HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI ' . • ;; 1:;;;a.,.ca1xa1: a ta a • & ED 39$$0 a c 2 a e =• ' ::: : • Centered • Ill Laguna Jolts Coast; Fourth • Ill Five Days 4.3 Reading Hits • uto es esa Ir ' ; . .-. . .. -.. . . ·. ~.,. . f l . ·--. U :; DAI .LY Pl LOT :. ' Citizens Aldrich * * * 10' * * * i . , . ; . . MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 27, 1969 \IOL. •:z. NO, U1, 4 SIECTIONI, .0 P'A.~1 ,' Home Over 'Dirty Paper' Mesa Girl, 7, Crushed Und er _-\.unt's _i\.uto A 7-ycar-0ld Costa ~1 esa girl \11as <'rushed lo dc11lh Saturday afternoon brnca1h her aunrs rolling car after a head-on coJ!ision on Pacific Coast Jl1ghway in Newport Beach. Nc .... ·porl Beach police traffic officer 1.11rry Loeffler said Julie Peters of 291G J:llcsrncre A\·c., apparently flew out the \11ndov,. of the cnr as it rolled several t imes alter the initial crasli. \c11hrr·thc girl. no r her aunt, Virgin ia l11c1. Pc1cr::;. 24 , 2002 N. Pondcrosa SI , j ·n~t.1 :0.ll•s;i, \\Ore seat brlls, LocHler :-.a 1cl. .\l1s~ PL'\l'rs' r·ar and one drh·rn h~ Tirirc C'rul r hl'r Can1pbl'l1 Jr , 2~. of 19.841 Jl!'rksh lrl' l.anl', l'oll idrd hradon 1n !he t/r~J hlocli of l::;;s! Coast l\1 gh way at 5·40 [1 111 l'ol1!'C quoted C:im pbrll 11~ sa~·ini:: he \1<1S traveling Jrl 1he fast l;ine hc.:id1ni:: north \1•hcn he fir st S\vcrvcd to the right lane to pass a slow c.a r. He swcrvcrl back ngai11, hO\\·cvr.r, v•hcn he sa w another car in front of l11n1. To avoid colhcling with the original slo1v <'<H. he said , he veered toward the op- posite traffic. The cars collided headon. The Peters l ar then rolled se\'eral ti1ncs, police said. Crutcher suffered two broken legs, two broken ank!C'S, a wrist fracture and ~cvcrr cu1 s. He \Vas in satisfactory con· clitinn today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. • ~Fi"r-~·.:~~~ ~.oi-~--'·~ u: -n. ~ Thrills" Spills ~--' --•I~ .,.r _w ~-~--------!; • ID 1, " Trike Grand Prix DAIL'I' l'ILOT "~0101 by Fl1iss Peters, hospitalized \\'Ith severe l"l lls and bru ises, \l"as in fair condition thcrC, aides said. A LA LAUGH IN'S LOONY CYCLIST, JIM ODRIZOLA TAKES SPILL DURING CLOSE·HAULED TURN IN NEWPORT TRIKE RACE Quake Shakes Up Coast, Reaches 4 .3 on Richter By RICHARD P. NALL 01 llM O.ilr ,.1111 51111 An earthquake centered in the Laguna Beach area jolted residents out or their slumber at !i: 16 a.m. today, registering 4.3 on the Richter scale at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The. quake was the fourth to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last five day4, This morning's shake was described by Laguna residents as be ing a heavy jolt followed by several seconds of after· quakes. Elsewhere in Newport and Costa ~1esa, lt 'A-'Bl'i described nwre as a rolling quake but also felt as a sharp jolt. Polit'i? alon~ l/1e entire coa~t rrporterl phone calls from anxious citizens but 1hcre were no reports of rcill damage or injury. A few callers said they had been rolled out ol bed. Newport llarbor Chamber of Com· mere.: officiafs reported that one woman called them about the quake. "She said she thought her gas heal.fr had ex· ploded." Seismologist Dr. Ja1nes N. Brune said the quake was fell throughtout Orange, .Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counUe.s. "Be advised we're havin~ an earth· quake," Laguna polict Offlctr Arthur DeLuca radioed the station . Sa id di!!patcher, Juanita Perryman: "l was so ISee EARTHQUAKE, hp 21 ' Eartl1quakes Rip Yugoslavia City BANJA LUKA, Yugoslavia (AP) E;ir\hqua kcs ripped through this indus- trial city in \.\1estern Yugoslavia Sunday <ind tod ay. killing al least 20 perso ns and injuring hundreds. Oficials es timated nearly 60 pero."!nl or buildings in I.he city of Mi,000 were de- stroyed or damaged. Thousa nd\ of per· sons fled in cars and buses and the Yugo. slav army sent in helicopters to ass ist in the evacuation. The first quake hit Sunday afternOQ;i, killing a JO.year-old child and leveling or damaging sco res of buildings. As residents and officials were as- sessing the damage this morning, an even stronger quake struck. About 20 more persoM were found dead in the rubble of col lapsed buildings. Reismo loK)sls reported the quake loday regtstered eight on a maximum·t2 scale. Only the central Plaza of the Repul.J. !Se• DA"tAGE, Page 21 Drivers ·oiled" Trike Race rs V ie • Newport Ul By JOllN VAi.TERZA 01 l~t Dt lly "1141 lll lf Championship race drivers will swe~r thal the lubricant in their machines makes them win. Tricyclists or the same stature will swee.r the same, except the lubricant doesn't go into the machines. It goes into the drivers. For the adult tricycle champion like the So the sudsy brew kept the compelltors Ballxia Island . the lubricant is used cold, It is amber ln color , , ha s a head on the top. So the sudsy br ew kept hie competitors well lubricated Sunday afternoon before 400 screaming, chee ring fans lining the Villa Marina varking lot track at the Bird Club"s annual tricycle grand prix. They·re a specia l breed of ct1t, the;oie ' . big·lhne tricyclists . "You have to have engineering ncumen , imagination, the burning wlll to 'A-'in .. , and a tremendous th irst to make the big time,"' said one veteran com· pe.lltor. As for Imagination -it was abundant. One driver manned a trike in the supt?r modified category, It featured a chicken theme. The driver wore top hat and tails. "Mr. Dudman." dressed a a 'gay.pink supcrhC'ro costume , rode an enlry CQm- pletc with red trartic flares shooting out fronl lhe rear fenders. The Orange CouRIY Ski Club proba bly had th emo!.1 intricate (and the slowestl c:1try. ll was a three.man job req uiring 1ntric.1tc voca l instructions for swift, cf· (See TRIKE RACE, Page %) ' Bare Bottom, 4-letter Words Dra\v Protests By TH0,\1AS FORTUNE Of t.,., 011!1 ,.1111 Sll!f Four.Jetter \\'Ords in the UC l rvine sto· dent n('wspaper and a campus poster tha t showed a person bending over with a bJre bottom are being objected to by TIRBD {'Taxpayers Indignant about ]{adicals in Education). 'J'he group picketed the home of UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Ald rich Jr. for the :second time Friday night. Dr. Aldrich said today those who object to lhc con1cnl of the student newspaper '"Ne\v University" can talk to the ric\vspapcr staff about it. Regarding the f}OSter, he said. "That is sr.rncthing they had better talk to the IJc:partmenl of English about. I'm not dr·ing anythin g.•· Thr poster \vas lo advertise an anti\\'ar poetry reading by poet Robert ~lezey, .~1:11nsorcd by 1he UCI Department o[ 1~nµl1~h and Comparative Literature. Ocp::irtment Chainnan Howa rd Ba bb ~aid the controversia l poster \\'as created hv p!•rsons on the writing committee in 111e creative writing program of the l·:r.r,lish Deparmtcnt. "What should I say?" Babb said. "This Is :i nornl of tasle." One of the posters \\•as pasted on 1 placard carried by one of the TIRED picketers at Aldrich's Newport Beach l1omc. The chancellor 1vas hosling community lr:1der!' Friday night tc> introduce new Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John C. J/oy. As the guests arrived they were h~nded copies of "New Universily" with (Set PICKETS, Page ZI Ora nge Cou t Weather If yc>u're waiting for the fog and Jo1v l'louds to go away, you've got a long wait. Tuesday will be even more so along lhc coasl, with the mercury slopping at 67. INSIDE TODAY f1c1111y thi11g! l1appe1l by tli e carload in South Coast Reper- tory's "A funny Thing flappt?1· ed 011 t>i.e \Vay to the F'orum." The Costa Mesa theater's nf!10 co1nedy is reviewed 011 PaQC! 26 today. .... 1 ... H M .. lllttt • C•lll••~ll • ,..,14, " Cllnlllell ~·If Mlll'"'4 ..... ., C1111lct " Or111" c_,, • CteUWtrC " S1Me ........ " 0111~ lftli(11 • ,_,, "'" ltlltrll ! "" • "'" ...~ .. 1•11 •Rlt"ll-1 " , ........... " "ifl•~c• 1'·11 '"""" " Hl,..Hl•t H w ........ • ... ,_n " ..... ·~· ., MIUlllJ • ~. lllW1 n.u % DIJl. Y PILDT s ·4011ear Li1nit Tax Curbs Asked On Foundations . \VASHINGTON (UPI) -A new tal law :,..hich would require mtlr.!t foundation11 lo '.go -0ut of business arter 40 years ex.- :1stence was approved today by the Senate :r1nancc Committee. · Foundations arc now able to live in perpetuity. Untl('r a proposal appro;ed by ·ihe commJttee, they would be required to give all their assets to another charily al lhe end of lhe 40-yrar life sran or else pay laXC'S. The tax rate wouh~ be al a 48 percent rate which now apvlirs lo (Of· poralions. . In ano ther sction, the comn11 Uce ap- proved a proposal to set an annual tax on foundations or one fi fth ol one percent of the value of their assets. It also approl'cd a provision to require foundations lo pay nut a sum eciu<tl 1o five percent of thei r assets every year. The 40·year rule would apply to foun- dations such as Ford, Jl ockereller and Carnegie. The only cxemp~ons wou!d .be th osc which receive one \turd of their in- come. from the public, such a! the fo~n­ <laUon \V hic h r uns the restored colonial town ol \Villiamsburg, Va. In dissolving at the end of 40_ years, ,Foundations ·would not be permitted to ,turn over their assets to anoth~r fo~n· :<t alion or create a nev.· foundation with "them. The prO\'ision would mean Iha~ foundations no\V in existence would have 'to close up shori by the year 2oo:9. . There are now 30,000 foundations with 'unmeasured billions of dollars in tax-ex· ·empt dollars. The Jlouse·passcd . ~x r eform bill v.•ould impose a $65 m1.lhon Jcvy on their income from stock holdings. In opposing the move, spokesmen for the foundations have argued the house- passed 7.5 percenl lax on their income Auto Accident Iillls Grove Man A Garden Grove man c!icd Sunday \\'hen he v.·as flung from his sportscar ;ind pinned beneath the auto as it rolled into a drainage ditch. J t t.ook police and lire men fou r hours to pull the body of Daniel I...tt Ramsey, 21, :from beneath his shattered sportsear. 'Coroner's oHicers said Ramsey mu.st .have been killed at the time of the ac· t cidcnl. Ramsey v.·as eject.al as his car went o.ff lhc Garden Grove Freeway at Lev.'1S Street and .spun into the dltch. Ht was I alone in the car. Frorn Page 1 DAMAGE ... lie!! in the city appeared undamaged. Buildings were crushed all along Mar- fiha l Tito Str~t. the main thoroughfar e, but the FerhaL Pasha's mosque and its ·slender minaret. a medieval monument of his toric value. escaped with cracks. The townspeople spent the night under ~ lents or other makeshift shelters, and 1:1t the quake today panic spread among them. Reports from other west "Yugoslav C'Jtu•s said the quakes cause1:l paruc there also but no dan1age. Bcekt•tl Won't Accept Nohe l in Person . :• • . PARIS (UPI ) -Sarnu el Beckett ha~ sent a cable to the Royal Swedish Academy acccpt1ns the l'>obl'.I Prize for lilerature, his puhlisher said today. Jerome Linrlon, rc..t11 rning from a vi.~it to the Ir ish author in the Tuni sian re~orl nf Nabcul, s;11d lhr publicity.shy Beckett would not go to Stockholm Dec. JO to receive the prize , worth $72,500. DAILY PILOT ....,_,..... " ............... .. ............ , ....... ,~ ·--CAUfOINIA OkAHC.I CO.UI f'U.ll!>HINQ COMMNY fl:el.1rt N. Wt•I ,.,,....,,...,.,.'*l!ll'lf.r Jedr I . Ce•f•y Vk.e Pr..-ol -6-• MIMll' Th'"''' kenn Eelllr .. Th•"''' A. Me.,~i111 Mo...i ... t:•llw .. .. " •• ·• · ~ ... 1, Mou : no w..1,...,11'"° •o ~ .... '1lffc~·1'11 Wtol lllllff ......... • t Lt"'"' t.Mcto: 711 ,__, ,,. .. ,., : ~, ~YMll\llOll liwdli at Siii Sine! • " ' ' ' • ' • • • • • '· :· ' • DAil.¥ P tl01. wit~ ""'Id! " c ..... _ ... .._,..., I• ..ubll ..... iNllw •CW'! \<l<t lioy .. _, ... ..ii•-. .... <Ml• --. N_., ........ L-•uct.. ... ,,..,-..-. 9MCfl -,__,,t" V•li.y, ..... -•-, .. _., •cliloon1. ~ <-"'*WI ... <.,.. ... ,... •ro•Hlnt ., ... 1 .... •• nu W"1 ...... .,...~ ,.....,. ... , .... <... .... ,.. Wt• ••r Mr,..i. 'II'• ...., .. . ,...,.... ll'l41 MJ04JJ1 Cl n.111 .... ,. ..... '41·1•71 ~ ....... , .... c. • .,.. c. ........... ..,. .... c-r. ..., ..,,..~ "'' ""'· .~ .. l,.!ltflo. M •IOf .. ' INllU O' -rt!-lt ..... UI -· ... .. .... "'".. ••"'t\o• •Ht... -""" ...... ""'"""' .. _ .. s.c-c .... -t-....... ···-••Kio e.W c..te ..,..., C•'''"",. t.~-.V'-'*' ... <•ttlef u.• -•11 •1 ..,.11 11 ... -.lt'llr• mm,.,., -.""*'*"· n,• """11111. amounts to a tax on hospital!, universities. health research, museums and experimenta l programs too daring for the govcrnn1ent to undertake. But they ha1•e reccivC'd little sympathy fr om the 17·membcr committee. On~ of its liberals, SC'n. Albert E. Gore ID· Tenn 1. C'VCn has proposed putting a limit -On thf' life spar. of founda\Jons. •·The dead should not control the Jiv. ing,'' said Core. 1ncanlng a \\•ealthy 1nan, througl1 bequests to his fatnily loun· 1tatJon. should not decide fro1n the grave how his money -which "'ould otherwi!'ie be ta .-:cd -~hould serve society. In addition to taxing [oundations' in· vestment inco me, the House bill would require them to give away a sum equal lo five percent of the worth of their assets each year :· prohibi t •·self.dealing'' through which the creator of a foundation tan use its stocks lo inc rease hi s wealth ; forbid them to control more than 20 per· cent of a company 's stocks; and prevent found ations fron1 pollticking or trying to ad\'ise Congress on legislation. No one, not even the Internal Revenue Service which requires only sketchy ari· nual reports from foundations, knOW.!1 how great their wealth is. They arc re· quired lo report on!y the orii;inal cost, 11ol the current value, of the stocks they own. The IRS receives reports from 30 ,262 foundations but more than that are though~ to exist. UPI l 11tplltio 01tffiflcd for .~11111n1er As U.S. prepares for winter, Australians are ready to grecl summer. 1\•Iiranda Wynch, 20, n1odcls wann \vcather outfit c urrently in fa shion do•\·n under. v.•here seasons are rc- \'ersed . From Page J EARTHQUAKE STRIKES • • • panic stricken, I couldn 't even answer him." Lt. John 7..elko took the mike, com- menting drolly, "We know; \ve're having one too." PolicC had about 25 calls ; one report of dis hes broken in a sink: three reports of persons hlmhled from bed includ ing one unidentified \\-"O man v.·ho said, "'ll ~urc must have been strong, 1-1•c v.·ere throw n 0L11 of bed.'' A <JUake of slighter sharper intensity occurred at 2:59 a.m. in the J~o ll ister area about 90 miles south of San .Fran- cisco. It was 4.76 on the Richter Scale at University of Califomia at BerkelC'y. Neither quake caused appreciable damage. Dr. Brune .said the Laguna tremor probably originated from the same f~ult 80 miles off sh<ire which caus· ed Friday·s 5.25 magnitude roller. Reactions from Orange Co u n t y residents aft er the quake"s rook and roU routin were many.splendored: -Colorful Jong·time junk d e a I e r Charlie Peddicord of Lag11na Canyon Road was gleeful that his odl bottle collection gathered over the years was in· tact. He estimates the value al $18 ,000. He called an editor al 5:20 a.m. to report. -Market and liquor store owners generally said their stock WaJ intact. Acord's Market in Laguna reported a few lopp\ed packages but no damage and it v.·as generally business as usual this morning. -Fred Struby of 535 Avenida 11ajora, • ~ .. -"!ff 11:''·---. ., ~ ' ~ ;~\ Sonae Sport Leisure World ,in Laguna Hills said 1he <J u11ke awakened his wife Christine who said sleepily: ··1 know it's time to get up but you don't have to shake my bed so hard." -Mrs. Pat Getchell of 24961 Spadri'I L;;nc, i\1 ission Viejo, said. "I was petrified. I w;is ready to niovr." ShC' had b!~cn reading a book <1boul earthquakes <Pld C;il!fornia dropping into the ocean. H sent one llaughlcr into the Gotch el l"s bedroom and awakened another child . !\I r~. (;C'tchell said she and her neighbo r }.Ir~. Edward tlaskay [rel the best prrventlve to earthquake havoc v.·ould be .a helicopter warmed up jn the back yard. -f\1rs. \\1illia1n of \Vatson. 2427& Aquara , Laguna Niguel, said, "I \\'as sound asleep and it v.·as just like somebody JUSt took our bed and shook 1l and shook it. lt didn"t wake Bill at all." -Albertson's Market in I. a g u n a reported the clerks \\"ere shaken but not the 111erchandise. -f\1rs. Tony Boggio of Jl9J2 Sun~rt Ave ., Soulh Laguna, said, ''It scared the heck out of me. I don't li ke earthquakes hl.Jt I went right bac k to sleep."' -John Luhnow o( J ohn's 11ardware, San Juan Capistrano, said, "WhaL earth- quake? When I go to bed I die." -Mrs . \Vesley Walker of 26532 Calle dcl Phina, San Juan Capistrano, said ... The baby slept through it but wasn't it had. The bed started rolling and we were \\"Biting for another one." . ' ~. \Vhcn Richard Rodman. 8. took his dog , Sport. into tov.1n for San .Juan Capistrano r~iesta A.~soc1a\1on even!, he thought he \V8 S enter- in g his four·legged friend in a race. To his surprise. and a1nusement, Sport \\'On the "uglie~t dog 111 lo\vn " contest. Sport . 3. \Vho came f ro1n l~gu na Beach pound , Jive ~ \11th nichnrd·s grandn1othcr, f.lrs. Ca r· n1chta 1\rbiso of San J11a11 Cap1:i lrano. • • Peace Talks Seen 3o7i B~es To Be Shut, In Mideast Crisis Laird Says BElRUT I UPI) -Fightin& betwee n Ubanese army troop.!1 and Arab guer- rillas slowed today and it appeared Uie ('OP.llict !hat gave the Arab world the worst crisis in years was heading for the conference table, possibly in Calro. The government lifted or relaxed lt.!1 24· hour curfew in all major cities except Tripoli while President Gamal Alxfel Nasser of Egypt sent out a peace convoy to the various Arab capitals. Indications \\'ere he v.·ould invite them lo Cairo for a peace conference. Informed poli tical sources in Beirut saic! Rashid Karam1, the former premier \\'ho gave up trying to forin a government \rhcn the t.:risis firsl developed had re- J:.'Cted a new appeal from President Charles llelou lo try to organile a cabinet. llelou conferred during the day with ho!h Karami and Maj. Gen. Emile Bu~tani. co1nmander·ln-chief or the Lchanese armed forces who has sought to h11lt guerrilla attacks against Israel 1~ belief they would br ing major Israeli From Page 1 TRIKE RACE • • ficient operation. Trouble was, the vocal lnstruelions weren't intricate enough. ,Jim Odrizola borrowed his theme from TV 's Laugh·ln and brought as many laug hs in his rain coat. hat and mini-trike as the tottering television version. Odrizola, who needed to make a half· doze n hasty repairs as he toppled through the gymkhana event . llnally was ruled out of the race because he exceeded the time limit. .. I didn 't earl'. really, because my shoulders were giving out. Thal lasL faU really finished me," he. .!laid later. Through the hi-jinks one Ione drlver r:eemed silent and intense. Owen "No·Funny-Busi.MSS" l'itinney studied lhc course in both events as if he v.•erc a scientist. Then, with a burst of speed from his lov.·-.'>lung, modified, rail-dragster trike, zipped through the gyn1 khana course in !"('Cord ! irne . Hi~ speed was obvious. And in apt appreciation for the stellar performance, the audience booed lustily. Undaunted, Minney meditated some more, munched on chicken and prepared Jor the grand prix event. lie won. But the A11ey·West·Balboa·Bicycles en· lry resembling a muta nt cow with a rtag's an tlers at lhe head, was still no~ properly beaten, its crew sn arled. So a grudge match developed lo pro\"e who. indeed, would win the day. Thr weird bovine machine didn •t ha ve a chance. So amid flying color.!I, beer cans and barley.flavored froth Owen Minney l'ntered the winner's circle in triumph. Revelerse doused him and each other with the tailings from aluminum cans. Then all left on a rally across the is land , including a ride on the Balboa Ferry, to an after·race dance at the Pavilion. "Would everyone do us a favor and pick up one empty can," one Bird Club- be.r pleaded . Volunteers stayed behind to clean up the debris. And as the last trike horn faded sway on Marine Avenue. this exultant cry filled lhe air amid the debris : ·1 found a full one ••. a fu ll one." Bo111ha y Cheers Trio BOMBAY (UPI) -The biggest crowd.!I so far seen on the world tour o[ the Apollo 1 l astronauts gave Ne i_ I Armstrong. l\ti chael Collins and Edwin Aldrin an emotional sendoff today. retaliation. Helou al1n conferred with Sovie t Amlassador Sa ragar Azimov. Moscow tia.: sided with the guerrilla fo rces in the c:onflil1 and indirectly told lhe United State.!I to keep il.'I hands off Lebanon. Pravada said today NATO n av a I maneuvers off Lebanon "puts this ex-- plosive area on the brink of a very dangerous conflict." Informed :;ouri.:es in Pari~ said the French government had followed the Lebanese crisis with •·a ttention. anxiety a nd the grea test interests" but consi ders the crisis is past and the settlen\ent can be reached in a peaceful manner. Jn Cairo the Middle East News Agency s aid Egypt had endorsed a s~c1a l meeting of the Arab League Council to debat" the crisis in Lebanon. ln Washington the United States Jc· cused Russia today of trying t() '"1nake propaganda" out of the crisis in Lebanon. It called instead for "quiet diplomacy·• In settle this newest flareup of danger 111 the 1'.fiddle East. The U.S. reaction to a Soviet New~ Agency statement of Saturday came frorn Slate Depart ment spokesman Robert J. McCloskey. It was aimed against part of a Tass statement which had be!!n interpreted as a warning lo the United States .against Interfering in Lebanon. \Y ASHINGTON (AP l -Secretary fll Dtfense Melvin R. Laird ann ounced to- day that 307 military ~asea in the United States and overseas will be shut down or reduc:ed to save about $609 million an· nuallv . La1i-d"s announcement was lhe late.si in a series of n1ovt.~ aimed at cutting the <lerense budget this ye<lr by $3 bi~!ion. The whole S6W niill1on in sa,·ings will take eflect whe11 the bases re<.luetion.!I and closings are c:implelcd. 1vluch .could ex. tend 11ell beyond the present fisc al year \1h1ch ends ne xt June 30. Under an agree1nent with Congress, the Pentagon said detail;; of 1h~ U.S. base ~c· tio115 including 1denuf1cat1on of lhe In· st.alt~tions involved . will be announced WcCnesday mornu1s. Decisions 11 n ove rseas bases v.•ill be held up pending consultations with the host countries. 'fhe announcement ~<lid 1he Arm y, N[lvy and Air Force installations and ac· livit1cs are loca letJ 111 42 states anti Puerto J{ico. There 11<1s no word on the number of overseas locations involved. The moves will result 1n a reduction 11( :17 ,BOO military positions and 27,000 civilian jobs. The n1iJilary cutbacks are generally included in already announced plans to trim total U.S. millta'?' man· power by about 2'.l0,000 men this ye ar below the present 3.4 million. Fron• Page J PICKETS RAP PAPER ... fou r.Jetter words underlined, and a sheet tellin:;: what the objectors are tired of. "Quite a number stopped and cha!ied with us," s1id Thomas Morris!ey, spokesmm for TIRED. Aldrich .!ipoke briefly lo the assembled objectors and told them he was respondin1 by mail to an earlier mJsaive left with his wife on a night he wasn't home. The lead article In "New Universlly" t old .about the student newspaper losing its r:ommerclal printer because the stu- dent .!11aff wouldn't submit lo censoring of a certain four-letter word. .'i. spokesman for Norco Printing Com· pany of Buena Park said, "That l~ co.r- recl. We abso\ute.ly refused to pnnt 1\. \Ve can't print lhat kind of jun k." However, !he student newspaper has found a new printer, Rio Hondo Valley Publis hing Company of Santa Fe Springs. President of tbat company, Art Bartlett, 1aid : .. •·wr. feel they shou ld havC' 1uperv1s1on rrom the college. If the college can't con- trol them it's not up to me to control them. l've turned down the 'Free Press' and a homosexual paper. This is child's play by comparison." The sheet handed out by members or TIRED said !hey are tired of faculty and administrators who. they claim. advocate communism under the blanket of aCademic freedom and "academic Sen:ite decisions that do not require a majority of eligible voters (faculty), are monitored by the Student Union, .and are not arrived at through secret ballot." Al.!O: -"The raclical minority dominating student newspapers. -"Universities who use our facilities a.!I political arenas. -"Excused days for political purposes and /or intimidation of thes community. -"Students dictating cou rses of study and selection of faculty members. -"Footing the bill fo r such activities ·• "l hope: we represent the moderates and not the right wing," said l\1orrissey. a 3&- year-old administrator with a Newport Beach aerc>Space firm . "I am one of I guess v.·hat you 1\'0tilrl call 'the silenl majority.' I've ne\'rr \vritten a letter to the editor or to my Congressman. I've never even attended a political rally. But I noticed my friends and myself si tting around and com. plaining and we declded to get active." He said the group hopes to become "a. conslrucitve opposition" and that person.<> interested in joining can write to P.O. Box 1821, Newport Beach, 60,000 Enemy Troops Massed For Offensive SAJCO:--i lliPll -North V1etnamcst .and Viet Cong cominanders today v.·er1 reported to have massed 60.000 lroopl nor th of Saigon For an offensive expecteC: 10 begin between Nov. 15 and Nov. 20 U.S. intelligence sources said it wa~ tot early lo predict the lntenslly of the drive The timetable for the Novem ber of fensi\·e \\"as based on captured documen t: and interrogation of wa r prisoners. Sources said the extent of the fighlinJ \\·1!1 depend on the rn ovcn1cnrs of lo1u Com munist divisions u1 the Cambodia 1 border area nor1h and northeast o Saigon in the next two weeks. tr they remain dormanl in lhe junglei along the Cambodian frontier, th1 sources said the drive will probably ht restricted !o a flash or shellirigs and com mando attac.ks against American tint South Vietnamese ou tposts and 1n :-;tallations involved 1n the paci!icatlo1 program. The war has been in a lull since Sept 17 <1nd although lhe level of combat ha1 increased in 1he past "'eek 1here was n1 general break today. acco rding lo com rnu niques fr om \he U.S. Command. B11 ! tle reports said .11!ied troops killed Ji: Communist soldiers Sunday ancl today 11 ac!lr>n tha t cost one Ameri can killed ant 16 wounded. Sco tt Secs .hul!(e OK \\'ASHii\GTON (AP ! -Sen. Hugt Sco!t of Pennsylvania, 1\le Sena !f Rrpublican leader , s<i id today he bel1e\·t~ JL'lge Clf'nlel]l F. l l:J.1 n~IVorlh .Jr. will bf c.otlf1rmed as a Supreme Court JUSl.Jcc. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY SU')(I SUITS FOR 130 SllO SUITS FOR tu SI IS SUITS FOR Sit Ill> SUITS FOR 1100 Sl 35 SUITS FOR SHll Sl•S SUITS FOR Sl\6 S\5S SUITS FOR Slt4 SI GS SUITS FOR '13Z 3487 Via Lido at Ne y,·port Boulevard. Newport Beach Ope:n Friday evenings until 9 p.m. ' , • . ... . . -.. -........... -.. . ' ·, " H11ntington Beaeh Today's Filla) N.Y. Stocks VOL. 62 , NO. 257, 4 SECTION S, 40 PAGES OR ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, O~OBER 27, ·1969 TEN · CENTS Yugoslavia Shal{en 20 f(illed, Hundreds Hurt in Quakes A quee11 Is Crotvned Senior Kerry Barrett became Huntington Beach J.lig h School's ·1969 Homecoming Queen in cere· monies during Saturday night's football game. Oi!- er varsity made her reign a happy one by d.efC at- ing Santa AI}a Saints 26-14. (See story, Sports · Pages.) Dow1itown Pla11 Gi ve11 I City Co1t1icil A plan which could resh<IJ>C Lhc future of downto"·n Huntington Beach will be pr~en!cd to city co uncilmen and the public at 7:30 Tuesday in the cafeteria of the Huntington Beach High School. fl1ayor Jack Crcen urges all interested propf'rty owners and residents to atten<l 11nd hear the presentation by the Urban Land Institute Citizens Steering Corn· 1nittce (CSC). The meeting is not a publ ic hearing, ho;vever, Green noted. Thal will come la ter. The CSC "Top of the Pier Plan" is the 1hird major project recomm~nded hy !he i.:on1mitlce. The first tv:o were beach 1n1· provemcnt, which included pi er lighting and beach pa rk ing, and the civic center. The ''Top of the Pie r Plan'' is lhc restll ! or five years of study by the CSC <1nd the second major step towa rd dv.vntown redevelopment. In vol ve d is a proposed parking area ;ilo11g Pacif ic Coast Highway extcnrling nne block in land to \Valn ut Avenue fro1n 6\h to Lake street,:, plus five acres of Huntington Beach Co. land cast of Lak~ inlrind lo Atlanta AventH' .. Tlie project, e~ti matcd lo cost $3 R6 n1illion v.·ould be !inanced by rcven11e bonds. lt would involve purchase of the r•ropt"'rly b,v the cl!y at appraised prir~;;. clc.nrlng cxi;;ti ng build ings, ro11 struct1on ,,\ 1.800-p:irking spaces and preparing: to lease air righ1s over somt> of 1he area. The CSC propos<.1 is t'XJX'Cled In hcromc profi1ahlc 1n its 01~·n rigl1 t wi1h111 I ive vca rs b;isl'd 1111 the ex cellent rC'vcn ur 'Jrr1m' till' fi rst rnrkini:: ;1u1hority pror~-l on !hr ocean side nf tli(' h1ghw;1v. "f',\(lst importan\ly . lhe CSC report poi'llS out. the proic.ct shoul1! sti.1nulatc 1he moderniialion and expansion nf d'>wntown \,usine~s through the provision of inuch-needed parking. Vincent ;'11oorhousc. cit y director or harbors and beaches, point~ out that l here i.~ a total of only 4.771 p<Jrkin~ spa ces in the beach area now, a shortage of m~re than 3,600 spaces. Thr -4 ,771 figure includes the 2,50?-space parking faci lity southeast of the pier ~nd all available hiizhway and street patkinit spaces in the Huntington Beach Co. lot \\'est of the pier. J\100rhouse urged approval of thl" CSC plan to provide spa~e for beach users and potential shoppers 1n lhe down to\vn area. Action on the plan has <Jlso been 11r_gC'd by Economic Research Associates (_EHA) a consulting firm hired b\• 1hr cit y to (Ste DOWNTOWN, Page 2! 15 Girls Seeking Barons' Crown Fifteen (iris arc in the _running for fountain Valley High School's homeco~ ing queen and e<iurt. The fUtecn, all seniors, were selected last week by members of the -varsity football team. A CQurt of five wi ll be chosen bv·ail the students this wetk. fount.Si n Valley 's homecoming.is Nov~. 14 when t~ Barons take on Edi!On High School at ~ Huntington Beach, High School stadium. U.S. Plans to Inactivate 307 U.S~Ov e1·se as Bases \VASHI NG TON (AP) -Secretary of Defense J\Ielvin R. Laird announced to- day that 307 n1ilitary bases in the United ~tales and overseas \\'ill be shut down or reduced lo save· about $609 million an- nually. Laird 's announcement was the latest in a seri es of moves aln1ed at cutting l~1e defense bud get th is year by $3 billion. The whole $609 rnll!ion in savings will take effect when the bases re<luctions and closings are crimpleted, which could £'!i· tend well beyond the present fi scal ytar whieh ends nexl June 30. Under an agreement with Congress, the Pentagon said details of the U.S. base ac- tions, including identification of the in· sta!lations involved, will be announced \Vedncsday morning . Decisions on overseas bases will be held up pending consultations with Vie host .countries, The <innounceinel"ll said the Arrny, Navy and Air f orce ins1a ltatlons and at"- Ovllies are located in 42 states and Puerto Rico. There \~as no word on lhe number of overseas loca t1011s involved. The moves will rcsull in a reduct ion of 37,800 military positions and 27.00ll civilian jobs. The military cutbacks arc Last Hites T uc,;cla v :For J'lr,;, Faye T a lbert , Funeral scr\•icr::: for ?l'lrs. "Faye 1'albC>rl , 61i , of i :IB il'l::tin St., H1111l ing1011 Beach, v.·lll hf' held al J p.m, 'Tuesday· at ~n1 i\t1s Cha pt:·I. ll untingtnn Beach. Burial v.'ill follow 1n \Yestmlnster /'l·!etnorial J ':u'k, rl lrs Talbcr1 dif'd Sa turrla\• fo\lo,1·ing .1 "lengthy illness Her husband. Gord on, 1~ a nieinbcr of the pioncC'r T<J!b-:'rl fainily \1 hich has Ji\•ed in Hunting ton Geach since the lurn of the ce ntury. Tense Moment generally included in already announced plans to trim total U.S, 1nilitary man· po\ver by aboul 220,000 men this year below the present 3.4 million. 3 Open House Programs Slated 'Three public open house programs have been scheduled by Golden West Col!ege in Noveinber and December lo mark the f()f"mal opening of its nc1v multi-media center. nursing. !aw enforcemRnl and cosmetology facilities. The cosmetology building v:iJI be open tn the public from .1 p.1n. to 8;30 p.n1. Nov, 13. L<Jw enforcement \1·ill hold its open house fro m J p.111. 10 5 p.m. Nov. 1.4 111 conjunction v.•ith gr a d u a lio n ceremonies of the Orange Counl,v Peace officers Acade1ny. Nursing 11·i1! host \"1 s1lors fron1 11) a.111. lo;, p.ni. De..:. 4. Tours of the mt1lti-media center v.·ill be part of each open house program. The new unit s. the second increment in lhc m<Jster pl01n, added 40.266 sriuare feel nf cl;1ssroo1n, lahoratory and office space 1r1 1hc. Gol<len \Vest r.:a111pus at a cost of $J,5 1nlll1on. Thry consis t of a l1ealth sciences build ing \,·it!i nine 40 by 40-foo~ nto<lules huilL <iround a central cou rt, a l11 w en· ffl rcrn1c.nt ;ind cosin etology unit of eigh t n1fldules anti <1 l1110-.s1nry. l-l·nH>du le ad· 1ll1ion to l!1t library housing Lhe multi· n1rrl1n 1·cnlcr. S t11cl~ ltlt11·k e t s Nl·:\V YOHK IA IJ1 -The stnck niarkct rrn111111(•1! m1):rcl 111 1nodcra1cly actJl'C tr,1rl1ng l.<tc this .1fll'rno{ln, drilttng do11n and then up sl1gl1t ly. in a pattern o[ uncertainty. 1 Sre f!L1nta!ions, Pages 10-1 I). BANJA LUKA, Yugoslavia IAP) - Earthquakes ripped through this indus- tcia l city in Wes tern Yugp.slavia Sunday and today, killing at least 20 persons and injuring hundreds. Oficials estimated nearly,81) perrent of buildings in the city of ~.ooo were de- .strayed or damaged. ThOusands of per- sons fled in cars and buses and the Yugo- ~lav army sent in helicopters to assist in the evacuation. The first qu akt bit Sunday afternoon, Storni Rages As Seal Beach .Mayor Quits Seal Beach's coptroversy over last v.'eek's resignation by Mayor John B. llamilton is expected to come to a boil <igain at 8 p.m. Thursday when the City Counci l will consider the matter in a special session. "There will probably be a lo1 of fire\vorks," said Hamilton, who angrily turned in his resignation midway through 1liC' council meeting Oct. 20 because he did not wont to be "a stooge for three of rnv fellow councilmen and the city n1;1nager , '' He referred to t1>unciln1en Stanley Anderson. Lloyd Gummere and Mrs. Veda Dreis who he alleges circumvented him as mayor "by running. lo City Manger Lee Risner with certain pet pro- ject9 ind tuvln1.me in the dark.,. Hamilton, 40, a production assistant for a Long Beach oil development firm, in- <licated that this was a basic v1olation of the city charter and that he resigned to draw attention to the&e alleged clan- destine practices. "It was "a mtter of principle ," said the mayor of. three-and-a-half months iind councilman for three years. "! wasn 't kept abreast of what was happening ." He said the three councihnen and the city manage r "sabotaged the r:neetings" bv withholding letters from him wluch v.;ere addressed to the City Council and by· writing letters to themselves to bring L'.11'or ite ile1ns on the agenda. One of these instances, Hamilton said. involved a land trade between a con· str;1clion company and the city for a (See MA YOR, Pa1e Z) County Wo1uan Hit By F r eewav '.~1u <roc r' • ., el:".l An apparent go6d Samaritfln Sunday 111orning asked a woman parked at the S;tn Diego Freeway in Sea! Beoch if she had car trouble, slugged her in the fa<:e and then fled with her purse. l\1rs. Elain e .J. H1bl'rt. 3~. of Garden C:rovc tolrJ Sl'n! Beach Police t.lie li nit.1ent- 1f1cd a.~sailant. robbed her o[ the purse, containi ng ~35 of 1n1scell;1neous items-, al J: 4~ a.m. near La.111pson Avenue. Competing for the homeeoming court are: Jane Bosanko, Joy Dove, Chad Duhe, Joys Jones, Patti McCJure, Kathe Meade. Debbie Nelson, Linda Nelson. Others are Jeanette Ramos, Par! Ranglc:, Colleen Rice, Debbie Scharmack, Kathy Sharpnack, Laura Shernamen, Nancy Widenhammer. Galden West College pep leaders , di splayi ng Uteir emotions in different ways, react to dramatic mo-n1cnt as East l,os Angeles threatens to score late in Saturday's game. Moments later, an interce ption saved .Rusilers' :17-14 upset of state's number one ranked.~lor college team. (See story, Sports Page 9:J • 1-Et"i ' . ._ I • killing a JO-year-old child and le veling or damaging scores of buildings. As reside11ts and officials were as- sessing the damage this morning, an even stronger quake struck. Alxlul 20 n1ore persons were found dead in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Seismologists rtported the quake today registered eight on a maximum-12 scale. Only the central Plaza of the Repub- lice in the city appeared undamaged. Buildings were crushed all along J\1ar- Cente1• in Lagu1ia shal Tito StreeL th e main thoroughfare, but the Ferhat Pasha's mosque .and its slender minaret, a medie val 1non ument or historic value. esca ped with cracks, The to1vnspeople spent the night under tenls or other makeshift shelters, and at the quake today panic spread amorig them. Reports fran1 other west Yugoslav rilies said the quakes caused panic there also but no damage, • u Coast Shaken By Earthquake By RICHARD P. NALL 01 ltlt Olllr l'llCll 51111 An earthquake cente_red in the Laguna Beach area jolted residents out of their slumber at S:IG a.m. today, registering 4.3 on the Richter sca le at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The quake was the four1h lo rattle the Orange Coast area in the last five days. Thi s morning's shake was described by Laguna residents as being a heavy jolt followed by several seconds of after- quakes. Elsewhere In Newport and Costa Mesa, it was described more as a rolling quake but also felt as a sharp jolt. . Police along the entire coast reported phone calls from anx..iou!l citizens but there were no reports of real damage or injury. A few callers said they had been rolled out o! bed. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- nierc..! officials reported that one woman callea then1 about the quake. "She said sh e thought her gas heater had ex· plo<led,'" Seis1nologist Dr. Ja1nes N. Brune said the quake was felt throughtout Orangr. Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. "Be advised we're having an earth· quak e.'' Laguna police Officer Arthur DeLui:a radioed lhe station. S a i d dispatcher, Juanita Perryman: "I was so panic stricken, 1 cou ldn 'l even answer him." Lt. J ohn Zelko took the mike, com· menting drolly, "We know ; we 're ha vin g one too.'' Police had about 25 calls : one report of d!ahe.s broken in a sink ; three reports of persons tumbled from bed including one cnidenlified woman who said, "It surr mus t have been strong. we were throv.·n out of bed.'' 'Israel Children' No\v Teen for Christ Back, 'Visit' Stanford Church Bv JAftlES i\f cNABB. Jr. ~i>t£111 Ho l~I DAILY ,tl OJ PALO ALTO -The Teens for Christ - in greater numbers and v.'ilh a new name -returned to California and Lheir old style of eva ngelism Sunday after an ex- odl1S to avoid lhe vaunted April earth- quake. About 30 me1nbers of the chosen 15Q , now known as the Children of Israel. 1n- 1crru ptcd morning ~ervicl"s at the Stan- ford ftlernorial Church. At Jl :.15 a.r11 , James Balilster threw open the main doors lo the sanctuary of the orna1c can1· pus chapel and led a double li ne colurr111 of men and v.·omen dressed in sack tloth and ashes. They marched to the accompanin1ent or th e congrega tion singing the sern1011 hymn, proceeded to the front of the church, v.•here Bal!istcr and two aides climbed the marble steps to the high altar. \Vorshipers stared with a mixture nf curiosity and surprise as the band once headquartered in Huntington Beach at 110 Main Sl.. tromped onward, poundi ng the floor with shepherds' staffs they car· ried. The men and women were identically dressed in burlap robes. died blood red, \\lore imitation° oxen yokes around their n':!cks and had streaks of ash traced on their forehead s. The bearded, long-haired group stood in a semi-circle at the fool of the chancel steps at the conclusion of the hymn. a..c; Bal\ister unfolded a scroll and in booming patriarchal voice, read. His text taken from the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah foretold 'God'' s Football Player ' Rem.airi.s Critical Mark Naylon, Edjaon-High Schoo.I jun.. lor. varsity football pl1yer rtmains in criUc81 condition f<ir" tfie' 10th~ day in Huntinston lntercommunlty Hospital. Naylon, 15, collapsed followinl a foot· ball game Sl~rda,y, Oct, 19 and was rushed to the holfttaf. lfospilal oCflclals said ·he has remained In a coma since that time with no im- provcmient shown. He IS the son of Mr. anti Mrs. William Naylon or 10012 Mere- dith Drive, Huntington Beach, , . • destruction or the ancient Israelites who forsook the lav.· of !he Lord. Ballistcr then smashed a flO\verpot he 1v1s carrying on the mosaic chancel fl oor. according to Scriplure, Jeremiah's break- ing of an imperfect potte r s vessel syn1- boliied Cod 's impending destruction o( i1npt.rfect man. 'l'lie ·Rev .. B. Da vie Napier and hi -:; s;i nci uary guest. the Rev. Ca rroll Cotton, clean of st udent s at Chapman College in ()range, stared expressionless at thr dC'n1t.1ns trators. Aft er the s111ashing. Rafli stcr rol led up l11s ~croll and led the group back up t11r ni<1111 ai sle a11d out of the church. In response to the brief intrusion , lhc Rev. r.1r. Naper explained that the warn- in)! "in Jeremiah's lime. 1vas authrtic \\OT<I ,"' adding that be (Napier) did not requesl it. but was grateful for it being spoken Sunday. Several of the newly anointed Children of Israel, had been stationed among the congregation and sang out loud "A mens.'' said In his sermon there was the "posslbilitv that civi lizatiOn may yet be (See TEENS, Page 21 Orange. Const We ather If you 're waiting for the fog and low clouds lo go away, you've got a Jong wait Tuesday will be. even more so along the coast. with the mercury stopping at 67. I NSIDE TODA.Y f 1rn11y things happen by th e carloa~ in, South Coast R'pe,-. tory's "A; £1.t11n11.'1hing Happtl'lc , Cd· on tli.t Way tO 1he t Orun1." : The Costa Me i a theater's new comedy is reviewed on Page 26 today. 1 .. 11nt H Ct ll ... ".. I ClettUI.. M-)9 C1mln u Cr111wtrt H ~111111 • ..... . JQl .... 11 N1W1 .. , or•"" c-11 ' lflvl1 1'"11• 11 !;!qi~ i'felk l t I lfl'9r .. I .,,., 1 SNr" tt-U I r.ell Ml,..lh 11·11 t111t111111-1 ll .... ..,t9 1 .. 11 H-1(-:IC Ttl9vl11t11 11 TI'ltt11n M W1aiMr I A11~ L111•" '' Ml lllll• I WlrM Jffwa 1-J w,,,,..,., N.-w. 1l•H I -.,.. J' DAI L\' "llOT H High Court To Rule 011 Dirty Mail WASHINGTON (UPI ) -The Supreme Court agreed today to rule on a federal law wh ich cn11.bles an individual lo pre- \•ent mailing to his addrt>SS or rnatcriali1 he considers obscene by appealing lo postal authorities. The 1967 law was challenged by a grou p n[ ma il orcier houses v•h ich protestl'd the procedurt' \1as uncontitutiona !. The court "'1\J hea r argun1cnts 111 tht> ease and ha nd do~·n a drc1s1on later this \crrn. In other actions, the court -Agreed to examinr another postal case "'hich could drterm 1ne hOI\' lonb properly 1nay be detained l\~l ll' _Jaw en- forcement olrice rs are in1•est1gat1ng and getting a sl'arch warrant A .~lounl Vernon, Wash .. man convicted of illegal- ly importing gold coins fr on:i Canada contend lhal the 29-hour detention of two packages or coins was illrgal. He w?n an appeals court reversal or his con ~1c­ lion and lhe justice department carried the case to the Supreme Court. -Refused an appeal by three men con· victed of slaying Negro nationalist _learl· er 1'1alco!m X that a ruling permitting testimonv behind closed doors at thei r trial vioiated their constitutional. rig.ht.~. -Let stand a Fe deral Commun1cat1on ' Commission IFCCI order requiring tele- phone companies to ,::cl FCC approval fr1r construction of Comn1un1l y Antenn a Television (CATV ) facilities even at the local le~·el. The mail procedure case was the first obscenity question lo be accepted by t.he court in its new term under new Chief J ustice Warren E. Burger. . A Special three-judge federal court 1n Los Angeles on April 30, u?he~d the 17on- stitutionallty of the la1v, re1ect1ng cla~ms by 14 ma il order houses, book publish· ers and others that it denied them frel:'- rl om of speech and "due process of law."' They also contended it is vague and ambiguous. The law auth orizes any addressee lo lake steps to keep out of his mall box· "pande ring advertis~ments" v.·h~ch he believes to he •·erotically arousing or 1>exually provocative.'' The addressee asked the Post Office Department to requ ir.e. the . Eirm to ~ke his name off the ma1hng list. The firm can get a hearing if it requests one and any order of the de~artment can be ~n­ foreed only after action by a federal dis· trict court. Once !hat stage has been completed, a violation may be punished as contempt. The companies told the lower court !heir lists are not aphabetical and dt- )etion costs $5 a name. Fire Chief Sets Marina Lecture Huntington Brach Fire Chief Raymond Picard will be guest lecturer Wednesd ay In a city government class at r-.tarina Hlgh School tallght by Cily Attorney Don Boni a. The class on '·How City Laws Alftct Citizens"' is sponsored by the Golden \Vest College Evening Schoo l and n1eets each Wednesday at 7 p.n1. Chief Pi card will di scuss the city fire code s, nutlinc organi1.ation a n d responsibilities or 1hr fire department. discuss the need and loca!19n Qf fut11re &tations and explain !he inter-<'i!y com · munication system developed by the loca l department. Harbor Bovs Cluh To Provide Tutor lf you bleong lo the Bo~·s Club of lhe Harbor Area and need help tel!ing your participles tr om your histonc per>od.>, hr-Ip is on the "·1.r Colde n \Vest Cn!lege student ~1rs. Dre Wheatley heads a lutorin~ class for boys at the club·s Upper Bay Branch Tuesd a~ s ;it 7 p.m., coaching u1 English, History, Spanish and Geography. DAILY PILOT Jl:eb1•I M. Wttl rrn•<t•~' •NI l'ub!nfttr J1(k R. Cudoy VIit ,/ll•<lt<"ll 111<1 C:.•"rt11 Man•'I" T~ol"'•• k11 •il lo<t•t~r l he..,•• A. t.lu•p~i"I M1nt"n' (d•'°' ~llitrl W , I ."•• A•-•11< (<t"or H1~tl•t'•" ltacll Olflc1 309 SI~ S1111! IJ1;l;"t .. dd<1 n : ,.0 . I Go ]90, '"2 6•• 01frttr Olllctt ,..,_,, ~ .. ,~ ;l•l W••t !!•""'• 9n~orvt•• (~•I• M•1• ll~ Wt J! e ... Sh rtl 1.•t~M• Bcot~: 421 F~r<ll "'•rr1<• DAll'I' '"ll 01, "0!~ •llltl! It COl'lll•'°"' 1•1 .. _. ... ,.., ... to "°"'·•••o <110•• ••<••• s~"' ollry .. _,.,, H •t-• !t r H...,!lr>tlo., ••tCll. '°""""' .,., l•f· (011!1 A'.uo. !'low· pO•I ·-~ 1rd l •llu"• llr•tll. II-wo•J> ,_ , ..... l 1dll.,,1 0""0~ Cot1I 1'..tl•ioh- 1,.. ~v ,.-MU·~ D""" ••• It n11 Wt>l ••-11••. H••r-e•• fl 'lcti. 1..a UO l'.HI lhv )ltftl, (G>'O I/tu . f1l1,.H1it 17111 A4f-4J11 fl-ea w ........... C•U 540.1 JJO Cl• ..... AltNftl•I~. '41·1•71 c_.11..,., ""· 0r_. (••II l'ue11111•~• c.-··· m. -· ••••·•• ""'''"""" ~d~•ltl .... 11.. ... .. ~.,, ""''"'' ~"''" .... , Dot ..... oavcH •l!Mwl IMt'"I Pt'"'°'I .... c• rc•v"t~.• ""'"· S•«"I {!Oii ~~1'"110 •• ,,ti ,,,,,,.,...,, II"'" t r d (<1'0 M•u , (10itG•~• • !"1 0·1 ~1, ''""' ll llll ""'"'"'YI "" "'"I!\; \0 ••>!>"l'")I ,..1111,,y "'"!""''""'· ll llll -··~· ... ' --------------------------------------------------------- OAIL V 1"1LOT $1.tf .. ,..,, EIGHT-YEAR-OLDS REIGN OVER FV EVENT Barbecue Royalty Brien Abbott, Laura Smith Valley H cilloweenP arade Augurs Well for Future Elated chamber of com merce officia\i1 are already looking toward an expanded Fountain Valley Halloween Parade and Ba~becue nexl year after the success of Saturday's event. "Jn the future v.·e nlighl look to a wholr: v.•eek of activities building to the parade ,'' chamber president Charles A. Dixon Jr. said t/lis morning . About ·5,000 f&Sidents enWyed e morn- lng p:irade and an afternoon of fun boot.h!l and barbecued food. About 1,200 of them <i1c dinner at the Founta in Valley J ·ircmen 's Association s p onso r e d barl:'ecue at Fountain Valley High School. Nearly 3,000 viewed the parade as it \vound its \vay from Fulton School to Fountain Valley High School. The parade featured three marching bands, !wo equestrian units and many costumed f1g11res. ··1 wa s pleased with the total parlici pa- lior> -about t\vice that of !asl year's in· itial ceremony," said Dixon . "\\'c thoug ht ll "·as an excellent p,1 r-.dr." said City 1\-Ianagcr James Neal. 'J!he Chamber and the city shared the lal<1 cost or the parade. Proflts were reporledly made by alt g r o u p s participating, said 1'1rs. Shirley Pulford, president of the chamber 's won1en's division and one of the spark plugs behind !he parade organiiatlon. Praise Give11 to Courreges A unanimous ''thank s for your serrice" has been handed lo Joe Courrrgf'~. Jorn1 rr f ountain Valley City Counciln1an, Couple Survive Forced Landing /+, flying Fountain Valley co11plt ~ur· \n·rd a lhirllop ril their Crssna-lflO planP Su ndav afternoon 11 hen the craft ma1lr a forced~!anding in a Cerrllos eo11· pasturr. Pilot Jcrrv Bush, :'14, of 917:-i Po1nse11 1~ L:ine. :ind Jiis wife Sandra, :'ll. escaped 1111lnJUrt'd when they v.·erc forcerf 10 lnnd ;i flc r lwo airports tolU them lo movr. on and their gas r<in out. They had been ilying fron1 Pal n1 Spring.~ to Or11ngc Counl.v Airport. B11t hea\'Y fog, requiring an 1nstrun1ent lanrl· ing fnr v.·hich Bush "·as nol qualified. forced thl'm to try Fullerton r.1unieipal Airport But air traffic was loo hea vy at Fullerton and the couple then headed for Long Beach. said au!hori tie~. The plane came down in a field at 125~ Del Amo Blvd., Cerritos, where lt fl ipped over while landing. Oothing Store Loot Only $20 Enterpris111g burglars this n1omi11 J:: clin1bcd through a v.indow and dug through a \l'ell to E;el to a cloihing store. safe bll\ were re1\•arded With on ly $2~ for their effort~, \\lestmtnster police said the burglars pried open the safe of Faclory Uniform ~. 4(142 Locust St ,, ~·ilh a crowbar between l a .m. and ! 30 a.n1. Entry was gained through an adjoining business. Eddy ~1oss Inc .. manufacturers of ladies ~JX)rtswear, police said. From Pagf! 1 DOWNTOWN • • itudy the future of the downlov.•n area The ERA report, receJl'ed last \\'t't~. :i;ees the parking authority project as a catalyst in the re\•italization of the c1 !y. "The impllct ot Kuch revitalization cfforls will be highl)' slgnific1nt in tenns of employment , in income and Lax-ad· \an I ates," the report ~lated. by the Orange County f\Iosquito Abate· men! District Boart of Trustees. Courreges has been Fountain \1al!ey .~ representari ve on !he mosquito aba te· :nent boa rd since the city's incorporation 1n 1957. lhs service terminated Oct. 7. A letter from the board thanker1 Gour · rrge~ for fa1rhful a!lendanre tall but two or 147 meetings) and his current service a~ vice pre~1dent of the bo ard of trustee~. The plaudit~ came lo Courreges at the mosquito district's Oct. !6 meeting. 1;orot11 Pnge I MAYOR ... pierr of property near the n1un icipa l pier. Although !ht• t0n1priny had wri11rn tn !hr c1111nr 1I a~king for the trade . H:unillon ~aid neilher he nor counc1ln1an C. J. Fuhrman had copies of il 11:hilc the other council n1embers did. He said that he should have had knowledge of such communications but added, "As mayor, J ~·asn "t privy to these th ings." Hamilton also charged that Risne r "has the nev.·spapers brainwashed., and prevented the media from finding out about his resignation. '"The city news releases come from his office and 1 don't think ht w11nts to make unfav~rable things such as this public ,'' he sa1rl. He also alleged that Risner likes to run 1he council meetings by reading all the items !hat come up on Lhe council agen· da "Three of my c-11y councilmen would rather have the city man:iger run th e meeting. They kept giving their piece of lhe action to him, .and he kept gett ing ;i little more power each time," according to Hamilton. The former ma yor said he would definitely rema in on the council, at least until he comei1 up for ree.leclion in r.1arch. He ~·ould not comment on further acLlon on the alleged wrongdoing' of the" lhrt'f: council members and Risner but added "I certainly ~·ill probe any pr~ blems.'' Risner was not In his oUice this morn- ing ind could not be reached for com- ment. Sl'oll Sees Judge OK \\'ASlllNGTO~ IAP l -Seri Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania. the Senate P.epublican leader. said today he believes ,lu1ge Clcnll'nt F. HRynsv.·nr1h .Jr . will be crnf1rmcd as a Surrcme Courl Just1l't'. Lebanon Crisis Eases Fighting Slot.vs, Dispute Heads for Talks BEIRUT (U PI ) -~'1ght1ng between l.f'banese army troops and Arab gue.r- n!las slowed tod<iy and 11 appeared the corftict that gave the Arab world the wOr!t crisis in years was he.idini; for the l'onrerence table, possibly in Cairo. The gove rnrne11t lifted or relaxed •ts 24· hou r curfew iq all major cities except Trip<;ll while President Carnal Abde l Nasser of Egypt sent out a peace convoy to th e various Arab capitals. Indi cations v.·ere he v.·ould invite lhem lo Cairo for a peace confere nce. Informed political sources in Be irut .~a ic Rashid Karami. the forme r premier who gave up try ing to form a govemment when lhe crisis first developed had re- jected a new appeal from President Charles llclou to try lo organize a cabinel. flrom Pagf! 1 TEENS ... :<;ma shed as violently and ruthlessly a~ !hal pot." One bea rcied youth in lhe balcony in· lerrupterl the service just before: !hr fecessional and shouted: "Stanford University and the SL~nford Church arc not buildings of Cod ," and ··The Bible is 11ot being practiced 1n schoo ls and uni1•ersities.'' ··1 bel1e\'I' 1l1;it lhcre ls a God .•• America's gonna 1:0 down lo Comn1un1srn . . • the Commies are gonna take over this whole heathen nalion. ·• Several well-dressed couples in the con- gregation got up and stal ked ou t as he continued to forecast U.S. doom based on ils wallowing in ··sex . dope and all sorts of perversions." Thl·re "'ere audible giggles when he prcdieled: "(;od will destroy An1e nea l"ery soon. saith The Lord " lie did not elahorate fur ther . Th<' group -wh ic h vncatcd l\unt1ngton Beach and en virons Jasl Apr il for Arizona to escape the so-far inefficient destruc- tion of sinful California by enrthquake - lcfl quickly in orderly fashion. The Children of Israel cli mbed into their carav an or seven Twentieth Century rattletrap vehicles and drore to a Catholic Church Jn ~1 enlo Parle They slood br iefly in their ro bes on the saJewalk in front of the church. bul made no attem pt to invade lh e sanctuary o( that Vatican·headquartere<I faith . One you ng man who now calls hirpseH Joab and was with the group in Jlun- 11ngton Beach cstirnaled the band has grown to I~ persons and has ranged froni Phoenix , 1o Akron, Ohio, New York City, Florida and points between. Anaheim Killed in Driver Crash An Anaheun ninn su Herrd fatal ia· junes in rush-hour traffic early today \l'l1en his sma ll fore ign car rammed into a truck dl a busy Orange intersec\lon, Tame ichi George Ok1n1oto, 65, died 20 minutes later al Orange Cou nty ~fed1cJI (e'lte r. Off icers said the !ruck driver suf. fe!"ed only mi nor cu ts and bruises in thr Nlh!'tlOn. ln\-e:.tigators said the accldenl was tlit re\ult of ;i n apparent nght or 11 ;1V 111 !sllnderstand111~ between 111(' l 11 o dnvrrs. The accident is sl ill under 111· ve.stigalion. llrlou conferred during the day with both Karam1 and fll aJ. Gen . Emile Ru ~tar11 , co nimander-in-<·lli e.f of lhe Lebanese arn1cd forces who has sought to h<.11! guerrilla attacks aga inst Israel in b('lief they 1vould br ing major Israeli rt!ali<1tlon. Helou also conferred with Soviet Amtassador Sa ragar Azimo11. Moscow ha.; sided with the guerrilla forces in the 1·onflict and indirectly told the United States lo keep its hands, off Lebanon . Pra1•ada said today NATO n av a I maneuvers off Lebanon "puts this ex · plosive area on the brink of a l'ery dan gerous conf lict." Informed sources in Paris said the French government had followed the Lebanese crisis with ''attent ion, anxiet y and the greate't interests" but considers thf! trisi~ is p<ist and 01c seti lemeni can be 1eilthcd In a peacef ul niannl'r. 111 Cai ro the ~11 ddlc East Ne ll's Agency said Egypt had endorsed 11 specia l 1neel1ng nf 1he 1\rah. League Council lo deb.1!l' !he crisis in Lebanon. lri \\'a~hiugton !he Urillcd !:it<rtrs ar· cosed Russia today or trying lo ··n1ake propaganda'' nut of the crisis in Lebanon . ll eaUed instead [or ""qlliel diplornacy " to settle this newest flareup of danger in the Middle East. The L'S. real'l1on Iii a Sovirt New~ Agency Slaten1 ent 0£ Sa turday Cami' fro111 State Deparlment :-;pokesmau Hobert J . r.1eCloskey. It was aimed against part of a Tass statement wh1cl1 had been inlerpreled as a warning to thr United States aga inst 1ntcrlcring in Lebanon. Trustees to Study Pinn To Replace Old School Trustees of the Huntington Beach City School District wi!I consider another step toward lhe eventual replacement nf Owyl'r Intermediate School when thry Auto Accident Kills Grove Man A Carden Grove man died Sunda y "'hen he was flung from his sportscar and pinned beneath the auto as it rolled into a drainage ditch. It look po!icr an1l fir emen four hours to pull the bcxly of Daniel Lee Ramsey. 21, .Iron, beneath his shattered sportscar. Coro1;rr·s office rs s11i<t Ram sey rnust have lieen killed at the time of the ac· cident. Ran1scy was ejec1ed as his car went off !he Gardr.n Grove Freeway al Lewi .~ Street and spun into the ditch. He "''as alone in the car. Valley Council, Plam1ers Meet Cu y counci l and planning commission rncn1 ber.~ nieel in Fountain Va lley al 9 p.m. 1\1esday for a joint study session on planning. Councilmen and commissioners wil l review th e city·s policil's concerning general planning, especially !n the area of density on apartments and planned clcvelopments. No action can be taken. but recon1- fl]enda\ions for fi1t11re policy changes might come out of the J11€eting. Police Seeking 2 Arn1ed Bandits Hunt ington Bc:ich Police today are ~1 ;1\k 1ng the lri;il of l"n goateed hand11 ~. arrned "·ith ao al.Jlomatic pistol, v.·ho ~tolr S96 from the StO\l ·~· Go ~1arket, JSOl I Edwards St. Saturdav. Police sa id 1he n1en enlcred the store ;it 5 p.m . bro wsed around the magazi ne rack until shopers were gone, then told the clerk . at gun point, to cm p1y 1!1e cash rrg 1~ter Jn!o a bn1wn bag . Both n1en then left !he store on fool, according 10 pol1cr reports. meel at 7·30 p.n1., Tuesday in the Dwyer School library. On the agenda fo r consideration t~ ;,ut!"lorizatio11 lo l11rr an appraiser In delrrn11ne the market value of the old school al 17th Str~t and Palm Ave nue. ··"J"he trustees would like lo repla ce thr school next year," explained Charles c· . l'almer. assistant superintendent in charge of busi ness, '"but we have to wa]L for slate funds." Slate money has already b<>r n autho ri1· t-d lo replace the Junior high. bul lhi"' money hasn·l yet been earned from st"hool bonds, said Palmer D1111·~r School has oftf'n bf't'n l"titicizrd b_v p~rents ror its :1nt1quatcd fac ilitie.~. The state, said Pa lme r. has agreed it v.1Juld be bc.1\rr 1o build a new 1unio1· hf,..:h. than Jm11r1)1·e 1l1c old nor, Trustcl';; will also rons1dc r 5e11 ing :i Frbruary date for a bond ''le<"ll on to ap· prnvr a cha ngr in thr 1n1ercst r<11c r11r St 75!l ,OOO in scllnol bonds al ready ap- proved by the dl striet"s l"n!crs "\Ve aren't ask in~ for more mone_v." rxp!ained Palmer. ··wr JUSl want to set ;:i higher interest r:l te so ""£' can se!l what 1ve already hal"e." C11 rren\ rate 15 5 per· rent, the bond mar ket is about 6' ! per· C'enl . He estimated thal lha l bond mnne.v \\'ould la~t the district three to rive year~ :.long 1vith $9,750.000 in state fund~ ap· proved for the d1s!nct - also currently in unsold school bond.~. 60,000 Enemy Troops Massed SAl(',QN' (l;Pl l -'1orth V1cl name~f!l and Vie l Cong l'On1n1antl cr~ lod<1 y wer~ reported In havr 1n:issrd fiO .{lOO 1roop.• nnrth of Saigon for an offrns ivc expected 10 be~i n between Nov. 15 and Nov. 20. l l.S . 1ntell1grnce so urres !ia1d it v.·as ton early lo pred ict the intensltv or the dt1 1"r, The tlmetab!c for the Novemb ei-of. fenslve v.•as based :in captu red document ~ anrl interrogahon or war prisonrr,. Sources said the extent of !he f1ghlini: ~·ill dcptnd on 1hr. mov emenl 5 of lour Commun1sL divisions in the C;imbod 1<1n border area north aod northeast of Saigon in the. ne xt two week!'. 1f they remain r1onnanl in !he jungle» along the Ca mbod 1an frontier. thr sourCes !"laid lhc dnl'e w\11 probably hi' rcstr1r.ted tn a fl ash of :-hcllings and rom- mando aua.cks ;il'.laJn .,t Amrr1~a11 ;:ir\•I :)oulh \"1etname s(' 01Jl p1J.;l~ 11nd 11\• .~tallations ir11 oil•t•d Jtl !hr p3c1t1 cat11Jn ptOJ:r:lm. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY SIOO SUITS FOR ssn S110 SUITS FOR S83 Sl\5 SUITS FOR Sit $1ZS SUITS FOR $100 $135 SUITS FOR Sl03 Sl4S SUITS FOR Sllfi SI H SUITS FOR $121 SllS SUITS FOR Sl.'.lZ 3467 Via Lido at Nev.·port Boulevard , Newport Bea ch Open Friday evenings until 9 p.n1. r ' ! ; t I . • Souie S11ort \Vhe n Ri chard Rodman, 8. took his dog, Sport, into lo\vn for San .Jua n Capistrano Fiesta Association even~, he th?ught he 'vas enter· Jng his four-legged friend in a race. To hi s surprise and amusement. Sport \VOil th e "ugliest dog in to\vn" contest. Sport. 3, who came froin Laguna Beach potind . Jive s \\1ith Richard 's grandn1ot her, Mrs. Car- n1elita Arb1 so of San ./uan Capis trano. Leary Def e11se Pressi11g Claim A1·1·est Wa s Illegal By TO,\I BA BLE\' O! Ill• O•Hr ~ilot Stall Three rteirnse atlorncys cont1n11ed 1o h~mmcr a\\·ay 1oda.v :1t the rcnlral therne ul their defcn~e of Dr. T1mo1hy Leary AEC WiJ1 Iss ue License to UC I For Aton1 R eactor The A1flmir Enrr~· Co1nmis.sio11 :in- nouni erl Sund:iy lh;Jl il prnposPs to isS+1!" ;i license for operation of LlC lr 1·inc s nt:clcdr reactor. The AEC prevgnu.\I~· :ipprnrcd 1·on· ~1ruf't1on or Ilic $395.000 1·1UG/\ 111 .. hol ;:it{l1n" rr::ictor. nlread,\' installed. and now 1s prep11red to appr0\'C 11~ use follo\1·· ing 1n.~pcrli\111 . The puh llc an noun<'!'mcnt Su nday 11as fnr !he purpo~c ol nnt1f11n~ an~'onr 1n· l>'rrstrrl 1n 1nt<'rV<'n1ng ag:unst granting of the opcra!1nI! l1ccn~e. The nuclear reru'Tnr. lhf' only onr 1n Orang~ Co11nt1 , 111!1 be usrd by lacu llv ;ind student~ ;1.~ !Hl c1h1cat1nnt1I lr11.1I ;ind for rcsr:irf'h. accnrding !o the A Et ". Spnkr~n1cn lor (;1111 l·Cnrr.11 AI 01111r·f.., 11 1\u·h in~1allrrl 1hr rrilC(l)T 1l11s su n1 rnrr, ~al' 1t 1s 1nhcrr11tlv -:;iii· hec;111~c 1! ,<.h1 11-. 1 1~(.r <)ff If II ~ !lh') ICl11f>CT<il ll ff' rbrs ;1bnl'e ~ prl'·$<·L !e1 l'! Tlir r<':1r111r 1s 11111nr r~t·d 111 n g1:u1l 11 ;llrr t:ink. Dean nl Phvs11.:al Science.~ Frederick ncinc~ sa id 11ir. rf''11'1flr \\ill pcnn1l 1hc i;tudv of ;ito1nic chcin1 c;1I rcC1ctions under hc:it" cqui l'alc nt to J00.!100 de grees cen· l!J:r ;1d1· Pe t.lions 1n inter\'rnc in the licensing m;1y br filrd Y.'Jlh the !\Ctrctary, US. AH11n1c Energy Commission . \\'ashington, D. C. Brother s Given Life 'f er1n s for Novarro Slavincr •' t'l 1.0S ANGE:l..ES ll!Pl l -'T11·0 Ch1c;igo h··other.~ convicted of the fatal bc;iting of }'.ilrnl screen star H.amon Novarro 1.1·crc srn!enced to. lire imprisonn1cnl today by ;i .1udgc y,•ho reco111n1cndcd they neve r be frred on parole. Superior Cour t Judge r..1ark Brandler !';iirJ evidence during I.he ll~:o·month trial of Paul Robert Ferguson. 23, ;ind his brother, Thom;1s Scott. 18. "established convincingly and conclusively l(> the jury ;:inrl 1he court lhe guilt as to each of the drfendant s in the brulal , vicious tonure· killing of ~1r. Ramon Novarro" The actor Y.as found, choked on his 01vn blond and battered with his own cane'. in · his bed 1n hi s Hollywood Hills home last Ort . 30. Evidence lndicalf'd lhe brolhcrs Y.'Cnl to hi." hnn1e tQ "hustle" tl1e 11ging star and :: '1cat hi m in an C'ffort lo rli~Ct"lvcr $5,000 : :thrv be1it\'ed was tndden in the house. • · F..1ch brot her bl:im<'d lhe killing on lhP oll•l'r during lh<' trial. b11L during the P<'ll:!lty pha.~r Thoinr." 1rstlfird he w:i' 1r"p·11·~1hlc for Novarro·s dc;i1h :1110 his fa1nLly -the argu1ncnt !h;"t\ lhc Lf·;try stallon v.<tgon 1~·as nvl illegal ly par\.;cd in Laguna Beach last Dec. 26 11 hr•1 1hc contro\'cr~i:il trio \\'<IS arrcsicd on c'rug chargrs. V11·r 1111nc~srs h:ivc now tc~t1fird thill thr pns11ion of 1hc LSD cultist's bat1crrrl !o,f;1l1on wagon did n<Jl JUSl1t.v a police u!- !1cl'r·s aripro<ich lo the vehi cle. 'fh£>y h;i1·c confirmerJ tht 1csl in1on~ ur 1hr three Lcarys !hat lhe vehicl e w;i:;; Jrgnlly parked on \\loocllilnd Dr1v(', r rosccu tio11 wi!nesscs <:ontcnd thal the Lt';1r\I ca.r wa.s ncarrr the n1iddlc of Ilic r"l;,d. than the sidewal k <111d th;it officer '.\c;1I Plirccll 1.1 <1s JUst1f1rd in approaching 1111' auto. !1: .. 111(]uirics led lo Ilic arrC'~! of Lr;1rv, ~!1, l\usen1ary Leary. 33, and John !:lush L1',,ry, 19. on cha rges of possession of JTI<lrlJUana and LSD. Tile tno \\'Crc subsequently inthctcd by lltr Orange Colinty Grand .Jurv. go1 '1 ~idC's agrrc lhilt the 0111co111e 11( the pcndinJ!; St:rrnor Court trial h1ni::es nn Juc:!gr Uyron I\. ri.tcl\lillan's ruling on 1hc rurrcnt motion to suppre~" evidence -a hr<1r1ng lhal 1s no\v in 11s sixth clay. .Jurlgr J\1cillillati"s dctermin<1t1on that !hj· station y,•agon \\'as lrg:illy ptlrked 11rJ11l<L 1! is li:lt, destroy thr prnsecut1on·s <·:i~(' again~! L1'ary and his famil )'. Ul'I Tt.._,.lt Outfitted for S11111mer ,.&.s U.S. prepares for winter, Australians a re ready to g reet summer. Miranda Wynch, 20 , models warm \Veather outfit currently in !a~hion down 11ndcr. \vhcrc seasons are re· ''<'T ~crL ·--~· ~ ----- Monday, Dc.tob« 27. 1969 H D41LY PILOT 3 Tax Law to Curb Foundations After 40 Years , Either Quit or Pay Hi g h Taxes \VASHJNGTON iUPJ)-A new tilx la w 11•hich wou ld require most foundations to go o~of business after 40 years ex- i~_ten 11·as app.roved today by the Senate } 1na11i.: Committee Fou11dallons are no1v ablC' to live in perpetuity. Linder ;i proposal approved by the commiltee, they would be requi red to ~ive all their assets to another charity at Dirtv Words • 111 UCI Paper Stir Stor111 By THO~tAS FORTUNE 011~1 Dl llr f'illt 51111 Beautiful Girl Takes Own Life CORTE ~fADERA (UP!) -A maid mnking her usual morning rounds al the F.di;lewater Inn Sunday found a nole at . tached to one of the doors reading "sui- cide body inside." On a bed in the motel room lay the bC"rty or a beautiful , blue-eyed redh('ad wi01 an elastic belt tightened around hr.r nf'ck and two pillow cases and a pla stic b~11t over he r head. The woman, 22-year-old Ma ry Lnu Cur· rv of Sa n Rafael. had ch ecked into the i~n just one day before. Police said she h;:id been dead about 10 hours. Jn.side t~ girl's handbag was 11. newspaper clipping headlined ''Women Ni:!Cd lo be CUddled" with such phrases all; "fttling of relatiom' "and "sense of seeurity'' underlined, pollce said. The victim, Whose family resides 1n Sevf'rly Hills, Midi., lived in the Marin area for about a year and was employed as a nurse's aide at Ross General Hospital. Police are n11in11: the death a ~uicidt . Ji,,\vcver. an inve~tigation is in prngresii. ' lhe end ol the 4fl.year Ure span or el5e pa y taxes. The tax rate woulC be at a 43 percent rate wh ich now applies to co1-. por;.tions. ln another action , the commiitee ap. proved a proposal to set an annual tax on foundations of one fifth of one percent <lf the value of th eir assets. ll also approved a provision to require foundatioos to pay nut a sum equal to five percent of their assets every year. The 40-year rule would apply to roun· dations such as Ford, Rockefeller iind Ca rnegie. The only exe mplions wo uld be thos..: \\"hich receive one lhird of their in· coin~ from the public. such as the foun. dation which runs the restored rolonia l tow:1 of Williamsburg, Va . In db1solving at the end or 40 r<'ars, Fcundatlons would nol be permitted to !urn over their assets lo another foun- dation or create a new foundation with theni. The provision would mean that foundations now in existence would ha1'e to cl(;se up shop by the year 2009. There are now 30,000 foondatioos wilh unrneasured billions of dollars ifi tax·ex- empt dollars. The House-passed tax Pick Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes at Our Meat Count&rl refonn bill would impose a $65 million levy on their incomt from stock holdings. In opposl ng the move, spokesmen for the foundations have argued the house. passed 7.S percent tu on their income amounts to a tax on ho sp 11 a I ~, universities, health research, museums and experin1ental programs tao daring tor the government" to undertak:e. But they ha ve received little sympathy from the 17-member committee. One of its liberals, Sen. Albe,.! E. Gore tD· Tenn.), even has proposed putting a limit il lock Countdown il loves Without ~nag CAPE KENN EDY fUPJ ) A countdown rehearsal for the Nov. 14 laun- ch of Apollo 12 coasted without a hitch lo. day into its fina l 24 hours. The exercisr, last n1ajor ground test before the st.art of the nation's second n1oon landing mission, was aiming toward a mock blastoff at 8:22 a.m. (EST on the life Sp.at of foundations. "The dead should not control the !Jv. ing," said Gore, meaning a wealthy man, through bequests to his family foun- dation, should not decide from the grave ho\v his money -wh ich would otherwise be taxed --should serve society, In addition to taxing fou ndations' in· \'estmenl income, the House bill wauld require them to give away a su m equal to fj\·e percent of the worth of their assets each year; pro h i b it ··se[f.dealing" through v.·hich the creator of a foundation can use its stocks to increase his \\'eallh; forbid them lo control more than 20 per· cent of a corn pany's stocks: and preve nt fou ndat ions from politicking or trying to adl'ise Congress on legislation. No one, not even the tnlernal Revenue Service which requires only sketchy an- nual reports from foundations, knows how great their wealth is. They are re· quired to report only lhe original cost, not the current val ue, of the stocks they own. The JR..t; receives reports from 30,262 foundations but more than that are thought to exist. Let the carvers have their fun ... and surprise them with pumpkin delights! f:ec.ipcs to f it the time . , • use pumpkin for des~c rt .•. make. rolls with pumpkin , •• or be daring ... try our recipe for Indian Soup ! Let pumpkin carvers have their fun •• , and enj<ly eatinl' it, too ! ARCADIA: Sunset and Huntington nr. ttJ Ranc~o Cento~ PASADENA : 320 Wt>! Colorado Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA t Fre.nont Ind Hvntiniton Dr. HUNTINGTOM BEACH: Warntr al>! AJaonqvJn (llalldnlt Cen!lrl NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. Ind 2~ ustblufl Dr. IEatblufl Vlllap C.nll!l 1 --~ --------- DAi l Y PILOT McndaY, Octcbtr 27. 1%' J l • More Tired of War New Poll Finds 80% of Aniericans 'Fed Vp' • ; II .TODAY'S NEWS . tCMn•llM t ) ll>o D•"• Pile! Stall) At srience·minded California In· slltute of Technology in Pasadena. a 26-year·ol d En gli ~h professor at- tracts more attention t han so1ne of the \\'Orld's most fan1ous physicists. Jenijoy LaBelle Is the first \l'~f'.lan to join the facul!.v cit the t radition- ally all-male school. Caltech also a dmits undergraduate \\'Omen for the firs t lime this year. In a school \Vh ere s tudents care more about molecules than ~1oliere. D r . La· Belle's classes on literary master- pieces and tragedy and comedy have standing-room-only attend- a nce. • Richard G. Hess, 44 , of Lancas- ter, Pa .. has returned a $150 U.S. savings -bond he v.:on in an a r t sho\V Jas·t month. ~{e attached a note ~1-ating : "I a1n opposed to ou r im - 1nor al involvement in Vietna1n and 1hls bond represents a very real contribution t o the in volvement.'' The p ainting for \l'hich Hess \l'Otl first p rize depicted t1vo milita ry advisers \Vith 1.heir backs t urned to a Vietnamese soldier \Vho \l'as kill· ing an enemy s uspect. • Candy maker Leon Ricelli has bt· 1·ome a real hit U!ith the younge r gen- rration as a result of 1nt raducing the f irst chocolate piz~a hi Michigan. l\1att/1e1v Feile r, JR 1nonlli.~ old, of De- troit s/Jou's his npprP.ciatio·1i with a big chocolate r1ri11. The pizza -for t hose 1cllo 'd. like lo l r_11-fs topped n;ith a mi.zture of candied cherries, 111ixed frui ts. raisins, nuts, and white r!1ocolntc drizzled 01i top to look like tlte real L111n g. • Rura l Alcesler's tov.·n council in E ngland rej ected a petition by a grou p of city newcon1ers to stop bullock s mooing at night. "These people have gol to put up v.·i th country noises and smells or 1hey should not li\'C in lhe country."' said Council Chairn1an Bob Collett. • r ' --.~-~--rt--~·-', .. ~· •. The dn11ble ·billinf1 po.~terl. nn ~1 I thr ·1narq 11 rf' nt 1/1e (l11!f1 i:a_11 ~ f drr.vr·i.n thealrr 11L llou .~tnll ! re nd\' 1~ Rornrn onrt Julirr . .! The Odd Coiiplr . f ---.------·--· ' ~--..... :::t~. ~ .. -, ___ ___.!i.~ David Bryan, 64 . or Romr. (;a., explained he didn"l \1•an't to get n1ud in fhe barrel of l1 is rifle. That's 'rhv he go1 J bullet in the foot instccirl. Bry an .,.:ai d to protect 1h e r ifle. he res,tcd the \1·eapon Oil hls hunting boot a~ he rode ill a dune buggy near n allgely. C0lo. The \\'eapon discharged accidental- ly during t he ride. NEW YORK (UPI) -A pessimistic Impatience with the war in Vietnam is in- C'reasing in the United States. according to a new poll by the Louis llarris organization . FOIJT' fifths t'.lf the publ\c are "fed up and tired" of the war, the poll revealed. Yet 55 percent -down from 8J percent l'-'-'O years ago -feel the war has been necessary to thwart Communist ag- gression in Asia. Results of the poll appear in the cur- rent issue of Tlme ~i agazine, released Sunday. Ont! third of lhose contacted in 1-tarris' two-part survey of the general public and communist leaders favored immediate, total \l.'ithdrawa\ of all U.S. troops from \'it'tnam. A Y•ide majority. 76 percenl, agreed in principle with Presidenl Nix- on's troop withdrawal plans, howevl!r. About half lhe public \\'OUld conli'nue the \\'ilhdrawals on a pre-arrangert schedule, e\'en if that means the eventua l co!lapsf' of the Saigon government; :;lightly more than a third '-'-'OU!d alter the :;cbedule for the sake of South Viet- namese President Nguyen Van Thieu. A broader margin of }!arris' sample is \Vil\ing to sacrifice the Saigon govern- ment if that ls considered the only v•ay to peace -'17 percent of the public ques- lloned and 62 percent of the leaders. A to 7 Jpercent of the public. Harris surveyed J,650 people Jn a cross- se<::tion of the population: their responses :-;howed antiwar sentiment still is stronger among blacks lhan v•hites, aniong the young than the old, ·Jn the East and West than the Midwest or '"All Fall Dow11' Cos1nonaut's View of Football SAN DIEGO (AP) -A Sol'iet cos· monaut's impression of American loot- ball~ "All fall down, all get up, all fall down.'' So said Gen. Georgy Beregovoy after \'iel\'ing a ga1ne between the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Chargers Sun- day, His 19·year-0ld son. Viktor, seen1ed more interested in the game -and in llis pretty blonde instructor. Kathy Birk, 20, .a Russian-speaking Disneyland hostess who met Viktor on a tour and became his date for the v•eekend, explained the game in Russian. Viktor cheered th e Chargers. "He is a very intelligent pel'St'.ln." said Kathy, "and he's willing to try anything." Kathv. born to Russia n parents in Paris but falsed in Anaheim, also \\-'as Viktor's cl<1te for a party at the ho1ne of ac!or Kirk Douglas. Bcregovoy and fell ow cos 1n on a 11 t l\onstantin Feokistov sampled Amer1can hot dogs, peanuts, pizza, ice cream and be.er during the game, but their in- troduction to football did not come through too well in intrepretation. Their instructor was Lee Crampsey, a former San Francisco 49er now employed by the State Department. "I was trying lo explain through an of- ficial American interpr eter who didn't understand footba!l," said Crampsey. "So. forget it. We just didn't get through." 13 Unions St1·ike Plants At General Electric Co1·1l. NE\V YORK (UPI) -Members of 13 unions walked off their jobs at General Electric Co. plants throughout the nation today in a strike described by labor as ''nearly 100 percent effective." Paul Jennings, president of the loterna- tional Union of Electric, Radio and Machine Workers (JUE). said his union "·otild file charges of "unlawful refusal to bargain" against GE with the National Labor Relations Board. The I U E represents 88,500 of GE's 147,000 unionii· ed employes. The wal kout against one of the nation's largest defense contractors was the first major strike. faced by the Nixon ad- ministration, \\•hich has pledged hands Qff. President Nixon has called for price and wage reslrai nls. GE. \l'hich has a total work force of 3!0,000, is lhe fourth largest iodustrial corporation in the country. The strike, \\'hich })(:gan \\'ilh contract expirations at n1idnight, \vas the first nation1vlde v:alkout against the firm since 1946. Egg throwing and shoving \\-'as reported among the I ,fl()() pickets standing l 0 deep at 1he gate to GE's oldest and large~t plant in Schenectady, N.':t'. Police: adivsed nonunion cmp!oyes not to try to enter the µl11nt. Fi\·e pickets \l.'ere arrested in Schcnec- \;id·1 and IJ more al a resP.arch and (lc\-'elopn1en t center in na arby Niskayuna, N.':t' , all on charges of disorderly con- duct. .1cnn1ngs sn id picketing nallon\\·idc 11·as "roqllne a nd orde rly" \1•1th on ly a few c~­ f'(1-"l1ons ''provoked by 1nanai;e1nenl or oul slder~ ., ''l'n1on1zrd Cc ncr:il Electric worker~. 11·ft11 very fc\1' exceptio11s. ha1·e rn;ide il \'IL1llf to 1nanagen1cnt lhtil they 1v1ll not ll'orR for 1he n11~erly 11ilgcs and insecure condil ions proposed by nianagement,'' Jennings Sflid. GE made one offer -a three-year con· tract with v.·ages increases averaging 20 to 45 cents an hour -v.·hich the UE and IUE rejected. They demanded higher in- creases in a 3(}.monlh contract. GE re- jected a un ion offer to subniit the negotiations to arbitr;:ition Federal mediators entered the tal ks f'rlday lo no avail. Beret l'aptain Jn, Death l 'ase Hurt in Crash PERTH AMBOY, N.J . (AP) -Former Green Beret Capt. Robert F. ~farasco, once accused wilh seven Army colleagues t'.lf killing a Vietnamese spy, continued ln serious condition today fron1 injuries suf- fered ir. a \veekcnd car accident. l\larasco, 27, \ras taken to Perth Amboy General Hospital V.'ilh massh·e hear! injuries Saturday. Tl1om as J. Green. 22, identified by police as dri;-cr of the second car \n· \'Olvej In the headon crash, \\'as killed. t-1r~. Jacqueline Ziegerbc>rg, a 34.yenr- cilr! dil·orcec \\-'ho was a passenger in illorasco's car, suffered a fracture of the li:ft leg. '.'-lar\lsco \1'0S na1nerl by the Ar1n y ;1~ 1hl' t~rcen Br rrt \1'hO fired the shot whleh l;1lled a \-irtnan1f'se :igent. i\1urder <'h:i ri:.e;-against the l\"rw Jersey miln and the others \\·crc ~ubseq 11ently dropped ant! he rr~ig11C'd frnm the Arn1y 1110 \\'r cl;s a go ;ift rr returning from Vietna111 . He obtained a i11t xican divorce la~t \\'eilnesday fr on1 his \\•ife of six year~. Th'nisf'. nn grounds of incompatibility. ·rhl'y ,1·erc childless. Most of U.S. Shivering Cold W eatlter Extends Fro1n Plains to East California Te1nperat1cres "''!Obit tlO....:I•. ••tll' MCtnln11 1011 Ind l"'•I llUt!Y wil!G• •P .. •d 11\roual'I· QUI Sou!i.r" C•lilornl1 Ml! ..... l l'. ~··~· in. t~mM•a •u•tt to.,,!ct1a111v cool. T"• lei "n1111r1 1•e• bvrn! ori !Mt lllbU~v~1nUo '°'nt!\O••O• Hit!\ Low Prtt'. !• •.l ~' nl11"1 1n~ mcrnJnq 1011 l'!v !~• P&"Y 1ll1r""°"-Th• "'II" In ""'" •vn•fl'nt W•t ''· in•,,,.,.,.'' ~vnday, l!'f OYt<• nl•l'I! law I• ~6. The Air F'a!lutlon CO!l!'l!I Dlt1r ltl •-•l!<I li~M >l'nOll In !/'It blllln 8tor ht• w••e ciouav 11111 mcrn!n11, l!u! h!9n1 •••cl>ed ro in 1>111' s11n•"ln1 11111 1t1e•noon. Ttl>e "'"''' w11 61. M ovn!•ln1 Wfft Jltrtty wnnl' wllll Y1rl11!lt CIOllCh end "'"~ wond<, R t• '°"'' t•m..er1lur t• wtrt In tno 601. ~"' w11e .110 wnny •nd clo.idv, wltl\ 11u1•v w1nt11 tn ,.,. •11••,..,.,n, H1tn1 •t•tl\td tnt IOI In l'!lon c:rt~•''' 11'1(1 '"" low '°" In 10-· VtlltYI. Tl'l1 nolion'1 lll11n w11 91 ti T/'ltnl'tl. !<lllK!e<I •-••lu••• 5llfl<lt• •nd ......,lrrtd m••lmum1 !od1y lntluc:tt l oriG llt•cll 1'-111, r. .. 111 Monh::t ''"'· f11irb1N1 1?·12, Ml, Wit""' 41·'1. Pt !m- dt 11 11.ii. 1u .... r110t n-n. P•'"' !.l""lno• ~l·fS, l1k1tfl91d 11•12, 51n OllVO 61·61 •fld itl'lll •trti.tt ff ... _ Cloo.idt ~Y. ll't<om1"11 ""'"' .unn• ln tlttft\(l(ll't, LI.~! Vffllblt WI,.... ~l•M .nc:t mo•nlnt roovrw ""'""'1"11 Wft!.,IV 1~ 11 10 ~noo In 1n1rn00t1 t tadlv 1flc:t Tvt.c:r1•. HIOft lCld•• '~· C.oti,.t 1omper1lu••• ••ftll"11 l rom .!.l to •7. '"''"" lem p,11tu•f •Ant • _,., l•om 1$ It 111. W111r •tmJ>t•1ru11 ~. WAllM -...) S1111, 1Uoon, Tides ._.., 1'11111 It:~ 1.m. ~.s -Sta>l'ld ltw .. t 1>6 p ,m. o,i TUIJOAY 'l•rl toltn ............. l~:O 1 .m. S.t f !<11t tow ......• ,, ,, .. •:Jt 1.m. J.S '9tol'ld Ill•" ..... .,.,.... . .. l l<'O!lf 10W .. ,. ..... , ... •;Ji •·"'· 0.1 11• llU• 7:'1 1.1". S.ft, 'i" ,,..,, ,,,..._ Ill-J .41 •·"'· Sett 7:'1 1.m. v.s. s11 .. m•r" MO•! o! '"' n11;o.. •hivt •e<I 10~•~ 01 !9mp1r1t"'"' c:r•,.,...d b•lo.i ''"" ln9 irom '"• "°''" ond ·C r~•·•' Pcfl •u •o c~n!•ll 1111...,1, •.,.j ""''"· l •n Mlr"l•I " t »d I lrtl!• w••~•tll Wl l ~Oftt!I !Ot ll'IU(ft Of Ql\lfhoml . Cold w••'~"' ••ltr>de<I from fl\• Rotklt• •<'0" 1111 Plol"' lo Int w11r 1IOl!t• ol tn1 A•~•l•enlont an<I • iew ,_ 11urrl•1 "'"" ••1>1>•!ed '"'m •••I· ''"' MIMf~!t to t!\t norll'ltrfl Grotl L1kn. Ott•1ion11 r1t,. • .:""'' or thu"<!tt· s-.n w1r1 ·~.,...,~~ !rom !.,. upMr Ohio VtlltV 16 !ht No"h•••I, tn tht 1-0UI~ All•Mlt 5!•lf!, f rom f &)!.,n Ntw Mt•lro •~d ,ov•h11111•n Co+ortdo ,,.,_,. n-ivt ~ o• l•~·~ •o NI•'""" L°"'lll••• •~d ln '"' 1'1tUrc Nort~wo>I lhrwrll norlhwtoltr" C•l!lo•.,11. Low '""'"''''u•tl ••ho•d !re"' ' 1bovr ll •O 1! l twl1!oll, Mor>!,. !O II 1• O•y To••v••~· Fl1, lhf ..,., tt! l• Al l>~nld (lh', S tl , Wll I te<O•d tor )(I •11!1 1n !~e >r uon. Sav•h•ttt C•ll!or~i1 w1• <l>QI •"6 t''!U~Y w11n tl•I-mor•l<Wi lot, fl•~•·1•i1ld f!i•m•rc- 801'• 80.,on ll•own1villt (!\1{100 Ci"'•nn•\I Denver Ot l Molflt • O•tro:r Fai•bt"I~ r ott Wort!\ f •••no 1-<•l•n• K•~••• Cl"' l•• v.,., l ct An9t lt l MJ,,,, •• ,,.,n, N!W Otl•&n> New Yor~ Norin Pit!!• 0•~'·"" 0o:11nem1 c1•v Om1~1 ,,.., itob1•• Pl!m So"n~1 P~nl • Pllt1t>IJ•t!\ PO'fl1n<1 lt•old Cl!y it~d e1v11 .. ~ ~oc ·tm•"'o Soll l•~t C•lv ~ ... 0 1.,0 ~·" r r1.,c.1co S•••tl• ~ ... 00<"1'• lh•rM ol w.1n1n,to• " " ,. " " " " " " " • " " " ,, " " " " " " " " .. M ., " " " " " " .. " '° " .. .. ., • " .. ,, " " " " • " " ,, " " " ' " ,, ,. " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " ·" " " " " • ., " " " ·" " ' " • South. Another 1.118 people questi oned were "public officials, chiefs-of minority and dissident organizations, business ex~ ecutives, editors, leaders of educational and voluntary institutions -those whose collective voice registers loudest in public debate." Harris said. The t1vo groups differed substantially on only t'.lne topic: whether Communists should be allo\l·ed in a new South \'ict- n;11nes~ governrnent. The public opposed such a comprornisc. 49.33 percent :· the !ea<lers favored it, 62·2 1. Only 21 percent of the public \1·as willing to accept a new govern1r.ent \1-'ith a Conununist majori1 y , 44 percent of the leaders disagreed_ A slim majority of the public, 52 per- Cl·n t, would be wi!ling 10 support Nixon in another attt>mpt to esc;date and v•in the \1·ar militaril y; 53 percent of the leader!! opposed such an idea. U.S. Awaits Release Word On Three Gls SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Command today awaited further v.·ord from the Viet Cong on its plans for the release of three A:nerican soldiers. Jn a broadcast by its Liberation Radio Sunday night, the Viet Cong said lt would free the three Gis as a demonstr ation of i!s "lenient and humane" policies. On the basis of Army serial numbers given in the broadcasJ, the U.S. com· n1and identified the men as Spec. 4 Willie A. W;ltkins. of Sumter, S.C.; PFC J ames It Strickland ,Jr., of Dunn, N.C.; and PFC Coy R. Tinsley, 22, of Cleveland, Tenn. All were members of the America( Division . Tinsley is one of 14 children of !.1r. and Mrs. R. G. Tinsley of Cleveland, 'fenn .. and the seventh son to serve in t.he armed forces. 11e disappeared last March 9 dur- ir,g an action 11ear Quang Ngai City, in the northern part of the country. \~'atkins and Strickland v,·ere reported 1~1issing in action Jan. 8 and Jan. 9, 1968, in the Que Sonh valley. The Viet Cong broadcast indicated that both v.·c re members of A Company, 3rd Battalion, l96th Light lnfanlry Brigade. Tbe con1- p;;iny l9 months later temporarily re fused <in order to advance after five days of being lhro\1•n back. The Viet Cong's announcC'menl \l"as rrpeated several times today but did not say ·where or \\'hen the three men l\'Ould be released. There \\-'as sprcu\ation it might involve another battlefield meeting betl\'een American and Viet Cong of· ficers, li ke the meeting last New Year·.~ Dav near the Cambcxlian border "'hen thrE-e other G Is were handed t'.lver. The U.S. Command says the Viet Coni;:: and the North Vietnamese have released a total of 14 American military pe rsonnel since February. 1967. The enemy also has fre(:d two American civilians and on!! (;e~·man nurse. A number of olher Americans have escaped from the Viet Cong. Jn its latest \veekly casualty sum1nary lasl Thursday, the U.S. Command said 1.3\9 America n military personnel were listed as missing or captured. Of these. 4\3 are kno1\·n to be prisoners in North V1elnam, about 200 are missing in South Vietnam. and the U.S. Defense Depart. m~nt believt's 1nany o( the resl a re prisoners in the North. L: S. 1ni1i\ary officials declined con1- 1ncnt on !he \'let Cong's statement that during their detention \V a t k i n s , Strir kland and Tinsley "proved pro· grr~~~1ve. were awa re that rhe L.S. i1n- perialisls' \\'ar of aggression in South v :e1 na1n 11·ou ld cer~inly fail. and sho"·~d their repentance -0f the crimes they h;id (·on1n+i tted against the \'ictnan1esc pt>u- pl r." ~u ch state1nrnts <1rr USllillly niadc bv t it~ Con1mun ists aboul ('1·ery prisoner the~· release_ ' .., " " f ' • ''"'-'r-~ • ; l~~"4" ! "" (ii': First Ludy of TV ,,_ i~cO'~ ~}1 • ) ~ ..... f _:;. w .. ' . ' f(. : ~¥~ -~~ ; ·~~v; I ~t -. 1,, Lucille Ball beams a fter accepti ng the hono.r of _F irst ~ady of TV fron1 the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences .. the first ~oman to be so honored. Sharing her big moment are clnldren ~ucie. and Desi Jr . About J,000 fellow stars and industry n1embers paid tnbute to the actress at a d inner in the Beverly Hil ton Hotel. Girl Left on Freeway; Police Hunting Parents BAKERSFIELD (UPI) -Little Jody Sn1i th. 4, \\'a.~ riding in the car \\'ith her p;:rrents and her t\\'O brothers and little :-ister when suddenly the car slopped <:nd she \1•as told to get out. lier n1ommy and daddy told her to hang onto the chain-link fen ce bcsid2 lhi: freeway 1in til a police1nan <:amc. ShC' didn 't kno1v \vhy she was being left but :-;he did as she \\'as told and watched her daddy's car dri ve off into the night. 'That \\'as the story she told au thon1lc..~ a fter she 11·as found by a Highway Patrol officer. \\'et and shivering but still clinging to the fen ce_ a t 6 a.n1. Saturday morning. The Kern Courity Sheriff's Offi'ce said .~he was found three m iles south ()[ \\'heeler Ridge .south of Bakersfield br~ide U.S. 99 . She .hnd several bruises on her arms <1nd body and appeared to be suffering from malnu trition, a deputy said, She told officers her name and age and said her father 's name was Ronnie Smith and her mother's name was Betty. She said she had an older brother, 'Tin1my. 5, a sister. Rhonda, 2, and a baby brother named Jason. Nobel Econom y P.rize A 'varded STOCKHOL~t !CPI) -Prof. .Jan Tin bergen of the Ne therlands and Prnf. Ragnar F'rlsc:h of i'\or'-'-·ay today \l'OTI tile first Nobel Prize for econom ~'. Thr five.member prize committee of the S;vcdish Acade1ny of Sciences c1led the 66-vear-old T1nbc>rgen. a professor ol the r-.·c·lhcrlands Srhool or Econoni ics in Hottcrd<1n1, ;ind the 74·year-n1d Frisch "for ha11ng 1'lc1 £'loped <in r1 :ipphed (I\ na1n1c model~ frr !hr. ;i na1~:!,.1s or ('conorr.1c processes_" The new award, \\'Orth $72,700 like Ille nthcr rive 7'obC'ls. 11·as estab!ishe(,{ by lhe Uank of S1-1•eden as part of its 300th an- nil"e.rsary cc.lebralions last year. Depolies said '-'-·hen she was let out or the car she said her mother told her to !ell pnlice she ]11ced in Bak ersfield, ''\rc·ve run down just about every Smith in Bakersfield and Kern County.'' a Sherilf"s Office spokesman said today. •·s" far wr·ve turned up nothing." The Sheri!f's Office asked tha t anyone l1 al"~ng any kno\\"ledJ?e of the gi rl or the f:imilv call the Shcrifl's Department at (305 ) '32i-33~2. l\farg aret Mead Sa ys Marijuana Should Be Legal \l'ASH J NGTON I C"Pll • AnlhropologJ st fll arg:irel illrad. 67. said today mari;uana should be legalized and anyone 16 or older should be allowed to s1nokc i1 .. Th-! fained aµthor and social seienti!'t said .;it a Senate heari11g thal harsh la..,,·1 against 1nnniuana u~e 11·r re dan1aging society much more than did prohibition. "It is a ne11• forrn of lyranny by the old !'\\er the· young,.'' she testified. ''You ha ve the adull wi lh ;i cotk\a1l in one hand and a c1garrt1e in the othfr saying, 'You can not . , ,' " lo a child. "This is unlenable." She did not rnention 111 her testimony a mlnimun1 age for n1arijuana usage. Nc\1·!'ml'n askl'd her a ft c r '" a r rl s "Probably 16," ~he replied. She ~aid marijuana "docsn'L ha1·e the toxic effects !11al cigarettes ha ve" anrl lS milder than liquor. S(I >,hnuld be pc rn1i tted at e vounger agr then tobacC1) and alcohol. • il11 ss Mc<id. prr1fe~sor of anthropology at Colun1bia L"niver!'i1y. gained fanie fo'r :.turlle s of nat11e" in San1o;i an<l l\:c.1~· (;u1nea and she rr.crntly :ilso wrote .i bonk about thr genrr;i.UQn gap, tilic ins1s1ed lh:it niedtc;i \ r11Llenc:e leavr~ no floubl that n1on1 uana is not arl· <lict1 vc: tlors nnl b~ it~eH le.;:r cl to u ~e or hard 1lrug~ l1kr licro1n: ;-ind ls 1nuch 1111ldrr in its f'fl f'cls !hall :il('nilol. DECORATOR I I AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream Homes On Display Over $JQO,OOO Inventory to Choose From lt1m1 e s follow~: Gorgeous custom q uilted sofa with stiparate pillows w ;t~ heevy o•k trim decor end metching loYe seet, 3 metching oe k occasiona l t a blt11, 58'' tell decoretor lamp, henging chain sweg lemp, en a .pie ce king sit e mister bedroom suite pa ne led Mediterr•neen styl e with top qua lity IS ytia rs w1rre nfy king si1e ma ttress i nd bo:oi: sprin gs. Spanish d ining sit , etc, Any pie ce ca n be purchese individuel!'y. Drop by and see our sele ctio" of top quality Spenis h end Mediterreneen furniture , .. fanlesl ica lly priced! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT E9UAL SAYINGS 1111 /•"'111·11il111·t' 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Me~a lonlyl AT HARBOR Boulevard f.,.. r I n igh t 't;I 9 -W1.1d , Sdt. & <)un ';,I 6 MUST SACRIFICE No Money Down Required- No Payment Till 1970 I ' \ I i . ----, . -. . ' . HOLIDAY PIZAZZ -Clothes for sophisticates \vill be modeled \Vhen Tira de Ninos .l\uxiliary of the Children's llon1c Society , sponsors a lash.ion sho\v and brunch taking place Saturday, Nov. 8, Jun iors Campaign ing 'Beautiful Week' Planned for City Rallying lo lhc cause are men1be:s of the. Seal . Beach .Ju~ior \Voman's Club, and they arc \va glng their can1pa1gn \\'Ith dctcrn11na· tion, enthusiasm <Jnd zeal. F'alling before their cry of Cl ean-up. P?in1·11 p. 1:ix·up. arc any eyeso res \\'hich 1night detour thrn1 fron1 tl1c 1r ul1.1 1na·1~ i::oal of Seat Beach Beautiful. 1\ n1ajor part of their can1pa1gn Js to involve all as· peels of the comn1un1ty in a concentrated effort to bccon1e S\\'are of beautification. The b a111e be,g;in Oct. o·,1·hcn the city council proclauned the \1·eck beginning Sunday, !\ov, l ti. as . Scfll i":l'il<'h fleautiful \\·eek. Refuse collection ,,·ill be in crca:-.cd during that \1·eek <i ~ a parl of the cooperative effort. f\l rs. Thon1as :'\icholson and :\lrs. J)J\·id Slo:in. bca11t1fication chairmen. ha\'e deli1·crcd badges to 1ht• scho{lls tor rh!lclrcn 111 kinder· garlen through ~1xt h grades and are requesting thut 'the bad,i:c.l he \\Orn as reininders 10 clean. pain1 <JIHl fJ'\. Tccpl e·s Nursery al ~o h;i-. dorla!rd 'i.'i packr!.-: .of flO\\'C·r "ccds \\ hich the c!1 ildrcn \\ill plant a~ ano\h ('r part of lhr i\01·e1nbcr c!Jorl. The beaullfic.::itio n co1n1n ilteC' :1l rcnd.v h<l~ rt•cei1·cd many TC'· plies from area org::ini7.at ions rr sponrhng tt1 c re11uc sts for their par- tici pa tion in a specifi c beautification project. As a result of a suggestion fron1 lhe l\larina Democratic Club, a fund \l'ill be established to purchase Carobs. the cily's official tree. Organizations or indi vi duals can send contributions to the Seal Beach Beautiful Tree Fund, Ilox 216, Sea! Beach, \ldth checks made payable to the Juniors. ,(• l ~I ,., , .·;I .. . ), • JOOEAN HASTI NGS, 642-4311 "'-•¥· Octok• JI, !,., " ..... 11 Fashions Trim Holiday Trees J<"ashions to lake young sophisticates into and through the approach· ing holiday season \Vill be on display \vhen Tiara de Ninos Auxiliary of the Children's llon1c Society sponsors a fashion sho\v and brunch at 9·30 a.n1. Saturday, Nov. 8. Thcn1e of the benefit. taking place in Bullock's. LakC\\'OOd. \viii be lloli day Pizazz, and 1rhile l\1iss Claudine frorn the store·s n1odcling con<tn· gent cornincnts on the ne1v holiday styles, 1nen1bers and guests \\'Ill enjoy a leisurely brunch. Ne\V provisionals of the lluntington Bench auxiliary \Vho \\'ill be al· tending their first event include the l\1n1es. \Villiam Torkell, Gerald 13rande· \\•ie. 1\-lax Berman, l\1ichael Brick, \Villia1n Ferguson, Dou Ro,ve, Irvin \Vnuck and Keith Barro\v. Acting as general co-chairmen are f\1rs. R ober t Knox ancf !\1is. J ohn Forte, and they are being assisted by a committee comprised of the :l\1mes. E. J. Patrick, tickets; Don Ellison. Robert Peterson and Kenneth Baustian, door prizes: Paul Lo\vcr, reservations: Robert Ohland· and Richard l\1ac· David. seating; Joseph Ribal, Ste\vart Easterby, Robert Peterson and Ken· neth Thompson. hostesses. and Easterby, publicity. Proceeds froin the benefit \Viii be contributed to the Children's I-Io1ne Society. a privately supported adoption agency. Tiara de Ninos is one of 200 auxiliaries in the sta te \Vhich serves and implements the adoption pro- gran1 through volunteer \\'Ork <ind sponsorship of fundin~ events. f\1ore than 10,000 \vomen con1prising the auxiliaries volunteer their time, efforts and talents. The next event schedul ed by Tiara de Ninos \Viii be a theater party in the nc\v Laguna Moulton Playhouse in l''ebruary. A re,·ie\'l board met \Vilh l\lrs. !\like Knapp and l\'lrs .. Jerry R ochte to tou r suggested sites deserving recognition and they will be announced durin" an a\vard s banquet in the Old Ranch Country Cl ub on Nov. 20. l\londay, Nov. 10. is the dcadl.in~ fo r banquet rcs.ervations and additional information regarding a hm1tc<l nurnber of hc!lets. at $6 each. may be obtained by calling i\lrs. Mickey i\1cDonough, ticket chairman, at 430·0857. RALLYING TO THE CAUSE-Campaigning for Seal Beach Beautiful are 11rs. Mike Knapp (left) and Mrs. Lee Risner, cha irman and president of the Seal Beach J unior \Voman's Club, who have enlisted the assistance of Tanya Brawner and Shari Steidl ey {left to righ1) in the community bcauli· fication project. J-Iighlighting Seal Beach Beautiful \veek \v hich begins Sunday, Nov. lG, will be an awards banq uet Thursday, Nov. 20. Overexposure Stops Development of Photo Collection DEAR ANN LANDERS: llere·s how a widow handled the situa tion "'hen she found a box of picturt's of nude women {and worse I under her teenagt' son'9 bed. Ma ybe it will help other mothers. .4 Jimmie was 17, a good student, an U outstanding athlete and dated so1nc but not a lot. lie never mentioned anything about sex and I didn't think ii "·as on his mind much -until I found those pie· tures. I was so shocked , Ann. I iust sat dov•n on his bed ancl sta rrd into spate for a rull !!I minu1es Fi nally I hit on an idea. r look the pic tures dnwnstairs and 1aperl them on the ll\'ing roorn \\all l decided It 1va~ the hes! l\'ay lo 1ct him know I had f<lund lht'tn . After I go1 a 1ood look 11 that trash (about 15 pictures ,: ANN lAND{RS : in all) I sent up a little praytr 1hal my 1noth('r·in·law or !h(' m1n1stcr wouldn't drop in on nic unexpectedly. \\'hrn Jim f'am(' hornc hr 11·ent strai,i;ht l::i the fr11l,i;e as always. lie yelled son1clhing about football practice then ~tarted for 1he stai rs. \\'hrn he got lo thr 11,·ing room hr hrllo"·ed •·Oh r-.1om., r\o! No '. f\'.o ~ No'" I asked calmly. "\Vhy 1101~ If you hke U1osr pirt11res !'n wrll thal ynll kerr thrn1 under )'f.lur bed lo look al I think they should be shared v.·ith our frirnds." Jim ripped the pictures oH !he 11 all 11caring mosl of !hem in lhe process!. hauled them to the incinerator and lit a rnatch lo v•hat was left of his collection. I never rncolioncd the pictures again and nri !her did hr. That was JO years ago. Jim now hall two ~nns of hi.~ O'>''n. I know his 1\'ife i~ an evi<I reader of your column and she'll never know when she sees this letter that hrr husband is Lhe •·teenager." -LAST l..AUGll DEAR LAST: Wby don't you tell her'? 1'11 btt she 'd laugh with you - and she mig ht even learn so mething that might come In handy lalt"r. DEAR ANV I.ANDERS: I am Z2, nr sou nd mind and body. and very mu ch in lnvc. r-.ly sweetheart and t are gelling n1arrietl in Dcccn1bc r. I'd like to say son1elhing lo all nu1rried people '.''ho read ,\·011r tolu1nn. Herc is n1y n1csst1ge a11d ple11.~e as k lhe lypcsetler lo put it in h1g prlll l. If' YOU CAN'T SA y sor-itETHI Nf, c.oon ABOL'T ~IARHIAGE, Kt:Er YOLil! f\IOUTH SHUT. I've been getting nothing but cute remarks since I anrlQunced my engage· menl - such as "\\'hen's the funeral?'• And "Y.'hen are you joining the ranks of the enslaved~~ Don't these people realizt' that when they knock marriage they put the finger on the1nselv es? They are saying . ''My 1narriage is lousy. I \\ish 1 "·ere single again." Surh srn!imcnts are not only an adinission of failure bu t an insult to one 's spouse. Anyone who doesn't see this i9 oblu~e and stupid . I'm sure you'll agree and I hope you'll say 50. Thanks, Ann. -CALGARY, ALBERTA DEAR CAL: I do and I "·Ill. Such pto- flle arc ohtuse i nd 1tupld. CO:'-JFIDENTIAL TO A FRIEND TO \·oun BROTHER: Look, Bub, I don't have a brother. You've got V.Tong in- format ion or a great imagination . f\.1aybe both. Get lost. · U )'Ou ba\.'e trouble getting along with your pa rents •• , if you can't 1et lhem lo lr1 ~·ou li\'e your own life , send for Au n Landers' booldel. "Bugged by Parents':' How to Get More F'reedom. •• Send it eents In coin with )'OUr rrqu est and a lo ng. 1tamped, st'lf-addressed envelopt. Ann Landers will be glad to help )'OU ~Ith your problems. Send them lo her In rare of the DA ILY PILOT, enrlo11ln& I ~elf-addre11sed, stamped enYe lope. .,.., 1 ' 11 22 DAil Y PILOT Mond~. Octobfr 27, 196'1 HB Juniors Active Wedding Pledges Said October Booms Phone Firm Returns Ring Out ol one of Lhe 30,000 bill payment envelopes which ar- rived the other d.ay at Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in Sl. Louis came a platinum diamond rin1. MR . ANO MRS. TORBITT Ill Colorado Honeymoon Assistance Names League Leaders New The A1nbassador Hotel, Los Angeles was 1he selling for !he recenl annual (:onvent1on of Kationat Assistance Leagur. Elected to serve on the 1969- 71 board of directors were the f-.1mes. Dick S. He f fr r n , Anahein1, president: J. I'. Brough. Ve n I u r a , vi er president. s tandards: Byron M. Knoblauch. Arcad ia. vice president. philanthropic proi· ('Cls: h1iles W. N('\\'by Jr, Glendale, vice president. head· quarters, and Allen B. Churt:h, Albuquerque, corresponding secretary. Continuing on lhf• board are !he ~11nes. l\011 Jrd J . ;\;1111· n1atk; Santa Barbara, John 1', Boyd J r, Newport Beat h: \\'illiam Rowland Moore. Los Angeles; Ed ward \V. Novell. t;pl;ind; John H. Young, :-ian ~1ateo, and C h a r Jes I'. Nie lsen, Santa 1'.1onica. Presiding over the three-day session \\'as ~1rs. Burton V. Collins of Balboa Jslnnd, rctir· ing president or National Assii.lanee Leagul'. and guest spt•11krr 1vas Carl Ter1.ian, publi t.' affairs ex p e rt , businessman and youth leader. Vo1 1ng dt•lt'gau:s fron1 the J\:ewport Bt.'RC'h chapter v.1ere !he Mmes. Ro~rt P. Forbe~. .ivsrph Clarksrin, Theodore Hob1 no; Jr, :ind }!ugh K. \\'ri ght. Ht'presenting 1he "Rr.af'h Chapter "·ere ,\l1nr~. Thnrn:i~ H. .lont·~. \\"il\1.,111 n Br:1flw~11. .I o Ii n So\nn1on. P:1ul Hcen1cr. Thn111· as h1addock, I:>ouglas S1n1th, Patrick II. Handal!. Boy Thoroughman, Thom;1s Roden and William T. Phillips. Alten<l ing from the Hun· 1 lington Beach Chapter were '~ the Mmes. Gilbert Turnbull, James Sayer and H u g h Slutsman. I~ate afternoon nuptial rites were read in SL Andre1v's Presbyterian Church by the J.{ev. Ur. Charles Dierenfield for Sarah Josephine She1vard and Alexander Torbitt Ill. 'I'hey are the daughter and son of Mr. and l\Trs. f\1yron Ashley Sheward of Newport Beach and 1\Jr. and l\lrs. Alexander Torbitt oJ 11 onolu lu. F'or the double ring ceremony , the bride chose a poi nt d "esprit over pale pink taffeta J:!OWn \Vith cn1broidered alencon lace accent- in~ the b(Kl1ce and s leeves. Her point d 'esprit \"l'JI fe.11 into a train to co1n plement the go1vn. i\Irs. Gerard V. 'I'hibault Jr. was her sis- ter·s n111tron uf honor. a nd bridesmaids were l\•l rs. ·rcrri!l A. She11·ard and Mrs. Alan Rov.·· land. sister of t he henedict. They v.·o re a utu1 n n pu rple crepe gov,i ns a nd had flowers entv•ined in the ir t:oiffu res. 1:1ower gi rl l\'3S Jody Rowland and ring bearers "·rre Kent and Brent Rowland. .John 1:·rc1tas served as bes t man and usher.~ 111ere Thlbnult. She\\'ard, brother of the bride. and Ro1vl;1n d . A recept ion for 200 guests in the garden o( the brid<·'~ parents' home followed the l'1•ren1nny. 11 here tl1c> regi!)1er \vas circulated hv i\Jiso; Su!.a nnilh l~bscn. · t\fter honc\·n1oo n111;:{ in Aspen, the n ewly- 11 ed s \1·111 reside in Ne1Yport Beach. 