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1969-10-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
i 7 • I I DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * TUESDAY '.AFTERNOON , OCTOB ER 28, ·1969 VOL. '2. HO. lll, Z 'ECTION~. J4 PAGll!S Driver Cut Free Rescue \vorkers prepare 1o S<'.I\\' l·::ived-in roo f fro1n cnr ov~rtu.rnctl in two-car collis1011 ,11 l8U1 ~trt1ct. and ,\lo11ro\'1a ,\\'CllllC tn Costa Mesa thi s morning. JSffot'l s to frC'c !rapped n10.or 1.~~-\\hose n~rnc \\•as not available <11 prr.ssll1n C'. \\f·rc ~uccessful after JO n11nulcs. lie \1'as taken to ho.~pital , SC'cn11d drivt'r \\'il" unin,jurert. W oul([.)Je Bt11·gli11· SJ1ot Deacl ]J y Place11tia l\lla11 A Placcnlia bartender Y:ho arrived home early today to rincl l\1'11 n1rn li 1rk1ng In his house pumped four rrvuh 1•r shn1s int.a ooe, killing hin1, then h1l the other Burg la.rs Tukc $9,000 in Loot A t M cs u School r.1eU100ically looting bu .~ i n e !I s tlassrooms, burglars stole do1.rns or of- fice machines worlh nH .. ~e th ;111 S9.000 from Costa Mesa High School. it was disco\'ered Monday. The loss incllidOO 23 r I e c I r i c typewriters, 17 standard models and four c·atculators. according to of!it'ials al the Newport·Mesa Unifird School District campus. I Officer Al Muir said whoever cleaned out {he. classrooms fir st tried lo pry o~n a 4oof" and when that failed , smashed a window to gain en try lo the building. The machinery WAS carried mrt.!ide anit loaded onln a vehicle which h.ad been parked beside the hish scl1<x1I at 2&SO Fairview Road, apparently early Mon· d11y. Instructor Vicki S. Frry dii:;coverr.d 1he jrih when she. opener! the business clasi;room area dunns thr morning hours and theorized tho intruders knew th~ respe<:U\Le \la.lucs. t1r1cc. but he escaped oul the door. Karl Guder. :~. Qf Los Angeles. \\'as pronQUnt cd dead oi his .Jll cal iber bullet v.•ounds al St. Jude Jl osp1tal, Fullerton, tullowinf:! 1hc 12 45 a.m. gunplay. /\ manhunt was on today for tJic olhC'r burgl<ir apparently v.•0t.indcd by vic lin1 J\1ithacl Cors;:iels. 33, of 1702 St. .J ;iml'S l'\:l('e, but a11thorit\cs s:.iid they had 111\!c 1n 1hc 11 ay oi leads. l'lacentia Police Chier Earl \V. Cole· n1an said Cor54e!s was being routinely r1ues!io11cd this morning, bul I.here 1vAS no evidence he had cnmmil!cil any crin1e . "The be st 11·e c<1n determine, i1 11•a:-; just a burglary·in progress," s<1id Chief C.:olrn1an. ' Corsacls told investigators he went into 11is hon1e, 1vhi~h he had . left unlocked . and was jumped by thc;two men sur- prised inside. Asked if t11e bartender was ca rrying the rcl'olver l\e ~mptied durin.i the con-, rrontlllion.wi~· the app~~enl burgla~ - or obUifned it inside hfs home. -Q1lef Colen1an ~eclined cxplanatlon. "Wt're 7"orking on that." he said. The apparent burglary victim gat into his car and headed for the Placentia Polii:e t)eflartln('nl to rcpnrl the case af· ter fatally wounding Guder and hilting lhc ~ecn!lif! man. '"l·le mcl nne of our police cars on 1he 11•ay to St, Jamrs Place in response to a rrport or'[!:unsho1 s. rlaFtged him down and ttwn carne into the i;talion," t.he chic! explalrw,d. An timbulanc1 was dispatched , but ll \\·as too 1ate for Cu~. it _ooters Placentia Man Kills One Of Honae Burglary Teana ' Didn't l{now 011 Trigger? By ,\RTHUR R. VINSEL llurl n\'t'.'.r a lovers' ~pat, a J;J.ye<1 r-old girl stoic a gun J\tonday lo force her boyf riend lo listen to her side, then shot him during the confrontation in lheir Costa J\1esa apartment. Un familiar 11•ith Orange County, the girl then ctro\'e aimlessly up the Newport Freeway, \\'ilh tbe \\'ounded youth, hun- ting a ~ign Oirecling them to a hospital, hut f111ally :.topped to ask for hC]Jl in Anahe1rn. Both frlgh!rncd at th e prospect o/ being ~\'lf<1ratcd after :'>IX months log l'lher, the girl :ind the 20-year-olrl v1c11m also 1n- 1 t·nted a f1clllious story \.\'hi ch police 11u1ckly el in11natcd . The girl,"~) ra11 ;11•.-ay from her Lo.c; Angele:. hurnc last l\lay, broke down and 1nl rl Hiintington Beach ixilice det.eclive.c; (:11 Vcine and Donald Jenkins the rea l c::1rcurnstances of the near-tragedy. "[ wouldn"t do anything lo hurt him ." ~he 11·ro\e in a lengthy statement before being ad1nl1led to Orange County .ft11·enile Hall on ch;:irges of assault with in lcnt to con1mit murder and burglary. The victi1n, tvtario F. '' Fe Ii p e '• Pasapera. \\"i!S listed in satisfactory con· rl1t1Qn toc1ay at Anaheim f\1emoria l llospita! follovo'lng surgery for removal of lhl! bullet. Investigators said he v.·as hit in the arm by what appears lo be a .38 caliber slug that traveled on around through the fl esh and lodged in his back. The girl took him to Anaheim f\·lcm orial Hospita l after slopping lo ask directions en roule from lhe shooting scene al 2.W Sicrks St .. Costa Mesa. llospilal au tho rities were told the youth \\'as "'oundcd in Huntington Beach as an initial dodge, so dcteetives Vcine and J enkins wl!rc. dispatched to investigate the case. The teenager -distraught over \\'hal h:1d happened -finally lost her com- posure and told the Huntington Beach dcll!Clives \\'hat really occurred and where. /\uthorities said the girl knew the OC· cupanl of an adjacent apartment kept a gun and decided to use it lo force rasapara to listen to her side of a quar- rel over past romances. "I love him with all my heart," said lhe petite n1naway, wbo wiU face juvenile cxiurt proceedings v.·ithin a week or IO day5. •·1 don't know anything about guns," she explained , adding that she cocked the \vcapon while aiming from 10 feet away, l:>cc<iusc she thought that prevented it frnm firing. Thr, girl said she didn't realize her ringer 1vas even on the trigger until the blast i:;enl Pnsapcra crumpling In the kitchen floor and i;he knew he wasn 't fak- i.n& blood on t.hc carpet. I I I What's Be Looking At? Cl IL 'f P'ILCT Sltlt P'~o1• HE'S STANDING ON SHI P'S BRIDGE. WHO IS HE ? WHAT IS HE LOOK ING FOR? !SEE PAGE J.) Stiner Brothers Draw Life Terms for Murder A pair or brothers affiliated with a militant Afrn·Ameriean organization - already convicted of a $4.000 Santa Ana holdup involving gunp!ay -today face formal lire sentences for murder. George Stiner, 2.1. and Larry Stiner. 22, v.·erc ordered to slate prison Monda y by Los Angeles County Superior Court .ludg~ ~1alcolm Lucas. while a third defendant's case was conlir,ued. The Sliners, members of the US or ganization, were convicted of con· i.piracy to CQmmit n1urder aQd (l\"O coun:s or second degrre murder, along \\'ith a younger US cohort. Judge Lucai:; postponed the case of Donald llawkins, 20, until "Nov. 17 lo r stu blish \\'hether the. Califomia Youth Authority will aet:ept him in a detention program, or if he goes directly to prison. The Stiners and Hawkins -along with two other men still sought -were in· 1·olved in the murder or l\\'O Black Panther P;irty members last Jan. 17 on the UC LA campus. John Huggins. 23. and Alprenticr "Bllflchy" Carter , 26, were gunned dqwn after a meeting of black students in· vo\ved in a power stn1ggle over choice of a UCLA black studies program director. T.he smaller US group tends toward /\fric11·oriented phi Io i:; op hies and ~cparatist 1enclencics, while the .Bl!lck !'anthers are more C1>ncerned with orgnnizing anrl improving America's ghef tOe!\. Claude llubert. 21, end lfarold Jone~. 19, havr been at large since the UCLA hlnodbalh which resulted In <i wholesale rou,1dup o! both US members and l'anlhers. The Stiner brothers were sentenced to \rrms of 15 years to life in prison - guaranteeing 10 years' hard lime at least -in Orange County Superior Court last J\1arch. They had be<>n implicated in the $4,000 holdup of the Halladay Inn, just one year belnre, in which one har patrc;n was shot in lhe stomach and left squirming on the Jloor. Thev wcrr. then returned to Los Ange lCs lo race the UCLA murder raps along with Hawkins and Bll th ree waived ;i jury tri;il on the penalty phase alter their conviction. l lelen Bentley lo l l ead ~1arilin1e Con1n1i ss ion \VASlllNGTON (UPI) -Mr!I. Helen Delich Bentley, former maritime editor or the Baltimore Sun , has been sworn in as chairman of the Federal Martlme Commission. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. who adm inister~ the oath ot offlee to Mrs. Bentley Monday, reealled lhat 11nather "11elen"-He len of Troy- had a face .,..·hich launched l!I thousand ships. .. 1 can a!lsure you," Agnew said, "lhAl Jlelen Bentley will do as well as It is possible tn do in ihat retrard for the American 11.ferchant f\.1arine." BVLLS-EYE.S SA VE C1tTTL E JN DARK LONOON (UPI) -John f\.1acDonald has been painting his c11U.le with renect- ing paint lo protect them from being struck by molori.sts at night. MacDonald said sever<i l of his Aberdeen.Angus cat- t le, ll'hich are black and "about as easy lo see as a ghost in a fog" at night, bait been killed by cars until he bcgl!ln paint· ing bulls-eye patterns on their front and rear. Orange Coast Weatlter \Vednesday's weather picture re- mains gloomy, desplle a couple sunny hours in the afternoon which won 't be able to advance the iner- cury past 6~ along the coast. I NS IDE TODAY President Nixo11 hosn'/. j()r- gottt"ll the tolrnl.' that r11ade him a tOUf1/i polilicrd it1Ji11hter and he moy 11aw be about to takt off his gloves. Page 12. Cl " ...... lt ' c1 .. u11.. ,,.u Cfl'lll<t IJ Cron-rd lf 0.•!~ H•ll<•I I 01~0<(10 I f~l'-rl•I ,..,, • !nrtrTf!1tmt1tl ' F1n•nco lt.!1 H&rfO(O'I 11 lit" Lt nd1r1 IJ M1llllol 4 Mtrrltt• loclfttlt I '''"""" . --------------~ .. -----~..-.-------- Reds to Tell of POWs V.S . Peace Group to Be Gi ven Nanies PARIS (UPl)-Nortll Vietnamese dip- lccats conflrmed reports tOday they were prepaN!d to .:supply infonnation on Amer- ican prisoners of war to a militant. U.S. anti-war organization. (Related story, Page 5.) But they did not say they would supply the full list of the captives to the organ- ization called the "New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Attorney Will iam KunsUer told new.'!· men in Chicago Monday after \\'eekend talks with Hanoi peace conference dele· gates that he believ.ed the mobilization committee soon would get the names of American prisoners and LhaL Hanoi was Councilman Says ILS No Noise Curb Anybody \\'ho think~ Orange County Airport's new instrument landing system (!LS) \\'iii reduce jet aircraft noise ''is being misled," Newport Beach City Coun· cilman Donald A. Mcinnis said Monday. Mclnnis, who represented the city at the unveiling of the $110,000 eir traffic control system last week, said ILS has nothing to do with noise abatement. What ILS does, I.1ctnnis explained, is provide electronic guidance to aircraft so they can uae the airport in all kinds of weather. "It wilt result ln greater safety for plane!," he said, "and will result in more flights." He not ed that last year ~ir California and Alr West had 40 fewer in· coming flights than scheduled at County Airport. because of fog shutting down the facility. Termed "an Invisible highway," Its utilizes Vf!r/ high frequency radio beams lo guide planes to touchdown, regardless of weather conditions, including fog. Mcinnis noted that the DAILY PILOT last week quoted Airport Director Robert Bresnahan lo the effect that ILS would please the Harbor Area's anli·noise fac· tions. Bresnahan said It v.'ou!d al low ap- proaching aircraft to come in over Dover Shores at 700 feet instead of 400 feet as in pre·ILS days. . _ Mcinnis said this Is true, but he pointed out that the Dover Shores direction is r;eldom used by incoming aircraft. "Only in Santa Ana \Vind conditions do they fly ever there and those coodiLions are very r are," be said. "So anybody whD thinks ILS will automatically reduce noise Is being misled." President Urges Swift Approval Of Money Bills WASHING TON (UPI ) -President Nixon, preparing lo leave ff)f GOP cam- paign speeches in Virginia and New Jersey, urged Congress Tuesday lo ap- prove wilhout further delay current spen· ding bills for federal agencies SD lhe ad· ministraLion could plan its 1971 budget. riixon met "'ith Republican con- J:"ressional leaders at the \Vhite llouse, a regular weekly event, before his evening departure for Roanoke, Ve., to appear at a rally for GOP gubernatorial candidate Lin\\'ood llolton, After returning to Washington 7 uesda y nighi, Nixon will hit the cainpalgn trail agai n \Vednesday for appearances at MorTist.own and llackensack, N.J .• on behalf of Republican gubernatorial can· c!idate \VilLiam T. Cahill. DAILY PILOT .....,... ............. ..... ...... a..pc.n ......... , ..... CAU,.,.NIA OUlfOa C~1 PllSl1$t41NO ~"'NV llolo"1 N. Wood ..,..,... .... ,.,.. .... ready to "drastically e1tend the flow oJ in!ormaUon." Nortb Vietnamese officials insisted iliat there \\'as no change in Hanoi'a ''hwnanitarian policies towards prisoners of war!' They said that Xuan Oanh, the Jfanoi delegaLion's public relations ofl1· cer, explained the policies to Kunstler in a two-hour talk in which the conversa- tion ranged \\'idely over lhe whole Viet· namese problem. Oanh has promised to KW1Stler that the rnobillzation committee would gel information on the prisoners if it were available, the informants said. North Vietnamese delegates in rece nt * * ·weeks promised groups of American5 totaling 22 persons they wou ld be liUP- plied with information on their missing sons and husbands if it were available. Kunst!er visited Paris on behalf of David Dellinger and Rennard Davis, who belong to the mobll!zalion comm1ttee. lie is representing thenl in a Cl1icago trial .resulting from demonstraLJons during the 1968 Democratic national convention. The North Vietnarnese authorities, vth!l consider the U.S. soldie rs "aggressors," have so far firmly turned down all offi- cial an d private American pleas to release the c<lmplete prisoner list and t<l :.i llo\v <in international control of the POW can1ps. . '.( South V,ietnnm to Fr ee 24 Communist Captives SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnam an- nounced Tuesday it will release 24 Com· munist \Yar prisoners on Wednesday. Communiques reported a continuing bat- tle Juli but a terror attack on the central highlands killed eight persons and wound· ed 43. A Saigon announcement on the release of the Communist POWs fo llowed by two days a National Liberation Front broad· cast which said the Viet Cong planned to free three captured Americans. There has been no further word on the American prisoners, and a S9ulh Viet· namese spokesman did not give a reason for the release of the 24 Communists, But Friday is South Vietnam's Nat io nal Day and in previous years the occasion has been marked by the rel.ease of 'var prisoners as a goodwill gesture. National Day commenorates t h e overthrow of the South Vietnamese government headed by President Ngo Dinh Diem on Oct. 31, 1963, in a coup d'elat lhal resulted in his assassination. In the largest war action invo lving American troops reported Tuesday, U.S. infantrymen riding Navy pal rol boats trapped a force trying tu ford the Saigon River and killed 14 Communist soldiers \\'ith bursts o[ machine gun fire. Spokesmen said the action shortly before dawn 26 mites nur\h\vest of Saigon resulted in no American casualties. The terror attack on tl1e highlands OC· curred Tuesday morning when a fragmentation grenade \\'as thrown into a market place near Phu Cat about 260 miles northeast of Saigon. All of the de ad and wounded \vere identlfied as South Vietnamese, Officials said six suspects were arrested . Meanwhile, military sources said U.S. B52 bomber raids over South Vietnam have not been reduced in effectiveness despite a 10 percent cut in the number of sorties dating bnck to J uly I. The sources said the number of sorties had been cut from abut J.800 a month lo 1,600 a month in an economy move ordered by the Pentagon. But U.S. field commanders v.·ere quotC'd as tia ying the effectiveness had not been reduced because Allied intelligence was doing a bett.e: job in pinpointing targets. FAA P1·ohii1g Pla11e C1·a sl1 lnvolvi11g Valley Coup.le Federal .Aviation Administration of- ficials are looking into the circumstances surrounding Sunday's crash landing in Cerritos of a light plane flown by a Foun· tain Valley couple. Reports that pilot Jerry Bush "'as v.•a\·· ed on Orange County Airport and Fullerton Municipal Airport because of fog, then ran out of gas on his way to Long Beach, have spawned the FAA investigation. "At this point lt doe sn't appear that there was anything irregular," an FAA spokesman said this morning in Long Beach. Bush, 34 , and his wife Sandra, 31, of 9175 Poinsettia Lane, Fountain Valley, escaped without injuries when he was forced to bring his plane down in a Cer- ritos cow pasture. The Cessna-150 fl ipped over \\-'htn it hit a fence. The couple was returning to Orange County Airport from Palm Springs when they were ·informed that hea vy fog re· quired an in strument, rather than visual. landing, for \Vhich Bush's plane \\'as 11ot enuipped. Bush then headed for Fullertnn J\funicipal Airporl where he was given \·irtually the sa me in forn1ation. Cont.rot tO\\'rr orncia\s at ~~ulll'rton say Bush never lnld them he \\'as low on ~;:is or tl1ey \\'Ou ld have immediately given h1111 in!'.1ruc1io11s for landing. FAA regul<i- t1ons require any pl;i ne in an l'nlrrgency ~ituation to have first op portunity to l;111d. Orange County Airport officials are referring questions to the f AA office in Long Beach . ·r AA in vestigators listr ned to t3pes of IO\Yer·l.o·planr conversations r.fnnday from both airports, The F'AA spokesman said !he tapes \\-'OUld be heard again, "in more detail'' Drug Care Plan Urged by Doctor and a written ·reporl from Bush \\'Ould also be studied when prese~ted. ''The investigation may take two or three weeks," said the spokesman, "but it doesn't appear that any ind ic;ilion of an emergency situation was given to either airport." Neither Bush nor his wife were .avail- able for comment today. Violence Flares As Workers Cross GE Picket Lines N'E\V YORK (U PJ) -Violen<"(' nared again today at the General Elec1nc 1G8 ) facility in Schenectady, N,Y., when ex- ecutive and clerical workers trlcd to cross picket lin es !o enter the pla nt. Three persons "·ere 1;1 rre~1cd . Slri krrs standing 10 drcr and r:--,111n:ilrrl at more tha n 2.000 bloc ked Lhe lw o 11111111 g<i!t"s to lhe plant ;:1nd IL1rnf'd bark th•• v.or kcr-; trytng to C'l\!er. 1\t l r ,1~1. 1111r 11 r.rlicr and one polici·tnan ~u ffcrcd 111111or illJUflPS, The violence at Schrnertady "·;is. in sha rp con!ra.~l lo Bridge port, Conn .. \1'herc the 2.800 striking union 1\'orkrrs Ci10pC'rated \\'Jlh pOlll'C in OpC'llillg lht'ol"' lines 1o adn1i t GE C'n1ployes v:bo repQ((cd for the morning shift. Scatlered violence and nlore than 40 n r~e~1 i: lirive beC'n report ed si nce th~ i:lrikc began 1'1ond<Jy agai nst f.E pl<1n!" across !he natlon following col lapse of talks on 'a new contract. Nr: further negotiations havP been sr.hedult"d . United E:le<"trical Workers 1 LIE) Union said it had suggested the talks resume \\'cdnesday, GE, the union said, had not formally replied lo the sug. gestion . DAILY PILOT Sl.-tl Ploal• AT THE SCENE -l~eary family defense attorneys K. ?i.lcMillan (plaid coat) during tour of Woodland (;eo rge Chula, Robert Law and fl1arvin Cooper Drive Monday afternoon. At right is Chula's office ( f ro1n 1 eft) discuss po int 'vi th Supe Iio __ r _J_u_:d,,_g•_:B.:y_:_r.:_on'---'m'--a::n•:::ge.•::r.:, _:J_:_a.:_m_:_•::s_1c.l..:o_r_ri_so_n_:(_b_ea_r_d_:_, _d_a_r_k_:g:..l_as_s_e_s:..) • __ Judge Surve ys Leary Drug Arre st Sce11e As the legal pro1agonists in the Timothy I.eary hearing were surveying wood sy, run-down Woodland Drive in Laguna Beach Monday. an unexpe cted figure became very 1nuch in evidence. ~udge Byron K. McMillan, who must rule in his superior court v.'hether nar· cotics seized from the Leary station wagon are admis~lble as evidence. was surveying the street and homes along \1·ith four attorneys. They \\'ere <"hatting casually "'hen a youth with long black hair popped out of nnc of the aging residences and shriekl'd. "[ know I'm out of sight and I don't ilavc lo go to j;iil to prove it.'' lie slrode past the grol1p. A little girl r;:in up to him. He pic ked her up. Another Joung man embraced bcith seeming to offer comfort. One of the young men called out ln a hoarse voice, "!rs all right, th~re's no 1nore hale." .Judge hfci\fil!an and the. attorneys \l'atched and listened and th en went on \l'ith the ir discussion_ \Vith J\lcMillan were George Chula, atlomC'y fo r Dr. Leary ; Marvin Cooper, representing Leary's son, John: Robert Law, attorney for Leary's \Vife, Rose- mary; and prosecutor Martin J, Heneghan, red·halred deputy district <itt omcv. The 8-roup was st udyi ng the street and terrain in regard to discrepancies in tes· timony about \\-'here the Leary station wagon was parked-legally or in mid- ~treet..-the nig11L a Laguna Beach police officer arrested the trio of Learys. Ho1 v's Thll t, ~f r. Vice Prez? \\'AS!!!Nr.To~ (l'PJ) -Vier Prl's1 - df'nt SpirCI T. Agne\v !'!Ylke at a Defense Dt')l.1rt111C'nt c:-rrinony Tur~day. l!1s pre pa red text had hin1 sayin!; at on(' pn1nt. ''Nn p11bl1c figure h;is gone. r1,11111 in history ff!r sayi ng gire me rco non\y or gil'e n1e dea th " A~ deli1·ererl, it l'<ime out-"No puhlic f1~urc ha~ gone down in his tory for i:houtin;; gir e me libert y or gil"e me t'conon1y ~" Solons Visit l\Ioscow ~10SCO\V I UPJ l -A delegation of U.S. "'cna1ors and rcpresenlatlves today con1 · plcted a three-Oay visi t as the guests of lhc Supr eme Soviet (parliament) o[ the ~O\ 1ct I.inion . Lebanon Flares V.S. Embassy in Beirut ,Target of Dy_nnmite Hit By United Pres~ Intern ational A series of explosions rocked Beirut to- d:iy and a group of armed men tried tD .attack the U.S. embassy but were driven away by Lebanese security officers who o['fned fire on them. Fighting also flared again in the Lebanese cities and near the lsrae!i border. The Middle East News Agency in Cairo said the men hurled a stick of dynamite toward the embassy as they fled In a car but the explosion caused neither injuries nor damage. The guerrillas have accused the United States of backing Lebanese ef· fort<; to crush the guerrilla movement The ne w rO\lnd of violence came as ~1aj. Gen. Emile Bustani and former Premier Rashid Karami met with Presi· den t Charles Helou to discuss the crisis. Bu~tani was flying to Cairo later today frir talks with guerrilla leaders. The conflict which threatened civil war in Leganon broke out IO days ago when Lebanese army troops cracked down on guerrill as who had used bases in southl'rn Lebanon for attacks against Israel, thus making Lebanon ~ubject to heavy Israeli retaliation . The Jordanians got a taste: or that retaliation today when Israeli jels bomtr ed and strafed the Al-Adassiyah area in Jordan , three miles southeast of the Sea cf Galilee, Jn an attack against Arab guerrillas \Vho had previously attacked 1sraeL Israeli jeL-; also a\lacked target" in Egypt along the Gulf of Suez during th e night. Whether the attempted attack on the U.S. embassy represented a ne\v anti- American phase of the co nflict was not immediately apparl'n t. The official Ca irn radio accused the United States ~1onday of being the prime mover in the Lebanese crisis, Guerrilla groups also have predicted a U.S. troop landing in Lebanon lo protect the He~ government. The I.fiddle East News Agency reported toda y that F'r8'lett had tOld Lebanon it opposes "landing any foreign troops or foreign intervention" in LebanQn. Russia has warned against such intervention. Hin!Olhaw Asking Court To 01·der Private Counsel Ry TO!\I BARLEY 01 IM 0.llY PllOI SIU! Oran,;:e COi.inly Assess<K And rew J , !!1n.-.ha"' !OOay took his feud w'ith County C.Junsel Ad rian Kuyper to the Fourth ·n1slrict Court of Appeals in San Ill'mardi no. l!is 121}-p;ige brief asks tha t the ap- prlla1c bench orrler the Or;inge County Board of Super\lsors to providl' him with a prt1·;ilr 1.iwycr 111 l1i s sp3t with Ku~1prr -a rrq11c<;l th;:.l has br:c.n su pported by 11\f' (lrnnge County Grand J ury and dr11ird hv the supervisors, H 1n~h;i·w todav· repeated car I i e r f l1 ;irgr<; tj1;1t a Confl ict of interest exisls h<'lwrcn th" two county orlicln1~. He ;1~aln rondcmnerl 1vhat hr. c 11 11 c d "Kuy[X'r's uncalled for intereferenc~ in a~M"ssn1cnt matt ers and his refusa l to f 1cn t11 scuss such matters with nie." A prime is511e in the 1li sputc ls ihc hoarrrs canccllatiofl of taxes on Lppcr Bay land transferred by the Irvine Com- pany to the count.y in ex change for nearby cou nty territory -a cancellation that •nnsha w h:is consistently refused to accept. That dispute figures prominently in lhe llinshaw brief together \Vi\h reprint!'. of recent Grand Jury testimon y resulting from th~ appearance of both county of. ficials before the investigative panel. Hinshaw particularly attacked a Jetter Kuyper \\'fOte lo f'Ounty supervi~ors la~t July 30 in \l'h1ch lhe coun1 y couns{•l rap- pt'd Hinshaw's rrfus;i l 10 cancel tile lrvlne la xl'li as "br.in~ an argument "ithou! merit" and a~krd Ille board tJ order l-Iinshav: to take the required ac· tion. Hinshaw todn;.· ~;ii1l hr ~11ppl1cd the a11· J}('ll:Jte cn1irt with tl1r rxtr;lcl (lf 1-;rand .. Jury testin1ony to st ress the fa ct th;il Kuyper 11Tole hi s leHrr and n1ade his stand brfore the board "after c9n· sultat'ions v•ith the Ir vine Company." \-Jc also strc~scd 1lir JacL that grand j11ror~ repeelrdly reJrrred tn Kl1yper'.'i di scussions nf the land S\\·ap di~pute with 1hc Irv ine Con1pany during the Grand J ury hea ring . ''Any <1uestion :is lo 1rg:i11ty or the assessmenl is one for the. Irvine Com- pany and not for !he cnunly cou nsel," Hinsha'v said . "He would have no way o( knowing ho\v they fell unless he had clistusscd the n1attcr with th e co mpany," J•tlt 11t. C11tloy VICI ,,_!Mrlt _,. ~1• ....,_,_ Tli••• K""11 ·-Th11111•• A. M•""'I" SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) -The direc· 101' of the Haight.Ashbury Clinic told a l lou5e Committee I.1onday the frderal i;:ovemment is "'illing to provide fund s ta identify the problem of drug abu ~e . but \\'ill provide nothing once lhe problcn1 is clearly defined . County to Feel Navy Cuts H in.~haw explainL>d th1-1t he ha<l bypass- rrl Orange County's sup€rior court with the filing of hls peli\lon for a \\'rit ol 1nandate "to insu re speedier action on iny complaint." An appellate cOl.lrt of· fi cia l today stated that no date had yet been set for consideration of the Hinshaw filing. Patrol Finds No --. ..... -c ... ~t »II ....,.., ..,. .,_, ~ lff<ll: 1?11 """' .. _ ............ L•-_,,, 7'1 ,_, .._,...,.. 1'111111"'91m ~.---..... I "\\'ell, ht'll. the need is as plain as lhe nose on your face," said Dr. Roger C. Srnith. "'ho called for hospital facili!i e!'. for acute drug cases and then small treatment facilit ies on a neighborhood basis for oul -pa.1ients_ Smith was amQng the final witnesses at a four-day hearing of the house sell'ct committee on crime. which is in· \•estigaling drug abuse in the U.S., «'Specially among teenagers. None or the witnesse..s during the four-day session was unde'r 25 years of. age. Smith said he hoped the commiHee would ttromme nd legislation for .. sn1all, community-based treatment progra1n s, bolh private and public." He sold a hiRhly ·inrlf1·idu111ir.ed ap· proach was nece~ary. since drug pro- blems. "like a variety of other health, en· vlronmental or e<'Onomic problems. \'aty fron1 Ont' area of the city to the next." Personnel R eduction at El Toro, Alarnitos Ordered Subjects (lf ''Ila! Importance lo the fulurc of Los Alamitos Na1·al Air Station und El Toro 1'1aririe Air Ba se· were touch- f,'d upon J\fonday by the nal ion's Chief of t\a val Operations in a press co nference. Adn1inal Thorn as If. ilfonrer, speaking at Los Alan11tos saHI: -Personnel cuts would be made at El Toro and Los Alamitos as a result. in the ~la~h in military !'pt'nding announced ~forirlay by llefcnse Secretary I.lel\'in Laird. -Talk of the cl f\si ng of Los Ahimito~ nr con.~olid,.l\on wil h El Toro are only in tl1c study sta ges, -The l'ffrct of !lie sprnrling cut~ on !hr proposed 600·ac:rr exp.'lnsinn or Los Al .1111itos is a matter of Na,\'y budget con- ' sidf'ration. Adminal 1.-loorer said cuts in JX'rSOnnel at 1he two Orange County naval in· stall:itions \vould not be large and would hr ~paced 01·cr a per iod of time. lie !>aid 11iey would come in reduction of full-time (·ivi llan and active duty military person· nel at the bases. He said they "'ould nol affect levels of \\'eekend reserve training programs at l J)S Alamitos. Admi ral t\-1oorrr admitted !h.'l l Los: Al1l1nilos is one of 88 mi\it.:iry ln· stallations in a IO·s!Atr arr1 being con - !'irlr rC'd for closing or consolid a1ion . but ndded , "It's on ly in thl! study stage. "l'hcrr·s nothi ng .5~1(ic:_" A Nilvy study. call ed Projrct \\'ire. iJ r11rrrn1 ly ln pr11crss to investig11 1e the closing or C'Onsolidation of military in· ~1allations. A rC'port is expected within 18 mor.ths. On the proposed expanSion of Los Alrirnltos \Vhich is being opposed by the cl1l<'s of Cypress. Stanton and Sea l Brarh. 1\dn1 inal r-.foorrr s<1ld. "\Ve don·t li;1ve lhe fiscal 19i0 budget yet. It's still being considered by Congress." He repeated -prior statements by Navy nfficii!ls lhal the Los Alamitos base is operationally safe despite tran&itioo ta mor(' p0\\'erful jct pla nes for reserve 'rain ing. St"al Bt'ach officials have complained or lh" noise of jct planes over the city. ('ypre5s ob1ects IQ the proposed r.1- p;in~ion into fiQO :i cres of land largely in t t'l;n city .:ind now zon("d for industrial d,.1 r)opn1rnf Bribe to Rhodes cotui1sus. Oh lo rAP) -The Ohio Highway-Patrol reported today it found no evidence lhat nioney was offered or psiirl in con nection with the commutation of fornler Toledo mobst~r Thomas (Vein-• nie) Licavoli's conviction. , , r.ov. James A. Rhodes comm uted the first-degree murdrr con victioon of the a«· • ing convict lo second ·degree murder. llis action was questioned in a story printt'd by Life rnagazinc last i\1ay and Rhodes s11hsrqucnll.v ()ntererl the lli ghway Patrol tu probe the entire 1.!t:l\'O!i TM\l(>r, Despite the rommut .1Hun, U1e 6S-year· fild Licavoli fai led to nb1ain n parnJe_ Hft continues to serve a lifr term .at OhfD .Prnitenllary for fnur gangland style tnurdrrs in Toledo 36 years ago . • I Duntingaon Bea~h ED~Tl·ON Today's Flnal N.Y. Stocks VOL 62, NO. 258, 2 SECTIONS, 24 ~AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, .1969 TEN CENTS • • an a1n1n JULIE ZIPKIN BETH MARTUS Tlaey're Da119erous Big Oil Drums Ruled Out As Receptacles for Trasl1 Those $5-gallon oil drums used by soml! te!ldents as trash receptacles will bceome. a very unpopular item with rub· bish collectors after Friday. They will simply refuse to pick them up. The reasori for this is no! to help the stores sell the new lightweight plastic containers but that several trash col· Sound Equipment Taken in Mesa A Hun tington Beach music fan lost gound equipme nt worth more than S600 Monday nighl in a single car burglary. v:hile Costa Mesa police Jogged two other similar thefts. Harry Kontoes Jr .. 5771 Castle Drivt:, !Iuntington Beach, said he l~t a stereo 1ape deck . an acces~<lry 1vhicll ch.:ingcs color to the beat of the music, and 70 stereo tapes, The young pa inting conlractor said the Mund gear \'<ilucd at S610 1ras taken frnm his car wh:ic it was parked outside Estancla High School, NY Daily l\cws Poll Shows Lindsay on Top ' NEW YORK (UPI ) -Incumbent John V. Lindsay continued to hold a subst.an· tiallead in the mayoral race ()ne week; before election day, a straw poll pub- lished in Tuesday's editions of the Daily News indicates. The poll, the third canvass of tilt cily In the last tv:o week.~. also sho\li'ed Dtm· ocratic candidate fl..1ario A. Procacdno continuing to lose support, with only a percent of lhe polled voters l•Yorinl him as against a high of 33 percrnt in IN fim canvass. .._ • lecctors have been injured in trying lo hoist the heavy barrel1 into dump trucks. As of Friday, oil drums and containers weighing more than 60 pounds, including contents, must go. Cont.ainers v.·hich do not meet the city·~ spcclficatlons will be tagged 1-1·ith a v.•arn- ing note to infonn residents tha t· they had better gel legal trash cans if they want their garbage to be collec ted. The overweight containers have ac- tually been illegal 1Jnder Section 3232 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code for sometime, but trash collectors have been somewhat lenient in picking thC1n up, ac- cording to a city spokesman , City Administrator ()Qy\e Miller ex· plained thal he has received complaints from stale disability insurance officials and Rainbow Disposal Cclmpaoy -a private company which handle~ trash col· leetion service for the city under a con- tract -which informed him that "loo many employes are injured trying 10 pick up overloarled oil druins used as trash containers." Tn make it easier on residenl~ who sud· <lenly find themselves in the position of ha ving In purchase the new can.~. thr lluntington Bea ch Lions Club is currently selling 32·gallon plastic containers each \veekend at 311 .Fifth St .• .right n~xt door to the DAILY PILOT office. Pr(ce of the <'Ontaine r. including lid is f&. Both are guaranteed for seven years. Band Parents Group At Edison to Meet Tht Edison High School Band Parcn1s As..'°°iitlon will hold an organiz~tional mt.etinf It 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the .moaf'1 ntr\lmental music room. .ldal_, information aboul t h e ·sMuUon Is Available. from it.~ t<'m- •trJ ,..aidtnt, L. fl.1. Slade, at 962-2088. PAT THORNTON 5 Edison High Girls Seeking Queen Crown One Qf five Edison High School girls will receive t11e unique -distinction of becoming the school 's one and only "Football Queen·• this Friday. Edisoo, the newest. et: ·five high aehools ir: the HuntingtQn Beach Union High School District, has applied this title in lieu of homecoming quci:n. since a homecoming is technically not possible \~itJ .ouL returning alun1ni. The girls. selected as finalist s are Pat \Vatson. J11!ic Zipkin, Pat Thornton, Beth M<irlus and Colleen Tart. One of them will be crowned qllccn during halftime ceremonies of the gridiron clash between Edison·s Chargers a11d Costa Mesa High School al Sheue f 'ield in Huntington Beach. A coronation dance this Saturday will honor the queen and her court. The dance feJ tures "The 13th Hour'' and will be held in the Edison cafeteria from 8:30 p,m. to 11:30 p.m. Shoppers to Sec Schools at Work Schools will bf' t:ikcn to lhe. publi c Nov. 10-1 4 by the Hun!ington Beach Union l1 igl1 School District during American Education \\'eek. Classes fr om lhl! various departments \1'il1 meet for actual instrl[lion in the Jluntinglon Center Malk ~ ~mg most afternoons of the week. ·.i In addition, the high schools will display H> large panels describing life in eac-h ()f the five high schools and the various student activities. Fountain Valley and Marina high ~chools will fill the mall with their ac. tlv ities Nov. 10. Edison High School lakes over the spotligh t Nov. 12, while Hun- tington Beach High School will present cl asses frorn its business and industrial Cltls d<'partment Nov. 13. Westn1inster t':a:;;sroom demonstrations Nov. 14. O~IL'l'f'ILfT ... .._.. HE'S STANDING ON SHIP'S BRIDGE. WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HE LOOKING FOR? {SEE PAO! '3.) • • Ill OD 10 ence COLLEEN TAFT PAT WATSON Meets Tonight CSC to Ask Councilmen Back Downtown Project By JACK BROBACK -• 01 .... o.tlr' f'llGt .,...., .... ff'uhttngtori Beach city councllmeri will be 11sked lG make a decision kinight whfch will shape the future of the city•s downtown section. Members of the Urban Land Jn~litute Citizens Steering Commi ttee (CSCJ \\'ill preS<"nt a second parking project at the 1::io p,ni. session in the Huntington Beaeh High School cafeteria. Proposed is the conversion of the equivalent of seven downtown blocks bordering Pacific Coast Highway into a parking co mplex. Pacific Coast Highway wi!l be moved in· land and tht highway rlghl-olrw.,..will, revert to the city as the adjoining prop- erty owner," the councilman explained. ·'L'nder the Parking Authority law, 2S percent of lhe total parking area can be leased for commercial use," Dr. Kauf- man continued. •·r>eve!opmcnt must be under an <Julhorlty otherwise individual property owners can build ~mall, uneconomical stores on 25-foot frontage lots, and what have you got. "The parking proposal i.~ the second step to an impo rtant overall development plan," the councilman concluded. 2 Wounded Over Ohio T1·uckStrike YOUNGS'rO\VN, Ohio (UPI) -One person was shot to death and at least two others were wounded Tuesday when 50 carloads or Teamsters Union members allempted to escort a strike-breaking caravan of trucks into the ReJ)ublic Steel Corp. plant here. · Police said several other persons were tnjured by bricks and bottles when the Teamsters, members of Local 377, were met at lhe plant gales by 140 striking in- dependent steelhaulers. Police, who used tear gas in an attempt to break up the mclee, sid the .c;teelhaulcrs wielded baseball bats, rocks and guns. Between 100 and JSO shots. were fi red during the outburst, which lasted abou~ a half hour, police said. The wounded and injured were taken ltt Southside Hospital. The Teamsters apparently attempted to break a 12-day stri ke by the in- dependent haulers against Stoney' s Trucking Co,, which delivers steel for Republic. Police said Bl least one truck wa~ 11et afire and the ca r of Teamsters oUicial John Angelo wa~ set ablaze. The Youngstown police riot squad fonowed the T ~arrlsters to the plant and \\'ere at the scene whtn the violence erupted . Mahoning County Judge Forrest Cavalier earlier TueJClay iBSUed an in· junction prohibiting interference with trucks entering and leaving the plant. The strike, which has been punctuated by violence. began Oct. 17 when one of the drivers for Stoneys \\'IS suspended for receiving several traffic citations. Stork Jtlarkeu NEW YORK (APl-The stock market declined slighUy in moderate trading thi• afternoon. (See quotat.ions. Pagea 10-11). Affected are five blocks between 6th and Lake streets and five acres or Hun- tington Beach Company property east of Lake inland to Allanta Avenue. The public is invited to attend the session at which CSC members will ii· lustrate their proposals with maps, draw. ings and photographs. Noise Unaffe~ted The committee v.·ill ask the council lo order further, detailed st11dies on the down town area to determine exact costs and financial feasibility of progressive steps to modernize. lhe area. ILS Only Guides Aircraft The city council is faced "''ilh three choices. acc-".lrding to the thinking of the. CSC committee : -Adopt the Parking Authority plan as outlined. -Move into a program nf urban renewal for the entire downtown area. tThis would mean clearing a huge area in the old business section, buying up all the property and selling it back to new developers or the rormer landowners. The area has been designated as "blighted" by the federal agency of Housing and Urban Development). -Do nothing at all, leaving the <lowntown area as it is. Councilman Henry Kaufman , a. vigorous proponent of d owntown redevelopment has called the CSC plan ··;i ~ood one." ' "It is good because eventually the Anybody who thin ks Orange County Airport's new instrument landing system \ ILS) will reduce jet aircraft noise ""is being misled ." Newport Beach City Coun· cihnan Donald A. !>'le Innis said Monda y. ~Iclnnis. who rcprc.~ented the city al the unveiling of the $110,000 air traffic control system last week , said JLS has nothing to 00 with noi se aba temen t. What ILS does, Mcinnis explained, is provide electronic guidance to aircraft so Uiey can use I.he .airport in all kinds of weather. "It will result in greater safety for planes," he said, "and will result in more flights ." He noted that last year Air California and Air West ha d 40 fewer in· coming fl ights than scheduled at County Airport because of fog shutting down the facility , Termed ''a n Invisible highway," IL..5 utilizes very high frequency radio beams Mail Staff Helps Carrier Pay Wife's Medical Bills More than 200 Huntington Beach postal employes today are seeking aid for a 4ellow mail carrier and his wife. The couple in need , Monte and Cara Ramey of. Huntington Beach. fa ce finan- cial hardship because of Mrs. Ramey 's medical e•penses. More than $300 ha s been raised among aroa mail carriers to help offse t the cost of Mrs. Ramey 's two-week stay in Orange County Medical Center. She. Is a diabetic and SlJffers from defective kidneys. One is not fu nctioning and the Qlher is deteriorating. say Ramey 's friends. Qn top of her kidney ailment. Mrs. Ramey, 32, is currently suffering heart trouble, says mail carrier Peter S. 1}.araisu. chairman of the post a I ~ployees' recently established "Ramey F"und ." Monte Ramer normalJy carries mail in the Huntington Harbour area, but before his wife was hospitalized he .waa working orr and on while trying to care for her at home. Her condition ha1 been poor for about 60 days, says Barazsu, Saturday and Sunday the postal <'mployes are hold ing a garage and bake sale at 17391 Avalon Lane, in •n effort to earn money £or future medil:al costs and possibly a kidney transplant -if doctors sav one is possible. ''We need_ people to come and buy Items," says Ba razsu, "and we abio need dona tion o( used articles to sell ." For in· formation call Barauu at 84&-1104 or ?\-1rs. Florence Johnson at 842·2695. Monetary contributions may also be mailed to "Ramey Fund," P.O. Box 1015, Huntington Beach, Ca"l!(. 92647. "He's been carrying this load alope for .-long time," e.xplalns· Barazsu, "we felt ' H was time·:wmebodY helped him." to guide planes to 1ouchdo1~""· regardless. of we3ther conditions, int·luding fog. fl..1clonis noted thal the DAILY PILOT last \\'eek quoted Airport Director Robert Bresnahan to the effect that ILS would please th e Harbor Arc<1"s anti-noise fa c- tions. Bresnahan said it would allow ap. proaching aircraft to come in over ()Qver Shores at 700 feet instead of 400 feet as in pre·ILS days. 1\-fclnnis said this is true, but he pointed out that the Dover Shores direction it seldom used by incoming aircraft, "OnTJ in Santa Ana wind conditions do I.hey ny over there and those condi tions are verJ rare," he sald . ''So anybody who thinks TLS will automatically reduce noise is belna misled ." Orange Coast Weather . Wednesday's weather picture re- mains gloomy, despite a. couple sunny hours in the afternoon which won't be able to advance the mer· t'Ury past &4 along the coast. INSIDE TODAY President Nixon hasn't }or · gotten the tolenta th.at niade him a tough political irr.fiQhter and he mny 11ow be abo1't to take off his glove.t. f>age 12. c1rue"'1' 1 ,,.,vi., t Cl1n1,... lf·U Mwt.al ,...., ti (tlOllCI 1J ....... ..... ... en-...... ,,, ,, Or .... c..ty •. o..n, "''""' • lrlvl• """"" ti ' O!"tc~ I iftfh t .. lJ '"""" I'-4 l"'dr ~ l•U ... .,,......... ' ,....,....... ti ,....._, 1•11 ,,.,...,, ' ...,._ u ... ,..... • .....'" ........ tJ .._ ...... ,i ~ ... " .............. .. Matr'"9 Llnol-I w-.·1 ..... ltl4 --. }_. , I J. --. -------~ ----------------~-------------------------------------- Z DAI LY Pl\OT " Tu1adty, October 28, 1%9 Reds to Tell of POWs U.S. Peace Group to Be Gi ven Names PAJlllS (U PI)-Norlh \iietnam ese dip- lomats confirmed report s today they \\'Cre prepared to supply information on Amer- ican prisoners Of war to a 1nilitant, v_s, anti·war oraan1zation, {Related story, Page 5.) But they did not say they would supply the full list of the ca pti~·es to the organ· izallon call ed the "New Mobilization Comml tt ee to End the War in Vietnam. Attorney \Villiam Kunstler tol d news- men in Chicago Monday after wl':ekend talks with 1-tanol peace conference dele- gates that he believed the mobllizatlon committee soon would get the names of American prisoners and that Hanoi was ~1 Love Dim' ready to "draa'l.ically ertend the flow ol information." North Vietnamese offirials insisterf tha t !here was no change in I!anoJ's ''humanitarian policies towards pr isone rs of war," Th ey said that Xuan o~nh, the Hanoi de legation's public relalions of/1- cer, explained th e policie.~ to Kunstler in a two-hour !.'Ilk in which thl": convrr~J Lion ranged y,·Jdely over Lhe whole \'iel- namese problem. Oanh has promised to Kllnstlcr th:i t. the mobilization committee 1vould gPt information on the prisoners if it we re available. the informants sairl. Norlh Vietnamese delegates In recent weeks promistd groups or Americans totaling 22 persons they would be 1up- plied "''ith Information on th l':lr m !~~ing sons and husbands if 1L were availa ble. Kunstler visited Par is on behalf of David Delllngrr and nennard Davis, ·who belong to the m.obiliza 11on committee. He is rrprrscnting them in a Chicago trial rfls111ting from demo nstration:-; during the 1!!6.1 Democratic national conven tion. The North Vietn amese auth orities, Y.·ho consider the U.S. soldiers "aggressors," have so far firmly turned down all offi· ria l and private American pleas to release the compl ete prisoner list and to allo w an international control of the POW camps. Girl, 15, Shoots Boyfrie.nd By ARTHUR R. VINS EL o r 1h• oeJ11 ,.1101 s11u Hurt over a lovers' spat, a 15-year-old girl stole a gun !'>·1onday to force her boy[riend to listen to her side, then shot h!m during· the confrontation in their Costa Mesa apartment. Unfamiliar with Orange County, the girl then drove aimlessly up the Newport Freeway, with the wounded youth, hun-- ting a !lgn directing them to a hospital, but final ly stopped to a.st: for help in Statewide Ban Extended On Shell£ ish The annual state\1•ide shellfish quaran· tine. which usuall y extends from May l to Oct. 31 each year, has been extended indefinitely, Dr. John R. Philp, Orange County Health Officer, said toda y. The ban forbids the taking and eating of mussels, osyter s and the dark meat of clams along the en tire coast of California. However, the shellfish may be used for bait, Phil p said. Mussels, oysters and clams fttd off a type of tiny water cirganism that is harmful to humans v.·hen eaten, It ls the same cirganism that crea tes the "red tide" effect, a reddish hue that can be setn on the ocean at night during the months of May through October. ThP. little orga!l isms usuaHy disappe ar fro m coa~tal waters by the end of Octobtr. but this year,. the plankton is still plentiful Dr. Philp said. Philp said he doesn't kno\v why the nrganisms have cho sen to stay around the wa ters of the Orange Coast. "I don't thi nk anybody re111ly know:i the answP.r.'' he said. "It relates to the temper ature or the ""ater." But, for y,·ha tever reason. laboratory te.sts conduct.ed by the state health department have shown that the poison 1s: stiU.present in shellfish samples. n~ ban on eating shellfish taken from Orange Coun1 y and California coastal waters will continue until further notice, Philp said. Ho1 v's That, Mr. Vice Pr ez? \VASHINGTON iC Pl\ -\'ir e Pre~i rl ent Spiro T. Agnew spake at a I)(!frn~e Depa rtment c1>remnny Tufr.day . His pr epared te)[t had hinl ~ayini;: at nne point: "No public figure has gone rlown in history ror saying give me E'Conomy or gi ve me dea th '' As delivt red, it came. oul: "Nn publi~ figure has gone down in history for shouling give me liberty or give n1c ~onomy !'' DAILY PILOT ll:ob,·I M W.ed F'rn·~•~' 11r.a "ubll•"" J o e~ JI:. Cu<l•y y,I! r r,.•O<"' ond C·~~1~1 I.'•~·~' T~o ..,•• Ke eY:I {.4"~' Tho"'I' A. Mu•ph:r o M1n1~1r9 Editor ,..1.,,,, w. n., •• , Ji,uod o!• i;d1•or "•"''""" '"'" Offl<• l09 !lh Shiel M1ili119 A4cl r111: P.O. l or 79~, 926•1 Otlltr Ottlc" ...... lff(h' ?111 W_,! llolMI lll!Yltvt r• (.on;!• MC11: J.)ll Wc•I II•' llrto! lffUlll 111..:~; n l Fort•1 ••t~UI ,. An aheim. Both frightened at the prospect of being separated aft.er six months togethe r, the girl and the 20-year-old victim al so in- vented a fi ctitious story which police quickly eliminated. The girl, who ran away from her Los Angelei. home las t May, broke down and Wld Huntington Beach police detectives Gil Veine and Donald Jenkins the real circumstances of the near-tragedy. "I wouldn't do" anything to hurt hitn," she wrote in a lengthy statement before being admitted to Orange County Juvenile Hall on charges of assault with intent to commit murdtr and burglary. The victim, Mario F. ''Fe) i pe '' Pasapera, was listed in satisfac tory con- dition today at Anaheim Memorial Ho5pit.al following surge ry for removal of the bullet Investigators: said lie was lilt i11 11ic arm by 1\·hat appears lo be 1l .38 calibr r ~lug that tra veled on around throLJgh the flesh and lodged in his bac k .. The ~irl look h11n I() /\n,1hri rn J\1cmorial J-lospital after :-;topping 10 cisk directions en rout e fro1n the i;hooting scene at 240 Sicrk s St., Costa ll1csa. Hospital aLJthori tie s were told the you th was wounded in Huntington Beach as an initi al dodge, so detectives Veine and .fenkins were dispal rl1cd 10 lnve&tigate the case. The teenage r -distrau ght o\·er y,•hat had happened -finally lost her com· posure and told th£ Huntington Beaeti detecth·es what really occur rrd and \\'·here. Authorities sald th~ girl kne\v th e oc· cupant of an a.dJaceiit apartment kepl a gun and decided to USC' it tl}n fo rer Pi.sa11era.to lisren to her side ol a {IUar· re l over past rom ances. "f love him with all my heart," said the petite runawa y, \\'ho will face juvenile tourt proceedings v.·ithin a y,·eek or 10 days. "I don't know anything aOOut guns," she explained, adding that she cocked the we apon while aiming from 10 fee t away. because she thought that prevented it from firing. The girl said she didn 't realize her finger was even on the trigger until the blast sent Pasapera crumpling to the kitchen floor and she knew he wasn't fak- ing blood on the carpet. Drug Car e Plan Urged by Doctor SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -The direc.- !rir or the Jlaight·A.~hbury Clinic told a I lousl' Comn1i!lel' r-.tonday the fcd er<1l go1·ernme nl is willing to provide fullds to Identify ihe problem of tll!\t.e abuSI'!, hut 'viii provlde nothing once lhe problem is cle11rly defined. "Well, hell. the need is as plain as the nose on you r face," said Dr. Roger C. Smith , who called for hospital facilities for ru:utc <lrug cases and then small lrea tment facilities on a nei ghborhood basis for out-patients. Smith was among the fin<1l witnesses at :i Four-d ay hearing of the house select ron1n1i1tec on crime , Y.'hi ch is in- vesligating drug abuse in the U.S., especially among teenager~. None of the y,·itoesses durin g the four-Oay session was under 25 years of age. Trapped in Cr((sft Rescue \\•orkers prepare lo free \\lil bur D_. .Rankl1.1 , 38, So~J\h Laguna from his overturned J\1ustang after coll1s1on this. mo rni ng a t 18th Street and ~1onrovia Avenue 111 Costa i tesa. Rankin. 2108 N. Ronda Granada, V.'as freed after 30 n11n utes by fir emen u ~inJ.r metal sa\v to cut away car roof. OAILY ,ILOl Si.tt '°h•N AT THE SCENE -Leary famil y defen se attorneys K. McMillan (plaid coat) during tour of Woodland George Chula, Robert Law and Marvin Cooper Drive Monday afternoon . Al right is (:hula's office ( from 1 eft} discuss point with Su peri o:..rc..:.J:..ud:::gec•:.::B,_Y:..'o:..n _ _:m_a_n_a_,g"e_r;_, _J_am_e_s_A_1_o_rr_i_so_n_.c.( b_e_a_r_d_, _d_a_r k.....=g_I a_s_s_es_)_. _ Judge Surveys Leary Drug Arrest Scene As the legal protagonists in the Timothy Leary hearing were surveying woodsy, run.down Woodl1'nd Drive in Laguna Dt>ach ~londa y, :in unrxpecte~'I figu re became l'ery much in evirlcnce. J ud,'!e Byron K. il1cilf illan, who must rule in his superior court y,·hether nar· cotiC"s seized from the Leary station wagon are admissible as evidence, was surveying the street and homes along vdth four attorneys. They were chatting casually when a youth with long black hair popped out of one of the aging residences and shrieked. "I know 1'm out of "iight and I don"l have to go to jail to prove it." He st rodl': past the group. A li!tll': girl ran up to him. Ht': picked her up. An other young man embraetd both see ming t(J offer comfort. Ont of the young Tntn called out In " hoarse voice, "It's all right, there's no more hate." .Judge r-.tc~1 il!an and !hf' atlo rneys v:atched and listened and then \\'ent on v.·ith thei r discussion. \Vith Mc~1illa n were George Chu la, atto rney for Dr. Leary : Marvin Cooper. representing Leary's son, John: Robert Law, a!tClrney for Leary's wife, Rose- mary: and pro se c ut or Martin J . Heneg han, red-haired deputy distr ict attorney. The group was studying the street and terrain in regard to discrepancies in tes· timony about where the Lea ry station wagon was parked-legally or in mid- 11treet-lhf" night a Laguna Beach police officrr arrested the trio of Learys. Valley Woman Wins AFS Prize 111 Hunting ton ~Trs. Anita Dietz, 9256 Daisy Al'e .. Fountain Valley, ~-as· winner of the 101> pri1e given at the recent AFS White Tag Sal e at 11lf'!iMton Center in Huntington Beach. - The prize, a brand-new 1969 'Toyota C('rolla. is now in Mrs. Dietz' driveway. l t v.·as donated to the American Field ~er\·icc, Huntington Beach Union High School District chapter, by the }lutt- lin(lton Cent er t-.1erchants Association and Bill ~1ax ey Toyota of Huntington Beach _ For ~el'eral clays high school student!' ~nit! ';whjtr tags" for $1 each, 1\·hlch en- titled the bea rer to a 10 percent disco11nt on 1nerchand ise and a chance or \\'inning 1h(' Toyota. Prnfits from !ht \Vhite T:ig Sale are us· fd !:) i)rovidr fund s for bringing forei gn !':<change students lo the dis trict's fil'I? liigh schools. Patrol Finds No Bribe to Rhodes COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) -The Ohio Highway Patrol reported today it found no evidence that money was offered or paid in connection '"'Ith the commutation of fonner Toledo mobster Thomas (Yon· nie) Licavoll 's conviction. Gov. James A. Rhodes commuted the fir st-degree murd t'.'r con viction of 1he sg- in~ cr..,vict lo second-degree murder, His action was questioned in a story prlnted by Life magazine la st May and Rhodes subsequently ordered I he High~·ay Patrol to probe the entire Licavoli matter. Despite the commutation, the 65-ytar· old LicavoU failed to obtain a parole:. He conlinues to 1e:rve a liie term 11t Ohio Penitentiary for fOIJr gangland style murders in Toledo 36 years ago. Seeks. Legal Help Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Counsel By T0,1 BARLEY 01 tt\I 01111 Pilot Sten Orange County Assessor And rr1v .T. Hinshaw 1od ay tO{lk his fe ud v:itl1 Counly C.:iuns<'l Adrian K11yper to !hr Fou rt11 District Court of Appeals in San Bernardino. His !2~-page br ie f asks that the ap- pellate bench order the Ora nge County Soutl1 to Release 2 4 Communists On National Day SAIGON (UPI) -South vttilf,m sn- nourictd Tue!lday'lt will rele~e~f.I· Com- munist war pri!Oners on Wednesda y. Communiques reported a continuing bat- l!e lull but a terror attack on the ctnlral highlands killed eight persons and 1l'ound- ed 43. A Saigon announcement on the release of the Communist POWs followed by two days a National Liberation Front broad - cast which said the Viet Cong planned to fre e three captured Americans. There has been no furthe r word on the American prisoners, and a South Viet- namese spokesman did not give a reason for the release or the 24 Communists. But Friday is So uth Vietnam's Nationa l Day and in previous years the occasion ha s been ma rked by the release of war pril'flners as a goodwill gesture. National Da y commenorates t h P overthrow of the South Vietnamese go1'ernmcnt headed by Presidenl Nga Din h Diem on Oct. 31. Hl63, in a coup d'etat that resulted In his assa ssina tion 111 the largest 11ar action in\·o]\'ing American lroops repor\c(l Tuesd ay. L'.S. infantryn1en riding Nal'y patrol bo~ts tr<1pped a force tryi ng lo ford l/lc Saigon River and kil led 14 Communist soldiers Y.'ilh bursts of machi ne gun fir e. Spokesmen said the acti on short ly before da \1111 26 miles northwest of Saigon res ulted in no American casualties. The terror attack on the highlands CIC· curred Tuesday niorning when a fragmentation grenade y,·as thro\\·n Into a market place near Phu Cat about 260 miles northeast of_ Saigon. All of the dead :ind \vound ed v.·ere identified as South Vielnamese. Officials said six suspects \1·ere arres!t'.'d, floard of Supervisors lo provide him with a priratC" la11)·er in his spat \1'ith Kuyper -a re-quest th at has been supported by the Or:ini;r County I ;r;1nd .Jur:: and denied by Ilic su pcr1 isurs. Hinshaw today repcJ1cd ea r 11 l': r cha rges 1ha t a conflict of interest exists between Lhe l\\O county olfici a!s. H<' aga in co ndc1nncd what lie c a 11 e rl "Kuyper's unct11!ed fo r interefe rencc in assessment 1naltrrs <ind his refusal to even discuss such 1natters \Vilh n1e .'' A prime iss ue in the dispute is the board's cancellation o! taxes on Upper Bay land transferred by the Irvine Com- pan y to th e county in excha nge for nea rby county territory -t1 cancellation that Hinshaw has consistently re1'Clscd to accept. That dispute figures prDminently in the Hinsha\v brief togetht;"r 1\'llh reprints of r~enl Grand .J ury tes timony resulting from the 1lppcar<1 nce of both count y cif- fic1als befor e the 1 n\C~t1gati1·e panel. Hinshaw par1 1ctilarl.v al(acked a lette r Kuype r wrote to county ~Llpervi~ors last .1l1ly :rn in which the county counsel rap- pcrt' llin shn w·s rrf11~:il to cancel 1h~ lrvint'.' taxes as ''bring an <irg1unent \vithout nierit " anr1 asked Lhc boa rd 1.1 order Hi nshaw lo 1<lkC' the required ac- 1100. Jlinsha w today sai(I he supplied the ap· pellate court ·1vith the e)[tract of Grand Jury testln1ony lo stre~s lhe fact that Kuyper wrote his Jetter and made his stand before the board "aft er con· sultations with the !r\-ine Company." Bitter Hearing On Sn1 og See n LOS A:'\GELES !AP) -Law}rrs frQ111 across tl)e nati on prr<l trl a b1tle rly con- (('Str(I hrar i11.~ n1;er the .Ju s \ice /Jrp:irtn1l'nl's nio1(' to :;rlllr out of court the go1crn111cn1's <i11\1·sn1og su11. ag1linsl 111a1or aut o makers. lJ. S. Dist. Court Judge .Jcs~e \11_ Cu r!ls, will condu ct ihc hearing at which lhc Justice Dep<lrlml'n l \Vill seek a con· senl decree for 1he out-of-cm1rt get· tlement. Today was the opening day. The. decree is opposed by regional 11ge11cies from throughout the nation. Al least :in attorneys 11·ere prepared lo offer argu1nt'.'nt.~ ;i gainst it. FAA P1·obi11g Pla11 e C1·a sl1 I11volvi11g Valle y Couple Federal Aviation Adminisfration of. lici als are looking into the circumstances surrounding Sunday's crash landing in Cerrito!! of a lig ht plane flown by a Fou n· lain Valley couple. Reports that pilot Jerry Bush was v.·av· ed off Orange County Airport and Fullerton Municipal Airport because of fog, then ran out of gas on his way to Long Stach, have spawned the FAA Investigation. "At this point it doesn't appear thal there \\'as anything irregu lar," an FAA spoke~man said this morning in Long Be3Ch. Bush. 3~. and his wife Sandra. JI . or 9175 PoinsetHa Lant, Fountain Valh~v escaptd \\'iU1out . inju ries '"'hen ht wii~ forced to bring his plane dov.'n in a Cer- rit os cow pasture. The Cessna-150 fl ipped over when ll hit a fence. The couple was returning to Orange Col!nly Airport from Palm Springs "'hen thC"y were informed that heavy fog re- qui red an instn1ment, rather lhan visua l, landin g, for which Bush's plane was not equipped. Bush then headed for Fuller1rin Municipal Airport where he was &iven virtually the same information . Control tower officials at Fulle rton 1ay Bullh nev er told them he was low on gas or they would have immediately given him Instructions for landing. FAA regula · tions require any plane in an emergenry t'lltuation lo have first opportunity to land. Orange County Airport officials are referring questions to th~ FAA office in Long Beach. f AA investigators listen('d to tapes of tower-lo-pl ane co nversations !i.1onday from both airports. The FAA spokesman said the tapr~ wn11 ld be heard again, "l n more detail'" and a written report from Bush v1oult'f al"O be studied when presented. "The investigation n1ay take tv.·o flr lhree weeks," said the spokesma n, ··h11! it doesn't appear tha t any indication of an enle.rgency sit uation was given to eHht-r airport.'' Neither Bush nor l1i~ \\'ife \vcrc avail- :lble fnr comment today. ' • Cuts Slated At 2 County ·Air Bases Subjects of vital importance to t~ future of Los Alamilos Naval Air Station and El Toro Marine Air Base were touch· c:d upon Monday by the nation'! Chief of Naval Operations in a press conference. Arlminal Thomas H. Moorer,. speaking at Los Alamitos said; -Personnel cuts would be made at Et Toro and Los Alamitos as 1:1 r esult in the ~lash in military spending announced f.1onday by Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. -Talk of the closing of Los Alamilo.! <Jr consolid<ition wilh El Toro are only in the study stages. -The effect of the spending cuts on the proposed 600·acre expansion of Los Alamitos is a matter of Navy budget con· sideration. Adminal Moorer said cuts in personnel at the two Orange County naval in· st:i.llations would not be large and would he spaced over a period of time. He said they would come in reduction of full-time civi lian and active duty military person- nel at the hases. J-fe said they would not affect levels or \v~kend reserve training programs at Los Alamitos. Admiral Moorer admitted that Los Alamitos is one of 88 military in· stallations in a 10-st.ate area being CQn- sidered for closing or consolidation, but added, "It's only in the study stage. There's nothing specific." A Navy study, called Project Wire, Is currently in process t9 investigate the c-losing or consolidation of milit.ary in· i;tallations. A report is expected within 18 months. On the proposed expansion of Los Al:imitos which is being opposed by the ci1ies or Cypress, Stanton and Seal Beach, Ad1ninal Moorer said, "\Ve don't have the fiscal 1970 budget yet. It's sti!l bring considered by Congress." J-\e repeated prior statements by Navy (Jfficials that the Los Alamitos base is operational ly safe despit:: transition to more powerful jet planes for reserve training. Justices Discuss Kopecl1ne Probe BOSTON (AP) -Five juslices of the Massachusetts Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors today and it wa;o; believed that they devoted at least part of their session to the issues that have stall- ed an inquest into Ma ry Jo Kopechne's death. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. In whose car Mi ss Kopechne died, and other pro- spective "''itnesses at the inquest are ask- ing thal the high rourt close the p_ro· ceetling to the publi c, lo determine whether the state's inquest slalule is con- stitutional, to allow attorneys for Kt::n• nedy and the others to call or cross-ex· amine wltnesses and raise objection:!, and lo bar Edgartown District Court J udge James A. Boyle from presiding at the session. The meeting of the justices is not an extraordinary sessian. They regularly meet on the last Tuesday of each month ti) discuss cases still awaiting a ruling. Yachtsman 'Paco' Dies in Mexico Francisco cle la ?-.lacorro. widely kno"''ll among Orange Coast yachtsmen as '·Paco"', died Monday at ~is home 'in Mexico City. Reports fron1 t.1exico say he died of a heart attack. Paco was instrumental, along 'W·ith .11. group of Southern California yachtsmen, Clr starting the San Diego to Acapulco race in the earlY 1950s. He ~·as also one (lf the founders of the Nuevo Club de Yates of Acapulco. fie is surviv ed by hiit ~·idow Consuelc.. Paco had ju st returned lo Mexico from Cali fornia where he attended the Tinsley Island cruise of the St. Francis Yacht Club. Ski Instructor To Visit Mesa Ski Instructor f.fike Hugh~ will vi~it Sears South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., today through Saturday. He will be available in the. ski shop lo assist customers in selecting proper equipment and clothing and to answer their questions about skiing techniques, safety tips and care of equipment Hughes has his own i;kl school tn Powder Hill. Conn . .11.nd is an in!'ittuctor at Othmar Schneider's Ski School in Portillo, Chile. MUTUAL FUNDS INTERRUPTED Because. or tran smission difricultie!I between the West Coast and New York City, half of the mutual fund littings for Mond ay were not rereived by the DAIL V P ILOT. Mutual funds missing from the repcrt on Page 10 are UlO!le from knickerbocker through Worth. Off on Sea of Matri1nony WHY, HIS BRIDE -DELIVERED BY PUNTING AND SCULLING SOCIETY'S COMMODORE DICK SHAW For COlta Me11 '1 Christie Martin, A W1ddin9 March Up the Gengplenk MAGAZINE EDITOR JERRY MULLER , BRIDE TOAST EACH OTHER IN CAPTAIN'S CABIN Aft1r Wedding Saturday in Newpart H.11.rbor Turning Balin, A Lake Tahoe Hontymoon Stiner Brothers Draw Life Terms for Murder A pai~ of brothers arflliated v.·ith a militant Afro-Ameri can organization - already convicted oi a $4 ,000 Snnta Ana holdup involvlng gunplay -today face formal life sentences for inurdcr. George Stiner, 23, and Larry Sliner, 22, v:crr. ordered to state prison Monday by L<is Angeles County Superior Court Judge ~ta!('1)!m Lucas. while a third defendant ·s case, was continued. The Stincrs, members nr the US organization, v.·ere convicted of C<m· .!<piracy to commit murder and two counts of second degree murder, along with a younger US cohort. Judge Lucas po~tponed the case of Donald Hawkin~. 20, until Nov. 17 lo establish whether the Caliromia Youth Authority will accept him in a detention program, or ii he gM.s directly to prison. The Stiners and Hawkins -along with two other men still sought -were in· vn lved in the murder of two Black Panlher Party members last Jan. 17 on the UCLA campus. John Huggins, 23, and Alpren lice "Bunchy" Carter, 26, were guT)ned down after a meeting· of black students in· volv~d in a power st ruggle. over choice of a UCLA black studies program director. The sn1aller tis group tend s toward Afric<i-orien(cd p h i l o~ n p h 1 es and sepHratist terldcnrles, while the Black Jl<Jnthers <Jre n1ore concerned with organizing and 1n1proving America·s ghettoes. Claude 11ubert, :u. and Harold Jones, 19, have been at large since the UCLA bloodbath which resulled in a wholesale roundup of bolh US members and Panthers. The Stiner brother.s were sentenced to Lerms of IS yea rs to life in prison - guaranteeing 10 yea rs' hard time at least -in Orange County Superior Court lasl March. They had been implicated in the $4 ,000 holdup of the Halladay Inn , just one year ~fore, in which one bar patrc.n w<is shot in the stomach and left squinning on the ll0or. They were then returned to Los Ange les l-0 face the UCLA murder raps along with Hawkins and a\J three waived a jury tri al on the penalty phase after I.heir conviction. Tall Oub Hosts Halloween Party Some of the t.illeo;t people ln Orange Counly -will be gctting together from a p.m. to 2 a.m., Saturda y, at the American Legion Hall in Newport Beach f11r a Halloween Party. Members of the Tall Club Clf Orange Cour:ty (6' 2"' or taller for mrn, S' 10" or up for wo1nen) are sponsoring the lj)O(lky event. A donat.ion of $1.50 ·will be .11.c- ceptcd al the door. Prizes for the. best costumes "'111 be awarded. and Tall Club memben have opened the party to short people and friends:. For furt her Information call M7-31tl {Wal! Grt.be) or 531-6648 (Jan Allen). Libya Foriually Tells U.S. to Close Airbase DAMASCUS (AP)-The Libyan gov· ernment has served formal notice it wants the U,S. Wheelus airbase near Tr ipoli evacuated by Dec. 24, 1970, the Libyan News Agency reported today. This is t.he expiration date for the agreement allowing the base on Libyan soil. ' f ' Tu~$dir. October 28, 1%~ H DAIL V PILOT 3 Smog Control Most on Council Back Plant Ban A majority of the Huntington Beach cl· ty councilmen favor a moratorium on conslruction of fossil fuel power plants, Mayor Jack Green announced today following an informal poll. Green said the council Ui backing the .i.ction of lhe Orange County Board of Supervisors who called for a moratorium las t week. Huntington Beach ha s become the bat- tleground in the tight against smog, the mayor noted, since Uie Sou l her n California Edison Company announced plans for a $179 million erpansion of the existing steam plant on Pacific Coast Highway. Edison wants to add two steam generating plants to the existing two and triple the power output of the racility. "Despite a possible increase. of $700,000 in property taxes to the city from the proposed plant expansion, we feel we should back the supervisors and the state Environmental Quality Study Council committee in asking for a moratorium until answers to the smog problem are found," Green said. ''The hearing Oct. 16 in Huntington Beach clearly demonstrated that smog has not been conquered," the mayor ad· ded. "Tbe clty feels that clean air is worth safeguarding and until we are assured that further power plants will not add to air pollutlon we must insist that no more be built. ''The local hearing proved that this malter of smog is highly complex and that the answers are not political, but rathtr technical." Green added that during a moratorium scientists must attack the problems of air pollution with the same or increased enthusiasm they have shown In solving the problen1s of getting to the moon and back. "In asking for a moratorium we are suggesting a crash program to solve smog problems," the mayor said. "Perhaps the dialogue aver smog and steam plants will acce lera te perfection in U1e use ot nuclear fuels for safe, clean production of electric power. ~n we will experience the progress we koow must continue in order to keep Orange. County a fit place in which to live." Haircut Prices Going Up In Southern Coast Shops By RICHARD P. NW. Of 11tt O.I" Plitt Steff Haircut price! will climb from $2.50 tG $3 In many of the southern Orange Coun~ ty barber shops. Master barber Anthony J . Mata no of Anthony's Barber Shop, 1088 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, announced the hike today after a recent meeting of area barbers. Matano said the price hike will be ef- fective in some barber &hops Saturday and will ~gin ln others Tuesday. Most shops are. cl05ed Mondays. The recent barbers meeting, said Matano, included barbers from Laguna Beach, South Laguna, San J u an Capistrano, El Toro, Mission Viejo, Dana Poinl, Laguna Hills and San Clemente. Matano and Ken Westmoreland, 20 Monarch Bay Plaza, South Laguna, "'ere co-<::bainnen. Matano estimated that 75 percent of the area barbers will go along with the price hike. lie said Corona de\ Mar barbers had raised their prices earlier. Mata no estimated there are ZS to 30 shops and 75 to JOO barbers serving the 50Uth county area from. Laguna to San Clemen te and inland. HI: conceded that so me won't go for the hike, noting that one San Clemen~e barbtt ad vertises $2 haircuts and hair cutling on Sundays. Matano said there are i;even shops in Laguna wlth 13 or 14 barbers. He said he ei-pected all but thret barbers to raise the price. In his own shop. Mataoo sald, the razor cut (no electrical equipment, all hand work ) will go up irom $3 to f4. The hair styling will remain t.he same, $'7.50. Hair styling is somewhat stylized 3mong lndivldu11l barbers. Mat.ano said some actually set the hair and It remain! Contributors Face Sentencing LOS ANGELES (UP I) -Thret savings and loan companies and .11.n advertising agency will be 1e.ntenced In U.S. district court Nov. 25 on charges of Ulegally con. tributing $50,026 to a candidate in the 1964 presidential election. The government did not disclose the name of the candidate. Home s3vings and Loan Association, Arrowhead Savings and Loan Associa· tlon, Continental Savings and Loan As$0Ciation and Galaxy Inc.. the ad- verti,ing agency now known aa Howfield lnc. pleaded guilty to the charge! Mon· day. The four companies are part of the late Howard F. Ahmanson's financial empire. Ahmanson died last year while an in· vestigation inlq the matter was In pro- cress. In place until washed. Matano cul! from the "cowlick" so that the haJr falls In the most natural position. Other styling techniques are used for persons with Ir· regular shaped he.ads or protru~ing earl. Malano said increased pr1ces .11.1e necessary because of increased costs t9 barbers from insurance to shampoo. He said the price of electric clippers went up $5 recently. Ma4tno expect~ some of the price.hiked shops wHI Jose business. "Some people are feeling the pinch and I feel sorry for these people. Nobody is going to down and threaten those barbers that want tG charge f2," Mat.ano said. Jayne Mansfield Death Damages Denied by Jury NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -PlalntiJrs seeking $8.7 million damage11 for the 1967 traffic death of Hollywood glamor queen Jayne Mansfield were thwarted Monday nigh t when a federal court jury dooied their claims against the city· of New Orleans, two truck drivers and various insurance companies. Miss Mansfield was killed In the early morning hours of June 29, 1967 when the car she was riding in crashed into the rear of a truck which had slowed down for a city mosquito fogging ~ehlne. Samuel Brody, Miss: Mansfield'l ' at· torney, and Ronald Harrison, the driver of the death car, were also killed in the accident. Plalntiffs in the case were Hungarian muscleman 11!ckey Hargltay, as guar- dian or his three children by Miss Mansfield: f.fat Cimber (Thomas Ot- ta viano), indif'idually and .11.s guardian of Antonio Oltaviano, his son by Miss f.1ansfield ; W.W. Pigue and Mary Pigue, guardians of the actress' daughter by her marriage to Paul Mansfield. and Brody"1 widow for herself and two children. The fede ral jury deliberated fi ve hours before finding the city of New Or\ean~. through its mosquito fogging machine driver James McClelland, was guilty Qf negligence, but was not the "proxima te cause" of the accident. The plaintiffs had said McClelland was operating the machine with a flashing red light in violation of the Jaw. The jury al.so ruled Richard Rambo, the driver of th~ truck which the Mansfield car struck, was not negligent. Th<: verdict said Harrison w a 1 negligent in not c<>ntrolling the Mansfield vehicle properly before it crashed into the truck. After the trial, insurers of Gus Stev~, 11: fo.1ississippi nightc lub operator who owned the car in which Miss Mansfield died, settled with each or Miss Mansfield's five children, agreeing to pay each af them a total o( $27,000 in damages. College Upholds Ousting Youth Aldrich: Daniel in Local Lions' Den E.11.rlier SW1pension of 1tudent Gary Berrlg11.n ror refusing to cut his long hair to comply with the dress code by the Sad· dle~ack College administration was upheld unanimously by college trustees litonday night. Fifteen students opposed to the dress cClde rule were present to support Ber· rlgan, 19, of Capistrano Beach, in his ap- peal. But trustees atood their ground. Sludent.s pre.sent apologized for the er- ror in their underground newspaper "Saddle Sore" which had charged the col· lege board with meeting illegaUy. "Saddle Sore" wu printed a! .an alternative student new!paper t o "Lariat" which the Jtudent government feels· is cemored. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... Doill'I' f'llft 11111 In an informal breakfast with the pra..11 th is morning UC Irvine's Dani el G. Aldrich Jr. di,11cussed the travails of be,. Jng a UC campus chancellor. He said he goes into meetings wi~ community organizations feeling pe<iple are daring hlm lo speak. And he said "'hen a note :i.ppcars on his riesk reque sting him to return a call from a newspaper reporter. he feels tense. But Aldrich. who is tall, handsome and ll:n exceptional speaker, says he never goes awa y from. his community al>' pearances wit h the same uneasy feeling. He said before. a' recent talk to a service club he was advised: "You know about Daniel and the lions' den." Aldrich said he replied, "I also learned to sing .11. song in Sunday: School -'Dare to be Daniel.' " Indicative of hls. lft.e:r-1·meeUng feeling Is his remembrance of a man 'ffho came up to him and Mid, ·"You're not a Socialist are you?" llis feelings after convtrsaUon with a newspaper reporter aren't always &G sanguine. And once his qudtes appear in print there are times he Is quite per· turbed. A centraJ county newspaptr this morn. ing headlined a story : "Aldrich Defends 4-Lctter Words." As one who has pubilcly dmsed down student.II. for using obscenities, Aldrich Is not a defe nder of four-letter word!. A reading of the sto ry showa be had defend· ed the student newspaper's freedom to use them. The quote is: "The campm newspaper l5 student run, pa.Jd for with student funds and mBBnt !or ltudent circulation.'' He goes on to say th.aflf he were to ttlt the sludent newspaper staff not to use them they probably would use them more Ulan ever. The chancellor says his quote in a story In Monday 's DAILY PILOT Is misleading. Questioned about • campus poster that shewed • per80n bending ever wtth • bare bottom, pasted on a pl.11.card carried by a picketer at hls home, Al<lrich said : "That Is something they had better talk to the Department of English about, I'm not doing anything." He 1ays he did not mean by the la.cit statement that be la unwilling to do anythlna about It. Ht meant he personally had nothing to do with creating the poster. Just as be personally has not used four-letter word!. His point ls that the university It not monolithic with all authority at the top. "The deicision to do it or not to do It comes right back to the individuals in- volved who function as citizens in th9 University system," he said. Alrdich did not amplify his short state- ment at the time because he was tense at getting the telephone call from the pren. The result: poor communlcaUon. AJdrlch f~Js th.at be and lhe UnJvenit, ar~ on the defense. "The community fean the campus ·~ the campus in turn fears the cwi/- munity," he !aid. '"This communicatlab gap Is one of the grut difficu!tla of our Ume." ,, ' ------~---~-~----.~...--...--.--.--.......,...._..-------------------------------------------. . . . . . . . f DAllV PILOT T11P$d1y, Oetobfr 28, 1969 'Dry Run' for Anollo 12 Countdow1i for 2nd M 001i Flight Successful ~.. cc-... .,. ... O.lly ""' 11ltfll ·~''· Mary Stiles handcuffed her· atli to the wrecking ball of a hoist aM refused lo budge Monday in a zercrhour attempt to save the old clock tower of the 81-year-old Grand Rapids, 1'.iich.. Ci ty Hall. 'ftle young brunette refused lo dis· Jodge herself from the ball until she was carried several feet into the air. She finally unhitched herself and was lowered to the ground. A group recently lost an effort in fed· era! court to preserve the old build· ing which is on land involved in an urban renew.al plan. • Mrs. Bertha Green of Whittle- sey, England has snipped rela· ~ tions with her son becau.se of his haircut. On a dare, 22-year-old Andrew had a barber h(llf scalp him, leaving anly an Indian tuft down the middle of his head. He wo~1 a ga/.lon of. beer from the venture. Said his mother Mrs. Green; "If I see him in the street, I turn the other way. I'm ashamed to be seen with him." • Cambridge University has a new ciining club named in honor of Har· i)d A. R. Kim Philby, the double agent who spied for the Soviets •hile a British intelligence officer. Philby was at Trinity College be-- tore graduating in the early 1930s. He fled to Russia in 1963 when about to be named as third man in the notorious Burgess-MacLean tpy scandal. Guy Burge11 is now dead. Philby and Donald Maclean IJ.ill live in Moscow. "We do not Consider Philby to have been a trai· tor," said 20-year-old Derek New· ton, chairman of the luncheon group which meets weekly at the Philby Club. "He exposed the way the old boy system works-the e:ys- tem that says just because you are 11t Cambridge you are a good guy." Newton described the club's mem, hers as "revolutionary Socialists." • Three-year-old Timmy Reuni11Q o/ Springfield, Ill. seems deeply en.- grossed as he receives instruction on his miniature vio/[11. T immy, who has ~«en taking les son.s for a year, is learning to piny by lhe Su211ki meth- ~d or ''b!I ear" without musical notts. 0 Jan Amor or Gayton, England, ma rried his bride on a stretcher Sunday and took his honeymoon in l hospital-alone. Ian, a 25-year· •Id naval O'fficer, fractured his 5pine in a c_ar crash seven days tgo. "We couldn't just postpone the "'edding,1' said Jan. "We'll take a real hOfleymoon as soon as I get 1etter. CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 12 sailed through a tr!al countdown today and took a major step toward lhe. Nov_ 14 etart of America's ~ond moon landing, 'Ille unmanned, but fully fueled Saturn 5 moon rocket reached a simluated blastoff at 8'ZS a.m. PST -three rnintues later than the time Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Bean are scheduled to take off. The test proceeded without a hitch up to the "T-minus 10 minute" mark when a lhree-mlnule delay Wll!I called to check a faulty fuel level reading in the booster. The problem was minor and a spokesman at the laundl control ~nter said the ex- ercise was a success. The countdown rehearsal, which ln- cluded virtually everything but the actual blastoff, was the last major test before lhe real Ctluntdown begins Nov. 8. Technicians working under the glow of powerful floodlights started the flow of Ii· qui d oxygen into the rocket's third stage before dawn. By 4:45 a.m. PST, all three stages of the Saturn S were loaded wilh o;o:ygen and liquid hydrogen, just as they would be on launch day. Not So Easy Rider With Astronaut Eugene Ceman 1ooki.pg on, Cosmonaut Georgy Bere- ovoy leans forward and grabs horns of "Charlie," a huge steer, dur- ing visit to the Grand National Rodeo and Livestock Show at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, Monday night. Maj. Gen. Beregovoy's com~ ment: "Never have I climbed up on such a thing." 35~000 Homeless Yugoslavs Desert Quake-torn City BANJA LUKA, Yugoslavia (UPI) - Battles between Yugoslav guerrillas and Nazi Invaders ruined this city during World War II. A devastating earthquake bas wrought the same tragedy now. Buildings have been leveled. Families huddle around bonfires fed with piece!I of &mashed furniture. Linea or refugees file from the smru1hed city. Anny troops and most of the able- b:xlied men of the Bosnian town of 60,000 persons are working day and night. dig- ging in the piles of masonry for more bodie.s from the shock Monday. City officials said 17 dead had been found and nearly 600 persons had been in- jured in the earlhquake. Not a building was left standing in !.he cen ter of the an - clent city. "I have the Impression 1 am in a city which suffered a bombardment,., said Premier MUja Rlbiclc, who reported perhaps 35.000 homeless. Most Cif the. thouaand.ol who camped in parks and fields had been there since before Monday's quake. They fled their homes when an earlier tremor struck Sunday . "The quake on Sunday was in a way a piece of luck in the midst of misfortune," a city official said. "It warned people and got them out of their homes. Therefore many lives were saved when Monday 's quake struck." It was the worst earthquake in Yugoslavia since one in J uly, 1963, killed l ,000 persons at Skopje. The only people left in the smashed city y,·ere rescue \vorkers, army troops, 11 few shopkeepers, policemen, government of. ficials and most o( the to'>\:n"s able-bodied men. Long lines of survivors formed outside the cfty at food and water distribution centers. Authorities \~·arned the Vrbas River had been poisoned by chemicals flowing from a damaged cellulo,.oie plant. There was no electricity. Bonfires fed V.'ith pieces Cif smashed furniture and handfuls Cif leaves provided the only way to cook or get warm. The quake was felt for at least 100 miles, particularly in Belgrade and Zagreb. Mercury Tumbles Into 30s La Crosse., Wis. Records Record Low Mark of 17 C'aliforrala MM! of SO...!~~·n C1llfornl1 111(1 -l'IY 1lol•I TocllY 11!Jr ... rly ....orr'llnl •l!d 11i. -Int clovd1 1<1<1 "" 1io... I,_ ~. OVllV Mrlll lo nM! .... 11 w~ ...,,._...., movnl1ln '"Ion•. Liii A..etn "-d morning trod 1v .. nl/111 low clOUdt 11'1<1 '""· bVI OT"-•· w!M 1114 """'11.,. 1...:1 w1rm1r ""'""· TJM hltll 11 Cl~lt Ctnlll'I' +. ~ -..-ct8d 19 be Ntr " 1t11r ~'I ll)tll fll 70, Ov.tnlthl lo"' ..... 1 ... -• Ont..... llltamlllonll A\P'llOH "''' c;,.... W Jet c:k>rlnt 1114! n!1111 tiu l _ _...,. -... 11nln•1rr11Ptll(I 11 lOI A.l..ies llllff?\1!1 ..... 1, H~IVWDOd·ll~•· WI>'* .... \1111 Nl/Yf f l.._11. Lltfll --• tor«ttl for ,,_ n n· l •t l .....i tnl1nd ""'~"" tA lh1 Lo• ,.,.,..._ ll•f!" Df ''" A!r f>ollvtlon c.ontr1t Dl1!r1ct. lMC!I ,,.., llN' Mrv ,,..,.....,n 1unatilnt 11'9• 1 f""1' mornl11t. wtlh 1111111 .... r .. Ind t!\41 -!jr 61 de- ¥1"MI. 11 Wll 'llOt!ht "'""" wl!h vlr• l1bl1 111111 cl-1 In tr.t MO\lf1!1ln1 Ind llftll1 In flll lfl)t. If "'"'" 1 .... 1>1 .. 09o,,, _,,,., w11 wn.,,I"" w!tll Vll'l11>IY 111111 clovda """ r..cilr>I• ,._. IO In ,,_ 11-¥1111'1'1 11'111 M in. low fOI In ti.. -v1llrl9. ....._ 1119'11 M<INMY 11'111 ftl'lct d "11fit todt' IMI~ ~ l H dl 1J. 71, '9t\lt Motllq ...... ki'?Mlfllt 7.J.11. Ml, Wiiton 61·1'. P1lm4itl1 11411, •Iv• 1 •ofd1 7Hll). P1tm s~''"" tMJ. II•• •11'1'1fl11d 1'·7ol. Sin (Ji.to "1·1' 11"11 •• ,,... ••'111•• '6-11. C'oatGI Mor.!!IN c!Guft -... wttl! .... , 11 .. !er""°" tunthlM . Lllht v••ltblt wliod1 n1vM Ind ....ornlflt .....,,.. bl(Of'r\lnt w•,.11'1'!¥ 10 lo 11 tf'IO" ln ,,....._.. !Od1y lr'ICI Wt(INICll¥, Hi,111 lodi>Y U.. Sun, ~loon, Tide• TUllDAV Soco...:i 111111 leccfl(J 1ow •~tt 1.m. of WlOMllOAY 'lrll Miii ............ ., 1:12 1.m. Jl '1rt! low .............. 4:C '·"'· 7 1 3"t<!lllCI hltft ........... 11:11 ...... l-S ktO!"OI low ,..,. ........ ];II 11.m, G.4 ""' llltH 4·!1'1 ...... , .... ,,o, ..... . ~ 111 ... 7, 14 ...... ~ ,,,, ....... . • 11.S. Summary " bl1'9;9' "' <'!Id •It ~OYlrwd ,,,. covntrv trtim ti.. lloctlll 10 ,.,. Allon- '" C•lt 1o<11y, MrMll~ l'tm~ruvr•• N"'bll1'19 11110 t~• Xh 11 l1r 1ov!ll 1 1 Ot;t1'Wlml •r>d A"•nMI. LI Cro1M. Wlo .. fKO<dt'd 11 do-- ''"'' • nrw low IOI' Ocl. "· COl<1m-bll1. Qll)I), l llCI .... •l'CO'"d low •• 21, TM ~1)1)"'1 .Wf•11l;M low wtl 10 rW<i•"' 11 ko>ldll. Ml1111. Thlr1 _,. -"""" flutrlll "'-"'-co ... 1 u~ .. r.191on •nd "'' Nll'tl'I' ""Nlt~t1111. (lllllY d•IJJlo or r1I~ ltll It! 11'141 eoutMrn Pitlnt.. T,,.,.. l he WM -'''" or ,,..,_.. .c11vllV -,,_ P'1c+11c 1<0"11""'11, ••'•""!"' lnlol>d la •~• ...o.in•1l111 et Monti"' Wlllrt ti 11/fMCI 11 u1n " Temperaf11re• Hlth llW PrK. Alb....i11•ni~1 " " Jl.11•"1• " ., 1!11k1tnll11d n " l!ll1m1rcll. " " ''"" .. ., .. Om~ " .. llrownrvl!lt " " Chic.MO " " Clndt1,..lf .. " ...,.~ " " "" ...... .. " """" <O " Frano " " H1i.r.1 n " 1(1nMt t:ltv ~ n L11 V"'11 • .. lo. Al'lffltl m .. Ml1m! u " M!nn11!>0il1 " " Nirw Clrl•1"' .. ~ N"" Voril -~ 0&1<t1rtd " " Olil1~-• Ctr, » H Om1~1 -" ,. Palm S11rl~;1 " ,. ••• llot:oltl n •• ,,,_,. " » P•t••~v·~~ " " P~rll~nd " " "' lltp!d '" " " "' 11111!! " " ··~ " ~ l~t .. .., .... • rt l11l l A<t (/Iv u " '" "'-~ " Sin ,r1ncr,(o " '' St•tll• • .. ,. SMo~I a ,. "' ,. ... , .... , ,. W111\ln9lfln " ~ Conrad, Gordon and B~an were not participating in the e1erclse today because Cif the dangers involved with a fully fueled rocket. They plan to run through their portion of lhe countdown Wednesday aft.er the Satu..-o S's pro- pellants are drained . The countdCJwn test was designed to ex, ercise all ground support systems as well as equipment aboard the 363-foot rocket. spacecraft combination lo uncover any problems that might disrupt the real countdown. Soviets Voice Hope Talks End Race for Arms GENEVA CUPJ) ~ The Soviet tJnion said today it hopes the forthC<>ming strategic arms lim ilation negotiations with the United Slates will lead to an end of the nuclear arms race. Soviet disarmament negotiator Alexei A. Roschin said his country attaches great importance to the negotiations, to begin in Helsinki, Nov. 17. ROl!ihchin's statement to the Geneva Disarmament Conference was the first Ciffici~ Soviet comment on the talks since they were announced in Washlngtoa and Moscow Oct. 2.5. R06hchin said he wanted to fCJnnally tell the · conference that America and Russia have agreed to start the strategic arms limitation talks. ''ln connection with the agreement con· cerning the negotiations between the USSR and the United States, v.·e would wish to emphasize that the Soviet Union attaches great imp<:>rtance to steps to curb the strategic arms race," Roshchin l!aid. "We express the hope that the forthcoming negotiations would facilitate the solution CJ! an important task of" t~ day, namely, to put an end to the nuclear arms race. "There is no doubt that U such an arma race could be harnessed, it will not be the p:iwers involved alone who would benefit from this but all the stat.es of the world. since this would greatly C0ll50Udate iir ternaUonaJ security. "It gives us satisfaction to note that such a view is shared by the participants in this committee, who in their statements have repeatedly emphasized that the question of curbing the strategic anru race is Cif major importance from the point of vlew of solving other disarmanent problems and Improving the international climate," Rosbchin said. Fatal Drag Race Ran 8 Blocks; D1iver Arrested INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UPI) -Ray· mond Strattan, deputy chief operations ot. lhe Indianapolis Police Department, said Monday thal \.\'ilnesses reported two cars Clrag racing for nearly eighl blocks before a fiery crash Sunday that killed nin e persons, Stra ll an also announced th(' arrest l\londay night of Rex L. 8 _ Walker, 23, in connection with the incident, which was the \.\'Orsl in Jndlanapoils in more than 40 years. He said \Valker y,·as arrested on a warrant charging public intoxication . Later Walker was rearrested Cin preliminary charges of reckless homicide and involunt.ary manslaughter. Strattan said pcilice believed a three- car drag race along the city's Riverside Drive precipitated the crash of a car driven by Dalton Wallace, 26, against the car full of churchgoers who were killed. He said police know who the third drive r ls, but are still trying to learn wheth~r they can gather sufficient evidence to charge him . Strattan said that police are cracking down as much as they ca n on drag rac- ing, but cannot watch every street all I.he time. "The dri vers are just out to kill each other," Strauan said, "and they're doing it." Hospital Care Costs to Soar WASHINGTON (AP) -Hoopi .. 1 "'"' cosl.9 probably will rise to ntarly SUlCI a d.iy by 1973, Congress was told today. A spokesman for the American Jfospltal Association, testifying before the J-louse \Vays and Means Committee, said the average dal\y cost Cif hospital care was $81.38 in 1968 and $67.59 for 1969. The Association 's projtt:tlon shows this will rise to $98.37 by 1973, he said. The witness , Dr. George W. Graham, Scticnect.ady, N. Y ., president Cif the as.wclaUon sald the rne<Hcare procram- as well as lncreaslng salaries, gentrally higlter costs 11.nd tnn auon all have added to lhe rise in hospital charges to palient.s . . i'.' ,_ '.