wi th a v.·ide grin watched the bt·y!: -ci ty boys -climb up to the hay lo!t and peck ou t." '·Boys love an old f.1rm," he said. McCormack Gets Tough House Speaker Keeping Job, Denies Charges fl.'' JOHN BECKLER A1Md •tH !'r•n Wrltt< \\',\SH INGTON (A P) -Spca1'cr John \V. tllcCormack ~mphatic;i lly denies he knew about or aide<J any influence ped· dling through his ll ouse oflicr. And the 77-ycar-old flilassachusctts D£1n1ocrat - contrary to pr£11·1ous spcculal1on -sa~·11 he 11-i!J seek nol nnly ;:inolhcr l£1rn1 as congressman but as spcil1'Zr f\1cCormack told ne1\·sm£111 F"ridav Iha! L1fC' magazine made an un1\·arranted and n1rll ic1ous attack on hirn :n reporting the ~peaker had 1£11 his office and 111£1ucnce be used by a frien d and a staff member to ~ee k favors fronl govcrn1nent officials. The charges obviously 1riggered f\1e· Cor1nack's dec ision lo run again, thus avoiding any appearance or his ql1itting under fi re. "~t_v cunsclencc ls absolutely clear,·· 1\lcCormack said. Lnti!· the aclivitirs of ~alhan Volosh<'n. a long-lime :\l cCormack friend. and :\lar- !Jn s1.,·eig. the ~pca ker 's ch ief aidr, 11.·erc publicized it had b~n \\'Jdcly bcl1ev£>d an1ong House De1nocrats that fl lcCor· niack ll'OU!d 11.•ould rctire a1 the end of lhc 911Lh Congress in Dccen1ber l!J70. Ile will be 7fl !her., 1l'ith 43 years ol scr- 1·1cc in the !louse. Murder Hearing Delay Granted 1\t'th ur Dc\Vitte Leag11r \1·on a fur1her <lrl'JY or his arraignn1cnt nn murder cr<irgcs Friday 11.·ith tl1e plea that he has 110: :yrt been successful in obtaining an attorney through rhc Bl ack Panther org:;:i n1zation LA'~gue, 20. of San!a Ana. 11·ants tn rrpl;1cc auornE'ys lloberl Creen and ~lirhael (;crbosi \\'1th an ;itto1·ney 1\hosc ~<'r1 ices 11 ill be paid !or by the militant '.\('~l"O organiz;i tion. .l11t!gc Robert (i;1rrlncr gn vr )111n :-i11<.l11er 11·eek in 11hil'h In cffrc! !hr. 1 <ansfer. l,eague was ordered to r£1lurn lo courl Oct. 31. League is accused of th e slaying last .June 4 of Santa Ana police officer Nelso n S:i~scer. ll is alleged that he ~hot the of· ricer in a dow ntovm co nfrontation after Sa.~scer stopped League and a companion arid rtem(lnded identif ication. SPEAKER WON 'T QUIT McCormack to Run Again J\1cConnacl; h:i~ c11n1e unrler growirig critic1s1n fron1 young£1r Den1oc:r:it s, 11·h\l felt he 11'as out ol touch 11 ith them and \\·as failing to provide tlle lt:!dership needed v.·ith lht: \\'hite House in Republi· can hand s. ll is rare for a sit ling :;peaker to be challenged 1\•hen he bids for re-election, Q_ut la st January the discontent already had reached such a degree that Rep. ~1orris K. Udall (D·Ariz. ), entered the contesl as the candidale of the younger members. Udall v.·as defeated soundly but the mere fa ct there was a challenge was seen as further evidence McCormack would step dcw.·n before risking another fight. Rival factions we re already forming behiQ,d fllajority Leader Carl Albert (~ Okll:-), Jlld Rep . Wilbur K. Mills ([). Arlr.)~.-fltwerful chairman of the Wa)'' and ?-.Jeans Com mittee. They are the principal claimants for the speakership if ~1cCormack should release it. 1'\ow. il"s a whole ne\v ballgame. Mc- Corniack has the respect of most Demc>- crats and if he n1 akes his re-election as speaker the symbol of vindication from lhe charges bei ng brou~ht against his condu ct of the office it v.·ill be hard for anyone to oppose him. Cable TV Gets U. S. Okay For Own Programs, Ads \\'ASHINGTON ICPJ \ -The Fed£1r;:il Co1nmunJcations Commis~ion rf CC1 , 1n il st('j) Iha! m;i y bring nr.11' dil'ersily tn rclr1·is1on progr amn1ing aero~~ !he co1u1- 1rv. has ruled thrit cable TV ~}Slem!I m~r (<lrry cnn11nerci;:i ls anrt so1ne mus~ onginatr 1he1r 011.·n prngrams. C;ihlc TV ~y~ten1 s. or whi ch there are ;:ihout 2,000 in !he n:ition. pic k up signali> and offer them . at subscription rn!£1.~. to householder~ ll'ho rnlght not otherwise he ;iblc to receive thcrn. Surh opera!ions be- gan mainly 1n rural, fringe coverage areas b11L have i;pread lo ci ties where vie"·ers arc offered signals from neigh- boring or obstructed areas. The FCC i'!aid ;ill Comm uni ty Antenna Trlcvi:>ion (CATV \ systems ma y carry Arlvrrli~ing, at natural breaks dur ing their programming. Such cltar pemrls- sion to advertise had long been M>ught by the CA TV industr y, 11.·hic h said sul> ~c1·i pt ion rates alone 11·r re sometimes in· ~uHicienl to make the operations profit- able'. At the sa111e t1n1e the FCC ordered all C1\TV systems 11·ith more than 3,5-00 sub-- 5Cribers to origin;ite some of their own programrning as or Jan. I. 1971. ll did not specify how n)uch of the total pro- gramming was to he or iginated locally, bt1t it said it would gil·e the stations a pe riod of experimenlalion be fore decid· ing if it 11.•ill be ntcessary to make such spccifica!ions. About 200 CATV operation! ha\·e more Chan 3.500 subscribers. Jl was not thought Ibey would encounter difficulty in meet- ing th e local programming rcquireme~t. OA1L't l'ILOT tt ... P .... ALBAN HOLTZ , ERNIE GISLER , ED HOLTZ !FROM LEFT) MAKE WAY FOR PROGRESS But Fer Eight·Ytar-Old 'City Boy s,' Thtr1'1 No Pleet to Play Like an Old Barn I I . ' . ; 4 DAtLV PILOT Saturda~. Otiobtr 25, 1%9 Pulpit and Pew Hie?! Councilman Ro~rt D Durrans of lhe Cburcb ol Jnaa Chrt1t of L•Uer-day Saint, in Newport Beach has ju1t finished attending the linh annual California Clergy Economic Education Seminar at Lake Arr o whead, CU!omia. Presented by UCLA Ex· tension a I o n g with t h e UCLA Graduate School or Bustness Administration and the National Clergy Economic Education Foundation, the seminar gives clergymen or all faiths an opportunity to learn something of current economic issues and basic economic principles. Huntington Beach Fours· qnare Clturcb , 71~ Lake A\•e. will h0&t the Rev. and ~tr!. Claude Updike, missionaries to Guatamala, Sunday. The Updikes will speak al both the Sunday school hour. 9:30 a .m., and during the 10:45 a.m. WOl"Ship service. Winnen of the fall ex· pansion drive will visit the Guatamala mission. Other prizes being given in the ex· pansion drive are a car, a radio, and a bicycle. "Albert Camus" will be the subject Sunday morning for t h e Un ltarlan-Unlversali1t Fe8ow1hip of Laguna Beach IO a .m. meeting at Leonora Portney's studio, 338 N. Coast •1v.'Y. Yehr ia O'Connell wilt In· lroduce readings from "°·or.ks of the Nobel prize wlnning w r i t e r • philosopher. Miss O'ConMll, who is currently working on her doctorate at UCI, did her master 's thesis on Camus. Sunday evening, members of the new Moulton Playhouse in Laguna will read and discuss the next play and forthcoming season at the Babcock's home, 1377 Dunning Drive, Laguna at 8 o'clock. Temple Sltaron, the con· servative temple of I h e Harbor Area, will C1lnduct re~lar Sabbath s e r v i c e s Friday. 8:15 at 61 7 W. Hamilton. Costa Mesa, with Rabbi Garson Goodman of- ficiating. The rabbi'& sermon will be "Religion is for Adults." An Onea: Shabbat will be held after the services. Com munion will be celebrated at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. for St. Jolut Ille Divine EpiscopaJ Cb11relt, 2043 Orangt Ave., Cosla Meaa , Sunday school classes meet for all ages lhroo1h hJgh &ehool at 9;30 a.m. Nun~ery cart i! pri> vided. The EYC will.me-et at 7 p.m. Sunday. Junior CM!innl.tlon classeA are being h t I d Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Acolyte classes meet o n Fridays at 4 p.m. Tonight Temple Hillel 301 10th Sl., Huntington Beach. "'iii host a "New Members Koffee Klotch" at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenthal. A second meeting will be held Nov. I. The Rev. Thomas E . Benvenuti will conclude his series "The Fruits at a Chris. tlan," at the 10:50 a.m. Sun· day service at the Glad TidJap AIHm~ly 'ol God Cbartb, 15th and Monrovia St reet!, Newport Beach. The 7 p.m. aervice wW (Ste P~, Pqe Ii) Sing Out for Gospel G06pel gongs with an instrumental background wi ll be presented by The Ho ward s at Little Church by the Sea, Laguna Beach, Sunday, 7 p.m. Duane and J oyce Howard record for Mark records of Holly- wood. I Ancient Custom ' ,. Tithing Gives God 'His Part' By WUIS CASSELS UPI Relipoa Writer This being the season whe n churches canvass the ir members for pledges of finan- cial support, it seems ap- propriate to say a few words about the ancient custom of tithing. 'I'ithlng means that you set aside 10 percent of your tota l income and say: "THAT PART belongs to God ." It is not necessary that all of a person's tithe be given to a church. God's work is also done in the world by hospitals. schools, orphanages, old folks' homes, foreign m i s s i ' n societies. inner city centers and a host of other agencies that may draw their support from "red feather" com· munity chest drives rather lhan church pledges. The import.ant thing Is that you make up f giving budget "'hich reflects you r con- scientious convictions about how God would like His 10 per- cent distributed. A convenient rule of thumb, used by many tit.hers. is S per; cent for church and 5 percent for charity. Bul the di vision is entirely up to you. Of COURSE. it's a lso up 10 you whether you tithe. Some church members say they don't ap prove of tithi ng because it's a "mecl1.::n.ical" approach lo giving. They 1,ay it's better just to "give all you can." remembering that 100 percent realty belongs to God, This may be sound theology. But ii also can be a convenient ra tionalization for g iv i n g !Ste TITHING. Page 51 ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? UY I FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH ••· 1. c .1 Fairview Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa Mesa 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worship 1 Oni11111 -S.111it/,1ry -Deptti l ibl1 Sh14y Gro11" f i=='=d=' ... =='='d=G=~='='=C=~=-=""======· ==='='='="'='='='=~Iii HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1210 lo•1r 5r. ot Foirti1w, Coit• /1111111 ltn. Co1111l1 5olltn, Pastor Sunday School 9:4.1 a.m. r-.1orning Worship 11 :00 a.m. Bapust Training Union 6 p.n1. Evening Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer ............ 7:00 p.m. 11 FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHUltCH 650 HAMILTON, COST4 MES.\ II.EV . .!. D. W.t.ll.t.Cl Su11d•v s ,i.ool .......• 9:45 Trai11i119 Unio11 •••••••• , 6:00 Mor11i119 Wo,.fi;" •. , .• It :00 E•a11i119 Wot1ki" , •••••• 7:00 W1d111•d•v P1 •v•• M~el1 ng for .t ll •'J•' ... , ....•.... , 7:JO Pltort• 642·,1 II Nwrwrr 41weys Anlleble UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IRANCHll OP THI MOTHEll CHUICH THI PllllT CHURCH 011 CHllST, ICllNTIS.T IH IOSTON. MASl4CHUllTTS "Probation After Death" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 261h Costa Mes:i-Fi rst Church of Christ, Scienti1t 2110 1'1 e~o Vtor d" Dr,. Co1to M11• Su11doy !lc~ool-9·1S A.M. C~•rc:h ~erwice -11 A.M. ll.e11di119 !loom, 2150 Mn1 Vertie Dr. Huntington Beach-First Church of Chri1t, Scienti1t i 10 01; •• Su•do¥ School -9:30 & 11 :00 Cll•rch-11 A.M. S•rYlce lleodint loom -11 0 Olive Laguna Beach-First Church af Chri1t, Scientl1t 6l5 Hi9h Dr. Ch•rch I S•111dciy k•Ml -•:JI & 11 :01 llMdh1g llet0m, 214 hrnt 225? S. I . PALISADES ROAD SANT4 AN.\ HEIGHTS SU OIOAY StHOOl .... , , ,. .. , ............... ''" ,t,M, MDl'Nl .. G WOIUHI" .... • .. ............... 11 .t..M, Newport 8each-Fir1t Church of Chri1t, Scienti1t ' ~,· 1:1 JJOJ Y'H1 Lillo ll!YE Ol lOIG WOllSHI " . .. ............. 1 ... M, MIDWEEK llEllYICE WE DOIESDAV 1:Jt ... M. Wllli1m s. Aclon, P••·•• cnurcn r~ Mi-*'11 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ef fo•rttol11 Yal1•y (.l.mttlc111 111,1,.0 17415. Motrtolia, F.Y. lln. D1111 Hewkn, Mlld1t•r M11rn in9 Worihi" l :JO & I I :00 S11ftd 1y s,hool ••••••.•• 9:JO Youth M1t ti119 , .•.•.•. , t.:00 Pr1yer S11 vit1 • , •.• , ••• 6:30 fw•11i119 Serv1c• , , , • , . , , 1:00 l'l ur,trl' Av1ll1b,. 11 1 11 S1rv!cts 842-2428 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH v·ictoria & Placentia Ave . C'o!>la ~Tcsa Jomes E. Pl1~f Mi111>11r CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE &I ......... , ····~ M1ml>tr Chun:~ M Undl'I Cnur(ll lltllt•••lf l ne"(I, ltl .t.n;1lt1 SUt.!OAV SEP\llCE , .. 11 A'" M1nl1+1r .• , Albo rt ll11rl;1, II ~<.-. Ollt•l"IT H C .. .t.,Fl Oron;1 CH•l YMCA, !JOO Urov"•''V D" H vou e•• loo~;"'J for an 1l1be•1+1 ''0'J'""'· er ID<:ial ,,1iti91. l ut ;r vo11 1r• \oo~'"9 f.,, i"·~e~fh Bibi• 1!11d it1, Cli,ii!itn !ti• low1hip. •~d '"'clrirg u>r"!~d ... orih•P· you'll lovt u1 ! Ta •t(em · 1111llll 1t1 our 9rowi ~9 cliu,,~ ltrro ily .... now lieve tw• Su"llllty 111or11i ~9 11,wict1, ':JO t nll 11.00. N11•11•y ct ••· Cor111r tf &r11"· villt ' Su11flow1•. 54S·2121 •46·9112 '_}j.artor C/i,.i~lian Cfiurcfi OP NIWPOllT IUCH-(DINI,._) M..W11t ... •l•rly He'!* lle ....... ry k•MI 41211.11t1i St., c",. 111 ... Church School -9:30 A.M. Worship -10 :45 A.M. N•,..,., C•rw ~ Phon°' 675-3911 Minister: Dr. D. W. McE!roy :===========ii CHURCH OF CHRIST CHrcll &-5•11111.., 5clteel -9:11 & 11 :Of 11..01119 1101111, lJl I Yle Lld1 Newport Beach.Second Church of Chri1t, Scltntl1t 3100 'oclflc VI•• Dr., Corow1 4el Mer Cllurcll lo S1i1r1dow School -10 A.M. ll111di11t 11:.oom -Zl4ol I . Coat Hwy. All are cordially invitccl to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms Child Co,, Pr••lded AT ALL 5111YICIS U11ltff Cll11rdi 1f RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 10th St., Hw11lil'tlo11 l11ch Pi.01'1 536·112 0 Adw ll l Youth 51rvi c•1, I I •.m. lit Y11• Cl an, Will., 7:15 p.m. lllNIST PA.Tl. MINISTlll COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE Wer'IM!'-10:00 A.Ill. Cllwrcll k•ffl-11:10 A.M. Dr r~llll> c;. Murr ay, Ml"l1rar Mou S~lrltY St1b1I, D C.f . '7J.4ll00 Seventh-Day Adventist Churches c •• ,. ,,. ... 211 ........ .,.... Joh11 Sh 1w111•••, '••I&• Phon•: 141·4ol'' I~ kllffl , •• t 1JI AM Mlflllllt W1l'llll, ••• 11 :01 AM p,.,_ MMtl"t • We4°1:JO PM L .... H19wl wefllll,. ta S••rll S._. a.,tt.t C••rcll J2112 c,.._ Y•ley Pef\w., A. E. ll•wJ•n, Pt1!1r 'Ilene: 4tJ.J9J4o l•Mtti S.he.t , • , • •:JI AM Menilrtt w...w, ...• 11:11 AN FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH •o41 T.n-t Aft. ITelltert & M .. _,hil, POUNTAIN YALLIT UNl,IED SEii.ViCE. Suttll•v Sclio•I 9:JD -WOllSHIP . IO:JO Weuhlp I Yeutti 5reu'' -6:JO p.1r1. N .... wv ,,.awi.MI ,, Ill ..... !(; .. A C_I,.,. CllV"dl -\fllllOf'I A•1 Awey1 W.I<- 217 W. WILSON ST, COSTA MHA 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· llTWllN HUIOI ... P•llVllW I EVANGEUCAL FREE CHURCH SUNDAY MOJININC. l ll l f STUDY·······••••••• •;4IA.M. 1 of H.-rl ........ . THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAllllS, J209 Vii Lldll, Newpen leocll 7:10 •.M.-Holy Euthorl•t f ;OO 1.111.-Morrtill<J ''"W"' lit & lrd Su•. Holr l11ett.rilt JM & 4th s.11. f ;OO •·•.-Cll11rc• ScllMI 11 :00 e.111.-Holy Euchorl1t 1u & )rd Su11. Mo r11lrtt rroyer 2rtd & 4tll Su11 . Clllld Ciro et •:OO •.m. Tito II••· Jott11 P • .&Wy II, l.cor Tite "''· D"id .&. Crump .&11otl•te 1.ct•r ST . MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dri•• 9t Mortuerlt1, C111ro1111 del Mor Su•dow: 1:00, ':10 -Chilli C11r1: 11 9:30 Holy D1y. 01 A1111ownted All llocp Welc1me ll11etor, The le,. Johll lto9en D11wii -Pho111 644·0461 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave ., C.tlt. S•11ll..,1 7:10 & 9:JO Ch11rch Schoel -•:J O Tllut1doy.: 6:JO l 10 1.m.; Holw D11y1 •• 111••u1M:ed Ylc•r, The llev. Joh11 W. Do1111ld1011 -Pho111 541·1J26 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mu•!l111IO• l•ld1, C1ltler"•• T~t lleY . .JI,..... C. Colly, P'•Uor Sund•y Services l:M .t..M. Mii• Ctm11111111111 t :)I .t..M, "'''"'Y 11rv'"1 & cnurc~ J:M l'.M. IE¥..,,...,~ Sc"'°"ll 7:M P.M. llOIHe,1! ll:OI .t..M. Motlli"I WtrU\o' V""'f cn1.,cnmtn l'l••11ry (1ra '••vk!H ' NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH i , 2501 Cli ff Dr. LI 8·4293 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2noo Pacifi c View Dr. Tht Rew. J11mn G. lloirt, ,.lllllor Th• R•'· Ro•11ld Whitt, .&ui1t11111 renter F•m1lv \llofi~lp t .OC lo !O :lO • "1 !>uod•~ !><~001 t ·lo •o 10. JO 1 m, WO•l~•O S~••'<t 11 00 'O )7·')() Nurserv care available al au ~ervices WELCOME Corona clcl i1ar DR . WILLIAM R. ELLER Mr,. Woi'e ChomMrl1h11 P'eri1h Wortler Phone 644-2664 ':1 S A.M. femlly Wonhl .. 10:00 A.M. Swndoy Cll•rcll Sch111I 11 :00 A.M. Festi"' W1r1lll .. N•r11ry P1ovltled CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mi11011.; Sy"oll 74o0 Yic:rorie St .. Co1te Mn11 Lorhor V. To•now, Ptutor 541°5404 WO•~lllO 5~r"(~I: l ;U t. 11 ~ M S111ICl'f 5,~C>OI , 1-3'1 .t. M. ~<11111 IJ.•o•• c1~·-. t,.;o AM CHlllSTIAN ILlMINTAl'f SCWOOL 541-6166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M11e Yl1'de Dri•• &: lok•r Strut, Ce1111 "'"'· Collf. ,t.N DREW C ,t.NDER~Of', "'~•+O• Sund1y Sc~OOI: l ,(l(l, ';)C or,d I' 00-Mornu>Q 'll~"ft1p. I 00, ' JO •nd 11 00 Princ e ef P11ct lulhe.•1n School -M11• fdhe• Ol1oft, P,.11cip1I I Oflic• Pho••: 549.0!.= I Sthool Pho"•' !.49.0561 li::===================~11:=·~""""'~-=-~=::~~""""""""'=j ST. PAUL'S LUTHERJ.N FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa 548-3761 /rill. C. Cr111ic, P01t1r Joh11 Goll11 ick, Au1elot1 R1 y N,thol1on. M1n·•l1r of Youth l':AI' fllANJC CllUS.&DE Yowth Strtict -&:lO p.m. Wed. Pr11ytr 111d l lbte Srwdy -?:J O ,.m. ~-•Yll<ll l imo -1 !'.M . Pt••~· Sp•~~I~, Ch~rch Cl!ai• -Sh oril P4uh 1~. Dirotlor Y11lter1 W1lca111e -Nwr1ery Atte"cl111t Stltl Ll,enseli Pre-Schoof -Mn . J ohn Gollnic~, Oir1cior Pho11•: 645·2l2l SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple ..... flABB I BERNARD P. KING meeting ~t St. James Episcopal Church o 3209 Via l ido, Newport Beach For Information: Cat! 67~ 7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Cos ta Me'• V, l. HlRTWECI(, P1 \lor !41 -470• C-AR.l GENT~V M1"01t1 r of Music SUN DAY SERVICES Swndey School -t .•5 A.M. 10:50 A.M. -Rt¥. 1,,, Wtb- G~••• 5De•lo:1r • 7:00 ,..M. -"Thi P'oo1 Moft'• M•r•11" t St •mo" b~ l't1 !or COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pr .. 5t~111 -l(l11f1r11r11~ -t:i.m..,11ry -C~lfl C1r1 * TEMPLE SHARON The COllMAeti•• .......... t.f the •ti,. H•rkr "''" 617 Wnt He111ll ..... Cost• M~• All J1w i1I. f1 ,.,ili 11 t•• inv;ltd lo jo in 111 ;., lruly m11"i"gful 1411.&TH IVINING lllYICIS PllDAY 1t 1:1S P.M. S!'lrlt•el letllier -lebbi G1r1111 G1•dm .. 64 6.&1!1 T1mpt1 Sh1•011 Choir -One~ Sh 1b11 5'1 1412 Attend o/ ';lour choice ;111-.~ouri S)norl 429 Cypr~ss D r. Laguna Beach "'"· W. E. Nit cl,,rbroth \\'or~hlp SCl'\'ICC~ -lu l!O .\ :'-1 Su11day Srhu\Jl and Flib!e Cla!:~ -P·.\) A ).!. Pl1011~· Churl'h ·l~H.799!\ J•ars.ona::;t!: -l lJ-1-8!10 A C ordial Welcome fr om THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH !1lbo1 t.!1"d COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH If 5 A9~le 1:15 l1>forma! Wo.,~:o 9 ;l0 l raclitio111I W 1>,.h>p & Su"ll•v s,kool Co<t 1 Mt•• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19lh Si, & H1rbor Blvd . Cn11•ci. W o.,h.p -'l:JO A 11 Ch urth Sthool -9 JO 541·1717 c.,,1. /.1111 No"" MESA VEROE METHODIST CHURCH M111 Vt•de l B1~•• 51. 5•9·27 19 Woroh;p & Chu •ch School 9:00 &-10:10 A,M, Hu"+;,,910" Be1ch FIRST UNITEO METHODIST CHURCH 27?! 17th St. 5J6.J5l1 St rvice1 -9:10 l 11 A.M. Hu~li~9+011 Bt1<h -No•tli COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6661 Hid A... 1•1·~44ol Wor1hip & Church S,heol 9 1 I O:JO A.M. i, .. ;,,, -£11+ lluH UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH ! J] ·I 2 l J •I Unov1r1;1v D•i•t Worihir. & Churci. Sc~ool 9 JO A.M, l o9 u~• !~1(1, LAGUNA BEACH MF THODIST CHURCH 2 16l l w,,1., p,; .. , '" So. L•9""" We"h'p I! A M C.~ut<oh School 9 ~!0 AM , ~99·J Oll New11o rl l11ci. CHRIST CHURCH BY TH£ SEA 1 •00 W, lalb11 l lv4, 6JJ.)10S. Wor1hi' l Cliu<ch Sclio•I 9:10 & l I A.M. Nuri••Y thr11 211.i 'J"'ll' • 11 Chu•ch Sthool -9 :10 A.M . . ~~==---~-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian JOl 12 "411911111• I N"r Ad1""'l H11•ti11tt•11 IHcll In. D1J1old I . II•~ P•t.f Su•dey W1nfli,: t :JO A.M. Chwrcll Sdl•el: 10:41.\,M. Office: 20112 M"noH• St. "''": ''1·4•41 Church of the Covenant JIS.0 folniew leM, c .... M11• l •U (I /lo . 1(., .. 11, Pt 1I"' Swlldoy W1...._I,; t :JO lo I 1 -Ch•rcll Scllo1I: •:JO Plto H : S45·4J04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 600 It. Art4rew1 led, N1wp.., leech CH.&llLIS HElllEllT DllalHPllLD, PA.STOit w.r1tt1,.' CltllfCh 5chMI: •• •:JI & 11 .&.M. 644o·7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church C•nllf .. .....,,, .. & lattblwff DrlYe, Cerofle liel Mer J111t11 r.rftll111 lirk, PesHr WerMlp & Ch•rcll ScltMl-IOA.M. ~~~~~~~~~·~""""'··~··~·~-o--~-:::-:-~-o--~ Community Presbyterian Church 4111 llClm' ., ... , (et htl It.), L ..... '-11 D.&lLAS TUllNll, PA.STOii Werth Ip • t :lO & 11 :00 A.M. -cnrc• ...... , . •:JO 4 .M. 494·1111 SUNDAY MOJININ& WORSHI, & COMMUNION •• 10141 A.M. 1•12 "•riM .... IJl.J!ll SUNO>.Y EVENING WOii.SH i, .....•••••.•. • • • • • 4o :OO P"M. •••·All,... l . Mlll9r, .,,,.., w k Wf:ONISDAY f:VENINW l ll LE STUDY •••••••••••• 1:10 '·""· w. •·li·u'"N11"T'A'".1·A· N. '"' A.M. -, ... ..,., ,,_t -.t.tl .t.tfl n NUUlllY' CAii PaOYIDID 11 ·N ........ -M-"· W111~1,.' P.M. -.,.9\r!~ ."'"'" ee 2 UNIVERSALIST D.-. o , ,,...,,..., D. G. HIHJt ,, ......... -,~ ... 1"' , .... 1c •• 1 "·""· ..... 1111• o ..... ,. CHURCH thiJ A It end tho chur<h of your choice on Sunday Ml11i1t9" Aitoci"" Ml•lim .&.M.-"T"° Stww•li •f L•••" -be4tte 16 12 5' Viclor:1 St., Coit~ Mt1• Phone: 541-5711 Dty or Night P.M. -Mln''"'l' 1 .... .-., ' 646~52 ,:,;"'~"M ~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"''·~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'"'~~~~~~~~~·- • i ' I [ Wtt C i IQ!i.ij Pulpit and (Continued from Page 41 rca!ure a "singsplr:ltion.'' and a short m<'ssa i:e on "Paul's F'ouneen Da}S lipo11 lhc Deep '' For Hefonnation Sunday, Dr. Charles 1-1. Dierenflcld "'ill preach "I 'Thin k_ I Hear Sonicthing~" a~ Sl. Andrew·"" Pretbyterlan Cbwch, fiOO SL Andrew 's Road, Newport Beach. Worship services are held at 8, 9:30 and II a.ni. Elder Milan Dostal w i 11 deliver a "f\.1inute for !\1ission·• n1essage at all three services. Pastor and ti.1 rs. Edwin TL Greene along with other nlen1- bers of Warner Avenue 8ap- t11t Cburcb, Warner Avenue ;it Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, are attending the Southwest Baptist Con ference Mid • year meeting th i !I weekend at the First Baptist Church of University City, La Jolla . "Any \Yord Fro1n 1 hf' Lord'!" is the serrno11 topic ot the Rev. Nor1nan L. BrO\\'n for Sunday's 10 a.m. service at r I y mo u l h Congrtgalionel Church or Newport Harbor, .1262 Broad SI . N e \V p o r f Beach S11nd<iv Schoo! is htld :11 ihc sa1nc t(n1c and b<il1y~ll· ling ser\ ice is pruv1dcd. Elder~ Lucille Baker. l::th\•in }!ind and Dr _ Robert Ralston will help bring the 1norning message at the 9:30 and 11 a .m. services at the Com· munlty Presbylerian Church of Laguna Beech. 41 5 Forest Ave. Sunday. Elders David Young and John Gillett will also participate in th e leadership of the morning ·worship. Church school is in session al 9:30 a.m. and nursery care i~ provided at both hour~. Al St. ~flcbael"s and All A n I e 1 1 ' Episcopal Church, 3233 Paclfi c View Drive, Corona d<'l r.tar. co1nn1unlo11 \\'il l be celebrated Sunday at the 8 and I I a.m. services. Morning prayer w\11 be read at the 9·30 hour_ The Canon Douglas Stc\'.:art will deliver the sermon at at! three services. Sunday school \Viii begin at 9:30 a.m. 'The every member canvass v:ill be con- ducted this Sunday also. Confirmation r\asse~ ;ire now he.ing hel d on Monda)'~. 'l'nu ng people mee.t al 4 p.1n, 11 hill' the adult and 1nqu1rrr~ cJa.~fiE's 1nec! al 8 p.111. ncgular Friday <'1·e1u11i:, Sahbath sl'rv1 ce:. at ll arl>or Jtefor m Tt'mpll' "'Ill be con· riucted by Rabbi Bernard P. King . The. 8:15 p,m. services 1rlll be held at St. .James Epi6copal Church , 3200 Via Lido, Newporl Beath. During the ser\•ice, Rabbi King will teach from the Torah and ex- plore !he continuing study or the Book of Genesis. With special n111sic by the C'hoirs Lulllerat1 Chu rch of the rttaster, 2900 Pacific ViPw Drive. Corona de.I r.lar will hold two hours of \1'0rsl11p on Refonnal.io n Sunday . f) r. \Villi 11 m R. Eller \.rill drlivl'r !he n1essagp "I Am l\'o! Ashamed of the ("";osJ)('I ·• Thl' eongrega11on 11•111ha1·e 11 special 1ngathering for r\lluun· bra Lut heran Hon1c The nt . /enngs 11•ill bf: col lec!rJ al \hf' t·hurch. 1\lesa Verde U n i led !\letbodlst Chu rch, liOJ Baker St .. Cost.a r.·lesa. will hold two 11·ors~ip service.~ Sunday ~ ,1nd J0:30 a.m. The R!'v. Paul C. Biesemeyer has selected a~ his ~ermon topic "Why the Church~'· Church school 1s held a! 9 a.m. for all ages, but !he J0·30 -a.m. school ts for nurs<'ry tJ1 rough si xth grade only. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. the . lun.ior High United Methodis~ Youth Fellowship meets . Senior High Youth Fellowship 1\·111 meet at the SPtne hour :'llonday. The congregation of Chrli;t Lutheran Church, 760 Victoria, Cosla r.1esa, y.·ill observe the Festi val of the Reformation al only the: 10 a m. service Sun- day. Sunday school and Bible classes ·will not mttl. The Rev. Lothar V. Torno1v ';\'Ill preach "Thy Kingdo1n Come ." Followh1g the service a speci al coffee hou r will be held in the patio to welcome new members by transfer. Pastor James G. Blain ha:> chosen as his .sermon title for both the 9 and II 1.m. wor£hip fiervices "Reformation • One or Many ?" He will speak Sun· day at Newport H • r bo r Lutheran Ctiurcb. 2501 CliH Drive, Newport Stach. A congregational meetl ng is ~lated for 7 p.m. to elect seven new council membtrs. dikuss the budget for 1970 and receive build!"' p r o g r t s s reports on new facilities. The Rev \Vlllls J Lriar, pastor of the f irst 8apU st Church of Huntington Btach. 11111 continue his messages of 1he Por1ra1 ts of Chnst SundJy with "The Vi'att>r of Life" as 111~ sern1on lltle. Se rvices w1!1 be held at 9·;1() a rn at Pcf'kc; Chapel. 7801 Bolsa Avt., \Vestn1inster and at 11 a.m. •t lhe Hun tington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Church school is held al !1 .:IO a.m. at the downtow n chapel tor all ages. 'The Senior BYF'~ a r e sponsoring a car \Vash today lO a.m. to 3 p.m. at a gas sta- tion on Warner and Spring· dale. Donatioru are $1. 'ronig ht the Adu lt Crusader t 'lass will have a dinner party ;1 t the. ho1ne o{ Mr. and f.1rs. Cha rles Browning . 7 o'clock. St. Wilfrid 's Episcopal Church, Chapel Lane al Ellis, l/untlngton Beach, w i 11 1velcome Canon Noble Owings to II a.n1. services Sunday. Canon Ov.'ings "'ill deliver the scrrnon and re\ebrale com· 111un1on Nursery care w1\I be pr0\'1dcd. Other servit<'S al St. l\'ilfrid '~ on Sund;-1y \\'lll bt 1:on1n1un1on :<ervice, 8 a.rn . morning prayer and Sunday ~choo!, 9:30 a.n1 , and 7 o'clock evensong. \Vor~h1pprrs al J-'ounlain Vallr~' Prt~b~·teti11n Chu rch . ~q~o 0 T;1lbcrt. \rill hc:.ir "/\ Discuss1v11 uf thr Di\'Ulf" Human .Je:-;u:; ,\!'; i11 lhf' Bible and the Shoricr C;Hech1sm" at the 11 a.n1. serl'itc Sunda y An invitation to acCfpt Jt>sus Christ as personal savior will be included in the sern1on. The Sunday school classes will n1ecl concurrently at 9:4fl a.n1. fllusic \vii! be reatured at the 7:30 e\"cning worship hour along \.\ ilh tl\'o short-sern1ons by the pa stor, --- The Rev. David DiProho \1·1tl preach this Sunday at Christ Church hy th~ Sea. 1400 \V. Balboa Blvd.. Newrmrl Beach . Earl y worshi)l and <'hurch sehool meet at 9:30 a.in . \\'il h another \1·ors'hip service at 11 a.m. The Senior High Youth Fello,11shlp \\'ill meet at 7 p.m. "Lights Across the River" is the sern1on topic selected by lhe Rev. Bruce A. l\urrle for the Presbyterian Church or the Co vt'nant , 28a0 1',air,•iew Hoad. Costa ,..1esa. Sunday \Vorship services will be held :-il 9:30 and II a.111, Church school through sixth grade will hr held at 9:30 a.n1. only. The :111nu11l congrcg<Jtional n1ccting lo elet't office rs anll tu adnrt the 19i 0 lentat11r hudgl!t is sl;itcd \\'edncsd[ly folio" 1ng a 7 p.m. dessert. The adult Sunday ~chool cl ass of Huntington-Valley Bapti~1 Church will ho\d a party al 7:4;) ton ight at the church, 9779 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. The )·oung people of the church "·ill attenrl a "Gigantic Spoo~·ln'' al \\'a g n er' 5 I-Jaunted I-louse 1n Anaheim next Fr1rlay at 6:30 p.m. Regular services for the church .include Sunday school. !1:45 a.111 ; niorn1ng \VOrship. 1 l o'cloek : youth ho11r 5 p.n1 ;;inrl C\'Cning wor~h1p. 6 o'cloc k, The Fir~I Uni ted 1\le thodi~t Church. 2721 Se\'rntcenlh Rl, Hun tington Beach. will Cl'Jn· duel worship sr r\·1t·e~ S1inda \' ;it 9 30 and 11 a.m. 1\•1th the Bfv. Ed ward (' 1-~rn y preaching. His top ic 1s "\\11a1 the Bible Has to Say Ahoul Astrology. Fortunc·telling. Etc." Church sch ool is held at 9 30 and 11 a.m. "-lth classes for all ages. The Inquirer's Class 1neets <11 l0 .~5 a.in . and the y01Jlh groups meet at fi :.lO pm. \\ledneWay the Con1- 1niss1on on f inance "'ill meet at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Fred. G. Overby will pre<lch at both the !I a nd HJ:JO a.111, ~ervh.:cs for Co in· n1unity United ~I t: th o d i s t Church. The title of his ~crmon is ''Enough 1n Go Around." Church s c ho o I elasses are ht!ld during bolh srrvices. A cla::.~ for high S<'ho:il students is held at !he 9 a.m. hour only. The r.1e thod 1st you t h fellowsh ip groups n1er1 ~l 7 o'clock each Sunday evening ol the church. On Thursday, World J)ay or Prayer, the Women's Society will host wonu~n fr om First r.·lelhodist Hun tington Beach and Fountain Valley Method ist churches in a program of sell· denial and prayer al the chu rch, 6662 Heil Avt ., Hun· tington Beach. A sacrificial luncheon will be 5trved . The program starts 1t 9:30 •.m. On Reformation Sunday, church school classe~ are schrduled for 9 a.m at Rt:!iUr· recUon L uth t r • n Church. 9 8 I 2 Hamilton, Huntington Beach. Adult discussion g r o 11 p me<'I S al 9 a.m. al!'io to con· llnue ll1c series on "The f>ara b!c:s Rpeak 10 l.1ft" \\"or.~h1p 1~ at JO 30 a 111 and Pe\v --, Pastor Arthur f-l . Tingley will speak on "A Co 11 tlnu 111g Rt>lorntalion." "Hi-Lea guf:''' Yn11lh ::i r ,. s\aled to meet pt 11 :30 p.m. In the Educatioo Building for their Halloween Supper. EW1lh-grade y o u t h i11· structlon is held r-.1ontlay, 4 p.m. Cos la Mesa's Falrvttw Bap- tist Church will hold worship services Sunday, 10 a.m., with lhC' Rev. Mel Taylor preaching "\Vhen a Man Cries Out to <~:xi." Church school begins at !l a.m. Children through sixth grade attend the expanded "Faith in Work " cu rriculum session from 9 to 11 :15 .11.m. Rally Day will be marked Sunday at Church of th e Nazarene, 1885 Anaheim St.. Costa Mesa with the Keys to Life contest ending. Sunday !.chool n1eets at J9 ;JO ;i _n1 . 11.'lorning worsh~ is slal~ l'nr 10:45 "'ith Pastor Ch<1rl<'S Snyder presiding. The Hev.' 1\1tre1I llcrald. dirrctor ul education f:ir \ht> Council on Alcohol Problen1s. will speak . "The: 1\lcasure of Our Faith'' i~ !he scnnon scllT1cd 1)1• I Jr•. Philip (;. i\l ll rray l1w 1\0rsh1p ~c r1Jc('S, II) .1 .rn u1 Coron:1 tl1'I . \lar Con1111un ity C h u r c• II , Co n g t e g a I i o n a I , 2lil I I lcliot rope c\ Vl' 111c Ne \.\·port Unity Churt·h - congregation "'ill 1ncel St111- doy, 10 a.m. at Senior Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine, Ne\vport Beach tor worship servic es. The Rev. Loren Dale Flickinger will speak on "Take a'Sland.'' A community sins is plan- _11ed for \\'ednesd ay, 7·30 p.m. ;il so at the Senior Ci!izcn.~ Building. Ttmplt Beth rla \ id o I Orange Coun1y \1·ill conrluut regular Sabbath serl'ices Fri- day at 8 . lfl at the Co1nn1uni!y Con g reg a tion<1I Church. Katella and B I o o n1 r i c I d Avenues, Los A I a nii I os . Services will be conducted by flr . F'rank Rosenthal, Rabbi ·remple Beth Torah of Los- Angelcs and rabbi or thr Compton J ewish Center before its merger with Ternple Beth Sholom of 1.ong BC'a l'h. The Fift ieth B 1 r n n i a 1 Convention of lhe Union ul An1erican llebre"' Congrcg:1· tions is nO\v in pr ogress 111 f.1iami Beach, Fla. Reprcsrn- t1 11g Teinple Be1h 1Ja1·1d nl ()range County a:) dclt·g:it,..., 10 1hc Convention wil l br Hahbi Rernard B. Gol ds1111th ;111(1 Hobert Grove. cha1nnan ol 1hr adult educallon eomn11ucc oi the temple. The Na tional F'rdera11 on of Toinplc Sisterhoods will ;:i!so hold its 27 th Biennial Cnn· vention at Miami Beach al lhc sa1ne time. Rercscnt.ing the Sis1 trhood of Ten1plr. Belh David "'ill be ~lrs-. Bernard B. Goldsmith. The Rev . Bruce Cushl11g v,d\ preach "Tl1t Lost Shf'ep ol lhr House or Israel" at !he 10 45 a m_ worship h::>ur for Firsl ('hri~tian Chureh, Lr g i o 11 ~treC't, L:iguna Brach "Chn.~1 in Passover" is 1hr 1hc111r nf 11\e 7 p.m. "·ur sh1p livtu', presented by Harry Bura1 ,1u·11 frnrn the Amrric<in Boa rd of :\l issions. A candlel ight t uni· mun 1on ser1·1ce w11) fo\1011 thr talk. Tl1c :\!1ss1011 Conr1'rr11Lc: al First Ba.pti~t Church of Cnsta J\1esa, 301 fl!agn :ifia . conclude s Sunr!Ry with !he Rev . \\l;illace \.. \\'iilia1n~ of Riversit!r Bap· List Temple speaking al J l a.m. and 7 p.m. services A youth missions rally i" slated toni~ht, 7 o'clock , w!lh a talk by Paul Neumann, ex- pro basketball pla yer and St anford University ~landout. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs . P. G. Neumann and is prepar. 1ng for mission work in 1hr rar East. Speak in& al 9 anrl I! a n1 services, \ht Re ". \lenr .v Gerhard will present ;i talk entitled ' · 0 b s l ;i (' I r ~ 10 Illumination'' at Church ut Religious Sci ence, 2 0 0 Ii 2 Laguna Canyon Road. Lagunti Brach. Junior church anrl !hr high school group Ol('CI during Lhe 9 o'elock worship. Dr. Gerh;ird lectures 1o Ille public tach Thursday. JO a.111. at Leisure World , Clubhous<' Two. The Spir!Wal A1stmbly of the Baba'ls of C-Osta ~lesa will present a pubhc lecture by Joan Bul kin Qf television and film at the t\1onday evening Fireside 8 o'c:lock, al the Baha'i Center. 985 Vit:· tor la. She will !peak on "Tll~ r-.1eaning of Baha'i is Relialon Renewed.'' The Orange County Bah11'! Schoel meet.a al the llappyland Pre-·School in Garrll'n C.rovr. Sundays at IO:JO a n1 fnr all ages. Sund3y's tesson·5errnon "' Christian Science. Churches 11n the cnast is "Proha11on 1\fto::r- Deeth, '' ( 114t ST :,Jli l , '\ ~:I ..-. I I •· .. .. ! . ,. ·• I..,,; I' : . \ I ~ ~ -. Your Horoscope Gemini: Romance Ahead SUNDAY OCTOBER 26 l!iy SYD NEY O~IARJt. GENERAL TENDEl'liCIES: F'CH"m alllances, lrlendshlps with lndlvlduals who ap- preciate beauty. ~1 a ny today are sensltlvt ; some o( best recrr.ellon com's I hr o u g h music. TA URUS ptrson.• ap- pear p<trUcu larly fortunate. wbil' LIBRA wfns popularity poll. Lunar position good for fishing. ARJES !:'11arch 2\·Arril \~)· You get who! you go alter: be discrin1inaLing. Live up to potential ; accept add ed responsibility. Key is to know that 1nore persons care about your "'eifare than rnighl be imagined. LEO /J uly 23·Aug 22 \· Be r~dy to ac:cepl and analyre new irlea!, concept!. Vi!il rro1n Libra indi vidual could pro\e sllmulating . Shake off preconceived notions . Listt n and learn, Accent on pe rsona! advancc1nent. YIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpl . 22 1 ~1oney expended for tra\'el , long·range programs is "·ell :-pent. Stress on ho1ne con1· for.ls. D::i someth ing !Od<iy \\•hich n1akes liitnily 1netnber happy. P.xpress lol'e. ioy, ap- preciation. LIBRA tSept. 2J.(ll't 22 1 Yo11 are popular : n1any wan ~ your advici;.. and v.·i!l accept l1nanc1al guirJa11er. Accen l on how yo11 handle special ac- counts, as$lgnn1cnls. Be ready for change, travel, variety. ) :>ti art misinformed. lfeed yoor awn Jud&menl. CAP RICORN (Dec. ZS-Jan. 19J : Be creative. You neid outlet fo r eqires.•ton. Don 't bP. frightened by tradi tion. Builrl your own lractitions. Show "'ha t you 're worth. AQUA IUUS IJan, 20-f'eh. Ill) fl·loy be difficult for y(Ju \o be practical -but il 1s necessary. Your vi s ion~. drca1n s bet:on1e reali!ies only 1t you hulltl on solid ba se. Know llus -and acl aC"- i·ordingly. llornt a fr a ir~ doininate. PISCES ~Feb. 19·~1arch 201 · V1 s1l with relative cl)Uld prri· duce co nstructive r e s u 1 t !I • Clear air ('tlnl'ernlng loar-. debt or payrncnt schedult'~ Then you tan relax. One clov to you 1s concerned over your "'el!arr.. If TODAY IS vou n. Bishop Sheen Returns To New York , Television TAURUS (April :ZO.May 20): .A,ccetll on personality, ap- pearance. Ci rcwnstances turn in your fa\·or. You receive me a n i ngful complin1ents. much praise. Excellent for sharing recreation Y.' i t h neighbors. co-workers. GEMINI !May 21·June 2Ul :: Romantt is re a t 11 r r d . Ord inar.v even ts are rl rcsscd up. colored -Jhe daily routine SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 )· \\'hat seems obvious rould prove elusive.. You will need family backing. An apparent minor error could be bto"'" oot of prol>Qrlion . Kno\v l111i; and keep you r cool. Be specific, thorough . SAGIITAHI US i No1· 22 · Dec. 21): B" scn~lblr 111 eP leb rating spc~·lal e v {' n ! , Rc1nernber diet, health -and kno11· you 1nust f;i ce yo11rsrll in lhe morning. Some around BlrtTHDAY ~·ou are <lue to gel on sounder financial fooling. Period of preparation is over. Now lhc seeds begin !o blosson1 . H single. matrimony C':1nnol be t::iu far away. ro Pi<i<! O"' wno'\ I~<•' 10, v~u In .,,.,.., ""o rovr, "'~" ~•dn•y 0 •11tn'o ~oo•lel. "S•"e1 •>1111\ -'"' 11"" ""~ W!lf>'~n •• S•na b"!~<1ai. •"<! so c·~• •o 0"''" ••Trol~oy S•<•••.> '"" O••l V P ILOT, II~· J1•0, G••n<I Cr n"al Sto t•On, tj•"" Y~••• >IV 10011 • NE\\' YQl(f>:: !A l'l -"Tiu· rc111·c1nc111 \.\<l!'i dictated hy spiritu;iJ con:;iderations. and :.u \1 i!I be the 1110111<'nt o{ return,'' Fulton .J. Shet·n. bi:;ho p and tclc"1sion star, said in 1957 \.\'hen he ended his popular show. The "momenl or return" carne las! v.·ee k when hC' resigned as Ro1n11n Catholic Bishop of Rochester. to go back to Nr\1' York C1tv and !clf\•ision. prr.:ic·h1ng . 11;riling. and 11ork1ng 1norc than C\'er tor the poor . D11ring his three ,\cars in Hochestcr. Sl\e{'n, now 74. ran 11110 frequent criticisn1 rif his incthods. Co 11 $ e r v a ti v e Cathol\cs t•on1pl;unrli he was l'hanging too niany things. Progressivrs, including many Rochester priests. felt he put so many ne w ideas into mot ion al the sarne time !hat the best cou ld not catch hold. "I nlO\'r loo fast. l'm LOO progressive.·· he ad1nits For vears hf' has ah1•3vs looker! Younger than his a&e . Now his si lver·strcBkcd black hB ir is rapidly turning \1•hilf' and his lean facr is fi!ti ng . Bul his t'nrrgetic opt1misn1 l'f'· nn1111s 111.:h. •·1 :1111 not rr!1r111g. I a111 n'gc11l'r;-tt1ng ., lie said r11 · 1hus1a:.t1<·ally about leaving l!uchC'!.ltT H{' 1udgt's his llcahh pcrfl'l.:I. plays 1cnnis l\1 IC\'.' a \.\'{'Ch . Ile \l'ent to Rol'll<'~lrr. ;i r:n111pany to"•n, in J)eccn1br.r. 1966, \1•lth a black @he1lo pro- blt1n <ind a largely lr;ich - lionalist Catholic at l it u d c abo11L !.hr 11'ay the Church nu ghl to do things. \\'ith10 a y.·rck hr \1·;1~ in · vol\'ed 1n a d1~pute bet\\·c:en local hlack mili1;ints and the East1nan Kodak Co ovrr "'hethcr or not lhe big corn· p:~ny \\Ou!rl tiirr ;ind train 600 Negroes. A young pri{'sl <itti\'r in ri1 ii r1.'(ht~ 11·as the onl.v 11 hllf' m11n liclonging to !hf' b I a I' k org;inizat1011 H1 ~hop Shre n 1n11nc·d1atrlv nan1rd h11n 111.~ "\u'ar lbr thr urb.:in 1111111:-.lr~ " lu., pf' r ~on a I delcg a le a rnrin g 1he predom1na n1.ly hlack poo r, !hf' first such appo1nt1nent 1n any L' .s. diocese "Stained-glass windows are Cl1urch Sets Farn1 Work Iss ues 1'alk apt to becloud our vision of poverty and distress." the bishop observed al the time. Priest and prelate alike "·ere soon getting hate mail. Bishop Sheen had long been concerned about poverty and brotherhood. It showed during the 22 years he preached on ··the Catholic Hour" radio pro· gram from 11.s start in 1930. ll showed in his numerous books, ma~y of lhen1 devotional volumes approaching t h e posilive-lhinking style 0 r Norn1an Vincent Peale. It sho\\·ed in his 15 years 3J! U.S. direC'lor of Catholic for<'lgn mission fund -rai.'<in11:. and it showed in the "Life Is Wo1th Lil"ing" net\\·ork TV li!lk show. Roch ester ga1·e l1i111 !hr l·hance to sec poverty <1nrJ despair first·hand do1\·n the st reel. He allowed ft-lass to be said in private homes, provided the congregation \.\'as interracial. and he went to a slum household himself to do it. He started a Bishop Sheen Hous- ing Fund which. by th is week, has 1nade a total of 15 oulrighl girt~ of downpa yrnent n1oney to ghetto rainllies latking' 1'11ough savin gs to buy tlomcs. !·;xrcpt for .sttying that he 11ill scL up an olf!ce 1n ~lanh<illan anrl that a nrw television C-Ontract i.~ bein~ negotiated. Bishop Sheen ha~ kept to h11nself for the n10- ment the details of his Juturc plans. Ru! hi$ 16-hour daily "'Ork schedule \'.'ill be dcl'oted to ad· dressing the questions of a1heisrn, the cu rrent crlsis of l;~!lh r!lsturb!ng the Catholic Church. th~ relief or po,·erty 11hr.rc\er it is on lhe globt. hccomcs effervescent. B e_ subtle. :-.taintain air o f mystery. Let people play guessing game. CANCER (June 21-J uly 22 1: Fun at home indil'ated. Taurus indi\'idual co u I d prove lire or you r party. Ac· cent on friendships, special agreements. Your intuition work~ overtime. Heed inner voice. Baptist Pre-school Opens l 'lass The Ha ppy Child Pre-school, operated by F irst Southern Baptist Church of Costa Me!ia, will open another class Nov. I. Open lo the public, the school is located at 6fl0 \\'. Hamilton. Children \11ho will be fou r year$ old by Dec . 2 a!· tend the scho0l on i\1onday, Wednesday and Friday. Three· ye ar-olds altend Tu esdays and Thursdays. The school mcel ~ rrom 9 to I J ::io a.m. and cosL~ !."22 for Ule i\lond;iy grollp per 1no11th and ~15 for lhe Tut·sdi'y group. The pre-:.ehoul hol1d:iy~ ;ind 1 Jeat1011!'i Jullow 1hc Nc11 pur l· 1\ll'sa St.:hoot District schedule. i\lr.~. Bruce Ha rrington. th e director, graduated I r om Universily of No rth Ca roli11<1 niajorin g in child devel.op· nicnl. She has taught at pre - schoo ls in G::irdrn Grol'e and Fountain Valley. Further 111- forma!ion may be obtained by 1·alling her at &42·1 ~26 ()r 962· .1185, Priest Grou11 t,o Aid M exicu11-,41nericans TITHING TIM.E . • • 1Contlnued from Pare 4) substantially less than 10 per· cent. In nearly a quartt:r century of canvassing for Io c a I churches, this reporter has ye t lo encounter anyone \.\'hose ob- jeclions t G "mechnnical '' tl!hing prompted hiin to give 100 p<>rcent, or 50 percent, or even 20 percent o{ his 1ncon1r. THE ARGU~I ENT for tithing is threefold. Thr story of .Jesus rorev11r belies any such notion as that. AND YET, however great lhe rlsk of misu nderstanding, one musl give h o n e ~ t testimony a bout the ex- perienct of his o"'n life. And countless tithers have ex· perienced the fulfillment of J~sus' promisr : "Cii"e to others. and GOd \1ill gi\·e 10 you : You '"''111 receil·e a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands -all that. you can hold." f''irst. it has biblit.,1 1 sane· tion . l;-rom tht time oil Abraham to the time of Jesus,·,============. tithing "'as considered a basic duty of God's peoplf'_ The ; Prophel Malachi felt so' strongly about it ht said that al man "'ho gives less than a l tenth is robbing God. Jesu~ certainly o eve r rcpudi :1 t<'d thr idea of tithing He urJ!ed rnen lo go the second n1 ile , to do even more than the l;iw required. Second. tithing pu\s giving . 011 an ordf'rly basis. L"nlrss ~011 rcsol\'r 1n ;idv;1 11t•t lh;i\ CHURCH FOR SALE let1ch eret1, l2 IC 90 •111c'••'l' -111h 200 ,_,..,,.., Offfc" 111d 'cllo•I 111 '''''''' l111lldh11 . 21/4 er.r11. WALKER & LEE 545.9451 (;od·s tcnlh co1nes off the top,:,.----------- ~ou'll nc 1·er be <1b!c !O ··af··1.---------'-..,"I ford" 111hing . There 'll always br some other need for money 11·hich seems. at the moment. more prc.~sing. Thi rd . tithing brings grea t BUSINESS AND PROFESSIO:~AL GUIDE re11·ards. 1'he 111ost important:1i ... _."_.., _____ ,, re \\·ards are spiritual, of e MATTRESSES e course. But a large number of l;:;--..;..;:.;.;..;..;.;.;;;.;.;.;. __ ~. lit he rs have discovered -lo MATTRESSES their own surprise -that the.y l also secr11 to get along better, in a purely material sense, lhan they ever did when they; we re too "practical'' to give Gori his full tenth. BOA Tl' · H0:\11':! · TllAil,.EM lrT'f'fUl•r t!ih•Pftl CG~I• ,,Jen ~t1ttres1 Ce. tlMI Newport Bl•d· Liberty 8-1303 There <1re dangerous pitfalls e UPHOLSTERY e here_ It would be blasphemou~1.---.;...-.;;..;;.;.....;;,"'"--.;, Mesa Upholstery Liberty 8·4781 1o suggest thnl God's fa\'or Gan be bough t \\'ith money, And it 1l'ould be t•lc<lrly un· I biblical to suggrst th;i!. lho5e who serve God are assured ofi JlSO NIW,Olff ILVD. SAN ANTON IO. Tex. (AP\ Cali fornia grapt boycol1. hi.~ protection against the I -Saying ~·!exican·Americans One of the rtsolutions ca l).<:j ~';;'•;;ci;;';;'';;'";;d;;c;•;•;;';';h;";;';";';';'~'';'\iii~~=-~=-====-"=' hcil'e been "forgotten" by thr ror lht "immediate'' .a p--\r- Romil.n Catholic chu rch. an poinlmen! of nalive Spanish ~ 7. l organization of Spanish spea k· speak ing priests as pastors in \ ing priests has su rfaced to la rge Spanish speaking com· : voice"thecry of our people ." munities. ·F • h' fle1n ri I p _J_ Pounders or the nationa l Anor her a ~serts that Mex· 1~·.: Cltr oven 0 Q Ont n r g an i z a t ion . c a 11 e d ican·American.s make up "one "PADRES," announr:ed !hey of the largest and most forgot- \\ 111 present a · • m a j o r ten segments of Catholicism in rlocument," to the Na tiona l the Un ited St.ates'' and asks Conference o{ Bishops in that bishops be appointed Tiu So uthla11d's i\lo<I B"•utiful J\femorials \Vashlngton next month . "from the ranks or the in· I The nAmc stands r 0 r digcoous Spanish •peaking ... ~~~ TREESo.o •• f ..• ~h .. e •. w_ ... 0 RLD ;.Priests for Religious. Educa. l lergy" in areas ht avi\y ... ~ •• _ lion al anrl Socia! Rights." populated by those w i t h ~~~~~~;;;~~;.: ... ~;;~~~~~~~~:¥;:¥;~ h • .,._ s-.... •ii a.--,. . The PADRES organization l'tpanis sumame!'l. was founded in 1 tllrtt-d1y The Rev, Henry Ca~so. •n 11'• .... ••• ... ••••••••••......_.,,,,,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,:; con!erenct hert. Atte nrlir1g a c Ii v t Mexican-American ·ROB LEM " Farm v.•llrkrrs dPm~n(i~ were up to 50 pr iests fro1n priest locally and spokesman YOUR p • • 1$ thf' lfJpit ior a [nur-week . • • seven states, j n c 1 u di n g for PADRES, said l ht.• • ~cril:'s planned al St. Mark California. organiiational meeting had• You w•nt to· sell some item • Presbyterian Church. 2100 The PADRES also \Venl on the blessing tf Archbishop ~ t 1\1ar Vista. Newport Baach, ' 1 ;i tli•t you no longer ne.d ltut record ln support nr Cesar F_rancis J . Fu~ey. head of the! iomeone •lse can u•• flH" : Sunday, 7 .311 p.ni. Ci1<1vez, leader ol the big San Antonio Archdiocese. : • Other talks wo tl be gh•en . 1 .., __________ ;;;;_oo;;_;;;;;;; __ _, 1 :.. N 0 T 0 VER $ 5 0 t ,,,, .. 2. 9 an<I !6. Spc"''" w1~A'f DOES THE ? ? ? ? ? ? • :ind lhf.'ir topics include· --. ,,. • tr i:.~~~r p~~ian6c~lsto;~ Pt~~ BIBLE SAY 1=:= YOUR• A'NSW,ER·,· ' :i• historical perspective of the ABOUT SJN'I problem; Al lr.Oo Vazq uez. • ·• You ctll THE OAILV PILOT, ••k I°' representativr. of lhc United SI N ,•u••1 on• 'o b1 ••h•1111il '"" •fr1id 1: Cl111lfl•d Advertising, ind piece • i Fafln Workers, on the •nd w1nf •• HIDE ! Ad•m '"" fv•. '~• .i. workers' point of view; o•i9in1I 1lnn•"· ,,;,d to HIDE fro m Goll I:•.• PILOT •.: Kev in V. Ne I so n , 1fl1r th1v di1ob1v1d, G•n. l ~t . $i1111•.i. tn Coachell a v a 11 e y grape ·~e J,''•'e"'•"' o • .,, will "'c'"' • ,., 1.,., •• ','.d•, bv• no,·,·, ,·',u 11. 1· PEN NY • grO\.\·er, on the growers' loun . 1v. •:t•. 20 : I I, ti"'i "' '·to •Y '"' l1rr1 .. ; , iv•1. I ln •n•i•lv, lryin9 lo hide fro111 iu•li<1, SI N '1u1 11 -!rou ble •ntll i • :irgumenl: and Ra ph A. """'o•I ;., 1~, lift el +ht tinner, HERE. •nd ot1rn 1l ,.,,c1 ,..,.,,,; • ., • Kennedy, elder or St. !\lark'& HEREAFTEk. Sin ;, en UGLY wo•tll. ii;, •n UG LY lhi11 •. "-The • PINCHER •••• church, on how lht in· w1y of th• tr1111ir111on 1$1NNER51 i1 HARD", th• l •bl• ,,.,,, ,.. dividua l and the church are ''· IJ:IS. ,. CLASSIFIED AD • involved . SI N h11 1 GLITTER lo ii: ll 11 +•m1tor1tlly 11tr1cllv1. Hth. t t:25. it • f or fur ther ~nrormatlon l ut th • 191d 1inn1r, ;..,,.,:,on.ii 1i+h1r i11 •cell or bv h1u11tln9 1! : please cal! 644·1~41 or ~40· theu,hh of• w11t1t1 , ••ii lilt , will •d•i11 lh1 vount lo •vefil 1• AT OUlt SPECIAL LOW RATE • 42 4 1111 1nil c.lin9 t• l~•I whi1~ i1 9o•d, iu1f ond l1wful. I' • I . SIN;, "-11111,9,.ulon of th• l1w", I J11. l:~ On• who viel1t1i 10 41 3 LINIS 2 y1u15 2 DOL' 'IS ,::• th1 l1 w1 of tht l1nil SI NS 19•11111 hi1 fe llo w m111. 51111d t t1, tr· "" - Cl I 11 I 1oni1t1. d:o1u1b•n of th• Jl••C•, ilru11•1rdo, ht•tll-ol ru' u1•"· tn• · lUJ'C 1 C llS 1•c.h:11i 111d ethe r civil l1w viol •lott ctu•t wfllolil ,,.;l••v in th• ... ,1i1 .,,1111 ,,,,, b illio~• of iloll•n ••th vt'' i11 i1 11 tru,1:.,,, •f AND YOUR CR.EDIT IS GOOD I . ' NE W YORK fUPJ ) -Th<' lift '"cl p•op••ly; t v111 th111 11•opl1 111¥ "'''' 11,11 •~cl 1ulft• • DI AL NOW DIRECT I • Board or directors or l.utheran b•c.•u•• ol 1h11r ,;,,, not to ..,,"lion innoc1111 1uffe1111. 0111 w~• : ., • ! \\'or1d Relier havt earrnarkedl ~.01111 1 God'• l1w1 1i111 ,,.;,,,,God. All of Ged't l1w1 ••• lo• -. 6 4 2 • 5 6 J 8 •, th1 GOOOO .f "'•<tki ""· Tht 1•rlh wo uld b• • nic.t 11 lt(t if •11 • n('arly 25.000 ton.~ of food and ""~",,,,,,God '•''"''· c • .., •. tlucl v Gecf1 14WI with UI, Chutch • IT 111 H th c "140 12201 • mo1rl" 1h:in ~fl0.000 for Asia and : • '" 11 ••• • • I of C~''"· 217 W. W:l10" SI., c.,,, Mt t•. \- thr f.luJtllc !~;i~L. '!i..----------------------''"••••••••••+•tt•tt•••••••••••••••••••••••••~ • T I I r ,. Con1ment Page HOW KA TY WINTERS HELPED MAKE THEM • • • NAMATH McCARTH Y LENNON SPOC K BAEZ • • • HEROES TO TODA Y'S YOUTH 111e kids 11;:1\"t ~rl<'rtcd their own hrrn:;>~ ,11 111! -for bcnrr 11'.· wur'r -!11c· pe<1plr lhe.Y ad1n1re arc the ones 11ho cal! lifr ;1~ they see ii, ll'1!h no clcCl'p\1011. ,Joe :\a1nath. Ccnr 1\l<·C;1 rlh~ Thr H,·atlr·'· l.cary .. Jo;1n Bac1.. l\11u.lly Old IJ<1t·1or Kpock 1\!l vf 1he1n reh•·h 1\11 of thr111 politically naive. a!n1n-.1 slUJlld Alt Ht the m ,,·inner.~ -but 111th :i li.np. They blast th1·1r 11 :1y .110111; t 111•.;11·t1~ lt1c1r drstinir~. sur111 in~ sornrho11. l'<1f:t r In \\'in but 11·1ll1ng In losr !! to 11 111 11uuhl mean IG sell 11111 People 25 .<1111] under lun n a 1'1t..1ll,1 un1- ri ur gcnr rHliun 111 thr t11~1 ury 11! Ille 11"orld T0tlay ·!'i kids nrvr r knell' a ti111c. 11hr11thcrr 11·as11't r;_1d10 and 11 Thl'~· l1;1d it rre·nata\I\' Soinr were Cl t'n ('fll1t't'i1 cd to !he n1el1lfh 1ous str<.1111:=. of ,,,!r1·1s1011 or r;Hliu I :1(1111 1\ 11 .:; h,u·d lu 1111:igi11c ;ir.1011r 'p;111 11ril 1(1 I 111·lr \11\tl r nr Lawrt·nce \\'el k. but it h;1cf lo h;11 r h;1p· p!'IH'd l"OH ALL TllEIB !hr~ ,.,,1,1.1 '~ 11.u11,:: people J1;11 c lx·cn 111«1n ·xpn:-."1I lu Ilic <l "adl v r<•''~ of r:itho and tv rt11n n1rrt·1.t1~ l! 1hcy arr 11.Ua)' 111 rr•h.·!11on. (,Jn <lll~lll\l' \\O!ldl'r 11 h1 ., I ask you lo 1111:1;;111ri h.,11 !1~1·1~ ·,.., 111t!llf: people had to r1•<lr l to ,..,111111• ul \1\1· rl';1l prople 111 lh<' rr;i l 1111rlrl of hr•1.11lt ;1-t act· er1 1~1n.c Ta~e my a ll t1111e l:1111111c, h :1!y 'foJ.-ru /10111 r111 rrclclrr~~ /Jy .lr1 n1 r.~ ,\'1c~·e /. ricr prr~1~/r11 r 1i ,1il 1·1r 11111•r r/1rT<'lur of /1 /1 ·{·u11 J1·f:r1ckso11 orli·r 1·/1 v 111ri (lft<'11<·y, Los AHJ1r/r,\, \I ul\rr.,, llrrr·~ a ,::II'! o/ :.l1ghrly lu•lle r !11an a1 l·ragr loo ks .\ol a bad f1gurC', 1C'n· 11111.i; 11111 :1rcls bustn1t'"" \l'ti:t'h 1.,11 l ;_1l\ogcthcr ;;n u11·An1('r1t<l n a1tri bute, J\011 . h::i1y h<1~ ch:ir!t:lt h('r 011 n ldf'-plan, and ~he rollo11.~ it 11·1tti Cru.~Jdrr·hk c zr::il. h:nt,V honr~t ly brlie1 e1' 1h;i\ ('1er.1' h111n<111 fldt·rnm;i i:~n be sol1 rd hy a g•Jod un· llC'rar111 cifodora11L. (;ol a Li1t lc Thr;ilre procl uc l111n ll1;1l l!;i .. you 11111Ti1·c1·.• !Jp11't h(ltli rT 1't1 1d)·1n~ .1'(1ur 1!1 e~. Dron·l a.~k l11 r a li tt le r xlr:. !'Qach1ng S1111ply l;iy <1 l111lc ~c·cr1·t J)t'•ld(•l'ant on .)Utlr ;1 n 11p1t.\, and ll1«y IJ JJ;iy S8 llO a t:opl' !(.lr t1c·hi.:1.,. Cot a ro:n:.int.:l' on th1• rut k .. " Doll'l' :i link 01 1,,1 '.~ ·1' 111;11,u; 11u!11111 11l1l·r1· 1r\I il o the nlO\! .~ood. :intl gl t rr.idy to ~tri p for ;1r11u!l. !\:11 v \\ 1ntl'f' .-.re~ the 1·11 t1rc 'l'Uj•l' 111 1n;1,!1J..l11d ,1 , lfi)\' 1(11\J.! lfljl 1(1 lht: lJ.11hru11u1 10 a111•111t Ill!< undcrarn1s. IF rOL' \\'Q.\'l)Ell 1111) "CJ!ll(' uf lotla.1 ·~ ~.•d" ~1nrl1 a 1i11lc r1pr, n1a)h<' ~·011 h;ul hc:irr fllll ~0111r l•f thr hla111•· 1111 l\aty anit hrr creal or~. If )uu 1p been lull! thil! a • Ill Wai· Lady G1111l1 ild11 Left Us a Legac_y Re>ga rdlrs~ nf 1hr ptnl'ld 111 l11.,tv1·.1·. f\1;111 h;.s pro1rn 1r1 \)r ri 1·on1p1il,..11r label('!'. He l~ COJl!IX'lll'd tn ;1[!JCh a 1.1h1·I to c1•r r}llll ll h. be 11 .i n"·~11.1 111r nn acron~ ui. d !)!\•1rtc11111~ o! a prc1pi·r 11 .H111·, d l'Orn.iplll)ll of ii llUl'll. !)I JU:.l '"' •Jtlt - a nd·OlJl n11~undl·1 .• t;ind111~ rhat hcl'onu;:; 1!'l•lrr.~l ;tntl;1hlr The :i~1ro1n a11pc'ar ~ II• hr "I f Jhl' 'IH•rrl', like the .~hor. 1 11~. lhrn u,,f' II Hnot. IOll'C ll " hlllt•. .\Jr,,t 11 onl~ r 1·r1a111!.1-l1;i1 1• 11d1·1 1•,1111~ it 1111! nr{'l'~ .. :1r1ll' 111~11ff t'1I bt·J:?.1nn111J.!.' J·vr cx,111111le, thC 11u1tl tank c<.11ne 1n•n "or lan,::11.11-'I' .t , 'II• 11 11hl'(I the l\r lll'h lti \' 1.rld ll;ir I l1r~1 ~!11p1~·1 I tht·1r 1111i:,1111il \' ;1f 111:1( 11111('' ,I! tH'' 1111' 1·11,llllll I l!l ) r:111I.'.•' Tl1!' t'l.!11 ' ( 1\lll.lllllP.,. I Ii• '•' rt I ll hl !IOll;Jf\' I 1'1\1\'\( • II l'I'!' .. 1\'11\'iiJ oj 1;:11 k lv looi Grn11:11 1 01!.!l'(l\~ TIH• IU'-t' 1111rkr•I and lh" 11;11111• .111<~. The 1l'l'111 /(l,i'!' 1~ ;.11 <.11,·1'011.1 111 f111· ~ (\llll'll\111 /.jl(l1\ /11ljlll )IC,dl11I\ [)I .~1 111\· ulatC'cl l~n11~~1ri 11 ••f Ji:id lh llun, a 11alilc ]ilU'l1olllC l1 1•11 t1 r .... l dt'l11(J11S!r'<i1 t•fl :i: J lughrs i<f·Sc<lrl h L:i!i11ra 1 0r1t·.~ 111 J 960 r:;y UE.·\Cll l'\\; 1111" :u111111111\ l•1r a f·u rrr11 ll~· ro1n1111111 11unl. ii "l'l'''"'~ 1h.i1 Anglo-Sason Lo11 111en 11err .1n1un~ the rirsl 1n dt•1 l'h11nn~ :111 ,11 1·111 r~· r<.1ngc. 1'hcy u~ril a 1 1~1 1:1rg1·1 11 11 11 ;1 tr111rr piece 11rol\;11Jly 111;ul(• fr1111\ a 'a'.1r!l.fll f 1rrr l1111 b Thi.~ 11 h1lr !'1•1111•1' 't'l'li!•ll 1··~11· 1 r;1.t~tl 1111h lh1' 111 l'rodl 1.ir..:11 .111d 11,.~ 1hc ~i>ol n1:1rh'ln1,·n u·u·d (n l11l 'I !1.s "bla1,J.. .~pot ' h1:t'.llll(' \t;11u!arrilll'•t .abou t 1hc ~ll.l' ul .1 lTu11·11 p11•11' ;111\11•1.•11 \\'1th thf' rcno11 lll't! l11ni;ll11w hrollf:ht h1· 1he cQnqur rin i.: .\ur11u1n\. 11 IH1•h .111111· fancy ~lumhng 1.1 hit 11,1• t'1·11lt•r l1l.u1k !'i pol lro1n a d1<.t 1111t·r H111 l'\1·r~· ~ouni; la d oui In '>'Ill 1\1· q1111<·r rr,1111.rrl lhn l to h1I lhc l<irC!r t dc:ut i.:r n11·r Ii<' hail 1(1 "point ;;L thr bl ank " F n •111 !111s eanH~ point blank 11u11 111•U <' 11\..rl~ 111 h•· associated 11·11h c xp lo~11·c 11·c;_11x111 ,. ---i·tjilj;11.11 !1<i ll•rtl.n Ol tOIJC'r ~."i l~lf;!J 1·hl' ("1111111·11! l':tl-(' rlf !11!' [J;nlr l'1h•l ~t·ck <. to 111101111 a nd · .~11nu1!;1tt' r'l'.1<l1r ... h.1· prcs<'nl 111~ ;,i 1 r1 r1{'t v 'ti ron1 · n1 rnt=i r1. 11n t flp11 ·~ u l 1111 1·r·· c:i1 and ~ignilH ·.1111 r !r1111 1 in1ort nr d olJ 1•r1 ('J • •• n d :-pnlic <.111£'11 Rober t N. Weed, Publish!'r 1\0111•\l'r. Ion;; hl'l(•rr lhr ;uTll'il l (lf i:1111p1111tler n1il1t;11·v inrn !;ii;h1011rd <·riuk t·:1l ,q)1tl1 ~ ({} lnirl ~1).!,t llt11' '\!llH'' ;1g.1111 'l 1•nr111.1· 1111t•s ;111d J .. rtrf''"'.<.. 1 hrn <l~ ,, ... ,1 arti llf'r1n1rn .11!;1l'hl'!1 11:.i nl!'~ In 11ll'tr l :Jl:1pu1·1~ UI thr 1n1ir•' t1ln111111n "il•'~ nl 1h1' t1111r \;1111l11t1!.1 .... te l ~' 1n ha1r h(·rn popular ;111d l 1kcl~ 11 l'i ;i n;1111c ('"!!I• I lrr1111 11111 '.\or.r 11 .. r1!.,. hr1tli "I II 1111 !l 111•'•11\l \\ .1f Stlllll th{• II ,1rd I .1Jllf> fo 111• rf':.::11'1\1'1! rh ;1 IJl'Op•T ll·lllll'. ;t[lil d ' '.11'!1' ;J~ Jt\IJ ti 111 ·;q\+1il' L~t ill \\ lll1bHI' i ,1.•llr 111\'h.drd ,1 11h1111p111~ l•1g 1·,1t;qn1h o1!i •·1'tllt1l,1\C/I' ~1101111 .h '\.,I ii 'j 1.u11lllit l;1 ']11 r1ui11111: fl!>tll 1l1r-~· ··11 ,1t •fl'"lllc·~' !11 11\udr•t'!\ l\l">p<lll'. 11\r n.111)r 11 :1!> 1r1111111cd tu th1· 111111 l.11111l1,1r c;1111 . I Hll \~ES TO ,\,\'l'll·;'\T .11 111!\'' 111 1 r .:iho 11;+r 1•11;.;11H'S 1'111'.I, .tlt •)l'dl'll '\I ll\ 111u111l111 111 cnltrc 11111ts ;1111 1 prr1111l l1'd •f('!'P 1111wtr<.it1on of 1•11r 111) r;111i..~ As 111 !111 ,11'111 1\'' 1101 ('l'Cl'l'l/lll' l';llJ l'ldl', .~II .... nlr l11·1·-111th lhc J;lr caicst r.111h or \1'11111 1·1· 1.1 wrr·r prol'idcc! horse ~. and lhr !'<JW rf'l'Tllll'-h:1d to n1arc:l1 <ind 11i:;J11 nn !0111. Br<':111~r the rccru 11.~ 11 r rr ~(l 1nu1·h 1 "111H?•·r lhan the se:i~oncd f':J \'11 lr) 1111·11. lht' J:on1<1ns hung lhe tcrn1 inlant(', ll1Pan:ni:: 1·n111h , on the tool solchcr Thu!>. ;i •11111 O! ~1 11\r~tcd 11arnQr.~ 11;1!) called in· l anlr~· Ho11·r 1·lr ·n.~ original 1nra n111~ hrc;1 n;c ]11!;.t 111 !hr -l111fflr thrott!!h n1an y la•1g11:1t;t'~ o! l'.:1 r11pc. a11d for t<'nl unc~ 11n1\ 11 h;i" b<'"u U'•"l tu 1les1gn:itr 1uol ~,,ld \1 r.' rt'g,1rc!l1''$ ul age' \ot "1;h rlfl un gu1:1 I 1nca11111g:. •1( 11 .1rd~ i:J'! 111•1, ~o 1!0 l nt1 rC' lang11;1 1;c~ \\hr n 11•)111•· 11;1, 1111 tl1 r dcel111e her nuhlr1111·n. l•'.1ru11.: IHI' thr1 r Iii c,, ~u rrounflr(f 1!11•111-• he, IJI' :1rn1c1l hod,l').!U<1nt~ t;illr d ~'11('/1 ;c.~ 11hirh 1nf'a11l "atte ndant" l1r~p1tr ~uch prccau1ion one a rislocr;1\ :i fll."r ,111otht•r 11 as a:::s a.~s 1 11:i1rd until h·;uft·r~hin 11 11 ~ dcci11i;1ll'1!. rhe c111p1rc \'n11 11lilcd, anrl el ;i s.~ical Latin lost. Ill T l'l".\TL;l:IJ·:S lah•r lc;1 r11crl tnrn rr~11t'J'('1 tr(! 1lic an1·1cnl l•)ng1 1r a11rl t>rg;1n 11~111 (! It !fi r thr fnr 111:11 ~pcrrh of thr d:.1y. 'I h11~ 11, \Ii\ l 11 hen .Johannes l\('pler hr;1rd l h~1! (;,1111(·0 hart rliseorrrrd .strange hod1r , rr1oh111~ ;1bo11t .lup1lr r, hr l\<J " n•11111r h·d 11f lh•· Hri111 t1n al !('nd;inl<>. l'H't'aU~t· lhf' pl;1111'lS ho1 crrd al>oul like 1;.11;1111 ~ .'urruun1t11 1i: :i nohlrn1an lif' nn111· •·rl thr1n 1oalr l1i lcs ~O'>I thf' ter111 1s ;1!- Lu·hr1 I t1• ,d i ,..,1·1·0111tn r\' !;c:11 r nh ll0f!1r~. '' 11ur..il uf 1n;111·111:1dc'. rr1uh11ig ;ilJuu t 11tl•!'I' l•!'ll!i:lr,1 11\.l"'C'' ,\1,11 .i'-a is !1J11(l1'rn 111o.1n :\ ,111111 l"' 11~r 1h .. rr1110:hl.1 ;1 .i:•~1rl 11ord ont•e 1\ 1s 1·111nctt, '.11t•l\1!f' h:•\ .1 bo pa••1·d into 1!:i1 1y tl."<' to 111• lu (I · ]111 t'•! .11-1 nt~ nr uh.~f'<1 111011.~ f111i,,11• f• !lllllt••:l '-and SI !'Oph;i11 !\. 11 hrthl•r p1·1 :-.vn~ nr na tions. · An<l (111rl!!. ;1 ~,111 1 ,\1,1 11 11 ... ;1 11 .. rd 1•11 11 li "~l1 ri \·l:.(.'llJHS 11uick c!f'Orloriz1ni.: is gu111g tn ('l1an::;e ) nu r SC'~ l1 f~'. ll'OUlcl YOL: bclJC\'(' 1\',' Al.t'r all. JI look nian 01cr 200.000 ~car<; to dcc1c11· hf' d1dn''. like his 011'n ~1nrll. Yt·L 11 11 as n1an·~ un iquely ripr (ldnr that :.;11- cd tu rn fron1 !Jl'lll g c;itcn by thf' l)rC>da111rs. .\la~ h1· ltur hippies know !>onicllung ll'C don't kno11 Take another cpit· char<.1ctcr fron1 the i11crrd1 blc 11·orld of ad1crlis111g . Jo~c ph1nr the ga rTulous old broad 11·1th the Sink \\'ashin g Co1npll·x. l-ll're·~ lliis lnd.v pl1unbcr -anti l'l'c never srcn one of Lhosc -11 ho :;pends her day, at about 20 h11cks an hour, 11«1sh1ng tea st;ii11s !ro111 ~1nk:l. I( ! caught 1ny neighborhood plumt>cr 111\h a can of Co1ne1 in his hands, I'd lurn h11n 111 to tile Brllcr Bus1nc:.~ Bur('all I 'in .~urr Lotl av's k id.~. an rl 10111nrro11 ·l' h1 11 rr~. 11·ouldn·1 lu11cl1 . JO:il'phi11c -n1· C11n1rl-111l h a trn fool \\ !'('Jlt:h OH l)(J ro u ~t·nou.,Jv hel 1t'1 e i1 1 a 1\:•111lh11;1~h lur l,n1 1'r~·· 1-iulten br1:a1 h h;1s 11111 ... 1opprd ln\h.1 r r (I 111 n1l·rpop1il:i1111b . or Ch1n11. !~r 1l1t Gri1 fl th l'ar k I.nu -illld I -'l'f'loll .. 11' 1!uulit 1l 111111ld "t"Jl :1111 n1·1•rhf'.lle::I 1·\1t1.plr br nt nn plca~ur;i\Jl c c11d.~. !f ~ riu 1h1nk a lll0U th11 .1.~h IS going tu j.:('l _I OU a jlfC) 111ollnn or ;i rai~r )llll arr 11rlf'nn1<' tn ~uch ifl'll1~1nn~ Hui 1! 11 11crr lruc, I i.troni;ly l>ll:.pect you r boss 11ould be 111 troubl.: nrxl ti111e his managcrnc•nl rl'\'il'" t·o111cs aro11 nd There·~ <1110\hC'r ~rl uf charactL•rs lli<.1! n1u~t surrly bring 1lrl1ght 10 trxlay·s ~outh f~ro11 n·ups rnily ha1(' 1111 cntctl !he pill. bul Ilic kltlS ch!:iC01 crc1t 11 and lhf·~ 've 111.ul c .... c~ tht'1r bag. B111 nu! 1hc1r h;;ng·up. \\'c adult~ arc a l1ttlr fa rther bctund !llcrn \\'(''re .,till hchind 1ile 11ood,..,hcd 111 prrlor1nancr , but we put !or11 :i rd :.plC'nt.lnl examples for thc111 tv follow LI 1\1::: Tll E :'11.-\N -and I USC tha t trrtn loosely -The i\lan fro111 Sil\'a Th1n.:1. !le 111cks up tlus gorgcolls thing at a tockta1I party. !>llCCrs <il her a tin1c or t11·0, and ~h .11 r~ ht•r onto an elevator. di ~pntelHng hl'r froni Ills r1np1 y life -bill no t bcl11rc 1'1i<l tch1n;; his c;1ga rt·!lcs <1ll'ay froin her . 111 <1notl1C'r 1a11dry cp1sot1(', hr c1 1cls lirr 11.,1111 l11s «ar 011 ;1 dt'.~rrlt·d l'o;ltl, ag;1111 r.·pu~scs~ing t h•~ rrc1'i ous ~nHike. One 111u.'1 t<11ll·l111\~· rr11n1 lh1s 111<111 and 11hat ll11•r ,1rc ,;111111,; 10 u~ lh<rl Silla Thin .... <rrc !hr F,i!.! .... Fag. 011 lh1: 111!1cr h;.11111 1n1ag1nr ('l>1l!l11g ho1uc llt'C'XpCl'1rtlly and l111d1ng li1Ur 1111r al11111· 111l h 1h1· ,\1<111 fro111 lilad. ~1.Y ad1ier tu 1ou 1 .. ~OT In throw h1n1 oul Qf the huu-r T!'cal h11n ngh1 anrl hr'll prot> .. bl.v r 11d 11~ hn1ng \hr dr<1per1cs ;_uvl ,c.11 inc )11ll r 11 1fe a fJU ll'h r1n~e and hair :.Cl ~-----(J1rr· .lln11 l.11 ~1111 f~rn11<·i s<•o ------· Ji [ct a:s 1-1 erct l<l L Set f e Dollct r :~ E~ ll EllB C.\E\ S \ "\ Ffl \\('!:;;rO -f'lq !hr ~0,11!1 'l(lc of C;it1forn1a St brt11('r 11 San~ornr :ind l\(';i rn.1·, nolrs Larry ;\'ollf'. tllrrr .11r 1hn•1' h;i 11i-.~ uf 111(r r11;111r111 11l rr1111111t, '';1ch tl~111r. flag.; out fr .. n1 T\I!' I h,11 l1 •1 f'i.l i/,1111-. 111 l.onil<•ll tlhJil;11 ~ th 1· 1\1111."ritan Fl.ii! .ind 1!11· r 1,1,.11 J.11'!, Tlw S;i1111.1 H,1 111-. ,,f 11~,1\..,1 111r, tl1r .\f1 11'11, ,111 j· l;i~ ;ind tli<' .L1p:111t'-i· ll <1g ,\nr! th<' !~ 111h t•' 11111·1'1t·,1 I ii•~ 1),r i\1111•111';111 l·l.i t! 111(· ~l.1\1 • ll;·~ ;111d lhr 11011 ~•· 1 1:1~ Onh 1111" 111 thr• llirl'C ti .. ~ <)Id inn1\· d1•pl ~n r•I 111r·urrt'l'!I~· ;ind \ u1J ;.,1·( ni.I> (•11" guc-;f. l'i .\Cl\Fll~E Vlt0.\1 ,\ IILO l\111_ .. r clun ng thr btf: trucl\rr:;' t'lllllTnti1111 hrrr The tr11l'k rli l'1:;inn rif Fnnt p<111I H1Jber1 <:011lct S20Jl00 10 rn1er1 ;11n l\'l'd. ;it 1he lli llon -and :is Hobrrl 1\a.~ prowl 111g !hr ~Inge \\'ilh 111 1kc in h01nd . he bec<J 1n r e111:1ngll'd in the loni;: C"ont ··\\'011'." hr ad libbrd ;:.~ he :.I r11gl! led to e.~! ric;ite hi1n~rlf. "1 h:, 1 r r nouqh rord hr rr In 1\r<l)l a :'il:.t:I-. Truck'" Thr silence frorn the l•'urd cont ingrnt 11 as eloo11en1. broken 011\\· h) an occ.:;i~ion;d sob · 1;oon T0.\1 CAI~,.\ 1-.ll(lll ~ 1111" ln11 n ~1~ :irr still ll rnund : "Thcv h•1 1• 111.1· Frrnch lat·trlC'lt <' 1nolds . ;11111<1 1·ncs uJ ·Oh . 11h;11 d;irli ng ashtr;i,-,.:' Tiii~ Pl'lll'l.E 0:'\lllN. cles1ro'.·ed hy li re ;i rnuplr nf nion1 hs ;igo . ·ll;i.~ l'l'fl!Jfllrd . hut Ph.1·1\is Diller. 11·h(1 stHrlrc! th rtr. got HEH ~igna ls crfl<;.~. rO. llrr h11gr bQu(~uet of l1011·ers nr- rire(I lll'O days t•:1rh· ;inc! 11·il1{'d ;111 ;11• ;11nid the constructiOn 1rork . S!ill, 1r·~ 1h(' thought, the 11iought. :'111'C S. CHi\Rl.Ol'TI'.: 8£,\LE. ron1· p1•·t rl~· lo!il 111\ilc 1 r~1ng Ill tol!ow 1hr 1 :1r1colo1·rd ~1np<"d lanes 111 1hr :;, F. 1\1rport g;ir11g(' "\','ho des1~ncd !h1<: pl:u·('. r .1 rkrr B1·ot hrr$~.. ll :-i n.101 i]l Fal k i;;1w 11 thi s grr('n hip pie hu'I parked nt-;or lhe (.j '(;a1 c P;irk p;1nh.111· 1t!r 111th a ~i gn as folln11 ~ "l 'or ~;dr ·-S2.l0.l'lllll or hc.,l nf fr (' On11 l '1:ic·:. 1·a!fh111i; up \I 11h nr11 , of tl11• :-;,),let •p:•i:f' platlnr111 •·J 11'1 . I h r 1• · r r r1 :1C'ua t111i; Rus•i;i, _,r\rn nlf'll .11 ;i 1111 )(' . " I.I\ t: t. llllil:.CT: 1\I l11•ri1 • lllrt t 11r•rr \\ 1:1 lhc s:il t (i\,;1nbrrl. 111 .ind l lr111 ~<' 1.nni: 111<' \\;11!'1nr~· lailv I) hh1•1 b.1llr1. J\111 f'\!l(·lly 11 1;iklll'~ rl \r 1u11ll ti\'ll \11 11 h.1d lo11 r 111·:111·~r illll:Cs "llil J J1•111~r h.111 lu .. 1 Sl11rl('1' T1'111 pl c~ 1>111 l1r did 111a11:1gc In dribblc ... 1 I\'(' 1·ubc r!n11n hrr ('it'il1';1g" \lt.:,t:Lt.:,\I A;\' .11\(.;I\ LALA:'\i\I'.: l1"'kr d at tilt' ~!2.000 De Ton1aso .\1rngu<:l;1 111 lhc wi ndo1\' or Bn!i~h :'11 olors anti 1! 11·;1s Ivie ;1\ first <:J'!ht. lie 1111lkr rl right 111 :ind dro1r ri;;h L 0111 lc·.11111g ;i nn"ru!.1r c-hrrk 1n tu~ 11;i hr \'E\\' i\11::\l llEH or the lirl nr f~OI Cl nor.~ nr the :\al1rin::i l Confrrcnce 11f Chr1~t1an~ and .Jc1rs· B<1nk or 1\111rril';i \. 1er-l 'rc~1de nt .lohn II Gv.1 \111S. I·:. 1\. SllAY 1 ~ fas;1·111a1ecl 1n no\r !ii.ii ;i gru11p 1· a I I e d ~ch11.ophre11ic.; Anony1 n11us no11· n1rC'1!< 11<'ckly al ~;;11 Fr;1ncisco·s ~;r;1cc Cutl1rclrnl '·At till' rnd of !he ~cs­ .<:1011s." •:ht' wo11c!rr.\ ... dors .<:01nc~iocly ~land up oin1! .... ay 'Okny. let's split'''" FIE\', Ct:CJL \\ ILl.IA\IS. :)e<l.iltns out JtToss 1hc pulpi t at San Vra11- r 1sl·o·s Ghde llh·n1on;1I Church Sun· d:iy: ·'.hr~I tl11 nk. I ha\·e Ille o.11y 1·hun·h 1n 101111 lh;it prorile fight to J:Cl 1nln"' Tn 1f'. Along 111 th his :;ern1011. hr pr<':>l'nll ·d SC\ crnl Jll77. grotlJJS 1 :o be follo11rd Uy roe~. f11!k ro{'k. f!nn;lcl a1ul .... n l'lll r nf'h !'und.1,•1 a ncl 1hr 111('rflu11 <T1111d -i rrtchf'rl . ;111 the 11;1y nul 111 1l1c sidrll'alh \T :'ii.\:\\\ t:LL'S PL\;\I, l\<>frv hlc.t'll 1rh conlldrd he h:is R11·rn 11:1 on 1'1r ~!Irr~ :1f1 rr hnri1ng nut th;i T 1 l1rh \••l.11fs hr 11r h phone l!i hoo\cd 111tn l>1;i).;i ./ 'r1iy ,,, I berore hr l1pp~ toe.~ b.1ck 10 the Land of l:ra1t to111p:t red lu tno~t 1.I thr pho111(·~ In hrn;1dea .... 1 O"Hh crl!~uig, good old H;;lph \\'1Jli;i 1113 has so' lo con1r of! as the n1 0.'t hon2st 111:in since Ahr L111toli1. Yuu 1night nut 11an1 to b11y a 11.•ed (-;1r 1ru111 h111i. but you 11oultl l'Otc for h11n for prestdrnt. And )flu·d ra!e him lhrce toucl1d01\'ns ahc:irl of the kid ll'ho flies at•r1Js.s :i kitchen on a 1>1.'.lsl!C shield. 1\tl ~r seeing the h~~trric<.1! people 111 thrit co111111rrC'ial. I 11·nu ld11 ·1 ac- rcpt J ohnson's l\';1.x 11 ord that the sun 11·;1~ ri l:inning to ri~r !01norrow . Can )(Ill i1nag1ne 11'ha t a rebellious tcc nagC'r must lhin k ;,\}Out such trash'' :\0\1', !\IDS a re pvt do1111-rit;htl.v ~o -1or ~turfing all ~orts of bad ll11ngs 1n tl1cir hodie:.. Speed. 131."ll ntcs. Acid. :\~ rc,..,pon~;blc arlull s. 11c ad Yi ~r thc111 tl 1;.it 110 one r·an pre.diet the 011tc'o111r ol 11~i11.~ !hc_-,r li<trsh a11t1 p<ilcnt1oll.v d;u1gcrous 1!n1g5, Yet, at thr .~:.in1r 111nr . 11e'1r <'xpr1~r1 ! lhen 1 tv o\·cr 50 111ill inn dollar~· 11 orth nf triba·~eu ad1 1·rt1 .. u1:; on r:id10 and tv e1rry 1ear, Anti Ilic 1nl'.~::.;;gr 111 1110.sl of the:-<' .'pnts 1.-, ail loo elC'ar DO IT ... 00 IT pro<:l<111 ns !hr 1111glc "l'or the l\\·o of .1011·· 1·roons another. "It'~ helter 11·hr11 '"u 1t11 1l tORt'thcr.'' ;inulhrr chants I -~houl1: hnpc tri 1C'Jl 1 rit1 11 :; lie!lrr, h•ll 11ho needed a soni;: abou t it ~ ";\le and ;\ly \\'in ston~-\\'c gnt a r.c:il Good Thing," gocs another 11·111ncr. .\side lrun1 lhr fnur gran1m:llicaJ <iisas1trs u1 th<it lorg('\l ;1blc phrase, can an~·one trul~' b('l1r1·C' that in a sn1oldering e1g:1 r('ltC a11 1u111' lia~ .i real good thing'! o\S Tii l:: FEDERAL agents hnc up In ph;it<.nxt :. at uur bon lrrs lo stop the im- port ol 1nar1Juana . nu r t0b<1cco r·o111- p:i11 ics are tin ing up 1\·ith thei r insertion orc!C'rs to sholV us be:iurif11l lour·color ad:o; 1111h ~ilky girls <ind ha11dson1e guys puf. f1ng the1r 1ray through long. ta ll gr<.1ssc~ 11·1th onl: !lvo things in n1ind: sex and c1nphysrtn:t. \\'r could go on int o .. Ta51e .\le. Ta ~{.(> J\1t'.','' ;inrl tough cigarettes for lillYS anrl ~li1n f'iga rctle~ for ladie~ <lnrl soft dri nks .J 11s1 For Gir ls, but hy 11011· / 111lnk you jjCt 111~' fl01111 1\1~1~ are ask1ni; -b•.'gr,ing rrnlly -for ~0 111enr;r to lell 11 likc it 1 ~. ;ind Ainerican b11.-.1nt'.'ss ~pe nds h1111'lrcd~ of n1 il lions rir d1;1!:J1;, 011 radio <1nd 1• tc!l1ni; it like it llC\ er II ;l;-, !\1 1., 1r<.1n t !lie tae!'i abou1 a 11 or h/ Iha!. ~t·c111,; 10 be slipping <llray 1rom thr1r gr.1~p. a nd 11e lr ll lhrin <l har of soap '>''111 ~a1 r ;i 111;1rnagc. or a lo1·e a!fai r Thr.v scr :i pr.li11eal systen1cracking 1t !he sca111s. and on TV the,v sec ;i large, happ~ f:'.l1n1ly :;:1ni,:1ng that th<'y·re lerr1bly 1iJr:isl'tl th<lt ~0nn'one put real Borax Ln l·'a b. Offe1· tl1e Cha11ce 11andi.ca 11pccl Girl Sha res 11cr Life U~· ELSIE llAGlil\\'l:"T In Swtrirn ,'\01\• ,\J;ig;izinr I <1n1 a ~·011ng 110111.111, 2:1 yr.'.l r~ nf ;igc, and ! hn1 e b('t'll ~r1·rrrly handict1pfll'rl }111('(' b1 rlh f'tir rnur ~·eu rs l ha1·{' hcen rnarrird to a nian 11 ho is al50 hatl· d1c:ip1X'd . \\"c ha1c hail lhr good fnrtunr to 11hia111 an ap.1rr111l"11t 11 luf'h '' r<1u 1p1>Cc! tor a ho11se111fe 111 ;, 11 hct•!rli,11r \\hen r \\ .... }UUll~t'I' I though! rha! h.tn- chr;i ppcd pt'oplc •h•)\Jlil 111,1rr1 t ,i, \1 ulher , 11 1111ulr! h(' ~" nl111•h .... 1111 plc1 tl1;,l 11.1~ \1,11 l k111111• 111;'1 ti11•rr ,1rr \{'I'\' h:ippy 111.irr1 :1;:t.~ 11111•11· 111w "I tlrr parltll'l'~ I' !IOI b11tHlll'·1pperl .\ll<'r ,ill. il 1~11 t tl1c l1;111d1ld P :1• ~11rl1 lh:J I 1)11111:, pcnple rl11M' IObl'llt\'I. II I~ 1lir11· 11111•'1' 1]11all1 1r.' I l11·cd 111 1 1 1~\llll!1 1111;d lin111t'~ f1r11n childhood . Vor 17 yrars l 11:is un:ill'arc or ;i wor ld oul~1dC' tile unr 11hcn· I J11cd ! 11 a~ ~n prrilcclrd th:it I 11·<1~ nc1!•r allo11 . l'd to lcan 1 l o gt"t along on r11 y r11111 111 :11111 11eld. Since I <'ll!Ct'l'rl th<' hon1e .1s ;i thrce-_l'car-o ld. 1 knr11· 1101hin~ about a life 011tsidc the iron gal e:; i\ot 11111il I 1r;,,.., d·~harr,fd 11s 1111 :idul1 ;1111t 1vas ,<;11p1>0scrl to he llble to t;1kr c:irc of rnysclf 11as l <111 ar(' 0 1 1ny ht1nri1c,1p I \\'AS SllOCKEIJ 11 hr 11 I rrah1rd th:it 1ras so 1liffcrPn! :11111 !hill SO<'iety 11·;is con~tructf'd 111th hc;illhy. nrirn1at prople 111 n1in1\_ In !he 1lrorec1cd 11•1rld 1 hat1 li1-- cd In bclorc. c1r.ryo11t• w.t~ ha11rl1r:.ppcd ;i nd I 1r11 s t xacltv like crer\'IAA I\' cl$C, \\'hrn I ea111c 01i1 tht' r lfrl'.I 11·.is 1h:it illlll'h grcatCr -f felt Cl10 rtl11lll'J)I l(!11c\y ond h('\plcs~ l'rnplc 11·r rr r11 n o11s a11d bcha 1·cd clu111si!,r ; thr1r ht'lpfu lncss l>C'c;1111c a burden. ll 11·:1~ too 111uch, sornehow Suddenly l had 1'1 111:111agc a Joh. t:.kc care ol a hon1c. f'OO k anrt keep hou!\chold 1111 11 n1y rnonr y \\ 111\0111 do11bl lhi s 11·as 1hc 1110s! difri rulr f'Xp(•rifncr I hare. h:id in connection v.·1th n1~· h<1ndicap. No11·, li 1·c yr ;i rs la1<'r. c\·crylh1ng is m11rh brighlrr. I a111 nu! and about and accrptcd hy \'H'Oplc . 1 h ;11 e bc<:o tnc a part of tt1r1r C\'{'ryda.v lifr. This 1s parlly hccausc I accept those who are healthy. Contacts bct 11·~n pcopl r mu~! be ba~ed nn muf1131 undcrstanrl ing. so I $peak npcnl~· a bou l n1~· ~irualion ;inrl n1:ike peo· pie 1u1d<'rstand th:i t I 11111 ius1 li~c n11y ot her girl I :'\·\TUlti\l.LY THl.'it\ of our sC'~ pralr 1('1 11. 11 1s ~o rn0flcr11 lo b<' ouls µok cn, ~o 11hv shouldn 't I sav whal I thi nk ·• Cniicrrn•ng ll'C ha111hc.::11)J}('d :111cl n11 r ~t'·~ prohlcms. I l>elic1 p 1ha t they arr c'<:-• li'!'lll<'lv cliff1 c11!1 to ~nh r -partl:: OCc;ius'c of our deep complex :it.ou t our 011n !)lirhes anrl pnrth· br rause of purrly lrrhnlC'J! a~prcls. I dc1·elopcd a slightly 111corrcrl all1 l11<.Jc ;11\er ha1 ing rc;id sotnc pornographic hooh~ a nrl through all the pictures of pcrlcrt l'All1c:; 1hsplayr d in 1l- h1~rr:ition~ ;ind 1!l1n~. \\'(' get !11r 1n1 · prr.~ .... 1<111 thal h.i pp inesr. 1~ to ha1e " !Jra1111ful l>l)tll' <t ncl th:i1 a l'rx Il le h rr~c11 cd tor lhn.~f' \'. hn hare lhc externa l f1u:il1fil .1t1nn" l l11i; gn rs 11~ hand1r;1ppc d rnorn10u; rn111pk•:1.r , 11r alQllll'C prl']UdlCC"i :1,::,1:1151. tillr-• h l·< \,.11 I l,1u111 th.II a11 ;:it1r:11111 r ;:ip P<'11!~111{'(' I\ 11111 till' 111nH 1111p11rl.1nt !lung 11 h1 'l1 ont• tlir11"c'~ ;1 l1td111.1 lt' I h:11·r hecn nl,!r (11 r\p1·n1'111·r Th.it ! 1111 a 11 0111an :111d 1: 1~ 11 011drrlu l. 13111 a lear of ex- h1b1 1111;; ll1r!I' hUJ1 ('S prub:ibly ta u ~<'~ 1n:l11} t" hnl(f hti!'k lro1n laking thr l'l1:1ncC';,; 11·l1 u·h :ic!t1;1lly cs1st. 1[ nnc is ;i11 ;ir(' ul 1h('n1 THE F EAB thal one's pa rtner "'111 11 ithc!ra1r from lhe n<iked tn1th su rely cause:; n1;111y lu ~efr11ir1. lnii\ead ll1cy put a rein on their <'ro lic feelings and lhal 1n11st surely <'ilusc much distress. I h;1ve hc:ird rnf'u say thal 11c han· d1tapped hal't such a greal need of !('ndcrncs:> th.;it in uur ~earch for a Jitll• h111n;111 w;irt11ll1 and eontacl v.'1Lh the or- ro~ilc sex 11c bccon1c almost impos~1 blc, Uh, .1c:;' li tany of us handicappcri ha ve no rut\J rc lo look for11 ard to. But I think mine is r't'lalnely brig ht. Trchr:ology 111akcs pro· ~rcss and 1 an1 lucky cno11gh to 011·n an c!l'ciric 1\'heclchair. a Permobil. Jn lhi ~ 11·<ly l can gel 0111 a.it.I I ha ve rnadc an un· bcl icl'ably large number or ac· q11aint:inces. I do n1y Oll'tl shopping, 1akc our little dachshund for a "'al k. and r.nioy being onl and f{'rling free and in· depend{'n\. II is a n experience which should OC sharcd hv r 1 er yonr -to !eel free and not to hal'e' to ask. 10,r hC'IJ>. I \\'lLL SOO<' begin driving le~sons 5n that 1 t•an gel a JOb. \\'ith all 1ny heart I w:int 10 get 0111 and feel that r am doing sor11C'lh1ng uscful and lha1 I am of value. For the futurr I al~o hope tha l ,., cr~-~ine 11 ho is l1<1ndiC'appcd "'·111 ha1c 111<' ~:1n1c chan\r tu 111c a full hfe as 1h11~ 11hosf' lnnhs arc 11ho!c That u r hand icapped 11 il l rnc('t grf'a1 rr un· rlC'r~!anding, in ~1)1t c of n11r demands. \\'e hn 1'{' a nght lo 01;i~c dc1n<u1ds on .soc1et), llt!I 001,1 in 1ht fnnn Of CCOTl(ltTIIC a~slstance. I knn1V rron1 cxpcri cnct th11t l'.l' ran a11r! 1l'anl 111 ~r: .1 !nnl! nn ou r Q1111 11 11 c nrc only ~1ven Ilic chance. Ann LanderJJ Sleeping Habit Set s Off Alarm DEAR ANN LA NDERS: I am a girl 13 w ith an unusal problem. Wh en I was eight years old I be~ came so afraid of the dark I couldn 't sl eep, My moth- er solved the problem by le tting me sleep \11ith my older sister. \.Ye moved if!to a bigger house two years a~o and my sister got her own ---------- room. At the same time my brother b e c am e afraid of the dark so my mother put him in my bed. Now, two years later my brother is still sleeping with me. When I ask my mom lo please move him she says . ''You don't . have a very good memory, do you ?" in10 lo proletl their own. \Vh1le ~tom and lh1.s guy \\"t're going together they were both \ery happ y. Now their lol'e has turned so sour 11 makes me sick. They 'd have been a lot better off if t hey had jus t gone ·l-ogelher (as you :suggested) until us klds were QUEENll ~· By Phil lnterlandl I !.· ..... -· Lt•P ·- - ' Sat1,1rd~y Octob~r 25. 1%q DAI LY l'ILOT Week's Meetings on Coast MOl'IDAY S•~·or (1!11• .... Cl!lb ol Hu~··~•IO'l 8t•(li, P•tk •fl<I AK<t•I ~ 8vllcll~t. ll'ltl •"" O•t "'I• ~treelt. Hun!l~too 8e•c~. 10 •.m. N•WPOt1 H•t-Se~lat CUl/11\0 C.ly1>. Senior (lllJ•ll• (llObf>ou••· l!lh S1'ffl •1 Irv!.,. ,. ........ N•w-• e"ch. IO •OI •. m. N....,_., C•~~· l{Jwanl• Cl~b. JCllf!•·• Re•t•ur•ftl '111 E (O••' H.eto ..... Co•on. <14'.I M•r. ll ""°" S.ntOtlit TO<l>lm•• .. '" C1lllot~I• 5••· Inv• '"" lO<l'l, C0>!1 M4'.H, 7 p "' Co•l•m•"e" l o•""'"'"'" Coro! Ror! Ao>lt u••n1. ?U!i Horbor lllvd., CGl!• /Mu, 1 P.m, E'!>klfor 5couti. ll1bt0<:W Eledr<ll'k.o, E~~ll>rOf Po11 tH, ll1bcoc;-Elflc· Tr0<11c>, l!Ol H1rtio.r 11tvd, Coit• Meu. ''ll om. Oro<>G• Co.o'1 Mlne••I and 1 •1id1"' ~JHy, Co.ii l~o. W<>m""'"' Cl!Jb. •10 W 111~ 5•., CGl!I Me••• 7'l0 P."1 FeoMo•n Y•llrv Jun-Chomto.• o• Commu <t. 1\1'1•'1 Tobi•. o • • 1 W•sTml~•t,r Av< .• We•t..,1n1t .. , 1 lO •.m. Co•to M~~· H"'"'l'"¥ lodof •1~ "· Odd ftllflwl H•ll. 1'1t !l•••'l><I" l lvd , C~>lt Mtot. I • "'· TUf.SDAY Coron• dPI M•t F•cn•n~• rlul> Joi••' Rt$1>UtlM, 1111 E. Cooll Hlgnw•>. Co•0<>• <lf! Mtr, U noon. "•Im Al t , tiu~hn•"'" Brien, ll 11 "" Nr.,oorr H1rt<>r O.tlm••• Cl111>. ,,..,1. M•rint . !OU &IV.,df Ot1V•. N•WDCq ll••thl)lt a m (C•ll Mow l!.o·AI "" (IUD, C"t1 /(el l Golf """ Counlfl" C•<>b. 11a1 f.0u (ou•o~ Or!.-r. CIOll Mr ... ll.IS ~ m. H11ollngt0n Bff{h llott fl" Cl11b, /lot1n, F""' WI-"'ul•ur ... I. 1 .... 71 !lo,!• C1'•C• Ao•d. >+11nr.n;'"" Bei en, I) 11 ,. Hunt'"""'" l!••th No•lh l •on' Clt·b. Mtado"'I"~ Coumrt CluD, 11 ·~1 Gr•nom, .,11ntl<>Ql0<1 ll••ch. '1 nuc"' Ro!8'>' {.O~b nl N• .. PO•!·B•ID1M. I• .In• Co~'' C1111nl•v (11/D, 111 C fo•" H1~nw••· (oronA 11•1 llo•r. •JO n {T' Co•!I M•,.·Nt.WP<l• I H.-bc), I •~1 • (lu~. M.,• Y••ll• (011nlrw Ch•b. Lo"• N "'' ~ .){I o n• To.,!mt1tr" r111~ 170~. K •~'>\ 1•~·• R•'1•U•~nl \•,.,,..,,,.,,,,.. • p •n tl•lbo1 lln• l•on1 ClllD. Y•ll• '"'' r • 10•> B••l•<I• D•l•t 1-1e.-ocr1 II••• n I •• ~~t·••v lo• '"' ,,,.,.,..,,~,., •• n !On<our~q•"'•"' o• B~fh•• ~~<" 0. l•l~t ~•n·•···~ "' '°"'''"' f • I• M•,• C~•D•or Col~v· "•" ~,,..,, <iOO Not.-O•m•, Co"• M••~ • r ~· LO OM IMoc,,rl Ila 11!.I. •H [ tl•n ~!. Cn••~ M• • 1 1' ""' S.~"'" fn•'I J.<t,vr 7~ 1(1 {.IJb, "'.!'•"" Inn, 179 Mu,n,, ll"DOI 1\lon~. ; .IO om. O·n~gr (OA" 11·n1I !!"'<!"JI.en• [MQ•. •~•·••on II••~" l»o, /\•ot••, IJ noo~ \\•\'"''~''"' Ool ,,...,, l •D" ~··>•u•1;• nn ~.no'• ,.l<>'m not~• 11 ·-· Cou• /It~ •oto,. (l~b, ~O•'• r ••• (i.c!I ., 0 (.Q~h"f (IUD. ~0"• l'r .1, '1 "oo" fCll~'"'" ll•ll•v f•<A•nn• C•uo, fr1n· •• ,. \!1>1 ll<otft ll•ua , HJnl•"11on lltorh.•1 •l om l·~•n•n '''" !'""~a•""" ""n' •q•on B••"' T•t " L•~••• r, •. , o,d ~"""" •HI 1.-.,~ s1 ... 1, H~"""•lo~ 11•.t.n. I '". .l."?n<1ho~·r l "•""'"'''" ·1 ' •I • uorono, 1011 Bo''"' O•.~•· ll.t1·1oot1 R••<h. 6 "O a"' (•"'' ~ .. no:•o• ~Q11•d<nn " :m>1 A<•<1• SH••! t:"o>I• /•,,•" I '0 1•"' '-'••Gn., ~ ... 1,. ,.,,. l 0<10•. ~lo ICf r l ~ '·' """'""'' T•" ,,,. ll"• 1•••• •' ~· Ana ...... P•1t •. N!N~Ott llfMI', ' •o n,., l!Wnl1nv•o~ !learn I•~ nn., Pl•• II•\ ""'""'r Loo••· l ••• Av••·, .... I ~ •'"'Ion II•••" I ,Q D n• 16 •:•·• (•O" I••• 1.6 ."I l••n ~,,.,, {"~·'· "'""· ! ~ 0 ... O.•no• Lo""" ~·· ci..n (I•• ~ "'~ \/,~ Oootto """'PC" b•• " I .a ,. (•·•·! Sm•I• Yl.\(_I , ~lo» II ·l>"'I ·~ Onv•, N''"""' B••th, J lD ~ o Qr~G••ro l~C, """'lnq•nn ll•1tn "g" ~rn1><11 Poem \Jl. 19GJ .Va1" ·:'""· Hoo • nu'o" ~··•~" I 00 o •1• Bo1rcl ot 11•.,to.,, N•woor't Mt....,. Ca•I• M"•· l olbo• ..... Club. In• w CN •I H>enw1•. NtwPOrt •••<-~ .• •m l'l••tml~•I., Ro!U• Club. 11'.1"'>'> l•"• A•>l•Ytl~I. 'NblmlMIU, 12 l'IOOft. E•Ul•<le• (!..to OI Nowparl ll•t~, J 31un lMt! 111,,.tur•nt. n ll W. Ce.It, Hl<l~w••· He-I l••U!. n noor ' • N-p~r!-lrYI... lie+.... (lull, .,,.,.. "''""'''· 11.ll l rl1!"4 SI , C•1I• Mtt.t , 11 noon Fovnt•ln Yoll•v l(iw•~I• C• ••· F••~· <D••'· 11•1• 8••Ch lllvd . Hunlln1ten ll••c•, I! I I pm 1(1wonl1 {IVb o! Ca,!• Mtt.a·N&rl•o, Corol II•~• Re.'1•u•onl. ~ .... s H••llol lllvd. (0>!• Mn1. 11·1~ p "'· N•woorl H1rw l(Jw1n•• c111o. \l•tl• Mor!no . •O•I lh•&ldt o ..... .,.,,.~•" B••'"· 11 •o o '" t• """q'•~ ll•'<" 11or• ('.,"· •·•A I no lon S•ot"IP C0<>nt<'Y Club. 1CIOll Pol"' ""' ttunl•ng•on 8e•<~. • ·~ 11•.,,oirt ~••tir>• 1:1•• 'I•~ •"•Loco• ··~ ~ •• 000<10 r:•woort 1101c~. t t:tJ ""' \/ ~ .... ,., '•• (•d•• C'o•••· 1J.o l '" r•~<• Rot• 5•"'• A~o , '·' "'· II 'n'lnqtQ" ~""•1011 6•or ~. 1) FRIDAY 11•.c~ '!or ..... ( '"h, f1•1cn In~, Hun11n,1en IQ om Ann , my brother has l:tld several of his friends Lhat v.·c slttP togetller and I'm em· barrassed to death. Pl ease help me gel this kid out of my b<d. out of the house. I h o pe JL...:.:.-,l...-----~~..'.:=:!:::::;;.:~~·~'~'·:•.;.:;;,:::~:;;-.i somebody gels something oul of thls letter. Ifs too late for CO<Jfl~ll of Cnu•c"""'· N•""Po•t H~rM•. m n !> 11 va•lov• cn•1rc~"'· 1rni1<1 lllP V. H. Ctrl•Y. ~~·ll•l, 1) ~OCH\ Co1t1 M~a EJttn•nge Cl"t>. Co'IT P••I llte>lt ur•nl. l'-15 Ho•Dll' lllvo . Co:•• MP>t, !? ......... Tem1>I• S••••nn, 011 W H"'"l10•'. C1>s•n M<>•· I 15 o "' WEONESOAV ('1•>1 (lvb o• C&.•• 1,1.,. r,.,,,,,r""'"'" '1.•("lllon Ceol~r. Or•"1" (Ou"'• r ol1utov~a·, Cn1 1~ M•••· 1 "'" THUllUOAV I ""'"" Uon• C l~h, ~•utt S~•ll 7:" \', (~•~I ,.,9nw1•. N•..-oort !!&•<"• 1~ II o m "Who can th.ink of romance ~t a spot like this!" 1J.~ (0\1• Mr'• O••n•• (o.,! I.ion• C:•u"· Od •t '1, i11 I: ll!n SI, c ... 1. M•11.' o m M•r \/"'' MllOl\'l l.0<!9•, l •n<~ ... l•~I 111" S!r•OI. ll•aon. 7•xt om ..... ,.~I• Nt\··•C•' -FIRST·HAND· -------------------- EXPERIEI\"CI:'; Co•!• Mui Senior C1!11en1 Cl"n. Com .,..uni"' llt~•PtllOf! Ctnlu, C<•~• Ccunty F•l"ll•Ounds, Co!I• Mea, I! 'm. C"'Ol'f d•I Ntr t:1w1n" C.lub, Villa ~wt.s~. lm f"" CGll" Hl~"w•v. Co•on1 Del M1r, 11 IO t .tn. Hun!lnttM &..1cn Kiwonlt (ly.b, l<U"· l1ng10n S.1cilll C:DtJntry Club .. JOOO 8•"• Fl•m• TO<l>lm••"'" c1.,11. ,,..,. Vo•ae Counhv Clvb. Coot1 Mt.>•. I ... (nrlit.to B~""'°"m~n'• Commotr.t . H~n1,.,qto" 8'•'"· M • n n ·• , llr"a11••"'• 1'01 [<1•ng"' Av' . ..,un 1,,.,1..., ll•1cn, I 1 m H••bo•·l ii" lol'!m•""'' (IUD. • ·!•o (~tr1rr, •. I ••l\•O<> h18~G. t-lt .. ·P<l•I (•M~ .. H•-"OC•I 8tt(h, / •"' B•••~l•ot Ooll•r"" Clu b ot Coo•• M"'•· (0•11 R..,., '1.nl•ut•nt, 1'•S d••bor Siva, CD".la "'"''· I lO • "'- Ur I Fo.. Do'"''"'· C•mDu• Ht ll. """"'l••v e• C1i•lo•n•1, Irv."'• I 'Ill ,. -R.TX. DEAR R.T.X.: I'm typin g 1 1 fut 11 I can, honey. Th.ie is for roor mother : Please, Lady, put the. boy in a hammock lf you muit, but get him out of your daughter·,. bed . This is not good for him or for h er -la~e m y "·ord for It. DEAR ANN LA..~DERS : v.·a s \lery much in ter es ted in your advice to the divorce e w ith two children \11ho wantetl lo know if s he should marry a w idov.·er who has three. She sa id they were in love bul her fiance was highly c ritical of her kids and she d idn'L car e much fo r his. The woman described her fiance·s kids as "outstanding students, good in s ports a nd supera chiel'ers ." ~[er kids, she said, v.·ere •·iust a verage." You advised her to forgel .about marriage and you v;ere so r ight, Ann. I know, because I am a 17-year-old Y<ho got caught in a mess just li ke that one. Two years ago m Y mother DEAR FlRST: Thank~ for Ve rifiea-the documentation. lion &uc b as your.!I inensely useful and preclate ii . i~ I in1- •p· DEAR A\:-J LA NDERS· \\'hen my husband was k1ll1'il in Virtnain last year. rny little girl and I mo\"ed in \\•ilh 1\!::>1n. '!'he problem Is thal ~loin M teaching n1y daughter to call her l\1ommy and me Ly nn . I told her I didn'L like it and sh<' :said I was s ill\". thal 1t \.l.'Ouldn"\ hurt the child lo have '·Lwo rno thers."' Please don"t tell me to rnovf'. I c an't afford it. I q uit high school and I am stuck with a Jov. .. paying JOb. 'Vhal should I I.l o? -T !!. DEAR T .R .; Tell your l\fom that unless she l'iWps c onfusinJ?: the c hild with the t"°·o-mother routine, you \\'iii have to mo\'e. Then do so. There are w o r k ing·mother nnrserir~ \\'hicb can give you the hand you need . Ch et•k U nited F und Cbaritirs. married Jac k. T here are "T"t 11.,.,,., Gu•d•" .o.~n Lt ""''" k.d be th fl . boo•'•'• •n, .. ..,, !om< a! !~t mC'' se v en I s \y,•een e m . s ''"""""''' ••~ta •ut.iin"' •t.oui .. -d fight, fight, fight -comparr, a.n11 ln •tlfl~t .,..,.., con, 01 '"·' rompare, eompare from ~~-;::;~;·~~,v~ •• :u·~~· 1~~:11~.~~P.:;.~ morning 'til night You .. 10101109 1 ion~. ,.u.aao•eHt<I. w o u Id n ' t believe !he __ '_"_m_"'_"_'_"_•_•_"_"_' _______ _ ari'UITlents Mom and Jack g et ARBUCKLE &: SON Weskliff M o rtuary t%1 E. 17th St .. Costa P.fesa .... -• BALTZ P.fORTUARIES Coro11a del !\far OR 3·9ol50 Costa M esa 1\0 C.1t2t • BELL BROAO\~AY l\IORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\les1 LI g.:;433 • DILDAY BROTH ERS Huo lington Valley t.tortuar.v ti911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beac h l!l!·777l • !\lcCOR!\flCK LAG UNA BEACH fwlORTUARY Ji95 Laguna Canyon Road L aguna Beach 4!14·9415 • PACIFIC VIEW IHE!\IORJAL PARK Cem etery • Mortuary Chapel ~500 Pacific View Drive 1'"e"°·port Beach, California 6'4·%711 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HO!\-fE ';801 Bols a Ave . Westminster 193-lW" • SHEFFER l\IORTUARY Lasuna &acll • 4H·I»S Su Clemente 41Z·OIH • Sl\fiTHS' l\fORTI!ARV 1%1 Mata St. Runtln(ton Beach - DUNEBUCCIB iuG-IN- Buggiear VW hdana! Ea: po! Sl•loml Drapl DEATH l\'OTICES I\ RN OLD t illbtlh H. Ac"al<I. ;~15 "'•<11•"d> O•, (O•I• M'""~-o .. 1e "' ""''"· CkloD•H ;J SurYIVl'd b• hu•W"". Philio E ~· nold; th••• '0'"· RObl:l-1 llt vt e, P~n .. 1<vehe• •nd 0•••<1 L,,.. <i•v~~'"'· !.•;~ . bflh Ann. 111 aJ th< t.omo; l'IOI"'"'• M••• 1-tu-.. gf Ha""'"'· lndl•"• !.e••l<eo. Mar>d••· ~ PM. P•t••·c y .... Chfotl !nte•m•n!. P•"I" ...,,,.., /J•m h"ll Par•. D"K!e<I l>'f Pa~•hC y.,,. Mo•tve«•. FAIT 1, .. ,, c r al• AQ• t•, ~· 1{;(1• t , •• "'"'" L•"'"• Newoor1 e eacn D••• e• nt••n, Oc•ebtr :l. 5.,. . .,,.,..., t1 ,_.o '""'· Nr·,.ell. ol Cc•ona de• M~• C.•o"'' "'""'""" B~•Ch, thrr~ ~'~"" < P!•l<lrtn •o<I on• ~··••-<,1 1•"<$<">1<1. ~., Vi<elo ,..ill bo" f\•l<I !Od~~' 5~h!'<llV. II AM. 6•11 B•;~<l.,~v Ch•o•I. ""'" I>•• L<>••" F"'~'n9•• oH l<l•l 'n~ '"'"'""'"!· E ... ,,, •• n Cem•!~'V '" "''"" w.,.,. lno•on. lltll Broa<I,.•• Mcrlu•'•• Ol. recto,... F IS llE R t 11renc1 S. """"'· Aor 11. nt 1J• 1."crn•no (An>•on QO<'<I, Coron• <1rl M.I' O•!e o• a.11n, Otto~•' 1• Sunt1v..i I>• w.i•, An~He; ""O <1~u9hl•"· M•• Otto M•l~,n F">no; M,,. (laneld B°"r, P·•e•11dt. Son. RobH! s F l~""'· 8 1r- ~tltY . .,,d JG ll""•l'>dchfldr•n. ~"'••<•• an<! ln,,.rmenl ,.,l.,•10. FAm1I • •v~· qf\11 1r1..,m, w••nino lo -~~ mrmcr. iel r;;antrobut1cn•. pit••• c0<itri~ul1 lo lf\t lr IAV<>•IT< ell•"'" 8 1111 """''"'" l.'170 f . Cood HioP!w•Y, (Ofon1 '" Mu. O~Kforl. GOLO Ev•lc• Gold ,0.9<0 6 , al t~~ ' Po•• '""io. Corl>"• ""' M••· Su"''"" I>• ~Atffl,., Mr .,.., M" k•1•.,•t a• O•I• (11y, •I~ 1 ''~' •~d '"••• t•a "'trS. 58ty•CM '"" ln!er..,_,! I~ t• htld 1 .. Q.a ... "VO<I ,,, ... (•"' ., •• ,, "'"'""'u•"'· (or~ .... 1 M••. !orw••<1°n; Dl•KIOfl. I HARRI S Gl il • k1rrl• .I.Ill" J',, 1C11 1~m "' ~.,,....,n B•1tn OJ!t o• 0•1!~. C:'" bl-• n . Su•vlvt<I ~• o•teni., M• ••U Mt1. S•m E, Hl <fll-Sent1tt•. Moo•• 1 ' PM. w .. ttllf! C~•D•I, wll~ "'~' O""l•o o!llc<t!inf. W••ltl•tr M.,.•Y•••, ••••I, D«•c!c". NOR EK l'••r<:e~ I!'. Nor~. SJt S"" B••n•• d;...,, ~-• ll"tl\, O•t~ er a•fth (klobor n . Su,....i•ed by •we ·~~' J~~· of (o:ol• Mes•: H..,,..,, !.<>n~., lh4ch sl1l•r, EmUv Cheom~~-~•" l'•~~<.,cc ll'l•w 11<1M10n•: fJ9M ••t•!·a,1na cP!lldr.n; 10<1 er• or~1 I o•••I orond child. Se"''""'· T.,.,,,., 10 AM. w~" <.li!f C~•Q•I. ln•••m•.,t. Wt•lmlr•'•• Mt.....,rlol Oif~ D1•(C!ed tv l'l,•.!tl•tP Ch11>1I Modue•i ~•6·•9M S~llTll w11..,,, C. SmlPn, ~ .. ri. ol I• ll•1dae Yl•v . 5•"""'''c, c.1,1 D•'' "' d•••h, Oc•-.. 11. Sur vi.'d h• '•<~•'• C••I C, er CoM• ,,.,,,,., mc!i,.r. M•I ~VI~ (. Smllk. WH1min•ler. trC"'•" Ricn•1d, w .. tm•n•!e•. "''"'""~ ••• w fc•~ w•ll bo h<ld MO"dtv, 11 ~M. 1-1..,.. bc>t 11.t>I M~"'' P1 •~. Olt~C!.O o·· lie•! "'""dw••· (~1• M•>• Off.Road Rae••! Airahowf OCTOBER 26, 1969 Orlng1 County lnt11111tion1I RICIWIY GATES Ol'fll I A.Ill RRST MJrf ID A.Ill t •,.._/l_l....._ .. A YIC ... -·-- '0 l e• •811 C...to"'-.(;•h! t"619 \ATU'°'DAY Army 1'ries to Plug Loophole iii Co1if lict LEGAL NOTICE P-l•tll CERlll'IC:ATE 01' 11Ui1Nl~S l'l(TIT IOUS NAM!! (f>!IO '"'" 001.m,tl Club. Co~ll f,'••• C.ol! 1nd Cou"h• C1,,b. 1101 Goll (011r1• o.,,, (~!• "'"'"· I? ftO<"n •iun•m1••" ll t •<" (•thonue Ct""· LEGA L NOTICE ••• LEGAL . ~- NOTIC~ '·lUI• T·Ul\1 CEATll'lt:"ATE 01' I USINl!SJ NOTICE TO CrtE OITO~J FtCHllOUS NAME SU'E'°'IO'°' CDU•T DF THf (~''"''" llu1ln ,.1m•n"• Cem"''""· e•1i.o. B•• C>ub. N•woort ll••r~. ' JI) 0.1" LEGAL NOTICE P )<!OJ CEllTIFICATI! Of I US!l<llSS, l'ICTITIOUS NAMlf \\"ASHl~GTON I ,\P\ 1 lornfied Ar111y lcill'yer.