HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• •
..-!-~·~~~~~~----.~~~~~Foo!ball Score~~-~~liiiiiiiii!_!ll-....i~--~-~~~~~~~~-~ -
:Loara ---_
~, . as · .. -pntinaton ~Bea~~ 7
-.... .... ...
Laguna Beaeli 23
_ Co.-ona deJ·:Ma1·. 14 · · Wes tminste1· . Mission Viejo 13 -·---..... --. -
Edison 34 .
t;Dsta Mesa·-..14 -. . . •
... .,
-----. . -r --• •
Marina ·: .a u
Golden \Vest . . .
3.i .
.18~. .. -
SEE DETAILS, SPORTS PAG·ESll-~"'il!i~-~~!!!1 •. -~.~ .. ~. ------!ll!!~~~IJ!· .. -·
. . t
.J • .. •• ' . . . -'
Fu1ie ral Sfuted . '
' For Top Citizen
Of-Huntiiigton ·
. . -" "-Funeral services will be heldl!llnday in
'Bakersfield ror one ol Huntington Beach':s
mo6t . ho~ and respected -citizens,
Robert ·"f: Pyles.
l\lr. Pyles died F.rkle.y after a long ii·
hl85S. He Was 77.
.. ~ had been a resident of Huntington
8'.Cb for; 31 years and was founder ol
the R. M. Pyles,, JloY,• ctl"P . !Pt. u,n· derprlvileged boys. He 1fa11'''preSJaen~,(ifl.~
t~ ph!laral.brOPii:: organization for I~
Durihg his term lhe Boys Cemp "'n11
the Dlsneyiand Awa rd for community
service three times.
?ifr.' Pyles Was twire honored as l\tan o(
U1e Year by lhe Chamber of Commerce
and .the Uttle Mermaid Guild of ilun--
liniton Beacb. --r.1uomc ltr\'ices will be held at the
Gr~n1a~njfortuary bt Bakerstlekl with
burial In Gretnlawn Cemetery.
' •
. '
' . ,. ' . ' ... ' .
' 1 r,,
. . . •
' .
. ' .. '
" ; .
Laird-·Drops 111, Tal;ks -c
To County· GOP .Meeting ·
. • I .
, By NORft\AN R. ANDERSON -All the top Republicans ot the atate
Of "" oelh' ,11,1 stttt • \\'ere In attendance. probably one of the
California Repu~licans 3el of.( on the most ·tmpresslve-kalhttinf "-the 1>1rt1
l9f0 cam_paign trail Fri~y night in Ana. liJtlJful-all fldi~n SOOlf/ Ume.
helm 'fllh Gov. Ronald RalCIUl llOUndiJlg .--Sen.Georte Murplly lomuolly U~ed
thC cba!Je and Stcrcta'f;)' ot.' DdenSe his re;electi<ia plana wtdl ~ of Gov.
?.fclrin Laird promiJing .lhe '~ o( Reagan, and the governor PIOl•Wed·lhat
the reserves. 1 ,·...r.-~:;· .. yib!,would 19 forward togetHer. -•
M ~ 1u Jh ffi' 1aid/:"' RftPn w1i not 1cbeduled !or aspeecb ·1· °'"· n;_,, o , ·~-~ ll_..._,"l--~ . .-,,,t-the Celebrity · ul 'gaU!e 1n·· n1 \AJf!Vent...,,1•1Qfl~ ,. , ... ..,.v-~ l::l' for the start of thtuStMe-.!~ntta.I · ·Dall....-Oilt ie gavecone anyway, embellish·
eommitteG'S l'fbunday fill coftventlon ln.IJ on '°1e.rtntroductlon given him by
and were tr!(lted to 8 few ·1urpri!!t:s rlgh\ friend and fellow aclor, master of cere·
frcrn the start : monid, Don DeFort:
d "Let. the trumpet.a blare out, we can · _ An unan!'Cl"uctd and unexpccte. h&rdly \\'alt." . • ·
guest wa1 Laird, dealbed by Dennis Reaaan told lh receptive crowd that Carpeiller NIW]IOrt Beach. chairman ct e the central commd&tet u a "~In." • It waJ Otting ~at the campaign w~ be-
-'Gov. Reatan save 1 speech. a call lna:_,,_launehed 1n Orange County : For
to arms for the P1"1 to join logethcr ,.,. 8 '°"g ~c, ~ was the iron lung o(
lo main whal hu been a<c<Jllpllsll<d Oie GOP. ·. .
and to tum batk ""1 challenga. . "(Sit lilPulucANI, P ... II "
• ' ~-
•• I
VOL. Q, HO. 2U. • 11,TIONS, 1M PAGIS
Finance Actima
Tax Cut 4 Step
Goes to Senate /
WASHINGTON (UPI) -tt the Senate cut approved by Congre.ss In 1964 _to
goes along with fhe work..o( i\.s Finance" boost a sagging economy. .
Commitee, tbe amount of 1axes withheld They are carried in the tax reform bill · · which the finance commilee, ~ two lroi;n your paycheck will fall in January, months work, approv ed Ji)iday ·ra-1 Mlnt . fall .~gain ~xt June. fall again ori .Jan. to the Senate floor for acUon. , -· .
J1 1971 and fall a four.th time on J~n. I, Ultimate approy4l l1 f.2nsl~ * cer-• Jfll. • , • , . ' . tainty, perliaps 1>efore the .,~ .11 out;
!( ~ . . although that U: far ·less certlid.. · .,. . . And ~ arc .poor, or single or if you .JJr.,~ving the blll}arantlnl tax cull . '·Mi~ · E' d ' take the it.imlafd ded~ ·rather \ban or tf.968' billion but nl.slng tans for the e n s lt<mlze your -'" llllilll.::~i:~ welJ.lo-do and for corJ)Or•tioN by 16.49
• . t. tu rttu~ )'OU can ezpect a billion, the commilee wafered down both , -, lax cuta.. the tax reforms and the ta1 cuts the
-·---------~~-Toitther-thlse cul.!i add up lo the sec-Houae bad approved. It voled to>delily !l f~ ;Si' . g" · t. R •de ond Jaraett tu cut In American history, bllllon worth of the tar cuts until ltiZ Jj\Jn es .J ' overshado_?ed only .b~ the $11 billion la:r rather than put them into ef/ect m ~97J.
< • ~I -{;[ fr •
By Air Pirate
ROME (UPI) -The AWOL Camp Pen-
dleton Marine who pirated a Trans World
Atrllnes '(TWA) jet from California 6,800
miles to: Rome was captured today. his
The Irvine Company and the Irvine
Foundation will have little to do v•lth
eac h other _under t~rms of. an amend-
1nent attached to the tax reform bill
whicb cleated the Senate Finance Co1n-
rnlttee Friday.
Prep Gridder
N . l l ~D' 1 c ay on., . ies
Of Brain In ilry
. 20th birthQay~ by,searchers ·in a su.bur·
ban forest.
Lan«i Cpl. Ratfele l\Unichieilo escap.
ed from Camp Pendleton~ where he was
to face a court mar1l•I Friday on charges
of breaking and enlering a post exchange.
He bought a $15.50 Ucke t at Los Angeles
and climbed aboard the airliner for San
Francisco carrying what appeared to be
a fishing rod case~
After landing in Rome. Minichiello had
forced a customs policeman lo dri ve
him from the hijacked Boeing 707 south
toward Naples. Then he leaped out of the
car seven. miles outside Rome and Oed
into the woods.
llis escape touched off one of Ro1ne's
biggest manhunts wi th an army of gen-
dannies, .helicopters and police dogs
joining in the hunt.
Police premalurely announced 1'.1ini·
chiello's capturt when they came up 'vilh
a qua il hunter. ' · ·
Five hours later, they found the leather-
. neC k. dr.esaed only In a pair of shot-ts' in
the rolling countryside just south of an-
chJent Roman catacombs. Jt ended one
of 'the most bizarre episodes in .aviation
Minichiello. of SeatUe, Wash., had end-
ed hts-Jea~frogging alr ody_ssey before
dawn 't\'hen the aircraft tOdched down
1t Leonardo Da Vinci IntemaUonal Air·
port, ill six-member Crew tried but safe.