·,/'' ·-vc t • ~ i UPITtl~ RETURNING MARINES SHOW PEACE SIGN Crowdtd Warship Brint• Pullout Troops to San Diego Largest Grottfl to Retur11 Io U.S. From War Ar1·ives SAN DIEGO CAP) -More than 3,000 U.S. Marines have sailed home from Vietnam in two crowded ships, the largl'.:!!t group to return at one Ume since the Korean War. "Thanks, Dick. It's good to be back" - a salute to President NU:on -read a sign painted oo a sea bag hanging from the amphibious assault ship Iwo Jitna when ft moored Monday at the naval station pier. Another group of Marines hung a peace symOOI painted on a sheet Civer the side of the assault ship Bexar and gave the peace sign as it docked. Many of the 3,164 Marines aboard the Iwo J ima and tht" Bexar .,.,·ere coming home as a result of the President's orders t-0 reduce the number of troops in Vi etnam. Most belonged to thE' 3rd l\larine Regi- ment and the rest were retuming from 13-month tours>0f dut y With other units . The 7,000-mile, 18-day voyage involved a scramble for living space, said Capt_ Marlin f\f. Casey of Coronado, Calif., skipper of the Iwo Jima. ''Wheo you crowd that many young, ac- tive American males into a stee l chateau like this, you worry that the crush will create problems," sairl C a sey . "Especially since we had chil!y weather, and the men harl to stay belaw decks a good deal of the tim e. "There was no need to 1vorry , though. The men y,·cre \.\'t"ll·behaved, y,·e]l c11sciphned ." Conditions were evrn wor~ on the Bex· At. said its skipper, Capt. James Jl Bai'· ry of La Jolla, CaliL "The ?-.1arlnes practically had to fight for a spot to sit dov.·n," Barry said. "I heard one Marine say that a friend of his had offered to stay another six months in Vietnam if he didn't have to &1J hOme by ship." Most Marines return by airplane, lo- eluding the nucleus of the :lrd Regiment which earlier returned its etilors to Camp Pendleton. The Marines. aft.er a welcome of s1gns and band music, were bused to Camp Pendleton for discharge or reassignment An additional 400 Marines return from Vietnam Friday on three dock landing ships -the Whetstone, Colonial and Com'1ock. Castro's No Santa Claus MIAMI (AP ) -Fidel Castro says Christmas in Cuba this year is officially postponed until next July because the sugar crop has first call on the national energies. Castro gave his countrymen the bad news in a broadcast speech in Havana Monday night. Sugar is Cuba's major source of foreign exchange lo pay for im· ports, and Castro has v°"'·ed that the new harvest wil l reach the -10 million-ton mark , more ths.n double I.he 1959 yield. I 1 ''\Ve will sa ve our suckling pig ;ind Christ.mas Eve beans. Bacardi rum and beer for July-," Castro \• ~ said in the broadcast speech_ ·~,. ,; "'V.'e are going to have a fiesta, but 'in July, after the har\·est of 10 ml1!1on.'' t The prime _minister spoke at a • ceremony officially beginning the 1970 harvest. Actually cane cutting, formerly begun in late autumn, ha~ been in progress throughout th& 6Ummer. Drug That l{ills Cold Virus Tested B11t 5 Years Away WASHINGTON <UPI) -A new drug, described as "preventive but not curative" of lhe comn\On cold and other virus<aused diseases. is under study by a drug firm but is probably five years away from the market , It was reported Monday. A team of r~archer.i from Upjohn CO. af Kalamazoo. Mich., reported to a sclen- tillc etinlerence here that the drug has been shown effecttve In animals and that It has been "well tolerated'' in human volunt.nrs. Testing its effectiveness In man is the next step in Its development, the r~earchers ss.ld. The drug, known as calcium elenolate, has shown poowers Cif k.illing various viruses, Including those of the common cold, polio, influenia, cold sores and fever bli~ters. I.hey said. Ors. Harold E. Renis, Manuel B. SorC't sind George A. ElliCJtl said hamsters tested I~ minutes before and after being injected with a vlrus called para·in- fluenia type 3 showed that the drug "significantly redu ced the number of in- feclious particles" In the hamsters' noses and "stopped the spread of the lnftctJ.on t.o the animals' lungs ." They said further that add!Uonal te!I..! Cin U'te hamsters, eight to 16 hours after inoculation with the virus , showed the drug "continued to reduce lhe numbu of virus particles" In the test animals. The virus used is one of the type thought to cause lhe common C<>ld. The drug. initially derived from ex· tracts of oUve plant.I and already beJ.ng •ynthesized In Upjohn Labouloriea, ii given u a nual IJlf•Y· The rea&archer1 reported their findings to the nlnth intenc.lence conference on antimicrobial agents a.nd chemotherapy . Pat Nixon Ill, Cancels Visits WASHINGTON (AP) -Mrs. Richard M. Nixon. suffering from a 24-hour virus, has been adl•ised by her doctor to ca ncel appearances for the next two days, Li.. eluding campaign visits with the PrH1- cJeot lo Virginia and N~ Jersey, the \Vhlt e House announced lod11y. The first lady became ill Monday even- ing, with a fever and nausea. At the same tlme her daught«, Julie Eisenhower, w11a stricken with similar symptoms at her apartment in Northampton, Mass., it was announced. • < r•~·• ·."-;l : r p, r~. ·~>T',1,. JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-43'11 1 ... t111y, Cktotltr U. 1H' K r1t1 11 Nonmusical Band Attracts Books for perhaps the only mission in the \\'Orld ·that has a marching band whose conductor can't read music or play an inslrun1ent a re being collected by the Muntington Beach Junior \Voma n's Club and the Fountain Valley School Di .s trict. Children in lhe trust territory of th e J\larshall Islands \Vill be the re· cipients of several hundred textbooks \rhich no longer are in use in class· rooms here, said J\1rs. Daniel Drageset, Juniors chairman of international affairs. The books are being sent to native children in the Rev . Leonard Hacker's Majuro Island Assumption Mission School. The school, which accommodates 300 native children of any religion, is typically short on money and supplies, but long on faith and hope. The marching band, begun by Father Hacker in 1962. came about because of a donation of fi ve band instruments. Short on all supplies, he accepted them even though he had no idea how to play them himself. and these instruments, together with a few he purchased, formed the mission's marching band. With the assistance of friends who knew a little music. and through a lot of experimentation, Father Hacker taught his boys some popular songs . The mission band ;:i!tracted the attention of a forn1er member nf the Junior$, \l'ho in turn persuaded the Federated \Von1en's Cl ubs to aid the inisswn school. \Vhen the Fountain Valley School District announced its discard book I fair, the Huntington Beach .Juniors through Mrs. Eugene \Villia1ns, pre.Si· LEARNING SPANS OCEANS - A band whose conductor couldn't play instruments or read music led to the donation of discarded textbooks on all subjects in a joint venture sponsored by the Hunt- ington Beach Junior \Voman's Club and the Fountain Valley School District. Packing books for a mission in the Marshall Islands are (left to right) Stacey Drageset, l\.t rs. Daniel Drageset and Mrs. Kent Dale. Fountain Valley School District librarian. dent. and Mrs. Drageset. set about obtaining volumes on 1nusic, reading, 11 literature, science, language, hand\vriting, spelling and 1natbematics for 5-to 14-year-old youngsters in the mission. Since conditions in the Marshall Islands are slo\v to change. this year's shipment is expected to be received with the same gratitude and appreciation that greeted a shipment of supplies last year. I I ' . • ' }! . ' ., ' ' . r~~·" , ~ . .,_ . -: . . ' -. '. ' -:"t. _, ~' ' . • 'M,,,-1 -.·,, ':.' DRESS THE TREE -The public is invited to browse an1onc: m any ho1ne and gift items offered during the Sun set Beach Woinan·s Cl ub annual holi- day bazaar taking place Saturday, Nov. 8. Display· ing on e ~f the items to be offered are (left to right) Mrs. R. A. Tornquist, Mrs. Richard Starling and f\·Irs. Grant ~yers . . I Shoppers Welcomed r Early shoppers, like the pro- verbial early bird, will have first choice at ·an assortment ()f Christmas home and gift items prepared throughout the year by members ()f the Sunset Beach Woman's Club. The group will open the clubhouse between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday. Nov. 8, and on display will be an ac- cumulat ion of beauLiful hoJi. day aprons. for whi ch the club is noted , handbags, baske!S and tree decorations. There also will be a \\'hite elerhant booth , chi ldren 's toble and gourmet table. ac· corr!ing to Mrs. Richard Star!· ing. \•1a ys and m ea n s chainnan. The gourmet table will feature an assortment of jams and jellies, nut breads and other delectables. Lunch. in the form of chili dogs, hamburgers and homemade pies. also will be offered . and prizes to be give n away include a $50 money tree and an elaborate handmade Christmas lree skirt. Ass isting with the group'~ major funding event for the year are all club members headed by Mrs. Grant Myers, president. Now being planned are a bingo party for February and ;in afternoon tea scheduled to take place in the spring. . " 1~~ ·' ' ·' . ' ' ~ ... , - Police Wives Protest Anti-involvement \ i\1otor officer Fred Loya stops lo check the sign carried by Mrs. Ronald Kel· logg, member of Huntington Beach Police Officers· \Vives \vho are bidding prospects to a tea between I and 3 p.1n. Saturday, Nov. 8, in the home ot f\ilrs. James \Valker. Co mprising the welconting committee will be Mrs . Char- les llollingsworth, president. and Mrs. James Walker. members hip chairman. Others contributing their services are the l\'lmes. Roy l"arber, Donald Tryon, Gil Coerper and Kellogg. 'Good ·Samaritan' Reveals No-muss, No-fuss Experiment DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yoo hear from so many nuts I thought you might like a letter from a mature person who handled an illicit love affair v.ith finesse. had his ning. got it cul or his system and no one was hurt. I met an attractive girl through my business. She was inexperienced. love- star"cd and vulnerable. I sa\Y an op· portunity to perform a useful scr\•ice and. at the san1e time, add a little zest to rny life. I lalked it over with my ~·He and she understood. I agreed not to em· l>arrass her or the children. Our rcn· dezvous were private and no one ever saw me with the girl. Af1£r three months the fire was out. t \\'as happy to return to my wife on a full· time basis. We are now closer than ever. . ANN LANDERS See. it can ~·ark . -NO FUSS NO MUSS DEAR N.F.N.1\f.: If you'rt lookJn& for a good conduct medal you came to I.be wrong p1aet. Just because your wife didn 't hang herself la the att1c is 110 llgn she wasn 't deeply hurt. T1tt priu 1oe1 1.9 HER, not you, Dummy. DEAR ANN LANDERS : J have 11n em· barrassing problem that J cannot discuss with a clergyman. doclor or friend . It's my in·laws. They come lo our home every othe r Sunday and they have yet lo bring a gift for our children. We don't ex. pect anything expensive, you understand, but some small toy or trinket would make a big hit with the kids. Yesterday our 5-year-oid asked, "!low <'Orne Jimmy and Sue (the kids next door) atways get gilts from lbelr 11randpa and our grandma and grandpa never brinti us anything?" Then Beth, our 7- year.old asked, "Don't Grandma and Grandpa love w?" What shall I tell lhem? -NEEDING ANSWERS DEAR NEEDING: Tell tbem "Gifls ire not proof of low -lt'1 how people treat each otbtr dial cmmtl. Tbf: fact that Grandma 1od Grandpa come to ue you 11 proof tDOU&h tbat they lovt you- and It sltoald be ptt uougll, IOO." DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our 23·}'tar. old daughter married hf:r bos3 last year. This was Fern 's firsl marriage, hi3 third. We didn't say anything (It wouldn't ha ve done any good) but we weren't happy aboul it. The man is 51 years old. La51. week Fern announced that sht> i.'!I pregnant. My son·ln·law, who is only two ., yel.l"! younger than my husband, Is thrill· ed. Thill will be his first child . I am wondering ir the baby will be mentally 1111 right. The age difference worries me. Do yoo know anything about the offspring of marriages when the father is con· slderably older than the mother? Please check. -HONOLULU DEAR HON: An English aclentisl. A. F. Hulton, 1eleeied 1.809 Illustrious peo- ple from a 1taltdard encyclopedia. lie dl1eovered that an unusually high ptrcen· ta1e of t~e wbo have dlallngulsbflf them11elvt1 had youo1 motbtrs and old falhers. Dr. llutlon clalm' that whtn the father I• OYtr olS, tlte odd1 are llt"O to one &Ut hi• child will be a ptrson of &cltie:veme11t, Wbtn the lither 11 over IO ytar1 of 11e, tbt odds are 10 to one. The medical el'perts with whom I con- sulted were not concern~ with the men- tality of Uteae children. They raised another question. Will U.ese older men wbo 1Lart yoan1 families live Ion& enoup to rtar lbem? Drinking may be "in" to the kids you run with -bul ii can put you •·out" for keeps. You can cool it and stay popul• Read "Booze and You -f'or Teenagerl Only." Send 35 cents in coin and a long:, self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request. Ann Landers will be glad lo help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. enclosina; a liClr·addressed, atampcd envelope. • I I .· DAILY PILOT Tut~at, Cktober 28, &'Jbq ,. ' ' • -. ----·-~ .....--~----..-·--·---,.------~--·~----------·-----------------.. . . . . " . . . ~ ' ' ' ' I ' ., .. . ' . ... . . ' .. Horoscope Libra: Responsibility Increases WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 By SYDNEY OMARR BASIC ISSUES dominate. People wanl to know wbtre the food and shelter are coin· Ing from -and whethtr cost is out of lint. l\1ajor POLIT· JCAL figure makes proposlll which causes hi s party to de- nnuoce him. ARJES (r.1arch 21-April 19); Strive to bring together op- posin g famlly factions. Set fine example, Be an excellent listener. Don't turn back on Franco-U.S . Relations Discussed one born under cancer. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Travel, creati ve thinking and meaningful deci sions are higll on agenda. Be f l e x i bl e. Nothing today is static where you are concerned . A re"!alive co uld do an about·face. CEJ\tJ NI (r.tay 21 -June 20 ): Study Taurus message_ You have 1nuch Jn com mon today \Yith persons born under that zodiacal sign . Personal accent is on possessions, inco1ne potential. Gain shown if you are observant. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cycle high; aid likely to be r e ce ived from Aries in· divldual. Stress personality, a ppe a ran c e . You are especially attractive to -0p- p<>Sile se x today. Act ac· cordingly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your sense of the dramatic is satisfied , So much occurs that ls mysterious that you revel .ln the role o[ one who has sohl· lions. Money comes your way . But do be confident. Dou bt equals loss, tu rutllf('. for race-sav ing devices. A bit SAGITT ARIUS (Nov. 22· of generosity on your part 'il.'lll Dec. 21 ): EmoLions ar e pay dividends. powerful. Nothing is halfway ; PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:h 201• all the way or nothing. Money Encourage young persons tn which involves C1lhers is spotlighted. Study investment express themselves in creative plans. Opportunity is present. ways. Evening prC1n1iscs to ht> CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Cine of discovery, possible 19): Time lo be receptive. romance. Dav is featured by Absorb knowledge. Be a alr of exciteffient. shrewd Clbserver. The morel ----,--------- od th Adv~rH,em•nl you lislen t ay, e n1ore you 1~-----;,... _____ , learn. Joint efforts succeed. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don 't take too serlC1usly complaints, threats Clf tbooe close to you. Some are looking Past Days Recounted On Radio I Lose 10 Lbs. In 10 Days On New Grapefruit Diet Mothers and Daughters Ring Out the News France -Friend or Foe? is !he title of U1e talk U,S. Arn1y Col. ! rel. l \\'alter F. Dunn .J I". \Viii give be fore Executi ve Dinner Club of Orange Coasl in the Ne1vporler !nn at 6 p.rn. Thursday, Oct. 30. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Se pt. 22): Accent on hopes, wishes and friends. J\1uch ls in your favor if your don't fall prey to self- deception. SLr ive to b e realistic. Leo person is put- ting on an act. It is all in good fun . t.1rs. Charles Durway, sister of con1edian Alan Young, will l recall her years on Canadian ! radio for Ne\\'.port Beach! Friends of the Library 1n the Newport Beach home of J\1 rs. Fred Ellis Thursday , Oct. 30. This is the revolutionary new grapefruit dir t that evei)'-onc is suddenly talking about. Ll lcrally thousands upo n thousands of copies have been passed from hand to hand in factories, plants and offi ces throughou t lhf' U,S. and Canadu . \Vord of its succt·ss has sjJrC!l-d like \-\'ild· fin'. lwcause this is the on,. diet thll t 1·rally srems t n 1vtwk for mos t 01•cr1-1•eighl people.,\ 1\'f'll kno11·n Toro.n· 10 rolun1nisl rrt:cntly pra1~ ~d rt t!J thr ~kies. lie l'eport- t•l.l los ing :LO pounds 11uickly an d t'a.~i!y Jong after he drs· palrC'd of rvf'r gC'ttini; do\vn to his 11'11rti1nc 1vr,ight of 165 pounds. Al l this \\"ilhout cut· ting out thl' oecasional ht-er or rye. If it is followed ex- actly thC' average overweight person should lose 10 pounds in IO days. There will bf! no "·eight loss in the first fo ur days. But you will suddenly drop 5 pounds Cln the 5th day. Thereaf ter you will lose one pnund a day until the 10th day. Thrn you will losr l '~ pounds f'very t11·0 days un til you ).'.rt do1vn to your pronrr 11·cighl. Best of all l.hrrr shvuld bf' no hunger panr::s. Nn11· revi.o;ed and en - la r~··d. this 1ir'1v fl irt plan lrts yo11 ~Iliff yo ur.;rlf "'i1h f0nrb 1lv1t \1c1·r !orrnC'rl v •forbiddt>n· , .. !';ul'h ns bi·.: s t cal1.~. 1rimn1rd 111111 fa l, Snt1\l11·1·11 fl"lr•d •·hirk«ll, r irh h1·av1•\·, n1;1yonn<>.hr. lt:i \J· Stf'r~. :,11'irnn11n r:: 1n bultrr. li;u <11l. Li l-<, :«•lt~;1~,,..~ ;ind ~t·1·;1111blrrl <';;g-, Yu11. <'.111 rcit. unt il .vou al"•· full, un til yo11 1:annot pos~1bly 1,'11 1 an.v murt•. And s111l yoit !'hould lose Ji) round-< in !he f1r~t tCJ1 day~, f•lllS 1 !,~ flOl!OdS l'vcry t11·n d;i~'~ tht>1·raftPr until ~1ri11r 11 •'i~l1 I i<; dn11·n !n norrnal, Thr ~1·1·Tf'L hthlnd this nr1\' .. Qu irk 11•eight l o<;~' I~ p1 d c.rn .. rall.v kno1vn, Fat. 1l !11•~ '"'I'll tl u'nri7.rd, d i!f'S J10 t fH)"l)1 f (l l f•rrh Cl l'S fa l fights fa !, And t hC' i::-rR.pr· fruit Jllif'r 1n t h1<; nf'll' dirt might art 11s a r11t11ly~t {th,. .. trii;i:::rr'") 111 ~lart !he f11t burnini::: rrnc"~" Yr,l1 !il111r ~·011r~1·l r ••n llir prnniitrd fonds 11 ~!\'oi l!I tl\r tiirl. nl11 11. anrl ;,Iii! J n~r-Hll~ll(hll.v f;it Rfld ,..,rr<<;<; hnd.1· fluid~. \\lhr n 1 ~,., In! <i nd bln;it ar" g'lnf' ~'Oil 1• ill 1·r11~r J(1 lo~" 11-righl, ri111! )f!lll" 11·r igh t 11 ll l rrm::ii n r r.n1 roll f'ri . A copy of 'thJ"-i1r-,1• a nd start-lingly s11rrr~~f11] rlirt. r!11n r11n br obtninrd by st'nding ~2 In Mothers and daughte rs ot SL. And l'e\v·s Presbyter· Jan ChuITh will gather together to give thanks Wed· nesday, Nov. 5, at 6: 15 p.m. in the church. d uring a harvest-them ed thank offering and dinner. Music will be provided by the .Ju nior l li gh School and Handbell c hoi rs a nd mother-da ughter gr oups. As- Cut Decks At Benefit More than 60 salads will lJe offered \\'hen the National Charity League. Sou1h Co;ist Chapter, presents il s annu<1l benefit bridge luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. tomorrow in the Good Shepherd Presbyteri ari Churrh, L-Os Alamitos. Among other prizes io be given away will be beautiful centerpieces adorning eat h table. Benefiting .from the event are the Crippled Children's Society, Epileps y Clinic and Foster Children's Fund. 'J'h is fund covers specia l oeeds for children in fos ter care not otherwise covered by federal, stale or county aid programs. Planning the luncheon are Lhe Mmes. Harvey Hartzel. chairman: Lel and K ind 1 George Kelly. Robert Oo1vn- ing, Carl Atterberry, J_,ew 1~ Davis and E. N e 11· e 11 Stoughton. Ora lingua Described A history of ed ucation tor the deaf was presented when Dave Phillips spoke during today's meeting of the Sorop- ti mist Club ol Huntington Beach In Fran~is restaurant. JEANNE CAFFREY March Bride Caffreys Tell Troth A !I.larch 21 1vedding in !he Church of the Re flections, l\nott's Berry Farrn, is b'~lng 1ilanned by Jeanne Marie Caf- frey and fl1 ichael G. Millica n. both of Costa Mesa. Their betrothal has been an- nounced by Mr . and r-.-trs. Jlcw:ard C. Caffrey of Costa J\1esa, parents of the future bride. Miss Caffrey was graduated from Estancia High School and attends Orange Coast College. Her fiancc, son of P:tul C. sisling wi lh plans are meJTibers of the J oann a Circle, F lower Guild and m en 's club. Ringing out t he news of th e dinn er are (left to right) Sue Wyman, Mrs . .John \Vyman and Leila \Vyman, m embers of the Handbell Choir. Jaycettes Plans for Conclude riiceting al 8 tonight \\•ill br mrmbcrs of th e Fountdl n Valley Jaycettes. \\'ho \1·111 to11clt1dc pl ans for their an· nua l costun1c Ha!l owtcn pa rty l;ik1ng place at .s p.m. S<il ur- day, Nov. I, Jn the plaza t !ubhouse. O!her business on the agen· da will be a discussion of the Fountain Valley Junior Miss tea \\o'hich takes place Sunday, Nov. 16 in lhe civic center. Mr s. Torn Kelley will hosl the meeting. -Sf'rving as general ch:tirman of the l!allov1ee n party is r.1rs. George Sco1t. and assisting are the Mmes. B erni e Svalstad, Bruce Go ss e t t • Ke lley, Barney McLaugh lin and Joe Tun~tall . l\fany C1riginal costumes are antic ipated , and there will be a prize for the most unusual. Next 1nonth's business meet- "ing wil l take place in Mrs. Tu nst:il l"s home, and \vill in- Language Concepts Accented Haunting elude a display of Christn1ii;; decorations by n1embers and their guests. Col. Dunn was advisor in the production of the motion pie· ture "The Longest Day" and a personal representative to the late Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in the Russian war zone. Warren Morgan will preside nver the gathering, a n d William Imh off, pr o gram chairman, will give the in- voca tion. Hosts and hostesses will be the Messrs. and Mmes. Angus Polter and 0 . S. Weide a long wit h f\f rs. J o s eph 1~ardeich and J\1iss An n Srnlth. Reservations mav be ob- ta ined by calling ~I iss Fern Randolph, 494·7075. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): Prestige rises. You are given added responsiQility. With this comes greater reward. Emo- tional and financia l fulfi llment distinct possibili ties today. Act accordingly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): r.ood lunar aspecl toda.y coin· c)des \V it h communication 1\·ilh tho~c at a distarlcc. Especially good for 11·rlting, pL1blishi11g and advertising. Plan ahead. Don·t brood. Look Mrs . Du rway and h e r brolher, who is known in television as Mr. Ed, were a brother-sister team before she met and married an American eng ineer. Her brother went from radio to the motion picture business and television and has won two Emmy awards for the Alan Young Show. fl1rs. Stanley L e L i e v r t', preside nt of the group, is in charge of the public meeting. Assisting her fire the Mmes. Horace Benjamin, R. A. Pang. I Alan Andrews, Henry Schone :ind Leland Becke\t, The Need to Succeed has been se lected as her topic hy Doors Open on Auxiliary Rummage Sale Dr. Gertrude Pat t e r son . .-\nxious to lure buyers into Laguna Beach A1n cri- language arts consu lt ant with ca n Legi on Ji;l!l 11hcrc ;:i u:-.iliary n1en1bers \\'ill st;:ig e Holt, .Rineharl and \Vinston , n fall run1n1a ge sale ancl buza ar TI1ursdav <i nd f ri- Inc. publishing lirin. day. Ocl. :JO<ll. a r c !lC'ft to r igh!) j\0Jr!>. Della Sl1e \\'il l address the Orange S'la1hr, !'ale cl1a1rn1an: i\I J!'>ii Lill ian ,"\cl sh:-u11 , pr c ~i- fl-Trs. Ada Burk e. treasurer. Sale hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p .n1 ., and fi pecial feat ures \\'ill include a bake sale Chri;,tn1as il en1 :;, a \Vh ite elephant table illld clo!h~ ing:. ~:-inrl\1·ichc s. donLits and coffee \rill be served both d ay.;;. R & B ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 45046 Chicago, Illinois 60645 U"condi!;ol'•I mon'v·b•t~ Gll•'•"te~ II 11H~r !•ylnq !h• d'"' PIA~ v~u h•Vt not lo•,t 1 peuna, ln fh~ '"~' I doy,, 11noth•' ~ n~llM• <n •~· "'"' 7 doy,, ond T• > fl<lvno• every '"'·' •!!Y• tt'"'"- eflfr1 •lmn•y '"turn 1•• !l·~I pl•n •nd your ~! wtll be tr•uM!l<a P•OCT\Ptlv, •rill v.11hov1 •rQtJf'\~n• l~•r 0111 onl, """'''1Qe •• • ''m"'~"' O"'•dr no ... 10 ''°'""'" •ne trom ~•tr•c •ive tlQU•~ of you r YOol'h. "'~"• "•'I •nlov•oQ "'"''Y b•e•l:t o1•1. 1unrhe• onO a.n. ""1-Orner no..-be!o.-~ "'''" •~~p ~p !~e hm<led '"pply Philli ps. assistant vice presi- dent of Securily Pacific Na- tional Bank spoke on behalf of the Orallngua Foundation. a charitable foundation wh1cl1 s upporl~ oral day schools for deaf childre n. Millican of Ne\l'porl Be<1ch and t.frs. Lester Kalt oft of Bell. 1~ a gr adua1e nf Ne1vport H:irbor High School and a!· tended OCC. He served three .l't'ars in the J\l arine Corps pr1 nr to £'ntc.>nng OCC. ~ ........ . • • • • • • • • • • • ··1 S-T-R-E-T-C-H : Counly Branch of the Assoc.la-dent : ,\Jrs. l\l_y rtl e ·ra u hcnson. co-ch a1 rn1~:u1 , .-:ind lion or Childhood EduC'at io n -----------------------------------lnterna!ional, in cnnjunctinn jfr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~ \l't!h the Orange Cou nt y c di I /. • • • • • • • • • • • • • & SEW (T.M.I Knit Fabrics • IA Orange 724 East Katella . .,....-.-.-.-..................................... .._-. • • • • • • • WE TEACH YOU HOW TO SEW WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS FEE $15.00 • ""._ ..... _____ ..... ______ .J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NEW CLASSES START NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th IMAGINE! Le4rn fo make Stretch Pants 1n one hour . bathin9 su it for $5.00 , even girdles! START SAT., NOV. lst-9·11 a.m. HRS. DAY 9-l ; NITE 7-9:30 P.M. Parking in Rear -Phone: 633-2842 ~· ••................. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •1 • • • • • • • • .. De pmmrnt o f Edoce Uoo, an e· G ow Spar <S English as a Second Language and Bili ngual Educati o n New Group Organized J'rograms at 7:30 toni ght. B • hd M • The meeting will,,,, pl•ce 1rt ay emor1es in the Tustin School District at Hewes Intermediate School , Santa Ana. " Dr. Patteroon has taugh t all levels from e l e mentar y through college where she was in c_h;1rge of teacher training. and ~he will cenler her :>-peech around oral language ex · pcriencc for b(iys and gi rl~ with special aHention given to n1atrrial fr r,i 1n "Children ·~ 'rort d" rind "11ic Sounds an~ P111te-r11s of Lan guage." Velvet Marks To remove n('c<llc marks frorn velvet. place a cloth dan1pened with vinegar over U1e wrong side of U1e material . Draw across the surface Clf I heated iron. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS A volunteer service grou p It's been eight years since to the present 130-bed facility keyed to human concern .in its eigh t \VOmen in the tailored with its modem intensive care immediate c o m mun it y skirts and white blouses ap· unit. gathered this morning in tb~ peared al Uie 5 0 • bed Past presidents Invited to llunti ngton Beach home of take part in U1 c program will J\l rs. Michael Brick . Westn1 in:;.1cr Co m 11111 n I I y include th(' fl1mes. Curtis Named the I nlander~. the llosp11a! and ,·olunt!'erl:'d 1hrir Bluemke, \\"ill ia m ?>1agil!, Sta n nrs:aniz.ation is .spon~orerl by Hme to 1Jeli1·er mail and Richa rds. Frank t.1cNclev, lhe First Uniled Church of' flow ers, hnst nlatenilly tc.:is llugh S;;i lisbury, ?>lci1l1 .arid Fountain Va lley. I !Jarry ~igeskc, who i .~ ~r r1 ing Area v.·nmen int erested ln and n1cnd ho~pital linen. her second tcr111 as president rommunity \velfare may ob- 1·0 erll'br;:i\l' this occasion, this ye;ir _ lain add itional \nform;il ion by j n1ri11be rs of the \\'r s1n1ins1 cr Also 10 b£' l1onored ;11'(' r.1ll1ng f\1rs_ Bri..-k. 96fl·281i2 Hospital Guild \\·ill ga1hcr for Honald Albright ho~pir:1J ad-Reod TV WEEK a polluck dinner at 6_30 111inis1rator, J\'1rs. Leo Rh-al"d, director of n11r.~rs , ;i nd fl1rl', Every Sot rd loni"h\, u •Y ., I.ou Pilez.. assistant direc tor of As rach p<ist president lights nurscs. in The Daily Pilot a candle to recall her year of•-----------·-------------111 service, r.trs. Bernard C Meilh, historian, will reviev.· the guild "s growth • Last year members devo1ed a total of 5500 l:Jou rs Clf service Zodiac Decor Now you <"l1angr t h" b:tthroom ~cat to rn a t c h ba throoin drcor_ "IOHAT TINIOS TO GO NATIVE IN" Se v e r a 1 dC'signs are :ivall able includi11g h n l d l ~· prln1 cd z.rid1acs. Tht 111<1nul:ic- l11 rer s11ys the !id ehang:c takes f111!y :. fc11· ~rr011d.~ with :1 un1- r1ur pin fastrnt•c ctTRtM(LY lARCt STOCK • rvrnl~·· 'Ill lG 1 ;;·---------.. 1 PICKWICK ~, !.~~~!~2.t~ $40.21t.,•~~~ 1ru t1o1~ """· lioll)"")Od (21lJ HO Hitt UNITID NAllONS ASSOCIATION GIFT SHOP lmpolled G:lh -U"itef C1rd• 2204 N. M•'"· St "I ' °'"' M11nd1v th•u S•turda.,-11 .4 20% OFF ON ALL GIRLS DRESSES AND GIRLS SPORTSWEAR 3 Days Only Wed., Thu~ .• Oct. 29, 30, 31 Sizes: 3-6x 7-14 only SPECIAL GROUP Fri. OF LADIES FALL SPORTSWEAR AT SAVINGS OF 1/3 to 1/2 J404 Vi• lido -Newport Beach 673-9434 fON E OF THE LIDO SHOn) 7 7 Fountain • Valley Today's Flnlil .. N.Y. Stocks VOL. 62, NO. 258, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAClfORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1969 TEN CENTS • • an a1n 1n JULIE ZIPKIN ~ETH MARTUS They're Dangerous. Big Oil Drun1s Ruled Out As Receptacles £01' Trasl1 Those 5;>.gal!on nil drums used by somf'. t'e&idents as trash receplacles will bceome a v~ry unpopular item with rub· bish coUec.tors af11'r Friday. They wi'!J simply refuse to pick Lhem 11p. Tlie reason for this' ls not to help the Fitores sell the new lii;htwe1ght plastic containers bul that several trash col· Sound Equipment .Taken in Mesa A Hu ntington Beach music fan losl gound equipn1ent v.·orlh more Lhan $600 tl!ontJay night 111 a single car burglary, v.·hile Costa Mcs;i PQliCe logged (\YO other ~imllai lht'fts Marry Kl)n\ocs Jr . Zii71 C;_isllc Drive, 1Jun1inglrH• .Beach. ~aid tie li:>st a stereo 1.'lpe deck, an nc<:C'~S0ry \\'hir.h change~ colof to the be<il of the music, and 70 l\\Creo tapes Tht yoll ng p<11nt111g t•ontractor said the i;ound gear val uer! al ~GlO \\''1S ta ken !r~1n his c<ir v.•hilf' 11 w;JS parked 0\1t.s1dc Estancia High St'hO(il. NY Dailv :\cws Poll Show s Li1ul ,;ay nu Top NE W YOR K ~G Pll -J1icumbenl John V. Lindsay continued 10 hoid a subslan- Uallead in the 1nayoral race one week before elec tion rlay, a straw pol l pub- lished in Tues day's editions of the Daily Ne\\'S indica tes. The poll. lhe third canva ~s or the city in the Jasl t\\'O •.l'eeks. a!so showed Deni· ocratic candidate ~1ario ;. .. Procaccino conttnuing to lu:-;e 8Upporf \Ylth only 29 percent of lhe. polled voters fa~oring ~im as against a high or 33 percen t in lhe first canvas~. lecclors have been iniured in lrying to hoist the heavy barrels Into dump trucks. As of f'riday, oil llrluru and Containers weighing more than SO pounds, including contents, must go. Containers \Yhich do not meet the city's specificatio ns \11il1 be tagged with a wa rn· ing note to infonn residen ts that they had helter gel lega l trash cans if they want their garbage to be collected. The overweight containers have ac- tually been illegal under Section 3232 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Co<le for .llOmetime, but trash co llectors have been S-Omewhat lenient in picking them up, ac- cording to a city spokes1nan. City Administrator Doyle f.1iller ex- plained that he has received complaints from stale disability insurance officials and Rainbow Disposa l Company -a pri vate co1npany \l.'hich handles trash col- lection service for-the city under a con- tract -v.•hich informed him that. "loo many cmployes are injured trying to pick up overloaded oil drums used as trash co ntainers.·· To make it easier on residents who sud- rlenly find thcmscl\'eS in the position nf having to purcha~e the new cans. the l!untlng!nn Beach Lions Club is cvrrcntly selling 32-gallon plastic containers each \\'eekend al 311 Firth SL. right next door 16 the DAILY PILOT office. Price of the container. including lid is S5. Both are guaranteed for seven years. Baud Parents Group Al Edison lo Meet The Edison High Schoof' Band Parenl~ Association will hold an organizational nieeti ng at 7:30 p.m. Thursday· in thf! school's instrumental muslc room. Detailed infonnalion about , l he organization is avai labl e from its tern porary president, L. M. Slade, at 962-2Q88. ~ .. ' PAT THORNTON 5 Edison High Girls Seeking Queen Crown One .or fi~·e EdisQn J.ligh Schqol girls '\'ill receive lhe unique distinction Of t:ecoming ,the school 's one and only ''football Queen" tl1 is Friday. . Edison, the newest of li\'e high sc~s ir. the HunUngt.-...i.each Union High SchOC'l District, has applied this tiLle in lieu of hom ecoming qu,een, sin~e a l1omecoming is techni cally not possible \1'i!Loi;t returning alumni. The girls selected as finalists are Pal '"'alson, Julie Zipkin, Pat Thornton, Beth fl1arlus and Colleen Taft. One of them "'ill be crov.•necl queen during halftime cer,emonies of tl1e gridiron clash behveen Edison's Chargers and Costa ~1esa High School at Sheue Fi~ld in Huntington Beach. A coronation dance this Saturday will honor the queen and her court. T11e dance fr:.iturcs "The 13th Hou r" and will be held in the Edison cafeteria from 8:30 p.m. to 11 ·JO p.m. Shoppers to See Schools at Work ~1·]1001~ will he taken to the public Nov. 111.14 by 1he Hun1i ngton Beach Union High School District duririg American t::ouca lion \Vcek. Classes fro1n the various departments ""'ill meet for actual instruction in the I luntington Center ~1all during most afternoons or the "'eek. lu addition, the high schools v.·ill di spl<iy JO large panels describing life in rach of the five high schools and the \'a rious student activities. Fountain Valley and Marina high schools wi.11 fill the mall \\'ilh their ac· \lvilies Nov. 10. Edison High School takes over the spotlight Nov. 12, while Hun- 1ington Beach High School ~·ill present classes from its business and industrial ai1s department Nov. 13. Westminster c:a.~:o:room demonstrations Nov. 14. . DAllT l"IL0T'St.._ ..... He's STANDING ON SHIP'S BRIDGE. WHO IS HE' WHAT IS HE LOOKING FOR? (SIE PAGE '3.) f ~' • lllOll COLLEEN TAFT PAT WATSON Meets Tonight CSC to Ask Councilmen Bacl{ Downtow11 Pi·oject By JACK BROBACK ot fk 10.lh' l"llOI ti ... i-Iuntington ~ city councilmen will be asked to make a decisimi tonight \\•hirh will shape the future of the city's downtown section. Members of the Urban Land Institute Citizens Steering Com mittee (CSCJ will pres.ent a second parking project at the 7;:IO p.m. session in the Huntington Beach High School cafeteria. Proposed is the conversion ·{)f the equivalent of seven downtown blocks bordering Pacific Coast Highway into a parking complex. Pacilic Coasl 11igh~ay will be. mQVed .in· land and the highway, right-of-way• will revert to the city as the adjoining pro~ erly owner'," the councilman 'etplalntd. "Cnder the Parking Au~hoTity la~, ZS percent of the tota l park ing area can be leased .for commercial use," Dr. Kauf- 1nan continued. "Dev('Jopment musl hr-under an a ulhorlly otherwise individual property owners can build small, uneronomical stores on 25-foot frontage lots, and wtiat ha\'e you got "The parking proposal is the second step to an important Overall de velopment plan," the councilman concluded. 2 Wounded Over OhiQ Truck Strike YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPI) -One persOn' was shot to dealh and at least two others were wouiided Tues<;lay when SO carlo3ds of Teamsters Union members a~temp1ed .to escort a strike-breaking carav'an of 't.rucks into the Republic Steel Corp. plant, here. Police said several other persons y.•ere lnjured by bricks and bottles when the Teamsters, member& of Local 377, were met at the plant gales by 140 striking in· dependent steelhaulers. , Pollce, who used tear gas in an attempt to break up the melee, sid the steelhaulers wielded baseball bats, rocks and guns. Between 100 and 150 shots were fired during the outburst, which lasted about a half hour, police said. The wounded and injured were taken to Southside Hospital. 'rhe 'Teamsters •apparently a\lempted to break a 12-day strike by the in~ dependent haulers against S t o n e y ' 1 '!'nicking Co., which delivers steel for Republic. Police said at-least one truck w·as set afire and Ule car o{ Teamsters official John Angelo was set ablaze. The Young11town police riot squad followed I.he Teamster:; to the plant and were at the sce,ne when the violence e~l!!):!.ed. , · · ~'! iinl Cwnty Judge F or r e 1 t av ier earller Tuesday Issued an in· junctio,n . prohibiti'ng interference wilh trucks entering and leaving the pl3nt. The strike, which has been p11nctuated by vio lence,· began Oct: 17 when one of_ the drivers ror Stoneys Was suspended for receiv ing several traffic citations. Stock Jllarkel1 NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market declined slighlly In moderate trading this afternoon . {See quotations, Pages 10.11 ). Affected are five blocks between 8th and Lake streets and five acres of Hun - tington Beach Company property east of Lake inland to Allanta Avenue. The public is invited to attend the session at which CSC members will il· lustrate Uleir proposals with maps, draw· ings and photographs_ Noise Unaffe~ted The committee will ask the council to order further, detailed studies on the driwntown area to determine exact coslll <!nd financial ieasibiHly of progressive steps to modernize thl? area. ILS Only Guides A.ircraft The ci'11 council is faced with three c·hoices. accordin g to !he thinking of the CSC committee: -Adopt th e Parking Authority plan as outlined. --l\1o\·e into a program of urban tl'newal for the entire do~1ntown area. (This would mean clearing a huge area in the old business section, buying up all the property and selling it back to new dev~lopers or the former landowner!. The area has been designated a~ "blighted'' by the federal agency o( ]lousi ng and Urban Development ). -Do nothing at all, leaving the downtown area as it is. Councilman Henry Kaufman , a ''igC1rous proponent rif do w n town redevelopment has called the CSC plan •·a good one." "lt is good beeau&: eventually the Anybody who thinks Orange County Airport's new instrument landing system I ILS) will reduce jet airer.aft noise "i~ being misled." Newport Beach City Coun· ci!man Donald A. 1\1clnnis said Monday. Mcinnis, who represented the city at the unveiling or the $lJO,OOO air traffic control system last week, said !LS .ha! nothing to do wilh noise abatement. What ILS does, Mcinnis explained, ls provide electronic guidance to aircra ft so they can use the airport in all kinds of weather. "lt wilJ result in greater safety for planes." he said, "and will result in more flights ." He noted that last year Air CaliftlrJlia and Air West had 40 fewer in· comlng'flights than scheduled at County Airport because of fog shutling down the facility. Termed ''an invisible highway," fi.S utilizes very high frequency radio be!UJlS Mail Staff Helps Carrier Pay Wife's Medical Bills More than 200 ·Huntington Beach postal employea today ire atekirig lid fur a fellow mail carrier and hli wile. The couple In ' need, Monte and' Cara Ramey of HanUngton Beltli, fafe finan- ciai',hards~ ~auae of•"Mrs. "8mey's medical~; Mort than,;1.-:i·halt beerr raised among ar"' m.n C.zlrlers -to help Offset. the 'coat (lf Mr1. Ratnty's . two-week stay in Oraoce County Medical>Center: Sil< Is a dla~c aqtl ' suffen from detective kldney11. One ls not functioning and the other is J,telerioratlng, say Ramey's friends. On top of her kidney ailm'ent. ?\frs. Ramey , 32, is currently suffering heart tl'OUb!e, s8y11 mail carrier Peter S. Barazsu, chairman of the po 11 t 8 I ~inplayees' recently 'stabllshtd "Ramey Funrl.'' MOntc Ramey normally carries mal! in the Huntington llarbour area. but before his wife was hospitalized he was working off and on while trying to care for her al home. Her condition has been poor for about M days. says Barazau. Saturday and Sunday the postal employes are holding a garage altd1>ake sale at 1739'1 Avalon Lane, in an elrdft to eam money for future medical·~ 1nd _possibly a kidney tr111splant -If 'dOCton say one ~s possible. • "We need _people to come and buy Items," says Baraz.su, "and "'' aliO need donation of used articles lo ~ell." f'or in- formation call Barau:u at MG-lfOf · or Mrs. Florence Johnson at 842·2995. Monetary cont.ributlons may aloo be malled to "Ramey Fund," P.O. Box 1015, Huntington Beach, CaUf. 92f41, "lle's been car'rylng \hlt'Joarl a!Ont for a long t.ime,'' e,;plaln~ ·Baratsu, "we felt it was time Mmlebedy~ him." lo guide planes to louchdown. regardless of weather conditions, including fog. ?lfclnnis noted that the DAI LY PILOT last week qu oted Airport Director Robert Bresnahan to the effect that Its would please the Harbor Area 's anti-noi!e tac· tions. Bresnahan said it wou ld allow 1p- proaching aircraft to come in over Dover Shores al 700 feet instead of 400 feet as in pre-ILS days. Mcinnis said this i! 'true, but he pointed out that the Dover Shor.es direction is seldom used by incoming aircraft. "Only in Santa Ana wind conditions do they fly over there and those condltJoru; are very rare," he said. '1So anybody who thinks lLS will automatically reduce noise is being misled." Orange Wea&llel' Wednesday ·s weather picture re- mains gloomy, despite a cotiple sunny hoUrs in the alternoon which woo 't be able to ad\rance the mer~ c:ury past 84 &Jong the coast. INSIDE TODAY President Nixon hafn•t Jor· 17ot!e·11 the talents tho! made him o tough political it1/igh.t•r and he may now be about. to take off . his gloves. J>age 12. <·~· 1 · CMHllMC 1 .. U ~-II c,........ u DMrlt '"'kn I CJwto<•• I ........ 1 ... " ' ' •""11•"'-1 ' •'"-"<• 1•11 ...... ><.,. " Allft L"'""· U ,........ ' • .,,..,._ Llr111 ... i ~"""' •. '""'"'" . Mollof.tl ,...... ·'l IMl""-1 ~ ... 0r~ c_,., 1 h'"4• ,.,,..; ll J"'"' 1 .. 1 ...... ~ M.11 T111'1l'llell 11 -' ·-. ...... .,..... 14 ...,.. ..... .. . ...... , MIMt).U , I . ~. ---- - -----------• -• -~ ...--~ ~-.------r -----.-------~·-------------------------... % DAILY PILOT H l11tsd1y, Octobtr ~8. 1%9 Reds to Tell of POW s V.S. Peace Group to Be Given Names PARIS (UPl)-North Vietnamese dip- lomats confirmed reports today they were prepared to supply information on Ame r· lean prUiooers of war to ii mH1tant, L'.S. anti-wa r organiution. (Related slory, Page 5.) But they did not say they "'·ould supply the full list of the ca p\i11es to the organ· i1..ation called the "New r.1obiliza tlon CommiUee to End the War in Vietnam. Attorney William Kunstler told news- men in Chicago Monday alter "'·eekend talks with 1-lanoi peace conference dele- gates that he ~lieved the mobilization committee soon \vould get the names of American pr isoners and that Hanoi was •f Love Ditti' ready to "drastically extend the flow ol information." North Vietnamese o!licials insi sted 1hat there was no change in Hanoi's '·humanitarian policies towards prisoners or war," They 5aid that Xuan Oanh, the Hanoi d('legation's public relations offi- cer, explained the policies lo Kunsllrr in a \wl)-hou.r talk in ""'hich the conversa- tion ranged widely over the whole Viet· namese problem. Oanh has promised to Kunstl rr !!lat the mobilization committee v.·ould get information on the prisoner.!! if it were available, the inforn1ants said. North Vietnamese delegates in recent weeks promised groups or Americans totaling 22 person! they would be au~ plied with Information on their missing sons and husbands ir it were available. Kuns\ler visited Paris on bthalf ()r Da11id Del!lnger and Rennard Davis, who belong to the n1obiliz.ation committee. Jfe is representing them in a Chicago trial resulting from demonstrations during the J968 Democratic national con11ention. The NOTth Vietnamese authoritiu, who con!ider the U.S. soldiers "aggreS1ors,'' ha l'e SO far firm ly tUmed down a"JI offi· cial and private American pleas to release the complete prisoner list .and to allow an international control of the POW camps. Girl, 15, Shoots Boyfriend By ARTIWR R. VTNSEL 01 lh• 0.llJ Piiot Slllf Hurt over a lovers' spat, a 15-year-old gir! stole a gun r.londay to force her boyfriend to listen to her side, then shot him during the cnnfrontation in their Costa Mesa apartment. Vnfamilh1.r with Orange County, the girl then drove aimlessly up the Newport Freeway, with the wounded youth, hun· ting a sign directing them to a hospital, but finally stopped to ask for help in Statewide Ban Extended On Shellfish The annual state\\:ide shelllish quaran- tine, which usually extends fr om !\fay 1 to Oct. :'H each year, has been extended indefinitely. Dr. John R. Philp, Orange County Health Officer, said l.oday. The ban forbids the taking and eating of mussels, osyters and the dark meal of clams along the entire . coast of California. Howe ver, the sheilfLSh may be used for bait, Philp said. Mussels, oysters and clams feed off a tvpe: oE tiny water organism that is harmful lo humans· when eaten. Tt is th e i;ame organism that creates lhe "red. tide" effect, a reddish hue that can be sttn on the ocean at night du.ring the. month.'.'l of May through October. The little organisms usually di.sappc:u- from coastal waters by the end of October. but this year, !he plankton is 5til1 plentiful Dr. Philp said. Philp said he doesn't know \l'hy the nrganisms have chosen to stay around the \l'alers of the Orange Coast. "l don'l think anybody really kno\VS the ansv.·er." he said . "lt relates to the temperature of the waler." BuL, for whateve r reawn, laboratory test.s conducted by the state health c!epart.ment have shov,cn that the poison is i;t ill present in shell fi sh samples. The ban on ('ating shellfish taken from Orange County anrl Ca lifornia coastal v.·aters will continue witil further notice. Philp said. l/01 v's That, M V. p ? r. ice rez. \VASHl~GTO;">.' IL:PJ) -\·icr rre:;i- dent Spiro T. Agnc\v spoke at a Defense Department ceremony Tuesday. His prepared text had him ~aying at cne point: "No public figure h11s gone rlown iil hi~tory· fnr ~ll ) ing gi\'e me economy nr gi\·e nie death " As dcli\'ered, it c;une out "No puh\ir. figure has gnne down 1n histnry for Ehouting i;:ive me liberty or give me economy!·' ' DAILY PILOT R<1b•·I f.J. W••.! FtU16t~t •"d Publl>"<r JJt~ R. Cu•lry Viet P/!\'l!tot ond ""'''""' l!tn1on Tho'"'"' "••"ii lO,IM !~a"'"'· A. l.lu1 p~;,.. Mon19on' l ~·1nr Alb~•! W. ~•h• "''°''''' £0•'0' H1•tl~tt.,. l "cll Office 30'1 ~t~ St<t1! M1ilin9 Addr111: P.O. loo 1'10, '26~1 Other OflltH N"'""' ''''~· ;111 ,.,.,, ~·""·• i ov1ev•t1f cei11 Mn•'. ll~ ~'"' e ... ~!,re! ~•1u1111 l~K~; ~n f ut>I ""'"ve ~A~, OAILY PILOT,,..,.,, w~llh '' rt~ll·""" ,~, "''*''l'rtH. 10 ...,lll•l~tO ft•''' '"'"' ,_u,,. ,,,, In ••J>O .. lt t•,TIOl'I• '"' NvMl~QIM l!l<•Cfl, Fount•lfl Ytl~y. COO'• M .. o, ,.,,.. FO•I l!lt.ltb t r.d L•o11n• l!le•tn. • ""Q "'''" ,...., '°'"'°''' tdi!iOnt. Ofl"'-'• Co•., ""b'••"· '"" (0"1Plftl' 1>tlnt•"9 P'""" ••• II n1 1 W••• l!l••te~ 1!11•'<1 . ,.,.,~,, l!l••C11, """ JIO v.u t "'' ~l•t1!, Cc•I• 11.u t . f~ ........ 17141 64Z..41J Z1 ,,, ... w .. t111hHtft Coll 140-1221 Cktttlflff Aii1,enbl111 641·1'71 (~ .. lt M, 1nt. 011"" C.Ntl "Ubl l\~'"• (en-Ml\• OJO M•I I I 0 I lt I, ~f\rllf11'' '• •a•lc•••I "'•ti•• •' •O"f'l"f"""'• """"' "OI t>o ••l"O'fut•G .. rll'lllul ll!eCIAI ,.tlnh.•·"" <' •• ~ .. ,.~, .... , •• 6•.Cl "O (ltU r.o<"•~• ~· d o! tJt .. ""'' ••..:~ .,a ti•'• Mtu. (•li•t•r • :\L~li •·•"..,. c,, <••••<• IJll'l noo"!~ly ; bY 'l'lfll t ) JO -llllYI "''"'"'' ~Ulooll"'n', t l l)e "'6n'"'Y. Anaheim. Both frightened at the prospecl of being separated after six months together, the girl and the 20-year-old victim also in- vented .a fictitious :story v•hich police quickly eliminated. The girl, who ran away from her Los Angeles home last May, broke down and told Huntington Beach police detectives Gi l Veine and Donald Jenkins the real circumstances ()f the near-tragedy. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt him,'' she wrote in a lengthy statement before being admitted to Orange County J uvenile Hall on charges of assault with intent to commit murder and burglary. The victim, Mario F. ''Feli p e •• Pasapera, wa! listed in satisfactory con· tlition today at Anaheim Memorial Hospital following surgery for removal of the buUet. Inves tigators said lie v:as hit in 1i1c :irm by what appears to be a .38 caliber slug lhat traveled on around through the flesh and lodged in his bark. The girl took hirn 10 Anaheim 111emorial l!ospital after stopp ing to ask rJirecllons en route from the shooting 5Cene a! 240 Sierks St., Cosla r.1esa. Hospital authorities wer e Lold the youth '\'as wounded in lluntington Beach as an initial dodge, so detectives \1£'ine and .J enkins 1rere dispatched to investigate lhe case. The teenager -distraught over \Vhat l1ad happened -finally lost her com- J?O~ure t1nd tokl lhc 1'1L1nti ngton Bea('h detecti ves 1rhal re;i!ly occurred ;ind "'·here . Authoriti es said the girl kne\v Lhe OC· cupant of an artjacenl apartment kept a ~n and <lecided IQ use ll to force Pasapera to JJSten to her side of a quar- Trapped in Crasla rel over past romance~. ·'1 love him with all my heart," said the petite runaway, who will face juvenile court proceedings within a week or 10 days. "I don't know anything about gtm.!," she explained, adding that she cocked the 111eapon while aiming from 10 feet away, because she thought that prevented it from firing, The girl said she didn't realize her fi nger was even on the trigger until the h!ast :sent Pasapera crumpling to the kitchen floor and she knew he wasn't fak· ing blood on the carpet. Drug Care Plan Urged by Doctor SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The direc- lGr of lhc Haight-Ashbury Clinic told a House Comm ittee Monday the federa l government is willing to provide fuRds to identify the problem of d1'J3 abuse. but 'rill provide nothing once the problem i.5 clearly defined. "\\1en. hell , the need is as plain as the nose on your face,'' said Dr. Roger C. Sn1ith, v.·ho called for hospital facilities for acute rlru~ cases and then small treatrnent facilities on a neighborhood basis for out.patients. _ ~n1ilh \vas among tile final v.·itnesses at. ;i four·ciay heartng of the ho1.1se selecl c·o111n11ttee on crime, which is in- vestigating drug abuse in the U.S., especially among teenagers. None ()f the witnesses during the four-day session wa~ under 25 years of age. Rescue \1·orkers prepare to freC' '\'ilbur D. J~3 nk1 n . 38 , South Laguna from his overturned f\,tustang after collision this morning at 18th Streel and Monrovia Avenue in Costa r-.1esa. R ankin. 2108 N . Ronda r;ranada, was freed after JO n1111utes by firemen usi ng metal sa'v to cut a1vay car roof. D•IL Y "!l OT Stiff .... AT THE SCENE - Leary family defense attorneys K. McMillan (plaid coat) during tour of \Voodland George Chula, Robert Law and Marvin Cooper Drive Monday afternoon. At right is Chula's office (from left) discuss point with Superio_r_J_ud_g::_e_B.;_y_ro_n __ m_a_na_.:g::_e_r_:_,_J_am_e_s_M_o_r_ri_s_on_l_b_ea_r_d_,_d_a_r_k~g~l_as_s_e_s)_._ Judge Surveys Leary Drug Arrest Scene As the legal pr otagonist.<i in the Ti mothy Leary liearlng were Slll"Veyi ng woodsy, run-down Woodland Dri ve in Laguna Beach Monday, an unexpected figure became very much in evldence. Judge B)TJn K. !lfcMillan, who must rule in his superior CQUJ{ whether nar- cotics seized from the Leary station v:agon are admissible ii! evid ence, V.'as ~urveying the street and homes along 11·ith four attorneys. They v.·ere chatting casually "'·hen .a youth \\'ith Jong bla ck halr popped out of one of the aging residences and shrieked, "I know l'm out of sight ·and t don·t h111·e to go to jail to prove it." l-le strode past the group. A little girl ran up to hlm. He picked her up. Anolher young man t'mbraced both seeming to offer comfort. One of the young men called out in a hoarse voice, "It's al! right, there 's no more hate." Judge !11c~t illan and the a ttorney~ "''atch~ and listened and the n went on with their discussion. \Vith Mcil-1illa n were George Chula, attorney [or Dr. Leary; Marvin Cooper, representing Leary's son, John ; Robert Law, attorney for Leary's wife, Rose- mary; and p r osecutor Martin J. Heneghan, red-haired depuly district attorney. The group v.·as studying the street and terrain in regard to discrepancies in tes· timony about where the Leary station wagon "11.·as parked-legally or in mid- ~lreet.-the night 11 Laguna 6e11ch police officer arrested the trio of Le.arr s- Valley "' oman Wins AFS Prize In Hunting ton :0.lrs. Anita Dietz. 9256 Daisy Al'e., Fountain \1alley, 11'as 11•inner of the top pri1e given at lhe recent AFS Y.'hite Tag Sale at Huntington Center in Huntington Be.1ch. The prize, a brand-new 1969 Toyota Cf'rolla, is now in Mrs. Dietz' driveway. It was donated to the American Field Ser\'ice, Huntington Beach Union High School District chapter, by the Jtun- tington Center f.1erch11nt~ Associsrtion srnd Bill f.faxey Toyota of Huntington Beach. For several day.!! high school student! ~old "v:hite tags" for SI each, v.·hlch en· titled the bearer to a 10 percent discount 011 1nerchandise and a chance of winnlng thf! Toyota . Prnfits from the Y.'hite Tag Sale are tis. r d !() provide funds for br\nginp: foreign exchange student5 to the di5trict's five high schools. Patrol Finds No Bribe to Rl1odes COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -The Ohio Highway Patrol reported today it round no evidence that money was offered or paid in connection with the commut.aticn of former Toledo mobs\4!r Thom&s CY~ nle) Licavoli'.!! conviction. Gov. James A. Rhodes commuted the first-degrtt murder con11icUon of the ag. ing c011vict to second-deJl'ee murder, His aclion wa11 question~ In a stm-y printed by Life magazine )a.!lt May and Rhode! subsequently ordered t h e Highway Patrol to probe the entire Lira1·01i TT11Jtler. Despite the commutation , I.he 65-year- old Licavoli failed to obtain 1 parole. He cootinueA to i;erve a life term at Ohio Penitentiary for four gangland style murders in Toledo 36 year! .ago. Seeks Legat Help Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Counsel 8y TO~f BARI.EV 01 t~I tll llr Pilot Sti lt Orange County Asses sor Andrew J. Hinsha1v toclay look his feud \\'ith County Counsel Adrian Kuyper to the Fourth District Court or Appeals in San Bernardino. J-U s 120--page brief asks Lhat the ap- pellate bench order the Orange County Soutl1 to Release 2 4 Co1nmunist~ On National Day SAIGON (UPI) -South Vielnam an· nounced Tue9day it \11ill release 2~ Com- munist v.·ar priwners on Wednesday. Communiques reported a continuing bat - He lull but a terror attack on the central highlands killed eight persons aniJ \\·ound- cd 43 A Saigon announcement on the rel eas~ of the Communi:st PO\Vs fol!owed by two days a National Liberation Front broad- cast which said the Viet Cong planned lo fre e three captured Americans. There has been no further word on the American prisoners, and a South Viet- namese spokesman did not gi ve a reason for the release of the 24 Comr11unists. But Friday is South Vietnam's National Day and in previous years the occasion has bren marked by the release of "''ar prisoners as a goodwill ge5turc. Naliona l Day co1nn1enorate.~ 1 h e (1\'{'rthro\V or 1he South Vietnaml'Se go1·ernment headed by President Ngo Dinh Di em on Oct. 31, 191i3. in a coup d'ctal that resulted in his assassinati on ln tJ1e largest \\-llr actkin in\'Ol l'in'): American troops reported Tuesday, t_; S. inrantrymen riding Nll\'Y patrol boats trapped a force trying to ford the Saigon Hh·cr and killed 14 Communist soldiers 11·Hh bursts of n1arhine gun firt. Spokesmen said the action shortly bf'fore dawn 26 miles north1\'eSl of Saigon resultecl in no American casualties. The terror attack on the highlands OC· cu rred Tuesday morning \1·hcn a fr agn1e nlation grenade w·as throw·n into a mRTkct place near Phu Cat about 260 miles northeast of Saigon . All of the dead and wounded were identified as South Vil'tnamE'se. Officials said six susperts 11·cre arre~ted. Board of Super\'isors lo provide him with sr pri vate lawyer in hi s spat with KuyJ)('r -a request that has been supported by the Orange County Grand Jury and <lcnied by the supervisors. I liosha1v today repeated ea r l i er charges that a conflict of interf'st exi.c;t.-t between the two county o!ficials. Jl r. 11ga1n concle1nned \v ha L he ca 11 c d "l\uyper's uncalled for intereferencc in assess1nenl Jllalters and his refusal lo cren di scuss such matters V.'ith me ." A prin1e issue 1n the dispute is tJ1~ board's cancellation of. taxes on Upper Bay land transferred by the Jr .,·ine Con1- pany lo the coun ty in exchf!nge for nearby county territory -a cancellotio1• Lhal }!inshaw has cons1slcntly rt1'fised to accept. Thal dispute figures prominenlly in lhfl llinshaw brief together wllh reprints of recent Grand Jury testimony resullin~ from the apf)('Rrancc nf hoth county of- ri ri als bffore the investigat il'e panel. l-!in5haw partlcular)y attacked a lette r Kuyper \\'rote to county superl'isors last .Ju ly 30 in which the cou nty counsel rap- ped Hl nsha"··s rr ruscil to c:onccl the lr1·ine taxrs as "being an argument withou t merit" and asked the board to order l!insha1v to take the required ac· ti on. Hinshaw lD<lay sairl hr ~upplied llie ap- prllate court with !he rxtrart of Grand Jury tcslln1ony lo stress the fact lhat Kuyper "'-rote his Jetter and made h10: stand be/ore 1he board "after con- sultations wi!h the Irvine Company." Bitter Hearing On ~n1og See n LOS ANGELES (APJ -La\\'}ers from across lhc na tion predict a hlllcrly con- ll'Sted hearing over Ille J u s t I c: e J:.1rpartlncnt"s !llOl'C [O ~r11le oll t nf ~·our\ lhc gol'crn1nrnt s anl 1-srnng ~UH agai n:'l niaJnr auto n111kers. l'. S. Dist. lOllf\ Judge Jcs.oe \\'. Curt1 ~. \1'111 Cf1 nr1uct lhe hearing 111 which the Ju ~tice Dcpart1nent ·will :-;eek a Cf)n· 1'<'nt decree for the out-of-court 5et - llement. TOO ay was the opening day, The d~rec i~ opposed hy regiona l agtnC'ies from throughout the nation. At lr;ist .10 11tlornry!> wrrc prepared to offer argun1e11ls agninst it. FAA Prohi11g Pla11e C1·asl1 h1volvi11g Valley Couple Federal Aviation Administration of. lic:lals are looking into the circumirt.ancel! surrounding Sunday's er.ash landing in Cerritos of a light plane flov.·n by .a Faun· taln Valley couple. Reports: that pilot Jerry Bu!h was wav- ed off Orange County Airport and Fullerton Munici pal Airport because of fog, then ran OtJt ()f gas on his way to Long Beach. hive spa\\-ned the f' AA investigation. "At this point it doesn't appear that lhtre wa.!I anythlng irregular," an FAA spokesman said this morning in Long Beach. Bush. 34. and his wife Sandra. 31. or 9175 Poinsettia Lane, Fountain Valley, t.!ICaped without Injuries when he was forced to bring his plane down In .a Cer. ritos cow pasture. The Cessna-150 flipped over when it hit a fenct. The couple was returning to Orange County Airport from Palm Springs when lhey v.'ere informed that heavy fog re- quired an instrument, rathel' than ''isual. landing, tor which Bush's plane \.\'as not eouipped. Bush !hen headed fnr Fu!lert"n :f.-1unl cipal Airport where he was given virtually the same information. Control tower officials at Fullerton a~y Bush ne\'er told them he was low on ga.~ or they woul d have immediately given him instructions for landi ng. FAA regula- lion5 rt!<JUire any plane in an emergency situAlion to have first opportunity to land. Orange County Airport officials are referring quei;tions to the FAA office in Lon~ Beach. FAA investigatori; listened to tapes of tower-to-plane conver:sation.~ l\fonday from both airporti;. The FAA spokesman said lhe laPf"~ \.l'Ollld be heard again, "In mon• dtlail'' and 11 written report from Bush w•oald also be st11died \.\'hen pr~sented . "The inl'estlgation ma y take t\.l'o or three wetks." said the spokesman, "hut. it doesn't appear that any Jndication nr an f'mergency sltualion was given t.o r!ther airport'' .Neither Bush nnr hi~ \-\He_ wrrc a\ajJ. ahlc ror con1men1 todll )'. 7 7 Laguna Beaeh VOL b2, NO. 258, 2 SECTIONS, H PAGES . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 281 1969 ···~--#··#·..--r --.,.,._~ ... ;.;._.;.. ~-~ ,,,,, ........ ~ .... ,. Tetlay's Fl.aal N.Y. Stoek.s TEN CENTS Laguna Baby·sitter Cleared, Loses License By BARBARA KREIBICil 01 lllt Dt llJ ,.110! Sii i! A Laguna Beach babys itter who hall been denied a license lo continue her child care operation by the county's Department of Social Welfare, despite the enthusiastic su pport of her clients. said today she y,•ill take a v.•eek off and •·go fishing at the beach" before seeking \\'Ork in another line. Six mothers who have been leaving their children with Mrs. Ruth Louise Cutti1ig Vp Dunlavey, 52, of 790 N. Coast Highway, took time off fr om work to go in person to the welfare offices in Santa Ana Mon- day, to plead their baby sitter's case, but without success. •·\Ve are not issuing her a license,'' Assistant Director ol Social \\'etrarc \\'illiam Erickson said. •·J cannot stale a reason because our records are con· fidential." Mrs. Dunlavey blan1es her troubles wilh the Welfare .lkparlment on an in· Youngsters prepare coffin and guillotine as part of grisly trappings for Ha l!o\veen spook hou se at Mi ssion Viejo Recreation Center . !;'rom left arc Ricky Kanen, Bob Zeis, Steve Brick and Bron ilailcy. f"or roundup on Saddleback Valley Hallo\veen events, see story, Page 3. Viejo Citizens La t·~nc h Attack on Apart1nents Member~ or the s1ccring ('Ommiltee leading the protest against ap::irtments in Mission VieJo .,.,.i!l ou1lin<' thl'ir pla n of action at a meeting tonig ht at J\lission Vie.Jo High Sch0<1 I, Fifty key people J1:n r hrrn in1·ilcd to the session according tv g r o u r College Upholds Ousting Y outl1 Earlier sus~nsion of student Gary Berrigan !or refusing to cu t his long hair to comply with the dress code by the Sad· dleback College administration \\':'IS upheld unanimously by college truste<"s Monday night. Fifteen students opposed 1o lhe dre~s code rule v;ere present to su pport Ber· rigan, ID, of C11 ri strano Beach, in his ap· pcaL But lrustccs stood lhC'ir grounf!. St~d<'nls present apologized for lhe t'r· ror in their llndcrgro und nC\\'Spapcr •·Sadd1£' Sore " wl1i ch had rh:irged the cul· le11e board with 1nceling iltf!gally. "Seddll'.' Sore" "·as printed as an altemalive student neY!'Spaper t n ''Lariat" which the student go.,.ernment feels Is censored . NY Daily News Poll Shows Lindsay on Top NEW YORK tUPI ) -Incumbent John V. Lindsay continued to hold a substan· tiallead in the mayoral race one "·eel( before electioo day. a straw poll pub· lished in Tu esday 's editions of the Dally New5 indicates. spnkcs man illrs. June Schwar1 L 1n pr<'p:ira11on for the 11 pco1ning meeting of ll1l' Uvard or Su1>~r1·isor~ i\·o\·. 5. ;\fl•<;1Qn \"11'JI··~ f"llrlh rnn,:;lcr p1.1n rc•\1slon V.'lll ~u p fllr ;1rpro1al :ii tliJ ~ 1Jrl11', • \\'(' ffcl 1hC" !ll1.•s1n11 \'1C'jn Cn1npany 1~ 1 r~111g to 1nake this. :in :1parln1cnt e1t.1 ," ..... 11d ~·lr~ Sl'hw:i r11_ ··11pproxima!r ly nn1'· 1ti1rd Of the [l(•pulat1on \\•ill be on a 10t h of !he· land" ~lrs. !-ichwartz said that her co1nn11lll'e hchc1·ed a largC' nurnbcr of apartments in thr arra v.·ould create e c n no rn i c tJbsolcsc!'ncc in regard to the ir homes. Sht conlinu1..'<l that bec ause of high prices of homes, a home is a fam ily's iar,gest expend1lurl'. \.\''hen they choose an ;i rea and are not told how lhe area will he developed , the seller is not being 1ru1hful. "\Ve hope ~1ission Viejo will hecome a lest cast for a truth in selling law ," sa irl r.lr s. Schv.•artz. She said that appropriate legislators v.1ere heing contacted. ciden t that occurred at her home last J\tay 2 during a birthday party for one of her sn1all charges, when a zn.month -vtd .voungstcr crawled out of her yard and fell asleep in bushes nearby. The child was the son of Mrs. Carol}'Tl llowe. who ""as being married that day to La gu na Beach detective Gene Brooks. \Vhcn word of the tot's di sappearance reached the wedding receplion, Del. V 1c Sagan went to the Dunlavey home to join lhc search and found the 1nissing bo)'• 1\\'0 weeks later, child neglect charge.s \l'Cre filed by the district attorney's office against ~1rs. Dunla\'ey. The case "'ent through a long series of continua nces before it ~·as dismissed Se pt. 11 by Judge Richard Hamilton. On five separate occasions, mothers who patronized f..lrs. Dunlavey 's babysitting service took lime off from work to testify in her behalf, but each time the dislrict attorn!'y was granted a C'ontinuance. Ty;u weeks ago, Mrs. Dunlavey recciv- ed a formal notice from fue Welfare Department advising her that her ap. pllcation for a babysitting license, filed !<1st December, had been denied and giv· ing her 10 days to make other ar· rangements for Lhe children currently in he r care. On Monday, her last day 85 11 babysit- ter, i;;ix mothers whose children regularly have been left in her care made a final, and apparently hopeless appeal in sup- port of her license. • ava Ie Reds Ready To Provide POW Facts PARIS (UPl)-North Vietnamese dip- lomats confirmed reporJ.S today they were prepAred to supply informalion on Amer· ican· Prf~oners or war to a militant, U.S. .anti-war organization. (Rl'lated sto ry, J1:ige 5.) But they did not say they would supply the full list of Lhe cap!ives to the organ· izalion called the "New Mobilization Commil!ee to End the \Var in \1ictnam. Altorncy William Kunstlcr told news· n1cn in Chicago 1'1onday after weekend lalks with Hanoi peace conference c!ele- ~ates that he believed the mobilization commlttl'c soon ~·ould gl't the names of Amf'rican prisoners and lhat llanoi "'as ready to "drastically extend the flow of information.·• North \l1ctnamese officials insisted rhat thrre was no change in Jlanoi's "humanitarian poliC'ics to"·ards prisoners nf "'ar." Thry s;ii(! that Xuan Oanh, the Jlanoi delegation's public relations Qffr· cer. explained the policies to Kuns!le r in a t"o-hour talk in which the conversa· 1Jo11 ranged widely over the whole Viet- nn1ne."e pr ohlem. O:inh has promised lo Kuns1ler that the rnoh1lizat1011 comrnillec v.·ould get 1nfonnation on the pnsoners if il were ,11•;11 lablc, the informants sald . Norih Vll'tnaml'se delega1es in rrcrnt \I Cl'ks promisel'f groups of Americans 10\::iling 22 persons thl'Y would bt sup- plied \vil h information on lh!'ir miss ing SQns and husba nds if it "·ere available. StG<!k /llarkel• NE \V YORK (AP)-Thc stock market declined slightly in moderate trading this afternoon . <Stt quotatio ns, Pages 10-ll ). And while that measure of bluc<"hip stock performance lost ground, advances among individual slocks traded on the New York exchange also lost the ir ad· vantage over declines. There were 671 declines and 620 advances. ac s at Seeks Legal Help Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Counsel By TOll BARLEY Ot ,... hil'f l'llDt lltlf Orange County As~ssor Andrew J . Hinshaw today took his feud with County Counsel Adrian Kuyper to the Fourth Dls!.rict Cour1 cl Appeals in San Bernardino. liis JZO..page brief asks that the ap· pellate bench order the Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide. him with a private lawyer in his spat with Kuyper -a request that has been supported by the Orange County Grand Jury and cl<'nied by the supervisors. Hinshaw today · repeated ea r 11 er f"ha rges that a conflict of interest exisls belll'een the two county officials. He again condemned what he ca 11 e d "Kuyper's uncalled for intereference in ass<'ssment matters and his refusal to e\•en discuss such mallers wlth me." A prime issue in the dispute is the hrord's cancellJtion of t::ixc.<; on Upper Day land transferred by the Irvine Com· Pfn)' to lht county In e1chlnlt for nearby county territory - a cancellation that Hinshaw has consistently refwed to .lCf.e,p_1 mt dbpute figures prominently in the Hinshaw brief together with reprints of recent Grand Jury testimony re,,u!ting from the appearance of both county of· licials before the invesligetive panel. Hinshaw particularly al\acked a letter Kuyper wrote to county supervisors last July 30 in which the county counsel rap- ped Hinshaw's refusal to cancel the Irvine taxes as ''being an argument without merit'' .end asked the board to order Hinshaw to lake Lhe required ac· tion . Hinshaw today said he .rupplied the ap- pellate court with the extract of Grand Jury testimony to stress !he fact that Kuyper wrole his letter and made his stand before the board "after con· sultations with the Irvine Company." Hairci1t Prices Going Up 111 Soutl1e1·n Coa st Sl1ops By RICHARD P. NALL 0! l~o l>l l!Y l'llol 511" Haircut prices will climb from S2.l>O to $.1 in many of lhc southern Orange Coun- ty barber shops. Master barber Anthony J . !-.1ataoo of Anthony 's Barber Shop. 1088 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, announced the hike today after a recent meeting of area barbers. A1at.ano said the price hike will be ef· fcetive in some barber shops Saturday and will begin in others Tuesday. Most shops are closed Mondays . The recent barbers meeting, said Mat.ano, included barbers from Laguna Beach. South Laguna, San J u a n OAtLY PIL01 ''""..,... Capi strano, El Toro, Mission Viejo, Dana Point, Laguna Hill s and San Clemente. Matano and Ken Westmoreland, 20 Monarch Bay Plal.8 , South Laguna, were co-chairmen . Matano estimated that 75 percent or the area barbers will go along with the price hike. He said Corona de! Mar barbers had raised their prices ea rlier, Matano estimated !here are 2S to 30 shops arid 75 lo 100 barbers serving the .south county area from Laguna to Sen Clemente and inland. He conceded !hat some won't go for the hike. noting that one San Clemente barber advertises $2 haircuts and hair cutting on Sundays. Matano said there are seven shops in Laguna with 13 or 14 barbt:rs. fie said he expected all but three barbers to raise the price. In his own shop, Metano said, the razor cut (no electrical equipment, all hand work) will go up from $3 to ft 1be hair atyling will remain Ult 11me, $7 .50. Hair styUng is somewhat atylized among Individual barbers. Malano sakl. some actually set the hair •nd it remains ln place unUI washed. Matano cuts from the "cowlick" so that the hair falla In the most natural position. Other styling: techniques are used for ,per30ns wilh ir~ regular shaped heads or protruding ears. Malano said increased prices are necessary becauM! of Increased COl!ll to barbers from insurance to shampoo. He said the price ol electric clippers went up '5 recently. The poll, the third canvass of the city in the last two ~'eeks. also showed Dem. ocratic candidate Mario A, Procaccinn continuing lo IORe support \Vi lh only 29 percent o! the polled vot.ers favoring him as against a high o! 33 percent in the first canvas~. HE 'S STANDING ON SHIP'S BRIDGE. WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HI! LOOKING FOR? (SEE PAGE 3.) Metano expects some of the price-hiked shops will me bu!ineas. "Some people are feeling the pinch and 1 feel sorry for the~ people, Nobody is going to down encl threaten thn!le b8rber1 that want to charge $2," Mat.ano :wild. Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dunlavey herself was granted an interview at the department, also without success. "All they "'ould tell me," she said to- day, "was that my license application had been denied because I had made 'an error in judgment.' My lawyer tells me there is no way to appeal a decision of the Welfare Department, so I guess I'll have to find some other way to support my~elf" Mr.'l. Dunlavey, a widow, said {See BABYSITTER, Page %) ees oro Personnel Reductions Not Large Subjects of vital Importance to the. future of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station and El Toro Marine Air Base were touch- ed upon Monday by the nation's Chier of Naval Operations in a press confertnce • Adm inal Thoma.~ H. J\loorer, speakint .at Los Alamitos said: -Personnel culs would be made at El Toro and Los Alamitos .as a resu lt in the slash in military spending announced Monday by Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. -Talk of the closing of Los Alamito5 or consolid&tion with El Toro are only in the study stages. -The effect of the spending cuts on !he proposed 600-acre expansion of Lo! Alamitos is a matter of Navy budget con· :;ide.ration. Adminal 11-loorer said cuts in personnel at the t"·o Orange County naval in· stallalions would not be large and would be spaced over a period of time. He said !hey would come in reduction of full-time civilian and active duty military person- nel et the bases. He said th ey would not affect levels of w~kend reserve training programs al Los Alamitos. Admiral Moorer admitted !hat Lo;; Alami~os l.s one of 88 military in· stallal1ons 1n a IO·state area being con- si dered for closing or consolidation, but ndded, "It's only in the study st.age. There's nothing specific." A Navy study, called Project Wire, i~ currently in process to investigate the closing or consolidation of military in- stallations. A report is expected within IS months. On Ule proposed expansion or Los Alamitos which is being opposed by the cities of Cypress, Stanton and Seel Bear.h. Adm.ioal Moorer uid. "We don't have the fisc:a l 1970 budget yet. It's still bring considered by Congress." He repeated prior statements by Navy officials lh11.t the Los Alamitos base is operationally safe despite transition to more powerful jet planes for reserve training. Orange Coast Weather Wednesday·s weather picture re- mains gloomy, despite a couple sunny hours in the afternoon •hicb won't be able to advance the met· cury pasl &4 atone the coast. JNSmE TOD~Y President Ni.ion ha.fn 't Jo,,,. gotten trie talents that made him a tou11h political infiahttr and he may now be about to take off his gloves. Page 12, c.11 .. ,.,.,. t (lattffleol 1 .. H CMI« U Cnt-Nll ,, --. --. •dlMtltl ...... I •-•I-t ,.._, .... " ... ,__ ,, AMI L ...... 1 11 ,,..,... . """'laH lie•-• MHll11n I ...... . ,_..,., ....... ,, .......... , .._ ... °' .... c-no • ''""' ...,.,., l t .,..,. , .. ,, .... Mlrhtf tt-11 T ...... h.11111 1S -. ·-. .......... l• --... . __.. ..... ,,.,. --.... ~ ..--... -~-. ·. _..,_ -.... ~ -..... ~. -. -, -----·· ...,.------,-....--~~--.-.-.........,,.._,,,.,,....,..-·--~ .. -·-·----·------. -·- • • •• '2 DAILY PILOf L Aldrich: Hurricane Eye UCI's Daniel Braves Local Lions' Dens By Tll0~1AS FORTUNE 01 "'' 0.Ut "IOI Sltfl Jn an informal breakfast v•ith the press this morning UC Ir vine 's Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. discussed the travails ol be- ing a UC campus chan~llor. He sald he goes into meetings \\.'ith community organiiations feeli ng people are daring him to speak. And be said when a note appear!! on his desk requesting him to return a call lro1n a newspaper reporter, he feels tense. But Aldrich, 'vho is tall, handsome and an exceptional speaker, says he never goes away front his community ap- pearances with the same uneasy feeling. He said before a recent tal k to a service club he was advised: "You know f!boUt Daniel and the -lions' den ." Aldrich said he replied, "I also learned to sing a song in Sunday School -'Oare to be Daniel.' " Indicative of his after-a-meeting feel ing ts his remembrance of a man who came up to him and said, "You're not a Socialist are you?" His feelings after conversaUon with a One Killed, T,vo Hurt in Ohio Unio11 Violence YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPI) -One person was shot to deaLh and al lea.st two others were wounded Tuesday when 50 carloads of Teamsters Union members attempted ta escort a strike-breaking caravan of trucks into the Republic Steel Corp. plant here. Police said several other -persons ·were lnjured by bricks and bottles when the Teamsters, members of Local 377, \Vere met at the plan t gates by 140 striking in- clependent sleelhaulers. Police. who used tear gas in an attem pt to break up the melee, sid the stee]haulers wielded baseball bats, rocks and guns. Between 100 and 150 shots were fired during the outburst, which lasted about a half hour, police said. The wounded and injured were taken to South.side Hospital. The Teamsters apparently aUempted tn break a 12"ay strike by the ln· r!rpendent haulers against S t on e y • 5 Trucking Co., which delivers steel for Republic. Police said at least ooe truck was set 11fir e and the car of Teamsters official John Angelo was set ablaze. The Youngstown _police riot squad followed the Teamsters to the plant and were at the scene v.·hen the violence en1pted . t-.tahoning County Judge Forre s t Cavalier earlfer Tuesday issued an in· junction prohibiting interference with trucks entering and leaving th e pl ant. The strike, which has been punctuated by violence, began Oct. 17 when one of the drivers for Stoneys was suspended for receiving several traffic citations, newspaper reporter aren"t alw1ys •«> r;anguine. And once his quotes appear In print there are lin1es he is quite per- turbed. A central county nev•spapcr !~is morn· ing headlined a story: "Aldrich Defends 4-Letter "\\lords." As one who has pubilcly dressed down students for using obscenities, Aldrich is not a defender of four-letter words. A reading of the story shows he had defend· cd the student newspaper's freedo1n to use them, The quote is: "The campus newspaper is student run, paid for wlU1 student funds and mcanl for studen t circulation.'' He goes on to say that if he were to tell the student newspaper staff not to use them Lhey probably V.'Ould use them more than ever. The chancellor says his quole in a story In Monday"s DAILY PILOT is misleading. Questioned about a campus poster that showed a person bending over with a bare bottom. pasted on a placard carried by a picketer at his home, Lebanon Flares Aldrich aald : "That is something they had better talk to the Depart1nent of Enghsh about. l'in 11ot doing ar1ything ." lie says hi" did not noean by the last i;tatement !hilt he is un v;illing: to d<> anything aboul ii. lie meant he P"rsonal!y had nothing to do \v1!h cre:1ting the poster_ Just as he personally has not used four-letter words. His point is lhat the university is nol monolithic \\'ith all authority at lhe top_ "The deicision to du it or not to do it co1nes ri ght back lo the ind ividu<ils in- vol\'Cd \\•ho function as cililcns in the University system ," he .said , Alrdii.:h did uot amplify his short stale· n1ent at the thnc because he was tense at getting the telephone call from the press. The result: poor communication. Aldrich. feels that he and the Unive rsity are on the defense. "The community fears the campus and the campus in turn fears the com- munity," he said. ''This communications g.'.lp is one of the great dilficu!lies of our time." U.S. Embassy in Beirut Target of Dynamite Hit By United Press Tulernallonal A series of explosions rocked Beirut to- day and a group of armed men tried to attack the U.S. embassy but were driven away by Lebanese security officers .,.,.ho oper.ed fire on them. Fighting also flared again in the Leba11ese cities and near the Israeli border. The Middle East Ne\':~ Agency in Cairo sa'id the men hurled a stick of dynamite tO\\'ard lhe embassy as they fled in a car but the explosio n caused neitl1er injuries nor damage. The guerrillas _have accused the United States of backing Lebanese ef- fort<> to crush !he guerrilla movement. 1'he new round of violence came as !liaj. Gen. Emile Busl.ani and former l)remier l~ashid Karami incl v.·ith Presi- denl Charles Helou to discuss the crisis. Bu~tani 'vas flying to Cai ro later tod ay fc.r talks with guerrilla leaders. The conflict which threatened civil war ln Leganon brokr out JO day s ago wh en Lebanese army troops cracked do\\•n on guerrillas who had used bases in southern Lebanon for al\acks against Israel, thus n1aking Lebanon subject to heavy Israeli rct.'.l!lation. T·he Jordanians got a la~te of that retaliation today when Israeli jets bomb· ed and strafed the Al·Adassiyah area in Jorc!a n, three miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee, in an attac k against Arab guerrillas who had previously attacked tsrael. Israeli jets also attacked targets in Egypt along the Gulf of Suez during the night. \Vhether the attempted attack on the From Page 1 U.S. embassy represented a new anti. American phase of the conflict was not immediately apparent. The official Cairo radio accused the Un lted States Monday of being the prime mover in the Lebanese cri~is. Guerrilla groups also havr_ predicted a U.S. troop landing in Lebanon to protect the 1-lelou governn1cnt. The tl-1iddle E.'lst Nc11•s Agency rcpor1cd today that France had told Lcb11non it opposes "landing any foreigr. troops or foreig11 intervention'' in Lebanon . Russia has warned against such intervention. Bitter Hearing On Smog Seen LOS ANGELES (AP\ -La\vyers from across the naliun predict a bitterly con· tested hearing over the J u s I i c e Deparltncnt's move lo sett le oul n[ court the goverrunenl 's anli·smog suit against major auto makers. U. S. Dist. Court Judge Jesse 'V. Curlis , \l'i!J conduct the hearing al \\'hi ch the Justice Department will seek a con- sent decr!"e for the out-Of-court set· tlement. Today was the opening day. The decree is opposed by regional agencies fro1n throughout the nation. At least 30 attorneys were prepared to offer arguments against iL BABYSITTER LOSES LICENSE . • • 5he !tarted taklng care of children eight years in order to bi!" at home wHh her own 14-year-old daughter. •·1 first applied for a regular child carf' license seven years ago," she said. "I filled out 1111 lhe forms and look m.v physical, but 1 never heard any more of it. Last December J applied again, and went through the v.·hole routine. Thi s time an inspector came oul to look at my house and said he would recommend the lic-enSE'. "Then the baby· crawled out or my yard and all this started . The d1slricl at . torney 's office couldn't make a case of 1t and all these mothe rs \lo'Cre ready lu testify for me so they just droppe<l it. But they (the district attorney 's office) told my lawyer lhey"d see to it I'd never get a I OAI l y Pll or Cl"""G~ l:OAll f"t/ll l!HING COMPAH'f l•Mrl N. Wt .. ... ~ ....... w.~ J1clr k. c •• 1.., Vk* ..,.._,. _,., .a.-111 ~' ,,,,."'.' x ••• u Etilot Th•111•1 "'-· MG"Jl!.ine ,,_....,1,,. EOltor Rici.•" P. Noll l-••Kii Clly-IOllo!' i...--...Of .. 222 F1111t A••· M1irr~1 Ail,, ... , t .o. a... •~•. t11st --c-. Miil t DI W..I ..... '''"' .......... ....,., 7711 >'l'etl .......... .... ........ INal, .... ... license to lake ca re of children. and l g11ess Lhey meant ii." fltcan1~·hilr the mothers \1·ho ha\'e patron ized fl-lr s. Dt111lavey·s child ('a re srrvicc are hav ing their problen1s too. /\lrs. Gloria Dahlqui st. a pest nf!ice ('1nploye 1\'ho lires at 255'• SL Ann's Dri ve, 1ras onr of tlir si x v.·ho rrpl•alcdly too k tune of! fron1 1vork lo Lry Lo he lp the b~hysitter. ··she ha s lakt'.'n care or my littlr boy ~ince he wa~ htw11, lour y!':ar~ ago, .. said Mr~. Dahlqu ist. "'il1os t of the other mothrrs have heen 11·ith her for years too. \\'e be lieve in her. she 's a good \\'Oman and has a nlce home 1vhere the child re n are safe. They get three good meals a day and \\'Onderful care. I 'm not about to leave my boy with just an)'One. J'll have to take him down to my mothl'r in Riverside I guess, and 1.>nly see him weekends.'' t-.frs. Dahlquist said the \Velfare Department had given the dell"gallon of mothers two phone numbers for licensed babvsittcrs ln the Laguna area. "'One nun;bcr was disconnected ," she said. ''The olher didn't \.\'ant any rnore childr!"n . Thry gave us some adrlresses up 1n Costa M ~a. bul tha t's no help to us here . They also said it's agninst the law for an yone who isn't a rela11 ve lo take f'a re of chlldrrn \\'ilhout a license, so . .,.,.hat are we supposed to do~ 011C' mother is working because her husband is 1n hospit al. She doesn"t have any relatives here." Erickson confirmed that the la1v re- quires ~-license fo r persons laking care of children in private homes, regardless of number. unl ess there is a relationship to the child. Under l~e licens ing pro- cedure, applicants must :supply character reftrences and medlcal records, take a chest X-ray and have the home inspected by a social worker. he said. The license is issued without charge and mUsL be renewed yearly. Mrs. Dunlavey sai1l today .she htts •·a bout given up" In her efforts to obtain a license. "There'5 no way to argue with the Welfare Department," she said. "I even hod to go through Senator Schm it:i' offi ce to get them to g11·e me the in· terview yesterday and that didn't get me anywhere. l fl?el very b11d ~bout the mother5 -they've been 50 v.-'Underful In me. I'll find somt other work but it will • ' ha\'e to be dur ing school hours bf.cause I ;va nt lo be ho1ne 1\·ith n1y own girl." A ~pok<'sn1<J11 ;it the pub lic dcfendrr's office, \\'h1ch hnndled i>lrs. Dunln\~·r s cou rt case, co1nmcnted. ''It l\'<-lS :i n1osL unusu al 1h!ng, 'I11at 1\·qman h;-id al Jr.ast 20 people ready to ~<'r1 e :i~ cl1<1r:icl\'r 11 11nrsses for hrr. ThfTr 11 :n1ld lia1r 11r .. 11 110 11'n)1 tn inakc a case ai;:i1ns1 h1:r holrl up in courL" President Urge~ Swift Approval Of Money Bills \VAS HINGTON (UPI ) -President Nixon, preparing lo leave for GOP cam- paign speeches in Virginia and New Jersey , urged Congr ess Tutllltjay to all" pro\"e without further delay current spen . ding bills for federal agcncirs so the 11d - ministr<1tion could pl an its 19il budget. Nixon rnet 11·i11l nepublic:1n 1'011. r.rcssional lead ers ;1! the \Vhi!c Hou~~. ;1 regular \Veekly evrnt. before his evening departure for Roanoke, Va ., lo appear ai ti rally for GOP gubernatorial candidate Lln1vood Holton. After returning to Washington Tuesday night, Nixon will hit the campaign trail again Wednesday for appearances at Morristown and .ltackensack, N.J ., on behalf or Republican gubernatorial can- didate William T. Cahill. In a letter tc> congressional leaders of both parties, Nixon said, "Unless the con- gressional pace is sharply accelerated, lt is clear that many appropriations bills \viii not pass Jn time for federal agencies to !>ettle the voluminous details necessary to mecl the budget deadlines. • . t urgently request yotir c ooperation, therefore, in securing swift action by the Congress on the pending 1970 ap. propriallons bills. Otherwise. we will he fruslrated in opr ef forts t.n mo\'e ahe ad r[ficlently on the 1971 budget." DAILY P'ILOT Slltl Pho .. AT THE SCENE -Leary famil y defen se attorneys K. r..1cMillan (plaid coat) during t ou r of Woodland (;f!orge Chu!n, R obert La\v and l\'larvin Cooper Drive Monday afternoon. At right is Chula's office (from left) discuss point wi·th Superior Judge Byron manager, James M orrison (beard , dark glasses). Judge Surve)'S Leary Drug Arrest Scene As the legal protagonists in the Timothy Lc-ary hearlng v.·er~ surveying: \\'OOdsy, run-do1\'n \Voodland Drive in Laguna BeJch fllond;iy, an unexpected figure bcca n1e l'Cry 111uch in l'vjdencc. .Judge Byron K. /'l-!c\1illan. who 1nust rul e in his super ior court v.·hether nar· colics seized from the Leary· station v.·tt gon are admissible as evidence , 'vas surveying 1he street and homes along v.·1th four attorneys. They were chatting casually when a _youth with long black hair popped out of one of the aging residences and shrieked, "! know I'm oul of sight and I don"t have to go to jail lo prove il." He slrO\"le pn st the group. A little gir1 r<in up to him. He picked her up. Another ynu ng man embraced both seeming to oi'frr comfort. One Of the young men called out Jn a l1oarse voi{'e, "'IL's al! tight, there's no 1norc hate." Judge Mc~f illan and the attorneys 'va!c.hed and listened and then went on Y.·1th their discussion. \Vith t.1ci\1 il lan were George Chula , attorney for Dr. Leary ; fl-Jarvin Cooper , repres ent ing Lcsry's son, John; Robert Law, attorney for Leary's v.•ife, Rose· mary; and p ro secutor Martin J. Hcneghan, red-haired deputy district attorney. Th e group was studying the street and terrain in regard to discrepancies in !es· t imony about where the Leary . station wagon \\•as parked-legally or in mld~ s treet-the night a Laguna Beach police officer arrested the trio of Learys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reimbursement Issue City Council Takes Up Capo Sewer Line Flap Controversy over whether or not the ci- ty of San Juan Capistrano should be reimbursed for acq uiring properly !or a sewer line for a private developer will be settled at tonight's special meeting of the City Council. The developer, Del Obispo Investment Company, is proposing to build homes on property of f Del Obispo Street across from property owned by Ch a r I es Vermeulen. They need a sewer line to extend from their property along the southerly border of Vermeulen farm land to tie into a main line approximately 2,336 feet away. By right of eminent domain , the council has voted to Institute condemnation pro- ceedings to acquire a pennanent strip 12 feet wide and a temporary strip 25 feet wide after Del 'Obispo Cumpany files its tract map. Tbe deveklper has agree<! to pay for the sewer construction and ally other costs such as crop damage. Left to be s('tlled was tht' 11uestion :ibout rcin1· bursing the cl!y for the lan1I lt w·1n purchase. "I don 't think lhe taxpaye r should be burdened with this ," said Mayor Ed Chermak. Councilman Bill Bathgate cigreed saying that those benefiting should pay for it. Councilman Tony Forster disagreed. say ing ttiat those who would be usinj;( the line \VOtdd already be encumbered by a connection cost and a charge to be paid to the developer for the cost of the line's construclion. The mayor said he feared selling thl! kind of precedent. "If the council votes to relieve people in this particular ln1- provement district, then the people in the other improvement districts will start a revolution and I don't blame lhem. "l don 't think we can relieve $1 in this di~trlct if we don 'l do it in lhe others,"' said the JTlSyor. At a previous meeting, councllman Forster sald that he fa vored acquiring the right of way for the developer since the development would bring an sp- proximst!" assessed valuation of $200,000 to the city. Councilman Bathgate said he too favored !he development but believed !he developer should assume IJ1e cost of ease- ment purchase since this is what has been done in the past. S1-1ggestions as lo how the city could be reimbursed included ch a r gin g a particular fee lo each person as they hook into the line or charging a particular fee based on acreage. The con · lrorC'rsy \\·ill be resolved at tonight's r11eeting. 1970 Officers Take Over Reins Of Hotel Group W ould-lle Bi11·glar Sl1ot Dead lly Placentia Ma11 Takeover of the ne1v LflgUna Beach Hotel-i'vlolel Asso ciation administration ~1onda y nigh t v.