~ are sl'ran1bhng lo plug an ap· parent hole 1n the legal d1kl' aga1n.~1 confliet of interest at:· 11011s by enlisted men. The hole has been thrre for some lime, but the tay,·yer '> evidently did nol r ealize it un- til tl1ey became concemed \vilh grart allegations againsL a group of sergeants involved in operations of service clubs. \\'hat ll boils dow n lo is th.is: The Army;s regt1lations bar· r ing connicts between private interests and official duties do C"over enlisted 1nc11. But offiC'ia!s say the federal Ja111s on Y1hlch thos e Arn1y rei:;ulations are based do not apply to enlis ted p ersonnel. Therefore. 1hcre is a big question ln the 1ni11ds or Arn1y kiwyers a s to 11·hether the con- flicl of inte rest r egulation c an be enforced against men below commission rank. Arn1y sources said Congress niay b e asked to close the brrach But officia ls indicated the p ;,ilchjob p robably \11ou ld nol pennit disciplinary action for past confllcl of i n \er cs t rniscon<luct, only a s a i n s t fu!ure offe n ses, l!o"'cver, Anny a uthor itic" s;11d there arc other c lea r ly \ :ihd regulalJons and laws thcit t:ould be brought into force for 11tfenses other than possible l"Onfltcts of interest. The Senate investigation~ subcom1111t1i:r T•·• 11na~ .. 1~""" "Ct< rr •lllv h• I< ·~~­""" ro • b~''""'' ol .U•I !i•woc•I BIVG I tJo "1~, NtNOO•t S~o{k, (~l·•<rto·~ un~•r te:-;Un1ony lron1 one o ll~ 111-•~· 1oc1;i.01:1 "'"' nom• 01 TlllM·A·C•~r · I and !~~• ••id tir m 1, <<>mroo••a "' ,.. \-rst1galors a lleging I 1a1 fnur tolloW•hO ""'°"· wkM• r•m• •ft tyll •nO I I d olac• ~· ,.,:aent• "•• •ollo11 \'t' eran Arrny serg e ant s 1<1 110BE.111 llE'lD•N. ?o 1 i ., ,., ~-·· r . I . r r o,ld Mt'• 1nanc1a 1ntcres1~ in a 1n11 0 11ec:t ocioh., 10, i,., \~'hich did 1n ost of its business s"" 0,"C!';;;~,~.:1•·n y,'ilh servicemen·$ f'lub~ in O•~r.ge cc.m•• o" Oc!obi'• to. 1•6'1 n"'c'• ''"· " Vietnam. Notorv Pv~lic In •n o •a• •••d 5•••• <>t,.onollv •Po '"' t d Ra"''' B••d•'I The four Thur:sd;iy invoke d ~nown to "'' to ~t '""' """0'1 who>! nome I• •ul,.tti"'d lo !~~ wltb•n in· the }>'ifth A1nendment as a <lrument •nd •cknowlr<lgltd b• e•fCvl !'d 1n~ >•l'T!f, safeguard agains l s e I f.i n-<OFF1c1~L se.o.L! Jo .. o~ E n,,,., c r in1ina11on repeatedly j n Nolnv Pobt;•<•• •orn•• P•l"CIPol 0 11.tt In refusing to a nswer questions ortno' '°"",., Mv Comm;u ,on C~at1 •• about alleged irregularities. Jvne i1, 1t10 Pub11.1n .. O••n1• , ••• , Ol•IV P1lot, One or lhem , S g t. f\1aj. Otlt>bt• I!, 11, 'I 1nd No ... , ... ~.. •, 1t6t IHJ·i9 \\"i\ham 0 . \Vooldr idge, earlier -----------'-'- ,1·as stripped by the Arn1y of LEGAL l'iOTlCE his pres tige position as a c om· ------------ P-J•~U rnand sergeant major. CE "'11"c .1.T E o, 11 us1NEss FICTITIOUS NAMl Army officials rnade it clear ln• ur1a.,,;4n!'d do•• c.,1,,, hr 1, •o"· Iha! th e days when a :senior dueti~~ ~ b"''"'" •n Orono• covni•. Ct llto•n•o, undrr int l•Cll!IOu• '"m n•mr nonromm iss1oned o fficer can cf ou.1.1. PO~T •N ,,.ESTML?JTs •"" 1ner !)('" broke n 111 rank arr long ••1c "'m i. 1omPo••d "' 1n. 1011ow•n• P••..,,n, WhOU n1me 1n lull """ ol•t• cl pas !. rt orc•n<• " "' '""o"'•" JA(I( l(ASPAREK, "' D•o'"f<! SI .. There are b uilt in p ro-ll•woo<t B•1th C•• •ntn•• uooo O~!ed O<IOb" \0 1'11' tert1ons for n onconunissioned J•c• !(""'''"~ officers." one s ource said . s1••• o• C•lifo(~,. O'~"gt C•~"''" "The higher the grade, the On Oc<obf• 10. 1•t• ~·•o•• rr•. , 1norc difficult it JS to r educe a N o 11 '" Pur.11( ,n '"" '"' ,.1c St•••. oor•nn1llv op o •"' ~ d JAo< K1•n•"' 1nan in rank." •~own 10 m• 10 ~· ·~· ~~"o" "'""~' n•mt " ,ubs<rlt>td lo •~• ""'""" ,.,. Apparently the Anny. which •l•ume"1 an~ •r~ncw1~a9r<1 ~· ••ft(.ul•~ officially spoke in a s laten1enl ;'Ci"~i~c; ... L sE.o.t1 ol \Vooldrtdge:s "involvement Jo'"o" E. O••·• Notorv P~Dll<·C••·•o·~·• in c e rt a i n irregularities,•· "•lnc1D11 0111ct in debated \~bet.her to invoke a ny O••n9• County t,;,, C'm""'!•,oft [•o·•~• Th• un dt•\IOhN aor\ (trl•!• ~. 1. <O" IT•TE o~ CAL!~D.NIA FO ii duel ng • .,_,>Ir•.• •I l~DO AG•m > Ao•nu• TN£ (DVHTY DI' 011.lHGl ("IA 11•,a, (l h!Ofhl• ~nd•• I"• Ht' No. A·•llU '""''" hrm """" ol L8 INV[51M!'NT Fi i•" ~I FERN• I •RICI(. !Jot•.,"<! MA.HAf,El.•F IJT CO i nd tn1! '""' '"n'. NOT ICE JS .,EllE6V Gii/EN >c '"~ n•mno.•d ~· •~-!ollo1>•hQ o•••on whc'e c••<11lc•• al Int •~•• ~~..,..., o•cffi•"! ~~m• '" r,.11 •<l<I pl1c• o! '"•"·""~ " • t"il •" a•"o"' no.-nq •'~"'" ••"'no tt>~ lollow• •••O a1teot1•t 11• 1e11,..,H! to '"• Jn•m, ltt fl 1111!1·, ?tJl II••·· ~·. Ca1l1 Wi!n ·~· n•(~Sl•tv VOU(h•tl· •n , ... ~flit• /,\~••· ("a1;1orn • ol rne tl~rk er 1ne •bcv• '"'"'""<Dud , or Oaletl S•pltmb" 1), HM lo D"lrnt !~om, ,.,lh Int n•C~>~••Y L•• II. B""' VOU<M•n. IQ 1ne und•"·~~·· Al !h• ""''' s1.i. (>f '"lllo•nl•. o ....... c ....... tv· 11! STOOD. BARIJETT, ELLIOTT •nd On seai.m1>1-r l], 1114, bt!ort m•. ~ AUUE, Allor~•.,. 111 North B•o•d"'•V. Noi.•v Public In .,,a lot ,.1a St11•. s~nln -"•· Cell!O'~'" (.I.Un l nom"' N. Oef\ont ll• •o~t•••d Lt• II. llut!• known rr.r,1 ~!•I, .. n1,n ;, lht Plott o! bvl•~·u IO me to br !no "'"""" wl\oot nom! " ~t !he und•'iignO<I "' •II mftt•" a••· subl<rll>Od to tPl• ,..11n,n ln••rvment 1nd l•inlnll TO lh• .,1110 ot •~Id d~t!'d•nl. •c-"owt..OQtO n. ·•~cu1ed 11\e ••mt_ wl!~i" •our mooms •f!O• tn• t•"' ~vbllca· IO~Fl(l.O.L SEAL\ !in~ or !hio nollCf . Ml"" IC. tltnrv D1!'1:1 D<"'boo' 10, ltU Noll'Y Pub!lc·C•l1I01n•• R°'11ld W. POii<' P"n<. o•I ofll<• In E •ot>ll<>• Oran•• Cou~9' cl tne Wiii o! •~• 1,•y Co"1m•,1•0n E•PI'" •t>O•• n'"'"d O•t·~···• llovfrrt>t• l•, 101? STOOD, IA'°'NlfT, l ltlOTT Pvbl<1he<t Oran~· ,,.,, D11I~ P•le•. AND AVNf .:icrot>tr .. 11. 11. 1s. nt' !!•l·6S I f : "'"""' N. l httoftH LEGAL NOTICE !------------5U,ERIDrt COUI T 0 1' TH f STAlE 0~ CALIFOllNl.I. f Drt. Tt1E COUNTY Of ORANGE i>jo. A·••lU 111 Norlft 1 .. ..iwt Y ~an•• l no, C•lllarn•t '11~1 T•I: (1\0j SO-ll!S .1.11orn•1i !or l!•Kulor P~b">heG Oron~· Co•<l Dc!obt r II, II , U l'ld "" 01J1; 0 110•, l.Jo•rn1t.rr 1. l•li6·~· NOTICE 0~ HE.AlllNG Df ,liTlllDN 'D'°' ,1101.t.T E OF WILL .t.ND FD'°' LETTERS Tl!$lAMENT.l.'°'Y Lf::GAL NOTIC E: l>• •ed<• Qn•O do t •,!ltv th•• "" <c""llf1•nQ • bu•ln•'l •• :llCl W )ncl St., Santo Ano, Cnh•ntft•• Und.r th• •1U•l11Pu• '"""' ~•m• of HA L"~ BODY SH0' ·~· '"~' '"'" '"m I• u1m<>0•~ or In• •011ow· ••~ O"''°"'· "'""'' """'"' '" lull •n.t ol•<•• ~· ••1•d~l'c• ••• •• lollo'N• P•I• L.an,l!fr. llllJ Oor!l~v ''"· G••O•n GrO••· C••ifo•n•1 Je"• Dohm. 11'61 L• l•m1. Fol!nll•" V.oll••. (•+lforn11 OtleO Oc!Ol>ef t, 1901. P•tr L•abellor J•,,~ D•hm ST•" of C•hto•n••. O-.n~• Couni., On 0!1 •. 1969. b~!orf m•, • Noll'" P11~"< '" •n~ !or >old Stole. per1a"•llt ••••••td "•'• LfdWtte• •n<:t J••rv o'""' ~now~ to m• lo bt If\< Pl'IO"• w~• ""'''' "' 1uh1t,.bl!d ta IN' wl!flln In· ;trumont •na •tlcJIC.,lfdgf'CI !ht• UKllttd "'" ........ !OFFICI At SE .t.l \ ...... ,y K Ht••Y Not•"' Pult!1c -c.1110-.,,• ""nC-Pll 0 111Ct In 01•n4• Countv IA• Com minion E •O!•tt. NO• )•. "11 Put •l1h0<! Orona• Ji •o~t' ll, II. l! \h t Coo•t Oo•f• ,,1o1, 1nd Novemto.r 1. l u 1 .. , LEGAL l'i"OTICE ------------ ~-JO."! CE rtTIF ICATI! Of I U"HISS, E1t11• ct WILL IAM ALE•ANDEll (AYl'llON, O•c•~•e<t ,.in u FICTITIOUS NAMf NOll(E 15 .,EACBV GIYL~ Thll /l aroer•l l.\oh•I~ f•m•rnn ~"' 111•0 ~.,ej,. • o•t•l;on lot ~·~b.,r o• ... 111 ona lot '""an<• ot l "1"• T~\!lmtn•l •V •o Prl·'r.,.,••. "'"'""t~ to ~h,,~ I\ m•d~ lo• •ut'""' 111t1>culo". ""d lh1! !kt !Fm• •~d al•<• of ~·•rono !h• ''"'' ""' ~••n ••I •er r•o~•mh•r 11. Ho•. "' 1 1' • ""' , •n lh• '""""'""' or D•DO••mtn• 'l" l n< ,,;., <0ll'" 01 1-00 {,vlt C•n!" O•IO• ~· !, ,n lh• (•!• Ol S•'llft -.. ~. ( .. dOM•il o .. ftd Oc••b" 1• IO!t. IY. E ST JOHN Counlv (It'' J AMES ( 9.1.GEMAN )01 EHi COlor•do llG11 io•t •4 l'•••GflO•, C•lllor•;• f \UI Tri UUJ 111-lM• Al•otn•v tot P•tltlon•r Publl•h<<I Or1no1 fo•'' 0<'~1><· 11. '' • "0 1•6' fl•1I~ f'0tn• No••r"'lll<'• l , 100l-~• CEllTll'ICAlE DF IU!INE ~S ln• una.,:.h1n•d d°"• c1rtlt1 h• 11 cc,._ l'ICTITIGU~ NAME du(!,ng • OV>•n•" •I )6jj H,woor! l lvd, l o• """"'"Qn•d Go•• <e•ll'" h• I• ,..,,. Co••• Mt•A. C1tllo1"'•· uft!l•r 1'1~ '"' acoth~9 t ""~'""' ot 111< Rr<llOll<!\ D•,.t. tit!o...• l••m nfmt ot CDltECTO '°''\ H•wl>Otl ll••th. COl\lo•n••, 11M•• 1~• I•<· SHOP tnO lf\lt > o Id firm IJ comoos .... •>t•o>ll• ''"" ~'"'' ol ON $1TE ol 11\t !ollowln• 0"'""· w~oo• nolM ,,. PHOTOIGA~l"!U(\ •nd !n11 "'" '""' i• IUll Ana ol•c' ot re•l<!•nc• I• 11 foll&W1 comoootd ~· "·• •cflo'NlnQ """Q"-"'"0" IDHN • llAlllDN. ltl• N•w .. rf nomr l'l lull •"d Ol•(e d ""d•~!• •I ., B••a. (0\11 Me.o. ( •'<f Jol>ow• o .. .., Ot!O""' IG. II••. llftnMd B""'' :I\" P@d L•nd' DI. Jon,, A, ll&r!on N•WOO•! l!O'<I\ (•ll!Mn•t Sl31• Of C0i llornl1 O~led Ottobrr 3, 19~t. 0••~•• Coun•v II"""'" II"'" On Oc•ob'' 10. lift, b@ll>N' mt, 1 "'"" ol C11 i!ornia. O•.ona• Co11nrv· Nol••v Publ'c In .,.,,, ·~· '"" Sitt•, On D(!Qb.-l , !flt, btfo" m•. • No13•v c•"O"&ll• •Po• I r • ft Jonn J.. l•r"n •ubl" '" '"" for •1Ta ~t1I•. or ,.on&llV -nown to m~ 1e boo •nt ~•.,6n whe•• •oO~ft'•d 8&1nt rd llv"V ~nown •o m• lo n•m• ;, 1ub1<"b•d to I~• wtt~I~ ·~· b• •he 11••1on wno,. """'" I• •v~<u•btd 1•r11m•'lt •nd •ck'loWl!'dQt<I ~. •~•cut.,., lo !ht w1l'1•n ln•trum•nt l"d 1<kncwl.O~· !f\• '""'' -a ti-•~f~u!•a 1k• '"n" !OFF!Cl•l ~E -Ll \OFf!Cl ... L SE ALf l(•I!~ A G"'to• Merv K t1r~r• tlo!••• ,.~~tlr·Co11for~,. 'lal••Y P<1bhc-C1I•!<>'"" P•lllC•~ll 01!1<• In punitive reduction in rank. but J~n• 11, 1'10 d ·d d · · ., Put>h•hH! O••n•~ CN ·.1 D••IV P110I LEGAL NOTICE cc1 e againsl 11 uourccs Ot!Obt• 11, n, 11 .,,a t1o~tm1>•r ,; 1----------------I P•i~t1•1 I Ofl•<• '" '""~"' ol O••nv• Orl nQ• Counh "" Comm•n ion E•P•rM s aid there 1\·r rc I o o g 1_•_•_• ___________ ,_.,_>_·•_• 1 discussions a bou1 th1~ possible t:ourse of act1bn. LEGAL NOTICE 0 ] .... , CE "'Tl,tCATI 0~ I USINE S!, F!(llTIDU' NAMf 1;,.-Commt.S>on (,o,,l! 5oot•mt>t' 1, lt/O UoV1'mbo"• ''· ltl:' Pllhllo~HI o ...... Co•" D1llY 11,r~t, Publi1hld o,.,,... CO••f O••" "•>of, Oc•o~f' ti, IJ. a •nd NtrVemi...-1. C'lr!ab•• ,, 11, ll. /l. lilt !IU-69 1f6f 1"7 ... LEGAL 1\0TICE LEGAL NOTICE Crossword Puzzle !>.JOU CEllT!FICAlE 0, I U"NES5, l'l(T IT!OUS NAM( lh' ""ae•JTontd ao t11 !ltv lh•~ ~,. conduc t>ng • b<.J•int <i •• ,. O llo• IC~J. L1gun• 8•ac". Col!lornl•, ~nae< t~• lie· llt.c11• h<"m ft~m• al "MAGlNE lH-T' ond I h • ! •old '""' 11 com<oo•fd of tft• 11111ow.nv o~ .. on•. vi~o.. "'"'"' 1n 1~11 end ol•L•• ct r•••G•nc• '" ~' tollov" Th• uPldorl•OJ\l'd do l t•l1fv lh•• ••• 'onovct'nt • bvLln•" "' '316 Nrw•o'1 !out•~•·~. Co••• Mt•o. c .1:1o•nl•, uod•r t~• 'ltl •1•~1)~ !it m """'' of "EltEY"~ CHOW BELL 1nd 1n1r 16•0 f1,m h com po"d or !n1 lollow1ng n•"0"'· wn~,. n1me; 1n lull i nd Pllt " o! <t1fdrn(r t't •> foilOWI, NOTIC I' TD C'°'EOITO'°'S H.l ~E AID• CDU "'T 01' THf ~Vl'f '°'IO'°' CDU'°'T 0~ THf ~TATE D, CA.llfD'°'HIA FOrt ST.I.TEO~ C ~l l'D'°'l'llA 'D'°' THl CDU NTY DF OrtA~GI TH[ CDIJtjTY 0~ D"'Al'lti( l T lt1n11 cont,~t ~·c na b P,ut of the h!.'ad ll .. et11 r me ~~urt 14 S1ng1:i9 9roup 15 P1r1 or :'le body lb IJ a••'\ ,. t~-~·· 17 E. ·r Dr~" r '0 ', t la 1 1,J~} , .• " cf 0:11~·. ~l Uarinr·"' rl1rtc \IO" P•Ar!v ar d " 11 :1q P < 1 1 .. alrr ~, p ~" • BI ~,· " ' ~ ~ ~· ,;rl .r1' • f.,'t ' ~II /'l A.tin•• 3 0 B•1dl 32 ;. t ;en·•·• ~!a:~~l'·"~ 3 ~ O! t1· •-..i JfJ C.1tv r,! "ew J ~''"1 ,,. O ·"~r10 •1 t.1 1n1al11•• r~1lrQJ!I ~· :r r·~·u.,~' l ..,f/rd ~ ~J Marl• h•lo~•~ AS Sa.,nte1 ~ l1~•!v ~~ ~~l11t~tio11 1n J l~l"'r'~ It lit/: ] words 4"1 E ~p!O~IV, 5!1 Instrument ~~ e ,11t r•qe 5'.l P l~~fS 5b Sm All ~A() w1th1n A larger oi.t ~a F 1111n11 b~ T htJter •ntr a11:': l word S ~1 '· •.. n 1· ~· ;' .... : ... ~ '' r, ~ ,-~· I ~ l.~l"'. ' .. h " I o' . ' h~··n.i: fl<'j ri•P f JO R•. ,, 1n 111ai:r• il [11 91.~' tOll:PCI\•· [lQI N •t "1•1 S~ll\ b~rl •nrlti'~ ·~~~~~1ty j "corl w1111 1'1t l•qs W•O• an A• l 4 r ~L•ryor1 •' . •-b~I fl ·~ 11011 ~ p,~~I· 1• ~ll•t' s • . .-:a : .. r .,, ~ '~., I i\' ~ ~~ ~ >!, ' ·~;I'!~ I a ',·~ 1 • ;;.1 ,, p '~ - '"' ,. " ; ? I "'' • ~,. ~. p ..... : J Si. ~·-. '' {,·d·, I 5:') 1• P.,t :o ,, roo1 L"'-' ?i o·e ~~ "" '' ( ~ • .,.! .. •ul r• ; ; ~J F:o ma~ r, t ! 1 11ard. ' " JI P r tp~1"rl to df'~111l I O~Si l•I\•: ' ~1,·d'. •; 1 .. 1mbrt :·5 l,~Oo-< I : 0 : ~ "" ·''· •' A• '. " " •• ,, r • " .. " ~ i'. IC'l. '.' ' ,., '. cior ~,~t 2•Q~~rn~ '~ "•rrod c! ' . ' 1 j ~ _ I·/ t l!..!H•r '' (.~g ~ 'J ! 1 ••• · t : l.0,1 '1.0BE~T INGALLl. 1..:1 Oolo~•n W••· loq~n• Be•cl\ llETTY l "li;.t.Ll~. )10 ClCPl•h1n W1v. l••uno 6•1<~ Doted Ortont• t. •tot "'ot>tr! l"o•t"• ll•l!v tno~111 ~IO!O <>' '•'""'"'o D,.n~• (OUft!V On Of!Obt' t , 19it b"'"" "''· o Nnltry Publ·~ •~ en~ •~r •• d ~!o l•. ~"·o~o ll~ • o o • 1 • • o Q.o~ .. 1 1"7•1'• l~n ~~ tn "'" :n bt I''" P•<>•~ "'"<\• ·• '" " '"~'"'h•d '" ine wlln o \"''"'"'""! •nd •~•"(>'ll•do~ h• ~•*<u!1d I"~ '""'' 1-0fF-ltlAL 5EALI , •• ,. !( .... "~ t•o•~r. P.,r c.~ •o• • A J P•ll•Q"nl, 7l fl II•>•• Enh•d1. N-.... oor t f!•1<"' C•llfo•~•o l"•"o Prll•nt1nl. N•t '~•0011 W•v. No A·l1111 Ne. A·!t'l l' r ""' of O•w•• r 8•1ld'f. Oet·~"·d NOTICE 01' HEA"'ING 0 ' 'ITITIOl'4 NOTI([ ·~ HER E:llY (,11/[I/ lo '"• FOR ,.DI.I.Tl Df Will -'"D 'o" ""d•IC'1 DI II•• •11<1•• """"" d•<·d~"I tETTE•S 0 f ADMll'llST"'ATIOJt Casio /,\fH, (oh•o•nl• C:. 1 Prll"D""'· 311 (.renob•• l •n•. ·~•I •II .,,,on> n,u,no (l~"l'" •01.n;I 1~t WllH·T'il ·Wll l ·AH .. l)llD (c.!• ,.. ••• , •. ,., ....... . Ollnl Ocloll<'r I, 1f6t. A J P!ll••""' M1rro P•l',.grtr-1 E T Poll"'°'lr\I ~it'• o• C•ll•o•n••· O"""• Cn<>n!v· On October '· 1~6f, l>flo•1 me,~ Nolarv ~11bllC •n 1na tor "'" S!•!1. P<r>on •ll• """""'"~ A J Dllit1Hlo i. M•••~ P-llf9""'' •n<I ~ f P•'l•"I"' ~""·•n lo "'" •n mo •n• "'J'0"' ,.~~ • ~""'"' •·• '"""'''n•d •o •n• "'""in '"'t1um•n1 •"d "'""' IMnO<I •~•v •••(11,.d '"' ""''· (O~FICl,l.l SE il.L) 11 0 arc..o•nl 1•t rtou"•" ro ll't '"""'· E$tl lt ol El/ELYN M. BEfTS, OKe1 .. ""'" lh• nec•n ••Y vouCftf ", I" 1n1 cffic• ltd 01 the Clfl-al tt.• 1bov• en!lllfd cou•I, a• NOTICE " HEREBY Gii/EN Th1f •o '""""' thom. wlrh 11\t nottn•.., ll•"t cl """'""Cl tl•!IOn•I TruJ1 1nll S.v• •ouc~e ... 10 '"' undt•1l1n~ at th• oil!ct ln;1 A"ocl•hOn n11 Ul!'d ~rtlll I "'lt\on GJ hi> Allo•n•,, Sv•nJO• ond G•••ln, 6150 !or ero(>•'• o! will 1nd ''" lrll9r1 ti \Ian N~•• Bculo>••d, \I on H11v•. Colllo1n:1 A a m I n ls!rollOn wl!h-lh•·WU1·•n,,...l!d, 91'0,, wftl<" I• lft• oloc• al ll!Jslne.1 of reftttnce le ... nich 11 mod• fo• furlft•r In• unO•"<vn•d '" 111 m•tt•,. ~11•1lnl"a o•rt L<ulots. t na !h•I ln1 Timi on• 1\t(• •11 lft t eolt•• cf •t>d d1t..ien1. w1 1n•~ iovr ol "•••Inv In• ••m• hu Min 1H fer ,,,~~·~\ •tier rn1 lir>I py~llc1lion ol 1hil r--cv•ml>for 1•, 1'6t. 01 t :lCI 1,m,, In t~• ...i•k t. ccu,1•oom cl OoP•rJmont Na. 3 oi •••" O•l•d Or•o~•• ]. ltl• <ourt, •I 100 Civic C1•1tr Orlvt Wnf. In If.orion J. O•.,I Ph~ Cl!~ cf Son!1 An•. C•lllOrnlo. '(:II ~ K•»t " li •t<<>TO• ct I~• Vl•ll Dtled Octobtr lJ, 1'6' ''"'~r.-P"Dlr Of the obovt n1m•d art•a•n1 W E ST JOHii, ~'~" ~4 C•·,,o., lohn f . Ot'lln for Coun•• Cl,.~. ''"""~" r." •• ''' I '" n"oil OH t • I~ ~, • .,..,, Onll 011~ln. frtA/HILIN Al'I D fRANKLtl'I, fl••no• Cn""' 0•~""' (oun" Ult Vlft N11•1 &o~ltVO ril, IOI Et •I 111~ SltH l-1,!y Com""'''"0~ r •P"" ~'v (o"'m"''"" E•P•'•' ~ •• j>jyv1, (flft~rnl• t l.-J Cu lo MM•. (•lll•r•l1 '1UJ, •lo•e!"'I>-• ... !t'1 Ar• (•I. '"0 ,.1, !lll) HS-•lll Cl!J) l!J·llU Tot• ('111 )Of.HSI <o,,M••"•O fl••r o• (na,I D-• t ~ \ol, "~t·· •l •d 0'•~~· Co••,! 0• Iv P ·~· A1 .. rn1Y• 19r E•1cwtet AllO••o.-1 ltr '•lill•nor '("<~" 11, IS. l~ o~<I llo;·t r~• '.)riro., 11, li, lJ t~d r.ov•tnP•• >. Publl•~~ Dt•n~• Co"! 01•!Y "Uol,I Puolf•ft"" O•.r10< CHI! D1°l 1 '"081, 1~.-•1~1-10 Ito•> >!., •o ~t•OO•• •. 11. 11. JS, U6t 11d_.t Octo l>fot 1' ll. Jl. 116' !"I-" -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL NOTlCI:: LEG AL NOTlCE LEGAL NOT ICE LEGAL N OTICE DllDIHINCE NO it·U AH D ll Dl~ANCE 0~ lH( (ITV (01.!"• (IL 0, Tlt lf CITY Of COIT• MEI• C HA"Gl ~G THE lD~INO OF "D•· TIONS D~ T•ACT ND. IOI AND TllACT ~0. /!I l'l!DM "'l TD I •ND • ION• ING. T~~ CITY Countd al int C1!y or (o••• M!>A eo•• nu•bv ora1rn "' ro"•w~· 5ECT!0N I All If\•! Par•I~~ cl lh• folla ... 1n, <l•lC"bed ••• 1 D•OOt t!V L< l\tt•b1 olt c..:I 1nd ln~h . .,,1d in !ht I •n<I R l ont, to .. 11 P ARCEL I lo>• \ lk•OU•ft I. b••OO I~• no•!~""''''''• J tl-"' '''' or Trttl No. $01 •• .~.w~ on 1 moo 1nrr~ "co•dr<I ;~ !Ice~ U. oeot ,_ O' .VT"t'l•~PGU> .,..n,, 11.~(ord~ of Oro~gt Cou"'"· PA ~CEL II Loh • •n<I J '"" ti\• 'ov!~"'"'"'lv -----' ~.--.... ,"----- 1~ <~ !r., or lo! l on ''"' Ne 111 ~' \~OVI" i>" O "'~P tn•nat tftOld•M '" lino~ 71. o•o• l! o! M.•~•ll•nrou1 M••» l'otord• o• Orono• Coun•• I :,o l"<lud'no t~e ~~•""Cn!'<'I '" IXI tn" ol"" ivJAQ aa.nieol lo •nd •o·;u ... ~,., 1; or tne •ll<oV• d!•t•ii;.d Loi>• """ I """ 00111on o! Lo• J. !'>f(TION 1 PU••V•n' to 1n. OrOYl1;on< o• ~''""" tUO ' ol "'" Mun1tlo1t Cod• o• '"• Cl!v ~· C1>!'1 ,,_,,., Ol•ltl~I M•o G·? ol tn• Cl!v ot '"'" M•H I• "~'•bv ~men<1Ht bY Int 1aalt•on lhe••to of '"• u •• d•<etlbtd '" s,tt•on 1 ~••tel SECTION l Tnl' Ora1nanc~ on•U I•~< •ffett • ...., boo I" full lcrc1 tnl•I• UO) <ltY~ •rom """ o!lrr lh P0'109•. And orlor IO ,.,, o·.olrnllc" '>' lll!01n (lJ\ a•o• l1om 'h• o~n••• '""""' 1htll i.. aublls~'d .,,,,. '" In• O~Afo!G r CO A5T 0.1.!lV PILOT, • n•w•o•nro ol tt~e••I clrctil• L!G[HD •·on. orlnle<t 1na ooblls~ed In I~• C:l!y cl <--osT• Mf••• 1ooe1nor wl!h •~e n•"'"I or lti~ membet1 o! In• CHv [o<J.,t>I ""'"" IO• •od 01oln1t l~r ••m• PASSED .lollO ,ADOPTED T>;•S 10•~ ~•Y ol Otl~•. 1919 A L. P INl\LEV MtYCt o1 !M (•Iv ot Cat i• Me11 ,ATTEST , (._ K !>"'IE.ST C.•I• Clerk or '"' (•IV 01 (O.!t M•tl STATE 01' C.ll!l'D'°'~l.l COUNTY OF DQ.AHGE CITY OF COST.l MESA I ... I. C. IC. PA IE ST, CITY Clu1< 01 1~f C•IY o! Cosio M.,,. 1n<1 t•..of!ltlo Clt r-of •~e c;1v Counc!I o1 rn• Cltv ol Coi•e "'~"' ~·retr. certl!'t l~•I lh• t bove •nd lo•...,•· ino Orclln•ntl No. tl·ll w11 !ntroclu(~ l-:..::::.:_·..: _~ .• -·.:. ..... 1 ,..,, ...... I • • .,, ' ... :. •·•" n it••··· -----· -:-=:--::-· ·~ ----·--·- --,, I .......... . __ -;:" :~ -" . : .. •.·":;.;.::::·' ---" ................. . ~-.. , .......... .,,_.,. .. :~~ .... ·. ' .. . ' 11 I .... · .... ·.··:·. ···.·.·.'·.· . ' ..... ~!,"'."." ...... _. """'" ·; · ... :·· ....... ' ' . " .. -· ona i on•la•red 1ectlcn hY >'<ho" I! A •eoular mf t!lno ol ln1 H•d (II• (Ol/ncil ht ld 0~ in• 1•n d•v of Octoi..1. 1ttt. """ t~erea!ltr Q~""" •nd odot1,..., 1> • whol• ti • ,.ou>t• mee11.,. ol I~• 1•lcl (llv Co~ot)I an !~• l(llh O•v of Odobor, !HI, bv lti• lo•lcw,nt •ell t •ll '"'" AYES CDUNCllMEH Wll ••~, l ucku, 31. C•tlr, Jo•dt~. Pln-lfy NOES · COUNCILM EN NOl\t' A81ENT: COUHC!lMl!'N Mont 114 WHHE$S WHEll.EOI', I b•V9 ~•••vn!o nt mv h .. 111 '"" .tflxN 1~• S.•• ot 1f\f Cltv ol Coll• Mu• IP!I• l l1t d•• ct Otrobtr, ltlt, C. K. "'°'1£$1 Cl!.-Cl••• t nd E•-offk t. Cltt-of l~t Cltv Coimc:ll ct 11'11 (I ... 01 Costl MtSI P11bll1P!td O••nt• CN•I O•llY l'llo! Ot10C..1 lJ. "'' lftO.IJ DISTRICTNG MAP ........ ·--,.,,..., ,.., :-. . '- /I:--..... ~-IG/2 .-..... ----------------------------------------------------------------·--- DAll V PILOT S.11urd1y, Octobtr 25, 196fl Real Estate Questions •nd Comment By Reoltor Randall MeCardle I've been reading your column for a long time, ~nd over th• year' you have alway5 been recommending "buy now." Maybe we should have tak@n your advice and bought last year or the year before. Are yo~ honestly still recommending that people buy now? With th• ~11- orbita nl interest rates, th.J I add so much to the price and cost of a home, can you honestly suggest that peo- ple buy .a home in this m arket? F .A. Costa Mesa It 's true in tod ay'.: money market. you \\'ill have lo pay n1ore dO\\'n and pny higher in terest than you \\.'Ould have lasl year. Still. yo u niay be as .sorry next y~ar fo r i1nt b11yin1: nO\V ris that fan11ly voho last year decided to \\ ait •·a\\"htlc. . · ·rhe rate of int c.rc.sl paid for a tru.s t deed is only Ont nf 111any f;:ic lors that constitute lhc final s ale ~ or a hon1f' Everything sccn1.; to co.~1 inore today .. A.II '!he sub-con- t r:1 r tor s li<1 vc had to ra 1 ~c 1>r1c·cs to cover their C"o..;t ~. lonslrllr'lion costs arc co n.s tantly incrc<i :-.ing ; land nt>\t'r ~ren1 s lo go i.111)'1\ htrc but 11p. J~e111c111ber. it is ·1hr nctuul ('fl!il 111:11 < ount..,-lhc net . 'rhat intcrc ~t 11t· p<i.v 1 .~ l;.ix ded uc11blt. Ji '..; pol un- usual to ha ve <i ll eighl o r n1nr percent loan l·o,,! !he (il.'\- payer less than a -'"" pC'rc1:nt. bctau:-.r of thi s ·t;ix de- duct ion. .l,l so. if 11·c cnntinue to ha1·e innation, and il appc<:ir'> like 1t o r not. inflation is he re to ~tay ... \\'e 1vill be re- paying our trusl deed '' ith c heaper. innation-devalued dollars. :\nd lha1 really helps to Jo1v er lhc cost of bor- rowing~ 1 am going to be 62 soon and 1 am thinking of 1ell· Ing my hom•. I believe there is some incom• tax ad- vantage given to those over 62, so we don't ha~ to pay so darn much income taxes. What is that rul1 rpg? Our homt has no mortgage, we own it, M . M . Newport B@ach Sorry,, you n111 ~l be nl lr<1 ~1 ti.I years of age before the rulinS?: applies. If von 1iell or ce\chan:.!e \"our r·e .-1drncr <li1 ring lhC' :v ear yO u may gcner;"lll y clec1 'to cxC"!ucle fr on1 your ~ro~s incon1c part or Jll of lhP gu111 <in 111«1 ~~ilc 111 e>.changc Ir (I) You are. US or oldr r hrfn1·e lhe drit e nf the ~cilc or e xchange : and (21 'You 01vned und used thr propcrtv so.Id nr ('\· c hanged :is ~·our pi 1nc1 pal res1ilPncc fo.r a period 11vhether l'Onllnuou;; or 1nlcrrup1cd 1 lol ahn;: at le<1 .-.I five years 11•11hin ll1r c1 ghl -_ve<1r pl'nocl end1n i:: on the Oale of the sale or rxchangt·. Ta.-.:payer!> \1 hn 1ne!'t l hc-.f' rcquircinenL s tan ele< t 1n exclude thrir c111 1rc g.1 111 JI lht ad1u:.ted 1>ales pri ce is S20.000 or le -.:-. 1t lhC' ad 1u-.tC'd ~al es price 1s 01<'1' ~!0.000. ao r lcc\1011 r11t1 y be rn;_1dc to exclude part _of the }:!a1 n ·rhr ;11t 111 ~lt'd -.al t " price is lhe an1ount realized I ro rn the -.ale ri fle r c:o1nrn1.-,1oni: ~nd olher se llin~ ex- pense .. 1n1nu s c:crltlJ n · t1\1n i;-ur expenses.'' Onl y one election 10 c-.:ctudt· J.:dln 111"-~' he n1ade during the 'iax- r aycr'1i lifct1111r . 1-:0 !TOR .'i Nf)Tf> n.r1 11(!t // R ,,/t \r11rllr i ~ ri ~1 r11vt'slmc11 / n11alu.~1. pn:~)l./crir 11! 1/11· Rr·11 / l·:.~1 ri1t·•·.1· r1 roller1c lert11 rf'r, rr <11rcctor fl/ 1!1r <"o / 1111-,•111 \<:o;nrni r1r111 ro f Real E.';;tolr ·rcochr r::;, IJ'i1!1ur 11( "/-i1Y1I /· ,, .... ,. •,1 L'u/1(rn·1110 ·· Srnrl !JO"I' f]!ICSLIOrt .~ (!1irl ('!1/IP)1(1/IS tr. 1;n1u/111/ /? 1\ltC0111i r , (/() r!•r r>nily Pl!nr, rn Ro1· l.ifi(l. f'n.-.rn .l'/r ~n .9262fi MISS 10,000 -Su :-an l\lc.\Ia!)trr. 10.000th perso n lo 1no\·c 11110 ;\·!1,:.1011 \'1<'JO . rct:c1 1-cf> $500 check fo r e<l - t1ra1ion trn111 Phil1 r .I. He ill_1·. prC'~1 dcnt of ilfission \'1c10 l o :'!Ir, ,ind ~!rs . l1r11r C' .\lt'.\l<1 stC'r 11·atch a " .Ja me .~ ~l c ,\l a sl rr. Su . ..;a n's brOlhrr, lnok s O\ er his $500 chci·k for C'{hll'atiun. 10,000 Yicjo La.~.~ Gel,s Chech Forest Fashions 'f'all Fete llallov.·een pumpkin carving conlesls, ''harvest" festivities, and a series or F'atl ac tivities, mark the inaugural of the ··Autumn Escape" program to start this weekend al Lake f orest. .Jack Ri sbrough . director of 1narketing at Lake Forest, an- nounces thal the autumn rc~t11•1t1es v.·il! 1· on t 1 nu e through Nol'. 30 and tha! Lake Forb l model area ~. already anrac11 11g hundreds rat h 11rrkcnd. 11•111 fr;iture <ii'· 1·c~sones eornpl11nc1111ng tht' JI a 11 n w r r n · Th:i nksgi\'lni; ;:.casons. One hon1r 111 r<1l'h of the 1hree 1nodcl areas 11·1Jl al so be c!t's1g11ated 3s a harvest home , offering oven-fresh pumpkin 53-acre Plot Development Set In Irvine Complex At the gateway to Orange County Airport. adJa<:enl to Irvine Industrial Complex, \1e SJ acre~ of land sla ted for 1.:omn1erc·1al de\•elopment by 'Irvine. Earmarked for the first phase of construction are 17 acres. sel'en of \1·h1ch already suppon the nearly completrd S4 rn11!ioll Airµort f'r Inn Hotel. restaurant con1plex and 800-seat eon 1· (' n t i o n CelltC'T. The ren1l:l1n1 ng 10 ac res a1 <· con1pletely lrased and will Ix' individually deve loped by th e lessees. All. that i:;, except a parcel of l:1nd front ing 1111 f\1acArthur Boulevard and ex- tending approximately one ci- pie and bowls of crisp .., \\'ashington Slate apples. The autumn feeling will be ex - pressed in 11.·ell coordinated scason;•I decorations. ty block on either side or expected to be 27.500 by 199!'1. Michaelson Drive Th i s is a built-in rrcruiting groun d ground, which hai; been n·· /or selentific and professional tained by lr\'inc lndustri<JI. personnPI. Complex , will be brokrn early lr\'inc 's new structures !n in 1970 for the construction of the i\irport Busine~s Center two fou r-story office building~ ii·erc designed by c r tt i i: ;ind two bank buildings. The Ellwood . Ill assocn1t1on wlth ;:1nno11nccn1ent "'as 1nade 10-.:irchltcct s .James Tyler an<l day lly John E 1\lurphy. pres1· Hobert Bacon. Ellwood 1.• The progran1 also ushrr~ 111 thr open 1np. or a nr11· 4:"1 hnn1cs11e unit in the Village. at Lake Forest. including livr 1·0111plc!cly new living plan.~ 111 11111 lo ltvc hedrocrn <lnd f;1n1- ily rou111 dcsi gus. 'l'l1f' ho111 e~ ~ll'r pnc-cd froin $:.J:!.995, ac- eurd1ng to Risllrough. Apple cider sr and s . .o pcr a1 e1l hy teenage resident~ of Lcik r Fore!'t. ;ilso add to the d<J y·~ rnjoyn1ent, \l'l!h proceeds. or thr fi\·e cent~ per g!as~ rcfre.~h mcnt going lo the Lake Forest Swim Team trophy program. Visi tors are invited lo view· lhe $350,000 Beach and Tennis l.'lub at Lake Forest and to en- .1oy boat cruises around the largesl residential la ke s u1 Orange County. L;;ke fore.~•. 11 1th ho1ne~ ;i1'a1l<1bl!' 1n the Village . the l\"oods, or along the lake~llorr. 1~ t\lrrcnt!y !hr l;:irgr.~1 Dc.1nr l{1·uthcrs dc l'eloprnc11t Tht• I 11111. a ~ub~id1<Jt'}' of 0 1. · 0·1Ut•11tal f'elrolt'u111 lurpor;1- tio n, began drvcloprncn1 nr· l.tiki' Fore:.t in 1968. S11v·e 1l1e11. 1hc co1nn1uni!y tias nra1-- l.1 doubled in s11.c To reach Lake Foresl. t;i~r the Sant:i Ana or S;1n D1!'gn lrrr11·a ~·s lo El Toro RoCld ;ind Joi low the directional s1i,:ns. Land Sale A1111011nce<l Purchl !!"' of 33 acres of Farwell properl ~'. Cull'tr Road 1u~t north of the S;inta Ana Fr,.f'way in ~:ast Tu~tin. ha~ been ;:in.nounC'ed by Don Ayrr•. .Ir. president Qf frank 1-1. ,<\v res and Son. ·The i\cwpor1 Beach h<1 ~erl bu 1lding·cle\•f'lop!nJ.! r J r rn bough I the land lro1n L,1 01a11 F11rv.·eH al an undisclosecl price and ha s au npt 1Jn on ad- d1l101\al conl iguou.~ !anrl. Ayre!'! will inl1'oduct r\rll' .:i rth1trctural s!yling~ 1n tt1r t1rs\ int re1nent of 69 home~ 11·hich 11·111 begin ronstr ul·11on 111 ncce n1ber or Jan11ary. Thr <:o mrnuoitv \\"i!J ha1 e: 300 homes wlic n curl1p\1>lt>tl CATHEDRAL CEILINGS IN TURTLE ROCK HOMES MODEL IN IRVINE Sein\ orcr1 I•'b;J1 Namc1 : Tiirtle Rock ()ffers Sty le , S JJacioiis1iess denl or J 1·vine lnclllSlrial prrhflpS hC'~l knOll't1 for h!.~ Con1 plcx. (lcsign of thr ~c1c ntif1c Dal;i ''\\i1 th O\'C'r 2l:1 ind<1:;trit'~ Sr::.tcn1 s bu1ld1ng5 ill El Seg1111· now loca ted in the cun1plcx. d\l. for ll'lllr!i hr recei\'Cd th!': and n1ore coining in all the 1'!6:1 Go1r.rnnr 's D1,~ign Av.•11rrl time, the bu s in r s s within and tile .o\I/\ lirand P r1~ Airport Center will ha1·e an .o\ll';inl. in1media te service area lu .. As 1,ir .i ~ we know."' said I\.&B Veeps '"P""rl them," said Murph~·· F-11 d I A C I Li l'ini: room~ thal show cTcated by sliding gla ss door~ .. 8;·~the same token ," he ad-• woo . ··11e 1rport en er sophistication 1n style and 10 patios provide an outdoor d d h 1 .11 h e buildings arr !he on 1 '! R"b"•l 11· F1··. h •"d 1"1111·,,n · h c · "t e comp ex "'1 a\'· b .,,. d"s g"•d s" that lhf' u L• ., .. T spaciousness <ire t , glamour living feeling . Well designed . . 1 d d ., u1 1ngs c 1 "'" u .I Schw·orer Jr. ha ve be en centers nr loday·s luxury fireplaces of native stone. arc its commercia ~ele 'cservel 1·ertical sleet \\"indo1v frame~ e l•ct~" \'ICe presidenl'i of h•m•. lr\'lne lndustna om p ex, ;:ic tua!ly carry the loads off ,_ "'-' v '" neat and funcliona l. Beamed d I · t th I f 20\I ,., .. Ima" 0 nd B·"ad. lo• .. hv eve oping a e ra e 0 the floo•' Als" "'"ept I"" the l"h,"bn .. , ;·.·01 111;,'.,,.,, 'pr"<J-They ha ve the greatc~I im-ceilings add glamour. acres a )'Car, 15 the fa stest ' · u.'" c. v• '" ' ,_ ' ' .. ., f h SOS buildings." he added. "v.•e denl Eugene S. fl ascnfcld h;i~ pact o ·any room on I e nc1v Living rooms at Turt lr. RoC'k gro1\•ing industrial complex ln believe 1here are no sleet cu r-ho1ne buyers. 11 ·11s ,. ed 1 h di Jh 1· announced. 1 .c arrang 0 an e e na ion. 1<1111 11 al l structures v.·est of In addilinn. Ro~enfrlrl nn-Li vin,:: roo1ns suc:i;.est thr the routi ne ol hvin~ 1n tllr Both the inc1usin:il roinple;;; Chicago." nnuntrrl that beth execut11-e.c; lcl'el of l1v1og for ihc familv c:is1est 11·av Trillf1c niol'e~ ;:ind the t\irport Businc •~ llie Airport C<'nl rr huildins~ li;n r rc('cn·ed neiv man;igc-and thC'y show In one Sll"e~n111.~ frorn dining" and \..1t chc n Hrcas center are imin~diatclv ae-11111 tulill J:Jil.OOQ square ferl 1nc l11 ass1g11111cnl s on the \\'est 1 lrll' how thry rein br used lt•r ~11100lilly . ('CS.'\ihlc b.v 1wo m ajo r ;ind 11111 ('r.~I ovr r S2 .')million i'o;i 1 rntrrt:i1111ng . fr1r I a n1 i l 1· \\"hen dr1n .:111d.c; nrc fu r lrtewnys. the r\ewport anti th!' t'l <'Cln~tnict <it("ord ing tn Si·:ill'urer. g~n(•ral n1an;1grr "1·ent ~. for rclax111;:. ;n1d t(lr ~prier for cntcrt;i ining larger San l.l 1c~o. ~·1 a c /\ r l h ll r .luhn \\' i\lillirk. rroiet·t rir 111e 1·0111pa ny·~ J\<J111n1:111 thr othi~r activ11ics of 11n-~roup~. lh e~e l11·1ng roon1.~ Boulel'ard it ~clf 11 ill ~00 11 n1<1nagcr Thr Lll11i din;;~. to b~ ;.i nd Broad d1v1~1011 in nor\hcrn porlance. 1nrris11 rc up Tiley can br used becon1c 111e Corona del 1\l;ir tul\~tnil.:ICd <'1 ·~tcl'I ;\11d gla~'· Ca!1forn1a. 1 ~ a~ s u n1 in g Tlle:;e proved trends 111 101· 50 pe rsons ,1s pleasantly <Ill Freeway . An u11q<1est1onablc ;1rr "'purely lunct1onal ."' h<> rcspons1bililic.'i for thr 11·rsterii n1odcrn living rootn.~ !1<11'(' for fan1ily group~ of rig ht or ;:i s~ct 1s proxim ity o! the area :-;,ud Indicating a stale mo<Ji•I rrgion. This 01ove glvr$ lhr been used by 1\lidd lcbrook-lcn And for more cxtens1vr 1n Ora1111eC.:ounLy Airpon.no1\' o/ the tr1111 buildings. cu1 · 1·ornpany an t'xperien1:ed ;,nd Anderson Co1npany in 1hcir rnter!aining. sliding g I a s -: fourt h b11~iest in the nation. rently on d1~play at rhr lrvinf' rn ark rt i 11 g-0ricnled line Turtle Rock Hills luxu ry hornc doors to large pt'llio~ can hr 'I he airport area i~ also se rved Cnnipany·~ hcJit(1 Uitrlcrs 1n rnana~rr 111 11 11.~ p o s l , devrlopmcn! 10 11• 1 n .:it·-opcnrd fflr any ovcrtlow . Ad-by 111.·o ra1lroad11: the Sant a Fr :\c1\pOll Br<1ch, ~lillick ;i r1- Rn~cnleld .".iu!. r·eptance and buycr.c; -;ind incenl f<1rntly rooms serve rt-.:ind the Southern Pacil ic. drd Schworrr will br re~pons1blP four a1\'ards in major home frc!i1·e1y here . too. :\'owhere rlsr in Orange Coun· .. Fnr e~;llll\)lc. 1hc ,•lrrl ~011 fur !lir -.cl rr11on and :!{· buildin g cornrictit1onY. Turl lr Hock llill s rnodc!.~ iv i~ 1hcre a commertial·111· ~re 1." nn1 rJccor<Jtnr-11 is'-''"' 11 111~i11on of alt land for the Turtle Hotk llil!~ j, .:i ;:irr oprn daily froni 10 a rn tn iiustriat area scrl'iced by surh 1u<1lly , up po r 1 1 o c thP \\'estl'rll 1l11·1~ioo~ and lor ~1:i.ooo .ooo proiec t 1n eoni-du sk They c;1n be reaC'hf'd b~· a C'ombinauon of road, rnil hu1ld1ng~ The art'h1tect h;i' 1'1cral1 lanU pl<n1n1n1t and p!ete!y n1as1er planned lrv1or. 1urn1ng off the San Di ego ;:ind air faci111ie~. f'hn1in ated rvcrything Iha\ 1111h1"<1t1 un , The coinmuni1y o\rrlook~ lC, Frtr\1ay nr Santa 1\ n a Only a stone 's throw fr11tn 1locsn't srrl'c a purpose. The '\orthern t 'ahfurn 1<1 opt'ra· lr\'inf' Fn.'f'W:ly and pr 0 c e e cl 1 n g the industrial compl ex and 111r. rlrs1gn 1.~ mean1og ful and lions 11·il l I.le i·onsolidal'd Cathe1Jral rC'1ltnc• in mn"l ~n11th or tiy rurn1n.c: off Paclf1e busi ness center is the Irv in<· rlcp1c1s !he s!:itr-of-the ;i rl 1n- 11nder Fish v.-ho hll;o; been Ka v n1odcl ~ .c:11 r a rnndern ~!)IC !n Coast Highway and prnct>eding t:ampul'i of the Universi1 y of du~try and researC'h carnrrl llamrs general manager. Tiiti their h11n;: rMm~ Gl;i~~ \\i!ll~ north . California . UCI cnrnlln1rn!. nn In !hf' industrial rnmplcx " product rn<lnagers 1111! br -----'-----------------------------------------------named lo handle design and 111ark rt 111.i:: nf Ille l\ay llomr~ ;1 od Kaufman and Broarl pro· thi\·t hoe s in ~ n rt h e 1 n California . F'1sh. :12. has 11 tolal of 11 1rars experience in the tiou~· ing tind rea) est.ate field s. l!t 11as 1n1olve-d in com1nerc1al t111d re:1\'1ential df'1·elopmen1 111 Los Angeles, Orange and R1 1·ers1de Counues lor 12 _vears prior 10 JOio1nc Kau!- ' 1a:i a1 1,I Br1ad . For se1·eral \ ra r~ ht w<1s a pa rtnrr 1n H.:iye~ ;i nd F1~h. a rle1 elop· n.<'111 firm. Countian~ Buv l11itial • llanl·ho (alifornia Site \lr <in d :\Ir' r:ohrrt 11 :~.it \.. 111r ht•t \l\•.1 Int <-Thr1 r r rop nr Tus1111 . bl•1.1n1r 11\r 111·-1 ~I'l l 1n1c~tm1·n1 II 111 ht 1lroprr1y n11 11r1·~ 111 Hant·ho l111'll 1<'r 1:11hanci•d by thr :rno. Ca lllornia '~ :'llcadowvirw lillh· .11:rr 11t1rt•el. held in con11n oo ti1 r1.c;1on 11ht·n thry rccrnth hv a homco1\·nrr~ 11:<soc1at1011 put·ch;i~ed ;:i .10 .~00 squ.11·f' lool 'l:hc propcl"I ~' n1ay br used for rr~idcnual site l!1r d1'1·c lopn1cnt of parks and .<\t1he sa111etitnr.!hry)i<1d J:r {'rn brl1 s to 1n s urr 1he di stinC'tion of becoming thr pcrn1anen L mainlcnanct' of an llrsl meinher~ in the riri l'n1e 111tractil'c rural atmosphcrr l'<icht club at R a n r h 0 Jor the entire residential area l;;i!iforni:i '.~ Vail Lake and alsi• :'llral11)11·v1ew parcrls rani::r acqui red an interest 1n a :iso. in ~ite fro m one half lo \"~ 11cre parcel of land l'llr-:icrc~. 11·i1h prices starting al rounding ri.teado11·vir11·. s:i950 \\'hen a second in- Thr Hat1cks' lot ll'tl~ 111,. 1·rrn1ent ol de\'elnped prnpen~· h nclded to Lhe 2;,9 parer!~ now fir.:;1 of ~2 sold during lhr utlrrr1t. ~lcado11·\·1r11• wlll r lln· ~rand ope nin g rerrrno111r' ~( :-.i.~t of l ll:i oitrr~. :\lcadn11·1·1r\1·. Thr pro 1rrt. To h1r111~hed ino<lrl hn1nc~. rrRardcd by mfln~ ;.i-. a n1;110r iroiosition lor Ran 1• h 0 h1J~h on 11cw lot ~ .. 1rr open for . 1. . 1 111-.pcc11on. (a iton11a. altraclt'f ina11 y Ill· \lt.1do1r1·1r1v i!<. th t nr\\·r~! !rrr~lt·d ll{'Oplf' rlunng 1• \\;1! ii·;i~ lerincd ,.5 ;:i n .. 1111 p1 01el'l ;11 Rnnrho Cahtorn1a Tllr ~2.0i)O acres now un{ler prr.~si l'e"' ,1:r:1nd oprning lly \•11niprf'hcn.~il·r dc\•r lopmcnt <;eorge .1. ~l 1· t: a fr 1 ll a 11 · repres1·nt less than h.1H !hf llaneho Ctlliforni:i"s vice prrsi· total Ra 11 c h 0 California clrnl. 1n charge of oprration.~. u11·11er shtp 111 the ar!'a. "\\'r. wf'rc very hrartencd h~· Ne11rl~ fil'e year.~ o 1 d , 7% to 7Y2% annual percentage rate We know you're interested in giving your family the best home money can buy, We not only tho ught about your pocket book. we thought about your children and I heir safety, your peace and qu iet and privacy. You see, your home i11 ., !-. •·· '-.. 4 University Park stands among 4 4 a c res of lush ~ ''"~,'*'I ·green pa rk. It 's so q uiet it seems as H !here 5!1--::J---"rJei"=:; · isn't a street around. How long has it been since •l 0,. ~" you played a friendly game of touch football or '~ .... ,~· ' h d .,,.,..•" walked in the park? How long since you a a picnic? At University Park you even have your own pr ivate club. F nu r -1 c ;i r · n I 11 S11~a11 \h \l:i~t rr l)Cl'i11nc lhr 10.000th rci:1den1 o I four-\·car-olrl \l1~~1on \'h'Jo. 1n<irk1ilg 1h;it tn1!r~tonc !Jr the ne11• corn- rnun11 y in snulh('aslcrn Orange Cnun!y · ::u1d fl'ce11 1nG ;i ru11- n1n.11. 'tr1r! on hl'r college. cducat1u11 :1t the ~•unr lime. thr positive rrsponse t 1.1 Tl;u1eho California is oll'nc<l ll1· ,\1 e ;idow\·icw ··. i\le(:aff1g;u1 Kaiser-Aetna. the nev,. re.ii 1leclarcd. "ang it gratifies us rslatr de velopment subsidiar}' tha! lhe t1rst ;\lcadowview lol of !\ai~er Aluminuin ;:incl ;\l1ss10!1 \"1r )n Co ni r a o v. 11•as :;old In a rouple 11011• Chcn\lea1 Corpota1 ion and presrntcd 1 h e l:ollr~c·fund residing 111 ·ru.~1111. a ncarll.v 1\ctn:1 Lite and Casualty Cum- (·hf"rks. sa~·1ng "\\'e welcome rommunity tont<1in1ng n1any pany. .IOU Susan. il~ our 10 .000!h eil u.ens ll'hO t1rr r It l ! y Ran,ho California is lotate'1 rl'.~1dcnl \\'e \1 ant to hclr you k:nowlrdgeable 11 ith our proi-on Higlnl'ay· 395. fo\1r niilcs get starlt'd c10 )Our rrJucation , t el. nor1h of Fallbrook near lhe ;ind v.-1sh )nu every harp1ness. Tht Haack~' new home s1tt \1llagr nf Trmecu111. mid\'.·ay \\'e. of cou rse. also ;,rr haripy j, ronsldtrcd .lliJy Rancho hch~·een San Dirgo and lq lake note of !hi~ occasl-Qn, California olfici'a1s as one of Ril'er~idr . Are you interested? If so, take the San Diego ' Freeway to Culver. then south to Matthews. From $27,995 uk about our now trade-in program Susan c1,1ughter ul ,\Ir. ;ind ,\1 r~ l.lrUl'f' \lc\lastcr l\:l~ gi1·en a rhrck for Sj(I() bv thr :-01i s~ion \ ICJO <..:om1>ilny io gn toward her collel.!t education . lier brot he r. ,lanu.·~. al~o rrC'e11 ed 11 < hrt k lnr S51tl Phihri J. !lr1 lh . rnr~1t1r nl nf tur 11 \l as i11.~1 four years ago ;::=========:-===============>I w·r fiJX'ned 1\l i ~~1on V1e10. I "\\'e are proud of 1he rapid 11 cceptance or ou r community . and 1lf the steady gro11•th rate 11 tuch ha s n1:1dr nu r com· 1n11n itv •inr nf !hr nt1tion·~ FAST DRAW o: ....... L."· A.lo 11 .....• ~. 1 ..... , r••t>O"'' ;" ·~· '"'''' Ctll ••1.§1111 •'Iii to1t I~'"' ·~•;.,,, yo~I ., .. ., d ock. tno~I ~t1c·cr~sfli l 11C1\ to11n~." ==========================·: Phone : (714) 833-0300 or 833-1790 UNIVERSITY PARK I ------··- DAIL V Pll01 9 Prefab Home View Choi~e J-J 01nes N ea.r Golf, Ocean ... \Vh1•n !he :11flurnl c·11y Cost.Cutter dweller IS lured lu thr 1·011r11ry By DOROTH EA ~I. BROOK:O:.. t'orp ., in us \\'hilt' i\lar~h. ~1d . tlub rstatr or the 0<;e,1n·frv11t pliuit. hun1e, the attr<1c l1on. in p<1rl. NE\V YORK (UPI} -Call it i:r; lhe prorni st uf e superior l\hat you ii·Hl _ sectional A total or 333 1no<lules, cos-i·te\.\·. hou~ing , n1odular building, llng $2 .363,tiOO, are being WI.Iii . But never before 1n Southt.·r11 prefab _ the talk in con-They will be shipped by l~ck Ca lifo rni<i has there bi·en the s!ruction today is "in· :l.>O miles to the site 11·here Pn ticemenl or overlook ing both du~l ria!izcd" housing. lhey \\-'ill be stacked in tYiO-the Pacific Ocean and the roll- story units. Pla nned to satisfy It has grown inc reasingly ing ~reen of the fair"·aj , lh the space requirements of ' l'icar at n~ass produced Never until the con1plr1ion 11r large familie s, half I he housing is the only possible l:ranville Fairway !lo1ne.~ in townhouse.~ will be three-~nSW<'r to I.he pressing helt er Ne\vporl Center, tht1! 1.~. bedroom units; one third will needs of the country. On-site f •-d F.pitomiz'"" '"'"''' ,,,,·n°. l'Olllain our or five ....., roon1s. · ., " " ,.,. <·onstructlon by small builders. lhis 62.unit apartm1•n1 1·1)11\· d.t 1 h' l Eal'h of lhc tO\\'nhouscs is rra J 1ona tn l 1s coun ry. 110 plex 1n Newport K<•;u·h i~ ad· I .• ·' be1n" funned fron1 either f\\'O onger C<l!l proviuc auequate ., Jl:ICf'nt 10 !he n111th f;11r1\:1\ 11[ housing in an cver-gro\r1ng 0r lhrCl' rno<.Jules, of vary111g lr\'ine Coast Country t 'l11h. k l · ti l f le11,1h . (Jepending upon the n1ar e 1n 1c ace n Sti;inng and 1>lfcr~ a p:111nr:111l1r \1C11· c:osts. nu111brr of bedroo1ns, ar-ol Ne11·i><>rl U;1y. It 1.: :11.~u ra11ged in an L·Shape. The Obviot1s though the nrcd \l;is \1•1thi11 f'llll1'cnie11t w ;1 I k 1 11 g g1·ounll floo r flloc k contains .J br.cn. a1!c1npts to produce !.:it·· 111stant·e of F'ash1011 l~land. living rootn , dining room. and tory-built homes on a en ass one of A1nrrica·~ 1nnsL niodcrn kitchen : thr ups ta irs , ha sis have had little success on and con111lr.le quality shopp;ng bedroo1ns and baths. ;iny broad sc:ale up lo this centers. The project, sponsored by iin1c. In sornc c:ascs design 1 nd N p . ,1 11 t:ranville F;11rwov Homes b I .geo.6,rmcc •• a J has een fau ty; more ollen. 1 \1·ere designed by Ralph Zook, b 'Id' Ma:;ons. a Negro fratema u1 ing codes. labor union . r !I 1 d and each apartment unit cn1· soundproofing, fireplaces, wt-t b.1rs and fort y.foot llvlnf roon1s E11ltance to lht! com · plc 1 is hy private drive ol f Ne"'·porl <.A!nter Drl\C where a gatehouse and sccuri!y gu~rd 111surr pri vaey and secunty lor all residents. Causey and Hho drs, !I e v e J u p r r s of the proi- 1·ct -another parL of the I rvinr rnasler plan-have an· nount:cd that mo~I of !hr. apar!n1cnls havr been 1:01n - p!cted an d art' rc<idy ror oc· 1·upaney ~lonthly rental ;i.l 1:ran v1 lle t•';1Jr'\\;1v II o n1 f' o;; r:ingrs fron1 $~'85 1 for 111·0 bPdroorn<: and dc111 lo $710 1three bedroo111~ <1!ld den). Problem Property Anywh•r• Can Be E xchan51•d SI SLAVIN REALTOR EXC HAN<;.01.·COUNSILOI bv •p 1111i~tm•~t 642-6222 practices. tinancing restric· organiza ion,. "32 5 or a own PANORAMIC VIEW OF 'FORE' GROUND Ai NEWPORT'S GRANVILLE FAIRWAY HOMES bodies lht latest in luxury payment o $ ~. t1ons have proved stumbl1ng,:::==========================================================:_~re~a~l~"'~'':'~· ~;~n~cl~o~d~;n~'__''~n~m~p~le~le~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::: blocks. I· Slil!, !lie rar-sighled hllVt' gone on pli!n ning and th crf' .1re lod<iy definite signs of ~YO\\'ing support fro1n industry ..t!ld financ:r. Jroni fcdrral. :-t;i!r and local government ;ind fro111 labor -all essential 1f the country's sh c l t er shortage is lo bf' soh·cd. Increasingly, i11 all parts ol lht' country. prun1ising c:t· .-.mples of •·ins tan t housing " arc showi ng up. One Stich is lhc \Vihnol Road Project in NC\'1 Ha ven, Conn .• ~ S3.4 inillion federally-aided rooperativc development of 1·18 low and 1noderate income l IY O·S l 0 r y t O\\' n h 0 u s r <11partments featuring nC\Y con- cepts in modular £'onstruct1on. The project is the 1vork of developer Alan Glen. president nf r.lodular Structures. Jnc .. a <;ctJ1csd<~, ~Id. firrn specializ- ing 1n mudul;ir construction. and archi tect Paul Rudolph of ~cw York. Richard Lee, 1nayor of New llavrn. long a leading city iu 11rban rrnewa! . . ~ays he lrels the development "has many unique !eatures ll'hich I believe will influence housing design in the rna~s production field." The Nc1v 1 la l'Cll pro1t>Ct i" !Ile latest 10 a string of suc- cessful "building block" \rn· !tires for t ;len 1vhose ;ic- rom plishments i11clt1d(' Pulfton VillagC', a m1ddle-incon1c rrn· la! project 1n Amher~t, !\lass. lcalur1ng the lirst pea krd 1 oofs 1n rcs1dcnt1al niudulr~. ;ind Ille !'111. Snow TO\\'nhousr ( :ondon11ni11ms 111 Ve rrnnnt. a lnur·levcl installation cinploy· 111g stacked n1o<.lules. c;!en ha.~ liled plans lo build thr nation's t1r~l modular high·risr -ii 12· o;;lory apar1n1rnt d1~·rl1111g In R1ch1no11d. Va., anU J<: JO· vo)v ed 1\·1th the (:rand River ASSOl'!a lcs ill the 28!'l-<1 Cf{' North R1\·rrs1de proJCC:i in r;rand Rapids. !\l1ch 1\·hil·h 11·L1 co1nb1nr rC'"idcnt1al con- ,1r11ct1on -n1obdr hon1cs, 1 nv.·nhou~es. inu!t1·fan11l.v 1vith n!fiee de1·elopn1e111. light and lical'V industry. as \1'ell as a 111010.r inn, con1·e111encr !>.hor- p1ng. a111 use1nc11t and rei:rca· !Inti L.1t·1l1llt;'~ Llcn·s pro1cc1,.;. unl1kr 111any fl ro t o l y pc, r xpcri1nent::al 1Jc\·clopmcn1.<: \rhich <1rc. in cf- lf'r l. ~11b~1d11:rd by de\·cl11per. •11anulacturer or go1 rrnn1cnl. h;i1·e be c 11 con1.rnt1onallv fl nanccd :i nd ha\·e been prn· 111nblc li e c~t1n1ates cosl sav- in gs var·~ 111g from 1.110 25 prr· PCOL nn different jobs througr u::;c of rnodu!ar concepts. Although he believes !he ru1.UIC of factory-built housing lies chiefly 1n low and middlc- incornc re s ident ial con· :-trucl1on. Glen r e ce nt I y purchased a proptrly overlooking the P oto m a c Hiver "'hrrc he hopes lo develop luxury housing 11t iliz. ing the "building block" con· r·cpt. This is in line \\'ilh hi s brlief 1hat mod u I a r construction need not look as if i! "came right out of a box ,'' The kry to !.!ood design. (llcn said ... liei- primarily "'ilh lhr selcc!ion of .in architect ., lie considers himself fortunate 10 have 1vorked w i!h Tiffany 1\rmstrong or .'irms1rong and Salomonsky of Richmond, Va .. rlesigncr of the Amherst and ill \. Snow projects. and w11 h Rudolph, 3rchitec1 of th e New llaven development. Rudolph says ht has been ·toying \1•i1h the notion" of factory-made housing for 15 years or so and has drawn pl11.ns for four or fivf: project ~ \\'hich never v.·ere built for onr reason or anothf:r . Now hov.·c \·cr, production runs have begun on the "201h crntur) hrick'' v.·1iich \\•ill be used in lhe NC\V llaven project The term ''20th centur) hnck" is used by Rudol ph to rlescribe the basic 12 by 60 by \().foot modlJ.les which arc heing m a n u f a cl 11 r r rl h~ f·;;islrrn Pnrtable Building• 1 ·orp , a subs1d1::iry or Kiri. ' ~ ., •· _, ( •tj ~·n ""TT·--~-- ! l' ' ' 1: .. , ,, . ' 't • \ ' ' ,, Own the land on The Ranch in Irvine and tree-lined greenbelts are your backyard. Ayres homes reflect 60 years of building experien ce that mean s thoughtful design and quality construc- tion. Th ese homes are imaginative ly planned to be the perfect complement to al l that the ran ch represe nts. You may choose the home that is most appro- priate from a selecti on that offers from 3 to 7 bed- rooms and 2 to 4 baths. Since individual tastes differ, fifteen model variations are available. Whatever yo ur final choi ce, you may be assured th at the Ayre s home of your choice ha s bee n built for a lifetime. Ayres Hornes are priced from only $25,490 and FHA, VA o r conventio nal finan cing may b e c1rra nge<l . -"'"""' • Ayres Homes • The Ranch located in the heart o ( 1he Irvine Ra nch. lh is new Pa cesetter community provides you with a new breadth Tor living. The freedom of an early Cal ifor- nia ran ch is p re~crved in rhe pe rmancnl greenbelts, the eu calyptus·lined p.iseo and th e ce ntral park. Hor11es include 1hc land th ey are bu ilt on a nd .ire an excellent investm ent oppo rtun ity for you. Cathedrol cei lings, luxurious ca rpe ti ng, a fJ1Tiily ronm, up to four bedrooms .and a huge n1<1ster suite inside the one and two story hornc~ conti nue the sp aci ous them e of the ground". Pa ces ett er Homes arc pricccl fron1 $281500 and tho best FHA, VA and conven tional financing •re •vailable. Ou r sales office mJy he conlacted by cal ling (7141 838-9330. • Pacesetter Homes j • J 0 DAILY PILOT or Hollywood "Charms " POPS Peanut Butter Cups Tootsie Rolls . iC ! a I I i'·do>•dUt:ily 57c 1·.·.icpr.1'.r' 1111•orl'~J1_ +r. . B~g ot 62 CA NDY "Witches" Ci1,1:.,·.~t.1 ., ,,,,·ier 49 \, 'lt 1 -1~ LllJ' u' .''! c.'i-C 1 O" Pumpkin ' ·' I I I . - ir•. 8oJol1Z Halloween Mix ~ .~... . ·• . . --. ., . Luo rn s Ass 't Candies ; S111n S·.--~eif:. I 1 78 i ] '= lb. • ''B1ill1•nl Ma"'. I l .. ,;'; , ; ' 1 49 1 lbs, • . ~·· -~··---... -· -··-· ·-· " -- ,.,.. .. , ..... ·'1'"· ~ ., ~r. -,. . ., .. •--... -T"' ... ,, __ __ "Booster " Chair by L[AO[R tor Children _ P11l11ir'1.~ ,: ;:od be,~ ~-... ~·«.:~l~:~,~·11_,t;~ 3.89 eoYS' ond GI RLS' CA~ COA\S •·eig Jack'' 'h th~·~·c ... ·-· -· -- ... ,. -· 5 •. daJ ' --- CIDIB ··1 r ee Ta," -~1re~·, pure <rppli! cider. Vi Gallon Callon >I••~ •'t;i -i :. i111i ·· ~1 !~11} ,...,.. .. . ..... "Viny 1-P lasti c" Rep ~1r by RAP ID-., :1 ' ·i I 'I I\ 1 '•. ' • I , ' '' •" r, i•, s 1 69 I 1 · '' I .• , .' l.98Z ct.S1l e , _,.,.,, ........ _ . "L.B ." Butch Wax W!lh l~nolin •.. I!•,,' ;:t~- , •· t.n.r drP .. ri ' ol 1ls ~ r,1. l ~ .. 1: :~ ;n11i-1:~' "'1·,1 :-I ..d I' r ',' • :•f ·~:;1 -~ 2 oz. . ·-... s~ "Butane " ruEL fo r l1ght ~rs & OlherPra-98 du cts. 1 r 1 t ~ .. ,. . C 1.39 8' 1 01. S11e .... TH ERMO S Vacuum Bottle Q a "Vaseline " With "Wide Mn~th ". : White Petrale11m Jelly 1.1.-..1 : ' • ' '.'.', : (!ljll". t· d t ;,_~r · 1000 .. 1 69 10 ~1 r.t~ 1r 1.Jd. Pin! Stze • "5 DAY " AEROSOL ANl l·PERSPIRANT f ;im1l 1 o"'""' ... L • 8"c f ·' I " \', I 1'' 'i ', Ret. 1.09 7 DI. Siz e " ,.,. ".., __ ... ,. .._ ~ ~~ In Plasl1c Nurse ry JJr. ~ .. ·ri La'~ 'or 1J'J I »1~, Cl .ll(:i, -.•~t,,,1,: 1 1;:•Jr~r.a ,a~.1·-~ , , , ,,~ r •"l , ' . ,,,,, 79 lot • ~Be C 12 01 Si1e fl.II are mild~ u! lldme re!d1dant rna let •dl. 1.29 I NEw Sardo 6 . ·: "velvet fluff " ~ '., Body Mo is luri1i ng Foam g ' .. :-01 I ... I U1' I Cti ~ 0~ ', !1~1';-~ • p '~ 1 ~ .. •li t'· 11 : • .. ·-----·-··· ... scon Napkins Soft like CIGllt ... C~oose from Wh1 te a11d asserte~ colors. l1•b1 Pak ol ll0.1 0 ( Maxwell House · ''( '' STYROFOAM ups INSTANT COFFEE ''Ovaltine'' INSTANT CHOCOLATE llt1Ji1 2i$1 CUP DISPENSER With 50 -l or. Si2e Cnps 49c HOLDS YOUR PURCHASE Disc Camera TEMPO -Won't chance l la~or al liqu ids •.. use lo f hot ar cold l i~u1ds. Pak or 50 -1 oz. Size 2i$1 ''Ammonia'' PARSONS' -The Origi nal All-f'urpose Cleaner ••• Choose from Pine or Sudsy. l6 °'· S11e 3 9 c ,t 1 " "Friskies'' MIX or CUBES !Olbs.1 on e 7 ca . USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD "Mini-sport" R~t e Set by KENNER • • • •· I .~rr. 0 ! ~ ,; 1·1 ·1'1 reno·~ '-" 1r•l ... j v~1 ~~rvnll~iJ •• '·''""'''188 !"•r; r.' -IJ)• I. •. r. , '· • .. : "Art-a -Matic"' BRU MB ERCER ••• I.: '· • •• ~r: '! r re; ;,,, • t~.:~· .. r 1 .. ''· .. , ·~ . ... ' " hH lll i n :..~~· . ()"1tiJ. • •• Corn Popper :i ARGO ••. i/~:e ,i ~··i ~f j .. : r~JI n~1 1ou:;p(lr·::;i c.c·1 b m•rJt~ .. : . . ~.~;~~;~'~r '11 : 1•66 }: "Big Wheel " J ~ by MARX ... '.', · I ). • ~·~ .. ..::._....., ', • ! .. , o• ;,-, , I ;~ . \"i'---::.\:~ l ·~~' : J J! ~ ~<.;~~\·~~ ,~'··' 13 88 .. -':~,_ (,. ' J "· • . I~ ..,, I •• Breakfast Set OHIO ART ... A 1.cda1; .I I .. •,• l c<.ii~r\ !);" 1rn1n:1i, ~~1v,;:r. 1r 4 ~-.11·rd 3 98 111 r ~L'nLi e " . ' . . : -...------------------------------------------------------------~------------------~ GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Me11aces ST/11\FO RD IAP) -UCLA could get i~s tougt1est lest so far th is season this aft<'rnoon >1 hen il runs up again st a Stan· ford te::un that has kn0\1'11 111orc th an its ~h'.l!"C of ad\'ersity. Tlle sixtl1 -rankcd Bruins h.'lrc ron1[X'd through lhe.lr li r~t si•: gan1es with !i•upnsing c;i:.c as qu:irtcrllark Dennis Dun1n1il and a pai r ui hard-running b<.il'ks J1a\·c been un:.toppab lc. lhe lndk111:;, on the olht'r hilnd. had 10 ~luug off t110 1nind-bcnding defeats by a hital of lhrce points to nationally ranked t ~amf. They ta1nc bark to pound \~"ash in~ton Sta!t 49-0 la~L "·eek' and prove Lhey could still win. "This is our fir~t c'lnd only test so f<ir \hi:; ~·car." s:.i~·s a UCLA spokc srnan. ''li e ha\C a sccond<.1ry or unknov.11 qu <.in· t l}' becau se we l1a\en 'l faced any ti•;·o1;1:r~.·· The Bruins 11ill tacr one of tile br~t th:o\1ers 111 the country in St~nford c1t1a'.tcrback Jun Plunkclt. Though only in l1is second year. he is 7erolng in on lnci1an pass!ng, tot::i l oflcn>c <ind touchdo11 n passin~ records. 'fl1c Bntin~. favored by one point. also f:-cl their running gan1c 11111 get 1nore of a test fro111 ::il<inford"s line -one ot the <1uickest they have n1ct -than Jt has su f.!r . illlckey Curelon and Greg Jones have beer. \be 1na1nstays of lhc LCLA ground ~:11nr, but Coarh T'ltn1ny Prolhro is rx· pectc.d to keep the ball in the air 1nore llu1n usual. G11en Coof}Cr and George Farmer are the to1) recc11•ers on the L:Cl,A t,.arn \\"lflle Dumn1il, 11 ho eincrged unheraldcrl lrvni the junior-<:olJegc r;inks, has !urned i.1tv gold ill qu:irtcrb ack. The lnd1<1ns \1·11l l1a1e llo\\lf' \\ilh.11113 11nd Hubba Bro1111 at the running backs ar.d Bob l\1oore. H<111dy \'at;;ha and ,Jflck Lasater as Plunkett 's 1na1n pass catching targcl s, Both learns havr. been 1·rlativcly free of Injuries this year <tnd ill'C hcilllhy for this gaine. The crowd cstin1ates run up io l:tll.000 for lhe contest ,1·ith 6.000 UCLA fan~ e .~pe.cted fr oin Los Angeles. Troja11 s Dt1 el Georaia Tech ~ At Coli seu111 I.OS 1\\r;r:1,r:s IAP l -Th,. Cnl\r r;.111 f'f S(luthc rn Cal1forn 1a footbal l 1e:i m. its ur1 bc2ten ~c;i<;on n1:1rrcd b.v a 14·14 \!r '111h '.\11trc Da nie l a~t 11cck. hope s to bvu11rr b;1r k un the 11tnn1ng be:i 1n agai n'! C:cor~i;i Tech t i n~ afl crnoon at tht (..0)1oc11 1n Tl1nr<' bf';i tr11 . lhc H;i1nbl111~ \\ n.'\'k fron1 Gcn rgiri boa sts con~ider,ib.le sp1r11. and g:11·c a fine 1\uburn te;in1 a st1·uggle !(!~t Sat urda y before losing on .a la ::.t· 111inu!l field goal. li-14 . As Tech co;ich Bud Carson po1nle<l out. t.011e1er. tean1s stockC'd 11·ith JO to 12 sophr>1nores as sJar!ers should not be ex· prrted lo outpoint a !-:ioulhern Cal or an A11b11rn. The No. 7 r:inkl'd Trojans ha1·e a good brt1::1nce of el\perience and youth. they hi"'lrl ;i herty edge in v;eight on both of· fcnse .1nd defense and despite the c'.::e, t hry arc not a slo1v oulf1 t Boll1 coach John ~li:Kay and Carson n:irncd sophon1ores tu start at 11uarterback -.hmn1y Jones for the P:-icifil:·8 Conlercnec r!elcnding chan1- pionr. and Charlie "The Dude·· Dudish Jor the ,J;;c.ke!s. TN'h 's le11ding running backs include Brc.nt Cunning ham and Str.1·e Harke}'. And The Dude is son1ething of a scrambler him self. The Trojans offer in rcbullal tailback Cl.:ircnce Davis, who as the succesi:;or lo O . ./. Simpson h;is carried the ball 146 times for 749 yards, and fullback Charlie E1•sn~. Aeria l fireworks shoold abound. The J a<'ket rccei1·ers Include Steve Foster, 12 for J::Z yards. Hern1an Lam , 6 for 89. and llarkey, 6 for 61. Oudish has co1npleted ~2 or 41 for 17.> yards and '"'"0 toucht1o"'·ns. "three interception~. Jones has completed 45 of JM for 644 ;:ind nin e touchdo" ns, also three 1n. tl''."('('fllions. .Jones' receivrrs includr. Sam Dickerson. 12 fol' 2~0 1u1d three touchdowns, Bob Chandler. h.:in1percd by an injury, 8 for 122 and 1110 l ouchdo\\n~, an~l Terry DeKraa1. 8 for 94 anti three \ot1clidowns. Southern Cal is 4-0-1 and Georgia Tf':l·h 2.J. s~tin11, OctGbtr 25, 1969 DAILY PILOT JI Lew, Chamberlain Battle to Standoff By JOf;L SCHWARZ Ot ll>t 0•111 1"1101 Sl•fl l~GLE\\'OOD -Any doubts that Lew Alcindor could cul !ht: niustard 1n profes- sional basketball \\'ere erased by the 7.1 ~, eent~r Friday night, even though ht !u~t the intH11dual battle lo \Vilt Chambcr- l,1 1n <1rid the war to tile Los Angtk ~ L.:lk· ('f>;. • 'rl'c fl lilw<1ukee Bui.:ks' rookie from l\.:LA and New York . packed Jack Kent Cooke's Foru1n to the rafters with 17.489 curious fans who c·an1e lo sec how well hP 111ould respond to his first major pro lt'~l. .\nd he pas~~d it v. iu1 fl~ 1ng 1·olors, de~pite a d1scuurag1ng st:1r1 anrl r v en thvu1:h the Bucks Jost their flr~t g a ni c 01 th¥ Atcindor er:i The La kers , wnh three <.11!-~tars on I h c r:oor to Milw11ukce·s une , used one 1110. 1nin11te spurt l:1te 1n tl1c contest t\.I retnrd ;1 17.3·112 \'IC\ury , their lhiri.I ag;11n st t110 ;ossrs. 1\lilwaukee. now 3. 1. dropped nul 11£ firs t 11la cc in the NBA 's Ea ~tcrn 0 1\·1· s1u.1. The stati.stlcal baltle bet...,·een Cham~ erhun and Alclnd or 111as a vinual stand· otf. but Big Lew made it clear he wasn·t Jfr111d or inllnlidated by Chamberlain. Alcindor sco red 23 points, hauled down ~fl rebounds and was charged. "'ith on I y three fou ls in ail aggressive perforinancc. He iiad fouled out in his last two ga n1es. Charnberlain scored 25, his low for the sea~on and piclied off a like number of rebounds. He "'·as cha rged \l'ith f o u r fouls. Lrying lo guaro Aleindor, who shov.·· o dazzling array of shots. Alcindor didn .t enjoy a particularly hol ;-... ---·'"""':"·-. shooting night . conn~ctlng on nine of 21 ~Is, bu t 111 the second half he v.as ha r- ril'ci by a Laker defense that had as n1any .as three men co1·ering hirn. Lew lost Lhe opening tip lo Cha1nber- lain and then was called for goal tending ~even se("onds later. After tha t he setl!cd do.1·11 and played tho kind or basketball he 1vas paid $1.4 n1illion to do. Despite being outll>·eighed 40 pounds by Cham berlain, he refused to .\llow the 1·2 Laker center to force his way deep under the basket /11\llw•u~tt Lii .l~wi.n ,t.l(•M)Or ~-· D Sml•~ M<G•lri R ~·~•~ (~ooe<I (• .. 1~ l!o~•" ' """ I 01ol1 MH'lll ul.t• l o• AnQ<iot G • ' ' " ' ' • " ' ' >• " ,. " " ' " " "' " •• • " ' 00 ' " ' l•·l l 1!1 ' • T (~ml>I~ • 7-11 li aa·,.,or " •• ,. Coufll• • "' " McC•ir • •• " w.,, • 00 " .. ~ ' . ' • f r.(~•~ • •• • Garr1•1 ' .., ' ...... 111 • •• • L¥·i" ~ • loll I' .. 2).•1 1: l " • " ,.._!17 " " " l'-!71 Rol>on'o~; "' ,,,,,~111. ·o~l>-•lfil.,•uk., JI. to• ""l!lts 1' ..._,,_,., ~ .. ~ ... ~·-~ ' ' Quarterha~ki11g i11 tl1e NFL Is Hardly a Pi~11i~ J >I .J ~Ti " :J. ' ; ' . ... ROMAN GABRIEL OF THE RAMS (18) AND GREEN BA Y'S BART STARR (15) FIND PRO FOOTBALL A TOUGH WAY TO EARN MONEY Hulme RIVERSIDE -Denis Hulme of Eng- land shaftert<l the track record 111 Fri· day·s qualifying for the Time i:: Grand Prix at Hh·ers1dc lntcr nilt1onal RaL:cv.ay but the nc1i.•s of the day v.as the rclall\e· l.1· poor sho" 1ng of !us lran1mate, Bruce ~itLflren . i\1 cl.aren llnishc1I 11ith tile fif!h fa:·tcsL qualifr1nR lime . but th .:t"s !ar clo1111 the line since the i\1cLarcn-ll uln1e tcan1 has \\·un all nine races on the Canadian · Amtrican Challenge CuJLlour Hulme, trying to v.·1n lfi'ii; fifth racr 1n this 10th on the Can·An1 circuit, sped to Cracks Riverside a clocking of l26:342 milt!!. an hour. The cou rse reco rd of 119.683 m.p.h., set last year here by ~tcLaren, was broken by II of f'r iday ·s 12 qualilicrs. Chris Amon, w•ith the same old Fer- rari T612 but using a new engii.e, roar- ed into second after the first day of qual· 1fying \\"ith 124.281 m.p.h. Amon. of ,\1<>- flcna, Jtalv, had m('Chaoical probten1s in .. lhc n1o~t i-eccnt Can·Am race al Laguna. 5t::.-a. Dan Gurney, Costa i\·\es;i. driving a i\fc· Lcagle Che1y, did 122.8fi·I for third and j\farlo Andrettf, Naza reth, Pa., in a fo.h:· Laren Ford 429er, dirt 122.676 for lourth. McLaren. in his t.lcLaren Chevy, did 122.~ for lith but then had mechanical problems. So 1n ordrr to insure him· self a spol on lhe ~tarting ~rind Sunday, he drove a backup ,car to 120.584 for eighth place. l:;ii.:trt o! the top 12 fini shers are from outside the Unilcd Sloltcs. But the startiniz grini.I may change af· ter results of Saturday·s fina l day or f1Unl 1fication. The $80.000 race is being cQnteslcd over thr J.J·ml le Rlvcr~ldc course \\'hi('h i!I a bit tonger than last yenr·s 3.275-tnlte I Record .::--' course but Is considt"red ~r and Jaster. Top 12 qualifiers af ter'°FrKlay 's runs : ti.nit Hulrnt, Co!"br....,., Enai.nc1, Mtl•te" [f\r••Olt! lN,).Q mltn •n ,_,. c1 .. i. .-...-. MOdlNI. 11~1,, Perr1•1 Tin, u .1.a1 ""t;,~· G ......... (OIH MKt. Mcleffl• (ht••· 111.114 m.~ I> M•r;o .llldrtl!I, Nu••"'"· P•. M~Llr.., Fo•d •11'••• II •·• n>.0.1>. Pi111<1 Mtle1..-, [l)!n~·-· E .... !U''!I, M<Lutn C~-v •. 1n111 m.o f\ Pt• Rv1on, ,..,.,.. York (It•. l.GI• Cf\tv~, Ill ~ll ....... ~ Cf\11<~ 1"11'.oM, ~•ll•'d, Ill . Loll Cf\evv. Ill •11 rr>.D I\. M•L••t~. Mclutn Cl>•~·· l •<-UCI t•• ll'C ~j mf.·ti; .• 0 1 •• 1., ~omlO•d. [na11flCI, .A ~!O<:O<l\I l ilt Chi'o'"·5 ,~~'~ r,r~u•~. J"'"ltrllnd, l'OflCllt t lT, liQ.111 m.o.n G.oroo (910~. Sc••IXl•Oua~. On!, M(tu~n (llt•~. ll' 101 . ''•"' ~ •• (! .... ,, I VllHI, ["'II•""· Ooon 5CIO•ll Fo•d 11•.GJ.I mP I>, A11teaters Shell ' Polo Rival, 28-2 t;C lrl'ine erased a four-year-old 3~hool single game scoring re«lf'd 13 the Anteaters buried in\·ading UC San Die~o. 28·2. Friday afternoon. The previous high for water polo \\'as 2? iu the Anlealcrs· rirst·Cl'cr game, .a win o'er Cal Poly of Pomona. Pacing co::it:h Ed ~ewland 's sconn.( pJrade "·ere Bob ~lcClcllan t6t, J ack Dickman and Duane Olson with four ap!ecc. Steve Fanner. ~1 ikc ~larltn and J im Hrad burn e11ch tanked three v.·hll1 Steve- Bal lback scored lwice. Rustlers Challenge State's No. I Team .•. ,J.~ ... . •. -... . •. .. ' . .. ... . . . " .•. . . ,. .. ·.'1 " OCC Favored by 3 in Cerritos Crucial Golden West l11vades ELA; Title at Stake Hy Htl\\'.\Hll I.. 11.\'\l>Y DI l~o D•<I> 1'11<11 ~TOI! 11·s showdo\vn 11n1e in F.asl Los Angt'l1·~ ~t<idtum and coaeh H;.iv Sh:1cklc1on.1'$ r~olden West footba ll te;;iin will be fa cing 111<' state's No. I ranked E:asl LA Huski<'s in ,1 bstlle o( survi\"al tonight ai 8 o"cloc k. ll1e gam~ is billed as an opening t;pu lllern California Conference a ff:.iir for hnth teams. Bui it's more than iusl a11 1pe'ler. The winner will have the inside r·ne k to the circuit tit!e as \\'ell as a spol in the st11te £0010;111 playorr s. ·They deserve lhe No. ·rating.'' Sliatkleford says. '·Fresno has 'its cntirl' '•·•11n back from las! year and yc1 1hc ilu~kie!> annihlla1cd lhen1 (41-131 early 1 1 11.~ year." (Fresno and l!'.:i st Lo~ Angel es net for the state lit le last _1 ear with Frt·sno winning.) St.:ltistica lly lhe llusk11:!' hold ~n l"dge "rr Golden \\lest in \'i rtually C\"cry drp<i rlmcnl. Thr \'a1111 tcd Rustler defense h;tS given up i~ point.~ "'hilc the Hu skies h<1 1c allowed onlv 54. In U1e maller of ~i·oring, the Husk.if's lead. 1)4 to 127, IHl!ECTIONS TO EAST LA COLLEGE Take the San Diego Frtt'A'ay north to lhc Sa n Gabriel Ri\'er Free"'ay (6051. Go nnrth and take the I.Mi Angel's lurnoff lo \hr Sanla Ana frerwa1•, north lo Atlantic A.1·rnue. Go north ·un Atlantic ~ap· riroxlm:itel y 2-:: n1iles ~ 10 Brooklyn .\1rnue, Turn left to stadiu1n a! 5357 East Brookl yn. 1:£'garrllcss of tht· cold slalis11cal facls, tl1c Rustler defense has given up but one t11ut:hCo"'" on the ground lhis year. That "llC can1e when Orange Coast drove for r.nt' of its scores in l;oldt•n \\lesrs only 1'1-.~. 'fhi5 couhl be lhe k(1' to 1·u:1ch Bub I ugcr"s prrp:iratJons f11r tonight's en· 1 "unter l·:asl Los Angele ~ quarlerbat•k <..:hri~ l..ir;1n11llu pas~c-d rin!y 22 tunes in the. I r s\ three Husky gan1t'~. Aga1nsl · !norpark la~! 11•1·rk tic al\<'1np!td 14 f'fl:'ll~ in a luncup )arami[Jo ha~ l'O!np!cted 21 nr :lfi anti u:1~ ve l tu h<11 1• one 1nll'n·rp1cd . li t• ha s l11trlC.d four lo1u.:hdo1-1•11 pa~Sl'S cind 1s-<i threat to run C•n r1·cry play . 1;nldt'n \\'est "'ii i l'Ountrr w11h Ton~ llonv.rll. The former Hunt ington Beat'h ~t<lr jo1nccl the Hust lrrs aftrr their lo~~ 1\1 Orangr Coasl and has dirctlC'd the tcan1 to three straigh l vittor ics. ~hs bJggcst lhrraL to d;i le has been on the op tion play wl1t're he runs n1orc oflr u 1h('ll he pitches back to a tran1mate. He /1;1.s gained 352 yards in the three garne.s. ~:ach tea1n has an outstanding tailback 11•i!h J1n1my Junes of East LA u.1k1ng ovrr for de parted Clarl'nCe Da\·i:;, nOll' a Siar :it l"SC Junes has ga1nf'd 3!l8 y;1rds run· ninl! this srason and has :;cored a pair ,;[ t r\ur·hdn"·n~ t 'har!ie Burkland i~ ht~ coun1l'rp.1r1 •111 t11r Hustlt.'r squ,1d. 1J ul·h1:inc! has A:llfH'tl ·i.:.I ~·arcls .1n1I h.1 s 'co rr!! ~r1 rn IOllt"hdC"'llS lfl thfl'(' ).!anl'·~ I Hf• 1n1s~t·1I Utll \I tlh lllJUrleS. \ l·:nger J:;n l !;1k1ng l;oldrn \\'i•'t light\\'. "!thi nk they .1r1' !h<' best !e111n 11r !1111" ~1·r11 l'l qu1tf' ;i "'h1lc . ·• hi· :.a ~.; ··Tl11·1· :1rr \\Cll-t•oa«ht·d :tnrl t h•·1r 11!1r1i-f' 1~ 1Jll<' ,,\ thr best I l1t1\(' ... ern !n 1un1nr •·ollra:~· lr)r11hall. Th<' (lefens11·e Jl•;nn H 1!11· q u1e k1·~t group of k11Js I ha1·p ~f'1'11 in ,1 l"llJ: l1111t'.' a nd 11e 1r1l l h;n·1, tr1111 hl" h1)!d1ng our bllH'\:..'> lung 1·1u111gh to !rt 011r l111r k,, npc r;1lt'.·· ,. I I ' •. \. ' ' •-.\ . . ". . . •••• • •• ,.. . ing Soulhcrn l'al!fornia ("onfert'!H'C ga rnc. Bu ckland has gnined :J2G ya rd s in four _i.:<'.ln1rs and h<is scored -"l'\'Cll touchdr11vn s, ~ix 111 hi s la~L \\1 0 gn inc~. Pirates Risk U 11fJef eated J\'larlc T 011i~ht .... f;I' .lflEL SC.:11\\'AllZ 01 1110 01.1¥ ~llot sr111 If odds1nakers are co rrect. Oranp.r Coasl College's unbeaten foolball team 1~ in for its easiest gam£' in the last monU1 tonight when ii tral'els lt1 Cerritos College . Bu t don't be1 011 ii. 'fhe Pir11les are on- ly three-point favodlcs, but that margin \\'Olild be a breather for Orange Coasl. which has won its last three games by :i corn bined total of four points. l\ickoff ror th e garne, which \'.'ill hr hruadt'ast by radio .!Jtation KEZY \ll'JO J 1s t o'clock. Ora nge Coast coach Dic k Tucker is on£' 1:1;-in who"s nul taking Cerritos or the re~t <1f \he Pirates' Sou th Coasl Confercntc sthedulc !igh1ly. "This tenn1 "'on't have an easy game :ill season." Tuc~c 1· said alter last wee.k·._ 14-12 ,~in over Sa nta Ana . And he 's con· \'inced Cerritos "'ill be sky-high fo r hi~ conference leading 1ea1n . even though thf' F~lcon ba ckrield resembles a hosp1Lci l 11ard. Starting fullback Steve Sulton is out ror DIRECTIONS TO CERHITOS COU.EGE Take San Ditgo free~·ay lo 605 fret'- way aod proceed north to Alondra 81 1'rl . 'furn ri ght and college is half a mile easl of the free~·ay. the sr;Jsun \.\'llh a broken ankle 11·h1le 1.1ilback .Joe Daea and second-string ful lba ck Ken H.<Jn1ilton <Jre both doubtlul :;tarll'rs \Yith ll'g and rib injuries. And Cerritos coach Srnokey Cat.cs say~ t":e 'll starl second-siring quarterbaek J{1)grr Gaylord ahead of illikc Ernst, 11 hu hoir.0 all the Fak'on p.1ssing rceo rds, b<'ra use ~~rnst had fivr intcrcrpt1ons Ja :-,l 11rrk. ·You know."' Tucker said lale th1~ \ll'< k. "I hose mid ·"·eek in juries hal't' :1 ~tr;1rgc habil of dis ap1>earing by the 1111)1• ~ g;.rnf' rolls around. I think soinr «f :•;,nokey's injured kids 11·111 be on the hclct and rr<.1dy to play. '"He's doing us no fa \'or by s1ar\1ng (;;n\ord ahc<1d o! Ernst. Buth of them ari• t'".~l·llcnl quarterback~. They 11re t11e br~l Jiurc passers we·1·e ~ecn this year." Cerritos gOC's 111\u the gan1c 11·1Lh a I I ('<111tercnce rt•cord and tt1c statistics ;,~ 1hf' bt'sl offensive tea1n 1n th!' cirt·uit, ;i1·cr:1g1ng 1~J yards ;i contest. !IO\\'ever. 1nore than half that yardagr 11 : -~ gobbled up on the ground. ;ind 11·11 1loul Baca and llam1 Hon. Cerritos I 1gure£ to have to take to the air. Thal n1eans !he OCC secondary of 8\1b Curry, 13ob \'-/ick ersham, Jessi Herna n- dez and Hick Seibert or 13ob E1.zcll , \\·hich has pi cked off 12 pa sses th is sca- ~on. 1vill be be 1n for a busy night. Tucker only plans one. change in h1~ 11r.cup. Tha!'s al fullback \\'here H1ch:.irc! D·Jr;intc replaces the injured Coe illey~·r. llnwe\'er. frc.~hmt1n Tony Ventim1 gl1:i. '"'ho's seen \1n1itcd duty a l flanker , ha~ bi:<'n switched 10 fullbac'\.. If he's 1n the same backfleld v.11h tall back flay Ri cardo, tlrange Coast 11 di hal'e its ~pcedie~t doub!r-breaka1\,iy !l1re;1t 111 years. OR.O.NG[ (0.0.ST !~~ llotM!tT (•••110 n~ s···~ Pu.,lu• ?~> TO'l1 •<0 1'·''" t.(•R1TO S \\'" !• Ht•\Oo < ,,.,~ Pn'"' ns 110~ "'""'"' " n .. "•·1n~11 J~"·"on r. IJO l'a<1I 'l".''1•f ' M '" ><•mpn, I ""' Y.,~•'c~·o1 •-•~.n Jonn•on '~n r.~•I f'•Qe·•r' 1,; /~,•• T•m 1•" 18> R<eh••O 0<1•~"· \1.1 R•1 R •r~·~o Ul B""t I'"'' < D~'' Mrn'"~ R ~~Q" G•vlo•1 I>. "•ut (.o••o·,,~ A O•o~I\ !>"'''~ A ~f,•1 6 "\ ,., Sports Clipped Short From tho Wlr•• ol Ar/UPI SAN FRANCISCO -Towering George Archer cut out a fou r-under-par 67 Frtday :ind lengthened his lead irl the $100,0nn ~:in Francisco Open ~olf t11urnci1nen1 w11l1 ;i ~",1;,un-bt·st :16-holr. ~c\1t1· or L'ltl ljig l:rurg\! held a l"u ;>,tro\..r lr;i1! (ln h.1lding l\lillrr Barht'r, Barber h;id a •p::lrkltng ti~ lnr 1:12 f\ig Bob !.1u1n. 11·11h ;1 fill .•n<I S\('\e ~pray. 11•h11 har! 1he i!:1y\ bc~t r111111d w11h Ii:\ IOllt111('d 3\ J3J. Jprry !Icard, fi9 , and 1 r:1'r:H1 •\l 'ih'11gerl fifj, h;id 1:1~ Areht r's 12-untlt'l"·p;ir lutal h1r 1111'1 1n 1,, 1111·r thr 6.677.iarrl 11archng Paik c.i•lf c·uur:..r. -;i t'tl!ll"sr lir has played l1tl'r .1lh· l1undrcds nf 1 111w~ -represented til~· la:.le!'\ :-il.irt nl !hr ~ra:i.i1n ;111d \1:1~ Jll I ln1ir :>lrokf"' 0;1 1hr l'l:,'\ tl·t·nrd nf 1~1; ht ltl ov ~am :::i1;c,1d <llld ~i'\'eral u\lil·1.~0 • ;\!'.:\\' )'QRJ\-Jack1c Boh1nson. Hall 11 [ F:<1nr s1;ir nf the olrl Brooklyn Dndg· "rs, p11t a big Ula:;t on the re1•ercrl Casry Strngcl Fr1rJ;iy, s;iy1 ng baseball had prOllU..:cd a 1111 nf brucr n1anagc~.~- •·Tht' role nf the ba~cbil l! 1nanager i ~ 01'crralcd. any\\•Hy." ;Jddcd the. F!rsl !\"egro to brrak 111lu !ht· 1na1ors '·Look ill ~trngrl. \Vhcn he 1\ci~ 11·11h the Yank- <'('5, loaded 1vJth mater1;i]. he wa~ 11 \'inner . \\'hen he mo~ed 01 rr to lhe iltcls, .he fin ished last. "They voted Casey 1he gr(latest !J\'ing m:in<igcr. Thilt"s a lot of bu ll-a .ioke . "The on ly \lung a manager bas lo ri(l Is relo1c 10 lhf! nh1yer!'i, \\'ho did Casey Cl'Cr rela te to'! i"\obody but hin1sclf." • .. An ;i~;.-aull on 1hr 11 01"1r! J;ind speed record b.v a s1c::1m propelled racing car, :;c hcdull'll fo r !'.lond<.iy al lllc L"tah Bon- ntville Salt F!cl!:;, has bct.:11 poslponerl hrcaul>~ of d<impncss of lhc l>OJ! fron1 r ains. OrJ l'f'r ;)\..1p Hedric h ;11111uun{'erl from 111_.; Co~l<i .\1 t.~a lieadqu:iners Friday the l. S. Aut(l Ch11} had ordered thl' po~t­ po11L:mi·nt afH·r 1 r~ung thr (OU!"'C' ~ur· face. Anothrr 1c~1 1vdl f)r 1n<iclr .\1rinrl<1I' prnv1dr1I lhrrr JS no ra111 01er 1h'c 11·eekend. llednch 1~ -;rl 111 dn1r 1hr ,\11\fl('Oast \lapori1.rr 111 :in :41l t-mp1 tn break fil l'I record of 127.66 n1Jlc~ an hour ~<'l b.v Fred ;\liH'l'HJ11 111 a !-.l.1nley i'Jlca111cr ;if Orrnnnd Be;1ch, fl11 111 JOOG. e ~.\.\ ~-f{Al\t 'lSCU -"J'hr ~an fr,1n- c'1st:o \Vurr1ors ubla1ned rnuch ncederl Iron\ llnr help Fnd<tY 11'hcn they recl'1ved LJ11c1nr,;iti ~u1x·r:.ll1r .l rrr_v Lucas for i::uard J 11n1ny !\111g-and forward Bill Turner. It 11;1s :i ::-:1 ra1~ht \rl:lcl<'. 11•1th 1111 1l rall t•hu1:cs or 1none.v 1n11olvcd. • (ll.1\E\'. ,\ld. -.r:u.:k llcntlcy. :i lorincr n1;iJ11r lc,1glJe pncher 11·ho dueled the grc:11 \\'alter .lohn~on 10 a st;indoff 1n the 192~ \\.orlt! SL•l'Je~. clte1I Fr1d<1v ;,11 \!nnt- g .. inf'ry 1;<'t1t•r;1J llO.\f)lt<J!. Oln,,1 . .Jll('I' i1 h.111)! Jllnc~~- B1'nl!t 1·. 11ho 11,1~ i!l. rr11rr(t lr11m ha~r- 1.;ill Ul l!,:'.i dlll'f 211 \("[II"<; l•ilh the !\ll'J \or).; c:1.11 i1•. l1tul;ufi-lph1.1 Phllhrs and l~.1l1111111rc Onvlc~ ul !l1r lllll'!!l<lhon,j l Lr.1g111· ,\ lr11ha11d~'I" hr 1u11~hlt·1 11d thr hl/!h· light ot !11~ ,·;11i·••r I'• !11· In 1hr 1!"124 serir , 11·hen th(' r:1anls p/;!\rll th•· \\';isl11nglon Sr ri;1lnr , !Ir ;ind .lnl1n~r1n fa crrl l';1eh n!ht1· !\I.I( P ,ind ra1•]1 11-011 0•1c·r l\f'nll1'1 '·" lu.'·" to 1111• B1c. Tr.1111 thrn lri 1IH' 111 111)!11\ 111 h1s 1·;11-r{r c;1111r 1n th•' !-ot'I r11lll .11HI (i('l'l!'oll.(' J.:dflll'. -~haeklc!orrl r.111·~ t·:a,1 1.A on a p;!r Wollh Orangt' ('n;1st. ~a.11ni: 1hl' ll11~k11·' r;i\1' :1 slight rdi;:r nn oflcnsl! 11·11h \he J»nite.-; a shade 111 front on def~·n.,r . , Thr stage JS lit'! and the battle JJn!'s 11rL· ,fr;iwn. Tonight's 11•1nner wtll h:n e onl.1 I I-a rbor and Los An11.el1•s City t ullrgc tu 11orry about on th.: way ln <l league t1tl r. Football Sta11cli11g~ "' "' l'-0 :01 "' '" ,. ,. "' "' "' GOLDEN WEST M•~• C0<•l•1n C.••• Goel•ll Cll1rln Mevr .. 11 Ptle Mt •l •Wli Kurt ICrtu•t • Jtl! Jo<O.,,.tn "'I~ P,.>Cl(l\O lonv e,.w,,.·~n Poot • 1>1,~m1n (.n•rl•t l!vc'<l1nd P t• ~n•dtr lA!l lOS ANGELE1 r II~"" L~mo•nr I Dl •ft lla•tnln1I G Pero1I '-'<010.•I C Gt •t ~,,,..11,,d f ', llOl>"fl 0f11/ "'I Z•no V•1! "'"'"-Moi~••n Pl (Mo• J••~m•"O • Po~• (o'"'"" J.mm• JOOP' sn ... m1n '11•1 ' • .~a . " '" .,, ,. . ••• .,, '., ,., '" • ]{a111s Duel Bea r s In l 'V S pct·tat·lc ClllC1\(;f) 1(\l'l .-Thr 11·inl!'~~ <'hit·.:iRo J~:i r·. 1nir1•d 1n their poores1 ~l;"t rl 111 2,1 !';rason.._, probrtbly ~hou ld be Nn1forted "' ll'::'1ni; only an I I-point underdog a~a1n~l the undclealed Los Angeles Rains here Sund ay . ll will be televised at JO·JO a rn. on Channel 2. r-.c1 since 194~1 have the Bears losl thr1r hrst fore N1111onal Foolllall L«:aguc start.~. kl a drspera1e tr:-tu :i1 er1 setback Xo. 'tl1r v ha1·C' .1 fl .i1n n'1 enge motif added \fl such head;il'hr '< ;,, \1·ho'~·at-quar\£'r· b<i rk a n d 11 hn lf•1 rr h:i ppenrd·lr>--f:ale ::i:J1 rr~ · l\t• all remrrnb('r " •.i\c qu.1 rtrrbai·k Il'i1r.a 11 (iabnrl. "h<1 li;1~ 11tn·i·rrd 1h.-. tr~m ' lo ;:1 5 O \uri,:e , h1111 tht.'v kno£'krd 11 oui nf !hr ru ru111;J,11.1•1 1,.;1r ' 1·n:il wa.\ the 17-!G Hr:n h,1d111~ nf !h" R . .in' :41 Lo~ A11gelr~ 111<1 11 hrn J111• l!:i mc tlln11i:h1 thi·J li.nl !Ill' ('1);1~'.11 cJ11•e 1011 ~··111'd up :11 10 I ! . , • AND CUT TO THE LEFT 1::11· Jt1r;irdo. t !J (' :-.!1111/t f'o,1 ... l t"oulcr'('!!ct lr;1drr 111 r11•l1111;.:. 1-. r'\IJL'L·l· t.'d IO l d!TV lh!' hulk IJf (Jr ,ingt \ 11 <1 '1 ('tllll';;r':. !'\Ill· nini: a 11 ,1ck !0111j.!'lit 11/icn thr l'tr:.i tcs t r<11cl !o·Lcr· 1110"' for ;.1 l..!',V J.:.1111('. /~1.;11do h .1 ~ thurncd out '1~!i 1.11 rl' (hi' ~!':l •rl !1. NtwDO•I H•rOO• , , l \\lt >!•"'""ll • J An•nt lm 1 l1 <1ntlnqlon 8-1<~ I !>ftnlo """' I Wntern ............ , ..... I Ml""" .. .. . 0 ' ' ' ' , , ' FrlOI•'• St•••• W•••min~ltr ?l, ,o..,..n.,.., o N•woort H1<bar II , Motln• 11 Wtuern 11, V»•• I ltlOn·l•eou•I l onloM'o 01mt ~·"'• An• ot Hun!ll'Q•on lle•c~ G.O.-OE~ G~OVl liAOU[ . ' ' " ' " • F r.d~>'1 ~'"'" r·"""' r"~~· •r 1 • ov•n.~ ~ ""'''" 10, >1111•nu I • ron!~M'• '"'"'' ~""'"0 Al"'"''"' al !IOI\• Gt l nM• "'" .. I'•• ll <>~On A,-,,,1 ~I P•~I ~.,.,1. ~'IOElUS LEAGU E . ' , ' ' " St An!l>Qnv p,.,, " ] l11rriea11 cs " " Blaot ·1· (':\. ''l'I Cltri,1ia11. " " " •• " " • .. " • " ' • " " " "' " " " " " .. ,, " ,. " " .. • " " " " .. li ' ,. " '" l l-9 i\111\.\ll -~l!tltl\l 'S H11 rr1c.-ines pouncrd 011 a fur11ble ;ii Trx:is Chnst H~n ·s 'l·)<iril 11111' .. nil h!OC'hf'rt ~ p1111t a1 1!s 3a to ~rl 11p touchU011ns Jn a 1·1·9 VJCIOr\' an11l11 li1• 11 h1stli ni.; 111nrls 11[ Iii(' Or..ini;e-Huwl I· r1 · tiil\' lllJ:hl, l~\ll NE LE,.GUE <'ou~••" '-'••I•• li>-1'~ Co ll">• "'I Mo• Eo .!.C, l>\•anol>• Coot• Mo\• ""'""~·· ~•nl1 An• \ldllo> • • ' • • ' ' " Fd<I•¥'• Scorn ' " " ' , , ' • • r~"~"ir '>'dlltv u , 5/. ll•ll•V ft c~·o~• 0•1 l.IM n. (o"• "'"'" n I,~, Al"·"•M• ~~~'"" f"• Oo•r.J1, " oi'I'' " '~r' • 8••• ~ •o~le1>« • Ln• ~,,..,~~• • ' ' • ' • "'"~••'• S<ort• L~· /. •J"l'Jlo lJ. fl<t• 16 5ornr• !•. SMMJci~cw 1? ro"l•hl'• Gomu ' • • ' " ,, :11 " " " .. . , " .. " " " .. " " V•lrni• .. "'lo• A'"'ll0> ~1 G~·1~o G•ov• E< Oo•&dO ~~ IC•t'!'lll &I L1 Pffml Foo1~,11 O <I HQf 11"''" ~·~ {l~,..tr!f V•1 • Pat~· l~""On V•tro ~· \•~e" .. l !Ou"• Bt•<~ ('E:STV<E.W • ' • L EAGU I ' . • • • • • • , ' . ' • • • • •• • °''•d•Y'J S~••<; 11""~ :r M·1•n• V••lo O Ir•"' <I )1 \ '" (Ip ""~'• Q [• l'<'<I""• •l .... 11 ...... ' '' Tonlo~1'1 G1..,1 I-~~·· llr•<~ ' C''l•Y •I El ~rl [\\'tlY l !AB;::;: ",'/ l IC•'~"-• ; ·~ l , •• .i. 110, ~,.~~-. I• H1t.•• ""'""' ,. ... \..0··1P•I ' , ' • • F1·~•v'\ SCO•el \.,~,,. I<''• .;, IC •~·1~· ft '••""''"" 1Q LI H•b11 I 1 ,,,, " L0<1f> I ~ "'IOn•oM'< G•"'• ~""' "'"· "' '.;Av•'"" ., l • .. ... • '" " " " ., " " " " " '" ., .. " " " ' ,, ;o " •• . . .. '" .. " " " " .. .. ., '"' " • • ., " • ,., " '"' .. ., i.1 " " " .. • . 3 3 Lions Stirn Colo11ists, Win, 21-6 By ROGER CARLSON 01 l~t D•ll1 l'I"! 11•!1 \\'estminsler l-ligh's rejuvenateO Lions stunned Anahclrn, 21-fi. Friday night in the Sunset l.t.!ague shocker of the vcar before a full house at Anaheini 's La 0 Pol· 1na Sta<liur11. The treznendous \\'eslminster victory lhr(!ws the Sunset football scran1ble into ch<1os with four teams currently holding one rlrfeat in the vilal lo:.s column. Bill Boswell's g11tt y crr·,y shares First place \Vilh Newport Harbor at 3-1 ·while Anahein1 trails "·ith a 2-1 nli1rk an<l Hun· tlng!on Beach, ,~·hith pl<>)'S Santa A n a tonight, is 1-l. Boswell called it, "The biggest w a r Cl'E'r for me .'' He \\'ent on lo !-.Lale. "I hav!:' lo s<1v T didn't expett this le<irn to cf!mc up \\;ith this kind of effort. l'nl going to have to quil calling the1n kids .•• they\-e grown up." Actually, calling the 21 -6 verdict an upset is a little misleading. It was no flu ke. The Lions ripped up and clown I Ii e field llkc they ownetl it and gave Ana- heim the back of their hands the entire e\"eni ng v.•ith a rrlent!ess ground alt;ick and the pin-point clutch passing uf quar- lerback Ed Bane. ' ,\nd the vaunted Coloni st n£fen.<:.e \l'as held in check by a bruising \\"estminstcr defense. Anaheim·s Ge<irge Fraser v.·as unable lo hit \l'ilh authority as th e Lions' secon· o'.iary came up \\•ith the big plaJ'S. Twice }'raser's bullets were in tercepterl and tl1e Anaheim tota l in passing was only 47 on fi \'e com pletions. u·s hard to pick out a standout in thA \Jilestminster offense. hut Bane seenied to be Uie one player Anaheim·s once·proud defense could not cope .,.,·ith. lie con1p\eted 11 of 16 fQr 132 yards and scored both of \\'cstminster·s fir st haH toucrdo\vns. 1 he first one came on a lour ya r d run around his left end culmin!lling a fi4· yard march that consumed 16 plays in the first pertod. Then. deep into the second pt"riod, he dro\"e the Lions 54 yards in eight plays \\"ith the key ga iners zingers to end Kurt IA.>drick. Bane finished it \l'ilh a 10-yard jaunt on a pass play \\'hen Anaheim left its right side \l'ide open. Deann Aldridge i;zcked Lhe second of three perfectos \1·\th 23 ~ttonds left in the half. .rohn Baize and i\lonte Downing con1· hir.ed for n1ost of the dainage in t h r. Lion~· final successful drh·e 1hat netted 53 yards and put Bos1~'ell's forces into a 21-0 lead. Dov.·ning carried over r~om the l w o v.·ith 9:20 left in the game . :\t th:it point the !\!other Colony 11 a d rour firsl do.,.,·11s. ' '..! ',{ G4ME STATISTICS Fir1! down1 r~1~ln<1 Flr11 aon-..·• 1>'"''"9 F1.,1 <1e>1••n• p""'an1.., l o•~! lint ao .. ns Vard1 ru1hin<1 V.t.ra1 1>"~""9 Vora• "'" l'lU ~&rd\ g~•nfd Punll .0.vf•ogt <l•ll~nr• Pfn1llir1JY1rd1 ~Ni!,zt<l Fumblt>1F<1m bltl IO;I WM • • ' " "' "' " :9> ~1~0? "' " ' ' ' , • '" " " "' • JI 1 ' " " w ... ,.,,1,..1tr Anohrlm s,.,. by Ou•rrtn , , ' ' . ' • " • 111~1 6•i1e "°'"'"'"~ Moddot~\ Mlln• TOTl ll r•a·.•r ~""'" M•Cu1+-,. MtOuef" 10:•' To••li IUr • "'"'"' McCull•·1 101111 O?USH!HG Wc•tmu,,!tr '" " " " .. " " ' ' ' " •• ,., .t.n1n<o"' " " • " '" • ,, l •~ l'AS\IHG Wutm•n•ltf .. ~ lo 11 " , " • ' ... • , • , ~· •Vq . " . " '' . ' ' " 11 :; .. • " • ' • " •• "' " • " " " " " " ZI '" .u• .'!I 000 .JJJ Football Oashes On TV Schedule A full slate of football is in store for television fans this we~kend with the Los Angeles Rams·Chic::igo Bc::irs tilt l1eadlin.ing the agenda Sunday at 10:30 Iii .Ill. Other live pro football is in the AFT .. where Channel 4 presents a doubleheader between the New York Jets and Boston Patriot..<; and the Denver Broncos and Hou~ton Oilers. Collegiate game of the .,.,·eek today is lihchigan Slate and lo\va. CIF Grid Scores ~·ml '· S•"ta !l"'b•••' (.qmolon )Cl. W•r<~n '1 e 11h ·~-""'""""" n AtrD•O I•. El Mc.nl• 0 "'"'"!'l>•ll Ol. llrPPt l '1 Alt monv 72, LO>'Ola 1 :loUI" "•••<!I"• •I. !I~\! Gord!"' n 11:0111.,. Hiii• n. L""''"'" • l•~·-!), l!I Poly o tlhurMltv l W•IK1n ;,, El ll tnt!'i<o :II Mllll~1n )&, J~rdo• 20 DAILY '1lOT ,_ " CAIL Y l'tlOT 51•ft l'~tll WESTMINSTER 'S JOHN BAIZE {38) FOLLOWS WALT JUDY (61) AND JIM McNAUGHTON (60) WHILE QUARTERBACK ED BANE (IJ FAKES AGAINST ANAHEIM, Mater Dei l\1a11ha11dles Pi11s X, 49 -7 Ry 110\\'ARD t . llAJ'\D\' O! 1n1 Ol llY Piiot Sl•ll DO\\'~EY -!\'latcr Oei High School foo tball coilch Bob \\'oods could have nan1ed the score and his tea1n looked like it .,.,·ould have been able to respond to any figure he set Friday night as the !\Ion· archs defeated Pius X, 49-7. in Angelus League action on the Warrior field. \\'oods used substitutes freely through- out the second hal f and after the t11o·o teams exchanged early touchdowns. the game belonged lo the lltonarch teain without question. Bob l-la upcrl and f\1ark Dunn. the Mon· arch one-t.wo punch all season. were used ~paringly throughou t with the two lead· ing ground gainers carrying for a total of nine plays. In those nine µlays !hey gained 187 yarrls \1'ith Dunn scorin~ a pair of touch- downs and Haupert hurling lo the ne .... ·est J\lo narch star, S!an Jackson, for another. .lackso n opened in the f\1ater Ori back- fieltl <ind carriL·d r.:ne lin1es f<Jr .;9 vards. Prior 10 Friday :iighl he had carried a total of sevrn times for 48 yards in ;il\ prc1·1ous gan1 cs. HC' ;ilso scored t1.1·0 louehdo1.1·ns aga inst Pius. The f\latcr Dci al\ack \1·as so dc vastat. ing. only t\\o passes \\'ere thrown all night. both for louchdov.·ns. Haupert hit Jackson just prior tc halrtime on a 93· yard sroring play . .Jackson v.•<is alone at rhc 40 11.i!ien he caught the ba!J and loped lo the end zone. Three J\1onarch players scored twice du ring the action. In addition to Jackson, Dunn and To1n Grzecka also scored a pair. Dunn had one nn a 611-yard scamper nn the option wilh Haupert ca rrying thr firs t JO yarrls and Dunn taking over the balance of the 1\'ay. \Voods, lrue to pre-game "'Ord or hold· Ing the score 1lown to a some.,.,·hat res· pee.table rnargin, pulled his first team with ten minutes remaining in the third quarlcr. Lone talt_v hy the re~e rves \1'3S a li4- yarrl pass play £ro111 secon<l team quar· terback Dave N<1nry 1o end !\iark Mor· gan. Dennis Wojtki cwicz ran in for the two-point conversion and the fin;il cn11nt v.'as posted on lh~ scoreboard v.·ith 8:41 remaining in !he thirrl period . Pius X sho1ved lifr nnl~· onrr 1lurin~ the entire e1·enin~. After !hr i\lonarchs scored the first louchdn1\·n, tt1r \Varrior~ dro1·e 70 ~1ar<ls lo a score 1vith quarter· back Oa1•e Koos going Ol"er [rom one yard out. f,t1 •·<A J•t•1on ll ~uotrl "''"" w~;n..:t·M)(l J<>l1n•on t-l~nrv Slm-.nn lot I ls , .. M•tler Tom~u Sr>er •rd TQl&I' ......... 1 N1nrv Toi.ls •u•"ll'"' Mi!tf Ooi "' • • ' ' ' ' • , " "'" ){ " " , ' .. P •~SIHO Mtl•• O.! •• " " .. ". " " " • "' " ,, " ,, "' e• pc pM ' ' . ' ' 0 ' ' . ,.,ij, ){ l~ ~ ,. ! G•MI! !T.O.TISTICS MO r "' 110-... ~• ,..,...,1"" p < "' do;oon• .,...,.,..,, ' t "'! dOW"S ""'n~lt l~\ ) l;'>I 11,.t <Snwn• l \ 'VHf!\ ,.,,.,,,.., "< ~:;:i r:i~•1~4 I., !J~t •~•do oAI""" ·~ =~~:1~7~~~~111''i:;;!-~1,d l 111@~ Fumb1r11Fvmtil'\t~r.• .., O~•n-tn ore M•!e' !)fl ., •. , •..•.•. !{ 1~ ll ...... x .................. 1 0 0 ., • •• • " • " • '" • '" • " • " • " ' " . ' " " " ' " • " . ,, " .. " ~· ,..., •1 1 N'n 6• 11"0 1l4 1,000 61 .~l) ~ ·""" 61 Jll " " ' , " ,., " .. "' ,, .. 0 .... "' . .. ' -, l'clM Stays Title Contention • UI Sea l(ings Halt Mesa, 12-0 By GLEN~ \\'lllTE Of lhe D•ilJ P ilOI ~111! Corona de! M<1r put together a cru~h­ ing defen se and a pair Cl! fourth quartrr touchdo\rns lo stop Costa Mesa High"s luckies~ l\1uslangs. 12-0, Friday night be· (ore 2,300 fans at Ne\\'flOrl Harbor Jl igh !>choot. l l wa~ a ~:ey victory for C<J<tch J)avr lloll;ind'.~ Sea Kings. keeping: then1 a !!<lme out of the Irvine League lead \1•1th a showdo1.1•n due next \\'eek against first pl:icc Loara. The victors doininated U1c final two qua~ter~. holding the b<ill <Jll but four plays or the !bird period and 19 or 32 plays in lhe fina l stanza. Holland"s nifty defensive llnil h P Id Cos1a f\tei;a to 16 yards in lhe lasl haH and 70 for the game. Costa J\1esa's aerial game \vas particularly shut do.,.,·n as the i\lustangs co1npleted t1vo of 16 passes ;ind had four intercepted. Hick Petros h;id t....-o of lhe therts \\"hi lc l\:irl Killefer and Keith Petros had one •·apiece. In lhc inca1111mr, dcfcndrts li~e Jeff (;oelitz, .)1111 North, Doug Hilll<1rd and l\lt>c R<Jtnsry raised havoc with 1\-1 e s a backs. It took a half for Corona del illar t<'I un1rack lL~ offense as lhe Sea Kings tod- 'l lrd to Jl!S! 49 yards the f1r sl t\\'u qua1- !('r:;. B~l Holland's force's got hr.hind the in- ~pired running of Steve Judilh and Hick Petro~. plus J11d nli"s key passes. 1'hcy drove to the !\lesa one \\1th t hr :-~cond half kickoff bul v.·ere held f o r three dO\VTIS, thrn Steve Lcfe1·cr b.itteif down a pass in the end zone intended for Dave Krohn. f\101nenls later. however. Corona \\.as hack again. This lime U1e Sea Kings 11·cnt 51 yards in 12 plays with Pe!ros slan1· 1ning 1n from a yarrl oul ""'ilh l 1.26 lclt in the gamt'. San1ucls' pass for the con- version failed and it v;as 6·0. Corona de! r-ilar douhled the count thP. nex t time il got !he ball. This time th!! \1•\nncrs blasted 62 yards in I I plays with Samuels tossing lo Jeff Cummings l o r eight \•ards and the score. fJn ihc preceding pl ay John r>lanix ha1! coi ne w1lhln a v.•hiskcr of picking off a Sarn uels thro\v . At any rate. ""'ilh 4.36 rcn1aining, Hn]. 1and·s crc1v held a 12-0 lead and had Lile game in the lee box. Cos!a Mesa's deepest dri\'e carried to the Sea Kin)! ~2. Corona rlel r.tar ha cl \ITClchcd f1eltl po51tion m11t·h ol the first l1:i!r, tal:ing over on its 2. 10. 10, 23 ~111d I ."i OAME Sl•Tl5TIC '" "M I "•I 110 ....... rU~hl~<:I ' • r ·r1 1 llOO'A"\ M )•,,ng ' • , ,.., .,.,,..,,. P"''~ir c·. • • ... ' '" T ~OM ·~ ' " " .. ,,,,~,~ .. ,. "' v ... ,.~ "' ·~·1 " .. ...... ~, ,. ' ,, ,. "rt v~·~· 'l' •C~ '" "' ,,,,.,. A~crw~~ o•;•antt • .. .. , ' l'c<>•IO••' , " "' t ~ff·lll~>Jf"mCll> It\! ••• " ~(Ori .. Quart1n (~"" / ...... • • • • -0 (0'0"~ d~I I.I•• • • . " -" llUSHING (0111 Me" '" " " ... \'QI! • " • " /,'~~It ,. " ' ,. ~·~ y ' • • " Prill>' ' ' • " (r.l>Ut~ ' .. • .. AO<''""' ' ' " " l ~t~I', " ,. " " (QrO•I '" "" '"'''m'""9' ' " • " Ii" • ' ' ' .. J v:°•lh " ,, ' " S•m~•I\ • " " .. Pt!«• .. " • "' TrC''"' , ' • " 10'' I .. \;J .. " PA,SING CO>!• Mu• .. ~ '" .. ~· ~'. -. ' • , • •• r-11er10~ • ' ' " ·'',J ~\d11 • • " • ~ J~•,11·. " , " .12; (O•Onl '" ... ,~,,,~-·, " • .. .11t NEAR:LY PICKED OFF -Corona de! i\'1a r·s Ka rl Killefer (8.5) aln1ost intcrccp1s a Costa Mesa p<lss 1nlendcd for Frank Kelly during Friday night Irvine DAILY !'ILOT P"-19 h' !'ti 0''*'-11 League <lclion. ('orona dcl ?\1ar did haul do\vn four interceptions and defeated the r-.tustangs , 12·0. 44-0 La11gher Biggest Wi11 Ever for FV nv .JOHN CAS~ Ot l~t O•llr l'llo! Sl•!I Explosiveness, ~he abili ty to grind out ~·ardage and the ability to cnp1talize upon the n1isfortunes of the opponent v.·ere lhC' methods usl'd by fountain Valley in a _~4-0 root o\·C'r Santa Ana Valley. Friday 111,Pht, ill. l!un1111glon Deach lligh School. Explosiveness ll"as :he y,·ord for three of the louchdo11·n.~ that trd 10 the highest ~cerc in Fountain Valley history. With little more than two minutes remaining in !he opening period, Dan :lhaw broke lhrnugh a pile·ur at the line, then scampered 30 yards lo a touchdo"'"· Shaw had scored earlier on a 16-ya rd dash \\'hen the Fa!CQns proved unable lo stop a fierce ground attack the fi?st lime the Barons had the bal!. In the final period. Carl Hardin broke for 21 yarrls anrl paydirt, Hardin scored agair,, on the last scrimmagl" play of the gan1e. as he tr<Jvelc<I 17 yards on a Sl\'inr pas~ fron1 Torn 1\-feunier. Pete Scal isi. v.·ho had a touehdo"·n call· ed back on the previous play because of a holding penall y, ran for the two- point <-'.onvcr.~ion . fn bety,·een !be Shaw and Hardin ac!~ • fl ick !\lartin picked up a loose ball, v.•hich resu11cd fro1n Steve J\litchcll blocking a Santa Ana V;illey punt. and ran 30 yards for the Barons' third touchdo\.l·n early in lh" third period. Six minutes la1er. Gary Val buena hauJ- rd in a 40·yard pass frOm John Svobod.:11 lo C'nd a dri\'e of 70 yards thal required nine pla ys. Tom l\1alone rnade good on all four of his PAT ki cks. Fron1 F'oun tain Valley 's openi ng drlve. the clash gave every indication of being no contest. F'rom the opening kickoff, the B.1rons 1narched iO ya rds down the field without taking a backward step. Then, four plays after the ensuing kick- off. only six plays were needed to march 60 ya rds for another score. But, the falcons werenl dead yet. They took the bn!l on a 43-yard drive thul fell short on the hos t 15, forcing the Barons into a punting situation, then drove back down to the 29 before halt· time. Steve Mitchell probably struck the death blow lo the Falcons when he block- ed Dave Rohrig's punt in the early mo- n1ents of lhe third period. Martin scoop- (..'<! up the loose ball and returned it for Uie third Fountain Valley score. F lf>t ~a·,.