'T'hc bride, a fo11rth generation Cali forn- l<i n and l96l) National Charity League clcbll· tante. a tt ended .<\r1zn11<1 Sta te Universi lv and 1ras ~radu<ited from Oran~c Coast Coliece. lier husband is <i gradua te of the Uni· 1 crs1ty of Jia\vai L Cruising West A pwnpkinful of c:indy, punch and cupcakes will be served when members of the Hunlin,11ton Beach J u n i or Woman's Club sponsor .a Halloween party for children in Fairview State llospital Wednesday, Oct. 29. In charge of arrangements is Mrs. John Flanagan. men- tal health chairman, and as· sisling will be the f\.1 mes. Rob- ert Farah, Earl Hale. Thomas Fisher, Erwin Zuehl s, \Vayne r-.i onks, Roy Johosun and George Ken1p. Following the par\)'. the ~tm es. Flanagan. Hale. r·arah and J oh n Coutlee will again vi~il the hospital to sort the candy for the children. Other 1-lal\oween projects planned by the Juniors include a puppet show, '"Georgy ." which was presen ted lust w<.'ek in the ci ly"s main library and annexes. h1rs. Karl Foss. assisted by l\l rll. Richard Carlisle and l\l rs. Samuel Edge, were in charge of the presentation and currentl y are p 1 a n n i n g another to take place 1n ,January. been accepted for a babysit- ting clinic taking place in the clubhouse Saturday, Oct. 25. ti.tore than JOO youngsters between II and 16 years will aHend the classes which offer instruction and advice for no1'ice and experienced baby- sitters. Dr. Burton \\'1llis w i 11 prest'nl a letture on "\\'hat to Do L'nli l Help Arrives;" hlrs. \\'illis. a registered nurse, will discuss •·care and feeding of Infants." The f i re department's representative will show a movie. "Ha l'e a Vl'onderful Evening," and demonstrate artiricial resuscitation. Police Sgt. Jack Heinho!tz w i 11 diS1.:uss ''What to Do 1r You Have Trouble," and Mrs. Dale Bu sh wilt talk on "How to Entertain Children and \\'hat f'arents Expect." i'.trs . Cody Evans is in charge of the clinic and assisting will be the Mmes. Bruce Burton. Karl Hammer, t\'eal \1a11 Haverbeke. Jerry Kenefie k and H.onald Novkov. "I opened the envelope and Ute r ing: just tumbled out," Saki the clerk. The chetk whi c h ac- companied the bill and ring wa s traced. The customer said she had removed her ring as she was writing checks and did not miss il until arter she had mailed her payments. VISIT US Bo fore the Stork Visits You • • • 11le Juniors have a hospital bed complete with side rails ,\olrs. Jack }!<111. liafety and an ample supply of chairman. has announced !hat children's and adult's crutches 12,000 Hallo·,•,:een flyers will be in their medical closet which distributed in both school are available for loan to 1-iun- districls, Ocean View and tington Beach residents at no J~untington Beach. They con-charge. tain "dos'' and "don'ts" for They are in need of ad· J-lalloween and !-.1rs. Hall ditional wheel chairs, and urges parents to read them anyone wishing to donate a carefully. chair may contact Mrs. Ole For You• Compl•t• M•l•rnily w.rdrob~ •' •t •u•n•bl• pricet , • , CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 1767 New1Mrt llY4. Colta Mno 646-5311 Maximum registration has.1,..~A~lm:!!!'!"~·~8~4~7--0;:::39~7~. ____ ,.!!:::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:~ le Glad The'f STiii Melle Plttur" Like Thh! Gold Book 'Salesmen' Get Pitch Prelirn inary plan~ have b('rn cornpleted and 1t"s ··.a 11 1 .systems go" for the ninth c1li- 11on of tht' (;nld Book. to be l prP~en1ed b_v Angelitos de Oro :H it ~ 11nnual h::ill Aµril 2~ I!') Iii ·· HallJO;l Bav L'lub. The iHIXll 1ar~· O! the Big , Brothers of Orangf' Counly has !hr Gold Book as iL~ rn<i· JOr lund·ra1s1ng evenl of the year. fl.tembcrs gathrred in the home ol l\lrs, John I'. Condon for a buffe t luncheon \l'hf'rc the president, Mrs, \Villin111 S., llo!stein presented Gold Book" chairman Mrs. John J··. Porter. who in turn int roduced !he guest speaker, Herbert Bla nchet. Blanc.he!, presidenl o r Blanchel Adverlls1ng Agency , Newport Beach, spoJ.;e on 111(' advisabil ity of keeping up \\'llh t"hanges in ad\'ert1ser n('r(t~ ;ind the position of the (iold Book in the co1nmunity. .t>~ '"";:::::;.""'!'"'"'Julie"""'-llPl~I ·~--V.,. I __ ... I ~~5 ~1 ~ ~;Jhe~'tlnPm'~~ HIS AND HER INI TIALS R111 gs th;:it are very now and ours alone . In 14 karat gold w ith diamond and black oxid ized finis h around initials. Choice of his or hers With 2 initials, $125. With 3 initials, S 135. Allow 2 ....-eeks for delivery. SLA...VICK'S Jeweler} Sinc:e 1917 Departing aboa rd the ~l al son Lines ~S Lurline for J[onolulu and a traditional ;iloha \l'elcome arc t.osl<t !>.1esans i\lr. and Airs. 'fed r:rickson (top) and .\Ir. and illrs . /!al l?eitz. The auxiliary p r r s t •1 t s 82~.000 .~early to Big Brot hf'r~ fur 11ork with fathrrlcss arirl 1 ruublcd boys Jo Orange Cou11- 1y. 1 B FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 1™MD£N) 11 11 Elizabeth Arden face treatment is much more than just a facia l An El izabeth A1den exper t in Bul lums' Red Door Tr eatment Room wil l help you discovor de lightful beau ty secrets. You'll ha vo a face ltealmenl and emerge with a luxurious new 111akeup as well as a radiant feeling. C0111J1lele ~eatmen t. with makeup, 11.00 Beauty Studio,' HEY MOM. •··· You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT ... ADULTS WELCOME • SP.\RKUNG NATURAL COLOR! Kodak Color Products used exclusive-- Ir br skilled, professiona.1 pora-a.ir photognp~ •CHILDREN AND AOul,T~: Groups: Only 99c rtr ~uh ie(t, Full pose:. • :i~TISFACTIOli GuARA.YfEEU: )"ou musr be pleased Qr your money i' refunded. • OFFl:ll IS Ll~UTl:D! One portrait f'er subjecr, 111.11 rt1 t.1mdy. A n1i/u/1fo at Ilic }'u /101.-i11g ."icars ."i lnrt>.• -I :l :30 l o 8:30 P ~u. Sears WHO DOESN'T WANT A "TRULY SNOOTY FIGURE" DO YOU DARE ... .... , lhi1 y•!r't loc~7 , , , 'l'o11 know ;h, •winqy, clinqy, cul 0111 thinq• lh1t •••••I t vt ry lin• of ycur fi~ur • qood •nd b•d. DO YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL ••• unt:1 'l'l>U look •I 'l'Ollr fiq· ur• in fhe ..,;,,o•1 "Hippy hip1 ," net 11> fir"' thiqh1 •.• out of bound w•it llone t •n ..,.kt •nv one let! • liHlt bl11 •. SO WHAT SHOULD A GIRL DO? • . . Firit. 1!1>p .. orrylnq b1c•11•• we hald tht ••<•t lo your perltc! f;gur 1. Yo11 witl look l11•tJ;,,, t nd thopt litr lhtit yo u ••t r dr''"''d pou;bJ~. RESULTS GUARANTEED ..• Our 1pt clol b1011 ty rt duc <n!J p•o9r~m lo~o\ lht q ueu w or~ out of re~ul h. Th~t'1 w~v ,,;, ••• obl1 111 9111•· 1nl11 •~ writinq lh1t wt will h~lp VOU btni•h tJw•y •"••V cort•tl•bl• f•9u•e fo ul l ill tht .~or le•I 1·"'• pou>bl1. YOU'LL LOSE MORE INCHES •nd pound• lor 1011 th•it ycu d p•v on •nv 11t~rr 1><0• '!'•"'· •o ,.,o·d •+•r••l1on, die t1, p ol!,, d•uq• ar 1<:> c o1!~d Mon1 p<O<jt•ml .... ,1h "'"''"'""' cc.tlv lcnq ,,,,., con!tact, cflored b~ m•nv l1rq • c~~'" 5p6> ~nd Solon1 ti Sh•pe !i hoppe1 "'• •re on· Iv in te•e.tod 1n holpin9 vcu •<qu;re ~ m11te beouloful fog- urt 1~ tho 1hcrlt ,J lomr po•- " b~ •. Ofter i5 ll111ited To fint J O Collen. Oh! by lhe woy, whftt you',. 'i!l'tinq yow • t•Wl'f t111aty fiqwre don'' worr'f obout yowr tats, we ~o¥e free c~ild tore , • So toll 11ow far awr 'PC>Cial Fall 9•l·acquoint .. d offer. U linrt are bw'y p!eo~• ca]I bock, SHAPE SHOPPES INC. THE HOME OF T~ULY SNOOTY RESUllS 642-7032 Buff urns · CANOGA PARK Oct. 27 thru Nov . Is l I COSTA MESA Oct. 27 thru No v. ht GLENDALE Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st LONG BEACH Oct. 27 thru No v. Isl OR ANGE Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st PAS ADENA Oct. 27 thr u Nov. I 11 POMONA Oct. 27 thru Nov . I st SANTA FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thru Nov . Isl taOlc~:,:•~:s~lvd. li&tii., Th111 1.,Frl. 10:00 1111 1:l0 Othtt D1y1 IO:QQ til! ~.311, SANTA ANA Oct. 27 th'u No,, Isl TORRANCE Oct. 27th thru Nov . I st Salon Hou .. VALLEY Oct. 27 thru No v. I st 9 lo 9 D•Uy I Sat.to2 __ , ...... __ ... ----· Fountain Valley Today's Fl•al N.Y. S tocks VOL 62, NO. 257, 4 SECTION S, 40 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, 0.CTOBER 27, '1969 TEN CENTS Yugoslavia Shaken 20 f(illed , Hundreds Hurt in Quakes A Qttee 1i Is Croav n ed Senior Kerry Barrett became lluntington Beach High School's 1969 Homecoming Queen in cere- monies during Saturday night's football game. Oil- er varsity n1adc her reign a happy one by defea t· ing Santa .<\na Saints 26-14. (See story, Spor:tfi . Pages:) Dotvntown Pla11 Give11 City Cou1ici l A plan which cou ld reshape the future nf downlO\Vn Huntington Beach y,•ill be presented to cily rounci!men and the public al 7:30 Tuesday in th~ calelcria or the Huntington Beach Hig h School. ~l ayor Jack Green urges all interested property owner1> and residents to attend and hear I.he presentation by the Urban Land Institute. Citizens Steering Com· mittee (CSC). 'T1ie meeting Is not J public hearing, howe ver. Green noted. That 'll-'Jll come later. The CSC "Top of the Pier Plan·• i.s the 1 hird major project recommended by the con1mittee. The fir st two were beach im· provement, wh ic h included pier lighting and beach parking, and the ci \'lc center. The "Top of th e Pier Plan" is the rts111f of five years or study by the CSC and the stcond major step toward dvwntown redevelopment. Involved is a proposed parkini; arc ~• along Pacific Coasl Highway extending one block inland to \Valnul Avenue from 61h to La.kt streets, plus five acre s or 1-l:unt ingl.on Beach Co. land east of Lak~ inland to Atlanta Avenue. T'ie project, estim ated lo cost $J.86 m:llion v.·nuld be fin anced by rc\'enue bonds. It v.·ould involve purchase of the fJ fOpPrly by the city at appraised pric~. clearing (::Osting buildin gs. conslr~ct1on ol 1 8()()-pa rking space5 and preparing to lease air rights over some of the area. The CSC proposal is ex perted tn become profitable in 1ts own n ght v•ithtn live ye ars based on the c1\ce llC'nt re.\·enu1" from the first parkini: authority proj~ct on the. ocean s·1dr of the higln11ay . ii-t r.st 1m1>Qrtan1ly, lh r CSC . report poi!"lts out , the. project should sl1.1nulatr the morlernizallon and expansion .. of downtown lousiness through lhe prov1s1o n of much-needed parking . Vincent 111 oorhouse. city rlireclor or harbors and beache s. point s out th at there is .a total of only 4.i71 parkinlo": spaces in the beach area now. a shortage of mere than 3.600 spaces. 'T'ht 4,771 figure includes the 2,~spacc parking facility southeast of the pier ~nd all available hil!hway and street parking spaces in the Huntington Beach Co. lot west or the pier. Mcorhouse urged approval flf the CSC plan to provide spa~e for beach users and potential shopper!'! 1n the downtown area. Action on the plan has ;:ilso been urged hy Ecooomic Research Associates (~RA ) 11 consulting rlrm hirt'd bv thr city ti> (See DOWNTOWN, Page t) 15 Girls Seeking Barons' Crown Fifteen g1rls are tn the running for Fountain Valley High School's homeco~ ing queen and court. 'The fifteen. all seniors. were selected fut 11'ttk by members of the varsity football team. A court or five ·wiU be· chowl by all the studcntl this week. Fountaln \TaUey's homecoming is Nov. 14 whtn the Barons take on Edi~n High School at the Huntington Beach High School ltacllom. U.S. Plans to Inactivate 307 U.S., 0 ,1e1·seas Bases \\'ASHJ~GTON IAP\ -Secretary of Defense ~·lelvin R. Lairrl annollncetl 1o· day tha t 307 milllary bases in th<' U11ilcd Stales and 011erseas will be shut down or reduced to save aboul $609 million an· nually. Laird·s announcement was the latest in a series of n1oves aimed at cutting the defense budget this year by $3 bill ion. The wh ole $609 million in savings w1!1 lake effect v.•hen the baieS reductions and closjngs an completed, which c04ld ~X · tend 'Well beyond the present fisc al year wliich ends next June 30. Under an agreement with Congress. the Pentagon said detailil of the U.S. base ac· lions, including identification of the in· stallalions invph•ed, v.·ill be announced Wednesda y mc.rning. Decisiona on overseas bases v.·ill be held up pending consultations with the host counlrirs. The announcement said the Army, Navy ant! Air Force installalions and ac· 1ivitics are located in 42 sta tes and Puerto Ri eo. The.re was no v.•ord on Lhe 11un1ber of overseas lrlcalions involved. The moves will result in a redurtion of 37.800 military positions and 27,()(K) civilian jobs. The military cu1backs arc Last Ri te,; T ucsdav For ~l n;. Faye Talbert Funercil services for l\lrs. }'aye Talbcrl. 6ti. of iJ8 ~·l ain St , Hun\1nf:!l lln Beach. will be held al 3 p.rn . Tuesday at Smiths Chapel, Ht1nt1ngton Hench Huri al will follo111 in \Vestn1inslcr r-.tcmot1<1I Park , ,\lrs" Talbert clicd SBturdav fn1!01\·111g a lene:thv illness. lier husban(I, Cordon, 1~ a nleri1bcr or lhe pioneer Talbert fa1111iy 11hlch has lived in Jlu11t 1nglon Beach since 1he turn of the l'Cntury. Tense /flornent generally included ln already announced plans lo tri1n total U.S. military n1an· power by about 220,000 men this year below the present 3.4 million. 3 Open House Programs Slated 'Three pli blic open house programs have been scheduled by Golden \Vest College in November aod December to mark the formal opening of ils new multi-med ia center, nursing. law enforcement and cosmetology facilities. The cosme1o!ogy building 1yi]l be open t., the public from 3 p.m. to 8·31) p.ni. Nov. ~-Law enforcement v.·ill hold 1L~ open house fro1n I p.m. to 5 p.rn. Nov. 14 111 co njunction 11·ith g r ad u a t 1 o 11 c.:eremonies of the Orange County Peace off icers Academy~ Nu rsing will host 1'1sitors from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 4. Tours of the multi-media center will be part of ea ch open house program. Thr new units, the second increment in 1he master plan, added 40,266 square feel of classroom. laboratory and offi ce space to the Go lden \\1est campus at a cost or $1.~ million. Thry consist of a health scjenccs building v.·ith ni ne ~O by 40-fool mod ules built around a central courl. a law f'n· torcemenl and cosmetology unit of eighl modules and a tv.·o-story. !~-module ad· dition to !he library housing the multi· 1t1P1l1a cent<'r. Slock ~l1u·keU Nl\V \'ORK IAP ) -The stock markl't remain<'rl mixed in modcrale!V ac tive trading late t!J ls alternoon, dnft1n g down a1itl then up slightly, u1 a patti:rn of unce rtai nty. (See quotations, Pages 10-1 I l. .. BA NJA LUKA. Yugoslavia (AP) - Earthquakes ripped through th.is iodus· Lrlal ci ty in Western Yugoslavia Sunday and today, killing at ·JNst 20" persoM and injuring hundreds. Oficials estimated nearJy~80 ptrrent of buildings in the citr of~56.«IO,were de_. stroyed or damaged. 'Thousands of per· sons fled in cars and buses.and the Yugo-- slav army sent in heltCopters to assist in the evacuation .. The first quake hit Sunday afternoon, Sto ,.ni Rages A s Se al Beacli Ma yor Quits Seal Beach's conti-overSy over last 111eek's resignation by-Mayor John· B. Hamillon is expected to come to a boil again al 8 p.m. Thursday when the City Council will consider the matter in a special session. "There "'ill probably be a lot of fireworks,'' said Ham ilton , •Nho angrily turned in his re signation midv.•ay lhroogh 1 he council meeting Oct. 20 because he did not "·ant to be "a stooge for three of rny fellow counciln1en and the cily 1nanager .·• He referred lo councilmen Stanley Anderson, Lloyd Gummere and J\trs. Veda Ore.is who he alleges circumvented him as mayor "by running to City Manger Lee Risner with certain pet pro- ject! and leaving me in the dar~ :· Hamilton, to, a producµor;. ~tant f_or a Long Beach oil devel•enr ftnn, 1n~ d\cated that this was a basic violation of the city charter and that he resigned to draw attention to the~ alleged clan· destine practices. "It was a miter of principle," said the mayor of three-and-a-half months an.d l'Ouncilman for three years. ''I wasn t kep t abreast o(.wha! was happening." He said lhe three councilmen and the l'ity manager "sabotaged the i:neetings" by v.·ithholding letters from him whi ch were. addresiied to the City C.ouncil and by writing letters to themsel11es to brinR f:i vorite items on the agenda . One of these instances. llamillon said, involved a land trade between a con· struclion company and the city for a (See MAYOR, Pace 2) County Wo1uan Hit By F reeway '.l\l uggcr' An apparent good Samaritan Sunda y morning asked a woman parked at the San Di('go Freeway in Seal Beac h if she had car trouble, slugged her 1n the face and then fled "·ith her purse. l\1rs. Elaine J. Hibert. 34. of Ga rde n c;ro\·e told Seal Beach l)o!ice the uniden t· 1flctl assai lant robbed her of the purse , contain ing $.1.'i of miscellaneo us items, ;il l 45 a,rn. near Lampson Avenue. Competing for the homecoming ~t ;ire: Jane Bosani:o. Joy Dove, Chad Duht. Joys Jonu. Patti McClure. Kathe Meade, Dtbbie Nelson, Linda NelJOn. Other• art Jeanelle Ra.mos. Part R1n11e, CoDe.en Rice, Debbie Scharma<:k. Kathy Sharpnack. Laura Sbernamen, Nancy Wldenhammer. ·Golden We st College p<p leaders, dlsplayln~ their emotions ln different ways, react to dramatic.mer mt!Dt as East Los Angeles th real.ens to score •late in Saturday's game. Moments later, an inttrrception saved Rustlers· 17-14. upset of state's number ooe ranked jlllllor college team. (See >tory, Sporn Page 9.) • • killing a 10-year-old child and leveling or damaging scores of buildings. As residents and officials were as· sessing the damage this morning, an even stronger quake struck. About 20 more persons were found dead in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Seismologists reported the quake today registered eight on a maximum-12 scale. Only t~ central Plaza or the Repub· lice in the ci!y appeared undamaged. Buildings were crushed all along Mar· Cente1• i ii Laguna shal Tito Street. the main tho rough fare. but the Ferhat Pasha's n1osque and its slender minaret. a med ieval monument of histori c value, escaped with cracks. The townspeople spent the night under tents or other makeshift shelters, and at the quake today panic sprc'ad among then1. Reports fron1 other west Yugoslav cities said the quakes caused panic there also but no damage. ·.'.r Coast Shaken By Earthquake By RICHARD P, Nr\LL Of lfl'I 0•111 1'1111 II.ii An earthquake centered in the Laguna Beach area jolted residents out of th{'ir ~lumber at 5: 16 a.m. tOOay, registering 4.3 on the Richter scale at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The quake v.·as the fourth to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last live days. This n1orning's shake was described bv Laguna resident.!! as being a heavy joh followed by several seconds of after. quakes. Elsev.•herr.. in NelfPort and Cost.a ?ifesa, it wa~ described rrltire as a rolling quake but alM felt as a sharp jolt Police along the entire coast reported phone c:alll from lllliOOI cili.,..• iut there were no reporl-3 of re•I damage or injury. A few callers said they had been rolled out of bed. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· mere~ ofliclals reported !hat one woman calleo them about the quake. "She said ~he thought her gas heater had ex· plOOed ." Seismologist Dr . James N. Brune said the quake v.·as le.It thrnughtout Orang<', Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles coUnti es. "Be advised we 're havin~ an earth· Quake." Laguna police Officer Arthur DeLuc.:a radioed the statio n. S a i d dispatcher. Juanita Perryman: "I was so panic stricken, I couldn"t even answer him." Lt. John Zelko loo k the mike. com- menting drolly, ''We know; we're ha11ing one too." Police had about is ca1\s: one report of dishes broken in a sink ; three reports o[ persona tumbled from bed including one l.!niderrtlfied woman who said, "'It sure must have been slrong, we were thr~·n out ~fbed." 'Israel C:hlldren' Now Teen for Christ Back, 'Visit' S tanford Church Bv JA~IES J\l cN ABB. Jr. )-Il l ti l!lt DAIL T PILOT PALO ALTO -The Teens for Christ - ln greater numbers and v.·ith a nev.• name -returned lo California and their old style of evangelism Sunday after an ex - odus to avo id the vaunted April earth· qu1.1ke. About 30 membe rs of the cl1osen 150, n0;11 knov.·n as the Children of Israel. in· tcrrup!r.d morning services at lhc Stan- ford J\1emori al Church . AL 11 ·35 a.n1., .lames Ballister thrc\11 open the n1a1n doors to the. san ctuary of the. ornate can1- pus chapel and led a double li ne co!un1n of men and women dressed in sack cloth and ashes. They marched to the accompaniment of the congregation singing the sermon hymn. proceeded to the front of the church , \\'here Ballister and two aides climbed the marble steps to the high altar. \Yorshipers stared with a mixture or curiosity and surprise as the band once headquartered in Huntington Beach ·at 110 Main Sl., tromped onward, pounding the floor with :shepherds' staffs !hey car· ricd. The men and women were identicall y dressed in burlap robes died blood red, wore imitation oxen yokes arc.und their necks and had streaks of ash traced on their foreheads. The bearded , long·huired group stood in • semi-circle at the foot of the chancel steps at the: conclusion of the hymn, as Balllster unfolded a scroll and in booming patrfarchal voice, read. JUs text taken from the Old Te.stament Book: of Jeremiah foretold God · s Football Player R emains Critical Mark Ntylon, Edison Hi1h School jun· !or Yarslty football pltyer remairu: in crttlcal corKliUon for the toth day in Huntington Jntercommunit;v Hospital. Naylon, IJ. collapsed following a fool· ball 1arne: Satur,:lay, Oct. IS and was rushed to lhe hospital. Hospital officials said he ha! remained in a coma since that Ume with no im· provement ahown. He Ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Naylon of 10011 Mere· dlth Drive, Huatincton Be.ach. destruction or the ancient Israelites who forsook the law of the Lord. Bal!isler then smashed a nov.•erpot he \\'as carrying on the mosaic chancel floor. according to Scripture. ,Jerem1ah·s break· ing of an imperfect potter's vessel sym· b.1lized God's impending destruction of in1pcrfcct man. '!'he Re.11. B. Dav ie Napier and hi s sancti•ary guest, the Rev. Carroll Cotton, dran of sll1dents at Chapman College in 01 nngr. stared expressionless at the demonstrators. Aflcr the si nashing, Ballistcr rolled ur l11s ~croll and led the group hack up the n1ain aisle and out of the church. In response to the brit'f intrusion. the R4f. :'llr. Naper explai ned tha t lhe warn- ing .. in Jeremiah's lime. v.·as authetie "·:.ird.'' addin g that he t Na pierJ did not request it, but was gratefu l for it being spoken Sunday. Several of the newly anointed Children of Israel, had been stationed among the congregation and sang out loud "Amens," said in his .sermon lhere was the "possibilltv lhat civilization may yet be !See TEENS, Page Z) Orange Co a•t We ather If you're waiting for the fog and low cloud s lo go away , you've got a long wait. Tuesday will be even mbre so along the coast, with the mercury slopping at 67. INSmE TODA. Y Funny tning.t happen by the cartoad in South Coast Repe,. tor1{s "A fw 11tiy Thing Happen· ed o il lhe Woy lo the f orum." The Co.tfa '°lesa lhtattr"J 11e10 comedy is reviewtd on Paoe 26 today. ... 11 ... • """111111 ' (.illftRI• ' Mt•lff " ci.u111 .. ~· JUlitMI Hew1 •• c-1c.• " °''-c:_,, ' , ....... ,. " IJMI hri.t .. .... Hllkn ' ·-""" ltlt1rl1t '"' ' ·-M•rllttt 1 .. 11 lfRi.rf•l~-1 " Tll..,111911 " ,l~ ... (t ,.,, ,_., • -" ·-• •M L ....... " w .... ·-•• M.ilM• ' W.-'I NfWI 1l·M -. Higl1 Court To Rule 011 Di1·ty Mail WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Supreme Coort agreed toda1 to rule on a federal Jaw which rnablrs an individual to pre- 'ent mailing 10 his address or material~ he considers obscene by appealin& to postal aulhorit1es. Thi'! 1967 111111 WflS challenged by a group nf mail nrder houses .,.. hich protested lhe procedure \1as uncont1tutional. The court v.•1!! hear arguments 111 the rase anrt hand down a dccis1on Jr;ter th.ls lcrm. Jn oihrr actions, the court · -Agreed to ex.amine another postal C'ase v.htch could determ1nr how Ion& property may be detained y,•hilr law en· forcen1ent officers arc in\'est1gating and getting a search warr~nt. A .r-.,ount Vernon, Wash., man convicted of 1!legal· Jy importing gold coins from Canada Contend that the 29-hour detention of two packages of coins v•as illegal._ lie v•~n an appeals courl reversal of his <'"00\'.JC· tion and lhe justice department carried the case to the Supreme Court. -Refused an appeal by three men con· victed of slaying Negro nationalist lead• rr ~falcolm X that a ruling permittin_g testimonv behind closed floors at their trial \·1oia1ed thrir constitutional ri.(!h!s. -Lt'\ stand a FC'der;il Commonicat ion' Commission !FCCl order requlf1ng tel&- phone cornpanies 10 grt FCC appro\"al for ronstruct1on llf Cornrnunity Antenna Television (CATV) facilities f'\'cn al the local Jevrl The mail procedure case v.·as the first obscenity question to be accepted by t.he court in its nr1v term under new Chief Justice \Vatrf'n E. Burger. . A specia l three-judge fedP.ral court 1n Los Angeles on April 30, uphel_d the ~on· stitutionality of the law, reJectJng claims bv 14 mall order houses, book publlsh- cf.s and others that it den ied them frer-- dnm of speech and •·nuc process of la'>'·" They also contended it is vague and ambiguous. The law authorizes any addresstt lo take steps to keep out of his mail box '"pandering actvertisC'mf'nts·· v.·h!ch hr. believes 10 be ··eroi1cally arousing or 6exually provocati ve.'' The addressee asked the Post Offire Department to requi~e. lhe . firm to l_ake his name of! the maihng hsl The firm can get a hearing if it requests one and any orde r ol the department ca, be. en· forced only alter action by a. federal dis· trirt court. Once that stage has been completed. a violation may be punished as contempt. The companies told the lo\\·cr court their lists are not aphabetical and de- letion costs $fl a name. Fire Chief Se'ts Marina Lecture Huntington Brach Fire Chief Raymond Picard Wlll bf.> guest lecturer \Vednesday in a city govcrnn1ent class at l'l!arina ll1gh School taught by Ci1y Attorney Don Bnn!a. The elass on "Ho1~· C11y Laws Affect C1u1ens·• is ~ponsored by the Golden \\'~t Colle!le E\·ening School and meets each \\·ednesday at 7 p.m Chief Picard "'1!1 discuss the city lire r ('(!es. flU!linr. organiialion an rl re~pons1h1l1t ir~ (}f I he · firr depart men!, discuss the need and location of luturr. statinns and explain the intrr-ci1 y ron1- mun1cat1on system dcvclt>pcd by the local departrnenl. Harbor Boys Cluh To Provide Tutor If you bltong lo thP Boys Club of thr Harbnr Area c;nd nerd hel p telling your rarllripll'~ from ~our tu.stone periods. help JS on lh<' V.il) Golden \'i'f'Sl College student !'11r~. Dre "'he;;tley heads a tutoring class for boy~ .at !he club 's L"pf)"r Bay Branch TueS(ia~·" al 7 p.m., coaching Hl Engllsh, llislory, Spanish and Geography. DAILY PILOT 1tob••t ?-L W11tl r>1111otn! """ f'uO!\•ftU J1tli II . Curl•y V 1t ~rn•ornl 1no C.tntrol Ml~IQU l ~Of"I • l<te.,.il (~ :r.r l~D""I ' !<. t..f,..,.,1.:~1 >1on1''"' l~r•; ,.11, ••• w. 5, •• , "''"''''' l o 1or Hw~tlntl•~ lt•t~ Olfit l 10'> 3!\o s, .... M1 :t;~g >,dd·•"i f .O. I<• 710, '2~1 1 011te1 Olllt11 f.'l"M>ll•I "'°'~ :;" ,.,. 'f\•I••• I , '''l!d l~,. •. ,.,. lJO ~Ir•! !ov ,.,.., L••~~• lro1.": .;u ~""' .0 .1•.1 ~-· l;ll lLY "'llOI ... ·~ .. ~le~,, te"'&IYd' ... l<~w• P•n•. It ••,bl•,.,.•O II••'" !•Ct n! ~· - <'Il l on 1•~ro'< oe«oe>h• lar '"'"'l"1'o• !roe.fl. Fau~"'" Vo It \". (M•• Mtt1. t.• ~· ''"''' lu<~ ••d lO<J""'' ~ut• ••• ._ "''> ''"0 '"1e.,.1 t d•ro ... ,,.,....,. (0.011 ,.,.. ... "· "' Com1>1•1· pr..,, •• ~ """ ,, • " n11 .... • 6at·o• e.n. ,,.~_. •. , ~·~•..., ..,.. .1.0 ~"" ••• ~'''''· t rc•• I.'•:• r,1,,1i1. .. 17141 •4J.4JJI '''"' We1t111i•ttt• Coll S40.ti1JO Clntlrloll AdTfftl1l~· •42-1671 (e~T•11~1. •ht. 0••~~· (,.u ,\1111,.,,.,.. ,,,,_.,, •• '·~ ~•··• '''' ••• "'Vtl••• .. ·•· ., •u 01 ... , ... ,. •e•u l "•'''""" ~''"'~ • •1"' ••o,. • ...,,~ • ''"'''''""""\ff"''""'" ""'···~" ,., .. "' ·-r '"" r i•···· •• ~ •• '·• •r••' "'"" o•1 t<o .. N "I (o '·•• '• It•'' <•··r·u ~-···•• e•···•I 'll._,~.,, ,. '••• a"'" ,, ... 1: 'O "'° ••. OAll T "llOT 11tff "Mt• EIGHT-YEAR-OLDS REIGN OVER FV EVENT Barbecue Royalty Brian Abbott, Laura Smith Valley Hallow eeri Parade Augurs Well for Future Elated chamber of commerce officials are already looking toward an e:tpanded Fountain Valley Hallowef'n Parade and Barbecue next yea r after the success o( Saturday ·s event. "In the. future ll-"e might look to a ~'hole \\'eek of activities building to lhe parade.'' chamber president Charif:s A. Dixon Jr. said this niorn1ng. About 5,000 residents enjoyed a morn- ing pa.railt and an afternoon or fun booths and barbecued r6od .' About 1.200 of them :lie dinnrr at the Fountain \'alley 1·1remen "s Assoc iation s p onso r l' d barl:ecue at Fountain Valley High School. Nearly J,000 \'ie~·ed the·,parade as it - \'.'OUnd ils way from Fullon School to Fountain Valley High School. The parade featured three marching bands, t~'O equestrian uni ts and many costumed figures. "I was pleased wnh the total participa· t1ori -about twice that of last year's in- Jtial cerf'mony," said Dixon. "\\'c thougl1 t it was an cx~ellent p:iracle," said City Manager James Neal. 'The Chamber and thr city sha red the soon cosL of the parad!.'. Profits were reporled!y made. by all gr o u p ~ participating, said r.lrs. Shirley Pulford, pre sident of the chamber's women·:i; di\·ision and one of the spark plugs behind thf' parade organization. Praise Give11 to Cou1·reges .-'i unanimous "thanks for your srr\ icr" has ~n handed to Jor CnurrcgP~, former Follnta1n \-'alley City Counctlma n, Couple Survi\'-e Forced Landin g ,, fl\111;.: Fount.iln \'allc v cou plr :<>ur~ 1,1ed a 1!1p.nnp or L11e1r cc ~,.1l a·l50 planr. Sunria y aflrrnoon "hen 1hf' cr.ift n1a1lc a forcl'cl landing 1n ;:i Cerrito:-; cow pasture. T'11ot .ll'rrv B11sh. 34, of 9lifi Po1nstttla Lanr. <in1t hi~ "'1fr Sandra . .JI. rscapcd un1 n1u rrd ll"hcn thev 11•cre forced to land aflrr t11n a1rr11r1s tol rl them 10 mo\·e on and 1hc1r ~as ran 011:. Thrv h:id bt'rn fl\'ln~ from P;t ln1 SprinSs 1!"1 Or.ingr Count\· A1rrort. 811t hea v~' fOf:!. rciiulnng an 1nslrun1en1 land· ing for 11 h1ch Bush "·as not qua!JFied. forerd thcrn to try Fullerton .\lun1cipal Airpor1. Bu~ ai r traffie wa s too hea\'y at Fullerion ;i nd 1hc collple then headed for Long Brach. said ;i11thon11es. The planr came down Jn a t1eld at 12;i5.1 Del Amo Blvd., Cerritos, \\"here it !lipped over 'A'hile landing. Ooth.ing Store Loot Onl y 82 0 Enterprising burglars lh1:o; morning climbed through a "'indow and dug through a 11'all to i:;rt to a rlo1h1n~ ~torc safe bu1 ""·ere rC\\'arded 11·1th only $20 fvr their efforts. \\'cstminstcr polire saicl the bur~lar~ pried open t~ safe of F;:ictnry t:nilllr1n~. 40~2 Locust St, 11'ith a crowbar bct11 ccn L a .m. and J.30 a.111. Entry was gained through an adio1nin~ hu~ncss, Eddy Moss Inc., m11nulact urcrs of ladies spo rtswe11r, police sau:l. From Page l DOWNTOW N • • .&tudy the future of the down\o\\·n area The ERA report, received last ll-'ee~. sees the. parking authority projtr.t as a eAtalyst In lhe revitAhr.a!lon of th~ c1I). '"The impact of such rtv1t.ahzation effort.' v.·ill be highly significant in lcnns fl( emplnymcnl . in income and tax ari· \Jnrag t s," tht: rrport litalcd . by the Orange County ~losquito Aba tt• mt'nt District Boart of Trus te es. Cour rrgrs has brrn Fountain Vallev·~ rrprC'~cnta11re •ln tht• n1osquito aba·1 ~· inent board 51ncc the ci1y·s incorporallon 1n !957 His service 1erm1nated Oct. 7. /\ lrttl"r from lh e boArd thanked Cour- reges for faith ful attendance. (all but t\\·o of 147 mrrt1ngs) aorl his current service as \·ice presi dent o/ tne boa rd o[ trustees. The plaudHs came lo Courrl'ges at the mosquito districl"s Oct. 15 niecting . . f'ro11a P119 e l MAYOR ... pJcce of prof){'rt y near th!' mt1r11c.iral pier. Alth ough rhr \:O n1pany ha<! 11·r1tirn 10 lhr cou11cll asking for the traclc. llam1lt on ~aid neither he nor councilman C. J , Fuhrman had copies of il while the olher council members did. He said thal he should have had knowledge of such communications but added. "As mayor, I v.·asn·~ privy to lhese lhings. '• Hamilton also charged that Risner "has the newspapers brainwashed " and preve11ted the media from finding out ab:>ut his resignation . "The city news releases come from his ()ffice and I don't think he wants to make unfavorable things such as this public ," he salrl. Ht also alleged that Risner likes to run thc coonci l meelings by reading all the items that c.ome up on lhe council agen· d•. '·Three of m.v city councilmen ~·ould rather have the elty manager run the meeting. They kept gi ving their piece of rhe action lo him , and he kept getting a little more power each time," according to Hamilton. The former mayor sald he would definitely remain on lhe council, at least until he come:i1 up for reelection in '-larch. He would not comment on further actlon on the alleged wrongdoings of the three council member! and Risner but adcled ''J certainly will probe any pro- blrms." Risner was not In his office this morn- ing Rnd could not be reached for com- ment. ::;coll Sec,; .l nlf!!c ()I\. ' \'. \~l\l~CTON" f.<\P \ -Sen. llugh Sco!l nr Ptnnsylvan1a , !ht Senate r.rr11bhran leader. !l'Aid today hr believes .l11·h:.c Clement fo'. Jlavn.s"orth J r. will be ~rri!111ncd as a $uprc1nc Court JUSUcc . Lebanon Crisis Fighting Sw1vs, Dispute Heads for Talks BEIRUT (UPll -Fighting bet ween LebaM!le army troops and Arab guer· r1llas slo '>''ed today and Jt appeared the corflict that gave the Arab world t he \1•or~t crisis in years "'as heading for the c.:onfercnce I.able, possibly in Cairo. The government lifted or re!ax-ed its 24· hour curfew in all major cities except 'fripoli wh ile President Gama! Abdf'l Nasser of Egypt sent out a peace convoy to the various Arab capitals. Indications were he "·ould invite them to Cairo for a peace conference. Informed political sources in Beirut saic Rashid Karami, the former premie r who gave up trying to form a government ll-'hen the. crisis first developed had re- J~cted a new appeal from President Charles Heloo to try to orsanize a cabinet. From Page 1 ~ TEENS ... smashed as viol ently and ruthlessly as that pot." One bearded youth in the balcony in· lerrupted the se rvice just before. the recessional and shouted : "Stanford Uni\·ersity and the St.anlord Church are not buildings of God ," and "The Bible is n(ll being practiced in schools and universities.'' "I beliel"C' tha.t iherr. is a God Amerlca·s gonna f:O down to Communism . , • lhe Commies are. gonna lake over this whole heathen nation." Severa l well-d ressed couples in the con· grcgation gut up and !:.1alked out as he continued to forccasl U.S. doom based on Hs \\'allowing in "se:t , dope and all !lorts of perversions." There 1>o·ere audible giggles when he prcd 1rted : "God will de stroy America \'l!ry soon, saith The Lord.'' He. did not elaborate furthtr. The group -which \·acated Hunt1ng t<111 Beach and environ ~ last Aprll for Ari1.ona to escape the Sl>'far inefficienl destruc· lion of sinful California by ea rthquake - left quickly in orderly fashion. The Children of Israel climbed into the01r Caravan of seven Twentielh Century rattletrap vehicles and drove to 11 (;:itholic Church in !'11enlo Park. They stood briefly in their robes on the sid rwalk in front of the church, but made no attempt to invade the sanc tuary of that Vatican·headq uartered faith, One young man who now calls himscH Joab and wa~ with th! group In Hun· tington Beach estimated the band has grown to 150 persons .and has ranged from Phoenix, to Akron , Ohio, New York City, Florida and points between. Anaheim Driver Killed in Crash An Anaheim man suffered fatal in· jurie5 1n rush·hou r traffi c early today \\,"htn hi ~ small foreign car rammed into a truck at a bu sy Orange inlersecllon . Tame1chi George Okimoto, 6"5, died 2n minutes later at Orange Coun ty ~tedJc.il Cc1ter. Officers said !ht truck dri\·er suf· fered only minor cuts and bruises in the l·.1ll1s1on !i11 cst1gators said lhe ace1dcnt wa~ !hr 1 r~llll of an apparent rlghl or v. ;.y 111isunderstending between 1he I w 11 drivers. The acci dent 1s still under 1n· \l!St1galion. llrlou con/erred during the day with both Karan11 and h1aj, Gen. Emile Bu~tani, com1nander-in-ch1ef of the Lebanese arined forces v.'ho has sought to hall guerrilla attacks against Israel in bl>licf they would bring major Israeli retaliation. Helou also conferred wilh Soviet Aml:.assador Sar agar Azimov. Moscow ha.; sided with the guerrilla forces in the ronfliet and indirectly told the. United States lo kttp il.'I hands off Lebanon. Pravada said today NATO n a\' a I maneuvers off Lebanon "puts this ex· plosive area on the brink of a ve ry dangerous conflict." Informed sources In Paris said the French government had followed the Lebanese crisis with '·attention. anxiely and the gn:atest interests" but considers the tfl.'il.~ is past and the scl\lclncnt c,1n be 1eachcd 111 a peaccf11l 1nanr1er. Jn Cairo the fo.1tddle Ea!:tt Ne\\'S Agenl'v sau.I Egypt had endorsed a spec1.d meeting of the Arab Le:iguc Council 1u dcb:ile the crisis 1n Lrbanon In \\'aslunllton tJ1e United States ~1·. cused Russia today of trying lo "makr. propaganda" out of the crisis io Leb anon. It called instead for ""quiet diplomacy" 1'1 s~tlle lhis ne11·est nareup of danger in the f.lidd!e Eas!. The C.S. reaction to a So1•if'l Nf.'11 ~ Agency stalen1en\ of Saturday ca nh' fro1n State Department spokesm an Robert J . fltcCloskey. It ll-'BS aimrd against parl of a Tlss st aternent wh Kh had been interpreted as a warning lo U1r United States against 1nterff'ring 1n Lebanon. Trustees to Study Plan To Replace Old School Trustees of the Huntington Beach City School District will consider another stf'p lo\\·ard the eventual replacement llf D1>o·yl'r lotermed iale School when they Auto Accident Kills Grove Man A Garden Grove man died Sunday \\'hen he wa~ flung fr om his sportscar 'and pinned b!neath the auto as it rolled into a drainage ditch. It took police and firemen four hours to pull the body of Daniel Let Ra msey, 21, from beneath hi s sha ttered sportscar. Coroner's officers said Ramsf'v must ha ve been killed at the time of· the ae· cid ent. Ramsey was ejected as his car went off lhe Garden Grove freeway at l..e\\'IS Street and Rpun into the ditch. He was alone in the car. Valley Council, Planners Meet City council and planning commission n1en1bers meet 1n Fountain Valley at \I p,m. Tuesday for a joint study session on planning. Councilmen and commissioner:i1 \\"Ill revil'W the city 's policies concerning general planning. especially in lhe area nf densi.ty on apartments and plannNf developments. No action can bl? taken. but reco1n· ml"nd a!l-ons fnr future policy change~ might come out of the meeting, Police Seeking 2 Arn1ed Bandits Hun tin gton Beach Police 1oday are stalkmg the trial of two i;:oateed bandi1.~. armed "'ith an automatic pistol. who stole $96 from 1he Stop ';\' Go Mark et, 15011 Ed wards St., Saturday, Poli ce said the men entered thc store at 5 p.m., hr:l\vsed around the magaiint' rack until shopcr 5 \\"ere gone. the n 1(1lrl !hr clerk. i"ll .R:Unpo1nt. to empty 1he cash reg ister into a brown bag. Bolh men then left 1he store on too!, according to pohce report ~. meet at 7:30 p.m , Tllesday in the Dw~cr School library. On the <1gcnda for consideration I<: ... ut:-torliation lo l11rC' ;in appraiser !fl determine the 1narket value of the. ci ld schoo l c;\ 17'.h Strccl and Palm Avenut . ""1he trust~es would like to repl<ice thr school next year," explained Charles C . Palmer, assistant suJ>('rintrndent in charge of business. "but wr ha\'t to \\'Sit for st alr fund s ·• Srnte money has al readv hrrn authorit.· cd to replace the junior high. but thr money hasn"t yet been earned from school bond s. said Palmer O\\·y~r Schon! has o!ten lx'rn rr1ticizcd bv parents for ii!: annqu~led faci!i tie!I'. l 'he state , said Palm er. h.1s agreed ii \\'Oulcl be heller 1<> builrl a new JUninr hi;i:h. than irnuro1 (' !he old r•nr Trustees 11·111 also co1)•1dcr .;;cu ing ;i 1-'rbruary datr for a bo11d rlf·t 11011 to ap- pro1·e a cl1<1n!!l' 111 llh· 1ri1erc~1 rr+1e for $4.750.000 in .~rhriol bond~ alrr;idy .1p· pro\•ed by tbc d1str1r1 's 1·ottr~ •·\re arf'n "t ;i sking [or niorr money," expla ined Palmer. "1\"e ju~l wan\ to set :. higher interest ratr sf\ we can ~cl! what we already ha1'r ." Current rate is 5 fl('r - ~ent. the bond mtirkct 1s about fi'i per· cen t. He estimated tha t th:il bond mone v would la st the dis lrirt thrcr !fl five ye.ar 5 along with $9,7fJO.OO'.l In :o;!atr fund." a(')- Jlf<l\"l'<I for the dislncl -<ilso currently in unsold school bonds . 60,000 Enemy Troops Massed SAIGON !VPl\ -North \·1etname::e and Viel Coni;z commander~ today were reported to ha\'c n1assrd 60,000 troop'! nor th or Sai,i:on for an oflrns11·c ex pcctrrl 10 begin between Nov. ia ;ind No1·. 20. Li S. intelligtnee: sources said 1t was too early to predict thf' inte nsity of the dn1·t'. The tlmetable for !he November or- fensive \\•as based on eaptured document:<: •nd interroga11on of war prisoners. Sources said the extent of 1hf' f1ghti n,t: ""·ill rleprnd lln the mo\·cmen1 ~ of fn ur Communist d1vis1oos in the Cr1n1bod1an border area nor1h and northea st 01 Saigon in the next twQ \\erks If they remain dorn1ant 111 Lhc 1unglr\ alon g the Can11xxl 1an fr ontier, l\1r.. sources said the dri ve wi ll prollahly ti" reslr1cted to a !lash of ~helling~ and l·on1- mando altacks against An1r rica11 an1I South V1e Lnamcsr Oull)O~ls and 111· stallat1ons 1n10l\f'd 111 the µatiflr.a!J V'l program. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY SIOO SUITS FOR UO SI 10 SUITS FOR SM SI IS SUITS FOR Pt Sl.ZS SUITS FOR $100 Sl lS SUITS FOR S103 1145 SUITS FO lt Sil' 1115 SUITS FOR Sl2t Ill$ SUITS FOR $13Z 3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newpor t Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p.1n . ' ' I I I ,, I I ~ I " Laguna Bea~h VOL 62 , NO. 25 7, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 _art Yugoslavia Shal{en 20 Killed, H undredsHurt in Quakes BANJ A LUK A, 'i'ugoslavia (APJ - Earthquakes r ipped through this Indus· trial cily in Western Yugoslavia Sunday and today, killing al !east 20 person:; and injuring hundreds. Oficials estimated nearly 60 pe rrent of buildings in the city of 53,000 were de- s1royed or damaged. Thousands of per· sons fled in cars and bu ses and the Yugo- slav army sent in helicopters to assist in the e~·acuation . The first quake hi t Sunday afternoon, Leary Defense • Presses Clai1n Arrest Illegal By 1'0~1 BARLEY 01 1~• O•llr Pik11 Still Three defense allorneys continued lo hammer away today at the renlra! theme of their defense of Dr. Tirnolhy Leary and his ramily -the argumenl that the Leary station wagon was not illegally parked in Laguna Beach last Dec. 26 \vhen the controversial trio was arrested on rlrug charges. Five witne~s have now testified that the position of the LSD cultist's battered station v.·agon did not justify a p<ilice of. 11ccr's approach lo the vehicle. They ha\'c confin11ed the, testimony of Pie three Lcarys that the vehicle was lt'ga\ly parked on \\'oodland Drive. f'rosr c:ut1on \\'1tncsses contend that the ],eary car was ne11rcr tl1e middle of_ the r:iad tha n the side\V:llk and that of!iccr Neal Purcell i,1:as justified in appro;iching the auto. Il ls inquiries led to the arrest of Lear~. ~9• noscmary Leary. 33, and John. Bush Le.'.iry, !9, on charges of possession o( 1narijuana and LSD. . The trio v.·ere subsequently 1nd1ctcd by \ht' Oriln~(' Count\' lirand Jury. Bot~\ sides agree that the o~tcu11_1e of the pending Si.:rerior Court ~rial ~1nges f}n Judge Byron I\. t-.1c:\llllan s rul~ng on the current mnuon to supp.res.". ci,·1drncc _a hearing thHl 1.s no1v 1111\s st~th da,y. .Judge t-.'lrri1iilan's {il'tcrm111at1011 1hal the station wagon was IC'g31l~· Pll~kr.n v.uu\d. 11 is felt. clestro~· the pro~ecut1on s case a&ainst (..ear}' and his !amily . Dog Gets Blame For Laguna Freak Accident A "large blark dog'• was blamed for a freak accident thal scnl a car·ove~ an embankment in Laguna Beach Friday niJthl. I ~· Driver David B. Connell . ZJ. o "'~:> fairview St. told police he Y•as north- bound on Temple Hills Dri\'e about .1 0:~5 p.m. when the dog ran out in front ~r his car. Swerving in an attempt to avoid hitting the animal, Conn{'ll said he lost control of the vehicle which plunged over an embankment, ron1ing to rest 60 fePt from the. roadway in the backyard of 711 Thalia St. Connell was unhurt. but police no ted damage to a wall and a barbecue pit. A tow truck was summoned to get the driver back on the road. The dog has not been identified. It was a bad weekend for parked cars lo Laguna Beach. Inves tigating a report of an unusual noise in the 2100 block of Glenneyre Street shortly before J a.m. Sonday, officer Arthur De Luca found plenty of e\idencc. but no suspect. !.£ft sides of four cars parked on the block showed signs of having been struck by aoother vehicle. Police are looking fo r the nocturnal hit and run driver. Later on Sundav morning, a car. park· ed in the mi blOCk of Soulh Coast High. ~·av sustained moderale damage when it ~as stn1ck by a vehicle driven by Har· r y flamilton Bankston, 34, or Tustin. Bankliton told police he was north· bound on the highway at a ppro:ic imale ty 7 a .m. '>''hen he apparently fell asleep 11t 1he whttl a nd ploughed Into the \IC· hicle. lie was oot hurt. killing a JO-year-old child and leveling or damaging scores of buildings. As residents :'nd orlicials \Vere as· sei;sing the damage this n1orning. :in even stronger quake struck. About 20 rnore persons were found dead in 1he rutible of co\Japsed huildings. Seismologists reported the quake today registered eight on a maximum-12 scall'. Only the central Plaza of the Repub· lice in the city appeared undan1aRed . Buildings v.·erc crushed all along Mar- $5,000 question shal Tito Street, the main thoroughfare, bu t the Fcrhat Pasha's mosque and its slender minaret. a medieval monument of historic value, escaped v.·ith cracks. The townspeople spent the night under tents or other makeshift shelters. and at the quakt" today panic spread among then1. Reports from other west Yugoslav cities said the quakes caused panic ther e also bul no damage. Charges Against Viejo Man in Theft Delayed Grand theft charges against Richard \\'inters Burke were delayed for one v.·eek 1oday l\'ilh !he f..t ission Viejo man's plea that he needed lime to "make ar· rangements about my property anJ hlfe a lawyer.'' J udge Paul 1'.1ast ordered Burke. 27. or 2S.1i2 Papagayo Drive. to return to Santa Ana f..tunicipal Court Nov, 3. He released AEC Will Iss ue License to UCI For Atom Reactor The A\01nic Enl'rgy Con1mission an· nounc cd Sunday thal it proposes to issue .a license !or operation o[ UC Irvine's nuclear reactor. Th~ AEC prevgously approved con· struetion or the $39j.{)00 THIGA Ill "hot atom·• reactor, already installed, and nO\V is prepared to approve tis use follow· 1ng in.<pecfjon, The public announcerncnt Sunday \\ ois for lhe purpose o( nnUly1n g nn} one 1n· t<'rcstcd 1n intervening again~t ~ranl1ni; of the operating liccn!<C. The nuclear reactor. thr Or1ly unr In Orang~ County, 11·1!1 be used by faculty ;i nd students as an educat1on<1 I tool and for research. according lo thr i\EC. Spokesmen for Gulf Gcncr<il Atomics, \~'htch installed the reactor this sun1n1er, .say lt is inherently safe because it shuts Ilse!: off jf its fuel teinperature rises above a pre·set level. The reactor is immersed in a giant \\·ater lank. Dean or Physical Scientts Frederick Heines said the reactor will permit the study of alomic chemical reactions under heat equi\•alent to 100,000 degrees cen· ti grade. Pctillons to intervene in the licensing may be filed with the secretary. US. Atomic Energy Commission, \l.'ashing ton, D. C. th e accused employe of the county clerk'' div1~ion on his own recognizance'. Burke is accused of emb<!zzling at least $j .()00 in county clerk's runds during his handling of banking for the office's finan- cial division. He surrendered to the sheriff's office last week: after an Oranr.e Cour,ty Grand J ury auditor discovered a sh:irtage or $200 in a bank deposit slate- n1 rnl. ln\'eSligators claim Burke has admitted ~hat he is responsible for similar ~hortages o:i at least 20 occasions during his !Wo·year supervision of the banking op~falion. The tall, ex.fl larine told J udge ]','l ast tht.l he needed ti1ne to make ar· rangemenls for his family and engage an uuorney. He was reminded by the judge lh;it he may qualify for the services of the public defender. Burke looked lired and strained as he sal in the dock v.·ith the usual full complement of 1fonday moroing ar· ~aipmenls. He later chatted vd!h newsmen, but refused to discuss aspects uf the charges that led to his arrest. ··r \'c made all lhe statements that I <:an possibly makr," he ~aid "I think you \\'ill find lha t \\·hat I have told in· '~st 1gaturs will soon be offered ln court 1e~t.nH1ny" A~ Burkr was be ing arraigned before J ud;:r l\1asl, the investigation into his :illcged misuse ol coun1y funds continut-cL County auditor Vic Heim refused lo com- m(·nt on the. progress of the audit "pen· ll in!! flUr fina l determination of the extent or (his e1nbczzlcme11t." Cou utv \V o1uau Hit -By F reeway '.'lugger' An apparent good Samaritan Sunday morning asked a woman parked at the San Diego Freeway in Seal Beach if she l1ad rar trouble, slugged her in the face and lben fled with her purse. Mrs. Jo:laine .I. Hibert, 34, or Gardt'n Grove told Seal Beach Police the unident· ificd assailant robbed her of I.he purst', contai ning $35 of miscellaneous items, at l :45 a.m. near Lampson Avenue. Some Sport \Vhe n Rich ard Rod1nan, 8, too k his dog, Sport, inlo town for San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association event, he thought he was enter· ing his four-le gged friend in a race. To his surprise and a mu sement', Sporl \Von the "ugliest dog in to\.vn'' contes t. Sport. 3. \.vho came fro1n Lagun a Beach pound, Ji ves with Ri chard 's grandmother, Mrs. Car· n1eli ta Arbiso of San Juan Ca pistrano. Irma Nofzinger: Was She Di s1nissed by Payhouse By BARBARA KREIBICll Of tht o.!IJ ~llt! 11111 Laguna Bcal·h Playhnusc general ni:inagrr Inna Nofziger, who may lor 1nay not 1 havr been fired by the board o[ (!irettors. lod<1y is seeking legal advice r eg;ording the status of !he one-year c.:in · 1ract she signed with the Playhouse July I. ~1 rs. NofzigPr said she sulferl'd ;in al· tack of laryngitis and took a week orr rol!n1v1ng the opening of 1he first play aL the new Laguna t-.loulton P layhouse, "Because of !his I missed the Oct. !I board meeting," she said, "and it was after tha l meeting that Geoff Rikt>r l pre.sidenl of !he taard) lold me 1he board had voled to glve me a six.month leave or absence. "I \\'as bewildered and amazed. I said I couldn't accept a leave of absence. Wh at do you do for six months without pay - can you take another job? There was no explanallon at a]I, except something about \•1anting to re·structure !ht' ad· mi nistration.·· The move v.·as all the more surprising. Mr.;_ Nofziger said, because at the end of Jurie, immediately prior to the signing o( her c9nlract, she had shQwe<I "nn unhea rd of profit of $<1,000 al Lhe old Playhouse." Mrs. Nofziger has been assoc1at!'ct v.·ilh the Playhouse since 19$! and st'rvc.d two J.year terms on the board of directors, 1nC'lucllni:: lwo terms as its president, before Jfaving the board to accept !he position of general manager 3\J years ago. "Al first I \\•as just hurt,'' she said, "hut now I'm mad. l don't know whal Uiis contract is worth -we ne11er had contract! before -but rm looking into 1hat now. I urged the board to issue some sort of statement or press release because everyone v.·as calling me to ask: what was going on. Rurriors even spread that I was deathlv ill. No statement v.·as issued and I stih don't know 11,•here L staod , except that I assume l'1n fired ." Bare Bottom Brings Blast Board president Riker said today that the board simply decided to "re.form its administrative procedure" because it was felt the opening of the new Playhouse and an increas ingly burdensome schedule had made the. general manager post "more than one person can reasonably be expected to handle.'' Citizens Picket Aldrich Over VCI Ca111pus Poster By THOMAS FORTUNE Of "" o.llY 'n" St•ff Four·letter v;ords in the UC Irvine stu- dent newspaper and a campw: post.er that showed a per90n bending over with a bare bottom are being objected k> by TIRED (Taxpayers Indignant a bout Radicals in Education). 7he group picketed lhe home of ucr Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich J r. for the seeond time Friday night. Dr. Aldrich said today those who object to the content of the student newspaper "New University" can talk to the newspaper staff about lt. Regarding the paster, he said, "That Is something they had better talk lo th11 Department or Engli!h 11bout. rm not dr.!ng anything." The poster was to advertise an antiwar poetry reading by poet Robert Mezey, sponsored by the UCI Department of E nglish and Comparative Literature. Department Chairman Howard Babb said the controversial poster was Ctt.ated bv persons oo the writing committee in the creative writing pro&ram of the English Depannlent. "What should I say?" Babb said. "'This ·is 11 oo m1 of taste.'' One of lilt posters was puled on a placara carried by one of the TIRED picketers al Aldrich's Newpcrt Beach tiome. The chancellor was hosting community leader11 Friday night to introduce &ew Vlcc Chancellor for Student Affalr!t John C. Jloy. As the guests arrived Utty were handed l'Opies of "New Unhiersity'' with four.letter words underlined, and 1 sheet telling what the objerlo~ 11re I.ired oC; "Quite a nurnbu stopped and chlUed with us," said Thomas :Morrisley, !pokesma" for TIRED • .Alclrj:h spoU brlelty to the assembled objectors. and told lOOn-he was ~ponding by mail to an earlier missive left witb his wife on a night he wun't home. Tht lead article in ''New University" told about the !iludent newspaptr lo51 ng its commercia1 printer because the slu· domt Maff wouldn't submit to censoring o( a ·certain four-letter word. A spokesman for Norco Printing Com- p1n)' ft Buena Park said, "That is cor- rect. We ab!olutely refu9ed to priDt it. (Set PICKEn, P•&• Z) .. ''\Ve'rc certnin!y not happy about los- ln~ a person like Irma," Riku said, ''but we just have to work out a new structure and we're Jn the process of doing that nOw. All I can say Is that· Ule 00.rd has given htr a ai1-mcmth leave of abaence. I can't speak for what she will do." With regard t& recurrent nimors that the Playhouse i!I in serious financial dif· ficulties, Riker insisted that the problems are "more admtniMraUve than fin.n- cial." The first play, he said, "was 9\IC· ce.ssful from the Hnanclal point ol view." StOt!I< ltl•rkel• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market remained mlxed In moderately actl•e trading late lhls afternoon, drifting down and then up slightly, in 1 pattern of uncer\.jinty. (See quotations, Pa&es 10.11 ). Today's Flaal N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS • 4th n1 Five Days Hits Ricl1te1· 4.3 By RICHARD P. NALL 01""' 0•11"1' f'llol 51•ff An earthquake centered in the Lii'!una Beach area Jolted residents out of their slumber at 5· I& a .m. today, registering 4.J on the Richter scale at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The quake was the fourth to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last rive days. Th is morni ng's shake was de~cribed by Laguna residents as being a heavy jolt lollov.•ed by sever.al seconds of afte r- quakfs. Elsewhere in Newport and Costa Mesa, it was described more as a rolling quake but also felt as a sharp jolt. Police along the enLire coast reported phone calls from anxiOljS citi7.ens but there were no reports of real damage or injury. A fe w callers said they had been rolled out or bed. Ne11•port !·!arbor Chamber of Com· merc.' offirials reported thal one woman calico them about the quake. "She said she thought her gas heater had ex- p!ocled." Seismologist Dr. J ames N. Brune: sairl the quake was felt throughtoul Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. "Be ad\'ised v.·e're havins: an earth· quake," Laguna poliCf: Officer Arthur Del uca radioed the station. S a i d dispatcher, Juanita Perryman : "I was so panic stricken, f couldn't even answer him." Lt. John 7.elko look the mike. com· menting drolly, "We know; we 're having une too." Police had about 25 cal!s: one report of dishes broken in a sink; three reporl.'i of persons tumbled from bed including one unidentified woman who said, "It surr. must have been strong, we were lh rown out of bed." A quake of slighter sharper inlensity occurred at 2:59 a .m. in the l.follistcr area about 90 miles south of San Fran- cisco. It v.·as 4.76 on the Ri chter Scale at Unil·ersily or California at Berkeley. Neither quake caused a ppreciable damage. Dr. Brune said the Laguna tremor probably originated from the same fault 80 miles off shore which caus- ed Friday's 5.25 magnitude roller. Reaclions from Orange Co unt ,. residents after the quake's rook and roll routi n were many·splendored: -Colorful long·lime junk de a I e r Charhe Peddicord of Laguna Canyon ltoad was gleeful that his old bottle collcclion gathered ovl"r the years was ln· t:ict. fie estimates the. value at $!8,00). l!e called an editor at 5:20 a.m to rrporl. -1\larkc.t and liquor store owners i;l"ncrally said lhelr stock was intact. Acord 's l\1arket in Laguna reported a fc1v toppled pilckagcs but no da1nage anrl it \\'as generally business as usua l this niorning. -Fred Struby of 53.5 Avenida ;\Iajora . Leisure \\lorld ,in Laguna Hills said lhe quake a1vakrned his wife Christine \V ho s11id sleepily : "I know it's t1111e to get up bu1 you don ·1 have to shake my bed 'n hard." -tllrs. Pat Getch•ll of 2~96! Spadra La.ne, ,..1fssion Viejo, said. "I was petrified. I was ready to move." She had been reading a book about earthquakes tSee EARTHQUAKE, Page !) Orange Coa•t Weather If you're wai ting for the fog anrl low .clouds to go away, you've got a long wait. Tuesday will be e\'Cn more so a long lhe coast, wi th the mercury stopping at 67. INSmE TODi\ Y Fwtn11 thirsvs ho ppen b11 tht .carloqd .i1l Soitth , Corut Rtper- tor11's "A Funny Th.i11g l/oppe11· ed on lhe Woy to 1he Forun1." The Costa Me.ta theater '$ n t>to eo»:udy 1.t reviewed ori Page 26 today. ... ,"'t II -llfttl ' Clllltrfll• t Ml¥141 u c1 .. 11tt.11 ,..,. N•ll.,.11 Me'" .. , (flltk' JI Or-(-" ' C•••""NI II Syh'l• , ... ,., II 0.•111 ,..tlcu ' Sl'ff11 :tt,n llfll'ff .. I ~•11 I 51't<-M• ... th 1t.11 • .,.,,91_1 ti "'""°"~~ " l'l<t-••11 , ...... " N -" W-1 I .. RR 1....... JI Wwtf N-1·1 M•llM• I w-·• ,._, tl·H ! CAIL'/ PILOT L 40•1ear Limit Tax Curbs Asked On Foundations WASHINGTON rU Pl) -A new tat law "'hieh would require n1ost foundations to go out of business ahrr 40 years ex·- istence \\flS approl'rd toda.1 hy the Senate F lnan<'P Cor11n1J1ter. Foundations are now able to Ii"' In perpetuity . L:nder a proposal approved by the comrn1l\C<'. they would be requir~ to ~i\'e all their asse:ls to another charity al the end of the 40·) enr l1fr span or else pay taxrs. The 1ax rill<' \\Olli<! be at a 48 pc.rcf'nt rate \1 h1ch no w <Jpplies lo C'Or· por<.uons. In anoU1er acl1on. 1hr comrn1tlee ap· pro,•e:d a proposal 10 se.1 an annual tax on foundations of one fiflh or one percent of lhr \"alue of Lheir n~<rt~. It also approved oi pro\'il-1on 10 requirr foundations lo pay ou t a sum equal 10 fn•e percent of their assrts rrery year. The 40..year rule \\"Oulrl apply to foun- clat1ons surh as Ford. Rockefeller and Carnegif'. The only exl'mp11ons v•ould be thos.! which rccci1·r one thlfd of the ir in· C'om! rro1n the publ ic, such as lhe foun- dalion v.·hich runs the restored colonial town of \\lilliamsburJ:;. \'a. In d1sso)\"ing at the end or 40 year!', Found~tions would not be perm1ttt'd to lurn 01rr their asset.s to another Joun· dation or create a ne1\' Foundation vd\11 t~m . The provision "·ould mean that foundations now in existence would ha ve to close up shop by the year 2009. There are now 30.000 fou ndations with unmeasured billions of dollars in lall~X· empt dollars. The House-passed tax reform bill "'·ould impose a $65 million levy on their income from stock holdings. ln opposing the move, spokesmen for the foundations have argued the ho11~e­ pas.sed 7.~ percent tax on their income <unoun!s to a tax on ho s p i la I s, uni \'rrsiues, heallh research. museums and eiper!mental prograrns too daring for the government to undertake. But they have received little sy mpathy from I.be 17·member committee. One or its liberal s, Sen. Albert E. Gore ( D· 1·enn.), even has proposed putting a hmil on I~ life spar: of foundations. .. The dead should not control the hv· ing,'' said Gore. me11ning a wealthy man, lhrough bequests to his family foun- dation , should not decide fron1 the grave ho1v his money -°"'hich \11ould otherwise be taxed -should serve society. In addition to taxing foundations' in· 'estment income, the House bill wou ld require them to give away a sum equal to fi\'e percent of the worth of lhe:ir assets each year; prohibit "self-<lealing" through which the creator of a foundation can use il.!I stocks to increase his wealth ; torbid them to control more than 20 per· c~ent of a company's stocks ; and prevent founda tions from politicking or trying to advise Congress on legislation. r;o one. not even lhe Internal Revenue: Ser\•ice which requires only sketchy an- nual reports from foundations, knows how great the ir wealth is. They are re· quired lo report only the original cost, not the current value, of the stocks they own . The IRS receives reports from 30,262 foundations but more than that are thought to ei.ist. 'Israel Children' Now Teen for Christ Back, • 'Visit' Stanford Church By JAM ES McNABB. Jr. S,.,;111 11 ll>t D.t.IL Y P!~OT PALO ALTO -TM T~ns for Christ- in gre11tcr numbers and with a new name -returned to Caliromia and their old i;t yle ol evangelism Sund ay after an ex· odus lo avoid the vaunted April e1rlh- <1Uake. About 30 members o[ tM clwlen 154, now known as the Children of Israel. in· tcrniptcd morning services at the Stan- ford Memorial Church. Al JI ;~ a.m., Jame:s Ba\lis ter threw open tht main doors to the sanctuary ol the onu.l.e Clln· f'rom Page 1 EARTHQUAKE. and California dropping Into lhr ocean. It sent one. daughter into the Gotchell ·s bedroom 11nd !wakened another child. I-Ir.>. Getchell uid she and her ~ighbor 1'1rs. Edward Haska y feel the best prtve.ntl\·e Lo earthquake haroc would be • he.Jicopter warmed up in the back yard. -Mrs. Yt"dliam of \~'atson, 2427& AQuara, Laguna ~iguel. sa~d. "l was MJUn<i aslttp and 11 "'·as just hke r:omebody just took. our bed and shook it and shook 11. It d1dn"t wake Bill at all ... -Albert.son "s f.1arkel in L ag u n :t rcportrd the clc-tks v.·ere: shaken bot not the merchandise -~!rs. Tony BQ£g"10 of Jl 912 Sun~t A\·I!, South l.aguna. said. '"It ~cart'd the heck oul of mt. I don"t li ke t11rthquakes but 1 v.·ent ngh! ba<"k to !'ilt."ep ·· -John LuhnO\f (If .John·s Hardwart, San J uan (ap1<trano. said. '"\\'ha\ earth· quakr~ \\'hen I go 10 bE'd r di!'., -Mrs Yi·esley \\"a!ktr of~ Calle de! Phina. San .Juan Cap1s1rano. i.:.a1d. "The b:lby slept through it but 1''<1sn·1 it had. 1'h~ bed started rotl1n,g and "'·e 1o1·ere \\·aiting !or another ont' " liAil.' DtlO I ' C)MlfO~ CQoUT P\lll ""t"'O COll\Mll'Y leloerl H. W1•• ._. .. _ Jtcl I . o,,.i.., vu ~ ... ~ .. ""-.i• T~o111•• IC-ii .... n-·· >.... ,.,,'"'"'t•• -.. .. Elf .... aic•••" '· w.11 ~h~ t,,., 1: ..... L.,_ .._.Oflka 1?! "•'"'' ...... Mt tli111 M4• .. •: 1.0 . a.. Ml. 126SZ -°"""' <•• M,. ... 1JI """'' ...... S'""' ... ~ ... ,~ ""' -· .. _ .... """" ,........,.. INul •• »fl "' .. -ari a• pus chapel and led a double line column of men 11nd women dresstd in sack cloth and ashes. Thf'y marched to the accompaniment of the congregation singing the sermon hymn, proettded lo the front of the church, v.•here Ballisler and two aides dimbed the marble steps to the high ~]tar. • Wonhlpcrs stared with a mixture ()r cu rlo.!ity and surprise as the band once headquartered in HunUngton Beach al l JO Main St., tromped onward pounding Zifl<>Or witll sbe~ds' otaft; tbeJ cat· The m~ and women were ldtnlicaJJy dresse_d !n ~urlap robes di'd blood red. 1'·orc 1m1ta t11m oxen yokes around thrir neek.s and had streaks of ash traced on their foreheads. The ~~rded, long·haired group stood in a semr-c1rcle at the fool or the chancel st ep~ at the conclusion of the hymn, ;is Ball1ster unfol ded a sc roll and in booming patriarchal \•01ce. read. ll1s text t.1ken fron1 thf' Old Tr$lanien1 Book of Jeremiah fore!old God ·~ destrucl.Jon or the ancient Israelites "ho forsook the la1v of the Lord Balliste~ !hen smasht d a· no1\'erpot he \\ 1~ c<1rry1 ng on !he mosaa: chancel floor according to SC'ripturt'. J!'rem1ah 's brf'ak'. 111~ of an imperff'ct polter·s ve.sst'l ~YITI· bofizf'd Go<fs impending destruction of unperlect man. The Hf'I". B. Da ric :o;ap\er and h i~ !<anciuary guf'st. 1hr Hr \". Carroll t'o!t{ln , drttn of students at Chapman t..:ollegl' 111 !)1.on,&;e. ~larcd rxpressionless 111 the drn1onstrator.s. After the s111ash ing, Ballistrr rollrd up his ~roll and led lhe group back up thP. m;i1n aisle and out of the church. In respon~e lo the brief 1nlrusion. the Rer , ~1r. i'"aprr explained that the warn- ing ··1n Jeren11ah ·~ ti me, wa_s .authrltt' word," adding that he CNap1er'i did nol request it, but was grate'ful for it ~1ng spoken Sunday. Se\'eral of the newly anointed Children of Israel. had been sl.a lioned a mong !he cong regati on and ~ang ou1 loud '"Amens."' sald. in h\s sermc;>n there "'·as tne ··possibility thst ch·ill1a11on 1n11y yet OC smashed as violenUy .and ruthlt'ssly as that pot.'' Junior Tennis To1u·ney Slated Next Weekend The stt0nd annual junior tennis tourn ~­ rnent will whiz into e1islence at Laguna Beach High School tennis courts Nov, 1 and 2. Sponsored by the Lagun11 Beach Re cre1Uon Department, tournamcnl director Art \VahJ said, awards "'"il l be presented Lo first and 3'C()od place \\·in· neri1. Entry forms may be <lhlained fmm Wahl, the. tchool coonselor's orflce oc lhc N!Crtatioo department. Entry deadhne is Y.'edntsday, Oct. 29. ~re will be lhrtt divisions of pl11y The hi gh school dh·ision, for grades 10. 11 and I?, •·Ill lncludt boys' slnglt's, boy~· <klublt., •nd 1irl9' singles. The. Intermediate division for grades 7, B And 9 wl\I include boys' ~1ngles i ncl girls' r;in,11les. And ti~ e\cmtntary d1\isi<ln for gr1de! 4, ~. •nd 6 ••ill br comprised or boy&' singlts. Ul'I Tt~le 0111flt1ed for S11111mer /\s U.S. prepares for winter. Australians are ready to greet summer. l\1iranda \Vynch. 20. models \varn1 \\.'Cather outfit currentl y in fashion d o\vn under. \~·here seasons are re-- versed . From Page 1 PICKETS •.. We can'l print that kind of junk." However, the student newspaper has found a new printer, Rio Hondo Valley Publishing Company of Sanla Fe Springs. President of that company, Art Bartlett, said : "We. feel thf'y should have supervision fr om the college. If the college can't con- lrol them lt"s not up to me to control them. I've tu rned down the 'Free Press' and a hom osexual paper. This is child's play by comparison." The sheet handed out by members of TIRED said they are tired ol faculty anrl administrators who, they claim. advocate communism under the bla nket of academic freedom and •·academic Senate decisions that do not require a majority of eligible voters (faculty), are monitored b)I Uie Student Union . and are not arrived al through secret bal!ol. ·• Also : -"The radical minority dominating student nev.·spapers. -"Universities who use our facilities as political arenas. ~"ExC'uscd days Jor political purposes and .or intimidation of thes community. _ .. Students dic1a1ing courses of study and .~ell'ct1on of fa culty members. -'·Footing Ilic bill for such activitif's ., "l hopr we represent the modera!f'S and nol the right wing,'' said h1orriss('y, ;:i 36· year·nld adminis!rator v.·ilh a Newport Beach aeros pace· fir m. "I an1 one of I guess 1rhat you woulJ cal_t 'the silent maiority ' l'l'C ne.vf'r 11 ritten ;i 1£'t\cr to the editor or to my Cnngrt'ssman . l 've never e\'en attended 3 political rally. But I noticed mv friends and myself sifling around a'nd com· plaining anrl \\'(' decided tn gel ac1i1·c " He said the group hopf's to bccomr ''.1 constrtJCit\·e oppo~i!ion'' and that per:<nns interested 1n 101ning C'an ~T1te 10 P.O. Bo1 1621, ~ewport Beach. Skindiver Dies Off Catalina S~cial IQ thf" DA ILY PILOT ;\\11\!.0:"I! -.!\ ~k1ndlvf'r was fal ally stricken while. rxp'loring the 0<0ean about 60 fcpt below the surface off Catalina Island Sunrlay. after returning to the (lepths again follov.'1ng a complatn t of cramps. (iar~· f.f . S1monsnn, 2i, of Inglewood , died co route to Harbor ~ncral Hospital in Torrance and Los Angeles Countv authorities pl<Jrtned an autopsy today tO dr1cnninr ,,.h,·. Builders Kids Co1istruct Houses on Hill A ne.w tract 11Udden\y bloSIClmed at Laguna's T<lp of the World. It wouldn 't have pa.ssed the building code of Field Act standards but tht. builders were f'nthus1astic and eager. And Lhey were learning The .. wi ckiups" 1vhlch blosgomtd on the hillside above Thurston lntcr1ned i;1tc Sc!wol werr part or an anthropology unil in the st111ly of ll1strirr. Student~ frun1 10 hon1croo111s 11•ent lor\\'ard arn1ed only with twine and eagcr·beaVl'f spirit. They foraged for natu ral niatcr1als, p:iln1 fronds, sticks, logs, arrow weeds and brush. Tools 11·crc sharp rocks. Engineefing \\as inno1 rt tive i\1ishaps octurrrd· "Sam Leslie did a pullup on lhf lodge pole and !hf' whole thing fell down " Other incidents included disappearance of thatch material placed on one 11•ic klup and its reappearance on another. It 11·as theorizer! that thi!'; nrcurred because a gu ardian 1·oodoo sti ck was pilfered. Compelition v.·as intensf'. Homeroom E 11·on what might have been ealled "The Architect's Award." Architect l loward \\1ilson of South Laguna helped judge the work . \\lilson is discoverrr of the 17,00Q.yrar· old Laguna Beach skull !hat placed man"s existence on this continent several thouund years earlier than previously known. Inst ru ctor Ron Rodeeker said here "''l're find s made during the project, also. 1·hf're 11·as a cone shell 18 to 30 m1ll1on yl'ar.s o!d and Tom Harris round a fo.ssil- ILCd while shark's tuolh that Rodecker ~cars old, from an era when the great ~i:lid n1u;;i h;,n'r been several 1nilliuo :-,harks s11•an1 tlirough seas over Top of the \\lorld . Siuderils paintrd rock pictures '>''Ith their own ¥t&1 11 made fron1 pric kly pears and wlld berries. Teacher Rodeek~r <.'On· tracted poison sumac whil e dragging logs fron1 the hillside th ickets. Other teachers in the joint projttt wer~ <:C'(lrgl' Nettleman and Ron Newman. \\'hen lhf' du st had settled Friday there :-;\Jod 10 w1tklups and a group of eager :.c1·cnlh and eighth graders. •·Jt was really fun. we lf'arned ho1v the lnd1<1ns actually did it ."' said Karin \Vickharn. Said a110ther youngster, ·'\\'e knew a lot frorn books but 1o1c didn "l know how lhf'y actually did it" "Our biggest hangup ," said Jennifer ~1:igu1rr, •·was that we had to use stones to cut everything." Tht' wickiups are prohably torn down liy now sincr w11:kiups on brushy hJl!sidcs tlnd fire regulations <lon·t dovetail v.·ell. But they were great while they lasted. Laguna Niguel Studied ' For Expansion of YMCA Dir ectors or the South Orangt' County Y}.fCA are eyeing the Laguna Niguel area for a possible new million-Oollar rrgional Y facility. according lo board ch;iirman Charles Benton. Benton said the Oct. 28 meeting of I.he Leisure World Slates Talk on Campus Rioters l'll"Lhods of C'Ombaling n1 ilitant acti\'ist~ nn college campuses 11·ill be discussed at !he f1 rsl public meeting of Leisure World Friends of Viva, al 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, in Club House I. The group, made up of Leisure \\'orld residents will hea r students fron1 several campwes relate their experiences with 1nili1ant campus students and faculty, ac· cOrding to chairman R. A. Ellsworth. Principal speakrrs \Vil\ be Richard Theis, f'Jecutive director of Viva, and 1'cd ~Ffler. president of Campus Studies Institute, h1·0 organizations organizing s1udcrl chapters to counteract c.1m pus acli\'ists- The Leisure \\'orld group was formf'd !o :-upport and hrlp finance the two organiuitiuns opposing lelt·wing campus <1cth'ists. said E;l!sworth . The aim, Ellsworth said. is tQ co1·er all Or t1ngf' County campuses '"ith direct n1ailings and hel p sf't up Viva student chapters. The meeting is open Lo the public vdthoul charge. Bc<'k e tt Won't Accept l'\ohc l in Pcr~on PARIS ! l'PI I -Samuel Beckf'tl has ~C'n! a cable to the Roya! Sv;edisll "icadt'ml" ;lC'Cl'ptint: thr J\nbE'J Pr ize for l1terat11re. his publisher said today. Jrrome Lindon. returning fron1 a \i;;1t to the Irish author in the Tunisian resort of l\";ibeul, said the public1 ty·shy Bcckctl 11 ould not ~o to Stockholm Dec . 10 10 rt're1ve thf' pri1.r, 1o1·orth $72 .500. board \\'ill be held in Laguna Niguel so the plan may be expJ;:ired with the help of three members active in the. area, Tom Frigonf', Kno\\"lton Fernald and Bill Beck. South Coast Y d1rrctor Roger Carter said, "Niguel is a natural for a new YM· CA because it is central to all our youth groups and will be rninuies away fr om our sevrn comm un ities when alt arterinl h1ghw~ys are complcled. It is also just <1 few minutes from the Y~1CA ·s Surf and (nnyon Can1p 111 Aliso C11nyo11. ·· Carlrr sairl (he Y now is work ing with ::in al1-tin1c lugh of 60 youth groups. the _i!reatcsl number o! them in the Sad · dlcback arl'a. The Y budgrt, hr said, has grown from $!1 ,000 lo nearly $6{1,000 for the current .vear and a staff of six \\"orks with young people and adults par\icipaling in Y pro- grams. Endov.·ments total $3{1.000 and land 01vned in Aliso Cany<ln amounts to thrre acrrs. Football Coach Shows Paintings Laguna Beach arlist Hal Ak ins wil l !-.ho11· his collrctioo of oil and water color pa1nl1ngs ;it the (Jl'ie Center Gallery, f\"cwporl He<1ch C1 t.v Hall, through i\overnber an d Drcf'mber. Akin~. a tf':i chrr And head footb<11I C'oarh al Laguna Beach l·ligh School, ha s rxhibited_ works in \Vashington, Oregon and California, 1vlnn1ng av.·ards in all three states. Hr h11s bt>en Art f'X h1bitor at the Laguna llca<:h Frst1\·a[ of Arts tor se\'eral ye ars. He iron the llrst pnze in ·watercolor :ind lir!il in oils at the Seal Beac h Open .Show last \'ear The galif'ry is open "'eekdays, 8 30 a m. to 5 p.rn. ~C'otl ::;cc s .T udgc OK \\ \:-;111:\GTO~ IAP' -Se n. Mugh Sc(lll of Penns)lll'ania. lhe Sena1e Repubhcan leatlf'r. ~aid today he behel"c~ .h•l;!t' Cl rmcnt r. HaynS\l'Orlh Jr. \\"1Jl be trnl1r1ned as a Supren1e Court justice. 307 Bases To Be Shut, Laird Says \\'ASlll~·cTON tAP) -Secretary of Defense 1-Ielv ln R. Laird announced lo- da.11 that 307 tni!itary b11 ses 1n the Unilrrl States and uvcrsr<1s w1tl bt' shut down or reduced tu ~a1e about ~61¥J n11llion an· nually. Laird's announ<:t'men l wos the latest 1n a series of mo1 es alrned :it cutting the Jpfense budge t t!Hs year by S3 billion. Tht' \\·hole $6()9 million 1n sal'ings will lr1k11 effect whrn the ba~es rcduc't1on~ anrl t'los1ngs are t"'Jn1pl!!tctl. \\'hlrh t:ould ex · lf'nd we ll beyond 1h11 prl'St'nl f1sral year "'l11ch ends next J unt• :Ill Undrr an agreement with Congres~. thr Pentagon said dt1;11l s ul thf l S. base ac- tions. includh1g 1dt1nt1f1cnt1on of the Jn · stallations 1n1·oll'cd. 11111 be announ ced \\'ednesday rnornuig. Dec1s1011s o n ()\"erseas bases will be hrld 11p pendin:; consultations v.•ith !he host countnf'S. The announce me nt ~aid the Army. Nary and Air Force insl;,illalJons and at:· 11v11les <1re loca!e<l u1 ·12 :.lairs an~I Puerto Hico. There w;i s no 11•ord on the number of ovf'rSf'as lucat1ons 1nvolred. Th e movrs will re sult 111 a rcducti<1n nf 37,800 ·military positions and 27,000 (.'ivllian johs. Thr 1nll1tJry cu1b11cks arc genera ll y included in <Jlrc«d.v announced plans lo trim total U.S. military ma11- power by abou t 220 .000 men this ye;ir below lhf' present 3-4 million. Thon1as R. Bird, Laguna Cafe Owner, B1u·ied Funeral servicrs have been held in Or· <!f'!ge for Thomas Davi d Bird, last surv1v· ins son of the pioneer Richard Bird fam1!v of Laguna Bf'ach, who dlrd Oct. 14 .it Scrly Lake. Mont. Bird's parents camr to LaJ(una in the late 1920s and founded thi; \l'h1\c llou.o,e C;,ife on Coast lligh~·ay, rrnownt'd aloni.: l hc coast for its signs, "L<et the Birds Frrd You in Laguna Beach .'' 'l homas Bird \\"C'nl lu school in S;i n Ju:in Capistrano and later had an orant;e grove in that area. as 11·ell as a large ranch in the present Leisurr \Vorld area. li e and his v.·ife, Embre(', h;id made their summer hom e at Sec!ev l.ake for the past 22 years. They de1;eloped !he Flying Bird Ranch there and 011·ned Seeley Lake r-.1ercantlle. ln addition lo his \vidow. Bird is survil·· ed by a daughter, titrs. Loren Sea1 er or r.reat Falls, tii ont. and by lwo grand· daughte rs. Interment ~'as at 1',airhaven Memorial Park. A memorial fund has bern cstablishNI in thf' name of Thomas Bird for the Yellowstone Boy.s' Ranrh al Billing!!', /.!cnL 1'11rs. Bird is expccterl to rrturn !11 Laguna Beach in Januar~·. Nixon's Address Beamed to Latins '\'ASHll\"GTON f AP\ -The \Vhile }louse said t.Qdav President /\"ixon will establish a histol-ic first when his fir st major address on Latin Amencan policy i~ telr\·ised live to Latin America Fnday night. The forum is the annua l mef'1 1nc of !he l nt<'r-American Press Assl'lCi;it.Jon al· tended by edl1 ors From na1 1ons of the hcrnispher(' \\"hltc llousr pre~s <cc retarv Ronald L. 7.if'gll'r said he linrltr~1and.~ !ht r S. lnforml'llion AgrnC'y 11111 ll·t'd thr speech to Latin Amf'ncan rtirl10 <1nd TV networks and tha! a nrw C'On1n1un1catJ 011s s<itcl111c made this pos.s1blt. Companions" said Simonson do•·e to thfo 1»-foot Je,·el hf'fore da1vn Sunday and ~aid ht "'·as rxperiencing cramps after rrsurlac-ing dl!ring the expedition. He chose lo go do'«'n again , however, ' :Ind had rl'acherl a depth of ;ibout 60 fret v.·h<on hf' suddrnly shot 10 the surface, ap- parently in cxtrf'me pain. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY Aut horilies "'·ere notified of the rrnergency Bnd Simonson was bein1 flown to the hosiptal v.·hen he succumbed. Boys Choose 7 • As Laguna Queen St'nior boys at Laguna &ach Hig h School have made their choicts seve n princes.ses to reign at the l'lom;coming football game against El Pttodeno High J'\;:iv. 14. ' The seven fa vorites art Jeanine Ben- ton, Hedy Bunn. Shllnnon Cook, Carol l">nggt'r. Susan Glotfe lty, Debbie GoOO· mAn, and Diane Judv. Ont' of the ~rv;n 11·111 b<" chostn hnmf'COITllng qU<"en. The quct'n .~clec11on "'ill hr anoounced at h11H time. during lhe 1lK1lh,111g:i111c11t thr. local fiPld In lhc. pa~t tht' princc~scs hal"t ~rn chn~n by 1h<" IOO!ball pla\'rrs but lht~ ,·t~r ·~ ~tudrnt C'(lunr!l p/l!l.~M tht function ti) 1hc senior men ~·ho cast ballots. ------ ~100 SLITS FOR $80 SIJ O Sl:ITS FOR S81 511 5 srTTS FOR m SIU SUITS FOR $100 SI Jii SUTTS FOR SIDA Sl4Ii SU ITS FOR $11' S15~ SUITS FOR 11!4 11'5 SU ITS FOR $13? :1467 Via Lido at Nev•port Boulevard. Nev>'port Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p .m. t . ·-------·-----------·-------------------------------------------------------------------i Mond~Y. Oc!obtr 27 l'l61J OArLY PILOT !) ~D_E_A_T_H~N-O_T_l_€_E~s-•a.~•• .... L~~>~i.--"~'~""" ..... -~~-..-~ .......... ....., ........... .,,.,.,,,,""'_,~,,,,,,,.,,~""""""""'··~-.... """"" ALL"'" Juvenile Offi~ers Con~erned Historian Talk .~-~~~~~~~~~~~~::::;= (<tU<I• M Al)rN . Al• ~·~ <>1 71\0 1110190 Pll<•• C110!1 Mou ~••••••U 1:1• wlt1. 1':11,.IH~. tl•Ol~er. Mr. A•v•V All .. d "' MiMOMtll . v .. u ....... •oa1v, ,,._Otl<ll V, !•om I 11 t PM, loll l•~d· "'"' C1>1,..1. Pfl••'• i..•.,<•• wm 111 "•l<I Tv1•d1V 11 AM, l!ell l •o1a .. 1v c.n11>1I, .. 11,, P e•. fh ut• Ku,,I• ofli<1· l llf•O ,,, .. ., ... ~ •• P1cillC" V••w Ml· "'°'111 P1tO F1mll• .u•o101> l1>011 ""'~"In• 10 m1•• m..,,0<.11 co"'''""· •oon1. pl1111 conlr•t>ule lo C•ncor l!•u•"" F"u...,. Ho11 Momorlol i--lo•· p1111. "'°'"'"'' !leo<n B•ll !1•0•<1w1~ M9t!uorv. (0111 MOH, l.'lue<!O"· BASSETT L1<11 .J<>••Pl>lno 61•u1T. •05 Je•h ~·. New~o" !lo1(h !)011 ol d••I~, Ot!obor '~' Svrv.,ed 11• ""'"""°• llot>er! H e""""' •<m. Mo•o•a w 11 .. •n. of 1-<vn11no10" H<>rllOu•• l;o.<> 0•1n<1chll· d•en """ lour qr1~1 ~·1n<1c,,11aren. ~ .. v•C U will D• h•ld Tu .. a1v. ll AM. P•cll1~ View Ch•""'· wr•l't Dt. I>••· moo4 t 6••h1m1 ofl•n•l!na. 1olor· "'""'• 11 01e 1-iill• M•"'"""' ""'"· w111t-'"'· f omllv ;u~aO>I\ tno•e wl•lllnQ lo m•~• memo•ltl <O•llrl1>u!lono, pll••• <.onfril!v•• 10 •~• Lido J 61ueu M~­ mor.1! ~un<I. 51 •nd,.,.., P•etOYter- l•n (hv•tl,. O"r(lr<> II• P1c,l1C" V•tW M0tlu1•~ llALAPOFF Po~! M. H1l<<>0" ~•\•4•nl ol L• 1-<l b'I """ Ne .. POt! B••<h. O••• ot d~•'"· O<•oD<r ;J SurvoY•<I DY wl••, t..11•i1n l ; '""'· tl•cllol1• or.d Poul M. 1-<11100!1. or New""" l!e•<ll; <1au9~· t~"· K1lh~rlne G•r>0n. E <<ondlllO! ("•lo!lne H""'1rd, l <WIO Belch; Ml r.e !la•ne!t, SNl•lt: Vl•oinlo laud.,, L• H1br1; Heidi H1l•1>0!!, t-aw<>0<I Baich; b•o•h••I. Pele. o4 O..wne~: HttVIY ol l 0t1m Bei th. and J ohn K1l1oolf. lo• AllG•le1: •'""'' M arv APPl•v•••· Oce1n>1<10: Ann Ur11.,.,, Wn1nler; E•· !llor Sh1p~rd, E l Monie. 11\d lour ~«•n<l<hlld,.n. Strvlcei wert !>ell! Sot· V•d1v. l PM. Pacific Vl•W Ch•'"'· wllll R••· Don A. B•Hlll o!lltl1!1nG. In· •ermont, "•d lic View Memorl11 P•r~. Clret!•<I bv Pacific v ;.,. M<>rlu1rv. l\fcKENZlE t~I• C. Mcl(en1l1. 1101 Pin~ S•. 1-<u"!ing!on Beot ll. Sur11l11td Dv deu~n. ter. Betl\/ J. Overm••n b'a1n1" Ctd l 0••11: TM••• gr1nac~ola••"· 5"'""' Jc~n •nd Jell C•t rmvt r. P•I~••• •••II· i<•• wer• no1<1 511urd1•. 1 PM. Pt•~ F•m•lv Colo"111 Fvne'll Homo. l\IF.SSlr\GER E1l1 H<lt" Monln;er. lSI A ,,enld1 <••••l+1. ~•G~n• Hlll1. D•l• cl ae11~. Oc!cocr lS. Survivod b• "I•<•. M,., IA•b•I ~v•hlOfd, HollvWOO<I St•YI<:•• 1n<1 lnl~""""' will De ,,.Id '" Mo•co ... 1~1~0. Be•! !lro10'•1'V Mo•h;ory, (O•I• M.,1, forw1rd1nt ll•ttKlo", NOREK ill:r•nces E. Noto~. ~Jt S1n eern•tOIM. t/e w1>0•I &••c". O•I• al <ltl lh, (klcb<r 11. Sur11l111d bv two '""'· John. of C"''" Me111 Henry, of Sun••' 601tn; aio!or. Em!lv Clwlcm•n, 5•n Fron· <:•tto• thrH gr1nO•Of'" eioh! Gf 1nd· <J>lld••n, one ~ro~l·Orfat·Gr1nac.llild . Servic es, iu.,d1v. 10 ,M. We1tc ll" C.hooel. lnlfrmen!. w.,1mln1•tr M•· '"""'111 P•r~. Dirtt••<I bv we11thT! c nenel Mor!v1•" 6-l&·~HI. PETERS J.,lif t~nn Pe••••. •oe 7, or 1~10 £11t•m~ro. Co1•1 Mt!~ D•ot ol at•I~. OcTober n . Su••lvea bv nor1M1, Mr. •n<I Mrt. Garv PelerJ; b•Clll•ri, B••' an<! Keirn: gr1n<101renn . Mr. 1nd M•1. l urnetl Pe•t•I. 'iowO<l•I Beien; t.lr a nd Mr1. E. w. Qv•(lu nbu1n. '"'"it. Se•vl<••· l PM. Tu••d••· P1c>fic Vitw (hl Oel. tnlormtn!. Po<lfoc VI•"' Memcriol P••~ Oo•er•td oy 611!• Mo•tv1rv, Co••• Mr11. STREET 1")1;1v Wi~l!re<I ~!reel. Aboenl Ir°"' 1111 bollv. Preoent wr1h me Lora. 0111 o• llf1!1\, O<:IQIM!r 11. R<"dent of JO'°' G•D••"•'· Co1• .. M•••· SurY•Yt d b• JQtl\, CitOrGe T. S!•u 1. ol w_ V•n· '""'«" Br!li1n Column;., r."•••t• ~. :;1ree1. lrvlnu <11vgn!t'• M••. Wln•l•t<I M. NOfr!1. NO'WPo<I 81atl'ol 11 lrfn.0. rnll<lttn. Sll"Yltfl wtrt hll<I lo011, Mo"ll•Y· 12 lioo~. c.1,,.,.... Cl>urtn, ~1n•a '"•· wl!h Rell. M\cl\1et ~.,,,.. •u•t~ 0111,la!inv 1n1•,...,1n•. P•<•• c Vlo.w Mtmorl•I Par~. Olreti•a bv P1· cHit v:e.., Morlvory TALBERT '°•Yt 0 T•lbo•! 11• ~·,,1 ~ .';! H11~'· onolon Se•<" 0•1r o! <lr.,h, 0 <' J\, ~u•vivtd b1 l'ou•b•""'· Go•<lo~. V•1•'•· •ion, lodov. Mon<l•Y. 7 to• PM, ~m'1'' cn1 ... 1. Ci•t•••1<1r '""~''· T~•id••· J PM, We•tmm•l•r Memo•i1I P1r~, Oi•ttlt d by ~m1t~1 ModuorY. Mll<l9t Am•ll" Warr. JUO C~vnlro Club Or. C:oi•• M•u . Dfle <rl d•o!n. October "j(. ~u,~IOld l!v Jon, ;,,.,.., 5_ W••t: <ll uOhl<••· Mt> J . H. So!h· well, Oorlt n. (onn . M•• V l<.lo• Z•••mlld. Kor~wooa. Mf1 .. :wt11 '""' ar ondt~·ldre~ •nd '"o 9'e•l·O•~~dC~"­d•t~. S•rVI<••· 1ve1a••· I PM. Poclt•c 'v•t W (~•Ml, w•t~ R••· l!ol>erl Schvl- 1•' ofllCJotlnv. ln10'm,n• P•C •rlt Vl!W M,,....,.111 p1,~. O"•t••a D• P1cl1>~ V>eN Mor!Ul •Y• ARBUCKLE & SON' Y.'e~tclirf !\lortuary 427 E. l71h St.. Costa l\lesa 6·16"4888 • BALTZ 1\101lTl1A RI ES Corona df'I !\tar OR :i-945!1 Costa l\tesa ~II 6-24:l4 ''' • BELL BROAO\\'AY !\tORTUARY Broad\vay, Cos ta r'\ltsa LI S-3-IJJ • DILDAY BHOTHERS llunlinglon \'alley l\lortuary li91 t ~acb Bh·d. Huntington Beach g4z. 1111 • PtlcCORMICK LAG UNA BEACH MORTIJARY 1795 Laguna Cany011 Rotd Larun• Bt1cb fft·HlS • P AClFIC VIEW J\IEMORJAL PARK Cemetery e P.tortuary t'htpel 3500 Pacific View Drh·e Newport Beach, Ca!Uorni1 644-Z7ot • PEEK 1''Al\.fll.Y COLONI AL FUNERAL 1101t1E ~SOI Bol1a A\le. Westminster PJ·SUS • SHEFFER MORTIJARY Lapa• Beacll •M-tAS Su Oemente •IWlll • Sl\OTRS' l\IORTIJARY 127 P.fa!n St. HuaUn(tOfl Btacll '"""' BEST Thi OA!tY PllOT alf•ri 10"'1 Gf lh• b11I f1fl~r 11, b y •~tw •I •~•vtv o f r11d,11. ••1il,bl1 i" •~v ~•wo1>1 1>•r in th. n1llen. Not Enough Ti1ne to 'Change' Problefft Children f'ULLERTON -Arthur M Schlesinger Jr , Pulitzer Prize winning histori.an who was a .special assistant to Presidtntll Joh n Kennedy, will speak at11J • St9Ht WMll9'd-, LIDO, M••••" • ArM bchnl"l By JUDY HURST 0 1 1111 01111 P'll ft S111t ORANGE -Openly con- cerned w1Lh today's youth are l\\"O indiv iduals who might be labeled pr o d ucts of the '·e s l a bl ish m c nt '' by ;,1ot1ngs ters. The "establishment" tl 1ey \1•or k ror is J uvenile Hall and Sitton Home. They are Perry f\1cGee. su perintendent 0 r Juveni!r Hall and Sitton Home and ~!rs. Janet Eckha rdt, senior gr9u p counselor in girls' control in Ju\•enile Hall. Both are not only concerned 1vith today's youth, but are op· timistic about the assistance afforded them. They aren't ~·ishFul thinkt-rs. They know there is a problen1 "ith the kids of todav. There mu st be b e ca u Se ap- proximately 12,000 Orange County youngsters "'ere com- mitted lo Juveni le Hall las t yea r. According to ~1rs. Eckhardt, a mother of three, most of th e girls brought in are runaways or incorrigibles. "But the drug usrrs are rising,'' McGee ad - ded . \Vhat"s the pr o b l e m '? Societv".' Parents? Kids? It"s a con1!l;nation. McGee and !lt rs. Eckhardt a re not in a position 10 sit Pack and moralize or guess \Vhat·s 11·rong. '"\\'<' provide care for the k id~ 'n custody but don't hal't' enough lime to completely change th('m." they agreed. '"\\'e try to make their stay l1cre as 1n uch like a home as "·e can nuinag('. But Juvenile ll all is an institution and \.\'e have to run it as such • there always are rules to follow." i\lcGce sitting back to light his pipe .said, ' ' \\' hen youngsters arc sent t o Juvenili;. Hall \\'C try to modify their att itudes. There are several ways lo attain this. One is a fa1nily guidance pro- gram fo r kids "'ho arc com· milted here for a lengthy interaction bet '.l·een counselors and kids and parents co mes int o play. '"J\1uch of this must depend on the parents' cooperation. \Vi!hout it, our program won't \\'Ork." i\1osl of the parenL<; and children they counsel are from 1niddel class homes. But the delinq uents ha ve changed. '"Three to four years ago th e kids brought in were from the lower socio.economic level and were hosti le and <iggressive. Today the kids show passh•e aggression." To point out lhr differenrr , !l!cGec offered a s1n1ple but ii· lustratil·e eio:an1plc . ··Let".'! take a couple or kids c·almly -. .-: -• J!.,_ sitting on t h e curb patiently \.\"alchin g cars run over tac ks in the street !whic h the y didn't place there). These kids are dis playing passive <ig- gression where hostile ag- gress.i\leness \\·ould place the deHnql1l'nls throwing rock s at passinc: cars or pulling tacks on the road. "ll·s bcsl to keep 1hcse kids Olll of institutions. Tli('y learn too 1n;1ny undesirable thing.~ h('rC and no! \\'hat 11 l" <ire lrying to teal'h tllein. There are rnore kids lo learn [ro1n than staff to teaC'h .'' "\.\'e are here lo rhan~e Pf'Op!c·s btha\'1ur not lo 111;1kf' them happy." he added . '"\\'(' don 't have lhe lln1e or faci lities. ";'\u n1atler ho\\' good a pr o- gram is the institution 1s a poor second choice to a cnn1· muni ty program wher(' the child belongs. \Ve don't look for kids, believe me," he emphasized. "The squet'ze 1s on to keep the kids out of Juvenile Hall. They are bE'in g screened a lot more carefully before being admitted." Appar ently there is not enough lime behi nd the fence lo change some or thr youngsters, because 50 pcrct'nt return. Su1nmer is the slack J>C'riod because kids have tht· freedom they desire. 1-'eaks ttrc reached in mid No\"en1ber, 1 _11~1.~lO~'~·'~"~·~O~ctt·~lO~i~n ~th<~~J!Y~m~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doy, n again toward Chri~mas nas1 um al Cal State Jt~ullerton. and up again in F~bruary and before school slarts. "I would like lo see smaller units ror probation officers in neighboring cllles rather than a deparlment building of little offices," lie stressed. But for today, J uv<'nilc Hall ;111d Sitton Hom e rcn1ain in OrangC'. J\1t(:f·t·. a la!her of f1\·l' who makes !us honu' in \~'hillirr, has bct'n .sup('rin· tcndenl since 1956 J\l rs . Etkh3r<lt IS a S!'\"CO·}ear 1ctcran or the hall and worked t~·o years previously in Sitton llomc. St1l1Jn !1 0111f'. luuridrd in 1959, is used only li1r pro- lecu\·e c·ushidy of the child. \I tulc Juve rule Hall prov1dl'S protccl1011 fi\r !II!' child 1!(' ta111cd until he is rl'cc11 rd b\' the court. Approxi1nately :.i9iJ youth:> can be housed and a\ present there are 387 . ~trs. Eckhardt noted thal foste r homes are hard lo f(nd for teenagers. There arc more facilities for boys than girls. To find nio re foster hon1eS znd to rcnch the yout hs before trouble starts ~\cGce and i\·lrs. l::ckhardt lee! thl'y are going 10 ha\'e lo stop depending 011 the middle t·1ass. They ;igreetl they must fintl people who <1ct <ind talk hkr th(' youngster~ loda)'. -. .-.. Enjoy the Luxury of Soft Waler with an Automatic Water Softener Save Mon ey on Detergents and Clothing Sears [Less Work j with Soft Water ... Eliminates Bath Tub Ring11 , . Kee ps Things Cleaner without Effort. Free Estimates on Complete In stallation :-:ear:-; .\utomatir Tllkrs l h111 \York Out or Softening \\'"ater r ;""' lle•'I ( ... ,..,,d. . , ... ~.,, h 11 ..... Dana Point Harbor Plan Approved SF State VP Speaks On Campus Disorders Many Use Seal Buses SE AL BEACH -Seal BcaC'h C'lty i\1anagcr Lee Risner has rresrnlcd a report to the city i·t1u11t·d on usiigc of lhc fare.· fr('<' n111nici pal bus service. DANA POINT -Expan sion of Dana Point Harbor at a SANTA ANA -Orange County members or the American Association o f L·ni \·ersily \.\'o me n 1vill meet cost increase anioun ting to here No\'. 15 fnr a lir~t-hand $2.52,917 has bct'n approved lo report on the <'auscs and cures or campus dii;tur!Janccs. superriso rs. '!'heir :;peakrr 11·ill be Earl .Jones, pocl. pilot. piani st. e.~­ pcrl three • cushion billiard n1a n and executive \"ice presi- Or ange County \1•ill be fron1 noon lo 2 p.rn _ in thr Sanl:1 Ana Elk"s Club, 111clud1ng luncheon. The topic to be ro\'crrd hv .Jonrs. t'urrcntly a U.S. Air Force Reserve lieutenant en!(>. 11el, ties in \Vith t h c AA U\\' group·s ('Urrent study topie, The Academic Co1n111unil): Ne w Loo k on Can1pu.s. l)uring 1hc first year of i\<; Oi)C1";1l1011. 1!1c s~·stern was u~· 1·d by 43.000 pcrsan~. lisagc n1orc than tri pled in 1968 \\·ilh IJ:l,000 1>eoplc riding Lhe buses. This yc;ir, up through July. lhc nurnber is 80,000. Ask ah out Sears C-0nvenient Credit Plans! I Sears I So. Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St. Phone 510·3333 The move by the board will bring into the project some six acres of undeveloped land str e t c h ing from th e break\\'ater below 1he blull to dent of San Francisco St.ate l -----~--------------------C~----------------------------------~~ the re ar of the beach adjacent to the proposed J\1 a r i n e Studies Ins1itute. Harbor Distric t Directo r Ke nn eth Sampson told supervisors that S154,97i of the additional cost \\'Ould be reim· bursed to the 4:.'ountv from the 1\!arine Studies ln~tilulc, The board ag reed to regard the acqu isition a.~ an augmr.n· 1ation of the existing Dana /.'oinl Harbor contract. Tt1c lotttl contract is no\11 $3 i mi llion. Neurotics Group Set ORA:\GP. -:\re .IOU a teen· agt neurotic? If rou arc, N r u r o: i ·cs :\non)·1nou~. ~ n a t i on a I organization dt'Signt>d lo he!p people get over emotional pro· blcrns, can corne to you r aid. The Neurotics Anonymous or Orange Count_\" is now ~ponsoring a '"Tern Talks .. :-;cries each Thursda.v night ;1! 1!3rl Park 700 S. Glassell St , Orangr. ~1 crling.~ arr hf'ld .<it i 30 p.n1. in tl1e park f'lubl!::>llsc. Further information J ~ ;i':::i1lt1blr by phoning Lynn al li38-0628 or Carol <it 6't2·64~9. College. The session featuring eight AA UW chapters (rom within Pl1otos Due On Powell Expedition SANTA ANA A photograph'1t ex h i b i I com· rnen1oratins J\laj. John \Vesley Powell"s historic expedition down the Colorado River 100 years ago goes nn display Nov. I at the Charle~ \\'. Bo~·ers i\1cmorial i\Iuseum . 'Ille show ing \1·111 conlinue throughout the month, fcatur- 1ni; \\'Ork f ro1n the onc·armcd C111I \\"ar of/1cer·s diary titled "Canyons of lhe Colo rado," plus material loaned by o!hcr museuin ~. :.Jaj. Po11·cll ~cl oul in 1869 <lO\l'n the Color Jdo, "·ilh four boats carrying 10 nic.n on thC' pC"rilous, 900·n)ile tr ip, <lunng \d11l'h ~omt or lhc craH an d prn\'11i11.ri s were I n~!. fl1uscuin hours arr daily C'X· rf'pl fl'lnn1lnys, 10 am. lo 4 30 pm. Sundayi;, 11.o 5 pm .. a11d i tn 9 11.1n. nn \\lcdncsday and Thursday n 1ghL~. Leisure World Greets Returni11g Service111en EL TORO -The Leisure Thursdays: Peggy Boswell, \Vorld Welcome Home Club 36.C Calle Aragon, 137-2443. has appoi nted seven members fridays: llelen Stiil. 2172-P to organize greetin g parties ~1ariposa E. R J 7 • R 7 O 4. for planes com ing into El Toro fre<ierick and Freida Priess , y,·i[h homecoming Vietna in 95..1·B Ave. Carmrl. 8.17-2836. scrvi('cmen . 1\-lr. and !11rs. C. f' .. Jackson. Planes arriving daily arc 8.10·6816. Ru1h sc hcrle, 830- me\ by groups of Leisure 15119. \Vorlders \vho serve juice and Satu rda ys: Anita Buhler, cookies to the passe ngers. 902-0 Jlonda Sevilla. 330-22113 . most of ~·horn are coinpl eting Cont ributi ons of homemade tours of duty on the bat-tlefront, and offer them any coo kies and money to bu~· assistance they ma y need. juices ere needed. Persons Persons wishing lo join the wishlnr to contribute money welcome. groups are invited to may send a check to Richard contact the leader assigned to Wallen, 65-A Calle Aragon, arrival.! on the day listed. 83l.i3. Cookies may hr. sup-~tost planes arrive in lhe ear· plied to the. group leader for ly afternoon, a few in the1_•_n~y_d•_Y_·.,,--,.,--,----- mornlng or evening. For exact A'••rHM!lllllt arriva l times. check with leaders as follows: Sunday~: Robert !11i!ler, i23- C Ave.. Majorca. 837.(1449. Mondays : Mildred Heuman, 21Df>..A Ronda Granada, 830- 2D5.1. Tuesday.~· Charle~ \\'o\f. inge r, 649-B Ave. Sevilla, 837· 4&6i. \\'e~nesday~: ~lil\arit and r..1 argare t .!ohn~n. 14f>·A Ave. ~l ilJOfCll, 837--0J9J, Sears Check These Great Low, Low Prices on INSTALLED CARPETING "Pico" All Nylon Pile Carpeting Ideal l or the budgeL·n1 inded homemaker . Resilient ;ill ny· Jon pile re:si~t~ n1atting. soi! and g\ains. ::; colors lo rutn- plemrnL anv rlc1·or . .::::7:"i:JO Low Priced~ "Vermont" Textured Pile Carpeting Cobblestone 1exlurffi palLern fot-modern or contemporary decor. 1 00 ~0 continuous fila· ment nylon _pile. "In fl warm decorative C'olor11 . .= 8032 • .\mazing Value.! A,k About Sears Convenient Credit Plan• "Western Hills" Carpeting BriR"h t t~'et'd color::ition~ add \.\'ll !Tnth 11.nd lrxture in1crest~ 10 r.ountr;,• and casual decors. L'nn tinuou~ fihunent n ~'lo n pilr .. l folor~. l~·foot wirlth. =~\~~~ Supor Valffl 6!~ ··Windmill" Shaggy Pile Carpeting ,\lade o( oven·set lwist nylon pi le for luxurious yarn bloom snd la~ting texture seldom round in shag carpets at this low price. 7 color~ to choose from . .:!-7522 Great Value: OPEN SUNDAYS ... for Your Shopping Convenience ... Starting Nov. 2 ,-------------------------------------------------, I -~--T"' •-'"°°· ~Jl ~S~ 11 -GI J .),)I ~ IOUUI ... l-4111 ~Ill l·L1 4J, ~ '~ I KO .... [ • •101 :.:.~:ll tO.Cl ,.J.lA J.OJ),)l I Ull()O,A •Ul 140.06'1 .,..t>.<!411 ot ~-1001, 0 .f.14!1 O<l...W: • -'OtO ~ .. Stll t'-'n' W lJ 7.3171 , J•N<• l•~ 1}11 I c.,,..,.,.Nl.4·'S91,1«2-l7•1 "otlTWOOa H0 f·3fO °'~631.2100 ~ 1'H11l!_n-;,o<ti"'! '' f•l"O ~IU •,,...Jnt I Ca-A "'"°'II ~OW; 1·2ln r~ ~1'1..321!, JJ"!..1211 s,:>".I rs IAH'!A .lllOflU ct • a;11 ""'""" P1. f .lttl ,________________________ \..IC.U.1 -------------------1 -S lhf .. 111G1c ... 1dpr..-MraM)lcKk• -----.,, ..... ....., ....... SalwS.,9:)0A.M. .. t-.IOPJI. , • lfJ. DAILY PILOT L LEGAL NOTICE Lf~GAL NOTJCF. l'tOTICf 0, lRUlifll l liALl I"._ TRUST HO Wt CElllFICAfl OF &U!il,.llili On Nov .... o.r 11 1-.. a!.'""" 0 c~· FIC"l'lflOUi /rlAM( AM Tl'lt F fl! Amerl(lft F non( al Co 1np unae" ,~ oo ""'"¥ IMY ••t ..,.non ro.,,,.,!i' Finl _.,,..., <•" Tnlt "'""'"' "9 a bu•"«• •I 100 N•u.tu Rd 1......,r...ct I. Trw$1 Com..-m •• ""'"" Cotti Mt 11 C11lfDtnl1 11/\<IP ll'lt lk .,, •u«t •-lfu•l•t "' •ul>>' '"'"' t ,_, f!<m namo cr1 RIC.lit ASSO(llA. f Eli 1rutl•• ~ IM <''"' • Drool "' l "'' .. a"(I '""' ••Id 11tm 1, (Of11PO~ ol Ille eQl!ed ey OWEN 0 CORN a"" tallow no o••Mlft• -na~ kl !vii CO..~TAHCE J CORN huo.tla"" Ind ,.,,. ana PIK••"' .... ~, ar• •• lollowo .... ,....,...., ...... ,,.111 lt<il !n l oo'-'691 Rlf:n••O D R<><Ht!tk :!tH a..11101 ii P-1111 of Otlle!ll llP'O d> nl 0•• 'II' S1nt• """ C•I ""' No IU County Cot torn t •"" 1>u••u• 1 to rn• All•n W D r• 11>11 N•UI Y Ito <Pt!•n NOi (• o• D•Mutf Md["'<'"'" Q M•"' (•I o•ll tht"u""" PCC•G.O Jul• II 19l~ In D•"O Ocr 1l f6t Ilea~ 901• J'~Gt .,,. 0 Ct'' • l'•tr II ' It '"' a D R<IO• <~ D o >t1•Coun• .,,11u<1•••n<1~ ~·nt l~ J>I~ W O •l ••Id o-nl T u1• '"" • "uh c-•-" 0~ s,, o! (•I ro • o on~• Ccu~•• "' <•>M '•"'•ul "'o •v o• '"" Un •a o Ck oo.r 11 1'61 bole , ..,, • S ••e• ot .o. r• c• • m• n •" ~~•1 •" No••• Publ ~ n Ana '" •a a S••I• I 11><• o 1nr F >I "' "'c• 1 • ""''\0"~ • •P<>••'-0 I! <"•rd o Roar t • ln•u•th'• Como•r • ~ IQ ~ n !•~ M ~ a A •n W O r~ ~"OW" !Om• 10 b• n• !h• •nurli•o • <c•" <! ~ •n<J 1-.' "' 1o, who<e "~"'"" ••• 1 boc•l>f'~ ·~ ~ f'fll In th• C Q ''"" •"" •~~ w lhln "!! u """' a<ld 1c1<,now~9•a co1 10 "a •II '"~' •~ti' ''' ••d "'" ''' ,, r .,,,,.a h• '"", '°""'""''"on~"'" ••o ""' DI-•~ tf Off"tCl.t..L ~[All l u1! th• n on• '' • •o " "" l ovnt• ""a 5 1• • C•V !>"~ • I • l.ro••~o~ <" r;r. "•"1 16 lM '" T 0<1 No 1101 •I ~""" "" • M• e<O Ced n llOC.• Ol ~'"'' ~ 11 •nd I "' M •• ••n•rY• M• .. o C• cl ll••nv• Cov"!V C•• •orn' :;,,>11 •o • w II ,,. mode w '"aut co••n•n! .,, wa ••ntv • D "''" o• mol I'd •• to '"' • "' ca ,. , on er "'tum1>11n{•S to ••I •!• tht rm• n no p nc POI \Vm av• •l~rv ~ f .,, y Nn ••< P~b c -Cal •o "4 P f>t Pi l OJI C< In 0 onq• County I r Co<nrn •t on E'PI •• 1'ov 1• 191' P ubl •h..C 0 """'" Co•" 0 1 Oc•otle' 1C 11 •"'3 "10•t"1D41r 19~• ~ P 101 ' '° lf5• 09 "" ·~· "".'""'Ml.,. ••I• O••a o• "", I EGAL NOTICE to ., t 1]10 00 toq•!~• w lh I••• <II• o•• 1 -------"0"7""~-------"~o t-'"""" o• '"" h u •· •"0 u<" ,. lSOll n n• •vm> •I "'"' n•vr ~··n •r""" •O t.• •• own• , Kl "o•Oo• "' • J nn • " '" '"'" .,1 •> n•o• d•d n '' o O••d c• '"' CERllFICATE 0, S USI NESi ' ' FICllllOUI FIR,,_ /rlAME UllOEllSIGNED ddP• I» •nv I Oard n"""" ·; H t• T"• F " .o.m• '" r r'" ol Tori>< 01 D" tor IT'• • c• '"" h• ' ronautt ng 1 mo r '" A""• con T • '" v • <• t. T u ! ComP•"Y o• trn l>U•n•,. 11 11!1 Mon•o•• Ce !a t• • (ol '"'" o vnG•t l~P lltl lfOu• I " II• a 1on A ICno, • 1 e ol SICIPPER Ml\lllNE an11 tha '" n 'IT' ' comoc•~d ot '""' tnllow ng p• Q" "''''"' "am • In fytl •"'3 ~llt' c ,. •• ·~· 5., .. 1. "ul> r •C N•wpo ! Ho o •~<>~n•<I w ll'> D•v Pc fl••<I'> c~ 10 n • O'•ob•r ll ! JG l•H ,_,. r "'' d~n<• • •> tollow'-tow r i• r • Don• d E P••~• IQ'n s~ IC cl• t•ov• • ! ""' glon ll•ac~ (ol !o n 1 '716<0 ~1, ol W Tt1E5S m • ~•l'I<! If\' 16!h na• <lf O<tob•• 1969 ----1 Don~ d E ""'" LEGAL NOTICE STATE Of CALIFORNI,\ l --""C'°"C::::C:-00';:;-:CCC::;;c;-;--COUN I Y OF OR ANGE I SS CERT IFICIAIE o~ I USINE IS I 011 l H 5 II h d•• or October !fff FICl ll lOUS NA"'E ~-10 . m• Rod E••I t PPOIO • Ncttrv 1ht vnd>r•lgnf(! d<I c• IY •v • • I' ~IC " ana !<ir In• •aid Ccunli om! to due! nq 0 bu•l""'" A! p O Bo I 0!• • "'<Ing T~• • n du IV comml.,.lon•d Co•!• M••• c1 U1>1nli 91610 nn• o• ~~c '"'" P• •Onallv •PIW'•red Donald E ' c!I! ou• t rm nom• o! Jl.SSOCI />.I F 0 P•YI• It "'"'" lo m• lo 0. !ne Pt";°" !'LANNERS IA.NO OE S IGN EI!~ •nO th ,l..,l>o;< fd''" > •ub•<ll>KI to'"' w!hln •• d t •m 11 comao,ed o •~t !allow n~ 11" u:•n. on~ 8t~~ow •dg..C lo m< thOI """"n' w"°'• nom•I n lull o d Pl•<r• h~ •• ~ I> Um• "' .. a•nc• ~ ~ •• tollow IN w TN ESS WHEREOF • h••• RD•OI F >IP!! ''°1 P•~'"" on h• •un o >t my hond or.a •"l•PO my ot ( cl• fl"M nq on B•o<" t •l •on " I'<• ••• In• do• •nd v•• ft II>~ ~,6,1 C• 111 <.a • I "' at>o"" w• !l•n )8"'"' A lODol l'~ U CV""" 10FFIC11 l SEIA.Ll 1 ••Av• S • • ll•d of.co r 9•111• I ROO ~APL L PPQL O D•lta O<tr.t>• '' ••9 t c v ""~ < C~ ton • ""'" f 11• r n< pal 01 '" I J•m•• 11 l t eat O•ang• COi "'" 51•1• ot C~ lorn • ,... • C<1mm ~~.., E•D""' 0 •"Q' (OU"IY Fob 11 1911 ', ;.;:~:~~%~.:~.d ~~~.!r·;0 ~0.~;·!;: ,"'.,'.,~~~~j'\'i~ o1;n~:..., (~~: ... ~~; :110,1~ j""""' M. l lbbot -~cwn lo m• •o b• hf 1911 69 oe•!"'1' whft" """"' u • \U~I' b•d IO In• wl!non n~lrument t nd •<•nowl•dP•O 1 ~ev ••ttu!il'd lh• ~•m• I O~~l(tAL SEIA.ll M••v I( H•nnr Na11rv Put>llt Ct lo n • Pr nc pal Oltl(t In Orofl!I• Counrv MY (""'min ion E.~• '" Nov....,~r 1' un n b •hi!<! O•an9• Co•i l 0 • I• P 1ot Drlolltr 11 And NOVfmb" 1 10 11 190 100~ ~· LEGAL NOTIC E HOTI([ OF 'l"R U~TEE ~ S•l £ NO F 211 Co Ntv•mb•• \ 19 9 • 1n C~ A 1> .>.A NStJRA ,CE ~rcv1cr •• auv •~oo n!!C T v""" und!• •nd uu '" n! lo Dn•o ~ T u•I a•t•O Nov•rT"~• 1 1901 • ,. .,O•d b• rR ~N'I. J JA,l([1o; an~ r l !~BETH " jA N((lt ~ O•nd and " I• and ••<~ d•O Nov•n r•• I• l\A" I ln\lf Na 1091.0 n l:<xA 1Ul ~·•• I or D!fc1I RP<OOI n In• c ! • oJ n• C111n h R!