·as a painless coup livened by coc ktails, chal(cr and si11ritpd dancing. The annual meeting of Ll1e gro up brga n as a two-hour coc ktai l party at Lhe Towers. It adjourricd for dinnrf. and l\110 t<il ks at the Outrigger Re staurant :ind the n trooped back to fhe Towers for more dancing. A P1nccntla b:ir!C'ndcr \\'h() arrivtd hon1r e:irly to<L'.ly to find t11•0 men lurki ng in his ho1ise pumped four revolver shots 111\0 one. killing hin1, then hit the other 1•.1·1cc. bul he cst:t[>ed oul the door, J\.Jl'I Cudcr. 35. (lf Los Angel es, \1·as prnnnu nccd dead of IJis .33 c~i!iber bull et 1\nunds :-il St. Jud{' Hospital, Fullerton , !vllnwing the 12:45 a.n1_ gunplay .. A !l1<inhunt was on today for the other l'iurgl:ir ;:ipparently v .. oundc-d hy vic11111 ~lichael Corsa.els. 33, of 1702 St. James Place, 'but authorities said they had little in the way of leads. Placentia Police Chief Earl \V. Cole- man said Corsae!s was being routinely questioned lllis morning, but thrre was no rvi dence he had comn1itted any crime. "'The best ,,.c can determine, lt was just a burglary in progress,"' said Chief Cnlcma11 . Corsncls told investigators he v:ent into lli~ h(l nlt'. \\·hich lie h:itl lt·fl un lockcrl. ;ind 11·as jun1pcd by the 111·0 incn sur- prised inside Asked if the barlender \\'as carrying the r!'volver he emptied during the con- frontation wilh th e apparent burglars - or obtained it inside his home -Chief Coleman declined explanation. "We're working on that," he said. The apparent burglary victim got in to his car and headed for the Placentia Police Department to report. ihe case af · ter fatally wounding Guder· and hilling the second man. "He met one of our police cars on the way to St. James Place in response to a Libya Forn1ally Tells U.S . to Close Airbase DAMASCUS (AP)-The Libyan gov- ~rnment has !lerved formnl notice lt wnnts the U.S. WheC"lus airbase near 'Tripoli evacuated by Dec. 24 , 1970, the Libyan News Agency reported today. Thi!> Is the C':Xpiration rtate fnr th~ :i,t:rccinent allowing the base on Liby rin SOi i. report of runshot ~. nagged him down 11nd t11en can1e into the station,"' the chie f <'xplained. An ambulnncl'.! \1•as dispatched. but it ,1·as too late for Guder. Stale\\'ide Ban Extend eel On Shellfish The annual statewide shellfish quaran· line, which usually extends from May I to OcL 31 each year, has been extended indefinitely, Dr . John R. Philp, Orange County Health Officer, said today . The b;in forbids th!'.! taking and eating of 1nusscls, os}'\er~ and the dark meat of clams along the entire coast or California. However, the shellfish may be used for bail, Philp said. Mussels, oys ters and clams feed off a type of tiny water organism that is harmful to humans whm eaten. It is the same organism that creates the "red tide" effect, a reddish hue that can be seen on the 1kean at night during the months of May through October. Thti little organism,, usually disappear from coastal waters by th~ end of October, but this year, the plankton is still plenUful Dr. Philp said. Philp said he doesn "t know why I.he organisms have chosen to stay around the waters of the Orange Coast. "t don't think anybody really knowa the answer," he said . "It relates to the temperature of the water." But, for whatever rea!On, laboratory tests conducted by the stat.e hea lth department ha ve shown that lhe poison is still pre~nt In shellfish sample!!. The ban on eating shellfish taken from Orange County and Callforni:t coa st11l wntl"rs will conlinue until ftirth !'r not1cr, l'h1lp s11id. J ohn \Veld, a Lag11nan for m0rc lh1111 .10 yc;:i r~. extolled th e v irtur~ nf lhP sr;1~!Uc c11n1111 un1 ty and s poke r>f tllrrP-dav tnur p:ickages for tourists v1s1t111g the art co!· cny. To1n Taylor. vice president nf TC'!IC'I"· r awcclt \lo'hich proin o1es convent ions a~d tourism for client con1n1unitics. spoke of the importance of promotion to a tnuri st· oriented economy. He said Palm Springs 1-11hlch rt'alizcs $750,000 annually in bed-tax revenue plO"'-'S $500,000 of it back inlo promotion. New association officers <1re Loren •1aneline, president ; John Gregory, vice president : and Gladys Adams remaining as secretary-treasurer. Directors are Merrill .John.~on. llarrv \Villats, J ulie Bradsha\\', Betty· Roblnsoii atid Sam Nilta. Public officia ls present al'C01np;inied by \\'ives included Alton Allen, ltfth r1i.~trict ~upcrvi~or : Lagun11 Beach r it~ coun· cilmen and planning commissioners. Pat1·ol Finds No Bribe to Rhodes COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -The Ohio Highway Patrol reported today 1t founr1 nn evidence that mont>y w11s offered or paid in connec:tiOn with the co111mutatio11 of former Toledo mobster Thomas (Von- nie) Licavoli's convi ction. G<iv. Jame!! A. Rhodes con1muted !he first-degree murder eon,·ktlon nf the ag- ing convict lo second-degree murrler. Hi.~ ac~ion was questioned in ::i. story pr inted by Lile ma gazine last May and Rhndes subsequently ordered t he l!iRhway Patrol to probe. the entire Lica,·oll matter. Despite the commu18tion. the 6,).ye:'ll'-- o!d l.!cavoll failed to ohtoln A parole. He: continue.~ to serve. a life term fl t Ohin l'P-nitentiary ror fo\ir 111111J1:l<ind 8ty1e n111 ~r!rrs in Tnlffi o 36 yrars :igo. ' l But Beyond Players' 8.v TOM TITtr; or llM 0 1llY Piii!! Slllf Many times in com1nuni!y theater an ambitious (ailure is more noteworthy than an in- nocuous success, for it renects the desire of the producing groop to go that extra distance in an attempt to increase its stature. Such is the case with the Fullerton Footlighlers' pro· "ALL M'I' SONS" t..:1:·"A~~1~':;'~ 'i"i::~~1c::·~1~~ 1e"o':::b1 Zrc":'."'i1~i.IT .. r;'"~!1~G""'~~:,g.e,r. .,.,nd by l(fn All•"• pcee•nted b1 '"- Fullec!on Foolllgl>lt!"• Flln•Y• •tlll Stturd•Y• 11>roug1> Nev I al m• M11t k•nl1>tltr (..,l~t, 11t 8 U-\lll!t Orlve, Ful!111on. THE CAST duction or Arthur Miller's ---,-,--,--.,,.--,,,---c postwar tragedy "All My Assenheimer's direction is Sons." It cannot be ronsidered unimaginative, even obtrusive. first rate theater, yet it ranks The lighting is incredibly bad far above a well -produced for Fullerton's new horseshoe "Tender Trap" or "Come format, spilling shadows over Blow Your Horn" on degree of the set and even disrupting the difficulty alone. playgoer's vision. An attempt The Fullerton offering has to create an "old movie" at- much to recommend it ; cer· mosphere with ·background tainly there is no lack of in· music fails because of the tensity here. But it is a pro-selection of modern com- duction that, in its opening positions. weekend, was not. q u it e Dale Hogue is a curious slageworthy, r e q u i r i n g paradox in the central role of another week's rehearsal for Joe Kel!er, the manufacturer solidificatlon. who knowingly n1ade inferior tentially superb performance. Conversely, Betty Strom· quist as his anguished wife fulfills her role's f u 11 est clemands with a poignancy of expression and ecOflomy of movement. Clinging to the belief her lost son is alive, she sustains her difficu·1, character throughout. fltark Phillips Is shallow to the point of arlificialily in the crucial role of the surviving son, straining for belief but never achieving it. His is the single most evident case of the Farce Ca st For OCC's Next Sl1ow play's need for additional Cast members for t h e preparation. Orange Coast College pro- Thrce excellent perform. duclion of the French farce ances are delivered in the su~ ''Chemmy Circle" have been. porting ranks by Bever\i announced by director Jack Smoot, the soft and lovely, llolland, who will stage the but bitter daughter of Keller's show Nov. 19-22 in the OCC convicted partner; Doug Me-3uditorium. Much of its \\'eakness is airplane parts during World ·• beyond repa i r . w a It \Vorld War II and sent many pilots to their deaths. His in- terpretation is moving, yet his hesitancy and superfluous hand movements weaken a po- Ewan, strong in the role of her Kermit Christman, \\'ho hate-filled brother despite his played leading roles in a youth and an overdone make-number of OCC productions up job, and Katherine Lutkett, last season, is cast as Emile the neighbor v.·ho gives vent to Fedot. with Gregg Carron and the townspeople's resentment Walt Douglas playing the ma- in a brief but pointed scene. jor roles of Chana! and "Al! My Sons" is a difficult Hubertin. • ,. .. •' • .. -• ' • • • • .. ; Tonight ti I assignment indeed, with the Completing the OCC cast handicap or lackluster direc-are Steve Scott , Ken lion added to the obstacle of llardeman, Don White, Dave ?\1iller's rambling and often Frizzelle, Gordon Pe n g e, • rf'pelltive prose. To the credit Roberti) Marcare!li. Ed Little, lll• •f of the Fullerton cast, the Sheila O'Connell, Shirley Bar· •• 1...., dramatic effect is al least rus, Jan Gaydon, Debbie BEST PICTURE DFTHEYEAI! Tll[ITJ'I partially salvaged. Bnicher and Chip Cuthbert. ~: Four more performances The play will be entered by 290S Eat Coast Hlthwcry will be given Fridays and OCI in the American College corc1111111 de! M.,__.h. •7l-6J60 11 __ s_a_tu_r_d_a_,,_,_th_i_,_w_ee_k_a_n_d_ne_xt_.1 __ T_he_a_1_er_F_e_st_iv_a_1_. ---- ENDS TONIGHT "Inga" ... "Under Cover Rogue" STAaTS WEDNESDAY hchnl•• o,_.. Cou.ty Gltcl loitt hoch E1HJoteirtfff KATHARINE HEP'IURN Speed -methamphetamioc -it a very dangerous drug. lt is named f or the 1p«d with which its uKT rides to supernormal levels of u- cit.abil ity and wakefulneu. Spcod is destroying more young minds in California lhan any other drug. Experts fear the illicit me cl. thil and sbnilar drop will rexh cpidcnllc propoctioa1 this year. If you. are a worriod para:1t wtrh qu<lliom ebout the dnJg lllbt1ll- ture, O< .. ---pcnon taking another loot 11 lllo facts. read on ••• Wliol .. Spoedf Jt ii 1ucb a dangerous drug &bit the medical profcaioa limits its l1Se to emergencies 1uch u coo-- trolling blood prcs&urc during 1ur- gery. When Speed is UJed lodiacriml- n1tely·, it ovu-activate1 the phyai- cal and nervous 1y1tem -with drutic and unpttdi<t"'"t.-. --!lpoei-f The bordenod Speed --bil<ln>Jtheoameway•tbe- .,._by Injection. Ho dlea upe- rimca a "J'lllh." up to a "°Nib"- .. euphoric ooaditloa tbll can bo maintained for .. bis ..... by repeated maiolinios. On • "speed bingo" the .... often stays awake for daya. Hit appetite for food or drink ii ~ pr~ted. His toleraooe to the drug INilds ropidly, to from an initiolly omoll dole be may &boo< from I 000 to SOOO mill~ daily- fll" puter than a doctor will .J.. --In the opondnt IOOID. Aa Ma .. ,.. .. proer 11111, dlla THE MADWOMAN OF CHAii.LOT speed wer becomes more TC'1t.leu and di.90ricnted. He may become uncontrollable and harm hirruc\f and othcB. His brain, heart and liver arc all undt:r heavy strain. lf be can't take this punisbmc:r:it, he: may die from cverdosqe-or from impurities ln the drug luelf -oc from vlolaioe rm>IW., Imm hia psychotic coodllloo. At an unpmlictablo point, M '*"" lllootlng. Tbla may bo !>&- -"' lllip, pllllc, O< limply -hil IUpf'ly ,_ oat. The --""""'.be drops npldly from a hypcracitablt atate to ooc of extreme exhaustion. J{ he's a hard-core addict he may aixdmite hiacruh with "downen"'-uaually barbiturates which are alto f~ quc:ntJy addicting. He may sleep fot 24 to 48 hours, eat ravenooaly on awakening, then go into a st.lie of c1trcmc deprt:Won. This can be go Kvtn and iotolerlbJe that be may take c:lf on IDOCher rm. ,,,.,._._ .. _ ..... .,_, Speed s _..,. faD Into twD c•;crili: wpab:oeotal IDd CUDJIMiiw. An ~ --"' """" __ .,..... ... lodle rompUiw -In CXJllll 111 to tbe oriclnal Haiabt-~ b!ppa who Ul<d marijuona and LID for .. creative and nligloaa e1pen.. mm.." E?ClltDdy dtil :Nfitekd conaumpdoa. ua Jnd to dnl- dlpcndmc& ally si:-i i!!. '::C':>_, i~ and • tw-•c more nUJy cw' Ht ._ .. I ' • 0.-. jt is "cut" with sugar or in fad any white powder to make the supply at.retch, and thu1 make the sale more profitable lo the dealer. When made by amateun under unun.itary condltioni. coatamina~ Don ia often present, the common. aide dle<:ts beinl .-. blood poiJooiq and bepatitil from ..... -'le.-... So the medial pn>- laoloo 11 lacod with both physical ..i Pl7<hlolric probl-ln ...... Ing the ~ frak.. ---io-k? Aoootdlna to fonner dni,_n who are working with clillical ttlllU to help addicta kick the habit, there ue thtt<> bomc llttp& one can take in coping with the groMllg drug problem' l'lnt: Gtt tM fads on wltat dT11p or~ rtaUy doitt1 to ~p~. Focu. Not lwor1t1y. 11«1alli COl&fidlr tM cUnkal nl- data. 77wPI *1A:e a ntDtd bdlfld ON ._,._,__...._ ,_ /'('Oh< ,.,.,,.,,, Gd • ,,.,,,., -otlw7 "' ,.,., ...... _,.,,,. .... _,.,.,_ * .... prob-°"""" .. Ju;nllc ,,,,,,,.,,._ llw "'* to ,,., -p«>pll Jw/p -- If }'09 or uneont. cl0te to ,OU hM • dna& problem, write '"' fur---R:n,= .J,..,..., .. I\ , • CC.OJllll'--.. """a We•lmhuler 'Night' Sweeps Awards .. It \vas the night of October '-4th , bot for the Westminster Community Theater it "-'as "The Night of January 16th" all over again. Tiie Ayn Rand courtroom drama made a near·C'Omplete sweep of the Abbey Awards program, missing in only two categories out of eight as the Westminster group honored its faVQrite performers of the 1968-69 season. Sally Crowley \\'On besl director honors for her staging of "Night," while James E. Smith \\'as named best actor for his portrayal or the defense atLorney and Doris Allen won best actress laurels for her performance as the defendant. . . ' - Tu!Sdaf, October 28, 1969 DAil V PILDl • OJ>IL Y P!LDf ~l11f P~Olt ABBEY WINNERS -Recipients of the \Vc.stminstcr Community Theater Ab- bey a\vards are (seated) Mary Ann l~umphrey, non-s peaking part; Gene T ar- dy, best technical achieve1nent;. James E. Smith, best actor. and Sally CrO\\'- Jey, best direc tor. Standing are Betty Gordon, best cameo: John l\1oran, best supporting actor; Greta Smith, best supporting actress, and Doris Allen, bes t actress. __ ;ti Greta Smith ;vas chosen best supporting actress for the same show, \\'hile B e t t y Gordon captured the cameo award and Mary A n n Humphreys was given special recognition for her non-speak-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ing role in the vintage drama, If The other two awards both went to "Under the Yum Yum Tree," wilh John Moran tak- ing best supporting actor honors and Gene Tardy being named best technical director. It was the second trophy in t\\IO weeks for Moran,· who won the cameo award at the lluntington Beach P layhouse earlier. The awards were presented at a dinner n1eeting of the g r o up in \\'estminster·s Ha'Penny Jnn, SlANL[Y KUBRICll:. PROOUCHOll 2001 TECK!ICOlOI PW'•Nli ~02• l ~I Plus Excitement ROMEO cB'JUUET lllMA IWfY I l!DIWlll IUi'li MllO IJ'SllfA /Mll!Ml ll»IK (~i llCllllCOIJI <@:;> _,_Al so THIS WINNER Notalie Wood ltt "WEST SIDE STORY" Ofle Showlnt l•h l'IHl!tf BALBO~ 673-4048 Open 6:45 709 r. 1a1M11 .. llJM P•ninlVll e ENDDS TONIGHT e "Gay Deceivers" "Daddy's Gone A Hunting" e STARTS WEDNESDAY e _...,_ 'lru lblllidl'lllDal S:iDy D:;rnis t~?d DaY.h Pci1~ e Marton · I Richanl Brando I Boone ~ 1 ll"' Ull!.HWI~ tlHllll 1.A.111l1"'- The Night Of The •Sil• Following DAY 0 Positively Ends Tue.sday "STAIRCASE" RICHIRD BURIDN REI HIRRISOK ,.Ull¥1\IOM coio11 [!)c> .~O: Starts Wednesday "Medhnn Cool" _,~ Burt Lancuaer ;& 1ELHNILOLDl I f§i) AIY E.,,, ShaW$ Starn 1 Ca11th1uou1 Show FAIR F•1f, l•ir, f1,tu~I. Tho1• th••• word1 1vm up ftt lo" i ~ ope1tt:on o" !ht OA!LY PILOT t ditor<1I P•g• •~•rv dt~. ~::~ FiiX~~~z~~~~-~=~ CORPOllA!ION San Dit&o freeway ill lJJiilol • 546-2711 OPEN 6 ,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca4~01Y Awards BEST ACTRESS· Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" ;os(l'tl{ lfVIN£-Nl~l':OEMWS'l'FilM PETER ~ KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;:r:n HEPBURN ,MArJ1/o/ l'O..l lHE LION IN WINTER ,,,,,,, .. :::-:'"~· ~~1<11 Dlll..l!o:>I '-- ALSO ... ZERO MOSTEL "THE PRODUCERS" Liza Minnelli ·Wendell Burton· lim Mcln~re World Premiere Tomorrow October 29 I f )0 OAICY PILOT L Your Money's Worth Tie SS to Living Cost? No OVER THE COUNTER By S\'LVlA PORTER Would tying Soi.:1al Sl c~rity benefit 1ncrca:;es 111 I 11 1 Consumer Pr1ee Index (Ollr measure of increases 111 Ii\ ins costs in the US l g1 vf heneflc1ar1es more financial prott'Cl1on Lhan lhey ha\t l){'f'n getting d 1 r cc I I ) from Congress" \\ hv doc.~ the powerful and sav\y Wilbur 1.f 1 l I s ( D Ark ) 1nflucnt1a l chairman of the House Wa\s and Means Comm1tt~c which J§ now cons1der1ng Social St'Curity benefit boosts opJ)ost the idea? One of Presid~nl j\;1xnn ~ kl)' domc~t 1c proposals 1s 10 11(' Soci 11 Security bf'11c!lt IJoosls tu increases 1n our lost of l1v1ng 1 he idea is HS Ntxon put ii to make certain once and For all that the retired the chsabled and the dependent never again bear the brunt or 1nflauon • It 'tl Ould a I s o remove prr1od1c Socral Securi 1v benefit r aises frorn the politi cal .ircna .111d ag un to r1uotc Nixon \\OUld m 1k t! pro t~t1on aJ.(aJnsl inf! 1lion frir the elderly 1 m,11ter (If 1 er t 11ntv rather thiln a rnallcr of hope ' AS OF 1\0\\ C 1nrrrr,s ha~ a strong tendency lo vole benefll 1ncrrases in election years i ;illhough not 1n all election \Cars ) The amount of the 1n c reasl's and the extent of l!bcrahzat1or'ls are big pol1t1cal footbii!ls and may or may not ma ke up fo r price increases since the previous benefit l>oosts J US\ SUlCe the last general benefit increase in ~1arch 1968 1nflat1on has chl'wed tip about 8'/t cents out of cvt ry $1 of that increase Io date in 1969 the annual t<11e of rise in consumer pr1t es has been about 51h percent H s 1ndtspti1ahlc tha t 111 f!allun luts h 1tdest those hv4 1ng un fixed in,oml1S The na lions elderly c1t12ens -one 1h1rrl of 1vho1n hie zn poverty -mus1 not be forced lo bear lhc brunt of toda ys inflation price spiral Bul whats the answer lo 1hat ubovc question of how 1nuch more protection our S111.:11I St.'..:Ur1tv bcncf1c1ar1es 11ould be gelling if Social S11t ur1ty had been tied to the ( oi1surntr Prirc Index {CPIJ <i ll il11ng ' I f 1 1115 11.\0 brcn so since h11nct1ts 11 ere fir st pa id <iut 1n J!l411 l:irncfit IC'vcls 1vould ha ve l\low!PSA jets every 9U minutes to San Jose! 7 am lo 8 30 pm Both ways 7 00 8 30 10 00 11 30 am 1 00 2 30 4 00 5 30 7 00 8 30 pm. More on weekends Why worry AOOul a rc<:crval on when PSA has over 160 11 g~1 1s II day1 SHc h an C:l5)!<-!0 1crnernber schedule yolJ c;iri ca1ry ti ruo11nd rn your head Why remember lowest la1es? Or all 1ets? Or g•eal ~c1~1ce lo San F1anc•sco Oakland San O e:;o a~d Sacraml'!HO., Or that h ds under 12 lly PSA lw 1h the r pircn!<:) tor I <ilf lure., S11ll want ;.i 1 ~~"11a1 en ~ Jt s1 c:-ill your travel agont or wna1~11sname aul n~s PSA un.es )9U a lift. MERRILL LYNCH TALKS ABOUT THE CURRENT ECONOMIC AND MARKET OUTLOOK Here s a program about the ou tlook for busines s and the stock market that anybody who own s stocks-or wants to-shouldn t mi ss We re holding a Market Outlook Forum Tuesday ev ening November 4 ot the Zonra Clubho use 2110 15th St Newport Bea t h srart1ng ot 7 30 PM sharp You'll find ou t How the Feder .al Reserve System s 'hght money ' pohcy 15 affecting the economy end the stock market What the e~rwrts forec.,st 1n terms of a recession •nd whet~ can e•oect to happen In the months lo came. Why Investors 5hould exerc ise erlreme care par llculartv 1n 111ewlng the market l a11orltes al the moment Which stoc:~s Merrill Lynch con'.'liders 11ttract111e l'..>r 11arious 1n11estment oblect1ves at this time For your free reservatio ns 1ust call or mail 1n the coupon below No charge or obl1ga t1on of co urse ------------' ,,_ Ff'M'!'YI! Tltft.Cl•J Noyember ~•111'1 f DI ~OW• MDr\el 0111iook F111r11111 Ofl 4, at tit• Zo11to Ch1b1!01151! Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Crty & Stat'------------''P'--- """"'"----------------~ MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH INC Madsen New Engineers President HUNTING TON BEACH SCHOOL SYSTEM In con1unct1on with Wa lston & Co , Inc will ho/a B series of 9 /ec tures on UNDERS TAND /N G THE STOCK MARKET lo be held at th& GISLER SCH OOL LIBRARY 9700 Bluefield Drive Huntington Be ach Lectures will start on Thu rsday Oc l 30 81 7 30 p m Register Bl f1rsf session, (SS Fee payable to the Huntington Beach School System} Walston &Co. ----Inc.---- Membera New Yor k 51oc k E;w:.change and Other Prlnclp al Slock and Commodity Exchanges 809 North Main 5f • 5onlo Ano 17 141 Klmberly 3 9301 Complete-Ne\v York Stock List '-It• NII !l!cb I "~~ u. e r.. Cft9 • • •• ' / / ~b E""'o~ t:;..,~"le• Ji L:;:"6,;i(i ~ anvn I> llO L1 oci.St 00 LN< $ fll JO t::.;: bZ ~~ ea1Do110 Leooew1 ~ -•Nor S<1 l~'""" ~ O!!>PC•m '° L..t> \11 "<I l\/ n<I P! !.Cl lMml'I I 6 11 LflOnl <IR 63 I •verFd (IP l..•vF I c !a LF( F nor><. tlOFd l lOJ L l)()F o • 1\ flt> McN I.. l..9• y(p )(I fl Yln lllll L flYLn <If)~\ VII MY 110 l..~"'~·P~l.1 LOCnN !O ncNa P!l tnglv I JJ ln11AA 1 I Lngl\I I> j t <mel Ca " I,_ "" l" !t!anpcpf I.. an c 81 LOCktidA 11~ L<>Ew•Th~ l lon<ln wn ){) l o"e5 Cern l.orie~G• 1 ? Lon11 •L JO L L pt 8 5 LLPE •J5 Lo I Corp l~ LM><I 90 LO:U GE 1 •8 LOO N~·~ ·~ L""''n'" 90 lU~IO 60 l ut~ 5 80 uO ow Oi LuK•n• S ~m1 nc l VO Cotp k Yntr 10o LykYq P1 10 Tuesday's Closing ..... ..,, ___________ _ Ill&) Mllfll LR( ... c .. -JK- al •I l l ., . " ; . )j ., .. " .. , . . 217 !• • 1 ?Ill. , " -L-" 'l • '" ' ,,, ; " ; • " ' ; '" ' ' ,,, ' " " •• .. " • ; ' • " ' ,, " m " " 1 • ' "" u '" .. " ' " " ~ '" • " • " I! .. • " ,, " ; .. " •• " • " . 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" 'H• .. ••• '"' '. • " •• " • ., " • • " 1.1•0 " Prices-Complete New York t : Stocks Decline In Active Trading NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks declined Tuesday lD moderatelv active trading Shortly before the close the UPI marketw1de 1nd1cator showed a loss of 0 13 percent on 1 61 2 i s sues crossing it.he tape There \Vere 754 declines and 601 advances The Dow Jones 1ndustr1al average v.h1ch re- flects mo\ ement 1n 30 selected blue clups feli 4 49 to 855 79 near the close Volume approximated J2 000 000 sha res about 111 line with Mondays pace Heavily traded stocks \1ere Allis Chalmezs and Aluminum Co of Amer1cci The fo1 mer traded an early block of 130 000 shares at 24 B 1n a cross tran sacbon while a 135 000 share of AJcoa bloc k changed bands at 75 cross The AJ so active \vere Electnc and Musical Indus tries Texaco Atlas Che1n 1cal and Occidental latter reported a higher third quarter net Conglomerates followed a rruxed path \\ htle electronics ::;1vun g widely and in both directi ons 011.!j and motors also n1oved on both sides of pre v1ous closmgs So did rails airlines and a1rcratls Chemicals \veakened while gold n11n1ng shares generally traded in narrov. ly irregular fashion Prices eased on the Alner1can Stock Exchange in 1noderate turnover Tut1day Octobe r 28 1969 L Stock Exchange List ..... ...,, ____________ _ C11•1 ...... Lft( .... Qf '~: !J :>o l~ 11 . . ' ' . ' .. 1~ :u I] 1' • • 1910 ••• •1 l • •91 17" ' . , " ' l• • ~1 !~. ,..,5 l \ ' . ., " , .. ',. 71 ·~ • • • ; " " ; . ' " 1'6 11~• 1 -UV- _., DOW JONES AVERAGES • " ' ~ " ,. , " ' " • ,. • '. " 00 , .. .. " ' -WXYZ- .... "~"' -...... ,, ...... O.b.ll ¥" PILOT J J \lllf "'" 11•• I Kl•• .__ C-a, ., 16 .. 1 • ;j. •l Ji~ l• . " , " • .. . ~ 16 A• " ~ 1!J ,, ' " , .. " ' •• 00 " ' " ' 1' ~· • • ll • ' " .. 0 ,. " ' " ,. "' " " .. ' • " " " , 0 ,,,. ,; ' " ' " " "' " " " . " ' " ; •• ; ,. '" •• " ,,, ., '" , , " 1l .. ,, . . .. " ' " ; ' ' " '" • " • " • • ,, + '-'Coo 11me<1 ov T e AoMK:oedP ttslt6t .,.. W& ~ ~& n Wb); H 11'1 Wa M~ V 1 Wd wor h Co WaC!Fdl OI W& no D 'IO k . ~- + •• ' " • " ' • " .. W& n Co ._. Wd t~m 0 w~nsw 60 w~ G&• n Wa h5 I 0 W~ WI I ! Wa );n oln W&~nG<>• 6 Nav C. P 60 W~onUn 81,1 Wean p A ?I> ,Z~~bh ge ~l W•' M~ B• Wr b Ol~ w~cof-J I WPPpli jO WPP p Bf JO ,. , ' " 00 3 1 6 • ' " • ' " .~o 60 '" ' • .. • " .. .. , ,. + Final Stock s " In All Home Editions Co1nplete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stock Exchange Lii;;t • .. , " " ,. . " , 19 , • • • ,7 ?6 ~o ~· • ,, ' " ' " '" ~ , •• .. .. " ' " Gl l 'o ~· . " ' >OO "' ' ' • " • ~ ' " " .. • ,, ~ .. ' . " .. , . " ,. " " " "" •• "' ' '" " " ' ' ,. ' "' " ,;: "' " , ' ' " " " ' " " .. '" • • .. • " ,, .. ,,.. .. ., .. " "' ... " • ,., " ... 'i " " 7 1 & .. " . , . ~ ' ' " . ;; '" . ~ I~ ' Jl ll " . 71 l ~ . " : ~: ... , ! ,,. "' ~ 1r:: '' n " ' " ' 11• • ' 4 7l• •I .. "" .. '" lt~ .... ~\\: ~' .. " ' ' "" .. " "' '" " ,,. "" • .. .. "" .... A~ .. ". r~ ... , ,, • " .. ' " . , . , .. , , • .. • I " " • ' ' • ,. .. • • "" " " ' .. •• " ' ,, • • " ' " " . , • , 11 •• ,, , ;'e '~ • i 10Vo 10 ~ n 1'• 11 n 11 J 0 0 . 0. 11~ 60 6(1 6 • • , • ! ,, 'l ,. 0 I )Q I -RS- " • " .. '" ... .. ' • • , .. • • ' , ' " . 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Nixon Hasn't Forgotten His Political Art .... .--- ~ MR.MUM By FRANK COll:\11ER V.'ASJIINGTON tAP) Richar d Ni 1 on is demonstrating hr h :i s n ' I forgotten the arts th at unce 1nade him a bare.kn uckle. champion among Ameri can politicians. The President took off lhe gl oves last \l"Cek ~nd in- dications are he may keep 5winging-at Jt·<ist 1hrOL1gh next :P..!onday v.·~en he dtlivers l~is promised V i c t 11 a n1 1,1·;ir message. Nixon. taking thf' nffc11<;i1•r nine n1onths to the day aft('r taking orlirc, c;i llcd 1 n newsmen one 11'cek ;igo lo de· fend hi s choice of Clt•n1rnt F'. .Haynsv.·orth Jr .. lus nonunec to the Suprc1n<' C o u r 1 • J-laynsworth, the President s aid. \\'as .:1 viclin1 of "1·1cious character assassination .. , Although he s1>0ke :c;oft ly and smiled often. f\ixon's word.<> had a sharper cdgr than any he had used in public since becoming President. GRAFITTI by Lea ry I This came at a ilme when n1any Hepublleans a s v.·ell a:s De.1nocra ts had concluded Nix· on \~ould r('main a rather placid and passive chief cx- ecuLJ1·e. J 4st a week earlier the muted Nixon approach of the fi rst nine months ~·as evident 111 a special niessage he sent Congress. \\'rote Ni x on : "Neither lhe D em o c rat i c Congress nor the llepublican :.idn1ini stralion is without faull for the delay of vital legisla· 11011.'' On Inauguration Day, Nixon l1ad urged that all citizens Jo\.l·~r their voices and di scuss nati onal issues in a quiet, ra- tional manner. For n i n e 1nont hs, the lowered voice 1vas a hallmark of the Nixon presidency -to the poinl 11·tierl' more than one fellow Hcpublican wished N ix o n wou ld not only ~1>eak softly but. in the lradition of Theodore Jloosevel t, carry a big stick. The stick surfaced last ll'CCk. Only lime \rill tell whether the week marked a turning point in Nixon's fortunes. winch have been ;i\ their IO\.l'Csl t•bb since January. Of llsclf, the surprise coun- 1eratl ac k against critics of l laynsworl.h did not appear to be a decisive <'vent in history. Hut it came in a week that s<11v Nixon gain un<'xpected J;iti\ude for mnneuver on a far n1ore importanl Issue, the Vietnam \\'<Ir. Senate Dernocratic Leader fl1 ike J\1an sfic ld of Montana, a persistent critic of Vietnam pol1ey, told newsmen _Nixon had significant ly altered past policy and. in effect, had ordcre<l a stand still cease-fire. Chairman J. \Y. Fulbright, ( 0 -Ark.) of the Senate Foreign Hcla\1ons Com rn 1 t tee an- Cro ss \vord Pt1zzle .A.C.RCi~ 1 L o~' ~1rtllll' I 5 ll~m cl !l"f5tl )' !1irn1h1rr 9 (,amhl "'~ gamt }! Ft l'lUll ·e 111c ln.11r~ 15 Topoo•:·· 2 wonh lit So.l rlan ~l.1Vt 17 B t11I~ 19 S !ort~Ot•$~ 2Q Vtry nwtil ovt rwr 19ht 21 Boi.lon1.1n or Hal igO!l lM\ 23 Calm and 11ra ~rh1 I 2S Alr1ca1• la ~r lb Not d i~tant 2a N at1~t of a Sa111l1 Arabian t l\y • 32 Und Pt ~\1)~!1 111 a oar1 1l,,. la r w~~ 37 Pa•I o! ~ t•1t~l~I :3 M o11•1\~+ • Co•1 ~ !Cl•"' 39 lhe "N" of ''T N T" •1 0 111 •oa~ fea!1ne 12 Sf'\oothe} ·' WOOd P'J ~·1dar ~ ~5 6d\' ot ';"}. f 1111~ ... t tP.lj "l~t• 2 >'l'J'lh I SVIJ·n> _)../ D1 ,e.1," cau~e ~ l Gr~1 ,.f1..I l•nr~t'~ ~I L•' 1 cl 11,11 'i SHle~;(', ! ] "Lori'.\ ·-"' e -011•c olher '11 .1 b ~ L' ti•• 1;~; I " 'o I ~J ' '' ; 1'.',l'i''· b~ ~Hl~lll'•l<I~ J In Cl't!iiill . " b7 (1,ro~r.1•1 lr.1 rlPr bS \'/ ,1 I~ rol b'l i<ir1d nl ler1cr 70 f,\Jde '-'·1~le on Par J l•oh· 71 Yle l'l'•I" ol !niJ .> OQ.".11 l II I N ln 11 ~ fl 10 Gr~11de 2 <,Q 1 ) I Prl i•1 .1 (. •!111 lf l f~'rr A D~:.1 •1~e~ ~ ~ ~ of j1J<\ ii R nu~rlri J IJ / Jr> •'~I 'f ~. Arr"'. 1 .1 !1,r r s r~1·:· "' l 11 .-.1~(·:.1 'i • rf~ ~·, 11.,.: J J Bur Yei lerd,1y's Puzzlt Solved: ~c 111 0 ~O ll P S l •- "U 11 £ • r11cr •Il l £ '"'~•J •~ ~ ( c 1 o , 11 11 r • r ~ ~ • ~ £ r l , >1 l 0 .. [ r. ~ f l ~ 1 [ :o Di~avow II MJ11's 11~1te 12 Rellgtou> lr~de r 13 Brllo >h rnoney ; .A t;or. 18 OogmJ h~ld lo lie true ;z H,.ad co~er ing 24 Rl'c('111 r .1, iel:1i11 f)r wor ( 77 D~~t•OY 2'J Lof,. ol t11e 1'·''1V ·.~ ~·~•"r;~ 21 lic'n; ol 1t-i10n,1 ~r.i r : 2-•••• r1c•.tr ,l Cr1<11 •1>J I 11•J •p 3J l<1mJ ot \\H~N, ~·I ll o: t 'll'' '" -~ '.i,.a>OI · f r, '; I\ ~d ot r~r r ~J[l}y(l[ .1:Cf~) ' l f ( I I 0/28/b'l 43 F;i ll1ng into 1•acelu l olds 44 [er11~ 4b On t 's calling 47 Outirs 4 ~ Firs t word o! many city names ~2 Flor a and faun a 53 1>;1nd of boom 55 River of franct Sb Wttch or-··· ~7 Plant> by Stil!lt llllQ ;a s c~.m1ng i 1 outmoded !crm of pavm rnl I, !.'l A l oo~ cl lo•e bO V/11 1t1 1rr l1 e1ou1~ bl Ep1 ~t le bS Show s il~•ll 1 pprO•~I "1,~~l ~c1-r.,-~-.• ,-T.-T,~T.~~,-r-,-r,0~, •,-"-, •,-,~-,,~' "' , 'II) " .. . " lO " 2l ll ·\IJhj l6 l ll l• I--+--+--+-" ,. . " Ii ')9 " i'-',-.1'--1--~'-'-+'-'-+r~'s '~ 1 • .--.t--t·-·-i-''-ir,,-..,. ' ,, ~.... .,% {·~ :~:.: 6) .. " \R '· . 52 5l 55 56 51 .. . " 70 ., .. 6l PLANNING A PARTY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? c.11 us for complete catering service. We deliwer for order1 o"t!r SS0.00. We c•n i erve a ny size gather· in9 , • , Very rea,on e bly. COLON[L SANOr~s· R(CIPE: K.tuek~ f ritd Ckieke" e 2929 E. Co1st Highw ay Coron• del Mir 67l.J722 693 S. Co•st Hi9hw•'f Laguna B••ch 494·9418 I NEWS ANALYSIS nounced th.et "as a matter of courtesy" he was postponing public heari ngs on the war un- til after a Nov. 3 Nixon ad- dress lo the r.ation on the sub- ject. After 1\'eeks of cumulative reverses. the Nixon White House could only feel grateful for such courtesies and hope they presaged brighter days to come. Since Labor Day, the march of events has nol been espeeially kind lo the Presi· dent. Moreover, Indian summer saw its share of fumbling on the part of the administration. It became fashionable to observe that Nixon \V as in deep trouble. vacation, and so did Nixon . repeal of lhe 7 percent in· later, just ahead o( the Oct . lS But Septen1ber b roug h l vestment credit and 1 a x Vietnam r-.toratorium, h e renewed awareness not a reform, on spend ing aulhor'iia• disclosed he would relieve single national problem had tioos that Nixoo did not want, vanished during the pleasant on voting rights and expansioo Gen. Lewis B. llershey as summer. Students returned to <lf the food stamp program. on director of Selective Service. campuses os rebellious as suggestiohs for winding down The Oct. 15 demons!rations ever, crimes of violence did lhe Vietnam war. reflected autumn's frustra- not abate. living costs rose In m id · September, a lions and O\\'ed at least some ever higher, and in J>aris Republkan senator, Charles peace talks remained in a E. Goodell of New York in· of its steam to hapless ad-- stalemate. troduced leg islation putting a ministration handling of Viet. Atl<'mpting lo operate as a lime limit on involvement of nam policy in the wake of Ho low-key, low.profile chief ex· U.S. troops in Vietnam. Ho's passing in early Sep· ecutive. Nixon a b r up I 1 y Nixon responded: " ... if the His passing in early Sep- discovered his mini-silhouette administration were to impose ten1ber had inspired new out. still offered a target. an arbitrary culoff time, say cries fr om home fro n t • ': ~ lsJfilJ O>) This week, howeverer, a lop presidential assistant insisted. "There's no autumn o f discontent around here." Civil rights fortes were the end of 1970, or the middle dissidents that now v.·as the amonl;l: the nrsl to be heard of 1971, for the com plete time for Pe ac e . But frorn. The Civil Rights Com-withdrawal of A m e r i ca n \Vashington and S<1igon had mission accused the ad-forces frorn Vietnam, that in-difficully meashing signals on ministration of making a ma-evitably leads to perpetuating a Corrununisl-promoted tem- jor retreat on sch 0 0 I and continuing the war until porary truce lo 1nark the desegregation in the Sou th . ,\ that time and destroys any death. And the administration group of Justice Department chance to reach the objective subsequently bungled so badly staff attorneys rebelled public· that I arn trying lo achieve of in explaining a 36-hour pause Jy against the civil rights ending the war before the end in B52 bombing missions over policies. Then Mrs. fo.1artin of 1970 or before the middle of Sou th Vietnam that the in··';:======================; Luther King Jr. predicted 1971." !ended diplomatic signal toll trouble H the administration Nixon al this point continued Jlanoi became a minus instead Of course, Nixon is well aware of the criticism he's been geUing. One aide of the President: "He expects criticism. He understands criticism. But he doesn l permit H to throw him of( balance." Others in the White }louse, and Nixon shares their view to some extent, react to criticism by reacting against the news m edia. Signs of public disaffection \.l'ith the new administration became measurable by autumn's first chill and mark· ed, in part, a reaction to sum- mer's pleasant lull. No major cities burned. After four years of steady escalation. the flow of troops through the Vietnam pipeline \\'as reversed. Save for natural disasters along the Gulf coast and in Virginia, August w a s particularly restful. Congress took a long l \ \' f \ \ did not alter its approach to lo enjoy t he general approval of a plus. Negro problems. of most Americans. according Moratorium planners also In S<'ptember, too, th e to the pollsters, bul he had a got a significant lift from a Haynsv.•orth nomination blew negative popularity rating on Nixon statement at his Sep. sky high. Having sought a Vietnam. tember nev.·s conference that nominee who would not arouse Havi ng withdrawn 25,000 seemed to re f I e ct in· controversy, Nixon came up troops from the war zone dur· transigcnce: ''Under no with one who fou nd himself ing lhe summer. Nixon had circurn stances \Vill I be <lf· wrestling with conflict of in-expressed hope of pulling out fecled whatever by il." Trying lerest charges before the 100,000 or more by the end of later lo rationalize his position Senate Judiciary Committee. the year. But in September he in a l<'Ue r to a Georgetown Several Senate Republicans announced a second-stage University sophomore, Nixon urged Nixon to withdraw the withdrawal of 35,000 men, well suffered the further em- nomination. The President shy of earli er e"'"PCclations. barrassment of discovering he gave his answer last Monday: The President aimed his next had wrilten to a monarchist. ••Jf he now asks that his name move dir<'clly at disaffected On Moratorium Day, ~·hile be withdrawn I would not do youth : November and pickets man:hed outside thC' so •.• J have examined the December draft t ails v.·ere \Yhite House, Nixon studiously charges. I fin d that .Judge '==c='="="'=.l='=d=. =A=o=d='=''='='="=''='='='=i=gn=o='='=d=ll=>e=d=e=m=o=n=s=t'='='°'='=· ~~ Haynsworth is an honesl1r man." The llaynsWorth nomination \Vas not Nixon 's only source of difficulty with the Democratic· controlled Congress. Th e leg islators outpaced the ad- ministration repeat<'dly, on ! i l l ! I ! I \ \ -.. -;) .,_ b: •4 """··~·".ll> ;. >y.:t,i§\.-N :·-, ;· .",. : --...... c.....,-.......... , I \.-··--·· .............. ··--\t ' If you need information relating to tele- phone services or making a telephone call, you'll fi nd it here in the front pages of your '" '-.· telephone book. Local calling area, prefix loca· tions, types of ca ll s, long clistancc clia ling, Jong distance rates, area codes, tips and hints. We're here to help. ~1hat Bible Does The Say Baptis111'? About 11 ;1 '"' NECESSARY ,, REPENTENCE! IAch 1 :)81. It i• REQUIRED lo , .. ..,, u1, I Pel. ]:21. I! .,.;11 ".,. w•1h •w•v lhy 1in1, •• " •I the lord'1 n•m• i• c•!led upon, Ach 21 :1b. It ;, • NECESSARY •cl of obedi,nce; Je,u• ,.:d to 00 it, M•ll. 21:19.20, M~. ll:t:ll:t, J.,, J:),5, Ach 5:1 2. Htb. 5:1·9. I S•m. I 5:22. It puh one INTO Ct1ri1I; inio hi1 body, th• chyrch, G•I. J :27, Ach 2:47, ONlY 1~011 IN CHRIST Cin hi1 bodyl ••• I•••<( H, ;, the ''1•vior of the BODY", Eph . 5:2], BAPTISM ;, , BUR l,i.L of one'• body in w•!e•, • COVERING UP of the whole body, Matt. ];l).17, Rom. 11:1·5, Col. 2:1 1, An •••mple ol l lBLE BAPT!S M ;, qiven in Ac!• 8:]8, "'. •• ~nd they w 1nt down both into the w•ler .. • •nd he b1pt ,11d him", BOTH the p11 1cher end H,. one b1pli1ed w1nt down into the w1ter. "MUCH WATER" ;, rMjui<ed, Jn. l :2l ; • c up-lull or di1h.fufl or 1mell be>in·futl is NOf 1nou9h. Tho•• SPRINKLED. or who hid w1ter PO URED ov•r them sh "uld ••k !ht c:ue.ti(!n, "HAVE I BEEN BAPT IZED?". 511 Ach 19:1·5 lor 1ome who THOUGHT th1v '"'•re properly btpli11d. but who wt•• NOT. BAPTISM ;, merely 1n ACT Of. OBEDIE,,'CE lo Ch•i1I , •• ••• rn•nv olh1r r1li9iou1 ech. C t n on• bt ••"ed NOT OBEYI NG Chri117 Heve YOU obeyed Chriol in B~pliun1 Write or phone for book let on BAPTISM. VISIT u1 end di<c uu thi1 1nd o!htr BIB LE 1ubiech . Church of Chr<.t, 287 W. Wil •on SI., Coile Mt••, Ce. 92!t27, PHONE 548.571 1, 545-2441, . ; •n-.,..j ;;--. ...... 1 So much helpful informa tion, in facl, that weve added a @ . handy index. Pacific lelephone ' 1 ' I I I I I I 1 - l I I _;z .;, » i 4 4 $1£Q<SQ!::w;p $AJA$2i!l&!!!40A'A <7y::,~llfN -4jilU'ir.;p;.._-~.rT'c;:·~ ti."'[.; 't" ~. • -----., .. _.. ~· iJ :: .. ·' .. ~, • .,..,.. -. \ .. ...-.. •-p~"-... Saddlellaek EDITION Tetlay's F ... I N.Y. Stocks YOL 62, NO. 258, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, ·r 969 TEN CENTS Laguna Baby·sitter Cleared, Loses License By BARBARA KREIBICH O! !tie 0.llY P'Uet St1tf A Laguna Beach babysitter who has been denied a license to continue her ch.ild care operation by the county's Department of soc:al Welfare, d~spite the enthusiastic support of her clients. said today she will take a week off and ';go fishing at the beach" before seeking y,,·ork in another line. Six mothers who have been leaving their children with Mrs. Ruth Louise Dun!avey , 52, of 700 N. Coast Highway. took time off from work to go in perMn to the welfare offices jn Sa.nta Ana Mon- day, to plead their baby sitter's case, but without success. ''\Ve are not Issuing her a liet?nse;• Assistant Director of Social Welfare William Erickson said. "l cannot state a reason because our records are eon· fidential." Mrs. Dunlavey blames her troubles with the Welfare Department on an in· cident that occurred at her home last May 2 during a birthday party for one of her s1nall charges, when a 20-monlh"0ld youngster crawled out of her yard and fell asleep in bushes nearby. The child was till'; so n of Mrs. Carolyn fk>we, who was being married that day lo Laguna Beach detective Gene Brooks. When word o{ the tot's disappearance reached the wedding reception. Del. Vic Sagan went to the Ounlavey home to join the search and found tM missing boy. Two weeks later, child neglect charges were filed by the district attorney's office against r.1rs. Dunlavey. The case went through a long series of continuances before it was dismissed Sept. 11 by Judge Richard Hamilton. On fiv" separat" occasions, m'>thers who patronized Mrs. Dunlavcj';. babysitting service took time off from work to testify in her behalf, but uch li me the dinrict attorney was granted a continuance. Twu weeks ago, Mrs. Dunlavey receiv· "d a formal notice from the Welfare Department advising her that her ap. plication for a babysitting license, flied l»st December, had been denied and giv. ing her 10 days to make other ar. rangemenls for the children currently in her care. On Monday , her last day as a babysit· ter, six mothers whose children regularly have been left in her care marle a final, and apparently hopeless appeal in sup- port of her license. 0 ava Ie Reds Ready To Proride POW Facts . PAR!! (UPl)-M-Viotn....0. d!!>- Jomats rolfttmed reports today they were Cutting Vp ·· prrpared·to-.ppi,.·tnfartnJtton·on AJner... ican prisoners of war to a milllant, U.S. anti-wa r organlzatlon. (Related story, Youngsters prepare coffin and gui\lollne as pa rt of grisly trappings for HaU owe€n spook house at tl1ission Viejo Rec reation Center. Fron1 left are Ricky Kan en, Bob Zeis. Sleve Bric k and Bron Bailey. For roundup on Saddleback Valley 1-lalloween events, see story, Page 3. Viejo Citizens Launch Attnck on Apartments Members of the steering committee leading the pr otes\ agai ns t apartmrnls In '-11ss1on VirJo will outl1nr the ir plan (lf ;irt1on at a mct'ting tonight al f\!1ss1011 V1cin High SchML fifty key people havr been inv1trd 10 the session acco rding to gr n ll r College Uphold s Ousting Y outl1 Earlier suspension of student Gary Berrigan for refusing to cut his Jong hair to comply with the dress code by the Sad· dleback College administration \\'as upheld unanimously by college trustees Monday night. Fifteen students opposed lo lhe dres~ code ru le were pre~ent to support Ber· rigan, 19, of Capistrano Beach, in his ap· peal. But .trustees stood their ground. Students present apologized for the l'r· ror in their underground new spaper •·saddle Sore'' which had charged the col· lege board with meeting illegally. "Saddle Sore" wll.! printed as an alternative student newspaper to "Lariat" which the student government feels ls ctnsoced. NY Daily News Poll Shows Lindsay on Top NEW YORK !UPI) -Jncun1bcnt John \'. Lindsay continued to hold a substan- tlallcad in the mayoral race one v.·eek before election day, a straw poll pub· lished in Tuesday·s editions of the Daily News indicates. .~pokesman t.1r~. June Schwartz in preraration for the upcoming meeting of the l.Jvard of Supt'r\'isors Nov. S. ~h::s1on Vie1o's fourth master pltin Tl'\ 1s.1on wi!I be up for appro\'a] at Lha t IPne. "\\'e reel Lhe ri1iss1on \'iejo Company i.~ 1 r~·1ng to ma ke this an apartment city.'' ~;ud f\trs. Schwartz. ''Approximately one· 1h1rd nf the population will be on a 10th of lhc land.'' /\!rs. Sch1var\2 said that her ('()mmitlee hclicved a large number of apartments in the area would create econ om i c ()bsolcscence in regard to their homes. She continued that because. of high prices of home s, a home is a family's lnrgesl expenditure. When they choose an .::1ren and are not told how the area wHI be de veloped, the seller is not being truthful. "\Ve tiope Mission Viejo will become a 1rst cast for a truth in selling law." said r.1rs. Schwartz. She sa id that appropriate legislators were being contacted. Page 5.) But they did not say they would supply the fu ll list of th" captives to the organ· ization called the "New Mobilization Commlltel'; to End the War in Vietnam. Attorney William Kun.slier told news- men in Chicago Monday after weekend talks with Hanoi peace conference dele. gates that he believed th" mobilization committee soon would get the names of American prisoners and that Hanoi was ready to "drastically extend the now of informalion ." North Vietnam"se officials hui~ed that lhere was no change in Hanoi 's "humanitarian policies towards prisoners of war." They said that Xuan Oanh, the Hanoi delegation's public relations offi· cer. explained the policies to Kunstler 1n a tv.·o.hour talk in v.·hlch the conversa· t1on ranged v•idely over the whole Vie t· nilmcse problem . Oanh has promised In Kunstler that !he mobi liza tion committee would get information on the prisoners if il were ava1!11ble, the informants said. Norlh Vietnamese delegates in recent weeks promised groups of Americans lotahng 22 persons they would be sup. plied with information on their missing sons and husbands il it were available. Stork Markets NEW YORK (AP)-The .stock market declined slightly in moderate tradlng this afternoon. (See quotations, Pages IQ...JJ ), And while Uiat measure of blue.chip stock performance Jost ground, advances among individual stocks traded on the New York exchange also lost their ad· \'ant age over declines. There were 671 declines and 620 advarn:es. ac s at Seeks Legal Help Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Counsel By TOM BARLEY Of ,... Dlltb' ~*' ""' Ohnge · County AaseSIOr lndti!w J. HinshJw today took his fl';ud with ~ty CounNJ. .. Adtian Kuyper lo. the. Fourth District Court o( Appeals in San Bernardino. His 120-page brief asks that the ap- pe1Ja(.(I; bench order the Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide him with a private lawyer in his spat with Kuyper -a request that has been supported by the Orange County Grand Jury and denied by the !lupervisors. Hinshaw today .repeated e ar Ii er charges that a conflict of interest exists between the two county officials. He again condemned what he c a 11 e d "Kuyper's uncalled for inlereference in assessment matters and his refusal to even discuss such matters with me." A prime issue in the dispute is the board 's cancellation of taxes an Upper Bay land transferred by Uie Irvine Com· pany to the county In "xchange for nwbY county territory -a ~llaUon lhal Hinshaw has consistently refused to accept. - That dispute figures prominently in the Hinshaw brief together with reprlnls of recent Grand Jury tes timony resulting from the appearance of both county of· ficlals before the investigative panel. Hinshaw particularly attacked a lettl';r Kuyper wrote to county supervisors last July 30 in which the CQUnty counsel rap- ped Hinshaw 's refusal lo cancel the Irvine taxes as "being an argument v.·ilhout merit" and asked lh" board to order Hlnshaw to take th" required ac· ti on. llinshaw today said he supplied th" ap- pellale court with the extract of Grand .Jury testimony to stre!! the: fact that Kuyper wrote his letter and made his stand before the board "after ron. sultations with the Irvine Company." Haircut Prices Going Up 111 Soutl1er11 Coast Sl1ops By RICHARD P. NALL 0t !he Dell'Y" ~Ii.I Sti ff Haircut prices will cllmb from $2.50 to S.'l in many of the southern Orange Coun· ty barber shops. Master barber Anthony J . Matano of Anthony 's Barber Shop, 1088 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, announced the hike today after a recent meeting of area barbers. Matano said !he price hike will be ef. fe~lve In some barber shops Saturday and will begin in others Tuesday. Most shops are closed Mondays . The recent barbers meeting, said t.fatano, incl uded barbers from Laguna Beach. South Laguna, San Ju a n DA11.'t ,IL01""" ...... Capistrano, El Toro, Mission Viejo, Dana Point. Laguna Hills and San Clemente. Matano and Ken Westmoreland, 20 Monar ch Bay Plaza, South Laguna, were co-chairmen. Matano estimated that 75 percent of the area barbers will go along with the price hike. He said Corona del Mar barbers had raised their prices earller. Matano· estimated there are 2:> to 30 shops and 75 to 100 barbers serving the south county area from Laguna to San Clemente and inland. He conceded that some won 't go for the hike, noling that one San Clemente barber advertises $2 ha ircull!I and hair cutting on Sundays. Matano said lhl';re are seven shops in Laguna with 13 or 1( barbers. Ht! said he expected all but thr~ barben to raise the price. In his own shop. MaLano said, Lhe razor cut (no electrical equipment, all hand work) will go up from $3 lo $4. TM hair styling will remain the same. S7 .50. Hair atyllng Is somewhat stylized among Individual barbers. Matano aaid some actually set the hair and it remains In place until washed. Matano cuts from th" "cowlick" so that the hair fal11 In the most natural J)OSition. Other 11tyling technique1 are used for perM>ns wlth ir· rel(Ular shaped he ads or protruding ears. Matano said increased prices are necessary because of Increased c~ts to barbers from insurance to shampoo. He said the price of electric clippers went up "5 recently. The poll, the third canva~s of lht ci\y In the last two week.<;, also showed Dem. ocralic candidate Mario A. Procaccino continuing to lose support with cnly 29 percent of t~ polled vot"rs f111vortng ~im as against a high of 33 perc~t In the first canvass. HE'S STANDING ON SHIP'S BRIDGE . WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HE LDOICING FOR? (SEE PAOI! :1.) Matano expects aome of the. prlce-hiked shops wlll lole bulinen. "Some people are feeling the plneh and r reel r.orry ror these pt09lr.. Nobody 11 going to down •nd threeten tt'IOle barbers that want to clla r&e •·" Ml lino uid. . . .... \. ( <I·· t.1onday afternoon, Mrs. Dunlavey he rself was granted an interview at the department, also without success. "All they would tell me," she said to- day, "was that my license application had been denied because I had made 'an error in judgment.' My lawyer tells me there is no way to appeal a decision of the Welfare Department , so I guess I'll hav~ to find some other way lo support my~elf " Mrs. Dunlavey. a widow, aaid (Set BABYSITIER, Page %) ees oro Pe1'sonnel Reductions Not Large Subjects or vital lmportanet? to the future of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station and El Toro Marine Air Base were touch· ed upon Moqday by the nation 's Chief of Naval Operations in a press conferen~. Admin al Thomas H. Moorer, speaking at Los Alam itos said : -Personnel cuts wou ld be made at El Toro and Lo~ Alamitos as a result in the ~lash in mil ita ry spending announced Monday by Defense Secretary Melvin Lai rd. -Talk of the closing of Los Alamitos or consolidation with El Toro are only in the study stages. -The effect of the spending cuts on the proposed 600·acre expansion of J..os ~Jamil~ is a matter of Navy budget con. s1derat1on. Adminal Moo rer said cuts in personnel at the lwo Orange County naval in· stallations would not be large and would he spaced over a period of tlme. He said t~e~. would come in reduction of full·time c1vihan and active duty military person· nel at the bases. He said they would not affect levels of \\'eekend reserve training programs al Los Ala mitos . Admiral r..toorer admitted that Los Alamit.os i~ one of 88 military in· s~all2t 1ons Jn a IO·statc area being con. sidered for closing or consolid ation. but added, "It's only in the study stage. There's nothing specific ." A Navy .study, called Proje<"l Wire. Is currently in process to investigate the closin~ or consolidation of military in· stallations. A report is expected within 18 mor.ths. On the proposed expansion of Los Alamitos which ls being opposed by the cities of Cypress, Slanton and Sea l Bea<'h, Adminal Moorer said, "We don't have the fiscal 1970 budget yet. It's still being considered by Congress." ~e. repeated prior statements by Na vy (lff1c1als that the Lo.~ Alamitos base is operationally safe desplt~ transition to more powerful jet planes for reserve training. Or••lle Coast Weather Wednesday's wnther picture re- mains gloomy, de11pite a couple sunny hours Jn tM afternoon whlcb won't bl'; able to advance the mer- cury past 64 alq the coast. INSmE TODAY Pre.side11t Nir.on heut1't for· gotten tht talent& that made him a toug1\ political injjghter and he may now be about to take o/f his gloves. /'agr 12. (tll .. nll• l Cl9nlflM 1'·11 c-1c1 II c_, '' Dtant litenc.t • DMftH I ••-1111 ~-' •111tert1•-1 ' ~"'-· , .. 11 -" Allfl L.....,. 11 ,,_.,..... ' "9rr•-lie-I Me>IH~tl I ._.,,." . Mwf11•t ....... 11 .................. +I o.-.. c_,.. ' l'llN..... It ·-, .. ,, .... ,,........ , .. ,, T........ 11 -. -. ..... """" ,, --.. .__.. ..... It.IC 2 DAIL V PILOT t Tutsd1y, October 28, 1969 Aldrich: Hurricane Eye VCI's Daniel Braves Local Lions' Dens By TH0~1AS FORTUNE 01 1!11 O.l!r ~ilot S!lfl In an informai breakfast with the press this morning UC Irvine's Daniel G. Aldricb Jr. discussed the travail.,, of be- ing a l'C campus chan~!lor. He sai d he gOC>s into meetings \Vilh C'ommunity organizations feeling people are daring him to 5peak. And he said when a note appears on his desk requesting him to return a call from a newspaper reporter, he feels tense. But Aldrjch. who fs tall, handsome and an exceptional speaker, says he never goes away from his com1nunity ap· pearances with the same uneasy feeling. He said before a recent talk to a service club he was ad vised : "You know about Daniel and the lions' den ." Aldrich said he repl!ed, "l also learned to sing a song in Sunday School -'Dare to be Daniel.' " Indicative of his afler·a·meeling feeling ls his remembrance of a man who C'ame up to him and said, '"fou're not a Socialist are you?" Hi s feelings after conversa tion l\'ith a One Killed, T,vo Hurt in Ohio Union Violence YOUNGS1'0WN, Ohio fUPJ) -One person was shot to death and at least two others were wounded Tue!lday when 511 carloads of Teamsters llnion members attempted to escort a strike-breaking ca ravan of trucks lnto the Republic Steel Corp. plant here. Police said several othrr persons were Injured by brick~ and bo tt les. when the Teamsters, men1bC'rs or Local 377, were met. at the plant gates by 140 striking in· depe ndent sleelhaulcrs. Police, who used tear gas in an attempt lo break up the melee, sid the sleelhaulers v.·ielded baseball bats, rocks .and guns. Between 100 and 150 shots were fired during the outburst, which lasted aboo t a half hour. police said. The wounded <1nd Injured were taken lo Southside Hospital. The Teamsters apparently aUempted to break a 12-day strike by the in· dependent haulers against Stoney' s Trucking Co., \1-'hlch dc!lvers steel for Republic. Police said at lea st one truck was :1et afire and the car of Teamsters official JohT! Angelo was set ablaze. 'T'he Youngstown police · riot squad follow'd the Teamsters to the plant end ,.,,ere at the scene when the violence erupted . ~1ahoning County Judge F orrest Cavalier earlier Tuesday issued an in· juncti on proh ibiting interference V.'!\h trucks entering and leaving the plant. The strike, whi ch has been punctuated by violence, began Oct. 17 when one of the drivers for Stoncys was suspended for receiving several traffic citations. newspaper reporter aren't always so sanguine. And once his quotes appear in print there are times he is quite per· turbed, A central county new~papcr this morn· ing headlin('d a story: i.Alclrlch Defends 4-Letter \\'ords." As one who .has pubi!cly tlressetl tlown studt>nls for using obscenities, Aldrich is not a defe nder of four-letter words. A. reading Of the story shows he had defend· cd the student newspaper's fr cedon1 to use them. Th e quote Is : "The campus newspaper is student run, paid for with student funds and meant fo r student circulation." He goes on to say that lf he were to tell Uie student newspaper staff not to use them they probably would use them more than ever. The ctiancellor says his quote in a story in Monday 's DAILY PILOT I s misleading. Questioned about a campus poster that showed a person bending over v.·ith a bare bottom. pasted on a placard carried by a pic keter at his home, Lebanon Flares Aldrich said : "That is something they had better talk to the Department of English <1bou1. I'm not doing anything," He says he did 11ot tnean Uy the last statement lhat he is 11nw1ll ing Lo tlo <lnyth1ng about 11-Ile rneant he pt'.'rso nally had nothing tn '111 \11ith crc;;i tlng the poster . Jusl as he personally has not used four-letter v.•ords. Hls point is th at the university is not n1onoli thic w!!h all authority at the top, "The deicision to do it or no t to do it conies right bat'k to the indiv iduals in· valved who function as cj\izens in the University system," he said. Alrdich did not amplify rus short state- ment at the time because he was tense at gelling the Lelephone call from the press, The result: poo r communication. Aldrich feels that he and the University are on the defense. ''The community fears the campus :and the campus in turn fears the com· munlty," he said, "This communications gap is one of the great difficu!ties of our time.'' V.S. Embassy in Beirut .Target of Dynamite Hit By United Prell Internatlonal A series of explosions rocked Be irut to· day and a gtoup of anned men tried to attack the U.S. embassy but were driven away by Lebanese security officers wlio oncr:cd fire on them. Figh!ing also flarcO again In the Lebanese cities and near the Israeli harder. 1'hc Middle Ea~t Ne\vs Agency in Cairo :;aid the men hurled a i;tick of clynarnite to\1'ard the einbassy as they fled in a car but the explosion caused nei\her in juries nor damage. The guerril!as have accused the United States of backin g Lebanese ef. fort<; to crush the gu errilla movement. The new round of violence came a~ J\1aj. Gen. Emile Bustani and former Premier Rashid Karam i met with Presi· dent Charles He!ou to discuss the crisis. Bu~tani was flying to Cairo later today fLJr talks with guerrilla leaders. '!'he conflict wh ich threatened clvil war in Leganon broke out 10 days ago when Lebanese anny troops cracked down on guerrillas who had used bases in southern Lebanon for attacks against Israel, thus making Lebanon subject to heavy Israeli retaliation, The Jordanians got a taste of that retaliation today when Israeli jels bomb- ed and strafed the Al·Adas.!iyah area in J or<.an, three miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee, in an attack against Arab guerrillas v.·ho had previously attacked Israel. Israeli jels also attacked targets in Egypt along the Gulf of Suez during the night. \Vhether the attempted attack on the Frona Page 1 U.S. embassy represented a new anti. American phase of the conflict was not immedia te ly apparent, The official Cairo radio accused the Unit ed States Monday of.b~ing the prime mover in the Lebanese l'Ti~IS. Cuerrilla groups :il so have predicted a U.S. troop landing in Lebanon 10 pro1cct the Helou government. The ~Hddle Ea~t News Agency reported today lh<it France had told Leba non it opposes "landing any foreign troops or foreig n intervention" in Lebanon. Russia has warned against such intervention. Bitter Hearing On Smog Seen I.OS ANGELES (AP) -La1vyers from across the na tion predict a bitterly con· tested hearing over the J u s t i c e Department'ii move to settle out of ~rt. the gover nmenl's ant.i·smog suit again st 1najor auto makei-s. V. S, Dist. Court Judge Jesse W. Curtis, v.•ill conduct the hearing at which the Juslice Department will seek a con· sent de cree for !he out-of-court set· tlement. Today was the opening day. The decree is opposed by regio nal agencies from throughout the _nation . At least 30 attorneys we re prepared to offer argument.s against it. BABYSITTER LOSES LICENSE ... she started taking care or children eight _years in order to be at home \vith her own 14<vear-old daughter. "I first applied for a regular child care license seven yrars ago," she said. ''! filled out all 1he forn1s and took inv physical. hut I n,.ver he:ird any n1ore Or it , Last Deccinher I applied again , and v.enl through the \1 hole rouHnc. 'Thi~ time an inspector came out to look at my hriuse and said he \l"ould recomrnend the lit•en~e. "Thl'i1 the baby crav.'led ou t of my yard anr! all thl~ started. The district at. torney's office couldn't make a case of it and all these mothers were ready lo testify for me so they just dropped it. But they (the district attorney's office) told my lawyer Uley'd see toil I'd never get a OAllY Pi lOf 011:.-,N G~ CO.U1 ru•tl~HIN!l COM,._,N't Jl:1~1rf N. W11d 'ruldenl •rd '~~11o1w, J1ck •• C11rlt"f Vitt "'"llltnl .,,. (;1f'fr11 Mtnl~!I Tho11111 l<tt•H Eailor Tho11111 A. M11•11hi11• Mlntt"'' !Gi•or ~ich1r4 '· N1!1 l-••.ui Cll? ~•11or ---212 f•rt1f A•t. MtilTftf Mtl••u: PJ:J. lo• lll, '71S? --C..,.W...• m#t1l .... l'l'Wt ~ 119c11, 111! Wfll .. _ ....... """"""°" ...,., ,. 11111"-' _&_, OA•L" Pll01 wlllt ""'iUI i. cOMtll ........ .. _...... II ... lt+I-"l!lt ••<.,.+ '-..,. In _ _,,, ...in19'11 •• I •un• ... dlo lf•lelllc• •rM, N-t IMU>, C.01• -. Munt""'" ltoc~ ""'' """''•In vei. ll'y. Or-C1Ht "llbllol'llnf Comptn., ..,1""'" Pl~n~ ••• 11 n11 w111 1,1_ I I"'" Nn•PO•I IHCll, •ncl »I Wtol .. ., """'' Coo11 Mru. ,...,.... 17141 .. , ... ,.,, Cll'..i•Jw ~. MZ.CJJI tWl'rltM, tMf, 0•-C-1 ~lfo .... ::-"' ,.. ....... io-.... , ...... ,,.,~ .. ..tilwlll fNftolf ... -ttl~ll ...... In lfllW M ·-wll!IO\ll _..,. •t• .......... _..,..,, -· "'«-<-_._ ""' ., ...__. ...... -C•I• ,_., Golff9"1111, S-......, .. u n .., GM .,,...,1 .,. -~ a .. .-rt llllilllll'J .-rtM;I ....... ,..,,..,,.. license lo ta~e care of child.ren. and I guess they m£ant it," !'lleanwhilc \hr n101 11cr~ \1 hn h;n e p~lron1zed l\.1rs. l)unl<i\'ey"s ch1\d c<J re srrl"ice are having !heir prob!en1s too. ,\lr~. Gloria D11h!qulst. <l post offic r. rn1plo~'c who 1i1·cs al 255 1.._ St. Ann's J'ir11C'. 11:'.l.5 one of the six ll'ho rc·pe;ilcdly l!lok time off from work lo try to hel p the ba\J~si ttrr. ''She hils taken care of niy little boy sihce he was horn, four years ago," said l\.lrs. D11hlquist. "Wlost of lhe other mothers ha ve been \l"ilh he r for years too. \\;e believe ln her, she's a good woman and ha~ a nice home where the children are safe. They get three good 1ncals a day and v.onderful care. I'm not about to leave 1ny hoy v.·ith just anyone. 1"11 ha ve lo take hin1 down to my mof.hPr Jn Ri ver side I guess. and only see him V.'C'ekends.'' J\..frs. Dahlqu ist sai d lhr. \\'elfare Dt'par!rnent had given the tle\egat ion of tn0thrr:; lwo phone numbers for licensed babysil!ers in the Laguna area . "One 11u1nber \1·as rli sconner.ted ," she said. "TI1e ot her didn "t want any more child ren. They ga\·c us some addres5es up in Costa Mesa, but that's no help to us here. They also said it 's agalnst the la1v for anyone who isn't a relallve lo takl!. 1;a re of children withnut a license , so what are we supposed to do? One mother is working hecause her husband is in hospital. She doesn't have any relali\'es htre." Erickson confirmed that the law re- qui res a lk ense (or persons taking care of chi ldren In private homes, regardless of number, unless there is a relationship to the child. Under the licensing pro- cedure, applicant.s must su pply cha racter references and medical records, take a chest X·ray and have the home inspected by a soci al v.·orker. he said . The license i~ issued wi1hout charge and must be renewed yearl y. Mrs. Ounlavey said toda y she has "about given up" in her efforts to obtain a license. "There's no way to argue with the \Velfare Oepartinf'nt, '' she said . "I even had to go through Senator Schmitz' office to gtl them lo give me the in· tervlew yesterday anO that didn't get me anywhere. I feel very had about the mothers -they've been so wonderful to me. I'll rind some olher work but it will h::ire to be during school hours because T v:ant to be hnme v.'ith my O\\'n girl." A spoke.c;r11an at the public defender's orf1c{', ll'h1ch l1and lrO tl1r::;, Dllnlavey·s court ca s(', commented, "It was a most unus11a l llllng . That 11·oman had at lrast 20 fl('oplr re;1dy 10 s('rre <1s ch:irartrr \\l\11C'!-!il'S fLJr Iler. Tliere 11,'ltJld 11!1\'c hccn no \\'HY 1o make a case: against her hOltl up in court." President Urues ti Swift Approva] Of Money Bills \.VASHINGTON (UPI ) -President f'jjxon, preparing lo Je.al'e for GOP cam. paign spe_eches in Vi rginia and Ne1v Jerst>y. urged Congress Tuesday 1o ap· prore n·itiiout further delay current Sp<'n· ding bills fur federal agencies so the ad- mlnistra1 ion co uld plan ils 19il bu r!ge t. Nixon Jll{'t with ltcpuh li can con· r.resslonal leaders at the Whi le I-louse, a regular weekly event, before his evening dep:irture for Roanoke. Va ., to appear at a rally for GOP gubernatorial candidate Linwood Holton. After returning to Washlnglon Tuesday night, Nixon will hit the campaign trail again Wednesday for appearances at hlorristown and Hackensack, N.J., Oi'l behalf of Republican gubernatorial can· clidate William T. Cahill. In a lclter to congressional leaders of bnlh parties, Nixon sa id, "Unless the con· gresi;.~onal pace is sha rply accelerated, a is cle11 r tt1at many appropriations bills 11·i1l not pass ln 11me for federal agencies ln ~cttle the voluminous details necessary to n1eet the budget deadlines. • .I urgently request your c ooperation, ll1erefore, Jn securing swift action by the Congress on the pending 1970 ap.- propriations bills. Othcr"'·ise, wr will he frustraleri in our ('ffor!s to 1nO\'C ahead eff iciently on the 1971 bud_get." ' DAILY .. ILOT St•ll Pltllle AT THE SCENE -Leary family defense altorneys George Chu la, Robert Law a nd J\'i<irvin Cooper (from left ) discuss point wi'lh Superior Judge By.ron K. McMillan (plaid coat) during tour of Woodland Drive Monday afternoon, Al right is Cbula's office manager, J ames Morrison (beard, dar~ glasses). Judge Surveys Leary Drug Arrest Scene As tile legal protagonist ~ In the Timo thy Leary hearing \\"tre su rve,ying 11·oodsy, nin·do1111 \\'oodland Dril'e in Lagt1na '3each ~toncl:ir. an unexpected figure !JrC':11nc very 1n1ich in C'l'1denc:<'. .ludge B)Ton I\. 11cill illan, 11·ho rnus t rule in his superior court 1vhether nar- cotics seized from the Leary station \.l'ago n <lrc admissible as evidence, wa s surveying tile street and homes along with four a!torneys. They were chatti ng casually When a yottlh with long black halr popped out of one of lhe aging residences and shriekeri , "l know I'm ou t of sight and I don'l have to go to jail lo prove il." He st.rode past the group. A little girl ran up to him. He picked her up. Another young man embraced both seemi ng to offer comfort. One of the young n1en called oul in a hoarse voice, "It's all right, there's no more hate ." Judge McMillan and the attorneys \vatehed and listened and Ulen went on 1vith thei r discussion. \Vilh Mci\fillan were Georg~ Chula, attorney for Dr. Leary; !\farvi n Cooper. representing Leary's son, John: Robert Law. attorney for Leary's wife, Rose· mary ; and p r os ecutor Martin .J. }feneghan, red·haired deputy distri ct attorney. The group 11·as studying the street and terrain in regard to discrepancies in tes· timony about where the Leary station v.·agon wa s parked-legally or in mld· street-the night a Lag una Beach police officer arrested the trio of Learys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Reimbursement Issue City Council Takes Vp Capo Sewer Line Flap Controversy over v.·hether or not the cl· !y of San Juan Capistrano should ~ reimbursed for acquiring property for a sewer line for a private developer will be. settled at tonighrs special mee ting of the City Council. The developer, Del Obispo Investment Company, is proposing to build homes on property off Del Obispo Street across from property owned by Ch a r I e s Vermeulen. They need a sewer line to extend from their property along the southerly border of Vermeu len farm land to tie into a main line approximately 2,386 feet away. By right of eminent domain. the c9uncil has voted to institute condemnation pro- ceedings to acquire a permanent strip 12 feet wide. a~ a, temporary stdp 25 fee~ wide after Del Obispo Company flies ifs tract map,. . · . , 'I'he developer. ~"aS' agreed ·to· pay for the sewer construction and 11.ny other co:::1s ~11ch a.~ cror damage. Left to be ~eltlcd 1ras \hP ques tion nboul rei1n· hursi n~ th e city for lhc land it \viii purCh;isr. "l don't think the taxpayer should be h11rdcned with thi s," said Mayor Ed Chennak. Couneihnan Bill Bathgate ag reed saying that those benefiting Should pay for it. ('ouncilman Tony Forstf"r dlsagreed, saying that th-Ose \vho \YOUld be. using th e liriP \\•ould already be encumbered by a eonnrctiOn cost and a charge to be paid to the developer for the cost of the line's construcllon. The n1ayor said he feared setting thi s kind of precede11t. "If the council votes to relieve people in this particular im· provement di strict , then the people in tile other improvement districts will start a revolution and I don't blame !hem . "I don 't thi nk we can relieve $1 in thi:t district H we don't tdo lt in the others'" said the mayor. ' Al a previous meeting, councilman Forster said that he fa vored aequirina the right of way for the developer since the dtve!opment v.·ou\d bring an .ap- r;~~~:l~~.assessed valuation of $200,00Q Councilman Bath ga te said he too fa vored the development but belie\'ed the developer should assume the cost of ease· ment , purcha se sin~e this is what has ~ done in lhe pa·~t. 1 Buggesllons as to how the city could be reimbursed included c h a r gi n g a particu!ar fee to each person as they ho11 k, into !he linr. nr charging a p:irl1cular f('e balied on acreage. The con· lrove~liY 1vill be resolved at toniglll'3 1neeung. 1970 Officers Take Over Reins Of Hotel Group W ould-J1e B111·gla1· Sl1ot Takeover of the nrw Laglin a Beach Hotel-r-.1 otel Associalion administrat ion J\..fond«Y night was a painless coup livened by cocktails, chal!er .1nd ~p1r 1LC'd d<inc 1ng. Dead by Place11tia Ma11 A Placenlia bartende r 11·ho arrived ho111e esrly loday to (ind two men lurk ing jn l1is house pumped four revolver shots into one. killing )1in1, then hit the other twice , but he escaped out the door. Krirl Guder. 35 of. Los Angeles, v.·as pr onounced dead ~f his .38 caJfber bullet wounds at St. • .Jude .Hospital, Fu\Jerton, following t!1e 12 :45 a.m. gunplay. A manhunt was on today for th£ other btirglar apparenlly wounded by victim !\I ichael Corsaels, 33, of 1702 St. James Place, but authorities said they had li llle in the way of leads. P!acent.ia Police Chief Earl \V, Cole· m<1n said Corsar!s was being rou tinely questioned this morning. bu t there v.·as no evidence he had con1mitted any crime. '"The besl we. ca n determine. IL \\'SS j11st a burilary in progress," ~aid Chief Colen1an . Corsal'ls told investiga1ors he v.•cnt into hi~ hntn c. wh ich he had \ch unlocked, and was jun1pcd by the two men sur· prised Inside . Asked if the bartender was carrying the revolver he emptied during the con· frontation with the apparent burglars - or obtained it inside his home -Chief Colemen declined explanation. "We're working on that," he said. The apparent burglary victim got Into his car and headed for the Placentia Police Department to report th e cue 1£· ter fatally wounding Guder and hitting the second man. "He met one of our police cars on the wa y to St. James Place in respanse to a Libya Forntally Tells U.S. to Close Airbase DA~-!ASCUS (A.P )-The Libyan gov· ernnlent has served forma l notice it "''ants the U.S. Wheelus ai rbase nellr Tr ipoli evacuated by Dec. 24, J9i0, lhe Libyan News Agency reported today. Thls is the Pxpiration date for thf' agreen1ent tillow ing the base on Libyan SJlil report of gunshol s. flagged hlm clo1\ n and then came into lhe station," the chief explained. An amhulance was dispatched, but it v.·as too late for Guder. Statewide Ban Extended Ou SheJlf isl1 The annual sta1e\vide shellfish quaran· line, v.•hich 11sually extends from May I lo Oct. JI each year, has been ex tend ed indefini tely, Dr. John R. Philp, Orange Coun ty Health Officer, said today. The ban forbids the laki11g and eating of mussels, os}'ters and !he dark meat of clams along the entire coast of California. However, the shellfish may be used for bait, Philp said. Mussels, oysters and clams feed off a type of tiny water organism that is harmful to humans when eaten. It Is the same organh:m lhat creatu the "red tide" effect, a reddish hue &bat can be seen on lhe ocean at rrl1ht during the. months of May through October. The little ()rganisma 111Ually dluppear from coastal waters by the end of Octobtr, but this year, the plankton is stil l plentiful Dr. Philp said. Philp said he doesn't know why the organisms ha ve· chosen l<> st.ay around the waters of the Orange Coast. "t don't think anybody really knows the answer." he said . "It relate3 to the temperature ot the water." But, for . whatever reason. laboratory tests conducted by the ala~ health department have sh<>wn that tht poison is still present in shellfish aamples. Th~ ban on eating shellfish taken from Orange County and Ca lifornia ~oastal 1\'aters will continue until further notler, Philp said . The annual n1eeting of the grnup beg<in ii!'; a two-hour cockt.'.lil party 11t the Towers. It adjou rned for dinnef and lll'o talks at !Ile Ou!rig~er Rcslauranl ;ind I hen trooped back to the Towers for.more danci ng. .John \Veld, a Lag11nan for mnrr th<in :10 ye.:ir~. ext olled the vlr1ur s of the scJs1de con1n1unity and spoke of U1r£e·day tour packages for tourists visiting the art col· ony. Torn Taylo r, vice president or Tetley. Fav.·cctt which prom o1es conventions and tourism for client communities, spoke or the importance of promotion to a tourist. oriented economy. tie said Palm Springs which realizes $750,000 annually in bed·ta:t reve nue plows $500,000 of it hac k into promollon . New· assoc ia11on offi cers are Loren Jl aneline, president : .Ji;ihn (lregory, vice prcsi den1 : and Glad.vs Adams rt'maining as secretary·treasure.r. Directors are Merri ll .Joh nson. Harry Wi!l ats, Julie Bradsha w, Beuy H0binson :ird Sa1r. Ni!ta. Public oHicials prest'n1 .1crn111panled hy \\'ives included Alton Allen. fifth distric t supervisor ; Laguna Beach city coun· cilmen and planning comnlissioncrs. Patrol Finds No Bribe to Rhodes COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) -The Ohiii Highwa y Patrol reported today 1t found no evidence !ha t ITI{lney wfls oHl'tCd or paid in connection v.·ith the commutation of former Toledo mobsl{'r Thonlas /Von. nieJ Licavoli's con viction . Gov . .James A. Rhodes co1nmut,.O !he first·degree murder convJcti~Jn or the ag . Ing convict lo second-degree niurd u , His action was que st1on<'d in a ·s!o!'l' printed by Life milgrir,ine 111s1 !\.fay an(! Rhodes sub• equently ord<'rc(! t h ~ ltighway Pat rol lo probe the entire Ucavoli m..1tter. Detpite the commu lation, the 65·yeai-. old Licavo;i failed to ob!flin B pRrole. lie C'Qntinu e! to serve a life tenn at Ohiri l'enltcntiary for four ;:an,R:lilnct ~l ylc nHirders in Toledo 36 )"ears ago. I I 1 \ I I • , I \ • "+ • '." • • •"' •·<"" "'""""" <0" __. .•• -,,....·~·-·~•~·-·-•~•r.·~•~>~"v~•~~~~ <ct<•• c "''•!!Wct '*'*"''" <"""*"""*•!it"-.; \2\"' "'""'"~""""""''""-~-i;; r' w~-rrt -• ' ·-. ' . ' . .., ' , . . -~ . ' .. , ' ' ,---.... -' ....... -~ ---- Newport . Harbor EDITION Today'• Final N.Y. Stooks VOL. 62, NO . 258, 2 SECTIONS , H PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1969 TEN CENTS Newport Renews Battle on Harbor Oil Ooze By JERO:\tE F. COLLINS 01 $ht D•llY r'lt.t Stell Four month s ago, an oil leak startM bubbling up to six gallons a day of crude into a Newporl Harbor channel. It is still bubbling. And lhe seepage may be increasing, according to City Tidelands Administrator George Dawes. What can be done about it? The city isn't sure. A month ago, city councilmen thought they were on the right track v•hen they authorized the expenditure or $-l,000 to replug an abandoned onshore well believ- ed to be the source of the leak. Councilmen are now w o n d c r i n g whethl!r this is the righl approach, as lhe bubbling continues. Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin r eported gloomily lo lhe council Monday night that he hasn't been able to come up with a contractor to do the job. It invol ves recapping of an old well on property 235 feet from the seepage between Newport Island and the end of the 4Jrd Street. The property at 207 4Jrd Street is own- ed by 1.N. Vorie. ile has agreed to the ci- ty projec..-t. But .contractors haven't. Devlin ex· plained il's because they're afraid the work involves too many hazards -like a blowout -to be worth the money, Councilman Donald A. Mcinnis then suggested that a more direct approach to the problem might be in order. lie said -~ ._~,. ..A. :--( "" u • OlllS ilft.~ •1LOT "'"' .. the city should consider going to the .seep hole itself, cleaning out the sludge and ropacking it with •·clean sand" and ce· nient. "It may not be a pennanenl solution.'' he said, "'but it might \asl as long as JO years. The city has done this several limes previously al other seeps. The crude oil material could be excavated 10 10 12 feet detp and replaced with clean material." Oil man Robert ArmstrJng the -,_ .A. ··'r " w h • r1 Cosponsors Bill Pushing Limits Ou.t California Republican Senate George Murphy announced shortly before noon today in Washington that he v.·ill c;i.. sponsor a bill pushing stale oil drilling sanctuary Jimils outward lo the cun- tinental shelf. Former Newport Beach vice mayor Hans J. Lorenz, a leader or the Cl)astal Area Protective League, (CAPL), hailed Murphy's decision as a major triumph in behalr of ultimate passage, HE'S STANDING ON SHIP'S BRIDGE. WHO IS HE? WHAT JS HE LOOKING FOR?' !SE\ PAGi 3.l The {lriginal bill was introduced by Senate Alan Cranston (0.Califomia ) and ?.furpby ii crouing parti~ liaN tq joill his ro\league on Capitol Hill In urging its adoption. "1llia: i11 the flr~t break we've had. This \l'OU\d give uli the protection we hope for." said Lorenz. after bf'ing notified of i\lurphy's decision by telephone . Mrs. Hart, Wife Of Forrner Mayor, Succumbs at 78 Nellie Hart. \~life of former Newport Beach mayor Charles E. Hart , died Mon- day afternoon at J.loag M em or I a I l-l06pital. She was 78. Newport cily councilmen t1onday night 11djourned their meeting in n1emory o( t1rs. •tart. Council man Don<i lrl A. ~fclnnis' voice hroke as he callC(! for the 1ributc. "She "·as a <lear. s"'ef'l lady," said ~!c lnnis.. r-.l rs~ Hart .1nri her husban(t had made their hon1e 1n Ncv.-port for the past 30 years. Friends s<ii<l 5hc <Ii{'<\ of suspected ,neumonia aftrr surgery of an un· ~\osed nature. A devoted .,..·ifc, r.1rs. llart had ac· c:::ompanied her husband lo lhe many meetings over which he presided 8! m ayor from 1962 to .1964 .. Active in communtly affa irs, she ,...-as a member of lhc Newport Ebell Club, Tuesday Club and the Newport Island Au-.<lliary. She is survived by ht'r husband, of the fami!v home. 404 40th SL Scr"Vice will be hr ld al 3 p.m . 'Thurs· rl;.iy Al Pacific \1ie\V Memorial Park. ~i~· itation \Viii take place at the Pac1flc Vie\V f\fortuary from 5 to 9 p.m. \\'edne!- day. Orange Coast Weather Wedne.sday"s weather picture re-· mains gloomy, despite a couple 1unny hours in the afternoon which won'l be able to advance the mer· cury past 64 along the coast. INSWE TODAY f'rcsirfent f\1iT011 hnsn't for- aot1e·11 the t<r /('n/s t/1 01 niod.c 11im a foll(Jh po/iricnl injinlde_r and he 11u111 nou; be nhotii l.o toke off his nlr1vr:l, l'aoc 12. ,..,.,., I Mulv•I ,.,~41 It Nelle~•I ...... 4·S °'"..," cev~,., • IJ"'ll ,....., 11 S~ lt·U 119<~ MU1Ult 1•11 T•ll•INM 11 TI!et le'1 I w .. 111er 4 G'-W~ll• 11 w .... -... w-·• ... 111-u Trustees Fail to Settle Amou11t f 01· Tax Override Ne~·port·Mtsa school trustees ~londlly night talked a bout amounts ranging fro1n 40 cents to 90 cents for a Feb. 10 overrirle tax election bul reached no decision on the amount. Declsions that \\'ere reached were no1 to put a lime lim it on thr. override tax but to let it continue indefinitely an<1 tr. set the amount !o 1ake l'are nf scho.11 clistrk·t ncl"d!' only for the next thrrc \'('ars. ;it .,..,hich lime another rlect1on Prrsum;ibly would be held. ~chool ho;irrl mrmbers learnC(! ~tond ay night lhat ti cents nf thr amount rlecir!('d Stock ltforkets NEW YORK (AP)-The slock market declined slightly in moderate lrading this afternoon. \See quotations, Pages 10·11 ). And while that measure of blue-chip stock performance Jost ground, advances among individual stocks traded on the New York exchange also lost thei r ad· vantage ovPr declines. There were 67 1 declines and 620 advances. upon evidently .,..·ill be needed yearly to ofrsct loos or revenue because of lhe Up- per Ne.,..·port Ray assessment hassle. "This wil! go al least lo I.he Calirornia Su preme Court and I would guess wi!I t<ikc five years to settle," board member Scl1n1 "Bud" franklin, an attorney, said. ~rhoo! <listrict Budget Director Walt er Adrian ('l:p!aine<l income has been lost both fr om the state and local taxpayers. Slate school alrl i!i allocated on the ba.~1s of a school dt!'i\rlcrs .,..·ealth, he ~:11d County Assl'ssor Andrc\v Hinsha1v l111s included Upper Newpi;ir! Bay la nds u1 !he assesscrl \"alue he has certified to the :-.tale Bu l the school di stric t isn"I rea lizing nffsc1l1ng inco1TIC fror:n loc;il ti:ixpayers because the county Board of Supervisors has excluded the Upper Bay lands from its computations. Su pervisors a a .v Hinshaw has cominglecl public and pri\'ate lands. School trustees will try lo reach a rlccision on the override lax amount when they meet again next M<Jnday or Tuesday night. Currently, the. state is a!Jo14·cd 10 establ ish lhe are<ls in which oil rtrilling ;ind prOOuction such as led to the Sanlfl Barbara Channel disaster last spring are prohibited. The largest individual stretch lies from the mouth or the Santa Ana River to the r.1exican Border. If the Cranston·t\1urphy bill is passed. however. the sanctuary w o u l d automatically extended rrom northern to southern borders and follow the con· tinental shel f seaward lo federal limits. Lorenz said CAPL has been in· ~trumental in various anti-oil interest legislaLiQn but the statcv.·idc sanctuary b11! would be it.s greatest victory. NY Daily News Poll Shows Lin<l say on Top NEW YORK IUP!l -Incumbent John \I, Lindsay continued to hold .a substan- t1allead in the mayoral race one week before election day. a straw poll pub- li:;hed in Tue.sd11y"s editions of the Daily Nrws indicates. The poll, the third canvass of lhe city in the last lwo weeks, also l!lhowed Dem- ocratic candidate Mario A. Procaccino continuing to lose support with only 29 percent of lhe polled voters favoring him as against a high or 3J percent in the first canvasa. Stop Signs Get Go Signal 58 Posts to Dot Cd 1lf After Citizens Vote 'Yes' Corona de! r-.1ar, north or the highway, prefers stop signs by 80 to J, That'a how a slraw poll conducted by the Corona dcl Mar Chamber of Com- merce turned oul. Al a result, the entire community between FUth Avenue and East Coast Highway will soon be sprinkled wilh 58 stop 11igns al intersections v.·here there are now only eight Nc~·port Beach city councilmen 11;i:i ve lheir ur.a nimou11 appro\'al to lhe traffic safety project Monday night. They acted after Councilman Robert Shelton, who represents the llr('a . reported the results of the Chamber's '"public attitude" survey. 1'w\l weeks ago. residents were asktil by I~ city lo let the chamber know lheir reaction to the rlan. "Eighty callers were very much In favor of the stop a;gns,'' iaid Shelton. "And nnly three were Oppoaed. Jn vie.,. of, . th.is overwhelming response and becaa!le this is basically good traffic engineering, I "'C should approve installation of the sign~." Ci ty Traffic Engioctr Robert JaHe recommended planting the red and white signs throughout the long~tabllshed residt.ntiaJ area. lie did it, he said, in order tu cut down accidenta. .Jaffe said that 222 accidents. most of lhe fcndcr·bender type, had Uken place in lh'.! re3 in the past five yeani. Of these, about one-third resulted from lhe failure of motorists to yield al now unsigned ln- tcrse<:tlons. "The record cannot be ib'llOfed ,"' he sa id, Tht: 58 ~igns. Jaffe expl ained, will he aitncd al stopping mi nor traffic flows at the affected intcr.:1ectlons. "Attempting to induce stops in major streams woukt tend tl) breed disrespect and po ss I b I e. disregard lot the cont "said Jaffe. Under the plan, Ira ill be requi~ to come to a full stop se locations: -Seoond Avenue a ne.,.LarUpur, ~lmetlia and Poppyli -Third Avenl\( a " • • ~-- Alarigold, Orchid, Poinsettia and Poppy avenues. -Fourth Avenue at Orchid, Poinsettia and Poppy. -Fernlear Avenue at Fifth Avenue. -Helttrope Avenue at Fourth and Fifth avenues. -Jasmine Avenue at Third and Fourth a'·enues. -Larkspur at Third, Fourth and F ifth. -Marl11old Avenue al Second, f ourth Ind Fifth. -Narcissus Avenue. al SeCQnd, Third, Fourth and Firth. -Orchid Avenu e at Fifth. -Poin11tttla Avenue al Fifth. City spokesmen said the gigns V.'lli be installed as 1100n as they are constructtd and painted by lht city sign .shop. "11 ·~ the biggest single job ~·e've ever had,'' said one akie. Councilmen t\tonday night also BJ> proved Jaffe's propo&al to proh.ib.lt park· ing at all times on the IOU!h llde of Scaview Drive. Shelton reported a "positive com· munity response" al.so to that plan. operates the former Humble Oil Field north of 1he highway in West Newport) agr eed with ~tclnnis. "See if it. works," advised Armstrong. "And lhen if il doesn't, step in with the more expensive project -recapping the Vorie well.'' fo.lclnnis pointed out that the city has no assurance that spending $4,000 or very likely more on the well reabandonment project will seal the leak. ''It could even pop up some14•here e!se -t..· .A, ,, * • Ill Trapped in Crash because or the built-up pressures, .. added Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons. Arter considerable discussion, coun- cilmen finally decided lo instruct the city st.aff to pursue studies or b o th possibilities. Devlin is lo report back in tv.·o weeks on lhe results of further con· tacts with contractors for the replugging proJeet, and he is also to come up with cost estimates on Mcinnis' idea. The leak. everyone agreed, must bf plugged, from one end or the other. oes DA ILY ,.ILOT .. ""1'9.., ltlclll!i ICMfl1'1' Rescue workers prepa re lo free \Vil hur 0 . Ra nkin , 38, South Laguna from his overturned l\1usla n~ a fter collision this m orning at 18th Street and Monrovia Avenue 1n Costa !l1lesa. Rankin, 2108 N. Ronda Granada. was freed after ~O minutes by firc1nen using metal saw to cut away car roof. lie s uffered rib and back injuries in r ight-angle collision at intersection. Other car was Volkswagen driven by· Leon l\'1. Lai..~nt, 38, of 711 v./. l!llh St., Costa 1·1csa, 'vho escaped with cuu. and bruises. Noise Buffer Zone Part Of Irvine Grading Okay The: Irvine Company today hns Newport Beach city perm l~ion lo begin ii:rading operations at the i;ife of .11 privatl'! 2i-hole golf course behind Newporl Center. Work .,...Il l begin In mid -November, Irvine spokesmen said. The project. because of problems f!X· peeled from the upcoming rainy season, 1,1;fl l continue pa~t the normal working day until midnight during the week . Bulldozers will also be flattening the land on Saturdays. Clly councilmen r-.tnnday n I g h t unanimously authorized the Irvine Com· pany to conduci. the alter-hour~ and vorekend v.•ork. City noise Mdinances P"'" hibit grading operations after du11~ without speci1I permission. Irvine officials agreed to a 1,000.fonl \•1 idc buffer zone betwttn the bulldo7Jn1 fl('llv!ty and nearby mldenllal areas The C(IUncil ruled that the ~al perm.JI is revocable al any Umf tr the buffer zooe doesn"t work, and Ull noise can"t be controlled to bomeownerl satJsfaction.. the bulldozer• will not bl allowed to continue lhe overtlme ·opera lions. '!'he golf C<JUrse site 18 bounded by Jim borte Road ind MacArthur Boulevard 01 the west and 11sf,-and by Font alMI h• Joaquin road.:1 on the north and IOUih. ·~ • L 2 DAIL 'f PILOT N Reds to Tell of POWs V._S. Peace .Group to Be Given Names PARJS (UPIJ-North Vietnamese diir lomats confi rmed reports today they ~·ere prepa.red to $Upply information on Amer- ican prisone rs of war to ti militant , L: S. anti-war organization. \Re lated i;t'ory , Pagr; 5.) But they did not say they would supply lhe full list of the captives to the org1n- izatio n called the "New MobiHtation Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Attorney William Kunstler told news· men in Chica go Monday aller ~·eekend talks ~·ith }lanoi J>f>;ace conference dele- gates that he be\Jeved the mobilization committee soon would set the names of American prisoners and that Hanoi was Lebanon Flares ready to "drasticall y extend the flow ol information." North V1ctnan1ese offitials insisted 1hat there was n(l changr; in llanoi's "humani1a nan policies towards pr i~oner.~ of ~-ar_" They said that Xuan Oanh, the }lanoi delegation 's public relations offi- cer, explained the policies to Kllnstler in a two-hour talk in which the conversa- tion ranger! widely over the whole Viel· namese problem. Danh has promised to K un~ller that the n1obillzation commiuee v.·ould gPl information on the prisoners if Jt ~·ere available, I.he informants sa id . Nartb Vietnamese delegates in recent Wetks prtimiltd groups or American! total ing 22 pertons they woul d be sup- plied with information on thei r m!~sing sons and husbands if it \1•ere avc1ilablt. Kuns tler visited Paris on behalf of D;ivid Dellinger and Rennard Davis, "·ho belong to the mobiliza !ion co1nmiltee. Ile is representing them in a Chicago tri;i l rC'slllting from demonstrations dunng the 1968 Democratic national convention. The Nort h Vietnamese authorities. V.'h(I consider the U.S. soldiers "aggressors," have so far fi rmly turned down all olfi· cial and private American pleas to release the complete prisoner li st and to allow an international control of the POW camps. U.S. Embassy in Beirut Burglars Take $9,000 I~oot At lVIesa High Target of Dynamite Hit fl.iethodira!ly looti ng h u s in es ~ By United Press lllternational A series of explosions rocked Beirut to- day and • group of armed men tried to attack the U.S. embassy but were driven away by Lebanese Sef:uri ly officers who opened fire on lhem. Fighting also flared again in the Lebanese cities and near the Israeli border. The Middle East News Agency in Cairo said the men hurled a stick of dynamite toward the embassy as they fled in a car but the explosion caused neither injurits nnr d1mage. The guerrillas have accused lhe United States of backing Lebanese ef· fort'\ to crush the guerrilla movement. The new round of violence came as Maj. Gen. Emile Bustani and formt:r Premier Rashid Karami met vdth Presi· dent Charles He\ou to discuss the cri.sis. Feliciano Case Suspect Wins Postponement Ales:ander Torbitt, one of four original rlefend111ts in a case involving $17,500 in !Mien liquor stized at Felk:iano's Restaurant in Newport Be:ach. has won postponement of hi.s arraignment tmlil early next ytar. Torbitt. 25, of 117 Via Dijon, was ar· rested along with three other men in. the W~tdiff rest.auranl Sept. 12, Detec:tivu •nd District Attorney 's investig ators also ~eized scores of cases of allegedly stolen liquor. Torbitt'~ arraignment is scheduled for .Jan. 30, 1970, at 9 a.m. in Central Orange County Municipal Courl The delay was granted last Friday. One other original defe n4'1lt. Edward C. Whited, 42. Corona del f\1ar, was released without charge last w~k. Two ~er men. Eugene Rondondo, 42, of 1501 ·Cornwall Lane, Newport Beach, and Charles Dryer, 31, of 11145 Sunse t rudge Drive, Laguna Beach, have been named in a Grand Jury indictment rharsing them with conspiracy and grand I heft. They '"'ill answer the indictment in Su perior Court Nov. 6. Toxic P es ticid e Use At Airports Bauned WASHINGTON (UPI) -The govern - l'Ooent announced today it is ending the use of a toxic pesticide, Oieldrin, at all civilian airpo'lrts and is cutting back on airport are.as to be. treated \','\\h other pesticides. Agriculture Departmen t officials ~aid 1hey would i;top ui;i ng dieldrin at civilian airporU except where It is "absolutely necessary" to meet a specific insert threat. ' DAILY PILOT OtJ.llCil (llAS1 '°ul t \SNING (QM,. ANY ••••rl N. W•t4 •tto"""I tnol ,M~llll'otl J.c~ I Cw•l•'f ", VIU llrMhM~• t nd ~"''-' ,,._,..,,, Th•.,.•• ll:tewil &G•lo• ,,.,.,..., A Mutp~IRe Mt""I"' [di"'• . J,,.,.,., F, Colli~t ,,.,_ &ttdl City 11111• !