~• ru•"in<1 F 1,,. dQ"I~~ ,,..,1n<r ~ 1.,1 OOwns ~ntlheJ l 01flt liHt dDW~> Vo•d• ru•h•nll Y~rds fl<IU••Q v~rd• 1ost '" • ' • • '" " • "' Ntt y•rd• O•I"~ P~nt5/.t.vt•a11• d"lt"'• Ptn•ll!fl/Yard• P«'l•lllt<J f11mbl~ff11mbl11 io.1 J n.1 Jll• "' Sc•<• ~ Oli1•!1n S&n!o .O..n.t. Valll 'f G 0 0 f Fount1ln V•llt'f Jj o Jj lj e 1111d i.:oro•,q G1rcl• M-• To!.t.1~ Mu ti• ""~' :>~&w !>'IObo<I~ McKe•I·~ lln~oflO<> Mo.~u11KI H•rdl• ,.,._.,,,,,r ~(.t.ll•l TOli!' •USHINO J1nl• ..... Vllll'f •• " " ·~ ,, ~ , .. ' ' ~ "' fl11111t1l11 V1llty .. • • " , ,, • " ' ., " • " • n ' " ' • • 3;1 1'.t.S$1 NO S•nl• •n• V1Ut¥ .. .. ... " , ' F111•l•ln V1llty . ' • ' ' • • • • .. " ' ' ' ' • • • • • • " • • • • " " tt In,, " "' " . " -. ' . _. .. . ,,.. •U· 1!_,; . 111'.0 l tts "' -· -~ ·~ '" " .. ,, " '" " . " " , •• "' '" l, .• o.o· •• ... J'I ·''' ..... ,., -. ~-~-----~ --.- !f DllLV PI LOT Satvrday, October 2.5, 1961? Diahlos Fall To Rugged Newport Rally Thwarts Marina, 18-15 Tusti11, 20-0 Bv STE\IF, A~ORE\\'S 'o t Ill• Dtll1 l"llo! $1111 Dave Driscoll n1 shed for I~ ya rds ~nd paced the Tustin Tillers to a 20·0 foot ball viclory 01·er :-.1iss1on \'i('JO and n ii ned the Oiahlos' second ann11al hotnr· coining feglJvities in f.lission \'1e;o Fri· clay. Driscoll carritd the ball on 22 of the 35 Tustln rushing plays, hov.·erer. 1he ::..en1nr h.1\fback came up empty handed in the inuchdown depar!ment. Insi de th e 10-yard line he y1cld e<l to li::ammale Dave Holloway /or two of the l'1ree scores . Hollo"·av \1h n JU.>! recently .\i·as Sl\'itched to a halfback slot fr on1 :i,;uard broke off tackle for four and nine· )·ard score s. Tustin's final six·po1nter can1e in the Jasl stanza ,.,.hen Bob Silra charged ~round left end for four yards on a rc- \'erse. for Mission Viejo coach Ray Do<lge j~ proved lo be an exa sperating evening. ' The Dliib!os got inside the Tille r .fO only 1our times. They ran out of do11·ns tv.·ice, f111nbled once and \Vere on the Tustin 11 -1·hen the final gu n sounded . One bright spot for i'<tission Viejo v.·as lts running game . The Diablos ga ined 169 j·ards against the rugged Tustin defense. Aundre Holmes v.·as the sparkplug or f'1e offense ca rryi ng 18 limes for 97 yards. ~t Y:as Holmes' biggest night of the season '11 yardage gained. He ~ad a 77-yard per- formance earlier againsl El f\.todena. \Vhal makes Holmes' yardage look even heller is he Diablos didn't attempt a pass until the final stages of the third period . :\l'ithout a passi ng game lt makes the ball C'cirrier's job a Jit!e tougher. Doug Citro had a fair night, picking up 23 vards in only seven carries. When Diablo quarterback Jim Davis bc:t:an to pa ss". in the desptriltion ~econds of the game . he completed five of 12 for 60 1·arrls. The ~hulm1t \l'<IS the fourth in six game~ hnrlrd nl ,\l1ssion Viejo th is !'1?ason. The b1;iblQ~ ;ire now 1·3 in Cres11-ie w Le11i;:uc ~r·non 11 ith Laguna Beach coining up Fri· rJ;1 y 111 Laguna. . , ., GAMI STAl l!l ltS I'•' e'!•"\ "'"~~ f .r;I ~t~··: ~··" "~ '"" ~"~"' n~"•l!lt! l JJ31 r • ' dO,.,nl 'r'Me\ '"~"'"~ \'a,.B <-•"I •~ "'••d\ •o•• "v"" ~•··•~· ~'''"""' fl" Y.re• ; .. ~M '" ' " "' •• " '1' 1:~ ' ,, ' " '" .. ' ) ,, j ""''"'" "'"~' oen•""'' , vr.,bl!>I F~m~IU lo•I "' ,, "' "' " t !'•l•n M '"O'O V·••O ~-, . ..,., .. Ov~>!" p r,,(Oll I '•• '1olln,.•·• To!•'• llll\MING Tv>1 1~ ' ' ' ' ,, l<b •• .1 •• , 1· •I < o I 1 :Ii l>I I 1 " • 1 II • 1 l\ 111 t • ' Mo11t0~ Vlt10 1-!nlm~• (i!•g """'""" 1v111<;n"°" ~·~·on ti••'' 101~1· (•"·•"•" ~O!'T\~••r Toft I\ 14 ~I • ~ I 1~ ) ! I~ 1 • ' ' ' " 1 I , 7 •0 l 11 I~ • G Of ~· OhP •1 O<! n n ~· 1.11 j 11 '"'I 11 ~I JIJ Moulon Vl•oo 11 .. . .. ~ Chargers Out To Eve11 Up Leag11e Marl~ F:rli~;,11 anrl '.\lai;n01ia hi~h school$ cla~h tnn1c:h: <1l \\'p:,1 m111~lcr Jligh School In a batt l<~ th()L 11111 g11c 1hr ~inner a 2·2 rccrirrl in lrr 1nl'.' Ll'<1g11c football act ion. <;:11-ne tirroc 1s 8 o'clock . Edison's fir~t-~ear contingent coines in- to the gan1e son1e11 hat batte red after a hr111sin< loss to Loara la st v.·eek (26-0) while '.\1agnl')li a is $!11\ reeling from its 14· 8 defeat ;it lhr hilnds of Co rona del J\lar. J\lagnol1a's Sentinels rule a five.point p1<'k . • For Ed1,011 the gu111e fi gures to be a case of stopping J\fagnolia's line all·ro und quarterback Ken Paniquc. Panique ha~ cu111pleted ~~ of 66 passes for 540 yilrds rind has run for eight to11chdr,1111s 10 dnn1inilte th e Sentinels' ota1 1s!1c~ Coach Bill \'ail ~·a~·s l1is club ls up "g;nnst a te;111' ~11111lar lo lluntinglon Beat h in its st ~ 1<' of play "''ilh Uie flUart crbao.:k the i..r11 If) 11\c opponenrs of· rr n-r : \\'hen Pan1rpH' 1 11iri1111ng 1rs u~uall y lo 111s \\Jngh;1r~·. )!;11 •, n11en~ ' 0 11·ens has r,111gi11 ll p;is~es for l~J ferd:>, Edi~on 1•.ill [,,. 1•· 1ng to coun tt>r l\1ag11ol1a ·$ ollensn r thnJ ~l \.11\ll halfback ..tim ·J\loxley. : J\fox!ey is ~ecnnd in th,, Orange (Pa~! • 1trea in rushing 11·1th .ffi7 yards and a ~.a average. ·Hi~ ru~h1ng <.'ff ect 1rtne~~ has been hampered, hov.·cvr r, \lllh the Joss or f(ll!b3ck Ken Funk e. Funke is still opt>rnt1ng at lr~~ than full speed af!er 5U.'>tait1111g ;iu 1n;ury aga in"t Jfun!i ngton Bf'a ch. 11~·~ rnnsitlered the ()hargers' bes1 bloc~111;; b.ciri.. (()1~011 ,., )~~n f "' ,. 111 o • ., IJ~••t•> ltll J•" '"'"" 115 R•·>\ Jrc-"~l HO '""" O•H~lf lf'C (•••• "''"'"""" 11.1 C.••• Ii•"~ 11(, Jf•(ltTI• "'""•011 HU !•"' ~v~• 11J J•"I ~V •T•~ \~ lt"Y O:o~I>'' ,,,c "0~1 · I Do\ • I •• ·~on • ;o•' .. , ··-<, 0••·1 11 .. , •• (_ ,~ ... ' . '" (, •1•~K (,, - T Nnrmt " )•"'~> t n,,, Kr• • I\ !(,•~ P•••' '' " J•"' \'"""' Ill ~d l{ll>tl II >t&•• Ow•~• ,., ,,. "' '" . ' r~ ... '" "' •u ,, PLENTY OF INTERFERENCE -!'llarin<'l J·!igh School tailback !·lcnrv Lazrann ~401 takes a handoff fron1 Rick Saen1an (16\ \1·hil c follo1vi n~ liic blo~·king of guard J ohn Reed (60) and fullbuck Steve O'J!arc (2iJ for .:i ~h or l g;:i n ~"ai 11~1 '.'.'t·11 pnrl l!8rhor J·'r1d;:i\· night. ~e 11 pt1rl <n. er- cc1111r a 1:)-0 dt·l!cif lo po.~t <111 l :l-1~1\'.111 ove r 1hl' \-ik 1n;.:s n1 \\'t s tn1111:;- tcr. 'fr<iil111 g \li e play is !\c11porr:-i JJ unold Tn 1Tty. F oothilJ Rolls Past Tritons 111 31-0 Victory r:r f1f)R J\OTlT !;)I 1 ~1 Dl ,11 PllOI SIOI! To i11r surpl'l $C of ill n10:>\ no one, }'"oot- hl ll rnllrrl to a 31-0 11·1n 01·('r :)il n Clc- n1C':i!c llq;:h School 111 a C'rcF!~1e1v Leag11c g;i n1c plilyetl Friday night on the l oser ·~ field Fullba(·k P.ob Speicher led 1hi:-attack or 11 ctori011$ l\111ghts a,~ ht' rolled 11 p 162 yarrls in 2fi carries. He also scortd !1vo of his tean1 's four toucl1do1111.~. Ai;:a1 n the Foothill dcfc nsr ;1;1:;-in co111 - plrtc con1rol of its oppos1t1011 .is 1t 11c\d S;in Clcn1cnle 1n 120 \';ircl ~ Thr Tritons rould coinc no closer io ~col'irig 1h;1n the Foothi ll ·IJ-yard line. l''or 1hr n1.~ht Foothill r:1n r,i; nftrn~11 e p!a~·s \\'hile the Tr1tons go1 f•ll ·12. f\('1.ving 1nainly on hi s ~ru1 1nd ill tai 'k , l\111,;ht qu:1ncrb.1ck Bob HL-1ck ridge 11ao;; !-1 1!1 r ffc('til·e 11·hen he looi.. 111 1hc alt'. rornrlctini:: 11 111c of l 1 t u~srs. for ;i peno<l 1hc Tr1 t•111 d('rr11 r i;;11 r th e Knights a stiff test Dou~ Rothr(l('k ',; :11-yard field goal •\1·ith 2 26 remil1ning 11·as the on ly score of the first penod- Foothill upped 11s lead to 10·0 11 hc11 Bob Hovt fell nn a Triton fumhle and nn !he nex't play Blac krirlJ:(r. hit Jim Vo1a1v 11 ith a 15·yard scori ng loss v.·ith 5 02 lcll 111 the second quarter. The Knights made it !7·0 11·hcn 1hey took the openin g kickoff Of llH' setond half and 1lrove 60 yards in 14 pl ay~. ~peicher cl imaxing the drive by going nver from the two with 6;45 sholl'lng on tbe clock. San Clemente then had the ball for just one play as Rick }iaugen fe ll on another Triton bobhlc. It took Foothill six plays fo cash in the miscue, when Speicher \1·ent in again from the {ll'O wi lh 3:54 left in the third. nothroc k's third e,,1ra point made it 24 ·0. The final scoring came "'i1h 10:23 lef t it1 the game \\'hen Blackridge hit on iln J ! .yard scoring Lo$S to Conrad Hohenrr . The brightest spot on the nighl for !he 'Tritons v.·;is the puntin~ of Ric k Gedde s ;i~ he had pun!s stop 011 U1e Foothill onP ;ind three yMd n1arks. Fcciir.1il Stn Clt mtntt "'"'"~" vo•ow <'lelt~'' ~:-ct.r 4'• l!Gll•n" '·•t·o~ ~t~rtM r o111i . ''" ,. '. ' OAMI STAT l~TICJ " " ' ··' ,. ' ,,. ,, "' ? )) 0 J J' " Sct•t bY Clu1rter1 l I II • • • ll:UlHIHO '"'"m "' " " • l • ' " 11n t:tmo~!t • ' ' " " P•SSIHIS '°'!~fll •• '" ' " " :1 " ,,, ,. ' ,. " " " \ ' • ,, • ,., , :~I l J\ '" 1 .)I 0 -• " " " " " " ' " " , " " '" •• pe -~ ~~' •• r.-t l ! ' l ... ' ~ St~ C!tm•~lt II f • ti .lll SAEMAN SCAMPERS-\Vith Fullbac k Steve O'llarc 127l leading the \vay, i\.larina 1-li gh School <111<1rter- back Rick Saen1an starts to roll ont a.i;:<1111 :,t \'('\1 - port 1-larbor l''r1day night. Nc1vport 11101·et1 111\n ,1 s ha re of the S un set L eagu e lcacl \1'ith a 18-l:i \·1ctory d{'spil e Sae1nn11 . 11 hn cot nplclcd tHnr Cl( 17 p.:l s~r" tor 120 yards. Battered LB Faces Orange It \\'as just one ~'ear ago that La gun;i Beact1 was r iriing the crest of succC'~s as undeft atcd leader (If the Crestl'icw League. Tonig ht. hO\\'C\·er, !ht v1~ta ha,, ch<inh· rtl as the Art i5ls ir:ive\ to t-:1 ~-lodena lligh for a sainc 11 ilh the Orange lllgh f'anlhers, 011e <if \'.I•) f1nori1t'S lo IHke o.-er the top spot. K1t ko!f 1s at 6 o'clock The 1njurr-ridcllcn Arli:i1:i li:irl a shol .~t a 11"m la.':I \11crk but a rlroppcrl pa~~ in a kev sit tlation and ~e1·t r<•I ln~I llun b:c;; tr~u ltrd 1n a rlflh rl efeaL inst"ad !'oath H:i l Ak111~ ha~ hcc11 rol1l lhat nnr of h1!-~!11rl111g h<tlfbat.:k :-. S~c 1c l':i!n1cr, 1.~ dct1111tely ~1dch11rd. \'alrnt·r. a 1n11 !l•'· 01er guard. sul!crrd 1t nrt'k 111Jtiry l:i~t "c<'k ;ind the 1"<1111 doc tor ha:. urdcrei.l h11n out of lon1,;ht·s go1110. SLe1·c \l'or)(L a 1:is po1111rler. "·ill replace Paln1er in the Artist :;t arting li neup. Akins say5 he may illso be ,,...ithout t!1r scr\'iCe$ of fullback Scott Allen. He ni 11 ~· use still anothl:'r guard 111 the backfield 1r Alle n i~ un<iblc lo play. Hal Prnpp;i, .-1•1 nHensive sl<Jr1er. 1s Ilic player 11;10 11i!I n1Dve lo lhe b:ickfie!rl . l 11<1rll Vince [)r1e11r·y 1~n·1 h11,1111,i: tl1r l<itk 1>[ 111;inpr11rrr ~ilu111iri11 :11 L111;t11' ' 11 lien.' there <Jrr. 11011· 26 pl<1 ,1 c1=~ 111 ~1111fnr111 "Tl1ev sc.1rc n1c tr. 1!rall1 This \,.,,. !,\hk('1.,\l;b11 1:. :i~ 11111' ,1 !);ir k v:-11\111· 1 ~ lll lht> l\'a'~ur. L:1 ~11n:i t'.~n n1n1r '"" 11;ill ;111rl f 11·11 !l.t1u·~h tli1·1 ha 1111 111111 , 11 1r~ .ll•' d;1 1'f!rr1 111.~ ;11 .i n1 l1111r 'j :\r l .. 1g1111:1 ,J ll1J<"~ I' hl!il\ ;11·01111 I (']11nrh·rha•·k Bri a11 Otl n1rr w1th ;1 hi.;,Jlll,v l\h!y ,I' ,1 5 l 1J~ 1,:h1rf 1·unn1:1i; 1.111 1t · n1·angc l1l:r11·i ~c 11.l"-;in nutstandin;:: r111 ;ir\e rback 1n \l1i..r Ch11rc\n1.1rd. Thi.: r :1r,1hcr Sl!!l1'11 r;ilJcr dnC,<;n"l dn n1ll f'h p;1~~1n~ hul 1~ a 11trc:1l 0:1 roll>111t pln)·s. Hr 1\·;1 ~ a hall b;if'k 1;1,t · r;i.~nn .ind t1;1s bC•f'n 111·prrs~11 r tn lhtcr if.;1i::11r v1r1.or ic "· 'rhr nr:u1~(' d('f('t1!l(' ii.Ii' hct'll r111l<l.1!1· d111·~ 1l:il'> '(J .'"tl II h·1:1 !< tlirr-1' 'h1!1 nt1 !< 111 [11(' ~.·1111·, .!:J'l 1,1" 11111" 1•1~· l'f th" ~t.•ri · :11• ..it ilH'l1.t111 ~•.J 11·1 11 1" L•J ,,+1r Jiii •('I !.fl,Jl"1l, 27 II ' ' ,. "I ~, '/•l "~ " ' ""-' . t! ~c-,., "•r ·····~-: I ''• R _.,. !')'",.' • '" ,, . ' ,.,,,,..,. 1··~.,,y ... 1 l '< ~L I I,« " fl-·~ I' I On• ' ' ~' ' 41 I'• • ''" l c·o"-"' '"•'(,It'" "··'"r 1'1• i (l~· .,. ""·r" ;.• .. (-,, ....... ~ . ' ' II "T-,... '•••·~~ '.I p !'>"• ""'"' ,,, • ,,, ' ~·"-1'• 1 .. Victory Pt1t s Ta1·s i11 'fie For Loop Lead ftv .11~1 CARNETT 01 Jno D•lly Pllol Sit !! Tlir ~rwport Harbor Jlig h Sailors arr t ied for f1 r~l pl iJt•e 111 the. v.'ild Sunset Lei!· i:ur foo tball 1lerbv tor th e f1r~t time $ince 1949. after cdgtwi the flr·rd-up i\larin a Vi- kings. 18-15. Fl'idny 111ghl at \Vestm1nster JJ1~h Schuol . Thc \rtLllnph g1 vrs the Tars a :J-! rec- onl. placing tlu•111 111 ;1 1ir frir the lea gue 's 1()p ~fl()l w11l1 \\'rstn1i11stcr. 'l'hr \'1kin~s :drno~t shouk tlie tit.v of 11l•n11ngto11 Beach away from 1l1is s1dr or 1i1l' ~<111 /1r1tlrr<1s ~-fiul!. h0'>\'e•·cr as the v b;.111 Jetl !!1e hf•a11111 l:1vored Tar~ loot h and nail brfore th:opp1ng tl1e he art-s1op- p111g verdict ·rhc \'ikes \\·ho wen! into the contest a.~ 11-p(•1nl underdogs .1nd \1·r re supposed to bt' blo\\'n off the turf by the n1gged Ne\\'· piirL oflensil'e nu1chinr. dug in at the out· :-.<•t ;ind 1nade tl1c Sailors play 48 minutes (if r1osc-to-no:.c football. Coac h .)1111 Coon·s losers scored !hr f ir~l ti1ne thev had !he ball and m1<il1'a1· 111rou gh lhf' sCcond quarter owned a Jj .-ti lend 01 ct tilt .~!U11 11cd 1·isitors. ~fl1rpor! cr:11lrd 1.1-12 al 1hc h;1 lf 011 BiJl l l~>nrlvrsl1ol-.s l:iJ-y<lrll ~l'oring pass 10 Jc r· r:; .'i11111l 1 The T:ir~ 11 c11l 37 ranls in rir1h( pla1·s :if1cr ;1 li<ld Viking punt 111 the e~1rl.r m·n- 111vnts (If the th ird quarter, 1ri1h fullback Hot ky Dixon c:ipping !he dri\·e to 18-1:). Then tile ruggPd Newport defense du).! !11 the second half and allowed the upse1- n1111ded Vikings only nine ncl yards in thr final 24 minutes. Qu:irterback Ric k Sacn1Jn led the \like~ lo their first score, engineering an 80 y;1rd (!rive in 1 l pl a.vs . The Marina signal '"'lier kept the dril'c going at three differ- l'tlt l1n1rs whe n the Vikes appeared ro h<.11 e run out of gas 1r11i1 .1 1lli rcl ,1111! nine siluatinn rit !he i\J«1·i 11a 31, Sric rnan hi1 cnrt Bob \Vitt 11·1th .1 !5-yard pass lo give 1hc Vikcs a f1r~t ;i:;(! trn on tht• :\ewporL 49, l hrre pl;i1·s 111lcr S<i('tlJ<ln fa r·ed ano1h - Pr l111rd and n1nr s1111:iuon but fo1111d end .'iiel'l' llcrn:indez with a 29-\·ard ;:ier1al 1ri g11e his inatrs a f1rsl and ten on the l !l .'ii1t'1n:<n ('<!ppcd 1hc dn1f' on .111othrr 1 hi rd ;ind nine si!u<it1011. find ing flerniln· <1('1 with ;in 16-y;ird pas.~ frir the ~corr. !\e111port dro1 e 66 yards in 13 plays anrl hit pa ,v dirt on c 20·.vard pass fro m He n· <lrr~hot lo t'nd Srnilh 10 t·ut 1hc gap In 7-6 at 1hr qun1·1cr. GAME STAl•STICI F -"I ~cwn\ •U "'"" f ,, <10""' ·~ , .... I 'I' QQW"> C' ,,,. • l r ,o\· I" ,! <10< ''I V~·e r~on.n7 'I' .. ~-'"'; ''0 ,.~.,, "'" "" \~·~· .. ~-~ '" " ' ,, "' '" " " ' ' r • ''""''~", ""r •• t •' ' : . ' '" .. r· ,,_," ~··~. r••• 1•i f !•" t I•• ~ •. m~H, 1-• " "' ' 0 ~<Q•! b• 0•1t•Joca " !•"I "' ' <-·~ " '" I'),.,, r .,/, !>""'~ r 'P ><~-' • t1~-<i~ .,. ' .. S•t""" (J t •• I.• ,~ ' 11~ •. ,,, ••• l • r·~~ I '" ' .. ,_. •n•' ' ' -r-• ' <>l>H•l>IG >i•w"o" ' " ( ~ ~ I\ l<b •• •I ••• ' n '" '' n 1 • " 1 • ' '° n ~ ' -1 n • , ~I 1 ' n ·•" " ,,., 1• ,, Ml'IMO I 'I _, I r A• ""IC. >i <•rOd '' n ' " ' .. " . " ,, ,, " p; "' p"I '' "' ,, ' ' ' '1 JI 'lio • "' 'ot;l n n "-'.ll ~ , , ·' ... 1 • 4 \-• 1 1 'I'\ ' "' l1t ;r,- ()ilcrs Ri si\ I-ligl1 Ra11l\i11g ,\.~ain s l Sai11t s '- llt1111 111~ton BrJ<.'11 ll1gh School puls Jto;; hl11r chips on !hr l111c lo111ght in thr $11nsrt Leagul'.' football race as 1hr Oil<'r~ pla.v host lo d:ini;icrou s Santa Ana in ;i. ni11~t-11·1n ~ituatinn. Coach KC'n ~-\oats' n11 rr~ are ~ ·1 n1·<'1·al!. 1-1111 Sunset a<'lion ;ind arr ratc(t lcnth in Orange Cou111y afte r blas!in1:: t'1flir las1 tll'n o'lpponr.nl<;, La Quinta and \l't'<;1er11 . hy :\8-0 and ll O Sl'Ul'CS. S.1n:a 1\n:J. on lhr othrr h;1nrl. 11·ith 1.l:i11n!! :-.prl·d <l1 <11lablt'. l1a <; nol. co111e ll1ro11gll \1'1th lh<' f'l11tvh cf1 n11 Till' St11111-. 11:11 1• b\'r11 h11n1prrrd h.1· 5('' r r,il k\'1' l ll)ll f!C'~ rnrni1tr lri ,1 1·4 111;1rk Cnach Tun1B;iid11in ·~1 ·rt'11• [1na ill' ro~:rrl a 11·111 lii.'-l week 11·11h a 2!·1·2 dcris-1on nvt'r 1\1arin a. Bald11·1n ~.1,1·s his tean1 \\'ill be lryin~ II\ rlu niore or the same 11'ilh Hu ntington and ho1¥s to utilize Jackie White 19.&I at fla nkrrback in a pass-ciltching role, \\'hile snared fou r for four lasl 1\-'eek for !13 ya rds and li.1;0 louchdov.·ns from qu;1rtrrbnck Bob ~l cGuck in. ll untlnglon Beach. 1nean\\.·hile, is paced by 111c all·ro11nd cffnrls or quarterback (.;;,rlh \l'•~c ;incl fullback Frank ~ea!. l\'i•e h:1s run f11r 299 1 ;irds out of hi:-. ")•lt'•ll·~lyl<' :i11ark a nd 11a~ pa~sed fo r 378 :~1·,ol 1.-. a ~ !1 .11crngc ru~hcr fron1 hill' 111'1.•i' Mi<NT•Nt;1 0N ' ' ' "' !' + ' ... ~ r ,.,_ r. "·"·'~ I' \•"''I' IJ!,,.,, •1 ,,.,..},~·"• >' I C · n -., l) ..... ~, I "'<1 \ ",., \''"' I I I !~n• rl~tl 1 ~ !:'•~~ (·~ ,.,, P~ t>•vl r,.~,O Sll,.T• Ari~ \'/<JIT~r /,\(O(I ' ~on •n••,<kl r. "1u1 lll(f Stf,I M•"''"'~ f, OJ~Tn Cu<~•·• I M~'), Mar!mt" fl~~ "'•ts fl a.<:t McGvt• .~ 11 1.·-0~•• F•c•n II J1,,.,...,, Ot <it 8 Jt t• '~ Wn1t• ,. "' "' -~ "' .~ "' t•• '~ ., HELD OVER '"''" O'Tool• "Th• lio11 111 Wint••" phll Znd N•w ft"ol~lil" Alon Arki11 "POPI " • BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN i..~s 709 [. l•llto• l1llto. Pf'nln1ul• e NOW-ENDS TUESDAY WILDEST CO MEDY YET! THE (]/IY DECEIVERS 1r IEST HITCHCOC!{.TYPE SUSPENSE FILM IN YEARS- 'Burt l.anraslel ~m TEet1"1cotOR I ;-~l " .... rc1 ""'nAOI 1lCM"5 •C.OLO~ e • .,. Shows Storh 7 Co11tin"ous Show RO,IF.O .YjtLlET OlMAllUSSfY, HOliAf',OVfiil':;G M!W o·rn1A, 'MICHAH rn~K ·~: mM!ICOlOl '::::' ALSO TH IS WINNER Notolit' W ood i11 "WEST SI DE STORY" 011• Showi119 Eor.k E¥t nin9 Plavho11 se • A1111ou11ccs Ne,v Slate A rrv1scd scas:Jn or nine produtt1ons. cover1111<: a w1Ue- r:inging spectrurn of theater, h;is bl·en announl·c d bv the Laguna·.\1oultori P.layhou.sr.. The new sea &c>n. wliich opeo- f'd lusl rnonth 111ith "I Never Sang for 1\ly F"ather," will in- <:ludc four professional pro· dui.:lions, cul1nina\1n~ with a 1wo-n1onth run uf "~Ian o[ La .\-l a11t:h.'.1 " opening in Jul.Y. 'Greasepaint' Set As Irvine Musical Antl1ony Nev.•lcy's salLrit•al n1us1ct1 I "The Hoa r of the i:rcascpaint, the Smt•ll rl the Cro1vd" wlll open the 1969-70 se.ison for the UC Irvine dran1a department. J\l11u rice Allard . co111.luetur of thl" Irvine r.1nster Chor:.ile, will direet lhe prod u<:J:jpn. ll'h1ch opens-No\.'. ll for l\1'•) week.~ at UCJ's S ( u di n Tht'<i lCr. Pli.lying thr \cttding rulr~ 11111 be Stcl'C Nisbet as Slr :ond Cului Vogel a.~ Cuc k ~· ichar acler~ S) 1uboli i u1 g !ht· lu1ve.~ a11d the have not' 11 lru 1 ir in thl' gainc of hie. Jun Carr. .Jeff C:rt•enlk'r:i,. Je!'t'Y <.irUl1 s111an. Ed Holl- 1n~s11·ort h. Ernc~t Hooe.I and Davr Hodnguci_ Complcl1ng tire cast are Christine Bogard, 1 Ca rol Bonenberger, Jac<1uel-,' 1ne Corl, Yvonne Evans, Jack- ie (.;onzalcs, Kathy Nathery. Elizahelh Peel, Judy llubi11so11 an l1 Syll'ia \Vills. The Newl ey-Leslie Brlcussc scurl' include s such favorites as "On a \\'ondcrlul Day Like Today ·• and '"\Vho Can I Turn To~" The show 1\·ill be pre· :;cnted for .~is: pcrformant't!s. 1\1esc1ay!". through Saturda} s. *HEY KIDS!* l i'J P<1I Sho• To4oy-1 :00 TO NtTE AT. 6:00 l I O:lO THE GREAT JAN& 'RODDY!! ":~-l(CllJHClt.911•~ ...... ff• .. ft ...... w .............. , .... , .... AND AT 1:00 ONLY CAI LY PILOT l 5 IEST PICTUllE OFTHEYW! Other profcs~1onal offerings scl1eduletJ 1ur t he n (' w playhouSt· llf"l' Shakesp<"arr's .. Hainlel ," Eugene O'Neill"~ ''A Long Day's Journey Into Night" ;;nd the p{) µ u I a r mus1e;.il ··Your ,Q11·n Thing." RUMORS OF DEATH 'EXAGGERATED' Beatie McCartney With Wife, Stepdaughter Oouna f uller 11·111 )}()rlr<iv thr Kid. v.·ith ~uc Hoat1na u :u1d Vicki Barrett ~haring thl' rule of the d rcarn g1 r1 and l.;1rry Sheldon c:i:.I as the l.iully r losing 1"\nv 22 Tickets 1na} \ bl' ordered by calli ng 833-6617 I~~~~~ No Concert For Guthrie The Laguna subs:cri puo11 sea:.on of cu1nn1unl\y ;ii· traeuo11s 1vill include "Cactus J-~IOWC'r.'' •·The D c 1' 1 I · s Advocate,'' ··Jlenry. Swc>C'I Pa11l Alive. 'Veil Ca:.! as the. urt:lun' <i rr Thomas Anlhony. Ur u c e Bouchard, Richard Bru1vn, Tonight's Ario t;u1hr1e apPf!arance of <1\ the Anaheln1 Hr n r Y • '' ''Th e RigllL F F B tl D / t 'onvl'n!Lon Cen ter ha s been Honou rah!e Crntleman'" arid llltS C(lf ea c Cltl ' ''"'1""1"·'. ,., .... ,,.,, .. , Lo Lo"' c;the< "Spollor<l" oc "llolf-()rigina) PJ;.i y '" '' '" " ""• I v.·ay t.;p the. Tr~.'' J\'E:\V YO!lK (l.:Pl l -A grain n1anagi'r Rith<Jrd Sklar :~~~~1~cl~~ns~i~~~u~~~s ~t~;~~I i\ special production, 1ile Paul J\lcCannry llcalh culL 1~ 4•! station \\1AHC yanked Boby 1\ l l•,11((~1'l()ll :show Orange County prc111a:rc (If f(Jrniin~ <'Ven lhoui,:h Ill!' Yonge , .111 all-night d 1 s c t Frank (:llroy·s "Thr Onl .v 1 · 1 d J·nc kr·.i, ii lH.-n hr b r ,, ,1 11 Hoh111 al so announced l 1:Hi (<·,,,,,,, 111 70.,,,, .. iv ill be re <1tl\C.'i 111~1sl 1 ir lanic ! 1 1\! C 1" An ong111al 0111.'-act dra1na, Dono\";1n ha s been booked into' li('allr J'i ;ll1 1·c and in guod c iscu~sing I le · c: a r n r Y '·Crann<i "s Angel "' by .Jay th<' convention t•cn trr for a Prcst•111rd fur nnl' week onh. ,,,.,.,i11, ruinors . Con klin, will be prc~cntcd Sun-No1· 7 •JI') <l•L" 1·1,,. \"II"" i\'nv. l!-J!"1. J-'la1hou~1· ar11s111· I 1" "'-· ·"' .. .., -Ft'ar" Ill.it :\lclar1nr.v had ··11c wa-, d1.~t·u.~s 1n ~ l Jl•rn 11i-d;1y a1 tll<' n1on th ly g~ncral Scntsinan rcccnt l.v l)l<i ycd to :1 d!l"t•etur .Jolin Fer~acca will di ed :ippet1rrd .se\'l'ra) 1110111hs enhc.rt•ntl~." Sklar said "l!r• nit·ctin~ !•f the !·'ullrrlon capacil y ;i u d j f' 111. f' ~H stag!' lh<• sho\v an d play !hf' ago \l'ht>n llls tan~ hegan tind-11.isn't with II and 1licln"! -,01111tl 1'' ti htc le;1d1ng role. wi?h Jo :1 11 l!IL' s)'IH bfil<i 111 the lyric.~ nr like hirn:>l'lt , ()(}.If:: ·rs. 1 HolJy,1 ood Unw01. an d dur In \\'ull solin <Intl Grot!rry Riker .. . Thi' n1cet111g will ht• 11·ld <rt rrqucsts fro111 rang1' (,"011111 y Hl'atll· :;ongs 11n<.J un 01lbunl 'l'hr tlcath ru111or hll., br rn 2 1, in. 111 the ,\lucken1h:itcr fans 1vho 11·1·rc unablr 10 ~Ct' l'O!npleting the cast. I · I d 1 t l·ovcr<;. l f'n 1ct r r· ll <' a I e }' >.V Ccnler. 1 J9 Buena V1.<;ta Dri~·c, hun. Robin Sl'hedu!cd hun tori During the bah1 ncc of thr Hi1tl10 -~ l a l i u n -~ an1J ~pokesrnrn for the Beallcs' Fullerton thr .i\nahc1m <lai r. season. playhouse produt·t1011<; llt'ii·spaJ>t'rs have been dC'luged Apple oq~an11a !ion 1n London. !!;========================= 11·il1 be st;iged for t 11·0 11•ccks. wit h t·a!ts a:.ki ng : .. l!i Paul .J ohn fasl n1an, brother-in· Tuesdays through S;iturda}s. de;id'.•·· l:t1v of i11eCartney . issued a ,,.,.ith lhc exception of ":\.1an of ~laLen>enL ul New York Tues·j L 'I 1 ' Th I T11·0 weeks ago thr :\.lich igan ., a " anc n1. e comp elc · d;1y which scoffed at lhe death 1969_70 schedule follows. Daily at the lJn1vers1ty of I l'llichigan <.:lain1ed :\.IcCartncy rurnor. _ Nov. 11 -!a--"The Only Carne 11·as dead and listed a series of ··P;iut 1~ '-'C'ry inuch ahvc, in To11•n." d d lb 11 I d . ' l.1 ncs. coinc1 cntc1' an a urn 1cry 1ve . iappy an l1 \'1ng 111 Dec.. 2-!~-"C;.ictus f"1owet"' LI t t l ,n,,1lon." E"ast11J an •a ,· d , I 1·01·ers 1n an a e1np o pro1·e ., .Jan. G-17-"The D c vi I 's 11 Haclio s1ot1on \\IKNR-Fl'll in "There is nothing 1u thi~ Advoca1c·· Detroit lnst ~uncl:iy broadca~l run1or E<1 s1 n1en 1~ the ,Jan. 27-Fl'b 7-"llanilrl"' ;1 spec·1al on Pau l fu r 111·t1 brotht•r nf !\lcC:1rt11t'y 's 111fc , \la rch 3-14-"LtJng Oil.I "s liuurs 11•ithoul a 1·om111c1T1<il Lind;• .Jo1irney l11t o i\"ight .'' hrt•nk hul i'Oncludcd th at 1· I 1 t' April 2!·:\la_v 2 _' · R i,. 11 t 'un u•1·1 nore , lie ·.asln1:.1t1 • 111·rha11s 1\lcC;1rtnt>.Y isn'L de:1d t· ,,,,,,. ·11d t'·"·I ai>d l 1 >d Jlonourablc c;en1lc1nun "' .i • .~. • "" • 1 a ,\1a1, J!l·JO-·•\'()ur () 11• 11 Tl 1r> l;1lrs1 i 11 t' 1 d c n t <1r1· planning lu bring 111c1 r Thinii ·• <lt•11clopcd 111 Ne1v York c::il'ly baby lo '.'Jr11' York for a J Llllt' Hi·2i-"Spoffonl"' orl ==,'="='="=''=y=rn=';:'"=;="='="=h='="='='="=-='=-='"='=''='='="=·'="o'='·'='='"=;=on=.====; '"llalfw:iy Up the Trcr.'' .July 14·Sepl. 1-· Alan of L:1 ' l\l:inth;i." J UNIOR MATINEE SATURDAY, 2 p.m. "Pinocchio in Outer Space" -ALSO - 4 Cartoons All Seats 50c l:."xt·/u~1>·r R rsen:rd Sr at Fn•axrmr" r ! TON IC'"1T "T e:oo PM . ---" "'"'" SOUTH COAST F ~-- 61._Rll. ox .. LAZA THEATRE ctJllPOllA!IOR Siii DiUg frtftAY 1l 81i&tA.I • 546·27 l l OPEN 6 •45-SHOW ST ARTS 7 P.M, Winner 3Acaq~oiY Awards BEST ACTRESS -Ka th ar ine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" JOSl ~ ( lCV!1'1f •->.." All"OCMWll fllM PETER ... &b KATHARINE O'TOOLE 7~ HEPBURN •MADIHl'Oll lHE LION IN WINTER ,""'"":-:"~' .... ,co uu ... ,,.v -.. ALSO .. , ZERO MOS TE L m "THE PRODUCERS" ~ ~DW •~DS ~ ~t\·1::1 .: THE&Tflll l!: ~· .. Of•' •O•• t~··• Mt ' •MO.,<'•• ' 'l -.. ,..,, .... • Q•O ""' ><>P• a• ..,. '" '~ .,..,, Now thru Tuesd.-1y .. lllllllC -··-KYLE JOHNSOll ALO: CLARKE Starts W.dnesd•y "Medium Cool" T HE wesTMtNSTt:l'I CCN Tt:I Firs! Area Showing TECNrtlCDLO« •:\!, 1[>. l!··~tr-C1 Plus Excitement lllHn; am na / n••n CAftl, f'l'Jl.l:V'°'N11 Mll:Ulll'I Hr.II Will she win her fourth? KATHARINE HEPBURN The [Yll\DWOMl\0 of GHl:\ILLOT The n1o tion picture d esig ned 10 _c;a ,,r . tl1e '''a rid frorn s anil)'. "°' '"' ..... •·• .,,. ' -""""fl·•"" •• ~'ll'~'l''•l 1-<tPlj\.~I~, 11<! ~·•QNC1\'AN Ol·lll'·ll'111 ' ' •'••••I •., i • "'• ·"·" ... _ ...... "''"'' .... ,,, ... ~ ... ., ... ~ ...... . •• -..... ,. •• •• ' .•• L. UJI S'IVl<H!~ ·ll .. ~ 'l'AM~~1r ... . ••i).l.Nl,<~AYi., , • .., ..... "'l'"''"""""'• "', '" . ; .. . ... ~ .. ~. , .... , ... J ' ....... , . .,. •• "' •• -· t·1 ., ..• ~\'"''Illa ~...:--............. _ '•.a.tfd•1h"'"'' . (' ··~· •••. ... l.••-1.~t~·· lllill (( \'1 ,•111111i ALL ADULT PROGRAM ~ rrrln1 EXCLUSIVE AREA l~~t Coat Hl<Jhwey PERFORMANCE C<1ro11• 4•1 Mar-ph. 67J·6260 "If I were to d111crib1 in detail what goes on in 'Inga ', I'd get •rrested." "so graphic, I could have sworn the screen was , . smoking." -1'1 r o..rr Coit.->~ -- - -llOb•r! S•lrn•~gl, WINS Ridft ;, MARJ E LJ LJ EDAHLJ AllN/)4~11 ... ,..11,,llOt •- ® w•., ... -·.-... ------,A LSO PLAYING.----- Alwoy1 • Dtller9flt G irl With a Dtvlli~h. Wild Affoir E•ery Time ! UNDER COVER ROGUE 1IOfli119 Paolo f1rrori·A11<111k Aim ... G1<11itt o Gr<1n<1l<1-S<111dro Mild ' Starts Wednesday ' I October 29th Lim Minnelli ·Wendell Burton· om Mcintire ...,.,.: _ ... ..,.'" ,,.. ...,, ,.,. •' ~-~""t>i l""..,~...ina· ... ""' , ... -~""e-r i., John N1ct-ol~ D:Nid Longt. Alviri Sorgeri! "A.Ion J. Po~ulo Fred Kotl•n NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS " Rated ''G" HI-WAY 39 FOX CINEMALAND Opt11 Dcdlf 5:45 ~ 2nd ft<1l 111• "I~ IT'~ TUE!> DA Y THIS MUST IE IELGIUM " 1:45 -4:l S -7:25 . 10:00 m1iPl'ti¥,hm octio11 ! oc1io11 ! at tl<11 ! Robtrt Mhchu"' -Geor91 k111•.0y "THE GOOD GUYS AND THE BAD GUYS'" (Ml pl Ml J<1h11 Wov11• -D..-.id J"''''" "THE GREEN BERETS" (M) Japanese Movies Every Tuesday N ight I SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS CONTRARY TO ADVERTISING IEYOND OUR CONTR OL AND APPEARING ElSlWHERf, YO UNG ,[0,LE UNOEll 11 !NOT 161 WILL NOT Bf ADMITTED TO ,ACIFIC THEATERS TO SEE TH£ "R" PICTUR ES LISTED IN THIS IOll UNLESS ACCOMPANIED l'f PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN . "CASTLE tcEEP" (R) "FOUNTAI N OF LOVE" CR) "THE IAIYSITTlll" !Ill "EA SY RIDER "' !Ill Gre•t octio11 0110 dro- l urt l•11ccnt•r -Petrick O'N•ol "CASTLE KEEP'" IRI plu1 (;.,efj<1ry P.c~ -0"'"' Sherif "MACKENNA'S GOLD" (Ml ,,,. on• u11d•• II W•ll &e ..rm.UM UlllH • •<comPlfll.,;1 ., !N••nl •r •dun 1u•rf•111. lfyle Joh11$011 -Alo1orulor Cl•••• "THE LEARNING TREE" (Ml plu' "HURRY SUNDOWN" ll ECOMME lll D(O FOii ~O!Jlf~ ...................................... F<111t•llc Actlo11 • Mich•el CeiJIC' -Lovro11co Ollwior "The BATTLE of BRITAIN" IGl phrs Sur•11n l'lesti.fte -1011 MeSh•11• "IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" IG I ............. ~ ............ . -. ••••• IMJ1U.--...:. r ..... l111t low• "THE BABYSITTER" IRI pld "FOUNTAIN OF LOVE" IRl No .,.. ~""'' •I wm ~• 1f..,l!lf'I u111.,, •ccomp;on lff t ' tU rtnl t r 1dull 9u1rt 11.,, ··············.~, .......•.... , $175 "'" ""'"" '"""' J•lln Wly~o K1r• 0. ... 1~1 THE WAR WAGON Ptl J•"" Wlyllt ··-·" M ll1llUl'll CAllLOAD "EL DORADO" 8 DAILY PILOT Saturd.ay Oclobtr 15 1%9 • • •)~. " . ' . • • ' ' " • • '" ' ,, ' -• • ,, • x ' " • ' " " " " • • ., .. " " • '" • ••• •• '" '" r· '" ' " ' " • ... • "' ' ' " " . •• " • " " ' . '" l' .. " ' .. .. ' .. • "" '" ' • " " '" • " " " • " •• '" ,, . " ,. .. " " • " " ' " " '" '" ~: ' .. " " " " • • > .. 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" " " ' • ~ • • • "' •• j ' • .. • • •• ' ' " • • " " . ' . ,, ,. '. " " ... " • • " l .,, I > IO~ t Wlll(LY fo w~ ·~ ... ,f,Mlll C,t,N !TOCI( ,t,Mflllt.-N !IOND ()vcr-the°Counte1· L1st1ng~ For Friday, October 24, 1969 .. .. " .. ,. ' " " " ' ' ' lHutual Funds Bid I I 1 l'.tl<lt A " "'/ ?a l~}/ .... ,\ l 11Wo olil G JS O \\\IC>! • ,, <A '''"'" ~-• l o WI" IY ~ 1 )• w ,11 Pub 0 0 l Wl"f W~ ' 61.,.~i..· 11..., It W!llil'W T 1 ~ .. w ,c Pl 1 l~Wd w (' !1llVn"vE aud As.k r > f""'V'~ -~-,..--~------------~~---------------------------------------·-. --~-·------... -. -. 1970 DODGE ~~~.".,NOW.I ( ;.r " I ( fJ r I ' -Dart 340 Swingers · Dart 440's Coronet Super Bee Six Pack Charger R/T -• Hemi's (4 Speeds) Torque Flite • ..i:t.,. __ OYlll I 00 NIW 1969 DODGll C1r1, Trucks , W1gon1, efc. .. __ _ ltUIHINflNe HIADWOIK CAlll a tGNITION SUS•INSION TllllS a WHfU.S HIADllS - IN Mon CASl~INANCINO CAN II AllANGID TO flt YOUl IUDGlT 225. 6 cylinder engine, custom v!nyl iriterlor. autpm a.tie tra nsmis- sion, power steering, whitewall · lires, radio and heal er. XIW647 440 magnum V-8, 4 speed transmission, bucket seats, heavy duty brakes and suspension, vinyl Used low Mileage !J ~r · • • CAMPER BY DODGE Sig 6 cylinder engine, sr.indard lransm isslon. One only-Drive It home. No. 1167090<105. CHARGER V·S, auromatic, radio & heal· l , er, power steering, facrory air, t.On5ol e, bucke ts. (VHL· 663) interior, ra dio, heater. ZAD809. Used low Mileage .. COMPLETELY SELF-CONTAINED v.a engine, air conditioning, .iulo. transmi!Sion, power s!eering, sleeps 5. monoma ric loile.t, refr igerator, many o!her ext ras. No. 208216670. Used, low mileage. . : '' f 1 ..... ;,., w -~ t~ •• ~ . • -, . • ... • • ' I '·) ;.. ; . SELECT USED CARS CORONET R/T 2°DOOR HA~DTOP OVER 100 THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 11 Month or 12,000 Mile Warranty Avail•ble. Courteous Credit Counselors To Help You Wilh \ ' V·B. auto. !rans .. power f.1eer· ing, rad io, l1eat er . (UEX 035) ,_ " • DART GT 2·DOOR HARDTOP ' -. . $ $ HUNDREDS MORE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN All 1vail•ble with your good credit • CHARGER '69 J'tO LARA 2-DR. HARDTOP v.a, automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, fat· tory .iir, vinyl roof, wh itew.ill lires, super lite, full vinyl interior, YWS623. ·Used low Mile.ige. ·P-llN ~ NtW 1969 DODGE 1/2 TON SWEPTLINE PICKUP W11h 8 ft. cabover camper, fully equipped, stove, ice box, sink, $ 2 7 7 7 w.i!er !anks, fronr dinetre, g111 lights. No. 1167090405 '64 RAMBLER AMIRICAN 440 2-DR. HDTP. Automatic, rildio & he.iter, WSW. (OSE 757) s3 77 · '6 8 DODGE GTS HARDTOP COUPE v.a. JJO, •·spd., ,;, coodi-S 18 7 7 l1oned, wide tire s. buckers, vinyl 1op, rad io & hedler. (VSP 468 ) '67 M!:RCURY COMET CALIENTE HDTP. CPE. V-8. auto. trans . power s!ee r· ing. rad io, heare r, vi nyl roof. (UKH611) V·S, rad io & hee le r, 4-speed, power steerin g, console. (?LG· 771) V·S, 327, auto , rad. & ht t .. pwr. stee r & brakes, ri1r cond .. bucket seals, landau !op. (ZDT .116) "' I -·· 11 i Pow" stmiog & b"ke>, 16 7 7 il U!Omdtic !rans .. radi.:l and S heater, wsw, full vinyl in· ter ior. (TFC 337) SS MALIBU 396 v.a, auto. trans .• tach. ,. r (56M 92'1) ' .'. -. - DART 270 4·DOOR SIDAN f.i ctory air, power steerin g, -, auto. tran s., radio, hea le r, whitewalls. SSB 765. '. DART GT 2·DOOR HARDTOP v.a. au to. trans., power steer· ing . (UVH 974) 4°DOOR WAOON Air conditioned, aut~a l ic ~ trans., t.id io & heater, wsw. chrome rac k. (ANX 778) ., ,. ,, .. ' MONACO SOO 2·Door Hardtop. Rad io & heal· er, power stee ring & br.i~es, factory air, buck.et seats, console, vinyl top. (lNC 424) :~ 11' 71 POLARA 4°DOOR V·8, t!U!omatic tr ans., rad io & htc31er. (RSR 788) ~68 DATSUN DELUXI 4°DOOR AM·FM, radio & heater, vinyl top, vin yl buckets, wsw. (WXM971) $1177 '64 DODGE DART 2·DOOR HARDTOP v.a, automatic trans., power steering, wsw. (DUX 642) s5 77 • \ I -. --------------------·----- DlJNTON FORD 'PllESENTS Here's the kintl or" news auto buyers have been waiting for! With the nineteen seventies just arriving, Dunton Ford is ending the decade with the biggest new and used car sale in our history. Prices on all cars have been drastically reduced. The selection ha s never been better. And on- the-lot financing ma~es it e1J sy ~or you to trade up now to that better car you've been wanting. YEAR•END • CLEARANCE On All NEW 69'S Mustangs· Torinos T-Birds. Galaxies· L TD's They MUST Be Sold! We're Ready To Deal! So Come in Today! Executive Car and Demon· strator for Sale. Tremen· dous Savings on "T" Birds. Mustangs, Torinos. Galax· ies, Falcons, Cortinas . • • Hurry! OVER 60 TOCHOOSE HU GE DISCOUNT S HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FORD CORT IN AS CHOOSE FROM OVE R 75 ALL BODY STYLES & COLORS PRICED AS s1799 f. LOW AS & L. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT! for 51 y•1r1, DUNTON FORD his sold 1nd 11tl1fi•d mor• Ford own•r• thin 1ny othtr ford d•1l•r In Or1n1• Countr. .. ...... ..... •••• . . ... ••• ...... . \_ ·-~o DAil Y l'ILOT ' :· ' " ' .· .. .. !~ . -:.: ... , . ' • .. ,. .:- ' 1-le.llo again , boys and glfls. .and v.-elcomc back lo Lnc!e Len's Corntr for a S<1lurd.ay 'i. morning. If }OU h1H"Cti'l ;;ccn the l'hlld rcn's p!ay "The Hobbit " O:·· i:it the Co~la r-.1esa Ch 1c -Playhouse yel, there <1r<" sil l! 11ro more perforrna nces - tonight at 8 o'clock anti Sl1n day at 2:3() p.m. lt"s-at tht' 'Connnuruty Center aud1toriuin ~t the 11'..'!S\ gate of the Orange ·County fairgrounds 111 Costa .:r.1es:i . . U!\CLE LEN received a lol ·nf Hal1011.·een mail today. 1n- ·cluding a lol of poems about lhat scary night. The mailbag ·as pre1ty full 0r drawings . too, including a 101 from some new contributors. ----~; S.u urd.iy. Octobtr 25, 19b9 -.. ' (-. -.. -·~ ..... ~ \ ./ -~ •". -.... ---,....-.. ~,,..-- T 1-\ t . ~ ~e..o..\­ ~ ~,:;, ~ \:.., \'"\ I c;· . ' ·.he__re... •. . Next 1veek, k1cts. the subject ,------------------------------------,\ for our art contest will be football gan1cs -and maybe the boys 11ill h<i\'r a little edi;r ·'1n this one_ The mo;;\ im· '11.gin;;itl vc cira11•1ng about fryi\- ;*b:ill 11ill 11·1n our Kennedy ha lf ~dollar. :J! HO~OKABLE mcut1on 11 111· :~ ners in this \.\.'eek's art contest " are: 'r Terilyn Kelly . 9. l'o~t~ * PRIZE lt'INNER Alli son \!an.~en . 10 3076 T\ler \Va\, Costa ,\'Jes;:i * :\nv child urider 12 can enter Uncle Len ·~ .'\rt Contest. 11ere·s all you fl o: fl ) bra\V pict ure 011 piere of p!a1n . \\'hi te paper 5~ inches v.·Jde and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and n1ake lines black. !2) Do not copy or trace p1t:ture. It musl be your O\\'n \l'Ork. 13 ) Put your naine. age ~nd addres-; on back of drawing. /\'!ail it to Uncle Len's :\rt Contest. Box 1560, DAIL)' P ILOT, Costa Mesa. \Vinner \Vill receive Kennedy half dollar . . ~tesa : t.1ary Jones. 1:, ,-~11110rl Beach; Josh Peasle~'. 9, St<il "·Baach : Connir Verdin;;_ 5. '-----------------------------------', :Huntington Bca('.h; Nicho'la.'i ·, \1erdina, 7. Jl untinglon Beach ,Jeff t.larks, 7•.,, Corona dr l "r.tar. and Sandra Uxhurn, 8. ;g ountain Va!lc v. i& Al so, Dudley.Pratt. 9. l"1i.1,1.1 ;,~1'1esa ; Lis;i · ill<1rk:.. "i '. , ; Corona del t\1ar : flioah Ode1i , ' 7, Bal boa: Conn ie Berger . ll. · orno address gi vrn; Diane . •:.r ones, 8, Nrw port Beacl!· and : !·Keith Bagdon. 9, Huntington :~:iieach. poem tonight Because if I don 't /'JI .sur ely die of fright. -IC•IM¥ """· J), cc,1• M••• HALLO,V EEN 1-lallowee n is a sc<iry ni ght. L~Oblins make you shh er \\1lh fright ; The witch goes by the yell ow moon . Telling her black cat lo cross our path soon : ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT On Jlallo11·een night the ''itches glicl r . .·\nd !1 01v U1ey ride is <1uitc a surpri'se: ·rhey gel their kick s 11·hile riding on sticks .i\nd sca ring the kid s half oul of their wits: ThC'y scoot do\\'11 the ~treet fille d ~·ith delight \\'hil e the moon shine .-; do11·n \\'ilh. all his might. A IC1n•"¥ ~11! 0011,. '"'' 11 O•••• ~''"· te, "f , lower SL C11t1 Min 19• '"' ..-1nn1n1 •n!rv •• !hf J!I•~ 1nG ...,,.., <lntt1!. llUll Y~Uf .Olrft O• ""'"' lo Unclt t,n, ''' 1111, C1ol1 Mn1, t11H1rnl1. :~, THAT SPECIAL .'\IGHT ~o you better watch out on ~----~-----------------' :~ The wind is br isk and blithr. : '. The pumpkins are brighl : ~·ith light · . The moon Is a golden yr.ll uw · rest, And all lhe l'rrtaure~ ha1'e res!, There are n1vstrriuu .~ hadows roa1nin°g afountl. ; ln the figures of danL·i11g iris and t•lown~. The wind 1s '~ h i st I 1 11 & ~hrough th e rcrin old tree$ :~: By the house nn the hil l ·~..,.,'her e v.e \1·on·1 b{', :~: And !!u s is lhc r11d 11! 111\' :•:· H;illoll"cen night. E\"eryone want~ you lo shiver ~1"1\h fright. • l•rolvo IC•i>f , • (O•U ""'' llALLU\l'EEN · Buo." z::iys the ghn~1 . I Jr likes 10 boast About a Hallov.·een nlght \\"hcu rverything 's a fnghl The gob!ii1s come, The v.•ork is d011!' ( 111 <1 Ha!+-Jween 111ghl : Uon"I bf' surprise<! 1-1·hcn you 1ncet one. '{ou m1~l1! ~rl 1nlr1 ii l1gl\t ~ V1nrn • H•ll~r1n, 1n. Co>I• ~··u ••• :,.~ .. ; ----Carof~ Corner·-----, RIDDLES AND JOKES .. ' , ·~ .. ·' * PRIZE WINNER Dear Carol : \\'hat has black and yel· 1011• :;tripes. gets 1nad ... cry fa st and has a red nose? ·p1o:i e lJl!M ••q 'fl :JaMsuv -"'""'"" ti1li.ro", it. uu O••~t• A••·• t11!t M1•1 De<i r ( ·;:irol ~1rl ... I\ h> i~ lhc lette r V li ke a tcen<i ge '•/\Cl u1 l Ae..,,.,1e s 11 •sn!.':iag :JaMSU'lf • '-·r ..... " l(OI..,, t , t n 11 MUI J ohn . Did vou he ar about the holdup tn r-.trs. Bro\1n "s back \<:ird '' Cathy: No . · ,J ohn . :\ shirt \1 a:. hr!d up b\ tv.·n clothe<> r1 r ~ ,'•'. -Mi ry Guou"""· Mu~hnoi.n B11c~ Dennis tl1e 1'le11ace I' ;111 I LilJLl • I I ~I ~I "-l J • J/£Y. JIQAI I JTS 7llAT Sl//J[/AY flW, ! . ' '' SALLY BANANAS :i :-• \ ' ... is • s.,,d yo~r '/• Oren91 Coo" Dolly Pilot, 101 1 'i60, Coit• M~. c:our. A~a; "''ds • ~""1•1"• JO ••him• '"' M ·~· Won• ..... -El<IC ... ...,Glo IQ !\" '• Ponn•U. ·~· IJ "' ~''~' '• (•l1!0,nl1, lo•""' «v••l<on ltuw du fin gernail~ grow"? There is ;i P.alt'. <"resecnt moon al the base of en ch f1ngerna1 I. IL is -part of the rn;'itri.x, a speclal grou p of ~kin eclls that forrn the rool of the n;-.il. This is 11'.hcre new ad- di!ions lo the nai l a rc made. Day by day. !hi' new growth pushes the \1·holc na i! toward thr li1igrr1 1p -and the nall gro11 5 a IH1,v bi1 longer . Our tough l 1ngcrna1l.~ are 1·rrv different from the bocl\"~ ~011 sk111. Bu1 1n l<1ct. the n1;11 ; ;1n· specia l creations of ~our !<l-111. So a1·r 1our cvelashcs ;ind thr hair~. on yoi;r head Biologists rcfrr lo the skin ;11; an organ of the body -and a 1cry iinpon ant ort;..in 1t 1~ Like o\l1e.r nrg :ins, It is n1adr iro111 cells th:il work together ;is a leant ;111d in 1·\osr 01· opcraliqn 111tl1 rvrry othrr pt1rl of lhc body. llO\\'CVt'I , ,);in t't•lb ;111• n•1! all ;ilike anti Lht y prrfnr11 1 d1f lerent du ties. l\e11r the e11d of ea ch finger , the ~kin !ayers are adapted 111 !onn a 111al)t\. or !-.pr1 •1;d g1n11 lh .-irr tl 11,..rc the ~·rl l­ ;irr sn1al l and !hi.' blood ~\lpply <h,·indle.'i. Cl u~l f'rs of dead. d1·v epidermis cells are 111o!dcd together to fornl a nail. The matrix perlor111s its 11ork steadilv. crt'.;i ling a few mor,.. nail ceils every day. They are added around the pale half inoon at the base of 1hc n:o il Each new addition of remodel- rd epidermis pushes the wh nlr nail !01\'ard the f1ngerllp . \~'hen you cut or tile d0\1'n the tip of 11 nail. il does no1 hur l or bleed het-rnise 11 h;i, nr11her nerrf's nor blood 1 C!'~els Bu i tlir 1nat n~ rout ,1f 1111· nail is ;ilil r If th~ resl of 1hr na il is torn or injured. thr rvol v.·ill pr oduce new gro1\ th an d gradufl lly thr na il l"ill bc(·ome as 11 \l"a.'> before. Bui 11 the 111atri x is injured. a person may not be so lucky. Ne1\' nail matenal n1ay j\row. but its shape may be twisted ;ind deformed. Thereaflt'r . nolhing can be done to change ' it H the whole niatrb: ls de;,lroye<I, no 111o!'e n .ii i J materia l can grow at al!. Our nails are tough, homy rnalcrlals made fron1 carbon. plus hydrogen and oxygen. sulphur. nitrogen. and traces nf other common chemicals. The claws of birds and tigers are n1ade of .slmilar 1naterials. So are fi sh scales, ho n e's hoofs and ttirtle shell s. •o~• ,,..M, • Werllll '"k Gko&oo "' l •" • • • ,.,.,~.,o~. ••• \~. e• ••m· "'~nov l "•· 50~1~ C•,o+,no. !or h~r ~~••· ' ~' 1 .~ it tru e that J\lar1 bas seasons·.• Ye-.;. the pl;in<'I. t.fars h;i s cha nging sea!>ons. They last tw ice as long ;is ou r seasons. and the. .. ~1 11r11a11 weathe r is niu<:h co)der than o u r ~ _ Nil turally. ~l art1an summers ;i n• \\":'Inner th<rn tile \\'inters. Hui \re \\"OUld l1nd evt:n the ~unt rnrrs 1ery. \rry col d The f"'quali;ir of 1>1ar.~ n1;1y be coin- fo rtably ll'arm du ring the rk11111nr But 11 !t'IO gel ~ ,·err t·h;lly <ol 1 11 ~h1. 1·he 1'.-lartian calenda r d:'!v is about half an hou r longer-'rh an ours. But U1e rarth dwrllrrs 111'!' ahoul 48 111illi1'll 1nile~ clo~rr lo 111c :;un . II ,, );!'1 101s rn orr hr at every d.11· Arid \1'e h;1r(• a cozy bl:inket o( air th<il holds sorne of !he da v's warmth. r.lars gets rnuch less heat !ro1n the ... un, and its air ts too thin to hold It from one day to the nexl , 111;i rs has a No11h Pole and a South Pole. Te\tSCOP' photographs show that these poles are c:o1•ered with frosty while caps. And they ch.11.nge 11 ith !he lt1artian seasons. \\'hen !:iummer conics !o the :'i orthern Hen1ispherr. 1 he 1101·tli lKllar cap shrinks and -"Crni.~ to me lt . L<1te r. the .~rason s change pl ace~ Surn - 1ner rnove~ soulh11·ard and "in1er arn1·es in !he north. Then the south rxilar cap shrinks smalltr and Uie north polar cap grow11 larger. And on J\1ars. lhe sea sons take almost tv.·o earth years lo change through spring and summer, fall .and v.·inter. --------------- PEANUTS THiEE WfEl(S HIWE P"°5SEO SfAICE THE .ACCIDE1'1T- .A.WO llOO STOPS Jtl/j(E A.FTE~ WORK . ......... ., PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS WELL, I'M 4SOtHG TO Do IT! l 1M (jOING TO BUY ME' ONE OF -r·-·""="• 1~si:; se~·THROUGH DRfSSES ! TUMBLEWEEDS ll Ei WUU NEVER c;UESS \WO I SlVLE 11115 HORSE fRJMJ MUTT AND JEff .:JEFF, I KNOW l i4AO ONE CIGAR LEl'T IN T+-lE +loUSE! CAN You +1ELP ME F IND rT ? GORDO OH ,GDOD! -How D ID YOU °FJND IT ? • IT :;.,'.\;/\0~ l!r..f SQ\IE :iOf(T ~ f't;'..J fl.!EOL0t5l' ! er,· ~f kAO llJ MINO SOME SIAD• <J , __ WATCl-ll N~ .. THE 1CJD T~T l="tOCK' AAOLINO Pl.ACES WITl-f SOFT 11 ll611TS A>J'600D Dl'~f"" "'4USIC .' BUT MAYBE I OU6HTA. A 'TN; Al0W6 AN ' KEEP ')OU OUTA ..c.J TROUBI.!, .JOt'.fR.1 SEE~A5 SCXJJ ASJ WASUIP! ' ,,;;~ ~1 -./, .. By John Miles ~i .. By Ferd Johnson ------.. •' -," ....... • , ' , ' , . ' ' ' ' ® OT I By Tom K. Ryan ' " ·-~ .. ..- ___ By Al Smith ROTTEN ! lT MADE ME S ICK' By Gus Arriola '.~·~ ': ~~~~~~: .. ;~1~S=)IC=U~:...::;:;:-- MISS PEACH I ~T W"IT FOlt M"LLOWl!'I"' ~O CU55 UI" Ul<I!""' IOIOT, ,.,.,o W.W~ 'THI! 5TRl!&T5 MAJ<JN'7 fVl!ltY8"PY LN.14'H. ;:;JOWV 8Ei'1ER'IJ m &J11.o ,i..1&J.t< AN ,.A IR.r::on r • By Mell -------------------------------------------------------------~--...... ----c-----· • -~~ -. ~ Sat11rd;iy, Octobfr 25, l9b9 DAILY PIL OT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 General HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL~ ~USES FOR SALE General tOOOG.ner1I 1000 General 1.000 General 1000 General 1000 Gener'al 1000 ---------·-----· . 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 1802 W. OCEANFRONT, OPEN SUN. 1-5 Only a large expense of clean, white sand separates this cozy 3 bedroon1, 2 bath ho1ne from the bea utiful blue Pacific. Huge Jiving r oom \\'ith lots of vie\v ~'indow. Automatic yard sprinklers, stove, refrigerator, v.:asher/ dryer & so1ne furniture included. P rice just red u c: e d by $5,000 to $64 ,000 by ''MUS1' SELL" O\vner. Owners loss -your gain) MATT LA BORDE, Realtor FINER HOMES ~~~ !,;~ '"'""~,~~~:~~~;',,,,". !RVl."(E TERRACE . gatilr n LO drt•:i in k11 chen, d_t'C/) _flllf' pauo. 2 & drn, rn:">'' rleL'OJ" r arprtin;;, !!ugr p;1tu1. ~J,.r. EASTBLUFF B1·11'rg fl\OllC}' ~ buy tx-a11t ~ Br :! lla _ Mn1r, on quiet ~11·e(·t-C<Jnd. il<'!h•1• tllan Jl>W' f in '1 1'~11 ~::'J.:iO'I, OPEN HOUSE l·S SAT. & SUN . 20411 BIRCH ST., tl-lesa Drive area in back bay, affords a private, country feeling. 15x30 pool, 16 x 20 patio for wonderful outdoor \iv· 1ng. 20 x 22 famil y roon1 \Vith '''et bar. Roon1 for boat in oversized garage. 1\sking $35 ,000. Il!ness forces sale. FOUR ON THE BLVD . IT'S A TREAT TO BEAT YOUR FEET ON THE IOTH STREET BEACH, \.\'hlch you can easily do fro1n these nearby extra specially furnished 4 uuits \.\'hich show great pride of ov..•nership. Great summer/winter rental rec- ord. never a \'acancy. At $65,000. We 're more than proud to sho\v this nice estate builder. $21,750. THATS All? Yep! A really t ruly 3 bedroom. 2 bath home chain link fenced and includi ng a double gar- age, carpeting. drapes, 1'V antenna & stove. Appr aised by 3 independent appraisers at $21,750. Corp. selling for transferred c1n- ptoyee. Sec us -but soon, on this. BEACH COTT AGE F.xcellenty located I bedroon1 cottage on R-2 lot across from park and tennis cour t. At $29,500. \Vhy not buy this for yo ur summer vacation and rent it out the res t of the year? Owner might carry firs t Joan. RED CARPET REAL TY C. Paul Gerard Salesman General 1000 Owner Desperate Unlortu11a1r ..-1r..-11ms!an<'1"S rorrffi i;alr. !Ile~ Vr!"flr :l bcdrnon1. 1.«a1Ni onl.1 ~1rps to .'<hoppini;. Asking SQ,;,(Xt, Try 10',:; down. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 675°6000 2443 E. Coa1t Hwy. Corona del Mar 675-6060 General 1000 Family Home + Pool + Open Sun. 1-5 21122 Richmond Circle Jlu11(il'lgt'lrt Brach EASTSIDE COST A MESA Near ST. JOACHIN CATHOLIC CHURCH . 'l'\l:o bdrms. din ing rooin, deluxe kitchen , 18x18 ruinpus roo1n, \l'hich could be used as a third bedroon1. 'fwo palios IOne covered)- 16x30 HEATED ANO Fil TE RED P 0 0 L. lJouble garage, boat or trailer storage area off alley, l'enced and beautifully landscaped yard s .. .\n e xcellent buy at $25,950. Spaciousness-Thriftiness TWO STORY , FIVE BEDROOMS,. 2 BATHS in Upper Bay-. SLI GHTL Y SPANISH. slate entry. brick L,R. fl oor. "De ath Valley l~ock Ba rk " fi replace. :vlexican tile in baths. COS- TA MESA 'S BEST BIG -FAMILY BUY. Nestled at the end of a private cul-de+s ac. Large yard -\vork shop & plenty parking spate. NEAR Y.M.C.A. -Be char1ned. SC'e this. or;:y $2G.500. ASSUME 51/4°/o LOAN 1600 sq. rt. FOUR BEDROOM, TWO BATH HOME . Extra large living room, paneled fan1ily dinin$ area. Spaciou ... corner tot - boat and trailer storage areas_ Carpet plus l1vo \\'Ork s hops NEW V.A. LOAN AL S 0 AVAILABLE. Sec today. MOVIE SET ln1agine you're an actor 11·ith all the charn1 of a Southern mansion! \Valk up the brick promenade t~ru double doors into a li1·i11g room of lov eliness! Look past sparklini;: chan- ~clicrs at the art gallery and balcony. Step into the luxury of a 15x13 for1nal dining roon1: entert<1in your friend s in you r separate fan1· il ,v room. )'our HUSBAND HAS HIS OWN DENI OUT OOORS.ALMOST 1/3 ACRE of fun and activity. Figure 8 SWIMMING POOL dil·ide d for children and adults PLUS sepa- rate therapeutic pool, picnic gas BBQ and BOAT GATE FOR EASY BEACH ORIVE. See this BIG FAMILY VALUE (4 bedrooms + den -3 le vels 21 l baths ) before it is "Gone \\'ith the \.Vind." S52.500! 646-0555 220 E. Seventeenth St. IE. 17th St. Shopping Ctr.) 221ill71i 14~°"' COSTA MESA you'll like our friendly service EVENINGS CALL 644-2259 OR 548-3265 Ge neral I 000 I 4 BEDROOM Newport Beach ,'\rar park. Jl ui;r :"'1~1r.11" fci1nily ronrn • "rl h,1 r. ::; hath~ .• \\'allPd f1 tJn! nJ1111· ,,-;int Lill"'!:•' rr:.r pn11,i. !:..\· l'f'Ulll'r aI\'3 s~.i.9.'~1. :.ll)-1 7!rJ TARBELL 2955 Harbor General 1000 $34.500 ESTATE GROUNDS f"an1 ll.v i;.i.lh\'nn;: id~<il )1i'l't'- bi;:;,.::r.~1 vard in al-rl\. :I t)\'1:r- s11.L•d ha t h~. :!.J f1. Jiv ing !'nnnL '.! fil'rpl ,.,·r~. Arra for ]•it'lll\'~ .t· fil30«. ~111--17!0. TARBEL L 29S5 Harbor s1or b;• a nd sec i~1i$ hrau!i. ful 26(.() ~fl. ft. spl11 lcvr·I ho1nr. !..'.l11;t' :vard and ~"P palln and play yard pln roon1 for ho rt t <Jr tra1Irr parking . Sparkling hc111ed and J1lteN'd pooL 4. bcdrms _G_~e~n~e~,~·~I ~~~~~l~Co.J~G~e~n~•~ro~l~~~~~~i:: and 3 bath~. r "F'nr A \\"1~e Buy '' Colesworthy & Co. 6•12-ii77 Magnificent Mani ion -Plui Pool f iv'! Bf"droon1s. 3 Bath.•. Fa- mily Room, plus forinal chn· ing room. Air ('<)fl\]itiQnrr Mrl air hu111itl1f11'r. The cll1ld :«air hratr(i ~nrt f\]11'r· rd pool 1111r! 11u!vn1a111· cl ran· rr 1~ rnmplrlr'ly <'ncln.'<E'lf 1'1!1l rh:1 1n link lrncr. l!nm" !~ 111 rn1nt L"Olld1t1nn tlffll· oul, Rr>11 1h1s [H"Jl'r' 1,1 $4:1.'JOO , ;ind I'll (':1! my hal ' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 27~ llarl)or B!\·cJ _ :it Adams ~H~ou-~·· 0J)('n Ill 9 P :.t 3 BR 2 BA, family rm, Prof dcrnr. 11 i yr olil·xlnt CQnd. s~2.;-.oo. 21:182 Fleet Ln., HB o .... ·nrr 6'16-4328. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR Bl VD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES Till 9,30 GOLFERS f'l1rr·k 1 h I~ ka1111f11l 11r!11l!. ON'\IPl"d Cnnd•'>- 111111111111 !ll'JYI<:< !hi' ~(P'''! fl'·•ln tll" .\1 •. --.1 Vr1v!ro f'n11n1ry (luh, l!1111111 r u. l,11" r·on1l111 .. 11 ~!!111)'.! r r.r"ro ;i,t ~:1·\~.-l() in1·lurlr~ a wa.~hrr. rlry<'r, rcfrig· eratrw .~ auton1a11c gar· age door orrnrr. /f5)a,.,, COATS ~WAL~CE •EAL TORS --546-4141- IOpon hwMngol DOVER SHORES -VIEW 2 story drenm home only 7 n10,nths ol d. ~6' Bay vie\\' fr om e very roo1n , Custon1 bui lt by Iva n \Veil s, thi:-lu xu riously decorated 4 hdrn1 3 bath & family roon1 ho1ne ha s red t ile roof. pool & a unic1ue \\'inc cellar. Beautiful & \1·cll priced CJt $102,000. Open Sunday 1-5. 1930 Santiago Drive BIG -& HANDSOME Spncious \lnrbo r lligh lands-5 bdrn1 4 hatll famil v t1on1e nn JOl xlOG ' cnrner lot. 20x40 ' fen ced poo l. 11· sep::irntc play yard. 1\sking S(IS,000 . Open Su nd ay 1-5. 1709 Highl,,nd~ -cor. -Estelle Roy J. Ward Co. ( Baycreit Office) DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT Beautiful Norn1an (;rant b11llt hon1e on 00 ft. lot \\'Jth pier & slip . S plr~1J stain.:ase leads tr!Jn1 spacio11.~ entry to tren1e11dotis n1a!>ter. :s uite. 4 lledroon1s, 41 ~ bath s. lge . li\'ing roo n1, fainil.v rooil"i. 4200 Sq. i:t. 'l'ilc roof. ('arpeled & I.I raped less tl!Jn 12 1nonths -ago . Offered by original 011'ncr. ~lig,500. Open S'at. & Sun. 3:1:~ l\'1orn1n g St<tr Lane. $--1~.:,fo lril' i.;ara~r orcnr 1· Sp!!nk. I 9 B . )P)-S J-10-1 i.'0 CORBIN-MARTIN Rf-:1\LTOR~ bT.rlli62 31 on;•• Ooone TA.RBEL L 29S~ Harbor :t0:\6 ~: t.:.oasl I hi') "(.;d~1 .'iU'.'\1)1\ Y O;>;L Y CA.\1EO SHORES . v11·11, I =G=•"::'::'::a~l==~-=-==l=OOO==G=o=n=•='=a=l =====l~OOO;:­pool.~,~ dPn, !Prrn~ S1S,JOO ll DOVER SHORES VIEW {)ne of the ftnr ~t bu il t hon1e."S in the N'e\\'port Jl <1rbor <Jrt'a. --l Ucdroonls .. ti baths. huge liv- ing roo 1r1. 2 f1replates, dining roo111. i\lany extras-, t\o e:-.:pcnsc has-been spa red in the construction & ilppoinln1cnts of this luxury, ,. 1e\v hon1e . $139,500. EXCEPTIONAL BA YFRONT ],occi tcd on exclu sive Ltd o Isle 11 ith :~5 l;L or l3ciyfront. !-lu ge pier & slip, 'fhis attractive 3 bedroon1 2 bath hon1e is be ing off ered at the unrcpeatalJl c pric.:c of $139,500. Call !or app'l. LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT 1\ f;1nla~tic Uayfronl buy. 3 JJarge bedroon1s , :1 baths. separate dining roo1n. 55 F't. of bay· front ,1·ith pier & slip. Nc1r. Asking $105.000. Open Seit. l\: Sun_ IOfi Linda Isle Drive. (\Vi!I trade for large r ba ~•fronl ). GO~D COAST Q\'cr 4.000 sq. ft. of lu .-:ury living \l"ith a pan- 01·an1ic vie\r. 4 lledroon1 s, huge Ji\·ing roon1, breakfast area : paneled fainily rno1n 1vith fireplace. Like ne1v. Priced ~145 ,000. Open. Sat., & Sun. 1330 Galaxy Dri ve. DOVER SHORES Ullusual custom horne on large, corner lot. in beautiful Dove r Shores. Superbly decorated . 3 Bedroo1ns, 3 baths phis po11.-dcr room. \Vet bar. Breakfast roo1n & fa1nily r oom. Spacious pool & terrace. Proiessionalty la ndscaped, $159.500. Open Sat . 500 Morning Star L ane. BAYCREST Very spaclou ~ 4 bedroon1 borne \Vith den, din- ing rooin . large living roo1n. fireplace. A for- 1nal ho.1ne 11·ith many extras -ice· 1vater on tap in kitchen. plun1bed for soft water. foun- ta in in side yard. fl oom Jor pool. Asking l77 .500 SALE OR LEASE South IJaguna ocea nfront <1partn1cnt 1v it h fireplace. $55 .000 : or S3i5 month. Adults. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Or., Suite \20 642-823S 4545 Tremont • l '''>;J\'ERSIT\' PARJ<\, mri1I. S-p11n1sh, ·I ,'-. tl1n1ng, 111'.'I b;ir, l J-1 ,9j{l, 18061 Mann • BJ\CK B:\Y, g:i.rdt'11 • pool , ~. f:i11L . din ing & dl'n , SJ6.9CO 2919 Papar Lane • HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 67S-4392 Anytime "* S.lu1h Cons! l'l<'al Est:i1e is i-1•rk111g-sut·C'f'~~ful profros. sion;iJ real eslale s.a.lesn1cn. E~L·<·plional benefits. PleaY' 1·all for <1fJJJ1•intn1ent 5.1;,.s-12.i So11t11 Co;i"1. Tlr;Jtors. General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. f:<'alton; l BEDROOM $15.750 R ~2 \\'11111 :: A .'\ l1,.tlroo1n h o111P nn a big-H·'.l In!~ And Jt 's on th1' Ea~t.<.idl', Aln1o~t unh•·a rd uf l•at'- ~ain. Yo\L ('ll n h\'P in 111· rr nl il out. Pays for ll· srlf. Bui ld annthl'r 1u1l1. S('l]('r says ju~T )II', dri"'n. BPllrr hurry. Call nO\\• -&15-030:3. $2,000 UNDE'< GOVT APPRAISAL T.onkinL: Fvr a han.~a1n' Fl!A Rp1irai.<rd thb 11•·11r 11•·1,-.1 hrdri11Jlll 2 hn1h ,1uninr r st111r RI ~:!7 ,9:10. ( J1111'·1' is drspPr;i1r nnd Sil~'S SPJl nfll\' II! ~:!.-1.9:'>0, l>oi,: spacious roolllS. Co~Y fa111ilv rno1n. J)rlu..;<' n\ <•II r1·,~1ilil Thr a1·r .i 1~ lnps. S111·r $S hy ~rf'in;.: lod u): Call 04:i-0:10;~ BE SMART' SAV E $$$ D Ail Y-PflOT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS He rc's y nnr 1:hn11cl' In ~~1·r ~~-J H't takr ovPr ~===================II f11 nta~11r 1.,1v in1 1·1·Psl -Fil,\ Joan. :\n IJlla li f)'in~~ General 1000General Privacy Pleases !\lo st everyone-this large 4 bedroon1, farn- ily roon1 qualifies 11'i"th s pace and charm 11 ith separate din ing roorn and huge fan1· iJy· roon1~beautifully landst(lped. a s k in g S46 .000 . Bay and Oceon View Fee ~imp!e , char1n111g shake roof custom 3 bedroom 2 bath & Dining roo1n. Brick l i replace and completely redecorated. ~:14 .900. Yau Can Have Old Fashioned Interest Of 6'~ on the hi gh assumable Joan on this large 4 hedrooni onl y 2 years old 'vith_ big fan11!y roon1 and l<J rge covered brick pa- ti o. $3~.500. FOR A WI SE BU Y COlESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 Ft" llt•PtM trolRh•t .. L111111blN• k•••I litNnt'ed lit A leat lttote Co""'1 Fr._ s.1 .. -... i,, c1 .... Call fDf h1r.nlaw 3 l>1·droo1n, '! h11 1t1 ('111 - lPi:r Park •';/!l1o' IH1lt1P )(fr h ,,. n \ n •.1 I 1•nnrl"d f;in11Jy l'Ol!rn, n" J U ,\ r buil l-in kitl'hcn, d•'"P pilP "'/\\' CRl'[lf'lilll!. \.:ti· dr>r pricrd for nrra at ~27,9.".>0. Br sn1ar1 sec today. Call 645·0303 ~ LUXURIOU S BLUFFS ESTAT E (U~l Olll f'Sl8\C h fl 01 f' right on thr B lu ff~. .1 largv brdr!'onl!I, 2 ba!hs. s1;<1 rlo"~ fil inily kitch"n, b uilt·ins & n111i·r r(l.IJi - llPl.<i nf n111u t·al Din'h t hr n you rh·,.~n1•'d pns<1- hl<>. f!ugr 22'-~26 fan1ily rnnrn , hro11n1ro{l ri'ilinc, 111a,~ivr s1n11r firf'pli\t"•' I\'011· ~.1~.000. Call no" 6·15·0Jll3. F0f:EST r OLSON l nc. Heal lo rs 645-0303 111 ffarhor Centt<r 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.~!. 1969 VOLUME $120.9 MILLION Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: TREMENDOUS OCEAN VIEW Unique ne\v conten1porary ho1ne in N. La- guna -calls for paintings. books. Orienlal rugs, antiques. 3 BR. & fam. $89 ,000 C~rol 'fatun1 CORONA DEL MAR • VIEW First tin1e offered. Charining 5 BR . beach home. 45' Lot. F orever vi e\v of ocean & harbor entrance. 'fop Cdr-.1 location. $79,500 Cathryn Tennille OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOM On best beach. 35 yds. from surf. Fine year-round home \rith electric kitchen, large liv. room \vith fireplace, huge patio. 'frade considered. $69.500 \\/al ter flaase OWNER TRANSFERRED l\l11st sell'. 4 BR .. (am. rn1 , home \v/vie\v of back bay & hills. S\\"in1 . pool. Existing loan can be assu1ned (11 63/4 ";. int. O\VC second T.D. Price reduced -$69,500 . Cathryn Tennille CAMEO SHORES-OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 4512 ROXBURY. 4 Bn. & con v. den. 5 ba ths. Beaut. pool & patio. Needs some fe- dec. Out-of-tO\Vn 01\'ner must sell & has re4 du ced price SU.600 to $62 ,000. Carol Tatu1n SHORECLIFFS OPEN SUN. 1-5 277 MORNING CANYON. 2 Bdrm. & den ,,. · frpL fJea1ned ceilings & pegged floors. Circ. drive. Good polential for remodeling. ~55.500 Kathryn Raulston WATERFROl~T WITH SLIP l~x cept1on1il bu y for ~01neonc \'.ant'ing a ho1ne \1'1!h large p<11io, sand y beach . good ~\1 i111111111g and prh-~i1e sli p ror la rge boa t, pl tt<; 6' r loa n, ~5cl.~llll \\'al ter llaase LUSK H.V.H. ·REDUCED !!arbor ,·le\V, 3 Hr f.1m, rn1, near new, in111·1at:. hon1r . I\' pro!e.<;s. lnd~cpg. Ready to 1no1·e in. Redul'ed to ~49.850 {or quick sale . Joe Clarkson EASTBLUFF .'\ l1on1c 11 ith el'C'r•·tlling -4 Rdrn1. - \ ic -p:1o l -iu i;;hl y planted patio -for· n1 ~1 1~i n . rrn . ~·:9 ,500. Jvlrs . l!nrvrv GRACIOU5 • CMARMING 3 nerlroon1. f~11 nilv t'lll . this ho1ne incur· porate s eve ry 'ite1i1 f\'(J\1i rcd hy the me!ic- uloui;; n11'11er. /\ n1nst d'.' :r;_tl !le neighbor- hood. f.Jictures{iue lnd::.1.:p;... ~)..;1:_:;(,I), f\1ary Lou Marion OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 CAMEO HIGHLANDS • VIEW 4821 CORTLAND. 3 Bl\. 2 LJa. Ei1tr1· 1·ard . See this one, \·ou 1vill like it. i\ow $.cJ ,400. 1\I Fink REDUCED FOR OUICK SALE Open Sun . 1-5. "1'llc l~hilf;," :1 nrt & drn. 408 ('a riot ta \.'ista lJel ()ro. :'\ni-1 h 1H1 \'i;;ta Cajon to Carlotta ). S3!)!Jf)(J .\'n lr:lff1c J;Hn here. 3 Baths. 2-slory, popular l·>pl:1n ~-t ar y Lou l\1arion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. S50 NEWPORT CENTER DR ., N~WPORT BEACH 644-24JO General IOOOGeneral 1000General 1000General iOOO Generel 1000 General 1000 1000 General 1000 General • IUYERS WAITING ! • NEWPORT IEACH 1700 HAllOl IOULEYA•D 646-7171 NEWPORT UPPH IA T Attractil'r 3 Bedronm, 2 bath!I horn" v.•ith heavy shake roof and patio. $22,350 assum· eble I011.n just $148 per m onth F.P. $29,500. Try 1 0';~ do11·n, Immediate PQSS<'ssion. 9UIET SECLUDED AIEA Eas!Aidc cul de sac home wlth large yard filled "'ifh fruit trrrs. Coiy Arid nrat with covert'() palio. $21.950. Try IO<i~ do\.vn. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN r.emodelcd :l lw>droom on large 66xt2G lot In 11 ll"Y· f orced air hr11I, built-ins, block \1·1111 frnrc. 6'• loon can he as~un1rd -Only $26,9'.>0. WESTCLIFF POOL HOME ()n 8 qui('! sidf' ~1 1'<'r t "-llh ('OUTi)IU'd I"!')• Trane". Spotlr~5 thrn111::ho11r. Piano sizr liv- l n~ room, parfJurl flnorrd family room. $49.~. t11t't1cr v.·;in1i; offer5. e WE NEED LISTINGS! • COSTA MESA 2790 HAUO• BOULEVARD 546-2313 SOME PEOPLE F.XPECT THE 1.t OON, b11l hr>re-s !hr bl'-l>l b11y "Under the Sun'." S lunni11g ;J brdro<1rn. 20x26 panl'led den v.•ith drifl"'ood s tonro fireplace. fprmal d ining rnom, :l baths pl11s park-likr w ounds. Thls "'rll-hui H horn<> has 2400 square fceL UnequaJed at $42.950. A ST!Al FOR 4 Imagine a 4 bedroom 2 bath hnmE> fnr nnly $25.500. Large {'njoyahlf': bilrk y11rd "'~·i!h f11mily ~ize patio. As.~umE" cxi~!ing finanring R 1. 101\' 5 % ·-~ inleresl ralc. O"·nrr v.·iJJ also sell FHA or VA. ILACK FLACO Couldn't 'kill yo11r Pnthusia."m fur this horn,.. af1<:'r ~rring It just onr: ... A t r,..m<>11dn•1s ;::, ll<'droon1 · :l hath home rr•11cl y (()mo\(' int(I, Sl'par11\<' fnmily roon1, fn1TI1a l dining rMn1 11lsn f'Ollni;:-11rra 1n kltch••n. (l1·rr_•il r fr1 n1ily f un back )·nrd. J11st list"d for only $•16,!);)0. MESA DEL MAR [.o\\'r st rrir"d hoinr in ~lrsa tlrl r.111r. An RPJ-K'lllini;: 3 hNtroorn 2 b11 th shin..:!.'d rn']f tx-11.uty. llnm" nr11•Jy pain!f'd nn nols1dl'. CarJWl~ &nd dral)I'! in "XCCJl<'n l cnndllinn. Call now for It ~hnwine:. "LOOK fOR THIS SIGN" OPEN FOR INSPECTION 3 IED•OOM. Ft.Mil T •OOM 9.\;i2 Jlaz('lbrook, 11u ntington Beach. Sunday t tn 5. ,113 ACACIA. Corona rlcl f.lar. Sat.. & Sun. I lo 5. l BEDROOM, FAMIL T •OOM & POOL 2:»6 Occ11n Vie1v, Nrwport 8PRch. Sunday J In :,, 4633 Fairtirld. Corona dcl l\1ar. Sat&. S un. l lo 5. 4 IED•OOM & DININCO •OOM 1112 Nottini:h11m, Nc1l'f)()l'l Beach. S1,1ndn,v I to 5. 4 BEDROOM & FAMILY ROOM :?fll}I Cal)('111l Court, Cos ln l\1r~n. S11nda.v 1 In :1, IJ:t8 Santiai;o. Nf'11'port Btach. Sunday 1 lo 5 Y'AWL COMEll \.15).THE REAL ~ESTATERS • IUYERS WAITING! • co•ONA DEL MAl 332 MAlCOUERITE 673-B550 lEMEMIEl THE ALAMO )f you don"t -give w a call and \'"""II shn11· it to you, Pumi<'f! brick \\'Alls, nearly a foot t hick. S hining hardv.·ood Ooors. An- kle def'[) !.hll ~ c111·pct. faultless construt'· tion, gay!y dl'i:orated 3 bedroorp home situ- a!rd on R-2 Int on one of Corona del r.tar's tree lined streets. DON"T CALL ME A DUPLEX J"1n an rxtra nirr 2 hedroom H0-:'11E v.·ith 11. 2 brdroom l\10NF.Y l\1ARl\ET out bat'k. Both uni!s RJ'P o"·n1•r cwcupi<'d and fl111Yl css. Siluah~d on " IJUil'l trrP lin('d Corona dl'I J\·Tar strrel. Onrc you've seen the res t - Come SI'!' lhr b('Sl. .\ B<'droorn, con1·('rliblr den, family room and fo1mal dinini;: room with A virv.: nr oCT"an and Je tty. All thli; PL.US .11. gorgrn11~ largt' pool In 11 protectrd courly11rd ••. for f,h(' fllITiily thA t de!erves the twost. Rl'rluced $5,()()) In $72.~00. e WE NEED LISTINGS! • INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LA•COEl UNITS 4 Brach arPa units (2 adjacent dt1pJ,..,..r~1. 2-3 BE>drooms-2 Bathi; 'l-'l Bedroorns-l 1'1 Bath~ $64.000 -6.670 Assumable IOlln. EASTSIDE TRIPLEX On choice double corner lnt. Rllmblin;: ranch s tyle v.·11h hr11 vy shake roof near rvery1hintc. -Ln1v rt•nls can be incrra~cd v.·Hhou1 \'11cnncy. Q1\"ner sa)s bring o((,,r. Askin~ $·15,000. 2 COSTA MESA FOURPLEXES OHL Y 2 YEAU OLD 6--2 BR~ &. 2-~ IlR all l\ith 2 bflth~. ;11!1 the cu.~Lom h•at\Jrfl.'< of a nice hnml'. Lo- csted 011 carav.·ay Drh·r, Co~ta l\lrsa. r:x· <'rllf'nt far ll1•r in or 111.~ rrturn propc'rty, r ri<'ed $139.000. C&ll now for ,-ic1\•ini:;. " . ' H USES 0 L HOUSIS FOllt SALi HOUSES FOllt SALi HOUSES FOR S~L! HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALi ·~I ~~J!i~in~,:~a~c;.~J~01:1~fe~~'.~ooo~\,-~{J.5· .. ~~l~e~~~~-~rr~::-~l·~·~~ea:A~1~~·~\;c;.~ .. ~ .. ~·R~E~A~1000~D~Gon~~~·~~IS~~1~000 °""""' "1 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES pr•d•nfd :I OPEN SUNDAY 11 ·5 1 Linda Iii• Ori"• FIRST TIME OFFERED f l bl ock' to ocean 4 Bedroom, S bath home in final stages of s ~·irnming. 3 bd rms, open beamed ceiling in completion. Palos Verde l!i tone entry & fire· th.is California style beach home. \Veil pr iced plact !. Family room & billiard room. Beauli· at $26.000. fully decorated. Priced at ..... -$155,000 5101 Brue• Crtscent Sund•y 1-5 16 Linda Iii• Dri ve E~qui s1tely decorated 5 Bedroom. 5 Bath new home \vith upstairs \·ie'v of Corona del J\lar hill :'>. 3 fireplaces. Cantileve red patio deck "·ith gas bar·b-quc. Priced ,,·it h dock at !145.000. 51 Lind• Isle Drive NEED A QUIET RET~EAT1 Small hilltop hon1c has breathtakin g ''it \11 of \.'alley & }-!ills. Beautiful trees on 2112 •cres in Yucai· pa . Vi sit our office & see pictures of this pr<r perly. ~' 750. BAYCREST BEAUTY . E xc itinl'( 4 bdr m . .\1'0 den AND fami ly roon1 AND din in~ room .. A.ND sparkling pool \l'ith terrific en- tertainin g or pl ay area. Lus hl y landscaped. • • e • Are you in the mar· ket for a ne\v bo1nc, a home Ill a prime area very close to J luntinglon St ate Beach: a home you can t:ustom iic \1 hil e 1t is being built, a home d e- signed by outstanding archi· tel'lS and constructed by Fra nk JI. :\yres & Son : a Compan y that has be'n in busine~s since 1905'.' IF YOU ARE ,. ,. ,. :l Modern Duplex On the Penin1ule ~ BP., f:rrplac-t , t.nclo~e-d :a· rAZt -P,1{'!1 U/llt :\'ea.r bt?il.ch. Onl,v 1.'.>--l .9j() On Bi1lbo• l•l•nd 3 BR 101<.tr -.f BP. up~r. r •c bltru. f l!'t'plaCf!. Askin' \>:"'i (Ir(\ Riddle & Ross R•i1ltors CdM e 675-7225 -OCEANFRONT BARGAINS I ~~ro ~~hore Dr ... Sl:'i,f(<l .;~ro Se•short Dr .•. S·t9,:..xt :'.l"i! E Oc,..inlront • • S:'i9,j00 J.~10 11·. Oeeantronl •. S1'9 .. i00 r.114 \V OC'C.ln tr.:in1 .•. \7f!,:irl0 HOUSIS FOii SALi 1000 Coste Mli•• lllC 4 8alt.1men Wa nted \\It have a lane a ttractl\le. \!.'ell locate office I: (J'tl.l &eUinc aids. \\'t ... ·ant iTeat Pf'OPI' v.1lo art tmpa!M:lk: for tull 11mr. fi~ homt salts. CaU Tim llKlmu 6i.>-1Y.!5 RidcU• l Roi1 R••l+ors 3 BR '..' bath horn~. cerntr lat l::'.{l:(llO • add 5 m(lf't' units. Drive by 1:>t5 Santi Ma A \'t: thtn rall ilania ltralty &12-GJGO BEACH DUPLEX 1 f um . t:n1ts; Xlnt LOC.! $29,%0 G.org• Wllli•mson fu-altor 673--4350 Eves. 613--1564 ------= ---OS: CASH TALKS ANXIOUS OW!41 llt S,,.<:ious -I bdrm hOn\e Wlth ram.Uy room, l<lmW d.ln1t1* room, lully caf'J)tt~ l,, In immaculate condl.tion. Qvir:I traffic h-ee it~t • cleae ta 1choole. Assume h!Ch VA ~ • Sl991 mo. paya a.11. Pcic~d loi· QUICk ~ Ill S31.9.'l0. CAL.L RAY GAULT £tG.ll5l Hmta.r t Real E:1tate lopen ~\."eSI.- l'lenrtN D•vel.pm•nt : sterle5 ol h.1."<lU')' o,1i th din- 1n~. 2 spac1au.s 1'drm1 ~ 2 baths. Larae lixl9' livin.1 f\lOm . Jt you're Jocklnc for a !'ral ~tm this is it fM •nbt 121 .950. CALL 540-1 1.51 lft ritlgt R.taJ Estate lo~n l'l'C!I VACANT-MOVE IN 2 .Just completed 5 Bedroo1n . 4\'J Bath home. '"°"aterfront \•iew lrorn master Bedrooni . 2nd BedrGOm . Living roon1. Dining. F a m i l y room, b reakfast nook & kitchen. Beautifully carpeted and '''ell papered. Fireplaces in liv· in& & familv roon1. Tastefu lly landscaped. Priced a t · -. $155,000 Tn1macu latc' 1901 Holldi1 y Sunday 1-5 DOVER StiORES -VIEW. Custom e I e · gance, de lfghtful fam ily plan. 3 bd rms. 31 :.1 baths, dining roo m, 2 family rooms -maid's room . 3700 sq . ft. of luxurious fam il_v living . Pation en closed s\\·in1ming pool. $115.000. e • e e Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Jluntington Beach ;;in\' da1· bet11·een 10 .A..i\I. & ti P. ~I. and sel ect your hon1e in ou r ne1"IY opened L:NfT V J bdnn homt-. lfr.i·d floe~. nice cpti/dri>ti, lg Jot. OOM' ] BR's--f'OOL-lo elem school. $'.!3 .T:JO FHA/ \'A DK. o .... ·ner movinr soon q}\JE T r.ADI:: O.K ' BALBOA BAY PROP. 673-i.t'.!O ANYTll\l l:'.: l.0\\1 DO\\'~ • suz~nt Dn\·c by 919 CMa..r. Of Ir call ii in ttrtstM. EXCEL. LF:NT fINANCIN'G . Sl5.000. Ji,~~. f11A loan ~·ou can as.. ~u~. PA Y:'IIE:">'TS L~55 THAN RENT. BILL S.l\1 IL EY, R1ir. 6~9666. 6'2-Z2'Zl. 149 GOVERNOR 9f. OJ»n Sat./Sun. 1-5:30 J Edrn1. I bath. Jusl rtpaltll- t:d 1n!lde & out. Lgt. ftf1C· td ya.rd, $10,500. A btst buy 1n this ~•. Rta~nahl.e temu. 8n.-kc1· CO-<lp. PRICED FROM $2l,9'0 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-1338 VACANT t..: s.'I~"· "&>tt 11Q11·•" Resale \Vaterf ront Linda Isle leasehold lot "'ith plans. . . . S35.000 . bpper bay_ C!!mi:nl b!k. tenc. Fuller Really S46-0l14 1046 P•1ci1dor s·undey 1-5 !'() rt'ill' I.· fl'ont 1v 'dr1 1·f' BC.ER BAR & CAFE Lind• Isle Developmenl Co. Offict Open Si1turdi1ys & Sundays thru ornamtnlal iron s 11 1n,;-fOR LEASE 1110 8i1yside Dr., N.B. Bi ll Grundy 67S-3f10 J 1n.i:: i;;at .. •, pll n'ld & IJl-am ERK. &16-712~ PETE BARRETT REALTY ----rf'llln;;:~ & wall:<. bl tns. nur-1 ~========= fPf, S\Qllf', di;h11:shr. 0 1·1r- «1"cl frfllr Nt-w crpts. .i.'!!.9.YI Bkr &.1&;;;Y1_ 1000 .. ,,.,,., lOOO ! C:n:ri1l 1000 t~ 1605 W•stcliff Dr., N.8. G•n•r1I 1000 Genera l Twe Custom Buiit I '42-5200 Towerin9 Trees and lush 1rop1r;:il loll~!'" Ar-OWNER ASSUME VA LOAN Hom., On Ono NEW~ORT ILUFFS ---·-------·---~------I r.en t this J betli'OOui ran ·~h 3 s r. Pool. frr>I $2t~O ! 6 '~ LDAN Widt Lot OCIAN VIEW I Gt"tr•I Both ~ovs. spollt ss ~ n d it ~ rhfhrult to der.ci·1~e Tr~s 1000 ' G•"•r•I hou~ in an r xclu;,1'r ~rt'a ANXIOUS 1000 or tastsidl' Costa ~lt.!.a , Jn. Pyri1m id Exchengors LOWEST PRICE I )rieautifij]. Ntw plu!h car,::~!~ home. 1!'~ absolutely htJ:J in both homt s. f ront home titul. 11 si ts on th!' point of fw.s tirep\acr.. hu~r L-iillllJ' lht nt>1-pol"'t hel1;hts blut!.<; 4 &11·n1. condo U1 Bluffs. TGOm and eoontr:v -tyl · ;.,11-which orfers a :.~i:ta cula r Lo\·cly :rtcnbelt \'1t ·,1,• " ditn . Poll~hcd ha rJv.1Jr,o 180' \lf •I ol the 1110~~ ni :;h! near ~w1mn1 inz pool!_ ."39,;)00 Doors. all t a sy on e~c "llld \igh1s in thr "odd. 11\f.l n1 OPEN SUN. 1·5 1oot. \\'idt 1.:it co1·ercd by tht balOOa bay a nd p.a c1/.c 2144 VISTA LAREDO fiant shade ttf't~ anJ a. p1·0-nr·ran. if you ai·t lookin;,: ior Ns!On o r hloonun; flo>1·e1'1 " home vi this type yuu reJ l- &nd fruit n·ees Conc,·~1c pe.rkm;:: fC'lr b~a !•. 1r,11 !c,· or eamper. ::'!'!' t h1.~ n11r r r ~ kin<l property 1n lint r 11 ! 1 :i,idt' Costa ~)e&.t 111·ea $37.i~. Wli SELL A HOME JVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ;i79:l HarMr B!'l.'d at A.dams at,;..~91 Op.en till 9 P ~f UNBELltVABLE IUT TRUE !y n1u.::i ~".' II 10 a pprcc:a :".' 11 ~ !c;,tw·r~. irs· p1·ae.-I ;,t ,,\-1.G:iJ ;ind 11or1h rvrry prn- ny. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2129 HAlltBOR BLVD . 546-1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1 ,30 CUSTOM 2 BDRM & GUEST HOUSE MOST CHOICE Sroadmoor built ~ Br , '.:'~ S;i 's .. ii.1111, I'll\. I.· l;c for- n1aJ din, rin. l\'r.t b;u·. Qua.!· 11y cpt_;, & dr<1 pe~. L ight, (·heer ful ~Heh. " 'tiltn~. \"a. ca nt &.· ready lor occupancy. $~,jOO, OPEN SUN . l ·l 2700 WAVECREST Coron• dtl Mir 1121 E. COAST HWY. Coron• del M•r 673-3770 ta£tSlrJ!' ('<:)£1;t Ill ~~ hO:TIP llith added &.';) '\! ft 11 •r•· •~d f•m rn1 11 1111 rr..::k \1!"<"· pl.a·ec-Pxpa.nded m•~h:r ba t'1 '>li lh C'U.!olOm f~11IU1"t"S. ad.1 cd room .,11 1111· .;arJ_:;,· ~1 - Trady plum bfd tur OJ ;h p)us::; Jar=~ bP"lroom ~ ;;n<i _, bilths on a l \• 11 d •n I r Ill If llttd <. I'-/>J lll1 11"! -'II ::i.,JGJ ~ ou"d l.ll'!ller IHJ..rr~. [\C!'lll'n! Ea~t~1dP loc1111011 C..:0111 pl r I e ly rPdeCQr<t trd, hri1 1·y ~h11i<:t 100/. r td"·l(J(j l •• ... --•iiiiiii""- '"1"'' ' """" '®'"'" '"" MESA VERDE ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2129 HARBOR BL VD. 546-1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,JO 2111 DRAKE AVE . "1 rc, lrlr.tJ h.in1.-ror 1he a.i u.11 fannly k rur~1 hriUs-e r,ir lhr 1n-J:1.,1-~ \'il l'ant & 1"'1t'IY f,,r 1nu11~l<l l'" OC'CU· pa nt'.'. * 642-1771 Anytim• * -= -OPEN HOUSE ,, s.i .. sun. 1.s OPEN SAT /S.,N ~top h.1• • ~!', '" appl'!"c-1 2303 Redli1"ds i•t. ti\1r. mighty 11~ ;; Er: io/f '.:3rd St , fimi,ly horn". ~llopplflE cf'n. :'-!o, t in on crtdH a~pro\·al ltr !.: '"''"C'Uent •rhools P.eaut 1f11l .1 BP. :• bil.!hs 11ta.rby. ,\~Inn:; .r:1.:.~ri. 1~m1 ly roo1n. ~II Plrctnc :..iu ~l c ...... ~t Jlw .... Eorona riel :'<la.r 6!~;;; 13 ··1·· .\':;r' r. -..,, ' ,' .... '' \, 546-599 0 k1!l'hPn. i oori r p!F d1-p!, d bl . ~:11·a~c. hca1-y ~hahc roof. Lochen my er R .. 1hc-r custom honlf' 5 brl rm.•. ;r bath~. 1·, arr!" 10:-;40· pool. I )'Car old .!pa n- i~h ~!)'lt btamed c1•il- 1 ri~·. shag c:arprrs & f'ra.nc-1.scan tilt ST:!,:iOO. • ~O:TS WALLACE ' ~EAL TORS ---.546-4141- (0p•n Evenin9sl BY OWNER •Horne -Tncomt -Land• Cu st ; S R 11 ~ SA Com pl cp!. rh-p~. f P. &am ct il . ~ :--r.10 Ceramic 111~ '! r~r rl ~I . t <tr. Inc unit att s;·, n10. Pl ~tl! •I n1or!' 11ni ts E <I S \' T f'!'mA Sl),300, 6'!~-,:,0.:li 5 ledrm • 3 lath Peol • $26 ,950 F'.1l'h Wood Pdl1tlUli;. M.nd· so.rnr b<J,r Pa.i·klng tor ho.it (.· trailer L..O\'f'IY f 1r£t;i f'oel TARBELL 2955 H•rbor 1000Generel 1900 Gener1I lllOO S•lvt a Sim.pl~ Seto.mbI~d Word P'tuzle for • Cltu,e~ 9rercrr•n,_ "'• 6 x:raroili lM '*Ofdi below ta in11~• 6 i11••pk WOO"di. '•int ~'' af ercdl irl its 111'141 al JQuotN. llEWGOI I I !1 I I I' IROYSEP I' I I ITIMflS I I I I' I IF UL G l ~ I Two ,,,,ce cho111n9 in C lot> ~l,....-T,-T,-"r,-T""-r-1 orolory: . _ _ .. ,.,,..g liow ort yev gettir.g '::::'.=:'.::::'.=:'.::::'.=~ o n w i t h y o u r prof aw, r George?" ID AX PEN I Otht r m411fle: "~1 •••I· I · I I I I' lently, I've fCll him th.,-eu1'1· ~~.-•.-•.-•.-•.-•Iv troint d, ~very ri,.,.e I ring r------,----,1;,e bell, he -m• -." l.N u,.~ '1 ,Er I I '.I • ,,.,,.,. ~. ,.~ ... ''~"' bt lol!,.-g on I~• r ~"~ -rdJ yC:J .; • .,.1011 !tol"I st•• Na. J b.low. • ,,. -..... _ h .. «f•· .... G ~~Rir... I' !1 I' I' r I' ]' I' 1· 1" j I s:£t.~~ lN~JE.1 ,J11ME·A.JNE :sidt hnd beauufuJ w;t.ll I'> REALTOR EASTSIDE "·au caqit tin.i; and rich 1·~J . MESA VERDE 1 s.48-9569 Eves. 540-4519 n.il paneling 1n the h \ 1115 Golf Course VIEW, COSTA MESA room anil f.lm1ly ro:>n'. VACANT LOT. Pr•st ige Newport !\ea.r ~T. JQ,,Cf'll~! CA THQ. Kitchtn ha~ b11ll1 1115 .111dl Make offer. $27,500 -Ocei1n V iew LI C CHURCH. T"·o bdrn1s. knotty f!11\e •·<11111 "'1~-P r1-1 DAVIDSON Realty f\Jng ~l ze<l bedroom.~.~ ba\h~, dining J'OOlTI , dtJu.,r kit.:htn, vatr court>.;rd Pn\\'Y 11;iyl ~l;n! Harbor Bl\'d. C.\T Lo l'cl~· ~pllt lcl't! r rs1denee. 11:-.18 rurnpu~ !"OOJ)\, >1 hirh and rear y·"1-U lo>rr;•C"l'tl 1;a1.o .-.16-.>lt}O 1:.i r"' 5-1.>-!!l-ll '.1 10-\l~O. rould bt ustd a;o> a th a-d bed-dtck all proff'.~MonaJly J;ind-( · TARBELL 2955 Hi1rbor room. T1'0 palios <Onr ('Ol'- 1"1'('(!1 • 16"<l0 HEATED Af\D f'ILTEr.ro POOL. Doublr s.ca ped. l"o down 10 1c-b, ----------·- g;u ·.1g('. h'l~I or n·ai..ler .slor-"•r Arl';i ofi lllley. fcncl!'d aad bcoauotully landscapt d ~ aJ'Cls. An t :\ctllrn1 buy 111 S2:1,9.>0 Hwi-y on 01·rr ro se~ 11. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVO. 546-1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 CAPE COD CUSTOM Exqu1.s1i,. hDnll!' in 11rest1;c a re• of ;\<"\\·port HC'1g h1 •. •""iliii""'"''"'iliiiiliiiiliii""'I Ft~tu rln;; 4 larij:c bd rm~. HOME & INCOME o~n & unu~ual l"t'«r ) a. r d ' $24,500 New port •• Victor!• 646·1111 Anytimt -====- ""h """''''" < '"" poof. C~ll 1101• IOr ;ipp-untn1r111 1•1 '"'· Pool· GI Re11 le A!tracll vr corner '1 lxlm1 11 Pll Anlh<>ny PQf'I. !~\~q·. ful .y rctUJf'lp('d incl. po.ii . ~11tcp. E:-.cP] ;;3;'"-; ln1111 a ! l l'll 111r-I, ta' f.· in, 0 11nfr 1n.,~1 1n\- 1ous fol' oiler -11 lre;irl.Y tra11~ /crrt d oll1 nl ~1 •I•" Re ntal : ! brl rnt co:i1pl t11rn , Ct'.lndo BAYFRONT u11H a t SJij, lmn1t'!l. pu6s. On H<1rbcr T~la.nd C:".11td ~ SJ 6 5810 &a uufuJ ~ E:t'droo1n i l'l111t 1~r~•t•1>P1T,1lhu1rrl Plu.~ h;,chrlor iipa rtmrnt, OLLEGE REALTY '-' 1lh p1tr k ,,]I p. 1500 Ada!M J! ~•rbor,CJL J'a blllous b:i;·s1d .-1~1T<1 Cf . ,,_~~~::;=:;:~=== cenllorl.llJ!~ l11·1n;:;: roou1 • •111h -1nri ~ r.rr al.tc• 1343 Mariners Dr. L"''~h J.>.lfio BAYCREST 'I l'.J.L(\l 0 S /S I 5 l.1.<1rd }~\.Ju~J\ely \\ah P9" al un • fmmacUla J.-l ti.11 n1 f, •int i "1!h bca.n1ffi r rl1011 ,.:;,. : 1, 'f". plare ~ QuaJ 11~· 1011>11ur1 1on bv /\ ,.;1 11· .. 11, .. lr-.11'i!e t;<'m• Qu.rh f!"Slil'~,1c-n Dover Shores Brand he•· h·an \r e11• plen Luxury IJl'1nz ar 11.s he~! Trrrihc vttw ~r upptr B<1y S bdrrns J baths -powder l'!'Kllll, !tpa.ratt d ining roon1, family roem v.i U1 Wtl bar & Srt®nd fn'tp!ace. 19 x 32' spuiqin~ ponl 111 lAnrlN>ap- ff. sMl1~J?d patio. SlDJ.{))) includt! llL"<UrlOU.'. t 3Tf"'hnj'.:, hlnrl501N' 11-allp.apl'rs I• ti-on1 111.ndsc~pini;:. ln1111f'd.1au-'" C'Uf'<l 1ll',\' (All \Qd!iy Ivan Wells & Sons Roy J. Werd Ce. E'.'\CLU5J\'E AGE:\'T . ..: l t::' G.lJ~\Y D,·11 ~ &t6-l 1:-rl Duplex Witt.-High- Arnold & Freud BECAUSE! thr H1i;::h n!'srrt (";11<' Tht~ .1 E:R ~ ~ l'H>.l uty no1v ~1 ..iiJ l ~ d1 ~1:U <~ !CiT"' •1111 Rl11 b['.9i:iO F.:1·"~ -:,1.1;:(~ e KENNEDY Investment Income r t:NJTS, l ~l'"gf' lot J 3~'(:;o.)': room tl'.I build 5 more. 590,WO o ... ·ner "'tll carr;.· ls1 Tf1 F.H.A. Loi1n Aa.sumr high ml<'l'C .. l C I, I.an \\'ith $ZVJ() 0o ... n. Ha1·e U-llt ,.ndtnrt ... nd ltt ~·Q(j.r t•na.nt P*Y lh<' "<1y. G ' f Smart: Totiil p.ay~t of Well•-McC1rdl•, Rltrs. Sl9S includei .llJ . Gre•t Hun-• lSIO Nr"l"Grl Bh·rl . C ~I. ti:ll11on Brach Location. >4S-Ti29 6#--068~ el't ! Coll " WE SELL A HOM! IVl~Y 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee CHANNEL FRONT 3 BR. + tamily ni1 , 51eps-to ocean : fl!hlnl!'. .~111n1n11n1o":, 1-nali.llz 1:ir yo11r front door. Only S ll-~00. ff'rn1~ ;.;s2 U11n'i~r CAYWOOD REAL TY M:-\t:'i~ Op.-11 lit !I P ~I 6300 \\' C.oa.st ll1.1 r. :\' 6. Sl0,750 • ;:,tS-l190 • Tropic•I Setlin9 ! 4 Bedrm. + Gutst Rm . \\a!trt!tll & r"1111a.in . r lt•r S24,9501 Me1 1 Ve rd e b!~t pot1I. l..1""1 plannn;;~ EJt g-ant homr. ~ h11Ut~ B111lt- O\tr~tL#'d h•drooms. ll!.TJt 1n kllt~n. lo1·t~r1 patio. dtn, 2 b1th f·Hflily rnorn XIT• ronm Prt !l\\'1' 1"1·:.lf' Lu:...iry ro-atur•• ~I~ >t0.1 7:'£1 TA"BELL 1955 H1rbor TA RBE LL l 95S Harbor Open Houses THIS WEEKEND r~p thlt hondy ifll'Mt•ry •I~ ''' thl1 -••H • yo11 ~o ho11 w i,wnllnt. All th l•c•ll•n1 1111 ... rir.l•w or• lll•1crlbocl ht tl"Mtor *t.11 .,, """'al"' el ... wllor• 111 t •4oy'1 DAILY r lLOT WANT ADS. ,.,,.,.. 1howlnt orn11 l!oww1 fo r Ml• or ~ rent -,....,.. lo Utt 1w~ai l11lormt1rl•11 In thb c•l•M• .. ,., 'rlllloy. 12 Bed room) :;11 ~ ~C\'l ll l' l f~cilbna J:icn111~u l a \ Ea lhoa 615-6000 : 6"15-6060 ~S at & Sun 1-5) !134 :'l\rra rn ar, Laguna Beach 494-306 1.i 1Sat & Sun 11·51 i O'l La rk!pur. l orona de \ :O.lar i1i:3-~222 1Sat. Su n. Tues. thru Fri. 1-.i l 12 Be droom & Deo or F•mily) *20411 Birch (Back Ba y) 1\'e11. port Beach 6i5-6000 : 675-6060 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ".!i7 :\lorning Canyo n 1Shorecl 1ffs) Cd~f 6l 1-2 430 . 833-0700 !Sun t -5 ) lj l9 Bonnie Doon e Ter race, Cd:\! 673-0145 ISat & Su n) :;31 Ln rk!'pur .. Co rona dr l i\lar 6i5-3000 tSat & Su n l·jJ (J Bedroom) :n 44 Sumatra P lace 1 :'ll esa Verde ) C .\1 64~·9730 : 548-0i 20 F.\ c::.. 1 Sat & Sun 10-6) 119·1 Augus ta, Co!'la r.le sa 6·12-iii7 ISa t & Sun 1 ·6~ 1 80~ \V. Ocean Fron I . i\'e\\'port Beach t)i:i-6000 · 675-6060 !Sun 1·5) 50..\ \\".Bay IBalhoa Peninsul a ) Ba lboa t;i.)-6000 .' 67~6060 jSUn 1·5) 101 1-;C'gon1a l oron,1 de! :'>l ~r 1\12-9100 1Scit & Sun 1-51 l 100 l'~e r k .>h1rc ( \\ c !l.'!1ff I ;\'('\l'port Eea r h l!\5-2000 1Sri l l -51 10:21 Cor1l an d (1'.1n1co \!1ghl and3i ('d:'ll hl~-~1:)0_ fl.~~-O~LH) l ~tin J-j) jlfll Bruce l'rcsccnt i Lido Sand;; l \'.B 6~~-5'.!00 1 Sun 1·5' **Hhi Linda 1:-lc lJr11c :\'e11·pori Beach fil~-a'.!:i.l !Sat & Sun i ;i; P rirpy ,\IC . CO!'O!IQ del '.\I ar • r;;:'i-:1101 rSat & Sun 1·.1 ) *~··1n \'irg1nh~ Place, t osta :'l lesa 646-3750 (~\l !l 1-5 ) .:1 11~ Pnn1 011a . Co.~ta l\le:oa fii~-fiOOO: 675-6060 /Sun 1-.i) J:!.i6 f\'e hra s ka Lane f:'\lesa \:erdel C~I 557-9616 l Sat. Sun & Daily ) 9312 l-tud so n Drive. Huntington Beach 962·7435 !Sat & Su n 10·51 *.124 De .·\nza. Corona de! l\lar 675-3000 (Sun 1-S) 1501 P,a1·;:i.derr. rh·\·1ne 'ferrace) Cdl\1 r,;;..3000 fSun 1·5) *1!)77 n ose n1er1·. ro~ta \lesa 64G-0555: ;;4:;.u3oa rs11n J-;i \ 401 .·\JisQ. !\c1\'port Beach fi 4l-522i 1 Sat & Sun I -~) (J Bed room & De o or Fam ily) :t~:<l ~nu,i; Harbor /(hffh aven ) !\B 1i l5-2000 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 100 \'1a Flo rence rLido ls!e ) NB 673-90ti0: 540-.6618 Eves. fSun 1-5) 1311 Con"·ay .A.ve. t Halecrest) Costa r.lesa 515-i031 (Sat & Sun 10·51 3111 Coolidge, Costa J\Iesa f>l0·58H r Sat & Sun l 324 Santa Ana A\'e. INe"·port Htight11) NB. 962-2421 · 952·0340 <Sun l Z-5) 512 Sea\r;ird Roa d, Corona del r.ta r 675-57".!fi ! Sat k Sun 1·51 **:;01 Evening Star (Dover Shores l NB f14".!-823;\ (Sat & Sun ) ·IOll (',1rlolla (The Eluifs) :'\B 64-l-2l30: 1\:13-0iOO 1Sun t -:i) 100 1 Gl!!:n"ood 1Ba ,cre st) :"B 6t2-5200 · !Sun J-jl 1010 Oak Street. l·o~t a ~le sa 673-74~(1 1'.,a1 & SuJtl 757 \\". \\'11~.on Co\ta ~l esa (Sat & Sunl Coit• Mes• 1100 1010 OAK ST. OPEN SAT,, SUN. J"abu.lous drr~m home for grolll n;: f;t 111Uy~ Oul~tar.d- 1ng l BR. 2 ha. -1-family rm.! Dcl1ghfiul patio &.• ya.rd. i~l.~! BALBOA BAY PROP. 6i3-7tz0 A..\'YTJi\!E: ror. ~.1!r by o\1·ner. x1n1 E'a~t~idC' ]qr , Older house, '21, Br., hilly t;ptd. E :o.ll'11 lge. lenctd )·fl . Sll.000. Sn1all do1,·n, "'/carry 2nd. l -7J.>..-14SJ Call : i\lft. JWilNSON Da1·is Rtalty 642-7111!! ABSOLUTELY no do\l.'11 to \'t lcrans. \\'ell ktpt l bdrm 2 bath home with doubl~ c:ar~1c . o,1·/w carpets, patici r.: nit'f'ly la ri d sc afl~d . Sl58/1no !nc!udc5 pr1nc1p~ k mt<!rtst at 7 !~'~ • 30 ytar5. F'ull pn c• orJy S'.?2.500. Call s.t5-M24 Sovth Coa5t ~a.J Esta1e. 3 Br. & Fe mi ly Room :116 Ruby St., Balboa lsland 675-333 1 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2511 Andover Place I College Parkl Cri.t 546-5160 : 519·1058 Eves. (Sun 1-5) Z813 Drake Ave . tr.lcsa d'I Mar) Cf\1 6i5-3745 ISat & Sun 1-5) 41.1,\cacia , Corona del f\lar 613-8550 (Sun 1·5) 4613 Fairfield , Corona del ~far 673·8550 (Sun l·S) 1 3~3 ~-1a riners Dri\·e ( Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2323 Cornell Dr. (Coll cGe P a rk) C)I 645-0303 1 Open Sat. k Sun. 1-5) 14 Bedroo m) 2144 Vista Laredo fThe Bluffs) l\B til.1-.1ii0 1Sun 1-5) '.:J R Colt on fNe\\'port Shores) !\'B 675-4600 1Sun 1·5 ) *1227 Hi ghland, Corona de\ l\lar 6i~3000 (Sun 2·5) 14 Bedroom & Do n or Femily) 3120 Lincoln \Vay, Co.!tta !11esa f71 4) 521-6012 1 Sat & Sun) 2l.i42 Archer Circl ,, J-lunt1ngton &lach 968-15&1 IOptn da>ly) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dov'r Shores) t\'B 646-1550 !Open Da il y) ,.61 5 Perham /Cameo Shores) Cdl\1 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1046 Pesc ador Drive (Dover spores ) J\18 642-5300 (Sun 1·51 *<4.1 12 Roxburv <Camto Shores) Cd1-f 64-l-2410: 83~0700 (Sun 1-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shore ~) l\B 642-8235 fSat & Sun) * *333 Morning Sta r Lane (Dover Shor~ esl NB. &42-8235 (S at & Sul\) 10052 Cutty Sark. J-lunt1ngton Bea ch 962-4642 (Sat & Sun 10-5) *1007 Holiday (Baycrestl NB 642-5200 rsun 1-.11 2700 \Vavecre st (J-fa rbor Vie•.1: H1l\sl Cd:'.[ 673-3770 · tSun 1-5 ) 1 ~1 0 Starboar d. Corona del Mar 67.>250.1 rS un 1-5 \ 2042 Gol dene ye Place l ~lesa Verde l Cl\t 546-3592 (Sat 1·5) *1030 Santiago I Dover Shores\ NB 641)..J5j() rfi un 1-5) **l Linfta Isle Drive rLinda Islt l i\'B 6i5-3210 <Sun 11 -5) %51 La Granada. l-"ountain \.:aJ]ev %1!-2350 (Sun 1·5) 3i~ Santa lsabel. Costa. i\1esa 646--ii ll ISun 1·5 ) S Bedroom & Otn or Family *1709 Highlands l Harbor Hi1blands ) NB 64&-1550 rsun 1·5l 2758 f\·1allard Drive (Mesa Ve rde) CM 646-111111 I Sat & Sun 1-51 tj58 Lirida Isle Dri ve fLinda Tslel NB 615--3210 <Sun 11·5\ **16 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Jslt 1 NB 675-3210 (Sun 11 ·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 13 Bedroom) 602 :\\•or ado. Corona del f\'lar 645-2000 I Daily 1-5l fl0.\.-006 Orchid, Corona drl i\lar S73-2:!Z2 r Da ily \.j ) **3607 Finley. l\e"·port Beach 67&-5726 (Sun 1·51 616 Iris. Corona del J\(ar 67 4-flS.50 (Sun 1·5 ) AP'ARTMlNTS FOR RENT 12 & Den Ii 3 Bo4r..,mj 1016 E l Camino Drive, CoJta ~lesa 54&-31&8 ($4t \(),,\) I> lie~roem & Femily) 7j:! Anlig:os Way, Nt Y.•po rt Be4ch 615-5033 !Sat 4 5\11111•51 CONDOMINIUM 12 B•droom) *4''-'i (j l (lUCe~tcr Dr., c:,1 r~:;.0303 . ,.,, • .. W•l*rf?Mt ..... , ...... w ........ fSun 1·6l HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi --HOUSES FOR SALE SatUf'Clay, Oc.tobt r 23, l%1J OA/l V l'IL OT .J:I HOUSES FOR SAL E~-CH"o""u"S"E"S"F"O"R'"'SA=L""'F~-= 1C.:oot;;:;1~Moo~~·~~~~1~100;;.11;u,..·;·······;'•'y~P·····kiiiii•l·2·l·l·U····-······-i•·y--P··-·k .. iiiii1•2iiill .H ..... ·.r"';;o'""._ ....... <.h .. 1·400--H ..... ·.1"',;;:;'•"" ... 8! .. ·.ch .. l·400····;1 l·~G: .. :"':':":'::::::::::lllOl;;;;;:G;;;•"";;;;;';";l;:;;:;;:;;:;:;;'OOO;;;:;°";;; ..... ;;;;•;l;:;;:;;:;;:;:;'~"';:J ~ Huntington B••ch 14001• ~~L!i0~,!,R!,~!o1w COUNT YOUR PENNIES CONGRATULATIONS ASSUME $II.GOO Paul. wh·11e. Carnahan ~; like new ;; bdnn " fa.nu!}' 6•;. ANNUAL PAUL room . 1ax30· custom ........,, YOU b b h h d f th TOP SALESMAN G.I. LOAN \ ~ pro a ly ave enou" save or t 1 ,... " TCYT L WHITE for :snioiLLler hom" in Costa " • \ S ..)..: p.:r n1oril u A ! R I c ~!:$1.·~ .. ,a:"-' ... il~ ,.1-·~.' p~p~·i:el d own payi11enl on one of tbese . . . .. l.O\'t'!y sliakr /~.or hotnc 11,'llh ea ty o. -~ ,...,"'" u .... , u 3 Bedroo1n 2 Ba. & fain . rn1 . single res idence l lar); .. lx:{l/"(J()lll!'I and :! 11u11., CARNAHAN your ~wty. Now \lll~<lllt To man bat h~ \\'alk to Park!I ~ b-~ cell 546-a2'16. J Bedroo1n 21 .! bal h TO\\'nhouse C'flr"JM't.o-aniJ Dr11p<•s ALL1 $11,SOO Fixer u,._, 4 Bcdroorn 21/~ bath TO\\'nhousc , top locatJon :! BR. 1 BA houst:, dble rar, xtnt a rea. N~ handy milll/painter. S2.500 do11i'n. Se-e: J;;.i f.1ag110lu1, Cos!a ttf~ Al l these have loads of amenities as \\•ell a~ bein~ located in a fa st gro11 ing area. Call ror details. OJMn House S•t & Sun :H:!O Lincoln \\'ay, C\t 1..argt 4 BP. 1,, ram rm. Ul.~. Tru:;t Reali}' e red hill realty University Park Center 1 71~1 3:!1.\i012 IRVINE BJJ.0820 ANYTIME REPUBLIC l'lon1e. &-st buy i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yr. old. 4 BR, l ba. lam r mi. din nn, io:hag crpts, d rps. sprkln. S 4?, O [) O. N•wport Beach a46-3592 3 BR, "'~ lg• tam ""· 'BA. OPEN SUNDAY 12·5 Elec bltns, l'.ustom drps k shut!ers. crpt~. Sprinklers front &. rear. Fenced t. NEWPORT HEIGHTS landscaped. $31 .950. :>41)-5844 THAT 0:-.'E IN A ;..uLLJON"I aft 6. days 549-2286. Bkr. FrND. Ultler hu! t·hum11n~1 U h""E EXTRAS? This is it! 3 hom<' in ~·ho1l'.r a.re.1. OVrrl Mdroom:s 2 baths. one block 2001 fet"L Large J,, 1111. to School, P ark Pool. Be ",th FP plus den \\ Hh t'I'. I n.. forn1aJ d111u1g n 1,, hll . " i: a d )'OU l'.amr : v .. •ners. S1.>-7031 kitchen 111th h1 kf~t 1Y1QI.., Petk of bay from .'11,,,.1('1' ER ~u11r !aside 1111!1•y porch. 1::.1.COO. f ln. ;1\H1l. Agl. 9tl:.!·:.!-l;l l or h>u l~ra~ !~~·CllO. ASSUME l.al'ge 6"i> Joan J BR·D.R. 2 Bath $25.950 Recently Remodrled Tex Half' Really £.1&-772~ BY 0\-\>'NER . 3 Br .• 13, Ba. L;;e. lenced yd .• l"O\'. p;i l!o. Clo~ to :schooli; la i;hopp1ng. SZl,jOO. 548-1992. BY 0\1.'Tl<'r • ::: BR, I ~<. Ba, lrplc. lam rm. Imagination, or. trttd lot. Assume 5~~ ,.~ }<'HA. Total $'23,JOO. 642-8232 Mn• Verde 1110 REDUCED FANTASTIC Ii; thr \'Ir" & also •h1 < 1'U"- rorn ho111I' .\Ian,\' ... \.Ira~: puning grrrn.~. )!,\\ u11n11n:,: pool k hL~h lnd!l!PI.!. t'rr s1n1plr . .\ti~,500. 011·r11•r 11 111 ht'I!• fina nce PROPERTIES WEST 615-4130 675-1642 OPEN SUN. l·S 3601 FINLEY :\r. n<'lv rtupJc,. l:?J rr 11~· !rrfron1 on hulkhrad 'h<1.nn<'l rorrier. SplJt-Je\"l'I. all '-'I"'·· $29.99:1. O\V~J:::H.. Custon1. J RI{. :!', BA. I:.lcv. kitchen !\rw 1·;i1·pt.'t~. d111. 1m. lant Tl)l. f• 111•·. rlc•· ;::.1ra~r dr 01)(•1J IJOU.~f' "Ill ~old 2.!l:i An. •l1\1'1':.,11y Ln, .\'B 5·1S·91il'!l OPEN HOUSE -, BR ~ . Li•-; fain n11 {"<•I' lu l .. \l<1l1Y f''\11•:1<:. !:\' 011':\ER. ~1-l~·ll~~ :!I ~ C<'nll'lld Pl. \I~ Corona del Mar 12SO e OPEN 1-5 e 709 LARKSPUR ~;JI l.. ::\l.!!1, .r.: Tue:;. lhl'll Ft'i ~ sr: ! b;,. hon1 .. " l11ad~ of l"hd1 111. phis np1 _ for lo- 604-606 ORCHID Open da1lr 1'1·1n ,\tedalltnn dt1 plr\c<. :: BR , .1 h:t A: '.! BR. :: IJ,t. r.icli. :\1rit f1 ni1.th 1nb :\101 lo.:-1111011 DON V. FRANKLlN REALTOR • 673-2222 • OPEN HOUSE Bill Ha a s BILL HAAS has \1•on lhe top !tsLcr of the tnonth a11ard !ro111 t!J c Huntington Beach Fount ai n \'alley board or l~ealtors. Bill is !ro1n ~1 1nne~ot:1. hc.1<: been 1narr1ed 23 )Cars to P('.ggy !J aa'" &: they have three ehildren . Bil l opt~ratcd !us 01,·n construe· lion co1np:1ny !-I ycJrs prior to entering the R . I-;. bu ~1 nes:-;. 1£ you·rc 1n need of a profe ssional":; help 111 '.'cll1ng :-.our hon1e C"all Bill ll a~s \·1ll<i':(t' Re al !~~Late 002-44 71 nr stop by 1~14~ riron khu r:.\. Jlunt1n g1011 Beach. Huntington Geach 1400Huntington B•ach 1400 FAST MOVE IN 1-:Ll:.L'l'ltll' l\.JTl111-:N I,, OISll\ ,\Silt;f~. Lovely c·t1s·, roni f11'('pl!1t·r and lw-aot •·t tJ. Ulj:; /~1n1l,v l'Xllll' Gr.tCIOUS h,1ck )/u·d ,1 11h COVf.Rt;O' PATIU lllld lllock Wl!.U Jeoc. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee 76~:! t'.duig~r -~ L..'...t i:...-1 0J"N'l1 hi !l P\I FORECLOSURE- '.! Rf~ I h .. 