<O•O" o! O•anqf Count• Ca "n • VlllL ~E tl .O.l PU8l!( AUC TION 10 tilGHEST BIDDER FOR C•~•l !p•v•I> • •• I mo ol '"'" n lawlul f'\On•>' ol •~• IJn !!O ~ 11• ) 1t 11~ No '" II oocwav S1~!1 An• (ollto•n I ~II r •hi I !I! 1<\0 lnl .. •$1 (l>nV?Y•<I to """ ""'" n•IO bv t o ncl•r ~Id D•.O ot l•u•I " '"' 11100"' • • tua!td In'"" CO\ln!• or Dran9' ~lilt of (•I klrnlo dP.C'11>Pll a' L • t '' Traci •~S ., • ., "'"" "'co•-In Boot< 1U P..,., tl •nd l • ot M ..:•ll•nN>U• Moo• Roco•O> o! O••no• (ounly Co•Uo n" Sa O »IP w!ll ho moll• but "' '"ou! cov••1n! or "'""""'" • n •<a mo •d ,. • .,.,d n• t t • ..01,••I nn r "" <u..,t>•a nc .. to ••• thr •mtl• •a o r '""' •vm o• '""no • •" •n I> IA • tlo•d of T'u•I !o" t l' JDC 1 w 11> n t• "'' from O<•on• I' 1%~ ~' '" \• o r o •p o• a•a ••••"(' II •~• """" I"" '"'"'' o! •o o 0• ·~ nl 1 loo..' ch• u•• •"~ ""'"''"\ ol II>• lru< r• ~"<I or 1~• 1 •r •••~b•••nD••d o!l•hl l"• tltn•f < o y ynd• ••Id o .. n nl 1 u ! bv ""'"" o• • I> •ocn or or •• I In tn• oil o•T ""' ••<v Pd ll>•ro~v I>• •lofn • •••<., •O •no a••"" rd !o !O• """ gn•d • w• uon O•cl1 o!lo" or O•lovl nd Oomond tor ~•Ir •n<! w tl•n no c• • •••<I> ond ot ••e~I on to c•v>e 1~• un -on•O lo >Pl ion 11 01>•!• to ""' fv u n nbl qo! On• •"d '"~ •••T• "" Ju v 1 196• !f>r unO.,ll•n•d cl U rd 181d .. 01 <• nl b ••<" 1nd o! •l•tl"" o ho ••tOfd•a Jn boOk toOll "''' 16! cl ll o Of < •' ll !<Ortl' 01•t Octob• ~ 1'6• IA, A IA ln•u •"Cf S•rv (I •• •• d Tru "' (1'• '""' G 11 5,, •••.• s~s 1111' "u~I •"«I 0 1"9' c .. ul "<lo~ I J JO ;/ !tH '" P lo! ll•l 6t LEGAL NOTICE I' JS!lt ClRTIF ICATf 011' I USINlllS FICTITIOUS /rlA"'E Tnt unat-nl9nl!<I ~ '"' Iv I>• 1, con duel ne • bus MS• ., PO Be~ ltl s (Oil• Mt.SI Ct ll t und•r •I>• 1..:1 !IOU• I •m n~mt o! (1 ) PARIC f'RODUCf~ CO Ill AIA.BLE co (J) AABLE TV SERV ICE anc 1no l '"a I m ' u 1m a MP<I ol !h• fo low n11 Po "°" who"' """'" " lull 1na P ~tr of '~' d•nCP ' •• !ollOw' 0•'\n • (• n B•n•on ?Ill II I ' 0 N y.,uo I ll•ocn o~"~ 10 ~ ~· Qpnn' 1<:• n Bpn on ~1~i· ot (~ <Mn• O•A'\ t Cou v O Delon• 1l 1•6• bdn • "'' ljolo; P~b c n o~a In• •d '' • u ~· .. •~n~• rd O<~O' "• '" B ~"""' o n • o D• • ~·!1~n n """'" ' •ul>.r• l •O •c r • "' '" n II ~m•n! •nd •C•nu,,l•Oq~ n• r••< ,.~! Mr • n• I iOFfl( AL 5[Al l JOSEP01 E DA\/ ~ •Joto v l>ubl <Co •o ~ • P nco• Oll tt !~ 0 onqp Coo>ntv "'v Comm " on ~ •n ., J •nt 11 19/il P1 hi •h•d 0 ""0" (N I Do IY "IOI o~ ~""' 11 l'lo••"'""' J, lO II ,.,. 1110• i• LbGAL NOTICI': T •7141 NOTIC f TO CREDITORS ~U l"E l!.!Olt COU RT 01' fl<[ ifATE O• CALIFORN IA FOii TH E COUNT Y 01 OR IA.NGl NO IA _,,,, 111'1' T GHE Dre•• •d JS HEREBY GIYION to "" r ·~ •o , lft• ·~o•• n•m•d o•t •d•nl In~ all n• on• """ ng c ••m1 ••• n I "' >~rt<•<•l•I ~• •OVfP~10 l lP ln•IT' w '" "' ~•<r ~· • vouc~• ' h tn• on t• o• 1 • c • ~ 01 ~· obnv• '"'''d <nu 1 or o o "'" '"•m w ~ tne nrc• ~ " <Out"• > o I~• undr '9n!d ~! ~· ell <• o! BUSH BUSH t. LAR SEN .O.T l ORNf VS Su • •01 /,,\• <U ' ~•v r9, Bu dlnu 1111 Ed ~q~ "'"n"• i-tvnr n~!on B•o<" c.mo n • .-i6•1 v n '" , '"' "'"'" ol bys "'" ot tl>o ynd•rs ~n•d In ~II mf t 1~,. °' ,. ~ nq tv '"" t•t~•· ~t '" ~ ~•<• O•n1 WU~ n IOU• m°"'"' 1• ., !ht I ~· PVbl cot on nl 1" • not!<• Ootpd 0<10"' 16 1'~9 JOYCE 0 MUOC.E Adm f' •l•1!rl~ .. 11 .. '"' " I\ J>nn•;;d cl tn~ "'lo!• o• !~· •llov• ... ,,.,.d d•<ll'd!nl &USM ll USH & lilRSEN '' I( Ot lf> 8~•11 1111 fGln1..-IA.•t Su If ••7 >l~"' nt t"" Be .. ~ (1111 t'llO ---------------lf'I fJlll IOl lJ!I LEGAL NOTICE "'"•'"''' '"' ••m ~"t••••I• --------~-----~~~ Pun! •"•a 0 an<i• Cr•1• O• I• ... " 19\j ~· NOTIC E 0, l"TENTION TO fNG •GE ~~~ot>r l'O 11 and NoY•"'br "t f1<[ \Al f OF IA.lCOHOLIC I EY EllAGES 1() w .. o \ b '" '" "" I? no o• , on•n 1'• •n• • v•n '"" I•• " '"" • '• •I •lcn~o I • • •••• '" •c• In• o •m •< O•\C•ll>f'd •> .. ~J A <~ ' ::. ... Hunt ng on " < •r ' o IM•"! on In• un ,,. on•~ < """" "~ to '"" rl•o~rtm•n• <I ... rnho ' B•v• 1n• Con! o fer "l>•nc• " o qn• onn ••on o! •n •<<>i>olt ''°"" "'" I ••n • IOr I"''° D ,!'ll•e1 •• ,., ""' OllSl f 11rr P ~V'I Nf1 Bonor a• "IJDI' E.61 no p M ' •~•• • a• • n~ o "o ''' "' ,. ••<• ,. •u~~ 1 c• • "'"' f,. •,,.,I •d p oru • • ""' n I c• n lh• O•oo tm•n• n• ""o~n c B•v• ~o• (t>nf o ~• b• .,..a I to I • D•DI '"''"' of ... ICohOI C ll•VP ao• f ont nl 17i. fl 51"'1 S•< ""'"""' '"''"""').II • o~ ob•r•C>v•d " h n )0 d••• o! • O•I• 1n• P•<W>O•.., " •n '"• w• • I ,1 "°""" •tor"" ~ o "O• lo< a•n •I •1 P•o•loiJ bv l•w l'>• o •rT ·~A • no! 110"' I <•n•"ll tor lh• •• • e• ••cohol'f I!"•~"'" T~• lo m nl .,. •<• ""'"'',,.. nM•n•a ! nm •n• o• t <f 01 t<1.t Dra• '"'""' A.ndl!w f l a t i i-t,•L fo r bl •'>•O Or~no• (~•I Ot ,01» 11 19et 0• I• P le.I :'tltl ~· LEGAL r\OTI CE NOTICf D' ,UI L!C l"EIA.•1NG.S ll,O•E TME l'l /ANNING COMMISSIO/rl 0' lME (ITY OF l'OU llTIA.IN VALL£Y NOTICE " I>• •b• o vt<\ m.. en V. •Cn~Oli NOvtmttt• I 1f6f a l JO P M I• thf Cou'1(11 (l>•mh< (II• ..... 10700 Slo!P l>•""U" F<11J i•oln V~ll•• (~llforn • !n• P l•nn "V '"'"'" 1~10 w II ~o d l>U~I ( ~••• 9\ t>n "'' lollowlDQ AP P C•I gn 111 Condlll•n•I Uu l"trml! N& •l - ... ~1 cf! c i~bm 1 rn bv Or••n v • ., Sl~OOI 0 '" ' 10 con < o n "" O •m•nl• .. JC~OO 0 "onr Y O(• •d 1 ) mor~ o• I~" t••I ""' o• M•~n<I " S!ro•I llll no" o I• ' '"' n~ on o! H• I /A Vt>lut (11 R1vl...i C.,,d I on1I U11 '"'"'I NI IJ -Apo lt•O<l••bm •OIYO•• e o' •so"'"' •o "" 1 ,, "" o! "'"" !•11!"""' o! <• bu I<!"" ~no 1 "' • • nn Prt111Prtv lo<•'"" or> '"' "" m • or ot lolt>t•I Av•flu• 31.1 mn • n I• ••! WJH Ill l \lil'lora s ..,., I• t"t (P D ti• ti 1""' m11!•11 ~ • ht lno P•oc•.,•o pu•ou1nt to !It• P ltnn"" l""' DI h- Stolt ~ Ct!llornlo IG<!VO n-ftt (""" ti OllO '1f ""'I •fl.It •~• FouM•" Y~ I•• M""kl•1! (-Tlllf 11 l n• l"" nt1 COO• 2IWllM MIPI PIO! P 1~n1 •nd E•~lblf• " ' .,., lllfo I• tilt P11nn.., O•o~r!mf"! ond .,. I Yl ll.tllt Ill'" publlC ft<P><Hon •nd •• 1.,,1n1llcn ,,,_ .,..,1.,.,. to I•~!" In ••vo "' Ito -"'°" '9 flWM! Cl<!U .. h •"<Ip 0001"11\ w II be ''""' 1n OP..Ollun • !o 00 <o I! lyr!f>•• 1 .. •011,..•!lon 11 o" .. ~ .~, "'"' tan!KI It.. Plt""I"' D•o" .., • .,, ., 961 "'•7• -rfl•• 10 Condit'°""• v "••ml No (I •llTI R••lf'<I Con1•c ~ u-. Pt rmlt l't~ ,, P LIA.rlN!tlG COMM I~~ 0' OF" THE CHY OF FOUNTAIN VAtt[Y SlafllfV Iii """""•la P lt nn1,.. Olrttlo• •"d ~'><'•'"'' lo IM r 01.1n!a ., v~ ,, Pl•flnl ... (ort'un <I q• ._ ~-0.1,... Co••' Do •• ~ '' LEG AL NOTICE ••l 1 &4 ~UPE R IOll COURT 01 Tiit !TAlE 01 CAL!FORN t '0• ?M[ COUNTY >F JRtlltt'f. Nft A t<l17 NOTICE OF ... EA.•1NG. OF PE 11TION FD• l"R Ol ATE OF Will IA.NO FOii LETTERS lE~lA.MENTAR'f £~TA T E OF WAlTER ~ ST~BY O~••"'d NOTICE I ~ !-<El![6Y r;, UEN Tnol An l• M•• (iNOd ""'I •n "'"". oe!lt o~ for a ooot• ol w I • a !o !11u1ncf of l •I • ' T• !~m•nt• Y lo Pr! 'on• r• • ""'" lo y" rn " m•d• to u tn•r oor1 cu • s •no 1n,1 '"' I m• •na p •<• o! ~·• no !~• ~•m• h•• Wrn " !Or Nov•ml>f'r 1 1'169 •I 9 JO 1 m n th• rou r1•oom o! D•oor!m•n! llo J cl '"a cou" ot IOO C vlt C•"'" Dr"' w .. 1 n 1n• ( tv or 5•n•• A<\o c11110 n 1 Doted Oclo~ 10 ,.~, W E Sl JOHN Count• (_ .,. C-•• S'~umt(~tr C•lt man M n••rt & Howonl us Towft llHI c ounlry Ro•• °'""'" C•tlfetftll l •l p it! !Al SU1 Ano•n•Yl !or "•' ' """' PUbl '""" D•A"Q• Co1;I Do IV Oclot»t ~1 ~ JI 1969 LE GAL NOTICE p IOI 10~ ., SU,.fR101t COUll.T 01' T,..I. ST AT( 0, CALIFORNIA. l'OR Tiil CO UNTY 01' ORANGI Na A ~ttl ORDEll TO SHOW (IAUSI AP,,llCATION OF VIDA COLEMAN JOM NSlON FOR C>lANGE OF NAME WHER E.A~ VIDA (0L E M ... N JOt•ISTON 1>• Ion• ""' l l•d on ap Pl co• O" w 1~ 1h• Cl• ~ 01 1n ~ Cour I !or " n d• r~•nu n~ 1>•! to ., ' "l mt ft"m vd• Co•""" Jo~n•lon lo VIOIA. 1/101 1> tOLEr;riA'I IT IS OROERf O 1h~t •II p• ""' ln • • l•d I t. aoov• •nl !l•d mft lo• "" n•• t •C • 1~, Cou 1" 'JO ~m on N•v '~ 196' " '"' <ovt t•oom l<><:ai.d •! I (o !lou\P ~.,,,. 1An1 C • l o r n I A ! Oeoa tm~n J • d ,how <•ule 1t • w I y "' t~• 11101 «•! en to c"•"ur o! """ e >hOuld f\Ot b• 0 I J>!l'd IT IS FURTi-tER OllOEllED !l'IA! t Publl,n•d " !l>f O••nqp Co.ontY Di ll y " IOI c ... i. M~•· • l>fW,,P•P'' o! ...... ,. t lrru11rlon P• "'"' Jn Ill• Countv ot o.1no , C1tllo•" 1 °"'' • ..,...,_ !or 1011• sut<~H vr wttkl P•lO• 10 Tl'lt dt•r W ''" t.tOflno ,,,. a ... 11e111c" OA t ED Oct l1 1t6f llAVMONO T,..OM,.SON J.,.,9. GRANT I. l'Ol"OYICH Sullt ltt 1 .. 1 A...-.. Tit• Jl•rl tM ............ (al IWMI -1 Toi UIJ! 17' 1"6 AIW•t•• .. "'"O-t Pub! tMd 0•1noe Coa•! DI ¥ "IOI Octob!• 70. 11 I n ~ Nov•!"1ll"I l 10 196• lt!ll61 TURN ON TV Wf[I( kf •P• yov '"""II !o .. htt 1 hoppen nq b1+. ncl lh• tub• -E•••v S1t ••d11 '" th• DAI LY 'ILOT e c -· 1 uet l ~i 1• ":-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'---=-=-=-=-:::::,..,:::::"I Nfl'I vo~or IAfll "'""""'. <DmPltl• N•"" Vorl 510<' E~Y>•nll• crlC<I Abocu• <ti Abl>!Lab I 10 ACF Ina 1 .0 .O.cm•CI I ;a. w.~ri.r: AU M II ~ 10 ACIO•e .. I «I Aom •I ~~~1$}0 I (10 .0 A• Ptoa )Ob A r P<1 1>!</! A r llod I)~ .O.J •~au, "' Alo G~~ 0 A !><'fir)( •1 Algpr o( .,! s.... "'" CMh I N ·~ Lt"' ci.u '" .. Cl>•l•C" ISO -A-Cn• •Cll 011 • " • ,,,, n '4 l~I' <•o• 11'.id , .. n • I • 11 .. '" :...,0~1~1 ~. •I »'• ., \.0 • en ••I•• 1 l l l • 7l • 1J. lc .... ci: 1 "° I& 11 0 •1•o 11 > I '(rnMI 1 - ',;) 16 !S•• IS o -•c•nSu !• !•~ 10! 160 IS I)+-•511$n l llD "".J ~~ • ~: ~ " ~ ::'i~~· ~I> •% ... •l •J -1 • Clt"I"' 0 81 10 II • !I ,, • I . f • " 0 I l l I., ll 11 11 1 1 • , SI , •D 1 11 II Ill I ~fa 1o I" " 19 19 \o c • +. o •O JI i I ~. 'Clt•Cfl •O ll II II 11 ' 'C ~•Ell 100 ' I; \l I•>-C•v no ll' >" ,•, "' '•c~v P •Pl l 7 •7• l~ Cot~•'" SPORTY DATSUN ENTERS 1970 AUTOMOTIVE SCENE New Datsun 240Z Going on Sele About Jan 1 ,o. <•nAlu I 10 IA. ~oS•~~a 10 Af•anUOI• A ewColG<o All•nlud J •O ?o 11 )) I, CIY< II'•• ~O 61 71 " 10 . ' ICIU• I' p l:i. lo II o 6 -I• CNA F '.IC J••l ,11 1 •1 (NACIAO 6 AO •l • U. ~ • fo.o\! ST Ga< ... lllgh Gear ~ ~~:'.,a r~' IA. <GCh l 10 A dMnl 4110 All <'CIMI l /~ All e<J Pd U All <'CIPO pt ) A eaS• 1 m All .0~1 Pt • ~l ll n IJ '• c1 sc. c11 n h• 10 • l• >00 jC<><:aCol I 11 ~ l> 3' I Cn.:oll!IQ 0 I ll ll • ll • 'l(o•o l'•I 1a :i. J9>. JI J9'• ... Co g p oU )0 80 60 IO l (Oli n••~! Datsun Makes Sports Move Alll•d~vl> l>O /II' Cn1lm A,l,,,,•P{ JO<;i AICN I ilCI Am•l~~g I 60 AMBAC '>Cl Am•rE• 1 ~ AnuE o!l 60 11• J•'• ll • l •'• I •Co I nRi~ to dO J.11 >~1 >l >l coclnt>!l o\O ~· ls• u • It• -""'Cnn 1no 1.,,, s' I• • '' • '' • Col!'" ,.u11 I 10 1?'• 10 • -Coll In cf! 60 IJll 1' 11 16 > -t llo tllS 1 •Db l 28 • 11 11 • '• Cll~ pl I •1 11 1U IU • '•tnv~d• 1•0 11 n 21 1l •-•co1uP c1 '°" J " " •I Co1So()<> I/~ ti. CA RI CARST I ~SE~ Although \ll' alread11 see1n lo h l\e ;in ilbundanlt uf sport • ind so tallcfl pcrsoH<J I and lux ur\ s ports t:<irs J)at ~un hJs 1n1rolh11.:cd another one c.ill!>d \ht 2~0Z I hr all new personali zed two passenger rastbock h1ghl1gh1 ed the press introducti on of \tie 1970 IJnt' Jt s pov.ered by a 146 c.:ubi c inch single O\erhead can1 six t yhnder engine p1oduc1ng 150 hp and is supposed 10 l11t 125 1nph easil) l)rh1 ery of the nt '' tar ttJ J)ntsun dealers 1\111 be sho1 1l11 .1/tf'r J;in 1 The 21(/Z IS e<1U1ppcd \\1th fu1!v independent suspension po11er front drsc brakl S and ra d ial !ires A Dat:.un off1t:1 11 said the car was a .!.h 1r11 depart ure Fron1 our con ser1 at1sm ' He also said that their production goal will be about 1600 units a month with the maJor1t y or them headed for the US If the su pp ly 1s on hand there 11 on I bt. any q11rs11011 <1f ~U{cCss as !he l ar is to be pnted al a n1odest S3500 • • • SOUTHLAr'liO AUTO SJIO\\ :STARTS t lt!OA Y !'iouthe rn Cahforn1a 1s the nurnber one auto mob 1l £' n1arket 111 the na tion v.1\h some 1 l nlilhon vehi t:!t s registered 111 the Stale dunng 1968 and more than h:llf or Iha\ figure 111 the I J Southern counties with over 10 m1!1ton licensed drivers in the SL.lie 1t 1s only /1t!111g then 1h 1t th r nations prem1rre induslry sponsored auto1nob1lr sho11 ht held in this 1n:11 k( I ! hr Southrr n C ;i l 1forn1a Autoinub1lr Sho11 10 be ~11gcd In Lo' i\ngclrs Pan P 11:1ht Auditonum 1~ one of the b1~ four 1nternat1on.1I p r e v 1 e w sho1\s 1n the \Yorld ro1nc1cJ1ng v.ith fa ll a ut omoti v e 1n lroducllon at oYersea:oi. shov.s 1n fraokfurt Paris, and Lon <loo fhi~ of the show the 471h ed1t 1on Southern Californ ia l ' 0111' ltloney's lfortl1 •mHo» Ola AmoH 1>IJ ~ ln\rrna t111nal Au I o mo b 1 l C'I:::, '! ,"'n ~o Shnv. t ~ 1he biggest in thr !!:~·~0,!s~ dolt;i rs \YOrth ol cars ind ~;:"t~ca,~dl ~ 1 Cl real ion tl veh icles ;ind QI er Am C•n 110 a l1all rntl linn dollors worth of :;.0e_;~ 1~1 ~pcc1al exh1b1ts n1ak1ng it one :.;t:.~ t 1 ~ nf 1hc most 1n1porl int 111 the !f~;s~1 l;o 11 orld ;;:;coa~ 11 11, I he fine,\ ,1uto1nobdes 1n ADI> Tr1 JOt1 thf' 11orld lrun1 Asia Furopc ~g~:\"'1.,,~: , I I I AmEIPw Ill ~nd "n1er1ca pus et uca\iona Am En~a d I .o th I Am E•o nd 1sp ays <lllu e newcs 111 AE~lnd p!A6 <lust• y Lci.:hn1cal 1nnovatJons ~g~~~"$011>1l'° Con1b1ne to make an en ...... lio" 10 A t<om~ 1 ~ terta1ning pat:kage for the en A Heme 01 1 tire famil y r.1ore than 450 ~;:: •• ~~l0 1 ?~ \Chicles the l t1tcst technology !;:;~t~v 1 ~ 1hc latest 1nno\al1ons \\Ill] belAm M<>•cr< on \lC1\ 1he nc\1 color~ the :r;:Nr..°~~g· l~ new stiles and the st ile" oJ !~""!!:~, 1f" !he futu re \\Ill all be under one ~":;~~n 1\0n roof !""';,rt"'' 1~ A<>511 •nlO 0111111g the re;::ul1r IOd av1A • s~ 1 Ams o pf• I~ ~ho111ng adrn1:.:.1un 1~ SI !JO for 1Am~!!•! 8 adults, 7:i trnls tur thJldre n !~~~'.l~;,Aj~~1 unde r 12 and for s tu dents :~:;T"l1"'1 ~1 shov. 1ng their student 1den !W~~~· 1 ft 11ricat1on wl{h se rvit:emen 1n "w Prt-1 11s uniform being admitted free !~ •t"~c 1 03 Hours are from 11 AM to !:i:i!~~ .. ,6080 11 P M Saturday and Sunday !i::~ f~ 3J1 and 2 PM lo 11 P r.1 during Amo•• Coro the v. ee k !:::i!fd 1~ •D .Onou"'d 1 ~ Anc~Hoc~ 10 .Onto oN S• I tnaCa• 70 ~~CMP(p ;>p XYD I J1I <u~ C cm 1.: s~c ·~ I c 0 n ~a 1f'!>1c 08 • >,( JI '1 ' '(•mb£n '•O l<l ~? 11 I 'l(°'"f ~1 110 )~~ ~l 11 ~~ : I : Coml~"I• +0 791J '' ll ~1 Comw(a7 70 • l<! ' )I) I 1'""' £ "' 11 1 1 ·' 11 J/1 l-[Offl\0 0 "'° 1c11 •' 6" oo, Cnmpu• 5< 100 "' .o .i; , <'.cr .. 1~• •I 11 16 11 I (on• M II< 1 l6 I 11 \' , ConrlCCP 6~ 1 lJ J l 1Ct>n£11• 1 80 " l~' 26 16 c .... fll • pl6 111, 11 11 , • cc1e11 < 01 s •10 6() eo i.o ,. Cone pl(• 45 ;1;9 l<l lo lli'• ,ICor Fi><>d 1 10 9 71 , 11 11 ,-,,CGnFd D < 10 •I 19, 28 11 -J1 ConF<r Q"' I i 11 , 11 11 Con L•o •l~ o !J 11 , lJ ConNMC 1 lo lJ7 Jl , Jl :n , C~nsPwr I 91l 11 30 jO 0 30 '> + l(onPw P" ~7 "l<l6 19 . 71 ,.~. , I I r.o~Pw P" \0 l lO ol >el M, Conlfw 11!• 0 10s 71 16 ll • Con!A L 1(1 •I J/1 :ie :!.! _, ConTC•n 1'10 1'7 1-l-o IJ " _ (nlCODP )lg I I 6), ~) 6! 1 -, 1 Cont Cn 7 • Pli 11 91 Cl Cb pl.01 SO 379 •O •O •D 1 -J 0 (!CD Dl61 10 •7 10 1a )() ~, Cont/Mo I J1 1J 1 JJ • n • ,1co..rMo 1r.o !•I JJ J• Jla • Cn"' 0 ISO .18 II II .-ontDI p 1 II ] ll , ro" SI I "• ' ' " • ~g~, ej"'o ''. "> I• II &l CnO~ n , 10 11 ;1 11 ro Y1l<t !"• <O n 11 ro~U"•'O .,~ •I J ~t "" • 1~ ·~ 10 1;, JI ~~~-~~,; " loll 17 ' ,~\ ' (~DflArll j 10 t l ~ ~ ronpF!o• i o •• j Jt JI (op ... IS!I I •o vi ll 1• 71 Co n"B q 9 <1 •I ' ICP•GW 1 son l • • 9 • Co.on•ll" n 16• 57 .. \1 )1 • •(O>le' 70 >11 10 , 10 , rn . '•Co lld<•• It! J/00 11 11 II .,. o (P(ln! !IO ••?o 11, 16 • 11 1-tl '''"' t6()11 IJ.00 11 11 J n ' -C•ompl(n !0 1 2l o n lJ>o ~ • C•ou,•>llnd ! ~ 14 • ll • 1l -• C•owCol 1 071 n ••, •8"1 ...,, ... ••Crowe p!l 10 1•8 J , 30 • 31 , j o, Cro..,n Cor~ ll W o j•• ~'• n ,Cwnl t• 1~0 ]>/ •I o •O ii 11 1 (rn Z Dll10 10 '.l.l o J.1>1 '.l.1 1 11 (f~ Co•~ •D 70 II 11 II ' -Cglonv Co 1QI l l JI J lo -lo (IJd"• Pf 1! 'I " •• u • ,Culln•n l! I.I 2; , 7 1 n • _ , 1 Lwm n ir~ J l~, J• • JY 1 -• Cun~O ~ 10 i> •~ n 11 f~t'Wv ! ' ~; ~~ ~: o ~~ ~ ,i11;~ >t I ,;a ~ >I~ _. , 1'..vo u M I 10 91 71 7 l l Co111pc:tre Rcco1·cl s of F1111cl s '" ~"' o~ '" i ()\0" ' ~~ " ., A I{ 0 A ""(• pl\I •mll"o e-0 "0CGD~) " I: ~~ ~I. .l° O•n~ , \ c • c D~le .. 10 ' ' " ,. . ' . " 11 11 " " '". • \9 g~,,,r , rt11 l•, o~•··~~ 1, O •Pl\~O "' PORTI H Probably !hi' mo~t d1ff!l11l l area for you the a1 rragr 111 1 rslor 1n "''J\11 ti fund~ lo 11na lyZI' and undr r-.;tanct is point No 6 Tht. l n 1f's lmtnl Record On lhr r \('f' of II It S(.'{'tll~ s1mplr enough lo s ti P1al F t111d X ha~ J)Crfur n1C"d hel11 r than J-unrl' 1nJ lh1rrft1rt \OU shilild U111 '>: !l 11 1'i nr 1 pr0Fess10 nl 11 11u d It 11 1 land \l!li rt 1111111: 111 bt r nH a p1 ofess1on II 1001 !hl ri 1~ 11r more to 1111 ~ r 111t lh 111 111 s1n1pl e co111p l1 ison ol pf 1 c:cn tage i:;n111s or l as~r~ (\1h1t h salesmen lo1e to strC'~S when thr cornparison i~ 111 their fa vor ) TO fLLUSTRATt fo r 11hat periods arc the investment rr<:ords being compared ' If 1t 1~ a short term period v.hal "as !hi': mar\.: Pt cnv1r onmenl' \Vas 11 a markrt in v.h1ch ~rie< 11la111r 1.!.s11es 1lu1n1 naled on the upside~ [[so v.as I-uncl X HS bpposPd to f und Y 1n a p 1s1t1on to l:lke ad1 antage of t h1~ Pill ironnH nl ' l n recent ,ea r~ n1uc:h ha s hePn m~!le of the ~horl !t'rrn 1n\estment record of a limited 1111n1bt r of 1n11t 11~\ fund s But a,k v.h,11 actually producrd ll1r rrsults \\ '" 11 !or 111 <>I inc r the fatt lh 1t the. fund l1ad a 1erv <..1 nall portfoho with a hn11\ect num hcr of holdings 11nd a couple of 1he~~ happene d to hf' s la r pc rfonners' Or w11~ JI t he fart that the hind ca rne on the ~cene at the st art of an act ive bull market" \\as it becau se the tund emphasized a g1\cn hot in dustrv "hich may soon cool" \\a~ the fund using borrov.cd capital 1 wa~ 1l 1nvestf.'d 111 l11gh!y speculatn e -and to ;i grea l Px lenl -unmarketable sec11ntles" IF THE ANSWE R lo anv of these questions is in parl or in NIGHTS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS Can be more Profitable for you CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE ... _ TELEPHONE ~ .LaJ> ANSWEAINS IUAUU 543·2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE All OF ORANGE CO. I ~1 11holr '\t'~ procce(! v.nh 1aut1on For 1f \OU arc sec long prn!ect1on for vaur t apilal and superl(Jr pro\en professional managrment ,ou should not hr deluded b\ ~hort tern1 prrren!oige tigure~ Ask and i:ct t tear unquahl1C'd ans11ers tn ~11< h ha rd qur~t1ons as I 1 e pu<;t 11 hen· and sre if the lun!I ~ 1n1r<!!nf.'11l rr,ults arl' I hi I rd l!l a II l\I II tl)eil 11il!il"~1 11r101g11rin nr('ds 1\~..-i111 " 111 1llust1al1nn 11 lid! nbot I lh(' fu 1d s Ion~ 11 111 rec:ird The unportr11H r. ,,r lh s t tnnot be 01 ercn1 pl 1 s1~t'd lor vou 11a nl lo ~ce 1lQ1\ 1he fund pr 1 I o r rn s through bad mark ets as \11C ll as good To Lhe extent t hat 'our fund produces tangible favo rable rcsulls I h r o u g h clown markets as well as up markets )OU can fe e I reasonablv CQnf1deni in the n1anagement s ab1lJty Obviously you cannot be ronfident about the ll ashv pc rfonnaDce or a r u n d management \1 h1ch star!ed opcrating early 1n 1968 s b11l1 rn1rkrt This JS hetrdly an acid test of 1Ls abJhties A:'\O ''HAT ABOUT the fl£( Q( the fund~ The benrf1t of a long age.. JS that the fund has had the ob' 1ous acll ant ages of ~trenng its 1\ay through tH1 \h dov.n and 1ip 1narket~ 11 s 1n 1nagen1e nl has be t{) 111 e se isnned ln contrast 1nanv funds founded 111 1crv rcccnl ~cars ha \(' pros pr rccl in 1hr gre~tesl up niarket 111 history lhe acu111cn of th f'1r rn~n 1gcn1r111s n1u~1 rc1n<1J1l open to quesllon No ~lakrup of '"' Porlfoho This point v.1\l gn e vou \ 11 11 r l11e s In !hr o p C' r a t 1 n g ph1los::iphy of the f u n d s rnanagemcnt "~ v.ell as to its Jll\'estment goals F inn Ne" po rt Lo~ Angele s Frdc1 i1 Sa\ 1ni;s h;is l1led an appl1ra11011 111\h lhr ~ ederal llon1e I n in Bink Bo11dJn \Vashn~lu11 \1 C 10 nnrn ii regional 0!11 ce 111 Nc11 port Be ~ch I K B.nll1r Lo~ o\ngelr~ l cde ral Sa \ 1ngs ti o a rd C'ha1nnan announced I h at plans call For the ne\1 Qfflce 10 ~ located 1n the Lido Shop ping Center All Makn-All Models w~ •• !>t • ,. M~~t• l~t 0 floro n't 0••"•' Cou~!r Ntwll'l•I &c• let •"'"'" rl!ll 011 C•mPY! Of CHOI t .. Jill 9U I Wfll••~ fl• U ll An1ong the ra c11)rs \1 h1ch ~ou shou ld analvzc 1n 1h1s are:l '-V <\ I • A I C 01 I 10 A'>d B t t 1'•0DGl70 1' OSP<I I !~ .,...,r.n •U ~r<' v.hr!hf'r l hf' por1foho 1n .. ,c1 E• ,,) ;10 JJ. ~J I} IQ t~ . " E• I; I~ 1• ' .. " ' '" .. " ' ,. 11 • • n1>t p. J ; J, OPLo01•1 ll IO~•tC"7 •i •1oe1m• " I 01 IS ~1•0~11~A 1 10 ,. • 0~11~< '"' c tudes a J:rcat many holding~ :'c'f.'E1p ~1~~ or JUSt a hnuted nu mber lh<' :::11~"'~'1~1? fields or 1n,estmenl 1n \1h1ch :::.~~"0r,~ the fund 1s pr1mar1l) 1n11ul11cd ""••C~•m 1 1100 61 •10 ~I , tUU II .. ... ... " ,. 10• .. , ... 1 111 •t O•nn ~ •q 60 •l ' O~"nvR•I ~· ts •jDn• p" I l'C• 11 O•"llG' I 10 A I•' (_~rp the relative emphasis h rt1vcf'n Au or~ "'•• lhe~e fields the s1zr of corn !~:~~~~ 1~· panics 111 \\h1ch the lund 111 !~~: ~r,~0:N 'c~I ~ !hr b i!ance brt 11 P.Cn !~~ ~ "rdd ~1 ~r:i~utltd pQrtff)l1a con1p:ln1c~ ""~e1 p<, •' !'••~PO • :ind un~r 1~ont l c rnpJn1cs • itc o 1 r. 111~ hnld1ng~ 11 r l.il k I ol liond~ ca~h p1 i.:!t rrcd ~!ot k~ 1:;~'' ~ ·~.,~ I}~ Cf I U II IS TlflS ktiOl\ltdgr HHI ::,':,,,~/u ~ 1111dcrsta11d1ng of 1hf por1 folo1~1 "~P1 ,u1lg, n~k1 up of a fund 11 h1c)1 11 i111a. ~o • r j> a , a cq h<'lp ~ou ;i s~urc )Olll ~r lf th 1l B~'', < so 1h1s 1s indeed th r 111110 111 g~:~· ~<J q which )OU wish lo 1n1c~l )Our ~:~,~"nL~1 J nt stcgg and c urrent earnings ~:::,~Lo•ob ~· E1 en this shorl summa ry of uovu~c 9 "° I d B~orln?' l vital but rare y 1ncnt1nne B•~t Fd• 1 points sh oul d be enough In ::~-c;~.~ \\ underhnr to you that a inutu;iJ g;~~;~., 1 ~ fund investznenl prngrarn 1:. 1 •,•,•,H•"' ' e >low •O made Up O( far fTIOrC than B• ! In!• crn B•m> tD 1 percentage comparisons O\ rrJB•""' 1 ,~ the short lerm n 01 111 r 1 ::~.~,,," 1 1o managers a sp.:-ctac11lar ~:~:·~ ::~: (ho1ce of a11 1nvcstn1ent or =~~~F spiVI: t\I lJ l'l!nQu•! IB•n9u•I f.,. If \Otl 11 abule JU~l b\ \he 8• ~P~o 1 • guidance of thl S{ lriur col ::·~tt11 cf'.:\ 111nn~ }OU 11 be on \Our \I 1\ In g~1:~~. 1 ,g 1n ves!ID" succe s~flilll 1h1 11 a) o~~·o• 1'0 "' 111 ~ • J""" j~ !ht real pros 1lo \ 011 II ~lso e • l~"" • II ll~<tHQ • sleep 11e al night ~10• Pr 10 llrt11>1 B '' !~• 1 I ; Nc\v Firn1 Ebtablishcd llo (~I Jin Rnnn ~''"' ~o ~IY "I~ F~ ~~n. 10,s l\o mon M llo•Ed • int 8ov ~; In( II ~· "" li\l fl on$! I •O• fl ! MY I ~ B •ti•• Pl1 Bowv t<> • l B"'•""• ~I Al !l~ .... uc. l O•ow• en Bow l Coe• e.. ~~ ra 1 13.,. ~~<" 1 Sll Tv.o experts u1 n11trnelec ~~~.( • 1~0Q tron 1cs ha1e established ;i newll~~: ~cpj'~o ron~ult1ng hnn ~l 1rchuk & g~?,F"~.~n 1 ~: ~1Clt:al f A s s o c 1 a L c s 1n1eu•o • w 10 • ll~n~ lloni~ i'le11 port Beach jg~~e.""1,1 :g The firm offers con~uh:ll1on eu•nd• 10 Svtr• "' &O 1n fac1h11es and processes e.~unw 1011 n1ar ket ana l~sis riesign ;:incl rlev el:>pment t'nl 1ronmenta1 ~~t'°~ ~:n, 10 fun ctional and fa ilure testing ~!~ .. 'R't 1.~. p;ic kag1ng t f.' s t r Qu rpnir t r ~~{~" 11,,1~ dr~lJ;n nuclr ar P f f ('I 1 1 l~~r~I~' ~07o ;in:il\'s1s resrarth in ill rorns r•na1<!n 1 o •~ C B ( ' of inlc~ra1cd c 1 r r u 1 1 r \ , " " •o ni:i tf'rl il~ tilms :ind -.11 1111 ~ c'1(1~~ 1 I ?Pl \ •l l c~hn1quc :111( prt ~cnt 1111111 ,re., 1 10 I I r •rc~io 1r:11n1ni: sr.11111Hlrs Ill 1 ~ p1 "'" 1 ~, trd ure~ rehab1!1l) ;in1I rq11 1 ~ 1~ <Iii fl a~sur!lnce phlll ITilt:roelC }~'~ rc~:I '~ Lron 1cs 1ethnolog) 1~(1i''~o ~ 10 The organ1zallon also ('ll .-c 1 en 1>1 1~ C<cG Ca Be d II c 1 s c 0 m p u I e r l 7. e d C• """'"" ' rn1r roc1rcu1l d('~ign a n cf ~;~~~ .~i:· ~ analysis on ., t1mr sharing ~:~1~';;, 1~ basis w1!h an 18:\l 360 s\S\em ~·~11'l1t•,,.~~ Pr1ncrpals 1n !he firm are i~~l't"".~ E1, ·~ nr Frank r-.t iirchuk a n d ~:~rrw i ~ Gordon L 1'1etcalf r.1etcalf c""' so•• 10 C•~T!IU ,9111 h;is been f.'ngaged ln pro1cct i'' '" 'i.ott monagemenl and c:>nsulung ~~~~~:1i. 11111G (_Fl Sii Ml for 18 )l!ars \c~•db<" ""( r-.letralf ha~ brcn e1nployrtt ,S:~~n;~;NJ ~ In m1croclectro111rs t or 13 ~~~~:'.:'; ~!,o ''''' lie establlshefl an 111 1c~~"'· " 1~ ' c~mNY ?IQ ct r p e n d t n t b us 1 n r ~ s \~~:':'",,": 1 ~i J\1 1 (' r o r 1 e ctron1c Te~\1ng C"•• o~ o • I ahor;it orie~ in Sanl a An:i 1~~·' .. ~,o 1i7 v. luch was ~-old lo DataLron ~~1M,~:-~ ~· lnr al~n of S1ntil o\n• l 1sl ~~.."-:<i ~ .. I) I 1(•11 ,. < NW r~r1111rr thO<:•~u• 10 t I Jal , .. 1n 61 , •• ~11/ol) 111 ~ I ~ 11 . 11 \u l&• 11 1 I II • 11 l~i ) 1fl! f(O DI n. •S I ·~·co p!B I 79 , 7 ,11 61 ~Q • ll ftl l .I? J !~) It I "' /I f' , -B- " • ,, "' ' ' ~ • "' ,. ' • •• ' ' 1, ~) 1~ 16 . ' "' ' . " 1n1 81 11) ~l " ' . ' ' • ' • ,; ' • ' " ' • • " " " " n " . •O I •O II l ~ 19 , 'I '10 • " " ' ,,. ~j . J; • • • " " . " ' " " ' "' • " . " , .. " • !.. • ' " !\) II ,. . ' ,. ' ' • oO •• " " ' , " • ' ". " ' • , • 70 -•I 0f~Q oln~ •t ~' DtEn•l •O II Dpt fd PIS 10 1• I '•tO• s1 ... 1 ;oo 11 • o ..... '• 78 • '•O•l~ftan 'ill oO '-08ml"!l>!O " 10 ~\h~m 1 •o J?•. 0 ~~" " (7 I.I O•~rOJO HI 0 f r-~"0" <I I• 0 ,., ~ •~r " " • " ,, " " " •• " " " " ' .. '" ' . 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Uni'~ Q 40 OOW JONES AVERAGES , _ l)•.IJ o l.i oJI ,. K 1> u ' )J • \ • l.I • ,,, • ,,,,,, "' ,. ... " ". • l10 1l o 4 o " ' . ., .. 10 •o Lin 11 lQ ,, 1\ .. " " .. " .... "" " IJ ~ .. " ... . .. h i l n'l\I lot Gl •) .. .. • -WXYZ- 4(1 "ll • 1 6 • •• " " .. t •w Yor~ AP F n• OoN Jone ••• I TOCll.I Wh ••• Wlc~nCorP OP~n H.tl Low (-)¢!> "" .. kl •O llo6.U t~l 6'60?1 fi o l'O i i l'lll tl JOO• 70131 + WnnD • "'6? U I fl 1!1)f 1 1 f l l O l w nn O••I\ )U I l't ~' )h O~ 111 1• t fl:tO w <O ~c n Wo w " 'f 1n1•C1 01'• " lltdll Ult<! ~ I YO 10! ~::;: ~~ I I >dv• 9(11! OOWtJOw~ 1111 tlOO °""' or120 \.l ?OOW~d :w~ llO•llC :X~o,Co H ,..,.l'IA nc ,;ll ·----------------l~~~.co0P i~ .SI"" Htt 2!:1 ~ ('01~ '/11 Mu y 1 'i •,.on(o W•dFd l QI Wo no<o f!l ''""~" n W• "Co • Wo LO'lilO Wo "~w ~O ftOI I "left Lew Cf.111 Cnl '"' 1 Co ' " • " " " .. . " " • " " " .. ' " n . ll • " " ,. .. ., .._ ' " Z•n n~ o lv~~all '" .. " ' '" " M> • .. I 'I I '< llil lo t J.- • l1 ! 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In 4 lovely pi'lttern s ••• Cdc h dishvva ~her ~afc. HJS 8 c.ich dinner pl .1tcs, !-Jlads, cups, saucC'rs, soups plus pl atter, \'Cgetable, ~ugJr and creamer. reg. 49.99, 2 9. 9 9 may co ch ina 46 ~ I \ colo rfu l Drsc oware 6 pi ece rookwJre se t. f l,11ne red or hJ r- ' e_~t gold norccl;:i inized c.1 ~t iron cook\v;uc \v1th \vhitc in1c- 1ior. HJ..., I 'lL c_ov. saucepan, 5 qt. dutc h oven , 7"1 9'' s~illct nl,lY co ho usc1,,·Jrcs 29 .. \.; ···-... ....... , • c • .... •••• • ... \ LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON I 4 piece pl.1ce set ting of Wal- l,1ce sterling. A '.'.>pcci,11 purchase of the bet1 ut iful King Ch risti an p.111 ern '.:>lf'rling flJt\~orc •11 SO'lo savings. Place ~cit in g has kn ife, fork , sJlad fork arid teJspoon. 54.00 VJl uc , 26. 99 may co silve r 48 I I lead crys tal stemware in choict" of J sizes. The frownin).: !ouch lo .1ny \,1blc ~ctt1ng. '.-.ho \vn, \l cr ~.1i llc s . Choi ce 11 07 . goblcl, 5 ri ountc \vine or l3 ouricc chanlpaign/.,hcrbct. 3.00 value, ea ch 2.00 " ;-. I ~I ~11 . i .. I ' fine San~o china in 25 trans- lucent patterns. Our entire col- lection of S<J ngo china Jt 20% lo 3070 savings. 22 kl. ~old or platinum trin1. Sho'v\'n: Spanish Lace, 5 pi ece place ~C'!ling. reg. 7.911, 5.99 may co china 4& hand cut oolished Bavarian le.1d crystal. MJ ny faceted leod cry ~t.1 1 ilCcrsso rics <it :.o~o s.1vings. Shown, one piece fr on1 an exquisite collection of hand cul, pol is hed lead crystal pieces. eac h reg. 10.00, 6.99 may co gl a~S\vca r 126 moy co •oulh coast ploto, son diego fwy . ot bristol , cost• me so ; 54/i.'1321 ; •hop mo.ndoy thru soturdoy 10 o.m . to 9: 30 p.m. Wm. A. Rogers silver olated holloware group. (~corgia n Sc roll dr-,ign from O neida Sil- vcrsn1iths. Every piece is heavi- ly plated over copper base 1,vith <lpplied borders. Gre~t group. reg. 20.00, e ac h 16, 9 9 may co silver 48 Proctor ironing board with bu ilt - In cordn1 inder. H i'ls exc l u ~ivc ~team ven t lop, IJuilt-in \vhecls, fro nt level adjustmen t fi ngertip hei gh t adiustment. ieg. 2.99 pJn and cover, 2.19 board reg. 13.9.J , m.iy co houSC\\•a res 33 Virtue five piece pedestal dinette 9.99 /\ grf'Jl acld1tion lo }«)Ur dining p!ea - ~urc at a b i~ v,1luc pri ce. Thr. 4 2" hy 5 ~" ov,11 Cordov,1 f\,1\1c,1litc 19 pl a;,11c top ta ble extends to b4'' \vilh 1 le;i f {table .al so con1cs in a choice of orher fini shes). It rests on a beautifu l pol- i~hed chron1e ~plil pedestal base 1ha t feJ tures simulated walnut leg sheathes. 4 matching chairs conic in you r choice of exciting and colorfu l covers! reg. open stoc k 249 .00 339 95 ni .:i y co hou~C\vclrcs furniture 87 MAVCO ,. ' j ' ' ------.,,..---·-·-· ----------... ... ~---.""'-~-~,,_-...,..,,.... ...... --------.... ~--------~------.. Saddleba~k VOL 62, NO. 257, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNJ,l. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 art ua e Yugoslavia Shal{en 20 l(illed, Hundreds Hurt in Quakes BANJA L UKA, Yugoslavia IAP) - E arthquakes ripped lhrough this indus- trial cit y ih \Vestern Yugoslavia Sunday a nd today . killing at least 20 persons cind in jurlng hundreds. Oficials cstin1ated nearly 60 percent of buildings in the city of 55,000 were de· slroyert or dainaged. ThousanQs of prr·- sons fled in cars and buses and the Yugo- slav army sent in helicopters to assist in lhe evacuation. _ The first quake hit Sunday afternoon, Leary Defe11 se • Presses Clai111 Arrest Illegal Bv TO\t BARLEY o·f I~• D•ll1 l'INtt $1111 Three defense attorneys continued to hammer away today at the central theme of their defense of Dr. 'Timothy Leary and his family -the argu1nent that the Leury station wagon was not illegally parked in Laguna Beach last Dec. 26 when the controversial triG was arrested on rlrug charges. _ . F'ive V.'itncsses have now testified that the position of the LSD cultist's b~ttcre(t station v.'agon did not justify a police of· ficer's approa ch to the vehicle. Thcv have confirnicd the lestin10ny of tiie three learys that the vehicle wa s lcga!ly p<irkcd on \\loodland Drive. Prosecutlon \v itnesscs contend tbal the l.eary car was nearer the middle of _ the 1.(l ad than the side .... ·alk and that offi~er Neal Purcell y,·as justified In appro;:ich1ng the auto. His inquiries led to the arrest of Leary, 4.!I, Rosemary Leary, JJ, and John. Bush Leary, 19, on charges of possession of marijuana and LSD. . , , Th e tr io \Vere subsequ rntly indicted by the Orange CotJnty Grand .Jury. _ o( Bot~ sides agree that the o~tcon:ic , the pending 51,;pcrior Co~lrL '.rial ~Hr.gcs nn Judge Bvron K. /'llcMillan s ruling on the current . rnouon to supp_ress_ eviden'.'e _ a nearing tha L is now in its si~lh day J udge fvl c/'11illan·s determ1nal!on. that tl1c station \\·agoil \\"as legally parkc.d \\'oulrt , il is fell, destroy the pro.sc:ution s case against Leary and his lamil). Dog Gets Blame For Laguna Freak Accident A "lar,ge black dog" wa s blamt'd for 8 !reak accident that sent a car over ~n en1bankment in Laguna Beach Friday night. r 295 Driver David B. Connell, 2l, o Fairview St. told police , he was north: bound on Temple Hills Drive ~bout J0 ·4a 11 m. when the dog ran out 1n front ?f his· car. Swerving in an atteinp.t to avoid hitting the animal , Connell said he losL control of the vehicle which plunged over :;ip embankment, coming to rest 60 f~PI from th e. roadway in the backyard of ill Thalia St. Connell was unhurt. but police not~d damage to a wall and a barbecue pit. A tO\V truck was summoned to get the driver back on the road. The dog has not been identified , ft was a bad weekend for parked cars In Laguna Beach. Investigating a report or an unusual noise in lhe 2100 block o( Glenneyre Street shortly before 3 a.m. Sunday , officer Arthur De Luca found plenty of evidence, but no suspect. !..ell sides of four cars parked on th e block ~howed signs of having b<'en struck by ::inqther vehicle. PG!icf are looking fnr the nocturnal hit cind run driver. Laler on Sunday morning, a car park· cd in the 2600 block of South Coast High. 11·ay sustained moderate damage when it was !'itruck by a vehicle driven by Har- ry Hamilton Bankston. 34. of Tuslin. Bankston told police he wa~ north· hound on the highway al approximately 7 a.m. when he apparently fell asleep • 1t the. wh('('I and ploughed Into the ve- hicle. He was not hurt. killing a Ill-year-old child and leveling or damaging scores ot buildings, As residen t ~ ;.ind officials were as- Sl'ssing the damage th is n1orning. an even stronger quake struck .. About 20 n1ore persons were found dc<1d in lhc rubble of coll apsed buildings. Seismoh,gisls reporteC! the qunk e today registered eight on a n1aximum-12 scale, Only the -central Plaza nf the Repub· lice in the city appeared undaznaged. Buildings were crushed all along Mar- SS,000 question shal Tito Sir«!. the main thoroughfare, but the Frrhat Pasha ·s 1nosque and its slcn:ler minaret , a medieval 1nonum enl or historic value, esC::iped with cracks. The to,vnspeoplc spent tl1e night under tent s or other makeshift shellers. and <it the quake today panic spread among then1. Reports from other west Yugoslav cities said the quakes caused panic there also but no damage. Charges Against Viejo Man i11 Theft Delayed Grand theft charges against Richard \Vint crs Burke were delayed ror one week 1oday \\'ith the f\1ission Virjo n1an's plea that he needed lime to •·make ar· rangements about my properl y anJ hire .a lawyer ." Judge Paul Masi ordered Burke , 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive, to return 10 Santa Ana f\.1uniclpal Cowt Nov. ~-He released AEC Will Issue License to UCI For Atom Reactor The Atomic Energy Commission an· nounr ed Sunday that lL proposes to issue· a iicense for operation or UC, Irvine 's nuclear reactor . Thl' AEC prcvgously approved con- ~truct1on of the $395,000 TRIG!\ HI ""hot :1\0 111" reactor. already installed. and nol'' is prepared to appro\·t its use follo11·. ing inspection. The public announcr111cnt Sunday w<i~ f1)r lhc. purpose of notifyi ng anyone 111- (11rrs!r.d in 1nter\'cni11g against granting of tile Of)('rat111g license. The nuc lear reactor, the only f!nc. in Orang~ County, \\'il l be used by faculty <ind students as an educati onal tool and for rese arch, accord ing to the AF.C. Spokesmen for Gulf General Atomics, \\'hich installed the reactor this surnrner, l)ay it is inherently safe because it shuts itscl: off if its fuel temperatur e rise$ above 2 pre-set level. The reactor is in1mersed in a giant water tank . Dean of Physical Sciences Frederick Reines said the reactor wil l permit the study of citomic chemica l reacti ons under heat equi valent to 100,000 degrees Ci!n- tlgrade. PetitiQns to intervene in the licensing may be filed with the secrelary, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, o. c. th:.-. accused cmploye or the cou nty clerk's div1Fion on his O\~'n recognizance, Burk e is accused or embezzling at leasl !;J,000 ln county t•lerk 's funds during his handling of banking for the. of(ic~'s finan4 l'ial division. He surrendered to the s heriff's off ice last week after an Orange C-Ounty Grand Jury auditor discovered • sh:Jrtage of $200 in a bank de!))sit stale- 1nrnt. Investigators claim Burke has adnlill ed :hat he 1s responsible for similar ~hortagcs 11:i at least 20 occasions during his (\\'O·year supervision of the banking up~raLiorL The tall, ex·f\larine told Judge f\ilast tllal he needed time to inake ar· rangements for his farnily and engage ·an attorney. He was reminded by the judge !h<it he may qualify for the services of the public defender. Burke looked tired and strained as he Fat in the dock \\'ilh the usual full ton1 plemenl of t.londay n1orning ar· ~aig:tmcn\s. He J:iter chatted ·with newsmen. but refused to discuss aspects of the ch<1 rges rhat led to his arrest. ··r ve n1ad e all the sl ate111enls that f ('1111 po~s1bly n1 alic." he Faid. "I think ynu \1·i!l find that \Vha t I have told 1n- , e..~tigalors 11·!11 soon be offered in court 1r.'l.rnony." As Burke v.•;is being arr:iigncd before Judge ii-last, the 1nvesti gatlon into his :\l\egcd mi~use of count y funds cont1nu~d. County auditor V"ic llein1 refused _lo com- n1ent on the progress of th e aud it "pen· ding ou r fin al de tennination of the extent ol 1his embezzlement." Countv Wo1na11 llit -By Freeway '1'1ugger' An apparent good Samaritan Sunday morning asked a woman parked at the San Diego Freeway in Seal Beach if she had car trouble, slugged her in the fa ce and then fled \l."ith her purse. Mrs. Elaine J. Hibert. 34, of Garden Grove told Seal Beach Police the unidenl- ified assailant robbed her of the purse, <'ontaining '-15 of miscellaneous items, at 1.45 a.m. near Lampson Avenue. Some Sport \Vhen Richard Rodman, 8, took his dog. Sport, into town for San Juan Ca pi strano Fiesta Assoc1atio11 even_t, he thought he. \Vas enter· ing his four-legged friend in a race. To his surprise and amusement. Sport "'on the "ug liest dog in town" contest. Sport, 3, \Vho came from l,aguna Beach round, live.~ w~th Richard's grandmother, Mrs. Car· melita Arbiso o San Juan Capistrano. l1·ma N ofzi11ger: Was She Di smissed by Payhouse By BARBARA KREfBICH Of t~• Oa!I, l'I~! Sl•lf Laguna Bench Playi)ouse gi:-ne ra1 nia naget Inna Nof1.iger. who may 1or rnav not ) h:ove been fired by the boa rd of (11rrctors. today is seeking legal ad1'1 ce rrg.'!nting the ~tatus of tile one-year con · !racl she sig ned v.•ith the Playho use July I i\-frs, Nofzige r said sh e suffered an at- 1;ick nf laryngills and took a week olf following the open ing of the {irsl play at the new Laguna l\1ou lton Playhouse. ''·Because of this 1 n1issed lhe Oct. It board meeting ," she said, "and it was after that meeting that Geoff Rik er (president ..(}f the h::iard ) told me the boa rd had voted to give me a six-1nonth Jea,·c of absence. "I was bewildered and amazed. l said I couldn 't aCC'ept a leave of absence. What do you do for six months without pay - can you take another job? There was no explanation at all, except something about v.•anling to rc·s lru cture lhc ad- m lnistratlon . ·· The move \\'as all the more surprising, }.1rs. Nofziger sa id, hec<iuse al the end of June, immediately prior to lhe signing of her con tract , she had showed "an unheard of profit of $4,000 al the old Playhouse.'' f\1rs. Nofziger has been associated wllh !he Playhouse since 1951 and served two 3-year tr:rms on the board of directors, includi ng two tertns as Its president. l}eforc leaving the board to accept the position of general .manager J1:i years ago. "At first t was just hurl," she said. "buL now I'm mad. I don't know whal this contract is v.·orth -we never had contracts before -but l'm looking inl-0 1ha\ now . I urged lhe board to issue some sort of statement or press release because everyone was calling me to ask what was going on. Rumors. even spread that I was deathly ill. No statement was issued and I still don't know where I stand. except that I assume I'm fired ." Bare Bottom Brings Blast Board president Riker said today that the board sin1ply decided to ''re-form its administrative procedure'' because it was felt the opening of the new Playhouse and an increasingly burdensome sched1.1lP. had made the general manager post "more than one person can reasonably be. expected lo handJe." Citizens Picket Aldrich Over VCI Campus Poster By THOMAS FORTUNE Ot Jlwl o.tlY l'UM Steff Four-letter words in the UC Irvine stu- dent newspaper and a campu$ post.er that • showed a person bending over with a b::ire bottom are being objected to by TIRED ITaitpayers Indignant about Hadic:als in Education). The group picketed lhe home of UCI ('i1•n('ellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr, for the st•cc11d time Friday night. Dr. Aldrich said today those who object to 1he conl.eot Of lhe !'iludent newspaper "New Unlverslty" can talk to the newspaper staff about U. Regarding the poster. he said, 0 That Is Mmething they had better lalk to the IJr:partment nf Englisti about. I'm not tl1-:ng anything " 'I'he-poster was to advertise an antiwar poetry reading by pc>et Robert Mezey, sponsored by the UCI Dep1.rtment of English and Comparative Literaturt. Department Chalrman Howard Babb said the controversial poster was created bv persons on the writing ctimtnillee in the creative writing program of the Er1glish Deparmlent. "What shot1ld I say?" Babb said. ''This Is 1 nonn of tast.e."' One of the posters was pasted on a placard carried by one ol the Tl RED picketers at Aldrich's Newport Beach home. The chancellor was hosting community Je:cider~ Friday night to introdu ce new Vice Chance.Hor for Student Affair11 John C. Ho)". As the guests arrived they were handed copies of "New University" with four-letter words underlined, and a iiheet le.Hing what the objectors are tired «. - "Quite a number stopped and "chatted v;ith us,"' said Thornas Morrissey, spokesman for Tm.ED._ Aldrich" spoke briefly to lhe assembled objectors and told lhem he was responding by mail to an earlier missive left with his •wife OJI a night he wasn't ric>me. The lead article in ''New University'' told about the student newspaper losing its commercial printer because the stu- d~nl :;.taff wouldn't submit to censoring of a certain four-letter word. .o\ ~pokesman for Norco Printing Com- pa'ly of Buena Park said, ''That is cor· reel. We absolutely refu5ed to print it. (Ste PICKETS, Paae %) "We"re certainly not happy about los- ing a person like Irma," Riker said, "but we just have to work out a new structure and we're in the process of doing that now. All I can SIY i~ that the board hag given her a six-month leave of absence. l can't speak for what she will do." . Wilh · regard to .recurrent rumors that the Playhoose is in serious financial dif,- flculties, Riker inslHted that the problems are "more administrative than finan- cial." The first play. he $lid, "was suc- cessful from the financial point o( view ." Slork Jlf•rkets NE W YORK (AP) -The stlX'K market rrmained mixed la moderately active trading late thJg afternoon. drifting down and then up slightly, in • pattern of unc-crta\nty. (Ste quotations, Pages 10-\1). I . Today's Fl•al N.Y. Stoek8 TEN CENTS 4th i11 Five Day s Hits Richter 4.3 By RI CHARD P. l'iALL or"" 01111 l'io.r Sl•ff An earthquake centered in the Lagun::i Beach area jo!led residents out of their slumber at S:JG a.m. today, registering 4 3 on the Richter scale at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The quake \.\.'JS the fourth to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last five days. This morning's shake was described by l~aguna residents as being a heavy jolt followed by several seconds of after. quakes. Elsewhere in Newport and Costa Mesa. it was described more as a rolling quake but also felt as a sharp jolt. Police along the entire coast re!))rled phone calls from anxious citizens but there \Vere no report s of real damage or injury. A few callers said they had been rolled out of bed. Newpo rt Harbor Chnmbf'r of Com· mere.!-officia ls reported that one woman calleo thctn about the qu ake ... She said she thought her gas healer had ex· ploded." Seismologist Dr. James N. Brune !'iaid the quake was felt throughtout Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Ange les counties. "Be ad vised we're havin~ an earth· quake," Laguna police Officer Arthur Dei.uca radioed the station. Sa id dispatcher. Juanita Perryman: "I was so panic stricken, J couldn 't e\•en answer him." Lt. John Zelko took the mike. con1- menting drolly, '"\lie knO\I'; v.•e"re havin~ one too.'' Police had about 25 calls; one report of dishes broken in a sink: three reports of. persons tum bled from bed including one unidentified wom an who said . "It sure must have been strong, we were thrown out of bed." A quake of slighter sharper intensity occurred at 2:59 a .m. in the Hollister area about 90 miles south of San Fran· ciscq. It v.·as 4.76 on th e Richter Scale at University of Ca lifornia at Berkeley. NeiU1er quake caused appreciable damage Dr. Brune said the Lagun;t tremor probably originated from the sanle fault 80 miles off Shore wh ich caus- ed Frid<1y's 5.25 magnitude roller. Reactions from Orange C o u n t y residents after the quake ·s rook and roll routin were many-splendored : -Colorful Jong-time junk de a 1 c r Charlie Peddicord of Laguna Canyon Road was gleeful that his old bottle collr:ction ga thered over the years was in· tact. He estln1ates t~c value at $18,000. I-le called an editor at 5:20 a.m. to re!))rt. -r-.farkCl ;ind liquor store O\.\."ner$ generally said their stock v.·as intact. Acord·s 1\1a rket in Laguna reported a fCiV toppled packages but no da mage and it 11.·as generally business as usual thls morning. - -Fred Struby of 535 Aven ida li-lajora, t.rJ~u re \Vorld ,in Laguna Hills said the quake awakened his wire Christine whii SJid sleepily : "'I know it's tim e to get up bti1 you don 't have lo shake my bed so h.ard." -Mrs. Pat Getchel! of 24961 Spadra Lane, Mission Vie JO, said, "I wa~ petrified. I v.•as ready to move." She had bee1,1 readi'ng a book abou t earthquake$ !Stt EARTHQUAKE, Page %) Orange Coast Weather If ypu're waiting for the fog and low cloqds to go away, you've got a long wait. Tuesday will be. even more so along the coast, with lhe rnercury slopping aL 67. INSIDE -'J'ODA Y Fw1111u things happen by Lile carload in S~th Coast Reper- tory's "A Fu.nny Tiiing Happe n· ed 011 tile Way to t/le Forum/' The Costa Mesa thealer's nerc con1ed11 is revie1v«d 011 Paoe 26 todny. •••ii~• " Mffllftll • C•ll1t1n1• • Mt•IU " CllHllltl "" Nlllt<I•! "tyot .. Cu11lu " OtlftN (WftlV • c ....... ,, " iflYI• l'•rt9r " Ottlft Nelk•• • '"'" .. .,, • .,t11111 ..... ' .Site• M1"'-1h , .. 11 •ftll•lMR-1 " T•Nt•llll<fl " l'IAMt• 11.11 ,, .. , ... .. -.. WHolfl« • ... ,_,, " WH• -· ••• Mel""• ' W9ffltlt'I N""'t t1·1• ,, -... ' --·~-~-------:------------------------------ %~:.:o:.:•t:.:Lv'-•:.:tl:.:•' ____ L ____ M•~••Y. ecttbtr !?, 1'6• 4 0 ·1ear Linait Tax Curbs Asked On Foundations WASHINGTON IUPI\ -A new tax law ~hich would require most foundati ons to 'go out of business alter 40 years ex· jstence v.·as approved today by the Sl'n;ite 1-~inance Committee. Foundalions are now able to live In perpetuity. Under a proposal ap1Jroved by the committee, they would be required to ~ive all Lheir assets lo another charity at t he end of the 41).y i>ar life span or else pay taxes. The tax rale wouk! be al a 43 percent rate \11hk:h now applies lo car· por1.tions. In another action, I.he con11nillce ap· proved a proposal to set an annual tax on foundations of one fiflh or one percent of the va lue of their assets. It also approved s provii.ion to require found <Jllons lo pay fllll a sum equal to fi\'e percent of their ac;scts every year. The 40.-year rule \\.'OUld apply to foun-. r!ations such .:is Ford, Jl r1C kcfel!er and Carnegie. The only exemptions v:oukt be !hos.: v.·hich receive one (hird of their in- t"Om~ from the pub!lc, such as the foun- dation which runs the restored colonial town o/ Williamsburg, Va . In dissolving at the end of -40 year$, F oundations would not be permitted to turn over their assets to another foun- clal.ion or create a new foundation \\.'ith them. The provision would mean that foundations now in existence would have to close up shop by the year 2009. There are now 30.000 foundations with \J.nmeasured billions of dollars in tax-ex- empt dollars. The House-passed' tax . refonn bill would impose a $6:> million levy oc their income from stock holdings. In opposing the move, llpo kesmen for lhe: foundation s have argued the house- pa ssed 7.5 percent tax on their Income aniounts lo il tax on hosp i t a Is . un1 \'ers1ties, health research, museums and experimental progran;s too daring fot the government to undertake. But they have received little sympath.v from the 17·1nember commiUee. One of Hs liberals, Sen. Albert E, Gore ID- Tenn .). even has proposed pulling a lin1lt on the life spar. of foundations. '1The dead should nQt control lhe liv- ing;1 said Gore, meaning a wealthy man, through bequests to his fami ly Joun- rlation. should not decide. front the grave l1ow his money -which would citherwise be taxed -should serve society. In addition lo taxing foundaLions' in· ''eslment income, the House bill would r_equire them to give away a sum equal to five percent of the worth of their assets each year; prohibi t "self-dealing" through which the creator of a foundation can .use its stocks to increase his weaUh; forbid them to control more than 20 per· cent of a company's stocks; and prevent foundations from politicking or trying to advise Congress on legislation. No one, not even the Internal Revenue Service which requires only sketchy an· nual reports from foundation!'!, know s how great their wealth is. They are re· quired to report only the original cost. not the current value, of the stocks they . own. The I_RS rece:ives reporl.5 from 30 ,262 foundal.ions but more than that are thought to exist. 6lsrael Children~ Now Teen for Christ Back, 'Visit' Stanford Church Bv JAMES McNABB. Jr. °SP.-cl•I It I~• OAILY PILOT PALO ALTO-The Teens for Ch rist - ~ ln greater numbers arid with a new name . -returned to California and their old style of evan gelism Sunday after an ex - . odus to avoid the vaunted April earth· ·quake. About 30 members of lhe chMen 150, now known as the: Children of Israel, in· -terrupted morning services at the Stan· ford Memorial Church. At 11:35 a.m., James Bal!ister threw open tht main <Joors to the sanctuary of t.be ornate cam- EARTHQUAKE. and California dropping into the ocean. It sent one daughter into the Gotchell"s be:droom and awakened another child. ~trs. Ge:tchell said she and her neighbor ?.frs. Edwerd Haska y feel the best preventive to earthquake havoc would be a helicopter w.irmed up in the back yard. -1>frs. William of \Vatson. 24276 Aquara, Laguna Nigue!, said, "l Wfl'."i •uunci asleep and 1t was just hke iom ebody just took our bed and ~hook it i nd shook it. It didn't wake Bill at all ," -Albertson's Marke:t in Laguna reported the clerks were shaken but not lhe merchandise. -Mrs. Tony Bogg io or 119!2 Sun~ct Ave _, South Lag11na, said. "It scan~d the heck oul of me. I don't like earthquakt's but I ""ent right back to slt'ep." -John Luhnow of John'$ Hardwarr. San Juan Capistrano. sa\d, "\\'hat earth· quake? Wheo I go lo be:d I dit ." -Mrl!. We:!ley Walker of 265.12 Calle: del Phlna, San Juan Capistran o. ~aid. "The: baby slept through ii but \vfl sn·t it had . 1"he bed started rolling and 11·e: 11·ere; v.·a!ting for another ont." !JAllY PILOI CllUJIQ~ C04a1 f'\lll 11"1"10. COM""'i; t a.i...t N. w • ..i ,,......,, .. Putl1'1111 .1 ... k •• c.,,., Vici ,,....., •"' OfnttU "'"""t Tll11r11t kff-il fdllOI' ThtlM• "'· M111,,,fft• ~£dll0r a;,,,,,il I . Nill L-I NCl'I CITr t....- L .......... OMc. 211 , .......... . M1 ill11t A411', ... : 1.0. h• &"9 t2•52 c ........... uo wn1 • .., s•-t "-'-"' ...,,~: n11 _, ...... ..,,.....,. ~~, ........ . _,a . OA,. Pll,Cll w1t11 •iC1> tt ~ -"'-""" • _,..,.. n •w r«9I ..,.._ _1111.,.....,..11 ..... 1-~ IP '$ S Ill ..... "!..,.., MtcJ\. c;.i. M-.....,..,._ ... ,~ ..... ,_.. ... V•r- 19r'. ~ C.1111 ""'!""""'" ~., .,-11111,.....,... ...... m1 w••1t ... 11 .... Ill.....,. • ..-.. .... -W.t .. ., I.Ir.I, (oolt -·· , T...,.._ 1n4• 4t4.f4l& a ... -.. ..,.. 64Jo4J11 c.rtr-. •. 0.•-<.-• Pwllllfllrll t__.., ""' ...... '"""'· ·~v,1t••­.,.1ttnt1 -"" .. ~!·-·" "'"l" -.. ,.,.,_... ........ _,., ... ,. .. _ .. -"""' ....... , . _t _ _.. ....... , ........ ~ -C.. .. -· C..l!Wft•I kf!Ktll>!i.,. t? ,.,,,., o,• _..,, ., ""11 n.• -11110 .. u.,., ---. -~- pus chapel and led a d01Jble line column of men and women dressed in sack cloth and ashe:s. They marched to the accompaniment of the congregation singing the sermon hymn. proceeded to the front of the:' church, where Ballister and two aides cllmbed the marble steps to the high altar. ~or~hipers ~tared with a mixture of curiosity and surprise al! the band once: headquartered in HW1Ungton Beach at J 10 M!ln St., !romped onwar~ pounding l~e floor with shepherds' 1taffs they car· r1ed. The rn~n and women were Jdenllc:illy dresse.d !fl hurlap robes died blood red, 1vori: imitation oxen yokes «round 1hei r 11ecks and had streaks of ash traced ~n thei r foreheads. The ~~rded, long·hai~ group ~tood in a semi·circle at the: foot of the chancel ;,tcps at the conclusion of lite hymn. as Ualhster unfolded a scroll and Jn booming pa triarcha l voice, read. Il ls text taken fron1 the Old Testamenl Book of ,JC'ren1iah foretold G n d 's destruction of the anclent lllraelile:; \.\'ho forsook the law of the Lord . B1l1llste~ then smashed a flo1verpot he \\..,,., cnrry1ng on lhc mosaic chancel floor ~ccording to Scripture. Jerem i~h·s break: ing: of an imperfecl polter's ve~sel syn1. l-10l 1led God 's impending destruction of 11npcrt!'ct n1an. !'hr Itel'. 8. Davie N<ip ier ;:ind hi~ ~~nriu:i r.v i;ur sl. tht Rev. (Cir roll Cotton , <lt<tn of students .!it Chapman College: in ()rang{', 5\arcd t•x prcssionless at tl1e den1onstrators, Alte r the i:.mash!ng, Balli8ler rol led up h1.~ scroll and led the grt>up ba ck up the ni;iin alslt and out ol lhe church. In response lo !he brief intrusion , the: Hf'I'. i\lr. Naper explained that the warn· ing "ln Jeremiah 's time. w11s authe11c 11·ord." ~dding that he: (N apier \ did nol request IL bill was grateful for it being spoken Sunda y. !';eve:ral nf the newly anointed Childrrn or Israel. had been stationed an1ong the i:ongregation and sang out loud '"Amens." said in his srrmon there was tl1e '"posslb!llty thn t cil i1\iat1on mav yet bt sm ;ishf'd as 'iolcnlly and ruthiessly as lhlll pot." Junior Tennis Tourney Slated Ne xt Weekend Tht strc1nrl annual junior tennis tournfl. ment will whii into existe:nce 111 Laguna Ile11t>h Hig h School tennis court~ Nov·. 1 and 2. Sponsored by the Laguna Beach R e crea\lon Department, tourname:nt director Art \Vabl 1aid, 11wards will be presented to first and leCOnd place win- ners. Ent.ry forms may be obtain~ from \~'ah!, the school counaelor's oflice or the recre:ation drpartmtnt. Entry de:adline is Wednesday, OCt. 29. Thtre will be thrte divi.,ions of pl1y._ The high school divl&ion. tor gradt's 10, 11 <irJd 1~. w\11 Include boys' singles, boyli' double:11 And girlii' eingles. The intermed\t1te dlvl!lion for grede~ 7. S 11nd 9 w\11 lncludt. bdy11' singlrs 11nr1 girl~' liingles. And the elcm~nta rv dl \'l~lon for gr•dc.-i ~. ~. and e will be comprised of boys' alnglt:!. UPI "1'11ffho1t 0111fltled for Summer As U.S. prepares for winter, Australians are ·ready to greet summer. Miranda \Vynch, 20. models \Yarn1 \veather outfit currently in fashion down under. \vhere seasons are re· Ver sed. f'rorn P09e 1 PICKETS ... We can't print that kind of junk." However, the stude:nt newspaper hall found a new printer, Rio Hondo Valley Publishing Company of Santa Fe Springs. Presidenl of that company, Art Bartlett, i;aid : "We retl they should have supervision from the c9llege . If the college can't con- trol them it's not up to me to control !hem. I've: turned down the 'Free Press' and a homosexual paper. This is child's play by comparison." The sheet handed out by members of 'TIRED said they are tire<l of faculty and administrators who, they claim, advocate communism under the blanket of 21cademic freedom and "academic Senate decisions that do not require a majority of eli1ible voters tfaculty ), are: m6nltond by the Student Union, and are not arrived at through secret ballot.., Also : -"The: radical minority dominating student newspapers. -"Universities 1vho use our facili tle$ as political arenas·. -"Excust'd days for political purposes an cf lor intlrnidat!on of Jhes community, -"Studrnts riiclating courses of study and seleetion of fa cul l.y members. -"Footing the bill for such activities.'' "I hope \\'e repre:sent the moderates ancl noi lhe right wing." said Morrissev. a 36- year·old adrninistrator v:iLh a Ne\vport Beach at'rospace fi rm. "I am one of I guess whal you would rn lJ "Lhe sile nt rnajorily.' J've nevrr written a lellrr !1> \hr editor or 1n my Congressn1an. J"ve never c1•en al\Pnded a political .tally. Bul I n11tice<j my friends and myself 5itt ing around and coin· pl ri1n·1ng and \\'C decided 10 get acti ve." lie fiai rl t!lc group hrpes to beco me '":t ronstrucltvc 11ppri~1 t 1 (1n" and lhflt perllons 1nteres1r.d 1n Joining can write to P.O. Box 1621, Newport Beach. Skindiver Dies Off Catalina Spec lo I lo the: DAIL V PILOT AVALON -A o;k lndivtr \\'llS fatally stri cken while r~plor1n~ the Ol'ean <ibout 60 fcPt beloy,· the ~urfacc off Catalina Ji;l:lnd Sunday .. after rt\urnlng to thr 1lepths again lollow1ng a complaint of tr;i mps. Gary M. ~11non~1•n . 27, of fnfillcwood. died e11 route Ill Harbor General Ho;;pltal in Torrance and Los Angeles County autl1orities planned an ;:iutopsy loday to tlctcnnlne \\·hy. Companions sald Simonson dove to thr 12~·foot level before dawn Sunday and .c.a1d he y,·as e:l<periencing cramps after resurfacing during the expe<lltlon. lie cho!c to go dnw n aizain, however. and had reached a dcp1h o( about 60 feet \1·hrn hr ~11ddcnly sho1 to t!1e surface, ap- p:1rc111ly 1n extreme pain. • Authorities were notified of the rn1r.rgency and Simonson 1vas bcing tlO\\•n lo the hoslptal when he succumbed. Bo ys CI1oosc 7 As Laguna Queen .Sl'nior OOys &t Laguna Be:ach High Sc?ool have ,ma~e their choices. ae:vt"n prin!'e~1e:s to rtign at the homerom\ni;: foolball game against El fl.todeno High, N:iv . 14. The s('vcn favorites are Jeanine Ben- ton, Hedy Suzan . Shannon Cook Carol Dngger. Susa n Gl otrelty, Debbie' Good· m11n, and Diant Judy. One of the seven \\'111 be thosen nornt"con1lng qiJern. The queen sele{'!lon \I'll) h(! 11nnoun('ed al h!11f time durlng the lontba ll g.11nc 111 the l0t11I field 111 lht PH ~t the pr lnrr~~es h11 vr l)rr 11 chosrn hy 1hc football plavt'r.~ but this } e•r's sturlcnt C(lunr1I p11ssed thr fun ction In thl' srnior n1cn "''ho cast ballots, Buil1lers Busy Kids Construct Houses on Hill A new lract sudde:nly bloll&Omed at Laguna's Top of tht World. IL wouldn't have passed the bu1ld fng code of Fleld Act standards but the builders were enthusiastic and eager. And .Ibey were learning. The '·wickiups·· whith blosson1ed on thl' hillside aba1·e Thurston lnterme\l1:1lf' School \\•ere pa rt of an anthropology uni L in the sludy of hl~tory , Students from JU horneroo111s went for ward ;1rmed only with twine and eag1>r·be nver spirit. They foraged for natural ninteria1 s, palm ' fronds, sticks, logs, arrow \1'eeds and brush. Tools \\.'ere sharp· rocks. Engineering \\'as innovative. Mishaps occurred: "San1 1,eslie <lid a pullup on the lodge pole and Lin: whole thing fell do1vn ," Other Jncidents included disappearance (If tha(ch material p!ace<J on one wickiup Hnd it s reappearance on another. It w<is theorized !hat this occurred btc11use a guardian voodoo stick was piHered. Competition was intense. J{omeroom E won \\'hat might have been called "The Architect'~ Award." Architect Howard \\'ilso n of South Lnguna helped judge the work, \\'ilson is disco"erer of the 17JlOO·year. old Laguna Beaeh skull that placed n1an's existence on this continent several thousand year!! earlier than pre:viously known . instrut tor Ron Rodecker said here \\'Cre find s 1nade during the project, al:;o. There was a cone shell 18 to 30 milhon years old and Tom Harris found a loss!l· ized white shark's tooth that Rodecker years cild. lron1 an era "·hen the great s;-lid n1ust h1:n·c brcn several million sh<irks s11'[Hl1 through seas over Top o[ !he \VorJ(I. Students painted rork pk tures '.l'ith their own staJn made frorri prickly pear.~ and wild berries. Teacher Rodecker con- tracted poison sumac \Vhile dragging logs from the hillside thu:kels. Other teachers in the jqint project were Ce<irge Nettleman and Ron Newman. \\'hen the dust had settled Friday there stood 10 w!ckiups and a group of eager seventh and eighth graders. "It was reallv fun. we learned how the lndians attuaily did Jt." said K.:irui Wickham. Said another youngster, ··v.•e knew a lot from l:xioks buL \Vl' didn "L know how they aetually did ii." ''Our higgest hangup,'' said .Jennifer .l\1aguire. •·was that we had to use ston·es to cut ever ything." Th e 'l'ic kiups are probably torn down by now since wickiups on brushy hillsides ;incl fire regulations don 't dovetail well. But they were great \Vhile they lasted. Laguna Niguel Studied For Expansion of YMCA Directors of the South Orange County YMCA are eyeing the Laguna Niguel area for a possible new milllon-dollar regional Y facility, according to board chairman Charles Benton. Benton said t.he Oct. 28 meeLlng of Lhe Leisure World Slates Talk on Campus Rioters l\!rthods of eomb<1Ung militant activists on college campuses will be discussed a~ the first public. meeting of Leisure World J•'riends of Viva , at 7'.30 p.m .. Tuesday, in Club House I. The group. made up or Leisure World reside;nts wlll hear students from several campuses relate their experiences with 1nilitant campus sLudenls and fa culty, ac- cording to chainnan R. A. Ellsworth. Principal sf}eakers v.'il\ be Richard 'Theis, executive director of Viva, and 1'ed Loeffler, prcsidenl of Campus Studies Institute. two organizatlons organizing studert chapters to Counteract c;impus activists. The !.R)sure \\'orld group was formed to support and help financ e the two organilations opposing left-wing campus ;icl1 1'ists, said Ellswort h. The aim, f·:llsworth said, Is to cover all Orange County campuses ·with direct mailings .1nd help set up Vlva student chapters. The meeting is open to the public without charge. Bec kett Won't Acce pt I\ obel in P erson PARIS (UP!\ -Sarnut'l Becke:tt ha~ sen L a cable to the Ro\'al S\\.·edish Acn(!cmy acecpt111g the t'"obr l Pr ize fur J1terE1ture,. h1s pub!'i5her ::.aid today. Jerome Lindon. returning fr om a \'i~it 10 the ln~h author in the Tunisian rvsorl of Nabcul, said t11e publicity-shy Beckctl v;ould not go to Stockholn1 Dec , JO lo receive lhe prize, worth Si2,:;oo. board will be held in Laguna Nigu el so the plan may be explored wilh the help of three mernbers active in the area, Tun1 F'rigone, Knowlton Fernald and Bill Beck. South Coa.~t Y director JWger Carter said, "Niguel is a natural for a new YM- CA because it is central to all our youth groups and \\•ill be minutes away fronl our seven communilies when all arterial highways are completed. It ls also just a few minutes rrom the Y"fCA 's Surf and Canyon Caf'.1P in Aliso Canyl)n " Carter said !he: Y now 1s working with an all-time high of 60 youth groups. lhe greatest num ber of them in the Sad· dJC'.back area. Th e Y budget. he said. has groY.:n from $1\,000 to nearly $60,000 for the currenl :vear and a staff of six \\'Orks With youn g people and adults parl.icipating in Y pro. grams. End?Wm~nts total $30,()00 and J;ind owned 1n Al1sO Canyon amounts to three acres. F oothall Coach Shows Paintings Laguna Beach art ist 11 .:i l Akins \\"ill show. his collect!on of oil and water color p_aintings ;;it the Civi c Center Gallery, f\e1vp<Jrt Beach CiLy Jlall, through November and December. J\klns. a teacher find head football con('h at Laguna Bearh 1-lfgh School, has exhibited_ works i~ Washington. Oregon :ind C11lifo rn1a, w1nn1ng awards in all l11ree stales. lfc has been an t'x hibitor at the Laguna Beat'h Festival of Arts for several years, He v.•on the first prize in watereo!or :1nd first in oils at. the Seal Beach Open ~how laat year. The gallery ls open \\·eekdays, 8 30 a m. to 5 p.in. Sco tt Sees Judge OK \\,\SH1:-.:c:rn:-; IAP\ -!Sen . Hugh Scol l c1f Pennsylvania. the Senate Hepub liran leade r. sai d today he bcllr\·('s .JLJ'Jge Cleni tnt F. J{ayns\\'orth J r. will be t'Cnfi rmed as a Supren1e Court justice. 307 Bases To Be Shut, Laird Says \YASHlNGTON IAP) -Secretary of Defense ~1elvin R. Laird announced \O· day 1hat 307 n1 illti:lrv bases in che L'nitrd States and overseas· will be shut dt>wn or rcducetl tu sa 1·c about !609 million an· nually. Laird's announcen1ent was lhl' latest !n a series of moves aime:d <it (·utling the defense budget this year by $3 billlop, The \\.'hCi!e $009 million in sal'ings wlll lake. effect when the b;ises rcdurLions and closings are con1pleled. whirJ1 could c:.:- 1end well beyond the prcsenl fiscal ye11 r which ends next June :m. Under-an agreement y.:Jlh Congress, thr Pentagon said details of the L' .S. base at:· tlons. Including identification of the in· ~t:tllations in 1'clvcd, 1\il! be :innounced \\'cdnesday 1norning, Decislons o n overseas bases will br held up pen<ling eonsultations wit h the host countries. The announcement said Ilic Army, J\'i1vy and Air Foree ir1s1allnLions and ;i\'· tivlties are located in 4l stales ;in d Puerto ~flico. There was no 1vorrl on Lhc number of overseas locations involved. The moves will resu ll in a reduc tion of 37,800 military positions and 27,0011 civilian jobs. The military cutbacks circ generally Included in :ilrCady announce<i p!<.ns lo trim lotal U.S. milita ry nian- power by about 220,000 men this ye.HJ" below the present 3.4. mlllion. Thomas R . Bird, Laguna Caf e OWI1er, Buried Funeral services have been held in Or• ange for Thomas David Bird, last surviv- ing son of the pioneer Richard Bird family of Lagu na Beach, y,·ho died Ocl. 14 at Seely Lake, Mont. Bird 's parents came lo Laguna in the l:ile 1920s and founded the \Vh ite Hnu~e Ca fe on Coast Highway, renowned along !he roast for its signs, ·'U-l Lhe Birds Ferd ''nu in Laguna Beach." lhomas Bird v.'cnt to school in S;i n Juj n Capistrano and later had an orange grove in that area, as well as a large ranch in the prcsen l Leisure \\lorld area . li e and his '>l'ife. Embree, had made !heir summer home at Seeley Wke for the past 22 years. They developed the -Flying Bird Ranch there and ow ned Seeley Lake ~1ercantile. In addition to his \vidow , Bird is surviv· rd by a daughter, ~1rs. Loren Seaver or Great Falls, MonL and by two grand· daughters. lnlerment was at Fairhaven l\l emorial Park. A memorial fund has been estahlished in the name of Thorna.o; Bird for the Vello v.·stone Boys' Rnn ch at Billings, il'tnt. Mrs. Bird js expected lo rtlurn tii Laguna Beach in January. Nixon's Address Beamed to Latins WASHINGTON (APl -'The \Vhi!P. llouse said today President Nixon v.·11! establish 21 histQric fir5t when his first 1najor addre ss on Lalin An1erican pohey 1o; tcle'"ised live to Latin Ameri ca Friday Jlight The forum is the annual meet in.1: o! thl" lnter-Amerlcan Press Association .:1t· 1ended by editors fr on1 natioos of thP hem!sphctC'. \\'hite Hr.i11se pre ss o;ec re1<1ry ftonald L. Ziegle r said he understands lhl' t : S. Information Age ncy \\'ill fr-ed 1h,. i,p!!ech to Latin American radi o and T V ne1v.·orks and tha t a new C'am1nunlcot1ons l'i<ilellite made !his po5sible. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS WEEI( ONLY SIOO SUITS FOR UIO Sl 10 SUJTS FOR S811 Sll!i ~UITS FOR $rl Sl25 SUITS fOR SJOO s1::a SU ITS FOR Sltlll Sl 45 SU ITS FOR Sill Sl5S SUITS FOR Sl!4 $16.5 SU ITS FOR $132 3467 Via Lido at Ne\\'port Boulevard, Ne,vport Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 _p.m. ' I ! i ' I ' Newport Barber • VOL 62, NO. 257, 4 SECTION S, 40 PAGES ORANGE ·COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . ' • MOND,A;Y, oeTOBER 27, 196' Quake Jars .. Coast, Hits 4.3 Reading By RJCIJARO P. NALL 01 Ill• 0.111 1'1191 11111 An earthquake centered in the Laguna Beach area jolted residents out of their slumber at 5: 16 a.m. today, registering 4.3 on the Richter scale at Caltech 8eismological Laboratory in Pasadena.· The quake was lhe fourth to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last five days. This morning's shake was described by Laguna residents as being a heavy jolt followed by severa l seconds of after- quakes. Elsewhere in Ne"·port and Costa Mesa, it \V3~ described n1ore as a rolling quake but al~o fell as a sharp jolt. Police along the entire coast reported phone calls from anxious citizens but there were no reports of real damage or injury. A few callers said they had been rolled out of bed. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· mere..: officials reported that one woman calleo them aboul the quake. "She said :she thought her gas heater had ex- ploded." Seismologist Dr. James N. Brune said the quake was felt throughtout Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino Ind Los Angeles counties. "Be advised we're havin~ an earlh· quake," Laguna police Officer Arthur DeLuca radioed the station. S a i d dispatcher, Juanita Perryman: "I was so panic stricken, I couldn't even an!Wer him." Lt. John Zelko look the mike. com· menling drolly, ··we know; we're ha ving (Ille too." Police had about 25 calls; one report of di shes broken in <1 sink ; three reports of persons tumbled from bed includlng one L!nidentlficd \\"Oman who said, "Tl sure must have been strong, \'IC v.•ere thro\l:n out of bed." A quake or slighter sharper intensity occurred at 2:59 a.m. in the Hollisler area about 90 miles south of San Fran- cisco. It was 4.7& on the Richter Scale at Un iversity of California at Berkeley. Neither quake caused appreciable !Stt EARTHQUAKE, Pase 2) Costa Mesa Girl Crushed Beneath Whecls of Auto /\ 7-year-0 ld Costa l\l esa girl wa5 crushed to dc;:ith Saturday afternoon beneath her :JunL's rolling car after a hcad-0n co ll ision on Pacific Coast 1-lighway in Newport Beach. Newport Beach police traffic officer Larry Loeffler said Julie Peters of 2910 r:Hesmcre Ave .. apparently flew out the 1vindow of the car as il rolled several times afler the initial crash. Neither the girl. nor her aunt. Virginia Inez Peters, 2~. 2002 N. Ponderosa St,, l oi;t::i Mesa, \\'Ore seat bell s, Loeffler said. l\l iss Peters' car and one driven by Brice Crutcher Campbell Jr .• 24, of 19841 .. Berkshire Lane, collided headon in lhe 1700 block of East Coast Highway al 5: 40 p.01. Police quoted Campbell a~ saying he was traveling in the fast lane heading north when he first swerved to the right lane to pass a slow car. He swerved back , again, hoyrever, when he saw another car in front of him. To avoid colliding with the original slow · car. be said, be veered toward the op- posite traffic. The cars collided headon. The Peters car then rolled several times, police said. Crutcher suffered two broken legs, two broken ankles, a wrist fracture and srvere cuts. He was in satisfactory con· dition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Miss Pete.rs, hospilalited with severe cuts and bruises, wa3 in fair condition there. aid~ said. lier niece had multiple ln1·ur ies and died en route to lhe hospil.ill, of ice.rs said. Services for the girl will be held Tues· day at 3 p.m. at Pacific View Memorial Park chapel. Burial wUI follow in the memorial park. Julie leaves her pattnts, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Peters: two brothers. Bret and Keith ol the home Ind her grandperent.,, ~fr. 1nd Mrs. Burnett Peters of Newport Beach and E. W. Quacke-obu1h of Arcadia. • ua e I . DAILY f'ILOT f'h•lf• ~1 ,/ ..... Y.lll1tr11 A LA LAUGH !N'S LOONY CYCLIST, JIM OORIZOLA TAKES SPILL DURING CLOSE-HAULED TUl!N IN NEWPORT TRIKE RACE Newport Beach Fund Campaign Sho\vs Success The 1969·70 Newport Beach t:nited Fund ca1npaign is ahead <1f the pHce or last year at this lime. United Fund Vice President Mrs. Frank Lynch announced today. Mrs. Lynch, cam paign chairman, ncXcd that, as of last week. r~e!pts for the cur. rent drive top the 1968'69 total by $8,700 for a similar period. Goal for lhe new camp~gn ye ar is $205,2.la . So far about $57.000 has been raised by \"Olunteers. Thal is 28 percent of th' goal. "This is enc<luraging because lhiS" year 11·e need 10 percent more than last year." said Mrs. Lynch. Slock lllflrkels NF.~V YORK IAP) -The stock markel remained mixed in moderately act1 \'t: trading la te this afternoon, drifting dO\\'n ;ind then up slightly. i11 a palteru of uncertainty. (See quotations, Pages 10-J I). Drivers ·oiled!! Trike Racers Vie in Neivport Dy JOHN VALTERZA 01 Ill• Dtilr f'llOI Sllll Charnpionship race driver.~ \\•ill Sll"Car !hat the lubricanl in their n1achlncs niakes them win. Tricyclists of Lhe same stature will swear the same. except the lubricant doesn't go into the maehines. It goes into the drivers. For the adult tricycle champion like the 50 or so -adult experts who competed Sunday on Balboa Island, the lubricant is used cold. It is amber in color .. has a head on !he tQp. f;o 1he sud sy bre"'' kept the compe titors \\'Cll lubricalcd Sunday afternoo n before 400 screaming, cheering fans lining the \·111a ~1arina pa rking lot track at thr Bird Club's annual tricycle grand prix. They're a special breed of cat. these IJig ·llme tricyclists. ··You have 10 h.1\r C'nginef'ring acun1en, in1aginal ion. the bu rning will to .. ' win ... aild a tremend ous thirst lo make the big lime," said nnc veteran coin· pclitor. As for imagination -H v.·as abundant. One driver manned a trike in the super inodified category. It featured a chicken theme. The driver wore top hat and tails. "Mr. Budman," dressed a a gay-pink Superhero costume. rode an entry com· plete with red traffic narcs shooting ou~ from the rear fenders. The Orall£e County Ski Club probably had th cmost intricate (and the slO\\·est) e011 ry. ll was a three.man job requiring intricate \'oc.al instructi ons for S\1•ifl, C'f· f1c1ent operation. Trouble was. the 1·oca l ins1 ru ct1nns 1reren ·t u1tric ::i1e enoui::h. .L111 Odrizo!a borro~·ed hi~ the.me. fron1 TV 's Laugh·ln and brought as ma11y laughs 1n hi$ r;ii11 coa t, h:it and mini·tri ke (See TRIKE RACE, Page 21 -DAILY PILOT lfllff , ..... ATTENDANTS CLEAN UP' Al"Tl!R COAST Hf'9HWAY"C0kL(SION WHICH ,Kl~LEO Gl.RL lmp•ct Caves In front End of,(•ntplaell Cir (~)in S1tun!11y Crelh . , • Hoag Expansion P1;ogram Slates Groundhl'eaking Ground will be hroken Dec. 10 on the first phase or Hoag J\.lcrnorlal Hospital'3 $13 mill ion expansion program. Hos pital board president A. Vincent Jorgensen said construction will begin then on a $2 million power house. The plant will serve !he proposed J\. story lloag Tower, which will be built within three years, if a community fund - raising drive now under v.·ay achieves its e::ial. .Jorgensen tile gaal of the 1969·71 "Reach Years" is $3 million. "To dale, V•e\·e already ha d donat ions totaling S700,000 ... he said. l'\\'e hope to raise $1 mil hon a year ·• J orgensen ex plained once the SJ m1lhon in public. co ntr1hut 1ons is raised. the hos pit;il \~·ill borrow anothe r $9 million from lending agencies. The hospital will then toss in $1 million from lts own building fund . "We've never borrowed rnoney before.'' s<i id Jorgensen. "Not since 195Z, when \VC <1pened our door.'I. But $1·3 millio n is a lil· tle too big ii bite lo try to gel solel y thrvugh donations." He pointed out that the 270·bed hospita l now has a $7 million investment "up there on I.he hill." •:so .what . we 're talking about now is doubling 'that investment in one shot." The Hoag .Tower v.·111 add close to JOO beds to the complex. It will feature only single·bed roo1ns, 33 to a floor. Eight of the upper noors will contain the beds. The other three floors will be devoted to operational, lab, administrative and mechanized services. "There are no taxes available to this purpose," said Jorgensen. "We have to come up with our own funds. And just like everything else ln the Harbor Area. Hoag Memorial Hospita l is faced with a 'serious growth' problem.'' Penny Carnival Set in Newport A Halloween Penny Carnival for Newport Beach youngsters will be held Friday afttt school at Mariners Park. The carnival, sponsored by the city Perks Department. will get under way at 3:30 p.m. it will feature a spook house, costume contest and a pumpkin carving contest. TheTe also will be eight game booths. They wlll Include Hammer and Nall, Fi!1hi111. Black" Cats on 1 Jl'ence:rootbtlll Thra1gh a Hoop. Panny on 1 Dot, Bob for Apples and a Wet Sponge 'J'hrow . • . - ' --. . . . . . . Today's Fblal N.Y. Stoek8 TEN CENTS s Hundreds Injured By Tremor BANJA LUKA, Yugoslavia (A P) ~ Earthquakes ripped through this lndU!- trial city in \Vestern Yugoslavia Sunday and today, killing at least 20 penonJ and injuring hundreds. Oficia\s estimated nearly 60 perctnt of bUildlngs in the clty o( SS,000 wetli dt- stroyed or damaged. Thousands of per· sons fled in cars and buses and the Yugo- slav army sent in helicopters to assist in the evacuation. The first quake hit Sunday afternoon. "killing a ID-year-ol d child and leveling or damaging scores of buildings. As residents and officials were a!· scssing the damage this morning. an c,ven strongl'r quake struck. About 20 n1ore persons \Vere found dead in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Seismologists reported the quake today registered eight on a maximu1n-12 scale. Only the central Plaza of the Repub- !ice 1n !he city appeared undamaged. Buildi~gs were crushed all along Mar- shal Tito Street. the main thoroughfare. but the Ferhat Pasha's mosque and il!I slender minaret, a medieval mooument of historic value, escaped with creeks. The townspeople spent the n:i&ht under tents or other makeshift shelters, and at the quake todly panic spre1d amonr them. . R:epor~s from other west 'Yugoslav c1tl15 said the quakes caused panic there also but no damage. Pasadena Judge Accused of Knife Attack on Wife SOUTlf PASADENA IUPI) -A superior court judge was jailed here to- day arte.r allegedly stabbing his wife with a ·butcher knife dur ing a family quarrel. Judge Lloyd S. Davis. M. was booked on suspicion of assault with in tent to commit murder in the stabbing of hi3 ~·ife. J\.1ary. Si , who was in good c<lndillon at Huntington l\.femorial Hospital in Pasadena with a wound in her upper back. Police Sgt J ames Stewart said detec· tives \vent to the rambling, one-story house after "ma ny " telephone report~ from n~ighbors complaining of ''a loud fam ily altercation·· at the Davis home . Sle•~1art said Davis' four children - Nan cy , 15; John , 14: Robert, !2 ; anrl Patricia, ll -\\'ere at home when the stabbing occurred. Stewart said Davis <l pparently picked up a "large'' butcher knife ·with a nine·inch blade sometime during the qu;irrel and stabbed his wife in ll hallway. Davis, a 1939 graduate of Stanford La1v School. wa s appointed to the bench in 1967 by Gov, Ronald Reagan . His most r~ent case involved hearings on lhe state attorney general's elforts to obtain documenl~ in a suit involving the Beverly Ridge Estates. During his tenure in the county counsel's office between 1946 and 1967, Davis handled many countv lawsuits. in· eluding the Portuguese Bend landslide cases. Orange Coa•t Weatlaer If you're waiting for the fog and low clouds to go away, you've 1ot a long wait. Tuesday will be even more so a long the coaat, wllh tht mercury stopping at 67. INSmE TODAY F1t11ny thlng3 happen by th t: carlood in South Coo.tt Rtper· t0f'y'1 "A Funny Thing J-fa.p~11 · td 0 11 the Way io tht FOf'um ." The Cosla Mc.ta theater's new comedy i.t Tt:vit:wed on Page ZS loday,• ' ----------;· .. ~ ~ ... -------- .,.., DAJLV PILOT N DA ILY ,.!LOT 11•11 "~tit OWEN MINNEY PEDALS TO VICTORY IN BALBOA ISLAND BIRD CLUB TRIKE RACE ' '·Israel Children' Now Teen for Christ Back, 'Visit' Stanford Church s,, .JA:\IES 'lrN ABB. Jr. \~ttltl .. !~t DllLY l'ILOT PALO ALTO -The Teens for Christ- in STCillrr n11n1bcrs :ind \\Ith a new name -returned 10 California and their old i;ly!c of erangc!isn1 ~undfly after an ex· ndu s to avoid the vaunted Apnl carth- quak~ About 30 n1cmbcrs of the chosen lf>O, trow known as the Children of Israel , in- terrupt~ morning services at thl' Stan- lptd Memorial Church. At 11 :35 a.n1 ., .James Ballist.er threw open the main door15 to the sanctuary or the ornate cam- pus chapel and led a double line column " men and women dressed in sack cloth and ashes. They marched to the accompanirqent of the congregation singing the sen'\'tOn hvmn, proceeded lo the front of the church, ·where Balhstcr and !wo aides C"!imbed the marble strps to tl1e high all<lr. \Vorshipe-rs stared \l'llh a mixt11rc nf C"Ur1051!y and su rprise a<; the h::ind once headquartered 1n }Juntington Beach at 110 Main St , trornpcd onward. poundin~ the floor w11h shepherds.' ~taffs they car· ried . The n1en and v.·orflen ll"rre idenl1cally dressed 111 hurl;i p robe'> died blond red, wort:-im1tat100 oxen yokes around their necks and had streaks of ash traced on their foreheads. The bearded, long.haired group stood in ia ~emi-circ!e al the foot of the chancel steps at the conclusion of the hymn, as Ba!lister unfolded a scroll and in booming palriarchal voitt. read. llls text taken frorn the Old Tcstan1cnt Book of Jerrm1ah ftirctnld God ' s destruction or 1hr anrient lsracl1tcs 1\ho fvrsook the lav.· ot 1hc l..onJ Ballistcr then sm a~hed a fl(l wc rpnt he w;:is carrying on thl' rno~a1e: rhancc l rl nnr, ;iccord1ng tn Scnpturr. J t'rrm1i1h ·~ brc.:ik· 1ni; of an irnperfrrt f''11tcr'~ \"f'~~i'\ ~yn1· hol ized (;ocJ';; 1n1rcniJ1n& dc.stn.1L't1on 1Jf 1n1pcrfcct 1nan . The ll£'1". B D;1\ 1c \"ap1rr and hi ~ f.anct11ary ~tll.'f1 , (h e Hr1 C;i rroll Cnltnn , f\can of student~ <il Chapn1iln Collrge 1n Orange, stared t·xprcssiunless at the demonstrators. Al ler the sn1ash111~. B:illister rl)l!f'r! 11p his :.croll and led thf" group ba t k up the main aisle and our of the church. DAILY PILOT l'lRAijOI Cl)&.S I ll'Ul t 1S111Ht; tOMll'AN'I' ••l.••I N. w., .. •rnl<Mnl •nil ""'II""•' J•cl It Cv.r,.,. Vo<• P'rH .... •I Oftf t;,t.,.,,, ....... ff/ T~•"'•' ICee..;I [C•l<I• r~ ..... , >-µ~.~~;~• M.lft'""' [~,~· . J ., • ..,, F. Cnll·•1 ,,._,1 , .• ,~ <•IY EollO< Ne"'""t •.u OHlt• 1i I I Wttl l1lbo1 !o ~l••••d Meill11f A.1"••11: P.O. 101 11 15, t Z66J 0---C-'• ,,,,,.,no Wnl l•W .... "' l•..,,.. lttc~· n1 ~°''''A"'­t11111""-""' htcl!i lOf Siii Sl'l"llH ·- f!AIL l' ll'•LOI. '"'"" -.. ~ ., ~-a,r'lfd ... ,....,,_ .. ,. ... 'I ... ,I_ C••'• ." .. ' -••v .,. ............ ,..., ,.., ,. • .,.,, """'' ("''" .......... L-loo<~. *'!""'~ '""'" .... .._,.,~ ........ ·-*"" ---1 ~...... 0••-'"" ~~l1'1-............. "'"'''"' -· o-. OI lf" "U ' l•ll>o..t ''""~ ......... , ·-~ ..... JJt ......... ~ ........ >'.Iii•~ -·· Tile I 17141 MJ·4J11 a..I Uaoil ... '4J.IUI t..,..,, 1Nt, Or-l.Hti P'ullllt/I"-.:-•• .... "'"'' ........ .,,.,., ....... .. . .i...... -llot• ... -"'"""'"" ...... ... ...... Ill ................ -... • -..1 .. - -.. -.. C91'1'ltl\I ...... . *-.i.c -......... , ,.._ ~ ,,. c_.,.1, Miu , (t ll•wnlt ""9u,.ti., II• ,........, ll.• .... lll!y, .,. _ ..... ~1,, ... 1 .... .., -t1noc1-. ., ... _.,,,, " ., ln response to the brief intrusion, 1he ncv. f\tr. Naper explained that the warn· 1ng "in Jeremiah 's time. was authetic \1Jrd," adding that he 1Napier ) did not request it, blJt was gralcful /or it being spoken Sunday. Sc1'eral of the newly anointed Children of Israel, had been stationed among the <·ongregation and sang out loud "Amens." said in his sermon there was the "possibility that civiliiaLion may yet be smashed as violently and ruthlessly as that pot." One bearded youth in the balcony in· lerrupted the ser1·icc JUSl before the recessional and shouted: .. Stanford University and the Stanford Church are not buildings of God," and "The Bible is not being pra,cl.iced in schools and univer-sities.'' ''I-believe Utal thC're is • G6d • , , America's gonna go down to Communism .. , the Commie.s arc gonna lake over lhis whole heathen nation ." Sevt>ral v.·ell-drcssed couples in the co n- gregation got up and stalked out as he continued lo fo recast l!.S. doom b;1sed on J \.~ wallowing in '"sex, dope and all sorts of pcrvcrs1ons." There \vere audible gisgles "'hen he predicled . "Gcxl will destroy America \-cry soon, saith The Lor d." l!c did not elaborate further. The group -whi ch \·acated Huntington Bca<'h and cnv1rons last April for Arizona In escape the so-far inefficient destruc· lion of sinful California by earthquake - left quickly in orderly fash ion. The Clnldren of Israel c!imb<'d inlo !htir crir11\ ilrt Qf ~evrn Tu•cnl 1elh Cen !ur.v Ta11!et r;;p \ehicles and drove lo a Catholic Church in .\lenlo Park. The\· .~lQOd brieflv 1n their robe~ on tl1e ~1rlcwalk in front of !he church. b1i t niade !\II al tl•1npl In lll\ildf' the ~an1·tuary of 1:1,1\ r at 1ean-hcadq u;irtrrf'd faith 011r ,\ouni:; n1an \1ho llO\V call s him'irl! .J.1;i\) and \\a<; 11 ith the group in H11 n· t ln(lon Hcal'h <·sumatcd 1he band has ~rown In 150 per~on.~ and has ranged trnn1 r hN'n 1x, to Akron , Ohio, Kew York (..'1!y, Florida and points between. Payo ff Charged In Extradition Refu sal b y LBJ \\"ASHl:'\GTON 1L PI \ -Sen Paul .I. Fannin. ( R·Anz.J , said tod ay the Ocmocratlc p<irly received Sl00.000 in r:;mprugn contnbu!ions as an apparent "po)Jtical ralolf" af1er a .Johnson ad· m1nislration refu sal to extradite labor leader Hal Banks to Canada. Banks, a L .S. c1!lzen. "'as leader or <.:<1n<1f1a 's Seale:ircr 's International Ur11on Jn !963 "'hen hr was convicted for perjury 111 testimony before a 1loyal Canadian Com mi!!iion about .an assault thal oc- curred live years earlier. Banks fled Canada after sentencing and was discovered living on a un io n yacht in New York City. The Canadian govern· ment asked then.Secretary or State De11n Rusk lo order Banks returned to Ca,nada but Rusk denied the request. Fishing Planned For Boys Club Got a deep-seated urge to play the An· clenl ~,ariner out on lhe Bounding ~1a1n., \Vould you seltle for fishing off the Seal Dcach barge .. Signups for youngsters are now be ~ng !~ken at rhe Boys Club ol the ll•rbor Area central branch. 594 Center St., for a Nov. 11 angling trip and further details 111ay be obtained the.re. From Page l TRIKE RACE • • as the. tottering television version. Odrizola, who needed to make a half. dozen hasty repairs as he toppled through tne gymkhana event, fin ally was ruled out of the race because he e1:ceeded I.he lime limit. "f didn't care, rC'ally, becau~ my shoulders were giv ing out. That last fall realty finished mc." he said later. Through the hi.Jinks one lone dril·cr !'r~n1 cd silent and intense . t>wcn ''J\;o.funny·Business'' ~tinney liludied the course in both events as lf he \vrre a scientist. Then. wllh a burst of speed from his lo\V·slung, modified, rail-Oragster trike. zipped th rough the gymkhana course in record time. · Hi~ speed was obvious. And in apt appreciation for the stellar performance, Lile audience booed lustily. Undaunted. t.1tnney meditated some more, munched on chicken and prepared for the grand prix event. He \.\'On. nut the Alley-\\'est-Balboa-Bicycles en- try resembling a mutant cow with • !'l<il 'S antlers at the head, \li'as still not properly ~aten , its crew snarled. So a grudge match developed to prove 'rho. indeed , would win the day. Thr \\'eird lxtv1ne 1nachinc. didn't ha\'e a chance. So amid flying colors. beer cans and batlcy.f!avored frolh O..ven i\11nney l'ntcred the 1r1nner ·,.:; circle in triun1ph. Revelersc doused l1in1 and each other \1·1!h the tailings from aluminum cans. Tf.en a!\ left on <1 rally across tht! \.~land , including a ride on the Balboa Ferry. to an after-race d11n ce al the Pa vii ion. "\\'ould everyone do us a favor and pick up one empty can," one Bird Club- ber pleaded . \"olunteers stayed behind to cltan up lhc debris. And as the last trike horn faded at\·ay 011 ~larint' Avenue .. this exultant cry l1!1ed lhe air amid the debris 'I found a full one . , . :i ful! one·· t "rt>m Pnge l EARTHQUAKE. (ia1nagc Or. Brune-said the L:ig1111a rrcinor probably originated fro111 lhc. :o;ame fault 80 miles off shore which caus- ed Friday's 5.25 magnitude roller. Reactions from Orange Co u n l y residents afler the qua ke"s rook and roll routin were many-splendored: -Colorful long-time junk de a I e r Charlie Peddi cord of Laguna Canyon Road was gleeful that his old bottle collection gathered over the years was in- lact. lte estimates the va lue al S!S.000. lie called an editor at 5:20 a.m. to report. -~farket and liquor store owners generally said their slock was intact. Acord"s r.tarket in Laguna reported a fe1v lopplcd packages but no damage and il 1\·as gene rally business as usual this rnorninJl. -Fred Struby of 535 Avenida Majora, Leisure World ,in Laguna Hills said the quake awakened his wife Christine \.\'ho said sleepily: "I know it's time to get up, hut }'OU don't have lo shake my bed so hard." -r-.trs. Pat Getchell of 24961 Spadra Lane, Mission Viejo, said. "1 was petrified. I was ready to move." She had been readina a book about earthquake.a and California dropping into the ocean. It sent one daughter into the Gotchell'1 bedroom and awakened another child. J'<.1rs. Getchell said she and her neighbor l\frs, Edward Haskay feel the best prr.ve.ntive lo earthquake havoc would 1be a helicopter wanned up in the back yard. -Mrs. \Yilliam of \Val.son, 24278 Aouara, Laguna Niguel, said, "I \.\'as ~uUnd asleep and it was just like S<'lmebody just look our bed and shook U and shook il. It didn"t wake Bill •tall." -Albertson·s r-.!arket in L a g u n a rcpor1ed the clerks were shaken but not 1he merchandise. -~lrs. Tony Boggio nf :11912 Sun~l'I A\'r , Soulh Laguna . s:i1d. "IL scared !he hrC"k ou1 or me. I don't like earthquakes bot l v.'cnt right back to sleep." Lebanon Crisis Eases Fighting Slo1vs, Dispute Heads for Talks BEIRUT (UPI) -f'ighllng between Lebanese army troops and Ara·b guer- r1ll<1s slowed today and it appeared the corfhct that gave thf: Arab world the wor~t crisis In years was hcading for the tonferente table . possibly in C·alro . Tile govcrnrnent lifted or relaxed its 24· hour curfew 1n all rnaJor cities except '! r11.ooll ¥<h ile Presitlent Carnal Abdel Nasser of Egypt senl uul a peace convoy tn tne \'anous Arab caplt;il s. lodiea11ons t.••e re he would invite them to Cairo for a peace con fereoce lnforn1cd politica l sourC'es in Beirut .sa1r; Rashid Karam1. the former premier \\ho ga ve up lr)'ing 10 form a government \1•hcn the •'ri.sis fir:.t developed had re· ;~etrd a new apfX'al fro1n Pri:'sidcnl Charles Helou to try to organu.e a cabinet. ss~ooo question llelou t•onlerred dur ing the day with bo1h Kararn1 and i\laJ . lien. Emile Bus1an1, com rnander·1n-ch1cf of the Lebanese arn1ed force s who ha!'i sought to hall guerrilla a!lacks agalnst Israel in lwlicf they \l'Ould bring m:ijnr Israel! rcta!1at1011 Hclou al so l·onfrrrcd 11·1th 5uv1ct An1t<1ssador Sara~ur Azimo~. r..1 oscow t,;1.. ~1ded 11'1th the guerrilla forces if\ tile t•onfh ct and indirectly told th e linl!ed SI.ales to kcep its hands off Lebanon. Pravada ::.aid today NATO naval n1ancuvers off Lebanon "puts this ex- plosive area on lhe brink of a vcry dangerous conflict " Informed sources in Paris ::.aid the f'ren("h govern n1i:'nl had followed the Lt'banese cr1s1s wuh •·auenllon . anxiety and the greatest interests" but considers Charges Against Viejo Man in Theft Delayed (;rand theft charges against Richard \\'inters Burke were delayed for one week today wi th the Mission Viejo man 's plea th.a t he needed time to "make ar· rangement.s about my property anJ hire a lawyer." Judge Paul Mast ordered Burke, 27, of 26Jn Papagayo Drive, to return to Santa Ana Municipal Court Nov. 3. He released the accused employe of the county clerk's division on his own recognizance. Burke is accused of embez:r.Jing at le ast S.i.000 in county clerk 's funds during his handling of banking for the office's finan- eial division. He surrendered to !he sherif f's office last \\'eek after an Orange l'our.ty Grand Jury auditor discove red a sh :irtage of $200 ln a bank deposit state- nH•nt. ln1•estigators cl aim Burke has ad mitted :hat he is responsible for sin1Har shortages on at !east 20 occasions during !us two-year supervision of the banking operation. The tall, ex-Marine told Judge t-.1ast that he needed time to make ar- rangements for his family and engage an ;.ttorney. He was reminded by the judge lhat he may qualify for the ser\·ices of the publi c defender. Burke looked tired and strained as hr sat in the dock V.'ith the usua l fu ll coinplemcnt of Monday morning ar- raignments. He later chatted wu h newsmen, but refused to discuss aspects of the charges tha t led to his arrest. .. I"ve made all t'1e statements that I can possibly make,"' he said. "l Lh1nk you \viii find that V.'hat I ha\'e told in· Football Coach Sho,vs I>aintings Laguna Beach artist Hal Akins \.\'ill shO\\" his collection of 011 and \\·ater color pai ntings at the Civic CentE'r Gallery, Newport Beach Ci ty Ha ll. through No1•E>mbcr and December. Akins. a teacher and head football ro:ich at Laguna Beaeh High School, ha~ rxhib1ted \\·orks in \Yashingt on. Oregon and Cali fornia, v.•1nning a"·ards in all three slalrs. lie has been an exhibitor at lhE' Laguna Bra..:h Festival of Arts for .~everal year:s. I le v.·on the hr~\ prize in watereolor anc: first 1n oils at the Seal Bearh Open S!1ow Ja~t yrar ll1c g.".lllery 1s oi~n wtekda~s, 8 JO a.n1 . to 5 p.rn. vestigators will soon be offered ln court lestjmony." As Burke was being arra,igned before Judge Masi, the investigation into his alleged misuse or county funds continued. County auditor Vic Heim refused to com- ment on the progress of the audit "pen- ding our final determination of lhe extent of this embezzlement." 60,000 Enemy 1'roops Massed SAIGON /t;PJ) -North Vie1namcsr and Viet Cong con1n1anders today were rrported lo have massed S0.000 troops north of Saigon for an offensive expected to begin between Nov. 15 and Nov. 20. U.S. intelligence sources said it was too early lo predict the intensity of the drive. The timetable for the November of· fensivr was based on captured documents and interrogation of war prisoners. Sources said the extent of the fighting w1l1 dl'pend on the n10\•ements of four Communist divisions in the Cambodian border area north and northeast of Saigon in the next two weeks. If they remain dormant i.n the jungle§ along lhe Cambodian frontier. the sources said the drive will probably be restricted to a flash of !'ihel!in~s and corn· manrlo auacks against American and South Vietnamese outposts <tnd in· stallalions involved 111 lhe pacificatlon prngram. Nixon's Address Bean1 ed to Latins \\"AS!ll1'\GTON /AP\ -The Whitf' llouse said toda y President Nixon wll l estabhsh a h1sto nr first \\•hen his fir~t ma1or address on Lal in Ameriean policy J~ televised live to Latin America Friday night. The forum is thr annual merting or the lnll'r-American Press Assoc1R!ion a\. 1code>d by editors lrorn nations of the hen11 sphe rc. \\'hi1e Hot1se press secrrl arv Hona ld L. Ziegler said he understands tt1e r S. Information Agency \\'ill fee<l tl1e sperc h lo Latin Aincrican radio <inrl TV nct•vorks and that a new con1n1un1cations satellltc made thi s possi ble. the l'tish ts past and the senlement C;\11 be TE'achrd i11 a peace!ut rnann~'r In Cairo the .\1idd le East News Agent\ sauJ Egypt had endorsed a specta l ineeting of the Arab League Council In deb:ltc the crisis Jn Lebanon Jri \\'aslungton the Uru tcd Stale~ ;ir c·u~cct Russia today of trying tCl "rnakl' pr•JIJ<ig:inda '' out of the crisis in Lebanon . It £"ailed instead for "q111c1 d1plo111acy" In settle this newest flareup of danger in thfl ttficirlle East. The U.S. reaction to a So1ict Nc11 < Agcr.ey statement or Saturday can1e fro111 State Department :ipQkesman Ro;:iert J. fltcClu~ke.v. It \\.1S a1n1cd ;1ga insl part of a Tsss staten1cnt wha·h had bef:n interpreted as a warning to the lin1ted States against mterfermg In Lebanon. ,, Supreme Court Takes Up Ca~c Of 'Dirty' Mail \VASHll\"GTON 11.{Prl -The SupremP. Court agreed today to rule on a federRI la\\-y,•hich enables an individual to prC'· vent 1nailing to his address of material:\ he considers obscene by appealing lo postal authorities. The 1967 law \.\'as challenged by a group of mail order houses which protested th e procedure was unctinLilutional. Th• court will hear arguments in the case and hand down a decision later this term. In other actions, the court: -Agreed to examine another postal case which could determine how lonh property may be detained \\'hile law en· forcemenl officers arc in\·estigating and iirtting a search warrant. A r-.fount Vernon. v.·ash .. man conv1c!rd of illegal- ly importing gold <'OJns fron1 Canada contend th at the 29·hour 1lctention of (\.\"O paekagC's of eo1ns 11"<-I~ 1llcA<il He v.•on an appe3!s court revrrsal nl his c·onv1i ·· t1on and U1c JUStice d1~p:1rtrn1·111 c;uTICd the <•:rse to the Sup1·c.n1e Cour1 -l!efused an ;1 pp1'al by lhn•l· rnrn <'011· \·ic1ed or slaying l'iegro nauon:il1.\t lead- er fl1alco ln1 X 1h;i1 :i ruling pcrn1it11ng testunonv behind closed doors at thcir trial v1oiated the ir co11st1tut lonal rights. -Let stand a Federal Co1nrnunicallons Commission (FCC/ order re>qu1ring tele- phone eompanies lo gel 1~cc appro\•al for construction of Community Anteno~ Television lCATV) facilities €'\"CTI at the local level. The mail procedure <"asc 11·a.~ the first obscenity question to be accepted by !hr <'Ourt in its new term under nC\V Chief Justice \\'arren E. Burger. A special three-judge federal court In Los Angeles on April JO, upheld the con- shtutiona!ity of the Jaw, rejecting claim.s by 14 mail order houses. book publish- ers and o!hers that it dcnicd 1hem frer- do111 of sprcch :ind "d11r prnc<'.~S of law " 'fhey also conler1d ed ll is 'ague anr! a1nbiguous. The law authorizes any ·:irldrcs<;ce lo !;l~c. steps lo keep ont or his n1a1I bri\ "pandering 11dv{'rt1.~rmrnt<' 11h 1ch h" helie1·cs to br "f'rot1 callv aroL1s1ng nr se xually prn1·ocative." · Graceful Karate Cla ss Planned The}''rf getnng gung hn ()\er \.;ung fu a· thr Boys Cluh of the liarbor Arca . Kung Ill is s1m1!ar to karate, only more J.l racefu !. Classes in thf' ar1r1 ent Chine.~r art or ~t'l f-defen~~ arr hr ld \\"rdnr<;c11lv• al 7 l' n1 <ind ~a111 rda1·~ :it \(I a rn ·11 1111 a 1 Bn~s Club mt·111 h<-rs tl1g1hh: \u s1go t•I\ :in d part1e1 p•He . The 1nstri1ctor i~ .J.1111r.~ 1 liighf·~ FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS ~'EEi( ONLY SIOO SUITS FOR SH Sl 10 SUITS FOR SU SllS SUITS FOR $IZ 1125 SUITS FOR llot Sl35 SUJTS FOR Slll3 SlU SUJTS FOR SI 16 s1H sum f'OR s 12• 1115 SUITS FOR l llZ 3467 Via Lido at Nevtport Boulevard . Newporl Beach Open .Friday eve nin gs until 9 p.m. I --------.---.--___,,.---.-.-.. , -.-;.·4 -_-_-_-..,,.: _ __..-,__,_..._ .. ._.._ .. -------·~~·-~-------"---. ••• • I • .' ' ./ ·' ~ '.'" ' " " • 1<• ,. '" I " • ' ............................................. , BEA ANDERSON, Editor " ..... ll Early Birds Wise Buyers It \von't be a \\'orn1 that early birds \\'ill be looking for \1·hen tl1ey bro1rse at Lhe Cos ta i\lesa \Von1en's Clubhouse F'riday, Nov. 7. \\'hat 'lhey'll be looking for. <1s they check n1erchandise al booth.~ and tables. 1vill be unu sual Ch rlst1n as gi ft s and the 1vise ::;hopper 1ri!l have a n1uch shorter li sl after a ttending the club's annual Christn1as Bazaar. f\.'l aking and collecting 1vares. \vhich \vill be offered for sale, have occupied months of tiine for eve ry member. according to l\'lrs. \Villiam Good\vin, chairman. Proceeds' "-•ill be used for club philan· thropies. underlining the holiday spirit of giving. Attractively packaged homemad'E candy has been the project of the Card Section under the direction of Mrs. \Villiam Bandaruk and Mrs. Herberrt Trautinann , \l'hile Gadabouts found tin1e to stock an old-fa shioned country S'tore and \\'ill sell 'vhite elephants. Heading their group are Mrs. Kevin Nel~on and l'vlrs. Claude Smith. Christmas decorations and flora l arrangements have be('n cre- ated by the Garden Section '''ith l\1rs. Be ss Johnson and l\1rs. Le'v DunninJZ in charge. Offering baked goods ,,·il l be i'>lrs. \Villiarn Jlvlasturzo <tnd i\lrs. Ralph Littlefield. and hungry sho ppers tnay select sand,viches. cof- fee and ho1nen1ade pastries at the snack bar. to be n1anncd by l\'lr s. Nellie Russell. . Ni mble fin :;"rs of the 21 men1bcrs of the \l'ays and means com· m1ttee have been 11·ell exercised. too. Their contributions include gifts . stocking stuffers. gift tags. pi!· lO\\'S, decorated wastebaskets. je\velry and aprons. Chai rmen of the group are Mrs. Good,vin a nd Mrs. Karl Jordan . SATISFACTI ON GUARANTEED -Every sweet tooth \Vil! he satisfied by the array of homemade cakes, pi es, cookies an d candy which will be offered at one of the many enticing tables to be set up by Costa :r.·tesa \Vo1nen's Club for 'Lhc annual Christmas Bazaar Nov . 7. Head bakers are (left to right) flrlrs. Ralph Littlefield and J\:lrs. Edwin Masturzo. Special recognition is due l\1rs. Robert :r.1cKennan who 1nade knitted doll s and collected desk sets. and Mrs. John Miller whose handiwork produced pot hold ers, pin cushions and bridge sets. Lido Woman's Club Newsman Exposes Drug Conspiracy \Vhat can you do aboul drug abu se? \Vhat ts the organized plan being used to "turn on'' youths as well as parents? \Vh y arc youn.t: people using drugs? H0\1' did the hippie 1novc· meni get started ? Provocative questions such as these \\•ill be ans\vered by ne,v sinan Johann Rush for the Lido Isle \Vo1nan's Club Tuesday, r-iov. 11, at 11 :30 a.111. in the clubhouse. Rush. a ne\l'S can1crcu11Cln \\'hose films ha,·e hccn sho,ved on CBS. J\BC. :\BC . Bf~<: and BCIN:\, has ded icated hin1sclf tn the s1ory of lhc teenage d rll~ problen1 !or the past. tl1rce years. To do an tn·drplh inYcstigat ion , he di s· guised hnnsel f as a hippie and \rent lo S<J n Francisco's Haight-.l\shburv distri ct and tra· veled around the country \Vith several teen· age runa\1'ay boys. During a stay in Ne\V Orleans he tried marijuana after reading national magazine reports that the drug \Vas not habit forming. After using the drug §evcral times he rea· Jized that he wa s losin g interest in his \\·ork and 111a s being led lnto the drug \l'Orld and into the hippie life. .i\fte r taking hol d of reality. he stopped hefore he 1\·as hooked and returned to "·o rk, detern1ined to tell the true siory o[ drugs. Fashions Fairest ''\\'ho's the fairest of them all ~·· is the question being pos· ed for i\1esa·Har bor Club members 'The answer will be given during the group·s benefit luncheon-fashion show Thurs- day, Nov. 13, in the NC\.\'p<>rter Inn. Of coursr. the obvious ansv•er is all of the mOOels \\'Caring f<1ll and w Inte r fashions fron1 the May Co ., Svulh Coas! PlaLa Tak.Ing turns at center stage "'ill be 1nrmbcrs. the i\l111es Jack Elliott . R ic h a rd Hatn ilton , D<ilc Hartung. lloll'ard Linc h, Robert ;\fcLarcn. Jchn J\fin- no!L. La11Tcncc Sherttcr and Peter ~L<1dler . J\1rs Harold Lakin. wa;·s and rncans rl1a1Tn1an, 1 s coordinator. Assisting her "'i1h arrangements arc the J\lmes. Edv.·ard Z1ellnsk1. Ed'" a rd Lynch. A rt h u r DeCubellis, Phili p Donohue . Lou i s Bradsha v.·, \V endell Williams, John Stone and Paul Kee . Tables will be decorated with pin k and "·hitc floral ar· rangen1enL<o cen tered w i t h 1nirrors \.