· ~.._.OMM 111 121 t Wftt ltlbt• 1,ult,,111 M1'lll•t Allllr1111 P.O. 111 lt11, t?'''· ...... --c.etl l'HM: no .,.,..,, '" ''""' l-1ff<11: ft) 'o.e" ·-~ ....,.. lVI J1~ ai. .. 1 " Ru~lani was flying to Cairo later today ft.r talks with guerrilla leaders. The conflict which threa tened civil "'Sr in Leganon broke out 10 days ago when Lebanese army lroops cracked down on guerrillas who had used bases in southern Lebanon for allacks against Israel, thus making Lebanon subject to heavy Israeli rl'lallation. The Jordanians got a tasle of that retaliation today v.·hen Israeli jets bomb· ed and strafed the Al-Adassiyah area in J orc!an, three miles southeai;t of the Sea of Galilee, in an attack against Ara b guerrillas .,...ho had previously attacked Israel. Israeli jets also attacked target.<: in Egypt along the Gulf of Suez during the night. Whethtr !he attempted attack on the ll.S. embas~y represe nted a new ant i· Arnc?rlcan phase of the ronflicl ~·as not immedia1el y apparent. The offi cial Cairo radio accused the United Slates tltonday of being the prime mover in the Lebanese crisis. Guerrilla groups also have predicted a U.S. troop landing in Lebanon to proterl the Helou governmt!nl. The ~1iddle Eas t Ne\.\'S Agency reported today !hat France had .told Lebanon it opposes "la nding any foreign troops or foreign intervention'' in Lebanon. Russia has warned against such intervention. classrooms, burglars stole dozens of of· lice machi nes worth more than $9,000 from Costa 1'1esa High School, it was discovered i\1onday. The loss included Z3 e I e c t r i c typewr iters, 17 standard models and four 1:alculators. according to off icials at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District campus. Officer Al ~tuir said whoever cleaned out the classrooms first tried to pry open a door and when that failed, smashed a ~·indo1v to gain entry to the build ing. The machin<'ry \\·a~ ca rried outside and loadeJ on to a vehicle whi ch had been parked beside the high school at 2650 Fa irvie w Road, apparently early Mon· day. lnstrurtor Vicki S. f rC'y <li scovered !11P. jnh wt-en she npened the business classroom area during th e n1orni ng hours a11d t ~orizecl !he intrude rs knew the respcct'-.·e values. Coup Strongn1an New Pre111i er of Sudan DAf.1ASCUS, Syria (AP ) -Sudanese fllaj. Gen. J affar Numeiri, strongman in the coup that overthrew that country's pro-\Veslern go.,,emment last f\1ay, too k. ver today as Sudan's prime minister and fonnerl a ne w 25-man cabinet. D.ltL'I' ,ILOT 111K llllfl• WORKMAN ISN 'T WORRIEO BY MAN .MADE SLIPPAGE Slide on G1l1xy Ro1d Planned Th1t Wey Quai~e Was Fake Gaping llole Plunned., ·Soy Aides i'hr ominou s·look1ns ho!r t>e nra!h 1hr corner of a cliffsid l" patio on Galaxy Ro;:id In i\ewport Beach may look hkt the ~·or k of an !!atthslide, buL 1! isn 't, city aides £aid today. The joltlnj:t' C'<l rlhquakr or ~fo11dav morning fs nol to bla1nr for 1he gapln~ hole hf'nf<ilh lhr founda11on .1t l!lJO ( Galaxy . Contractor~ 11·ork11Hl on a lot next rioor ~ot1ged a\1·ay the dirt intentiona lly to sup- port an area arounrl ;i la rge pipP \1.'hl('h cmpt.ies drainage: water over !he blu ff to the bay be low. "ll mav look ·~carr. but if~ Intentiona l 11r1d ~·ell under rontrot. ·• General ~C'r,·ict's Director Jake f\1ynderse said. D•llY Pll OT S11!! P~ot• AT THE SCENE -Leary fa mily d efense attorneys K. McMillan I plaid co<11) durl11g tour of \\l oodland c;eorgc Chula. Robert La\v and 1\1arvin Cooper Drive Monday afternoon. :\t. right is ('hul a's office (from left) discuss point wi'tb Superior Judge Byron manager. James 1-torrison (beard. dark glasses). ~---''---'--~~~--"-'-~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~ Judge Surveys Leary Drug Arrest Scene As the legal protagonists in the Timothy Leary he aring were sunreying wood sy, run·down \Voodland Ori\'e in Laguna Beach Monday, an unexpected figure becan1 e very mu ch in evidence. Judge Byron K. McMillan. who must rule in his superior court whether nar· coti cs seized from the Leary station wagon are admissible as evidence, was surveying the street and homes along with four attorneys. They were chatting casually when a youlh with long black hair popped out of one of the aging residences and shrieked, "I know I'm out of sight and I don't ha\'e to go to jail to prove it." He strode past the group. A little girt ran up to him. He picked her up. Another young man en1braced both seeming lo offer comfort. One of the young men called out in ~ hoarse \'Oice, ''It's all rlght, there's no n1ore hate ." .Judge Mc~1 illan and the atlorne.)S \\1atched and lis1ened and then we nt on >.l'i1h their cl iscussion. \.\'ith 1'1ct11 i!la n .,..·ere George Chula , attorney for Dr. Leary; r..1arvin Cooper, representing Leary 's son, J ohn ; Robert La\\', attorney for Leary's wift>. Rose· n1ary: and pr os e c uto r Martin J. 1-leneghan, red-haired deputy district attorney. The group was studyi ng the street and l.l'rrain in rtga rd to discrepancies in tes- limony about "'htre the Leary station v.·agon "·as pa rked-legally or in mid· ~trl'('!-lht> night ;i L:iguna Beach police officer arrested the trio of Learys. N e"'Po ~·~ .. arns TV Cable Layers To Clean Streets Six of eight contractors tearing up NC\\•port Beach :r.treets and alleys to in· 5ta11 cable televi sion lines have been tolrl hy the city to cut no new pavement until 1hry rl('an up what they have left behind. Public \Vorks Director Joseph T. Devlin !old city council men Monday he had is1;ued lhe nrder "becau~ we'\'e been ,grtung nolhin,i: but proinises" from the 111rlrpcndcnl 1oh conlractor5. \\'ho '"ork for (";iblr TV. ;:i ~"'"pnrt \ATV r1rn1. Counc1\rn<1n r:(lhert Shcllon sairl rlitrhr'i 1lug around town ha\'e bef'n left onlv pa rHall.v fille<1 anri an e1nulsion ustd 1n rul!111g thro1u::h th(' aspha:t has not be<'n !ouH1riPn1ty rleanf'd ur. "The.\··rc !ea1·111g c1111tc a n1c.~s." he ~aid . •·rherc:s a kC'y alley in niy neighborhood that was only rtcently slur- ried and sralcd by the rity. Then thr. CATV crew5 came in and left it badly colored and it has this junk (emulsion) in it ' .. "We've had all kinds of pr oblems "·ith those contractors," said Devlin . ·~·o are pretty good, but the remainder are pretty bad." ~helton said he ""as pleased that, Del'lin .ind his in~pet>l.or~ are apparently \•;ell it\\'are of the situ ation and are acting ac· cording ly. 1-louse Conunittee OK s Forcigu Ai <l Slashes \VASHI NGTON !UPI) -Prtsidenl Foreign Affairs C<i mmittee tentati\·ely agre!'d Tuesd ay on lnll ial cuts of about $46.'i million in the adm1nistrat ion·s pro- posed $2.&-b\\lion foreign aid bill. Thi! commitlff voted lo i;Jash the $2 2 h1llion sought for economic assist.a.nee to 11bout $1,790,400.000 but has not yet 1.aken final aC'Lion on th e $375 million sought for m:l1tary aid. Noise Unaffe~ted ILS Only Guides Aircraft Anybody who thinks Orange County Airport's new instrument landing system (ILS) will reduce jet aircraft noise "i~ being misll'd. '' Ne~·port Beach City Coun· cllman Donald A. f\1clnnis said Monday. f\f clnnis. who represented the city at the unveiling of the $11 0,000 air traffic conlrol system last week, said JLS has nothing to do with noise abatement. What ILS does, Mcinnis explained , is provide electronic guidance to aircraft so they can use the airporl in all klnds of weather. "It will result in greater safety for planes." he said, "and will result in more fli~ts. ". He noted that last year Air Caldorn1a and Al r West had 40 fewer jn- ~ming flights than scheduled at County Airport because of fog shu tting down the facility. ~ermed "an lnvi .sible highway," ILS utillz.es very higb freq uency radio beams to guide planes to touchdown. regardle~ of weather conditions, including fog. t-.1clnnis noted thal thr DAILY PJLOT last week quoted Airport Director Robert Bresna han to !he effect that !LS W·;:n1ld pleas e the Harbor Area·s anti·noisc lac· lions. Bresnahan said it ~·ould allow ap- proaching aircraft to come in over Dove r Shores at 700 feet instead of 400 feet as in pre·ll.S days. Mcinnis said this is true, bu t he pointed out that the Dover Shores direction 1' seldom used by incoming aircraft. "Only jn Santa Ana wind conditions do they fly, over there and I.hose conditions are very rare," he said. · "So anybody ·who thi nks 11.S will automatically reduce noise ls be ing misled:' Seeks Legal ·1tetp Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Cou1isel By TO~t BARLEY 0 1 tt11 0..llf ,Ii.ti Sllff Or11n1e County Assessor Andrew .r. Hinshaw toda y took his feud with County Counsel Adrian Kuyper to the 'Fourth District Court of Appeals in San Bemardlno. His 120-page hrieJ asks that the ap- pe lla te bench order the Orange Couniy a pr 1t·ate la~~·er in hi s spat with Kuyper -ti rl'quest lhat has been supported h.v the Orange County Grand Jury and den1erl b,v the su per\'isors. Hinsha w today repealed e 3 r 1 i r r l'har~cs tha t ·a confhr t of inlefest exis1s bet11-ecn the two rounty offirl als. He aga in condemned '"'hat he c a 11 e d •·Kuyper's uncal led for intereference in Board of Su pervisors to provide him with assessment matters and his refusal to even discu~s such matters with me." A prime issue in the dispute is !ht board 's cancellation nf taxc~ on Upflf'r Bay land transferred by the lrvint1 Com- pany to the ('ounty in exch ange for nearby coun!y territory -a cancellation that Hinshaw ha s consistently refused 1~ accPpl. That dispute figu res promincnllv in lhP I!insha11< brief togclhrr 11,1h repf1nls rif recent Grand Jury trst1mnny rcsultin~ from the appea rance of bo1 l1 t·oun1y 01· fic1ci ls before 1he 1nvC'!'11gatnr p<int<I. Hinsh aw par11cul:irl\' att<irkerl .l letter Kuyper \\'fOle to county s~1per1 i~ors 1.1 ~·l .July ~o. in wh1.c h 1he cot1n1v lOt1n~el rail' pcd l/1nshaw s rcf11~al 10 can1 ·rl !)1" Jr:·inc laxes .~s "b£'1ng :in .lrgtunen~ o,1·1thout ment :ind asked the hQ:i1·d 11 orrler J{inshaw to take the rel)Utr12d ac· lion . Hinsha w today said he supplied the ap· pella te court with the extract of Granrl Jury testimony to stress the fact that Kuy per ~Tole his le!ter and made h11 i:.tand hefor~ the board "after con· sulta lions with thr; Irv ine Company." Judge Gardner to Talk At l1istit1tte on Cou1ity •·change, Challenge. Choice -Orange. County ... a one-Oay inslitute open 1o Ul e public, will be presented from 8;30 a,n1. to 1 p.m. Nov. fi at the Anaheim Con· \·enlion Center. Top county officials will l e ad \vo rkshops in the morning on youth. coun· ty administrati on, welfare and en· vironmental control. Orange C:Ounly Supe rior Court Judge Robert Gardner will give the keynot e add ress. Ad\·ance regislration is requi red for !hi" s~ssion . v.·hic h is spon sored by thr. i\ewport Harbor Strvice League, a \'0\1 1nlttr lrainin,g organita1 ion. .ludg~ G.11rdner°5 I p.m. ~pel"rh ~·111 fellow lunrh. for \\'hich there 1s a S2 char11e. Judge f.llrdner ha~ wr11ten and leC'· lur ed extensive]~· 1n the lletds of criminal and juvenile law and cour t ;id. mi nistration He "''as appointed to the Superior Court in 1947. The workshop on you th "'i ll be con· ducted by Margaret Grier. Chle;f Proba· lion offi cer for Orange Coun ty. Robtrt E. Tho mas. administrative of. fleer for the County of Orange. will con· duct a seminar on Co u n I y Administrat ion- The topic of county 11·rtfarc. o,1·111 l'J' d i~cusscd by Granville Peoples, Orang• Coun ty director of "'clfare. Three speakers arC' schcdulrd for UH! .'l r s s i o n on environmrnta l control. They are Al S. Koch, Orani;i:e Coun!y road commissioner ; fl. G. Osborne. chic/ engineer for the Orange Coun1y Flooc1 Cor:lr~t District. and \Villii!m Fitchen, air pollu l1on C'Ontrol nfficer for Oran~r Coun. ty To. register write the Ncwpor1 llarbtir ~~r,·1re League, 2617·A £<:. C n .:1 ~ t flil!;~\\'ay •. Coron t1 del :i1ar, !12 f\ 2 ;1 . Reg1!.tra11rtn c1osrs Thund:11', L1inc 1 rr~er1·ation~ mu~t br prrp.11<1 1~ 1th .:1 $2.00 chec:k Solons Vi sit J\lo scow ~IOSCOW (UPI ) -A delt ga!ion of L' ~ sen&tcirs and repre~enlat1ves loday r.o~n· pleled a thrtt-da; visit ll~ the gue.~\S r1f lhe !'upreme Soviet lparl1.:1mentl of thr Stl\ lrt Unil'ln, 11 II ' II 11, 6men BEA ANDERSON. Editor • , ••• 11 Tale Adapted Puss' s Singin g In His Boots .ti.II ~orts or singing is going on in the J-larbor /\rea these day!'i . People are singing. se\vi ng machines are hun1n1ing ar.d hammers and paint brushes are adding their monotone to the choru s. The reason that everyone is singing is lhal a ne\V production by Chi!~ dren 's Theater Guild of Newport .Harbo r is on the n1arquee for T~an~s giving weekend and rehearsals, set construction and costwne designing now are under wa y in earnest. One of the songs being heard is "I Am a hfagnificat!" written by the Harbor Area's own ';Roge rs and Hammerstein" team, 1'.1rs. Ralph Tandov;·. sky and Mrs. Ralph Holden, for the production, "The Marvelous Story of Puss and Boots." Young ca~t 1ncmbers. include Br~d Ogden, Todd Pickett, Colin Gui· ,·er Anne-Eva Ne"•stead . Ci ndy l\'laro\vi\z, Pauy Chavez. Pam Armstrong, K e~ BrO\\'n. Carol Cappello. (;ina Gaud io, David Schmerler, Samuel Bran· don, Toni i\'loore and Jay Greer. Director of ·the production i.~ l\l rs. Budd~ Ebsen. and assisti_ng her . ~ the flltncs .. Jan1('s Do\1 ly. production coordinator: Carroll Perk in:-. ))et d(':-1.~ne r : Robert lludgins. <.:ostun1e designer; Teresa Allen, choreographer, and David Skilltng, stage n1anager. -- I f ! ' ' ' . t 7 ..... ' . .<\Jso on the production staff are th e Mmes. Harol d Buc ke y, assistan t stage manager; Robe_rt \Volr.e .. program book; Richard ~1arowitz, promo- t ion , and Ja1nes tlarr1s, pubhc1ty. 'fhc musical fairy tale will be presented at Orange Coa st College Saturday, Nov. 29, at 10 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 30, at 1 and 3: 30 p.m. Tickets are $1 for each performance. MUSIC IN AIR-Th ere is 1nusic coining out of evcr.v nook and cranny of th e Children's 1'heater Guil d headquarters as cast 1nen1bcrs and . sta ge cre\V pre- pare fo r the guj1 d's upco1nin g musical. "The ~·ta r velous Story of Puss and Boot s." J\1akin i;: a medley of sonnJ s 3s they \\'Ork on a set a rc (left to ri~ht) lhe_ tvln1cs. Alan ~cynol~s. D. V. Skilling an d F_r~nk: Ga1ne:-. The n1us1ca l v.·11\ be staged Thanksg1v1ng \\'eekend at Orange Coast College. AROUND THE WORLD -Naming the countries \vhere their sister Zon lians are preparing to ccle-. brate the 50th anniversary of Zonta Jnternational are members of the Newport llarbor Club (left to right), Mrs. J ack Reinert. Dr. 1-lelen Robertson and J\1rs. Robert Harbison, presi dent. The Ne\11 porl club \\"ill mark the annive rsary date \vith a lun cheon in the Zonta Clubhouse, Thursday, Nov. 13. 50th Anniv ersary Zontians Pause to Remember Fif!y years ha\'e conic ;ind gnnr. lc:i1·. Jng n1 cn1bcr s of Zonia clubs throughout tl1e \1·orld \vith n1any acco1nplishn1en1 s upon \.\'hich Ill reflect. The Zonta Club of Newport Harbor will join with 560 clubs in 33 coun tries 111 celebration of ihe anniversary da te or 1\ov. 8, 1919, v.·ith a luncheon Thursda y, Nc.v. 13, in the Zonta Clubhouse. 1'hc organizatlo n bega n in Bulfalo, N. Y., \.\'ith nine charter clubs, A pro1111· nent. member or the lluffalo club "'as aviatrix Amelia Earhilrt . who \.\';i.~ <in ~1c· live member at the time of her ctisap· pearance 111 HIJ7. In her n1e n1ory onC' of thr fir!l1 7.onla pro1rct~ was begun, !he Ainrlla Earhart fello11•ship s 11 hich annually arc awarded to 11·oml'n in rhc ;:icro11;1ul1l·al, rnginecr· ins and aerospa ce ~c1 encc~. The first frllow~h1p 11as prr,rntrrl 1n 194(l and since thal lin1c R8 ll;11·c bl'Cll grnntcd to \.,.On1cn fro1n l2 countl"l<'S. In 1967 the internation;;il organization cx11a11ded its service projects to include Itamallah, a vocational school for young: "'omen in the ~fiddle Eas t. To date, more than SlfKl,000 has been conlriouted toward he!ping more than 300 girls graduate and becornc self.supporting . The Newport. l larbor club w i'I s t'bartercd in l!J48 with 24 mernbcrs , fi1 c of whom slill are <icti vc in lhe NewporL Jl11rbor clu b. Three of Lhe original 24 arc 1cli\'e in other Zonla cl11bs. The Ne\.\'pcirl club count~ ;i~ ii~ niost iuct·c.~slul service project 1he Scnror rililens Recreation Center in Newport Beach. Ot'dica ted on Dec. 1. 1%.1. ;iflcr an c1gt.l·year drive fo r fundr., the fl~,000 .~t 111t h1rr prov11j('<; ;l lll<'rtin,'.! pl ;J{"(' rnr .~C'ninr c1t1zf'ns 1111h c area and 11u1ny civic ;ind cultural grnups. 'I he senior clubs ha1·r outgm\\'fl 1lir building, ho"·ever. and a 1500 square fool ade11ion now is bC'u1g planned. The rln vr. fer funds is under 11.•ay and 900 square ll't:t ha\'C. been completed. As soon as Lhc rern<iinlng necessary funds arc a1.:• <"Jm ulatcd, the final 600 square feet \\'!II be added. ·rhr. club also has supportrr! 1\1nc rican r·irlrl Service ~1nce llS beginning Ill 19~~1. \1hcn it.sponsored one student ;1l Ncv.!)QJ'l l !;1•·hor High School. !-i111t·c !h,1t 1unr lhrrr h;i\'c bcf'n 6.1 fnn'ign .<;!udents :tt 1hr 10L1r lf;irbor Arr:1 high school.<; and dunng th{' current ,chooJ ) ear !hl'rl' arc llllH' :-,l111Jr11t.~ Cn· rolled lron1 vanous countr1l's. Thi: year 19~1 1narked the begi11nini:: nf .1nolhcr import.:111L ;1spec't uf rhc f'li1h·<; :,crvicc, the ini\fa11on ul the annual $500 Orange Coast C0llcgc ~chol arsh1ps. T\.\·elvc students have been <Hried in 1hr. progran1. \\"hich also provides that rel·l· p1en!s 1nay 11pply for a second yea r of Zonta Club assistance. A $250 grant h:1 s been added for :in arc;1 woman student ;1lttndlng UCI. "·hich has bt•en given each year since the opening of the universijy ca rnpus. Ano!hrr phasr nf the t•lub·s progr<in1 i~ l h e Zonia \\"0111an c( Ach1c1·c1ncnl ;11\'ards, given lo 1~·on1cn of the Harbor Arc;i fo r ou tstanding contribution to the s!ri tu~ of \~·orni:n. Hccipi<'nts of 11us :11r:i rd ha1·r hcrn l'\l r~. lll"lf'n S1111th. ;or1i~r . l\lrs l'.:.~lhrr Ocndcl, autho r; 1\lrs. At Forg1l, com· 1111111i t.1· !r.1der ; 1\lrs. \'ell tllurbarger, ;it•!hn1', !\·J 1s.~ Agnes Olomquisl, business· IH 111;111 : to.Jr-;. Josl'Jlh Berk, com111uni1y Ji·:1dcr . .ir1fl /'ll r:.. !toy Fox, youU1 leader. SILll ;1nothcr :,(•rv1ce projec t is the Zon· ta (;irls·of·the ·month and G1rls-0f·lhe year. 'l'his recognition of high schoo l :-rn•or girl s was begun in 1953 and to dale 111ore thiin 243 glrls have been honored, c:irls-of.\hc·n1onth are selected al each high school from October through !\1ay or ract, year, and al th(' end or the schoo l yc:,r thr girls themselves selccl the one Ilic} frcl JS lh c mnst outsl;1nding of their J.!r1 (1p, The 1;1rls·Of·lhe·year receive $50 s"1•111g~ hond~. :"\1;.iny u1hf'r fOn11n uni1v proJe<·ts ha1·1> h·~n ~upportl"d by Lh1· t !ub. 1111.:ludJnI; aid IH I lo;ig "'lr111onal II o s I) i l 11 ! , J '1"1 ,1i1·1er ran. <1 pol1<1 11l·t1n) ;ind the (.;ir! ::)1·0111 s Th" No1· 1.1 luncheon, In 11·1lich t ivic an·I con1111un1rv o!fa.:1:ils ha ve been in· 11ter:I. ll"Jll poitray the story of Zonta 1:.rcrnnliona l through costumed vignettes representing each deca de of service. lnc!udr.d in the historical portrayal wilt be scenes of significance to the NC"--port J larbur cluh and 1\'orld events which in - 11 111,nccd the dcveloprnent of Zonla /ntern<111on:JI. Coordin:itini; the prog ram is Mrs .. Jack 1:~nlfrt. Ne .... port llarbQr international 1(~J:i tions chrtinnan. A~si~ling iirc past Zont<1 C I u b p~csirlenls. !he Mines. Fred Peth. Marlirt ~Jiccl)', ll obcrt L. Jayred. Robert L. B::tcon. Lnuis Csenar. Jeffrey Burke, (;corgr P. Zcbal. Malcol m Angell , \"1rg1nia Lulhf'r. and Dr. Helen Robertson and f\.fiss Bernice Vest.al. 'Good Samaritan' Reveals No-muss, No-fuss Experiment DEAR ANN LANDERS: You hear from so many nu ts I thought you might like a Jetter from a mature person who handled an illlcil love affa ir \l'ilh finesse. had hi s fling. got it out of his system and no one was hurl. I mel an att racli\·e ,e irl through my business. She 11Jas infxp<>rienced. lo\'C• star1cd :inrl 1·ul11erablc.. I s;111· an op- portunity lo perfonn a u~eful service and. at the same l i1ne, add a little zesl to tny life. I lalkcd it over v•lth 111y \.\·ife and she understood. I agreed not tn can· ba.rrass her or the children. Our rcn· der.vous were private and no one ever saw me with lhe J:irl. Arter three months the fire "'as out. t was happy tn return lo mv wife on a full· t!lll(! basis. We are now closer lhan ever. ' ANN LANDERS Stt, It can 1'"0Tk. ~ -NO F USS NO MUSS DEAR N.F'.N.~t.: If you're looking for a good cnaducl medal you came to the "''rong place, Ju1l becau~e your "'lie didn't bang her1eU la I.be atUc 11 no sign !>he "'asn·t dttply bur1. Tbe prize 1t;ots to HER. not )OU, Dummy. 11EA R ANN LANDF.RS: I ha\'e an cm· barrassine problem Lhat t canoot discuss "'ith a clergyman, doctor or friend. Jrs my Jn.Jaws. They come ro our hon1c rvcry other Sund ay and they have yet to bring a gHl for our children. We don't e;,:. peel anything expensi\'e, you undcrstanrl, but some small toy or trinke t "·ou!d make a big hit ~·ith lhe kids. Yesterday ou r ~year~Jd asked, "lfo\v rome Jimmy and Sue {the kids nex t door) always get gift.~ from their grandpa and our grandma and grandpa neve r bring us anything?" Then Beth, our 7- year-0ld asked, ''Ooo'l Granctma and Grandpa Jove us ?'' Y.'hat i;hall I tell them? -NEEDING ANS\VERS llEAR NEEDING: Tell them •1Gifl11 are not proof of lo\le -it's how people Ire.at each other that counts. The fat•l that Gra ndma and Grandpa comr to 1>rf': you 1!1 proof enou 2h lhat they love you- and it should be gift enough , too,'' nEAR ANN LANDERS: Our z3.,·e:1 r· old daughter marri<'r1 hr r hnss tas1 Yeiir. This was Fern's flrsl marriage. his third. \Ve clidn't say anything (ii wouldn't havr done any good) but \~•c weren't happy about it. The man is 51 yeii rs old. Last week Fem announced that she is pregnant. My son·ln·law, v.·ho JS only two • years younger than my husband, Is thrill- ed. This wltl be his first child . I am wondering iJ the baby will be mentally al l right. The age dirferencc worri('S me . Do you know anything about the offspring of nH1rriagrs \1Jhcn the father L~ con· sidcrably older than the n1other? Please check. -HONOLULU llEAR 110~: An t :nJ!.Hsh scienti st, A. F'. Hutton, ~e lected 1.000 illuslrious pt'O· pie from a slnndard cnryclopedln. He di11coverec1 lhJi.t an unusually hl~h pcrcen . tage of those "·ho have distinguished lhemselvts had you ng molher.1 and olcl fathers. Dr. llullon clai ms that "'htn lhe loth~r I~ n\•er 45, the odcls art two to one· lh•t hi s child "'"·Ill be a person l'lf aehi evtme nt. \llht11 lhe father 11 over &e years of agt, • the odds are ti to one. The medical experts wltb whom I COft• 5ulled were nol concerned with lhe men~ tallty or these children. They raised another question. Will thest olde r men ••ho !!tart young famUies llvr long enouatii lo rear them? Drinking n1a y be "in" to the kids yoi.i run 11·ith -bu t it can put you "out" r• ker.ps. You can roo! it and stay popu lar. Head "Booze :ind You -for Teenagers Only " Send 35 cents in coin and a long, scH·add resscd, stamped envelope with your requcsL Ann Landers w11I be glad to hel p yow with you r problems, Send them to her iA rarr of the DAI LY PIL(YY', enclosing a self.addressed, stamped envelope. I "T'!"'!"I! _____ ...... ._,.,..,...,.':"""""_,,..,.,,,,....., ....... .,...._..,.._.,... ..... ~-----------------· --.. -.. •• DAILY P'I LOT Tl!fMfay, October LB, 1969 Horoscope Libra: Responsibility Increases Mothers and Daughters Ring Out the News i\lothers and d aughters of SL :\ndrc11."s P resbyter- ian Church will gath er tog ether to give thanks \Ved - ncsday, Nov. 5. at 6: 15 p.n1. in the church, during a harvest-themed thank offering and dinner . i 'lusic 'vill be provi ded by the Junior lligh School and liandbell c hoirs and mother-<laughter groups. As· Decks Cut At Benefit :-.Torr than 60 sa lads \\'ill be nfJcred Y:he n the Nalioni1l Charity League , South Coast Ch<1pti.>r. presents its annu al benefit bridge luncheon at 11 ·JO a.in. tomorrow in U1e <;o00 Shepherd Presbylcrian Church . Los Alamitos. Amon g other prizes to bl" gi\·en :nray "·ill ht> beau11fu l '·en1crpieces .a durn1ng rnt:h table, Benefiting fn>1 n tl1f' f'\f'nt are the Crippled L'h1ldrcn ·s Society, Epill~psy Clinic <1nd F'oster Children s Fund. 1'h1'I fund <'O\'er<; S1K'c1al nc<'tlS t1>r ~ hildrrn 1n foster <·are nPt ro!hrn tse l.:0\'1'rcU l)y fr·d rr;1 I. liia!r or eountv .:11ci progr.im •. Planning th<' lunchrnn arr the !lln1es. ll ar1cy llanzr1. chairman: Lclanr1 I\ 1 n ti, 1~r£r Kelly. Holx>rt Do11·11 1n_t!. CJrl /\llrrbrrr1 l.<•11·•..: ll~1·1~ ;ind J;, .\ e 11 1 I I Stoughton. Oralingua Described A hislorv of education (or !he deaf "~as prl'!>e.nled "hf'n Dave Ph1l11ps spoke 1h1r1 n;.: today's mei!t1ng of rhe Sorop- tim1st (lub ol ll unt1n,lll•1n Beach in Francvis rc-1.iura11t. JEANNE CAFFREY March Bride Caffreys Tell Troth \ \L1l't h :1 11 cdd1ng In 1hr ( 'i11H"l ii !1! !ht> R rf leclion~. hnot: s Berry Fann. is bt.'1n ~ pl;11111ed by Jrannr l'll arir Cll.f· frrv and :-.l1 th<iel G. 1\ll]IJcan, both of l'.ost.a r.tesa. Their be trolhal has been an· nounecrl by !l!r. and J\lr.~. 1!011ard C. Caffrcv of Co~ta \lrsa. parenls or. lhe future bride. \fiss f'<11frry was J;tadua!ed fron1 1-:~1anc1a lhgh School and rn crorl~ Orange l'oa~t t",,!IPgl' sisting 1vi lh plans are members of the J oa nna Circle. F'lov•e r Guild and m en's club. Ringing out the n e"·s of the dinner a re (left to right) Sue Wyman, J\'l r s. .Joh n Wyman and Leila \Vyman, m em bers of the llandbell Choir . Jaycettes Plans for Conclude ~feeling at 8 lnnighl 1\·ifl be 1nembcrs of the F'ounla1n Valley Jayce tl cs. v.·ho v1i ll conclu de plan~ for their an- nual cosi uni e Hallo"·ecn party taking place at 8 p.1n. Satur- cla.\', :\'01". l, in the plala t:lubhou ~t>. Othrr business on the agen- da "·ill be a discussion or !he Fountain Valley Junior f.1 1ss tea which takes place Sunday, NO\", 16 in lhe civic center. :\Ir.~. Tom l\ellev 11·1][ host the _meeting. · Ser1·1ng as ,l!encral chairn1an of the l\allo"·l.'Cn party 1s :\lrs. lirorgc Scott. and ass1sung ;u e the i\lmes. R r r n 1 e !'1·a!stad. Bruce r. o s s r ! 1 • l\eHey, Barney :\lcLaught1n and J oe Tu nstall. r-.lany original costun1r~ are ant1ei pated, and there "·11 1 be a pri~(' For thr mo~l 11nu~u:1I . \ext mnnth"s bu~tne.~~ nirrt- in~ \VII! La k~ plal·1' 111 .\1rs. Tlln!)ta ll"s home, and \\Ill 1n· Language Concepts Accented Thr 7\ced to Sutct'ed ha5 been selectt"d <is l1tr topit' by Haunting elu de a di~play or Chrl~1inas decorations by n1cmbers ;:inrl their guests. Doors Open on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 By SYDNEY 0~1 AllR BASIC ISSUES dominatt , People "'ant to know where tbt food and sheller are co m· log from -and whetbr r cost i& out of linr. J\tajor POLIT· ICAL figure n1akes proposal whit'h t·a uscs his party to tic· nounce. bini. ARIE.'i (\1,1rch 21 -April 19): Strive. lo bring together op. posing family factions. Set fine example. Be an excellent listener. Don't turn bac k on Franco-U.S. Relations Discussed Frant·I" -Frlrnd rir Fr'w" 1.~ lhe 11t1r of the talk L'S. Ar111\' Col I rrt I \\'allcr F. JJu1111 .Ir. v•ill g11r belor<' Excc11 111 c Dinner Club of Or;-111gc co:i~t 1n the ~c11'1)()r1cr lnn ot 6 p.111. Thu rsday, Ott. 30. Col. Dunn 11·as advisor in the production of the motion pie· ture ·•Tue Longest Day'' and a personal reprcsf'ntative to the late Gen. Dwight Eiscnhowf'r in the Russian v.·ar 1.one. Warren ?lforgan \Vilt preside n1·er lhe ga!herin~. and \Villiam Imhoff, p ro g r a m c:hairman, v•ill i?1''e lhe in- ,·ocalion llosls and hns\e5scs ""'iII be rhe ~IC~!lr~ and r-.Imes. Al'lgus Porte r ;ind 0 . S. \Veide along l'.'11h ~Tr;;. ,J o ~ e p h Pardeicl1 and ~11~~ 1\1111 ~n1i1h Tiesrr1 :t1iri11~ ni;1\' be oh- la1ned bv c~l!ing :-.l!ss Fem Jl;1ndol ph, 49 1-i0i"5. one born under Ca ncrr. TA URUS lApril 20-r-.1ay 201 : Trave l, creative thinking and n1eanlngful decisions are high on agenda . Be f l e x ible . Nothing today is static where you arc concern«!. A relative C·ou!d do an about-face. (;Ei,IJNI (May 21-J une 201: Study Taurus 1nC'ssagr. 'l'ou have much in comrnou today "ilh persons born under tha t 1;odiacal sign. Personal accent is on possessions. income potenlial. Gain shuv.·n ii )OU are observant. CAr-i'CE R (June 21-July 22 1: Cycle high; aid likrly to be rect'i ved from Aries in· dividual. Stress personality, app e a r a nce. You are especially attractive lo op- i:x>Site S?X today. Ac t ac· cordingJy. LEO (.July 23-Au~ z21 '!"our ~rnse Qf the clramn111· 1q s;_i(t!<fiC'rl . S(l niuch occurs 1h<1 t 1~ n1vslrr1nus lhat \'t•LI rcl'rl 1r1 the fole of one "'ho hn~ soh1· lions. ~l onry con1e~ your 11a~ Bul do be co11!iclcnt. Du11 1,1 \'fl\lil!S lo"'- \'intiO (Aug. 2::.sr111 221 · Accent un hopes. 11 1shcs ,111d fr i1'Dd5. illuch is in ~·our fa\'i'r 1£ your <!on't fall prey 10 self· dccep1ion. Slnve to be realistic. U o pe rson is pul- ting on an act. It is all in good fun. LIB RA <Sept. 23-0C'I. 22): Presti ge rises. You are gh·en added responsibility. \Vith this comes greater reward. Emo- tional and financial fulfillment distinct possibilities today. Act ;iccor<lingly. SCORPIO (Oct. 2'.l-;'\ov. Z!): (rOO<l lunar aspect today coin· c1des 1v i 1 h co1nmunicat1on \1·1th lho~c at a d1 ~t;111er. .E5prcially good f.1r 11T1l1nt:. p11hhsh1ng an<l ad1·erti ~i og. Plan ahc.lr1 Don't broOO. L(l<lk Auxiliary Rummage Sale to luturt'. for face-saving devices. A bit SAGITTARIUS ~r-;'01'. 22-of generosity on you r part will Dec. 21): Emotions .ar e pay dil'irlcnds. pn~·erful. Nothing is halfway; PISCES (feb. 19-:-0larch 201 : <ill the way or no thing. ~loney which invOl\'eS others is Encourag~ young persons lo spotlighled. St udy inrcstment r >:prcss U1cn1sel11es in crt ati1'e plans. Op portunit y is preS('nt. "11ys. E\'t'ning promises lo be CAPRICORN IDC'c 22.Jan. one o! rl1scu1·f'ry. possib le 1~1 : Tune lo b<' rrccptirc. roni:iril'e IJ:iy is featured by Absorb knowledge . De a air vr C).cJ1C'tllrnt. shrr,1tl ob~rrver. The more1------------ od h l'Ove••,.•m•"' ~·ou !1strn I ay, I. e 1nore you ~-----------, loam . Joio! erro,i, ,ucceed. lose 10 lbs. In AQUARIUS (Jan. 2().Feb i "" Doot 1akc ""' ,.,;,u,1,. lO Days On New com plaints. threats of those close to )'OU. Some are looking Grapefruit Diet Past Days Recounted On Radio '.'d1·s. Ch.'.irlcs 011rwn·:. ~i<lc r ol 1·'1n1ed1an Aln n 'l'1J111u.;. 1111! rt•c;ill hrr \'(•iJfS 1111 C;in11 d1an r;1d1n f<1r · ."\('11 pnrl Beach F riends of the l.1br:.ry 111 the J\·ewpnrl Bra'ti ho111e of fllrs.1 Fred Ellis Thursday, O<:L 30. I r-.trs. Dur,1•ay <ind he r; brother. ""'ho is kno\\·n in television as ~tr. Ed. "·ere al brother-sister team before she met and married an American engineer. Her brother v.·enl [rom radio to the molion picture busi nessl and television and has \\'Qnll two Emn1y a"·ards fnr the A!a11 Youns Sho1,-. I !1-lrs. Stanley L e Lie v re . president nf the .11roup, is in char~c of the publi r merttng_ ,\~~1s t1ng her arc the !ll1nes. ltoracr llenjarnt11. R ,\ r 1ni:, Alan A ndrf'11·~. 1-lf'nry Schone anrl LcL:ind Beckt''.t. This is l he J'r\·n\ulionary nr.'I grap('fn.ii t d i"l that e'-'ery- onr 1s sudd<'nly talking about. Lll crally thousa nd., HJJ'1fl t housand~ nf copies ha1.-. bt>en p<1~~rct from h11nd TO hand Ill JRf'lt,TIP~. 1danl5 ;inrt nfli•·•·;; lhn111t;ho11l lh" \' s <in(I Caoad;i. \\'11rd of i !~ ."II ''~-. ha' ']II c;id l1IH· \\ lld· II·"· h•1·1u~·· 1111, 1' 1hr on" dl''I 111;11 n'Hlly ~,.,·n1s to 11 !,rk l•1r 11\·,~l 111•·r11right 111 '••1•1•' .\ 1·' 111,11~111n Tron1n• 1., <'1ti1i:1111•.1 1•••'n 1ly prfl i~· . d 11 !i1 Iii•' -1,1,.,, l!r 1'l'por1- f'd IP·lll'.: ;:'•1 [il •lllHb qt11 ekly :n1iJ ra~1ly 1•111.: ;1 fl l'1· hr cl"~ pa1rrd ,,I "1•·r ·~1 tl ing-do11n t1, 111~ 11.ir11n11· 11 1'1-::ht of lW pound~. ,\!l 1 111~ 1111hout c11t• uni:: out thr urra.~1011al bf'rr or r")<'. If 1t 1s follo11·ed l.'X· aclly thr avf'rai;:c 01·rr1\·eii;ht person should lose 10 pounds 1n 10 days. Thrrr 11 ill be no 1~·cii:;ht lrn.s in th<' f1~! four days. Rut you '"ill suddC'nly drop 5 pound~ on th" 5th day. Thcr<'afl<'r you \1 ill Jo:;e nne p<)Unri a day until the JO\h day. Th"n ynu 11 ill lo~e 1 •, pound~ r 1·r1)' 111·0 day s \Int ii you :'.;"' rl •J11·n to your pror"r 11 r1:l1t Er<l ,,f all Tl1rrr sl1nuld hr n'l h11nt"r f'iilt!'..'<, ).'ll'' f'!'I l~t'rl ~lld <'n• J;i1 ~rd, 111•~ l'I' ·1· r11 1 t j•l;in kt~ ~··•1 ,:.1uff ~ri•11 "1r "'th 1 .. .-.ri~ thTl l 11r1'" 1.,rn1rrlv ·r .i-1i1dd,,11 ...,q, 11 11; h1~ .1r,,;.:-,. li1n· ,11 1 1•1t f:d, ;-.111111• 1 n r1·1r·d , 111,·l"'il, r1 rh ~.ra11i"-. 11111:1 <11111111 ~"'. lob· .._,,,i., :11 11;11 11111_ 111 h11 11rr, bacon. f;1l'. ~;.i11,ar.''' :ind sc'l"il ntbl,.d "L'.C•. \ 011 ""n rat until ~·ou flrr fnl!, Hnlil )OU cannot po~-.1l1ly rrit any ml)f('_ ,\nd ~111 1 yu11 .•!1011ld Jose 10 pour:ll~ 111 th,.. first l"n days, pl11.: l ', pounds r1·"1 ·y 1110 clay• 111.-.rraf!er 11n1!1 ~·'•ll!' 11 ri;;ht l• d u11 n to norinnl. Th<' ~"' rrl behind thi~ n,.11· ''Quick \l"!:'ii;h t lo~<: i-. n<.1! ::"n<'ra!h· kno11T1. Fat. it h;1 -. lirrn \h<'01"17"d, dOE's not for1 11 f;it. PC'rhaps fat fiJ:h!s faL And lh" t;T8pr· fruit juice 1n th1~ n"1v dirt n1ight art a~ a rrital~~t tlh" "trlgo::er"' In ~tart 1hc f11t burn1n~ Pl'ncr ... , Yn11 "l11ff :-.'our•rlf nn 1h" l'"rm1ttrd fonds lis t rd in I hr d1"t pliin. an<l s1ill lo:i-c un•ii;htly f;it !Ind f'X!'!"•• l1n<ly f luid~ . \\'h"n lhC' f;it and hloat ar~ p,onf' you 11 ill ""a~r 10 10~" "·cii:;hl, Ahcl ,1·r11u· 11·<'ighl \1 ill rr<main rnn trnl lrd. A <'OJlY of thl~ nr1" and start· lin~ly SllC'C"~~f11l dirt rlan can be 11b1ainrd by send1n;; ~2 lo R & B ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 45046 Chicago, Illinois 60645 Phillips. assi~t;1nt 11cr prr'-L· rlent or Srcu r1:1· l'ilC'l lU' \a- 11onal Bank !;poke on tx-h.ilf ,-,f the Oralingu a Foundill!!Jn a fharit .• bl<' 1oun1ta111111 11h1th .~upport!i oral d:1y ~t honl:: f.,r deaf childrf'n. ltt.'r u;itat' ~r1n of l'aul Ii. l\1111.~.111 .. r :'-\'11port Beath ;111d .\i r• 1.rstrr Kalt of( nf llt·ll. 1:. .• ~raduat~ or i\e\.l·port ll<ir OOr !hgl1 h1•hool and ;1t- 1rnrlf'd (J(.l'. Hr 'l'r1ed rhn·r ~··.ir"" 1.1 1hr :-Olarinc Corp~ pr1f\r tn r111 enng OCl' \Jr. Gerlrudc Pat t r r s on. :\nx1ous lo lure buyers into Laguna Beach .·\meri-:\!rs. :\da Burke. t reasurer. Sale hours are g a m. to langu<Jge arts (·on!'ultant "'llh can Legion r!a!l ,,·here auxiliary members \1·ill slage 5 p.m .. an d special features ,,·ill inclu de a bake sale. U~co....,.t,0~1+ ""'"t" Ill<~ ;111 ·~~!te 1• •l'e• "" r Q •~• d••' 1>11" you "'"~ n1>' lo" 1 p011""1 i• 1•e '"~' 1 O•~•· dnG'~•· ~ l.'O\l'ICi. I~ In• nt >I 1 Ol yJ, •"<I 1 poona• '"t•'t" t~o O•v• '"''" ~•·e·, I.,.~ i r·1~'" ••t O•t ! o!•" o•O ~c"· ·~ "' I ee '•'u•O'!'d oro.,.,otl1. •·~ v. ·~o~• •rg~..,~"' lt•' cut ,.. • MO"•;~ •• ~ re'f'·..,r· 0•'•0! no • 10 ,...,~ ~ •~• "''"' ~•l••c• ;• '•gu·• o• ~~ut ·~~'"· "'~' ~ "''I •~<OY•"9 "*~·•I "'~" 1~111, •unr~" "'" a ,,. ,,., Orce· """' ~·•n·• o•~--~ 1n1p Holt, Rinehart and \\'1nston, a fall rumn1agr .:,ale and bazaar Thursdav and F ri· ('hristmas items, a \Vhtte elephant table and cloth- lnr · puhli5hing flrrn . day. Oct. 30-31, ;ire 1 lcfl to right) ili rs. Della 111,g. Sand\\·iches . donuts and coffee \\'Ill br scr\'cd She 1r1ll addrc~s !he Oran,R:e Staihr. '-ale cha1rn1an : .\liss Lillian l\'cishan1, prc5j. both d a'.·'· rountv Branrh ot th f' Associa-de 1 \I \I I 1· b 11nn Or Childhood t-:ducation --"-'---' '_·_·__:·1 _n_c __ a_u__:c~n~s~o~n~. _c~o~-~c:h:•:' nn__::•:":· __:•:n:d ___________ _ ---•••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••• • ·:1 S-T-R-E-T-C-H • • inlcrnational. in loniunction vnth the Oran,R:e C nun t y Dcparlmc11! 0 r l;:ducation • English as a Second Language and Bili ngual E d u c a ti o n Programs at 7:30 tonight. Candle Glow Sparks Memories New Group Organized • &·SEW (T.M.) Knit Fabrics Orange • In 724 East Katella WE TEACH YOU HOW TO SEW WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS FEE $15.00 NEW CLASSES START NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th IMAGINE! lt:&rn to make Strt?tch Pdn+~ in one hour , b1'th in9 su it for $5.00, girdles! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The meeting will t<ike place in the Tust in Sc.hool District Bt Hewes Intermediate School, Santa Ana . Or. Patterson has taught all levels from e I t m en t ar y through co\lrge ..,,.ht.re i:;hc was in charge of teacher tra:i ninJ:. and she will center her Spei"C h around oral lan&'1agr rx- perience for boys and girls 1r1th special alten l\nn 111ren !o niatrrla! f ro rn °'C'hildrrn·~ \\'orlr1" and '·The Sounds and Pattern.~ of Language." Velvet Marks To remo\'e needle marks • frorn vel\'el. pla ce a cloth • dampened v.·iUi \'incgar over • th e wrong side of th e material. • Dr aw across the surface of a he ated iron. ., __________ _ • • .1 •I •• • • • • • • BOOKS BOOKS BC)OKS BOOKS Birthday A volunte('r service grou p Irs been ('ighl years since lo the pres('nl 130-bed facility keyed to human concern in its eight v.·omen in the tai!orerl with its modern intensi\·e care immediate c o m m u n i t y skirts and white b!ouS('s ari· un1t. gathered this mornin it in the fl('arrd al thr 5 0 • b t' d Pa!>t preside.nl~ invited to Hunti ngton Beach hom e of 1akc part in the program "'ill !11rs. '11ichael Brick . \\'estminstrr t: o n1 n1 uni I -" include thr ~1mes. Curtis t\amed thr lnla nders, the Hospital and l"Oluntcerrd their Bluem ke, \\'1lliam ~1agill. Stan organiza tion i~ ~ponsorcd bv lime lo drh1cr mail ;inrt n1chard~. Frank l\lc:\'c\ey, the First I;nited Church of fl o1l'crs. hos t rna\l'~nilr te a~ Hugh Sah~bur~". l\1rith ;i nd Founta in Valley. I llii rry Sigeskr, lli'ho is serving Arca v.·omen in\ercs\C'd ln and mend hosp1t.il ltnen I icr second term as president ron1 munity \1·elfare may ob-1 ·ro celebrate thi~ oc.•cas1•1n. this vear. lain additionAl information by 1ncn1bers of the \\"est1ninstrr A!;n tn be honr,rer! .1rr callin.'( :0.lr~ Br ick. 968-:!862 I f!os pital Guild \l'llt ga1her for Ronald Alb right, hospital ad· Re 4d TV WEEK a potluck dinner Ill 6 ,10 nunist ralor , l\1 rs. Lt'o Rivard, direc1or of nursf's, :ind i\!rs. E S t d tonight. very 4 ur ay Lou Paez. ~ssist11nt di rf'clor of As each past president ligh!~ nurses. in The Daily Pilot a t andle to recall he r yrar nf1 -------------------------- servicc, ~!rs. Bernard C !lfeith, historian. v.·ili rev1ev.' the guild's growth . Last year members devotP<I a total of 5600 hoors of servic~ Zodiac Deco r ~01v ) riu rl1ange I h,, hathroom .<.<'at lo nl a I r 11 ha•h r()(lm deror • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sc 1· er al t1rs1£11i; 11 r r A\"<i dable inrlud1ni: b ri 1 r1 I 1 printrd l orliat< Thr m:1111 ~1nC· lurer ~nys the lid r hangr l a kr~ only a fpw ~rconds 11·i!h a uni · (jue pin fa!'ilcncr. • (XT O[to'fl 'f lA,(;t: 1TOC~ • l V1"'"11 'tit 18 1r _____ .;;; _____ ;;o : PICKWICK ~' START SAT., NOV. lst-9·1 l a.m. HRS. DAY 9-S; NITE 7-9:30 P.M. Pariing in Rear -Phone: 633-2842 : ~~,~~~Hc!'b~! • 17•J MIP!ry.Mt 11~. ,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If! won,....,.. (11J) HO Mltl UNITID NATIONS ASSOCIATION tilP:T SHO, t"'perttd G ifh-U ~ii of Ct •d• 221)4 N. Mti", 5'"'' An• Me"d•v l~•u St iu•dty-11 .4 ' I O,D tn& l"""•'•P ~u~ply 20% OFF ON ALL GIRLS DRESSES AND GIRLS SPORTSWEAR 3 Days Only Wed., Thurs., Oct. 29, 30, 31 Sizes: 3-6x 7-14 only SPECIAL GROUP Fri . OF LADIES FALL SPORTSWEAR AT SAVINGS OF 1/3 to 1/2 BAll~OWS. l404 Via lido -Newport Beech 673-9434 fONI OP: THI LIDO SHOPl) \Rst < c ¥1<<10<-<>u<•'*"""¥"C c-eee < <4'·4 ec• ,,.;,. q Q4•uu:eq•cc• '''",, ''•'1.-.ii:~--.-v·v 1;1 ..,.,.,~...-t ~ • · · • .. -... _ ... .N.Y. Stoek8 EDITION *' VOL. 62, NO. 258 , 2 SECTIONS, 24·PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1969 TEN CENTS Girl Shoots Youth Lovers' Spat Nearly Ends in Tragedy By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1M 0.11'1 PU.t U4ff Hurt over a lovers' spat, a JS-year-old girl stole a gun Monday to force her boyfriend to listen to her side , then shot him during the confrontation in their Costa Mesa apa rtment. Unfamiliar with Orange County, Lhf' girl then drove aim lessly up lhe Newport Freeway, with the wounded youth, hun- ting a sign directing them to a hospital. but finally stopped to ask for help in Anaheim. Both frightened at the prospect of being separated after six·months together, tbe girl and the 26-year-old \'icUm also in· vented a fictitiou& story "'hich police quickly e~inated. The girl,. who ran away from her Lo.'1 Angele.!> honte last May, broke down and told Huntington Beach police detecli~·e.<1 Gil Veine and Donald J enkins the rea l circumstances of the near-tragedy. ''I 1wouldn'l do anything to hurt hin1," Mesa High Sacked Burglars Loot School Of $9,000 Equipment ~1ethodically lootini; h us in es~ classroom.'I, burglars stole dozens of of- fice m;ichines \\·orth 1nore than $9,000 from Costa i\lcsa lllgh School. it ,,.,·as discovered Monday. Thi? loss includCT! 2J e 1 r c I r i c typewri ters. 17 standard models and lour calculators, according to officials at the Newport-~lesa Unified School District campus. Officer Al 1.1uir said whoever cleaned nut the classrooms first tried to pry open 11 door and when that {ailed, smashed a •indow to gain entry lo the building. The machinery was carried outside and 1oaded onto a Vf'hicle which had been parke<l beside. the high school al. 2fifi0 Fainiew Ro.ad, apparently early i\lon- day. Instructor Vicki S. Frey discovered the job \\'hen she opened the business <·lassroom area during the morning hour.~ and theorized the intruders knew the respective va lues. fo.1achines of lesser cost werr. left behind by the burglars, who even used schoolbooks to prop doors open \\o'hile hauling out lhe loot. Preliminary estimatl!' on lM loss v.·as $8,800, but school officials telephoned later in the day to report three additional machines were missing, boosting the figure higher. Trustees Fail to Settle Amount for Tax Override Nev.·port·~lesa school trustees Monday night talked about amo11nts ranging from 40 cent.~ to 90 cents for a Feb. JO override t.ax election but reai.:hcd 01'.l r!r'cision on the amount. Czecli Leaders Praise l nvasion PRAGUE IUPll -Cz.echoslo\·ak .11.nd Soviet leat!t'rs s igned a document prais· 1ng the 1968 So\·iet-!ed invasion as 11 J,~J pf11! act of inlcrnatronal solidarity ;igain~t "a11ti·So\·1ct and counter-re \'olu- t1t.nary forces." the C.IK News Agency annroun"ed ton1i;ht The Czcchoslu\'ak lc;idcrs also bound trn:ir country to closer economic, JXllilical <1nd milit ary cQOper;ition ll'ilh lh e So\·iet Union. In return lhe Sov iets promised to in- crease. deliveries of machinery and raw material, including oil, iron and cotton to help Czechoslovakia's f lo u n de r i n g econnmy. Tbt'~e were U1e es9enlial points of a document signed Monday in Moscow on the fina l day of an eight-day official \'isit l'l !he Sovie! Union by the new Czechoslovak leadership headed by party Secretary Gustav Jlusak. The joint announcement "'as made public :.oon after the Czechoslovak leader.~ llew 1n from ~loscow w11h Kremlin appro\'al of their policies 10 erase thf' reformist rno\'e1nenl that brought in the So\'ict Army 14 months ago. Decisions that were reached \\'rre not to put a time limit on the override lax but to let it continue indef initely and to set th l'! amount to lake care of school district needs onlv for the nex l three years. at which iime another l!'lecti on presumably wouJd be held. School board members learned Monday night that 17 cents o( the amount decided upon f!Videnlly will be needed yea rly to offset loss oC revenue because ol the G~ J>ef' Newport Bay assessment hassll!'. '"ltli.'I will go at least to the California Supreme Court and I would guess v.·iil fake fl\'e years to seUle." board member Selim "Bud" franklin, an attorney, said. School district Budget Director \\.alter Adrian explained income has been lost both from the st.ale and local taxpaye rs Stale school aid is allocated on the basis of a school district's 1.1 ealth, hr said. County Assessor Anclrr1v H1nsha "· has included lipper Nc1.1·port Ba.v lands 1n the assessed value he has certified to th~ state. But the school district isn't realizin,1; o££setting income from local taxpayer.<1 because the county Board of Supe!'\'isors has excluded the Upper Bay lands from i~ computations. Supervisors s a y Hinshaw hall comingled public and prjvate lands. School 1.rustees will try to reach ll decision on the O\'f'rride tax amount .,.,-hen they mef't again next ~1ooday or Tuesday night. Stock Jtlarkels NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market declined slightly in moderate trading this afternoon. !See quotations, Pages 1().11 J. she wrote in a 1engthy statement bl'fore being admitted to Orange Count y Juvenile Hall on charges of assault "'ith intent lo commit murder and burglary. The victim, Mario f , '• f e Ii p e ·' Pasapera. was listed in satisfactory ron- dition today at Anaheim t.1emoria l llospita! following surgery for ren1oval of the bullet. Investigators said he v.·as hit in thf arn1 by "'hat appears to be a .:m caliber !See SllOOTING, Page 2) One Killed, T\vo Ht1rt in Ohio Union Violence ''OUNGSTOV.'N, Ohio {UPI) - One person \\'as shot lo death and al least two ot hers were wounded Tuesday \\'hen 50 carloads of Teamsters Union me1nbcrs altcmpted to cscorl 11 strike-breaking caral'an of !nicks into the Republic Steel Corp. plant here . Police said several other persons v.·cre injured by bricks and bottles when 1he Teamsters, members or Local 3i7, v.·ere met at the plant gates by 140 striking in- dependent steelhaulers. Police, v.·ho used tear gas in an attempt lo break up the melec, !lid thl'! s teclhaulers wielded ba~bal! bats, rock!! and guns. Between 100 and 150 shots were fired during the outburst. which lasted about a half hour, police said. The wounded and injured were taken to Southside Hospital. The Teamsters apparently attempted to break 1 ti.day llrike by the in· dependent haulers against St on e y ' 11 Trucking Co., whic:h delivers steel !or Rcpoblic. Police said at least one !ruck wa s ~et afire :ind the car of Teamsters official John Angelo was .<1et ablaze. The Youl!,SSlov.·n police rio t squad [ollowed th~ Teamsters to the plant and v.·ere 11t the scene when tile violence erupted. Mahoning County Judge Forrest Ca\'alier earlier Tuesday issued an in- JU~tion p('Ohibiting interference wit h trucks entering and leaving the plant. The strike, which has been punctuated by violence. began Oct. 17 when one of the drivers for Stoneys was suspended for receiving several traffic citation!. Feliciano Case Suspcc·t Wins Postponement Alexander Torbit!, one of fOl.lr original <lrfendan1s in a case in\'Olving Sl7.~ in stolen liquor &eized at Feliciano·s Reslaurant in Newport Beach, has won postponement of his arraignment until early nerl year. Torbitt. za. of 117 Via Dijon. was ar· rested along \\'ilh thrtt other men in the \\'eslcliff restaurant Sept. 12. Detectives and Districl Attorney's investigators alsn seized scores of cases of allegedly stolen liquor. Torbill's arraignment is scheduled for .Jan. JD, J9i0, al 9 a.m. in Central Orang" County ~1unieipal Court. The delay v.·as granted last Friday. One ol her original defendant. f:d1\ard (' Whiled. ~2. Corona dcl ~l ar, ..... ·as released without charge la st week. DAILY PILOT '"" ..... HE'S STANDING ON SHIP'S llRIDGE. WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HE LOOKING FOR? {SEE PAGE l .) I )' l l111p1·isoned, Freed, Safe • • • .. ""-.:: -. ' ... '• ' D4!l Y PILOT Pll9to1 k ltli:lla~ IC4illltf "/Ir s ~o f11c~·1. 1 cco1·l brlicr.;c ii." com 1n,.ntr.d Costa ,\/r.~r1 r o/lr(' 0//1rrr J1n1 R/ai1loc~· r!us 111or n111g after r rfn1r11 11rrdrd .1U 1n1111llr,~ 10 c111 \\'1/b11 r [J. Rrn1 J;n1, .~1'. nf 2Jn"i 1\. Unnrln (;n111nda . ,<;r11irh Lng1111n, 011! nJ /11.~ (•!'r r/11r111'd cnr. /Vu1kn1 ·~ f.l 11sU01g was 1n110/v,.d HI r1ght.an ale co/lis1on at /St.Ii. 5rrePt 011d /llonrovia A t'r - n rit unt,/1 Volksu;a9e11 drn;cn. by Lron ,~f. Lnuren t, .1.'i. nf 711 \V_ 18th St , Cn~tn i\fesa. Rnnk1n suffered rib and bock in1ur1cs. Lauren! hatf ctlls and bruise~. Neighbors' Protests Nix Appeal to Teach Music There \I'll! apparently be no sound of niui :c in A'..'nP Bregozzo's nei ghborhood . The Cosla l\l e~a Plan ning Commission re..:omrnendcd City Cou ncil denial ~1on rl:ij' of a permit :illo~·1ng Bregou o. of 2j~ ~her.,l'ood SI., to leach violin and piano in his home. Cil\' staff members had re commended ;1pprOval of the zone exception penni\, but the vole was unanimous against the :ipp\lcant, after surrounding homeowners obJe<:ted. Bregozzo even offered to soundproof his sl udio to assure no noise would escape during lhe lessons held wee kdays from fl :30 to I :~ p.m., and from 8:30 a,m to S p.m. on Saturday s ~lost other mailers on the 1:\.-itcm agenda were quickly handled by the NY Dailv J\ews Poll Shows Lind sa~· 011 Top 1\1::\V YORK <t:r1 1 -Incumbent John \'. L.indsay con tinued to hold a svbstan· 11allead in the mayoral race one "'eek brforc election day. a straw poll pub- hshed in Tuesday's editions of the Daily News indicates. The poll. the third canvass of the city in the lasl two weeks, also showed Dem- ocratic caodidate ~tarlo A. Procaccino con\inuin~ to looe support with only 29 percent of the polled vot.ers fa voring him as against a high o1 33 percent in the n.rst ca n\' ass. ,. panel, which spent the most time debating Bre-gozzo's case, wtikh may be ;ippealed at lhe CHy Council level. In other action ~fonday, the Planning Commission : -Recommended approval for Spiller Investment Company, 16~9 v.·e:stcliff Drh·e. Newport Beach, to build 40 rfesidential units at 2323 and 2329 Elden Ave., and 2.326 Newport Blvd., duplex- slylc, in an area being opened up for heavier density building. -Tied 2 to 2, constilut.ing no recom· mendalion. on a request by Harry J . Rule, or 215 E. 23rd St., to remodel 'hill property to a two-unit bachelor apart· ment in a single fam ily home ~· -Ratified three tentative parcel maps for development of properly by George ;incl William Holstl!'1n. 170 E. 17th St.. to di\·ide two adjacent parcels; by Bristol~ Baker Corporation. 1237 Bayside Drive, C!)ron~ def ;i.1ar, lo divide land at t~ !'oulhwe!'l c:omcr of Newhall Street and >tonro\·1a Ave nue; and by the Santa Ana Jl eighl.'1 \\l;it er Company. 1126 E. P:ilisade.<1 Road. lo divide its property at Rristol Strttl on the Sou1h side of Pau1arino Ave nue. -tlcld O\'er tv.·o items. one 1 Planning Commission-originated re z o n I ng of manufacturing land on ea ch side of Valley Ro.11.d at Victoria Street for 1ing1e family homes, and a zone exception permit for Chapman }£omes to build It residential units on and at 2035 Fullerton Ave., In an apartment and commercial zone. ·• Toxic Pesticide Use At Airports Banned WASHINGTON {UPI) -The govern- menl announre:I today it is ending the use of a toxic pl!'!lticide, Dieldrin, at all civilian airports And is cutting back on airport areas to be treated. with other pesticides. Agriculture Department official!i r;aid they woold stop using dieldrin at civilian airports except where il is "absolutely necessary" to meet a specific insect threat. Orange Coast Weadu!r Wednesday·, •·ealher picture .r& mains gloomy, despite a couple sunny hours in the aflemoorl which won't be able to advance the mer· cury past 64 aloog the roast INSmE TODA. Y Priside11t Nixon hasn't for- golte"n the lnlents thot nll.lde hi m. 11 1011oh political infightl'!r· arid he mny now be abo"t to take of/ his gloves. />age 12, I w -· --------------------------------~-----. -. ! DAIL V PILOT c Reds to Tell of POWs U.S. Peace Group to Be Given Names PAltIS fUPY)-North Vletnamesl!: dip- lomats confirmtd reports today they v.·ere prepared lo supply Information on Amer· ll'an prisoners of war to a 1nilttant. U.S. anti.war organii:ation. (Related !I.Ory, P;ige :;.) Bul they did nol ~ay they would supply the full list of the captives to the oraan- iz1tion calltd the ''New Mobilization Cernmittet to End the War In Vietnam. Attorney William Kunstler told news- men in Chicago Monday after Wttkend talks with Hanoi peAce conference dele- g;ites that he believed the mobllliation committee IOOn would get the names of American priaoaer1 and that Hnot wa1 ready to "drastically erttnd the no,, of Information.'' North Vietnamese official.! Insisted thal there was no change 1n Jfanoi's "humanitarian policies towards prisoners of war." They said that Xuan Oanh, the Hanoi delegation's public relations offi- cer, explained the policies to Kwistler in a two-hour talk in which the conver&a· tiMi ranged widely over the whole Viet- namese problem. Danh has promised to KuruiUer that the mobilization committee would get infcrmation on the prisoners if it were available, the lnformanl.!I uid. North Vietnamese delegates ln recent weeka promised rroups of Americans totallna 22 persons they would be sup- plied with information on their missing sons :ind husbands Hit '-\"ere available. Kunsller visited Paris on behalf of David Dellinge r and Rennard Da vis. v:ho belong ro the mobilization con1mlltee. }If' is representing them in a Chicago tria 1 result ing from demonslrationl! during the 1968 Democratic national convention . The North Vietnamese aut.horilie!, who consider th e U.S. soldiers "aggressors." have so far firmly turned down all offi- cia l and private American pleas to release the complete prilloner list and to a llow an international control of the POW camp!. Story of Mesa Unfolding State Ban Exte1ided On Shellfisli At LA California M11seum The story of Cost.a Mesa -In words and photo6 -will unfold before an estimated audience of ll0,000 during the month of November in an exhibit at the California Museum Of Science and Tndwd.ry in Loa: Ange]et. The show ls to help commemorate Callfornia's· bi-::en· tennlal The aeries o( &even tall panels, aaembled by City Clerk Cbarlet K. Priest, "ii>cws the apl01lve growth ol an agricultaral commontty of 16,000 people to 75.000 in 16 years," he u.ld. ''lt"s the best advert.I.sing for this city we could possibly have," he added. Although Costa Mesa was incorpora_t~ In 1953. the photographs in the exhi~1t reach back into the 19th «ntury, 1n- cluding a picture of the Canalino Ind ians, a bra nch of t.he Shoshone lribe that used tG inhibit this area. The C1nalinos are !Landing in front CJ{ their wickiup, a house made of thatches of bile. a bamboo-like material. Another photo shows a gchool at the tum or the century, with the entire e.nrollment a:athered oul in front. They From Pag~ l SHOOTING ... ~Jui that traveled on around through the flesh and lodged in his back. The girl took him to Anaheim '-1eroorial Hospital after stopping to ask directions en route from the !hooting :scene at 240 Sierks St., Cost.a itesa. Hospital authorities were told the youth was wounded In Huntiniiton Beach ·aa an initial dodge, so deteclive.s Vtine and Jenkins were dispatched tG investigate the use. The teenager -distraught over what had happened -finally lost her com· N£UJ"e and told the Huntington Beactt rle~ives Yr'hat really occurred and \\-·here. Authorities :said the gi rl knew the OC· cupant of an adjacent apart.merit kept a gun and decided to use It to force Pa.sapera ta list.en to her tide of a quar· rel ovtt pa.st romance!. "I love h.im with all my heart." said the petite runaway, 1''ho will face juvenile t"Otl11 proceedings with.in a week or JO days. "I don't know anyth.ing about gun.~:· ~ht ~xph1 ined, adding 1hal she cocked the 1,1·eaJl(ln v.·hile aimi ng from 10 feet <l\\il.1". bccaufe !>he thought that prel"t'nted it from l1n ni;:. The girl said she dtdn"l re<1ilu• her finger 1,1·a! even on the tr 1g~er until the blast .sent Pa:1apera ·cr11mphnE: !fl the k1t.chPn floor and she kne;1.· he v.-a~n·t !ak· ing blood on 1he carpet. Af ter relating 11 1lat happrned to 111(' fl\"O Hunling1on Deach detect.1vr~. they hrooght her lo Cosl ;i ~le~a. "·here. i-he "\l"as intervie;1.·ed about 7.30 p.m. by de· tecti\·~ Gerry Thompson <ind Linda Geisler. "I may be only I~. but t IO\"I' him like 11 "ll"oman lo\'e.!' a man.'' she ~cl. repeat in ~ 11.gain that the shooting wa5 a horrible ac· cident. \ DAil~ PllOT ~ll;I COA.~l ll'UI \ u.t+IN• (Oltlf'~""' ~•"" ~-w • .4 ·~ ...... .-.1...,.. ;.~l 1:. c~·l•v \11(;19 ''""""' .... "'"" .. ,.. .... , •.• n.1111•' te.,.,a t:o!llOI fii1•ll A.. M1r,o"iM _.,.E~'* ----llO Wnt t.y S~I M1ITTt1f U.... P.O. ... 11•0+ •162• --......,9111:f1,2!11 ....... ........ ~ ""'"'61: '21 ....... ,, __ 111111 ........... , .... .. , ........ 17141 Ml~ln a • I "''""'*' ....,.,. ~ ...... ,,., °'-c_. .......--.... :__,, ... -· ··----~ --............. , ......... -••WA• ........ ----·---· ..._.. ............... ..._.. .... -c...-.u...,....1 ••"" ~ ... _.,..., -'-" ::a.m ......,, ......., ...... , ... -_...,.. • we.i.ir stern expression~ on their faces, in a strange fl(lte of formality since all the youngster5 are barefooted. Agricultural scenes out or the area·! bucolic past include a picture of an eight- horse team hauling sugar bttts to market, and one of grain being harvested Jn 1898, along with a photo of Coeta Mesa's first water system. Historical landmarks included In the erltibit ll'f" the Estancia and the Rancho Santa Alla de San Diego. The !how aJso emphasizes presenklay Costa M~ -the ci\'ic center, South Coast Plat.a, and other buildings, with facts to back up the photos. AMual reports and hrochur~ will also be distributed at the musrum. Priest had an assist fr o1n the cily's rnqineering and gr ;:i Jl h \ t a'11s departments. as "'ell as Police Depart- ment photographers. in assembling the exhibit. Coup Strongman New Premier of Sudan DAMASCUS. Syria CAP) -Sudanese Maj. Gen. Jaffar Numeirl, strongman in the coup that overthrew that country'!! pro-Western governm~t 1a.st t.fay, took ver today a.s Sudan 's prime minister and formed a new 25-man cabinet. ' The annual statewide shellfish quaran· tine, which usually ertencls from t.fay l to Oct. 31 each year, has b~n extended indefinitely, Dr. John R. Philp, Oran ge County Health Officer, said today. The ban forbids the taking and eating of mussels, osyters and the dark meal of. clams along the entire CCJast of Callfomla. However, the sbellfi.sh may be used for bail, Philp said. Mu.sseb. oysters and clanu feed off a type of tiny water organism that is harmfi;I to humans when eaten. 1t i! the same organism that creates the "red tide" eff~t. a reddish hue that can be seen on the ocean al night during the months of ~1ay lhro11gh October . Thi' little organisms usuall.v disappear fro1n coa s1al v:aters by lhe end of Oc:ober. but this year, the plankton is sli!l plentiful Dr. Philp said. Philp said he dOfsn't know "·hy t h~ organisms have chosen to st.ay around I.he waters of the Orange Coast. "I don't thin k anybody really knows the answer,"' he said. "It relates to the temperature of the water." But, for whatever reason, laboratory tests conducted by the state health department have shown that the poiSCJn is still present in shellfish samples. Th~ ban on eating shellfish taken from Orange ('..()unty and California e<>astal waters will rontinue until further notice, Philp said. " , " • ~ . . '1:: ... , <. , ' "I' .... t:lAllV l'tlO' Sit!! l'lw19 WORKMAN ISN 'T WORRIED BY MAN-MADE SLIPPAGE Slide on G•l•xy Road Pl•nntd That Way Quake Was Fake Gaping Hol e Pl11nncd., Soy Ai,Jes The omin;,us-look1ng lu1I(' b<'nca lh !he con1er of a cl1ff~ide paun on Galaxy Road tn Ne~wrt Bea('h may Ion\.: !ike lhe work or an earthslid<', Lut it 1sn·1, c1l.Y 111des '3id today. The jolting carthquakt: of ~1ooday morning I.~ nil! lri hlani,. for the gaping hole benca1h Iii~ Joundilllon at 1!130 • G,1Ja:o;v Coniraclors 11or l:111g on a Jot next. door i;ouged a\1·ay the dirt 1ntentionally to sup- port :in area around a large piptt: 1,1·hich cmplics rlra inage lvater over the bluff to !he bay belo1,1" '"It may look sc ary. but it's inlentional :inrt '1·e!1 under ('On1rol." Grneral ~cr1 ice~ D1rcclnr Jake 1\I) ndersr :;aid. OAILV P'ILOT 51111 l'~oi. AT THE SCENE -Leary family defense attorneys K. Mc~lillan fplaid coatl during t~ur of w.oodla_nd c;eorge Chula, Robert La'v cind J\1arvin Coo per IJrive J\.1onday afternoon .. i\t right IS Chula s office l(rom left) di scuss point with Superior Judge Byron n1anager. J ames l\lorrison (beard, dark. glasses). ~~~~~~--'-~~~--'-~~--''---'-~--~--'-~~- Seeks Legal Help Assessor Goes to Court In Feud With Counsel R\' TO~f BARLEY Oi lft1 Diii• P'll•I Stiff Orange Coun1y Assessor Andre\1· .f. H1n sha\1' 1o<lay look his feud with County Cot1nsel Adrian Kurper to the Foorth District Court of Appeals in San Bernardino. Jl is 120-page brief a.!k! that the ap- pellate bench order the Orange County a pril'ate lawyer in h.is spat with Kuyper -a request that has been supported by the Orange County Grand Jury and denied by the supervisor!. Hinsh:iw today repeated ear 11 er cha rges that a conflict of interest exists bet":een the. twG county official!. He again rondemn~ v.·hat he ca 11 e d "Kuypcr's uncalled for intereference in Board of Supervisors to pro\ ide him with ;is!>Cs.~ment matters and his refusal to e,_·en discuss such matters with me." A prime issue in the dispute is the hoard 's cancellat ion nf !axe~ on t.:pper Bay land lransferred by the Irvi ne Com- pany to the county in exch ange for nea rby county !erntory -a cancellation that Hinshaw ha s cons'istently refu~ed to accept. Thal dispute figures prominently in the Hinshaw brief together with reprints of recent Grand Jury testimony resulting from the appearance of both county of- ficials before the investigative panel. Hinshaw particularly att.acked a lelter Kuyper wrote to Ctlunty supervisors last July 30 in wh ich the county cooruel rap- ped Hinshaw"s refusal to cancel the Irvine taxes as "being an argument 1,1•ilhout merit" and asked the board l."l ordrr llinshaw to take the required ac· lion. }linshaw today sa id he supplled the ap- pellate court v.·1!h the extract of Grand Jury teitimony IG str~~s the fact . l.bat Kuyper wrote hls Jettu ahd made his stand before the board ··after con· sultations with the Irvine Company.'' Judge Gardner to Talk At Institute on County ''Change , Challenge. Choice -Orange f"nunty"', a one:-<lay institute open lo the: nubltr. \\Ill be presented from 8 '.lO am. 1, :' pm r\()\'. 6 ::it the. Anaheim Con· 'rntirin Crnlrr. Trr cnt1nt~ oflictal~ 11 111 l ('ad l\1urphy Aligns With Cranston On Oil Lin1its ralifrirnia Rrpuhhcan Senate George. r.1 urphy announced shortly before_ noon today in \\'ash1ngton that. h~ 1,1·11~ _M- i;ponsor a hill pushing st;ite oil dnlh ng ,.anrtuary limits out1•rard to the ~n· tlnental shelf. Former r-,·pwpnr! Brach 1·ice rna;.·or !!ans J . Lor~111. a 1tader nl lh(' (oa~lal Area Prolee til"r Le.igue.. 1C."PLl. ha tltd r.111 rph;.'s rlrri~inn a~ a 1n;i1nr triumph in hf'half nf ull11natr passage. The original bul 1\·a5 1ntr.xluc('d b~· ~t'nate Alan Crt1nston (D.Californ1a) and '.\lurphy is crossin,I!: partisan lines to Join his colleague Gn Ca pitol Hill in urging its adoption . "'This 1s tht !1rsl brl'ak we'\·c had. This 11·ould give us the prote<:tion we hopr irir," said Lorenz after being notifitd of ?lturphy's decision by telephone. Currently, the state is allowed 10 cstab\Uh the areas in \\'hictt oil drilling nnd production such as led to the Santa Ba rbara Channel disaster last apring are prohibited. The largest ind ividual stre:tch lies from the mouth of the Santa Ana River to the r.lex\('an Border. If lhe Cranston-~furphy bill is passed. hov.·e\'er. the sanctuary w o u I d :iulomatical\y extencle<I from northern to ~Juthem borders and follow the con· 11nenta\ shelf seaward to federal limits. Lor('nZ said CAPI~ ha! ~n in- •tr11m,ntal in 1·arious anti-oil interest lttp:!sl a!ion but the ~1a1ew1de sanctuary b;ll 1,·oold be its greattsl victory. :;olous Vi sit l\'loscow ~lOSCO\V (UPI) -A dtlegalion of U.S. srnators and representatives today com- \lleted 1 three..{!&)' visit as the guests or H1r Su preme So._.icl cparlian1entJ (lf the So\ 1el linion. "·orkshop! 1n the morning on you th . coun· fl' administration. welfare. and en· vironmenta\ control. Orange Count.v Superior Court .Judge Robert Gardner 1rill git·e the kt>)"note address. l\d \·ancr registration is required for !he .. "s~1on, 11·h1rh is ~prinsore« by thr i\e11port Harbor Ser1·u:e. Leagut. a 1 :iluntecr training f)rgan 1znt iri11 .Judge Gardner's 1 p m ~pe<>ch 11·111 frillc111• lunch, for 11·h1ch therr 1~ a ~2 char gt J udge Gardntr has \\"ritl cn and !ec· !11red e1;!ensl\"el~' in th(' field s of crimin:il ;i nd JU\"enile \aw and co u r l ad· ministration lie was appointed lo the Superior Court in 1947. The ~·orkshop on you!h will be. con· Oucted by Margaret Grier, Chief Proba- tion officer for Orange County. Roberl E. Thomas. administrative of· ficer for the County of Orange. 1,1·i!l Corl· du ct a sen1inar <ln Co u n I y Administration. The tripir or count.v 1,1·tlL~rt 11 ill br. d1:.cuss{'rl by 1';rnn\·11!r People&. Orange Co\1n1y director of 11clfare Thrl>e spe:aker! are schedult'd for the ~ t s s 1 o n on environment a I control . Tl;ey are Al S. Koch. Orange County road rorrimissioner ; H. G. Osborne. chief rngineer for lhe Orange County Flood Cor.trol District. and \Vil!iam Fitchen . air polh:tion control officer for Orangl' Coun· ty. To register wrile the Newport Harbor Service League. 2647·A E. Co a st Highway, Corona del Mar. t 2 8 2 5. Regi~ratiGn closes Thurllday. Lunch re!ervations must be prepaid with a $2.00 checlc Sound Equipment Taken in Mesa A Huntington Beach music ran lost 50und equipment "'Orth n1ore than $600 .... 1111.ay night 1n a ~Ingle car burglary, 11·hile Costa Mes.1 poll~ logged two other similar theft~. Harry Kon!Ges J r .• 5771 Castle Drive, Huntington Beach, said he lc»t a stereo tape deck, an accessory v.'hich changes color to the beat of the musk, and 70 i:;lereo tapes. The: youns pa inting tonlra clar said lhe sound gear valued at $610 Y•a& taken from his car ~·h1le it wa s parked outs l<"le r.~tancia lllgh School \ Judge Surveys Leary Drug .i\rrest Sce11e As the legal rrotagonl5ts in tJ1e Timothy Leary J1earing 1,1rre surl"ry1ng woodsy, run-d o"'" \rood lt1 nd Drll e 1n Laguna Beach ,\lond;i~, ;in unexpcclt'd f1gurr hff'ame very mu l·h in e1·1dcnce. Judge Byron K. ~1c\til\,1n, who must rule in his superior court whether n .. r. colics seized fron1 the Lrary station wagon are admissible as ev idence, wa~ surveyin g the street and homes along \\"ith four attorneys. They were chatting ca~ually 11.·hrn 11 youth with Jong black ha ir popped out o! one of the aging residencE>s ilnd shril'kerf. "I know l"m out nf sight and I don't ha1•e to go to jail lo prove I! ' He strode past the group. A llltle girt ran up 1o hin1 . Hr p1ckC'd hr r up AnothPr young man rmbraccd both ~crn11ng 111 <lffer comfort. One of the you ng men ca!lt'd Ol1! in A lioa rse \·nicr. "!i's all r1gh!. thcr£''s nl'I n1ore hate .. , Judge f\lc~f1l\an and tJ1r all orne j'.'. \\'alched and listened and then went on \\"Ith the ir discussion. \\'ith t.1cMillan \\"ere George Chula, attorney for Or . Leary; ~1<trv1n Cooper, rr:presenting Lea ry ·~ son. John. Robert La w. attorney for Leary·s w1f". RosP· rnary; and pro s e cu t or f.l arlin .r . Jlrneghan, red·haired dcput,v district attorney. The group ~'as studving 1hr i;trr-t t and terrain in regard lo dii>crepancies in !rs· timony about 1,1·here !hr Le;iry !>lation 11.·agon v.·as parked-lega lly nr in m1rl- ~1rcet-lhe night a Laguna Beach P'Jllt (' off icer arrested the trio of Lear~s. Dy namite 'f hro\rn At U.S. En1ha :s:sy In Beirut Strif c By l 'nited Press Inltmational A ~eries of explosions rocked Beirut !!). d:iy and a group of armed men tried lri ;i.rtack the. U.S. embassy bul 1,1·e~e driven ;:i1,1·ay. by Lebanese security officer.~ \\"hn opered fire on them. Fighting als!:l flatc.-J ;:iga in in the Lcbanest c1t1rs and near th,. Israeli border Thr 1-.-!iddlr Ea~t ,\"e\1'~ Agrncy 111 rairn sa1 rl th<' incn hurled a slick of d) nan11l<' lvwarrl the rrnbassy as they fled 111 a car but thr txplos1on caused ne1thl"r 1n1unc~ ll<•r dan1age. The guerrillas ha1·e acruserl !he llni tcd Slates of b;1 ck1ng l.tbanr~r cf. !ort> lo crush 1ht' guerrilla lllO\'Crncnt. The new round of violence came 11'1 ~taj. Gen. Emile Bust.ani and fonntr Premier Rashid Karami met wHh Pre~i dent Charles Helou to discuss the crisi.~. Bust.ani was flying to Cairo later tod1y fur talks wlth gue.rrilla leaders. · 1'he conflict wh.ich threatened civil wa r In Leganon broke out 10 day~ ago ~·hen Lebane~ army troops cracked down 011 guerrillaa who had used bases in southern Lebanon for attack! against l~rael . 1ht1 '> making Lebanon subject to hea vy Israeli rclaliation. The Jordanian! got a lastt of tba l re taliation today "·hen Israeli Jels bon1h etl and slrafe.d the Al·Adass1yah arcai tn JorC:an. thret miles southeast of !he ~e .1 of Galilee, in an attack against Af11h guerrillas v.·ho had previously atr:ic\.:e.rl Israel. Israeli jets also a\la{'ked tarGcU in Egypt along the Gulf of Suez dur1ni:: the night . \Vhether the attempt~ attack on the t.:.S. e.mbassy representtd a new ;rn1i· American phase of the conflict was °"ot immediately apparcnl, The orlicla! C111ra r~dio accused the United Slate~ f\londflv of being th e pr ime mover In th(' Lebanr"r rri~ I(, I ' ' • C> I) p d ~ •• p ii ~ a n • Ii t s ' ~ p • s ~ I \ t J I I I ' $ DAILY Pilot ;I (;Underwater Park' Studied for Dana Harbor ~lllOfl Control Most on Council Back Plant Ban A majority of the HunUngton Beacb ci· ty councilmen favor a moratorium on e-onstroction oC fossil fuel power plants, Down the Mission I Trail Safety Gear Okayed in Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The city council has voted to spend $1 ,276 for safe· ty equipment for the Department of Public Wor ks. _ The amount will be spent oo a gas m- dicattlr instrument sod a blower to be us-- ed by men when entering manholes. The equipment will alert workmen to the presence of any gas and will either blow it out or ventilate the manhole. Director of Public Works ~·. _J. Meadows said that increase<:! activ1t~es and depth of manholes made the equip- ment necessary. e Swim Meet Slated MISSION VIEJO -Mission Vieio.'s first invitational swimming meet will take place at the recreation center on Saturday, Nov. 8. 1'1ore than t,500 11Wimmer1 from 100 swim clubs from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border are expected l o participate in 68 ~venls. Hosting the m~l ~:hi~h is sanctioned by the AAU s Southern Pacific Division will be the Mission V1ejo's Nadadores. e Dalloweeu Dance Set SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Prlte! will be awarded for the best Wt!tem. and best hard times costume at the Fiesta Association's Halloween dance Saturday. The outdoor eve nt will take place in the El At.lobe plaza beginning at B p.m. Admission will be free for members and $1. for nonmembers. Costumes are not re- quired. Jayne Mansfield Deatl1 Damages Denied by Jury NE\V ORLEANS (UPI ) -Plaintiffs seeking $8.7 million damages for the 1967 traff ic death of lfol\ywood glamor queen Jayne Mansfield were thw~ed M~ay night when a fed eral court _Jury denied their claims against the city of ~ew Orleans, two truck drivers and vanou.s insurance companies. Miss P.1ansfield was killed in the early morning hours or June 29 , 1967 ":hen the car she was riding in crashed into the rear of a truck Yl'hich had slowed down for a city mosquito fogging machine. Samuel Brody. Miss Mansfield's at- torney and Ronald Harrison. the driver nf the 'death car, were also killed in the accident. Plaintiffs in the ~ were Hungarian muscleman Mickey Hargitay, M guar~ dian of hls three children by Miss :P..Unsfiekl ; Mal Cimber (Thomas Ot· taviano), individually and as guardian of Antonio Ottaviano, his ron by Miss Mansfield ; W.W. Pigue and Mary Pigue, guardians of the actress'. daughter by ~r marriage to Paul Mansfield, and Brody I widow for herself and two children. Mayor Jack G!"ten announced today following ui lnfonna.I poll Green said the council ls backing the .action oi the Orange County Board of Supen>ison who called for a. moratorium last week. Huntington Beach has become the bat- Ueground in the fight against smog, the mayor noted, since the Southern California Edison Company annouoced plans for a l179 m!Won exparu:lon of the erlstlng ate.am plant oo Pacific Coast Highway. Edison wants to add tW\'.I steam generating plants to the existing two and triple the pcr.ver output of the facility. "Despite a possible Increase ol $700,000 In property taxes to the city from the proposed plant apansion, we feel we lhould back the supervisors and the st.ate Environmental Quality Study Council committee in asking for a mc.ratotium until aruwers to the smog problem are found," Green said. "The hearing Oct. 15 in Huntington Beach clearly demonstrated that smog tin not been conquered," the mayor ad- ded. "The dty fttl9 that clean air is worth safeguarding and until we are .assured that further power plants will not add to air pollution we must insist that no more be built "The local hearing proved that this matter of smog is highly comple:o: and thal the answers are not political, but rather technical." Green added that during a moratorium scientists mtul attack the problems of air pollution with the same or increased enthusiasm they have shown in solving the problems of getting to the moon and back. "In asking for • moratorium we are suggesting a crash program to solve ilMg problems," the mayor said. "Perhaps the dialogue over smog and steam plants will accelerate perfection in the use of nuclear fuels for safe, clean production of electric power. Then we. will e:rperien<:f! the progress we know must continue in order to keep Orange County a fit place in which to live.',' Tall Ouh Hosts Halloween Party Some of the tall~ people In Orange County will be getting togelher from 8 p.m. to % a .m., Saturday, at the American Legion Hall in Newport Beach for a Halloween Party. Members of the Tall Club of Orange Coonty (6' 2" or taller for men , 5' 10·· or up for women) are. sponsoring the spooky event A donation o( $1.50 will be ac- cepted at the door. Prizes fCJr the best costwne5 will be awarded, and Tall Qub members have opened the party to short people and friends. For further Inform ation call 547-3111 (Walt Grabe) or 531--6648 (Jan Allen ). Ski Instructor To Visit Mesa Ski instruct.or Mike Hughes will visi t Sears South Coast Plaia in Costa Mesa from 11 a.m. to I p.m., loclay through Saturday. He will be available In the ski shop to assist customers in selecting proper equipment and clothing and to answer lheir questions about &kiing techniques, safety tips and care of equipment. Hughes has his own skJ school In Powder Hill. Conn. and Ls an instruct.or at Olhmar Schneider's Ski School in Portillo, Oille. Off on Sea of Matri111ony ,,...,,..,.,.,.~ .. · .. -·--~:-: . ~ ->!-';1r·. J . •· ... J. ' •' .l! ), ~ ol. •• ·, .. i-."" l .. r.l ' ..... : -:_·.1~ WHY, HIS BRIDE -DELIVERED BY PUNTING AND SCULLING SOCIETY'S COMMODORE DICK SHAW For Costa Mesa's Christle Martin, A Wedding March Up the Gangplank DAILY PILOT,,,.,_, h' llldl"'111 K ..... 1..- MAGAZINE ED ITOR JERRY MULL ER , BRIDE TOAST l!ACH OTHER IN CAPTAIN'S CABIN After Weddi ng Saturday in Newport Harbor Turning Basin, A lake Tahoe Honeymoon Special Council Session Library Problems Eyed Laguna Beach's library prob\"m!i will be pondered by Uic City C.H1n,..1I at ;i special study session \\'ednc.srlay cr,'nin g at 7, 30 in city hall counr1! chnn,hrrs. Mayor Glenn Verkler u•ill brin~ i r'llln~1 \ members and other interested c111zcns up to dale on lhe lib rary p1ct11re an<l lend discussion of allernati\•cs tha t c.in be taken to achie\'C \l ie long-awaited nt'IV library. "There have been no ney,• developmenl!! sioce the county turned do\vn our pl3n and suggested instea1f th:1t "'" huy thr land and they put up the b11ild1n~." City J..1anager James Wheaton sa id ~lnncl;iy. The city's proposal had been to 3Cquire property on Third Street an d cons1 n1 rt 3 new library Lacility Lhrough the non-profit ~nrpor.3tkm proe«lure used to acquire the nf•w fire stations. The f;icility then would be leased to ~ cou nty for use a5 a branch library for Underground Blast Slated at Nevada Site LAS VEGAS, Nev. fUPl)-An under- ground nuclear test of low-in te.rmrdiate yield will be conducted Wednesday at the r-.:e.vada test site. according to the Atomic Energy Commission. A de viC"e in the low-Intermediate range 1s rqu iva!enl to from 20 to 200 ki lotorui of Tl\T, i ufriciMtt anm.ral rent lo amortize the total loan on land and build ing.. The county, however, rej01..'100 the pr~ posa l because the estimaled rent of 30 cents a square foot would be almost dou· hie the rate now paid for rental of brancb library 5pace . Since. tht1 city at this time has no funds available for direct purchase of land, a.a suggested by the county, the library prcr ject appeared to have reached a tem- porary impasse. Friends of the Laguna Beach Library, noting th.at activity in the existing under- sized facility has reached an all-time peak, have urged both city and county authorities to agree on :!IOme action ln the matter. The federal jury deliberated five hours before finding the city of New Orleans, through its mosquito fogging machine driver James McClelland, was guilty of negll~, but was not the "proximate cause" of the accident. The. plaintiffs had Wd McClelland was operating the machine with a flashing red light in violation of lhe law. Halloween Treats for Saddle hack The jury also ruled Richard Rambo. the driver of the truck which thtt Mamfield car struck, waa not negligent. The verdict 1aid Harrison w a 1 negligent in not controlling the Mansfieki vehicle properly before It craabed into the truck. MVTVAL FVNDS INTERRVPTED Bec1use of transmislloo difficulties between the West. Goist and New York City, tialf of the mutu1l fund lbtl.np for Monday were not received by lhe DAILY PILCYr. Mutual funds milsln1 from the ~ m Page JO are U.. from Knicisbocktt tlu:oogh Worth. ' By PAMELA RAIL.\N Of lfle o.i .. Plllf llttt Jt looks like there's going lo be more. trcal:!I than t.rk:b handed out thls Halloween. And most o( lbe treat& will be prepared by echool parent-teacher organiutions who have planned canUvab:, parades and daTK'fll for younpl.a's in the Saddleback Valky. ·A costume pende, liking place during -boon, will bigbll&ht l..iivlti., at Gates Scboo1 in El Toro, while oeighbor-in« Olivewood School hosts a complete carnival. Ors•niud by the parent-teacher u.ociatlon, OUvnrood'1 H a 11 o " e e n Haunt-In ""1 take place Saturday 11urtlng with 1 costume parade 1t 10 a.m. Jed by an old·faahkmed fire engine. Games. booths and refnshmentl will be pt.rt of the. day'• ldJviti•. There will be 14 booths •t San Juan Elementary School's c.'lrniv111 J"rtcl11y starting at 3:30 p.m. Sp1n-p.11nl bnnlh l!poo k house, shooting gallery, fortune telling booth and a fish pond arc only a few of the attractions in San Juan Capl.!t.raoo. The Parent-Teacher League ir. hosting th e event which v.·dl i.nelude a photography booth for childrrn in cos- tumes and a chan ce to "·in ne~scrt ;ii a cake walk. School jackets a n rl sweatshirU. and a variety of food also will be sold. A &imilar carniv al \\'\11 frature hot dogs. cotton candy, ic~ crr:lm and soft drinks at Palisades Schl"JOI from '4 to !t p.m. in Capi.,tr1no Beach f rid:?y . A c~ tume contest, booths. game;; ;ind rr 1 1.e~ wilt hlghlighl the act ivit ies wh1<"h will he for the entire student body, Preschoolers are welcome . Accent w\11 be nn variety 11t Crow n Valley School's carnival on Saturd11:y. Caine anti food boolhs, a spaghetti din· nrr. swap meet, Oea market and bike r!lffle will lak e place during the day 's ac- li vitic:<i y,•hich will begin at 10 a.m. in the !..<1~11na Niguel school. A costume parade v.·ill be a highlight P.ut costumes aren't just f o r yo11n~slers . lligh school students at t-il1s:-1on Viejo High School will don cos· tumes ror their P.1asquerade Ball Satur4 day from 8 to 11 :30 p.m. in the multi purpose room. The dane&-. which will featu re. the sounds of the Burning Buc h, will be fnr couples only. Admission is ~2 per roup!e. Al ~o dancing will be students of San Clen1C"nte High School whose parent tr:ichcr organization is hosting a street d:i nce on rriday. The Wildfire will pr~ v1de musie from 8 to midn ight in C:ipistrano Beach Plaza. Refreshments J will be sold and door prizes will be given away. All teenagers in the area are in- vited to this free event. One of the biggest attractions o n Halloween will be a non·school funcU on. Mission Viejo Recreation Cen ter's Spook •louse, Tht1 traditional llalloween house will feature 15 spooky areas including a \l'itches' den, a torture chamber, house of wax and other ghou lish delight.s. A ICM scary sec:llon will be open for small children and adults with "weak hearta." The charge will ha 10 tt'Tlts for rnemb!rs and 25 cents lor non members. Everyone "making it through" will r~ive 1 fret 11.pple from the Mission Viejn Activity CommJUee. Spoolt House !\ours wUl be from 6;30 to 7:30 p.m. and from I to 9 p.m. at th• Recreation Cen ter, 25800 Montano8(). Marine Life Program Start OK'd By BARBARA KREIBICH OI IM 0.llJ P'lllf Sid Crea tion of an "underwater park," lllrough which scu ba dlvers coold welld t heir bubbly way along marked "nature lrails'' and get a close-up look at marine plant and animal We, is but a part o[ Philip Grlgnon's dream for the Marine Studies Institute to be !3tablish(l(f a ~ Dana Point Harbor. For the Jess athletic, Grignon woold provide glass-bottomed boats to glide · over the watery park, while tho8e who p_refe.r to stay on land would be guided on tide pool tours by qualified instructors. Te.levision also could be used to study marine phenomena, says the science director of the Capistrano Unified School District, with cameras transmitting data fron:i the. bottom of the ocean to receiving st~t1ons ut the multi-storied building thal will house the institute. These and other plans for the Marine Studies Institute came closer to reality last week as the board of supervisors ap. proved a $'l5.1,000 allocation to begin 1ite preparatioo for the unique center. The funds will be used for reclamation . of land and construction of a breakwater at the 3-acre site in the new harbor destined to become the world's firsC marine school serving students from kindergarten through the university doc:· toral level. 'J!le $3 million Institute, eoocelved by Gngnon and former CUSD superin· tendent Charles F. Kenney will open in mid-1971 , if financing, expected to come largely from industry and donations from foundations, can be arranged on schedule. Last year the Ford Foundation granted the school district $18 ,000 for preliminary planning. Of the allocation .approved by the supervisor1 to begin site preparation, $155,000 will be reimbursed by the Marine Studies Institute. "'.ith the support of ~er :!1Chool!, junior colleges and colleges Jn the county, the institute was established last July as a non-protit, scientific organizaUon. Plans for the center include classrooms for all grade levels. laboratories, an amphitheater. an aquarium and marine museum and doc king facilities for study \'essels which will be staffed by members of lhe institut.e's fac.u.lty, Primary workshop for the imtltut.e will be adjacent Dana Point tideland' 8.fea designated by th& state BS an official marine pr~e from which no plant or animal specimens may be taken, whicb will provide an ldeal research area for sludent.s and scien!i.c-ts work ing In the in- stitute. Y acl1tsman 'Paco' Dies in Mexico • Francisco de la Macorro, widely known among Orange Coast yaehtsmeo u "Paco", died Monday at his home in :P..lexiro City. Reports from Mexico say be '· died of a heart attack. Paco w11.s instrumental, along with • group ot Southern California yachtmnen. t1f starting the San Diego to Acapulco race. in the early J950s. He WBJ also one of the founders of the Nuevo Club de 'l'ales or Acapulco. J{e is survived by his widl'l'W Consuel&. Paco had jusl returned to Mexico from California \\'here he. aUended the Tinslf'y Island cruise of the St. Franc.is Yacht. Club. Teen Girls Hurt In Laguna Crash Two 17-year-old girb were taken ti» South Coast C.Ommunity Hospital in South Lagunn and released after treatment for minor injuries following an early mon:Ung accident in Laguna Beach. Police aaid driver Deborah Anne • Brown, 17, of Garden Grove. tokS them • she found she "had no brakes" when she attempted to stop behind a car that had zlowed In traffic In the 500 block o( S. Coast Highway at l:SO a.m. Mi!! Brown and her puaenger, Brenda Ann Mier, also 17, of Orange, were ta.ken to the hospit.al by friends after their car ploug hed into the rear of a vehicle driven by Larry David Olaraugh, 21, of Anaheim. He wa.a oot hurt. Shuffleboard Fans Invited Visiting shnffleboard ram are '"91ted to Joi n the play on the Laguna Beach Sbuf. ; fleboard Club's Hels.ler Park courts. AC• 1 cording to presldenl Rodney Kimball. TIMI club, which now bas 1 membenblp · of about 175, meets daily from 10 •.m. e 4:30 p.m. and on Sundal from 1 p.11\. to 4;30 p.m. Under the sponsorship cl the ctty · Recreation Department, m e m be: r 1 _ operate and maintai n Ole court.a aod pro-. l vide all nea!S.S&t}' equipment. New members. includJng part Ume niddentt ~ •nd visiton. are "eleome, says K!ntl1ll. - I 1 -. --·--~~ 'Dry Run' for Anollo 12 Countdow1i for 2nd M 0011 Flig1tt Successful Mrs. Mary Stilas handcuffed her- self to the wrecking ball of a hoist and refused to budge 1"1onday in a zero-hour attempt lo save the old clock tower of the 81-year-old Grand Rapids, 1"'1 ich., City Hall. The young bn1nette refused t o dis- Jodge herself from the boll until she was carried several feet into the air. She finally unhitched herself and wa s lowered to the ground. A group recently lost an effort in fed- eral court to preserve the old build- ing which is on land involved in an urban renewa l plan. 0 Mrs. Bertha Green of Whittle- sey, England has snipped reLa· tioru with her son because of hit haircut. On a dare, 22-year'{Jld .o\ndrew had a barber half sca lp him, lea ving anly an I ndian tuft down the middle of his head. He won a gallon of beer from the venture. Said his mother Mrs. Green: "lf r see him in t.he street, 1 turn the other Wl'.ly. I 'm 1 ashamed to be seen with him." ·J • Cambridge University has a new dining club nam ed in honor of Har~ old A. R. Kim Philby, the double a gent who spied for the Soviets while a British intelligence officer. Philby was at Trinity Co llege be-- fore graduating in the early 1930s. J-le fled to Russia in 1963 when about to be named as third man in lhe notorious Burgess-MacLean spy scandal. Guy Burgess is now dead. Philby and Donald Maclean still live in Moscow. "We do not consider Philby to have been a trai· tor ," said 20-year-old Derek New· ton, chairman of the luncheon group which meets weekly at the Philby Club. ''He exposed the way t he old boy system works-the sys- tem that says just because you are at Cambridge you are a good guy." Newton described the club's mem- bers as "revolutionary Socialists." • Tliret-yeor-old Titnmy Reuning of Spnngfi.eld, Ill. seems dee pl y en- grossed as he receives 1nstruc11on Oil li is m iniature v1olri1. Timrn y, u·Ji o has )Ct'n ta.king le.'isons f or o year, i.t learning to pla y bJ/ the Suruld rnet h- i'.>d or "by ear" witliout musical notes. 0 Ian Amor of Gayton, England. narried his bride on a s tretc her )unday and took hi s honeymoon in 1 hospital-alone. Jan, a 25-year- 1\d naval officer, fractured his ~pi ne in a car crash seven days t go. ''We couldn"t just postpone the Nedding," said I an. "\Vc'U take a real h oneymoon as soon as I get 1e1.ter. CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 12 ~ailed through a trial countdown today and took a m1jor step toward lhe Nov. 14 start of America's second moon landlng. The unm.annf!d. but fully fueled Saturn S moon rocket reached a slmlualed blastofl al 8'25 a .m. PST -three mintues later than the time Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Bean an scheduled to take off. The te!t proceeded without a hitch up to lhe "T·mious 10 minute'' mark when a three-minute delay was called to check a faulty fuel level reading in the booster. The prob lem was minor and a spokemAn al lbe launch control cent.er said the ex- ercise wa.s a sucre53. The counldown rehearsal, which In· eluded virtually everything but the actual blastoff, was the last major test before the real countdown begins Nov. 8. Technicians working under the gl ow cf powerful floodlights started the flow of li- quid oxygen into the rocket's third stage before dawn. By 4:45 a.m. PST, all three stages of the Saturn 5 were loaded with oxygen and liquid hydrogen. just a.s they would be on launch day. Not So Eas11 Rider \Vith Astronaut Eugene Ceman looking on. Cosmonaut Georgy Bere- ovoy leans forward and grabs horns of "Charlie," a huge steer, dur- ing visit to the Grand National Rcxleo and Livestock Show at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, Monday night. Maj. Gen. Beregovoy 's com- ment: "Never have I climbed up on such a thing.•• Ho111eless YugosUivs Desert Quake-torn City BANJA LUKA, Yugoslavia (UPI) - Battles between Yugoslav guerrillas and Nazi invaders ruined this city during \Vorld War II. A devastating earthquake has wrought the same tragedy now. Buildings have been leveled. Families huddle around bonfires fed with pieces of smashed furniture. Lin's of refugees rile from lhe smashed city. Army troops and most of the able- bodiet' men of the Bosnian to1vn of 60.000 persons are working day and night, dig- ging in the piles of ma50!lry for more bodie.s from the shock 1'1oTKlay. City officials said 17 dead had been found and nearly 600 persons had bc<'n in· jured in the earthq uake . Nol a building was Jell standing in the center of tl1c an· cient city. "! hove the impression 1 am in a city which suffered a bombardment," said Premier Mitja Ribicic, who reported perhaps 35.000 homeless. fltost of the thousands who camped in parks and fields had been I.here since before ~tonday's quake. They fled their homes when an earlier tremor struck Sunday, "The quake on Sunday was in a way a piece of luck in the midst of misfortune," a city official said. "It warned people and got them oot of their homes. Therefore many lives l'.'ere saved when Monday's quake struck." It v.·as the v.·orst earthquake In Yugoslavi a since one in J uly, 1963, killed 1,000 persons .>l Skopje. The only people left in the smashed city v.·ere rescue workers, anny troops, a few shopkeepers, policemen, government of· ficia\s and most of the toYrn's able-bodied men. Lon~ lines of survivors formed outside. the city at food and waler dlstribuUon centers. Authorities warned t he Vrba~ Jlivc r had been iJOisoned by chemicals flowing from a damaged cellulose plant. There was no electricity. Bonfires fed with pieces of smashed furniture and handfuls or leaves provided the only way to cook or get warm. The quake was felt for at least 100 miles, particularly in Belgrade and Zagreb. Mercury Tumbles Into 30s La Crosse., Wis. Records Record Low Mark of 17 CaUfornia Motl eA '°"'""'" C1lllor11T1 Nd ... MY IJtltl l<Xll V 1flt t llrlr fYIOfftllll ..... 1111 IVtnfM clovd1 111<1 IO'I 1lo ... 11\1 CO.II. Gultv "<>r11\ lo flOl"llltlll wl""• bllt!ott<! rnoun!ll11 '"'°"'· lot "".-.Vtltl hid 1"10t11l111 111<1 ,, .. 11!11t1 law cloud• Arid !09, bul o•,..r· .. ,.. h•d 1u1111\l"I •~<I w1rm1r -!!