111, ,..l,.t tr11 · bulll· Ill 1,11'1.;I' i 0\t'O, ::;.i.rtksg•' d1'(l0'.tl, 1h1uh1,. gara;e 11.·11h hr1111 U<l(ll'. ~p,aj p111nl $1.:.00 Llo11 11 p;1~11H·111 V " c an(.' SI l.:'Jt'(I lull /Jl"IL'•'. t;\ O\\'i"l:..R ~ Bdrr11. l Ba. 1a1n r111. bln1~. d rps. ~bai:; , 1111\ 1h1·u-ou1 1 yr otrt On , '1,t .. 1"-""" i\l.'<1r ~c h Is, lwhf'«, ,1.,,p ·~ C'11111plr1el} lt•11,·•·d .\. 1 .. 11t1scapl'd. _ 1111· 111,u ' ~<·•' :-1 1 :.!1:-,11 i\rehci f'1n 1,. ~10,('('(l 96S·l~-.61. Owner Tra-nsferred- :".11.H'fl _, •lt)I'\ ] hdl"ll1 ~· ~' 11"1'1. On , 1·1·111•r 1.,1, C;11 IJ..' 1·1 ilr.11>· ~-;ill h111:1.ut< ~·01.I 11\:tJ IJllllJ1J! l"<Kllll, SOT\ 111' 1•on•h. f:1n11l_v ruu111, .•\ ... $\l<llf'I ~._ 1:1 lo.tn i11·1· r t~i.~'() Paul Jones Realty Ii r1.1:11;i; 1-:1·r l'l li-~'119. Ke\1' homes, ready to 111ove in. :! to 5 bed- J'voms. '.!to 3 ba1hs. 1,;;i 1nil c fron1 beach. J."ir~t p<1_1 inent up to 60 days a fter tnovc 111. VA /FHA T .. m •. f•om $23,990 Beach Home The Beach -· ""· ,,,.,,_ ,,,_,. ,.,., "'''· frpk, 111·10:; 100111. din,11~ (on Brookhurst 1 m ile South of Adams) rooin. B"tti.·i· huii)''. Pnl'r 962 • 1353 ~~'.':.~;,11, 0" llrr 1\g1, '.\hist AeU 5 Br, :; Ba Repub- lic hon1c Beaut d~ra!ing &.: Jancl scap1ng. S~7.;)I)) by o w n t r. ~!JiO Th4.larop. ,..,..., :; Br. ·• den :: ba !.· ~ 61.1 Sat., Sun. 1·5 '!Ba. E.•tra l;e, ~r .t: itil!p I 717 POPPY 1 ··- $99,:ic::l Orir of a kind ~ !'iPAClOUS l1v, rm. & 1·u1n- hW'Jjl:. ' pus n11. ~tora<;;e & shch·es Balboa Peninsula "!~!!!!"~!!~"'!!!' I ;>, 11 •. : ... 1 !t 01' ·,:;6.1:...s I ~ T.\h:~~ OVJ::I : an ~·JI.\ lu<1 n 1300 j Huntington Be•ch 1400 ::: Bl~ hnni,. S~J.:-.CO h1U QUI ET cul-dr-sac, ::: BR. % BA CU!l\'.I01 crp15 la drp.s. Scenic PropC'r!I~~ fil,j...17~1b GALOP.E: -~BR ., '! , 1::>a1 h~. Jt;ST RJ::DUCLD~ i'lu~t ~ell O\'f'l'>.!~c R·2 101 on BJ:.::\l'. TIFL'L Sil"'"" PP.JCL RL ouci::o ~ 1.001J• BY Q\\~ER. j,j7.961fi quickly. 1,000 i<q. 11. !10111r l~==========I on i\"r\\·por! Island . •J BH ,:: Newport B••ch 1200 BA. srp din r n1. Cha.i·n11ri~ --''----------1 40 yr old ho-f' r rcrri1ly EASY LIVING ren10<ielr.d. S6 1l 0 fl ri11. 6.f Fl. of \\'ATER FRONT. a!~umf' 6' • .r, 1~1. ,Ju~! Keep 2 boat! & suU f'njoy 541.~!00 buys 1 111~~ 6i;..-O:',!;: 1hr vif.1v thru SO 11. ,elassl-~O~C-E_A_N_V_IE·W-- 11all 01· lrom !gr . pano. Jn. door • ootdoot· cnlr11a1n1rig. ao~r 111 l!arbo1 r !!i al'r~. :; BR., "1 ba . 1nUTiat. home. bdrm~ . .: ·ha1h$, all rlcr1J"i,. :-'!cp-savrr k11ch. No g&rdrn-k11Nirn. !111::,. p:d l•l fr. ll'l'G. Blk. [I) Lido ~p~. Pl'I('-~1111plr -OOI li"d'"'e holrl ( ·1111 l'(f to sell Oll·nf'r lectV1ng :'11111-k 1."~. P.l'<olto1· .-i1,,./j1! a.rea. ~9.~.00 anyt1n1<'. SEMPLE REAL ESTATE ~IKE LIVING IN A CROW'S NEST \"1l'11' ol n<:<-a.n. bay. wny .t Sa ddlrba•·k .\11~. t • u ~ ! . hon1r. '! Br. 11 _, h.1 . ~·,·r 1'1! f'o~il. To ion 11 ;ill off. 11\\!\l"l' 111!! •'AITy Ju,.11 <ii/',. ·10 >.r<'. o·aJI Develope r 's Duplex T:,,,,,. h1'droo n1 11pprr !ll"n b<:rlr•IO/l\ 1•1\11" Ill \Cl",\/ r:ood J"<'!11al ar·r,1 :'>.•111· fully IPa.~. .-11 li011cJ ~··1J\l'lh Jl'!lt'lll iill. S·l9,:;oc) BURR WHITE f! !·:AL TOP. ~'!lfl1 \'f'\l flilr1 P,hd "\ R tii:.-11.i.:11 bl:..'·!..'.,'; l.1r'~ Linda Isle 1306 L !'.\J).\ J ~lr lrol /.,, ~,tlr l),\ 011 nrr \.:~ •~! 11lus l•'il~<' $3999 Tni.d rl1J1111 p.1~ 111.•11! 'M1111nr GI loa n f ih'n \!11r •! E1•rl11)()1n n1qo1rl liot ."\ .. 1:i1l1rw~ · 1• .ill; .'\rli11•,I• ·"''' t)1 1.d111 1n ~ "\,, lnrt I!> Pl••a"' <·011' prw<' .. \11.ir.O 1akrs 1)1·rr loan.I !\'o <tu.d1l y1111; -no d~!J,I'. S11,~r1 or <'a~h? \\'r'll hrlp \\llh rlown l}ll_\111e11t 111nri~y. ReK L. Hodges, Rltrs. ~r;.·!:,2-. :'. ;-.'.T\}l~Y-:: B r:---~1 _;-B:i , '11r111.d 11111 J"tll. H ,, ~ n I Ind-• r .. r •~1rn lnt, 1i•'1aeh L.;;H • Ii!.! fl'• 1"111. ,\l,111) • • .• •r.i ~ Br 1111nrr. ,s;19,9:,I) • \:!.121~ ll~,0 l_SL_E ~ t"lXJ::R Ul'PJ-:l~. nrw"r ~ CU!\. bl!. ,; Bt ... Ba111 -· BR, :t BA 1·011r\o rrplt". ~· moo:i. hon1r. l''abulou~ blln~. riai io. Jl'l'll. r:,,dut·rU ialand k1tch. w/all blTM. & s:;ooo. Only 5?8.500. Lo11 tin, lien ad)Olning. '\"i!..ll.s of glaM Lia ison Co. ti hi--Oi ~:! overlookm~ pauo v.•/water·f-=======c;==== !<Lil. ?>15tr. Bdrm. v.·/drt':;.s. I !\1;1r;..• cr.1ha1n 1;1::-:1111-0 l-';<rrl \\';il\,.rr. r.ralt(•I" OPEN SAT/SU~ 1519 Bonnie Coone Terr. i::ll'll;Ant 1 BR . r1rn. ".! hitT h~ \\"1101 • 11l'fl1'1'. hdf. IX'-tllt pn\·. o;:,1l"d<'11, rr;shly paint. rd ul•!rlr & -OU I. ra\11H .. r ~l!Co't p<'r ·'"'11 ~lip , ·•P·" 111 ft1r :! 1:0 1,q,11< ."11 r1. 11"1< 1·f,v11\I. .,pprr>1rt1 pl,111~ Ill' liu!<>d. !\\" f)1~nr•r >-al•· (If k'aSl'/up· l·••I• l!rrlur·f'•J l1'flt'11 S28,j()l1 111 ~~7.UOI ~_\l'Olrl. ,, Br. 1·, l;ti llHI!\<', f\11 1\\111«, \'l'ph 11 1 11 , l.1111is<•a11111:;, 1·11,1•q11 1 ·•·11;" "h"k" l'nvl ~1111-l(ir! l _ 545-0458 1\V 4h";;:-1 ·-\(~~: 0111 nf b\}.fil"I "r 51/.0/. Total Ann ual :11·.·,1. '!11•1 '"II ~ nl'..:; .11, Rate On The G.I. Loan .. 1,1 1 r.<11,rrr.1blr o '•' ,,,,,, .•• ,"'"'"'""'"6-"'' Anyone Can Assume! 1 _' r"'11• :::'. .:.'.:""_·_'""-=--:_'·.'.I .'1JJ1t'r Sha1p :.:P.\~l~ll l ll) 11\l'\l:.f{·l BR .~"_};,\ .'I'' l.E ~ ti. ,fi,10111 Fan11ly in-1•·1 •·I lull •·,11'fJt't f.· HIJ"n• ~··11TI1;i J D1n111r: Roo1n •h"ilf"''· 11·rlr h)•,1• J\,.-t1111•· rm .. bath &. p11v. rnndtck. Newport Heights 1210 lido Isl& 1351 ---------OUTSTANDING LIDO BUY Plic, rnluced $3,000; oow -----------1 $93,000. Opt'n Sun. 1·5. 100 V!il Flor'f'nce. .1 l!UGE br k rtn. ~. B'<, h·p!(". L 1JC't•n R l•'!lard<-1n Brol..<'r bTJ,111r, Ch.!lr'mllll:: .• 8· , . 1 .... "' p,.,Hll•lll! !,lrf)('I~ :inr\ 01';"110. 1>'1'• l·!I \ J~n $,;1,,itl) I r~. lll1<IU1!11u111. l.01·rly mod-1'-l~-1\!"'I I f'l!I fi11t·h .. n Trul.1· !'P..\,\'ISll )\~_\\' ~·''"l'Ull\(' L 1.1'\ll!'I' SHORE PROPERTIES bltn.;, t"rpl ~. drps. s:iooo dn· mo\·r.1n. C<1sry R I r y. 3116 l'e\\·port Blvd., N.S. 63:>-ll·l~. 673-9050 ~18 E'l'es.i========== 995 S•ndcastle Or. ll0111". t":i1l\. I 111 I! p] Ill St I' •lll!t' /,1 01 IOl'i.J dr. ror. '~.),(((• LIDO REAL TY INC . EASTBLUFF HARBOR VIEW HILLS 1 vr old Lusk ho1n,., 1'" I un. hc.!1rv;1blr !ndsepg fl!l 1, :1c lot. ,', Bf~ f. .'\Ira lrg f,un r 111. Newpo•I ShO•u 1220 ., R.\ PIER & SLIP 011nrr b; 1.;1;0 or 611.'..l'J.'iS N L' · •REOL:CED S:i.OOO• $49 900 ew 1st1ng If you n('cd a ;;-real fan1ily ' -:;j,~ r 1 1.,1 ;: Br. .• ' i,,. At 10116 Wr: Finest \lll'I>." home, sec rhis one! L;;c. hv. --COME-SEE • !'poll"·~· ;\l..9.;,f'{! strt'C!. Spacious homt on mt. plus lgr . party rnt.: ~ Th" <'li-i1~ bav 1·1<'1' h'Om R C GREER R deep klt, Taslefully appoint.. Br. l Ea .• kitch. bh-111~. 1 '~ this 1 l~R. & J~mtly 1n1. !1 ~ · · ealty .~.:.: ...... \'1:1 l.11(0 i;;~.9.:0Q e<f . num!'rous dccoraior lea. Blks, to beach. f~e sunplr I.kl. hPl\l•", 011 l~.· rornrr lnr. --LlD·O-LOV-ELY-- fures. ~ BR,. lonnal din. $16,:-,00 Equ11 .v S~9,500. l\!ay ,1 3 1.11· i;:.tr.1t>;<'. 6·'.'· loan PANORAMA VIEW rm. Truly a IX'auty. Act cori~idrr trade. Oprt\ Sun. J.j 1 BR. 1"11111.' J'n1. I h;11h < now k ~1t . e 0\\');[11 &IG-"i&.i9e 1::10 ~1.11 1J."'1'<l .t l1 hit~·IV'll 10 '11\e 111. * .... * * * J;\!,\!ACL:LATE 4 RJr ni (11t'~h1r,. P.ral ~:~1a 1r tii-1·l;,O.~ 40 V• "t1 "1dr·<1p• .. 1 EXTRA ATTRACTION -------1.,111,.ll!_\ <'f\11~!!1Jl 't1 •• 11 Tul.11 1'·•~111r111 SJ J:, includes Hll 1'1·1( 1· I ,11 S'.!ii.~.'\tl WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee "" !k1111 tilu1 ~ hdnn :.! ha!h 11om•' n11 fl P•lll"I" 101. C.i.1pr!s {;. flrilp•" ;11" "' r11·~1 pl~~~ 1'111d111.11• .\ ... -.u,1 111111 .. Fifi\ l'lit!I \I •I I'' I' 111Ulllh pay~ ;.II. I l•1111r 1~ <11! f'I• 1·Tr1r ,i; l11,.11r \I'> BR",;,, 3 Ba .'.: <'<<r ' ' :_;;ir .\~.~11111c Cl : no pou1t.<, I \<f'rk r'l'I<)\\ .li17.()Jfi,: !~TY ~· !~}.i-:;t-f~1-BP.. :; I ~/\ \\ "lk I" 11(',1<.:I\ f.· s1 ·l~ol. ~II ;ii Flt1\ app1·:u~<1 l.I 1 t 'nn .. 1•lt·r 'rnallrr hQ1nr 1n' 1111.ir ~1 .. 11 !ludw11 Dr , ~ r: _:_~•!_---"-·'-'-~~-c--: ~ BR l,r l~JJ1\<'1l1hlr o11·n .1 f01•11~"I •lin rn1. •'(l\'l't'rdl I'·'''''· lo1rly ~anlrn 11 /l1sh l~)ll(l f.. 11;11e.11all. r1n1~h"<l 1 :::-;11·~1-:•· dn11h!es :i ~ g,,mr nn \J,111,\ ,.,,1n1~ r11 .-\ ;i\ •. In s:;:i.!!.'(I or ~r;;rly 1 ~"" ~~j:, OPEN HOUSE 1.5 Lw;k built Eiltbluff ~-model Fnink ~!ar.•hall R,. al 1 ~ 512 SEAWARD RO . Walker Rlty. 675-5200 :1 l.1 r~,. 1r,1I••.-~·!llt'nrr 1, 01u1r1 :>-II 1.1)1:.!. home. J-~~·. 3 BR. I.· lam. 67:>-4600 Falln:t.ll• " r,,11 ,f l":t ll}OO .~.lb6 \·1-1_1 .. d01, :\"r: Oprn "1111 1111li1·l•1I l '.•\•1•·,J µ,.1!1r111,lh -. !••\o h· 1•),11,,., •• l•i••!, ,1..;11!Founta1n Valle-;: 1410 rn1 . Poolstz!' )ilrd. Cul rtr I 1 ,,.11, ''""' I~·· 1,1 ,111 .~ BEST BU Y !'<ic loc. Pr:ict'd10.s<>l!~u1ck! Dover Sho res 1227 Rll. IM _ ,1 1,unily ~ ,.. 1~" fund~. \l..,l1•r•1 ~ SH-113.3 t,vr .•_ 6l+(t)(}J Birr. . 11 ~ f i;lll"' 1-;i,., hl1n, '1 I l~t '"f"I '1' 11 •li .. l 1 •I' ·I• I"·<( tJ,,ulJll' J' J h , •. \I t , 1no :-.p." 1•.1u~ ' ,. ' ' ' • .:111 ;1 I I :1 ' ! I. h.J' 1.,1 "1 ••!• ........ New ort Hei9hts l rreplaca ble Vtew of, I Ph·f"l ( .:1· 1'' ~_,\ M [ltl I• 1111111• '•'·• p I BA Y & MOUN TAINS. ~ .. ,It 1'1•1 .. ··' ·~•·1~.'1! \Jil l,.',, .. 1.1 ,,., ,1,_1 L•_"I $25 500 l l n1rr11r ••Iii \l••l'\rl'' I ''''r 11· -:-----I r .. 1 <tpf\' ' \ .. 1 rr ,tJ111•1"11' -11. \11' 1111 ... 1. 1 .\ CGSTO:'>I CHAR.\IEr. with por;.<1'.\ "'"1't1l •,r !l\lllJ · 11 n"I ·' ''', n. •.lt1 •1 ,,r,, , "f' · 0!•"11 hf',1:11 -· !~!: .<:-!l'drn I 11 -··--- '·'· '1. :llASTER su_.lTE arJI h,',"'°. ·""" -rt." ,·', "'.,~. ,, TT r: ,\ l ' I 1 \' i : e1: ' "\ 1 I Ii~ l11·1n::: ronm.tirrith ll()l!'f' [------""'"'""'"'"" f"t'!'nch Doorsoncri1rig !a P r1-1 ~"'' rn lid.~ll 11'' r-, •idr ,.f ll\I ,,. BY r:rn1·1dtl"d IJ11r1rr111ll1,.1· \"atf' P<t 1io "Toc·Tickl1ng .. [ fur r11l<'rl:.1r11n;::. La,"~ 111.i 111 I'.\ 1~, lo.in ;-.,,1 1~11 nt~ l ! f 111 11r I 0\\"'.\l.!.: f,: ... ;~~HI sh;i.g i:al'IX'ling. n chly p;ir.. ninic• 'l'"l'\lfl ur ' ' -.. ---------~ S·I,•. ifl r 1i11 =-' 11 J i 1 1 a " U_.., 'J"> ""r 1,,,, _,, or Ullft11·n1~hrd. .\~,.u1«t IT ::; Gf'>i• h hou.<r 1ln1r. Bit:· -1~ c .. ,.1 ,. t""U. -" r . I --.. •vv .. 6' ' I n. J"~? \;"I I ' ' II ·' ,.,....,,,,.. Oioict location near Cay. ' ~ Oil.JI, ovx ,,.,_ . u. J:'f'SI -~" ec11on r 1•;r. :>er ir ==========c SEE TODAY!~ :HS.i2.!9 DA!LY PTLOT \\ANT ADS! Balboa Island \ ~'1 I J l' ,,2 ..... 71 ( ~) S4410l illage Real Estate Veteran 's Sacrifice WOW! IJSS I I • lo It ti ! h 0 f' tj I • f;n~ihluu 1 & l•'.!l1~ [lip.• '\Ira <lpl111".! ~ f r p lo t <1\'•1irl p .. 1111 ~n1·111klrr• 11 H!\I I.. l :1 1 f c 1111 !o o'' ', \ II'' o!d ~:J .<ilJ E~'l. 1rrn\~' 1 .... 1H1.: -.1.11r . 'IG:!-.~r;, -TERRIFIC BUY 1~.~ .. ~Rho't .. ~,~~:nyot':~a.~.I WE SELL A HOME EVE RY JI Ml NUT ES ,_u_._;_ .. _,_._il~y_P_._,_k __ 12_J_1_u_._r_ •• _,_•_it~y-P_•_•k __ 1_2J_1 ~\· 1v "l'•i;11J,....,i;. block \\"all.I Bt:rTEr. LOOK QlIICI°' . " Ir •·?v. pat1'), ,\ mu~1 sel'. 316 RUBY ST. Walker & lee "'' 2M5 \\'!':str.htt Dr. 64Ej..T/lt CHOICE BLUFFS FOR EASY LIVING ;; BR. :''• bii th~ Vl~lil Bonitil SSl.X>OI 424 \'1s1:i r!ora ~-1:: . ....xi 4 BR. 3 BaTtis n~ Vista Laretin S.\4.700 ~ BR. l Bati'I' BOYO REALTY J629 E. C.O.St H11-y .. C:L\f 675-5'30 IE DIFFERENT U ve on &n 15la.nd INev.'JIOrtl. Buy thi5 delu."'(e Duplex . L11·!' in one k rent one. $39.:o:I OUPLEX Prune H6ights area, 2 Br. !'!!Ch plus fireplacl':. Oean .I: 1harp. Try SJ.;JD). 0 .t,,_, 11.t.LIT k t-.tr ~-Pl. F'Mt Ofc. 6-6-241~ BJuff.s pnme on Bay )oeation. 2 hrln. S39 .. "'00 C&1J M4-2'l5EI l!wt;/•·ke'"'8. :: slory Coral Shot'!'s 4 bdrm I l ~ ' l BP., J;im11,· !Will 0 r" n Fii,\ or G S.1 ·"""· -~ ~th ..... St'Pa.rti\f' family o I !'"I". llous.. Nil , ~un . J.·, l"Par l li\F~-1\I, rlty. ·~~-..v.; 1wn1. 10 nlQnlhs nf"\\'. 6-\ ·~ I i"orrh fJ.1.v. $Jl.l,lf(I, !louse 111 1 11 1 ·r JO'' /T'S ~each house tirn,. Bi::· o;in. u~r 01. ry t ., .~.J rnrid111011 •· '"''" ·.·c~r ~1·lrl't1ori <'\'Cr! ::,,...,. th,.' fll.11111 • /ll"!l'r ,;.:~•"'Jl.J. " Willi•m Winton Kate-II• Realty 847•6061 l),\JLY PILOT <:lasl'1f1cd l Rea I Estate ~~6~7~S.~3~3~3~1 ~~~~~-=---~~~~--~'-';''--~'-'~"~'.~'~·v;11~·:====~· • '' . . '''"" ',f.ICIC<I l>f ·~-.... '~­' --"'-JO S•o" 1 10,~ "~ " """" , .. ...,,. .... 1 s &oc ........ 16 Sfi-'t!.,I 17 ..... , • .., 111..-.1 ..... -19 Or...' io "-d 11 TGI~> l1 A..,i 21 °'''41 i .. "....:! "~ ;a!I 7'~ ;a•·~ }'<> ·-~ >O NO 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR WE SELl 100 HOMES PER MONTH Let yours be next-list now and ad-start packin9-our extensive vertisin9 and multiple listin9 serv· ice will do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet buyers all areas; have waiting buyers . In now! WALK DON'T RUN To 1h1\ 101 r!,1• n10<1crn .1 fir.. ! 13ath hon1" "11h fan11l ... l'Qoll)I 0 r I J}l•I!<>. ,J.1,1 •"di.ui -d In :',:17.9.-,o. 1'1·1111111) r n1ry Oflt'ns ou· tu """ •·1•l 111 LI; J: hall. Blt -111 O\',..n lo ra n~r . 1il11~ rt1.•h'I a ~lirl' arl' JU~! so1111" .. r ii•(' rna_n y f'."l!IU!'f'S IO n .. p<l~<t':i«C<I liy ~OU i! ~nu 1·al! nnw hrforr II.\ Jno ATTENTION ! ALL THIEVES STEAL THIS 11 • year your1i:;, o\·cr '.!~ sq ft spli! l<'\"('] mode1n. Dcrmcsla· problr m fo1,·r~ ¥lllt'. '.\la!l,\l I 1 Ill 1 I~ r n1odt!s 11rr srlling for S·16.!X>O to $·1S,IXXl. Fflr 5,1t(l00 th1.s homr fran1 1·rs 'h l!iri O/R 11 11 11 •lislll\•1tsh1•r l a r· !: t' 1.1111 1""1Qn1 \\ 1!h 1 1 1· r p I ~ , r . Rl'uu;: \our paint hn1~h :imt •n~i..,. 1 hi ~ ;i ~l>·ll• pl11• '"· .'>lli-.ll lO IUZZ -IUZZ- IUZZ E1e11 1f )ou'r!' bu•y 11• "' hf-!' you rnus1 Sf'f' Thi~ Plush-Plu~h nuxlrrn 4 RDR:'>I, "l b<i th hon1r , tnarlf'd ,1·11h e\.tra!'I Br1i.:ht k1!rhr11 '11th hul!-l11 0\<'11 1.: ran~r 11 1.i;h quaJi1y "/w 1·;iqX't~ ,1; drafK'~. f'al'k-likf' ,l lll'd IV I I h bu1h-tn BBQ. t:t (o\"crrd p;tll" ~P<ll'IOl1~ I j 1· 1 n ~ r o r1 n1 11 n l y r.1.9.ill. 11 L·nr.Y'. ;,1s..5.1.io WANTS IDRMS.? WANT PREFERRED AREA? You1r "·a itc d Jon i;: rnough . VA canl "J990 sci. fr;ol ni a nsion. Bayc!'es1. :\"!'11·11111'1 BL'f\L'h. 11 l'<'l'k~ <J t1nl 11 y Ill r1 ery Ort.iii.:; !1;1th' Al ! <''11"1\i'li'd 11'1t h f;1r~1an tubs. \\'allpaprr. llul.:<' 11111:•lt!r ~cµa.i·a!e hl"droorn 111U1 011·n bat h. l\1ng Sii.<' k it. IJ]I • 1n•. F<1t111al i.rp. dm1n;: ruvm. l'l u~ pa r k lik<' .1 ant ~pr111k l"r ;o nd hrall'rl Ti1lut1an 1 .. 101. .1\ 11111.1 ~ .. e 111 s;\,!1:,0, ;,-li).J llO SORRY!! ONE IUYER!! ;J . '• f1r.~t ont \\ 111 tal..r !hill'! .. ~hak,. roof l'Oritf'mporary. modPrn in .\lr~;, Vrrdt E!!- !;11f'~, ·I bt'droorn~. }·am. 100111. l;ir;;<' kilclwn 11·1th, 11r!u.\.I' bu ll! tn!I. ~autiful !'US!OO\ lh"'B[lf'.~ k cpl~ .. lhtllut:hn111 . Valur ~ Valul!· ~I r~l,!l:il. Call today i( 111111 t la.•I. J..16-M40 IEFORE THANKSGIYINCO You should gel settled ill' 1111~ r 1t·hly rlctailed 6 or ti hed1oon1 hon1t. 0 et' ,ii do11n 1·lran 1hn1ou1. Ex-. p<'OS11·,. \\"ii.II lo wa!I 1·aq1t·1 thruoul . 3 bath!!;: TC'11"1fli' k1!r hrri II I 1 h hJl-111 n\ <'n -rarig r.· !Ji,h11<1.•hrr Srpa rate 11v· 111;: roon1, !1rplc. pool s11.e · \i1rrl, 1\rdlr1I plu~ ln\'ely !nil~• 111ni:: 011·nf'r 111Q\'1rii,:-. Pn•<' ~~i ,non C<ill' 1-111 .) 16-:»W ALL OUR SALES PEOPLE ARE TRAINED TO SERVE YOU IN OUR SPECIAL THREE WEEK R. E. TRAINING SCHOOL · COUNTRY CLUI Al11t0~f1hrrr 111t h ~Oll i' 01111 h1n .17 foor B!t1f' l!111rn h,..<it"d pnol 1111h il1J.11·d & .'l1dr . Lot.• or do't'ktn::;. :; ~ond ~11.r Hll'.•, ~-h~nnin~ liv ru<o1n n11rr1,r pan,.ll ed ffi;jOJrl. Qu11h1y h1':h pilr 11 /11• ''\''"' &-lU"'lon1 drapr~. b r-1n ki1. '! bath~. 1ili1< add"O pa tl('lrd & t!l"d r11rnr~1~ •"OQm Pn 1·r ~3 1 .. :rh,, As~um,. 5=;_,•r Ir.an. 546·54'10 °'EN HOUSE SUNDAY I 508 Cumberland Ou!$l,111t~111;:: 11· r ~ 1 l" \ 1 r r loc;1l1n 11 :: l,u·:.:L' bri.J n.<0111• Ill !lit' llll"P •"U,hllll h110h '1'•1tlf' \J.i11~· 1· u ~I 11 l\l li•;ol11rr" ::.r1 1h1~ l1.,n1r ~r<irl f111111 ri.r t"f's l vn11 h;i1·r ~""" Slnp hy ~nr\ rnt'IY ! h " nuts1 and111~ land~i"•lllt' Tc1·nf1<· famil~ ~llf' 1..1(\'ll<"'ll " n ·' I I m ,. 1 ... 111 """ 12 .".11 x :. ::o ~4i;.....:.1 10 OWNER DESPERATE! ·' Thi~ -lransferrcd and" ~<Jn ~ -vacarii 5 BP.. \'.,..11 condil1oncd f'lo n1e \1 il l d"l\~11 1 .~omc family. .\'(•ar <ill ~<'honls & s hop.· p111~. IJ1fl r1·rn l dcsign- lla.~ 1900 !('Cl or livinf ~1111c,. -:!;j foot livinl!· f:.\l 1111h d r 1rtv.·nQ d ._\,.11(' l1tr]1ll\CI" -~IC'p­ '"li\r'f b11iJ1.i11 kit. ptua f1\\. -l h;i lh! .. Ask1ni;:: ~.: ;_-;~.o :>lakr offf'r. ~46·5440 BEAT THE TIGHT MONEY WITH LOAN ASSUMPTIONS HERE ARE THREE TO CHOOSE FROM ,\,,11n1r \:?1.100 lrt<1n ~I on 'li,ni::r 1n 1ri!rrr--1 .\,'f)l (Ii) '., .. :: 1soJ,L;or~~: \"'.I~\ ~~~~ litrlll· h;•~ 1'1C'" :!11'1 TD. F1nr t..:C'"-nr.ar :ochoQJs only $n.9:.o 516-:~l·IO NO COST LOAN h ' ),,,11 ,{ f1 ol \l~t./Pln 111• 111<!111·~ ,ii I I I; r: _, 1,,, 111 hf")ll1'" 1)1-,11· illl ~ .. ii<}!)!~. 1·!1r11. "P;t< "Ill ' I 1 1 1 n >!" 1•oon1. ra11n. t11,to111 bu1ll ASSUME S21.l 00 ,·aranl ~ hrll'TI\ Thi~ n11i Ul p 11HXltr11 I< ~ lop 1·a h11!'f .\11\l.~I' !01 .-.prinklrn-,: hri~hT kitc-h. hu1l1-111 Ol'ert-:.' 1 .. rani:c ,'\r shopping-A. n1rr ill r,i Only SJ2.900 I CONDOMINIUMS I DOLORES PLAN [..n1 rly :\ OOtroom, fatu1:;:- ':l'l't'll l)f'l! Sf»!ClOU~ l 1v1nJ! roon1 "1t h b<:'<aourut ""'"' 1·arpr11n& 0 111. rusiom rlr:!Pf:~ lirepli!.l:f' z ·~ Lialhs. Sparkling klfchc11. B 11 11 t • in~ . Good 1111.r hf'dmomi;. PalKl. red tile roo f. Askin& $12.i:lO LZ Tcrn1s . DON 'T HESITATE Tl11 ~ lf'I".\" !'Iran .1 B l~. i hath 11111111" "I onl,\ S?},!l.'il 1\"IU I" l:11't t.;ir.!<' 111·101: rnum. t "pl, u·/I\" l'.pl~. <t1apr•. (1f'llt'ral Elrctrir bl1-1ri~. Val'.anl. 011flf'r 11·111 eonslder 1anrl COtl· tracl of 5alr. Call !nr dl'!illiS. :>16-54·10 NEAR ORANGE COLLECOI -"'icr l Br. hllmf' 1n 1·on· vrn1rn( local1un Jf\ Sl'hool~ I.· shoppln~. 2 •IOI'}. 2 halhs. Brig hi .. ·hecrful k1lr hi•11 1\11~1 hu1!1-1n.!>'.. \\'all to w11.ll l'.liTpC ls f,, <tr11.ries. Double g11rag!'. 2 pools. Lal"tf' rr.cn"11tion hu1 lding only SZl.!'IOO EZ Terna. ~ PAUL ·WHITE· CARNAHAN Really Co. 109l BAKER STltE!T, COSTA MESA 54.6·5440 L .--·------" ....... ----·---~--- C..t Of State 1601 SHARP J er. <'Onl1o. pool, 1;,.:..,:.:...;:.;....;c;c; ___ _;_c_ r te Cornpl, turn A\-.:11 1 lm ,: '33.i Full Pril:r mtd. S.."Z> l:1e. Ag!. 5-t~JO:lS. Ntw,.,-t a.ach 2200 DLX «onrlo !ii 1,•/pool .t trplc. 2 BR. :l BA. ''.$0 ; BR, l BA. l 21!J. LiatJ>On ~ LEASE Nov. \~t . :t Br, I Ba, crpts. df'pl!, nc11r l ZK:hool~. lt n c Cd y d, '>.I n t TW!il hborhood. $21.J. £4G--9J.!9 3 BR. 2 Ba. A-rrarn!'!. N.-ar btoach. Yrly !JC. $2.1:1 mu. Caywood Rl ty 54&-1290. -~1 AC.. Duchesne County, • 'rrt-es, clcse to ne\v e, xlnt hunt1n11. fish k 1n- iwe1tment. 644-4115 BAYFRONT cat~ SltO mo. "i ntl'r ttnta.l only. to I Newpert Heitf\11 3210 1705 or 1 •dul~. E:ay~horcs Tra1ll'r park. fi4&-:~'1134 2300 l BR, 2 Ba, htall'd lrplt:. s:{()(l leaS(" 213 : 421 -163~ Eaat lluff pool, 3242 THIS OLDE HOUSE Si\tALL 2 Bt hs~. trplr, l blk 01·r1.11/bay. S:!OO yrly Jsc. .",04 L SI. 6-t:!-~l or NE\\' 2700 i.q It l BP. l.· t;in1 B£LO:-;Cs TO t\ AYCOt"'E 61~t-300I ,.11,.,_ rn1, J BA, U111nr r s Ju.\ apl. ERA. Loca trd Ill !hr hra1·1-1 ~t::::========= i 7,-,'! AmlfOll IV11r. s1r:,,. t&nd of Llli::una 's R1v1r l'a ti1:r-JOJ:i ~tiinr, Snu•ted on rree Lid• Isle 1351 3-~e~R~turn°"c-:,,c.c,cut=cly--oJc,,,c.,c,,-c,. Ot&-d ground~ &. ftltc.r rd "BlwU:1 ... s:;s:, 111 ". y 1· I y . b)r l1igh bnck 1•-alls, l.ll patio LIDO ISLE '7.;..1lli pt.den ~ttinc rh"I affords IAYFRONT RIDDLF. k r.o s."' 3250 • SCENIC VIE\\' or THE OCf:AN k CATALINA IS-&auulully fW'TI. '.! Bdrm. 2 Coronl clel Mar tA:NDS. B a!h p!U:'! den homr. P 1,.r TR~ ANTlQUATED S 80-k slip. Rm. for 4o· boat. t STORY, 4 BR's, ~ JOf. }'LOOR PLAN', i.~ rem· :\J50 Pf:r month. bath.~, Kl. thryn Raub ton Uyi~ni o f e oother nme le pkce. i\lass.i\'f' !iv. rm. in ~ "'GREAT Ii.ALL DESIGN,'" i-CAS COVED CEILfNCS k llEA VY ll'ooo •EAMs, Coltlwell, lluker & Co. \fHERE SOf'l' .'i UNLIGHT 550 Newport Cent•r Dr. 1$. FILTERED THROUG H \\'ti bar. '":'°l!'CUllVI" ho111f', View. Harbor View lliUs, S.)()11 mo. 2012 Port Ca rdi!! Pl, NB. G#-:>.966 2 BR. Unf. Rctrir,: ..• 1.:pts., drapes. S2~D mo., lcasr. 3 Bdnn. home -S300 n 1t1. Corbin-:\Tar\Jn lil.i-166~ 'JRANSPAREN'l' .S ~ y. Newport Beech, Calif. UGI-IT. GRAillDIOS, Loc ,,l~l~l-~0~7~00.., ...... ~-'!"'~2~4~3<1 .. IJ B R. s love, relrii;. gar, nc\\' B\JRNING Fl.R EPLACE . I ' lu>.1.1ry trpts t· drps. $11);, /Ir F"ur11 4 BR, J BA. Con mo-yrly. 67~72t:i fiamM by fOUgh h'°"\"Jl Tim. Bl A ·' RIDDL'. l· P.0 ""' mantle. FOR.\tA.L temp, ne"'•ly dtt". tru. va<i c.. .,. G fu\I. HAS BIG 00\V. Yculy. cn41 &U-7109 WINOO\VS OV£R-l1llM11 lsl1nlf 2355 KING THE BALCONY 4 BR. :!!~ Ba . dupl~:-.. tlOO Sq. It. Bltns. di~hv•a~hcr. lrpt. ~ i\lo. IC;i.Se. 510-7;)73 Alf VIE\V. 2 BR i-lamiy room . ~'inte.t JM kitchen, OP"ll$ to $!SJ mo. Huntin1t•n le1ch 3400 fashioned drud&:l'ry k CM-ni-r * ~i.> l49fl room thal ovt'rlooks --~-----~--\VORKJNG Couple, clean & patio 1err.1.er. T 111 s tlt:NTALS qul<'t. v.·.apL ra111Cd !obcd- tJr..".fJQUE, o Lo~: HOUSE Hou1e1 Unfurni11hetl trained\ doi:: 1111shcs 1 or '! J.Vi S BEEN C0~1PLf'.:TEL\' br. Unfurn hse. or a pt iu ~SI'ORED. /-l;is nto.w floor Gener.ti 3000 f\t wpor1 Beach. C .\1 .. lltg. OOVt'ril'I«!';, f•Arpeting, dl.'.'t O!"· \\"ORK.ING Couple, clea11 l: Sch. \?ref. Nov. I I $11.J- -"-, "'· lJ )'O" h•'• L-rn s1 ::D. l!42-J716. •uiie; ~ "" quic1, w.apL r 11.is c d looking Cor a n older homr. lobed-ln.ined) dor wi!hes 1 RA!\CH, lreshly drror. ~ BR, w I c hanc1er, l'OnSJdcr rhis or 2 br. Untum h~. er apt. ".! SA. l mmed occup:i.ney. &J . in Ne\vport Beich .. C.i\1., s2:,o. 968-i2I::i r vrs & ~,950 FULL PRICE Htt. Bch. (Pref, Nov. 11 11·c1.'.'kend!. ·Terms open t. •ffer S.!15-SLlO. 84:.!-JTI6 4 BDfilIS :l baths, 1am1ly •MISSION REAL TY NICE &: aean! Ready tor oc. room. Clean vacant. ready ~So. Coa..~t Hwy .. l..Aguna cwp.1.ncy. 3 bedroom :J balh. for occtipancy. S240 I mo. ~hoM (714) 494-0731 J\.lonth 10 month. Reasc111o1ble A(l. 54&-41 ~1 FiiR SALE by Ow n" r. l'l'nt for the uc1. Call \Valk-3 BR 2 b1 , cptldrp, blt·lns, Slcrifil'l', lcav1n&" r 0 r ,.r & ~t. &t!-4·15:-1. refr, trplc. el~. dr. opener, niropc Im med 18 I e l y. 3 BR., Alnum, mo dt' I \\"8\et son. A-8 R 11 y ' (:µs!Om bw11t \.\"ood l: glass loi.·nhou.~e. Choi~ greenbelt M :!-1131 or 1113) 591-J7l'.:. hellsc. Oce1n & o.:an)·on f'nd un1 L Ava il. Nov. I. vltw, 11:all to 11·afl rarpctini;:. Yrar·!y l!'asr: S:.00 mo. ~like, bbilt-in.~ k hrep!act-. '.! .;i.gl'nl. 67:1-439:! ~room. :? Balh:oi. Unique $140. :t BR, rented. Children comtruction. OPEN HOU.SE: · f.· fll'I!! ''el('(Jlll,.. Bk1· Sal t_ S un 11 ·'.i, 1\f'P.krla }s aftP.r 6. 934 \liram11·. Lat:. £~.-.--Olli _______ _ Bdi. 4M-:1lb6 $34D. K~1v :, Br '"·"'"..:uuve COASTAL VIE\\'! lypt horn". O"~U'abl,. lot. Bkr 64:Kll 1 I Terrific lo.;i.n as.'lumption! Jnlerest rate dOl'.~n·t in. S200. 3 BR. :& Ra . irp!c. Dbl creaSI': no pninri;. ~ Bdr ms., i:uagc. Chddrl'n .I: pets ftmily rm., l b;i!h."-;, )'f:ats 0 .K. Bkr J34-i98D olJ. Rcducf'd lu :\41,300 Sl1.i 3 BR. L(r dln1ni:: 11.rra, Pt.ACE REALTY 494-9704 bit: y1rd, lfort . Children til DEGREE Vll:.\V LOT 0 .K. BkJ· ~'34--6!.\80 or · t1.·h1!~ ,,.,·ater Ir coa~tl1n<', $&11 hut levtl. $7,9:10 \lilh n.ooo <1011'11. b1J al $8.J mo. All due 3 yn. Broker 494-1137 ~97-1021 • *LEASE/OPTION • Xlfit terms for this 5 ~T. old l Sr. 2 ba . home "'·/ocean vi~. ca11 for tenn!. f'l,.ACE REAi.TY 494-9704 L~n• Nigutl 1707 Cost• Meu 3100 LARGE BR. 110\'t lo. relr1£". nit ,. c a r pl" I i n c:, d rapes. Util1t1e-; paid. l l50/ mo. :'ll;nTl"d ('()1Jplt only. Altf. li4:!-1TIL ~ BR houS". l l6J. mo. :W Roches1~r St., C.:'11. * 64:>-1&48 • 2 RR-NR UCI. $1 60 mo. Children L. JYL~ OK. 100;)1 L-una Ni1u1I T•rr. c 54• ..... -• ypres.~. ,,_._._,..., Nt w 2500 Mf. fl .. ~-4 & :i Br.1 -~-----~--­ twim es in OC"an view u ea. Sl4G-S:'li J BR. No garagt'. qu,>cted, ft'Dnt !and~cipr:d. F,.ncrd. Ch1ldre n/pct.s ok. with sprinkle r.i; bltrui, self. _200 __ 1 _Ouu-__ le. S48-~4 clta.ning oven; '.': r a.r fir.ii~. $$t,TJ(I To S61.950 Excelle-n t ftria.nc111g 11•1th rll't:lintng jn. let'e"st ratr from j l~~;, to ~~~< .. L•guna Niguel Corp. l'!J.IJ.4.l .J4i'-7i6l O,.n• Point 173D ~ • 2 BR. $12'0 mo. Cha.t i,. SL t-;o pct~. OK 64'.!.-22-,!l 198~ c 1 child :! BR. hrtplat e . be'aml"d t'flil- ,n~. "/11' ··pl!', $14'.\ n10. ·~;;.,1; l::ldr11. C:'ll 6t~-S.i~'O ;-CoTrAGi~ 1 BP.. All~1l p<t. !'>"'I\ t•rp!~. tJrp.-· $14J !'\o pt!s ~'4-...S'..'!11. :l4G-'.Ft46 FOR-LEASE: ::-BR~2-BA . !\(lrlh C l L C:rpt~. d1-p~. hl!ins. lg )d. s~. :).lfi-~14 1. Huntington H.trbour .~ ; .',JUDY. :'harp, w1 lh op 1 •on . S-IOO/mo. FOUR Rlty. 835-442'.!. 3405 Lt"illl(' A~k1ni:: S T AP. S•nt• An1 Hei1ht1 3630 EXEC. homf' S BR. -~ Ba. Cpt!, <lrp!.. rlPC. blt·IJJS, ~:.;:ill Incl. t:ll.I'dener :>-16-6140 3705 YRS. W . f\o. Larun.11 a t fht OCf:':an. J-'c1v i;teps to lhe beach. View, J bdr., ,j ba .• Most m odern all built-in k>I · 1.:hen. t.arze beamed !11· rm. 1v/lrt. formal din. r n1. f\ewly pa'inted and CT"plcd. Sl j() mo, 494-7331, 4~-1-9396 2 BDR .. ex . cond , V1e1\, t·hoice atta. ~unny ~1 10. min. yd . main. S27j yr. lse 4S4--14Dl . La1un• Ni9uel 3707 ~ BR. :\ BA. :.i100 ~q 11 1 m1lr 10 pn ~al:h. B l11n r • n If', oven dl!h1v<1shf'r, ,·11cuum sy~lem: c r p' ~. drps. i;pr1nklrrs. g .:u·rl,.r1 t;e r\JCf'. \\'iL!ff l)Ai(! S.12~1 mo .. i l741 ls\t f'J))Al Dr '1!)&-18'19 :; BR~:! BA horn~. S:'.il 1110 Phonr a.fl 6 pm t1 h rl11)~ 11.1l)l1me \\l..-rnd:'!. :'>15-8£7 M i11ien Vi•jo Br O\\"NER -LJ1i:: .. h11l~1dr Dup. overlonk1 ng ,,,.w Dana Poin1 '1arina . !-:.-..:, QCCllJ1 vi'"·~· 2 bdt, uript'r ~ bdr. lewt r. Approx. \»:I ~Cf. ft. ei:ch Ulllt. v .. ry @:ood hnan- dng. D.11 -~9G-:i'll ~ BEAUTIFUL \'ltW. ~BR. 1 1 ~ I BA. l'Ti>lr . b1!11 bookc•~' Crp~. drp~. 837-8937. _M_•_•_•_v_._rd_•--~~3_1~10 RENTAlS }'OR LEASE :\ BR :J BA Apt1. !='1rni1h.d S2"_j. Shu p? Sharp! house!. 4000 A,.nm9nt1 \Viii conl!ider lease/option. I :Ge:.::M::;:•c•:l~ ____ ..c.;:.:. For S•I• 19IO 83&-ti341 've.~ NE\V e !ei;.1.nt :! Sdr, breath- takin&" bay 11ew 11·/boa t ®citing. All bit-in kllchen, •lw ept!\ lhroui;hout, mir· tor, \.\;ill. drp.~. bA.lcony. ~curifY ruardr.d. f'e1"P"M Ike.ch. \\'111 ~de . A.i8-:J.lii(I ilCNTALS I _Houses Furnished Qlan•t•I 2000 RENTAL flNDElllS IONidh'I · ·· IUW1n19 ..._,.._....,. . ! '"· ·-ltOOMAn 11ma ' ........... c......_....,,, ,. d P e Ula' 2 &: DEN <luplc:-., £ar. . Childrtn O.K. Bn:iker ~~~~-=,--c~ :; BR, :.! EA, SZ:.IJ. Beau1 house. 29j2 Red11·ood Jn·,. . C.i\I. 546-ti:!U, '°''" l?lSJ ....,,.,, 3200 1/1 TO\\'NHOU~r.: Ariul1!\ only. 2 Bdrm~-. 2 b<11h,_ SJ)li!-l'!\'el. A v.til. Oct !.»th. t .!2.J P,.r ;\tonth. lay & Inch Re.tlty, Inc. 90'.l Dover Dr., NB ::i'u1l.t 126 li~:i-200() Evf:s :>41-i!!Qi J.IARBOR. Hi1h!and!'; 3 BR. 2 BA, CJl'U!, drps, bl!in,, d!h- 11hr TIO P"l•. Ll':.i!('. S27:i mo. incl ;::artlrner, ~s.&>40 er :J37.J?~l6. 1.:;=:;;~=====c l mmsc ~ HO!l<f.S l Br, him rm, Bclc Bay. w .. 11w cpt!, nu dee, JJ()!I lie 2005 Single Adults Luxury :.ingle. 1 &. '.? bedroom apartment.5, furnished and unfur· nished, "'ith con1plete privacy and landscap- ed count ry club at· mosphere includ ing $750,000 w or t h or recreational facil1 lie1 designed and operat- ed just for t>i n ii: I e peoplt. Rl:NTS .t'RO:'ll Jl4.l. ANAHEIM ~77 So. Brookhur.-1 11 blk. So. of tJneolnl (n•) 6ll-3ft.lft RENTALS Apt•-Furnished Th" •~ORt.;J::OUl\ Ntw VAL O'ISERE ~·.ng!-l br-2 hr. Furn.uni S..unil, Acl 'y Rn1. B 1Uiard! 1"h,.n1py l 4:,· pool , BBQ! '..lOOo Pa.rson~ Bd &1:.1-S6i.'.l $12:1. 2 BR, Baby ()I{, Choler lric11!!<1n A•·~1I \111 Bkr &1:Hlll ! $00 l BR lowrr. Blk lo tM'tan Small l111m . wcll'Oml'. Bkr. ,,....., Co1ta Mesa 4100 VILLA POMONA !'\t'\\' I 4: '! BH IUl'll apts. Adull.s only. •l<J p ,. 1 ~. LncloSf'<I g11ra~<'~. laundry 1'01. ~111mn11n::; pool. 176(1 Pon1nn.i t'C"H'.'l large bar.:/l aµ1 , e11w111 to I 811 Li!1I pJ _ NO f)C'I $, l r::, ll\il ll Sn111h. Nr !\•)\ 111'1\ !urn1turr. , ,, Jl9-ZSti6, REALLY QLIET-CLI::AN '.! Br. 1 1 ~ R a. Pool. a d ults S190. :!:Ho Slinta An a M>29ll SUS CASITAS F111·n I BR a p!. 211D Newport Blvd. i\ledalllon by Hotpoint BACH . I or 2 only, sml y;i.1~ 11'11/J Jirtpla cc. $125 mo. Ulll paid. :l4S-37.lll Sl !O BACH apt, .1-rni ldl'iil for s!udf:'nt~. artists, ocean \·Jew. 6·1&-2:l2:i. NJCI-; ! BR dp!....-. QUlfl Se p. by garages. I ar!uH, O\·cr ~O. No Pf'l.5. 5-lS-102 1 ---·~ASSAU PAL?.IS,.. I k 2 RR. Pool 177 ~;.22nd SL 642-:164'.i 1 BEDROOi\1 la r~r. Ideal /or l1aC"helur. Pool. $12:.. J'.J~l:; Chwrc h :-:t. :l'IS-9G:::: 1 B l~. NE\\'L Y DECORATED. S12J_ &II A ShahniaJ' Dr., C.i\L SAYE £ASH! c L A s 5 I F I E D Apl ---------···· AC••rtl1er1 m•Y _piece th~lr 81• •1 tel1phen• l'hone' Are Open 1:00 a .m. -5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon Saturdo y -Clo •od Sunda y DIAL DIRECT ... 64 2·5 678 WESTM INSTER & NORTH CO UNTY DIAL FREE s~o.1220 Huntington leech: 540-1220 Hours-Reguletions-Deodlines lll01l5: ACwertlHrs 1heuld c•t their 8'1 tlallr en4 r1pef't ''"'"-'l•t•lr •rren ..-ndtcla .. lflutlena. THI DAILY ,llOT e&hlmu lla•lllty ,_ .,,.,. •tf f'9 th• eat.nt .t lh'•ll1hln1 the etlv•rtlMtnent C9fr1ctly •n• time. DlADLIN[ P'Olt COPY AND Kllll: S:JI P.M. rh• '•Y "-for• pu•ll<•tlan ••• ,.,, for WMkend ltfltlon •ntl Manday 1ectf1n1 when cle1lnt tlM• la l :JI P.M. Friday. YOU MUST HAVl Kill NUMlllll W"9n kiflint .tn eC bec.1u11 .r 11ultk r•ult1, be 1ur1 ta m1k1 1 rec:aNI et th1 kilt n11m1Mr t l'lll'I yeu lly y1w •• taker •• v1ritlcetien ef y1ur c1fl, l•try 1ffort i1 mella te klll ar c1rr1ct 1 n1w ad th1t h11 IN1n artltrM, •1.1t ,.. urr not 1u•r1ntM ta d• •• until tha ad tu11 appe1r1C In the ,.,.,. DIME.-A-LtNI Ada ere 1trlct1y c11h In •llv1nc1 by mill or 1t any an• et' eur afflc.u. NO pharte 1rll1r1. Th• DAILY 'll OT r111rwH th• ritht t1 cl111ity. 1d!t. e:1"1•r •r refuM •"r, ellwtr- ti1tm1nt, •n .. 11 ch1n11 ltt r1t11 ind r19ul1tl•"• wl,h•ut ll'flW net ce. Milt Allllre11: lox 1115, N1w,.rt le1ch, Callfarnt. ClAISIFliD CO\JNTEJlS 1r1 l.e:at•ll •• fallow1: Do ily Pilot Clessifiod CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOR Cl!Nl!l.1.1. COIT.I. Ml5,t, SALE I ccsrA MIS• Mf'SA VllDI taot NIWP()lll 111(1" lltl !jl\llt'POltT HlltMfl ... .. ,. CONTtuCTCIS "" CA.lt,.IT CllloNIN• UU Ml5.I. DlliL MAI MllA Vtll:DI" COLLEGE ".tltK NIWPOlllT IEACH .. l\llt'PDll:l "llGHll IALIO,t, COVl!S Nl\llt'POIT I HOltll l.t'l'CIEST 1.tYSHOllES OOVER St<O Rt~ WESTCLll'F HARIOR 1'<JGHL.tNDI UNl\lllt$1TY P.\ltl( t•lllN£ IACll. I•¥ l.\ST •LUF F IRVll'fE TElllACI CORONA DEL MAI IALIOA PEHIHIUU. llACOH IAY 1"¥ ISl,.,t,NOS LIDO ISi.i IAL•OA 151.olHD HUHllNOTON ll!ACN HUNTINGTON H•.111•ou• POUNTJ.IN VALL•T $1.11. .... ,It l\111151T 11,,CH GAIDEN G•OVI LON• llAClt i,.,t,l(l!WOOO DIA"OI COUNT'!' OUT OF COUNTY OUT OF IT.tTI STANTON \llt'llTMINSTl!lt MIO\llt'J.Y CITY SANTA AN.I. SANTA ANA HO TI . OR.I.NOi I UITIN NOITM TUSTI"' .t.N.t.ME.IAA l lLVll.tDO Clo.NTON H.t.Vlo.SU LAI(( l .t.GUN.t MILLS LJ,OUN.t, llA(H lA(HIN.I N1GUl!I. MtSSIOr-1 VIEJO SAN Cl l!Ml!NTI" , .. ,.. JU,t,N CA,.ll""llNO C.t.PISTIANO ll,ICH O.tNA l"OINT l '11.SllD OCf,t,NSIO I SAN DllGD lt lV l l SIOll COUNTY NOUSl5S TO II MOVID CONOOMINILIM OU,.1.111.IS l'OIJ lllf' APAITllllNTS 1'01 IAll RENTALS Hou1e1 Furni1tlad c;1 ... •1tAl llNTAlS TO SHtltl tosr• Ml:S• Mll4 Oil AA41t >,\IS-" VlltOll t OLLI GI! P.tll( NIWPOIT ll!ACH "'IWl'O•T H•TS. NIW,0111' INOlll S 14YSHOlfS OOVEI 51'01111 WI STClll'P UNIVlll"ITY "•lllK ll'l'tNI" IACIC •IY 1•.Sr llUFI' ll VIHI" Tl!lllt,l,(f COltOH• Dll M•ll ltl lOA llY l!tl ANOI LIDO ISLE 1.1.l lOI lllll'!O MUNTtHITON •faCM "0UNT,,,IN VAll.I Y 11AL •I.I.CH LONG ll!ACH DlllA .. GI (OUNll' S•JOf .t. &Nt NI S":'MINjTI" "IDW.ll' CIT• l lHTI INA HllGHll t OA!TAl LADLl"l4 •l!ACtt L•GuN • NIGUll"l MISSION Vtl:JO S•N Cl[,...l':NTlr ,.,. JU AN (_Al'!STl'•ND ~41'1STl!AHO llA(H O•HA "0 1"1f •IVll llO& COUHTY V6(1TtO N •t ... TA LS :o NDOMl"'!UfA lUl'LIXI S ,U.N RENTALS "" HU NIWPOltT SNnRll WllTCLlll'IJ 1111 UNIVIRllTT 1'4•K U M •,t,CK l•T 1111 •AIT •LU'I' ltU CORONA Oil MAit llH IAl.•O• :: •AY ISl.,1,NOI LIDO ISLE 112' IALIO•. ISLAND :~~ ;~~~~~~~o: .. ~~:;" lUI SIJ,l •l"ACN 114' LONll llACN 1111 OltANGI COUNTY 11U •AIOIN GIOVI l!H WlfSTMINSTl!lt l;iM 111!.IOW•Y CITY 1HS SANTA ANA llSI U HTA ANA HlllHITS llll TUSTIN llU COllT•l. 1'" LAGUNA ll':•C!i I.., l,l,G\U NA HIOUl!L 141• MISSION Vl•JO UH SAN CllMINll H U OJ.NI ,.OI NT JOJ TllllllX, '''· l\ll CONOO"llNIUM 1we ReNTALS ::: Apts. Unfurnial'led ·-•lit ... •n1 .,,. ... 4Ut ... .,. ... '"' ••• •• 4111 ... ••• ... ~111 "" OIU u• 0111 ... ... •IJI UH Gl .. llAL Ult Ull CCITA MIJA tlll Un Ml!A VlltOI" Ill• Ull NEW,.OltT l l J£H 1111 111' Nl!W,.OIT HllONTS Slll llM Nl!WPDIT SHOJI IS 1111 !llJ WESTCllFI' 11• U4f UNIVl!l!llT' l'Allll: J71J l~J IACI: 11'1" J7tt JUI IAST I LU'I' JlO 10! COIONI o•l Wit llJt 1'11 IALI OA l lll Hll 1.t,Y ISi.ANOS IHI 0 1! llOO ISlll IUl 1111 HUHT INOTOH l!ACN UN 1101 ,OUNTA IN YAlll!V lltl 11\0 l•.llOA IJlANO IJIJ !Ill Sl!:•t lllCM JO I H!J I.ONO l[A(H JJ• 11M OR.t,HGf CO UNTY Ull Jiii GAIOfN OIOVI Ull l>U \llt'I Sl MI NSTl!I 1111 1111 MIOW .. V (IT\' Ill' 1NI SAHT.t. AN.t. H111 \ .. f 1,1,NT• t H• Hl lCi HT I l tlf 1151 TUST IN IUf 10n C045T4L 11M Ttle LAOllN,A ll!ICH 1111 tlOUNA NIGLIP L \)f1 MISSION VllJO ml SAH Ctl MIJlll Ult SAN JU4N CAIJ IJTl lNO 1115 1111 OJ."'" llOINT J?n ~= REAL ESTATE, 11u Gener•I l llf llU "" ll!I "" ln1 n n ,,. "" >m "" "" lUI 11!1 ,, .. llJ• 1lJ1 7lJJ "" '"' l•H "" '~ ~.,, 1111 h it lllO "" 111J '"' "" "" 111\ ll1' 11•1 "" 1•u '1•11 .,, TltlPLlll, t i< CQNt'IOMINIUM ltf'NTll' WANTl!O •OOMS l't'llt ltlNT lllt'IOM I 10.t.•o MOTILS, ll•ltllt Ct'ltlltTS GUfST MDMIS AAISC. ltl ... Tll! INCO"°E "IOl"l'•TV I USl ... fS! l'IOllllTY Tl.ol llf lt .. Altll:S l lll lNllS l lNTAL 01',l(f" ltlNT.t.l tND UIT•IAt "IOllllTY COMMl llClll INOUITtlll ltlNTll LOTS 1.tN:HIS CI TIUI GlllOVI J ACl t:J.GI' t Al(I! l lUNOltl llSOI T PI0 ,1¥1\' Ol!•NGI CO. l"IO"l•TT out o' SYATI •1e P. MOUNl•!N a 011111 I UI D!Yl\ION 1..,1,Nt'I ll!""L I ST•r l SlltVtC I II.I . £-.:CHANC I" 1. I . W•NTIO BUSI NESS •nd FINANCIAL I US+r.rE~~ W,tNTI D !NVISTM[NT 0ooD'1U~ll\fO I UtPN'°SS O'"O'TUH•Tlll IHV&:Sl "'fNl W.l.Nl lO MON [ ¥ TO lOIH P tlllON•l lOA .. S J!:WI LI V l0, .. 5 "" ™' "" SllJ "" i H I .... '"' •• ••• UH ·~ '"' "" .• , •M "" "" 1111 "" •m ... •m ,, .. 1111 1111 <lit t1H ., .. llfl 6111 •* t ll! t::1 '"' . ,. CAJl .. IT llYIHe a 1t•l',l,llt .. ,, "llA'8tl•s td Dl!MOLITION ~ "" -.... DR,,l'TIN• s1•vrc1 aLICTIUCAL HUll'MINT llNfALI l'INCIN• ll'LOOl!I 'Ul ... ACa l•".t.llS. II~ Jl'UINITUI• ltlSTCllN• .... ... "" lo UPUftlJUNe Mn •AltDIHIN9 .... GINllAI. llltYICll ·61n GRADIN .. OllCIN• UM OLAll ''" Gll•N TMUMI 11'1 SUN SHOP 6111 Nl:AL TN Cl.Ult 6?111 ftlULINe t?W MOUSICL•,t,NtN• t1'J INTl!:l 101 DllCOHTIN• 1117 INCOMI! T.U: 17" lltON, °""'"'M'lll. I I"-ITS. llONIM• tlU INH1LATINe l~H INSUltANCI i n t INVlliSY!GATIH .. 8tledl... ti• J.t,NITORIAL '"' JIWILIT l• .. A!l, lie. .. U.NOICAIJIN• tilt lOCll:IMITN tftl M,t,MINIY. ••ICK IQI MOVIN• & STCU•I 1 ... ll'llNTIN•, ll'110'11111t<lt ... ll'AINTINO. llt• tlll "AtlOS 6IN llHOTOll.t"NY 1111 l'UITlltlN .... flU.. 1!11111 6111 .. lUMllN. I'" ll'IT GIOOMINe .,.. l'OOl l lltVICli tfU "ow•• sw••,.•N• •nt 'UM' SIRVICI tm ltOOl'INe •Nt IAOlO, •••I~, •1c. l llf ltlMODll.IN• lo Jl:IPA llt IMf RIMODILINe, KtTtHIJll IN lo•_. 111..,., '"' 11\llt'I N• , ... 11\llt'ING MICll1M• llPAlll tlll s•l'TIC T .. HICS, .,_..,._ lie. t ~C YAll.OllllNe l tll TllMITE co ... tlOl '"' TlLI, c .... m~ '"' Till, l l11tlwm .t Mf rlil,1 '"5 Tiii Sl!Jl:VK• tn. Tll•VHION. 1111,lhl. I I"-Ill! Ull'MOlSTIJIY -WILDIN• l"J JOBS r. EMPLOYMENT JOI W.INll!D, Al• JOI WJ.NllD, W-MI JOI W•HTICI, Ml"' & WOMIN I CHOOLS • INSTIU(TIDN JOI Plf.,.,t,RA1"10N TNIATl/(,t,L , .. ,.,. "" "" "" , .. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TllADI ll'UINlfUI• - Ol'l'JCI "U1tNnU1t• •1t Ol'FIC• llUl .. MINT •11 STOP• l•U1,.AA•NT lttr (J,Ft", ltl$T.IU•lololT Jlf)I Ill IOUIPMINT Mll NOUl lN01 0 GOODI 1111 DJ,lt.tll! 54ll! _,,. ll'UltNITUllf AUCT ION MU A'Pl,,IANCll 11• "'"'1eu11 1111 llWIN• MACNINll l lU MUllCA1 INST•UAAINl ll!S 'IA110$ 8 Olt01115 l llf RADIO t!ll TlllVtUON n• 11""1 a ITllEO tlll t lll'I ••co1101as l7lt CAMl•,t,S 8 f:Q UIPMINT Siii MOllT JUl"PLllJ - JPOl.TINe OO(IOI ... l lNOCULAll, ICOl'll HU MllC•LlAN•OUI Mii MISC. WANllO llU MACHIN llY, I I"-1"6 1.UMlll 1111 1101•01 rn1 I Ul lOINI M .. TlllAl S •·n SWA"I '"' PE TS •nd LIVESTOCK "''" GINll.A ~ '"'' DOOi HOl!I S l !VllTOCll: -~· -... ... CALIFORNIA Ll\'ING Hou1e1 Unfurnishad COll ... ll!ltJ.l LOANS I E•L ESTltl! l OAUS MOllTG•Dl!'I. T•Vll OM'! MONIT WANTID •!ll •l•t •'•J NUltSlltlll SWIMMING l'OOLI "J.f!OS "" ·~ 9'1f D;f:N'!l.tl COSTA MISA ""ltA Ofl M"'lt l.\I SA YElllO! COlllGI PAllC Nl!W,.OIT llACN NIWl'Oltf HOTS. H•w"Ollll SHOllllS 1.1.YINOltlS DOYllt SHOJll• WISTCllFIJ UNl'l'llSITT iJAtllC llll'l'INI •Acll ..... IA.ST 11.Ul'I" l l VIN• TfltltlCf CORONA Oil MAl 1•Ll0A 1.tl' lll,.,t,l'IDS l 100 !Il l IAllOA 111.•"'0 NIWl'OllT WI ST "'NT!NGTON •fAf.M HUNTINGTON M.tl'IDlll "'11 .l • .. V4 lllY ll!Al l !jllCN •,t,1111l:N 010'11 LONG 81ACM Dlt•.NOI COUNTT SANTA .I.NA WllfAA1 ... Slll l.\I OWIY (Il l' ~INTA AN.t Ml!GMTS 'OA.ST•l l A•UNA lfACH L"DUN4 NIGU!I Mllll()N \'llJO SAN Cl.l .... l"ll l CAPllT'ltAllD C.l"ltfltUfiO llAf.N OAMA l'OINT COtllDOM ll'llUlol ,,u,....•>e•s UHl'U•N. "" "" "" 1' II Jill ,,. 1111 JIU "" m> ,,. 1111 •• ,,. Jl11 "" l?H "" >m ~!II '"' Jj l) JOI ,., h l t l•ll l~Jf llt f ,.. 1'11 H11 llU U lt ·~ •m 1•1• "" "" '"' •• '"' "" . .. ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES 'OUNO Cll'to• ,f,fl) lOST l'lllSDNAt5 .l.NNOU NCI MI NTI lllTNS ,.U ... tJIALS P,t,10 OllTUAlt'I" ,.UNll.t.t DlllCTOllll 'LO• ISTS CAlt O OF THJ,Hl(I IN MIMOllllAM CIMITt:el' LOlS Cll!MITlll' Clt¥PTI CltlM.t,TOllllS MIMOl l"l "J.lkl AUCTIONS 4YIAT!ON SllV!CI TllYIL All! TJIANSPOltl .. 110N AUTO TJl,t,N!•OIT•TID"' t l.G•l NOTICI S GllAA,t,N I lUTOllN8 • •• ... t •ll ·-••II ·..,n t Ut "" 101 IOS .... "" .... ''" .... 101 lll f .. s, ••11 .... ... , uu ... SERVICE Ol~ECTORY 4WNINIS V#£ATIONI T~ANSPORTATION m• .... lctlT' I TteMTI .... SAILlo.&TI tt1t l'•W•• CIU1111tS "" lll••O.--SKI IOATI ... •ctAT Tlt.t.ILl!ll 'Oii IC .. T MllNT"lll.INC• WJS 10 .. l i,.,t,UNCMIN• "9,f """"111• •eu1•. tlll •OJ.T !lll', MH•1a1• "" IOIT ··•v1c1• -1 0.1.T ltlNT.ILS .. IOAT (11.1.ltT•• -P llNINe INTI ._ IOAT MO'l'IN• 'ltf IOAT IT'IRloM tlU 1c•rt WANTll ... 111(1,t,•T ti• l'LTIN• LISSONI tlM l,IO!lll 1111"'1!1 ''" MOTOlt M•MIS 1111 l lC¥Cl.IS t'U ELl!CT llC tAll t'IJ.I AAINI •IKll tlft MOTOICTCLEI 9* MOTOll•COOY¥1tl 9* ACCOUNT IN• 6!1141 AU1'0 s••Y•c•• I PlolTI ... ANl,YlllM(O llllVICI l!ll AUTO TOOLS I ••Utl'. t flt ~Pl "Nrl 11".t.!ll, 1"1'11 f''• r•AILll, TllAVlL t4IJ A,f'PltAlllMIJ ISll Tlt.t!ll!llo """"' ... 41"ttl l T Doll 151' TRUCIC'I t• AlllCIUJI CTUl! .. l •••v1c1 6'U Jl!l!"I ''" AUTO llllllAlll ~ IJ:MI CAM"lll tftf AUTO. SNt 1•11• 1••· lie. IS•t Cl"'"'" •ll'ITAU tm ••IYllTllNI IUt DUN• 11199111 ... IO.\T MAINl•NAllC• t SJI •M .. OltTI• ...... ,.. ... llUCI(, M,l,IONJll', tic. l}N Sl'OltT (.Ill .... 8USIN•ll t•1tWl(ll U.1 ANft91J•lo CU.UICI l't!J IUILDIRI IJ11 ltAt • U.lt. ... .... CAflltlN• .Sit AUTO I\'..,,. ... RENTALS CAllNITMAKIM I •5• IUTCI .,,"".. .. (AlllPINT•1t1Ne IS" lllW CAii .... Apt1. Fur"ithtd C•M•NT, c-.... ~ AUTD 1.••••N• ..,, 6 4 2 -s 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - s LEGAL N0'11CE ,JOOOi CI RTIPIC&Tf 0' I UllNI,), FICf+ttOVI NAAA I '"' ~naff•--c•"r.r~ "' +1 .:...-•vt11,., t bu11n!q •• 1.1111 Nonlll(~M Al t , l'1'~'"'(~1lp•, (tll'or~I,, U"'ll"< tf·1 llC1•1 .... 0 lltftl N M• at t1 0ll 0WA'I" l ~SO<t .. TCS o/'00 •not '''"''""".,,,,,. ~..,Ill• i.11o, ... 1e1 "'~°", .. flow "'"" ih full 11\0 ,.11c. ol 11slC....;o 1r1 •• Ill· lh> Jo~n E, Nobl~. IS.Oil f•UM~C~tl, w~•m1"1,.,.. C11l"'r~I• Dtteo Se.lt"'t>'" ?t. ltO JOl\11 E. Nohi• iTOlt of C1llloint1, 0•1<10• Covo!v Cln Sell. 71. INt. ~Jore mt. 1 No••ni l'ubll( I" '"" Iv< .,.,o ~111., ,. ... on111, ""''"' Joi\" e. NoDi.r. 1~17 N1nTuc:•1•, Wottlmln•I"' ~ lo "'' "' Oo 11>1 H f>on wr.o,. ~'"" I• 1vb1ulbtd I• lro Wllf1•11 .Jn1~ t t>d IClo ..... wle<i•N 111 e•Kvt N...,e, !Ol'l'ICl"'L IEAll J EAN L. JClll ST "ollrT Pvbllc·Colo!orn,. """'1•11 Ol'!lc• In Clrono• Couniy MY C""'ml'.>t•On E•Pl'"' Morell J, lt1'l 1>,.bi,.,,.., O••ng1 Co1•,1 0 1111 •110~ Ocr."'r 1, 11. 11. 15, 1•" llOl·•t ~ LEGAL NOTI CE T-lfU, NOTICI! TO Cltl!OIT011 01' I ULK T•4N$,IR I Jtcl. lltl-lltl U.C.C .I No!k 1 1$ ~l,.bY t lVtn lo Iii• C•l!<l•!On or CAROL OGlE31!V, Ttl<1•f1to" wno~• ll<nlneu tdd•t~s Is 1000 W. llolbo o. tlo:wp•rl f!e1 on, Counlv or O••ngo, Sl••t of C1IU&rnl1, 1no1 1 bulfl 1r1n1tt r I; •DOvt lo Ii" mtd• lo f\\,t,RY S. CAIUSO. tr1neler .... ,,,_, bvt!n"'' oodrou I\ Mlt Orcn•r~ Sir~!, ,l,l!f lom1, County ol ~ .. !l~rnerolno, St1te of C1!1lo•n•• . Tiie *'""""' h> t>t lr1n1l•rrtd t, !«.l!td •I 200ll W, llt lbt>a, N•wl'Orl, '°"""'of Or•nte, 511!1 of C1 tlfo•nl1 3•10 pr.,,,erly 1, ~crl~ !n '""'"I I>;. All llot~ in"'""· fh!vrn . ..,ulP••ionl ind •ood will <II tn1t "'"' bar t>u•lntu '"own '' TnP Pl1ce t nd locotH 1! ?IHIO W, l 1lbo1, NewPOrl f!eecn, (OllnlY 11 Oranoe. Sr1le of c.11....,.nl•. Tne Du11 "'"'''' wlll DI con1ummot..i on °' 1r1er 111e 11!11 01• QI ""'""'""'· lflt'. 11 10·00 ... M_ a! Emt•1•0 foc•l>W ("'MlflflOfl, 11'1 W, loft<OI~, !lut111 PttM, CovnTv •' o,..,,,, Slit• QI Ct lllo•nlo So lor 11 kl!O_, lo •~• T•1n;l••H. 111 t>u•I.,...,, n1mott I nd 100 ....... VINI 'cw "'' Tr1nsl"'O• for !Jlr '"'"" Yff'> lt>I •••I, tt•; Som•. Ot!'11: Oe•obe• IJ, n~'· MtrT S, C••u..,. T••nolor u r,...,..14 lf•c,.w C•• ... r1Hon •U1 W. l!Moill .I.wt. l won• ,..,t:. CeP!•r~)• Htlf Ew...., N•. lns-1 -"'ubloshf!ll Orin" Co.>1 Ot ll• Pilot Octo!!er ~!. Ult 1..,....1 LEGAL NOTICE ·-· C lltTl~!CAJf OF I USINEll l'ICTITIOUI NAMI Tht undot1ltnPd <106 c•r1l!v •h• 11 con- lvc:!I~• 1 bu1lnn• t i Jl!S YI• Lldo lobl>Y, llio'"'l>ert '"ch, (oll!o1nlt , u""'' !~• 1,c. llllOOJI '""' n•"'t al THE WAAl'·UP end rn•f 1•ld ll•m i• <Oml'O•"" al tht follow· IJIQ •~>OJI, whoso n1m• In lull t nd •ltc! 11 re•l<1r~ce ,. ~• lollow1· LOii E. EO"'ONSON , JJ!~ y ,. l ido. Sulit ~1, Nr·,..oor1 II'•<~ Der"" Otlobrr 1c, 1t" Loi• E. Edmon1on Ste 't al (ollfom11 O•ont~ Counl"r On Oc1oter 10, 106t, b.,,,. .,,,, t H011ry "ut>llc ·~ on1 1., •1\d $!•le. P•"'"'"' t OH:l'f'<I l•'~ [ £0....,,.,1011 kn-n !o "" to b• •n• ornon wh~ n • "' r " •~•<•li..<f 10 Ill! wllf>ln 1,._ Sor~ .... ,, •• ,.. lt~l\OWI~•"" •h• rl<«UIH "'' .. ..,.. ' (Ol'FIC1,t,t Sl!•ll M•fY 8rth f,\orlon No11ry P~Dh<·C1111ornl 1 "'1"'1•11 OH'ct In o, ..... ,_"" M• Commln.,.n E•ol•r• "'"'JI t . nn ,.ubll1h"" Or•11t• c ..... D••IV ,.,lo!. 0.:•oOor 11, II. 2' t~-d No~"'"'°' I, ltloll llOl-11 LEGAL NOTICE NOT ICE 01' lltUSTE t:'S IAll On Frldor, No••...,b~r i., 1'61. 11 11 ,oc o'<loc~ A.M , UN ITEO S T A T ES "'OlCl'lG COl}""~IY. •• l 'v•!e• !ind•• end oun uonl •o dt..,, OT t.u•T a • ! o d SODl""b"'" 1911, ••e<:u!l!<I by Wltl 14 M l . NCNT GCIME•Y Ond &£1 T¥ V MCNlGOMERY •~d reu>rdoC S.oi•mbe• o, lh t. In Ila<" 111), P19~ 344 ol Ollo<'"I ll!e.:o•D• '" !~• olf'(• o• '"• Jl •co•O•• O' Or'"'' ''"'"ty, C1hlo•n••, ,,,,11 se11 t ! FUOllc oucl,on lo tn, h,gn•<I t>IOO•r to• c1•~ !01vobl• 1• '""" '' •1 1• '" l•""ul """'" al Ill• U"H•d S!UUI H !~o K>U!~ ''G"t ""'""c• lo I"• old Cr.not CeUnl"r Cov,,nou~•· In tne Cltv ol So•I• Ano, Or1nge County, (1l1lorn!1. 111 •lvh•. 1111• 1<1a ln,.,ul nn•~••d "' 1nd now ~•Id b~ I! v<UI" u :a """' '" !~• ••oo.,Ty 1ilut1• 1" tne Cl!\o cf co,11 "'·~••· <ovn•• or O••r ••· S!o!~ of C1lllo•n11. e"u lt.re •• Tnt Eetllrlv '3 Itel ol '"• Wottlt •IV 1'.l '""' o• '"' t"'rri. ,,.ll O' Lot !G,) of •I •~"'°'' MfJo Trod, "' 11-.. Cll"r o• Cmt• Neu, '°""'' o! o'""''· Sl•" OI Ct ll!O<•lt . •• c<>r meo •K•r-In ~"°~ l Po91 ! el Mi!C,jlOn..Ov• '°''"• In "'• offlro of t~• Coun!v R"'ordor 111 ~o ld CO\Jn1)'. S•·d "~'• wdt br mado, bu! "'"~out co••n1nt P• ..,.,,.,..,..., "'"'"'"or 1"'01•~. re-r1ralno 1,tlt, •O>!•~•lo•. o• "" CU,,,f>rtnte,, IO 01¥ l~e U•Plld r,.1t"<• o• I~• orl•eo•1I SU"' ~! I•• not• ••<ured. ,,. u ld oeea. to wll 17.~1'JO, wl!n I~••'""' !•om ~pr.I 10, lUo. el In ~Aoo no!r oro- ~''°"'· td•t~ct•. <! t~v. vnaer l~t ,.,,.., ol u ld ,_, lttt, c•••••• ••d ••••••n ~I Ill• Tru•!H one of Ill• •rust• <rtl1ed bY •t ld <!•rod T~e bf•ellcl•ry Un$H \0'$ dl!f'<I, ~¥ rt••<>" ot 1 bre•<ti or d~leull ,~ !llf etll11110~' ~•<V•M inr•rb~, ~1rt1010,. ••ecv•fd ••d o.u,..,.., lo tne u•e"''''"" 1 w1ll'len Oecl1r1llon ot Dt!1,1r ·~" O" '"'""" tor 5•1• '"" w•I""" "e•lr• e• Ot tovl! ••d [:Oech.,., re Soll U"""' 0..,, el l rll!t IO <•v•r In• und•••••n«i lo ••!I 11ld e roe••lv lo 10! •I• 1'•d obi ~ttoO'llo ond -·••ll'W. on JU~• 1<. llU . "'' u~· ot...;lg,,fd c•u-•••d riCll<• n! 0•1••" •'" l l•r!lo" •o !•II 'o ~· '"'"'""' I• ~col< too7, 1>1;• t~. Clll..:111 tteco•d• ol O••n•• Cov~tv. (0•1•0'" 1 D•••d · O<!e~·· j II" l!~I TED ST•lES ttOtD1"'i:;. c o"''"'~'"" •·, >tld T•u•I••. Jl y: r ow• r Ot•D~r \l•C• Pr•~•l!•nt ,, •o•• '~··~ ,..,, ... it•"' S.-t•!l•'Y P,b•·•""ll C·~·~· Cc1•' D11 , • ot 0<'"'"' II . 11. 1~, nn llU O ••••••••• LE \llorllinc ciri, I ~·~~=~'~~---,..--­:?5 10 35 to 1hatt rent on BLUrrs. J Er .. vtf)I cleu. '•:;,,;,;,.;-nium. JlOO mo inc:!. P•tlo, pool. dbl. 1anae. f .V, ~llfil d~. Year's le.lie or 1horttr. 7;369 1tr !. Pi\T. $1)0. mo. BROKE1t M-11:".J i\fAN "·Ith h1,'0 (irl1 BWITS: loVt!ly 4 Br, cpt11, GARDEN GROVE j!lllllllllllllllllllll'l l -·-·-·-·-·-·-·------~-... --'-'-'-'-'-''-'-'.·-'-"-·-·-" ___ ._._ .. _,_._._,_,_._._·~~~~~~-... ~ 6 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT e. s: 10 •/IA.rt • p t . drp.~. lrpl, pools. \Vlk 10 71. E:xt 300 \\"kd)'I. 1torl'~. 1ch0ol. club. pll.fk l27'7, Ext '1 wknd& No pet!. ti7~97 or 644-0449 8N-ISL.. 17ad 1tu. or t'OI· $2!IO ~'ALY lat, Back 8.ty, J _.. snd m ihan' nu 2 Bit. 8.R, 1'• PJA. 1500 1q tt, no *J. lir>-3!/15. ll'l!tJ. rtf~ requ1~d ~ 1::100 Cha.pma11 .o\\'"· (~ blks \\', ~t• Ana f \1y.I I TI 4 I tlSG-3030 NEWPORT IEACH mv1r-;E ANO 16th ~ i )4 1 6-t.>«)j() South Bay Club A~•rtmenfs DEST 1111\~S! HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? - 7 8 WANT AD . 842-5678 ••••••••• • I • !"Ir"---------------------------------------------------~---~~----·--·-...... Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stov• 2. Guitar 3. labr Crib 4. Electric S1w 5. Camara 6. W11h1r 7. Oufbo1rd Motor I . Ster" Set t . Couch 10. Cl"rinet 11 . R1fri99r1tor 1 'Z. Pickup Truck 13. S1wing Machine 14. Surfbotrd 15. M1chin1 Tcols 16. Oi1hw1sher 17. Pup~y 11. Cabin Cruis1• 19. Golf Cart '20. l1rom1ter ll . St.1mp Collection '22. Dinette Set 23. Play Pen '24. Bowling 1•11 25. W1t1r Sk i1 '16. FrHter 27. Suite•'• 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! '19. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bir Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. V1c:uum Cle•n•r 34. Tronic:~I Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Fil• C1binet 37. Golf Clubs 31. Sterling Silver 39. Vic:tari1n Mirror 40. Bltdroom Set 41 . Slid• Proj•ctor 4?. lawn ,./.ow1r 43. Pool T1bl1 44. Tires 4S. P iano 46. Fur Coit 47. Or11pes 48 l in1n1 49. Hors1 SO . A irpl1n1 51 . O rg1n S?. Ex1rcvcl1 53 . R:ar1 8ook1 54. Ski Boots SS . Hiatt Chair 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1in sa. Kitten 59. Cl111ic Auto 1-0. con .. T1bl• 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set 65. Workbench 66. Oi1rnenct W1t c"' 67. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69. Camping Tr1il1r 70. Antique Furl'lilur1 71 . Tape Recorder 72. Sailbo1t 73. Sports Cir 74. Ma ttress. Box Spqs 75. lnbo1rd !ipt1dba1t 76. Shotgun 77. Sidell• 71. Dirt G.!lm• 79. Punching Beg 10. 81bv C1rri191 11 . Drums 12. Ri fl• 13. Desk 14. SCUBA Ge1r These or ony other extra thinCJS around th• house may be turned into cash with a DA IL Y PI L 0 T WA NT· AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 IYOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) C11t1 MINI 1: • SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT 530.00 Wk. Up e S1ud10 t: 1 Br Apt_, • Kltch .. n l.: TV Incl. • Phol)e Service l.: Pool • l\lil..ld 11ervlce avaU. I BR ru111, \\'a1er !'.. 11.! pd. ADULT o/\ly. sa;i. 918 Pa.hQt J-lunllngton Beach. 536-4618 Ot' a36-4979 Oran1• County 4600 e Day, "'rrk I.: °?ilonth SINGL.t: adult~ I u r :?3i6 Ne1q1ort Blvd. 548-Sla5 glU'den apb, wifuU :e~re:. CASA GRAN'AOA lion IM:ilitle~ I.: romplrtr NEVER BEFORE 11\ed i11. Bra.nd ncnv a pt hon1e~. Pn1-att patio l1vu1;. NriU' beach I.: shopp1n;. All " \v c11rpetin:;;, d riiipc-:;0 prl· \'ii.le li\'Ulg. ·, ~ .... II ne \v 2 bedroom. 2 bath lownhouses. Lux- 3 ·1'1·.·. urious :ihag carpet, fu ll length drapes, red '... tile kitchens \\'ith built-ins. Over 1265 sq. n. plus deck or patio. Pool , recreation building,:~ ~f: next lo \Ves tcliff Plaza Shopping·. $240 per"' .j ; Just Opel'\t'd -O~ 11. few 2 privacy. South Bay Club BR'a still &vail. P ool, tte Apt.!. 'Il7 So. Brookhurst, rm. Jlurry! '00 ?itn-rimac Anaheim 1714\ 7T~j00 tbl:hind Uncoln }.frrcury oil H&rbol·~ Gerden Grov• 4610 e l BR<! .BA·frplr ., plu.s e ? BR·:! BA-pa.!10!'; month -Adults only. ~: ! * ~l77'.! * WEEKL'• ,_, . SINGLE Adults Lu )I. u r y renuus: :i1la.rl.!~ d • l BR-I BA-dr lll.\e alnglt- Cortican Apt. Homes SUN F1.0\\'ER AVE, Etwn S. ~lain l: Bri.5tol l..oca1rd ~ mil"' t.:, ol South Coast Plata Shoppi n:;: Crntel' c.11 s.0-1111 MARINER SQUARE APARTMENTS 1 1.35 p 1 ho . gar en a pls \\1\h rountry a _· • 00 • P nri1. h maid club almo~pherr and COlll· ~~~ THE BEL COr.:Go, plcte pr1\•acy. SOUTH BA 'I .>-CLUB ,\PT.S 13100 Ch11.p1n11.11 1244 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach Jul,/ North of We1tcliff Drive ,, .. " 1· ~ ~; • 4"00 Ave .. Carden Gro\'c \714) _N_•_w~p~•-•_t_B_•_•-'cn-'----•.:..!='=,._=.=''='='·============= Nel'.·port Bearh Harbor H1i9ht1 Feur CONSTRUCTION =====7======-t·'' .. . " Coron• del M•r 525.D. I' GRAND OPENING l1guna 8e1ch 4705 IMMEDIATE PANORA.\UC '"':w 01·erloo1'- 0CCUPANCY ing Al iso Be.11.t:h. 2 bdr I.. l Lu.\:ury garden apartm<'nt~ bdr. !uni. All rlec. apts. ottering eomplelc pli\-.i.ry, l\fanire adulL"I No pels or beau!ifuJ landscapin; l: un-ci1ild . S19J & S:!W. Call aft. 6 paralleleri rccrearion&I fac:1J. P .\I. 4!1!}..37:13 itie-s in & c~untiy cl.ub •t-SEi'>ll·f''uCR,:.CN-'1_-,,-,=E-D--ro-n-. ' mosphere 1"ow Jeasmg 111 -g_ l\'rll"POrt Beaeh. !or one-per~on. ~s,; mo. util f''Umish«l or unfunll!Sh('d incl. 49--1--1167 Call Sat k flfodt"ls open 9 11 n1 10 9 ptn -'-"-"-·--------- Iknt!S from $15.J 10 3311). LARGE I Bdr. apl., SJ,j(I. OAKWOOD Small hse. uni .. ~200. Ch•an k Close-in . Call 494-:?882, GARDEN -'"'-'-.:..".:.."_:_·· ---~ APARTMENTS 2 Bdt. t11rn. 11.pl ., adull. no child. ::.1!i Clue Bird, La:;. 8 <..'.h. Call 49·1-'i7J7 l700 16th SnT.:et n4: 6-1~-SliC JUST COMPLETING '..! & 3 BR UNITS all 11·ith fireplaces. d1!h10.ashers I.. :J bath3. Rental l\Janaiier - !\tr.1. Ouisdr nsen 3117-A Cfnni1mon Av1. Coit• Me•• Phone 546--10>4 THE VICTORIAN Completing Nov. he! Eaat Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e ., Br. 2;.,. b11. apt. for lease Incl. gpac. maslr. 11uite, din nn. l: dbl. i;::a.rai;::e. aulo. door opener avail. Pool l: ttc. atta. Nr. Catholic Church, Adults, no pets. a Ol\'L Y S:?t; e 81),j An1ij];o!' \\'ay, T\.B. DELUXE 3 BR, 2 'BA. Encl i:U. f\Jountain y!e"" i:ood loc. 7l'i2 Amiaiis \l'•• y • 67a-5Q.33. DAILY' PIWT 'DIM E. A . LINES. You can 11.'l" then1 for j~ peonies a day. DiaJ PILOT Oassilied ad. VlE\\', ne.1v :J Br. :l ba, cp(~ ~·I drps, b!ln~ . .$~2.J :\lo. f Sct-111c Prol)f'l11fS 67:>-5 • .-. 1 ' L \Rt,;E ~ BR. '.! BA, po . patio, b!t1n.~. c!l~!l\l'shr, new , , : -0li1·e sha'.:: crpl~. d1-ps. S:l " ·- illo. 67.>-3i91 after:; S.\IALL J BR. Vi .. 1· .. :->. Ji11y. New carpets drapes. S160. 67:>-lilJ.t Ii .. BRAND n('w 2 Br. lu:o.:u~ ~ apL, viell', couple. oo P"'IS:; s23:i. 5IH Bego111a. s1;,..s::.12. .• 1 BR unr. All utiJ pd. Stolf nfl'ig. cpt~. <.!rps. s1:i0 mQ.: - :\Jature adult. 67.>-:i'.!:1!1 $JO WEEK & U-P f'URNJSJ1£D, sn1all ph•.c:e near beach RP~p., l"111pl d. l SR, :' Br., Bach .. \laid S('I'· l'lrlult. ·lS.t-4-'J()() Brand new 2 BR, 11,~ BA. $1 :1 0 . Adu l t s only. Crpts-drps-Ollns. S o u n d proof('ri, pri gar \1·/~torage. Fenced yd \1/palio. \\'ater flll. f:;u·dcnrr niairttained. ii67 \'ictori;i St. 6~1~ OUR FAMOUS vice. n· & Pool. RENTALS THE MESA Ap,s. Unfurniahld ~15 ,'i, Kt>1l'port Bil !l. SOOO 6~5-9681 G1n•r•I MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. E.-.:cellcnt, park-like ~urround. ings for .J.dults only. ;..'ear shopping. Pool. DIME· A· LINES SINGLE Adults Lu s u r y1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;udt:n a pts 11ith country VENDOME ""' ATmo<ph•"' and <0m-plt'te pri\'acy. SOUTif BAY CLUB APTS I 1;-.1~lACUL,.t,.TE APTS! . rvine at 16th, ,\DULT z.., FA;-.!ILY l\e11·port Bc11ch SECrTONS AVAil..ABLE (n4l ~>-Oj50 .~="""~:=::::::;:'---!Clos• to shopping. Park \ll ATERfRONT, N c. II' p I . * Spacious 3 Br'a, 2 Ba laland. BeauL lt;r. duple:.. * :l Bedroom~ 11·e1 bar. lndty , ;ar;. ~t • !'11 im Poot, Puti ;rt'en dock. \\'inter or longer. • f'rp!, Jndiv/lndry far 13 Adult~. no Jl('ts. tiT:l-i!l61 or 1145 Ani1h1im Av1. {SO:Jl 681-838·1 COSTA !\IES.11 &t.'-:!S'.:~ FOR pril'atY this spac1ou.~. motlt"rn l Br . '! Ell upp<'r. Kr beach & bay. Adults on. Ir. .~199. Yearly rental r>t9-~3 · EAC1IBLOR unfurn tr om ' $110. Al~o avail I . 2 l: 3 SIL, I ER clean. qu1e1. heaul BW·nt Heated pools. rhild r urn . N r m 11. r 1' e I _ care. unter, adj to 1hoppin&;. \\'a.~her/dl)'e-r. g J: rag r. No pe!:s. i\laturr adult~ 1fl:'2 B :!000 Pc1cr&in \\'ay \\';1.llacc. Co~ta :\lt~ii ~.t6-C.1TO DUPLE X • RENT • I, ~I.: :: BR APT.;; \rRECKED ·:,7 V.\V. bu~ li77 &.i nta Ana. Apt ll3 body S2J. T iff's $:5. Call ti-16-5.J.J:! or 64:!·1465 :>36-2369 "·eek day~ aft('r 4, __ c..;.:..;..cc__.:..c;.c_::.:._ __ J all day Sat. And Sun . ORLEANS APTS. :: SP. a\ ail. Adults only. 1;.11 Tll~!l!\ Co~la ;'llesa l\l;l'. ~ll·.>. Cal"$on, l:i-t~-41).11 ~:!-5ti7S TURRET ~n!'i mo" i e c11mera $lj, ProleS.'!ional salo11 lypc hair rlry<'r ;t:i. ~()-4569 '.1.10\IJNG SaJe till ~one. -----------1 brand nc11· i'~' Chnstn1as Fairway Villa Apts '.\'ca.i· Oran;e Co Airpot't l: UCL Ad-.:!Ll'I only. :.'Ql.2? ~lta Ana A\e. :i4C·~i96 trrr $1 0. To}s r -.:crllcnt Jor C.'hristn1a~. l:<Unrs brand nl'W .:JO. Child's pool table SJ. Bike!! $10. Ladies bike 10.ith chi.Id! .1eat Sll. 1'dke St. Oiild's labll' a nd cl)alr~ SJ each. 2 ~e.I~ ch1Jd's -~~~~~~----1 rock<'ts :: and $4. Christn1a~ CASA GRANADA d .. roraiions ,2:> 10 :'illJ. J11~1 Opell<'d -Only a rrw 2 !)trol!l"r 3~. T.V. tray~ 2 sets UR's still &\';\JI, Pool. rrc S~. <'lo\hr.~ 111l(f Jinen.o; jc-$1. r m . lluriy:: 400 :\Icrnmo:1c Latl1e;. ~\·1,r G-S t·lothrc; h·on1 lbrhu1,1 Liuroln ;\lri<'UI'.' Olf r;,.,1 York :!.!(_•-Si. sho11f'r '1 6 1· nrar bA). ti<:l-t)SSO l Rooms Furniture It bi \ 11.l \I l'lll'l .. in ~I'!. "Pr,.;i1J-:, .~-Pl"tl' BACHJ::LOr. Apl. r1nploy~ $25 & UP • ~>--lu-.:171 • c·andlr ,.,.1, ;!ll'l '~ iL'OJHni; &dull onl)' .. ~'iJ. 12!6 \\" :\[o11th-Tcr:'llon1 h Rental• TQ\\'!\HOIJsJ-:.-1-~rl~. boa1'd r -.;.-rll1·n• .Sl "dch. Balboa Blvd. 67:>-787 6 . • 4~9;:,.·, \\'!Dr,; SELECTIO~ ~:.".! 1. :: £,., 2 B.\, bhn,; Nur.~'ly lai11 p ~l.~0. F'lo1•rr llt'RC Fun1it\11·e R'cn1 al o; 11/L1 ~h11111·, '.! l·.u· gal" Opr.n er1Hcr p1r1;r S'2.jO, Oiaprl' OCEANFRONT l:;:r ~ Br, ~117 \\', 1!1111. C:'ll 511;.::•Sl 11 1.1(1 r :'iun !~.-·t pin IJ , l.r'I.· p111J $1. l!i::;h d1ail' $2. \\'in- l~!c, nr. s:h~I f· l'h21r<'hro;_I DL'.'\ quirt at1l'BC1. :! BT:. llll· ln,;tvu Ln, C:'ll. ( ~ 131 nir thl' Pooh toy bo;>; ~~1. \\u1!t'1~. 67.~:>4~~. 1110 \\" niac, aJult.~. 110 i;rl~. }(I. ~::1-J Jll Ch~il" 11nd loungr~. 5G-Sl :llJ. ~flntron! l';otr. rn\;;l'}'. $!tJj b<;;...~~ll r-;~.\\' 2 RI~. 1 b .\ ..• Ii .. ..; l'l'p\. Rt"cl11 ood ln1111;::,.. s"t 11 :1. A I BR I N ---O tl t t · '--$:?0 pool loun;:" s·,, J\lo\11" . ~:· , "".r O<'l'a n 4 fiR :.! IJa . f;inl!I} nu. :\Ir.,.. 1·p.~. 1.> JI\ i!>r, polio . ...., .. n1 Upslall's. S~JO \ rl). Del .\l,q'. rr.o M(I. lr:t~r. ('('1lln::. {rpl('. ~til~ Adult~. prO,)o!'CIOr $1,j, bn1 nd ""II' *6'3-8083 *" ,\:::cnl (;'7:>-~lO ! 1no pt·t~ Sl tiJ. :.'<.i'.O f·:Jclrn, 11ith n<rloon.«, tapr rl'C'Ottler DC 0 · .1~7-00ii:.! aJ\,.r 7 pn1 !· .'it1n. $Jj, C~n1slrr srf $'!. Day EAN J"R NT, 1•1""" .'.: BR.11 1 3~, Cl.F:AN 2-BR. :_1-&;-~1'-t d 1·1· P' I DE') I h' Bl f I Bt:At;Tlt'CL ;; Bit or '! & ,,. . -·'· iy pan. l'on!, u.x~?-p u~ · t~~· rp r, pl"'· 1;1111~. i;ar. i\icc area. m1-.:r r~. loa~trr.i; :.!-4 ~11\:r<:, ell'. 3.,_.>. \\inter. 61...-SOl\8 Bkr &1:>-0111 fll'n. ~SA. \\-,,)1; to ~lorr~. bl<'ndt'i',~. 11·af11e ll'on. r art l . BDR.i\f. carpel~. clec: $170 :: SR 4-p],.\. Sito~. Adults. Dr p ic>q'd. $160 up. operwr~ $3-$7. Pip~ nn·k '"I h o 1 o Open 5.it 10-I P.11 only, JOlti I . , ,. _ "' c: en,. •' f'ps .'.°'-',an 01· ''''Pi". tlo~.•. ''htld 01,·. Bier anr l:ilnlslc:r Sv. ~-::e fan b ' I I ' , 4 .... "' ,. '-El Can1ino 01'. .J l.'..-:.so& a.1-. . r Y ~. ,,,_, J:. 61.3-0lll $10. Vacuun1.« SJ. CaU OCEAN l"RONT ' BR S\60. LAP.GE rtt'lu-.:r :.Z BR . 962-6916 1 ' .'-'313:1. '! BR. g;ir, RIO. 11/w. 1• .. EA. GI;; h:itchl'n. '.! t·ar .:.:::...:.:.:::_ ______ _ large. Frplc. $1SO. \\inter. Ch1ldrrn & pct!! OK. Ero~<er :::-a"i·. ,\dull, no pct «. :?·10 L . Sli\'.GLF.: Er.d lrame \\'ilh •673-SOSS • ::,;;4-6n!IO ir,n1 Plate. ~s-vi:~'.! bookcil~P headboard. Ebony Sl:JI.:,O BACHELOR apt, util ~:;;:;:::~========= . " black. 11·hHr l"evemiar Io p pd. Crp1.'!!. drp!'i, blt1ns, pool. Costa Me11 5100 NE:\V " BR._ v•/w . n·ptg. SJj, 8-17-6319 ·1~o;:>:i~P~l•~c~e~"~''~"======oj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.....;;;;;;;;;;;; j 1lrr., c11r, patio & pnv )'arc!. : Rci;p adult~. rcil'i I'l'Q. no :? S"11·cl dr!k ch!11rs, need S 135 pct:< .. \Jr:i mo. 3i'li ~. :..101 11 son1e h:.1ng. both for s:i. Newport Hgts. 4210 •C!ean l or~BR _. Adults. no pet~. :!421 E. l!ith s•. $ll:i 1110. up. 646-ISOI Coron• del Mer "12.SO ;:__c_;_;__c fOR rc:hnrd ba1·h. Spacious 1 BP.. \\ d!lo. lo })raeh i.· !lturrq. l !.l'l mo } l'ly_ t.:nl patd 50::-toT1 BE/\UT/t'ULLY 1-"urn1.<hrd 1 l: 2 BR a pts. Av::ul 011 st1orl lcrrn basis .. TI-IE JA:\l AI CA [i';N HOTEL, Cd,\!. fl,t>,b,l<JITI Apartmrn1 Pun! _ /\ir ('nnd1t1011tna: J~nc:lo-:t<d g~ra~r~ t.;.irpr1~ /.-dl'"f"'~ . .,. • ., l60 \\'. \\ 11-;on 2 BNroo111.~ also avalla b!f St. c ;-.1. Decora1 1l'r '1ood pant!, 7 It'" • BR f 1. 1 fl'tt 1111!, 4:! 1nche.'! \1·1de ~:,. ""· ., , rp l , pa 10, ~7-63\!J C'rptd, drpri, ;ar11gr, 11dult~:·! ;';o;~·-""__.,-,--~ 2!1n Ogle, C. ;\I Tl~; :>43-8:::01 LARGI:: Boy~· or ~mall or 21:.l. J9'!-.)2~7 men·.'! 11h1rt~ 11nd pants $3. 2 RR. \1,i Ba. "-shopping-. 1duJ1~. pl! I lo, nr no pet~. :'-'-~-· _., __ ,_.c:.>~=-'------, .,100, '! BR rtuple_,, dr.,pcs, Bron~t Stale t:o1n~ l :J. Power i;aw bladr•, Sr3J".« !i inch SI. Kr"· humpc>r Ja r ,; and ~ea1 brlt"I ,l r ach. Ladi('! ~i1e 7 rink rol!C'r .~IOI<', I'(' 11' I:::'" 1'" t 0 t'. H1'alf'.~ ~. Kr11· rn,\~(C'l'Y ll\'&11;,ble now. Ph. liHi-07ti1 paperback.'! 20c . \Valnlll ,.od Lt,; ;; BR. 1 ~. b~. Cn1~. drps. Co.rport & pool. 1.;id.« 0 1\:. ~~1 4 Collrg" /l:o, 2. 616-7~ COROLrDO Apl' :l B1· :i1tudio ---DELUXE:: l bedroom apt. and TV 1ables .$ I -$ ~ . Bh1ckbo;ud, be8d•, flUl'SC.~. pult.le.~. 1·a; doll~. 1unell boxes, bundle.~ or cu1·ta1u r od!!, childnn·~ Di~ e st hoo1'~ 10-:Ak:. 968-29~7 turn. S!IO. '! BR apt, tpt~l<lrp~, hit-in Dlb plun1bi ng, 1\/11' crpts t: ti'i3-::'.:78 ratlgt-k ovl'n, refrti;:, frccz· drps. :>18-:.181, :~\ij-()l:J.4 SI5.\; ;, ROOi\1 upper duplel>:, er, dl~po~1l, .llr 1·ond., p,1!10. 2-'!RP.. ap t 1 . Responsible EXCELLlNT Quality. 11-Vnul 42·1 Dahlla. Quirl adult.~. ALL utilit1t'.'!. pa.id .. \:IOO/n10. adult~. r-;:0 pet!. bc(:l~m/~r.n r:rou~ing by ~213) 681-8:>41 Adu)~ only. no ptL'\. For app't. 546-0ti~ J\lorr1s. \\h1te fonnica lop~. CORONA drl i\hi.r duplex Wellt-McCArdle, Rltr1. de!!1', l.-orner che~t. '..! l:hrst.~. '' 0 •· Bl d C 'I I h 5•00 like new S:Z.:1 each. Red apt. :.z BR Sl75 turn. $160 un-_ I .. e,iporl _ v ... ·" '. Newport ••c .., ru'". Nod-.,. 644-2362 548-7719 t:\r . ..i~8-l!U!I ''elveteen ~!Jlre&d, quer n v• )'EARLY 2 BR. Upper. 1i.ze a nd 2 pair long 1na1. 2 BR, 2 Ba, neu ocean. pool 1'.IEJ\Rli\1AC \rOOOS Sl01'1", refri;. d r :11 p e: !I . c:hlng drapt'!I S'l:i for •II. I. clubhOUSI'. An rXc:itini nc\V concept ln Adult!, oo pets. ~ai;e req. Child's 1win brdsprcad and 642-Z871f luxur1ou~ apL living. 1·2 $1:.0 r110 -wittrr paid. Cou-Mham SJ. !ISS-3.)71. 4 ROOi\1S. Ide~! /or couple. BP.. 2 baths 11·ilh E\'ERY pie pref. Call 67.>-~438 or i;ce ELl::CT R!C (.iuila•' $ :! ;, • i\l11gnif1cicn1 vie1v on beach. CONCEIVABLl': F'i':ATVRl':. at 202 30th St. A\'ail NO\' 1:,. l\laple ~radle $17.50. !'.)mall S'.?"'~. 67.>-4440 1~ Un1I~ av11il;1blr 1'>011. J st. Yl':ARLY rl'nlal.~ Sl1J lo crib S~i. Li1'e nt'W rar bed LARGE i\100 BACHl':LOR Sta1t1ns:-ar $1~0. Adult'!. 42Zl $400. Furn. & unfu1T1. 8;1y $7 .. -.-0, 2 ~hm1 bfO\vn wigs 6raulih111y lu!'n. all util pd. i\lr1·1mac \\'a)' fjUst La ~t of view-Ke"·port Shorr~ S-~-81-0\vn dem1-\\1f. new 3100 mo. ;>40.z.li6 2WJ llri.rhor Bl\'d. fl"XI lo Corona dcl 1-lar $8 . .jO, Band saw $10. Hanel /\a!Wl'.'I Cadillac.I ~1:~300. RED CARPE."I' RENTALS 1.ddel' .115. 'Broro.t' Prr-slden- lalbo• 4300 NE\\' -l>eluxr :t BR'N-<! 202:, \\'. Balhoa, NB 67'.l-::tiii:': Ila! t:OJl1ll $:->. Boy'~ clothing, ;c:.;cc;.. ________ I B 11 I h'. C r pt', d r p .«, OELU>.'E 3 BR :.! bN, A 11 11iz" 3. at0me llf':1v, (irl's O.EAN S;ichclor Apt!. dishl'.'hrs. range~. $1 :;:;. bit-In.«, d-~h"~hr. i.al'l:'I' "-c lothini:, 1ize :>-7, 11i1.e 18 All ulil incl SSj up A\·a.il Nov l ~t-!Oth. ::iee .11 bria:hL lVa.11' to b!!ach, A"ail al'ld 8 matemity cloihts :115 E. Balboa Blvd. 760 \\'. \\'Uson S-ts-6131. Nov. ;) $~. 1'!13) ~zjj or 2."ic-$3.50. TO)•~ lOc-$1.~. BALBOA 673-99[) ~:i3 622-9193. 34:; E. l9lh SI. 64:?.-1269. 2 BR. nr beaches "-p\er. Ulil 1 BR. c:rpts, d~. ""imm1nl:' BACHELOR ap', t'm ployed _-"~>-l_J:i.;_·--=~-,~=~ pd, .$50 • 1.1·~k. :>36-3!)ll or pool, Q;UM,le. Adu.I~, no adult only. $13. l116 W. l Jeep tite11, Ki JC l;i. Sl.;,Q 615-5810 pt!~. 642-8<M2 Blllboll Blvd. & i J -i g 7 ti , ea c h. Fireplace 91'1 $3.50. BAOfELOR -Yruly, utU LARGE J Br •pt!, $130 mo. 494-S7l5" Antique andiron 11et $25. paid. 928 E . Balboa Blvd. ~tesa drl MAr Apt. 99S El C · Jeep tow bar SZJ. P ortable 2 BR, 2 BA, JD. pal.a, wri l !O An . C&ll 6il-6970 Camino Dr, C.hf. 546--0451 frplc, dlshwhr. Nr \Ve11tcllff ~ ter · hque COJ> JVE Bon' Ph:. l,.,."'-Irv 1 n e. $200. ptt "'a!lh boiler $25. 8:!0x Jj Lido I 16 4351 A'M"RACT 2 ""'t-crpt& ~ chrarer allcks on Chr-v. ---•-~-------drps. hltin!!. carport. Adult!, Adults! For Appl 6·t2--0239 • chrorrie rims Pl pair. 1 Bf;,. Util pd. Gar. 1 Adult, No prtJ_ $135 Ma. s-Mi69 2 BR UPPf"I'• crpt~. drpe, Hydraulic: bumper jack no pct!. $11t5 mo yrly, $1.j(), 2 BR unr. Ne"·ly dee. :ito\'e "-ref.d i;. $160 yrly. S1.:i0. Hillman trar\'imisslon c'='l--OS:J=='='=v='='=· =======! Ne1\' c:rp!~ k dprs. Adults , 613-8038 ,20, Row1d bird ca:ze 11nd ~ m pets. 6~:!-2:X.O, ~~16-6n6 stMd $.). L\1't-n'"' b 11 h }' HUl"tingten ••ch 4400isuo 2 BR upper. blln!.-<"rpt:i. N1wport H9t1. 5210 era.di!! $2-0. snow sl.i5 Sj . QUI ET &aEAUTI FUL drpx. !"Kl pr.'IS. 561 \V, \\.'Uaon .9.IALL l RR up~r-211Q:i•1.:"':: ..... c.::96::7 _____ _ 2 BR, pool, utll pd. $200 mo. St. S4j..{176Q . Brotid. UtlJ pd. $100 n10. COINS: 1$41-l9M Lincoln Adultz onJv No peb 17676 TiiE SUN ~EVER ~s nn SUltable ror older <,:pl. penny 11!1 $3. 1965 Auatna C:ameron, 8~7·21.25. ' n An.Y PTLOT \\'AN:T ADS~ 54~M.i proof 11et $4. 54:).2j29 SCJ--n\'L~N 26" Co r v e t I f! , hand bra1'e.~ s:zo. J r : · Slingray $10. 96?..-3436 SrNGL!'.: Bed $15. :1 Dra1vef · dresser S\2.::.0. Table and ·:, chairs $12.;:(I. 2 old 11·00<1 chairs. good condition s:i V~ ' uun1 clraner 11·ith a.ttarhmeii ' 1 $10. f l;,.ir dr)'er $..'O. :? s1n1i'l.t, \ tab!cs .l~ <'ach. '!. Cu rr • talJlc~ .t: e;t1•h. r.ockin · • 1 ('hillr s::i. :! bar Jo;too!s ,., pair. S«w1ng n1at•l11ne SllJi .~ Headboarils .~~ <'a eh , -j Jloll y-.1001I brd fran1cs ~ 'I each. K1\che11 table s;J. . 1 Su11board 1:1. Radio S:i. p~;; ·, alld pans IOc-$-l. D1she '.">c-$2. Garbaged is po s a:~, t111n:q .,i, Drain gu11er a{l\J ho:-. or lit!lng!I .i:i. Couch $'i,. ~ .~herl!I Beavrr OOa1 ·1J ~nr111 ~·I 1 ~'70.\1•1 hrc ;;., 1·0:1~1!'r s::. Satu1·day a11d :-;und;1y !I-;,, ~'Q~l~ R1rch St; S.1111.. .\u;i !lr1i:;ht.~ \OCd\ A11·pur11 P.\IP. Of ueta!?1onal vh<1in j s1:1 rach. Bookcase hc..id" hoard $18. Othrr <~hairs s1e 1 and .,l:J. J\ilt•hcn ilc:1ns 17 • Pla1.<1 1lel Sur. , -----J::Lf;(."fRIC Hea lC'r. :-afrly j fcaturr .11:-i. !l+g h t'llillr M" :'ll iiiplr tier tabl" SS. Couch : { SllJ. Bo.\ spnng~. matins• · ., a nd bcit frame $20. til6-::·ll'J 1 ~. , 4 Tire s. 11·hite 1vall, Sl7 srt 01· ' s1:1 each. 700x13. 201-30lh i l':it .. Ne11'PQrt Be;1ch 1, SATURDAY And Sundav ·' 11-J '.'JlO Har:el D1·11·r . Cd:'! J It"! plaslic dishrs SL.JO. Jc,.· cru~ht'r S2.:..0. Tr ,. a 1 u r · 1 cht.~l ~4.:.0. S1nall glasse<: f rach. Ck-<'or~11 il'e k~y St.JQ1 TV Tra~·ll l1J SJ.j() (1) drall'~I" 1·lu~st ~.-, :'-(.:?_( dra11·cr chr.~!.<: s:>. Ba hy beef .a nd n1aflrcss ~~. Ro!la11 i\> IM>d $l:?. h:1n; s ir,, bedl'pread and sh<111 draP,C:i to nia11·h $1~. h:itchen 1·ur - t<11n~ ~6. Rui:::<: $~_;;o ;. PortalJll' sr11 in; 111arh1qc SlO. T i<hirt.5 3"~f'~l·h. Boy~ slack~ :!:I(•. \\'on1~n ~ r.<>;1 .J S~. Bne-;.-brar \'<'l'Y rhcap 1 S\\'IVF~L Rockrl'. 1urquo1!-"t" llltU'.\ilh.\dt'. , .. , .. ,.]lrnl l'Ull· f!Jl ion .\'.!."1. l:i7:::-4fill \\'AL~UT &lokra~<' l1rad: boa1\I. r!Dubl" i 12.:.-0. Child~ rr(·ord pla}'"r .\:1. Pol,. lamp . he lf:<' 1:1nd 11!\Jlt-S.J. 968-700.1 ' r·ouR ti.:i0x.13 flrt's \\·1T\o~-; 11 lirel"' i 1s. Po11t'r m1:.i. 4....; lawnmO\\'er SIO. Ar11!1c1ai I Ire><: $7.::.0. Orii;:inal art work • .s;>-.\\j, &12-6211 . ' FI EST A Oinnerv.'ar.:o 'I pieces i;en.i ce for 6 S4 . .;'··, Step h1.dder lt.~. Stearn iron SJ. Oock radio $.) 548-J80.'i DINNER\VARE:. tiO r11ece~ J · ovcnproof, l'OffPc cat.if~ «:a ~~erolP, ('Ilk"' pl ate aM scr\'el' Sl j. 54S-:i808 .~~;.:;,.::~:c::---....i1 · PORTABLE Dog houst'. SID. &1&-2087 STATIONARY E :\:I' r <'I ;1 ' .. ·' BOY'S Stingray bicycle f.!.'5. 1 • Clothin:;. ladit'l!. hoy'I! -izr s I; 1-18 5c-5.l. Unu:,;cd itt; 11tromenl! S2.J. C h • I Sl-S..?5. Small ~ $\4. Lamps $;). SmaJI bitr S2- Tables $1-$'.!J. Brii~ ... niJ ~. 536-8j18 2 'P.laplc padded chair • each. Electric ¥1ovr- Carprt .$10. Qirl('l1e •I ~ . I ' Baby stroller, sV.'IJ1', p a pen S5 r 11ch. Ln\~ seal $ . · \\'11.s]'o('r 323. Utility table Upholstettd cha.J1-s $4 ~ :_ .$.J. 642-ji41 -· LAUNDRY Rack P.oll11.1111y hrd, like new £11<1 tables. cha i1's, se 11tllflU' dt'corator il('m5 .$1 · s::. \\ t' a:otla ;:o -JO i:otta . Thto Aiihe:ll'a. 6 Gle.nnyrf', Apt. ti, IAl'Una 8'-11oft1 ' L • I I ~ ~! 9 ' \'l. ~~ ~ "' •.. ~~ •• ~ • ' • • }'I ... l~ r·. ~· t · m l.:r ·~ .. ••• ••• ~; ;:: ----.,----. --------. ----T---------··· ~------,----- 8::!0 1970 CHARGER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ XH2i'COG1lll•9 $96 ~:~! $96 P•yment Total Monthly Payment BRAND NEW Sft h ,,.. lot•I ""'" "'""'""!. 196 11 •~• to!ol ,.,••thl• po•• ..... , l•<l•dlo1 •••. '''""'" o•d oil <.,.,.; .. , d10•1•• o• o<>· o<o•ffl cr.:li• lot l t "'""'"'· O•. if ~·· 1><•f•r •• PGY «>•"• •h• lwll ,.,h r>tlc. ;, enlf ~'/9)1.40 lt><l•diog oll to••'- l•t..,,., 1 .. 1,-.. -"""'" .,, • ...,, .. ,1 ..... <1o11 .... d '" c ...... """'°· NotM,.. _,.lo 0<>r. Ool•"•d ""'"''"' .,,;,, ;, SJ4~6 l•<l•dl,.. •II ...,,..,. .. tho<v••. '""'· li<Oft>O, 1,.;,,, ood dtool•• p<Op<>rolloo. "'"":"• moto 10 poy, Doli,0<od in Co"o Mcoo. ANNUA~ ,ltClNlAG( I ATI 11.11'/0 1969 DODGE CORONET 2·DOOR COUPE-Immediate Delivery Fvll Fac ta'y Eqv;pped IWH23B9E1442391 Toti! Down P1ymenl Tot1l Monthly P1yme nf S<: " 1h4 00101 <10..-, Da'"'""'· '77 1, !ho !o•a! '""""I• o~''""" '"<!"~'"" •••. h<0n>• ond all '""l'"g cko•g•• o• oel>'•••1 «•o•I '•' Jo "'""'"'· O•. H )Ou poolo• 10 DOT co1h, 1•0 f,I! '"'" .,,;,. ;, onl, $111'-'0 l•d od:o1 all •o•••, !lcon10, t. .. gM o•d <!oolot D••1><1<.,,ion1 , Do· 1:,.0,od in Co"o """ No•k;ng IOO'O lo ""'· lloi.uod OO '"'l•"' o<•<• " ~1191 rnd udlng all <OH'oint cl>o•o-.. lo•••. llto•••, l•o;gkl a•~ doolo' o•ooora1'on, No'k'"g ..... , ..... 0.1; • .,.d ;. c .......... . loNNUAL l'lltC£NTAGl llAl l 12.12'/, TOTAL PRICE ... l•i ' (I(. 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Friday, Saturday, Sunday Oct. 24, 25, 26th FREEWAY CLOSE FROM ANYWHERE! LOOK FOR 7fff. Sf.ARCffLIGff7S ! ! I OPEN 9 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT The Largest Selection of 1970 DODGES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA All Models, All Colors, All Equipped All Serviced and Ready for Immediate Delivery ••• S~I ;, •'• 10101 ••~' """'""'· S~7 1, 1ho ,.,.,1 '""""'' ""'""'""' ••<io0••1 '"" I"'"'" ond oll '""""' '""'"•' n• oeor .. od ... olt lo• 16 ""o"'h" 0'. ,f '"" n••I•• ro ''~' ,.,~. "" !"" •••" o•«• " onl• 11511 •o •"<lo~'"' 011 •••••· '"""'" I•~·~"' ood doolo< "'•""'"''""' 0.1 .. .,~A ;" Co"• "'"'" lloo";"g MO•• >o oo•. Dol"'"~d 0•'~•·• ""'" '' S1QI] •Nlodi•9 oil <O•..,in9 '""'~01 lo•"'• l"""'"· 1, .. ~~1 ""d dool0< 0'•00•01;00. llOlh'"• mo•• •• ~·• tl•1i••••d '" Co"o "'°'"· TOTAL PRICE ~ 1 ... ~ I. L1C . BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE CORONET FAMILY STATION WAGON Full Facta'y Eqv;pped IWL45B9E 1219661 Immediate Delivery ONE PRICE SALE BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE POLARAS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 2-Door & 4-Door Hardtops MANY TO CHOOSE FROM USED CAR Super Market SALE! '67 MERC . Cyclone G. T. 2 DOOR HARDTOP TOTAL PRICE '65 FORD WAGON 10 PASS. COUNTRY SQUIRl 3•0 ~ ~-•••• ''"". ~··· '""''~. o•~•• l,~ ... ••1•• i ~., .... ·••(• _,,, ..... 1,.,90,. ,., •• '•" "· f'Al ' I-.. TOTAL PRIC( sass -: l oo & I•<· v.a, oulornotic tran smission, powe r steering, vinyl interior, tin te d windshi eld, heed re sts, seat belts , white side wolf tir es, outside rear vi ew mirror, fender movnled turn sign als, del ux e carpets, hidden windshield wipers, deluxe safety features. Choice of colors. DL 23G9DJ 1 i9i1 Dl 2JC.9DJ 16757, DL2Jf903 \ 3091, Dl23F9031 S195, Dl 2Jf90J 16758. OL2JF90313°'.t, Dl2JF9031 2<?02. Dl 2J f903 !29?1. 53388 TOTAL PRICE -i· 1 .. X & llC. '68 PONT. G.T.O . 2 DOOR HARDTOP '· ""·"· '···"" "'""' s 19 8 8 '°'I''-<••••'• ll~•:;:J I. TOTAL PRJCf '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP ......... '" '"" $1388 00''0' O'""""I • •od•O I. ••n•••. ,. •l'O """ •/•01. t.OlD 51A~ l~V l.d9i TOTAL PRIC! +Too & L1' .. '65 PLYMOUTH $PORTS FURY VI .• , •• ""'". '"~'° & ... ~ ... <>•-·· ,1 ....... .. ~., • .,,,11 '""'• bod•• •·~·-. '""""'~ top. ,vr_,...~11' TOTAL PRICI +lo• & l•O. '68 DODGE SUPER BEE '" '"""""" "'"" .... ' $16 8 8 ·~d·• ....... ' C.O LO S!.t.1 lXllX«11I TO TAL PRICE '66 FORD GALX. 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP ,, ......... ' ..... $1088 ~ ~•V'" • t•~o• """'"~• .. ~"•·•oil ''"'· 1~1c;o11 TOTAL PRICE '66 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 2 DOOR ' t "'' , ... ~ao.,ol! !11u, lwll • lado•r 0<Q•'~""4 • (5K81~3! TOTA,L PR ICI ssaa +loo l \It. Total Down P1ym1nt totil Mo11rh lw P1ym1nt Sll6 It !ho !01<1I dow• ""'"'""" ST1 6 lo +~• •oiot '"""'"I•""''"""' 1,11"~··1 '"'· li<0••• o•4 oil '""""• eho• .. • •• ooo•o•O<l c...rl• for J~ """'"' O•. •I '°" o••lo• •o oo>• '"'"· •h• toll '"'" odto " onl• ~J59 1.•-0 '"'I"~"• oll '"'"'· lir••i•. fr•·•'' ond dool., ""°"'~tic.,, Ooll••,..d io (o"a "'"•· ""''· '"'"'"'"to,..,,, L'.>o••"•~ """"""' P"to •• $(11~ '"'l"""l"' oil '""''"'' fho•••1, '••••. 11, ..... h•••"' o•d d•ol., l''"P<>'•''••. No<hin, '""'" 10 P••· Doll,oto4 '" '"''" ,.. ..•. -"NNU.\L HICfNTAGf I AR 11.f 2'/• I '65 PLYMOUTH I $788 BARRACUDA FASTBACK \I., ••••~o•l " •orll&, ...... , ~ ... ' """'""· """• ~·" '''" ., ... '""'' IP«Q•.I TOTAL PRICE '65 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP 'I 8, ~u'&'"0' < •·~·· •otl• )• ' ........ ~ ........ ,. ;"'· .. ,, •• ••d• ... 11 ..... . ll'Ol/?11 TOTAL PRICE s733 +1 ... ~11 •• • '66 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP ,.,~, ..... .,, h, .. 1~· ...... ..... ,,, .•. , •Q''"""'· TOTAL PRICf s733 '65 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON ~I o0•o~n•"· r.o"'" >'•t ., • ••••. ,_,.._ 1•~l&()9) s733 TOTAL PRICI .,. '•·' [, .. YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTID CARS AT THESE LOW, LOW TERMS $28 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $28 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT Slt I\ IMP 101 .. 1 oo wr.1 r•Y"!"' ,,. I~ H•f 101 .. 1 MO>llM\'t '"'YM!NT INClU[)INO T,1,X. l!CO•Sr AN[) All (ol,•OVI NG (HAO(,[~ Q•• •r••nVH> <•tD1 l •o t ONl't J6 ... oNI .. ~. o~. ;r !OU ·~HE• 10 , .. r USH. II•! •uu ~•Sii P llC~ IS ONIY \5JO •O l"(lUDING IA~ •NO l~AN~H· A"'"'UAL H RC(NlAOI IATI 16.7••/, DI 'fl~tD •AYMfNT 111Ct •S SIOOI INCllJDING ALL IN lE~fST, T.U: AND 1-...NST(I , I I • FLEX ] FINAtl EASJI TEI~~ Fast & accurate c courteous Fino "1 on duty at ' vLOWPAYI v EXTENDEI~ .. ·----------· BEFORE ;y C A USED CAR Show the dea ler my gu; can match it! If not com• home of the GOLD s· I :x:IBLE ltlCING ~s1IEST El~MS irattt credit approval, Fina nee Managers ty at all times. 'AYMENTS IDEI~ TERMS ----·----------· RE y OU BUY CAR ANYWHERE ~r my 9ua r1ntee ind ask if he of com ' into HARBOR DODGE , GOlD ST AR GUARANTEE. 1i cl. OWNER -GENERAL MGR. Go~ s1 tr In Thi Windshield 311 1 00·~ Unrond,rionol G1111•011!11 ;11 wd"~~ •kot Ho,bo• Ood91 guor. 1()•/. ago••• "'•thonitoT d1!1do for )() ""'" ... hichcv0< <om11 1;,11 of!., tlud•• 11 I methoni<ol po.ii. olec- bat1••~ •Pe1dom1!er, <od;o, h1otct )un•o~t·o <OTPrt oil parh and la bor 3u1"P"' 0 b,olulcl1 l •e• to you. -----------------------------------~-·----·-·-···--- IUND NEW 1970 DODGE s39 s39 Coronet Deluxe 2-Door Tot1I Dow11 P1ymen1 Tot1I Monthly P•ymrnr Fully factory Equipped !~' I• "• 1010! do•• po••••••. !g• I• •~• '"'"' "'""'~'' ~··~••I l••lod••• •o•, I«•••• o•d oll '"'"'"I <kOt9"> •• op~•D••d «O<I•• <o• ~~ "'""'"' 0•, I! '"" .... , •••• po• ·~•k, •k• 1.11 <••k p<l<I> lo ""I' S;>7J t •o '" I"""' .,11 •o•o•, l•<•o.o. h•'•~' o•d do-olo• D'ODO•Ollo••, d•lf•••"'1 '" (•"• MO•<>. No1h .. o ,..?•• 10 r?•. Clot•"•~ o••'"•M •''•• " SllO• ••cl•~·•• ell '""Y•"• <ha110>, 'O•"'-I'<••••. ''"'I ~! ood ... .,,,, 1>•100•0"0•, 1•01•.,1 "'~'• '' CC•, d•l• ... •Od oO (o••o Mooe Wl1 l COl \Ol llo7t ANNUAl ,,.CUOAO! aAll 12 tl ~O BRAND NEW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1970 DODGE DART SWINGER 2-Door Hardtop Immediate Delivery Full Factory Equipped ill23BOR1030111 TOTAL PRICE + 11.)C l llC. Tot1I Down P1ymt nt Total Monthly P•yment S>9 !, •h• •o•nl dow• ""'"'°"' 1/t It •ho 10•01 "'""'"'' """"""' ••<i•<>•"t •o• "'"" • o•~ ~" """"• <•••••• on ooo•o•od <'•"''/of 36 "'""'"'· O•. '' ••• p,.,,., to po• '"'"· '"• '"" '"'' "'"'°" o•I• S?•ll •o '"''ud••• on 10,0" I"'"'"· 110;,M ood d•o"• o••oo•ot•o,._ Dol l••••d 1, Co"o ''••o. """'"'"' ~"'" •• '"'" D•'""•~ ••I'"'"' ~"'' " !ll•' ln<!•di•t ol! "'"""' t ho•1••· '"'''- I'°"'"• ""''"' o•d dool•• "'"""""'""• No•h·•t '"'"'" to 001. Dol .. o•od I• Co"" M•••. A"IN UAl Pl•CINlAGI •All 12.11"/o .TOTAL PRICE ..;.T•~&UC. Choice of Colors-Immediate Delivery PUU. rAClOIT IQIJlf>HD Jlt2l(O(IOS-Ml, JH2lCOllOJ-3S1 JIN2JCCKIOS-o90, Jtl23COl IOS.091 s93 ~:~~ s93 P1yment Total Metnthly P1yment St!"••• folol ~••• """"""'· '"l lo tho !Olol "'°"lhly ,,.,.. '"""' •ntl•d••• '•" '"""" ood oil '"'"'"I cho<tt• ·~ oo-P'a,o~ «•d t fot l6 '"""'h•. O•. II ,.,. •••lo•••""'•••~.••• '"" <Ot~ ••I•• io ••Iv $li~l.-.O i•tl"di•t oil ro•••, I"""'°• •••··•~' o•d .,.,,1., "'"""'""•••. •H••••d '" "'"" ,..,a. ~'M•·•1 ..... •• poy, Dole""" "'"'""' prlt• h 'll41 l•tlud· 1 ......... ,,., ••• ,, ... •••••• ti"""'· ,...,;,~, .. ~ ..... 1 .. ,,,,,.,,.,lo• Nnt~ln1 ~••• •o ~·• 0.H•o•od •• Cou1 /l\uo. ANNUA~ 'llClNlAOI •it.JI ll,ll"/o ss2 s32 l o!tl Oown P1ym1nt Tot1l Monrhly P1 ym1nt si1 ••• ~. •o•ol ..!o •n ..,, ...... !81 " ... •o!ot ....... v no""""' ••c•wd••o '"" I '""'" "'" •" <9"·'"1 '~"''"' "' non•o"d <'•d•' to· ~6 '""""' O•, .1 '"" o••'" •o no• , .... •••lull<••• nrico " "'" 11lll.•O '"''""'"' ot! '"'"'· •·•••<0, l•••t•• ord d•<>·•• r••OO'"''°"' Ool .. o••<I l• loo•• Mo•• Net~"'• '""'" •• ""' Oelo.,•d '°''"'"' ,, ... ;, !1•!1 ·••I•~··· "" ........ ·~······ '····· I'<••••. "•Ith! on~ dOoto< '""'''"olioo. No•h••t '"0'0 •• PD•, 0.lo••'"d ·~ (.,to "'••O, .TOTAL PRICE -!· T.llX .& l ll. BRAND NEW 1969 CHARGERS Fully •hclory Equipped-Choice of Colors Immediate Delivery X'J9al !l0).4J1 • ll.,19191l0015" • X'291911tllll • X'2~191J061JJ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST RECREATION & VEHICLE CENTER Brand New 1969 DODGE CAMPER Family Wogon, Heavy Duly Truck, Canopy, Rad io, Heater, 8 Ply Ril led Tirts, Double Bed, Sink, Waler Supp ly . Ice Bo"(, (;,bine1s. louvered Wtndo'NS, Wes t Coos! Mirror, (urt airis. Wood Paneling .. ~ 1962164274. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·~::d 1970 DODGE A·lOO Camper Van Door & Window Package, T 1ri ted Glass. Passenger Sea t, Rear Dinette, ke Boll', Stove, Curt.=11ns, Wa 1er Suppl y, Vinyl f!oor, etc . Al2ABOU101690. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·~::d 1970 DODGE Model A· 100 Vin full faclory Equipped A-12AAOU106355 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 53088 TOTM PRICE +r•J ,llC. 5 2888 TOTAL PRICE + 1.ll X ' II (, $2388 TOTAL PRICE +T...X &llC. '66 DODGE CORONET 500 y ••• ·---·•·. ~··· '"". ·~~. ' .......... ···~·· ''"'" S•o•l<I o<I ••••• ••••<' 111uo•JI. TOTAL PRICI '67 VOLKSWAGEN 4 •«0•<1. •od•• I ~""'"· ~· ... , ••o••. ""'"'" .... 11 '"''" /Tff!42). TOTAL ,RICE -I-Tot & II•. '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP v ~. ••••·~"'· ... ~ •. ~•c'••. "•"'' • """'"'• ... ,.. ·~•1 ...... 1vv.~~••1. TOTAL PRICI' ..,. To• & l'<. '65 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC as v.~. '.&C1('"1~r ~". ••'•· ~ ............. , ., .. , ... . •..t • • • ..,. ..... ~,..~.u ""'· (PW .. 0~0). TOTAL ltRIC! -1-To•&llc. YOUR CHOICI OP ANY OP THI AIOYI UlftD CARI AT THESE LOW, LOW TERMS $35 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $35 TOUL MONTHLY PAYMENT • 'l5 IS HI( TOT.Iii OOWN IA.'l"Mr .. n . 13~ I~ TKr TOIA.t MOllTK LY '.li"l'.M.fNT INClUDt~IO TAX. l lCf!-4~~ ,lp.10 ••t r •••Y+"'· (MAr{;!S 0" ... ,.0\1!0 ,.,,011 '<>•ONLY 36 M0"'T~$. o•. If "l'OU ,~,,r. TO ,..,y USK, T~f rul l C.A.S~ '~'''IS o .. 1v !!04(1 40 <OlCl UOl"G , •• •ND T••N~'r•. 0(!f1P!D 'A.YMLNI '"l l IS JI 160 !NClllD•"G .&ll !NT!l !\T, J,IJ( ,lJ>iD lUNS,fl. A"INUAL "•CINlAOI llATI l•.14"f. '68 DODGE CHARGER '68 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 2 DOOR HARDTO, '65 FORD LTD 2 DOOR HARDTaP •~<'• ... 1 ............ .. ....... , ,,_ ......... ~ ..... . ••o>.,, .. ~I·• well '""" rod••. !OWYJ4! I TOTAL PRICI -! To• & llo. '68 DODGE Dart GTS 2 DOOR HARDTO' ,, ......... "'". $1788 ••n'"' l'O••• 1'oo"•1. ~u"•' "~" <,0111 ~!"' 1w,,svo1 TOTAL PRIC! '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill HARDTOP '65 FORD STATION WAGON YI, ••'•'"otlc, "'""'"' 11•1 .• ..,~••, hoo•oo. H l11C1.111- 00I TOTAL PllCI +1 ... &11 •• + r •• & t11. ORANGE COUNTY L.A. COUNTY ·~::d 1970 DODGE Utility Pickup full fac!ory Equipped 013ABOS104725 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $2288 TOTAL PRICE -1-lAJl It llC. USED CAR Super Market SALE! '66 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ' ,. " "-.... · s1088 fo<'OrY n"• D0•0' l'O•""I < ••d••. ~ .... ._ 1!5N.110) TOTAL PRICE -1-Too & (!c. '65 VOLKSWAGEN 4 ,.....,, .... 1. •~4 ........ IW"ll41 TOTAL PRICI PHONE: (714) 540-8888 (213) 625-7752 St Habla Espanol I ~ ..... · .... -p -.-..... .-, .-.. r' ... -• • ' ' -"--,. ~EAL ESTATE Gener ii ANNOUNCEME"NT$ and NOTICES Cereft• del Mir SlSO Rooms for Rent 1995 R. E. Wented NEWLY COMPLETED PUPlEX I BR. 2 ha . ($2:WH ot 3 BR. J be ($325). Priv. patiOll, .ip:iv. ~. Cprd .. draped, comp. bl.t·in&. Best loc~ ':O!i • 707 Orcl\id b#' -'75.£050 0 ..... l BR rear hou~<' Stove, ttfri£:. A ne"· carpets. :I BR. 2 ba., JllSt eoinple ted. Carp .• drapes, dish,,·asher. blt-im. l BR. 3 ba . Brand new. Blhn di~h,va.sher, l·p1s, drapes, patio. Don Franklin PJtr 673-z:?:r.! I & -•v ~ ON TEN ACRES :? BR. furn & UnJurn Fireplaces I p1·iv, patios I Pools. Tennis. Contnt'l Bkfst. 901 Se<1 Lane, CdM 6-H-26U l~[acArthur nr. Coa!l H1v:y) OPEN SAT./SUN. 1·5 711-713 Poinsettia :; New LIL~Ury Apt~. Ready for ~·our inspect'ion & occupa.nc~·. DON V. FRANKLIN Realtor 673-2222 LARGE 21.~ BR -'-2 baths, b\k lo beach, bl tin slovc & dish~·hr, cpl.5 I drps. No pets. $233 :'>lo ~Tly. :;10' ~ Iris. 67:l-3359 :! BR. frpll". crpl, drps. baJcon~" laundry rm. So. of Hv.y • .'.:'.!2 Heliotrope, Avail T\o\•. 15. $200. 6i~:i&lj Z SR .. l ha .. <.·pt~. drps, bltnF. $17j mo. lease. ALSO: 2 BR. I ha. Sl50 n10. lease, Agent 67:>--2101 COROLIDO Apis. 'l Br 6tudios, some y;ffrplr.:s. !ISO I.: up. Also penthouse $220. Pool & palios. 6i3-33i8 Huntington Be•ch 5400 2 BEDROO\I 2 bath. cpts. <lrapt>s. bullt-tns. Brst loca· lion. 1 blk. to ::i Point store,;. Sl :>O up. t~urnl~herJ & un· furni~hed. fi.12-2~ or S-t2...£03. 7701 Ellis. Apt. D. 2 Bedroom. 2 bath. cpts, drapes. bui.Jt.1ns. Best loca. tion. 1 blk to 5 Point stores. $140. up. Furnished & un- fllTnished 64'?-'?83 3 or 6~:1.-S303 7701 EUis Apt D * BEACH BLUFF * r\o;;w 2 & ;; BR, '.! BA. Fore· t'd a.ir. d~h1rshrs. pa .10. pool, \'ICI\'. J &· 1 ~1011'· lralk to 5 Point Shops. ~-\i.~3J7 NE\V Lt;;>.VRY 1 & 2 Br. PATIOS & E.-\LCO:'\IE.:i ADULT L:Vf!\G 5UR.F:"IDE CHALET &2~2 Atlanta. :'>56-1~00 LARGE 3 BR. 'i Eil:I , h rep!ace SlS.i mo. Al so fl('ll' GENTLE~IEN -Bt a c h , pool, tennil!, rein~. tn· tranct. ~. nio, 5,36-8.j!S F'URN . roo1ns Ki t pnvl avail. $1:> per 11 k, .\Jen only. C~f. • &1!¥-S.113 SI:.'> \\"K & up v.·/ kllchen. $30. "'k studio a rt. 2376 r..·ev.·port Bh·'.I. 54S-9i55. Motels. Trlr. CrtL 5997 \\'EEKLY rares Sea Lark l\lotet. :not Ne1\1>0rt Blvd., Cos•;i; i\lesa Guest Homn .. S998 PRIVATE roon1 in lirensffi Whaddy1 Wint? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spec:i1I Rat• , 5 Lines -S t imes -5 buck• ll:IJl &:$ -40 ML'Si INCLUDE t-W~•' '"" '"'t .., ll'aM. i-W~•• •Ou ""'"' In !rod&. NOTICE If you have a 3 or -I ~room honie for !'ale er for N"n!, cnll us torlay, \Ve reprrsen! the en1plo}e<'s t)f A la ri;e Jirm nlOVin~ to the Harbor Ar('a and Uiey must have housing! AU cash if desired. QUI Farrow 546-86-10 NOTICE II ~'Qll have a 3 or -I bedroom home for ~le OI' lor ren\ C"all us today. \\'r N'Pt'('se!1t SERVICE DfREC'fORY the em rlo;·~~ of a large tu111 rnovt~;; 10 1he harbor Asphalt, Oils 65'20 board le t·ar1' horn<' for >-'l'OU!l P""""' •"d'l>f oaar~•. ,.__, 11n•• ot odv•t!l!•ne. • Id.,. j y • e I j $-NOTH INC. FC'li ~AlE -1P•D E~ ONL VI a1't'<1 . and 11¥'Y llHlsl M:e SE,\LING &-PATCHl!'\G hou~1ng! AU cas'.1: _ 1! desir. Residential • Jnd lls • Corn(''[ f'd . ca..Jl F;i_rl"fJ'" :>~Sfi.10. Con1pl rcas srr1·. Currrn!ly • · ~ .. n • P :·~;-11• PHONE 642°5671 An1ubla 1ory only. ,)\S-.i •• J I y T p d" Ad BUSINESS and FINANCIAL ('ngagl'd by City ol C,.\I. I0r Mi1c. Rent1ls 5999 GAf.AC.E for rent. Easlside, Co.'>la il!esa. ~20 f\lonlh &12-~'G.)7 OOl.iBLE Garage for slorage for renL l:il2 Orange Ave., C.i\I. 6--1&-J;;JO INDUSTRIAL units f or 6\oragt. $60. \\'est 16th St. Ntl'.'Jl0l1 Beach. 6--16-lj':!~ Income Property 6000 INVESTORS SAYE $10,000!!! Con5ider rcplace-ment v~Ju,,_.: 6 Unit Joi ......•• Sl;>.000 1 .. 2 Rd. house .....• t~.COO '.' .. 2 Bd. To~-nhouses ., '.?l.000 '.' .. '.! Bd. ,\pis ....... 20.000 D!'1 1"e, fences. p;it1os . .\,OCO Tota1 repla~efl1('nl l'OS!: ..••••••...•.•• $0.\(){'(I YOU eiln 0\1 n aU U1e abo\"e for S61.!IOO wi11i l'.>;fellen! loan transft.'n-ablr 111 6.f.'I ! TRADE J:-i YOUR l!O~IE Ior income. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee '.'O U \\',.stcliJf Dr. 6-?li-7111 CORSICAN HOMES WITH INCOME To Plac• our r1der'1 ara 1se street 1·e-;ror;111rm. NATO CORP. lGll Acres N. Dakol a, ''hrat llal'P secunllr.':. reaJ in\e$.t------Gen'I ConTractors i;:;s.:.sv; & barley land. ~<'ilansr lor n1rnt oppoi tl1n1ty. ~-10,00C Orange County c~rate 1·al. II ill trade all or part Bus. Opportunities 6300 Babysitting prefer 1ncon1r. for hVmC', unit•·. T.D. 's or l-----------6S50 f'o11in, Reallur " .. 'J!Yl() ? ~ Q..,.·ncr 6.tfi.SOO.L FAMOUS BABYSITTING. N r 11· po r ! &OOJ ar G1al1 ne.~l r.;i Air. Larg._. !01, uppcr Back BJy, B~AND NAME Hei~IHs a.re-a. Largr fenc"d rx>rt &. Hug" 1'!.'Cl'('ation arra 1·111-de-Sde, Gr.u1ada \\·ay. CA:'\D\' ROUTES .\ar1L :Xlnl cai'(· & rrfs. !ISO acJ't' \l a1a beach m.e ~!'.),'.?.)() ("l car_ Submit auto. J\'oll' al'ailablc in eo.~la ;\f~.~a1;•~10"-~Z7c'c''===~-~~ o,· 1n"'1n\" trurk 01· ~·11m per, Pen'Cln & niany o!hf'I' to..,.-n3 in Uils EX-PLAYt.iROUJ\JJ d11·cc.1or 1'1 .11 ~.J~;;l0.1 or ::~7-::16!1 H.<';1lry &-12-ITTI ai·e.l, AU locations a.re l'Dtn· 1•·111 care for rlulrl. in n1y Ot-e11 nl'1{'1~ r<'S lot C\1-New-HAVE J6 a cre Trailer s11e fll'-'!'t'ial or Jac1ory. Very home. r<lon thru fn, Call pt . art·a, Transf'd. \\·111 h1•P 8.-ch·. lf11s ~lream high earT1 1ni::~. no !;('iling 1n· "6"13--="•'•~=~~----- tradr-J7,IXXI eqty for car or tllnJ. \\'ani units. :1otJSr, 1 oll·r'I. To q11a1tr.v )OU n1us1 LlCEKSED Sab)·~1t1er, 111.v pcop. in J\·o. Ca.J. Appro....: TD·s or?? :,·ancy J . i\loore be rel1ahl1" & ha1-r I hr a homt'. ;\lon-fri. Xln1 lo,·Jn;:; r1 k't \'al Sli.C.00. 6~7-:;&;~ Bkr. 6 1~-70Cl0. '1Ry spare t11i1e \da~s or l'arc. N. C\T :>-1~'106. ·10 "-'-'· \\' Oregon, 11111b.;r :i ,\CTIES n Par P.-\L~I ~~~~· 10 SJ~:,o F:.EQUlRED fi,\BYSI~rT!NG, day<;, frnccd !and. $11:'11 f i e, C;.in <idd. :"PRGS, n111s1 ~acnlwc l 75ll Inquire ahottt our "fre~ bonus y11rd .. 1 _Day .; 11.~~k. Co~!a \\"anl: Sm!. incon1r prop or ('{JUi!y, b;ilancc s ;.o 010. route plan". :'\lake .vour fu· i\IC'.'la a1't'a. 61_-s •• ~ Sportf!~h"t' to :::::i·. T ~-011n. \\'ILL TR.-\01:: for n101orcy· •1·B'··· .11,·11 H·········· ·10".1·1"1! ' • c•LL ... ,,.,, lure ~{'llfl': \l;!h LIS, a Dunn ' "' " " .,. t· <" ni· -" ~<J-• • t..· Brad~trrc! rated National Brick, Masonry, •fc. T.'' <.:n1J5(•r T111n D, auto XE\\"POnT !IC'i~IHs hon1v, Co. For n1ore information 6560 pilot. ranee 1:100 1111; 1'f'1:<:'nl ~ sr:, '.! B • .\, Dr., nook. ~end nan1". adr!N>c<s ·"-phone survey S-IG'l. \\"ill <."OnS)(Jrr ~(')'\•porch. tlen, '.!F'I P, 1000 no. to: f:OUTE DEPT, P. 0, BUILD, Re1Tiodr!. repair. tr ust derrl or ~maller boal. sri fl. Tradf ~11 .0C'() <>q. for Bn:\' .'18 Poni.-11w, Calif. 91~'.J, Brick, hlcwk. conPret11. 011·nrr !7141 T..'9--:'.·lOll. ..\c1·ea;:e/2r.d TD"s .. l-1.S-!la:n C,\,\"r:iY SUPPLY c11rprntcr~', no Joh ioo r,".:11_all_ C.irona dcl ~tar. gi<1 nt pool, 1'\10, 1~· !or" hea11 or I ROliTJ-: LIC Conti . ~ ·--!i~l.I l Br •. 2 GA, Jrpk. uidr tr Paln1 [)(-sr11 .. \OU can build \""ILIATE .-r r Business Servic• 6562 l).q_ L11·c 111 or perf for 16 U, s:'.J.00() rqui!~-. 1radc 1\0 Scl1111;; lnvol1·ell 1 lcasi11g_ \\'ant: lnL·oinr 1n for un its or comm'] N.B. OJ' Excellent 1n<.'fln1e for fe11· r..11'. or S.B. Cnry_ 6ij-i0S9 (_,\I, Chrner 67::-30 1~. hour~ 11ee1J y 11ork 1Day:o; or !IAVER-3 1-!liiacre.;.CX:can JL\\'C:: 1'1P~l' R--l lot t'lo~r-C'\'rn 1n;;s 1. Rrf1l1nc: & rol· Viel•'. ::!Jj7 Pact!ic ,\ve, CCIS· 1n L.A. Value ~ltOOO, \\'ant lccl ln~ n1onry !1'0111 co1n ta ;\Jr sa. \\"ill trarle for TD':o; nl'ar nr11· approx. :~· Crui"-oper;itrrl dispensers In Co~ra or ? ~-01n1er. 1_'131 2'1-1-3101 ... r. Prefer T. s. C. B. F. G. :'l!csa F.: :;un-oundln~ area. Pl"S. 1:'JJ 1 24£..0700. s.;.,.1an. 6~4-(r2iJ. \\e ez.t route. (!·l11ndles na1ne b1':1nd r·andy & TYPESETTING !\"rw and ron1plr·!r r o l fj tj pc rae1!i t1cs sr1vin~ all of Orang(' Cot1n1y, Oll"r- 111~ ~pr.rdy ~1'1'\'lte ,';, IO\V r~tc~. Call t,~r llll'f/l<'r 1nrorn1a uo11. \II! 1 ~::6.69;,::. ': a•'J"(' Corintry Estalc ~Sr, Chestnuts on open fire! :1 ~n11 rk~I $l:'>IJ. Cl\~h rr·i======°"=== ~ f~a. ).~x:;6 pool. ho10."s or Br del~ 1111 . home nr Run· quired. Yor pcr~onal 111-11111!~. :'O:'>l f'll ~. ll'afll beach n1n;< Sprlngs. fHA ;.ppr teri·iriv in co~Ta )!r~a 11 rca, Carpentering 6590 p1\)p, 1n("o1ne or " $1 ;,500 bal S-t'.!00. \\'anl little --'-'--"--"----''---~end nflm". arlrlrrss I.· phone 01111"'c .~~1 .;c'~ p]••e IP C\l ;tce177 ' "'' ,,_,., "~ .. · ~·.....,. nun1lxr to ,,lull1-S!alr Inc .. CARPENTRY ~llNOl"i. REPAIRS. r\o Job r\ew d.'hl'.{' 4-pl<'X!";. All h!t .. ~t'L'ad 1a _ 7 l~r dt\ ap1s_ 1n.s, shag crpt, drps I.· land. i\"ea.i· new • f l1i>pla\'eli 3 scaping .. 7'~~;, jannual rate) car pk;; ea. Trad" equity \Vhat do you ha ve to trade? 90.i7 E. l1111Jf'1·1al 1-1111·- List it hrre _ in Oran~e Do1l'ney, Cal if. 902-12 {2\~t C l\\jJ.