The pilot of the airplane when Mini·
(See JWACK, Page 3)
Egg Toss Prank
Sweeps Corst
Pollcen1en ~nd .&;;n)e County SW'·
vived 1i8Uowef:n wit&Ut lny egg on their
race, bOI a lol of ""'•.coun!y;.\ealdcnt.s didn't. • li.C.W. --~-• !
A 1urvey of Ill< t~tllf<>I'>'·
meyit aseocl~ show ~ s 'iMThg a
.c_elaUvely quiet ftalloween1 but lo a man
they reported ~ flock OI egg tossing,
ain1ing at homes and cltbtru. ·
Fon.unatel y, no Injuries or major dam-
age w11 reported as the pran ksters had
tllelr nlghl. .. Huotinl1'Jn Beaoh police reported the
window of a residence w1s bklwn open by
a small bomb, apparently Ifft by some-
one out for revenge, ralher lhan a Hall9-
The amendment \\'ould req uire the
Foundation, which now owns a control-
ling 53 percent of the stock of the Irvine
Co. lo divesl itself of all but about 7
percent or' the stock.
Victim, FAA
{)iff er 011 Story
Of Count y Cra sh
OI the O.ltr Plllt '""
A discrepancy has developed In stories
or the final seeonds or a pleasure night
'vhich sent a plane careening through f
fence and a field at Orange County
Airport Thursday, Injuring foilr persons
aboard. • ~ ·
Pilot Robert W. Perkins, SI. Long
Beach,... told. authorities .he _was ordered
not to set down at Orange County Airport
at the-last moment, via radio, and crash·
cd leylhg to comply. · . ,
The · Federal Aviation AdministraCion
denied jt Friday. .
Perkin~ a~ hi s three 'passengers are
rccoveri~g r~m their crash injuries. ln-
clcdlnJ· .shock and e.,i:J>OSll1re, at Costa
lifei:l;, Memorial H0splt81, .where fhe;y ..
\ver.ei take)\ aft.er lying in ihe fog-shfoud-
l.fark · Nay:Jon. a .15-ycar-old Edison
Hlg11 -Scliool football player who was crit·
· lcally injured in a jayvee game Oct. 11,
died late Friday night in Huntington
Nay1on had beeil in a coma since li';
was tragically injured during a junior
va rs ity game against Loara High School.
Doctors said he suffered subdural hema·
toma Ci"nterna l bleeding around. the
brain ). He is· the first flt'ality in t.be,his-
tory oC Orange Coast foqttialL •
The boy died al 10:23 p.m., Jl'tiday, In
lfuntington fntercommurilty Hospital. He
is surviv~d by his parents, Mi: •. and Mrs..
\Vllliam Nayloil of 10012 1\feredith Dri\'e,
Huntington Beach. Funeral arrangeineuts
are pending at Smith's Mortuary, Hunt•
ington Beach.
Young Naylon , a sophomore at ~ison,
had been cympellng in the Saturdar &J.
temoon game. when he came to:-the .
sidelines and began crying, according to
varsity coach Bill Vail. • .
The boy was told to Jar on the ground
and an ambulance was immediately sent
for, said· Vail. Naylon was in a coma
when he reached· the hospital. • ·
No team physician was on hand 'for i
the junior varsity game (none are . re-
qui red), but doctors later saJd all Qiat
could be. -was done. ·
Orange Coas&
cd f1eld for flye tioors ~fore da~~~ , . ThcA,.ongf ~ maqufaCtunng. plant'. S1,1nny skies ind summer time .. pre.~l)t was ' , tumin&, ftom ~ledco, weather (sd dcirets inland) Will .•
whiffi · ~~to'li')'! \t~, ' · make! the weei<nd a good ont,'
div ' Meriei'n din:n"t" J QKu;~resi<lenJl,cari plan on a-coo..1
\\'ed · }(!Sin~~ n-''tbe', Ctash 'Oc'·. · &irtablf! 75 degrees. ~
Cll.;;';~' ha.I not filed a night plan and INSmE "fGDA: Y
. ud-~~}Yj~ppenr.ed,!!ID~,El,T.oeo ~arJ1 \ .. , '"' >::ict11pm ~~ wi4ows ,face un,. Corps' A r Stellon rad8l' leteen Ill tl1c · "" to , 111C_ Jjrob(en~ of bed'in~i11g 1a (.
F'AA radar air traffic control {RA'rl'C ) "seco11d ,Jf/e" witl' tl1e help of
farllity at 1:05 a.in. Thu rsday. two Na vy doctors and their fei.. "
"He requested instrument lundln,g 1010 u.iidows, lead stor~ i11 kK:fo~'•
system guidance into. Orange County Fon1itt1 Weekly. • .. •
Al~rt," FAA asslstant publlo affairs of· <1twc1i 1.1 MW\tt n
ficer'Bob Huber explained Eriday. <l•hiflM 1>-H °""".win 1 Routine kkntification confinned the <•"':ci '' "''' ••• ,..,, <tu•-• ' ,...,. lNI craft five miles soutlleast or El Toro '""'1t1 "•" ' 1"'" """'.., *_, ~ICAS was a ·cwna 310 reg\stC?red as •11• L•~,, 1 ,,.._,. ft
'ft'ten &rick. · ·~ -(Set CRASH, P•1• i1
Mtt!lt1t• " I Ute• L• If
• •
-·--·\-,,.-'.\:---------... ·-· ··----·~J.+ .. ··--~ .. -··----~;-.~··=-'-'·=·=-=:-=·"'-=·-=·=..,,===="" ·-• -. .
----. ---· \
... , I'll.OT . I . .. ---=-C=O$TA .MESA' STORE ONLY!
. -Taking Alter Dad
St.an Stangasser, ·a Kent Stale University of Ohio
senior and a member of the gymnastics team, in~
ttoduces his ll·montb-old twin daughters to the
parallel bars. The girls, Sherrie and Terrie, seem
lo.'have !he Olympics in mind )iith !heir Wid .. eyed
.. lhusiastn: • ,
Suad•11 011111
Wom~n·s, lttn'• slippers with
aoft htt.ls, aolH. Bouncy rib-
bon boW. Pink or blue. 5-10.
Save !
Senate · JTI aters Down 1-==........,-=-_..,.,.,,.,"""""'==,;am1
Tax Reform Measure
WASHINGTON (UPI) -In lhan $1 million have managed
. Jmposing ita will on the han-to evade all tederal income
diwork of the House, t h e
. Senate Finance Committee
generally watered down the
. impact the most sweeping tax
. reforma in U.S. history will
hive on well-to-do ta1payers.
Stock m a r k e t investors,
oilmen, bankers and people
..,Ith large investments in' las·
exempt bonds woo subltantial
lazes, the Senate comm ittee
approved a minimum income
tu of 5 percent on a tax·
ptyer's income which rece ives
preferential, low·rate treat·
ment but exempted the first
'30,000 of preferential income.
The committee's 1olution
· reprieves .from the higher t.ax· was far milder than the
es that would have bttn im· House's. The house provided
posed under the House bill. that ooly 50 percent of a 27x 48" AREA RUG
But foundations, reaJtors, person's income could r . S d 0 I docton, high-salaried pro-tu free ot recelv~referen-Uff Gii n 11
fegaiooa)J and business ex-ti.al tax treatment. d it P.ro-27x48" rayon pllt rur'wtth non~
.ecuUve1 did nqt receive IUCh v1ded that deductions -like ikld Latex backirig. Avocado,
euy treatment from the medical or busi~ exeense& pink tangerine gold bluf'.