\'hich arc beinJ: created by i\lrs. Michael Nisbet and il1rs. F' r r. d Swenson. f'<1shion coordinator~ are J\lrs. Bud Bardsley and J\lrs. Nick Ha nson . whilr com- mentator wi!J be 111rs. Duane Ste putis. .<-\ pun ch bo\\·l V.'ill precede the luncheon 11·ith !vlrs. Robert L. Hissonnctte and tvtrs . . John Davis as hostesses. iirs. Robert \Vah- ler, 673-6197, is accepting reservations. 'MIRROR, MI RRO R ON THE WALL , • .' -One of the fairest. of course. is Mrs. Robert McLaren (right) as she models one of the ensen1bles to be presented in the showing at ~1esa-Harbor Cl ub 's benefit. Chairman of the event is Mrs, llarold Lakin \Vho notes the sn1art detailing of the frock . Proceeds \1•il! support th r Child Guidance Center o[ Orange County. o ·verexposure Stops Development of DEAR ANN LANDERS: Here's how a. \.\'ldow handled the situation whe n she founrl a box of pictures of nude "·omen land worse) under her teenage son's bed. ;\laybe ii will help other mothers. ·ANN I.ANDERS · Jimmie wa.~ 17. a good sluden1. an --·· n11tstanding athlete and dated some but not a lot. He never ni entioned anything :ihout sex and I did n't !hink 1t v.·as on his mind much -until I fo un1t those pie· lures. I \\•as so shocker1. t\nn. I just sal dou·n on his bed and stared into spa re fo r a full lfl n1inutes. finally I hit on an idea. I look the pictures d:iv.•nstai r!I and taped them on the living room wall. l fleeided it was the best ~·ay to Jet him know I had found them . After I got. a eood look at lhal I.rash {about 15 pictures in all 1 T sent up a li !!lc prayrr lhat my inothrr·in·law or the 1nin1s!cr ,~·oukln 'L drop in on ml' unexpected ly. \\'hen Jim carne hon1c he wenl str:i ight t:i the fridge as always. lie yelled something about footb:ill practice then started for I.he stairs. ·When he got to !he living room he bellowed "Oh Mom., .No! No ! No! No ~" I a.~ked calmly. "\Vhy no!".' lf you like those pictures so v•cll Iha! you keep them under y~ur bed to look at 1 thin k they should be shared 1\'Jlh our lrlrnds." Jim ripped the pic tures off the \.\'1111 ((caring most of them in the process J. haul ed them to the incinerator and 111 a rn:itch to what was left of his colleclion. I never mentioned the pictures again and neilher did he. That was 10 ytars <iJiO •• Jim now ha~ lwo son s of his own. I know his wife i~ an avid reader of yt>ur column and she'll never know when she sees this letter that her hu sband is the "teenager." -LAST LAt;GH DEAR LAST: \\'hy don't ~'ou tc-11 bt'r? 1'11 bet sh"'d laugh ... ·\lh you -and ~he might c\·en learn something that migtit com e in hundy late r. [)f'.:i\R ANN LANDERS: I am 22. or sound mind and body, and \·ery much 1n love. My sweetheart and I arc gelling 1narried In December . I'd like to sa y somelhin.t: Lo aU married people v.'ho read your colu1nn . Here is my message and please ask lhc typesetter to put it in big print. IF YOU CAJ~'T SA Y SOMETHING GOOD ABOL:T MARRIAGE, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Photo Collection r ve been getting nothing but cute remarks since I announced my engage· men! -such as "\\.'hen's the Funeral ".'" An<I "\Vhen arc you join ing the ranks of the l'n sl:ived ?" Don't !hese people rcall~e \hal when 1hcy knock niorr i:igc they pul the finger 011 themselves? They are saying. ":0.1y marriage >s lousy. I l\ish I were single again." Such .~en timrnts arc nol only <1n admission of failur(' but an insult to one 's spouse. Anyone who doesn'I see this is obtuse and slupid. J'n1 sure you'll agree and 1 hope you'll i:.ay so. Thanks. Ann. --CALGA RY, ALBERTA DEAR CAL : I do and I wlll. Such peo.. pie are obtust and stupid. CONFIDENTIAL TO A FRIEND TO \'OUR B~OTHER : ·Look. Bub, I don 'L ha\'e a brother. You've gol "·rong ln· formation or a great imagination. Maybe both. Get lost. If rou have trouble getting along "'ith your par"nls ... if )'OU can't gel thtm 10 let you livt your 0"'" llfr. send lor AP Landers· booklet. "Bugged by Parenu·.• How to Get l\-1ore f'reedorn ." Stnd 58 cenl3 in coin with your rtquesl and a long. st.amped, s~lf-addrc!!sed envelope . Ann Landen will be glad lo belp yo11 with yoor problems. Stnd them to her In care of Ult DAILY PILOT, en('l05Jng a 1elf-1ddressed, stamped envelope. t ---.. HB Junio rs Active Wedding Pledges Said Phone Firm Returns Ring Out ol ~ ol the 31J.OOO bill payment envelopes which ar· rived lhe other day at A pumpkinlu1 of t«.1ndy, been accepted for a babysit· Southwestern Bell Telephone October Booms MR . AND MRS . TORBITT Il l Colorado Honey moon League Leaders Assistance Names New Thr An1bass;idor !l otrl. Los Angeles \1•as the selling for l!H' rrcent ;111n11al ('011\'Cnlihn nf :\at1on;1l 1\ss1.>lar11.:e League. l-:lected 10 ser1c on lhr 1~9· 71 board of directors wt•rc Lhc. _\·1nH'S. Dick S. He f I" I' n , Anaheirn , presidl'n\: J . I'. Rrough, Vt' 11 I 11 r <l , \'lt·e prl'~lden!, standards: B~Ton i\I. Kn obl a11th. Arcadia, \"ice. presiden1, ph1l11nthropic proJ· ects: ~hlr..; \\I. Ne11·by .Jr . Glenda!r, \'ICC president. hrad· quarters, and Allen ll Church, Albuquerque, c-Qrrrsponding secretary. session \\'as ~!rs. Burton V. Collins of Balh<la Island , retir- ing prcsidl'nt 0£ National Ass1~1t11H:e Leaguf', and guest spcn\;\-r 11as Carl 'Terzian, r11·01a: ;iffairs expert, busi nrssn1an and youth leader, Voting delegates froin the NC\.\-'porl Beach chapter were fhe ~1 n1es. Hobert J'. Forbes, .loseph Clark s()n, Theodore Hoh111s Jr. and Jlugh K. \Y right. Representing the Laguna Beach Chapter 111ere the ~·1 n1e~. T h<1n1as 1 L .r ones. \\'1 lhslon Bradway. .1 oh n Solomon. P:iul Beemer. Thom· as Madd()(:k, Douglas Smith, PalncK II. Randall, Roy Thoroughman. Thomas Roden and William T. Phillips. Attending from the llun- lington Beach Chapter "'·ere !he t.1me$. Gilbert Turnbull, l...ate afternoon nuptial rites were read in Sl. Andrew's Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Dr. Char les J)ieren.f:ield for Sarah Josephine She\vard and Alexander Torbitt Ill. They are tile daughter and son of Mr. and f\1 rs. Myron Ashley Sheward of Newport !leach and J\ilr. and !vtrs. Alexander 1'orbitt of lionolulu. l·'or 1U1e double ring ceremony, the bride chose a po int d 'cspril ove r pale pink taffeta gO\\"n \vith cn1broidered alencon lace accent- ing till' bod ice and sleeves. Her point d'esp rit veil rel l into a tl'ain to co1n plement the gO\\'n. i\l rs. (;erard V. Thibault Jr. was her sis· l er 's rnatron of honor, and bridesmaids were 11 rs. Terrill A. She\\•ard and Mrs. Alan Ro"'- land, sister of 1he benedict. They \\'ore autumn purple crepe gowns and had flowers entwined in their coiffures. 1-~lower gi rl \\'as Jody Rowland and ring bearers \\'ere Kent and Brent Rowland. John Freitas served as best man and ushers were Thibault. Sheward brother o f the bride, and Ro,vland. ' A reception for 200 guests in the garden nf the b ride's parents' home foLio.,..'ed the C'l'rcrnony. \Vhere the register \vas circulated by i\liss Susannah Ebsen. A.Iler honeyinooning in Aspen. the newly- \l'Cd s \viii reside in l\"e1vpo rt Beach. · 'fhe bride. a fourth generation Californ- ian and' l !lli6 National Charity League debu- tante. attended Arizona State Universi!v and \1·as graduated l'ron1 Orange Coast Colie~e . lier J1u sband is a graduate of 1he Uni-\'ersity of lla\vaii. Co. in St. Louis came a punch and ('upcakcs will be ting clinic: taking place in the platinum diamond ring. served when members of the clubhouse Saturday, Oct. 2S. "l opened lhe envelope and Huntington Beach J unior t.1ore than JOO youngsters the ring just tumbled out," Woman's Club sponsor a between II and 16 years will said the clerk. Halloween party for children attend the classes which offer The check w hi ch ac· in Fai rview State Hospital 1 tompanied the bill and ring Wednesday, Oct. 29. instruction and ad111ce or was trnced. novice and expcritnced liiJb)'-The customer said she had In charge of <irrangen1ents sillers. rcnioved her ring as she was i~ fl1rs. John Flanagan, inen-Dr_ Burton \\'illis 11. ill \i•ri ling checks and did not tal health ch1:1irn1a n. and as-niiss it until after she had sisting will be the t-.hnes Rob-present a lecture on "\\!hat to inailed her payments. ert Farah. Earl Hale. Thomas Do Until Help Arrives:" r.lrs >"--.... ...;.,;. .... ----. Fisher, Erwin Zuehls. \Va yne \\'illis, a registered nurse. will i\1onks, floy Johnson and dtscuss "Care and feeding of George Kemp. lnfants." F'ollowing the part ~'. the The fir c department's ~1mes. Flanagan, Hale. Farah representati\'e v.•ill show a and John Cout!ee win again movie, "Have a \\'onderful visi l the hospital to sorl the El'ening." and demonstrate candy for the children. artificial resuscitation. Police Other HalJoween projects Sgt. J ack Reinholtz v; i 11 planned by the Juniors include disc uss •·What to Do If You .a puppet show. "~orgy ." 1-lave Trouble." and t.1rs. Dale whic h was presentetl Jasl 1verk Bush v.'ill talk on .. How to in the city 's main library and Entertain Children and '\'hat annexes. Parents Expect." to.1rs. Knrl F oss, assi~Lcd bv Mrs. Cody Evans is in Mrs. Richard Carlisle and thargc or the elinic and Mrs. S<rniuel Edge. were in assisting will be the Mmes ('hargf' of the. presentation and Brure Burton, Karl Jlaminer, I I -Neal Van Havcrbeke. Jerry turrenl y arc p an n 1 n g Kenefick alid Ronald Novkov. :inother to take plat e in .January. The Juniors have a hospital bed complete v.·ith side rails Mrs. Jack Hall, safety and an ample su pply or chairman. has announced that children's and adult's crutches 12,000 Halloween flyers will be in their medical closet wh ich distributed in both school are available for loan to Hun· districts, Ocean View and tington Beach residents al no ll untington Beach. They con· charge. t ain "dos" and "don'ls" for Before th e Stork Visits You For You• Compl•I• Mtt•rnity w .rclrob •• , ••••on •bl• CATHY'S MA TERN I TY SHOP They are in need or ad· Halloween and 1frs. Hall ditional "''heel chairs, and urges parents to read them anyonl'! wishing to donate a 1767 New,.rt llTII. carefully. chair may contact ?o.1rs. 01~ C•N ,.... 646-Slll Maximum rcg!stralion has,1,.~A~lm~a:a~s,~8~4~7_:!-03~9~7~. ____ ,.!!::::=::::::i:::::::=:::::=:::::::::::::::=~ Gold Book 'Salesmen' Get Pitch Prcl1n1inarv plans have been (·o n1p\ete<l 3nd it's ' ' a I l systems go" for the ninth cdi· 11on of the Gold Book , to be presented by Angelitos de Oro ;it it s annual ball April 25 in th<' Balboa B<iy Club. The auxiliary of the Big Brothers or Orange County has the Gold Book as il~ ma· jor fund-raising event of the year. le Glad They Still Moke PIC111rn Uke Tlii1! -~~·"'~~ ..... Mie~s II!') ~ ~~~em11Rm~'." • Siam W•dna1da • LIDO, New ort e Area l!lcluslvC! .. ,<r"'"" ' , HIS AND HER INITIALS Continuing on 1hP bo;irrf are !he ~tn1es. llo11arcl J . N:trn· n1ack; Santa llarl>ara, John T. Jloyd Jr. J\"r11,.porl Be;1ch: \\"1!h:im Howl:in<l t-.1nor{'. Los Angrl{'s; t::d11:ard \\'. i\:11·rll. 1·pland; .John IL Yuung , S:111 \late<>. and Ch;irlrs F. N1cl s1·11. S<tnta !l!nni1·;1_ and II ugh ,' Members gathered in the home of ~-!rs. John P. Condon ; for a buffet luncheon v.·herc th<' president, 1\lrs. \\lil!iam S. 1 Jlnl~tein presented (;old Book 'i <·h airman fllrs. .lohn f'. Porter. who in turn intrrxluccd l !he JjUest .speaker, Herbert Rin gs that are very now and ours a lone. In 14 karat gold w ith diamond Jln·siding O\!'r 1hr \hrt•r-d.111 / <' ' \ ) --------/ .. . ' l! ·- Elizabe th Ard en face treatment ·, js much more than just a fac ial An Ellzabe U1 A1den expert in Bllffum s' Red Door Treatment Room will help yoo discowr delightful beauty secrets. You' I I have a fa ce !rea!men! and emerge with a luxurioos new makeup as well as a radian! feeling. Comple te !realmen!, wilh makeup, lG.00 ~au!v Slud io, · Buff urns· ~ewport •l P'1ifllon l11..t NtwpOI t C.11'11 • 144-2200 • M.tr1.,"Thuls .,P'11. 10:00 tlll ,:XI 0th« Dfy1 10:00 bll S:l O, West Blanchet. 1 Blanchel. pre~idcnt o f1 Bl anchet Ad rcrlis1ng Agency.I Newport Beach. spoke on the l advi sabil iry of keeping up with 1 (·hanges in advertiser needs l and the position of the Gold Hook in the community. Departing aboard the !llalson Lines SS Lurline /or Fl'onolulu and a traditional aloha \Velcome are Costa 1'.1e'\ans 1'1r. and 1'.lrs. Ted Erickson (top) and Mr. and JI.Ir.~. I-lat Rritz. The auxiliary pre s ents $23,000 yearly to Big Brothers for 1~·ork \.\'ilh fatherless and rroubled boys in Orange Coun· ly. HEY MOM. • • You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT •.• ADULTS WELCOME •SPARKLING NATURAL COLOR! Kodak Color Products u5td exclusi•e- 1, by 1killed, profcs~ion11 portn.it rihologr:iphcrs. •C HI LDRE~ A~D AOLl.'I '' <;rnup~ Only ')l)t rer 3uf-icr t 1 ull po,,._ •SATISFACTION GUA R A,~TEE!J: '{ou must be p leased o r your moncy i\ rr fnndC'd. • OFFE lt IS Ll~lrrl:.IJ~ One rC'lrt rAlt r ('r !uhiect. I•· !I r'. l.1m1 il. and black oxidized ftnish around initials. Choice of his or hers With 2 initials, S 125. With 3 initials, S 135. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. S LA._VI CK'S Jewelers Sinte 1917 18 FASH ION ISLAND NEWPOR T BEACH -b44-I 180 o,_n Mond11y, frid1y until 9:JO p.rn. Sears Araila/J/., at lite }'ollo11:i11g ~car., S torr~ -l:l:JU to 8:30 }J..IJ, CANO GA PARK Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st COSTA MESA Oct. 27 thru Nov. 1st GLENDALE Oct. 27 lhru Nov. I st LON G BEA CH Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st ORAN GE Oct . 271 hru Nov. Isl PASADENA Oct. 27 lhru Nov. Isl POMONA Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st SA NT A ANA Oct. 27 lhru No v. I st SANT A FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thru Nov. Isl TORRANCE Oct. 27th thru Nov. I 1! VALLEY Oct. 27 th ru Nov. 111 WHO DOESN'T WANT A "TRULY SNOOTY FIGURE" DO YOU DARE ... ...... , l~i. yea1'1 leek? . , • You know lh 1 IW<n'Jy, tlin9y. cut oul /~;ng• th1t 11•1•1 ••••v r;n1 cf your fl'iur• 'IJOOd •nd btd, DO YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL ... until you look t i your fig· ur1 in th• mi.,011 .. Hippy hip1." not io firm thigh• .•• cut of bound wt iitlin• etn mtka •nv en• f1•I • liltla bfu•. SO WHAT SHOULD A GIRL DO? • . . Firil . .top .,..crryin'I b1c:tu1• w1 hole! th• 1e c1I t1> you r p1rl1cl fi9ur1. You will look lov11iar. t nd 1h1p•ll•r lh111 you 1v1r dr11rt11cl pouibl1, RESULTS GUARANTEED ... O ur 1p1ci1I h••ulv r1ducinq pro<1r•m te ktt th• 9u1n work ou! of reu1]h, Th1!"1 ..-hy ""' ., •• bl. lo 'JU•f· t nl•• in wrilin9 1h1t ,.., ,..,11 help you b1niih '"''V 1•1ry correcl1blt fiqur • lo"ll in th• sM0!11t1I tirt11 pouibl 1, YOU'LL LOSE MORE INCHES •nd pound• for !1n 111111 yo.,'d p•v on '"Y o•ht t p•o• grem, •o •Yold •t••¥•tion, di•h , pill•, dr.,g• or 10 c•il ~d mini pro 9'"'"' with m••im~fl'I co,tly lon9 '"''" c:ontr•tli offered bv m•ny 1••4;1• ch.in Sp•< end Solon1 .t Sh~p• S~opp11 ... , •r• o~· Iv intere•led '" h•lpinq vow •cqui1 e • mor• be•ulilul f,9. u•• in th e ,horl1i! time po•· ~lb:e. ,.,.. lilAKr YOUR NEW FIGURE TODAY! 5 COMPLETE TREATMENTS ONLY s5 Offer 11 li1"itt'd lo fi~r JO c:allefi. Oh! bv the wat. .,..hil• you·ra 9ettln9 yo"' truly 1nooty filOJure don'r wo•ry obou• your tot1 , we ltoYa fte• child ca1e ..• So 'oll ,.ow for our lpKia1 Foti 9et·1;1,q11ain1ad cfle1. U lin..s ore b111y plao1e call ..... SHAPE SHOPPES INC . lHE-HOMl OF T~ULY ~NOOlY RESUlTS 642-7032 1801 Newport Bl vd, Costa Mesa Salon Hours 9 to 9 Da ily Sat. to l I I ' ) -----------------. -; _.;....._;._ Costa Mesa Today's Flllal N.Y. Stoeu· VO~. 62, NO. 257, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, '1969 TEN CENTS DAILY .. !LOT 511ff P'llol9 ATTENDANTS CLEAN UP AFTER COAST HIGHWAY COLLISION WHICH KILLED GIRL Impact Caves In Front End of Campbell Car (Above) in Saturday Crash Girl Crushed to Death Rolling Car Hits Mesa Youngster After Collision ' A 7-year-old Costa ~1esa girl v.·a~ crushed to (lea th Saturday afternoon beneath her aunt ·s rolling car after a head-on collision on Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Newport Beach police traffic oHictir L<irry Loeffler said J ulie Peters of 2910 Ellesmere Ave" apparently flew out the ·window of the car as it rolled sever;il times after the initial crash. /'\either the girl. nor her aun!, Virginia lncz 'Peters, 24 , 2002 N. Pondcrosa SL, Cosla r.tesa , v.•orc seal bells, Loeffler said. ~tiss Peters' ('ar and one drivc11 by Brice Crutcher Ca mpbel) Jr., 21, of 1984! Plan11ers Meet Tonigl1t Witl1 Ligl1t Agenda A light agerida i.~ plarin rd ror tonight'~ 1neeting o[ the Costa ~1esa Planning lommission. The session i~ se t for· 7 .30 P"m-in city .:ouncil chambers at 77 fair Dri\·c. /\mon,i: the 10 agenda itrn1s is a request hv Ille Spil!er Investment Co . of Ne wpor t l3°eaC'h for a 'lone exct>p(1on to build 40 residential unit s at 2323 and 2329 Elden A·;r , and at the re,ar of 2326 Nev.•port B!rd. If approved, the exception \\'OUl<l allo\v <"ach unit to occup y 1.4!2 square fe('t of :-;pace. The area is zoned as a tvoo-fa1n ily residential district , a category requiring .:! minimum of 3,000 square feet per 01\·elling unit. The city planning staff ha~ recom· mended approval of the request, saying !he area is "rl('sirable for high density con~ideralion." That report also says, "To date all in- fli r.ations arc that staff reCQmmcndations \\'ill be for a concentrate<! shift in zoning ;ilong Newport Boulevard Jn particular, ;ind back to Eld en Ayenue in some cases " The project would consi st of 26 bedroom and 14 tv.'o-bedroom unit s. one· Berkshire Lane, co llided headon in the 1700 block of East Coast H.ighway at 5:40 p.m. Police quolcd Campbell as saying he · was .traveling Jn the Jast lane headin~ north when hi'! first swerved to the right lane to pass a slow car. He svoerved ba ck again. however, when he saw another car !11 fron t of him . To avoid colliding with the original slow car, he said. he veered toward the op· posite traffic. The cars coll ided headon. The Peters tar then rolled several times, police said. Crutcher su ffered tv.·o broken legs, two hrokcn ;inkles. a wri st fra cture and se1·crc cuts, He was in ~atisfactory con· dilion today at Hoag il'lemorial·Hospital. Miss Peters, hospitalized with stvere cuts and bruises, wa1 in lair condition the.re, aide_s said. lier niece had multiple injuries and died en route lo the hospital, officers said. Services for the girl will be held Tues· <lay at J p.m. al Pacific View Memorial Park chapel. Burial will follow in the n1emorial park. Julie leaves her parents, i\1r. and I>trs. Cary Peters ; two brothers, Bret and Kelth of the home and her grandparent~. ,\fr. and ~frs. Burnett Peters of Newport Beach and E:. \V. Quackenbush of Arcadia. Pasadena Judge Jailed In Sta~bing of Wife SOt;TH PASADENA IUPJ) -A superior court judge was jailed here to· day aft er allegedly stabbin g l1is V.']fe with a hutcher kn ife during a fa1nily qt1arrel. . Judge Lloyd S. Davis. 5~. was booked nn suspicion of assault \\'ilh inlenl tll t>rin11nit murdC'r in the stabbing of hi.~ \1He, ~1ary, 51, who was i11 g:iorl condition at llunt[ngt on i\fe1norfal Hospital in l ';l ~arlena with a wound in her upPf.r back _ Police Sgt. James Ste1vart said dclcc· Kenya Leader Jailed NAIROBI , Kenya (UPI) -President Jomo Kenyatta's government today put oprositlon leader A. Oginga Odinga and seven of his colleagues under house ar· rest on charges that Odinga·s party or1;3 nized S.turday's anti-government demonstration in which 11 persons were ki!led. !1ve::. wenl lo lhr-rambling, one·st.ory house after "many'' telephone reports fro1n neighbors complaining of ''a loud farnlly altercation" at the Davis home. Stewarl said Davis' f.)ur children - Nancy . JS: Jolin. 14 : Rober t, 12; and Patricia, ·11 -\\'e.rc at home \\'h('n the .\tabbing oc curred. Stcv.·art. said Davis apptiren!ly picked up a "large" butcher kn1f(' with a nine-inch blade sometime during the quarrl?l and slabbed his wife in a hallv.•ay. Davis, a 1939 graduate of Stanford Law School, was appointed to the bench in 1967 by Gov. Ronald Reagan. His most recent case involved hearings on I.he state attorney general's efforts .to obtain documents in a suit involvin1 the.Beverly Ridge Estates. During his. tenure in the county counsel 's office· between 1946 and 1967 Davis haridled many county lawsuits . in: eluding the Portuguese Bend landslide Disrupt Stanford Service Yugoslavia Shaken 20 J(illed, Hundreds Hurt in Quakes BANJA LUK!i.. Yugoslavia (AP) - Earthquakes ripped throogh this indus- trial city in Western Yugoslavia Sunday and today, killing at least 20 ptrsons and injuring hundreds. Oficia ls estimated nearly 60 percent of buildings in tht city of 55,000 were de· stroyed or damaged. Thousands of per- .sons fled.in cars and buses and the Yugo- ~l av army sent in helicopters to assist in the evacuation. M esan /..,,earns How Hot Shot _4 larm Works What happens \Vhen you !Jft the re· ceiver from the hook on one of Costa Mesa's super-aUtomated fire alarm boxes~ \\'hen you lift the one directly in front of the main fire station at 2803 Royal JJalm Dri ve, the firemen look outside. Then, learned Kevin G. Walton, 18, of 2750 Canary Drive, 'they invite you inside to wait for the police. who take you to headquarters and book you. Capt. Robert E. McClelland placed \Valton under citizens' arrest Sunday when he and fireman Jeffrey Skee looked oul and saw the suspect after the alarm went off. The youth was released on $190 bail pending a court hearing on the ch!lrge, whicb C&fTiP a tpa1imum of -~ mOmhs in c(lllnty jail' and a $500 fine. During the recent national Fire · Pre· vention Week, Costa Mesa Fire Depart- _ment officials noted that flundreda and hundredJ of false alarms l'lad been reg- istered so far this year. They urged public help Jn cutUng the expensive, dangerous mischief, but the cases have continued. As a result, they promised to make an example of those caught. Payoff Charged In Extradition Refusal by LBJ l\1ASHINGTON (UPI ) -Sen. Pau1 J. Fannin·. (R·Arlz.), said today the Democratic party received SJ00,000 !n campaign contribution! as an -apparent "political payoff'' after a Johnson ad· ministration refusal to extradite labor leader Hal Banks to Canada . Banks, a U.S. citizen. \l'as leader of Canada 's Seafearer's lntematlonal Union in 1963 when he v.·as convicted for J'll2rjury in testimony before a Royal Canadian Commi ssion about an assault that oc· curred Fire years earlier. Banks fled Canada after sentencing and \'las discovered living on a union yacht in New 't'ork City. The Canadian govern· men! asked then-Secretary of Stale Dean Rusk to order Bariks returned to Canada but Rusk denied the request. Stock 'Jllarkets NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock markel remained mixed in moderatelr active trading [ale this afternoon, drifting down and thtn up slightly, in a pattern of uncertainty. (See quotations, Pages 1(}.lJ). "The first quake hit Sunday afternoon, killing a 10-year-old child and leveling or damaging scores of buildings. As residents and officials were as- sessing the damage this morning, an ·even stronger quake struck. About 20 more p('rsons -.vere found dead in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Seismologists reported the quake today registered eight on a maximum-12 scale. Only the central Plata of lhe Repub· lice in the city appeared undan1aged. Ce1iter iii La9u11u Buildings were crushed all along Mar· shal Tito Street, the main thoroughfare, but the Ferhat Pasha's mosque and its slender minarel, a medieval monument of historic value. escaped with crack!. The townspeople spent the night under tents or othe r makeshift Shelters, and at the quake today panic spread among lhem . Reports from othe r \ve st Yugoslav cities said the quakes caused panic there also but no damage . . A, " I Coast Shaken By Earthquake By RICHARD P. NALL or t~• D•ll1 1'1101 51111 An earthquake centered in the Lagu11a Beach area jolted residents out of their slun1ber at 5:1G a.n1. today, registering 4 J on the Richter scale at Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena. The quake was the fourlh to rattle the Orange Coast area in the last five days . This morning's shake was described by Laguna residents a11 being a heavy jolt followed by several seconds of after- quakes. Elsewhere in Newport and Costa r.1esa, it 9.'8!! described more as a raUing quak e but also felt aii a sharp joU. 'Police 'along the entire coast reported f>hone ca11s rrom anxious citiun.s but there were no report.s of real damage or injury. A few caller1 said U)ty had been rolled out of bed. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· mere.! officials reported that one woman calico them about the quake. "She said ::;he thought her gas beater had ex· plocled.'' Seismologist Dr. James N. Brune said the quake \vas fell throughtout Orange, Riverside. San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. "Be advised we're having an earth· quake," Laguna police Officer Arthur DeLuca radioed the station. Sai d dispatcher, Juanita Perryman: "I was so panic stricken, 1 cou ldn't even ans\\·er him." Lt. John Zelko took the mike, com- menting drolly, "\Ve know; we're having one too" Polic~ had about 25 calls; one report of dishes broken in a sink; three report.1 of persons tumbled from bed including one unidentified woman who said, "It sure must have been strong, we we"' thrown out of bed." A quake or slighter sharper intensity occurred at 2:59 a.m. ·Jn the Hollister area about 90 mllas south of San Fran· cisco. It was t711 on.the Richter Scale at University of California al Berkeley. Nellher quake caused appreciable (Sec EARTHQUAKE, Pace %) Th,ree Teenagers Held As Police Recover Drugs Three young people -one a 15·year-old girl, who said she had just injected a dose of heroin -\1·ere arrested by Costa i\lesa police over the weekend, with more Skindiver Dies Off Catalina Special to the DALLY PILOT AVALON ~ A skindiver 1vas fatally stricken v.·hile exploring the ocean about 60 fe('t below the surface. off Catalina lsland Sunday, after retumi11g lo the depths again following a complaint or cramps. Gary ~1. Simonso n. 27, or Ingle1\'ood, died en route to Harbor General Hospital in Torrance and Los Angeles Coun1y authorities planned an autopsy today to detennine why, Companions ss id Simonson dove to the 120-foot level berorc. ~av.'n Sunday and said he was experiencing cramps alter resurfacing during the expedition. than 40 drug pills confiscated a:; evidence . lnvestigalion of a car ln which two men allegedl y ran a dO\\'nlown area stop sig n early Sa!urday niorning led Oflicer \\layne Harber lo S('arch th(' vehicle and occupants. Guy S. i\oloter. 18, of 11001 Old Fashion \\'ay , Carden Gro1C', and James ~t, f.ikner, !8, or \Vh1llier, were booked on cha rges or possession dangerous drugs. Of ficer Harner said he pulled over E1kner's car at 16th Street and Superiqr Avenu(' and called for backup unit, due to the heavy, marijuana-like odor In the vehicle .. Dcleclivc Norm Kutch said he was \VOrking a case in the 2200 block of Ca· nyon Drive late Friday night when he met the teenager wbo showed evidence or dn1g injecHon. Interrogation led to her story of u~ing: heroin and a search of her purse turned up two barbiturate pills, kept as evidence af!er she l'1as turned over to her parents. Orange Coast Mesa Antique Shop Robbed Christ Teens March Again He chose lo go down again, however, and had reached a depth of about 60 fee t when he suddenly shot to the surface, ap- parently in extreme pain. Authorities were notified of the emergency and Simonwn was be ing flown to the hosipta l when he succumbed. Weather A Costa J\1esa antique shop o'WTler told police Saturday that someone-apparently h\'G 11ervou1 female customers-stole jew· Plry worth $330, including ..an emcrald- studded cross. from her stor('. Dorothy G. St.ansbury, owner of Portobello Antiques. 1856 Ne\vp(lrt Blvd., l'a ld she discover!d !he ile1ns missing from the inventory about 5 p.m .. and recalled the pair who had browsed . One woman kept her busy discussing ;lnliques, she said, while the other looked ;iround. Mrs. ~Hansbury said she he a rd JiOmething rail a~ one point and asker! 1rhat it was. at which time lhe second "oman nervously told the first it was I lme to leave. The cr6ss and chain set has 22 small tmeralds, while a man 's ring was also reported missing from the jewelry case, according to police. Bv JAMES ~lcNABB, Jr. }MCUll N l~t DAILY l'r~•T PALO AL TO -The Teens for Christ - in gruter nul'(lbers and wilh a ne\.\' name -returned to CaUromia and their old style of evange~sm ·si.iosl.iy after an ex- odus lo avoid the vaunted April earth· quake, , About 30 mem)>crs of the chosen 150. now known as the Children of Israel. in · lerrupted morning service s at the Stan- ford Memorial Church , At Jl ::'15 a.m., Jan1es Ballister threw open the main doors to the sanctuary of the ornate cam- pus chapel and Jed a double line column of men and women dr~sed in sack cloth and ashes. They marched lo the aceompaniment of the congregation singing lhe sennon hymn1 proceeded to the front of the church, where Ral\ister and two aides climbed the marble steps to the high altar. r Worshipers stared with a mixture or Cl.lri~!ty and surpri.Je as the band once headquartered in Huntington Btach at 110 Main St .. tromped onward, pounding 'the' floor with shepherds' staffs thty car· ricd. The men and women were .identically dressed in burlap robes died blood red, \vorc. in1itation oxen yokes around their necks and had streaks of ash traced on their foreheads. The bearded. long-haired group stood in a fe mi-circle al the foot of the chancel steps at the conclusion of the hymn, as Baflister unfolded a scroll and in booming patriarchal voice. read. Jlis text taken from· the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah foretold G o d • s destruction of the ancient lgaelitea who forsook the law of the L<rrd . Ballisler then smashed a flowerpot he was carrying on the mosaic chancel floo r. accordina to Scripture. Jeremiah's break- in£ of an Imperfect potter's vessel sym- bo1ized God's Impending destruction of inu>erfect man. The Rev. B. Davie Napier and his sanctuary guest, tl!e Rev. Carroll Cotton. dean of students at Chapman College in Orange, stared expressionless at the demonstrators. After the smashing, Ballister rolled up his ~roll and led the gr,11.Jp back up the main aisle and out of the church. In response to the brief intrusion. the 1Rev. Mr. Naper explained that the warn· ing "in Jeremiah's time. was authetic word," adding that he (Napier) did not request it. but was grate ful for it being spaken Sunday. Several of the newly al'JOinted Chlldrt.n ot Israel, had been stationed among the congregation and sang out loud "Amens," tiald Jn his termon there was the •·poulbilltv th•l civilization m11y yet be (l!oo n:ENS, ... ,. %1 Mesa Boy Hurt Crossing Street A Costa r.tesa boy \\'as hospitalized Sunday night after bting struck by a passing car when he ran into the str~t near his home. police said today. Thomas A. Jackson. l.f, of S99 Grand Haven Circle, was listed in good condition today at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, with a hip injury and abrasions. PQlice said he was clipped by a car driven by Gay L. Gavelln, 21. o(. 503 Traverse Drive, Coiita Mesa, whllt run· ning across Ludington Street at Pierpont Drl\'t. The driver was not cited. ' .. If you 're waiUna: for the fog and low cloud• to go away, you 've got a long wait. Tuesday will be even more so along the coast, with tht mercury stoppini at 67. INSmE TODAY F1nu1y things ho:ppen by Ilic curlood in Soutl1 Coast Reper• tory's "A Funny Thing flappe~ ed on the Way to t/\e Forum.'' The Co~ta /.tesa theater's 71e10 comedy is reviewed 011 Page 26 today. INl!nt • MNl ... t • , ....... la • "'"•ltt " C••llflM ... Matltll•I Htwt •• Ctlltitl .. Or-CHlll'Y • , __ • ··-,,_. " .. .. Nitllt" • ·-· .... •11 ..... 1 "''" • llMfl M•rtl"' 1 .. 11 .. ...., . ._ " Ytlfoli.ltll .. ,1....,.,· , .. 11 -.. ... ,..,_ " ·-• ..... ""'"" " Wtrllf 111 ... •• M•ll"• • W-Wt ,._. II~ l r --· '» DAIL V 'JLOT c CAIL'!' PILOT St•ll l'noto OWEN MINNEY PEDALS TO VICTORY I N BALBOA ISLAND BI RD CLUB TR IKE RACE Hoag Expansion Program Slates Groundbreaking Ground will be broken Dec. 10 on th e rirst pha5e 0£ Hoag f.1emorial Ho.5pital's 413 million expansion program. ~rospilal board pre sident A. Vincenl Jorgensen said construction will begin then on a $2 million powe r house. The plant v.-111 si?rvc the proposed 11· ~!ory Hoag Tower, \1·hich will be buil t 1vilhin three years, if a community fund- raising drive now unde r way achieves its goal. Jorgensen the goal of the 1969-71 ''Reach Years'' is $3 million . "To date. \\•e've already had donatioos totaling l700,000," he said. "\Ve hope to raise $1 million a year." Jorgensen explain ed once lhe $3 million IA public contributions is raised , the hGSpital ·will borrow another $9 mUlk;in rrorn lending agencies. The hospital will then toss in $1 million from its own ouilding fund. ~ "We've never borrowed money before,• aaid Jorgensen. ''Not sinc:e 1952, ~ •• bpened our doori;. Bul flJ mi\Uon is a lit- .le too big a bite to try .'to get solely :.hrough donations." _ He pointed out that the 270-bed hospita l ~ow has a S7 million investment "llfl !J'irre on the hill.'' •-so what ..,,.e·re talk ing about now is lmibling that investment i11 one shot." The 1-!oag Toy,·er will add close lo JOO Jedf. to the complex. It will feature only 1ingle·bt:d rooms. :\J lo a floor . Eight of Jie upper floors will conla in the beds. rhe ot her threr floors will be devoted lo tpera liona!, lab, administrative and ;neehanized services. .. There are no ta xes available to thi:i; &Urpose." said Jorgt:nsen ... We ha\'e lo :oroe up \\'lth ou r own funds. And JUsl ~kt; e\·eryth ing elf>e in the Harbot Areil . Hoag ~!emorial Hospital l!o faced 'A'ith a 1erious growth problem." Ha r bo r Boys Cluh l'o Prov id e T utor If you belong to !he Boys Club of the larbor Area and n~d help telling you1· 1art!ciples from your historic pt;rlod s, 1tolp is on Lhe way. Golden \Vest College stu dent r-.1rs. Dee ~'heatley heads a tutoring class ror boys tl I.he club's Upper Bay Branch Tuesdays 1t 7 p.m., coaching ln English, llistory, ;parush and Geography. . DAil Y PllOJ ()Ur.MG• C(IA~1· l>UI \ IMUlte ((IM,.A..., le\.•ri N. ""••' "•••ifetlt .... ,. ... 1-.. Jee~ •. c~r1.., VIClll l>r•'""1 e"" c. ... , .. M-.m T~t111t• ket•il 11•1•• T~'""'' A. Mwrll'1'ii~t MU ... l"I [<11\ot cw. ..... ..- 3 JO Wed ••1 Streit M•iliRt ,.,,,, .. , r.o. ••• 11•0, •2•z• --.._......,.,,,11 _1 .. ~ ...... L•-_., m l'..a1 •- H1111•11111n .... : M tlll 111'• '· Dri'1'ers "'Oiled~ Trike Racers Vie in Newport .. By JOHN VALTERZA 0 1 tfle Diii-, Pllel SllH Championship race drivers will swear that th e lubricant in their machines makes lhem "'-'in. Tricyclis ts of the same stature wi ll swear the same, except thej bricanl doesn't go into the machines. It goes into the drivers. For the adult tricycle champion like the 50 or so adult experts 1~·ho competed From Page 1 E~RTHQUAKE. damage. Dr. Brune said the Laguna tremor probably originated from the same faul t BO miles off shore which caus· eel Friday's 5.25 magnttud e roller. Reactions rro m Orange C o un t y residents aft er the;qnake's rook and roU routin were many4plendored: -Colorful long·fftne junk de a 1 er Charlie Peddicord of Laguna Canyon ROad' "'as gleerul that his old bOttle m llection gathered over the yearfi wis in· 1act. He estimates the ~e al $1!.000. He calll'd an editor at 5:20 a.in, to reporl . -l\larkct a11d liquor store owner s i::enr rall y said the ir i;loc k wa~ intacL. Acord 's Market in Laguna reported a few toppled packa ge$ but no damage and ii was .generally business as usual this mo rning. -Fred Struby of 535 Avenida ~l ajora. Leisure World ,in Laguna Hills said the quake awakened hi.s wife Christine who ~aid sleepi ly~ ··1 know it's time to g~t ur but you don't ha re lo sha ke my bed so hard." -·~trs. Pat Getchell of 2~961 Spadra t.ane. f\.-li.ssion Viejo. said. ··1 '~as petrifie d. I .,.,·as ready to move " She had bern reading a book about earthquakes and Cali fornia dropping into the ocran [1 ~r.nl one daugh ter into the (;otche ll's t.rdroom and awakened another child. 4-lr~, Getch ell said she and her 11e1ghhnr \Ir:· Edward Haskay feel thr best prr1·r•nt1ve_ to earthquake havoc \1·nuld be a ht l1copte r ""armed up in the hack ~-;u·d . -~l rs. Wtlham of \Vatson. 24276 Aquara, Laguna r-;iguel, ~aid . ••J was l>uund asleep and it wa~ Just l1 kr ~omebody just look fJUr bed and shoo k it and shook it. It didn 't wake Bill at al!." -Albertson·~ Ma rkel 1n L n gu n a rl'por ted Ult clerks were shaken but oot the. merchandise. Auto Accident Kills Grove Man A Garden Gro\'e man died Sunda~· '11.'hf'n he ,.,.., flung from his sporlsc ar and pin ned btnealh the auto as it rolled into a drainage ditch. !t took police and fi remen fo ur hours to p111l the body of Daniel Lee Ra msey, 21 , from beneath his shattered sportscer. Coroner·s off icers said Ramsey must have been killed at the time of the ac- cident. Ramsty was ejected as his car went off the Garden Grove Freeway at l~wis Street and spun into the ditch. He wa s •lone in the ar. Graceful Karate Class Planned They·re getting 111na ho over kung !u al the 9o)'5 Cl ub of the Harbor Area. Kuna fu is si milar to karat e, only more graceful. Classes in the 1nc1ent Chinese art of sell-defense are held \Vtdnesdays at 7 p.m. and Sa lurdays at 10 .1.m. with all Boys Club members ellg1ble to sign up and partielpate. The ln.struetor Is James l ll1ghe~. Sunday on Balboa Jsland, the lubricant 1s used cold. It is amber in color .• has a head on !he top. So the sudsy bre\v kept the con1petitors 1\'ell lubricated Sunday aftern oon hefore ·100 screaming, cheering fans lin ing the Villa Marina parking Jot track at the Bird t:Jub·s annual tricycle grand prix. They 'rr a spechi! bre ed of cai, the se big·time tricyc!ists. "You have to ha \'e cnginerrin" ::icuinen. i1naginat1on . the burning \~·1!1 !~ win ••• and a tremendous thirst to make the big lime,., said one 11eteran con1· petilor. As for imaginatio n -it was abundant. One driver manned a trike in the supe r modified category. It fe atured a chicken lheme. Th e driver wore top hat and tails. .. Mr. Budman," dressed in a gay-pink su perhero costume. rode an entry com- plete with red traffic fl ares shooting out Irum the rear fenders. The Orangt; Cou nty Ski Club probably l1ad !he most intricate land the slowest) e;it~y. It was a th ree·man job requi ring 1nrncate \'OCa J instructions for swift ef- ficient operation. ' Trouble "·as, the vocal instructions \veren 't 111 tricalr enough. J ;u1 Odrizo/11 borro1lled his theme fron1 'TV's ~a u~h-ln. and brought as 1na ny Ja1111hs in his ra1n coat, hat and mini·trike as !he loitering television version. Odrizola , .,.,·ho needed to make a ha)f. do.:en hasty repairs as he toppled throtJgh the gy1nkhana event, t1na!ly ,vas ruled out of the race because he exceeded the tnne liznit. "I didn ·t care, reatly, becau~e 1nv shou lde rs were giving out. That last fail really finished me," he said la ter. Through the hi-ji nks one lone dnver ~e~med sil ent and intense. Owen ''No-F'un ny-Bus1ne~5·• i\ILnney ~llld1ed the course 111 both even ts as 11 he 1\·rr•· :. scirnusL '!lien. n•Jt!i a tn1r:;t of speer1 from his 1111·-.~l ung. mod ified. rail-Orag.~lrr 1 r1 ~r. 71pped lhroug h !hr gymk han<i Cl'iur~c in rcrnrd t1mr 11 1~ .speed ~·as ob•ious ;\nrf 1n <1 pt appreci ation for lhc s!r!lar pC'rformance, the audience booed lustily. Un daunted. Minnry mtdila!erl snm t niore . munched on chicken and pre pared Jor the grand prix event. Hr "'on . But lhe Alley.\Vest-Balboa·Bicyc lcs en· try resembling a mutanl cow wil h a ~tag's antlers at the head, \\'as still nol properly beaten, its crew snarled . So a gru dg e match develope d to prove v.ho, indeed, would win lhe day. ThP \\'eird bovine machine d1dn '1 have a chance. So am irl flying rolors. beer can~ and har!e,v·flavored froth Ov:en i\hnncy entered the winner·s ci rcle in triumph. Re 1·rlerse doused hi111 and rach other \11 !h the tailings from alu1ninum can s. Tl·en ;ill lrft on ;i rally ai:ros~ the 1~l;ind . including a ride on 1he Ba lboa Ferry. to an after-race dance at the Pavilion. •·\\'ould r1•crvone do u~ a favor ;ind pirk up one enl pty can," one Bird Club· ber pleaded. Volunteers stayed behind to clean up lhe debris. And as the lasl lrike horn faded away on Marine Avenue. this e1ultanl cry rilled tile air amid the debris : ·1 found a full one .•• a full one." Fishing Planned For Bo ys Oub Got a dtep.~eated urge to play !he An· f 1ent .\f8 n ner oul nn 1hr Bound1ni:: ;\lai n'..' \\'ould you settle for fi shing off ihe Seal Beach barge ~ Rignups ror youngsters are now he1ng t;iken al inc Boy.~ Cluh of the llarbor Are a ce ntral branch. 594 Center St ,. !or a Nov. 1 I .angli rig trip and furlller <letalb may be obtained therr. • Lebanon Crisis Eases Fighting Slotvs , Dispute Heads .for Talks BEIRUT (UPI) -Fighting betw een l,t;banese army troo ps and Ar ab guer- rillas slowed tod ay and it appe ared the cor.fliel tha t gave the Arab world the w or~t cr1s1s in yel:f.rs was heading for the conrt'rence. table, po~sibly in Cai ro. Tile government lilted or relax ed its 24· liour curfew in al l major cities except Tr lpolJ whlle President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt senl out a peace convoy lo the va rious Arab capita ls. Ind ic ations "''ere he wou!d in vite them to Cairo for <I peace conference . Informed polilical sobrces in Beirut fi.1ic Rashid Kerami. the fonner premier '1ho gave up tryin g to form a government \\'hen the crisis first developed had re· j~cted a new appeal from President Charles Helou to try to <>rganize a cabinet. From Page l TEENS ... f:mashed as vlo!ently and ruthlessly as rh.:tt pot. .. One bea rded yout h in !he 1r rrupted the service just recessional and shouted : ba lcony ln· before the "Stanford Lni versity and the Stanford Ch urch are not buildings of God ," and "The Bible is ool being practiced in schools and universities." ·'I believe that there is a God ... America's gonna go down to Communism . . . the Commies are gonna take over this whole heathen nation." Several well-dressed couples in the con- gregation got up and stalked out as he continued to forecast U.S. doom based on its wallowing in "aex , dope and all sorts of perversions." There were audible giggles when he predicted ; "God will destroy America very soon, :;ailh The Lord ." He <:lid not elaborate further. The gro up -l\'h1ch vacated Huntington Be;ich and environs last April for Arizo na 1n escape the so-far inef !lcicnt destruc· 11011 of ~inful California b_v earthquake - lrll qluckly Jn orderly fa shion. '/'Ile Children o[ Israe l climbed inl () 1hr1 r caravan of sr ven T\vent iet h Centu ry ra1tle!r<i p vehicles and drove lo <i ('atho hc C!iurch in 1'1enlo Pa rk. They sto:xi briefly in thei r robes on the ~idr.,.,•al k in fr ont of the church. but made no attcn1pt to Invade the sanctuary o[ that Vatican·headquartered faith. One young man who now calls himself .loab and wa!S wi th the group in Hun- Hngton Beach estimated the band has gro\•:n to JflO persons and has ranged from Phoenix. to Akron, Ohio. New 'r'vrk City . Florida and points between. 60,000 Enem y Troops Ma ssed S:\lr.ON' 1L·r 11 -:\orlh V1 r.lname5e and \'1 r l Cong r on111):.nders !Od JY 11 ere rrported 1o ha ve 1nassed 60.000 troop~ north of Saigon for an offen~11'e expectrd 10 begin between Nov. 15 and Nov. 20. 1J S. intelligence sou rces said it 'A'aS too r arly to predict the Jnt cos1ty of the drh·r. The !irne.tabl r. for lhe November of- fl'nsi\·c wa~ based on captured docun1 rnt~ and 1nterrogat1on of .... ·ar prisoners. Sources said the exte nt of the f1ghtini:: \\'Ill depend on the niovements nf tour Commun1s1 1l1v1s1ons in !he Cambod1a11 horder area north and northeast of !'ia1gon in the next two weeks lf thev remain cl:>rmanl in the jungll's ;ilong 0lhc Cam bodian fron 11cr. rhc :-ource~ said the dri1·e \1·11! prnhahly hr rr~!rirted to a f)a!'h or shclhn gs anrl cnm- in:indo att.1c ks agai nst An1er1can and ~oulh V1etn1tn1e ~e outpost~ :;11d 1n- :-Lallat1011s 1nvoh ed In Lile pal'1fica11011 progran1. lll'h.ui l'01)ft•rred dur iu~ the <l<t)' with bo th l\aram1 and Maj. Gen. Emile Bu ~lanl. eominander·in·Chtef of lhe Lebanese arn1 ed forces \\'ho has sought lo hall guerrilla attac ks a"ainst Israel in bt'lirf lhry would bnng n1ajor Jsrael i rcta!iat1on. Helou also conferred wilh Soviet Amt.assador Saragar Azim ov. Moscow ha.; sided with the guerrilla forces in the conflict and indirectly told the United States lo keep its hands off Lebanon. Pravada said tod ay NATO n a v a I maneuvers off Lebanon "puts this ex - plosive area on the brink of a very dangerous conrti ct." Inr ormed sC>Urces In Paris said the F rench government had follo wed the Lebanese crisis with "attention. anxiety and the greatest interests" but considers $5,000 question the cris is is past and !ht> settlement can be reached in a ptacef ul mil nner. In Cai ro the Middle East News Agency said Egypt had endorsed a speci al 1neeting of the Arab League C-Ouncil co deb:1te lhe crisis in Lebanon. In \\'ash1ngton the United States ar· cused Russia today or trying to "ma ke. propaaanda" out of the crisis in Leba non. IL called iruitead ror •·quiet diplomacy" tn setlle this newest nareup o( danger in Ule ~1idrUe East. The U.S. reaction lo a Soviet Nev.·~ Agency statement of Saturday came from State Dtpartmenl spokesman Robert J. McCJoskey. It was aimed against part ol a Tass statement whic h had been interpreted as a warning to tht United States against interfering in Lebanon. Charges Against Viejo Man in Theft Delayed Grand theft charges against Richard Winters Burke were delayed fo r one week loday with the Miss ion Viejo man's plea that he needed Ume to "make ar· rangemenls about my property anJ hltt a lawyer." Supreme Court Takes Up Case Of 'Duty' Mail \\'1\SJl!\<;TQN (l 'Pl l ~The Suprc1ne Court agrred today lo rule on a federal l<iw whk·h enables an individual lo pre· \Cnt rn<1l1 111g to his arl drcss of rna terial.~ he eonsider.~ obs1.:cne by appc<ll 1ng lo posta l authorities. The 1967 la\11 v.·::is thall cnged by a grour nf nu1H order houses \\hlch protested 1he proced ure \\las uncontitutional. The t·ourt 'vill hear arguments in the case and hand down a decision laler this te rm. Jn other actions, the court : -Agreed lo examine another postal case which could determine how Joni,; property may be detai ned while law en· rnrcemcnt officers are in"esUgating and gcUing a search v.•arrant. A Mount Vernon. \Vash .. man co nvicted of illegal- ly importing gold co ins from Canada contend tha l the 2!J-hour detention of t'A'O packages of coins wa s illegal. He won .111 appeals court rcvrrsal of his conv1c- l1011 and th e iuslicr. <:lc part mcnl carried Ilic c;1se to lhe Suprrrnc Court. -Refused an appeal by three me n con- ' 1c1 cd of ~lay 111g Negro nat1nnalisl lead- r r il!alc:ril1n ·X that a ruling permitting les!imuny behind closed doon,: at their trial violated their constitutional rights. -Let stand ;i Federal Co1nmunical1ons l'on1m1ss1on i FCC 1 order requiring tele- phone cornp<in1es to get FCC spprol'<1l Jor ~·onstruc!ion of Co111munity Antenna 'fell'v1s1on (CATV) facllilies even at !he local level. The n1 ail prorcdtwc c·,1t:e I.fa s the firs! ribs('en1ty ques tion to be accrplcd by the t-ourl tn its new tern1 under new Chief Justice \Varren !:;. Burger. A ~pccu1I three-Judge fed eral cour t in 1.n.:; Angelrs on April JO, up held the con- :-tnutionality of the t,111', re1ect1ng claims liy 14 1na1! nrdrr ht1use~. book publi~h· f'rs ;ind others th;il 11 denied them free- <10111 of 5f)<'e<'h :i nd "d11 r process or la1\' " ·n1ey ;i bo i:unLcndcd 1~ 1s ''agu e .a nd :l lllbJgU(lllS. J11dge Paul Mast ordered Burke, 27, or 26:172 Papagayo Drive , to return to Santa Ana Municipal Court Nov. 3. He ~leaser! the accused employe of the county clerk's division on his own recognizance. Burke is accused of embezzling al leas t $5,000 in county clerk's funds during his handling of banking for the office's finan- cial division. He surrendered to the sheriff's office last week alter an Orange County Grand J ury auditor discovered a shortage of $200 in a bank deposit stale- mPnl. lnvestlgators claim Burke has ad1nlttcd :hat he ts respon sible tor si milar sho r1ages on al leasl 20 oct,isions du nn1: lits two·year supervision nf l!1e )};inking v~ra tion. The tal l. cx-;\f;irl11e told Judge ~1'1.~l Lhal he needed limt to mak r ar· ra ngement.~ for his ra1ni1.v anrl rngaite an ;.Ltorney. He was re 1ni nded b,v the JUdg r tl111t he 1nay qua lify for the srrvlees of the public defender. BtJrke looked tlred and stra inrd as hr sat in the doc k "'ith the usual full complemen~ of .J\.londay n1orn1ng ar· ~aig;unents. He later chatted with newsmen, but rPfu sed to distuss aspects of the charges Lnat led lo his arrest. •·1've made all the statements that l can possibly make ." he said. ··1 think you will find that what l ha,·e told 1n· l'estigators will soon be offered in court test;mony." As Burke "'as be ing arraigned be!or~ Judge ~lasl, the investigation into hi-' alleged mistJse of county funds continued. Coun ty· auditor Vic Heinl rel used to com· 111en1 on the progress of the audit "pen· ding our final drtermin11.Lion of the extent ol thts l"mbezzlen1c nt.'' Natlll·e Has Role In Mes a Burglary, A burglar in cahoots v.·ith the call (!r nature apparently looted a Cosia Mes.:i hamburger stand of $89 Saturday nighl while the cook 'A'.'.IS mon1en1ar1ly a1~1ay. Rick Farrell . 16 , e1np!oyed by R us~· Hamburgers. 21 44 Newport Bll·d., told aU!hont1es he came hack fron1 lhe rest- room to find lhe ea~h reg1,,ter c1np1,1 nnd the No Salr flag up. Jn,·estigators said !lie burglar "'-OUld ha1'e had lo squinn h;il f1~·11y th rou gh tile ~a les .,.,·1ndo1v to rrach the rcg1 str r. FALL SUIT SALE! 20% OFF THIS ~'EEi( ONLY SIOO SUITS f'OR S80 S\10 SUITS FO R S811 Sl lS SUITS FO R m S115 SUITS FOR $1 00 Sl3:i SUITS FOR S!OI S1 4~ SU ITS FOR $116 S155 SUlTS FOR $1!4 $165 SUITS FOR $131 3467 \ ia Lido at Ne\\'port Boul evard. Ne wpo rt Be ach Open Frid ay evenings until 9 p.111. l ' I ------------------ Why The.Teens Run More R11n,a 1vays Head for So11,th Coast A r elt By BARBARA KREIBICIJ 01 lhl oa11, ~llol Sllll Shuffling through a fat folder of police reports labeled "Runaways," Sgt. Alex J imenez mused, ''You sec, most parents have a very real interest in their C'hi ldren. The trouble is, too many of them don'~ realize how much of an in· Do1v11 the Missio11 Trail 1-l allo\vcen Partv Se t f or Forest LAKE FOREST -A living ghost band, a midnight buffet and a witch's brew l1a~·e been promised to guests attending the Lake Forest l lallowcen costume dance, Saturday, Nov. I. The event which will feature a grand march of spooks and prizes for the ghostliest, ghastliest and beastliest cos- 1 un1~ will lilkc place from 9 p.m. lo I ;i m. ;;it 1l1c Lake: Forest Beach and Ten- 111~· Club. J !aunt1ng lieensc:s >'•ill be issued for $.') rx·r ~ouplf' b_v 1·;1lling the cluh a1 837-610U (Ir by calling ~frs . !·leather Fraser. 837- 4274; t<.·lrs. Bobbi Lau rence, 830-4264 Qr fl·lrs. Jane Vakoutis, 837-5628. e Cage Clinie Carded MISS ION VIEJO -Saturday, Nov. T, wi ll be the lasl day fo r men lo sign up for !he basketball ce rt ification clinic design- t.·rl to recruit certified officials for the '-·lis~ion Viejo Recreation Adult League. The clinic.. open to anyone Interested in lf'.1rning officiating techniques, will be hrlrl nn Tuesday e1•cnings, Nov . 4 and 11. ;it 7:30 p.n). Information regarding the sigri-u p may be obtained by calli ng 8J7- 11050, Ex!. 20.'i. Mexican Youth's Problems Topic On Thursday ·rhc needs and the righ1 s of the ~l ex­ k:;in-Amcri ca n \rill be exa1nined by Fred Na varro, San Clcn1cnte High School cn•1nsclor on Thursctuv. '.:he com1nunlty is -1n~·itrd to hear ;"Jl 7 :10 p.m. Navarro's account of his [X'rsQn al experie nces as a Spanish speak- ing child in a public school system that tnught cxclu sivcly in English. Location is !he San Clcmenlc lligh School !lttle lhl';itcr. Nnvarro \\'ill allcmpt Lo provide a <:lcarr.r understanding of the problems ;\Jld feelings of the Spanish speaking child ;inti the ~1dul! he hecomcs. Ile also 11·1ll cti ~russ .Projt.·ct Start. a eon1mu111ly 1u:orla l rroJ~ct a1rr1f'1I to aid the ~li';.;ican-Aml'rican chil d \1'hO has dif- !1eulty in school through language or ..:u itural defic1cnc1cs. Thc Capistrano Unified Council or PT AS is sponsoring the progr1:1m \Oo·hich v.Jll be the first in a series of discussirins. "The hunu1n relations co1nm ittee of the T'T ·\ is interested in promoting and ~.'.liegt1ard ing \Oo'ilhin the co1nn1unities a democrat ic 1vay f1f life in \Vhich dignity. re~pect. and eri ua l npportunily arc of priinary importan<.:r," !>;i)d il:l rs. \\lillian1 !fa ll. council hurnan relations chnirinan. ''I! is ;i!so ctintcrncd with those aspcc\s of individual Qr group llvi[lg in which peo- ple of different ages. ra trs, rt1igious or cultural or national ba ckgr ounds arc in- volved." Burglars Use .T1·u ck fo r Loot Laguna Beach police hclicve burglars v.hn slruck the lJnion Oil service station ;i.t \"icjo Street and Norlh Coast High way }.'riday night must have used a truck to haul away their loot. Mi~sing Saturday morn ing were 57 new 1ircs, valued at $1.600. Poli ce said the tiurgJars broke a Jock to enter a lire storage area some time between 10 p.m. Fric!ay am! 7 a.m. Saturday and evidence al the see~ inrlica!Cd a truek was backed up 10 the tlre racks to facilitate loading. Boys Club Ge ts Gift of $2,000 A space.age gift, in the rorm or a check for $2,000,, arrived in the treasury of lhs Boys' Club of Laguna Beach Uiis week. William Hostetler, director of Newport neach operations for the Space and Re- cntry S,vstems Division of Phll co-Ford rnrroration, -a F'ord Motor Company :-;11h.~idi11ry, presented lhe cont rlbulion lo 1hr f·l11h":=; liuiltling lunrl. The' gift w:1s made in behalf of tht hourd of trustees of the f ord Motor Com· pany Funrl and ford's Orange Cnunty Communi ty Bclation :it Commi tlcc, of which Hostetler i5 a member. teresl until it's too late. · Though most of the young runaways listed in his reports will return to their homes voluntarily. Jime nez fears that, in many cases. it wi ll be '"too late." "JI parents can't talk to their kids by the time they 're 15 or 16, it's: pretty late lo 5lart trying," he says. As juvenile officer in the Laguna Beach Police Department for the past 15 rnooths, Alex has become something of nn ~Xpel'l on runn~vays. The Soulh County beach area is their favorite target. a<·- eording to th11 Orange County ::iheriff's Department, wl~ereasing nu rnbers of youngsters heading IOI'-the area from Laguna Beaeh to Dohen y, and even down into San Diego County. 'l'YPICAL RUN AWA Y The typical <"..lnaway is IS to 17 years olr.1. says Alex. though he 's had them as young as 12. Th ey're about evenly divided bchl'cen boy s and girls. Most come fron1 divided homes and 1111.~t of the homes are comfortably otl. 1nhldlc class. whrre the kids have nol lar:ked for material things. IJut it is about their home situations lh11t the runaways complain n1ost often. "Usua[Jy they can't get along with one or boll'> parents," Alex says, "They clain1 their parents do n't understand them, they can't talk to them. Jf the kid ls ex- perimenting with drugs of course, there ls f'Ven more of a communicatiQn pro- bl!'1n. They don't complain mu ch. about scJ:iool. Most of then1 want to go to !lchool , hut they· just c:an·t hack il alon~ •1 ith <i bad silualion at hornc, so they try lo t'~Ci.l pc ." llA\'E USED UR UGS r:e estunates about 70 perc('nt of the runaways have some e>.perience 111th drtig use these da)s. "They head for the coastal towns and other kids refer th em lo the Laguna area \'.'here the hi ppie colony ta kes them in," A!ex explains. "This is a pretty easy place for them to hide out. • .less built up than Newport or Huntington Beach. There are ca ves back in the hills that are really ha rd lo get at ... it takes -45 minutes on foot, or you h::ive lo have a jeep. Then !here's co\Jnty tciTilory clo~c by on either side \l'here !hl?,I' can sil't'p under the t:liffs ... and ;:i l~u cs ca pe our cu rf e11'." Thr ,vounge 1· runa\\':.iys. 12 to 14, l1ave a 11.irch·r ti1ne ;ind usuall y g1l'e up first. "They find being O!l'l si de on your own j~;i1'l 11,hat it wns cracked up to be," say'i Jiinenez ... They are uncomfortable, they i:;c-1. hungry, they need clothes. The hip- pie~ art nQt ~Q enthusiastic about shelter- ing the really young kids." OLD GET J OBS The older ones can gel jobs, often as motel maids or doing yard work. but a lot of the younger ones turn themselves In In tile pcilicc -or. to save face , I r~ thcm $rlves be picked up for minor viol;1- t1ons like curfl.>1v or sidewalk s1tling, knowing they'll b!' !;en! home. Last year J68 Ju veniles \\' c r e "processed " through the Laguna Beach Police Department. which usually mean~ lurned ovct lo their parents or To Juvenile !·!all, if the p<ircnts live far <1.1\·ay , This year the rate is running mul'h highe ·. But those 111ho actually go through proeessing are just a tiny percentage of 1he juveniles contacted by police, g1vrn 11'arnings, or JllSI. advice on the 1nu!tltudinous prob)e1ns of youth. j\'O STAT ISTICS "Th1·rc 's no way lo [111\! th,.. rrn! ::.tatist1cs on Juvenile \\'Ork 1n Lh1s depart· rnent." says one of Alex' fellow olftcers. "Ynu ran ·<1dd up all the attual reports, bl1I I. h<'L Alex gels eight or 10 calls ;.i wrC:k from parents who j1isl \'.'ant him lo 1;dk lo their kids before they gel in trol1· blc. He al11•ays ~oes and t<llks to lhc rn, hut none of that gof's in the records. That's \Vhy he·s alv.·ays here so lat<', tr.1 ing to catch up wilh his paper work . ., .J1111enez. 4l has been a lixlurc on thC' lnc.-i l sccnc for more than 20 years. He Joined the. San Cleinente Jorcc in \(Hi. 1nn1·rd to Laguna in El56. He sl1:1nds 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 230 pounds, so it 's pretty hard to over look hlm, 1'1·1afiy parents re1nembcr him from their O"'n high school days, when he'd ride his motorcycle around the school at J11nch hour and the kids would call, '"Hi, Alex!" They still call Alex, bul 1he greetings have taken on a more so mber note. OFTEN GO BACK For 12 years, Alex's noon·hour beat 1\·as lhe high school area. He'd oft en go batk on his O\VO when school \Vas getting out. to talk with the kids and kee p an eye on things. He gets along wi th young peo· pie and has four of his own IQ practice on a!. home, ranging in age from 9 to 21, the elrlesl now in service. Eighteen montits ago, th e juvenile case load 1n the Laguna Beach Police Dep:irt- ment beeamc so heavy Alex, now in the (letective bureau, was assigned lo spend most of hls time serving as juvenile of· fleer. On Nov. 17. when a new policewoman, hired cspecia ll y to v.•ork \Vith \\'omen and juveniles, Joins the force, he"Jl have some help. But for lhc time being he continues to stay on lhe job unlil 8 or 9 al night, trying lo catch up. Requests for help come from many directions. "flyers" with descriptions o( missing youngster! arrive from police departments all Jover the country, many wilh the notation, "belit ved heading for l.aguna Beach area." Officers on patrol are briefed on these descriptions and look out for the runaw1y1. About 25 percent are pici:ed up. H~T.O BY POLICE Youngsters identified as runaways are held at the police 11tallo11 while their parents are notified. if the di stance from hmne 11 not. \oO great. The rest are tum· rd ove r to Juvenile Hall for 11helter until 11a1·ents arrive, or l'lrrange f o r trnnsporlalion. They arc hanrl!erl under .. what the police know as \V.I J 6-0 1 -Sec tion 601 of the \Velfare and Institutions Code dealing with "pre-delinquents" - t r u a n ts, incorrigible trouble-rnakers. youngsters involved in immorality, and runaways. Anxious parents often coine lo Laguna to look for their ch ildren, some taking rnolel rooms and staying for several d;iys. The poEce gulrle them to areas along Coasl Highway where young people (_·ongrcgn te. f'AR E1''TS llELP '·Jr ~ quite a help \rn cn the parents l'Onle," Safs Alex. "'The kids usually try tn change their appearance -trade t•lothes, \\'Car glasses, Chang<' thclr hair f'r sornething. But the parents still can Stl-OL then1 where we coulctn 'L by a \vrillen drst.:rip lion.'" \\'h;i1 1s the reaction of th(! parent~ 11l1en chcir runa\Oo•ay child is turrn~d 01'l'r' to lhen1'? Arc they, relieved, hcippy, n1ad -: "rel say rnosll.v n1ad," says th e ju1·cnile officer. .. Relieved, ye s, hui usually pretty mad at the kid. 1'hey con· 1 tain themselves in here., but as soon as ihcy get out the door you can hear them slart tc chomp on the kid. Funny thing 1 lirst thing the father wan ts, if it's a boy, is to ge t the kid's hai r cut. They've usuall v had words about that and now the kid's i:ot himself in trouble so he hasn't go! n1uch to say about the haircut .•. " \Vi!! the kids keep running away? LEA \"E AGAIN "'A lot of thern keep running. ['>;ot ~o 1·1uch the younger ones whQ didn 't like i1 away fron1 home. But if they go back to 1hc sarne thing they were running away from and nothing is done to straighten things out, a lol of them will leave again." \\/hat does he tell the kids whose parents ask him to talk to them? "\Ve talk about th eir problems. I try to tell them they ca n't take ell of the pro- blems of the world on their shoulders at lhis time and neglect the education they're going lo need. "'I try to show the m we're not all clo~ed-m inded, we're trying to get better !a\vs and improve society, but it takes t11nc. I wish eve ryone could re:id that let· trr Ar~ Lin klcuer wrote about hi s d;n1ght~r. ;ind the di-ugs, and rcla- l1onships with parents. l 11•anl to get son1e eopies of that ... ' TURNS BACK Jle turns back to the October file ..• OcL J -Laguna Beach parents seeking lf1-year-old daug'hter, long blonde hai r, !i feet S. \\.'earing T·shirt and blue bell-bot- tom pants when she left home with ''hip- pie type" man. Was upset becasue mother reprimanded her. No t getting along al home. llad r un away before. Oct. 6 -a girl, 15, S feel 4; I 10 pounds, lnng blonde hair, is mi ssing frorn her home in Leona Valley. fl1ay be \Vith 18· year-old boy fri'cnd \Vho drives v.·hite car. J\lay con1c to Laguna. Otc. 10 -Police checking eave hide· ouls al Top of the World pick up 12-year- 11ld girl from Riverside and two 15-year- old girls from Huntington Beach, sharing cave quarters. Taken to Juvenile Ha!l to awaH parents. Oct. J 1 -Norwalk police are seeking 16-year-old Mexlcan-Arnerican gir l who rari away and may be trying to find her sister in Lag\ina Be,<"lch. CURFE\V VIOLATIO'.'J Oct. 12 -Boy. ts. picked up for curfew violation on Catalina Street identified a.~ ru11:1w;iy lr{lrn Hay\Oo'ard. Calif. Same evening, second runaway from Hayward. age 17, picked up on South Coast Highway. Both to Juvenile Hall. O<-t. 14 -~1other writes from fied land s. Her 15-year-0ld son has disap- peared fr on1 hon1c. Local police ;ind sheriff alerted but she believes he may have gnne to Laguna ;irea. J-le is 5 feet 7, 136 pciunds _,t\·cars glasses and has a re- t;i inrr on his tcr!h. Oct. 16 -Girl sovgh t by Norvralk police no Oct. 11 pi cked up on South Cn:isl J-ligh111<1y <ind taken to Juvenile J1all. Oct. 16 -a 16-year-olrl ~irl turns herself in as a runawriy. T:•ken to J uvenile Hall. SEEKING GIRL Oct. 17 -Fullerton police seeking 16- year-old girl, blonde, S feet 9 inches, 140 pounds. See n on the beach at Laguna and n1ay be livi ng in a hippie pad. Oct. 17 -Sheriff's Department alert on two 15-year-old gir ls, one from Emerald Bay, one from South Laguna. They are fr iends and may have run away logether. Oct. 17 -Mothet reports girl, 15, left for Laguna Beach High School. did not attend classes, has not returned home. Has been reported in Woodland Drive area. Heavy user of narcotics, has run away before. Notify probation officer if fou nd. Oct. 111 -Runaway boy. 1-4, picked up on El Pasco, turned over to parents who \Vere called down from Garden Grove. Oct. 20 -San Diego police see king girls, .13 cind It believed to have left with 20-year-old man, may be headed for Laguna area. Stewardess' Slayer Surr ender s to Police DALLAS (AP) -Ws than 24 hours arter he radioed Police that he had i:IUed a pretty airline stewardess, a 31-year-old federal narcotics agent surrendered to a sheriff 's deputy. J ames G. Lender was charged with mu rd.:r with malice in the shooUng death or viv1ciow: brunette Mary Morri& Mead, 20. She was 11hot to death late: Saturd11y night in her 11partment in Northwest Dallas. f IA I I I I I I Monday, Octobtr 27, 1%q s DAILY PILOT 3 . ~ . D.llLY l'ILOT St•ll PhGll IN SIMUL ATED INTERVIEW, ALE X JIMENEZ DISCUSSES RUNAWAY CHI LD WI TH PARENTS 'If Pa rent s Ca n't Talk to Their Kids by the Time They're 15 or 16, It's Too Late' GO CREATIVE ! ASSORTED -..........SIZES! Pumpkins JACK-0' -LANTERH CARVIK6 SIZE 2! Perfect s iz.e for f;~nt,..stlc funny LLCf's •. -. Junior carvers love 'em ! S upe r Specimen ~ carvers a lso -p ricer! as mark~d ! Put a lighted J ack.o.-lanter n in your window ! ror maste r Hol/011-rrn_ r.~ for {1111.,. f'nrl fr'irl:.t ... nn1! lrr.'nls .' ... n.nd b'l Rancho offers ha."nll n.1 rul11ro Apple Cider . . ................. 69' Chewing Gum ..... .. , ............. 69' 1'-1il rtinclli • _ . h.1 lf ~';d/nri pr111r" ~0 rnany treat°': S tuck fo r treat~ •. , I•· 1. up li." t ,'l'l1 ·11 (J ( :?O! Life Savers . . . .............. 89• Cart.on of 20 •.. rcstur f1''1''1 ;,,,J,J1ns is at band! Marshmallows .............................. 23' Candy Bars .... '... . ....... 12 '" 49' L';i.mp (i r£'. 1 -lb. pkg. f 'resh and flufiy and fun! AJJ 5e varieties. S weet solut1• 11 tn "trick or t reat"! .. '•! i Mn.in '""'" 7)/ffl.~"' ... '""'' lhn.1 "'" k cc71 /he hm"' follc., h"rl'll ! I ~ Pike's Peak Roast ... . ... .. .. .. . . . . 98~ 1 Ill I A mounlain of a roa.'i \ .. promising mdr !1 1~li •·I(:, r.,r11011 : 1·:--·n,\ (1 .. ,,,, hrr r roiind,;, for tenderness! I ~~~~ten~~~~·'~~~! an~ he~~~;~~~~~~·~~·~~~;;;:·~·~~-;~~;~ t~k~9~ i Chili Grind ............................ 79~ Beef Shanks .......................... 49'· Lean ground beef .•• 1'pcx:ially ground fo r chili: So much mea ty goodne.!is ... great v.·ith noodles! Pricf'.~ ·in cf/eel Mon .. , Tuc.~.1 Wed., Ori. 2 7; 28, 2.?. f\ro Sales to Dcrt.lc rs. I I I ,.ick Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes at Our Meat Counter! ---------------- Let the carvers have their fun .•• nl SIU'prise them with pumpkii delights! l~et·ipcs Lo fit the t ime .•• use pumpkin fCTr dessert _ •• make roll s with pumpkin ..• or be daring •• -try our recipe for Indian Soup! Let p11m pk in car..-cr::; have their Cu n ... and enjoy eat ing it, too : ARCADIA: I Sunset and lllmtlngton Dr. (El Raocho Cent<~ PASADENA: 320 West Cdorado Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont and Huntlngtai Dr. RUNTINGTOM BUCH: Warner and Algonquin !Boardnlt Cen!e~ NEWPORT BUCH: 2727 Newport Blvd. ond 2555 Eutblutt Dr. (Wtbluff YIR•ll' Conte~ 1 ------------ ---------------------------------------~- 4 DAILV PILOT Monday, Ottobtr 27, 1969 More Tired of War ~ .... New Poll Finds 80% of Americans 'Fed Up' ' Al scieoce-minded California In~ stitute of Technology in Pasadena. a 26-yea r-old English professor at· ! racts more atten1.ion than some o( the ,,·orld's m os t famous physicists. Jenijoy La Belle is the first w~~an to join the faculty at the trad1t1on- ally all-male school. Caltech also a dmits underg raduate women (or Lhe first t ime this year. In a school \1•here students care more about molecules than Moliere. Dr. La· Belle's classes on literary master· pieces and tragedy and comedy have standing-room-only attend- ance. • R ichard G. Hess, 44, of Lancas· ter. Pa .. has returned a $150 U.S. sa vings bond he won in an art show last 1no11th. rle a ttached a note stating: "I a m opposed to our im- 1noral involvement in Vietnam and this bond represents a very real contribution to the involvement." The painting for which Hess v.·on first prize. depicted two military :Jdvisers 'vilh 1heir backs turned to a Vietnamese soldier \.vho was kill· ing an ene111y s uspect. • I Candy 'm-Okrr Leon Rice/ii has be· come a real hit uiith th e youngtr gen- era tion as a res11/t oj introducing tht first chqcQlate pi::za 111 Afichigan. Afatthew Feiler. 18 months old, of Dt· 1ro1t. shau1s his appreciation with a big cl!ocola re 9ri11. The pizza -for those u:ho'd like to tru-is tOµped ivit.li a mixture of candied cherries, tni..rrd frtdt.s. raisins, nuts, and 1c hitt rhocola!c dr1<:<led on top !o look like th e real 1/1i11g, • Rural Alcester's IO\\'n council In England rejected a petition by a group of city newcom ers to stop bullocks mooing at nig h t. "These people have got t o put up \Vith country noises a nd sn1ells or 'they should not live in the country.'' said Council Chairman Bob Collett. • f/IZ::-~ ' "' .":2SiA V· !c.i'2 WC:tJlAlf 1 1 ~' The d o1ible·bi/lina postr>d on A• ·1 t lic marquee at ll1 e t;1df1cay dr1vc·n1 rhea1c r 111 //011s to11 ;1 ,, reads· ,. 1 • R.nmep r.n ri J11l1 r~. Th.e Odd Couplr . ~~.;.....L.-,___a::: --:-· • David Bryan, &1 . of Rome. Ga., explained he d id n't \\'ant t o get rDud 1n the barre! of his nfle. That's \1.'hv he gol a h111let In the root instea-d . B ryan :-<iid 10 p rotect the rifle. he rested the 11·cRpon on his h u n tinp; boo t a s he rode in a dune bug gy near Ra ngely. Colo. The v.1e-apon d ischarged accidental· Jy during the ride. NEW YORK (UPI) -A pessimistic Impatience with the war in Vietnam is in- creasing in the United Stat~. according to a new poll by the Louis HarriJ organization. Four fifths cf the public are "fed up and tired" of the war, the poll revealed. Yet $5 pereent -down from &3 percent two years ago -feel the war has been nectssary to thwart Communist Ag· gression in Asia. ResuJts of the poll appear in the Cut• rent Issue of Time Magazine, released Sunday. Oni: third of those contacted in Harris' two-part survey of lbe general public and communist leaders favored immediate, total withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Vietnam. A wide majority, 76 percent, agreed in principle with President Ni.I.- on's troop withdrawal plans, however. About hall the public would continue the withdrawals on a pre-arranged scheduJe, even ii that means the eventual colla~ of the Saigon government : t1Ughtly more than a third would alter the schedule for the sake of South Viet- namese President Nguyen Van 'J'hleu. A broader margin of Harris' sample is willing to sacrifice the Saigon govern- ment if that is considered the only way to peace -47 percent of the public ques- tioned a.nd 62 percent of the leaders. A to 7 !percent of the public. Harris surveyed 1,650 people in a cross~ section of tbe population; their responses showet:I antiwar sentiment still is stronger among blacks than whites, among the young than the old,, in the East and West than the Midwest or 'All Fall Down" Cos1nonaut's View of Football SAN' DIEGO (AP) -A So\'iet cos· monaul's impression of American foot- ball? "All fall down, all get up, all fall down." So said Gen. Georgy Beregovoy after viewing a game between the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Ch.argers Sun- day. Ii.is 19-year-0ld son, Viktor, seemed more interested in the game -and in his pretty blonde instructor. Kathy Birk, 20, a Russian-speaking Disneyland hostess who met Viktor on a tour and became his date for the weekend, explained the game in Russian. Viktor cheered the Chargers. "He is a very intelligent person," said Kathy, "and he's willing to try anything." Ka thy, born to _Rllssian parents in Paris but raisOO in Anaheim, also was Viktor's date for a party at the home of actor Kirk Douglas. Beregovoy and fellow c o s m on a u t Konstantin Feokistov sampled American hot dogs, peanuts, pizza, ice cream and beer during the game, but their in· trOOuction to football did not come through too well in intreprelation. Their instructor ~·as Lee Crampsey, a former San Francisco 49er now employed by the Stale Department. "I was trying lo explain throllgh an of· ficial American interpreter who didn"t understand football," said Cramp.sey. "So, forget it. We jusl didn't get through." 13 Unions St1·ike Plants At General Electric Corp. NE\V YORK (UPI) -Members of 13 unions walled off their jobs at General Electric Co. plants throughout the nation today in a strike described by labor as "nearly 100 percent effective." Paul Jennings, president of the Interna- tional Union of Electric, Radio and Machine Workers (JUE). said his union would file charges of "unlawful refuW to bargalo" against GE witb the N1Uonal Labor Relations Board. The I U E represents 88,500 of GE's 147,000 unioniz. ed employes. The walkout against one of the nation's largest defense contractors was the fir st major strike faced by the Nixon ad- ministration. which has pledged hands off. President Nixon hiis called for price and wage restraints. GE, which has a total work force of 310,000, is the fourth largest industrial corporation in the country. The strike, which began with contract expirations at midnight, was the first nationwide \1·alkout againsl the firm since l!M6. Egg throwing and shoving was reported among the 1,500 pickets standing 10 deep at the gale to GE's oldest and largest plant In Schenectady, N.Y. Police adivsed nonunion employes not to try to enter the planL Fiv e pickets \•:ere arrested in Schenec- tady and 15 more at a research and development center in naarby Niskayuna , N.Y., all on charges of disorderly con- duct. Jennings said picketing nationwide was "rou tine and orderly" with only a few ex- ctr!ions ··•provoked by management or ouls1ders.'' "L'n1on1zed General Electric -...·orkcrs. ,,·ith very few exceptions, have made it clear to nlanagement that they v:i\I not .,1·ork for the miserly \\'ages and insecure conditions proposed by m!Ulagement," J ennings said, GE made one offer -a three.year con- tract with 1rages increases averaging 2D to 45 cents an hour -\•lhich the UE and JUE rtjected. They demanded higher in- creases in a 30-month contract. GE re- jected a union offer to submit the negotiations to arbitration. Federal mediators entered' the Lalks Friday to no avail. Beret Captain In Death, Case Hurt in Crasli PERTH AMBOY, N.J. (AP)-Former Green Beret Capt. Robert F. Marasco, ont e accused with seven Army colleagJJes cf killing a Vietnamese spy, continued in serious condilion today rrom injuries suf- fered ir. a ~·eekend car accident. r.1arasco. 27. ~«1 s taken to Perth Amlxly General Hospital \\'ith massive head inj uries Saturday. Thomas J . Green, 22, identified by police as driver of the second car in- \'olve:I in lht headon crash, ~·as killed . tllrs. ,Jacqueline Ziegerberg. a 34-ycar- ('l\d divorcee who 1,•:a~ a passenger in Marasco's car, suffered ijl fr acture of th e lrfl leg. tllarasco was named by the Army as the Green Beret who fired the shot ?.'h1ch killed a Vie tnamese agent. t11urder charges against the New J ersey rnan and the others were subsequently dropped and he resigned from the Army t11"0 11·eeks ago after returning from Vietnan1. He obta ined a tl1exican divorce la~t Wednesday from his wife of six year~. Denise, on grounds of incompatibility. They ~·ere childless. Most of U.S. Shivering Coul Weather Extends Fro111 Plains to East California V1r11ble <loold1, z1t!'f "'°'nlnt hlt •rid lnc1I f v•tv "''"~, 1ort1<! !llrOUQI'\• et.II Southt•n CllllMn>o MOrw:!•y, •eto• W.. l~ml>i:rJlo'e' cnmtort1bl~ cool T,,. LO' Anv~lr• ••t• ~"'"' "'' '"' rlltM •nd "'"'"'"0 loo bv 11'1• ·~·!>· 1111•"00!'0· lht ~'"~ In i'\11'1' •<ln•l'I,,.• w-1• 61. ll'!f """"C •• Sunll1y, lr>f .We<• 11l1t11 lcw •• :.o. Tnt A lt Oo•lut•on Ctr.,ol Oi!!rlCI r1i>0r!..t 119'\! -"TIOO •~ I~• b<l~•n, &.1c.,.1 -·• < IOVCIY ••1• mnrnino, bl.II hi9n1 ,..,,,,.,, 111 '" l'\uy '""'""" 11>1• 1l!Ol'l'"llOO<l, T!r>t "'"''' """' 11 Mount•I"• w.,, ••'"" ,,,~~" "'''" .,.,111>11 cl<>Yll• i nn ""''~ ,.,"<!,_ Rt · -I l-•a!v.-.1 Wirt <n lh• toll. Dffertl _,., 1l10 11./n"v •"1 (IO<Jdy, wltt> •u•I" Winds I" !ht &llt•noo<>. H I""' rffd'l9d l1't XI< <II lli~h <lf>or<1 I nd ,.... l(llr toil In IO,.er v.ilh'a, T,,. "llion'I fli9~ WOI ., •I l,,.rm.tlf. 5elKI... ~otvr•• Suno.ov ""' tffdlci.d ""'II""""'-!Oday lrl(CIU<ff ~ 8udt n-10. s,.q ""'""le• .... ,, llvrMnk n.n, Ml. WI..., t1..i1, P11,,.. .... 11.14 •""'"i.. 11.n , P•lm W ln111 •s.tS. l•lltrl .. ld 16-11, ~.n Ole9o .. ..,.. s ......... ,. "'"· Cleod'f lod1~. ~l"f !Olrtly tvn"v In 11!1.._n. L!9ht Yt•l•DI• wll'do ~IOM '""' ,...,..n:.111 ,_,. bo'<:omlnp ""''''"v 10 lo 10 ~nc!tt In t l!ernoons I0111v 1nd fl,lallif, Hioh ICll!ltr ti!. C.0.11..i ltonP111Nr11 r•nte<i ''O"' U .. a. Mllflf w.n-11wr• r1"" .,.., ff'O'!I ft .. Jiii, W1tcr !rm111r1•~•t '" ...... '-.;) rw ... _ .. . SO(.'fWld hlltt ...... ···-'''°' '·"'· t.s *""' low ' .. . .••. ,. ·-•• , TUllD4'1" !'If-If """ .............. 11:• '""· J.• F!t11 lo# , .• ., ... ., • .,,. '''' '·"'· J.~ So(:nnd ,, .. ,, ............. -' s..:Md -............. •:'' '·"'· e.1 \vlf •I• 7:tl '·"'• kit 6;11 o,m, ""-11111.,.. 5:'1 t.m. lt'hl 1;C11.m, 11.S. Summary MO<! ol lllf Ml'°" tt.l ... r.1<! IO(llY ~· 1em.,...1lu••• a,.,,,.., bolG"' t••tl• 1110 ·~ Ille nort,, '"° ''"'"I ll!(l(tlo-o '" <•nl•tl 1111 .... 11 •nf "°''"· f ill Mlr"l•t" "'"' 1 ""'' w1•11l11• w11 '''"l•O for "'V<" OI 0-lt"Omt , CeJd WNll'ler '""""'M ff'1>M ""' "nck'-'""'' !"-Ploln• lo ''-'""' ••-•' lht A""11aclll1n• "'" 1 ~­"'°"' fltJrtlt • wort rtoort..,. l•om ••••- •"' Ml111>11101t WO Ille l'IOrl ... rl'f Gt NI .... k OC:<Mionel ,,r~. d•lnle "' thv-•· ,..,,,....,., Wtrt ,_,, ... tt ..... 11\e wppr~ Ohio \'i!lt Y !O !he N'Ort,,toll, I" 11>1 -.>Ill .t111nllc 1•1hft, ,,_ .. 1!1•n tflW Mt•l(t •nll •ovot,.•1!ii•n (Q!O•l lkl '"'Ol.ltl'f "'"'h ol '''"' to n<>•!ht•n l01Jl•l1n1 i nd In "'" Poclllc NGrtllwut 1"""1th l'O'lh,.t•ltrn (111/ntnlt . low trmNc11v1•1 ••r.1t<I frnm 4 t i:xWt '""' •I ltwlt!on, Mon1., In 11 I I ['lfy l o•hJtti, Flo, ,,,. io ... OI " 1t 111 1,ld C•TY, I l'l . ""'' ' teco•• !or ..... ,, In m. -""· !ovlt.•rn C t tl!ornl1 "'"' <<><>I t'ld c•to..1~1 ,.11,, ••"~ l'r>O'"'"' loo. ( T""'peraturf!• ~~ L..w Prte. .,.,.,.........,. n " .. Ar>eha"n » " A!le11t1 " " 111~ .... 11e1e " " 8 1Sm&rcJI; • " ""i" " " 1!1011,,., " " !lcown.,,Hlt " " (~lcoln " " (lr>e lnMl1 .. " 0...Vt • " ... °" Mo!"C• " " °'""I! " • Foirbon-• " ' Fort WGr!ll " " F co1rio " .. t<ie!M O " " K•n ... 1 '" " " l•• v .... " " LDI A .... 111 " " M1..,.,..oen1 " " N-OrlN !'tl " " New Yerll " " .... ...... .. " 0 1kl1NI ~ " 0.l•Mtrl• Cily ~ .. °"''"' ., " ''" "°"let .. .. "''"' s ... 11101 " .. P~I• .. " Pilhllli••~ " .. "' POl'lllnG " " 118Pld Cltr " .. "P<I ,,.,,., .. " .. ~ " " !•"""'""'" ' • Soll l•~· ,,, .. • ''" Ol"" .. ,, !•" Front l1<;0 ~ " Sr11111 ., ~ ,,, s~ .... ~ " Tllf'""'' ., ., IV•t~•n11~~ .. • South. Another 1,118 people questioned were "public officials, chiefs of minority and dis.sident organizations, business ex· ecutives, editors, leaders of educational and voluntary institutioll.5 -those whose collective voice rtg'isters loudest in public debate," Harris said. The (\.1-'0 groups differed substantjally on only one topic: whether Communists should be allowed in a new South Viet- names~ government. The publlc opposed such a compromise, 49c33 percent; the leaders favored it, 62·21. Only 21 percenl of the public was willing to accept a new governrr:ent with a Communist majority; 44 percent of the leaders disagreed. !\ slim majority of the public, 52 per- cent, would be wiJling to support Nixon in another attempt to escalate and win lhe '"·ar militarily ; SJ percent of the leaders opposOO such an idea. U.S. Awaits Release Word On Three Gls SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Command today awaited further word from the Viet Cong on its plans for the release of three American soldiers. In a broadcast by its Liberation Radio Sunday night, the Viet Cong said it would free thr three Gls as a demonstration of iT s· "lenient and humane" policies. On the basis of Army serial numbers given in the broadcast, the U.S. com· maod identified the men as Spec. 4 Willie A. Watkins , of Sumter, S.C.; PFC James H. Strickland Jr., of Dunn, N.C.; and PFC Coy R. Tinsley, lZ, of Cleveland, Tenn. All were members of the Americal Divjsion. Tinsley is one of If children.cf Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Tinsley of Cleveland, TeM .• and the seventh son to serve in the armed forces. lie disappeared last March 9 dur. ing an action near Quang Ngai City, in the north em part of the country. Watkins and Strickland were reported tnissing in action Jan. 8 and Jan. 9, 1968, in the Que Sonh valley. The Viet Cong broadcast indicated that both ""'ere members of A CrJmpany , 3rd Battalion, 196th Light Infantry Brigade. The com- pany 19 monlhs later temporarily refused an order lo advance aller five days cf being thrown back. The Viet Cong's announ«ment wa! repeated several times today but did not s ay l\'here or when tile three men would be released. There was speeulalion it might involve another baltlefield meeting between American and Viet Cong of- ficers, like the meeting last New Year's Day near the Cambodian border when three other G Is were handed over. The U.S. Command says the Viel Cong and the North Vietnamese have released a total of 14 American military personnel since February, 1967, Tbe enemy also has fretd ty;·o American civilians and one German nurse. A number of other Americans have e'Scaped from the Viet Cong. In its latest Y.'eekly casualty summary last Thursday, the U.S. Command said 1,J\9 American military personnel were listed as missing or captured. Of these, 413 are kno1\11 to be priso ners in North \"ie!nam, about 200 are missing in South Vi etnam, and the U.S. Defense Depart- ment believes many of the rest a re prisoners in the North. U.S. m ilitarv officials declined com- ment on the \':iet C<>ng 's st;iternent t~at during their detention \V a t k in s , Strickland and Tinsley ''proved pro- gressive, v.·ere aware that the U.S. im· periallst.s' war of aggression in Sout h v:etnam wou ld certainly fail, and showed lheir repentance of the crimes they had committed against the Vietnamese peo- pJr_ '' Such statements are usually made by the Communists about every prisoner they release .. VPI TtltPi..to First Lady of Tl' LuCille Ball beams after accepting the honor of First Lady of TV from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the first v:oman to be so honored. 'Sharing her big moment are children J:uc1e. and Desi Jr. About 1,000 fellow stars and industry members pa1d tnbute ~o the aclress a t a dinner in the Beverly Hillon Hotel. Girl Left on Freeway; Police Hunting Parents BAKERSFIELD (UPI) -Little JOOy Smith, -4, was riding in the car with h~r parent,s and her t'>\'O brothers and little ~i.>ler when suddenly the car stopped and she was told to get out. Her mommy and daddy told her to hang onto the chain-link fen ce beside the freeway until a policeman came. She didn't know why she ~'as being left bllt she did as she was told and watched her daddy's car drive off into the night. That was the storv she told authorities after she was found.by a Highway Patrol <>fficer. wet and shivering but still clin~ng to the fence at 6 a.m. Saturday morn ing . The Kern County Sheriff's Office said she was found three miles south or Wheeler Ridge south of Bakersfield beside U.S. 99. · She bad several brui.s~ on her arm~ and body and appeared to be suffering from malnutrilion, a deputy said. She fold officers her name and age and said her father's name was Ronnie Smilh and her mother's name was Betty. She said she had an older brother, Timmy, 5, a sister, Rhonda, 2, and .a baby brother named Jason. Nohel Economy Prize A 'varded STOCKllOL~! ll'PI) -Pror, J ;i_n Tin bergen of the Ne therlands and Prof. Ragnar Frisch of Norv:ay today 1,1·on the first Nobel Prize for economy. The fiYe ·member prize committee of the Swedish Academy of Sciences ci ted the 66-year-old Tlnbe rgen. a professor at the Netherlands School of Economics in Rotterdam, and the 'i4-year-0ld Frisch "for ha ving developed and appli ed dynamic models for the analysis o[ eConomic processes." The ne~· award, \\'Orth $72.700 like the other fi 1·e Nobels, was established by the Bank of Sv.·eden a.s part of its 300th an- niversary celebrations last year, Deputies said when she was let out of the car she said her mother told her to tell Police she lived in Bakersfield. "\Ve've run down ju~t about every Sm ith in Bakersfield and Kern County," a ·sheriff's Office spokesman said today. •·s'l far we've turned up nothing." The Sheriff's Office asked that anyone having any knowled ge of the gi rl or the family cal! the Sheriff 's Department at (8051 '327.3392, Margaret Mead Says Marijuana SJ1ould Be Legal WA S HINGTON (UP I) Anthropologist ~ta rgaret I'l1ead. 67. said today mar:ijuana should be legalized and anyone. 16 or older should be allo~·ed to smoke it. Thi! famed author and social scientist said at a Senate hearing that harsh laws against marijuana use were damagi ng society much more than did prohibition. "It is a new ror m of tyranny by the old over the you ng," she testified. •!You have th e adult wilh a coc ktail in one hand a nd a cigarette In the other _saying, 'You can not _ . .'" to a child. "This is un tenable .'' She did not mention in he r testimony a mi nimum age for marijuana usage. New.~mrn asked her a f t er 11• a r d !I ""Probably I~." she replied. She said marijuana "doesn't have the toxic effects that cigarettes have" and is mi lder than liquor, So should be permittt'd at a younger age lhan tobacco and alcohol. Mlss Mead, professor of anthropology ;it Columbia Un11'er~ity, gained fame for studies of natives in Samoa and l\ew Guinea and she rf;'ct>ntly also 1.,.rOte a book about !he gr.ncratil'ln gap. She Insisted that n1cdica 1 evi dence leaves rm doubt that marijuana is not ad- dictive : does not hy itself learl tn use Qf hard drugs like heroin ; anrl is much milder in its effects than al cohol. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream Homes On Display Over $)00,000 Inventory to Choose From lt•mi-•1 follows : Gorgeoui cuifom quilted sof• with 1t1pa ref• plllows with heavy oe~ trim d•tor and match ing lov• see!, 3 m1 tchin9 oak occesionel table1, 58'' fell ciecoretor lemp, h•nging chein 1wa9 lem p, en a .piece king sit • m•1f •r bedroom suita pel'leled M•dite.rr•n••" ityle with top quality 15 ye•rs w•rr•nty king sixe m•ffre1s •nd box iprin9 1. Sp•nish d ining set, etc. Any piece c•n be purch•1• individu•lly. Drop by •nd see our selection of top quality Spanish .1 ncl M•dit•rr•n••n furniture • , , fantastically prit•d! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT E9UAL SAYINGS MUST SACRIFICE No Money Down Required- No Payment Till 1970 ·' CHECKING :-. •UP• Cancer Girls Are Called Responsive By L. M. BOYD Thi'! 1impll'!r • man ' 1 gjgnature, the greater his l'ia!es resistance. Such is the contention of a handwriting expert. An executivP whG writes his. name with a lot of flourishes, says this au:hority, Almost inevitably is a pushover for a strong eloser, AT THE AGE of 42. it has been d eterm i ned, ap· proximately three ou1 of 10 husbands are unfailh(11l. ••• ERNEST SUMMERS runs a lawn and garden ::hop in ~tunster, Ind. If he isn 't a can- did ate for the Proper Job club, v.·ho is? ... ANOTHER lJT· TLE known fact is that one out of every eight persons who collect Social Securily checks is under 18 years of age. Whichcope in 1753. Even this day, his claim has been verified, but re>ear:c'4 goes on ..•. AMONG THOSE Christmas presenl.3 w mOISt by the United Sta ser\'ictmen in Vietnam, cor· respondents report, • r e plastic-coated playing cards and considerable quantities of bee( jerky. AM ADVISED one Jose Crespo Ruir of Madrid, Spain, wa~ recently sentenced Lo prison for fi,616 year~ I months I day. Think of that! Unfortunately, the cor· respondent does not explain what Sr. Huit did to deserve such an enormous distinction At any rate, it is the longest prison sentence of all time, of that J'm sure. Y our questions and com· rncnls are welronJ.fd and u1i/l be used wherever pos- sible it~ "Checkiltg Up." Address m-ail to L. f'tf. Boyd, 1.n care of DAILY PILOT, Bex 1875. Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. 20-mile Walks 'Fun' THAT WOMEN are better insulated than rnen has been reporled . That's why they can V.'ander around in short skirts on these autumn days. They adjust to temperature changes more quickly than men. They doo 't perspire as much,, either. Yoo rarely hear girls make mention of this superiority over men, however. Possibly because their extra insulation is fat. At any rate, the topic arises because a Pentagon of. firer has suggested sending service \\'Omen to th!' Arctic RANCHO BERN ARD 0, outposts to replace the men Calif. \A P) -Retired Nary there for the f o rego in g Capt. Robert O'Toole, .U, reasons. averages 20 miles a day on.I.be CUSTOMER SERVICE : Q. -"Is 8 Cancer girl passionate?'' daily strolls that are his liob- A. Our Planet man prefers I.he by· term responsive. That is to f..1rs. O'Toole, who •a.lks gay, in the romantic matter of aloog part way, .sayi "We the good night kiss, for ex· ample, a typical Cancer girl is never get bored. We're always not apt to ini tiate the pro· yakking about someUtng. I ceedings. but once started, she plan parties, or tell n y hus- tends to make the most of the band the latest gossip. or we situation. In other words. a di scuss current f'vmts. In Cancer girl is not loo quiek, but she's thorough. short, y,•e have fun." tl-tATH ODDITY -Try lh .s : After r.trs. O'Toole runs out . Jot doy,·n your age. Multiply 1t or steam, O'Toole says "I keep by 2. Add 5. Multiply that 1.Jy my mind busy 1'.a\culatin& 50. Subtract the nu mber of the stock charu in my head." days in the year. 365. Add any 'iii~~~;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiijiiiijil a mount of loose change under11 a collar that 's in you r pockel. Get the most on F ioaliy, add 115. What do you INSURED SAVINGS! get? A four-figure number. or KEY which the first two figures will STONE be your age. the last two SAVINGS figures the amount of your ~NO LOMI ASSIJCl~l!O~ h On d I-Id W ~. ,,_,ldor>t c ange. war . ln w rr n1 5 38" rr- THE SU ICIDE RATE • S,ltl.l.L llRS PIJlf • .0011.iM among 17-year-olds has zoom· i .. u ..... 1 'P<lidf,_.. M14fo.Ma r•"'luool t~ Ml« ef,...:tAanr,""" ed upwards in a most alarm· ing manner over the last JO years. Why? ... "NOBODY EVER BLUSHES in t h e dark," said Benja mi n Trade al thoseblls for one =16nt! 'L' \,J useourmoney- and save! -·-togelrtd,_ .. __ _ -OQ!y one smaller monllllyPlfa&ll. Thal'• --PllOI -....... Yao may boi toW lrom $100 to $5,IQI, «more, --llSacl_ ... _,.._ -. .-phone or CDlllll lo Md Ill• - ,.. -We'll Ill,.. - -..... ____ ,..."' __ ....... .a°'* ••ll'G 'i'''4 111• 0 :• -,.,...._ .. _ Morris Plan 673-3700 Newport Beach -3700 Newport llhd. ------- ------------------------------ • I . I \ I J II ' . ·: r ;l '-.I 11 ~. '• , \ . ' ' \ : , '~ 1 . :; 1 '. crystu table lamps with gleiming bronze lmpo<!Od llalWi ..,... with Ilic glint al a -.id -Brilliant Wmrford ait dcaign .,,...1 and antiqued brooz• torM' mmblne to era~ a dramatic effea. Shantu.ng ee:m.rn on •inylrt:~ sh.adcs. ., . \. "'°' Q.9.00 .,., ....... decorate with these mi rrors all through your home From contemporary to country sclt1n.gs . • modern ro ?-.-tediterrantan, our Turner Pirt$burgh plate g l.ljs mirror\ \\'Orie .,,anders in tvery room , Bu1lt·in hangt-rs for horizont&l or •ertical U3"(', reg. ~0.()()..90.00 40.00 to 75.00 L. :7"x48 '' vertical muror "''ith deep carved frame in .antique gold finish . "S· 6l.OO S0.00 b. 27 "x.~3' l\.lediterranean style; open· v.·ork: !ea.f fram e in ridi antiqu.r gold tone. r<g. ~.00 40.00 may ro mirrors 7 ~ DAILY I'll.Of f I our casual table group ha' 11. Spanish influence Cmdoba oocaioaal lablar A dloo- tioa al~ lableo and chem bring .i.p.c. .. ,.,.. liomo. a- ,,,.._ ptan fltlisli .,.., ododlcd batdwaoda. reg. 14.00 CocXtaiJ tablo 51.00 reg. ·119.00 luge oxhail 98.GO rt g • 74 .00 tw p tabl< 59.llO HJ• 94.00 aimrnod< 79JIO ... 9'.00 a w1+••<Je 4IMt 79JIO ... 14.DO ....i alile SUD "II· !Ool.00 ~~. -.00 relax in the comfort of our vinyl lounge Maditarra.-lldi>a. lolm .. .....,, • • • OU! l-poatloo ""'"' wltti ,, ........ finilh<d arms and llid<I 1..-• .,.min •i.wi.og poaitioo. Willi buttai n1W i.di. -bid .. aTOado Tiny!. II!~/ ;.O furniture 144 may co aoutli coaat plaza, aani diego fwy . at bristol , cosla mesa ; shop monday thru 1aturday I 0 a.m. to 9: 30 p.m. 546.912 ': MAVCO ' • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE A ~candal Compounded The Army graft scandal no\v unfolding in \Vashing- t.on ts an en1barrassme11t to the nation as well as to the n1illions of dedicated Ainericans who have served with honor and dis tinction in U1e 111ilitary. A sergeants' cons pi r~cy to loot mjlitary ~crvice clubs in (;ermany, the United Slates an<f South V1etnan1 vvould be shock enough to the nation. But th e lnvolve- n1cnt of generals 111 the coverup of th e conspiracy and in the sa le of guns for private profit compounds the :>candal an d con found s the Cong ress and th e nation. The net effect is to cast a shadow and shame on t he vast majority of honest men in all the military ser- vices. These n1en \1•ho have responded to their nation's call to duly, \1·hether as career servicemen or as volun- teers and draftees, have to bear up under enough bum raps nnd bad.n1ou lhing from a thoughUess and ungrate- ful public \11ithout this. Obviously, ~he once-feared inspect.or generals are not doing their job. The whole internal operation screams for reform. And it should be done by the Pen- tagon without delay or entanglement in red tape or buck-passing. Jt seems likely that the ire of Congress and the pub- lic, followed by fire under those responsible, will clean up the mess. Benefactor of All Mankind To say he made life better for the living is the greatest tribute that can be given at death. To say he did so not just for Javed ones or his com- munity, but for all humankind, is the highest tribute of all. It is a tribute of which Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus. \vho died last week at bis home in Newport Beach, is particularly deserving. At UC Irvine, Or. Steinhaus was the campus's firat faculty member, a uniquely respected leader and an innovative organizer of a biological sciences l?rogram that has been copied by other major universities. ln his state and nation, he earned recognition as an outstanding scientist and c:in ou~slanding f>Ublic servant, \Vbose 25 yeArs as a Uruvers1ty of California faculty member were distinguished by vitally important conr tributions to agricuJture, lo health and lo education. As a "'arid aulhorily on insects. his research was instrumental in extending the gift of life lo millions in the famine-threatened areas of the wo rld who other- wise \vould have faced starvation from insect devasta- tion of their crops. Of Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus it can be said ns it can of few men: He truly contributed to life. Keep DST All Year Round Forty-seven of the 50 st.ales returned lo standard time yesterday. The o1.her three-Arizona, Hawaii and 1'.1ichigan-were already on it, having refused to go to Daylight Saving Time. Once more we're reminded of the absurdity of our present standard time in the modern urbanized age. When the nation's economy was dominated by agricul· ture, it made sense to have extra daylight at the begin· ning of the work day. B_ut now -µte nation· is predominantly urban and in- dustna!. Having extra d!!yfight at the end of the day for recreation and greater highway safety is the need of the great majority of Americans today. Daylight Savings Time should be kept in force all year round. GOP ltiternal Oppositio1i Likely Deferment of Students Will Agnew's Latest Indelicacy WASHINGTON -The £or me r Maryland governor who was Preside~t Nixon's surprise choice for Vice Presi- dent seems to be builrling a constituency of soMs for hi1nse!f. He is saying publicly what Nixon may be saying privately. A i;:ood many Republicans, while they might Share these \•icws. cringe ,1·hen the nev.·s n1ed ia reporl new evidences of Vice President Agnew·s talent for political in· delicacy and malapropism. Vice President Agnew tend s to say a bit more than he means as 1\·hcn he ac· "used Vice President Humphrey of being .. soil on communism ," and apologized for that beca use be did not recognize that a :5iJuJ..lar free !ilyJe IJSC: of lhJs &"lpellalion had gotten President Nixon in U"OUble in the Joe ll1cCarlhy era. The "effete corps ot Impudent snobs'' \\'horn Agnew says is en couraging youth In Its "senseless" demorislraOon against the Vietnam War is, in poin t of facl, rather a large cornpony, including a greal many only inodera1ely sriobbis h :c;urburbanites. They are offended en oug h by present cnnrtitions \\'ithout being gouged by Agnew. OF COURSE, Vice rrcsidrnt Agne\v f\1d not mean them. I-le \A.'as talking about \vhat George Y,'allacc called the pseudo intellectuals \~·ho asse rt the ir superiority n\·er the common clorls \.rho make up !he vast majority of us. Vi ce President Agnew will doubtless explain thi!i later Ill ( Richard Wilson l.. ' one or his usual little speeches of self· abnegation. '\'hal puzzles many Republicans is that Vice President Agnew is permitted to go on like this when such leaders as Republican Nat ional Chairman Rogers C. B. ~1ortoo and Republican Senate Leader Hugh Scott are far more circumspect and adroit in dealing with political opposition. Se'verBI different explanations are of· fercd. First. the Vice President la onJy saying what he has been told to say and his remarks reflect the true moOO. of tht! Nixon Administration. Second, the Vice President is clearing the way for Presi· dent Nixon by a n1de repudiation of the protest n1 ovemenl so that it cannot later he sai1t that this movement hurried Nixon into a Vietnam cease.fire and comple te withdrawal. IT IS SAlD THAT Agnciw is doing now 11·hal Nixon did in the EiS4!nil()wer Administration, acting as a political foil and lead man 1n thrusts which would ha ve been considered undignified and im· prudent in a leader supposed to be Presi· denl of all the people. f\laybe there is something to t.hat. There Wf?'e times in the E"Rflhower ad· ministration when Ike aeemed 80 far above the fray that the ordinary Republican despaired of ever being heard ln the land. Nixon someUmes spoke the Republican tongue, occasionally too loud- ly as when his own "soft on communism'' efforts backfired and the movement built up to replace him on the presidential ticket in 1956. Th.is is the possibility which Vice Presi· dent Agnew's talents invite thrtt years hence. The constituency which Vice President Agnew js building up by blurting out in public what President Nix· on might ha ve said to Mrs. Nizon at the end of a trying day is hardly large enough yet to give Agnew contldtnct should a replacement movement develop. PRESIDENT ~lXON knows l h e scenario since he acted i.n it himself dur- ing the darkest days of his vice presiden· cy. I kc began to send out leelers on whether Nixon's future might be brighter if he relinquished the vice presidency and became, say, secretary of defenS4!. It would not be someth.ing which had oot happened before if Vice President Agnew were lo find himself offered some pos i.tion of administrative grandeur. Ev en if Nixon himself ·is not so pliable as Ike when confronted by internal pre&Stue, there is every likelihood that an an ti· Agnew movement will arise inside the Republican Party. UCI Professors Explain 1 0 the Editor· You 1;01 you r racts v.rnrii; in you r ('1!1lorial {0c1. 20) cr1t1c1z1ni: "Jr• 1·ci~ponsiblr faC'Ul1y" <11 l '('\ f1)r roling - unsuccessfully -f1;r a propo~al to asscr\ lhc. f:icul1y 's control n! grades. 'fhe pro- r"'1sal voted dow n \l'ould in no way have "held s1udenls :is hn~t.1gt's" as the DAI · Li' PILOT clu1ms. A cli;ise readiog of the proposal :c;ho1\',~ !ha1 it would have permitted cou rse crrdil tn accumula1e ' ~lailhox l•!Tt•I ''""'Tl "8dero tr• welcomt. tlo•m•llv w•ll· "" •~Ov id convev !n•lr ,... • .,~9•> Jn JOO ...,,rd• or I•"'· T n~ "9"1 !o conde~~· le!!e•• Ta flt &pt<• or e11m ln•T• 11~1 Ii rv.rrvf'd "" It''"" "'~" Inch.Id• '''~etu•e 8'"<1 m•lhno O<ld ro~~. l>V! nt "'" m1v Ill wllflneld °" reo..e•• II 1v!Ht11n! "a1on !1 •~1r1nl. ilnd degrees lo be. grnnlcd 11·1th no prCJ· ti lany o[ those 1\•ho voted against the ud1 ce or 1nc.:0111·cn1ence to .students. _measure were voting against a di!lorte:d IL amounted lo ;:i decl:.i rattQn that d lhc picture of it, created out of whole cloth fat ul1y c.:ou l<l nol tru st the Regents. ac- by a few battle fatigued mernbers of the 11n,i:: through the Registrar, nol to tamper Academic Senate. \\'llh iL~ grades. ll would have to take O\·er 1.hl' clerical Job of tabulating grades i!self. 1 CA1'1'0T Et\TIRELY blam t the Pilot for knocking do11•n a straw man, for the Pilot did not make the straw man. That task, I'm afraid. wes accomplished by t hose of my colleagues who also did not read the proposal rationally an d carefully, and who responded by al· tacking the proposal l\'ilh willfully in· accurate caricatures. Those of us \1·ho ,·oteti for !hi! measure knew that were 1t passed no harm \1•ou ld come to the students through our hands. ---WWW- Monday, October 27, 1969 Thtt ttditorial f'IO(}t: of t.lie Daily PUot seeks to in f orm ond stim- ula.W f'tOlkJ"I b11 presenting thk ~" opinion! nnd c01n1 mepfm\I on topics oj htttrest and lfgnificarn:e, b!J rrouidf'll!'J rt j ortnn. for tM erprcssion of our r eaders ' opl11 1nu', and hlf prwu-nting tM <ilf:r r~r vir11;. potnU of i11formefl ol1servrrs and tpClcesmen on topics of Ille daf. Robert N. Weed, Publisher YOU CALL FOR lhe Senate to adopt a slatement that v.·ill "declare une· quivocally that such hanky panky with student grades and credils never will be acceptable at the University of California ." and in fact the statement voted down dec lared just that -that the faculty '~·ill not tolerate. lhe Regenia' hanky panky with our grades and credits -buL apparently not unequivocally cno,ugh for casual or emotional readers. The defeated motion was not perfect; one of its flaw s, obviously, was that its intent v1as not transparent, but it waii not reckless or irresponsible. As journalists ~ou know the pilfalla ol taking one side's word about the other side1a intent. I bt-g you lo be as scrupulous a guardian of your own responsibilities as you are of ours. DANIEL C. DENNETI' Asst . Prof. of Phil0$0phy UCI No Wllhholdlng Grades To the Edllor : As a f3culty mem~r involved in draf- ting the resolution referred to in the DAI· LY PILOT edlloriat of Ocl. 20, I feel I ~hou!d co rrect the mistaken impression this edi lorial crea tcid. The resolution in queslion (which failed 41·$1) called for the Academic St>nete to nssume respon~ibitity for the af"I. min istration of grades llnd the granting of degree.