(STl ount;(s large:;! read r:rad- ing post -ari make a deal FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION TOI' Small. Cabinet 111 g...r· ages & other cabinets. 5~:i-SJ iJ, U no ;Hiswer leave n1s.;: at &IB-~:::i2. 1-1. 0 . Anderson loans avail. !or 1n,·0111e or hon1r, New. •:: BR-~ BA-lrplc .. plus )'IOrt Brach. 4-16-6713 e 2 BR-2 BA.patios e I BR-1 B.\.,-JrhL\e sini;lt ~Ui\"t-LOl\'ER AVE. Bl'.~'n S. ~lain & B1·i•Tnl lheatcrl 'e mile E, of ~ou!h Coa~t Ph"" ~h'lJ1fllll!:: Cente1 Coll 540-1973 r-.:EED Partner \11111 sn1all 1n1e:-1n1ent, to co1nplete purch;:o~r of 1ncom<' prop. for l<tx i;a\·ing~. &12-2732. ShT- ,-, Br:.. rool . Oran;:r Co .. ~2- ~~l cq1y. \\'ant sn1aJJe r hou~r or h11us.:-"-i1hnur pool, r.!11111, n1ohilr !v1111r, c011np.. rr or c<tr. S12-:!72J * REAL ESTATE General Office Rental * :: Bl"rl1wm ho111e 111 \\'c~1. n1i11fter. l On<'d f:-4 wiTh p.i.rk1ni;: O\rrlay, arp1-." .Sl9~1 rqu1ly for •nco1111• f'l\)pr't'TY. !l!'.!-6iJS or :>-1~.40;~ Broker. * * REAL ESTATE G•ner•I * fr1;:1daire 18 mL11. 11 a~h. TRAi\SFE::R P11ncl lnol'ks (., F<1.s1rs1 in lhr 1ndu~t1y. '.'.O. V\V's lo Can1pl'l'!\. l\c build 13 n11n 1rasht'S 1~-111 rlo the or r1>n1orlrl tmat~ 1101·k ol -1;;, .~O n111111·a~hro;. prr fabr1c-;d11111 r .i•lt)1 11-hui!I FP.IG l DL\J!l-~ OLiT.~TA :"\'D· r;ib1nn1s .~· f 1 '-1 "r,. ~, /\'!] !..OC.-\TIOK . .; .. La :\!nil· Fo1·n1wa "oil.. f.J~;,Jl'l nr d,,. n1aJor ~hopp1n;: rrnler, .-~!8-lK>l Cardrn Gro1c k BuenJ C-IRl~r:--,·TI-,,\'c.~.~c. ---Park. ''i:. ••• Lao 1n r 1~ C l~"l'nQCI. !\o }JI} IOI) ~1\hl\t, oin-O .. Matic (JFHlli!y ,l.(•l'k. Call 616--2;1!6. Equipment, Inc. QUALITY T":epa1rs -Al!cra- 6070 Lots 6100 '.!.~::-11.~ \\', \l,;lpnc1a I tion., -J\"e,,.. con~L by hour E-.~J DJ:: hm 111ron1r 10 :----------------------F ull\'l'lnn 711. ,1::1-0S~~ ~ Conn·act. fi-!&-:;11::> un1 r, ' ::' rill' r111 !o hid \lOO"." .... · ·-.!'I 1 • o I ==-r.r. • i • .., •ri 1. 21/:t to 4 ACRES r~.x .1ur: as -;ii,:i,:r cni.;r mgl'IRF.PAJP..S. .\LT!~J:AT!O\S Sl'.';i,000. :!O'~ dn . 01,nrr I 1 C'I I 11· I . 1 011 n own " r n n l ;i. i; r. Renc:ho Ca · t ·~ 1 In 1~'1111n 1n ;i1T11 CABl~ET_ Any :<1%f' \'1b :->!S--SOOi. 1,.111 .,,.. •11 •1,. 11 1, r·d . pis rano 1_.,11 '"' ,1 1 •. ,. 000 ?.. • _ , •• ~ When You Wont it done right .. RE\VAJlD. Sma11 tan sha11:1Y (\&;::. Coek--il·Poo I y p e _ Blatk rars. Lo:;t C\i~f. Ans11"rrs to·· Ra I p h' '. 673-00.it rr:K l."il.F':SI'~ t\rlt; I 0 & I ln N.B. Owner gr1ev1ni;. Bring to l j25 Placcnlia, NB Apt C3 or call &1~260. Rew'd. Call one of the experts listed below!! LOST Lahr;idor P.Ptriever, VIC BakerfBris!ol. C:\t. Lie i\o. :1405, ~10 !'f!W &Td . 5-IS-2G:G any11n1r, ----~------SERVICE DIRECTORY SE RV ICE DIRECTORY SAi\JOAN ,\laskan Husky, J Carpet Cleaning 6625 Hou1ec.leaning -'---'---"-""---' nios. nld. lt'n111Jr_ Lark~pur 6735 ,t, :Jth St . Cdi\1. Rew'd CARPET "" uphols1f'ry :-;learn clt'<i.;1cd, aiso ("IJ.l')Jt'! 111- stu!lal10n, He~ul !s ~.11;U'. For free cs1 1·all 6ti;.-:1!l71 CARPl::T Clcan•11g :; n11:. Sl~.!!:i. Lphols!cry ch'lln111;,;· FJ'f't' &.'01rh~uanJ. l larOOr D1~i.:oun1 s:;u .. JSOO • D1a1nunds are 1 1 1,,a~un:d b.I' q11a111y, so ai·r 11·,..~ DIA.\!01\D (',\r:PET CLt:Ai\'!:R:-i 6\"~1 :;17 anyl1111r 6!;..7:i61 \\"OL"LD '1'011 bC'lic,c I \\"ill l,-=-=-=========o l 1·lf'c.z. your tiornc 101· Blue Personals 6405 Chip Sta1Hr~·· S~7-i::::.o ----------- e \\'li\'lXl\\"S DIRTY·: f'J'Pf' l'ST, l.-1 )Cii!"~ <'\I' Juhnny Dunn !i12<!::6-I *Alone? 111''D0\\I CL! .. A~L\Ci YES IT'S YOUR J'i-v11•1sr tv plra~· • FAULT ··~11.i-:r~10 .---==~""'~..,..----I Fo1· fflCU1YJc d n•ei<s-age tha1 CARPr:TS. \\11ndn\1 ', 111·-"., 11111 change yc.U1"l1f~ call r \t•, r:r~ or C1>n11 · I. :\Int Of:.\NGE CO. 541-666f 1\'(Jl'k Rea ~! f~rf~. :JlX-1 111. ~-I hour rerordin:; E_l_«_t_,;_,_a_I ____ 6_6-4_0 Janitorial 6790 HOUSEWIVES ----Dot1 hl e your nloney for Xml!.~ ELECTRICIAN : L1c!'nsed .. bonded, i:n1~ll ;oh~. n1<1111\ & fl'!J."11rs, ~1!i\-:,~10:; FloorJ. SPAP.KLJ-: .Jan1t0nal & \\'1n-or raise money for your cluh 11011· t·lt'/111 111;:: S/'1·1 . \\"11)-or churc h. ,\ phone call or! du11!', re~1d. co1n1·1, 1·r'11.'\ lt·tlc1• a nd yot1 1vi!I rec<'ivc Cleanup. 1-'1'1'1' ('~I :lt.ii>-~li'.l l r1·eC', romp!rtr: 1n/onnat1on_ _____ 6_6_6_5 ----Cori pub, l OJS E. \SI St., Lend1caping 6810 ~l11te 20.1_ i iJ ~) 836-6955. CARPET VlXYL TILE frrc C':<!, Li e. l"Ulllr. :>-1-0---7~62, :,16-\ liS Gardening ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6680 1'hi: ne~r. co.<.ls no 111ore: l::.:-;pcr1cni·ed i\/ain!l!n;1nce Blldgct Land~ca pio;:; r;radllale llor11ruJ1u!'lst NF.IV I a w n s re-~ceding. Coni11!c1r hi\111 rarr. Clran up b,v Joh cir 111onlh. Frcr r s11 ma1ri;, t"or lnlo, call ~ a;.r~-i:;1 ·~----,\L'S Garurn1n~ & L11\1'n ,\l;iintenan1 ·r. l e111mr rc1nl, 11JUu~tr1al & re•ide1111al. ; 6~1 .... ::6::J • --- COMPLETE ·1 .11·,-1 ~(·.,01 C\ean11p r,, ;)<_ :-..;S-19'2S 6-ki-S217 Cllt & F.oge Lawn ;\[a1nti:naoce, Licensed :JJS--180,~/~)!~)..1 99·1 ;.fl 4 Jl.\l 'S G11rrlen111g &· !;iwn nia1ntenance . P.rs .• r.: Co •n· n1crc1al. * ::.10---1s:;7. .Jap;111rsr Garrll'tler f o1nplrlr Y:u·d S<·rvt(!' t rrr E~11111al<' 61G-0S::O r1.~:.,:x-=-c 1° _.;;pl;c;:JAL l$T'. 2110'1 l!I::'., rdt111~. ndrl 1ubs. r.1•:1~r\l1'1.bll'_ :.11:;.r,!);,~, * E xpert Japanesa t l.\'f;sr \\.ORK li46.0'.:.S1 General Services 6682 WHY SOUINT?-TINT! LI "O J I I \\"Ai'"TJ:..0; Hidr f1-on1 ~>oth & C ap,111!'~(' anc •rapt' &l 111a ,\na A n·~ .• C.~l. to CO"''""''lul', La,11~:<. i.1••·'-J1·< " · " · · Anahr lrn, :: blk~. off $.A. pa11os, elc. $.::O-;;()::i t·rwy. on Broad11·ay. Da y Masonry, Brick 6830 si\1f1. ;, days. 646-8.C,19 aft, 6:30 P ,.\I. RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specialty! Block, Brick, Conc rete Free Est. 633-234 3 Paperhanging Paintin9 6SSO LICENSED ~piri lllal r:.cading~. adviet on all ma11crs. :ii'.'.' N. El Can1ino P.r;i !, :::<1n Clemente -192-91 ~6. -19&-9j()7 10 A,\J . 1[1 P '.11 Attractive Expe--;:f YOUNG \V0.\1AN dancer 1n ll te;ich you all NEED PAINTING? latest :.;1eps , Call Al'l'.!""U Call u:-:-'. r..e liable Ferr1 1-" 11·/ ~).~; ,j:Jl-153):'. 1·10 Pi\t Qual11y at its br;.t, al Ti lf' • l!Al~ROR Ct:L.J ISE * n1(1~l J'('!!S<1n~lile P<"t1'' -n~11ly 2 P.\1. Fun Zone Bo11t Fl""r r<tim;;I!", :1 \•.tjr,1._:: Co., Balboa k 673--0240 * i:\Tl::r:iut:. ~.:"\'1 t:1-:1u1:• ,\LCOHO l.ICS Anonyrnotl! J';11111u1~ -P11pr-rhan2111;; Phone 5-12-7217 01· 9.Tite to LI('. Ins r;l1:•r>.Hilf'rd P.O. Box 12'.!3 Cost<! r.le!ll.. J l.1LTl~ Pa1111 111;: till-1.)jS :'LBLRB1\.'I P<11111111:: 1J1 c E:xperl Cuar;.nl{'rd \\"nrt; fr£e e~l. No Job 100 l.<q;c or too sm<tlL -191-:Jl!\O PAl:'\TJi\"i._;, p11JX'rin;; Jt; Jr~. in H<i rhor arra. Lw , & Cem•tery lots '"II ---'--=---- FOR SALE by o"·ne r, 6 Pa- cific Va,11· cemere1y Jots. Call !">-ij--6960. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT bonded. Rrr~. ft1rn. 61~-::·;:,G. Job Wanted \\'ALLPAPJ::HJ\'i:; & P.\r.\:: Women • 7020 TJ1XG. Hl \'f!..'> 111 a1'i'"'o1. I BR Sl2\ !\"ear <)(."€al1. pr1. Bi' CJ11·ne1·, '.! ilf•\J>'i:S on Joi deck. gar. '..'026 l 4th E-sirlc. 10';, 'h1 n, S!i.900. .., , n ·" 11 , .-ul 11,1 c-, 1, J)(lW oJ/ri'in /abul 1_ e. up fl .>MJ, _,J ~rs:. r~pr·r .1·1S·li• t,, afr, dbl. 1oi!1>1:;, plen11rul _ g ous. o.i,, :\Ii; n1 I c;1p11ht!1tw:-r p1·0----;·~=~~=--c'--~t ur!dcd. r<1 nch .'ilLr <pfcarJ ~ I 1 REP1\lr.. Pa.i1i11 011s Sn1all park1nc::. ~u11e1blr l0r ofr or The only ones (Jf 111~1,. ,,~:. po~a ~. 1·on~tn1c!1on, pri>-F:.eniodrl, cir, Ni !" or <lay, Stop caarr, _Fa•lr .~-Hral su;-..·-f:E:-l~TO P. \nphrl1 tn E,\lst111\! 1:!.1<<: r .·,r fR[~: E~nn1.!1r;;, Call 539-6913 t'l,!1)1 f-lrtt.("h arra~ 7.1': ;.r;)lO ~ll'l Ch1!p1 n;111 Air c;;1rd('11 1;r,J1" 13&-1519. 613-1784 '..'137 :\\agnol1a. 6'l6-'.'.'10:.; I==='===== S['l('C1altv. r r t 11 1 ! 1£.i · nu duel ton i:on11·a.e! adnl OP> · 111 t lu• ' ' Rea<:! C;il! KEN ~~10-1!i7~ Nc11'fl(ll't Elvd. 6--l2-1:t:O f'Ontro!. sa Jrs-mkt~. pro-1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= 2 Bfi.. crpis, drp~. b!uns. cnclosrd ;::ara~e. Clo~e to !)E>ach. $12:-, . .:.36-1 i&6 STt:DTO Apt. ~ SH . 2 B.\. at t-ieach. Adults. 219 l Jlh SI. :\o. 7. HB Tustin S6-40 THE :\~PE:\" 1iO:i2 \\'1Hiam SL Tust in '~ prrs1q;e ad<!rP".\S Adult h1·inc:. no pe t~ Sha~ r;,rncls To!ll.I 11 1r Mrui;11"n111;:: l'nfurn1flwd Gymna~intns & 1'.4un;~ . \p<trlm~11!~ from Sl;..Q For 1nforma11on :;;;;.-~66~1 l•qun• Beach S701 100 CLIFF DRIVE ~180 l r.r •. 1 1 ~ f~.\ C r;11~. r'!l"p~. bllin~ View of r1•·r:111 , \V11llun; d1s1ancr to Tu1<n Al1>0 !urn Eaclwk11. 1 rry W;:r. :" 100, -!fl!·~ 1!9 or ~~·-REAL ESTATE General Rentals Wanted 5990 ~ BR & rit!.n or ~ Br. 2 Ba 11n- f'urn house. snutll rlog. nccd- td by :\o\"_ Jj %Z-~~J RENTAL SERVICE rnEE TO LANDLORDS + SJu,, Bearon G.ti·0\11 • "'A N T E D Un!llTnis.ti.'d housr, Corona del ;\!ar or B&Jbo3 Island. Call 539---01:19. e LANDLORDS e 1'RLE RENTAL SERVICE " BroJuor :~1~8:! 4RAGE Apt, turn. by ~l'!lth. Adams to Drookhurst area. M'""613 q u 1 e 1 nian, pvt. fib'., pvt. bath. blk. trom ~. no c:ookina: lW mo. SJ""~l atter 6 SIDR061't, in ~"-'·· pri \"RIP. r.kdaJJion I-Jome . S\j 11"f'ek ~aJUon Home. Sl5 '11'ek or. $fiO • mon•h. &16-2041 SiJ:EPING rms $,jO wk. I 1Jt w/kitchene1tl! $-'l:t ·wk. ,..,('(! pool. fl.latd srrvke-GJ Vw:torta, nr Harbor R;JjM f'or rent, kit priv. ~.n only. U> mo. 803 ~·trr.or St C,\f 64&-32S9, ~",-~170 Bu1iness Property 6050 Black knight Re~t . 3.30 E l'irh :"t .. C ~I. tL.ind &.: Eldi. \ By 0 11·11rr 7 !~: 6·C·6~00 F'uJ :;• ,_ Mmn1. to all hkn:. BY o"·nCr~"n1rtl!Pfo1. hlrlg. Ir,!~ of parkLn~ I no11-lorn. n<-3ut:y <hop1 Chr:i p i l,-1-106 Industrial Prop. 6080 '2~ ~ ti. Jndustnal Plant 11 !11! J-!on1" ......... 561.500 !11-lll.~lnal Lot ~-Oflke S::~.500 ~ f';.-lnn 1!0111P on ;-.1.1 Lot ................. ~~·:.3:>o 66 X ::Cl() L/'vrl :'>!-1 Uit .............. ~!0,jOO THC Rt:,\L E.~l.\Th:I:.; Commerci1 I 6085 B cc"c'c'"c.:c"c":..:.Rc•cnctc•c1 _ _;6c06=0 Bt 'JLDt:\1~ rfl r l ''lll 417 :i~th !Sc SQUARE FT. r.r1:1 1J 1)1· n!J H·" ~.pa~."" bl)il . 1200-24().) ~q ft. '.'1 1 In :!J;; !;;211{] <;1 _ ,-,,11-tJ<J 11 f;ear.:h. f;! .'1'11 O"l I Br a ch. ()Ti-'.'l ·i::. lii~~"i{l Industrial R1nt•I 6090 l{ry 1U1' rn11-:" ;-.; r; 1ra'>fll e 1::.JO ~q. II \_,vb:.• 0 1111rr r~'i-:1 ~:;,~ .;1r,J, Co'lii '.l!r~~ r1r ~ 1'.'l ':1 ~i&OIC't! e ::lflO ~11 It I '1f l1•r', :; STCJRlc.----,;;.· 1,.,,,,. !1_111_'0-.--lt. pha~t po"rr. l ~ 1 0 I tn ,, . ir1 ~hop <'tr on lith ~1. Cosi.1 Cus!;i l\[r~;i '.l !r~a Call r!11y -19.J-O!iJj n1tc e r;;j() to l..>.000 ~(] fl rio11• %2.-.~:<.~~ Jr;1~111~. undr·r t:Qll;,1f\H'(1on i\ \:"\lt:D Bkl ' '00 Co!"l a ,\l e~-. '· ' '. :;., a~pl'l'.IX ~.(, , C. Roh('rt Nal\J"f'~!> f:cAltnr ~'l fl. ~·~1t11nlr f " r Costa ~[('~ 61~·1 l;>.~1 rr,1;iu1·~nt \\ 1·11i: D a 1 I y :,.,:==;·~==~==~ Pilot 8" ",,; HUNTINGTON BEACH STOR!'.: for lra~e. i:ro sq fl. Oceanr1-on1 at r\e11'JXlrl Pier. 6i.1-i'566 9010 Sri f! Industrial :"p11rr H11s ;;iro ~q IT, air condition- ed orfirr~ S l~IO JlC"r nion!h Ofo...fcicco:._Rc•c"c'c•cl ___ 6c0c70..: R. D. Slatp ... A-.:1. .?36-ssm LAGUNA BEACH ~000 SQ FT. 3 offi ces ~-loh- Air Conditioned I by, roncrrtr til l-up i·on· O:-< fOr~Esr A\rENUE ~truct1on: :MO·Uir~c pha~e Dr~k •parr ;1\·a il.ibl" 111 JIOlll"T-1 ni m I'd l 111 e fl<'- ll""C'~I office b1,i/rlin,. al rupalll'Y Cosla ~l r~a. l\'r prirne l1X:atio11 in do11·nfD11·n i'\1i pt·S.D. lr111·~. 0 . C. Laguna Bt:'arll. Air condi· A1rpor1. ~r10-1S9:1 !1cnrd, c·arpet<'rl, hc>aullf11I F.:-\('I::Lt.E:--1 pl\;fli niri.ldn~ <'n!rance.~: F11Jnl<1g~ on pl~n for club~. ,. h u r ch f'or.,.~t ,\~•t., N'ar \('flds to g1\1~1r~. nr~;::anizauon~ ;i;nd l\!Uncipal pll.rking lots. ,'j j() !hr 1nd1v1duai, Doub[~ )0\IT p<'r mor11h for l<l'l<lt'e_ Dt~k n10nry , \l"r1 1r or phone now and c-hairs avail;1blt for $.i. ror f1'«'. ·l'OMlplrtr 111fol'n1a- Business hou~ 11nl"\'trin,;; lion. Compub, JO:i'\ E l~t Sr. srlvi~ Bvailable_ !or SJO. ~u1te 11'.l:l 171.JI ,1:35.s..ri:xi. AU utililies paid c..'<1.-ept ~oo SQ FT B G tcl('pholle. ~ • • LO • DAILY PILOT E 10rh SL. Costa l\lrl'll . ?JO "2~2 FOREST AVENUE Elec. power. Avallab!e New. L.AGUN.\ BEACH ='="~·~'~j~,.c..;coo=---~-- 49-J.9-166 BLOG for Jral;('. 11.000 HL It DELLiXE 3 roo111 oUic-c 1>u11e 111 Corona del iltar, Pre1-t1gr location. 1-'anellffi, new Properly ro· x 300', ~~>-11::3 d11y3, E1·r s. 642-1479. ~IO\\/. 1ith .. C.1'1. t:arpt'ls I.: rlraj't'~. pr11·;i1e Lots 6100 pa1·h1nJ!. f:.eaJonomir.:s Corp. [ ~.;.;.;;__ ______ .:_:::;: 6iJ.-6700 EL:ILDERS~ 01-r·rcEs Cot-. on Vii.:totia . 1:iox10= r.r c-rr>lion-.. \n~11,erini:-011·nl"r GE S-&~20 11f! 1'.!. SN:-re tlU"ial Loni: Brorh, Calif. ~I.) :'\e1•JY.>l'I Bf1d., ~ E. BALBD,\ r~en1n··.~"°'~.~OO~lo-,-,-,, f>0.>--1601 My. f -! Cir R·:?. "8.::.00 COSTA i\Trsw olfitt!-. AfC, 61'.>--62~ or 67:>.:l.>"!lel crp~ df'JJ!', ?-ark!nit. Vrry R·l lnl , Co~lJI: :'llt~a !11 uni!• nlre ofli('I'~ J:J:..; ·s.i~cr,I ,-1,.nrr Ptitl S1i Jl1v 11 n 5-tt>--4S!l0 :':i !~.f.i'jtil __ .;__ ___ _; B•.ionun:; i..1uth CO<U'I .-'\l'ril I sz1·11n1 rlrff1!~•·. l1c::h ;.lxi1r rlie ~•no;; b<>I! Ceme"t Cone 1te 6600 Prn·atr J\Jads aild lockri! /l:;;r -!:: • £:d11c. A~. 8,\, BS , r fii.l-1<\8) + CO:'\CRETt: r·loo r ~. Ll .\!;."'CL UQIJrs &r.u·rrl & ---PART TIME pa tios. C'tr, R{'ason<i bl". CaJI f:.rp:i1rrrl. Ccncr:il House ;\!am1farturr at1!0 arres.~ory Don. (,1'.!-8314 \J;i 111t SJO. n1ui_ 67.}..J..~.'-!. ;:-ale :;11ara11 lrf' !hr natural \x>aury of this forn1<'r Span. •~h Grant st11T1>1.1nflrd hi' l>c,111tJ/uJ (Jevcla11rl ,\'at1on~l r .. 1·,..~1. ,\U unl ot ,c ~ a,ruJ. f'ill"(~ In ~UUt ~p.ve limr.1:========== Jc========== (.;c.nrl fan1 1J,1· pn1jP<·\. 5JjO(I Con'tractors 6620 Hauling 6730 • sup11l1rs nc1•drd S h o 11 1 r11 -----'-.C.-'----C.:.;:c: Drr"•n11l-;1117 · 1\l1rr.i.liu1b - :-;pcr111 I on hrn1~. Job Wanted, a blP_ rr:in·.D rr.0\1 ~~,r,,'fl LO\\" [)()\\.'.'\ _ l.7. Tf:f'.._\I~ f nr 1nJr r •t1n11~· l•1·1n" rr- Toj'r 11rn1 oi-Jll~; plil i.'1 ~;1,, ~r­ n1 r•\l <1! a h.11·;::a1n pp.·r. C11 ll fl r "1·11... r,,1· r\l:i;r l,..tr d\"!1ll.~ and her ··11101 hre<- rr1<1n1 t ,ilYI p~r n10111 h n\' Fl~t-~I) 1!. Cl·:r-:11·1cK l)101·e full 111nr , F"r arp1 E;u1ld1n;:: Con11·ar!9r f'l1onr 1~111 ··~:l-'1~01 , f'.'11 r a,n, f11<'. txirn1-p.11«1<; '.'~'\_ Lwl'nsf'd-r·rrr "'' 11\'l tr~ ~MAN UFACTUR""fNG r,;:;....11111 ,\ ;o1'l~~1 ;0 E'r:•n'l1nc: t'On1 fli'l\'t nrt>d~ (;£:-...ERAL Conlr:n·t•r ,\II n1~n f,1r ~l1 1wn·1·l'"ll ol nro-carpr1111:., r<•t11 ri !", ;; lrl & t'h<irr~ 1lui''t0n ~\:1.li <I 1n1P~l111rn! l"l'J1',"rir)1n;:: '.!:1 ,1 •·.'> <'\• f:A;'-..CJI() f":_\Pl..;;TT:..\,\Q ~;,l.\L) 'i"'1 ,h.1 r'r 1n pm!. pPr1rnrr ~,;;1 .j'."I . i;,1;.~":'-! 1-'iiO C1n1p1J< f)r fl ~ ·' 1'ron1p,1 ny In n~" hi':'i-1.::========== :"\'rli p1-•n Rr 1rh. 9'.'txi.l '.'.11 .. _F11r .,p111 pl1"!11' i!J·I• Carpet Cle1nlng 6625 ___ :_·1_r._;_1' 1.0, ,,.1 'h .i. "\, !'.\11 rrinc:paJ~i .:::c.!:::_:c.:cccc.e..._.:.:.::.: Bl'!LrJ 1:; U'.\lT:': .--.nh C.\t-;.PFT 5, Fiirn, rl<';1111no;:, C•Ty '-ll 011l:<1'L0, (oni~r 1'11. DELIVERY-lnr I drl)' ~l"l'\'1;i' ,\ <JUalH_> ::"H1 ~1 s,o·, all ,,1,,-1,.m,pr~ '10rk c.d l ;-;1rrl1n" fur '".. ' [Jrll\"' -111 pl,lr!< IO f]\IT' •U<.. 0 (Jr\l~rio I ~ 1 "r n a I Inn a I 1n11\r1<..._111 0 1 angr C:uunty bi lg~ti1'1'~"-' n:'.'-,1:; i<IO __ _ .':1rport ·' n1111u11'.~ l'l.ill )'-;,1 ~1 ~J!l."-0 f<'r 1111r11tory, ,\DIAL d1rei.:t fi!~:iG7~-Ch;;ri;r ,\r11' ~l otor ~Pt'ed\\ay 10 11 n1 kr1· 1·:i n tl!ilk~ ~lCW pr1· )Our ad. 1l1rn ~•! back and n11nutr~·-.s:;i;,ooo cash or I n1n11th . !-'i>r aprl phone \ 01 11 listen lo tlic phone nn&: ~uhn11I Ownrr P. O~ Br>\ '.1. .i:;:-i.~,(i[!l, .-~1 '.',~\ ------ ~u;~~:n,;;a. Cal1r. f'h t'i l·H :-'!l·J0! CL~:,\r-.~,R ~OR -~--C,\R.f'l·;TS ~-11phol. .\1·rr. S~OO tht1J s::oo TK'" na.1·, no BUSINESS •na rr r~n1age. i' o 11 o" n 11. FINANCIAL Y \!~n 1 ;,,r r 1 r a nu p . J:~n1n1c \n'r~. 11}. 1lit·1. n· ,,·1n ' tJ,.,·klv•.-. .';f a rl r !lh'.:-'11 • -----CLJ-.. \:\-l'r ;:u •·l 11.;!1~ +n~ (':,II I 1:•1 ' 11,\l 1-:-1~\:-:--tTr .i1\7P.1~.:I !lun•l.'' ,•) •Ill: 11'11" ~ ••ll •.di -cTe.,n U p And HaUl- \111 ;i J .. ,,iJ r,.jl-(.;!;;.:~ Housecleaning 673S B.\Y /:.· F>rar h ,J,1111lo1 1al '.'rn1_ (;u'llf'I ', r 1e, r:rs 6\f,...J .101 "•11dn11 :<0, llor>;'"· ,r., Co1n 111c -1 BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL * 1;.15.i; 111; • Men & Women 7030 Alteration$ -642.5845 C!ll"NESE: l11-p.1n Domestics. :"\i;;,1, a1 ·• u, .. ir, .. '1l ;.•' .i• •'•fl Prrn1f!.11rn1 Expcr1rnrerl. Tree Service 6980 ~fl'I -'~·rncY &\~·&703 -----r.!~\\'i\r:E'.' r:.ihl"'r IJ ""' J obs-Men, Wom. 7100 IH'f';ik lr.111vi,d 11111-~ o'"f' r d 11 ny T1't'£ N'!'\-" r , :1.'',1\--~!'l.:o Upholstery 6990 I ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -CLERK JDl::AL r;ineh l111n~. aln10~( an Arn>. fronting en 11n orange giuve in CapistTfll'O rity limi !~. ''-ith Dana PL brer~.~. zonrd i;n1all rs1111r. hor~rs Jl('n1111ted, all utiL, i11rl ~c"rr. SZ!l.!l~.I. 0 ·.111cr - 4!ll~f](!.I t>('fQn" (~·"'f l SJtiOO ca~h . 6~&-;;:i11 f'\·rs. Drivr-in rcs!auranl Balboa Pen111~ula Prwrd rl'a~onahly Mon1y to Loan 6320 Mon•v Wanted 2nd TD Loan 6350 ! Found (Frei Ads) 6400 On~ Yf'lil' <'i'.l'.lCnen~ rn aC\O lUllS ria.1·able pl u.\ ah11ity to oprra1e JO key adder ;ind do Mme ~ 111g. Rc~pon5ibl~ Io r vouchel'in;; and handling of pwTha~r ord~r~. in- 1·01cr~ .t N't'E'il'rrs. BEAUTlfLl. ''1rw I o t , "T\J"\111 Id" a I for C"i1 ~to1n hornr f r•'" ~-rlca,-F>,1· 01l'nrr. c"Ot"l !rr111~ ;\lay takr lr;irlr fi 7j -~:.? 13 . 67'.-()~0:1 OCN Vw. rr~ lot C~l-:"\r"'f'I arp.1, Tn1 n~f'rl. \\"ill ~I'll or !rarll' Si{)(l() r qly !or car or prop. 111 l\o C;ol. Appro~ nil\1 y a] Sli.OOt 6fl7·::G.':.I Exch•ng•s, R. E. 6230 (;ood l111..:n111r • Want $75,000 Loan. Hav• Promrt. confir.enli;il :><"rvire $150,000 )st TD as s .. Call Sh6o","'., ~~pert1es 642·2171 5-45-0611 .-.--.·~~, curity. Will pay 10°,. ~rn. in:: Jl;i; rhnr ;. 1·ra ~'il ) i·s. · I •10··>"\" '''''"" ,.,. f·• 5 ttl M 1 C int. Principals on y. ·' ·' ~ , " ,. 'n, v • a er or gage o. 1110. N:int~ ,\n;i Jndus1T1;1;! ;i;:6 1-.,;. lil h .• 1,.,_,_, __ 1,..,.,.• .. l•4•6"-S"9"8"4"""•~...,...,. Arra. t"111l~ t'(J111rP"d , ~hor1 [--.CC:'....:._____ _ ______ _ nn'lf'r~ & ~1111rl hour~. SIS,000 ;;.\f}.:U.~!I f,,r ;::nnrl rra.! r'-!Jlr 1'1:111 , \";:i1•;1111 0 1\, il!r ,\dan1<. Gr11k<'L' • t~".}-~1 ~0 lnv11tment Oppor. 6310 M ortg1g11, T.D.'1 6345 AC QUI S J T IO:'< Or. l\IERGEr.. "n1all rduca· t1onaJ p11Yh1rt~ n1fc; !1<1s pro· dur1s laun,·hed hu1 needs lS"C P.ETl.:TI\J s:~~.roo ~ .. :isonrrf l•t TD. fla)ablr :s,;..oo n10 ~·,. <lllr Ir'! 11 zno11th~. Solrl ;11 ~lll l,f).lol ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOT:CES Found !Free Ads) 6400 YO U:'\(; Car . l.l)ng )1.11r"d ll1-o,1n .~· v.hl , 1'"fflr(I 1nl!t1r. &ir k C11~ ai-r11 ~··10-i:l ll BL,\CK :-;1 1\;\!E~E. 1rl!n11 ,.~ ('~. "'hi I 1110>-nld'. II r!J l•·111nrd 'w or 16111 .t· :"anfa i\tm ~l.· ('\1 6\(i..fil\:i ~·ouj\1 ;~l'lr7i"rll.1· :->1a111c--r c.i! V1t:u,,1y r air v 1,. ,1· l :r•Hd, Sant;i An•1. :1r....{l!l:!8 FOt:~D: \\'atch. vK·. Comna <i•'I "\Jar. Call .t-1dr11Tlf) t);t;..;:-,79 ."L\\ll::S.~E~D<"· -,-,,·,,·Pd-,-,,-,-,,. rali"adr~ !.-.J a ni h n r ,. r. r:on(I. :)16-0i83 T \~IE RahbJI , \-1c. PJ}na!d .\- 1~1'8C'h. H.B. S.1'i-ll2:! Lost 6-401 . .\PPL\' TO DON:-\.4. El-11..E 1--:-1 1 • :.ir,.sr.;o 1-: ... 1. 1J1 _;:;~~ Ha.i·bor Bh·rl , l.'.u-1 ... ,\lc,,;1, c ... 11r. 3~\;lti .\JISSILE s r STJ::)IS DlVI SIO:"l WE HAVE h11lader ba•r for n111.rkcl1ng 11·11h Sjl).()f.() rh11111. nn ,1 ~xpan~1'>n, \\'r11r Daily Pilot Aci·r~ n111g_n1r1rrn1 f'1 r~n Box i\l-~-16 Vlf'\\' .....,, 1..aguna l;i;nd. ·10';;, SlA.\1 E:->t: k•ll<'n. fr111a !". on \IJC, LlHlr B.1.I boa r.~lr , (Jv. nrr So. S .. \.. I c ma Ir 1111't-ha1r !e1T1er puppy •·r-olly", \\'ht 11·fbrown .t blk mrkgs. S20 Re1v'd 838-'.:4i6 or 5'1.",-.391, ATLANTIC RESEARCH ~"'veral S:iuth Bay Properties J\"EED tnve~1or~ to further Dtsmunl_ Brokrr !or exchange in this are.a. de1-e\op ~hallo~ S. E . 494-Sl !YJ ,.,,. l!C-!Ot'1i F:v.--.~. 3 ER homt !ltuihattan Se~ch 3 dl~ 11111L• LA11•ndaJ". 1 BR beach hon1('. Hr rmosa. Duplex nr OCCl\n, f.l~hattan. \\.hat /\ill r )"lU ~ Q,1 il'"t·<, ,\ 1U takr n·•1 lr111.al. 1nrQ1lJ•, ro·~. hJ.11 -. CALL THE HUNTSMAN ~11 11 c"'~'' Hw-:.'. 0~11_. l.ri..i-1.'!l>i .<1n~·1 ;,11r l\a ns11~ 011 least'. Call or IST TD on \\'hi!r \\'11tcr 1·1,..w 1•Ti!e. ~1 Arnett Dr, ~m. lo! in L.(lg1Jnt1 Dc11r h. S6.fl00 r-:1:?-!'.M~ 111 $('>0 mn_ 1ncL !l', _ All due TIME FOR QUICK CASH :; )'Cal'.•_ 1 ~·, Di~rount Br.fll\ER 4~-11 ·~7 1ST and 2NDS THROUGH A I ,, r-.• M T.D·· "" 7.F.:-.·1r11 !-60fl.1 -To I flT!.' DAILY PILOT 1'' rn "·"" s:ev;;:;;;:,,; ,:'~ int S11h~t11111111l r•v11t:y. __ w __ A_N_T_A_D _ _.:. ~~~1odi11<' · "r11 · P 1 Y · pis idrn11!,v f;;·,..11s:. SlA.\IESE ca 1, year. fl <'»·blue ff .B. 816-~1'..'li 11ppro~ collar. Vic. FOW:'\D, B!11ck pllflPY· \'it. Orani;:r t, r.~lmcr !:ii, Costa :'>lrsa. 6\r,__2:'..1.l \\'HITE il!\JiQra kitten •1rar- 1n:: ~!"llnw rolh1r. v1r of E. Co1~1 ltn,Ay, Ci:l~I. liJ,)..j787 r 0 1 :\ TT.P.. Roc;;-\l11~·hilc ~pnt!rd. 11·r l! trnin.'f!, nr11r ~~·l1~on p i S.-hl, ll B !lGS---2'!111! RH; 1n;olr llrr hr11 11 do;:. l'J1nrr;>ft -, ~f), f>l:!-(1;,, COP.POP ... \ TIO;./ ,\ Dil1:i.lon ol rri.- Susquehanna Corp. D!Al\I. Ring -2 stone. C!lll ,\n r-qual opp0rtun1ty en1r!o}rr Coltrc! ~ltrr 8 P~I . .J9:!-30Stl :~--~-'--'-"-''----RE\\" Ar. o . • ln:o1111tlna LOST: Sn1;"J1! tan n1alc Cock-COST ACCOUNTANT A-Pro. ~1111::~-. hlk. , ··r~: MANUFACTURING \•ic. Coron;i rlr l :\111r. 6i ~I 0;-ifloJrlllnity for .<i n•o1n1!11 11t _ 1\1lh Hl•t ia Th r a nd a mb1· \\'1/JTE S1f111•laro l -Ir. 111-:;f li.,n_ TJ,.,2 r~e or ('(Jt11v~_k111 11 .E lir('n.~e 1,1.;;s. l~r 11 ,j ('\pl'r.rllr'*' l'C'QUll'P d. ,\!. =·,'-'-·'-'~---=--t 1·;1c11,·,.. st1t111n;:--<aJ:1ry a/'\11 LOST · $1a111r~r Rli1P{Yl1nt ho<M('fi!-;: ,<:;.nrJ l'f'•1un" ro r,1t, ,,r;.r f':ilhna jrtll' 'r,1r I1 P;111l•rn ~ •. -, t i<l;r\' ,'-I , n1!• T: .. '>.11"'1 f;;,'1-1~:'.1 c ,~1 ,1 l]r ..;1 ( •l'i --------·---·-------------------------------------·-------·· .. --·-... --. Saturd•Y'. October 25, 1%11 !'JAIL V 'ROT llJ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EM~~~YMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT !01~ & EMPL~YMENT J~_EMPLOY~ENT JOBS & IMPl.OYMfNTIJOBS ~LOYMENT JOBS & E~PLOYlilfNT 7100 J b .u. Jolla-Men, Wom. 710GJobt-Men, Wom. 7100 Job.-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobt ...._Man. Wetm. 71'!0 Job• .. ...,, w-. 71 ot Jobt-Men, Wom. 7100 J!_ba ~n. "!'r:nn· 7~ Job,-M•n. Wom. o 1--m.n. Worn . 7100 ---'Ii ~ :!: . ,.... ...... . , ---------1 11 • • • • • • • •• • • • •. • • • e '=::)(:1 isl las ~(11--'.a.Jr~ . SF:CRETARl 1. llelr, "Xf 'd .i.ccouNTS B•BYs1TT>.n """"" ' CLA VAL CO .. PLASTIC MOLDING ESCROW ""'· ,,,1 "' ""'""'· At<1 PAYABLE ehtldrt:n . :'-ly l'loliu!. 41..t da)'!'l '" • tJlentlf') ~ S1 • La guru. 8ch 01~11111c "'1~1~ 101' a PP!'-~17~1::~.JLable & lo\-e kld!> IS THE FOREMOST MANUFACTURER OF * * T!CH. OFFICER Scc.uri ty Gudrds -"n "itll r('(·er.l C'P"rt· "'" A UT OMA TIC VALVES AND CONTROLS • Out~tahdirl~ opportunity for Pen;ooallle me11 \Ii 11o &tll!I .. nee U1 al"OOIJnt~ pa}ahl .. , BAB YSITTER lot te<1.cher. 11 Housewives and Mothers PART TI?.fE:. E."l:p d. Ill RT\ eAp"d. •ales f'~('fO\\' O(flcrr bondable, abll!! lo pa~s a ~ tn our .. ccountlnE" dept. mo. old chlld. my ho me WE CALL THE OR.ANGE COUNTY &i iillcone molds a!ld in 10 11urk In our ""'"' !>l i,,~lon inedll.:al IE. phyiical agility D.JJ Siv•ll.1 ll1ck1nan day~. 64:.!-'.l·\l)J Rels ~q'd . \\"·'! ""ns>d•• HARBOR AREA "HOME" E t f f'90XY lr polye10ter pl;J.~tlcs, Vit-JO, .. vings & lhan orl!ce. ,,,,. n .. ,.,, .•• , ,,.,[lab'· u "" ... •rn •11. rl money or Y1!'ar-round o"P· to ~ub&t~-\I t ~-bl 1 h ""''"' ' "· ··= "" I<;" h.,.e.1n. JJ6-Q..f j[ '' • us ""' rape ~ 0 a·~• " .:;ta11in" 11t $.JOO R mon1h • r,ULTON INDU;,TRIES 1&4-1 \\'hitrtcr A1·c. Now * I T M As * ia.Uy Wpplcn1~nl your pre:<.-sale~ f'~CfQW~ for (.'()nvrnnon. • lo . JI BABYSIITE:R m" h.:i~ 4:30 c H R s ••! ,·-,, '·II u·,,~ ..,.. 1'\1ghts oniy, Ern p ye• w , -J ., """'" 1u ... ,_ al loani; Xlnt 11orlUng l'Oll(I. ruf f " pm-I: 30 1.m. i'llon thru Fil. 2 ''ou have an opportunity to be part of our , l1!'nlial, M fl~lUble. &XII: ill-S.· opPQrluniiy !vi' groi\'lh lurni~h fJ\\ n u orm~ 11 c-h1ldi-rn 7 & ~-~~ r apt.d ly grow·1n g ·1ndusl ry and 1·1 you 11·ve in ~·~ o " Pi/ 1 rq11lpn1,.nr. f."m ployrr pro. CosU ?>11!'!.a, Calif. BABYSITTER: 6 pm·2 Ill', Equal opportunity en1 ployer l·lS mo old gi rl. Vic Cl'I-!. -ACCNTS PAYABLE 6424812 s@.00 v•llh 110n1~ previous BABYSITTER w 1 n t e d , e:..p. Beach ;u:ea. call Lo-Fountain Villley &reil. Ca.IJ ra11ir. ~lerr han!~ Per!!Onnrl aftl'r 6. 5Z1-3230 J\ce~·. ".'01'.: \~'l'S\c.hfl Dl'. BA BYSrITJNG &. 1ron1n::: N R. 6-1:r'!ii0 p11rt 1Ln1e for teacher. Ciill 8-\{)....(}407 ~fl 4:30 ASSISTANT PLANNER $711. to.$131. per month -CITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH r.rquu1'S ft~ B. \, in ap- propna !I'. f ield. Prrfo1111~ ~ntry \e\"1'.'I profr~51on11.J plann1n;;: "·ork of A\•rr· a'""e diUicuhy H\ current ..;;d. or advanc<'d p:an- nin;;:. Salary Ahovr sta rt· lri; stt'TJ p.:1ss1hle for ca11- did;a1r s 11·i th 11dd1t1onal pl<1.IUll1'l5' e.\[X'ne11Cf or cdut:ation ZONING INSPECTOR $684. to $131. per montli r:equires \110 y<'ar~ rol· le"c in planning 'zon 1n~ ao:i"ministration or N'latrd ft<'ld. Md 1\1·0 yt'a1'S ol lull.ti~ paid public con- t.let t:xpcrience. prefer- ab:y 1n iln inl"rstigalory t:apacity. Inspects plot p!11.ns and prr~11SC! 101· ('(lm phance "'11h ~on1n; re;ula t ion~. Applica tion! for the. a l~ne position! ~hould be filed 1n1· nitdiat1!'!y at the Per~nnel Offic1!' :300 !\c11'P<)rt Bll"d .. Ke11·~rt B1!';ich , Cah r. 9~660. in4l 611-663.3. Advcrt is1fli Production Artist Production M9r. Experienced age.ncv production • r t 1 I t cep•ble of ' o !T1 • production manag•· mcnt for Newport Beac.h agency. Xlnt. ,al•rv and benefits. AIDES, '."ur~1n;:. E x Per Pr1!'f'd. Apply in p,rron 1 !il Pll: 71 ~ -·194-ROij **AUTO MECHANIC** 1\11 M'OUrvl au!n m'"chatnr. f'Xprr1cn..:ed 11·11h Cor\'&LI':i & v 1v·s. r\1!'w co1npa ny d'""· slr's in<11v1dual 1hat h .i 1 mgrnt. k ti•a1n1n; ab1l11y. Call (il ~I li.\-i"Oj(J and ,\~k for ;.,1r. 'rurk..·r E..\B \'S!T'TER • nct'dcd im· n1cdialcly, nia1urt pt:"rson to take care ol 2 rhLldrt>n , I srhl-a2t'. :'>t usl II\"' in \\'. i\p! are~. Your hoine or mine. Ref,; req. Call aft I\ pm. ~1~70?7 BABY SITTE!'. • )OUT home ;; ~rhl ~~" girl~. \lon·f'n un!il j pm. Perry SclLl Dis\. HR. 96&-~~1 Bar i>liuds apply SUnday, P 'I THt: PL.AC!::, '.!000 \\' Balboa. :-.s. BEAUTICIANS for day &.· l'\"e111J1; shill! ln popular. priced C.:'11. s&lon. Prc~tnt sta ff can't handle rapidly f'.\pandin;: \"Olume . Pa id \a cation Call Viola , J.\8·9919 or apply in person. Crownin;; Glory Beauty Sa· lol'I, -:067 E. 17th St. B F' I now hirini:: experient:ed carpenters t-l i beri:la s rn,n. Call Bill ;).lH930 Boat Mfgr. -'.'\Et:DS - e As1•mblers e Fini1h C•rpenter1 * 0' DAY YACHTS* :;mo Pull1na.n. ~ta i\lt>s.a BOAT carpenl1!'1'!'J, r1o:p 'd Au to Coast 548-~l 1!114 Placentia, C.:'11. BOYS 10-14 Can·ier r:oul'" Opc-n '" La:;:una Beach. So. Lajuna DArt Y PILOT 6(2.4311 BUS DR rYE R for privat1!' Chr1sll<'ln school. Part tim ... \\"lll train. Good drivin:: record required. Appl;,-l683j B r o o k h u r s t, Fountain \.alley. 9fi2·331:'.! \Ye ne1!'d ea rne r~. male or Jc1naJe. 18 yrs or O\'· r r, ~OOd health, to de· l11·rr third class type inail raL·h Sunday morn- 1n::: 1n thrSlo ;ireas. Hu11l· tn g1r.111 B"a.ch, r oun1au1 \-allry. \\',5tm1nster, ~Un· \~l 6".'<l.Ch, i\iodl'.a)' C11y, ~eal Seach. Co;:.ta .\1.-~1'1, "'""" o•irt St';i1'h, Corona. 11 .. ; )[.,r. h'\-1n,., L;iguna I hll~. ~~I T(lro. i\l1ss1on \·11!']0, San Juiln Cap1~· u·ano. Capistrano Seach, Laguna Bt>a rh. Sou1h La- ;:un", Dana Poinl, Sa.n 01!'n1en l!'; E~crUcnt pay. s h o r I hours. Apply het--·l'er1 10 A m/,,~ pm at th1!' lollo11. I~!; addrMSC'5, 1.i.;2 Lo!'it C1rt :1 ll untinr ton B1!'ach liJ () Terming] \Ya y Co!ta l'lle~ ~769-! Camino Capi~tra.no Liijiillla J'li(llel *CHEF* Part T ime !ur Sunday &. :'>lond~y r111.:ht, 4 oo 11 r:-1. ALLEY WEST BABYSITTER 11~n1td, m~· ht;1tTl'" ;if!rrnoon!'i. n r 0 Cc' Tcrn~;'r pr r I d . 21Cb Oc1!'anfron1 •. ·iO..:Ci!lfi l'.\fl•jX111 R1!'i1 Ch 6,Jlill ;'8YSl1TLJC '"'" '"'""' CASHIERS for 10 mo 1Jl"1 h~hy, ·' tla~ k .1 rnni" to lloin~ f. I ~ llll ttn1r. '.'llanJ r mplo~c1!' 11 · nHi; . \(l.C'J6., bt"r1ci1t.-. 11'~ 11-.11 train hl!.\'r re ~.:.....:~ " ' 1 • ,\pp!y 1n pci-ron 9 .:il).9 :;o RABY ~1T1'ER. 6 a n1 • .. ,.:;o, RO llERT HALL CLOTHES n1y hOll\C ~~l'h~r ~11~1 1501 N~"'P'Jrl Blvd, C.~f. art.a C'.11. fi.\.-1·\4 . 11!1 .•. ::,0 nd' "• C H Rl ~T ~l/\S spe 1ng BABYSITTER \\·e.nt ed. my ,.. imh'"dlalc. prof. I ' l>er 011'1\ moncJ , , home, or eac · 30 ,1,bl• ee)ovable end1!'a\u r ""'" l~ all 4· '. -. trans. Di.II "".r-· for your span hours. Call TIME FOR V•nd• "'""' Couno<I" ASH Cosmec.tb. 96'.!·1110 Cj)UICK C COM BINATION. Sh"1> Bu THROUGH A :'>fttids k Go Go Dan~rs. PILOT 'Top "·aa,5. Pho"' !or in· DAIL y t1!'n'l1!'ll'. S!l!S)' Lassy. 2901 WANT AD ""''°'· c". Jobi-Men, Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men. Wom~~ - Altention \\'01ncn EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Assembly Trainees * * ALL SHIFTS APPLY IN PllUON Mond1y, Tuttday, WMnttday. I in the morni"I tot 1n the "a,,ln9. A ss embly trainee s needed im~ediat~ly for full Li me employm enl now unW Christ- mas. l\1ust be .able to "·ork well and fa.!il "ilh hand s. 0"'" transportation necessary "OL Y -OPTICS INC . 1115 EAST CA~NEGIE, SANTA ANA (betwffn Newport Fr .. way & Recthlll, So. of W1rner) • "'00 "-"Y 0 · Cont;u ·t \'"'~,.,\Jn! \101·k1ni rond1tions I the Orange County tlarbor area, )'OU ,~·on't C DO\\Nc·y ~A\'ISG~ k """ " 'I J C Penney ompany -PLASTICS -H ·~ hi a REAL advanceinent have to leav e "tlome." I • • Jl\'JECTION r.lOLD li\G LOAN A&..'-OCI ATION proarun. for inf.trv.ie'f ·~ ~ If you have experience in an.Y of this \\'Ork, Fashion liland -Newport Beach O~nlllis Jor ~xper1rnce<l or 8374911 point. call ?>tr. Doon &. I come in and s e e us. i Ha• positions 01>9n In ~a~;;;e;a~fe;1~~1;.:~~1·8°~~ THE NEW JUDY LEE 6~2~7~~-RJTY GUARDS * Sa le!< IQ 4 pm. ?>10n. thn1 f l'i. only . 11 1 • ·u !\e"'P<)rt arr'a. S37.:3MO * Stock ORANGE: C.'OAST PLAST IC.":: i5~ prorit~ i e, un exc1 rig SjQ \\'. 18th St, C,,\I. F-ilrn SJO -SJOO per "'ttk SERVICE :'.TATJON e DAYSHI FT e * Santa 's H elp er lt1ll or part _ llln~ Choo~c PhUl1ps Pel1TJleurn Co. e SWING SHIFT • *C redit intervie\,'S P /Time Modelm•ker. your own nou1.,.. No.del1vrry Now hirini; for Salary -* Gift \\'rapping Can·e "·ocdrn mQdrl bo.atr or roU«"ting. no 1nves1n11!'nl opera!M S('n1ce :.tallon. Turr•I L•llie Opf:rator Engine lathe Operator Radi•I Drill Operator Drill Press OJMrators * "1erchandise record s froin fae1ory blutpr1 nts. Ex. ro ~1a.rt. tn1111rcl. p1"r/l11s • 1-:::.\p('ni"nrc d<'~1rr.d . vood * PBX pert rnodel"l'S t1'quu,.d 1\e tt".tln. 1~1l<)llP jl.)..~U::6. sl11.rt ui.; l a J a 1· )' plui , Schedules including aftern oons, ev enmgs and co1n b1nat 1o n o[ both . ·y,ar round employmt nt, np. SALES _ t:arn mo~y ll'llh geiX'rous comn1, 1\11h t 'l:cet •i por lwuly to ~ubstanl1<1 l ly no ln\·t stm1!'nt. s a rah opp o r! u n i t I e s for it<i· I CLA-VAL CO. Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex· c ellent benefits inc luding discount privilege. supplen~~nl your p1't'_seru 1n. Covent ry ne<'ds lull &. \'a ncernent. For inlqrma.rion ~<'-\.ntr Daily Pilot Bo.'" pa rt-tinu.-h~lp. l\o de!: \\c Erookhu1-,;t & Adan1~. Hun· ' i>t ... ~. train. f or int. ph. 545-6100 tlng!on Sch. Equal op-, P/Tl'.'lfE girl_s J\1!'\1"Jl0rl area , SALES Sa.rah Coventry h:is portun!ty rn1plo)~r. 17th & PLACENTIA, COSTA MESA 541-2201 E qual Oppo rtunity Employ e r. •••••••!••·········· ' Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 I Jobi-Men, Wom. 1100 I ---------DELIVER * Apply Now * 10 A .M . to 9 P .M ., Monday thru Fridey J. C. Penney Company .=24 Fa1hlon l1lend r_,ewport Beach, Californl• * general office work._ some openings !or n or Pl time SERVICE Sta!loo Attendant, 1 rln\·1n;::. Phone ~16-1 1.>..l Xuias sal('s. p 11!' a s ;in t, m11.tun-r xp'd man. Faiar)'" • Prof•1sional fl1~nilk'd \\Ork w/oo in· OPf'll, light nierh 11-ork . Ap. Ernployment 1r~l.. 1·o l lrc t i on,; or ply 1n pe r<.0n t:n1 on Station ' A11i1tance drl1\rr1<'s. C11oo~c your OYiTl 560 \V 19.lh. C;\[ ~ COASTAL AGENCY IV'~. '.llH1-il2C 1!. F?r intv. ~ERVICE :-.'T.\. !\IA:-J . part 'I I A m1!'mb.or o! rill!: j.IQ..fll311 !.· '.Mi~-.'ifi93 !lnl•'. sen11·reT1 rPrl w/ ~me ~nellini:: & ~n1!'1llnE". Inc SALES exp. Ch,.11'011. tl().\ S. Coast 1 ~'i90 H11.rbor Bl. 0 1 54Q.60J:i * * Hw;.. Lagun.11 R1•h. J -SERVICL !'il11t1on n 1!' ~cl I for 1·Pt.-Orde.1 i11forn1a11on l'xp'd man part thne, j prn * PORTERS Coit Accnt. Jr. to $900 .\lnl carer oppor, Slablr. Cn Tor bent"l ll s .. "<;n1r rolll"i!" ,(· t'\pcr. Call Arn1a n j !S.::rllO JASON BEST EmploJ·n1 r nt 1\l';rnt·y l l20 So '.llaln, Santa AnA TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES f -"l~ll" Men or women over 1a I ;:-.-Men. Wom. 7100 I Jobi-Men, Wom. 71GO ::Ii i:= EXPERIENCED CALL 636-1991 to lll pm. Union Oil. 3fJJ E . i Sales Secretary "''·· c.'1. : 11·ith 2-~ yPar:o; nationaJ ron· !11mrr produc!~ cxprrirnc1>. ~ubnll! 1.,.~u1nc 10 Dally Pilot Box !l!·;.Ei!l. Silk f inisher. Top 1\ag1!'5 for ' q1111l1ty \rork. ".'\1nt. op. Cooks with cars, station wag· 1----------E xcellent Ernploy•• Benefit• fl n r \ u n 1 1 y . !"\ear !he FRY COOKS Top "·age~. perm1nent. hon- r::1. 111d ;::ood 11·nrkini:; r.on· d1t1ons 1.n area's leadin;:: rts!iluranr. Apply !I am to :i pm for tn ler\1cw 11t ons or light trucks. Apply 8 :30 am, 10:30 em, or 1: 30 pm. Start· ing Monday, October 27th. HOt:SEl\EEP ER. L 1 \' e -t JANITOR, some stock 11-ork. help rwt'ded by l I I 1 f uU or part time. E.\""p!"r tnothel"lPss Harbor a i· 1!' a nee. Apply to '.ltr. \\'ilhan1s. hon1r. Local p1u L n1an & 6 ~ILVER\\'OODS, 4:i f ashion _\r old son. Send bri<.>I Ii>lanri, 1'.6 . APPLY P•r•onnel Office Third Floor ~ca 5h or r. Oln,ml lt C!t>ancr.<". ~200 E. Coa~ · ~ Hwy. C cl '.'11. 673-960:i STOCK MEN ''$500.00'' Tra1nc... nlan.a.geroe-111 Hi;;ll ~hool Grad. ~lilitary com-· 1 ple-te or lY. call Ann. ?>fer. , rhanL~ PersonJll'I Ali:'rllC)', ?OI:> \\"esl.:hll Dr .• N.B. 11c~cr1 p1 1on of pr('1'10t1s r.xp. l----... co-..•c"H=1N=1s~T.-- & pcr~onat data Car or • ' • '"V"ll The Broadway SALES CLERKS MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP :::~ro 1 El Toro Rd . Le1sur~ \l.'orld L11£Una Hills 837·101~ :'l"ll 1 Pl ii• .,.n!1<1. l.'U.ST,\ :'-IE:',\ ~(t.'9 \\" l !>L ~I. S.·\NT A ~\:\.\ -1~0 \\'. COLLJ.\'$ Drll·er MINIBUS DRIVER rlrL\ Prs l1r. prt>frl. \\"ill ph'lnr lnr 1nlen·1c"" R. Cook, l:;(l(l ,\dams, Sul\e ZQ:;, I C.~I ll0US£KEEP£r:. 6.. Siller. I ' '."EE D J)[\1f.:D!ATELY DRl\.E ,\,"\D N ARR,\T8 i\.l::\\'PORT AREA ;\11:\"I :i·l46 l:. Coast l·[l1·y, Corona dt! i\lar BUS TOl:R: \\"RITE BOX * COOK-..xperienced E . ..,;ceU1!'n1 working NJnd!fions ,\PPLY !N Pf:RSON - SNACK SHOP :9 !'('spons1b:e. d " p e n d a b I e otrlrr 1\oma11 10 c11rr lor 2 children musl ha1P rr ls k car Plra.~,. p!10Jnc fc•r u1- lpr1"-1r w 96'2-'i:)nJ ;i !t ~ p.m . HOL"SEh:EEPER So111ronc 11 110 has had son1r pract1caJ nur~in;;; "~·P· l!o11rst, i::d. ~·ook. (,ne 11 ho dn1 rs. Lll"C i\1-567, DA ILY PILOT COUi'TErt Girl for dry rleanln,;: pl;inT. P~P pre!t'r· DR!\"EI:, p;itt !11nr. nC'td cd. rl"d, hu! 11 111 1ra1n. lltr. ~l'\\"· S'!AO IO S~ 00 an ll0Lir-If . j.11\-36j 2. 1ni::;. Apply in pt'f.!.On j Po1Hl C.i ll ~1-33~17 Clca111!'r', JS&ll ~la in St. '•~.~.~E=.x~·~f:~CL~'1=·~1\~0f7: ~-~•"'• H{)t;,..:EKJ::El 't~P.. hl'r-in. \\i f" 11!. 11Yi11y fro111 ho111P. Cluldrcn 6 & 8. Lall :'>Ir. llunl 111i:;1on Bcat•h. Cus1odu1n 1:-01'.'l!ED. opening lol' t'Pltahlr 111an \\1th prC'\llOUS Ill· tlus1nal Jan1tonaJ c-,p Xlp1 11ork1ni: eond, i d. pay k a ll tnnge benefits Incl profi t shB.T1n;:. Cahf. I n I(' c I I 0 n r.toldin;::. 200 Br1g1.:s Avr. C.:-01. 5-1&-1\-160 *DISHWASHERS *BUSBOYS .\PPLY r:-; PER.:.0'." COCO'S 'i8 r ashlon 1 ~1and '.'\e11·pon C1!'n tl'r. N.6. DISHWASHER Experienc•d Apply in person SURF I. SIRLOIN 5930 P•c. Cst. Hwy. Newport Be4cli --0 I S H \\.ASll!:.RIKITCllEN HE L p E P. c\1alr l ru.I t1n1c, d~y ~hHI Top "'ll\l'~ Ciill \\'ayn,. S J~-01 1 2 f:,\:"\"CllO SA:" J0AQUJ1" GOLF' COL'T:~i:. l ~ n 2 r Cuh·rr r:rJ. lr1·111" :\r LC!. DISHWAS HER l:~prnrnrPd lJ~J · flripl y to '.\11 f olr- NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 720 \\' Bay, B;i.Jhoa 101'.!S('\] ,\!0 11 /,· T\Je:.. I D ISH\\'ASHI::J"~ • 1 ;r.i1·tyiurl th 1f1 . Sl.6.l hr. COTTAr.t: COFFEE ~BOP •. 162 \\'. Hl!h SI ., Co~!a l'lfes;t. DTh'T Af ASSIST ANT for Orthoclon!ic p r 11. c I i c e . Chair..id' I:. lib. Dental exp r NJ. Ortho 1!',\""J' pre. Age 1 ~30. Top !alaJ"). 612-2fi:?6 DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES I Mtn or women ov•r 11 with c•rs, 1t1tion w•g· on1 or light trucks. Apply 1 :30 •m, 10:30 •m, or 1: 30 pm. Start· int Monday, Octob.r 27th. 16131 GOTHARD, UNIT M HUNTINGTON BEACH OEPITAL ASSISTANT Oral 1urtery I.: X-Ray exp only flf'ffi apply. S4S-7TI9 * DRMRS * No Experience Neceuary! ?.1ust lw\'e cl1!'&n C.llfornia drtvinr record. Anply YELLOW CAI CO. JS6 E. 16th Sl. Coli!• i\le1a ---J5 Vour Ad in o u r cl1.sad'itds~ Someone Yi-ill be kiokinl!: for It. [)i11l fi.l'l-."ii'ii~ * S,\Ll.S C,\REtF: * S1.irtin;:: :;ala1-y plus •'Onl· l hll. :.H1-Jlill:\~--------, 1n1~s1on. ~·1r~t ye~1r r.1r11111~s f!Si"i:PR &. l'h1\d cart'. J1 ~ of Sl2.000·plus pos:.iblc 'l ~r tl;i.y~ S.,'11. 11 \. rm. & tra1n111,::. p1o~r;i111 hy 1·rn· boa.rd. f'<l ld \AC :.to.~~\:'. t11ry f!lrl na11onaJ ron1pany HOt:St::KEEPER, hve 1n. B u~LnP ~~ "r <.ale~ c-•1 p1 t. apt. 2 ~thl agerl'i. dJ ba~kground helpful. :-.; o 6l:....03IO/;,.t~j\'J1 t r a v " I I :'-\ ;:: c nl t o P· I ·~'°'"===c:;tt,;;;;-H 0 U SEW IVES porru111t 1r • li~l-'i~(} I\.\ ".\111\fE" :-;!EL.'[V i::.,uaJ orpor "111pL ~I t' 1 EXTRA Chn~t 111a~ rnoney 1'.:11~y. f11n, no i11vestn1e n1. no drl11•'r;.•. }';ir! !1n1c. ~ood pay Call !"AP.AH COVE:\· TRY. :Hfi..7"122, j.\8-31"19, :i.-:6-61i10 F /C Bkkpr to $600 Sl:.ih]n Co Ple~nL workln;;. Condition~. Top bt'>f!f'f11• Call Di1111" ~, 15-j,UO JASON BEST Employment /lgt'nty :'.!l :'fl Sn. i'lla•n, ~JIJlt;i fln<1 **FIBERGLASS MAN** All-:imun<l !tlll'~las.~ nl a n mnlcl. hano1 layout ano1 i;;un, nC't'rlrd \1·11h r'\""rt'!!Pnt <'~f"'l'- 1Pn('P :-; ... w Mmp<iny dP$l rr• 1no11\ 1rlu;il !hil1 ha.~ n11111a;;c· n1P11• ;ind 1r;11n•~ 01b1l11y, C,;ll 17!·11 ~~1-.iCl.lfl ~nd \;;)< fnr :'ll r Turkr r e FITTOOK .- :->1111 * EXPERIENCEO .\I'PLY lN PEP.SO N THE RIGGER # 16 t·ashion J~l<Lnd t\e1•1port Br.ach HAVE FUN ANO EARN SSS IN YOUR LEISURE TIME YOU WILL BE HELPING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POLLUTION ·1 10 I> !l our~ of Consc1Pnl1ous rffnr'\. per "rnk 1<1ll l\l'l you ~100 pC'r mnnlh 1:.: Jlr~./" k '"rp1Rl ! <;;~ P"r m'ln\h t '1111i11111n1 Guarant,.,.d ~ J11>1a •l<; 1n r('r~Qnal rn1.-r1 IP"" <t nly lf l'r'IU ar" nulrn1112 11nrl 11·ai1t l<"I "" 1ny ynnr<r!f. ('rtll ~Ir f)ilnn 11 1 :)Q.l·i·\;;j +10 ain-6 rn1• THE LINDSAY CO . 11n1,.·:-r.1\·nr:I\. KO COOK. ~·, r1:1 ~l'i a 1,h., \J'!n. \\ed. rn !l tn 1 pn1 r,,..,.~ 0\1 n t r1111~r f,·l·l-O'."IO'.l !'\ B el;-;SPECTu1:. for •1ua1lty co ntro l . nrrd!'rl 1111· n1f'd1;i!f'l.v. :'>l cr.rr~or Ya rht Corr. 16~1 Placentia. C ;\l JANITOR OR JANITRESS fRY COOK . Days. Exp nn-P 1t1me lllf S pn1 . Mon·f'n t!:I ly. Starl $'2.30. COTTAGF: "'Ork 1n D f. ;\'B or ln-1ne COFFEE SHOP, 562 \\•.19th ilrt'il. Apply s t I7751-2C ~3·. SI , C,\t p.1rk Cirr\f', Jn•1nc 540.19\Q Foreign Car Mech1nics Ji\;\ITORS. rlnor Yi ;u.ers. Good co. bcnefi1s, incl pa1•I rpl~. '"P:>."nenc('<t, 2' n n d 1·acat1011, group 1n~. uru . 11ork rond. !· P 11 Y · fonns Jurnished fre~ Good \\'hllfglo\'P B 1 ti i · '.'\lain· con1rn. schedulr Ask tor !t'nanCf' ;,1.\.-939.1 ,lOf' :\lnorl' Ph, 540.1 06·1. Kcrptlrl"h ~G~.-n-.-,-.~l-Off=~;,-.~$4=so~.-• ITT JABSCO Good . IYP'"G· ""''" IYP•"< and E"ood work background. Be11.ch area, call Lora inc, 1'1trchanls Pe~nl'I Agen- cy, 2013 \\'estclill Dr .• N.E. .,..mo GENERAL YiWk in a:ourmrl food shop. Viltini: f our, 56 f'ilsh10n Island. t".8. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR m:-1 &lphit and num1!'rl- ca.L V~nry and !!011'4!: re· lrit~ clcncal du t 1 t> a. Good 11·ork1n& conditions and bcne!1~. \·arled >'hop llllr! ""\din;; I''!"· pcnencr . Pl'1!'ci s1on Ln.sttll· n1rnts ntlgr Arh·anrrd h'.inctJc!, Jnr. IZ:::I Virtol'la !'"!., C ;\I. &1&.n 6J ,\11 c-q11aJ or]'ll:lr. en1ploy1!'r 47 Court• of F11hion l-'.\SHI0:-0 ISl..l.i\'D Newport Beach An t::quAJ Oppor!unlly fn1plD)"f'r i\l AClll:\'IST for job :o:hop. PUBLIC SPEAKERS :O.T in. J ~r~. exper. !llust II )°OU can rt•c-ru1t I.:. train, or ha\'t" 01,·11 tool~. Apply in lJ you ha\ e 1".,.Cr had 11 person only: 62·! Terminal rour~ in putil1c speakin g. \\"11~·. C.;'11. thrre. may he a plact'! !or you 11·1t h 01ir Na t'l Co . l'llook !ltooi:I. 4:Ai \\I, 6th SI., Tlls tin ~-1·2:All ;\!AID· llousek1!"f'ptr. 1nalurt' 11·omfln !or rC't i rement honie. Good pay & 11·orking t:ond. Call :'>Ir.;. Ellis -•--~R~E~C~P~T~l~O~N=IS~T~- 19-l-9 1~.S Typ1n;:: ·IG-50 11-pn1 , kllO\v 10 ~lrchan1c/Salc~1niin. k r y adcl . yoon2. c ;i 11 Lo- \\"AKTED ra1nr. ~ll'1't'hnnt~ p,rsonn•l A 1 1 ·~-._ · C\t 1\~pncv 20t~ \\r~1chfl Dr, PP Y •.J • upericr , . ::-.; B. 64°.>:?;-;o :'11Al/\"I E:'\Ai\CE ;\Ian. par!· REC F: p T I 0;..,; l ST k t1m r niatur1!'. kno1\·]:dsc ol ASSISTA~T for l o r 11 l clPf'ln.-;il & 1n a ch 1 n f'r y . • Rl'ttr1!'nient home. call 1\lrs. orthodont1~t. Xlnl "'ork1ng Ellis 4!1-4-9458 C'(lnd"I 1:-pay State l'xprr 11 nd qu11l1flcat1011s. Bo:t 1656 Nur.<es: R!\, part 11m1!'; 7·3. J\"e"l"'Jrl Bear h. C11.l. :;.1 1. 11·7 1~~~-,.----- LVN. lull time: 7.3 r.cstaurant P;1rk Lido Co11valesctnt Ancient Mariner Crn!Pr, 466 nng~hlp Rd. llOI"' ta king appl1cations tnr N!11·por1 Bf'ar h. 612~0.14 Full l: part 1in1r, day I.· *" NURSES AIDES * 1!'\f'S sh\Hs. EXPERfE,-..:C£D e KITCHEN HELP • ~...&9·3061 • e DISHWASHER ~-------1e BUSBOYS Oft1cr SECRETARY Apply in prr!nn :?607 \V. Coa ~t Hwy. NEEDED FOR ANOTHER THRIFTY DRUG STORE OPENING SOON •B61 Adams Av•. Huntington Beach IMMEDIATE OPENINGS '.'\O E:'\PERIE:\CT f.EQUIRED f;OCW"J 1\'0rkmg rondaion.t, IZ0'1"1 pay, nlany othl'r hc-11l'fll~. -APPL\' - Tuesday & Wedne1day °''· 28 & 29 9 AM to 4 PM THRIFTY DRUG STORE ~'11.'.!;:'.! BEACH BLVD. HU!\TINGTON 8 £ACJ{ 6.(,.'.'110 ".::.:;:.:::,,=~=--' -"$500.00" Tra tn~r. manai:cmt nt •Ugh ~chool Grad, r.tUitary com· pll'te or lY, ca.JI Ann, ft[1!'r- rhanls .P1!'r!-Onoel Ai:ell"')' .. 2013 \\"e~tcli[f Dr , NJ( 6-l'i-2170 ••• TELLER Po..'l1Uon available for perfilOn- Rb!r, ma1ur,.. ind ividual Prefer tcUer f'XJ!f'r. bu! will ron!'ld"r apphc11 nl w i th re:- lflte o1 bkgrod. ".'\1nt. "·orkini: t'OJn<f! k hrnc hts. Ple~" a pply in per!oen ttl l'llr. Li!ch or ~!rs. Park1!'r. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS r.>~ E (Oolst HV•'Y'· Corona rl<'I '.\lar, CaliJ'. TOOL & DIE MAKER DAYS 0P"11.lng ~ f<'JI' qualif1'!'d . tool ;i nrl di" makers, e.~penenc· cQ 1n progres..~1\~ ;ind dr11Yi' die!. ,\pp at STA·fA ~ L'\C., 610 :SJ. Santa Te St .. 1'anla Ana. Ne\\'J)Ort St11ir:1 E '11Vll opP"flurnty l'mployt r TOOL P-o o ni rnarhini~l 5, r\p'rl on Bridi:"llOTI & lalhe r .. qiurf'd. 8i8 \V. 16!h St .. N.B. OPf'n Sat. FOR busy and intert'stlng job R E~TAUR ANT: LADY !or ~ In ~r!IOnncl Md Mles d'pt. full or pu1 ~1m•. mature. $2 Secrc1;~. r 11~r<l 5 Typ1sl Yo11n;.:; l)'pi~! & ~1rl Friday. 6-l&-3931 !or appoint. i>lui;t ha1·,. good 1kill.~ per hou r. ~~!IS0.1 'Pi!P". · P4rt Ttm• WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Restaurant Secr•tarv Receptionist !"BX :.1c~ ~ Attr;i ru\·I', '"~"· i;:roomf"I .... ~t h tn 1!'ndly smlle to h'lndiP 1nt1!'resH11; lronl rl1!'l'ik f irm locale<1 1n San (1rm .. nl". FH. '.\!rs, Hilson, .,,2.11;,..1 -PARKING - CONTROL OFFICER ~ilti. TO ~&1~. PER. ~IONT H /11~h .<.chml .i:-raduat1!' anrl pr,.vooui;. rxprr1,..nrl'. in m""'· BUSBOYS For Week-end• APPLY J:-f PERSO:-.' REUBEN E. LEE lSI E . Coe1t Hwv. Newport Beach Rrst11.11rant :'\ lGllT R!"SROY<; ,\i,D OIS!!l\.ASllER5 111;:: ano:l dPaling 11 1!h 1J1e O,·r r 1~ 1\t> ~! )1'001 please publlr. \'alut CalJlornia op· ,\pply in r>'""l"Mll to '" \'ice . P~side11t &.· Gc.nt'ral :'ll ~nag~r \\IY.l c;in takl' ~horthand 11)() 11 pm. l1kPs vanety and fl;:· ure~. t) pe fil "·pm or bl'ttrr. i\fany t'<ln1p any hf~fits such 11 ~ paid \"ar.+l tlln~ ~irk 1,.a1·,.. raid nied1r;i! anti 111,. 1n~u1·anrr, cred•t un1011, pen. ~l<'n pl~11. ('!r . Call lh'" D,\!LY rlLOT f'lr ;in ar- poin!menr. 6 1~··1.~1! and •~k for ~I r!. GrPen1nan Apply In Per1on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Be•ch TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100Job1--Men, Wom. 7100 erators l 1crn~". BOB'S SIG BOY CITY OF 1.: .. 1 E . 171h. S1. C,'.lt. II LAGUNA BEACH RESTAURAT\'T, Part 11mr . Police Dept n\·'"r JS, i'laJc, l!'l"es; f1!'malP. 171 ~\ 494-1121 11·3 d 1 y s . Apply aftt'r 2 P'.'I,, Tast1!'e freez. T:l!i6 ----------1 B1i~10T, C.i-1. , .............................. Pnnttn • 11nd Reproductio11 REPRODUCTION TECHNICIANS TRAINEE l\1'1o11li!:dgabl1!' in tht np. Prallon of nloder n dup- J1calini;: machmes very hrlplul. !ltinin1um expe r. ff'q'd, i c., Xl'rox. brun.- 1n1. f!ctl' SR. TECH. ?>lintmum l yrs. ~xper. with automated oilaet equipme11t util!rinc PIP- f'r. metal & Itek mul-,ni. i\1uat be familiar "'ith ink, fountain IOIU- liorn l.ncl papen. Se' Belt)' Bruce at mijj Cxec Ageivy for Car~ r.1ds 410 \V <:oast Hwy., N.8 . S y appoint. 6~6-3939 Sal" * Fantastic! 1 ~ !he 11•on1 for !hi' n11honal company"s new pro:zram for Southern Californii ~ \Ve ,..,. -DISTRIDUTORS -~IANAGERS -SALES~tEN -SALESWO:l.TE:i -REPRESENT ATJVES -TRAINEES Thi1 ta a n1.l ffOund noor opponunity .. 1th 1 llOJld auto. matlc elecironic ~uipmenl firm that off er• HICiH Immediate EamlnCJS 546-1050 SHEET METAL We m1nufacture 1cientlfic in1trument1, •Y'"' tem1 •nd component&. We. offer •Ir c~i· tioned 1hop, up-tl>date equipment, ten P••d holid•ys, and otMr "Blue C~!P" benefits. If you con1ider your,elf qu.•l1f1ed !or •ny of the followin9, we would hke to d11cu11 •m• ployment po11ibilities. PRESS BRAKE OPERATOR Set-up and operate press brake. l'~errous, non-ferrous , stainless and other special me- tal.!i . SHEET METAL WORKER Set·U P a nd operate s t andard ~_heet metal mac hine.o;. Do Jay out. use precision meas· ur ing tools, read prints. SPOT WELDER Set-up and operate spol welding machine!. Set heat and pressure. Ferrous, non-ferrou1 and sta inle ss materials. "UNCH "RESS Set.up and operate medium i;iie p u n c b pre.!ises. Do own lay out, "''Ork close· toler· an ces. Ferrous non-ferrous and alloy ma· terial1. To •pply, vl1lt our Employment Offir:e. • ~-..... .... ··---..... . . -··· .. -.... - DA1lY PILOT FOUR CONY!NIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU e NIWPOaT llACH ----llll ........... e COSTA MISA ··-···-··----lJO Wnt loy e HUNTINCOTON HACH --·-lot Fillli Street e LACOUNA llACH -·-·-·-2ll hr"' Aw- Here'1 How You Can UH 011r Ft!-Dime • A • Linn .... tltem • IMll IMM wttlt cerrect ceM N ... el ew 4 '99,_1 .. t •fflUt- Ne -orclol """ •weL ._. he111 · _., ltt ,..1c-4 wl~ •• ft.m ••er $21. • SEE CENTER of SECTION for HARBOR DODGE'S GREATEST SALE of the year Ce1111t Jl t.tt.n e.Mf .,.ca ,... 11 ... \I, t: d 5 GALLON spray pa.int con· AQUARru!\1 5 a;allon tank, r•,.\ENS NC'W a lter iki bool1i GOLD Carpet lOxll' f'>:· all complete $1.~. S.:.6-7561 $i ~;au~c shells $1 e:-irh. 1·ellent corK!111011 $23 111· ctuT1er SL ~1aternity dreM, Sa A"·' c car-ting, 8 x 11, 12 x 12, JO • T 1 " 11 uuros, .i\t. r-la1ner \Vith llflf'!li Slii. Sznrle PUT heat on tho~r achl!S cind :.bh ,'(J. 1'11'0 llhen::las c ud1ng pad 84r3772 fanc:y, \Yorn once size 12 $8. ELECTRIC Adding machine x 14, 10c ~-ft .• 284 Knox oa k bedstead $15. Gu;lar s;> CAR Bed, like new $8. Baby BABYLINE Crib $20. 2761 'E X C E L L E N T sorr muscles Des.rrt heat Jl ~red V\\' fcndrrs $1 :, ea\Ch. COLLECTORS I tem.~. l'hcck ~10-1842 St., C.f\I. 645-2991. fi-8 evrs. 1 cocktail t<ibl!'!~, I vtep I .:!~ Rifle Sl5. Comple1e tront ==---------$15. J\laplf' rocking chair amp 111th 11land l 2 O. \/\\' bum~r SlO. l ·I" TllY!S pru1cc1or n1ach1n,. ri•al old SONY Slt'rro lape-rtt"Order $l0. Both <'Xccllcnt con· CHAIRS, 6 Danish moder n, tablf" $2.JCI r ach, Oukl'11 54:'>-2~ ;ind ll~rr p!lllS s:, ca<'h. 1' :-: Proctrr ..,,·o~k.'i $10 .. ca1.ill'r;i $2J. At"l"t:$sorie.'i ror i;ame dltion. 644-0242_ light \\ood $:1 a pieCf". pool !able $-l. l b11.rstoolA, '.! LARGE round h"vrlcd TT\lr 11 >; 1 , 1,1"''<.!0lt !-• V\\ olr! ,Jilfy l\odak S.i . .S1n;.ll Sl.'l. \Vchco1• i.terC'O ra~ 5-19-3600 nu1tch1ni:;, .\3 ea<'h. A!.-.on&(i · l J J I r PAIR Chinese-blaek lar k t henwarr S I l"O!" $15. Saska shl b001 ~. SN, i;tr<·nng 11 lli;r! ~:, f.\lnnril• 1·urniv1'. ~.;ts~ 1·::r\! Y r ls 1 ur rrrords .~2J. Two nialchcd • r LEAVING lown \\ti :<tu\ 1 c · ,.,,. 11orn 1111('e $1 0 Al!!Ua~lr.r 111~h·I r, Blu•)<lr , ., .... 1 , .. Jc h<•l'l S~_.·ciJ6~--0.-l_O.c, ~---1.2"' V .i\!. ("O-a .... 1al ~lCf('O 1111r r l""nd 1alllcs $1.i l""a1·h $2J. \\'eJgl\L<; S:i. :-iun~am 5-4~~:;. 94~1 V1<·\or1a .S1 t;ovr1"ffi d1:>h $3. 11 omen s ~I! Bird C·•I:r IHJ!l ~\.;n<.l $.i 1·'!1 '.\Jodi:l • f\ ' ~11 ... 11 nns1nal sprakcrs. 11 ~1c11J ;i1 S:!:l. J\1alcbing ('Oltrc fable S:!O 4 Carousel "ro11sseric S9. E!l"C· C..\1. ________ _ rlothl"S, cscellent t·ond1!1on. 671-'lili ~ll) (,11 ~ ~to\r n\,j !Jut :;::ood SJ l v c r Ion t A J\t -r dnt11 r1· 1'hC';,I SI:!. f'a1r tru· i.klll1'1 s;, Bov .~1ze BLUE loriual. lono:. perff'('I blouses, skirts, d r,. s ~" s, CJ\lLD.'i~.:;~;-l.Jt c.-~ki . SIO :! tl\J• i,r1 ~l".•!S" S\O ~ r11d10-rel·o1·d player L'<lnsolr ;~hill' ~~d i:;old h('druorn slecplfl!: bag S:.!. P.ITord lo!' rl<1.ncc~ ur i\eddin~.'i. ,.1;,:e <:apr1s, S\.\"l"'a!rrs ;in(! hostc~~ rn·ar II''" :;_,.J 1 11 I w SJ j Rrt(l rd pl;i)'Cr!< d!'ck $5. ~inps " C'aeh. 80 Pl<'CC'S albu1ns J<k cath. \\'a1rr plk l:!, SlO. ~116:'8 ~hi tts 50c-S8. surs j\.11).1:/ boot:-; Slf\ .\hf'r ~k1 houb ~:; -P0rt<1hlr SJ. Two an1pli11cr5 l'raii-ct~con 01'C'n ~fP pol· 11·11ti matching toothbru~ti.e5 ~ 6 :s· 1•t·1rn arl s Sl.).~n:;:ida1rr t $10P DRAPt.:S l\0''"·1drby ;;6·· Blue Chip sta1np book~$'.'.;., )~ ;,11e J•dnl~ .i \\'a~hrr ~J:i, .i36-:l+t'.l JIO :lth s:; <ind Sl.>. L loyd 's At\1-FM ('ry · 1c1urc frarnes and Sl2. Hand ice crusher s.i. l"ach, Shl"JI President coin 612-...i17 ~.-·t. 11 B. IJ 1rans1~1or flOl"lable radio. pnnt.'i ~l.-SIO. lKOO Con1-5-1&-3989. Call \\'eekd"~:~. Jong b<'ii;r matrriiLI. •n· ·' n1odo .,... N l ""c--,,==~~~--7-c f'lUd('~ br~s l'ocl S 1 O lil!t SS. Sh,.11 S1a 1es or 1h"'STL.:RDY Chcsl (!! dra"crs .. c.=o~E"r"rLcE=..,..c~h----cd rin"-lone SIO. RCA uldoor ~ n.u.. r w P ort ~·" .,,,.,,. ,. 1" 1 !IO T . . KR · .R a11· co o , • I T v t Beach. :..18-4"'-'~ J'9" CUSTOfo.I bellyboarrl, J"tv-oo.><> ,,11. iun !IC • • YPE'" flf('r Or.~11,;nrd !(!r an active boys • · u 0 r a n e n n a • n ~ "'Y C ....., like new S25. s-!:>-26:>4. alter s land $.i. 271 l::. J6th St. rooin $j. The Ashcll's. 1)71 ~hall<' $10, !16'.?-it.fl UH}".\lllF S.i Ne\\'. Ham ~ nh and niartress 5 P.M. CRAPESTAKE fencing, 11.p-l ber"·ecn Oran,c:c and Santa Glenn) re No. 12, Lag. Bl"h, REDECORATING. SacrifLc· gear including l."D-a.-.: fittings $12.50. Citbinet hi-fi. TK'eds I ;""""""'""._"",.-..,....,..,-,. proximately JO 1«1 $:?5 Ana. Sal from II, .Sunday • . . • . in' quality furniture. z a nd cable '.?X-Sl. !Om "-Wk SIO. Cookware ::zte JUNIOR Classics, complett R>OCll)-KE863SR, pl•tlo~. .,.~,I all d"u DISHl'~S. f ranc1sc;in v.·acp d '''""' d ··~to•"•lev. ·· 11,_ .... ,p be•m o· · :10 vol.s. like new ~. 9'6" -S "< • < "" • ''"Y nn "" .,...,. let bcioks 5c·l"-. Cl••-"•"< .~-''-----.---" larliur,r'' pall!'I n, mony " v ' " • ,.., '" vr.: ...,.,TI • H b' .. ~ •• ~ I'' ·• (" ,, , bl ll''r·" h SlO. S\l'R bridge S I 0, 5c-J0c Sa'•·~· l". O lit ;,u11.,._,u ~. :.~ ..., up"·l•t<'"d. ,..-.. ......,nd<""" ...u.u new 1ten1s: \\·lll!t i;.-11! ~ervin" p:cct's. -,·,~ ~·~i, tu ta es ··"" rac . cor111•r · •wu.oy ........ ~ 1 1 "I d b · uv '" ........... '""" '""' ,, .,. 'nL bl II \\'£'bster l\lobtlt' Band span· Esrher, C.1\1. L sc .... ope nck border SIJ. ,......,. hoxtl'i, 101; x 10'~ x 2 and ]{i :i::, \\oodrn h1rh l'ha1r !12. mah O,;: an> la e · ;'). '""'°'""'~""~----$2.~". 4 h•"N du~ •hock • I I kl f h ncr S2l "Peterson" trystals "" ....... , '" x 16 x 1~~. Jc.. Blkini pan1 s.. &!4-IO!JG Ta!" lllt cTac · t' 111 1 5 DU~1 BBELL-Bar b e J l s absorbei·s, near ne~· SID \VICKER baby ch an gin I: , , y I·• ... ,1h ·u•t"m 50c. 133 Ea.st \\'Uson, C.1\1. . h • ill'iSOr 'ed ccilors ~i0c Birth .,.....,,11 n nr " 1 " l\'e1g t up lo 110 lb. hke new <'ach. l\tetal type1\Titer table table, drii.11•crs a nti ~hell, day ~Ifs :me. ! r~n<l. o·ai l't'(j ~1'.~e~c~-~·rn;.;:~o~ 5 '$ 1'}. 0j ~ ~11aclt:: SLi. '.\t:irh1c l1•1Tai:zo !'llEN'S Goll clubs, 3 ~C1!'., SLL complete. Brass 111,, 35. Playboy!, s c i c 11 t i r i c good conc'1t1on $7. 540-8638 .,,.,., lo 'I ·n C' , t'Oflcc 1ahlr. Sl.'i. \l'omen"s SlO, $\~1. ~2.l. r.oll earls $:!. ~rret::n "·1th motoh,••-, '·· • · B a •" ,, ,....,. ,ra lilt', 6';'.:-111l~i.; •n· 1: i"!~::S23 • .,. a\',.,, " m e !'I can II. S u n ~ r I Q\\'"UNG ball, bag and h·tp-s·.• .. ·o "ou•••I ,,,., .. , .• ,,. _ ~ j 1· r sk,1ICS, s1~r 1', SlO, Good golt bi1Jls "l:X:. $2.:',0 $10. tormic·· top t•hl•, '·'· "1•1-~ • .. ,,~ " , n ., " '" maga~.lnt'~. ·'" v-x . . . ., ·' shoe11, ~ti:, 7. ladies 11 cilr. holri·~ :'10•· Ht1111t 1111;.i.i 1,IJ); !J•• 1"u 11·11nt a ;::ood :'o""c' :":1·1oO_______ <loz, Good linder..,,·ood offiCT pandable ll'ith 11·roui::;ht iron Snug Ha!'bor Rd ., Newport pound ball $10 loii a ll. tray~ S2 ;ll!t! $::. \\"ild :.;1··H.il •, "1:1' r• l'l\f"ill)" ~l.J. l :! I S\Y li'\G ::i."! $20, l1kr nrw lypcwritPr SIO. Hand anrl lei;:s ;incl 4 chall'.'i SlO. Beach. .:H0-863!1 pictures ~,-OL' C.HT.\' .,II Ii.•::~ .\l>.du11r. Balboa Island. blond n•al hair-Ill~. nrw garden lool~ 10c-j()c. Good 549-17•1!) °'I • ,,,,.,, b•'ke SlO B · ZENJTH TV $2 j. Aquanum, IN TIME fo1· h"l<d•y coo;:_ Sl. llanrl 1Ja111led "u111p.1r.:t 6 i\·lan li fe raft S2i !t\:J6 blond fall SJ. Hyde 11,u!'f' -· · oy s ., t.1rtal .. ,,, h " • . ...,., b'k !6 p k t bl s· w ., age c11 1ncts S7 complete $8. Pool table $25. in.". \Vood....,..k••· c•" .. 'L"' S\.:51nallclog!;1choo!s 1:1c.:: Pl'oof ~ct SS.19681\llntsC't skale"-s1zr :11~s10.Skal1ni:; ~u i ·e · o·cr .a f .. i. rat·h L $' ,1. ,,..~ ....... Ch·, ""·· ,__ ~• · amp ... ,, 1:..e1· s::. Singer Sewing machine 121>. b"•ed. b<'•' nd n~'", "'"'' .... p1ecr. hand cut cry~tal J:t'l $i.;JO. ti7;,..J2.J8 ou11its silr JO S~•. ..:all ps ,AJO.'. uux. "~\V pipe Bo •J b II ua L'" v ..., thrc11der srl SJ::'>. 8inm 11 ing a and bas $4. 8!H-4393. ed sz. L1lr Gourmet cook SJ srore gondola .'1 r:la.)~ ART Supplies :~-s:i. A1·1 :":'c·o"c''c'~--,.---~ inovlf' (·an1era .t:>. '.IJmm ~·larble 1able lops :i;:1. Pro· AUT0l\1ATIC i\a1l'r sof1cner. book.~. new. L'Ost $6. M1v $1 shel11ei> $25. 271 ~:. Hith St work :Jc-SJO. Bc<id.~. N>Slt'i·s. GLASS Shdin'" 1toor and )cctor SIS. Carnrra.<; $20. ,.. __ _. ,.,,,,,,.,, ... 12, .. "·I' -.• 7 '''· ,,.,,,,,, .,,, ""' -p-,· C:ll. Sitt lrom l I, Stin all 1·~ " ciiln1rra '~·1th light n1elPr p I r .........., .. v vu ~ ,,-.:.,., ., n u ,,.. ,... U NDER\VOOD Typew1·1\cr BA BY Clothes for rirl's to 1 ccran11cs, f' .\ pr c s 11 1 on screen 46 s: SO. right .'iide of $7.50. C.E. lile 1nelf'r s;:i. ic urr ramr sections SL n11ll ~iOc i;et. V('g-a-ma!1r $10, 1961 Rambler stafion siz.t :;, for boys 10 size l'~· ray Bargains 0-\10. In thr Allry door 1nth handlr and lock Picture framrs 1 Oc-JOr . S-18--035.'l BAR stools. chair type S9 and other food choppe.n $2 '"''Bgon ~.). Argus C-3 Children's clothes, boys Sile CUB Sc:cul slurt, »llr 12 .. ..Oc. bt>111rcrr 111h and l2!h Sis. $l0. phonf' 714-892-92·11 Good Coleman l;;cnlern s:i. FLOOR lamp $3 Heater ~ each. 5-\&-4j1J f'ach. all Iikt nf'IV. Lilly camera, case O'lnd flash 5-6, Jc-$1. Gtrl"s &Jze 3~, Sc '.: ne11o• Boy Scout shirts, ~l~t' on rhc hca;·h side Sat. 10 arn FULL Length bridal ga..,,·n, '.!.;() paperback book5 5c-10c. Poker table $5 End tablr $2 WETS U I T. i; u I' t I" r's Susan $1.j(l. Blender 33. Set $12.JO. SLR camera body to $1. \Vigs. nPllCr 11 orn $1:) 121 .. and 13 neck $:! cac-h . 10 5 pn1. NE Engli~h vr1I S27i. Likc nc11• Revl'rsiblr 1•·11'Klow ran $i Utility !able Sl.30 Silver sleeveless. TIC'I\', half price of disht's, t;Cf\'ice for f S:!, $li. Lens $25, flash etc. $25. to s~., Cur1ains '.!X.-$1. Sh c J "'a rl o r refrigerator, PACKARD Bell Color TV avocatlo and n.1~1 occasional Bike tires ?.xl x 16 $2 3 chest .\3 P.abb1t coat $25. $12. Electric. knife, Sears Rl'\'erc movie c11n1cra S'.?. G.I. 6-\·olt battery charger \\"omcn".s dress 2 ;:.1. _ $ ;1 • spotless S.'l. 1\laytai:: 11a~h1ni.: $2j. J61nn1 Pt'ojN"lor $15. t'lrair s2::... Dunran Phy1e s[ll'eti. '.16" \\ood lathe SlO. Blackhoacd desk Sl.30 Pie. new SJ. 5'ID-137j l\1ovit ~ret.n 32. Baby cr1h $12.50. 6'.! and 63 C.B. call t ·aus, red, l)ro\\"n and bl3Ck n1ach1nc 11ith 3 11.a1cr Hallicrarte1· shorl\\';1vc radio leather top occas1on<il table Electrical and plumbing lure fran1<'11 2Jc -4 <lrawcr BUfFET S2:i. 4.8 piece fine \\"ith n1a11r!'ss. good <."tin·' books, 1/$;). E 1e c 1 ro n i r S20 to ~:za. 1\1atc1·nity clothes tcmpc'ralurrs SlO. t"ircplacc $.J. I-:r11• nietal coloi' TV tube l !O. Ant1ciuc 1lre:.sing table, supplies 10!.'-2j. 1-lydr;iulir cht>sl S3 \\'r.bcor record chinil $20. King bedsprt>ad clil ion SJO. Early Ame1iean 1 '"itcbes, pi.lot lights. a nd :.1ze J~-lt 1:.C-$5. Spray graie SL Barbers back bar 2 21" Sl "i. 2 ~allons bo;i\ bol· ov;il mlri"tlr and benrh $W. trailer hrake coupling and player ,,5 Black Angus SlO. 673-5924 platform rocker S5. \\'1nf:I connectors ·1/Sl. 1 ~" em· !l'ta1n 20c a can. good for plus 2 cab1ncl~ SIO. Rol ary l".1111 p;Hnt, Boys Scat h!c)Cl(' Anhqur ht1Hr1 $20. Chest of hosr , hke new Sj. Chris1mas J'Otlsscrie Ovt'n $13, Screen -7.===~-~-~~-chau· 11·1th ~hp covtr $6. Oll "· · ta 6 II !I .,-· · , d t<h , !'0 , s· I I flood 1. doot !.J. Alloy, 6 I ·I SICKR00\1 supplies. Private l·-p ""d o•I to 1,· f !I .'"· uu~5tng pe ro ! . --J llllt1quin;. !':"l"IV "'ig styling mo1'(' a n ca e •. .; .>. Dav('np<Jr1. n e c t1 s nrail'Pl's $8. R rm in g ! on trre e ectrtc co or 1te .... u .... ,. .,., (th. · I l U h d I I ' I'd "··' doo~ \\'ith lock· h I !" • · d 12 50 ' -d SI N ·1 1\1~,.,.,uerito, Cd'f. Sal only. par!y. Comnlode 57· Ad· r...1·-•<I•"' -,n -loe $10. price o ro 1n ea $·. p ;iy Jlf'I\ $.:.. \\"1; ~o .. vuu '" " up o s!t'lJ' .J. '.!-1~1 E. 16th portahlr-\ypr11-r1ler an · ·· · '-"'\1'" e grr · ·at ~,., '' justable bed tray a.nd stand "'' 1 •1-,,_ 2 cat.alogs). 85' RG 8 roa.~ luster SI can. \\"1g siands in .~2 <'at•h. f'islung rrels St. NB 646-1801 case $:':t New 11•as\e hin,;; puller i.Jc. SUnhcan1 £lrctr1c \\'OOD <lining t•bl" '"d ": Exercyt ~. 1ke new $1 .J(]. "· · I .. ,,,, " S·I. Crutches SI. Bedpan S3. · r f 3 cablr. . .$5. General 11·att 60c-S:!.50. Dining room !ahl~ a nd hooks S10 • 1.,,_. Bicyc e 1 [)::nihli; bed and fi\!('d un 1ver~al bu1l1-111 ~ hurner ~k1l!Pt SI. Dishes Rnd pans ~hairs S25 Gateleg table Sli Unnal SJ. Invalid cllshion SB.n1sonite • uggage. liet -~- melrr/bn dge i; price ~20. a nd four <'hau-s $2.i Stools pai·ts, l 0 1rrs and . tubes. sp-ad ,10, 1 t·ou••d t•bl< gas stu1 r S20. J\1Pdtcinc :1 r -j 0 t. Heal)' duty ~1tp fables a.nrl cohblet• 2 $2. Toys: Suzy Homemu.er D '"· II C B I II ' th·'I '" ., C ·' d b I "· "· h $1" 0 .. S . Fracrure pan $2. Latex ,...,. I $2. Coc• "ol• d•·•-o•"e un:cr m iser :ineous . . !or dre>sJnJ: table, velvr! $j, rames .~ · · oo <u and felt t;ihlc cloth SJO. cah1nrt S~, Sh o i· t 11' ~ I'" riuL<..1nan ° u e • a ruur ""nc :i ccassionii.I chair ba ckrest $·1. footrest $2. '" ..._ .. ~ ~" equipment $1 to $2:i, RCA \\'ashing machine $1 OJ. cleats, :;izC' 7 $1. Pads $1. 4 \\'h.! l . ·b Sl2 rcceil'l"I' $2J, Anlen1111 $lj. ! 10-2:?0 electric nl o to r , l 3 Livlng room chair $:;. 4 ·l9'.!-69')J. S2. Hobby s\Jpplics, mev.-·:· small phono $j. 211 Jolie1, Sa!urday unltl a.II gone. KRO TV tray.'i 5c ca~·h. Traverse Ar 1 r, •emu 1"1' 1' ',1r · rni;;idll irr rlfx·1rw 1!ryrr guaran1cerl ;18. 135 East l;in1ps Sl.50-$j. \\'all ,,1,..,.., Gli tte r .\Oc Jar. a rtilici H 6. all ""30ll 1 ·" , .. · h ""' m rss P 10 S rre green 11--1 c 'I "~ SE\VJ"C h ,,. J b d I II k d 1 flock or e ~ \~' 19th'I C1'! 61'145.~ rQ(f':\1 enu!lo lJtnces .• ,. h .,?., ·1· .. ,tt ""koa~e he'd 1son. "· and f"on~"' ..-10 Ch"."I of ,, mac111e •. 1. es c3vcs, ;r. ins c, · . . . . .. , .. ·•· El . ·, .,, · ,1 I c· air SK. S1nall b I a c k ~-"· " ,,.,., · · ., .. ~ .. ~ ,_.~ ffiRTABLE Hou:;t iwll'r COINS Ava1l•blo from 8' '''· r1:1nc n1ang e ·•·· . ~ ilropl<of tablo s· C••l board $:i. Doub!" frame. $2. CRAPTS:l1A.'i LA\\'N ~IQ\\'. 1lr:111·ers S5 Roro-broiler 110 $10, S'.!0. Couch $\j, Cha ir ing, assor1rd colors !"IC pkt: Sm11h ca1chcr·s n111!, 01lrd table Sl C · e ;i, b k ~ Nur,.,C"r:V lanip SI Brdrooni ER Sdl. Pario eh<1.irs $3 ea.'h. Uti!i ry cai·I .13. l\lodern Sl.'l. Double headboard Sil. Metallic foil IOc yard. Cur $]0. Beginners accordion ro 6 p.111 ., :l9 to 60 cent ~t'tS, and broknn 111 SJ. Sporl bill · . an • <1c c 1 1., llollyii--" .... ,1 c1rsk, M·m•e top .'20 "'"'I· Clolhes IOc SI. Chau·s $1 ta1ns, drapes fl to $2. $20. Car o..'OOlt>r S 10. sea.It'd 111 plastic $1, 1thr!le . , 1 .. ,..1, Dani~h 1·ha1r S~. t oo1~1nol ;i111p • """ 1" Sal1 and pi::ppel' mll! S:l. ., """ Finplacc ~crccn and at· niak(' nice ."1!1,;-0. l nrh<1n 1.'.,ack .~h~~. s11,t ,·, '1 ·" S2. Copptr lloot' lamp -~2. i·o1·r1• ;ind 2 n.~w hnl~1rr~ \\'ood Sf'1v1ng box ~. r\e1v !Ing inathtne SIO. Sat-Sun. each. 646-11·18 Tablecloth<'!, rloihc!, apro1 C'vs1 .~r11""r rt"lls ,10 \\'hi I bl t •II I 21.l30''''"'A"e.C.,\I. REfRIGERATOR ... ,,.,,. Jc to SI. Hanson ~cale Sl. ces.sorit"s s1;,, Clo1hr~ all head cents 4/SL ti1 "ri· · · ·' ' · " ' 7\laplr ~lralght ba•·k ("h,.Jr " · 1 r 1 ou r w ~ irra• l'rndlrton men"-s11·eatrr. " "' ' .,. t•our lar~P "door " tablo.~ sizes infant~. c h i 1 d r e n s niinl srl .\I 7.l. 67 111111t ~rt \l;ikr your n1•n spook!!., S2. \\'~II 1:lf.11.'k 5;,, P.adi.1 \2, ~l r,liii• ~.: \.,,r:;r "hill" 111M1um ~:; ~la\l(') X-l:i. -~2. CORVA!R 4 BBL. manifold $lO. !."148-3806 \lith lrgs s;, r:arh. Sa!urda. men~. \\'Oml"n~ \Oc 10 :';J. .~\.:?.i. R Li. roll~ ti~-U, b::, b·t. t)·1i;:ht f.i,·101·y ,. 1• r c r ). Rh1I" n)lon 1·.u·pct111i.;:, 6 '~!' 1i•n"!\" 1<1lllr $10. :-.cw 1~ n d l!u11·1r.anr lainrs S~. i\1en's S2j Carburrl(lr l<ir '-R mr $2). ARGliS CJ can1cra. perfect i\nrl Sunday, 110, Ix-fore 10. Bahy "alkrr :S'.?. tJcC'tric till. 68-D. 69 all for ·'·t '}.:i. 68 ('ra11ler.~ Thingn1akri· Sl. s:: ;\[ft;il >;tr p .;cool SI :i 11ld ;;;lw-.~"}lrt' an•I ~n1a ap· rain coat. llp~r !1n1n:::. 111t'd Both cx<"e!JPnt. 6 l'YI lach. C<Jlldlllon "llh e.tsc 11 nd . /07 c. , 'lS' 1 .,. , l r r ., 1 1• , p,ra~e . • i\I ~~a ... 111·c . can opener $3. Shoes s11c ~ and 69 prt1o f sr..l•, both 101. hi~-.• ,, Anhr111c B('nh\vOd chairs SS I• ldni.:r~ · "" n ·I "11 " s:i. \\'on1<'n ir. clo!hr!"', ~1Zf' 10. · .l. t;l6-l7~ !la~h allachmr nt S ~;,, Co~tlt i\lr~i:I Rnd 10, '.?Oc to S2. Bird ca~r S"" •. ,·,~r \le.•·J'•au t oin .... " •• -\RCl"·'R'' fio\\.•, '.'" lh• pair. l!l l,\!'"J;), allull 1·lo1l11ni::: \(}1:-i1t· 1i9?6 Sl-S:1. lto1•:,.r r'Ollf'ction ;,(le 1-llDE \BED f b :J62-76S9 "" , .~.. •v ~"' "' 1 ' '11'< ,..,..., ~·, • ~"a. c1c:r, BLUE ''''"h. oo"d•. -""11"'· ~ •. '· Pl•>'I"'.· nursor SCl!'i S:! ~11 h .. , .. , ...... ~., •n1.1 I s· h I t I t t.111 !'=1. '\' .. ,..,.u;i ... t each "pill 1h' hean~ ~ h 1 OR -'" L ''""u,.. "" ... , .... ~, .wor.JV c01r1 J eac ,rn ect1·1c :i.1,\PLE Bl'tlroon1 ~r1 . ,..,. :O"'-~-'-='--'-~-'-==~~ · · · -· nauga ycc. µ:ood ronduion C r\J:;R i<poon rarl. SS ing i2. T"·o h\'ln brds. 111a.i-~~~t!'o~la~:Cns~.c~~~i~ APART?.tENT Sii:c stol"c S!O .. hU1l;ir. rlual pickups. b1ghl. cc!lent <'Ond1L1on. ch .... ~1 s::. SCRAM-LETS ~:i ~;~.ra Rd . C .\1. t:lt'sa ~~~-?!21'.l . Ag111r , Bal Island. Spoon ral·k 1:i. Car-•cd tresS<'s 11nd fram<'~ SI.\ for D '' t ~~ ~.,., "SO" . ...,7 ~11 itch. lrrniQ.lo h o I Io 11.• Bed fran1f'. 00.-.sprin:;s a wl ~ 1:1garcttr table SS. Pair an· •ti. Uot,o<•h•d 1-rr-'"ble 1-te• 'h'''"' I"~" \le"'• inc c :.c ''"· """'""· ., ~u bod SlllO t II '' -" "" ""' e ~.. c r -·""• • u 9 h St y. nc1v . mu~ se 111all rc~s £!j Ntll' Rolla\\ilY A NS R BAR Thing~. Ne1v JUm· BABY St'at caiTirr S•I Pl ache lique liinlpS S9. Craftsman $2. 'o'"ic·kcr chair :iOc. Patio ,. "' ., .. ~. .--·~~ hath JI Tral'el bed $10 an n1owcr · t)'sla table '.!:X-. Zenith COT191)1e boots $2. Di~hts r)(' lo Sl ' . . S1.'1. Corran1 "'(!lf shoe~. hkr ~. ...,, ,,. >"tl•''' r.>. WE s ""r--~''"'' ''· Car hed .. h d S1 c I '~<-V a ass1net 11·1rti mattrr'.'IS $10. · '"' · · '' vC pie:c .. s ·rv, '.!]'" screen, needs tubes JTI91 S;r.nta Suzann!.', foun· CA\IPFIRE Gu·! un1forin now !12. S!creo . rC"cord "'''''''''to•·!".·, ·l",' "831 1<1th m•"'''·'· ii.t1cl ~hrPts !.l. B <tern<"'"' l l '•I" r • tain Vallt y li llC 10-1~ S.l. Stodent doubl~ playr!', i;ood conrl1!1(!n S12 PICKt:P 't7 lntl'rnallon<illG10\\"rr -Osprry _ :'llis fit Car scat S2,:i0. Ea.1h1nrtt' All ncii•. 21 · TV ,s23. Jl2!1 .,1 • S~i. Larnp .S6. :! Elrlon i ::i. \l'eslln~hous,. pon.ble SALES\1Ai~ Name: brand sr·hoot dr~k Sl2.JCI. Korlak Canl101d sphere microphone. paprrs anrl p\;itrt c!rar. 1 r·ni~,tl -Expand -fi Nor>;f' 11 Iii. \1a.~hrr. Limerick l..Rnc. road rare sets. perfect SlO. 19" T\'. with st.and. needs samplP'11' or knit\i•art all 11 1 c11n1rra r\o. 116 niorlel 1-f\ nc\\' .~20. l\l1rropho"nc s~.and. i<recd rr.1 n~ini~~1011 S ~ .'J , B<i111"1rr -Bfl.ISC:S nir FOOD 11!'.'r di'i p1nnn ~10. Toristcr j\t 'PLE l :? ~arden lo\Jn~e~ 111\h tubes s7. Lari::e \i"ooden pie· y,:ho\csale cost. Chlldrenll $·\.'.Jj. lj ne1v i<prinkler ne111 S8. Call 6111. .~18~\.~ i\lo1or S:?'.J. The rrsl s:..-,, ·l\1·o 1111cc r hattini; In ;i la-s1.:i0. I 0 · t't11tkPn-/ryc.r 1 c;iair stjdd';1.~las~k r~~~1~ 1pri1ngs f)Bd!i, aln1ost ne11• SS nic table Sj. Large barbecue !Jeepers si1.es 2. j. Ii. II ;ind heads :.X f"a cl'r. 962-7j!'l~ PAlr.. :llarlr finish ·! rlra11Pr Nrcrls vrrv 1i11lr 11 f)rk to he bor~tnr;, S2.~JO. C;;n--0pcnrr .~\. H;:;~ J ti rac 1· Presto pressure t:tlll· and n1otor. goCld Ctllldillon. · · \ .. illinorco, i'lr~"' V,. rd e . 1 rary tablr. tnangulrir s· D c 1 , d 10 $2. Jl.oys knit slurls ~1M:-LA \V 5 tu d c n t st1id}'· chr~1s S1j. !l!arrl r shuttrr 11 ru11nrr. Blur Chip ~Hu11p · .. 11., 11011• 11 1·r ~·011 grt11n;; ~h;,ipt> .~l:i Usr bclllnrl J<Ofa ncr ·1 · • rcgu a I" $5. \Vood playpen "'ith pad 12 $1-$2. r.tr ns casual pants hel]'I . h 0 nl c ~ 1 u d y \);ii' door rC{'OrrJ cabinrl S20 ho.-.1.~. R7 .. a\ n :'t;iinp 1111.; nn 11 uh )' n ll 1· fll"Ofr~io.or. I .c''o'""c"c"'::::.'-------or ;;s de~k. Sundfly only. 1P'1.111 c1' ~,upplies !91 a nd $1'2. SJ. La1·gr toy check $1.50. 30, \\'aist sz.:io. r>lrn~ Ul1· booki. 1'-/l'XCJ"tl~l'S s :! j. E;trlv Al1ll'l'lC'iln b r 0 w n COin t'ullrc\lf!11 -~~:1. Ca~h . c; ... orc:r. ' 2 l~nd tat)lr~ s.~ ea eh. Hang.· ;o:l.Jl)-o':.'=·'c,·':0·:_______ C~lln;:: 10,",'o'' Se ~ct b,.I, c Sina JI boy's bike" s:i. Tiki der.vear !1;\1.e5 34 and :ll! ;J()c Tanr recorder 1,,!. \\"cbtoe 111.,rrd :<0!11 $2:i. Orriplca l •\'\.1-18'.11. I _ 9 P \t 01hcr lllOll:-,1'' 'Oh, ,,.,,.,.1. 111~ !amps S3 each 2 hwr! ro.1~rrr · 1110 ... -y 1 1r tnrrh $1.!"JO. Bamboo d rapes · I t it ,.. I I t 1?· IPnlJ I I I I ,·~~n.• $'.' ~-·l s·: n•"i'. C02 l'Xtln;;u1sher. n re ti\ Swcdi~h c'""'Slal bcr11! $4. !f. ,.,,.0 k"<<k ko•ck •hol"<> 10 $1.1\\ensarge'll'CSU J!i-Fi rcoordplayfr $:!01 rle~k1·1e:;tron11\n:i.1on •. J.L,\\J PT·hl ·Id ] l .V lrJ:l1l 1illll lO'Clli;?!I· n-••. "'H ~ •. ,,_, •J , ,. "~. tiP11er \\·orn 2 p1r cc \IC\ ~uit Poiier laii n nioi•ei·s $l2 f';iu· l;.n1r~ Sl7.~i0. L,1i·;:r ~·i->il"' :"--~· l'O 1 iia nu ly 1ra111Pd. f:..\'<'r~· (I'll(" I rin~ P<J1'1able TV $10 Sk 1r1~. chargt" $6.:JO 3 \\" h c"'' lllatchini; jarrl111.1crc~ S!. ;:,j)r apiect'. Tiio :1hovels. $10. ~s:;g Flamingo F .V., ill;1p!r :<hlulnw box min"tlr · -'1. .-.>< '-!l1r htl!, hr Ur.Ji\\i.<:; n1e blo1i:>.r.::. d rr~~e<:, coats, band511w ~21) r.tK :I.JO.~ $2Q Large d1c11011ary. gor;rd con· two rakes. ~a11·. $2 a.IL 3298 962~722 ~~~:· sf';.rr;:;~~:~e~ti:s~J~I('~ 11·all i-h•'ll $~:1. Pnrt;ible Tl' HOOVER Tank type 1acuu1nF ·;'00.CCD:·-,.,,-~~=~~-~wralcr~ ~J()r-~i &it-Sun. Ammo SHJ. &15-l'i·l5 aft lZ d1t1on S·l. P1cturf' u·a1nrs low!! S! .. C.l'-1. j.19-11}\!f T .. ,,, ·t·~nd .,., P··•• ,,,.,.,., S'.!{) S.1~-37j".J ,.o-L. 1 1 • 1• • p'f 16\t Cltff De , noon a nd pictures ZJ.c • ~~. Da1~y ----------- E LECTRONI C r sl equip· ~uton1at1c b"l1onholr ;it. "' ·' "" ·•-• · n ~ -• • • ~ "'~ 'Ir t:OO "r .$.> :WS-7fm.I u-• ·:><> KITCHEN >12 0 " " I · h ~'.?ll h DRAPE~ ::::.o shot lcl'cr ac:tion BB 'un range · · res!· m ••l V.T.V.,f. S'". S'"-~··•' l•chm•ot .......... ,,,, holl b•,, t11ap,. 1'ap.1ri111 s r 111rs ':. :!?." TV 5~:J i'mall ~tl'rPo Sl:i. fffU'P' 'C" F' b Nf"rport Hc1g ts., NB .:s, 11·h11", 12() ;,, S·I t bl SIO K b ru ..., ..,,,,,.., "" """ -" r;il"h. \\alnut bufll't t:.°!J Boo'· SlO 1 !'0 ., ~ ..... , •-L'-1111~.'i. ru~h. !i6~S4 v.1th \'l'l)anco!IO,Ju,.' $4. Gurr rack :SI. China lea ing a e · n yllacuum tracer s ro. Sine squBrr 16 lh. SIO cotch. \\"onda-~lare bl Sl-1 11~<'~ · ant · • · -poker 'hoi·cl SI "j r~t·h FOLD lir ping pon~ !able. 1 8 cup~ 30c _ $3. I)e{'()rator a r· a nd a !tachments SIJ. Bath • " • ..; nal di ,,-'16irtir·agC'·~~ :"llaple L"Ollf'e t;i f' •1 Spt>{'d b!r.nJrr $:). f·~ounrl <I'. I ' • ' ' 11l1....,"ipmenl$17.L1 8-6802 ,'.,' .,t,",::s .• 2,;x14. SJ 'ach. t<".\·oe•<• .=·. -.. •. l"'"' s•"koo'l•UOtl\,•0 .::'·'"'""" v.·ave ~Pf1Cf!l1(!r •. , .• 1; pra ca . .i.-~ .... Lar~c!llaplenichs\11nd .....,!e~t.11 t11blr !Ill. 4 !::onrl aJ1 .~t~rn \\~11t P _lrat!v•r •. ,.. ....,... ,., • """-"' ·'·' .. ..., ,, " ""'........,;JIM i:;tner1tors ~"l{l and s2:1. Pie· <'ach. 7\filk :;la~s pnlr l;irnr Sli J() >~s-&ill 'h"' h k , h ·· .,. mrn s 1alr1 ~1 .;o sai anrl 2 Single beds $1.:JO each. Li\'· \IE" S Ceylon Dr. C."i\1 '.lll Counll-y PARA anrhor $20. Navy tun tube fl'~1tr Slj. M in'.'i SJ;.. \\'tlson J:Olf cluhs wons · i-a r.: 111°"1 r c a irs ·-" ~un 10.l~'. ll)JJ Ki ·~ fl. I 111~ room lahle and chair~ ·1 .. ~·,· 1 1C" :<karcs, s1.ic il. Club and Jan1a1ca anchor .i 1.:i0. \\. 111<1 o 11 Pho tofA cls $25. TV i.: R<i•ho $2j. :; \\'ood~ S20. Car1/bai;: 2 !\IAPLJ-, ~trp laf)lr~ Sj ra1·h :; [Jr;i11rr t!csk l l.> :-; R Ilg. oac · l '.C• K•tc'"" t,•bl• ond .:. nr-int bola.rel s:, Scoft 1 ,6 ·~ · h hi ' . G _, 1 I t Ci>T~.,.,,...7 __ = '""" .. ' A'f ,.,1 GIRL'S,,.. Blue •• ,,., b•"Y· a um1nu1n . ., x "" inc . ru~, I'"· -, ... e•d'y !10. "•, ,.,,, -'.-6". 1.·1 .,,.,, '· f•plr 1·rr1!rc la c J ,(,.,., r••r \\"f'QI n:1nn urni· -. _ •-,-" · · lune' 120 ·• \I' , ' ~ " u•: ..., 11 ,,... '' .,.. "" • ,-lJESE RT chair.;; SJj. Dl~hr~ 1....:-.x . . ' .:u mp ti< l l'.. ~-tlltl 1,,, ,",,.,-,, $2.50. l::lrctr1cal t1tt1ngs lOc· ".• ]). 7470 , 4.:;21 Rirl"h. r-;.r.. '.?. ~1n1.":l" h<>rls SJ each. \\oo<l luir Sl 0-~.!.·1 l~".rt!r D<ou~h· • ·· i\H' l:i111r SI ~' 1 1• B 1 .,. S!:. P.A. 11.mp :'iK ~p;ilrhne -"' u 'I •] , Pi 1 ""' LE,\Vll\"G StOI\<', ntust sC'll .. • I !" \\<i~hrr ~··, 11,.•l'·"d s~ 61r1•r r ,.1 1,·1.'f·" ... -. , NB.,, ... ,.~~·. .-IC '1olotorf. ,, • $.,. "" 11· k1h hrn t;ihlr 11nn ,, rhair'S n,iy ~r··t1 f1 1,.r $2:1 \:, .. ~ · -"' ""•u ~ cnn 1~ racqtJ{'I s~ h "2 "" ,. .. FRIGIDAIRE \\ll1tr anrl hou~eho\d 1t r n1 ~ and.~,, :!~1 1 fJrlrn .\11 (~! Dukr C"ll'.'lr HR ll'"""'r l[r. t11f' >•1'1•1•11 1., ~rinnklrr Hr;itrr~~.Rt"fr11;:rr;11or:S!O APaeif1r.C ~~ ;,~~-006.:;.1 ff"'""PITAL"-dl'r ., d 1111::;s lfk.. "flf· 2 ~hd1nc Kehnnator l"Oflp("rlon \"'20' h1rn1tt1 rf> <"<")U\"h ~~; CnUec ,,.,,,, 1",ul•ltK :'•l(] "''·'''''" 111111111,: Sl' Pnp ur Outho;,irrt TTJl'll"r ~1 .1 ,)'1 r"l.S v.o ,,... ··'· .. i-pcr rtoor· ~1-rcrn,, 11kr ""II'$'.! I ht ,_, ,, ·• , '' ~1-S.i CloH11n,;: ~\ 0 ,. -:i; ·;. V\\' J!t'n<'nttor .~1 ·, " h~, h\k,, ~'.!() :'O"' hike '10 ~r· r<1.eh ~71'.! Char111,.I Pl;i.ce. ea. both r:-.crllrnt r..o~c !;ihlr ~~ifl. l;hr··I r111 1;1 r~ --1 -------1'1'" 'I' \,11 h ·1n1r h" •1 .1, ·-7 , "fKf·" 1 •l 'l lltt<'k<tl• tt'f('l"ll"l ., ,, •. ,·\' 1-,,,,,,, .~~ ",t"I "t,,.,,.,, ~1•"1!'i" '~ Cl••l•t•. elotl<"\ 1,;:r .~ 1 . .JV""!l.:u ;i!!rr ]fl ., .. "••-t > o ... ,.h.<'•·""91 ' secllonal $20. l!l"·3iZI ·'~O r,j1 l1 fJr•., Sl :::1ora~r,.. • ""1 ' >-" I ' '·' 1' "-' ·u ' ''""'11•"1' \;, 11 ... ,.n1· \11 '' • ·' ~· '" 1 ·u ,,,..... ...., " t hr•! l'~O Di'(·~~ri ~-~11. 01 .. ~!' \!•·1.1· 1,,11 •,.r•• \l , l!0111 •1· \,u·1111111 .~111 :-<"•I' !,•pl< 1,,f,!.-. \I~ ·rv ,._,,1_11 1111"''·~ '11'1 r:n1.11 1• 1no1,r.· ·':1l"1 ~G .!.~k1ll~;i11J1 $':~nrl p,\TSTED (l7~k~i .i-11P Tl\"l:'>i hrt~S), r;ich THAYER Cr1h Sl:i Playprn ("a!-101\ul ··hat\• s;,. Potln f'han~ '.\. r.olh '-1 .. p l,11•\1' rlri'tn1· "\'"I \i 11 .• 1r ,·111i-,, : ll .1111"'""I1 1l.11r\ ))l ~I 1:11 h1 hi'>'! ll•lh 1~1a1 11r .. ~ ~I ! f'rafl \111;\/l ~iira~· i::un~ h.1.11 1110101 r.1el. ~ : .. »lt>-OHC 3 1;~ Chrm1n d (' SJ. Dinet1t' t;.ble SH\ l·our •·hairs -.nd l)enrhcs ~2-~" ~j r ,.,tfrr 1,.11\r \1'. !"11"1'' ~~ U1'01 lr1' ~~ 11·(1!1:'!.,;1 ·.ir-IX:Jll ·'"' ~1rnl\rr ~-! T<•1l~ :llr-~! :s:; r.tr•h -::2:11 Coli;a1r, Ci\! Ch1ldrt'll!1. ~;,1nr!1. Sl . $.; 1-f'l'.t.~r chairs $15. Chc~I Of rha11Tr.s. ca~1'. (l.l;iny p!:tnl~ .lOc-SlU. ~!a;:t1<1\0\ TV ''!O fl(l\11r > Fr\rr ~~ 1 ·.~n npr11<'r !1 1 l(} 11\1' l: , . :-.a1 1111<! :-unrla~ ~00 ~ ""B"" 6~ti-:i"i~.: r:,. 11 r r i;ka ir• ~~ Bo.\,. $15. Polo: lamp S:J. iii.. Kilt:hC'll \\·arc !;i(lr-S.1. Book~ :'IX· • '-1. \\ hrPl 11·;11lr-r ~2'> .l111~·rr ~;; Hlrni1rr ~' 11'<111 '1 1 hi~~ "1; 1·•.:11t11 1 ' o Irr" S\. Tu~t1n Jli\!.LQ\1"''£°'Cc.·.~c.-,-,-,-,c,=.~-.-,-,-\.h 1 n1•·k~ 7.i<'. ~nn1h;iJI hr.J 111 ~1.,, YOL'TH bcr! "'1th 1na !trc~'· recor<ls '.IDc. 43'' records !Oc. ancl records '.?Jc-$3. P.u::::s F1()!11..-.ll'&«?n\ 11-:;h1 bulb~ ~t. in~ botird .s:~ fl0r!;i!il~ \·~· ,.~1 1 :-..-( r a 11 r rs COVLR For Dat:-iin JlH'ku p Cl'l b $1:-i Cnh 1n;i ltrP~~ s.·1 S2. Folding p1(.'n11: 1ab1c ~~ •. i f'\C"P!l" 111 t"nllilillOll $1:; Dishes 5 11 nc1 lOc. Toa~ter · 0 ~.,· ~d o oublr rn11111·r~~ ~ ~ ·1 l'1nc:rr ~e111ng rn.:ri'l1111e Sl.\ · ·'· · . Jl • <'l".:tni.11· "n rl •. '···'· It •"d ,,.,,,_, .<.I t•• '·to. flun11~, ''''· I'. Pl·--tc·· ;:olf clubs ~;;. Child "~ 11r11• Hi1rh h1krr front bike i;c;it and pii.ds ~J. ~1 · .;.:i. · ~ Rooko•·.-1, .. ,,lt•"••·d '".O Nt"' po•·t,hle type<'t'tt·e t«blrs $: r11rh '.)62-.~S7 ·' n u ' ·• n • ' ~" -IJ..'~·.o ~.Books We. End tables s;1 SJ and $1'.?. Larnp..~ $4 ('ach. " ,. v ' " ' •. Cll"l'l.ll~r ~;!\\' l1ladt•o $\ 10 ~7 !lUl"~('l'S 2.X· Pa~·h Baby prOJf'{'!Or ~~-C!olhrs, all ...... l "''""' ~aeh, ~latchini: lamps $j Gardenin:: Items 3 n d l SiO Boa Vi:.la, C. 1\I . S20. 16"' por!ahlt' TV s J:1 Sli\"GLt: Brrl h·an1... n1al · PIRslic pipt ;,c. ·11. joot Air Jl1>n1s 5c • S20, Ca.r btri, ~uc~ $2 • $.}. &f.\.-2:;.;6 SUZY Hon1en1a krr oven anr! each. 'Electrolux Sl. 847~197 planters 25<:-s:l. 2 llOTT·'ll"tlrk· f>\b-3316 Argus C-2 Sl O. Volt lA lcni; tres~. p,ld, spreads~: •. fl.'rcd ronlpressor S2J c All 1-,troller ron1binahon S 1 5 'l''AcR=r"oc.uc.5~-,'ii-,-,-,,-,-,-,-,-0-e l1H.\r1", like ne1v $7. Shoe g• SLIDING GLASS DOOR 1ng TVs s:,. each. Record 10 ANTIQ Lil·: 11·1111'" rnlf"'" lable. s pel"rl .1-.00l $20· S.1n1sonite 1111 Noi·. 1 Largt p111k 612-5488 China. Sl.30 Teflon pots a.nU plywood •c rap s. fi r. l!ka1es. 11.·hitc, i;ize 11, black. -u·' 1;,. Sat. and Sun. alter 11:>. T'11tio umbrella lablr S7 2 ~u1ter $Li. 2 ~uiter $10. hamP<"r S3. J piett rink C pans f\.2.J t() $2. HouM"hold m•"·g·•y look. Ai"" '"i•d l!iie U ,S2 . .xl each. 4' x 4' AND SCREEN )15. ilta.I· •u '"' f' t ' 1~1 batti ~ct S" Ch th \I' I ~10VIE Projtclor $2?i. om· 1"' ""'' "" "" b · ching drape and T'Ol'I $15. 10 A1\I. l'-fon. -F n . after 6 Fi~placr Kl'f'"n ~.). Cold urn1 urr. ., p1el'f' :"' . ... ~ ;im oo i!ems 2:'ic • SI Ice chest $6 lumber 5c • $1. Z x 4 ;:ind u!lrtin-blackboard S4 • .16" Circular clo1hes hnc $3. p.m., 7852 Glencoe Av,., table \11 mp $i L :\ r I!: r. :"ltffi1tcrranran bcd1"0om ~"t hl11nlirt. rl1>utile S·I 642.£ii2 ~~~·er t~"en~;;;nat:~~i~t~'. One burnrr pnipan& camp other sizes. 6-IB-23n , Stmgray b ik e $1.50.. ~tu· ,~7181 H .B. n;ir brcne \\ ith .. 1ccrr1c sr11 ~25 c>a('h. l961 Ant1qur 11·hilc 7111X:l1t\STER SI~. 2516 Bow. s!ol'e S6 Child'ir. hre JRCk<I -~:;;c,.::.:;:::.c;:.:.:::c,._~~-1 rlent desk $.l. 54:;..36.'i& ~ .... 6 · h :0.1Nficinc tah1 nt t $8. S''ET up I d 07 Ch •1. Kith.,11 11111ity lahle SI , .... ~1roon1 s rt pll'C!' 11 11 doin Pl.. c.;.1. S2 !"lnglr r.1aple bed $\5 or ra2s. " ev TV · • s-d "'-hwinn bike :SS, COUCH $.."IQ. Slnk Sj. !13&-0037 ti · h Bo Pr<'-"i!f ('titnC'.~P ;irt oh· H.T. body Sli 637..3746 · \\·orks firic $'.!3. Little. ,....-""-Chafing d1~h S:l. Tlll'O'" n n1:s esk S:!..> tac · x spnn~ COLE:\lAN · k Singlr tied f1·a111e .~ 2 . =~="-.:::c...:::..:.:.:::.. __ , 2trr11 bike $12. 646-152:) St . bke 13 Johncnn lOSPEEDSlJ..536-6126 I L d k \'I 11nd ma!tre"~ 12:1 rach ' ' ;..torr, •'IYI. 1'11 · JCCI~: opluni pipe healer Tn]o,,,,.,, ,,,., !I Cl•<• UTILITY,,.,.,,,, o.,, ... "•th ingray 1 . .,., l;:'.,:'.;,;:::::.=,::.::::..:::7c-:;-: S . a ie~ 11111 ·r.up case · •· h"'' dt''"' •II ,1,.,, •• , .,.,, h h _ _, ' unu "' -7<' -~ " E I P 16 (, k "·I ti t 'l '" · · .. J ;ind nltler r a-"" a'"' s1orw B AM bolt c1 $2 $:?;:. outboard motors, :i H , · BRO\VN N 11. u g a h y d e Lati1rl' a11tr·"ki boo!s S·1 >Un· '""( "1 1 n1a h-c~s ~ ·1· Bo rl Pl (' • i1cn1" lOc·SI ~M Jo;lnn St. b111npcr hill'h s2.-1. :>19-4361 • · Wt ·-ium ,,,-led 7 llP d · 1,. h' "I' 61• -1, c111ldrt>ri"s hook:; 10 r •u ·h 11· 0111 ·· 'I."' Sl\ Hand pa1nted scroll $16. c 1 'I ., .. ill. ' &12-SSl.'l ,,..., '""" uphob;1ert ch111r • .i, w 1\e 6.\&-11 ,,. · .1-~~ Old ... , . .,,ti• ''"'' !18. Oval os a '' esa. J. • 00 CITIZEN'S band tran,;cch1cr mot'• •'th -<luot•O" g•u O"" 110. ""I~"" Cilbe1·1 r rt"1'to1· ~rt ~; P..+! :1:! P1rl'(' s 1 Iv l' t' p I a t r 0t· • u ••"1•1 do'k ' ' '"" u .. "'' ~""" A LOVELY Chri,tni,1<: 1:;1fl· p1rtu-fran1l' Sl~ fi J.fi-F1 " · radios. b11sc s lallon a nd $15. VII cnitinc, borefl ou\ lrry lr:l(·101· X.• S f'lOI ~0111 s1h"tT11arr ,1nrt .. ah1tl<'I, a •< SHAKESPEAR Spinning. rod. Con1pl('IC srt ol ,\rt L1nklr1 -.,, • l' -1. ·--1 "•·•;,,,,, 1·;1ncr s,.,..akcrs, TRUNDLE bed S20 T:el'Ord lf1'"1bUe $2.l t::11ch. Anl<'11t1a:s .D-10 over Qllenhau!.Cr head~ ~11 l.11vr ~c.i1 ~10. hk" nr11 -i,aii:.y ,_.) .>· ::;...,,1< u •·u , .. arwi fly rod. top 1,'0nrl1t1011 1r1'·"-P1e!11rr l:.ni;)<'lnp('(il.1 ~ C -----l1<'\I' :'j:~ r;l('h. 642-6!\0:."1 player stand s;; Dl"·1P<'S ~7 $2~1. ll~Jhcr;iftcr 6 h.1nd v.1th 3 i;pr.ed transmission 2119 1 . 1 .1 pir~c dincrlr 110. :i1,111·<;l(;IRl,S H1l•1\'lr "Ith lia ~k"I 11 k 1 1 ·~· , ,. :Sl2 each. call :::.36-for boys and ::1rll. 11;;e5 h o ,-. 1 h · · c·,\T Pol",·,·., .•. 11.,," ,-.. ah1\1\0l' \'ilh fra1111: $7 rccc1l'er n1ocr s.~-t~. S~.J. $25. Ser.·cl i:as 1"f'lrii:;crator ,.:~~=~..,-~--,..,--l'.: IS MJ IQi1 ul ,nlunic~. t1kc ,,,,iO., O!'lt1ll!;" an• rniin .t:rxirt l11·•·s S'..'O :.!~160 (;oldr11 ' " < ., •K• 81ryclr 111th h·a1n1ni: 11htr!s ->-l!)-1361 $15. 1-7 fl. hydroplane bol,r.t KENYIORE lt u Io ma 1 I C loll<''· ("Q!Pn11111 i<IO\r ~:1 l'1r!'lr. j\ 13 .. 1 t,~-~l\i!l;: lt1hlP~ S~. \\"h1tr fill' ~·llal 11 llood h ll t d I new s1: •. 8-l'i-6.11:1 I .• ,. ,. h -·' 'I 0'' . hookca~ S7. ·rahlc fo.·IODEL a1,..,lanr '"'"ote and stand S23. Surfboard. 9 1••a:s tr ~xce en con 1 ion Lkll\P . ~· 1s lflg . '....,s . ., , c H r.. 1 ~ T 111 i\ S ,. I'<' c . Shi. 6'i3-IS":. $,.1 J4S-84"l~ · " '' ti, $10, 3 Briggr; and Stral· has Rll the. cycles $2:i. t>IARBLE Bathroom cnun1er Reels 5,., r ;,!"11. ~at. ~\111 . 1 SllOE Skate~. bla1:k, .sii:e. 8 '•""·=~~-·-~----"'1th Fox 15 PJ1gin'" SlO. 2· " ton motoN $2 e.&ch. Unicy· MERCRUTSER ma. r 1 n" 1op for pull1nan, 7'tnk 111· i\lon. onJ11 ~>36-1 ·180 H.R. 8121 11 .t1"111111111 · 7 /l niniplcl!' !CYCLE. h11nd hrakr, as is f p1ctur' lran1e $3. Itt de $4. 2 La.'llnmov.·ers $12 t achometC'T". 1~ volt 4 I a f: ht rl. b r 1 gt, !IP· \\.'oolbur~ Drive near Beach \Vlth clrctric rrvolving ha~c S~. G4&-l34l SJ. &1 2-3807. chcs! SJ. 5<1!)-4361 each. Edger $12. V\V car eylindf'r ltke new $1 2 , pq:ixin111trly ·12" 1 on g, i\nd ,\tlanla . a,nd l'Olor wherl S I .-BAB\' Crib \\"llh shttls 11nd ;Bi;D~Y"":,Sc2fl,;c; .. '-;:b,ck-,clcl=occc,c,b-,-nd RATI'AN tumiturrl l!l'l: :1 ad· al •• 7 ..,,"' slightly usf'ti $~:i. Jllorll"rn , • . ~ luor!'sce.nt deli~ lanip $3. pad $.20 'J.18-"->iJ carrier $6. R fie ticket, =~:.C.,c~c,.~~-~-~°'"',,..-. _ 11 _ •od •od 1,.,.10,.10_j() J EN s EN ste1'ropho1~1c .'O inch I\ a nd E dr:;k type [ ccc.:c:;:::.· :· .;:..c-~~-~-nt'w mattrl"'!I. ~l}l'.'tt~ and joinini:: easy chair~. dw·k mixer -•-_._:c ,.., "" "20 inCt11TWO •-·• _, ,,~,·,___ .. v ~,.. .. ~" " ~ k b d lh 1 d 1 !\fr. anrl 1'-lr!. Contour chairs blanke! $18 B u 1 I t -i n green cu~hion~ $'.?ll. 2 ,~u · .,.. . ....,.."'" Dl•"-"'e .,..ae.s !""''"'-••t.l-ek"·'lpl•qu••ll" Mpe11e1· o a r" "'1 ~1.r rur 1nth t·a ~c SS b·•kenm· •ll GE v•-•um lam 15 h .. v Tilll ~ " d t $25each.fo.lr.fitsup to6"f ', l,!lsh1v11shcr 110 l'-fetal .. _d dollble-rlrck rnd tab1~11,'. · ·.• "" TanMn &v.'lli Pl eac · lS.:<l .50 each.&4&-2656 ~er an '''.''"" rr ~ ~lekc.!! s)1rlerulr. \1•1th.casr "'" .... , ~ $l. Sleep1na: bar $1. Wrought iron floor l&mp $..1. 1-C::..C" ..:.o,:..:.c $17.S:i t'ach, Ciir t;ipe5 $.i. End lll ble ...,,1h buil! in i\!rs. his up lo 5·7" · Blonde frames. llt\\' $2 each, Sm111l Cofftc tablr $6. 1 9 7 J 642-1919 17" G.£, portable TV near ALL Ghtlit caie f or :sacrifltt ~ tr11ck $2.25. 8 lamp s:i. Ne ._.11 rm 11 r drck and chair. 'l fl . x 4 f1 . r?C1111ood table llTld chair $2. Nt\1-por t Blvd, Spa~ 45, BLUE Sofa. very aood ahape new picf\lr' tube nttds hi\mps1er11 or v.~~t-e~l"r: 4 Ira.ck $2.75. ~29 or \\'alnul ~lcp end 1;ible s2. Sl.~. Blonde l'Orner table 27 La.rge cute r11.t1An table, C.i\1. 646-1271 $15. Matchlnr blllt1 chair, v.'Ork $15, 17" Sears portable Comparlmen~ S.a. 6o;).J.3.l l !162-4116 Btai'I.~ pull do1vn Cl"ihng fix· x :?7, $10. l\1aple-TV cabine! netds lap $2. !148-8236. 99 CQIL bM t;prings for dQ\I· ~le, very Io o d TV SU. Green hrocade foam a Iler 6 pin. 6" R1-:D\VOOD l1Jble and lure $i 9 x 1'.! hcig~ \\'ool SlO. LAdi!'s icr tikales. 41-i "' EAST~JAN Vcrif11.x Slgnel ble l:IM, top condition $7.00. abllpe SS. Larr• veneer cof· liiwd drapr11 96 X ~ SID. BOYS Rink roller ~katr.t. &llt: benches S12 l,;irge ~ard rui::: ST. !'lngrr electric ron· 7 S•I, i\l!n'.'i si"tt 13• $4 Tiki ropirr SZ:i. P~pcr "uppllt>s Solid Cherry 11.·ood double ff!r! table Sf. Nffr ne1111ha.pe Gold broc1~ foam lined ;1 $3. 642-1()6.j '81tl'r J. Ba.rlv-C"nr $1. j36-S296 MJlr Sf'l\1!111: m;ichul<'. ~oCld torctir5 50o: each. Sunbeam S2:). &12--0116. 1307 Sanliai:;o bro. nreds refinishing $7.50. Boolccue headboard, 1hding dnpeg 120 " M $10. '.! Pair RELOADING: t2 i;: 3 u i c l\llSCELl.AJ'<;EQUS l\lolorcy· ronrl1tion. $15, 5t8-3".'10 ~~~~r~~~rc $!~ ~~2S C · Dr. H.B. CDoubl~ mattre'SS S2. RCA doors. ant)que "-'hite \lo'ith rreen m tton drapts 4'.!" 5'I empty :p;hotrun st.ells le clt part,;, odd5 and ends for DIVA.1'1.' Sl"i. i\latt'h1n:; chair NE\Y electric. d<:-tp tn·~r $1 2 (!ll50 '· ll Is $5. :Z:?69 l'Old S4. Airline black and $2 p11.ir. Gold 63.' drapes $1. Pach. !).l:).-l2'.!9 man.v niolorcyrle~ from 50c SIO. :'<Tapir 111 tilc Sl :i. 4 Cllp-t\E\V Cycle helrnets. factory Nell' c sliC'e toafiler $12 Repubhc A1''· C.l\!. white TV mn&Olt. 23··, Natural C'Ollon curl11ms i:J x · I 0 l'rcond~. 1 ~ or retail pritt \\' t !I ~ \\' t c· 8" T 'BLE ~ I nMdstv.'OtubMS1014"1eak 54 $1 .Four long darkb\"Ol\'YI 4 Tr11.cki\lunltl<lpedeck S'.ll. to $25. Rumper carrier ta111J c11111-s SJ l':tch S16.67>ji4:i acr can ""' &Pr s..,1 ,. sa"·on11......,...1•~ ' Ti~'O 5. 5 ..,.. 11 ken. with ...,.1Jls SI~ 9;, ~arrihrt, 9fi'l..-lllfi l\laplc hutch S2J Coffee t>. Aluminum chaiM loungt l3ble S'.?:i 10 gun <'abinet stack tables 50c. Pattef'N, 111httr dacron p&llt"ls X ,~ ~ 7. .,. I table. hit lop SID 2 End SQUARE Redwood tab I t $2. l\lr.n's ice 5kates, 1iz:e II. v.•ith ,c:l<tss doon and stOrat@ •wr.I!!' siz.e. 12, Sc: r i ch • each. T"·o tra.vtrse rods Sl S2 f'ach. T"~~. ,ep in. BARBELL &l ~O lh, •ieight5 table~ SID rar h (,[a!.~ ft'Ofll with 4 bl".ochcs and nn1-$3.50 :16.. archf'ry la.rgel cab111tt below ~li Good Orift'tl1ood, lOc~. ToY! each . AtVlA pof1iiblr tape Bf'atles, mof'I!. Gary \\'ilson S:J. 17 pl{'C<'S ol 2' ;oi-4' rl'il· lxlokcaM: S~ Tftbl,. tamp $;j t:in•lta $2.'1 Te a c h Ins: $7.;{l U.ri::t c11rvcd lamp $4. larii:e RbQ v.ilh electric 10-$1 . 962-7587. 19821 V x· f'f'COJ'der $5. EleCU1C f'X· fil:l-IJ9l in~ lilt $1.50 (';i ch. !H2·1 !1.2J 2 sets n1rr111 ~hclvrs $J machine S.i. Pr@rammrrl l!IO!l Tushn A\·e. S16-210j . motor $5. 962-M>n inrton La ne, H B. C<ill ~rcyclr SlO. 7592 Alhambra TH E QUIQ(ER YOU CALL. TH t~ QUICKER YOU CALL. t>ach. Drsk ~10. Ironing rP>tdinl': and math .t i r;ich. C0:\18 1NATION sctlml desk BARREL cha.it, bro wn ariYfim' Dr., 1-1 .8 . TH E QUICKER YOU ~ELL THE QUICh.'ER YOU SF.LI, ho11rtl Sl. ;'l'l&-'2,i-1·1 :s;:>!l Sonor11 Rti , C.~! 11nd rh111r. ""° i.~ $7. 64&-0fi23 uphol:!;k'rtd SI.>. ~Ill-SW\ T\VIN h<'d hox ~pr1ng a M nl 11 I t 1·,.' J, clean SU . Unu,;ual rlt>Sk V11nity $11.5(] A1-ro111 11all rwck 11·00fi $·1. End IBblrs. 1 n1aple, 1 a n· t1qur gl"f'Cl1 S.> rach. Black and 11·h1tr 11!1 1rra1l1cr r:oa!, lt1d1es sizr. 1::.1~ ~3. 1\lan·~ s1tl' .)8 1vh(tP tllart;n !ill 1\·ealher jacket, h kr 11r1v $7. 5--16-3341 SE\VING n1ach1ne cabinet Sl>, be11.llt1fully c a r v ed . T WJn box sprini: ancl ma tress $2.j, like new. Old oa file cabinet. ltaal :ciz' $25. Srnall tablr 11.'il.h E'Xlcnsion $20. Chain $5 rach. Sm rotkrr $1:>. Sm11U llvlrli room lamp tahl~ $12. Hang· 1ng 1&n1p. ntver usM. beauhlul amber $211. Old oak 4 <lra."er . 5 x I Ille cabirlfl $!:?. 51&.:"1150 GIRL'S Stini:'filY hike \\ith ba.'iktt $17 ;:(!. fivr ltp:hl brass and crystal clwncklier SZ'>. &16-5610 DINING room :II'!. includlnv; :i i:ha1r~. P h i l l flfllTI" ?1111hoi:11n~·. 11:ood condiHon S2i 6'12--09~.:i --------... ----------------------------------------------------------------·------. MIRCMANOISI FOil MERt•IANDISf ,Oil SALi AND TllADE SALi AND TRI.DI MIRCHANDISI FOR MIRCHANOISI FDlt I MIRCHANDISI POR MIRCHANOISI Fv1< FREE TO YOU I ,_.,_ SALE ANO TllADE SALE AND Tiii.Di IALI ANO TllAOI SALi AND TltADE l--------I -------- JOIS & IMPLDYMINT ".u!.•'~"=,..====":-'1111._.o ... '_,"';.;":;;lo.;tuto~---.::•::;OIO FurnltvN loltt-Men. Wem. 7100 \l/O~lEN lli1. nttded !or -..·orli 11 lh.-: 1ell'!phone oMer deJk. pw t1m f'. 9 10 1 prn or 4 lo I pm. t Z.00 pc:r hr lo wtart. Openinr s In Co5ta :'\lesa otf1cc, rm e>.p/ nee Call for 1nfmo. s.11-117:: ~,,. IOOO Furnltur• IOOOIMl•c•fl•nwut l600 Mltce!l1,.._. l600 COM& and ~t 11 !'-' P'1w , ten ..... I Ytchts fOD1 !--1--fO(ll len1!11s ttf 3'' x 31~· PUBLIC NOTICE ,,......_COUl'ON-'"'~,"'" '"""': Good72·~·m•U~ .. ,.~ ..... , ... I c:lt•n.i..-t s 4~x 4 1.otht'f Of!JC VI ~ l S .1 DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION $25 lun1~r .~f.iat ~1.kt all. horupawf!r, .. ~· 1 .... , ..... OF II LUXURY Al'ARTMENTS Do"""" l plo 1 ·~ -·~ 5,teriiah & Med it•rr•nt•n F'urnitvre Tl~i• ,:o"pen ~orth ... I •• • thri1tm11 hJbirt1" t1t11na:s ~ 'C,, va~~ lleadO:l~. radki. coven SS0,000 Inventory To Ch9o1e From ! t ' any to 1 upne tterl"I from OctoMr hatdv•ue ta r bui.11 I n etc, ~"· ""1th 4 9 Pc. Med itt Bedroom suite, ren. $319, now $I bl.00 5th to December I 5. Thou1•nd1 of tam pl ff v., cu u m 1 y 1 t c m s . whttl LL.I! rr;sUer. S:iOOI G 7 to ctloo1e from. Brinn to • • • I !l&Z..!67! 10 -value . l\f o • ! aulsWldllfl \VO~f£N, ful l or part time nttdt'd imm'd for: CiuJd Catt. Aidt'5 or Compa.11ion$ Alt 20 ID ~. 6·12·3::?14. Sittll"g Pretty Agency Schoel .. lf'11ructfon 7600 JOlN T~IB FlELD \VITH A FUTURE! A,el education no b1>!"rJt r! Ut us ht lp you qllal il:y . L'INKEEPERS 11'\m'JTUTl'.: Jr-,IER:.:ATIONAL ~Jotel/Hot,J/ Apt i'll&nll Sehl A DIV ISI0:--1 01" A.VTHONY SCHOOL~ 1n1 s. BROOKHt:nsr A..~AHET'.'11. CALIFOR.i"'IA O•s~t! form f'\'e~ 11~k PHONE FOR APPT. A!k fer Berty 77S.58C-0 El~tnc typinr . Cre1a Mortlwl!t &: dict.atini equipm,11t brushup Day. time acc•lera led classes • by the \l"et!k, Tlie Newport School of lusin••• i 33 Devt r Dr , N,)5 , 64~·31110 VOCAL Tfch. t! sonz J.n. terprttatiOl'l. lccinnen thru advanc~. 