>er. TM 111911 1! Cltk Ctftler tv- dtv ""'" <l•••t t!M lo bf: "''' 11 1t!tr M-•v'I l\loft ol 70, 0vtt"nlohl lo., Wiii be Ml• .!ol. On11rlo lnltt"Mllon"4 Alr1>11r1 w11 closl'd trv lo9 du•IM ,,.. nlll!I! bvl ""''''°"" _.. 11"1.,11rr\lple<I 11 L11• A-!<ls IM-llonlJ, Hollv-·ll11ro t..>Wi; •roll V1n Nw 1 11r_.u. Llthl Ml'lll' ,..,, for.r;1tl lot , ... '"'" tr1I o.1'111 lftltll>d _.ilo,,_ ol tr.e LOI "'"V•1n Bn!" llV 11\t A•r Po•lullofl CO!'t"'I Ol11<1<t. 8Mdl ,,...., hod lltrv 111...- •vowfllN 1""' 1 ~ ""'"''""' wlfll 1'11gl\t 1111r M lfld 11\1 w11tr 12 11 ... vr-. II Wll "'"'"' """"" wll" v1r- l•blt l\il'l'I clOUCll /ft '"" .....,n!•lnl 1"d 1'11~1 111 !l>e '°' ti rtwi ltv•••. o..rt -Iller Wll Mln.,,lllW "l'ft vorlollllY 1'1111'1 c1ov<11 1na r11dln11 ,...r a If! '"" u-Vfll"'' •'Id In IM low '°' I" 11\t lo'<rtr v1 11 .... 1, S-... tillh1 M-.v 1"'11 !OtK1tt "loft• -. ... lnl:IU-L-IM1c1'1 1>- "· S-.lt Monlc1 U..... llurb•M 1S.11, Ml. Wll-1'·10. P'll"'ll•lt 11-tD. lllV• 1rolde IJ.lll. Ptlm Sprln•' IJ·•J, II•· ~ ... •ll•ld 12·11. Son 0 1090 '1·1'0 111<1 '•~•• ••rt>o•• "' n, Coastal Mllrlll ... clol,ld1 toc11v wl"' h<ltY 1J. t'tr"°"" ..,.,o111 .... l .... 1 v1r llbll wllldl lllthl Ind momlnt ft(IUro btcom!M ""'''"'"' lt to l a •"'°11 I~ olltr-• fOlllW Ind WK!nlldlv. I'll• Jodlr H. Sun, /lfoon, Tides TU•SOAY $1«1"" ,,1,11 5~<ond 10.. 1;~4 p,m. D.I WlONllOAY ,.1,.1 111111 ...... , •• 1:11 1.m. Jl ir1 .. 1 '"" .•. ........ 4:0 1.m. '. ~O"(I Mo~ ······•·•·• 11 :11 pm. J, IKOnd IOW" ••• •••••••••• l!ll P m , 0,.4 l uP •hu a l!f 1 m. ft!'I S:• -.ni. MM• lloHs 1, 1• ... m . Siii t::Jt 1/11. A blonllt'f ef told 11• eov<r rlll ffl<I '11Vltl'l' I-" 111<1 llo<klt<I "' lf>t All•,.. loC COi'! TadlJ, •lf'dl .. ll "'H''''"" lum611"" l"lo '"" 301 '' lt r -Ill 1• Olli•-t fld ""rt!•n•11. LI (rOUL Wll.. r1eor-11' 0.. 1reet, 1 ._ low lllr Od. JI. Col~,.,_ bu1. O!'tlo. '"' ..i 1 ~•d i.... 11 ,1. JM "'''°"'' ov""'ltM •-w11 10 0tqrtt1 11 llornklll, MIM, l--· --"'"'''' t cron !ht °'"' Ukn ,..!()/\ •I'd 11\1 n~erbv -'P1>1i1clll1n1 Clllll~ dtlul1 11r '''" 1111 In 11\t '"'"'-" P11•nt. , ...... l l!IO ""'' -'''" (W ·-9111~1,., ..,.,. !"1 P1t!llc Nor1~wu1, --~ "'"'::"'"'! ~ "'' """'""1111 (If M0111an1 wn.11 n f\lr....i lo '"""'· Temperatures Nl11t L-Prtt. Alb\1111/ll"IU I 56 '1 All11\!I 1J •S 81kersll1ld n SJ llrv<rn1vll!1 Chlc1M Clnc!n111ll °"""'' Dt1 Molt111 D"roll Fr""" H1ltn1 "'"Ill ()fy Lio v"'' LOI An111tn Ml1"'1! Ml......,911111 N-Or1t1 .... N...., Yllt'll 0.11kl11'1d Oll.l1Mml (lry "'"M Ptlm lorlft91 "'"° llolllu ,_,. "'"'""'''" Porll1nt1 P1otd (I"' 11.ed lllufl .. M 5~Ct1"""1IO 5111 Lol..1 Ci!• ''" 01~0 ''" l'••nch10 5~1rtlt '""""•n• ,. .......... , W11hlnt •011 " .. ,, ., " " .. " " .. .. " " • • " n " " ~ " • • " n " • " • M " " .. "' " • " " " " " " " .. » tt • .. " n • • • .. " .. " • n " n • " .. • " " • .. " .. ·" ... ·" Conrad, Gordon and Bean were not partJclpattna in the exercise today because of the dangers involved with a fully fueled rockel They plan lo run through their port.ion of the countdown Wednesday after the Saturn 5's pro- pellants are drained. The countdown test was designed lo e:r • erciae all ground support system& u well as equipment aboard the 363-foot rocket- lipacecralt combination lo uncov~ atlY problems that might disrupt the real countdown. Soviets Voice Hope Talks End Race for Arms GENEVA (UPI) -The Soviet Union 1ald today it hopes the forthcoming strategic arms limitation negotiations with the United State! will lead to an end of the nuclear arms race, Soviet disarmament negotiator Alexei A. Roschin said his country attaches great importance lo the negotiations, to btgin In Helsinki, Nov. 17. Roshchin's statement to the Geneva Disarmament Conference was the first official Soviet tomment on the talks since they were announced in Washington and Mosct1w Oct. 25. Roshchln said he wanted ta formally tell the conference that America and Russia have agreed to start the strategic arms li mitation talks. "In connection with the agreement con· cernlng the negotiations between the USSR and the United Statell, we would wish to emphasize that the Soviet Union attaches great importance lo steps to curb the strategic arms race," Roshchin said. "We e:rpreSll the hope that the forthcoming negotiations would facilllale the 50Jution of an important task of to- day, namely, to put an end to the nuclear .arme race. "There is no doubt that if such an arms race could be harnessed, it will not be the powers involved alone who would benefit from thls but all the st.ates of the world. since this would greaUy consolidate in· temational security. "It gives us &atisfaction to note that such a view is shared by the participants in lhlJ committee, who in their statement.. have repeatedly emphasized that the question of CW'bing the strategic arms race ls of major importance from the point of view of solving other dis.a.rmanent problems and improving the international cllmale," Roshchin said. Fatal Drag Race Ran 8 Blocks; Driver Arrested INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (U PI) -Ray- mond Strattan, deputy chief operalions of the Indianapolis Police Department, said t-.londay that witnesses reported two cars drag racing for nearly eight blocks before a fiery crash Sunday that killed nine person s. Strattan also announced the arrest f\1onday night or Rex L. B. \Va lke r. 23 , in connection ·with the incident, which was the worst in lndianapoils in more than 4-0 years. He said Walker ~·as arrested on a warrant charging public intoxication. Later Walker was r earrested on preliminary charges of reckless homicide and involuntary manslaughter. Strattan said police believed 111 three. car drag race along the city's Riverside Drive precipitated the crash of a car driven by Dalton Wallace. 26, against the car full of churchgoers who wert killed. Jle said police know who the third driver is, bul are still trying tG learn whrlher they can gather sufficient evidence to charge hlm. Strattan said that police are cracking down as much as they can on drag rac- ing, bu t cannot watch every street all the ti me. "The drivers are just out to kill each other," Strattan said , "and they're doing it .. , Hospital Care Costs to Soar WASHINGTON (AP) -Hospital care cost.. probably will rise to nearly $100 a day by 1973, Congress was told today. A spokuman for the American Hospital Assoc.11tlon, t~fying before the }louse Ways and Means Committee, said the average dally cost of hospital care was $61.38 In 1968 and '87.69 for 1Mt. The Association'• projection &hows this wW rise lo $98.37 by 1973, he said. The witne.ss, Dr. Goorge W. Graham, Schrnectady, N. Y ., president of the association said the mcdicare program. ns ,.,.,11 as increaslng salariu, generally higher cost.s and innAUon 11\l have added to tht rise In hDSpltal charges to qatlents. UP'I Ttlffl\911 RETURNING MARINES SHOW PEACE SIGN Crowded Warship Brings Pullout Troops to San Diego Largest Group to Return ToU.S.From Wru·Arrives SAN DIEGO IAP) -More than 3.000 U.S. Marines have sailed home from Vietnam in two crowded ships, the largest group to return at one time since the Korean War. "Thanks. Dick. ll's good lo be back" - a salute to President Nixon -read a sign painted on a sea bag hanging from the amphibious assault ship lwo Jima when it moored Monday at the naval station pier. Another group of Marines hung a peaC9 symbol painted on a sheet over the side of the assault ship Bexar and gave the peace sign as it docked. Many of the 3,164 Marines aboard the lwo J ima and the Bexar were coming home as a result of the President's orders to reduce the number of troops in Vietnam. Most belonged to the 3rd Marine Regi- ment and the rest were returning from 13·monlh tours of duly with other units. The 7,()()().mile, 18-day voyage involved a scramble for living space, said Capt. !11artin f\-1. Caiiey of Coronado, Calif., skipper of the Iwo Jima. "When you crowd that many young, ac- tive American males into a steel chateau like this, you worry that the crush will create problems,'' said Ca s ey . ''Especially since we had chilly v.·eather, and the men had to stay be.low decks a good deal of th' lime. "There y,·as no need to "'OTT)'. though. The men were well-behaved, well disciplined.'' Conditions were even worse on the Bex- ar, said ils skipper, Capt James II. Bar- rv of La Jolla, Calif. • "Tht'.' fliarine~ practically had lo fight for a Sf.l"ll to sit down ," Barry said . "I heard one Marine say th at a fri end of his had offered to slay another six months in Vietnam if he didn'L ha ve to go home hy ship." Moot Marines retWll by airplane, in- eluding the nucleus of the 3rd Regiment "'hich earlier returned its colors to Camp Pendleton. The Marines. after a welcome or signs and band music, were bused lo Camp 1•enc1leton for discharge or reassignment. An additional 460 Marines return from Vietnam Friday on three dock landing ships -the Whetstone, Colonial a nd Comstock. 1!'<1 Mft©iitW*#4%¥f& ru;:~ t' I Castro's No .. r: M~~,~~~~ _c!;~:llt~Sl ro ~ i says Christmas in Cuba this ye;ir is ,., officially postponed until next ,J uly ~~ ·' because lhe ~ugar crop has first f~ ~ call on I.he national energies. t· t• Castro gave his countrymen the Lo bad news in a broadcast speech in ~j ¥f ~lavana ~tonday night. ~ Sugar is Cuba·s major source of \J ·1 foreign excha nge to pay for im-r. ~ ports, and Castro has \'o~·ed tha t ?, the n~· harvest v.·ill reach the 10 ~':,;· 1 , million-ton mark, more than double _ t the 1969 yie ld. 'J "\Ve y.•it\ save our sucklini_; pi ~ ~ and Chrisunas Eve beans. Bacardi f I rum and beer for July."' Castro ,', r sairl in the broadcast speech. ''\Ve are going to have a fie.~ta, but in J uly , after the har\"est of 10 ~ mi!lion." 1. ! The. prime minister spoke al a ~ ~· ceremony off\ria\ly bct:inning 1he 1 • 1970 harvest. Actually cane cutting, , • r l , formerly begun in :ite autun1n , has [ t} been in progress lhroughou~ the ~ summer. ~· ~ "'i '!Rt\ ~3i' .z:?,:.r·-·---.:.d::'-!".i..~ Drug That l{ills Cold Vi.I·us Tested Bi1t 5 Years Away WASHI NGTON (UPI) -A new drug, described as "preventive bul n ot curative" of the common cold and other virus-caused dise~. is under study by a drug firm but is probably five years away from the marke1 , it was reported Monday. A team of researchers from Upjohn Co. (If Kalamazoo, Mi ch., reported to a scien- tific conference here that the drug has been shown effective in animals and that It has been "well tolerated" in human voluntffrs. Testing Ila effectlveneu In man ill the next step In Its development, the researchers said . The drug, known as calcium elenolate, has shown powers of killing \'arlous viruses, lnc.luding those of the common cold, po!Jo, lnfluenu, cold sores and fever blisters, they p\d. On. Harold E. Renls, Manuel 8. Soret end George A. Elliott said hamsters tested 15 minutet before. and after being tnject~ wlth a virus called para-in- fluent.a type 3 showed that the drug ··siRfllfl cantly reduced tht number of In- fectious particles" In the hamrters' noses sind "stopped the spread of the Infection to the. anirnals' lungs." They !laid rurther that additional lesl'! on the hamsttrs, eight to 16 hours after inoculation with the virus, shOl\'t'd !he drug "continued to reduce the. number or virus particles" in the test animals. The virus used is one of the type thought to cause the common cold . The drug, initially derived from t:\· tracts of olive plants and already be.Ing synthesized in Upjohn Laboratorie!I, is given as a nasal spray. The researchers reported their findings to the ninth interscience conference on anlimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. Pat Nixon Ill, Cancels Visits WASHINGTON (AP) -Mrs. Richard ,._1_ Nixon, suffering from a 24-hour virus, ha! been advised by htr doctor to cancel appearances for the nert two day~. i.Qo (')uding campaign visits with the Prest'· tlent to Virginia and Ne:w Jersey, lht \Vtiite House announced toclay . The fi rst lady became ill Monday ~·en. Ing, with a fever and naui;ea . Al lhe same time her daughter. Julie Eisenhower, w;wi stricken with sln1ilar llymptoms at her apartment In Northampton, Mass., It wa_, announced. - E. German Ties Asked Bv Brandt • BONN (UPI) -Chancellor \Vllly Brandt said today West t.ernian recognition of East Gennany is "out of the qu es- tion'' but proposed negOlia· tions with the neighl>oring Communits regime on estab· lishing clo.ser Hes. In his firsl policy address to the Bundestag, or lower house of parliament. Brandt said his governm,nt was prepared to begin talks with Russia on the mutual renunciation of the use of force. The Bundestag was jammed ·when the republl e's first Social Democratic head of govern· ment since 1930 slrode to the rostrum. pul on a pair of horn- rim md glasses and began to read his text. • lil'I Tfllp~~IG Moon Lal1 Director Resign s "We must prevent any further alienation of the two parts of the German nal<OO, Freeway Orpl•a•• that is, we mu5t arrive at a regu lar modus vivendi and LitUe Jody Smith, 4, was found clingi.J1J; to a fen('c from !here proceed to beside a freeway near Bakersfield after her parents eooperalion," Brandt :said. left her there and told her to hang on to t he fence "The federal govern.ment until a policeman came. That's the s1 ory she told again offer.~ the council of Sheriff's Lt. Jerry Dodd . Deputies hope thal anyont::: ministers of the. (East.) recognizing the girl would contact the m in an cfforl German. Democratic Repubhc to locate Jody's parents. Reports said that she had negotiations ~t .go_ver~ent several bruises and appeared to be suliering from level without d1scr1m1nahon on malnutrition either side, and which should-------·-----------------lead to conlractual!y agreed cooperation. "International recognit ion of the German Democrati c Republic: by the federal Republic is out of the question. i':ven if there exists two states in Germany. they are not foreign countries to each other. Their relations "'ilh each other can only be of a special nature." Other points made b Y Brandl included: -\Vest G e rm any is prepared to begin talks .\\~th Poland ain1ed al nonnahz1ng relations between lhe two countries. -The Bonn government will !lign the nu clear non-prolifera- tion treaty as sooo a s clarifications requested by lhe previous administralion have been obtained. -\Vest Germ an y Is prepared to arrive at . ar- rangements with Czechoslova kia. i1s immediate neighbor, •·which bridge the gulf o1 the past.'' Anti-nudity Laws Okayed LOS Ai'JGELES (AP) Twelve ordinances outlawing topless and bottomless en- l('rtalnmcnt in bars a n d nightclubs have been approved by the city council and awaits action by Mayor Sam Yorty. The council adopted t he measures Monday by an 11 -l vote. They provide maximum penalties of a $500 fine, six months in jail, or both. Peace Leader Sees POW Mail E:rc1iang·e CHICAGO {AP\ -Dal'id T. Dellinger says Hanoi plans to open up a regular exchange of mail between American prisoners of war and thC'ir fam ilies. Dellinger, head of th e Na- tlcmal r-.tobilization Committee lo End lhe War in Vietnam , also declared Monday the North Vietnamese WO\.lld re- lease the names of their pris- oners, although not necessari- ly right away. He said the U.S. pea ct> mol'r· ment "'as the only channtl J1anoi would use in providi~g such a list. Dclhnger made these s1.;te- ments in disclosing parts nf a plan his a llomey said wa1 ar- ranged in meetings with t he North Vietnamese in Paris over the weekend. 1 The disclosure came/at a new~ ronf en'nce betwf'1 ses- sions of a U.S. Dislril'L Court trial 11·here Dellinp:r and seven other men are bcmg tried on charges of ('(ll'lSpirat'y to incite r iots durini; the 1968 Democralic National Conren- tion. Defense attorney \Vil!iam ~f. Kunstler visited Par is at the request of Dellinger and an· other defendant. Hennard (_ ''Rennie" Davis, Ikllinger said l ie said he and Davis had been invited to make the trlri but w"re not granted pcr- lll l·sio n In Jc:ivl' the JUrJSdic- tiO'l of the court. Dellinge r said \he North r ietnamese would release the names of prisoners of war at liOrne future date but thn t fiomeone may ha ve lo go to Parls again before !his rould be brought about. li e said he assumed the names of all 11~' ers shot do11"n would be lJL· eluded. In \\'ashington. State Oc(k1rl- m e n I officials cAutioned against expectation that North Vietnam is about lo release a list of American prisoners it is holding. The officials added that it is not <'lear that Kunsller had learned any more than \\')ves of capllve Americans \\'ho also IAlked to North \1let namesc representatives in Paris. Tunne y 's Daug hter 'A Skel eton' Clain1 Wins V A'f!C.&.N CITY I AP) - Both the liberals and lhc con · ~ervatives claim a measure of victory at the second Roman Calhoiic synod of bishops. Liberals. such as Belgium's l,eo Joseph Cardinal Suenens, pointed to the considerable r1ew sharin~ in papal authori!y Pope Paul VJ se('m!i ready lo c0ncedc to his ch u r ch 's bl~hops. Conserv;i lives. such as Jenn C:.i rdina l Danie!ou of France, ('1(ed th e clear reaff irmation by ;ill !4!i de!!'gates of the ;ibsolutc primacy of the Pope , his right to n1ake lhe major decisions for the Church _ Other svnod mernbE'rs pro-~1ARSEILLES, Fr an r I' tested th'ey could not un - Je,vel No\v Stai· Liz Dia1nond Drcuvs Cro1 vd lliPI t -The n1anagcr o[ a fl('rsland th is talk ab o u I r·rcnch Riviera camping site ''liberal::; vs conscrvaUves." said today t.lrs. J o a n They \ 1ewed lhe synod as a Wilkinson :«!, of r..1 1lwa11kt•r, J.:rt'al u1ulnig as ~ em~ 1 Y "'as "as tl11n as a skelrton·· n1nlding l'C1pe and b1sr.ops into 1rhcn he found her las[ 'f hurs-.• fr<1trrn;..I go1·erning tram. da\'. 1 ;n~l.1nd's ,John Car d 1 n a l !'.'E\V \'ORK (UPI) -The Cartier diamond, L iz Taylor's latest trinket, is playing to a packed hout.e. The 69 .42 carat, pear-shaped di amond \l'<I" bought b Y Cartier's ror $1.050,000 in :in auction Thursday v.·hcr(! <in a~ent for Richard Bu~on and l\liss Taylor was outbid -but Burton bought il for an unan- nounced sum from Cartici''s U1e next day. One of the s1ipulations for th e sale to 1he famous couple was that the F'tfl h Avenue jeweler be allo\.\·ed to show the diamond uot il early ne xt month. The diamond 1,•;cnt on show Saturd ay, attracting 10.000 pe rsons. An equal number turned up Monday and ii look· cd like there would be littl~ letup in the crowds for the duration of the 5how. I f..1rs. \~·1lkin~nn. 1!aughtrr nf Jlcrnnn called the synod ''a The gein is shov;n In a fnnnrr hc.11·)v.1.·1i:hL boxing victory for common se11sc and brcakproor g\as.~ gasc flanked l'hampion Gene Tunnry, had tolerance." by two ar1nl'd guards. . E I" th• f"rmal cl"<, ·,ng s. 055,·"o ·1 f be('n m1.,s1ng in · urQpe sint.'c " ,_ ., "·' " People c;ime fo SI?{' i or ... 100,,_v, the Po"" endorsed .0 5 Aug. 2R. 1, ,-~ varying rcai; n · Now in thr ~!:irc;i;ilJr·~ ~ainir I 11 n kry re.quests. U1aL a sy nod "Some oJ niy ram tly ;.re uil r.1argurr11 r lfnsp1l ;11. 111ih l1tr 1nl·cl e1·crv two )'l!Jr.~ and !hilt lhc J<'WCl1 y business, so 1 Ill". .,,,,,,,-". secrctar1·at f"OC· hushflnd C'a rtrr \\'1 k1 nso11 ;it , ~ "'-'" u can1c 111 r-n th<iL I conld tell h('r lx'dsidr. she 11 115 sair! by Linn pe rm anrnl !,v 1n lton1e. then1 ab<iut it."' said ;\lrs. Al ff' · I I 11" ,;l·.o ,,.,,,,1•d bro'd at· hospita l o 1c1n ~ to) JC un-.._ .. ·' " Jordan of Nashville. Tenn. t f I f c•ptao°" of 11 olil"r proposals h derg0ing trealn1 en or oss o ,_ ..... .. /\nun, Si5lcr Laurr T encn. from the bishops. a medic;1J records librarian al l ~m~c~m~o~r~Y~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;~jJ Sl, J n.~eph's H0spi:al at I Lowell, :-Olass .. said sh1' was on her way to mass when she I I IWEEN decided lo slop to see Lhe di~·~'',j;, to look al jewels." , AA,I .! . ~he said, "though I c:a~·l wear '-,., ~ them.'' ' - Bob Demarco, a copywriter SPECIAL for a department store chain. said ''( came jusl to see how extravagant Elizabeth Taylor can be. This is unbeUevable. All of us here he lped r•Y for ill by going lo her movies." I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e f rom the daj'!l ot C'hri~ phcr O:.hnbu11 '? Spa.nli;lt dl!.Sk, tour sides and tof> fl.II carved 1ncludit1£ cha.Jr $200. e l'io l11cks, real b'r.a r 11. Trade your Orange COi~ try ~Y for North f'8- kotA wheat or barley la let, U11h ~reational acn-;1gc or Oregon timber forr-n~ SUll new frontiers in 7 rad. t'r& PIU"adir;e. e A1~ N~~l>Oct B;Jy in SO minutea; gua.t'flJ\l"«I to hr, an eyt~r '11 lbi1 28' Olrls Constella~<11 t\\'in .-icre1v, hard.mp, radio, rte. \\"Orth the ~IJl'ley if you never ret oU!.side the jeUy. I !ONE WEEK ONLY! NEW LEAD ZEPPLIN "THE ONLY WAY TO FLY" 8 TRACK s43a CASSETTE & 4 TRACK s3a1 Limit Two hr Cu1tomtr MUNTZ COSTA MESA TAPE CITY 17th AT NEWPORT BLVD. . ' DAll V PILOT !i First to Do So Northern Senator Ol(s Haynsworth Stocks for Today's Market Now, from Shearson's own videotape studios at 14 Wall Street, the latest in a series entitled ''The Search for Profi table Iiivest- ments." It features top members of Sbearson's securities re· search department discussing stocks they recommend for pur- chase at current price levels. To re serve your place at the show- ing of this timely special, telephone the number listed below. N cwport Beach Our Boardroo m 550 Newport Center Drive 7 :30 p.m., Thursda y, October 30 Tel. 644-2442 i\'o rwalk Saddleback Inn 12500 E. Firestone Firestone & Santa Ana Freeway 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 5 Tel. (213) 625-763 7 or (714) 833 -2340 Placentia Rembrandt's Rcstauran t 909 East Yorba Linda Boul evard 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nm·cmbcr 4 Tel. 833-2340 Seal Beac h Old Ran ch Country Club 390! Lampson Avenue San Diego Freeway at Los Alamitos Boulevard 7:30 p.m., Thursday, November 6 Tel. (Toll Free) Zeni th 7-029 7 Sbearson,Hammill & Co. Incorporated I\ \ I ·--.. ··-~~-.;-:-..,.-..,-;-----...,-.---------------~----------:---------:--·---- • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Pollution From Above America's rapidly deteriorating ~nvi~onment under the impact of many fom1s or. pollution is, fortu~tely, accompanled by a rising public clan1or for solulions to the problem. . , Pollution from !he sky as more and n1orc JCl air- craft eo into service, \\'35 under serious _di scussion in Anaheim last week by many of the top intellects and technicians of the Space Age. A four-day conference of members, of •lhe AmeMcan In stitute of Aeronautics and Astronauti cs saw hundreds of scientisls and astronauti cs corporation executives ranging ove r n1any facets of space e·xploration and air tra vel in the decade of the '70s. By no means the least important topic was th e range of proble1ns to be solved if the nation's air trans- portation system is to ccr.exist happily with the com- J11unities it serves. R. F. Sawyer, associate p.rofessor of mechanical en~i neering at UC Berkeley, told rt.he conference that pollutants-carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitric ox- ide and s1noke-from turbojet a ircraft, while currently a minor factor in the overall problem, may b ecome a 1najor pubUc health hazard if not controlled. Prof. Sa\\'yer's remark that "only in the i1nmediatc vi cini'ty of airports do aircraft become major contribu- tors to the air pollution problem" will be appreciated here on the Orange Coast \Vhere civilian and milita ry airports bring d aily showers or pollutants down on homes. S\Yimming pools and landscaping. Apart from any health hazard, the UC professor noted. the smoke tra il a nd exhaust odors left by a n aircraft, even \'.'ithout particle fallout. 'vould be a valid concern. a degradation of the environment. Sm okeless jet engines are already available. as tho r ecent concession by the airline companies in Ne'v Jer- sey in the face of law.~ui ts made clear. The con1panies agreed to spend $30 million to replace present poUuting engines. Prof. Sawyer told U1e "\Vh o's Who in Aerospace" at Anaheim ho\v the pollutants in jet engine exhausts can Cities vs. Suburbs- Their Values ., Syd~ey J. HaM'is I ' Speaking of American cities. as I_ \•1as yesterday, reminded me that the. r17her we get. the more unappet1z.1~g all.ematives "·e are faced with. Like deciding between the city and the suburb. About three.quarters of our population now lh·e in urban complex~. and the percentage 1s go ing up every year. It has been estimated that by lhe end or this century, 90 percent or all Americans will be Jiving on 10 percent of the land. Now, in these urban complexrs. dwellers must choose between the central city and I.he subu rb. 1t is a terrible choice t o have to make. In n1ost cases, it becomes a matter of choosing tl1e lesser e\"i\. TllE CITY llAS son1e posllivc values that the subu rbs lack. but so1ne ionormous dra\vbacks, \\•hich make it harder 10 Ji,·e there every )'Ca r. The suburb offers son1e rea l ad~'antages. but also has negati vt qualities that gro\V trt.ronger every year. But the whole point of gelling more prGSperous, and taking advantage of our technological progress, is to be able to "live better," in thr most embracing sense of lhal phrase . \Vh i!r , actually. ,~·e live worse. both in city and suburb, than \\'C did a few decades ago. \\'HAT IS \\'RONG \1·1th lhf' r ity. in ·a word, is that Jl is dehuma nizin~ in 1\s present form. The hv1ng L-" loO hard, physically, the pace is too Jrantic, the Dear Gloomy Gus: Angela Davis reneged on a speak- ing dale at USC because the Black Stud ents Union couldn't cough up the $1 ,000 fee. If that 's commun- ism, who needs capitalism'! -B.J.ll. f M• f1•lwr• nr~c•• r.1d1rt' vlowi. no! ~K•H••Uy 1~111• ol !M n•w•Ptp•r. Suwl r•Yr "' 11t••• rs CJIMmJ cow1, DlllJ 'l!•I. pressures too relentless, the scrvicts too precarious, the changes loo li\.\'ifl, r uthless and traumatic. Wh:::t is wrong with the suburb, in a word, is that it is 11tulllfylng. It lac ks variety and diversity; il breeds con- formity. if not reactiun; it turns into a spiritual ghetto made up of the same kind of people doing the same trivial things for status and appearance an d social rivalry. BUT THERE ARE also many things that are right v.-ilh the city, anti n1any things that are right with the suburb. If \l'e were \\'orklng toward a good society, in organic terms. ""e "'ould be drawing the twn closer together -giving the suburb better intellectua l and spiritual and socia l values. But ei.:actly the opposite is happening : The eitics become more depressed and the su burbs more sterile. People arc· forced to choose bet"•een clean ;11r on the Qne side and closed mind~ on the other. \\'hy is it not possible for the richest, most imaginali\'C, most produt'li\"e, of all nations to be able to conlbinr the virtues of these two 1ypes of h111ng, while minimizing the defects of each~ 'F Al(E!'-Hilarious StorY, The tragicamical. incredible-but-tnie Elmyr de 11ory, the most successlul art forger of the 20th century, 1s hilariously told by Clifford Irving in FAKE!, published by r..fcGraw·HiU on OcL 20. In 243 pages, illustrated in color and black-and·white, this is the saga of how a second-rate Hungarian painter became a first.rate master of forgery and produced more than a thousand fake P icas.sos, Modiglianis, Matisses. Dufys and other contemporary masterpiects y,·hich found their way into the collections of wGTld·famous museums. prominent art galleries and Texas oil millionaires. CLIFFORD IRVIN G, a nrighbor o( Elmyr's on the Spanish island of Ibiza, traces Ellnyr's career from his early cf· forls as a young arlisl in Paris lo the day, in 194~, when he forged a Picasso almost by accident and stumbled into a new way of life. Elmyr's years in the UnitN:l Stal.es in lhe '50s, which he spent mostly dashing from New York to Lo:i; Angeles and from New Orleans lo Texas with his inexhaustible supply of Renoirs, Vlamincks, Oerains and other high-priced forgeries, are reconstructed 1n ''ivi d detail. The painter's associalion \1'1\h l\l'O self· styled, cynical "art dealers" -one a half-mad Egyptian and the other a v.•ily and audacious Canadian -adds a nt'\v dimension to hl1 undertaking and prov· ides the book with some of 11 ~ funnic~I and m06t surprising moments. w1nLE EL~l 'lR routinely prrvfurcrl f.Qme $60 million ""Orth or fabulou s fakes in discreet seclu.~ion. his partners sfJld them all over Europe and the U.S .. r.11s· ing hugr !iums of rnoney "''hi ch wound up mOl!ltly in their 1>wn pockets. ConYincinll' The B.ook111a11 I '. authentications were forged , or oblaincd -Kees van OGngen was persuaded to recognize as his own an origina l Elmyr, Irving reveals. Out-of-print art books v.·ere purchased, and authentic reproduc- tions were replaced by prints of forgeries by Elmyr. Such "documents" were presented, as tokens of appreciation, to munificent patrons of the arts who had .sunk small fortunes into the "'in- \'eslments" offrrfd by Elmyr's cohorts. HEA DERS \\'ILL recall U1c fl1ror which erupted when one of the cruoks' rnost prominent \'JCtims. 'J'exas oil rn illionai re Algur HurUe Meadows, discovered the truth about his fabulously expensive art collection. From then on, it \\'as do"'flhi ll for El myr. As Clifford Irving puts it. the author of FAKE! spent two years mostly in the task or separating the truth from half- trulhs and outright lies. The result is as s~·ifl and lighthearted as a Mack Sennett corned), as informative as a courtroom report After reading this book. SQme art gallery and museum visitors may take a ~econd look at wme of their favorite modern paintings "·ith a somewhat .l.uspicious eye. Highlighted by eight pages in full colnr and numerous black alld white \1- lustrallons, FAKE! is priCt!d at $7.95. It is the firth book by Clirford Irving . whose previous works were all novels: "On a I 1arl ing Plain.'' '"The. LQscrs," '"The \"alley " antl "fhc J81h Floor " Laura Denman be eliminated or greatly reduced. lie ended on a note or optimism: "Design solutions appear possible \Vhich should in· s ure that the turbojet engine does not ber.:01nc a major contributor to air pollution." It's encouraging to see a sho\v of concern and fore. sight by the persons who can do .som ething about polJu. lion frOI!l the sky. A Problen1 in Etl1ics Political fund ra1s1ng has taken on a "big-lime" image in Orange County (o r one of U1c mosl sensitive non-partisan offices-the office of county a ssessor . The image is disquieting. Last April, the "F'riends of Andre\v l-linshaw" spon· sored a $100 a plate testimonial dinner for the assessor, presumably to help clean up any remaining c:a1npaign indel.Jtedness from the 1966 campaign. Back they came again in six m onths . Only last v.1eek, !or your $100, you just got a "reception." One invitee sourly noted the beverages \VOU!d be "the high- est priced drinks in Orange County." As was the case \'lith the April dinner, invita tion~ to the reception 10 honor the ass essor-or al least to "honor" his campaign fund-\vcnt to a lot of businesses and individuals \Vho presumably '"'ould be directly and vitally concerned \Vith c·ounty assessn1ent practices and policies. The discretionary pO\\'er and the policy decision s of an assessor have a d irect effect on tax dollars paid or rotained by major corporations and major property holders -b<Yth year-by-year and long range -tl1a l is far greater than tha t of any assen1blyrnan, congress- man. county supervisor or other county administrative official. This kind of fund raising: for such a sensitive offi ce is not likely to inspire confidence in governmental ethics. ... r-/\A.,........~t~ .•• J'lt\SURE I LOVE I fj HoWEVER) ON THE Dfl·IER 1-JAf.l ~~~ Hanoi ~signals' Have Substa11ce of 011ija Board Message War Optimism Risks Disillusionment \V ASH!NGTON The Nixon Administration appears lo have fallen in- to an optirnlstic mood about the Vietnam \Var al the risk of later disillusionment. This mood ls especially notable among Rt'publicans at the Capitol 'tl-'ho are acting and talking as if the \\'ar \Vere already O\"er and the troops on the "·ay back home. Republicans arc thus able to ig- 11ort' for the tirne bt>ing military e~ ptoctations Gf renr"•ed fi i;:hl ing on a subst;in!Lal ::.cale which could co1npletcly ;;l ier the outlook. l\"othing in the history of the Vielnam \Var supports the concl usion that a lull in lii;h ring or a repositioning ol North Vlet- narnese forces constitutes a de facto erase fire. The. contrarv is in fact nea rer lo tht' truth. '!'he mySterious "signals" fr0m Hanoi which some pMple con- tinuously hear, see or feel usua lly have about !he sa me substanee ;is the messages received on an old fash ioned Ouija Bo:i rd \v ith which an older genera- tion kept in touch \vith 1he unseen world, THE AIR OF' EXPECTA TI ON hns been bu ilt up to such an extent, \vi1h even Senator Fulbright purring contentedly, !hat almQst anything President r-.·i xon sv~·s on Nov. :1, short or announcement or a rletal!ed scherlule 01 complete. troop \1·ith<lra"'als in th e next 12 months, will Richard Wil son be a !et do~·n . This IS fully realized .;it the White I 1ouse v.·hich is se nd ing out signals of its own not to expect too much, but it is doubtful ir these cautionary v.·arnings \.\·ill have much effect. The Hepublicans, or course, Y.'Olild hke to ha~·e the \Vithdrawal appear to be a n1orat victory, and they are encouraged 1n 1h1s tenuous conclusion by various· Soviet diplomats over the world who ton- LH1Ually tell Americans that U1eir preslige \.\'Ill rise spectacularly once they gel out or Vietna1n. Bu1 even the Russians may be inure realistic lhan some of the Republit<1 ns. Tt1erc are those among our adver~i.lnes \\•ho realize tha t it took a long tirne 1<1 gel t1ur forces P<JSitionecl in Vietna1n. ;ind it 'vi'! take a ~ood .,,,,.hile to get thcn1 out unlc.~s ""e "'ish to let the Thieu f!Ol'('rn- m('nt vanish in a holocaust of fire and killing. P.ATIONAL RUSS IAf'S would not ex- Jlf'CI us to do that 1-lowevcr much the J,ussians may insist on a coalition fiiicvernment in Saigon, Soviet policy has nothing to gain from an accompanyin"" blood bath V.'hich would only illustrate th~ lond or world Americans havt: been fighting these long years to prevent. The experience of Sen. Charles Goodell of New York ha:; evidently Influenced other Republicans to belie\'e that open advocacy or quick \l"i!hd ra"fal nf'ed (lOl be avoided for political reasons. Goode!!, a moderate and onct rather ha~·ki:.-h f<epubllcan appointed to the la te Robert. 1-·. Kennedy 's Senate seal, has C-Ome to life as a candidate to succeed him self hy \.-irtUf' of his proposed Senate resolu tion calling for wilhdr:i11a1. Republicans have been r o 11 ow 1 n g Coodell 's lead .\1'ith some regularity. Even the stock markel 1~ supposed to be risi'ng in anticipa tion lh;1!. President Nix· 011 \Yill have something good to announce on Nov. 3. lf' EXPECTATION IS running ahead of reality, ·President Nixon has no one but himself to bla1ne. He \1•as not compPlled to announce th"ree 11"eeks ahe:.id of tirne that he \\"Ould speak qn the Vielnam ques- licn. He has in this \.\'llY gotten himself in· to !hf' same kind of predicaml'nt as dur- ing the presidential campaign "-'hen he announced that ht would oullfne his p!'1n for ending the war. but he never cot around to Jt. '!'ht. real queslion is !lilt 11011· ni:111y lroops \\"ill be taken out llow f;i ')l. Uul i1t1w nH1nv will reinain anti 11·nnt tl'1t•1r f11n1·\1.111 v.·ill ·be. This 1s !nc h;1 ~1{· point ,.f departure bellvecn prcs1<lc nL1;il J•11 l11·y and Republican hopes. So long as any troops ;it ;Jll 1·rnF1 1n In \11etnan1 the political ag1t nliu11 ·1~ 1 1~1-.;! their presence there 1s nnl til"''Y 10 suh~ide. But, in all pr:l("\11·<1!11y, 1t f~ d1f- fk:utt to sec how this com1lh.·tr d1•l'•..;;1t,r- ment can be accompl1~hrd 11 1111111 1!.1• frame1rork of Nixon"s olJJl"ClJ11·~. TifESE OBJECTIVES Jnt'llld(' tllr , i•n· duct of orderly elecuvn.-. 1111d··r n\· ternational super\ 1sio11 \I h1d 1 1;11p1u" protection for those 11ho vutt· 11h1!1' !ll'\' vole and afterward. Secretary Lai rd ..,,,, ; spec:ul a.lively that !hi' 1 roop~ 11ho \\"u~th l remain 1-1•ould he less t.hilrl Ili c J0.00{) l'r•pl in Korea, a foreca st ll')1;Lh n1<1,.1• "I" 1.1.1y not be valid. This esti1n;itr. it ~'<Ill IJr' 1·.;n1\'r1'I 1 r. \YOuld be '"'holly un~;1IJ:'f.1 l·1 01·11 In llH! Cornn1t1nist sidl', in elud111g lhc Hu~,·:111•. It \l'ould give t\1orlh V1et11.'.l111 .i n,·.1~"11 11•r krrping tnlops 111 Lao" <1~ \l't•ll ;1 ~ Si,11 1! \fietnnni. All th;it can be c0111·l lH.IPd l'i that thr troop w1tlldr:1w:i l 11l1C'slinn 1 ~, ,_ trC'mely comp!ienled, or :.ii lrast f.1 1' 1""1A cornplica11'd th;:in ii gu0(! 111 1 ·1 v n .. publie;ins <Jl the C<rp1tol 11 011ld hkl' 10 believe. Catfish Ban: Is Vigilant Eye Open? To the Editor : l\"s time for lht' publir. to keep ~ \>.·atchlul eye on lhe liberties that thr Calilorn1;:i Fish and Ga1ne Com1niss1on has takl'n in banning Ili c Clartas catfish. The first point 1o he noted here 1s thrit Ilic public h<1s unrleni<tbly been led on by exaggerations and sensationalisni. A good cxri n1ple of this is one Florida rrport which 11vcrst.atcd the ;ig- gress11'cnel}s of the "walking catfish." The report 1nakcs a point of the fact lh <il their SIX'Clmens terrorized piranhas. No1v this stntcmcnt stuns one wilh a chill of real rear, ri ght? BUT \\'HAT Tins report railed to equa lly emph::isize is that practically any fi sh can terrif y a piranha (a normalty ti1nid fi sh) under suitable circumstances. Secondly, we should keep in mind that our waters here are not tropical and, too, Y•e should recall the idiocies that ha\'e nearly been imposed on us in the past. Native California carp are a problcrn htre, thus this state once sough t lo ban all cyprinids which includes goldfi sh, barbs, rasboras and danios among others. The av.·esomcly vlgilanl eye or thl' public was open then. I \l'Onder, is 1t now·! ilfRS. GEBRY BIITAl\Ell Wl1lte Rhi110< To the Editor : I read your article, "Lion" Not "Farr.'' iOc t. 15 ) and found it qui te interesllng. ,----By George ---, CONf'IDENTIAL TO ~111\E CULLINS: Doo"t worry -I saw 1t on TV and, lrankly, you ilidn"l miss m.uch . (\\'hat are they saying about C, e or g e in Las Vegas7 ··1 ~tood there and 1nissed e1·cry prunt fur h\'(I hours anrl !his di T.zy blonde who had nrvcr :::rrn a pa ir of rli rr ca1nr along and made Sl'.:VE N str:ughl passes!" That's \th:ll 1hry Sa~· ~houl aln1ost evrry1hlng ln Las Vega ~ J :\:I ailbox Lc!t.ers from ,-eaders a.re 1.velcon1c. Norn1ally 1vrit.ers shou./d convey thc1r 111cs.~anes i1£ 300 words or less. Tll~ 110/i t lo condcuse letters to fit space (I r c!.·~11inn ~c libel i., T"escrved_ All let· l('n; ,~,.11.a lll Cl!trl.e sionature and mail· 1ng adclte~s. b11t ·nnr'nes may be with- li€1<l 0 11 rr r11(c;;t 1f s11fficie11 t re asoii 1s apparent. Bui f must correct you 011 one point There arc no such animals a:; while rhinos, but tht're is a wide rhino. The reason for this is because :-on1e\\·herc ::ilong the line somebody 1nisun11r rslood Uie \\'ord \l'ide for Y.'hile. ED\VARD G. WEBB Lion l'o11111ry Safari peoplc lhiul: !lieu ho ve 11;/iite rhinos. Thr brochure they .~tit r;l nrifying their Florida fa- (1//t!J /isl.~ !lu!1u, 011d sho1vs a picture 1rlr1111jif'f/ n.~ 1rli•tc r/1i11oceros. '"1\1111!1>"' 1~ hl'lieved by sonie to bc r/1'r1 i;cd jrnin a lJ 11tch 1/;ord n1ea11i11n •·ru1rlr.'' rr fe rring to tl1e nu inui/'.~ n 101dl1. A11otlier species is called ··black" 1·1ti11oceros. -Edito r Angela Davi• Baling To t!1c Editor: \Viih reference lo r..1r. Arthur O. Ga skin's exei:llent letter 11\lailbox. Oct. 20) on lhe subject of lhe Commun ist, Angela Davis. It seems that the circu mstance in- ,·olves higMr po~·ers than the faculty of the University of California. A Superior Court Judge ruled that lhe regenls cannot cnnstitutionally bar Con1- n1unists from leaching on UC campuses. Th is is rather irDnical 3Jll every day youn~ Americans arc bc-ing killed in Asia. flghl1ng Communists. Maybe. we need <.1n(llh1'r C(lnslitulional a1nendmcnt or possibly ano1her ruling by lhe Supreme tour\ ol the Unit~ States. EDGAR D. PHELPS Rat·e M·e f'f~rgottet1 :, To the. F.ditor . As one of lhc n1any taxpayers 111 California, I fee l very ~trongly ab'lut Angela Davis leac hing I'll liCLA, s111ee .~he h:is stated she intrnds givlng her Communist vie\\'S to her students. ll ow can \\'e justify the dr:ifli11g of our boys to fight the l'Cry same Corn n111nls1 1·iews s~c vows 10 teach? lla ve we forgot· ten all those boys \.\'hose lives have be en lost? l don't think so. ELLEN r.tORAN Palling lli1111relf 011 Tn the Edi tor! Concerning \Villiam Knight 's leller (~lailbox, Oct. 21): "All peace ma rchers •.. peaceniks, yellow bellies, traitors, Commies ... smellies -please leave ... Y.'hy should I pay taxes for the likes or Angela Davis, \\·ho spout~ hate." He 's putting us on. No, he's putt ing himsetf on. KEITH I\. DAVISON question• for Nixon TD till' F.<litor: In youf Oct. 15 edition I found your arlicl<! entitled, "Nixon Says l\lajor Problems \\'ill Ease," tonsistl'nl with thr. majority of "Nixoo ian" sta tements and !)lands. I'm quite pleased with our President's overt optimism . I fee l all our leaders &hoold be blessed with such an attitude. 1 regret, howe1·er, that f.1 r. Nix· on i.s still as vague and geflt'ral as e,·er. He has a way of bring the perfect non- relayer of inl'onnation. STATE~tENTS like yo11r quote 'of ~lr. Ni xon): "Innalion •.. will have been checked because we went in at the heart. of lhe problem and took hard knocks now and this winter in order 1"8t we cou ld have smooth salllng lalcr," leave much to be dtsired. \Vhs.it "'as I);,. ~xlent and form of these "hard knorks" taken! \\'hat actual ecooomic rei;uhs did thesr actions achieve ! \\'hy can't Mr. Nhcon tell the public v.•hat's actual!) hr .,p(nini;: rather than leaving us in a coilstantly DOl "G Fl"l.F0f1f1 l l1i:h St ho(>I ~1udrnl _lli11i111111r1 \ t•t i11r1 :\!'<" To the Editor In nrodcrn 1\1ncr1ca a h!Jy ll°. g1 :1 011·1] the res pons1l11l1tl<'~ ot ;\q ;i~lu l1. u~11<.1iiV, hv 1111' age of 18 Ile 1.• 1101 j!.J\ ('ll Pie µn vilrges ol :in :-itlul1 lJllltl l h" <i pr "' :!1. At 18 a boy is cons1der1··I 10 hr· "11 1:0••'' <'ll OUgh t0 [JOSSl'SS 11 l iCPtL~I· 11\ ~111, granted br the Pres1dc.nt. T!11:, l1r• n ,. 1• a respoosihiHty delega1 crt 11y Ou· \' l.i. go\"ernn1cnt. "'hich f('cl s th.11 11•1 Ill \1·;1 r old is capable of laking hfl' 111111 In ~ ·011 11 hands. HOWEVER , TfllS ~fl fnc gu11·n11111·nt feels that at 18 a boy ts not n1.1tu rc anrt level-headed enough lo ''Olr. 1\ 'o!c 1~ more U1an a rc sponsib1ti1 y. ll is :i pr iv ilege \you don·1 get 1ha1 unl1l ~·ou'r•1 21 ). Apparently-. on l1is 21st b1rlhday .111 Americen boy 1~ sprinkl<'d \l"l\h "f~u1·y dust" and becomes a rc.<>pOnsib lc ri11 ~cn Tl is true that not alt hoy.~ Ill ye;.irs old are responsible enough 111 11<><' :11l ulr privileges 11·Jsely, Bui not all adlills 11sc them 11•iscly eitht!r I l\E!Tll H1~1A Agt• 17 Tuesday, October 23. 19Gfl The editorial pt1or of t.lir Vo'''' Pilot seeks to 111fu r111 101d .~111n- 11/1Jtr. Tt'Qclcrs /p1 prrse11flt1f/ t/11.~ .,~('t(.'S/XlPl'l"'.l 01HlllU/IS 1un / 1'!1111· n1e111nry 1111 lop1r.~ of 11dl't1'.~t On(! s1yi1if1ca1Jce, by pro1·1i/q1 g a Jor1n11 }or tl1 c erprf'S:i 1111 of 011r rcnd.crs' flpin 1n1t.~. 11101 /111 prrse11tu1f1 the <liuersr ,,.,, point.~ ,,f 111for1'1rrl 1il1.1f11 "', fl •lil sµokc.~m"u ()ti 101,,1·~ nr r/1r dny. Hoberi N. \Vl'l:)d l 'l•hli ~hc r CHECKING •UP• How Pulllisl1er s Se lect Bool{ Titles By L. '.\1. BOYll BOOK TITLES -JIO\V to n<1rne a book so i! will SL·ll well js a n111lt<'r of concl'nl tu publi:-.hcrs. 'f'hey look for key \\Urd s lu put iulo tit les, Ht·~cari.:h about :15 yeurs ago indicated !he thrl•c v"ords nio~t com n1only round 111 pnpulnr !!tics \1·erc ··Lincoln,'' "l)oi;_:lor ," ;ind "Dog" ll is a !nil' bul truC' anel'dotc 1n tile indu~lry \hill 011c publl~her, ildviscd of !he fOJ'('going, pron1p1 ly pl'Jnlt·d ::i book i:all- ('tl, "Lincoln'~ J)oelor's Dog.'' .Anyhow, rcctnt studies in- tliealc the kr.y 1vords in this flci.:;;.cit' of publi shrd litles :Jr1• "t\enncdy," .. Naked," and '"~t'X " building guard on a stool. So wh at'! Nothing. Jt's just I've 11l'ver :;el'n :;even p e op I e asleep along .a three·block stretch of street before, lhat-"s all 12 Watch As Knifer Kill s Coed BERKELEY (UPI ) -A popul ar U n i 11 e r s i t y or California coed was stabbed to death on the porch of her home Monday night by a n1an identified as the room1nate of IK·r brother, at cording to police. A dozen neighbors witnessed the attack on ·r a l i a n a T<ira so!f, 20, a junior who ex- celled in languages and plan- ned to become a teacher. Authorities said sl1e was stab· bed so niany times, they were not immediale!y-able to count the wounds. QUEENll! lly Phil lnterlandi Prosenjit Poddar, 25, a naval engineer, surrendered to police and 1vas booked on suspi cion of murder. He 1vas taken to Highlanl:i Hospital for treatment of a cut tendon "Say, no w onder we're not gett ing anywhere. All I which apparently was ac-__________ c0ac•::.cfceecc.l_i_,_,_a_in..:;!_" _______ _ cidentatl y inflicted during the wild attack. Poddar, \\'ho \'/as born in Jndia and 11·orked at a Vallejo shipyard, was described by neighbors as a quiet man v•ho n1inded his f)Wfl business. Ile n1et J\1 iss Tatasoff through her brothi:r a wttk ago. Narc A ge11t Revea,ls Mail Order Drug Bi1,y Tuts11~y. October 21J, 1?69 Oll ll Y PILOT ( Rotates Te eteritag Hill side SA>J PEDRO <U PI ) -Four e:tpenstvt• h o 111 e s hun1: pre<:ariously un the brink of ;i 200-foot cliff over the Pac1fh; today as a giant, crcseenl- shaped fissure wldened at the rate of two inches an hour _ The crack, believed tri~ gered by recenl earthquakes in Southern C a l ifo rn ia. Frrnando \I alley S t a ll' ':nl!l·g~. said the high wat Pr t:i ble causetl by heavy rains !a~t ll'lnler t oulli have corn- binc<l with the rttt>nt trmbtor 'l" 10 s11ark lhe 11~.111rP Hr sa1rl Ille area was plagur~d ti:• "prch1storit Ja ndsUde:._" fr Richter: 'Ha1Jpened Be for e' • .A.-~" ' -.. thrt•aien1utto~µ!Jtthe cliffs 1dc fJA<:'DEN,\ r•f') _I>•. s F · 1'h 1 '"'" " , • an r·ane1SC!l, e ot 1c r 1ne,1· and du111p the ho111es trllo (he oce:in. C;.il'I Hichter, de\-t'loper of the sured 4_3 and w;1s r:enlered In The fis~ure ha~ split 0111• 1i1{1cier11 n1cth0tl of rn easun ng Laguna lll'ach No damage Ill hon1e 111 two, ~lowlv i:ut the strenglh of earthquakes, ei ther 1vas renortr d. through anoth C'r. k11oc k£.d two s>.1ys therc"s no evidence Lh:i t Hichter sa1tl th at he ;11.'>fl ot he rs off their found:.1tiun.~ dot sr1 "t t.>eJiel'C Lh:ll the seri~·s I the recent series of s1ncll l and shoved a arge gut'»l of srnalJ quukes n1c;,i11s that a house down the eliH. 1trnb!(lr~ Yo'i ll spawn a severe larger quake 1s less like •.. '/'he hotnes. all valu ed :it l'Jrthqu~ki:. S1na!l quakes 1n<1y rell c1r: from $50.000 lo $75,000,. \\'l'rc '"It '~ h;1 ppened befo r('," tie son1e pn!"Ssur(', h(· said, bLit cvacu:ited Sund av. C:i s, eler-said. l'haracten zi ng thC' rC'ce nL dvn'l {'h1111ge the situation tricity and 1\•ater. were cul otr run1bles :is ")us! an()tt1er niuch_ in ihe cli ffside neighbor hood bunch or Ca lifon1ia eart h· One predict inn L~ {'erttiin , hi'.' overlook ing th!'.' ocean, llUak es." s:.ud : C;ilifornia 11,ll l continue 'The n1an1111oth crack 11·as Hlc:uc r gave tht• re:.issu r· to experience 1he trenHl rs. !ll'{l \O three feet wlctt>, 200 ff'fl <lr'll'(•s after two n1orr quakes Thev are '>11 co1nnui11 that long :ind ranged \n rfeplh fro111 wt·i·:.· recorded t-.tontlav n)orn-~oulhcrn CalJ fonua ~1 lone has 100 fcl't to "bo!lon1lcss," at-111g One rnl'asur ing 4 7 011 Uu· :J(J{l ;i yeJr ab<ive the mJgni- rording to polic{'. H1 chter scall' occurred a! !lol-tull e of 3. Tile dcv<i~Lali n g S;1 n Los Ange les city buildin g of. li ster. lue;.r tcd on Lhe San A11-l''r:incisto carthqu:ike o[ J!lOG ficinls. lire ciepartmen; trews 1l1·1':1s Fnttlt 90 1n ilcs south uf rcgis trred 8 25 and geologists h::i ve kept :i •!r---~-'-''""'---"'CC~-'.:...;c:_;;:_:::_c_;; _____ ~, t lose 24·hour 1vatth on llH'' 1eetering houses, Earthquakes '\'ed11esday . f'rida y and early Nloncl:ly UUR PLANET J\.IA'.'J says it is those citizens born under llK• sign ol Caprico rn Y•ll o find it 1nost diff icult lo quit smok- ing ... AT \VJIAT AGE is a girl aµL lo be 111osL desirable'.' 'fh;il is the <iuestion poll sters put lo b~'l't'r<d t ho u :.and fc lln1v:; .vo un g and old. Sli ghtly n1ore than lwo out of five repl ied age 22 .• , . PERHAPS YOU \\'ERE not nw<ire it take;; a clu1nped cuµf ul of 1nc~ln~Seb :J n11nulcs 311 seconds lo ('fCCp a loot. . OVER A YEAH the A111criea11 tvenage you ng~teJ' d:HltTS or; a n average or ont'l' \'1·rr.v fuu r {lnys. lilt po ll:;lers now ~av ... THAT LI E1~TIST J1amC't0I T. F:. J)nll111g 1n Ttil;irc. C::ll., is also ;1 candid;He fo l" 1he Proper .Job l'll1ll. CUSTOl\.t ER SERVICE: Q. ''What do th£>_ girls who try to swin1 th(' English chann'el usually wear:" A. Just grease, lately. , .. Cl. "IS IT TRlJE llogs Jr(' srnarlcr than hors,:!s·~ A. Ce rtainly 1s . • Q. "THERE'S A TOWN called 'Flea' in California, right?" A. There's a to11·n called Pulga \Vhich is Spanish for flea ...• (}. "DOES A MOTH have ears'?" A. It does. About 11•here its navel woulci be if it were you or me .•.. Q. '"110 \V FAR IS a million in ches?" A. Approximately 16 miles. . . Q. "NEXT TO THE BIBLE, 1vliat boo k has been translated i'nto the most languages?" A. ··non Quixote," I think. The victim 's father, Vitaly, 50, said he a e e id en ta I l y overheard a telephone co~ versallon behveen the h1·0 Sunday in which Poddar s:iid. ··\Veil, all right, I 1von·t bother you again." LOS ANGELES (UPI) -By simply adding ·01\1.D." to his name on a pre-p<Jid order. a state narcotics agent received 20,000 barbiturate capsules through the n1ail fro1n an east coast drug company, ii wa s · jolted Southern CalH:>r11 ia. n r.1 d1sclused l\londay. OUJt LANGUAGE f\1 AN not es testily some amateur 11Tites. "The bosun put t1 is pipe to his lips." That's nol right. A bosun's pipe is a noise. The instrumenl he 1nakes it \':ith is a bosun"s call. . . • EVER PICK UP t h e 11Tong coa t in a resta urant? Lillle 1vonder. When your coat hangs beside lwo olhcrs that loo k e.xa ctly like it. odds run :-;ix to one you wiJI ,get the 1vrong coat, if you don't pay attention. A. Eugene l;'ritseh~. geology· NarcotiC's Di1·ision C<ipt. ~p~t~o~fc~s~s~oc~~'~'=~"~"~"~b~y~~S~a~"~! ~~·~'~··~•~h~W~·~'~"~"~'~·~v.~Ll~O~O~.~N~•·~•~·~·~·~~·~·~·~··~·~·~"~'~';~._~,~~ Roger II . Guindon said the!f --- PEHSOf\AL 1\'0TE -Did T tell ;.iou thr hid.v fril'nd :ind 1 ~1 rc .in !\l;tnhatl~1n '! Al aho11t !l<;o S11nc!:i.v niorning, whilr ~1i-0Jl 111i; ;ilung tl 1ref' l.ilol'kS or 42d t-ll't'(•l, I !i<!\V ~t'l'L'!l so11I<: asll'ep. 'l\10 f'Old t1iL•n in (f111'Jr11.iy.;:, a ph1111p e:ibclrii.'r r brhl11d h1;: \lhl'l'I. a te.l'nl1f:C' 1·11u11l1• nl \1nd1•11•1·1111111·d gL·ndcr in ,, j!1Ckt1p II Ut'k bed, a11t.! (I RAPID REPLY: V.'hy no, young lady, I didn "t say thaL It 11'<.IS Wauhill au La Hay 1vho ad vised all career girls: "Find a nice man, marry hun , have bab ies. and shut up." Yvu r f/l~estious and con1- n1e11(s ore 11.1elco111ed o n cl 11u/I be 1ised 10!1e ueuer pos- ·'Hi>le in •·c 11eckin9 Up." ild· rlrcs.~ n101l lo L . flf_ Bo!)d. rn rarr of the Dorlu Pilot. Bur; l ?i."i. /\'eu;11urt Beacll , Ca/1j, !121iU3, Tarasoff said hi s daughter was studying shortly after 5 p.m. when he heard a knock al the door and she went to answer. \Viln csses told polite Po<tdar grabbed her 1vith one an-.t and stabbed he r repeatedly with a bread knife. The 1'arasoff fa m i 1 y , nrigl nally refugees f r o · 111 llussia. arrived in this countrv from Shanghai hy way Or South America_ Tatiana, who was born in China, had plan· nPd tn l'r1 llr n IQ South An;erica to teacti. J iiclge s i ii Dci vis Cas e F cici 1ig· R ecall Drive Judge Jailed In Stabbing OfWife Frec SOL:Tlf PASADENA fUPl) -A superior i:ourt judge jai!- ('d fo r allegedly stabbing his 11 ife with a butcher knife du r- ing a quarrel was free today on his ov.·n recognizance. r.ns ;\:\(;ELES (/\Pl - /l ""f'lllblv1na11 F 1 o y d L. \\\1kctu·ld rl\-So1111i Gale\, ~;11•..; 1\111 :-!Upt•J'l\)r (' 0 II r t jullgr" 11 ill bi: 1111• 1:1l'J;L'I-. uf :i rrc,111 cirivl' 1n to1111ett1o n 1v1 1l1 Anj.:,.la ll;n i:<. ;:in :id1ni1trd Co1nn11111 1~1 rc:-.t1ired lo her JOb Cities Rene"' W aler J..>Jcns 1.f)~ l\;\'!;f·~l.ff.S (,\!-'! -1'111' \.itu111il \\.1 111' t'un11111.~.~1u11 lir:i11 I 1'<'Jl1•111"1i pli-:1• l)n11il.1y fur ;1 11,tl•' 111 ('nl11111l1i;1 l\1 1rr \\ ;i 1 ! I' \!, 011 1he l 'CLA fnc iilly. Judge Llo,vd S. Davis , 54, originally 1vas booked on l\'ak('f1eld. ;:it a ~lnnday suspicion or :issault \\'i1h intent n1g!i!. 11c1rs con!rrC'ncc , na med lo ('o n1n1il murder in the sl ah- lt1e Judges :is Jerry P:i cht and bing of his wile, Ma ry, 51. She lioherL 'l\l'nny. was reported in satisfactory toncfition \\•lth a 11·ound in her The assen1bly rnan said he ba t k and .a punctured righl \\'ill be J111ned in 1he recall ef-Jung. for t by Los Angeles 11Ltoq1cy Deputy Dist. Alty. Ev:in Don<1ld l:<tllagher. irho has fil-l..e1~is reeon1mended t h c release of Da vis and declined ed d t;ii-:payer"s suit ai rned a t to immediately issue a forn1:il preventing J\!iss Da\'is fr on1 t'onipla int. \,c1l'iS said there teJthing at aJIY slate college 1vou1d be a f u r ! h e r in- or universilv. / ve~1igalion before a dPcislon II '' .. ,. Judg r I I 1ras rnade to fi le criminal ,s e :!Cl 11·111 rr('1•ntly e!lJOITll·d U11h·t·rsitv of charges. (";i hfornia rl'genls frorn fi~·ing Police Sgt .J an1r.~ S1 ewart ' sH1d l1a1·is ;1ppnrcntly picked i li ss Ua1 ts, 2;,, " i\'eg r:> voho up a butcher knife with a 9-l!'ache~ ;i philo~ophy course at Inch blade somet1n1c during an l!CLA i>nt1llrd . "Hrcun·ing ;irgumrnl Sunda~-;ind stabbfd i'hilosnph1ca l Tl1c111i'S 111 Ul:ick his wi!e in a h:illw:iv of the ir Li\i 'l':iturr ·• honir. S1cw:in ~a i d dctect11·cs ~t)\1t11·,.,1 .1 • r<111111 r 1·1111•s l\,1k,,f1r·ld (ierl:;rr d t h a 1 ll'f:lll 10 the lHJ!llf' after ll 'I , •1,, '• ''' ., I ,. 1l1r .Judgl' 1-\rnny ,-,.,,,o,·0 d '''''''''' .. I ,, " '" ·' "' " ' .. '-' "111;-111~· IC' t·phOllP re p or I s , r I · I 11·01 11 !he {';1~." ,,, t lo , I · ,.n. Hiil 1111 n1 11•r s.1·rr:i ( · 11b ,,,_ -ron) ne1gl1bors con1pla1ninl( of t•1!ll1·d J;u·g1• 11 ;i1L·r 1r;111~1t•r knov•lect~e lhat a "dec laration a "loud family altl'rca tion'' ;:it proJt'i'I', 11.1:-il'l1il 1 .11d~ un ~if pn·1udi cl·' ll'OIJld hf filed liil' Davis hon1e. ld>:p.~11.1 ,· j}in'kf'tl!liuk~" :ind <iga inst hin1 ''for his previous Davi5.a l!IJ!!gr;idu<1le ofthc pl«dl ' ii 1!\1· r·o11~~·1·1 :11ion1st lrfi-ii·ing atliv it irs.'' ~tanford Un1versi1v schoo l or or1~:11111~di(t11 11 nuld 11ghl <11\Y "These lclt-ii·in g bigols l'n la>1•. \\as 11pp<1inied 10 Oir plans lnr 1 nl1·r·h.1~1n s.1·stPn1~ the benrh cry frcrdon1 of su prrior court bench in 1967 lha l 1 .. 1111 1<1 hnnn tiif' 1•11. ·'P"ech al thei r American Civil by (;ov. Hon;ild Heagan .• \ ironi nt·n! Liberties Union acli v1t1es." He -was accoinpanied at his .!n~(·jlh .lrn.~1·1L n~ vc:1 r·nld Ilic ,\sse1nblyrnan said, "yet re lt'a~e by hi11 at.torncy Grant lin:.i1·r! eli;1inn:in 11r 1 hr d('ny 1he prnple 's riiht Lo ap-B. Cooper, fonner defense ?llel1·1 •politan \Valer Dis!ri1:t nf peal a case that was never lawyer for c ond em ned R:il1il11·rn C;1lifol'nia . tolci the ;i rgued in court." assassin Sirhan D_ Sirhan. t'on1nu~si:>11 t!11;; :!re:i rould !!r======================'-'==~I p:;iy 1·11·111:ill,1· :i11r l!l'l\'f' lt1r ' l'ac1111· Nr·1·11iwr~t w ;1 tr-r bc<·<nl.'-(' 11 11·r11ild lie ut.(•d fn1• t•111.rs ;ind 111du.s!rv -nol 1 agr i«11l1 tirr. · 1 T r tJ n i.; I l' r· ring !'ac;ifie Nonl111 r~t 11 .itrr. probably fro n1 nu·· Cnl:111i!11a B11•t·r. via l ~n noo.1,1-l,!H'll rn 111· -Ion Bj aqucdu!'t lo the Colorndo R.ivl'r h\L~ hrrn 11rnp:'lsed as al :;0lut1on \n l11turc ll'ater Herds nf ('ril1for111;1, An1.ona and Nevad;1. ~AJ1rE OF MEN'S SHOES GENUINE SHELL CORDOVAN ONLY 97 COMPARE AT $34.95 Future Foe Raps L y nch LOS ANGELES (AP\ John Harint>r of Glend ale i_s the second Republican st ate !'>ena!or to enter the 1970 race for att orney general. Harmer , 35 . who entered the Senate in 1966 and 1\'as elected lo a four -year term in 19611, 11nnouncl'd his e;indidacv ~lon- 1Jay saying incumbent Thomas ('_ Lynch has s ho\\' n "rnonumental jndiffcrence" to 1nany !aw enfor('ernent pro- blems. Lynch , a Democrat. s:ivs hr 11'111 run ag<11n . 'The olhe'r an- nounced l;Q p candidate 1s Sen . George Oeukme jian or Long Brach, wh o ha~ sup- ported much o[ Gov. He.agan 's anti t rime !egisl<it ivc progran1. __ ·apsules, known as "rccis,"I cost only $85 bu t. tou!d h;i ve1 been sold on I.he illicit ma rk et for $5,000 at a price of 25-cenlsl1 each. The capsules 11•ere purC'ha s-. rd by Officer Charles Sn1ith 1 1l'ho used a local physlcian'sl registration number and ad -: ded the medical d e gr e e· designation to his narne_ Th cl c;ipsules were cielivere(I by !11el post office lo the Van NuJ'SI narcotics squad room. The narcotics chief sairl his department 1v o u Id ask1 Congrrss for fedc.rn! regula·1 lions covering interstate shi1>- menl in the 1nanufacture and purchase of dangerous drugs. I Gulndon said the firin ,, Blank Drug Corp .. of Long' Island City. N.Y., app;ircntlyl' hnd violated no law but that "as a niatter of ethics " should1 ha1'l' icheckl'd tu dC'1 l'1·1111nc if sueh a doctor exi sted a( that1 address. ! (;uindon said a pnvale physician told authorities it would take hini 10 years ln use' up 20,.000 capsules in privatc1 practice. A free booklet to answer your questions about Annuities There corne' a time in most men '5 Jives "hen a 1uaranteed in· come 1s more 1mpon an1 1h;u1 1he hope of capital gain. ~ nJ tha1·~ e'3ttly "·hat a rinuitie~ from Manu lach1rcr, Life offer, 1 hey prov1Je ~n :i utomalJC', guar;.1.r1tet"J 1ncon1e for I 1(c_ People have asked us many quc,t 1on~ abo11! annu1l •es 10 lhl! P·l'>l. lmporiant q1Jc.st inn~c.ui:h a~: Can I arrun~e for 'lime ul the. rnnncv ro OC rct urned 10 mv c.,1a1c. d I d•c earl(! 1~ 1hc1 C" ~n uruHrity tllJI "'di tran,lcr 1h.c 1ncorrn: 10 mv "'fc ,f ,hc OLJl ltle\ me '' H QIV Jo arin•11l1eo; aff(\'l mv •n>'()me 1.1~~ I' ao Jnnu1ry a r r.1c1•i.;;1I "ay of s11 pplemen1ong 5<JciJI ~urit) and other re11re- rnn H •O~Ulll<.-".1 rn 1no11,Je ion "'•lh the am we rs we have puhl1~hed an ea~1··10- rc,1J, e,1,~·lo·11nllerstand borillet i.::alled "Annu•ltc~,,. 1he' le~ 1,1 a i:~ilJe n a~e." It\ ~ou r. lor the a:.~1n~ \\11hri11t 011lr~n1 1"n. Ju>l fill 111 -anJ rctum 1he t.:OUP'OO below. And if .,1ou '"1uld li~e !O do-.cuss annu111e~ 1\1\h ~omeont. y(lu couldn'1 hnJ a bctt.:r person 10 talk \o lhan lhe Man from Manuracturers. T. Mont11omery Agency Associllte NEWPORT BEACH 1e1:547·562 l P. S. Gordon Agency Associate ORANGE COUNfY Tel: 547-5621 MANUFACTURERS LIFE I NSU RANCe COMl'A N Y Fullv l••lh ~r lined -lt t lht• ouhole • le•lh•t o!cr"' w-1h • th•ll c.o•dD"•n " en• of lh• lil9h11! qutlil-f le<1then 1v1itbl1, Pcpul•r pedodti:I win9b~<.~ in cori:lov•n. Cl111it pl•in tc1 in bl•e~. U11 lnn!1 Ch••91 -a.~~;.,,,,,;,,,,j er M1ll1 t C h1r9•, Ir ··-·-······------, I Pl••'• ltrid m•, without obllg1tlo", •It•• I I eopy of the bookl.t: "A""ultle1 .,. the kty I Come to this I I to • 1oklen ...... I Chr isl1?11 Scienc e lecture n n es '.· NAME ................... ,. ...................... •• ! IO·JQ AM -s~+IJ•d·~· N o~ I H11n•s:;:~~ s?.1;;~~~ Efr~:~.,. :5 H O E S : 1.ooRcss ....................................... : : Spc11•01oi:I bv +~, I .................................................. 11 i1•1I C~··•cl> "' c~, .. 1 Sci,n1:1+ SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1 • Nl•~11facl11ttn l Jlt ln111••n<• Ct. P'.O, ••• 1tt), S•nll Ant . Ctht,, '1101 I ~i·1~''"~l o n s ~.,~ GENERAL TIRE •POLYEStEll CO RD BODY 2 !Ul t pl.es f(lr ~tre11gH1 and coo11 u11 n.ng •FIBERGLASS CORO Bft T Tw1nµI) bdl under 111~ l•e.id lor lung r111le~t!e • TWINSTRIPE WH IT EWAtl Sumc Slt·e~ 5!yl- •l1& lo1u1d 1m n~w J'jJO ..:.~'~ · • WIDl, DEEP TR£AO DESIGN For hoth-per-/orrnance l•dr,11011 and l1andlmg --;;£---RfG,---l-lAi:r--rr0.0:- ·---'"111c£ Pl\ICE TA~ ~ ll~U __ 10,J~= !1~.lr-\1.!t- Fl&-14 1511! 11613--11.l& f11-1l 61 ''-" ;,441~ ~·· ,Mfl' "''" • ~ ....... "' .... '"" .... ll&~l --11.ID lll.!I 1)1.!J 11.U ll 11 r· ' 1 " •"•l~I °' '·••'•"' ' '' """" ~,,~ """ Yfl' r•<:•O >1 l.'I "" t '•a••"'' d••P"l•"L"" (,. ,.,., "'" RADIAL PLY o I '"'O" <Otd ••tool p•19J t1'f olol>lll+' ortd ~on<ll!"t • •·P'r '"'"" cord i..u undo• 111• 001$ '"' lltt"fl~ ""d 1 .... , ,.,1101;0 Oluo \;~lo~" '" ',. 'o".•to I"''"••' ~-•O••I" ~I~" ,,,., •I '"""'""'' '"" •"""· l'"'w"" "'"' ...... . EXHAUST SYSTEM SAFETY CHE CK [~pert s t heck ent ire e~haust system for dangerous leaks, loose or broken moun11ngs and f1t!ings. ;({ 1(-i.. / FREE JATO SUPER-100 GOLF BALLS • Duralon cover lor long . cut-lree tile • Energized "PB" center gives great d istance • lJlt•a·h1gh·!en$ion winding AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1694t B••ch Blvd. Huntin gton Bw ch 147·5150 o IOY~I! Oo•OQ*"• !too~ !YbC.< lo• Ion~ "'lloovo o f•"'""' ~""'""'+Ion l••od du•on 101 ~ondl•nD """• co••orll'lj co~tOOlty. r;~~.!:!' ~:.~.~:.:. '.,:.:·: ;:_-~: ......... " ...... , ...... s9so Mott U.S. C.1rs IB•f41t·Jel] SPORT ANO MAG WHEELS •. , Popular deep-di~h . design, bright nic kel, ~ m 1rror-pol•sh ::-_ chrome Hn!Sh. Top.quallly- 11 1 1-~teel wneel, GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1:.'1.2 E. 4lh S•"t• A"• 54:1-1326 DO N SWIDLU ND COAST GEHERAt TIRE 585 w. 19th Cost.1 Mes.1 54 0.5710--+M·SOl:l ,MEMBER· AU TU INOUSTAIES HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMI TlE!, ------~ , ___ s_.;_,_•o1 __ •_•_•_h_•_s_."~'--o_;_•v_•_F_w_v_._._c_,_•_•_•_M_•_•_• ___ .J j L - - - - -•• -• - - - -• • - - - - - - - - -.1 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-! f . 4 ~ . . . . . . ~ . . - • 8 DAft.Y PILOT For the Meetings 'lUaSDAl' llo .. rv C"'b 01 N"*~t·l.iTDo•. l'<ln• c .. st Counll"I' Chlb. 1t! E. Co.or l-lionw•v, c....--de! M•r, •:!O •.m. COl!• '"'"·NeW<>Orl i'lo•bo< l Oont -Club, Meo.• Vera• CGUMl'V Cl~b, CO•!• Mn •, •·l:I "·"'• TOill!m•ll"" Cl11t1 l]Of', KlnM l •<>l• 1<est•11r1nl, w ... tmln"•'· i p.m. ••Ibo. a • ., Liotl• Ctwb, 111111 Mari,,,, 1•~ ••~•161 Drlvt, N""'port Bu~n, I •.m. io<l•tv l<lr '"• Pr•>""l•l<on 1no E'nc.,..r•••M~nl Gt f11•ll"' $no,. Quin~! Sine!~ in A<nerlco. ro,t1 Mi>St Cn1 ~1 .. , (Ollff1 P1tk $t1W>CI, '"° Nolr• Dime, (0111 M•••· I "·"'· L.0 .0.M. IM...,.t) No, llst, ll$ E. !11h SI_, C05!• Mtoo, I 'll P,fT'. So..th co ... 1 A<tlv1 '~30 Clvb. llilltt• Inn, 11' Mtrlne. flaillo• l•l1no, 7,:ia o m . 0 •1noe Co1•t fl 'n•l 9'rlt~ Me-.. lO<I••· T1mpk sn1ron, 111 w, Hlmlllon, Co•t• M~e. I . 11 p ''" WfDHISDAl' (05!1 M~-Dtang1 Co•1t l ion• Club. Ocll1'1, :Ill E. 111~ St. Cost1 Me>a. 1 t .m. , l lu' Fl•mt To1,rm1s1er'\ Club, Meu 11.,dr Countrv (Jul>, Cost• Meo•, 1 • m. (0•1' Mui 0<>11ml" Club, Co,t• """"'" C.ol.f lhO (""ntrv Club, 11;1 C.Olf CO<lt~• Oril'~. C<>.1tl M11•, 1l !\OOP'l.- i'\untlnoto<1 B••tl> [•<llU'lll Club. sner~tnn 6'•<11 Inn, Hunlin•t~n fl••ch, 1l noor>. w~.s1mln1i.r O<>tlm i1t Club, k1nw" loblo R~!•uran1, WeJ!..,ln1 t1r, I? noon, Co!11 M..,I llobry Club, (Ottll ,_,..,_. Golf •od Caunlry Club, Coot• .l>,.,1. 11 noon. F'o.,nt1ln V8lle• E'xcll•n•• Club, r r1n- co1s·, U lll B••<h Blvd., HJnlin•!on B••ch. 17: !} P.m. 5e•~n!1'r Si.p Found1tlan. Hun1;n~1on ee1cn l..,n Coni.r, Garflek:t .t.·,onuo •r><t M1ln Streor. Hunlinelon 8t1<ll, I "·"'· A~·onulfon;c TN•lm1s1ero. v 11 I 1 M1rln1, 10($ 9•v•ldt Drive, NeWl'OrT B•1cn. 6;30 P.m. C1vl1 Air P1trol, Sou1<1re11 t:I. :Mill A£1ci1 Sir~!. C°'I• Mt'•· 7:0C 1.m. Ml-""'><: S..1tM"ln• l~. No. 701, F, I. 1.M .. , Ml""'k Tomple, Utll SlrM'I 11 St. A'l<ll'eWS F'llce, Newport •eKt., 7:00 P.m , DEATH NO·TICES ALDRICH l oul .. Jl1ct>tr Aldrich . .lO• U , cf 11n T 111>1<1, Hunlln•ton Beach. S11n lv..O b~ t1111Nnd, 0.1'11'11; moltwr, Rubi' Scon; ft1W, Eclt•• c. Scafl; •h l1rs. Elle<> l"on1, !.lrah !.<:ott, Cht •I-Slllte!M, Elll•llltll l lank-Jilp; 1T1n<1mo1n1r, lltl'llee:ca Mt/M; a•lndl•lhw, Hen1 Mt!M. s ....... ICH. Thursd1y, 1 f'M, 0 11· d•I' lrof!'ler• c rw .. 1, M1-1n1. CONLEY Mlldrlfd' J•Ckit Conlev, "'"' 11. el 11' CeMe• s1 .. Cost• M•••· 011• ot <1eun. Octvt>er 77, Sunlved by brotn .. , Edo•r F , Conle'f, Jr.. of West l"rtolonU•u••• • KM•ucll•; 1IS11r" Mrs, A"'lellM Todd, 'Yo1!l1n1t, Mfdll•1n1 M•>. .lnn Wn•tldk•r •!'><! Mro. fle1t1 JHn Con- 1••· T~tdt>, Ot.io. M"'1orill servlteo 1onlgh1, T-1', 7:JO f'M, 8111 •rPld• way Cl\iPll. lnl...,,,itnl, !tic~ C..-n11....,, l"rnfOfltl<Jr•, KenlUci<I'. Rt". L......, Flld.l1191r, Offlcllf'lf. 1111 'a rotlWlh' Mortul...,, OireclorL HAMRE 0...1~1 It. H1mr1. lnltnf d1u9'll1r ef "''· -Mrs. Ch1r1..-L. H .. "IJ I, 21504 c~ ..... 11nt1, Min ion Vielo. Also ..,,. \OIVed bv ., ... a .... .,,, .. Btrlht St1ns- bury, of 81kelrSll•ld; Mr. 1nd Mro. fl, J. S11ruburv, New11<1•f 1111cn; Mr. •od M ... O.lm1r r_ H•m••· Tus!lni W. C. Sllrl!i, Les A.,.elH. C.r1v .. ld• 1..-Ylcn 111111 tt. l>tld WHnUd•v, De· 10l>lf" lf, 1 f'M, f'1<lfic View Memor• 111 l'1r1<.. Ftmlly "'°"''' 1now lllh1'1· Int to m1~1 m..m....-!t l <.onlrltl<J!lon1 .,1 .. ,1 canlribl/to 10 tho Childr1t11 H011Pi!1I cl Orttl'll. STARCK El1lto a.ne Slald:. A .... tl. fll ltU Court Au• .• N-oort S..ch. 0.N el <1ee1h, ~' M. Survived try ''"""'-'"$< JOMPl'llM QulJI, CGlll Mna; Eli.It "''"'"°"' M..-11 HIM, h:iltl or N....._i 9et<:~: ton, Kt t1 Sll..:k, lie'NPD<'I Bf!Kl'll 11 1r1nc1CllllOren tnd 11 ••Nl·9tfndehlldtffl. S...Vlce1, Wfld.- nfK(ll'f, Oc!ot>M'" 29, 11 AM, ••Ill Cf\tt.r. 1120 E, CG11I t1l•hw1y, c ... on. 11.r M1•. ln!er-M, prl•tlt. lt!ll M ... tu•rv. DirK!ori. STROHMEIER C~•rlto c. St,..,,,tT1411tr. :it ora~t, t.tci. P'trk, N-JIOrl 9HCll. D.111 ... lllttlh, Oc!obt>r ts. w .... 1v..i bY wl!•, V1r1 l .; d•~•Mlf', M.-.. 81!'nla "'""''k", ltlv· l!'olff: "°"• ll-rt (. Sltol'U'l""'ll!i'. Danvtf', Cotor•<lo, •l'l<I I ••t t><kt.lldrtn. s.,...1tn. W-l<lay, 11 .t.M, 1•117 Ct ltl Mew Cl\tPl'I. with Jltv, D1vll ~ Prolto off\cl11inv. ln!1r,..,.nl, \l:l:I l'M, Wed.,..d•v, Ollv--c • ..,.,....,. l'lvl!'111!1.. l1tt? Mortu1ry, Cotl• M_., Dlr.-;!or1. TRACY Wllll•m .l. Tr1cv, .01 lrd SI .. l1111n1 l'!••cn. D.1!1 oi Oetitn. Oct-ll. Su•· \OIVl'd bv llS!tf', M ... Ceitwt1 ... l(,y, Eu-. O<teon. Grtvt>l<le 1.,...lttl will i.. ~•Id 11 .._,,..,,1.,,, C""'1ttn. Wedne•d••· 10 AM. Slltlttf lttvne WATSON John J•m~ W•loon. 11Jol Contlntnllt _.., •. , Co111 Mn1. ()et1 of <111111. O<t. 1$. SUrvlv.d b~ h•o ol1V11Mtr1, S1r•h F , Htl't>. (wta Mff•• 1'1<1 Ell.., J. J1cl-E""'-"°· ~!CH. Tllu•MI••· t l'M, 11111 Colli Mt•• C~toel. 1~1.,. ..,..,,,, F•lrl'ltlven M.,,,or,ol P'1rk , ltltl Mort...,ry, Cot!t M .. 1. D<f~tc•1. ARBUCKLE & SON WestclW Mortuary U7 E. 17Uri St., Costa ~lesa ••••• • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 1·1151 Costa Mesa •n f.!Ut • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt Bto9dway, CMla l\teu LI 1-3433 • Record H""li"91Dll ltltl\. Mt WinlC lO<IQt, M1...,,Jc 1-11 11, 10$ l 1•.• Av•..W, h~n l<MIOl'I IMdt, ''lt •.m. C0>t• ....._ £11W A•rl1, 75' W. lttll !tfftf, Cers!o ~. t :oe •·"'· Oran~• Counrv Ski Cl11b, Elb Club. 1056 111• OPlr! .. ~WHrl Inell, l :lll ...... COl >I Sln1l01, YMCA, 1300 \J~Mrtl"' Oti••• No·..,.Plf"f ti .. c~. 1;:!6 ,,..,, ltf<O•t~ Inc .. Huntlntton lt•Ui HI•~ Sc/lafll. Roo"' 1U, !l'Ol Mt lfl Slr.,.t, Hvnllneton l'!11(h, l :OI p,m. Cl\-Clul> ol c .. 11 M•"'· Commun:..,. 11.,.,.,.11en C..,lt•. Ot11~~• County F1lt1ro.un.r.., Cft'Jtt M~. 1 '·"'· TWU•SDAY Cnri~ti•n llu•l,...Htneft'S C""'"'ltlee. Hunl·~t)On •••Cl'I, M. ~" y •• 11 .. 1ou<•nt, 1151 E<llntef Avt., i'IUll• t+"llron leKh, 1 1.m. ll••t><>r-Llles To••'""'"'"' CNb, rmtt1 C•le1er11, Fashion 111111<1, NewHrl (,.,.,.,, N•-IVI ltMUI, 1 I .Iii. lrt•~''" 0.llmlit Chill of c ... 1, Mt••, Cor•I 11"1 """""'""'• 26.U H1rbor flPllO ., (1>1!1 MM.e, 7:l0 •.m. l o•td OI lle.tlort, N•....orl Ha•bl>r• C°'!t MKI, ltlbll 1111' (llAI, 11)1 W. Co.1st Hlot.w1y, N...._i ao.ct., I ...... \Ve-shnln•ter llotorv CNO, klne's T1bl1 lttt!1ur1nl, WMlm!flSle•, 11 noo11, f,Kcn•ntt Club ot N•w•orl tl1•bor. St>Jft SMM RHl1ur1n!, '111 W .. CGl>I Hl1llw1'f, Ntw..,rt 8t1dt. l? ft(l(ln. N•w,crl·lr•lnt ll:ollrv Club, lt~m· 1>r1nc!I''-1131 •rl•hll SI~ CPSl1 M""•• 11 -~. Founuln Vt ll•I' l(lw1nis Club, Fr1n. <•Is', 11\SI Int/I l lvd., Hunlltl'lhm l ea<h, U:IS p.m. t(lw1~I• Ck.lb et Cotlt M-·Nertn, Co••I lllltlf lt•l111r1nt, '6.45 Htrbor fll•d., Costa M-.., ll:IO p,m. "1-rl H•rt.or klw1n;1 Clul!, Villl Mtrlna, IOU ltYJW. Drlvt, Nf'.1.'uirl l"tt., ll:lf •.m. t1unll"1tlell luc~ lions Club. •:""· ll""'IOft Sff~llff (Ol,IMrY Club, 3000 P1lm Avt ., Hvrtt11111ton 1..,c.,, •:~~ .,,m. M•S<lllic l.oclfe, 100~ H t ! I, W1Jtml1111e<' .lven1141, Wl!Slmlr.:;ler, 7 :311 •• .,,, Ntwoott Httber Elk' Club, Elk' l.O<lt•. Jl.S6 Vl1 o.orto, N"'l>Ort IHth, t :OO •.m. u .s , N•v•I Sta Clfd'et c ...... nis l1r- r111t:1 JleM, San11 A,.., 1 •·'"· f'llOAT Hunlinelon •"t~ llotarv C Io ll , St.•••len 1 .. t ll Inn, Hu11!1"81Gn lff<fl, U :lt 1>.m. ,..,.r1,....•s lloll• Club, Stvlt Shift, 1~11 w. Coast Hl11!w11, N_,, l e1cn, ll:IS ti.m. N,ar v1s11 MISOl'\it Lft<lt~, M11onit Temole. Hot 1~1n S!rt•1, "'""'oor! •••<n, 7:JO o.m, U,C.I. FQlk 0 1ncln9, C•mtv• 1<11t. Unlver$llY ol Callfornil, lrvlnt, 1.::0 "·"'· SATVllDAT cnr11111n 1 us111""'"'.,,'' com..,ille9, ••I-•• , Club, NeWPOl1 l'!tact., J:lll "·'"· Births Gas Funds Distributed SANTA AN A -A total oI more than $&J million WI! distributed among-Californi• counties and cities during September in 1a!Olint tu !Ulldo pAld by stale lllil>W•Y -·· State C.Ontroller HOUiton 1. Flournoy laid Orange County re«ived $113,485.26 1s its share of the lax bundle, bre1k· Jna: the fia:ures down also by city. Orangt Co.1st communities and amounts included Costa Mesa, $49,975.44; Newport Beach, $31,070.13; Huntington Beach, $74,933.17 : Lag u n 1 Beach, $9,141.14 , San Clemente, $11 ,994.81 ; Fount•in Valley $tl,12J.51. Westminster. $40,046.75, Seil Be1ch, $1S,5 l7.11, ind San Ju1n C1pistran<J, $2,115.16, •C· t"Ordina: to f lourOG)''a fiaures. Presiding Judge Selection Set SANT A AN A -Orangt County's 21 SuperK>t-Court judg't!I l'l-'ill go into their an· nuaJ huddle Thurad1y to pick the court's pruiding judge for J970 . 'l'he only pre-meetin& cer· tainty is that Judie Samuel Dreizen. the court's chief jurist for the past two yean, will not 1cctpt re-eltctim. Judge ~izen bas adviled his ctiUeegues th1t ht woukl prefer to return to a b'ial bench, DILDAY BROTHERS Hmstlnctoa Valley l\lortury 17111 Baell Blvd. HuaUqtoe lkacll IC-7771 I *STAR TV* EXPERT • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Lapaa CaayOll Road Lagoa Budt 414-Hl5 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAU c.-.,.eMltlury Cbpd 3M Padfie View Dri'l'e Nt..,... ...... , callloroia '"""' • PEEi: FAMILY COl.ONL\L FUNERAL ROME ':Ill Bele.I Avr:. Wtstmluter ~5 • SBEFl'&ll MORTUARY REPAIRS on all makes •ndmodtls •COLORTV •RADIO •STEREO Prompt ••. efficient depend1ble Hrvice I ' with top-quality llCA ..fApu led 4ff.INS , Receiving Tubes I ;·;;;;·TV * Sua.-'9Ulll • 5M1111!' MORTUARY l'l!MalalL I 21s 1. 111h c..t. -. e .. u;c. ...... 642.9742 '.Activist, llCI Adttainistrator Agree Radical Students Going to Streets? 12 Coast Employes Win Honors SANTA ANA Twelve By TH OMAS FORTUNE oP 1111 Diii~ Pllt! Iliff ANAJ1EIM -A black ac· tivist and a top administrator at UC Irvine both predict the confrontations now seen on college campuses soon will spread to the community at large. The d oub le -barrelled forecast came during a panel discussion here on con- frontation before the Orange County chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, nation a J journalislic society. first, Jim DeBose of Cal Slate Fullerton's Black Stu. dent Union said, ''I think con. frootalion as radlcal students leave school is going to spread to the streets." Then John Hoy, UCI's vice chancellor of studei'lt affairs, theorized that the press gives daily headlines to campus con- frontation because e d i t or s realize it is something that \'.'ill move off campus in time. "A short time," he added .. In a confrontation within the panel. former SDS leader, now Coordinator of A c a d e m i c Advising at UC! M i k e British 'Take Over' Krisman traded jibes with come by paying ~ ping lhem off and prosecuting Orange County District At· back, but H's true,'' De8olle them," he said. torney Cecil Hicks. said. "ll'! deplorable for this And he said he main tains a ~ A filth panelist was country t<; have to react this an American citizen he has a Christine Vega, charter presi· way." right to de m c; n st r ale dent of United Mexican-District Attorney Hi c k s poHticatly. American Students at UCJ, remarked, "I am ()ne who "Chicago and Lester r-.tad- who said, "We. live in a land would be considered by my do1 are in my op in i on that was once ours. therefore friends up here as taking a unrelated to Orange County," \Ve live in a conquered land." hard line. The rule is peop le ans\~·ered Hlck.s. "'We h<t\t' DeBose said, "Absolutely are to obey lhe law and if they swept a lot of bad things under nothing has been accomplished are apprehended disobeying the. rug usl!lg the term 'l:-1w by black people in this country the law they will be pro-and order,' but let's not make without violence or threat of :ittuled." the same misLake in the nan1e violence. You might think an·d Kriman said, "You take the of political activity. the DA might think that the hard line everybody is going to •·Burning buildings is not Black Panthers aren't doing be treated equally under the political dissent. It is called their community any good, but law. If Jesus Christ lived here arson. If it is to be allowed the way I look at it they are. today and he took out his whip Jet'S look this thing right in tl1e Doors wouJctn•t be opened if it and chased out the money eye and say the. assassination weren't for fear." changers the DA would be the of Martin Luther King i.o; Ire said two years ago he lint to say, 'I don't care who justified as p0lilical activity.'' v.·as a moderate and got your father Is.' " DeBose told J{icks he may nothing but tokenism. Krisman argued that civil be seeing him again soo11. Orange Coast residents were an1ong 45 County of Orange employes who received long· service awards last week from county supervisors. They included a Seal Beach woman who is celebrating the 25th anniversary of her entry into county employment. Mrs. Mary B. Wilson took over her pre9enl county library p0sition in 1944. lri Anaheim Tonight "I kno\v we blacks art going disobedience in the South was ''You may be prosecuting me," to lose an open, violent revolu-begun not by demonstrators he said, "but if I break you r of the Union Jack lvlth more lion," DtBose said, ''but you b1,1t by persons in p0wer who law I want to make it clea1· Uian :ioo members of Britain's show me the white people who refused to recognize Supreme I'm doing lt to get results, ln ANAHEIM Anaheim's Conven tion Center will be ihe setting lonlght for a flaunting want to be those few Court decisions. "I don't see get resp0nse from the (C<Jl armed fcrrces showing the nag . , casualtles we take with us. the DA '8 running around ri~ Stale) administration.' Vote Task and the fonn in their one-day And how ""'ould the country I ==========='===========~ British Tournament and Tat· look with IO percent of the h OJ.ti n.., Still M••• Pkhir• Llk• Tltl1! loo. population in concentration! Th's Ame•'can slag'ng or 'If I th l\l~·N.d ~·-, •= .• =--·--~·~~-~~ Fifteen-year awards went lo: Sheriff's Lt. Donald V. Chaney, Fountain V a 1 I e y : Force Meets • • • -camps. we ose, e country ~\lt :: = _ ·-== v:hat has become an annual loses. Sheriff's Sgt. George L .. Endres, Newport B e a c h ; Probation Officer Robert L. ·Neighbors Sr. of Laguna Beach and refuse operative Charles R. Sprouse of Seal Beach. tradition in many British· com· "Having a few humane munities will feature the bones in my body I don 't w1nt mas·~! bands p'pes and.-~':"...:!''~~__'.~l'._i:'.'.'."~~-~~~£..~~·~·!'!"~"!w~ .. ~=!_j!~~'!L~l~DO~~!"~"i!?!!"~"iJ!~·~~·~-~~"!'!'d!t;'~'~'~~ SANTA ANA -Evaluation "'"' ·" ' o a progress as to drums of the Parachute Regi-of criteria to be applied lo men!, the Royal Scots Greys Lining up for JG-year pins were: John C. B • k k i I a . McMillan School employe, of \Vestminster; Probation Of· ficcr Francis E. Couch of Ne\11. port Beach: Rosemary Goode ol eo.,ta Mesa, an en1ploye with the Harbor Marshal's of- fice; Frtnk L. Hall, a real property services employe of Balboa; Phillip W. Hughes, a Juvenile Hall employe, of Foontain Valley and Sgt. Ed· ward J. Postel and Ralph R. Weinheimer, both of CO.it.a Me11a. employed in the Harbor M1rab11'1 office. voting system~ examined in and the Gordon Highlander.!!. its 22 meetings will be the t6pic Wednesday of Orange Joining the pageantry will County's Voting Systems Task be the police dogs of the Royal Force. Air Force. the British Army's The submissions of eight Gymnast team -headed by manufacturers of v o tin g Sgt. Michael Munn, an O!yn1- equipment will be compared to pie champion -and the Royal the crit.eria determined by the Signals Motorcycle ttam. a JO.member, volunteer corn· stunt formation that has e!ec· mittee. Appointed by county trified audiences on both sides su pervisors i n September, ol the Allantic. 1968, the group has been asked Show time for the One night to advise the board 011 wllich ~land is at 8:30 p.m. system is best suited to the ;::;o=======:===".I Orange County or the seven· ties. The meeting has b e e n scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Voters Registration Building, 1119 E. ~tnut St., Santa Ana . It is open to the public. ON THE TUBE For t~e b .. t 9u;d• to wli1t'• li1ppe"in9 o" TV, road f\O WEEK -cli1hibuted witli tlit S1+urcl1y ecliti e~ of th• DA ILY P'llOT. Who .canget a better deal ona new car? You,ora $950 million ba11k? W!'"11. F"111t Western Banl: lias 90-plos oflicts lea..ing new cars in Cilifomia. Suppose each bnnch buys a car a month (obvioUAly we're going to l<23C more than that). That's om: 1,100 cars a year. Ir each car COllb about $3,500, we're.tailing about nearly .$4 million dollani. That's bargaining power and why we can get a better deal than the person who huya one new car every couple 0£ years. Our plan works for people who hate to haggle and want to 1<23C a car at low banl: rates. ~tbe~ofq9h.-tbemoneyfactory. We don't tack on extra charges to pay financial middlemen. That's another reaaon why we can save you "'much as $300 on a two-year lease. What pricedo)'Oll paylorwrproleulonal adviee? Nothing. Come in. .~nd get our unbiased, financial facts about car leasing. Free. F'md out why it'• sometimes cheaper to lease a more cxpeD1ive.car. And whether you lease a car from us or borrow the money lo buy one, ,..,•)) give yon a £rec penonal checking accounL This promise yon can hank on. 11,.irst \\ l --. I I. I 11 ltu1k li1rst Ba11("11t Lease MONEY IS IMPORTA.~T TIME Spend 2 years ot your lime and mont y on a dead-end job or 2 yrars in collt>ge. Help Wanted Male or Female 77?77? Now 1p"nd tv•o more years in co llegt and 6 months sf)l"cializ"d t rain. ing ht-fore you are quali- fied lo ~n!>1,·tr this ad. IS MONEY Compare Facts Spend 6 months or your timf' 1tudying Computer Program* rriing &nd 11,j year;;. f,:aining ~xperience as a Computer P rogramml'r p I us earning money. Help W•nted Male or Female MOYt: U, TO COMPUTER SUPERVISION $10.000 •11r te•d 1•0 IA.CKGROUND Will MOYt: YOU IN NOW! There are literal~ th"ousands of similar adi appearin9 in newipeperi th roughout the world everyday . Yes, we train both have and we can men and women in 6 months to program computers, FOR ACTION (714) .... 547-9471 CALL OR WRITE THE ACADEMY OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY UNION BANK SQUARE, South Tower, Suite 40 Orenge, Celifornie, 92666 _________ ,_ ---YES. I WOULD LIKE FURTHER INFORMATION NOW! NAME.. ................. " ...................................... ., ..................... _ ADDRESS .............................................................. . .......... ,.. CITY ...................................................... ., ............... .. STATE.. ........................................................... ZIP_ .. . PHONE ..................................................................... . --• • , • • • • • • • • --. Postwar Drama Ambitious,.· ~·~· But Beyond Players' Grasp L ~ -~ L~!.!.~. ~: ""~· Tf;:~1n~t-f. ~ .. ··: -J Bv TOM TITLl3 Many times in community theater an ambitious failure is more noteworthy than an in· nocuous success, for it renects the desire-of the producing group to go that extra distance in an attempt to increase it.s stature. Such is the case with the Fullerton Footlighters' pro- "ALL MY $0NS" C...4~"~!.!~..!'1~~'. 't~1~1.:l'~l~~ J.t.:i1 £:r,"~::11gh\1'"':'u~!;'8..,/;"<f:.~-;, -.nd by Ken All•"• pr .. on!N bY lti. f u llvl"" Foo!!l9/illfl Frld.aYl •nd Sa•urd••• !11rou9h Nov, t at !he M~c~•n!"•l•t C..,ttr, 119 ll<J•"' V!1le Orlv•, Fullff!Q11, TKI CAIT J°" IC.•11•' •. _....... 0.11 Hotv• Kate .,..,I., .•.••..• 6tltv 5!romavl•I C~rh IC.•ll•r •.. , , , , M•rk PMlllPI A"" O.evor •.. ,._., .. 61ver11 Smool Ge0<"91 D•ev•r ..... OO«g M<Ew•n Dr, Jim B•vllu , , • L•rrv Kivi• ~~~J"t'~'t:.v • •• '•• l(•t~•;_\~. L,'l'~~~~ Lvdl• L.,~y '.... .. Bobbi M lc•k Ber! .• , •---·•••••••·· .NltkV MO•• ductioo of Arthur Miller's ------------ postwar tragedy "All My Assenheimer':s direction is Sons." It cannot be coosidered unimaginative, even obtrusive. first rate theater, yet it ranks The lighting is incredibly bad far above a well.produced for Fullerton's new horseshoe "Tender Trap'' or ''Come format. spilling shadows over Blow Your !lorn" on degree of the set and even disrupting the difficulty alone. playgoer's vision. An attempt The Fullerton offering has to create an ''old movie" at- much to recommend it; cer-mosphere with background tain!y there is no lack of in· music fails because of the tensity here. But it is a pro-selection of modern com- duction that, in its opening positions. weekend, was not q u j t e Dale Hogue is a curious stageworthy, requiring paradox in the central role of another week's rehearsal for Joe Keller, the manufacturer solidification. ·who knowingly made inferior lcntia!ly superb performanet". Conversely, Betty Strom- quist as his anguished wife fulfills her role 's f u 11 est demands with a poignancy of expresslon and economy of movement. Clinging lo the belief her lost son is alive, she sustains her di fficult character throughout. r-.tark Phillips is shallow to the point of artificiality in the crucial role of the surviving son, straining for belief but never achieving jt. ltis is the single most evident case of the ·.· 1» ~ fJ~tt j ~ ·1 ~ "~~:J Farce Cast For OCC's Next Show play's need for additional Cast members for th e pn'>paration. Orange Coast College pro- Three excellent perfGrm-duction of the l~rench farce ances are delivered in the su~ "Chemmy Circle" have been porting ranks by Beverli announced by director Jack Sntool. the soft and lovely, Holland, who will stage the but bitter daughler of Keller's show Nov. 19-22 in the OCC convicted partner; Doug ?o.1c· auditorium. Much of its weakness is :; beyond repa ir. Walt airplane parls during World World War 11 and sent many pilots to their deaths. His in· terpretation is moving, yet his hesitancy and superfluous hand movements weaken a po- Ewan, strong in the role of her Kermit Christman, w ho hate-filled brother despite his played leading roles in a youth and an overdone make-number of OCC produclions up job. and Katherine Luckett, last season, is cast as Emile the neighbor who gives vent to Fedot. with Gregg Carron and the townspeople's resentment Walt Douglas playing the ma- in a brief but pointed scene. jor roles of Chana! and "All My Sons" is a difficult Hubertin. • • • ~ • • ~ ., -• • • • ' ' • •• ' ' Tonlthl 11 ' assignment indeed, with the Completing the OCC cast handicap or lackluster direc-are Steve Scott. Ken lion added to the obstacle of Hardeman, Don White, Dave r-..-iil\er's rambling and often Frizzelle, Gordon Peng e, • repetitive prose. To the credit Robert() 1'.farcarelli, Ed Little, ~ .... of the Fullerton cast, the Sheila O'Connell, Shirley Bar· .•1~... dramatic effect is at least rus, Jan Gaydon, Debbie BEST PICTURE OFTHEYW! TRFirri partially salvaged. Brucher and Chip Cuthbert. -~· Four more performances The play will be entered by 2905 EOlt COOJt HlimJrwcry will be given Fridays and OCI in the American College WINl>ER6 N:ADEMY AWAAOS Coro11a del Mor-ph. 67J-6Z60 11 __ Sa_t_uc_d_a~y_s._th_ls_w_ee_k_a_n_d_ne_x_t._1 __ Th_ea_1_e_r_F_e_s_ti_va_l_. ---- ENDS TONIGHT "Inga" ••• ''Under Cover Rogue'' ST.Am WEDNESDAY hch1tlft o..-.. Co•ltty oitd i.. .. leocll lnt,iaptMnt KATHARINE HIPIURN ... . . . ... . . o eot.n HWY. AT IUCUNU• 11.VD, • -llM:ll • M+OlllO _; THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT "'"' N""111 -7:111 • f:4J -Sll~nuy -1:1!-4:•s-1:U a t :U -S-•v -1:00.-1:n-.:oe a 1:>0 Spe<d -m<thampbetamioc-is a very dangerous drug. It is named for the speed -with which its mer rides to supernormal levels of a- citability and wU:efulncu .. Speed is dertroying more young minds in California than any othu drug. Expcru fear the illicit me cl. this and limilar drup will red. q>idemic proportiom this .,._,. If yoo.,. a worriod porool with qoeotiool about the drug IOlbc:al- t=, or an oi-mlndld ,._, penon taking another loot Ill tho f.l<tJ, read OD .. , WW II llpeol? It ii such a din-~ dill the medical prolcuioo limill Ill U1e to cme1FQCa mth u con-- trolling blood p......,. dcillgnr- guy. When si-111 -lndlsatml-nateJy. It ovcr--activatea lhc pbJll~ cal and nervous 1y1tem -with dns1ic and unpndicfM!lo raulll. --Spoool-? The bordmed Speod --IO&drqlhe-ny•b- ---by in)cctlno. He...., - rianca a "'rmb" ap ID a --·-an mpboric ~ thll cm be -lnr .. 11"'1 • ·-by repeatod --.. 0.. • "opeed hiqc" dio - often uy1 e.U. for daJL Hil _.;c. for food or driol: ii ...,. .,....d. Hi1 .......,_IO tho q boildl npidly, IO from lft Wtially .-lldooebomayai-tnm I 000 to SOOO milllgnml dolly- far .-tat thin a doc:Qo will tld- N · tar In ~ opwatllc room. Al )aM .. ,...,. ~n•rt, 1111 ' . "'"'· ,, ~~ .. ~·~~-~·*:':!JI~:.~ " ;(,> ' ' I speed mer bccmnes more rutless and disoriented. He may become uncontrollable and hum himself and othen. His bnin, heart and liver arc .n under heavy 1t11WL Jr be can\ take this punishmart. he may die fl'OOl OV'tl"doup-or from impurities In the dflll hid! -or lrom 'riolmce ...WliD& from bis PIJ<l>oti<: ca>dllic:n. At on mtpncietablo point. he *"" ahnolins 'lbil _, bo 1»- -et~ ponlc, or limply --hil '"Plfly ... -The -· ........ be drops rapidly from a b}'ptftlldlahle sue. to one o( utranc exhaostlon. If be'• a hard-con addict be may IC:ttlcnte hit crub with "'downfn•-111D1111 1-hituratee: whk:b are alto r~ quently addic6ng. He may deep for 24 to 48 hours, eat a affOOlllly on awakening. 1hm go 8*> • llltc of. utmne dep •OIL Tbl.c an be 10 JJC\'Cft and intolerable that he mll)' take di cm-. rm. Wily--.. _ .... .,.., Speod a _..,. ,.. inlo two c•e ••: lmfleliweubl -1 , ........ An ala .. -.-.. d. ,.,.,, eiJMlsa ' I c-;•-to tllo m:apftiWI W. a:ubwl to .. crlsinal Haljjlt-~ lllpplaa wllo lllOd _,_.and LSD lnr •cnoatift and ,..._ ..pen- ....... E+• 'J .. J1J 1u1 comlllllpdoa -lood to dn&-.,...... Ill-! ii ""'::tt"' I; ad ilof- ally lo IJlat -- ......... I I --IWiiJy ...w1I •:4" • 'm '*-. • ,, it i1 "cut .. with sugar or in fact any white powder to make the supply stretch, and thus mate the aalc more profitable to the dealer. Wben made by amateun andtr -tary ronditiom, cootamlaa- tioa is cttm preee:nt. the cc !IT!ftdl aide dfccta beiJll at. I IR, b&ood poiJooing and hepatitis from w- -'le -.lies. So the medical I""' , ...... ;. 1"""'1 with both physical and paycl9alllc prohlmm ln !r<llt- ing tl.O "lpOOd lnU.. __ ,.. .. _MT Aocnnllq to former m..,__... who are wortina with clinJc1I ....,. to help addicts ldct the habi~ then .,. three basic lllepo one can. tab in coping with tbe powinc &,,. problan: Plalt On tlw fads'"' w/Jat dtvp ,,,. mMJy d.U., 10 p«>p/<. FlllCU. Nct"-"ay. S.C-" COflrida' th' tlWcol ni- dartt. TMn IM~. nand""""' Oft 1.....w,."""" ,,_ ,_ ~ /IWOIH ,.,.,..,,, Gd .,_ ..-..... "'""' "' yow .,.,.,.. _,,.....,_.._ __ ...... ~·Ill. a,_,,. .. /twbiilC ,.,,..,,..,.., ,,,,, W 10 lwlr -.,..,. /trip -- ... I\ I .c,. •HIOJ w .. stmlnst .. r 'Night' Sweeps Awards ... It was the night of Octobe r 24th , but for the Westminster Community Theater it was "The Night of January 16th" all 01·er again. The Ayn Hand courtroom drama made a ncar-c:omplet~ sweep of the Abbey Awards program. missing in only twG categories out of eight as the Weslminslcr group honored its favorite performers of the 1968-li9 season. sa:ly Crowley 1von best director honors for her staging of .. Night," while James E. Smlth was named best actor for his portrayal of the defense a:torney and Doris Allen won best actress laurels for her performance as the defendant. Greta Smith was chosen best supporting actress for the same show, whi!e Betty Gordon captured the cameo award and Mary Ann Humphreys was given special recGgnit ion for her non-speak· ing role in the vintage drama. The other two awards both went to "Under the Yum Yum Tree," with John ~1oran tak· ing best supporting actor honors and Gene Tardy being named best technical director. It was the second trophy in t\l.'I) weeks for Moran, who wun the cameo award at th e lluntington Beach Playhouse earlier. The awards were presented at a dinner meeting of. the · gr o u p in Westminster's Ha'Penny Inn. Erc/111'1" Ruen1rd Srot .611rax~m•1H/ TONIGHT AT IL--,,oo P.Pll. Tutsday, October 28, 1969 DAILY PILOT ft ABBEY WINNERS -Re<:ipients of lhe Westminster Community Theater Ab- bey a\rards are (seated ) 1\-Iary Ann l·lumphrey, non-s peaking.part; Gene Tar- dy, best technical achievement: James E. Smith, bes·t actor. and Sally Crov.•- ley, best director. Standing a re Betty Gordon, best cameo : John Moran, best supporting actor; Greta Smith, best supporting actress, and Doris Allen, best actress. .-.4 BALBO• 673-4048 Op•n 6:45 ,.., !, lalbu l.llbR hnlnnl• e ENDDS TONIGHT e "Gay Deceivers" "Daddy's Gone A Hunting" e STARTS WEDNESDAY e .._,.,,_ I 1K11 im.M fWlill SCii:JyD:ms t~~d Day, Pc'.i1r~he ·~ "'II/MU Fii'i:-SOUTH COAST UN<RU PLAZA THEATRE alRPO~AJIGtf $an Dido f,.eway •l Bli1tol • 546-2711 OPEN 6:45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca4~01Y Awards BEST ACTRESS-Katharine Hepburn WINNER· "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -""" ro" I~"' C"I•<> ~~••d X!SEnlC.tEV11'1f -AJIAYCOEMWN.FltM PETER 'l~ KATHARINE O'TOOLE ?~ HEPBURN • w.rrl"' P'OU lHE LION IN WINTER '""""-::-:,~. "M1.~t.ll~r- ALSO ... ZERO MOSTEL In "THE PRODUCERS" STAl'ILEY l<UHl!ICK PROOUCTlON !ldiE l\Jiffi CO•OR ~ I . -ALSO-IN COLOR-\!'"======================= 1 Marlon /Richard Brando Boone 2001 Bart Lancaslel- TICMllCOlDI fl•'oW< II)"'' 1¢1 Plus Excitement llllCllT / a••• PICI I n••ir CAIU. l'O\KMMNI lllClllll'l llClltll ~=.... ~~! ROMEO cf JULIET ow hllM/llDNIJllJ ms MID 00 I Ml.'IWl Yl!I( '") TGlllCU <!W> _,_Also THIS WINNll NClfoll• Woolll. hi "WEST SIOE STORY" OH Shawl"' loc:h lw1Jf11"9 "STAIRCASE" RICHIRD BURTDM R[I KIRRISDM l"•~•Vl~l0"' COlOll (!