Senate committee. -must be apphed age.inst ' '
The commlttee',s bi11 now both taxab)e ~d nontaxable Llmnlf Ou•ntlly -"•'" ..... '' ... .,..
ps before. II# f\111· tldaale, :~c;>,m:.· 1~~·tl!Ri,!ff, h~IS" t · 1
where scores or proposed . ~ ui: 1a n-
amttidments are. waiUng. 'fhc come which was not tax ex.
measure the St"{laf.• i,pa':fes ~ tfllP~ wealthy taxpayers _ha~e
wilt then 10 lo a eonference lften able~, · .,.
conqnittee . or Houae and CDJlle taxe • 'Jlte
Smale members. w~h will : $en1te for ~ app e,-to .both
draft the version tha~ will ~o . lndlvldual~ t.-1n<1: ~at10fll,
>to pruldent Nixon or his the House s to md.lv1duals on-•icnlture either late I.his year ly ·
__ or_~arly_ in_.191.0 • _The SeJlaJ_e formula would
Here is a comparison of ma· rai se $700 million, the House's -
Jor points of the.Senate's bill , $54S rplllion.
subject to final revision by the ~f1xlmum Tu : The Senate
commit.tee, .with the bill th~t bill threw out a so percent
emeried from the House m ''maximum tax" on earned in·
Aupt: .. come -fees . wages and
. '
Oii : -The ~te . comnut~ee i;alaries - included in the
voted to cul the 01! depletion House bill to remove the
allowance -which allows temptalion for d o c to r s some oilmen and oil . com· lawyers and corporaUOn ex'.
ptnlu to reduce their t.a>:""1iills ccutives to search out ways to
to aero -to 23 percent. It r~ shelter their income from t.ax-
t.alned the allowance at its es. People with such income
S1111dau 011111
cumnt 27.5 percent level for lhus will remain subject to .the Solld state radio hlls 3"'dyna·
oil firms wl~ income of less highest bracket tax rates. The mic 5peaker. direct dial tun1n£",
than $3 million. The Hous~ provisiOn would have cul bull t-tn fcrri lf' bar antenna. 41.,ii
voted to cut the allowance for government income by $100 x8 ~"x2'1J", ;
Ladies SlttYeless &
Short SIHv• Slip-on
, thru 40.
Su11da11 011111!
~ ~oasty w~nn, Acrylic fleece sleepers with nylon ~ zippers. ,Sizes : -S. M. L. XL.
th. ........................... --....... """"~ e.veryone lo 23 percent, the ml Won a year. I !'l::t.:.mmall:!:c;.,"'-'"">tt"3!!:!l«:n ::!<nmZl!""'"'"'""'"1 fint cut 11ince the de~ice's T 1 x. Ex~ mp t Bonds : I~ ~ ... -!!l'l<''ll'm n••nlBK..,D m •••IBllZ""'""..,""'""'""'"'1
creaUon In 192§ lo 11pur 011 ex-Yielding to the opposition of ft!
ploratlon. . Ylrtually every elected JCK.111 .., p y R A c A N T H A " The House bill would have and state official in the coun-~ ~
raised $400 million !n t~is try, the Senate committee ) ~,
area. T_h~ Senate bill wiU raise junked a House provision ~
$1S5 mlihon . miking the interest payments ~er. Mineral•: The H?use of state and local bo!_lds tax-1·/
alao tnmmed d e p 1 e l 1 o n able. The House bill carried a t1
allowances on ~t 100.other subsidy to allow state and
mlnerals .ranging from gold local governments to pa y
and uranium to gravel . and higher inte rest 00 the. bonds.
t1and. The Senate comllllttee By putti ng all their wea lth in
left those allowances un-ta x-e x em p t iss ue s.
touched. millionaires will continue to be j
C1plLll G1\n1: undoing one able to escape all taxes
or the Hous~·s chief .reforms. Real E1tate : The Senate ,:
to pay taxes on capital gains 1 1 h 0 Y w .e .n
• .. .,t: •
I.he Sen1te bill allows _1_nYestors Committee. acne.rail t r:·I
_the profits from· stocks held a ong w ~-a 11ouse provision •
$iX months or longer'-:--at a 1~nder ~ _1ch t~e ow_ner or a 1• . .
maximum rate of is percent comm_c cia_I property -: 8 Bear ing large clusters of rfld berries.
ell'.cept for gains excteding sh~p~1ng center, o r f 1 c e ~
' .. ,
~ .--o~~ \' ~~
S1m da11 011ly/
~ l
'85.000 ·in one year. For the building. garagc.1warehouse or:l''~•:-:-::~..:a::~::::::;:::~::::~=~ excess. the \alt would be one· th e ll~e -. cou d no longer
half the taxpayer's income tax depreciate his p_ropcrty for tax
rate. Also junked was a Houst: purposes. at llv1.ce the rate It
bill stretching the holding ac,tuallr is cons1d~red t~ ha~e Lil
period to t2 months. The max -deprecia ted. Hous1n.g ~111 stt ll 1
imum capitol gains"·tax on cot~ J.(Ct d01_-1ble _deprcc1at_ion. By '
poraUons v.·as raised fronl 25 1979. th•~ action could increase
1 126/12 E xp. with one~ flashcube. Fits all Insta·
ma tic type cameras .
lo :\Cl percent. The reslllt is lo gov_errun cnl revenues by $1.3
reduce from S360 million to bll hon a year. ,
~300 million the amount of ne'v C h a r I t a b I e GU ts: The
revenue to be gained by the Senate bill goes along v.·ilh the
EOvernment. House in reducing how much ,
Foundl&ions: The Senate can be subtracted fro m ta x-,
committee we nt rurther than able income by virtue o( gtrts
the House by ruling the 30.262 to .charity. The c xi's t I~ g '",
·existing foundations must go ~nhmlted charttable .deduction ~t of operation in 40 years 1s one of. the m?5! important
and new ones may have 1 tax·. I~>:. devices which allo~s t,
exempt life-span of only 40 '"eall hy peo ple lo reduce their
year&. It decided that foun-taxes. Dy 1979, th!S and other
datlons 5hould pay a tax or provision lli htening up tax
one-fifth of l percent of 1he trt:11lm~nt of gi rt. deductions
value or thei r asset!, must pay will raise $20 million.
Your Cl1olce
out to charity each year a su111 Doctor&: lr1 a · ne\v reform , c:::r~,,,.,,,...,.. . .,..
equal to 5 percent of their not 1n the ll01.1se bill. the 1•
uaets an d may not enga~e in Senate committee voted to
polJtlt:klnc or propagand1ilng lake most of the tu benefi ts
an lee\sl1 tive luues. from doctors and professioN1ls
Mhlimum tax : Responding "'ho incorpor1te to s11ve on
to th;t widely p u b I i c i 7. e d t11xes and pay themsel ves
diJclozure U'lat some peo ple unlimited pensions from tax·
.tl.b, anauaJ. incomes of more ucmpt earnings.
:\n ideal mix of cement
& crushed rock -for ('.•
footings. curbs, setting,•
posts & misc. repairs. "I
A 1n ixture of masonry cf.
ment & sand for brick &
block laying.
60 LB. BAG
S1u1dnu 011111
Dlscou11l Price
Rt'frehlni ''Seo~" mouth\vash lo fight g<'rms, sy.·ecttn breath.
Comes In big 17-oz. !amil.Y size botUt. Charge It.
QUILl LINll!fi ..
S1111du11 011 111
\Yater • repellent nylon
@ cil, h~Avy-duty iippe_r.
For y.·ork or casual \11car. ~
S.fl-1-lrXJ..._ ~
S11nd•u 011111
Twin, full gizc thermal \\"Ca\'~
cotton bedspread. ChOO!ic gold ,
avocado, blue', pink or \\"hitr.
l'•ln1et1 011 l 11dt1.
Colorful prints and bright
colors. l\1achine w. a s h·
able -Color fast.
Colorful P.lastic:
S1111dau 011111
Poly plastic cb&its ""i 1h
tubular meta.1 lc~s. In ;a
\\"idC! SCif'Ction cif dCt'OI"·
a tor colors. 2~·5
.S1111day 011111
Tm.port., 11.ll c.hrome on bran con·
sLruction \Yll h cArrytni; bag,
For h_untln;, ska ting ....
~.-. .. :z usu;, •--.. I -·--·-· . -~-~··=-~ • _.,._,_,, __ -'""'J •
• '
" D
" H
• i ..... ....
Dally Pa-per
. ' VOil. 62, NO. 262, 6 SECTIONS, 94· P~SES
" . -. ./ ' ·'
Hijacker Nahhe .d
Peiidleton Escapee Captured in Rome . .