4'4-9340 alt i Ct..>. VIS l\tont,ssori pr~ :?1.!-6 )'T'S. Jndiv. attn. r:caa tuition. 64&-:?32.i, 646-3706 M!RCHANDIU FOR S•LE AND TRADE Furniture 1000 17 l'c. Kln9 Size Bedroom Lara:c 9 dra"'-l!r drt's~.!r, rr.ir. rcr, 2 bl'di.ide sr<1 nd!, king 1ize ht~dbo•rd, rran1e. quiJt. ed m1ttrt,s, :r;heets, blank· ebl, t ic. Choice or Spanish or t>lodern Sty!! AN For $249 Ne down Pmrs. onl y S~ m.,, WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V, 4th St .. :5;;in'4 Ana Open Da lly 9 . :l Sa t. 9-l Sun. U-6 E!~ANO'L IN QUALITY ~odel Hom• Furniture Savings lo S5"0. \'f'ry easy !l!\anci ng. ~ complete rooms ol dtcorator.:; sl)·led Spanish lurn11ure. Con,istllli:: ot th!.! fan1ous cus1om quality :'Ila· dr1d living room a roup. Tht on~<U El Prr~1drntc !PIE:· lOUS nll!tf r ktng Ille btd· -room. 1uite and the authentic L.a 'Paz \.l"f'OUil,~ ircn ~i.nr.tte ·Rtf. Limited stock • $4&8. Ht.rn U ton Showroom. 59-18 ~'estm insier Avt . W@stmin5- "''· 894-+I~' i50N·r Give up! \'ou m ay fi!MS it at Amt-riu 't Je.rcest, rnos t unu11.iaJ unfinisht-d furri.J ture store. Cor. Redhill &. San!4 Ana f 11")', Tusli~. l Pl'1 So. ol Nt -..<p0rt Fwy. Ope:~ 362 d4y1 per yr. ~liO :.fUsT ~ELL:' KING s11e. bed lJ~ Collitrs encycl•pedia $1 00. cnlfee tatle $2j. cornf'r t.i.ble $:?:i. lg. nti.rror $20, 1p..n. [Joor lamp $2,. L&. paln!1n~ $:?:!. lol~ ol muse. 147-7118 TWJN heds, oh\"" rhr. an· ti que 6 ii1•T C'he-;1. lad1 t s ~tfn Ann desk. Ball claw IDI. Or£ilO ~1(1(11, ~aut ban· quei lamp. Somr misc\. 4SO l':ahnllo, C iii . Blk lrom 17th k Tusun. H l D E·A ·Bl:"D, l{l't en n'llug;;ih~de, :; Pf" ~cc1 1onal. Early Ain~r: Phllco rtrr1g , ki tchen tahlr f.: ~ t·ha1rs, lamps, rle&k. f'nd 11ble5 e!c, J49..1623 htfort 9 I.· alt,.r 5. Fei?t.!'>!AL t~11.rly A111enc11n dfitln1 tabl•. & ch11 1rs; birch11.'ood .&: T h o m a s ~e. hkf' n@1v. t 1 1 :i. 5'S:r'924. U~O ~elw.:c: Spillli&h red sefa &. lev1~t1I, ~th Sl44. l!iil nf u~~ Spanish l11mp1 SI. The Tact or,·, JDS HarhOr ..,...., SING£R Cab~~t •"wi n r machine $25 Assorted cur· tains. l!l.rapt!. p irt llTl!I $l·S7.SO. 54&-i:mi DANISH dlnina TMm ta i le 4: ch•irs, Chinesr Teak eoft~ ~pie. gam,. l'ha11~. lamps. ~c., 673-8.l9::. USED ch~t. 4 <!rawer, Slt Jt&ll·l ·Way hl!rl $..11. Polf' lamp S.'.I. Tht F;,ctory. 1!8.J Huber. :;.w...i&42 SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN org•ous Spanish C ustom sofa w/m•fchg lov• s•at. • 1-b oa t b!l)' Gt t lrf ;e("'"' Choic• of b••u• f•bric.s, t•"· $'419 .95 now $225.00 J & J & Harbor Upholiterinn FREE Kitleia. C u dclly Ready to io at SMl!S. WiJ Sp•nish Din ing 1efs .. ... ..... .... .. ........ $ 75.00 I .,. Ca])ca, black .t white, irey help arrance r I n•• c In I Solid Oak End T •bles & Coffee T 11:ilei ........ $ I !1.00 350 N. New,.ort Blvd., Newport Beach & oranct · Ple1ae c •I J Contact Sale• M.-napr. l'Gb f 4ll O•c.or T1b!1 lamps, reg. '49.9S now$ 18.00 642°5176 or 646·8058 ~*°8U· 7'21 C ar~•. Lol'lt'f!r. Petttiu at tieoi Shew R"m • Ftoor Sempl•s -~•ctory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF F\JRNITURE $389. • 5 pc. l'-!thentic Sp1ni1h ldrm. ut, • 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 In. m1tchlng love uat, or ch•ir • 5 pc. Sp1ni1h Dinette, 01k table tep • 3 h.-vy Mediterranean m•tt'.hing t1bles, top durable onough for Fl1mento Dancing. Will 1011 piec1s individui1lly. Spa nith H•ng. Sw•g lamps, rag. -49 .95 now S I 5.00 N.,. 10123 St&eh ~vd., Wnimuw.ler. 3 koorns of Gorgeous Spanish Furniture -COUPON-AKC ~ri&eft H~. temalc..1_......, __ 1=0-.---- (w1s re9. $1 ,295) Si1crificel $391, t1rms l '' yr~. tli~r. lo\tt Jf' foet " R D FURNITURE · J rhilrfren. P'f'rfect p!!t, nted1 • 18'4 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Every Night 'til 9 -Wed., Set. & Sun. 'fil 6 Misc•ll•neous 1600 Mlocell•noous lfOO '""'" »•rd Ad•dts ootly Fi"'ln9 lloat ----------1 ral Pl"a~. 5-~"A. 10/24 Sltt1pl l. J\ltll't !> forces lf)e S ~cp Fi11t! Then S•a Our Unbeli•vi1 ble Buyi! 1001 other items with terrific 1aving1 I Bank Terms Store Charge i1aster Charge raft Saleo. 7-h-,;ed b.!£ of "!'~~~~~~"'!'~~~~~!'!'!'!!'!~~~'!!'/1 gooche$ 1n<"'.lud1fll' dei,k $10. "'.' Dbl tied !ram' $10, bar & A_~p~p_li_•_•_,_ .. ____ a_l_OO;_ Televf1ion 1205 51ools s:?S. t5blt $~. typ1n;:: tbl $1.51'.l. baby hlh. nif1u11 Ba'"nkAmericard All Accepted i'llAYTAGl!: ELECTRIC IflO:-.'l!.P.. LIKE l\'E:\\' S9J, 5.1.>-mo. Le111e Color TV or Bl11t·k Stll1 &: Oiiier baby i!em~. &-\\'titre. Option to buy Polaro1rl c11mt r1 S7 50, port. .... Furniture Siesta SALE! ; .... tooo Office Equipment T\'P E\\'R ITER. ;idd. ma.ch, calculator. Ve ~· reasonable. Xlnt cond . .li~:!-2423 WASHER k d~·tr. avocarln, Sl~J. Refrig-frost frt,.. $100. r ret'ier"! ss:;. :'A(}..10!0 "'ASHER /., <lf)'f'r. avCW'arl'l, SJ2:>. Relng-[rost !rte SlOO t-reezer $6.i j.11)..109,'5 t.10DEL &00 1-:enmor' aulo "11sher. ye!1011" :xln! cond 3&~. ;,.15-S6<2 Qr i;;47.s11:, ---\\'E!'TERN Holly bl!n itas l'!nvt-& 0\-f'n unit, s;: .. C11.H afr 3 r111. 346-lll.'H tree un•>ct . No dep<lsit he1Tt'r S7.5Q, \1alf], iron $2, A·Ac!Jve TV R"ntal Co. bo1U" 1'tertlr:1.er S2 ::..0, Qo1•·I· (J l 522·lJjJ In"!: ball & bai:' SlO. \\'IE: &· ----------1 C'"se $1J & many other "6'.J RCA Color 1'V -must nen1~. !X);, rark Ave . , t"!I. S:OO. .\'.H-301 6 a frr.-r L11cuna &11..:h or ca 11 ~P.\1. 329 Popula r, Lift; 494--!>822 B<h. O>rn,.. l'I lhr l!l'Z"!.I 2 ENT ER TA I N ~ft: NT SWAP MEET ccntf'l"'!I •v I color TY S300. \\'I B & \\' TI, $200. 1"11'r hf'id in Oranc,. Cty. '7;.:,,;i;,_ '"''"' TREASURES & TRASH 1~9~ .. ~R~C~A,-..,C~O~L-'O~R~T~V~. ~h~,,-,-dl cahlnrt. """eds rt'p1u r, S.',0. lit 01«1ni;;e Cry Y"lrwrourxl~ 3 am·5 pm rvt ry &it & Sun A __ n•_lq_u_•_•~~~~1_1_10 11-======'=-""="=l %='======:1 FREE 8020 '. Household Gcods adrnission to buyers l'\l'!w 9 pc:. rnrner •rr•"C· ./ P.l,,RKIN G LOT ~,.\Lt: Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 Sellars Sl per ,,pat.!: -ho•· I ,_ 12• CO i\1 P. Hou,,ehold ~tonJv.sl'lt!.s a tlO A.\l ;: ... ce O r.,,. ttg. ~et. now 1 ·.1.· ~ STE~"'o. A\. J/r ,\I .,,,,, CI..A .... SIC Lo1v \1_ood. head & $159 .;,o N L.d ... ,_ urru,,..1n1~. mink stroller Antiques, lurniturl!. glais, n..L • ' · ~w l1'<'" s: n.iJig $500, J mo. old ittnls _ u 1 8 '· phonogranh 11·11.lnui console foot boa.rds, !'4'111 !!le, 2 for $90.~. Quf'ens S89.50, Full \\'ur!1tzer Sprnet o I" g a n ~~·r·J~~~~· 1:~"Har:~ Outlets Jar ispe record1n;; & $20. Small slat tablt $3.50 $-l!.j(). T-..'ins $39.jQ, fully $1200, Kenmc•rC' -..·a~her k R]l·d., at 19th St., C..'1. pl;,ybark Sl:tl or hl'~t orr. SmA.11 C'hl'.st SJ5. Kilchf'n 1uarn. King ,z !preads SJ3.~ ..1-. Sc 1 ll" 6-~ .,.1, fl 1 jt~m!, disht~. u te n~ 1 \ s fl • 19 ,• H db-' ...... er $230. kg 5Z. bed $150, p t M" " I A , c o ,.prl!'c. ,.,..ll ~ 11 . · z. · .:i. ea '"s: a ten•• nt1qu•• JOc-25c Double boll" spcmg; •... 1 • cornl'r bed grp Sl'.iO, decor. STEP. E O /RADIO I · n Ull !, IJ. Quttns S12.;JO, GRAND OPENING! · • · ~o 10 I.: matti~s5, exctl. cond. • ·• 110 ~immon:'I hid-a·bed ~200. "' ·1are t r "I I r Uu · .5(), Twins Sl9.i Fine self'Ctlo:in of Euro"""an ~ · ins 11". sml. ~· ran~. $W. \\'.isle baskels JOc·tl. T dl (d Like ne1\' othf'r 11cn1s, Any .. -,ood cnnrl ~~, "" 9'1 r1.1n e sets uo r iSll!rl \v/ & Ame ... can Victorian fur"· · *"' ·..Ho-/ · .'.118·2194 ~' 6 pm fat :;;un . ~fylt corner desk & chest •· ·~ inner spnnJi m1t1. reg, Sl06, itu~. c.A at 468 E:. J7Ui St. ZEl'ITH Stereo S33. GOOl'I JO-I:.' WI ! Kings Road NG 1-9 :on ... [rp t!OO. :\Ir t.·. '.\lrs dresser ""'" noiv 1 ·>N. n ,s, sprds S13 .99, ~lOO. <'ht-st SSO. i\lr "-illr~ in C.i\I. 64.5-2776. 10 to 5. "ork~n; C1Jnd11ion. 2021:.'1: NE\V gas ran_i;e $73. Dnung ~e'7·s;~d!Ps1:~. h:C:n~;~ drc:sSl'!r S80. \\'allace Sier!· Al\"TIQUE Pi;,no S 2 O O. d\c;acil'I. Sll'l'a Ana HtiJh~ t11.l•le 6 chaU'!>, chlna cs hil!C't heds re&. 3119.30, noiv SS9.50. ini: ~en·1c'! 8 Ros'l"Dlnl $250, Co!lf'ctors Tt"rord5. ;\lake OI· ·r:uNDIG Sterto conso!" ln '!)'1 1Qxl3 he1~ nylon ru; !.· Full s;c. ~le~r> + !ofa ttl. china dishes. decor. ilC'n1s, ff'r. 496-37J:i ha 11~me Osni~h \\'alnu! ~ddint; Sl> &-< tor S . ne1v $239.50, now $169.SO Christ. C1!ram1c~. !bl5, 11'1 mp ~, BE:AUT. anllq puin p or;;an. L·ab1net S<!j 646-20~1i. c11~he~ $1: 24 pc cu!. cry~tal mi s liy·il\\'ilYs now .. SIEsrA cloth'"s. Sf'\J1ng e\'ecy~1hin;. new beUo"'s S~OO. misc. gles~es S30 TV rotor n1ast SLI:EP SHOP, 19!7 Harbor Rent 3 Bd duplex $300 P'r furn. 541-i784 or 646-7'rai. C1mer11 & Equip. 8300 antenna $2~. V !'I cu um Blvd., Of 6'1;>."60 daily 10. mo. 64G.-6649 f".B. cltaner S20 . Ant1q1.1es & 9 Sat.Sun 10.6. BR:A$S BEOS \Y!L.L BU\' 16 mm prcj. ni any morl". r;3 Bolero Garage Sile 8022 l D. ANTIQUE. ~!377 11len1 or sound . Xlfu.1t be in \\"ay. NB. &l&-4Ji;o SPECIAL S&Je-Pair of end lt<X'l'I conrl. rta1. pnc,d. tables, coffee. Uble a.ncl two G s I Sewlnp M1chln•1 1120 WILL SELL r ed e r II ! ,.,D)IJR . .i,L. il lu:<1" .centf'r S~O 1idt' chairs in rock-map!'; a rage a e --~-~------Enhtri er for 11 mr'n, :z~, .. Qu1ek·Bro1l •• S.7 50 ronlng Early Amer1<'an pi ll" of 1969 SINGl:R "'/beaut \\"al ;.:'.JI,.", etc.. 1n foldllwav board $3.1.i Hand lswn table. lamps and floor lamp, Sat/Sun 1 'til ? co nsole & zic-zag, !\Jakes case "'' niaf;king ca sci. ~o,1·er $6. All in good con; To11stma1ter, eelctric iron , 263 Coita Meie St, CM button holrs, ovtrcasL~. 5 \Vill !radii! on projector Call rl1t1on. !llany other artic!e5. thlna, sil\•tr.1•arf. TV trays, 'Year i\lar. FuU pMce SJS.24 on 11·knds. fri f'ven · lhru J.1:)..2411. C R'"fng, i:tove. div11 n =~~~--,-,,,--~-unier & Ives prints, \1·attr or Si25 mo. j26-6616 Sun. L&;una 6 r a ch . .SOLD M"mt : E\·ery!h1ng 0 chair~. odds I.· r nd:< and ii p.&intings. linen~. -4!19-:Zlj ? Got"~: Color TV, ~ec!1on~J, 1011el~. b111nketE, ciird ta.b!e. BOTT LES GALORE Music1I Inst. 8125 E~T!Rt: ·l:>.l d;irk roon' t11hle .\; lan1r~. hrd1mm '"" Joldini: chairs snd ma ny P.ea!Onable, SOllV' old, sonic ----------f'q•J1r Om•~• t-nlarger. ,.tc. piano. dinetle ~et , 11ash1'r .~ :;,~~~ ~~~~l!-A Joann St ' not so old. also old 1n&ulators ~1~~~ ~~;!.l1./'l~e .. ~.n~~~t :~~~ :: ~ptl. Gn1.pl11c 1·an1"ras. drvrr, dt>sk~ a n(/ ~iuch k Olhf'r <:i:ood,-•. >·t ,. 5 .. ~ filter~. meter.< & 11 1~~. <'!<:' :.iOre! :r\6-!U \."i -~ .. ~-... .... ri). S9J. Cornets. Sl!l1ner USED 6 dril\\f'I" \1 alnul 10..~. '"I flo11 ..... .;;,, C'·I -All ~100 or ~!II :-eoarJtrlv 61 01F.V 4<lr .. <ood trans., ..., L,_ 6undyhkr:ne\v ~l'!.i , · dres~er l,, mu·ror. s+l.9.i. ,/JN Ot.:r: PARJ\li\G LOT '.\lartin, sacnhce s. 11 0 . ,.~fl e\r, Sat .t-:>un ~":k]j S!f1 27" ~~l"hlf' 1a 11· n Pair o( lamps. grttn /,; ~"'! only . ;';tarts 10 A;\f ;,3&-s:>tl Flroad ~t. N.B . .H8-9:t.ol mO"'-f'r. ntar n'!-..' Honli:t ,1·hitr , SS. Odd dinett, ch<1ir A --engin" Sl=j il!ayta;; Dutch 129. Th F'" ~~"' nt1que!, fumitureo, al ~ss. ACCOl'lOIQjlf t2 l ::>..1nt, 120 00 ·7 · ·'· e artory, l~ :slii'l'r. ie-..·•Jry "' . 6,... Sporting Good_ 1 85 O\'t n ran~. $33. 497-14.:i Harbor. 540-i3.12 • u<o Bias~ Lemu . 12 Bui; i\'.oble . Obor l1npor1i;. 1S9'5 !-!arbor 540•24i: ::? SCR YBOARDS Pl t FIRE:\,.OOD tor !~le-cut ro Ni:\V SON D\l."000 el;;i, "'t Blvd ., at 19th S!. C.:.1. Fantai uc 6'6 , ~nrl ;.~~-~ y our ~pec1hcauons; 11·~11 aot it yt sttrd1y. but v.ron1 I"="'"""-.,,--,--~~--;\IARTIN Trnor Sa:>. like $ell~cinerl De\lv & ~tel< d Mf.5CL hou&ehold 1 1 i: n1 !! • 12-\~rv <ood cond1t1on l60 51zt. Ccst S~ ntw. ~•U for n•w Ll. -• rrec. S2i 50 11 C. :\17.:-0 C. S2·l0. High rradt d•C91"11or C!iild~n's clo!hlllg, ~irl& ~-i374 l'&C'h. 61 ~1916 Ca.II rolle<'t 17141 6as.-O&i&. "12.t-s fi to 10. &ys· sizt~ 6 10 fabric 5"~197 Me-.!a Verdt. l 8. w21 Paloma Dr. OU !Oth LUD\VIG Orum ~e!, 5Uperb 8' B~'llnSs1~ck E!tgehrook pool ~ Sinl;lr bookcasf!' m<1hos;. SOFA &: lo\'t Ml!, 2 hi-baek & Jrvi11,., '.°>11·2936 A-1 cond. "'/ Zildj1an cyn1· tab e !. iJ62 9 ... 6 -hl'adl'loarrls, 3 beaut uphol. vtlvr t chairs, cotitt. end '"'°"'~==-----h.als. Ca11 67S.7468 .. ,,, bar i.1001~. TV stand. dbl. bl • I i.-. 1787 TUST JN Av'. C.:.t. -b d s 1 I t 5 imps. ">6' 11it H dbo 1600 sink. roll11 way e , e~ o · ca. ard "·uh matC"hin"'. Pl & D 1130 Mls<oll•neous bfdrm i;tt. fo.lust s '-JI . encs r1•n1 Irr. ~ii-82~7 h!dspr,ad. ~lef<'o rah1ne l. L~==~-.,.-==c--:-:::;: 646-T667 c· o 11 r l'I, lots of m 1 ~ c . FACTORY PA INT compresM>r \Vise . ga~ KIRBY \'a~11um cie~n<:.'r \vi!h ufSH otSri:R.E D c o r ii c r ?f.S-16j.t CLEARANCE 1 air coolett. 3'1""~· trlr. s:;o. i!i tta ch & po:ili~er. Xlnt roM rroup converts int• 2 f\\·1n ALL 'l\li\'DS Of' ;'l!ISC'E!.,. Factory orders cltarance 01 P;1 1n1 lank. 2 ~.:il. ~har~ !.· gu;irant ~erl Pay olf bal of btds. Co3t $-liO SaC" S27j or L.4.N\' Jl'lm"' Tl"'ll' somt old all O\'eragf', demonstrators. model 18. r un model no 35. $3!l 67 or '"~' over pymn!s. bt~t olll'r. 64:?-7 ~I !J S,1t/Sun '..lDB·lllh .. 8 .. Hunrg. noor mOOel~. i tudlo & re. $25. 642-4152 Crerl1t dtpl '.">35-72&9 t'Vf!'/.,.,·kend~ Sch. turned Pianos &: 0 1'1anB. TIRES. set of 4. fiberil!lss fARBER\\'ARE elec l:trotltr WOODE:'\ desk 36" " ::6' I ;-;=oc-c--..,--~~-~~ Real savin,s up to 30~. Armstrong. Fils 8 2:; x 1 1 . A: roti~~eri' ~:)(). Port color HANO pamttd china anG bi!· $3j. :'<li!.p!e boe\\C"a<c hcrl, t:verything au.irvilt.td like J'ever 11sir.d. Full pr1ct. 5100. ni S!.!.·1. ~pr&M ~:.:ophllnc que. lil\"er serv1 re. book!, S" 4 deuhlt . e:-;rl'U'"' S40. Dou· n,w. Sa.Ir limit~ to 1pttilic 6-16-217~ SJOJ.:, u~,.d p<11yf'sttr ...,;.:l rn1~c ~1lt 1!t mf Sal i· Sun. bit sol1. ~. l:OO'l buy 320:; .\Jont;ina. C ~I .).1~8()j ~rock -~ hurry! J';o money CAP.PET ln!italler has one rir,.~ s.:'.'"1. 6~6--1Jil ·""~'""::;;·~· ~·~"~"~-~54:'.::'.:;...:::"~'~· -c I cm'Oill:'f'"S.O;,-m~:;;;;; riOll'Tl OAC. 5 year, lo p;iy. roll, s vocado nylon carpel. DRA~IAT-,~1:-. -,,-,-.,-.-,-,-1 d' Q°UILTtD Antique fa ! 1 n COUGI S~j. Sto,·r SJJ. L>iwn This great wle only at; double ju!~·hacktd. \V\.11 sell 1·rtntrl n1nTor. 6':1";>.S"2"' chall', orarit:' k 4Tl't'n t .'il. mo1•cr SJ. Ch'"st dl"aurrs l\'Af\.D 'S BALD\\.'IN STUDIO sll or r 11 r1 S~/ysrd. ;)4t.-j24j 1"11gh :\"rar PC'rlcct Sl:i. Call !Amp•. hwgmr lunps Sl!> $13. 44:1 E. lj\h St. Rear. I lil!J 1"e\\-port . C.ill, 642-MM li'"J..&l~~ ti.\~-~•I!! Oprn E\ct;• i\ite Cf.QSS lop f: ~ [ r i i" .• 1 __ ' --·----~-- * AUCTION * ~. POOdle. 11 L'Ol'ker. fern.ale '° mu•t aa-:n!11·t ' Sl.W 2 ~Ts. i\'.eeds ~minr and 6J3.i315 tor more lnll'I. AJ,tat !!> r1·,.rnanL To aood homt 4 ~~r. JI you 11·ill M"ll 01· blly gi\·e 1r1ndy a try Auctions frid•y 7;31) p tn. W indy 's Auct ion Barn 6'!-h111d Tony s Blli6. ~lat'} :?075 1: Ne111"10rl . C,\f &i&.S686 NBTC ~AMILY MEMBeRSHIP ~OR SALE ,~ Good buy k ii~a t opportun. 1ty 10 belon~ lo tamous f'BTC. 646-~7 FU_RNJ'rURE. L u ' i I r a . D1$he:i; and Kitchen !J!f'n~ll ~. !ifalli> Spa fll'"mbcrship for :', Orar1 ~r Coll!>! Lion~ .JarJ.;~t. Qu;,rry Tl.le . 5-?! .,~ ~l'l'I f airvte"·· c .;\I . 1 !o 6 P .\I DRA PERIES from mod~! home~. ltOOd selertion ol rnlors, fabrics &.· siits . Alteration l>f'il'ice. 5·10-034G. R11n<iolph HouJt f)r1J>f'ri,s. ?!IS? Randolph A\"e .. C'.\I. 11· 1 t ti t e n c e d ':I ,:i r d -~,.~,,-C..~,-~~C-n-.,,-,-,--1 .".j;.:;?~7 10/2>1 m .,.·a1~r no-..·. fll~~ HAPPY l-:IALLO\\'f.E'N ~lack planl(inr . 'alt tank ~ !!dor4ble female cat. r.ty pu!1lp. Very clean. 1IS HP. rnommic: II.YI J r&tta ha.vc: a Beam 8'2". ~t111t' SeU: ho me by S unday . '46-1M7 •ttar7P~f 6 \f,...(')045 10/?5 u· mboud 2!2 P'ord enc .• I. BEAUTIFUL. k 1 tt•n 1 ~ tratler. male~. 1 rf'maJe. 3 blk-~ 4~3TIS ~tr1perl C&U aft. 5. 1(1' FIBERGus d i n r ti)'. §82-nM 1012'4 near nc:-.v SZ15. AKc Bnttany :s p • n i e I , 613-1910 femA.l~. 2 ~Tl. Gentle. lo\·es C"hlldrtn. 1'-=IB flnct:d yd. S llL- 5.lo.M::8 e\·e~. 10/24 I -•t• 9019 FOUN b 8 abandon~ kltttn1. . r1ow all hfA.lthy &:; mull find I..IOO 14' Hwy tra\l.,, 1ail1. hornt!. Pl~~e help .. "f've ext~~'· GOOl1 cond. _ hid a ~ at.art! 4M--,';2J5. .$650/0 FF'lR. 8-46-00~ 4'H--i300 10/27 KIT!!: w/dolly. :0.fiu;t 1ell this CRJ?Pt..ED Tirer kitten, wetk.fnd. male acti\'e, clean. frlinfd. * 17:>-e!!ll • lnV1n,i;. !\l!:~l'JS ~OME, l'JT' 9 I MEflR e i!'ll the pound. Sll.·9614 10/23 Call (213l F;X 3-1635 \Vanted: Sinrtr Touch & ;&\TALE .stilpotnt Siaml'se. 11' 5HEAJtWATI';K &rK'lTI ~ . Sei\·. .1 Siamer.e kitttns, 3 blk •l, Catamaril.I\. (; em~ I et t f o1· :-;.z,ll' Simmons dbl ma!. I S111m~;;, k I! t en J , Al l \\•/trailer $900. 54>n1! ,,. ~pn;ii;..-. E\·es ~!l+.l9!Y.J healthy. fi·12-9::.53 10/~ LIDO 14 lilt -·" , enew.~ .... "-t!• . COCK·.\·~. male. 1 yeu in; ttiU" t.: h""Y traUer. Machinery, etc. 1700 old. shots. Good -..-atch dog. Sl.:.00. &44--1310 FOF:RLIF'T : 2000 lb . .,!\r.e?9•_3 lev i n 1 horn~ .~[obllif!. rebu1h $750. •·•" 10/,i · 0 612-8392 da)S, 8 9 7-2 4 3 J 4 k.TITt NS I 11·ks old. I tort PoweP CrUIMrl 902 ~\.,. !hell , 3 1TflY ~lrlPfld • .>~ \\'. 1967 32" Qllt!S Ccrint)1!1n. H ;i m 1 11 o n , c :'I r . f1dly cfJUip~. XJnt c:ttn1 . Mi1c. W•nted 1610 ai&.-M~J 10/2~ \~'Ill MU eqU1ty. Da,Y'!I (?14) _____ ;;.... __ :..:._c: fAtfY 1s a ii-..ef t and cenUe 737..-0ell, •~·ts 548-%434 !.fr. $ WE 8 UY $ [i1tle doc ""ho nttds eomc. o-..·ena. · on1 \\'hO can Rl\·e her IGve 3.\' CHl\IS 1".oamtt. LOAD-' 1nd .a tr~n. }!0-219:> 101::?1i ED! F11Uy ~ulpped. Xln! LOVABLE bile.&: v.·ht. lonr· ""nr!. Mu1t '!'~ C a 11 ha ired f11m . kittf'n. 1!> ..,..1u;. liTS...32~~ or 67~l().:i $ FURN ITURE $ APPLIANCES Colo• 7V1 -'l•~o1-S1e,•01 I ''"• •r H•v•• ''" CASH IN JO MINUTll • 541-4511 • WE PAY CASH V.11U spay for aood homf'. 2&' Ciil\IS Cenitella.tion Mn g3Hl6T 10128 1erl!"•', ll.3 hp eni. H\'ltll!Jp. CO~U3JNAT10t'l' 1iO!a " bf!:d. Aptlco radio + inventM"y. 11·orn -but u 1 ea b I c . $8300. 5-4:>-7921 eves/wkncll. :>15-272' ltl/211 ~· FAIJ\LINl:Ft Sporttither 2 ~L\fPLY rroovy kitMn1, FIB. ZO h~ Crutadt1', com. male ti bbit,, s v.;Q. old. plet•ly equip. g1J...&7ll 6i5-0~77 Balbo1 T!>le 10/211 S ,, Sk ~E •Ma I lo•t1 9030 1 ED hricks one to lOl)(I, 8LACK Aniora \attcn, nlale. E " -· ----1 reasonably pnced. 644-4687 llpprox 3 n1f'Js old. Gentle 14' ~Kl bo.lt. l3 h Evtnrud• FREE TO YOU r REE: In i ood honi,s. 1 Cockrr1poodl~ mt\. h!brlm. fi n1os. old. femal t . Al~ 1 pupray. Gt>r. Shep/Labr. inix. Ii wki. old. len1ale :l<l;j...8993 1012:> LOVABLE 1mall b r e • d lf'male ~ho11 haired puppy 2 mo!. old ne!ds iood honie. ~:4'1~ NOISY mo101·. i ''"Y , \\'hilt 1\11h bl ack Ill"' • 2 months o l d . fems le ki t l tn . &16-;,,~'\ 10/27 LOVE, Bla~k &· 11 hire. lon1 haired. 1~malf' h1tten. 10 11 k$. nted& i::ood ho:i1nr 835-1167 1012·1 FREE To quahl1ed home. fog,!her 2 Xllal' k1t1tns, ': :'\!art~ 3 :'\Jn~. ;\'o •ma.JI chllr!r,.n .>19-ls.l6 10/'.!j BE.\UTTfI.:L Klltf'nt ~ fil\cr r•hb1cs, l red tahhy '" gl)O(f tiom,.. &16-02.1 101 ~5 d1spo~ll1on ~397 S.?.00 or beit <>lier. Incl trlr DARLING luzzy tyey .&, & lites. 6#.+~ 11hite f.·irten, 8 -..eeh~. r!ady !or tll!!W home ,%&.. 4.397 10128 hat Tr11lers 90i2 ~ BABY Gw.nta Pip, Joni U~!D 26' bo1 t tr 1 t I er . ha.ired. m1ruaturcs. Ca 11 tandem. a..xle, elfc br4ke1. 8.'\0-5916 10/21 $300. Z S i\I A LL p c o d I~ s . ~===&1=5-0=ln==;::= ;1.16-1:'.170 10/2! -KIT'ftN~. m1.!e le femalt 8"t Mllntentl"!ft 9033 nftd ~m~. 84%-3227 10121 B~AT (.'Jf[CK ~ t1J N01t ~fAJNT'tNANtl: •67~5019• P~TS '"d LIVUTOCK C1t1 lnD Marine l11juip. tol! SIAMESE KITTENS OUTBO•"D MOTO" s10. 64Z·~l1 SJS.00 Pt:REERED Siunose kit. I ~==·=·~""'="'=' ==·==~I !ens. 2 mos. old. 1kol!. l.X· 1--;---' cepuonaJ, !162-3852 eves. Nf Slip Moorl"f 9026 o-1125 WANTED: Boat slip er '--'==------"'-"'I meenriJ fer 24' 11ilbet.I. DOG Obtdit'nee In1tructi.,n. C...U SJ.So.4117 nt-w C'l 1 ~s formirir, Stana1 'O~R~.-.. ~.,,~,~.~,,,.,,...~,-,~,,p~f~or--=21· ,:\011 11 h. Apprevt'd Dos Venture. Plt'1St' ""Tite Daily Oktd1f nt~ 1 n l t r u c t or• P LJot 'Box ~1-345. ~I a r 1 t n c r e 1 t KeMt'l DR. "'ant& boat ihp tor t!' H&A~~ndO .. e:.,,'4ES-i6926 ,_., d _, ·.· CA R,\Gt s,,1, Dr s , 1 · J ,. Sunday Aftcrno"Jn "1Ulomaoc drfro~t. Ei.r. SW. ~E~ I;o>;G mach. t.· cha1r, ,~ ;;yv ,.. ., • The Hou!C in Back 4.jj E. p.ill'l ;-rill, up1 ti ht piano. fer'C'nt l"uln1 f, I man.\·t~ p~ h ~ ... 1. • , h lamp!!. nusl". furn I.. • PIA'.\'0 r.l:~Tr\L 1.1 •• 2 .,1 1 1 , "'6 ,.,, 10 24 .l.l&.-0!1~9 beaut. :nUlhoat. 11 a~. e:..l"c ··•~,;. " m~ c houMht'lld item. f'n. Sat &: ~PECIALJ STS • 111 ""' ··J•~ upng 11 rl"ezcr "' misc. '" • r ·~ r ve!. I rhai1·~ A ~l !ill "'1 $\00. , ,,..~ ..., · > + '* • .'i~6-:'li~:': 1inl P.!r~; ~1 H B_. · ,, \"•"A". old D•oh•ho,-• AKC COLLIE PUPS C.11 i>I """'" 'Z tr fi=mall!1 and 1 Jahtel-========="'I 64~ .. 62'.I:;; !'ol1n. =o-l~;,.I. ,,o time hmir. Rll!ntaJ apphr~ ._, ~· ~ ,.., Tt:l'.ftET lens mo\·i~ camrr11 To purrha!" "11hin 11. )ear f ,\:'\llLl' 1llt111ben;h111 in Bf. 1n •1:.1~ 1h1f )"~1 \\h11f fP 111a l~ adulrsorl.ly. Heinz. 6 LOVELY rnodt rn sof a . SIJ, P..oll ·ll·ll.,..llY bed $l .'i NE\V .t--l'~ED PIA;<>OS !.:. tr;:ne Coa~t Country Oub & bri;:,. f 1·enrh r;;hh1t f1111 rn"~ l••1nalr,\Pf'Y i OOd\\1fh 1l'l.il.:-~hot £: \\onned. 801t-Y1cht %2.1001 Charter$ 9039 matchuu;: cli.r & p1Uow~ .. hke Ceirer ~ounte!' l.30 Salon ORGA.i"'S . Br~\ d ~al! 1n ft'tl" s;ilr> P\"I pl) 613'!!131 fill Lfli" n"w Sl:!l nr bi:~r f'h1Jrh·r11 b·l5-~/\.'i2 10/27 nf \V Sl20. )!any Tl'isc ll•ms. h;ur drytr $1.i. ;,.i&-1569 Oranae County. \\e. t;i,ke Book..~. Bn-:ikf .. Books ntf~r ~1-:10:,0 af1 Ii.. CCTE ki!tens. h0use hrokfn --------GREAT D&.11e Pupp1e1. AKC SAU. CAL i4 S25 ~r 4t.Y. rf'(., h11.1iult!ila ck ma1k. CAL 38 .. \st! per r!~y. SletPf \Von dtrful te mperament . 6. CaJJ n•t~2957. 6.J&-j902 trades, B11nk 1erm~ Ope n Olr!-0u1 of print , f'I C. All 8Ub· 5,,·rHr.OO~J Pullman, l1!i'" k11e pepple, look !or horti~. COi\'.TE!\t P. (hnin.i; rm iet. 1 EST~TE Sa!e . c 0 m P 1l'1 e )Ion & Fri '!Ve~. ~11n l:' to 4 Jects z:,r to $j. 4.;(I Cahrlil. ne.11', tf'rrat(') 1op, ho1\!, 6i.:.-4~t2 Jf)IZ1 hon1e fu rn1!h1n1s 1:!1 6 HA.\l:'l.fQ:\:D &11!1q -.. hilt s,.an. JUlt Acacia Sa! ' Sun . l· !'-Ion . · '.. Costa l\le!a. rlumh1nj:' fi,'(!tJres t 3 0. :11ta11ds, ;1&11Jlnt lite lixtuf!. ~:30 10 5. !l62-J40l _1n CORONA DEL i\l1AR. ~n :\ORGE g<ls cloth's rli)'tr. flj3-1726 1<1. :Ill. hf'd. misc. 673--+t!7. ~j.l E. Ce>asl Hwy. 6 l·S~,; I sz;i Carpel. 11 pprnxim1teJy1 -.,~,-.-•• ,-,.~L-E~R--... ~.,,-.-,~,,. SAT & St.:N. !llrn .. tools & P I KQ::; RG 1'i"S n.-.. COUCH. -..·)l\le ~•uaal\Yli•. S misc .. 7:;a Scot1 Place ofJ \\-'. >J · &: .,, Al l2J!.lj' bc11t color S~i. corxl. S3&5. Oak oUice dt!k )Tl old . $25. 18th Sr. C.r>L NE\\' "' USED S\6-2193. S.W, a:d. Junior bike $7.::iO. Call 8'2-7117 •Yamaha Pia.nos & OTJ:ans Carpet Jsyer his Hi l.la ~97 ! "Ae St•ls. Sl5 tot.,i. 36" DEL UXE ra8 rsnr e. Sfi:l, • T/lomu Oraan~ n~Jon:11 Sl !19 y·d. Shag• I ======~~~-,--• "' :J • Cherry tll'in Mdsteadi e K'ini~ PilNl!I ,, &RUNSWICK VlP pool I.Ible, ~tcl\en Brc:~asl wt $35. ~ "· 6T3-3i&6 •Kohler & Ca mpbell frc>m $3.MI up -my l11bor, 41;x9. prac ric:w $600. Gd. •Call 573-TISO• cO•ST MUSIC ~ Jl"r ya.rr!. 96~10 wood lath" S.30. 2709 Sttt1n~ TOPS SEA SrREl\ ~ALE "" BLUE a· :11.0fa , w a I n ut •tt-<• .... ,.,RT & u ._"tBOR HO Tra ins k track $5. Son Or .. Cd~J '~?O [. Jl!h ;>."R Sa! Oct. 2:J 1~c..wrv '"' n cocktail lablt', 2 end lllbi's CDsta illesa + 6-C-2$:;1 \r.!lk1r. tallat S2. ~ f"1in1 & maltress ~ !?Jn\Ttr. add. msch etc ,. Sj(). S41)..;;474 ,......., 1 Open 10-6 fri 11).9 Sun 12·5 ' 541-89:.'6 ne\·er u~ed_ COUCH & mafch chair. di le Appliln<ft 1100 HA1ofMOND. ;;1,1nv.·ay . Ya· BOY 'S Sltngray bike Slj. Slel * ~l:>Qrol * bt:d. end tbl :s. Satritice: ! : I:.;====-----maM . new l used pianos c11rs. track, parts Sltl. P0\1."ER mo";e.r. o:;ool!I con'1 Ca.JI 64&-&562 Rl'(r11@ra tors · · ·· from ~~ ot all makes. Se5t buys i.n ~i-Sm '.\lake otler. L\lan's 1n 1.pd USED 5 pc. 1.ntique v.·hilt GE PortabMo Ccior TV, So. Ca.lit. r1,:ht here. '.\1..1\~S &: \\'oman h1cycles, h1kt". :.:lnt con<!. 982-76.'>7 bdrm sfl dll!lu.~e. $97. The likr nu • "· . '' .. ' .... , ' .\l·lS SQL.....-ilDT ~fUSIC CO· both for $15. EXCELLENT c on d i t ion f'acton.·. :340-6842 GE rl ~ctMc dryrr .... St;9S.; I!I07 N. l\.Til lll, •67;>..J»I• iikes. Girl"!. bo.v·~ 20 inrh. " RC.-\ Con.sole. color TV .. \J!i 5,, I A•• I " ·-111.;;o each. :>llJ.&i l!! BEAUTIFUL Wlllelt m•p t \;"h1rlpool automatic 11a1h~r. AC.\IE sup~me JUlC'f'r SZ>. hutch I.:. dininf room ''" copptrtonc ............ SI! H1mmond Chord .· .$344 Call 54g...ugo See after J at QUEEN m11t1Tes1 !et !· \\',\SHJ.'\'G niachlnt' 11lU10!' l'epair. Gill She1s. L\lartJTicrest Ktnnels,1===========1 • ""eds 54!)..()919 Flyini Lt11en1 9.1 IO 612·~393 AK'C SlLh')' PUPPIES -- 10n 3 S \lffkl ol<I fa t l.: ready for a IN 5 T K U J'.f ENT ~ =o=~•""''-""',--.~,.,-.-,~,~,-tJ~.~,.1 new horne. Come '4. 1ee School. fl11Ttln A~atierl •t AD }\A Lf. 6 • 1(1 • them. * 54$-49.>7 Oranre Ceo.rity Airport . ha.1 tens, hlbrkn. II 3 3 -0 5 I 1 Instrument ITM1Jld ~ 10/27 \\'EThTAl'tANtR P u Pr 1•1 from 7·10 ev~s. <'n ~fOPI f- AKC, 1ho t1. Grand Cham· \\'ell . stvtini: Ncrv Ma. 7 U'K. ~d. heal lhy nil.Xed Coc ke.r p u pp i es . 49+.1337 10/25 F'REE lo reod heme ' me. nlii ~mo)~ mu: m-tl". 1111 11hel&. 548-3156 11fl 6 10/2.:i fl lli\'IATL;RE pink rnale \..:Jt. ten. /rail'led, Jn•e·in only. 34S-124::. """'""' p1eM. +1714\ S!l-2423 .,. GEJt'.\tAi"l Shepherdl, lib Moltlle Hemet RiJt.. Tin-Tin. !Op quality, pure brt'd , >.KC. 8J.3-i;,gg "5612 x 80 J 8Pt. 2 iA. skirts, 8ASSET Puppiu -AKC Champ. hnta. P•t or show. La.cuna N1ruc1. 4~~ 1wnlnas. COlflplelf tn xlnt adult park. 15100. or kit sf. fer. Betnctransterre·lf l;&-.32'1 DACHSHUND P'UP DEN 1'Jo1her '1 unilorm. 11ze 10 wks. Had ahOt &. S25. SELL 12·14, 616 Cl1y St. r-:e-.."J!Ort e &12.5704 e Yeur MtlilHe Horne He11h1s 1012~ Z-PIP£RSIA'.'< kitten 3..i BEAUTltUL Dachshul'ld FOR CASH puppies, ~. ,.·c~~ wet!Ls old ........ ml, .. , • .,.11_Lor mos old. Nted homts bad1y. . .... """"" ~-"'~ ,._ m 1.'6.1 POoDLr; ,a,.,.. Httrt-co1'· cnrn Vih:int n .l: eo. A,. S Kittens. 7 "1k1 old. ~ malt1, dilioMd 'chihla pet. $4?.S> ., pUanct1, dl'Jlf, el:ptl'n .. a"P~•· xl nt tt1j. S-t'-19'9. DUNLAP'S GUi.ra.ntetd 24411 Elden. C.!11. hr.,u1ho11rli s.;o. Cl1rk t!oor 5 PIECE r-.fAPLE LIVJ'NG lllS Nt11'P'rt Blvd., C ~I. H.,mmoncl M-l. · · · .$666 Flre.,.,·ood for 1A.le poh1hr.r S1Zi 642-41;;2 'ROOM SET. LIXE NEW : 541-7711 Bjcr\11 lini•h • guanuttel!d Ory Eucelyptus SOFA &: 2 chairs, xlnt cond . Ct\${BRIOOE ma,le dh•lnl: niom ltt S2Sll or blst 6tftr. Ercell•nt ceM. ~· ~fDJ™. Sit, pod C0114. ,,. -~ white. g15-JUI ffMr ' "' ....... 4 pc-. Uvina ,_.., 1ft 22T !-Till fl . C.?il. ......... f>.1.!'ll'ofONS ~Hit . I I t f: 1\idt-e.-Md. oran11e ~ trt""11 h'eed. S73. ~!t?fi Qu&l1ty kind btd-.11\Jttd. Cem!'lfl!·unu~t'd SltlS. 11'fll'lh #2:)0. Aft J k \•'\tnd~ M2·6lli rs \" 0 u r. A D I N CU.5.!ltr1~~ 54lmcohl 11.'\!l be Joolana 1or 11. 01aJ Si2· ~'3 518-Sl~ co Los po T rttri&erator, GOU~D MUSIC :>411·9!&7 l\1ctbile dishwu tier. 1'1.tK l-A.itGf •'OOden detk. "Md& fOod cel'\fltien S10. Phllco 2M5 N. ~1.m. SA 5;'7~1 SLAT& pool table, patio • rum. !14G-Ul7 t?(in.ish1nc . s:zo. retn(ft'ator. nw: &ood $2.). HA?4MONo oipn. perfect misc. turn. C!Othff. 191•· fURNTTUft:E &. Cafl)ft. CQJt *547.TTlj.. 5"-7991 ~tion. l\I o d e I 9 .3 Alter 3 "'kd•Y!! 842-2723. + 5% .. Carpet inltallationa. EAJ\.LY Amf't'\qJI cou~h $38. S:.M~A7L~L~~G,,-E"°' .. =rn=1,~,-,~,,-:-r. w/Le11ie medel 222 ft..V Uminkable fihcrilau Ph. 646-UM. ly •P,1. 4 "1ap1e bar f!Ml• StG each. ExcelJC'llt e!HMfitien. S5tl. •pttkl!r -. ~ew pr1c; • $3430: (,\NOE 14'. ltoo~ Jlze rue u ·.Y" x iO'l'". Geed o,nd.JUon. 911-a3 fi46..U80 att l P~f ar ..U W~ ..,c,u1ce lor $2595 cash. SJCIO. 536-.1731 f!;oysl blu' Sha ~ $2.j Good 6 x 9 \\'Oil ifiiCtd rur. CJ'ttlt "•~-..='~'""~·~-..-~-~ 81~1 ~.\1ALL minlbi~ tl5: 3 (Gtldillon. Call 673-682l t.: bmw,, SM. lite A: da"' REfP.JG. l~ 1:11 fl. H•ll!'unt . fi'lE:E ORG . ._:"l CLA :ii!'E.5 \\'h4'"1 9tkr. SjO: h and HOOVER Upr11ht S l 5. lift)"'-'"' S!O. 541--19211 1\0liu fiM 160. )lond&y n1tt1 1:."".Q .. 8:30 pm mMl'mt J.S &·Mi 6-\f>.;'i2('6 HOl)1•er lank tyf!i!: J10. Lamr COUCH. I'. reh]~ \nle he! ~ M!)..0.4~ GOULD MUSIC CO. Quality kin;: Md1Uillt'd 1able sn Call Ml-Jlil. menlh5 eld. Sl:ill 1!161 \reftlna;Musc: "'1sh'r Z~ 204,j N :'<liin. ::: .. \. 54T.tfi5l ('O)mp\e1 ... unu!'M t lo.:i. -..·ortlt TEEN ~lnlh1nz ~h"-1Ct·12. W.US lb, Si~. 14 cu ft ~tr11. Xlnt GU LB P. A N 5 E Ill Spin!t S1.i(l. Aft :i & -..·knd5 ~-12·6.l.lG ~hnrt._ rn l'lrm:\lf. cht-a p. 437 Office Fur .. iture 1019 ~l'A.!\"JSH Derk-caned .U four a1dfs /,. lop. chair Ind S2«J ~ 1) i1$-IM:l t\'~I Ir. y,•\md1. eond t~i. 541)-10-13 1'1~~-mllp\e, xlnl cond. I ELOF;i'\' Cl!' l'l!rCi'I& 8,1 S2.i O;le Circlf , Co~ta ~!es. RE!rFUG. 17 <'U IT top SU-I."' af!u ' Pm Onl)' usf'!'f 111ice:. Ca l I J h<l'"" .111 ori,1nal i\lick•y rreeztr, \·try rd. (find $~S P r.IVATE P1\P.TY \\'ANTS 6-42~'49 anyti me i\llllU~" \\'~1rh lor "'11'. :-lake CS-11}2 . TO BUY P!ANO FOR l s y 0 u It AD 1 1" olf!r! j.f&.OlSO. CASH .. >11·60-IS CLASSJn!:D~ !'nmeollll! will EARLY An1rnc1n i:ct11ch s:;o DON'T fl\'t 11 ,.,.,·1y. rri qlll<'k C~!h f"'f II 11.'lth • Oa1ly Pilot .wa"!''Ad. PLAYER PIANO be look1nc Jor it. OW 642· 4 m&plr har 1100\5 s10 e~ch s.m. + ~ !5818 C.ood ron'1ition !)63.1~~. l lema.lll!. All co Io r '. M f1 c•"' -n\irfored door11 SI , SS 6 . <1~29;.i 10/27 '* o If' • ..--i;rou. S.Star Adult Pk. NO. Lbn& SIAMESE at. t •ma ii:. AKC B111et Pupa a.aeh 4#.C7U or m.iur heu1ebrt1kf n 11J 3'Ts. c\d. TMollft!d. ~. ifAVJNG 11ai. • ·ii a8xil Z ha• Wt1: bi1ndly 67:S...1Qt. Sft.l(Y Tert\@r m.ale pups. 7 BR all t xlfu, s, Star ~I LA!~..\001t. puppy, 4 moi. -..-kl. i\K.C~. d0r.abl11 ht&lth)i patk tn'Wstm. M1M: cUer. lernalt to Jo,·lna: Mme . lo: il\nU. ·~· &-ff"". ~ ar ~ ,,.,,_,,., 10111 POODLE ,.._ g;;;·..,. • '"''1li'l '"' !><., ru. sroriiD ~hbll ta ~ toy, aJl eolou, Al<C. ~ 111 SA ~· in~N11nt lch home. &C•l 2:56 ~hty. St~ str. Ul.!Ta ·t11u~t NC· ~ o.r • '3&--3?91 c6~~7S7~elriaeralor c a 11 H•rM• -.. 1130 n· look ftnl .. C11Mna. 4· 6 HTTTF:N~. all diUt rtnl S~1ALL !'hellan4 c !1 1 I• 1. Pll.lm Sf•t'h hrk. SM kind! '62-45·t3 lOf!l bmlle. '4ple. srtY tT.J. Clemimt1 smo. f: 13 ' M.)..1121 UMl14 . VERY g .. TJll"-bi11t"Y r1 bhll5 GE T E 0 Y •I!' i P:uu,. bfodl. 31) ,_. hot Brin;: c~r M~3t.\.I N l aA MAl\G "''~r ti,nk t JIOO. 16t0 fRfr. k1ttt'n.1 . ~u 'Cofers To S~ Ml.1158 Newport. Sp. Nt1. J, C.!11. iood hnmf . ~1~·9-l2 1 19121 SHri'u.N·o ;m:;n pony. 8 tl· £(37 Trlr .... ;th lOxD eabt'nti. ettn: i\fill"ed bre9d pup1. dlt &-: hali.r. S5(). See at turn. $2700. u.>a Supari.-, g3J...22fi.i 1()177 :ZOOC2 lllrtlll. ltJol;ta An.1 lftl. Spa.et U. r-;'.W • • • .. '1"--· ~ --, . , ------....-,---~--~~~-------------------------------- SJtl.lrday, October 25, l 961 TRANSPORTATION ••'> DAILY PILOT .,_ • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPOR_'. A TION Imported Auto. 9600 ffOO Imported Auto1 9600 Autos W11nted 9700 9S2~ lmpor-ted Auten Dune Buggies ----9600 Imported Autos SEE CENTER of SECTION for :.!AN:\ Turt::.la t plat'f'•l ----------- 5\lp..>r n1.u\ qll:lllly In Ull& top of the hne 111.-..lel. The ideal runabollt, kids, ca r i: o , bt11e h, <.>Lt road tte, flnlsl.ed In spet:tacttlat fused met.ii thtk" srt oU by 8 multl-crilort>d pa I I e r n t d upholstery. E x cel I e n I lhruout. mechanical & olherv:ise. Take 11. little & l.h·e a little. Trade~ QI{. f"le.~ible financing, extended JAGUAR CLASSIC '.52 J•guar XK 120 nes10~ to original perfec- till n. BcautUul silver blue rus1om lacquer t'inish w i t h d:.irk blue Je:i thl!'r interior. \.1i1re w heel.J;, radio, heater. ~1ust 5<'t''. tenns. ST!LWELL"S Fritz \Varren Spo.rt CAr renter SPORT CAR CITY PORSCHE e 164 Porsche Cpe. $2850 Chrorr,e wb('els, radio, heat- er, booutilu.I cllertj' red with black interior_ Overstocked~ Pri~-ed to ~II! STILWELL'S SPORT CAR CITY __ T_O~YOT_A __ BIG SAVINGS ON 1969 TOYOTAS TJIJS WEEKEND YOUCSWAGEN VW BUGS FROM $399 U1PORTS \\'ANTED Oran&:e Cvu11tia TOP I BUYER BILL MAXEY 'TOYOTA 1881ll Bea.ch Blvd.. II. Beach. Pb. Ml-&'555 Will Buy GOOD SELECTION ''our Volk11w11gen or Por1'Che TRANSPORTATION BUICK 1%8 BOlCK l..eSabre ~ door lla rdtop. Atr t'Ond, f'/r., P/b, rw-w lire&. Xnlt t"Ond. $2600, Call f\trs. Marriott 675-1200 btwn 8. 3().5, a.fl 6 & wknds. 5-18-1331. BIG ~·Tl:':AI.! 06:l Buick Le Sab~ rot1vt'M. xlnt . <°OOd. low n11Jes, tnovlni.: • n1ust :;ell q111ck! Best oiler lakes. 673-3921 CADILLAC HARBOR DODGE'S GREATEST SALE 547_0764 851 N. Anaheim Blvd. =-='=-"~----!Anahf'lm KE 5-2115 BEAUTIFUL '68 Roadrunner 1!163 JAGUAR XKE 3 8 Xlnt bUJ;gy-Indy tires, Amer. rond. I'lt AKE or·FER.' 831 N, Ana.helm Blvd Anaheim KE 5..2115 '69 Porsche No. 912, 10,000 careful n1i, orig owner, like brand nc1Y, beaut. slCt'k metallic brown color. A s1cal at jui;t $:;385. See at Apollo Devf'lDp. Corp., 1104 r.. 17th Sr,, S.A. Call Dave Hansen wkdays 8am--6pm 5-17-704-1. COROLLA 2 DOOR Exec. Denlo. Only 435 1ni!es. l-lee.1er, whi4> walls tuitP<! g lass, reel. S('ats, 'ser # l471067J c~~~so~ ~:.~ ~= p,;:,,:: •Q -''-\.;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;; \1!168 Cadillac Sedan de Ville .. ,,,. LEASE. RENT ZVN5ll a!I po11·pr & air etc. mags, n1ctal Oak('", re-bit 962--0054 1600 CC tng. hd lp. e tc. "\ ORDER YOUR Less th;Ul 21 ,00J miles. F'orc.-..... 1 sale for only $3!)95. Jim 67'.>-1419. '64 JAG HTK COUPEE type 1069 DU"'E D b·.. . 4.2, yellow, black inter. ;-,.1~. 3031 Ext. ti6 or 67 197(1 HARBOR BLVD. 1970 TODAY Slcmons Imports, Inc., 120 FOR EARLIEST \V. Warner, Santa Ana '' uggy, 1<> It.res, Tape. dee R&H 838--5160 mags, s hag crpl, radio & ' · • '64 p0RSCJIE SC Con. New top, tire!\, & engine. 673-8400 \•;eekdays. DELIVERY r~l6-4114 COSTA MESA $1599 I-T & L of the year ·TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9290 Motorcycle' i------Mooile Home1 9300 GREENLEAF PARK c!!.?ar. c-lran, cool Cos!a ]lle.,a. New 92 i;paee Adult .Park I\'0\\~ OPf:.:N! J\lobi!c ·llon1e Display J\lodcls & ·sales ollic·c JoL"a!cd al Park. OPEN 9 AM TO 6 PM Greenleaf Mobile HOME SALES 1750 Whittier Ave Costa Mesa 714: 642-1350 -IUY J• NEW SELL Im USED Cooper l'.)61'1 BSA t}:,0 cc Lii;:htnlng l,(iOO n1ilcs -real clean like hrand ne\11 no sera1C'ii,es, hluc hook ~1 .030 sacrifice for SS!JJ. 812-3813 '61 \'Al\IA!IA :!,'.O Enduro. Xtras. .~GT.i. ~·16·.?07~ any- tin1c. SN> J.",oj'~ i\1arN s, N,B. eve's. '6~5-Y Ai>IAHA$1Stl e :J.JS.HY.l'.! e Auto Services & Parts BEA CH 9400 Auto Supply Wholes•I• P 1·iecs to All Complt'l c ~fil!."hinc ~hllp ~PEED EQUJP/'llE:-.'T P.EBUILT ENGINES 11')j Virtoriri, O ! 5~~·6:i.j0 lSJ'j l BrOJrh Blvd. IJB Sli-O'J!ll * OPEN 1 DAYS * . TRAILER SALES ''Buy from a man · who lives in one!" I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \\"F. ~ERVIIT --M;guiar Car w-;;x-- -\\"HAT \\'I:: f:'F~LL! ~pr' .. ·tal con1pelition car 11·a..x. :i21 So. Harbor, San13 Ana T he best !or 10\rer E.T.'s. t .lJlrk So. of Bolsa s::1.1066 National Speed Center I967 12 x GO 2 BR, 2 BA n1vn-2110 S. lla.rbor, Costa I'l!c.'a jnJ;!>, skir1s, c;,rp,.lcd porrh, 61G·6i00 Oprn "ti! 9. 6 on Sa t, ~~ndscariin~. ~hcrl. fr111·1nc, ~:"~xi to l\1r. -T's'l ·l\.iils ;11ul r"'" 0 K. !\h!'l 1-• .;:ELLISON J -:i Cou pe , ~11Ti f1i•'. G ::G-32~1 or !ih•'l'6las hody. co51-nriv !,.if.../l~i;!J ~ll:I'(), US e d -TI 0 W $1:,0. BAY-HARlfcf~ Cl~-ll.i•-:. /,,\obile Home Sales \l~'-;'6°"TtPc--,-, chlct-,-.,-,clclo7.-c"-i-n- !-'rt~a !..0111(1 Ru!l -.\11ay -:q;JJrrJ, c:-.r:!1.,npc, Lc~trr's ~<.:11c1'J.l 'ln :'II.1nor -l!o111tltl.' · Fnrt• en car s••r. 612-8716 )\it -PrP~t;o;r . Sa hara -• ,\LL srz r::=; ~·; \c:~. :-.1/T R:i~li"' for f\n\V 0 :-S OISPLA y ,. r.t-U, 2 for $10. 6{i-22.JG ·1 !~~ S;ikl'r SL, Ctisla l\l ,.~11 ;ifi,<r 6 f1.n1 , t ~ hloC'I( East o! Harbor Bl vd. Cc·~!a :-.111sC1 f71 ·1l 5H}'Jfi0 Trailer, Tr1vel 9425 ---==:..........:..:::.: tape deck. metal flake body '57 JAGUAR . XK-140. Ex- \\"/T 1op. !J6H006 a nytime. ccUent coodlhon. Ph on e • &16-2986 1963. I'lfANX ~ prepared for & =========== dri\1'.'fl by B,J. J\lcyer t'X-KARMANN I e<.-ut1\"e. Completely rebuilt GH A T600 cn~!ne con1m11ndo A'"'l' 10·~, tl11al e:-;hausts, tv..·in 1965 Karmann Ghia. RENAULT l\1UST stll '62 R en ault Caravelle convL Runs gd. 646-8633 or 673-5630 '68 vw All popular makes. Foru authorized leasing systeri1. Gel Our CnTf11X'li1ive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD c;id)!i . Oulsl3nding in royal Immacula te inside nnrt out! bhH:-rnrtal floike; black lop. O!l(' oivner. See at 430 Broad-I=========== curt;iins, ;i11d i1111nacul11tf' ""c'01,Y0• 7C~·'01c·~~~----I SUNBEAM In 1cr1 o r _ This high '6G KARMANN Ghia, xlnt, ----------- pf'l"fr,rn1 aDC't', l"Il qua!i!y job $12:.0. Pvt pty. 5petij1lly priced thls 962-1722 11·eekrnd. Tt·adcs OJ\.. Flex- ih\'!. !inancfng, e »lend e d MERCEDES BENZ tcrins. Frill \\'arrcn Sporl C~r Ce111cr S47-076.c_9 __ "60 'l/\V Clia~~is \1·11h trans, 5 r ims & t ires. $175. 1200 eni~ine S:W. &tG-4519. 2151 Jn·ine A\'C., NB. Alt 6 P?l1 RENAULT Dune Buggy all accc~-;orics included $73. :=;~7.T.:=~:;;:;;:;=: Ca.Ji 5\S-7819 '57 M/Benz 190 SL J\lANX/CORV/IIR Removable factory h.:i.rd top, ?i!ake Offer! Desperate!! radio, hrater. Beautiful At'C- • 646-1893 • tic whlle. Look~ near ne111? !\1EYERS ?11ANX $135D 3 F:\CTORY PREPAP.ED STILl\"ELL'S R>:c. vcmCLEs Sport Car City 1.%9 J\lan.'( ~ in an .~ib!cm-S;;.1 N. Anaheim Blvd. lfihcd eond111on, spccl Y pre. Anaheim KE 5·2115 ri~red at the la c!Ol1:' level.l ;o;;;-~;i,,-;c;::c::-,C:~.:C:::: The perfect off road to1.1rcr 1967 250SE J\Ier~cdcs Benz. 4 in a dazzling golr1en orange door auton1at1c , power nietal flake. F:quipp;'d with stttr., power sunro o f . Com n1ando XT 70 t ires stt Aili/FJ\f etc., IC'~s than ofl by gleaming deep dU;h 20.000 n1ilcs. Stk No. Pl\1·12 full Chr(l1ne 11•hccls. A su-only S449J. J i1n Slcn10ns pcrb machine for the out-Imports, Inc.. 120 \V . door orirnted. Tr;irlcs Ol\.. \Varner, Sil.nta Ana 51&-4 114 Flc.xible finaneing. Extended 1930 J\fercerl~s Benz 170 tcnn ~. cnbrol£>t. A re(l.1 eol\ec1ors FRITZ \\'ArtRF:N ite1n in nice restored ron- SPORT CAP. Ct:NTE:R <lilion. Call for <lct:i ils. Jim 547-0764 Slcmons illrrccdrs Benz, 120 l\E\V ·70 1-"ortl P/U 3 ~;, o\'Cr \\'. \Var ucr , Sa nta Ana., 51(i-'ll14 <llr invoice 1v I c a n1 p e r p11 rchase. Scotts, 914 N. l96G Mercctle~ Benz 230SL Harbor, S.A. coupe/rd.~tr. 2 tops a uto. P. ~trrr. Al'l1-f:\f ere., only Imported Autos 9600 15/AX! m iles. One 011't1er car :.::_.::;.;.;.;c: ____ _c. __ l 1u"' new, sold nr1v and AUSTIN HEALEY ser\"icr.d by J im Slcmons AUSTI N AM ERICA &Lic5, f>crvice. Par-ls In1merlla1(' Or livcry All ?>IOOcls J1rtuport 31111 arts Imports, 120 \V. \Varner, Snn!:\ Ana. Call 516--4114 1%7 250SE l\fcrcccles Benz coupe VJGOS3 air, power, t ic. Cus t o m p a i n t \V/lcalhc r inter ior o n 1 y S67j() full pr]cr~ J i m Slcn1ons J\lcrcecles ~nz, 120 \V, \\"arncr, Santa Ana. J.16--4114 '67 Sunbca1n, new !ires, chrm rims. Al\1/fM radio, new paint, priv (»"IY $)300 or best offer. Call art 6 PM, 673-22S4 TRIUMPH '69 TR-6 Renl Barga.in! \Vire whls., O'drlve, soft top. Briti~h green. $ 3 , 2 0 0 . 548-5~12 Eves. or 675-fiOOO, I'l1rs. Burke (days\ '6S TRIUMPH SEDAN $150. 6·12-88·15 TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR ENO SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ARE STllL AT DEAN LEWIS HURRY NOW! 14 MORE Demos at similar savin<>s. ""·' VW c to Ca 'Cl V\V $19 ., ..,.. us in mpcr. . .•••....... · mo. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ' -1-·act. rcblt cng in 1varrantv, '65 T·Bird. air, fully eqp'd. S1600orBESTOFFER.C~l Snlc rricc ··-·-······· $!¥.15 &12-1!H8 '69 Cad El Oo!'ado l:OU[Je, '6l V .\V. 9 pass. bus, :l0,000 fully f•quipped ·• $199 mo. 1.888-&ach Bl\·d. m i. on fact. rblL £>ngine, nC\Y '69 Cadillac Coupe de Vill e Hllllt. Beach s 17.g;05 l'lu!ch, mech. prrfect, body fuUy l'quippl'd · · ·' S169 mo. :1 mi. So. o f San Diego.Fwy. & intC'r. good, ssoo. 962-00lG '6:} Chev Camaro, p1Yr slrg & '=~~--------brake's, air .•.....• S90 nio '67 VW Bug, .xlnt c'Ond, :S,000 SOUTH COAST . mi, beige Int/black ext, Pvt CAR LEASING pty $1195 terms, resp. party. 300 w Csl Ji""' NB 6·1-2182 VOLKSWAGEN '64 Volkswagen 83.1-3694 ' · ··~' :>- Xlnt condition. 54S.29.l2 V \V S Q UARl-:BACK-radio Used Cars 9900 '65 VW $900 \Vl w. Nc1v in July '69. 7700 Call 673-3019 miles. Books S21JO, c ut to THANSPORTATION CARS MUST"" '66 V\V, lop cord , 12295· Call •7>-S2Si. NEWPORTER MOTORS r/h, .sunrf, $1150 or best of-"67 Bug lire blue, xlnt cond. '=""'=0H0'0'0"°_'c·~C=.M-:-. ~'c'~~=9~30c3. I Jer. 673-307•1 or 675-7766 Make offer. Orig. 01~·ner. 2006 HARBOR BLVD. BILL MAXEY J\c;1~,,~1~5=,c,c.~.,~,~V\c;;;v~.~h~<o:::;bc1,-,·.I Sl3S5. 8:)3-71\l or 8.J.1-3 i61. COSTA ME.'-,\ w/sunroof, f":it. cond. $1995. '6G VY.', EXC ELL E N T 548-5294 Or 548-8511 rrlrnlT oMi'\lv_o_ TUifJI Ph(lne 494-::.U22 or 5'18-573·1 CON D. Rndlo $00J. 675-342{1 1-'INANCING AVAILABLE ~L!.JJ~I ~ :!JI '67 v w BUG, brand new or 67J-5]1 ~1 BY 011'ncr '5:l T·Bird ~1695. 18881 BEACH BLVD. tirci;, beautiful condition. 1969 VW CAMPER '65 E l Camino Sl1!!5. Bolh Hunt. Beach 847-8555 Quick sale. $1376. ~J19--26SJ Driys 612-4391 eves 642·2789 rea l sharp. 67;',-774!1 3 mi N. of Coas! Hwy. on Sch '68 Toyota Corona AutQmatie, red, like brand TIC\'-', $rive a1: KUSTOM MOTORS 845 Baker St., Costa J\lcsa 540-5915 cond. Pvt "Iii V\V, $695. '6;} c.ng., good cond, BUICK '6·1 RIVIERA 62.000 mi. '69 V\V .':quarrback. iluton1a. ·~,9 V\V Pl.;·k Up. Good cond. Be a u 1 i f u I CQnrJ. Blk tic, sunroof, Ai'\1/ F!VI. Recf'nt r.ng ,1·ork. New w/wh1tc vinyl top. Rt'd int 64(}-2238 after fi PM paint. $·12:;. LI ii .. ~:J.~:.!. Air. All elect. $ 1795. "68 V\V Equarcback radio, '1'6 V\V Dl'!Uxc Bus, split .J.1~2220 r adi.1 1 !irri;, xlnl con;t. fron1 Sf".'llS. ~rt cond. thruout '"55,.--;B;;U'il"C~K.,---c'd'°"-~~ se an, 4-dr., 6'l6-;i1m1 al!cr Ii Pilf S1·100. &12-12·16 R&ll, GQOd -:========='-'===~====,-1966 VOLKS\VAGEN Sl'dan. tra nsmission. $150. 616-6761 11rcs, Runs Au1o- i:!OO!l. Imported Aut?t 96001mported Autos 9600 sunroof. H./H. s9'.l;1• 7 1 •' * ~3G-S!i59 * '6:1 4 DOOR \\'ildcat. Total ;16 V\V Bus. Completely pow<'r, air, custom v.·hei'li1, origi nal. 68-J:..oo ct· engine. new pain! .. &'C it & love it. \lake Oflrr~ Kl 6--6629 $1400. &12-;,:!()() '68 V\V 7-scater bus, Cpl~ & insulalinn, Cherry rond.! RJ11e . 5'18--7077 19G6 Gr;in Sporr. P/s, ·p/b, air, R/H, buckets. i 11:io. Ca l! 6'14-1597 all ;, pin. CAD. "68 El. DORADO loaded, ex1rils, bl u/wht, \'lnyl top, ong. 01vner. lm- 1na<:. SJ79:i. Phone {l) '129-1'1694 '65 COUPE DE VILLE Landau Top. Leather inter- ior, full pCJW<'r. Air cond. I'll int eondi11on. Phone ;iJ7.5-110 or 6444954 '6.J CAD convt, new !ires, top ln good C"Ond .• all P""'f & a ir. 49,0CO mi. Sl5JO. 8-5 call &12-4910 ext 379 lBeUy/. After 5, 642--9328. 'Gli COUPE dr Ville. G<Jld. l'.:<1uipped with every posi- ble acct"ssory. Must ~ll no w, Any ~asonable offer. 549'-1174 day$, eves. 546-3642 'ti l CADILLAC Fleetwood, 7S,OOO mi., $350. \Vill accepl 10 to 20 hp o u I board or ficuba ('quip as part pay- 1nen1. 642-4302. '67 CADILLAC Coupe. $3340. J\1etallic brown. Original O\Yner. X 1 n t. cond. Full pov.•cr-a ir. Super C'lcan I< cared for. 642-6266. 68 CAD conVf'rtible 201000 ac- tual 111ile.s. fuU power/air includes stereo. Black on b I a ck, sacrifice. 968-5348 11·e~kends or a lte r 6 p.m. CAD "62 C(lupc de Ville, bkt scats, air, full pv.T, recond. trans i 795. 494-5393 or 675--6191 '67 EL DORADO, nr nu tires, lo mi, full P'>''r. a ir, tilt-tcle, cruise -o . matic, blk w/whl lthr. S47i>O. Pr pty. 6~'1-1265 '66 COUPE de. ViHr . Whi te, black Jeaihcr. Full equip- ment. Clean. Ask $2900. ~·19-1174 rlays, <'VE'5.546-3642 CAD. T.6 Conv. wht fi nish, 1vh1. tntc.r & lop. Fully f"qulpped, Orig. 0 w n c r . Clran s:llOO. 4~-894•L '67 DeVl LLE, all p11T, lthr, Landau, stereo, \l'hsl + S 195. $3695 Xlnt c o n d , 9624S87 aft 6. "62 Cadillac Cnupr, 11 11 power. Showrooin co n d . $900. £,.1&-82~2 after :l: 30. 'jlj CAD, good C'Ond. only. ito/.i. 0wner. * 5-H)-08~'1 * 1 day "69 Cad 4-dr sedan Fleeh1·ood Broughm , loaded! 838-5460 1968 12 )( 60 • C.n11v..;~ [,01ng! Goi n!!~ 1!16!1, 1~'~' A!Jo. fully sl'lf •·onta incd, canopy, ui;N\ on· ly 3 tin1cs. Sacrili1,:e $3000. 3100 \V. Coast Jlwy., N.B. 19W ?>.lerccdcs Benz diesel 4 6·12·9·105 540-1764 door vinyl inlcrior. Nu .!-, tPOT V\V BUS $12':1.'i, dl r, 8·15 Baker :"t. Costa Mesa, 5-10-5915 9600 Imported Autos 9600 830-2650 . Au1horizt'd J\1G Dealer paint. 4 speed t r an s. )11hT .~r>IJ 1h1~ 1· t·"ki'nd heau. :11:11.I 2 BR C''lii<'h t;C\' up 1n ~1··r adult ra1·k in CosU!. ;:>.1 '""<l . 6::&:!?91 Trailers, Utility 9450 '6j A.II. 3000 !Ill\. Jlt Conv. A".1!-F!'ll ratho only $1995. Am-Fn1, 1v1rc \\"his, Xlnl. J \m Slcmons J\j e r ced e s _c~o~'="=·='='=:.r=•=· ~:i~l&-'='fi\S=O=== I Br nz, 120 \V" \Varner, SanU!. '61.i 20 x : •.• -:l-rc;=r,-,c,~n-,\-8c, ,,,ri.:1d <'<•1linr:. huff<'!, {"on!1.,-, ;1 11n1ng~. ~k1 r1 <;, ~l1r1I, C••m- pl rtt in l-;r1nit1!11l fnn1ily r-••l"k. ~~r ... :;:lr\1 or :i;\G-~869 2o~·,~ 2 Ur.-:-2J :\n. Skir1i11!:". 111111111~·. J•Jl'<'h. F1nr~I C .1! pll rk. !\Pil l huy' Cl2-l"~~'.? '2 \\ JI EI::L BOX TRAILER, _ Ana. 5'15--4114 l'J6'2 Mercedes DPnz ZlOS 4 cloor in nice conrl\tion only S795. this v.·cckend al J im !)lemons Mercedes Bcni 120 \V. \Varner, Sanla Ana 5-lli--4114 ----- B icycles 9225 EXELLl.:\T ·"c o nd i t 1 o n 1,.· r<: C.r! ~. 1""7<"" :o u1c:h. 5:; ·1~ ('p•I\ 5J~-(jl19 Mini S ik;es 9275 -----------T.\CO ~a ~ hr. ll',~nt l.:. b<J<;'k ~hnrk~. nL·1v brako;-s. $115. (,7· .• 1 ~7:!, --------"i.i'.l 1>•1'11111;\ !l1111! h1k{), 4 lip, Sl:.Jn. LI~<> nrw! * ~.1~.-~2!17 * T,\CO 1'11n1-R1kc, 5 l!P: 1J1~c br;1kc-:-: n:;•r :-hnc-k.~. Good l'OMd, Sac. S)\:J. li7~ti93. l HOP.SF: J\l1rkcy bike. cond. M:ikr olfr1·. • ;:;.1<;-4210 .. Motorcycles Good 9300 ----- $"1. Trucks 9500 GMC TRUCKS O~nt;e Couniy S:ilc~ Scr\·i~c llcadriu:ir1crs, NE\V. US.t:D UNIVERSITY OLO SMOB ILE ~S::i(I Harbor Blvd Cu~ta illcsa ____ ,s 10-x J() "' COMET '60 COMET 6 cyl, stick 5hiH, 2(1 n1pi;, new sent cover s, $2·19 trade or best o!r. 644-4jG!l 11.l1er 6 pm DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY 'S NO. 1 OATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN '68 Porscl1e 912 cpe, $4'.!!15. F.xtra~ 67;,..2.~06 Eves, or 871-323'2 f'.>:I 418G "lj3 l\lcrccrlcs Olc~cl, 11Tl'<'k<"'d but running &12--0::JO MG !'llG {ront $Sj(), ·:,2 oorx:;E: pit l>--.. -,-w-;-,,-,,-,. 1y hoxrs a11d r:.i.ck. Vr ry g0(1rl cn11d1llon, 11 \1h new r1rr•» ;ind brakr.~. 962-7~179 1SS35 Beach 81\·d- Huntini;ton Bc~rll 8·i2-7781 or 51().f\.142 ~~1 '69 DATSUN f,ali'S, Scrvici', Parts Irnmechale Delivery, All Models 'Ii~ Cll ~VY ~f. T, 4 \1 hrcl dri1·e pick 11[!. 5 )T, 50,000 n1i ~ua.ran!c.c. S 3 3 O 0. 6·12-3621. ·=.c~~---5.) OIEV P.U. \i.i T. V/S. 4 sp. R.11. $.150. 2111 Or:inc:e, C.\t nft 4 P~t. All day Sat. ~un "61 G~lC Van. GOOll C"Ond. B ig: 4-dr Srrliln. 4.~pd. Dlr., radio, hrall'r, 1300 miles. \Vil\ sacriJicc; Take olr]rr 1rade. Call Phil, 49-1-9771, 5~;).{)GJ.I, ZWJ0.11. ENGLISH FORD f\e\v tires, $1300 or be~t of-ORANGE COUNTY'S t c1-. Glfi-:'.900. VOLUME ENGLISH J1ru1port 31111ports 3100 \V, Coasl Hwy , N.B. 6~2·9iC6 5!0-1764 Authorized MG Dealer MGB 19:17 HONDA 11.0 \VAr\TED: '36 Jo'ord 1·i: Ton FORD DEALER '67 l\1GB/GT New tires, AJ\l/fM Y.'ood str v..•hrcl, li ke nl'w. 642-7415 aft 5:30 .fCRA!iffiLER Pkk Up. l\fust hn..,·e good SALES -SERVICE :E!l.'c. &tarl<'r, 600 orig, ml, body. Cash. ~i9-liS9 ·~ h100ELS -::~ONDA J6{) SCRAJ.tBLER '49 GJ\IC. co111ple1e ne1v cng., lmn1edlate delivery '"-I I k r tlrrs & pai nt. Aflcr""6 call LARGE SF.J.ECTION PORSCHE • uimf") CIC y SlOC • f!t'J' cct 6.o TI"' Theodo•e shape. s::o:;. 1"-;,,.. PORSCHE '68 912 1967 TRJU:>.1rll T·IOOC ':i2 Chevy 1.~ Ton. Needs ROBINS FORD .1100 CC. Vt'ry cleal'l. $750, trans 11·ork. !\!AKE OFFER. 5 speed. burgundY, v.'ith hlack 200:> Harbor Blvd. int., Mc A!ee whls, HD Koni JAMES LTD * 616.-~262 • Cost& Mesa 642-0010 shoclui, Ai\1/sterro incl l<l.p.. 15S4 Newport Blvd. 6-l:!-0010 '60 F'OltD 6. l\"ceds small es, Birnch f'xhaust, immacu- !oo BSA Chopper. New J\to1or \\"Ork S:l..-0 -call · ----· -la1e. $5300. alter 5 .... -& trans. 1'111sl !>l'll. 4~1-3-0161 --==='"'18"'-0J""'ll'=---FERRARI 711 : 833-0'127. after 5 Pilt 329 Popular, '66 FORD PICKUP I ----------LPO=l~t""o=.:.,,~~---f ERRARI SCHE 911 T. Coupe, 4 ·Lag. Bch. V-8, RUio, Kustom J\totort ,_.. 6 000 ,., 1· 800 N I Ld ,,..,_ ,..-.:u , m cs. J, • 84:\ Baker , C111, 540-5915 ewport m~rta 1 • v•· ('213) ?-.tA 0-1080 days, ew. J{Ol1da JOO &·n11n!Jlf'r, '1300 rnl. + xtras $330, 962-9776 'El t fO('(DA :J;.r) sr.:) 01· Br~.1 Oller. * frlti-lb·l I • Ofi9 \"i\:'-1AllA JZ"• ,.,., A"l"t- ;\lX, n1olOC't~(. $·J:il. * ·1!H-l!)4j * 68 llON'DA &ran1hl ('r ~IO. .xlnf <'Ond . 2.3~il 1n1 . $~l:... ea11 6'12-:.r.n ~ llONDA ~. t:f'llcnt ('ond. f.73--4951 2.IXIO n11, rx. $1 75 .00 .. Campers 9520 F1\NTASTIC ~·Slnr Cam- [l('rs, nu \Ves!lvay1 tr. nu 1111n1.c11 n1pt>rs .. Pr!l"CS star t n• $.')fj. Scotts, 91-1 N. Jhu•hor, S.A. Nl·'.\V C'arnr~'r !<h<>ll5 cah ht).'11, fllll)' lined 11ilh in- 11 1 •"r l•,:l1l~ & 1·rn1 . S:!2!'1. S DH•. f•l 1 ~-I [111'1'l!'>r, ~.A, ·6 !-RfJA:O.IER c .o. <'-'it\l[)<'r , rr. trulan" f\\"rn, s!('l\'C', 1'1"tv. ~l p'i ~-l!iJ!J. fi(~,..2~:1~. ~ riQ()ft, 6 pass lntenl"I PU, ,, I nr n('\v cabo~r. Sac. S21~0>. 968-::~. -4~5 anre Count)!• oNy •uthor· (213). £.'< 1-1837. lzod dl'a.ler. ~~~'==~-­SALES-SERVICE-PARTS '66 PORSClfE 912/5 lmmac 3100 W. Coast fh \')', Nu pn!nt EXTRAS J\1ech N1'1v110rt lkarh rx>rl Be 1 t rea! o r I er. 642-940J 540-1764 673--3507. Aull)orized Fl'.rrari Dcl\lrr l ;,-.=-,;cc-,;---o~-~ V.\V, ~ Pors\'h(' -l\TerCT'dl'S FIAT e111:'1. & used pnrts, steady In s tock. 61M1JO. ·i;2 FIAT , 6(1() D si·d. 1,•/1.JO PORS:HE 'li6, 912. !> srrtJ, Ah11rlh T1!11lia T1!1gtll a e.iig, 11111~1 l:'"ll. x!ra~. $J.:i"',O. Pvt S:'!)ti. 67~..f>!H.t pty. 673-00~'1 ..~6c1 cPo~~-. cdc><~Sc'C~Cc0-,-.,-.~~c,-w JAGUAR top, tires k. eni:;h1e. =--C:6C7.3-S.JOO.;:_~~= RAP.F: Ja1:11nr, 1960 l\t nrk 11. CHERR'I' "6J-Porsche S90, 4 dr. 8Cdan, only 2\000 best oUe.r. orlRinal m!l~1. 114--536--0321 li75--0901 MVINGS r l'Sf FORD "1 TON PICKUP' Sryle1;dt. otic,~ 1hilt, t •ha ci t•" Lie. VIOi ii ==,~------·---1,65 T-BtRD H•<dlop + R&:H, pOw•r, f•t!Qr~ ~it, p•in!. Lie. PClS97 •u\Qm •t•e, r~~I 9ood. -----~----------1,61 CUSTOM HEALY JOO RQedo!nr. 'I •pted, t•dio. h••ltr L•c. R )(~ 0'18 1 '6S ALPINE RO ADSTER sn77 Ra dio. ll•a!t r, h.rd!op. t•c. RPR.2 00 7 f~' "" .,.,-.. , '1077 1, F••' b•t k t oupe. radio, ht•lt r, f 4 •peed. Blu t fi~i.fl, #'1'189 19 65 YOLKS sQU Ai! IACJC s1211 l, t SOOS. R.diQ. ll•alt•, 4 1peed. Lie. NOA. 90 I --------------196 I TOYOTA. s.del'!. R1d io, ~etltt, tlic~. li k• l'!tW in1!dt & cul, L•t. YT P 441 1967 VOLVO 122 '1677 i Sed•"· Rad ie, f.ealer, 'I opeed, 11 ir ! condiliQn, lik t n•w. Lit . TXU SJ6 1969 TOYOl'A SPRINTER '1677 -,, Cpt, r11dio, heel1r. 4 1pt erl. Lew ' 1f61-TOY01"A~DTOP' s1777 ·~-mile1. #1711 . rt Cp•· R•die, ~ttler, •u1Q mtl1c . ' l it. WIG 715 Jj 1'H ALFA ROMIO 5'R!NT GT '1977 q1 5 1petd h1n1., llteler, nict #8,'12 · l :J 1'11""" DODG-r roLAu. ~77 H•rd!Qp. R•dio, ~••ltr. t ulomelic, -7 ~. power 1tt1rinq, pow•r h••~e1 , f•clory f eir, rte! clt1n. SMK2~' 'i:I ,. 1t6Z PORSCH! '2677 ~;. R1d io, ll•tler, 1litk, likt M•w ln1idt .~ ~ I out, Li,. UTP ·~I Dean Lewis SAT. Orange County Toyota-Volvo Headquarters 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. 0""~ SUHD•V fO 6 l'M TO ' ""' COSTA MESA l\!USf Sr.II '66 V'IV Camper fully equlrt. low mi, A-~! Best off 64.2-15.16 eves. 'Gl V'IV Can1111:r, J:Pb!l <'ng., xlnt mrch. cnnd,. S9:il. 5·1~1ft49 or rJ4&-2G91 1!166 V\\' $1400. l3t1s, good cond. * 8•17-7785 * VOLVO VOLVO CL EARANCE NOW ! 142 -144 -145 -164 THI·: LO\\'EST Pn!CES YOUR BEST DEALS ,,1~1~ STl!.T, 1\T DEAN LEWIS J!)f.6 llarOOr. C..J\f. 616·9303 Antiques, Clas•ics 9615 '57 l\forgan + 4. excellent cond. $1600. 842-3716 aJt S, all day 1vkenrls. Race Car•, Roell. 9620 301 CHEV F:n_i:lne. Rhort Bl<Xk. Roup<'d for r acing. ~1~-0. 637~7·16 Autos Want.cl 9700 CASH for W!ed can & trucks Just call us for frtt estimate. GROTH CHEVROIET Ask for Sales Manager l82ll Bt>arh Blvd. Huntington Beach KI S.3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 28~8 Harbor Blvd. f "<dll J\!~~A !146·1ni WE PAY TOP DOLLAR ror ~ood. clean used cani, ' all m11!(rs. ~e Georgl' Ray Tlil'OOOre Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. --------------•1•C.M. &12"""0 •• YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO- NOW, WHY DON'T YOU? Give Yourself A Break 75 CHOICE 75 IMMACULATELY PREPARED SPORT CA1RS FOR YOUR INSPECTION A FEW EXAMPLE S 1/,1; MO MoG~t!. Or•11,rw• "'"'"~,._ oul. , '~" • "L]HI• ""m" ,...,. I'"'" !.-~ o n•N O"'!. ~poll.>i M•r•<>r •no tocto.y o"• n•1 6R 1l l;>-t '<ACINU Goh!EEN "'"'·' ,..1,, "'""""· roH·uo .,..,,oo ... ,, •nd o>~•h""I m.C'•MCAL>!. 10~· "· '6'\ AU!TIN HEALEY »Ot DLll. ~~}~~e.f~n ''~'1c.~i:·~· ~~ l•g"!hJI i.c1orv MA.~C~~UN Ii.to UNBLt:M•>>lEDI Woll POU '"" .,...,,1 OIOet•m"ulm• O<!Yf" m-'llonl ·~ M .0 .1. RWO•t•r. A cr.1rm-1ng CXU" ~NP •<!f'rlor wltn '"'" wl!NI.. LOC•l,y OW"9<! lr-.:l•·Wi . ~lw'lltaJIY In o<rr $!!(>!> • .-. -n<X•ou!I ~vv ao. ''~ AUSTIN HNI""' Splrt•. A. !ew.i ol 1 1ee10,... orl!P"lll Nrd· :::~· s • ~ vJ~• Gfrif~"'~~l11~~1 '' ~i Qfl DY Oll Clo. ~•!lle-r 1n;trlor. OIQC :175. '61 DATSUN l6UO Ro.c!•I!!. tter•·• • "It•• """'""' 1.11,.<>td 1:1,:"~fa"il''Q7<>o l)R.~Glritt~I~: Lo.:01 ,,.,. cir 1r1de. r.aay to' lt>JU••odl ot mi:•• of trwOlt !roe ar;~ino. •091/. •.s TVll ORA1'llVRA. CPI, T~" ,.•l1ti En~I••~ 1!ree1 m..,nrne w1•1 gi~• you ou1.,1nding P¥· to<m•rn:•, I~• aru lncuon of ·oht0<&n•n•1'". Y1111"I• (O''""ar.d t lP•nTl0<1 ,....,.evtr y°" 90. ~~gN~l'l"r,~;,,'"':;~~·a~I 1~ ~..,,:..•::id .:;-'h~m.~~~ J;~ll>tt. •j / MU• -GT Couoe. lNo mo<! <1e1l,•l>lt of 8ri!i1h $porl COlll'-~"o~~ •bl:,:c1::r111 "'.:..1~~·1.J~ti :::. ::r.~~. ~~~1~1orii 1ny mm>.....,.. lltr;!. FUXIBU FINANCING HIGHfST TRADIHN FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTER . ,. Triumph, Volvo, Rov1r, Cord . 710 (. lit. S.A. Op1n Sundly1 547"4764 CA MARO '69 CA,\IARO ~27, ~ SJX'ed, cuslo1n 1nlrrtor. fl! a n y xtras. 7\lnl cond . S:?.:i:iO fir111. Price d h<>low hool-I for quick sale. 61~>-Zl22'J aft 6 p.m. CHEVROLET '64 Chevrolrt Bel Air ne\'' :>s:; eng1/l{', stick, $550 or oCfer. 544<31J'i~ '64 SUPER ;;;riorl. 1nir1111.c., auto ~hlft. gold. Sl09J r-.!u~t see! &-12-l~i,I CHRYSLER '63 Chr v. ln1pala, s . .:;. f\('\V ·~lJ CHEV \\'gn, new air CORVAIR eng1nr, SlOJO. l'all cond, rlh. plliT, gd cond. 49-l-fH69 SZL. 536--\S:il '63 CORYAIR. gd. cond,. '62 Chev. !mpal<1 :ipr1 •·ouf)I·-'61 l.\1PALA C(lnv. 11.uto, bcsl ulfcr . 327, P/5, P /B, ,.\ u t n, PIS. P./l!, Good ·COnd, S3.XJ. ~-2~:-it. I ;'"'"~2~2~13~======~6'~· ;''-;'~"~'======."' CORVAIR, 4 dr, 1960 i;edan, F wh11r~ Xlnt running etind. lo • I ' • FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK Mor .. Than 200 Ccrn To Choose From LARGE SELECTION OF NEW 1t6''s AND LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS GOING AT FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE e CAPRICES •IMPALAS •W AGON S e CAMAROS e MALI BUS 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Hwy. )f So. or SO'll Diwqo f wy. Phone 545-8863 or 847 -6839 Opt!n 7 Days 'TH 1 C P .M. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos nilg SZ'i.l. 494--816\t CORVETIE CORVETTE l:l67, 327, 2 ro~. A'.'11/f)I, p/~. n1any xtras. 21.00J n1i. Wk~nd~ 6i1-0167; \\'kdays GJj..-X,00 BaJd1>'ln CORVETTE 1968, -117, con\1, Ai'II/F;\f, hkc nc""" 18,00.'.l mi. \\'kel'ld! 673-0 167 ; wkdays 635-5600 Balrf.,..·H1 '67 CO RVETTE fast back ·127 side chrome exhaust nrly new tires. $339:1. 6.t2-3293 alt 5 p.m. '68 CORVETTE 3~7 eng, aUlll 1rans, fact alr. many xtra~·. Sell or !r;idc ~·t·l2J. 6'3-4-0J or 6iJ..-3107 COUGAR '68 COUGAR. auto. air. P/11, P /b. lmmac. 2383 Orange Ave, Apt' C, C:'-1. 12j95. 548--6917- DODGE '57 Dod;:;e Con11 Runs i;or,id. $115. ~e to arprcciatt': Call '1.flrr ~1. &16-1'\07 '6.l DODGE Dart, :\Ul'l, r/h. {'<'ln\1, S.3!):l nr hr" ntr 67:1'-41!12 '6S OOIJ(~t; DART Low mileage. Loaded! SlfJOO. a.34-5290 96001mported Autos 9600 BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S BRANO NEW 1969 OVER IN STOCK 40 IN STOCK R•ady & Serviced for lmmediat1 Del iv•ry WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! e COROLLAS-S.dans-Fastback Sprint•rs-Station Wagons e CORONAS---4 Door S.dan1-H•rdtop Coupe1 • MARK I l's-H•rdtop Coupts-4 Door Secl•ns e CROWNS-Station Wagonl--'4 Door Sed•ns e LANDCRUISERS-H•rdtops---4 Whffl Drive Wagon' e PICKUPS---4 SpHCI St•ndard Tr•ns. Automelic1 -4 1p••d1 -f•c.tory •ir cond itio11 inq -1l•r•o t•p• dee.ks m19 wh••I• and m•ny oth•r options. • Ma"y Demon1trators at Reduced Prices "IAM! YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS • e Select Domeetlc & Imported Ueff Care Below Mlrket Prices• JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11·5 540·2512 • ·-------------- " ' Saturday, Oetobtr 2,, l%1J OA.rt V PILOT TRAHSl'OltTATION TllANSl'OltTATIOH TltANl-TATION TRANSPORTATION I TRAN P RTATION T RANSPORTA:..T:.:=:.:....-I U.. ~=d:..C.:•:..•.:• ___ _;9900.;,;:~ I Usitd Cart UsMI C•rs 990C I lmpwtM Autot 9600 Imported Autot PONTIAC MERCURY -Utod C•ra 9900 PLYMOUTH DODGE MERCURY PLYMOUTH ·sa Ply Road """"" hd tp cpe 4 q.d. ' bl.rrrl, b11 t n· (Cinr, ta.ck, 4 barrtol. bt1 en- trd, mu5t aacrlttet'. Take (fllt:r payments call 646-8754 PONTIAC '68 GTO .(jj GTO. 4 Spcf't!. f'J.CeJlrnt cond1\1on. \ow tniles. $1795. 1969 Pon\!ac f1n•b!rd hdlp.] VJnyl top. VP1y Io wl n11le<1ge. ?>lu:>I SHrrlli<::t'! lor quick 111!.le only $2500. Call )46.-4114 or can be etirn al 120 W. \Varner, Santa Ana. '67 Gran Prix -Sharp! LoadMI s1m. S.tfi-llW RAMBLER ·39 RAl\lBLER \\.'agon. fi cyl 11111n. Xln! L'Ond. S J O O. :H0--7ll2~ REBEL '69 REBEL, 7.(JOO n11. V-8. auln, air . Save on This onr! I Dir., 845 Baker SI., Cos11' ~~;~~AKER I '59 :'itud . Lal'k 11ag. Run~ ~ood. SIJO. :-:.C-C a1 l\('nt~i R ichfield. corner Broad1•ay1 & Coa~l Hwy .. Lilg. Sch- T-BIRD 1964 T-Btrd Stk No. !'11306A in absolutely immaculate con- dition. a.II power & air-jU£1 traded on new ~lenx'des Benz. J•'Ull price i 1495, Jim Slemons l\lt'rcedt s Bt>nz. 120 \V, \Varner, Santa Ana, 546-4114 '63 T-BIRD TEMPEST TOR ONA DO '61 TORONADO O:>loradn .s\l\'er 1~ith rontrasl- 111~ blar.k vinyl roof k upOOl ~~'TY. Fully equipped lnrlud. ing fai:tory air, premium t 11'f'S, One. own!!r. Priced to sr!I. (\VE\V !J.Ull GARDEN GROVE LINCOl.N MERCURY 10120 G11.rclen Grove Gar<!rn r;rovr. 636-2980 ':..t :>lE RC 4 dr ~erl11n, grl tran~p $7S. '18 ?>lt rc .j rlr srdan. :;:d. transp. l \50. 11·16-.'1 18.'i al1<'r :> .(i.I; Ply '1gn Spot'l Su b. ~ ~~~•=63_'-0_2'_.3_• __ _ pa$~. a1r, Jo mi, :.;-clean. '63 STATION \\'agrir1 . full VALIANT ----UJaded . $2950. \1iU take frd. pWT, air, !rTnnac. S79:i. '64 VALIANT \\'agon . Ong. Q\l·nrr. 536--31 ~!1 64tH12'l'! 01vner. Cleil11, good cnn<l. .63 t.IERCURi. Colony Park Statton \.\'agon, full po\\'er Sij(}. :;.18-7874 '!}~ Pl)mouth Valiant ·22:,· '67 c~TO. Xnlt (.'(Ind. R/1-f. stick ,;hift. S5JO Days SL'I:, stick, &ood cond. $750. $181:1/bnt o{Jer. 510...2461 £.'1'.t. 71. [1·e. 544-3074.. 513-7291 r>'t!, or \••lrnd~. &1.i-m-1. ====~====--========= Used Cars 9900 Used Cars LOOI FOi THI DIA6HOITIC CINRlt SUL OM THI WtMDSHIELD 10096 PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co•lff1 oll m.clllo11icat ~ ittel•dhtt "''"· drl .. Ii"•· rear e11d, rLUS llratc•. '"'"'"'•'"' •iMa r •Yl· "-• All ,.,.tr work tiloite 1• G., •-Mf'l'ke Hp.rt• -· 1t•4 CHEVIOLU 1t111rALA WA<iOH V-8. f1c!o•y •ir condOt0o"'"9· radio, h11!1•. pow1• ''""""9· IAS06711 ,,,J CADllLA CC ourt: O.VILLl f11ll PO"'"'· f~clory oi• t ol'di•to"i"9• S11p1rb <O"dtl ;O"· I OQ1~Ab l Co"''"'bl1. 4 •P~•d. ·~d,o '"d h11t1t. (VIRt.77! 19'4-CHll:YSLfl-NEWPOIT $695 I $1295 ! $795 ~.Cioo• S1d1". V.t. f~cloty ,;, co~­ d itio"'"9· ""!Or"4!t< po ·~r it••i;r q. PC"'I' bt .. ~1 1 , (Q ~ftbl J 1 t &&OL0SM011 Lff.ls~,~.~.~o~o~.-,~,~.-.~.~$~6~-9-5= v.1. ""'c"'•'•< "'"'"''"'"'"· •1dio, h•"'"" 01t1c•»t '"'· ( l 11116) Stoel: No. 2465,t., 1 f61 fOID LTD 4-DOOlt SIDAN o". ow"•f. )90 v.a. 01110"'•'"· powtt 1let•i~9, r•d,,, l>11 lt r, nt '"' ti rt• /VTP701 l 1 t•4 COltYmt HAIOTOr R•m••tb1• lop. 4 1peitd. 11dOo, li•1lt1, powtr windowJ, A M .~M •1dio. ( RHC•o 1 I ''" rONTIAC LI MANS HAUT Or $1395 2-00il r. 32 6 V-1, ,.w•r 1fMri119, •11 I011't lic, RlH, b.uc••l ••th , wl4e <:>"t i lirt l-l A:MVll•! 1 t64 OLDINOllU WA.ON Air cor>d iticfti .. , eut•1t1t•lic, rN ie, "••t.•. po•el' 1 ....... 9. ITVCIS4) lt•I CHIYltOUT IMrALA 4.0oor S1d111 . V-1 f1 ciorv t ir, 111!omtl1c, rtdio, h•tler, !XEV776 l $995 9900 Used Cars '.!5 -~~ ~~·.~d~ .• ~~~: '~5 '66 Chevalla Conv. '67 Mustang F ast~ack : • 2. V-t ..,., "'""' '°""'"' •·• ""'1 !.,...,..,_ ..,,,.,.,. ,,_,,~. ,..,., "*II~• f 8Y '10. '67 Chevalle Concours '69 Ford Galx. 500 H.T. '67 C11111ro ceu,e ......_ t<•r•, ,_,.., """""*"· lVE W . '18 Ca.iliac C11v. '&& Chev. Caprice c,.. V.t. -· "-• .__,. "'' wodlPV ... rld\o. _,.,. S F-t!S. '83 Y.W. Calllper .._ ,..,itt,' ,....,, 1,,,.,,,, '81 PIJm. F1ry Wr. Y ....... Ir-. ,._it..'-"-'• T/llJ ,.. $CJ95 s1495 '1995 s2595 s1995 s1495 s4495 $1695 5995 s1295 CONNELL CHEVROLO 2828 Hai bor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 \ FREE-FREE 4 DAYS & 3 NIGHTS AT LAS VEGAS OR LAKE TAHOE PLUS NEW MOTORBIKE (OKW MODEL $275.00 VALUE) FREE-FREE: With Purchase Of Any NEW RENAULT HMIIITt l BENAULTt l BENAUITtl LIBERAL TERMS AVAILABLE Take Advantage Of This Sensational Offer THIS WEEK Only Good Until Prnent Supply La1ta JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS, INC. 120 W. Warner 546-4114 . Santa Ana ·~ DAI~ 'f l'ILOT . . • .-.- :--; · . .. -'.' Saturday, Oel!>Mr 25, 1%q CADILLAC l\71NETEEN .~EVEJ\7 TY 1967 CADILLAC Coupr dcVillr. Ar l e~ian t!1rquo1se ,,·ith matchin: cloth a11 d Jc11Thrr 1111rrinr, f11ll r1Uwcr. fal'tory air, Aflllf.\l radio, tilt-tclrscopi~ i;tcrnn:.; \1hrt>L ll'E:X9Q.1J SALE $3400 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC COJ1\rr11blr, .\n11(1\lr. ~old 11ilh mal1:h1ni;: t op 11nd full lrath"I" 1nl1'nor. full po11rr, iat·lury air, 1\.1\l/f-'l radio. t1Jt-tclesropil· i.llX'rltif; 11 hri•I. 1TSJ:i:l81 SALE $2800 PRICE 1969 IMPERIAL LeBaron coupe. Full pow·~r. fal'tory air, ~hTro tape, crul~t! r.onti'ol, every possible option. Padd"d lvJ•. i.\SP777J. Lo111 inllcs. SALE $ 4900 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC Sedan OP.Vi!lr, D<ll'likin r .\C,,rior, hr.111·n \·inyl top and 1natl'hin;.: rlu1h and !rath•'r uitcn or. f11H 1'1()1,Pr. tactory 11r. A.\1-F.\l radio, f10l1'C'1' dour l ock~. \'cry 101" milea;_;!'. tZLI\i 181 SALE $3700 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeV1lle. l'i!i~C blnl" 111 th 1T1R t< lnni:: ,,1,-,111 and ln11thi>r )fifcrior, full po\1·er, J'at·Jo1y ;ur, 11lt-1ele:1.r••J'iC' ~leering 11·hccl, .1\J\Jl f i'll rad1u, po11·r 1· door locks. lP.YS958J SALE $2800 PRICE EXCELLENT SELECTION OF 1'10DELS & COLORS AVAILABLE FOR 'LEASE OR PURClfASE • ()\'ER 30 OUALI'fY f:ADILl,ACS ... l.,.i\I{Gl~S 'I' SEJ .E(~fl()_\ I'.\ ()ll-\.\GE (:()l\'l')''. 1967 FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM Th i' lovely Grecian 1vh11c Cadillac is absolutely gor~eous inside Md put. HAs Cadillac f11ll po\\i'I' fcaiurrs including faclory air conditioning. A :'l!- t'i'I! radio, prc1TilUn1 th·cs plus nnich. 1T1tH·h more. Thi~ one: O\\'ll('r C11di l- lae: has only Z2,000 111iles and should he drive n to l>e fully a ppreciated. iTGU9781 SALE PRICED 1968 COUPE DE VILLE Thi~ 1'.?.000 n11lc ~cm is in unbelit-\·ahle like 11""' condition. f1n1sht-d 1n a :1.lunnn1;: 1-:a~hn1ir i\'011· 11·l!h black !)llddcd roof and black Don1ino 111tc1 tor. Loaded 111th ro11 er options and of C"our~r Cadillac factory air c-ond1t1oninb. You rC'ally n111~l .;cc lhis one, t32i3G7/ SALE PRICED . 1968 CADILLAC Coupe De Villr. Norrnandy hlur v.:lth black Landau a nd blue lP.aU1Pr trun. f'ull 11011·rr, fl'lctory air conditioning, tilt-tclr 11·hccl, J\;\l/FJ\1 rad1<J, •'tc, Lv1·aJ Ofl(' 011ner. tVGZiliJ SALE $ 4400 PRICE 1964 FLEETWOOD Full po11·er, rarlory air conditioning. !·las all of Cadtllac'a ~opular options. I:!'aull(ul bc1g:r au1 on1obilr. tOQB6l61 SALE $1400 PRICE 1966 CONTINENT AL full po11·er, f;1ctnry a.Ir, 1ilt ~1 ecring v.'hf'cl, AntiQUI" cop- )1c1· 11 itl1 11·hi1 e: vinyl top and t.:OP!'C!' lc1:1t hcr in1erior, \f\H YJ%) SALE $2100 PRICE 1966 FORD GALAXIE 300 ~-Door 1-fa.rdto;>. 29,000 rnilc~. l 011·ncr, factory air co11d1tionin-;:, automatic. po1,·er ~tecrinJ:! and disc br<Jkes, radio. hC'alrr. "'hilr 1\alls. Spanish ~ilvcr "·ith black \•inyl tori and black \Jnyl interior. tTFEi691 SALE $2000 PRICE . 1965 CADILLAC Hardtop roupl'. CP.s•·adr grcrn 1•·l1h 111fltCJ1tJ1<:: rlu1h ;ind leath,.r inlrr1or. full 1>0111cr, factory <11r, Ail!Jf,\J n1d10, tilt·trlcscopic i.tr~'rin;: "''heel. (fiGU6·13J SALE $2100 PRICE Your fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9.100 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 3:30 A~I to 9:00 PM ~Ion. thru Fri. • 9:00 .UI to 6:00 P~I Sa t. and Sun. All CARS SUBJE CT TO fRI OR SALE. All SALE PR ICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, OCTOUR l8. 19b9 NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmm.cliate delivery e Exc•llenl Selection Over four acres of factory author· ized total Cadillac facilities design· ed to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. ' . I Fa:cnilY.! weekly OCTO B ER 26 , 1969 Why Middle-Age Men Revolt By SAMUEL KLING FUN -WITH SAFETY How to Avoid a Halloween Tragedy DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 25, 1969 What I Learned from Our Wounded Gls By MARTY ALLEN r , A.skcntemcyou•'Self .. FOR FRANK SHAKESPE..4RE, U.S. ln/onnaMn A6ency Are daere any record. of iM na"'4!• of iMrnl- grana. "'"° enlered llut coulllry aboat a cen- aury a10? I/ .a, 111ltere are IMy kepi, anJ u it ~ible lo /ifttl ilu! na1ne of a dUlant relaiiDeP --Mr•. Robert Jl"ippinf, Rulh, Mit:I.. e You may request infonnation from records of the U.S. Custom!! Service now in the custody of the National Archives, Washington, D.C. 20408. If you inquire, include the following information: 1) full name used at the time of entry; 2) port of embarkation ; 3) name of vessel on which arrived ; 4) name of port and date of arrival. FOR DR. HA.RRY }. JOHNSON, •• "! President, Li/e Exunsion F oundalion Do cardiac 1peciolUa. 1upport your "ie"' tlaat jogging can be dan- gerow for 1eunlary men Oller 501-L. D., F ftO, TfJ'Jta. e [ conducted a survey among 30 cardiac specialists in New York City. All but one were unanimous in recommending against jogging for eedentary meo over 50 years of age. FOR HELEN ROSE, designer Par ne.s:t year, lfJhal do you chink will be ilae 1tylilla dre•• lenglla?-A.lkn Zorn, La. J' ego., Ne". e Once again, it will be short. If your legs aren't attractive, however, keep the length to not more than three inches above the knee. POR BOB HOPE "'" City, Mo. JI" laai eltlerla in.er u a /•"orite, a1td talaa I lype o/ entertainment do our 1er11ice111e11 011er•fl4I enjoy mo•t? ~lennCorbet4Kain- e Men eerving overscM like to sec pretty girls fint of all No one pretty girl should be selected since the Ch like variety, and just generally enjoy the view, whether it be blonde, brunette, or redhead. Any comedian who can touch on the things of most interest to them in their current situation will meet with a happy response. Over the years, I have beeu lucky enough lo discover the areas which make them laugh-jokes llbout officers, food. the progress of the war, the fact that they miss their girl friends. What in the World I Onion Philosophy Sixty ycvl! ago, before tourism. author Mark Twain so loved Bermuda that he even signed an early petitivn t1> ban ml>tor ,•ars. His writ- ings are in the puhlic domain now . But sinl·e his words wrre u!M!d in the 11hort film, "Bnmuda: The l11land Nobody Wanted" ( ~o called because pirates and conquer· oro.; left it a Ion«:'), he wa11 given i1eript cred· i1. Or the 11oicrui101111 Bermuda onion, he •lh~e rved. "[n Bermudian metaphor. it stands for perfection. To praise the de- parted, ii i!I s11id, 'Hr was an onion!' Mark Twain Tu encourage a !;On, 'Be an onion!' .. Twain's own onion·accolade to Bennuda wall: "You go to beavrn if you wllDt to ; I'd rather 11tay here." Home Music When Herb Alpert (bis N BC.tv speci&I is Wednrsday) was a boy, th ere was always music in his home. fa. ther played the mandolin, mother the vi.o- Herb Alpert lin. si!lter the pian.o, and brother the drum!!. "Once, while we were away," He rb's mother re<"alled, "Herb, only 11. r1·nted a trurnJX'I, When we c.ame back., we arranged for lessons." Now he has two c-hildren or his own. Dore, 9, "didn't want to takl' le.~sons. so H('rb won't force him," Crandma reveal!!. Whal about his little ~irl '? "Eden li1aens. But she's only three." New Hope for Preemies Hyperbi· liruhinemia (jaundice) aff~ls one in five premature babies. Until recently, the only treatment was drainage and replace- New )' ork Knickerbockers Do you creflii your ba.· lteibaU.ju,,.pillff abiUly 1o iMJmesriaP JI" oulJ you reconuraend ii /or boy1 ""'"'inf lo iM- prtn>e alaeir-jumping?-11. M., Can• 1o...., Olaio e Isometrics is 1)Cnc6cial only for aver- age or below.average jumpers. ( was ble:ised with exceptional jumping ability, and although ( !Tied both isometrics and weights to improve, 1he increase to my jumping ability was slight. FOR EJ'ELYIV MA.RSHA.LL, co~metic experl fJ'hat food. do you con~ •ifkr rnrut be nooided by a penon 111lao lwu .eoereacllfJ?-8arbara Doll, Quincy, Ma ... e Avoid salt-water seafood (fresh fi11b is allowed), spinaclt, cantaloupe, iodized salt, chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, Ital· ian and Spanish cooking {too much olive oil), pork, cola.'!--even diet versions be- cause the spoiler is the cola beao it!>Clf. FOR MAX McGEE •• fJ'la.& an you doing •incfl yo. retired from tlae Creen Bay Pack- en?--Royce. Carolyn Clary, S,.r Cily, .4rk. e I am in the restaurant businC88 with ex-Packer FUJZY Thurston, operating "Left Guard" and .. Left End" steak houses throughout Northern Wi&cons.i.n. FOR KEN PARKER, playtorilfhl I. J once read that you t0ere a profe.,ional ice .feater. Jl"laot nwule you noitcla lo play- writba6P--R. c.rz.o...., Pita.buT1la, Pa. e A broken foot! That break came while performing in Sonja Renie's ice show. While recuperating in a New York apart- ment. my landlady told me of a murder that had taken place tbere dW'ing the occupa.ncy by .a previous tenant. She filled me in on the details a.nd there, on a rented bed, I penned my first dramatic effort. "There's Always a Murder," based on fact, not fiction. Waa1 to ..... f•m ..... iM'"Oll • q-•io•!' Y-ca• tit......., 1hill ~amn, • ..., we'U set IJ.e •-Wtt from I~ praaainenl pel'WOft !'-~-le. Send 1(1Ml9tioft, ~ftt11bly Oft • .,_, card, ao A.k Them v-~u. F•mitJ' w-u,-, Ml Lexinstoe Aft., New Yo..t., N.Y. 100:22. w~ ninaoi ..... _..,....., qoa&io-, b.& SS will be paid for eado oae ....t. ment o ( bfood. Now a new flu orescent bulh has been devdoped by Duro-Te5t of North Bergen. N.J. Called Vita-Lite, it ('nables the jaundiced baby to have the hene6t of the proportion of ultraviolet rad iation found in normal outdoor light as well a!' the benefit of an isolette_ Dr. Peter Scagljone, pt"diatric:ian-in-chie( of Broolclyn (N.Y.) Ho!!pital, who developed the incuhator fixture, reports success after 48-72 hours of use. Be a Psychic Mauric;e Woodruff, the Iv dair"oyanl, helie\•e-'1 that everyone has some of th is power. Tl) help others de '"lop their own powers, Maurire wrote a hook, "The Secrets of Foretelling Your Own futuri~." One tip: if you fnresre a tragedy rn the life of a (ri!'nd, keep ii to yo11r11elf. At the most. ~ugp;est indirect- ly hr make a will. Mop Balls Pictured here are not Paul Bunyan's bowling baJls. They are balls. though-40 inches in diameter and weighing 900 pounds. ln Louisiana, the ruhber halls are inserted in a.n under· ground oil pipeli-ne known as Capline. , A clean strike They roll 630 miles thrnugh the pipeline, reach ing Patoka, Ill., IO days late r. ln their jnumt•y, they mqp up salt water and sludgr. leaving the pipeline c lean for tran~porting oil. And they're reusable. Faillily ffe~ Tlte Newspaper Magazine Octobttr £6, 1969 LEONARD S. DAVIOOW Pn111d-t I ll09EIT FfTZGtBION t:dit<n-1,.-C1<ie/ MORTON RIANK P•bl1&1wr W. PAGE THOMl'SOf'I Adt>ortiri"O Dfr«etor .Aaeoc1ote Adr. M11r.: 0-W M. Hwffonl; E.ut""' A1h-. M(I•." ltoa...t E. 1-; N.,., Y"'* StJI~• M'1•-· 0..-.lcl S. W,..; R~(li""41 Sak• lll(lr.: ....... J. Chr;.ti...; w ... '""' Adv. M(lr.: l•oell l . """ot.a; C1'it:G(IO s.uu Mor.; Jo. , ...... "-• o.,,..,,, S-1.#.- ltl(lr.: Will.., E. AIMl1-. Jr. MARIUS N. TillNOUE A rt l>iruto• MELANIE DE PIOFT Food /i:t#lrn- 1 AN<>d ol"" Edi~" •-lyw AIHevwy•, ...., L...._, Teny ~1. Jnt9oe w .... rt.; I ,._, 1. ~ ...... w-c-.. P•blial>f!r RrU&tio ... : ....... D. c. ..... ,. L .. lllh, aoa...t I A u11ta .. 1 A•t l>irult>r: a-.,.··-H. Mamott, n...a. H. O'Neil. SdltorMI .t Ad.,,.rlt.i"" Heado-rlnw: 641 Lew~ Ave,, N-Y..t. N.Y. 10022 _ e , ... , FAMILY WHIClY, INC. Alf ....... -....i You are invited to mail your questions or comments about any article or advertisement that appears in Family Weekly. Your letter will receive a prompt answer. W:lte to Service Editor Family Weekly, 641 Lexington Avenue, New York. N. Y. 10022. ' SolW stalnlela or llt1•ifll litwrplala, cnfW 'r I . I u OMldl CG•nt mity Si1Wt111Hk Y ... at 1111 •lnSc w111 lettyCracUra.11111M. Wt Mow that c:Mosina I flltwlfe Plftlnl is I --cllcilillt ti ..... : You WHt it to be tht pert.ct rlflldiol ti,_,....._,..•_.,, I lnc\M in dlsicn Ind IS persouHJ yours IS tilt dotMs,. wr! TWs wllf •"' hippy ID offer this s1l1ctm fi _. lawltJ ftltwlft ...... II It "'1 itnpOl1IM --Siied '"""dlssic CM•lailtl, Will $DrlfJ T• •• ...._ Mr Rost or lftOdlr1I bmMd Sltiaiq9t ti cartfr11 mi1l111 Or choose the ..... ...., ti ......... the arlCIM ••••Ill ti bchl ... t or the trlditioMe c111na ti FrederiWbltra in ridl. ,..._. • .,.. •. OM is swe to fit tl•tiflily illtD ,_,.__,~lift. All_.. .... ... ,. (>Midi c.o.n.itJ qmlitJ, cnftld ... .,.., ... -.... SMn. Wllich l&W ...... ,_ 9ltld, I Uow,. will bl ptlllll to OWi ... • ithf J91StD~ 13E1DJ ~ Sp~ial· Jnt,rodu ,., -·-\ • YOl'd aped to P1Y owtr '6.00 "9 sblS for fiwt pieces ti tt.is qllfitJ itt lifetime stlillns-ower $7.00 for IMly .sitwtrplltl lll&t tMs f ' T• this ~ty to start'°"' 11t. Md_. wfftl U.. order fofM below ......... i9bldlldlll' olfer. No~ ... .....,.. Eadl $. ................. hallolf. .................. ...... ...... ...,tortl. .......... , .. ,,. _.,. ••• ,,... -,., __ ,._ 25 ..... pias. ............... _,.Ml _...•a.a, CnacMr _,.. , ..... mGllllll .. ,......_ Acllllll ....... 11 Ill~,.__..._ .... itlllll ., •. , .... witlt...., Ctodllr CIDlpW, .. cw ... ,., -..... ...., er.-...-.... .,falt!Glt ........ Giid ..... no.. ~-C....--lieGC.... ... WJaller Gwrll ........ c1s fflClt...., ........ ,.,,... ..... '*'it willill 10 ..... YOlr _,will '9 11flldld ..... I ....................... pllce ...... -cdlf ... •. nil SpecW Offer .. J.-ry 19, 1910. r-------~------------------------------ ~ G£NERAl MILLS (ti BOX 9 --MiftMIC)Olis, Minnesota 55460 I enclose $.l.00 (chedl Of lnOMY Ofdef) tor my S-pc. place settina of Silvefplat• in (dMd one): O Fredericksbur1 O Enchantment O Winsome 1 lllttose $2.25 (died! Of moMY Ofdef) fOf ntJ S·pc. ptlce Slttifll of Sttin6ess in (died! OM): O a..ttlline O Twin Stat O s.tinlq4te 0 lly Rose "------------------------------------ Address------------------------------~ City· ________ Stlt--• ____ _..Zip• ____ _ -r._. ...,, ... ,.. D,CIOM. Oltr .. ,... ....... ...,, °"" .... Ill U.S. ..,. Cl* J-r lt, lt10. I ~ I Haunted Houses, U.S.A. A parapsychologist soys our ghost legion is bigger-and bolder-than any notion's y By HANS HOLZER Autho. of "The Truth About Witc:hcraf1," "Ghost Huntwr," and "Life Aher Death: the Chall•"9e and the hidence" ou DON'T have to go to England to meet a ghost . There are more haunted houses in America than anywhere in the world. True. ghosts of lhe Old World are more colorful and romantic than ours, but what ours lack in age they make up in personali ty, violence, and persistence. f should know. As a parapsychologist, I'm often called in (along with a trance medium who allows the ghost to speak through her) to rid a haunted house of an unwanted spirit. Here's a cross-section of Amer ican haunted houses. which don't wait for Halloween to accommodate a visitor from the other world. • The Ahwahnee and the Yosemite Lodge a rc o n special. With package pl ans ror weekday vacationers. Fo r a minimum of two night lodging, the rates are as low as $37.70 per person, double occupancy at The Lodge. Three, four a nd five night s tays mean an even greater saving. All packages include your room. breakfast and dinner daily at any of several fine dining rooms and a sceni c to ur of the Valley. A mother, who thought she had smothered her baby, C'Ommitted suicide in Carrsgrove hoUJJe, Chaf'lotteaville, Va. Her dying sobs once ha11nted this room. Fk>ra Son1erton, a San Francisco socialite, ran away rather than marry a man she didn't l-Ove. She was never seen 1 agai~:rcept her ghost has bee11. observed cm tit is corner opposite the Fair111ount Hotel . • The dau.ghter of a 19th-century officer, Col. F. Tayloe, leaped to death here in the Octa- gon, W<Uhington, D.C. Many peraon.<t reported seeing or hearing ghostly ma.nifeatations. Once a mamion, now an apartment house in Cin- cinnati, this building has disembodied v<>ices and steps-pltu tales of suicide and. f oul play. Jn addition you may enj~ use of the golf course, tennis courts a nd bicycles. Of course, the best part of the deal is the g1·eatcst show on earth. Fall. In full color. Like you've never seen it. For reservations, call your t ravel agent or Glenn W. Fawcett, Inc. at ( 213) 388-11 51. Or write Yosemite Park & Curry Co., Yosemite National Park, California 95389. -~--------_..----------------------------------------------------------------------~ AN AMAZING VALUE FOR ONLY $2.50 GIANT 3ft. Tall Grow-Chart Sampler Cross-stitch for the nursery & child's room M AKE a deli ghtful nur.sery decoraUon -e;ther one makea a unique baby gift. Your ch ild will have fun being measu red on the Grow.Chart < left ). Cross-stitch it boldly ; tape measure a nd pennant keep t rack of added inches. Design is stamped on white pique (needs no hemming). Kit includes flo88 pennant, tape measure and hanger. S ize, 1 lx~6". Cross-stitch these favorite nursery companions (above) for a Birt h Record, then print in child's name and necessary data ; em br oider in outline stitch. Design is stamped on 100 p<.'rccnt linen . Kit includes embroidery flo~s. Size. I 2x I 4". OFFER WILL NO T BE REP EA TED THIS SEASON We urge you to order the Grow-Cha rt and Birth Record kits now. while t he s upply last11. You will be delighted by t he color and beauty and fun t hey will add to your home. This is your only chance to order. Be sure to fi ll out coupon al\d mail it toda y. This offer will not be reµeat<'d in F amily Weekly this season. r --------------------------------, CREATIVE smCHERY, Det14. 1456 SPECIAL O FFER! 4._,. N w l "' ....... st ...... ml f1a 33054 Mother animals and their -· • .., .... " ·• -' · youn1 frame the familiar Rush me Items chedled betow. I unctent.nd wonts in this c:hlld's prayer. If I'm not compMtely utiafted wtth any Item I can re-tum It In 10 days for a full refund. I ~ $ for ltem(s) cMcMd betow. _61076 Orow-Ch.,ts @ .2.50 610n Birth R-* @ $2.00 =61071 frame for Birth-._. @ $4.M _61015 Cttlld'e Pre~,. @ U .00 _61014 Col« c.t•toe of w allabte II"• @ 25' Post• .. and Handlin• (ill 2Sf H . Kit. (Kita tndude embnMdery flou and cot« ctm t.) ... .. ,. \ I I \ t l L ~ I " ~ ~ t 1 1, I ~ Family weekly /October 26. 1969 Why Middle-Age Men Revolt WHILE RIOTS plague our college campuses, a dif- ferent kind of revolt also goes on-the revolt of the middle- age man. You don't hear much noise about this rebel- lion, nor does it provoke shock- ing newspaper headlines. But the effects are as insidious as any campus unrest. For example, a pharmacist I had known for years recently faced me across the desk in my office. There were dark circles under Fred's eyes. and his hairline was receding. He seemed tired and worn as he slumped deep into the chair . "Look," he said wearily, "I want I\ divorce. I'm 52, and J've had it. Up to here. I have children and grand- children, and frankly I 'm fed up. I want out." "But why?" J asked. "Why now?" ''I'll tell you why ! " F red replied. .. As you know, I run a drugstore. For 15 years I've asked my wife to close early so we could have a decent home life. And for 15 years she has ohstinately refused. "We don't have much of a sex life, and we don't have much of a social life. It's work, work, and more work. My wife seems to have some sort oC compulsion about accumulating mon- ey. If I leave the store at 10 p.m., s he keeps open until midnight. Not h- ing I do or say seems to make very much difference. "About nine months ago T met a young divorcee in my store-my wife happened to be out at the lime-who seems to have everything my wif e doesn't. This girl has charm, person- ality, good looks. Most of all, she un- derstands me. As a matter of fact, we've been having an affair for the past few months. "~he's the most important and ex- citing t hinK thnt'~ ever happened to me. As soon as T can get a divorce, l want to marry her and make a fre!'lh start. Perhaps then I'll find some sort of happiness." When I asked Fred why he didn't assert his masculinity &l'\d lock up the store himself, he could give no satisfactory explanat ion except that •it would upset his wife. ' Pumily W•ekl11. October t6, 1969 By SAMUEL G. KUNG Author of "The Complete Guide IO Divorce" Then when I said there was the po8Sibility that he didn't want to close early either and merely wanted a scapegoat and that be, too, wanted to accumulate money, Fred heatedly protested. About the young divorcee who was going to bring him such happiness, I said that when a DlAll and woman are having an affair, both are on their beet behavior. And there's a natural letdown that inevitably comes with marriage. "Isn't it true," I asked, "that you've been flattered by the attention of a younger woman, about whom you actually know very little, including the real reasons which led to the break-up of her marriage?" Fred grudgingly admitted that per- haps r had a point. "And isn't is also true," I persisted, "that because you're getting older and think life is passing you by that you want another fting, hoping to find the paradise you think has eluded you through the years? "Not only that, you don't have any grounds for a divorce at all. It's your wife who could divorce you be- cause you're creating the grounds by being unfaithful." Fortunately, I was able to persuade Fred to see a psychiatrist who helped him bridge the gap between illusion and reality. There are many rea80ne why mid- dle-age men revolt. For example, di888tisfaction or fail- ure in work. A case in point was Harvey, a fin1t-class baker who had learned bis trade as a mess sergeant in the Army. For a number of yearR he had his own s hop, putting in long hours. Harvey was an easy-going, good -natured man. He gave full value for every dollar spent in h is shop. But when the neighborhood began to deteriorate. he simply could not adapt to changing conditions. His sales fell off sharply, and within two years he was forced to sell at a los~. After a few months Harvey opened another shop in a high-~nt shopping center, n0t far Crom a well-entrenched competitor. Once again, he could not meet the competition and Wf\S forced into bankruptcy. A failure in businet1s, Harvey tried to prove he wu a success with wom- en. One affair followed another until his humiliated. outragerl wife finally divorced him. Then ther e was Al, a stereotype of the fast-talking, hard-<l riving busi- nessman who had made it on his own. He was small of stature and had been a small-time night-<:lub singer with an ordinary voice. During one of his singing engage- menta, he had been attracted to a ~ ·~. ( striking blonde whose intelligence was limited. IL was love at fi rst sight, followed by a whirlwind courtship, marriage. and two lively youngsters. Realizing he could never reach the top with his limited talent, Al in- vested his accumulated savings in the stock market, having read a great deal about securiliet1 and investmenta. He bought into growth companies Those "dangerous years," savs this noted divorce lawyer, can lead to tragic affairs for the emotionally immature with very solid, aggressive management. Before long, he was a remarkable succeea. In leas than 20 years he had not only become a millionaire but had grown in- tellectually as well. He developed a taste for opera and good books. He read such diverse authors a.s Shaw and Balzac, Stend- hal and Dreiser. With his developed intel- ligence, one succes& followed r.nother. But his marriage was failing. His wife Joyce had not matured emo- tionally and inte!lectually with him. Books and music bored her; the children, now at- tending college, ignored her. Joyce became increasingly petulant. As the gap between the couple widened. Al, now in his late 40s, became bored be- cause his wife could not keep up with him. And he resented being tied down l<l a woman he now loathed. In despair, he finally persuaded her t-0 give him a divorce, after arranging for " solid property settlement. A year later. Al met and married an attractive widow in her 30s who s hared hi~ interests and ideas. Still another reason middle-age men rebel is sexual inadequacy. By nature, man's sexual drive tends to diminish in his 50s, while it often increases in a wom- an of similar age. David, another one of my client.8, sensed that his sexual powers had begun to wane. Instead of accepting it, he lashed back at his wife, making her the scapegoat for his frustrations. He blamed his wife for his indifferent busineu succe88; for the drabness of their social life ; for the fact that their only child, a son, had become a college radical. Actually, David was going through the emotional equivalent of a change of life. Equating sexual prowess with masculinity, he was haunted by futility and despair. When he first came to see me about some other legal matters, I suggested that he get help from a compe~nt psychiatrist. At Rrst he demurred, but when I per- sisted, he entered therapy with excellent results. With the insight he gained from his psychiatric sessions, David learned t-0 take the storms and stre88e8 of life with reasonable grace and fortitude. Though divorce is my bueineu, I don't believe it's the answer t-0 all emotional or marital problema. Long, hard experience has taught me that while it's relatively easy to di vorce your spouse, it's virtually impossible t o divorce your neurosis. In this respect, divorce is somewhat akin t-0 major surgery : resort to it only when all other remedies fail. Middle-age mcm rebels because he feels trapped and cheated by lite it.self and doesn't know what to do about it. Life. for him, is often empty, meaningless, and futile. Unable to see things realistically. the man in his middle years tends t-0 think bis neighbor's grass is greener, that inner contentment comes with wealth or a young- er, more attrru:tive wife. During this emotionally upsetting pe- riod-when a man begins to take stock of himselJ, particularly of hie paat and probable future; when he mentally takes note of hie a88ets and liabilities, his vieet1 and virtues ; when he asks him.self what he has achieved over a lifetime and was the struggle worth it; when he considers the vanity of human existence and the in- evitability uf death-thie is the time when he m08t needs a wise and understanding wife to help him. But the middle-age man must help him- Relf. too. He must keep busy and preoccu- pied not only with his work but with some hobby, skill. or outside activity. And the man who lives for others, u well as for h.irn.eelf, and has a social con- science instead of an i oner eelti.ahnese is much less likely to revolt against either hi11 wife or his marriage. Much, of course, depends on the man'• inner emotional resources. If he bu learned to accept reality, with it.a upe and downs, if he has matured emotionally aa well u chronologically, the odds are that the re- volt, if and when It comea, will be relatively brief and harmJeee. • Famil11 W eekl11, Octob.,. H , J 989 7 l't's sti 11 the SAME Catholic Church I le may not seem so, with all the chauges made in recent years. Changes, for example, in the language, music and cere- monials of the Mass! In some reguJations and devotions~ In cerrain inscicucional scruc- ru.res! In the role o f the laity ... the garb of religious ... the emphasis on sociaJ con- cerns ... the new communion wi th other Christian church bodies. Christians of our time, of course, have never witnessed changes in the Church which seem so revolutionary. And some may wonder if the winds and waves of renewal and re- form thac sweep againsc "the rock of Pecer" may nor have changed the very nacure of the ancient Church. Whac's happening in the Church today is not a revolu- tion, but another milestone in the evolution and maturing of Christian.icy co meec the ever- changing spirirual needs of mankind. We call ic "The Christian Pilgrimage" and we've just published a pocket· size pamphlet under rhat title which we are sure you will find highly inreresting and enlighrening. It's free -and we invite your request for a copy. This easy-to-read pamphler gives you a g,raphic picrure of Christianity in its often-turbu- lent evolution through eig ht critical ages in its history ... rhe Age of Witness co Christ, Age of Missionaries, Age of Reformers, Age of Teachers, Age of Critics, Age of Cath- o lic Defenders, Age of Ra· tionaJism, and the sriJJ un- finished era of liberalism. We're sure you will enjoy not changed at all. It is sciJl reading ''The Christian Pil- the custodian of che full de-grimage" and you are wel- posit of Christian truth ... come to a copy free without scilJ the divinely-instituted obligation. Write today -ask channel of sacramental grace for Pamphlet FM-29. We'IJ ... still the same Catholic send it promptly ... nobody Actually. however ... in ics doctrines and the essentials of rhe Faith ... the Church has Church! will call on you. -----FREE-Moil Coupon Today!