}roo ~Q Starts Wednesday "Medi11m Cool" Bmt Lanc:utez !fm 11C1111a1u111 I @J 1 ... Sll•wt Sttn11 7 Co•tlllYOlll Show FAIR Ftll, f~ir, f~,1.,.t. T1'01t l~ret word1 1um up 1•<1011 in optr•!ion on 111• Di'lll't' PILOT ..dito<;fl P~9• •vtr'{ cl•v. World Premiere Tomorrow October 29 I I ' ,t ~·~·~-o•_l_LY~Pl_lO_T~~~~~s T ot~day Oclobtr 28 196~ Your \forth Tie SS to Living Cost? No Complete-New OVER THE COUNTER York Stock List By SYL VlA J•ORTER Would lying Social Security benefit 1ncreaSt'S l<i th c Consumer Price lndc>: !our measure of increases in 11\ 1ng costs 1n the U S ) g11 t' benefic1ar1es more t1nanc111 L protection than lhcv have betn getting d1recll y frorn Congress ' \\ h} doc s the powerful and sa11vy \V1lbur M 111 s (0 Ark ) 1nflu1•nl1al chairman of 1hc !louse \Vavs and 11eans Cornrnit!ct, w!ul II is now (OnSJd~ring Soci<ll Security benclll boosts oppose the 1dea 1 One of Pr('s1dcnt N 1xon s key c!on1est1c proposals 1s 10 11c Social Scrur11y IX'nrht boosts to inc reases 111 Otl r cost of In 1ng TI1e idea 1s ;is Nixon put 11 to make certain O/l{C .lnd fur all I hat the retired tht disabled and !he dcpcntknt 11ever again bc:ir the brunt of 1nfl;it1on ' It ~ould a I s o remove pcr1od1c Soc1 11 Scruri ty bcnefil ra1:;l S fro rn lhc po!1t1ct1l tircn:i ind ag un to quote Nixon \\Quid 1nahc pro- letllon again~t inf! 111011 fo r the elderly • J rn 1tl(r of lCr 1 11nty rather lt1<.1n a rn 1lttr of hope " AS OF' 1'\0\\ CJ ngrt ~s h is t1 s trong tendency lo vote benefit lnc reases In elecllon years (a lthough uol in aU election yea r s) The amount of the 1n creases and the extent of J1beral1zat1on s are big pohtic al Joolballs and n1ay or may not m;ikc up for pr1{e mcreases s ince the p rev1ous benefit boosts Just sinc e the last general benefit increase in ]'.l arch 1968 1nflat1nn has c hewt'd up about si,i_ cents nut of t\ery $1 of thal 1ntrease lu dale u1 1969 the annual r<.ile of rise 1n consumer prices h is been about 51h percent 11 s indisputable lhal in £lauon hits hardest those l1v- 1ng -On roced incomes The na t 1on s elderly citizens -one third of 1>.hom lne 1n pove:1y -1nust not be forced to bear lhe brunt of todays 1nfla t1on price s piral But \vhal s the answ£'r lo that above question of tiow much m ore pro tec\lon our Socr,11 Stcunty btnf'f1r1ar1es \Vf1Ul11 be gelling JF Soc1:tl Sl'i.unty ha d been tied to the l:onsumcr Price Jndcx \CPI) .di along" IF' 1 HJS 1-IAD been so slnce benefits \\ere firs t paid out in 1940 benefit levels would h<.11e Now! PSJ\ d•etsevery 9 minutesto San Jose! 7 21m lo 8 30 pm Both ways 7 00·1 30 10 00 11 JO a m 1 00 2 30 4 00 5 JO 7 00 8 JO pm. More on weekends Why worry about a reservation when PS A ha s over 160 II gh!s a d ay? Such an e asy lo rcrncmber !:.ched ule you c.an c arry lt a round rn yoltr head \lhY rc1nember lowesl fares? Or a ll Jets? Or great service to San F111nc ~co, Oakland San Diego and s~c ~me:" o? Or 1nat l-1ds unde r 12 lly PSA (w1 h t:'lf' r parents) for htilr lar\l? St•ll w anl a •f'sf'rvat11;1n" J.,~l c.all ~our !ravel a gent or whdt~11sname :llll1nes PSA giws ,vu a lift.. MERRILL LYNCH TALKS ABOUT THE CURRENT ECONOMIC AND MARKET OUTLOOK Here s a program about the outlook for business and th e stock market that anybody who own s stocks-or wants to-shou ldn t miss We re holding a 11EW vo1111< '""I Mwo:I..,.. c.gmpi.tf l, ....................................... ~1 ""'-Yori, ilOd< ~CM,..... .,k c S•lh. Ne! CM'I l Ml ... l.nf Cl<l\O C~I (hf Ii( tr OS<! -A-C ~•1CllDl7 NASO Listinvs for Monday, Oclober 27, 19'f 1,11.cuo Jtf I §!·~·· 11'1. :JM/, 1 (Ctt tvol 20d .... , ....... ti .... "" ........................ '""111-"tty • AM. ,_ ".U.0. A~l\.•b I 10 11!1 .. 11 • 721.<. + ~ ccn DtPI 1 r isen a total of 151 9 percenl l'r1e• • • -.:-. n1a11 ., -11..,. ---.. ., --l"he ~7"1~ ij ~: ~ 1 ~ ~t:'1~:1 ,1: The benefit boo:ils .1ctually NEW VORIC cAPJ 11rwn Ar l' 11~ I"'" ,, •"' . ,, ,, -. ,, ... =:.?1' 11u ... 1, ',,1!• '°,,·,~ \• c nMlll l.,.. •• ,, •• , ,,, •• , .. ,, ~ ,.,. ....... ., ,,-,,,,_ • •-•c ~>•••••• -... e o......... '""' .... 'Ji lc:ICDY 71' ..... Nit G&O n~n"1o-"' Miiii• XI ~ 1µ ·~ ""c"' \otcd by Congress sinc e 1940, •"" •W<ea ""61• 11~ct.~~ 11 Ir urom J 5,,., N•• 111 31~, ltl'> ....,.,, .. 1 ci 665 16 1~ 16 • -1IF1n 'ID ''"'" •11Polle<1 D~ BufnUD s "~ 11 I ( !YI sv. 5"1o Ntll ~ :rt\~ IOV. ""'"I••• :>46 21: 71 n -i .. Ci' •• Svc 7 hem ever, f.?tnd thtre htt1e ~n i,~,. __ N•~i.~-~.-,, .', !'·.-, w ,'. 111, 1.,,. l!I o.i1 '" 138 N•t "" , , t'l.:i A-llf 1 111 .,,, ~ c 43 -!>.:.,<•hi Inv JGb'' ""' "' ......., 1:S\o 1~'4 El Mod.II 61o '~ Ntl !.0'<11 n v. llV. A9ulrre Cc 10 111.0 11\/t 11" + tt. u~rnv Pl "even across the-board boootsl ~,"',' ... ,,•~, ,,,~•,•.~GM ,, 111" Elec: C•o 1e1 •I Ht1 She"' 61'> 1 Air P•cd 1tb 1n lll'> 11:i. lit. +2'{ cn~•n °1111 " ·~ .... ~ ·~ ·-· Mt IS EmoS 011 ,, 11:\1, H•I suvr 11 H>lo Al<"" "1• IS 2 \11 t \ 111 lllV Stro '° have luked benefit levels a hill ~i...'n1,h:~ '" 1n1~~· f:~~ B ~~. '!l ~;:;:v 11; 1!"' 5j ~~1~1 GE ,:"' 1~ ~~:u~rif:, 1~ •:~ ':.! 1:\~ = ~ l!:~~~1i11 :: 191 I percent -or far m-0re :0~·0·~o;-·~~·1~h "'': ~:: ~ 1~,., 11~ E!~~,1.,a ~4 !? ~fa.~n·'~ ~ .... ~"" !~.~!! 1,~0 !~ !~111 l~~ i!~ = ~ !!f.E~U ~~ than the lost-Of living tie ~tc,.e,•HI•!._ ___ cou0 .. •, 't"•'••'•"'•• '• 1 "'Coro '" ,,,,, HI••• o. JI 36 Alll'frt;i ... 1 s JI 31>"< :16~• _"" 1.,, ,, oe>I 2 " • ........ ¥ 6h '"' oult 011 1Z 17'4 Hieb 8 lll• Jil l, Ak&Mlu 110 27l J9 11 , 1t'.l -~. IO<C• lo would have ath1C'ved And If ch••.,;! <•1~.,;1\ o• ••" G11 l1 ,, Ede r.c u ''"" f'IA Rnc J'.\11 • ., AlcoSI•"" JO 11 ~" ?J~. 1S\:i -~ luellP•• '° SOI" (bid) IMe• •>< NG 7"" llV. E.at.,i., •S .. NC•• NG ,..... Ai<'•al'lllel"I 61 '' • 76'-> "'' I-~· c1..-11D pl I Congress \Otes a \0 percent ll<1lt1 m•<,th Ceo.lox •l '3 FB Cec:c J•o 6111 NE 1 r Oil •1.1o s1. Alleg Co !Ot l ll 16 '> 1SI• U -l't CNA Fin so lh "'rn11• lllroy9h C•n \/PS 1'(!'> 70llo F•brl T~ J'l., •• H/>.O. Ci•• l! .. \611) A le<ILU<I , Cl '3l ""' •11) ., (f'IA !'Al lO bene fit ir1c rease e percen "" •~• G•Y f>r1c ... Ch••• RA 11o 1..., F•l•nd r 6 ~,, HW N•tG 1otl ll)llo AIC.VLvd I' l 1, .46 ~H. 46 t . <:..-.1 1 C•• !·' l 2202 lie PO! lnc:lude C~orlO Nlf;F•<rlng 1 1"1i111o NWPuS~10\o111~·!1<11Pw ll lll)tolJ lll't ~.c.1sc.p111t tage .... OU \l ~Oar 0 per rei. I "1tr11.UO Cflm Loe 16 11 Ft<lf'I MT :10\ JOI Hud R•c JO 1l Allled(ll 1 20 l ~ J>O>'> ~·,•, ~,, Coc~Cal I l'I "enl •.,',',',!_own Pr com c''°•m• ·~-~ 1" 3\<to Fst &o•• !I ~ lo Ari UV. 13 Al!lllMnl 4Dll ,. ... < Br 1 lfl '" ~· " "" 1\0 ' Fs!G Ill!' ''"' 1.1\'t lo Wei '9'1> JOI> .o. !ottiMlll 15 I nl'> 331\ Jl\\ _ ''o oce 11 or c our se there are now AAA En1 74 ''"" c""• 111 15 i• Fs1M 1n .. 21,.., 23 1 Sc•~ 5, 51 All ec1 Po 61 31 Jti.;. 19 .w .. + ~ co1u P11_,1 :t0 A.0.1 Cori> 7 9 C~I Br&I 4.1\.\ 61 1'> Fsl Roou ll~ .... Otmoril Jl \ 11>~ AUll<IPd Pl J 1 10 10 10 l (al~ f> .,,J SO llt'rsua s1ve arguments 1n favor A,',,',",~ ',',~ ',',c ',O',",', ~. 111 1u F$• wFrn ~" )i,. ,,., TP " itl, A111e<1s1r l.ci 116 34._ J1•, :M~• + '-" cf0:1i"~ ~1-..: ... ~ .,. " "' " 10'2 FllcknG 711~ ""° ~er NA 11>'1! 10 1 AllledSI DI 4 JIG 5'\~ loll .... Slh -I ,, c " A of \y•ng Social Sec u ri I y P.\/M C? 10 4 11 c11.a,1 ,..._ 1 ~ FIGlll s~1 11\; 71i:, •~C•• 11v. 11 ,. Alll.aSuo AO 3' lS'-• 11" 1,,, _ 1• t>1c1nr1t 1 60 Acme E• 9\'i l0 .... Cll1 UA 7t.>.27 1>Fooa FP 6~o ,,f>EC lit1 11 ,,n v,Alll• Cn&lm SO JJ'> l lt 2•\t ell Ind 1loa benefits lo !ht' C P I .t.cmP Vil ll JI cu11 u B 76>.i. 21 ~ F .... ~1 011 11 11 P•b$t l!lr •l 1.1 . All>h•PC l09 1 ~ 201, 1o:io _ '· lt>I' In ""is Aln1c.st one U11rd of the rn<\ :1: ~~ 2~y, 21~. l1:~~onM1 2~"° '~~ ~gr,:.~•nt 3~\'> l!~"? ::~ ~~~ :J"' 3~\. !m~~.,'g801.60 1~ ~:(~ ~f'· ~1": ..!.1t: c~1~ 1 "1 ~ 60 t ,, ti Al'b•n F 11'11. ll • (llnl Mer 11 • l)"' Folam 11 11 ... P.i<co Co 1\• I AMllA( SO 11 n 711\lz :101\1 + .. (tlS DI I JOT union con r a c .. ~ t urren Y ""'!'e H , '"' c11n1tn o '~ • 1 F•'*I C<> I\, "" D&ncot 7 '"' Amt•E• 1.10 n n;, 11 n•. _ ""ca1uG•• 1 w bel t t d h " SO e Allle<I• ''• 101,., low Ct;> 21 JJ\'J Fn>lr.ln E :n 7l P•'*~ D l l• l•' .. P.mrE• Dl?.60 l 41 1'1 11 41 ~> -~. (oluP!<I 60Q Og nego J(I e a~e m Allee l."" :JO\., 21 .... O'-' E l:U .... Fulvorw 1 11:, Pl•k'* H 11>.:i n >. A.mHtlol Olg S*6 lt>.:, JI JI ,+ I'll Co!SoOh 1 7' Provisionto escalate wagesasA11g !It~ • ·~c..u1n1 F 2•1\16 G••fnkl lb.11 P•r...., R 11\\l}t>A""'H Dll!iO l•J ri 1011 11 +1:i..CombEn ici A.Ilg P•o S ' '>""Coren S•r ll'I> 11111 G•1 .Ive IS"° 11~ P•ule~ p f l> 10 lu\UFJnr IO 11 lJ<. lJ ll;\ _ I• ComE rill 10 J111ng COSIS rzst J1llS a[S{) 1s,A00•,,,. .. ,•00 ',,,' ',,.<,~c•,1,. ~•I I"; Al•C!r 1, l~Pa~elle 1 •'~11\\P.mAl•hn 10 ~ ... 3' .. 321, ll\t -1,Cam!Solv oCI "_ .. " •1 """Ga.vie, 7:\1. J p,..,,., T '1V.2• l>B•ker Ii<> 1t iii,, JJ\, 11~.+ .. com,,.Ell 710 !he case for those covered by ,.,1..., c;.., Jl JJ~ com """ 1 • > G K1n,11c J1-. J \Pen 01.1. "'' ~·~ .o.mB~ Nole 1 • JO :>1'1.i. JO '+" 1 com E p11 •1 Am..ic 1 7>o:i Com lnll • \ '\' Giil Ell I' t ~ P1 Eflllln '" 1~. Am !Ir ands 1 112 J& J/"1 Jl{o T '" Comw 0 1! 60 t he Federal E ITI p IO Y e S Am Bu•n 11 • ll com G•• 11 " n • c:..,tel 1 , n, p 1 GI W 711, 71 ,t,mBnc.1 1 '° 109 11 , 60 "°'~ t , (omout Sci d I .t.El leO 6...,1 ,Cam lel 1l'•'••Gll!en 1 6,.17~,o~nnR E ll'4!1 AmC•n210 100 '9'tt.i&l,41<t -'>ComM• Compensat1on A cl a n t 1e 1'.m E•P< ID , 11 Com HI"' 1• .. 15 Gf'IO ' l .I•, ..,,ll,I pff•I W• I I '> ACan Dt I I~ II ,, ~ 11 + '• (lll"M! Mlllt 1 tiv1I ser\ ice and n11htary ~mc;f.:!\n !~:.; ~>.1 c~11 "~t 1:,z 1 ~\:o g1:~1:~1 w ll ~ ~~"' ::r;1; 51 !~ ~~ :c,,~.~' 2a ~ ~~t: ~r: ll:= -.,, ~:;r~~f: 1 ~ 'et'<ement systems And it """',••'",~, ',',,','•••<m••0 ',~ 11 •9 G1o1> Rub 1•10 61'>Pe1r .. 1n .o 44 Amer.at 90 21 26 '> 76 11 -.ctnEa11 pl6 nu 21 21 Geld (ye 16 11 11 0~11., DI 17 l>6 ,t,~r~Su~ 100 } 11~ 2110 11""-,CoriEOf pl S has long been the case in t he :m M1,~ ~ • ~~V> c~: ¥'~ :Jv; ~. ~p11 L~~ ;~ .1, ~Ut ~::.:icn ub r." ~lV: !m'l~:n t~ ~ ~j! ~'~ ~ !. ~: ~::~O:c1 t~ Social Security systerns of "••'•' o°"",, •"' ,,'" <,oo, ,,•,o,•,,• :JO 31 " G•110h sc ~·.,.., •5v. Pie Pd 1 . ''" o.m o .1111 1 9 n ~ n n . + c""F" Dll )Cl -5 S~•Gr...,nMI II ll 'i Pnkrln 71 1;76,AOhtTtl 309 (I :it • 21,., 21\l --IOCO<!FtolgM I Jnany other nallons ~m 11T~cv lJ~ i:v.. ~ori\""n ~~: :1~ g;j'~~.~E 11•'h 1tv. Portr HI{ 11•h Jt ~gu•IVI rll: l~ :~"" \~, g ~::N~1&''\n?& ALSO, S o C I a J Security ... ~~~~• 6 n 1• n oh C~~ I. 10 11 Grov• f>r f; 1 (~ ;;~ ~o~~ l~V· 1 ~v, Am'1!1P: 1 11 3J1 JJ\o l1 l1 _ ·~ CcniPwr 1 90 I r II I A~< en C I !"-> (OfP S JI 39 Grw!tl In 111'> ltY, PubS /'IH 71•~ 1af•; Atn En•a I 11 :JOI'> Xl >l JGV, -t 1' CcnPw pl~ S7 >ene JCJf!rJC.S u sua Y nl US ,t,•<•I• N J? '° Cn•;trd 16 16~ G1>~•a en .1~ S''• f>ubS NM 1JV. l6/.o Am E~o Ind "JM ?'l>ro 21 '~"+I , c.,,,p,.. ou ~ wait n1onths or years before~~~~~ 1"~ lr1! 1:,.. e;g:: ~: ~;, !tt; g~~""~nl l~~. lf:! ;~gs\,,~( i~,,, 11~ ~6=~~ P~6 1M~ ~~\~ 1:,, ~;~· -.. ~::iAi.t."''Ji' they g( l a benefit incr ease to "••"•'"M•"•' ',!,•, »,,, ',',',',',", 'c l5>'• lb /, lia"' Co• 11 4 19 • PUre11• 'I'> 1y, AGnln Pll 111 " 31:\'o l6 • 36 ~, _~.co"' C•~ 2 :io "' 11o ll HanOYr S 2l ..,2S'•P B~nn•• 31 Jl ,t,mHo•I 10 10 1•'• llll, _ 1 CntCOl>1> Jlg oHSC'l the :;;teady erosion of Jn .... ,','.0,•, " ',', .. ,',' ,', D0•,•,," 0•,, H • 16 H•v"" 1~ J • lv. Pu•llY s1 11 11•~ A Home i 40 111 65\'t 45 61 1 _ \/"• c""' co , • " 1' \ !5 HI!~ Mor ,.,, lS, POoo (p 61• I"-> A Horn" Pl l 4 'a 97 .. 91\, (I(" o!A' SO flat Jon F'or example they had o.scc Bot 1~ , 16 ~ g&vl•Jr" ~~ • ;: ~fd'~"",:i Jo 1n, i>utnm• ll\O 111. ,t,m Ho•o n 3i9 ....,.. ci .tel~_ 'I-. ct co p1111 lll t3 W<Jlt 52 lllDn\hS before their ::~Pb)t;I :~"' 1~ g~ff:ncl~ 11J 1 ~:t ~~~vnEf> llt~ u'-4 ~=~,!,~"\ \r>J. i~~ ~~J~y: ~ ,_g i~>~ ~r! i~ t !: ~~/iX'o11g \~ benefit boost 1n 1959 72 ea <d A! 1, 9 Oelnl ,t,P IV. 11, Hocver ltll.t Jl'~ II••'" <o ''' '" '" ... ,0,, 3'1 3•'• :u :M:i. + ~• Ccnl O I 1 lll _,, >l•~ ()el en SS ~ H < " ,.,., J78 ll''o 11 11 -\~!":on! 011 pl 1 m onths before their 1965 ln ~:~"Paint "',;::: 6 , oei"~•"T 161,. n l'I H:,~1 ;1, 1~>l 1,' ~!!~ c,0, 'n' ~ ?',,, '•~".~o'•o" ,', 11 JJ • nv. Jl~. -b Corit su 1 o"' Del 16 7ll.o 1l''> H • "~"" ,, ..... " 96 ll'o lHt II"" -lo Cont Te! I? Crease and 38 months before 60•,•,.•!~ c ,',;! 1,,. 0 ,, Amr uc Ml ' 10 llPo Mtg 211~ 21 ARe•Ov 1ori 211 a• 11 v v. +' , c .... u .. 1 0 .. 1 .. ...,. ·• • ll'• u~. Hud PP n ~ 111'> R•! C<ed -Cl •I Am seat 1 l lll, 27, 21'• _ ~. (n0f! 111' 50 the tr boost 1n early 1968 There ~!t1.;'.,t ,~ ~ Ji: g:~~~~ 11 ,,. 11'-HuG C•• 11 .., n v. llllfy Sto ,, 71\~ Am S11111 611 •O 12\o 711, n , t ,, c""w"" l IO~ 0 ( 1;, J~· Hu"' P 71 l9 110&11 E~ l1'.1 1tl) o. Smtll 1 90 '6l 311, Jll., Jl, , Cool< Unit !II \\3S no inc rease al all during ',!!'..'':.'.' ,",'! H~,•, 0 ,,•,m ,.,• • 11> Hy•tt <~ Js•. J.61. Ro1>1n M 1s Jt o.mSoAlr 70 S• •P . ,, , • , CODPf•ln , 10 d d ·-~" ., "'"'v, '' 'I• I Ind G•• ?• l •\.l Roo•IPn 111, l? • .O.mSAI• ln/O -'C4'0P<"t TR I the entire 1nflat1onary eca e R:i~ 11,~ 1~,, lt•i. g:1~1e;...., ?t,,. ~J~ :~01::,uc1 JI • JJ''> 11ov C••' !h •. Arn Std 1 !: ~~"' ~r: ~~ ~ _ ,, ~:=f • .,:'\ ~ of the 1940s B~bctl 9>• t• .. o ow J"" Ill llt lnlra•a :1~ :1~~~!ns'tro ~1·ll~"-m$ld PllJS 1101 Hl01,101 + 'CcPOllQ• 5011 Be•k H• lt 11 O<>vi. OB I• 2S Int Coril ?l )I'' S.c!I ,, I 8\o Am St~•ll ~I 61 31'• JO~, JI -1 (<>1>wlSll l :io The elderly a re all the m ore a.11 1..11 3• JS ortw NL ,',',' • ._? .. • 1,•,•,,•_i_s100, 1.~ is Sc•nln E 61, 1 ASix!a• 160 JI 21,. 26>.. 11 + ''c°''"'~e lO!I Bll/uPOW Bllo ~~10ut'lkln 0 •~,.. rn In IO"liScl\cll In lJ/o ll\.lASug of.VU '•21o .i . •2'4-l•CoiGW ?SO~ vulnerable because they are er.11 Son J9 •7 ourlrori 11,. n i. 1n1 ew.11 1 ~ ', Scl c~tr , '"' .o.ms,,, Pl u i 9"' t'l9 911+ 1. c .... oneirn 11 I k th ''''"< •> tV,EZ P•lnt Jl J7 ,., "''' '' _,_ •• , ,.. '' ~ Aml&T 1IO 161 S>'· S> S>'• ~ t b k llO!lu' El •\t •lot Etcn lab S;:~ lg,,, 1::: ~:~r ll ll StrlllP' H 74 iS 0.WWJol I lS" 1100 lllo 1114 U , , Cf>( In!! I JO lhe most hke y lo eep cir B1ad' HI n l. lJ Ea•1 s11 "' n -IZ i)~ ~81 ·s:;..,, 12 ' .~··• AmWWk• so. ~11 10;-: io~ 1oi, -t ~ ~0,,",',,,~ •• nes eggs ln an s a v ings ac Boll B•• u 1~ Eagtb sr JOI. Jl'ilo tnr Sy "' 16 11 '> scrloro A 9111 , • AW Pref 11s <'n o n 11 16 • 11, 1, C•~n· 1 ioOll counts or US GovernmenlB0~,,•~,,,' ~,,•,•,,.),",'>,',,", ''"10 ln! Te1>1 ,"', '•'•"•'•'••'",..."! U !~"',.,•~',',o,!._11.J :soo ,11, "' ,1 1 1 -1~c•omo1<n '° h • •,,1~~ ,0,1:~ 1,~',',' .,.,, .,.. .,. . ., ·-1 '31, 7l > 7llo + " Cr<>v~•H na l bonds o r -0ther sources w 1ch B•~wy G 1s11" El N11~ " ., -•I 1s ?I Se<NY• 1&•~ 111o Ame1n; 60 ' 1.., lJloi 13<i. _.., crowc01 1 o11 lft ScUIH JI ll>.;, SPYen Up ll:\I, 1~. Amll<lnc: IO 11 •5'• '8 ; 11 • t ~.Crowe c•1 10 aren I y 1eld1ng (nOugh interest J...:ott. F ''" 5"-Shn> NII ci .u AMic: co :.i 19• JI'• XI'. JIV. "C•ow~ cc ~ lo Offset prJCe lnCTCa SeS ~:~u!N.1 l~~ a 1: ~~;\"1w~~ 1~~ 1:>~ ~:.~'"lcr:.' ~~ ~.: !:"" !1!! :!°l'' ~;:,-n~o l~I~ ;g T h I ti I Jamo1 F »'ii ]p,., !toNE l •I «1>,;, •1 , Amst.a 140 20 lelo le\~ 3Mo + i. !!TS Cc p ID e S;J{ point IS lOUg 1 F d' N l J•m•tw 11>~ 1•i.<. Soun c , ,,..,. 11•r. Am1e1 11 7D 111. 11 1 11, _ ,., Cuadh• cc lh I S I S Oro s e JlllY Ill 6 61'> Sw G•Cp 15'h lt ,t,naccnd 1 9' 201 32 JI l 11'• -•• Cudhy p/1 ?S [It OnCC \IC le OCIJ £'t Url K•l1..-SI 61Vo 6••& Sw EISvc 16>, 11 ~ An<h Hock 60 2! .w'4 "• ll 1 ,_ '• ~ulll9an IJ ty benefits to the. cosl of hv1ng ~!(!~~ "' 1~ 1;J lt.i•c;~1. ~>.1. i;t :~~°C!':vs~ 7~ 11 ~'! Ji': j~: = ~! c~:i'n'8~':,~ 8(1,i \IC ore acc epting 1nfl~l!on as Q Kale G•n '"" 5 s1a scrw 11\io :l'l.., ,.,P11c1>ecp 10 JS ?J ; 21 , n , • • Curtin wrt 1 F t l(av•m 5t..:i 6' Sia~ HPd 2 h 1l AP<oOll I •lf SI JI:\, J,I>, ;u.i.. -,, Cur! W• A I .1n CCOnOnllC f .lCt Of 11fe \Ve OI" uar e1• Kt A< T B~~ 16 • S1or 9 511 I] !J>,;, ,t,qu1 Chem 3l .<IP4 41., .a~, 't .,, Cut or H I 70 Kel ell 7 ~ 1 ~ Strow fl 49 Sl ARA S\IC 96 H 110 , lli llQ +l"-C~clcD• l 10 ire Ill eff£'ct re ::; I gn I 11g 1(,11 ... 11 lJ n:i..:. Sub•c v "· SI~ ArthDa~ 1 60 B SS . S4 I }4'1 -'• C•P•ulM I •o ourselves to the very spiral .... e ~~~~1 lo i;~ ~:~: ~~:gz1 F~ 1~ • 1 :~ ~;1~~:'Cfs 1 ~ ~~ ~" 2J • lJ • ~ I I l h D lin K•Y• ( \ 16 ?I TamD~ VO Tl• O.•mour I 60 4 • .': ~~~ ~;: :;-': D•nRI~ 1 159 prll l'S 11J:J ll\S S:) mur ee es K•••I PC" 1!'o I ; Tao""r llV> 11\'I Armr pl •S 16 1) 61 v, 61 '> + > O•na Cp I H l\IAYBE JI s only re<1hS\I( lo Klf!O In! 111• 11 ... l•nett 11 .. u A•mstCI< ao ]61 J)V, lS~ le" .. 08•! I"" JOb K n111 El I 'o 9"' Taylor W 7' '•1 .o, me-pp 1.1 •lJO St ~ .Ill~ 5,\, O••' l<>d 11( 1 do this But :\11lls at least J::i Kirk C<> llV. 11 ~ TtnnenT 10\'t 1!'-'l P.•mllub i 611 lO 39'• J9 :It'.. ~~. o0,',",."S!'-' !~ F d Motor Co anno''nced ot;n•D Vo! 11 1';, Te~~· AS s I • 0 (O•D llO • XI lP 10 \ ..... ~ ,.. trying to kee p a ~yrnbohc o r Kre tlr 6 o ''• Th•rm A I ' ,t,rv n Ind 1 ll 11 ,. n ' 77•;: : OAylnPL 1 ~o d l th LMC 0•! l lo J>,<Tl!ln• Ca ,l\o l6 A>n<lOll1 10 >OO >> >O <> >' OPL ~!Ai31S separ,1t 1on between Soi:Ja/ consohdate ne lncome 1n e L•nct In 29 ,79 r111ny In i11,11 A»<l ar~w • 1 • l''OPLp•Ol ll S d I t d I Lina& In 4" •'• Tllen Go 11 .. IJ , Ana OC 110 ~~ ~," ~ • !J ' ;-< Ot••t (c l ccunty an JVlllG CQS s an third quarter was $54 mil ion Lftnt Wd 11>,, 19. T•ncnl G 11\t 11\o -"<15~ ! :IOI> • • • -~ oo merP 1 Ill 'I t r It t lh d L1•1tn 6 7 Tt"cnt o l l \o ""alrin •G 6 J6' JI • l• • ~ Otl Mn•! 1 1n o cas JS 1g l ing o e en comp••ed with $72 milhon ln ~"".,, .. ',"•1 •'• 1 .' •nd 1n 11 111~ o.uco ,, 1 ..., a• l} • u • u 2" o ottaA1r '° "' .. ¥ 3•',JS'>l•l<O Pd J2 ll A11CE.1 p1sf, II,,, U•· ,,, , •DellK Int the third quarter of 1968 t~:Jr. ~F 1 i ~ 1:1• i;,;:,• !. ~~ ' 1! • A1C 1we1 ct 1 11~ ~.. ~.. ~ • -• g:~~~~~ :: Madsen Nc,v Engineers President lilly Ell "''' '\ ~ TY""1 FO Hi ". All II c~ll<l 1 '10 91 . 's . 951, + .. Onl\l>!Y 1 ~ Net 111Come a Share Y,8S 50 Lohllw 6'' ~·~ Unlttt ~ ''· Allllell o!J1S 12(>(1 3)'• !l !l -• ~nRGr 110 Loi! Cay 1•, 1 .. u~ Doll• 18 Jtr A!I R(l'I pt l Il l~) 1611 )16) -+7•Der•co DIA Cents do.,.,n from the 66 cents Loo E1rn ,,,. n un 111u .... 11 11 A,111011 P'71o 111 ~.1 .... 1 61'• •. orrl!<o o1 e ynth C JS :16~\ Un MtG t o Q , Alla• Cl'worn I ~ 11 • lS • 16 > -% OtSotclnc 90 d the th"d q"arter of Med G£1 ll ~ 1' Un 11•1!1 11 ' l~ P.!I~· (D p 1 • I ' S» I ' Ot!Edll 1 •o earne Ill u M~lt Ch 11 ?l '>US ll_.....,, l9'ol01 "''""'A Pl~• 16 111. 11 111. Ot1EOlllS5!1 1968 The d-l•oe '" eanungs MM•,r,.',,"Y io . 11 us Ctwn 1•. 1 . Avr~o1r 1. ot• 1 .. u , ls . 1', +to o,isieci 10!I ,_,.. u v, 1.1 US Envtl :IOl'o 1l .O.utcm•n lno l U II , l!, IS" Oe•Tv 1, MUm! A• l" & ~ US S1Jg8r 50 SI '~ Av~o (D I JO ••7 Jt» 'l'th 1t'o -'lo OlelFln~n :Ml reflected a non-recumng Manin M •i.:. ' , us T1~1.. 1~1i 36'· Avc9 prJ 10 •It 61 , "°'' 60, -~. Ol•ni!ntl 1 eo M~""' ( H J11, UD PenP ,,,, '3 l .0.Y~•Y Pd J? • 6' 6l ._, aJ>. -'II OltSh•m 1.0 charge of 15 CCfl\S a share as ~.t~'r' .... o ~:, ~ , tll~" ,~" 7~..,, ,::~ :~~~ 1~ w,o 16~ ~!~~ ~f! ~i:: _ ,..., El:~h P1Dhf~0 soc1ated .,.,1th the discoot1nu MeQu• i~ 16 var LO n~ 1''~ A""" P<1 1 IO 10 lll 16!, 111 > +1 ~, 01~r•o110n a MOGie H 11 n V6n(• Sa ?•'l J~>,/, Azl•c 011 Gs JI I ~• 1' • U'lto + \Ii 01,t!cld 4b an~e. of a number of Philco-MH!tr~ ll J• Y •l•ori " " .. -B--0010,,,'J',o,.o ~., l I nd t Mtloar I t Ylv Wod )] ... JJ.h " Ji'ord s ow \O ume pr uc s Mich Ct~ , 914 W1<1•w P 11 ~ 11vi &aD<~ w l lll JJ& 11 , n , 1l'• -~• o 11""'" leb George r-.1a(lsen Cos t:\ as well a s higher labor a 11 d ~1g:~. <• 1J~ 1;,0 ~a•RJ!n• :r-:~,~ ~:~Go~1r1 ,'Q~ J~ ~.: ~, TI"= 1~ g1~~~1u~SI\ ~0,",,"1,'rc'.,','Ycnt' "0R1'"t"l•c' o','0, n'g~ei: material co.'lls i::,D"~ ,.c.~: ~1 ~~ ~::~ ~~ l' ~ lj,; ::n~P~~~· ~ '~ ~l 1r ; ~1 , _.:. 1 ; ~ ~1;~~~ l ~ ,, " Consohdatcd sales In the M " VIG JI I I~ """' Tr 17 11~. e,•,:o',,o•,•,. I Jl'I JI)• JP -• OrPfD"'' 00 Coul"lly Ch,plc' of I h r Mo Roe • I • s Wfbb 11~ l? 7l nk •> 66 , 6~ , i.1 , + \, DomtM" ID thir d quarter of 1969 were $3 2 Mot>w~ R ?J ,. Weldt•n ~1~ 1ot, BarbO 1 1 lit a 11. 11 , .11 ~ _ ~ O<>mFa 1 109 Amf'r1c<1n Soc1rty uf Cl\ll I , r Mn•rn f'~ ,, • I\ W•lno M ~6 11 11~•<1 (I! 11 16 SI•• ~·· S•. l lo Donnell•v 6 b l lion up I percent rom "'""'• P io , 10~ wc11,11 r. 1n•• 11 e ., c Inc 80 10 HI• 16 161, , ~. o or < (P 12 E ngineers f or 1970 I r $2 6 b II th th d """"' s 111 u • W1!C•I p \1 11 > e~t~• Miu I$ n 11 > I? .. ~. °"'' 0 11v .. Sa CS 0 l 100 10 C lT 1M10~ M J > I ~ W1to N,t, 1111 13 • Ba!~ ln<l &• )6'i 251, 76 _ ,,_ Oc~ft' (p 61 lie \1 a s installed b y J ohn q ''te ol !968 Mo1 c •v11 11 12 W1•n Mt9 1 l>.:o 81•~1~ oil~ , ei .. 6?h 61,, 0cwc11m 1r,a r kh , , I U r M •II., 1l • 11 W11n Pb 1' 11~ Ba~"~lb 10 101 l"o 7~ 80, t p., 0 &•CIC:P I 00 <Jr urs t u.•S f\.ng(' CS pres1 Net income 10 the first nine Mu•~I E• ' 5 I) w1...., w~ 11 • 11¥-111.i Lab 11 11i ~7 6011 10 , _1"' Or•ulnd 1 •O d'nt "t"<"C"ntm""l•ng N&,,~g C ?1 •7~ Wnb&g l'l o ll B•~Trlibwl n JI • l.:l :io -1 .0•!""!.1tP•1lO " ' '· '-._,_ months Qf J969 \VaS $402 N61 Brnd l ' ' 'll\li~ll"' T 1 ~ J'o lllV~k(lg SO I ll+o !) ~ 1 0 -t ~-Otf'Ur pl II) Vitt pres ident 1s Don !ix 37 h N~•c .. 11 11 1i>.<.w11< Pt '1?'•2J1 B••rnv• l ?1 ... ,,, 451 .... ,,..,.1 Dr••fll1Co 10 h I I I I I' d rn1lhon or $ O a s are, com ~~,"'E. .. ~r ,j'• s~ • ~.3n"': f ~ • ~~ eoat Fa• t 11 "°"' •n •o ou~·""" i '° -..; o 1s a ~o prc~H en o 10 i>ar •d w>" n"t >ncome of 1~~~ 11!!<11man so <11o .11 , ""~ .H'-.. '" D~nB•a 1 101 b I> f S I '-'•" '-~OJ l'!]rl_,,,,.,.,,..,,. ... ,. .... .,,.18tcl o ell :.! 36 J9'-o .IS , so • -1, Duol•n C11 us ters 1ein orc ing tee in million -0r 54 23 a share 10 the 1mr!1ll!!E2J*DE ·¥1\AW e..-.:~A• 1~0 JJ ?e1t 191 , xi\. _ ,.., duPonr .:i 119 S'nta An ·· lltlc• Ott IG '' 761o is , " .,. ""auP.,,,1 11!• 50 " firsl rune months of 1968 ;ales 6•111Hrm .o s 11"" 11 • n~ + .., av"""' f!l !iO Sccretarv 1s Ron \\ oHor d MUTUAL Bt11 How &0 S1'! 61 '' • 61 + v. 8~" }-\'l<>A6a1 in the hrst n ine months of 1969 a .. u •ntt •<on 6 ll)lio 10 , 1c , -• °" J 15.,111, ~~~ec~~~ 0ir ~~b~~~ ~~~ks~~~ .,.,ere $1 0 7 b1lhon c ompared fS1~ t611: ~ !t11 lli 5"': :: 8!::',0~': 'U L l k \11th sales of $10 2 b1lhon in l!t n•!F1n 11>!:1 111 S6 ,1 s1 -1 1 ('( C'nd£'C rr a ssis tant rity the first nine m onths -0f 1968 9enriF "15 J-O ' u iv, 161 • 1~J .r. -'• E•G!•Pch 10 cnrn nefr for Orange took over ----------------I FUNDS 8•"' F P" 1G 1100 so • ,. so -, E~•tc co ..: h' l!ltnfl~ D!l lG I 11,. I! , 17 ~ '• E•>I .._,, 31<1 as trC.'}!;Ur('T Btfi~ J11U.<A 1110 ).<, l<• l••-•Et .. GI"' l lJ• R d The D.;ly Pilot's Ben~u•• 81! I•'• 1~ , 16 , + '· £••' ur11 t ,0 The 1n s lalla\1on 11 a s held at e a e~<>0u•1 1n 16• 1"• IJo,• ". E•" MC<l'k t A h ( I .,,,.....,,.,..,,..,..,,.,,. .... ., ... 1B•tkPno /If I~ U, 11 11 , F&l""v• 1 ·~ ~ •11nner mert1njl at t e .rant d W . ~.:::t.• etiW•-irwWWW e •• mr< <o•D JJI a ''• 1 . eon•~"'' n llo!cl 1n An::ihe1rn and 11as a t Aw1Jr 1nn1ng a.in >11 180 1n ,. ~ ,, • 79 , _, , E•••dF•• 10 oc1 JI £e•.,,,&Hc"'"'" 8HM 1nc1 l l'O l ' 111, ll n , E111,0na,.. 1 trndC'd by 80 c11 1I e ngineers 1-1ew vo a' 1•P ft81~n 11001101 Bl~Tn••• ..., l' •• •9 4• -•EG&G 10 Ed1tor1 a l Pages In•'" D .. nQ o~o G ... ~ ll 11 ,. .. 11 ac•Ok 1 "° 71 I'' 11 ' II '_, E•Mu11c OOo and their \.\l\l'S '"'""' ,.,.,.,,.~ ~~ tn•9"! ~·1 101 e1.r•J""" •s • '' • 11 , 11 ,_ .r 11 1 1 ..... Q _______________________________ ,,,,. ND• Of\81 .... .,... ~"'c' 1 !l 11 ~I I! I• l.,,,9 I 11 }/ • '"· l' • I • F ec• ..... . .11.,.. o! S•<~r1•1t, S•"'• 1 \J~!61SB•<><kHll ,. 1,1 ~ $ .... ~ •• -. ,',.".·• •• M.••, Mark t>t Outlook Forum TuC'!.day evening November 4 at the Zonta Clubhouse 21 1 0 15th St , Newport Btath )tort1n9 at 7 JO PM ~harp O•.r•ri 1 ~c •••£"'"" l ~<lll •llu•B•I ~ ,., -.... f 1~------------------------------,1:~;,.n•lte> :~c~";ffl,.'; ~~,,~ ~c 1; ;o 1 ~ ~~ g~i;.: r~• i!\ ~~: ~}: ;n ' : ~1i;,~:;G 1",~ You'll find out Mow lh' Federal Rese~e Sy't'm 5 light money,. policy 1s •ffect1ng the economy a nd the s tock mark11t What the erperts l0<ec1st In term• of 1 recession and what we can expect to h1ppe11 1n the months lo come Whv invest~ should exercise erlreme care par hcul1rly 111 viewing the mar11et favont's i:t the moment Which stocks Merrill Lynch considers •ttractrve fOf vartous 1nv,slml!nt oblectivn •I th11 t1mL For your free reserva tions, JU St call or mail in the coupon below No charge or obligation, of course ,------------------' "lillll' '""'""' T•"d11y Ho,1mbrr 4 \1ot' for ~our Mar•et 011tlook Fot•m o" ot th• Zonto Ch1bhow11 Name•-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address~~~~~~~~~~~-------~ City & Stal"'-------------''''--- Phon'~------------------ MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH 1000 NOITH MAIN STlln SANfA ANA 91701 T1l1pho"9. 547 7J71 INC kr ft.e co11,_r_c• ol •n•Htotl Mt offica /1 '""" dollf IN•1•.-t1 S p 111 •~d S..r11rd~fro11191"' to12,.1011 HUNTINGTON BEACH SCHOOL SYSTEM Walston & Co, Inc will hold a series of 9 lectures on UNDERSTANDING THE STOCK MARKET to ba hold al the GISLER SCHOOL LIBRARY 9700 Bluef1efd Drive Huntington Beech Lectures will start on Thursday Oct 30 at7 30p m Register al l1rsl session, ($5 Fee payable to the Huntington Beach School System) Walston S.Co. ----lnc.---- Members New York Stock Exch11nge and O!l'ier Prlnclp•I Stock end Commod11y EJ:ch•no•• 109 North Mcun St • Santa Ana 17141 Klmberly 3-9301 OVER 100 Of f !c;ES COAST fO COAST A~O OVERSEAS c<11Jld n~v• n"" En.,9~ 1l 7l lJ n 80 •C~• lln J?~ 1,', , ,'," ,', , 1 I 1 e,." ,•,c:..P •• ' 100 <o n 1~1111 O' l>OUu~• En'""" e !@ • 70 Bona ,,,, ~ £1.~ l••kod) Mon<I•> E'IVllY 91~10 16<H>l<M!n 1 71 9 1l • I 1•• Fm•> ... l• !IC llld .llok Eaul Cl~ 1~ H '0 l'9 Bo•<l•n )Q 1 9 16 , 76 l• -'"I Em~•'' I 10!> •n•d" 'l'Ol >JE1••• 173) Bo•~W~•l 'l \'i i~o /1 •"1 •,EmoO ••l l>O A<lY . ~ 1 ft~ • "' E~e"' In 11'0 16 6 Be•"'·~· 8ll .J,.., II • n ' II • '• l'mo0•( tOf> !/,''.';rd 1 l ~g il f~ ~~/;\';j" ~ ~ ;; ~~ ~~~~ '•~~ 08 !~ ft : ~\ , ~; : 7 ': ~~~tn°~~n 1 ~ A I Am r. 91 I 0) Ferm Bu 1 98 11 '8 11•.,nlfA 1 j() ~la 11 • iJ 11 ,, ""9 I~ p!l IS Alp~• Fd 1l691]11Fe<I G !h 1•101607 B•l~gSt l •O• •"•o ',',,, •• ',,' ,'. 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" + Stocks Turn Mixed In Light Trading NEW YORK (UPl)--.Stocks turned mixed Mon- day as profit taking reslncted demand after r ecent sharp gains Trading was moderately active Shortly before the final beU the UPI market wide md1cator was up 0 11 percent on 1 605 issues traded There were 720 advances and 644 declines The Dow J ones average of 30 blue chip 1ndus trials was off 2 97 to 859 29 near the close Volume amounted to around 11 500 000 shares some 3 000 000 shares belov; Fnday s figure Among the most active issues were Occidenta l Jnland Steel International Telephone CNA Finan c1al and Texaco Occ1dental \Vh1ch traded 1n a narro\v range reported higher per share earnings for the third quarter and rune monUts Near the close electronics moved 1n mixed Cash ton Wlth a number of issues moving a point or more in each direction IBM was 363 1h off lh Rails showed scattered strength t.11ssoun Pac ific and Great Northern reported hlgher earnings for the September quarter Southern Pacific closed at 35% off 'Vs steels motors and chem1cals were narrowly 1r regular Airhnes and aircrafts also traded on both sides of previous closings US Steel closed at 37 1h off V. Bethlehem was 29 % up 14 Conglomerates lacked a definite pattern nurung shares were IDlxed Gold Ufl Cl"'ll I un c1 tio. a Vn!Oll Co II \Jll E 1c lO Ufl E o 6 00 Un E o!O» Un I! o/S~ uno c.. 1 .. UOCll oft..til \JnP1c Co I un 0t1"Kll 2 • ' '" » • "" " ' .. .~ "~ •• "' •u ,,. JJ ~ JS~-•• " ' , . ,,, • • • ..,. n., ,m IOI lQ/ ~ O l(j M ~ ., ... .... •• ... 11 .. • " 16 11 " -W·X Y·'L- Welo tt" I W•I~ i 1 201 '° ll• ?Jr. 111 " ... DOW JONES • VEl\AGES • '" • .. ' "' ". " • • ", JI 16 • " •• • " '" "', • ' • ""' " • " • " '1 ' " ti!~ • " ·~ '"' • •• l " "I " " .. " 0 .. • ~ '" " ,\ .. ' "' . ll "' • ". " " .. , ro " • , " .. • " ' ~ "" 19 • -~ ' -. ll . -..,, " " "" ' u '" -1 lo -~ ,,,,, ,. ... . . ' " " •• •• a • • " "' '"· '" • l'll~ - " ' .. . ' )Cl l' 1 .. " • JJ } •I :J6 ~ I J 5i., ~~ • " .. ' ' '" " • " , .. ' .. " " ' .. • • > ' . " " . " • " ' •l 11 Market Symbols Ti-. follewl"' l'I • •ti' fO ,.,.,,.,boh m•-t lllt 1 ock m..rtll rtPOrtl. 00001 t Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange Li~t n , .. " !l .. ,. • • " ·~ .. ':! ... " ,1 ii: ' ,• " ' ': " 'l • " ~ " ,n • .. 'll " " ,1 ' ,a " i; ' " " " '" ' " • ol • I! ,!~ n " ,.. •• .. " l1v. '" "" ,,, '" "" '" ... .. 1il'o h~ , .. .i•• "" ,, .. . .. ... ' . ". 71>41 ·r-· l ~ '" '"' "' " rn, " I • ,;,,. '" .... .. . 11 ... n'I. ·~· ... " . ~· ••• .. 2J•• ~ ,,, M "' \.. , .. " "' ... ,~,. "" 1~ '" , .. " 'l' • • ,t: "" '" .. ,i;: 1o~ ,.. • .... " " . .. " "' " '" "" " ••• ' . •• ". l. " lf ~ .. "" n " ... r,,, ... ., .,. ... ... ,., .. '" .. ,, . ii' ,,. '"' • " ... " "' ,,. ,, '" 2S 2~ l r..t l~ ,, ·~ 1. l ,,...., '1'4 '1S l~• I""' <!, 11 '•"" ..., . ''" 11 ~ " ·-' " • ' ' ' " • ' " M " " " '" " '! a .. n " ,!I ,. ' l .. " ' " ... 1"i1 ' li c " ,\f • 11• ' " ~ " ... " ' " ' .. • n 'l l1 .'l . ' 11 .. " .. ". " > " ... ' ~ • "' ... '" " . ' " .. , .. 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JI DAILY PILOT Takin9 Off Bis Gloves? tHl ~11,ANGl WOl~O Nixon Hasn't Forgotten His Political Art MR.MUM B)' FRANK CO!l\ll t:R WASlllNGTON 1,\P I Rithard Nixon 15 demonstrating tic ha s n ' I f(ij'gotten the arts 1hal once !'l"!•de him a bare-knueklc champion an1ong Ameri ran politicians. The Pres1dent look off the gloves last \1·cc k ;ind 1n- <lications are he n1ay keep swinging-at Jea~t throu~h next ~!onday Yi'htn hr dl'l1vers l11s f!romised V i e I n am w;ir message. 1'ixon, taking !he orfcns11e nine months lo the day all!'r taking office. called 1 n ne"·smen one \.\ L'i'k ago to de · fend his choice of Clcrncnt F. Hayns\\·orth Jr., his nominee to the Supreme Co urt . Haynsworth, the President said, was a victim of "vicious character assassination " Although he spoke sortl y and smiled often. Nixon's words had a sharper edge than any he had used in public sint:c becoming President. I'' ,,.,,,''Nf· ·:p .~:(~)~::1· •.• :fe:::t :) /':•·'···:~ .. · .. '· >l'.'1;::-:" ,.r_;;:1\~ 1:le.tN~c~R .. . ,. . .... ·-· •, -. . ' .. -. Tius came at a itme when 1nany Republicans as well as Democrats had concluded Nix- on \Jould remain a rathtr placid and passive ch ief ex- ceulJve. .Just a v.·eek t>arller the muted Nixon approach of the first nine months v.·as evident tn a ~pecial message he sent Congress. Wrote N ix on : ··Neither the 0 em o c rat i c Congress nor the Republican administration is 11"lthoul fault for the delay of ''ital Jeglsla· lion." On Inauguration Day. Nixon had urged that all cihzens to"·er their voices and discuss na tional issues 1n a quiet , ra· 11onal manner. For nine months. lhe lowered voice was a hallmark of the Nixon presidency -to the point \1'here more than one fellow Itepublican \v ished Ni x o n \l'Ould not only speak softly but. in the tradition of Theodore Hoosevch , carry a big stick. 1'he stic k surfaced last week. Only tin1e V.'lll tell whether the v.·eek marked a turning point in l'\ixon·s fortunes, ll'hl ch have been al their lo\\·est ebb since J anuary. Of itstlf, thr surprise coun· terattack against critics of llaynsworth did not appear to be a decisive event in history. But 11 came in a week that sa1v Nixon gain unexpected latitude for maneu1·er on a far n1ore important issue, the Vietnam v.·ar. Sena te Democratic Leader r.1tke Mansfield of Montana. a persistent critic of Vietnam poli cy , told newsmen Nixon had significantly altered past policy and, in effect, had ordered a standstill cease-fire. Chairman J . \V. fu!bright, ID-1\rk.J of the Senate Foreign Relations Com m it tee an- Crossword Ptizzle '.. D1.rd,e { l J~' llo<e ~l C.rai:.pl..i st1fn~' 1 hor ses ~l \t111ol 'l C.o11 c l riurs Pr/ t•~lv lurrH\U<f •.a S·drl il '< 'I (,;i(1!b lon~ E ~ '"L:irn1 ., a~m r t; Q,1 Int otr er l ~ ~tm•ni 1• ' irl.:J n1t kn.l,..,. t ~ O 1 l-• ; 1; Tapno•c . I ~ '•l!J 2 .. o•o~ ,.,.,·, l& 5parlao "orrl ' \la~t bb S,1spr1H11"I 17 Bu1l(I ,., tt•l<1 1·• 19 S101tho11st v ... y 20 Vf'IY m.,lli h7 Eurofl CJll ovt r10r•1aht IPJ~r• l l Bo~1 on1 .1r> or li S \',J l ~tr! Hali~oH1 a 11 b9 l'\•11 d ri l ~)Calm and ''"'•{! peacr l1il "7 0 l.~Jr.• r~r:'r ?~A fr 1C \M l~~t j L"Pat. i'b No1 ~1,t.11'1 I•;'• za: Nat1vt ol ~I 71 \'.o ,': Saudi 1,1 1.111, /lrabtJI'\ t •ly 32 Undrr~!oc•! 1n ~ p~r11 ~. l~r way 37 PJll V1 A !l:ra1r• ); 1.10,,n!a1r Con)) fr• :n T11t "ti " c.I ) "TN T·• ~1 Din r'J-l !tatur• '2 ~r-OC" ·~ ... ood • '" r! a r ,. ~~BJ~ tl .. _ f 11·1d1 I~ 1• '1.1<'' . :' ""''~· -48 \lia rn~ ,, JO ll ~~ ;~26 32 3l l• [.QI,'/ p ,,, '"' ! R 10 l.1J1 :Ir ~ ~d j I •, r r\ i ~ ' .. "' ~ D•t••-1~·~ ~ I( 1d tl I''': ~ p ,,-,11•1 I I @•1 ~,.• , t,,.ft. ' 'I"'" ! r-r"Tl ti 9 "'!.1, :.J tn • J e n r ' • . . . ' c . "' 0 M r "' ~ " .. .. ( "' ( . ( i c ( .. " • • • • ' • ' ' ' .. ' ' • ' • 1 " o B o " • c •~o ro !I• . ' .. .,II .. • I S 1 0 •'O .. a " ' •l O" ltON S ' .. -' ;, • ' 0 ' ~ .. r, ( "' ( o T • ' 0 • " . " ' ". .. " ... -' . . " " 0 • •• "' .. " .. ' L 0 .. [ . ' .. ( " ' ' ' "' iO 01~avow 11 M an·~ 11~..-e 12 Rl'il\jlOU~ lr~dl'r 13 ll ro!15l1 fT Qn l'~. fl ll!l •. l F Ooq'!1 a hrl!.l lo t>r 111.if :'~ HeJd lOVf'JlllCj 24 fit>(l'J'/f> ~·, rPl 11'f1 tar work 21 o~strov ?ft L de ot !';t 11J r~y 3.'l ::01t ~nr>; ~I l1t>t11\ ol I ~tuno !,C~• ;z -··· l'l o\lra l,.ri 'T•nal 'J'O.IP :;3 "-Pd cl ~ i!!J'"'' ~I l!ol '' r ... ~~.,-.,, · r .. ., r u1d o1 r~(l' ~J r a~v c.( J({l'~~ ' . "' ' 10/28/b'J ~3 F~ll1ng into 1rattlut olds 44 i:er1t '16 Ont's call 1n g ~7 Dut1l'S 49 F •ts t wor d or many t11 y na mes ~2 Flora ~nd 1~11n• ~3 Kind o! boom ~~ R1v rr ol Frante ~!l Yli tth or .... ~1 Plants by sca1tering SB Sttruriglv QHtmodel1 • l~fm c l p~y mtrit ~q A (oo~ of tove Qj Ylh1l\1rr htrOlll, fil (p •~11~ b5 Sl1o w s ilr11l •Pprov•I • • I I I I ... . ' lO JJ • PLANNING A PARTY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? C o!!ll ui for complete cetering service. We deliver for ordttl o.,er $50.00. We''" serve any size gether• ing , , , V1ry reesonebly. COLQN(l SANO(RS' R[CIP( Ktatuek~ fried ChielctK . 2929 E. Co11t Highway Corona del Mir 673-3722 693 S. Co11t Highw•)' L1gun1 B••ch 494-941 I NEWS ANAl YSIS nounced that "as a matter of courtesy'' he was postponing publi c hearini:;s on the v.·ar un- til after a Nov, 3 Nixon ad- dress to the nalion on lhe !.1.lb- ject . After v.·eeks of cumulative reverses, the Nixon \Vhite llouse cou ld only feel grateful for such courtesies and hope they presaged brighter days to come. Sintt Labor Day, the march of events has not bttn especially kind to tht Presi- dent, 1'.loreover, Indian summer saw its share of fumbling on the part of the administration. Jt became fashionable to observe that /l;ixon was in deep trouble. vacation. and so did Nixon. repeal of the 7 percent in-later, just ahead of the Oct . IS But September bro u g ht vestment credit and t ax Vietnam r.toratorium, h P. rent\\•ed awareness not a reform, on spending authori2a- single nationaJ problem had lions that N]Jton did not want, disclosed he way.Id relieve vanished during the pleasant on voting rights and expansion Gen. Lewis B. J-lershey as summer. Students returned to of the food sta1np program, on director of Setectlve Servict. campuses as rebellious as suggestions for winding dowa The Oct. IS demonstrations e1•er, crimes of viole~ did the Vietnam war. 0 re ected autumn's frustra-nol abate. living costs rose I n m i d . S eplember, a ever higher, and in Paris Republican senator, Charles lio~ and 0\1'ed at least some peart talks remained in a E. Goodell of New York in· of i"-steam to hapless ad. stalemate. troduced legislation putting a ministration handling of Viet· Attempting to operate as a time limit on involvement of nam policy in the wake of Ho IO\\'+key, low-profile chief ex-U.S. troops in Vietnam. Ho's passing in early Sep- ectJtive, Nix.on a b r up t 1 y Nixon responded: "_ .. if the His passing in early Sep. di scovered his mini-silhoo~tte administration were to impose tember had inspired new out- still offered a target. an arbitrary cutoff time, say cries from ho1ne fro n t Civil rights forces were the end of. 1970, or the middle dissidents that now was the among the first to be heard of 1971, for lhe complete lime for peace . But from. The Civil Rights Com-withdrawal of Ame r i can Washington and Saigon had mission accused the ad-forces from Vie tnam. that in· difficulty meashing signals on ministration of making a ma· cvitabty leads to perpetuating a Communist-promoted tem- jor retreat on sc h o o I and continuing the war until porary truce to mark the desegregation in the South. A that time and destroys any death. And the administration group ol Justice Department chance to reach the objective subsequently bungled so badly staff attorneys rebelled public-that I am trying to achieve of in explaining a JG.hour pause Jy against the civil rights ending the war before the ~nd in B52 bombing missions over [ Ii ,, I This "'eek, ho>A·everer, a top presidential assistant insisted, "There's no autumn of discontent around here." policies, Then Mrs. Martin of 1970 or before the middle of South Vietnam that the in· Luther King Jr, predicted 1971." tended diplomatic signal tol;::=====================::::; trouble if the administration Nixon at this po1nt continued 1-fanoi became a minLJs instead \Vh at Docs T he lliblc Say Of course, Nixon is well aware of the criticism he's bei!n getting. One aide of the President: '·He expects criticism. lte understands criticism. But he doesn't permit it to throw him off balance.'' Others in the \Vhite llouse, and Nix.on shares their view t.o some extent, react to criticism by reacting against the news media. Signs of public disaffection v.·ith the new administration became measurable by autumn's first chill aad mark- ed, in part, a reaction to sum- mer's pleasant lull. No major cities burned. Aller four years of steady escalation, the flow of troops through the Vietnam pipeline ·was reversed. Save for natural disasters along the Gulf coast and in Virginia, August w a s particularly restful. Congress took a long i \ ; \ I I ! did not alter ils approach IG to enjoy the general approval of a plus. Negro problems. of most Americans, according f\.1oratoriun1 planner.'\ also In September, too, !he to the pollsters, but he had a got a significant lift from a Haynsworth nomination blew negative popularity raiing on Nixon statement at his Sep· sky high. Having sought , a Vietnam. ten1ber news conference that nominee who would not arouse , Having withdra>A'n 25,000 see1ned to ref le ct in - controversy, Nixon came up troops from the war zone dur-transigence: '' tl n d c r no with one who found himself ing the summer, Nixon had circumstances will I be af- wrestling with conflict of in-expressed hope of pulling out fected whatever by it." Trying terest charges before the 100,000 or more by the end of later to rationalize his position Senate Judiciary Committee. the yea r. But in September he in a letter to a Georgetown, Several Senate Repµblicans announced a second-stage Uni versity sophomore, Nixonl urged Nixon to withdTa\I; the withdra.,.,·al or 35,000 men,"well suffered the further em· nomination. The President shy of earl ier expectations. barra~sment of discovering hel gave his answer last Monday: The President aimed his next had v.-ritt.en to a monarchist. "If he now asks that his name mO\'e dirC<!tly at disaffected On !\·loratorium Day, \\'hi!e . be vii.tbdrawn I would not do youth : November and pickets marched outside thr so • , • I have examined the December draft calls v.·ere \Vhite House, Nixon studiously charges. I find that Judge l ::=c=an='='=''=d=·=A=nd=•==''=w="=·e~e=ks=~ig~n~o~re~d=lh~e=d~cm~on~s~t~ra~'t~<r~s~.'"ll Haynsworth is an honestrr man." The Haynsworth nomination was not Nixon's only source of difficulty with the Democralic- controlted Congress. The le~islators outpaced the ad- ministration repeatedly, on ... ..... -... -· 'If you need information relating t.o tele· phone services or making a telephone call , you'll find it here in the front pages of your telephone book . Local calling area, prefix loca- tions, types of calls, lon g distance d ial in~. long dis tance rates, area code~, tips and l1i nt:-:. We're here to help. About Baptis1n'? It i1 01 NECESS.-.RY "' REPENTENCE~ l.-.tt1 1:)8). H ;, REQUIRED lo •••t u•, I Pel. 3:11. It will " .•. wo1 h •"'•V lhv 1in1 ., ."••the Lord'1 nemt i1 c:all•d upcn, Ach 22 :16. It i1 • NECES.SARY •ti cl cb..dit nce; Jeu,. ,.;d tc DO i*, Mell, 11:19-20, M~. 16:10. ·Jn. ):),5, Acts S:J2, H .. b. 5:8·9. 1 S•m. 15:22. It puh cne INTO Chri1t; inlc hi• bodv, lh• church, G.I, 3:17. Ach 2:.A7. ONLY lhcse 'N CHRIST (in his bcdvl ••• •••ed; He ;, the "1•vior cf the IODV", fph. 5:23. BAPTISM ;, • BURl.-.L cl c nr'• bcdv in w•ler. • COVERING UP c f ihe whole bcdy, M~tt. ):ll -17, Rem. 6:)-5, Cc!. 2:12. "" e••mple cf BIBLE a.-.PTl5M is 9 i•en in Ach 8:31, " .•• •nd they wrnl d own beth infc lhe ... 1., , .. ""d he bepliied h:,..". BOTH the pre•t hl!• end lhe cne bapliled went cl own into the ""•le•. "MUCH w.-.TER" i1 rl!quired, Jn. ):21 ; • cup-lull e r d .. h-lull er 1m t ll b••in.lull ii NOT encu9h . The•• SPRINKLED, c• whc had wel1r POURED ever them 1hculcl •1k ihe queslicn, "H ... VE I BEEN 8.-.PTtZE07". See Ac l1 19 :3-S !er 1cm• who THOUGHT they .,.,,., properly b•pli1ed. but whc were NOT. BAPTISM ;, ..,,,,,Jv en ACT OF OBEDIENCE io Ch,i1t, •• ••• manv ctlier relicicu1 •Ch. Cen one be 1•Yed NOT OBEYING Chri•l7 H ave YOU obevecl C~rili in Bepli1m7 Write er phone fer booklet en e.-.PTI SM. \'ISIT UI end di1cut1 ti.is end ether Bl8Lf 1ubjech, Church cf Chr01l. 217 W. Wil1cn St., Ccoie Me11, Co, 92627, PHONE 5~8 ·5711, 5'45·2441, I ·I ' ..I So much helpful information, in fact, th•t wc'vcaddeda @ handy index. Pacific Telephone - !" lik. ha ha ·no I bu •U po •• m· sh; r,, '" Strangers Welcomed ~men JEAN COX, 494-9466 • ,.,. u The Laguna Line Area Residents Seen ·At Pet Show, Parties B~' JEAN COX Ol the Dl ilY Piii>! Siii! A pct show and parties are soine of t.he things which will be happening in the area tluring the con1ing 11cck. J lJ.'llOR \\'0.\IAN 'S Club of Laguua Beaeh is h;1\'ing a bridge p:irtv in 1he \\'oman's Clubhouse .it 11:30 a.in . next Thursday, and proceeds from the e1·<'nl. OP<'n lo !he pu b- lic, 11·ill go to South Coast Conimun.ily Hospllal. NEXT SATURDAY will hr bu~1'. "ith events .~chl•dul-:-d for tha t date includin~ a n in1111age ~Cl!f' whi<·h ll'ill he i;:ivcn by Saddlf'batk Cotl ri::c faculty \Vives. for hors d'ouevres and will have salad and French bread in f.1r. and Mrs. Warren Allan·s h o m c. The main coursl'. incl uding fried chick- en. baked potatoes and cran - berry sauce, "'ill be served in the D;ina Point home of ~Ir. and i\lrs. Charles Hay - den. Grasshopper pi e, in the Capistrano Bea ch home or !\Ir. and l\lrs. Ted Copp. v.ill conclude the rneal, however ff'slivi lies will continue into !he night. lenic is planning a potluck luncheon at noon Wetlnesday. Nov. 5, in Laguna Hill~ Park Clubhouse . All members of national social sororities are invited. FRIDAY WTLL be a very busy day. Philhannonic Com- mittee in Laguna Beach iit paying for buses which will take students from El Morro, Aliso. Top of the World and St. Calherlne·s School lo the first free "youth con'cert of the season presen ted by Orange Coun!y Philharmoruc Society in Nel'i'port Harbor Hi g l'I School. No reason to feel like a stranger with Saddleback Valley Ne,vcomers Club around. The friendly group \Viii have its first luncheon, followed by an afternoon of cards in Ben BrO\'ln's restaurant, South Laguna at 12:30 p.m. \Ved.nesday, Nov. 5. New officers look- ing over \he menu are (left to right) the Mmes. Ar- thur Norman, president, Robert llagerty, vice president, of Missi on Viejo, and John Tonrich, re- cording secretary, of El Toro. All women new to the Saddle-back area are invited. Reservations n1ay be obtained by calling Mrs. Marshall Bloom. 830-6507 or 1'.1rs. Daniel Greco, 830-4389, by next Friday. Ayudant es /1u.-.:i11:1ry. Chil- dren 's Hnn1£' Socictv is giv- ing a Hat!ov.•ecn Paftv S:Hur- day night , bc~inn.ing 'ut 8. in fvlis.~ion Viejo Recreat ion Center. The sa1nc c1·r11ing a Sou lh- crn style prog ressh·e dinner will be enjoyed by El Cam ino Re;il Junior \\'oman's Cluh mc1nbers and their hush;inds beginning at 7:30 p.n1 Diners will start oH in the home or !\fr , and ~1rs. Leslie \\'illiams T\\'O CLUBS are planning lllr rary programs next v.·eek. i\li ~" Isabelle Ziegler. author cf "The Nine Days of Father St•rr;1"" 11•ill speak lo Laguna H1·aeh Br;:inch. Na I i on a I l.r;1J!lJC of American Pen \\ln rncn next l\1 onday morn - ing in Laguna Beach Unified School rJistrict building. The Sou1h ({'last Cl ub will hear Evc!'c1t Noon;in. a reviewer or hooks and plays durin g a luncheon ga lhf'ring in the To11·crs bcJ;!lnnin~ with a so- (·!:il hour al 11 :30 a.m. \'led· nesday, Nov. 5. It also is lhe date for World Community Day celebrated by Chu rch \\'omen Uniled of La gu na Beach wilh the theme of Christians in International De ve lopment. Mrs. Charles Stel'ens of Orange will speak hefore the galhering in South Shore Ba ptist Church, South Laguna . at 9:30 a.m. Studenls at Top of the \\lorlrt School Wil! be showing off their pets th(' same day from 10 to II a.m. in the Pet Shnw sponsored by the school'.! PT A. Banquet Marks Exhibit Opening California National Watercolor Society, which has found a perm- anent hon1e in Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery, will have its 49lh annual banquet in llotel Laguna next Saturday night. About 200 people a re expected at the banquet which cetebra~~ tbe society"s 491h annual exhibition in the gallery next month. ~t w~ll be followed by an invitational reception and awards presentation 1n the gallery. Art Association executives present a l the din ner ""'ill include \Va!Jace l\1a cKay, president, and hi s wile of San Clemente. and Tom K , Enman of Lagi.1na Niguel, director. Other association members \Vill be ~1rs. lvlu rat Boyle. vice presi· dent. and her husband of La guna Niguel; Mrs. Eug:ene Nowlen, ~x hibitions chairman, a nd her husband of Laguna ; I...aguna Beach City Councilman Ri chard Goldberg, a board member, and )rtS '•:ife of La- guna, and ~1rs. Harry \\', Robinson, c hairman of the·ilocents and her hus band of Laguna Beach. rvirs. Archie Arnold, treasurer, and her husband ;ire comin~ from Fullerton and Laguna Beach Mayor and ~trs. Glenn Vedd er and !11rs. Ruth Blanton of Three Arch Bay also are expected. The society's a nnua l exhibition ~nslst s or 123 juried works and awards of $3000 will be made at the reception. These incl ude seven purchase awards for the society's permanent collection as weU as 12 other prizes. November has been designated as \Vaterco!or Month by the gallery \Vhich in addition to having the 49th annual exhibition in its main gall ery. 'vi ii house the 102nd Travel Matted Exhibition of Ameri- can \Vatercolor Society. Docents o! the gallery 'vill prepare fo r their duties escor1in,i::: visitors through the gallery by attending an orientation lecture by Rex Brandt in the gallery next Friday at 3 p.m . Brandt, who \viii instruct docents in all aspects of the \vater- colors on display, is a member of both lhe two exhibiting socicti~. The docents wil l lead guided tours every Sonday at 3 p.m. during the. run of the exhibit, however special tours with a docent may be ar· ranged by calling the gallery at 494-6531 . Gallery hours are from noon to 5 p.m . daily. I . DRAWING PLANS -Rex Brandt takes titne out in hjs ar- tist's studio to discuss plans for the 19th annual banquet and exhibition of California National Watercolor Society "'ilh Mrs. Hazel J-Jarper, society president, and Eugene Nowlen LAGUNA BEACll Panhel- of Laguna Beach (left to right). The society, which has members in 22 stales. \Viii make its permanent home in Laguna Beach 1\rt Association Gallery. ~Good Samaritan' Reveals No-muss, No-fuss Experim.ent DEAR ANN LANDERS : You hear from so many nuts I thought yw might like a le.Iler from 11 mature per300 who handled an Illicit love affair with fi ne55e. had his fl ing. got ii out of his system and ·no one was hurt. J met an attractive girl through my business. She wa~ inexperienced, love-- starved and vulnerable. I sa w an o~ portunity to perfonn a useful service a m! at the same time. add a liUle zest to my 0life. I talked tt over with my wife and :-he onderstood. I agreed not to em· l!lrrass her or the children. Our ren- dezvous were private and no one ever saw me with the girl. After lhree mmi1hs the fire was out. 1 "'as happy to relurn to my wife on a full- time: basis. We are now closer than e11er. ANN LANDERS See, it can work. -NO FUSS NO MUSS DEAR N.F.N.M.: U yoa're kloklnl for • 1ood C09dod IDed•I YOll CllrDf: '° Utt wrotll platt. Juat btttue yow wllt: didn't bang heraelf In lite aWc la no elp she wasn'I dttply hurt. The prt1e: fl'.Gel to llER, not you, Dummy. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I have an cm· ba.rrassing problem that I cannot di.scu.s1 wtth 1 clergyman, doctor nr (riend. I t'~ my in-laws. They come to our home every other Sunday and they have yet lo bring a gift for our children . We don 't ('X- pecl anything expensive, you understand, but some small toy or trinket v.·ould make a big hit with the kids . Yesterday our 5-year-0ld ask('d, "!low· come Jimmy and Sue (the kids nex t door) always get gift.,-from their grandpa and our grandma and grandpa ne11er bring us anything?" Then Beth, our 7- yccn:.old asked , "Dool Grandma and Gr andpa Jove us?" \\'hat shall I tell them? -NEEDING ANSWERS DEAR NEEDING : Tell them "Gifts are ftot proof of love -It's ltow peo ple lrtal each otbtr thal e<1unl1. The fact that Grandma and Grandpa C1>mt lo see you 11 proo f eoougb that they love you- and It abould be sift enough, too." DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our 23-year· old daughter married her boss last year, This was Fern's first marriage. his third, We didn"t say anything !it wouldn "l have done any good) but we weren't happy about it. The man is 51 years old . Last we~k f ern announced that she 1, pregnant. Jwty sor:i·in·law , who is only two years younger than my husband, is thrill- ed. This will be his firsl child. I am wondering if the baby v.•ill be mentally all right. The age difference worries me . Do you know anylhing about the offspring of marriages v.·hen the father is con- siderably older than the mother? Please chec k. -HONOIULU DEAR HON : An J-:ngllsh 1elenli1I, A. F. Hutton , u leclfll l,000 Ulustriou1 peo- ple from a 1tandard eraeyclopedla. lit discovered lhat a n unir~ually blgb perctn· tag:e· of tbo~e who have dl1Un1ul1bed lbemaelvu bad ynun~ mothers aod old falherll. Dr. Hulton t'laim~ that when the father I~ ovr.r 45. the odds are l'A'O to one that hi~ cblld "'·Ill he 11 pC'rl'-On of achievement. When the falber 11 over 60 year1 of 1ge, lhe odd• ari 11 to o.e . Tbt: mtdleal upert1 widl w~INll I coe- llUlled were not c.nctned wtdl tk me.. tallly of tbeH cblldrtn. 111iey nlMd 1notber qoe10on. WUI lhelf: oiHr ma who start yoon.1 lamUles the IOlll aoap te rur lkm? Drinking may be "in" to the kids you run with -but It can put y'ou "out" '- keeps. You can cool it and stay popular. Read "Booze and You -For Teenagr:rt Only." Send l5 cents in coin and a long. self-addressed, stamped envelope wltlt your request. Ann Land.ers will be glad lo help yOll with your problems. Send them to her ii care of th e DAILY PILOT, enclosing 1 1clf-addressed, stamped er, •elope. Hor oscope Libra : Responsibility Increases WEDNESDAY OC TOBER 29 By SYDNEY OMARR BASIC ISSUF.S domin11te. People wanl i.o know where the (ood aad sbdter art com· Ing from -and wheLhcr cost i1 out of line. Major pOL.JT. ICAL figure makes proposal whlcb CBUllCS IUJl party to de- nounce him. A RIBS (March :!I-April 19): Strive to bring together op- posing family fa ctions. Set fi ne example. Be an excellen t listener. Don 't turn ba<:k on Franco-U .S. Relations Discussed one born under Cancer. TAURUS (April 20-.May 20}· Travel, creati ve thi.nking and meaningfuJ decisions are hig b on agenda. Be f l exible. Nothing today is static where you are concerned. A relative could do an about-face. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Study Tauru1 message. You have much in common today with persons born under that zodiacal sign. Personal accent is on possessions, income potential. Gain shown if yo u are observant. CANCE R (June 21.July 221 : Cycle high ; aid likely lo be r ecei v ed from Aries in· dividual. Stress personality , appea r a nce . You are especially attractive to op- posite sex today. Act ac· cordingJy. l..EO (J uly 23-A ug. 22): Your sense of the dramati<: is satisfied . So much occurs that ls mysterious that you revel in the role of one who has solu· lions. Money comes your wa y. But do be confident. Doubt equals loss. to future . fllr liice-saving dc>v1c~s. A bit SAG IITARJ US !:O:ov. 22· of generosity on your part will Dec. 21J: Emotions are pay d.l vi<lcnds. powerful. Nothing I! halfway : PlSCE.5 (Feb. 19-March 20): all the way or nothing. Money t wh1ch involves others is Encouragt young perso ns o spollighted. Study investment express themselves in creative plans. Opportunity is pr~enL ways. Evening pr(HTiises Lo be CAPIUCORN (Dec. 22..Jan. one of discovery, possible 19): 1'ime to be receptive. romance. Day is featured by Absorb knowledge. Be a air of excite1nenl. shrewd observer. The more --"------,---..,---- od h Ad~e,.1u,,....,1 you listen t ay, l e more you 1~---~-------, learn. Joint efforts succeed. AQUARI US (Jan. 20-.Feb. 18): Don't take too seriously com plaints. threats of those close to you. Some are looking Past Day s Recounted On Radio Lose 10 Lbs. In 10 Days On New Grapefruit Diet Mothers and Davghters Ring Ovt th e News France -Friend or Foe~ is the title of the talk U.S. Army Col. (rel.) Walter F. Dunn Jr. will give before Executive Dinner Club of Orange Coast in the Newporter Inn al 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Accent on hopes, y,•ishes and friends. Much is in your favor if your don'l fall prey to self. deception. Str ive to be realistic. l..to person ls put· ting on an act. lt is all in good fun . t.1rs. Charles Durway, sister of comedian Alan Young, will recall her years on Canadian radio for Newport Beach JCriends of the Library in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Fred Ellis Thursday, Oct. 30. Thi:> is the revolu tionary new grapefrui t dirt lhat l"\'CrY· nnC' 1s suddenly talking about. Litl'rally lhousands uron thousands of t.:Oplf'S t1avt· br<'n passt·d !ron1 hand tv hand 1n fa ctoric>s, planls i1nd offic•·s 1hrought1ut lhc U.S. and Canada. \Vol'd ur its success has sprl'Ad lik1• 1\'ild· fi11', br•C'ausl' lhis is Lhr one diet t ha t rl'ally seems to \VOL'k tor tilQ,St Ol'l'l'\\'C.ight Jieoplc. A 11•1·ll kno1\ln Tor!)!l· 10 colun1nis t 1Tet"ntly J!r<1is· 1'd it to th(' skie:-;. J !e l'l'port· ('d Josing 10 pounds quii:;kly and C'asily long aftf'r hr dcs· palr('d of crrr ge lling d1.i11•n to his 1vnrti111c \vcight of J6::> p('IUllds. All th is 11·ithout ('UI· ting out the occasio11111 bc~·r or rye. l f it is follov.·cd ex· actly thr avcragl' over11•cii:;ht person should lose 10 1)()unds in 10 days. Th('re \11ill IX' no 11·eight loss ln the fi rst four days. Bu t you 11'ill suddenly dro1J 5 pou nds on thr 5th day. Thrreafter you \1·111 losc one pound a day until 1hc 10th day. Then you \1•Ll l lose l 1h pounds every l" o days un!il you ge t do111n tu your pro1X'i-11·ciJ::hl. Brst of all there should be no hung1·r pangs. Ncnv rl'vised and rri· Jargt'd, this nc\\' d1 t·t plan l1~ts you stuff yourso•lf 11·i1h foods that \1·erC' turmrrly 'forbidden' , , • Such as tJJg .sl••aks, 1rilnn1c<l 1111h fat, Sou th ern fri1;d chicl1rn, ri ch i;rnv1 cs, mayonnaisr. lob· ster~. s1\'irnn1ing 111 liu11 C'r. llaco11. fats, ~a t1s<1~r.; i:in\I sC"ramb!l'd ,,~~J<. Y!'.lll can rat unul you ::ire f11 \I , until ,\'l>U cannot pos:-lhly rat. ;1ny innrr. And :-1111 ,\'fJ\I i-hould lu.'<!' rn puund~ Ill tl11· f1rsl t"ri ll il,\'-. 11111'< 11; pounds 1·1·,.1·y l11 r1 da~·s th rorrii rt<>r 11n t1 I .''(•ll1' 1v<'i;:h1 1" do11•n to norn1al. Thl' ~f'crl"t bf'hind 1h1 '< r.,,,,. "Quick 11·ri).!hl lo'<S' i-. 11111 ;:1•11•'rally kno1v11. Fat. 1L ha~ bcc>n theorited, do1•s 1101 f1,1·111 f:i r r rrhaps fat t"i.c ht'< !at. And thr crap•'· /1'111\ Jlll•'!' in l111~ ni'1v d1rt lllll'.ht ll('t ;i~ a O':Jtiil.).·I (1hr "1ri l.!i:cr"1 10 ~lal'! the fat bun1ini.; 1•toi.:r""· Y<:>ll ~l ufr ~·our~rlf 1111 Ill•' 1 ~·r1TI1 t 11'd food~ t1"l1·rl 1n 1'11' dir t pl;i n, and .~11 11 lo~c 1111.-.il;hlly fat iind l'~c,.,s hndy fluid~. \\'hr1\ lhr tnt :ind hln:i l ;11 r !\!others and daughters o r SL Andre,v's J:>resbyter- ian Church \\!il l gather together Lo glvc thanks \Vcd- nesday. Nov. 5. <it 6: 15 p.n1. in lhc church. during <1 harvest-themed thank offering and dinner. l\l usic \l'ill be provided by If.he .Junior f·li gh School and llandbell choirs and mother-daughter groups. As- Cut Decks At Benefit ~lore l11an 60 sa lads will be offered v.•hcn lhc Nat'lona l C:harlty League, South Coasl Chapter, presents its annunl benefit bridge luncheon at 11 .30 a.m. tomorrow in the <;ocx1 Shepherd J>r l'sbyterian ('.hurch, Los Alam1to1>. Among other prize.~ 10 hr gi\'en away ,~;11 be beau1ifu! CC'nterpicces ;idorning cat h table. Benefiting from the rvt·nt ;ire the Crippled Child ren's Society, Epilepsy Clinic and Foster Children 's Fund. Th is Jund rovers special needs fur children in fostrr care nol otherll'ise t:ovcred by federal , stale or county aid programs. Planning the luncheon arc the r.tmes, Harvey Hartzrl, chainnan : Leland K i nd, (;eorge Kelly, Robert I:>ov.·n· ing, Carl Atlerbcrry. l.cv.•1s Davi~ and E. Newel I Stoughton. Ora lingua De scribed A hL">tc-y of cduc;i t1nn for the deaf was presented .,,,.hen Da.,•e f'hillips spoke during today'.;; meeting of lhc Sorop· tin1ist Club ci Hun!1ngt on Beach in Francois re5taurnnl. Ph1 1l1ps, assistant \'ICC prC'SI · dC'nl of Security Pacific Na· uonal Bank spoke on bC'ha!f of 1he Or a!ingua Foundation .. 1 charitable founda tion v.·h1l'h !'t1ppor1~ oral day schools f11r dcaJ 1·h1ldren. J EANNE CAFF R EY Ma rch Bride Ca ffr eys T e ll Troth /\ r.t:1rr h 21 \1·rdd in g in 1hr Chu rch or the Hcflect1ons, Kno!'t's Ilerry F.1r111, ts ht:'ing plilnn t'il by .JennnC' J\l nrie Caf. frry :ind ~1 ichael G. fltilli ean. both of Cosla J\tcsa. 'fhei r betrothal has been <1n· nm1nced by J\tr. ;ind l\\r_._ llov•ard C. Caffrey of Co~1'1 Mesa, parl'nts or. the future llridc. l\-fiss Caffrey was graduated from Estancia l!igh Srhool and attends Orange Coa~t L'ollC'gC'. !Irr l1ant'C. ~on of Paul G. l\111111...tn ul .\l'v.porL Be:ii.:h ;ind i\lrs. Lcsler Kaltofl of Hell, 1s a gradu<ite of Newport Harbor J-ligh School and ;1\· tended OCC. II<' ::-ervcd thrC'f' vf'ars in 1hl' fllarinc Corps prinr lo cnti>ring OCC. sisting 'viU1 plans are members of the J oanna Circle, J·'lo\ver Guild and men's c/:.:!J. flingi ng out the news of the dinner are (lef! to right) Sue Wyman, 111rs. .lohn \Vyman and Leila \Vyman, members of the Jlandbell Choir. Jaycettes Plans for Conclude Tl1rcting al 8 tonight wil! be mcrnbers of Lhe Foullla1n ·valley Jaycettes, v.·ho will c_·onclude plans for their an- nua l costume l.Jalloween party taking place at 8 p.rn . Satur- day. Nov. l, i11 the plaza clubhOUSl'. Other business on the agen- <la \1'ill be a discussion of the Fountai n Valley Junior l\fiss tea \Vhit h takes plac e Sunday, Nov. 16 in the civic center. J\lrs. Tum Kelley \\'ill hosl the 2_llCCt1ng. Srrv1ng as general chainnan ul the llallov.•ccn p:irty is r..·trs. j il'Orge Scott. and assisllng :11·1· the J\lrnt·.s. U e r n 1 e Svalstad, Bruce G o ss e 11 • l\elley, Barney A·lcLaughlin and Joe Tunstall. J\lany original costumes ate ant icipated. and !here v.•ill be a prize for the most unusua l. Nc~t month 's business meet· ing Y.'il! t<i ke place 1n Mrs. Tunstall's home , and v.'ill in· Language Concepts Accented Haunting elude a display of Ch ristmas decorations by members and their guests. Col. Dunn v.·as advisor in the production ol the motion pi e· ture ''The Longest Day" and a personal representative lo the late Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in the Russian war zone. \\'arren Morga n will preside over the gathering, and \Villiam Imhoff, prog r am chairman, will give the in· \'ocation . llosts and hostesses v.·ill be the Messrs. and Mmes. Angus Potter and 0 . S. WC'ldc along v.•ilh f\.1rs. J o s e p h Pardeich and t.1iss AM Smith. Reservations may be ob- tained by calling Miss Fern Randolp h, 494·7075. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Prestige rises. You are given added responsibility. Wit h this comes greater reward. Emo- t ional and finan cial fu1fillrnent distinct possibilities today. Act acrordingly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Good lunar aspect today coin· cides w i t h communication with those at a distance. Especially good for writing, publishing and advertising. Plan ahead. Don•t brood. Look Mrs. Durway and h e r brother, who is known in television as 11-lr. Ed, were a brother-sister team before she met and married an American engineer. Her brother v.·ent from radio to lhe motion picture business and television and has v.·on two Emmy awards for !he Alan Young Show. J\.1rs. Stanley Le Li c v re , president of the group, is in charge of the public n1eeting. Assisting her are the f\.lmes. Horace Benjamin. fl. A. Pang, Alan Andrews, Henry Schone and Lel and Beck('\!.. ~1~1J~11i'.0u a~d11 ;·~··~I~:· ~~1i-i1;h~ 11·ill l'l'm:11n ""11t 1•oll.·d . A 1·npy •lf 1his 11r·11· 1111d :,l:irt. !1111J.v ::.11(·ri-~.~r111 dir t pla n rrtn he ob Lain l'd l1y ~{'ntlinh 1::~ to R & B ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 45046 Ch ica90, Illinois 60645 The Need to succeed has Doors 0 on Auxiliary Rvm mage Sale ::"~~;~~·';~~~!; '::en~~~~ .. ~~n11~:~~~~~~ h I _, h . b pen •ol lo~! l J)Oundl In me 1.r>! 1 d~~~. l'ell se ech:• . .1 as er topic Y ~noln<!r 6 oo~nd.• in th" n••I 7 "·•Vl• J)r . ~e rt.rude P a t I e r s on , Anxious . to lure b uyers into La"una Beach Amcri· 111 'd B 1. ~~.a p, D<>"nd• """'v two"~"',.,.,,,.. b 1• rs.:\ a Ufr\C , treasurer. S.:ilc ho11r:; arc!) a.m. to ~"~~ . .,,,.,0:1~ .-rurn ... ~ d;.,1 ii1 .. n ""i lan,lluage arLS ronsullant y,•i!h can Legion J~all \\'here auxiliary members \Viii stage 5 p.in., and special feat ures \vi!] include a bak e sal" ..-n .. • '~ ''"'1 be •"1un<1~11 11•omn11v. Holt. R1neharl ;:ind Winston, a fall rummage sale and bazaar Thursday and Fri· f'hris1mas item .~. a '''hitc elephant tablC' and cl oth: -;;;;.,;~-:'0:: ;·~~:;:~~~~·1 "~:.C~a~~ ~:! Inc. publ ishing finn. day. Oct. 30-31, arc (left to righl) ,·!rs. Del la S d . h d •o '""~'" '"• 11 .... •ll'~'"v• 1.;u•• "h .,, d I h 0 " 111g. an WIC es, onuts and co ffee \\'Ill be serv ed "' ""U' VO<i•~. Wl\•I• ,,,u rn1ovl~!I •1 e "'1 a cress I e range S1.aihr, sale chairman; J\1i ss Lillian Ncisha tn, prcsi· hnlh days. ""''1Y b•t••.1••'•· 1u"'"" ""~ "'"· County Branch of the Associa· denl,· J\1rs. My rtle T aub"n<.on, co-cha•·r,nan, ancl ""''· oroer ""w br-tore o•"•'~ •n•11 ~ ........ . • • • • • • • • • • • ··1 S-T-R-E-T-C-H : • • • • • • • • • • • 11nn of Childhood Education --------''-----'-_:.__:_.:_.:__:_:._:._:._:_ ___________ jj~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·~·~'"~·~'~·m~"~''~'"~"~'~'· lnlernationa 1, in conjunction v.1th U1e Orange Co unty c di I k Dopartmcnt ' [ Edocalion. an e G ow Spar s f'.'.nghsh <1s a Second Language :ind Bilingua l f. ducal i o t'1 Ne w Group Organized • • • • • • • • & SEW (T M.) Knit Fabrics • Orange In 724 East Kutella WE TEACH YOU HOW TO SEW WITH ALL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l)rograms :it 7:30 tonighl. B • hd M . The me<ling w;ll takc place /(f ay emor1es iri lhc Tu stin School District :it Hewes Intermediate School, Santa Ana. Dr. Patterson has taught aII levels from c I e. men la r y through college where she was in charge of teacher training, and she will center tler speech around oral language ex· pcrience for bo.w;: and girls wilh special attent\on given to material f r om "Children's \Vorld '' and ''The Sounds and Pa1terns or Language.'' Velve t Marks To rerno\'e nCC'dle mark:r> Tl 's been eight years siricc to 1hc pr esen! !:IQ.bed rac1l1rv eigh l v.·omen in the tailored v.·i1h its modern inlcnsi"e e:1re skins and v.·hite blouses ap· unit, peared at the 5 0 . b e d Past presidents invi ted lo take parl in the program .,, ill Wes tminster Comm u n i I y includ e the !\tmcs. Cu rtis Hospilal and volunteered thclr Blucmke, \Villiam t.lagill. St<1n time to deliver mail and Richards, Frank J\1cNc ll'}" flo\•;ers, host matemity teas 1-lugh Salisbury, r.1cith ;ind and mend hospital linen. Harry Sigeske. v.·ho is serving her second lerm as pres1dcnl ·ro celebrate this occasion, lhis year . 1ncmbe rs of the \Vestminstcr Also lo he honnre<I :ire A ,·olun\C'cr ..-rrvicl' group k(•ycd lo hun1an ('Olll'Cfn 1n 1ts i1nmedia te corn ni u n i ! y ,i::athercd th is morning in the I f11nting\on Beach home of J\lrs. f.ti L·h;i c! Brick . Named the lnlande rs, the organization is sponsored by lht• Firsl United Church of Fo11ntain Valley . Area v.·omen interested In rommunity y,·elfare may ob· lain additional information by C'al!ing r.trs. Brick, 968-2862. Hospital Guild \\·ill gather for fl ona!d Albri!!hl, hospit al ;id-Read TV WEEK a potluck diruicr at 6:30 minislrator, !\1rs. Leo Hi\'arrl, director of nurses. and !\lri;. E S t d tonight. very a ur ay Lou Paez. 11ssistant director of 20% OFF ON ALL GIRLS DRESSES AND GIRLS SPORTSWEAR Fri. • • • fro1TI \'Civet, place a cloth • d;11npcned \Y ith vinegar o ... er KNIT FABRICS FEE $15.00 , ___ ._. ____ ,.,. _____ ._. ____ ,.,...,) • the v.•rong side of I.he n1aterial. As each past president lights nu rses. in The Daily Pilot a candle to rcea!l her year of -----------------------1 scrvic.:e, !\1rs. Bernard C. 3 Days Only Wed ., Thurs ., Oct. 29, 30, 31 Sizes: 3-6x • • • • IJr~1w across the surface of n hcat('d iron. l\lei1h, historian . v.·il l revic"'· lhc gultd's grov.th. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• I NEW CLASSES START I Limited [n1ellment ! NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th IMAGINE! Learn to m.,ke Stretch Pa nts 1n one hour, e\'en girdles! START SAT., NOV. lst-9·11 a.m . HRS. DAY 9.5; NITE 7,9,30 P.M • Parking in Rear -Phone: 633·2842 •1;;--=:---: :1 BOOKS: • : BOOKS :1 BOOKS •' • Last year members dev oted a total or 5500 hours of service Zod iac Decor Now you change l he bathroom seat to m a t c h balhroom decor. BOOKS Seve r a l designs ar c available includin g b o Id I y printed zodiacs. The manufac· lurer says the lid change 'akL'S only a few sttonds wllh a uni· que pin fastener. • m•tMn., i.u cc stoc tt • r-•,,, ro Jr;i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;J : PICKWICK ~ : !.~ ~~,~~ "~'~! )40 219~· -~- • '") 140l1)'1"110d IT'fd, UNITID NATIONS ASSOCIATION Gin SHOI' lm"od•d &ilh-Unic•I C••d1 7204 N. M•i", 5•"'" An • Mondtv th,., Si tu•d•v-11 .C • • • • • • a • • a • • • • • • • • • • • llGll,P'OOCI (2lll HO Mltl • •••HAT T'IN•S TO liO NATIVE IN " 7-14 only SPE'CIAL GROUP OF LADIES FALL SPORTSWEAR AT SAVINGS OF 1/3 to 1/2 3404 Via Lido -Newport Bea ch 673-9434 I ON! OF THI LI DO SHOl'SI .~. Tl W8 Afl(, AT I CAt • • l TRI pla: \Viti 2. Il \\'3 ~ T l I 1 ni gt tele· t ire< job, te1n 1nep l \VO- J hC fore \\1('5 (!U!h Brit 11nk1 of ti per!: l hc nae inur <l~CJ prcr Sflll! trai \\'ar la::;t ~an · i 11 t! t l1c sccc \\I{' ri J I all gra 1 Lu c, pro1 1'\/ 'T'V "Re hug 'vas: abo out /' ( '- - 'WllO UPSl --· -------.. -------------------------------------------L--- -----------------------------~-------·----------------.----------------~ ----- TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS WSUL1 TuERE'S ONE GOOD THING- ABOUI BEIN' LOST IN IHE DESERT. .. Al LEASTIHE GLJYS IN GRIMY GULCH CAN'T SEE MECARRYIN IHE K1175 DOLL! of" ,, BE CAREl'UL, COWB<N'. YOU'RE SQUEEZING M{ DOLLY TOO HARD! .... SH E WON'TB EABLE TO BREA>HE ! PEANUTS COW'KNS MAKE: iERRIBLE NOMMYS! i'M SORl'V.~. A. L.EAf FELL ()I <,'O'JR DINNER •• ~ .... ,........,.., .... By Charles M. Schulz .... ____ _ PERKINS By John Miles I • TRUE GRIT -Guest star. John Wayne, Jo,ver, plays a one-eyed sheriff heading 'for a sho\vdO\\'tl \Vith a one-eyed villain, tonight at 8:30 on Channel 2. Red Skelton plays the villain. The co1nedy sketch \Vas suggested by \Vay 11c 's n101.(!(•. TllLEVISION VIEWS Lorne Gree11e In Ne'v Role By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V \'ORK !AP) -JJeter \'anin of J..•lon day night's "Destiny of a Spy" on NBC \Vas an off-beat television hero. fl ere \Vas a 50-year-old \Vidower, re- tired fron 1 active spying to a Russian bureaucrat's job. tapped to destroy a nev.r British \veapons sys- ten1. l ie \vas a luke-\va rm Communist and a pretty i11cpt agent. THE COMPLICATED script really stuffed the 1\vo-hour n1adc-for-'fV film. It \Va s brightened by 1.he heroic presence of Lorne Greene v.·ith a slig ht fo reign accent. and in a business sui t instead of \Vestern dra11 J and "Bonanza" 11niforn1 : bv lhe au thentic London exleriors, and by a ca st o'r fine Hrltish ch::~racter actors. The spy's ass111nn1cnt 11·ns to track do1vn so1nc unkno\vn person 1vho 'vas threatening 'Lhe inventor of the \Veaponry. to ferret 0 11t. hjs ,guilty secret and persuade 11!1n lo pl!ll O\!t of the project. 'fhls led the spy inlo the arn1f\ of a blonde double agent - n achel Roberts -to 1lhe solution of a 20-year-old 1nu rder and to n dive under a moving train. ALONG THE \Vay there wa s plenty of tailing b.v <1gc nts for both sides and a clu tch of accidcnlaal and premeditated deaths. The pro,gram 1vil l never be spun off as a series since the hero -strucl\ by the ti"ain. then shot by lhe murderer -died <it the end. Bnh ll0pr .. i\1r.c·s hi.c:res \ .~:1111 in the hn t r·n tlnf'" 11·ri r . tr1u1nphed <H',,li n 1n th C> nt'\\C''·\ I\1C>l ~c n 11 !-I 1[1s last. sprc1al , according 10 1hc :1ud1{'n('e rt·scarch or- ganiza tion. \\'H5 tunf'll in hv 47 pcret'n~ (If lhe srts in use. i\IJC \1'0n 1n the 11:rt1ona! ~:iv1'r ,1t:r' r;i t1n c:.; fn r tile l\8Ck nf ()CL 1}·19. bu1ld1ng up a ::!0.1, \VJth CUS !i(1C011fl :11 1 fi .'2 :l nrJ \ f :! ' II 11 h \.) /, OTHER PROGRAMS 111 ;\·1 ~·l ~f'11·"' lt1n 10 •li(1\1, 111cre. i11 rir<h·r . .J'\li("s ··Lc1u.!:!l1·l n·· :i l1rl ''_\J11s1(• llall ." CllS' ''l\ed ;-;kel t011 ~11011•." Aat1 nnnl (;en· µ.raphic special. • 1:-~nn1ly 1\l f;:ii r " and "llerc's Lury," J'\Bf "s rPr11n of "llCid1" and •·1rnn s1de ," ?lope !i llll 1vo rk ~ ~s h;1rd J ., ;.i nc1r ron1Pr ~fl promote a ne.1v rnov1c , ~i 11t'\\' book or an upcon1 1ng 1'V sho1v. Ri _qht no1v he is in(rres10d In ;i 90-minule TV adn pl ion of the 30·yc<1r-ol d ~l<ige n1us1ca l •·Robe1ta" 1\·hi rh \vii ! be bro~i dca::;t Nov. 6. ASKED WHY his' shO\\'S i11v<1riably al!racted hu ge audiences, llope sairl he tho11 ght the sec ret \\1as ''divcr!-.ity -tnaklni:; the ziudience cunous about "·hat \\ic'll do nc>..i. I think lhey'lJ ,ge'L a kick out of our doing a fine old n111 sita l sho111." Den1iis tlie /Jfe11ace ( 'WllO<VfR LEFT" A FUR FOX ON #0'.l'S eeo ilCTTER GO UPSTAIRS fASf! O!: ~FF$ GIVIN' IT A 8A/l 1'/M£ ! ' JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER l'M HOSE SANFORD-- 0~ ESS-ESS MOTORS, llJC. -AND THIS IS MY PARTNER-MR. SWEAP.' 5HE CAME MERE WITH ME'. SHE'S NOr PERMIITED TO SEE YOU ••• i!IUT 5HE'5. W.'JTING FOi!': ME ! 1T'5 CRAZY.' WHAT 1$ A DOODLEBUG? I l4AVE l4ERE A SCIENTIFIC REPORT ON T..\E OOODLEBUG.1 GORDO "!,!-J O VEL.VET, 'IETf WOW! MISS PEACH • ON .loUR -THI ~ W EEK ONLY.'. AR'fHU/{1~ rne: D UNC£Mo~1LE fJ.< f ,, S EE "T1I£ )'ELL'f .l"CHOOL'S E1G6€ST fAILUR . S°EE TH £ LOWES°T IW€f<AGI" OF T~C' '/EAR! S°EE THE" I..Q. TrlAr ll1T >" BoTTOM I }!» > By Harald Le Doux lrilO, HE ISNi SERGEANT, 15 IT POSS181..E LYtN6, ISROl'V ! ~MISS SPENCER: TO see 5ME'5 WAITING B~OOV WITH ME F"OS:: NWIAVPE5j(~ A. FEW JIJf.IUT~? By_ Saunders and Overgard SORRY, MIO', SWEAP! WE DEAL, M~. • fD Gl\IE MY RJGHT A,qM KALOIO'f.'•··WHY FOR ONE·" BUT THE D()t(T \IJE STEP llJTO DEMAND FOR LOOSE THE CLUBHOUSE A~MS 15 PRETTY SLOW Al-ID BAT SOME ( 7HESE FIGURES DAYS.' AAOUt.JD <: By Al Smith By Gus Arriola By Men (516Hf}W~ATEVfll SfCAME OF L TH~ 6000 0~0-~ASHIONfO i • •· DUN'E CAP ? \ ,, , «.: .... -/' ' , ·- /Q .11 1 ! ' ' . . ' ' .. . .. - Tutsday, Octobtr 28, 1961J DA!l V PILOT J If TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 ... By Charin Barsotti No-w.:tlwU·.a. 11.. Ad c-'- A.L.,,_. :J1,,,J. .,,,di c.J.u,n_ ~11'Wt. ~ • ......u11.. 8 Will'. Will lllt Stl11 IC) {JO) Allen Ludden imts. R~• M11!e nd H1I Mtrclt 1uat 0 REDDIN TEACHES LAD· * IES SELF·DEFENSE! fJ IHICii lfl""" ~"' W.< (C) iif1Mi YIHllll ~ (dr1m1) '69-JalOlt [WIS, MlchMI Parks, Anj1nttlt Comer, Judy Pace, ·Z1tm1rt II.iii(, Tom Fieldin1. 111111 youna Boston l1w sludenls Ilka on lllt clefenM of hto 1ccuad of robbln1 1 ub driver. m D....W frMI ltl (90) Mississip. pi"' liril black m11'(1r Cl'wnlts £v111 ot f1yett1, pl1ywrl1ht·dlrtctor Gar· son 11.tnin, Auidamy Anrd·winnil'll 1ctr1u Ruth Goroon, comedi1nn1 Finnie Fl1u, musician Rivi S/l1nbr and sinpr llny S.11to1 111est. 5;00 & lie Nan (C) (60) Juiy Ounpl\y. CJ it! M.....,·lrillklar (C) (30) 0 san. Mlfl Slltw (C) {90) Guesh 111 Htnny Younrm1n, Boll C.uroll. Paul Winchell. Tht Youn1· bloocl1, tlld Chkltk Eiwnmann. 0 L.A. TV PREMIERE! * "THUNDER IN THE SUN"-JEFF CHANOLER, SUSAN HAYWARD-Color 0 Sil O't!Kt; lllerir. (C) 1'1n· dw 111 tlll Siln" (wuttrn) 'S9- Susa n Hayward, Jeff Chatldltr, Jtc· ques Be11er1e. Leadlf ol 1 w11o n !rein ol B11que1 to C.li!omil Is •1· lracted lo tht wite of lh1 1roup'3 micldle-111d visiontfJ whoM hope is to mrt • wine industry. 0 Dick Y11 DJllt (31J) m ...,...., "tea 1301 IP star TM (C) (50) @(I) Mike Do11l1s (C) (90) m w111r1 ""'' (30) "Cel1bnted Coin Colltction1.n fi?) (j) CBS Nlft (t) (30) m Tlttll,,. " hrdt!I (30) a> Ntwt (C) (50) J1ck Hickey, 6:30 0 KNBC Nf'lrtlfWict (C) (60) 0 Thi Ci11R1 Ci1M1 (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosh. m To Till tlla T1ulll (C) (30) tE PIQPK!iwa (30) lit@ Hw•tllr·lllRkltf (C) (30) fll) Tiit Yowtr al Wullinpi1 IC) (30) Stenes 1nd .ounds ot tllt unique Gothic lowar thll st1nd1 hith 1b~1 Iha upiloL Qt(!) Tiit Mimlttn {30) -\. al Mttidtre 34 (C) (60) m:Mtw1 (C) (30) 7:0011 CIS £w•~int: Nan (C) (JO) W1ll11t CrOllkitt. fJ WMfs MJ l iN! (t) (30) G I lM LllCY (30) aJ a.t tba Clod IC) (30) El) Colli.-odltJ/Stack """' (JOJ Q) fj) lr1ndllll (C) (JOI EID Ahllra! (30) O}l (IJ Trvtll ar Contaqllll!UI (C) (JO) m lsl111ds in tba Su11 (C) {JO) CD Tb! Qlrt (C) (JO) m n. 111 van., (C) (60) • Saa*V111 Tlllltrt (60) •·tut~y Tu1n." .lofln Wayne st1fJ. GI lrltlrtlu (C) (30) •i_Jqu!d Cryt· tals." Dr. Alb.rt Hibbs 1xplo1e1 their 1n1ctical applications in tntd· ici111 and illlluslt)'. t:OODlllCiJmNac Tllldly MM· i1: "DO.i't lat Stand Ti.I" (mys· lt1Y·hrea) '68-Maiy Tylar M0011, Robert W1(111r, Glynis Johns, HllV".t Kocm1n, Barbara Rhoades.. Rep1y• int 1 l1vor, w1tdt·Sll'\llllllr L1w· nnca C.Olby bteon11s lnV'Olmt will! 1n authoress, her bu.inass man11er ind 11 n1sters. 0 SHOWCASE 5 DOUBLES * YOUR PLEASURE Tonitt! I -hr. OF GREAT SONG & MUSIC! 0 SlnttM 5 (C} (60) Gtotll Burn1 in1"'1!utts .leny-JIH W1lk11 and K11 St1vtns. m Nn FutiYll (C) (60) "ACf Now." A behind·1h•·1t•nts look 1t the famous p1ofeuion1\ tr1inin1 pro1f1m 11f William B•il'1 Amui· c~n ConstNtlory Tht1tr1 (ACT). m Hor! {30) t:lO ID 9J ([l TM Cion1n1r t nd J. J. iCi (30) Gov, Drinkwater p1ovidts unschedul1d 1ntlfrt1inm1nt for 1:uell1 at 1 rectption when • leop11d httded tor the 100 11ttit1a J. J. works becomes IDOse In th• Mansion. 0 ,..., (t) (30) Biller Ward. di Ht Slid, a. Slit! IC) (30) fl) ltawllldt lttundurt (60) "M11k11I 1or Mulder." T.x Ritter stirs. Ill~ MlllHI: (C) (JO) 10:001)9 (1)60 •ln11l1s fC) (Ml) T~ imrt•ct of th1 0¥1rJ1111 tninese i~ Jtudied. 0 Reddin Tells Gals How * To Fight Off Males! e m ,...., 1c1 cso> D @rn m Mart• Welby, M.D. (CJ (60) "[cho at ii BtbJ's L111rti.H A 1oun1 .rlla p1nit1 whtn Dr. WelbJ. 7:30 IJ a ([I l111oer (C) (60) Johnny. te!ls htf sha m\l:st inform ht!!" h~,,. Scott and Jtlly Ilk• ere.it p.tiins lo bJnd or a pre·marittl pre1n1nc7. obl1in Ptfftct lifts for Murdoch, Belind• Mont11om1ry and Ridlud but PflJOnel sit111tion1 pilt I n1w Thomas 1111JI. 1;ghl on the ctletir1tio11. Shtrvn Acker plays Tiffanr Mum!Dl'd. 0 Dllla! (C) (60) The Four Tops O ~@ m 1 °"""' at ,._11111 ind 11.111 B1ll1rd 111nt. (t) (30) "Tha B1111ld of 1 JHnnlt." ID,..,,., MlflOfl (60) Thei1 m11ri11• pl1n1 •r• stJ!llled -... KoMIWIM (C) (60) when Jeannie and Tonr try lo takt u:i a blood Int and buy an 1n1111· lrJ Carce! " M.,_ (JI)) m&nt rinc. . 0 Stlllllrt lb Stlrt (C) (30) Ruta IO:lO Ill UR Irita 111 la OttKu1id1d (30) lu. Dick. Geut~r Ind Robert C!UY'll:OOfJDDm'"'" (C) 1111est. M1k1 Stokey hosts. 0 !fiJ (}) m I l!IC!AL I u114... 0 Alfl'tll Hitdtctck st• Wtrld al J1cqH1 CollltMu (CJ 0 Tiit Mewlt C1111t (C) ~nny (60) "De~! Whale.,·• The little· Fo~ hoJ!s. Guesb 1r1 Rad 8uttoni. ~nown C11iforni1 llftY whaln-35· Dorothy l•lnour. Gtol'lll l(enned~ Ion monsltri which l11vel S,000 and Carolyn Jones. miles . on their annual br~ln11 m Oulti tiflritl m1gr&l•on, from tht 8enn11 Set lo the inland la11oons of Bai• Califar-@ ffi 01 00 Q!J I]} M• (C) nia-ut tracked and studied 1111 fil 11111111 ""•• ConlttMCt C3pl. Jacq ues-Yves Couste1u tndl th1 t'."'.' of th1 Calypso. .. UJmQlN..,(C) OM1llion,,$ Mwll: ~Cl fla111ll :JOllfBlJ)Mtn' Criffi1t (C) Pto- 0'11!' lndlli (d11ma) 60--lturin r m oririnatn in Hol.._._... Biu\!, Ktnntlh More. Cartt1 IOI· il 1 '''"""' dier is 1uirned to rescue lndi1n B 01 (!) m .11mu1y c.,.n (t) prince ind American l~lfll~--st"hedultd 1utSU indud1 M1 u111n when rebellion occuf1 1mon1 Mo1 S!1pl1!on and J1ck Del.:in. ltm lribtll!len. g MIM: "llHll Mack" (m:f!· m lrlll~ ti' Ce11stqw111w {C) (JO) ttry) '44 -01S(ln Welln, N1111:y (D llldd I« tha 0.ltnM IC) (60) Gui!d. Ei'J Ttdlnlcal <Mfllf' (JO) 0 @ ())GD lffr l i1 h111 ~Cl fl) 1"" City Wati:1w1 (C) (&o) Se~tdulld 1uuts: Act01·~n1tr Rick €[1 C~llClll II hl9 (10) Ntlson; actress Cl1ira Trmr1 ch1m- pion t1t11nis pro Pancho Gonz1lu1 comic Barry LM. 1:00 B ~(I) m Dtllbi1 ll1r111lds ICJ ()O) "Tlit P1pu Bulltffly." Debbie becomes 1 ltdy w1eslte1 in an effort to provide Jim with ml· leri•I IOI' his )90rls ta!umn, D J1dl ltnf!J (JO) lom and Dick SmolhlfJ ru•st. m Q9ffll !tr 1 Dty IC) (JI)) 0 MMil: ICI "Hall .. Hi&' Wt· ..,.. (ldYll'llure) '~ichlrd Wid· m1r~. C.m1ron Mitr.lltll. m ...... : "fin ..,. " ...,.,.. {drtma) '57--sttr!ina H1)'dtn, Rlflh Roman. fE Stoe• M•Mt S.11111 (30) ll:DIJ m MoN: "ltd: ti ht.a" (drt· @m Dilctllllq111 a C:.Ct 160) m1) '45 -.lolln WtJflt, hvlall Bon<!i. 1:30813 CJ) II.. SUllM IC) (60) Jo~~ W1ynt e1l1br1tes his 4oth y~ar In motion pklur11 wtren h1 joins Rtd ln a "*i1t aimic tribut1. Julius Wtthlar and TM Ill• Mt· 1imbt Bind trt muslul 1uesta. 0 Q) Ill Ill'"" ,., l!O) ..•• Wllom Iha Wtddlna -Bail Tolls." Jull1 lln't tlm Jttr molhtf"I 19· yur·ofd helptf' (Gl)"lln T11mi1n) would Ii~• to bl JuH1'1 llutb1nd. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 0 ft) .. ,,,.., llrr' (dr11111) '66 -=k1yllf MMI .. 1111 McSll1nt, t:30 8 "Ca. IR U.. Dfaft" (COfll· 1d,) '41 -Bob Hope. Doro!~y L1m.o11r. 8' '"fal# Mtlt 111• I Pf.,... (drt· flll·m)'Slery) 'J8-l.ofetta Yoon1 R~~•rd Gretna. ' l :DDfE Meri« "Sult" (dr11111) 'Jg...... Tyfon1 Powtr, lorttt1 Youni. au-m • ea....... lllllttl1 lllfi (C) Ill AdiHi n.tn: "Wtrcud Girt." l :IOmM---"NllM w-. Start," "iM flf 11111 ltlwer," ''$Im· son in tht Wu: MUMlllll," ID:OOll (t) "Tiit ....... c.n.• (dt11rt1) '54-A.,.. G1rdn1r, Hum· p1i,.., Boa•rt. U:008"Ar1 N11•1~•• "--1l" (COl'l'ltdy) '4Z-Rry Mill1fld, Ptbldl """''· ?:•a {C) '1ltt l1n1i111 HUit" (w1Jt- trn) '56 -Ttll Hunttr, N•talit ..... 4:JO 8 (t) "1lt Nlfl'1 llMy" P11t I (dr1m1) '59 -Alldrty Ht,t1111n, Pilar fl11eh, Oun J1111r. • ' • ' i JI OAIL Y PILOT UPI T1ltpha!o Fornier Rustl,er Lassoes Six Randy Vataha, \Vho made a narne for himseU catch- ing pass es for Golden \Vest Colleg e, shows UCLA defend er Dennis Spurling he hasn't Jost his touch at Stanford as he goes high in the air to m ake spectacular grab of a .Jim Plunkett aerial. Vat aha hauled in t \VO scoring passes in !he 20-20 tie. Andrusyshyn's Woes ls Tight-fitting Jersey Choking UCLA l(icker? UCLA ha s 'lil Nov. 21 lo get Zenon Andrusyshyn a new football jersey. IL l><'Ca me obvious 11.•atching film of the Bruins' 20-20 lie \1·ith SU!nford over the wttkend thal his current No. 7 docs nol fit properly. In fact. 1l seems to gel very tight around the throat. c~pccially when Andrusyshyn is called upon to perform lhe wonder or kicking a footba ll between t he up rights in pressu re games. Zenon 11.·as first affl icted with I.he prob- lem t11.·o yea rs ago when he \1·as pressed into service against Oregon State and use for key placement kicks. At lhal t1n1e he sportl'd No. 51. And like the No. 7 tie ha s bN'n usi ng since then . it srcmcd to rrrc::p arou nd Zenon's jugula r \'r1n at the most untimely occasions. The flrst such case v.·as an early IOLEHM WMIT• ' ............ ' ...... . WI-IITE WASH ~-······· •••......• !\o\'ember i:iame with Orelo!on Stale. Andrus ysh)'n had thrice founcf the range for fle!d goa ls. But then with lhe score tied at IS-all , he missed a shot at winni ng lhe game and put a d:imfJCr on hi~ tea1n·s chances or bagging the Ros<' Bowl bid. liowever. that was all lemporarily forgotten as UCL.o\ mauled \\'ashington, 48--0, and thus 1o1·ent into the Rose Bo1o1•J de<"ider again!\f USC needing a tie or vie· lory to earn the trip to Pasadena f..t 05t Bruin fans -and Andusyshyn especially -1o1·ould no doub t like to forget wha t ha ppened at the Coliseum that Saturday afternoon as USC took a 21-20 triumph. Three times UCLA 1o1•cnt for a field goal. And three times th at No. 51 ap- parently wrapped itself lightly arouod And rusyshyn·s throat. He had one effort go widt' and the other two were bloc ked . jersey did it again -the try wasn 't even close. No"" two years later, Andrusyshyn is undergoing the same problem. And again it cou ld co~t the U'cl ans a !\'ew Year's Day trip to Pasadena. Saturday at Stanford he n1isscd onf" of those routine extra points and then blew a game-winnin g fie ld goal from the 16- yard-line late in the fourth quarter. Watching the effort on TV. it looked more like Stanford qua rterback J in\ Plunketl 's blind 1nothe r had been the kick('r 1 the ball \.\'as so far off the target. UCLA has roughly 1wo dozen days to get Zenon's problen1 corrected , whether it be ill-fitting jersey or whatever. It ju.st may be th~t an educated toe will be the difference in that sho1o1·down \\'ilh SC. Mowcv er, this corner la bs the Bruins, 2.8· 17. * *-* The four regional lelcvi.<;inn gamr-; Saturd ay 1o1·rre about as close as they roultl be. 1011.·a rallied in the final moments to beat r.11chigan Slate 19-18 · Loui~iana Stale held off Auburn 21 ·20 a11tl \Vesl Texas SU!te t'iiged New r.1c:t:ico Sta le 17·16. In the onh· runawav. Tex as Tec h beat Soulhern .\teihodist 21:24. Seattle Mav • Get Exte11sio11 SEATILE (AP) -.F:ed Dnnz, Seattle businessman heading a coa lition tryi ng lo keep the Seattle Pilots base ball team. said Monday nigh! American League President Joe Cronin is trying to give the group a week 's grace to meet lt.s deadli ne. Danz, operator nF radio slations and theaters in \Vashinglon Slate, said he talked to Cronin Monday afternoon. 1887 Report Shows K-Stat.e Grid Pattern NE \V YORK (APl -Jl anging out the college rootball ~·ash : Kansas Slate played its first game of football bt1ck in 1887 and the school paper reported it this WB)': "Snme 30 students indulged in a game r:tf foo tball on Friday afternoon. Jt i.~ to be tioped that our studf"nts have enough good sense to play even football without violen· ce.'' The 11.·ish came tr ue. Kansas State's non·vio!ent teams posted only 22 wi nning seasons. the last in 1 9~4. But things ha ve cbangcd. Vince Gibson arrived as head coach in .1967 :ind the \Vildcals promptly heat Colorado State in th eir opener but then slipped to a 1-9 season. Last year the rrcord v.·as 4-6 and il'., now 5-1 following Saturday's 59·21 rout of Oklahoma. K-S Late even is in the nation's Top !wenl y teams. ''To say that there wa s a \!J.'iing attitude \1·hcn 1 arrlred here is an un- der~lalf"ment." said G ih~on. "That at· ll\lidc 1sn'l cnm pletcly 1\·1ped out. but it's gotten !>ettcr." Onf" or lhe rf"asons is V.'hat Gib son calls "purple pr ide." Purple 1s K;insas State·~ t'Olor . pride is Gibson's color, A record cro11.·d of 38,500 turned 01il for the Oklahon1a game -K-S tate badn't beaten the Sooners since 1 93~ -and Gibson describes it as "a sea of purple ." Gibson, you see. is a pusher ... a pur- ple pusher. He's got a purple telephone, a Purple Pride television sho1o1•. wears pur· ple underwear and purple shirts and Is constantly being flooded with gimmicks from his fans -all purple, naturall y . "On Saturday, a lady gave me two pur· pie coal hangers,'' he said. "But the wildest wa.'I: a li ttle radi o in the form of a purple toilet." Tribe Star Dies PATERSON, N.J. (UPI) -Charles IXvine Jamieson, former Cleveland In· dians baseball great and a member of the lnclians' all-time all -star team. died al Paterson Memorial Hos pita l of a beart attack Monday. He was 77 years old . Titan Coach Accused Of Severe Practices DETR OIT (AP)-Disgru.i Ued Univer- sity of Detroit basketball players h~ld a grievance 1neeling for an hour and a hnlf Mooday, accusi ng new coach J im Harding of impo5ing "extremely severe'' practice sessions. !larding answered the criticism by han- d!/lg the 16 players an ul timatum : prac- tile and play under his rules or get out. "We don 't compromi~c with ballplayers who have com plaints,'' said the 40.year- old coach who joined Detroit after being fired last season as coach of the Min· nesota Pipe rs of the American Basketball Association. "They were told there 11.·ould be no con- cessions," Ha rding !iaid aft er the close<l confrontation in the school 's 1'.1emorial Bui lding. After the session, I.he players went onto the basketba ll floor and tlrillct.I for about an hou r. !lard ing said the players demanded the meeting and handecl his assistant, Jlo"·ard Fagan, a list of three grievances. The coach refused lo state the exact nature of the grievances but said thry da.I not in volve any racia l problen1. A player who declined use of his name, tolcl sportscaster Al Ackern1an of WWJ -TV in Detroit that the dispute in· volved ext remely severe p r a c t i c e sessions. Ackerman fir st disclosed the dispute. I-larding s.aid the Titan team is com· prised of "very, very ave rag e basketball players who are going to ha ve to work very hard on the fundamenta ls of basket- ball to make up for a lack of talent. "As a result," he sa id, "we'll have to spend a lot of extra hours to make up for the deficit. Those that want to play and pa y the price and want lo fol!ow the philosophy that's set ou t wi ll pla y, and those that don'l will be dropped fron1 the team." !larding noted that the Titans lace a tiCries of tougb opponents this season. Their first game is agai nst 1'.fichigan on Dec. I. Other upponents in clude Notre Oa me. \Vichila, Loyol a of New Orleans, \\'cstern l\lichigan, EasterD Michigan, Canl5!us, St. Bonaventure, I 111 no Is , PitlSburgh. !larding ha s bee n putting the team through practice sessions seven days a v>eek. On weekdays, ht said, the drills last an aver38e of 2\l hours each. On weekend days , they run up lo three hours. Bob CaUhan, !ktroil athletic director, adopted a hands-off policy OD the dispute. Gri11 and Bea1· It Chicago, Tl1ii1gs Can't Get W 01·se CJllCAGO (AP J -A lot of funny things have happened to the Chicago Bears on their way to a 0-6 season, their worst start in 50 years of pro football. If you think spoo ks come out only on Hallo ween, ask the Bears. 1bey've been living with thcn1 . Here·rc son1e of lhe things they've done: St. l..ouis 20, Bears 17 -Quarterback Jack Concannon lines up behind center on the Cardin al 34, then steps back suddenly and signals a time out. Cente r 1\-!ike Pyle sna ps the ball into the air. Larry Stall· ings plucks it and lumbers 62 yards for a St. Louis TD, No one went aiter him, fi guring time was called . New York 28. Bears 24 -Concannon, on the Bear 23, throws a wide pass toward Gale Sayers. Unsuspecting Sayers is hit in the back with the ball. Carl Lockhart recovered for the Giants and on the next play Fran Tarkenton spots a touchdo wn pass to Freeman White. Later, Sayen ~ignals a fai r catch but the ball goes lnto I.he end zone. A pena lty 1vas evoked after the offic ials huddle and detennine that Sayers did not .signal vigorously enough. The ball was brought out to the five. Los Angeles 9, Bears 7 - Jack Snow drops a Roman Gabriel pass when hit by Bennie McRae. 'The Bears' Joe Taylor in- advertantty kicks the loos e fumble. The Bea rs are penalized 15 yards in a rarity of tile kicking rule enforcement. The Rams retain possession with a first dav.'!l on the Bear 24. It seL<: up Bruce G05setfs game-winning fieJd goa l. ,. FLATTENING FRANTIC FRAN -Georgl' Andril' t66 ) and Larry Cole 163) of th e Dal las Cowbo}·f;' !)001nsday Defense \1•rcsll e i'\£'\V \·ork Giants quarterback F ran 'l'nrkcnlon to lhc ground for a rou rthi'luartcr sarety r-.'londay night. Dallas. 'vhich rallif.'d or 19 points 1n the final perind. \\'On 25-3 and 1<; only one of 1110 un defeated Na tional Foo!ball League tea1ns. Los Angeles 1s U1e other. 'They Just l(ept Coming~ DALLAS (AP )-A dejected Fran Tar- kenton sa t on a bench in the New York Giants dressing room nnd talked likr <i man who had been with Custe r at his last stand. "They ju.st kepl coming.'' said the Giants' qua rterback of th e Dall as Cow- boy defense. V.'hich dumped hin1 10 limes for losses totaling 70 ya rds in a 25-3 National Football League 1'ictory J\1onday night. ''The understatement of the year would be I.hat Dallas just has a pretty good de.fense," said Tarkenton. "It 's the best defense l '\'e seen them play." Ta rkenton suffered the indignity of being tacklecl in his own end zone. for a safely by Geo rge Andric, fumbled once, lhrew an interception and WAS even t<tgged with a 15-yard penalt y fo r int en· lionally grounding the. ball. Ne11.· York coulcl ma nage but eighl first downs and couldn"t cross midfield in the second half. wbcn the l!'.'thargic Cov.·boys rrupte<I for 19 points in the final qua rter of their na tionally tele\·1sed game in lhe - Cotton Bowl. Mike Clark kicked field goa ls of 47, :15, and !5 yards before the bumbling Dall<is offense fou nd itself. Blessed 11.·ith excellent field position every tin1e il looked up. the offense \\'oke up on quarterback Craig Morton·s 16- ya rd touchdoll'n pass to La nce Rentzcl and halfback Ca ll'in Hi!l·s 40-yard scoring shot to Bob Hayes. The victory ga ve the Cowboy!'i a 6·0 record in the Capitol Division and sank the scrappy Giants to a 3·3 mark in the Ce ntury Division. Alex \\'cbster, Giants roach, said. "We knew they had a machine , but not like that. I'm damn proud of my team. You can't take anything away from the Giants. You don'l Find defensive clu bs like ihe Cowboys. They don't co me any belier.'' Gi;iois defensh·e back \'iillie Yi'il\iam!'i saiQ, "Our defense played 75 or 80 per- C'f"nt or the time 11.·ilhin ou r own 50. Con· sidrrlng fJal!as is the top offensive leain in the league, I'd say our defense did an outstanding job." Ne1'"' York's defense did handle ?o.1or- lon. the Dallas signal caller 1o1·ho wen t into the garne rated the No. I passer in !he !\'FL 11.·ilh a 70 percent completion mark and no interceptions. Morton could hil but 11 of 26 for 127 yards and saw twn tosses intercepted. ~lorton said, "They 11.