I . ,...._ M L• ''""
Dennis Carpenter and Rep. Glenn1rd Lipscomb With Melvin Laird
Prep Gridder
Naylon~ 15, Dies
Of Brain Injury
Mark Naylon, a lrt-year-0ld Edison
liiih School football player who wa:s crit-
ically injured in a jayvee game Oct. 18.
djed. late Friday night in Huntington
Beach. ·
Naylon had been in a coma since he
was tragically injured during a junior
varsitt proe agaiolt Loara J:liP School. Doctoh said ht aufitrtd. subdurll hema-
toma (in~t · "'bl~ing around the
brain). He is the first fatality in Lhe his-
tory ol Oranp Coal\ football
The boy died .at 10:23 p.m.,'Friday, in
Huntington Intercommunity-Holpital. J;le
ls survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Nayloa of 1001% Meredith Drive,
Huntington Beach. Funeral arrangements
are pending at Smith 's Mortuary, Hunt-
ington Beach.
No team physician was on hal)d for
the junior varsity game (none are re-
quired), bat doctors-later said alt that
could be, -was done.
taii~d Drops 111., ~alks
To County GOP Meeting
01 tn1 D1llr Plltl Sllff
CalifOrnia Republicans set off on the
1970 campaign trail Frida.y night in Ana·
heim with Gov. Ronald Reagan ~nding
the .cha.a!;~ and Sec retary ol Defe~
Melvin Laird prumi•il!I Ille l!IPporl af lh9 iesefve!. . ' • •
Moree than. I~· ol the patty's !llith'
fuJ gathertd·'Jn•Anaheim Convention Cen·
ter far the Ut Of the State Ceol!•I
Commitlee's 'lbursilay fall con•entlon
and were treated to a few surptises Jitbt
!rom the start:
-.M .. unlllll'IO®ced and unexpected
guest was Laird, described l>Y Dennis
Carpenter. Ne\Vl)Ol't )leacb, chairman of
the ceilfral commutee, as a "drop-in."
..:... Gov. Reagan give a speech, a call to arms for the ·patty ·to join together
to-retain what ha been accompli.shelf
and to turn back any chalJenies.
- All the top Republicans of the st.ate
were in attendance, probably one of the
most impressive gathering of the party
faithful-all factiona-in some Ume.
-Sen.GeQlee Murphy Jorm~ly Unke~
his re-election pt~. w!tl! tltose of Gov.: fl.eNao, and tllo ... , -pro-Dial t!loY would 10 f'"'ard lo(ether. . lte.ai• ... not scbeduled lot .• 1_peeclt.
at this opening banquet-th~' CeJebrll1
llall-but he pve;--..yway, eml>tliW1·
lqg, oo the. lnlnlductlon given him by
frieDd ·and fellow actor, master of cere-
monies, Dorr DeFore:
"Let the trumpets blart out, we can
hardly ~·a'lt. ''
Reagan told the receptive crowd that
it was flttiD11h•t the campalgn was be-
. ing launched 1n Orange County: "Ror
a Jong time, lllis was the . iron lung of
the GOP."
Judge Speirs Won_'t .~ock
Hi.s 'Compet£nt' Boat
Egg Toss Prank
Sweeps Coast
Polictmen around Orange County sur·
''ived Halloween Without any egg on their
race, but .a lot of other county resid~nt.s
didn't. ·By TOi\I BARLEY
0 1 ftlt Dtflr Pllel Sl1U
Judge ·wnlialll! Speirs of Newport
Biach will take a "don't rock the boat"
philosophy with him Jan. t ·when he
hangs his nameplate on the office of the
Superior Court's presiding judge. .
But that d~n·t mean, he stressed
"Friday, any reluctance on ~is part toe[·
feet changes if and when they become
necessary. "I've got my owtl ideas 'and I
intend to form my own impressibn:a," he ~d. "and I-may have a few innovations
lo offer before my tenn is up."
But Judge Speirs made it cle;l?' that
he's "iiUSfied with~ the-current-esign......-
ment of Judges in a court that is, be says,
"working much more efficienUy and
competently thBn the public rea1izes.
A survey of the county's law enlorce-
ment agencies sho~'ed all speriding a
relatively quiet Halloween, but to a man
they reported a flock of e!g tossing,
aiming ac homes and citizens.
Fortunately, no injuries or major dam ·
age Was reported as the pranksters ~ad
their night.
Huntington Beach police reported the
window of a residence was blown open by
a small bomb, apparenUy left by some·
one out for revenge, rather than a Hall<r
ween trick. ·
No one was Injured at the residence of
-iana-st~Hu·nungton-Be:ach, said police.
Damage only to a hallway wlnduw was
reported, Police said whoever did it left
a note threatening to "gel even."
No other inlarmatlon 1''8.S available,
. bul police are investigating the bombing.
ROME (UP[) -tne AWOL Camp Pen. ~ltton M&rlne who pirated ··Tram World
AlrJ!Pel (TWA) jet fJ'9lll Callfomli 8,800
mllti tO" Rome was captured today, his
20th birthday, by searchers In a subur.
~an forest.
Lance Cpl. Raffel e Minichiello escap-
~ from Camp Pendleton, where he "'as to fiace a court martial Friday on charges
o~ breaking and entering a post exchange.
H,e bought a $15.~ llcket at·Los Angele.!
and climbed aboard the airliner for San
Francisco carrying whal appeared lo be
a fishing rod case.
J\ictini, FAA
Clash Over
Ctash Sto~y
Of .. Deltr PIW I ....
A discrepancy has developed in stories
of the final seconds of a pleasure fUgbt
\\'hich sent a plane careentni through a
fence and a fie}d at Orange County
Airport Thunday, injuring four persons
t1board. i
Pilot Robert W. Perkins. 51. Long
JJeach, told authorities he was ordered
not to set down at Orange County Airport
at the last moment, via radio, apd ·crash·
ed trying to comply.
The F~eial Aviation Administration
deoied 'It Friday.
~Perkins and bi.! three passengers: are
recovering from their crash injuries. in·
ch.:dil'll shock and exposure, ·at Costa r.r... Neniotjal'., jlosp~ ~-llltY ~ -oiior 11">& Ii: lhrfof'ihn>od-ed ·fteW for ftft bOUrs before diwn. 'Ille"-Bwti' ma:•d t P"'l':ifttnl prestdtft\ was returning from Calexico, wf9'e bo, a buslnels UIOdata and 11'0
diYOrOlft had nowa for. Mmcan dbiner
Wldoeaday Dicb~ when lhe craah_oc-curreCI. •
'l1in' had not mec1 a flltllt plan and
suddenly appe1red on the Ef Toro Marine
Corps Air StaUon radar screen at th.e
F'AA radar air traffic control (RA'M'C)
facility at 1:05 a.m. Thursday.
"He requested instrument landing
S)'t.tem pidance Into Orange County
Airport," FAA assistant pubUc affairs of·
fleer Bob Huber explained Friday •
RouUne identification confirmed the
craft flve miles: southeast of El Toro
MCAS was a Cessna 310 registered as
(See CRASH, Page l)
Beach Residents'
Phones Cut Off
Re sidents of the northeast section ol
Huntington Beacli were without telephone
servic.i for more than six hours Friday
y,·hen a trunk line cable was cut.
General ,.elephone Company wo rkmen
restored service to more than 4:JO
customers by 9 p.m. The cable cut oc·
curred at 2:45 p.m.
Jack Moore, telephone co mpany
service manager, said lhe mish ap oc·
curred at Algonquin Street and Heil
Avenue when 'a contractor digging a
drainage ditch severed the 900-pair cable.
Telephone .company mobile unit& were
rushed to the area; Moore said, and
residents affecled notified o( their
a\•al\ability by d.oor to door calls or com·
pany personnel.
The Huntington Harbour area nearby
was not affected, ltloore said.
After landing In Roo>c Minichiello bad
forced & custOm1 policeman to drlVe
him from.the hijacked Boeing 707 south
toward Naples. Then he leaped out of the
car seven miles outside Rome and fled
into the woods.