-----., City ___________ stat ... e ____ ~Zip. ___ _ KRl&HIS OF COLUDIBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREA~ • 34 73 SOUTH GR AN O, ST. LOUIS, MO. 631111 • -----------------------------~ FREE U.S.Gov't BACKACHE& Benefits! TENSION SKONDAIY TO ltDlffl tnn A TION Common Kidney or Bladder lrr1la· tlom make many men and women reel tena.e and nervoua rrom trequent. burni ng or llchln& urination night and day. Sttondarlly, you may lot1e sleep and have Headache, Backache and Ieel old_!!'-1 ll~. cleprHM'd. In such cuea, 1..rSTEX uaually brlnga relaxing comfort b;y curbln1 lrrltat-lna cenna In add urlM and qulcldy eaa1n1 pain.Get CYSTEX at drus1t•u. Treasure Map FREE! '"C.ah in'" on all the Payments, S."'ICH and Beneflta the Government OW••~ youl Get immediate caah paymenta of $150.00, $900.00. and morel G•t FRE,E land, t,..1. shrubsl FREE trout, coll .. • tuition, houae plans. travell FREE hoapltal •nd nuraln1 home ca,..I FREE c.emplns. hunt1n1 •nd flshlnc near your homel Hundreds more FREE 8eneftta! N-1i•nt. 1,02().pace "E,..CYCLOPEOIA OF U. S. GOVERNMENT BENEFITS" (DllOO) !alls. you howl Mall only $7.96 to "BENEFITS," Dept. 2002, 4500 N.W. 135th St., Mleml, fie. 33054. TrN1ure Mep Included FREEi Full refund aua,.,..tMCS. I t' I, ' . -------~~----~------------------------------------------------...,----~ QUIPS AND QUOTES Waehecl Up Whf'n rn, alon" and hatdain11 It. I nf'Vf'r waeh • dl•h. Ou I tht1n lf'av" th .. m all unwa•hrd Or jlh'f' them Jtu•l a 11wl11h? Oh. nc~. I ha\"C' a lw-Uf'r w•~. I\ , .. au.,h-C'ly • tn•n ·, .. I clo not ••1114' • ctl•h at all. I C'Al from pnt• anct '""""· Ancl wh .. n th .. 11lnk • .. "''' 611.,,1 "Ith thf'• .. 1a·. hard In mo\f' •hout, I lonk for lorn '""' 11~•1• •omf' hint• And rt '""""'' out. He worked hard, made a good salary-but, alas, gambled away every penny he earned. "Listen, Jack," a friend told him, "you're being a fool. Save your money, don't gan '1Je it away. If you put a wuy $100 a month, for example, in 10 years, you'd have $1 2,000. That would be a good cushion if a depression ever came along." The gambler s hook his head. "And s uppose R de- pressio n d oes11 't come along?" he said. "There I'd be stuck with $12,000." -Olir.:er Pierri· /11 11e.-.t yo11r mrmey 1n fa.rr.~-They're a11re fo IJI) up. Mildred Hugg/f's "We like ou r new p ic- ture winciow," Mrs. Peters told a visitor, "because it brings the great outdoors right into o ur livi11g room." "It's lovely," replied her C'aller . "but we get the same result cheaper with the child r en's muddy shoe."." -Jamu Surlurk I know a man td10 1s 11n 11npopular that he ran takP n 110 f h 011 rl Ii 111 pllfm f' 11•1m 'f rin[1. -r.enr Yn11t'"Tlnl. To link or Swtm In IAk.-, O"f'111n, hrook, pool. puddle. pond, 01 the~ &mall hoy11 a r.- v~ry fond. Into ell waler , thf'y'll irladly plun~,. Unl~1111 ronlalnln~ !W>ap and 11pon11r. -.'tlor•nr,.I Arfu.rhnrd I Ii Cut to the Quick By JACK KENT • (lililif-''~ WOLY•IHN• ------C\lta----.......... llC.. • .,-.--·--.. -..... -------.... --...... is live up 10 ats name-Durabtcs. And \land up to anyth1n1 you'll have to put rl 1hroush. ff 11 doesn't, we'll a.ave you another paar. Wc:'re 1ha1 'ure of oor ~omde\ Dunablet. Boots and Shoet 10 1U1t your •wc:ll or bulp: hecauiie lhc •ok: " C<)mplctc:ly n1l·proof c:vcn dic'ICI 011 Won't crack , harden, o r m111k even uruk-r tltr m<nl e11trc:me tc:mpc:r1tt11rc t.h11n1u~• Won't •hp on concrctr. wnod. nr t1k The non·•lud \.f•le w<m't kt •I Won't tepuatc: rro m the ">le needs. From WofYCTITlC, the~ who mekc: the ftnett ~. Get a ra1r And see for yourvlf ..,hat 1t won't do )8. FM u.. wotw ... •ne deef..-~est .,ou. c-. thte toll f~ nu,,..,.,... I00-20-0366. '" '.r.n'-·'''·"' 11'> 1 ",P/h W'DLVERINE~ \\hilt> 1111! ''" 111lAh• ,..,Ith ,.,,. h11~ frl.,1111 , 11 .-i.·I "" ll•'lllh't>•l p1-.•111tl\•, ""'""· l l{;\\"l> llll PlllllklllM " "" l'l"PI Plllll"ll I 1• ht>,,.,..,, I~· lh•\llf!l hlf11 l. lhi>11 Mill. ''1'111 1111( 11111"' I wnnl \11 11" with II 11111 with tl11•t 111111·h will "'"'""" '''" •ltllf•11 """' 7'0 l'flffolfl ll'fflt I Pllf P,.Ptt '"'"'" ""'*"'' ll'f•I A·P1f ,,,,, '°'' "'"" · ,,, ,,, ,,, f,11r•11/P ,/ f.'11111fJJPfll " ''"'" 11111 " 1•11 mpA11r prt>Pl1IPt1f l'P\'pl\·p1l A pl11t11P l'All Af ll A 111 "1111011 111nr11l111.t ," 111111 li)Ptl fltP l11 i11hl VlllPl' nf th" ulhf't' 1>11rl "Y1111 111111'1 llt1uw lflP, h11I I i11RI wn11IP1f ffl PA \' huw 111111 It I fik o 1 llP IAl1l1> f t•lll•'h Aflt>tl nl Vtlll I lllttrP I Wn WPPkQ All" ' ThP fll PQj1f P11 I . Allllll \'Ptl. r1:111fi.,1I ''l'rn I hrillf>tl I hnl Vflll flkp ii. lllAilArn, 11111 wltv rl11 """ ltnv1> 111 , nll "'" 111 1 "" 111i•t111 .... r 111., lli1thl fn fnll m<> 'I" "ll <>t'Alll'P." AllFIWPI Prf M rQ .l1111PQ 11w""' Iv, "v1111 1 I nwk 111QI rlPllvc>rPil ii J,.,,,, ,c.:,, .. , , .. ,,,, r .. 11 ""''"'''"'' ""' ,,,,,,, 111 11 lnrfli,. 1111/1/ ;1·11 1111/11 1/1111111 1/11111111/i 11 11lif11>r Iii// ( ,,,,,,,,,,.,, !\I ftlP VPAllV fAI ltPr Q••ll l>n111p1of , Mr .f ,,,.pq ll•l•k t ho c:l111!0 tl11dn1r llro 11r••1tr111r1 I•• t<>ll Q••mP f 11 r1 rrv 11l1triaQ llP c:,,,,,, I.nil PVPr Vl•llP ln11 l!liiri.I( P r I Pill ,,,, ,,,,,, ''''V wh•1 11rilv ll~VP , .... (JPrf•·rrnPr II '''''" "'" ,,, "WhAt'q lhP m 11 tl,,r 'I" qQkPrf A I l1frlfrlillPPfnA" "fl11rr't vr111 lhl11k ho'q vorv 11,rni1 AI ?" "N11, >'fp'q ,,,,, ,,,,,.;,Al." 1 qm., tho firrri '"l•lv "H p.".:: ffl 'I dAd " g ,,,., .,.,,,,,,. "'"' ,,,_ ~//1,1>t II'"' /,11/r 11"1'; rnti•I ,,,,. !hr ,,_,,~, l/>11/ fr!tl /!or ~ • • ' ' t l • w -- ' What I Learned from Our Wounded Gls .\!arty Allen and one of his aides u•ith P vt. Robert Tigner. By MARTY AI.I.EN Now a completely new Bis<Jt!ick. Makes biscuits e\len lightet; fluffier than scratch. Exactly what refrigerated bi.ecuit bakttS have been waiting for .... good scratch results with }-minute cue. As you can see below, New Bisquick biscuits proved lighter than scratch in actual weighings at Athens, Georgia. Lighter, fluffier, better eating-because they're made with a lighter Bour and a livelier leavening stores don't sell. Good as they are, New Bisquick biscuits are almost as easy as refrigerated. You just add water and 3 minutes fixing time. Why make biscuits any other way? P.S. New Bisquick still makes delicious pancakes, waffles, shortcake and 276 o ther favorite bakings. Shuwn right: Neu1 tear-cape (lal.."kaRe. le zips open ... inner lininR re-seals ... lid re· closes tight . --------------------- .. ..·. • W HEN our wound- ed boys are flown into Was hington (D.C.) Airport from Vietnam on the Air- y ac, they li e there on their stretchers, ex- hausted from the long trip, tense, apprehen- s ive, and in pain. That's when I try to meet them. I'm the first one they see while they're waiting to be transferred to a veteran's hospital. I tell them, "Wel- come to the Playboy Clu b. Your room iii ready_:and I'm you r Bunny." It breaks the tension, and some smile wanly. That smile is the great- est gratification to me. Help- ing our wounded Gls is something I just must do . It started a few years ago. after I kept seeing pictures and hearing stories about entertainers going to Viet- nam. I also keep seeing pic- tures of t he wounded. I wondered. who entertains them? I fou nd out-no one. So I figured I'd try. J talked it over with Leo Singer. pres ident of Mira- cle White, a synthetic fab- r ic bleal'h, and he agreed to underwrite "Operation Hel- lo Dere." On my first hospital tour, r was ver y uptight. I didn't know whether I could face t he amputees or the burned vets. Sometimes even their own families ct1n 'l bear to w1tnes!"! their suffering. But once you see those kids, you have just got to be involved. Now I don't feel the agony until the end, when I get back to my hotel. I have a formal worked out now to help me and the guys over any rough spots. 10 l ., , This popular comedian visited hospitals to help Vietnam casualties and found they helped him First I send 80me pretty girls on ahead to break the ice and get t he guys' names and home towns. Then I come in. They don't expect me because I don't notify them in ad- vance. I go from bed to bed, with small talk and jokes. J autograph casta and give them photographs. They usually want to touch my hair, especially the ones who were blinded. Once I start my tour, I'm •·on" until I see the wt patient. I eat with the enlisted me.n, stand in the food line with them, banter with them. I may take out a deck of cards and say, "Pick a high card. The winner geta Raquel Welch and the loser geta me." The wounded Gls seldom seem to want to talk about their suffer- ing a nd their worrie.!I. I've learned a lot about sheer guts from them. Marl v and Cpl. Richard Hig1"era. For instance, I came to the bed- side of a young double amputee who was writing a letter. "Writing your family?" I asked him. "No, to my girl." "Oh, you planning to get married ~,, "No," sairt the boy with great determina- tion. "I'm calling t he whole thing off. You see, I'm j ust not the mar- rying kind." 1 had to tum away to hide my tears. I've never heard any of them express bitterness. I don't hear "Why me?" I've never heard any of them say anything against the war. In fact. most of them want lo go back. It's not the war. It's their buddies, They have a terrific team spirit. Most or them manage to hide their fears for their futures, al- though there waa one young cap- tain who had had everything go- i ng for him before he had become semiparalyzed. "What am I going to do with my life?" he whispered in despair. "Have you tried writing?" I suggested. I have found out since that he has sold some short stories and is beginning to feel he has something to live for. One of the most moving experi- ences for me wa.s when I visited the psychiatric ward. Moet enter- tainers are afraid of an unrespon- Rive audience--aod the reactions here certainly were unpredictable. Then there is the J>088ibility of danger, too. I started out by introducing "Marty Allen's Survival Kit." That's my name for the troupe that accompanied me--some pretty girla and a guitarist. I had the guitarist play some Greek folk mu- sic, and I was doing a sort.of spon- taneous free-form dance to it. I told the patients to join in. Most of them did. I was standing there alone, apart from the audience, moving to the music. when suddenly a big guy, about six-feet-five, slowly got up and headed toward me. He seemed menacing. Frankly, I was scared. But I tried not to show it and re- acted instead like a partner. There we were. facing each other . doing this Greek folk·rock step. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Later, the doctors told me that until that day he hRd never spoken or reacted in any way, that our dance was hi!\ first step t.; toward recovery. Also in the audience that day was a kid in a wheel chair. He just stared vacantly at me the whole time, never laughing, never even cracking a smile. I didn't think I wa.'\ reaching him at all. Yet when J passed him going up the aisle, he greeted me with- "Hello, dere !" I've learned so much from kids. My insecurity has ~n slip ping away in the yean1 I've l>ecn doing "Operation Hello Dere.'' l'\'P always been loo shy to ask peoplf' for anything, but I no longer hesi - tate to call up a businessman and tell him I want $3.000 for t he hosp i ta Is. It's been a great lesson on com- passion, courage, comrade~hip. If I ever have to race tragedy myself. I'll be sustained by the memory of those wounded Gls. I hope I can measure up to them. • F'a"'i/11 Weeklv, October fts, 1969 11 Goodbye. Good buy. The Last Year Set of U.S. Coins To Include the 90%-Silver Dime, Quarter, and Half-Dollar (1964) Tbis .Presideatial Silnr Coia Set is tlae lasl miafed Mfo.re ~ Coi~ Ad of 1964, wbida, for die int time ln 17 J y~ provided for tbe removal or reduction (to 40%) of silver in all U.S. cobutge. Now the Treasury Department has lifCed its ban oe tk melting and export of silver U.S. colas. The outlook is for co•ciaimg and incmas- ieg scarcity as silvu coins-ordinary pocket change only a !hon time ago-beconK valued colledors' items. The set pictared above, d9e only set of ih ~ ever minted, commemo- rates five of America's pre5idHts-Jobn F. Kennedy, Frank.Un D. R~velt, Abraham Llacoln, Jbomas Jeifersoa. and Gt'orge Wash· ingtoa. • Contai•5 tlw el11Sive 90%-sih·er Kennedy half-dollar whida was minted for one year oaly. • AD coins in tbe set are in brillian~ uncircalated condition. • Sd i§ bou.wd in a black, red-lined box.. IDdaded is a free booklet that debils the story belaind the roim. • Makes aa ideal gift and keepsake. Snenl thousalld have bee• Ol'CWred by business firms • customer gifts. • Past experieace indicates that the value of this set is likely to UKTa.se over time. (Of roone, tbett is no a~urance lbat this will occur.) • SO sets is tlw limit that may be orikred by one pet"SOD through tllb ... SUPPL\' IS LIMITED ANO GOING DOWN QUICKLY. ORDER \'OUR SETS NOW. SCOTT RESERVES THE RIGJIT TO REFUND MONF.\' ONCE ITS SUPPL\' JS DE- PLETED. r------------------------------ C.etldeme11: (Please print name and address clearly) Please send~ 1964 Presidential Coin Sets (a $3.95. Thll inclada ~· Sd5 will be shipped postpaid. Enclosed is my check or moaey order fOI' $. ____ _ SCOTT 488 MADtSON AVENUE, DEPT. FW PADDUCT8 NEW YORK, N .Y . 10022 L------------------------------ ACcent .... up a... Mbnputllnfood t • . ·' .. .. .. .. _....-: . ,,. - -~~-~~~~~------------------------------------------~------.... • 4 ,-. on any size fNICkoge of Accent To t~ Ret.fl•r A c'e.nt .,111 red•enl lhl• toupon ror I t plu1 ~ h•ndllno It you 11c1lv1 •t 011 tour 1-al• ot any 11 .. Ac"tenf. Llmh one coupon oer pur· ch•M For P<e"tM•n~ OftH f"lt It to .,our Ac'ct nt r1pre11ntatlw1 or mell To Ac"ct nl. 801 11os. Clil"lton. lo•• £21133 Couoon rr'l•Y f'IOI H •••loned or trensfer.-ed by you. ln•ofc•• provtno eutnct..,t pur(ft.111 ot Ac 'c;t f'll lo co••r to"""' CH• .. nt.ct for r t d t mp11on mu1t be 1hown on ,....,.,t, C&n lomer mul l pay anr ..., .. , t&J. Vold •"-f• pro ... hl•llecl, ... .., ... ,.. atrlcted '-t I••· Goo4 Oftl' In IM U.l .A. Cuh ••l- 1/IO o4 If. Ac•ceftl lftWfftehon ... t ~ ~ I • • ' ( Advertiaemenl) Bring The Bloom of Beauty To Your Complexion E very day your complex.ion can grow a little lovelier, lavishly cared for with a re- mark.able tropical moist oil which has the skin-cherishing ability to hel p capture and maintain the preciollll bloom of true complex.ion beauty. The fine, fair promise of skin beauty is initially determined deep down under the surface, where the tiny oil and moisture reservoirs establish a delicate balance by releasing just the nght amounts of perfect, nat- ural nourishment 10 kee~ the complexion soft. supple and gloriously alive. Cosmetic researchers have constantly borne in mind this basic under!>tanding of the hu- man skin in their cffon s to find ways and means to improve and cherish its most precious qual- ities. With the discovery of the tropical ~auty fluid has come the realiz.ation that at last 1t is possihle to assist nature in main- taining the flow of the 'ikin's natural oil and moisture and help in every way to bring long· term youth and beau1y to the complcxionc; of ~omen liv ing in all the differing climates of the glohc When the beau11fy10g moist 011 io; lavi,hcd on your 'ikin nightly before your sleep. and worn every day beneath your make-up. your complexion will benefit immediately from its isotonic action. which is calcu- la1ed to take conserving flu ids directly down to where they arc most needed. Being remarkably com~tible with the natural fluids of the skin. this moist oil readily merges with existing reserves and helps boost the dwindling cellular levels so that the com- plcxion is encouraged to regain its equilibrium. T he beauty fluid also helps to maintain the vital measures of moisture responsible for the dew-fresh appearance of a lovely complexion. JI encour- ages the natural hygroscopic at- traction of moisture from the surrounding atmosphere and sponsors the moisture-retaining ability of the tissues so thal youthful fre~hness and radiance become wonderfully constant on the skin. In America this unique moist oil is ava ilable from druggists as oil o f Olay, a remarkable blend of precious elements that brings your skin its softest. smoothest bloom of beauty. Beauty Sldo-Catt COllS9hub Recommend r 0 talce advantal(e of the beautifying properties of this m oist oil and tn gi\•e your com- plexion smoothness, clearness and youthful loveliness, always fmnNh nn a film of (Ii/ of Olay over the face and neck bt'/ore applyinR make-up. Besides cher- ishinR anti beautify ing. tlie Olay oil will in.fure that yn11r malt.e-up hos o perfect matt heouty. • • A rea.f wlrere age-SiRnf first bes:in to show need extra rich care at night. M assa{(e oil nf Olay <Wer your throat and neck and tap it /if?htly into the de/- irate t1.f.)ue:r around your eye.f to mrooth and l>ealllify tire skin . • • To keep your lips soft and pretty, {(ive tlrem a genuow quota of the heautify inR moist oil when you tlo yo11r face. This lil(ht film nf t il of Olay will also art o.r a f ~undation for the sm oot/1 an' lastinR application of your li11.rticlc. FAMILY WEEKLY C<X>KBOOK MELANIE DE PROFr Food F.ditor • Taatalhdng aromaa and high h-.on are fandamea&ala that glorify the local cook.ing throaghoat that charmed eoan· tryside of aoatberu France. ~ you pre- pare theee rec:lpe ........ romatic with a blend of garlic, herb., onlo~ olive oil, and loma~njoy sniffing the wonderful fragrance that eomea before the feast. Cassoulet 2 lb.. dried pu (auy) beam Y. lb. salt pork, diced 1 cup cho pped onion 2 larrf' carrot.a, pared and 11Ucecl 6 clone garlic. peeled and minced 1 can (lOYJ oz..) toaato pQJ'ff Yz teaspoon black pepper 2 lbe. smoked bonelaa pork shoulder batt, alieed 1 Yi lbe. garlic·ftnored saaaace, aliced Dueklinr «iblet.s l duckling ( 4 to 5 lbe.), cut in pieeea 1 jar ( 4 % oz.) pimiHto-stu•ed oliYes. drained and sliced 1. Put beans in a large saucepot. Cover with water and soak overnight . 2. Drain beans; cover with 1% qts. water. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons salt, and bring t o boiling; boil 2 min. Remove from beat ; let s tand uncovered 30 min. 3. Meanwhile, put salt pork in a skillet and fry until browned. Add onion, car- rots, a nd garlic; cook until tender. about I I> min., Rtirring occasionally. 4. Blend in tomato puree; heat thorough- ly; add lo beans with the pepper, pork butt, sa usage, and diced giblets. Mix thor- oughly ; bring to boiling. Reduce heat, cover, and s immer about 2 h rs .. stirring occasionally. 5. Meanwhile, rinse duckling with cold water; pat dry with a bsorbent paper. Put pieces, skin side down. on a rack in s hal- low r oasting pan. Brush lightly with melted butter, and put in a 350°F. oven. Brus h with drippings occasionally, and tu rn with t ongs to brown evenly. Cook u ntil duckling is tender, about 2 hrs. 6. Remove the cassoulet from heat and ladle one-th ird of the beans into a 5-ql. casserole. Cover with a layer of olives, pork, sausage, and duckling (using about one-half of each ). 14 f'ami/JI Week/JI, October 26, J 969 This adaptati011. of the cla.!8ic FreJ&CA Caa- soulef...--(1 hearty white bean mixture 'With meat and goose <>r dW'kling--U eQU4ll11 tU deliciolUI aa t"Jt.~ attthentic regiOJUJl di.al&. 7. Repeat layers, ending with beans, and topping with several s lices of the sausage. P our over any remaining liquid. 8. • Heat thoroughly in a 350°F. oven about l to 2 hrs. a aervinga •If desired, the assembled cass oulet may be cooled and stored in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days before final cooking and se rving. Eggplant with Meat Sauce 2 tablespooM butter or margarine 2 cups chopped onion 6 to 8 oz. mushrooms. chop~ 1 Yz lbe. rround lamb 1 Yi teupooM salt Ya tu.spoon pepper 3 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and cal in small piec:es 2 ublespoou minced panley Olin oil (about Yi np) eggplant. pared and cut into 6 or 8 slices (about % in. thick) % lb. S wiM cheese, shredded 1. Heat butter or margarine in a large skillet; add t he onion and mushrooms, anrl CCl(lk about 5 min. Mix in the ground lamb, salt. and pepper; cook about 15 min., stirrin g occasionally. 2. Blend in tomato and pars ley. Simmer about 10 min. to b lend flavors. 3. Meanwhile, heat 3 tablespoonfuls of the oil in a skillet. Fry eggpla nt slices <as many as will flt into skillet at one t ime) on bot h sides until lightly browned. Remove from skillet and drain on a b- sorbent paper. Add oil to sk illet as needed. 4. Put the slices into a large. shallow bak- ing dis h a nd cover completely with the lamb mixture. 5. Top with the shredded Swiss cheese and set in 325°F . oven f or about 15 min. or until cheese is melted. 8 to 10 servings Now, for the first time, selections from Walt Disney's greatest films in 4 beautiful volumes 6.4 stories Over 1,000 pages THE FOUR \\'ONDERFUL \VORLDS OF WALT DISNEY Free, no-risk, 10-day examination ~ FANTASYLANO. You'll go adventuring with Cinderella, the Ugly Duck- ling, Snow White, the Sleeping Beauty, Peter and the Wolf. and ten other favorite Disney char- acters-all brought 10 life in words and q glowing color! AT LAST, into your home comes the magic of the greatest story teller of our time-64 of Walt Disney's greatest film stories are assem.bled in permanent book form- for the delight of your entire family! And you can examine them in your own home for ten days free. This enchanting collection for the young in heart comes in four sumptuous, giant-sized volumes ... 71/," x 101/," ••• over 1,000 pages in full color ... in a handsome slipcase. The perfect gift for any occasion-enjoyment for the entire famity. ~LBY MAIL ORDE& Clli.LY. Send no money. Just mail the coupon. Today! GOLDEN@BOOKS For the magic of childhood ... Colden Pres~ Puhl1\hN\, 23q Great Nt"Clc Ref . C.rN I Neck, N v 11021 ·- worlds more amazing than any fairy ta le: The Living Desert Secrets o f Life .. The Afrtcan I ion The Vanishing Prairie-plus two beloved stones. Perri and Bambi Gorgeous fufl·color photographs from rh e original Disney films are reproduted on fine quality paper G1•lrlrn Pre~s Puhlt\her\ AMERICA. The Uncle Remus stones ... folk talcs <;uch as Johnny Appleseed and DJvy Crockett .. fun <;tones such as The Shaggy Dog and The Flying C Jr scnt1mrntal excursions with Pollyann.i .ind Old Y<'ller . storiP'i rhr w hole family will t•njoy OvPr and over again nq Creal Neck Road, Dept 740 Creal Neck, N V 11021 STORIES FROM OTHER LANDS. Fourteen of the most delightful Wall Disney crea11ons you've thrilled to on the scrccn-Slones fro m O ther L•mcls .. \w1ss Family Robinson. ~wore/ 1n the Slone, Robin I foocJ. Alice in Wonrlrrfand 10 1 {)almat1on~ and eight mo r<' Plr,ne ~nd me THE FOUR WONOEIFUL WORLDS OF WAll DISNEY lor free ten day cxam1nat1on I understand thal I can •<'turn 1hc lour volurnf's lo you w11hout ob1tg~t1on w1th111 ten d.tys ol I am not delighted with them II I d<'cide to keep them, you will boll me di the lnw, low price ol s~ q'j plus poslage and h"nd long, and then SS.00 a month for two monlhs-;i total of only S1 'i 95, plus pQSl"Se Name------------------- Address ------------------- Ci'Y--------StatP-----l1n Code--- • • ' ·----:: ---I --·l --• - If your hemorrhoids need something more eff ed ive than Pazo• ... maybe it's surgery. Pazo not only shrinks hem- orrhoids in most cases. but ac t u a ll y st a rts r e liev ing throbb ing pain on contact- and for hours. In fact, this soothing relief begins wit hin seconds after you finish applying Pazo. Jn momenls, Pazo's anes- thetic formula starts 10 ease rhe pain, quiets the itching and irritation. And, Pazo lubricates the ~nsitive area thoroughly-in most cases, provides continu- ing relief for hours. T.ry Pazo, in suppository or ointmenr form. If your ht!morrhnids nu d something more effectivt! tlian Pozo ... may bf' i,.s :ntr~ry. ............ ~ FUN-WITH SAFETY How to A void a Halloween Tragedy By ANDY SUGAR EVERY HALLOWEEN millions of costumed youngsters r o am the ir n eighborh ood streets, r ingi ng doorbells and t r ick-or-treating. But many of them return home in- j ured, some crippled for life. Some are even killed in freak accident8, most of which could have been avoided if t heir parents had followed a f ew simple safety rules. S ara Mi les, a cons ultant in the home-- safety department of the National Safety Council, s ugges ts that "an adult or other responsible person go along w ith the trick-or-t reaters to help pre- vent 8UCh mishap8 as falls. burns. and pedestrian-auto accidents." To help reduce Halloween acci- dent.a, the National Sa fety Council of- fers these recommendations : Costumes s hould be light in color so t hey can be seen in the da rk by dr ivers. But if t he child must wear a dark outfit, decornle it with reflective tape so it will glow in a car's head- lights. Or paint it with luminous pai nts, which also will add "ghost ly .. effects. The costume s hould fit well enough so that the H alloweener will not trip over it. Avoid having the child wear either mom's high heels or dad's shoes, which will keep hi m con sta ntly off- balance. If the outfit or accessories n re bought, make sure lh1tt t hey carry a fl amep roof label. J f the costume is being made at h<>me out of a cotton fabric, such na St pillowcase or a bed sheet, fi reproof it by following this simple for mula: soak the material in two Quarts of warm waler t hat has been mixed with seven ounc:es of borax and three ounces of bor ic acid. Let the mater ial drip dry, Miss Miles 16 F u1111ly U'eel;fy, Octob1H" .!G, /91i!I .4 1 1'igltt, a yr1111'11-11p shn11ld g11 willt t rirkxterx ; 111,ff' /11111ini111x r11xf 111ne11. explains. T hen iron j t. If the out fit is to be dyed, u~e the flame-r etarding ~ol u lion for the last rinse. An outfit will remain resista nt to ti re onl y until it is either was hed or g ets wet ; also t he ~olulion i11 only effective with cot- ton fabrics. "Masks, fl oppy hats, whiskers. and wigs that slip and slide about the face and e:.•es ca n prpvent a young::ster from Rpotti ng a bottom porch slep or an oncoming ca r ," Miss MileR ad<ls . "80 why not use s ubs titutes of burnt cork for whis ke rs, hair-Rpray lints rathe1· thnn wigs, and make-up instead of OlilRkR? And make-up il3 easy to remove w ith a dry t issue if you a pply a thin layer of cold t rel\m before il is put on . nut most important, n face of multi- colored make-up won't bloc k the trick - 11ter's vision.'' Othef' h ints lo prevent mi~haps i n- ch1de: make such props as s words, wanrlR, or witch's broomsticks out o f cardl>0n rrl ; stick ref1l'Ctor tape on the tnck-or-l reat b11g; illuminate a pump- kin with a tlnshlight i n11(1•ad of a r arHllc. \This last hint is important : recently, a nin<'-ycar -old Chicago gir l was severely burned b:.· cRrrying a ra r1 ill t>-/1 fl// fed J ac k·o' -lantern. "ll alloween fun and safety depend <•II all nf us,'' Miss Miles emphaRize11. "Hc1mevwner11 shtluld mnke 1t a poi nt to turn on their porch lisch ls ancl clear t heir porch steps and yards of ob- s tructions a nd debris. "And motorists should drive with extra ca ution in res idenlial areas. keeping an eye out for t he little Hal- loween s pooks who may clnrt out into the st reet.'' • . .~ Enjoy >bur life. .. Relieved of Menstrual Oist,ress You lovt> 1he t•rnl' you spend together II hds d magic dfl 11s own These are rnom!'nts not t<> be missed Not e11~n b" causf' ol lunrloonal menstrual distress Ho w' W1lh MIOul . B~C•u~~ MtllOl'9 contain~· • A11 1•« lu~'"" a111t spasmodic that ht•lp~ ~!OP CRA i"P!> .. • M1•d•colly·aoprovl!d 1n111ed•t!nts thdl R1 llf v( H1 AO•c~r. Low RA .. •M•H ( Al .. J IJ!<P• N f RVl '.. • Plu•. ~ mood bllghlenrr tt1 at gl'ts yo11 l~•oucih lhr 1ry1n11 D•" !li""'fruJ I 11~11od '•'•1111111 1 aim ar1d condortalllt• (njOY f,fo!. ~ d1iy. With M1!llll , No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep N•sir•n• backaclw1 hutlach., and mug. ~nfar aC"h~ ftn(i na1nA may cumfl'on with uv~r~~e"rlion, eom,J tionMI uose.ts# or t'Vrry1ta y .,....,.,, a nti 1train. If thi.1 nair• irinar h8tkach<', with r...iU..M. •leeple11s n lirh\JI, i~ wurinir y<Ju 11ut. makinir you a>1'>f'roble and in ·ilat.I.,, don't wa it. try Ooan's l'il'" -an t11n•l1tftic, a pain rr .. llever Or.a n·a pain·l"t'li.,•11\r; action on natcainR b.er kat'hf' Ut often th .. an!lw~r. (:et lJoa n'• r ill. -""' " habit-formonir tlrulf but a .. .,11.Jn 1uwn ota ndu d 1~m­ f'dy u&ed aueceuf ult.r t.y milliono for 11v"r 10 Yf'AMI. g._.., it thC'y don 't brinir yr1u the •ame w~l~ome ,....litof. For con. venl~nct>. a lwap buy Ooau'• larire oiM>. • e_.,..._. Ita li a n Balm . for cha pped ski 11 '" hc:ttrr ,,,1111ion Im ''Htthinj! .ind ~uttc11111~ 'ibn. Rirl1, n mct>ntra tnl, rr o1wm1c:il. A drop nr rwn '' r11n11i::h for hnth h,11111:.. A t ;il l totlc-try ll\Un!Cf<;. Now Many W ear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort To belp relieve '"-co111fort when d entureg 11llp down and come tooee. Ju.st 11prlnkle P ASTBETR OD l'0'1J' platee. P A.8TEETB holds d enturM Drmer longer. You ca n bite b&nter, eat fut.er, feel more comlortable_ PASTE1n'B la aJkaJln-wan't. llOUr. Denturee that tit ..,.. ~tlal io b""1th -~ your dent.In recut&rlJ . Oet PA.STEBTR a t all drug counien. --~~~-------------------------------------------------~~-----..... t Adverli~m~nl I I moved out on my mother-in-law and lost 65 pounds I WAS ON L v 16 when I married. And since my hus- band and I had next to nothing, we m oved in with his folks. That's when I learned I was living with th<.:? best hot-roll maker in Williamsburg, Maryland. Yr-s, my mother-in-law is some cook. And her specialty isn 't jus t baked biscuit.~-You should taste her goulash and fried potatoes with onion-;. But you'd better have more willpower than I did. Because in a matter of months, I'd gained 40 pounds. As for my trying to cook, it wasn't easy. Spe- cially s ince my husband's grandparents Jived with us, too. Thrc<' women in a kitchen are just two too many. When I look back now, it seems like I did nothing much but eat, read movie books and wait for our first child lo be born. There were tensions, too, of COUl'S('. And the tough thing was, when K enny and I'd be fussing. the rest of the family would take sides. T o console myself. I ate. But that only added fat to fat. Fortunately, not too long aft.er the baby came, we managed to get a place of our own. It was only a n old trailer, but it wa-3 all ours, and I was d eter- mined to take off that extra weighl. l tried slimming chewin g gum, and suga rl ess foods, even reducing drugs. Still I stayed fat. And this time I couldn't blame anybody but myseH. You see, my husband runs a general st.ore and gasoline station. His hours are long-from seven in the morning until nine at night and later on week- ends. To pass the time, I'd stuff on candy and soft drinks , or roll out a do-it-yoursetr pizza. Or I'd go get myself a submarine sandwich, come home, crawl into bed and just eat and read . I'll te ll you, I got so big, I once got stuck in a telephone booth. H onest. My oldest sister and I were spending a couple or days at Ocean City, the amusement area. and I turned out to be the funniest act on the boardwalk. Well, that's the way it was until after 1ny second d aughll'r was born. By then, ill<' scale was up to 198 r>0unds, and occasionally shot to 200. I knew it wasn't funny anymore. I had lo reduce. But what was J to do? About then, l began reading of people who'd used a reducing·p l:.in candy, callro Ayds. Next lime J went to the st.ore, I asked the woman there about them. H turned out that she had been on the Ayds P lan and it had worked for her. So I bought a box or the plain chocolate furlgr-type, though lall'r J tried the chewy vanilla caramt>I kind . Well, anyway. I started taking the Ayds like the directions said. One or two before m<'als with a hot drink. For me, it was tea. Now, l nevl'r r.llred much for breakfast. But on th<' Ayds Plan, I sometimes took an egg, because I know you s hould always cat in the moming. At noon, I'd have a sandwich . And for dinner. I'd have meat, a vegetable, and a salad, like lettuce, tomato, cucumber a nd onions. And by having that candy before meals, I didn't seem to crave sweets afterwards. Of course. one of the biggest helps was that, for the first time in my life, 1 wqnted to reduce. l wanted Ayds to help me. And they· did. TI1ey helped me curb my appetite, so I ate less. Well, it waBn't long before weight began lo oome off. That made me feel so good, I changed my By Bonnie Franz as told to Ruth L . McCarthy I'm not e1ie11 21 years old hrre. but at 198 pounds, nothin~ fit hut old 11•omen's drr1ses. hairstyle. And next I started giving away those old women's clothes 1 used to wear. When I got down lo 148 pounds, however, J quit taking Ayds because J was pregnant again. But after my son was born, I asked my doctor about Ayds, and he said they were a ll right for me You S<'e, they don't contain any harmful drugs. So I followed the Ayds Plan until I reached 133 pounds. I can't te ll you what it's like to look and dres.'I young once more>. After a ll , I'm only twenty-One years old, anCf a size 12 dress sure has more s lylt' than a size 22. I fo und that out at a Dutch Maid party I gave. It was great fun. You invite friends to your house, and a woman comes with a lot of new styles and you try on and buy what you like. And I sure liked lo buy. When my sister saw me dressed up and slimmed d own, she sairl : "Bonnie, if you let your- twlf get fat again, don't bothc•r to visit me." Only then did I realize how a.shamed she was of me. Well , l think my waddling days are over. At least, I hope so. Fact is, I want to take off another ten pounds, so I'm trying the minty chocolate I~ ... I Rf1/I 11'<1111 h> takr off tttorr tl'r ight, but at /r<Ut al 133 pn11nds, I lnok morr my age. fuclg<' Ayds now. T ha t doesn't mC'an. howr-vN, that I nc>ver ~t'l to t'njoy my mother-in-law's cooking lht~ cla ys. But now. thankR to the Ayds Plan, it's n thinner m C' that goes lo dinner. Before a n d After Measur e men ts Before After H e ight 5'5" 5'5" Weight 198 lbe. 133 lbs. Bust 40" 36" Waist 38" 27" Hips <t9'' 36" D ress 22 12 J ' 'I I - THE COAT DRESS- By ROSALYN ABREV.A.YA WHAT WARDROBE is complete without a coat dress? None, because it'R the one that steers you through any occasion. And you can easily sew it at home. This marvelous silhouette takes an unconventional turn in its diagonal-button closing. Semi-fitted, slightly A-shaped, it's a clever fashion investment designed to capture the natural young look. Other assets worth noting: its flattering pointed collar, full three-quarter sleeves gathered into cuffs. A smashing design to make in jersey, tweed, gabardine, or lightweight wool. To get your pattern, s imply fill out the coupon. A CUT AND PERFORATED PATTERN 1------------------------------------ 1 Send to: FAMILY WEEKLY FASHION PAITERNS, 129 West '29th St., N .Y., N.Y. 10001 I I SilH 10, 12. 14, 16, 18 I (New Sizirtg) f.275 I 5toteSIH I I I I STAT~------------ZIP ___ _ PLEASE PRINT I Sel'd $1 .00 plu• 25 ce nts for po•toge ond I hondling: co•h. chedt, o r money order. a. •ure to give zip code I This nationally advertised MtCHTY M1DCET Telei:cope will be given to nny render for <mly 1.69. This in- credible price is just a frn.cticn1 of our rrgular price. Please notice - this i!' definitely not o cheap, econ- omy model. but the g r 111011e and origirur{ DELUXE MOUEL. Precisely the 11o>"c pocket inst rument that thou!'11n d s o f shrewd shc>ppt.'rfi bought for mudt htgltrr rmit .thii; year -up to only n month or two ngo! Not old or de fective, but b1·oml 11cw and of C1rcr clle>1t quality. Each in original factory package. Nothing removed. Nothing differ- ent except the price. This deep slas hed price i11 for " ah'"I timt' 011111. Any reader may take ad- vantage of t hi!I offer by sending in the coupon below. VEIY TINY •.• BUT SO POWERFUL! Thia ~lurdy optical wund~r i• only ~ lnchf't' Ions . lteaJJy ..,..JI~ tluln a ~n anri onl1 WflSM u/f • 11 oto""&/ J llOt lh<' .. mt', thb MIGHTY MlDGET lo ac1 l"'m.ndoueb powcn-1111 that It atane" lht' imacinallonl Hard to t.IW.e. y.t ~ t.ni o;u. opllr..1 pl us posl11 l(e mldCt'l ,,..lly h..,. 11•-llr •l'l.A•G•"" rowu •nrl f•r murt-U>,..t: RANOS U.an • w t"tl knnwn hiowuJar that •ri1rh1 16 timft-mnrf" and '4ttll11 fo1 k>llt mor .. than Mir l lM'<••I pri~., •1r 1.M 1<t ~.i..... GET BIG THRIUING CLOSE.UPS OF ALL SPORTS EVENTS! M...,,... r u Ty • MICllTY MH'(;.gT1 t1lp nn,. 1n &:M'<"._f"t o t ba1t Wbh' 1l iJul •t bon .. or •OW r"~· b&M·k tl camt"a, boel1ntr, awlm flVt"nt11. f'liC" Ca 01ur .. •II th~ "rtlnn. a ll lJ\r 1n11M vla,.-• -""''"" •I l"'>"0 rt •11t•"O i" t6'~ l>lrorllrre' So 110111 w n r17 So ltoAc Iv hold N~vl'o lir"' ynu SEE WHA rs HAPPENING WITHOUT 1rne; SEEN td ... 1 for drl<'<W\I .. nr ourv.-ill•n<f' •urli So "mall it cannot tw •ffn rrom fer awe y P .. rr~t ror tM'<"'t .... nt.o ........... d>f.clcln• wor~ ol)O'Talion. on bi& ,... nrheo, oil tl.Jdo. ~u. <av ... Tf>U wond~rrul .. 1 ....... or Mfilbf'r N•lurr: nmuo laiM . r1 .. .,.,, lake11, w.-1- 1-ndil. P ulb in poop t.., bouon, u .... :io.u. much r ic-r. IAta 1f1U ohwrvt' wlkt anl· m•"' from "° tar aw•1 Lba t 0...1 ran"t h...,r, omell, or -,0111 ENJOY A 'TalP' TO THE MOON WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR ARMCHAIR On • ri-r nl•bt. wht'n lhf' moon·,. tull and brishl, tall .. aim wit.Ii 1our MtCllTY Ml~ Tee<'OP". EJC'ploni the c:hu-. 0... lullAr muuntaina, u. .. ,.,,.i.rltiUll So.....,.! Esperi. en~ tltt' lbriU or alm1111t .,.._,.. an 'ASTRO- NA UT'-wilbout movlns out of your ~lrl Thia Uny bot JH>V'rrft1I wonMr •ur .. irlvft r.1>\J and Y<>Ur kldo. .,. w.JI aa 10.,~lf. O<fd.t of fun and a lilllr e.rfro ...tucatlun tl'OI Bett or aU-you can bu7 Ont' for 1.69 -durinir thia al)«Cial olft'r to r-.it'ra. SPECIAL OFFO WILL NOT BE REP£AT£D AGAIN THIS YEAR TO READERS Thi• i• tht' /.,.I OVJ)OfhtKt(• \hat ..... df'1"1i n( thU. publieallon wlll bav• t.o lrt'l thi• l#t..- •NJPf' tor nn:y 1.69. Tbloo barrain prirf' olft'r ..,;u ,.,.,,CT' ,,., •r-r>eof,,./ •O•tt• thia y,.r libil o..O.ra tllled ommf'dlal~. Pleue allow ymir p011\man '"'"" I lo 2 ·~• to """v"' your r>•rcel Bf' aurt> to n1a.b lht-coupon t><-lnw TODAY with l.~t ( 11111• maUinir C-OOI •hown on «>uoon ). 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Prints Only $1 Never before in the history of art has a famous artist had the patience and dedication to capture the exquisite beauty and true feeling of the changing seasons by painting the same scene at dif- ferent times of the year. October Moro is one of the most famous and popular scenea ever painted by Robert Wood, America's fa- vorite landscape painter. Now, this same beautiful Autumn scene can be treasured in the glorious colors of Spring, Summer and Winter too I But you cannot po88ibly appreciate the full colo~ and irreeistible r.ppeal of these unique paintings by look- ing at t.b.e small illustrations shown above. The fabu- lous colon and subtle 8eUOnal var iations can only be appreciat.ed when you see the exquisite, large f1dl-color reproductions. Thia is Robert Wood's greatest triumph ... the bril- liant climax of a lifetime dedicat.ed to painting the natural splendors of America . We are proud and honored to have the opportunity of offering these magnificent reproductiona lo you. Offer Will Not Be Repeated This Season We urge you to or'tler your full color reproductions now while the supply laats. We will eend all 4 to you for just $1 plus 10¢ postage. Each of these fine art prints is 11 • x 14• and you will be delighted by the color and beauty they will add to your home. This is your only chance to order. Be sure to fill out coupon and mail it today. This offer will not be repeated in Family Weekly lbia seaaon. r The-lfonsfEAI>: o-.. ;t:-w1>:66 ------, Hoaetitead B•Udia.r Nept.-, N.J. 17751 1•1 .. io~1: ~i.'111! 1111: 111.-4 H11l.crt Woutl f our Seat0n1 print& for only Sl plu11 1 ~ post.aire on full money back ruaran- t.ee if I am not delighted. Enelo1ed i11 • Name Addreaa (Pleue Print) City State Zip - 0 SAVEi SPECIAL Oft'ER1 Order 3 Mta of all• printa for only '2 (You laH fl.BO). 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Mitchum Anti-Penpiranl keeps underarms absolutely dry for thou.88nda of grateful users, with comple te gentleness to normal skin and clothing. Thie unusual formultt fro m a~ trW1l· worthy 56-year-old laboratory is guaranteed to satisfy or dealer will refund purc h ase price. So get. the positive pro- tection of Mitchum Anti-Per- spira.nt, Liquid or cream. $3.00, 90-<lay supply. Available at your f~orite drug or toiletry counter. BACKACHE Painful Joints You long 10 ease lhose pains. ev en te mporari ly, until the cause 15 cleared up. Why not join milhons of other users and lry ~Will's Pills? Famous for over 60 years OeWitt"s Pills contain an an11lges1c to reduce pain, and a mild diuretic to help eliminate retained lluids. thus flushing out bladder wastes which can c ause such pains OeWlll"s Pilla often suc- ceed where others ra11. II pain persists, always consul! your doctor, but first, try DeWitt's Pills ··~prey 11 on . ~· 11 olft" Cleans greasy, dirty engines by turning grease into soap which washes away quickly ... leaves engines bright and clean. Re· duces fire hazard. for cars. trucks. tractors. outboard motors and pow- er mowers. .. ".,,.....,, .,..., ""''·~· ,,., .... I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A DATING GAME We ~uccesslull~ l1nd partners tor I matrimony anC! c.ompal1b1e trien<1sn111s ~uoc ~ta.111, ~ • .. ,. " C•<-.111 -le ALL AGr s ENTIRl us A I Absolutely c:ontioenl1al lg1ve agel Pl llORMS Wt1le tor free bH><:hure ••>d Quesl1onnd1re 0vf l llllfllic '1emll1" -.ICOfftH 1011 ~pt 131 I COMPUTER MATE I l Edst42St N~York N Y 10011 A f AM I LY AF f Al R Mail Order From Family Weekly Pltt!o4' •flow up lo '°"' IO\'ft\ fO< clfh vtry Tht .td• ~" placf'd by •t'Pllub1, e<>ml>'!••f\ T ~ llMlS and oopy ••~ '~kf(f for "''" ~b1l11y tl'f Famllr w .. u,, loo II '°"'_. •ny -'"°" •boo/1 ,,..,, °'~'. "''' ""'" ~ .... u ~!1mtftl, f"amrl; Wtttl7, b4l Ltrn1910ft A-. ~ Yor\, H Y 10072 PHOTO CREDITS Cover: Onie Sw .. t. f'av-2: Ken l"orlaer l"roduc:tion•; Jo. •..,h Mef"Ontei ... IC; 11'5. rage 4: Hom HolHf. Page 6: fPG. r099 1: Jason Hailey for Alpha P'hoto .. Page• 10 & 11: lodger A. Heltler Page 16: Motional Sof.ty Council. Fid~ting, loes of 11ll't'p and• torment.- ina itch are ofte n Lelltale sign~ or Pin-Worm. .. ugly parallit~ tliat medir..111 e~pert.a say lnfet1t I out ur every3 per.10n11uamined. Entire lam- ilil'11 may be vi<-li llll! and not knnw it. To get rid of Pin-Wnrrrui, they m1111l he killed in the large inl.Ptltine where they live and multiply. That'11exactly what Jayne'!! P-W tableu do . . and here's huw they do it: Firat a lK'ient.ilk coating rarriefi the t.ablf't.a into the bowels before they di!l901ve. Then-Jayne's mod- em , medic-ally-approved in(l'edient roet1 rlrbt to work-ldlla Pin-Worme quickly, easily. Aet "'"" plwlrrrwrlel. Don't take ch.n~ with danger- ous. hichly cont.acioue Pin-Woml8 wbkh infect Pntire f11mllies. Get ren- ulne Jayne'a P-W Vermifuge . . lm\All. euy-t.o-takt tab~t.11 ... spet-1111 siz8 for <'hildt?D and adults. JUNIOR REAS URE CHEST Let'• Draw a Rooster By Ann David<Yw A rooster crowing at the sun Plus One Add to a four-letter word that means that you don't have something you need, a first letter and get a color much used in Halloween dec- orations. <See Answer Box) E nds the peace of everyone I Minus On• From a five-letter word that means a spooky character, take away the first Jetter and get what you are if you're a boy giving a party. (See Answer B ox ) You Be th• Juds• These seven children look as if they're ready have entered a pumpkin-to cry~ which look hap- carving contest. Ask py. and which has a y our friends w h ich crooked nose. Maybe pumpkin face they like y ou'll all agr ee-and the best, which three maybe you won't. Hide-a-Name H idden in this sen- tence is what you call an animal that f ootball teams hope will bring t h em g ood luck : S he liked to make things for Chriatmas--cotton- stuffed animals WM her spec ialty. (See Answer Bo:r) You Name It (See AMwer Box) EyeTea .. r Hold this picture away from you at eye level and move it slowly toward you. The vine will go on the trunk of the tree. Answer Box "lo;,nw :aw•N·V·otP!H 's.Jaq:nrem.: n ;)WWN ROA '}f~V(q->pW] :a~ 8Rfd ·lsoq-lsOl(!) :auo snUJw 20 Family Weekl11, October i6, 1969 --- ITS EASY •tv l'lJN to make 11our own billfold of genuiM leather . Kit in.eludes all vou M 'ed fo.-a 3%:r:9% # billfold. Al.Bo receive 11!-page leatlurr- c-raf t <'Alalog and ea1111-to- f0Uow manual. 50f. Tand11 Leather , Dept . JO, 1001 Foch, Ft. Worth, T~. 76107. ONE FREE set of sm.aU wa.tclt.-COFFEE ROUSE rack holds band calenda1·s comes witlt. each set ordered. T ells date anyti m e. F i t s alt m en's watchbands. Set of 1! in cltampagne-colortnetal., $1 .50. A ny qtumtity. Handy Calen- dar, Dept. F'W-10, Han<ly B ldg., Scott City, Kan. 67871. I ou r l9-0z. cemm~ mugs wi.tlt Yuban, Sa?&ka, MazweU House, and Hills Bros. "la- bels'' perm.anent under dish- wash er -Rafe glaze. l•.98 . Mugs only, $3.98. Breck's of Bost°", UB Breck Bldg., Boston, Mass. 0!!10. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE BE in the fashion f ront wit h exper t fur re.model- ing ! No matter how old- fashioned your fur, it can be a lovely stole, jacket, or cape. Restyling, lining, inte r lining, monogram, cleaning, glazing. $34.95. For free style book write Morton's, Dept. J 55, Washington, D. C. 20004. ELECTRIC paint remov- er. Handy, household helper takes off up to 12 layer.1 of old paint or wallpaper easily! Use .- on fla t, curved or irregular surfaces. Safe, parts replaced fre.! of charge. $12.98 ppd. Larch, Dept. FW-10, P.O. Box 770, Times Sq. Sta .. New York. N . Y. 10036. V ACUTEX r e moves blackheads in second8. A boon to t r oubled adolescen t comple x- ions a nd to a good many others as well. Easily operated, its rubber t ip makes oper- ation a painless one. $1.50 ppd. Balko, Dept. 27, 19 1 Main ~t .. Westport, Conn. 06881. FREE color catalogs and d iscount prices show big savings on famous ma kes of Rcco rdions and amplifiers. W rite to the Accordion Corp. of America. Dept. FW11 9F. 55:l5 W . Belmont Ave .. Chicago, 111. 60641. FREF. S AMP L E, Montgomery Wards new 126 color print film for lnstamatic and other cartridge snapshot cameras. Send ~ for post. with self-addressed slip of paper to Wardway Film Offer, P.O. Box 821. Rosemount, Minn. 55068. mE BANKER-a fun- fake diamond ring a t about 50¢ a carat. No "real" worry ! Gold plated. Sizes 8, 10, 12. $6.98. Terry E ll iott, Dept. FW-9, Box 1918, Grand Central Sta., New York, N . Y. 10017. -. R EA D T INY PRINT easily with half-frame magnifying glasses. "Look over" for nor- mal viewing. Men's or wom en's ( Rpecify ) with silver thread ; brown with gold, black or brown tortoise. $5.95. J oy Optical, Dept. 877, 84 F ifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10011. HAPPY NEWS for homemak- ers! If septic.-tank is a prob- lem, this nontoxic reactiv- ator powder keeps septic tank or cesspool clean, worka to prevent overflow, back-up and odors. Regular use can Mve costly pumping or digging. 6-months' supply, $3.95 ; 1 yr .. $7. Northel Distr ibutors, Dept. FW-JO, Box l l O:l. Minneapolis, Minn. 65440. COMFORT SUPPORT PADS-- Ca llous pillow cushions ban of foot : soft pad lifts met.atJlrsal bones; a section gives arch support. Washa ble. S tate shoe eizc for ma n or woman. $2.23 ; 2 pairs. $3.75. Comes with footcare cat.alo~. Foot Pro&. Dept. FW JOA, P.O. Box ~4 . Malver ne, N. Y. 11 665. LIGHT the wa y to fund rais- ing for your group. Sell Re- gal Candles (pine or bay- berry scent) in reuseable glass. Profit guarantee of $60 to $406. Write Abigail Martin, Dept. 28EEE, 1113 Wash ington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63101. W eekM!d S it-Opper item!J are NOT advertunftg. If productB 1thown are not availablP nt 1tfM'r11 1 order f r<m1 11ource11 listed. Fnmi/11 Weekl11, October H, 1169 21 ..... atll C.Wy s..--. cie• ...... .,,. ~ ..... 1• ...... c... ..... ...... 1• J.F.1.. 11~ v..-.a. ,. .. -. 11'4 '''"' v.. a t.tal et nrun . '9ll ..... , ........... .., 1191111 ......... -.. ,_ ..... •Ill -llllwll9 ..... -• '"' 11111 .. -in.ut• ceMlllle ,,. " --...... ceMlcWI ....... ... .... ........ let .. -tlllll .... CtylUll ct-IJr'ttKtl" hlclte ......,,.,., ,..,..,... Ill ti I 1 J nllult ....... "-• -~rtlll tr•. IMlt lleCll wlH ltaM • .... B 1111 I ithe _. ef lrt fw .... • etlce. ..... la"ltwt, .-CltliUJ &lft • -"9rUtie9 ,11a w11k11 wtN 1MruM 11 nll•. ".E:~ ......... ,.,.... • I IR $21.a S.N M _, lilld a--tee. .... -.. C.0 ... erMn . ... ......... .. ...... ...... ,., free atllil-...... • l1·Jlllll '"·· left. A-41·•· Y., ._ Y. 1~. C:&A"' ---.....,,....,,,...,.._ ....._. .................. _ _...., -·-••,-iM"a...O... ... ... .... ....._ ....... ~ ........ .. .. .... ____ ......... ........... --·~ ,...,. ...... ~..,....-r ........... 'JA&--' .. ,.,. .... ...... ..... ~.._, .. ,.'--) ...... .,,, ......... ...__.~ ~ ~~,...,._,_, _(:(IJ .. r_,. ....... _ •ATT 11.-SS, O.,C. n.a, ~I A-., .. .,. llltl MPlo~~ ... _. "'"",....; -. ... ................ ....... --.......... -hy Dll"9<f eftd 5-M-yl ....-•coal.,, -.!Mii ~·-"'- Addreu __________ _ Ci~-----------~ Stol•-----~ip ____ _ MAIL THIS COUPON TO DAVID C. COOi( PUMJ:SHtNO CO • ...... ........ 60120 ......... ,.., Blow YourseH U To p POSTER SIZE 2 ft. ll 3 ft. ......., .......... .,c.w ...... "-2V•" 11\le" ta I 1 11. W1 wtn .-111 ,.. I 2 ft. 1 J ft. I L._.,, ... ll9'fKt rOP-MT 'OSTH . Oris· ..... ~ mW1l9lll .......... A$2S $4 so ,,.,_... . 3 x 4 Ft. BlcHJp $7 .50 Miii Mc fw ,_,,, &. 1111111'. £ACM. ... C.O.D. Miii 19cal Salis Ta. a.net Chectt ..... _y ()njw to: PHOTO POSTER. In<. 210 E. 23rd SL, Dept. FW102S New Yorll, N. Y. 10010 DHIU ...... rift lnltM. . ... Make SSS ID WAYS with flowers Garckn flowcn or art11ici.ah CtXI pntniH, bring in S's. <:on.ages. Wedding Flowers, T~blt' amangcmt'fllS, Hobbv, home-bmint'!>. \(an )""' own •hop. l'RF.E u ilor' Brochu rt •ho'"' ~OU how 10 leun profrJ\ional t'lo..,cr Arrangin~ and Fl~r Shnp O pttation. Aho FREE. \.month\ sub.cripunn w Flo..,rr Talk," Pub· lini11on for hnme Ao .. t'r dn11<ntf". Flofal M s Center !Home Study 01v ) Dept. 4Mll, 1628 E McDowell Rd , Phoenix, Am 85006 , UNBELIEVABLE VALUE 3 FOR *1095 ONLY $5.00 each for outdoors, indoors, home, office, farm, camping MILDEWPROOF • WATERPROOF • ROTPROOF r-.fwJ:!Q:JJa;t111wll11J!IH!OJ1l--1 JAY NORRIS CORP. Depl.l -291 (nl SS.00 e~ch IDEAi. FOA NOME. FAAM. 9NOP. 80AT Md AUTO HMJRf 1 106 WAYS TO SAVE BIG MONEY YEAR AFTER YEAR! Home handyman, amateur mechanic, or just plain tinkerer -here's your chance to get a whole workshop of professional quality hand tools ... in their own handy tote box -all at an unbeatable low price! Equip yourself with this tremendously versatile, amazingly complete outfit ... and you're ready for just about any repair job that comes along! "------~ SENSATIONAL OFFER I o!,1295 2 Seti '°' 122.95 Complete 108 pc ... , MODEL 1068 ENTIRE PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP Signature--------- Neme·---------~ (print) Address--------- ..--Jij:l•H•1;1;\iil1llljlil;llliljllff:!llj;f ll•l•Wap1f itJllll•UlffiQ;JJ:lljj•I-~ I I I I I I I , ... -~~.,tNs 4-WAY GUARANTEE I. OUARANTIEIED lor Ille Ille o f ,vur cer (or 30,000 .,lie•) wtth- ovl eleet1lfl9, M rvk:lne or r•· ptac:lftV. 2. QIJARANTEEO to Iller•-111llee/ per/ .. llon of ... on re1Ul•r gHI 3. QUAUNTEEO to lncre-l!Mw· powr, Iner••• engine RPMal JAY NOftlS COllP., L-a1 o.e. -· Jl ....._Aft., .......... M.Y. 115111 "eo"" ,...., ,... the follo•I,.. .,..,., yovr •·•<l'J t 1Hu11ntM . E .. clo.ed It § S12.IO fw I 1_..i .. ,. St,60 '-• leniten 0 '-._, heioM, St .60 $6.40 , ... 1 .. 1-. .... .,..._ I Add SI lor ,,...,.,._ ortd ~ortdllntl Moh M..0.1 (S.1ie1 # ol boot) '"'----------------------- I I I I I I I 4. GUAUNTEEO to lmp1'9" •-of 9tMtlft9 Mid ecceleretio.1 l Srot ip J -----------------------NOW/ Run Your Car Without Spark Plu CJ@ff !J(]{l<=l;;wm t5W!5~ t@@~8 Wiii dellveT up to 30 moTe hoTsepower, 5 moTe miles per gallon using only TegulaT gas I THEY NEVER WEAR OUT YOU'LL NEYEJll CLEAN, ADAIST OR M!PUCE PWGa AGAIN! • get up to 5 more mllea per g•llon ot g•s • •dd up to 30 more horsepower to 1our engine • saw-e $100 each year tor you, 1e•r after 1••r while you use the chHpest grades of gasoline! Spark: plugs are obsoltte' Now 1hc:re'< a far bctkr way to run your car. Wuh corwenl.ional spark plup, only a traction of the fuc:I that enters vour cylinders 1s turned into power. The rest escepc:l throuah your 1•11- l'iJ>C as unbu~d vapor Thai is b«auliC ''"" 1p•rit 1s so nu row -only '~·thousandths o( an Inch wKlt that 1t cannot po!''Ubly 11nite •II the f~I m1111ure in 1he cylinder "' plup t!CI older. their u>atlu 9CI narrower and less ~c1cni 1111 they have to t>c rtplaced. New Jet-Fire F~I lgn1tef) do a far better job oC 1u1n1n1t 1asohnc into ~r . lns1ead ol a narrow •park, they -end out • wide swalh o( llamc 1h11 ··wailr.s" anou a ~m1-condoctor up, fann.n1 out 1n all d1tCC1loru and exploding (at more fuel '" 1he cylinder. ,.roof n..t Yov Get Uti ro 30 Kor..pci-r lllc>r9 /ct-Fire Fuel lgnilcr5 looll like ~rarlL plugs merely t.ecau~ they have 10 be screwed into !ht spulL pluM socket. But what they do is far dillcrent Here's how to prnve it : I. R-,.._, aw rtl 11'1 hilly wer-4 'IP· J. s .... 0 0 • perftt1l1 ~··· •rttdl "' ,...i. J. "-t tk cu .. Drttt (I• 1cs wh ....i traa.-tut..I, ... -lilo• fastfkcwrolhlafWlllllt~ •. R~•c ,.11qs 9M ••al Jef.Flrt f'•l lptlttS (• ,._..._ joel). .5. Now -a.o .. ,_ ,._ nr 1'91b • WU.. ~. v-am upttt II .. 1• • TO 6 MILES Pt:R HOUR F ASTt:R ...tct.oot t09dl ... 1'-C pdal -.,_k .,._, ltiM ht-f'ft ~ lpllen llKrcaw NJ- Rl'\h tly IM le Ue .. 11t1 -i.crt-.. IU ~·· CAI ldP ~. Rl'~h ~ t.1 JM lo J'9.l So. ti~ thing, vou can rrduce the ttas now by adjusting the idling W'few. and ~ se•i.. ,,..._, bd0tt 1o•'•t ~u• •hu • •lk! (At the ""'m< time. you can make )Our air-to-tta• mi.iurc leaner. Fuel lf!lllltr5 require only a IS I ratio in\te•d of the conventional 9 I. 11·~ • <imrtc adju51ment that you ('Ir you1 mcch1nic .:an make in onc minute II provides e~en ereater N'OllOlllY ~ Stan drlvinM al\() vou'll n01 icc even more 1mrrovemcn1 -up to '0 more horscpowc1 of arcclc1Jtllln flO"•r. climbing power. and 1115,Sln~ PO wtr All thi< wh ile l>urnina Ir~' JlA'' SWITCH TO llEOVLAll The net l 11mc V•">U• µs fl•ll~ vets nor the "Fmr>1v'' mar~. lctl the >llc"'lant 111 fill 11 up w11h MF\.111 AR' \ham·e. ar< )nu"ll no lon~cr nrctl orcm1um wh1<h LO$!\ lour rn c•~hr lent\ m1He 1han rcjtul~r 11:n . AnJ Lh1\ sc.ond \3v•nK " n nly the l>cM1nntn# Jct-Fire Fuc:I lanllcl"'I rrn•lde ea"er cold-wealh<r \I ans ar>d that me ans It~\ t1ra1n o n vour h.lftt-rV, and no Jnun on vou' rAtt~ntc-a' ynu 1ry to ge-1 ,1anC\I NO RB'l.ACING 0 11 ADJUSTING £VER The more )Ou drr•e. the !><-lier \<>Ur Fuel ffln1ter. pc:rlorm. They don't l>ccome crod.-d. ,..,_., nu1 nr 1c4uire adju'!ln~ And c;,rbon build up the natural enemy of old fll,h1onc<l 11lu" lt<'l ll311• make• fuel iflnller~ [>trform hcilcr C"arl>on ben•mc\ an ~dd111on .. 1 carrier for the IMnller"• b111 ~· ft ame . So there you have I third \IVlnN One ""' or fuel ijln1lel'\ will Int the life nf yo ur Cilr1 ......... 2 ...... THE IMPORTANT OtfffRENCES BETWEEN OflOINARY UARlt "LUGS AND J ET-FIRIE run IGNITE"• 'lt1<1• c:ar·a JtOWO' _.. ,,_ ""' •• ,.10110111 ol t•••ll•• Ye~..., e1r,.. ,,,.,, erllrtden. Tllo 01 ... r llte Hpk>alortl, Ille ,., .. , JO<I 90. ~ ., SPARK Pl.UGS ~ARlt()fW $~ARI( CONVENTIONAL P LUGS H - p4ode tllfa 11thrb1A1 Wllfl • 19efti ju•P"'9 ec,._ et1 olr 91111. TM ~ le iu• 3J.t.llo4'HMI .. Of •n l11eh •ero11 -not wide -.ill lo eqtlode ell Ille 1 ... 1 i. the c:y11ftder. Unbw.-d 9H -.pea tlv°"911 ,our ••llMlet. In llMe, ,,,. eledrode• ~ •rode• Mid ulted wtlh cert>or<. TM eep wJden•, tho open .. ta nenower,,... loM "'°"' po-r. .,... lllOf9 Ne! •.. •nd ln•llJ "-lo r•pl-'°"' plug1. JIET·FIAf run IGNl'TIER ~,\,~ WIDE SWATH "'I l ''-OF Fl AME JET-FIRE f\JEL IOllllTUIS UM -et>•rtta. 1Mle9d a ,.,.,.. ... •-tll Of lie-w•lll• ec:roea • H111J.co11.S..ctor bridge fro"' -eleC1rode to anOlher. ••· ll'lodlng ler .,..,. 1 ... 1, .. Hing ,., -·· ....... TheAI I• "° gep rhet Cllfl .....,, -4 cart>on depoall• KtllellJ IMprOft per. .._ __ n.r do not"-to lie odlu•t•d or repleced-n••I -l•H llH • 1H' 111/d lrtHniff To s-Air fo'" u ... -N-Tiier CM! Sue Yov 11-r ••t• ~--I I.al~-/ let-Fire 1-~I lgnilcrs were flnt dc:vc:loped 10 i..tve alrmcn'A live:<. O unnit .,, , ... ..,._.~ World War II. thc:rc: were: time• •hen more men were: killed h) •!lark plu1 m11llunc11on than by enemy a•·tion A failure-proof repl•~mcnt was ti you drive 15,000 rntles, needed, and Fuel l11n11ers did lht Job Both the Navy anJ Air Force ho c Joo.I c~ e..tly -: approved them for jc:l enltinc use • $50 or ••rtcllln No• at 1•51 they ha' e been mod1tic:d for automobile ur.c 1 hey •o n"t lo, .. .,,.,,,... ~vc: your life, but they on ui.-e you b111 mnncy up to ~ 100 :a vc:ar wnh • S40 Oft J0&1• ordinary driving. ~""'9999 Son.c day. all ca" may come: equipped wi1h r oel l,niu:rs like lh~ o SfO o, nol But wtly wait when you can 1ns1all a ~ yourself now. Jus1 ma il t~ tepl11emg pluga. couf)()n with the make iind model or your or. and we"ll rush you a set _____________ _. Wllh full lnM l'\Jtllon) ..... Sl1.IO"" ..... of a, HM'"" Wf el •• ..----OUTPERFORMS COSTL V ROOF ANTENNAS 20 TIMES ITS S IZE! ,..,...,.,,,,.b/•il-l"r/IHU1 •II ,,__,•"" M t"HlorHI ••• 10 1<MI C'9l'I "'OW.I It YOW #IJ ln ,,.,,,._,,! You just can·1 hcgin to im:isine how sha'll Ille pic- turu :ind !'low clc3r the .onund you can receive 1n your o .. n humc. unhl you"•e iMt3Ued th~ revolutionary new SK "PROBf. omn1-llirec11onal aniennii lplcm! SKY- PROBE the result or advanced clectron1c research - w11h • uniquely eHicoent cylinder shape and • wpcrior 1ntc1r~ted tomr<>ncnt 1y11em -reaches out to pull In ~•11n.1ls o wcr a 360. circle ... over a radius of up to 75 m1lu ! ("('llor picrnre5 come in sno•·-frce and stable in critical colt>r nnd cnn1ra~1! Your TV sci and FM receiver ,.·ork at their fullcs1 po1en11alt You couldn't set beuer results from a moto rbcd, rotatina •nlenna ~Y•lc:m 1enin1 fo1 IO 1111le' SK YPROBF.'S low pn<:<! ONl.Y Sl 2 9J". • • c,t-..... ,..UC••-...--.,-..1 ............. r81t.-I., .. ,_., aleaMI • c.., __ , .,._4.., ,.._, .--w.. ·-· • c ....... -,.._,,._, • J _ ... ......C .... .,...._,_,.,TV, 1.., ,.._,._, ....... ---',._,._ ............ _ ,., TV-,-for ,._,.., . °"''''" ...... _,..._, .. __ .. __ , .. ,_,.,.,.,wt ....... , ... ·--_,.,-c ... ·1 ~-· • OM "'" ,.., -~eel,..,,._,, ~ORLD'S FIRST SPACE PEN USED IN THE APOLLO MOON MISSION WRITES 100 YEARS* ~rkmu only s3.95 De veloped for NASA ostronaub, this amazing per, writes smoothly, evenly, dependably even over grease, even up- ~de downl Sealed cartridge hos estimated shelf life of over 100 years.• Put it owoy, forget it -it'll write again the instant you use it. Gas pressurized pri nciple defles gra vity, writes a t any angle, lets you write even lying fl at on your bock in bed. Won't leak or evaporate . 3 times the ink supply of ordina ry bo ll pens. Approved in NASA labs. A real conversation piece; perfect gift. for S<hool, home, office, pune. In elegant silver flnish, not $10, nol $5, but only $3'. 9S; 2-for $6.9S; 6 for $18; 12 for $33. --- ---11'1 4"M1!1&1&1&11''11-- - - - -I JAY •o•uua COflP. °"'-L.aa I I JI "-A•e., ~..._,, ... Y. t1U. Cl)ar9• to my 0 Am.rlc•n Eaprfta, 0 Olnera Club O BankAmertcerd O M•ster Dl•rve I I Pleaa• ruall m. the tollowlno: Acct # ------------------ 0\J•n. I Item I !lire Price I I (Signature) : : • I 1- 1 Add fO'!I. lor poat•v• I ll•Mlllno 1 t N-• (Ptlnt} I TOTAL ~----Addreu _________________ _ I Enc/oaed ,. 0 clleclr n moner order lor . I L -_r-:: t~ :_:o::._eoe ~"::."::!. - -_s'::. - --~ ---!!!, - -J J 9 Get&NC...t Peny ....... pllte the latest by ~Coxe Mid Gt-1lber ... $35 40 wortltot ~eriesforonly$l.OOI Now you can enjoy the works of 4 of today's top ........ ~~ mystery writers at an irresistibly low price! Lose yourself in the unbeatable suspense of Erle Stanley Gardner, king of the mystery writers. Be carried away with Mignon Ebernart, whose thi'i11ers now appear in 16 different languages, with George Harmon Coxe, winner of the Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Award, and with Frank Gruber, well-known author of over 50 novels. You get 6 full-size, full-leng1h, hard-bound books. plus a big triple volume. These 9 mysteries cost $35.40 in the publishers' original editions. But they're yours for $1 to introduce you to the advantages of membership in the Detective Book Club. You ea11 set...._ S &te SUnleyGardnet' tlN«len in tu.....,.sth. hardbound editiolt• l. 1'1'e c ... oftlte C. ..... Cupid A well-to-do widow is doomed to the gas chamber ... unless Perry nails the killer who put arsenic in her husband's last meal. (Publ. Ed. $3.95) 2,n.. c... of th• Queenly cont .. unt An aging beauty queen involves Perry in a $2,000.000 estate ... blackmail ... and a locked- room murder. (Publ. Ed. $3.95) 3 . The c ... of the Worried W•itrw Perry Mason's pretty client is charged with murder. And the only one who can save her is blind. (Publ. Ed. $3.50) 4. The c ... of UM Be•utfful Bess•r Who murdered Dahpne? Perry can't figure it out. Then, Daphne seems to make a drastic recovery • - (Pub!. Ed. $3.50) 5. The CaM of the Trouble4 Trvat .. Dutton was with Palmer the very hour Palmer died. Dutton's gun killed him. Can Perry ever save him now? (Publ. Ed. $3.50) &...Th• c ... of tit• Hot 1 ifiecl Hein Perry Mason's client met Mrs. Trent only once. But a mutual "friend" wants to kill them both. (Publ. Ed. $3.50) Plu• this excitins bis 3-in-l vofume 7 ........ from Hon• Kons by Mignon G. Eberhart 3 years after the disappearance ol her husband, Marcia Lowry flies to Hong Kong on a mysterious lead. But she finds her contact ... his neck cut open with a knife! (Publ. Ed. $4.50) 9. An £may W•Y to Go by George Harmon Coxe Murdock walks right into a trap. As a gun roars otf, he crumples to the floor. He has to convince his assassin he's dead-so he can live to prove his innocence! (Publ. Ed. $4.50) 9. The £trusc.n Bui by Frank Gruber Death follows the strange little terracotta statue, worth over a half a million dollars. Now Logan has the bull ... and now it's Logan's turn to die! (Pubt. Ed. $4.50) Out of the 300 or more new detective books that come out every year. the Club selects the very c ream of the crop. Outstanding authors like Erle Stanley Gardner. Agatha Christie. Mignon G. E~hart, John Creasey, and Van Wyck Mason and many otl-.ers have had their books selected by the Club. Many are members themselves. Club selections are all newly published books, As a member, you can get three of them each month complete in one handsomely bound triple volume (an $11.00 to $13 .85 value in publishers' editions) for only $3.39. You do not have to take a volume every month. You receive a free copy of the Club's Preview which will fully describe all coming selections and you may reject any volume before or after receiv- ing it. You pay no money in advance: no member- ship fee. You may cancel membership at any time. Don't be disappointed. While the supply lasts, send the coupon to get your 9 mysteries. The Detective Boot< Club, Roslyn, l.I., N.Y. 11576 Gn1ber. The Detective Book Club, Roslyn, LI., N.Y. 11576 Please enroll me as a mem ber and send me at once the six lull length, hard bound editions of Perry Mason thrillers, Plus the se lected 3 in I volume containing the latest Mignon Eberhart and 2 other great mysteries I enclose no money in advance. w1th1n a week after receiving my books, I will e1 lher return them and owe nothing, or keep all seven vol umes. containing nine first rate mystery stories, for the special new-member introductory price of only $1.00 (plus a few cents mail- ing charges) As a member. I am to re· rint PlainlYl ceive advance descriptions of all future selections. but I am not ob- ~.,.----------------ligated to buy any for each fu Address 9-CK l ure triple volume I decide to keep. I will send you only $3.39 ......,..---------------.,.--(plusalewcentsmailingcharges) City 23-9A I may reject any volume before ~~s. l -------~-Miss J or after I receive tl, and I may can--=-..,.-----------=--,----eel my membership at any lime. State Zip • (Books shipped in U.S.A. only.) REK • COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY SAODLEBACK 'N !JI j Hill HOLDER by Dick Wilson WU~N FORD HuntfoRton Beach Back in the early 1900's in Mertl· Ian, Wisconsin, the lacol physy- cians made many curious not.es when signing the coronor's death certificate. This little gem has to be a classic: "De· ceased died rrom blood poison. caused by a broken ankh~. which is remarkable, as the automo- bile struck him between t h e I~ and the radiator.'' May- be some or you folks can re- member back to the early 1900's? That's abolll the ti me Ford started producing automo- biles that would change the lives of all of us and the world around us. The Ford Motor Company has been doing Its thing longer than anyone else so it's no ~ der that they are the style. per· fonnance and safety leaders of the industry. 1970 is no excep- tion .. The brand new "Bel· ter Idea Cars" are here now. All of us here at Wilson F o rd Sales in Huntington Beach would like l-0 invite you to drop in and look, feel a nd drive your favo- rite from the great new 1970 Ford hne. Not only have we been making cars lC'nger than o t h e r manufacturers but we have made more of them a n d each year we have consistently offered the new car buyer t h e largest se lection of roodel. color and style ... Again, 1970 is no exception. Whv not drop in and see for yourself Our s tore here at 18255 Beach Boulevard is fairly new as automobile deal- erships go. However we a r e loaded wi th experts who know Fords best They all agree that the 1970 model line is fabulous and the best ever from Ford We think you'll agree with the experts. Come on to Huntington Beach an{j try a brand new 1970 Ford for size THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES lllliei;iiil 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH ·-1 •• -.................................................................. See all the g ...... newest ones for TORINO BROUGHA M 2-DR . HARDTOP THUNDERBIRD 2-DR. LANDA U TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALE S DE'L 9 a.m. to 10 P·"'· 1 o..,. SEIYICE O,EN T11es. t lm• Fri., I o.m. to 5 P·"'· Mo:t., I a .m, to 9 p.m. 592-5511 I ~""'"'"'"""""'!!*"' ~' :::;:. WEEK IPORTI HldHllO/ITt SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:30 AM D Notre Dame Football (C) Notre Dame's Fighting Irish play the Green Wave of Tulane at New Orleans. Lindsay Nelson calls the action of game taped yesterday. 10:30 e {29) OD N FL Today (C) L.A. Rams vs. Chicago Bears at Chicago. O ~~ (6 ) AFL Football (C) New York Jets vs. Boston Patriots. 12:30 :291 (8J NFL Football (C) 1:00 O AFL Football (C) Denver Broncos vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. ~:J L6J AFL Football (C) Oakland Raiders vs. San Diego Charg ers at San Diego. 1 :30 ID USC Football (C) USC Tro1ans meet the Rambl1n' Wrecks from Georgia Tec h. Tom Kelty handles the play-by-play of game taped yesterday at tlie Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum . 4:00 D UCLA Football (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Stanford University Indians 1n game played yesterday at Stanford. Game is ex· peeled to be a contest between UCLA quarterback Dennis Dumm1t and the Indians' quarterback, J1rn Plunkett ID S.F. Invitational Open Golf (C) Defending champ Belly Casper 101ns George Archer, Ken Venturi and others at the Hard ing Park Course en San Francisco as they compete for $20,000 first place prize. Tournament 1s via tapi; delay. 7:00 0 The Joe Namath Show (C) This conversation show co hosted by Joe Namath and sports writer-author Dick Schaap features guests from the sports world and entertainment world. MONDAY. OCTOBER 27 6:30 1J t;l9 @ NFL Football (C) New York Giants vs. Dallas Cow boys at Dallas. 8:30 O Bruins in Action (C) Tommy Prothro analyzes the game between the UCLA Bruins and the Stanford Indians. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:30 D Rams Highlights (C) Ta ped highlights of Sunday's game be tween the Rams and the Chicago Bears. 9;00 D Wrestling (C) Cowboy Lang. Lord L1ttlebrook, Mighty Atom, Lettie Br uiser and Mil Mascaras are featured. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 8:30 O Boxing (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies call the action live from the Olympic Auditorium. Fight card information not available at t his time. l 1 :00 0 NFL Gam e of the Week (C) Filmed h1ght1ghts of last week's most outstanding National Football League game including key plays covered by unique ground level and super slow motion photog raphy. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 11 :00 AM O (i7) l l 1 NCAA Football (C) Ohio State at Northwestern. 2:30 ID Kaiser International Golf (C) Ray Floyd and Belly Casper head the list of PGA champions competing for the $1 40,000 purse at the S1lverado Country Club en Napa. Calif 5:00 O 1 J ) ABC's Wide World of ~ports (C) 8 :00 ID Pacific Coast Football (C) San Diego State vs rresno State College at Fresno. 8111 Welsh calls the action. Tokyo Broadca'lting System h.1~ pun:h.lSed the entire The F BI \eflC\ fur the \how'~ rounh and present fifth year for telCC3Stmg in J apan I hi:. totals <i2 segments The Nippon netwMi.. h." al read\ .med the fir~• three }C;1r-, . I .araine Str phen'>, who will portTa) a snobbish bt'aulJ attcmptin2 to rnakl' it in ""o" hu'>inl'"" in N BC series. "Rracke n's World,'' SS.)<; she'll hUS) hr rself on thr set he tween takes by penciling face~ of the peopl<' around her. Shl' likl'\ to draw faces and also paints occasionalt). N RC .<.ieries, "Rracken'o; World," carries several mysterie.'I includ- in2~ Who is Bracken? Who portrays Bracken? Who do the various membt'r.\ of the •ttollywood' cast represent in real life? Around the studiM, thl' J?UC~ing has heen dubbt'd ''Game of the Name." • • • Peter Ha.,kcll. -,tar of "Bracken·., World," has jumped from air- planes more th<tn I 00 time .. ""~• paratrooper. parach11 te test Jum per am.I 'ky diver 1n1roduc1na Thi Healhkll 11Boon1e-Blke". Thi 111-season Trall And snow Bike •n9:n• it lre ntf.,recl by chein to thia 11 • I . 50 t11beltu floehtion-typt tire Tt.e r•a11lt ia hi9h atebilit-, e ncl ttmer~tble lreclio11 uncl•r elm oJI eny 111rfece con· clilion. lntroducinC) the Heathkit Metal Detector "Tlw R1'n1'h C11ml1crs rif'/1ght" "A M11$1t (11r firn5pectors" f i11d coi11l, watchn, jewelry, prKiou.1 metal•. H aYe f1111 Olld U art a '49er rush in ·~9! • • THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION FREE Send for Our Huge Catalog Ir's Fn~ to You for tlw A•lll119, HEATHKIT ~ ELECTRONIC CENTER. -- .....::: J I I tr I• l I I I~ To rH ch H .. th~i t EIH tronic C enter It ~• Herbor l lvd , t o ltll Ave. •eat Oft lell t few 1hort bloc ~1 It ) )0 E .. t lell or hire Senta An• Fr .. we y lo Htrbor l lvcl., Herbor llvcl. t o 1,11. • ftw 1hMI bloch encl yo11'n hert SALES & ,.OTS HUTHKIT 776-9420 JJO UST IALL, ANAHllM Ha, I Cl 776-UJJ P•1e 3 New Ope• 7 Day8 a Week i/j IJ.. ------/tt~dfl DINNERS ~l!ltVEO WITH: wl~e, ch .. H , ui.d. Nlled peleto, •net v_.eble of ltle d•• $3.25 fllet of sole chicken klev top sirloin veal cordon bleu fllet ml non tail O•lly Future beef brochettes wllh Rice Pli.tf $3.25 $4.25 lobst.er tail or fllet mignon buccaneer •l•cll "'"'"' •NI Esclwlvety WINE & BEER v. 111,.. ..... Vt Ill re SI .Sf 1 111re n .so ti.lreller> f .7S ,.,. 4 1t....-va11on1 s -....1ec1 Phone 675-2051 Open 5:30 -11 :00 440 HEUTROPE AVE. CORONA DEL MAR Mikki Jameson Proves An Old Saying The 'aying siill hnhJ~. as far as Mikk i Jameson is conce rned. that the way to a man's heart is thrnutth h i.~ \tomach. ''M y hoyfriend ~aid he would pay for a gourmet cookinii cour;e at UCLA if 1 rnokcd one meal a wcc:k for him," said Mikki. "f agreed, n' ran of my own plan for getting mar- ried" The plan worked. Mikki re- ceived an engagcmenl rmg from him the evening before: \he wa' asked to try out for a TV series. "f almost d1dn'1 go," "he said "f wa~ "0 ellcitcd hy what wa' hapjW'mng in my own lifr tho1 I wa~n·1 100 concerned ah(lul show t>U<oinC\\ " Now. however. \he ha~ a ''"ckti111l<l'r hu\hand rn rl"al hfc. and a rx•licc 11fficcr hu,hand m m:i~c hcl1C'vr hfr M 1H1 kt-pt the arrmmtmcn1 for hrr 1ntcrvirw and lanckd the 111lt· 11f kan Recd. wofr 11[ nf fiu·r Jun Rcc1! (Ken I McCm d) in Ad<1m 12. coh•rrn't 'iarurcla)' nn NIH. at ~· 'O PM. and mal\r' htr drb111 1n th1• wccl(, \CP, mrnt. "A 'iound of Thundt·r " M1kk1 hclicvr' in hrlp1n1t 111 mance alnnf'l •llhtlv "You Cl\n°t lvt ~ man l1nd 0111 1ha1 vou hnvc marnap.C" in min,I." \he •a1r1 "Rut I planted flower• 1n h" hack ynrcl . •11 hc'tl l)c reminded or me." • • that'• wh y he like• my cookrn (t. • even 1r •nme11me' 11 ll<lc•n't 'ihc nlso bccnm<" a 11-ond ~cl<>k "lie ltke' cvery1h1ng I cnnk," ·11• 'he •aid. "I coo~ prcrty I Ihm!. "· tas te good." THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 ii!l Movies al tile Week I · I SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:00 0 @ CiJ (C) "The Fall of the Roman Empire." Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, James Mason, Christopher Plum- mer, Anthony Quayle, John Ireland, Mel Frerrer and Omar Sharif star rn the spectacular story of the events leading to the crumbling of imperial Rome. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 9 :00 O ~ @ (C) "Destiny of a Spy." A mysterious letter sends veteran Russian secret agent to London. Lorne Greene stars with Rachel Roberts, Anthony Quayle and Harry Andres. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:30 O @ CI) (C) "The Young Lawye~." The defense of two musi- cians accused o f robbing a cab driver, is handled by young law students. Jason Evers, Judy Pace, Zalmon King and Tom Fielding star. 9 :00 O @ @ (C) "Don't Just Stand There." Mary Tyler Moore and Robert Wagner star in a mystery-farce about an American smuggler's adventures in Europe. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 9 :00 O @ CI) "Georgy Girt." Lynn Redgrave stars as warm·hearted British girl whose life changes drastically when she takes an illegitimate baby to raise. James Mason also stars. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 9 :00 f) Q.!) (IJ "Dear Heart.'' A lonely postmistress falls in love with another woman's fiance when she attends a convention In New York. Glenn Ford. Geraldine Page and Angela Lansbury star. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31 9 :00 f) Q.?J (!) (C) "Come Fly With Me.'' A trro of arrline steward · esses search for romance. Dolores Hart, Pamela T1ffrn, Lois Nettleton, Hugh O'Brran and Karl Malden star. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9:00 O ~!A) (C) "Sergeants 3." Three happy·go·lucky soldiers and an ex·sla11e have troubles with some fanatic Indians. Frank Srnatra. Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford star. BE NATURAL? ,, ~"---1 . ·.,\.. ~ \ j \ ~. ' ~J~~ Phyllis Diller and Richard Deacon star in "Love and the Phonics." one of the three stories on Love. American Style on ABC. M onday at I 0 PM They portray a married couple who return from a party , de- ploring the phoniness of !heir "friends." As lhey talk. they prepare for bed. He dive'its himself of his shoulder-padded suit, elevator shoes, toupee, and Van D yke beard. She removes her artfully padded dress, evclac;hcc;. WI.I!, makc-uo. Juc;t be fore turniniz out the lights, they wonder why everyone can·t be natural "like us." 6 6 7 9 ] '· I· 1r 0 s s j. g n d n d n h N r. f· s d k. r. I ' e :- e r y e SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 EVENING 6:00 8 The Bi2 News {C) (60) Clete Roberts. 0 in (6) g;, Huntley-Brinkley (C) 0 HOMER & JETHRO * IS "ONE-MAN SHOW" HILARIOUS! O I SPECIAL I One Man Show (C) (30) Homer and Jelhro step into lhe spolllght for a half-hour or "counlry humor " 0 Boss City (C) (60) m Barbara McNair (C) (60) Bar· bara McNa1r and her special guest Bob Hope are the Cover Sub1ects this week. (D Animals, Acllo11 and Adventure (C) (30) "The Primitive Outback " fE TV Readers' Digest (30) 6:30 O KNBC News Conference (C) {30) O Melody Ranch {C) (60) Johnny Wakely, Jimmy Wakely's son. IS the special guest O Rasey Grier Show {C) (30) Guests are Millon Berle, Lillie Janice, and ttamenco gu1la11st Gabor Szabo m Run for Your life (C) (60) Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (30) The Pru ident's Men 1969 (C) Angeles that have involved young female hitchhikers. fE Sagebrush Theatre {60) fID On Being Black (C) (60) "Rev elations" and "The Black Belt.'' a> Noche de Estreno (2 hr) 8:30 8 ~ (i) My Three Sons (C) (30) Steve pops the question to Barbara under circumstances that are far from ideal-the two are being de- tarned at a police station. 0 Qj (6) g;, NBC Saturday Mov- ie {C) ''Tom Jones" (comedy-adven· lure) '63-Albert Finney, Susannah York. Hugh Griffith, Dame Edilh Evans, Joan Greenwood, Diane Ci· lento. 0 @ rn 1(D LIWrence Welk (C) (D Roller Derby (C) (60) Bay Bombers vs. Northeast Braves. 9:00 8 ~ ® Green Acres (C) (30) All Hooterville turns out lo welcome home Oliver, Lisa and "million· aire'' pig. fE Horse Opera (60) fID NET Playhouse (90) "The Bal tie of Culloden." (R) 9:30 8 ~ (i) Petticoat Junction (C) (30) Dr Janet Craig, Betty Jo. Bob· bie Jo and Billie Jo are alt named as candidates for beauty queen ol an auto dealer's contest Hal (Gil· dersleeve) Peary plays the role of Jack King, the .auto dealer 0 SENSATION OF YEAR * E. HUMPERDINCK Hosts Nancy Ames-Sid Caesar HOLLYWOOD PALACE (30) {R) 0 117. ~) (D The Hollywood Pal· m On the Edge of Eternity (C) (30) ace (C) (60) Engelbert Humper· (D Girl From UNCLE (C) (60) d1nck is host to guests Sid Caesar, 7:00 8 CBS Evening News (C) (30) Jack E Leonard. Maureen Arthur. Roger Mudd Lonnie Donegan, Nancy Ames, and O l(NBC Survey (C) (30) "Guess Gladys Knight and The Pips. Who's Moving Next Door?'' (R) I Philbin's People (C) (90) O Anniversary Game (C) (30) Al Buck Owens (C) (30) Hamel hosts 10:00 ~(!)Mannix (C) (60) O Death Valley Days (C) (30) Weekend News (C) (30) Hal m I SPECIAL I Love of the Common Fishman, Pee>ple {C) (60) Waylon Jennings I News (0) (30) is joined by Larry and Lorrie Cot Bill Anderson (C) (30) lins. the increasingly popular Char Rawhide Roundup (60) ley Pride {from lhis summer's "Hee • Box de Mexico (90) Haw"), and a very talented group 10:301 Dr. Kildare (60) known as The Kimberlys News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. fE Sunset Traits (60) Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) fID President's Forum (60) "AIM· Kitty Wells (C) (30) The Worth of the Space Program" : The Toy That Grew Up (60) "To ro Do-Re-Mi (30) Be Continued Next Week'' shows m The Rat Patrol (C) (30) historic film clips recalling the days 7:30 O 09 (i) Jackie Gleason (C) (60) of Hollywood serials. 0 ;fi 61 e:r;, Andy Williams (C) G) Passport to Travel (C) (30) (60) Guests ;nrlude Nancy Sinatra 11·00 0 0 0 m (D News (C) and Tiny Tim O The Movie Game (C) Sonny fox 1 0 '67 1st RUN COLOR! hosts * A GRIPPING MOVIE! @Have Gun, Will Travel . ,. ,, 11:15 f) Fabulous 52: (C) "Trapeze" O Movie:, (C) Guns of Nevada {drama) '56-Burt Lancaster, Tony (western) 6,7-George Martin Ad Curtis. Gina Lollobrigida. riana~m_bes1 . 0 Saturday Night Movie: "Squ11e 0 11~ Jl :(l) Dating Gama (C) of Violence" (suspense) '63-Brod (30) J1"!1 t.ange hosts .. enrk Crawford. Bibi Anderson, Val 0 Million S MoYle: Sar1to2a enlina Cortesa Trun_k" (drama) '46-Gary Cooper. a:J Ingmar Bergman Festtvat (Cl Ingrid Bergman c (C) (D Wonders of the World (C) (30) 11:30 8 m !ohn,~y arson . " "Th Rebirth of Manila " Movre: So Proudly We Harl er..~ Ciudlltos (30) (drama) '43 -Claudette Colbert. 1:.101 os Sonny Tufts 8:00 0 rm (3) CD Newlywed Game (C) 0 Movie: {C) ''Band of Angels" (30) Bo~ Eul>anks hosts. ,, (adventure) •57 _ Clark Gable, m Movre: "A1talnst the Wind y D Carlo (drama)_ '49 -Robert Beatty, Si-yf~:vie~ "Du\ Waten" (mystery) mane Signore! • Merle Oberon Franchot Tone. (D I blc11l I The Hitchhikers (C) . . . · (30) Larry McCormick is host for 12:30 m Men 1n Cn11s dramatization of the crimes in Los @ (3) News (C) No Togetherness For Brenda Scott While the rest of the cast of The New People was enjoying lunch in a picnic atmosphere on location, Brenda Scott. wearing faded jeans and sweatshin , sat by herself. Brenda wasn't being anti- social. .. A neurotic part like this Plom tu ucovc tht11 rtmou is- land "' u ru/t CCJml! 111 a wattry c1111c/11J1u11 for Br1t11da Senti and Dn1111.r ()/tv1t11 111 "L1/d111e" on ABC '.r Thi! Nt:"' P1tuplt, M onday at H/5 PM. is a solitary k1ml of thing:· ex- plained the actress who guest- stars in the "Lifeline" episode of the A BC series. I he ~t0rv I' :ibou1 a !.uicidal :ittcmpt tu ·leave Bomano Island by raft. Hr cnda plays Chri~tine. Miller, who was undergoing psychi<1l nc lreatment before the plane crash strandcJ th e New People thousands of miles from civilizai1on. Brenda smiled as she noted. "I swrted out playing neu rotic types hecause they decideJ . I had a waif-like face. Then I did a series, T he Road West. and acting became u job-a ehore- instcad of a creative endeavor. Playing ordinary girls rs so bor- ing to me that I wouldn 't do it any more So now I'm back to hcing an actress .. Adm111mg that ~he would like to do ~omcJy ·'although it's much more diffic ult." she sa id. "Jrll Jaress. Ginny in th1'i series. i-; a natural-born co mic. "All six regulars arc instinL- t1vc ly good and work well to- gc1her." Brcndd added, referring to New People stars Tiffany Bolling. Zooey Hall , David Muses. Dennis Olivieri, Peter Ratray and Jill. Returning 10 the ma tter of the loneliness of pla ying tro u- bled chractcrs, the pet ile actress said, '"Just concentrating on keeping in character as a C hris- tine Miller makes it a lonely tt)ing ... MMe Boys & Girls Needed FM New TV Commercials And Series This 11 tit• latest ..,ord fT0111 tM lfto!or 09Hts oltd prod11cer1 I• Hollywood. Tel-.111011 colft-r• ciols ore blq hu1htet.1. It 11 • bushtet.1 that e mDloy1 a lar9e •ulftb.r of childrett 011d pays them lor9• sotoriet. lut where did tfl•H kids come frolft, o•d how did they 9et there? We41, would you t>.lleH they're foHd ht such for out plocn en Fuller· to11, So11to A110, or th• out9r re- 9io111 of Lo11q leach or f'omo11a ? Some of th••• you119sters may live rl9ht 11eat door! lut who ti11d1 ttiese tole11ted hoy1 011d 9irl1 to f i I I the productlo• 11eeds 7 The studios a11d a9•1th do11't hove time, 10 a• a retult, there i1 a lar9e dema1td, a•d to fill this demHd, a f'uhllc lte4a· tlo11s Co"'D01ty called TAltE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. ha1 tur11· ed it'I e11efCJI" a11d retourc" ra filll119 tile 11.ect. TAKE I PRO- DUCTION~ "'~lrn profet.1lo11al co11tract'I 111 Hollywood for 11ew· co men. IRANDON CltUZ l ra11do11 Cru1 e11rolled 111 Jlmnly Lloyd's ralear poot at Take I f'roductlo111 111 February. 1961. Att.r four wffb of preporatlo1t, a •ideo tape ICH• was ca111· pletecl featurhtCJ lra11do1t, Tite Hal Shaffer A9Hcy saw lra1t· do11"s vld-tape at Talie I f'ro- ductioiu a11d 1l911ed him to n OCJHcy co11tract ttte followlllCJ 111011th. Just ttirM M011tti1 la .. r ttte OCJHCy proHf'ltecl lraitdo• to M.G .M. Studio wher• he re- ceived a five ,,_ co11tract. His flnt role for M.G.M. wfll "9 a starrl•t role 111 tfl• 11ew serf• "'The C o 11 1 • • h i p of Eddie's Fattier." CAl.L NOW TOLL FREE ORANGE CO OH·ICE (714) 547-6251 TAKE I P'RODUCTIONS 1261 North Vine Street HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ( J bloch So. of Hoflyw-d & v1-. acrou Strfft ,,..... Joey ll1ltop Titecrtre. .. . • . : ...... \ . ' . .. • .. \ ,. ' ........ . . \ ' .~ . " . ,. . _, • 1 \ ~ ~ ~~ ' ' ...... \ ' ,. "-I • ' it' '· ' ·;, \ . • Miyoshi Umeki, who came to America from her native Japan only thirteen years ago, holds a distinguished trio of awards-an Oscar, an Emmy and a Tony. She's now appearing in her first primecime series, starring as Mrs. Livingston in The Couruhip of Eddie's Father (ABC, Wednesdays, 8 PM). The role is a change from th e fragile, traditional type Japanese girl to a lively blending of East and West-more like Miyoshi's own personality. Mrs. Livingston is neither ,,ubservienc nor an aggressive Hazel rype. She keeps things running smooth'ly by way of a smiling suggestion, an occasional silent but disapproving glance, rhe injection of a Japanese proverb from time to rime, and meals that sometimes rend coward che experimental-pancakes wirh ceriyaki sauce, for instance . After thirteen years in chis co untry, Miyoshi admits she still has trouble with the language, buc nothing like it used to be. She recalls coming co New York for the first time and finding a sign on the back of her hotelroom door that said "Do Noc Disturb." "For three days 1 tip-toed around chat room trying not co disturb anyone," says Miyoshi, "before I had the courage co ask someone about it. I couldn't believe they meant no one co disturb ME!" 'The Brass Are Comi ng T he pounding surf of Malibu Beach, a rip-snorrin' western barroom brawl, beautiful girls, songs by special guest Petula Clark and music, music, music are featured in che Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass Special, "The Brass Arc Coming," Wednesday at 9 PM on NBC. The show opens at Malibu Beach where Alpert is discovered behind a sand dune playing che strains of "The Sea Is My Soul" on his famous crumpet. Next he's found at a recording session which, as he explains, is what he goes to the beach to gee away from. The sound of pounding horses' hooves. leads into the second sequence chat f ea- tures Alpert and T he T ijuana Brass as grimy, grubby cow· boys, "The Magnificenc 7," as they gallop across a dusty plain performing rare feats of horse- manship. A quick change finds A I pert back at the beach where he meets Petula Clark who isn't at all interested in meeting him. Comedy moves to the fore as Alpert demonstrates in a sketch how The Tijuana Bras~ were origi nally formed. Petula then offers a solo rendition of her latest record. She joins Herb on the heach where she \ cells him he should be an actor and proceeds co cell him how easy it is. Finale of che special pre- sents Herb and the Brass m a live concert in the round play- ing a medley of runes for which 1 they have become famous. The show closes as Alpert walks down the beach passing all the characters who appeared in the show as "The Sea ls My Soul" plays over rhe scene. !ars he 's fhc nge and She •na l ! (0 vi ch vi th ork that I ~ays I 1eve iwl, are Arc and fea- 1ana OW · ' as lain •r5C· pert he 't a t um. fore n a ras'i tula , of oins she ctor ,ow prc- in a •lay- hich pert sing ired My Now • Huntington Beach Brakes relined on any car! (We use Bendix -the best linings you can buy.) Now bro ~e lini n~· nnrl linin9 ;ns + .. 