~. The ob1ect and effect or in· 1Lilut.i ng I.his procedure n•ould have bee.n, I not to withhold grades from anyone, but rather to insure that everyone enrolled in duly approved courses, I n c: I u di n g Philosophy 99 at UCLA, v.•ould receive grades. .RY THE STANDING orders of the Regents, only the Academic Senat~ has the authority to determine which courses get credit Thus, the Regents in their decision to withhold credit for Philosophy 99 not only showed utter diategar<I for the students taking the cmirse for credit but acted contrary to their own standina: orders in doing so. Though this time their a.ct.i on was clearly unconstitutional, the Regents wl\L no doubt continue to try to fonn the university in the image of their persona.I politica1 convict.ions. Perhaps they feel this is their responsibility. Hopefully the faculty will continue to resist any and all such attempts at bnpo!i.ng thought con- trol on the university. If the faculty ever loses this fight neither the students nor the people of California wiD have cause to rejoice. STANLEY MUNSAT Acting Chairman Comm.iUee on Privllege and Tenure UCI Dear Gloomy Gus: Is It possible lM Nhron AdmJnlstra· lion believes that the late.st speech by Vice President Agnew will hel p lo "bring us together again"~ -W. C. T~lll '""',. r1fltttl ,...,,.,. ¥......,, "" ~K-trlr tl!w " "'9 ,....._,., S- ,_ ""' ..,...,. ti 01-r ew. DIUJ ,,UM, Be Continued \~ Nlen-Goldswitb 1 · i ' ! \VASHJNGTON - A move to abolish student draft deferment was defeated 2Z lo 11 in the House Armed Services Com· mitttt, and it will be just as decisively re1ected in the full House v.•hen the issue. js raised thete. As in Uie showdown at a closed-door meeting of lhe committee, the House test will come on a point of order against the anti-defennent motion. The challengtr is Rep. F. Edward llebert, {).La., chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee on the Draft. It was his CTl.nny strategy !hat blocked the anti....-Jefermenl maneuver in his sub- committee, and he is set to do the same in the House. The controversy arose aft.er the sub- committee unanimously approved t m· powering President Nixon to use a lottery for selettion of draftees. Rep. Richard lchord, D·l\-10., a se1r. designated "hawk" and chairman of the Internal Security Comm itlet, proposed an amendment "lo abolish college deferments except for students in the ROTC programs." "CHANGING TO a lotlery system for drafl ~election," contended ?chord. "?•ill not defuse the unrest existing on college campuses throughout the country. In my opinion, one of the greattsl mistakes v.·e niade in fight ing the Vit>lnam v.·ar \Vas continuing a policy of student defermenlo; du ring a shooting war. It. had never been done in any country before, and it hasn 't \\·orked and it can't work.'' Hebert immediately made a point of nrrler on the ground Jchord's proposal "is nol grrmane 10 tl1e bill before us." Th!s ch;illengc touched off a tense clash 11n1ong the co1nmi lt ecmen. lchor1fs vigorous appeal to Acting Chairmiin Philip Philbin, 0-Mass., f() over rule Hebert's objection was warmly supported by Rep. Alton Lennon, O.N.C., Lucien Nedii, D-1'\flch., Robert Leggett. [)..Calif., Charles Wilson, D--Calil., and Otis Pike, O.N.Y. Republican committeemen took no part in the wrangle, and sided with Hebert on the showdown vote. QUESl'IONED AS to why he """5«1 eliminating student deferement, Hebert replied thi1 was not in the bill IOUght by President Nixon. Explalned the veteran Louisiana Je;'.isl1tor, '"Ille basil for my polnt ol order ta very clear. The Presi· dent. who ta commander..fn-c:bief, asked for a change In the draft law to permit seledlon by lottery. That's what my sutr commlltee approved and that is the legtslaUon pending befOl"l! the. full com· mil tee. "Rule 17 of this committee, which is 11!!0 the rule or the House, precludes any amendment that is not germane to the Jegi&laUon before the commJttee. That '1 the whole basi" of my point of order." Highlights of the backstage word battle that ensued art1 as follows: Rep. N~I argued that student defer- ment "is such an Integral part of the draft problem'' that it had to be con- sidered In any basic revision of the law. "THE COM)flTTEE should go in depth on the q...U.. of m>i<h!I the draft oct." he maintained. ''There.fore, under these clrcumstances, It would appear this bin should be sent ba ck to the subcommittee for a more thorough rtvi"' and report." This view was sµpported by Rep!. Wi1110n and Olis Pike. The latter charged thaL opposing !chord's amendment on the grourid It wasn't germane was "using a technicality to hloek consideration of a proper proposa l." By Robert S. Allm and Job A. GoldsmJU11 Cities Today Are On Last Legs t.fore than 30 years ag11, social prophet!! like Lewis Mumford ac.cnralely predicted ll'hat \\'as going to happen to American cities. But it ls part of U:e franchise of prophets that nobody ever listens to them un til it is nearly too lalci. The American city today is on its last legs -physically. finaicially, ad· ministratively, and morally. New York is ungovernable: only Junatita run for mayor there, and the victor is.the biggest loser. Most of it has happened because "plan. ning" is a dirty word in the public sector of American life. even thoug'n private corporations y,•ould perish in a year unless they skillfully ·planned future development . OUR CITIES HAVE grown helter- ske!ter. lacking even the most basic "systems approach'' or any sophisticated lit.tie company. Downtov.·ns have beco me crippled nearly beyond re c overy , neighborhoods have deteriorated. and the blight has spread even to the newer suburbs, y,·hich are ugly, chaotic, and al ready ll'eil on their way toward ,;lumhood. Public transportation i~ a joke in most big rities: The people who most need it Jive farthest from v.·htre the jobs are and cen't a[ford cars to make up for the Jack of fast, clean, efficient buses or trolleys, And the arnuent suburbanites clog up the city by driving down to work v.·hen they should be taking trains. THE fltlDDLE CLASSES are deserting the city en ma sse, leaving it to a thin crust of rich and a heavy la yer of poor, .. ""'"" .. ---< ............... ~ ••. _ ' . ' ~y<ln.ey J. Harris who logethfr cannot !'ll pport the rising tax rate and !he increasing ncied for municipal services. Spumed by their state go\•ernments, and squeezed dry by the suburban exodus, the cities seem lo face terminal cancer unless some radical iiurgery Is introduced. This !urgery w;nlidn't have been necessary if the fciw J\1umfords of the 1930s and 1940s had been listened to. But \\·e were too busy growing, too busv b\1ildJng factories and skysc rapers anft hi ghwayi, too busy \1•ith ou r industrial and commercial goals, to stop to reckon the human r..os-t ot crea ting such inhuma n patterns of living ~nd 11·orking and travcil· ing. f.IOREOVER, OUR 11aranoid fear or "government'' intervention preventccf us even from granting enough control lo loca l governments, so 1hat they could adopt some scns1Ulc long.·rangc zoning and building programs. Only the pro-- rooters. the gougers. !he sl um landlords-, and the. real estate spe tulators benefited from -01Jr negligence. Now the cities <1re in deep trouble C\" er~here, and the cost of rrsloring lhci1 r enVJronment lo the human scale 1.1•ill be a hundred times what 11 n11gh t have been through prc1•enlil'e measures -if it c<1 n now be done at all. How long can \vr. tolerate our curious national ronce1t !h:it we must look aliead 011ly for pri vate g;un. ne1·er for public interes r ·.• Reagan's Sabotage Gov. Ronald Rea gRn's a pp R 11 i n a: sabotage of public higher education In California is revealed clearly in the "bare bones" budget for U1e state colleges for 1970·71. !Is C<lnsequenctts: At least 25.000 ful\time. qualified students will have to be 1umed a\\·ay, 1,000 faculty members la.id off, yea r around operations halted, library acquisitions suspended and stu- dent fees increased. COMING ON TIIE heels of this year's admission., d i li a 1 t e r -some 30,000 qualified student applicants had to be turned away from the colleges of their choice -the $26S million 197G-71 budget approved by the Stale College Trustees makes I.he conclusion Ines cap ab I e: Reagan, for whatever perverse reason. is deliberately killing the goose which lays California's golden eggs. The govtmor's frenzy of economizing shows do discernment of value judgments looking to the broad weJJ.be.ing of the state. For years his prede<;essors, Demo- cratic and Republican alike, painstak· ingly ha ve built Callfomia's S)'stem of public higher educati.oo into one which is the envy of the naUon. OUT OF TUE productive matrix of this system has come a dtiaenry educated In the sophisticated nngt of skills and lechnoJosy" important for a modern. in· dustrlal state. Out of It have come scholars, researcher1. doctors, engil'lffrs. agricultural 5peciall.$1.1, teat'her1 everything which forms tht •lid buls of : Califomia's prosperity and growth. Now Reagan is 1ys tematicall y ' dismanlling thi11 great enterprise Jn public progress. The $62.7 million in ad· dillonal funds to meel the needs of all 209,000 qualified studtnll neJt year-a11 r:equlred by the Pi.faster Plan for Jllgher Education -is but a pittance ol the ·- (~uest Editorial \ ., state's $6 billion budge!. Withholding tt represents an incalculable loss in tenns of human resources. CHANCELLOR Glenn S. Dumke should ha,·e. taken a slronger stance in his con· fronLatJon ll'ilh the trustees. I-Te has 11 responsibility to students as well as to political bosses. At some poinl. as a teacher spok~sm11n declared at the trustees' session : "Si mple honesty demands that the chancellor and the trustees expose Reagan's pion lor Y.'hat it is -either a fra ud designrd lo make him look like a determined t:ilC saver. or a man intent nn destroying public higher education in Cali fornia.'' Whatever the inlen!. the pracli•:nl rf. feet is just lhal: The de~lruction nf higher education. Far from an econo1ny. i~ is a profligate waste. Sacnnnenlo Bee ~--B11 George --- Dear G~rge : This is the seventh time I ha ve v.·ritten and asked you to mail me your course on memory im- provement! What's llTong wiUl you ? E.E. Dear E.E.: Look . E. E., J'1n sorry -did you. incidentally, happen lo rece1 vr ii check from me made oul lo the gas company~ The gas company say1 it's sick of me mailing it my course in memory im provement. Portugal cuEEN1E .----~~~~~~~~~~~~-. By Phil lnterlandi Leftists Defeated LISBON (UP I) -()f/icial rrtur11s shov.·cd tud<ly the rul- ing National Union won all !30 national ~isscmb!y sets in Sun- day's elcclion, crushing the nr~t serious bid by the Portuguese lcfl1st oppositio n Jn 43 years_ The outcome of the voting st rengthened the position of Premier t-.1arecelo Caelano in the rightwing union and open- ed the ~·ay for hirn to ln- lrodticc pron1iscd soci al ;ind economic rcfonns in Portugal. About 1.8 million of con- tinental Portugal's 9.5 million people '1·crc elig1ble to vo le and 500,000 out of 12 million in . fo.IARSEILLE, France (AP) -Joan Tunney \\'ilkinw n, daugh1er or for1ner heavywelghl boxing cha1npion Gene Tunney, is in a l\1<irscillc hospital after belng n1issing for two n1onth s. Two residents of France brought t.·lrs. Wilkinson to the American Consulate Sunday arid she \\'BS taken to a. hospital. Officials refused to say whether she was seriously ill . lier husband, <..:ar t r. r \Vilkinson, has arri\'cd in !11arseille to be 1vith hl'r. the overseas possessions. The a.::===""=='""-"'-'="":.:..::;;:.:.._.-...;._.,:_...;::;.;~ Relatives in the United States said the \\'Oman 1vas .. very tmaciated and sick"' and had "a complete Joss of memory." Lawyers Unit Fights Haynsworth National Union won about 85 percent of the vole. Leftist opposition groups 1verc ab!e to make r:eir first serious challenge in the elee-- ti ons under so·calle rlght·lO-- speak libfrties rec ntly ex- tended by Caetano. No opposition depu}y has sat in Portugal's assem~y since a righlwing military rev o I t ousted the Republicans in 1926 and opened the way ror ex· premier Antonio Salazar's 36 years of slrongman rule. Salazar, now 80, sufrl'red a stroke in September, 1968, and was succeeded by Caetano. The former premier. st!ll unawa~ that he is no longer in power, voted Sunday. ca~ling his ballot from a limousine. Pope Okays Ne,v Powers For Bishops VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Pope Paul VI announced today in a speech closing the world synod of bishops he intends lO give greater powers to bi:;hops \Yhile making sure his own supreme authority in the I<oman Catholic Church is un- touched. The Pope said he accepts recommend~tions of the bishops for synods to be held once every two years and for bishops lO be given an active role in the work of the permanent synod Sl'cretar1at of the Vatican. He said he also would give "utmost consideration" lo Lhc possibili1y of bi~hops \\'ritinl( their own agenda for future synods. The Pope made no mention of the key proposal before the synod -a rccommendat1on that he consult bishops before deciding questions of major importance t:i the church, such as the church position on birth control. The synod voted today on 13 separate proposals for gl\ Jng bishops greater authority with 1hc Pope in the governrncnl oC the chruch. Svnod s-ourc1's said the rcsUlts 11 ould be annou nced Tuesday. Ho1vcvcr, al1cr bishops hari voted c1n 1hc 13 proros:i\s separately loday tht:'y IOQ~ a \ oicc vote on the ovrr·all set of proposals. The vote was 40 1n fa\'or of all 13 proposa l:;, 1:\ favorable with reservations ;:ind no voles against theni. But 87 bishops expressed their vole in writing and the result of those votes 111as not kno1vn. Gaullist Aide Loses Vote PARTS (AP) -The defeat of Maurice Couvc de Murville in his bid for a National Assembly seat weakened the position of Gaulllst critics of President Georges Pompidou \\'ho looked to lhe former premier for learlersl1ip. The upset. in Sunday's r11nnff election ean1e at the hands of l\1ichcl Rocard. J9.year-old leader of the ultrfl-lefl Unified Socialist party, He apparently received a heavy Communisl \'ote. Observers believe the defeat ends most of the effecllveness that Couve de Murvll\e might have had as a spokesman for the Gaultists who think Pom- pidou is moving loo lar away from former Pre 1 Ide n t Charlts de Gaulle's policies. ""Couldn't we leav~ now? I 'm tired of r eacting." I ~. l ' Drag; Ra~e in Street Results in 8 Dectths Mrs. Wilkinson was reportC'd missing Aug. 28 in Bergen, Norway, wtrere she was vaca· tioning, the family said &pt. 29. A statement read Sunday on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tunney of Stamford. Conn., said: "We are delighted and relieved to report that our daughter Joan has been found ali\'e after being missing for two months in Europe. • CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -Officials or the A1nerican Trial Lawyers Association say a 1najorily of its members believe that Judge Clement Haynsworll'!'s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court should be withdr:t\\'n. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Stephen Coleman, his sedan jammed w i l h home-bound churchgoers. pulled to the side of a street Sunday night to let three children out at their home. A police report said this was "'hat happened next : A car drag.racing another do1\•n the narrow street slam- med into the rear o f Olleman's car ~t 70 miles an hour. The gasoline tank of the Coleman car burst into flame. driven by Dallon \Va!lace. 26, wrapped ilsel£ around a Lree, which firemC'n had to cut do"'n to extricate \\'allace. The second dr;ig racer kept on going . Colernan was taken to a hospital in critical condition. \Vallace's condition wa s described as serious. Brooks learned later that l1fs three stepchildren, Denise Shotwell. 12, Kelvin Shotwell, 10, and Shawn Shotwell. 8, had made it safely out of the car but had fled the scene in ter- ror. SB Freeway Gets New Lan e~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -An old stretch of Cali Io r n 1 a freeway is being expanded from six laQes to eigh.t. Work begins this week on the San Bernardino F reeway between the Long Beach and Golden State Freeways. "Public uncertainty over the ethical conduct or any nocni ncc lo the U.S. Suprl'me Court seriously affects public confidl'nce in the integrity of uur jud icial systen1." Leon L. \\'olfstone, president of the 2tOC~lrne1nher organization said Sunda)'. Officials said resul ts or a nati onwide poll of l ,204 of the organization's members sho1v- ed 73.29 percent opposed lo llayn.c:worlh '! nomination. Coleman, 25. leaped from his automobile critically bum-·----------------------------------- ed. George A. BrQOks, 34. sleJ>- father of the three ·Children who had received a ride home \\ilh Coleman, dashed out of the house and found fl ames shooling 20 feet high. He heard ·'muffled voices but n o .screams" from thGSe inside. Dead in the r 1 am i n g wreckage were eight persons -Coleman's wife. Levina, 24. v.·ho was eight months preg: nant; their c hilc:ir~n _An:; loinette, 5. and St'Rhen Jr .• 3; their foster lii.ild[-en Linda Ligon, IO, and ..,ayne Ligoil, 8; Ophelia Piggie, 24, and her sons Charles, 5, and Kevin. 3. The colliding drag race car, Mrs. Nixon Gets Stuck In Elevator !'\EW YORK lliPI) -r.lr~. Richard M. Nix on 1\·as stuck in an elevator car for ~tx minutes Sunday night at the dedica tion of the J uilliard school. final c-omponrnt or the 1.1ncoln Cenler for I. h c Performing ,\rt.~. ,\lore than J ,000 <'f"lchrifll'S, including !\!art.ha Graham, Sol Jlurok, Andre Prcv1n and ].·1!:-i Farrow. were una\1•are of thr First Lady's plight as shf' toured the $3!} million school of music :ifter a n a I i on a 11 y ll'!c11iserl 1lcfli(•atory concer! by famous Juilliard alurnni. The clevalor \\"as jammed when it stuck between thcl fntirlh and fifth floors bu t lhl're was no panic. "\Ve made i t.·• exclairned :'11rs. Nixon as she emerged unruffled in her evening go\\'n flf pink cut velvet. "Everybody \\'as wonderful " But ].1rs. Amyas Ames, \Yife. or a vice president of Lincoln Center. reported that although "most of us tried t;:i keep on \ c:hatting. one or two looked ~ry, very ~nhappy ." I Those trapped inclurled n1rs. Nixon's da\Jghter, Julie and her hu s band, David Eisenhower : Mr. and Mrs. .J'ohn 0. Roc kefeller Ill: com· poser Peter Mennin, president of Juilliard : and 10 others. The 40-ycar·old Ju!lliardt school. the <lnly conservatory, in the world to offer training in music, drama, and dance, moved into its new home from a locat ion near Columbia University earller this month. Some 20 percent of its 750 students come from 44 foreign countries. It is now adjacent to the l.1etropolitan Opera and Phil- harmonic Hall . Sears Sears is Headquarters for Halloween Costumes Scar• Lo,.., Low Price! • Flame retardant bri&lit col· ored rayon costumes • Clown1, tigers, prioCCSI, blue (airy, iikeleton~. wi tebe~. mo re • Come early for heel se lecl ion~ L·.ee Sears,R evoll'iDI Ch&r1e Trick or 'freat Halloween Candy • 2~ B•gC•ndyCbm e 2 lb. BagNOftltyCream • 2 lb. Bag Jelly Be•n• • 24 Pokie Packer. • 101 Treals for Tot• • 80 Candy r.tonty Roll• • JOO piec:es of fl1vorm11e hrrfisl-wrapped Bubble Gum 88~ OPEN SUN DAY ... for Your Shopping Com-cnionco ••. STARTING NOVEMBER 2 Read the Stars Witli Omarr Satisfaction Guaranteed Sears Shop Monda1 1bru Saterday or Your Money Back 9:~0 A.M. 10 9:30 r.M. i . • Mond.ar, Ottob« 27, 1%9 ., """' -~·. Regular Low Prieeil ' Op Any Ri11g qf - • • 0 Your Choice! • (;omf'. aee Searg t:xcilin~ collection .,{ sloM ring11 for men and women • (.;reat-Jookin&: 1t)·les ••• ,real "'·ings too! Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans $.~3.99 :0-.1an·~ Rin '.I.";. IC! s:ti.'J9 Women'• Ring .,8.79 ~102.99 ~1n'1 Rin••---82.39 $33.99 ltfan'• Rin,0g ___ 27, JIJ " • ; • t i OAIL V "!LOT 7 ~2.1.?9 Wom en"1 Rin'••-~17.59 .f".!8.99, ':'·Stone Rin'••---''3.111 127.99 Women"• Rin,.g-~:?:?.3? $38.99Women'1 Rin~g-~JJ.1') $24..99 Women'• Riog._]9.99 $44.99 Women'• Rine 0 PEN SUND A¥ S r.·z:::.~~:~::"' STARTING NOV. 2 Satisfaction Guara nteed rs==ishp Mo•day thrv Sa11m7 or Your Money Back ~ 9:30 A.Ill. 1t 9:30 P.1. l~UI, IOllUC& AJfD CO. .. 1 DAILY PILOT At St.ate Colleges Fissure Damages 4 Homes Reagan Insists Space Available SAN PEDRO (UPI) -A 200-foot-long, crescent-shaped fi ssure, believed sparked by two recent earthquakes in Southern California, split one expensive home in two, slowly cut through aoother, and knocked two others off their foundations Sunday night . SACRAMENTO ( L'PI J Gov. Ronald Reagan says bet· ter u~ by lhe stalt ro!lege 1ystvn of il3 classrooms and tt&ehers would al101v it In ac· cept 1tudents now turned away, The go1·crnor madt lus remarks Sunday in answer to • Sacramento newspaper, 11'h06i' education 11•ri1cr blam· cd the admiss loos crisis 11n budget cutbacks in the three ~·rars of Reagan 's ad- min.ist.ration. ''By refusing lo br in· nov ativc," Reag<in said of higher e du c ation ad- Accidental Gun Blast Wounds 3 LOS ANGELES (AP\ -A acc idental shotgun blast woun- cled three persons in the me n's room of 1 downtown bus sta- tion . The thrtt were treated at .a hospital Sunday for pellet "'runds and released. Police u.id none y,·as injured serious· ly. Office.rs sai d the . ~ l O • shotgun, broken down in !ls carryi ng case, was being car- ried through the restroon1·s swlnging door by IUch ard L. Finley, 23, of Los Angeles. v.·hen it bumped the doo r and discharged. Finley told police tie y,·as on hi s 1vay to Bakersfield In hunt rabbits. He wasn't held, nunistratur~. "lllry arc just not 1nak1ng ellt-cu ve use of tht> rf'scrvoir of r a c u 11 y tncrnbcrs they·ve be r n allocaled nr the (·lassroom i pace \\•t1ich is av;ulable.'' The governor, in de fend ing his ad n1inistration. rrlJed on a report or the <1ud itor general g1vt'n lhe st:t1e cnlle~e board nf trustees in Los Angeles la st 11·eck. Heai:;;u\ qt10\rd the re1lQrt th<it ··right 11011· to.MJay 'full llt1!1lat1on nl the present USC Prexy Say Quality School Need l"lassrw1n and laboratory LOS ANGE:LES iL"Pll - space al ~:icran1ento State Dr. Norman Topping. pres1- Collcgc could accommodate de nt of the University of double 1,1cs doub le ) t h c Sou thern Callfornia, satd Sun- pr('sen\ cnmllmcnt of 11.000 day the fate of private educa- full·tin1c equivalent students." tlona l insti tutions depends on '"It also says that next their C1"lntinued strength as Scp lrmber, Sacramento State nt.'.cessary al!crn<.ttivcs Io could handle 25.762 s u c h public education. students." Reagan said. "ll Topping spoke at the dedica· notes th<lt 300 classrooms on lion of rhc $750.000 Scarer the ca mpus are t"Qm pletely Acaden1ic Center in North l"Jcant for at least three hours Jlolly 11·ood. a 11·cek during the day. These •·Quality in education is the tlassrooms alone could ac· paramount reason for the ex· c.:ommodale 2,700 students who isle.nee of the private school are not no\•: being served. And and does not vary in nature at this does not include empty any level of education," he chairs 1n classes already sai d. under y,•ay." Topping said t.ht're were Reagan had been asked lo three elements that make for comment on estimates 10 ,000 quality in a private institution lo 40.000 students had been _ fa culty of quality, students lurnC'd away this fall from of quality and a climate of stale colleges. quality, the p r o p er en· He said lhert. ls '·so far no \•ironment to facilitate faculty (•1'idcncc lo show that any and st udents I e a r n i n g All of the homes , valued al from $50,000 to $75,000, were slowly sliding toward the sea today from their cliff perch, 200 feet above a rocky beach on the Pacific. The mammoth crack, two fer\ 11•ide and nearly 100 !eet deep, dumped a small guest house from one of the homes do11•11 the cliH to the bf'ach . There were no inj uries. The homes had been evacuated earlier in the day. The crack, which widened al a rate of about one inch an hour, was slowly splitting one of the four homes on the cliff in two. Loud creaking sounds 11·ere heard as plaster and boards separated -making the house look like a slightly flattened cardboard bo x. Two earthquakes Friday jolted a JOO.mile section of Southern California radialing from a submergf"d fault in the Pacific near San Nicolas Island, about 7~ m i I e s southwest of here. Or. A. Eugene Fritsche, .a geology professor at San Fernando Valley S t a t e College, said the arf'B was p I a g u c d by "prehistoric landslides." i stuoenl~) have been turned together. away fr otn the (slate college) ;=======================;~! systcrn itself."' I l\l'agan said !he co\lege 1 ~\"Sle1n should sel up ccn· t~alized processing for all ap- plic<1tions in the state because 11·hile some campuses are fW I, h Glad They Still Malte PictMrH like Thi1! ~~ • .:~:··~~-l Ill ~- ot.hers ha ve openings. l'.:!!1!!1!!'!!'!!! • LIDO, N-rt e A,.. 1n1..i-1 Sears You Can't Buy Better Vitamins Anywhere Wc"ve gor all kinds, and thcy"rc on "'1c oow, w give yon any kind \'OU v.'anr o r need. Scars Vitamins are gooJ ... compare the formula., compace rhc r-ri cc, compare the bcncf ic.s you rece ive. Fo r adults, for c~ildren, for the whole family ••• eircrything from higb-potcocy to makiple •itami IHDioerals. •;>"" }'orn1ula (; 0 2 for 598 lloules of l 00 mgb-poiei.ey ""4"itamin· mioe-ralfo-rmala. ) .. on nrn"t I.,-fintT .-it~n<. ... .__ Bottl"S of 31i:i F.Kh C'aJll!itll~ "-'Ont.a.ire-I'! tinies Ilic minimum rf1ti l•· im11 reqnin:Wi.nl ritn:< :.ill et..btir 'ti1••ioa »eedr.<l ~ F ~ ................. ,,., ...... ., --UAr. l-. .,_ 11 -: ---......... ~_ ............. , ___ '"-•n-1-..._..c-a_ p : re._ ....... _ U.C S..... Ret0!1iog~: '4 .. Vita l'lcnty 2 for 4 69 Bottini or 1 oo Far ..,,.._ mtr' l! "'8":" '*L F.ar.:h llhkt rrrilllih'- 11 ~ l imes the minimum th.ily imn ~"""'· , ... .,. .... _ .... '~...W.A---0..".r . .._._r.,_." -"'"' U.."'l.P. I~, ... _. 111-:: • .,.. '~-.a::-..--• ... ..,• ,._LI •1• '"·-· "11-4 -,.._.,., __ , • ..,. '··-,;-.s; Lii.. ......... -~ -' r-•-1~,..._,, __ ,;-. c.i.:;~ .. _., __ ,,,..__ __ ... _~ -•ms.. 1.:0 ~~- for Bollie• of J 00 r-rt1it-r1 •• orrd ~upr:r· f\•rs chew •nd b sk j u·l like • .-_.mty IJ"1!1o1L. Chil · dr'"" are h1rrr lO t•Lr. lhrm. IAd.1"... $ ,..,.. ........... m11.~...,.n --IL-."(-.,~ e-N .... ~ •1~ -..... lb-a.S-,.._.. ...... _. $' ·-' -..... '6'" 2 Vita-Perles 698 fol" Bottini of l 00 o.r.~-1. 1 i pie Yit.amin·mineral f1J rmu.I• Compere thf" fonnola. .... _ ,_~ {lY • .,_, ..._... u . ""' I .~.r. I ..,._ .......... 91-M --, ,,._,, 11:-111--"""'; .,,_ ....... '·"-· -:-:.--.. --.---·~ .. _ r._,.._.._ .. ; __ ..__,::,-.,,.-• 11 .... ; ................ _.,.,_. ~ ... •-..,.;. R 1:-:>-~-~IS l.l­"I____ I-:&. -jj-'-1-· I •ai- •I •399-B Complex with Iron 2 for 3 59 Boni es of 100 °'""'!M'J 11.Jf seo)of mcmben ••• .1d 1a...-y~~it.a oh~ minirmm,i d:oily ~ ... V 1WDUI c. '111:imaia. ~ "''N~-tbtlll. F,oeb Tablet CoubliM: '"_.,_.._m l . , .,,.,,.._ .. -s-~ 1a.--c--.._-. ..... ·-e......";;:::: -! -....... --.u -.,. .... 1. "r.Y\, ._ ·~ -............ ·-.J.•..-t-•_........__. _ ____ .....__JS_.._ .. ·-i!lmM.-.:i9 .. 0.......... .,_ _.,y ___ _ OPEN SUNDAYS ••• for Your Shopping Convenience ••. STARTING NOV. 2 ,------------------------------------------------~ ......., • .-((""'°"'[ lOHOatAOt n;:o .......... ~A KllJ™(OAifl'l.AlA I I CAHOOA,.. Glfl'IDAl( OtYW9C &¥llO ~....,.., ... ...,.,.. l()llAMCI I mm HOttYWOCB oeaHOC -IS I ,...,,..,..,"~ VAlllY I (J!llll'9M. N:llf'WOOD P.t.J.llo0&(4 5NIJA M0J«:A 'V9MOHt .. --~------------------------ears-------------------"' ~ .,,, d a J&J•T I" ,,...-• R;t'1P= 's ..... .....,WIA.ll.llW&~ • • Last Big Week of This Money Saving Event Sears Our Greatest Dinnerware Sale Specially Sale Priced for Your Holiday Dining SA VE $8 on Sears Elegant t'.White Mist" Imported English Ironstone Regular $26.98 88 • • The simple elegance and versatility of soli d white with embossed border Tradition al l':nglish shape makes it practicular favorite ... and, it's detergent, crate, chip resista nt e Service for 8 ... for your ho me , gifts 45-Piece Set Exquisite Serving Pieces for Holiday. Festivities ... for gifts ~ 1 ;.98 GW.. Punc~ Bowl S.t. L.!1-pc . .et l~h1du 11-qL punUI bo"·J. 12 cupa, 21-'LD. plaU.. lad>e . .1-Qt. ~eR"l!f"lty ' O.fing Oi:o:h ("11111~\r ."1.y1in~. ea ~t leg 11!&nri 11·11h 1\r hohol burntr, h&rd.,..,ood ha.nd.lr. ~lverplated ~-(up f'.of{cc Carafe Quun Annt dtlrtKT! ltg•. Ht11t re:rl&t.t.nl gla&1. Removabko c.o~r. :i-Pc. Salad Bc)wl Se.t Gla.M bowl. 81.lverpla.ted lpoon. fork M!r"l'U, buoe. 9.99 16.98 16.98 5.99 Uee Sears Revolring Cha.ri• - OPEN SUNDAYS •.. for Your Shopping Convenience . . . STARTING Nov. 2 #-------------------------------------------------\ I ~MK ll MONT( IONG MAO! PICO•..,._ POlilOHA SOUIH co...rr n.o.u. I CANCIOAl'C" Ol.fNDAl!: O\YWIC&;KllO s..HTA.#"-' ~ I ~ K)il,~ OUHOI .ts 1 JANf ... "... V.IJ.llY , aMHA NJln<ro'OCI> ~ .$.liNTAMCNCA \lllMDNJ ......... ,_______________________ eaI'S--------------------1' -,, f I l.+..!L .. ~ --~IF'1:JI 't .......... MIA;&•YP.11.. DA.IL Y PILOT 9 DEATH NOTICES ALLRED Juvenile Offi~ers Con~erned ci • .,oe M-"'IH«I. "~e ''· o• ,116 Historian Talk IF~~~~~~~~~~~~ FULLERTON -Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Plllitier Prize winnins historian who wu al special assistant to Prtsident I lOl>•OI> Pl•(•. C.o••· M••• Sur-\11•«1 bf wo•t, K•lnlttlll brol,..r, M•. ,ll•~t¥ All•tO of Ml!lf't•••~ "'"""'IOll •oo··· M<l<'d••· l<o•" I •o • PM, llell !1•<>10• 1<>'•>' Cn•111el P •l•••t >t•~><e> ,.,11 b1 h•lfl l \1*~1 If AM. full !1•00011ev (P!oo1I, Wl!P! ll•Y. &r u<e Kur'1e oU•t" ...... l"form.,.,1. P•<.•I•< Y••W M~" "'O'>ol P•to F.,,,11w •u9q0>•• •~<1·• wo>Plt!!O lo PnO'-t m ..... o,.•I '°"'""~· IOWI, 1>l•e•e CO"'"bUlt !I> L•n~ .. RrH•«ft Fund, .. o•~ Mt .....,d1I H<>•· ~•l•I. No""""'' lh•t n. IP<! 8t0•0 ... •1 Mor1".r~, (O>I• Mt>•. Dlre<PO•>. BASSE'IT L•dl Jo:it<>lllnt 8•sH!+, •CS 'lam S•' N•wPOtf 8eacll. D••e l>I d'"'"· Dclol>" '' !iurvlved l>Y hU•~•1>0. Rct><!'t !-< ll•"e"; '0"· t<arala w B•l->'"· ol !-<un'•"V'D~ !-<~"'°"" !"'o gr~nO~h·I­ .,,.,. """ lou~ 1ore•I ~·•na~1>l\a•t~. ~.,,.,.p, "'''11 ""~e1a rue•aav. It AM, Pat•h( Voew lhoP<!I • .,·hi> Dr. I<~•· ll•'1"n 1_ IJ••l\•11'• ol!tt••'•nq '"'"'· mt nt, l!o•e !-<Il l• Mtrnorl•• Poro,, w~11- '''' Fom>O. •uuwe111 •hu•e "'"~'"" lo rn80,e rhO•tiOd•I co"•rlbu•loM, "'"~•~ rOhlrlbuT• to t~e LIO• J fl•"•" "•· '"l>•!ol Fuo<1, 'ST •~nr<w'• Pro•Dvler• •~" cnu''"· D"'''"' I>• P•«•lc v,,,, Morlu& ... llALAPOFF P"ul M, ~1&!,.DO!t lhsiaenl '" lo H~bro on<! "'"""POr1 8eoc1>. Dalt or 11t••h, Oc!ob~r 21. Sur.•~•d b1 wil•, l •Ii.on L ; 1on•, Ntchol•• a...i P•ul M. Hal•pO!! ot N,.,..,,..,,, t\eAl'h; oou~n· I•«, l<o!h<••nt Crr>on. £><1>n<ll<10; (n,.,t;<\e tfoword. Lan9 ll<•tn: M•fi• llarne!I, Seatll.: \<ltgonl~ P.ouder, l • H~b••: Heoo; l'i•l•P~"' 111e ... oor1 ee~c"; brorne", Pere. GI °""'"'" ... ,.,.,v of Lon~ 6••'"' """ John H•l~p0•1, l.M Ang•••·· ••I'""· M•"' ""Pll'll•!e. Oct•"'"''' Ann Uttlnr. Wl>UT\fr; es- ,,,~, ~heno•a. El Manor, ""~ k>u, ~r•ndcl>il<!rtl\, Servo~•.s ""'" f'le ld Sii· oud~V. T PM. P•<•"f \<oto'I Cf\•p~I. w;lh Rev. OGl'I A. B•l>t!I olf«1 alon9_ '"" ••rrnen!, P~clltt vrtw Memotl•I Par~. oir,i;I~ l>V Pacific Vie.., MQ.fluarr. ~lcKENZI E Lelo C. McKtnlle. 1101 Pl~ SI~ Hunt•ng!ol'I 8racl>. ~Utylwtd b~ clltl9h- lpr, 6e!lv J. Ovt•mvt., ""''""'· cec;I Do•<>: tf\ro• granachlldron, Suson, JC>hn-and Jett Ovtrn-wt•. p,,.,~!t ~"V• ·•~ w·ert lltla Solu•dav, I PM, P•e~ F1"1ilv Colo~1al Fun•••• Homo. J\fESSINGER r 11, !-!ti•" M••1onst •. J~I A AvanJaa ro1•llla, l agun1 1+111>. Datt oJ <!O;tlh, Oc•oDrr 15. Su••IY•a l>Y n•tc' Mr~. ~'•bOI Ru~n•ard, f!ollvwDOCI ~tr•itt• ;•d ln 'rrmen! wilt Ile l•ld >n Mo•co•" lnoho. 11•11 B•ooa,..;v '·'Q"u•ro, Co110 M•••· llJ.f,..•ra1ng <T!•ec•v•~. r ranee! F.. No••"· 131 Snn l!o•n~ra•no. llo11oar! !leach. Dolt 01 de~•I>, Oc!ob•• '1. Su•viv•d bv h•n >on•, Johft, ol (a•!• M"'a' Hrn•v, ct ~""'"' B•at-~• ''"''' Emi11 (.h~""'•"• !a" F••"" ci«.01 lhtff o••""""''· t •onl "'~""· ch•l<T•..,, o"t o•H•·Orf~I or&riocP\!!d. $pr¥ir• .. TUt •dov, 10 AM. Wnl~"" Cho~el. !~Torm•"'· W~\lm•nUor It·~· "'a"'' P~rl\. Oirt<•td nv We,!<l•U (~&pol M<>rJUotV, ~&·'8'3. PETERS j irl,O t VMI P~!•rl. ,6QO 71 r,I )110 E•l~1,,.~•o, Co11& M••~ Oal r ~f ~••'"· Dt•ct><!r 1S ~ur.'v~O bw ~·"""''· M r ana M" Go•• P,1~•<: ~•C<l>P"- 11,e! ~na """'~= ~·•"d""'""'" M•_ •••d M ... B~'""'' Po!u\. N, ... 00,1 fl••<"I ""' •"O ,,.,,, E, W, Ou•r:••nbu·"· A 't~~ ~. Srr"'''~' l P/V', Tut~d1V, P•r•l,r \<!ow (hi PPI. !Me•m•n!, P•<""" v,e,.. l.ltmo•l•I P~•• Q,rrc••~ bV ftll!t /\'Orl"l 'Y· (Ojll Mo •i. STREET n~"~ Winilroa 5!'""'· A~<ent l•cm tnr f>O(lv; P ro•eft! wnh lhe lord O.te ftl atoll\, O<:•obtr 21. Rt>l<!en! o• :JO« l;<br1l10•, (1>11• M•••· 5,,.~•••d l>v $~!'\, Gtcrot l , ShN I, ot W, \<1n• •ou~e" Brirll~ Col""'bl•; Cho•le> Ll- S•ttet, '"''""'' d8\1Qto!er, ,.,...,_ WJnll•ed M. Nord,, NewDOrl 8t•c1>; l1 gro<'l<I• <toil<!<en, StrvO<tt w.•r• f\old lod•Y• MPnO••· 17 Noon. (8IV••Y (P!vrch. S•"'" ,11""· "'''" I!•"· M1tto1e1 s~m­"JI<~ ~ff1t11!lnQ ln!tr"''"'· Pocilic .. ,.,,, M,mo•l•I ""'"· o"'''"d ~~ P•· C•ht """ Mcrlv•rV, TALBERT ~·•• 0 T •I~" 111 M••~ 11 H~~· ,,.~,.,~ II••'" Oo•• ct ne••~ 0.:1 IS. Su•••v•a by h"'h~n<I. C..o•<l<I". V"""• ,,.,.., toaav. Mon<l•1, 1 !<> • PM. ~m·I~\ ("•""'· G•o....,•ld~ Hrvl1 t" l1<••~•» l PM, WtUmln'1er M•moriel P•ri<. O!rttTed ~1 s..,11ns MQrTV••y. \\'ARE M1ae• Amt•i• W•'•· ll-0 Cou~•·v (l"b Dr .. Co•1• M•••· O•IP <>I 01111\. O<:t-r 1~. ~1<••<>«1 bv ..,.,, J•,..,•• S. Ware; <T•ughlo•" "\" J . H. 801h- 1<>t il, D•ri...,, Conn ; "'" Vitia• J:ortmt>a, Klf~....,od. Ma1<1vrli 1nr•• orondcllild,..,n •rod two 9re•l·Q•onac~11-~·•n. Servlct •, Tund~v. I PM. Po<H I.;: Vl•w Ch• .. '• with Re y !lob••! S<llu•· ler o!Hclo!1"9, !~ttrttienl. Pacil•c "''""' M•mPr•al Por~. D•rttled b• P1t lhc VllW Mcrluery. "' ARBUCKLE & SON Westclifl l'ltortuary E. 17th SI., Costa 1\-tesa 641)...4&M • BALTZ 1\-tORTUARIES Corona dt>l 1\lar OR 3-945G Costa r.tcsa P.11 6-%4%4 110 • BELL BROAD\\"AY r.IORTUARY Broadway, Costa LI 8-3433 • 1\1rsa DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley J\1ortuary 17!111 Beach Blvd. Jjunti ngton Beach 84%-7771 • P.lcCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH 1'110RTUARV 179-5 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach 454-1415 • PACIFIC VI EW ftfEMORIA.L PARK Ctmetery e l\tortuary Ch11 ptl 3500 Pacific View Drive New port Beach, Califomi• &44-!7te • PEEK 1'"A.\llL V CO LONIAL FUNERAL 110:\fE ";80l 80111 A \'e, Wtstmlnstrr Ul--35!5 • SHEFFER MORTIJARV Laguna Bt.ac:ll 4ff.-1535 Su aementt "2-tllt • smTRS' MORTIJARY '27 Mala St. JlunlinJ{ton Bc•rb ""'"' BEST Tk. DAILY PU.OT eff••1 ''"'• of th• ba•I f•el ur1t, by •'""' IY'"I V pf , •• J,,,, •vt il .bl• i ~ •ny "''"•D•"•' in th. ntli c~. Not Enough Ti11i e to 'C hange' Problem Childre1t John Kennedy, wlll speak al e Stem Wed"'d• , LIDO. New •" • ,.,.. 11,1_. ... 1 lly J VDY 11URST 01 !he O•llr Pol•• ~r•U '"\\'(' provide c•arP ror the 5ilting on I he curb pntiently kid s !n custody but don 't have watching cars run over tacks enough time to completely in the street (which they change them," thry agreed. ,..;didn't pl ace there). These kids •·\Ve try to make their st.a)"" arc displaying passi1·e ag- l1ere as 1nuch like a home as gression where hostile ag- ..,,.e can rnanage. But Juvenile gressiveness would place the !-!all is an instiluLion and v.·e delinquents throwing rocks at have to run it as such . passing cars or putting tacks there ahvays are rules lo on the road. l .~1~1~;30;•~·~m~.~O~ct~.~3Q~i~nilhe~~gy~m;-g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doY1n again toward Otrislma.s nasium at Cal Stale Fullerton. OHANGE: -Openly l'UO- cerned 11ith today's you th arc 11111 individuals who might be iabelcd pr o du c t s ul the ' ' e s t a b I i s h n1 e n t ' ' by )IJUllgSll'rS. "f'he "establisl1ment " they 11·ork for is Juvenile Hall and Sitton llome. They are Perry ~l<:Cee. superintendent or Juvenile Hall and S1!lon Honie and f.1r s. Janet £ckh<.1rdt. Sl'ru or group counselor in g1rb' control in Juvenile llaJI. Both :ire oot only concerned 11·1th today's youth. but are op- t1n11 stic abO\Jt the assistance ;iffordctl them. They :1ren 't 1\'ishfu l lhi nkcrs. Thcy kno1v there i.~ a problem 11 ith the kids of today. There n1ust be beraU Sl' :1p- prox11natt'ly 12.000 Orange Count.v you ngste rs wcrr cotn- mittcd lo Juve nile Hall last year. According lo r-.lrs. Eckhardt, a rnother of thrcr. mos1 of the girls brought in arc runaways or incorrigibles. ''But the Jrug users are rising," ftlcGec ad- ded. \Vhal's th e p rob I e 1n ? Socictv:' Parents? Kids? It's a com!:nnation. f\tcGec and ?-.'lrs. Eckharrll a r c not in a position 10 sit l'ilCk a nd mot'ali.ze or guess what ·s \1-rong. Dana Point follow." .. It 's best to keep these kids McGee sitting back lo light out of ins111u1 lo11s. The y learn his pipe said, ' ' \V he 11 too many undesirable thini;:s youngsters are seut I o J1crr. and nut wllat we are .JLJvenile lla!l 11'e try to n1odlf y 1r)'in,g to teach thPrn Tht're their attitLJdes. 1'here arc :ire rnore kid s to !earn from several v.·ays to attain this. than staff lo teach." One is a fan1ily guidance pro-"\\"e are here to change gran1 for kids "'ho arc com-people's behavior nol to make milted here for a lengthy rh<'m happy," he added. "'\\'!'." interaction between counselors don't ha1e !he time or and kids and parents come.i:; l<tcililies. into play. "i'io n1att er how good a pro- "l\1LJch of this mu st depend gram is the institution is a nn the pa rents' cooperation. poor seeond choice to a com- \V ilhout it, our program "'on'l munity program "'here the \1·ork." child belongs. \lie don 't look l\1ost or the parents and fur kids, twl1e\'C me,'' hc children they counsel are fron1 emphasized. "The squeeze is 1nit!del class ho1nes. But the on to keep the kids out of delinquents have changed. Juvenile Hall. They are being "Three to four years ago the screened a lot more carefully kids brought in were fron1 the before being admitted." lo"'er socio-economic le\'el and Apparently there is not \\·ere hostile and aggressi,·e. enough time behind the fence Today the kids show passive to change some of I h c aggression." youngsters, because SO percent To point out the differenre, return, Summer is the stac k t11cGce offered a simple but il· period because kids have the lustralive cxan1ple. "Let's freedom they desire. Peaks take a couple of kids cahnly are reached in mi d November. ·--,...-.: -y• ..... i SF State VP Speaks On Campus Disorders Harbor Plan Approved SANTA ANA -Orange County members of t he Am erican Association of of Dana Point llarbor at a t:niversl!y \\'omen will meet DANA POINT -f~xpansion Orange County "'il l be from noon to 2 p.n1. in the Santa Ana Elk 's Club, including luncheon. cost increase amounting SZ52 ,9~7 has been ;ipprovecl suJ)f'r\·is:.rr:;. · to here Nov. 15 fo r a first-hand lo report on the causes and cures of C'alnpus disturbances. The move by the bnard 1\•11\ Their spea ker \rill be Earl J on£"s. poet, pilot. pianist. ex - pert three -cushion billiard rnan and executive vice presi- The topic lo be covered by .Jones, currently a U.S. Air Force Reserve lieutenant colo- nel, tics in V.'ith. I he AA U\V group's current sllldy lop1t', The Ac<tdcmic Communi!~: New Loo k on Ca1npus. and up again in February and before school starts. ··1 would like to see smaller units for probation officers In neighboring cities rather th an a department building of little offices ," be stressed. But for today, Juvenile Hall and Sitton Home remain in Orangt. McGce , a rather ol Fl\'e who makes his honic in \\'luttier, has been superin- tendent since 19;;6. r.1 r s . t:ckhardt is a seven-year \ eteran of llie hall and v.•orke<l h\'O years previously in Slllo11 llorne. Sinon llome. founded in 1959, 1~ used only for pro- teclivr custody of the child . whi le J uvenlle Hall providi•s protection £or the child de· ta1ned until he is receivl'd b\ !he court. Appro11matl'ly :100 ~:ouths can be housed and al 1ircsenl there are 387. r.·lrs. Eckhardt noted that foster honies are hard to find for teenagers. There are more Jacili lies fo r boys than girls. To find more foster homes and lo reach the youths before trouble starts McGee and Mrs. Eckhardt feel they are going to have to stop depending on the middle class. They agreed they must find people who act and talk like the youngsters today. ' . .,,.....,_ ·--.. Many Use Seal Buses ,. SEAL BEACH -Seal Beach City ~tanager Lee Risner has presented a rep:irl to the city council on usage of the fare- lrce municipa l bus service. During !he fir st year or it s operation, the system v.·as US· rd by 43,000 persons. Usage more than tripled in 1968 "'ilh 132.000 people riding the buses, This year. up through July. lhe nurnbc(" is 80,000. Enjoy the lAJ:s:ury of Soft Water with an '.Automatic Water Softener Save Money on Detergents and Clothing Sears I Less Work J with Soft Water ... Eliminates Bath Tub Rings, . · . Keeps Things Cleaner without Effort. Free Estima~s on Complete Installation Sn.rs .\utomalic Ta.kei5 the Work Out or Softening Wai.tr ,._, la.-.! .._ ... """" r.u Ask about Sears Convenient Credit Plan8! !Sears! So. Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St. Phone 54 0-3333 bring Into lhe proiecl sornr stx acres of undeveloped land st retching fro1n the breakwater bclo1v lhc blu[( to dent of San Francisco Stale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lhe rear o[ the bc:u.:h adjacent tn !he proposed 1'1 a r in I! Stud ies Instilule. 11arbor District Director Kc n nc th Sampson told su perviso rs that $154.97i or the .1dditional c:ost \\'ould be r1·11n· burscd 10 the county from the ~lanne Studies Institulc. Thr board agreed to rega rd !he acqu1si1ion as an augn1l'n· l;i llon of !he existing Dana Point Harbor contract. The total contract is no1v $3.7 million. Neurotics Group Se t ORA~GE -Arc you a tee n- age neurotic? If VOll are, N e II r 0 l j I'~ AnonYmous , a n a i 1 o n a ) organization designer! to hrlp people get over emotional pro- blems. t•an come lo )'Ou r a11.J. Tht-Neuroti rs Anon ymous of Orange Countv Is no w sponsoring a "Teen Talks'' series each Thursday nigh! :it llart Park iOO S. Gla ssel! ::il , Orani;e. ~1cet1ngs. are h<"\d at i 30 p.m. in the park clubhousr. Further 1nformat1on l s av:i1lable by phoning Lynn al 638-0628 or Carol at 642.6459. College. The session featuring ~ight AAU\V chapters from within Photos Due On Polvcli Expedition SANTA ANA A photographic e x h i bi l com- memorating ~laj. John \Vesley Powell's historic expeditton dov.·n the Colorado River JOO years ago goes on di~play l'\ov. 1 at the Charle.~ \V. Bowers l\lemoria! l\luseum. The showing ""'ill contlnue throughout the month, featur- ing v.•ork from the one-armed Ch 11 \Var ofhce r·s diary titled ··canyon.~ of the ColQrado,'' iilu~ n1.:iteriaJ loaned by olher n1useun1s. l\1;iJ. J'U1\l'll $.cl out in 1869 down the. Co1or::ido. v.·i!h four boals carry1n1! 10 m('n on lh£' perilous, 900-n11l1· trip, dunng v.·hich some of the craft and pro1·1,;ion.~ 11 ere Jost. J\1uscum tiour.~ arr dai ly (':\ <'ept l\1ondays, 10 a m. to C :10 p rn • Sunda)'s. i lo 5 p.m .. ;u1d 7 to 9 p.m. on \Vedne sday and Thursday nighLs. Leis11re World Greets Returning Service1ne11 EL TORO -The Leisure Thursdays: Peggy ~ell, \Vorl d Welrome Home Club 36-C Calle Arag;on. 137-2448. has appointed seven member.'! Fridays: Heltn SliJI, 2112-P to organize greeting parties Mariposa E . 8 3 7. & 7 O 4 . rnr planes coming into El Toro Frederick and Freida Priess, with homecoming Vietnam 953-B Ave. Carmel. 837-2.&36. i;ervicemen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jack.son , Planes arriving d:ul.v are 830-6816. Ruth scherle, 8JO. n1e.t by groups of Lrisure 1589. \\'nrlrlers who ser\'e juice and Sa turdays-Anita Buhler. ('OOkies IQ the pa.~srngers, 902-0 Ronda SC\'Lll a. 830-2233 . mosl of whom are cornp1 rting Con!ribu1ions of homemade tours or duty on the hat- t!cfronl. and of fer lhem any cookies and money to buy as~islance they may need . iu1ces <ire needed. Persons Persons wishing to Join the wishing In cnntributc money welcome groups arc in..,itcd lo m<iy send a check to Richard contact the leader assigned to \Va11en , 65-A Calle Aragon, arri\'al~ on the day !isled. 8.17-0803. Cookies may be: SUJ>- plied to lhe group Jeader for M06t planes arrive in tho ear-. any day. ly afternoon, a few in thc, ____________ 1 morning or evening. For exact arrival times, check with leaders es killows : Sunday~· Robert P.lillr.r. 723- C Ave. Mejorca. SJ7--044!t. 1\londays: ~1 !1tlrcd llcum;in, 210:l-A Honda Granada, 8.10- 20:'>.1. Tuesdays Charlt>s \\"oU- lnget, 649-8 A1·r . Srv1lla, 637· 4:,57, Wedn<"sda.\·s; :<.ul!~riJ 11nd ~l:irgarr! .Johnson. 14J-A Ave. ,\!<1 J!lrcii, B3i-0!9:1. Now MaRy Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry OoyO\lr Ill!.., \.eeth •tUlOJtt..lld em - boorn.h rou bJ oomln1 l<l099 apd dropplnJ wh•Pe•er JQ\I H t, \t ush or I.all' Tbm apt1nll1 P'A8nrrff PR JQ\11 p1•1.eo. P'A8TKrtl'I h ald1 den\u""' flmier loo1•r-holda them m°" comlMl.ablJ. too. M•lel .. tlnJ -..1ar P'Al!T'Krnl La albllnr.. Won'\ 90\lF. No rumm1_. ,_,, pma\f IM \t , 1Mnt11"" tl'lat n\ aN -ou..i 1.0 l'l.,.,ltl'I, f§o.,. 1our "'"""'' ~11111,. Oet f'l\8TJ&TH a~ I Li Cll'\IC «N.Jl\ITW Sears Check These Great Low, Low. Prices on ,INSTALLED CARPETING "Pico" All Nylon P ile Carpeting Ideal for the budgel-minded homemaker, Resilient all ny- lon pile · res is t!'! matting, ~oil a.nd !lains. 5 colors to con1- plement any decor. :!:-7530 Low Prfctd : "Vermont" Textured Pile Carpeting Cobblestone textured pattern for modtrn or contemporary decor, J 00~ continuous f il11· ment nylon pile. Jn 6 warm rlecorative colo~. :!;8032 .·\muinr Valot ! 5!.~. OPEN SUNDAYS ... for Your A•k About Sea.-. Convenient Credit Plano "Western Hills" Carpeting Brlrht tweed colorations add warmth and texture Interest~ to country and ca.sual decors. Continuou!'I filament n y Ion pile. ~ colon, 1'.!·foot width. =9282 Sapor Valotl 6!.! "Windmill " Shaggy Pile Carpeting .\<ladt of ovt n·!'iet twist nylon 1>ile !or luxurious Y•m bloom :ind 11'.!tinr texture aeldom found in 1haz carpets at th i~ !f)w price. 7 colors to chooae from. #7522 Great ValDt! 7!.!. Shopping Convenience ... Starting Nov. 2 ,-------------------------------------------------~ --fAMGl,SJ1-4»o •'°""Gll . .)tll aotll-t.tUl}I ,,__91:Ml .... t !·' ''S! -'M.M<Ml ~too.1 .....a~. I ~-l<t0-Gll61 -01~1G01.0..,.tt 0<...::•~N4aa1 -..-121.SJn 1-.su.1111 I cal'Dll« .. Ull,JC>41• -~t«>•-M41 OUHOIU7-210ll I ~ ~"-~l V-IOl-Ntt.--I u..-.cn1 ._ma.m i •-•.n11.lsM2'11 Sears --~tt•-4711 _,.,...,,, ,________________________ -.... ______________ _.., -SGf •azhu• J.,y f11tl t• -•• , ........ 111 Is• JLS• •s,..~•~NL • • • • l ----~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------~~ 0 DAIL V P\l01 $ MondilJ', ectobfr 17', 1'61 LEGAL NOTICE LEt:AL NOTICE ..OllCI 01' T•UlTll'l lAl l ....... t •UST NO, ilodt ClllT•l'ICA11 01' I UllNl$l, Oo\ No"""''-" 11. 1 ... , •l •I•~ •'clo(-l'tCllTIOU' NAMI A.M. ,. ... Fl.,, A,,...rktn Flnt ntl•I (or Tnt .,,..,.,.,,.,.... <lo ,.,nrv '"'' tr• M rttlo<I. 10<..,...IY F lrtl Arntri<•n 11111 """'"''",. • D«>l~I t t ).0 Nouau lld., '""""""'' • l ru11 c ...... 11v, •• ,,.,., .. , c.,.1• ,,., .. , Ctllto<ftlt, uncl•• "" •~· Ill" ...CU-''"''H or 111D>11!11tH1 tll'Oll> ll"n "'"'' o1 lll(Al "''~OCIAlf.~ tru•I••, l>Y tl'le c••tt ln Off<! ol ""'' ••· """ "''' ,,.,. ,.,.., " .,,.,,.,.,11'11 ., ,,.. K 11tll'd 11¥ OWEN O. CORN t<>d •oll0wl"41 "n<><11, -·• ,..,..,, •n !ult CONSTANCE: J, CORN, 1\11511<1"" '"" wll•, -ti..:" g1 1ro.,cleft<.t trt t• tol-1. t l'lll ...,,,,_ ... ...._..111. \Ml In l oot; .. M, lllcllttO O 11.oMd c' 7'7' l rl>l'!rl '', Po~t tl'O 01 Olhci•I ••ccr<n "' Or~n•• S•n•• ,.,.., (t i Ap• ,.0 II\ (ounly, (tlllornlt tno Puhut nl IO !ll•t 1110~ oN D••• J .. "••lau o.• <•••a•n t;ol•<• o< D•'t"" •·a t ,.'""" •~ ,,...,~ (al o•ll tl!••M!l>Cl•t fe(Ot<>MI J~lt ll l"t tn O••ro 0<• 1). \'•• llaol tQ1•. P•Q• ""' ol Olt•u~I "•(Ota1 o• "i<na·a D Poat •«• IJ••"11t (<>Unly, Woll"°"" a M u u .. ua n! IO Oll•n W D ,., o•IO D•"" o! l !"\r.I "'" a! oul!••< "'"'"" S••ff oi (a lr10"''"· O••ntt C:oun•> l ot <••"· l•wPul mon•• ot .rn• UnU"" On Oe!ob-. 11, tt .. , t •fO•t m•, • ~'"''' ot "'"'"'<• •' '"' "'"'" Wu• !"'>· Nourv Puo1 • .-'" """ lo• •1la 11o•e. lr•nc• I<> •Pl• Fon• ""'"'''~" ,,,,, ..,,_..,.,,1._ •o~•••f<I """"'" D. llDOt•I<~ !'l•Urtn<t (<>mNnv build•,.. IO•""" •1 and illl•n W, Dlu 1..-.own •o mt It l>e 11'• ltll' ""'"''""' cotM• ot "'"" and M11n ...., .. N .......,.. """'"" ,,. 1ub•c•lbl<I •o ~"•th In '"' c•IV ol ~"'• •n•. ,.,~ w11n1n 1n•l•um•n• "'"" •<--lt<l••d C:alltornl1 a ll Iha! •lthl tollt •nil lnl.,tt! lh•> ••o.eul•d '"' ;amt . ........ ,, to •nil lie. ~·•a """"' Otfd OI l ruot '" ltll' ~'""~"• ,.,.,.,.., +n l~r IOFf'l(!AL SE•LI (°"M• '"° 5'•'" d .. (.,,f>O<I •• A L••1•no•a F U••••~ •nd 10 lo•,, •T ,, .... , No l l'J ......... n on • M•P '"<0'<1"<1 ,~ 8 -f), ad~" II II 1nd 11 •' M1~c•1••n..,~~ ~"~' ••<o•O• o' O••"'" (..,,.i,. C•lltorna ~••d ••'• .. 111 lw mldr Wil•'lo~I ro••,,i n! "' '"'"'"" ··~·-.;~. "' •o '"' "'" """"'''1"1 oi' .;,,,,.,mn<AM "' to '''"'' '"~ '""'"'"'"q Prl1'<iP•• IU"' ou• nn tn• """ ••curO'd ~· <•1~ O•oa a• l '"" lo ""T 1)10 (1(1 !o~oth" ''"'" I••>. '"""''"' """ •I•""''' ol '"'" l•o>'" •n<I ~~fl> oln•' 1.<Jtr\ •; m~v ~·•• """" ""'""""""' /\v th• own•• """ nooa" nl ,.,d ""'" "'''~ 1~o;••11. •• "'""'01"<1 1n ,.1a D•ra ~· , '"'I 1l1roa· Oo•obn ''· l•1t • t~, "''" •m••,<•" Fthonc ol "•"el C•l•'O'"'" 0'""9' Count, NoTMv l'ubt<c -C1l,l&f'"' ., ~•lncrool O!I•(• In O••n~r (ountr '"•Comm·~''°" t•P .. 1 ,. ''°" ~·· ••n Putl"""" o.,r.., to11• D••I• P••o•. ()(It~ );I, ll 1na NOV~"'t'' ' 1n, 1h9 If!• 61 Lf2CAL ~OTICF: ----1 •"-l~ll CE llH,.-l(ATf; 01' IUSl~ESl FICTITIOUS l'tllM NAMI No••rv Pubht, (111!~'"'" P"nt1P•I Off ltl In 0fan;• (Oun" MV (0•1"'""'°" E•Pi'"I f·•~ II. IY/l Puol,.n•d O<M'l!I• Co'll nanv Polo!, Oc•obe• JO, 11 •nil Novrmlltr J, IJ n''!'1"•11V •0~"·•0 <'<>•I f l'.''-1 '"d 196• lY!I 69 J •"l.<• M T1t "'"' >peJm •o m• ln n• Tn• 1--------------1 ~:;~,.'.'.i ... "~~~~;,,:~":~i :~~ :~;~~~~:~:: LEGAL f\'OTICE On O<loho r '' Uill•,. Puollc 1n h'""" ,.,. • '"' I''" SI•" 1h•Y •••cv!•O '"' '""''· 1--------------1 IOFJ'l(lill 5EAL1 M"' ( tl•n'Y No•"• PuDlo«(•• •~·"'' Pton<oo•t OO•tt In o'"""'" c...,ntv MY C:ommlnlo" [•Pir•• NOYrm bor 1" !•1' 1'vbll•hNI Oran;• C:o.•I OA)lf P olol. Oc•ot>tr 11 •nd Novombor J !O, 11, 1"9 l00•-6f LEGAi.. NOTICE ((l!fll'IC.t.TE 01' 11 U51NIESS, ,.-1CYITtOUS NAMI T~• u11<1•,..;9...., ooe. c•rtlty ~ It con· du<IJnf • """'""" .., PO k• 1t1 ! c ... 1. Mo .. , Celi! .. l.l>der tt-.e tlcttliou• 11•m nam• af ,0 PAlll( PllOOVCTS (0. !11 il AB\.E CO IJJ AAl!ILE TV SERVICE aP'ld lnat u ia n•m i.. «I"'-of "" lollOw· "9 Ill''""'· -...,,,,. in lull '"° pl<H:r ot '"''~ +~ •• !o!lcws: D•""" I<•'"' ll•n10<1, nu v;\'• O•. MOfJC( OF TllUSTEf'l Sllf ~1-Pc•I Brod'I. Ha, F·lll O~!Od 01:.,~11~~91".oil~ !l•n•<>n ~ ~n "-N~~~~;,i~E i;~~-11~11C~O. ~~, • 0~1~ ~'"" el C••1fo,nr•. O••n~• C<>un"· •oco•••rn T•uil•• \J~ftf• •n<I cu<;uonl to On O<;t<>D!'t /), 1919, !>Olo" ,..,., • O••O or TtU•I a,u•a ''"~'"'"'' l '9eJ ., •le••...-Pu~"~ '" ,..., '"' '"'d ~••••, "<Jl•O ~v F ll.il>l "-J Jil NC[• •<'0 O•• <~1l1y tno••··~ O•nn" ~· '" B•r <>• £1 IZ..O!lfTH A J••i(F I( ~J ~··a '"" ·~"""" ...... •n t · "" .... ,, '·"'. "''"••"a •-.:o•O•d •loi "'l'~"' I• i<t : ,. "~"'' " <ul;,t·~t·• '• ••• ~.m.n • '""' Nn lG~t•. '" l>O<l• t:i; ~·~· ,1 ~t ;~~· "~·:: •'~ • •en •09!'"'. ~· •···~•(O Oth<ll! R•<OfC• ·~ '"' O" <" o• ,.,. Cou" 1.0~1 l(l~L ,:--~t I I t lltcc•n" c• O'•~Q• C•uM• {• 1C"'' ;~ ,t"'" E O•\'•S .Ytl..\. ~Ell •T PUBl.IC •lJC:TIOtJ 10 1-<IGtlESl lllDDEll ~O<i (A~" '"'''" • •• !om• o! ult '" ••w•ul "'""'' ~· •'·• lJn1t•<I St~t_,1 •I ~ii 'lodh ll•C•d ~•• Sont• iln•. (~l'lo•n·~ a ll ,,90!. ''"" t"" "''"'"'' ccn••Y•d lo ond no·.., ••Id ~· '' """"'•old 0•~ ot 1,.,,,1 '" I~• 1>•~P•'1• "'u•!fd !n !no C:nunlv ,,1 o .. no•, ~1•1' o• C ~llfo•nl•, 11•\.r>ibPd .,. l DI ?•, l<l <I ~!. •• ~., "'10 l~O<d.,. l• l!IO<tlt U J, '"'"'' 1) •n<I lo of M•!Ce!IOn.•ou• ...... b .. Rec:otD• •• 0!"1n.g' I ounTr. C:1ll!o•ni. S••d ·~I• .,,11 !IP "'"'" t: •! ••'"Oul <o,.n•nP or"'""""'"'·"'"'"'' c' "'"Pl••:! , ••••<l•~g ,.,.., o<• '""'on o• .,. iv,.,.,br~nc•1 ID o•• It o «m•"""" D"" •••• .,,,., <'I"' n-•• '"~•·••d b>'••~ ,,,, .. • "•~•·f C, ·•O•• • "" . =•' r;u ,~ '" C ;·;• (O•"'' , c·"'~'""" F·•i••• .... -., ···~. P,o+ ··o.e o-....... Ca.ti o ••• ,. Ptlol . o ... ou , ;" ,..,..,.,.,..""',. J, 10, 11 ,~ .. '°""~' LEGAL NOTICE T,,,. NOT IC:lf TO (lllfDITOllJ Ull'IElllOll COUllT 01' TNf' ~TlTf O!I (Alll'ORNll JOll T"t COUNTY 01' OllANG~ l)••d ol l •u••. •O·W•~ \' .1),1 •I W·'~ '" N•. l ·WIT ...... Hnm O•lch•f '~ ... ~ ., '" "'" r··~·· ol IV Y TIGHE, 0"1:•1 .. a ••I• o•ov,O•d, •Ov•n.<' I! •nv. U"""' 1no "'OTl(Ec I~ HEllEBY GIVEN lo '"'• !••m• r! "'" O•.., n1 l'V" tr•I ,.,.,,,., <"rt.PO'S o! •~• obovr n1mN1 d-<'11•n.! ~"" ''~""'"' o• tn• ,,.,,, ... and cf tne '"•I "" P .. '""' n•vlnG cltlm• a q"'"" '"• ••~•h r<••t•~ f» '"'" o ... ~ o• Tru\t 11-1•0 a•c,a•nl •" ,..,v«ed !o !lio 1n•m, lhe O•n•h'1~'Y una•r ••id ll~eO '" "'''~ "'' n•c•\•.••v vouc"""· In I"• ptO,oo l•u••· by""'"" of • ~·••<" "' d•l•ul• o• r~• """ o• •~••Dov• en11T\f<I cavll. a• In '"" 0111,q"'""' ••cu••d ""'"n•, •o ""'""' •n•m. """" '"" nee••'"''" ""•!O!o•• ~·•cUl>d •nd d•!lvorod lo '"' vnv<""''• to !h• und••1i1ned 11 '"" o!tl(f •1na• .. ·•n•d • Wfl"'"" 0tKllt81\on of ol BUStl, 5U5H .. LAR SEN, AT- o ,•ault •nd O•m•nd to• S•I•• •nil wrl!!•" T O~~JEY S, ~~1•e •OI M"'<"'v $a-.1no• no"'' o• b«•'h •nd l>I •lecllo" TO (IU>• Bvlldl"9, 7111 EdlM•• ........ u •. Hu"ll .... IOn In• und••119n•d 10 ••II uikl 1>roPr•IV lo 1!1•0<h. C•lllorn11 tl6"11 wllich l• '"* pi.a •U•••v ...,Id ocn1tllonl. e nd l!lere•fl•r. on l>I l>«•ltwu OI !,,. und•""'nf"<I In 111 m•I· Ju•~ ?, 1%•. •hr -rsl""" co\IM'd said "" l>f"''"lnl,.. to ,.,. •Stotr ol u l• cltct-~oH<• GI ~ ... , .. •nd Cl • .,,.,,, l'O bo d•nl, wilhl" '""' """''"' •II•• "'" '"" •"'eOl'<lt<tl I" boo~ '°ll. "" llJ, Cl uilO D<.lbl•<•liof! of tnl• nollc•. 0 "•<1al Ro.eord•. D1led Oct-• 16. 1 .. t O•lt : Ocrot>or I . l"I JOYCE 0 . MUDGE A II II, ln>v•af•Ct Se..,k 1 Ad,..Jn;1tt•lrl• "'Ith th• .,,fl ~' •a10 ,,..,,., A~'••td o• '"• ••l•I• ol "'• 1bove (h•''"'" G•" no~d dtcod~nl S•«•Parv IUSH, I U5M I L.tiltSEM ~l>S i n11 ''' 11. O•lo I~•~ "u0111l1•a 0'••9• c ... , C•llV Cllnl. 1'111 IE•I"''' ....... , l\J!lr 4U nr•(lb" ll. ;o. 11. ltlf 1H?·6f Hu~u,.,,.., l!lt•<~. C•lll, riiH LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC:f O~ IHTE:NllON TO ENGl GI 1,. li'<l SlLIE 0 , ... LCOHO\.IC •IV· lll•GES Ck!Dbf• :!O. ,.,.. 10 WMO>~ IT l)O'f' C:CNCEll .. ~ubo••I to ,, ·v•"><• oi ll'tp I><'""" .,.. ""''"" •w, ro!«• " n•ffl!V ••••n '""-' '"' """'"'""'" P"'"""' lo ,.11 •lco"Ol•t h•vor•.9•• ol 111• h'f''"'''' deK"llftl U 101~1 16/l•l Al~o~ov,n !''"''• Hunli"9""' n••(" """"•~! lo """ !nf•nt1on. !~• tJf'· ""'"~""" " •oo•V''"Q lo fnf D•oo'1t•1r"I ~· .. 1qnn1,c env .. ~Q• t on••ol ,.,.. '""""'~ "" O"Q'""' ~ooh,M,On o• on •l(C~Oll[ ~.,.,~~· I•'""'" IM tn•>t P"n"1"! 01 •olto"' 0 " ~A l( II( r .. 1 WINf IBon1 ride P.,e1,, f '"rQ ol~<J"J A ~V0"" n•\ nnQ !O PtOIO'.t lh• l"u"'>Cf ,., !\PC~ ,,, ............. td•,. v•t1ll•d P•el~<I •• '"' nh·<" ~• '"" Ooo8rlmPn! l>I At1~""I•< P••o,~o• (0<1!tOI. Of bt n"tt;I IC "'" O••••l••,.nl cl •1co11<>i": ll•v•••"• (ar>l•ol, 111! 0 Str••t, S1u 1-n1<>, Ca lolO<f'•I f).llU, !C 11 >o be rtt,IY"" w.1n.n JO C•v• l>I llw Otle """ ••- "'""';'"" ..,... ''"' """""'· 11111,. q'°"""' lot d•ni•I •• ••ovi-bv low. l"" "'""''~'"'•rt nOf now ticm1H ''"Inf •Olf of l lC<>ltOli(" f>0•"'09f1. fl>• ll>rf•• <JI Wft•lc•••on "'•• bo obt1;nec1 ''""' ""' ol· •oet Of ll>f tl•Oo•tm~hf. Andr•"' f . Fo Lo H•• L. to Publl~~·a O•an9r C:o.i>• C~·•v Piiot. Oc•obtr ?I, 1969 ?OOJ·4t LEGAL NOTICE T•I (IU 1 t~l-U\I """'"'1' lot lld ... 1~11•···"· Pu~11,n•<1 o'."°' (O•I• DlllV 1>110•. 0,1_ '!I\, 11 •ncl Novr mber } !D. l"' l•i.J .. , LEGAi.. NOTICE IA•·llM SU1'E•tOll COUllT 01' 'llllr ST•TE 0' CALIPOllNIA l'Oll TMI COUNTY >• )II-HO~ ~. •·•tm NOTICf 0 ' NIEA•l~G 0" PITITION 1'011 P•OlllE O~ Wtl\. AMO J O• LEnlllS lESTA,,.INl.tillY JOSlilTE OF W-LTElt II. STillY. Oe<••-.d NOTICE IS 1-tEREB'f' (,IV[" Th•I ilnll• M~• Cra w!Q'd ~"' fl"'<I """" • oelll•On lor ~"'""'' o! Will •nO !or !uu~n<• c• \.•""' lr<!•m•nl•'> to P•ll t!or>''· '"'°""(• lo wnlcn 1, "'•d• lo• '"''""' oA•l>tula,., ~nd tllot lh• !om• 1tM1 ol•c• ol h•••;ng '"' ••mt n•; brro '" !Ot Nov..,,llff I. 1t69, •I t ln •·"', In /ho co•"'"'""' ot o..,.,,,.,,,.,, t;o J ol >•id (l)IJtl. II 100 C:l~ic C•n•r• D•lv• Wn! Ito ,,,.. Cltv o! Santi an~. (tol!o•n!•. Oi led ()(lobe• Xt, , .. ,. W. f . ST JOtlH C:O\tntv Clfork C_.,..,, Sc~1tlftodttr, Ctltlft..,, ""'"¥••-' _,,, UI T_,, '"" C-lrY ·-Of-, C1l1Nntl• r.1, 1no w .1111 ""•"'"' ·~· •• ,111 ..... Pu~t1'1l"<I O,•n~r 1.0"1 Ot•I• p,o~t Octobe' 71, 11, ,,, Jt6t !•6>·•• LEGAL NOTICE TURN ON TV WEEIC ~••P• y&u '""'' lo ... ~at'1 h•pp•n;.,9 lr•h•"' •h• lube -Ev1•y Stturd1y ift ik1 DAil Y l'llOT. ' SPORTY DATSUN ENTERS 1970 AUTOMOTIVE SCENE New D•tsun 240Z Going on S•lt About J•n. I In High Gear Datsun Makes Sports Move By CARL CAltSTENSI!:.~ AU!Omoli~• IEditor Although we already st-en1 10 have an abundance of sport :ind so.called personal and lux · ury sports cars, Datsun h:ls introduced 2nolher one called the 240Z. The all new ix·rsonaliied t11n p;isscngcr fastback highi1ghted lhf' press introduction of 1l1c l!JiO hn<;. u·s powered by a l46 cubic 111ch single overhead cam six- eylinder engine producing 150 hp and is supposctl to hit 125 mph easily. Delivery ol the new car to Datsun dealers will be .shortly afte r J an. I. The 240Z is equipped \1·t1h fully independent suspension po11·er front disc brakes and r<1dial t1rf's. /\ !Jat sun offic1nl said the tar was a '·!>harp dcp:lrlurc fron1 our l"lln· ~cr1•atism·'. lie also said th;il 1heir production goal "'111 be about 1600 units a month with 1he majority of them headed for the U.S. J[ the supply I~ on hand there won 't be any question of success as the ca r is to be priced al a modest $3500. • • • SOUTllLANO AUTO SHOW STARTS FRIDAY Southern C;1IHorn1a i ~ 1hc. nuinber one a u Io mo b 1 Ir 1narket in the nation , with some Ir inillion vcl1itlc~ registered in the State during 1968, and 1norc than half of that figure in the 11 Sou thern counties, "·ith over JO million licensed drivers in the Stale. lt is only lilting, then. that the nations premiere industry sponsored automobile !\how be held in th is market. The S outhern Ca l ifo rnia Automobile Show, lo be staged in I .os Angeli's l'<ln P:i('ifk· /\udi toriun1 i ~ one or tht• bi g four 1ntl'.'rn<1t1011;t! pre vi r 11' ~hnws in the world. c!linc1cl1ni:: 11·ith fall a u In mo l 1 v f' in- lroduction at overseas sho11·~ in Frankfurl, Paris, and Lon- don. This show, !ht 47th edition of the Southern California Yo111• Money's Wo1·tl1 lnternationH l Auto in o li i I c Show. is the b1ggesl 111 the dollars 1vorlh of cars and rctrcational vehicles and 01·1·!" a half million dollar.~ "·or1h of !>J>Ccial exhibits, n1aking 1l on•· of the most nnportant 111 Lhe 11·orld. The finc sl :iulon1obill'S i11 thl' "orkl fro1r1 Asia. Euroµr <111d Aincrica plus rduc;1tio11<1l displays ;.1nd 1hc newest in· du stry technical innovations. Combine to make :in en- tertainir.g package for the en- tire family. More than 450 vehicles, !he latest technology, the latest innovations will be on view, The new colors, the new styles, and !he styles or 1he future 11·i1J all be under one roof. Duri11g lhe regular lO·day sho"·ing adrni.~sion is $!.:iO lnr adull s, 7a cents for ('hildre11 1111dcr ·12 and fur student s sho"·ing their student iden- ILfication. 1\'ith se rvlce1nen in uniform being adm11ted fr ee . Hours are from II A.~1. lo 11 P.M. Saturday and Sunday, and 2 P.fl.f. lo 11 P.fl.1. during the week. Co1111Ja1·e Reco1·{l s of Fu11<l s By S\'L \"IA PORTER Probably the 1nost difficull area for you. the averaga jn- vestor in mutual funds, to analyze and 11nder~land is point No, 6: 'Tbt Inveslment Record. On the face of il, !l seem!': simple enough to say that Fund X has perforinC'd bet!C'r than Fund Y and lhC'reforr. you sh::iu!d buy X. Bui as anl' professional woul d tell )OU (and you're 1ryi ng lo bero1nr a profession;.il loo) tht'rt' 1s f:1r more to 1h1s point th;in the si mple comparison or percen- tage gains or losses 1 which salesmen love to st ress .... ·hen the comparison is in thC'ir favor.) TO ll.LUSTRATE, for what periods are the investment reC"o rds being compared? II it is a short·!erm period, what "'as the market environment:' \Vas it a n1ar\let in 1vhich si>eculative 15su t•s dominaled ()fl the upside7 If so. was Fund X, as opposed to Fund Y, in a position to lake advantage of this environment': In recent years, much has been madr of the short.term investment record of a limited number of mulual funds. But ask: what actually produced the results:' \Vas it , for in· stance. tht• fa r! !hill the fund had a very s1n<.1ll porlfolifl w 1lh a l1milf'd numbe.r of holdings and a cou ple of these happened to be ~ta r performers:' Or was it the fact that the fund came on the scene at the start of an aclive bull markel ~ Was it because the fund emphasized a given "'hot'' in· dustry which may soon cool ? \Vas the .fund using borrowed l'<l pila!'! Was it inves1cd in high ly speculall\'e -and to 11 great extent -unmarketable srcurities'.' If' THE ANS\'i'ER to any of these qucstJons is in part or in • .---··-··-----'4 ... _.._..__.._~ YWWJA.. NIGHTS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS C•n b. mor1 Profit•ble for you. CALL tJS NOW FOR INFORMA.TION AND A BROCHURE. I ffi(l'KONE -~ ANSWERINo BUREAU 543-2222 SI OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. I whole ;'yr s.'' procred \1'1\h caution. For if you arr seeking protectiori for your capita! and superior proven professiona l 1nanagemcn1., you should nnt be delu<IC'd by short-terrn percen tage figure~. Ask .11nd get clear, unqu alified answers to such h.11rd questions as I've posed herr. and see if thr fund's Investment results arr ach lel'ed in a .,.,•ay .,.,.hirh 1nat rhes your 1ong-1crrn needs . Ag iun . as an 1llustr.it1on. 11·hat about the fund '~ long· 1errri rec:i rd'.' The i1npor1<1nrc of ll11s cannol be 01~rrc111· phasized. for you 11·ant to src how the fund p e rf o r n1s through bad markets as "'ell as good. Tu the extent that your fund produces tangible. favorable results I h rough down markets as well as up markets, you ca n f e e I reasonably ronfldenl in the management's ability. Obviously. you cannot be confident about the fl;i shv perforf[lance of a f u n d rnanagement "'hich sta rted operating early in 1968 's bull market. This is hardly an acid test of its abilities. .AiND WllAT ABOUT the age of the fund? The benefit or a long age is tha t the fund has had th e obvious advantages of steering its way through both down and up markets. It s management h;t~ be com e seasoned. In t·11ntrasl, many funds founded 1n 1·rry rccenl .\"ears havr pr os prred in the greatest "up" market 111 history: the acumen 01 their managements musl remain Opt'O lo que stion. 1"o. 7: tilakeup nf tht l'orUolio. This point will give you v1\al clues to the op~ratin g f.Jhilos[)phy of tht' I u n d · s managemenl as 11·cll as to ·11s investment i;oa!s. ~aY iu "s Finn ,.. Eyes Newport Los Angeles Federal Savings has filed an appliration \l'ith the Federal llome Loan Bank Board in \Vashington . DC. to Qpcn a regional orficr ill Newport Beach. ,I. K. B;iillir. Los Angrlrs Federal S;.ivings b o ;i rd chairman, announced t ha t plans call for the new offic<' lo be located in the Lido Shop· ping Center. All M•kn-All Models ""W~••• Sa,vit l M.~~ ..... oar,,.~<•" o'""'' Co~"'t 011 C•ml'Y• Of, llf .... "'1 lh~. llU I JW·JIH lto Aft,t lH •U I. """"'~ Olll lll·H li Among the factors 'rhirh ~·ou shoul d analyze 111 thi.~ area .ire: \\'hether thr portrollo in· eludes a gre:it many holding~ or just a limited number : 1he fields or inveslmenl in ""h1ch the fund ls primarily involved: !he relative emphasis btl"'et'n lhese fi elds: the si1.e of eom· panies in \\"hh::h the fund in- vests; the balance hct wcen seasoned por!fo li:.i companii·~ <ind unsrasone1I t·ump<1n1cs : lhr holdings 40r l:il'k 1 u( bontls. i.:;;ish. pref (•1T1'd ~loc h.~ IT IS THIS kn1Jwlcd gr :111(1 1111drrsla ndlng o! thr por1f nl10 n1akcup of a fund ll'hic.:h 11 Jll hel p you assure yourself that this 1::; indeed thr fund 111 which you wish lo inve st your ne stegg and current C'arnings £\'e n this shorl summary or vita l but rarely nirnt ionecl points should be C'nough !o underline lo you thll l a nn11ua J fund investn1e nl pr ogrllrn is n1ade up of f:1r 1norr 1lia11 perrrnt;.ig(' eo111par1~011 ~ n1·(·r lhe shurl ·lcrn1, '' 11 :1 111 r·'' managers, ;1 Sj)(Tt<1rul;1 r choice ol an 1nl'e~ttnrnt <1r two. If ~otJ'lt ab1dr ju.,! hy thr. guidance of lhr~e lou r c·ol · umns, you·u be on y11ur 11·ay tn investing successfully !hr 11 ;1:-,r !he real pros do. YOli'll al:.u sleep well at nigh!. N~w Firn1 Efltabli ~h ctl Two exprrl~ in 1n1crQe\rc· Ironies have established a nc1v r·nris11lt ing f1nn, !\1.1rch11k & :O.!ettalf Ass oc1alr s , in l\t'll'pnrt. Bl'ilt:h. Thi' firm offer' consull;ition in lac11il1es and proe!'ssr~. 1narkrt analysis: design :ind dr\'rlopment . l.'nv1ronn1rn1at. funclional and failu re tes11ng ; packaging. I e s l equipment design : nul·lcar e fr e ct s analysis: researc-h in all fon ns of in tc,(lraled c 1 r c u i l r y , materials, film s :ind str1plin(' 1cchnique : and presentation of traini ng srn1inars in test pro- <'r.dures, reliability ;in1l rqu11!i· ty assurance. pl11s m1croelcc- lmn1('s lcchnoloizy. The organ11allon also f'(ill· du <'t s con1puter \zed n11crocircu it clcs1gn a n d analysts on a time sharing basi~ ~·ith an IBM 360 system. Princi pals in !he llrm are Dr. Frank :0.1;irchu k a n d Gordon L. J\!Ptcalf. J\1rtca1f has been engaf.led in pro;ect management and consult ing for 18 vears. ,\letc~lf has been einplO}•·d In n1icroelectron1cs for 1:1 'rars. He. f'slablishrd an in· drpend rnt hu sJ n('~~. :0.1 i c roe I e clronic Tr.~11ng Laboratories. in Sant.1 1\na , \1•hich ""as !lfllrl In fJn1a1ron. lnr. nlso ol Sanla /\n il, 1::1~1 l)ccc.n1brr. Finance ' Briefs I l SAN FHA NCISCO ft;Ptl - Directors of Air \Ves L Wed· nesd;iy elcC'\('(] E <t mun d Cunvt•rs<' <JS hoard t'hairnian and chief executive officer. Converse will flll a vacancy treated by the rceen t death ol Nick Bez of Seattle . Converse "'as vice chairman or the bu;ird and form erly board chairman and president ttf 80n<.1nza Air Lines. one of the prcdc-cessur companies! 11 h1 ct1 rn-c<+nll' Air \\'est. G. Robert Henry "'ill con· l1nue as president ;ind chief! operating of/icl'r of Air \\lest. !)t,;N:-JYVALE, Cali f. (UPI ) -Lockheed Airc raft Corp. s.1id Thursdily it soon will be- ~111 testing a new deepwater offshore oil drilling system it ha~ U:-veloped. The system is 1tcs111ned fur drilling in "'alers up t11 J.200 feet dee p and em- plO)s sleet capsules Jo takef on "'\lrkers down lo perma-, nPnl cel lars tonstn1cted on the· ocea n floor. .John W. Hopkins, m;:1n<1g:!r of the Lockheed proj- ect, said as many as eight ma· jor oi l lirms may take part in the first tests. Shell , h1obil and Placid oil are the first three to agree lentatively to take part. OAKLA:"JD (UPI) -Kaiser lndustries Corp. annou ncerl \\1cdqt•sday net earnings of s.j.76 n1!1lion for the third quarter (Jf l!l69, f.ir below the S9.59 n1ill1on earned during the s<.1me period last year. ··ncsul\s tor the 1969 periods "'ere athersely affecled by lower earnings of Kaiser Stccl1 Corp. and National Steel &I Shipbuilding Co.," the an- nouncement said. Net earnings for the first nine months of 1969 were! Sl 8.81 million or 71 cents per share, compared with $28.32 or l S!.14 p:!r sha re for the same period of l!JM. 1':;1rn1ngs f>t'!r share <Jf com· 111011 stock For thC' third c1uartrr of thi~ yrar \1'ere 2~ et•n1s. Thl' 1%8 J1gure \\'as 38 , l 'l'/l!S. SAN FRANCISCO (l;PI) E:artungs or Pacific Gas &1 .. :ieetrir <:o. dropped in lhr ' rh1rd quarter lo 59 cents from 62 cents in the corresponding ciuar\er of 1968. Shern1er L. Sibley, the com- pany president, blamed the in- cre:ise on effects of inflation both 011 opr ra\1ng and con-1 ~trutthln ('OSIS. !lo" c~·er. earnings /or the 12 1n(1n ths ~'11dcrl Sept. 30. com·: 111,1n stoc k e.:irning.s 11'l•re $2 .61 I ~l sll:irr. co1npated \~·ith $2.48 1 in the preced ing 12 nionths. \\'1\."il!INGTON !L'Pl) The Department or Housingi and Urban Dev e Io pm en t1 \\"ednesday announced a seriesi of loans. grr1nts and fund rrscrv11Uon.s. They included · I Coro11<1. Calif. $146.115 in- r·rrafit 10 rnl:irgc the boun· d:i ries of 1!1!' project to include' a n~·ll' l1br;1rv. I Trac.\. Calif .. $2 .000 inere.d sr ' in ;i prrl11nfnary lo.:in lo plan 1 ht1u.!:oini:; units. I GM Reports I-left y Hike In l:>rofiL..; OETf101T !APl -Gr nrrJl \lotors Corp announce!) an 21i 4 percent 111crea5e in th1rd !juartrr 1969 prflftts Thursday .. S23-0 1n1H1on this year coin-I pared to $182 million io 1968. B~!"s dollar sales for the period 11·cre up 17 percent 1 tron1 $4.:1 billion 1968 to $5.1: b1H1on. Through the first nine1 1non1hs. dollar sales reach $17 .8 b111ion cornpaircd to $16 bill io n a year C'arlier . I Profi1s fo r the first ninf' nionths \\"l're up 5 percent rro1n $1.1 billion SI 2 billion. II The news at General fl lotors followed announcement eartierll lhis wrrk that Chrysler Corp. profits ror the 1hird quarter were off 87 pcrctint. Ford has not :innouncr.d third quarter figures CJJ\l Prrsidl'n1 Edward N, Cole "'as opt in11sl1c in looking a! the rnarket ahead. '"l'er.!:oonal incornc Is con. t1n1ung :it a !ugh lc1·t>I . and ' 111th ~a,·1ng~ at an atl·time l peak. t•onsun1er~ are in al s l r on g financial position." Cole said. "\\"hile uncertainties remain because of the war in Viet- 11:im, continuing inOatiooary pressu res in the domestic economy :lnd s tr lng •n t monetary policies, ~·e can still f''l;PC'<'I a good level of sales ror the automobile industry in 19i 0 ., S;ile.s of Jhc 19i0 r;~1 rnodels are about I S perccnl highl'r \hitn a year ago. Ford car ~airs :ire about 1 percent over 1%6 leve ls while. Chrysler'$ are trailing 7.1 percent. Who R eads the Stars For the Stars? ~~, 1' I . • . ,,. , It's Sydney Omarr And now this art iculdte wri ter wlio has been called the "astrologer · s os t ro loger" reods the st ors for you. Sydney Omorr, longtime persona l astrologer to many of HollywooCl''s and the lite rary world 's most fomou s ~fars. is ~ DAILY PILOT columni!ot. Omarr's record for occuro c.y of predictions based on ostrologic.al a na ly~·~ is omozing. W hether yov · · od ostrologicol forecasts for fun or os o serious ~tui::lent of stor-gozi ng, you'll enjoy Sydney Ornl'lrr's "doily column in the DAILY PILOT j ! ·---------~-------··-----.------- ) TREA • "' -· NO MATTER WHAT they're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they do it with the same gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in Tho Netherlands. You don't have to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, new appliances at bargain prices, a real car buy-or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "armchair market," the one our advertisers deliver to your door every day. • DAILY PILOT DAILY PILOT - I! OAll V PILOT ----------------------------------------, l.'rr.~. 1, Ctub~r 27, ltl{/' 4 ~ piece slone\v,1re se rvi ce for <'ighl. In 4 /Q\'Cly p;:i!lcrns •• , <'.1c h <i 1c;h \va shC"r ~.!fc. I-l as B c·.1ch d in ner pl;:itcs, "JIJds, cups, ~.iuccr .:;, soups {Jlus plJttcr, \ cgctJblc, su ga r ;:ind crcan1cr. 1eg. 49.99, 2 9. 99 111 Jy co chi na 4 6 ' ~ i ' colorful Descoware 6 piece 'ook\\'<1re ~et. f IJn1c rec.I or har~ ,.r~l gol rl 1)orcelaini7cd cJc;t iron tookv.Ja rc \vith \Vhitc i ntc- 11or. 1-1,l'l 1 fJI. CO\'. SJUCC'pJ n, 5 r1 1. clutL h U\Cn, 7", 9" :::.killct. <1pcn slac k 37.~0 . 21. 99 m<1y co houSl'\\'J rcs 29 , ,\ • ' ,_ \ \ i ; ' .. ~:::· .~ ' . ' LOWE ST PRI CES OF THE SE AS ON -- I 4 pi ece place selling of Wal- l.1ce sterlin g. A spl'Li.i l 1Jurchase c)i the IJea utiful King Christi,1 n p.1Hcrn ~tPrl ing i1Jt\v,1re .11 50% ~Jvings. PIJce setting h as kn ife, fork, ~Jl,1d fork ;ind teaspoon. 54.UO value, 2 6, 9 9 may co silver 4B lead crystal slemware in choice of 3 sizes. 1hc crowning touch 111 ;:iny I Jble ~ettin g. Sho\vn, \'c r ~J i l l ci;. Choice 11 0 1 . goblet, 5 ~·i o unce \vi ne or ~l ounce chJnlpJi).?.n/~hcrbct. 3.00 value, cJch ·. \ \ \ .>· ..J<\, 2.00 .. -. fine .san~o chin.1 in 11 tr.1ns- lucent patterns. O ur entire < (Jl - lcc tion tif S,1 11 1~0 Ll1in,1 ,d 2U'ii to 30% s.1 vi ng..;, 2"2. kt. gr)!cl or plJtinun1 ltinl. ::tho\vn : ~pan 1-.h l ace, 5 piece p!Jcc ~c·U in;~. 5.99 hand cul uoli ~heJ HJ \'Jrian lead crystal. f\.\.iny 1,1rr tcd lc'<1rl cryst,1 1 ;1ccr..,.,uric.:; .it ~;[)' o ~.1vings. Sho\vn, on<' pierc fro111 ;in cx<1ui si1P co!l1'llio11 of Ii.ind cut, puli ~hcd lcJcJ t ry~l.il 1;icccs. rach reg. 10.00, 6.99 '• ·' may co south c oast plozo, so n d ieg o fw y. at bristol, cos\a mesa : 546-9321 : s:1 op monday thru soturdoy I 0 a.m. to 9: 30 p.m. \Vn1. A. Rol!rrs si!vrr n[,1lc>d holl1J\\',1 re !-\_rou p. L~f'or;~1.i n ~l1ol l d1.·i.,i~~n 1run1 Oneida ~d ­ \1 r~nii~h .... l\'c·ry !)iCCL! is h!',1\i· ly plJH•tl <l\t·r copper bJSC \\11h ,1pplii..:d border). Grc,1t gru t1;1. "::. cu.011. ''"" 16 . 9 l) • Proctor iro11int; board \\ ith h11 i1:- ln <-orJ1111ndv r. J l;1c, CXt lc1~1,•.: <.1~·Jn1 \Cnl li>p, liudt in \Viii-~;..,, f1nnt IL"\C:J .idju ... 1111cn t f1n~;1..•1!qJ hl'1.~h! ,1tliu~!rncnt. rt g. ~.99 p.1n Jnc.l cover, ::!. I 'J Virtue five pi ece pedes tal dinette 9 .99 /\ g1c.i1 ,1rld11i1ir1 ~n ) (llll <l ining plea- .. 111<' ,1{ .t h1•.: \,illlt' ptl((', lhl' ---1 2'' hy ~ \" fl\.il ( nrdr1\,1 f\.l 1t .ilitt> ") p l.l~t1 c t1 1p 1.1hlc P\1 (·nds 111 h-r· ,,i1h I lc.,,f f1,d1le :il .. o to1n1·~ in ;1 choiLC' o f o!hl'r f111i.,hl"'J. It rv .. t.; on ,1 iJf'.llJ ti ful pol- j,IJl'd l hr1)llll' ~pl11 pede .. 1,1 1 b;isr thJt fc,1 \ur<''-<.11nu!.11t·d \\'Jlnul leg ~hcathPo;;. 4 111,ilching rh.1irs conic in you r t hoicc of 1 ·xci 1 i n~ ;:incl col t>rful covers! IL'S · l )j'Jl'll -.:ink _{ I'~. ll'j 249 .00 3 ---- fi !l I! •' i Get New Life , Buffalos Have Home Where They Roamed EOIT011:'5 NOTE -'\'119 Amf.ri~•n bulf•l11, ..... n~ e•1l11Ct •• the end ol' 1ne 1•11 t H1h1rv, h t.tll"9 • -!If• In M""lana. A M llon•I W\lclllle """''"' l\8S ~ 1.t "" to ""'~IV.It !tie herd. H~•~ ls • lool< •I whoo! a h Ilk• ,, Ille • •nn~•• bul!•ID roundu1>. By STEVE MOORE tfOJESE, Monl (AP) They came over the hill from the west -just like in the history books: Cough i ng, morting and butting, running full bore for a rate unknown. Their cloven hoofs sounded like a running river. The ground vibrated. The nine r iders, silhouetted against U1e morning sky, pushed them on. lt was roundup time at the National Bison Range, an 18,:'.141-acre chunk of wcslern Montana \\'here every yea r a page o{ American hist.ory is relived. The "whoa, v.·hoa , juh-hah" cries of the buffalo drivers could be heard long before the first black speck appeared on the range a half mile from the corrals where the shaggy beast.! would be judged. Some would be sold for !!!laughter, others to bu.ild private herds across the na- tion. The remaining animals would be put back on the range for another year. Ther were J;,() head ln the first bunch pushed into the holding pasture. An equal number thu ndered o v er another hill the next day. Seventy-nine of the animals were sold alive to pred· tcr emined seal ed bid ders for an ;:ivcrage price of $368.48. "This is very dangerous business," ~aid Mar vin Kaschke, a round·faced man in charge of the range. "Anythin g can happen with these animals," he said °""'hile walking above some of the mil!ing buffalo on a catwalk. Big bulls weighed near 2.000 pounds. making a Hereford bull look like a midget. Some broke through a range fence just as the sorting began. A bull also decided to exit through a fou r-inch .'ileel pip(' corral gate and a v.·clding truck Y!'as called in for rep;:iirs. ''They ~on 't bother you. They're not cornered and OCJC Plans Buildings Architects Wil!lam Blurock and Associate..'!, of Corona del Mar, have been recenlly com· missioned by Orange C00:st Junior College District to pro- pose plans for two ad· ministration buildings. One building would house the Orange Coast College campus administration and the other junior c o 11 e g e district administrators who oversee both the OCC and Golden West campuses. OCC campus and district ad· ministrators presently a r e housed in an outdated wood building taken (!Ver wh en the college began (In the former Santa Ana Army Air Base in present Costa Mesa 21 years ago. There is no mooey budgeted as yet, but Blurock will wort wllh college officials during lhe school year to help them decide wha\ they might need in terms of space and to draw up cost f'slimalc.s. Last spring an accreditin g team that visited the OCC campus recommended distric t administrative facilHies be leased off campus, preferably in Fountain Valley. The think- ing was that such a location would help co 11 e g e lden- tl!lcall(IO in the West County area where a bond issue wa:> defeated. we're not between a cow and her calf," said C. J. Henry, a former refuse manager at the range called in to help with the roundup. Buffao don't herd Uke cattle, plodding along at a walk. Ask Matt SUle, a gwernment trap. per called in [tom nearby J\1issoula to help manage the herd. "I thought herding buffalo would be like moving big barnyard cows. I was wrong. These animals are wild, .. he said as his black horse chaffed at the bit, snorted and sweated following the drive. The national wildlife refuge is nestled in the forested valley of the Flathead River, near the middle of the Flathead Indian Reservation. ]t was established May 23, 1908. ''Our job is to perpetuate a re pre s enta ti v e herd of American buffalo," s a Id Kaschke. 'The bison range was created at a time when the herds - once numbering 40 million to 60 million animals -has dropped to an all-time low ol 20 known wild buffalo in 1900. The Urst buffalo w e r e released on the range in October, 1909 -there to roam with their lifelong com· panions: elk, antelope, big hom shetp, whltetail and mule deer. golden eagle and a host of other birds. Some animals on the range reach 2.'i years old, though f orme rl y they were slaughtered when they reach· cd 10. On some the V.'inter hair under the chin reaches 17 in· ches in lengtll. For three days in early October the cowboys combed the range bringing the herd together. It took another three days to sort and handle the animals. Fr om the holding _pasture. five or six riders cul a few head at a time, moving them into pens lined by spectators from many stales. Getting them in was one thing; out another. The smell of smoke a ncl singed hair rose from the small green wood chute where the animals were squeezed so Grant llovde, a Ronan ran· cher, could put a five inch "9" brand on the rumps (If calves. With a clipper in one hand, Hovde literally grabbed the bulls by the tail. He smoothed both rumps and jammed the rcd·hot irons ontG tender skin . The reaction was spontaneous. The longer animals were jammed in a "big squeeze," a red iron affair capable of con- taining 2,000 pounds of angry buffalo. Three men operated. !he chute, squeei.ing th e a nimals so veterinarians could salely put a metal tag on their ears and a numbered tag on their rumps. Both are re- quired by the federal gGvem- ment for interstate movement. Bull No. 401 banged the chute till his horns were red wi1h rubbf'd-off painl Through natural attrition and sale, the herd l.!1 lrept at about 323 bulls and cows and roughly 7~ calvea:, Kuchke said. The herd could be much larger, but surplus animals are thinned out to keep a balance with the available food IUJlPly. '"1e work was hard for both men and bones. But r1der1 and othul joked and found time for horseplay durine the black periods. One. explained there really Is a dlfftt~ between buffalo and bison. "Those shaggy beasts you see out there are buffalo," he said. ''Then what are b.llon?" wa:i the naive reply. "That'3 what an Engllshm•n washes his hands in." ·---------··----~ -·--·------····-··------·---! Mondiiy, Octobtt 27, 1969 DAILY •ILOT J2 • James Cath Penney, 9-4~ Fountkr of J.C. Penney Company, lnc. Fl ulous Foun er's Days """'pecials! Add color to your kitchen with a 10 piece cookware set Choose mocaclo or horwst gold babel .,__. finish 1ta;nloss -I or aJi..,;num (with IO'Glch ,...;,1an1, fired-in wi~ Tollan~ lndudos. 1 and2qt.-od11<1Umpcn.5qt.<O¥&odDutdt .,_., 8" cawrod fry J'C"I-Ill" -fry pan, ~ cup egg poacher lnwt. Come -,_1 Start cooking in color whiJe thi1 excellent quality cookware Is ~ally priced ... help ,. Clllebrat• Fa.nder'1 Dayl Boy's or girl's 20" coaster brake bike •.. 37.88 si.11 ""'" "'" gld'1 ..... In ... ....,..ii color, wftilsnall tna, flo..alCI bmket. ffl1I ""'" tho rod band "'"""" aid< ._. tlrL lath i.... dwan• platod hodoban and f111don, 2 -bat .... oaddlo. Groatl Pushbutton blender ••• 7 speed ••• color, too! 14.99 ., white, bar.-gold or mocado ... o far.. tastic ... 1 ... 1 a1onc1a, "'""'' -at tho taucii of 'fOA" fl-. 81g 4() OL gJau jal" with 2 pc. rnoaauring cup top. '• ,··~a ·'"· "-t , :~-:".":\;-· I~_"' ~~-· ~•,•, . . . Famous name watches ••• a fantastic special! 22.88 Come ... theto ~ .. 17aad2l19-l·watd.a, with their famous -right an tho f<xm, all at ouch groat oavingal Me.(, and lacroes' 1tylet ... colendan, 1hma, day-ond<fate, aeff· w;nding aulomalia ••• gift baxedl AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • • T .. J f DAil Y '1lOT Give Them Voice VCI Professors Favor Students UC Irvine professors lasl Be rnard Gelbaum said he does "'ttk look more actions to not plan to seek a variance give students a voic!' in affairs from !he L'niverslty Senate or the Academic Senate, the fa culty deliberative body. Assem bly or fhe Board of In \'Oles 'Thursday. the lac· Regents at th is time. uhy members present: '·I'm going lo m ind 1ny oval ~Reaff irmed !9 to JO v.'ha t business until I'm told giving mo.st of them had understood students I.he \'Ole ls not a good last .,..·eek that the ne1v 20 per· idea. Then I'll argue for it," cenl student members are la he said. be 1•oung members. Handily passed v.·as the pro- -Dec1s11•ely passed a pro-po sal to include at lea.st one poSJI that al lust one student studt11t on each faculty revitw shall serl'e on rtvi tw ('()ffi-('()mmitlee. It \.\-·as generally mH!tts that consider raculty conceded that studrnts can problt ms. hiring and tt'rmina-gn e \•a!ua b!e input on a pro- t1on. lessor's leaching capabilities -0 \·erwht'l mingly defeated bu t som e questioned students ' ;i proposal to make confidcn -ability to maintain con!iden- llal files pubhc 1nforn)ation 1f tiali!y. the professor to l'.·hon1 !he file Assistant Professor of Med i- pertains requests it. cine Ronald Miller uid he -Agreed sludent me111ber~ personally believes students of Lhe Academic Senate should can keep information secret be proportionately divided be-but doesn't think everybody tween graduate-undergraduate believes that and the effect of and school of study according having a student on the review to enrollment. committee might be to limit -Dropped proposals to get critiques by othe r professors. around probable state'<l·ide But a har.d vote .,.,·as one- University of California objec-sided in fa vor of includir11 lions to giving students thr students on review commit- \'ote until such time as the lr\·ine di vision of the Academ-\('{'S. ic Senate is struck down. A proposal to honor a pr<r The vote on giving student fessor's request lo make his members the vote "'as re-confidential file public if he qu ested by dean of the college belie\·es he is getting a raw of medicine Warren Bostick deal v.'On liUle support. l\'ho said be ha dn't understood The proposal v.•as introduced tha t was decided last meet-by student John Payne, a 1ng. member of a faculty-student Bostick then argued agains t committee on student partici- giv ing them the vote, saying, pation formed last spring dur- .. Pl'!rsons should have a vote ing controversy o v e r the only "''hen meaningful respon-threatened dismissal of three ~1 bilily exists. Students can assistant professors. lake a fling at it and walk Associate Professor of Plul. away from it. The faculty is osophy Stanley Mun.sat said he in this up lo their ears, it is believes the proposal presents their career." a dilemma in that a faculty How to secure the vote for member would be put in a ~ s1udent members if the slate-sition of casting suspicion on to.'ide Academic Sl'!nate and himseU if he did cot request t;niversity moves to take it his filr be made public. awa~ l'.'as the subject of dis· Professor of Physics Ken- cuss1on. neUl Ford fe lt such a policy A procedure of taking an l'."OU!d restrict uncom plimtnt- linrecorded stra11· vote ~nd ary input. "The proposal might \hen passing a declaration Ulat achieve its purpose of sharply the result of the straw \'Ote be reducing the number of unju&I !he \·ote or the Senate, \l"aS terminat ions," he argued, "but propo sed . l feel there would be a more Bul Assistant Chancellor for than rompensating increase of Computing J ulian Feldman 0 Je romoled." expressed the sen t i m en t, r'""'""-'""'-'::::;;::;. ____ _,I ''Lel's say 'yes the student s have the vole' or '!h~y don "t,' not act in a half.hearted lash· Ion .'' The straw \•ole proposal "'as dropped. Academic Senalc Ch ainnan ON THE TUBE fo, I~• L••I 9vid• lo '"'h•f'• htpp•ninq on TY, •••d TV WEEK -di.!rib11ted with t~. Saturdey •dilion of lht DAILY PILOT. Save on our fabulous Sue Cory "Fashion" wave through Saturday Reg. 17.50 NOW 11.88 USI TOUI PINNIT QIAIGI CARD- NO A"OINTMINT NICISSAIT Wt tpteialiit In the <•r• of fos hion wig• MUWTl .. T'OH •IA(N _...._ w ,._., .,,.nn MIWl"Olt ••ACM JalfleS Cash P.nney, 9.C yrL founder of J. C. P~nney Company, In'-., Fabulous Founders Days Specials! WOULD YOU BELIEVE. •• PANTYHOSE 2for1. 99 HurT)' In for r1o._ of IM .... filling - len str.tth ponty ho.. In 5-or Collet Bean, in sins for ftll'JOIM•••ahart, www+1 long and extra long. Help us celebrate Founder's Doy by ..,.;ng Ill-'-·· .lmNu for quoliry and eccnolll)'. SWIRLY NYLON BRA GOWN ••• BEAUTIFUL! 4.99 Enjoy being a -... hove a beMllifully frotl!y nylon tricot _., prwttily stylM "'4th a loco c,,....d polyestw folltd bra top* lioflt, feminine control. P01tels, 32..38 milllll ti.a-. LOOK AT THE PRICE! MINI-HAIR DRYER! 13.99 l1lis ~I is portable, has -""" trol. '-ting unit on bcmot, 12 h. cord, ~ah• lau thon l lb. in use, dotodias far spot drying . ENJOY A HUMAN HAIR STRETCH WIG .•• NOW! 19.88 Swim, golf.1-t. your hairdo I Ti .. far cli_., don a prMtylod wig ... i..-n, blad<, blcndo. auburn or frosted. Herve oM ot this fantastic p rice! AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ----------- I Ctilt of Bo Though North Vietnam professes to shun the cult of personality, the late Ho Chi Minh is fast becom- ing the country's archetypal ancestor figure as evi- denced by these massive sculptures of Ho. F rench photographer Marc Riboud snapped this picture during a visit of the North. New State Laws Ready • For Actio11 on Nov. 10 SACRAMENTO tUPI) -ll wiU be tougher to leach sex in ~hools, dance bottomless in a nightclub or make a career out of prostitution in Californ ia beginning No1'. 10. That is the date most legisla lion passed by the 1969 legislature and signed by Gov. Ronald Reagan takes effect. At the same time the state t11i ll acquire new po~rs to vigorously prosecute as ne ve r before drunken d r I v e r s . pornography peddlers a n d water polluters. STIFFER LAW Tbe stiffer drunken driving law sell! what is commonly called a "presumntive limits" f(11" determining when a tipsy driver has imbibed one -or Riore -too many to drive legally. If 1 motorist's blood·alcohol contenl registers .JO percent or more. he will be pres umed too drunk to drive safel y. If the range is between .O:i and .JO, no presumption is made and he would win his case in rourt. If the level is below .Of! he can feel reasonably sure of acquittal. Smut merc-hanU will find it harder to sell pornography un- der the first major overhaul of obscenity statutes since they v.·ere written during the Gold rush era . SEPARATE STANDARD The revision sets a separale !tandard and penalty for judg- ing what is obscene and been sold to a minor. It alsa in - corporates a "pandering con· cept'' to determine when the advertising of smut 1 s pornographic . Legislators authorized local govttnment for the first time lo enact ordinances to restrict nude dancing -both bot· tomlcss and topless. Previous- ly the state had pre-empted the field . The enactment of the law was met with a fl urry ol local ordinances adopted by city councils and county boards of supervisor!\ to ban naked dan- cing in the state where it originated. But the legislatu re delegates to itself sole authority lo enacL gun control laws. That action invalidaled reg is t r at ic n ordinances adopted by San Francisco and Beverly Hills after Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. ~1 eanwhile. I a v.· ma k e r ~ ordered a minimum 4$--day county jail term for a twice· convicted prostitute and a minimum 90-day sentel'ICe for I' woman convicted three or more time~. And in related ac t i o n legislators made il 1 crime, for the first time, for women to pimp and for anyone to pro- cure girls for prostitution. OBJFCl'IONS The legislature authorized parents lo pull their childrtn from sex education classes by simpl y objecting in writing to the teacher. Mothers and fathers were also given permission to review any materials used in family Ii.le courses. The Mafia was the subject nf a new Jaw giving the a t· torney general's crimebuslen another tool by allowing courts lo guarantee immunity from prosecution lo informers who will testify about «&aniJlid. crime. Picketing inside the sta Capitol will be banned for the first time in its JOO.year history. Oemonst.rator'5 will be allowed lo parade w i th placards on the C a p i t o I grounds. 3-PRONG FIGHT Conservationisl.! won a three·prong offensive aplmt destruction o f Californi1'1 natural environment dwin& the 1969 session. ibe major victory wu won in the strengthening of the San Fran- cisco Bay Conservation and Development Commi.Milxl. Lawmakers g a v e the Department of Agriculture greater authority to regulate harmful pesticide~. Ne"'. legislalion also requires a~ nual reports to be prepared by the department on the extent of the use and sale of bugkillers. POU.UTERS FINED And a major effort against industrial and public water polluters c I ea red the legislature and was signed by the governor. It levies up to a $6 ,!XX).a-<lay fine a g a in a t violators and marke:i the first important overilaul of water pollution statutes in 20 years. Thl: leg is la t u r e alllO aulhorized the San Franci5co Bay Area Rapid Transit District to levy a \'.!-cent sales tax beginning in J11nuary to bail it.self out or debl. The Southern California R a p i d Transit System was also pennilled to boost lhe sales levy a t,~~enl to raise mone.y to keep buses running at cur· rent fares. DIVORCE REV A.MP Beginning Jan. I a revam- ping of California 's divorce \aw goes into effect. It will make only "irrtt0neiliable. dif· ferences" and "incurable in-- sanity" grounds for endinC a marriage. And st.ate income. taxpayeni in l970 will get. a 10 percent rebate election-year on the taxes owed on 1969 income. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service PILO T PRINTING • 642-4321 l 21 1 WHt Belboa Blvd. Nawpert INch . . -· . ---~----···· .. '. -. -.. • 4 Monday, October 11, 1%11 DAILY PILDT J 5 l LAS1 W££K1 J ,_ ea.h '-· 9'yrs. Founct.r of J.C. Ponney c:...pcmy, lo<. ~~DUS Penn Prest® slc:1cks ••• Grad or Continentc:1I manner styling .•. Penn Prest® sport shirts ••• that never need ironing! Orig. 7.98 NOW 3. 99 2.99 Cmuol tlocb that -need ;,.,.;ng .,__ lho( .. lwl"5wd -.,... marwlous blend ol 50% Aaiian" aayti</.50% ._, n. pm. is unbelievably low now ... so pick ,. -"' pain ;., blod<. of'rve, blue and gold; Mon's Ii-28-31-, 211-32 l.ngth ••• a real Founder's Day value-! Handsome, short sleow ....,..,, sport •hirts of 80% Daoao" polymlor/20% cotton. our marvelous easy an labr1c that just ooeds machine wash and dry COTe. Select from a VIDrant collection of basic and fashion shodes in men's sizM s.IJ. [..XL An ouhtonding ..,, .. , Long sle11v11d models, as nbove .............. .3 .99 Get all the angles ••• Penncrest binoculanl 19.88 7 x35 ....._ _.... .,,,_.,,,.,. fud In •• Mr tho loall:. -..i"""" ing, tool Con;enient center feat, ,.....__,,..ig-,tool LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! Label maker kit with five rolls of tape ... 2.99 Oii' ........ o11 labol .......... gr.at for idonllf)1iig ..i .,.._lizing i-.. and alllcie ..... , ........ dcMt·yoineif· ...... _, Mock turtle Ban-Lon" nylon knit shirts ••. 2for$5 N.w m rraw. short 111.v.d knits of Clfto. lorlable, nm,;.,. wmhable, ohcipe ralainlng Ban-1-" nylon In baolc: • fashion shades. Men's 1iz• S-M.L.XL AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • ' '( IC DAILY PILOT 2 Store s Offering Cook Tour ... Bride basic to galloping ~ourmel descr ibes !he 11,·arc~ in J . C. Penney Company's new Cook 'n Shop St't'1 1on~ 111 Ille Newport Be:ich anrl ll 11n- hnglon 8c<1eh slnrt.,. The new SC('ltons ff'~1l111-r :i \r 1rlc 1a r11•!v nf c n n k 1 n ~ IJl!'.'ns1ls. rrci pc r c Ir r (' n r r library anll cookbook lcnd1nt: library. Hnn1eti1\1 n Cf'lfll-s 11111 find a reci pe ex~·h;in~r borird 11 hcrf' 1hr.1· may post <Ind ~11 a11 reci pes. Typical of lhC' equipment l'l he found in the new Cook 'n Shops ls a \11dc rangr o( carbon srccl cu!lf'rl'. cast Jrf'n, copper and ntt1cr rnPl<il cool-.- ing 11 trns1l ~. 1n add1t1o n \11 c1·cry <lC't't·.~-"'-'rY 11n:.ig1nahl1•. Spcc1 <1l1:tcd tools. to n:i1111· :i lc11·. 1nclu dr Ch:.i rlo!rt rn.,Jd,, ('oqui llP sh('lls, f1llit'lir pans, C'1-:f: coddlcrs, tliltn ~hurk(·r~. . " . bean slicers. fla1nbc p<ins :incl CUSTOMER SAMPLES WARES AT COOK 'N SHOP lcmon zcslcrs. Penney'!. Section Offers Variety of Cooking Gear l)('n1 onstr<1 llons nr exotic ----------------------- recipes 11 nd instructions in 11~- 1ng snmc of 1hc rnorc un1quf' rookin g ut ensils <irc i!los plan- n('d by Penney's. Foods ns such 11·ill not b,.. ."Old ln 1he PcnnC'y 's Cook ·,, Shop sections. bul l'PK'l'S :ind rondim('nl.~ 11·ill hc found , along 11•it h snme :1ccondarv l'OOking utensils and SCr\ tng items. ~lcdal "'inner R elurus to War F'T. BRAGG, N.C. (AP) - Sprc. 6 Lawrence Joel, 41, v.·hn ,1·as awarded the ~1 cdal of ll::inor Jn 1967, is returning to \.'Je1narn next month at his rc- ~ucst. Joel, of \Vinston-Salem, N.C. .i medic with th e B2nd Airborne Division. said. "I like acti on. I don't like to sit still." Cities Leag ue Unit To S tucl y Procedure A committee to s!utly :ind suggest improvements 1n th e resolutions procedurr of thr California State League o{ Cities was named Thursday night (J0-23) by r.iayor Jack Green of Huntington Beach. Green , pr esident of the Orange County League or Cities appointed Costa l\iesa Vice r>.layor Robert \Vi!son to head the committee. Green said 28 resolutions \vere offcrrd at lhc recent stale convention in San Fran- ci~co on which delcgatcs had little or no kn owledge in ad- ,-a nce. Sr r1 i11i;: with \Vi\son on the 1 01nrn1 1lee are Doreen :O.lttr.<.h all , Nc11·port Be a ch ma_\ Or; Dean Shull , La Habra councilman: Jerry Patterson, Santa Ana councilman: Ralph Clark, mayor of Anaheim and Keith 1'-furdock, Anaheim city manager. Courtney Chandler, retiring Orange County purchasing agent, 11·.is prrsen!r.d a plaque by the c'1t1r ~ ,ernup hnno ring his pa ~t ~cr1 ires <1s pre sident of the nr~a 1111at1nn in lhr. early 1950s 11)11·11 hr 1vns n1ayo r of Santa And. 1\1;!.~~n· WAREHOUSE CLOSEOUT! .. ,. ' .1·.,i " r. ·~ ;,~ ·1 '.. • I~. . ·1-· . -? ",..~· 1 , I , al>. • ...... .. ,i ~' /!". "' __ ,,·A ~ Hi-lo loop carpeting of 501 nylon .,. !.culp!ured beauty that'~ easy to live with and core for. In 6 solid decorator colors a nd sturdy tweeds. Orig. 10.10 sq . yd. NOW 8.88 sq. yd .Completely in stol!ed over 50oz. rubberized jute cushion. 'Skylark' nylon shag twist ... Cali!ornio's most popula r carpetirig ... because you love the deep-piled look. In 8 glorious co lors. Buy now and save! Orig. 7.59 sq. yd. NOW 6.88 sq . yd . Completel y ;nstollcd o"r 50 oz. rubberized jute cushion. · 'Casual Living' 501 DuPont nylon shag carpeting •.. at hoine in any deco- rating scheme. Choose this elegant favorit e from 6 ~mashing colors. Orig. 8 .49 sq. yd. NOW 7.88 sq. yd . Compl etely ;m1alled o'" 50 oz. rubberired jute cushion. For Shop at Home conven ie nce, Phone the store in y'our local area • We bring samples. • Free consultation. • Free estimate. • No obligation. C.4.NOG.4. PARK (883·3660) DOWNEY (869·4541) FULLE RlO~ (871-oll43) LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH (OJol .7000) (833-0783) HUNTINCTON &EA CH MONTCLAIR VENlUllA (892.7771) (621 ,)811 Of 98.5·7217) (6 •2-7!>92) Soviets to C iit Teach ers Tha11k GltJs Memorial , . ' M anage1ne11t Jobs Parents Helping Marines MOSCO\V fUPI) -The Soviet Union has ordered a sharp cutback in the size <inti cost of 1hc nation's hugr 111- dustnal managcn1C'n1 :-lnu·- turc in a n1ovc th;1t ("•ulrl result in demotions for tens of thousands of So v i e t ex- ecutives. A dccret issued jointly by the Communist ·Central Co111- mittec and the Soi lt·t go1cr11 . mcnt Friday called ftJr 111 creased a u t oma ti n 11 11f manageme nt jobs and said there were ··serious faults in the organiz.i\1011 of labor in the management apparatuses: "There are numerous in- sta nl'cS or ( C X C c: U l i V Cs I h o J d 1 n g innumbrrablc con- fcrcncl'S, :;ymposi111ns arHI meetings for which thP.Y s pt>nd 1asl state funds." ~aid 111r> dei:rre, publi~hl•d 111 ;JIJ 1n:1Jor ncwspap1.•rs Friday , 1'hc detrcr, cl1reclrd 1o ;11 1 ' ' m in i str1 cs, !'nl crpnsr,, organization.<; :ind off1<..:c.)."' 111 !hr Soviet Union. i:;1llcd 1or a slash in the sta11:>s cost of ~up­ porling man<1gcn1r nl o( 1.7 billion rubles ($1.~ b1Hion). Given an average manage- ment salar -0£ abnu~ $165 to ~~20 rn(1nthly, such a cu l \\';;<; f':\Jlf'{'\('d lo ri>~ull in -...hn\p;;;o\p dt•rnut111r1, uf llu,s111n!> 11•1th 11\;,rn;1grl'H'nl pr1 .. t~ 111 :.1;1lc 1·11 t rrpr1~•·"· Tt1c clr1 n'i' lc·~1 1111 1l1Jub: ~U p l' r ll11ous r~1:i11:H:rrn<"nt 11 ur kl·J ~ 111111ld li1~r 1Ja•1 r :;oft tr1111\ offu·f' JlJ!J, 11ritl 11·n1ild li.·111• t1J Jc::i tilt ru n!-. :111d-fde, "'l'hl' 1111111:,!r 1 s mu.•!. pro- 111Jr· J<ihs luF lhr> p1'11plr !ll:ll 11i!I be 11)11·.(·1! 1.r 1111,r 111;111,1geri~1I p<"I ~, tilt tl1.:errc s;i id. IL compl :1ined !hat le.:ide rs of indus;ry and t,o vernment officers have not I a k (' n 'net·c\s:i ry r11c:1·ur .. s for 1he n111·h:1nlli1l1on :ind .11110111a t1un uf 1n:1n:i;•1·1111·11t )Jh1•r. :1~ 11r>!I ;is fnr 1n1pr1111•1nen1 •·f 11lc ~ Iv!(• 11f \'.• )., :1''ol 1 u• 1•f- ti 1·1l !li Y "J l.t11(1I' 111 n1annge- 1nrnt. lhr <l1 ·1·1 ... 111n 11 I ;1 t r d •·pers11n;i l rl•c-pon~1b1 Jily'' on the 1:1!1uus governme n t rn1 nistcrs and heads of in- dustrial enterpri ses for car- rying out the drastic decrr·c and bringing down manage- ment expenses to v.·ithin ··budgetary lim its.'' l\nne••1 ~· ALWAYS FIR Sf OUALITV... • __JL Board Rarely. in these day!i of t .'.unpu::. acrhnony. do teachers ~<1y publ 1..:ly to a bna rrl of tru:-.tees •·than!. ~"11 f<1r ynur ,'-\1r1porl and 1:011fldC'11L'C' 111 our u.lcns." Uul 1L h<ippt'fll'd tt! Cnh.len \\i'~l C:o lll'ge rcL·entl_y. Tile [C':l('hcrs thank ed ll1e Orange C11:1st .Jun11Jr Collc·gc 01~tr ict 1'rUS\('PS lur helping ll1rrn otJl wilh $1 7.337 to hu1d a :-uuuncr project in n1ul11- medlJ development. On a tour. lalt 1l'eek follov.·- ing a dinner. th e board sav• f irs t -ha nd t h e ac- 1:ornph~hn11.•nts nf rnorc than ~1x n1onths 11 ork by the f:1eulty 011 \hl' Jl!'OJCC!. They .~a w l·on1pu\t;>r pro- J.!r;im'> 111 rna thc1n;i t1cs and Engl 1.~h, 1·nmp){'IC a ll di o - 1111ol'i:\l J ~1 b" Jn rcn1r.dit1l l~nglish ;.i nd a n t1 I o rn y - p t1 y s 1 olo~y. auU 10-!utorin l c0u 1·sc scg rncnl s 1n :1rt nnd nursln g. video-tapes an d con1. putcr exercises ir1 <luta pro- l'Cssing, t a p e s for a hu111a11itics t:pursc ;ind rvl'n instrut tion.:-d films for S\\'i1n· mini:! SAN DIEGO (APJ - A radio !talion is . in effect, a memorial lo Marine Lance Cp l. Theodore C. Weymoulh. killed in Vi etnam. Donald Weymouth received news oI his son's death in J\1ay 1968, and he said to his \vife Beatrice: ''If anything can be clone lo help the t\1arines fighting in Vietnam. let's do it." Soon the Weymouth home in Torrance, Calif.. sported a Military Affiliate Radio Sta- tio n with a new JOO.foot tower and 2,000-watl amplifier. Now the l\1ARS sta tion has united by voice 7,000 batllc- "'eary J\1arines and their relatives or girl friends. Weymouth arranged to put up the station with an initial $1.000 by talking with l\1ARS officials at the J\1arine Recruit Depot in San Di ego. Such stations in Vietnam and the United Slates are used lo "patch" satellite calls from servicemen to d o rn c s 1 i c 1clcphnnc line·~. Th(' c:ns l i ll lhl' call LS !uni ted to tl1c 11orn111J dome stic phone rate. Up at 4 a.m. se\•en days a "'eek. Weymouth handles an average of 250 cal!s in se\·cn days. "Just sit and JistC'n to one or SAVE$100 the calls." he says. "A young Marine just back from a firefight in the bush calls hi.~ moiber. !l's all quiet on I.he li ne. Then , th ey both just bawl." The subjects servicemen discuss range fron1 money to lo\'e and ha t e , say$ Weymouth, but "no military inforinalion is allowrd." After m a k i n g telephone p11tchcs until 8 a . m . , Weymouth goes to his job as ;.i field service su pervisor for Radio Corp. of America. At ni ght, he resurne~ handling 1clephone calls unul 9:30 p.m. or later. Forty of the ~l arines h,~ knew by voice have visited \Ycymouth this year on lhc v.·ay home frorn Vietnam. "\Ye've met a Jot of line boys," he says. In San Diego, another :;on. John, y.