His escape touched olf one of Rome's
biggest manhunts with an army of gen·
darmiea;, hellcOpters and polic~ dogs
joining in tlie bunt. ·
Police prematurely announced Mini·
chiello's capture when they cam~ up with .
a quail hunter. .
Finance Aetion
4 Step
, Goes to
WASHINGTON (UPI) -![ the Stoafe
goes along with the work of its Finance
Commltee, the amount of taxes withheld
from your paycheck wUI fall in January,
fall again next June, fall again on Jan.
l, 1971 and fall a fourth time oo Jan. 1,
111'1%. '
And · if you are poor, or single or if you
take the standard deduction rather ·than
itemiz.e •)'out"· expenses in filllnc out yoor
tax returns, you. can expect addltional
tax cuts.
Together these cuts add up to the sec·
ond llr1est lax cut in American history.
over~dowt11 only by the. Ill billion tu
cul •Wovt!I by Caocr;al la illl to
-• saallli -.-: . '
' -
Fu~ral Shaed ·
For ·Top Citizen
Of Huntingto~i
F'uneral services will be held .Sunday in
Bakersfield for one of HunUngton Beach's
mo1t honored and respected citizens,
Rol>trl M. Pyles.
Mr. Pyles died Friday after a long ii·
lness. He was 77.
He had been a resident of Huntington
Beach for 33 yeara and was founder of
the R. 1'f. Pyles Boys CAmp for un·
derprivileged boys. He was president of
the philanthropic organization for 15
During his tenn the Boys Camp won
the Disneyland Award for community
service three times.
f\.1r . Pyles was twi r.e honored as ~tan of
Uie Year by the Chamber of Commerce
and the Little Mermaid Guild of Hun·
lington Beacn.
The Robert ~f. Pyles School in Stanton
ls named in his honor.
Mr. Pyles was general manager of th!
Southwest Explorallon Co., and later
superintendent for Slgnal Oil Company
v.·hen the firm V.'as purchased by Signal.
He retired seven years ago.
MkSOniC serv ices v.·ill be held at the
Greenlawn h1 ortuary in Bakersfield with
burial in Greenlawn Cemetery.
• He ls .!Urvived by his wife, ?tlarsha , of
the famlly home, 8322 ~llis Ave, and two
daughters. Mrs. H. Q. Tlbbet of Long
Beac h and Mrs. R. G. Miller of
Bakersfield, lour grandchildren and nine
great grandchikfren.
The family has suggested contributions
be made to the Boys Camp. ·
"Y.'e ha ve one of the most cllicienl
courts in this state," he said, "aod part
of that picture is the fact that we have
judges assigned to departments in which
ttiey ba"ve proved to be first class jurists.
T intend to encourage this tendency for
judges to work in an area of law th at
matches their preference provided that
the ~u1ts benefit the court as a whole." • Treats Bring Terror
He cited as examples Jud ge Robert
Gardner of Newport Beach and Judge
Bruce Sumner of Laguna Beach.
Bolh judges, he sald, have achieved n<i·
tional recognition for their work in fields
or their thoice -Judge Gardner in
criminal Jaw and Judge Sumner ill
juvenile.,court .work.
·"Tbl!I is where we are so rortunalc in
Orange,CoulJly.",Judge Speirs·sald, ''And
Utls-is. oDe.'of UM; reasons why we here
have •ucl\ a shor~ flling·t9.trial date span -'<lltrt•\1.1' ii'! 10 month& an<l lhal's a lo~ trhotiB than most California cOu~. '' ~ l!albol resident cloe!n't fetl that 2Z tudM:. -the number he'll have.when
~ Judge Karl Lynn Davis o( .
Newport Be.ach is. replaced and a ne\v
benCh !X>sl. is filled -wilt be enough
•·around the end of my term."
S.Bul J1m not going to worry about4hat
rl&ht now." he said. "We're going to need
more pudiclal manpower in tht famlly
law and crtmin11l departments with thde
lrmlendous incrtas~ in divorce and •·
crimfnal·cmlo.ds, but we don't need It
8t tttlis moment ."
lit wishes that the publi•nad the some . -
• ·--• -
Cliildren Find ) !DAILY PILOT •tMt ,,.,.._ Razor Blades Ul • Halloween Goodies
Superior Judge Speir• . -~Y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS·
,Vicious pranks played on unsuspecting
under'sta.nding as the press of today's yourigstus aoured the Halloween lr!di· tion~,q( ltiq:-or·lreat in seiveral cities
court scene. • -arciiil~tbe utimrfl'lday. -J.
"I feel in alt-sfocelity that' we pl gb,Od ·o."-..ou! ttcati:, f<lld or C"ndv <.'On· press coverlilke i n" Orange qount.y, ';. l)e • ·oe-"' " salC:.·"Jn fact. 1 have found some of that tainlnJ. concealed sharp objefta ~ Jert
coverage. to be exceptional boal ln· Its ap.. 1IUthotlUes shoe~~ and J)Uule<t.
proach and_conlent. . • , .. , A 21~·yq.r--old boy in-Middletown; N:Y., · ·sutfertd cuta In the mouth ~hen he bit "But I do often feet that.· the pubrie .if\&.O.an apple that 'had been loaded wllh
hear• too much crltici9m of the CoUrts,''" a razor blade. •
J udge Speirs1added. "I often '"Wlsh that our Orange-County court functlQris &pd Police in ColumlM: Ohio, 1akl l'f*IY
achievements could be better eKJ>lained patents complain~ 'that lhclr' ctuklren had been given apple"s In .wbich raio~ to tlie·pUblic at, large .... rt would be to !be blades, hatplne, bobby p.ins, darning need·
benefit o[ both parties... ' . ' tes. pape;r cllpo, ......... ,,. nailrabad n ~ new pre:Skling iudce ta wen aware conceaied. No lnjuriet were . •
of the st.ralns and l.dmlnislraUve load,--=fcAi=51J.Jear--old boy Ip Oertori.i • war that will descend on himUn. 1. bur hi spa 1~ w1fen he cuf OJ.le9 an Apple·
doesn't Intend to let •t af(ect one other received while tritk .. o"r lte&t.Jnc arid dis.
court funcUOn that CUJ;TenUt OCC.Upiee hi.i eoyerecl') razor Na<te in11c1e:. 1
• Jpjre-llmc -lhe tarmls CO\lrl. • • M~ uprct..B911 .1J4*1 u , 1p11l1 -----..... .
brought home by her ?·year.old daughter
in Oneida, N. Y., and found a sharp pin.
•1' I wu shocked, literally shocked.'' she
said. "Explaiflllli lo lhe children was
Oneida police reported that popcorn
balls were also Objects of concern when
It was learned that some were made
with a mixture or soap and mothballs.
Police Chief George Murphy said the
"doctored'1 popcorn was odorl!'.ss and
had DO offensive taste but could cause
serious Illness:
"Thl11 11 tho work of. a depraved mind,"
said Murphy.
There were scattered rtpors or similar
Jncld entJ received by Syracuse., N. Y.,
police. One report came from MIYol' WIJ..
Jlam ,F, Welsh whose dauatiter. Patricia,
rectfvtd a candy bar with a needle stuck
A father in lllion, Nt Y .. discovered a
razot"'P,l•de ln an apple Mien he was pet!~
ln1 ~4or hi& s.,....,ald '°"' '
"I've been in this racket for nearly 10
years now," said Madison County, N. V.,
Dist. AUy. Spencer FeldmaM. '1and this
is the most. incfedlble thing I've run
Feklma.nn, whose office prosecutes per·
petrators of such pranks, said persons at
fault could be charged with se:cond-dea:ree
reckless endangerment and face the pos·
slbillty or a year In jell If convicted.-
One woman in cent.nil New Yo-cl State
said 1rick-or·treatlng should' be outlawed.
"There's no telling what can happen.