11 .. 1i1"1n cost YOU half al any Big Br ... ~~ s.,f,.\v Cenlf'r And """ quM11n1 .... o ur h ... k,, li11in<JS in wr:I in9 for 30,000 mil .. , 0 1 J r""''· Nnho.lr ~flOW< b'o~e rel;nin9 h .. 11,., lhM1 (WI ml'ChAnic • Tb t l'j n11r sr .. c: .. 11, We ..... Bendix -the bclf b1 okl' I;,.;""' you CiJf' bvy -b~ttl'r lhon foclnry •lo.,dnrd1 for new <:CH< And we in1 ••ll +hf'm in 90 mi1rn!es -wf,ile yo 1 w•il Bro~e "rlj••tl"1P"ls "'" f,e,. for the l,f., nf yotrr cor loo Us 0 yo11r Ban~Am,>r;c:-1rd, M,utN Charga mod oil comp11nv credit cMdt , or our own financ:inQ Reline vo•ir brn~es now -and SdVt' h .. lf Huntington Beach 16091 Beach Blvd. (South of Son Diec)o f reeway I 347 .. 00.11 H O URS: MON. TH RU FRI. TI LL 9:00 P.M . SAT. TILL 6:00 P.M . SUN. I 0:00 A .M. TILL 5:00 P.M. l he 819 Bra~e WHEEL ALIG NMENT /WHf-EL BALANCING /SHOCKS/G ATES TIRES .!!!!Big Bra~e -~- Pa1e 7 SUNDAY . OCTOBER 26 MORNING All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without ad vance no- tice. 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 The Chri.stophers (C) Ttle Bible Answeri Give Us This Day (C) Tom ind Jtfl} (C) Sunday Funnies (C) i The Answer (C) 10:15 Pnsport to Profit (C) 10:30 Q!l @ Nfl Today (C) L.A. Rams vs. Chicago Bears at Chicago. 0 fU @ m Afl Footb1ll (C) New York Jets vs. Boston Patriots. 11 @ ffi flnbstic four (C) faith for Today (C) Sea Power (C) 11 :00 Homebuyer's Guide (C) @ @ Gl Bullwinkle (C) Movie: •'The Ute Gtoffe Apley'' (drama.comedy) '47 -Ronald Col- man. Peggy Cummins. @ C_hurch In ttle Home (C) 7:30 Batm1n (C) 11 :30 0 L171 (3) CD Discovery (C) "Loui· siana Purchase." Story of the r1>- mance, intrigue and slrugg e for power among the great nations of Europe that had established a foot hold in America Mormon Tabernacle Choir (C) Herald of Truth (C) Sacred Heart (C) 7:45 The Christophers \C) lt't> ~) Dmy and Goliath (C) 8:00 8 ~ 00 lamp Unto My feet (C) "M 1ssa Brevis," a short mau by the late Hungarian composer Zoltan 0 Movie; (C) "Adventures in tn. dochin1" (adventure)-Jean Gaven Domonique Wilms. ' AFTERNOON Kodaly is prese~ted. 12:00 O M011ie: (C) "Tennnsee Cllamp" I g;, The Chnstophen (C) (drama) '54-Dewey Martin Shelley Cathedr1I of Tomorrow (C) Winters. ' D1y of Discovery (C) W Essentially Sex (C) Wondmm1 (C) 117 C!' Coll&ee football 1969 (C) Allen Revival Hour (C) rn Cine en Su Cau 17 t,!l Paul Harvey (C) m lnsi&ht (C) ~_1 6 God Is the Answer (C) 12:30 0 Gene Autry 8:30 £1 look Up ~nd live (C) The rele @ Oral Roberts (C) van~e of ancient prophecy to to Q?l ® NfL Football (C) day s world as studied m Paittern for living §This Is the life (C) 1:00 Q. · m AfL football (C) Deriver fMac~ to face IC) Broncos vs Houston Oilers at Hous ovie: (C) ··~rt Warrior"! ton (~dventure) '60 -Ricardo Monlal O Movie: "The Roundup" (west h ·.n Anna Ma11:i Ferrero Grno Cerv1 ern) 41 -Richard D1~ Patricia 13 KATHRYN KUHLMAN Morison * AND GUESTS IN COLOR 0 111' 3 _ ffi Dir ections CC) ~Kathryn Kuhlmiln (C) "Jonah " Second ol lhree programs r 3 Revival fires (C) devoled lo the Old Testament Li" Full Gospel Revival (C) prophets. i The Story (C) D Sherlod Holmes 9:00 Camera Three (C) m Big. Attack My favorite Serrnoo (C) Rev R~1val fires (C) Edward Peacock. Community Pres . (6 AFL Footb~ll (C) Oakland bvlerian Church, [I Monte guests Raiders vs San Diego Chargers at I Day of Discovery (C) San Die go. Campus Profile 1:30 0 fi1l (3l ffi Issues and Answen Gospel Music (C) (C) (3l A. A. Allen m Ust Football (C) USC Trojans 16' Kathryn Kuhlman (C) vs Ramblin' Wrecks from Georgia (i"\ Tom and Jerry (C) I Tech ~t L A I Nuev1 Cih @ Voice of C1lvary (C) This Is the life (C) 2:00 8 Insider /Out!lder (C) The prob Acncultural Report I lems of recro1ting Negro lire and 9;30 6 Today's Religion (C) police officers is examined Guests 0 m Guideline (C) "What Can, are George c Collins. D1v1S1on ~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25. 1969 --~~~~~~~~~~~ IN COLOR STARRING FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO O Movie: "The JO-foot Bride of Cindy Rock" (comedy) '59 -Lou Costello. Dorothy Provine. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "The Sav· 11e Guns" (western) '62-Richard Ba sehart, Alex Nicol. @ Bill Anderson (C) 3:00 8 I SPECIAL I Pull the House Down (C) Study of today's youth, their goats, their impatience and their objections to standards of the past. 1 he program mixes expressive new music with interpretative films, dance and spontaneous comments by young people and parents Host Harry Reasoner is joined by his 21 year old son. Stuart Reasoner and John Sebastian, Broadway com· poser and popular singec @ Simson (C) crl Upbeat (C) 3:30 @ Patty Duke ED Misterogers' Neighborhood (R) 4:00 8 Newsmaikers (C) 0 Occidental College Biolo· * gists examine ocean life. 0 On Campus (C) "The Sarcastic Fringehead Is a Fish " A look al Occidental College's underwater bi· ology class. including the Blue Banded Gobi and lnends. 0 BRUINS OUT TO SCALP * STANFORD INDIANS! 0 UCLA footbaill (C) Bruins vs Slanford University Indians. 0 ffi College Footb1ll 1969 (C) m San Francisco Invitational Open Golf (C) Defending champ Billy Casper 101ns George Archer, Ken Venrun and others at the Harding Park Course in San rrancisco as they compete lor $20.000 first pl.•ce prrze Tournament 1s via tape delay (F) McHJle's Navy 17 J Laramie '23 6 Locker Room (C) ff) What's New? (R) g) Creemos m The Rifleman 4:30 6 '29 ril Face the Nation (C) 8 Close Up (C) Sl!ippy (C) "Mv Best friend " Clancy and Mark counterfeit a por trail ol Skippy for Sonny's school ass1gnmenl W The Munsters E!) Voice of the Hour )3 6 Film Feature (C): "The [x plorers & Tag ' ED Adventure : "The Man Who Loves Snakes • We Do?" Panel d1srnss1on on how s1sta111 Chief of lhe L A County! community leaders the family the hre Depar1ment John R Walton. churrh law enforcement agenClt'S Sergeanl of the L ~ PollCe Depart w. ... ----------.i and lhe srhools can he effe<tlve '" men! and a group ol community m Musica y Palabras m Ensign O'Toole 5:00 £1 KNXT Sunday News (C) 0 Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts r.ombattinR drug abUSP final pro residents I gram in 54!rtes The Orug Age " 0 Press Conference (C) I 0 Notre D1mt f ootb1ll (C) Noire fTi) Buck Owens Show Dame's Fighting t11sh vs the Green ITT 3' Sunday Matinee: ''Z..rJk" Wavt of Tulane at Npw Orleans (advtnture) 57 Victor Mature P 17" J {!)Dudley Do-Right (C) Anita_ f~bPrg 1~ ~ Oral Roberts (C) "29 8" Sunday Future· 'Bombtrs ~ 8 Batman (C) B 52 • ED Mano a Mano Ranchero m Chucho el Raio 10:00 A lnlide Football (C) m future (C) A Airric~ure USA (C) 2:30 6 Sunflower Celebration Company 0 IIT J m George of the Jun· (C) The meanrng ol IOYP IS studied ct• (C) . .. " through .folk sonRS photography 0 M~tt. M,,a Muu (adven and readings featured 1s musical lure) '52-Errof Flynn group Joy Incorporated Norm An· llil Dollars & Sense (C) derson hosts 63 '6' first Baptist Ch~rdl (C) O Movie: •-nt. Maverick'' (west-09 (ii T~ Hall Meetinc (C) ern) '52-Witd Bill Elliott Myron m Un Crito en II Obscurldacl Healey_ ...... SUNDAY 5 D'CbDCH mDUIE ,. .. · . 0 "BEAC H PARTY" -Color * FRANKIE AVALON & ANNETTE FUNICELLO! 0 Movie: (C) "Beach Party'' (leena11r mus1c:at) 63 -frank1e Avalon Annette f un1cello An an thropolo,ll1<.I doing studies on lhe sek habits of today's youth, finds himself 1n the middle of a pie· throwlnR riot comprisinR surfers. teenyllopprrs and bi~er.s. 0 Shirley Temple Films: "The I it tie Colonel." with Lionel Barry more W Batman (C) 117 (3l Seven Arts Thube: "Man on a String," starring Ernest Bor- gn1ne ti) Gospel of Christ . 1969 de of -Lou 1 S1v· ichard Down I their their past. ~ new Iii ms, men ts Host y his >Oner. com- I (R) iolo- lif e. <:ast1c Dk at ~r bi· Blue 'LP s vs. (C) Open Billy Ken irdfng :o as first tape end " POr chool Who iosts. olor arty" ankre an I fhe finds pie· rfers. '111 .arry 'Man Bor· @ 00 My Wor1d ind Welcome to It (C) t1) Youn1 Mwiu l Artists: Guest is pianist Priscilla King, a native of China, pl1ying works by Scartatti, BeethO'ien and Chopin. I Cl) Slllppy (C) Toroa Hm Come the Stars (C) Run for Your Life (C) 5:30 ~ Cl) 1 shclt 1 Ju 1111 ar d School Dedie1tory oncert (C) Pi· anist Van Cliburn. mezzo.soprano Shirley Verrett and viGllnist ltzhak Pertman are the participating mu- sical artists in a dedicatory coo· cert noting the opening of the Jullllard School at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts In New York City. Leopold Stokowski, In a rare televisiOn appearance, and Jean Morel, a resident Jullliard con· ductor. share the Podium conduct· Ing a 70· piece symphony orchestra. 0 "ALL-AMERICAN * COLLEGE SHOW" with Arthur Godfrey O All·Americ1n Collece Show (C) Arthur Godfrey hosts. Judges are Fabian. Giselle MacKenzie and Pat Wayne. I Cilllig1n'1 lsl1nd (C) Sanset Tr1lla (6) Wortd TomOfTow (C) Frend! Chef: Julia Child pre· pares pates. fVfNINf. 6:00 0 @ (6) m Meet the Prm ~C) (30) O Polb P1rade (C) (60) A black· and-orange Halloween theme sets the scene for tonight's musical get-togelhetr. Dick Sinclair hosts. I M1n from UNClE (C) (60) HomestMd (C) (30) Speculation (60) "A Conversa· lion With Carl Rogers." (R) (l) Min from UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 0 fij (6) m Ci. £. Collec• Bowl i(Cj (30) Dick Van Dyke (30) Run for Your Life (C) (60) Saiebruah Thutre (60) 7:00 B ~ (]) bme (C) (30) La~e rescues a trapped lawn on a drought-ridden cattle range. 0 m Wild Kinpom (C) (30) "Land of the Condor." 0 The Baron (C) (60) "The Per- suaders.'' Steve Forrest stars. 0 @ (I) 1a> Lind of the Gl1nb (Cj (60) "Giants and All That Jazz." Sugar Ray Robinson, former boxing champion-turned.actor, guests as Biff, a trumpet·playing giant threat- ened by gangsters.. O The Joe N1math Show (C) (30) New conversation show featuring co-hosts Joe N11math and sports writer-aulhOf Dick Sdlaap, with two weekly guests. one from the sports world and one from the en· tertainment world. Tentatively sched- uled guests include former LA. Rams star. Bernie Casey. m Movie: "Aplnst the Wind" (drama) '49-Robert Beatty, Simone Signore!. @ @J PG&E Special (C) (30) EID The Advoc1tes (C) (60) "Should Congress Provide Funds To Develop a U.S Supersonic Transport?" De· cision maker Is Sen. Frank E. Moss. €[! Comicos y C.ndonea (30) 7:30 B ~ (j) I blCIALI It'. the Great Pumpkin, Chlrlie Brown (C) (30) The spirit of Halloween, com- plete with trick or· treat, witches on broomsticks and an elusive, magical pumpkin, runs rampant In Charles Schulz's animated cartoon. 0 DISNEY comedy TONIGHT * Three ostriches run 1:00 wild in the old west in THE FEATHER FARM! 0 Q) 00 m Walt DlanlJ (C) (60) "The Feather farm." Two charming Boston Socialites and two cowpokes try to run an ostrich farm. Rex Allen narrates. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Adven- tures of Hajll Bab1" (adventure) '54-John Derek, Baine Stewart. ID Passport to Trnel (C) (30) "Wandering Through Caribla.11 Hal Sawyer visits the stepping-stone islands of South America. fl) Horse Opera (60) @II Los C.udillos (30) B TONITE'S BEST BET * THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW! B Q?; (j) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) Lita M innelli guests. 0 ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. FLORIDA 0 Roll• Game (C) (2 hr) T·Birds vs. Florida. fJ FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI fJ @ (])IQ) The FBI (C) (60) "Flight." Erskine hunts the dauJh· ter of a Mafia subchief who has hijacked an airliner lo escape gan1· land execution. Tim O'Connor guests. m ~r's WOfld (C) (30) "Land of 7,000 Islands." Host Cesar Ro· mero travels to the Philippines. ED The forsyte Sa11 (60) "Dinner al Swlthins." An unhappily married Irene asks for separate rooms. A dinner party brings her to1ether with Philip Bosinney, suitor of June Forsyte. @E Carrousef Mexiaino (60) 1:30 o @oo m 1111 Cosby .,. ("?) (30) "Let X Equal a Lousy Weekend " Substitute algebr1 teach- er Chet Kincaid's boast that math instruction 1s simple baddires on him. Hilly Hicks appears as student Eddie Tucker. m Probe (C) (30) "Narcissus Caper." Dr. Albert E. Burke dis· cusses power. fE Wor1d Tomo"ow (30) "Strife In the Slurbs." Urban problems are discussed. 9:00 B a!) (j) Leslie Uaa•s (C) (60) Raymond Burr. :<aye Ballard and The Turtles 1uest 0 ~ 00 m Bonanza (C) (60) ''The Medal." Dean Stockwell 1uests as Civil War H~o whose friendship with the Cartwrights tri111er1 threats from a still-embittered Southerner. 0 @ (3) G) ABC Sund11 Movie: (C) "fltt -of the Rom1n Empire" (spectacular) '64 -Sophia Loren, Steven Boyd. James Mason. Omar (Continued) Where can you get S 3,000 cash ••• with the lowest monthly payments? HO US EH $1 UNION HOME LOANS $39.66* Monthly paym,nt on IO·yHr Homeowner Loan -ana you're ell1lble whether your home Is paid !Of or noJ! ''Borr01'V S 600 to S 10,000 or more• by phone!'' HOMEOWNERS -compare Union's new reduced payments with any bank any loan company. See why thousands of homeowners ca ll Union Home Loans when they need cash for any reason . PAY ALL YOUR BILLS wrth a homeowner loan from Union. You'll probably cu t your present monthly payments in half, or better ... and have more money left out of every pa ycheck! 0 UNION'S ~(OUCCD ,.ATMUH 1ncfudts lltlll P11nc1p1I & Interest 11 pay~ loan In full "' 110 months NO IAllOON ,.AYM(NTS! Annual per ~entage rate 1s Sl4 finance cnarge p~r yur per $100 ol un~ld balance lotat of payments over period o f 10 years al $3!: 66 a montn, H,7~9 20 Shorler & toncer lerm loan~ ava11a1>1t because at Union, rou'rt the llou -you can pick Ute peymenll that flt yeur llurl1•t! CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER WILL COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER, SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! PHONE DAY OR NIGHT LOS ANGELES OFFICE . . . GARDEN GROVE OFFICE . . HUNTINGTON PARK O FFICE TORRANCE OFFICE . . M r Newton . . Mr. Jennings . Mr. Stevens . Mr. Edwards .Mr. Gome z .. . Mr M c Dowell . DU !5-4141 !539·2122 !589-6711 !542-3!54!5 787-1424 696-1 16!5 VAN NUYS O FFICE WHITTIER OFFICE ,... 9 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 SUNDAY (Continued) 0 m News (C) (30) 0 Let Me Talk To ... (C) (60) Sharif, Alec Guinness, Christopher The official witch of L.A.. Louise Plummer. Anthony Quayle. John Ire· Huebner. and draft atty. Michael land, Mel Ferrer Story of the events Greene guest. leading to !he crumbling of im-i labor Report (C) (30) penal Rome. Manion Forum m I Sl'fCIAl I The Afiis (C) (60) KET Festini (C) (90) "Three The former Don Ho backup group REGULAR DAYTIME MONDAY present pop rock, musical comedy by Martha Graham." (R) hits. the Lahn beat and traditional al Gran Teatro (60) Hawaiian offerings Program in· 10:30 0 World Tomorrow (C) (30) eludes a rib tickling review of the m John Barbour (C) (90) Hal history ol island music. complete Frazier. Larry Wilde, Lynn Kellogg with chants, gongs and the like and Harian Ellison guest In addition to leader Joe Mundo, (E) Kathryn Kuhlman (C) (30) The Ali1s are co~prised of Manny 11:00 f) 0 (E) News (C) Lagod. Rudy Aquino, Benny ChonR 0 Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) and ~ Akana . m Cavalcade ol Books (C) (30) p ~e Movie Game (C) m RIWhide Roundup (60) ~1 61 ~@ News (C) ED Homewood (C) (60) "The Ro 11:30 f) Movie: (C) "Samar" (adven- meros." (R) lure) '61 -George Montgomery, al Domingos Herdez (30) Gilbert Roland, Joan O'Brien. 9:30 O News (C) (30) Doug Dudley. 0 Lohman & Barkley (C) m The Sports Set (C) (30) 0 ~illiam F. Buckley (C) Daniel al Comenurios y Ctlebridides (30) Patrick Moynihan guests. • £lll ~ 0 ) · · · (E) Mollie: (C) "Breakour' (dra· 10.00 ~ IF"I 8 . Miuion: Impossible (C) ma) '59-Richard Todd Richard At- (60) Musical comedy star Sally lenborough. ' Ann Howes plays a dramatic role ~.,.) 1 . ""t (C) as a guest member of the IMF 1!£~ 16 nsi., .. when ii sets out to foil a plot to 12:00 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) ruin a friendly country with coun 0 (171@ (£)News (C) terfeit money 12:15 O Movie: (C) "Stuch!nt Prince" O t11 f6 J ID The Bold Ones (C) (musical) '54-Ann Blyth. Edmundl (60) "II I Should Wake Before I Purdom Die " Alter seve~ years on death (i7) (3) This Is tfle Life (C) row. a convict 1s granted a new . · . trial that brings out different feel 12.30 0 Spealung Freely (C) ings for Deputy Chief Danforth and 1:00 0 Movie: "The Story of G.I. Joe" D A. Washburn Guests include (drama) ·45 Burgess Meredith.1 Edmond O'B11en , Gene [vans, Ar Robert Mitchum lhur Malet and Ron Stokes 1:30 O News (C) MORNING 6:00 f) Sunrise Semester (C) 6:30 f) Odyssey (C) 0 Education uchange (C) "The Challenge of Change Se11es" O Project Know -The Amefican Political System: W1lti Prof Don .lid G Her/be1g of Rutgers Univ ffi Educational Programs 7 :00 f) CBS News (C) Joseph Benti 0 123 6 ID The Today Show (C) O Exercise With Gloria (C) ffi Mr. Wishbone (C) (E) Felix the Cat (C) El) Commodity/Stock Report 7:25 O Community Bulletin Board (C) 7:30 O Foreign legionnaire 0 News/ Ed Nelson Show (C) 0 II Is Written (C) Mon Wed • Fn . Bible Story (C) Tues Thurs ffi Wonderama (C) ID Bozo (C) 29 I 8) CBS News (C) 8:00 f) 29 8 Captain Kangaroo (C) 0 Uncle Waldo Cartoons (C) 0 Daphne's Cutoon Castle (CJ (E)Gumby (C) El) News/Stock Market 8: 15 (17' 3 1 Video Digest (C) 8:30 ffi The Flintston~ (CJ Sugar Ray Robinson Takes Acting In Stride Sugar Ray Rohinson, the legendary boiting c hampion, has two great aims in life-to become a good actor and to he.W the youth of America grow up to be good citizens. Acting i~ now the career of the man who once held both the welterweight and middleweight boxing c hampionships at !he same time The Sugar Ray Robin- son You1h Foundation is probably closest to his heart. On the career side. Sugar Ray ap- pears in a gue~l-<;tarring role 1n "Giants and All Thal J au." airing on ABC's Land of the Giants. Sunday at 7 PM. As for the foundation, Robin,on has been spending all of his free time formu- lating plan-, for a program rhat will help youngsters through athletics. 'T m JedicateJ to helping youth," Sugar Ray cl'.plains "I almost got off the path myself as a young~ter and learned the hc)t avenue was rhrough athletic~. I don't think 1herc'c; a M V alive who wouldn't want to N! an0ther W illie Mays or Joe f'hmath " Open to both boys and girls. ages R to 16. the foundation will provide pro- grams of various ,c;ports activ11ie" during school. after school and in various neigh- borhoods. "I was just a kid on the block in Detroit when a minister gave me direc- tion," Robinson relates. "He showed me the athletic program the c hurch had Pa1e 10 to offer, and 1t wasn't long be fore I wa., participating in Golden lilovcs hox1ng compet i tion~ And there I wus wit h my name in the paper. That's a great feel- ing for a kid." In "Giants ;ind All That Jau." Sugar Ray plays a giant ex-hexer trying to make a living as a iaz.z. trumpeter. H e doesn't pl ay very well ant.I wants the Earthlings LO give him lessons. "Actually, I can·1 play the trumpet The piano and drums. yes." Robin.,on re- veals. Although Sugar Ray ha<; never had an acting lesson, he has an ea<;). relaxed manner on screen "Being a ham at heart. I g11e~s 11 just comes naturally I got uc;ctJ lo camerae; during m\ hoxing career Bc.,1Jc~. I gues.' l tlaven't enough -.en'c Ill he afraiu." Sugar Ray has alw:iy-; hccn tnlcre~ted in acting "Tbe art of !lc..:nming \0111C· one else has always fascinated me." he ..ays ··r like the idea of gc111ng aW<1y f10m Sugar Ray M C'c in awhile" The onl y man to win ;:i tl1v1,1(1n title (middleweight) five t1111c<;. 1{(1hin,on still looks like he's ready for the hell. ''I've got to keep the gum lo:idcd," Sugar Ray grins. "I work out ever~ tlay punching the hag at the Main Street Gym in Lo<; Angele~. It'" the greatest bealrh policy. Besides. the way my wife cooks. I have lo keep up al the gym " W Rocket Robin Hood (CJ ,17 31 Rocky and His friends (C) 8:45 O Your Money's Worth (C) Thurs 9:00 f) 129 1...8 The Lucy Show (C) 0 23 6 II Takes Two (C) Vin Scully hosts Gail fisher. Howard Morris and their spouses 101n actor Cesare Danov.i and date Ruta I ee O Love That Bob: Bob Cummings Mon · fhur s City of Anaheim's 46th Annual Halloween Festival (C) h1 O Movie: 'lee D~yl1rne Movies 0 Debbie Drake Dancercize (C) ffi \17' • 3 , Jack La Lanne (C) al Underdog (C) 9:30 f) .29 8 ' Beverly Hillbillies (C) 0 23 6 ID Concentration ( C) 0 m Movie: See Dctyhrne Movies 0 Western Star Theatr e (E) Gum by (C) /Guidepost, Mon., Wed . r r1 Public Service Films. Tues . lhurs ITT' , 3 I Hayden's Happening (C) 10:00 f) Andy Griffith (C) 0 29 8 ID Sale of the Century (C) Jack Kelly hosls O Movie: See Dayl1me Movies. (E) Essence of Judaism, Tues , Re- conc1fiat1on, Thurs ffi News/ Stock Market 2~ 6 Sunny Today (C ) ED Educational Features 9 n d 10:15 6) World Talk, Mon.; Public Serv- ice, Wed.; Mr. Merchandising, Fri. 10:30 tJ Q?) ®love of life (C) 0 ~@ m Hollywood Squaru (C) Peter Marshall hosts. 6) World of Womlf'I (C) 11:00 tJ ~®Where the Hurt Is (C) 0 ~ @ m Jeopardy (C) Art Fleming hosts. The 18 undefeated champions of the past year will compete in the 6th annual "Tour· nament ot Champions " I The Galloping Gourmet (C) Romper Room (C) 11:25 I~ CBS News (C) 11:30 tJ . a Search for Tomorrow (C) 0 6 m Name Droppers (C) Al Lohman, Roger Barkley co-host. Zsa Zsa Gabor. Mike Connors and Dennis Weaver guest. 0 Johnny Grant (C) 8 The Anniversary Game (C) Tempo (C) Baxter Ward hosts ID Sheriff John (C) 6) Travel Films (C); Perspective/ Stretch and Sew (C) Wed. only. ED Podletful of Fun 11:45 O Corris Guy (C) Wed. only. 11:55 0 ill (6J m NBC News (C) AFTERNOON 12:00 tJ Boutique (C) 0 ~ (6) m You're Putting Me On (C) Larry Blyden hosts. Guests are Phyllis Diller, Brenda Vacarro, Peggy Cass, Barry Nelson, Bill Cul len and Orson Bean I Movie: See Daytime Movies. @ CI) Bewitched News (C) Bill Johns. StO(k Market Close Once Upon a Day @ Andy Griffith (C) 12:30 tJ ~®As the World Turns (C) 0 ~ @ m Days of Our lives (C) Macdonald Carey stars 0 @ CI) That Girl (C) ID News (C) Jack Latham. I Dialing for Dollus (C) StO(k Market Analysis 1:00 ~®love Is a Many Splen· dored Thing (C) 0 Q) @ m The Docton (C) 0 @ ffi Dream House (C) ID Password (C) m Office of the President. Mon , Wed .. Fri : Perspective, Tues., Thurs rn The Galloping Gourmet (C) 1:15 ED Eduutional Features 1:30 tJ ~~The Guiding Light (C) 0 ~ (.6 m Another World (C) 0 Father Knows Btst; Cooking (C) Wed only. 0 @ llJ Ci) let's Make a Deal (C) Monty Hall hosts. ID Truth or Consequences (C) m Technical Corner l :50 6) Fashions in Sewing (C) 2:00 Q!I 00 Secret Storm (C) @ (6) m llright Promise (C) Dear Julia Meade (C) @ @ GJ Newlywed Game (C) I love Lucy Human Jungle Commodity/ Stodl Report 2:30 tJ ~ ® The Edge of Night (C) 0 ~ (j) m Letters to laugh-In (C) Gary Owens hosts. Guests are Henry Gibson, Teresa Graves, Louis Nye and Jack Carter. 0 Gir1 T1lk (C) 0 @ ffi Ci) The Dating Game (C) Jim Lange hosts. i Movie: See Daytime Movies. Hazel (C) Stock Market Summary 3:00 ~®Gomer Pyle (C) 0 It's Your Bet (C) Hal Marth hosts. Shari Lewis. Al Martino and spouses guest. 0 Highway Patrol 0 @ (3) GJ General Hospital (C) m Mighty Mouse (C) Bozo's Big Top Show (C) Mr. and Mrs. North ~ l6' Matinee: Don Rodewald. m Matinee: Don Wilson . 3:30 tJ Lucky Pair (C) Richard Dawson hosts. Guests are Lee Meri wether and Robert Lansing (Mon.-Wed.); T1pp1 Hedron, Larry Hovis (Thurs .. ---------------------------- Fri. 0 Mike Oouglu (C) Soupy Sales co.hosts. 0 Ouie and Hu riet 0 (i7) 13) Ci) One Life To Live (C) ffi Hobo Kelly (C) m TV Readen' Digest ~®Popeye Cartoons (C) 3:45 m Features & News 4:00 tJ Sea Hunt 0 The Naked Truth (C) 0 CIT (3) rn Dark Shadow& (C) m My Favorite Martian m Peter Gunn 4: 15 ED The Friendly Giant 4:30 tJ Mr. Ed, Mon Movie: Tues Fn. 0 Divorce Court (C) 0 News (C) Bill Bonds. O The Robert W. Morgan Show (C) Lou Christie guests Tues. i The Flintstones (C) The Munsters (j) Perry Mason Horse Opera PO(ketful of Fun ( R) ® The Flintstones (C) m El Dolar de Amar Cl) Bewitched 5:00 O CBS Evening News (C) Mon 0 KNBC Newservice (C) 0 News (C) Tom Reddin 0 Flipper (C) ID News (C) George Putnam §Batman (C) 1'6 Jimmy Thomason (C) Once Upon a Day (R) '291 li: McHale's Navy m Un Canto de Muico m Gilligan's Island (C) (ID Drum House (C) 5:30 0 Big News (C) Mon only. I @ (3 Ci) ABC News (C) Candid Camera Gilligan's Island (C) Sunset Trails 16' This Day 1969 (C) Misterogers' Neighborhood ®News (C) Frank lracy. ~ Viruta y Capulina m Town Talk (C) N AME DROPPER GUEST-Zsa Zsa Gabor joins celebrity guests Mike Connors and Dennis Weaver on NBC's comedy panel show, Name Droppers (in color, M onday-through-Fri- day 11 :30 AM). A I Lohman and Rodger Barkley are co-hosts. MONDAY OCTOBER 27 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Drumboat" (comedy) '52 - Clifton Webb, Ginger Rogers. 9:30 0 "The Son of Monte Cristo" (ad· venture) '40-louis Hayward, Joan Bennett. m "Force of Impulse'' (drama) '61 -Robert Alda, Jody McCrea 10:00 0 "You Were Nevef Lovelier" {mU· sical comedy) '42 -Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth 12:00 O "Raw Dtal" (Mystery) '48 - Dennis O'Keele, Claire Trevor 2:30 O "For Heaven's Salte" (comedy) 'SO-Clifton Webb, Joan Blondell 4:30 6 (C) ''The Savage Guns" (west ern) '62 -Richard Basehart. Ale~ Nicol EVEN I N G 5:00 0 REDDIN: WHAT'S * RIGHT IN AMERICA? 6:00 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) 0 ALLEN HORSES AROUND * WITH CALLAVAPHONE O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Terry Gibbs, Pat Har· rington. George Carlin, Leonard Barr and Bronze Star. O Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) ''The Lion" (drama) '52-William Holden, Capucine, Trevor Howard. Young girl. living with her mother and hunter·slepfalher in Africa. has an excessive attachment to a lion she has raised from a cub. When her real lather visits. situation explodes. O Dick Van Dyke (30) ! Peyton Place (30) Star Trek (C) (90) Ci) Mike Douglas (C) (90) EID What's New? (30) ~ 00 C8S News (C) (30) al Tiempo de Perdon (30) G) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 EJ l;j(ir (])NFL Football (C) New York Giants vs. Dallas Cowboys al Dallas. 8 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) The Game Game {C) (30) Jim McKrell hosts Guests are Beverly Garland. Sandy Baron and Abbey Lincoln. I To Tell the Truth (C) (30) Otlict of the President (30) @ Huntley·Brinltley (C) (30) Twin Circle Headline (C) (30) al Noticiefo 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 fJ Whafs My line? (C) (30) Soupy Sales, Dina Merrill. Mark Russell and Arlene F1anc1s guest m I love Lucy (30) (0 Beat the Clock (C) (30) WILLIAM ti()LU~~ CAVUCI~~ Tll~ LI()~ THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. OCTOBER 25, 1969 EE Commodity /Stocli Report (30) I stock among Duncan. Tracy and ~~ (61 Monday Show (C) (90) "The Jeff, but only Duncan's stock Is Birds," starring Rod Taylor, Jessica votable Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette and Tipp1 ff) Blick Journal (C) (60) Part I· Hedron. Excerpts from "Fire." a dramatic E!l) Ahora! (30) film about the raging conflict be· er;, Cesar's World (C) (30) tween a white liberal and black Cl) That Girl (C) (30) urban dweller Part 11 Interviews 7:25 Ill) News (C) with Congressman Julian Bond. 7:30 0 m My World and Welcome to Mayor Richard Hatcher and Con It (C) (30) "Nobody Ever Kills gresswoman Sharley Chisholm Dragons Anymore ·• Eleven pickle al Lu EslJellu Y Usted (30) forks become objects of interna· 9:30 0 ~ (8) Here's Lucy (C) (30) tional intrigue as John Monroe es· Pally Andrews of the famo us An capes into the world of fantasy. drews Sisters asks lhe Unique Em Svetlana M1schorJ and Bill Erwin ployment Agency lo supply look guest alikes for her famous sisters for Ian club 1eun1on and Lucy volun 0 RUTA LEE IS GAME teers herself and Kim * FOR STUMP THE STARS B News CC> (30) Baxter ward 0 Stump the Sim {C) (30) Mike ffi He Said, She Said (C) (30) Stokey welcomes guests Ruta Lee, EE Rawhide Roundup (60) Dick Gautier and Robert Clary. al Rev1sta Musical (30) 0 (17) f J) CE The Music Scene 10:00 6 (29 (fl Mayberry RFD (C) (30) (C) (4S) Mike invites his lnends ~o his fJ Million $ Movie: "A Ravishing birthday party, only to discover Idiot" (comedy) ·65-Anthony Per-that a new little g11I ln town. Sally, kins, BrrRrlte Bardot Soviet agent has 1nv1ted the same boys to her 1n London recruits his deceased pa1ly the same day Renie Riano, friend's bungling son to steal lhe Richard Steele and Christie Match Adm11atty Ille which deals with the ell guesl mob1h1at1on of the NATO fleets in 0 GET IT STRAIGHT case 01 war * FROM TOM REDDIN ID Truth or Consequences (C) (30) ffi Judd tor the Defense (C) (60) 0 ID News (C) (60) EE Technical Corner (30) 0 Ill 3 m Lov e, .Ame11can EID EutMn Wisdom (30) "Uses of Style (C) (60) "love and the Mod Power " Alan Watts discusses the ern Wile," "Love and the Phonies," inner meaning of occult or psychic 1nd "Love and the Single Couple" powers 1n the more soph1sl1cated are shown Jon1ghf s stars include 1nterprelallons ol [astern philosophy Bob Crane Phyllls Diller Michael al Chucho el Roto (30) Anderson Jr and Marjorie Lord 8:00 0 m Laugh-In (C) (60) Guest fJ Oe1la! (C) (60) ldn & Sylvia Flip Wilson goes I rick or I reating guest and appears as a mystic and ffi Perry Mason (60) Queen Isabella ffi Firing Line (60) William Buck O JACK JONES TEACHES ley Author Theodore White discus ses Ame11can politics * BENNY THING OR TWO! al Cmel de MujMes (JO) 0 lack Benny (30) Jack Jones 10:30 0 29 rel Cunsmoke (C) (60) res guests. tu s Hagg1n's frlend Abelia, a re I Queen for a Day {C) (30) spectable farm woman thought to Stock Market Summa,.y (30) be a widow, arouses the suspicion World Pre.ss (C) (60) of Festus and Marshal Dillon when Hit Pa11de (C) (90) her outlaw husband rel urns a lier 8:15 O (i7: (3 J CE The New People {C) years of desertion Jacqueline Scott (45) ·•t ifeline" George Pot1er helps and Earl Hol'*11an guest build a boat lor a dangerous escape al Un Grito en h1 Obscuridad (30) attempt from Bomano because 11:00 0 0 (0 al m News (C) Ch11st1ne Miller threatens suicide ii 0 Alfred Hitchcock she remains B•enda Scott guests., O The Movie Game (C) Sonny Fox 8:30 0 Bruins in Action (C) (30) Tom-hosts Guests are Red Buttons. my Prothro analyzes the game be· Dorolhy Lamour. George Kennedy tween the UCLA Bruins and the and Carolyn Jones Stanford Un1vers1ty Indians iQ Outer limits I David Frost Show (C) (90) ,17 3 ~3' 6 ID News (C) The Bi2 Valley (C) (60) 11:30 0 (29 8 News (C) Sagebrush Theatre (60) 0 2~ 6 ID Johnny Cmon (C) 9:00 ~ 6 ) ID World Premiere 0 Movie: "Lui of the Moh1cans" Movie: (C) "Destiny of a Spy" (dra· (classical adventur~) ·3s_. Randoloh ma) '69 Lorne Greene Rachel Scott Bruce Cabot Roberts Anthony Quayle and Harry O (17' [3 CE Joey Bishop {C) Andrews Russian agent Roes to O Movie: "Gentlemen's Agree- l ondon to 1nvest1gate nwsterious ment" (drama) '4 7 G1egory Peck, events 1n the life ot a top British Dorothy McGuire. fohn Gar1ield ~c1r,nJ1sl ffi Movie: "Stranger on the Prowl" D Here Come the Stars (C) (60) (drama) '!J3 -Paul Muni, Joan GeorRe Jessel welcomes Jimmy l onng. "tewnrt as guest of honor Ed Beg 12:00 6 (29: (j) Merv Griffin (C) ley, A11nes Moorehead. Frankie Ava · m Movie: "Tht Duk Man" (mys Ion and 5usan Barret1 pay h1bute tery) '52-Edward Underdown, Na to him. Morey Amsterdam, Herb lasha Parry Eden and Georgie Kaye also guest. 1:00 O O News (C) 0 @ rn CE The Survivors (C) 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) (60) Jeff leaves home and goes to ffi Action Theatre: "The Bl1c• live with Tom and Sheila: Baylor Whip" (drama) '57-Hugh Marlowe, rhanges his will, dividing the bank Coleen Gray ~69 ind is (; 1tic be- ack !WS nd, 011• 30) ~n· :m· Ok· for un· IQ) his ver lly , 1er no, ch- an >d· s," le" 1de ael :k JS ~s re· to on en ter )tf 0) ox IS, dy s" ph e- :k. 'S a ~) ell A· T • T -E-N-T -1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always a -large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. F irst St., SA 547-0764 THINK I ~ See and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale -on NOW! HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!][Q]lY]g][!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADQUARTERS H119• a.l.cllO" or n•w I. uoed u .cull•• a d•mon1lr•lor rno4tl1 priced for lmmecli•I• d•livery OP ELS GALORE! H1t9e IHe11tory of New • UMd Opek are priced to ~I lml!Mdlaf9fy TERRY BUICK 409 Walnut, H.B. 536-6588 YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU )0 •l!ti'at 1· I T."' Dri•• at 110 I 1t Today ema cost at .... '~ALIF;RNrXr.rf• SPORTS CARS 901 E . 1st St., S.A. B and Z IMPORTS t.,,,. S..ectloa lteedy for l111M9diat• D-41,,...., FACTOU AUTHOlllZED DEALH COMPLETE FOREIGN CAR SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IVERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer in the Harbor Area m ~me of the Leve Bu~ Special~ 445 E. Comt Hwy. at lcry1ide Drl••· N.I . 673-0900 549-JOll ert. 53 est, 54 & 55 SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports is You r kind of place. Your Authorized • Ausrin America Large stock of used Porsches Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. ntwport ~1nµorts 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405, 54().1764 1 (~ In the • ~arbor Area the Economy line for the n Quality 1· 1 mined. /'. .. ZIMMERMAN DATSU 2845 Harbor, Cqsta Mesa 540-6410 Pac• 13 TUESDAY OCTOBER 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Louisa" (comedy) '5G-Ronald Reagan. Ruth Hussey 9:30 O "The Gilded lily" (comedy· romance) '35-Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland. m "Trio" (drama) '51 -Jean Sim · mons, Michael Rennie. 10:00 O "Between Two Worlds'' (dra- ma) '44-John Garfield. Paul Hen- reid. Eleanor Parker 12:00 O "Waco" (western) '52 -Wild Bill Elliott, Pamela Blake. 2:30 O "Magic Town" (comedy) '47 -James Stewart. Jane Wyman. 4:30 f) "Miehty Joe Youn(' (comedy) '49-Terry Moore, Ben Johnson. I VfNINC. 5:00 0 REDDIN TEACHES LAD-* IES SELF-DEFENSE! 6:00 I) Bie News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C)P' (30) 0 STEVE TAKES SHOWER * ON CAMERA TONIGHT! 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Guests aie Henny Youngman, Bob Cwoll. Paul Winchell, The Young. bloods. and Chuck Eisenmann. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Thun- der in the Sun" (western) '59- Susan Hayward, Jett Chandler. Jac- ques Bergerac Leader of a wagon train of Basques to California is at· tracted to the wife of the group's middle·aged visionary whose hope is to start a wine industry. I Dick Van Dyke (30) Peyton Place (30) Star Trek (C) ( 60) (J) Mike Dou£1as (C) (90) Whars New? (30) "Celebrated Coin Collections " ~ 00 CBS NeW1 (C) (30) ei) Tiempo de Perdon (30) a> News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) • The Game Game (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts. m To Tell tht Truth (C) (30) Perspective (30) iaJ @ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) EID The Tower of Washington (C) (30) Scenes and sounds of the unique Gothic tower that stands high above lhe capitol. (29) 00 The Munden (30) m Noticiero 3-4 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 IJ CBS Evenine News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. m Whars My line! (C) (30) I Lon Lucy (30) Beat the Clod (C) (30) READY MADE CAMPER AWNINGS • TRAILER AWNINGS • CANVAS CURTAINS • SUN SHADES (All Sizes) • TENTS-GROUND 'COVERS SANTA ANA TENT ond AWNING co. FACTORY SHOW ROOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. 879-6732 772-6510 211 W. KATELLA ANAHEIM ORANGE COUNTY 'S ONLY ICE ARENA OPEN 7 NITES & EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY LESSONS AVAi LABL E ADULTS&. CH IL DR EN THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25 1969 "I like to get out and dig for things." I J Tom Brokaw is a journalist in the classic sense of the word He's a crusader He gets out and digs for a story · I'd like to spend two weeks with a ghetto kid. just follow- ing him around, to t1nd out what 11 s really like Then I think people would have a far better understanding of the situation .. That's the way Tom Brokaw ts. And we wouldn't have 1t any o ther way here at KNBC Newserv1ce KteC newserv1ce: We care what you think. WEEKNIGHTS 5, 6:30 & 11 PM ,.~ I HUNTLEY BRINKLEY AT 6 -~ • 1969 fil Commodity/Stock Report (30) 9:00 0 QJ ~ ffi NBC Tuesday Mev· J~ r6 Branded (C) (30) ie: "Don't Just S~nd There" (mys. fl) Ahora! (30) tery l"rce) '68-Mary Tyler Moore. '19 <._8 'Truth or Consequences (C) Rober t Wagner, Glynis Johns, Harvey (30) Korman, Barbara Rhoades. Repay-m lsl1nds in the Sun (C) (30) ing a favor. watch smuggler Law· ffi Th1l Girl (C) (JO) rence Colby becomes involved with 7:30 0 -29' lS Lanter (C) (60) Johnny, an authoress. her business manager Scoll and Jelly ti!_ke greal pains to and gangsters ob1ain perfect gilts for Murdoch, O S HOWCASE 5 DOUBLES but personal s1luatrons put a new * YOUR PLEASURE Ton·ite•. ltghl on the celebrahon Sharon Acker plays Tiffany Mumford l ·hr. OF GREAT O til (6 m I Dream of Jeannie SONG & MUSIC! (C) (30) "The Blood ol a Jeannie." 0 Showcase 5 (C) (60) George Their marriage plans are stymied Burns rntroduces Jerry Jell Walker when Jeannie and Tony lry to lake and Kay Stevens a blood lest and buy an engage I m NH festival (C) (60) "ACT ment ring Now .. A behrnd·the scenes looll at 0 CAN THEY STU MP the famous proless1onal training * RUTA? S TOKEY KNOWS! program ot W1111am Bail's Ameri· 0 Stump the surs (C) (30) Ruta, can Conservatory Thealre (ACT). lee Dick Gau l1er and Robert Clary ED Hoy! (30) guesl Mike Stokey hos::; 9:30 0 Q91 L8J The Governor and J. J. 0 17 3 rn I SPECIAL I Under-(C) (30) Gov Drtnkw?llH provides sea World of h cques Cousteau (C)I unscheduled enler ta1n men t tor 160) "Desert Whale!> • I hP ltltle guests at a recepllon when 2 known Ct?lllorn1a grey whales-JS IPopard headed for the 100 where ton monsters which travel 5 000 J l wor ks becomes loose in the miles on the11 annual breeding Mansion m1gral1on, lrom the Be11nR Sea 101 0 News (C) (30) Baxter Ward fhp inland lagoons ot Ba1a Cal1for ffi He ~td, She Said (C) (30) n1.i-are tracked ~nd studied by El) Rawhide Roundup (60) "Marked C pt JacQues Yves Cousleau and lor Murder .. Te~ Ritter stars. lhe crew ol lhe Calypso ED Chucho Avellanet (C) (30) 0 Million S Movie: (C) "flame 10:00 O 'l9 8J 60 Minutes (C) (60) Over India" (drama) '60 -I auren' . Bacall Kennelh Moie Career sol 0 Reddin Tells Gals How d1er 1s 2ss1gned 10 rescue Indian * To Fight Off Males! prince c:nd American governess O Q) Ne~s (C) (60) when rrbellton occurs among Mos I 0 17 J rn Marcus Welby, M.D. lem t11besmen (C) (60) "Echo of d Baby's Laugh." ffi Truth or Consequences (C) (30) A you nit wile panics when Or Welby (JC) Judd for the Defense (CJ ( 60) I ells her she mu sf 1nlo1 m her hus ffl Technical Corner (30) hand of ? pre marital pregnancy €!:) The City Watchers (C) (60) Belinda Montgomery lnd Richard EI) Chucho el Roto (30) Thomas guest 8:00 0 2j r6 m Debbie Reynolds 0 Delli! (C) (60) The four Tops (C) (30) "The Paper Butterfly .. 1 and . aye Balli'fd guest Debbie becomes a lady wrestle r In IT') Perry Mason (60) an riflort lo p1ov1de Jim with ma €!:)Homewood <9 (60) lerial lor his sports column ED Carcef dt Mu1eres (30) 0 Jack Benny (30) Tom and D1ck,10:30 ED Un Grito rn la Obscuridad (30) Smothers guest 11:00 0 0 0@ News (C) m Queen for ii Day (C) (30) I 0 Alfred Hitchcock ffi Stock Mar ket Summary (30) 0 The Movie Game (C) Sonny ED Discotheque a Co-Go (60) rox hosts Guests are Red Buttons. 8:30 O '9 (8: Red Skelton (C) (60)1 Dorothy I amour George Kennedy John Wayne celebra tes his 40111 and Carolyn Jones year 1n motion pictures when he ffi Outer Limits joins Red in a special comic tribute. r;jl (3) l2~ ~ · 29' [81 News (C) lullus Wechter and The Baja Ma ID Reagan Prus Conference r1mba Band are musical guests ED m rn News (C) 0 2i 6' ED Julia (C) (JO) 'ror I 1:30 fJ 29 8"' Merv Grrff1n (C) Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls ' 0 21 6 m JohnnJ Car10n (C) luhd finds that her mother's 191 O Movie: "Black M1g1c" lmys yPar old hPlper (Glynn Turman) tery) 44 -Orson Welles Nancy would like lo bf' Julia s husband I Guild 0 Win With the Stars (C) (30) 0 17 3 ffi Joey Bishop (C) Allen l 11dde11 hosls Rosi> Marie and 0 Movie: (C) "Hell and High Wa· Hal Ma1c_h guest ter" (adventure) '54-Richard Wtd· 0 17 3 Cl} Movie of th e Week: mark, Cameron Mitchell (C) "The Young Lawyen" (drama) @Movie: "five S1!1Js lo Dan11e(' 69 Jason Evers Michael Parks (drama ) '57-Sterltng Hayden Ruth An1a11e1te Comer Judy Pace lalman Roman. King Tom f1eld1ng Three young 12:00 m Movie: "Back to Batun" (dra Boston law sludents lake on the ma) ·45 _ John Wayne Beulah defense of two accu sed ol robbing Bondi a cab drrver t:t:'I M · "Su " (d . ) ·3~ m Oavid frost (C) (90) 1:00 UJ ovte: ei rama ID The Big Valley (C) (60) Tyrone Power l orella Young m Sagebrush Theatre (60) "lucky Ip N~ty(C~ull tin Bo1rd (C) Texan " John Wayne stars o~muni .~ . .. €!:) Interlace (C) (30) "I iqu1d Crys Actio~ Theatre: .~a'f"ard _Girt lats" Dr Albert Hibbs explores 1:30 ID All·Ntght Shen•: N.'ghl Without lhe1r pracllcal appltcaltons 1n med Stars," "fnd of the Riv~'.·" "Sam· lcine and industry son in the Wax Museum 'Young Lawyers': Justice For All Paramount T elevision·s full-length ft:ature, 'T he Young Law- yer'\.'' :11ring on the ABC' Movie ot the Week, T11esday at 8:30 PM, is a nu-hulds-barreJ contemporary drama focusing on a basic rrghl lor all pt:ople-that o l legal rcprcc;enlation. no matter what therr econo mrc positro n. r:icc or crceJ. Defending thi' :.acrcJ right in lhc \tory are three young law stuJcnts (Judy Pace. Tom Fielding. Lalman King), with Jason Jw1111 'l t'fl II II H111IH/I 1//lt1fll('\. ufld J11d1' r,11 <', /0/111011 K111f( 011.J I 11111 I ll'hli11i: 11t·l1 '" 11i:l11 1 tlfl' 1111111J1 /111o 1111Jt'11H "loo 1al,e <111 thr ,frh•tl\t 11/ '''" ''"'" ,;. , ti\t11/ of ,,;l;/t111R a ,,,h iJ,4,,., I \Cf\ ,t,1rnng ·" .1 prnm1ncnt Ao,1on Jll<>rn\''. 1he J irecto r of a lcgJI .11d oflicc "'1111 'Ufl\'rv1'l'' their in \Ou rt Ir Jtntng. ~kad411.1r1crc; lnr lhl' t!rll\I P 1c; the I () INr1ghhorhood Law Otl1u:i. 1111.:all'd 1n H1h 111n·, o ncl'·hallowcd Bc<icon H ill area. r here ;1 rc nil plu-.h. p.1nded ollk l'\ hcrc 1 he huilding is old and I.trail\. thl' furniture \hahh) and \Crnnd-hJnJ. and the plas1er l racktn~ One '\l'n'ie'i here lhe nc..1..u pJnts' fierce pnde. dedication anc.J 1nvoh eme n1 "'11h the IJ v.. ;.inJ 1he un,po kcn helief that 1.rea1ure Cl'l111Mh m ight hreed compl..tccnc' and hh1nt 1heir zeal I hi.' 1" I 0 mcmher' mirror the idealc; and a11itu<les of an in- aca,mg enrps ol dcdrc.1tcd 'oung bw c;1uc.Jen1s across the country 1111.l:I\ •• ind .. f hc YounE? I :iwyers" ~pareo, nothing in dealing with 1h1: wh1cc1 .-,o Cdntl1dh lln telcv1s1cm In tall. C\Cr)lhrng Jhnut the dramJ '' ··;-.:ow ·· The problem~ 11 1.1~!...te, c'"' .i~ m.ql1r "'ual ''sue" 11 1 1hc dav. and tho'>c ~ck­ lfl!! 111 'Ol\c them are rc.11-llfc \ming 11e11plc dt:d1cated .rnd willing h> fig ht lo r what the\ .:onmler a w11rthwhile l.tUSC P,1ramo1mt TV and producer W1l11Jm !)'Angelo fo llo wed thrnugh on the contemporary theme o t 1hc leature with ~omc cx- 1.1trng unorthl1Jox casting to hring 1hc c;ton to lrfc l:Je-.1J c., the talented Keenan W\ nn. guc~t 'i rndude An1anc11e Comer 111 .i rare TV appearance. rising young lcadrng man M tehael Park,, N1'le1 actor Jame" Shigeta, Negro comedian R1char<l Pryor snhc111ng no l<tugh' 111 his first stra1gh1 drama tic role and I m Angeleo; Rams fullback Drck Bass makmg his drama1ic debut rn ,, serious drama. In a medium that 1s sometimes accused o f bemg remic;~ in its social rcsponsibil111es. "The Young La wyer<>" hammers aero<;<> ils me~~agc with uncommon clarity and slrcngth, Pa1e 15 Paa• 16 First time on The Early Showl An unforgettable emotional experience Audrey Hepburn in The Nun~ Story In color. Part 1 Today Part 11 -Tomorrow +JO pm CBSS2 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) ''GJpsy Girl" (drama) '66 -Hayley Mills. Ian McShane. 9:30 D "Cauitrt In the Dr1ft" (com· edy) '41 -Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. m "four Men ind I PrlJtr" (dra· ma-mystery) '38 -Loretta Young. Richard Greene. 10:00 0 (C) "The 81rtfoot Conlessl" (drama) '54-.~v1 Gardner, Hum- phrey Bogart. 12:00 D "Are Husbands Necessary?" (comedy) '42-Ray Milland, Patricia Morison. 2:30 0 (C) "The Buminc Hills" (west· ern) '56 -Tab Hunter. Natalle Wood. 4:30 0 (C) "The Nun's Story'' Part I (drama) '59 -Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, Dean Jagger. EVENING 5:00 0 REDDIN GIVES INSIDE * INFO ON S.D.S.! 6:00 0 811 News (C) (30) Jerry Dun· phy. D m HuntltJ·BrlnllleJ (C) (30) D STEVE SEZ ROBERT Q. * IS JUST A WHISTLER! D stave Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Robert Q. Lewis, Hal frazier, George Lindsay, The Broth· ers Sincere, Don Richmond, Mal Sharpe and Anne-Marie Bennstrom. O Si1 O'Clock Mme: "love In a Goldfish Bowl" (comedy) '61-Tom· my Sands. Fabian, Jan Sterling. Toby Michaels.. Their school super· inlendent declares students of OP· posite sexes off-limits to each other. but they decide to spend their vacation together anyway. I Dick Vin o,te (30) Peyton Place (30) Stir Trell (C) ( 60) (1) Mike Douclas (C) (90) Whirs New? (30) "lnterna· tional Magazine." ~ (i) CBS News (C) (30) I Tiempo de PtrcSon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 KNBC Newsenice (C) (60) The C1me C1me (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts. Guests are Beverly Garland. Sandy Baron end Abbey Lincoln. I To Tell the Truth (C) (30) Office of the President (30) @ Huntley-BrlnllltJ (C) (30) fil) Guten T11 (30) ~ (i) The Mun.WS (30) I Notidefo 34 (C) (60) News (C) (30 7:00 CBS Evenlnc ~.... (C) (30) W111t'1 MJ line? (C) (30) ~69 I 1 ! 66 m- hy ·a· lg. •" ' Ill· ?" :ia st- lie 0) al h· al n. • n· g, :r· P· If, :ir a- i l Love Lucy (30) Beat the Clock (C) (30) Commodity/ Stock Report (30) 00 America! (C) (30) Ahori! (30) 1 @ Truth or Consequences (C) (30) i Wanderlust (C) (30) t That Girl (C) (30) 7~30 ® (i) Glen Campbell (C) (60) Johnny Cash, Rich Little. and Linda Ronstadt guest 0 ~~ (§) m The Virginian (C) (90) "A Love to Remember." Diane Baker guests as a Boston news· paper reporter-artist who comes West 1n search of stories and the slayer of her late husband and child. Fred Beir also guests. D CAN RU TA LEE BE * STUMPED BY STO KEY? D Stump the Stars (C) (30) Mike Stokey hosls. Gur.sts are Ruta Lee, Dick Gauher and Robert Clary 0 (17' rJ) CI) The Flylng Nun (C) (30) "The Not-So-Great Imposter." Larry Storch guests as an unem ployed reporter who is determined to photograph Sister Bertrille In flight. (:J Movie: (C) ''The Bridges 1t Toko-Ri'' (drama) ·54 -William Holden, Grace Kelly, Fredric March Personal drama set among Navy carrier-baSl?d Jet pilots and heli· copier rr.scue teams during Korean War. I Truth or Consequ&nces (C) (30) Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Tech11ical Corner (30) Joyce Chen Cooks (30) Chudlo el Roto (30) 1:00 Juk Benny (30) Carol Burnett ~ ...... • .. : : 0 ~ @ m I $JICl1l I The Brau Are Co111inc (C) (60) Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass present a concert comprislng 10 of their top tunes. Petula Clark guests, and several top stars make cameo ap· pear onces. D Wrestline (C) (liO) Cowboy Lang, l ord littlebrook. Mighty Atom, little Bruiser and Mil Mascaras are fea- tured. 0 @ Cl) ltif} A B C Wed11esd1y Movie: "tieoro Girl" (comedy. drama) '66-Lynn Redg1ave, James Mason, Alan Bates. Story of an awkward young woman whose life is dramatically changed. ID Your Doll1r's Worth (60) In- troducing a new magazine format, the consumer series contains inter- views with Mrs. Virginia Knauer, President Nixon's special consul· tant fl:ir consumer affairs, and Senator Gaylord Nelson, an auto repair crusader. @t) Sylvi1 y Enrique (60) 9:30 (:J News (t) (30) Baxter Ward. m He Slid, She Slid (C) (30) Ei) R1whidt Roundup (60) 10:00 6 ~@ H1w1ii flve-0 (C) (60) A radical C.hinese Maoist student attending the university is found dead just as McGarret has obtained the evidence of his connection with a Cornmu11ist intelligence ring. 0 ~ I 6 ) m Then Came Bronson (C) (60) "The 3 13 Amves at Noon." A long.imprisoned robber 's due lo arrive in lhe town where he has vowed vengeance on two cit izens. Guests are Gloria Grahame, Larry Gates, Royal Dano and Bob Steele. guests. D WHO'S BEHIND THE SOS? O @ CiHD The Courtship of * TOM REDDIN TELLS Eddie's Father (C) (30) "Guess D m News (C) (60) Who's Coming to lunch7'' Tom f) Delhi! (C) (60) CorbeU is just as surprised as his @ Perry Mu on date, Betty Kelly, when they meet ff) Rawhide Roundup (60) l?r the first time after Eddie in· ID Speculation (C) (60) "A Con- v1tes her ~n Max over for the versa lion With Sol Hurok." weekend. Cicely Tyson and James @t) Cucel de Mujeres (30) Cole guest • CY\ • . I Queen for 1 Day (C) (JO) 10.30 ~ Un Grrto an 11 Obscundad (30) Stock Market Summary (30) 11:00 ft 0 0@ News (C) The f'orsyte S.ga (60) "Dinner I Alfred Hitchcock al Swilhins." (R) • The Movie Game (C) @t) lmpactos Musicales (30) Outer Limi1s 8:30 8 ~ (8) The Bevtfly Hillbillies 1 (V ~ @) 59: llJ News (C) (C) 130) The Clampetts are at the · m (l) News (C) Silver Dollar City Hotel rehearsing . . for £11y May's wedding when Shifty ll .JO I ~ f,'U Merv Grrffln (C) Shafer shows up and learns that ' ~ .61 a;, Johnny Carson (C) they are worth $85,000,000 Phil , Movie: "The Texans" (western) Silvers guests J~Joan Bennett, Randolph Sco tt, D Rams Hi_i!!Hghts (C) (30) Wa t~c_, B~ennan . O (171 (3) 1(!} Room 222 (C) (30) 8 (17· ~ ~ 11g> Joey Brsh.~p (C) "Teacher's Dropping Oul ·• Pete Movie., Paris Blues (dra~a· Dix.on 's work with high school drop romance1 61-Paul Newman. S!d outs brrngs him an important job ney Po1t1er. Joanne Woodward, Dia offer from a corporation. Frank hann C~r'.oil,, , . " Campanella Morris Erby and Jan ID Movre. Hells Five Hours Burrel gue~t (drama) '58-Vic Morrow. Coleen m David Frost (C) (90) Gray @ The Big Valley (C) (60) 12:00 m Movie: ''They Won't Believe Me" Ei) Sagebrush Theatre (60) "Des-(drama) '47-Robert Young, perados ol Dodge City" Rocky Lane 1:00 6 Movie: "The Bl1ek Tent" (dra stars. ma) '57-Anthony Steel @t) Sonrisas (30) I 0 News (C) 9:00 6 ~@ Mediul Center (C) (60) Community Bulletin Board {C) Dr. Joe Gannon discovers that an Action Theatre: "Secret Vtn- engineering student admitted to the turf"' (mystery) '54-Kent Taylor, hllspital for an intesllnal ailment Jane Hylton. is nursing an expensive drug habit. 1:30 4P.All-Nipt Show: "Young and Nan Martin and Tim Considine Wild," "Golden Hands of Kurig1I;' guest. "The Blind Goddess." IMAGINE r ~ YOURSELF e , BEHIND THE li.~ MICROPHONE! t" WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCINATING CAREERS INTERESTS YOU? C DISC JOCKEY [.J NEWSCASTER U SPORTSCASTER [J COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER FREE VOICE ANALYSIS TELLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN T ALENT"I TRA1,.; AT HOME OR IN OUR BE,.UTlfUl NEW SIUOIO SCH00l' You t in study broadcast techniques at home, In your i.pare rime. or 1n our new 8r<>1dcut· inc School-lOCAfl.0 RIGHT HlAl IN LOS ANC£LES under the supervision ol our Oiretlinr facully of 11 t1mous broadcast~n Radio-TV stations everywhere nave 1n IMMlOIATl O[MANO for boHI men a.no wom•n to take over important 1ood· paying 1obs rtlht now. N.ATION·WIOE PL.ACEMfNT ,_SSISTAll'Cf at no utr1 cosfl Tu•t1on au11tance 1v1J11bl!. Seno to CARHR ACADEMY'S division of famous Broadcasters for fAEE book· let, record. and votee 1n1lysls delllls. NOTICE: ENROLL NOW F'O" CAREER ACADEMY'S NEXT CLASS! THIS COULD BE YOU" CHANCE TO PUT YOURSELI BEHIND THE MICROPHONEll •An accredited member of the Ne· tional Home Study Council end the •National Ass.ociation of Tr•do end Technlcal School• •Approved for Veteran Trelnln11 • Ml!mbel of California Anocletlon for Private Educetron •An eti11ibte institution under the federally Insured Student Loen Pro1ram. : cAriEEri-AcAoiMY-C\: 1 70IO Hollywood lo11lnerd J'l ! 1 Los Ana.Cu, C1lilorni1 90821 9 , : Phone: (213) 464-0221 1 I I wt,t It U.W ii I tint -.....Ustlftt ; '"1hldt -111 ""-'"'"' ,111• ''"" I ltt ..,.. W.flt'IUti9ft~ Address Apt. City. Stet~/Zip Phone Ac• t •m interested in O crauroom D Home Study 0 8 AAA24 f P•i• 17 BEST FRIENDS "People let me tell you ·bout m y be,r fncnd ·• So be- gins the theme \Ong (" ri11cn and \ung by Nil,,on) for 1 he Court.,hip of F.dd1e\ Father, Wedne~day night' at 8 P\1 on ABC "Bc't friend,·• arc Eddie and hi.' will owed fa thcr-pl::lycd tiy Bill Bixhy and Brandon Cniz. If "he.,t frrend~" 'ound' a bit sticky-like one ol tho'e f.i mily comedic' where "pal'" mean'\ that the kid'> regularly ptill the wool over pa pa\ eye\. Jll\I ll\tcn to Bi xby: "If there\ one thing r m ,ick of on TV. ir\ father, "ho are made out to be 1ncap- ahle dumbdumh\. devoid or a <>en\e of humor or l"'' common sense.·· As Eddie's f,11her. B1xh). a' Tom Corbell . " 't:r\· much 1n command-CJ' a 'elf·~l\\11red c<lt- tor of a metropolitan nc\\ <.p.1pcr magazine '>t1pplcmcnt. "'ho drc,. se<> in ta<.teful l\ .. mod" '"le dare-, a varicn· of v. omen. h," J ze~1 for life . and a deer lOnn~rn and IO\e !or ht' \Oting 'on Eddie. tor ht~ pan. '' vt:n much a child o r 1oda\ hrrght and aw:i re "ho adore' h1\ fa- ther hut lecl<. a re,pon\lhtlrt\' bevond hi, vcar<, 1ha1 ind11dc' trying to find h" dad a v.rfc. Thei r clo<>e relatit1n~h 1 p " 1he core of the '>CrlC~ And "'hat make-; it effec tive, H1'1Cad of sentimental or preciOll\. j, that Bill and Brandon arc :Jl 1u.1ll v ve ry good friend' It happened because before the 'crie, ".1 .. ever fil med. young BrJnJon came to live "'11h 81\h} for ,ev- c ral v. eek.' Although op11m1,llL everyone admit1ed 11 wac; an ex- periment. But the rather ~hy Brandon. once ce rtain of Bill'<; interest. returned hi' lru"t and affection wholeheartedly .'\ nd ... ,. 18 Bill. a ha<.:helor "ho freely ad- mit' that knO'-' ing Brandon has given him a deep desire for chil- dren of hi' own. -;ay-, quite sim- ply: "Now we're buddies." Bi'l:br. born in San Franci,co. i<. a 'i'l:th generation Californian. and hi' appetite for acting wac; w~c11cd "'hen he became a pro- fic1en1 member of the debating team in high ~chool. He later \tudied drama at Sa n F ranci<;cO C it y College and the Univerc;ity of Califo rni a a1 Berkclev. before entering the Army Wi th two yc.i r' to 1hi nk over hi<; fu ture he made the definite decision t~ try acting "hen he got out of the <;ervice. "Looking ha~·k on 1ho'e yearc;, I realiLe no" I never could have done anything el<;e hut ac1. "ith- 011t hcing mi,erahte:· comment\ Bl\h\ He \\cnt to Hollyv.ooJ "hen rele:i ... eJ from the '>Crvice Oae of ht<; fiN 1oh' "'a' a: the Hol- f\"' ood Romcveh Ho1el a' a lde!!11<ird. "here he wa<; d1,cov- crcd n01 h' a rroducer or ca,1- tnl! director. hu1 t'I\ .i Detroit adver11,1ng nec1111vc ~ hci hired him 10 pP\C for c.ir :idvertl\C mcnh In De1rni1. he wa-. not onl\ a ~11n·c" \elling car' pho- 1ograph1cJll\. h111 after making h" ckh111 1n th<.: C-ivic Theatre\ pwd11c11on of "T he Aov Friend," ~lartcd a "lagc career in which he 1' \II II acl i vc. Realt11ng he needed more 1ra1ninf! in the an of tomcd\'. e'rcci.tll\ hi, timing. he returned 10 Holl\•,\ood and 10 the work- 'hop of rhc re<,pecrcll teacher. E\lclle Harman When gue<,1- \l.1rring TV par" \larted coming regular!\'. Ot\h\ N-gan -;pending more 11me 1n the cutting room. \\:lll·h1ng rmt-proJucllon proc- e\\C\ ilnd hm~ rough film .ind unrrla1ed acting hecomc ,1 fin l\hCd proJuLt "It " .. , Jh11111 lhl\ 11mc 1h .11 I met 011r rr11du~cr limm' Kl' m~1ck :ind from rhcn on "-C chl·1..~cll "11h e,Kh 11thl·r hclnre ~l' m.1dl0 ,111, mo'e' in 011r l.1ren'" Hl\h\ e\plaincd "We to11nll 1h;11 \\c ulltld he hone\! "11h c.11:h 01her :md N-1. r1t1cal nl orpor111n1t1c' that came our "'a' ,o IH' co11 Id J vo id 1 ho'e fa t.11 n11 ... 1akc, that Hollv"'oud people 'o o ften make ti a,ttlv. often t.Jc,troying their career~." Both 81 xhv and Komack m:'lde the right deci<;iom Bixhv did a pilci1 which made him 3 home hold name. The ~cries "'a<; M y Favorite Martia.1 and ir ran THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 at the top of the heap fo r three year,. Komack in the meantime turned producer and guided a comedy hit. Mi-.1er Rohert'i. Brandon Cruz '' 6 yea r\ old. 4 l inche\ tall. v.e1gh\ 4 ~ round\ ~di! 'peufica1ion' changing datl} a' " norm;1I "1th 'ix-vear-old ho'·' I. h:h hlack hJ1r. biue eve<> and ~a' horn in O\nard. (':\lit. Having ll\ed hut \IX vear,. ~1th rhe 'ev1:n1h coming up r:ip- 1dlv. there " ,ijlJ little one can 'ay ahout Brandon\ pa'>t He l1 vt·, v. i1h h" p.irenh and three ~oungc:r hrorher, .ind ,i,tcr<.. ;., a .. ,,pr<.:;tl " ltrtlc ho\ v.hn col- lect'\ '101 car<; and make, candle, a" ~1 hohh\'. .1nJ pcrhar' ha' more than 1hc tl\11..il 'hare of curtO\ll\' and e11gerne" to learn ~i)\ fa ther. <.iii. " .1 l-.Hpc11ng 1n-.1alla11011' m.in "hilc hi, moth- er ha' her h.1nd' fu ll v. 11h rhc ktd<;. Competing for a11cn11on \\1 th three vo11nger ch1 lllren. ne11her Brandon nor h1' parent' h;1d ever 'ccn the in,tlle 01 a ... 111d10 un1il Ja,t vear 'fo f:i r Brandon rcg.ird' h" ncv. .1ct1\lf\' a' 'im- ph ..1n aJ\enlllrOU\ nc\\ \\:t\ 10 \pend 11mc .tnd cnCr,!!\ 'II hl' ever <lcc1Je, he ".1111 ... l\1 he Jn ',1t 1111 ·· then < 011rhh1p \\tll lo,c ,, hc.11111f11I ,hiJd." '·''' R1~h \ llmh hl' .tnd l\.om.1d, Jll' J\,,trc ot v.h.11 ~Jll h.lppen 111 .1 l l11ltl .1~tnr 1 hl'' .1crce 1h.1t 'h011ld Br.11llh1n ,1,1rl 1n lllrn tnH\ llOl' Pl lhO'l" 1111111,ICI .. l\fll"' the' ~111 ll'f him L!U lr11m 1 he ~hLiY... • · V.'c ~ 1111 I p11r'-llC 'nmcthing .11 the lel\f nl n11n1ng a child \ life." ':1'' K11m.ick And from .1 pragm.1lil '1c" - point. rf Hrnndnn change'. he "ill no longer h.ivc ju,1 1ho'c qualit ie, th.11 v.on him the role Hi<; mnlher h.1d \Orne phnto, m:'ldc of him hv .i Holly1,0nd talent pho1ogr~phcr. v. here the\ were 'POiied hy an agent \\ h11 'uhmiucd Arandon ,..., one of 300 boy~ who were interviewed for the part. Brandon\ parent\ have been careful to mai ntain a rational balance fo r the hoy. but some part.; of his life have necessarily changed School i., one prime example Ra ther than allending a normal elementary school dur- ing producti on. Brandon i'\ the one '>tudcnt .it the studio !>Chool. When on tht! set. Brandon ask<; many que,ti on-; about the camera\: prop men let him help a<;~emhle the 'ct;; ror eal·h d ay·~ ~hoot ing: and although he wns unable 10 read when -.hooting fir,1 \tarted. he i' no" plca,cd th.JI he c.1 n ,111dy the \Cript<; htm,clt. Ocl·a,ionallv during the work. day BrJndon gel\ cranky or ju~t plJtn \l\·\'ear-11ld m1.,ch1cvo u'\. h111 11,11.tll\' a "'Md or l"-O from Bi\h\ 1, ''1tl11:1cnt Inc young- '1cr ,1:fl 'rcnJ, ··\,111 ... de" 11mc '' rlh Ur ll Jnd 1hc1r \Cf\ reJI re l.111on,h1r add, •o 1hc 'how\ lel'l1ng nl h11nc'1' and "'arm th. toi n\"1 \l11111g child rc,ponJ<; n.1111r.tlh to ph''"' 1n1crc'I h\• .in .1d11lt c;;,, l.ir. flr.1mh1n h.1 .. rcm..11ncd unrmpre"ed h\ h" 'talu' "' ··.1uor · lne\11,1hl\'. though. d1.1ngc' "ill hJ ppcn Dunn~ hr.1111, 111 fllmrng rc.:t·111I\. Hr.in don .1ppc.1red 111 .1 mnv1e And h1• h.h. m·c:"ronall \'. hccn i111cr- v1e\\ed althn1 1gh h" rc\pon'c to nw't llllc,111111' h fl friendly 'hrug. :i '411irm .. ind an "I don't kno\.\ " A' lo ng :" he ,1:1v' th at way, "acting" will rcm:iin ;in enrich- ing experience for the <.ix-vcar- old Both hi' parrnts. :1" well a\ Komad. and 81\by, intend to .. ee that' .. the \\a\' ii remain'\ - 7 Rooms - W r Buy, Sell for You or Trade 432 Ecnt 17th OMJala & Dick SEALING & PATCHING RHidentlAI -Indus . C6mc'I Complt'll· r<•asonablf s<'rvic-1 CurrC'ntly rng-aged by City of C.M. for street rPsloration NATO CORP, Gen'I Conlraclor.- Call U8-S818 CARPET &. FURNITURE CLEANING F\1r 1 I' I} S1•n•1(·<· ;111<1 Q11al1t\ Work . , CALL STf·:HLrN(~ r'< l/I BHrt:I JTNESS~ 642-8520 ~ DIAMOND ' I Carpel Cl eaning "Clnmp1111• · :Vl 1•llwd ' S11il 1'<'i<11'd1•rtt Shillll I II)(•)., d<'Pfl E.\J11•rt <•IHI j.,:tlill'llnl1·1·n Free estimate 645·1317 TONY'S CLEANING ~IERV!CE R E SIOEHTIAL ~ (OMC'L C'11rnpl t-ft• floor <'<U'P \Valls, w111dnws & t arpt•ls Month!.\, v. .. t>kly , dail_v. Vl'ry rt•lmbh·. l"r1·1 E!'.l1mRl1·:-. 548 9823 EVEC\. & WEE!'EN DC\ DALE JANITORIAL .. ERVICES ('t1mpl1'11' C'll'Olllflt.! Sf'rv1n• fm llom1· ;ind c >ff11-.· Carir'l:< · Floor~ -W1ndnv." CALL 548-5048 ~ lltlGHTER SIDE ~CLEANING SERVICE CAltP'IT! & FURNITURE CLEANING. D<'<'P pile & soil rctardcnt method. Reas priced. FTei' est Call 541-41 l4 WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT VOLKSWAGEN St·1·vlC'l & Hep;-111 (;<·nPral 1-kpalrs, Autumatl<' lransmisshms. 1no! Peter Schlt pptlorsl CertaiPd MHler Mech1nlc 2073 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, 642-6373 • HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES NPw & Cusl<>m l<1·lr1•ads Exn•pl 11111MI \'illUI'~' l41 B Ea st 16th St. Costa Mesa Call Barry, 646-4540 ratio:-, -\V;tlks · flriv1·\\"CIYS LJC•1•11;,,1 · f{pa-.onfil1l1 Halt·~· -r'1·1·1 f'::-.tim:tll'S - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION WE SIT BETTE R Subsidiary ol Gerbe r Prod. Co. Pr-ote~1on11I Suoerv1jio., foe chddre'I, elderty & conule\ccnl ANYTIME·AN'VWH ER E Sitting Pretty Agency 642-3274 • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPE·RTS LISTED BELOW! NEW LAWNS Re-seeding, n11n11h'k lawn can·. Clean u r by jub or 111011 th. FrC'C' rstima \Ps. For information call 146-0932 -893-1995 LAWN SERVICE Mowing and Edging B<'rm uda Lawn·~ Hrnovated Pho" 892-0717 a11ytim• JONES GILLESPIE B GOPPERT, INC. Serving Thi~ Community (or over JS yurs. 536-2531 207 5th St .. H .B Dut• tn citations, 50<!, ago;>, SH-22 ... Contal'I Ron GrC'enw11od lnsuranc-t• 545-5614 07 W. 19tll ~t .. Costa Mna REPAIR A ny shaver cleaned, oiled and sharpened ... $3.85 69' W. ltlt! St. Cotta Mesa Call 541· 1H1 VACUUM REPAIR e VACUUM~ e SIO ANO UP ¢0MPLE'TE REPAIRS ANO PARTS. COAST VACUU"" Phone 641· 15 60 CRAFT CLASSES Valley Bike & Hobby 17071 M a9noli1 In• W ri rnt•r l Call 842-3777, 545-0377 PRIVATE IRIDGE LESSONS Bc·1..ri nn•·rs-ln t r•rmedia1 r• Advanct'd Lt>arn wh1l1• playlnK ln ~roup or 4. in fi 1·as.v lc•ssons! $12.00 Josephi1te Fowl., 548-9661 DOMESTIC AGENCIES PAINTING F1n1 oppor1u n1ti1•s av;.iilahlr r1t .v. f, 1r 11•1\l!'.•'kl'•'l"~rs. Cr,11ks. M11tlw 1··~ J\1cll";, <:1tauff1·urs. l11tl J, ...... Georq~ Allen Rvland Aqency Emolov@r l't y• Ftt 106-8 E. 16th. SA 547-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN N <: Job Too Small !'1111111 I !'--1·1'\ 1•'1• I\• ; .. ,,.n·1hli r.it1·<..' Call 545-4614 PAINT NOW IEFORE WINTEll! Exterior spf'cialis ls F'int'st quality wor·kmanship and mall-rials. Comrl<'t it ive priCl'S. F'rr<' Estima11•s Call 9'2·371' -PAINTINGr- 25 yrars C'X(Jt'rir·m·1· HC'll'rC'nces Ouarant<:'c•d work manship Coll 1111 642-201 LEARN Oil ,AINTING Usi ng our s1mpl ified met hod ' Brginners -Advanced PECORA'S ART CENTER JOU Harbor 8 1. Co\la M"a 545°1423 or 546-1196 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 60·5'71, ext. l25 .~ARAGE DOORS PLUMBING TV SERVICE COAST TV GARAGE DOORS SERVICE & REPAIR G•n•rol House Maintenance SI0.00 MINIMU~ 675-5184 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL '42-5678. ext . 325 l'lunii11r11 i{l'f»tll 111ain ('],.,lnlnl' -Fn·• !:.-.11n1:1t.-.- SPEEDY PLUMBING ~·I I It·,.,, ,ti, \V1·1•k••ml 'Nork 546-2387 or 540-7217 PLUMllNG ltEPAllt 24 HOUI SHYICI KilC'hen & Bath remod f'ling rref' Estimal<'S C•ll ~· -'42·0J41 $Ii ~() -7 Days lnch1d1•:; cl)lor a djuslml'nt and <1••magm•t1 1.ing 90 day unrqnditt<mally guaranteed • J>rom n1 SrrvicP 671-9077 Formerly will> RCA Service C"'P JEllltY CUITI~ The TV & A1t._1ta Mat1" / I earn my money ... and your confidencf'" TV Repairs I N YOUR HOM E ....... 642-1432 THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO O "Strictfy Dishonorable'' (ro· mance) '51 -Janel Leigh, Ezio Pinn. 9:30 U "Kitty" (romance) '45-Paul· ette Goddard. Ray Milland. m ''Tlte Blue la111p'' (mystery. drama) '51-Dirk Bogarde. Jimmy Hanley. 10:00 0 "Where tfle Hot Wind Blotn" (drama) '00-Gina lollobrigida. Yves Montand. 12:00 9 "The Great Gambini" (mystery) '37~k1m Tamirotf. John Trent. 1:30 0 "Goodbye, My lady" (drama) '5&-Walter Brennan. 6:00 I Big News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Huntley·Brinllley (C) (60) Steve Allen Show (C) (90) John Stewart, Mort Sahl, Fred Smoot. Jerry Van Dyke and Chuck Jones guest. 0 Sil O'Cled Movie: (C) "S,len· dor in tfle Grus" Part I (drama) '61-Natalie Wood, Warren Beatty, Sandy Dennis, Pat Hingle. Story of a high school girl in love with a boy who stops seeing her and she suffers a "nervous breakdown" with an attempt to commit suicide. 0 Ditk Yan DJ'e (30) m Peyton Place (30) ~ Star Trell (C) (60) 00 Mille Douglas (C) (90) What's New! (30) "Stories Coins Tell." ~ 00 CBS News (C) (30) @[) Tiempo. de Pe1"on (30) ffi News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 0 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) O The Game Game (C) (30) Guests are Beverly Garland. Sandy Baron, Abbey Lincoln. Sonny Fox hosts. m To Tell the Truth (30) ffi Perspective (30) ffi Playing the Guitar (30) "Course Review." ~ 00 The Munsters (30) ~ Noticiero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 4:!0 i) (C) "The Nun's Story" Parl 11 17:00 i) CBS Evenina News (C) (30) (drama) '59-Audrey Hepburn. Pe-Walter Cronkite. ter Finch O Wh<11fs My line? (C} (30)1 •2 YR.• Unconditional Guarantee ncn or SYL\~\~I.\ Grade A COLOR Picture Tubes ff ~011 Hll~ i\ a. • I ) r t ,t Wt I 1io't' I rt 1 " + ;Ht ' ' 'II , C 1( I I PC 4 SVlVC.NIA j., ,.,. ... ti"' ' ( O"Hl'l 1-1 .. 1'Ll\IC\'\I EEl>-..t·IC\IC1-.0 '\ COLOR & B/W ·\I.I. BB\ '\ll" I· HO\I \IH11 f< \I T O ZE"llTll /j)@ljJ/J)g[;J}~ 548-1811 ~~ SERVlc;I "TO DAYS SERVICE WITH TOMORROW 'S KNO W -HOW" 18931/i Park Ave. C osta Mesa ..... 20 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 25, 1969 C()L()V TtiUV~UA~ • VAVT I fVIUA~ • VAVT II CtiANNfL 1 Soupy Sales. Dina Merrill. Mark Russell and Arlene Francis are ce· lebrity panelists. 0) I love Lucy (30) ffi But the Clock (C) (30) ffi Commodity/Stock Report (30) ~ @ Ttte American West (C) (30) ID Ahora! (30) ~ 00 Trvth or Consequences (C) (30) m True Adventure (C) (30) OJ That Girl (C) (30) m Musiu J EstrellH (C) (30) 9:00 iJ ~ @ CBS Thur1d1y Movie: "Dt1r Hetrt'' (drama) '64 -Glenn Ford. Geraldine Page, Angela Lans· bury, Michael Anderson Jr .. Barbara Nichols. Story ol a lonely postmis- tless attending a pos1master's con- vention in New York, who metts and falls in love with a man who is engaged lo another woman. O @(VG) Tom Jones (C) (60) m uitometro (30) 9:30 0 @ (6) m Dr1rnet (C) (30) 7:30 iJ ~ (j) flmilJ Aff1ir (C} (30) "Homicide -Cigarette Butt." Sgt. Cissy and Gregg become "engaged" Friday and Officer Gannon nab a after they see their friends all about homicide suspect when the smok· them marrying. Ing habits of his victim uncover zn 0 Q) (6) m D1niel Boone (C) Important clue. (60) "The Trailor." A British olli-I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward cer, claiming to be a defector, and He Said, She Slid (C) (30) his wife. nearly lead Boone into R1whide Roundup (60) making a fatal mistake. Ed Flan-Musical Os.urt (30) ders and Jiii Ireland guest. 10:00 0 ~ (6) m De1n Martin (C) U Stump the Stirs (C) (30) Ruta (60) Dean welromes Tony Bennett, Lee. Dick Gautier and Robert Clary Sid Caesar, Pat Henry and Charles guest. Nelson Reilly. 0 @m m The Ghost and Mrs.. B m News (C) (60) . Muir (C) (30) "Not·So·Desperate @ rn 1(l} It Takes I Thtel (C) Hours." Gull Cottage is taken over (60) "The Blue, Blue D?nube." by three ~ped convicts and the Alexander _Mundy goes behind the ghost reruses to help Mrs Muir Iron Curtain to Hungary to rescue Guy Marks guests as Duke Wally Dover. SIA chief who was 0 Million s Movie: (C) "I like drugged and ~idnaped ~~ Jan Via Money" (comedy) '62-Peter Sell· dyk, a _Hungari an spy. Ltflane M?n· ers, Nadia Grey. A homespun school tevec~h1 guests as Tanya, Martine teacher becomes a ruthless tycoon Beswick as Maria and John Russell · t r h f as Wally Dover. in en ig t-ingered lessons. 0 Della! (C) (60) Tony Martin and m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Thelma Houston guest Sandy Bar ffi Judd for ttle Defense (C) (60) on and the Fred Myers Orchestra ffi Techniul Corner (30) are featured regularly. €E) The President's Men, 1969 (C} m Perry Mason (60) (30) m C1rcel de Mujms (30) m Chucho el Roto (30) 10:30 ID The Advocates (C) "Should the 8:00 iJ ~ (i) Jim Nabors Hour (C) Present Expensive Automobile lia- (60) J I• 1 p 1 bility Insurance System Be Abo I u ie rowse gues s ished7" (R) 0 Jack BennJ (30) m Un Grito en la Obscuridad (30) 0 @ CV m Olat Girl (C) "The . Snow Must Go On " Ann Don and 11.00 f) 0 0 ffi m m Cl} Newi (C) her parents are tr~pped ·at Kenne· U Alfred Hitchcock dy Airport by a blizzard and Ann 0 Nfl Game ol the Week (C) is due al an important Broadway ID OuleJ l imits audition. @ (JJ ~ (6l ~ 00 News (C) m Queen for I DIJ (C) (30) ffi Stock Market Summary (30) l l :3o iJ e29 (8) Merv Griffin (C) ID Washlnilon Week in Review 0 @ @ m Johnny Carson (C) (C) (30) U Movie: "Chie1ro Dudline'' I mys m Feliclano! (C) (30) tery) '49-Alan Ladd. Donna Reed 0 @ ~Cl} Joey Bishop (C) 8:30 0 fl~ ( 6) m Ironside (C) (60) 0 Movie: (C) "Pap1's Dtlicate "Seeing Is Believing " C1rcumstan Condition" (comedy) '65 -Jackie t1al evidence cau ses Sgt Ed Brown Gte~son Glynis Johns Charlie Rug ID be accused of murder gles, laurel Goodwin 0 Boring (C) (90) ffi Movie: ''The Monster That Chai· 0 1!7l rn w Bewitched (C) (30) lenged the World" (SCI h) '57-Tjm "To Trick or Treat 01 Not lo Trick Hoit, Aud1ey Dalton 01 lreat " Samantha's plan to have . .. . . " the family dress up as witches and 12:00 m Movie: Affair 1n Havana (d1a collect donations for UNICff on ma) ·57 -John Cassavettes. Sara Halloween infuriates F ndora Shane m David Frost (C) (90) 1 :00 iJ Movie: (C) ''The Uniu11ded ffi The Big Valley (C) (60) Moment" (drama) '57-Es1her Wil ffi Sa(tbrush Theatre (60) "Man Iiams, George Nader. John Saxon From lllah." John Wayne stars O O News (C) ID NET P111house (C) (2 hr) U Community Bulletin Board (C) "Glory! Hallelujah!" From San I!) Movie: "Chinese Bunialow" Francisco, the American Conserva-(drama) '56 -Paul Lukas. Kay tory Theatre production of a new Walsh. Civil War drama contrasting the grim realities of the battlefield with 1:30 ID All-Niihl Show: "Retik, the the romantic view of the war held Moon Menace." ''Iron Duke," "The by those back home Vampire's Collin." YOU ANO YOUR FAMILY HAVE A 71 % CHANCE OF BE- COMING VICTIMS OF BURGLARY OR VIOLENT CRIME ACCORDING TO RECENT FBI STATISTICS. HOW SAFE IS YOUR HOME? • Law enforcement off1c1als recom· mend for maximum security-con· cerned individuals install some type of alarm system. Until now this was a very expensive and com· phcatPd proposition •New Radio Frequency Guardwell 2 A larm System O lfers You Feil Sate Security at a Price You Can Attord to Pay• •Double alarm pro1ec1Jon1 Intruder rnters-lrghts go on 1nstant1yl Sec- onds later s11en sounds until you turn 1t oll' • Easy to install' Just plug ii 1n1 Saleguardc; your home night and day' Protects doors and windows' Pe1sonal protecllon for the lady of ttte house' Operates on remote control Radio Frequency! Fail Safe' Heavy dut~~····· battery pack sta'n'ds by for emergency pawer source• FAEEI Find out how yClu .. an me~e ~(llJt homo ule !tom burglary Send couocin 101 lree 'Home Secu111y T 101" bookie I end more lnlorm1111on on low coel Ouerow~ll Alarm Syllem No c"~t No ot>ltQ&lrCln PHONE NOWI 652-9905 I I I FREEi fl i •":: I ..': I I Guardwelt I Ota! 1401-011 I 980 N l a C'"'lllll 8hd lo• 4no•ln Col 900~4 !!1/! I I I Pleue rush me •nlormahon 11>n1 lella I mt how lo m1~t mr hom~ u lt lrom t)ur1l1ry Q Mll ;'l MRS [)MISS Addrtn I City. Slllt I l ip_ _ _Phone _ --11-4~.t!J!. 91'!.!.9 _____ ~·~~ FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day'!5 movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "Capuin Ligtltfoot" (ad· venture) ·55 -Rock Hudson, Bar· hara Rush. 9:30 ID "Things To Come'' (drama) 'J6 -Raymond Massey, Ralph Richard- son. 10:00 O (C) "M11di Grn" (musical) '58 -Pat Boone. Christine Carere, Tommy Sands. Sheree North. 12:00 O "The Monster and the Girl" (horror) '41-Ellen Orew. Paul Lu· kas. 2:30 O "Sea Wile" (adventure) '57- Richard Burton. Joan Collins. 4:30 O (C) "Run for Cover" (western) '55-James Cagney. V1veca Lind I ors. IVENING 6:001811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy · m Huntley-Brinllley (C) (30) Steve Allen (C) (90) Pat Har· rington, Vivian Rud, Skiles & Hen· derson, Pat Buttram, Linda Graham and Debbie Bell guest 0 Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) "Splen· dor in tM Grm" Part II (drama) '61-Natalie Wood. Wanen Beatty, Sandy Oenn1s, Pat Hingle. A high school girl. in love with a boy who stops seeing her, suffers a mental breakdown. Did Yan ope (30) Peyton Place (30) Sbr Trek (C) (60) 1 (!) Mike DIDvfles (C) (90) : Whirs New? (30) 00 CBS News (C) (JO) . r111npe de Penton (JO) · News (C) (60} Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 MBC Newservice (C) (60) • T1'e Cante Caine (C) (30) Jim MacKrell is host to Beverly Gar land, Sandy Baron and Abbey Lin· coin. I To Ten the Truth (C) (30) Office of Ult President (30) (6) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Book Beat (C) (30) 00 The Munst.n (30) 61) Noticiero 3( (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 0 CBS Evening News (C} (30) Waller Cronkite. I Wl\ars My Line? (C) (30) I love Lucy (30) But Ult Clock (C) (30) Commodity I Stoa Report (30) (6) Cinema Sllowuse (C) (90) "Bus Riley's Back in Town." star· ring Ann Margaret and Michael Parb. ED Ahora! (30) ~ 00 lrutll or Consequences (C) {JO) BED WETTING ODORS? , .... ruin bedding, embarrass child The (nurlone method has prove,, i'1 over 350.000 cases ,,, bolh boys and girls, that •t <.om slop bed wet11n11. (£ '1U· ro:s1s)' .. ·hen not caused by orpa,,•c detects OI' diseases, 1'1 IU'>I lwo to tour weeks Nol a drug or d1e1 1us1 a simple e11er- nse 1echn1Qt.e Approved by m;iny doctors. ..... c-ror rR£r aoo•ll r • 910 WI • fltf( It, UlllO fflffl IH ~, •• ,,. • .-, •I ,.. •-"1•1•1 • .., I l •• l•• • .,, • • ~ W • • ~· ' • ... f •• •i • ~·· • ,. . ... , 'I'! 9 i , •1 t I • .. • ,_, h' I\ P' '1r ( Mf'A\~ .. _ ·--·- -- -- - --M~1i ~ -fNURTONt -COMPANY-.-p-~;n; 8si 4300-; --;~. i o,26 ----- rARlMA M(OICAI C[NT(R SUlll 708 NAM rl 8140 Vl NIURA Bl vn !ARIANA CAI II 91356 A 00R(55 C ITY STAT£ ZIP l\N l\C:CRFDITED PERSONAL SERVICE THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OClOBER ?5. 1969 m American Wast (C) (30} lingering and bowing. (E Th1t Girl (C) (JO) 61) Noches hpatln (30) 7:30 I)~(!) Sitt Smart (C) (30) 9:001J ®) (81 CBS fridaJ Movie: (C) Smart 1s assigned to head up a "Come FIJ With Me" (adventure) "trio" composed of a safecracker, '63-Dol ores HJrt, Pamela Ttlfin, strong-arm man and pickpocket as Lois Nettleton, Hugh O'Bnan. Karl part of his mission to obtain an Malden, Karl Boehm The lighl intelligence code from the sale of hearted story of the advenlures and a colonel. who runs a chain or misadventures of a trio or airline restaurants as a KAOS cover Bar· stewardesses and lhe11 sea1cti 101 bara reldon, Oon Adams star. romance 0 m Hip Cllapmal (C) (60) 0 PlaJbOJ After Darti (C) (60) "Trail to Nevermore." When John, Billy Eckst ein. R1th little, The Victona and Mano become stranded Grass Roots, S1mmy Bow, Bobby in the desert after an anack by Doyle. Paul Mazurky and Larry rene11ades, they discover a "ghost Tucker guest town" that's not completely de· 0 @ (3)rffi Here Come the serted. Brides (C) (60) "Hosanna's Way" O st••P the Sbrs (C) (30) Mike The Bolt brolhers run tn(o pre1ud1ce Stokey's guests are Ruta Lee, Dick when they try to help a wounded Gautier and Robert Clary. Indian boy. the only survivor ol a 0 (ft) (J) (f) let's Make a Dul band of migrating Apaches killed (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. by !rappers Ric Naloll plays Ho O Million $ Movie: "Edge of the sanna City'' (drama) '57-Sidney Poitier, ffi David Susskind (C) (2 h1) John Cassavetes, Jack Warden, 61) Premiere (C) (2 hr) Ruby Dee. Army deserter becomes 9:30 O News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. involved in conflicts of waterfronl @ He Said, She Said (C) (30) workers fE Rawhide Roundup (30) ''Thun I Tn1th or Consequences (C) (30) dering Gunslinger " Buster Crabbe Judd !CK the Defense (C) (60) stars. T1d1nical Cornet (30) 61) Pandorama (30) The French Chef (30) Julia . , Child prepares pales. (R) 10.00 0 ~~ 6 m Bracken s World 61) Chucho el Roto (JO} (C) (6~) "The Sweet Smell of Failure · Sylvia Caldwell v1s1ls Syn 1:00 0 ~Ci) The Good Guys (C) (30} anon. the rehabrhlation ce nter 101 Rufus and Bert try to become vol dope addicts. Lo persuade an ex unteer firemen but Bert has trou movie director lo make a come ble passin g the main lest-m3krng back Ricardo Monlalban guests l11ends with firehouse dog Bob 0 m News (C) (60) Denver. He1b Edelman Joyce Van 0 f7 31 ffi Jimmy Durante Pre· Patten star sents the Lennon Sisters (C) 1601 0 hell BennJ (30) Danny Thomas and Jimmie Rodgers fJ (f7'; 3 1 (D The BradJ Bunch guest Thomas introduces a song (C) (30) "A Clubhouse Is Not a he wrole to honor hts new grand Home " Carol:s ~" s decid.e they daughter Du1a nle and Thomas learn would rather live 1n the boy s club in a skelch as a pair of intrepid house. explorers. L ew1s and Clark I Queen for a Day (C) (30) O Della! IC) (60) Gary Podell Stod Marllet Summary (30) and the Un10n Gap, and Pal Hen1y lnterf~e (C) (30) ( R) guest lucecit• (C) (30) @ Perry Mason (60) 8:30 0 ~ (i) .Hogan's Heron (C) 10:30 61) Un Grito en la Obscuridad (30) (30) Col. Klink Is condemned to die before a lirlng squad for Un· 11 :00 ft 0 0 ~ a> m ffi News (C) wittingly giving away a military se 0 Alfred Hrtchcock cret. unaware that he is carrying I John M~ll~y S!low (C) · · · h 11· · Outer L1m1ts vital information for t e A 1es in· t"'i"\ "'" m '-iA (i i) N (C) side his belt 1 l~ ... ~ 16 1"",., 8 ews 0 ~ •61 m Name of the Game : The forsyte Saga (R) (C) (90) "Give T 111 It Hurts " Oen-11 :30 0 Q9} (j) Merv Griffin (C) n1s Weaver. Diane Baker. Larry R 113 (6 m Johnny Carson (C) Storch, Mark Miller, Phyllis K11k, Movie: "Dr. CJclops" (horrcrl Ben Murphy, Sue Ane Langdon '40-Albert Dekker and Karen Black guest with Robert 0 17 l ffi Joey B1shep (C) Stack. who (as 1ournahs1 Dan 0 Movie· "franltenstein. 1970" farrell} sets cut to prove that a (horror) '58 David Niven Yvonne professional fund raiser 1s a thief DeCarlo O Auou ttle Sevefl Seas (C) (30) -O 17: (3 (!) Mr. Deeds Goes to ~ ( 8 ~eekend Sho• Town (C) (30) "Once Again a Star " 12:00 m Movie: (C) "Black Sabbath" Celeste Holm guests as Norma Far (horror) ·64 Boris Kar1oll Mark row. a former star everybody but Damon longtelfow considers a has been 1 :00 f) Movie: (C) "Devils ol Dlllll· Against all advice he decides lo neu" (horro1) '6!>-William Silves help he1 make a comeback Monte ler. Carole G1ey Markham sh rs as Longfellow Deeds O O News (C) and Pal Harnngton co;stars as Tony 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) Lawrence Ivor Barry 1s featured as . Georg e and Herbert Voland as Mas· @ Movie: "Men of Conflicf' (clra terson ma) '53-[dwa11I Arnold, John Agar I David frost (C) (90) 1:10 0 Movie: (C) "The Terror" (hor The Bir Yall er (C) (60) ror) '63-Bons Karloll, Jack Nie S1gebfush Theatre (60) 'Tron holson lier Vengeance " Don Barry stars. 1:30 m All-Night Show (C) "Catherine ED Casals Muhr Class (30) Casals of Rus.s1a." (C) "Alragon," (C) demonsllales various technique" or "MM M 83.'' ' [ v s E t c r s t- i: c I 1969 (C) ure) !fin, Karl ght and rline for (60) The >bby arry the ay.'' dice 1ded ii a illed Ho 1un 1bbe lorld of Syn· lor ex 1me s Pre· (60) gers ;ong and earn epid :kelt enry (30) s(C) ~) (Cl r rnr) 170" inne ath" '1ark lark· Ives (C) dra \gar 'hor· Nie Hine (C) I Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) brella Man." Canciones y Musita 11 Home i nd Recrution Show (C) 9:30 ! ~ Dastudly & Muttley (C) Jack Rourke hosts. 6 m Banana Splits (C) I Evans-Novak Report (C) I 3 a> The Hudy Boys (C) · Tutro Famili1r SATURDAY ans competing for the $140,000 purse at the Silverado Country Club in Napa, Calif. (D Patty Duke 4:00 fJ Movie: (C) ''The Fiv• Thousand Fingers of Dr. T" (fantasy) '53- Tommy Rettig, Peter Lind Hayes. Mary Healey. Amazing Three • Realty Review (C) Cuerdas y Guitarras 12:30 ~ 00 Wacky Races (C) NOVEMBER 1 10:00 ® ® The Perils of Penelope O High ind Wild (C) Pits~ ·(C) 0 Movie: (C) "Frenchman's Cr"k" I MORNING 11 Ch1mpionship Bowling (C) @ @ (;l) Casper (C) 7:00 I Ill (6) m Heckle & Jeckle (C) 8 (11) CID m Sky Hawks (C) (adventure) '44 -Joan Fontaine, Movie: "Rocky Mountain" (west-Arturo De Cordova. ern) 'SO-Errol Flynn, Patrice Wy· m Movie: "One Minute to Zero" O Movie: "The Red B1dge of Couraee" (drama) '51-Audie Mur· phy, Bill Mauldin. Mr. Wishbone (C) Felix the Cat (C) m~ovie: "The Toughest Gun In 7:25 Give Us This D1y (C) Tombstone'' (western) 'SS-George 7:30 fJ Sunrise Semester (C) Montgomery, Beverly Tyler. 0 @ @ ffi Smokey the Bear (C) m El Dolor de Amar O Reading With Your Child (C) 10.30 I ® CiJ Scooby-Doo (C) (D Bozo the Clown (C) . . ~ @ m Jambo (C) 8:00 fJ ~ 00 The Jetsons (C) Movie: "Night io New Orleans" 0 ~ (6) m Here Comes the (mystery) '42-Preslon Fosler, Pa· GrU"!e._ (9_ tricia Morison. I l!ZJ (V1ffi Cattanooga Cats (C) 0 @rn m Gulliver (C) Kimba (C) m Movie: "The Dummy Talks" Tales of Wells Fargo (mystery) '43-Jack Warner, G. H. Gumby (C) Mulcaster. 8:30fJQ9}(ij)Bugs Bunny/Road Run-11 :001 1~Archie Show (C) ner Hour (CJ . 6 m The Flintstones (C) § ~ @ €S ~i.nk Panther (C) J7 1. la> NCAA Football (C) Campus Profile O io State at Northwestern. er" M(:=~~~r~C) l.~Th~a~~~~pi ~~:~-11:30 0 ~ ~ m Underdog (C) ' 0 Movie: (C) "The Command" Dolor~s Dor~. <western) '54-Guy Madison Joan m Cisco Kid _ Weldon. , (D Rocket Robin Hood (C) (D Movie: "The Iron Sheriff" (west- 9:00 0 ~~I m H. R. Pufns1ulf (C)1 ern) '57 -Sterling Hayden, Con· 11 Movie: "The l ady Has Plans" stance Ford. (mystery) '42-Ray Milland. Paul· ette Goddard. 0 @ 00 1ffi Hot Wheels (C) AFTERNOON m Movie: "Jungle Book" (adven· lure) '42 -Sabu, Rosemary De· 12:00 U fi?) 00 The Monkees (C) Camp. O International Zone: "The Urn· AN OLD JOKE, BUT A GOOD ONE Cecil B. DeMille is really not dead, he's taken the name Bill} Davis and is directing the Herb Alpen & The Tijuana Brass tele- vision special. ''The Brass Are Coming:· NBC Wednesday. 9 PM. Al least it looked that way when Davis took his cast and crew to Southern California's Leo Carrillo Beach to tape the closing of the show. Aside from the hundred~ of sunbathers and surrers who thronged around watching the proceedings, there were: Herb Alpert, special guest star Petula Clark. the six members of the Tijuana Brass. comedian Jack Burns, two small kids, twenty-four bikinied beauties (which added greatl y co the confusion!). one midget, a clown. sixteen dancers, a half-dozen muscled beach boys, one olJ flower hag. an elderly dowager in a throne chair and va rious and '>undry wildly-dressed extras. In the animal department were a dozen horses, an Afghan. a bahy elephant and one tiny dog. Brightly-colored sail boats were lying on the beach or bobbing in the water among surfers on colorful boards. H IE TIJUANA BRASS (drama) 'S2 -Ann Blyth, Robert Mitchum. I ~ Pic1ure (C) 1:00 ~®Superman (C) Double Feature Movie: "let's Make It legal" (comedy) 'Sl -Claudette Colbert, Macdonald Carey. m ;,;~:,~~;; J Homuhod 1:30 fj ~ 00 Jonny Quest (C) (D Wmtling (C) m Film Features 2:00 fJ Steps to learning (C) 2:301 Wtleels, Kilns and Clay (C) @ (1) ffi Fantastic Voyage (C) • Wagon Train (C) Chilltlf 3:00 The New Society (C) Paul Udell hosts. Q Dr. Kildare ,~ @CV Gl American Bandstand ~Samson (C) I Tiempo de Perdon 3:30 Viewpoint (C) Jere Witter hosts. I s .. t c1AL I Kaiser International Golf Tournament (C) Ray Floyd heads the list of I 0 PGA champi·' II Spy (C) McHale's Navy McKeever and the Colonel Feature 4:30 Youth ind the Police (C) "Hail to the Chiefs." 11 Outdoors With Liberty Mutual (C) I My Favorite Martian (C) The Munsters Bronco The World of Beauty (C) 5:00 It's Academic (C) Competing high schools are Rubidoux (River- side), Los Altos (Hacienda Heights) and Glendora. O This Week in Pro Football (C) 0 @ (J) (1) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) I The Aveneers (C) Man From UNCLE (C) Batman (C) Peter Gunn Playing the Guitar (R) 5:30 I ~~~,-~~~ (C) (R) KNBC Newservice (C) Gillig1n's Island (C) Mr. and Mrs. North Your Dollu's Worth (R) Agriculture USA (C) l'FTUL A CLARK Half a dozen photographers prowled around the zany-looking per- formers. and grips grunted as rhey toted their heavy loads through deep sand. Prop men fought desperately against a 25-knot wind which arose anJ continued to capsi1,e the sail boats, dumping their occupants into the roaring surf which drowned out the bullhorn commands of th e assistant directors. After several hours of swearing, sweating and even a li ttle praying. the scene was set to shoot. Wind-corn costumes were taped or clothespinned together. Sand was wiped out of makeup and cameras. The wind faded at lasl. The assistant director, by now a bundle of live nerve ends. turned to director Davis located sev- eral hundred feet away, raised the bullhorn to his lips-and reduced the entire ensemble to a screaming, laughing crowd as his message shattered the long-awaited silence: "We're ready anytime you are, B.D." CONFUSED ABOUT STEREO? CASSETTES? CARTRIDGES? REEL-TO-REEL? 4, 8, 12-TRACK? A 'SK the "WISE GUYS" at ATLANTIC! CTHEY'RE NOT REALLY "WISE GUYS" AT ALL- THEY'RE JUST VERY WISE ABOUT STEREO UESTIONS) HARMAN-KARDON 200-FM SH·E·RWOOD-125.-watt AM-FM ( . . . A•k th• "WISE GUYS" •bout thl1 1pecl•I BEST BUY 1y1teml H-K 200 ••• R91. $250.00 GARRAID .•• R91. $45.45 LANCHS 12~. R91. $59.00 SAVE $154.74! 519981 1-SOUNDCR.AF TSM EN LANCER '711 :>tLEO WALNUT SPE AK E R SYSTEMS. REG lt19 . .l0 REG. $359.50! 10 0 GARRARD iL6SB AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PLUS PLUS ST EREO CARTRIDGE NtTH SHURE DIAMOND STYLUS REG. 074 SO F1ISHER 160-T DEMONSTRATORSf GARRARD 25-WAn SYS·TEM e flSHU 160-T Lafe> I 1'1C all >Olod >1<11~ 4? wJTt fM Slt'ftlO Rece1vrr 1vnr O Mdht •unrng !tCl~th you,. Javor 1tc r M l\tat1on cH I~~ P<l>h ol ., IJvllon Rtq Sl99 9 SAVE $51.95 NOW! • H WAii Solla Slate Srrr..o Amphf•e,. e. Pre.Amp ONLY A FEW AVAILABLE! NEW FACTORY 2-YEAR Spe3kor -Oiled Walnut SAVE $74.S I! encrowrt• REG. PRICE $174.50! WARRANTY! $1480 WHILE THEY LAST -01\!L Y e 1'70 Ga rrnrd Automatic Turn l1b'<' plus st•rl'O ca rll1d9e w10\ d1amo"ld sr.,tus s9999 SAVE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! Solid-State Stereo Compact Tape System This rs for the per1on who wanh a tru- ly ver1atile, p orlable 1tereo tape •V>· tem. Complet e 4-track •••reo -buil t- '" power amplofier> and matched ,1,.reo •pe<!lke" Built-in Stereo Con· trol C e nler permih complete f.cilitie> for a 1lere o tuner, or m aqne tlc phono- qraph, Two mrrcop hones included. SA YE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! ~~~E ..... $229 50 519950