•as graduated this month frorn J\1arine boot camp. lie listened proudly as ;1 lrcltrr \l'i!S rend 10 his father fro n1 Lt. Crn. H. ll Nickerson .Ir . ronHnanding ~c nr>ra l of 11ie Jrd J\1<1nnc Amphibiou~ J~orces. The telephone calls, said Ntckerso11, haYe brought ··un- told joy <"11;~1 happinesl!I to mannes ... THRU SATURDAY! Fabulous Founders Days sale of our 13 pc. family room group. Put this set wh11re the o ction·s li.,.e !iest ••• ii'II ~hrug oR the hardest w~r. Kiin drtt!d bomls ore rioiged with steel hoops, hov11 o rich oak lini!.h, C~hioning is latex foam rubber °' polyurethane foo m with wipe tleon \'loiyl upholstery. laminoled plastic toble lop$. too. Wold Indians (e wcn yours) can't hvrt family room fVTniture like this. In cludes; Sofo, 2 end toblC'I, coffee lob!c, gomc toble orid 4 choi~, bor, 2 bor stools, woll lomp. SAVE t.361 4 pc. seoting grovp -74" scfo, 2 end 1ob!c1, coffee loble. R-s. $32S.,. NOW $289 SAVE "37 ! 5 pc. go me group-48• d10. gotM: toble ond 4 JWiwel choi~. Reg. iJ75 ••• NOW t..338 SAVE t271 .( pc. bar group-o18• "fllfide bar, 2 .1wiwel stools, wall lomp .• R-s. $266 ••• NOW $239 REG, "966, NOW $866 Uu Penn•YI Time Payment Plan Pt11"•Y1 futnl!u,. p•lc. indud. d.li_,- i.. -klcd der_,.., -. CANOGA PAR K LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA --------------------------------------------.. ----. --~ ----........., It's Hord, lt1011a11ay! Pittsburgh's So uth Pa·rk outdoor skating rink open- ed last week \1•ith rvlrs. Carol Fisher and her 19- inonth-old daughler tryi ng out the ice. Kirsten , the youngsle r, \vasn't Loo pleased in tile beginning. Su11k Ships Yieldi11g Fortu1ie for British LONDON (UPI) -Ships \vrecked over !he centuries around Britains· jagged shores arc yielding up a fortun e in .!iunken treasure. This yt'ar has brought the f!rcalc st hunt Britain has C\'Cr seen for gold ;ind silver coi ns, .1rwrls, and cannon !l1 i'l t h.1 \'c Jain b;irnaclrd ;ind n101>lly lorgotlen on tl1c seabed \Vhrrc another gcncral1on·s stornls sent thrn1. RUS H STARTS Skin di ving's big rlsr in popularily has sent hordes o! an1ateurs on the under-sea gnlrl n 1sh. But H's only the professionals ""'ho can ma ste r the lrcacherous \vaters where lhc be st rrizrs lie and make ;iny profit QUl of the tangled ~ 1\•cb of s;i lvagc la1\·s \vhich rlaim n1ost of the bon1y for lhr Cro11n. Vicloo~ r e e f ~ ;iround lhi> coa st arc the gr:ivcy;.ird of Spanish .1n11ada g;:illcons that c<irricd great chests of pieces nf right. Ariti sh navy ships bi?arini; bullion and pay, rich rncrchantmc n trading with the c;i ~I. and modern \Yrc cks 11orth somc Uung for their ~crap. TJ1e trcnsure hu nt has pro- rluced a nc1v breed of pirciLes \\'ho plundl·r hulks and sell the pickings on the black rnark rt. .<\uthontlcs :uhn1t priv;ilely 1ht'y can do liltlr ;1bout this 20th Century p1r,1<.'y, DIFFICULT .JOB "It 1vould be very difficult lo s\1ck an armed guard over a 1•rcck." s<:iid one i;ifficia!. "In ;in•/ casr, if pe0ple 1-l"anl lo <Jive down lo a wreck, you r;in·t ~tori 1hrm Thr thing hrromc~ illf'gl'll when thev gel r id nf \1 hat tht'y ht11•c founrl 1n- "lt':ld of h ;1nd1n~ 11 O\'Cr 10 !lu;1r l<w.'11 of(1clal nrrl'l\t'r <ir \Vrcc ks." Thi.~ grn!lrman 11 1th 111r 11n111rlr!y 11tlr. U$Ually a loc<i1 co<i:-tgu;;rd or customs n1an. holds !ht' st1 lv;i~e for a year and a day ricnd1ng any cl;iun tf) 01\/n"rsh1p. 1f unclaimed, the find {:OCS up ror public ;iuction and the proceeds go to the Crow n as 011•ncr of the seabed. The finder is reward· crl 1v1th an amounl of the auc· lion n1oncy, trad1tlonally one t.hird. \\'ith a pay-0ut or just one thi rd that takes more. than a yea r in corning. treasure seekers should ll'ork out their chances of covering t h c divers' 11·agc5 and sal\'agc boat m;iintenant.·c. L"llu;illy the Jure proves ton strong to stop and count 1hc cost. A Jl.oyal Navy spokesrnan said, .. Some years ago, people spenl, a lnl of inoney searching Tobe:rn1ory Bay in Scotland for one of the armada galleons. thr Duque de Floren- cia, and gol back very little for it. Now they arc after !he Association at the Sci 11 y Isle s,'' BIG CAClll!: If the Duq de Florencia's .Sl.2 million fortune is still at lhe bottom Of the ba y After 381 years, Ji.t.f.S. Association has yielded up several thousand gold and silver coi ns from I~ estimated $6 million cache. The Association was fl agship of the British ll1edilcrranean f leet under Rear Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovel!. The fleet, returning home for e refit in 1707, n1istook its position in a ga le by JOO miles. The Association, with three other friga tes at the front of fleet :ind a fircship, ran on lo the Ciilstone reef off the Scilly ],<;]es with loss of 2,000 live5 In Brita in's wo r s t peace time naval disaster. Two years ago, navy divers located the fleet 's posilion by finding cannon on I h e notorious reef where currents from the English Channel and Irish Sea meet the roUer:i:; of the ALlanti c. Th ree rival civilian expeditions braved the 1~hir!i ng eddies to seek the na1'y pay chests, gold plate rin d mcrchan lif bullion that thr fleet carried. BEST RES UL TS The team mounted b y Roland Morris, owner or I.he Cor nish pub "Admiral Ben· bow.'' came oU besl. A di ver, exploring a narrow rock tu n· nel, fowKI it led to • hole stre~·n with gold coins. In two summers of div ing. the team brought up n1or e than ~.500 coins. together with cannon «nd gold pl ate identifying the wreck site as !he As~ociation because of lhc rnarks they bore. The first public ;auction , held jusl. recently, fetched $14,400 for 11110 caru1on and $13.380 for 117 coins. So J\1orris. ""'ilh l~e re11:ard money, stands even· iually to make a good profit oa !h<' t.24.000 plus that he in- vested in the search. Thr other l'){pet11t 1ons far~d less 11·cll. Diver Colin llart, lr:id~'r of one. said. "\'.'e dug ;iboul five. feel into lhe sill and found literally thousands and thousands of bones:· ~10URN A"'' AV J\1orris, fed up \.\'ith pirates at the Association site, moved on lhis summer to another nearby wreck tha t one of his dil'ers loca\ed by chance and turned out to be the Assocla- tion·s s ister frigate, the flomney. He was surprised to find gold coins. of eighl and Jewelry because he thought the Association. as nagshlp, would be carrying the bulk. \\'hile he is hunting off the Scillies, other expeditions are diving for the Armada galleon Santa Maria de La Rosa which foundered in Blasket Sound ol I rcland in 15881 two Dutch East lndiamen wlilcb sank in lhe 18th cenlury or lhe Shetland Isles in Scotland, and a PorUJcuele priv•teer which went down ofI the l.Jz9rd, south-west Encl•nd, four ctn· turies ago. That still leaves untouched a ""'hole lot more A rm ad a gnlleons, men-o'-war, even King J ohn's crown jewels that were lost in a tricky ti dal bay called the Wash in 1216. For Top Sports Coverage Rea d th e DAILY PILOT Fa iUOUS .._pecia s! SPECIAL BUY! Great looking, easy sewing bonded suiting! 58/60" wide 2.66yd. Bonded su1 t1ng that needs no lining. So versatile! Buy now, sew loh!'r. Tas lon• a celate/nylon bonded to ocefol e to hold its shape, fight wrinkle1. Eo!.y to sew with, too. Choose fro m spring colorations. Get in on our Founder's Days specials and save! LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI SPECIAL! Nation-wide® quality sheets always a famous Penney value! Twin 72"X101'1.r 1.68 twin fitted bottont Full ll'XIOl'Ot 1.88 full filf9d boHOio Plll--42"X36' 2for 97c Stock up ,_ on "-sturdy, but thrifty whir .. bloodied """"' """"" ,,_ and pillow ...... Mond•Y, Oc1ob« 27, 196~ DAflV Pfl OT f'7. 1••111 C_., ...._,,, N ,.._ .......... I. C. '"""" C...,..,,, - SPECIAL! Fully quilted throw style bedspreads in high fashion colors, prints! FULL OR TWIN 9.88 QUEEN OR KING 14.88 Puffy twin lint quilted ocefot• for solids in gold, aqua, olive or bluer cotton for ouorted prints, polyester fiberfill, cotton back.d. Hurry in for first choice. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE •• DAILY PILOT Linkletler Praise d In Letter s HOLLY\\'000 i APl -A letter fro m !\lagnnlia, 111. sJid. •·0n ~1cmoria l Day I buri ed mv 20.vear·old son I!('. too v;.1s miirdercd by LSO ..... From Jlonolulu· '"!\l a~· lhl' ~:oungstcrs of this \\ orld takr heed of \'Our bra1·r and magnificent. 11·vrd~ .. :' F'roni Richn1ond. C <1 l i I . · "You have brought 1Tir· and my fan11ly 1nan~· hours 01 smiles and happinl'SS. \\'hal can we do for vou no1~?" Such is the ·n1ail pouring in for 1elev1sion sl<ir Art Lln klet- tcr -25.000 Jellers in the last 10 da ys, he told President Nix- on and congressional leaders Thursday -after his daughter Diane·s death. 'Twenty.year-old Di an e , youngest of his five children. died Ocl. 4 in a plunge from the kitchen 11•indn1v of her sixth-floor aparl mt>n\. From rich and poor. young and old, prominent citizens and obscure. lhe letters to Llnk!ettcr express sympathy, sorrow, conccn1 -and ad- miration for his forthright blaming of LSD immediately after the tragedy. •·What a fine person you :ire. to make the story known lo all of us who have young people in our home s." says a leller from Columbus, Ohio . Some letters, telegrams and telephone calls requcsl speak- ing engagements. Some letters say, "God bless you," or "tell me .-hat I can do to help"' with the drug problem. Some say, "Please write to my son." These .are from parents who know I h e i r children are involved with drugs but don"! know what lo do. "F'rankly. I t'an 'l te ll them 1.11hal to do because I don·t know," Linklelter, 57, told the two-hour \Vhitc House meeting on the President's proposals dealing wilh the drug proble1n Linklelter said at 1 he meeting Iha\ lu.~ daughter "leaped to her death in a depressed sta te from bad LSD trips six months before _ .. She thought she was losing her mind." He urged th at an educa- tional program br aimed at both parents and pupils in the fourth . fifth and sixth grades. In /lol1~·ood. 1Tiean\1.·h1le. th re e sccrelarics continued lipening and ans\lo·ering the lel- trr1'. SornP are fro1n college ofbc 1aL~. nl1n1stcr.-. bankers. doctors. lav•yers. Judges All the letters ex press sympathy. Tut·son. An7 · '"TI1ousands of your many friends are shar· ing your grief " Denve r. '"It i" d1lt1cult lo know v.hy things like this hap· pen, especiall y In a man v.·hn has made milhons of ro!ks happy." Anxious part1 nt~ incl udr one In Chicago: '"Please advise me what tourse to foll o\1• as r m so worried nnd fea rful of my daughler·s lulurr .. Nepl une lll'ach. F!a · "~ly daughter is 17 and 011 LSD Ir Is v.-reckini: h<"r hie an(! health. If you can :<C'nd mt• an~· ·advice of any kind . l \1·111 ap- precialt" it greatly ."' • Georgia: "~1y J i-year~lrl 'son has bc<>n in jail for over a month awaiting trial for possession and selling of L.<:;O , We are a low-income family He got sta rted on Jl from a small salary he made from working al a dri ve.in."' Another Georgin n kno11'S the Linklelters· grief first-hand : "I also lost a dt111~htrr v.·ho , jumped from :i I 7 · ~ t or y •building." Van Nu y11, Cali! : "tl1y son. who woold have been 18, took 'his lire by hanging from taking I.SD." San Diego: "I have los t two 'children to dope. a son end a daugtUr. They are still alive in body, but I know they have no comclous tile left." San Antonk>, Tex. -··ri.1y 27. year-<:lld soo ii taking some 'kind of narcotics. II caused • my husband lo die of a heart : attack." Panorama Cit y. Cal if ··~1 \ 'aort"s last do"·nfall 11·as an ' overdoee of LSD _ .. This boy is "'·hat they term a vege table. IStt LE'JTERS, P11t 11) \ We introduce the Penncrest 'Swing 'n Sew' That's me, doll. The Rortable portable~ zag sewing machine in my own groovy case. ©) I'm a Ugqtwejght-under 20 pounds- so fblks take me everywhere. But am I heavy on talent! I go forward and backwards and sideweys ........... I hem, ~ •• I mend, 9 I darn, I scallop, .................. ..,,.. ...... I baste. ' .. . ' ' .. " ••• I do buttons ® and buttonholes 1111 II 'I I d I I 111 , II -I' '111111 1>1 1111> and zippers, _! • • • • ' and just about anything a sewer could ask fbr. PENNCREST I'm wonderful, and beautiful, and :fabulous. And the best thirlg about me is-~~ rm so modest! Modest weight-under 20 lbs. Modest price -just 99.95 ' " .;;. • rm yours .•• on Penneys Time Payment Plan. CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA FULLERTON DOWNEY LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR . I -··------------------------------------ Political TV Co sts Ci1t Dt1c \VASlllNCTON tAP'1 -The ~at1onal Broadcastint; Com· pany, hoping to head off a con- gressional crackdown on :.he htf!h price of election cam- paigning , plans to s!rish the co~l ol all poli licaJ ads on its nwn TV ~!;1lluns by 50 percent 111 1970. ' Thr dt•vtloprnc:nt \l'<l<; in· l·ludcd 111 !\'BC Prc~ich.:nt . Julian l ;ood n1an's prt·pnrcd 1cst11nony lnr dclivr·rv today lo !he Senate (·(lmrnun1cat1ons ~ubcon1n111 tt•1• A copy ot Ilic closrl} g11ard- rd Jcst1n1ony 11'3S ubti.lllll'll by th!" i\!-..~oe1 alc:d Press. c :uodrn;u i·~ testirnony said lhr 50 1>..~rl.Tnl discvunt \\'ould :ippty lo lhc f11>C' telt'Vlsion sta- tions r-.•uc Oll'ns. He also said I hf' fll't\1•orl.; w·as \\'Orking to hl'l r 1b• 1!15 :.tf lil1ated sla11ons o!fcr lunl' al reduced cost to loe<i l t and1d;1ll's. Al so un the tlra11 ing boards . . ~aut Gnodn1an . arc plans for 1·ci.Juced·ratc li1ne slols for lhe J9i2 presidc11l1;;I l'on lenders and lo niake suJ"ne free half hour segments ;11·a1lablc 1r Congress 11·ail'l!S the la 1v re- quiri ng sinttons to gil·e equal !une tn ,'Jll opposing ''an- t.ll(l:ttcs. The ~ubeonit111itct, hctided b~ Dcn1cx:rat John 0 Pastore nf H.hod c Isla nd. opened !hrcr da;,s or he:ii-1ng Tuesday on propos::i ls to curb the sky- rockeli ng 1·11~L of broadca~l t;11n paigning. Nun1l.'rous groups have suggestl.'d tcgt!:ilation. but the <:ommil!rc h ~1s only one <ic\u;i) bill before it. Thal 1neasurc 1t·ould require lelevi!:iion st<J- t1on:> to cut the cost of hour spots by 70 percl'nl and !he price o[ programs five niinu tes or longer by as inuch as 80 pcrcenl for Senate a nd l!ous=-candidates. The bill has 38 bipartisan .~ponsor5 in the Senate and a companion measure has 37 ~ponsors in the House. Desp1le the apparl'nt su p- !'l{Jrt fnr !he bill -fu cl!·d h\ a F c d er :1 I C'Dn1n1un1cat11Jn" I "on1m i~:-;111n rr11i)r1 last sum· 111er that s<1 1d 1,;~1 tni llion 1~·as :-pcn l for p0Jl(:e;1I hr0ad t ·~st 1ng 111 1:HIB -11 S flltLH'(' Jll uncc r!;1111 . Bills ;111nf'd af 1:l.1111ping a lid on 1·l1mb1ng ('ampa1gn costs have been i11t n>duced regularly ~1ncc the 195-0s bu1 h<-t1 c gnnc no1vhere as ~cnators :ind congressmen ~roppled 11nsut'ctssful ly "'ilh a peculiar ll lll·mtna. Their pob!('tn . \Vlul(' <'OSI~ arc high and getting high~r. n1;1ny in L'ongrcss feel tll1·y \\01ild bf' g11"111g a\\'a y lhr in- tlllllhln1"s n:it11ral :1ch;i11tagr b\ 111ak1 ng II l'<IS!rr .1nd 1 hca per fnr t:h allengers to get air time (;oodn1an pursued a tradi· 1ion;il in1l11slry position that 11 rould reduce costs hesl by doing 1t ;ilone. l'Specially d C{lngress suspended the. equal 11111(' lJ"'· "\\'e i,Ct' ;i ha ~ic d1ffr<C':1{'r bri11(•rn ;1 brnatlt·a~lrr'~ offrr 111 rrdu{'rd pn\it ica l ra1cs one! lrgrt-lation tli.11 selects one ;irJ1·crt 1~1nA 1TI('(!1u111 , nut nf a\I I hr-m~r\1:1111~ .ind "'fl 1 cr~ us ('(! bv c.:1nd1d:i\rs. and compel· thr i11Pd1111n~ ;iorl ~rr1·1rr~ 11~ rr1luicrtl p llll1cal r;1!0•< ·• hr ,..,. LETTERS I • • I 1ntatly d1 ~r-ib!rd . nnly 25 )Cars old and f1n1~hed '' Othe r lcltrr~ h:i1·r .:i rrl1g1011 s tonr. Char leston. S C· ''Perhaps Oianc "s dra1 h ts l;od':-; 11,ay of 1'11lling you 10 a~cep1 the great 1.:hallenge ol you r life."' 1\ fnur1h grader. Astoria. Long Island: "\Ve in our class nlfcrcd prayers for your fan1i - lv ancl especially Diane . , . You al"·ays loved children and mad e them happy ."' A mi!'~pclling fourtl1 gr<1dcr. Long ls l<1nrl C1 tv: "I am very sorrY 10 hear "that Di<1ne LS rlcd. Eve ry morning "·e say a prar for hr r ·· ~l any let1ers express ad- miration for Linklett er. S<1n Angelo. Tc:<.: "Your courage ar,d integrity in ex- posing the cause of this loss is <1pprcciated and admired by all of us who arc. concerned 1\ilh th<' rirug abuse prob lem · ·,~d1anapo!is· "\Vith all my talking, all 1ny pleading io 11i·arn my four t hildrl'n of the dangl'rs -11 surely has meant more coining from you " r.lays Landini::. N .J • ''II ;iny~~c can get to the kid~. iL"s y .1t1 BOAT BUFFS A.!"'o" loclt•b1v i1 th• 11nlv lull·I•"'• bo•l1l'IJ ed:to• wo•~in9 011 •ny "'w1p~p•• i11 Or•n9 • Co11111v. Hi1 .~clu•;•• co .. •••41• ll f bt1 t ll119 .~.i yt t ht!119 "'"'' • •• • .11.;r'I' ft•l11 rt of !~• DA!l V I PllOf. Penncraft® radial drill press for the handyman! Reg . 109.50 NOW 84.99 Ve rsai;I B !col "'0Y ba u1~d for ho rirontc1, angular or mult•cle d1.ll1nQ o! wooch ond me!o[\. Drill1 a l any angle or lo thB cenl•r of a 32" t1rcle. Ho1 3·'lt" Jpindle !rCYel, Vi" thud~. Special buy! 75 pc. socket set with 19" tool box 29.99 A IT\1111 for •very handymen °' "-OWNr who wontt to f;x thh1g1 a rou11d tti. houw. S.t ind!Hfft the mo1t widely VJad wre'1<h.e1 CJnd 1oc.ke1l .,..i!h !4" Qfd "'1 " cl.i .. a 1aY1riibl• rotchett. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY • • Mond •y, Ottob~r 27, 196'» DAILY PILOT ~ PENNCRAFT ® 10'' MOTORIZED SAW e e • Reg. 179.50 •••.• NOW 137.99 Ideal to have in your workshop. One centraliud fingertip control for blode-depth and filt Jetting. 2~ HP motor deliven cutting speeds up to 6000 rpm. Cuts 31.4" deep ot 90°, 2111 at ~5 °. Hurry in now and help us celebrate! Keep your tools In our three drawer tool cabinet Reg . 59.99 NOW 49.99 Al1 1te el rol!.awov cobin•I ho1 3 b:g drowt n , 1umbl t r lock and key1, o nd h1ovy duty 1id1 hondles. In chor- coal gray foni1h wi!h r•d drower1-ltt the fo•t woy to gel of your 10011- Special buy! Penncraft® power tools that do the job Your Choice 19.99 10 Oll'llon copodty , .. ,1 drvtn •"°'9 YOCllU"'• % HP' motor. VarloDla ..,..cf_ 1e1br. 1crw will\ 4 omp motor. "''.' . ..,,.ni1>9 drl!I with v11rlobl• JtlM'd, locking trl9gar '"'""· FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH SAVI t1f . 20· TOOL IOX wnH llFT·OUT TRAY Reg. 7.~, NOW 6.U SAVUl I PENNCltAFT• ELECTRIC GLUE GUN R•g. 4.99, NOW 3.99 SAVI t1.JOI PENNCRAFT• .C P'C. WOOD CHISEL SET Ro •. 7,29, NOW S.99 SAVI •1.so1 PENNCU"• 4~ BENCH V1$E R,.. l.49.NOW6.99 SAVI UI PENNCRAFT• NUT DRIVE Reg. 4 .99, NOW 3.'9 SAVI 11 .501 · PENNCRAFT• 6 PC. WRENCH SfT Reg. 6.49, NOW'·" SAVI •11 PENNCRAn• 16 OZ. CLAW HAMMER Reg. 4.44, NOW 3M SAVI •11 PENNCIAfT• 9" BENCH rt.ANE R,.. 6.99, NOW 5.99 LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR ;..... Cmh ......,., 94 ,_.. FOWM:ler of J, C. Pen'*r C:0.1pcw1y, Inc • '• Reg •. 36.99 NOW 29.99 Penncra#'.'Y li9htweight· 7" sander /polisher ••• Tool optotote s ot 3400 rpm for landing, 1800 rpm for buffing. lii clude1 polishing bonnet, 2 1onding dttic,, p!ostic cord and odopler. Ho1 buih- in tool rel1 • Pe•ncraff® 5/8 HP router-light w•ight, •asy to handle! Adjutt1 to finer than .00'"· Full tum of oditnting ring is equivalent lo \." depth of cut, Hai bronze and boll b.ari11gs. Wren ch Included. P•nncraff® heavy duty 71/4" circular saw ••• Sow fll0fure1 sle•v• and nHdl• b.oringt, dust chute and r1movob1e ovtboard shoe. JJ,4 HP motor delivers speeds vp to 3200 rpm. Circvltr 11w c110, Rog. 7.99 NOW $7 SAVI '21 PENMCRAfT• STAl'lE GUN SAVI •1.so1 PINNCRA"• OEl\JXE "'SH t>Alll ·Rof. 6.49. NOW 4,99 llov· L 99, NOW 6.99 NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • . .-. J8 DAILY PILOT I ~.s. Army Denies Censoring WASHING TON CAP) -The Anny has denied ccosonng newscasts heard by U.S. fighting men in Vietnam and bfames the affair on in- experienced GJ broadcasters. A report to Rep. Chalmen P. Wylie (R-Ohio), from the inspeclor general in Vietnam. says "Public st.alemenl.s \vhoch service personnel art entitled to hear have not bttn bannd or censored al AFVN" -Atmen F'orc_.es Network.!i in Vie1.nan1. \Vylie req uested thr in- vestigation after m i I i t a r y nev.·smen in Saigon com- plained that even pub 1 i c blaternents bv for _mer Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford and South Vietnam Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky had been censored. ''Allegations by AF V N personnel regarding .such ac- 11ons have arisen through misunderstanding on the part of young and inexperienced broadcasters," said the in- spector general's four-page report. It said lnvestigators ques- tioned two enlisted men in Vietnam ""ho had led the com- plainl..s and found t be m "young, ine1perienced, im- pr essionable and appear to be easily swayed by the 'at- tention' thal they received from their colleagues in lhe c:ivilian nev.·s media." Wylie had forwarded to the Pentagon 10 instances cited by his constituent, SP5 Michael G. Maxwell. "The decisions of l h e supervisory personnel with respect to each of the 10 separate unrelated news items were simple cases of judg- ment in accordance with the supervisors understanding of their responsibilities • • .," said the report. ~1axwell and other GI nev.·smen still in Vietnam said in interviev.·s "they had misus- ed t he term "news management'' and admitted they were in fact. questioning the decision of their superiors as to what news items i;hould be used," said the report. Wylie described the rtport as "a fair and unbiased ac- count." "As far as I am concerned, the case is closed, unless further information comes to n1e that the recommendations are not being carried ou!," he said. The inspector genera 1' s recommendations called for mqre frequent com- munications between com· mimders and newscasters at Lhe network and reeommended lhat the command "obtain and as sign mature. competent and eit.perienced personnel to the st.<lff." Youtl1 Plays Guitar and Seeks Name BARTO\V, Fla. (A.P) - Prisoners and deputies in the Polk County Jail are enjoying nightly concerts by a youth \\'ho plays his guitar and sings to kill time. 1vait1ng and ho p· ing someone can tell him aboUt his past. The youn~ man \.\'ho gave his name as Chris Cutrara "'andercd into the jail nine days ago and asked sheriff's deputies to help him learn something of his life so he could o b l a l n idenlificalion papers. l!e said he remembered being in Chicago and Buffalo a few v.·eeks before. but that his memory didn't stretch back moch more lhan a month. "He seems to be perfectly tiappy here," said Sgt. Ed Lockwood. "He keeps busy cleaning np <'nd doing little chore!, and he's a real good guitar playu. "He plays blues and sings lOYe songs in the evening, and everybody enjoys it." Several couple3 have come to see tht youth, hoping he mtaht be a missing son. But all have gone home disaP" Pointed. The young man said he had been told he was 111 yun old dd that his name was Chr1! atrara, but he could not ra:ne:mber who gave him that lldbrmation. )le stands 5-foot-t a n d ftlghs about 120 pound&. He .._ black hair whic:b ls cut .&rt. brown eyes and a ruddy complexion. ~We mil him lO a doctor to 1e'e if it might help him get his mrmory back. but V.'t haven't learned anything ye t • • • Lockwood !laid. Road The Da~y Pilot" AwMd WinnincJ Editori•I Po9e1 Monday, O<:tobt, '27, 1%9 ennelfJ AUTO C&NTllR More specially priced car needs! SALE! SAVE 5.071 FOREMOST" B.R.W. 12 VOLT BATIERY U0.27.95, NOW 22.88 ~ u, m, 24F, XI, m-fitl "'°'1 /tM9ric:G'I CDrl) -SALE! SAVE 1101 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE DECK WITH 2 SPEAKERS !:njay the 'aurT'OUftd IOUnCi' .of stereo 1111>9 with llUo low pri<od ded<. c:-plele "'"' bui~in or 5rmant mount spealllf'I, thumb- ~-dedgr1 Ming controls. ~I0.69.95,NOW$ 59 e 9 5 SAVE 3.501 EL TlGRE I AND II MAG 1 PIECE ALUMINUM WHEELS ••• WR.DI Sure to lubi "P the lmo~e of even the wildest corf. n TlGRE I ~:;,.~5-NOW '31.25 ~=~.53~5 _ NOW'33.7 5 EL TlGRE D 14 AND IS" SIDS '28 75 REG. 32.25 -· NOW o LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! BUENA PARK (~:'.="") HUNTINGTON BEACH OUR NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE WEEK ~-~ SALE! 'EL TIGRE' ......:FIBER GLASS ....... ·~,~BELTED TIRE ' • '•, .. ; WITH 2 PLY POLYESTER CORD AND 2 PLY FIBER GLASS anr NOW 25 44 pl1111ed.ta • and old ff re Sill Whitewall tubeless REG. FED. TAX 700-13 ••••• •••••••••• -29.95 ••••••••••••••• 1.86 C78-1' •••••....•••••• 29.95 ••••••.•••••••• 1.90 NOW 29.44~"d~·.:: SIZE Whitewall tubeless REG. FED. TAX E78-l.( ••••••••••••••• 31.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.11 F78-ll,, •••• , •• ,, .••• 33.95 ••••• •·•••••••• 2.36 F7S..15 •• , . , , ..••..•• , 33.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.50 NOW 32.44~~d~~·.:: Whitewall tubeless 5lZE REG. FED. TAX G78· 14 •••••••••••.•• , 35.95 ••••••• , •• , •••• 2.« H78-14 ••••.•••••••••• 37.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.68 J7S..14 ••••••••••••••• 39.95 .••••••••.••••• 2 .86 G78-15 :, •• , •• , ••••••• 35.95 •·•···••••••••• 2.68 H78-15 , ,, •••• ,, •••••• 37.95 ••••••• •••••••• 277 900-15 •·••• •••••• ••••• 39,95 ••••••••••••••• 2.71 L78-lS •••• , , ••••••••• 41 .95, •••••• •••••••• 2.87 40 MONTHS GUARANTEE "WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TlijE GUARANTEE ;gar1lltal lftiDll tm{ W1•111: If your tire wears out dur- ing the first half of the guarantee period, return it with your guarantee cer- Uficate and Penneys will replace your tire with a new tire, c harging you 50% less than the current selling price including Federal Excise Tax; if your t ire wears out during the second half, you pay 25% less than the current sell· ing price includina Fed· era! Excise Tait. c~ar111t11 1111111 fllln If we replace the tire dur· ing the free-replacement period, there is no charger if we replace the tire af· ter the free-t"eplacemerrt period, you pay 50% or 25% less tl'Tan the current selling price of the tire including Federal Excise Ta~ C••lftllf llSI This guarantee is void where passenger tires are used on trucks, used for busi ness, or driven over 30,000 miles in one year. Her.'1 how your guarantee against failure worllt.: Entire guarantee period •••••••••••••••••• lOmonfhl fr.,. repioc.n.nt period •• •, •• ,,,,,,,., .1-20 montha .50% off period •••••••••••••••••••••• 21-30 montt. 25% off pertod •••••••••••••••••••••.• 31..(Q MClftfht FOREMOST. BIG CATS AT PENNEYS AUTO CENTER CANOGA PAR K MONTCLAIR CHULA VISTA DOWNEY NEWPORT BEACH FULLERTON VENTURA -----·---... 6rnen JEAN COX, -9466 • ..... ti Skiing Party Real Mouthful Anyone can go to a TGIF or B"i.'OB. llow many people can say they have been invited to a LNSCDD n' f"S? All readers of this article can, .si nce they are invited to this event be- ing given by fun-loving members of Laguna Niguel Ski Club Saturday, Nov. 8. The party will take place in El Niguel Country Club from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. LNSCDD n' FS stands for what the party is-a Laguna Niguel Ski Club Drink. Dance and F ashion Sho\.v. The dance portion of the program, co1nplete with strobe lights, \Vill be made pessible through the music of Aristotle's Library. Fashions. including clotting and equipment, are being supplied by Ski Mart, Ne\vport Beach and \Viii be modeled by me1nbers !l·lr. and ~1rs. Jack \Veber, Larry Lizotte, Stan. Oppegard, Mrs. Robert liezmalhach and l\'Irs. Tom Collon. Garry Aden is chairman of the event \Vhich kicks off another year or skiing for the group. ~·!rs. Bill Empey is assisting him v.•ith arrange· men ts. Tickets. at $2.50 per person, 1nay be obtained by phoning !vlrs. Tom Fortune, -495-5981. The club has about 55 members both married and si ngle. Jn addition to Laguna Niguel, members are recruited from Dana Point, Laguna Beach, San Clemente and Mission Viejo. A year of about ei ght ski trips will begin with a weekend in l\'Iam- moth Dec. 13-14. Mrs. Weber is taking reservations for the trip and may be contacted by callin g 495-5541. The second weekend trip '"ill take members to Lake T ahoe 'vhere they are renting a cabin over Ne\v ).'ear's hoU day. Another event on the skiing calendar is a full·\veek trip to Park City. Utah, in J anuary. .. • • -----·-- " . ··-.--... -,...~..._,._..,. ----v-···..----·----- . ' • -1, •,I '; '. ·' -?' ) ,,.. ' • h . ' The group. led by Lizotte, meets the second Tuesday of every month in Ford's Cafe. The next meeting, a't 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, v.1ill feature ski movies and free pizza . Clu b m embership dues arc $5 for couples and $3 for single indivld· uals. ANOTHER SEASON -r.trs. Donald Scott and Mrs. Robert Hez· 1nalhalch (left to right). getting their equipment ready for ano ther season of skiing \Vith Laguna Niguel Ski Clu b, look fashionable enough to parade styles at the upcoming Laguna Niguel Ski Club Drink, Dance and Fashion Sho \V. The event. \\'hich cos ts $2 .50 a person, \Vil! ta ke place in El Niguel Country Club Saturday, Nov. 8, and is open lo the public. Cans, Dolls · In Demand Assisteens. an auxiliary to Assistance League of Laguna Beach, will collect dolls and canned goods for t n d i a n " reservations this Christmas, it was reported recently. The Laguna Beach Hjgh School coeds are joining the league's campaign Lo hel p its Dannv Davey Doll Clu b get more.than the 1600 dolls which v.·ere given to Indian children last yea r by Davey. In addition they !'I.re col· Jecting canned goods o[ all kinds for the Indians, ex- plained 1\lrs. Robert ~tarvin, Assisteens coordinator. Both dolls and cans may be placed in donation <lrop boxes at Laguna Beach locations in· eluding lhe Alpha Bet a r.tarket, Live Wire C:caners aiid the Fire Station. Drop boxes also are situated In Laguna Federal Savings and Loan building and Alpha Beta 1\olarket, San Clemente. Dolls only may be taken to the Assistance League House. 528 Glenneyre St., where doll club members gather every Friday n1orning to wash, repair and dress the dolls for their journl'y. ..,...,,~,,..,"":"' ~-..... , . -·- Tau Tau Chapter Serving Preferential Tea ... -..... ,......,.~ .,,_ ',I ' The Laguna line Two Women • !\IRS. ROBERT PEACOCK is one or t\\'O Laguna Beach v.·omen v.·ho has been in the limelight recently. The E1ncrald Bay resident v.·as named Woman-of·the·year by Laguna Beach Business and Professiona l Women's Club and \\"as presented \1·ith a Niki statuette, !he club's em· bll'nl, and a shc:-i1h of red rosc<i <luring a dinner in Ben Urown "s restaurant recently. ln addition she was given a fl lcrrnaid pin by 1\lrs. Tom J ohnston. representing the group. the Woml'n 's Division, Laguna 'ncach Chamber of Con1111erec, Jn wh1<.:h i\1rs. l'c;il'Oc k has hr.en so acti\"e. ~l rs ("y Nugen!. rcpresrnt1ng thr Rotary Club . han<led her a b;1sket or yellow roses. :ind 1\f1ss Lorna 1\1ills, president or Laguna Federal Savings an rl Loan, put a colo rful Hawa11an le i around her nec k. 'The flowers presented 1o r.·lrs. Peacock v.·ere, i n essence, a tribute to her city beautification program. The success of her efforts t1·ere outlined by Mrs. Betty r.1 yers. speaker of the evening, t1•ho showed colored slides of the Art Colony. Teacher's Luncheon given by Laguna Beach Chan1bcr or Comn1ercc. For the past Se\•eral yrars she has been in charge of the 1\fermaids ' City Beautification Awards BanqueL Y.'hich is a highlight of the group·.~ yrar· long beautification efforts. For hrr thurch she has been active in prornotin{: Adv<"nt ure t:11li1nitrd. an organ1 iat1on lor Chnstian Science y ou n g pcoplr, and also has bel'n a Sunday school t c a c h c r . supenn1cndcnt. n1embcr of director.~. \•ice prc~idrnt ;ind librarian Jn the Chnstuin Science Reading Hoonr. 01her fields of endea\·or Hl· c·lu<lr an acti\"e role 1n pa~t years in L a g u n a D ea c h Assistance League and 1hr Red Cross. She once ser\·ed a~ president of Laguna Beach .Junior \\'oman 's C!11b. She and her husb:i nd have three chil<lren including a son 1n !he military srrvice. a daughter attending UCLA anrl another daughter v.-!10 is a ("Ol'd at Laguna Beach I ligh School. News presentation in r.larine Corps Headquarters of a copy of her masters thesis, "A SturJy ot ihe Image Dev e Io pm e n t Progran1 of lhc \Y o m an l\larine."' The thesis "'as completed as a rC'qu 1rernent for the degree ul master of arts in counseling for wh ich l\lrs. R oli~y is a can- thdate. In hrr study 1\1rs. Hol ly said \:·01nen J\lannes arc adopting a new image and c:or.clu dcd thl'll aC'1U31 changes u1 appearance <ind actions \verc thr r('~ul1s of the new linage lk1cJopn1cnt Program for nonco1nm1ssionrd officer~ ht·1ng l'flnd11c!ed tnr \\·omen illnnnrs-1n (.,luant11.:u, \':.i .\lrs Hole~. ,1 L/(' or Col. ! L·S.\IC. rrt 1 Holl·), began her grJdual•· y,nrk in Chapman 1n 1967. She c·urrcntly is pre.s1• drn! nf Sou!h Coast Chapter or 1he Assoc 1a11011 for \\'o men's Active Return to Education. This also has been a big year lor other membt>rs of the Rol ey family. ~hss Susan kol<'y v.·as graduated from California Slate Col I e g e , Fullerton in June and now is a second lieutenant 1n t he 1\larine Corps. The Assisteens. a group of 20 coeds from eighth to 11th grade, embrace a self·im· provemenl and community ::;en·ice program. Assisting Mrs. Marvin are the Mmes. r..nlan Chiba, David COflklin and Ray Henderson. Tau Tau Chapter members, Beta Sigma Phi are shining up the tea service for a Preferential Tea to be hosted by Mrs. Charles Scribner of Laguna Beach next Sunday. They are (left to right) the Mme s. \Vil· liam Allee, recording secretary; Scribner. vice president, and William Carles, president. Hearts in Harmony is ·the tea theme. ~1rs. Peacock Is p a s t µres ent of El Morro PT A and parliamentarian and spiritua l values chairman of Laguna Beach ll'igh School P'J' A. She chaired El Morro School's Boo Blasl and the annuaJ New ANOTll ER LAGUNA woman winning honors is 1\Irs. \\1illiam Roley, a graduate slu· dent of Chapman College. who \Va.~ called to Washington. D.C. where she is making a Young Bill Roley received a bachelors degree al UC! in June and is continuing at the unive rsity a.~ a graduate student. lie i~ active in trying to organize a Free University lor Laguna Beach. Overexposure Stops Development of DEAR ANN LANDERS ; He.re·s how a vddow hanclled the situation when she found a box of pictures of nude women (and worse) under her teenage son's bed. 1.ta ybe it will help other mothers. J immie was 17, a good student, an outstand ing athlete aocl dated some but not a Jot. He never mentioned anything about sex and I didn't think ii was on his mind much -until I found those pie· lures. I was so shocked. Ann. t just sat down on his bed and stare<! into space for a full 15 minutes. Finally I hit on an irlea. 1 took the picture~ downstair.!I· and taped them on the lh•ing room wall. 1 decided it was the best way to let him know I had found them . After I gnt a good look at that trash 1aboul IS pictures ANN LANDERS ~ in all) I sent up a little prayer that my mother·in·law or the minister wouldn "t drop in on me unexpectedly. \Vhcn Jim came home he v.·ent straight I:> I.he fridge as always. lie yelled something about football practice then started ror the stairs. When he got to the living room he bellowed "Oh 1\fom . , .No! No! No ! No!'' I asked calmly. "Why not? If you like those pictures so 11.·e\l I.hat you keep them under yJur bed to look al I think they should be shared \\'ith our friends." Jim ripped !he piclures off the v.·all (tearing most of them in the process), hauled them to the incinerator and hi a match tG what w11s left of his collecllon. I ne ver mentioned the pictures again and ncilher did he . That was 10 years ago. J im now ha~ two son.~ of his ov.·n. I ).;now his 11.·ife is an avid reader of your column and shc "ll never know "'hen she sets this letter that her husband is the "tce.nager." -LAST LA UGH DEAR LAST : \\'hy don't you tell ber? ru btl 1he'd laugh wilh you -and she might even learn something that ml&hl come In handy later. DEAR ANN LANDERS: r am 22, of sound mind anrl body. and very 1nt1ch in lu\·e. J\.iy sv.·ectheart and I arc gelling n1arried in Decemtwr. I'd like to say sornelhing to all married people who read }'OUT colun1n . Herc is my message and please ask the lyptsetter to put it in hig print. IF' YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHI NG GOOD ABOUT ~1ARRIA GE, KEEi-' YOU R l\10UTH SHlIT. Photo Collection I've been getting nothing but cute remarks since I announced my engage· ment -such as "When ·s I.he funeral ?" And ''When are you joining the ranks of the enslaved~" Dorfl lhese people realize that when the9 knock marriage lhey put the finger on the1nselres:" 11H•y arr saying, ":\1y marriage is lousy. I \\'JSh 1 were single a,itain." Such sentiments are no! only an a1lmiss1on of failure but an insult to one's spouse. Anyone v.·ho dDf!!in·t see this is ob1use and stu pid . l"m sure you'll agree ancl I hope you'll say so. Thanks. Ann. -CALGARY. ALBERTA DEAR CAL: f do and I 1't'ill. Sach peo- ple ire obtust and •tupid. CONFI D~NTIAL TO A F'RIENO TO YOUR BROTHER : Look , Bub. I don't have a brother. You"ve gOI wrong in· formatio11 or'-a great hnaglnalion. l\1aybe boLh. Get losl. If you ha ve trouble gelling along with your parent., , , . II you ('Bn 't get them 'o le1 you live your own llfr. und lor Ana Landers' booklet. "Bu11tged by Parents:" How lo Gel t.lore Freedom." Send ~ cenls In coin wiUI your requf'sl 11nd a Joni::. stamped, S('lf.11ddrts§ed envelope. Ann Landers wlll be p;lltd to help yo11 with your problems. Sfo.nd them to Mr in care of thr DAILY .. 11..0T, enc!Oll nc a lelf·a ddre~sed, stamped t'nvelope. -----·-· .. -. -----··. --~----.... Z! !lATLY PILOT HB Juniors Active Wedding Pledges Said October Booms Pho ne Firm Return s Ring Out of one of the 30,000 bill payrnerit envelopes v.·h1ch ar- 1'1\'ed the other d<1 y al Southwe:.tern Bell 'fclephone Co. in St. Lou is t"a1ne a platinum dian1ond ring. WHO DOESN'T WANT A "TRULY SNOOTY FIGURE" ' .. .--' " MR. AND MRS. TORBITT Ill Color•do Honeymoon Assistance Names League Leaders New The Ambassador Hotel, Los .A.nge!es was the selling for rhe recent annua l conl'ention o{ National Assistance League. Elected to ser ve on the 1969· 71 board of directors were the J\1mes. Dick S. H cf f c r n , Anaheim , president ; .I. P. Brough, V t· n I u r a , rice president. standards: Byron \I. Kn obl auch. Arcadi;:i, vice president. philanthropic proJ · ccts: f.\Llcs \V. Ne1~·by J r , \,lendalc, vice president . head· quarters. and Allen B. Church. Albuquerque, corrrsponding secretary. Continuing on !hr l>0an! are the !\tmes. Ho1•1ard .J. \an)· mack; Sant<1 Barbara, .John T. Boyd Jr . Ne"'f>Orl Br:u·h: \Viltiam Jlo11•lan<! tlloorr. Lu<; Angele .'>; ~d11 ard IV . Narrll, t;pla nd; .John M. Young. Sau \la1eo, and Charlr s F. Nielsen, Santa f\1onil"<J , session was ~!rs. Burton V, Collins or Balboa Island, retir- ing presidenl of Ka tional Assist;incc 1.,('ague. and guest speaker 11·as Carl 'Terzian , 1 public affairs e x pc r t, businessman and youth leader. Votin~ delegates from the Newport Beath t·haplrr 1vcrc 1hc 1Vl mes. Robert l'. Fort.es, .luseph Clarkson, Thco<lore H11bins Jr. and Hugh K. \\'ri ght Hcprrsrn1ing the 1.:iguna B!'a t•h ChaptC'r \\Cft> .\·Imes. Thomas ll. Jones, \\'1!11~1 on Br;l(l\v:1y, .1 o h n :-iolon1on. 1';1ul Bef;'nu'r, ·r1io n1- :1 ~ ~1 addock, llooglas S1111lh, t':•lnl'k II M;indall. Hoy ·rhoroughn1an, Tho1n:1s R1ll!en :ind \l'dl1a111 T. l'hi !J 1p~. Attrnd1ni: fron1 rhe 1 llln· tuu.itnn B1·arll Ch:1p11·r 1"·re thf' ,\11nrs. Cil lx•rt 'fl1 rnbu!I, , J;11ne~ Sa}rr :+nd 11 u g h S!u\s1na n. ,..._ ---\ v ' ' . I ' ' I ~ ~ IEllZAl>l111 Ainii!J I I I 1 0 Do ' I I I [Q [QI I DD ...---. !:··· . ' -.. E liza beth Ard en face t reatment is much more t han just a facial An Elrza beth Arden expert in Bulfums' Red Door Treatment Room wil l he lp you discover delightful beauty secrets. You'll have a fa ce t1ea!menl and emerge with a luxurious new makeup as well as a radiant feel ing. Complete treatment, with makeup, lG.00 Beauty Stud ro, • ~lani tuits, ptd1;.J1ts, /dG!d !s a11d e let !1{ ·is s 1.ate Jflt:'rnoon nuptial rites \Vere read in SI. 1\ndrev•'s Presbyterian Church by the J1e v. lJr. Charles Dierenfield for Sarah .Jo:;cphine She"'ard and Alexander Torbit I 111. '!'hey are lh e daughter and son of Mr. and J\lrs. J\ly ron Ashley Sheward of Newport J-\each an d J\lr. and Mrs. Alexander Torbitt (Jf Jl ono!ulu. For 1he d ouble ring ceremony , the bride (·host· a point d 'csprit over pale pink taffeta ~U\\'11 \l'Jlh ('rnbrOi dered alencon lace accent· ing the bod1r e and sleeves. l·/er point d'esprit veil fell into a !rain lo complement the go,1·n. l\l r~. <:erard V. Thibault Jr. 11'as her sis· ler ·s inatl'Oll Of honor. and bridesmaids \Vere \!rs. Terrill A. She1rard and J\lrs. Alan ROI\'· !<ind , sister of 'lhe henedict. They 1vore auturnn purple crepe go11•11 s and had f101rers cnl1\·ined 111 their coiffures. F'lo1ver girl \\'as Jody Ro1v\and and ring Uearers 1\'erc Kent and Brent Rowland. .John Freitas served a s best man and u shers \1•cre Thibault. Shc1vard, brother of the bride. and Rov."land. A reception for 200 gue.s l s in the garden o{ the bride's parents' home fo\101ved the Cl':-ern ony. 1vhere the register 1va s circ ulated by l\1iss Susannah Ebsen. After hone,vn1ooning in Aspen. the ne11·ly- 'red s \vi!! reside in Newporl Beach. The bride. a fourth generation Cal iforn· Ian and 1966 J\'a lional Charity League dcbu· tante. altended Ari zona Sla te Univer s i!v and 1vas graduated fr on1 Orange Coast Coi'le ge. !·!er husband is a graduate of •the Uni · versity of Ha"'aii. A pu1npk111ful of candy, bet:u accepled for a lla llys11· punch and cupcakes wdl be ting clinic laking plaee i•1 the servrd when members of the t·lubhouse Saturday, Ott. 25. Huntington Beach J u n i or J\lore than 100 youngstl'rs \\10111an's Cl ub sponsor rt between ll and 16 yt'ars wLll Halloween party for child ren attend the cla sses which offe r in Fairview Stale llosp1t11t instructJon and ;idvice Jor Wednesday, Oct. 29. 110>'ict: and experienced baby· lo charge of arrangen1cnLs snter~. is /\!rs. John Flanagan. rn('n· tal health cha1r1nan, and a ~-!Jr. Burtor1 \V11!1s v. 1 l l sisting will be the ~11nes. Rot.I · pres.en! :1 lecture 011 "\\'li;11 l lJ rrt Farah. £;1r! Hale, Thoinas {Jo Lntil llcl11 Ar rh'r~.·· i\lr.s I Fisher, Erwu1 Zuehls. \\'ayne \\'ilhs. a reg1:-.tl're1I nursr. wi ll to.tonks. Rov J ohnson and J i:-.cuss "Care ;ind frcd1ng •if George Kcnl p. Infa nts.'' Following lhe par!y. the Thr f i r r depar1111cnt's! J\lmes. Flanagan. Hille. Farah rrpresentative "'Ill show ,., 1 and John Coutlre will aga in rnu\lt'. ··11avr a \Vonderf ul visit the hosp1!al lo sorl the l-.:\·<'n1ng." and dc1non~tratc candy for thr ehilrlrrn. :1rt1fici:i l resuseitn tion. Pol1l'f' Other Halloween prOJ<'l't.~ ~gL Jat k HeinhohL w 1 I ll planned by the .Juni ors include d i~L·uss •·\\'h.:it to On If You a puppel show. ··G eorg~" ll :ll'e Trouble .'' and fl1rs, Dale( which was presented last "'ef'k Hush ll'ill talk on "Ho1v lo in the c11 y·s 1na1n li brary and En tertain Chilrlrf'n and \\'hutl' annexes. l '<irt'nl.s E~pect " /\1rs. Karl Fass. assisted bv r-.1rs. t:rxly ~l'ans is in /\l rs. Richard c11rhslc an(J charge 11f the chnh:: and t.·!rs. Samue l Ed ge. were in a~sistin~ 11·111 be the :\il!n es. ehargc of the ptcscntation and llrurc Burton, Karl Ha1n1ner, currently arc 11 1 an n in g Nc:;il Van Haverbekc. J!'rry ::inothcr tu lake plat'e in Kenefick and Honald Nuvko v. 'fhe Juniors have a hospital January. b!'d complete "·ith side rail!i "I opened the envelupe and the ring just tuinbled uut,'' said th e clerk. The check w h i c h ac· companied the bill and ring was traced. Thl' customer s.iid :.be had r(·n111ved her ring as she \1'3S writing chl'c ks ;Jnd did nnl n1Jss it until after she had 1nailed her payn1ent ~. VISIT US •.• ~ Be fo re the Sto,k Yi~ils You For Yo~• CoMplel• M••••n ilv w.rclrob. ,, rea10"1bl• p•i<•• J\1rs. Jack Hall. safely and an ample supply o! chainnan. has announced 1hal children's and adult '.~ crutches 12.000 llallo"·cen fl yers ivil! be Ill their mf'dical closet \l'hich distributed in bo1h school ;ire available for loan to Hun· 1ti stricts. Ocean Vie w and tington Bea(·h residents at no CATHY'S Huntington Bc<1ch. They coo· charge. DO YOU DARE ... .. e•• u,;, v••<1 loc ~.1 .•• Yo u kno w !~e ,,..,nqv. <l<nqv, cul out i hin"' tlio! •~••"I ,.,cry l,n~ <JI you r f«;i u'• good ~nd bod. DO YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL .... untd yo• look •' vo u• fig. ur e in th• l'l"'1rror l "H•ppv i'o•p•," ~<>I >O f,,,., tho9h1 .• c~I of bound wo11 llin• ~•n Molt •"Y on• l•t l 1 liHle blue. "'" "dos" """ "do"'''' Joe Thev '" io '""1 crl "1" MATERN IT.Y SHOP Halloween and 1--l rs. Hall illliona1 1\'hee! chai rs, <ind l ~ urges parents to read the m ;inyone \\'lshing to donate a1 176'7 Nr,.port l lYd. SO WHAT carefullv. ehui r inay c~ntact !\lrs. Ole! Cosio M~a 6~6-5181 SHOULD A MaxirTiurn rcgistratiun ha"i ~A~l~m~'~'~'~· !84~7~-03;!97~·----~==::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::i,~~ II GIRL DO? . Be Glod They Slill Moke Pic;turH Li~e Thi1! F;,d . olc.p worrvinq be<"'"' G Id B k '"C hold !~• •<!<c t lo vour . . 0 00 "'° , uu<Onl"'"'lt L.!oJ p•dod Jig.,,_ Yoo w.11 loo' I • ._ -"-"' ,;:.'.":""'.-"o...,.• """°"1 '1-·'"-~--l~S l'P!-1 ~! ~:"ti... ...... ~..·-... ' •AJ.~, r.\lo~."' 1li,, ·--· -, loveli er, •od >hftp•lier l hdll ..F". l.Jlllllte'eJllC" ~ru J l'.l~'~lft."3... you c•cr dre•'n•d po 11 ;b l~. 'Salesmen' • s torh wed11~doy. L100, Newport •A..-Eu:1u1i•e! j RESULTS l ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!l!!i!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!~" GUARANTEED ... Get Pitch Prcli111inary plans hal'c bcl'n c·oinplctcd and it's · · a 11 ~~'-"\cm." go" for 1h<' ninth ('d i·1 uon of 1hl' r;nld Buok. 10 be prt·~t n1 cd by Angl·l11os de Oro' at 1ls annual ball April 2;, in l th1' llalbcia ll;iv Club. 1'hr :1ux1hafy of 1hr Big Hro!hc rs u! Or11ng1• Co unty \ has the Gold Hook a'\ iL'\ rna- 1 jor fund·rJJSlng f'Vtnt of the! yrar. !\tcmbrrs g.1 1hcred in the hornc of r.1rs John P. Candon for a buff el lunchl!nn "'here , the presidenl. tllrs. \Villia1n S Hol~tein prrscntcd (;old Book chainnan /\lrs. John F . I Porter. 1vho 111 turn introduced lhe guest speaker, .Herbert p!anche L I Blanchet. pr(·sident ci r Blanchet Ad1·er11sing Agency.I Newport Beach. spoke on the 1 advisability of kef'ping up with t·hanges in advrrl1Sl'r nrcds Cru isi ng Wes t :ind the position of the Gold Book in thr com1nunity. Dl'parling aho;:i rd lhc i\lals on Lines SS Lurline for Thr auxiliary Pr c s c n t s llonolulu :11HI a tr .. cl1t1 onal aloha \\'C'lcome are Costa S'l!".i.OOO ~·early to Hig Brothrr~, ' ' • " HIS AN D HER INITIALS Rings that are very now and ours alone. In 14 karat gold with d iamond i"lnd black oxidized finish around initials. ChoicC of his or hers W ith 2 ini tials, S 125. W ith 3 initials, S 135. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. S LA_VI C:K'S Jeweler ~ Since 1917 I 8 FASHIO N ISLAND NEWPOR T BEACH -b44 -I 380 " to r \~·ork wilh fa thrrless and \lt•,,111 <: :\I r. ;u1d .\!rs. 'J'l'cl f~rick son (top) and \Ir. troubled bo~·s in Orange Coun-Op•l'I Mond•y. Frid•y until 9:30 p.m . . ind .\!rs. I !a l il l'ilr:'~·----------------''XY~· -----------'=======================' HEY MOM. • • You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT ... ADULTS WELCOME • '1'.111 ~LI \0: \.Hl 'HAL CO LOll '. ~od .1k (_ldDr l'roJuc t~ lJ~cJ cxclus it C'- ly hT ~k rllt'd, rrutc ~~1ona l portrait rho1osr.1plit'r~. • .C ll l Ll lllE ~ A\O AOLl.T,: t....roup1: Only 1Jl)( pt'r 5uhjc(L J"u!J po~c. • ::.-.\T l.-:FAC1.llJ\ <·l \ll \.\I Jo.tU : )"ou mu1r be plc:tscJ or )our monC\' 1~ rt'fundl'd. • orn:R IS LI MITED' One portrait r cr :!oub1ccr, /llU rt r fim dr. .·l l'f1ilr1b/1• a t Ilic }'ol/01.ci11g Scars Slore.~ -12:3() lo 8:3 () /1.,ll. Sears " ,..· • r'l>:....-:~ . ...... ·-... --·-~ Ou• •peoi•I be•ulv reduo•n'l proq,om l•le, t~e 9 ue•• wo'~ oul of 1e1ulh. 1h,.f'1 w~v we ~·e oble 10 'l""" •n•ce in '"''''"'l tl1•1 we woll hrlp vou b•n•1h a w~y ~•t •Y correcfobl• l•qur e fo ul! 111 the ,Ocrlc•I f,.,,e po111bls. YOU'LL LOSE MORE INCHES ond pound• fo· le" jh"" ycu•d poy on •nv o!her PfO• 'l'""'· •o ••o d ''"'"'"ho n. dot h p !/,. d'"9' or 10 ca1i .. d r-M prcg••"'' wrtk ,., ... mum co•llv 10'19 lt•M t or!••<" olfered by m•"V I~·~~ <~~'" Sp •1 ~"d s,.1001 •I Sli •P• Shoppe• ... ~·e on· Iv rn l•r ~•l•d on help,n9 vou ~<Du''" II tnO•e beouf,f.,I f,q. urt '" !ho .~orlt1l !•Mc po•· ..b.: •. "'111'1!'W'l!l""'1 liTART YUUR NEW FIGURE TODAY! S COMPLETE TREATMENTS ONLY s5 Offer i5 l;mited to fir1t 30 <coflcr5. 0~~ by !he WDV, while you're ')ellin'I your lruly '"ooly ti9.,re i:l on'I ,.o.,y obo"I your lots, we ha•e free child c111e . , • 511 coll new for Dur sp•eiol Foll get·llt~u ointed offer. U line• D•• bu~v plcose coll botk. SHAPE SHOPPES INC. THE HOM(: OF Tll Ut't' ~NOOTY 11.lSULTS 642-7032 Buff urns· fl ....,x.it ,l f 11hi0t! h l1»d N1wp0t! Ccnltli • 14~·2200 • M6n.,Th~1 1 .,r1i. i0.00 ldl ,,;io 0\ht l 0•~1 10 :00 \111 ~:!t CAN OGA PARK Oct. 27 thcu Nov. h t COSTA MESA Oct.27 Jhou Nov. 1st GLENDALE Oct. 27 Ihm Nov. 1st LONG BEAC H Oct. 27 thou Nor. I st ORANGE Oct. 27 thcu Nov . 1st PASADENA Oct. 27 thcu Nov. 1st POMONA Oct. 27 thrn Nov . 1st SANTA ANA Oct.27thrn Nov, lst SANT A FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thru Nov . I st ' TOR RANCE Oct. 27th thcu Nov. I st VA LLEY Oct. 27 thcu Nov. 1st 1801 Newport Blvd. Co5fa Mesa S.tlon Hour~ 9 lo 9 De lly Sal. to 2 1 , _________ _ -. ' . - - ---' ' " ~ T• ,. " -;--•-,--_.,...,-,,--"r->.,,....' , • .., -'' --t · -"'' .. -'--.--• --.----.-1 .,. -r~-·-----y--.---,,,---,---.•-,-.-:-• ..---.~----• l• "• "I ----r -.. -• -,. --.,• ·--,-,-.·•-1·---, -.. --..--.--..·-~·y-•.,...'f.....-.-M ... -., ...... -·~-,....~-• .,,...,.,.,,,....,.,, ..... 0 .. L~E .. ORO.,,...,pP'"•C Mond.ay, lktobtr 27 . 1%1't Heml ine Hangup Over Designers Look Backward for Ideas NE\Y YORK iUPIJ lhat a woman should look y;ith bi(, aathered skirts and tie navy blue dress with lht them. Fashion is over ils hemline prdlily girlish, you can ht~ a. waiat.lioes nipt:'ed neaUy in touch~ of white, • la Kitty The Benn collection is built h lot of other designers in all •with ribbon sa!!!hes. Among tht. Foyle, the white collar 11lrl around the pretty, soft look , hangup. !l's now caug t up Ln . 1· I ·11 l '" Ill l lo I I . Chrl,Joph•r .M or I • y i·m· lgh d price 1ne.'> •so WI ge uie pre es - a ng orma In ,_ ~ r t own to the flatlering a sortness mood. 1nessage. horiiontall y s t rip ed pep-mortalited. colors. The firm \lo'hich made Prediction that worry about Sarmi gives fashion the soft permint red and white. Some ol the best ot these Patricia Nixon's pale yellow hemlines is over COf(l.~S fr om touch with long formals in Sleeves billow in some of the come from Harvey Berin, inaugural ball gown shows a one influential designer 1,1'ho asso11ed shades of chiffons, formals wilh Geoffrey Beene, where designer Karen Stark wh ole flock of pastels for day e)(presses a rnood prevalent the skirts with enough ya rdage too, and wlth ...ame of the does wh ite on navy with and evening, v.•i!h them wear- OAIL 'f PILOT ~3 SANTA'S ADVICE "l rl"' ,...., ltMlftlf>t ........ ·-l(Nll WIT!" \of•'" Ioli..! ••Ito NM'I Nr cPlrkl-1 IH" -tltto .... t •ft -· \'9WMlll lf! ~~ "' ....... -1,..11 .. r 11.ftttt .. MKllhlel THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST ,LAZA lt'"'u Ltvtl 0pJ19oile WMl-nll'I lrl1tol •f Sin CHeto 'wy. Coat• Mn• f'hone 545-2112 to cover a tent. the bodice .cv.cning clothes the mood \\'a.'> Puritan collars, plus pussycat ing names likt" moonstone throughout the spring col -often .'>olidly encrusted \lo'ith so Victorian that the models bow.'> of satln or taffeta at the (orfwhite), muffin 1a toasty lcctions from n1a1or Nt•w York jewels. carried little booquetll of throat, or gilet insets of white beige). bashrul tpale, pale firms in the 1nidsl of sho\•11ng for the new season. he's at flowers. with lace piping. These come blue), and clover pink (about 1 !heir ne"•est for milady to the -~hi~s~be:s~J~in~fla~J~Je~c~in~g~g~i,~ls~w~i~lh~i_F~o~r~d~a~yti~'lm<~, ~w~a~tc~hJ!~oc~!h~e-~i n~~l~ig~h:lw~<Jig~h~l ~'~'c~<l~'~'u~· a~I'~' JJ~he~""~m~<~s:h•:d:•_•:s~th:•~p:la:n:\~1 ~~~~~~~~~~ nation's !!!lore buyers. new. puffy sleeved numbers return of• f1vorile -the lit-wool.'> -a Berin name for blossom !. UPI T•l•~h•to1 ROMANTIC YE STERYEAR -f\r ach1ng into the past for fashion ideas is Sarmi 1,0.:ho offers a red and white striped fl oor length go11'n (above) a nd Beene accents the Victo1ian age with thi~ fuJJ-s kirled n11d i. OCT. 27th thru NOV. 5th ONLY! e "MIRACLE" WIGS e The mood on hemlines now is a miiny-le ngthcned thing, lrorn rnini to ankle-long max1. Choose your n1ost becoming : the designers have quit v ying to dictate lengths. F'or, as designer Chester Weinberg says, ··Obviously fashion is past the hemline hangup. Bul realizing that the length th;it is right for you is the goi ng length . how do you ha nd le that r e a 1 i t y ·~ Doesn't proportion still dictate righl from wrong whatever tl1C' length ?" You sec. what We inberg and others arC' saying is -if you look srnashing in a mini, then wear it. II not, go longer. Important for spring is the mood of sof1ness, a prettiness, a trend that has "threatened" fo r several seasons and now engulfs spring ready-to.w~r. A lot of it JS U1e softness of nostalgia, a recall of the bygonC' \\'hen r ab r i cs ffgu ratively "floated," "'hen delicate rlo1,1•ers bloomed on them. 1,1·hen chiffons and organzas and laces had it all over cardboard-stiff materials. So me of the new things for late day look like they just walked out of yesterday's album.'> of pi ctures taken at garden parties. All you need add is a big leghorn hat. "Clothes are coming in very soft ," is the way Tom Nasar· re. designer al Jun io r Sophisticaics puts ii. ''It 's the 111osl in1port an1 thing that has happened. Clothes 'are \'Cry bca u!iru l on the body " They're just beautiful. period, al the design salon of Ferdinando Sarmi. Sarmi's prices \vou!d stagger many pocketbooks (his dresses retail from $16:i on up lo $1 ,00J l, but ~·hen this designer decrees w.,h •,,,..we~''•""· roll the m "II lot l<•vel ••••I 100'1. l(•~•kt lo~ libt'I "''"' them lr uly "m"•d e '"'9'' ! ' Regulacly 24.95 I Regularly 29 ,95 SALE ... , . 17.95 SALE •.... 22.95 e CASCADES e For tktl • Soet•ol E··~j~9" -vi ...• 9 lol'"O•OIJI 100 ·. h ~ ..... ft htor ct•ct d t -A foo L J.u!~ lo•tly! REGULARLY 17.95 SALE e HUMAN HAIR WI GS J ul,~11• H~nd /,n;1hed "•g• ~I 1>.nn'"&"~'V S~le ~,.,,, ~' ~o·. O~F! DARK SHADE S Reg. 107.00 BLONDE /SALT & PEPP ER -Reg , 115.00 . FROSTED & PLAT IN UM -Re g. 125.00 e WIGLETS e • 12 .95 54.00 57.00 62.00 Com "lill"tnt your Co•ll•U• .. ;1h • l~bulou• wu:i let! In 1o lid1 , ,,11 & pt p- p1r1, & l101!ed 1h~de1. "TOPPERS" -Reg . 4.95 "The WIGG LE " -Reg. S.95 __ "The MA XIE" -Reg. 11.95 , e FALLS e .. SALE 3.50 .. SALE 5.95 SALE 7.95 ti yo . cl uced • ,,,.,.,.,e" d o"'t ..,;,. the•• !ow~r·lh•~·•••r P"Ct 1! We've 1e- •1dy low lo .. pri~f!I f or thi1 lfe'.itl An"i¥1fllfy t vtnl! DEMI , , .LLS -~ave 4 to 7 - 18" to 20 " FALLS -Save 4 to 7 - WI G FALLS -Sa.e 7 lo 12.00 .... NOW _NOW ..... NOW LONG FALLS -Save S lo 17.00 -,, ,, NOW 22.95 32 .95 42 ,95 52 .95 To kttp~~~~~.~~~~tl1~~t, ~~~;~~k i~~~1~I~ 1lvl1J, I Reg. 3.95 Now. 2.75 Reg, 4.95 Now 3.45 ' I" 1•·1 'I I. WIG and BEAUTY SALON 250 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Phone 548-34'46 IAN ~AM ElllC.A.11 0 Daily 'Ii i 5:30, Thurs. ind Fri, 'til I MASTlll CHAllOI I Do uble Dr•,••t V1rtic11 Mirror 75.00 1'49.00 S0.00 l·DrCJW~r Ch11t . , -... , .1 79 .00 Niqhl Sf,,,d ....... . O p1n p,,,.1 Do ubl•/. Qu•e,, or Twi,, ..... = 65.00 NOW IN OUR SPECIAL CHILDREN AND TEEN SECTION WHIMSY~ Happine1s to the young is o room with a personality to call their very own ..• and now you con erect• that special wonderland w ith this totally new b•droom collection-WHIMSY by Drexel •.• a bold e x· plosion of today 's colors! Antiqued ond glazed in sunshine yellow to a super-tough finish that defies every spill, even 1he most stubborn stains. Turn !hem on w ilh p ie ces spla shed w ith gay pop-art flowers in butterscotch, yellow and whit e ••. some in smartly striped contrasting colors! f ive bed styles, three mirror designs, corner desks •.• 24 pieces in olll So many ways to brighten their rooms, it's like having furni ture custom-mode iust for youl If you're w ith it, don't be w ithout ii ... bridge the generation gap with WHIMSY by Drexel, now at J. H. Biggar in their e;ii:tensive and specie.I children-teen section ••. a l all three stores! -·· .. ''" -·-.. ..__,~ .. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS• INTERIOR DESIGN SANTA ANA; M•ln at lleventh Store p,_ M.-Y lw•illp 'TH t P·"" Chiv•! Mirror .............. 1'4•.0l) V•nity B•nch ................ 55.00 PASADENA Cel•r•tle •t II Melhte POMONA le1t ef O•r., • --------------------------------------------·--·~-------------------- -=u~_O_A_l_LY_P_IL_O_T _______ M_ood_a_i_Octo~r 27. 1%9 Sixth Graders Attuned to Youth Concert Horoscope Headlines Spotlight Gemini TUESDA y yo11r fa1'0r. You have been depend upon linancial decision personality to shine. Personal forewarited . today. magnetism is bright, OCTOBER 28 LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22\: SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Ftb. By SYDNEY OMARR Accent on how you deal with Dec. 21): DQ plenty or observ-18): Status quo moves a11ide. Q u est i o n s which seem ing. Re aware of public rela-Ycu can bring forth style. NEWS SPOTLIGHT: 111och abstract. Key is to separate lions. Take nothing for Make impression th r o u ah that wa1 controversial Is set-reality from illusion . ~leans granted -applies espeeially creative endeaYors. Keep u~ tied. Clash of Ideas proves avoid wishful thinking . to legal area. You arr: able to lo-date. stimulating. Gemini makes SCORPIO tOcL Z3-Nov. 21 ): complete important project. PISCES (Feb. 1'-March 20): headlines. Bot what was rx-CAPRICORN 1o-. 22-J a". Money affecting close associa· ""· .. Your thoughts are toWard U · pecied-in way of walkoul--lion, par l n er sh l p ls 19): Create new image . Fellow pansion. You want to m1ke simply does not octur. spotlighted. If you accept ad-workers want to better un· certain moves. But there are ARIES (March 21-April 19): ded responsibility, rewards dersland you. Applies also to chores whi ch demand im- Accent on short journeys •. ,.•~r~c~g~r~o~at~e~r.~Yi.iiou~riif~u~I u~r~e~ciiou~l~diiii~"~';""~'ii''~'ii''o.i"~e~ig~hiibo~rii'~-~P~e~r~m~it ... ~m~ediiiii a~liie..ia~ltii'"~"ii-'~"~-iiiiliiliijj dealings with relatives. YouJ I \~'i ll need a sense of humor. Fo rces appc<ir s ca t l e r c d . Finish one thing at a time. TAUHUS (Aprl! 20-May 20)· I '.11onl'y see m~ drawn to yoL1, Key is to he recep\1\'e. Heed ! \"Oice of experience. Don "t upset persons Y.'ho ha ve your 1 interests at heart.. Guard! possessions. GEi\-llNl (!\fay 21-June 201 Yollr versatili1y conics to fore. You are able to impress. But don't trv to s ub s titute showmaiishlp for ac t u a I knowledge. Cycle high: take initiali\'e. But know what you \\ant. CANCER (,lune 21-July 22): FINE BAKERY Dilly Bread An old t ime ces5ero!e bread, baked with col· te9e cheese, dill a nd on ion . Very light. Com•' in its own tin. 59c Puck. Ille n1ischievous elf from '".". ~·!id s ummer \'i,ght'!> Dream" wit\ con1e to life fo r sixth graders fron1 the Ne,,.,.·port-Mesa Unified School Dis trict. Laguna Beilch and private area schools u'hen they ;:ittend the fir st free Youth Concert of the season . California Chamber Symphony, under the direction of founder llenri Temianka will play two programs at 10 and 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 7, at Ne\vport Harbor ll 1~h School. Sponsor is the Orange County Philhar· n1on1c Society. Keyed lo the performance arc f!eft to right\ Kris tin Hog anson, Katy Krupp and Greg Noble \\1ho portrays Puck. Accent on what happens be- hind t11c scene. Get current tasks completed. Temptation is to skip details. Thal would be an error. Glamorous individual pays you meaningful com- pliment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Change, ex c itement ol discovery are fe a tured . Welcome new acquaintances. Don't permit emotional annor to block experiences. Pumpkin Pie Richard's v•lvefy pumpkin pie, a perfect d•s· 111rt for a Halloween dinner. $1 .55 Polalo Rolls A f•vorite little dinner roll, partieul•rly 9ood· w 1tn ,hie.ken. 6 for 34c lndlanvBread 'Mothers' Life Lengthened' Planned Parenthood Advocated VIRGO" (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ). Spotlight on prestigc, standing in corrununity. Get family backing. Strive for greater domestic harmony. Only then will significant events swing in P Janncd 1nolherhood tends to lengthen the life span of \1·omen and decrease the percentage of mental illness afflicting women. profe ssor of psychiatry al UCLA School of Medicine. So strong is his conv lclion that parenthood should be planned he has y.•orkcd for 20 years to reform the stal e abortion law. This JS lhe belief of Or. Jerome !'If. K11mmer, clinica l He discussed why he hi-l s now i:J C/.rij/1naj e Arti1.t Meterieh. e Craft Supplies e Trains & Models fhe lime lo Register Now! PHONE 642-5663 e 'AP'fll MACHE e GOLD LU~ING 8 DECOUPAGl e FIGUlE DlAPING e ~IGoUlE PAINTING e lESIN e CHlllSTMAS FIGUllES e Ml. • MllS. SANTA CLAUS Largest in Harbor Area COAST CREATIVE ARTS CRAFTS '"' HOBBIES 1881 PARK AVE . • COSTA MESA Orie Block Writ of Hiirbor Blvd. •t ltth come lo the conclusion hefore niorl' !han 200 11•oml'll at- trnd1ng a lecture, the fif!ll in a CC Ex tension pr::igram series at CCI enlillcd The SJ Prrc('nt 1\l1norily. Dr .. Kumn1 cr. a forn1cr rnn- sullant ;1l Ctirnarilto ;inti 1\!ascadcro State hos.pital~. rlain1ed tha1 two percent or ·th e \1t1mcn adrnittcd to mental 1nst1tut1ons arc there beeausc of reasons related to unwanlcrl pregnnnciE's and th<it l in c1·cry 500 h1 rths result s -1n the mother suffering some Jrgrce of mental illnt'ss. l!O\\'e1·er. abortions ca11;e very li tllc mental ris ks, he asserted . Solution to u n ..,,. a n I t d rhildrf'n is twa.-fokt. first. parenthood r an W'planned by the uM" of contrattptiv~s. a.nd he ad1·ocatl!d 1he ust of the 1'111 v.·hlch he calltd tl'lc clo5"1 to perfec tion 11c tould hope for . Adm l!\lng tha! no con· traccpt1re is 100 percent rerfect. he i 11 tl i r a l r ct 1herape11IH' ;1bor11011 JS the <iltcrna!i \'e v.·hcn an unwanted pregnancy occurs. He claimed the 1'111 h.1s en1anclp<1\l'd \I' u n1 e n hy free ing them sexu all y, but he tlid not blaine the Pill entirely for the rise in premarital re\a. !1un.,. In lacl. t1c 1loubts that then' 1s m11th 111 ore pre1nn ri1al sex going on tnda~ tlJ;in J11 gcqc rat1ons pa~t. Hr lrfl!-i !hr "S\11ngcr<' ~111n~ 11 11h each other. <inrl leave others alone. ;ind hr PB IN TED OUTING FLANNEi Cuddly 1.oft, snuggly warm, r~1lly neat for the Lollypop Set on cold end blu•tery win· tl!r nights Gre•t designs for tiny tots. mod colors for awingy teena, special florals for moma and pops on 100°/o cotton. Umpty colors, umpty designs, and umpty uus, too COMPARE AT 59c YARD 36"WIDE GUAR . WASHABLE .._ ___ . NOTIONS HUNTINGTON CENTER EDINGER AT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH YARD Df<Af'Lf<lf_S 897·801 l OPIN MON. THllU fRI. 10 'TIL' P.M. -SAT. "TIL I P.M. IANlt"AMfRICAlD I MASTE~ CHAlGE ACCfP'l!D doesn't see premarital sex as .1 social problem. "'An 1ndividu<1I problem," he said . continuing, .. I really ha\'C nothing ;i.gainst it." He is a propont'nl of the trial mar- n<igc concept "provided it is );One lrito v.·ith lo~·c. respcc· !ability anll rcspons1 bll1ty by thr p::irtners." \\lhJ l he abhors JS shotgun marriages. WEIGHT till!\ And. he rccommcnrls won1cn \8'., We have ell man ner of delect ible confections, tiny petit fours, merinque s~e ll 5, frothy special cakes. In feet, with a little notice, we can do just a bout a nythin9! n1.:irry1ng rnen younger than WA"Ji(HERS. they bet•ausc then their scx1 ,,, " dr11·e.s y.·ould tend to be more 1 Som! lalkinq, ~ome !i;tening •nd equal. and because women hvc1 a program lhat works. '• longer there V.'ouldn '~ be ~u1 5JREE IROCHURl-CAll 135-5505 --£.~LIDO CENTER many 1,•:ido11,·s around. FINAL WEEK Mon., Oct. 27 thru Sat., Nov . 3433 VIA LI DO ST ART NOW .•• Only 7 weeks 'till Christmas l,ook ~·our best for the Holidays and don't m iss the final 'veek of Gloria J\lar- .sh~1lls 1-.: price nffer on !'pot reducing for either hips or \vaist . This sper.:ia ! price 1" fo 1· hins ond \1 a1~t only and is in conjunction v.'lth Glo ria !\.larshall's regular l '1ogr~n1 . ... !f you arc one of the million! of American women with a "bit' hip problem ••. or, !f th~ tum~y needs inching back to give ~ou that youthful Blender appearance, don t m1fls thi5 offer. It saves you ~1 the pnce on hips or waie:t reducing and. of course, Gloria M11.rshall'~ _prices are always l!WI •.• much less ••• than charged by any ot.her syst.em of slendenzlDg salons for l'.--omen. Call us and come in for a sample visit ···no c.barge or obligation. acWal.ly use the special reducing machines during y our :-amrle visit. 'VE ARE NOT A GYM! • Gloria Marshall director of the WORLD'S LARGEST owned and operated Figure Control System says· "L()SE \VEIGHT s~-PAY B'f THE l:\CH!"' \Vhy buy a years n1c1nbership in a Gym lo try and Jose weight through strenu- ous exercise 'vhen you can bu y effortle~s weight reduction and pay by the inch at Gloria 1\1arshall's ..... Gloria !\.l arshall arranges a PERSONALIZED pr o~ gram fo r each indivi du al. Programs are based on "Inches to be Los t" and the number of visits it \\'ill take. Each individua\"s \11eight loss n1ay vary depending upon age and other factors. "Tell ua the df'e6l!I 1ize you want to wear, and we'll tell you hew many vi.sit.a it will take and guarantee in writing that yoa will reach your goal In fact, so absolutely poaitiwi are we tbat you will obtain your objective, that as stated ill our suanmtee, we will ev.n let you have FREE OF CHARGE IDY and all further . . . , Vl81ts, until you reach your goal It'a positiwrusunnce that we back up our guarantee 100%. Call Now for a Free Samp~ Visit! ]NEWPORT BEACH 673·63&0 .. ' ..... ' . Come in comfortable casual cliJtha, disrobing ~. Private playroom facililin far ~ small chUdrm. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS ..., .......... ____ _ .~~.~~~.~~w~E~~~ 12 lloc•s Ent ef lalHe 1..-Cl•bl ANa.NE IM, llYlllLY NII.LS. COVIHo\. CltfNSll•W. OOWNlY. GtENO,t,LI!., L.r.11.IWOOD, I.ON• &f,t,CH. NEllVPOllt eE•tH, NOll.tH 1401..LYWOOO, O"'TA.1110, PA5AOINA. S.t.N OlliCO, IAHT.11 ........ t ANTA IA .. e•ll:A, IUNL.lNG. TA.ll;lAHA, WH!Tl llll. S11Gnt tiff I• l't:ll NO, IA(lllAMIN'feo I AH J051. JUNNYYALI, WALNUT tt:Ell(. 1140 WIST 17tlo ST., 54].,457 SANTA ANA C~pyr&.ht 1961 Gloria M.,-sJ.11M1t.C..1-. ' Cardigan Variations ~ e/~cv 22':1.·~ ""°' JJ~1t-[1 '"'.II"""-" NS-338-2 SKIRT ' Irene ..l'..~lfl Gilbert&,) The cardigan has been revived! Here i t is in lengths. . . Sandi Kanani Fox Now Mrs. Fred T. Guibault Exchanging wedding pledg- es and rings during an evening ceremony Ill Glad Tidings Assembly 0£ God Ch urch. Newport Beach were Sandi Kanani Fox and Fred T. Gui- bault, both of Costa Mesa. The Rev. Thomas Benvenuti performed the nuptials for the daughter of Mrs. Clarence Lee and Alexander K. Fox, both or Honolu lu and the son of Mrs. Evelyn Guibault of San Clemente. The bride, given in marri- age . by her father, donned a floor length wh ite crepe em- pi re gown adorned with lace and pearls. !fer veil ing "-'35 caught to a petal headpiece and she carried white carn.'.l- tions and pikaki strands. Miss Kathy Ray v.·as maid of honor in a long orange crepe gown. Attending as bridesmaids In yellow dresses were ~tiss Sheryl Murdock . and the bridegroom·s s.isters, Mrs. David Miller and ~1rs. {, ., Steven Leetch. \ Miss Sheri Benvenuti anrl Carey Fox, cousin of the bride, were candlelighters while Marci Horton served as flower girl. Jim Fitzpatrick was asked to stand as best man while ushering duties were assumer! by Miller, Mike. Fitzpatrick and Jerry Sommers. Christo- pher Knight was ring bearer. MRS. GUIBAULT Fa ll Bride Wayne Braman of Riverside, and ~1rs. 1'1able Duncan of Snn Diego. the brid e's grand- mother. Following a \\'Cdding trip to Las Vega s the newly\veds arc mak ing their home in Costa r-.1esa. The former Miss Fox is in her junior year at So11thern California College and majOr· ing in sociology. Her hushand is a graduate of Orange Coast College. . ' - Boosters Cheering For Band ., ..... ' -... ~ Trojan league Accepts New SD Chapter The Association <>f Trojan Leagu~ chartered its thir d Chee.ring for the spirited 80--chapter , San Diego, during a. member marching band of luncheon in the San Diego Huntington Beach High School Yacht Club. c.re parents and friends ~·ho Among the special gueilS tnn'e organized a booster club. was r-.1rs. Clark Somers, presi· 'fhe next meeling of the dent of the Orange County group will take place at 7:JO Trojan League. Association p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29, in representatives attending tlie school. were the Mmes. Emett Jones, Serving as officers of the Laguna Beach; William E. new parent organization are Fortner, Balboa Island ; G. Earl Roach. chairman; Mrs. \Villiam Grundy, Newport Beach, and Arthur G u y , ' ' DAILY PILOT %5 Charles Johnspn, secretary; Corona del r-.1ar. Dr. Walter Winters, treasurer, The Orange County Chapter. 1 and Mrs. John Ober, publi· was formed in 1961. city . 1 ;:::=========. Carltons Costa Mesa's Finest Men's Store must close its door forever due to the passing of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationally ad· vertised brands in men's cloth· ing, sportcoats, slacks, and in fine furnishings of shirts, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obligations all our prices have been marked down 300/o to 600/o, Come prepared to buy, this is Orange County's biggest going out of business sale. The baod. direcled by Doug WEICHT CONTROL C. Scou, has performed at foolball games and other, school funclions and also rep resents the community in ' parades throughou t t be 1 southland. Wrinkles Banished Classes in fa clal isometrics will be offered again at the Sant.a Ana -South 0 r a n g e County YWCA, Santa Ana, beginning next Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Teachers of the series is Asher Snider, author, in- structor and lecturer in the Iic\d of facial isometrics for more than 35 years. Snider contends that 90 per- "' GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN B. THOMPSON, MD Call for oppoh1trMttt 646°0251 0,..i Monday thr• frlday 1827 We1tcliff Dr. Newport Beach Would you like a fresh start? ... _ ......... . -___ ...... ..,..-.... -·. '.···. _,.,... . ..,...,._. MEN'S SUITS . . You'll Jove wearing this casual design. Not~ the deep V-neckline edged in contrast that continue s down the front. A perfect design for the marvelous knitted fabrics in the shops today, v.•hether they be ribbed ribboned, plain or patterned. The reception followed ln the church hall where 11iss Benvenuti circulated the guest book among 125 guests. Among those congratulating the couple v.·ere Joseph J. Fox and r-.1iss Lucky Fox, both of Honolulu, the· bride's brother and sister ; cent of all wrinkles are self-in-Come to this OUR REG. duced and that wrinkles rarely Christ'ian Sci·ence Lecture $79.0D 61879, cardigan; and ~S-333-2, ski~; are cut i!1 f\itisses sizes 8-16. 61879. size 12, reqwres ap~rox1- mately 2!A yards of 54" fabric and 1% of~· co~­ trast for long version and 1 % yards of 54 fabnc and 1 yard of 54 " contrast f~r short version. NS- 3~2. size 12, requires approxunately l lh yards of 54'' fabric. Focus Put On Debate V I are irreversible. 0 u n tee rs Ao eveoiog "ries will begio "'" AM • '''""'' No-. I SUITS SUITS SUITS '' d N 3 t1 30 H11n+;n9ton Cin•ll'I • Th11tr1 ~r~;onal, wi~~-ing afur~herP·rn: Be1,h Blvd.•' Elli• I $29 $39 $49 To order 61879 or NS-338-2; state size, include name address and zip code. Send $1.25 plus 25 cents' postage and hand.lin.g for 61879 and $1 plus 25 cents postage and handling for NS.338-2. Combi~ nation offer $2.50 postpaid for both. Requested forn1ation may ca!l the Y. 542-Sponu>r1d bv th1 I Firil C~urch <>I Chd 1l, Sc•en1;,1 I A request for volunteer ~;~~~~7d~· '~~~h~~\~~,~~~;i;;eiiiiis iiaii'iiaiiilaOlbiile~~~H~·~··~'"~"~'"iiiiii'·~·~·hiiiiiiiiiiii~, NOW NOW NOW The Tole of debate will be workers has been issued by !ii the topic at a dinner meeting the Crealive Day Care Center. A Turn Off TVs planned by C-Ouncil Six of Santa Ana. Jntemational Toastmistress Volunteers are needed to Clubs Monday, Nov. 3. assl~t the three nursery school ' Toastmistress clubs fr om a!! teachers in pr 0 vi din g over Orange County will supervised educational ex· galher in the Greenbrier Inn, perience ror pr c 5 ch 0 0 I Garden Grove, at 7:30 p.m. for children whose mothers are the meeting. \1·orking or taking job training. A professor from California Mrs. Sadie Reid is center EASY-CARE 'l!ni/01·mJ "JUST FOR YOU" Smart fa~hions , c.11re-free fabrics fee· turin9 BA RCO a nd .other famous brand names. Mtiny 1tyle1 to ch90le from. S8 98 Some &I low•• • See Star In Person Slate College at Fullerton will director, and volunteers who Cathy's Un1'forms can contribute three or four speak on debate emphasizing hours a week are invited lo l . • h research, organization of call her at 836-7666, or l>Irs. 1767 Newport Blvd. Instead of turning on te ev1s1ons to ave a Morning \Vi th Jack LaLanne, interested thoughts and ideas r o r \\'illiam Dunn, v o 1 u n leer IARCO Costa Mna 646•5388 persons may have a morning with hlrn in delivery. _'.:'~'°'.'.'c!idi~oa~lo".'r::_. _:s•4_'S.~1_:soo"'.·:_ __ ~,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.~,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.~ person by arriving at 10 :30 a .m. Friday, Nov. Prior to the talk Mrs. 7, in the conference center of Hoag Memorial Ernest Johnson will give a Hospital, Presbyterian. lesson on the role of an educa- The program is being sponsored by the tion chairman. Mrs. Ca!vln ~ Nig~~:~~~ ~th;;::: :.~::~:~'~.~u:i:: ~1;~~~[~ri0t~~~~i:E n ing Mrs. William Schworer, chapter Chair~ Y•ill be the host club. 1': man. at 673-2654 or Mrs. Clark Somers, vice Anyone wishing information ~. chairman, 644-2541. f~ on the toastmistress program r may caU Mrs. Olcott , 847-1631. t! Others on the planning committee are " Reservations may be made I the Mmes. Matthew Kenney, George Ray, f th d. b 11· M" ~ Wilbur Ne-wman, Jack Garnaus, \Villiam An· ' ~n ~r:;~i~o, ~~853;~~ · l.::::.d*::1.~!~ ... ,*3AE!'*t~.-·-,.~:ll~?~~~~~rc~~ Ba/boons Recite Vows In Newport Ceremony Our Lady of l\1011nt Carmel Catholic Church v.·as the set· ting for the double: ring nup- tials linking Karen Irene McCarthy and Edward Alan Caaey, bolh of Balboa. The Rev. Francis Kelly ptrlonned the ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. McCarthy of Balboa and the son of Mr. •nd ~frs. Viron Casey of Anaheim. Given In marrl•ge by her rather, the bride wore a white silk organza over taffeta go"·n. fe aturing alencon lace trim on the bodice, skirt and c&thedral train, A matching lace headpi ece held her tiered veil, and she carried while roses-and slephanolis with pink roses. Attending as matron or honor was Mrs. Vil;{or Miller , evo ull onary wee Chilcoat Typing Course FREE demonstrations every Wed. evening at 7:00 P.M. and brides ma ids were the Misses Molly, Meg and Tracey McCarthy, the bride's sisters. DQnald Casey \\'as his brother's best man , .1 n d ushrrs v.·ere Theodore Bilotta, Mark Weihardt and Ge rald Tardie. r·11iss Shelly Ferguso n circulated the guest book dur- ing the reception in the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Alice McCarthy of Fullerton, the bride's grandmother, was a special guest. The newlyweds. \!.'ho honey. mooned in northern California and now reside In Fullerton, are graduates of Mater Dei High School. The bride at· tended California State College at 1.-0ng Be1c:h and her hus- band attended St. Mary'1 College and UCLA. ntern.t ona tc emy of R1pid Le1rning 445 E. 17th St .. Suite H Coola Mesa, CaW. 92627 (7 14) 548-0440 BE FREE- OF' FACIAL HAIR FOREVER, L ET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH MODERN ELECTftOLYSl~1 MEDICALLY APPROVED,,, SA1'"£1 'FAST, GENTLE., CONSULT WITH OV!lt L ICENSED TEC~NICIAH IH OUR BEAUTY SALON• ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT BODY·CURL WHERE IT'S WANTED BA RE VOUR PRETTY FOREHEAD , OR SHADE I T 'WITH EYELIGHTING BANGS0 ADD H EIGHT, WIDTH, DIMENS ION~ WEAR VOUR HAIR SLEEK , SMOOTH OR TUMBLE I T~ MASTERS OF COIF-AND- CU RL. SAY Y OU 1VE GOT IT MADE WITH A HELENE CURTIS BODY-'N-CURL P ERM , 15.00; CUT, 5.oo: BEAUTY SALON. CONSULT WITH MISS HELEN ANO MR •. JOSEPH . I N OUR NEWPORT BEAUTY SA.LON, F OR THE LATEST IN HA.I ~ FASHIONS A ND THE GREATEST IN HAIR T ECHNIQUE'.5 . ROBINSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 OUR REG. $100.00 SUITS COATS PERM. PRESS SLACKS Val, $7.00 $5 NAT. ADV. SLACKS Val. lo $17.00 $12 OUR REG, 2 PANTS SUITS COATS PERM. PRESS NAT. ADV. SLACKS $650 NAT. ADV. CUSTOM SLACKS $14 OUR REG. $150.00 SUITS OU EG. $69.00 COATS FLARES & BELLS Val. lo $16.00 $8 IMPORTED FABRIC HAND TAILOR Yal. to $35.00 $20 .... . " . . .. KNITS e SWEATERS ··-"' .--· .... _, ...... . ~ SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS -, ALL OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS REDUCED DRASTICALLY CARLTONS 270 E. 17th ST., HILGREN SQ. COSTA MESA Ol'EN DAILY 10·9 -SAT. 10·6 OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUR CONVENllNCll lZ .. I • • I 21 OAILV Pll.Of Monday, Ottobl!r 27, llJtll South Coast Repertory 'Forum' High • Ill By TOM TITUS °' .... a."" -llttt For tll06e theatergoers \\ho sat in on the birth of South Coast Repertory nearly five yean ago and have wondered ever since just ~hen !he cnm· pany would come up wHh another comedy to equal its screamingly funny "Tar- tuff!'," there is good news to- night. That nev.•.s is "A Funny Thing Happened on the Y.'ay lo the Forum.·· the most oullan· dishly bawdy and hilarious of- "A l'UJOolY THING HA,. .. INl!D ON THI WAT TO ,.HE l'OllUM" A ,...,11uo1 ~ ~ l urr !.,.~e!Qve 1...i LttTV Gflbl'1, """k tnd 1¥,.C• b V !!O'llhrl> So:w><!h••"'· Glftcll'd '"" d•· ~'"""' 1W ~001 Th•"""""· rnutl<:l l d itK• 1~ bV TCl~I !llf;lft<, MCl>ftlctl O"K • 1or ~·11~ lie-. cus•u.,... tll' AIHll ,..,,...,.._, 11.,,,ttnv tll' ~•n<PY P•r•er, c~r1phy ~' M•tll\ll M<Ftdl""· oteHfllM l hur><l1V !1'1rou9" ~elu«IAV until ,..,., l~ •I S...Hh C...•• R...,..,. WV• lhltd ~··~ lnealer, 1111 New- -t 11..a , Cos•~ N•••· THl (~if P>""6olu• ••.•. A•I ICou•llk Hv>l•tlllm ...... Mlk~ Oou\ll•n ~·""'' , • ,, , ...•. l .. l~lt<IU• DomlN .......... N .. rt"I McF•rll "<I H..,.o ................ S<>ui•e Fd dell Pllihl . , . . •...•. E ll lM l~r>l<•to" Marcu• Llltu> ........ He11n Plfk £rror>lu1 ..... ClmerQ11 \"ovog Mlle. GIOf•O..... ..... Jame1 B•~eL Tl"'l""ll<ll• ........ Mtr. Ann l<luti>I Pen•to• lnlle 1 ••lor fllt Gemln•• ... S•l'ld• Marl"" 0.:t!,.,.,,,,.. HUl<l••'>ll~ \l)brOTa ............ 1(.1•,.., 8e<11gn1t Gymn1•[I .......... TDlll Doo9i1H 1n~ Proi.•n• .............. Biii '''"II" Larrv ~con Jim W•rln1 "l•~l•I •.•.. , ,.. • .• Mo~I""' Can•..0.11 fering SCR has mounted since its auspicious debut on the Orange Coast in !96S. f"or sheer. unabashed laughter, il heads lhe playgoer's must-see lisl. "Forum" is. almost in- cidentally. a musical. designed originally to blend the lyrical 'Luv' Next Offering At Oemente 1'-turray Schisgal"s offbeat eomedy "Luv" will be U1e nexl production of the Sa n Clemente Communily Theater, opening Nov. 20 for three weekends. Directed by Richard Andersen, the show features a husband and wile team, Bob and Karen Moe. playing the roles of Milt and Ellen ~1an­ \•ille. Gordon Harris is cast as the third member of the triangle, Harry Berlin. "Luv'' is t.he comic account or a man who palms his wife. off on his hard-luck fr iend in order to marry another girl. Diredor Ande.rsen previously ~laged "Barefool in the Park," ''Stop the \l.'orld-I Want to Get Off" and "A Thousand Clowns" at the San Clemente theater. The play will bt! presented .!It the Cabr\llo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cab r i 11 o, San Clemente, Lhrough Dec. 6. Tickets may be ordered by Cl'llling the playhouse at 49'2- 04li5. Starts Wednesday October 29th FUNNY - Art Koustik reprimands -l\.1ichael Douglass in SCR's ''A Funny Thing Happened on the \Vay to the Forum.'' "'ith the ludicrous, but at South Coast Repertory. the musical numbers serve mere- ·1y as a breathing spell between patches of high hi!ari· ly. Apart from the opening and closing song, "Comedy Tonight," there is nothing here that will send you out of the theater humming. Un I i k e many musicals, the play's the thing here. The emphasis is definitely on comedy, and director Ron Thronson has Jet out all the slack on this one, fashioning Ult most uproariOUs chase 6Ctne since the aforemen- tioned "Tartuffe" as the car>* per of a most memorable evening. The pace is uniformly frantic and lhe ca.sling ideal on all counts. Heading U1at cast is Art t\ou slik as the wily slave Pseudolus, a physical comic in the sloop-sho11ldered fl.1arx Brothers tradition. A singer he isn't, unfortunately, his vo- cal prowess falling somewhere between 1'1ickey Shaughnessy and Andy Devine, but after the opening number it really doesn't matter. for Kouslik is not only too funny for words but for music as well. ?-.1lke Douglass, SC R' 1 ansv•er to Don KnolU, revels in a role ma1e for him, that of the jittery slave Hysterium v.hose histronics woold make coffee nervous. Also v.•ell cast is Healh Park, the company's resident baddie, as the white slaver, 1'1arcus Ly cus. If any actress complains about receiving a surfeit of in· genue roles, she should take a few lessons frorn EI a i n e Bankston in the care and milking of such. ordinarily thankless pans. As the gorgeous but empty-headed Philia, Miss Bankston is a wide-eyed wonder, matching her hilarious performance in "Room Service." As her smillen swain, Squire Fridell is 50Jid and vocally at home. Les lngledue. bald, bewhiskered and brulally fun- ny, &eom ashls rakish father, while Martha McFarland dons a Nixon nose as the shrewish molher in another well handl- ed role. James Saxes is one of the strongest performers onstage as th.e narcissistic warrior. compensating iri st.ature what he lacks in physical size and contributing a commanding singing voice. N e w c o m e r Cameron Young is fine as the befuddled old man searching lor his l<M children. A key ingredient ln any staging of "Forum'' is fem- erline pulchritude, and SCR has oo worries on this score ...,·ith the likes of Ton i Douglass, Karen Bertagna, Sandy J\iarino, Katharine lien- derson, Leslie Taylor and f.1ary Ann Kluthe to wann up the stage. Last but hardly least are the ubiquitous pro-- leans -Bill 1'1iller, Lary Scott and Jim Waring -who switch from husky M>ldiers Lo gig- gling eunuchs and back again with ribtickLing ease. Thronson's double decker set and the Roman costumes by his wife, April, are ex· cellent. Toni Shearer, a fine singer and comedienne, has contributed effective musical backing for a show which is less lyrical than laughable. By all standardi;, "Forum" is the funniest show offered by an Orange County theater this year. fl continues for four more weekends at the Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa 'Stop World' Cast Listed "Slop the World -1 Want to Get Off,'' one of the mosl popular musicals ever staged in Orange County, comes to the Costa r-.1esa C i v i c Playhouse next month. Thor NielStn, \\'ho played the central role of Littlechap in a production at t h e Anaheim Playhouse in 19fi;., v.•ill recreate A n t h o n y Ncw\cy's comic hero. Nielsen also is directing the show. Cast as hi s wife and playing the •multiple roles of his various loves is F'ran~sca L'hoi r, who also has done her role in a previous production, last year al the San Clemente Community Theater. MI s s L'hoir will play the first lour performances, while h1ary ~facy will take the role for the filial two nights. Englebert Homperdlnck Marion Trainer and Rita Simmons ·will play the two daughters. with Nancy Juler, Rhonda Chiesa, Schirley Lou Tyler, Mary Macy, Pat Warner. V icky Mayberry, Patricia Pruitt and Dena Brown comprising the chorus. They Listen to Him Now Anita Grossman is musical direct.or v.·ith Jane Kunkle serving as .pianist. Production assistants are Lois Wilson and Phyllls \Vapner. By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD I UPI I Englebert Humperdinck wrote "Hansel and Gretel" -the opera from the child's fairy tale -and passed on to that big candy cottage in the sky. Now there is a n e w Engelbert ffumperd inck who has enraptured fpmales ""'ho long ago put "llansel and Gretel" aside. He is a limpid-ey~d Englislunan voho nearly starv· ed to death while singing under his real name, Arnold George Dorsey. Because no one would listen to him. he guessed (correctly) th SL l anyone of 09rmal curiosity v.·ould pay heed to a man nam· ed Humperdiock. Today he is 1 musical phenomenon, a o n e · m a n Bea tles both in England and the U.nited States. His records are reguarly high in the charts and he will star in his own ABC-TV show next January . A sensuous man in ap· pearance with a cupid-bow mouth, heavy eyelids, dar k 1>kin and hair. Humperdinck appears as English as Fidel Castro. ''Non' of this .. ·ould have happened if 1 hadn"t changed my name," Humperdinck said rl uring a stop in Hollywood. ''It's been lucky for me." Eng. as his friends call him. has formed his o\lo·n cor- poration "'ith \\'elsh singer Tom Jones. Registered as fl.-1A~t (Mangaement Agenc y f\.1usicl, the company·s stock has trebled In value. V.'OOS the ladies in the audience with love ballads and promise of romance. They respond with shrieks, bleats. huzzahs, rnoans and an occasional whis- ll e. His ahility lo increase the pulse rate -not to mention blood pressure -of females milliona ire. T•his pleases Humperdinck no end because he starved for 1<> long. "I was never part of a group," he said. "I virtually starved alone. I mean to say I went hungry because my pride wouldn't allow me to accept welfare. But when Patricia lhi.s wife) had our first baby, I went on the dole. "Tl wasn't as bad as 1 ex· peeled. But I slill wasn't con· tent. Now I know you must ai>- peal to all ages. And my fan mail shows l have admirers from 7 to 84. •·Jn fact a dear woman of 84 traveled from London to Great Yarmooth for ont. or my con- certs -150 miles. She came to see me afterwards, and t sent her a bouquet o f flCYWtrS." One ponders whether the nice old lady would have made the trip for Arnold George Dorsey, or whether she. too, caMot overlook a man with a name ~ike Engelbert Hum- perdinck. ''Stop the World" will open a three-weekend run on Nov . 21. playing Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 6 al the Coni· munity Center auditorium on th e Orange County Fa i rgrounds. Reservations may be acquired by l:alling 834 -5303. Dennis on 'fV HOLLYWOOD IUPll Dennis Day dons greasepaint alter a long spell a .... ·ay from the cameras lo play a guest role with Jessica Walter in the new video situation comedy, •·Love, American Style." Marvin Really No Singe1· But 'W a.gon' Role Fits Hini Like Glove 8y J ERRRY BUCK drinking, happy-go--lucky prQll:· boys, it's here'. Pick iL up'.'' NE\\' YORK CAP\ -Lee pector in the California. gol d The beauty of 11 , he said. is f\.larvin squatted by lhe record rush is one that fits him like a !hat he can live an exc1l1ng player, put on the cast album role and nol have to pay the of "Paint Your Wagon" and glove. consequences or hls acts. "You said. "This is my first singing ''The music f1t.s I h e can kick the responsibilities," role and possibly my last." chAraclf'r and it rits me," he he said. Si nging, he allowed, was not said. "This LS a man who "'This form of acting is not a t>xactl y his dis h of tea, ·but as detests the lav.·s of civilii.ation. mature business_ The more the music flowed out -a kind He's a frontiersman. He slow· childi.~h :i,·ou g£"t with it, !he of contemporary honky ton k -ly puts up with t'veryth1ng sur· more beli£"i'ablc it is." he became excited . rounding the gold lo\•tn, even though he detests it.'' It \\·as "Cat Ballon." along l\1arvin's style is lo t.1.lk his 11·1t h "Shir of Fool~." that th h lh I rl. -Is that the wav. )'OU f~l .. '14·ay roug e Y cs 1n a allowed l\1 :ir1·1i1 lo hrcak the · b 1 I ,1·ng lash "Oh sure, it's that hanny com· 1·1negary u p ea 1on. ,..,, bad-guy mole!. l le .~!lid h£' rhd h1nation of i;h.:iracter And sr lf. His gray hair. worn long for c--• nol Ct1ns1d1·r "C;it fj:1llou" !he I = 1t snot really an acting 1ob. Gorshin's Broadway 'Jimmy' Mo1·e Cagney Tl1ai1 Walker By \\'ILUAJ\t GLOV ER James J. Walker_ But Instead ami•bly vigorous. with a NE\V YORK {AP!_ Now is of exploring any of the rrminiscent echo suitable I<» · II l I · · the production's modest am· the lime for •II t 1· r e d cyn1ca Y corrup comp ex1t1es " bition or formula diversion. businessmen to rush to the aid of that era, "Jimmy" is chief-1------------ of "Jimmy," a musical cliche ly conceroed wi\h its subject's ~:aacw r:a.ur ~'"" ~ that pre1niered 111ursday ni ght boudoir prO\\'ess. Political ex- .at Broadway's \\linter Carden, citemenl is concentrated inl.o j There are all sorts of a few headline flashes on the TBE _ ... _ goodies to keep that sort of backdrops and cabaret caliber showbiz audience awake: high- kicking chorines. scanty cos-t•aricatures of Tammany ~1,..llft4'l.~ tumes, giddyap mu s i c, chieftain Jimmy Hines and lilMOi6 ~1llll remember·when? nost.algia, Governor Alfred E. Smith. ~ bawdy little yocks and U1e Gorshin, despite spats and kind of plot that made Warner rakish fedora resembling Jim-~ Bros. B movies a cinematic my Cagney more than Jimmy 411t TKWA•••-a •JI legend. Walker . comes O\'er com-,_...._-.., ...... , .... This last shouldn't surprise, mendably in a half dozen for the producer-perpetrator songs and manages the slighl of all the glittering ersatz is demands of portrayal with Jack L. \Varner. the venerable poise and bravado. ex·boss of !hr film studio that By his side are Anita Cillet- now belongs to somebody elsr. le, more Ruby Kee ler than the I having his first fling at Betty Cornplon who shared . Broadway. real.Jife mayoral passion : and!~~~~~~~~~~~;: Al a budgeted price or Julie Wilson, a cale singer of $700,000 and an actual cost or quality, enacting the wife nearly $1 million, "Jimmy" Walker left. She keeps a certainly ranks as the most straight face through several expensive dehut ever. out-of-character tunes that are Warner has brought along a foisted upon her. squad of Wesl Coast talent The Jacob couple's score is types, including ~1 e I v i 11 er;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;0::====.I Shavelson, a scenarist-director BALBOA who has adapted the show from his own scree npla Y 673-4048 and a book by Gene Fowler: Ol'IN the songwriting team of Bill ':"' and Patti Jacob. And for the 7M I. lal'\N star, TV's peripateUc in1· l•U••• Prnln14.!la personateir, Frank Gorshin. I'--------== Prrhaps there is a good stage drama somewhere in the career of New York's playboy mayor of lhe bootleg years, 2001 a~adyu.y ON GIANT CINERAMA SCREEM METROC:OWR Tonl9hl 11 1 BEST PICTURE DFTHEYW! WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDSI e NOW-INDS TUISDAT WILDEST COMEDY YET! Tll fJl!Y DECEMIS I••· Show1 Storts 7 Co11fi1111w111 Sh•• ...... F• •x SOUTH COAST a!=~~ . PLAZA THEATRK $en Diou F-11 lltillol • S46-2711 OPEN 6,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca~~01Y Awards BEST ACTRESS · Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -No., . ...,., lo"" Ct.•<> """1 ~,..E,lMN£-AA'A\(0('1o1Ll>JN.Rl.M PETER 'l!.b KATHARINE OTOOLE _;,-t1'"i HEPBURN 1H •.w.rrtH f'CIU E LION IN WINTER ''"'-'.:":""" .... ,co i:o111oar- ALSO •.. ZERO MOSTEL in "THE PRODUCERS" (( \'t"··~f ALL ADU LT PROGRAM w THFITJI EXC LUSIVE AREA i?~;~, Coc111 Hi9hwoy PERFORMANCE Rather than rock group.~. England has been sending the colonies single sex symbols v.•ho are out-selling local lads. the lead role, "'as puled back It's not putting on a false be.~! th1ni: l1l··u e1·rr r!one , "hul and secured wiU1 a rubber face.. it rl1d 1hr Jf1h You d<1n ·1 kn ov.·1-----·------- band. He wore a loose-fitting •1 wh"re !he gitt horst' is." Ir===========, Coro~• d•I Mo,__,,h, 673-6260 "If I were ta describe in detail what go~s on in 'Inga', I'd g et arrested." __ ... _ --~ ._ .. .. ~ ~ ():i..od Ur9t -~ I _ ..... -____ .. ........ J l'lll!I# k.:j '~ -~--·...__. ..... _ ... ----·--.,. __ -~ "\\'hen 1 hear some of the rock groups today 1 think I'm a man in a boy's world," said Humperdinck. "At the mo- ment groups are not as popular as they were. ll's af· fected tailors, clubs and other fringe businesses that depend- ed on their popularity in England. "People want to be en- tertained now. The.y <101fl want to hear a sound." Humperdinck provides both a round and entertainment. He I h. .lh 1 . ff arvln said he regarcled b u.e s 1rt drcoratcd v.·1 arge fi!mmaking RS escapisin. The latter n1ay or 111ay not white dol~ and tight red jeans "You gel the best of an era have been 1ni•:1n1 to ;illudc to 1vith matching slippers. .and eliinlnate lhe tragedies. lht drunken horse 111 the pic- Hl.~ face, will'L a large and The gold rush? Strike out, lure '14·hir.h a few cr1lic!'i said wandering nose. looked as lf it should hal'e gotlen a plecr of had bounced o[f a barroom the Oscar. floor. As he moved back to the W • C How ;ibout "Hell in the couch, his large frame still aync Ill a.st Pacific?" ··1 likeri making il. packed an undercurrent of ~!aybe in time they'l l decide if menace th;it had turned him HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -it ""'as a bomb or a classic_'' into one of Holl}~'OO<fli best David Ylayne has been added Doe! he see his O\\'Il films? bad guys berore his comic lo the cast of Disney 's "The ''I love to see them. which cowboy role in "Cat Ballou" Boy ~'ho Stole tht Elephanl." sounds likr a rotten thing to won him an Oscar. starring P.tark Lester who s:iy, but that's why I made Marvin contends that the played the liUe role in them. I enjoy the make- 1 r th ha · ''Oliver i.·• roe o e nH1ghting, hord-,r=~==.=D=W=&=,.=D=•==~=~;:::::be~li~"~'~w~°'~l~d~.·=· =====.Ii I SEE BY TODAYS ~tF.!?itf!itJ WANT ADS • ~k 'n chk! 1966 Con- tin.nt&], loftdl!d, mint 1.'0n. ditlon, lo mileq:e ;2400, e CaD ol !ht Black Gold, • irrve1ton: nMded to d~ ~ gha.Uaw oil k!u.e In ............. e Get up tliht ovn-window t"l~aninit ? H~l't'·11 a win- dow c\e/U'ltr who promil't's lo pleue. No pain, clean ...... •• ...._.,~c.,.1•1111!U.._J.4 .. ,!01 ---·---·---Tuetd1y Poo\llvoty Enda Tueodey "STAIRCASE" mlll llll IEI 11111111 HJt•MtOfl •Ce&.M 11)9. ~ Starts Wednffday "Medium Cool" • - Plus Excitement ......... ~----,,_ •z1w1; •'' .. 1-·• ~~ ••uamHU .t1=-----;; ~ l i .. ,-• .__ ....... ...J ROl\lEO 0'JUUEf llMlmlm/lllJNMllMlll!,~ Mllll ll'Sllll/llllWl YIDll ~; 1!1:1\1\IWI• <Q> -ALSO THIS WINNI!' N .. .Jit; WM4 lo "WEST SIDE STORY" OM SMwl .. I•• IMt1l11t -l!ob1rt i olm1'!1111, WINS ••••• "so graphic, I could have sworn the l . screen wast smoking." i -N, 01•'• C""'°"" I ~ ... ' ' -MARJE LILJEDAHL ® -·---...... -----.ALIO nAYINGi----- AI_.,. • Dlffw.t Cilrt ••• Wlrfl • De.Uhl, WU<tl Aff•lr l••ry TIMW1 UNDER COVER ROGUE l••l.Mft 0 c....., ..... L-. ..... E11t ... ,...., llATHAllNI Hll'IUlN THE MADWOJ\TA N OF CllAILL01' WI'-Hiii~ ... -J,. & •:41 -,1111•11 -1'11•4\0 •111! I''" -~-, -1:00.l:ll·l:H I l ·Je • •-·--·-·-~------------------...-·----·-.. .. -----··-·----------M••------••••• --··-• -------·-·--0 '.,.. ... --0 0 -· -0 --"0 -~ -.0'. ---• 0 ·-··------------ TUMBLEWEEDS THIS llONTH,TuE CMTED, ~ FEATHER GOES 10 THE TRIBE'S 1 NAllJRAUST!. .. THAT FASTIDJOOS •N' FANATIC FONDLER O'THE FLORA, FAUNA 'N' FOLIAGE FRANCHISE! ... TERRES'TlllAL 1l>AA t NAM£ '11'.XJ INDIAN OF THE MONTll! 0 fNllLOUS! TODA'f I ACT\W.JY OBSERVED A TINY WREN IN 111E VERY ACf CF 6LJILDI NG HER Nf:STl TALK ABaJT EllCITEPJ l'M STILL A-n\'ITIER! By Tom K. Ryan TOMORROW JM GOING 10 WATCH JES PIJUJHATEJ .. WANTlO COME SORRY, FELLA .. :THE Q'. ncK8l AIN'T WHAT Ii USED 10 SE. AL-ON G? I ~ f; ff 1Ju""' </Ou. A.oinn • .., v DAIL V PILOT f7 _By Charles Barsotti : ~ i. ..a i..tl~ k l.t I J """-·~,,J: 1" --~ .... II:-........ 1..-t ••. " LAUGH IT UP -Newcomers Jeremy Lloyd. right, and Pamela Rodgers do a song and dance routine tonight du ring ''Laugh-In" on Channel 4 at 8 p.m. l"lip \Vilson is a guest star lhis week. TEl,EVISION VIEWS 'Live' Sho\v Ha ~ Quality By CY NTHIA LOWRY 7\'E\V YO !~!\ f:\P) -There is ~on1c special qu alit y about Jive ·television -<is opposed to f1lrn. lapc an d ''li ve on tap('" progran1s -that makes the audience an involved !>pcctator. So it v.1as Sunday \\'hen <:GS a nd a_ couple of un· nlllrusivc sponso rs g raciously perrn ittcd the nation Lo attend ceremonies -as ·they occurred -that 1narkcd the con1p lcl1 ori of r--.·e\v \'nrk'!i Lincoln Cen· !er \r ith the addition of the fan1 cd .Jullliard School of l\Iu sie. THE MOVE of the sc hoo l in to the l'Oln plrx 111akes Lincoln Center "a univers ity of the perforn1· ing arts,'' as Leonard Bernstein ph rased il. It 1s al - ready th e horne of the J\1etropolitan Opera, the I\1evv· York Philharmonic Orchestra. ot her musical group.~. a bal!el and several theater and !i11n organizations. 1·11 c home vie\~·cr fclt like a member of t he ;-i 11dicnce during the entire 00.minute program. From 1lH). arrival o( dis tingu ished gu ests including t.he f1r!'ll. lady -to the ovations at th e end. THE FINE RO·n1C"n1ber orchestra co1nposed of .~C'rious ynun).! .Ju1 lli~rd stud ents \11as con ducted by f,eopold .S\011 ko11·~kL -you th ;i.nd ;ige in perfect harn1ony. 'rhey 1vcrc follo\o;ed by solo nppearances 11( three of J uilliard's disti ngui~hed )OUng alurnni - l'>r.:icl i v10Ji ni:-.t 111.ha k J.lcrln1an: ,i\Jetropoli tan Opera .~o pr<inu Shirll'y Verret, and piani~t \'an Cl 1- l 111 I'll. ti \~:a s excellent co1•era gc or d happy event - thr kind c:rit1 cs often accuse television of ignor1n~. "THE WONDERFUL \\'orlrl of Di sney" on NBC i~ ;i happ,v pr ogr:in1 and has brrn for .~n rfiany years lh;lL 11 l'i 11011· .i ~11 11 d;1y eveni ng: 1 11 ~1it u t1on. pa r Lic u- larly in horni: \\'Jlh young chi ldrrn. So1nrl1111cs the hou r i <; fill ed \\'llh nature li t11 dies: ..:01nclun cs comrcl ~: .c:orn i>1 in1r~ ca rtoon a nd fan· lasy. but 11 .i-s always fn1ruly-or1 r nlcd . This \1'eci(s episode \vas a co1nb1nat in11 \Vrs!- c rn-co1ncdy about •three ostriches-. 'rhe plot \11as rudimentary -life on an ol d \\'est ''feather farn1." ·rhe d ialnguc 11'as early Roy Rogers. The. narrat io n was highly anthropomorphic -1ve 1vcre cons tanly told what the os1riches were th ink ing about in high· ly human terms. But after an hour the vietver - young or old -had learned painlessly a lot abo11t that strange-looking. fast-running and fearless bird. De1111is the Me11aee r f !' l " ~ (,). " ·1 4 I. i' ,J ' ' ~~ -0 J' -- PERKINS .:.·~·-.~~-: ~·!:~-:' J ~ ~ MOON MULLINS r::=======:::-Tu/.IFORTUNAT ELY, No ... HI' PLOWS Ace INCOMI"' INTO INVfN10t<Y. ® STEVE ROPER rTS TME MEW •cATAh10UNT.,!·.,Wlni AN ADJUS7A8LE 7..rROTTLE FOui::.·eARREL !··l'D RATHE R °""""'THAT CAR. THA"-1 BE PRESIDENT.' Mun AND JEFF N!NE BALL IN CORNER POCKET.' GORDO 0\/E:R~ POPULA.TIO>J /& WllAfl5 All,. li..1 !2t 11-1!:0 WORL.D, T10! ~OU C»l ).(f.L.P, ME:ASlJQ.; AS J..V, f5'/ re.SJSTIN"1 10 001..E '1112.L.:S/ ,.., .v-;1 l·j e tr "' Q p --~ 1 l'EAf'. "TEDDY'S WAY OY!'t<STOCKfD. ,_.,, ........... -~ ..... ............ ~ By Charles M. Scihulz l'M HOOKED ON AlJTVMN ! Kl ~ By Jahn Ml~ SP'EIK.R "5KED ME TO Pff-END 'i'OIL •• ID 8€- VOl!f: LAW't'ER' ! WHY C'JO YOll TlilMK I 'M. ~AD? I <d p ~ ~- Miles By Ferd Johnson ' ' By Saunders and Overgard .l ~ \'f WJTli THJ; PRICE·TA6 IT CARRIES, YOUR CliAMCES A RE' PROB'L Y AS GOOD f'J'iRDOtJ ME, 51R.'-I COULDM"T MELP OVERHEARft..16 YOUR C.O~MENT °"' "mE •cATAMOUIJT".'-AND THAT MAY BE A LUCKY BREAK FOR BoTH OF US.' !="OJ;: ONE AS THE OTHER, f<ID_I ·--~- !TIS TME F l~T Cl<UCJ,_L. ~'TEP •"-' A LONGf '5f.r.i!IE5--THA1" .ENDS 1/IJ CDMl'Ot.JNDING:f T~t=; "2),8J..eMf {. \~ \ ) ------- By Al Smith MOST UNUSUAL WAY O~ MAKING A SHOT I EVER.SAW! By Gus Arriola By Mell ~lltST O~ ALL,MOTMl!ll' YOU'VE 60T TO ICeALIZE YOU'lf.E OEALINt? WITH A LONe~y 01.0 MAN ••• . ' ·' MONDAY OCTOBER 27 5:00 0 REDDIN: WHAT 'S * RIGHT IN AMERICA! 1:00 film Huntlry-B1inl ltJ (C) (30) I IJ Sleva Allin Sho11 (C) (90) Guests 1r1 larry Gibbs. Pat Har- r•neton. Georae c~,lin, Leon~rd Barr and 81cn11 Sta r. 0 WILLIAM HOLDEN and i * CAPUCINE star in "THE LION'' fn CO LOR! 0 SI• O'CJoc-Mowlt: (C) ''Thtl lion" (d11m1) '51-Willlam Holden. C1p11tin1. Trtv1>1 Howard. Younr ' 1irl, living "i1h hu mother and! hunter.slepiathar in Afric1, has 1n u tell!ive atta chmtn! lo 1 lion slit h11 11ited from a cub. When htr real father visih , si!ua!lon explodes. 0 Dltk Yin D1';t (30) m 0.w\4 frost Sllow (C) (90) FM· mer bcxln1 champ Muhamm1d All, film dlrtctor Jc~ua lo11n cl "Paint Yodr Wa11on." acto1s Htrv Pr1!!11ll and Clint [Ulwe<ld, plus !.ln11.e11 frank1e L1ine ind lulu 1ue~t. m Th1 l lJ YatltJ (C) {60) fE SapbrwM Thnt11 (60) 9:00 0 ~ ({l m Worl d ,r1111l1t1 Movl1: (CJ "DutiRJ of 1 Spy" {drl· ma) '69 -Lorne Gr~ne. Radltl Roberts. Anthony Quryle i nd Hury Andrews. Runi1n agent rces to l on don to inv,stigata mys!ericu1 t'l~ots in the hie of 1 lop British sc1en!•1!. 1J Here Co111e lite Stan (C) (60f Gtor1e Je"tl welcomes Jimmy Ste-..ar1 as auest or honor. [d Be11· le1. A11ne1 Ml)l)rehead, Frankie Avl· Ion ind Sus.o Birrell p11 tribu1• 10 him. Moret Am!ilerdam, Herb (den and Georgie !<aye ali.o a:uest. o @rn a>'~• soMwr• {Cl \60) JeU leavts home and il>eS lo lwe -..ifh Tom and Sheil•: Baylor chanre1 his will. dMdin1 lh• b1nll: sleek 1mon1 Oum:.tn. Tr1cy tnd Jdf, but only Dunctn's stodl h votab le. e:I!) I lic' Jour111l (CJ (60) Put I: [1ct rph fr11m "Fire," a dr1m1!ic lilm about t~e 1agin1 tonllic::t bt· m '•rton P11c1 (30) l1<w1tn • wh ile hbtr.11 i nd blat' urban dweller. P1rt 11: lntarrl!IWI Ci) Sl.u Tllk (C) (90) With Con1re"1f!IO Juliart 8ond, @ (]) M"• Doulltl (C) (9<!) M1yor Richard Hatcher tnd Con· 11r•uwom1n Shlrley CMshalm. m Wllrt's l'ltw? (30) aJ Lu Eltrlfla J Utt.d {30) !'BJ (I) CIS "'"" (C) {30) 1 !:30 I) 3 IJ) H•1'1 l uc7 (C) (JO) m Titmpo cit Ptrdon (30) I f 11ty AndrlW$ ct lhe lam!IUI M · (lJ 1'11111 (C) (60) Jae• Hic.keJ. draw1 Sisttrs 1slis the Uniqu1 Em· ploymen1 Agency 10 wpQly look· &:30 I) 3 CIJ "fl. footbt11 (CJ New thke1 tor hu l1mou1 slsltn lot York Giants vs. 011111 Ccrwboys a1 fan club 1tunion t nd Luq wtun· D1ll1s. leers herseU and ll1m. 0 MIC 1llW'ltniu (C) (60) f) Thi G1111 G1t111 (C) (30) Jim' M~ll r!ll ~01ts. Gu1s1s 111 l!