·ere the best defrnsivc club we 'v e faced so far this season." But he had a chanC'f' lo rr::ise those unpleasant events. All he had to do was kick a simple conversion in the fourth quarter to give the Bruins a lie aocl the Rose B~I berth. Unfortunately th a l uncooperative He said Cronin inclicatt'd he was happy "'ith the progress the group was making toward solving th e co1nplicalcd baseball problem and ruked if extra lime would help. Southland Coaches Blast Officiating Football Ratings UPI POLL TN,., W•L•T Pit. 1 Ollla !t•lf S-0 l" 1, ,.... 5.0 '* l ,..,..,....... .s.o 157 4 A••11>~~I 5·0 :IOI J l'onn S••lt 6 O 111 I Lou"'-"• 51, I~ 111 1 use i.OI 1.s ' UCLA 1-0·1 101 ' ~ l<>•\111 •·O t i 10 K •n•~• S11tt ~I JJ 11 Gf'O•O•I ' I ,. l) N<rt•~ °""" l•l·I 2J ll w.,.,,..1ng •·O 16 lf Ml•~•I S 1 11 l! Putd"' S.I 10 lo 111n~.,I l 1 I I II C.o'<>•••lo • 7 1 O~l1~om• J J l AP POLL. TN,., W·t.•T l'tt. 1. 0~1a S••t• 50 111 1 l t ••1 ,\·O •'7 l l •n"en~e l 0 J/O • Ar••n••• ).f Sl7 5 "•nn $1•1• l ·O OJ • use J.o 1 1"i I I lrtt'<11o l •O liJ I l t>u1,.11n• S•. J~ JU t , UCU t·O I 7'1 10. No•r~ O•m• 4 l•I 114 11. Gf'O•ll'" 5 ! !~f IJ «:•nu• 51.ir ) 1 lH ll. p"'"'"" J ' 10• If. M,,_,, J.! fl lS, w~,~<I 1 0 17 11 ~i.nloro J J I 60 II ,lluflurn • 1 J• It, (Oklrll<IO • 1 11 • Danz said yes, and Cronin said ht v:ould 11.·ire American Leag\1e owners asking that a mttting on the question be set back to Nov. 5. Dani sald he assumed Seattle had bttn given the wttk'a grace, though he had not received confirmation fron1 Cronin. Ame rican League owners. at a recent Chicago meetin8. ba sed Scnltle 's rt!C'n- tion or its year-o ld rranchise on three conditions. One was the Sick '~ Se altle Stacl ium be ~t1trged about 3,000 seats to 28,000, that the lraguc \.\'ould be f!:il'cn lndicalions of a de.finite commitment for fl permanrnt stadium and thllt the ltague be notified of any chan11:e or ownership. Or t 30 wa.~ set as the deadli nr. LOS ANGELES f AP) -OHicials are rnmin g under t he scm1cll mes biller, sometimes humorou.~ sc:rutlny of t he football coach . UCLA coach Tommy Prothro told .,.,1onday 's meeting of lhe Southern Cali- fornia f ootball \\lri1crs that films of last Saturday's 20-20 tie at Sl:ioford "credit us 11.·ith n1ore quickness than I knew 1o1·e had ." He sai d halfback "Greg Jone!! 11.•as de· tected holding their rnd ... so qu1ckty il doesn't show on our n1ovie. And line- backer Dan ny Grahnn1 was ca lltd for interferenct on one play -arid our fi lm shows he clid it without getting w1th1n ii yard or his rnan. "\\'hen t1o1·0 guys bum p, It's a dtt\s\on nn the part of the referee who fouled "'horn," Prothro said, ''but when you don't touch somebody, tbere·s no de- cision to make." Later, Southern Cal coach .John r.tcKay and Long Beach Slate coach Jim Strange· land recalled some funny -except al the lime -occurrences. "It \\'as back in 1962." said r..tcKay, dcclini'ng to Identify the game. "\\le had lhe ball , first and 10, but the other team jumped orr side . "That made it rir st and five. Then 1o1·e threw an incomplete paSll. "On second down the other learn jump- •d off .side again for ano the r five yard penalty -exc:ep l wben they brought In lhe chai ns for A n1casurement, they said 11.·e were a few yards short." Slrangeland was les!i .secrcli »e. abou t his moment or confllSion. It was last Friday night against Santa Cl;:i ra, he said, rig ht arter the Broncos h;:id punt crl into Lhe e.nd ionc. givins his 4!lcrs a fir st down on their own 20-yard llne. On n third and three play, Slrangeland rec::il1C<1, "Leon Burns hit up the. mlrldle un1I was stoppt'd around the 31 or :rz - v.·cll past the 30-yard line anyway -ti:· cept they rnea!iured it and sski we were short of a fi rst down hy"'two feel." l.a~l 1o1·ee kend·s action left Southern C.al the only un<h;fe ate.d and untied te..am in Pacific-8 Conference play. But Pro- thro said UCLA's tie "doesn't hurt our chances for the Rose Bov.·I." The Bruins, 3-0-1 In conference play, face "'inless Washi ngton next Saturda] \vhile the Trojans, 2-0, \'isil Caiifomla, 2-1. And they'll probably have lo p18') again without junior f I an k e T Bot Chandler. McKay said Chandle r, who had bec1 sldt llned earli er this season with a bacl injury, broke a small bone In his le! hand during Southern Cal's 29·1S Lrl umph o\'er Geocgia Tech. ' ... h vao hig "'' ""' 1 An om sta ta! t l!i1 I ] Iii N< " '" lli OU 11 i 58 le. •P ,, " lo tir ;, al tir pc " l h af ... ' '· ' .. ' • ' ' • '" ' , ' ' ' " "' '" '" . .. ~. " • •• '" " "' "' " " " MO '" " <• "' " " •• ••• • w. "' " Do •• " •• " ., " " " •• .. W• M ~ " " w .. •• " .. "' •• •• "' .. o, " '" " M w M w ,, ·~------------·· ...• -.. . . . . . Tut~ay, October 29, 1%• DAILY l'llOT J7 Monarchs Junior Passing Whiz i' . Prep Players of Week Take 2nd Sparks Bishop Amat ~ By ROG ER CARLSON Of llM Dll!Y ~Uel lt•ll ?\tater Dei High School 's varsity rootball team is riding· high thelle days with a 5-l record and three straighl \vins under its belt. The Monarct\s are 2·0 in Angelus League play but no1v rnust face fl team that boa~;ts statistics that border the fan- tastic. Undefeated Bishop Arna\ High ·will furnish the op- ·~· f 3•" pos!l\on Thursday night at 111!. 1\ntonlo College's 17,000 -seat fat1l1ly In \\'alnut. Coach Gary ro.1arinovich's L:i!ll'trs come into the game \.\ ith a No. 2 ranking in Lhc AAAA and are the CJ~~·s h1gl1t'st scoring team, scoring an unbel1ev.'.lble 46 .6 points per gan1e. Leachng the Lanl'crs is jun- 1ur qu:;irlerbark P<1t Haden, 11ho·s (·un1pleted 106 r,f 1~8 p;iss attempts lor a phr nr.n1- r \Veek's JCSta1·~ 1"''A'-"' RICK WHITE Orange Coa st MIKE SIMONE Golden West 1nal 1.780 yards and 22 touch· do11·ns. lits m11in receiver has been sp!it end, John t.tcKay, son of lht> use coach. f\tcKay has nabbed 47 passes for 12 touchuowns and J,080 )iltd.~, But the Lancers· pre.~s cli p- pings don't :.lop 1v1th the pass- ing game \.\'hen Jlat.ien isn't passing opponents crazy, he 's giving thr ball off to either one of his 1110 alternating tailbacks in the pro-set lormation with l"ariations. f\1anny Estrada (S-9. 170) and Greg Berg 15.fi. 150), t1vo seniors, have run at a six-yar~ <t1•crage clip . Estrada has scored 1 0 !nuchdowns 1vhile Berl! has ehipped in with seven tallies. i\·larinovich snys his club l'<.111 handle !\.later Dei if his tlcfrnsivc llnit ca n contain J\1<iler Del's runntng gan1e. '·ThC'y see111 to run as 1vell inside as outside. Basically we have to stop their running garne lo slop them," says i\1ar1novich . Leading his defensiv e corps has been linebackers Lee Garcia (6-0, 215) Jn thi! middle flanked by Rudy Bnitocao !S- 10, 180) and Bill Mc:Cluney (S- Ii, 110). Although the Lancers have failed to shul ou t anyone, fllarinovich says he"s satislied 1\·ith his team's showing, point- ing out tha t the opposition hll.~ usually scored in the second half after the game was out of hand. Mate1· Dei's Du1111 No,v Leads !\·lark Dunn or Jo.tater Dc i lligh School has taken over the No. t spot. in the Orange Coast ;irea rushing statistics this week. displacing E s la n c i a High·!\ Dave J ohnson, who :.at out lasl "·eek's Loara game 11 ilh an injure1\ back. Dunn leads the pack "'1\h 534 yards gained in six gan1es. J im Moxley of Edison, "'ho led the stats race three v.•eeks ago, held second place with 5J9 yard s and a five yard average "·hile Juhnson drops to third. \Vestmin ster's Ed B:inc con- tinues to hold the !cad in pass- ing with 57 completions in 124 attempts for fi82 ya rds. Oe••I n 11 I 01>n • ll 30 o MM!ift ~ f 0 I II o.,11cn 1 1 1.0 1 M\lll~·d 7 II 00 0 o .c~l 1 ·1 ·lO • r 1n ln1 9. *<: •i Y6• IC! ,,,.y 71 I) J !tJ •Ml Div ' l• 0 60 .l!I IY1ll <n,C'1 lQ 1 ~I ."M 0 .. 1,.~ i I• ,:l.>l NEWPORT MAtlOt !l lj "··~~ 1•!1ll1c• r .1., S~tOd Smot~ Bl•fttti••d R~•r o .. ,~ H~f'l~o 1-.-nd•• .n~• w~"~ Clot a Ru•n•n1 l<b "'' ~· ~D .. 1111 •I II! •n I l l •I 51 "i •! l~ l• ' " ' , ' ·• . , " . I Y. •h .. . '·' 10 " ~ 1 t 11 . . ,, " ' 7 ' 0 " ' " ' ~· 0 ~ 0 D 11 ., . 01 .,. ~1 vd• "" S~•<td 10 36 S ~•I .~16 l-1•<1<t•'SOOI 0 l 0 ?(I .500 V,'a9nar T1!fln Jovt• S1PW•'d l(~>I"' '' s 1 e • II • ~ 0 ·~ • (l. 0 l s I.• 0 11 O flO 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 1 •• •• 1i "Tflom11 \J n s ... ,,, ., "' .o~ JoYcr n • I ~!Pword I 0 0 J~nn10n 1 O O FOU NTAlN YI LLI Y Hat .. tlel(I Show _,, MCKenl•t 1>1..rt1r1 H8rdlft t u&ftlnt l<I• .... ,. •• ~ " " " • •• ,., ·~ '" " " " " ·'' " " " " • • U ·\I ... ' ' .. . ' " "' " " " " ,. .. 1'.0 ,. " .. ·~ .~ ·"" "' " ,, • • • " " ' • ' • • • • JOHN MANIX Costa l\lesa STEVE RAUPP Fountain Valley STAN JACKSON !\taler Dei • -.:.A RICK PETROS Corona del !\tar PAUL MORO l:luntlngtoa Beach • DOYLE DOUGLAS r.1i1sion Viejo JERRY HINOJOSA EdJ,on BRIAN OTTMER Laguna Beach BOB TRIPP Newport Harbor Football Statistics \ GREG BENTON Esluci1 STEVE HERNANDEZ l\l1rln• TIM DUVALL San Clemente In Countv " Only two ranked Orange County prep football teams suffered losses last week bul one wa.s a st1ggering defeat that dropped o n c e -pr o ud Anaheim all the way from lit· cond to ninth 1fter being thrashed by Wutminster, 21-6. Only other team lo suffer defeat was ninth rated Ken- nedy, which wa s bombed by Sunny Hills, 30-0. Loara remains first in the official county poll. Key game of the Wf!ek in· volvi ng rated teams is the W e s t m i n s t e r-1-luntington Beach clash Friday fli&ht. llost Westminster (3-3) i~ eighth and Huntington is seventh. Orange Coasl area teams made their presence felt like never before as four area clubs are in the top 10 and another recei ved votes. ?\tater Del is 3econd af. ter upping its record to 5-L Newport Harbor is righl behind in thi rd 1lon1 with Huntington and Westminster. TOP 11 Plact Tum Politi I. Loara (&-0) 2. Mater Dei fS.1) 3. Newport Harbor (5-1) 4. Foothill (6-0) 5. Garden Grove (4·2) 6. Troy (5--1) 7. Huntington Beach (5-1) I. Westminster (3-3) 9. Anaheim (4-2) 10. (tie) 14' Alamitos (6-0) Sonora (l-0) Others: Fountain Valley 1. 40 " JI 27 " " 17 " 7 ' ' 1\'ID, Amat Move Up lt1 Ratings Mater Dti High School hlls relumed to the CIF Top 10 AAAA footba ll rank ings &nd will get a chance to upgrade its No. I rating Thursd11y night \\'hen the ~1onarchs meet No. 2 Bishop Amal at r.11. San Antonio College. AA.AA I. Blair (6-0) lf>D 2. Bishop Ama t (6-0 ) 123 3. SL Paul (6-0) 124 4. Loara 16-0 ! IOZ 5. Arroyo (6-0) 7.1 6. Loyola ( S-1 I 6!t 7. Santa Monica (6·0) 35 8. Ma!er Dei (5-1) 35 9. Santa Barbara (S-1) JO !0. Compton 15-1) 17 Others: El Rancho J:l. Dunn Nntinued his domina- tion in the scoring race with 48 points on eight touchdowns. l\lo:dey and Ga rth \\'isc of Hunllngton Beach trail with 32 apiece. Bll<\t~~r(I l a 11 o .GOl:t Fl~n IQGO.OCiO SAN C:L'IMENTE 11•1•1) •"""'"' It' ftYI ••I rh f.N;t6r' II •JI L• ll V'I"""'"" Pr0!1Y~O S•oboOo Pow~r Hon><>n M!~ni•r Nl>hu\'" • Go• 11101,,,,. .O.r<l~rso~ "°'''''"" 5C•llS> • , ' • '" " ., • ' , po P< fl >II •(I S•oboOo JO ll l 18' .•ll Bucl\:land Nabs Scori11g Lead Anaheim 11, Hueneme and Lakewood 9, Pasadena I, Ramona 7, Wilson 2, Simi t. AAA TOI" It Rijlftl.,. r 1••• r 11v1r •(• 1"¥t I Y• 1, D<!ft~ (M•t« D•!I 10! ;\41 } 1 1. M0•11V IECll>P<1) 110 ''' SO l. J ... n.C" (E•!•ft[O I\ "' }U S 1 • 1-'•V""" IM•Trr Dr•! l• •II • I S, Oownl11t1 IW•>Tmln••er) 11 Jll •I i.. e1lu rw~1rn1n1!., I 11 715 • • 7 won (C"'TR Mr-.•l SJ '" s 1 J •l>IM'" !L1Qun1 8••c~l ~ 11~ • 1 9 UUCf"n \.l.'lfln•) l>li 17• 'I IQ \'lh• Ofunt1nQIQn 8•1•~\ /5 711 l S P1nln' •• 0( l B•ot r.V•'"'"I'" 17' ~' ? ~••m"n 1M••in1l 10 •I 0""'"' llf'.) 1"• " • ~~ .... ., !'l"f "' l~ S W•'I {HB) II .l9 ~CC•i n1 ""¥ ,.., U1 •l,IJ ~10 &! I '>'I .HO l•I ,ST• •II .di l'OrO"ft ~I 11• 7 6 6 R"°<• 71 100 •1 0 O•v•' 1• 'O JI a F'>owd•n I Ml !O 0 G ol>1on 11 11 0 0 MO'"~ I 11 0 l.\cN1 m••• ·6 ·l 0 1 i.;,i1e" 11 11 oa 6 Parer• O • 110 l " K •I I'> , . WElTMlN~TElll O•JI R,~s~lnt !<b •• , ••• 1t1 Oc.• "9 ~I ll / • l JO ll• 1• •1 II~ • • I I 6au~ .o ti• ll 11 1'\.,llU~l •I ' \o • i 4 11,.,. I/ l\ 7 ! 0 \~ •• ,,,,., I ..,1 •J II n~~~ I 1 0 0 r>uidn•>' ~ I 0 0 (·••"~•UP~ 0 0 n 0 ~'~' ,,.. o o~ 11 McL•ug~I>" ~ 00 11 r 1u 1n• Pl I>( •! >di •ti 11 •n• 11• SI ~ ~1 .••n M•ln• 1 I 0 I< ,5'00 llu•~'"' ,,. "~' ,, .:_" ~\ 1!1 I VI ,,.. 'I • .0 • l n V1IOu•01 1• I J 90 .lll Molone I 1 0 II .lJO Powe• I I o 1 1.ll'jO "UHTI NGTO,. l lACH Cl·ll 11:~1ftln1 IC~ ftYI ••• pt\ w... IS ?It l\ .~ NtOl '7 VO ·~ O I! ("0• \1 110 • 0 1} Llo•O It .\.4 J S 0 (r0..~•11 ~' 61 1 1 • Min» 'b I \ • Z•O!C\\y :o J o 11 LOB°"" l• 1 \ 0 SI~~'""" I• II 0 fl 8rown • 7 0 fl •:o•o 1 j o I? Eadt• ? ·7 0 0 "''(0•~ I -1 ·I O ' MO.I• 0 ~.O lo .. I'll • fl I'•"'~ McCO!'d LAGUNI •< •I ~01 "' ... . '" I C \5 lfACH <1·61 "' . Ill . ;n ·"' i;t v1h1"1 lcb ft Y• l •ot '" 51 11• '' 1• ')9 10• J ~ Q .. ... • 4 ~ I\ i& •' n 1 '' :iao n I • o • ED BANE \\'estminstcr Tailback Charlie Buckland. \Yho exploded for 171 yards and the game w i n n i n g touchdown for Golden West College Saturday night has taken over the Orange Coa~t area lead in junior co!iege football scoring. Auckland 's 40-yard seorini:: 1lash again~! F:asl Lo s Angeles. his eighth 1n the lal'ot lhrcr ~anics. ~ivcs h1n1 48 points for the sees~n. ''"'"'~" /~"" lamlVll\/ O"••n•~ Ho•n•• V•o!1m1g1,. (O,WI" "'"" W~•""" 81• o•n ORA>.tOE COAST RU>M"• lo Y• Ir~ SOl p I~• I• 7C1 " ~ ' " ' " I I I~ I !', " YI ~1! l l •IO • l~J 111 "' " • , • ,. " " ,. " " " • • " ' , ' • • • • • R.ao~• ,,..., .. ..," Rlcorao Duran!1 H1yn<" S<orln• ' ' • ' ' • " .. " . , ' " • ' • l •m,.l •u )6 (~ rau, M•yr r ''Cl tel), Rlc1 r<IO II 0 IC), Rv<le< 17 !1 !9, r. <>All, C:n•hll~ 11 11 ldl. H~...,.,.,,,,, • H •di, lllcg9• • II ta), Marmon 1 11 p1 t1, •e•m 1 (ul~lv ) llu(~l••tl (1>,rv•• ll<l"~~•I !>n•n~' \'loltl(• e Jn•••. H•mil!~n f'I><:~~(~ f"h lltt•'' GorllliTh V ••bu~n• ~o~ ... 11 V•'"''e"• G•ll't'" Homol!on GOLOf>I Wl j T Ru1h1n• .. ., 8~ ~] 1•1 " "' ' '~ " ' " ., " n ,, ' , " YI ~ft !d ,., I • , '" '' ~r• " IM ' ' , ' • "' ·' " " , • • IJ -)6 • " ' ' ' ' ' •• •< ., ,, Pi Ydt ' ?JI Id f ct l .•~.I 0 .)ii " " ' n 10\ ... • • • lll1<1lvln1 ' • ... "'"' n ,.,~.). ""'~ ...... 11 n !OJ), (Of~Ul• 11 !1 t(l1), \11 1~utno 6 (1 IOI. Wftl~•t G'°Yt'> fn• ll!a(•m1n ~1<1tn•r ti B11•r> SAOOL&IACK lllwltlllo t 1a '' 10• si. ,. l<I " " " " ' ' , "' .. .. " • " ' ' Tl ~U 11 ~!I " • • • • • • ' • '~ .. " ., " " ' , " • ' , • • • •4 •t• 1. South Pasadena (6--0) 150 2. Rolling Hills (6-0) J26 J. Foothill (6-0) 11S of. Bonita (6-0) IOl S. La.ruen (6-0) ll 6. Culver City 16-0) SI 7. Glendora (541) SO 8. West Covina(~!) 40 9. Cabrillo Cs.-0 ) 34 10. Neff (6-0) 30 Others : Temple City II, Garden Grove and Lompoc 10, Azusa, La f\lirada, Montclair, Palos Verdes and Damien 2. ~· ~· I01 SI , pl Yd I II• . ,. •• 1 .. 1;==============; 0 .'tO 1t.DVE llTlllMIHT !>11tl• l>oOJ"'''" 1101""'" lluPf r "" lt:ltf l>l"I icO•lnf .. " " ' • • '" " '" "' " " .. ' .. •, '1 • ' Gr•••• #1 (! •011, Hlf~V O(t fl Id<!. 1 l "' a•tl. wtiiaal• :n <~ I~•. 1 7-p! EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS AWAILAILI NOW, 14 YIAIS lll"llllNCI -WILL llAIN l"UICHASll. HIGH IAININ•S llCOID -59,750 ll9UlllD • 1 Dunn f/J.~!., D•fl •1 ? Mo•'"' I EP,.nnl Oftd W"e !"~"''""'on B••c~l '' •oc~ ]. Dcw~•ftQ (W••,lml"'"" •nd Jc~n1cn (E$1•ncl•) JO •I<~•· Cri><I• !Mootr 0~1\ 1~ 5. Mort>l1•1d (~ou"'"'" V~ll••l· Abil"V IL•Qun• ll••<~I. llAU• n•rt !M•!rr Oril. Smit~ (New"°" H~r· h->r l. l• ••c~ 6 ~•!• (Ccrnno d•l MAfl. "'"""' (~oun•••n VAll•~l. W~ll•C• • ~ d ~ .. h !UeWPo•I H1rbor) XI ••t~ 1 S•"n1•l1 (Coron• d•l M1rl, Hlnn•n•A IE<ll•O'll. V~n!lmlqll• (M•rlnA). G•d· dtt (S1n (ltm•n1e ), SohUl!t CE1t1,... c;1) 11 ••r.~. JO~"•On I"°"'•~ s~~u"' t((>~IC.~ •6 I •0 ll 11 J O 11 ,<t,11<• All en v.e"'' Plirl''"' xr"''" ~ l8M"lt C:o!t•m !."'Uh F'•DC:• 2 1 0 0 I IQ o Pro Hockey Standings ~ ... 1 •• ,,. I t 106 '~ ' ' pl vdt " '" "' . m " " ' ... ,. p~q S••w"'"t u !ll ••1, 1 lol. Co• . ltl ll01lm•o. PUP••· H1Ktor, f!l•tl<m•~ • Willi 101 M-J44 lHIS NIWSl"APll. lll"LllS HILD STllC:TLY C:ONflllNllAL. C:OlllONA OEL MAil (4·11 J.I 0 0 0 0 0 o .1a a '"'"'v"'u W~·~~" 1>.tora<> ' 6'6) • ' ' . ' . ' P&'~"'.1n Cn<roo•n ""n<I>' W~•tll•ld 8 wtkl•nd " " " ' 1 Hovi 6 (eo<h ~II 1 !di, Tel "" 2 {>llf· ~.-·~·~'c· --~~-------,'.!:==========================' J ud•t" F'e!fO> Stmuel1 Miiier Ti'O''"' Salo C:um,..iftt' MO'""~ Nllnn l•on•n l(roh" Woll M•n•( l!elll~ DOYI< N~~lo~ Coourn Paul Vig It Adelson S•nl~ lllit •r<IO Kell1 s~ft·1r A.cl•I~ WOif M1nl .. Mo•l•Y l'unkt ·~· w~ • ., 0.•hcod i-tl .... !Dll lYle 1t1~mor.d N•~lo• ~l•P•r l •l<h ~; .... 1&1• tlt•• ... ,,.,d lllu•"'"' "' ,,.,., S• ?IQ ...... " ' ·~ "' '5 111 ? • 17 )7 18 " . 10 ~' !ft l l . " •• 11 • ' • r1nl1"t ' . " • " " " " " " .,, .. 11 Pt .i ~ft ~, 1~ ' Jio1 7 ] 0 II COST• M•S• 0 •51 lllU>"!"" kit .... Sl 710 !) 1•1 ., uo 10 l~O ... " " d .l " ~ 10 • n ' " ' " . " • ·I I I ·19 • • • • ''"("' •• •t iri J~ lO 1 1l J • 11 ' ? . ' . EOllON 11·1·11 111u1hlnt ,,, ""' 110 ,SW " •1 . " ~ , " " " " • ' , • " " " .,, . ,, .. .. ... '" ·~ '"' " ... " " . , " .. " " .. " .. • • " • ' ' , ... . ,., ·'11 ~· ' " • ' • ' • • • • " • '" " ' ' ' • " • • ' • • Area Sports Calendar w1on11t•• C:tM• C!lllftlN ~O rin<>• C:o111t u S•n 0 1f'!IP C•IY !l:)(l!, WMtl 1)(>10 -U(l 11 Son ~!rftan(!o V•ll•• Siil~ (J·JO), Wr$lm.n,!rr 11 N•wPCrl Mo•bO•. Hun• lm~lo" C•~<h 8t An•~•lm. Mlll1~1n ~• Co•rft• O~! MA•. l,'~n· .. W'<1"~· S··~~lflltck •I L•ov"'I s,.~~ (oil •' 3 ISl. ~OC!bAU M•'f' 0~1 V\ tl•~OO "''"•l •I Ml. SAC W•t"' Poll> -(frt••<>• ol 011n~r (o•" jJ,lOI. Croo t~U'i1ry ~ (</,I• /.'_,• •l E.<llSO<\, ~o .. nl••n \'•II•> •I ~•!int n, M 1n1Qn Yiolo M LiQV<I• B• >C'I • .,n C•~mtn!t 11 l vllln. Lo.'1•1 11 (0'0•\• drl Ml', F rlt1y y~n;,..,•Ohl O'Hort LOCY 1'1~01., (1,,.,otrH S••"''" 11r"ll"O~i \'·lfl Ilona hon I o•~"' lt.tl'A;lll " • r111l"f •o I( '" . ·l.l .I 6 11 0 0 0 t .. ~·· .,. I jYI ·"' NATlONAl LE,&GUI E••t•r"" Ol•!1ltn W L T ~tt. G' G• (••WI<> Hlc~\ M"Y•• ' . " " " • ... "' '" " .~ .. ' ' , • " l<1tl1"• 8 u<-••nd ~I U !Gt), tn• JO !l It . U 1>11!, 8on,..tll 1' (4 tllll, Pr•dOJ 12 MJ<•IN.I 11-1·11 lt'llftlftt "' ... 8e1•oft O 1l 1J !O -:;;;;;:;;;:;>.>;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;>; .. :O,;:<;;;:;-.;:;,.:;;;;-. ~·· ••• "'""''~~1 ~ : ; ; 16 ··1:··· ...... •••••••••• ...... •••·••·• ................................ ~ :~ ~:: :.: ,: 7;;~:0·~ ; ~ ~ l1 ~~1 : YOUR PROBLEM: i 1~ ~ ~l : (.luc1va 1 J ) 11 nl + • 1 •1 .J.a 0 we•I••"" Diy111'1" ! You w1nt to tell some item .., 1 :1~ ·'.~-~ 1~ ~·~k,~~~1• ~ ~ ; ! i! !;1: th1t you no longer need but : ~1 a oo , Ml•n•"'t• 1 o • 11 111,.. tomeone else <•n use fOf' : 0 0 00 I P~llOllOLn~il • I 10 1).. .(II : ~ ~.g ; ~~·bAu~:;,., 1 , ! ! :~ ;;11 NOT OYER $50 : l'•u~nt 0 Q O I M.,,day•• 1t11ul!• ! ? ? ? ? ? ? : 11 •~ 11 ~~• ''' No 9•mt' ~t~Nlul•d ... " • • ' .(II ~::;~~7, ·; 'l r 1111:: No o•m••T~t::·;u:~'"'' i YOUR ANSWER: .... : w1ont•t1•Y'• 01m1• MATllt 011 1s.r1 Mon1r,,1 •' Min....,tnt• : You ct11f THE DAILY PILOT, ask fDr : •w·,~~"' ...,, ,_, •" ~:~""'vo~~ !~r;~;~•bv'~~ ! Claaslfled Advertising, •nd place • : Dull" IQl Y t 5.1 •I Ootr<>ll 1t L<11 Ar>Vll•> : .. Fool~'ll _ S•n (1Pmenro 11 TvJ•;n, H•uPtrt It 411 4 6 '' (hl<•90 11 0 1•l•l\CI PILOT • N•"N1><1rt Mfrl>Ot 01 l'•llD<OOk. r:·~••n1 Grn•;:kl J.l'O >,•, •• : .• ' ',', r;:~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::,1·i ., ·'~ i. ~' ,&,M~llm. <11111 Mtt• Y& [dl•on or J•<ll""" >'untlftt ton 8N~h. HuftlllltlfOfl 9t•(ft Al Ro¥ l• l>li ?.~ o v1e,1mlnslfr, Mlu lllfl Vlelo II L11un1 N1nN S U l O 0 PENNY 8ttc~. LP••• "' (O'"'fl• c1r1 Mor "' Wtllkltwi'z 1,0\ i,• 'o LET'S Dt FRJDIDLY ·.+ f Ntw1><1•t '"''"""· lll lo HOrKl9 .... Galll.... J~"'""" ~ -"' .. W•" ot Or•ftlf (;ell)! {I ll t i I I. Muniz • • l 0 C•on cauftlrY -D••n•~ C:o.o11 •~cl ''''''" • I h'-PINCHER ' .'~ ,':':. ': U you have ne•v ne i ~,., +1 f C-o•dtn w e11 ot A11ec 1nvl•1t10""' •I f:lf,tonltl• ,' ., k"ow •! '"''"' mo'"-c ~" Olell!I Stitt, s.ddltbtc• it ~rnPoon ., ., vur l'•,.low !•II •1 J.JOl. ""1'"' Otl 11 CLASSIFIED AD s .. hl>P 1t.m1t, M•rlftl 11 Anaft•!m, Hun· Gtftl!i. 1 0 0.1 ll to our area. please trU \a :21;:;:~ ~:,~~;:;::~.~:,;,: :::: ~"~~·· ~ ~; -~ ;;;,~:.';; ::":: :'.'~,,: j AT OUR SP'ECIAL LOW RATE f • ' ' • ..... 1 ... ••• p1 1'(ll t f• .011111' J I 0 I! ? 1 0 11 Goltlen weo1 •• LA.CC fl.XI), co.t• ,....,., t t o •• 1.000 them to become acquainted It .;: .<. ,..,.,1 •' Sunn¥ Hlll1. Faunl•in Volin •I ,&J>ltllloot 1 1 0 1' 1 000 ln thrlr new 1urroundln15-1'" 3 2 2 • h GIN n.y Stlfl M•e l'tct•,_ Liiie 'Bhl t 1 0 • <'l••hO!Od l(l"IW MUUON VtWJO 11·1) ', ...... ·"·r="='="=··=·='="=""='='='='='·=-="="='=' =''="="==·~="==='=='=='=="=·"""" So. Coast Visitor ::. L1N1s r1M1s DoLLA•s : 1 . '~ ..l\ 1----....... ~ 1!!1 494-0579 AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! ·~ "' ·~.,., • Fi~ ~°'""-;;""'8 l!!J 494-9361 ! D I AL N 0 W D I R EC T ! • H1>l,..,ll Citro M1"11" Wll~fn'6n MOtW<>O wu,.,., c:. ... R111Mll9 !di ,,.,, . ,. •S II\ 71 IS 1' Ir .. " ' " 1• I~ H : ...,~ m-e~1'iiWJl•a-i 6 4 2. s 6, a : 1~ i,1'"!1!!!!!!.!!iii"iii!'"'iii!!wili! .. i!! ... ~!!·~·!'!l~Dli!O~,~N~·!i·~·!i!~!!!·~·~-!!!'i!!"!l'!!'!i!'"~'!!! ... (Tell,, .. Nertlt c ••• ,, 140-12JDJ i .. !'!'!'!'!'!'!'!'!!:I: ........................................................ ~~ at the LONG BEACH ARENA OCT.24·NOV.2 SHOW HOUIS. WEEKDAYS,241 PM SATUIDAYS, 12HOOMT011PM SUNDAYS, 12NOOICW7PM ADUL1' ll.lO • CHJ lOltN UNO l l 12,. 75 CEN1i • IJHDlt6 Piii ; I . -· . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ --....... -·-----·· ---·----------·-------------------------------------------------------------------·-- J8 OA!LV PILOT l11tsday, Octobtr 28, l%ll Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT Cosh For Each Week's Ploce Winner In First 10 Voit Footbolls (or Sports Equipment l other eoch week Se• pigskin prophet. Play the DAILY PILOT Pic.keroo game for weekly prizes. W inn er ea c.h week rec.e ives $10 c.ash and a Voit Colleg ia te football !suggested retail p tic.e, $1 0.95 ) or prite pic ked irom list of other Vo it qua lily sporting goods (no prize under $I 0 re- tail va lue !. Watch for this player's form eac.h week !Tuesdays and Wednesdays ) in the DAILY PILOT Sports Sec- t ion. C ircle the teams you think will win in the list of 20 games 11 nd send in the pl11ye r's form or rea son- able fa csimile. Then watch the DAILY PILOT sport s p ages for each week's list of 10 w inners. RULES 1 sunm11 "'I• •nhV ~l•n~ or • •••">n•bl• l. S•P>d ro. PILO I f'IG5KIN P tCKEROO P. 0. BOX llol.O. (o>I• Me.•, Co . l'U~~ Dnlv onr onlrv ptr p~non ••a-we••· l•C1.,nilt To •nl'1 Tn~ coo1e1•- (0 N fE~I. ~oorl• Dei1orl1nen'., En!'lr< ''""' br d•ltver.,.j lby m••I or In Pf'••Onl lo DA.ILV P•LOT o!IT<r bV 5 pm r.,u.,C•v w J VG\I Rutt>er (or11. ~"" OA•LY PILO T f<'l~IOV« • .-a 1nf1r '"~ mO<lo••• Mmlll" not "1~;111• lo en"•• llE 611 E •KER a<KI (HOltE OF PllllE bl•"~l ""'II •• f"led Ill 0' 1•••················1 • li.\'TRY • • • Circlt ltam1 yoy think "'ill ,,,111 1hl1 wH•'1 flGmt'' • • • • • • • • lhomt tea"' i1 IKoncf e11e li1t1dl Rams VS Atlanta USC vs Cal UCLA Woshin9ton Stat" VS Kansos VS Missouri Florida vs Auburn India no vs Michi9an State Colorado vs Nebraska • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wisconsin vs Michigon Golden West Rio Hondo vs Mt. SAC vs Orangl! Coost Costa A mot Soddleback vs Mira Mater Dei vs Bishop Huntington vs Westminster Loora vs Corona. del Mor Marina vs Newport vs Anoheim Fall brook Loguna Mission Viejo vs Valley vs Estancia Fountain Costa Mesa vs Edison Son Clemente vs Tustin • TIC BllLll.,I " I~·~· '~~ ,,., n• Pl.•~' • In f U 111 IU!'\C~ l•'le<l Ol'<ll'f • '-~"'" . '"~·~·~·'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ADDltfSS ""'""'""'-~~~~~~~~~~~ • • CITY "' • • r'HONr '" • CHOICf Of r'lt llf ICl>ff• 0111. elrc l• 1wi,... fi111f11I • 0 Swi m f l111 • 5 M Ml l Xl 1J, fllt•Cile lt:il 1. Ttther lall football L. lo1ketboll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• Ra1ig·ers Tt1ke Break After 4-2 Victory • Laker Duo Se ts Pare 111 Scoring NEW YORK \V i 11 Cham be rlain and Jerry \\.'est, both ol lhe Los Angeles l..a kers, have found l h e shooting range Uuring the ear- ly v.·~ks of the Na1ional Basketball A!'sociati on season lo lea d the s('()ring rat:e . Chan1berla1n is t11e lop Sl·orcr with a 33 r a1'erage l"ollowcd by \\Pest \\"llh a 33.0 mark. according to figu res released hy the lca~ue today. Billy Cunn1nghan1 ol the Philadelphia 7Gers r:inks third at 27.8 and Chet \\'alker of the Chicago Bulls is fourth vd th 26.0. DerenUing scoring cham· 1iion Elvi n Jlaye9 of the San Diego Rockets :ind J e r f fl1L1llins or the !'ian Franci~co l\'arnors are tied for fifth al 25 8. \Ve s Unseld of the Baltimore Bullets boasts the best field goal percenl:ige, .618, \\'hile Flynn Hobinson of t h c fo.1 ilwaukee Bucks has been the 1nosL elfectivc free throw shooter with a .935 1nark. Chamberlain dominates the rebounders lvith an average of 21.3 retrieves per game and \\'alt F'razier of the New York Kruckerbockers is l::ips among lhc playmakers, averaging 9.8 assists a game. . ' .. , 11,. .CC<lnt l•adPr~: C. FO FT ~11. A>t . c~~m~,1~1n. LA: w s1 1l1 JJ 1 We<!, l.A. to 11 n 1 JJ u Cvn~lnglUt'I. P~I!•. •I 1• 111 JI I W~l~e•, CM. 4' l' llO 76 ,0 •1a~~s. s.o •7 Jt 101 11 1 M~lti~i. 5 "· <l 19 101 1l I ltua•on. ,.11 •• 7'1 Ill ?I • ,.lclnaor. Mii. 6 1~ 71 ISi 1j 1 c, ..... "~''" l4 7• !00 71 0 Rcbmum, M •I. JI •l i.s 7• i C!l'l'S WOLF OUT FOR YEA R Co.s!a i"l'lesa Jlig h School·._ footba ll sit uation took on an- other blow "'hen it v.'a.'\ lcarnl"CI that Ki m \\'olf, \\'ho"s allcrnaled a~ starting quar- terback and lailback, is out lor the season \l'ilh t1 lrae- 111rcd shoulder suffered in 'hi• rl'cenl lot>-<: 10 Corona <lei l\1<1r . Wolf. a junior, \l'a" con- ~idcrcd the best l\1ustani:: runner from ci!her post. The Mustangs are 1-5 and play Edison High at llunt1 ngtoo llcach Frida y night. Gas Racers Will Head OCIR Carel Skip ga s li llf}t.'rrhargt>rl drag racer!' wlHl 11 di to11lpClc al Orangr Co11n- rv !11tcr11;111onn l H a<' cw a y :::i.11urday night 1.ornbu rdo currrnllv l1olrls thr tl".1('~ rrrord for i.::1~ -~11ptrl'h ilrAcd \'eh1eirs 1111h :111 R fi! •'<'1'01\tl I IHl1' 11 hilt' \lt''i" 1<. 1111.· 'l1l'l'd h nlc!r1 :it 16i ~! Lio11s, BA Narrow Grid Picks t:ndefcated Bisho11 Amat and resurgent \\'estminster ... rovnt11~ V•ll•v ov•t F•••n«1 Q~ (O'>on o••• (•"• M••• ~v 1 1 u•ton o'u ~an Clom•nl• b~ J Proo pee ls Dini 'For Hun nersu p Prospects for second place r111ishers in the Sunset or Irvine Leagues to rnnke !he CIF AAAA foolbal1 playoffs :1p11c;ir dlrn at this point. \Vi1h 13 leagues in the AAA .I\ 1 ·l:i.~slficaUon it leaves only 111rt>c s pots for C<>-Champion~ :.uHI sf•t:ond placc Fini shers . L<1:-! ~·car, one· lea1n An:1hf'im -n1ade the pJayOffs ;i~ a second place learn. LEC:AL NOTI CE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE O,l'tCt! Of' TIW. •JtlEllFI'. C.OVNTV 01'.0""-NOll LEGAL NOTICE MOTICI TO c•UllTOll 1ur..11101t cou11:r o' 11t11 J T.-,l'l" 01' CALl,OIUOA l'Oll THE COUNTY 01' OltANOl "•· A·•~" f sf1!• cil CHAR LES J, lill.lllt;"IS, Cect•'>f'<I. NOTICE I! HER Ee V G IVEN lo tl\e cr1<11Tor5 ol th• 111Cl•t n1mC'CI aoc.aon! 11\11 111 _..,,.,. 111vl"~ c l1lf!'• •t •ln<I rN ••lei <llCelHnl •'• re<>ul•C'CI tc Ult tnem. w!I" -~.-0•1•w ,....,,,,,~. In n.., c!llct <>1 int clo•il. ot me 100''~ 0111111..i c .... r1. er lo pres•nl tl>etn, wlm !ht nt<~1urt voucllt'<1. to IM undtr<llM<I 11 Ill• olllct "1 hlo Allor11ev., F r1n~tln Ind F r1n111n. 101 E. lhl'I 5!., Cc•ll Mt-!1, C1lllo•nl1 '1UI, wMd 1 I> 11\1 p11co ct bugon"'' "I !l\e undt .. iG"..a 1 .. 111 m•!!Prt Pfrll lOIM tc mo esi.10 01 1t ld dtc..a1n•. wlll\•n loU• m""''" 11tor In• 11•11 publl""tlon ct !hi• f!011Cf-0 1lt<f Oclo~r 1<, 196t Hcmor Ht r•m•. E~oeu1<" ot me IY•ll "' mt 1Dov• "''"ta d•<tOtnt l'ltANKLlN & l'RANKLIN A11 .... ,. •' l •., 111 1!. 111~ sr. C"*• M•"• C•liffnol1 t Hl, T .. , {114) Ml·n ll AllltMVI for E•t<u1., Pul>llsn<!d 0111111• (cos• O•••f l'HOI. Cklcbtr 2t •na Novmibor 1, It. I!. )'" !011)-6' LEG AL NOTICE l'·lSlll CfltiJll'!CliTI OP •UllllllS 1'1CllTIOU$ FllH~ NAMI Tnt undor>oen..a oot• N rel>Y ror1,1, t~•I tit !o C011dUC!ll\I I 1'U~lltM1>1 l l'd IO•P<ll>ll•!I Duo•nou 11 Hl'lJ.2 (•Mrol "'''~11e, MontG_l•lf, CouMy .t 5•n !l••11•rd1..a. $"'!" cl c.111cw .. 10, 1M •• 1io• Lt~....-!lo<lle11rd, Clly ol l 011• B••cn, Cg11n h' of l ei A"t•ln. S!t!O ol (1tll<>rn-., ""' 1! ltJ7 t111,,..,.l1I Hlt h•·••• {•ty O' °"*"""' (-1\' 6t L.,. A"f•lf"I, ~!•I• ol C~lll0t,.l1 1<><1 11 JJ\•1 M1n n1 \list• Otlv•, Cltv ol O•n• Pol .. r. COUT11\' 61 0••"9•· si.1• 111 c1111orn11, 11no:11r rn• tit · ll!l<>u• firm ""tne> ol: E<Of>tl P110ll1nlno COIJIPlll'I" Ad Vl)C;t e1.cncom0<!• •I t~ 1~r•'>•• 1bcv1 lntHcatld, I nd rn11 '"Id llrm, "' comPol"" ot 1111 lol!c101"• per1on. Wf>O•• ntmt t n4 1<111,..o.s I> 11 10110 .. ,' !"!ugh R. c .. v. JJU) M .. ln• \lh !1 O"v•. O""" ~pint. C1lllo•nlo. WITNESS mv· n1nd lhlt 2Jrd ••v ., o c.1oo•r, 190t_ Hugn It. Gt1y Sf ,1 1[ OF (ALIFOllNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE. ~S. On O<lol>Pr 21, 1Ht, bl'tor• mt, I~• 11'1(1•-.•9ft•G, I nol1"' P11l>!1C on on<t !{I~ l•ld '"""'' ond "''"'"· Pt ri.on1lly •-•••a H""ll II C.•1y, ~now" lo m• 11 0. 1n1 .,.,~en wno<• n1mr <> >libocrlbO<I 10 "'" wl!lll" rn>t.,,m•M 111d •cknowledoed !nor /lo t~l(IJ!"" Int ~•m• H•mld E. He!nlY Nolarv Pu~llc tor !ti• Sl•I• of C•ll!ornl• /~Y Commlulnn E.iiplre> .. UQU!I 10. 1'11 Hfl/'ILV J. EDDENS Allo<IM!YI •t l•"' 111 W ... I '"' 5lr•I S•"" An•. C•lll. t77f1 l ·Ulll Pul>lo"1"' Oroog• Co•\! O•olv l'•IO•. Oc•ooer ~I •nd Nov•mP" •, fl, 11. 5~1dr•. "'' 1011 ... p .]UU CEllllT1,ICATl OF I USI HISS FICTlf tOUS MAME LEGAL NOTICE HOTtCI!' OF l'IDN-ll IS~OHSlallll't No1;cce is h•rebv olv•n that the un- derJl;n~ will nor bo r~Pon<lblo tor t nv d•Oto or llabHlli•, con!recl•d bY •nvo•\• ot/\ef lh~n m•S•I!, on or al!or '"h d•I•. Oi led'"'• 111;1 dev or se~t•mbor, 196f, Do,,glr• Rv9g l;J,o Plec•ntia No, 0 11, l~•'"Po1 r e.e~ch, Call!. l'J l>li.lhta o.-nge CO••• D•llv ~ilo!. O<>or>or 11. 29 """ tfov•m~er •. 196' 11l17·•• Ce~YIV Cler1< 1{£1.!NfTH S. Lll\'l"SOH 11111 •"th lllv<I., Sul•• 11 Hllftllnt l"" ll•°"h, Cl ll!. •li•I ,.he .... d'1$•~nH! !!OtS <••)I!~ ~ I! to ... Ttl· Ill•) 1'7·1!11 dV<!lnt I b<.t1i""'1• •l l it M11n SI., S"''° AtrGrMy for l'll i"litl E, H_unrtnqlon . lie•<~. C•lllo•"I~. una" Publt",n•d Or•nq• Co•· I D•ilt "110'. 1~ •. 11,1111ou• r,,..,., n1m• or .cou_R T E~t Octobfr 11 1n<t No•emter 4, n . 11. l!lllL llONDS I nd tn•I ••Id '"m ,, CO<n· IObY l01'·'' Po•ed o! tn• tollowlno ~·•ion. "'~O'•IC'-------~,.,"°'=-'---~011~/n lylt t nd pl1<• cf •t!•d•nco " •• LEGAL NOTICE Cl111d• H. Suln••l1nd, 11111 Ho•!m1n,l---------------C•rrl!O'I, (t lil. ~U,.£1110• COUllT DI' l141l Oat•d OClo~' l , l•!t STllTE 01' C•lt,DllMIA l'Olt Cl•V<I• H Svtt.orl1nd THE (OUNTV 0 1' DllAICGI S!•T• ol C•l!fo•nl1, 0•1no• (OU"I• No. A-1nn On O<toe..r J, ltbf, betcr• m•, 1 NOl1rv NDTlt'E OF HEARING GI' P!!T!TlON Public In ~nd •or >11<1 Slit• ... ,, ... n•llY FOil l"R OllATI" 0, WILL AND POii' 1oot.1re<! Clllud• H ~11tno•l1n<t ~nown h:> lEllEll' TEST•,..l!NT1•V m• to bt tn• o••!Cn "'""U ""m• I'! E<t1l• Iii /MR'!" JANE AllEN, 111b•uib<:d lo tn• wl!~·n ln•!<U"''"' 1ria Opc•uod ~cknc ... 1e<10"" h• •••cutod 1ne >l me. NOT1C<: 1~ H E l!E~V G-1\IEN Tn•I IO"FICl.t.L SEALI HP<!>erl J ll ll•n no, •1l•d n•r•1n • _.,.. Jp1n L Jol"I •Ion tor P•oN•• c! woll t nd !or lu111nce cf ~loll•~ Pu~l•c•(•hlor~ll L•!!e" T••t1m•nt1r~ lo Ptlltl<lnPr, Prlnclo1I Office on ·~f•••nc' lo .,~,~~ ·~ m•d• "" '"'"''' 0•1oq• (ountv. oa•liui.'•'I• end lh~! !h• llry>e I nd Pit.,. MY Comml,.Jon E'""" ,,. h•••lng tt.o ••m• n~, ~~n 1.i "'' M.,cn 1. l97l Nov•r1'b•r 1'. 19!1, "' •:JO t .m , In lho P~bl,,~•a 0••~~· Co~•I D•ilv P l!ct, cou<troom o! D•o1r1m•nt "lo J of •••d Oclob•r 7. 14, 11, 11, 1'69 115~& ccut!, ~t 10Q Cov•c C•nt•r Orioe W~•. In LEGAL NOTICE m• Cl•v o• :,.On!i An1 . C1l.!orn11. D•le<I Ocinb" ;1. 1Hf w. E. ST .IO~N. Ccuntv Clo•~ • CYll1L .... WlllSlON, USS 1•rf•nc1 80UllY••<I • T•rr•ntt. C1lilc,,.J1 H~J. T•I: !!Ill l/1·1511 Att1r"'1 fer Pt!lll..,., Puo111~Cd O••ng• (en! O••I~ '""'' ()<:toiler 21, 79 •r>d NOVf!Tll>o• ~- 1i6I 10ll-t9 LEGAL NOTICE ~"~~"d A llrcwn Jr t.in•arv Public C1lllornl1 Prlncin1I O!tl,1 !n Or1n<1t Coun•v Mv (..,,,ml•1lon E.•Pit•' Ju!v 11 . nn R0 81!11l l 01C, MOWSllll' & GAlll ... 1'10 lltl C1mHK Drlv• N""_, ·-h. C1llftr"lo Attor....,1 Pul>!h~~ or~.,.. C111•t O~ilv 1'11'·'· Oc•Obfof 11 I t><! Nov•mbtf '" II. 1'. lt'fil ~·· LEGAL NOTICE and at'CI ""' cl us Cos1 bca1 c11r1 "'" '~' Kile ""'' Pri\ way '"" !cs.~ dOll' OVCI Li a p I his in y hou! """ hP lp •nd '~' lol I '" ' ionc prio Fa I 2' Hu slop ""'" level '"d yard nr 11 in~ pool. bath 1t's this "'" ·po\n Hcii fer~ ''"' n1gh that '"d "" thl!i! '" fl.'1\t t:1:J,( """' I in C .,viii mon hath "'"' '""' U1 cast with .... ~· m" ''"" gare for hod< • 1'.l ·""" ,"23,flC 262 OllANG.E COUNTY'S LARGEST zut HARIOR ILYD. S46·1640 Open Eveninlis till 1 :30 Towering Trees and lush t1·oplc<1I fol1ai;r accent !hi."i :; b t•drooin· r8J1ch ho11 . ..e in an f'\'· t·lusive ar~a nl 1•as1s1dP Costa l\lcsa. Inside rind beautiful wall to ll'<J ll carpc'ling and rich walnut panelin~ in t h .. l1 ~111g room and fan1ily 100111. Kitchen h11s hu1ll is and knolly pine ca hi nc I s . Private 1.:ourtyard entry 11ay and rear yard lc.r- raced patio dc1."k all pr'lr fes.~ionally landscaped. No do1rn lo Vi>1s. llurry on 01'cr lo sec it. Live· Rent· Build HOUSES FOR SALE MESA VERDE 4 This rh:1rn11n~ 4 bdrm hon1r 1s 1vally sharr. llas te 1' 1' a z lO f'll1ry, ;,,lune plan11'r &. 111 1·" yal'd. O o&-111 r.rr.sa \'erde School. JO', d.,1111 11•1!1 g"t you in un 1Ju~ bargain, S2'1,9:..0. • \:OATS & WALLACE REALTORS -S46-4141- (0pen Evening.) ' ----·-·-~ jFOUR ON THE BLVD. !ls a trc:il lo li<':tL your fcrl on tile 10th SI. bcarh, 11 hi c:h you clHI ra.s1l.v do fr,ir,1 the.<;;> ni>;irl.iy r :»h11 ~IX'c1<>Hy furnisl1t'd 4 uni1s whi1•h sho1v i..ri·cat prltlr o! 011·tH'l"5hip . Grc,,L .sun1n1rr I ll'ill !l'r icn· l.L1J t"f'CO!'d, llPVl•!' a Vc!C:'lll• ry. At $Gj.000 11·c·1 r n1orr 1han proud to sho1v this n·1cc: l'!'llll•~ l>l11hlt'.'1". :!02.J \\I Balboa '.'\'B ~~ti E." Co;1s1. "cc1~1 1n:i-G0&:1 5%% Gorgeous ~ BR 2 balh home a piece of proprrty like on qu1r1 trrelinl'rl eul-dr·sa•·. this has got lo put n1oney NP1Y 11 /1v 1•arpc!s, all huil!. ·' HOUSES FOR SAL! :?<~ llarhor Blvd, ::il Atl11m~ :i4~i-9·1!'1 01wn 1111 !} P'.'11 Mister Home Seeker \\'11nt 11 good v:.ilur ? Thrn ~ce U1is fillf' l\lr~a <lt'I !\l<ir ho1n!'. 4 lidnns, 1"; h.ilhs & a qual ity of ~1"1H"IOUSl\1'SS rh~1t i.~ the r;.;~cni.:1· of plra .... anl l1v111g. Built·ln kllr lu>:n -f-dishll'a5her. lrti<'t'.'d y;i1-.;I ll'ith patio. On.ly ~'l9.j{.'(J I::Z trrn1~. ~-109:: llakrr, C.;\I. 516-~1 10 ---. "'il HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS&S POR SALE 1000 General 1000 Costa Mesa 1100 Huntington Beach 1400Huntrngton Beech 1400 HOUSES FOR SALE Lagun• Beach 1705 180 DEGREf'.: VI E\V LOT ol while 1vatcr &. coastlinP, srnall bul level. $7.9:-.0 wi!h $1.000 do11.'n, ba! at S85 n10. All due 3 >TS· Broker Estate Sale f\('wport ll~ights duple:'I: must l)(: Slild to s!'!!Jc cst1.11e. '! IJC'dt'OOIU UllllS th!LI r1•1tlly t111vt• C'lll1r111. Both h;1V!' WOO\! burning: f11~plact·~. lronL v1r,1s. and st'parate palllll; and yard~. ExC<'tli'll\ {.'()nd1t1on lhro11ghou1 . ;.. o l leased J,uid . t\~l..ini; $.}J,llOO. ~ Colesworthy & Co. '·!'or /1 \\"1s!' B1.1y" 6l:1·7i77 ~--~~~-SP AC 10 USN ES S • THRIFTINESS MESA DEL MAR Pride of Ownership ls rOURS with these. J\100· E!l.'1. DELUXE a1ia.rt1ncnls. Lowest priccu h0n1e tn tllcsa Spacious :t bl'd1'1'.>9111 O\VN-tlrl Illar. An apfl('al1ng J bt.>d. ERS UNIT 11 I th FIRE-l'<J0111 '! hath sl\tnglcd roo1 PLACL and 1 I.laths. 3 beauty. !Junu• 111.•1\ly p.:J.ultrfl sm111·t rentals with 2 bed-ori ou!~id1·. C'.ir\)('I S and t~1011\s arid 111 baths. J-:x c~·J . d1•11p1·~ ln <' .... rt'l!!'n! t'ilt'«'.IH1011. lcnL NL\\'P0f{1' BEACH 11>-C<1ll 001v tor a sliu11•ing. l'ation nr;,ir Hoag !l~pil:il an<l '.\lr d1eaJ otf1£:t'S. S7j,QOO "Hli 1ern1s. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES S46·2313 Wa Iker & Lee BY O\"ER. ·:'-E...c."-,-1--', -Bo. Lgr. fl'll<'rd yrl., cuv. patio. :?f>l3 \\'rstellU Di·. Closr 10 sc·hools & shop1Hng. 616-1711 S!~.:ro. ~llS·l!Y.l:l. iiiiiiiiOiiiiOiiii0;,;;..,.,;iiii0iiii0iiii0•I J Brinn :?-Ha-,-,-,-n-,-'<-1.-d-rp, HOME & INCOME "•1··· bl•·""· "'-""'"''"''· 0 \"1!1'si1ccl gar. 11 11']('(' opr11· r1 · l .• 1kr new \\' side C~I .,/ 3 bd1111 h~n1c 11·1th fu·r. ?iJf;'.QlJ7 alt 3 • pl<1cr. &. tl1111ng 1uo111 ·f l--'-'-=-'--'------ sepa1·att' 1 hdrn1 n•1\ta1 on ---------- re1-1 1• of lot. full pri,·c Mesa Verde 1110 $26,500 Cul-Ce-Sac Bargain I .: hdnn. (·lean. shurp hn111!' Take ovrr 5~~ ';~ FHA loa n. l Bdnn L"r11tal :· N.:ar Su11t'1· shnrp 3 SR 11·1th over. Costa ~Jrsa Golf Cour.'lr. s1lrd fani ily 1-..JOn1, shak\' $24,500 L"oof .t brick fircpl11rc. To1al r1nyn1r11 !s onl y s1•1 [1'.'\" Newport ., Victori1 FAST MOVE IN Ne \v homes, ready to move in. l to 5 bed- rvo n1 s, 2 to 3 baths. 1fl mile from beach. F'irst pay1nenl up to 60 days after 1nove 1n. 494-llJ'I 497-1021 Laguna Niguel 1707 VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach Laguna Niguel Terr. Ne111 2500 sq. fl. l·~ & :i Br. hotnes in ocean view area. Carpcrcd. front landscaf!C'rl • 1r1 lh :sprinklers; bltns, st:LI- cle-aning ovrn: 3 car garag.-. $5.~.T::i() To 161.950. E>.ccUenr linanclni; wirh dechning 1n- trr('Sl rate f1'Qm 7!.., ',:, to G:t. ~;.- (on Brookhurst 1 m ile South of Adams) 962. 1353 Corona del Mar 1250 e OPEN 1-S e 709 LARKSPUR ~at. ,(, Sun. & Tul's. thn1 Fri. '.! BR, '.? ha . hon1c 11 1lo;id~ of rh,1rn1 . plus apl. foi' IJ:· i.:oi"nr. 604-606 ORCHID Op.:•n rlaiJy. Twin r.1 .. daJ liun <111pli•:O.:('S; J RH. ;J ha . ,t· DR. 2 ba, i'UCh. Xhll l111anc. int;, X!nt luc.111011. DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • DrVORCING. by 01vnr1·. 'l. Sly. •I Rr. :t Ba. l'~rrut1vr hon1r. Virw, lgt'.'. lot lla d J01· V1 t•\\' ll1Jls. J :-.10~. nCI\'. $-19.!VtO. 201:1 Port C11rd iff Pl. 611-:i!}fi(i ~untington Beach 1400 ASSUME $18,000 6°/o ANNUAL G.I. LOAN At Sl:i2 per 111onth TOT1\L! Laguna Niguel Corp. 499-1344 547-7761 J.01'cly shake l'OOf hon1r 11·ith -----------! :l l:irg(' bf."(lroo1ns and '! pull- r11~1n baths. \\'alk lo Park! Cana Point 1730 Caqx'!s ;inJ 01'1f)I'~. ALL BY 0 1\'NE!t -Largr hill~ide 1-:LECTHIC h'.ITCHEN & Dup. overlooking new Dana lJISJl\V,\SJ1£R. l.AJvrly cus. Poinl i'll urina. E:x. ocean tull\ lil"i'pl;icc and bran1 Cl•il. viel\'s. :? bdr. upper. J bdr. 111g fanllly 1·00111~ Grllciuus 101\'Cr. Approx. 1200 sq. fL t.;u•k yard wi1h co·~·r::nED each unit Vrry Kood finan· PATIO artd block waU ft'.'nc-·'='="~g=. :c:"="=·='="'-~'="="===:1 Jng A WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.S:l Edingrr 8-1.!-1 l:i:i Open Iii 9 P~T --- Apartment• For Sale 1980 T\\'O STOl~Y. r!VE BED. ROO~l:-1, 2 B,\T!!~ in U[1[11"r B:1.I'. SLIC.llTLY ~PA:\l!Sl!. ~lo tr r>nt1·r. h1•irk 1..f{. fl\}\)r. "l)('a1h Valll'Y ltoi:k Bal'k" l1rrr1!at'"· r.1rxic<1n lilt' in hath.s. CO s TA ~J~:s,, ·:; BJ::ST BIG -FA:-.llLY BUY, 646-8811 n1onth pays all. Largr pat.io $· play arcn. l\JOni for hoar. B«st \'aJu<' al $:!7,:lllO. C.t,LL !"11()..IJ;>l Hrnlag~· f.!eal Es- lace ~oprn cvrs1. """"'""'""'""'""'""'""'"" I Ba I boa Pen i nsu I a 1300 NE\V elegant 2 Bdr , breath- laking bay VIC\\/ "'/boat docking. All blr.in kilchcn, \1·/1v cpls lhroughout. mir- ror 11·all, drps, balcony. Security guarded. Newi»rl Beach. \Vil! lrade. 838-5460 RENTALS Nrstlrd at 1hr. rnd ol.a r n · An t ' Y 1me Ne wpoct Beach v;1tr rul·dc·sac. Large y:.nl "'""""""..;;;;;....,..;;....,~1 1200 POOL & CLOSETS Ju,,1 :? o/ n1::iny lea!urt"s: Houses Furni1hed ln your pocket. live in the in~. bdck firrplair, f;i111ily ----------- -11 OJ'kShop & p]enly r•a_!'k- 111g sr.1ce. NI·:,\R Y .;o.1.c .\. -B1' l'harnird. Sec !Ill~. 01d)• S~ii,XO. A~sun1r hich i11tc1't.'sl G.I. loan 11•ith $3000 Dol,·11. llavr indepcnrlrner and Ir\ your 1ena111 p;iy 1ht 11ay. t..; et ~n1a1·1' Tot.i i 11;:,y111cnl ol ~19.'i 1nr!udcs 1-1ll. l~1"Cat Jlun- tin1:1u11 Br :i,1h Lorrillon. Call' C'losets .!.: rlost•ts; 5 hclrn1 s .• n1 st1·. 131". s111 tr on 2nd llr. 2 \\'alrr hr:ilr>r~. nr1,· 1111· l riJ1rr 111 rioor. ~rr 1ht~ \\'/'sl. !"l11f rnl('1·1<1111t•1·, 011 qu1 c1 Sll'C1'1. S:.ll,'.°100, Developer 's. Duplex Tht"C<' brr1rocn1 urprr 11\'tl bedroo111 lo11·rr, in 1·ery J;ood ri•utaJ ,1rca. No1v fully Jras- r •i. \.UOl.J i;ro11·th poccnlJal. $19.~.00. Nll'E ~ Br. homr. below 111at"krt. Qu1ch: ~ale by 1.111·11<"r $2:1,-100. '.i1i ',o FHA lonn. $116 pt'r n1 on th . Carpets o\'cr h a r d w o o d floor.~. Sunkl'n LR 1vi1h f1rrplacr . P11110, 11ood deck. Great nrighboi-s -good l0Cil-Generi11I 2000 house on tront, rent. the rov1n & bu[:" ovrrsiicl! lot. separate unit in ahek lo Olildoor BBQ ,t, nlOnl 1i11· help make the puy111cnts ho::i1 .I'.: 1 i·ai!i·r. A<sun1r j"~' ,. and in the n1canli1nc you Joan • S~!().'IOO, ~1 7 1 r.i .:r J. can build on Hie \·ae~nt PriCl'd for i111n1~diatP ~ale at Jot right next door. 11's all $27.500. Call :;1;,.g.111 South in one pack11gc and all Coa..~t P.c:i.J Eft...•lr zoned R-2 for 1 Iola! l l•iiiiOiiiiOiiiiOiiiiiiiO .. iiiiiiiiOiiiiOiiiio price of S30,900. 2 ON A LOT Family Home + Pool + Open Sun. 1-5 21122 Richmond Circle Huntington Beach stop by and srP Ibis beautiful 2600 S(J. f\. i;plit level home. Largr yurd anrl sep. pa!io and play yard plus roon1 for boa! or trailer parking. ~rmrk! ing N-:i.tro an d rill C'T'C'd pool. f bcdrms and :; baths. Newport Bluffs Ocean View Beautiful Ea11s1t!r 3 bdr111 ~ ba1h home <! ~ bdrm I bath -i-land lo ~u1W 12 units for only $5.),00'), 616·..'-:'!>0 PQOI -GI Resale t\111·a1·~ve corner 4 t~rm 11 ilh Ar1!ht ny poul, JSxJS', fully equ1pjX'rl incl. pool • ~Wt'.'t'.'fl, E:<rtl :i~ '1~ Joa11 at Sl !H llll'I. tax r, ins. 01vncr !llQ~I anx- 1ou~ tor offl.'r -alN"ady !l"ans- fl·n·1·d our of .<.lair. _&~-----E/ISTSIDE-$21 .9SO Cozy, Pl'ivair. on a cul 1!c ~c Wiid fl('H\I}' l;l'pl hOllll'~. J...aey Jot 1vi!h M'l'Cral fruit fr("('I and room for a itaid· ('IJ, 10' n do11·n to qualifil.'£1 buy'fl'. tl"ti·71it • ~1tr:!Jl,l it's d1!l1MJ.it lo drscr1bf' tlus home, it'~ abS<"Jlulrly beauuful, u s11s on •he ·point of the ]'ir1\·port Heights Bluffs \\h11•h ol· rers 1 ~Jl"C'tacular 1~ degree ,1irw or lhr m0st night ligh!~ in !hf' 11·orhl. l l•iiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiO __ __ that o{ lht'.' Ba!b!i;i B11y and Pae1!1c Or'ean. II ~11)U iirr \onk111-;:: for a ho111•' "' th1S lypr )OU rrally JTI11>1 ;rt' it. lo appr,,~latr n's fea1ure.o;. it's spi'('ad n1 SJj.()00 and 11·orlh t;VCl'Y penny. Attention Vets No Cash Needed Income Units in Costa l\lcsa, thi~ dup\c'I: ·will make you nothing but monry. 'l Bedrooms, 2 baths each, both are renled for an inroine of S3600.00 per year. Unbelievable But True eastsidr. Costa L\1csa home with added 600 sq. It. paocllflrl fam . r n1. \\li tl1 rock l\N'place r l"parllied mas\tr bath v.•ith cuslom fMturcs, added room off garage alreAdY plu1nbe<l for--bath. pl us J large bidroom• and 2 balh.'1 on • m ft. dct"p lot All i! (lttds is paint but at :13,flOO you'd bct1t'r hurry. -rarr'-" · OllANCOI COUNTY'S LAllOHT znt HAllOI ILVD. 546°1640 0,...1 ..... htf\ tll l :JO LINDA ISLE ~' Br(1rov111~. I'.: h;1th~ ,\ 111\. llriO!ll h1)1ll'". I ,1rJH'lf•d & l"l',1\11 f111· \''1llr r1 1vat,• p1r1· .~. sh~. Ask'1n.1< ~l:iJ,OOQ, john macnab l714) 642·823S !ICI Dol'rr D1·11·r. S\lllr 120 Nrll"purt fu!a,·h -CASH TALKS :: hdr111 hom". Hn1·d floo,.~. 1111,:1' cpt.s/dq>S, lg Jo11. Clo~r 10 clrn1 school, $:.ll.l:J(} Fl·f,\/ v,\ 011:. Ownrr n1ov1ng .soon & says, "Sr11 now'" Fuller Realty 546--0814 5 Bednn • 3 Bath Pool-$26,950 P.irh wood p,1ncling. hand- ~mr bar. Parkini: for hcmt l· tntili·r. Lo\1rl.v fo·i rs.ta Poc.1 TARBELL 2955 Harbor General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Jl.ealtol'• Be SMART' SAVE $$$ l·[f'rc'11. your chancr 10 save S$. Just tak(' f)vrr fpnt.asUc IO\Y inrrrrs t f HA loan. No qualifyin~: 3 bedroom, 2 bath Col· lf'J:" Park rsta tr homt'. Ric h w 11 In u I p&nelrd family room. D c I u "r built-In k i1r hl'n. d t'f'JI ril1! V.'/\\" C81"Jlf'lini::. Un- rtrr pr1Cf'd for 11 rra 11! $2'7.~;;o. Br s mArl scr today. CMll fi-1~-o.-::o:t 645-0303 111 1 llarbor Ct>nl rr 27.19 Harhor Blvd .. C.;\f. SHORECLIFFS '.! Brinn. t.· 1lcn \I' frplr J-->rnn1c1 I (·p 1l1n·~s ,t: pr::.o;:1'd l!t>Or.~. Cit<'. !l1 ive. (',oOtJ ro· ten!if1l !or rrn1odc!ini;. S~i.1,500. hathryn nnubton I ---~ •i.1 nru Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Or. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644-2430 FOR THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE WESTCLIFF B\'.'aUttlully df'('!)l"'<1lrct 4 bll· 1·111 fanuly ruo1n lto111r u1 ITIO\'l'·lll t'Cllldll1!111. K1lthl•n t1a..<; load.s or !'llpboard<; & r·ountrr.; 1 hl'f'dk/,.<;1 111 c.i. N .. w pa1n1 & l'al'fk'I'>, Barrell Really 160J 11 rstcl1ft Dr, /\oil J-:vc111n;;s Call 6i:i·61l!i STRICTLY SPANISH 11·i1h hcau11ru1 COURTYARD ~:NTRY ~t'11 lll~ or tl11,, TILF: li.OOr hat·1cnda 011 large l.'01'- ner lol wuh bc:it door n1 d ouhl(' ~arngr and srp;u·ate 1·on!-rr1 c l>-•rli• ~.ord f<'lr Ca1np.. r r. Thrrr lovely hrdrooms and 2 pu111na11 hil1h..; Fnrnrl- 1.v l1\"1ni: t"<'llll ll II llh ~P1\N- 1 ~11 t'IREl'i..J\Cl<! ~IK•c1ou~ ;.i!! bu1l1-111 , hl't'ry k1tehr11 a11.J t· 0 R :'II 1\ L D!:-11 '.\'.G H.00:-.l! Bf'n\lllful {'11JIX't~ ,t. l"lrap1•..; 1hn111~hou1. Ai'SU~TE F!!A J\ 10.111 n1 ~166 prr 1110111h 11 ill1 EASV down p:1y. 111r11t' ~11·1t·tly TOI' LOCA· 110 :-:! WE SEL L A HOME E VERY J l MINUTES BURR WHITE r,F..\l.TOlt :!9fl1 Nrwport B!vrl. N.B. 67:i·.\G30 612·22'i.1 El'rs. Hal Pinchin & Assoc. .1X(I E. o:i.1 ~1 1111)', 6T;i-·1::!n Lido Isle =:;.__;;=----1351 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee "i6S.2 Ell111grr SJ:.'.4l:ij Oprn 'Ill 9 P ~f BE DIFFERENT- Livr 011 an Island INr11·1JOr ll. B1.1y 1111s rlelu.-;e iluph'-; J.ivr tn IHH' & r(;n! onr , $::9.:M..:I. Graham Riiy. 646-2414 Near NCll'JXll"I Po~! Ofr1rl.' Buy Of The Week FIXE:R uPPElt. nc11'rr 3 fk'ltghtful homr oil largr R-~ BR. .~ BA condo. }"rplr, lot \\'111\ roo111 for1norr Ull l1S. hl!ni:. palio. pool. Rrdllrf'll S21.::oo -IO'.. :inti u1111!'1" Slim. Only $28,500. lf11V d1\ •v 1ll ca1·1·y at 1 1 ~·0 111th no L1:11son Co. (i\G-0132 loan cusl. 646-7171 Bhifls prnnf' on Bay location. 'J. hdrs. S3'.1,NXI Call 614-l259 LIDO LOVELY I BP.. + lanuly r111 . ~ l1f1ths .i.: a k1tch0n 10 "live lll." 40 Ft. on 11·idr stn•!·t. Quality cunso·111·!in11 Walker Rlty. 675-5200 ~366 Vla Lido, !\TI Op<·n 5.µn . NEWLY DECORATED Bcau1. lgr l1v. rn1, l Bit. 'l bath~. 40 fl. 1 .. 1. S61.5(\1 LIDO REAL TY INC. ::::n1 Via Lido rve!</11 kt'.'nds. •-------·----- 1220 BY OWNER "TT it ACT I V !:: 'J. Bit. Rrn1odC'IC'd. Ownrr 11•111 rnr· ry il!e l0an. l\n pou11s. S1'i,:«J Pl11l Sul l iv an. ;i1,-µ-;1iil Huntington Beach 1400 $3999 !1un. N1· l"";oltlenwcsl \\'arnci·, 8~7-\16~1 ----------BY U\\'N l::R; ·I Bclrm. 2 Ba. ran1 rn1, bllns. lil'ps, sha~ crpls lhru--0u!. 1 yr old. On l'Ul-dc-sac. Near s c h 1 s • hche s, sbop'g. Con1plctrly f1•ncrtl & landSCHJ!C'd. 1111- mac~ Sri• a l 215-12 Archcl' Cil't'lr. S.10.0C-O. 968-1561. -Owner Transferred .'=ha1·p 2 story 3 bdrn1 2'2 ha1h. On ev1·rll"r lot. Carp- rts 'drarw~. a!! built-iJ1s. For- RENTAL FINDERS IH£VlNSIYE •· • GIJWHTIR '. t_:\ IGll>OOlil ·-lllS#WS AP't ·-IOCMMA Tl Sll'IKE 41~ w. 1'9h, c., ........ '45-fl1' ........ . S200. 2 & DEN duplex, gar, patio. Children O.K. Broker 5:) l-6!:180 Rental1 to Share 2DDS 1nal d1111ng roo1n, sr1·vice RELIABLE: \Vork\ni:;: girl , 11nrC'h. fa1nJy 1'{)0111. /\s."ume age 2:> 10 3:; to share rent on 6'., GI lo11n -pr1r-r S:i.J.900. i·ondon1:n11un. S\ro mo inl'l. Paul J ones. Realty u11!. J-'.V. 5-16·1161 days, S1i-12til.) 1'.:vr. 8-17·8'.119 96S-i369 :ill 5 Pi\1. \\'IU~ P:\\' POINTS! You \\"OMAN with lwo girls havrn"t hran.I 1h111 in ii Jong 1\'ishcs lo share a pl. 11111(', :: Al~. f;un. nn. -;.. ~&-!}.l:!l, l:::-;1 :;O!J \\'kdys. fully r oc•l, patio. AC S28.500 6,l&--3277. Ext 21 11•knds !lw-Pl"I('(• is right & fl!A / o,-o,~.,c,cAcL~E:.::c,~:..:."c"c"c'c"=-~,~c:io"'. VA hMllS 111'1' 01\. Bayfrvnt apt in Balbo11. s:il Rex. L. Hodges, Rltrs. mo. 67.J..OJ:iS l'l 1:1·252:1 \rANTED refined lady to 2 STY. :1.ilJO ~CJ t1. 1 HR. 3 sharr ho1nr 111 Bluffs. N.B. RA . \Va lk lti hl:•ru;-h f..· ~chooJ. h:it & l:iundry pnv. 644-0:l69 ~''ll 111 FMA <1pfll'nisal. 642-5200 W~lker & Lee e REDUCED S:i,OOOe •Honie -i-111fo1nc -1-l~1nd * JI you nrr d a ;.::rrat fa1n1ly CtJsl .~ BR 1 1 ~ BA Con1pJ hon1c, .src this one~ Lgt'.'. liv. 1'f't, tlrp~. f'.P. Bca1n cril. rni. plus J~r. pnrty rni.; .1 5.:-i. RIO Ccr11mir rile. ::' Bf. J Ba .• ki1ch. blt·in.~. i 1 _. ("«r rlrt. ,::J.r. Inc 111111 RI! Rlks. 10 b<'ach. F"r s11n pl c. s•~· n10. Plan.~ ·I n10l"f' Ullll ~ $!5,500 .Equi!y SJ9.:ioo, :\lay En ~ y Te r n1 s SJl ,:iOO, con.~11lrr trade. Con.~idrr smallrr hoine in BAI. ISi~ .• grad :stu. or co\. Tola! chi1vn pa.1•111r11l lracl" !l~l? lludson Dr., lege grad IO :share nu 2 Bit. ,\ssum1• GI loan ll.R. !!62_7,13;, S90. 67:i-J9\5. A STEAL fOR 4 ;:i;;1n ll11rLK1r Blvd. ;i[ Arl:i111s ln1af!i11r 11. 4 b<·droon1 :! hath :i!~i-U lfi.i Orrn 'Iii !) P1-<I hO!lll' IOI' onl}' S~~.:i()(l LiH'i::-(' ...... -............ iiiiiiiiO- til2·~i0\6. e O\VNER 646-"iSl9e ;-.-o---u.;::---1 ,~~~~= V.l.P. Home \,]iin illrir •1 Br<.ll'l)l)llJ n1odrl c.c:.::...::::_.:_:::::..______ \V!LL sha1'e. my 2 Br apt, Crl i\r)<>hlxws -1.-alk Schools 3 BR & i.:onvrrtiblc den, " " d rool iv/girl 25 to 3:; 111/good Br:•nll ll\'IV Ivan \\·r11~· .1 Dove r Shores 1227 j\n ,,,, .. ,,,,,i11,, No ~nd TD lnnna! ul)I rm. coverr . " >..: " "' n1orals, Reis. 00-'2969 <1ft. 4 Plra:.<· call JH1!1n, k1vely J,;:irdrn 11·/f1sh f'!lJO}'aiJlr h;.lck yard \\11h OELIGHTFULL Y hrJrn1 :t bath L Jl'Jlldt•r fan1ity ~1~" p.t1 1u. /\-.~u1nr DIFFERENT • 1 I 1 , roo111. t•on11al d111111; t'U1llTI, lrreplac••ble View of BAY & MOUNTAINS! l'"~'•tln~ 1nanc1n:; a1 v 11· t;nusua hn111r on htJ:: f•orn•·r ~ r.. fain. 1ni. /11rl h,1r /:.·fin!~. .,1, "" 1ntr1Y..st ralr. 1n1·11cr I<:!' 3 l>rdrCKllll~. 2 Balh r l,;n1qur •·1.1lrl 11orlcl" C()11["lll· U I U "II\ I'\ I I I Luxunou.sly <:lll""'lrd. Su-\\'I ;i so 1'I' ~ , or '. pnr1I~ p ,i.Jos V•'I~ <' fll i-1n 1·~ po1·oi1'}'. t'.'Xl'.'!'U\J\'t. ht"\Uf)' • . '· 1 rrr!i v1rw. Pool 111 liind~car-. .....,.,,., < l111nu.: 1111 ..... ar~r ~1 lc1rn hon1r .. ~..,.,sci. fl. BP.", ln.1•trd 11·1th 1:::itJ1111 ·1 ~. all rd c'OtJrL yard. !toy J , \\'AJ'd ~1,, B.\ + m:11rl~ 1111·~. Jdral ··l•·1.:1 hll••H~ l.<1Lalr1I 111 l l:lll C:•l~·'Y __ o ,_. ,_,,,._i:i:i0_._ lur rn!rrtaitHr.i.:. E;;~y 111.lif> tx·r1u11fuJ \\r~1('11ff. rl......,r •o East Side Duplex ln1n11·d ,,,.c11p. Jo"un11."h•·rJ 546-2313 si·horil & ~hnppinr:. On I y or 1111furnl'hr<l. A ~~un1 170'.l7 ~lagnol1a, FV ~ hrf!roon1 Cil{h 1191!. l;u111dry 545 0458 $1Jfw:J.!p Z1~~ rii0'11. l'Jl'P''!~. ffr:1p•·~. cnv. ~,'~~;2.1~0,in, !lox 15:2 '.\'.B --.. _ --- 11•--11111111 ~ p~ r a •d p:11111. 1111.~rd g.1rat;('.!i.I~========== 51;,.0/o Total Annua l Sp. •i•h E~~ •. ~'1,~~11.ili C"111pl•·1rl.v fe nr-1·d, 11 .ilk lo University Park 1237 Rate On The G .L loa n " \: NMBI] J71h :-:1 .-1i11pr111g All !orl;;;;;;;;.:,-~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I Anyone Can Assume! I Sl.\f).:11 P.kr G\1.~r~1.. 1· su1ir1· :-hn1r Sl'i\N I S ll J BP. nn F,1 1n 1.•,I'. :-'Pill I•'\'". !1'!1:; Bnl;('I , c.~J :))l.).:>4IO ~;..°"~~~====~==== low INTE REST LOAN ~ha" "I"'· :: fr1,lr ··· 11 <'1 liar. :========== · :->TYLL ,1 hrr!r'O)OITI f 1tn11!y ._ Costa Mes.a 1100 s1 .. 1«1vu~ ;, Bf{. l1•in1r 111111 ' ·uno plh 1·111. <· ;i 1111•.••· l!,u;k H•XJ1l1 F\"lrn111 I l1i11111g P.1111n1 , •·r 11~t ant ro~~t',,1.,11 ·• ~ltd ~!lr\1 , s~:l.~illtJ. w·11 T d F 'o· . R Beau!lf\11 1·arpr1 .. nnd Dr:tp- ')1;.·sft\ ~r~\ ')\1· ,1 t·r· 546-5990 DIVORGE SALE * 642-1771 Anytime * CHANNEL FRONT- :: BR. -l· [an1ily n11. S1C'p~ lo ocran; fishing:. ~1vin11111ng, txoa1111;:: at your frtint dour. Only ~ll .;JOO. TCrlll~. CAYWOOD REALTY 6:)()) \\'. Ccia.~1 l!11·y., N.B. • :~J)l.j:.!fl(J • 3 Br: '.! l!.'1111 homr, cur1il"1' 101 J:;O:-;ll!O • add '.i n1nrr 11n1t.~. Drive by Ei\;:i Santa An;i f\vc. then c11!1 :mania llralty f>.1'.?-6500 BEACH DUPLEX 2 t·urn, Unlt.o;: Xlnt Loe.! $29,!r,"J() George Will iamson Rr11Jtor 673-4350 Eves. 673·1564 4~Bedrm:-+-Gue1t Rm. $24,950 ! Me•• Verde Elcganl home. 2 halhs. Uuilt· n1 \;11 rhrn. Oiv!.'rcd pa1io. x rr a roo111. Prr~!iJ.;r locslc. ~.io.11~·0 TARBELL 2955 Harbor UNITl::D-~"1.JND..('ommunlty 01r~1 1 hey grl the Job rlonl' '"'~t 1 ra e orma 1n1ng oom ,\,111·~. "~" thn1ui::llot11 , Lovely 1110!1· ~fla('tn lts ra11~1)y l"U1Jl11, Ritch-. d h"ll .,1·11 ki\t·hl'n. Truly Sl'ANfSll l 4 R-T Va cant Loli Anythin9 li'IJlll s .. 1111.t ,\na·.'=an Diri;:o. $\J,000. lrcr & clear DAVIDSON Realty ~1JQ I !arbor :; 1r .. ~l460 Blvd., C .. \l. f:vr~. a.i;>-19~\ Investment Income 7 UNIT!=i. hu')::r lot 1 ~1."\31\'"1': roon1 lo i)u1ld ;, 111<>rr. SM,OiJO Q1\·t1l't' 11 ill <"ll!TY 1st TO. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. ll'llfl Newport Hlvrt., C.J\I. J.\)j.7i29 64 1-f:G'\~ f'\'C.\, --EAST BLUFF A1·111g inuncy • l)11y 11'C'uu r. :11 Br. 2 ba. llunir. Oil !Jll!l"l s•l'cr.1. Cond. brllrr tl1a11 111'11'! F'in. avail, $3!} .. -i00. CORBIN-MARTIN :0:16 !'.:. Coast 1·[1,·y., Cd:-.T REALTORS 67:>1662 $33,900 -MESA VERDE Country Club !\'.car Goll COIU'~ & srhools. 2 Oaths, rlcctric btull . ln kilc-hcn. fo"amily roo1n. f1n!- pla~. Covered pall•), f)o\().172() Tarbell 2955 Harbor * Sou th Coas! H.cal Lslale 1~ lif'c kini;: succcs.~lul pmfcs- sioMI N'al CB!atc salesmen. E:»C"pt10nal benefits. Please rail fi:tr appointme11r 5~;).S·tM NJ111h Coa~t. Realrors. J f!R 2 fl,\. f11 n1lly n n, Prnf rll'!~ir 11 , )'r olrl-:<lnl CQOO . $32.:11)} :!IJ.1'2 1'\eet Lo., HB Ov.nr1 1.'1',.1.1:.NI. st:r '1 · your Un11rrJ FtJ1d •'II <'~llni: !ll'l':l. 4 large re I T<itn l pl.l }'lllC'tl\ ~1:1;:, 1111.:ludcs hdr111 •. :l baths, gl'ar!Qll~ all Prirrd ;11 S26.:JOO r n11·y11-.1y, Ovrr ~000 ~ci ft or WE SELL A HOME IL1."11ry ,,,r 0111.v $.il .~ifl -f!EJ\LTY EVERY 31 MINUTES a!;s\unr I11, ·,, lo.111 -p:iy. Univ. Park Crn1rr, l rv1nc 1nrn1s-s1~9 n10 riays c~c·1'Y· ea.11 Anytime s33.os20 Walker & Lee lh1ni:;. Nrai· ~{·l100ls & park .I:===-=~~~~==~~ CALL :110..115l rteritagc -R('~I f::slat" lopt'll cvrs! Corona del Mir 1250 LIVE IN FORMER MODEL "'STORYBOOK"' LAND 4BP.. 2 BA. lgr lam1ly rin. Only a L·ouple of bt()('ks fron1 Drps &. crptg. expens ive Corona Bcarh this <'ha nnrr landscapifl1! & p11.t10. COOL 11i rh Jt<'ggrd hardwOOd noors, OC£,\I'l BREEZES, 1900 sq . modrrn k1tc/)('n aru l. 3 hffi. ft. roon1s, 2 ha ths and family SJ l,!lOO. ·A· :A6·2!Y.13 roo1n -$11.~. CUTF:, brick front. split level for &a le, le:iM'·opt\011 or l'Cnt. Askint: ~19.:i!O. C1\LL. GLf.:N QUF.EN :~1(}..!l jl 673-1550 1-0 THEREAL l~ESTATERS I I '.' llcrrtage Real 1';.~1a1c (open -RENT BEATER __ . {'\'{"SI """"'""'""'""'""'""""'"",...j Ci\Ri\IELISJ( 2 Br. homr. fBR. xtra lge lani 1·111. 2 BA. plus $250 mu. lncomr. frv111 r;lce bltn!'!. custom 1lrps g, rhc .1 Dr. 3 Ba. ilJ11. Lgr. Joi shu!tC'r~. ('l"pl11. Spr inklers nr. Big Corona Br11ch, $65.000 front & rear. f"cttt:etl ,l',i. ~l101vn hy app'I. J\'1rs. I lopper landscaped. $31.9;J(}. 540-58,1•1 Universi ty Really 673-65tO aft 6. days ~9-2286. Bkr. :l()(U E. Coast II")' .• Cd;o..f i6~Z Edtnt:f'r 81'1··115'.i Oprn 111 9 P~I ------6Y2°10 FHA ·I hr!rm '.! h,11h. i1!Mi prr nion!h incl11dinl!' 1 a -.: rs. L"<'r)"Oll(' qualif1c.s. Pa\10 kitr.hrn. gas hu1Jt111 rangi.' & oven, di:sli11·ashrr, 1.:11rpets. drarw.s. ru·,,plnf'•'. double garai::o:. bluck 11alt, l11nrlsc.1p.. ... :1 .. ~:!9.~J rull pl"lL"l'. Sui>- n11t your dnwn payn1rnt. Large 4 BR W /LOVELY POOL GI /no tlo1vn nr rll1\/\o dOl\"tl BEST BUYI HAF"FDAI. Rily 8~2-MQ;i $18,.500 Fixer Upper SO FAR· SO Cl OSE-" I · Have o,..nings. for 4 2 BR. I BA hotise, dblc gar. r ar fro1n tra he . close to r-• xlnt area. NE'rds h:indy f'"ashio11 Island, nr. ~rhool.~ Real Estate Sa lesmen man/pn1ntt'r . S2~ down. & p,:ark. 3 Bd. Din. ,(· fani. in our new office. Call :Y.e; Jj-1 !\le,gnolia, Costa rm~. 21 1 Baths. Bf Kit. for •ppointment. i:llesa . S:i l.!t:,O R. 0. Sla tes., Realtor• LIKF.: EXTRAS'.' This .. ~ i1! J R. c. GREER Realty ......... 5 .. 36-......... 0 .. 1 !'!!!!!!!!'!!! bedrooms 2 ba1h~. one block 33.l:i Via L1clo 67J..9300 •• """""'· p,,, PMI. "" MosT cH01cE--Beach Home g I a rl you can1e? Ownrrs. Bmarlmoor 1111. < Re, 2'~ 54;~1031 4 RR, 2 llA. b\1 .111.~. palio 111/BBQ. lan1 rn1. $:::.00 rln or lcs~ w. 2nd. 066 Hui;.on. 5'1~n11 U~IT ED FUND -lla\'e YQu Contrlhu1e<l~ ba . f"am. rm. Lgf>, din. rn1 .• 1vct har. Qtr..tl. cpl:s., flrps. Brighi, blt·i n kit. Vaciu11 $6;),YX!. OeL•ncy Real Estate 2!128 E. Coa.~t Hwy. lii3-~no llNITED F'11nrl ltmr 2 nR. drn. nc1v cp1~1t1rp!'I. frpl1', l1vl11c: roon1, din1 ni. r'"lnn1. U••nrr hun-y ! PdG~ $!3,1(.0. 0,111•·r Agt. 1147-.1.119 <lr l'Wi-l~'i.~ Bill)\~· you ca1·-(;1ve a f11ir ~hlln" l)()nd &. w11trrfoll. r1ni~hcd g111·11J1:r douhlrs as ganll' rm. 1\·lany extra~·. F"MA j·i;, ',~ ln. 01111"r 8·17-IOTl BY Owner: r.1oving out of a1'l'll. i\lu~I ~rll 4 BP., 3 yrs old. Transfcrablt' 6 '. ' .. FHA loan. C.J.9:1() $2-76iJ BY 0 \\'NE:It 4 HR. 2'~ Bl\ 1n·lcvtl; rull carpel !.: dMIJli'S, rrplt. bltns, Assum" fi'.' ,. FllA loan. $36.:,00. >l\2.fil61 Fountain V1lley 1410 ---~-61,',. Sl•l:1 n1n. !'ipa c1ous '.'i Br. :1 l~a. lgr lr-it. To11 t1f"ig l1b orhon d v1r. Bruokhur.~1 .& Elli:-;. !Jrp~, xtr:i ('l'plini;, 2 lrp l c, l"'''r t-rd pa110. !!pr1nklrrs frnnt & hack, fru it trees, 4 yrs nld. $::2.i:iO. F:--Z 1ern1s, l..r11v111g sl11lr. 962-3·17~1 j 13H, 2'~ B,1, ran1 rrn ,.,.ith 11"! bar. cx~p!ioo;1I kit· 1·ln'o, drps & crpts, lgc pal10. close lo schools. n1any xtra~. Assume 712'~ GI. 17:.i38 Li'"e Oak Circle 968-1136 2JDD S:\l/\Lt 2 Br h~. lrplc, 1 blk ocratl/bay. $200 yrly I~. :1().1 L SI. 642-3392 or 61~.1008 l'Vl'S. 2 BR. gal'£:'. bayfront, util. pd. $\T.l Avall. ·ru June ~- 67:\-:.l!O:l l ido Isle 2351 • furn 4 BR. J B1\. Con 1e n1p, nrwly drc Bltns. Avail no•v. Yearly. (7141 62 1-7\(Y.! R EN1'ALS Hous.e .1 Unfurniished Genera l JOOO NICE &· Clran~ P.••ady !or oc cupancy, '.l b!?choon1 2 bath i\1onlh 10 nio111h. Rcasonabl re;ll Jor 1hc ~u'f'a, C3U \Val~> t'.'1" ,(, Lrr. ~ 1~·445.i. $140. :l BR, frncCt;I. Children & pcrs \11elron1c. Bk r 64:1-0l ll $3110. Nc1v 5 Br t:'lecutive ty pe horn<'. Desirable loc. Bkr 61:,..0111 Cost• Me1a 31DD B h l]OS LARGE: BR. ,;love & l•guna eac · __ .;c~ refrig. nicl' c a 1· pc t \ n s:: , HANDYMAN'S dra~s. Ulilltll's p a id . $150/mo. Mn1Ticd couple !;perlnl! 4 tnL"0111r unils 110 yds. 1o bc11ch. P11.1ios, decks \\'/(){'('Rn viev.·. Nds. paint. cic. Should gross S9,0Q() y1·. Pr. $69.900. Consirler tradrs. J\llSSION RF.ALTY 494-0T.ll TAX ~h<'lter -delu:-;e ocean vw. dupl. 3 bdr., J bA. It 2 h1!r. 2 bo. S3(],IXX) cash will h<tndll'. Photll" -P a u I \\"csthrook. 494-9788. Vic Tomek Realty. --CO,\ST_·oAo:L_V_IEW-.-, - Tcrrihc Joan .. ssumption! ln1rrl'~I rat" doe~n·t in- crea~e; no point.•. 3 Bdrn1s., f11n1ily nn., 2 baths. 5 years nl•I. P.educ~ct IQ Sll.500 Pl.AC}: H~:ALTY 4'}4-9704 •I ,EAS¥;/0PTION .. -- Xlnt tt>nn!I for !his 5 yr. old 3 IJr. 2 ha. h1>mc 1~·/ocean 1·irw, Cull frir iPrms. PLACi; REAL TY 494.971).4 only. AgL 642-1711. 2 BR. nr O.C. Airpor !. $160. Children & pct OK. No ~!U'. 200Jl. Cypres.~. 548-50'14 J BR. 2 BA. condo. bl tin!'I, r r pt-ki(ls OK. $200 lea11c. 673-4277. II no 11115 962-0302 2 BR house. $.lW. mo. 389 Rochester St .. C.r.t. * 64>-1848 * HOUSE in court . Crpt~. drpi;., carport. 976 \Vest 17th St, Cost11. ~fcsa. 3 BR Easlsidc, frpl, crpts, drps. ~1).400:1 artcr 5 pm 2 BR, lirl'place, bean1~d ceil· ins. 11·/1v C'pls, $143 mo. 2636 Elden, C;\I 642-3520 • COTTAGE. t BR, All 11tll Jlfl . Ne'" crpls. drps. St•$. No ~t!'I . a.!>-629<1. 546--254ft " ..... ZJ (.i,Z,<;<.s .e.c OP.¥.,'.¥._•.*,'\, A.._P,fifPU,?.P ',',P..'.*·.'"··'·.' i ,P,ff ,i + I ,'! '.* FI.' \4 P , c w #if a if f w a .s 4 s; 1 Cf !f ¥ ;: u ec f • 0 • ,, 20 DAILY PI LOT lut~1y, Ottobtr 28 1%9 -R~E!':,,"''~A~L~S.:..:.::::..~~-;;R~ ..... "T~A~Lnsi"""'-"~----'ir..~.:;;;"rALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS .............................. REAL ESTATI * * * * * ~-.... 1 Mown Unfurnllhed a ... ,, Furnished .A,t.. Funtlthed Apt&. Unfvrnl1hed ..... -~~~~~~~~~-1 ~ ~··· Unfurnhhed Aph. Unfurnished . 1--'-------1 Verde 3110 Gencr1I 4000 ,N:.;•:.:.wpo=:.;''c...::Bc.••:.;<c;nc__4.;c2:.;cOQ a.n.r1I 5000 C:..to Meoa SICICJ Belbo• lsl•nd 5355 1 "~f • 111 lndu1trl1I Prop.. -l BR. 2 Ba, family nn, 2 frple's., $%30 mo. 2 car ga~. Cl'l'led. 6'7l-12IJ Newport Beech 3200 8/8 TO\VNHOUSE Adults only. 2 Bdrms.. 1 ball\s. Split-lev<'I A11ail, Oct. l:>th. $225 Pf'r !>1onth. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 90J Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 &1~20C)() Evl's 5-18~ llARBOH Hi ghlands 3 BR, 2 BA, Cl"PIS, drps, bl!1n.s, <lsh- 11'hr no pets, U11:f.I', S27;i ruo. iocl gardener, !>~O ur 537·13-16. Dl..X Condo's 11•/pool & frplc. 2 Bl{, 2 BA. S250. 3 BR. 3 BA. S275. Liaison 6·!6-0032 BLUFFS: lo1•rly 4 Br. cpts, <!rps. 1rpl, pwt:.. \\'lk lo !':\O('('S, school. rluh. pa!'k. No fll'!S. 57:,...4.197 or 64 1-0.'1~9 HOUSE + I !OP.SES 3 Br, tam 1·m, Rck Bav. vu, \\'\Y cpts, nu rlcc. $300 lsc 673-0507 Newport H•i9'1t1 3 BR, 2 Da, hc;;tcd frplc. $300 lca<:f' 213: ~21 -1634 Back Bay 3210 pool, 3240 EXEC. home 5 BR. 3 Ba. Cpts, drps.. clcc. blr-tns. SJOO Jlt'!f n1onlh. ;.,.16-67·!0 East Bluff 3242 -·------- NEW 2700 sq 11 3 BR & tam rm, 3 BA. Ov.•nrr's lux apt. 752 Am igos \\'ay. $475. 6i;...5()J,J Corona del Mar 3250 :~ BDRflI, furn or partlY' furn i"l ' "The Blulls" $3&i mo- ycarly. ALSO I RR, .!ilO\°t', relrig, gar, 11£'\I' lu.xury crpts & drps. $16:) mo-yrar!y, RlDDLt: & ROSS 67>72'25 2 BR. Uni. Refng: .. cpts., drape!!. S2.JO n10 .. tease. ] Bdrm. home -$.'llO 1no. Corhin-il-1arun 67~1&6 4 BR. 2~ .. ~ Ba. duplex. 2200 Sq. ft. Bllils, dish\\-asilc.r , frpl. $300 Mo. lease. 540-7573 Huntington Beact'I 3400 •I IlDR!\lS :! ba1hs, tam1ly room. Clean vacant, ready !or ocr upancy, $:!.40 I mo. Ai;:!. 5-16-1141 3 BR 2 b.a, rpl/drp, blt-tns, re.fr. lrpll'. clcc. dr. opener, water roll. A·B Rily. 8-12-i1'.:1 or j2l31 5'.17-37:..1 4 BR. TownhOUSf'. Nrar 1*aeh 2 pool.~. clubhouse. LEASE. 5J6...li~7 Huntington 1'he GORGEOUS New SINGLE Adults L u x u r y VAL D'IS ERE garden apt5 vdlh couoll')' rlub atmosphere and com- Singl-J br-2 br. Furn-uni. pJete privacy. SOUTH BAY Sauna. Act'y Rm, Bllhardt CLUB AP'I'S. lr\'ine a l 16th, Therapy & 45' p.xll, BBQs Newpo1·t Bell.ch 2000 ran;ons Hit. 642-8670 !TI4) 6-l'.">-Oa50 s1Z>. 2 BR . &by oK. cooi~ --~o=u""P""LE"'x,.,--- 1°"a,1on. A\·aLI 11/l. Bkr 6-l>-0111 1 Br nt-11r bt'ly. 673-6880 VEN DOME ll\tMACULATE API'SJ ADULT le: FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Clo1• to shopping, P•rk * Spacloua 3 Br's, 2 Ba * 2 Bedrooms ATTRACTIVE 2 BDR.M-crpta l BR, l BA duplex. npt. 100' d11)8, bit.ins, carporL Adu.Ill. from b ea c h • $22a-yearly No ~ts. flJ5 .l'.1o. ~769 lease. 67!>-5207 $130 2 BR upper, bltna, crpts, ===="'===== drpa, no pets. 568 w. Wilson Huntington Beach 5400 St. 545-0760 2-2DR. 11 p t ' • Respomible adults. No peta:. }'or app'f. 546--0684 2 BDRMS. · 2 BA TH $150/Mo. HEATED POOi.. ~ 2500 Sq. It, Indut.trlal Plant wlt.h Home •••••••• $67,500 Industrial Lot & Otflce $32,500 2 Bdrm llome on M-1 Lot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • ''""" 66 x 300 Level 1'-1-1 Lot • . • • . • . . . . • • • • . • S20.SCXI THE REAL ESTATERS 5-16-23tl M&.nn $!10 1 BR IO\~'cr. Blk In ~an. Sn1a!1 lam. ll'clcomc. BJcr. :,'\~-69&1 I BR larg£'. Nelll' ocean, Upstairs. $150 Yrly. *673-l!O&S * * Swim PooJ, Put/grttn * Frpl. lndlv/lndry fa.c'la 1145 Anaheim Ave. 5200 lncd, cp1/drps, Kids OK Drla,~-arc Studio Ap!s, ~16'l0 Dcla"•are, H.B. Commerclel 6015 ~""" --4·-• ·--------- COST A MESA 642-2824 EXCELLENT pro11t nl8kina Wheddy1 Went? Wheddye Got? plan fOl' clubs, c hur c h SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR groups. organizations &/"Id DELUXE 2 & 3 BR 4-PLEX 646-~ anytime 536-1!!16 Coit• Meu 4100 OCEAN 1-'RONT, 'o'll'w, 3 BR. Apl11. $185 lo $215 mo. 2 B HARBOR GREENS Ad I EDROOOl1 2 bath, cpls, Dt•lux£', plush! Bltns, lrplc, u t' • f.fOOi1t~tn1.nean drapes, buiil-in!I. Best loca.-NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS the individual. Double your f'IC. e325. \\'inter. 673-808$ V i 11 age . {near l loag $30 00 Wk U " lion. l b\k. to 5 Point stores. ' ' p OCEAN FRONT, 2 BH, BACTIELOR unfum fr om llospltal & Park L ido $130 up. Furnisht>d & un- Special Rete money. \Vrite or phone now S Lintt -S tfmn _ 5 bucks for h"N", compl£'re informa· e St udio & l Br Apt:. Jar8c. F rplc, $\M. \\'inter. $UO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 t.ledical Bldg.) J\lgr. 41;,o rurr1ished. 642-2835 or e h:1ll·hc11 & TV inl'I •ii7:.l-808!I • Bdrm. lleated pool~. child P11.trice Rd .. NB 812-8J03. TlOl Elli.s. Apl . D. •VtES -AD MUST INClUOE uon. Compub, 1(68 F., lst SI, J-W"ll wiu lleve 10 ff..... ~" ygu """' '" lrto.. Suite ZO:l. 1714) 836-69.SS. e P hone S('rv1cr & Pool di · YEARLY 2 BR U J-YOUll ~ft-tM1~ ..sdrn.L -) llM• ot ~~ertb1n~ _...OTHl~G FOR SALE -TR.«iOES CHLVI 500 SQ. FT. BLDG. PHONE 642·5671 E 17Ui St., Costa A!caa, 2'20 To Place Your Trader's P•radlse Ad l:.'lec po"·er. Availabl1 Nov. ' "RN 11~. I Bl', ,.,,,,,, care Ci!nter, a to shoPP""', ·· · pper. 2 "-d ' b h e il lald S<'l'\'1re avail. · u "" • N ~.. S!o 1 d ct.· roorn, v Al , cpts, drp~ & blt1ns. 11111 BA. l 'ool 0 pets.. ' ve, r(' ni;:, r a P e .5' drapes, budl-ins, Best Jora-• Uay, \\Ctk Ji: l\1onU1 !.·,,,-Pl•--I••· 2700 Petenon Way Adults, no pets. Lease ......... . ' ""6 .. t Bl d ••s 9""'" .... ~·· ...... lion. I blk to 5 l'o1ol slores . .,, 1,e1~'P'1r v . .,.. · 1-'J Costa MeM ... ., "~70 $!JO nw • "'atf'r .. id. Cou-c IELOR I ............., $141). up. furn i.sh1?1I & uu-S\5.J -A"rTRACTIVt~. 1 bdr .. $137.50 BA l ;ipl, uti I-=-~-~-----plf' pref. Cal! 675-24:'18 or see 100 Ar res N. Dakot:i, wheat pd. Crptll, drps, b!tins, pool . 4 BR. 2 ba .. fan1iry rm. hlesa. at 202 30th St. fu rnished 6 4 2-2 &: 3::; or & barley tatxl, eXPhan'" tor pool, ulil. paid, ga.rrlen l[v-1 •. '·"·' Pl'-"'''.''·· Del 1\-lar. $250 mo. lease. s.1i.s::1D3 7701 Ellis /q1t D 1ng, adults, no J.>!!IS. Al!IO " , • Agent 67a-Z10l DELUXE 3 BR 2 ba. A 11 Oro.nge County real C'.;1ate Bo.chl'lor apt., t•lt!i•rly \\'Ork· 210 blt-inll, dshwshr. Large & * BEACH BLUFF * prl'frr 1ncornl'. ing person prrfcl'. l&XJ Newport Hgts, 4 $155. Cl.LAN 2 BR. 2 Ba 4-b . k New 2 &. 3 BR, 2 BA. Fore-i--011in. Real1or 1).12 .. ,COO ·~'----pl"•. Bii"•, g-•. N•·-., .... ~. r1gh1. \Val lo bea1.:h. Avail d d h "-1---'-----~-'"' \\'' llri f' AVI' CM -'" "~ ... '"" ........ e air, S WS1u~. p.:t iJo, t:l\l'V"o U h A. " 'L" .. , ' • * Clean l or 2 BR * Bkr 6'l;...-0lll No\". 5 $2)(). Cll 3J JSS..5r.i5 or 1 1 2 uvuu <'.IC la 11r!l;t lo 1r- vl L LA POMONA 622-9193 poo' ''1CW. & story, ro11 & llugr1'('creAtioo ari:a Arlults. no pe!s. 2121 E. 16th 11 -0 3 BR '· 1 Bl '~"".co·~~~--~-\\la.!k to 5 Point Shopo. r-;c·I' l & 1 BR fur t -, ~13· 64G J80J 1 "P ex. tns, YEARLY ' B :SSO aet'f'. \Vant br>ach lire 1 · n ap s. s · ~ .i ino. Ufl. • erpts, drps. Child OK. Bkr ' -r. i;:arp:. fn>l. 84 7-~937 o" inromC'. Adults only, no p e I s. --crpts, rlrps, re.frig. Couplo --~-~------Enelos('cl garagrs, Jaunrtry Coron• del Mar 4250 645-0111 only. 141.3 \\'. l:kl)' Ave, LA H.GI:: ,, BH., "l lia., (TI4J 459-310.1 or ::37-316') rtn, swunming pool. J760 $1~5. 2 BH, gar, RIO, w/w. Nr111port fin•place $185 mo. Also nci ... Ckeanvif'W 1'l':1, 101 C~l-New. Pomona Sl'ACJOUS & d£'lu.~e 3 BR. 2 Children & pets OK. Broker .:..c.c.:=cc_______ 1 BR Sl2.l. Nf'ar tX-eau, pri. pl. ai'l'.1. Trant.I'd. \V ill 8 ,,, >luplf'X ,1 /frple. s. of Jl.l-69SO BACHELOR apl. employed rlcck. gru'. 20'lB l '1th d '""' S12S. I BR 1·lcan, quiet, beaut lhiy. ~vrry!hing lurni5hed adul t only. $7.l. 1216 \V. 5::6-IJl9, 603-lT8'1 Ira e $7,IMI cqly for car or furn. N r n1a rke l. ,\\':dkJ11'"'ch~tance 1obeaeh&I-----------Balb1)a Blvd. 075-7 876 , p1'0p. in No, Cal . Appt"IJ.'\ \l'••"h£'r/drvC'r g", g, o ' 4,.1 ,..-,--DLXE 2 BR, bltiu~. 1.·p1 ~. mkt val $17,(Q). 6!17-36}! ~ · · · sho1>piog . Older ch\ldren on-Coit• Mua 5100 -'=-'~"""~=~~=---i\la!urc adults. 1922 B l;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;,.~-;;;;;;:;;;;;;:J= <lrps, pool. Adults, no pc!s, •10 ac. \\', OrC>,"On, timber \\'oll•-. 1.v-S~2:.. 1110. 67: ... :H28 2 BR, 2 HA, CJD. patio, $160 n10. 53&-2398 I d •U\I ,. Id n 1 ) d. h "-N . . ~==========I an . ., . flt• .... an ac . R':•u T!FUL •. ,1 •• c,· .. .,~ 2 H bo Hei' his Fo" rp c, is wiu. r WestchU _ . NICE Furn 3 rni apt. SIW -" "' ,.. ""~ •r r 9 ... r Pl• l ''' 1 ·" 1,00 \\'ant: Sml income pro11 or BR "ppcr, lelr kitchen k (OllSTllUCTION "· <J<JJ r v 1 "e. ~ · We1tmin1t•r 5612 s ,. h "' TIS o 1nr l u11J. Stnglc man 011Jy. Adults! For Appl 642-0239 ·port 1s er lo"''• . wn. 310 :i\leadow Lark Ln (o!J h;1!h . $200 r110. A!! util pd. · REDECORATED 2 Bil, 1 er/Bkr Milt I·fanson 49~!Hn .,300 blk Sa-I· •• , A"e). Adults. 4321~ Goldenrod. 2 BR upper, Cfllls, dfll~, B C -· C . . D -" " "" ' JUST COMPLETING & I I 60 1.. A. rpts, drps, 1 g e '"' ruLScr Tl\'tn , au1o Open alt 1 Turs. Sal & Sun ,_,_·7_?.-_09_8o_______ ~~~-re ng. 1 yr.,,. s!orag('. Closer! gar. quic>I, pilot, ra)lgc 1200 rni; r1:ecnt FURN large bach apl, rquJv LOVI:.:L Y 4 rn1 ilJlL furn. adults 15601 Va11 Buren. survey S40?,I. \Viii con!':ider lo 1 Brt. U\11 pd. No !)('.IS. \\1th btoau. VICI\' at Harbor 2 & 3 BR UNITS 894-3590 lrUSl deed or SITiaUt:r boat, $l ll. Nr new !urnitttre, tn1rance on beach. $225. all with fireplaceg, East Bluff 5242 011'1l('L' fn4' 72.1).3-100. I ' l cl" ~~"" 615-4•140 di1>hwashers & 2 bath3, T t' 5640 avai Nov. st ,, ~JOUU, UI in Corona drl 1\lar. giant pool, Smith. BEAUTIFULLY Fu1·n1sbed 1 Rental Manager -• NEW DELUXE • :: Bit. 2 BA, frplc, indr ~ I.· 2 BR apls. Avail on short l\1rs. Ouistiensen .• Br. 21,I ba apt. Jor lease THE ASPENS h~ L. · 1 1 REALLY QUIET-CLEAN 2 =..><. ,. ' ''"'L. IVC 1n or per or 1erm basis. TI1E JAJ\1AICA 3117·A Cinnamon Ave. Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din l~....,2 \V1l 1an1 ~L 1 "'"" W 1 · Br. l ~Z Ba. Pool, arlulls C •· dbl Tusr111's prestige add1'£'SS f'!t.°"-''h· ant; J'ICOmc in Sl90. 23JO Santa An a INN lfOITL, Cdl\I. osta Mes• rm.. "" garage, auto, P.iv. or S.B. Cnty_ 675-7089 "' ~3J Phone SC.1034 door opener avail. Pool & Adult living, no Jll'ls ""s-.~,.. COROl.IDO Apls 2 Br studio!=========== rec. area. Nr. Catholic Shag ca rpets I/AV!:: R-31.46 act'l'S. Oceari \VEEKLY rentals: star!1nR furn. $210. --Church, Adults, no pets. Tot:il air ('onditionin;; Vie1v. 2157 Pactl'ir A11r, C~- at $3:;. Poo!. phont's, & maid 673-331R 2 BR apt, cpts/dt'f'S, bit-in e ONLY S247> e lfn!ur111~herl !a Mesa. \Vill trade fnr TD'~ service. THE Bl::L CONGO, LARGE J\100 BACHELOR range & oven, rcfrig, free:t-865 Amigos \Vay, N.B. Gymansiums & Saun11:" v r ? ? , Ch\'fl<'l". (213) 244-3101 5'1:....9~2S Bcauli lully furn, all ulil pd. er, di.sposa.1, air CGlld ., patio. DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BA. Encl Apartments from Sl50 t'l'CS. \:ll~! 246-0700. SPACIOUS 2 BR. ra~s-thru SlOO mo. 54G-n36 Al..L utilities pa.id. $200/mo. gar. l\Tounrain vie"" good Fo1· information SJ.",.6687 1 ~ acre Cou111ry Estale 3 Br, snack bar, new furniture, CORONA del r.tar duplex Adults only · no pets, Joe. 1::i2 Aniigos \\'a y . 2 Ra, .13x~6 pool. horses or cf'ramiv bath. Very Jowly. iipt . 2 nR $1 75 fuzii, $165 un-Wells-Mc:Cardle, Rltr1. 67!>-503.1 Laguna Beach 5705 11n1ls, 20i\l l'(fly. \\'ant beach 357 Vic1orta SI., C.)1. furn. No du~s. 644-2562 1810 Ne11"port Blvd., C.l\-1. prup, 11Kv 1111· or Sus CAS ITAS ~~::=====""'.4~3~00~1'~•·l~S·;m;.9 !!"!!!!~E~,.,~· .. '~;is~.~193~9 ---------100 CLIFF DRIVE 011 n'-'r 53!-76::6 B lb Corona del M• .. •_..:S:.:2=5c::O F"m ] BR apt. 2110 Ne"""'rt a o• -$180 1 BR, l 1i 13,\. C!'p!S, 'TO\\'i\IJOUS E :! Br, 2·~ ba. ,,... !>tERRll'llAC \\'OODS V I Blvd. Medallion by lforpoint. NEWL y COMPLETED il rps. bltins. tcw o ocran. Beaut. appt'd. Pn,·. p.:1tio, CLEAN Bachelor Apts. An exciting new concepl in DUPLEX \Valkin< dis1~ncc to toivn. nnnl· nr l>ay Val "~:./ '-"" SI 10 BACH apl, 3-rm Ideal All util incl $85 up lu!l;urious apt. living. 1-2 Also Jurn liachC'lor, very ~; for TD, car. :a1~;; for studen!~. artis ts. ocean 315 E. Balboa Blvd. BR. 2 ba!hs •11ith EVERY 2 BR. 2 ba. ($250) or 3 BR. larg(', $\iO, ·19·!-24-19 or · ., ' \'ICW. 64&-2325. BALBOA 673-9945 CONCEIVABLE FEATURE, 3 ba <S325). Pr!v, pallos, 494-530.1. _0c'-'c'_c:O_w.;cc11'_'_._1_,_c.c .• c_. -- *NASSAU PALf.·lS* 1st Units avatl11ble Nov, l~t. cov. garagrs, Cp!'d .. draped, I---'-'-------TRADB $10,roJ e qu i 1 y 1 & 2 BR. Pool Huntington 8eech 4400 Starting at $140. Adults. 42.5 comp. bit-ins. Best Joe. REAL EST ATE home in Costa l\Jesa Io r 117 E. :?2nd SL G-12-JMS r.lcrimac \Vay UlLsl Eas1 or 70S. 707 On:h1d General unit s, llarhvr <tl'('a. Ha\'e CHARMING 2600 Harbor Bl\'d, nex1 to ., buyer for housr. Coastline 1 Bl::DROOt\1 largc. Ideal for 2 BR. pool. util pd. S200 mo. Nabel'll Cadillac.1 $45-6300. £75°&0SO r..~:. :;::6-3777, S.:!6-1366. hat helor. Pool. S\.25. l\Y.13 Adull.~ only. No pct~. 17676 Rentals Wanted 5990 :.c.::c.::c::.:.:.:..:.::...:::c.cc:.:, __ Church St. ~~\S-96:j:; Dlmcron, 84i.2l25, THE VICTOR IAN 111111 •UUUIOO ,L,INC. -.,, fl-1-10-0-,_-1~-,-.. -,-,.-,-00-,-,-,-,.-,-PI-·. rtest., liar + 2 lovely llun1- Con1plet1ng Nov. 8th ,, ,, r.~. ll'lHt trCei;, horse b11rn, L,\ftGE a!trae. !urn I Br apt 1 BR tum. Vt'lllPr & gas pd. Brand new 2 BR. 1 1 ~ BA. I BR rr.ar house. StO\"I', sml apl 11·/ut1! pd , furn or rcnlals 5 ·1-acres in Pauma t g11.rg . Ulil. P.1ature person ADULT only. $&5. 918 Palm, $ 1 5 0 . Adu I l 5 0 n 1 y . refrig. & new carpel!'i. unlurn undcr S!"G. Jn & v· 'I "" 1 T 1 1 Sll' 5-,•136·, 2 BR 2 b . ) 1_, • iu cy. tax ,;,,c !. tai c or J .,.. Huntington Beach. 5.'36-46711 Crpls-drps-bltn~. So u n d · a., Just comp e =· round Neivp1, C;ll or Cd;\!, acrragc &. or conun "1. A·n'RACT!VE 2 BR, $140. or 53&-4.979 pmofcd, pri gar '''/storap;e. Carp., drapes, dishwasher, 67a-280<1 &l.\-l7~1 ls1 67~6700 !lave securities. real inve~t-1 =~·~~~-~~~- nirni opr>0rtunity . .$40.00l BLDG for le~~. 11:0Cll ~Q . ft. vul. W!U u-ar!e all or parl Propcrt.y 90 x 300 . 64>1133 for home, units, T.D.'s -0r 11-.ys. F.vcs. &4:l-1479. 940 \V, ? ? Owner 646-800!. l7lh., C.l\l. l======I Nf.V.'POkT Heights ho1ne, lndu1tri•I Rentel 6090 :; BR. Z BA, DR, nook SCIV pat"Ch, den, 2F'/P, 200'.l . J3j() :sq, Jt. Slliti/nlOnth SQ. ft. Trade $11.0CXI NI. for e 31(',(J sq. It. ~ olficrs, 3 Acreoge/2rid TD's. 5'18·!1821 ph11.">e pol'.'cr. $ 31 o1 mo . T\\'O, 150· !ors hC'a11 of • 17~ lo 15,000 sq. U, now Pahn Deserl, you ;:an build lf'asing, under construction 16 U, $35JX)() equity, trdde C. Robert Naltrf?SS Realtor for units or c:on1n1 'l N.B. or Co~ta f>Jf'sa 642-1485 C.:'11. Ch1•nri· 6T.l-301S. BLDGS 2700, 2.JOO, 1200 sq It. HAVE l'lf'ar R-4 lo! C'lose. R1~c rt. 1667 Placentia A\'e., in 1...A. Vall.I(> Sl4 ,000. \\la11 i C.t\I. G('()rge \Voods G46-ll64 near new appro.>c . 28' Cruis. i•r. Pr~ff'r T. S. C. B. F. G. Lots 6100 :ied~n . 644-l1l:i5, • :; Bedroom home in We~I 1n,nstl'r, zoned R-4 wil l parking OV('rlay, appro Sl9.\I cqwty for incom pi'Oj>Crty, 842-6718 or 5-t9-4t f Bro1'er. -------Arl:a(Jia -7 Jgc dlx aptS. Nl~l.lr l"l('W -f irrplacrs . car p . .:g ('a, Trad<> equity !or 1nrome ar hon1c, New- pot1 &at h. 446--67-t& ~l BR, 1·001, Orange Co. S2- SJOOO Cl[ty, \Van! smallrr hou~r Ol' hol!SC l'.'i!hoUl pool, rrihin, fllQbi\e home, earn~ er or car. 8~2-2T23 BAYfRONT Commercial Lot Site> oJ old Tf·>:a.('O i\larine Station On Ne11'J)Ort Blvd. Nein co \V()()(\y'i; Whal·t 7::, }'t. Frontage $?!0,00J Li!ted cxcl~\'t'ly wilh HAll'lBOll'l COMl'ANY REALTORS 673-4400 !lave 23 urlt apt. f.1.ll. Over S3{!,000 yeor gt'Q!'S. Trade ~130.0CX> cq!.lity Jnr elc<•r i""""'!!B~U~l~L~D•4~31"!!U~N~l~T~s ""•I Ca!ir. actei!.i;:e. Coasl!ine Cl! f 0 t · c I t RF. ~:is-3._7 '':6-l3f.i6 Y. o . n ari?; orn!':r o, · ' ;) '1 a. 210 x1$0, all 1mprovrments. Equity 111 3 LR, den, lx'au-Ontario I n tern a! ion a I tHul vie\I', Ba~k Bay ho1nc Aiqx:n1 5 m\nutcs a\1'0Y in N.B., for bare land. Nr111 i'lolor Spct'Clway 10 J\gl'nt, 61:).6~2 or eves n11nules. $36,000 co~h or 673-00".U. suhn11L Q\\·ncr P . 0 . Box 9, SlOCO ....,uity in 1J69 Chcvro-Cucamonga, Callf. Ph !'il4J ~.. 9S2-:l509 lei stetion \.\"fl{On. F'u!lyf,,====----~-, f'qt1ipped, Trade equity for BEAU1'1.FUI.. '1r111 Jo t, older car or ? Tustin. Ide a 1 for r l1srom ! li:l().291J or 6l;.CS49 hon1C'. Frcc &· clrnr. By ~ Units Laguna lk ach 011»ner, good ll'nns. f.lay Exchange f\ 1. take trade. 6 7 :..-3 2 1 3 , 10 . 20 uni!: c'-"---0~3!1_.;----~~--I FORTIN, Realtor 'i-12-,~,{lOO BALBOA Pcn1n. ::fu.:00 lot on 17111-A '0-'estcliJf Dr., N.B. bay. C-1 or R-2 . $38,500. 673-fi286 or 675-3390 2 BR & den or 3 Dr. 2 Ba un· furn housr., small rlOJ:, need-.. * * * Ni by Nov. t:J. ~2-3i:6 l ~!!!!'!!!!!'!ili!!!!!'!!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~ lGJ3 ~nta Ana Ave. Will fl':nced yd w/patjn. Water blt-ins. also rent uni. !"J;ll-8572 O_ c••:_n,gc•_C_o_u_n_ty,,,,_ __ 4_600_ pct. Gardener main!ained. 3 BR. 3 ba. Brand new. Bltin -""7 v· 1 · o1 63' '\""' rlishwa~her, cp!s, dra""s, * *. 1 ~~~~·-~~1 R-4 lot. Costa Mrsa. -4() unit.~. 011•nrr. Phil S ulliv a n RENTAL SERVICE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE F'REE TO LANDLOHDS General General * Blue Beacon 64:i-Ol 1 t * -1--':.:0C.::.:::.... ____ _ ~-v \V ,\NT !·; D; Unfuriu~h.-!d Gue1t Home1 5998 Bu1ine1s Rental J BP. nPar new t·il'iC CC"n!er. .,., 1c or1a .., . . ..-. L\J .--SINGLE adults, I u x u r y pntlo. ~larned couple pref, inlant Jtarden apts. "'/full recrea· MARTINIQUE Don Fl't'lnk\in JUtr. ok. Sl2i f>..16-8Z26 lion facil1tics & con1plele 6n-m:2 4200 N•wport B•ach 5'1S-6761 6060 R. E. Wented 6240 ----·l H arbour 3405 Ne11·port Beo<'h pri\'acv. South Bay Club GARDEN APTS. /lpts. · 277 So. Brookhurst, Ex:ccllenl, park-likr. i1urround. Anahrim (7\4) 1n-1500 u1gs !or adults only. Near shopptng, Pool. fl,., Ort• house. Coron;i. rlrl illar or ----------- Balboa lslancl, f';Lll 5.)9--0159. GR,\D. nurse \1'ill take (·arr l5c SQUARE F1. NOTICE :: +STUDY. Sharp, U'i"l!le GRAND OPENING \\ith opl io n . Askini:: IMMEDIATE S·IOO/mo. FOUR ST AR OCCUPANCY R.Jty. 8.?.5--1122. L.uxury gardrn apartmen1 ~ I===========' orfer1ng co1nplrte privacy, 3707 3 BR. 2 BA hon1c. S250 rno. Phnnc aft 6 pm •1·k days, l'lnyl1me 1'.·k-tnd.~. !)..1&-8331 Mission Viajo 3708 BEAUTIFUL VlCW, 2 BR. 1'.!.z BA. Frplr, l'!tn 1VXJkca.ses Crpts, rlrp~. 837-8937. Dana Point 3740 beautiful landscaping & un- pa1·al11 •led 1-ecreat1onal facil- ltl!?S 1n a country ciub at· inosphPJ't.'. Now leasing iJ1 Nc\\·port, Beach. J.'urntsh.cd or unh1mishcd 1>lodels op('n 9 am to 9 pm Rcu!s fl'l'!m $l!"i.l lo S310. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS l il'O l61h S1ti;Ct i1 l: 6-12-81 II) 1, 2 & 3 BR APfS l m Santa Ann, Apt 1lJ Garden Grove 4610 SINGLE Adu.Its Lu x or y 646-5:>12 nr 642-146.l ganlcn apts 11•ith country.1---'-"-------- club a1mosphcrc and ron1· plele pri\'acy. SOtrrll BAY CLUB APTS 13100 Chapman A~·r, Garden Grove l714) 636-3030. Laguna Beach 4705 ORLEANS APTS. J BR avail. Adults only, 1741 Tuslln, Costa f\If'sa !>lgr. fllrs, t:arson, &tl-'1641 • LANDLORDS • ol l'lrlcrly L'Ouple, 2 male or Rc-·,1 o• 011,.,, ,pa-., .,,.... Ir you have a :'I or 4 bedroom ON TEN ACRES 2 fr.mttle patien1s in my own 14 • ... <; ........ ~ h f l I 1 1 k 2 BR. Furn & Unfurn FR.EE R£IIJTAL SERVICE home, 2-1 nursinJ:: <:are, top 120().2400 sq ft. :!11 1-1 213 ome or !':a e ~r or .ttn ' F'il'cplaces I priv, patios I -o==B=ro=kc='=-'='='·='="='== ref's, '1~017. Call morns 62nd St., Newport Btach c~ us •~lay. \\c(rr.pr;=..nt Pools.Tcnnis.Contnt'I Bkfst · -from 7-2::JO Kl'y !or rntry, N.B Ttavei 1. emp?"Yees 0 a __..,e 90o Sea La11e, Cdt.I 6-14-2611 Rooms for Rent 5995 I=========== Lodge. Ov•ncr (213i .233a100., firm moving to the Hlll'bor j i\lacAclhW' o•. Coast !·!""') I 5999 cv1•s (213) 24()..0700 Art'9_ and thcy n~ust have • "J Misc. Rent• 1 . .:.cc:.:.:.:::....:.::.:::::"·___ housing! AU cash U desired. I-~ U R N I S H E D r o o n1 , I c.:::=:...:.::::.:.:::,. __ ..:.:c;.c LARGE 2',j, BR +· 2 balhs, J.:1•nlr man prcff'rred ·"<'"'port INDUSTRIAL units for 569 W. 19th St., CM cau F'arro\11 546-8640 blk to beach, blttn stove & Beach. storage. SOO. \Vesr 16th St. $l:i0/monlh ineluding all util. NOTICE ti1shV.'hr, cpts I clrps. No 6•!2-:?002 Nc \1·porl Beach. &l&-172-1 1!i1's, 3 years \1'1!f\ opt)tn or If you have a ~ or 4. ~- pc1s. $235 r.10 ytly, 310~ 1 BR k1tchcnettrs, sleeping G,\RAGE avatl, !ully £'nclos-3 _ Firs1 & 1.as1 onl) roon1 honie for ~ or for PANORA:\llC Vl('W overlook-I-----------In!':. !i7:'>-5l l9 rms. Heated pool. J\Iaid rll. $~\J prr mo. HOT SPOT! renl call us today. We ttP- ini:: ,\h;.o Beach. 2 bdr ,t :': SJO k < ·~ Fal ·rway Y1'lla Apts LARGE ~ BP., 2 BA. pn io;f')"\'lrf', jX'r \\ ,. up......... * ~8-2921 + 6-16-2301 r<'SC'nt the emplnytts of • heir. furn. All rice. apts. t bl! d h h V1i.:1or1a ' l'llt1 !ttn' adult.~ l'<o peL~ or riii +o, in~. I!< ws r, ne1v -----------SINGLE garg $20, ,,·cstsule, STORE !or lease 1100 ~"-It. large fim1 movini; to tht> C-'I al 6 0!1l'r ~h;ii: 1·1'P!h. rl1·ps, $!35 SLEEPING rn1s ~:io \.\"k. I 1 , , ,,, ha.rhor art'il and !.My must 1·h1ld. fl'.15 & $230. "" I. Ne.'lr Ornngr. Co Airport & 1\1 6 ... ~"ITJ .,. rasy 11rr"-<:-, r t·c · <.:cnicn 1n shop ctr on 17th !'I. Co,o;1a PY!. '199-3751.> UCI. Adu.Its only. 2012'2 --'-·~·-_._,_._,_,_1_1<_,_,___ BR w/kilchcnrl!c $4~1 11k, flnor. 612.-~'~'~:; i\lrsa Call day 4fli1-9Gli 1111c have housing• All ea.sh ; 1r Sant.a Ana Ave. 5~0-27% 2 Bl{, frplc. crpl, <h'Ps. llcalcrl pool. i\ln1d ~l'Vi1·t:, !lti:t..::.~s::; clrs1red. Call Farrow 5-l&Bli·IO halcony, la nnr!ry nn. <-""-, nf 4~:ll Virroria . nr !!arbor. I p 6000 -----------'°"' ., ncom• ropertv \\' \r>.'T ED Bl /111'Y .. 'l!2 ll1•l1<Hrof)('. Avail ROOill F!"!r re111, kit pnv. '' : rig npprQ;>; 2.000 N 0 T I C E RENTALS Apts. Unfurnist'led f()R LE.ASE -2 bdnn 2 bath, cpl!'i. \'1f'\\', I clulrl ok. no pel5, S17."1 n10. Point Really. '196-J.123 BEACH RENTALS l-lklr111. 1-hAth, I·blo<:k to Gener•I 5000 ~.111. s1:io ~1011111. --.--R-E_N_T--.-- 2.&Jrm. J-ha!h • occan!ront 3 BR 1'% bath Sl:JO n10. W•ll1-McCardle, Rltr1. Nov. IJ. $200, li7:....J&l;l r.lr n nnly. $;.tl mo. 803 E-Slf)E hn1 -l ineom.-10 sq. fl· sui!.i hlr fo r H ynu ht1vc a J or 4 bedroom 1 ;11\'rrnor St. c;;11 646-52~~. 11n1t~ -1-2 rn1s, rn1 !..; hid rl'stauranl. \\'rue Dai I Y hQn1e for sale or for rrnl' 211BR .,SI~" ba., 1 cp!i<, A;l~b' l'~3-~-~;n $'12j,f!fXl, 20~;, dn. 011•ncr Pilol Box 1'11 ·3~7. rall us !od.1.y, \\'fl" represent! 2 Bf\. I Ua Sl50 1110. lease. . •! l"QOlll IV r n cJ/ll "' Condominium 3950 Sl9!l ~Tonth , 3 Room1 Furniture l Ins. '·' nin. 1'<1·~\·. .. : 1--l ,-l'N-----1--"-h-' ~>'l!l-8007. STORE !or lea.~!.'. 1·00 n1. It. th<' C'lll fl]oy<>cs ()f a lnl'I:'~ r Q -I LO\V DOl\'N p,\\''· IE". 'T (.)1'l'.1nfront at Nf'11 rort Pier. f1r n1 1110'.'111; to 1hC' ha1•1Jo Ai;:cnt 6'i:'>-il 0\ "!111,'l.n•·r . nt10 t11r t. 1 ~ 11 -~ ~Bdrm S250. mn Lsc/ opt10n \';111 HUL'Cn, \\'r <;l1n1nSler. NE\\"PORT DUPLEX Bkr 1:>7: ... T~fif> 11.t'C'a ail,J !hey nlUto! hav~J COROLIDO Apts 2 Rr ~.I ~-"" "~2-27.-,, 0,. •.• • -•2 housing! AU cash; H ril'SII' \\'E l lA\'"E OTIIF:RS PROPERTIES WEST • 675·1642 • J!Ho Ne11')'1Vr! Rh·d , c .\1, ::i·IS-77!9 &14-~I f\'l'~. $25 & UP Very clran. rhild & pets we!. l\fon!h-To-i\1on1h Rentals ·' " -.....l01v "" -,,..,.,..."'° stuf11os, some \.\'/frplci.. $180 --rd. CAi i Farrow 546-11640. C'Omr. 962-Cffil \VJDE SELJ::CTION :! ER Duple,.; apt $140 \\'/W •. ,.-.. Al·" -"ti~,,,. .~. ca~;NTLf..::11E:'>i" R!';1r l1. pool. 6050 :c'clci<c•:...:R:•:"c'~·~'---=6(1:::7.:01 ______ _,;.c:.;c:.:,c..._1 OCFANFRONT 1, 2 B >I FRC F 11 o-1~• "' " "" ''~" '" <·.w Business Property 0 BUSIEST marketplare in -· c ' r. urn ure '""" ""~ r pl, drps. Clean. 2 children Pool & pa tios. 673-337~ l rnni ~. l'l'fl"lb, entrance. ss:.. BUSINESS •nd lawn. 'TM DAILY PILOT lrplc, nr. srh()('ll & chtirch<'~-517 \V. 19th, O t S.18-3481 OK. No pets. Nr. Palisadl's ---~------n10. 536-115\R LAGUNA BEACH FINANCIAL money, umr r, C"flort. Look \\'tntrr. 67a-5442; 1510 \V, DLX quiet attract. 2 BR. lm· & Nel'.'flOrt Fwy. 642--0791 or VIE\\', n<'W 3 Br. 2 ba, cpts, s1:1 \\'K & up I\'/ ~ilcheri. Black Knigt'lt Rest. Air Conditio.,.d 011..Mified M?Clion. Sav e 0ret'lnfront 1nr1c, adults, no , ... ,~. )'ff. 548-o1969 C'Ves. itrp.~. blrns. s32j fllo. 330 E 17th St CM ON FOREST AVENUE Bui. Opportunities 6300 IT'S "F~•p Sh ........ Ti-ic .--Scenic Properties 675-5126 $30. "'k sluclio ::ipt. 2376 · ' " · · D<.>sk space available ln"--:-~"---."'-C..:-'=1 ·"'=w0'0'='===o=====-==o-='=="="==o"===='='="'=·=P='=;=""'~'=·=l="='=·='='.>-4=!<>=·9 NE\V • Deluxe 2 BR',.2 Ne"')Xlrt Blvd. 548-97:\.i. {Land & Bldg.) ·1 --1 BR u11r. ,\U util pd. s·ov ne11.·est office hi..ij1linJ:: at CANDY SUPPLY ---3-000 Bath 1. Cr p ", de p ', d I 00 prlmo loc•ll"n in d"1vn1 ROUTE General JOOOG•n•ral JOOOGen•r•I r-efrig, cpts. rps. 1 ..... mo, Motels. Trlr. Crti. 5997 By Owner 714: 6t2-6200 " v own 1---"------------------'"-'"-':.:.C"'"-------'--'--I rll~hwhn, ranl'.:es. S I 5 5. .f.lnlt1T'l' adult. 67~5359 F'111l 5·" comm. to all hkr.;. J:aguna Beach. Air co~di-AFFILIATE Sulve 11 Simple SCTambled W ord Puzzle for 11 Chuckle NYKAL I' r I I l ike riddles? Try 1hls Ol'lt: Wt'lat would a cal"lnibol be who ale h is mother's 1ister? DEE CUR· I Answen An ---10 ... '10 f-...1~' ..... ,_,...,, .... ,_,,,,~ e c-"" ... -_ .. by l1lllng In tM rnbllng -o. . ,_ ~lop ·~ dep No.. 3 below-. ft PRINT Nl.IM&EJi!fD r 111;111" 1mE1s I I I I • I I I I I .... ..._....,_ SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 Avail Nov lst·lOth. Sec. at 1-----------\VE EKLY rntcs Sc1t Lark lioncd, e~rp<'t~ii, beauWul ~No &l!fng Ini•olvecl) I ~~1 \\'ilson. ~731, )·01r jlt'1 mnre than ~ give J\lotel, 230 1 NcW)Xlrt Blvd., UN m:o FUND -Have entrances. } rontage on Excellf'nt income for few $lfi0. 3 BR. 11).1. BA. hlt·ins, -l,"nitro FWld Costl'l l\lesa You Contribute<!~ Forest Ave .• ~ar lc11ds to houfl! \\•ttkly 1vork (Da,ys orl J\l unc1pa1 parking lots. $50 cveningsL Hr.filing & col- per mo~th for spnre. Desk Jecting money from coin and. cha!J'S available f0r .S5. operated dispcnseftll in Co:-.ta BU!!l1_ness ~~U!'s answcnng l\1!?i;a .~ :.urrounding 1!t"l'a. scrv1cc a\·ailablc for $10. \\'r est. route. {H:.indle.~ crpL~. rirp~. dLsh11'11~hcr, ;;;;.!'.' r :";.,'.;;,,"'"· 2 childreo ~~ STA,,~Yl.GA'ZEK",,:.;. $160. LARGE rlelu.xe 2 BR, ~ 11;, BA. GE Kitchen. 2 car A u":i':, i:.. .,_.Do#ruw,CWJ. ~ W'P'u:rti, .11ar. Adult, no pct~. 240 E. ~»~ " A.~rd/119 ,. ,,,. Sten. •• ~ 16th Place. 5'\ii-6432 II"\ f..12-27~ To dewlap~ forWedrw:loy ocr .• !! _c ~1)..M..90 reodwordacoi1eopc:wdingto~ ~~17·?!-i.¢: $160. 3 BR, frplc, Jl3\io, f£TAUlltl of )Q..-Zodiac birth aisJ'i. I crptd, drpd, gRrllgl', adul!.~. Alt.. JO 1 v-ll c;...,. 61 wh.,.. KOi~"° 289 Ogle, C. ?>1. 714: 548-8301 • ::z Th...._ u Hru 6l ~' ocr. u or 213: 5.92-5221 ~ ~! at 3 ,_.. ll In eJ T-#CW, h ., ... ..., ~~ t~ ~~ 1·7-15-HARBOR Heights, ne111 2 Br, ~ .... ...... 1-4J..11 kl - 6 0.,,,'t 3' A 66 R.lofbll 2 BA, nil clec t. W/l'luto 7 ~ :11 °" 67 N-...d IMrTf lri:ilc. Adult! only, no pet!. ~NAY: J1 I t.. 31 lodt. 64 Tenl;tlt NOf'. 12 ~": s1 1~. ~3941 Jllt{IAJHr 'II 1: r.::., : ::d ~ ~ ~" Q!1 NE\V l BR apt, blln stovt', Ql.f1l·2'-32 11 si-. •1 ~ 71 l<n.-. fl.l'-l4.37 1>"""'1".-"'""I 12 Mou •l ....,,. n v......., l-56-611 S125 per mo. No pr.is or , • .__.,.. 1l "-" •J ,.. 7l Of --14 Get 4' °"" 74 ~ l'hlldrcn. 6·12-401~ ~JI/Ill n 15 ~ •s """"'lo~ 7!> ~ + ••• ., 16 No .. ,,,,,.,..,,. 76 w .• 2 BR, 1 ~1 &, pe1lo, nr ...,.... 17 ~ •7 T.,. 77 ui... l!hoppini::. arlul!11, no peL<1. ~ i. 1-11 ,.,,_... ., s.....-.. 71 ~ $1~" ,,.,, ..,,,..,, 19 ..,., •9 ~ 79 "-'-'--''"· .,..r6J<)J 20 ... :!O ,_.. 10 ~·-• LG 3 BR. l~ ba. Cpts, drps. @ uo 21 Te 51 Ge 11 ,.~ C•t'pOrt • pool. Kids OK. MY u 22 ............ 51 ~ n Of ' 2J ..-... 5J "-AJ ~""' ?21 4 O>lltge No, 2 646-71;9 ........_,_,..w •• n 2" OH 54.,..,. MA ~~),. '-.1'"31 23 Soy 55 11, 15 ...,,._ DELUXE 3 tiroroon1 l'lpt. .,.. 26 YOll !>.t T°""'"* M nwr.. l'llb plumh1ng, WI\\' crpts & Yll90 27 A !17 Tin 17 N\d PLSCD "-. "~• ~ao1 ~l" "'c' ~~AU8 ll :21 T-~ Ca;w oll•.U C:O...:fJlhc FfL 11 • ...,. _,...,.....,...,., <> .,..,,..,, , ' 29 ,._... 511 To 19 AflKtiOPI , '' ~ SUT. ll JO Hold 60 lo. '90 Moltt>·U A• )II LAR(;I:; I Br aplll", $1.lO mo. ~• 10 "... ..~ l\fcM drl til1r ,6,pt. 998 El 1 ____ ~¢~1~~. k:' ..,:'°':c:i::,..::@:·~·=Good==®:::"""""===f)~:N:~:"::1 ~~..,.,,.~~18~'·~~---C.11m100 Or. CM. ~~51 2-#7'-&3 AU utL11tics paid cxt-ept na1nr 1ir111111 c;n11i 1.:_ {f'lephone. -, Y llAU, y PILOT ~nu1·k~\ SlJiJ. C;i.sh re . Z.l2 FORE::il AVENUE q'.i'.1-e1I .. f'or personal in. LAGCNA BEACll ltt 'o'tf?11' 1n Costa f.!e,o;a 11rra, <19J.!J466-send na mr, addrC'~S &: phone number 10 r.1u1ti-St11.te Inc., f.IODlR.i~ 7:iD sq I t. 90~7 E. lmf)t'rlaJ Hivy. rlo"·nto11<'n C:'>I f r ont :i g e, Dol'.·ncy, Cll.li l. 902-42 (21.J) llght, airy, y.·elJ il!um 111<1!f'd. ~1-0!71 l a/c, dbl. toilet~. plcnt1fu1 l------'~--- *PARTNER* porki11g, i1uH11b t1? ~or olc or -~IX'cinlly re 1 a i I . JS.'W Nc1,·port Blvd, &12-12.'lO 'D"E~L~U~X"'E~J;:.:rno:::.n~,c.:"~"~.~'"-,-!el ACll\",. S2j,00fl: Nation&lly in Corot\8 del :i\lar, Pre~t1ge knoY. n n111nufacturing hus1. location. Panelled, new nt'M, lirmly l'Stabhshed 11~ carj)CL'I I.·. rli·a;M's, privllte tops in !ir!d for many year~. Pl!rkln~. lteelonom:ca Corp. now l')(pendlng. Startjng 11.'ll. 61:Hi700 I I')' $12,{X'O J)l'r yr rlu~ ',;. nl Proflls, ~uld rr1ur•• ,·,, O~,FICES Rcception-A11s11·cring &C1'1'1ar!fll 3.14:) N£'1,1·port Fll vd., N.B. 6i;')..1601 CU:-"TA r<Tcsa ofhres, A/C. crp!s. rirp~. P11rk1ng. V<>rv n1r(' olr11'.'f'S, J\i:I Baker T>-l'i-·1q!lfl . \'rslm('nt 1st yr, Pruldp,a! l'f"l1,·1cd m115.t ha\'t cxeru. •11·.-n1~1111g"ml'rrt 11h1l!ly. Rl"id 1n\•rstiga!1on tnVlt,,d, R<'fr1'('t\1.."f'~ f'XChani:;,.d. Jn. '111Hl•'.5 hcl1I ln conftd~n··t-, f'rr:i;onal 111tf'T\'!f"l'l"9 1uil,i:, C ·' 11 l\C't) 0 1ffurd l il~J 774--7\l..0, HC '" , .. Mf! Mt:! ,., "' ... '" '" ... ... 001 WE! "' "" '" .. , CAS '" co• '" '" ... uo '" '"' '"' ,., "' '"' '" ,., -" , .. .,. .,. ... •• "" '" '" "' I U! ,., '" '" , .. "' '" ., "' '" '" ... "' "" '" '" ,. ,., OU " RI '' " <• "' "' ,. .. "' .. " oo •• "' " .. ... ,. " "' .. .. " .. .. "' " " " ., .. •• "' .. " " " M " " " •• .. " " " ., R '' " • • " "' "' "' .. •• • "' • " " •• .. " ,, ' ' ,. ,, " ' ,, 0 " • • " <• c '· • " '· ' 0 ' 0 ' R ' ' • " " " • " • ' ' • • ' • , ' ' ' ' • ' I ' ' ' ' ' . • ' ' ' I ----------------------------------------·----------... -. --· ... - CLASSIFIED INDEX DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SALE Gti Nli•AL .......•... UGO COSTA MllA , .........•.. llCKI Ml!SA Dl!L MA• ....... ., ..... H H Ml!IA YEIDE ........... , . 1111 COLLl!GE PAii( ..... ,, •...... llli NEW,.OtT BEACM ......... 1100 NEWPORT MEIGltTS ...... ,., llll IALIO A COVES ...•... ,. .. 111! NEW,.O•T SHORES .......... lllO 1AYCREST .............. 171) IAYS MOIES ............... 1llS DOYER Si-!ORES .......... , Ull WESTCLI FF ......... lllll 14All OR HIGMLAHOS ........ lllS IP&ILF..R PARKS loO:I •USINESI IENT•L ... , ..•... ..U OFFIC E REl'ITAL ••• .... If INOUSTll1AL PROPl!ITT ... ,.•DH COMMERCIAL •.•..... 6.GeJ INOUSTllAL I El!ITAL ......• -. ors .......... •100 •ANCHES .. . •... ~ ... -. •UI CHRUS GllOYEI ............. •tU 'CREAGE ..•......... , .. t1to I.A KE EL SINO R I , ........... •»I RESORT PROPERTY " .... nil.I ORANGE CD. PROPllTY .... ,6:rtJ O\J T 01' STATI P•OP ........ ,,. ·~OUNTAI N & OESE•T ........ 6111 FAMOUS FOUND bla.ck Cock. a . poo BRAND NAME wearing chaJn collar & CANDY ROl.Tl'ES leuh. Vk llartxir Blvd &. Now available In Costa MHa Vletoria, O t. 560 Hamilton, &. many other towns ln thl1 Cti-1 apt 3. area_ All locntlons are com-SHOW t~an tall Pidgeon, mc-J'\:1&.I Ol' factory. \'rry banded. Born In '68 Vic. high earnings, no sf)lllng In. 23rd &. Sa.nla Ana, c.r.f, Call voived. To qualily you m ust a.m. or eves. 6'12-2540 he reli11b!c k. have 1 hr a G ER.