Someone as d!praved as these people
could easily-whip up" somethlng with
drugs or who khow s what else. We're not
even letllng our kids oar of the house
this year." _
In i,.as Vegas, Nev.. thousands of younaaten stayed home after. Mayor Or·
an Cra1son w-ged partqta to kteJ> their
children ltdlde btcause. of t.h.ruts of di&o
wrba~ tl\rwghout the city. None oc· cu;red. • . ' '\,' ' -
Five hours later, they found the lellher·
,neck, dressed only in a palr·Gf aborta in
the rolling countryside just IOUth ol. an·
chient Roman catacombs. It i nded on~ Cr the most bizarre episodes in aviation
Minichiello. of SeatUe, Wash., had end·
ed his leap.froggin( air odyssey befort!
dawn when the aircraft touched dowr.
at Leonardo Da Vinci International Air·
port, its six-member crew tired but safe.
.The pilot or the airplane when Mini·
IS.. lllJACK, Page 2)
They are carried in the tax reform bi!~
1''hich the finance commltee, after tw()
months work, approved Friday and aent
to the Senate floor for action. ·
Ultimate approval is considered a cer·
tainty, perhaps before the year is out.
although that is far less certain.
In approving the b!U, Jflnting tax C\IY
of $8.968 billion but ralsmg taxes for the
well-to-do and for ~orporations by $8.4':i
billion, the commltee' watered down bolh
the tax reforms and the tax cull the
HQUS& had approved. It Voted to delay $l
billion worth of tbe tax cuts until 1972
ratber than put them into· eUect in 1971.
The 10:'.!!J.e Company and the Trvine
Foundation wlll have little to do with
each oth·er under tenns of an amend·
ment altached to the tax reform bill
which cleared the Senate Finance Com·
mittee Frldaf.
The amendment would require the
Founda tion, which now owns a control·
llng 53 percent of the stock of the Irvine
Co. to divest ILself of all but about 7
pere!nt of the stoc k.
Schools Chief Slated
For CofC Women Talk
Dr. 'Vill iarn L. Cunningham, au~rin~
tendent of the Newport·Mesa Unified
School District, will address the Mon-
day noon luncheon meeting of the New-
port Harbor and Costa Mesa Chamber
of Commerce Women's divisions at the
Cosla li-1esa Golf and Country Club.
Tht:me of the talk will be ';Better
Education -Your Job?': Fee for the
luncheon is $3.50, and reservations ma y
be n1ade by calling Joyce M art in,
545-7~1, or either Chamber office.
Drug Law Revisions
WASHINGTON 'iUPfl - A bill.sharp-
ly reducing Uie penalties for poueasing
or selling drugs ranging from marijuana
to heroin was approved Friday by a Sen·
ate subcommittee.
The Nixon adm!nistration predicted In
leslin1ony Oct. 20 that congressional ~~
sage of the lighter penalty stnicture
\\·ould prompt similar action by the
st.ates. which handle more than 90 per·
cent of na rcotics and marijuana ca.set.
Orange · Coast
Weal.lier •
SuMy skies and summer time
weather (90 degreu inland) wUI i
make the weekend a good one.
Coast residents can plan on a con-
fortable 75 degrees.
Vietnam war widow1 factt" Up
to the /roblt ,n of beainni ng a
''.tecon life " with. iht http t1f
two Novy doctor1 and their jtf·
low 1oidow11. l1ad 1tqru ift toda11'•
Family. Weekly.
C~lll"dl 44
C i.u II 1111 , I !off
(tlltlcl ,. c,.._rw.1• I
l~ltrlet Pttt ' All~ L.lnftn 1
. """""' '
ttMt 11 .... ._
Sl'M• Ml1'1tf'I , .......
U.19 1. ..
" ' . .. .... , .. ~ • .. I
______ . _ __.
------r=-.-co--=-;;;:c---' -
T aki ng After Dad ,
Stan Stangasser, a Kent State University o! Ohio
· senior and a member of the 'ij:ymnastics tea1n, in·
troduces ·bis 11.-month-old twin daughters to th£
parallel bars. The girls, Sherrie and Terrie, seem
to have the Olympics in mind \Vith their wide-eyed
enth usiasm.
Senate lfl aters Down
Tax Reform Measure
imposing its will on the ban.
diwork of the House, t h e
Senate Fi nance Committee
gtnetally watered down the
. impact the most sweeping tax
reforms in U.S. history will
baVt on well-lo-do taxpayers.
than $1 million have managed
to evade all federal incom!
taxes, the----senate committee
.approved a minimum income
tax or s ~rcent on a tax-
payer's income which receiv es
pr_eferential, low-rate tre at·
ment but exempted the first
$30.000 of preferential income.
Sunday Only J29 ~'
\Vomen's, tetn's slipper~ "ith ~ i;o(fheels. Roles. Bouncy rib·
bon bo\\', Pink or bluf', 5-10. ' Save! . "
stock m a r k e t invest.ors,
oilmen, bankers and people
with 11rae investments in tax-
exempt bonds won substantial
reprieves from the hlgher tax-
es that would hive been im-
poaed under the House b!U.
The committee's soluUon
\vas far m1lder than · the
House's." The house: provided
that only 50 percent of a
person's income could remain
tax free or receive preferen--
27x48" AREA RUG
But foundaUon.s. rtaltors,
doctors, high-1alaried pro-
fessionals and business ex-~uUves did not receive such
Wy trtalment from the
Stn1te committee.
The committee's bill 110\v
goes before lhe full 'sefiate.
'1·here scores of proposed
amendments are wai\it& The
measure the Senate . pas); es ~
v.in then ID to 1 conference committee of House and
Senate members, which .. will
drift tM version that will go
to ·president Nixon or his
aianature either Jate th is year
or early in 1970.
Hefe-il a comj>lriSon <l ma-
jor points of the Senate's bi!J,
subject to final revision by the
committee. with the · bill that
emeried fro"m the House in
Sunday Only
ti_al tax treatment. and it P.ro-27x48" rayon pjlt rug y.•ith non~ v1de~ that deductions -h~e lkid Latex back ilig. ·Avocado,
medical or buslne~ expe.~se1 pink tangerinr a:old bl ur . -must be apphed ag11nst ' ' '
both taxable.· IU)d 11011~xab~ L11111,... -~"''~ -~-.. ~ " ~~,,.., income . BffaPPr,tng-iWlc-~ r;.t;.,_ ~'·' ·• ",.,A
lions to the portion of 11is ln-
CO!f~ v"hich was not tax cx-em)t, y.•eahh_)'. taxpayers have
been able 1';~1 .. ·ift.
come laxes ~gn!llCanUf.'·The·
Sen•te fo_rm_u.I& ~RPli~~b• both :.._
individuals and «:orpora~ons,
the House's to indlvldtl1Js on·
The Senate formula would
rals'e $700 million, the House 's
"$545 million.
ft.l11imum Tax : The Senate
bill threw out a 50 percent
"maximum tax" on earned in-
come -fees, \Yage~ and
salaries -included in the
House bill to remo\'e the
' '
temptation for doctors,REALTONE ' AM TABLE RADIO _, lawyers and corporation ex-,,
ecutives to search out ways to • ~i
es. People with such income '.;
Lad les Slffveless &
Short SIHVt Slip-on
Onl11 J44
Acrylic slip-ons in beautiful faU colors. Sizes 32
thru 40. I
297 !;
Sunday Orlly! i
sheller their Income from tax-Sun dau 0 11lu· 6 88 1
highest bracket tax rates. The mic speaker, dltrct dial tunlna.
provision would have cu t built-in ferrite bar 11.ntrnn11.. 411 zippers. Sizes: -S. M. L. XL.
Ofl : The Senate commi ttee
voted to cut the oil depletion
allowance -which allows
Mime -oilmen and oil com-
panies lo redu"ce their tax bills
to iero -to 23 percent. lt re-
l.toed. the allowance at H.s
cur.Tent 27.S perce11t level for
oil ffrms with income of less
than $3 million. The flouse
voted to cut the allo"·ance for
everyone to 23 peictnl, the
lint cu\ since the device 's
creaUon in 1926 to spu~ t1il ex-
plor1tion .
thus will remain subject to the Solid state radio ha s J" dyn11.· 1 ~· T_oasty wa_ rm, Acrylic fleece sleepers '"ith nylon
government income by $UKl x8* "x2!rii".
million a year. ~ "'91J'!ii?fMZSJ".!:.""'""""'""'""""' .. """"""mnmm•oi!