~vtrly Garland, Sindt 811011 ind Nlbey Lintoln. m 11 ltll tht Tfll1h (C) (30) m Offict ol tht r rnldint (30) tj_J@ H~ntlty.BrlilUtr (C) (30) fE T11in Circle HMdlln1 (CJ (30) i[I Nolidfr1 34 {C) (60) m Nt1n (C) (30) 7:00 0 What's NJ lint! (Cl (30) SoUIJ'f .Salts. Oma Mtrrill. M1rl! RU'5tl! Ind Arlene Fr1111:is 1uest m / lovt Lucy (30) ID lilt 1111 Clod: (C) (JO) fE COlllllOd!i,'/Stock llfPOr1 {JO) ®I r{) Mol!dty Sllow (C) {~) ''The 811d1.'' !hHinc Rod Taylor. JtSS<Ct Tandy, Suzanne Pl11htUe and I1pp1 Htd1on. 1· m Allor1! (30) m Ct11r's World fCl (30) CD Thi! lirt (Cl (JD) 0 Nt1n (C) (30) Baxl1r W11d. C!J H1 S1ld, Siie S.ld (C) !30) fl) lt1wllldt Roundup (60) fil Rtwiltt Mllliul (30) IO:OOl)9 (1)MtJbtl'l1' ltfU (Cl (30) Mi~t invitts his lli1rid1 to hit birthday pally, only to distiNflf that 1 """ 11n1t rirl in lo'll'n. Siiiy, h.u invited the same bors Ill her p1rty th• iame day. Renia R!1no, Rrch1rd Ste1le end Christle Mitt/I • 111 1uert. 0 GET IT STRAIGHT * FROM TOM REDDIN o m """' (C) (60) o @rJ)<D Lowe, A1111rlc111 Sty!e (C) (60) "lovt 1nd lh1 Mod· t!n Wife.~ "Lave i nd th• Pllonl•.• and "Love ind lh1 Slnrl• Couple• u1 shown, Toni ght's lt11s lnclkid• Bob Cr1ne, Phyllis Diiier, M!clllet Anderson J1. end M1rjori1 l ord. O Dlllal (C) (60) l1n & Sytvi1 gu1st. m PtrrJ Muon <tiO> fE Fl1l"I lint (60) Wllll1m Buck ley. Au!l\or Theodore Whit• dlscul· ses Amtr kan polilits. 7:2S @ Nrn (CJ 1 7:30 D m M, World •nd W1ltttJ11 ''I 11 (C) (30) ''Nobody fYI / Kill~ @I) Ctrcll cl1 Moj"'1 (30) Dr1ions "'1Yll'IC":~ Eleven 11kkle tO:lOIJ ~(f)liuntmOU (C) (60) res· 1orlu ~~· ob1ech of !Muna f tus Haicin's fritnel Abella, 1 ,... loon1t mtr111u1 as Joh~ Monro• t-5 j !Dtctiblt brm woman tllauitrt to CIDf.S m!o lilt '<!Orld of !1n!1!11 bt 1 widow 1rausts tile su1p!clon Sv11 11na Mischo!f ind Biii Er'*•n1 o! fis!us l~d Mir!llal Diilon wh"' i Utst her o1Jfli11 husbtnd rrturn1 1!!11 9 Stw111p the Sbrl (C) (30) Mike , ~t1rs of denrtlon. Jac~uelint Sc:ott Stokey welcome\ g11e11s Ruta L"'I and l1rt Holhml n cuesL Dit~ G1ulit1 and Robert Clary, (D Un 1i1ilD IR 11 ObKUridld (30) ~ Cfn?-1 (i) Thi Mu1ic Sctnt 11:00 fil 0 ID mm,.... (C) 0 Alll'9d Hltdlcoct O Million $ Mawl1: •A "•"tislllnt ldlor (com1dy) ·~~n!lion1 Pei· C1J Tiit Ml'lll C11111 (C) Som.r fo( ~11U. B1lritll B1rdot Soviet 1gen1 hosts. Guub ut Rid B~ns. In London rteru111 hi5 cl1D11•d1 Dorothy L1mour, Glllfll Ktnnedt ln1nd's bun11ln1 Min le .th1I !ht 1nd C1ralyn Jcnu. Admiralty 1111 "hich d11ls 'll'lth 1ht mob1IL11tlon of !111 l'IATO fleets 1nl m Ovttt U111b: CISI Of Wll', @(I)@ (})C!!IW... (C) m fllllh er ConlllfUlllUt (C) (lO) 11:30 8 rJt1 (I) fl• (C) m Jlllkl lor th Dlt•n• (C) (60) 0 @ CII m Wiii"' c.r... (C) &) Ttchnit1! Cor111r (30) D1vid Suulllnd, Glllfll Kl"Y. J~fl Rivera •fl Khldulld IUISl:t.. fZlJ [tltlrn Wlldcl111 (30) ''UHi ol Power," Altn With discusses !he Inner m11nin1 of octull or PIJthic pow111 in !ht rr"IOll sophlstiultd inltrprttllions of [11tern philo10phJ. Im Cl111dlo-11 lloll (JO) 1:00 CJ 1!1! LluP·ln (C) (60) Guill flip Wilson 10t1 lrlck ·!lf·treallnt tnd IPP••rs II I mytlit 1nd Qu1111 lnbtllt. e Jee• llftny (30) J1ck Joni! &:ut.sfl. m Qv•n '°" 1 DIJ (C) IJD) fl:l W11ld Prm (C) 160) 0 lfoWll: "'Lnt " "" Mtllk:n1• (tl1ssle1I 1dwrrturt ) •3a..-.1ndolph Sr.on. Bruce Cabot. O (l]JCIJ Gl)l•tf 11111191 (C) Schldultd 1ullb lnc!llde alna!r Tony M1rtl11; comic H•l'Wf s~"•; Sund1y'1 Child, youthful lin11n1 rroup; a11cl TV ptf10llllltJ' Vlr11n1~ Gr1h1m. (Rb:hldultd) D Movlt: °'IMtllMll'I ....... 11111f"' {dram•) '47-GreaorJ P1tk. OorolhJ McGuire, .lollfl G1tfltfd. 1 tll lllliM: '1hqtr ... 1111 """r- (dt1m1) '53 -P1ul Mun~ Join Lorine. 1?:00 a am,.,,., ''""R (C) "1t· Ul Hll P111d1 (C) (90) irtm orlifn1tt1 In H~!Jwood t~1~ 1:15 Q (l7l(J)Q)T111"tw'..,11 (C) "11k. (4~) "Lil1lin1." GIOfJI Poll11 htll)t m M.w11: "'Tiii Dd ..... (my!· build 1 bott for • d1n11tous 1iup1 lll'Y) 'S2-Edw11d Ullilrdown, Ph· •ttampl !ram 9om1no btuuse 1111\1 Ptrry. Chri1tln1 Mill er thr11tln$ ~ultlde ii sh1 r1m1lns. Brenda Scott 1u•'''· 1:00 D 0 Nin (C) 1;30 0 lntlll'll ill Adloa CCI (30) Tom· my Prot~ro 1n1l)'r11 th& 11m1 b~· twit~ t~1 U!JU Bruln1 t nd the St1nlord Unlwr111y l~llnL ! TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 8 t.11111 .. ltJ lll!lltifti IMrd (Cl GI AdHIR Tlltllrr. '111t lilt' Whip" (dr1m1) ·~7-J1u1h M•rtow•, Colten Gt1y, CD "f11o" (dram1) 'SJ-Jun Sim· men&, Mlt:tlttl R1nn1t, 10:00 CJ .,.._II TWI W.W.-(di•· m1) '4-4-John G•rlit ld, P1 ul Hto. n ld, UNllOI' P•rM&. IZ:OO II "WKlt" (ft&ljfn) '52-Wild liiTI Erlk!n, P1m111 811~1. 9:00 D '1.ooiM" (com1dy') ·~kl Rt111n, Rtittl HwlMJ. 2:JO 0 "M11lc TfW n" (cotntdyf '41 -Jfmts st...,1rt, Jli'N Wym•"-t :JO 0 "Tiit 11111_. Lii,.. ('omto1r· 1~m111e1) '35-Cl1Ydtl!1 Co~ttl. 4!.lO 11 "MlthtJ ... Toun(" (cO!Mlf(J R1y Ml!11nd, ·D-rerry M00r1, Biil Johnson. • ------··~--~~---------~-----~-,..----.--------· -------· -. -- !I Di!LV PILOT The First Sl1all Be Last Gold Cup RaceDralvs 243 Boats The bay and ocean off Newport resembled midsum- mer Sa lurday and Sunday as 243 boats in 22 classes turned out for Newpo rt Harbor Yacht Club's Fall G<lld Cup Regatta. The giant neet was trea ted to \\'arm sunshine and brisk breezes on both days. Largest class y,•as the Sabol C v.·ith 23 entries. The winner v•as Bellina Bents of NHYC. In choppy seas off Bermuda's Norl h Shore. Jtenry SprJgue II I No. 707 of Ne\\'- port Beach leads the 132-boat F'inn Gold Cup R egatta. JJut Sprague 'vas dogged by ill luck. !l aving been ainong the leaders at some point in every race. he eventually slipped behind in Lill of thcin and finished i9lh overall. Sprague 'vas competing a~ain sl the lop l''inn sailors !'rom 30 countries. 'J'h c final \1·inner \Vas Tom Lundquist of S1v eden. Smallest class was the Australian-IS making i ls regatta debut with only two boats shovl'ing up. Two other pre-race entries failed to start. The two-boat race w a s bet ween Roger Welsh of J\llYC and Bob Kettenhoffcn of Balboa Ya cht Club with \\'elsh winning all three races. Nineteen entries turned out for the Star Class with Olym- pic gold medalist Lowell North of San Diego Yacht ,Club win- ning it easily with a 2-1-i record for 4~~ points: His n~arest rival was c\ubmate John Bennett wilh a 6-3-1 for 91:1 points . Newsboy W iris Seco11d Of L.4 Harbor Series Jack Baillie's l 2 ·met e r Newsboy \\"On the second race of Los Angeles Yacht Club's three-race Harbor Series Sun- day in a brisk \\'csterly that brought the fleet home on a New Craft Exl1ibited By Lindse y Lindsey Plastics of Newport Beach , a d iv is ion o[ Enleprise yachts. Santa An a, is exhibiting the new i'iewporl- 27 at the Long Beach Boat Sho"'· The boat ~·as designed by the Canad tan design team of Cuthbertson and Cassain, designers of the Redline. Red Jacket and 1'.ianilou yach1s. Jfer 9-foot beam extends in- terior space beyond 111ost boats of its size, \1'ith co1nfnrt- abcl accommodations for the <'nlire family or a racing cre1v or ~ven . It features l~o private cabins \vith an enclosed head and dinrtle v.·hich converL~ in- to rooiny dotJble bunk, and a spaciou s galley, rail dov.'n beat. The event 1\·as the Sail East Race from Los Ange I es llarbor down the outside of the break11«1te-r and back on the inside of the Long Beach and L(ls Angeles breakwaters. The leader after the firsl \11"0 races is Roy Cund iff 's Intrepid JI from C.'.lbrillo BC'nch Yacht Club. lnt rrpid 11·as 1hc Class C 1vln ner Su11- d.'.ly and placed fifth overall. Fina l results of Sunday·s race: OVEHALL -fl) Nell"sbny; 12 1 Octavia. Steve Barnard, r.:llYC ; (J) Dorothy 0, Rolx'rt Beauchamp. Nl·l'r'C; ( 4 I Sandpiper, Dean Bro1vn, SI Be:icli YC; Intrepid II. CLASS A -(!) Nelli·sboy; 12J Dorothy O; (3) Sandpiper ; 14) Jubilation. 1'1arry Steward , LAYC: (5) Capricious II, Ben '\lilliams. LA YC. CLASS B-(1) Octavia: 12) Allamar, Jay Jones, LAYC; (3) Holiday Too, Ken Croan , LAYC: I~) Escudera 11, Richard V:i ldes, LBYC: !5 / Charismn. 11, Ed Feo, SB'l'C. CLASS C -(I ) Intrepid 1 ! ; 12 1 Sundov.·ner, Ed Sundberg, CYC: (3l \\'himsey 11. Hugh Rog~rs, LA YC; ( ~) Pcricus-, \\'. V. \Vright. LAYC; (5) Solitaire. Bob 'r'oung. LA)'C. LEADER.C:: AFTER Fl HST TIVO RACES -(!) lntrepid JI ; (2) Octavia; (3) Newsboy, Vllrnan Wins SnipeRegntta D3\"e llJ:man or !lalboa ''l'acht Club parl;:iyed three fi rsts, a sixth and a third to \\'In Alamitos Bay Yacht Club's fJ\"e race lligman Re- galia fo rthe Sni pe Class Sun- dav. i:llman. \\•ho was runnct·U P lo Earl Elms of :\tission Br1y \'acht Club in lhc Snipe Na- tiona\s this yrar, scored 17.4 in thr Higman Trophy scrlc·s to 35.1 for second place Frank Gray of AB\'C. Final res1ilL'i : (I) i\·lagician, Da.,,c Ulln1an, BYC, J7.4: UndcrdO!?, frank Gray, ABYC. 3.1: t JI Bizio, ,Jeff Lrnhart. ~tBYC, 40 I: 141 Acapulco I.old, Jerry 'T hornp- son, ABYC. 41: 15\ II a 1 f Breed, Tom ~utc, l'ltBY C, 49. lt(kntr '~•!• Deb11t for Colu11abia Meet Dorothy 0 , Robert Beauchamp's new Colum- bia-57 from r-.--e,vport J-fa rbor Yachl Club. The yacht is a sister-ship to John 1-lall's Concerto and lhe t\.\.·o will duel 960 m iles in the upcoming Long Beach to l..a Paz race. Sa11ingmaster aboard Dorothy 0 is George Sturgis \\·ho sailed o n Concerto in the Tr~n .... pac. The ne\v yacht is scoring high in her first oul· 1ngs. Los Angeles l'acht Cl ub llarbor Series. Soling Class Wit111er • 111 Douglas Cup I\'ineteen year old John Dane of i'icw Orlfans. 1\•inner last August of the Soling Class na- liona! chan1plonship. will skip- per Tulane University's entry Jn the 4th annual Douglas Cup Intercollegiate f.1atch Race saili ng series next weekend. The a nn ou nee 1nentof Tula ne's choice of skipper 1vas n1.:ide by the co-s ponsoring J,ong Beach 'r'acht Club an d Cal State College, Long Beach. The series will be sa iled Fri- day. Saturday and Su nday of( !he Long Beac h breakwater. Dane, a civil engineering major, is a rormer Scars Cup (Nort h Ame rican junior sail- lng championship ) winner and h:is added the Canadian Soling championship to his long list of victaries. He \vas alw high point ski pper in lhe 1969 in- tercallegiate dinghy cham- pionships. Skippers of four of the sevfn other univcrsilics competing Eleven entries showed up in the Solings, the new Olympic class. The winner was Tom Pickard's Bellwether from Long Beach Yacht Club with a 2-1-1 record and 31,J points. Runner-up was Peter Parker of NHYC \vith 4-7-3 who tied v.·itn ~1ike Hirsh of BYC on points, but won the trophy by vi rtue of beating Hirsh in two of the three races. Final results; in the seven-race series v.·ere 1n•111, Cl••.e• also namect _ each \i•ilh 6~\L~PPER u1 -<1> Cod~ small. outst.and1n.!! credentials in col-T•nsTLE 1101 P) E•"''" Ro ... -svr (1) s~n JHllt•· S~<c Jcgiatc sailing and other re gal-'<:ITE A 11n -01 Rln90 W•rtr"er, llHYC : (7! ( T Wll!••m•. eve {J~ K•TE ~ p)\-{ll Hugo St~mld!, · k • J LIY(l l)l P~ll R•mmlng , NHYC Jl1c 1•lartin. 21-ycar o d F\NN-1101 -111 Al Nel>0n. sssc: senior mechanica l enginccrin" (ll M~,,~~11 Long. SMYC. "' ~~i~~·\\t•J~~\v-L~l~.,°." l~~~~'~']j i-1u dcnt, v.•i!l gui de th C o~n w1~,e, ave. l ; . e ·ly f \"aSi>,·n l LID"·"8 !1Sl -t\l PU Ounlq•n .niv rsi 0 • g on: J'·• ave; !71 Jacl< Coull••· llYC: Chris Seaver, 21, ( from n> M•rtv srr~llther. ABYC, ~~BOT I\ 11'1 -Ill Rav llurdlck. Nc\vport Beach) economics L•YC ; n1 M•r~ r.a<.tdlo. NHYC: Ill · ·11 k. y I , pttil (;~uhcM. LIY(. senior, \Vl s ippcr a es SA!lOT B OJl _ 111 Mlw~ Harden. crev.·: Jona!han G, f ord, 21 , s cvc DI 111ck ci.1che•tt•, NHYCi Cl) occ.'.lo englnel'ring sophomore 0~":..., ... 0T'~ ~:l?'C:.:. en 11&111n• a.~,,. from Jli verSLdC, Conn ., \\"ill NHYC ; Ill S!e>-e lleed, !>SSC; 13) G•e9 P o,.l•n<I. !ICY(; !•! (a I~ Y skipper Stevens Institute of v~ld•wortltv. LIYC:; Ill W•"llv C•m!.n. NHY(, lioboken, N.J ., and Andy :=.=========o;I BOAT BUFFS 1'.1cDon al d, 20, junior jou rnalisrn major from Palos Verdes, \I ill be i<l the helm for ,1..lmon lock.ab1v i1 the onlv defending ch;nnpion use. lull-l;m. boet;nq ,d;fot wo•~;nq l'lasl Cal Stale Long Beach. on on·, new•p•P•• in Or•nq• County, H;, .. ~ctu1;vo cov1r•9• the Unh·ers1ty or British ol boalonq and yet~finq n•WI Columbia and \\'aync Slate ;1 • deo1y fe.tur• of t~e OA !l Y Un1vl'rs1 lV or Detroit v.·1!1, PILOT. select ihcir skippers i n ',,.:_O:iiiiiiiiiiii;;; sailoffs. I ~ The Dr1uglos Cup {'\'I'll\, mnst impor!nnt nintcl1 r<1r i11·• ·•rent 111 col!l'gc :-:11!1ng. ''ill l1 cnch !can1 agninsl every thl'r in \dcn!ic;;i.l Colu1nbia-2fj lnrk 11 sloops over a 2'i n1 ile 111d,vard-lce11·ard co u rs e •itsidc Long Beach Harbor. There will be 28 individual oat-for-bo.:it races du ring the '1ree days of sailing starting t about 11 a.in. each day. ac- l'Ording to race con1mittec l'h<iirman Downey f\tui r of LBYC. UCI Sailor Wit1s Title Veteran 1.'.Ct sailor Carl Reinhart l\'3S the firsl winner of the Cra1vford Trophy Jor coll e~i a tc ocean r.:icing, 1 Hcinhart v.'f1n 1hc trophy b.v laking fir sl pl ace in the fir!>l Ball>oa to Dan.'.I Point Race rcrrntly. Named in honor or t,;Cl's rirst director of athlctirs. the late Dr. \\'avnc Crawford, the nttr:icti ve 1rophv was donated by Robert M. Allan J r. dlrec-1 lor of UCl 's sailing program. ;AFECC ,\ISURANCE _Jr special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Fam il y Auto In surance Bob Paley and A11ociatff INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642·6500 DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Le!s Comp ltf1 Li"• of Fiborg1~n 81htd Ti•e1 A .. 1i11ble. P'dcn Start ot S21 ,,S pl11t ,.l:.T. F;b1r9!~11 Wid• O•el1 -Supt• p,,.,.;11m - R ~di 1I -S,:o•h -S1~d l uqqy - & •II Sr1e1 Truc k Tir11 Sears ~hort EnJ?:ine Block• Pricf'<l wilh Trade-in for C hevy "283" or F'ord ··292•• • •All t:yli nden are rebof'lo ed and honed and the .:rankshaft i~ regrounrl •,\II new part.J include pislons, r ings. timins chains,camshaftbeari ng Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans Having Transmis~ion TROUBLE? "The Next Best Thing to a New Car" i s a Scar s Rcmanufactured ' Automatic Transmission J'ri ct~ EIT1>cli,·e J\l ond11~. I lctobrr '27 ar1il Ttu:~da ~. l)!'tohf'r ~I: OP EN Sr:"DAYS ••. for Your ~hopping Co nvenience ••• STARTING NOVEMBER 2 Frt>e ll11t1f'T")' I n ~tallation l 2-l\lonth.G11nre nlec 18-Month Guarantee Fi11 99 Fi 1.J 99 J\lo~l i"H. •, ~ \lanv !"". Jt 6-\-o h 'V."irh 1 :!-\"~lt "1 i1h Car11 Tr1d~-1"' I :ar5 Tr1dc-lo ~ Sean Battery Guarantee Free replacement <within 90 days of purch•5e if hel- tery pro\·eA rlefective. Arter 90 dayg, ,...e repl1ce lhe haller)', if defective, ind cl1arir:e you only for the period of o .... ·11enhip. ba ~ed on the rep:u lar price le!11 1rade·in at the time of ~turn. pro-rattd over nu mber of mon1h~ of ~uarantre. "" ~-----------------------------------------------,. MJIN" '•I( fl "'ONT! 1(».'G l t.ACH PICO el ...._ l"()MC!tlA SOUTH CO.UT P'lAZA I (ANOG.t. PAlt GllND.l..l[ O\Yl>IPIC l !!OTO SANT" ANA TOU.\NC( I I CO.WION HOltYWOOC 0 1.t.NGt ~ SANTA" SP'llNCS V.t.\llY I COVIN.\ INGllWOOO '"~•DIN.\ SANT.I, /olONIC4. 'v[l'40Nf .. s.i..,.. '------------------------ears-------------------" "'So1i1ra<lion G11ore1ntt•d otY0111 Mo n•r&odr." ----• SMp 6 Hlfhal Mefldor lh,,....i. ~':JO A.Jrrl. tet:lO P.M. ------------- ------------------------.-----~-------~-~~----~..---~~ ......... ,... ...... -..,. __ ,_"'" ................ ----...... ---................... . Monday, October 27, 1%~ DAILV PILOT :t1} Rams Get Out of Bear Trap, 9-7, Say a Prayer NOSE TO NOSE -Fullback Les Josephson of the Los Angeles Rams and Chicago Bears linebacker Dick Bulkus meet head on during second quarter action Sunday in Chicago. Butkus s~opped Josephson Vl"t T1ltpho11 after a short gain on a sweep. The Rams, ho.,.,•ever, rode the toe of Bruce Gossett for a ~7 victory, 'their sixth without a Joss. Gossett' s 3 Field Goals Keep LA Undefeated CHICAGO (AP) -The undefealed Los Angeles Rams knell in ;>rayer for several moments following thier 9-7 victory over Lhe Chic ago Bears Sunday. The action is a riluai with coach George Allen 's tea1n . Bul the Rams had plenty to be thankful about. Two big breaks led to two of Bruce Gossett's three field goals , and Doug \Voodlief's interception late in the game took away Chicago's opportunity Ui win its first victory of the season. Shortly before the end of the game. the scoreboard showed Baltimore had lost lO San Francisco 24-21. "When J saw Baltimore had lost to San Francisco.'' said quarterback Roman Cabrit:l. ''The 9-7 looked as good as 90-7 to nie." Gabriel. "''ho hil on l I of 2J passes for 11:i ,yards ;ind su ffered his firsl in- terception of the ~'ear. called lhe Bear pass d!'.Jensc "The best I've seen ::ill vear. 1 don 'l undtrstand llow they haven·L won a g::iinc." The Bears cashed in on a break to score early in the game when they recovered a fumbled punt and Gale Sayers eventually crashed over for his first touchdown of the year. But in the end it was the breaks which cost the Bears dearly and sent them stumblin g to a record sixth straight r!efe;it at the start of any season. A bad snap fr om center on an al· tcinpll'd punt set 111> a Gossett field go;1I lo l'ut the Bear halftime lrud to 7--6. But th e killer c<1n1c in the third quarter_ Gabriel hit Jack Snow \Vilh a 22·vard pass tu the Bear J9 but Snow fu mbl ed. .Joe Taylor gave chase and recovered for Chicago. The offic ials ruled that Taylor had kicked the ball. Not only did the ball go lo the Rams but th('_ Bear!! were tagged With a 15-yard penalty. The Bear defense held but couldn't pre-. vent Gossett from booting what proved tp be the v.•inning field goal from the It-ya.Ml line. "lt wa s a tough game for both teams,'' said Allen, ;'but it was really ,a big one for us. It put us three games up oo Baltimore in our division. "The turning point was Woocllief's in· terception." Late in the fourth quarter. the BeaM drove from their II to the Ram 34 but on the \'ery nexl play rookie Bobby Douglass fired a pass and \Voodlief interceptCL'., doon1ing Bear hopes. •·1 r<1lll'd the play," said Bear coat:tl Jim Dooley "ii was the play for that spot. \Ve \\-'t'rc trying to grt field goal position . A field goal would have won it for us." !t 11'8S the fe ar Of a field goal that cii used Gabriel's first interception on his l87th pass of the season_ ''The ball was on target," said Gabriel wl10 was Lrying to hit Wendell Tucker on- ly to have Joe Taylor snare it in the end zone. "Taylor gave it perfect coverage. The onl v \\'ay I could have avoided an in· terCcption was to overthrow . I didn't v.·anl to do lhat because we needed a touchdown wh ich would have prevented lhen1 fruin winning the garne on a field goal." Sayer:-· enjoyed his finest game of the se:ison with 109 yards in 15 carries. the <1efense wa s great and Douglass, making his seco nd start, sho\\1ed poise although he only completed 8 passes in 22 attempts for 55 yards. .. We played a helluva game," said Dooley "But we just can't seem to win.'' Hulme Sees McLaren Crash Then Wins Riverside Race RIVERSIDE -Denis Hulme of New Zealand holds the iadividual lead in the Canadian·American spofts car serir3 over his racing partner, Bruce ~tcLaren, \.\'i\h one more race to go. Hulme won the $102.2.34 Los Angeles Times Grand Prix al the Riverside Jntcrnational Raceway Sunday to pull ahead of his boss. r.-1cLJ.rcn, who spun ou t arid hit lhe v.·aIJ on the J'1th lap while run· ning in second place. Asked v.·hat he'd do v.'ith prizes totaling Pae-8 Roundup $21,398 won at Riverside, his fifth victory nf the series, Hulme answered with British humor, "buy Bruce a new car." Hulme and McLaren, driving ~1ark VII I McLaren Chevrolet-powered cars, have won all 10 Can-Am races this seasoo going into the final al Bryan , Tex., on Nov. 9. Although !he point standings show Hulme with 160 and McLaren v.·ith 145. the difference could be much less after lhe Texas race. USC in Driver's Seat For Trip to Rose Bowl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Th e University of Southern California football team, no1v In the dri ver's st'at on the road to the Rose Bo\v! after Stan- ford lied UCLA 20-20, faces a tough hur· d!c at California this Sa turday. USC came from an 18-1~ deficit to heal Georgia Tech 29--18 Saturday and remain unbeaten. The on ly blemish on lhe Trojan record is a 14-14 lie with l\otre Dame. Califor11ia, meanwhile, upped its mark lo 4-2. bealing \Vashington State 17.0 as a third quarterback -thi.~ time Dave Penhall - started for the Bears. Penhall Rf€pped at \Vesl1ninster lligh. In other Pacific-8 Conference games Saturday, UCLA, 6--0-1. entertains \V ash- in~ton, 0-6, and Stanford, 3-2-1, visit s Oregon State. 3·3. Washington State, J-5, entertains tough University of Pa- cific and Oregon, 3-3, ~ts Jdaho in Lakers Nip Bulls, Wilt Scores 3 7 LOS ANGELES (APJ -Jerry West an" Wilt Chamberlain combined to lead the Los Angeles Lakers to their fifth :<ilraight victory. 129-125 over the Chicago Bulls in a Sunday night National Basket- ball Association j ame. Chamberlain poured in 37 points and hauled down 19 rebounds while West pop. pcd in 36 and played a brilliant defensive J(ame. The Lakers had to hold off a torrld iourth quarter rally by I.he Bulls, though, as Bob Love scared 19 of his 23 point.-;. Jerry Sloan led Chicago wilh 25 points. Elgin Baylor contributed 24 for Los Angeles. Cl'UtAGO lo;1twinkl1 ~IA~lnJ lr:auf!..,.n 51°"" W•lk•r Wtsley Wolu LO~• Tvc:~or . ' ' r 0-1 1 • ? l ID l J.J ID • ,,, 's 1 2 l " I J.J 16 ~ 1.1 11 10 J.l ') 0 0.(1 D lOS ANGIELIS •• _ 0 J T thu¥1b9rl1ln 14 •.it l1 ll•vkY • •-• ,. t ounl• J •·• 10 W11! ll 10 10 JO Garro11 1 o.o IEoa" l I 1 Erick'°" 1 1·1 Howl" 1 'l • ' ' Lf"" 1 ?·I • M((&r!or G o.o o lotAlt ~l 19·?• l?S TO!•I• '1 lS·50 11' (111<•!11' .lO )l '' d -1'5 LI» .0.nQflft 11 11 J6 ll -11' 'ouled out -Cnlt•oo. Sic.tin. f ft!AI IOOJI! -(h "•ll<I JO. LD! l'"'!HI~• )• ,l.11•1!C:ttncf -11 •H. . nonconference action. Coach .John Ralston, v.•hose Stanford Tndi;:ins lost earlier to Purdue and USC Jn the final seconds, was dejected by the Lie v.;ith UCL/\. "\Ve didn't se(lle anything, did we ?" he asked. Stanford stood to ga in in the Hose Bowl race by beating UCLA , since the Bruins still must play USC Nov, 22, UCL/\ still has a chance if California can up set USC Saturday, Otherwise, the \Vest Coast Rose Bowl entry will be sellled when UCLA and USC meeL "Actu11lly , this ga1ne meant very litlle to us,'' Trojan coach J ohn McKay said of the vic tory over Georgia Tech. "Next week at California is different over ag:iin. Next week is everything ." The Trojans, rated No. 7 last week behind UCL.\, escaped defeat on Jimmy Jones' 55-yard scoring toss to Sam Dick· erson wiUi three minutes left. On the ensuing kickoff, the Trojans recuvered a fumble on Georgia Teeh 's nine-yard line and tailback Clarence Da- vis later ran it in for the final score. At Stanford, the Indians' Steve Hori). wil1: had a chance to break the tie on a fi eld goal with four seconds left but UCLA reserve linebacker Vince Bisho( blocked it. The lndi::ins had taken a 17-7 halftime le::id on f\110 scoring passes from Jim PlunkeU to Randy Vataha and a JO-yard fit•ld goal by Horowitz. But UCLA moved ahead 20-17 on quar - terback Dennis Dummil's tvoo one-yard to!Jchdown runs. Then Horowitz' second 30-yarder tied it. Dumm it scored all of UCLA ·s touch. downs, including one on a two.yard, first-quarter plunge, Zenon An<lrusyshyn missed the extra point that could have been the victory marg_in plus a 16-yard field goal try after Stanford had tied it at 20-20. In other games last weekend, Oregon's Ken Woody, whose field goal beat Wash- ington, last year's game 3--0, came back to haunt the Huskies by kicking three field goalii in a 22-7 victory, t!tah, \.\'hich has won five straight ar. ler 1 lolls to Oregon, edged Oregon St:ite 7-J on fullba ck 0 Dave Smith'$ 11- y'.jrd run in the last quar1er_ Lach driver counts his best !iv• finishes of the Jasl six races and Bruce, v.·ith three victories during that period, could o\"erhaul his partner. 1.1cLaren's car apparently suffered a fallure in part of the suspension system. The driver v.·as not hurt, but the flag man at the curve involved, Bill Atkinsun of San Diego, suffereil two broken legs when sLruck by th e oul-0/- control race car. After McLaren went out, the battle for second place reso lved into a three v.·ay duel between Dan Gurney, Mario Andret- li and Chuck Parsons. In the final laps Parsons, of Deerfield, Ill., won the runnerup position, In- dianapolis 500 winner Andretli took third and Gurney, fourth. Parsons and Andretti finished a full lap behind Hulme who averaged 121.059 miles per hour for 61 laps over the J,J mile track. record speed for the Times Grand Prix. Both Hulme and 1.1cLarcn hnil fro1n l\ew Zealand but now live in England .. "My car was performing as "'ell at lhe end of the race as at the start," said Huhne, who look the lead at the begin- ning and at times reached 198 in.p.h. on !he slraighta\\-·ay. In answer to a question, he said, "I thin k you'll see improving times." A crowd of 30,200 watched the pr o- fessional driver ba ttle over the recently altered cour se. Hulme's time shattered the former Riverside record of 114.405 rn.p.h. by McLaren in 1967. McLaren alsn won in 1968 al a speed of 114-353 when the course measured 3.27:> 1niles. J ,, ' ' ' TROUBLE AT TURN EIGHT -Driver Bruce Campbell of Beverly Hill s h<1 d all kinds of prob- lems negotiating turn eig ht in Sunday's race a l Riverside. Campbell spins out (top) after taking the turn too tight and 1he (botlorn) spins out again after . ' . "' ·.- .; J I · .. -:, .. . '• going into the turn too high. Denis Hu lme won the race which \VCIS marred by several accidents. one ol 1vhi ch slightly injured tw o youngsters when a car 1vent through a fence into a speclalor area. Long, Hard Years Pay Off for Spray SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Carol Spray's eye!I were mi~ty and there was a quiver in her voice moments after her husband, Steve, had dropped in a birdie putt on the 72nd hole that brought him his first lour victory in the San Francisco Open golf tournament. ''I just couldn't watch the putt," said !he pretty blonde who was ca rrying their daushter. Stephanie, ··1rs been a long. hard time. Some· limes we got very discouraged . Some· times we wondered H we were doing the right thing in gambling the best years of our lives. "But now, at last. Steve has made ii. h took him longer than most, maybe. but now he's made il and that's what cnuotr.'' Spray, 28 and a five-year veteran on the tour. rolled in a pressure pa cked live-footer on the final hole Sunday. hi~ nnly birdie of the day. to beat colorful Puerto Rican vete ran Chi Chi Rodriguez by a stroke. F"'"I ICC•f' •nd wlnnln9s F'""'l•co O.,.n. Slev• SP••v. U(l,000 C~I C~I llodfl<;iUel. 111.000 Bob I.."""· t l,IW llob c~~·ie•, 1•.a 0.•• Hiii, $0,~ >lOr'n{lrO fl l&n<~" 'l .11 1 8 11•t (~•l>fr. 1), 111 Jorrv Bt•td, 1J,111 o "· !l~n. tJ,111 o,•n• fl~m•n. 11.100 l rr E11lor, tl.'Oo 70·0 ·t'-7D-l6• ....... 1·'4--110 •l-H -'>•·tt-)11 U.&9-U -61--Jn '1·••·61-t•-ll? "9-11·i 1·•1-l7) 10-H·t..Wf-l1l ~)·~•.10-6'-'1~ ...... /t./D-1lJ ~···'·•l-11-11• ...... 10.111--11• Jim Wlt<htro, '1.XIO 11••1 V•ncet, ~l.XIO Gr!'D•O• Ar(fler, ST ,600 N.lllt t 8&•btr, 11,600 f r•n~ B•••d. 11..00 )O~~~y Poll, '1,IO(I Phll llOC19rr•, Sl.- (~"I 81D(ktr, 11.00. Bob ~lb~. 11.00. l~rry HI~'°"' Jl.OC• M-< M<L.....clon, Sl.00. $If•• l!tld. 11,00. l\•Hnll l8t1tY, 11.0I» Wolt Home<ivlk, 11,(IW pie~ M•y•r. l l.~ (~trl•• COOdV, \6111 80(> Mu<l'l!y. J.oll A"'0~ P•lmt f, W I 70-U41 .. t-11J /).,1-t~Jli iJ-6/·ll-11-'1~ ....... ~J)-2~ ,.,..,.,,..,_2 •9-1>1-llMl-U , •. , ... 1.10---111 6'·6'·10.10-116 ,, ....... 1J .... Jlt ll-t•~•-216 11 .. 1~11• ll>-61·11-H-n l 11.11-tt.U-216 11-tt-ll-66-ll6 '' H-11·61-216 ~· 7fl.61·11-211 .,.,0.10.10-111 /~,·'·'l-67-211 • r ,,.. ---.............. ------....--...-·------------·-------------------____ .. ___ _ ·------------------··~· -·-- •. ,3~0,,__••_lt_Y_Pl_L_or _______ _cM_:conday Oc!ob~, 27, 1%1J DAILY l'ILOT Pholo D• Ml~t Solol All RI AL DEFENSE -Cerritos College's: fllikc 'fafoya (21) sucrcss- f111Jy defends against Orange Coast Co!l ege pass receiver Bruce !licks during Saturday night's battle of South Coast Conference pO\\·ers. Cer- ritos upended the Pirates, 23-14. Pirate s Botv, 23-14 Can Still ~in Conf e1·ence. , Says Tuel{ er Af te1· Lo ss By .JOEL SCll \\'ARZ 01 lht 01111 PlloT ~ltl! . NOR\VALK -Or;inge Coast College's football tean1 rt.1n out of iniracles here . Saturday night ;_ind as :i rc~11lt was run .• out of first place in the South Coast 14·9 lC'ad \\·ith 4 05 l<'fl in the third pC'rind on rin amazing sprawling catch or a 27- yard touc hdo\vn pass by Bruce Rog~f.'. they tiad their backs in the shadows or the goal post the rest of the w<i y . Alter that Orange Coast had thC' ball f1l'e times and had to uperale Jroni its 10, IJ. t ll and 27. Conference and bounced fron1 the ranks .. ,.()f the undefeated. "\IOe can still \1·111 !hC' c11nh·rcncC' 1itle,'' Pirate coach Dick Tucker s1t1d shortly .after his team had suflrrC'd a 23-14 Jnss 10 the Cerritos Collegr f alcons. The defeat droppt'd lhe Bues into a Cerritos pulled the gan1e out after bot· tling up the Bucs al their O\\'n fl\'C. A short punt and 14-yard return set the .Falcon.; up at the Orange Coast 22. Two plays later r-.1ikc Ernst found Bain Brick open in the end zone from 20 yards out. Raimund \Vershing made il 16-14 with his conversion with 6.42 In go. Orange Coast's Tony VenlLmiJ:lia .· t hree-\.\•ay tie tor .second v.·1th Cerritos and Fullerton. behind unbeaten San Diego r-.1esa 12-01 v.•hich had a b~r.. The thrt'C M'COnd-placc outfits are 2-1: •• · Orange Coast only has l)ne 1oui;h i;ame returned the kickoff to niidfield. but the l'1ratr"i \\'Cre penalized for clipping bark l•i tht· t I ;ind 1i1a1 \1 as thr J!:unr ' ~ • 1rl1 fin its :-<"hedul1·. \ll'<:.1 111 "'" 11r1 ~'. ri.tesa, howe \·er, ~till ha:-; 1u pl:.i~ ~ u!lcnt•n in add1l ion to \he P1rale~ Cerritos c1111pl.111'd 111•· f11r.itt•' ,;11 1ht' way 111 <i gan1r 111.11 '-.111 th1· It.id i ll<in;..f· hands f1vr !1n1r ~ liowc1·er, IJ1r IJn,11 1n;11 g111 prolJalilv t;hou!d h<11r bcl'll lfl·l 4 h1'('.H1~r !Ill' Pirates y1cl drd a ln!c stun' ;1r1rr foillra: on a gllrllblc fr u1n lht·1r 1n111 21-ianl l111L' "Cerritos i.~ a hel luva tc:111i," 'ftit kf·r said. "\\"e touldn 't k{'V our dcft>nse 011 !heir passi ng ur ru nning !)('cau se they inovcd the ball so Wl·ll either \1·ay. "I can't pin the lnss un any one thing. \\'e pla.\·cd a good gan1e , but they pl<1yed 'be1ler." The game was a fr ;1ntu: passing rare v.·ith tile \\\'O learns pulling thf' ball in lhc air 69 limes ;:in{! l"C'rT1tfl:i ptill1n,1? 1t ot1 \ with a pair of lourlh quarter touchdown tos~s. Hov.•ever, field po~11 1on \l'as the kry to the game. Afler the Pirates hatl 1aken a . ·,,.( A G•MI ST•TISTltli "' ' r ... 1 (!Own, •U\h" O ' • ""'' ao .. ,.,• P•"·t·•1 ' J< "'' "''"'"' Pfn•ll•tl ' ' 1 0101 l lf•1 do""' " " Yo'dl •u•hlnQ " "' Y•rd' ""'""; '" ... "'~'d' ... " ' ,., YOIOI o••n•<l '" "' flunh Avor•ol ~ .,.,,.. ' '" ' ... "•···"·~· .... d, "i" • n d "' • .. FumOlt< f"'""'"' loo• "' ' , ~<Otr by O~lrlt'l "'""~· COAl l • , • " (•·· ·~· ' • ,, " ll U~MING o.1n9• (0•11 C•1l119• "' ,. " olv,, ~.c••do , " • " l~"''Y•'~ ' " " .,. °"''""'' '·' • " lltY"!I • " ............. ghl • " c.o"'"" • " ll•tMlll • • " ...,.. ' • ' . ' Tot•l1 " k " " '"rl'•• """'~ " • " ,_ " • " c .. '°'i...o ' • " "'" " " ' .. E"'tt , ' • " ...... ' .. • " .......... ' • ' • Ttlt l• " "' ' ' r1\S1,. c. o ... ,. (ti•• '''!"• " " '"' " '" T,,.,ty11~ ' " ' "' , . C•«ltO• ·~· " • '" ... "''"" • • . , .• Ttttlt " • '" Ftt11r plays latrr, on a fourth·and-onr font ~itu::ition at the 2!. Cerritos stop1)('d thi: Pirates and !llrn arlrlrd fr0.~l1ng to thr \11·1or1• on a ~l \'·~;1rd i::rr1st-to-Un..:k l1111ctido1~n p:is.; '!'Ile l'1rn1es h:id 1<1kt·r1 ;i 7-6 lrad in1o llle drc$sin;: roon1 al h;:ill!lr11c on a 12· 1 .ird i\l11ie Tnm iy;·1su to Hichard Duranle p;1ss 111 lhr second quarter and Bob Ii~ dc (s kick. C'crritns scored ;:i fir st p c r i o rl 1out·lulo \.\ n on a four -yard run by Jlogcr (ia~ lord. The Falcons· only sco ring in the second hall before the l\\'O 1ouchdo\\·n passes ca1ne on a 33·yard lield goal by \\'cr~t.ing in the third quarter. Go lde n \Ves t, Eas t LA Sta ts G.i..M£ Sl•l1ST1,S Cw< ~ ... 1 ~"'"I '"'"'"q " ' ... <10"'~' fl~•!•rQ r,,,. ao .. n1 """""'" To.•~1 '""' do.,·n1 ,, 'r•,O• •v!1'lnQ , " "~·d• ""'''"• .. v.,o. lo•• ' ''"' YMd< ~•rr•d , l'~M• AV•,•~• d•I'•"'' ' '" ' l'~n•lt,•• y.,., ~ •• ,.. 1•d • ,, ~ ""'n'" Fun ~Ir\ 10•• Sro11 h• OUl •I(" f•OI~•" V.•·• (81! lo' A•'?f f' " ~U~lll l'IG GOldon 1'<'•11 "' .. " P0c1 1~·~ " '" • l\o~•·• I " " " .\• •O~' " • '"""'"' ,., • 1011 ,, ~ "' " lcU1 Lfl ol"ttltl Jon" " ,. ' IO••--•O " .. " (0"''""-' " ' "' ... " • H~•I ' • Ir'• I .. ))! ,, r 1JSING Gold•• wut .. " "' .. ~n~w"I •J ' ,. (fl! Ltl ol ntti.• J!'I"' " " • " (I.AC: " ' ,., " ' " . ' ' ' ,, " ... " " " '" " " .. . ' . ' . ' ... "' ~ ·~ Moen Saves It for GWC, 17-14 B~· RO~ E\IAr\S 01 11\t O•UY ,.1111 51.if Buddy r-.1oen is one of the many guys 111 the leg1011 of LJnsung heroes who lurns out to pr°'ctitt ~ry dny. lali:e! h!~ lick~. goe s out on game night and does !us dut y and takes satisfaction from his tcan1's success. Rarely docs he. or the other fellows who play football's less glamurous rolc, gel a headline or picture in the paper. But it was different Saturday r11ght at East Los Angeles. f-.1oen, foriner Marina High School athlete, saved Golden \\'est College from probable defeat. Thl' Hus tlers were nursing a 17-14 lead O\'er f:ust Los Angt-les ' Huskies. the No, I r~nkf'fi jflyCH" team in the st.ate. llo\.l·c~er, East LA \\'as on the Golden \\lest 9·yard tine wilh 50 seconds left Golden West was raced with tie or loss after having led most of the evening . Then Moen stepped into lhc picture with 11 game-saving interception and quarte'r back Tony Bonwell was able to run out the clock with three dive plays. ~USTLER JUBILATION -P l=iy<'rs ~nd coaches jump for joy as the J1nal gun sounds ending GolclC'n \\'C':.t's li-14 triun1ph over East Los .Angeles Saturday night. Ji1n llcr11andez, a former player and no\v as- THE WINNING SCORE -C !l~i rlir Burkland (22) d rives into the end 1.onc afte r taking hnndoff fro111 '!"011y !'.0111\·ell (14 ) for 1hc ""·inning touchdo1\ 11 ;igainst East Lo ~ \n ~C'l1's C'ollri;c Saturday night. 1\ndy The win was the fourth straight for Golden West, a feat never before at· complished by the Rustlers. It also mark- ed the fourth straight game in which Bob Ress has kicked a fieW soal. this one a 26·yard effort ttiat gave the Rustlers an early 3-0 edge and ultimate victory. Colden West took the opening kickoff and marched deep into llusky territory before being sla!led. Bess' field goal came after 2:58 of the first stanza. The game then settled Into a punting affair with Mike Childers easHy winning u be put the ball on the HU5ky sir yard st-ipe twice, the t""·o another time and concluded with kicks lo the 11 and 12· yard lines in the second half. Roge!" Parkman returned 11 punt :14 yards tn the Hu.sky 12 to set up the fir st Rustler touchdown. Bonwell drove into the end zone on the second play of the se- coflf quarter kl givr: the Invaders a 10-0 half\ime lead. Olatlit Buc.hland scored the winning touchdown with t ;ti left in the gamr: ()n a 40-yard nm. DAll.Y Pit.Or PllOIOS Dy Ri~ll•rd KHMK sistanl coach. goes high in the air '\'h ilc Don Jones raises both a rms in expression of JOY. P l·ayers include 1\·like \Vittick (42 ). Don J;"ishbeck (30 ) \\lith arm on assistant coach Gene l''arrell and Ed Lehman (71 J. \'orono (72) hlock!': OH ! nichard \Vcldon 175) \\'hilc \Vaync l~ogers (43) and Donnie Bay Sn1ith 18i) <ire loo late to hall score. The touchdo\\'11 gave the Rustlers ;i 17-lil \"ic tory. Thing Is We Came Back' B,v HO"'ARn L. lli\\'OY Ol 1110 ll•llf Polo! ~TO'! 'The bes1 lhing :1b<1u1 1t .ill ir; th.11 \IC l'3f'le back rn 1\ 1n." Tha 1'!ii 1he 11·ny co;rt h H:i~ ~h.1ck!cfo:·.t ;u11!:f'-··cd h1' pr1nid .1nd 1rn 1n1pha111 I ·Uldt•n \\ C'l lurth.11[ ~'JU.HI I!\ lhf' 1ir•"''· i:1~ r11••:11 lol lo111n : lhtir ti·!4 up·rt 11:11 rr1 "r 1~" •trtlr ~ :--n I r:111 l.:.rd E:i•t l.11:- :\I'"'' l <'•lll1·~(" ~ •• 1u:11 <I 11 .. !I r 'J';1q Ln( An_111h.; It ,i 1;,()0<l 11l lr11~11 •' !rnr.l nn d 1hry 11f"re gnln,I? tor 1h1· hall 111o~t u1 thr. lane in the :it cuniJ half 10 gc~ 11~ In fumble. \Ve gave the ball up three l11n<~ :ind will have to cul down on lhese h.1nl1lrs lo keep on \.I inning," he says. "'()nr kids \\·ere ready for this one and 11 rl1rln·1 takr any pep talk to gel lhem in th;.t fr;;me of rn ind. "!In" lh1 nr, about ii. \\'r shll didn 't give 11·1 .i tr.uchdo11·n on 9 eonccrlrd drive. Onr 1 .. 1~ or 11 kif'koff rrturn <ind !he other , ''.!t' ;11\rr t hr~ t'f'<'fll rr<'d a fumb le deep 1:1 • ·1r trrr11or1. '' he SHH!. '"1 \llkr ) Ch.1lders did n Rrr11! job of p 111 !111~ l[r ku •k.~ lhAI ball high anrJ g1t'C<t ot:r t·nds l1n1c tu ~cl tlO\lll under the punts. \Vhen you ha1·e five of !hem slop inside the 20.yard line, you arc doing a fantastic job." "ft1ike Corrigan did a great job oul there along \.l'ilh (laeklr .Jeff! Jorgensen . They opened up holcs for !Charl ie\ Buckland all night and ga\ E' us a chance lo n1ovc lhc ball . ''On drfen!"e, !Bobi Srro1\1k :inrl l\!1kr \ S1monc did 11 i::rr:i! Job Jn fn ('t. th" 11 hole lerim did ;in outstand1ni;: job . I lhnugt:t." the elated mrntor sl:t1rc!. T~c Hustler co;:ich fu1~n·l changed hi~ tl11nking about the llush.1es. ··rhry <irr just whal l thought they t\'rruld be. A very good offensi\'e team and that boy Jones is C\ ery bit as good as (Clarence) Davis \\':ls last year.'' Oefensi\'e coach Don Rov•c \\'as u- 11brrar.I. "'The big d1ffe rent:c tonight 01•er la.~1~r::ir11a!> tha t \\'e d1rln'1 let Jaramlllo 11 r;i lo. loose for Any lo11.1i gains. "Thtv arr ;i good ofien.c:1ve tr.1m and thC'y run r 1,l!ht .1 ~ ~ou l ihoughl they 1· n1 1ld do more passini:: hu t 11 hrn .,.,., h<ld t1clrl pn~itinn most of the t1rst half, they c!1dn't h.11·e n1uch of an opportunity.'' -~,, ., OIL CITY ACE ON THE LOOSE -Halfback Rocky Cerda (221 scamp- ers for a key gain during Huntington Beach High's 26-14 1riu1nph over Santa A.na Saturday night. A Saint tackler vainly tries to knock down Chargers Tie, 7.7 County Ref s Do It Again; This Time Edison Suffers B)· Jli\-f CARNETI Of th• 01111 P'!lll sr1t1 Orange County's battery of officials cdme under fire again, this time for their misplacement of a ball late in the ~an1e which niay have cost Edison High's Chargers a victory in their Saturday night game with Magnolia. The Chargers had just thrown an in- complete pass from the Magnolia nine "ith ~l seconds to go. So they elected to try a field goal. Ho.,.,·ever. Edison coach Bill Vail says officials mis-spolted the ball, putting it fil'e feet fro1n the ha~h mark instead of the center of the field. "''here it had been. Hr 1nade the staternenl Sunday afler v1e.,.,·ing game films. F'rom 1hal angle at short range. !•icker Rocky \Vhan had ltnle chance tor suc· cess. The att.cn1pt went \\'ide and the Rustl ers, OCC In Key Circ11it • Polo Victories Orar.ge Coast and Golden \Vest College ~·ater polo teams stand alone at the lop or !heir conferences as the season rr.ache!'. the mid.,.,·ay point this week. Both tean1s knock!'d off previously unbe:"lten circuit opponents Frid a y. (Jrange Coast dispatched Santa Ana, HJ-6. in the Pirate pool "'hile Golden \Ve!'\ srored an 11-6 11.·in over Rio Hondo in the Rustle r plunge. Orange Coast, now 4-tl in South Coast Conference play, blitzed Santa Ana from the start. 'fhe Pirates scored three goals in each of the opening lhree quarters to take a commanding 9-2 lead. Coach Jack Fullerton used his reserves lhc entire last period "''hen Santa Ana did its onl:t major scoring. Veterans Steve \Vagncr and P.fike All llright p<lce d the Pirates to the: win 'A>'ilh four and two goals each. Sciturday morning, the Bucs dropped an I I -~ decision to lhe USC frosh, in a malch 1,1·hcrc they "'ere 1,1•ithoul [our starters. "\Ve just went through lhe motions since lhc game didn 't mean much," Fullerton said. Golden West, meanwhll~ was playing: what coach Tom Hermstad called his leam's best effort. since it beat Oran1e Cn;ist earlier this season. The Rustlers jumped out lo a 6-1 halftime advantage and breezed home. llarry Noah paced the Rusller scoring "'il!l four goals while Don Lippoldt and Al F.lljas had three and two each. The l\\"O junior colleges complete lheir fir:.t round conference schedules lhi!! \'lee k. Golden West i!I at Lns Angele!! H;irhor Tuesday whilr. Orange Coast f;ices dangerous Cerritos Fru:lay , two foes settled for .1 i·7 tic at \\"e:s!· minster High. The Chargers came: close Lo "''innin,I:" the contest. They had a first and goa l situation on the Sentinel five-y:ird line witn a minute and a half left to play. but an illegal procedure: penally shoved thern bar-k to the ten. 'fhe next three plays Iletted only 1v.•n yards so \Vhan \Vent for the field goal. The Edison coach 1,1•as happy \l,'lth his 1c;im·s effort, ho11·ever. "The kids playrd a fine ball gan1c, but we just should hJ1·r 11·on 1l. \\'e had the ball do11n !here and 1,1·e JUSt couldn"l gel ti across." The Chargers kept the Senllncls 11p light in the second half. 1'hrec tnnc~ l h~y r<>netrated the l\lagnol1a 20-yartJ l1r.e. They reached the 15 before a drrvt: $!;ill~O in the third quarter. got to thr I~ early 1n thl' four1h. and reached rhe !i<'r latr in thr conl est. Tl1c Sent1n{']s \1·rrc bol!lcd up \Jy 111e Edison defense in the second l1all Thr·v r rosscd the !iO-ya rd line only f}llCf' <in~I ('(•ultl i::c( no further !han tht! Edi ~on 42 ;\lagnolia looked like 1\ .,.,·as goi ng to bl o11· the Chargers out of lhc .~tad111111 in 1he early moments or the contest The \•isitors scored the first tin1e they got the ball, going 56 ya rds in five plays. The score came on a l9·yard pa ss from quarterback Ken Panique to Light f'nd Tim Krause. Dave Bonahan booted the PAT and with less than two min· 11tcs elapsed in the game, Magnolia led 7-0. l"'Cfensive back Strl"e Hunter recol'· creel a Sentinel fumblt: on 1he f_;d1son 38 n1idway through the first quarter. and Charger signal caller Jerry Hiner Josa drove his mates 62 yards in 10 pl.iys, capping the drive with a fou r yard scoring jaunt around left end. Rocky Whan kicked the point·after with 2:46 left in the quarter and the sc<Ke remained 7.7 for the rest of the game. . " F "" d•wot ,~~1~• •0 ~ "" downJ ~uln~ 7 F"ll d<lwo' P'lnl lt'e< TOlll l"" dOW"I Y1td1 •~>~<~Q Yacd' !OA>li"Q Yl•dJ IO•I " ·~ .. " "' " '" ... " '" N., v••a~ 01IM<1 Pu"llfA~1t.-;11 •itl•nl"• P,,..1111 ... 1Y1ra1 pe11ll•Ltd FumbltifFumDI•• !Ost '~· Jl]t ' kw• .., 0¥.lrt0'1 '-':)9!"11)111 I 0 l[fi-, 1 I •UIMUI• .. _ "' H.,.,.lose 10 .... ' Mo~lty 11 "'.,......., r ""'" ' Tole!• •I M1 .... U1 P1oiau1 ll l.0(111 l1 (;Of'"" I Toi.ii )0 PISSING 1~1- .. ~ '·' • • " " " " • ' ,. " •• " .. II 110\ ••• . -. . -' VL ·~· " .. • " ' " • •• • .. " " " " ' " • •• .. ,. ,.. P'C Ptll l'G P<! •• 1"1noo...,1 t I I j l •6" I(,,,,,., I • I 1 000 To•t11 10 1 0 l o !Oil M1tMl!I "•' '""' JI I 101 1'1 -' . ,.,.-. '?" -~ ,• -•• \ -i·-. -·· ... t.1onday, Oc.tobrr 27. 196' D ~ll Y PILOT 3J Oilers Stay Alive In Title Derby With 26-14 Win DAIL'( P'l l.O T P'ho!o• b1 l<• P'IY~f By ROGER CARL.SON 01 l~t D•llr Poi.I SrtU Four football teams have a shot at a share Ql !he Sunse t League title anri <i bl'rth in the Cir AA/\.A playoffs with only three \<eeks left of lhc regular Sl'ason ... <ind one uf them is llun\1ngton Beat:h High School. Cuach Ken ~1oats' Oilers officiallv ad- • ded U1eir n1onickcr to the I isl or" ean- 1hdatt'~ after trarnphrig Santa An;i Satur- flay night , 26-14. in a game th11t 1vasn't as (·lose as the final score indicated before 4.,500 fans. llad Huntington Bl•ach made ai}- propriate use of all of the opportunities 11 \\'ot1!c! have hecn a rout. 1-lowevcr, w1Lh victory by any n1argin, the Oilf'r.~ stamped thernse!ves as a serious ca11d1da1c f(ir league laurels with 11 2-l niark , a hair ~a1nc bt'h1nd Nc\\'port Jl.1rbnr and \\'es1111111ster \3-1) and tied \Vilh Anaheini !2-t). Su111cll1in~ will givr shortly, hov.ever, \\"hen lluntinglon (·5-1 overall) travels to \\'rs1rnins1cr Friday night. \V i!h only lhrce v.·eeks remaining, a sc· cnnd tu~ fnr anyone will be c./1sastrous to championship hopes. !1 .,.,•as the firsl Huntington win nvrr ~an\<1 Ana si nce 1961 anc.J the unit rnost responsible for it was the fine dcfcnsi1·e l"orp:. of ll unt1ngton BcaC'h along with quarterbaek Garth \Vise and end Paul illoro. \\"is1• ran Fur two touclldo11•ns and threw tn fllon1 for the otli('r two lfl accoun t lur thr Oiler 1011thdo11n~. Il e sc.::;irnpt'red 64 \'arc.ls al'Ound left end rur the Oilers' firSt score in the f1rsl period and Frank llanss added the fir~! of two extra points. H rrase<I an early 6-0 margin the Srunt~ rn1oyrd 11.·hen Jincin:in Da l'c Kucher;i picked a rurnble oul of lhc alr a.nd raced 67 y:.irds for a touchdown. th e Oiler \Vhiz. The victory \vas l lunlinglon "s fir!-! n\·cr Santa 1\na !;!llCf' 1901 1\·hen ·the Oilers \von. 24-13. The Oilers hroke it up l;ite in the sr- 1·o nd peri od on lwo 1ouchduwns within nine seconds of pla ying 11mr. WISE OLD OILER -Jluntin~ton 13cach lligh quart- erback Garth" \Vise tries lo elude Santa Ana tackler Dave Kuchera 1671 during Salurday night Sunset 1.eague hoslililics. \Vise passed (or ~\l'O touchdo11•ns Hild passed for another in hi s bid for all-league recognition . Laguna B.1 D1\\'f. CEA Rl.r·:\' 01 !hr O•<IY Polo! Sill! The Laguru..' Br<Jch fnu1ti;ill .<;q uad -'>11np- ly had an ;il1-;in1und b:id n1gln Saturday. /'\ot onlv w(·rr Ille .".r1 1st~ sn101hrrecl h11t a scrre~ of second half injuries reduced thr Laf'una squad to a 01erc 16 men. Before the mullitude of injuri es 1he Artists probably played their finest hair of football this ~ason as they held powerful Orange lo a 7--0 lead in lhe first 24 minutes. Then the injuries t.ook their hea"'Y toll. \Vher1 the Laguna players finally walk~ ed. or .,.,·ere helped off the field. Orange had at1ded seven morr 1ourhdnwns on it s 11·av to a 56-6 rout at F.l ~lodcna . i:aguna co<1•'h 11 :11 Akins snirl the. Reduced tuon)( 10 1' lill '.,1rils ;ind hail another 40· ,\.11'!1 e:•!lh l~11!1·d b:tr k. UlJllrell his foot 1•;11'ly 11 the 1.1~1 pt'rrnil. Tal}(lr ni;;iy be oul with ~ broken :1rrl1 . t "cn1 j'r Boland Ml'i•:1t1:111y !irnpetl nff Lhe f1rld in lhl' third 11u011·1rr with a badly sprained ankle, and ll1llbat:k Hal Proppc, subbing !or 1hl' pre viously injured Sco1l Allen, suffered severe dizziness in the fo11r1h quarter. Jn addition, a st.ring of minor injuries further depicted the already skimpy La guna squad. The Artists finall y reached the end zone early in the fourth quarter when 1hc:y marched 60 yards in nine pl ays with 1\11kc Abbey taking a pitchoul and S\\'eep- ing for lhr final 16 ya rds. ~1anfr(•d ll f'l n('·s !'AT attempt was blocked. OAME 1TATt~llCt " 0 , "'t d~WM ,,, ...... , " ' " an"'"' ~~--. ,, " to 16 Y~•d• '"'""'~ " °l"•M< P"'""~ '" Y~1ao '"' " r1•• v~•a' ~·,"·~ '" PL'"h AY.,~Q• d'>I•"{' .. ,. \ P•"~lll~• v .. a· "'".1'1·~ s.o f «mbl;"f u,.,blt• io•,1 '" I •Q~n• 8ttUI O•fnvt w.,., "'"" Ottm~• M(/lr\~"8' CCHl•m l DI•!• 51'1C!•n•~ C:l'"/f<hw•rd N•H<rn Po•1•• ~t~•l1 B••n•" jl,Q•jl••• loi..• ''"' ~Y Ou1rttn • • • ' ' N ~USHIHG L•IU"I ll•c~ "' " .. • " ' " • ' ' ' " ' , ' ' ' • " " ~ o ...... ' • • " "' ' " '" • • " • ' • ' ' " • ' " " " ... " Pl~"HG l 1tu"1 I••<~ •tHIM V• .\l I I I 11 l ... " .. "' l 11 0 ... " ·-' 11 -S. ••• u '·' _,. _,. " '" " '" .. " " 1i D " ... '" '" First it was \Visr. sweeping 10 yards \\'I th 30 seconds left in the half. Then he passed to r..loro for 16 yards and ,. louchdown after Ca \le Crockett recovered a Saint fu1nble on the ensuin i: k1ckuf1. The f1n:il tall y came on a 10-ya rd pa.;s play tu 1\-l uro . Standouts defensivclr for Huntington Reach 11,.ere f\.1oro, Jiin /labenhur, Jlanss. Craig Zaltosky and 1\·likc r-.1cCo rd. Santa Ana 's passing garne "11.'as he ld tn \'1rt11<1!!y nothing as the Oilers' secondary intercepted fou r aerials and allowed onl y two completions. The Sa111t speed was neutralized al thr line oJ scrimmage . ClAM[ STITISTlCI HI Ill ~'"! <!own' ""'""~ I • F ''" do"'"' "~"'~9 I 7 F•t>I downs 1>•n•IT••• o lo1a1 l•r11 oowo• ,, 1 '""a' '"'"Ing 111 15/ Ya<O• 1>a>1ong \11 ?I Y1rO> 10>1 17 Ji~ Nfl Y••d> •••n~a 711 Ill! Pun!""'"''~gr O•>lon« • )()Ji l 3'' P~nal!oH/Vird• P•n•l<1ed •1.i J J j F"mblr:o/f.,mt>lo. 10>1 ~12 J1J Sc1t• l>Y o .. 1r1er1 Hunlifl'llcn e,.,~ 1 11 a ._,, S.•nlo Aoa G O 1-U w .. ~ /'leol c~.a8 C•o" •'' I lcYO H~n., /..'cCC•!I T<r!all M~Gu<J;.~ FOovo ' o •• ,. Ot>u•~ Raml•~l v.n.•• 1lan1 •••M• latal> w ... N.<Co•~ To1ai. llUSHIHg Hunllntto~ Ill(~ '" " .. " S1n11 •n• " " ' ' " •• •• .. . ' " l l •lll ...... " •• ... •• " " • " • "' ,, .. .. " " • • "' ... ' • ' .. .., " " ' " • " ' " , _,. • " ' . .. " " " " " '" • ,,, • "' • " • " .. •l • D " ' , .. "" .. .~II " .>M '" .161 " ••• JC CROSS COUNTR Y TEA 1l1 S FAR BA CK 'fhe Orange Coast area's three junior colleges fini shed back in the pack al the Mt. San Antonio College Invitational meet in Walnut Saturday. Golden \.\'est was the highest finisher, ltiki ng eighth in the sn1atl schools division while Orange Cna.~t was ninth in the large ~choot section. Saddleback .,.,·as I !th in the ~rnall schools. H1ghcs1 ;1rt•:i finisher was Orange Coasrs Uan "'looney. placing 19th in the large ~l'hno l racr v.·ilh a 21 .28 clocking. Teamrnall' [{aJph Dean was the next l'ir:itc placer in 49th with a 2·06 cf· lon. (;1 .ld«n Wc!il"s top finisher was 'fef"ry r.1<:Kco\\"n. 24th in 21 ·30. Doug Sl'hmenk 11·.1s :l2nd 11·1lh a 21 :fl3 tinic. Drlcnding slate champion Los Angele.~ \lalll'Y ,,..·on the large school titl e while r.·loorpark t1nminatc<I the •mall iChools. Lio11 , !Vlo11arch , Trito11 R1111n er s Bag Victories '1'h1·p1· lllla! 1nccts iH l<l two inv1L<1lional ) )11gl1l11,.:litcd pre11 tr·o~!i l'Oun try action u1<'r lhr 111~l'kc11d !n Ille dual 111rrls. \\'estn1in~1rr 1hu111pl'il i\n:ihci111, J.~~O. S;1n llcmrnt& drubbed Foothill. 1:·1-·12, l\1alcr Dc1 hun1- hlert Piu s X. 15-44. J)11n Diston led thr \Vrsl1111nstcr Lion~ to lhr 11•n al Anaheim. Oiston was firr;t 111 10 14 JUSl one second ahead of tean1 - 1natr Sle1·c V.1rg;i Other Lion finishers were Ted t.lautrr. 10 ·24. Kr v1n Colen1<1n, 10 .25. Ken llur sl. 10 :26 and Steve Lasscg:ird, 10 .27. Enc fl.larquardt running his rirsl varsity race wound up with a 10:40 clocking. San Clemente ran its race againsl f ooUull during the in1ermission of the 'friton·Knight football skirmish Friday i11 San ClemeMe and the Trilons ended up with an aggregate time of 48 :10, one of the best times in the nation this year. Bob Lineback came in fir st in 9:30 and was foll owed by Tritons Craig SterlinF:. 9«14, Brad \\'inton, 9:39. Bill Ayer, 9 ·~? and Garv Brashe ar. 9:4!i. .John ~fi lllg11n. 10:24 and Bob Garcia, 10:3:.! also ran For San Clemente. H.1ck .Jennings led Angelus Lcagur leading f\.fa tcr Dci to its win al Plus X. Jennings v.·as cloc ked in 9.25. Trailing him were ~1onarch!1 Stevr. Horestmeyer, 9:30. Bob Ltanza, 9:38, f\.1ark CoUins, 9:46, Mark Leanza, 10:17. 'foby Clearley, 10:19 and Tony Bonkamp, 10:21. Oiston was the highest finisher f<W" Weslminster at the Mt. San Antonio Invitational hitting the tape in IO:ot. Dave Lockman ran a 10:28 to finJ~ highes t for Martna. They were the only t110 art'a schools entered . Oimeron Haney was the top placer for Fountain V1111ry in the Palo!! Verde~ Invitational. lie ran a 12;04. The only otner srhnol fro1n thi~ area there ws~ Hu n1ington Beach 11.·llo placed Jack Artists playe11 <111 ext·l'ptional first half, hut lhr wave ol inJunP.;; proven fatal. "In the lourth qua rtrr v.·r had ktrls play!ng positr ons they\'c nc1·rr pl:iJ rrl hefurr l~nd Bari Tahnr . \l'h" ht.1<l li ve r('o·rp-1 .. ,1 ln1 .. • '""""' '''"I n•n~I! r• ' 00 .. "' " " 111 1\.t cQuown bighcsL • . -------......... --- --... -------.......... -..... ... ....---~ ... .----.-.. -· ·-......------------·--·------·-----------·---·-·-------·-·---·--·-. ' : : " ' . MU __ o_•1_L_V_P_1L_o_r ________ MoM.iy Octobtr '17. 1%~ ;SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers Tars, Lions Fall Collegiate Football 3 League Title Crucials ' Esta1icia, Laguna Involve Area Grid Teams SOUTHL•NO Du11ip Polo Foes lJ(~ ~ 10, ~lonll!rl! 'IO 11\t; 'I (; .... •~•· ltt~ I ~ C••'~n•·~11al! n . toro•• 1<I W~tnl.., '.l, Otc«ien••• I U ~&n Q,....., 70. (•II•<~ 6 Possible key! lo !he Sunset, could gi ve \\·obbling Anaheim get!! it! last 3hot at lht Irvine Angelus and Irvine League fits League title Friday night • lly STEVE Ai\'.l)HE\YS 01 •~• 01ilv P ilot S1•rt r:~t alll'lil :ind Laguna Beach <:an1c up winner~ in water polo a t ti o 11 J"rid11y. ~sta ncia 's Eagl<'s 1.JellL-d Sonora, 6-2 in [!1e Raiders PIXil ;uat the Art- ists nosed past l·ountain Val- ley, 9·8, in the secuntl sudden death period in Baron waters. '1His 71M: I'M GONNA J..AND A DfAL Jn other polo play, Foottull d1J1\11cd \Vcsttni nstcr, 5-~. and J<'ul!erton lieut Nl'"·purt llar- lwr. 4·1. 5fJ.LJNG A NfCEj51TY OF LIFE" L/Kc ouvi:s/ Esta11e1a scored four t11nes Jn the lturd period 1n its vic- tory over Sonora. Crcg \\'eilcr, \\•ho 11layed goal 1n ;ill but the third stanza, ca1ne out then and tall ied twice tu give the l::ag!es the lead. F oothall Sta11cli11gs Other .~curers for the Eagles, 11·ho ho~t Costa 1\1csa in a key Ir vi ne League battle Tuesday, v.•erc Steve \Ve b- ster. two and Dan Hefferan and \Vard Sa unders, one, I UIHIE T l lEAGUI W L ,., I'• ~twPOrl H"I"'" Wntmln.ior Hunllnoion looth AMM lm l I ! OJ 17 ~7 " ?I •I •4 WHtorn SoMo An1 Morino ' J6 •6 IJll\Ol O l'10t Sol\lrt 1r'1 Stln HuMlngtan fl••<h ,~ Senlo •n1 I• ,.,1a1v•1 G1m11 Mu in1 I I '"'"""""' ><u~llntton fl<1<n 1! W"tm.n1l•• \'.'e<l.,n 1! ~1n11 Af\I 14•w.o•t H1rl>ot 1T Fll!~•Ool 1noo•- !•1ou•I lltVIHE lEAG UE w l 1 .. , ... Fwn11in V1llr y l~,. • " 0 111 • " " " " Cor<n1 arl Mor J o Ea l•on I I N.1vno1.1 1 1 Co>11 Mri1 1 0 fn•n<i• ! 0 S1nr1 ,O.n1 V1tl•v 0 • 0 '""''~"'" S<O•t E ai1M 7, M•U><llil 1 ,ria1r •1 0 1-1 " " ,, ,, .. " '~ 70 Ill (Mii Mu1 "' IEalw n 11 Hun1 1no•on IH<h t.01r1 v• Coron• .iel M.•' 1t NrwPO•I "'"°' llhi••••'I G1rn1• M1onol11 "' SA VI II•• 1! we>1er• Foont1Fn V1ll•1 VI E•Tlft(OI 11 l·lr#• Porl !-<erl>Or tltESTVll"W LEAGUE W L 1 l'f !'A l'oo•h;!I 0 0 ljt ' " Oren•• 1'• 'Tu,,ln • Of' ., S8n Cl•m•n!t 1 JI n Vllle ''''· 1 ' )5 j~ M111inf! "'l•lt l 0 1J 111 El h<od•n1 l Cl l? I• l l 'U"I 801r~ i 0 JI 1~~ S11urd11'1 ,,.,. a r1n11 ~. l1Qun1 B••<" ' ll'rio11•1 G1mo \111 Clem~1111 1T l ust." Mo.,i08 Vl1lo 11 l1qun1 1!11<~ Oronto 1t Voll1 P ttl '""'''""" ....... l'~!llill 11 El MOcleno l'ltlEl!Wo\Y l E,\GUI W L ,,. .. • ull .. •on IC1nMOV SI"•""" Sun111 Hlll1 ., ,. •\ ll •1 l ) u •1 "~ I 100 J• l1 H1br1 flu..,. P1r~ l.ow111 l .M .1' n ?! 01 0 ll .. Sttur•or'I \tort S1v1nn1 ]J. Buen• "•'-I l'rld1Y't Gome• 1Connl'd¥ 11 fl uen1 P1rlo. Sunnv Hl•lt vs Sa•111n1 11 Wrsle•n l<CIV 1! l.1 H1b•1 Lco-11 11 f ullorton OAltOl"N OltOVI 1.1! .. 0 UI! W L I'll' "" G11don Ci'""' 11t1M~n ,o.11mlto1 P1cl!lco 0 l• 0 0 ~· 0 S1n!l110 ' tlnlw G•tr>d• . , LI Ouin•1 . , S11urt1•'• Store 10 ?I 7' II . " • • 1!.1ncl'>o Al1..,i•o• l•. 8 01•1 Grt "d• O ••lfl,.., ........ P1d llt1 VI lt1nt l'lll ll1lmllo1 11 801•1 i 1ntl1to 11 G1rorn Gf!t"I 51ho rf11'1 Gom• l 1 Ouonl o ~T l!o•" G••"~' 011,\lolGf LEllGUE W L ,~ ,. l.o' A!1mllo• Soro<>•• 0 !I \ JI • , Q •• }1 El Ocrooo 1 IJ on V•l~C •I "'"' , S•dOltl>lci< 1 J l.O& ,..,.,1,... • • S1!w,t ••'• St ot•• V•l1nc.1 1•. lO< ..... QO• " 1(11tll• "· (I Oor•O~ l / " " .. \• •? •• Sl '1 "' Pro Grid '" IE1•!"" o•~·•i1n C1nrury 01.i.;.,. Cl..,.tlo•d N•ol Yoro: S• loul• '"''""''" Wl1 ,c!, i 1 I ICC llD.OC 1 _, ! ([Ill l~016S "'"QI' 16) 1001 ,. II I •• Ill 101 !'1 (••oTo! Dlvl1ion D•ll•• W••~l"•'a• P~ll•i:tr•o~•• NIW 0.loo'' I 0 nl(IOO !•I \I ' I 1 !Ml !,11 IM 1 ' 0 Ill I I !~I 0 0 0000 •• HJ ""'""'" O••hl1" C1n1ra l Dlv,,11,, M!~"•10lo c;., ... 11• '" "' '" " " .. ~····· ChltltO ! ! n I l l • l 0 UI 1J0.500 OtO OOO CNllll Ol•lti•" l • 1111 l.o• lln .. lu • 0 C lllO\l I~ •l ll•ll!ff'O<'O l J 0 .ll'O !Qt 1111 ,O.rl1111!1 7 ' 0 .JJJ IJ 1"11 1 '"" Ffl t!C•1tl t • I 1'00 11 111 l lttMIY'I ll•1Uth c;..,.. l 1y 1'1, Allt"t' 10 Mlnn1.ot• 1•. O•lroH 1e l .. AllfflU t , CMt o"" ' W11f\ln1lo" l•. Plll•l>u•o~ 7 l'Ml1d1"1,,,,;1 I.). Nr·H OrlH nt 10 !!, l ..... 11 JI, (llOflo~d 11 ~on fron•l"o 1•, s o111,.,0,, n Tlll!llM'I Com• N•., Yort ~' 0~•11• SUftfl•'• Gornn C'.Mt••o a! ''°''"~••t '• Otll1~ 11 C'°''"'•'O ~trell •T S•" r'O"("''" G•Hn l o• •T Plll•O~··" lei ~"lrlrt 1! ••11r!1 N..., 0rl~lft1 11 ~· LO" • Phll•e.!of>i1 II N•H Vci•- Wl !f\l,,.!0" I! 811•.mort .. , ,,._ ....... ...... , ..... ...... Ml1 mt ... ~ l"t1lrr" Ol•ltll" ~lT,tt. 110 .•1• ' l 0 .!11 JlO .,N '''· c• 111 u• l ' ,,, 01 aoaa 11! 11• Ill lt& 11, l )! ,, Ill w....,.. Dl•l•ll" ...... liCll'lM• Cll1 ... -""~' (l"(fn.,.!I • 0 11 000 1'1 I I 0 .l~I IU IJl !lll"ll •l l !ll \61 J I 0 ~7' IJI """"' '• • .,.111 Ml1rnl l " llufl•lo t IC1nt •• CllY ,,, Clntl ..... !( n Houllon J,, o.<iv" 11 ,....,. York 11, l ot'O" tr 01kl1"f ?•, 51" Ol•to 11 , ..... ,., o ...... H011tlllf! 1! l o1IOl'I _,,,..., City 1t 8 utt111 Ml•ml I I "'""' Yo·-..,~-!•nd 11 C•nrln,..,I Son Olno 11 0..n•t r '" " '" '" "' I I I 'Thu•lda•'• 01m•• Soddl•~·'~ ... LOS Alam••o• 11 w.,,. "" 11'11 •• £1 Dor1do 11 V1l•ncl1 s 11urd1v'I G•m11 Loo .l.mivo• "" !.<>not• 11 LI H1br1 1(1T•ll1 at V•lend~ OESEltT CONFEltENCE W L ,F ,,,, M' ~"" Jori"T~ o J'Y.I n S10~lp~1<• D •• 11 Mt•I (0\!1 1 n 76 11 tmPttiol "'•ll•v 1 ? 1 • I t Coll~• of °""'t 1 1 •~ &1 11••\low o , n e1 V"'"' Vo llrY o l 11 111 \1turd1v•1 lcoro• I oli•O• of tl>t O.;e•t H, V>C!or Vi l· l~y 3• """" Co1ta 1l fle'1IOW 6 M• Son J1<1n!o •l . lmP•'•" Ve.l~V " ,l1U•G1Y'1 G1m•1 Soddl•b~~· •' 11.iro Crnlo lmoor•1I Voll•• 11 Coll•o~ ol H>• °""" M l Son J1dnto 11 8•r11ow v ,clor Vll~v. b•• SOUTH COol.ST COHFEltEHCE W L ,.F !'A Son Oh!90 Mt>I O••""" toa11 ? 0 •.I ]\ 1 •! s• (errr•o> Fullerlon S•n D•l'ID Ml , SA( ~enl• .l.n• ? 11111 Sl 1 I JO• •? l 1 ID H Dl ll !t Q J ·~ •• Si1!~td•v•1 s(o,., r•rrilO< 1), Oronve Co••l U F~ll••to" •j. Ml. ~AC 19 .!,on Oi•~o 1. SonT1 A•• l S•n 01000 It·•••· bVt M•. SAC ~· Or•nQt Co•'' ~·!UtOIV'• Gom•• f'lo• s•c 01 o,.~q• co1>1 {O'rlto• OI .!.an11 ·~· ~~" Di•vo •' San Oi•v~ 11"•>~ FYHorTon, b•• SOUTMl!ltN CALll<Oltr.11,0. CONFlltl!HCl . ' "'" "" 11 " c;o111e• w .. 1 '"'"t><l' • • • ' ' ' 1• ,, lo• 11 nq•l•1 IE1\t Lt.CC c •o••" ' • • • " . I• lf . " 11:10 Hot>Oo ,, " Sat11..i1y't Scout Gold~ Wul 11, IE••t lo• ,o.ngllu I• H1tb0• ?•. llt~ H-U lot "n;•I•• :it, Cypress 8 ll'rlM1·1 O.rn•• •i.o 1-fo.,d• "' Goldfn w,,, •P Or- 1•91 Co111 E••I lo• An~el1> 1! lei• Angolt • Sl!U .. l f 't G1m1 Cvo•l ll •I Hftbar Pro Cage Standings ... Enltrn O>'i1lo" Won lo•! '<1,GI NON VO" I •>I r n.•1d•1cn·• l 110 ? /,<1tw1u•" Ml l l N:O 1 > 1 7 '>1:0 l ) ·,;1 . .~ WU ll<R 0,.111on 5o" ~t~n-·to I .1 \0 l <I" ~nQci<>• ·'' • •1·~·· r"''~"° """" ' i"n 0••9• ~··"" 1 .• :.-a l .•t~ 1 ., .1.. 1 I 110 J 0 000 ~· •..• ,_YO" Ill. e1lh,,.,.,rf " (•n.t•~dlro 100. Pl'>d•d•IOl'>•I •I O•!<Glt llS. All•r ll IO• "'"'""" •I~.~•" 01•~ 101 ~>• f r~""UCI !ll , "'''"'"~'!'{ l~ Lo' .... ,.,., 1)0, Se•lll• 1(• Sundl•'• RHui" L<• '"••I•\ l~ {"•<•oo 11\ 1.'.1 ~1vl.t• 11,, Pt-oe<-• •9 Tod••" G1mu No Q.,,.,, .c~•<luleo I u•••••"• G1mu llol''"'~' •• D•lro11 BMIO~ ~· M<l'"'l~V• lltl1nt• >I N•w Vo•O( ("•<•I'<> >t S•~lllr Laguna Beach's Bi!l Brown hit the nets for the winning ~cal in the Art ists' th.rilling tiff ll'ilh Fountain Valley. The Barons \Vere ahead :l·4 in the fourth <1uarl er before Charlev \\"are rlcn!rd the net 1w1cc iind srnt lhc game into 0 1 <'rl itn<' lJoth teams l;11!it•d !\\'ice in th£' firsl period and lv.·ice in !he second b1'lorc Brown's 111nn£'r in !hr !'Ccond sudden death period. Brown played his best game nf the sea~(ln. making the ad- justment from guard to for- Light,vcight FootbaU SOPHOMORE fo·~~· d•I Mil' n ~ ' ' 14 co,,•M••• 0011-• lout~rlawn,. (C"dMI Flo~"'' 121 . /CM) Sc-ll•er Piil• !COMI Ole!• t"""I •rom l o11il: ICMI Ar!hur (P•U "Or>• D•••ellf l'....in11:" Vtll~v 0 ' ' D 1J ~·~I• ""I V1ll•v 0 0 0 D-0 Touchllo<t""' 5•ovl ved• (JJ lo1•a \' ' t -l l 0 6 I IJ E "•ncl1 ,.,..,_, Sa..,.!, ll•O•'n, 5•otS f"doJCf! 1 80 M•~'IOll• b 0 II To~than.,n1· ""~ell, GU•'• ill P.l.T Gui" (•un> . .. 1 u<ltn Teucn<f<;>wnJ" 1i:u11 Jonr" ll r1nn1n n ,, 1 •1-J~ •011'1i (JI. Wfdl. GUI. P•T 6r1nnf" !1 ~•t••l 1,\8•.n• o 11 n n-11 tHwon•t n o o O-• Tou thdcwn1: T1vlor. So., \•n r.ementr 1' Q 1' n-1• f 0<>t~dl 0 0 I 0 I ToVcP'>drwm1; J oh1nn•J ()\ Roule•, l~r .. P~l l"'" 11 """"' from JO h•nnt1 I l<v"l ·"q'"" Sett~ 5•n!~ •no '" . ' , ll I • 1-•9 6 0 ,_,, 11 6 11 0-)0 tl1wn<>d MAron~ Tn·ot"!H>"~I fNl r «•• " " . ' ~I.II l<o•odo !l! "~ t ...... h l '""~ ooo ~G 1'1 1.,•o~ v ,o,o O O • •-1• iou•~l!oHr• M1•!•"~". I ··•o P•T >llV"I> 100" lrO"' £<hollll ~.,,,~11 ~·~~u ~·" Clem•nl~ 0 0 6 l\-6 Toot~oo·"r "'O''""' ""MonoTO• 9e~(f' ~ft"'• ..... TovthOPwn (••no " GOLF CLUB SALE -1969 MODELS- Alu111i11u11t ff StMI, Stiff, l .. ul•r o r Sift f l111. l111,. ll1fular or Shirt Sluafh. Waads and lrans Tany Lema Ken Venturi Spalding Arnald Palmer First Flight Golden Ram Tommy Bolt . Ladies Aluminum G•lf ..... lod'"-Et11ic Stio .. ,t,_,lc:-4. M .. m CM ..... G,..,L .... Ttl•"""9.,' A.M. SI ,SI JIJ• H1w SKIP MAY'S Costa Me11 Golf R.ange ;J.717 Newport Blvd . 545-9993 In Or•nqe County Fairgrounds Reg. Sa le 55 55 85 95 25 75 75 84 -$285 $1 --285 1 -------285 1 --------285 1 -----295 2 ----285 1 -----175 185 25 ''• olf. W1 fin•nt t or 1111•· Golf l11ttri1c:ti111 Skll' M11y Chm "A" l'rofeul1llel SKIP MAY'S Newport•r Gair Courie 1117 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach 644-99 10 At the Newporter Inn -A Par 3 Course SJ .SO Green Fee -Sl .00 With Th is Ad (ewpires Nov. JOth l ward, and rl'sponding \Y ilh lhree 1,,allies. PllCIJllC COll\T C •I 17, W••hlnQtM ~I 0 O•~illl" n. W&>~lnvto" I \Jlon 1, Ortvon ~I ; championships are on tap this 'T'hc Vikings ha ve lr<1d1 -when {'Oach Dave Holland '~ \\'ee k in prep football. Mater lionally come allvc Io r outrit hosts undefeated Loara Anaheln1, losing a couple of at Newport Harbor High. Wa re w~s lhl' lcadin~ ~cor­ C'r, however, with six goals. Ml 0Wli~T w"''""1n ;;, ln~I~"" ;~ M•!n,q•n J~. M,nnc•OI• • fl~l:>tuka n , O~l~~oma ~l•I• (1•1,11 31•1• "· 1111""'' 0 Oci lligh's confrontation with ff l · t f'o""la•" \'all"y w,·11 I•" surpren1(' e or s tn recen " " ~ ,_ high-scoring Bishop A n1 at vcars, 14-13 and 9-7. trying 10 k(!('p ils Irvine Russ Solt was the high 1)0inl 1n;in ror the Barons with four <tlld Kurt Wes terfil'ld addrcl two before fouling out u1 the first overtime p'.!riod. Boh Eich and Peter Noah scorL·d one a p 1 e {' e for fountain Valley. Pu•l!~e •~. Nor1n .. ~;1.-n "'! 10 ... "· M1tn1;•n ~rate 11 I(""'•• S••I• )9, Oklancm• 11 lnw• Slo!r ••, '(onu> ?G l~<>o 40. C1n11nn•li l• Thursday night gets 1\ started. -Marina dropped .11 heart-Le;igue reco rd perfect after The two Angelus League breaking 18-15 decision lo five starts Sa turday night foes are undefeated in league Newport Friday . v.·hen the Barons ml'et Estan· ~OUTH .O.!•b"''"' 11, cltm•o~ 11 I !ClfOl!I II. V111<1~11>lll lG G"O•&•~ )0 l(t n!Ut•• 0 play (2-0). Once-beaten Corona de! fllar cia at Newport Harbor. Bishop Arnat (6--0 overall)\;::====================, \\'estminster also scored (\\'fJ points in the final period, bo!h by Ken Da vis. His las t goal pulled the Lions to within (lne but they couldn"l get the equalizer. Dean Henningsen and Bruce Baron added one each to J0111 Davis in the scoring colurnn, Bob Weatherly h:i<l a fine game in the nets for the Lions blocking 11 shots. But the Li- ons fate \va s scaled the F1rsL pcriOO when their top scnr{'r, Chris Ohre, ma jored otJt uf Jhe game. Tom Wamecke was Lhc nn!y ·rar to hit the scoring list. N~'1l1 (orao•o '3 W•~e Fo•Pll D\l~e "/\, NC S••IP n Wr11 ~«Oin•o '9. l'd ,,burvn 11 I ~IJ l\, Autlutn 70 Woll•o<T\ '-M•,. ll. VNI 11 ~"~'" C•<•H~• 11, Mar;l•n« e ~•or1a1 SI '°· M•u<uu><>o i i 11 Not•• 01,...., ;1. Tut•~• O SOUlHWl!\l T•••> l t. R<tt 0 .0.t•on•o\ )1, Wlcht•• ~Toi< " Wt\! I••~' ~1 11. Nt"' Me•1co ~' 16 1.,., ltth ?I, ~MIJ ); 'T r••' "'-M ~· 9•''°' C 6YU JO. rr••• [I "'"' ' t•o••,!a~ l!, Mr>$t><i~1>. 11 llO(l(IES Mor\"<l~•\ ~I •O, Ulen St C Att f c•ct J!, ca•ar~do ~I .• W•o•~I"'! l!. Sen Jo•e ST I L0'0'000 JI, MiU01t11 ;'i E.ISf fo r••w it, 601ton Coll•~• LOIWOI~ ]Q, Brown 6 VorgTnol lech 71. e~l!~ln I D<1r!,,.,.,1<!n 7'. H•••••d lO fl~·~ 10 v orwlnl• o Ponn SI~!• •l. OMo U. l r .. nc•lon ~l. Penn c Rutr;1er\ 71. Columbo• H 'r•lt II, (Of!lfll 0 has run up some healthy scores. including J recent 80-9 win over Pius X. Jn all, the Lancers h:i\'e scored 280 polnls tn six ga1nes for an average of over 46 per game. Friday's night"s Su n se t League sho11o·down is between host \Vestminster High !3-1) and Huntington Beach !2-1) in a duel that'll see the \\'inner given a clear shot al a portion of the championship . There's httle til!e hope for 1he loser \•1ith Anaheim and Newport Marbor also sporlinG only one league loss. And, the J\olarina-Anaheim clash cou ld have sonie bearing on the Sunset race. Marina, although 1-4-1 fo r the year and ye t to win a league game, *Save up toS40 a set *polyester cord P1n•ion• l Profit Shftin9 p,. tnetoliip·S!ock Red1m plic" K~v M1n-01f1r1td Ccmp1n11lion Does Your Life Insurance Adequately Protect Your Estate 7 lh• rton Agency or ccidental life .'J2325 Coast Highway, Suite E So uth Laguna, Ca lifornia 92677 1714) 499-4070 *BFG Silvertown *All sizes on sale FREE ALIGNMENT I (9.95 VALUE) WHITEWALL $ 60 with Purchase of Two Tires AS LOW AS We set caster, camber, toe-in and toe-out. Cl ip These Valuable Coupons. Call for Appointment Now, Avoid Waiting! 011 PURCHASE OF 4 SHOCK ABSORBERS Coupo" f.~pires Mon., N o~. J, "69 I I -,l)'il I ' t I "° I BRAKE ADJUSTMENT & REPACK FRONT WHEEL BEARING tN s19s 1 ii r -I I" Ccvpon E•pirt' Mo"·· Now . l , "•9 I ·~ __ t .~ ~· :~'i&\.\'®~\'i~\',l))'~'l).~: 1,;;: __________ , __________ 2.1 5 TIRE ROTATION j t t I t ' ' I I c IE-'" Coupon E1pir1s Mon., No•. J, '69 l L~ 1,;: _________ , __ COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD. IAt Bayl Phone 540.4343 or 646.4421 DAIL Y 8 a.m. · 6 p.m. e Sit. 'tit 5 p.m._ AL L MAJO R CREDIT CARDS ACC EPTED L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. Phone 893-5572 OAIL Y 8 1.m .• 7 p.m. e Sit. 11il 5 p.m. I T -·-·' .....,......... ~· • '., ..... --...,.,--,---.~_,...._.,...-.-,-~.-..,,~ •• T'"l*C-. --,....,, ,--,,---•----.---------·---;· ---·.-. ·,· --T---·--, •• , •, j ', ·•· ·· •, ·--, : ; ' ;• : ~ ~· ·, •, -~ T "+ ;-.. -r:....-.-:--r ~trr.~ WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540·1220, toll free) - IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $1.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS .• Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ------~ -·---, ........ -----··-----· ----..... -.. ----.. ·----·-..--~-....... ~ ·--------------------------------~--·--·--~------------ ' • I l i !1.f OA.ll.V PILOf Monday, Octobtr 27, l%'l _ .. TV Expensive DAILY PILOT WANT ADS Cost of Politics --••• ' . ,, ·:I. Getting TooHigh :~~·;;;R·s~~E "" "'"~~u~~s·F ~R-;~~ 'I ' Morale B11ilder Raised \Vith thei r n1olorizcd ci1uipmenl pulled up, members of the 11th /\rn1ored Cavalry hoist a morale builder in their defense area near Quan Loi in South Viel· nam. It's not reaJly a s big a s it looks ; lhe brJ is j u ~t closer to the camera. \VASH INGTON (AP\ -Fo r Cha rles A. Vanik, gelling re· elected to Congress used to be a fairly routine chore that in~ volved mostly handshaking. 1n seven e l e cti on s, Dc111ocrat Yanik says he neVC'r spent more than SJ.000 in his (Jevela nd, Ohio, distric t. Bi,;t that y,·as before 1968, the year -a.s a11 aide to Yanik highlighted a subtle shifl In congressiona l attitude. The t"Ontrovt'rsy over 'fV costs has always brought two of the strongest congrl'ss1on~I emotions into direct confli ct. the desire lo spend as little of I one's own 1noney as possible and the desire to preserve every natural advantage of the incumbent. put it -"We had a real BIG SHOCK shock." ··The thing that made it The shock was in ha\•ing to such a shock to us.·· said scrape up $30,000 fur television Vanik's aide, "was that the lime to defeat Francis P. time was always free. through Bolton, who wa s seeking her news shows." l~h tenn in Congress. Their "Some of the people l've districts were merged after talked to in the House th ink the 19ft6 election. they'll be giving up someth ing For 1\1rs. Botton. a Standard of an advantage,'' Yanik told Oil heiress. $30.000 \\'as not the subcommittee. hard to come by. But for Nevertheless. there are in- Vanik il was a year's salary. dications more members of Vanik won withou t going in· Congress are beginriing to feel to debt. an aide said, betause they will be hurt less by giving small contributors came up up whatever advantage they wi1h enough of "the nickel and now have than by continuing t:l imc stuff." to fa ce rising TV costs. The bill now before the sub- r\IANY TESTIFY commitlee has 38 sponsors in Vanik Was part of a string of the Senate and 34 in the witnesses who testified last I-louse. week before a Senate Com· niercf' subcommillc>e looking CHIEF SPONSOR in10 the cost of political broad· Sen. JamC's B. Pearson. (R· I J.S. Fears Buss Missiles cast lime. Kan.), a chief sponsor of the bill. is optimistic some forn1 of These costs -$7,500 a legislation will be passed in minu te in New York during time for 1970 elections. normal pnme·time hours -Even a bold nlove lo head l • Arrns Talk Warhead Limitations Soug ht tit have prompted fears that elec· off such legislation 1nay have ttve office is be com i n g backfired. availablt only to the rich or The National Broadcasting those beholden to powerful Co., the American Broad· financial interests. casting Co .. Met romedia and killing power on both sidrs. A basic objective Is to keep the nuclear balance relatively the s~imc on both sides, and thus diminish sharply :-iny temptatir>n by l'ither sirle to l<iuneh ;ilurnic war. inspc>ctors moving about in view of our lnability. . .to The subcommittee, headed \Vestinghouse anno unced they their territory. devise any <'ertain \·erification by Democrat John 0 . Pastore were culling rates for political Spy satellites can de1ermine m<'ans. it seems lo us that \Ve of Hhode Island, is studying a broadcasts from 25 to 50 per- how many missile laun ch coin · musl then restrict or conlral bill that would require broad· cent. plcxes !he Russian.~ h;ive or other items al !he san1e time casters to offer discounts up to Subcommittee m c in b c r s b ·11· Bl I a i\1JBV moratorlun1 is en· "O e 1 to d·1d I f I d h h ilre u1 f 1ng. J a :;py " perc n can a es or \l'e come t e mol'c , aUI sonic \\'ASHINGTON (APl -Th~ t:nited States may try !or a curb Qn thl' v.•arhcad-carrying capacity of powerful Sovie t m1ssilf's in nr~oliartng <iny JOln! U.S.-Russ 1;1n ;igrccnH'lll on susrcnding devclopn1c11l uf !hr mult1hcad(•d l\'e.1(l0n s. This is bccnusc t0p defense officials feel nussi.1 i~ in a much better posi11on than the Uni ted States to n1ount hl·avily destructive n1ultiplr wa rhead s on their missile.~. .<;iitrllitr. nn 111<1tter ho 11• tcred into " Ille U.S. House and Sena1P in .<;ai d priva tely il raised nc\\'I ONE TOPIC sensitil'c il s equ1pn1cnl. cannut lie 1nenl1oncd a111ong other the five \1•eeks before an elec· problcn1s. Secrct;iry or Slalr \\'illlam look in.~ldr of a warhead. tl1ings. limitation on <leroy lion. "The que.~t ion now is, '\rill l' Rogers told a ne\'o'S con-l)r . .John S Fos ter Jr . lh" de\'lces called "pc11et r11J1on OJ all I he 1csl1n1ony. Va nik's this require legislation lo lerenee that a halt in multiple Pentagon·s r esearch ch it'f, aids'' and 1\·arheads th111 can mav have been ihe n105t 1nake tl1e ra1cs uniform~" I said late in August !ha t "Jn be manC'urercrl. sigriificant be c ause it said one sou rce. y,•arhead development is one or Jhc topics lo be considered by•Jr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ________________________________ ~ nC'got iators fr om the two coun· The Soviet SS9 rockrt i~ reported to be capahle of hurl· ing 25 times as much nuclear megatonnage a t' r o Ii s in· tercontinenLal d1stiincl's than the U.S. l and-ba s ed ~1 inuteman 1CR~1. U.S. CONCEll.\!' Scrretarv of fle frn ~(' ~lclvin R. Laird ·indicated L' S. con- t't'rn in this c n 11n r1· t Ion t el'rntly .... hen hr ~;11d 11 ~nt'S lhc Sovirt ln1011 a "tn•111rn· fl ou s advflnlagc on lhe Ln1trrl S!11tes·• in "1hr a1 nount of <lcstructi on !hat ra n h e delivered'' by rn u It i p I e warheads. "! belie ve that th i.i; is a rnal · ter which should be a vrry im· portant part ol any nc,c:otiA· lions YlhJch we have," La ird .i;a1d. The l'nilcd Stai rs anri Russia o:innQuncl'd S;i turdav they will open prelnn1narY d1sc uss1ons 111 I! c I s 1 n k 1 , }'~i n land , '.'lo\. 17. These llcls1nki l:ill.~. or. f1r1a!s sa11I. \\Ill a11l'n1pt to work out prneedur<il dC'!ai!s leading to "'ha ! prom 1~s lo be !l'lng 1!rawn-nut h.1rg,11n1 ng on the question of llm1Ung atomu: tries. Defense stiurces say the Russians have now pulled slightly ahead in the ICBM race. I However. the Soviet.<;. whol J!'OI ;i r11ther late starl 1n de veloping Po I a r i S· t y pe n11ssiles, are still f11r behind l lhe United States in their fleet n! ;ubm;irines cap/Ible of lir.1 111g deep striking roc kets lrorn I cleep in the oce11n. I Bolh the United States and Ru~sia have been attempting 1 1 1nu ll iple Multi ple lndepc>n· dently Targetable \Va rheads -i\1!RV -that is, systems! which will permit a single missi le to carry a number of warhead s which can be aimed at separate targets. DC'fc nse officials have told congressmen they ha ve as yet her'11 unable tn devise a lt10lpro.1f rncthod of verifying ;;flhf'rcncr 10 a moratorium on .\llHV tests. STICKY PROBl.E:\I Tins mav turn out to be the :.I 1ck1c.~t rirgot1al1ng problem. ~111l'e the Russ ians are trad1- t1011ally oppostd to any foreign W 0111e1iMore U11likely To Gi ve U11 S11ioki1ig \V ASll lNCITO:\' S31l1e ratt or dPCJine 8S last .~1 ore than one m 1 I I i on :.'ear y,•hen c:insumpUon !el! 2.2 A:nerican men and ~·ninen percent," the publication said. quit smoking c1,c:arC'ttcs in HE\V said recently the! /rQm June 1966 to August 1967 1968. accorrlu1g ro " new the nun1bcr of for.mer smokers govemment rc[lOr l. or bo1h sexes. aged 17 and The Health. Educo:il 1on and Ol'Cr. increased from 14.4 V.'elfare <Hf!:\\'\ f)eparlmcnl is million to IS.5 mi11ion. The ~cbeduled lo rrleasr the report H168 rrporl will sho1" nearly 17 jn .severa l \\'eeks. It is based 1n1llion former smokers. on census burc<iu quC'stions The census bureau defines a asked of household s across the person as a former smoker if countrv. hr has smoked at least 100 The · rf'porl \\'Ill show thal cigarettes during hi s !Ht but both older persons a n d \1•as not smoking cigarettes youngsters inc reasingly ;i re at the time of the interview. giving up c1garrlte smoking, lie is considered as having that the proportion of young ncvcr smoked if he reported persons 1vho ha ve nt'vcr .i;mok· he h11s not smoked 100 cig· eel is incre;isir1g ;111d that arcltC's during his life. women smokers 11rc less in· For the population 17 11nd clined to quit th;in 1'nrn older. the percentage o I HEW declinrd lo rcl<'ASr thr s rnokers -lho,<ie smoking ' 1969 dala but (Jff1c1als l'on-(·1garelles at the lime of the firmed the findings. interview -has rlC'c!ined from "Tobacco S1!11;1l1011," ;i 39 .6 in 196fi to J9.l in 1967 and flU Arlerty publical1un uf lht' 3i.7 in 1968. Simi larly, the ' Agricullure Lk.par1 n1rn1 . said percentage increase in former in its Septeml>er issue lhat limokers rise each year. cigarelte use pc>r person is Much of the mloking data declining. gathered in the 1968 survey of "The smoking-agt popola· 52.500 bou.teholds llas not been lion is incrC'asin~. '' It said, tabulat.ed. Thia includes the "Bui increasing e I g 11 rt t 1 e answers to questions 11bout prices •nd the srnoting-heallh pipe and cigar smoking and publicity are rerludng cigarC'l· olher tobacro uses. le use per person and poRsibly ----------- limiting tht numbf:r or 1mokers." "Tobacl.'O ~i!uaticm'' r;airl cJ gareUe consumption p er person JS and olde r thii; ~·ear is estimated 21 , percent b<'luw l9M when 4.163 crg<1rC'ltCs t201l p;1ck#) v.•cre i;mnkcd Road TV WEEK Every Saturday io The D•ily Pilot Talk About GROWTH Sure, the Orange Co11t h11 be•n growing. But 1 look at clrcul1tlon figure1 b• I ow wi ll prove that th• DAILY PILOT i• growing rven f11t•r. All the figure• r•pr•1ent fir1t quarter r•ading1 for each of the c•l•ndar Y••r1 Indicated a nd the 1t1ti1tic1 Ir• filtd with th• Audit Bureau of Circulation1 (ABC ), accept· ed by the nation's largest advertising spice buy•r• 11 th• mo1t authoritative 1ou rc1 for newspape r cir. culation figure•. Year ... 1 t ~l 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Dally Average One Day I mon1~1 •nd•nt Mt"'n JI Fro,,. Ate Ann~•• Audi! 1\,IU 11,)U 14.34.l 16,161 18,055 18,73 4 23, 184 23,854 26,609 27,404 29,106 30,695 32,983 35,408 34,257 35,716 36, 155 38,·329 39,183 41,252 ::: The DAILY PILOT Has Plenty To Talk About Gains in past 10 years: Av•ra9• Daily Circulation One.day Distribution 334°/o 311°/o "Thi1 woul d De about !h11 -----------,._~--~------~----~--~~....,--~~~~~--~~ Gen•r•I 1000 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR ILYD, 546-8640 Opt11 Ew•nitKJs till 8:]0 Towering Trees and h1.~h l1"0r ical roh<i!!;t' ar.cC'nL t hl.~ ;i h edroori1· l"l.UICh h()l!.~C in .~n (''(. clusivL• nrt>a of r11~rsilil' Costa l\les.1. lnside find hrauliful \VUll 1n \Vall c0111><'ti ng and rich \1•alnu r r11.nrling in t he l1vi11i; roon1 and Ia1nily t'OCln1. Klt chrn has bu ilt i~ and kno!ly pine ca b j n e ! ". PJ'h•a1e courTyan:I ent1-y way and rear yard ter· raced pa!io dt>rk all pro- fessionally landsca[)Cd. No down lo Vt>ts. Hurry on over to see it. Live · Rent· Build a pl,,te of pmjl{'t·ty 11kc lhis has got lo put 01oney 111 you r pocke1. live in lhc ho11sc on Iron!, rent th{' srparate 11111! in abck to hrlp niakr tilt' payn1ents 11nd in till' n1 t•;inl1me you r'i1n builr! on lhC' vacant 101 dgtil nrx1 rlnor. i1's all in onL· p~1·k:1r:r rind all ;.;011•·r! 1:-2 l11r a 1otul [l!'IC(' o[ S:\lJ.0011. Family Home + Pool+ Open Sun. 1 ·5 21122 Richmond Circle Huntington Beach t-IO[I hv ;1nrl i:rp this hea11l1!11I '.!hlj(I ~'1· fl. i:pl11 lrvc! hon11•. Larl!r yard ~!1d Sf'[I. p:1l10 ;:ind play yard nl u~ rn,.•111 fnr bnril or tra1ll'r r arkin)!. Spark!- 1n.: l1,,:1i<'rf ;1 n rl fJ\l l'J"Nl potJI. 4 1Jerlrn1s and J balhs. Newport Bluffs Ocean View 11·:<1 1lifl 1,·11lt 1ri •ll'~el'lhl' th1~ hnn1"· it 's :ihs•,h11l'ly beau t1f11I. 11 ~!ls '"' 1111' pnlt11 nf tlw ;\•'11 pnrt lll'h.~llt~ Rlulf,. 11 ll1•·h •ll· fen; ,1 .~pl't f;1('ll1'H' 1~1 c.Jri::1~r 1'ir11· hf !Ii•' n1n~t Jl1t:hl hght/. 111 lhl' l\Pl'lfl, lh:i t nf Ill<' l~alhon t:;:1y and J'.n•1fw f"l•·r1111. If you ~rr IMk1n t: lur n l1flllH' i,r this l.Y f'I' .)tll1 i•r;dl,v n111•t <rl' \I In ;1pprr l·i.o!r 11's f+' ollll'!'~, II:--~\lt"<'ild Cd s:.;,,rlfHl and 11·,irth l'l'('t'Y pr·nny Attention Vets No Cash Needed Income Units in Co~t;i ~ll'Sa, 111\S 1l1q11rx 11·1ll n1ak1• you nnth1ni:; b111 monry. 2 Bcilroo111s, 2 h111l1.<; r:ich. l)nth arr !'C'nll'rl lnr an income ol ~.00 per year. Unbelievable But True rnsts1rll'.' Costa i\1t's'1 home with ar!drcl GOil ~11-ft pflnrllrd l:u11 . rn1. 11•1lh 1-01·k hrPplf1('r l'Xpflndr rl n1a~!rr b;i lh 11·\11! cus!orn rrallll"l'S, ndrtrrl n)(}nl off gan1r.c aln::idy 11lun1l,cd for b.-th, plu.<; 3 large hccl moms and 2 baths on 11 1:\5 11. deer lot. All ii needs is pai nt but at ?J,500 you'd heller hurry. :rarr-.:.. · ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGlST 2629 HARBOR ILVD. 546·8640 Open Evenlnqs tfll 8:30 1000 3 BEDROOM $17,950 Looking !or a li<ll'hain? \1'1·1! hf'l~ 1l 1s. i\s~umflblc 6';, f111ancinf: l\llh a 1oli1l JJ.,j_\· n1ftll 111(·lud 1ng J;1 11d pur- «h,•S(' o! 011ly t:'I) P•'r 111001h. 3 D1i:;ht b1'<iroon1~. all f'!ectrio: b~ult·in k11 chen, hiit fenf'rr1 y>u"tl, 2 car gar· a\.'r. Conveni!!nl 1o :<l·hool~ ruid ~hoppmg. Great sl art{'r ho1n1·. ~ Colesworthy & Co. ''For A \\li!l(-Btiy" 6-12./777 STRICTLY SPANISH 11 i1h heau1if11 I COl 'R'l'YATIJ) F.:"\TRY ~1'1tin :.: of this. TILi:; ROOF' h~<:iend•l on lar...:r cornrr lot wil h B11;1f D<H1r in dnublr ;:!arai::;r and 1·011• rrf'lr :<;1dr y:;rd for CamJ'l"r. Tlu·rr lr11f'ly hrdron1n" an··I '..' Pll llJTI3n b:1 lhs. Fl'll'llrll y livin!" room 11 ir h SPAN I Sii .F IREPLACE~ S11:1cious 811 ihuil1-in t:hN"ry klt<:hl'n a n d F'OR\IAL Oli>;IN1..; nOO.\t'. Be.auliful £'arrr1 s .v dT~Pf"s t hr(ll1~ho11t. i\!'5U:O.IE: FllA ~ .. \ !0"11 a! $'.I f~; [H'r nion1h '1 1!11 EA.'>Y flo11·n f1il)1lll'nl ! ::itri1·1ly TO P l.OC1\TJ 0:-,'~ WE SELL A HOM E EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 I 1:11 bor Blvd, :i t Arl:n111 5 t:J.!J l~l1 Oprn 11! 9 P\I FOREST E. 0 LS 0 N lnr Rl'o1lt111·~ 3 BEDROOM $15,750 R-2 \\'hal' · homr nn :i hi:: fl:.:? 101: And it '~ on th,, E.1~1~11lr. Almost 11nhr.1 rrl 111 M r· bain, Yo11 rtin liv r i11 !'lr rrnt ii nul. Pa.v~ for 1t· • .<;e:f. Bu'ild ann!l1nr 11n'1t. S..·ll cr s "' y ~ .il1~1 Jf)' ~ down. Brtl t'r hu1Ty. Call no1v -ti l~l""fi:W,1. 645·0303 ril IJ:n·hor Crn1rr 2299 lli1!'00r Bh·fl . ('\I. FOUR ON THE BLVD. l ts a lrro.11 In llr;il }OUI' ft'<'f on !hr ll!lh SI hC'ilf"h, v.h11 h ~011 r·an "a~11.v 11'1 1rn1n 1hr<r nt':1rhy rxtn1 Sl)<'C'lil llv f11rn1shrrt I 11n1r:-\l"ht"h :o:hn1v ~l'C'~f 111 irif' <)f .. 1111rr~h1j1. 1,ri :i! ~uinmflr I 1111\tel' 1rn· 1-iJ rreord. nr \·l'r a var:1 n· , \', ,,; .v.:1.n'\ll \lt>'rr mnrr rh·1n prnud 1'1 ~l1f)w 1h1s nice 1'~1;1!r hu1ldrr. FIDCAll'di REALTY 20~:1 \I'. n.11110.1, Nn 67~ •. f;fl(l(I ~'1 1:1 !::. Cn~~I. (d~I 67:1.f~l60 ''fili. Golf Course fi ~·: a.;;~11m.11)lr ~3.'Jflf) Novi nnctrr construction ~ ~ hdnn, :; 1Ja1h, 11\'('I' :ireo :<q fl , lg i;;1m" rf)()m. SPECTACULAR Vll:\V'.! KlNGS ROAD f:xt•h1si vely our~-Tremrn· rlou~ vir,~·. 2 BDR;\l~. Orn, ~hr1rrrrrl p:11in ,i:. ~('I\. Wcll·prircd at $·13,500. Barrell Really 16fl:1 \\"l'.~tr·li[f Dr. i°" R. "'2-5200 EASTSIDE=l21 .95o Cn1y, Privat r, on 11 cul rl9 S'lC &mid ll(":1lly kl'pt hon1c:<. Lff rgr Joi w1!h :<l'1·r r11I fruit tree.<; an<l l"QfJm lor a ~rd· f'Jl, JO';" do11·n lo fJ Ualil1cd buyiir. 6-li-7171 • 51&-23 13 'oTHEREAL \~ESTATERS \f'f '. , •,•I ' ' 'f 4 Sa ll'sn1rn \V11ntc('f \\'r hl\\'t' 11 IBl1:1' attr111·t11'r, 11 .. 11 !Ofatrd nflicr k ti"""'' i<<'lling 11 ir!~. l\'r ".in! Crl'l\I p.•n plf' v. h<i Arr f"n11 ,:1flwt 1•·, 1i;1· lull I 1 m 1· , f111r h'lllll' i< A l ,. :<. Call 'I 1n1 Tho m11.1 Ridd'.e & Ro" Re•llor HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Cost• Mes• 1100 O.nenl 1000 G•n•r•I lOOO SHORECLIFFS :! Bdrm. & den w/trpl,.. Bi>11 med ceilii1gs & Ptl;Sed noo rs. C1rc, drlvc. Good po- tential for l'L·1nudcling. $.'6.500. Kathryn l'taul~ton ~ Coldwell, S.nker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beac:h, Ca li f. 833-0700 644-2430 NEAR BEACH .Sparkling, cli'an 3 brlrin 2 bath hon1(', ln1111cd1· <1te ocrupan1·~. \V1il l'"ll }"HA/VA · nn ly $it7;il. CALL NO\V! ~ Jrii... COATS ~WAL~AC! REALTOR5 --54>< 6-4141- tOpen Evenings) WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Only 2 blocks to the Bay • Quality 4 bedroom 3 bath home 1vi th Country Style Kit<'hen. Jl.1oving up? This may be just for y(Af 152,200 ~ Very ra~.v 1<'rms. 546-2313 NO COST LOAN . Ju st assumf' this Iiirge 6':, loan & pay ~1 78/nio. includ- ing all. 4 BR '..' balh bcn1c n car all schools, shoppin·~. Buill·in kilchrn, spacious livi ng room, pa\io, cn~rnn1 built BBQ. Only $!!,500. ~- CHANNEL FRONT 3 BP.. + f<1n11ly rn1. Sirp~ !ri 1)('0an: fishln;:, s,11ni rn 1n:.!, hoalln~ al ~'<\Ur l1•1nt door, Only S41.;~IO. TC'r1nl'. CAVWOOO REAL TV 6~ W. Coa~I lhry., N.B. • ;y1,1t. J 29f1 • :; BH. 2 b;ith h11nH', rorrl('r lnt J30:\l80 -add 5 more uni1s. Drlvr liy 15lJ Sant~ Ana Avr, thrn r ;1!l 1!111ni11 itr11lty 6·1~-6;>60 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Near ST.' JOAClflM CATHO. LIC CliURClL T\vo bdrma. 11111.fng r<lom , deluxe kitch<.>n, ll\~18 l'\Jmpus room, which totll.d be used as a third bed. room. 1\vo petios IOne cov. <>red I -tt.30 HEATED AND FILif ERl::O POOL. Double ga r--.;ge, tmt or tnuler stor. age 11.ff'a off alley. f enced ftld bca11tUully landscaped yards. An excellent buy at SLi.950. J:.:ve nirigi Call 5.if>.8'.108 DOVER SHORES For 1hose 1vho drmand lhc unust1al. : Bedroon1li. 2'~ li11!hs. proll's~ionally deeo~­ ;itrd l1on1C'. All a11gn!a1· t'OJl· !;lrut't1on t.1 l<ikt' advanlage (If n1ui:;n1!i•1rnl b<ty & 01:ean "1rw. Family room \1•1th 11·ct ht•r ac('On1modatc.~ billiard rablr. S!•'ll -down living roon1, forn111l dining room. 3 Car garage •.•.•• $87,500. john macnab (7141 642°8235 !Kil Dover Drivf', Sui!c 120 Ne11wrl Beach EXECUTIVE HOME Ra)!cres!'i; ~i1ws1 ~ bdnn 2':. halhs largr 11vin~ room ov· rrlooking hra1C'd filt ered pool. Assume 5 1 2 ~;1 loan . DAVIDSON Realty :n:i0 Jlarbor Blvd., C~I 5-1&.:>-IQO £1•cs. 54.'i-4941 Investment Income 7 UNJT~, largr lot 132~~oc.·: ]'{)()Ill to l)t1ild:, mOl"f', SOO,OOQ tJwncr 11·il\ <'ill"l',V 1.~t TD. Wells-MeCardle, Rltrs. 11\1() Newport filvd ., C.il'!. 51H·77:?!1 641·06.~·I f'vr~. EASTBLUFF Two Custom Built Homes On On. Wide Lot Both spacious, :;{lO!le!!.s ii n d beautilul . New plu~h carpcts in OOth homes. Front home has lirt'placr, huge-fan1lly room and country style klt- ~n. Polished hardwoori fioots, all easy on +!Ye M d foot. Wide JI){ t'OVered by J:ianl shade t.ws aod a P'!'O· lusion ol blOOrnlng flo11'£·~ and truit trees. 0:-ricretf' pal'king for ooat~. trailer or ea1n[)C'r. Set> this one of a kind prnfl"'l'tY in line e A .!. l ~idr Cos1a 1"-lt-sa area. S:l7. /.-,() WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 !-lal·bot' Blvd al Adams ~j.9-~91 ()p('n till 9 PM HOME & INCOME I 3 txlrm hon1e 1Vlth lire- p!11ee &_ dining 1'-'0m -J· s<:r•ara!C> 1 bdr1n rental on rear of 1';>1 . F11ll pri(·c $26,500 ./ Z bdrn1, clean, sharp home + I Bclrtn rental ? Near Costa i\1esa G<lll Course, $24,500 Newport •• Victor!• 646-1811 Anytime OPEN DAILY 2303 Rsdlands. (off 2:lrd St.) r.tave in on credit approval. Beautiful 3 BR + 2 baths + family room, all C"JK:tric kitchen, good c•pts/<lrps. dbl, ga!'age, heavy shake roof. Lachenmyer Realtor 1S60 Newport Blvd., C:'-1 CALL 646-3928 Edng 11101try . buy lx>aut , 31 V.l.P. Home Bi·. 2 b.i_ honir. un quii>t Branrl nc·1v Ivan \\"rlls' -4 strC'Ct. Cond. bC'tl rr 111a11 \)fh·n1 3 hath + f.lO\\'der new! Fin. avail. $3!1.)(X) r.)QnJ. Formal dining room, CORBIN·MARTIN' fain. rm. /11·rt bar & frpl.:. .":0~6 F.. {'(l<l.$1 Jiii')'., Cd:-0.T Lu,xnr101~~1y carpclr.d. Su· REALTOr.S 6T;i·l662 prrb virw. Pool in land~<'ap­* South Coa~t llC'al Es1ate C'rl court yard. Roy J. \Va.rd L~ sr•·ki1•-::: surcr . .ssf1tl pi'OCrs. 1130 (;nla;.:y Dr. 646·1.150. sional l"'nl r srate salrsrnc.n. 3 BR 2 BA, family r1n, Prof E;.;Cl'.'plion,1J hcncfiti; Plrasc rlPC'<ll". 111 y r old-xlnt cond. call for .apnoi111r11ent ·s.1:>-84'!~ S32.~,00. 21.1112 F leet Ln., HB BEACH OUPLEX N111!h Cn;i~t. /tt'af1ors. I Ow11rr 616-432~. money, time & eUon . Look 2 Furn. U11il~; ~'{Int Loe.! Oli\L d irri:t ri·!~·7i6I~. Chan::r BUSIEST marl\"elplarr i11 S29.:r:,o ;.·our ar!, 111rn :011 IJ;ick :in<l 101rn. Tt1c DAILY PILOT George Will iamson l i~1rn to the phone ring! C!a~sified sec\1ori. save Rralrar Noll'! 67J..4350 Eves. 673-1564 1:---:--------- DAILY T'ILOT \VANT ADS! I now~!! SPECIAL "'PERSON. TO . PERSON" WANT ADS Appe1r in Weekend Edition Onl_y {Delivered Saturd•ys) OIME·A·LINE ADS NOT ACCEPTED BY PHONE DIME-A-LINE 2 LINES ................ 2 OIMES 3 LINES ................ 3 DIMES, Etc. * No Item For Sale Over $25 * DIME-A-LINE WANT ADS -CASH RA TE -Enclose your dimes, doll1rs, check or money order wilh your ad. -For your ad to qualify the DIME·A·LINE rate, you MUST include prict in "For Sale" ads because including prices increases results. -Sor ry, commercial firms may not take advantage of thit special rate, -You may run as many linet as you wish. If the ccupon does not give emple space, print or type your ad on a piece of paper and mail it, to- gether with payment in full (Or bring it in). Count 20 letters and spacet to each lint and enclose a dime for each lint. Ute one tp•c• for each lett1r, punctuation mark or space. No Abbr1vi1tion1 * IMPORTANT NOTICE! BE SURE your address a"d/or phone number are included In tdl GARAGE SALES, PATIO SALES, LAWN SALES, ETC., ore N 0 T AC· CEPTED 1t this 1pecl1I rate. ALL .1d1 of this type will be ch1rgecl regul•r rates •nd published in the proper clanlficatlon. R•I Estate 1cl1 (ho.,... and Iott, etc., for 11le, exchlnge, or rentals), wor~ wanted or help w111ted ads WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED at this special rate. D•1dllnt: 3 p.m. Frld1y Huntington B1ach office before 1 :30 p.m. Friday I* No Item For Sale Over $25 * T • HOUSES FOR SALll Gener•I 1000 Owner Desperate Unfortunate clrc·wnsl!UlC'es forctd sal~-Mesa Verd e 3 bedroom. Located orily sl"P!I lo .11hoppini;. Asking $25,500. Try 10% down. "F'nr A \\'isc Buy" Colesworthy & Co . Magnificent Mansion -Plus Pool riv<" B!!drooms. 3 Bilths. F"a- niily Room, [>lus formal d in- in;; roorn. i\lr ronditioncr and a1r humidtllt.'r. Tile child sti.!I!' heared and ti\\cr-- ed pool and au1omat1c clean· r r is complrtcly t'n<'h:ised 1vi1h cliain link f('nt.c. Home ····-.-----. - ---... ---.... ---..... -------- Mofttfa,, October 27, 1%, HOUSES FOR SALi! I HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES ,OR SALE General 1000 M11e V1nfe 1110 Huntington Beach 1400Huntlngton h•ch 1400 ·--,. ,. /" 2 Modern Dlllllex On the Penlnsut1 2 BR, Jireplace, enclosed ga- rage . each unit. Near beach. Only S.l4.950. On Balboa Island 3 BR lowf'r + 4 BR up~r. t'.ec bltns, fireplace. Asking $85,00'!. Riddle & Ross Realtor• CdM e 67lr7225 -CASH TALKS- J bdrn1 hon1e, Hrwd floors, nice epts/drps, lg lot. Close to elem ~thool. $23,TJO FllA/ VA OK. OwnC"r moving s~n & says, "Sc>U now~" Fuller Realty 546-0814 5 Bedrm • 3 Bath Pool· $26,950 Rich wood paneling, hand- some bar. Parking for l>o11t & trailer. Lovely FlC"sta Pool TARBELL 2955 Harbor Costa Mesa 1100 MESA VERDE V.A. NO DOWN! FAST MOVE IN A RARE OPPORTUNITY New bome11, ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed- to Mm a lovely home in • r ooms, 2 to 3 baths, 1f:I mile from beach. First hne area with outstanding pa yment up to 00 days after move in . lfrTNI. Ex:ceDent ftoor plan VA/FHA Terms.. From $23,990 Y.1th LARCE ROOMS sitll· tiled on quiet street. $26.~j() The Beach "i lh NO 00\\CJ oo V.A. aod just $2400 OOWN on F.H.A.~ (on Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adams) WE SELL A HOME 962 1353 EVE RV 31 MI NUTE S l!J!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ • Walker & Lee B•ck Bay 1240 Huntington Beach 1400 »13 Westclifl Dr. 646-TITI $29,995. OWNER. CUstom. 3 -----------1 BR, 21ii BA.. Elec. kitchen. REDUCED New carpe!s, din. rm. tam. r.tust scU S Br. 3 Ba Repu~ rm, frplc, elee garage dr. lie hC101e. Beaut <lf'corating Open House 'tit sold 2215 An. & Jandsca riing. $17,50o by nivrrsary Ln, NB 548-9409 ow n e r. 2000 Thalarop. 5-19-!Xi.3·1 Corona del Mar 1250 Newport Bt1ch 1200 R•m•mbtr Th• Alamol BAY VIEW LOT -·------ASSUME $11,000 6°/. ANNUAL G.I. LOAN At $152 Pt'r month TOTAL! Lovely shakt" roof OOme with 3 large bedroo!"fl" and 2 pull. man baU1s. \Val k ta Park! carpets and Drapes. AU. ELECrRIC KITCHE N & DISH\VASl-IER. Lovrly cu.~ tom fireplace and bca1n ceiJ. lng family room ~ Gracious back yard y,·ith COVERED PATIO ll1ld block wall fenc. ing . WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES CAIL Y PILOT HOUSES, L L.,una .. ach 1105 180 DEGREE VIE\f LO'!' of while water & coudlne, small but level. $7,950 wilh $1,000 down, ba.I al $15 mo. All d ur. 3 yrs. Brok'r .t!K-ll37 497-10%1 •LEASE/OPTION• Xlnl ttrms Jor thi1 5 yr. old 3 Br. 2 ba. home w/ocun view. Call ror ternu;. Pt.ACE REALTY 494-9704 Laguna Niguel 1707 Laguna Niguel Terr. New 2500 sq. fl. 3-4 &. 5 Br. hom~s in octan view area. Ca.~l<"d. front "landscapeod, wlth sprlnklt't"S ; bltns. self. cleaning oven; ::I car garaee. $58, 150 To $61.950. ExceUen fi nancing with declining in-- ter-est rat<" from 71A. % 6\t. ';"~. Laguna Nlguel Corp. 499-1344 547-7761 San Juan C1pistrano OCEAN VIEW is in mint rondHion thru-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; out. Beat this prlee of $49,900 , .. and I'll cat m:¥-hAt~ $15,9911 for A choice residen- tial lot wit h 1111 improvemenl in !he hrarl of "" Pxcellent NE\VPORT BEACH neigh· borhood. Build )'Ollr "Dream Hou~" and f'njoy the VIE\\'! Submit :)-'\'JUr tenns! If you don't remembf>r it gi ve us & call and 11•e'JI ~how it to you. Pun1ice brick walls nearly a Joot thick, beau1 irully kept hardwoOO floors and dee p ~hag car· pet arc just 11 fc1v of the many ou1sta ndi11ii: !eaturl's of this 3 br. spar kler. Faull· Jess construc tion to please papa. gaily decorated to please momma. Situated on an R-2 Jot on one of Corona d<" I Ma.r's lovliesl fret" lined stree!s. Walker & Lee Capistrario Palisades Rambling Ranch house with 4 BR1 • L.R. Dining nn & fam rm. On lv>o loL'i comp. fenced. Beamed cell. Lo!JJ of \\'OOd pan. & shutters. View from L/R.. Kit & mastrr BIR Room for pool • H~!! OK. 0....11 will tradlr tl'1r inc unit C Mesa • Newport, $.14,500, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 54~ Op<"n Iii 9 P.\I CAPE COO CUSTOM Exquisite homc in prt>s lige area ol Newpo1·t Heights. Featuring 4 large hdrrns, drn & unusuaJ rear y a r d '"ith w11t<>rfail & fish pool. Call no1v for appointment to $43,750 LOW DOWN No down to VPts. S?l'~ down IOI' F11A loan. i\il'r, shl'rp J hdrn1 k fan1ily rOnn1. ·11· 1 w i·aqX'ls d1·ap<>s intludl"d in S11!es p1ic.t» Palas Vc.rdc f'O('k Iirrplt-1~ in lh·ing rooin m;ikrs Ui.is a real charmer. $28,00J ta• 1003 Bakc-r, C.M. Pool -GI Resale At1rar!1ve corner 4 hdrm 11·ith Anthony pool, l11.x:\S', f1lily cqliippc'd incl. l'IOOI _ i;wecp. J:':XC"f'! .'J'~~n \n11.11 al $1 ~1 fn t'l. 1;0 ; & ins. 01vn1>r most anx- ious fnr offer • alrPady trans. !erred out of state. Rental 2 hdrm campl. !urn., Conrlo unll at S175. Jmmcd, pcIBS. !.4'6·~80 (lllM cinanl tliellt!) LLEGE REALTY l5CIJ Adlms at ttarbor,Clil Duplex With High F .H.A. Loan A~sun1I' hi~h inrcrest G T. ln:in 11·ith .$3llOO Do1111. llA\'f' l11dcpendenc1• and l<'I your tenant 11a.v !he 11ay. G e t Smart! Tolal payn1ent of Sl ~ includr_~ all. Gt'C'at Hun· 1ington Dcach Location. Call ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 E<lingrr "'124--1.U Open '1il !I r :i.r BY OWNER •Home + Income + l..11nd • Cust 3 BR 11.; BA Comp! cp{. drp~. F.P .. &am ceil. S.S. RIO Ceramic tilP. 'l <'fir det. ,ar. Inc unit att STJ mn. Plens .f more u111ts Ea11y Ttrms $31,:xxl. 642·.i(H6. CHARGE IT! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ™3 \V('stcliH Dr. 646-77ll SALE OR TRADE 0 1'.Tter will tr adt" beautiJuJ , like nl'.'w 5 bdnn & tamily room • 1:i.x30' custom pool tor smaller hOmP. in CQs!a !llesa .'lr"('a. Full price $36,9j(). T radr, all or part ol your equity. No1v vacant, To sec call 546-8226 • Blurts prime on Bay location. .., ... ,..,..,..,..,..,.. .. 1 2 bd~. $39,flOO Call 6#-2259 ev('s/wkend~. Don't delay -ca.11 us today (you never know when !here might be another uprising). 67"'550 VACANT-MOYE IN LO\V 00\VN • SUBMIT Drive by 91 !1 Cedar, CM & call if inrerestffi. EXCEL- LENT F INANCING_ $15,000. 5·14,',i>, Fifi\ loan you can a~­ sumr. PA Yr<tENTS LESS THAN RE NT. BILL Sill!L- EY, Rltr. 646-9666, 642-22'.?l. Formal Dining Room Spacious family room , kitch. l'O eating arca, 4 large bdrnis, 2 baths, gracious entry,\·ay, Ovt r 200J sq ft ol luxu1')' for only $31.%0 - aSSllJl)(' 51.( ";, loan -PllY· rnl'nls Slfl9/mQ p.:i.ys evrry. lhing. Nra1· sch<'lols & park. CALL :J I0.1151 llr n !age Real Estale lopc11 .rve~l 1010 OAK ST. OPEN SAT., SUN. '-0 THE REAL ~ ES'.f ATERS SPACE & CHARM Bubbling brook, reflection pools willed wlth lazy Carp set a tranquil sce ne for this e OPEN 1-5 • 4 Br., hidea1vay den&. lan1. 709 LARKSPUR rlin, rm. Priced at FHA Sat. & sun. & Tuell. thni F ri. vlli. \\'/as.sumable 5* o/o Jn, 2 BR. 2 ba . homr w/loads Hel Pinchin & Assoc. of charm. plus apt, for in· 3900 E. Coast H1cy. 67:>4392 come. 604-606 ORCHIO Open daily. Twin Medallion duplexes; 3 BR. 3 ba. & 2 BR. 2 ba. each. Xlnl financ- ing. Xlnt location. SMALL Prire -house -rlo1•:n pa.ymt. & lot. Loe. on Ne1vport Is- land. $26,500 PROPERTIES WEST 675-4130 675-1642 FIXER UPPER. nc11·1·r 3 RR. 3 RA ronrlo. Frp!c. b!tn~. pa!io, p6ol. Reduced $3000. Only $28,500, Lo1v rlr, Liaison Co. 646-0732 OON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2221 • MOST CHOICE- Broadmoor bl!. ( Br., 2 ~~ bA. ra.m. rm. Lge. <lin, rm .. 1rf't. bar. Qual. cpt.s .• drps. Bright, blt-ln kit. Vacant. $65,;i)'.). Delancy R•al Estate Newport Heights 1210 2828 E. Coas1 H11y _ 67l-3770 Fabulous dream .home 1or gruwing fan1ily! Outstand- ing 3 BR. 2 ba, + fam ily rm.! De!ightfu.I patJo & yard. St. Andrews Rd. 81lboa Peninsul• 1300 S23,j()(J! BALBOA BAY PROP Large 3 bedrm. home with , • fnrnlly rm., lrplc.. H\V DeveloJMr s DupleJC i 682 Edinger 1142-4455 Open til 9 PM FORECLOSURE 2 BR 1 bath, electric built- in range & Qven, rarbag' disposal, doub!(' garage with boat door, Need paint $15CXJ da\\'11 payment. V a ca n I $1 4,50() full priC{", • BY 0 \\'NER: 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba, fam rm, bltns, drps, shag crpls thru-out. J yr old. On cul-de-sac. Near s c h I s , bches, ~hop·g. Completely fenced & la ndscaped. Im· mac! See at 21542 Archer Circlt . S.10,COO. 968-1564. Ownet' Tran•f•rred Sharp 2 s!ory 3 bdrm 21,~ bath, On co rner lo!. Ca rp. etsldrape~, all huiJ t.jns. For- mal dining roon1, service PQrch, lan1ily room. Assume 6~;, GI loan -prier $35,9((). Paul Jones Realty 8·17-1266 Eve. 8~7·8919 Have openings for 4 Real Estate Salesmen in our new office. Call for appointment. R. D. Slates, Realtor• 536-8801 Beach Home 673--7420 ANYT!il1E: lloors. cpl~. A: drapes, $28 .. Three bedl'QOm upµer nvo ABSOLUTELY no <101\·n to 000 bedroom lo-.•;er, ln very good 2 BR, den, new cpts/<lrps, veterans. \Vell kept 3 bdrm OWNER/BROKER n>ntal ar£a. Now fully le_a.~ frplc, li\'ing room, dining 2 ba1 h home ·with double 646-2414 ed. GOOd growth potential J'OOn1. &Iler hurry! Pri« i:;:aragc. \\'/IY carpets, patio """""""""""""""""""' $49,500. $l.l,9':i0. O\\·ncr/Ag1. f.· nicely I a rids ca p e d . BURR WHITE 847-3.119 or 536-4558 .'UJll/n10 inrludes pr1nc1plr Newport Shores 1220 REALTOR 2 STY, 2:iou sq JI, 4 BR. 3 & lnl('rr~1. at 712'.;, • JO •REDUCED $5.000• :r.Kll Ne,,.,·Pon Blvd., N.13. BA. \l.'alk to beach It school. 646-7171 \-OTHEREAL ~ I::STATERS Din• Point 1730 BY OWNER • Large hillside Dup. over\ookinir new Dana Point Marina. E:ic. ocean v ie1v!I, 2 bdr. upper. 3 bdr . lny,•er. Approx. 1200 sq. ft. each unit. Very good Jinan. cing. Call -496-5914 Apartments Fo• Solo 1910J NE\V elegant 2 Bdr, breath- taking bay view \\•/boa doekini;:. All bl t·ln kitchen, y,·/1v cp!s throughout, mir- ror wall, drps, balcony. Security guarded. Newport Bea{'h. Will trade. 838-5460 RENTALS Houses Furnished Gener1I 2000 • RENTAL FINDERS lllDPlllll'll ............ __ .....,. oVT.-IOOMMAll SEmCI 4HW. lfHl.CefhiW..,WM!n $200. 2 & .DEN duplex, gar,I patio. Children O.K. Broker . 534-6980 I years. Full price only II you need a great family 67'".>-4630 642·225.l Eves. SeU 11 t f l{A appraisal. S22,500. Call 54:r.8424 South home, see this one! Lge. Jiv. · Considrr srnaller home in Rentals to Shere 2005 Coasl Rea.I E state. rm. plus lgc. party rm.; 4 Lido Isle 1351 trade. 9312 Hudson Or., 3 BR, xtra lge lam rm, 2 BA. Br. J Ba .• kitch. blt·in_~. 11h OUTSTANDING H.B. 962-7435 REWABLE Working girl. El hit t rl & I age 25 to 3J to share rent on ec ns, rus om rps Biie!. to beach. F~ sunp e. 3 BJt & convertible den. I It t '" · '·' · I 500 LIDO BUY condominium. S100 mo incl. ~ 111 ers, erp s. ,.pr1n11..1ers S]6,500 Equity 49, , May formal din rm, covered front & rear. Fenced & consider trade. Ch11.rming 3 Br. & 3 ba, patio, lovely garden w/Ji!h util. F.V. 54&-1161 daya, landscaped. S31,9:i!l. 540-5844 e O\VNER 64&-7S49e hom(', F11m. rm., frpl, in pond & waterfaJI. Finished 'Oill=-~'7369,,-af_t~S,.-P_M~.--~. Aft 6, clays 549-2286. Bier. ~~:;;;::;~~::;,;;;;~=~ mslr. sui1e, Provincial de-garage doubles as game rm. WOMAN with two a:irla $18,500 Fixer Upper Dover Shores 1227 cor. $55,0CO. Many .extras. FHA s~' '7o ln. wlEhes lo share •pt . 8 "-dbl LIDO REALTY INC. o ''74072 546-9321, Ext 309 un...1 .. s. 2 BR, 1 A 11uUSC,. e gar, I bl v· f ' 6737300 -;';:w;'c,"'~'~·~0~·-·7.'~·~--,--.. ~ xlnt erea. NN'tls handy lrrt"p aCea e ltW o 3377 Via Lido -, BY Owner : Moving out of 646-32n, Ext 21 wlmd11 rnan/pa1ntcr. $Z:-iOQ down, BAY & MOUNTAINS! A TERRIFIC DEAL area. Must sell 4 BR, 3 yrs BAL 1SL., grad stu. or ool· See: 35~ ~lagnoHa, Costa Unique "vld 11-or~d" contem-75' On Lido • VllCMt lot r1n ol(I. Transferable 6 14 'h lege grad to shatt nu ~ BR. il!esa. porary,~Xf'CU\lre ~I~~~ Nord, PLUS 3 Br. hQUse 11(\j. FHA loan. $34.950. 962-7673 $90. 615-3915. FORMER MODEL ho,me. ~q. t. '8' lot. Package d<'al .'i-ive -in--.., 0 E LADY will Share La,...e 41,-~ BA + _m,a1ds qtrs. Ide . .i "-.. ·-. hi' _ lol. l""~t. r WN R 4 BR, 21,j BA .,,. E 1KJU.,.. " "" ::re>•' •F\ 1,,.1 I II 1 & !\tobilc Ham<", with same, 4 BR, 2BA, lge family rm. for f'n~err1:11n1ng. a~y i:i111n. R. C. GREER, RtaUy u -· ; u carpe Drps &· crp!g, f'xjlE'nsive In1med ocr.un. f w"Titshed 3355 Vi L"d 673-9100 dr.oi l)('s, frplc, bltn~. Assume age 40 to 55 yrs. 530-6725 or lan<lscapi~ s, patio. OJOL Qr unfurnishNI. Assum a 1 0 6'l C;'o FHA loan, $36,500. s.13-9142 OCEAN BREEZES. 1900 &J . 61,~'"'ii loan, Box Jb32 NB LIDO LOVELY 8~2-6161. . WILL share my 2 Br apt, ft. S.IB.72·Hl I BR, + family rm., 4 bath5 NEW Exf"C1lli~·e Lu xu r y pool w/girl Zi to 35 w/good & a kitchen to "live in.'' home, 4/j BR'~, J Ba, ::i car morals, Refs. 645-Z969 aft. 4 University Park 1237 40 F t. on Wide street. J.illr. A.~sume GI: no points, LIKE EXTRAS? Thi& is H! 3 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Qualil.v constructi on bedroom~ 2 halhs, one block J y,·cek escrow. 847-016.1 ro ~hool . P;irk PooL Be BEST BUY Walkttr Rlty. 675·5200 i:; I 11 rJ you came! Owners, A 3BR hOme in Uni. Park 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. 54.'>-70.11 New lt11vn in, E lect. B/JAT TR A CT I VE 2 BR. Ki l. Fan1 Rm. Vacant. ~w Remodeled, 0 1vncr 1vill car· BY O\VNER. J Br., l·,4. Ba. I I N · ts I I · Dov,'Tt, Under $:xl:O.! ry ge oan, o po1n . ~f:.