~AN pointer, vie. El day 11parc time (days or Toro &: Lel!!ure World . ev£'sl. $1200 to S11:JO REQUIRED Owner pis identify Ii claim. Inquire about our "tree bonus _•_7_>-_197_6 _______ _ rou1c p!a.n", to.lake your tu. SIAMESE cat, appro.'\ l SERVICE DIRECTORY t ure secure 'o•ilth us, a Dunn year, tlea·blue collar. Vic. When You Wont it done right ••. Co// one of the experts listed below!! Tlltld'ay, Oc;lobtr 25, 1969 * JOB> -.MP::L::O.:.Y:.:M;;:.:::.:..;:..: Joba-Men, Wom. 7100Jol...-.M.n. Worn. 7100 DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Men or \vo men ove r 18 with cars, station wagons or li ght trucks. Apply 8:30 am, 10 :30 am, or 1:30 pm. Start.. ing f\'fonday·, October 27th . SERVICE DIRECTORY 2011 Plac•ntia, COSTA MESA 2029 W . lat St., SANTA ANA 430 W. Collins, ORANGE SERVICE DIRECTORY l=======""'=~=========:-J IJNl\IEJlltTY PAlll( ........ .,.llll 1•YINE ...... .,,.,. lUI IACK IAY ....... ,11•0 SUBDIVISION LAND ··•-• .tln ~EAL ESTATE SE llYICE .... 6l11 f E. EllC l'IANGE . . .. ·-···· •UO ~. E. WAMTl'D .•....... 61 .. & Brcu:hit:rE'i!t rated National c".:.·;;,"~· =""'"-'-'"'"""~---~ 1 ~hilt, Olla Co. For more information FOUND. Black puppy, vie. ~t·nd nam<', addre~~ & phone Orange & Palmer St., Co.s ta no to:' ROUTE Dli:PT I' 0 Me5a. 646-2335 6520 C1rpet Cleilning --Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 66'1.S Janitorial 6790 ~ · -- .CASTILUFF ............. 110 1RYINE TERRACE ., ......... lllS CORONA DEL MAil ....•..... l:UO IALI OA PEN INSULA ........ llOO BEACON llAY .....•... \JfS BAY ISLANDS .............. USO BUS INESS .and FINANCIAL BUE1M£SS OPPO RT UNITIES UM &U\IMESS WAHT!O tMS 1NYES TM t'NT 0PPor1uniUet .. t llf INVESTMENT WANTEO . ., .. 6111 Bo 0 x 58 Pomona, Ca.lit: 9i7691 -----------Mcns prescription gla.sse~. vie.. 19th &. Park, Ci.\f. SEALING & PATCHING Residential· Indus .. Corne"! Comp! reas 5l'rv. Currently engaged by City ol C.M. for street restoration. L!OO ISLE ....... , ....... USI BALIOA ISLANO ......... ll\S NU NTINGTOM I EACH ... HOO HUNTI NGTON MAIU~OUR ... , l•O! FOU NTAIN VALLEY ......... 1410 SEAL I EACH ................ HSO iU'4S£T llEACN ............. lHI GAROE'4 GROVE ............. l •lS LONG I EACH ........ , •.•..... 1!00 MO NEY TO LOAN . . ....... •no PERONSAL LOANS ............ •ltJ Jt WELllY LO AMS ........ , 6ll0 COLLl.TE RAL LOANS .........• 115 REAL ESTATI!!: LOANS . ., .... 6:140 MORTGAGES, Tr~u Ottdt ... •Ml MONEY WANTIO .. ,. .. -.. USI AKEWOOO ........ •••••• B IO )RANGE COUNTY ............. 1.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS ouT oF couNTY ............. uos end NOTICES OU T OF STATE ········ ... ., .. lo~ STANTON ............... , .. Ull Nl!STMI NST Ell ..... . ...... 1.11 MIDWAY CITY ..... ·········· UIO SANTA ANA ............. \010 SANTA AMA HGT5 ............. Ult ORANG E . 1'lS TUSTIN • .. , ............. l o•t NOlltTH TUST IN .............. 1.-;s .. MAHEIM .... , .... UIO SILYERADO CAN YON ......... UI! lAGUN• HILLS .............. 1100 LAGIJ NA BEACH ............. 170! LAGUNA NIGU~L ··-'·····•·• 17CI MISSION VIEJO ···•·•••••" l /Cl.I S .. N CLEMliNTE ...... 1110 s•N JUAN CAPISTRANO ..... 1110 C,1.PISTllAND BEACM ••••··•· llU DANA POIMT ................. HlO CARLSB'O .................... 11•0 OCEANSIDE .................. 1150 SAM DIEGO ..........• 1115 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ,. ...... 1aco HOUSE i TO BE MOVED ····• no~ ~OIJND (FrH Ada) ,.,. •• ,. •• , '4ff LOST ....... .,.,.,.,6'111 PERSONALS ., .. .,., ... ,., .. O:I AN NOUNCEMEN TS ..........•. il10 BIRTHS ..... ,.., ....... 6•11 l'UN£11tALS .............. ,iln PA ID O&HUARY .......•. 6'U FUNERAL DI RECTOR$ , ...... 6'14 f L0R1ST$ ... , .... , ., .. U CAllO OF THAMl(S ........... ill' IN MF.MOll ll'lvl •••••••·•·•• il11 CtMETER Y LOTS .............. If CEMETER Y CJIYPTS , ........ '-l it CEME TERY CRYPTS _ ...... ,6111 :llEMATOR1E~ ............ illf o.IEMOlllAl PARKS ......... .,Mll AUCHONS ........... il>t •YIATION SERVICE .......... illl TllAYEL ,. ..... ,, .... lt AIR TRAN5PDllTATl0'4 ......• Ut AUTO Tll ANSPO•TATIOM ..... ,HI LEG~L NOTICES , ...... MlO OERMAN & TUTOlllHG ....... "4H CONDOM1M!UM ........ lt!O OUPLEXES FOi SAL E ..... 1'11 SERVICE DIRECTORY APARTMENTS FOi ~ALE .... Ult ACCOUNTI NG .... 6500 RENTALS ANSWERING SERVICE .. 6SOI • h d APPLIANCE REPAIRS, ,...,.II 6111 Houses fu rn1s e ASPHALT, 0111 .••.••• •s111 GE NERAL . ·······•· lOM AUTO REPAIRS 6!l0 RENTALS TO SHARE ........ 2~GS AUTO, So•! lltllt, To~J, £1c. 6!•0 COSTA MESA ............ 1100 llA!IYS!TTING ........ 'SIG Ml!SA DEL MAii ............• 210S BOAT MA lt"TEN,l NCE ........ ,Sii MESA YEROE11ll BRICI(, MA>ONR'!'. c1c. ...... ill.G COLLEGE PAllK .............. 11U BUSINESS SERVICES ........ '"I HE W,.OllT I EACM ............ 11U BU ILDEllS ............ , ... 6111 NEW,.OI T HGTS ............•. 1110 CAfERING un FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Frigidaire 18 min. 11,•ash. Fastest ln the industry, 30, 18 min wa.sheB will do the v,.ork of 45, 30 m in washes. FRIGIDIARE OlITSTANO. ING LOCATIONS: La Mira· da major Mopping centtr, Garden Grove & Buena Park. Coin·O·Matic Equipment, Inc. 2334 ~ W, Valencia Fullerton 71•1: 525-7833 STEAL\! CLEANEH. FOR. CARPETS & uphol. Aver. S200 thru $300 pcr ciay, no pcrccntage. Yo u O\l'n it, $3600 cash. 616-5971 <'Ves SHARP N e w free standing, Drive-in restaurant, ownC'r must sell immediately at a sacr ifice. Call Van al the Real Esta ters. 646-TI71 ~10NEY Making cafC' to r llro. S..1nta Ana Industrial Arca. Fully cquippcc!, shorl ordtrs & !ihort ho u r s . 541).~. NEWPOllT SNORES .......... 1110 CABINETMllC ING , .•.......... Ult 0 6310 BAYSHOllfS ............... TllS CARPEN TERING ..............• 511 lnv•1tment ppor. DOVE i SHORES ............... 1111 CEMENT, Concf!1t , ........ IMOO ... ESTC l lFF ·········" 1110 CHILD CAll E. Li<tnHtl ........ 6'1D NEED Investors to Jurtr.er ,,.,..138 NATO CORP. LONG ha ired wht &. grey Gen'! Contractors 638-58JB ft•m&le cat. Vic Warner &: fllagnolia, F.V. 842-1343 81by1lttlng 6SSO \\"llITE angoni: kitten y,·ear· EX·PLAYGR.OUND director ing yellow collar, vie of E. will care for rhild in my Coast Hiway, Cdr>f. Gla-5787 homf'. ;.ton thru }"ri. Call Lost 6401 1-"61:.:""',.:..:'158:,,,.=~~-~-BABYSlTfING, days, Jencet! CIUlfUAfJUA male, tan with yard, 5 Day y,•cck, Costa dark slreak down back, t.1C'sa. area. 642-8728 v.•hile spot on chest, approx. CHILD or infant C'are, my JI lb~. flea collar, lam. pet hoine. $65 mo In advance. for 6 yrs. Lost. vie, .19th & 64&-5~ N{'1vport. "Penny." Rew"d·I ~========== 64&-2586 Brick, Masonry, etc. LOSr Tues 10-Zl, Labrador 6560 Rclr iever , n1a\e, ans to . •·Jack," nr Bn stol/Bakcr BUILD, Remodel. repair . Ci\!. Lie No. 2405. Reward. Brick, block, concrete, ri'!S.2635 anytime carpentr ry, no job too small. REWARD. Small tan shaggy Lie. Conlr. 962-69-15 dog, Cock-a-Poo t y P e . 6562 Black ears. Lost Cdt.t . Bu1lne11 Set"Vlc• Ans11,v.-en to '' Ra I p h ' '. 61'"6664 PEK lNG ESE dog I o s I in N .B. Owner grieving. Bring lo 1525 Placentia, NB Apt C3 or call 642-6260. Rew'd. DIA~!. Ring -2 stone. cau Collect alter 8 PM. 492-3086. TYPESETTING NC'w and complC'1C co I d type faciliLif's S<'rving all of Orange County. O!Jer. ing speedy wrvice & low ra!es, Call for lurther information, (TI4) 8$.6955 UNIVl!llSIT'I' PAlltlC .....•..... nll CONTRAClDllS .......... ,6'H tRVIH E ............... 21ll CARPE T CLEAN ING . wu develop shallow S.E. C I I 6590 •• '-''"'" ···••···•··• n •l CAllPET U YING ... IE,.AIR Wl• !RISH Setler , male. 2 ""ks •rp-9n •r ng • " Kansas oil leuse. Call or 1 --~--~~---- RE\VARD. !========= IRV INE TERRACE ........... t Hs DR AP ElllES ........ H>t D HB ago, Victorla &. 1'1onrovia CARPENTRY COllONA OEL MAI ·········· 1150 DEMOLIT!ON ........... IMJS Y.'rilf'. 8531 Arnett r, . C" c II 64" --, BALBOA .. . ........... 21~0 DllAFTING SEI YICE ········· 6'l1 8'1Z-2'l42 .Sc'c'·c.:c_·"c·,c.•'--~--·'--.,-1~fINOR REPAIRS. No J ob L!DO ISLE .............. 2ll1 ELECT RIC.Id.. ..., ..... U4G -K h ' t BA'!' ISLANDS .............. 21'>11 EQUIP ME/o!T RI NTALS ....... ••!G BL ' w lie, orange ca . Too Small. Ca binet ln gar-- BALBOA ISLANO .... , ........ )l~S FE JolCING ·········'''° Female. No front clAWS $50 l'lgo• ' 0t h.' •ob'-•••· EAST BLU FF ................. 31•2 FLOORS ...... " ..... ,1-UJ M L 6320 "3265 ~ • "' BACI( BA Y .....•............... 1110 FURNACE IEPAl l S. E•c. -···"" oney to o•n Reward. CM. 64,,... Ms.8175, u no ;inswer leave BACK BAY ... , .... 11'0 FURNIT URE RESTOtlHG HUNTINGTON t EACH ········ llOO & REF INISHING H H 2nd TD Loan VIC Cd~1. gm&ll Ian male msg at 646-2372. Jt o. FO UNTAIN VALLl!Y ......... 100 GARDE NING .... ., .. 66'0 cock.a·poo (shaggy), black Ander50fl SEAL &EACH ...•... , ..... 1'10 GEN ERAi. SEll YI CES ........... 12 """""==~,..-...,-.,--~-~ LONG 8EACH .............. 11~0 GllA DI NG, OISCING ........... 16H ears. Rew'd . $25. 673-6664 TilANSFER Panel trucks & ORANGE COUNTY ············ lUO GLASS . ···············"· Prompt, contiC:cntial service I Cock SANTA ANA ............... lllO GRE EN TH UMI ·············· '100 642-2171 545-0611 LOST: Small tan mac. . VW'1 to Campers. Rebuild WESTMINSTER: ............... '"1 GUN SHOP ................. 110 A·POO, sha~gy. blk. ears: or remod!!I boa1s MtOWAV CITY ········· 211• HEALT H CLUBS ·············· •ll• Serving llarbor area 20 yn;. 73 "'°' SANTA AN A HE IGHTS ········ 2i30 HAULING ·············· ''l0 s ttl M I c vie. Corona de! Mar. 6 ..,,,.,., prefabrication. Cus1om-buill COAlTAL ............... 110° HOUSEClEAN ING ......... ll! • er or 9ag• o. cabinet& & J l x I u res. lAGUMA BEACH ............. llOS INT ER IOR OECO IATINO , .... 61ll 336 E. 17lh Street 6405 LAGUNA NIGUEL ............ 1101 INCOME TA ll ....•....• 14D 1 ----'--7==~---P•rson•I• Fonnica Y.'OTk. &16-5219 or MISSION VI EJO •............. 210t IRON, o,n1m1n111. E!<. ......... ,,~ $15,000 :..::...:.:::.:::...______ 5-IS.1654 jllN CLEMENTE .... .,. 1110 IRO NING ................ .,.11!1 ACTING 1~=====.,-~-.,---SAN JU.AH CAPISTRANO ····· 211S IN S\JLATIHO ....•............ •110 for good real f!sta!c lo.'ln, CARPENmY c . b -, ' CAPISTllANO IEACH ........ l1l0 IN!U llANCE ..... 6111 , n C ;{ OA NA ,.OI NT p ••-'•••· 1710 INVES TIGAT ING, D•IKT!•• .. '7'10 Vacant OK. l\.'lr. Adanis, Do YOll want to be 8 Juli timr Remod, No job too smQ\J, 111vERSloE COUNTY ..• ··· 1c~ Jo\MITOll:!A1. ....•.. •no Broker * 499--2130 ~.· t · na.1~ Do q1iality o k c JJ 646-2!"-6 VACATION RENTALS ........ 1100 JE WELllY REPAllt, Elc ....... 0100 ,,.ai ... 1ng pro 1.'SSIO . . w r . II :ll • SUMMEll REN T AU ......... '9111 l AHOSCAP IMG ..........•.... •111 M t TD , 6345 you Htl\le the self discipline QUALITY Repain _ Alter11.. CONOOM IN!UM .............. 1,11 '.OCKiMITH ............... 110 or g•g••· • • • If . DU PLEXES FURN ... ., ....... 2'1S MASONRY, Blt l(IC ......... Ult to 5Ul:i)e.:t yoursc lo l!l ng· tion.• -New cons!. by hour RENTALS MOVI NG & STORAGE ........... o 18% RETURN id British training C"Ol.lrSe l: or Con'-"t. 64&-J4<\2 PAl/olf lMG, P•ttrhl~•ll\f ...... ,110 u11 ... Houses Unfurnished PAI NTING, s11no ............... 6111 $53.00J Seil!IOned 1st TD, I.he artistic humility to ac· REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS G!NERAL ...• ., .. , JQOO :~6~°osG R~PHY·····::··:"·;::·:m payable $500 mo. S'"lo , dUe in ('epf: minor roles until I h I' CABINET. Any size,,-b COSTA MESA. · ···•······ ••• .. liOO > b <~id $\°' \XX) . I t ' ME SA DEL MAR ············· J\OS PLASTERI NG, P•l<h, RtPI r .. 6!90 14 tnon! s. ....... Ill IJ't, training period IS comp e e. 25 yr.i. ('lq)('.r. 54~TI3 MESA VER DE ................ J!IG ~~MJ~~gMINQ ······· ·······::=: with $50,0CO down; on 5 It !!':l THE LONDON LA· . ~~~:oGllET P::Ai<cH··:::·::::: .. ~~~ POOL SERYtC E .•......•.. •"Ta Acres magnificent occ-an (;UN A ACTORS \\'QR;(. RREPAIR 00 • 1 Partl~orui Small NEW,.ORT HGHlS. ·····'-···· JJIO POWER SWEEP INQ ........... l•l! VIC'W So. Laguna land. l07o SHOP ..... t hr bl t help em I'' etc. Nile or day, NEW,.ORT SHORES ········· JllO Pl.I MP SERVICE ............ 6"10 ' mil>" . a e o. Reas! Call KE.."l 510-4679 IAYSHORES .............. 3111 ROOFING ......•... ,,,f!G Discount. Broker you. No previous expl'ncnc{'I========== DOYER SHOllES ·······-····· J111 RADIO, ReP•iri. Etc. . ..... lllO <\~·1·!1100 or 493-1706 [VI'S. b ni ,..EsTCLIFF ....... ,. .. 111~ REMO DELING " REPA(R 69'0 ncessary, no R$j:e a er. Cement, Concrete 6600 UN!YERSITY PARK ....... ,.. llll REMOO ELIMG, l(tTCHENS ... 6UJ 1sr TD on \Vhi!c \\later vj{'w 1\te1nbc.Ts nl !hi!! ex<'IUsivi:o t YINE . , ..•.... l1l• SCISSORS SMARPEN •..... •U.1 _1 ! IRVINE TERRACE ··········· llU SEWING "'g Jot Jn Laguna Beach. $6,000 l!J'UUP will O•uY be a('C"('p(f'( • CONCRETE FI 0 0 r !I . llSO SEWING MAC HIN!: IEPAtltS '"" , • f I CO RONA DEL MAR .......... SEPTIC l l'Nl<S, S•Wt"-Etc .. 6tU Ill SGO mo. incl. 9~, .. All due upon a satis actory persona patios, etc. Reasonable, caJJ tALIOA ........... ,. ... llOlt , . . I IAY ISLAHD S .............. , .. Jl!O TAILORING ........... ••1' J )'Cars. J2'c Discount inlt'IVie.w with the d1rec or. Don. 642.SSI4 LIDO ISLE .............. ll!! TERMITE COHTRDL ··········'011 BROKER 4!H·ll37 ·c~.u~~·~9~~14~0~t -'l~~~·~c"--l '.::'~=o:o=-===o;:=: BA LllOA !!LAND ........... ,. llSS TILE, Ce•1m1c , ···-.,·'"' _: NEWPO•T wE~T ........... 1iu T1LE.Li"o11um .. M1rble ...... •t11 1ST d 2NDS LICENSED Contrecton 66'20 HUNTIJolGTO~ llEACH .. , .. llOQ TREE SERY!CE" .•.... 6''° an HUNT1MGTOH HARBOUR ., .. 1'C! ~~~~~~~1~;y Ri1>1ln., 11t:.;:·!~: Spirl !u&l Readings, adv\cl! FRED H. GER\\l lCK FOUNTAIN VALLEY ········· ltlG WELOl"IQ •"! on all matters 3l2 N El ~~~1D:r:'AGCRHDVE :::::::::.::; ~:~: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT So. Cal if. T.D's. Inc. Camino Real, &in Oe~e~te Building Contractor LOMG BEACH ············ .JI~ JOll WA"ITEO, Ml~ ···•···· lllCI ZENml 2-6003 • TolJ Fl'tt 492-9136, 496-9507 F~m. rms. bdnn~. p.a!io!I ORANGE coUHTY ............ l60d JOB w•NTED, wom•~ ....... ,1010 ANNOUNCEMENT_S__ 10 "M 10 PM L1ccnsed-Frcc eshmales SANTA AHA ................ ltlG JOB WAI/TEO. ''-' · 673-604 & 5 7 WE STMINSTER ..... ., ....... 1~11 ME N & WOME N ............. ,.10311 ind NOTICES ---------E--l ='=c.l~~=...,.-~19-_2clc.O MI DWAY CITY ... ,.,. .• l< * HARBOR CRU IS * .. SANTA Al<A HEIGi-iTS ........ l6l0 SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTION ... 760, Dally 2 P~t. Fun Zone Boat GENEfiAL Contractor. All ~~t"r.AAL IE AC H .. , ........ :: ~;~~ JO~ PREPA RATION . . ... ': found (Free Ads) 6400 Co., Balboa • 673-024ll C'&rpe n'l!'· conc~re!(', add & LAGUNA H•GUEL ......... 1>01 THEAT RICAL . .. . . .... 1 ::::.:..:=='---''-'"'--"-~I rC'modeling. 2.'> yrs ex. MISSION v1EJO ....... _ ...... JJOA MERCHANDISE FOR 2 GMC car keys, S I . ALCOHOLICS AnonymoUB pcrience. 531·7911<1. 8-;7.2J82 IA .. CLEMENTE ····· l!IO C . b rl t . 16 b P"·-· ••0 7217 -~t '· -~========= CAPISTRA NO .... J>~1 SALE AND TRADE hristop cr mr. a . v1c. ! ""'"' ,,..... ot.· w1• e w .;;-_ CAPISTRANO llEACH ........ JI)~ St. CL\1 !parkl ~~11\-7!152 PO Box 1223 Costa Me.sa c DA NA POI NY .......... JI•~ ~u111o11Tu11e-....... 100' · · · arJMt Cleaning 6625 CO NOOMINIUM ........ 3110 OFFICE FURNITUR E ....••.. •OlO FOUND: Collie, \'It'. Avalr1n $2300 CREDIT a1 Newportrr ouPLE )(ES uN~u~1o1 ........ l111 OFFICE EQ UIPM ENT ........ 1011 1HH "' •• ,11 d•'•.-••t 0, -do". CARPET & Furn. cleaning; SUMM Eli'. l!EMTA LS ...... l"I STOR E EOUIPMEHT ......... 1011 & WlJson, r.os ta J\Jesa. Call "" .,,...., .. ,, &1<l RENTAL ~ ~•FE. RF.~T<l.UR•N T ........ toit !.: id<"ntify, 642-4091 Citll LI 8-862:;. for l day ~ervlcC' ~qual ity &AR EouiPMENT , .•..... ,,,10111-==========:::.-:...:0===========i y,•ork. call S1erhng for Apt. Furnis h@d HOUSCHOlD GODOS . ······· tO?I • GARAGE SllLE ... .,. 9011 br!gh10E'S~' 642-8520 g~~~R~l.ESA , ....•.... ,,., :~ FURNITUllE AUCTION ........ I OU .''. ,lPPttlllolCES ....... 1100 CARPET Cl<'aning 3 rms MESA YEROE ..... .,..... lNT Q ' " NEWP ORT BEAC" ...•...... .,00 1 us ••·••·· 111 NO MATTER S\9.95. Uphols!C'ry cleaning. "'''"' •>•O ~EWll<I G MACHINE ..... 1121 NEWPORT " • · ...... ~'USIC AL INSTRUMfMT , .... 1111 Free Scotchguard, Harbor NEWPORT SHORES .......... •no WESTCL!F~ ........... •130 Piii.NOS & ORGANS .....•... l lJO Dl~ount 8:U-1870 Utj lVEl!SITY '°AR IC ......... •IJJ ~•OIO ··· ··•········ lltlf IA CI( BA y .•....•... •Ill IElEVIStON ••••••·•••·••• f11ll EAST llLU FF . , ...•.... •Ill HI rl a. ~TCllEO ........ 1110 ••• l"H T•PE" RECOl!OERI .. , I nt CORONA DEL ...,..11 ·······••• • [o\~F.l!~S o1i EOUIPMENT ... l )!IO IA LBOA • ·········· llOJ HOBBY SUPPLIES ...... l fOt BAY ISL,l NOS. ·•• ,.,.,. ··• t J!O OPOllllHO 000"0 o•-LIDO ISLE ., .. ., .. USI " ······ .. ...,. Bll.L&OA ISLAND .......... •JI! BllolOCUL~llS, SCOPE' ··•·••· USI HU NTINGTON BEACH ........ u~O MISCELL ANEOUS ......... 160t FOU NTAIN VALLEY ...... , .. UlO "'ISC. WANTED ......... , .... 1611 1£AL BEACH ·•••••••••·•• •·llO MAC HINERY, Elc. .. , .......•. llOI LO NG BEACH .......•...... tSOO ~UMIER ····•···•···· llJt ~IAMGE COU NTY .............. tUCI STOll ,lGE "'""• l lfl GAI OEH GROVE ........ , ..... l'10 8U!LOI NG MATER IAL• ...... l lM WESTMINSTER ............... I'll SW•PS . ' .... l1'f WHAT * Diamonds are measured ~Y quality, ISO are v•e! DI A1'.·tONO CARPET CLEANERS 645-1317 anytime ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES CARPET&. 11phols!l'ry steam l'lr.anrd, f>isu l'arpct in· stallat1nn. llrsull s gllar. F or fJ"Ce C'S!. call 646-!'1971 --Accounting SPARKLE Jani!orml & \\'1n- dow cleaning ~rv. \\'(n. dows, r cs1d., roinrl, cons\ Cleanup. fre.> rst. !!&1·2ti~l Electrical 6640 l•ndsca ping ;...;_; _____ _ 6810 ELECTRICIAN: Licensed, bonded, small jobs. muint & ttpatrs. 548-S:b:IJ L!C'D JapancSC' landflc:apt:' conlraclor, Lawns, sprklrs. patio!!., elc. 830-3037 Floore 6665 Mmsonry, Brick 6830 ACCOUNTING -CLERK------CARP ET VINYL TILE Free est. Lie. contr. 54()..7262, ~6-4478 G•rdening ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6680 a can·up, R1•n1fJ(!l'l Bu<Jg<'I l.anrlsrap1ni:: Experl(•nced Jlorllculcurist NE\V I a wn e. re-seeding. Complete lawn cart>. Clean up by job or montn. rrce rslima!('s. For infci, call 846-0332 AL'S Garo,nlni; & Lawn i1nintcnancc. Commercial, illdustrial & residential. * 646-3629 * COMPLETE Yard 1'.!aint. Ocanup Reas. 968-19'18/&16-8247 F'uji La\\:n Scrv~ & GrneraI Yard Cleanup s.1<H9!i9 Frrc Estin1a!e Jli\l'S Gardening & la\\'n niaintenanci:. Rei;. &. Com· mcrc\al. * 54(}..4837. JapBncsf' Gardener Complc!c Yard &·r.·1ce Frre Estimate 64&-0830 CLI::AN·UP SPECIALIST~ flto1l'ini;. cdi:;i;ig, f)(ld 1obs. Reasonable. J.18-6955 * E xpert J a pane se FfNEsr \VORK 646.038-1 RICHARD ALLEN Cus tom & Sponisli M a sonry A Specioltyl Block, Brick, Conc rete Free Est . 633-2343 P•perhanging P•intlng 6850 NEED PAINTING? Call us~ Reliable Service 11,•/ Qua.Jity at its hest, a l the n1o~t f"t'a50nab\e prire~. }o"ree es:iinatl'~. 548-GOQ:l • INTER.lOR EXTERIOR• Painting -Paperhanging Two years t'XIJ(lrlrnce, clericaJ acroununi::, ac· counts payable or 1'C<:t'l\'- ahlf'. or job OJ6f. Type So \\·pm electric. Co ll Personnel Dept. (714 ) 494--9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beech Lie. Ins. Guarant<'ed Harris Painting 642-4J511 SUrlUHBAN Paint ing1Dec Expcrt Gu aranteed \Vork Equ::.I opportu.rl[ty employer Free CSL ~o job !oo large 13AB\'SIITER W.lnl<'d. 2 or loo small, 494-3.100 childl'('n. J\ly horne, 4 1 ~ flays PAl:\ITINIG, Ext. Jnr. 18 yrs \\"k. Reliable & love kids. cxp. Ins. Lie. F'rec esi.i ,c"-""='"=·1==-~-~~ Aroust. ceilings. J.18.:J.125. BABYSl1TER -Every F'ri & DUNN BY DUNN Sat nllC' 8 pm -2 am Vic. r a1ntini;: & Pap<"rhanglng l!B Cflll 962-7682. F'ree est. Rea.~. 642·23&1 DABYSl"ITER w Ant,. d , PAINTING, pajX'ring Jli yr.;. Fou ntain Vallf'y area.. Call in Harbor aren. Lit:;. ,t af!er 6, 531-3230 bonded. Rel ... fl1rn, 64Z-2356. BEAUTICIANS PAINT£({, Exp'd. t:xr I Int, at very low ralC'S. 6T~U-17 all 6 pm. \\'ALLPAPERING &. PAIN· TING, l[) YRS in arcoa. R<'awnablc rates. 642-<J.127 for dny & evening shift, In popular • priced CM. sa:on. Prrscnt staff <'lln't handle rapidly expandin~ volun1e. Pa1d vacation. Call Viola : ~ilS.9919 or apply in pC'rson, Crowning Glury neallly Sa· FOl't B{'tlcr Painting, inter. IQn. 267 !::. 17th St. ior & l!Xll't1Qf, acoust\C cril· B F J OO\V hiring e.1(pcriC"nced ings. &1&4077 & 5-11-3502 carpenters I.· I i berg I a 6 Gen•rel Services 6682 nicn. Call Bill 5-1~~ ~:.:::=-=-:::..:~:.:......=:.= Plastering, Repair 6880 -~0~0~0=K7K~E~E=P=E~R~s GARAGF. Doors Servlccd & RC"p11ired. General Hout>e 1'la1nt. SlO. min. 615-5:.84. e PA TC H PLASTERING. All 1ypcs . F'rcc esti1natc Interim Call 54Q..682~ P e rsonnel Se rv ice Hiluling 6730 I =========~I 445 E. 17th St., C :'II. ·..:.:.=~-----':.:.;:. ~mblng 689C. 642-7523 YARD/Gar. c 1 ea n u P . ·cc.;.;_"------· I --~B~o=y~S~0~~4--Rcmove \TN!s, ivy, dirt, PLUi\IBING REPAIR 1 ~ 1 tractor backhoe, grad c No job too lin1all OUT1er Routes Open 962-8745 • 64 Z.J1211 • for CLEAN-Up and light ing. Ca.JI Da1•e: Lagunn. Beach, So. Laguna mov-Remodel, Repair, 6940 DAILY PILOT * 893-4295 • Cleon Up And Haul SIO a loa rl fr\G.2.113 ----. 642-4321 * Jr you nced remodeling . . p;i111ung or repairs. Call C If R r ST r-1 A S :;ponding Dick &i 2.1m. money? Jmn11'111atc, rror. ' !tnblc, ('njoya!;lc endeavor H I I 6735 Sewin11 6960 for your ~pare hnurs. Cnll :.::0o"='="='c1o1o":::.:"~9._ _ __,::..:= • Vanda Beauty Counselor LANDLORDS Let "Rental •Dressmaking · AHeration:s Cosmecli~. 96'2·1910 Hradicr" Tearly your Ten!al. Spccinl on hems. 11 o u s ec!raning, painting l===*=&=U<=='='=*==== I Carriers f'IE<'. rrpair, C'1lrf)f:'I sham- pooing, yarrl Y.'Ork. 5'11)-:1924 DAY & Br.ach Jani1ori al Ser.-. Car(X!ls, y,·indn111·~. floors, C'lc. Rcs & Commc'l &16-1401 CARPETS. \\'indow~. llrs. <'!r. Rl"s or Come'!. A1nl \•·ork P.f'n!\! Rrls. !'A~lll. \VOULD 'lou br!1e\"e I will <'Iran yo11r hon1c lnr Blue Chlp Stamps? 897-73W e \VINDO \\"S DIRTY? Fr"e PSI. 15 yP&rs 1'1(f1. Johnny Dunn &12-2.)(;.I \\'!NDO\V CLF:AN ING PTOllll"I! In plraSP: •S.IG-2210 • JT"S WONDERFUL t h' many huy& in applianC<'s )'011 find in th!! Classified Ads. CheC'k them now! ANNOUtlCEMENrs ind NOTICES TILE, Ctramic 6974 • \'f'rnf', ~Tile to.Jan • Cvs!. work. Install &. ITpa\rs. No job too sme.I!. Pla~tC'r paT rh. l.Rak!ni:: i; h o w C' r rrp:J1r. 847-l9j7/84G-0206 Tree Service 6980 BE\\'ARE'~ Ruhbcr IJ't'l's hreal; foundations. Frt'C C'SI Any Tree Ser.'lcc. 530-3920 11riui: Uphol1tery 6990 CZYKOSKrs Cust. Uphol. Europcan Craft~manship 100'"'0 Fin~ 64Z-l·154 1831 Newport Bl., C.r.t. IT'S Beach house time. B1g- ~cst srlcC'tion ever! See the DAILY PILOT WANT ADS: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Women 7020 \\le n!!fil c;irrirrs, n111le or /c1nale, JS yn; nr OI"· Pr, gOOd hcal!h. to de. l1vi:r third ~·las~ type mail r.a rh Sunl111y morn. ing 1n thr:<.I' arra~. 1!11nl· 1ni;itun Bral'.'h. r nuntain \:allry. \\"rs1m1nster. Sun· ~l'I Dl'nch, J\l1flway l'ity, s..~aJ Brach, Cnsta r-.1"~.1. ;\'r"'D0r1 nP.1 ch , Conina 1!r1 fl.l8r, lrv1n(', l.11i;:un.1 Hill~. F.I Tor<1, r.11s~1nn VIPJO, s,.in ,Juan f';ip1~. 1rano, Capistranro Br;irh, La~na tkilC'h. ~~uth l .. 1- gu1111, Dana Po1nr, Sa n Ol'1nt>n1c: E1'cellent pay. shor t hour.;. Apply hrl\\'Cf'n 10 am & 4 pn1 at the l0Uo11,·. ing addresses. 7452 Lorge Circ: .. , !llfl tington Beach 630 Tenninal \Vay Costa ~1csa CAREER MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNTIES Recent college grad, Dynamic growth company, No e.1(per1ence necf'ssary. S600 to $730. Ri viera E111 p[oymr.nt Agy, Inc 41.i67 !llacArUiur Blvd, Stl' :J1 NB. ~().6370 CLERK BUYER OPPORTUNITY New cant & ;;pit shop needs i;ox["ll'r. buyer in g1t111,·arc & part.v goods-, !\l ust be perm. Nea(ness, n1 an n <' r, & .sincer1ty w I p e o p 1 e Im· Jlllrlan\. Localed Balboa • f'dL\-t art>a. AU replies con· lidrntial. Detail!'I" -Daily P ilot, Bo)( P-513 CLERK -Reproduclion. resp will incl incomi~ & out going mail, maintain eng documC'nt & print files, opcrare blue line mach., Lite typing heneficial, xlnt oppt. Cl.JI h'.arcn/Vanguard Data Sysl<'ms J.l().. 7\HO CO~IDINATION. Sharp Bar r>laids &. Go Go Dancer.;. Top \\'agr!'I". Phont' tor Jn. 1riview. Sussy Lassy, 2901 llarbor, c.~f. COUNTER GIRL, Exper, lull time. Apply 153-1 Ne\\·· pol'! Blvd. C!\I FRY COOKS Top wages. permanent, hon· f'~!. and good working con· di1ion~ in area·s leading f'('Staurnnt. Appl y 9 an1 to 5 pm !or in terv11•w at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2·10.11 El Toro Rd. Leisure \\'orld Lagwi.a liills 837·1014 COOK, graveyard &. reliel. E.'>p onl.'". S!arl $2.30. CQ'T. TAGE L'OFITE SHOP, fl62 \\". 19lh St., C.'.11. CllSll)(\Lan ll\l'.11ED. opening for reliable man 1<1!h preVJOus in- rlusrrial jaoi!orial c:\p. Xlnt 11,·orking cond., gel. pay &. all fringe bcrwrits inrl. pro!it shurins. Calif. r n j ('c t to n r-.Joldlng, 200 Btlb&"S /\ve, C.J\f. 54H.i60 Df!hvcry \\',\NTED: Auto carr1f'rs far nftrrnoon Heg1i;tC'r ro1.llc {or Cos1a r>h·.~a &· b<'.1ch 11rca1. Plca.sr call 540..3006 OE:'-ITA L ASSISTANT for OrU1odontic p r a C' t t C' e . Cha.irsirle & lab. Denial exp r('{f. Ori.ho exp rire. Age 19-:JO. Top salary. 642-2626 DENTAL ASSISTANT Oral surr.:cry & X-R.ay exp Qnly need apply. 548-m9 DISHWASHER E x perienced Apply in person S URF & SIRLOIN 5930 P oe. Cs t . Hwy. N ewport Beoc_h __ D J S !I \\'ASJ!ER/l\ITCHEN· J! E L P ER IJ\1alr) Fu1 t1mr, rlay !<hilt. lop wsges. Cnll \\a}'Tlf' 83.l-0 112 P.ANOIO :"AN JOAQUIN GOLF' COUfl.<;F., 18021 CuJvrr Rd., Irvin<'. Nr UO Dl~Jl\VAS!lf.:R ~ Gr.ivryard shi ft . $1.6.'J hr. COTTAGE COFFEE Sl~OP, 56J \V. 19th St , Cns1a i\IC"sa. Onvrr MINIBUS DRIVER •-•~ . -TOCK IANTA ANA .. -......... 10 PETS and LIVES SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ., ....... 4Al0 IT IS P•raonal1 PETS ,GENERA L ............ , flOI 6405 Personals 6405 Job Wanted, DRIVE AND NARRATE NE\VPORT AREA t.11NI BUS TOUR. \\'RITE BOX 276!H Camino Cilpi~lrano r>l -567, DAILY PILCYr TUSTIN ........... •llAI COASTAL ....... , .. l lOlt lAOUNA I EACH .............. 4101 Lt.GUNA NIGUEL ........•... •lt7 MISSION VIE JO ,..,.,. ..... •IOI CATS ···-················•no OOGS ....................... All HORSES ..•............... , ltlt ~IY ESTOCI( . ,. .............. "40 SAN CLEMENT& ... ······· •111 CALIFORNIA LIVING OA MA POINT ,.,, .... , ........ •1.io Tl!lPLElC, •tc. . .... , ........ •?GO (:ONDOM!NIUM .... , .......... O!O RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished lolU RSEll lES .. ·········· nu ~W!MM I SG ,.OOLS •••···••••• ftllO l'~TIO~ ... ·············-·· ... ltU AWlll lNGS .................... ft1t VACATIONS ....... ,. ... , ..... Int OIMEIAL .. ' .......... sooo TRANSPORTATION COSTA Ml!'SA .. .. .. . SlfO M!SA YEROE 5110 NIW,.OIT I EACH !111G N•"NPOIT HEIGH75 .......... Sli t NEW,.Olll SHORES ........... lllO Wl:lTCO.IFF .SllO UNIVERSITY PARIC ........... S1l1 IACl<IAY ............ SllO 1 .. IT ILUFI' .........•. Slll CORONA OEL MAit ....... , .. 515.Q I ALIOA , ... , ......... Sl04 IAY ISUNDI .........••.•.... s"o LIDO tlLI! .... , ..... , .. 5l!I IA LIOA llLANO .......•. Ill! "UNTIHQTON BIACH ........ S•Dt !'OUNTAIN VALLIY ••....... !411 IEAL I EACN .... ., .. , .... $<lll LO HO I EACH ., .. , ......... llfl Ot•HCIE COU NTY ..... , ....•. W.00 GllllDEH GI OVll ............ ,.Ull Wl$TMIHSTE I .............. 5'1 1 M10WAY CITT ., ..... , ....... $.16 SANTA .. MA •· ........... 5'H SANTA ANA HIEIQMTS ........ UJO TUSTIN ., ........... !Olt COAITAL .•.........•• 5)Glt 1.AQUMA I EACH ....... , ...... llH LA.OUM• NIOU EL •........... JIU Ul!I CLEMEMTe ...... 11lf SAM ~UAN CA,.IS TltAl'IO ····· sra AN• POINT ... l 14G REAL ESTATE, Gene rel TR l,.LEll , e!~. , . . ltOO CONDOMINIUM ., ...... JllO I ENTAl,.I WANTI () .... !9'0 ltOCIMI l'Oll l l HT ,, ..... ,. t"I R00,111 I IOAI D JtH o,\QTELS. Tl .... ILE• COURTS '"' GVE•T HOMES l'l'll lvll.\C. RE HTAl I lf'i• !NCOMI! P•OPE IT" ........ 1000 8U~tN E$$ Pll OPl!llT V 60!0 BOA.TS & YllCHTI ............ ffOll SAILIOATS , ........... tOlt POWER. CltU15£R$ ......... ., fall \PEED-SKI BOAT .....• , •.. tut BOA T TRAILEIS ...... .,,.HH IOAT MAI NTENl/o!CS _,. .... HU BOAT UUMCHINO ......•• , "14 loU.R INE EQU1,.. . ....... rou I OAT SLI,., MOOl lNQ ·•··••• 't0l4 BOAT IEI YIC!I ................ Jl llOAT ltENTALS .............. P1:11 IOAT CHAllTEllt .........•• .,.,HH FI SHIMQ IOATI ............... tMf IOAT M0V1MO ., ..•.•.• ., .• .,.tMI IOAT STOllAG• ....••...... .,"41 I OATl WANTED .......•...... PKt AllCllAfT .......... ,. .. '1 .. FLYING LESSONS , .... ,. ...... 1UI MOBIL E HOMES ............ ., t?# MOTOll HOMES ............ , .. 1111 l lC'l'CLES ..•......... ,,.tru ELECTR IC CAii ..... , .• ,,.,..tnt MINI Bll<l l .....•..• ,., '211 o,\OTOl!CYCLEI ...•....... f>tf MOTOISCOOTIRS ...•.. t ilt AUTO SERY1CES & ,.A.Tl ..... ... AUTO TOOLS & EO\JI,. •...... tlll rR AILEI, TIAYEL .......... 'H11 TRA IL EI S. Uftlltr ...•..•.... , t lM CAMPERS ............. tUI Tl!UCl(S ... . ..••.... ., ... t MI JEEPS ... ,,,., .. •llf CAMPER tl"NTA LI t~U DIJNI BUGOl tiS fJ11 IMPOll TED AU TOS ..... .,.,., ttOf S,.Ol!T C,t.11 ......... Hit Al!ll10UES, ClA5'ilCI ,..,,.,. ••U IA C!. CARS, 1001 ......... N>t IUlO EVENTS .............. U1J IUTOS 'NANTED ...••..• , .. ., •IOt NEW CAPS ., ............ -&Utr LEAllHG .. , •.•..•. ,,..tt11 !/SF.D CAR$ ... • • • YOU CAN SELL WITH IT A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT LOSE WEIGHT I want lo "'Dmf!n who l'll'e 10 pounds or morn OVl'T'\\'eight to take J>11.r1. in group weight loss program of 11prcialized reducing. AU inquiries con. HOUSEWIVES Double your money for Xmas or raise money for your club or church. A phone call or lcl!er and you will rt>r.civt' rrec, complete information. Compub. 1058 E. 111 St., Sult(' 2Cll, <n4 J 8.'J&6955. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Women 7020 fidentlal. Ask for to.Ir. Kr.n.· e MlNICARE NURSTNG e ,,,.,,i::;:Y<c:53o7c·51="o· ______ I Nursr.s A: Aides available for *Alone? YES IT'S YOUR FAULT For recorded meSS11.ge that v.·ill change your lllf! call ORANGE CO. 547·6667 2<\ hour recording Y.' ANTED: Rkte lrom 20th It San1a Ana Al'e., C.:'11. lo A1111.helm. 3 blk~. off S.A. Fri.1-y. on Bro11dw11y. Day 11h!lt, 5 da)'ll. 64!;..8579 all. 6:30 P.M. Attrectlve Expert . YOUNG WOMAN (!AJlC'C'r will teach you An latest ttep~. Ce.II Ar<lcU 11.'.l· !i!ll-<1~'.VI 1·10 P~f hDTTlf! care on hourly basis, 1 hour minln1um. Also 11hlfts & llve--in, 546-4570 • Allied f'JUBCS • Aides • 01 O.C. Nurses Registry 2729 W. Lingan Lane, S.A. ~·1c BOOKKEEPEft 25 yni. Exp. Auto, DMV, Public: Acctinc:". & small bu•. \Vanis part t.ime. Flex· ihle hn. Fas! &: dependable, '4n..2905 eves. NURSES & Aidt~ 11.vaUable lnr home ca~. 54ft..4S70 e All ied Nul"llC~ &: Aidcs e Of O.C. Nurse!! Reglstry 2"729 \V. Lingan Li:ine, S.A. A ~f B I TIOUS. dependable young "''Oman SC"eks Glrl Fritley position. ~2134 IT'S ".fair Sh11re"' Tin1r P LEASANT praclical nul'SO!, Laguna Niguel UNITED FUND-Community capable, kindly &. quiet. No 01c~t They get 1he job 11mokl' or rlrink. Have car &I IC~-~1v;~E:th;;•:·:·u~n~l~tN~~l ~W~•~Y= .. =~oJ"d~o~"'=""=='=====:C':':'I ~dentials, unencumbered, __ -· &12-4"34 Job..-Men, Wom. 7100-!_o~":}!!om._z~ EX PE R I E N CED DAY \VORKER. HONEST and NEAT Call a nytime 541.m2 Job Wanted, Men & Women 7030 CHI NESE live-in Domestics, Permanent. Experlrnced. Far East Ae:ency &IWOJ Jobs-M.n, Wom. 7100 Accounting COST ACCOUNTANT MANUFACTURING OpportunJty for accountanl with initiative and ambi· tlon. Degree or equival"'rlll expcrlenct! !'f'fJU!red. A!· 1 racdve i,;tartlng 11111.<t.ry and benefits, Send mume lo D. Paui!lea 235 F isher SI., Co!la MC'sa, Ca.llf, AIDES, Nur.;lng. Exp e r . Pref'd. Apply In P,.r..on via PH : 714 -49+807S BABYS11TER Tll'fit'rl immttl. for 10 mo. old baby, 5 riAy y,•k. mu~t rome Ii> home & h.11•r rrf!I. 5~().('363 Attention \Vomen EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS * Assembly Trainees * ALL SHIFTS APPLY IN PERSON Monday, Tuesday, W.dnead•y·. 8 ln the morning to 9 In the evening. Assembly trainees needed immediately for full t ime employment now until Christ.. mas. ~1ust be able to work well and fast with hands. Own transportation necessary POLVOPTICS INC. :s EAST CARNEGIE, SANTA ANA (lMtween N owport Freeway & Redhill, So. of Warner) zz DAnY PI LOT T1.1tM:lay, Oct~ 28, 1%9 ·'J~OiS~~,~E~MP=t~onvnM~E~NT=~Jo=B~S~&~EM=p"L.;.0:..Y"'M"E"'N~T-J"o~as & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDIS! FOil MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOlt , .:S=A.::l.::E_:A::N.::D::;_T:.;R:::A::D::;E:___::.SA==.L E::_::A:::N:::D::....:T.::RA=D:.::E:_ I SALE AN 0 TRADE J* M.,,, Wom. 7100 Job• Men, Wom. 7100 ~J~o~bo~~Mtl~n~·~W~om~.~7~100~~Jo~bo~~Mtl~n.~W~om.~~7~1~00~1~1;.obo--Me~~=~n.~W:om:·:7~1~00 School1-lnstructlon 76001-• -·--Furniture. IOOOFurnitur• IOOO Pianos & Org•n• 1130 DELIVER ="If " n lJ " """= S.o«<ary HAMAN -·· -Nt"11•:qia~r Tl('t'd:r GIT A MAN'S JOI PIANOS & '-'ltGANS Part Time OPEHATI NG • • • NE\V & USED TELEPHONE' * ,_ llEAVY EQUIPMENT e y ah p O x Secretary Train NO\V 10 01Jl'ra1e am a i.ino~ & 11::ans S la 1·t1rth-n1ovin~ llULJ..DOZ-.,. •Thomas Organs DIRECTOR IE H • d M th VI~ • Pre,ld•ot ms, llACK HOES. GRAD· ,;:--, '19 • Kunball Piw~ 0USeWIVe5 Qft 0 erS & General t.1anagrr EHS, DH!t.G LINES, CL.Ar.·1 ~ 1 e Kohler & Cainphl'!I f.1en or women over 18 \Vith cars, statJon \.\'ho ~n rake shorthand 100 SIJ.l::LLS and SCRAPERS. ,..,.. ' COAST MUSIC wagons or light trucks. Ear n •xlra ~'t' for wpni, likes .,. .. rlely anJ lig. Th• Cen1tructlon 11\dustry NEWPORT g, HARBOR S ures, I~ 60 w11m or better. I• looming! ~ou r.11:n earn SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN CO!ita lflesa * 6-12·2851 Apply 8 :30 am. 10:30 am, or 1 :30 pm. ta rt· * c HR Is TM As * M r· h top . mon•1 _in this fast o n l0.6 F'n J(}.9 Sun J.2.5 ing Tuesday, October 28th. any company benc its sut· n1ov1ng, a chon • ratkPd Show Room • Floor S11mple5 • Factory Closeouts ="'~~~~-~--~ as paid vaca!\ons, sir. k field! l(cep !Jl"escnt job SO -You're not re11dy 16131 GOTHARD, l{.'8.Ye. paid medical a.nd life and train at home in your ] ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. to buy! UNIT M . REAR J C p C insurance, credit union, pt•n. spare time fo lloY•cd by R . f ,1 . HUNTINGTON BEACH • • enney Ompan. Y s1on plan. e1c. Call 1he Be,;ident Trnlninb in thr e 5 th · S I h Bd I e 96 <'nl rhe piano o. your { .lOlt'!!'. DAfLY PILOT foi· an np· 1H·lual op<'ration of h~avy pc. •u entic pan 5 rm. te • AU mon!Ps paid rredl! lo. Fashion lsl•nd -Newport B1•ch JXl\ntnlent. 612.1321 auJ ask l'ar'th-ninvini.: f'fluipn1l'nt in. quilt.d •Ofa with 56 in. matching love 11'ai'tl purchase • fron1 ~JO Jobs.-Men. Worn. 7100 Job~en, Wom. 7100 for Mrs. Grt't'nrnan, undC'r pro.1ect conditions at seat, or chair e 5 pc. Spani5h Dinette, oak inonlhly. -* DRIVERS * INSTf{UCfR1':ss for rcduc· Ha5 positions open In otir school 01vncd faclHtlf1s table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching GOULD MUSIC * Sales • n«11r MIAMI, FLORIDA. tables, top durabl• 1nou9h for fl•menco lllg salon, 19-23, nice ltgurc Sec -$563 QQ Na1iun\vidc C'mployml'nt 20.\:l N. l\ta111, St\ .)17-1681 No Experience & out-go1ni:: prn;onality. * S tock • 115,,1siance. For YHEF: 111. Dancing. Will sell piece1 Individually. Necessary! s-1n.9-l.i1 * Santa's lielper Fee Paid formation tt11 out couron e JNSPECTOI{, lor qua11ty * C redit lntervie1vs 11rarke1111g Bkg11id • i;ncxl and nla1l today! Shop First! Then See Our Unbeli ev•ble Buys! 1001 other items with terrific savings! HAt.U.lOND • Sielnway • Ya· maha • ne1v & used pianos or all makes. Bc.osl buys in So. caJit. riJht here. l'.fust h.a~·e clean Callfomla * G·rt · -•·u B h ~-'l con t ro l, neroed 1m. rt wrap1~1ng ...... 1 s • eac area • .....,, driving rerord. Apply n1edia1cly. i\fcGregor Yach! * 1'.1erchand1se records Lora irl{', i\lrrchant.s Per-son. For prompt. reply \\Tile lo: Bank Terms Store Char ge Master Charg e YELLOW CAB CO. Corp. 1631 Placen11a. C.i\1. * PBX nel ·">t''l'K'Y • 1tH3 \\'cslchrt 186 E. 16th St. JANlTOHS, floor \1•a.xers. Dr. N.B, • &b-2no 1Also UNrYF:llSAL llEAVY CONSTRUCTION SCIJOOLS, INC, Dt·pt, l :!OJ BankAmericard All Accepted SCTJNllDT !llUSJC CO., 1907 N. t.Iain, Santa Ana Costa r.1esa . need d Schedules including after noons, evenings and ff'e joli~1. rpli::, ep.xene ' goo combinalion of both. lo~REE ORGAN CLASSES l\1011day nites 7:~. 8:30 pm GOULD MUSIC CO. 2045 N. !\lain. S .. \. 5-17·0681 F /C Bkkprto$600 \1 ork rond. & pay. Stable Co. Pll'asant "·orking \Vhilcglove 8 1 d g • !>Iain· Finest condit ions -Top supervision -Ex4 Conduions. Top benefits. -'~'=""=~=•.:.:.· ~"~'-=939""3~·---cellent benefits inc.luding discount privilege. Call Diane 5-IB-5'UO JASON BEST Employment Agrncy 2120 So. r.1run. Sant.a. Ana FIBERGLASS LEAD-~IF.N Also Exp'd LA.\11NATORS \\"1llard Boat \Vti!·ks 1295 Baker St .. C.?>L Keypunch ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR * * Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P.M ., Monday thru Fridi11y J. C. Penney Company #24 Fa5hion Island Newport Beach, Californ.ia Foreign Car Mechanics Good co. bencfits. incl p.1 id '"acation, grou p ins, uni. fonns furnished frl'('. Good comm. schedule. Ask for Joe r.roore Ph. 54G-17fi.t m:.t alpha and numeri· cal. Verify and some re· lat<-<I clerical d u I i ~ s. l~~~'~'~IJI~'~' ~~~~'~'~IJl~'~'~~~~::~[~I~'~'~~~ Good \\"Ork1rtt; cvnditJons and benefits. Genera.i. Cocktail W•itresses Part time Ho5fe11es Fl. time Oishw•shers APPLY IN PERSON EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E:"llPLOYER ll8.J Dale \\'ay Costa !llesa, Calll. (71 41 54.).8251 MASCOLAS 1615 E. 17th. Santa An• il1ACT.itN1':: knives salesman Trade firm is St'('king an e:<· Gt!neral per. aggressive saleosman to ASSEJ\IBLERS. r:arpc.ntrrs, l'over all 1errilories from electrician, rollers. rhopp!;'r \\'('~I to Ea~t . \\'ages on gun operator. 1232 £, commi~sion basts. Ca I l Pomona SI., S.A. 6'16-8721 GENERAL 1,1.·ork in gounnct ••• MACHINIST lood shop. Vikins.: Your, 56 Vaned shop and \\'elding e:x- Fashion Island, N.B. pcril'ncr.. Precision instiiJ.. GIRL FRID.AV • Purchasing ments nlfgr. dcpar1me111 of Draftln.'!; sup-Mv11n(.'£'d Kinetics, Inc. plu.•s. Ask !or l\1r. Linden, JZll Victoria St., C.:-.·l. !'>11)..9373 646-716J HELP \\'anted: Exprr PIE An equal oppor. employer BAKER. Female, NO Age l\IAID · Housekeeper, mature hmit. Bf>nton's Coffee Shop, \\"Oman !or r c I ire m c n t Lag. Bch. 133 S. Cst H1••y. home. Gd pay & \\'k. rond. 49-1-4898 Call !\lrs. Ellis • 494-9458 HELPEP. &: CLEANUP t.-lechanic/Salcsma.n. :\l ust have drivC>rs hccnsc. \\'ANTED \\.1Jlard Boat \\'ork.!i, l2'J5 Ariply 1725 Superior. C:'\t Baker SI .• C.:-01. ~ HOUSEKEEPER. L11·r · 1n newpOrt help ll('('(lrd hy 11/1 so nel. mot.hcrlC'SS Harbor a re a per n home. Local pro!. man k 6 .... agency yr old son. 51-rvl hrir.f dl.'sc.ription o! prc1·1011s exri. Professional Service & pf'rw nal J a1a. Car or for the •mployer drh·rrs lie. prcf"rl. \Vi!! and the applicant phone for interview. B. 833 Dover Or., N.8. Coo k, i:ioo Adan1s, Suite 203, 642·3B70 549-2743 C./'11. Nun;c~: RN, part time; 7·3, HOUSE KEEPER & !';itter. 3-ll, 11·7 N r: E D l:\1MEDJATF.LY LYN, full tim('; 7-3 rc~pons1ble, d c Pe n d a b I l' Park Lido Convalescent older "·oman lo care for 2 Center, 41"£ Flagship Rd. tbildl't'n must h11ve refs & Nc"'JXll'\ Beach. 642-&»4 car Please phone lor in-tl'~iew 962-7~!92 afl 5 p.m. * NURSES AIDES * EXPERIENCED HO USE KEEPER. !or * :.49-.306l • Jobs.-Men, Wom. 7100 I Jobs-Men,_ Wom. 7100 Restaurant Full Time DISHWASHER And Part Time BUSBOYS APPLY IN PERSON 2 P1't TO 5 Pt'-1 Snack Shop '#I 2JG5 E. Coruit Hwy, Corona dcl Mar --------Restaurant Ancient Mariner now laking applications for F ull & part time, dAy & e\·e~ shifts. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in person 2W7 \V, Coast H\\)'. Ne111port Beac:h RESTAURANT: LADY for lull or par! time. mature. S2 per hOur. 54!'>-9.S63 Sales * Fantastic! is the word for this nalional company's ne\Y program for Southern California ! \Ve need -DIST'RIBUTORS -f.1ANAGERS -SALES1'1EN -SALES\VOMEN -REPRESENTATIVES -TRAINEES This is a real ground t1oor opporfU11ity "''ith a solid auto. malic electronic: cqulpmenl film that offers HIGH Immediate Earnin9s 546·3050 S1\LES -F.arn money with no inYestn1cnt. S R r a h Coventry needs full & part-lime help. No del: \\'e train. For int. ph. 5'15-6100 SALES Sarah Coventry h11s openings for n or pt time Xmas sales. Pleasant, dignified \vork wino in- vest.. co ll ection s or deliveries. Choose your own hrs. Min. age 21. For intv. call : 510--0614 &. 962-5693 BUFFUM'S NEWPORT Now lnterviewin9 CLOTHING SALESMEN Full Time If you ha\·c bC'rn a ccustom. ed lo working \1•ith lhe fin. ('SI clirntcle and mcrchan· dise, you \\"ill <'njoy lhc C'XC('\lcnt opror1unillcs and ron1p..1ny ht'neflls oUcrcd by Uus posillon. Apply i11 J)E'rson only Intr1•,·ll'\\'s ixoh\"rrn 2.~, P:'II # l FASHJON JSLA.i'ID SEAr.1STRC:SS, rxp'd 1 n rlrapcril'S, Laguna B c h , Phone or ..., .. n le L1guna Bclll'h ln!criurs, 1020 S, Co.1st Hwy. 494-fi8411 grnUcman 2 or 3 days JK'f --~~-~~-- wk. \\"ashing, etc. Call days NURSE"S Rcgislert'd · 61'.h~~I c,·cnin~ & nis.:ht sh1f1s. Ex. l)t'nrh1s. Apply PersonnC'I "Sal~. ~,-,------- HSJ.;PP. • Hcsp "-oman !or Dirrctor, So. Coo:;! Com· hie cll'an1ng & cooliine. 3 munl1y flosp .. 31Si'Z Coa~! hrs moro1 ngs, 6 day~, $2 hr. 1111·y ., So. L!:Lgu na. '199-1311, SF.ltVJCE STATION Top islarwl sa!C>smen GOOD pay lor hours. Exp. reg"d. Corona 1lrl l\l11r Sl}(•!I &>rv. 21!01 E. Coast llw:y. at Golrtrnrnd ("11;\t. SERVICE ~'TA. i\lAN ~1&-4~1-1. (':>;!. 3::..6. HOLi.SE\\ORK, KO COOK. ~': days a \\•k, !llon. \\'r rl, Other Fri. O Lo I pm. Ror•. Ow" SECRETARY tran~p . f>.14-0!!02 N.R, HOTEL Desk Clrrk. part nitrs, par! da~'s. So1nt 1yp- 1n1;, books, clc. Pleasant rrsort a.rC>a. Laguna ft1111era t\')ICl, 82'i S. Coast Jh1•y. 1..aguna Bch. 494-1196 HOUSEWIVES HAVE FUN ANO EARN $$$ 1N YOUR LEISURE TIME YOU WILL BE HELPING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POLLUTION '1 to 6 lTours of Consc1C"ntious effort per \1·rrk wlll net )'Oll ~100 l">f'r mr,inth 12 Jlrs./1\"k rqualll ~200 per mon th. (!lfl nimum Gusrantet:'dl [)E>tailll In P('rsonal Jntcrvi('w Only If you nre outgolni:; and \Vant 10 enjoy yourself, caJI Mr. Darin at. 545-7435 (10 am-6 pml THE LINDSAY CO. IMMEDIAfE PART TIME FOR bu~y an<I 1nlel"'s1in_1! job in pcrsonnrl al)(! ~a!C's drpt. r..tust have good skills. Receptionist I PBX l'.1UST he. attract1vt', "·rll· g1uom!'d 1\i lh rriC>ndly smilr ,,, harx:S:e in!tTt'slini; front 1lesk. F'irm Joca1ed in San l.1C>mcnte, PH: f.l rs. Jlibon, 492-1153. PART -Time p nsition availa ble !or retired man - nights. Apply P c r s o 11 n c l Dh"C'Ctor, So. Co as l Com· munity Jlosp., 3187'1 Coast H""l'. So. Laguna. 499-1311, Ext. 336. Pl.ASTIC JNSPECTOR ExpC"1ienced or trainee. Use surrace plate. height gauge, tril.'UOOmctry, Valor Electronic1 31DQ Pullman. c .;...1, (714 ~ 540-9261 RECEPTIONIST Typir4; 40-j() "'Pm., kno11· 10 kC'y add., young, call ~ r1une, 1t1ef'('hants Pel'sonoel. /lgcnry, 21)43 \Vestclllf Dr., N.B. 645-2TIB ESCROW F'uli 11n1r . 1'1':pl:'l'll'ncr·•I. Ch('\'. OFFICER rn n. 61).1 fl, Coa.sl Jh1y, J.a. g1 .. 1a &·h. O\J\~!11n<l1ng: opportunity for •·~-~--~----~-;--•-;;;-•_; __ ,.. ___ _ ""J'L'd. ~.:i.le!J escrow 0Cf1cer lo work In our nc1v ;\l1 ss1on V1•'Jll, Sa1·1nJ:is .C:· \A1n otf1rr. tllusl be rap11hle of h~ndl1ng salPs r~1.:1'0\\'S for ron11rn11on. al \f).lns. Xlnt 11·orki11i; C{•nd , & opport1.1nity for £ro,1·th. Cont11ct DO\\'~E,. SAVIN\,~ .~ LOA1'i ASSOCI,\TION 8:17-1911 Sale> YOUNG MEN If you l'njoy prople a nd 11·ould IX' intcres!cd in .sales, t'lthrr a,c; a cart!C'r or on a part time basis it "'uuld pay yo1.1 10 Sf'C' us. Co. Zl yrs old, listed 011 I wo Stock Exchan;;. f'S, nati1Jnwide TV cxposurr 1vilh n1ore leads than "'c e8.ll h.1ndle. F or n1 ore \n(onnation and pcrsorol interview call 1\-lr. Goodll"in 5.17-A:tlO 1-Ton. k Tuei=. !l.;-i SALESGIRL 25-40 e.xp"d in knitting & crochcling. Cnll 5'15--2812 !or appt. TllE KN!T\VIT. SALE S, pt-tln1c, eve~. as::c ?.0-43. 1062 Irvine Ave., N.D. V.'eslclirr Plaza :=:.alc.s THE NEW JUDY LEE Is proritahle, fun &: f'Xcill ng Earn SSO • $10!) per "'e<:'k run or part • time. Oloos<' your O\vn Muni. No delivery 1Jr rolll'(ting, rm in11e~1n1cnt to 11111.rl, Tmmt'd. prorits · ""C train. Phone. 5'1~2036. STOCK MEN SALES CLERKS NEEDED FOR ANOTHER THRIFTY DRUG STORE OPENING SOON 9861 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach IMMEDIATE OPENINGS NO F.XPERIENCE REQUIRED Good \\'Orkin~ runtllllons, ~oorl p.1y, n1any other bC'nC'f1!s. -APPLY - Tu1sday & Wednesday Oct. 28 & 29 9 AM to 4 PM THRIFTY DRUG STORE :21 132 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BE:AO I Sl'crclary UNIQUE opporluni!y lor l'Jt:· pt'l"iC'llCM f''.\CCUtlve Sl'cre tar y. New fir1n-rrspo1t~1b1l1tics \V i 11 gro1v. tllay s!art on p/tJ1ne hasis ll drsircd. 8·17·2;i28 SECURITY GUARDS NC'\\'JlOl'l arC>11. 637.J<nD SERVI CE Station Allendilnt, n1alure 1'xp"d man, sa.!ar)I of)('n, light inech. 11'o rk. AP· ply in person Union Station 560 \V 191h, C:\I SHIPPING & stock clerk: \1'oman over 30 !or :.n1a!l m11nf'g. co. Full time $1.63 hr. 10 :;tart. Apply morns !). 11 :30 al Golden's l\lagic \\'and, 9-l6 \V. 171h SI., C.~I. Silk Finisher. '1op \11ages Jor quality \vork. Xlnt. op- p ort uni 1 y . Nrar lhc sc asho r t'. Dimmitt CIC>ancrs, 3200 E. Coast H1vy., C cl i\1. 673-~ Teletype to $400 Beaut. offices Ne \Y p o r 1 Brach. '.Ii.Int Co. Top bc.nrl1ts. Call Diane 546-~l(} JASON BEST Employi11rnt 1\gcncy ?U~ So, !\lain, Santa Ana • -• TELLER Pnsil1on avail;ible for per5()n. ahlc, n1ature 1nd111idu11 I. Prrlrr tellrr (';>i:Jlt'r. hut \VIII ('Onsidrr appliC'an! wit h re. lated bki.;rnd, Xlnl, 11·C1rking cond's & 1)(:11C'fits. P\ea.c;e apply in prr.;on to i\lr. LJtt:h or ti.1rs. Patkcr. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS 2:'.~l E Coa!'.I l lll'y. Ui1t1iw. del i\lar, Calif. TOOL & DIE MAKER O,\YS Open'!ngs r.1r <iualilird ll)o\ and die n1akcrs. C>xpr1·1!'.nr· (•d 111 prog1"<'~i;1,·c and rt1·1t1v dies. App. al STA·FA~ INC., €HO So. Sa111;1 Fe St., &1n1<1 Ana. TYPIST Rcccptlo111st, 1r lC'phonr, l'll'r- ictil Girl Yr1day for Ne"''· p(H"t Brarh Arlverlising AgC'ncy. i'ho11hand helpfu l, but not f'S.~f'n!lal. Full or rart tirnl'. \\'rltr Daily P1!01 Box i\l-J.19 frir 1ntrrviC1\'. TYPISTS Interim Personnel Servic~ 4!j E 1i1h f't., C :'-1. 642-7523 Typ1::;t Younc: 1yp)st Sr {;irl fri<lay. 611.i-3911 fnr nppo111t. WAITRESS EXPERIENCED r.o. Box 476 El Toro, Calif, !12630 Nam" .. ·-· .............. . Age ..... ·--····-··"-··········· ....... : ''I Television 1205 .............. ····· ;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;~1 Lease Colo1· TV or Black ~'.ly ................ S tate .......•..• Furniture 8000 Garage Sile 8022 F~~V~i;~~lOo~.tioN~' 10, ... b~?.,.:,1 Address • ._ .... _, Zip -·······-·~··· Phone ... ··-··. :...:ccc.c.;:.c.c_____ " u.o,~ GARAGE Sale : Everyth ing A·Active TV Rental Co. !11EN -\VOJ\IJ.:N BECOME AN ANNOUNCER •'LEARN" On prolrssional ct1u1r)fT)cnt in a local radio station !nJm "'"orking broadc;u;ten;. For curnplct,-. \'oicc analysis CALL Siesta SALE! New 9 pc. co1·1lC'r arrang. rhoice uf clrs. rc-g. $230, now $1 59.JO, New beds: J\in~ $99.50, Qut>rns S!!9.rll.1, r~uu SM.95, T111ins $-14.9.\ fully guarn. Klng sz spreads $13.95 n. sz. S9.9i!. llcadbrds: Kings, S15. Queens Sl:.!.!"ill, Full $10.:xl, T\1•ins St95. TrUl'ldle sets (duo riser) \\'/ inn(T 1<pring matt. reg. $1 00, Placeml'nt service now S79.:i0. K.1<. sprds $13.99, r.ducahon Joan S.pc, Span gp. $219, K.s. vcl. THE INSTITUTE OF BROADCAST ARTS 772.JBOO ----'===-==--1 ve1 spreads $~9.50. Canopy KEYPUNCH TRAINING hedS I1'g. $\19.5Q, 00\Y $89.!'>Q. Full sz. sleC'p • so fa l'C'g. $239.:iO, no1v $1 69.50, Christ· mas Jay-a11·ays now. SJESfA Wi11nted S Women SLEEP SHOP, J927 l!arbor TO START CLASS B!vd., CM 6'1:>·:.!T60 claily 10. OPENING SOON 9 Sat-Sun 1G-6. Pilot . Kt'ypun<:h program ZO PC "MADRID" off('!"Jl'lg rhe flnC's l equip. • n1~n1 & fa cJ!i lics available! 3 Room Group J oin the Jra£lri·! FROM f.10DEL 110i11ES Academy of Includes: Quilted sofa and Computer Technology chair -2 end tables & cof- Call 547·9-ln fee table -2 lamps -dl'C'SS- 9 arn lo 8 pn1 er -mirror -headboard - quilted hox spring & malt· ress -5 f>C. dining rooin; gOt's. 190 Hcai.l Slulotn skis. I I l 522-1 LiJ 190 lc'bras, Lange boots, 78 CURTIS l\la!hrs co111b. TV. J'(lcord c.1illeclion, ki1 chen Aill/Fi\l & hlrntablc. Sl50. ware, clolh('s, hne11s, books, Pvt p!y. ~36-7197. c!c. t-ii ., Sat. &. Sun. 202{) U liSt:D T\" '!.~ PhA!arope Couri, f.1 es a $15 _ $·lO, COOd :'Onditlon Verde Call 5.JJ.M15 (2) BOX springs & mattress[========== I $40 -S1 5. Large chest. $25. Hi-Fi & Stereo 1210 Cariistrr vacuun1 S 2 0 ·1=-=--=.:.:.c:.:c.__..:.::;.: 548-SOC.7. STEREO, A~l/f'i\1 radlo, COUCH $2J. Slo\"e $15. La1vn 0Ph"~~raph, walnut ro~1;0Je. mo,1·rr s:>. Chest dra"·ers ucts for tape rec.-onhng & S\5. 445 £. 17th St. Rear, playback Sl50 or best olr. , 642-5741 See lo apPrec. 673-.2'fil ·I alt 4 -------1 ~Ar:Pr:P:.:I ;::' "::.'::":.:._ __ __:8:.;1.:00::1 Sporting Goods 8500 Rclrigcra!ors .... from $38. 8" Bruns~·ick Edgebrook 1 G_E Portable Color TV, table $150. poo l1k<': nu ................ S148 !162-9776 GE elech1c diycr ••.. $69.951[----:::..:::.:::_ __ _ RCA Console, color TV . $17811----------1 Vth1rlf)QQI automatic washer. Miscellaneous 8600 coppcrtone ............ $69 DUNLAP'S FOR Sale: Mixed bag of 1315 Newport Blvd., C.i\f. goodies incl11ding desk SlO. 548-7788 Dbl bed rramc SIO, har k stools $26, lah!c S2, typin~ \\1t:STJNGHOUSE au!o \\·ash. !bl Sl .50. bahy tub, infant er & e I cc rlryrr. Both seat & o!hC'I" baby ilen1s, i11 good cond, $65. 546-8672 Polaroid cun1el'a $7.50, port. or 8~7-811 3 heatei· S7.;xJ, '''aflle iron S2. }'HJGIDAlRE, auto111alic 11'1iShl'r. One :year old. "Xl~t tol'ltl. S95. 646·1851 COMPUTER tablr & 4 hi-hack ch11irs. COMPARE AT $7-19.9.J \\'ASH.ER & dryrr, avocado, PROGRAMMING $399 112.i. Ro fng-0"<1 freo >HIO. bottle sterilizer $2.50, bo1\l. ing ball & bag SID, 11'1" & cilM! $15 & many o~hl'r items. 905 rark A 11 e ., Laguna Bc.-ach or c al J 49+-9822 W FN.'f'l"r"s $6::,. 510-1095 anted 6 Men Xo rlo11'Tl-I~m1~ only SlG mo. * AUCTION * TO START CLASS WELK S \\'ASHER & dryer, avocado, t-.10'.\"DAY, NOV.~ ' WAREHOUSE SI2.). RefnJ::-frost frre $100. l! )-OU \\'ill sell or buy P ilot pl"ogram oflc.r1n:::-the , F'rcr1.C'r SG:i. :-,.1(}..109a gil"e \Vindy a try f1nC'.~\ equipn1rnt & fa rd1he.o; 600 \\. 4th St.! Santa Ana l\IODI::L 800 Kenmore aulo Aucuon1< f'riday 7:30 p.m. nvailablc! Tical·1ime com· Sa O~n Dail~ ~9 6 \1'11.shrr, yellow, xln! coud Windy 's Auction Barn putcr progran1minr:. · 1· un JI· S!!5. !}~72 or 847-Sll5 Academy of !! IDE· A -BED . l;rcC'n [ ~~========·l :S~~~N;1~;~ 8~~· ::~ • Computer Technology naClgahyrle: :i pc ~!'cllonal, Antiques 8110 ' Call ,;.r7.~H7l F:arly ft.mrr•: Phllt:n rerrig., PAINTERS Equip: Binks · !l ain to 8 pm .JOIN THE", F'IELfJ \l'lTll A .l'UTURE~ kitchen !ah!e & 2 chairs, • h lowboy comp r cs so r, 2 Pat M tc ael Antiques la111ps, r!C'sk, rnd ablrs etc. GRAND OPENING I 01hers, 40' extcns1on ladde.r, :rl~J...162~ Jx>f(lr<: !I & 11fler !"1. 2 20· laddl:'rs,:; gal pot, 2 gel Fine srll'\·t1011 of European POIS, misc gun.~ & hoS1'8. FORi\!AL E:\rly /\1nenc;1n &·. A1nrrican Vi.:1orlan fu1'7:-DeVilbcs a i r I es s, 6·l~·Ol 41 rlin1t1"' tablr, fi 1·hai~·. r o. r '"' E J"olh or Agc/l·ducation no l~'Th'r! " I ure. ,.,..-ea .,.,,, . "'· after ;l I r birthl\'OOil & Thom a !I '" C.M. &''-'·"'11c. 30 lo '• . ...<'l us he 11 you q11 nl1fy. .,,.~ " " D INN!\1':E PERS INSTITUTE n111k1'. like new. S l 7 5. RAPER JES fron1 niodel INTEHN ATIONA !~ ~rl-6~34. ----------hOlllC'I>, good sel!'.'ellon or . Sewing Machintl 8120 colors. fabrics .~ sizes .. l\·lol!'.'l/J·lotcl/Apt i\lgn1 t Sehl DANISH dining roon1 tabll' & A DTVISJON 01-· chairs, Chines!'.' tl'.'ak coffrc Alteration service. 54()...-03'16. · ANTI IONY ~CHOOL.S table, i::ame chairs, 1<1n1ps, l009 SING EH .. \\"/beaut \\'al Rando!pil House Draperies, console & zig-zag. fl-takes 2937 Randolph Ave .. Cl\f. 1717 S. BROOKJJURST l'lc., 67:l-8.'i93. button holes, overcasls. 5•l;:o.;;;-;,,C""'C.::"-':C:"-':2'-I .ANAllE!i\1, C.ALIFORNIA CL1':AN. L'<lmfortab\c !>lllglc 'Year guar. Full prir.e $3B.24 KIRBY Vacuun1 clCa!'K'r 1v1th , C1a~sPI' fonn every \\"rck be'(! n1attrcs~ pad spread or SJ.26 1110. 525-6616 attach & JX1lisheor. Xlnt cone! Pl !ONE FOR APPT, ,\11 'ror S25. &i~-677-.i . & gu11rantced. Pay off Ml of A ~k lnr Bc!\v 716-3.'IOD Musical Inst. 8125 S39.67 or lake over pymnts.' \'• ~ . . CA:'-IB RIDGE n1aplc dining i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i ;~,~-~"~.l~d~'~"~~"~"~~~~--,,,~I v....AL Tech. s, song Ir\· moLTI Sl'l $2.',0 or hc~I OH!'.'r. \."\I ,. '""'" ~'"' trrprl'!aUon. Bcg1nne1""' !hru Exrf'llrn• cond. ~.11;.-40'J9 GUITARS :'olcCullQC'k Olain saw, 21" :i.dv11nced . q!}.\-!13-11} aft 6 rollrr blade, nrw cond De~1 Quahly kind lx'1l-q1111!rd. offo?r over ~100. 8·t2·19!iJ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE Cn1nplrtr.11nusr rl SID:>. "'or1h -• 6 !..('111·f'11t pnrl's in dlter S2:iO. Af1 5 So wkn{lc; lH2·6:'i:'.6 1 ,;:::.c-::~~~----01'Hngc Counly E1·ei't'St ,t Jl'nn1ngs 11·hf"el \(Yl"s tu 5elect lron1! chair, traf)f'~~ for lx'rls, l'Qm. WAS NOW 111fl<le hrtr11llP~. ba•h r.ill Folk .(:Ulla.rs blf>..17·16. :.!69J Jt1vcrs1dc LJr Furniture 800011---------- E:SPANO'L IN QUALITY Office Furniture 8010 Mode l Home furniture Sf'f\NJS!I J)e:'li-1'i\J''rd :.ill Apply in Person S.ovi"ns.:s 10 is;;·-,,. ,.,.1J' ca~y l•.1ur s1•lcs ~~-!•'".'· l"ll!LI~ lnrl SURF & SIRLOIN f111nncini;. :i c,1mplctc roonis S~OO !ll 11s.-i,,.12 r1··~ 8.- $'.!l.!l~ .~Ii ~:; C'.il!, F.l!'1·1nc 2 p1cli·11p rc~A~"~P~,-~.,,._,,...,~-~-- 1.,0 oc " ~ n~!aller has onr $,lfl.95 -· ~ roll, 11\'ncado nylon c<1rpc1, 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. nf r!1•corntor.; s!Ylf'd Spanish -"-·'-"-'=·~·. ______ _ Newport Beach furni111rc. Consis11ng-ol th•'·i----------* \\'A!TRES.S1':S _ ovi'r 11 fa111011s custo111 q1i;Uiry !Ila. Off' E • e t 8011 <1l'itl Jiving room ''TOU". Thi' ice qu1pm n Apply: f'LY JNG RUTLE/t ~ I' :;101 Nr ll'p!'l't Bh'f\., N R. original E l Prl'sidcntC' gpac· f\L.\!Osr NF~\V Undt'n\'ood ious n1a.slt>I" king sii:e t>c<:J· OLivC>tti Rin1n '.!O Adding: \\'.\!TRESS .t ttshi\"Shr . Ap· roum su11r and the authcnt11.: machine Perfect L'OnditJon ply in person. Sw1~11 Cha.le1. La Paz 11·1ungl'o: iron dinette Only S60 5'1~-;,:,.n 414 N. Nc"PJl'I. NB i::rts. Lin1Jted stock • $-ISS. • \VA ITHt:SS \Van!l•d • r:~q>t•r Jl.iniil!on S!)(llVM(lm, 59.\S T't PE\VRITER, adrl. 1nach,, Parl·linle, 5 rlfly ,1.rl'k, Call \\"C'stn11ns!er J\VC' \\'estmins.. calculalo r, VC>ry rcasonublc. anrr 5 P\\I, 9&1-1630. l cl~'~'·~·'~'~·l-~1~·13~4~_· ____ [.~'=1"~1=M~~=1·="=· 2~·~2·1~2.~l=== \V0:'\1AN \\'an!cd. ph. snlici· t·URNITURt: l'l'lurneod rronl Cafe Restaurant 8014 trtr fnr 11•11rl<'r ndlii:. Jll\rt Pm•·. 11isplay srud•u~. n1oclC'I horn-::.:c•o..c.o;;=cc::=-=.:..: l'\'T' hrlpful hur nnt n('I'. A.l!;r <'S. deco1-:-1tors fHll('Clla!ion. RESfAURANT equip. lla1ch ~J IC' 55, Call aJtl'r ti Pl\!, ::ip.1ntsh & :'\lt.•d1rC>rra11c:1n rlC C'O\'Cr table 'op, bahy grand ~16-%39 RD FURNITURE . piano, piano har "· ~tool~. ('(ln1p. uphol. cock!ail lmr & $ \V01'1EN-LADIES ,\ 1844 Newport Blvd., CM back bar. 17 stools, un1lcr Pllrents lr\S!ilu!e nerd.~ !wo every ni!c 'til 9 bar equip. 2 k('g <lrau~ht "·omrn lo rxpla1n our pni-\\"('(!., £at. ,f,; Su11, 'ul fi IJe<>r coolers \1·/ll0!11r s!or. gr11n1. Sjj.()11 \ll't'k. \Vork DON'T Glve up! You niay ] cube ice 1n11rh .. l crushed hrs.!! a1n. ;J pin. No r:<f'l'l". find ii al A1nrrica'i; lar_Re!>l, ire mac:h. OC'h1.ney's Sea nrr. Ph.; ~IG-!"i7:i4 6 fill\ to 8 1110~\ unusu11I unrini~ht'<l .S="~'":Ol0o'0:'='~5-0=lll0"===== Ptn rJnly. furnitu1~· slorc, C'or. Re1H11ll ::: WOMEN & Snnla Ana fl\)', Tustin. 1 Garage Sale 8022 \re h:ivc <Ht OPf'll1'11Jn1ty for 1111 So. o( Nc1v1JOrt F1\"Y. '--''-'--'--'---. --- yo11 J'<lnt::ini; fr o111 pni•t. linll' Or1cn 362 dBys per yr. \\'ED. Thurs, Fr1 . 2 2 1 1 monoy foi· Ch1is!m1111 10 ;i 54,\.5.17() Ru!gr.rs Dr .• C.:\1. <2 hlks lull tinll', hi"h n.iyin"", r :<-rast K-Martl. Dbl 6 1lra11•r r " ,-" ANTIQUE oak rlining lahle, dresser w/mlrmr, D11nish t"l"\llil'e earerr. For 1nlor· chnirJ;, 2 trundle beds, 111alion call 1192-7101 bench, walnut gossip bf'nch, llr('S.'<('l'lt, xlnt g11s stove, bookshelf, sporting goods. 43 \VO:'\IEN, fu!J or !JllJ'I 1\mc. 1nisc, Rl'llSOMblc. Thurs & rpm T"t'C'Ord coll., Zl'nith nl"er1ed imn1f'rl fQr: Ch\111 Fri 1~'1. 7()()8 \\'. Occanlront. transoceanic radio, P ] r c Care, Ai1le1< or Companions. Nl3. 642-3550 heater, doghouSt', I a ,,. n A1o:e 20 In 6.'.i. 642-3274. ~!UST SELL:' KJ:-\G ,,1ze bcrl lllO\\'c r. hou~hold, 1-: 1 I I Sitting Pretty Agency $100. Collirrs r ll{'yclopecha i!em11 k cloth1n~. A111phvox A111p,~ ~ _ do11hlc j1.1IC'·barkcrL \\'ill !>C'll Si9 !!5 .t:9.9.;i all or part SJ/yarrl. ~0-724:1 F(llk Gu1l,1rs SR9,9(1 $6!1.95 l;"'h DHlLI. PRESS, liJI. Rollt'll"ood Oassic ii Ir, Rll attarhn1rnt11. hest SlOD ~S;> ofter ovcr s1;;. 8·12-1962 all.er Frndrr !llustang 6· $200 Sl J5 CROSS top Rc fr i r •. ,\1;1111n D-lR $3IIO All l'.la jor Brands Trade-in ,\IJowallN's Xmas Lay.Away~ ;a11tomalic dcrrost. f.:Jt:I', $6.). The House in Back 4•15 E . 17th. &12·57~1. * ••• F,\;\llL'i' l\fembership In Irvine Coasl Country Club for S11le. Pvt p!y. 673·9131 ISLAND GUITARS 219 1'1artne 1\\'i'., Balboa Isle 6T.l·3761 Oprn 1 doys Carpel layrr has Iii Lo 111·\ons Sl .99 yd. Shag~ ACCOHDlO~ 121 :'\Int. 120 from $3.50 up + n1y lahor, Bass Lcmnr, 12 Bass Noble. !JOc per yan:t. 968-6!1\0 5-1().2.112 ,;ru=';;-;:::::C-':::c:::...::.:::..... I --~--=.:....c.c:...._ __ .-DOUBLE bed, maHrrss, ho.x i\1 1\RTI N Tenor Sa.x, hkr -"Pring, steel frainP S,15. new $213. 67:r-:l8J8 a f t e r 6 01 f,4.~. i!!74 ACCOHD!ONS, 120 F'loril)(l. SJfl.'J. Prof, S2!l:). !l62-!'"i6J8 wr.-ekcnd~. bass BRA ID~D n1~ !16">191. Jus1 Sonola, clC'an~d. s.-ll"J.includes l20 for cleaning. 641'~:i641. Pianos & Organs 8130 .1'\rcwood for sale Dry Eucalyptus FACTORY C>l(J.9887 CLEARANCE! Quality king bed.quilled Fac!ory order!! clearance of rotnpletc-unused SlD.J, "·oMh ll ll ovt?ra.1-:e, demomtralors, S2.i0. Ari ;, & "'knd.~ 8-12-6536 floor mocl.el~. studio & re. EXCELLENT c 0 n di I\ 0 n turned Pianos & Organs, hok·< G .,. •-· 211 · I R ·' I I 30,... ,.. . i. s, 1.111y ~ lllC l e.., ~~\' ngs up 0 :"· $11.:iD each. 5'18-644!1 · HELP WANTED largl', nat)ona.J compa.ny, f':<. panding in ~e County, has creatt'd many opening11, for male J.; fem&le. lo wurk pan time ell!'niMgS. No tX· perieoce necessary as "'' frnin. RECE PTJ ONJST &. ASSISf A!lo'T !or I o c a 1 orthodontist. Xlnl \1-orklng corKl"I &. pay. Slate cxper, and quali fications. Box 1686 Newpol1 Beach. Cal. Re:murant SALF,S • pA.rt tim,. only Wantt'd: 2 mrn E1'('S & Saturdays S.i.Jary + bonus Academy of Equal opportunlry employrr Schools.Instruction 7600 ~ SIOO, colrcc lnb\e S2\ rornel' FR~:NCll Pmv1oc1al rnd l.ahlc $25, lg. n11rm~ $20. table 1,1.•/(!rn1,1.·f'r. JI I' a 11 y 11pnn .. aoor . lamp $2.>. Lg. fruih\"onc:f. $311. !';lnl hrnrh ~~nj~~i::: $2.i, lols oC n11sc. S9. SMrt \\'ig. E\imJlf'an hair, F.vrrything gunranl~d hke ;-.===~~~-~ new. Sak limit<':d to specific FURNITURE .i:r. C.Srpet. Cost stock • 50 hurry! No mo[')('y + 5~~. Carp!'! installatJons. do"'fl OAC, 5 ye11n: to pay. Ph. 646-3194, By appt. High 5Chool diploma a.nd one rear ~ideoce required. C•ll Mon. I Tues. n4.71.ll t'NITED F"UND--O:immunl!y Oiest Th(')' ~ t~ job don" hc~i BUSBOYS For WMk .. nd1 APPLY lN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Computer Technology Call 5-17.!i.J71 9 ;im lo a pn1 l:NJTF.D FUND -1-111,•e You Contrihut«I ~ I • SECRETARIES Interim Personnel S1rvice 41j ~. 171h St., C i\I. 642-7523 P1Ml.l!:l' Enough • \.i\•e Y0t1r '"t '11ir ~hAfO"" The Ne1\•pnrl School or Dus1ncss fl'al11rC's 11'N'kly rrlre~hrr Mur~~ in •hr .~kills you nf'f"•I lo gr\ thr JOU )01.1 \\';:Jill! 833 Do\'rr Dr, N.B 1i 12-~70 14 ll light bro\\'n 11·1 blnndc !1Y>Sl- J\!Af'l~E t'Qlfrc ffJi,lc, ('tltl i~. f"l('erls srtti11F:, P11 itl 111111 .. \1•1!h lnmro. ~tt or S!ll, sell f0r s:io. J.1rlir~ hlnnrl 1 t1hl1·~. R-•dff'Om rh:ur 5hoc mllrr sko!c~. lillt' 8, \l'1rh n1ntthint:: •I r 11 r c s . S10. 5'1~007·1 ,0~·~"-~'-'"~0~"~·='~1r>-::...:b!l~'~'---'"CE~.~·n"""1G~.~.R~,~,T~O~,-,-,-.. -;-,-.,-,,-., Ph•rli;r Enoui::h -<;11·c $35. DilX'!lr $20 Se11·u1g Your "r111r Bh11rr'' m11chin.e $10. ~.111.~.or,7, This grc111 .!illle only at: ,\VON bottle ool!ection f1 . \\IARD'~ BALD\\'IN mJDIO S.'.O. l!l!ll Anahrlm S! ,' C.:..1. 1819 N1'1111011. C.t'-1. 642-848~ 5-l!!-6417 (}p<-n Every Nile ,,-;n;.,,.-;::c,-,,--.,.....,.---1 ,i:;: Sunday Afternoon ;\l(IPLE bed, chrst, drcsYr. hutch, rla \'rnport. PRIVATE PARTY \\'ANTS ~=~•~31$-861 1 * TO HUY PI ANO FOR ~ C'ASI!. !H2.0045 BEDS • SU & $1.l, 2 Mlly!IHJ -----'----1 A 11 Io n1 at I c, \\'11.~hcrc; O;o-;1'-; r;:lrt -m11ny ,1·onrtrrs S20. • ME~ 51 -Misc sou: Goe> tabll p111.n. drye r.1nf' ~ Ran .... 1 tiqut Cenl fJRE '" S('!IA tree Call ASH h .. slyr $75. "'l'I' Misc $~ $ Col c • """ crs, S2. t NEE re" F LON: his Rae frre day; mu oow ho~ had 494- LOV. len1 inos &1&- CR IE mal lovit it's 4 Kr shel Ha ~~ TAJ."! littl~ "'" ""' :! 1'.fl getl: strl1 549-: CUTI old, gooc ~s LOV. hnit \\'il l •i>- CO!\l wor ,,,._ !i .SJ m"I 61~ BLA' •oo di!>T DAR ""hi fITT 3 B hall &'i()- l\111'- 1r r1 ~-13 ctrr fy 54S.. DEl- 12·1 }\Cl i.p, mo "" Sli\; hoc '"' vm kit• "" Sr( ~ .. GA! 67'.' VE! BC K11 PX: •• BH• hu lflT OT. Pf Pe '3 R . "' . "" to 'l'R '" "' "' or "1 ------------·------------------------------------------·-· .. . ....... . Tu~~day, Octobtr 28, 1%9 MERCHANDISE FOR JAL.E AND TRADE PETS ind LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIONT !.:!RA::::N::P~:.:T:;:A:.:T.:.:IO::N.:__ 1._:::::::::.::::::_::.:..,::::_:_ Ml-II•-l600 SOLD liome ! l:.V et)'thine: <;onl C.olor 'JV, 11eCtiona.I, table ~ lamps. bedroom eet, piano, dineUe El. 1.,.uber &: dl'yer, dl-5ks a.nd t.fuch r.t ore? 54&-9115 Oop 1825 Motorcy_c~•• 9l00 lmpoirtMI Autos MOO lmport.d Auto. 9600 ,1m=po=•l.;.ed;;...:A.:.u:...•.:..••:.........;.'.;..600;.:1.u"-aod=-'-"•-'-'-'•----'9900.:..:..; UMd C1n !957 RENAUL T. 1959 Rambler 111UOn. Factory work bench. Furn. Some an· tique1 A: mile item&. 582 W. Ct•n~r SL CM. FIREWOOD for aal.cut to y o u r specitlcationl; wtll seaAOned. Oeliv &: atclr'd free. $Z7.50 % C, $47.50 C. Call collect (714) 68&-0846. ASH blonde human hair, han d-t i'ed wig \\'\!h styrofoon1 hl'<Hl nn<\ i·as~·. S'l:i. fr15-(19JJ al1£'r ~ f'f\I or '.l-£'1'k••11<I'>. ~IOND~A~o:J~,,-_,~,,-.,,~-~11~•,-,- bumper rack. ;z!. •673--0277• Miac. W•nted 8610 DOG ObnUe~ J11etructkm, new cla9 iormJ.ns. Start.I Nov. 4th. Afl'IX')Wd Dog Obedietle8 1 natruc tor1 Mart l ncrett Kennel >l&-0989 AKC COLLIE PUPS 2 tr Jema.Je1 and l sa.b.le malt'_ SOOt & "'umed. 962-1007 GREAT Dllllll! Puppies, AKC ttf., fawm/black maak. W o n dertul tempen.ment. ~ ?4arti.llcrea:t Kennelt. MA LE Shellie, 4 yr 1 . Altered. Iminaive paper1. A beautiful dog. Need$ adult hon1e. $35. ~&-7077 \\IE!L\1AltANLR P :i p 11 1 f's A!\C, ~llOLs. Gra nd Chil.JTI· (Jl!lUS. .. (711) 892-2~2:• f'E~tALE. miniature poodle puppy. $25. can tl) 528-~l ADORABLE. loveable pup. $ WE Buy $ Beaa:le/Terrier, fat her J .. ;.9 S:i. 962-8197. '69 \'AM AHA 250 Enduro. Xtraa. $615. Mfi..2074 a.ny. time. ~ 3506~ M&n:U5, N.B . evf'!I.. ·~ 1-tonda ltll Scrambllr, 1300 ml. + xtras $350, -'65 YAMAHA $1.;0 • 548--189'l • SUZUKI 80, new kmbby tires • x. chamb. $140. """'"' 1966 HONDA 305 $200 or best otfu, Sll California &nytlme Auto Servlon & Parh . 9400 BL1\Cl l Auto Supply Wholesele Prices lo AU Clintpiete l\1a chine Shnp SPEED EQU1Pl\1ENT REBUILT ENGINES DATSUN '69 DATSUN B1a 4-dr Sedan. W'pd, Dlr., radio, heater, 1300 miles. WW aacrlllce; Take older trade. Call Phil, 494-9m, ~4. Z\\"J031. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES. SERVICE '69 MODELS tmmedla~ delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2Qj() 11arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 6tl-00l0 FERRARI FERRARI TOYOTA BIG SAYINGS ON 1969 TOYOTAS TIIIS WEEKEND COROLLA 2 DOOR Exec. Demo. Only 435 1n1les. lf(>ater, white walls. t1n!N'I glass, rcel. SC'ats, !'for # l47166 7J $1599 t· T & L CORONA 4 DOOR Exec. Dt>mo. Heater, \.\'hi1c \\•al.ls, solar red/black \'1nyl int. 4. speed. S<-r. # (12(XX).IJ $1999 +T&L VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO VOLVO CLl!ARANC& NOIYI 142. '"' 145 • 164 TH'E LOWES'f PRICES YOUR BESI' DEAl.S ARE STILL AT DEAN LEWIS 1'166 l larbor, C.i\1, 616-9303 CADILLAC 549-30ll E>:1 , r.c; or li7 1!170 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ?.1F.S,\ '65 CAD DE VILLE FORD DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 $1795 H.T. V-t , •ulom•tic, r•dio, h••f- ••, 1l•••in9 , pow•• b1•~••· pow•r wi11dow1, full pow•• l•clory ,:r condilto11i11<J , ti11!ed 9 r.u. NRE o~o LINCOLN '67 OLDS $21'5 Alf -----·-----II Oelmont II ?.dr. H.T. V-1 , Antiques, Cl1s1IC1 9615 ori&inal, fuU pii r, !acl 1963 LINCOLN Continental. •uto, r•dio. h••I••· pow•r alr, dlr, take tor«1gn car in 0 .. t 23 362 '''''· p•• •,,,,,, f,,,0 , .. ··7 'I + 4 II r1g1nn owner. , ac· " , :i "on::an . ~xee ent trade or Btnall 1lu11n. QPA-•'• cond, .. ~,,. w•ll +••••· I .t600 .,2 'nG aft 5 -0 Ca1J p • • lllit! Ol \I l" S 1 a l)s perf. 111111. . "' , 3 .. £i..-o, hil -1~1.1-!>m or ~i11yl top, tinl•d 91•11 , nil oa,v ivkends. 7"'-"""--·-------1 ='·=1·=1-:.='?="'=·=======ll •6& FORD Race Cars, Rodi 9620 CAD. '68 EL OOllADO MERCURY Gtl. 500 XL l Or. H.T. loaded. extra s, blu/wht, v.s, •ulom1tic, ••dio, $1295 30! C!IF.:V E ngiOt'. Short vinyl top, ori~. ownC"r. lm· '63 r>IE RCURY Colony Park lit•ltr. power •'••rl"'J, $ FURNITURE $ 'BEAlITIFUL Dachshund APPLIANCES puppies, AKC. 4 v•ecks old. ~10-5:03 1L"5 Victoria, 0 1 51S-65.10 18.lil Beach Blvd, HB 847-0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * Newport JmportJ Ltd. Or<- ange County'1 on!)' •utbor- ized dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS Dl-k. "." .. ~ lo• •"<In'". niai.:. $5i95, Phone 111 ,. f 1 P''"· bt1ke1, f•clory t i• COROLLA S W ....._ ·"'u1~-... "' .. .-itation \\'agon, u I ptl\Ver h II ,. · • $150. 6.17--87'16 67,....~691~~~~-~-~ cond., w "• w• "''• \\'a<>nn, F"Uy """Uin•--' incl.1========== .7 S750. S.IS-787•1 vin-1 lop, tinted 91•11. Color TV1-Pi~no1-Sl•r •ot 1 P'IKe or Ho-Full POODLE Pups, tiny loy & JJOO W. Coast H,vy. Newport Beach 642-9405 540.1764 Authorizerl Ferrari DE-aler .. --·1 •·I"'" '65 SEO. DV. r.Jnt;u\or rl'd ' radio, wh(te \\'lll.!S, lintcd 700 RPM 851 CASH IN JO MINUTES toy, all L'Q!ors, AKC, lop SHOCK ABSORBERS Spccl.a.I high performance. Regular 110.!!5. Now Only glass, heater. !:"\VHJ9~) Autos Wanted 9 \\'/ wht Vinyl top, >.ln1. L'Qnd, ,6.-05""-=FO~R'"D,.---~$'"7'"9'°S ---------hns every1hlng $2 60 0 . MUSTANG e 541-4531 e qt1al1ty, Stud ser. 893-9719 WE PAY CASH $S.9S EACH National Speed Center ZWJ S. Harbor, Col:ta Me!ill. ~700 Open 'til 9. 6 on Sat. + 'f & L WE P AY , I0--7, .... 3 ==========:ll Gtlaxi• 500 Conv•rtible. .1 ;u v.e, .uto, ••di<>. "•••••· CASH 196S MUSTANG CONV. pwr "••r, """"• w•ll tir11. Hor1n 8830 SMALL Shetland, c h I Id WANTED broke, dapte grey f15. Used furnitutt; wa.s~r.i. dry. 545-5828 ers, reirig's, \lurking or not. ___ ,..,.:.::..==--~-REWARD SHETLAND small pony. Bri- dle & halter . $50. See at $2. to $20. 642-40!ll :IJ042 Birch. Santa Ana Hta. NEED bricltl one to lOOJ, reuonably pr1'*1 6"-4681 FREE TO YOU LONESOME Snoopy nttds his own Charlie Brown. Rare, valuable parti poodle tree lo rlght home. Call days 968-761g 10·30 FOUND 8 abandoned killcns, no'v all healthy & mt1s t rind homes. Please help -\\'C'vc had a ruU start! 494-5235, 4!H-7300 10/27 LOVABLl:: small breed fen1alc short huirr1t puppy 2 mos. old needs good home. 836--4493 CRIPPL ED 'J\i:::rr kiltC"n, male active, rle:.H1. t rained, lo\'ing. NEEDS l 10~1E, or it's the pound. ~1.'.l -!!61•110/28 TRANSPORTATION 800'9 & Yochh 9000 27-foot Fishinq Boat g~ll 3, Illness forces sale :so mus t sacrifice! $1500. 611-7315 for more inlo. After 4 Pr.t. BOAT SALE • all type boots & gear for sale. 7ft to 45 ft. May bf' vie,1·ed a t Sea Scout Base 1931 \V. Coast Hh.,.ay, Newpo11 Bcai.:h. End ol Sale, Su11 , Nov. 2 JS' inboard 292 F ord eng., & !raile r. 496-3i15 S1ilbo1ts 9010 4 KJTIENS 8 wks old. 1 tort. STE VE \\'ILSON SABOT sheU, J gniy 1triped. 599 W. l"o. 6178, NE\V (Next to ltlr, 'T's') JAGUAR 1963 JAGUAR XKE: 3.8. Xlnt cond. ?.1AKE OF"FER. 962--00~1 S ( L L '57 JAGUAR x i..:.110. Ex- cellent contlitlon. Phone Your Mobile Home 1=..,.="=o;====== FOR CASH 636-3291, 536-1169 Broker r.!AGS, MIT Ralder, 15"' for Ford, 2 tor S:JO. ~ after 6 p.m. KARMANN GHIA 1965 Karmann Ghia. Immaculate inside and out! One owner. Sec al 430 Broad. way. C.t.'I. T -•-•_il•_"..c•.u __ tl_lity_,___94.=5o MERCEDES BENZ srEEL frame, full sides, ne'v tires. X!nt. J\.tust scU! 5-1~3!11 Trucks 9500 GMC TRUCKS Orange Counry Salrs Service llcad<JUarlcrs. NE\V. USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE :!SJO Harbor Blvd. Cos!a l\fl'sa 5 11).!)6~0 1967 250SE i\IC'rc .... dcs Iknz coupe VJGOS.1 a ir, f>O\vf'r. et c. C u s 1on1 p ain t 1\•/]ealhcr 1nl<'nOr o n I y S6750 f11\I pr1rr. J i m Slemons Mcrccdrs Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa Ana. 546-4114 Oran!).? County's Largest Selection NC'W & u~ed Mercedes Benz Jim Slemons Imps. Warner & Main St. HURRY NOW! \\'hile \\'e still have. in stock 14 MORE Demos al similar savings. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 1888-Beach Bl,·d. Hw1t. Beach Sl7-8555 3 mi. So. of San Diego f\1y. TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS ):'OUR BEST DEALS ARE SfJLL AT DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor. C ~1 646-9303 BILL MAXEY !TIOJl'v_@T@ for ll!;cd can & trucks just call us for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROIR CAMARO Yclle>w \1'/bl«t k top and black OY R 272• A interior, R/H, 289 w/ man-'68 FORD $2295 '69 C .._.!ARO :127, 4 specd, uaJ :i-speffi, Four good F ire-Gel. 500 4 Dr. H.T v.a, ,11_ custon1 interior. i\\ any O ,,_,1,·,, ,,,;0, healer, XI stone \Vldc vals and wire ... xtras. ' nt rond. $2.~"JO po••• "'''''"'· fa clorv t it ~ I I huhraps. Excellent Condi. firm . .-.iced l(' (J\V l)()Ok !or cond., ti11l1d <:1 1•11. YOW. quick sale. 67~ aft 6 l ion. $1175. Call 6734493 aft. 071 r r 6 P ;\l, ~~==~=-= Ask for Sales MM11.ger p.m. """"~"'"'""'===='II '69 MUSTANG $2695 l.&211 Bear b Blvd. 1967 CAJ\.IARO :1:'7 RS, blk '68 M M1cli I 421 'l·I. '4 1pcl. lluntington Beach vinyl top, 4 srx\. i.:IU'Ome usta n g r•dio, h11ltr, p<>w1• 1t•1r, --~~Kl~-~-"'~'~~-·I rims, 101v rr1, like 1l('W. pow•r b••kt1. YXR 1>07 wt PAY rlfH 53&--0439 Loaded! Xlnt cond, dlr. in-'66 FORD $1495 ft&; '-Al side & out. Take foreign car Country Squirt W•9on V-1 , CHEVROLET in trad•• or small d O IV n. 1vloM 1!ic, r1dio, h1•••r. fOR YOUR (AR :P.1ake 1011•, low paymts. VZI...-pow•• •*•••in9, powe1 C8'11LB. Call Phil, 494-9Tl3 bt•~••· white w1U ti11t. '66 CHEVROLET Capric!!, ~ CONNELL One owner car "'iUi only Or ~~. tint•d 91111, lu99•9• r•c · ... 000 'I ha ·" + NL'\V ,~, M"•t""" G-nd•, UTB 795. CHEVROLET -~. mt ell, s ..,.. powe r c. JO .. ~... ... 5 air L'Onditioning. Absolutely air oond., deluxe int., '66 PONTIAC $149 2828 Harbor Blvd. the cleanest one in town. cruiae-0-mallc, 5 MlcheUn G.T.0 .2 Door Httcltop \'.I , Costa r.Jesa 546-1200 Jim Slemons r.t e r cede 11 radlal5, 2100 mllea. Owner •utomtlic, reJio, h••I••. --=~====,---1 Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa 644--0266 .,;11yt top, ti11l.d gl11t \'IT WE PAY TOP .~==~=---1102•. DOLLAR Ana, 546-4114 '69 MUSfANG V-8, olive gm ~,_,===;;;-="t;,S for good, clean used cars, '61 CHEVY WRgon, 9 PMli, W/blck vinyl top. Fact air., '67 MUSTAN~ $1 6 all makes. See George Ray pwr window, 8 cyl, a:.ito, 4 9000 mi. Clean. 842.-2622 aJI '-~ Theodor. Robins Ford nu tires, R&ll, othC"r part11. 6. ';';:~,1~'1~h il:·~:·11 P~;:'/ 2060 Harbor Blvd. 58.COO orig n1i., Sac. $"50. '68 t.1USJ'ANG Fastback. !111t1J 9!•11. UOD 27' C.M. 642-00101..:c":::'·.::3.::43::c2·:_ ____ ,..... RIH. Mags. Shelby whls. '67 T·lllD $2495 L\'tPORT::; \\'ANTED '65 11\I PALA, convt, SS.127, A i r shocks + vac, pump. , .. , Orange C".ountlt'I 1v/1v, bkt scats, A/C, p /w, 673-6265 eves. v.s, eu!omttic, ,1d:o, h1 •I· TOP S BUYER p/h, aulo. 1 ownrr, lo ml, '67 Ct.111tom Hardtop. Auto, ••. full pow1r, f1 c!ory 1i• Bn.L :f,f.AXEY TOYOTA Sl7>!til/olfer. ~3·1:l-l , %8-1997 (ull pwr, all extras. Lady condiiionin9, whit1 w•ll 18381 Beach Blvd. '69 Nova VS, 11,500 1n1. $2,400, owner. r.tust 5eU. 644-2951 lire1, .,;11yl top, t;n11d Ham i lt on , Cl\f. $225 * 645-1851 548--3082 10/28 LIOO 14, like new. Full rac- '6T FORD VAN, walnul panel, stereo/tape. Excel mech rond $1700. 548--3652 or 548--6205 aft 5 SantJ A11il 546-4114 18811 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-SSSS 3 mi N, of Coast J11~·y. on Beh H. Beach. Ph. Ml-8555 p/s, r /h, ,,1nyl lop, blue 9le11. TGY ''' book top S0.770, 1m, 12 .185. OLDSMOBILE '68 FORD $229S TAFFY is a swttl and gcntJe In& aear ' h'N)' traU1r. Jitllt dOi:· Who needl 1Mne-nSOO . 644-1311) ono who can 1tv. her lo\'e , and a tten. MO-:ll95 101.lS POMr Cru11tr1 9020 '.! !\tale kittml, must So to. 3!1' CHRIS Roamer. LOA!). gether. Blk. A white 6 ttpr. EDI f'Ylly equipped. Xlnt striped. Trained to litter box. C'Ol'ld. Must see! C a I I 549-1846 10129 IT~ or 673--0305 CUTE, fluffy kltt•na, 8 wks. OWENS C&.bin Crul1er, 21 ol d, trained, hsbrkn, need Ft. ,Newly painted. Inboard. good home & loviJti care. x1n\ cond. $500. 536-353& .'):ls-621)2 J':VC!';. LOV.ABLJ:: blk. & \.\h\. long-28' CHRIS Con.~tellat.ion twin haired fem. kittrn. 10 1vks. 15crew, J8j hp eng. l·h'l'.ltop. Vi ii\ spay for good home. Apelco radio + inventory, 835-4167 10/28 SS~-~: .... 7921 eves/wknds. C0:'11BINATION sofn &:. bed. 28' 1'~AIRLINER SporU:isber "'9m • bul use ab I e . F/B. 250 hp Crusad~. com• 5'18---2726 10/:'8 pletc ly criuip. 673-6728 '64 Gl\tC Van. Good cond. New tlre-15, $1300 or M•t Of· fer. 6*-3900. '411 GMC, oomp!•te new 11na:., t~s lz pa.I nt. After II caU 6Tl--TI94 '52 Olevy l1'i Ton. Needa tran11 work. :r.1AKE orrn * &46.5262 * '60 FORD 6. Needs \\'Ork: $~ • all 5-18·0947 small '66 FORD PICKUP V-8. uuto, J\uston1 r.101ori1 84J Baker, CM, ~O-JfJ15 Campers 9520 c:::=.c.;c::::..=..'-= 2 SIMPLY i;roovy klltcns, Marine Equip. 9035 '65 CHEVY r111)-0ver m nJe labbies, 5 wks. nl rl. camper, 2 dbl bf>ds, pcrf. 675--0477 BalOOa 1~1(' 10/28 OUTBOARD MOTOR cond. $1.S:JO. 494-3654 ·BLACK Angora killen, male, $35.00 O\\'NER. 69 C.O. nn 68 ' a pprox 3 mo~ old. Gentle ===•=G~I~&~"="=·== n angcr. Extras. Ta ke i.:ar in di!'J)OsiUoo. 96.S-13'.!7 trade. 51S-1667 D'\RLING ' .... , ~, & BOit Slip Mooring 9036 ..:::::::::...::::..:=----...... ...~ 4 DOOR, 6 pass l n!em 'I PU. \\·h1IP kitten. 8 weeks, ready 70' SLIP ava1t11ble. All or ,,, f nr n"''' t't1hn1·r-r Sac. for I'.('\\' htl!Jl!'. %11. 4.197 10 =~ rm r1. Nn''' lhn1 .la11 1;,1h. SZl'l:i. (11;1,;_:;~(,-.. •l';!..,ii!l1i ) B,\BY GU1f\f'il P igs, 10111: !-~.00 per [I. Call Chuck ha !f('rl, nuniaturr~. C;1 ! I ll \'l'r}' 673-52:'12 S:iO-'.i!lllti 10/2S I~========= Moo I I• Homes 9200 l\11?\IATl'll~: pink rnalc k1I-·"---'--"~ ten, 1ralncr!, 11ve·111 11nly. 5~R--1:1 \.1 .. CllT~:~:r ~,~, t~te-.. ~, ~,~, ,~ .. ~":-;r~h'"• I Iv ~'\'<'r had. n cady In ~n 5'iil-'\(i l;J 10/~0 D~;N .!\lo\hrr·~ un1f(l!'Jfl, ~111' 12·11, 1\\6 Clay St. Ne\l'JYll'T }lf'1i,:h ls 10/:t~ Z..P/PERSIAN kitten 3-1 mo~ nl(l, NP('d hcn11es badly. ~:~ri r:-i6J. Sl,\i\ll·:Si'.: cat. femal r, hnuo:('l)rnken. 11 ii yr~. olrl. has :::hn1.~; lriendly 67~182\. Y()L'R home nf'Ni.~ a !J'('r- k1ll<'n. Call ~:i 6·31 f1 6 r i ('~. lOf:.0 fREI·: \VASHER. F" 0 n P,\llTS. YOU PtCK UP. ~1;..;i~lc'---=~~l~Olc;-2'1 \I\(' Jl;is~1·t • tri-colort'tl. C;1ll ·,1(Wl6.'UI 10/:10 SriOfrETI rabbit to i ood h<1n1<'. 6 12·1256 G,\S n('[rlgeralor C • I I 6i~7fl7N. ~~~L Jim ~~::, Cooper TRAILER SALES "Buy from a m a n who lives in one I" \V P'. SE H.VIC'E \Vl-IAT \VE SF.:LL! 7;2 1 So, Harbor. S.1nta Ana 1 fl.lr•k !':11. of Bolsa s.31-1066 -BAY HARBOR Mobile Hom• Sales Casa Loma Roll • Away • Sheraton :P.1anor. Jlomette • K!1 -P restige • Sahara ALL SIZES NO\V ON DISPLAY 1·125 Baker SI., Costa l\fes:a • ~ block East of Harbor Blvd. Co~ta Mrsa. (TI4l 54().9470 GREENLEAF PARK in clear. cle11 n, cool Costa J.lcsa. New !12 s pace adult park. Morl<'lll & Sales oLJi ce located at Park. Open 9 fu.\I to 6 PM. GREENLEAF J\.10BILE l!OJ\.1E SA.LES Dune Bugg c;•::• __ ,;.9.;.S;c2~ MEYERS MANX c11~'•11ll Ji)YHl/P' 111f'l;t\f\llf\••. All ron1 rio1nrn1~ t1r<11'1\t n111 . 711u~t ~('1'' S~l~fi. JAMES. LTD 1 :~~·\ Nr·\1'fYH1 [)l1•d. 6.J:!.0010 ;-,11\;o.:~/L()ftV Al n. r.la\i,. O!frr! !)ri;!)('ru!e'. '. e &iG-ll!~~i e Imported Autos 9600 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Thirty -Parka -La.nky - Reduce -AUNT E ATER Like riddle's? Try this orw: \\"hat \vou1d a cannibal be ~·ho &IP. his molhr-r':i; sistrr ! Ani;wer: An J\Ul'iT l::ATl::J1 . AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERICA Sa.IP.s, Service. P.irts Immediate Delivery All Models '63 l\tercedu wrecked but 64l--03.'i0 MG 'IG front $8513. Sales, Service, Parts l mmediate Delivery, All l\1odcls J1L'tuporl Jl111ports 3100 \V. Coast Jl\vy , N.B. 6"2·9405 ~10-li64 Author ized ill\. Dcill"r PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS F'RO:'ll $399 ~.1~-30J l E~t_ 6ii nr 67 '69 PORSCME No. 912. 10,000 1970 HARIJOH. BLVD. careful mi, Ori!::' 011·ncr, like COSTA l'<J l-:S..\ brand ne\\<, beau!. sleek I ·--------- n1ctalllc bro11n color. A '65 Yolkswa9en s1eal at jusr :SJ3!1:i. See at CAMPER BUS Apollo Develop. Corp., 11().l Pop top, rxccUe11t oond111on. E . 1;111 s1 . s A. c nu Dave Kustom Motors l lt1f'•rn \1 \.;1lays 8 a n1-6 pm ·' r;. ;n 11 84.5 Ba.kl'r SL. Costa i\11·~1 !'>l{h).'IJj ·:,7 Pt)rsche 1· •Ufl". new p;11!l(, I c.,,-=,-:=.,..--,.,-,--,, ~ mt. on 1.,..1,11111 'ti l '-Ur .... r t/I V\\' i;cdan. blaC'k, 1\Uh l.'f'd tnl , r & h, i<:ood con· d•llfln. ~1.'iOO. nr brst nrf<'r 1 ~·.y~ 8 3 7 -6 050 E\'<'~ 1;1,l-1:1'.?;, , 111!. A: 11·:in• .'il•'1•~r,,1,1rtf', t \11 l !'"f~1 ~l!ii~I. ;\]II•! ~('I' .~==-,~--7 F; fd t ,\:'111J1':!l, hll!_v f (!p'tl. .~rr reo t11rr drrk, n 1n1 like lll!W S2G.°io. IJr. B a r u n 4fi4-~IJ _,_,_11_:1;:; 1:~;,1_ -'"~·'~}~')~~·""~' - l'IJlt r,i. ~1\2 .}-:<J'd !lE·OU !LT l..'lGlNr..: TP ,\~S * r:;.~ 1r;!~i * ----J•()HSC.1-!1·. '.1 11 T. Coupe, 4 Sµi'l'd r. ()(fl 111 Iles. s:i.sm. !213l .._.J,\ D--1 0'0 dayl;, eve 12131 EX 1 -1._~::::·;7:_. --- ii'PQJlsCTTI·'. C, xlnl rond, A~l /t'l\1 radio, hki r"llCk, Jully <'qp'd. :,1'.l--22S~; aft 6, 4IM-4jl!ll '14 PORSCllE f.\C Conv. New top, Ure~ ,1:.;_ f'ng1 ne. 67:1..11~1:0 V.W .• Pt1rsi.:hc • P.fercedez •na'.11. & ll!>"d r art.s. sllady In 1tock. 6'12~3.'(}. RENAULT MUST ~ell 'fi2 Renault Canwll<' rnnvL Runs gd. M8-a11 or fi73--J630 SUNBEAM 100. VW Sq. Uk. Sia \\'11;;. 1 ~0 0 ~. ~11 !!5. !T14J 84~1:12:.J 1t1. 6 pm, r.ton-rri. All <la:t Sat It Sun. '64 V\V Cu1!on1 Camper. f'acl. r~hll eng In \varranty. t l!llXI or BE&'T orrr:R. Call 642-4!W8 'fll v.w .• p .... bu•, J0.000 mi. ott tact. rbll. en1tne, nt'W clutch. mech. perfect, body f.· intf'r. 1nnd, 5JIQO. 062--0016 '67 VW bu1. xlnt cand. J.'i.O(Xl mi. beire lnlfhl1ck e111. Pvt pty Stl9~ tenru. re1p. party. 133--lll'M 'Mi VW for Sale, lt1w ml. Ex· rell. eond. Beat offer. CDll .,.."'' 'II& VW, EXCE LL E N T COND. Radio SllOO. ITh-3420 or 117H119 VERY gentle bunny rabbl1s . Bring 1·agc. ~ 115!) \Vhltt.ier Ave. 'IT 8unbf'nn1, new 111"11, '56 vw e u 5 Coola MrAA TI ·l: &12-13.10 chrm rim~. AM /Fr.I radio, nrti lnlll . 118-l!IOO completf'ly cc •ngine. KJ'JTENS, n1al.... & fe.m1tl1? n('cd home. 842-3227 l0/28 PART-SIAMESE Kitten.,. To t:(Yl(J homH -.7033 JQ/30 BROKEN t=•m•n t b' bWldit11 wallll '44-0047 lo.t'.I ffJDE-a"""9.)' bed co u c h • 673--0l!ID 10-30 Pf TS Ind LMSTOCit Pots,-rol NGO i ;..=-"-0---- 1 3 RABBIT~ fnr ~Ille: Cage &: 75 IM of !!Jl'lti $15. 5'16-0?l.l Coll 1120 'J;'RAVELING, muat tf'll 10 n1os. old Stam•M A Abyaal- nitn fem1le k!ttlr1. For ,.pe.tt. bnedlna or 1bow. Best ti~ 64!)....(1156 01';LUXE Viking 21 x 60. Ap-nr1v pa.1111. prlv prty $1300 or $750. Kl 6-6629 pllanee1, lll'Jll, expl!!n. crpt.11, b111 off•r. Call a.ll 8 PM. ,,04;,;\iW;;C,;~. ~Lo:O:w:'-:rn~;;-:1,=,~.=,~,..~.b;::,:;;UI mll'rofed doon SI, 9 5 0 • 57l-2'i34 r ngint". S~J."i or o 11 c r . b-Star Adult Pk. No. Lona 3JOO W, Cout Hwy., N.I . ~l>.l4:J.1 -e<11111,. im..:iu1 ..,_,.,. ~1"' TlUUMPH 1.0xit j Iii: xtra clean. Set ~~A~"ithoartJedm=.iMiOG=:De;=:ol;":=:~ I '67 BUG. Original owner -: ·-...n " •-aJ Barg · ' w· Immac. Quick lllile -$1245 up tn Mart of C.M. Space • ',...,...., "'" ain. 1rc It. 115 ralrfu Dr. After DATSUN v.·hls., O'drive, solt top. 83J.-n13 ll1·3461 •:30 pm Brltb h 1reen. S 3 . 2 0 O. '67 V\"I BUS '69 PICK up !t48--5!H2 l:ve~. or 675-6000, EXCEU..ENT CONDmON 1t1 t •· ' BtDkOOM', bath. r.l ni. Burke ic\a}'lll * &m.1851 • «I' •wni111. 111911, ~0-771 7 NPar llf'\i·, J;,otJ mill•11;! 4 ~-prf. 'E;g TR 2:,0. \Vire \\'he<:-1~. lug-1969 VW CAMPER rllr. \\'Ill SAcn flcC"! ~mall gacr rack . new vinyl IQp. Days 642-43!11 "ve~ 642-2789 2 F'ULL hcrls, .:'.O gal hnt l\l1chrlin tirc11. $2650. Cal.I t • k $t800 1&10 c\o"'"· \Viii fi.mncc nriva!e .,,, V\V &-ua rrh.11·k, automa. \\'a er 1an . · ,. Rf! 6 pm, ~ "'""' Newport iii' No l C r.1 pa.rl)'• ZQS90"JUJ. Call Ken tic, 1unroof, Al.\t /Fr-1. . . . . . . 494-977,l or 5'.\-06.'M. '65 TRIUMPH SEDAN 646-2233 a11er 6 Pr.I SxJ7 Trlr with lOX.22 cabana, Sl50. 642-88.ci =~=~-~-,--~ turn. srron. 1w &.iP'f'lor, ORANOI COUNTY'S '&q vw SQuart'bi.ck, rad» Space U, N.8. NO. I TOYOTA radial lire•. xlnt cond. DATSUN DIALIR 646-5601 After 6 Pr.I DOT DATSUN '69 TOYOTA Land Cn""'· '62 VW BUS $750. U835 Beach Blvd. all xtr11.1, xlnt rond $2450 or 675-~18 Biele I•• 922S Original 01vner, R.\!i--9678 Got 500 4 Dr. H.T. V.8, •ulomttic, r•dio, ht•I• \'our Volkswagen or Porsche '6'.J CHEV l::l Camino, fact '68 OLDS 98 Conv., tull ,,, pow•• it••'i"<J f•clory k ray lop dollan, Paid for air , 350 eng, turbo hydrn, po,i·er, factory a ir, many •i• ,.,nd., tinted gleu. Will Buy ur no t. Ca.II Rlll ph di~c brak<'s, slereo $2'XXI or f'.'<lrR5, lo-n1i, \\'arranty. WTE 580 6U.OOOO make oH('r. 541-8270 6-12-0112. '67 FORD $1795 ----------1•59 Cl!LV \\'gn. new a ir r.1usr SELL~ G.t. 500 l Dr HT. v.s. Auto Leasing cone!, r/11. p11T, gd cond. '68 Toronado, m.nny extrai;. •ulo, redio, "••'•" P"w'' 9810 STl:i. 5:lf~S51 Call nftl'r 5 P r.I 642.-5333 it•••· f•cl<>•y •ir co!!d, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;I SJ ·.::~. f'"" ST• lV••· "··n·1,·-. w h i I• will t i''" tinted • '64 Chcvro]l'I Bel Air new '2 .,,, "OJ " ''''"-.. ~ rngine, stk·k. $5!'JO or of/er. Orig 01vner. Exceptional. 9lau. VOH 2'1 LEASE· RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY ~11.:101.1 :s1100. 673-1232 '66 MERCURY $1495 ~ ' '68 OLDS Vista Cruis"r, low Cy<lo1tt1 G.T. 2 Dr. H.T. 'f..l SUPl«R Spnrt, 1mm11r., V-t, •ulom•lic, rtdio, htt l· a\l l{l ~h1 fl , gold . S10D5 Must nii., loaded. Call 642-9356 ,r, pow•• ,,,,,;119 , pow•r ~Ce' &12-737·1 a ftrr 5:30 P r.I. brikeo, f•C:lo•v •ir ~ondi Al! p1111ular niakt's. Ford 'f,~ C!!EVY JI \\'agon. aulhol'izcd leasing syslcn1. tire~. hrakes. S350. Gel Our Con1petitive Rates * 54~3!)&1 * Theodore ROBINS FORD CONTINENTAL :JOGC. Harbor Rlvd, Costa l\lesa &12-0010 '62 Lin(', Continental Fully "':'":'~~~~~~~~I r<quipperl, M('('hanic.ally LEASE ANY MAKE sound. :S895. 847·5925. OR MODEL 'f,6 CONTit-.'ENTAL. l.nadec\, Let our !Pase experts show very xln! cond, lolV mileage yuu th(' brst plilll for your $2400. Private 540-7~28. /X'l'S<itl3.l needs 11•ithout obli· I========== i;.1Uu11 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBIL E -~1 lf:1rhor Blvd. 01~t,1 i\l(·~a :tl0.0640 CORVAIR C'flRVt.IR. 4 d r , 1001 ~('!Ian. "·hilr. Xlnl running cond. Jo mlg. S225. 494-8'ifi9 v LEASE v CORVETTE CORVETTP.: 1967, 327. 2 tops, 'C1 V\V · · .. • • · • • ·,. ltO mo. AM/li"M, p/1. many xtra~. '6;j T-B1 rtl. air, fully •qJl'd. 21.COO ml. Wkend1 li7MlllT: SJ.I .... pr1rC' •.... ·.,.... l9'JS wkc\aya 635-5600 Baldwin '6~! C.:irt !•:I Dorado coupe, \/""""" rully 1',l lllflfll'd •• $199 mo. COR "'' .E 1968. 127. convt. '69 Carl 1JI;•(; Coupti di V!lle A~f/FM. like new, 111,000 rtilly <'(IUll•rte<I .... $1S!I mo. m\, Wken~s 6 7 :\-OJ .6 7 ; '6:1 Chev C1Jnaro, pwr Jlrg &. \\'kdaya 6.15-5600 Baldwin brakC'S, <i 1r , •..• , , • SOO mo. '68 OOfiVE'ITE 327 eng, auto SOUTH COAST t.ran&, tact air, m•nr xtru. CAR L IASI NG S.11 ar trade 144•. 17MW 300 \V, Cst llwy, NB 145-2182 or 173-3107 Used C1r1 9900 DODGE BUICK '67 l)OOGE DART EJtceUent Condltkln! BIG STEAL! '6.5 Dulek Le WhUe With vinyl top, air con. Sahre conwt1, Jdnt cond, dltlon!n&', auto. trans., pow. IOl'I miles, movln& • musl er alHr\ng, radlo and heater, sell quick~ Be&t oU•r take&. New Urn. V-8. $1650, 35,00J 673--3921 mil••. Call 6.17-4156. '65 •I DOOR Wildoat. Total '61 iSODGE, many new power, air, custom wMels. part1, mech&ni.cally good, new paint. Sec it fo: love it. lookl good. Be11t otfc SlolOO. 642-5200 968-J99,1 l!lli6 Gn1n Sport. P/1, Pfh, .-.. -1)6-flG_E_P_o-la·,,.-co-,.-,-,..-., :iir Jt ll f, hucket1. $1600 under 40,000 ml. Sl.200 or C:al! fi4•1-15!17 aft ft pm. M9t offer. 673-7252 :;;;;c:; __ CADILLAC PALCON '65 COUPE DI VILLE l tn FALCON 8 ta I I 1111 Land11u Top. Leather Jnt!r· Wqon. Good cond. lor. lull power, Air cond. • 536-0439 • Mint 1.'0ndlUon. Phllnl FALCON '63 S350/ J..l7·51lll or ""4954 M.lKE OFFER. 611 CAP convertible 20,000 a c-•644-256':2* lual n1iles. P'ull fll'lMT'/•lr includcll strrro. Block on FORD bl 11. c k. sacriricr . ~.53-;8 ----------1\'rt k<'nd~ or aftrr 6 p.m . '67 Gala.JC le 500, power, air, '87 !:L DOR.ADO, nr nu Ure!, Landau. like new. M,000 m l. lo mi, lull pwr, a ir, Wt-tele, $1695. SfG.-0950, and Evn : e.n.iln . o • matic. blk w/wht 8"-21T8. Jthr. 14750. Pr Pb' . ..,...265 ·ii·-ro·ao-·c;-o1· .. -1e-.-a,-.-P-''· lionin9, t+~led gl111. Ts.A. PLYMOUTH '" --'---C-----11 '65 MUSTANC> $129S '68 Ply Road Runner hdlp V-8, t11lom1tic, r•d;o, h••I· <'pe 4 i;prl, 4 ba rrel, big en-''· pow•r 1!•••in9, whit• ginc, tack, 4 b!l.J'r('l, big en-..... 11 Ii•••• tin hd g lt11. 1r.<S, musl sacrifice. Take NOS S3' O\'er payments cnlt 64&-8754 '68 MUSTANG $21• '68 Ply \\'gn Sport Sub. 9 F.l'Mck pass. air. Jo mi, .x-clean . 190 V.f, '4 •P••"· r""lo, Load('d. ~2950. will take !rd. he•l•1, pwr. 1!1•1i119, pwr, Owner . 536--3130 brk1., pow•• wi11dowi, .:.::c:.:.:.:..=..::.~---~11 wh it• will ti1e" tinted '65 Plymouth Valiant '225' qlau. VW P ]75 11ix, 11tJck, good oond. S750. '65 FORD $995 ='='1=·1·='°='=·t=.'======cll G•I, 500 •·D•. V-8, •ulo, red io, he•!er, po,...r 11•1•, whil1 w•ll l"e•. SY8 lOJ. PONTIAC '68 MUSTANI> $199S V.8. •u+om tll&, •1dio, heA!er, pow•• 1leering, '67 GTO. HT, on,. o\vner, f ll'an, 101v mi.. vinyl top, •11111 w11I Ii•••· VSK 1>1 0 p/1, n11w car coming. ~lSOO c1;.:,~.c.c".;;,_'-1.;;°';.:9_~~-·ll '66 FORD SI 495 1005 i;onllac OTO & '•lr!1111 tH 2 Jr. H~rdtop verllbl• • llJHl'I. Taki t!Yft v.1, •114•. •1410. h••'''· paym1nt1. '*Jl63 •ft 4 • """'' 1t••r. f • • 1 o • v .;, pm . ,,,w, whit• w•U '"••, lOnt. ." .. :::::.r_l_llJ:_B~JJt-p--jOO-·-'J'il-,-.. · II ,4 t l•u. SfY IOS -· 166 "llCUIY $2195 hydro, Jll'lwer, 1tlll'06 • .... • $2250 or b91l 11fler. 671-1170 Collflf. Y·I , •Ylo, radio, '5.5 PfiNJ'fAE. knit COftd. 11'11''"••••' "11" powir It•••••· f••lory •it cond, Jllfi. ..,!iii• w•ll flttt, .,;"yl top, ___ *;,:IMMllli~:;::7C...:*---ll*frotMI flln. UJA 371. '68 F;,,,bii'd lki, 1fr. p/1, 'If lilillfANli $2695 pfb, L&Msu top, T•ae~. ,....... MT~ ·Y·I, 111t1111tti•, ••dio, 11.,1. ift MO. Xnl1 a:ind. Ir, ,_,, '''''i"9• whit• lll'Tl/Mlt otfw. will tlr11, tillftii g l•n- IO-T2tl •w1. m wknd1, )(TH 191 ~,;;,7;..0;;.r"'•"'~,;;~;::.rrl•,·111~.,-., ... I"· ~ 'd '°!!!!!'~. $1695 ==L~-'o="'iitril:illiz:911!iiio. ~m=U~Mjar~ Aute"'1ll1 *'•~1mi11io11, f•t••rv •Ir, 11ew1r •l•••iJtt, RAMIUI r1Jre, h11f1r. Ll1. JNN 2•• 1H MlCON $1095 '65 RAMBLElt AnMrtcan, 4 C"""Y 141•1re Door, 2lt f!nf., l!IS II), 1ut.o, v.1, 1u .. 1"•llc '''"'"""' '900, Xlnt cont!.. C 111 1i111, f11t•rv 1ir, po-r ~ 1tffrl11f , r1ll!o, he•l•r. l11g· ·U;;;:.IW!p:;;wn-m-~w~ .. -,.-.-,~ .. ~,11,.,. , ..... Lie. NOI 2•2 d -''' PONTIAC $1HS iwto. X1nt co n • _.... NO--a • ...., "'• I o;;;m;;;., • .,=sr=ca· 11 I 4e•• h•~*'"· •11lom1tlc RI.IL lt11111t1lul•11, f1 clory 1lr, r1llle, M•l•r. TUL 042 --..::.==--11 •u CHM $17f5 ·ea l\DL T,oao mt, v~. ....... ..,._ aufD. air ... " on thil tine! Y-1. 4u11.,.•tis tr1111W1!1- Dlr., Nii a.klr It., Costa il111, f,, .. ,., f lr, powtr ·'~'="'==-======='II "'''ll'!f, rt411, llt•tt 1. Uc. ~ RMU 511 T·BIRD '67 T-BIRD Landau, 420 eng .. pcrfecl condilion, all extras, Jul! pwr, under 24,0CO mi. Orie t1wner. S2STS. 1144-4114 VALIANT DUNTON FORD '67 DeVJLLE, all pwr, lthr, gd. tires. 1d. cond. 962-45.59 '64 VALIANT \V O" '"""' .... 2240 s. Mal• Landau, stereo, wtisl + after 5:30. --i nd .:,..:,c,.;:,;c:., ____ ~-I own.r. a1an, •""" co . $19~. $3895 xlnt con d · '63 FORD GaJ. YXJ XL. Xlnl R /H. sUck 1hUL S550 Dayz --·--1 SIAMESE KITTENS ~10, &-12-;ll":1.l EXElLENT condition hikr~, i.1rl'ir, hoy'i; 20 Inch S1 7.~10 roch. 5"1~-M4'.l Jluntlngton Bcnch trnrl<' nn late V\V c:amfl('r. GIVE Nnw -Ailfl l11h1r 812·778 1 or ~~11).fl.\4? 67:, .... on:i:? I lTNTTEO .F1.JNn !l62-4AAT 'I.ft I>. conc\. Full pwr. R/H. $750. 5'10-246•1 Ext. 74. Eve.I 546•7076 ~1.JPPORT Comn1uni1y 01e~I Pvt P1.1rly. 842.-2796 &14-222,1. '---~tr-·60 ___ ,., l . ---------------------------·--~-----------------..-------------------"!"II'-~ J4 I'll.OT ..lOVERTISlR T~t. Octobtr 28, 1969 PRICES fffECTIVE WEDNESDAY thru T.UESDAY, OCTOBER 29 thru t-K>VEMBER 4 1:aoNESTEAK69~ OV IN ftlEADV • TAISTV IN FDIL WAAPPED PAN MEAT LOAF ,.llltt:SH e l'tl!ADV TO EAT HOT COOIED CHICKENS 69~ PORK:•RoAsi" 47~ l'AJl:MIElllt JOHN e IASTEAN QU ALITY Wl!ITl!AN l"l..AVOR e 11 TO 20 CHOPS PORK LOINS 'l"AftMllllt JOHN• EASTERN QUALITY WllST"EFIN FLAVOR • FRli&H PORK SPARERIBS 79~ &~ USDA CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERFUL" • FIRST CUT CHUCK ROAST USOA CHOICE OR FAD HfENDERFUl" • OVEN TENDER RUMP ROAST ~ • 5'AI "ICOAU .,; 9< IXTRA SA\llNGS MADI l'OSSllU l .Y Sl'IClAL PUICHA,ES ftOM THt MA.f\IU,ACTUIEI AND PAUfO ON TO YOU. MISS :WISCONSIN . 10-oz. PK9'. LONGHORN 67c CHEESE iiAliifio'1r ""lT0•5c MILK PEN & OUtLL e 15!/~·0Z. CAN DESSERT 55c TOPPING S L UE SONNET e l·LS. CARTON SOFT 42c MARGARINE OSCAR MAVER e t -LS, ,-ACKAGE SLICED 89c BACON 12-0UNCI! PACKAGE Oscar Mayer 87c SMOKIES USDA CHOICE OR FAO "TENDERFUL'' • LEAN AND MEATY BEEF SHORT RIBS IVIR1"D.t1" LOW DISCOUNF PRICfS ON ALL f.tD fRfSH PRODUC(f FAD e f.."AOI( HAL!-OWEEN 36¢ CUP CAKES 135 FAD e 1-LAYllllt HA.Ll.O'l!'fl.~N LAYER CAKES r"JWM:"·~'6.\'s'•u. FUN PACK' 7'>' · CANDY BAil$ ~' ~i~AN"' fr IOX 01' M JUNIOllt·IAllS BABY Rl!fH er 1~ BUTTERFINOlll 6. · . , . . O.SCAlllt MAVlll't: e l -L•. '°Kit. 79• All MFIT WIENERS:ii, 83' ~ 05CAl't MAVllllt • •-oz .... KQ. ,' ·s·2• AU· Meat BO~OGNA, ~';'; .54' . OSCAJl:·M AVl!lllt"e tQUAlllla & llltOUNOI 9&: VARIETY PACK ,,.o, •.••· O" . SlfllT~ TO SHOP AND SA VE AT .FAD ( SAXON • 1-GAltON JUG • SAVE 30c 1!1-0Z. PKO. 98c PUMPKIN PIE ' FRSE0SHCKDOVN~UTS 63' FOREMOST • V1-GALLON • SQUARE CARTON ICE CREAM SAVE 1 ()< PACK OF SIX-8-0 UNCE CANS• SAVE 24c JUICE PAK : ~~,~~;UNCH . . 49' 35' PA.PERHTOWVELS 29' SANTAANA I • J L jud llrr suil ruli L g>-a res 1;)01 1 mi1 FOi A~ "'' "~ Th• pr< '" J tea dee ' L 11 01 cl; fi! lh• de h lo I'< " In lh h< C< ] ] • r. • • ' d 1 r ' • ' ' f I