T. x. E J empt Bonds: ~.!.m;!!""_,___:1'1=",_!'J':_--,;7..11!!: ll!!I"""382I.W;? r ••SfMM 1!£A4165WW&ikii'Je&!..~ ..... --.... ,.,,.,.'I
The House bill would have
raised MOO million Jn this
.1re1. The Senate bill will raise
$155 million.
·· OUter Minerals: The House
also trimmed depletlot1
allowanct:1 on about 100 other
minerals ranging from gold
and uranium to gravel and
sand. The Senate committee
left those allov.·ances un-
Capital G1lns: undoing one
of the House's chlef reforms,
the senate bill allows investors
to pay taxes on capital gains
-the profits from stocks held
sir months or longer -at a
marimum· rate of 25 percent
except for gains exceeding
$85,000 tn one year. For the
erceas, the tax would be one·
hair the taxpayer's income tax
rate. Also junked \vas a House
bill stretching the holding
period to J2 months. The max·
!mum capitol gains tax on cor~
porations "'·as raised from 25
~ ~rcenL The result is to
r· Ce1 from $360 million lo
million the amount or nevi
revenue lo be gained by the
Foundadon1: The senate
c:ommlttet went fur ther than
· the House by ruling the 30,282
uittinc fou ndations must go
out of operation in 40 years
and new onu may have a la><·
exempt life-span of only 40
yeart;. It de(ided that foun-
d1tions 1hould pay a h1x: or
one-fifth of I ptrcent of the
value of their aiseta:. m·ust pay
oul to charity etch year a JiUm
tqUll LO S percent of th,lr
usets and may not fn gagt' ln
poUUc:klna: or propae1ndii1ng
oa leg1'sl1tive 1~wcs.
Mln1mam Ui:: Responding
IO'J:.t wldtly pu b 11c1 zed
dlaclosun! that some people
wllll .....i 11>com .. -o1. mar•
Yielding to the opposition or r ~ ~ . ~~~b:~;. ~;i1a.t::':~~ ~~:1 : p YR A C A NT H A i . · G.A.F. COLOR PRINT
lry. the Senate committee t ~
junked a House provision ', ,
making the interest payments 11 ~ of state and local bonds tax-~ .l-• 1 ;J
able. The House bill carried a tjl W
subsidy to allow state and · tj
local governments to pay I 4 8 ~ 1 higher interest on the bonds. J ·-,~ ft to} By putting all their_ wealth in · ('"··· ..... i :•
tax -ex empt iss ues, "'
millionaires will continue to be P. , '
able to esc ape all taxes. t ~
Real E1late: The Senate .J ,O 'i· .1 r
committee generally went ~ t •
al ong \1'ith a House provision 'l
~ \'39-:
under \vhich lhe owner of a " \, (~
commercial property -a 1' Bearing large clusters of fed bcrrie ~. 1i! ;i shopping cente r. off i ce >
building. garage. "'arehou se or ,;.._ -· ,~ '"""'?"!'IHM"":sli the like -could no longer ~ ... ·-~6 --"uo:: .
depreciale his property for tax ~~-~ ilGti:• "l\ -,__~
Sunda y Onl11/
126/12 Exp. with one free fla shcube. T·)ts all Insta-
matic type cameras: purposes al twkc the rate it • CONCRE.TE MIX~ I actuaUy is considered to have 1'·
depreciated. Housing will still , ., ;\ ·a I ~ ~"'""'m""'=--.'J.'t:'.-ri 1. get double deprec iation. By l 'n 1 ea 1nix of"'cement , FAMILY SIZE
197!1. this aclion could increase &' crushed rOck -for
government revenues by $1.3 • footings. curbs, setting
billio n a year. p posls & misc. repairs.
C haritable Gifl1: The Iii
Senate bill aoes along with the ;
!·louse in red~cing ho1• much 1 can be su btracted from tax· 1
able income by virtue of gift! r
lo charity. The ex i 1 t ing
unlimited charitable deduttlon
is one of the most important" r
lax devices which aU!Sws· t
\veal!hy people lo reduce their
ta><e~. By 1979, this and other rl
provision Uahtenlng-up tax '{
trealment of gift deductions ' ,_.ill raise $20 milnon .
Doctors: In a ne1v reform
11ot 1n the Hou!e bn1. the
"8enate co1nmittec voted lo
take most or 1he ta x: benenu
rrom doctora and .profess1on1ls
\\'ho lneorporatt to save on
la xes and pay themselves
~lted pen~lons lrom t8x• pl earnln5.i..
' "
\' 011r Cho fee
A mixture ofmasonry-ce--
n1ent & sand for brick'&
block Jayjng.
60 LI. IAG
• --
StUtdR!I· Only
Dlrco111rt ·Price
R~frehlna "Scope" mouthwa~ to fight germ •, .,,·teten breath.
Cornea In big 17-oz. famlly 1h:e bottle. Charge it.
•l'!vloll Ot. 1.lrllltM 0\11nllty -
J"1<11 Mlf II •Hltn,
. .
Sntrday Orrly
S11rrdn11 Only . ... f:
" .. \\,.ater -1·epellent nylon
i;heil, h~avy-duty ilpper. £'-
For >,1.•ork or cu ual wear. t:
S-M-I,-XL. • i
Twin, full aizc thermaJ ,,·ea1·,.
cotton becl.!1pread. Choosr t;:old,
avocado, blue, pink or \l.'hitr, 491
l'tlrlftlol I<! I lldH.
Co lorful prints and bright
colors. 11achine 'v a s h-
able -Color fast.
Colorful Plastic
Sunda y On l 11
Poly plastic chain; \\'ilh
t ubular metal ltgs. ln 11.
wld(! selection nt drc·o1·-
ator colors. 2i 1 5
Stnrdny Orr ly
Import, all <:hron1e on brast con-strlieUon \\ lth carrying bt1. For hunUng, skating.
8 ozs. fluid . Reg. 44< ,, ,, 29(
DC ..
"' St
J 1
"' 30
R c
~ ,.
UI c ..
J> a
" c:
a .•
~ • p
le • b
Of IM DI~ •llM Stlltl
says lhe resoluUoa, ls a marked lncttaae
in ll\e crime rate, but the area still 11
protected by only two shuilra cars, e.tich
covering a vast territory far removed
from the Saddl~back area.
A llharp CiJmi,laJnt lhal pollc. pre>
Uction·ln the Sadd1eb8ck Valley area has
not kept pace wlth population growth waa
registered this week in a resolution
ado~.)>Y 1be Saddleb11<k R<publlcan
AMem"'Y and fnarded to ll1e Boai'd of
Supetviaors and Oiaoge County Sherill
The rtSO!uUon states that In the past
five ')'ears, as Saddleb&ck Valley "has
grown from a •leepy rancliing'crossr1:iads
to a burgeoning suburban center of over
30,000 people" there has been no increase
In ~on made available by , the
Or~e County Sherifr~ ~partment.
One of the cara, Jt la stated. 'patrota the
, ~JU'OD communlties of Silvtrado, itod~
jeUa aDd7Tra~~ ln ad41tf0n to Lake
Forni, &I Toro and Miuloa Viejo. The
5econd patrol car· CO't'eri ·Lelsure World linCt Capistrano in8hl~s In additlO{I to
Laguna tanyon, Sooth · Laguna and
Laguna Niguel
one of the dllfl'cultles-of urbatiization,
"This. 4 precisely the same type of
coverage conakler'M adequate by the
Shertfrs Office five years ago," says the
resolution. "Today no one, including the
Sherill's OfI!ce, would defend tl1e
Crew Talks
Hijacker Called
Polite 'Madman'
ROME (AP) -Crew members of the
Trans \Vorld Aitlines plane hijacked
from Ca1ilornia to Rome today described
their anned hijacker as a gentlemanly
young madman who, one sal.<!, "just
wanted to kill somebody or be killed."