~·" 1;~1~~~;~·&c~~~~~1~: • red h"ill ~~l Phil S u I I i v ll n . $23.~. !:"J48-I!1.l2. 3 Bd1·m 2 BaU1 rrptd, drp. Huntington Beech 1400 frplc, bl (-ins, d ishwasher. Owrsized gar. w/elcc open- er. l,ike new. W/slde CM 548-0137 alt 3 TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL. TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL REALTY Univ. Park Center. Irvine Call Anytiml! 833-0820 DAILY PILOT section NOW! $3999 fountain V•lley 1410 6'~• ';<Q, St4S mo. Spacious 5 Br, 3 Ba . lge lot. Top n eighbo r hoo d vie. Brookhurst & Ellis. Drps, xtra crp!ing, 2 f r p 1 c., covered patio, sprinklers fl'Otlt k back, truit tree~. 4 yrs old. $32,7::.0. E-Z rerms. Let1ving state. 962--3475 TERRIFIC BUY 4 BR+ HUGE OEN Balbo1 2300 SMALL 2 Br h.~e. lrplc, I blk ocean/bay. $200 yrly l!e. 30-t L St. 642-3392 or 67:>-3{)()8 f:VCS, Lido Isle 2351 * Furn 4 BR, 3 BA. O>n temp, newly dee. Bltns. Av now. Yearly. (714) 621-7109 RfNTALS Houses Unfurnisshed General 3000 Total down p11.yment Assume GI loan Oassilied Glen Mar 4 Bedroom modrl Gd Neighbors -wn.lk Schools No Qualifying, No 2nd TD _G""'"•n.;.•_,_._1 _____ ~1..:ooo..:.;...:G..:•c."..:•_••;;.l:._ ____ 1..:000.:.;..G;;.;;.•..:"";:;'..:"..:1 ____ ..c1000:.::.:1 Pl,aSe call Lovely home w/many extrtis. NICE &: Oeanr Ready Jor oc w r.v cpts/drps, block \ValJ, cupancy. 3 bMJ'OC)1n 2 bath. lg cov. patio. A musl ser. Month to mon1h. Reasonable S©~Jt}}¥\.-~£~S" SolOf •Simple Scrornbl•d Won! Puzzle for• Chuckle 11001 Maanolia, FV S45·045B F11A or Gf $31,00J. rent for the area . can Walk HA FF"DAL Riiy, 8424405 :'-'~&"'°"L«-'.7"2,..,-·44_55_-. __ _ S;_:;;B~R~. ~2~1,J;:.,fu;.:::. ~r.~m.,-rm,.:::~..,~.::Cth J BR., Atrium, m o d e I wet bar, exceptional kit-townhoul!f!. Choice greenbelt chen, dtp3 &: crpt.5, Jg, end unit. Aveil. Nov. 1. patio, clo~e to achool11, Yearly lea11e UlO mo. Mike, many xtra11. Assume 7~~% •gent. 675-4392 GI. 17538 Live Oak Circle $140. 3 BR, fenced, Children 968-7136 & -riets welcome, Bk l' 51;,.•;. Tot•I Annu•I Out Of State 1601 _,1145--0~-l~ll-~~---Rate On The G. I. Loan .;;.;;.;_o;..,:;c;;;..:c __ ..;.c:.:.: $.140. New 5 Br exea;itM Anyone Can At1umtl $39.'> Full Price type home. Desirable Joe. Super Sharp SP AN CS H 5 AC. Duchesne County, Bkr 645-0111 lTOMEC I r I I I . STYLE 3 bedroom Family Utah. Tru1, close to new =1~=.~a~B~R:.~2'""s.~. ~frp~l,-.~O~bl Room. FormaJ Dining Room. Jake. xlnt hunting. fish & in-1a.rage. Children Ir pets BeauUM carpets •nd Drap. vestment. 644-4185 O.K. Bier 534-6980 "'· thTOUghaut. Lovely mod-"m kitchen, Truly SPANISH Total p11.yment Sltd includes &JI. Priced a t $26.900. Laguna BNch 1705 arra 3 BR. Lge dinlnc are•. big yard, stove. Children O.K. Bkr SJ4.Ql80 A talented fallurer He hos a Pkl Beta KQppa Jcey on his watch dlarn, bvt --I LEWVET I ..... , 1r,_,J""' ..,.I ...;;.;..I _,,~,-1 0 c-.1 ........... ,. ..- • hy filling In th. 11'119'1rq wordl " you ctn.lop "'°'" .. p No. 3 belowr. • ~~l~~E~~~~~E~EOERS r r 11 r 11 1· I' 1 _e__,..~o._ic.:.:,"::'::i.sw::.8\;,1.'. _ 1'"-'-"..11....1_. I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 • WE SELL A HOME EVERY l1 MINUTES Walker & Lee HANDYMAN'S Specla.1! 4 Income untt11 120 )'ds. to bn.ch. P.1.tl01, dttkl w/ocean vi'w. Nd.a. paint. etc. ~uld lfl'S• $9,000 yr. Pr. $69,900, Consider trade•. 7682 Edlng'r MISSION REALTY 494-0731 M2-445.'i Open til 9 PM COASTAL VIEW! STTU.. ROOr-.f HERE for Tt.rrlfle loan auumption! ~culators. Olde'!' ho m t Inl<>t'esl rate doesn'l iA- n1akt'l'I goorl N'nt On C4 mn· ... rca~e: no {lOin!s. 3 Bdnn9., ed home. Ju!\ off 8 e a.(' h J11mily nn .. 2 balhE. 3 ye.ara Blvd. GREAT POSSIBILI-ol•L Rcducffi to $41500 'N! Wide open terms. PL,\CE: BE,\LTY 4!H·9704 Rex l , Hadq•s, Rltrs. TH E SUN NEVER SETS l)n ___ .. _7.c.·2'~21-. ____ DAJLY PTWT WANT ADS! Cool•-3100 2 BR. ho!Jse. $165. mo. Rochester st., C.M. * &45--1348 * * 2 BR, $120 mo. 1989 Charle St. No pets, 1 child OK &4~2259 2 BR, fireplact. beamed ctU· Ina, wtw cpb:. $14.1 mo. 2636 Elden, CM 00-.8520 * COTT'AGE, 1 BR. All utiJ pd. New-crpts, drps. $1"5. No pt"tS. 545-Q!M, 540-~ ' _( ' ·~-..,..""'---···----.,.. --.... -.. --p ... -·-- tJa DAILV PILOT Monday, Octcbtr 27, 1%, KtNl~LS r<c:Nl~L~ RENTALS RENTALS HoutM Unfumi•h•d Apts. furni1Md Apt&.. Unfurni.t..d Apt1. Unfurnl1"9cf * * * * * Coat• Mesa 3100 Costa M•Y 4100 General 5000 Costa Mnl 5100 FOR LEASE: 3 DH. 2 BA North C.r.t. Cr-pt:-., d1"11~. bltins, to: )'rl $200 f.1&--:n~1 Me'• Verde 3110 !"OR LEASE ~ BR 'l AA $225. Sharp! Sharp! holJ~. \Viii C"Ons1dl'r lcascfoplLOn. 838-6341 f'\'CS 3 BR. 2 BA. :S2'!:1. Beou1l. ho11~r. 29?.2 RcdwOOfl A\'l' . C./'ll. ~·16-62Jj, CI C (~J'.:;1 66!H>;17 Newport Beach 3200 B/B TO\\':-<HOL:SE: Adlllt! only. '2 13dnns., 2 baths. SpHt-lrvt'l, Avail. Oct. I:Jth. :S225 Prr i\!•1nth. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. !X'l'I_ Dover Dr., NB 5ui!i-126 1q;..~1001 Eves 5.18-6966 ifAr.BORll1ghlanrls 3 Bit Z BA, crpts. drps, bltir1s. 11,h. \\'hr no pPL< LCd~f'_ 5~7:1 n10 lncl ganicncr. ~1S-6frlQ IJ!' :,.17.1;:.u;, IJLOSJ;: : nor::::,1:.,-; $30.00 Wk. Up e :'1•1rl11) ,t,, 1 Br Apf~. • 1'il~hrn & TV UICI. e Phonf! &rvice & Pool e ~l:ud .sen'lt e av11il . • D;ty, '.l'P.Ck & .Month ~3!6 l\'Pll'f!O!'l Bl\•d. !'..JS.9i;i5 \l'FJ~!\L Y renlals; 6tart1ng ;11 s,:.J. P'Xll. ptione.s, & maid "''r\ 1t"t'. THE BEL CONGO, ~>1; ... '.'Jl?~ Newport Be1cii 4200 N°f'" po11 R•·a\·h GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Lu\ury g;irdrn ap.ar1n1C'nl~ nfl.,r1ng complek• privacy, ~P1'11utif11 [ \andscap1ni; & un- p<trallr!cd ff'l-rt'ational fac1!. ut'rs in a coun1ry club at· niusphere. Now leasing 111 l\'l"1vpcu·t Bcad1. F'urnisl'IC'd or unturnt$herl !'llodcls open 9 am !o ~ pm R.eiH" fl'om SlJZi 10 ~3 10. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 161h S!N'l'I 7H: 6-1:!-8170 VEN DOME IMi\fACULATE APTS! ADULT & FAMILY SECTIONS AVAfLABLE: CloH to shopping, P1rk * Spaclo111 J Br's, 2 Ba * 2 Bedrooms * Swim Pool,. F'ut/grttn * J-~rpl, Jndiv!lndry fac'ia 1845 Anaheim Ave. COST A r.fESA 642·2824 Harbor H•ights Four CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING 2 & l BR UNITS all with fittplec:es. dishwashers & 2. bath!. Rental Manager - l\Ini. Olristiensen 3117·A Cinnamon Ave. "-"-~~'!-'!-~"!!~~:!"'"I Cost• M•sa HARBOR GREENS Phono 546-lOJ4 BAC!rELOR unrurn 1r 0 m 2-2BR. a,p t ~ · Responsible SllO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 adults. No ~ts. . . Btlnn. Healed poob. child for app t. ~16-0084 care center, adj to shoppini:. N rt B h 5200 No pets. ewpo eac 2700 Peterson \Vny DELUXE 3 BR 2 ha. A 11 Costa 1'fesa 546-0370 --CC-~='~=-'-"='--1 bit-ins, dshWshr-. Large & • RENT • l>l'ight. \Valk to tx>aeh. AvaU 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP i\lvnll1-To.:'\tontJ1 Rrntals \V !Dt: SELECTION Nov. 5 $250. (213! 388.;;255 or 6ZZ.9193. BACHELOR ;ip'. P1nployetl adult only. $7.'1. l216 IV. BC1l boa Bl\'d. 67 5-787 6, l!FRC Furn1Ture Rentals 49-l-97j:1 j17 \V. 19th, Ci\! 548-3481 _ Whi1ddy1 Want? Whaddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• SERVICE DIRECTORY Asphalt, Oils 6520 S Lines -5 times -5 bucks llULE~ -AO MU~l INCLUDE SEALING & PATCHING Hesidcntial • Indus -Con1••'l Conipl i·eas ::,/"t'\'. C\1r1'(·111ly i'ngagcd by Clly <JI C.~l , for 1-wn.1 YlltJ n•v• IO '""""· l-Wh•I Y<W ... .,, In '••M. ._lOUR P'><>oe 100101 _,r-n, "-S nn•• ot •dvor11"n .. >-NOl,..ING FOil ~.O.lE -TRADE~ ONLYI PHONE 642.5678 To Place Your Tr•der's Paradise Ad street rrstoration. 150 ii.ere& N, Dakota, >.1•heat · & barley land. t'xc:hangl" for Orange County 1'{'aJ r s!ate prefer income. Fortin, Realtor &oOO ac Ut.>h nf'X! !o Air· P"rT & llugr JY'CJ'1'a 11(•11 .1r"'a SSO 11c•rr _ \Van\ b<'arh hbe Oi' 1nton1r fliATO con P. Have secur1tiei;, real invest-Gen'I Conlrat'lor~ G.18-:"-.818 n1f'11t opportunity. $40,0tXtl=========== val. \\'ill trade all or par! B1bysitting 6550 for homr. un11s. T.D.'s orl----------- ~ ·~ Owner 6·16·8001. EX·PLA YCROUND (!1~ctr.r 1!1\ vr: 56 acre trC1!l<'1· si 1c ,11ll care for 1-hilrt 1n niy fri'r $.· cl1'. JI;.,.~ strea1n ho111t'. ;\Ion tliru rn. Cal! thno_ \\'ant 11111ts, hllU'>I'. 6i:;..s1~tq '/'D's f•I·'' ~ ,~ari~·y J. i\Jnon' LclcCcCc.Nc,5c.,c,0~cRc,.ch-,c8icll-,-,.-,-,.-, ~~r-*':·7\l()(J. llon1<> 11Jon·Fl'I . Xlnl lu\'111g Nt·:11'POllT Hl'l(!hl~ hon\•', Ci<I'<' N. Cii ! :i.1!J-01or •. When You Wont it done right ..• Co// one of the experts I isted below!! SERVICE __ DIRECTORY I SERVICE DIRECTORY Carpt:t Cleening 6625 Houucle•ning 6735 CARPl:T &. uphOl stery steam i'lr·1;i.1rd. a iso •:arrl<'t 111- :;t1.tlt<1llOn. R('su]L<; i::uar. f O!' frt><' t'S1. ('all &16-5971 CARPET C!c:an111g 3 n11" $19.95. Upholsterv cle11nlng· F ree Scotchguard, Harbor Oi.'iC'Oun( 839-1870 * 1Jian1onds are n1ea..~urcd Ly qu;J.Jlty, W a1·r wr ! D1Al\10ND CARPl::T \\'OULD Ynu believe 1 will 1·!r11u your ho1ne for Blu~ Chi p Stemp~! 891-1350 e \VINDO\VS DIRT\'? Free est. 15 yeat'! f'Xp. Johnny Dunn &\2-2364 IVJNDO\V CLt:ANING Pron11sr to p!easf: * :~16--2:.110* Janitorial ! CLEANEJlS &l~>-1':17 any11n1r SPARKLE Jan1lorla\ & \V1n·. Electrical 6640 <hnl' (•leaning ::>e1v, \\'in·· 001,·s. rcs1d., co111rl. const. Clranup. free es!. 968-2691 :\ Br. Jani rm. Rel; Bf\_V. \1.l, 1,.,,v cpts, nu dee., $300 lsc 6i.1--0507 1 ~~----~~~~-12 BR, 2 BA, CID. palio, DLX quiet atlract. :l BR. ln1· frplc:, dishwhr. Nr \\'e:>l<'hff 1nat·, itdulls, no JJC.1:->. yd. Plz. 166.'i Irvin,.., S200. earl". Privacy. $163. 67~8;)!) Adul1s! For Appl 642-01~9 $30 WEEK & UP 1BR.2 ba .. family rn1. !Vlesa 2 BR upper, crpts. drps. BR,:'.! BR, Bal·h. i\!aid :;rr-Del 1\lar. $250 mo. lt'ase. stove & rririg. $160 yrly. 17111 ·1."l~-J1n3 01' :l.':j.,:109 (k·cunv1rw ff'<;, Int Ci\l·Nr1\:: pl , iil'{'a. Tr,1111,L'd, \\'ill trade S7.00Q t''l'." for 1·ar ,,r prop. 111 NtJ. C<il. Approx mkt val $17.0Clo. £!l7-~6:l·I ~ BR, ':_ Bt\. Drt. nook, '-' \B·,·srfTINC~,, -,-1-,-.. -.~-1 ., ·;p ., 00 1-->I • '" ~. ~ ~ ... , :<rrv w1·1 ·ti, !lcn, .r , .IJ yard. ;, Day \•'rrk. Costa ~i:i. It. Trade Sll.OC-O ioq. for :O.lesa n~'f'a. G•12--87~ A1·reagc /2nd TD's. 548-9821 1".LJ-:l'THJCIAN: Licensed. bonUed, s111a!J Joioi;, 1na1n1 f.._ IT'PlllfS. :~!~:J20:\ L•ndscilping 6810 LfC'D ,Japanese landscape ('On\rac1or, Lawn~. liprklrs, patios. eic:. 83G-3037 DLX Condo'f. w/poril /.· frplc. 2 BR, 2 B,\. ~2j(I, " BR, 3 BA. $275. Liaison ~732 \'lCe, TV & Pool. Agent 67;>..2101 673-8088 T\\'O, 150' lot!'> hea1i_ _of Brick, Misonry, •le. Palm Desrrt. Y<JU can butld 6560 16 U. $.'l~.00() l'{[Ull)', trade ----------- for un its or comm'! N.B. or BUILD, Rc111o<l(•J. repair, Floort 6665 THE MESA $1JJ. CLEAN 2 BR. 2 Ba 4.I======== 40 a ... _ IV. Orpgon. timbt:-r land. ~12.\T fl <', Can add. \\'ant: Sin] i11cumr prop or Sr>ortl1shcr 10 3:f , TIS. 0>.1'n. rr/Bkr :0.11lt Hanson 49-l-9·!jl 72' Cruiser T1vin D, auto pilot, range 12r)O nii; rcc:r·n1 ~llrvl"y ~10~1. \\'ill •·0n~1rlrr 1rus1 dt'<·d "l' ..,111ail('J" !Ju<1t. f)\\'11Pl' 171 ·11 !'.!9·:;1(1(). Corona rlrl \lur _ ::;\,,111 pool, ;; IJJl. '.!. B.\. Ji·pl\'. ln<fr 1~ 1)-q LIVt• 111 Ill' 11•·1·( ir.r 1r11111nc. \l\:in1 · 111,·,.n1r· 111 f{11•, n1' S.B t,'nry, 1,17;,.71)~~ CARPET VlN'lL TILE Free est. Lie. contr. 540-7~2. ~H~78 5242 41 '.> N. Newport Blvd. rlex. Bltns, gar. Nice area. East Bluff &l/i.96Sl Bkr 645--0111 Mesonry, Brick 6830 BLUFl'"S; lovely 4 Br, cpts, drps, !rpl, pools. Y.'lk to stores, 1>rhool, club, park. No pet~. 675-4497 or &14--0·l l;l S~l~N~G~L~E-o\~d~,~11-,~L-,-,-. -,-,-, 1$170 3 BR '1-plex. Bltns. • NEW DELUXE e g;irr1rn apls \l'ith country crpts, drps. Child OK. Bkr ~ Br. 2~!i ba apt. for lease (·Juh a!inosphrre and com· G-15--0lll Incl. spac. mastr. suite. din rm. & dbl. garage. auto. ple1e privacy. SOUTH BAY $135. 2 BR, gar, RIO, "'l\v. door opc>ncr avail. Pool & CLUB APTS. Irvine al 16th, Children & pets OK. Broker rec. arra. Nr. Calholic C :001, Owner 67:1-30-lS. Brick, lilork, con<·re1e. I JAVE tlcar R-4 lot closc-lc~rpcn!cry, no JOb too sm<il1: ir1 L.A. Value Sl-1.IXXJ. \\'ant Lie. Contr. 962·6!lli n1•:11' 111''1· <if'lpro;.;_ :!~' tl'liis. G•rdening ANTHONY'S 644·4860 6680 RICHARD ALLEN ' Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specialtyl Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2l4:J Newport Heig.,ls 3210 3 BP., 2 Bit, llt'll.!Cd pool, t-.'c11por1 Beach 53-1-6980 Church. Arl11l1s, 110 pels. !7l~l 61;)..0:!:iO e ONL'Y $2l:J e "r. Prcfrr T :;, C. B. F G. Business Service 6562 :-'•·•Ian . 6 1-1·(1'2~.). 1· P•perhanging Painting lrplc. S."lOO lcll!'i" FOR privacy this ~paciotis, :n::: .1?J .1~:;1 nir>flrrn J Br, 2 Ba 11pper. r-·r beach & h~y. Adults on. East Bluff 3242 ly. $1!l!l. rr.arly rental. NE\V 2700 sq fl :l BR t.· ram rm, 3 BA. 0\1'nl"r 's Ju.x ;ipt. 7~2 Amigos \Vay. $•17~1. 67;>..~31 Corona del Mir 3250 2 BR. t in!. Rclrit; cpts., 1lr11pf's. S2 IO nlo .. lra.sr . :\ B<lrm. hon1e -~JOO 1110. O>rh1n-:'llar11n 67~1-l!iii .~2o;-R11. 11\1rlr~. :!~'00 Si:i-fl H!ln~. di,h11Acl1rr, frpl. ~~00 :0.10, lr<11'•'-~•10-7'17'.\ Huntington Beach 3400 RA\'CI\, !!'1'1'1\1,1· decor .. 4 BP.. 2 BA. l•llnlt'ri ~TllJH1t1<·~·­ S:l:ilJ. ~s-c;::i:, t•1ri. & we<!kcnds-~-----7 . J BDR:O.tS 2 ti~1hs, !;<11111.v roon1 . Cl,..1H1 ,·ar11nt, rri1ilv fnr orrupF<nry. ~~II) I 1110. A~I ;,11;-111 ·11 --------4 Er:. T•>"l\lli\i!'"· ''''-'II' t-.r;1("11 2 p•· ... 1~_ i·!uhho11·,(•_ l.l .1\~f-'.. "t:'~i--1!:•7 Hunting ton Sl~J. I BR r·lran, quiet, beaut fu r n. Nr m arke1. \\lasl1erldryrr. g a rag r, tllHTllff' 11dults. 192? B \\';illac,... DUPLEX '.? Gr ne~r h;iy. fi7.1·68,1:0 C1\CJIELOR Apl. rn1ploj1·rl ;idu\I only S'i,"1, 1211; \\'. Balho~ B!l-d. ~'i:l-7 876, ·1!l1-9T1."1 OCL,\.\ FP..Oi\ r l~e 2 13r, frpl1 " 1u·. ,1-h00l & cliurcllr". \\'1n1cr. tj7.)...:r\-12~ lj\(l \V. ()('('F1!1fl'0!1! l Bil lar<;::r. NrFlr Up.~1air~. S\YI Yrl,v. •673-SOSS • OC-ei!.!1. OC'EA;-,/ fRO:"IT, \·1r"·· J BR. Deluxr. pl11sh! Bltnl', lrpli', <'h'-s~2;, \\'1n1rr. i;7J-~os.~· (JCE.\N t'RO;\'.T, 2 RR. large-. frplt·, s1~n. \\'1n!rr. "'fil.~-~Ol\S * S\ :7 . ."•1 g ,\C!-11·.LOP. apt, 111i1 prl ('rp1~. tirp5, bl11ns, pool. 1·121 l'l;i r~nua. 4210 Harbour 3405 --------Newport Hgts. .1 + STL:DY. :"harp. l..,l";l!'P -'---- •I 1ih 0 p 1 1 0 11. A~lon~ * Cir.an 1 or 2 BR * s4001m.-,. ~or rt s TA P. Arlult~. J1C> pc\~. 2421 F.. 15th Rlty. KI;,.....112~. s•. $135 mo. ull-616-1801 Santa Ana Heights 3630 Coron• del M_•_• __ 4_2_5_0 EXEC. horn~ ;. BR. 3 Ra. Cpt.~. rlrps., r!DC. bl\-ins. :';?.~K:l lncl. ~<in\r·ncr !.!fi---01-l!l Laguna Niguel 3707 ;: llR. :'. g,\ 11omr ~J;~\ ni" Phf'ne a!r i; pr11 'I k flays, an).'t1n1\' '1 k·<'nr!~ .~1.~-8.S~7 FOR r<'lined barh. Spaciou~ l BR. \\"a lk lo beach & ~1o1rc~. Sl ."l01 mo yrly. ·u1il Jlfllrl. 673-6071 Bl'.:AUTlfULLY furnisher\ 1 & '2 BR .qils. Avail n11 f.h(•rt h'l'm 11asis. TltE Jl\.:\IAICA l'.'\:-l HOTI;L, Crl.\l. C'OP.OL!DO Apt s 2 Br S!UtllO , , v· . 3708 turn. S210. M1ss1on 1e10 6>3·~·378 1~~~-~~~-~-BE.'lt;TIF'UL \1c1,·. '.? BR. 11: Cl1RO;'<l,\ drl ~\11r dupll"'i RA. Fnilr . 111\n l'K'Okt:a~cs apl. 2 BR Sli.l !urn. S\t.O un· Crpt~. rlrp• >i~7-~'.lJ7 . 1111·11. N.., dogs. 6-14-2:'162 Condominium 3950 .~ Hdrn1 S:J~>{L rn11 J.<.r / op nn n Very {'\r;in, l'h1 ld & pt'IS 11 rl. 1·omr. !)1}2.1i'.G1 RENTALS Apts. Furnished General 4000 Ttx-l.OR\,t.01 ·-.: ?\c1v VAL D'ISERE S1n;::l-l br-:'. hr Furn.uni. Sauna. A('t'.v P.rn. B11li.11i1s Therapy t; .\:, rwl, RBQs ?OOo ParS(JrJ.~ P.rl, 6!2·8670 S125. :.! RR. fl<lhy 0 1-\:. Chowe loc;.!ion. A1a1l Jiil. Ekr fi.l>-fllll S!IO I sn·~1,-"-,-,~n°lk~,,,-"'-,-"-"· ~1nnll lam. 11rlromc. Bkr :--~14-6?1'1) Cost• Mes• 4100 VILLA POMONA Nrll' 1 & :: BP. !urn apt~. Ad ul!s onl;,. nn n r ! ". Enclo~d ;: .• ra·~e~. launrlry rm, ~'1\1nrn1n~ pool. 17fi0 Pomona FURN lar;;;r hilt"h npt. ('(1\UV 10 l IlH .. l.I>! prl. Ko Jll?!,5. Sl:ti Nr i.r1~' l11rnitul"I", H~·ail Nov. 1.-,1 :..19--38fi6, ~mirh. REALLY QUILT-CLEAN 2 Br. J •,~ Ba. !'<Y'll, Sl!lO. 2:u o Nint<i 64~293.1 SUS CASITAS Furn 1 BR apl. ZllO :\'e"riorl Blvd. l\oled11thnn hy Jl<"lq10.r11, $11'1 BACI{ apr, 3·rnl J-:!'r11[ !<"Ir ~tudrnt~. arlii;lf.. O(·f'.in VI~\\-. 646-ZJ'lJ. •'.'\'ASSA\J PAL,\IS • l & 2· BR. Pool 177 E. 22nd sr. h12-:'f,1'> 1 BEDR00:0.1 l;irge. Jrleal for hachelor. Pool. S12.l. J:Y.}3 C!iurrh St. ~,lS-!lfiJ,l \\'h11r f:]('ph1i11l.s• 2Bn. Z B;i, near ocean. P'Xtl & clutihnl1.~'i'. frl2-287~ J,,\HC.E _\iOD BACHELOR Bcaullfully furn, Rll utll pcL SlOO mo. 540-2266 Balbo1 4300 CLr:AN Bachelor AfllS, All oll! incl $85 up ;-:\;, !::. 13a.lboa Blvd. BALB01\ li7J..-994:'i Huntington Beech 4400 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 2 BR, pool, u!tl pd. $200 mo. Arlti.lts only. ri.--o pees, 17676 Carnemn, ~17·2 12:°;, 1 HR r11rn. \\';U!'I' I.· ga..<: IXl - ADUJ.T only. S,'!.,l. 91R Pahn. Hu111111gton Beach. ~678 flr 5-16-1~79 Orange County 4600 ~J~GLE adul!s, 1 u )( u r y J:,ardcn ;ipts, wlluU n>crrn- 11on lac1li!1f>s & romplr1e privac;y, South Bay Clnh Apts. 277 So. BrookhursC. Anaheim (7141 772-4500 Gardin Grov• -4610 SINGLE Ad1d1 s Luxury c:nrrlcn R('t.'l ,1·ilh rountry club <1tm~phen> anti rom· pie tr privnry. SOUTH BAY CLUD AP'T5 13100 Chapman Av{!.. Garden Gro"e 1 jl4 • 636--3030. L•gun• Bt•ch °'705 PANORAMIC view ovPrl,,...k· ing Aliso Beech. 2 bdr &. 3 hdr. furn. All f'lec. iiplli . ~!&.lure ;idults No J)('ls or r tuld. $19:> & $230. Qa.ll ttll. 6 Pi\1. 49'9-3T.J.'l F'L:RNJSH ED. ,;mall pla('c. n""r bl>arh. Re~p., empl'd. ~rl11li -'1'}1-fa:K) fr~ .. Rl'1tC!i h()IJ.<;{' !in, .. Bis:- "' •I "'"ll'f'hrm rvrr' f.rr !hr Costa Mesi 5100 liW Amigo.~ \Vay, N.B. $135 Brdroom Apartnl<'ll! Pool _ Air cond1t1oning Enc.lose<! garagrs Cat~t.<1 & drapes ~c: 160 W. \Vilson 2 Bedrooms al.so available REALTORS 673·4400 DELUX~.: :1 BH. 2 H.\. Lnl'I gar . ,:\lounlaln v+c:w. i.:oi•d loc. 7:,z An1igos \I' a y . 67:r:io::~ Corona del Mar 5250 NEWLY COMPLETED DUPLEX HAVE: lt-'.l 1 16 ili'l't'~. Ck'r<i n Virw 2l.l7 Paellic Avr, Cos· la 1Vlrsa. \\"ill trar!c ror TO'~ nr ?7. 011'nrr, 1213 1 21·1-3 101 rv<'S, (:!1.1l 2,16-0701)_ 2 BR '.? h:1 , fS:!.",0) or :; BR . '• ilCfo' COlHHry J::st,1lr;; Br. 2 13~. ]~ ... ~6 p1•1J. hn!'.V'::> nr 111111.-;, :'(!:\! rr1 1.v. 1ran1 l),~;1t h prop, Jn(·r,1nr 0,1· " 3 h;i 1S~:!j1, Priv. pat1ri~. cov. g;11·agrs_ Cpt 'rl_, draped, .:cmp. h\t.1n~ Rr-~t lo('. 71':.. j (li' On-hid 111.,nrr : •. :1 -7ij.",1; ,75.&0SI) El<'tllil ,q1pt 'd. l'l'l\' p.111", ) TO\l':'\JH1L::-J·. :: B1. J', 11,1. ------,,-.• -,-! 1)..101. 111· 11a.1, \';iJ, SJ~'.:.oo. IUIOl IWWUllUIT .,.,. • :=======:::::::::=:\i=iiii=.:;~;:=i,i;;;=s Lr1tv hn· T lJ. !"II'.. r 011111• t' 1 HR \'('ij[' hous•'-SIOVt, {>I''_'? rJ ,•11rr •il'"·b\.:1 1 2 Bit ap1, epls1<lrps, hJ T-ln/ rrfrig. & ne'v rarreti;-. Ti:.\of::-SJO,fOO ,. n •ll I l y r<~ng,.. & ov<~ll. rcfrig , lrrrz.12 BR. 2 ha .. .[u~1 co111nlri"d, ., d ] a i nd n"llO. h•1111c 111 Co~tn :1lrs;1 for :; Brd1·ourn h•in1c 111 \\<'~1. TYPESETTING 1111ns1c1·. zo nrd J:-l \\ ilh1 ;'\r1\ a nd cn1 nplctr r o 1 rl p;1rk1ng r.Vf'1·l~y, tl{lfll'CI 1_,pe f<V"J]lfir•s sf'rv111;: :ill :t\9\1 rq111t.v l11r 1ncnnie 11r Ql'angr Cunniy, Oif<'r- p1 ·,1prrl,\_ lll!!-tillS t•!' :J-l9-407:! 111,~ spl'rdy ~''rVl{'i:' & low B1 \,k1•r. 1·a1rs. C:ill fur f11rthrr ,\n·;irli;1 . 7 !~,.. rllx ap!s. in/0J'ma11on. t71·1l 8:16-69.~."i Nrar nrw -fireplaces _ I~========== rar pkg ea. Tradr eqnity·I • for i11come or home, Nr1v-1Carpenter1ng 6590 J)()r! Beach. ~l&-67-lS CARPENTRY ;=, BR, pool, Or~..ingr Co. ~?-r-.ftNOR REPAIRS. No J ob S'.\OOI) r<J ly. l\'an1 i;mallrrl TO<" Small. Cabinet in gar- 1\qu,f' or )ll)~l~c \1l1ho11t por;'!. ag:s __ & .o I her cabinc1s. r•h111, 111oh1lr hnntr, c;uni -5-la-Sl15, Uno <in~wer lca1·c 0 ,· 0 ,. , .. ,r ~1·1 ··o·n / ••''" "I 616 ~~-~ II o . ,. ' ' --_,. . "' .. ·-"'~· ' . 11 "" I I " 0 A11LIC'rson 11\·r •.• 111111;1p! .u . ,,.,. ---7~~----~::l\.lli~I )<'<+r o::ru.•-" T1 <1d, THA0.SFI:.l: PanC'l l na:k~ .~ ~\'.li•,{))J , '(lilly lu1· (·\,.:11· Vll"s lo CalllflCl'S. P.:<'l1t1JliJ l ';1l1t. iH'1'•'a~r. Cna ~tllnr l!l' rr•111Ullc•I hflals !L~:. f>.~!j-~(;7 ~1:\fi·l3G6 prcf-nb1'1{'a!Jo11. Cu~ton1-hull1 The Dc~t. cos!• n() niore~ E:-.p('i tt:n.:o::d M:J.lrl!rna nee i3\1d;;~t L.-11ldSt.'<lp111g Gt'a1!uarc llorLlc:ulturiot NE\V I~ IY 11 s f'l'·Secding, Con1plc!1' lo11•n earr. C!ean up by jub oi· 111onth. t're~ t"st1n1atcs. }'or u1!0, call S\6-0032 AL'S Garaenin_g & La'vo i\lairi1cnan(·E'. Commrrcial, industrial & res•dential. * 6 \G--36211 * COMPLETE Y;<i'd ,\Jci 1n1. ClrillHlp !:ra~. !11.J,'i.\:I.'~ lilfi·~~l7 F11.11-La~"ri-. ..-c~1(:r-- .~ L"nrral Y;1rd ClE>:11111p ::JIJ.1%~1 }'re<' Est1n1atr Cut & Erlgc La\vn i\!a1ntc·nan('l', Llcen:«ed [148-4S081::H9-1:1(),l alt 4 C";ib1n1'IS ,\. {I x j u r· cs ' Forn1ir·a 11 ork. frlG-;)219 or :,.1.~16:~1 er. ispo~, rr·o ;· ,..;. Carp .• drapC's, dJsliv•ashrr, ll'h;:itdo~ouba\C totradc? ALL Ullht1rs JJ(l,..ld, $:100 n10. hit-in~. u1111~. lla1·l:.nr a1·ca . llal f' List lt here -in Orangl' JL\l'S Gard~nlng & la,~11 W Adulllts OMnl,vC. "°dlprtsR. I 3 BR. 3 b~ Brand TI\"\' Blt1ri IJ11.~r r for hottsl". Coa.s.llfnr Counly's la,,,..,sl read trad· l'cc,,cRcP~>:c.cNoTcRcYc.-lc,-,cb-, -,-,-1-s nu11ntC'nanc:r. Re!. & Com- e S-C ar e, tr$. d1sl111'ashcr. tpl~. clrapcs. P, /"' .,.,~ fllC!' l<ll * -!IJ--18"7 1810 Nrw""rl Blvd c ·11 "1;;'.J-:',i~i ;,35.J:,GG lng...,,st-aMmakea deal r.rmod. No J<>b loo Snlall, i; . ,;. ,;, • _ -, _ 1 ••Y ". ~· ·0 p;1liO. ''Y ']•lal1ty "'Ork. C11l! 6•!&-2.176. Japanese Gan:cner ,)·Iii·• 129 'Evr .. i·lli·El.,91no'_' Fc_,_nkl 1n Rlr r. 61~, •. 222:.1 ..l * * c I --. * * * QUALITY Repairs _ AHc.ra-on1p r1e Yard ~rn·tcl' -,-IL-.f\f{J:i],\C-WuOD.'l-~!!"''1!!'!~!1!11!1!11!1!11!1!11!1!11!!11!!'!!!!!"!!J!!!!!J!~!!J!~!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!!! t ion~ _ Nr..\v cons!. by hour Fn•r E~I inn1 tc 616·0830 An r\e1!111g rir1v concept in .... ; RENTALS REAL ESTATE or Contrat'l. 6-15--:\.112 CLEil.N·UP SPEC!ALIST~ l 11~111"1011s ;1r1 .. l1\'1nc. 1 ·~ ~ Apts. Unfurnished General 1:r.:1'1\U:s. 1\LTERATTOi\S l\lo,1 ini;. edr:lng. old iobs. fJf:. 1 bath.~ 11·i!h f:VFf':'I' ~rt• (',\UINET, Any s1zr jnh nra ~onuhl\"'. '..i l~.(i~j;, fY },'\'\l·:rv,\BLE Fl·: \TLT:I~, Laguna Beach 570~ Income Property 6000 2~, ~r~-,..,-pri· '.i 1.~·l>71-: * Expert Japone$e J_,1 L'nil.~ avail:1blr :'\uv, l~I 0:-1 TEN ACRE.<:; ---------------~-HEP.\ll:. l'arlilions Sn1all !-'!:'\l::S'T \\'ORK 616-038·1 :>tar1u1i.; at S\-10_ 1\dul 1s .. 12:. l & '.! BR. rurn & U11f1l!'n JOO CLIFF DRIVE NEED Partner 1v11h s111;ill P.rnirnl,..I. rT!". Ni!r nr rlay. fllrr11nae \Vay j ,Ju.~l I-~a:;\ ol Vir1"[lla t·es I priv. pat1us I 1nv•'S\mcnt. to rompleie Re11s: Call KEN ;)I0-4G?fl General Services 6682 :lliCM:l llarhor Blvd, nl'xt to Pools. Tennis -Contnt'l Bkfs!. Sl'\O l BR, 1' • B,\_ Crpts. plll'L'.hasc n! 1nrnrnr prop. 1-:::::========= I Nilbf·rs Cad1lli1c.l j\:Hi300. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 64'1·2611 drp~. hlt1n~. View of o~ean. f.,r tax sav1rig~. lil~-2j.i~.I· GARAGE CK:iors &>rvii:-ed & THr-: VICTORIAN fi\TacArthur nr. Coast Hl\')'l \\'alkini:;: 01,.tancr to 1own. llhr. Cement, Concrete 6600 Repaired. General House Also /urn B<ichf'l"r. very I o~=~--~---~ i\laln!. $JO. min. 57,)...lJ84. Completing Nov . \~I LARGE 2\;. BR + 2 baths, latgl', SliO. ~9-1-24~9 or E-SIOt: hn1 -+ inroml'. JO * CONCRf·;TF. F 1 o o r s, Brand new 2 BR, 1 1 ~ BA. hlk 10 beach, bltin stove & 494-53{13. units + 2 rms, rm to hld pal1os. f't•· Rrasonab!r. Call S 1 ;> O. A ii u I ts on I y . 1. h h 1 / 1 •. REAL ESTATE Sl ~J.000. 20 "ii dn. Owner Don. 61:!-l!;'il·I r is \V r. cp s (rps .... o . 1:========== Crp!s--rlrpli-bllns. So un d S 3• 1 31 ;>-]8-S007. pets. ~" f'llo yr y. , 01•J G I p1oofPd, pri ~11r >.1'/storag£'_ enera Contractors 6620 Frnc~d yd 1v/p;i1io. \\'a1cr .• 1 7'cisc. 0671;_•0"-1_'0'~~~~--Rentals Wanted 5990 Business Property 60501-----'-'---_;:..:;;.;. fl{l. G:>r1irnrr maintained. LAHGJ-: :; BR. 2 EA. pr1 fRED H. r.F:r..ll'ICJ-\: !Xl7 Vtrtoria St. 6.~.1)--41~1\'J pa l10, hlt111s, rl1 s!11v.~hr. 11r11· ollvc shag crp1~. rlrps, S2.'.i5 1\'llDDLE Ar:r \\'trlo,v· 11:1ntli Black Knight Rest. MARTINIQUE .\lo. lii:i-:li'!ll 11.flrr .J f.!111 f>pl 11·/11 til p!l. fnrn "f :;~o f:. l71 h ~1.. c )1, Lluilding Conll'al•t1JI' fan1. rn1s, hdrn1s, pa.ho~ L1,.r·11~c:a-r·rce ,-.~11111:11rs GARDEN APTS ---o....c--c-11nl11r11 11 noir'r ~:1,1, ln !l ~Land & Bldg) • '1\11. 1.,1 •. ,.,.,1 . "'"'· Ex~u,,1, "'rk·llkr ~u~""und. haleony, lininrlry rni; ~ 01 u1·ounrl Ncwpl. C:i.t or Cd:O.I ti73--60 !1 & :)19-2170 ~· I' ·> '"' 67J.--:!J'!01 ings for arlults only, flic.ir /111·y. ::~·1 llel1{11l'OrK' f11 r1U shopping. Pool. N'ov. \~,. SlUO. n/.\-3•~1:, \, 2 & J BR APTS 2 OH, I ba . cpt.~. 1lrpl->. 1T77 ~11111 r\na. Apl ll~ hltnli 517;; n1n ll":t~"-Al~'iO: ~ HR ,1': '11'11 or 3 ]1r. 2 Ga un- lt1rn tiousr, :;1nall rlno;, n('ro!· .. d ~y ;'\°•)\' 1.l_ 91;2-:11:r. -·RENTAL SERVtcE By 011'ncr 7!4: 61J·62UO GE~l~R .\L Cnrll1«11 •tor. 1\ll Full 5'" <'Omn1 to all bkrs. <"ill'Pf'lltl'y, <:ono·rel!', add & · rr111or!eling.. 2~· yr« <'X· prl'IPTlC'f'. ;,,\J.7lJ84, 81'i-2:\S:l 6060 :=::=========== Business Rent•I 6625 Hauling 6730 'YAP.DrGar_ c ll' an up. Re1110\le trr,..s, i\.y, dirt. traernr backhoe, gr ade Cl.LAN-Up and light in~-Call Oa\'e * 1l!J:µ'..'!l'.i + nlOV• !!1\l'LI;'\(;, Cl,..;;1111p,, lol <'tr· H::tnd:; n1a11 anJ·li111c yo11 call *+li1~-:~l!:l8 ** Clean Up And Haul ~\O a ln;;il !i--16-23'..'~ 6850 NEED PAINTING? Call us~ Rrliahle Servic~ w/I Quality at its best, el the n1ost reasonable prices, Free estin1ates. 54S-600l' , •INTERIOR E.>.'IERIOR*: J)a1nting -Pape:rhangina { Lie. Jns. Guaranteed I llarris Painting 642--4558 SUBURBAN Painting/Dec ~~x"J>Crl Guaranleed \\"Ork r'l'rc esL i\'o job too lara:e or too s111a!J. 494·3190 DUNN BY DUNN Painting & Paperhanging r ·ree rs1. Rras. 612-2.164 1-'1\l,...-T!NG. papering 16 yrs. in Harbor area. Lie. I.:. bonded . Refs. furn. 642-2356. PAINTER. E:>rp'd. Ext / Int. al very low rate~. 675-1247 art 6 pm. \Vil.LLPAPl::RING &. PAIN· TING. 10 YR.<:; in area. Rrasonablc rates. G-12-0427 FOi~ .Brtlcr Painring, inter- ior & e"~trrlor, acoustic ceil- ings. 6~6--1077 & 5~1-3502 Plastering, Repair 6890 e P A T C H PLASTERING.• All lypcs. f'ree es.tJmate. Cal I ;o40-&!2:J Plumbing 6890 PLU\\lBING REPAIR No job too small • 642-3128 • ~~mocHI, Repair, •MOI * l f yQU need remodehng painting or repairs. Call i Dick, 6·12-1i97. f Sewing 6960 • Drrs!;n1ak111r;-. Alll'ralions . Special on he1ns. I * &\6-6446 * Alterations -642-5845 Nl'at. acruralr. 20 yea.t'5 e)(]). li-16·:i:"·12 or 6'12-1 165 ~ Bfc 1 ba . s1:JO mn_ lrase.. ,\sr111 li7;....2101 ORLEANS APTS. ~'HEF. TO L1\NDLORDS * Bl11r Bracr011 6-1~-nu I * 1Sc SQUARE FT. Carpet Cleaning Rr!.111 'lr 11fl11·r ~racr. 6()11. C,\i:J 'l·.T ,f.: Furn. rlr<1ni11g, 1.~l-2·1f? S<l . It. ~1 1 lo '.'I ;) lnr I d;,iy sct-virr & quality 6:nrt ~t., N1·1,f)l•rt Urarl<. woi•h. call Sterling for hry f·ir entry, .\i,B. Travr l hngn1nE'~~· G-12..../ljZO Housecleaning 6735 Tree Ser-vie• ----~--6980 3 BR. avail. Adults only. COH.OLIDO ApL'i. i i>r f.TUdios. ~omr wtft·pl c!' ~1~0 ---\\1/\N T ED: Un!111·n1sb1•d .~· llp Al~Q flt'lllllOL!~(· ~2:?0 l1011~r. Corona rlr\ 11-l:ir nr Pf'>Ol t.· f'ii!JO~-673·33iR F!;ilhr!a l~IR nd, Cl:lll ~i~il---()1;,~ VIEi\', nl'w :i Br, ':! 0.1. c·pt s. -. LANDLORDS e ! .. rli::" fl11nrr 1 ~1.;1 ~~.'l·3l01,i~c-=-~~~-~~-~­ri···~ i21 .\I :!l{;.Oif~I \\'h1!f' elephants: D1n1e-a-l1ne BAY·" Beach ,Janitorial Strv. Carpel~. "·1ndnws, !loc.rs. r\{', Rc:s & Com n1 c ' I 6-l!i-1~0\ BE\VARE~! Rublx'r trees break loundal1ons. Free e~t. Any Tree Service. 531J..-3920 Q,)tlg li-11 Tustin, Co~la il-IC's;i· i\lgr. l\lrs. Carson, 6~2-'lti-11 rlrp~. hl!n~ s:::2: • .\!". F·1u:t: P.ENTAJ. sF:llV!CE Sc<'llll' Prolll'rl l"~ f>7:)...:i/2f, R k "" 6'1!<." =~~~--~·~-~ \\'h1tv r lrph11nt.<:: 01111<'-a-STO!lr; !01· lru~•' 11110 ~11. !1 . Jior· DAILY PILOT \~'ANT 111 shop r Tr on 10!11 :;1 Cn,111 il.D!'' C,\P.P~~T~. 1r111dows, tl1 s.. f'I{' r:.es <Jr Comr'l. Xlnt Upholst•ry 6990 -'---'-----1 -----------l.,,,-cc.,-c-'c'.. ro r.r ;,.,.,. , .• S~1ALL l Bl~-V1r.y.. S. 11! GAIL\G~: Apt. furn. hy 2:lth. ~h1)'. N!'.'1v Ca!T>f'\S & ,\rlan1~ 10 Brookhur~I C1rr;1. lllr~a Call day ·l!M-96\;i !lllr -----~=-~-­!'lfi~-;!~S3 Dl1\L 1lin_,~t til2.:i6'1\, Charg(' Fairway Villa Apts rlr,1JX'~. ~1Yl. fii:}-6~;,1 fi~?-;f!T• \\'ANTED: Bkll! app1i;i.x 2,nno your ad, then ~It back and lis1rn In lhc pho11I' ring! Nr.a r Orange Co Airporl & BRA;>;D new 2 Br. h1~1iry Sfl fl. ~ull;ible r o r \\'Ork l~ra~~ Rrt~. ~dS-4 111 r-:o maltcr what it can sr!J it \V11h ll PILOT \\"ANT AD ~! is. yo i DAILY CZYKOSKI'S Cust. Uphol. European Cralts1nanship Jr)()',, Fin~ 6~2-1~34 l ~31 Ne11·por\ Bl., C.i\1. UC L Adl!lts oril y. 20122 apt., 1'1c11'. couple, no pe!s. Rooms for Rent 5995 ri'stauranL \\:rile D a 1 J y Santa Ana Ave. 540·2796 $23:'i. !i0-1 BC'goni11 .. 67;)-li~>72 P1lo1 Bo.x i\l-,147.. '---------------------------------! BR ).;i11•11.-rnettt'~, slerp1ni:I "==~---~~-~·· I AR unf. All u1il pd. Stov rnis. Hr;;\('d fl"Ol. l\!aid STORE for lr;i~r. 1:100 sq. ft. REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE N=E0w~-.~1"'~1-"'-,-. ~,~E"R~.,c_21 relrig, t'pts. drps. Slj() 1110. servirt". $30 IX'r wk&. up. 4,'i(J Oceanfront ill Nr..,\·port Pier. General Gener ii General B ;i 1 h 5 • c r p 1 s , d r P s . i\luturc lldult. 675-5-159 Victoria fi7;>-j:i66 -----------1-----------1 ~ -Office Rent1I 6070 Industrial Rental 6090 Lots 6100 dishwhrs. rangrs, .\ 1 .i 5. H Boo<h 5400 J-'Or. q 11 1 c 1 man, pvt. Off' R I 6070 -'--'--------'--"~I Avail Nov Js1-101h St'f' at untington h hlk 1 ice enta C'nlr.. pvt. bnt . . ron1 -----------i\IODERN 7;,o ~q r ! . • 1,-iO ft. Sl6j/nionth R-4 lot. Cos ta illl'f.a. ·10 units. ?HO \I'. \\'llson. j~:ki73J.,, BFDHOO\I 2 1 1 . -h11s. 1~1 ~-nOkioi; SW 1110 LAGUNA BEACH do...,·n10"·11C~tfront;igr, C'"· .. I·,•· .,1=~.";. Q\\·ner, Phil S ullivan 6~&-82"'1 • ~ ' 1;111, 'pl:;, "' "'·-'" ·1· clnipci;, huill·1ns. Best ioca. 67:..-0~12 ;;iffet' 6 Air Conditioned !ii;hl, ;iiry, "'rl1 l'lun11na1rrl, • .100 f '1 flrfif'<'S, 3 :-HS-6761 SltiO. LARGE rlrluxc 2 BR. l1(1n _ l hlk, !o :, p0111t s1oN"s. SLEEl-'l'.'\l; nns $JO ii·k. 1 ON FOHE!:."T ,\VENUE: Ric. rlhl. lo1lrls, plrnlilul ph~f!'· ~l~~·rr.!, $ 3 l O I nl 0 .1~==========1 l'~ BA. GE Kitchen. 2 car ~1::11 up. F111·nishf'd g, un-BR \i'/kitrhenette S·\j wk. De~k ~l\1\'<' availdliJr in p;irkin~. su1l11hle !or orr nr Co~!<• i'llos;i. Exchenges, R. E. •230 gar. Adult, no pr!~. 2!0 E. f11rnist1crl. !i1:!-21!.'t'i or l lcalc<I 11001. i\lnirl srivii:e. nf'wro;t n(fir·r bl il(lin" at ~prcial1y i·r1;iil. lS.1·1 • 1 •. , 1.,_ 1 1611 Pl ~·J ,,.~,. ' I ' ~· ... ,,,_,.I Rl,·<I. "•1·•,12• .. o ''"' lo '"'"~'sq . I. no\1· 1 acc .. -....~-,,..J .~·1.-8'.03. 7701 t;IJ1s. Apl. D. 4:iQ V1ctori~. nr llnrhor. priinr. loraTio11 in rlo11·nto11·n " ,... " " Jr;i,~ini;:. under ronslruclion $160. :; BR. frpk'., p.1tio, 2 lkdrooin. 2 bath, rpt~. ROOLll For !'Pnf, kii fin\' Lll~nna Bcarh. Air C'nnd1· C'o~ta :O.lc:;a. rrptrl, rlrpd, garage, ad111ls . {Ira[)('<:-, built-ins_ Best lorll-;\l('n ('ll1ly ~;i(I 1110. R03 t1onrd, carprlrrl. bf'autif11l Industrial Prop. 6080 c . Rohrr! Na!tTcss RrAltor 2S!l Ogle, C. flt 714: ~S-.S301 11ori. I hlk to 5 Point ~tor~s. ..-~v<'rtll')1' ~t. c~.1 6·16--5Z8~. l'nttAni:cs : r ro1i1agi" on . .. Cosfa i\lc:sa &l:!-1183 213 59, ··'27 uv FortJs! Av~ .• ll'.'11r lc .. 1"'~ 10 2:.00. ::iii. It, J ndu~l.nal Pl"."' -=·========== or : ,,....,,,_ $140. up. furnisked & 11n. R93-,\'.70 "" lh II 167 ~ -J.luncipol park1n"' lots S50 ll'l 11n1r •··•••·• .-n~• 2BR i1 ·Ba t-""'!io,nrfurnishL.,,f 612'-283'.'i ur ,.. ·· I"" ·1•·1•011 ••2·00 Lots 6100 · '' • -··~ 1 $15 \\KS· up \\'I ki(chrn prr month for ~nacr. Desk ,.,,uslrw ""·I'' 1C'€~, ,;, shopping, adult<:, no pets. 8•12-&:ID3 7701 El is Apt J) $30. l\'k studio 11p!, 2376 And chairs avail~·ble !or S~. 2 St!rm llon1c on i\l·I _ -----------c$cl3~'-· ~"~'~·"~""~~-~--I * BEACH BLUFF * Newport B!vd. 548-97;.;). Bus1nl'ss ho11r.: ans,vcring I__,n[ , ,. •• • • •• • ••• •• -$22.950 $100, 2 BR tlupli'X, drapes, Nc1v 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. Fore· srrrice ;i1·ailablr !or $10. 66 x J(X) l.e\Tl i\1-1 stove, r('lr1 gf'r et o r , cd air, dshwshn, p11,io, Motels. Trlr. Crtl. 5997 ,\!I utilities paid C'xc:rpt V.1 .............. $20,;,00 ttvailablr llO\\', Ph. &16--6761 pr<il, \'l"\I'. I & 2 ~lnry. telephone_ Tl!~: f-tf'~AL 1'~ST1\TERS \\'alk to 5 .Point Shops, \VEEKLY r<ilr~ :-;.-a 1..ark Di\ll.Y PfLOT :i 1h·~~L~ 616.7171 LG 3 BR, 1 ~· ha. Cpl~. drp~. !\I l I "01 "'' 1 "'I 1 Ca,...,...rt & nnn\. Kids OK · cX7<"0<-7'.l~c;cl~,-=~~-~ i 0 e' ~·' o•f'\l'ptir '--' vr ' ~22 FOREST 1\\'t,.Nt;E .,.... ,~ .: Costaj\'Je~ '·\-UN 2114 C.Ollege No_ z. 646-70.5 '.Artt;r; " Bf{. :l Bll .1-"'°"="'-====== I .._,,Li 1 A n1';ACll DELUXE 3 bedroom Rpl . lfrrp!aff _SIS:i tno. Al~o new Misc. Rentals 5999 "'°'"'"'°"4c9c>cO·_IG_6~---I EXCE LJ.E:-<T pro/11 1nak1ng Dlb plumbing, \l'/W crpts & 1 BR $12.>. Nr.ar ocean, pn. DELUXE 3 roon1 o!fu•c su llt' pl11n ror eluti~. r ti u r ch drps 548-3481 ~l~ rll"('k. c:ar, 202B -14 th GARAGI-: fnr 1·rnt, l·~nsts1de, in Corona (!el l\l11r, P11'st1gC' µ-roup~. (ll'~an1za t1011s ;;nd · ' ' · 5-"IB-131!'1. fii3-17S-I Cos!a i\lr.s:1 S21l ~lon1 h !oration. J';inc!lrrt, n r w 111r 111rh\"1rJ1u1I. Douhll' your 1 DR. crp\1', drps, s:1vimming n~2-26:i7 carpels t. dra;-irs. prl\·;itc n1on,..y. \\'rite ur ph<111e now por:>I, ~aragc. Adult~. no Tustin 5640 k' Rf I c· f f I ·" l 1----INDUSTRIAL unllf." 1 0 r 1m r ing. a ono1nic~ oq1, <"II' 1't1'. romp r1c 11 .. 01T1lA· LP'AR"G· ~21.,..B• ·pl•, $130 mo. TJ~P°ENS 6tor11ge. SM. \l'l'~t llith St.1-'-;_;.i;_;oo_°"""'°"'.,,----lion. Corn pu b, loc.8 E. 1st St. ~ " 1 n. ~ Off'ICE:S !'1111<' 2o,3. 17!-ll SJ6.69S-5. f.1esa drl ~1u Apt. !Y.l8 El 1:-.fi:i2 \\'llliam St. Nr11-port ocarh G-l6-lo 2·1 ~·~ '"' Tust1n•5 presligf addrr>ss TIME FOR Rr.ceptlon·1\11~>.1·e1111g SOO SQ. FT. BLOG. Ca.mino Dr, C.;\1 . ......-v1Jl c-. Adul! l'iving, ,.,,, pr.ti. ""'Cn'tanal f, 17th St., Co~lll ~!~I'll. 2ZO ATTRACTTVI:: 2 BDRM-crp1~ Shllg Cl!J1>CIS QUICK CASH 33-l:i Nl'11,'Jl0r1 Bll'd .• NB. f:Jtl'_ Po"'rr. Available Nov. flrps, bllln~. C"llflX\rl. i\rl\tll~ Tf\tal air C'l'.lnd;!ionini:: 6Th--lfi01 1.~t f;T,-..61{)0 N,1 pets. S13:l fl.1n. J.J.~76~ tr1111rr n1shcd THROUGH A 1 c=o"s~T~A~i\ll'S<i nrt1n-rs . .\IC. RLO(; r-oc-10-,-.,-.~1~1.-00ll~>-,-. ~rr. ~1311 2BR11pJl('r. bltns. •111!$, (;_\-mna.~11nns .t· Nl11n11, DAIL y PILOT rorpl~, 111·p~. ri<rk1ni:: \'r!'y f'rnprrty !Kl' x 300' 64:>-1111 <1rp,, no pct~. 568 \\', \Vll~n Aparlm~nl~ fmm $\:--.0 WANT AD nwr· <"llf1rr s. 1:1,'I;, &1l;rr. nnv .... F~1·r . .-. h·l2---14'i'.'I. 9·10 \\' ~r f>'l'•-0760 F()'f lnfnrm11!1<ln R.'t'i-hli~"I '.\•:-1~rio 1ith. C :\I Commerci1I 6085 ·~---- BUILD 4:l UNITS City ol Ontario: Corner. lot. 210'x180', all impl"l'.Wemf'.nts. Or1tar10 J 11 t c r n 11; t ion a I Aup.-1rl J n11nutrs aawy. Nr\I' 111o!or :"pet'd\vey Hl minu1rs. $36,()()) cash or ~nbn11I. Ownrr P . 0 . Box '.'I, CuC{lmonga. Caht. Ph l7 141 9)12-2309 BEAUTIFUL view I o l , Tuslin. i d c ot I for custom home. Free & clear. By o>.1'J'K"r. gocid lenns. flfay take tn.{i(>. 675-32 ~3. 673-0JO.' BUILDERS! Cor, on Victoria. Q\1'lll'r GE )l....')820 l.ong Beach, C11lil. l:ihtl02. aft lZ Bt\l.BOA Pcn)n ~lxOO lnl nu h;iy C 1 "r J: 'l SJ,1:,:,00 WE HAVE ~"Vl'ral Sou!h Bay Prl:rJw'rties l·ll' exchaniie in Lhiis area, 3 RR horn~ r>tanhanan Beiich 3 fl\X uni11: Lawndalr. 2 HR beach home, Hennon. Duplex nr ocean, M&Jlhattal\ \Vh~t have you ;' Q\\'neMi will take 1'£'~idental, 1nromo>.1 TD'S, boaL CALL THE HUNTSMAN 34141 C{l11~t H>.1y, Dana Poir:t· 496-1268 a nytim~ "-E. Wantod 6240 NOTICE If yo11 ha,•e 11 :\ or 4 hfodroorn homf for &Ale or lor rent. call 11r; today. W~ rcpreM"nt ilM! r1nployeei ol l'I IAJ1:t' Ji1'rn. moving 10 the Harbor Arl'fl and !My mu.~t hav• hou~ll,R' 1\li rl'l~h 1f dcs1r~rJ. , • .'111 V~rrnw ~-SQ.II) -· .... -· -·--·--.-------------------·-·--------------~----~----- 38 DAILY Pllf)T Monday, Oclobt, 271 1%'i JOIS & EMPLOVMENl JOllS & EMPLOYMENT JOllS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~-------~--------------··-· . MERCHANDISE FOil MERCliANDISE FOii MlllCHANDISE FOii MERCHANDISE FOil MERCHANDISE FOil SALE AND TRADE Jobo SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Men, Worn. 7100 Jobs.-Men, Wom . 7100 Job5-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Worn. 71 00 1-----'--'-""'---~.::::..::c:.:::...:.::::::.::... ~~rnltu::'""'---=--=•::llCl::-G::.F.:u::.•::•::ltu::;ra:_ ___ :_•::DCI:::~ SALE ANDT :::llA:::D::l:.__;S:::A::L::Ec:AN=D~T.:;R:.Nl=E'­ Furnlture IOODFumiture IODO Mi1eellaneou1 l600 FOR Sale: 1\1\xed ba.i: ol goodie! 1nch1d1ni:, dti.k $10. Obi bed lrarne $10, bar & stools $26, table $2, typin~ 1bl Sl.50, baby IUI), 1nlant S{'at &: orner baby 1trms, Ptilaro1d l'an1era $1.:io, porL heater S1 50. W&lnr imn S'l, bo1Ue ster1ll.i:('r S'l.50, bowl- illg ball & bai; $10, 1v11: I. o.:a~e 51:1 &. rnany ot her ltem~. 90:; Park A v P •• Laguna Bcac·h or c a 11 •IM-98'J.2 Premier l'llSONNll AGENCY 445 fat 17tll Str<"-1 Costti M- '46-0SJl 11 M l'•t 17tti St'"' S.•I• A11• 547-t7JI MALE fH Paid J11nior Draftsman $600 ProgreJis !docked~ This na- tional comp11 ny will pay our fre & open futuIT 1f )'OU ha\·e min. 1 yr I''(· pcril'ncr. M"A.OilNJsr Jor )Ob :i.l'lop SALESGIRL 1)....-Nj e,\IJ d IJ'\ M 1.n. !> yr.< i''lpt:'t~ Mi».! ll.n1rr 11'1t 4· rf1'll"'hrl1ng .. Call have oWfl 1001..._ Apply in J.i ;:....2!JJ'l lor <1pp1. Tilt: pt>t'SOll t)nJy: 624 Tenn1na1 K1'"1TVIJT. -"-''c'_._c_,_, _______ ,s_A_L_•"·,-·.--p"1--,-,,-,,-.-,-,-,,-.-,~,, Nurse~: RN, part un1e; 7-J, 3-11, 11-7 LV'.':. hi ll li1nr: 'i·3 P;1r1C Ll('ln Conval('s1·pr:! Cenier. 4(-"6 Flag-ship Rd. f",'rwpo11 Bra<:'h. 6t?-W4•1 + NUR~J::S AIDES * E"XPJ-:RIE~CED ::o-4:,. 1002 lrv1nt' A ....... N B S.Ucs THE NEW JUDY LEE 1~ proli1 ablr, !un A r--:c111ng !·:if.rn $50 .. $10!) Jii ·r \\<'1·k lull ul' 1•«1 ! • hrll". Chuu~r· ;i our 01111 hours. r.11 1h.•l1v1·1·y fir ('ollrr11ni::, no 1nvrs!n1cnr t\LJRSE'S . fi<'i;:is.tered -10 starr. Jn1n1cd. prnflls -i•vrrun~ & n1>::hl shifts. Ex. \i r ti•ain Pll<Jll(' .)1.1-:.llX:tl tienrf1t s. Apply Personrl('J c. ~~,,.;..c·c...c._ ____ _ D1r£'ctor. So. Coa~t Cuin-SALES -l-~;1rn n1oncy \\'ltll n1 un1!y llos11., 3187'.! Co.1 ~t n•1 invC'.sln1ent. $ il r ii h l\ll"y , So. Lagu1ia .. J!)<}...1311, Co\·rntry rwrds lull & r xt :r i6. parl-llmc hl•lp. No dl'I ; \1·c_ -1r.nn. f or 1nl, ph. ~11;;....(;J()() OU1er SALES &r.rah Covl•ntry h<1s SECRETARY (l[l('llUlgS lu l' n •/!" pl l l!ll(' FOR husy .1nd 1ntrrt'~ung_joh in p!'rsonnl"'I anrl salrs dl'pl i'-lusl have i:;ood skills. Receptionist /PBX Xnia~ !-..all·~-PI c a s an I , d1~n1[i('LI \\Ori\ \\/JIO Ul- \"e'-l., <'Oll rc tion s nr 1lr li vrrics. Choose your r.11 n hrs. i\lln. uge 21. For 1ntv. 1·a!I: 540-0014 & ~2-569:: * SALES * Se c u rity Guards Per!Onablf! 1nen \lo'ho are bondable, a ble 10 pus " nlt'<hcal I< phys.ica.J agility e\am. FO!>lllOnll available ~1 arting at $500 e. monrh. N~ghts only_ Employee will Jurnilih own unl.forna & •><1111prnent. Employer pro> v1dcs :-;Int 1vork1ng cond1flons 111 a REAL advanc£'menl r>1vgra1n. f"or intenn rw ap- JJ<Ji!l\. call Mr~ Doan RI t).l;l .. j009. SECURITY GUARDS Nf'wport area. 637,3070 SERVICE Sla!lon Attendant, 1111>rurc exp"d man, salary open, hght mech. v.·ork, Ap. ply 1n person Union Slalion StiO \V 19th, C~J Sf:RVI C:J:: STA. ~!AN, part 11n1c, !i11n11·1't'l1rc1\ \\/ some "'P· ChC'vron, 6()..1 S. Coast I l\l'Y. Laguna Bch. Sill\ Fuusll<'r. Top \\'ages for quali•y v.·ork. -Xlnt. op. 1io rlun 1L y . Near Ow sP asho rf'. Di nim i l t Clr.ant'rs. 3200 E. Coast \!11·y .• c d ?-1. 67'.'.-9605 F11 ly Appllcont .\lC~l be a1tl'ac1Jvc, \\·cll-}"or l'C'<'orrlcd informal1on ,c:1wn1NI 11•ith fri<'ndly ~mtle CALL 636-1991 Technical Librarian to $666,67 Coordinator /Production 10 ha Mil"' lnt Pres1ing .front ______ __ to $693 r!r~k. Firm loealcd 1n San ~------- Irvine arc.a, lovely 01!1ces. Drgree nor necessary if good ('X!JCl'_ Call Kay fi.JQ.5'110 R.,pons1bll"' joh rrqu1r1n~ Clr1n<'n1c. PH: J\lrs. Htlson, STOCK MEN -l'.l:!-115:.L stable & f'Xfll'r. rnan trl 1 -'"-""~~=-~--- JASON BEST E mployn1cnt Agency :'1'.!0 :'u l l.1 11\. ::ianta Ana planninh. rsl11nat1ng, for -PARKING - Job mal'hine sho[I. CONTROL OFFICER SALES CLERKS "5500.00" Bread Boarder to $693 II you know elCl'lrical tesl & instruments, this stahlr, gr o w I n g • Wl'll-financl'd young Co. olff'r s e x· ceptional opportunity. Fobrlcatio11 Trainee to $650 lf \'OU ha\'r 11. stablr background 11•/mechanical f'XpE'rlcncr, can r ca d blueprint~. k are ••i.:- ~ssivr, yf!U can rr;ich rl I' cis1on-mak1 ns; po~1 t1on wi!h growing Co. \1 11 hln 6 months. Moterlal Handler Train•• $47t. Jf you have brains p]U!'; brawn, clean cut & :i;tahlC', \Villlng !o st.art in a hot & heavy :iob. a fa.~c1na1int: future wnh pITcious metals is yours. Research Helper to $550 Require!'; min1n1um h1t:h i:chool dcgrf't 11ith hca1')' Chemistryl!\1a!h courses. Credit Reportn Trainee S515 Ju5t rnough travel lo hr in- lerest1ni;. Some collci;c r'- quircd. Fork Lift Operator S433 i\lust hke paper v•ork. t:ood in math, some 1varchousr c>.rier. Colleqe Students H•eclinq Niqht Work Draftsman Troine• to $520 11 you are good at math, have some college draf1 irit: !raining, No E xp e r r.;eressary. Dnk Clerk $450 Exper1r nce in opcl'a\lng 4200. Night Aud it. FEMALE Fee Negotiable F /C lkkp• SSSO Constn1ctinn rxprr. \l"11l1ni:: to n -locate in San Dll"!;:O. Co. p11y~ nio1 ini:: «"1~1. Secretary to $525 Type GO, Fhorthanrl ~I(). 1\ll· around ca pahlr, fro111 qJ. hcc aprrart1nCf'. !11a1urr . AccCMintant Troint• $600 up r-.1 ust havr. n cc o u n I i n ~ degree. i\lin 1 yr \\'Ork ex- 1"'· Exec, Sec. $600 up ExperiC"nce in l'Ontrolling aclh•iliC's, l'xpensrs. ol R national sales lon"t:. f'C'lling hl-<."OSl consumllr prOOucts. Fe• ly Applicant Copywrlt• $600 up Newspaper 1•xpcr. J n new11\\T1lin~ & I a y • au t • Bring por1Iolio. GeHNI Office lookkoer-$400 up Cood gcl"J('ral bookkeeping background. Type 40. D.U/Cl.rk Receptionist to $2.7S hr. Desk clerk exper., nr NCR 4200. \Vill change_ shilt for collcac r;tudent. Packer Tnrlott $2 "'· Fut •ttker, 'vill train, swine lhlf1 only. G. ... Offlu ..... ,.,to $350 'Type 45 accura~ly, ~1st In renmaI office du~. S."i16. TO S618, l~ER r'>lONTl l l!igh Srhool g1·aduate and prcviaus <'1'f}('r1cnre in mCC'l- 1ng and <lcaling with the public. \lalld California op- erators liCf.'n.«e. CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH Pol ice Dept. lil~) 49.J-\Jl l PART. Time pOS I ! i o n a\"ailablc for ret1 rt'd man - nights. Apply Pc rs on n e I D1rec-1or. So.Coa s t Cnni· m1Jn11y llo~p., 3187:l Coast Hwy , SO. Laguna. 499-1311. ·i.:.,t. :ri6. -PLASTICS- J:--.'JE:CTION i\IOLDING Openings fOI' e.xperienrcct Ot' tra1nC'l's Oemale). Prrl. over 25 /or day shift. Apply 8 am to 4 pm. J'>'lon. thru f'ri. oiily. ORt\.'lGE COAST PLASTICS i;:i0 \V. l Slh SI.. C.i\1. Personnel Sec. to S575 Fee reimbursed. Orange County <1irport ai't'a. ABI LITrES U~LI :-.llTED J\GENCY 4-llS E. 17th St., ::;u•!e 224 Ct:rsta :'11<'."4 61~-1470 Professional Employment Assistance COASTAL AGENCY A mcmbcr of NEEDED FOR ANOTHER THRIFTY DRUG STORE OPENING SOON 9861 Adams Av@. Huntington Beach IMMEDIATE OPENINGS NO EXPERI ENCE REQUIRED r.ood 11•orking rond 1t1on~. i;ood pay, n1any othC'r bt•rn.·fJi.s. -APPLr - Tuesday & Wednesday Oct .. 28 & 29 9 AM t o 4 PM THRIFTY DRUG STORE ":'I 1.l2 BE,\CJI Bl1VD. HUNTINGTON BEAC/! ~nrl11 ni:: & Snelling t nr . [f]Ual op/)O'!"turuty r 1nplo..,er 27!W"I H;irbrlr Bl. CM 5·I0-61'6:i ----~ ---Srcr£'1·1ry RECPTIONIST Nr11 .~p<if)l'r nr('ds Tyriinh 10-~iO 11-pm., kt1•)11• lo Part Time k "y .<f\il • young, r a 1 \ l_,-,. r.:i1n0, :'ll cn•hant ~ Pr r<;0nf1rl Secretary ~~l~nrf~':;.~~~~ \V1·.slt hf! D1·., \'1c(' -~"rr~irlr1ir Rr~taurant Ancient Mariner no11· takini:: applicauuns fnr Full & part t ime, d;1y & r1·r~ shifl s_ e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in pr1'l<On ::W7 \\', Coa:-1 l h\1·. .S· Gcnrral J\111n;1grr \\"hn c1111 tnkl"' ~hor·lhand 100 wpn1 l1kr•s vaJ'lf'1v a111t r11:- 1111.·s.' l) pc GO 11•p1n° or br rt rr. .\hiny rncnp;i ny bcnr fi1 s ;o:;urh a~ f!altl vaL·<11 1ons, ~I l' k \('a\'r , paid n1e,lw<il a nd lifr 1n!,Ul"i!!l1:c, crc<l1t 1J111un, f1"n· ~ion plan, C'\C. Call 1he ri,\11.Y PILOT fol' an a 1•· r~11n1 n1C'nr. 612.11~1 and &~k 101-.\lrs. l ;n•cn111an. I Tr.1111• r , n1•1nagement lligh . '-'~·hoot Grad, 111ilitary ro1n- pl('IC' or lY, call Ann, i\!rr. cha.nls PersoJUX'l Agency, 20·1:1 \\'estclill Dr., N.B. &l.'>-2770 T eletyp• to $400 Beaut. 0U1ces Ne \I' po r I Brach, Xln1 Co. TOp bcne!Hs. Call Dianr 546-54 10 JASON BEST En1ployment Ag,•nry 21211 So. r.1a1n, Santa Ana ''$500.00" Trainee, n1anagl'n1r nl J-!Jgh School Grad, l\'lilita.ry com- plete or JV, call Ann, l\1£'r- chanl."l Personnel Agency, 20-13 \Vestch!1 Dr., N .H. 6-15-1770 ••• TELLER Poi;i11on av::ulable for pcrspn .. <1 0lr, n1 ature 111<11v1duaJ. Prclr r tellrr rxf}f'r. bUt \1qJt <"<111s1d1•r applicant 1...-1 t h rr. l:ite<l bk;::rnd. Xlnt. 1\0f kJn;::- l·on<l"S .'!.:. bC'nf'(il~. Plras<' apply u1 P<'r~on lv :'llr. LiH:h or l\!J s. Parke r. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS 2;:;,-::3 E. Co;1~t J111y_ Corona drl hlar, Calif, TOOL & DIE MAKER DAYS ()rirnu1g~ for qual1f1rd !f)OI !Ind ri 1i' ni;1krrs, ('\penr nr· '''1 111 p1...-~r-es~1\"e <1nd draw d1r~. ''r>P ;.i1 ::;Tfl.FA.~· r;-.;c , O!IJ ~o, :;,.nt;r. .f e S\., S..1nT1t 1\nJ,_ TYPIST T:rccption1sl, 1cl£'pho11(', rlrr- ieal. Cid F riday for Nrll"· port Brach ,\clvr r11s1n;:: J\r;rncy_ :O:l1or1hand helpful. h11I not csSl'n11al. Full or f1<11"l 11111r. \\'n!~ Daily P1Ju1 &~:>: -~;J-;rl9 r.1r Inte rview. 1'l'll porr Erarh 1-----'._...-"'-"._... __ , _o;;..,.,n'lary Receptionist Trainee Uj\IQl•~; nppor1un1ty for rx Typist to $400 :\"r1qxir1 He1gl11i a reH. Prr· li'I" ,\\aturr pcr!'On. I lou r~: '.l-J: Plray,;int working eonch. !Ions. T~ P.' -l~l. SJ20. t>.\r1enl'('d i' :\ f' { II I I \ •' i\P.lf,ITIF.S 1·_\.Ll:-.llTEU AGE.'\C\:" Independent Personnel Agency 171 7 OraJl>?_r Ave , :'.lll!r C C.r-T. 612-0026, i1{1-\l9;:i ·" <' r r r I a r 1. I 1nn-rf'~p<•t!'-1i,J111 1j •.; • ... i' w "'J I !!row. :'ll<•Y i.:1111·1 nn TJ/l1mc b;i~l~ 11 c1c~1rrrl , R li-2:·~"1 1~S ~; J ifh Cos1a )1;•.-;a ' T: r11~t Suile 22~ 612-1·1;0 REST,\l "R,\NT; LALIY !•)!' IT'S Ik:ich hn11.~•' 111111•. Blt:- lul! or pll.rl 11rnr. rn<1 tt1rc. l '.! gl""~t -~"1~·•·t1rin ru 1' i>:1•r ill•' f)l'r hnur, ~,r.:l.~h~ D,\fl~Y I'll.Or Clu ~~1 !11•d ~·non~ 1:1'TJ1.~I I.· t:irl F'r1day r.i1;.. ;rn1 rrir :<f1!"11n1 ---!'YO U R 1\!J !:"" 1·1 ,,\<;'-'.fFI r.11 · ~111rrr11" \< 111 hr l<Xik111g for 11. Dial t>l:2· ;.;os nr~1;1urant BUSBOYS For Week-@nds APPLY l'.'i PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E . Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Sal r s * Fantastic! is the 11·ord for thi~ national rompa.ny's n(''Y program fnr Southern C.1.llforn1a ! \\°(' n<ed -DISfRIBtITORS -t.IANAGERS -SALES;..IEN -SALES\VO'.'it"E'.11 -REPRESEl\'TATJVES -TRAL'lEr:s This is a real ground floor opportunity ll~th a solid 11uto. nuitic clecfron1c equipment lirm thar olfcr~ HIGH Immediate Earnings S46·3050 ESCROW OFFICER Outstanding oppoMunity for exp'd. salet escrow olfirer to work in our new 1'1ii;sion Viejo, Savings & Loan off ice. r.rwt be capable oI hand!Ln.g Wf!A e.M."IVWI!' !or CQnvcnuon. -J f'S Br.tr•llh11t1~~· 111111• B1-: I!•··'' ~rlr(·t11,11 l'\•'r' :-;.'r l!w llt\ILY l'!LOl' \\ANT 1\IJS~ DA!l.Y l'lLOT '11 1\,\ll' ADS! Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 SHEET METAL We m•nufacture scientific instruments, sys- tems and components. We offer air condi- t ioned shop, up-tc:rda te equipment, ten paid holidays, and other "Blue Chip" ben•fits. If you consid er yourself qualified for any cf the following, we would like to discuss em· ployment possibilities. PRESS BRAKE OPERATOR Set-up and ope~ale press b1 a ke. Ferrous, non-ferrous, s tainless and other s pecial me- ta ls. SHEET METAL WORKER Set-up and operate standa rd sheet metal machines. Do lay out. use precision meas- uring tools, read print s. SPOT WELDER Set-up and operate s pot \velding n1achines. Set heat and pressure. J"errous , non-ferrous and stainless malerials. PUNCH PRESS Set-up and operate medi um size p u n c h presses .. Do own lay out. \\'Ork close toler- ances. Ferrous non -ferrous and alloy ma- terials. To •pply, v isit our Employment Office, BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2500 N. Harbor Blvd. al loans. >.1nt \\"rking cond. Mft"""' Secret.y ,t-opportunity for frov.·th.' $4,0 ., C'.ontact ~,,. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room -Floor Samples. F•ctory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389_ PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION OF 11 LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanish & Medlterr•n••n Furniture $50,000 Inventory To Choose From q Pc. M•ditt B•droom iuit•, ,.q . $349, now $168.00 Gor9eou~ Spenish Cu1tom 1of• w/m•tch9 lov• 'eat. Choice of b••ut f•bric~, r•g. ~"41 9.95 now $225.00 Sp•nish Dini ng s•ts •... .. . ............... $ 75.00 Solid Oak End Tables & Coffe• T.bles ________ $ 18.00 l•ll Decor l•bl• l•mps, reg. "49.95 now $ 18.00 Spanish Hang. Sw•9 lamps, reg. 49.95 now $ 15.00 l Rooms of Gorgeous Spanish Furniture (was reg. $1 ,295) S.crificel $391, t•rms REDUCE • 5 pc. •uthentic Spanish Bdrm. ut, e 96 in. quilted sof• with 56 in, m•tching love seat, or ch•ir • 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top • 3 heavy Mediterranean m•tchlng tables, top durable enough for Flamenco Dancing. Will sell pi•ces individually. R D FURNnURE sa1(' &. rast \11th <ABesc 1844 Newport Blvd., Cost• Mes• tablets & E-Vap ''\Va ter Every Night 'Iii 9 -Wed .. , S•t. & Sun. 'til 6 Pills" Shop First! Then See Our Unbeliev<!!b le B uy~! 1001 other il@ms with terrific savings ! ~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'-~~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~ \\'ESl'CLlt"f" PHARi\lACY -:;; -•• SOLD llome' f:.vcry1h1ni:: Bank Terms Store Charge !\laster Charge Garage S•le 8022 Pianos & Or9an1 1130 GO('s! Color TV, ~~c11onal. -----------1----------tallle & lan1ps, bedroom sci, BankAmericard All Accepted 1\II SCL household I ! ems . '"*" P!Ai\0 RENT . .\L piano, d1nc-ttr srl, ll"aslwr ~ .. Children'~ elol hin~. 1,:u·ls ~PEC(A LISTS dryrr, 1lesks anll (\\uch s1.i:es 6 to 10. Boys' s1zt s 6 10 f\'o time l1n11t. Rental applies J\lore ~ :).l6..9l\"1 . .. . • . ' • • • I 18. 2027 P<1lom;i Dr. OH :!0th to purchase 11'ithu1 a year . &. lrvinc. 548-2936 NE\V & USED PIANOS & ALL K1NDS OF :i\llSC."'EL- L.ANY somt" nc1Y :o.ome old Sal/Swi 208-14th '"B" Hunl;. lkh. OH.GANS • Betll deals in Or<1nge Coun1y. \\'e take tr<1des. Bank terms. Open Illon & Fri eves, Sun 12 to 4. iJoiiiie«sC:aisEc;M•Po.-Lomy'iMA;E°'N'"T:=;:o=:====~==::= Jcoucu $25. siov<' $!.:>. Lawn ;..:.;;.--::.;:::.;;:_::.:.:.c.::c:.:.:.1 Furniture 8000 n1011·er S'i. Chest drawl'.n; HAi\11\·IOND ln CORONA DEL t.1!\R 2854 E. Coas1 Hwy. 673-8930 Plt\NOS & ORGANS lobs-Men. Wom. 7100 WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst . Hwy. Newport Beach WOMEN \Ve have a opportunity fo r you rangins lrom pJrt tin1r money for Christmas 10 a lull um(', high 1i;1ying, r :1.- rruti\e c.1 rN'r. For infor- n1a1 1on c&U 8!12'-7101 \VO!\lEN Hit, nerdrd ror 1~·ork at lhl"' lelcphon.r ordc1· dC'Sk, part t1n1e, 9 lo 1 pn1 or ·I lo S pn1 .. S2.00 !)E'r hr lo 51<irt. Op<>nings in CQsla ~1e.~a off1cr, no l'Xflf nee. Call for 1nlmo. 6-12-1173 \VOi\lAN \\'~•ntcd , r ead c r ads, part time, f'XpcriC'ncc helpful b11t not 110c. Age 30 lo ;u, C<11J a rt er 6 Pil1, 8•16-36.39 \YO.\~EN, full or pa1·t t1mr nrl'dcd in11nl'd fo1'. Child Care AidC's or Companions. Ag1• to 10 6j, 6 12-~27.\. Sitting Pretty Ag@ncy Schools-Instruction 7600 .JO IN Tiff: FIELD \\"I Til A FLITURE! A;;:l'/eduC'alion no bii!"r 11•r! 1-t't us hel p you qualify. lN~h"l-:EPERS lNSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL l\lotrl/llo!el/ Ap t i\lgmt Sc::hl A DIVISION OF ANTllONY SCHOOLS 1117 S. BROOKllLl RST /l :""A!IE!:-.l, CALJ FOR;\il:\ C!;1.~~{'s fnrn1 r1•r1·y 11·crk Pf·!O;><t; fOR APPT. Ask for Brl ty 776-.JSf\1 J-Jcf'tric 1yp1ni:;, (;rr~~ shorthand & diclHt111i; rqu1pmen1 brushup. D,1y- t1 n1e ;iccclcralt.'<I classes - by !he 11 eck, The Newport School of Business l!l1 DovC'r Dr , N.A. 6 12-.~870 \i()CAL TC'l!h. & song 111- ll"'11>rl.'tat1on. Brg1n1wrs thru ;irl\'an<'Cd -4[).1-93•10 aft 6 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 1000 600 \r. 4th St ,. !'ia n!.i Ana Opc.11 Da lly 9 • 9 Sat. G.6 ~un. 11.G ESPANO'L IN QLlALITY Siesta SALE! ;>;ew 9 pc. corner a.rra.ng. choice o! r lrs. 1-eg_ $230, now S15. 44j E. 17th St. Rear. 6~2-57·11 NE\V & USED TU_RRET lens movw c;1mer:a e Yamaha Pianos & Organs SIJ: Roll-a-away bed SlJ. e Thonias Organs Gc1grr coun!er $30. Salon e Kimball Pianos hair dryl'r Sl :" .. 54&-4569 l e Kohler & Campbell I COAST MUSIC Applianca 1100 NEWPORT" !·!ARBOR $Jj9.50 . Ne w heds: King Relngerators from $38. S!l9.50, Que.ens S89.:>o, Full G , · -· • Costa Mesa • 642-2851 Open 10-6 Fri 10-9 Sun 12-5 J'\9.SO, Twins SJ9.~ fl.Illy _E Portable Color TV, guarn. King sz spread~ $13.!lS Ii~e nu ......... ·-····, S1 4~ HAi\ll\!OND organ, perfect condition, r-.1 o de I B-3 \l'/Ll'slie model m R-V speaker. Ne\V pricf' $3430; \\'ii! sacrilice for S2J95 cash. I rt sz. S9 95 ll dbrd . GE electr1r dry<'r , ..• S69 .9J K.ings, SlJ, · Quec,:a $!1.~: ~CA Console, color TV . $1 78 Full SlO.j(), Tivin.~ s4.!lj. 1 \O'h1rlpool auton1a hc 1vashr r.- T di . I Id I coppertOIJ(' •• ' . . . . . . . . • $69 _run e ~ s uo riser) \I' DUNLAP'S innl-r .~pnng matt. reg. $106, now S79.50. K.s. sprds $13.99, 3815 Newport Bh·d., C.)1. 6i:>-6.}17 5-pc_ Span RP· S249 K.s vel-548-7788 Televi1ion 1205 vet !!iPl'l'ads S49.50. Canopy REFRJC 17 cu !!. lop Lease Color TV or Black ,i:.,. \\'h11c. Option lo buy. i-·ree service. No d£'posit A-Acllve TV Rental Co. beds reg, Sll9.::-,0, no1Y $89.:i!l. frl'<!iC'r, very gd. t'Oncl. S9j. r~uu sz_ slCC'p _ sofa reg. 833-1252 S239.50, now $169.50, Christ-W_A_SH_E_R_&_d-.,-,-,-.-.-,-oc-.,-10-. mas lay-a1\·ays no1Y. SIESTA Sl2S. Refrlg-rrost lree $lOO. SLEEP Sl!OP, 1927 Jlarbor Free7.er's $65. !'>40-l095 Blvd., CT\1 615-2760 daily 10. 9 Sat-Sun]~. \VA SHER & dryer, avocado, {}) 522·1153 2 ENTERT AIN i\1 ENT i.:etJt<'rs w I color 1V $300. \\'/ B & \V 1V, S200. 675-:',589, 67.)-.()994 $125. Rcfrig-lrost lrce $100. HID E-A -BED, green n;.iugahydc; 3 pc secuonal, Frcczer $65. :->'lO-lO!l:l ~:arly An1cr~ Philco rr lrig., !'1-IODt:L 800 Kenn1ore aulo k11chen !ali!e ,f,, 2 chaii·s 11•;1stwr, yrllo1\', xlnt c::ond i;(111ps. desk, encl ahles r1 ~: :ni~. 5-16-867'.! or S-17-l!Jt:i ~d~-1~2;; br!orc ~! & aftr r :I. -:t USED TV's · Sl.i -~10, GOOd cond1!10n Call J l~-6115 .!-'OJt:-.JAL Eal'ly Amrrt~·an Antique5 8110 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 1!1111n~ 1ahl1·. Ji 1:ha!r~: ----------- hirchi\'Qod & Th 0 ni as Pat Michael Antiques 111akr . hkc 1JC\v . .S l 7j . GRANO OPENING! STEREO, A.i\l!Fr'>l radio, phonograph, walnut console. OutlC'tS for tape recording & playback $150 or best olr. See to apprcc. 073-26.14 all 4 ZEN ITI-1 Stert'O $35. Good 11·ork1ng condition. 20'!121~ Acacia, Sa.nla Ana Heights ;,[i-fi!JM . Fine scl('_(_'lion of r:uropcan L'Sl:D dl'IU:\e SpanlSh red sofa &. lovcscat, both S14l G1ao1 usC'd Spanish lan1ps S9. The Factory, 188;, Harbor 5"10-6S12 USED 6 drall"('r \\•alnul <lrrs.~cr & nurror, S44.9~•. P<il!" of l<in1 p.~. ;,:rro;>n & \1'h1 tr , S6. Odd dl!'tf'ttc ch11ir ~2 9~· 111r ra1·1ary. 188.j H.1rbnr, ~110---6.~l~ --------QU!LTED A1111qut' s a 1, n ('h;11r. or"ngr l.· i::-recn S~i(l. L11n1r~. hn 11~1 ng lani ps SHJ r..-under. :>IS-8926 S!Nl.Ert Cabinet s,-. w in c n1actunf' S~:i Assorted t'W"- l:11n~. <lraprs, fl 1 ('I u r c s ~1-S7.:iO. :..1s-g926 DANISH dining roon1 table & l"hA1rs, Chincsr trak CO Ul'c ta ble, gamr chairs, lan1p.s, r l(' .• fi7~-·~l U!"ED C'hrsi. 4 dra\VCr, SI~. Rol1 -<1-11ay hl'd S~. Pnlr \;Hllf! SJ .. TI1r r·aclory. J88J llarbnr. :-.-1~2 & Amencan Viclonan lum. H u~. &'f' al ~ E. 17th St, ill C i\.1. 66-2776, IO to 5. ANTIQUE P iano S 2 0 0. Colleclors records. 1'1ake of· rer. ~9&-3715 Sewing M•chines 8120 Sporting Goods; '----"'-"'==-'-"' 8500 l9G!l ~TNGER iv/beaut \\·al c·onsole k :.dg-tag. i\lakC'.~ huiton hrill's. ovl"'rr.as1s. :; '.'!'car i;uar. t"ul! price $2.8.2·1 or SJ.:ZS nio. ::026--6616 812S g· BrunS\\'irk Edgebrook pool table $1JO 962-9776 Miscellan.aus 8600 *AUCTION* AL TO Sax, Sci i\lrr. fine phis 1f .vou '"ill i;cll ru-buy S150, Trumpel, Sellner Run-give \V1ndy a try cly, S~J. Cornets, Selmer AUC'Uons Friday 7;30 p.Jn. nunrly like nr1v ~ 1 2 :i , W indy's Auc t ion Barn J\l11r11 n, sacr1[a;c S I 1 0. Bl'htnct Tony 's Bldg. J\la \'I. c"=,&-c8c'c"~---~--~ 1207j1 i N£'1vport. C.\'I &16-S&J ACCORDIO~ Cll :\li1L 12{] DRAPERIJ::S froin niodrl Bass Lrn1<ir. 12 Bass Noblr.. h'lmr :;, J:ood srlection of ~i.\0-247".?-C'olors. fabric~ S.· :-;1lr s. ~!,\RT\~ JU:'IY S~7:i Tenor SJ.\, Pianos & Organs FACTORY CLEARANCE I hkr 8130 Alreralion srr\·ir r _ ~>411-0'.:~6. Randolph Uousc Drapcrit!l, 29.J7 Randolph A\·r. C~l ­ KIRBY Vacuum cleaner 11•1th a1tach & polistwr. Xlnt cond /'.: guarantl'C'.11 Pay nfl bal of S39.67 or takC' ovrr py1nnts. Cn'111t 1!rpt !"\1~72R9 f ,1rt()ry order~ l'.lrar<1n\e or ;i ll 01-rr:ci~r. drmnnl>t!'.1 10r~. '°l cCu llock Cha in sa.11, 21" f!llf'I" nlorlrl~, :-;hrrtio ,_. l't'· roll0r hl;i rlr , flf'\I' co111t fi•''' !•n·11rd Pii!nr.s ,t, Ori::~n-~. nffrr O\·rr SIOO. 81~-1!!62 Jtr11I ~ilv111cs up 1o ~or~. ~li~~~----­ El'rry ll11ng gua1'111llC<'d l1kr. Evrrt~! S: .Jrnr1111t:'\ \1hrrl nc11·. Salr: limH•'fl ro ~prc1 f1c 1 !1n11·, 1 1.~fl""' lo1r 1 .. d~ con1 .. stno·k _ su hurry: Nn n1onr.y 111.-.r!(' 11110111 •'~. l1illh' 1·ail chlwn OAC, 3 yr.1 r~ to pa)'. 616-!i-!6, :l69J Il1vr r ... 1dc Di , This grc111 i;alc l'!nly il l; C.1\1, \\"ARD'S BALD\VJN STUDIO C~;;i;~.~=,,..,,.._-,_--lSl9 Nci~ C 1\1 642-848•! AHPET lns!a lle1• hils onr "(lOrl, · . roll. avocado nylon carpf'! & ~n 1 F:vl';ri Nitr I double jute-backcd. \V11J seli · UTl( ay crnoon all or p;:irt $3/yar(I. ~1·Kl-724j HAllThtOND -Steinway : Ya-CROSS lop Re Ir i i., maha -lll'\9 & used p1anos ol all makes. Best bio·s In au\onur.tic derrost. Exe. $63. The llousc in Back +15 E. So. calil. ri~ht hrre. ll!h. 6~2-:ii4l . Model Home Furniture Offic• Furniture 8010 SOL\tIDT l't!USIC CO., 1907 N. l\tain, Santa Ana •••• f'1\illlLY i\len1hPr.<h1p i n S.1vini:.s lo II.)~. Vrry easy l1nanC'1 ng. 3 cunipll.'IC rooms SPANlSJ{ [)('~!(-carved all ol decorators styled Spanish lour s t<:i<'S ~ To~. chair incl furnit1u-e. Consisting ol tli.: $200 11) uS~'.! f'V£'s & fan1ous cus1om quality f\!a-J~"=·k=""='=·======== drid living roon1 gn)up. The original El Pr1'11idente spac-Office Equipment IOl 1 lous n1as!l'r king size bP<l-1----------- rovm suite and the RUthent1 c La Paz 11•ro11gt.t iron d111<'!1e sets. I~i1niled stock • S•l88. Jla1nilion Sho1vroom. 59.18 \\'rs1n11n~lrr A~·c. \\"cstn1u1s- te1 , li!N·4·1:',4 AL.WOST NE\V Unrterll'ood OL..1vr1ti Rln1a :t0 ,\(lding 111acl11ne Perfect l'()ndition Only S60 J·IS·JS.11 TYPl'.:\\'RITER. adtl .. n1aeh., 1'11lc-u!a1or, Very reasonable. DON"T Give 11p: \'ou 1nav :\Int 1·n11ll. 8:12-::!·12:: find it at Ar11cn c11.'s largcsi. o·========== n10~1 unusual 11nf1111shrr/ fu1·n1ture slu11• Cor. r.edlull & Santa Ana ~:\\y, Tuslin. I ml So. ol Newport F v.y. Open 361 days pcr yr. 544-5470 . f\lUST SELL? KING slu bed $100, Coll ie~ encyclopedia SIOO, coflre table. SZ>. comer table S2:i, lg. mirror $10, ,;J"'tln. l/Otlr b1mf'I $Z"i. Lg. Jl3 inht!J: s2:,, lots of n1isc. 847-7718 USED RCI\ ·rv. S24, .) pc \1h1tc fl\tM'tlf', flor;ol prin1, S3J. Gr,.,rn g• ~nl11 ~ 1·l1111r, Household Goods 8020 _H_•_m_m-on_d_C_h-0-,-d-.-.-.$c344~ 1 if\'1111' Coast Country Club Guaranteed for sale. Pvt ply. 673-91 31 Hammond M-3 .•• , .$666 CaI"Jlf'I layer ha~ Hi Lo Blond finish • guaranteed nylons Sl.99 yd. Sha_i::s GOULD MUSIC trnm "·50 "• + my ''"'" ~ prr )'11.n'I. 968-ti910 2045 N_ l\-1a1n, !"II 5'17--0681 HO Trains .t._ track $j. FREE ORGA.i'l a.ASSES \\'alkie talkir S2. l\Tonday ni11'.s 7::10-11:30 pm '.'>48-8926 GOULD MUSIC CO. ~l{l.1;, N. ill111n. S .. \. :i•17-!'68.t P RIVATE PAR'flY \\",\NTS TO BUY PIANO FOR CA!';lf. J 12-SO.l:"i PLAYER PIANO • NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT BOY 'S S11ngray blkl' Slj. Slol l'HI'.~, 11·atk, J)t11"I~ llO. ~.1~-S!l~)f; --, ,, c.,c.,c""'~'''c"c'.c'-'c1,-­ Ur:; Eucalyptus j\l).~7 Quah!y king bed.qu1Hcd complere-unused S\05, worrh S2:;0. Afl 5 & n·knd!; 1142-6.'>36 ELDEN car raring set $25. Only used twice_, C& J I 642--0449 anytime POWER mower. good cond. Make oUer. r-.tan's 10 spd bike, :clnt cond. 961--7657 F:XCEI..LEJllT co nd ; t ion hikrii. Girl'~. boy's 20 inch. S17.50 r 11ch. 5411--6449 WANTED u~ furniture.; \\"aliher.I, rlry .. t'rs, refr1g's. \\orking or nol . REWARD S2. to S'lO. 612-4081 '61 Cl·IEV. 4 dr,. good trans., $95. 27·• ~tarli1e I 11 w n mowrr, near nr1Y 11oncta •·ng1nr Sl2J. l\1ayta~ Dutch 01'<'" rangr, $1i 497--1457 FJRE\VOOD for sHle-cut lo yo LI r sp('C!lir.alions; \rcll seasonrrl. Dcliv & ~tck'd fri-e. Sl7.:l0 •; C, $47.~ C, Cail collect 11141 688--0846 • Misc. Wanted 1610 $WE BUYi$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES C olor TV1-Pi1fto1-Sl•r•oe 1 Pl.c• or HollM hll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH NEED bricks one lo 1000, reasonably priced 644-4681 FREE TO YOU COr.IE and get it ! Five, ten fool length~ or 3" x 3)1'' heavy w1dl tubi ng. C.ood clean 2 x 4·~ & 4 x ,I '~. olh<>r lumber. illu~t takr al\ Oozrns of '.!'" plas!u: varuu1n r11bing flttinl'.;s ,r,, 1111st hard\vare lu1· hu th l n va c uu n\ s y st c ms . 96'.l-8671 10128 LOVABLE ~n1aU brf'td female short ha1ITd puppy 2 n1os. old needs good home 8.l&-44!1.1 NOISY motor. gr<'Y I \\ h1te 1\•Hh black t ip~ -:l months old, le1nal ' k ille n . 646-73-19 10/27 3 YEAR old Dachshund f£'1nalr, adult.!. only. Heinz,+, nins . lrniill r. vrry good wit h C'h1ldrr11. 64 6-9R:1'.! 10127 CRIPPLl-:lJ T1grr k1t1cn, n1a!e i.ctivr. clean. trained. loving. NEJ:;DS HOil lE. or it'~ I~ pound . 53l·!lti14 1 0/~8 COCK-A-POO, n1alr.1 1 year old, .shots. Good \1'alch dog, Needs l oving homr. 8~7-7933 10/27 4 Klrrt.:N!'i 8 "'k~ nl!J. 1 tort ~hell. 3 grey striped. 59!1 \V. l\an11 lt o n , C\'I . ~.1ii.-?.Ol'2 10/28 Tt\FfY is a swel't and i::c ntle ht1lc dui:: "ho rlt'r!l'i son1c- on1• \\ho r1111 c11 " her love and alien ;,10..119.1 10/Z'! 2 J\lale k11trn~. mu~t go to- i::e1hc1· Blk .• ~. \\'htl1> l,. tiger- s1npNl. Tra u"lC'rl !o llt!cr l)ox. 5-19-1Sl6 10129 LOV 1\BLI-~ blk. &_ \\·ht. long. h;u rcd lrn1. k11tr11. 10 \\ks. \\'ill :-;pay for i;ood hnmr 83:1-1167 10/:lX CQ\lBJf\ATll !:'Ii ~nl ,1 t.· l;ed. \IOI 11 hiJ\ f1 1 ~~'.!j2fi u s '' a h I ,. 10/'LS 2 !-il~!PLY t:l'Oll\'Y k !\lt.n~. 111alr l ;ibl11r~. ,, "ks. rilrl. fii~>--0177 Rnlhna l~I" 10128" LILAC!-\ ,\ngora k11ten, rnalr, approx ~ 1110s old. GcnUc dispos1t1on. 968"'1397 DARLING lui~y grey l- 11•h1tc k1t!cn, 8 \\'Ct.ks, rca<ly lor llf'\1· home. $S... 4:!97 10/28 l BABY Gu1nra Pigs. long ha1rrd. 1n1n1atures. Ca t I 830-71!1$6 10/28 OJTE k1ttr.ns, houli<'broken lnvr prople, look for home. 67J-4482 1om ADORABLE 6 tens, hsbrkn. t'Ve:o;. wk. old kit- 131·0.581 10127 J',11NLATURE pinlc maJe kit. ten, trained, live-1.Q DD17. MS-1243. DEN Mother·~ un1for.i. vi;o:r 12-14, 616 Clay ~l. Ne11110rt 11eights 10128 2-P/PERSlAN kl!Tcn 3-4 mo~ old . Nf'f'd ho1ne5 badly. IDl :IGl. J h:ittPn:o;, 7 wk~ old . .t males, I fen111Je. All c 11l o r11 . 400-~ 10/Zi SIA~fESE ce.l, fe m a I e. housebroken, l 1!t yrs. old. has 111'1ot11: friendly fi15-1821.. SPOI I ED t1lbbit lo rood homf!. 642-1256 GAS Refrigerator C a 11 673-7878. VERY genii(' bunny rahbil5 Bring c11gr. &-i&-3R94 Type 60. shorthand 80. DOWNEY SA Vl.N'GS & Young, attractive Imnl ol· LOAN ASSOCIATION (North o f Im perial llighway) s:).11. Th" F"n1·tory, JR.'ti C0 1\l P. H o usehold f11rrlish1ngs, mink ~!roller s.;()(). 3 mo. old Items - \Vurhtzcr Spinet o r g a n Sl200, Kenmore \\-asher & dryer S2SO. kg sz. bed Sl~. corner bed grp $150, decor. Simmons hid-a-bed $2XJ. Liki: ne\"f' other items. Arry sty le-corner de:o;k & chesl J:rp S\00. l'lr &. i\ff':( dre~SC"r :\100. chi'~! S.~. i\lr & :-.trs rifl"~r Sim. \VallaN' !'itf'rl- 1111: ~f\'h'f ~ Roscpo1n1 S'!'il, rhuia t:'hshrs . drcor . 11rms. cr rHn1 1c~. t hr~. l ;i m r :<, rlnl!I('~. Srll 1ng ('\l'r'\'~lhinl!: I Rc-11\ 3 Br! rt11plf'X tnl per lll(I 1716-664~ N B. WANT AD 642-5678 t'l.."RNITURE & Ctnl)C1. Cn~t -1-5' 1 . Carp<'t 11.s1a l!a11on~. Ph 616-3191. By appl f"P.EE Killen~. 1111 rolors To l!nod hom0 .. 5-1·1-(1121 liJ/'27 Ct:TI: :-Ot1:o:cd brrffi pup• ~3.'l.-226Z> 1011i .For Daily Pi'lo1 \\";int Ada fl ee appnrence. Preler !-----'-"-"'-'-"----marketing Upl"r. 'niE QUICl<r:n YOU CALL. 1ltl:. Ot.:!C!-\l:.1t YOU SELL FULLERTON H111·bQr, :i1[l-!>S~2 -----An equal opporluni~y employ er THf<: QUTCKl:::R YOU CALL. !!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!i!iii!ii!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll TH J<; QUI CK "~R YOU ~F:L L. EARLY Amcncan cnur:h S31l. ~ maplP bAr SIOOI'< SHl cseh. (;{l(>(f rondition. 96A-1:.R9. ., ni11I ll·12-~7~ ) " r . i' . ·. -.. -------------------~ FREE TO YOU TltANSPORT A TION TRANSPORTATION Monday, Octobfr 27, l%tJ DAIL V PILOT 39 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION T RANSPORTATION f RANSPORTATJON MoDll• Hornet 9200 l Camptir& 9S20 lmport..:I Auto• 9600 Import.cl Autos 9600 Auloa Want9d 9700 Us.d Cars 9900 Used Cara 9900 UMCf Cara 9900 fOIJ~"D S a batodoned ldttrn~. 1----------·14 ROA~lER co. camper, "°"'all tM!a.lthy" muat f.lnd IUT J·1m NfW 9', butani! OVl'O, 11tovt, l't'fV, homes. P~a.e hf!lp -we'vp SILl USID SI~ 4. Mi5Q. 67~i3:\S. """ • ,.,,,, '"rt' •9<->23.1. Cooper 494-7300 10/21 KITl'ENS. male & temale TRAILER SALES need hon1t . MZ-3m 10/28 ''Buy from a man t DOOR, 6 pass lntem'l PU. v.•f nr new cabo\•r1". S<ic. $.P195. 968-396.), 439-89-IJ who llvea In ontl'' PETS and LIVESTOCK WE SERVICE Dune Buggita 952~ Cu.<>torn bronzr 1ne1al ncckc>. Cata 812:0 WHAT \VE: SELL? ----- :i1 So. II"""'· Santa A"' MEYERS MANX 1 Bick 5.'.I. nl Uolsa 5JI-1C66 BAY HARBOR MERCEDES BENZ 0 1.lll'Jl' County"'> L.lt4o_•,t ~L'll0 l l 1on N .. w & U ~ed Mer (edes Bc.•111 Jim Siemon• Imps. W .u nc r & M,11n St. C,;anl.1 -4n .1 5464114 TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BEST DEAl.5 ARE ::."I'ILL AT DEAN LEWIS 51AME5E KITTENS $10. 642-5953 Mobil• Home Salta Cua Loma Roll • Away • Sheraton Manor • Homette • Kit • Pttsti&e • Sahara AU components brand new. I ==;;,5;7=M;=/;B~e=n=,=;:190;=~S~L= Must !it.'"! S2l95. ""'~ Removable factory hardtop, 1...., Harbor, C,l\f. 646-9303 JAMES, LTD Doga 1825 l5S4 Newpoi't Blvd. &t?-0040 radlo. healer. Beautiful Arc-BILL MAXEY tic v.·tu1e, Looks near new? DOG Obedience Jmtructlon, nt.w clan forming. Star!~ Nov. 4th. Approv~ Dog Obedien~lnst r u c tors 1'>1art inc r es t }{erJieJ 546-0989 ALL SIZES NOW ON DISPLAY 1425 Baker St., Co&ta Afesa ~ block Ea&t ol Harbor Blvd. Costa ?ittsa <n4l 540--'l470 GREENLEAF PARK in t•leot.!', clean, cool c~ta l\Iesa. New 92 space adult park. f\lodels & Salrs office located at Park. Open 9 A.1\1 to 6 Pl\!. '60 VW Chassis wirh Iran~. 5 $1350 ~~~ne & $~:rew;;;._ ~~ srtL\VELL'~ ITIS$yjQ)rJ4J Irvine Ave .. NB. All 6 Pi\·! Sport Car City 18181 BEACH BLVD MANXICORVAlR 851 N. Anaheim Bl~·d , -Hunt. Beech 147-85.Ss {\fake OUc>r! Desf)f'rarc~ ! Anaheuii Kl!: !">-Zll::i 3 mi N of Coast Hwy on Sch AKC COLLIE PUPS e 64&-1S96 e "68 Po1'!ichr ~12 rpr, $'1595. · · Ex!rots 615-2JCJG Eves, or 2 tr females and 1 sable male. Shot & v..·onned, 962-1007 GREAT Dane Puppies, AKC reg., fawns/black n1ask. W 0"11 dcrful t!>mperamcnt. ~hots. fl'tarllncIT"st Kennel3, !>JG--0989 \VEI!\1.ARANER Pup p 1 es AKC, Mots. Grand cham- pions. •(TI4) 892--2423• BEAtITIFUL Dachshund puppies, AKC • .( weeks old. 540-5306 POODLE Pups, tiny toy & toy, all colors, AKC, top quality. Stud ser. 893-9719 HonM 8130 SMALL Shetland, ch JI d broke, daple grey flS. 54>-582& SHETLAND small pony. Bri· <lie 6: halter. S50. See at 20042 Birch, Santa Ana Ht~. TRANSPORTATION 8CN1t1 & Yachts 9000 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS CREENLEAF l\tOBILE l!Oi\1E SALES 175(} \Vhittier Avf.'. Costa l\1esa TI4: 6-12-1350 20x;ij 2 BR, 2 Ba. Sk1rtin>!. awning. parch. Finest C:'I'\ park. Jte&.l buy! 642-8252. DELUXE Viking 21 x 60. A?- pl!ances. d11>~. expcn. crpls, mirrored doors $ 8 , 9 5 0 . 5-Star Adult Pk, No. long Beach 422--0785 or 521-2117 Blcyclq 9225 EXELLENT condition bikes. Girl '!, boy'! 20 inch. S17.50 each. 548-6449 Mini Blkta 9275 TACO M.lnl·Bike, 5 HP: disc brakea: rear !hocks. Good cond. Sac. $85. 613-4!i95. Motorcycles 9300 '6!) Y/\~lAl li\ 2:-,0 J::nrlurO. Xtras. S675. 5·1&'.!074 any. 1in1e. Sec 3500'.~ i\larcus, N.B. C"V!'S. Vanish -Comet _ Prone _ "68 Honda 160 S<:rambler, Twelve-NO WATCH 1300 mi. + xtras $350, A talented failure: Hr ha~ 962-9776 a f'hl Beta Kappa. kt'y 011 h1~ "65 }!ONDA :!'"JO V.-atcb cha.Jn, bur NO \\'AT0-1. ;27j or Bes! Of!er. 27 ·foot * "''"'641 * Fi '69 l!ONDA 90, 2,a(J n11. ex. shin9 Boat C"eUent eond . s l 7 5. 0 0. Imported Autos 9600 AUSTIN HEALEY AU STIN AM ERICA Sales, Scrvicr, Paris ln1mrdia!c Delivery AU l\1odrls J1rtuµort JIInµo rt 5 3100 \V. Coast H'.I)'., N.B. 542.9405 540.1764 Authorized MG Dealer DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN JB83.) Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842·7781 or 540-M42 '69 DATSUN Big 4-dr S«lan. 4-s-pd, Dir., radio, hratcr, 1100 m ilrs. \Vil! :>acr1ficr: Takf.' older trade. Call Phu, 49-cl-nm , 5-15--~34 .. Z\\',1031. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 !1lODELS Sleeps 3. Illness forces sale 673--1957 Tmmediate delivery ."O must sacrificf.'! $15((1. '65 YAMAHA $150 U\RGF. SELECTION 633·7.!15 tor more inro. Af1cr e 5411.1992 e Theodore 4 PM. ROBINS FORD BOAT SALE. all br>o':' hoats Auto Services 2060 1-Iarbor Blvd. &. gear !or S{l1e 71t lo ·15 ft. & Parts 9400 Costa Mc•~ 642 ~10 May be view~ "a1 .sea Scout I ·~~~~----~ -~ 87 1-3232 ex1 4186 "63 Merct•des DlcseJ, \\TeckKI hLLl iunning &12--0:!:~) MG r.!G front $850. :;airs, 5crv1t't', Parts ln1mr.diate Delive1y, All Moclels J1rtuµort 31Inµorts . 3100 W, c.oast Hwy, N.B. 642.9405 $4().1764 Authorized tfG Dr.alrr PORSCHE e '64 Porsche Cpe. $2810 Chrome \\"heels, radio, heat- er. beautiful chen-y red wlth black interior. Overstockc-d; Priced 10 sell! Sf!LWELL'S SPORT CAR CITY 851 N, Anaheim Blvd. A1tahe\01 KE :1-2l15 ·;,1 Porscll<' (.•1UP<". nrw paint. 500 nil. \HI !•'built 'GI surer cng-. &: trans, ~tei~v-tapr, excf'l l'nn!I SJ67:... i\lus! sec & sell 673-7331 I 673-921)} PORSCHE 9U T. Coupe, 1 sp('{'d 6,000 niiles. s~.8(X), t 2l~) ?v1 A 0-1080 days, eve C!1~1 EX 1-IR.17, V.\V .• PorsC"he • Mcrcc<lrs eni(s. & u:;rci p1irl;;, stca<ly in ,~lock. rri2-o:r.o:i. C/l E:P.HY '63 PurS{'bC Ucst o/Jrr. s~. "t>I PORSCHE SC Con. Ne1v lop, t ire.~. & cnglne. Ci73-8100 \1'eckda}':;. VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS }""'ROi>t $399 549. 3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '68 vw Air conditioner, 4 llpd, dlr, loaded! Honey cream ext.. plush black int. Take small down or trade. Low, low pymnts. VHF890LB. Call Ken 494-9773 or 545-06.14. 'GS V\V sedan, black, v.'ith red i11t., r & h, good ron- dit!on, $15CXl. or best offer Days 837-6050 Eves 67J-3325. '6~ CA.\1PEH, luUy cqp"d, sterc>o tapl' df.'('k, runs hke ne1v $2650, Dr. B a r o n ·1!"l+-:i(il3 '6~ VW Custom Can1pcr. Fact..N.'b!t eng in •va1Tan1y. Sl600 or BEST OFFER. Call 642-404S "61 V,\I'. !l pass. IJus, :JO,OC'O mi. on tact. rb\1. f.'lli"lllC, nf.'W 1:lulch. mech. pf'rfL•ct. bofly ,~· Jn\Cl". f;ood, $1100. %:!-0016 "67 V\V Bllf:, :><Int L'Ond , :;J,1}(1(1 mi, beifl;c 1ntlhl<lf"k l'XI. Pvl pty Sll95 tc>rnu;, re~p. po.rly. 833-3694 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 1-larbor Blvd. C,.o1'ila M~l8. MS-1200 CAMARO -'69 CA~IARO 327, 4 ~peed, custom lntenor. rot a ny xtra1>. Xlnt cond. $2,5.'IO ttrm. Priced helow book Jor quick i;aJe. 67>-5229 a1t 6 p.m. CHEVROLET '69 Chev. Sta. Wagon Factory air, VS, aut.omaU LINCOLN BY Owoor '64 Lincoln Coot"!, Pv.T. arr, till •vhl. 65,000 ml. runa gd. Will sell as Is. Tires ok. $990 will do H. ~ ut Apollo Develop. Ctirp, 1104 E. 17th St., S.A. Call Dave Hs.naen wkdaya &a m--bpm S4 7-704I MERCURY DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 lMPORTh \\'A.llITED Orance Cotmtle1 TOP S BUYER BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Be.a.ch Blvd transmisiskln, powtr s~ring '65 Mercury Montclair & brakes. Beautiful 1ilve Pov.·er steertng, pov.•er br~ '65 IUICK $17'5 ft Be-ach. Pb. 847-1553 blue, es. factory air. Ermine. ll•I-I Dr, H.T. -Will Buy Sport Car Dealer whi\t•, I year 'A'a!Tlliltee . Y-1. •ulom •lic, ••dio, h.11. 1r, •l••""'i• pow•r br•k•1, pow•• wi11dow<. full pow•r f•clorv •i• l'-ond.tionin9, 1;n +•d 9l•u· NRE 040 OverstO<.'ked l\1USI Sell! iSJ\V 532) Your Volicrwagen or .Porsche & pay top dollani. Pald lor or not, Call Rl\Jph $2775 $1372 IYho!csale Bille Book ls SZT.:il GARDEN GROVE SflLWELL"S LINCOLN MERCURY 613--0900 Sport Car City 10120 Garden Gro\'e. 8j1 N. Anaheim Rlvd. Garden Gro\"c ;67 OLDS $2195 D•lmonl II 1-di. H.T. V.f . oulo, r~d io, ~••h •, J>Ow•• '''''· P""r br•k11 , f,ctorv 1ir cond, whif• wi ll "'''• •<nyl top, tinl•d 'il•u. Auto Lt11ing 9810 Anaheim KE 5-2l lj ·""==0063,,6-~2_9~80~~~ '66 CHEVROLET Caprice. "60 COMET 6 eyl, 5tick sh1Jt, One ov.'!1er car '.l'ith only 20 mpg, new seat <:o vers. 24,00) miles, has all po'.l~r + $249 trade (Ir best o!r, air conditioning. Absol utely 644-4569 alter 6 pm '66 FORD LEASE. RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARL I E ST DELIVERY the cleanest one Jn town. "63 MERCURY Colony Park .J im Slemons i\1 e r c edes Stal\on \\'ru:on, full pov.•rr Benz, 120 \\I. \\'arl}('r, S&nta S7:i0. 54&-787·1 G~L 500 XL 2 $1295 Or. H.T. v.1, •ulom •!,c, rod io, h••l•r, pow•• <lee rinq, pw 1. br .. ke1, f.c+ory eir cond., w~i h "'•II lir•I, vi~vl top, tint•d 'il•H, RPM 851 All popular makes. Ford Ana, 546-'lll~ auihoiizcd leasina: system. "''6~1 "c"1~1F~;V~\~'~l~\'-,6-,-,-. ",~,-,,-,, Cct Our Competitive Rates p1\T ·windr.w. 8 l'yl, auto. 4 Theodor• nu !ires, R&H. ottirr parts. ROBINS FORD >l,(')11 ocig ml., foe. !'50. 67:-\-3~37. 206.J !-!arbor 1llvd. Cos1a l\lesa 642-0010 '65 l:'llPALA. COlll"I, SS:{21, ~~~~~~~~'.!'=.,·! w/w, bkt i;eats. ale, p/w, LEASE ANY MAKE plti, auto, I 01v11rr. In mi, OR MODEL $1585. 968-3454, 968-1997 Let our lease experts show "69 Nova VS, S.500 nil. $2.400, you fhc brst plan for your pl:-. r/h, v111yt top, blue personal nerd~ \l"l!hout ohl.i· hook tor S2.770, krw $2.185. ration. Original O\vner, 846-967g UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. 'S!) CHEV \l1g11, new air cond, r/h. p1\T, gd rnnd. sn.1. 536-48;}t MUSTANG '65 MUSTANG 2 di-.. hd,tOP. Auton1atic, ra. dlo. heater. Runs li ke nc11·. '65 FORD $795 G.1,Ii• 500 ConY••tib/1. v.1, oulo, ••dio, he•I••, pwr 1t1••. w~i t• will li r11. OYR 271. '68 FORD Take foreign car in trar1e . $2295 \\'ill fine prvt. prty_ Dir. G.r. 500 ~ 0._ H.T v.s, • ..,. Ken, 49.J-9m, 545--0634. DCi\I. +om•tic. r~di o, h••I••· ~74,;5~. -.,;<.;-'7::;:=-,,,-,°"'11 JlOW•• •'••ring, f•clory •ir NE\V 1969 t.tustang Crande, cond., +inl1d 'i l•n. Yow. air cond., dcJu,.;e int., 07) Costa l\1esa 540.9640 cruise-0-matlc, 5 f.llchelin '69 MUSTANG SZ695 radials, 2100 miles. Ov.ner M•ch I -1 21 v.1. 4 1pd. 644-0266 r•dio, h••+••, pow1r il•1r, ,.,~,~M"U~ST""'A~N~G'°"v~ .• ~.-,~live--grn-1111 ,•~·~·~··~··~·~··~·~·~'x~•c-::•~01~~ '&l Chevrolet Bel Ai t: new 283 \v/blck vinyl top. fact air.. '66 FORD $1495 engine, stick, $j.i0 or oiler. 9000 mi. dean. 842-2522 aft Country Squi•• W.9011 v.1, • ~ LEASE • ~, ;c;54-~;o,3ITT°"4=,-,,,..,.-,--,--6. 11Jtom•lic. ••dio, h•ll•r, ~ ~ ,, ~-==------llJlowar lit•rin'i, pow•r '64 SUPER Spor1 . irnmac., '68 MUsrANG Fastback. br 4 ~"'• white ..,,J! 1;,,1, '(7 V\V ............ ;~9 mo. auto shift, gold, ~109::i lllust Rll!. l\Iags. Shelby \\'his. tint•d 91111, lu'i'i •g• r•ck. '£5 T-Bird. alr, fully eqp"d. sec>! 642--7374 A 1 r shocks + var. pun1p. UTB 795. Sale price ........... , S995l=========I li73-626Seves. '66 PONTIAC $1495 '69 Cad El '1orado rnupe. CHRYSLER "67 Custom Hardtop. Auto, G.T.0.7 Ooo• Hardtop V-t. fully equipped •• S199 mo. full pv.T, all r.1<\ras. Lady •ulom•+ic, ••dio, h•1lilr, '69 Cadill~1c Coupe de ViUe 1969 OlRYSLER Sta \\'gn. 01vner. Must .!!ell. 644-2951. .. iny! toJ>, tint•.t gf•11 VI T fully equipf)l'd .... Sl6'J mo. 'Full power & air, 024. '6!1 Chev Can1aro, pwr str;;: & Reasonable! PLYMOUTH '67 MUSTANG $1695 brakes. air .... -...• $00 n10. * 962-7657 * ----------11 SOUTH COAST Far.tboclr '68 Ply Road Runner hd!p v.1, radio, h••I••· p•w•r CAR LEASING CONTINENTAL cpe 4 spd, 4 barrel. hii; en-1f•1rin9 whif• wall ti111, 300 \V . Cst lh•oy, NB 6J;..218'2 gine, tack, 4 barrel, big en· linl•d 91111. UOO 279 '68 Continental Cpe. _u_,_•_d_C_u_• ____ 99:.c..O:.:O Factory ail", full powrr. Br.au. tilul champagne bO!d v.·ith h!11.ck leather lnt.,nor. Lan-----------! dau 10P. Showroon1 fl'esh! BIG STE:AL'. 'li:i Buick Lr $3895 S..1hro C'Qn\lrrt. xlnt c.onrl. Overstocked Sport Car lo1v n1ilC's, n101·in.1: • n1us1 Dealfr Must S<>\l'. sell r1uK•k! Best ollt'r take~ STIL\VELL"S li73-:i9:tl SPORT CAR CITY BUICK tr.lS, must sacrifice. Take '07 T·BIAD $249S ovrr payments call 646-87:>4 T-llrd '6.S Ply 1vgn Sport Suh. !J 'f'.f , •ulomtlic, r•dio, he•I· pass, air, Jo mi, x-clean. •r, full JlO"''" f•clory ,;, ~aded. $2'J;:il. wlll take trd. :i~:~.iti o;i:;,· ;;,~i,te ,.~:~ $2295 O~"~~e~·r_._5_3&--3~1-30~-~=oll 'll1u. TGY 899 '65 P!ymoulh Valiant '225' '68 FORD sl>;, stlck , good cond, ~750, Gal. !100 '4 DT. H,T. Base 1931 \V. Cnast Hiway, II Ncv.'POrt Beach. End of Sale. :;un, Nov. 2 BEACll FERRARI RENAULT V \\! S Q UAREBACK·radio "02 Electra 225. Jully eq uip!. 8':)1 N. Anaheim Blvd . \\"/11', 1'/('w in J uly '69. 7700 Needs minor r1>pairs. ni~ny Anahein1 KE :>-21J j ni iles, Books $2450, cut to niore miles lrfl. Best ofJcr 1963 CONT'L. Creani, 4 Dr. S22'J,;. Call 613-8282. over S200, 842-1962 s.Jcrt 6. Likl' ~\V, Nu lif"('s-hrks. '66 V\V, I·:.XC E LLl·:NT ','Xi BUICK sedan, 4-0r,. Full p11T, illr. $10 5 0. COND. Radio $~. C.7:.-J.120 P.&H, Coad 11rf'-~, Autn-644-4265 , ='=!-!=·="'="=·=·======!I v.e. •u•om.tic. ··d•o. h11t-1 · 1r, JlO""'' 1lo•ri~9 f•clory PONTIAC ••• corid ., ""''d 91•11. 24 fl Cabin Crui~cr In \vater nov•. fltahogany planking-. Bait tank a11d pump. Very clean. 18,j HP. Beam 8'2". Must .seu: 64&-1987 after 7 P!II 18' inboard 292 F ord eng., & trailer, 496-3715 Sailbo.lt1 9010 LIDO 14, like new. Full rac. 1ng gear & hwy trailer. $\::tXI. 644-1370 Auto Supply Wholes•I• Prices io All Complete-Ms.chine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT RE.BUILT ENGINES J 125 Victoria, 0-1 548-tiffia 18361 Beach Blvd, HB 8-17-0}91 * OPEN 7 DAYS * Racing Jackets Highest Quality SJ>9ed Parts Powtr Cruisers 9020 National Speed Center 3.i' CHRIS n o.1n1cr. LOAD· 21 IO S. H~rbor .. Cosia J'vll'!la ED: Fully cq llippcd. Xlnt 646-6700 Open "ti\ 9. 6 on Sat, 1·onrl. ]\lust St'.'f.'! cal i (Nt'.'Xl lo 'i\1R T'S' I 67:l-2.243 or 673-{)30::i l">IAGS, r>llT Raider, lj" [or 28" CHRIS Constcl!atiori twin F orti, 2 for S20. &J:,..22~6 sITew, 1s.·, hp cng. Hrrltop. after 6 p.1n. /\pclco rad io ·f-invl'ntory.I~========= Trucks 9500 FERRARI Ntwporl Imports Ltd. Qr. ange County'a only 8.Uthor· ii:ed dealer. SALES-SERVTCE·PARTS 3100 W. Coast liwy, Newport Beach 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized Ferrari Dealrr JAGUAR CLASSIC '52 Jaguar XK 120 :--ius·r ~£'11 '62 R .. n au l 1 CAravollc c-c>r1vL P.u ns hd. 646-863.': or 67J-.:)(i:W SUNBEAM '61 Sunbeam, new tire.~. c-hrm rims, AM/FM radio, new paint, pnv prty S1300 or best olfer. Call afL 6 PM, 673-2284 TRIUMPH Reslored to originaJ pcrfcc-"69 TR-6 Real Ban::ain! \Vire t1011 . Beau!l!ul silver hll!C 1,•hls.. O"drive, 0 soft top. <i1~tom laequer finish w i I h Bril 1~h i:;rrf'n. S :1. 2 0 0. dark blue leather Jntcnor. ~.18-J~H'.! t-:\rs-. fir 675-roOO, \\"ire 11·1lecls, radio, healer. i\lr;:., Gnrk" \rlay.~J lllu st see! ~=~~ STIL\\"EJ.L':O: '65 TRIUMPH SEDAN SPORT CAR CITY Sl50, 61:?-S.Q.45 851 N. Anal1c1n1 Blvd Anahf'im KE .'1-2115 TOYOTA 1963 JAGU;\P. x r.;r~ ~ s. Xlnl -----8-1-6---- cond. r.tA!{F: {lf"t"EJl, !J!l:1--0') .... 1 or 673-5119 transn1ission. Runs good. 'ti2 Lin-,-. -c~,-,~ti·~-,-,-,,-F-,-11-y 1969 VW CAMPER $\50. 646-6761 equipped. lllerhanlcally Days 642-4391 evl•s 642-2789 '65 4 DOOR Wllr1cst. Total sound. $~95. 8~7-592.J. '59 V\V Pick Up. Good rond. power, _air, ~s~o"l, ~heel.s, 1969 t.IARK III, original Recent eng \\'Ork. New nriv Pllln!. 11 · o\'e it. private party, low mileage, paint. $42.J. Lt 8-8532. St4oo. 642--SXJO fully e .1uipped. 644-2587 '69 V\V Squareback, automa.-1~ Cran Sporr. Pis, Plb. '66 CONTINENTAL. Loaded. tic sunroof A.~1/F?.1 air R/Jf, bu ckets. $l600 very x!nt cond, low milc>age ' 646-22.Ji after 6 P;-.1 Call &14-l597 alt 5 pm. S2400. Private 540-7.328. ·~ V\V Squarcbac~. radio, radial tires, xlnt coricl . 6'1&-5601 a_fter 6 P;\f 5'i V\V Bus. Completely original. 68-l:iOO cc. engine. 1\lake Otrcr! Kl 6-6629 CADILLAC CORVAIR '67 Cadillac coRvArn. • "'· '"'° ~''"· Convertible, full power, air, v.•hite . Xlnt running cond, lo e;o;ceptionally clean thruout. mlg S275. 194-8769 Shows very fine care, I========== $3399 CORVETIE WTE 51!1 '68 GTO '67 FORD $1795 G.r. 500 1 Or HT, V-t. Pontiac, faclory 11 'i r, po1ver •ulo, tadio, ~••l•r, pow•r brake!, Jl owe r !tee!'ing, il••r. fe ctory •ir cond, vinyl Io p. Special y,•heels w hi t, we ll lir••• ti"t1d & Lires. Lie \\'ED 552. <;l1n , VOH 2<;8 $2599 '66 MERCURY $1495 Cfclo'" G.T. 2 Dr. H.T. V-9, •ulo••ulic, ••dio, ~••I• c t r. JlO""'' •!•erin'i, pow•r ~,~ ,,50~ ~ff::~·~:~~:~·;~~!~ 11._",P v.a. •ulom.1ic, •• d:o, .... ,. "\ tr, pow•r llt1rin9, whit• ,.,11 +;,,,, 1;n1,d gl•n. :'>49-3031 EK!. 66 or 61 NOS 839 1370 HARBOR BLVD. ,68 MUSTANG> $2195 COST A i\fESA FC15tbock V\V BUS $1295, d!r, 845 Buker SL Co~la f.le~a. 5-10-;d] _) r>!UST Sel l '66 V\V Ca1npt."r fully equip!. low n11. A-:.! Best oU &12-1536 eve s. '61 GTO, HT. one ownc>r, 190 v.1. '4 •P••d, r1dio. clC'an, low mi., \."i nyl top, h•1l1•, P'"'· 1!•••in9, J>wr. p/s, ne1v c11.r rnming. $1850 b•~•.. power window1, firm 84Z-1039 whit• .... ,11 '''''• lini•d COP.VE:TTE 1967, 327, 2 lop~. =-~~-~=-~·ll 'il111. VWP 375 C A.\llF:-1. p/,~. mnny x!ras. 1965 Pont iac GTO Con-,65 FORD $HS $>!;,no. $-l>-7921 li'Ves/wknds. 'lR" FAIRLlNER Spartf!sher }"IB. 250 hp CruAAder. corn· pletely equip. 673-6728 Marin• Equip, 9035 GMC TRUCKS Orange County Sales Servicr l/cadquarters, Kt \V . USED and '57 JAGUAf~ XK-1 10. Ex- crl!en! 1:onr!1l1rin. P )1 one 645-~SJi SAVINGS 0:-1 ·r,1 V\V C11mpe.r, rebll rni:: , :-Int mcch. eonrl., S'.150, ;.-19-lf449 or S4&-:zfi91 ~ ~ ;l!,1J)(1 rr1L \\lkend~ li73--0167; vi:r!ible 4 sp1..>t>d . Take over a '''krlays 63::.-51'.-00 Baldwin p.ayrnents, 646-3168 afl 4 • G•!. ~oo -1-0r. v.1, •ulo, r•dio, k••l•r. pow•r 111••, ~ ~s CORVEITI:: 1!!68, 427, convt. pm. whii• w•ll ti•••, SYB 201. 'II ' Ai\t/Fi\1. like nc\v. 18,000 '68 FI REBIRD 400 Turbo •68 MUSTANG$1995 Ii~ ' 1111. \\'kcnds 6 7 3 -0 16 7; hy<lro, power, stereo Fi\1, • ' 'r'l"'" ff "-" v.a, •uto ... 1lic, 11dio , wkdl!V, s 63~3600 Bald v.·1n ••. ~,or best o er. 613-<.>0711 L OUTBOARD MOTOR $31.00 • 1)·!~5T!l1 • 9150 I r\ S T R U i\·1 ENT Groun(I Schoo!. i\1ar1in Av1alin11 at Orange County Airport has instrument 1:round i<Clioo! from 7-10 rvrs, nn i\lon & Wed, starting Nov ~th. 546-4300 Mobil• Homes 9200 2 FULL beds, 30 gal hot water tank $1800. 1640 Newport. Sp. No. 3. C .... !. 8x37 Trlr \\•ith 10x22 cabana, furn. moo. 153S SUperior, Sp.Bee 12, N.B. UNIVERSITY OLOSMOBILE 2~.i(I Harbor Bll·d. Cosra i\lrsa j~fl.96<Kl "&1 Gi\lC V11n. Good rond. Nl'\V tires, Sl::.00 or best of- fer. 6'16-3000. "19 Gi\!C, ro1nplr!r nrw eng_, !ires F •• palnl. A!1e.r 6 call 613-719·1 ·;l2 Chevy i.:i Ton. Needs 1rans. work . MAKE: OFFER. • 646-5262 * '60 FORD 6. Needs 'o1:ork S250 • call 548-0947 s1nnll '86 FORD PICKUP V-8, au1o, Ku5tom i\1ot.ors 845 Baker, Cl\1, 540-5915 KARMANN GHIA 1965 Karmann Ghi,oi. I mm~··11L111 lnH•lr ilr,d out' 0nf' o"'nrl" ~I' fol 'lilf) Broad. \\"B y, (-:\!. ·~i·-,~,,-\:\-,-·-c;-,,-.,-. ->]-· -nt, $1250. Pvt Pl.\' %2-172:.' MERCEDES BENZ 1967 2;l!SI-~ i\lf.'rrrri('S B<'nz coupe V.IGO~:l ;ur. pov.·er. el f.'. Cu~10111 pal'Tll v.·/le11 thrr intrr1 f)r o n I y S6i:i0 tull ppcr_ J I m Slemons-~1erccdrs Bl'.'nz;, 120 \V. \Varner, S.::111\p Ana . 546-411.\ 1969 TOYOTAS Tl!lS \VEEK£\l 1 COROLLA 2 DOOR Exc>c. Dt"mo. Only ·!'.\:, miles_ Jlra!f.'r, \vh11r \1"1t\l~. t111lrd gl;i ss. rf'c\. M'nt \ !'i'r # 1-l(l;)(il J $1599 1 T .t L CORONA 4 DOOR Exer. IX-mo, Ji('ater, white VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANC E NOWI 142. 144. 145. 164 TIIE LO\VEST PR!C'F:S YOUR BEST DEALS ARE STILL AT DEAN LEWIS 1966 llarbor, CM. 646-92~3 Antiques, Cla11lca 9615 ·57 i\torgan + 4. excellent cond. $1600. 812-3TI6 aft ;:;, all day wkend!. \\"&lls, ~Jar red /black vl.nyl ==========- int. 4 speerl. Ser. # (U()(X).t) Race Cara, Rods 9620 $1999 3()1 CHEV Engine. SI.Ott + T & L Block. Souped for racing, SWIJ. 637-8746 COROLLA S.W . \\'agon. fully equipped incl. Autos W1nt9d 9100 radio, \\'hilC" \\'lllls, 1 in~cd ---------- glass, hc<;i!('r. li\VlJ,J9!J WE PAY ..• +T&L CASH HURRY NOW! \VhLle wr still have in stock 14 MORE Dcn106 al similar Mvings, BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 1888-Beach Blvd . llunt, Beach 8·17~ 3 ml. So). ot San Dlego Fv.'}'. '68 Toyota Corona Automatic, rt¥1, likc> branil ne1v, Snvr sf; KUSTOM MOTORS Bt> Baker ~I , <Asra ilteM 5-Ja.:l'Jl;i tor wed cars A trucks: lull call us for tne estimale. GROTH CHEVROlfl Aak fat S&lto1 Manacer 182ll Bear.h Blvd. Hunttniton Beach Kl """ WE PAY TOP DOLLAR tor good, clean used can. llll makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. c.ri.t 00.0010 \Vhl!e elephan1.!;! Dln1c-a-llnc \Vtitte elrphant~~ Dime-n- hnc DAILY P IL01' \\'ANT ADS! THF: QUICKER YOU CALl. •• TllF: QUICKER YOU ~ELL n•tt1r, JlO"''' 1l••rin'i , "68 COHVET"TE 327 f.'ng, auto "OR Fireblrd J."il, nir. r rs. ""kit• ..,.rfl +;,e,. VSK 680 :i11!·~f/~l Ext. 1\6 rir fi7 1rans, !act air, nlany xtras. plh, Landau top. Teacher. '66 FORD $1495 1~70 l-11\RBOR BLVD. I li11 "'18 C'OSTA i\·fE:\A .'if.'! or tnio;ie $-l.J2j. 673-1135 ,. -.,..·~=~~~-~-ll Faid•n • 500 1 dr. H•rdtop rrr f.<:i-~107 '67 CTO. Xn!t rnnd. v.1, •ulo, r•dio, h,,,,,, '63 Coupe De Viii• Sl/iiJ1bcst o!!er. P'"''· 1''''· 4 • c i o 1 v ,;, factory air, landau top. A:vl 1 DODGE 5-JS--7191 eves. or \\"kMs. co nd , whil• w,I! +;,,,,lint· Fi\1. prrm1mum 11res. Bf~u.1 __________ 1 -=~-~~~~-~11.d <:ii•"· STY 80) tt1 ul lune green v.·1 ,vhi!c lop '67 DODGE DART '67 Gran Prix-Sharp! '66 MERCURY $2195 d I ,__ Loaded! Sl995. 8-16-1165 an ea\1 1t·r 1ntf.'r1v1·. Excellent Condition! Cou9•r. v.1. •ulo. ,.dio, $1195 \Jihile with vinyl top. llir con. RAMBLER h,,,,,, J>ow•• •'•••. J>Ow•• Ovrt')!ockf'd Sports Car ditioning, auto. trans .. p<l\\1· b •• ~ ••• f•clorv ••• cond, Dealer Mu st Sell! er ~tet>r1ng, radio and heutt'r. ·~ P,A..\lBLER \VAgOn. 6 cyl ':"hit•, ••111 "''u'J· A .. inv71 top, STJL\VELL'S New tires. V-8. Slfij(). 3:5,00Cl auto. Xlnl cone!. $ j o O. 1'"1" 'i ''" 3 J, SPORT CAR CITY n1Hes. calJ 637-4156. 540-7828 '69 MUSTANG $26,5 8~1 N. Anahein1 Blvrl. DO GE ..,_, '61 D .. mnny nf'W v d ' Anahr"im KI:: 5-211j parts, mechanically good. REBEL .1, i ~+om1ti c, '' io, "'''' CAD. '68 EL DORADO looks gooct Best offer ''· pow•r 11•1•in9, whil• w11! ti1•1, iinl•d 91 111. loaded. cx!ras, bl u/1vht, 008-311!13 '6~ REBEL, 7.0CIO mi. V-8, )llH 191 \'lnyl lop. o;ig. owner, Jn1_-.63 DODG=~E'°"o-,,",-. -,-"1~,-. -,~1h-.1 Auto, air. Save on this one! ~.6~3~P~O~N~T=l~A~C~~$~1~6=95 m 11c. S57l}J. Phone (lJ convt. $.395 or best ofr, Dir_, )\.\5 Baker St., Costa Grand Prlr 629-8694 61"'192 t.lesa 540-5915 ~ _...,._c..;.;.;.;. _____ 11 Aulom1l ic +r•n1m•11ion, '6S COUPE DE VILLE --· T·BIRD f1ctorv '''· J>ow1r •'••••n,, Landau Top. Ualher inter-FALCON 11dio. k••l1r. Lie. JNN 1.t4 ior, tuIJ pov.·er. Air CQnd. ---------r·-,-6-3--T---8-1-R-D-·ll ,65 FALCON $1095 Mint condition. Phone FALCON '63 $350/ Co111try S•11lre :137-5-110 or 644-49:14 MAKE OFl'ER. v.1, ·~lo"'•+ic tr1"1ml•· '66 COUPE de VH!e. Gold . *6'14-2562* 2 dr .. hd . lop, Full pM'. Dlr. 1ion, f•clory .1,, power Equipped wirh every posi-========="' Factory a ir conclilionlng , Onf' 1!•••in'i• r1dio, ~••f•r. 1~9· ble accessory. l\1ust sell FORD O\VMr. Sm.tll down. Excel. 91'i• r•ck, lie. NOZ 2-ti. now. Any reasonable oner, lent rnndltlon. 4!M-9T73. OKL '67 PONTIAC $1995 ;.49-1174 days, eves. :J4fi.J&l2 '66 Falcon Futura 4·lO. GnM4 rrl• 68 CAD converliblt 20,!MXI ac· Fully factory equipped , Dlr, TORONADO 1 cloor h•rdlop, i utom•lic 0095 lr•n1m lu Jon, f•cl<l<Y tir, tual mlles. full PD"'erlalr ~ · ,,dio, ~••'•'· TUL 042 includes stereo. Black on POOne 642-60'.23 '68 TORONAOO b I a c k, sacriricc. 968-s:HS '67 Gal"·'·" 500, pow•r, ai·r, '66 CHEVY $1795 "" ._ Colorado 1ilver with contras!. Stwri w weekends or after 6 p.tn. Landau, like new. 35,000 ml. 1~ ••·-k ·•··• -f & "p'"-1.• " .... • .., U'6<.: .,.._,., •vv " ""-V.I, e1J!om•lic tr1n111'1i1• 'ftt ELDORADO, nr _nu tires, Sl695. 5W--0950, and Eve$: atery. Fully equipped i.nclud-1 11on, f•c!o1y ,;,, pow1r lo mt, full pwr, air, tilt·tc.le, 63.1-2876. ing factory &Jr, premium li•1dn'i , 11dio, h1•t1r, Li,. cruiae. a -ma tic, blk w/wht '64~""'r~6~R~D"""G~olax""•~.,-,,..,dr-.-,~,,..,, tires. One owner. Priced to RMU 59 I ltbr, $4750. Pr ply. 644-4265 gd. tires .. rd. oond, ~ .ell. (WEW IM81 '67 DeVILLE, all pwr. llhr, after S:30. GARDEN GROVE Landau. stereo. \vhsl + . .,=~r=o~RO=~c~.,~.~soo~~X~L-. -x~Int LINCOLN MERCURY $195. 13695 xlnt con d . rond. Full pwr. R/H, $Th0. ll)U() Garden Grove 96~7 all 6. Pvl Pany. 842-2796 Carden Grove '56 CAD. good eond. only. $1 !15. O\Vnf'r. *~9"-0M4• 1 day LINCOLN l!l:r.I CAD 1-door. Good rnrnL 1963 LINCOLN Continental. l'UIJ Pfl\\"er + ;iir cond, SJ9j , Original 011•ner. 23,362 ac- ~S-1:f.M . Pvt. p1y. ~u,1J m 11 r s , abs per!. l .. or D11ily Pilot \Vant Ads fil~-212!!. 0111! fi12-567ll l;O~A~l~L"Y~P~f"L'O~T~l~V~A~N~T~A~D~S"'°I 636-2980 ---11 VALIANT ---------'64 v /\LlANT Wa11:011. Orie. O\\'flC'r. Clean, good rnnd. R/Ji, stick &hllt. SS!IO Du.y5 ~~2464 £i(t, 74. Eve. &11-2224. ,DUNTON FORD 2240 S, Main 546-7076 . ~-------------..---------;------....-.... -------------------------·-----·----------------------- 4/AILY PILOT Monday, Oetober 27, 1%0:, Politi~ian Unrul1 llas Se~ret Love: Country Musi~ (fdllor'l Nell' 0"' Pto\ltll .,.,. ol A1•wintol~ M"*ltf t....,.,_ Jen vnrun ''-il!Ublk Mklom -I• 1'111 kw• a ltt ir '¥11'1 ctounlr• •llCI Wfltlo<11 ""'"c VPt .,...,k.•I writ.,-~ .. ~11!Q11 •c- cor.w\nlM unrul'i 10 • ,_.,own. culfl!'<l 11w"ou1h· Ills r«..-cl co!IK!lon, lhen !lled 1~1, ··-1.,i papers. gazed out across the 10 clap lhl'ir ha nd$ and stvmp mcnl near the ~\:lie Capitol. autu1nn harvest and began lo their feet. '·11 lll be 011t·ra l'~f~US cuuntry sing. ··1 went down lo Ol' J oe"s and \vestern . r;runtl 01' Opry \VGu ld l'll!llr on frnr11 N i1~h11!lt' \\t, 11t'Yt·r ov:ned a radio, so we'd "'iilk down to the neighbors who \\'ere <1 l1Hle less poor and listen Lo !lleirs." Hut "just <ihoul my f<.1vonlt• l'Ol.Jntr'}' and wes tern nn1.~ic H I.~~~~~~~~~~~~ -..111i;t>r 1oda) ,"hr said, 1s John would he '.'ia 11 1\ 11Ifl 11 i u Stewart. fo rnicr!y v.'i1h the ltnsc.'" lie also likes Hoy Kingston trio . Ste\v urt helped Acul f iC reat Speckled Bird," By GEORGE SKELTON SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A dark green aulomobile Spt'd alon& the Central Vall1:y Freeway and in the back sea t J~s Unruh laid aside some LEGAL NOTICE ,U,111.1011. GOUllf OF f"f ITATI OF CAl.IFOll:NIA FOlt l'HE COUNTY 01' Oii.ANGE N•. A·••TU "I keep a cl ose watch on house, he was eatu1' supper ; "I Lhink ope.fa is fine, but I this heart or rnine_ I keep my stum ped nly toe on a table le.g , can't understand Italian_ I like ~~::, ~·l~~e e~n 0~~~ ~~~ ~~:~eli~ uod ~tuck 1ny flJO\ 111 the but· niuslc I can understand . that tinds. [h:ca use vou·re tcr.'' Surncbody once sa1cJ the lest or nilne, I wal k the line.'' · 'l'h1s ;ras L:n ri1h mu sic -<1 good musical is wh('n you dOl\'n /1ome. old as the "'ind up si nging. l wind up Johnny Cash actually was republic itself. singing country and \veslern doing the singing over the l'ar , 1 bo . ,,,,,,,·,,_,, I • was rn in Kansas, radio, Unruh was \\"al ing b · .1. , Unruh, 47. the yo<,ng"".·i ".'Oil I fl k b h rung up LIT r :.;-as.' he ex-'"·~ ·' a on g, 0 -ey ut appy. plained to the :in1used au-or illitcrutc sharecroppers, has "Jle's the only country anti 1 S been suigmg bluegrass ancJ \l'Cslern singer \\•ho's rt·ally l IC nce. " quare dancing is a b lot like politk s -you don 'l CO\V oy tunes s111ce t I\ c got soul." Unruh i;aid. "Sl)rne . dustbowl Unruh stJ!l loves \he rnu.~ic bec:H1sc "it's very s1H1nd. sohd, honesl sturr -both 1n ils sin1plir1ty !111d its sut1o.1I llH.:SS:J!it'S." the late Seu . Ho!Jcrl F. Ken· "\.\'n·ek on the Highway"), nedy camp;.ign lor \Iii; Johnny Ri ve rs ("Memphis .. f. Jl :J r1k \V11i1:1rns (J arnhal<.1)';1''1 prcskll'lli.)'-Unr uh wa.s Ken-Rnd Bob Will~ t"'fun1b!1ng· n('dy's Cnlifornia t'ainp"g" · bl ' 'lun1 c \\tt·ds"'J a ino n g n1anag1·r. m· ny I " . J1mr1111' \Va kely is a friend "I cnj{ly a Int or rock." he· .1nd poli lie;il supporter of adds. ··Jike the Crecd~nce 1 L-n ruh. (..'lcurwatcr H.eviva! -·Bayou ''.Ji1 n1nle tullt n1e oner," Co1J r1try.' I HAL AEBISCHER HEARING AIDS C1nfom A"ral Ampllfieetioll NO SALf.SMEN 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR Jior Appointment 675-3833 HOTICE OF HEARING OF f>ETlllON FOil PllOaATf OF WILL AND FOR LEnEltS TESTAMENTARY IN 0 I ONOI Ed•le ol WILLIA/II. JASO~ CA~L!'... •l•o ~nown ·~ W. CAL LIS •n~ •~ WILLIAM J_ CALL IS. Oec•~>Pd. of his songs ;:ire grt'<it _ have to be good .'ll 1L to engage 'Starkville City Jail,' ·r olsoi n in it..'' "I use cJ to get horne froi n P I lt v.•as a Jess Unruh 1hf' school at niglll !11 Te.x<.1s," he rison B ues'.. ," bl " 11 d ,, 1 b Unruh 's destination \l'afi lhe pu cc scldon1 s\"es '1 n~<.:::i t' , "<1 n ... oue o 1ny JtJ ;; 10th Annual Harvt:>sL Jl oedowr1 devotee and tonnoisscur of 11'as 111 dr:i w \l'aler frorn tliC' Ile keeps about 50 t:ountry nnd wes tern record <1lhu111~ 1n his ap;1r ln1C'nl. lJ n r uh ' s <1utomo1Jilc t·on tri ins ;1 d11zcr1 or n1orc s t1·rc(1 t<IJ!es ;inti he fre. quen tly sing~ illon~ 111 ;1 lk"!) bnon1i11g t 'rlll't• llial ~,till t '~11·­ nt~ a slight south11·c:.tvn1 tlr·<.1 \\I. t·1p·uh :;a1tl. '"] don't ag ree "It t1sed to be,"' Unruh said. ,,1th !: v cry t h 1 n g !Ii(' ''you were considered a hick if, lJ,·1r10LralH' p<.11"ly dues rJy~o~o~l~ikle~d~rn~u~1~11iry~"~n~dJw~o~.s~1~or:1~i ~~-~-~-§~~~~~~~~~ an.1·111orl·. But !'111 nc>ll'r going .Nf,v.' it's ·respectabil" <1 gf1Tn." !11 J-!· l <•1 •·r rt:nternbenng th;1t ; 111 llh~ 1f1:Jlls when I coulcJn 'l l111d <i Juli ;ind I eouldn 'l find anyth 111g lo 1• a I , thr L)l·inotT<JliC p:1rty m;Jde Jl Jl<1s~ibll' lor 1ne to do bolh.11 II nf the Northern C;.lifor nia country and 11·estern n1u sic. vit:>ll. \l'c couldn't <i fford a Square Dancers Assoeiati\Jfl. "The princi p:tl i s s u c 111ndn1ill. IL took me <lbout <111 lie 1vas billed as a brie f drop-between t.1 <iYt)r Aholo and nic 11nur. It got so danin lo nesome in to say hello. But nobridy ex-Jn the ( De rn o c r a t le 1 'd sit there and sing .. NOll(E IS HERE BY GIVEN l t>ot Mor Iorio Eloin• Cell<> not !lie<! """"' • P•h· !Ion to• prol»l l• o! will ond tor l•~u~nc• 01 le!t•r< Tt•l•menla" 10 Po!•tlone• (No BO<'ldl. ••~ren<• 10 whith 'I mod• •or '"""'' nor!ltula ... •n<l !h~I !tie !Jtn• ond PIM• of t>o•rlM '"" ~·-"~' ll<'•O •• , lot No••mbet 1, !fe9, U 9:JO o m .. '"'"" co~•Troom ol Oopo•lmonl No J O! >O•d c1>11rt. ti 100 cr.ic c,,,,., D•I••· Wn1. •n th• Ci!v ol S.nTo A"•· C1hlornlo. peeled hinl to stick ::i round g ub c rnatoria lJ pr11nary," "Then every S:.i t11 r d ny and chant a round da ncr>. Unruh joked la ter in his apart-night," he continued, "the The f1ln11rr A ~ ~ t: 111 Ii 1 y ~pr.:ike r li;is u full sl.'1 ol H:iy l'ncr> t!'cordi1 1gs -"tli(• :;ong I Hunk I like the be st is 'Soft Hi.un.' " '"~1)' old dog, si tting on ;i.----------------------------------- l lnn1h bl·licves "if you hud1 lo p1 t·k one song !hilt t_vpifies l 0 11P<1 Octob<< )0, lt6• W. E ST JOHN. Coun!v Clor~. MAllWOOO. $00fN I ADl(INSON, I', 0 . Bo~ 1907 N-~rt ltac~. Ctlifornil !'IUl, 1'11: CHO •u·llll log kitHog 111 "'"" • h'""'" OPEN SUNDAYS for yo11r sl1oppin g convenience starting Nov. 2 The 4 , O O O frilly-drrsscd. Allorr••~• '"' l'llltlon1r. P\lbli•h•d O•onoo Co•sl o onv l'i:ol, Oc•ot>er 11, n. n, 190• 1•6l-69 slring·ticd d c I e g at l's i11 ~ memorial audltoriu n1 Salur· , • clay ni ght stood amazed at ,\;; LEGAL NOTICE first, then grinned aod began -LECA L NOTICE su,ERIOR COURT OF THE ~TATE OF c-.LIFORNIA FOR Tt1E COUNTY OF ORANGE BAR-110, No, A·•(U! SU PERIOR COURT 011' Tt1E NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION ~1,.TE OF CAL IFOR NIA FO<I. FOii: PR09ATf OF WILL ANO FOR THE COUNTY JF JR.l<l~Gr: LETTERS TESTAMENTARY No. A· .. 12l Es'"'" cl WILLIAM AL EXANDER NOTICE OF HEARING OF PET1T1or; CAMERON, 0tCeeJ"'1-FDR PROBATE OF WILL ANO FO.I NOTICE 15 HER EBY GIVEN T<lel LETTERS TESTAME NTARY Mer~•r•t Mehal1 Came ro" ha> fil•d E""'" cl EDNA E. HICKOX, DtCtill"" t>e"'ln 1 petition tcr pr~t:Me ol will ilnd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tor 1 .. u•nc• DI Lener> Tc11amen1a.-y 10 Andrew G. Hkko~ ha• !lie<! hettin e Ptti· Pellti.,..tr. re!ttenct le whlc~ is m•d• far !l<>n lot ptobat• o! will e nd tor h•uance o! lut!her P•r!irul&ro. and 1hal •he lime 11nd L•ll•ro Te•Tamenlary !o P•Ti!loner, t>ltct ol hearing th• ••m• ha• been ,,1 teterence to which Is made !or lurlh~r le• N<>•rmbl:r u . 19~9. 11! 9:l~ o,m., in 1h• P•rlicvl~r•, ond t~M the !•m• and oloco courtroom or O•P•rtmenl Ne. J of ••!d ot nearlnv lh• ••m• ha:> b••n •cl for courr, 01 100 Ci•ic Cen••• Drl•e W•s!, 1n Nc••mber 7. \969. a! 9,30 ~-m, in •~· lht (ih or Soni• Apo, Calllornl•. courtroom ol Dep"r!m•nl No. 3 of •••U D•tl!'<l Oclcbtr 1'· 1969. ccvrt. •I 100 Ci•lc Cent" Drivo weol, In W. E. Sl .JOHN lht Clly of ~onld Anil. Colifot"•a_ Counlv Clor~ W. E. ST JOHN JAMES C. BAGEMAN Counlv Cler~ JOI El•I eoior• ••ul••··~ McOWEN AND GREEN P1.-111, C1IHornl1 ,1111 ''O E1•I Cl'\1pm111 T•I (JllJ Jt•?WI o ....... C1lifornia "'""'"'' lor Pf!lllo~.. T1I: (114) '-ll·S190 Published Dr~"'" Co&•! Ooi•v Pilot, Ano"'"'' 1or P"i!lontr Oclobtr 25, '11 • n d lio•eml>l'r l, Publ!Sh•~ Drong• co .. 1 Da.rv P:tot. 1949 '/OOS-69 October 71, 2;, '/), 1969 19M·69 ACR OSS l Irrespon - si ble fl'l!ow 6 Have fun 10 River of Europe 14 Grerk poet of old 1 ~ lnslrumrnt lb Fit 45 Electrlcal appara lU'> 47 Copy: Informa l 48 Whirled 4'1 Srt 51 Kl'rnel 53 Clea r 54 Feign 57 Brvrra gl' 59 C1ushtd 111 bl A~ian VIP b4 Groups Sears l ! 11 Famed citizen ol Cremo na lB ltrm of bisrball 9rar l'J Poli ce action 2() Hu~band and wife 21 River ot Wesltrn Canada b1 P roper's pa1tner b8 Boundary b'J Hunter 's appa1atus 70 Sing lt 71 Dist as r 72 Used ~s 7 Vital sta l1~llcs 1tern 8 lnS-l'C1S 10f2 l/b9 Jq Fancy casr 40 Come lo l'drlh NYLON GUA~ast to Coast FULL4 pLY t ed! llonoredQuantities are Limited 23 Mi. Wel les 25 Tit!r 26 Bird 27 Pro 29 Unit or length Jl Part of ' pen Jl Patretnage 35 Frog's 1rhtiv e }7 Garment industry tmployer ~l L~rge do g 42 Si:iue!chr<l : 2 -words 44 Caterpill ar hair l l • " 10 ll ' l food 73 Mrmbr•s of t11r deer fam1 ly 7~ Prrntrr's di1rclion 75 Fo rm of pre- tipitat ion DOWN 1 Dt ct it 2 Hl!ad of a (Omet 3 Re latin g to love 4 Unit of lr_ng\11 S Finicky b lter: 2 wo1 ds '1 Formrr French premier 10 F em i n 1n~ namt 11 Put to sham r 12 Srmllar 13 Fort1flcJt1011 Zl P.irt of a ha t 2 ~ EQtnnl' food 27 An emotion 28 Loo~ 30 Fact 3 2 Supe1viso r 34 Ob~lac lr )b C ircular of in lorm~lion: 2 words 38 Disapprov e ol 4 3 Stra iglll ~6 Pe riod of lon1e )0 ~r mben or thl' c ~mel f,1mll y 52 Casts 54 MJrkt>d hy abu11d~11lt' ~) Form~r 1(1n1J of Rt1m~n1 a 5& Ell'r~1~l' 111l' tir.1 111 58 D riv ~ out f:O M rr c~11My b2 City 11,.u Dl's Mo1n as 63 Enql 1 ~h tomoo~er b5 Kind 11f pl~rll b6 Co1 11 of E ~ton1a 11 17 •0 (1.:itl" I :~ -7.:~.ix [ t 7.7.i " It -~--- 8.~.;,,. It 7.7.i'-. l.i 1\./( th Guaran e .. .,___, 30-11.1.0U · ---I tJ. ir; IO.O::! '). t);~ --- ~2.(J:; ~.O~ 1 I.' 1:~ ~ 1.11,; a.:~~ I f1.11:~ ------~7.f),-. 11.:t.! I ::: . r .: ~ :2 t. t/.) a.:~::: J li.f 1:~ ---·-:2.J.'l.i .. -.1 ••.1 -"17.~:I ~i.')_) 'J.:{~ rn.1.:1 ---·-:tn. •1:; I O.:l ~ .:!O.r.:~ ----.1:t •1:1 l J .:~~ ~:!.11:{ If'''''' f¥ ¥' ¥ f''' ¥ , .... , '¥' ¥ '' •HH· ............. f.f.Hf..ff j YOUR PROBLEM: j ~7 .'l:l •).'.~:! 111. (,J l 1 You want to sell some item th•t you no longer need but someone else <•n use fOf' NOT ? • OVER ? ? • • $50 ? • ? • YOUR ANSWER: You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for Cli1•1ified Advertising, and place a -Pli.OT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642·5678 • • : • ! ----l 0 .. 12 .:!n.r,:~ l l.J2 22.63 ALLSTA1'E )'ru;sen i:;er 1'irc <;uarunl('e .i 111Jn•h1 p. r .. r 11 .... tnng-: fnr 1hc l1((' uf dlC 01i,;:i11~l trr~d. TREAD LIFF. r.tJARANTF:E f:u•"nlf'•d A111"ain~1: A.I I f:iilurt:.\ nf 1hc 1ire rrsultin,i: fn'lm n!"lrmal road ha•ar,J~ or Jl·fc<ts in m:i~cri~ls oc "Ork- ! \\'hat Wi ll :-;,., ..... u.,: Rt'J)~•r nlil r un•ntn'< ;ir n••' h;1r,L'c. • Jq tht· 1~.<.e "f f3i lun~ in .,ld1~11ge iur rh., 11r('. n-rl•,c; ir, • ~ hary6n1: 0011• •he pro110rri.~n (i[, 1Jncnt 11.·,::ul.a ,('i h "S l'tice • }'I Us fl..Jt·r~I l:1cise Tu rh.o( n·prr<e nt~ U(';l<I u.•l'J. : 1'Rt-:AO WEAlt-tJt rr 1;U,\llANTt::t: • f:t1annl•f'tl A11.airu;11 'fre.-uJ Wt•u-<>u t. • ).·,_,r llu.,. Long: The numbc:r of l'\{•nlil' ~r«ifirJ. : ~·bat \\-'ill Scan1 Do: Jn el<.han,1tc: fo t the tire, r"r b re ir, • rh~rl(in~ ibe currcot 1c:gu.l u ,,J!Jni; fOrit:e p!u.1. f cJeraJ • l!~,isc Tu lelS lhe {o!lgwing al.IOW;l(l(.C: • : Moolh' (;u• ... nk:>ed. Alluw•~e PriCPS • 1 2 to 24 10% E IT~·r 1 i1 1 i 27 to 39 20% J0/:!7 • ~..a..-.~v,r ~..,n .,_ ' 1hru IJ /f :------~~------·--~------------. --------, t SUENA ,.llK TA e . .t.coo, !i21-.t5JO n MONTE GI 3-3911 10 NG BU.CH HE 3 .0121 rico WE 8-4 ?62 W<TA ANA Kl 7.3371 t0t'-'NCE 542·1511 I ! I OHOGA PArn: 340·0661 ctlNO-'lf CH S.1 004, o +~611 Ol'l'liU'IC & s.o10 AN 8 -521 1 POMONil. EO 2·1 145. NA 9·51 61, YU 6.6751 SANTA rt Sl'RINGS 9'4.SOT I l!nmo 98$.1927 •i 1 COMPTON NE 6-258 1, Nt 2·5761 t10\LYWOOO HO 9.59 ,1 o~ANC.( 6J1.21 00 ml ~l-lrA MONICA EX .f 671 1 V•tt!T PO J .8,61, 9B,·1110 I : C0VHA 966-0611 INGl.rwooD 0« 8 ·2.!121 PAS,l.Cl[NA 6 81·32 11, 351 ·421 I • Wtrrn COAST l'lA?A 5,0,J]]J VE~MONT 'l '1·191 1 : "------------------------I" • --------------------' • . ... -· .;!l-t nsatisfaction Guarantood or Your Mon er Ba<k" """'""""""""" • • • Shop 6 Hi&hh Monday 1hro11&h Sat1.1rdoy 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P'.M. (l•ll ,,.. "•''" c ••• ,., 540.1220) : ............ ..., ...... ,... ................................... ~