"He seemed to have strong 11ulcidal
tendencies," said crew Capt. Donald Cook
of New York. "He apparently wanted to
come back here and fight somebody and
die here."
The hijacker V.'R! identified as Rafael
Minichiello, 20, an Italian-born natural·
ized. American.
"We talked about playing cards and
\\'hat he was going to do after he got to
Rome," said hO!t.ess Tracy Coleman of
Cincinnati, Ohio. "He wanted someone
to come out, an official, and look him
up so be could kill them, or else be
killed, .
"He didn't say who it was. He men-
tioned no ind ividual at all. lie didn't
care who it would be. He_ just wanted tD
kill somebody or be killed," b-tiss CDle--
man said. Wh~n I.he hijacked plane landed at
Rome airport, the .carbine-armed htini-
chiello demanded that the chief of police
come aboard with his hands up.
"Apparently he wanted the police chief
only as a matter of Security so he could
get a Way from thP. airport," said First
Officer Billy: Williams, of Amityville,
N. Y.
"He wanted to get. away Into the woods
until sDrneone came alter him," Capt.
Cook said. "And he thought that the bert
way to do this was to get the chlef of ·
police tel come out to the airplane un·
anned and ID take him as hostage."
From Page J
HIJAC~ ...
chiello seized control between Los An-
geles and San Francisco Friday morn·
tng, Capt. D0na1d Cook, said the youth
had said be wanted to go to Naples, where
he WM born and where hls father lives.
"He seemed to have Strong suicidal
tendencies," COok told newsmen at a
press conference following his 17-hou r
ordeal. "Re said he wanted to come here
and fight somebody and die hert'."
The U.S. attorney's office in New York
City, where the plane made one of it.!
three stops for fu el. swore out a war·
rant for the Vietnam veteran's arrest,.
charging him with air piracy. kidnaping
and interference in the operations of an
• The warrant was forwarded to authori·
ties in the Italian capital to expedite Uie
Marine's extradition . The Charges carry
a lilininwm 26-year sentence. An air
piracy conviction could bring the death
Jn the ai r, he seized control of the air-
liner ,.Cook said, and "we suspected that
we would he heading south (tel Cuba)
for cigars." lt was the 5tst commercial
airline hljack.ing reported this year and
by fa r the longest in history.
DAILY PiLO T ............ ............. .... .................. ,..., --CALlfOINIA
OAAHN. '~ ~lllSfll!IMI C(IMll'Ut'f
leffrt N. W-4 "'"'*"' .... f'Wllll* .
J1di 1. c .. ,1..,
Vkt "'•klllll -Olnlrll ~
Tiie1111t IC"'U lditw
n.~ •• A. M•""'"~ MeMth'4 1it11or -cae. Malo~ #)11 #nl .... ''"" --~ -..00: ,,It llttil ........... ..... L-kftll: "2,'Wftl ..,_ ~ ltectl: -• 1trett
The youthful hljacker wa s not drunk,
itiss Coleman said. •Jtte mixed gin and
Canadian Club. He only had two ininia·
How did he act aboard the plane?
"WelJ ... he was a pretly gentlemanly
yourig man -except for his Initial entt.y
into the cockpit and for a short time at
Kennedy Airport," Cook said.
"His behavior was extremely erratic.
SometimeJ be exhibited prety good plan·
nlng ability and other times his behavior
was quite irrational."
"What do you mean irrational?" a
newsman Wed.
Cook-replled: "\Vl!en you point a gun
at an airline crew, that's partty irrational
to 11tart with. And I.hen discharging a bu l·
let-loaded carbine in the plane ••• "
Cook ~aid the bullet which 1.1'.inichiello
fired during the stop at Kennedy hit the
cabin .ceiling but did not puncture the
skin of U1e plane.
Fro111 Pa!Je J
N54.89A and the ILS radar guidance to th;
county facility was given.
The FAA unit at the Marine air base
handles air traffic control bet,veen 11
p.m. and 6 a.m., ~·hile the county facility
ecr111\>ped only one week with an JLS
system is closed. / Perkins 1vas ad\'ised Orange County
Airport was· shut down, \•isibility v.·as
poor and, the ILS ~1stem was / no&:
operative, ""hich he acknowledged, ac·
Cording to H\lber.
Thf-"fller WM advised at 1:18 a.m. that
he was a half-mile from the airport on a
landing approach, said he was beamed in
on the so-ealled middle marker ra'.iio
guidance control and clea red the air.
That was precisely at 1: 16 a.m. U1e
FAA spokesmnn said.
l\'bat happened next -except for •
violent impact into a wire fence and a
te .. rlfying upside-do,vn skid through
\':eeds and scattered, flaming aviation
fuel -is uncle3r.
Perkins told Orange County Sheriff's
Department invesliga1ors he \\·as "'a,·ed
off by FAA controliers In the final leg of
the approach, but experienced failure or
the right engine ·while try•ing tel comply.
Spokesmen for the FAA re gional duty
officer in Los Angeles &aid Friday tllat
che cks of 'radio transmissions at tlle time
confirm that Perkins was only advised
his radar control ~·M being terminated.
"The critical question is lhe wave-0fr ,"
sa.ld Huber, adding that no e\1idenc<!1 ~la~
been unCQvered to support Per.uns
"It if had happened. It \\'0111d have be<'n
something unmistakable, like 'C<'~sna 89-
Alpha ••. Go Around!'" the FAA ex·
ecutive said. _
lie said there V.'a.s no C'lther aircraft
at'ound, which is usually U1e reason for a
The pllot said he tried lo pull out of his
Cescent, but the engine failed, the Cessna
touched the edge of the runway, bounced,
and• hit the westernmost chain link fence
like a fullback crashing a line.
Both wing fuel tanks ruptured , spewing
bl<izing gasoline over a 200 yard area.,
although miraculously, the main fuselage
did not bum and the four fliers were able
to escape the creeping graM fire.
Perkins, Edhund O. Dunahoo, 42, a
Long Beach neighbor and vice president
of Perkins' firm, Mrs. Patti Mallas. 36, o[
9852 Durham Drive, Huntington Beach,
and Jo An'n May, 35, of 5356 Gerda Dri\le.
Anaheim. crawled to safety and waited
fi ve hours for help.
The FAA is investigating the crash. and
the National Transportation Safety Board
will evaluate the Various findings before
declaring an apparent crash cause.
.A:nn)'. ~opt~r Crash es
-In Vielnan1; 10 Dead ..
SAiGON (AP) -A U.S. Anny com-
mand helicopter cyashed and bumed In
scrub jungle about 65 miles nortlJjvest
of Sa\goo mllllary sources said t6d ay .
AJI to A~ertcans a~rd, ll_lCluding a
battalion commander, \\'erf?killcd.
1-fllilary sources said the helicopter, A
Ultl command and control crn!t. 'vent
down shortly afltr:-taiklng off Friday a(.
ttinooa from 1 firebase tn Tay fl!lnh
l province. 'Ibey said there was no In·
dtcaUon that the craft. wa1 under enemy
reasonablene• of s'uch m e 11 tr
cove.rage." /
the 00-member Saddlebact Reputillcaa
AsSembly. · 1
T· '
auch ~lets u !treet awttP#nc, fniil
con.aion· and maintenance a(;~
In Nove;nber, 19611,~ the Re'PW>Ucan
group n1aintaliu,, two ,fepresen~Uvtt of
the Sheriff's office spoke to the SRA and
,expressed the hope that •ll additiOllll
patrol car could be o~ ·b~ Jan. !t
1969:'Theear baa not be<n foilliCciiiilng:
"We ul)dersland the. county'• problem
Is budgel"fY, .. Collins ,told tho DAILY
PJLOT, "ln fact, th~ lwo deputies who
. spoke tq us,sa.id lhe qn~sUon of getting an
fddtUonal cat v.·a~,pr~!YY economic. ,,. it'fhe ract'it'{f\8lns that this ls lhT°
' fastest growii\g area in the couoty and l
don't thtnk·we can Uve with this poor pro--
crtase tn crime JJ Inevitable. ..We
already have a aerloua urcoUcs preblem
among our yoon1 people, he aatd, an in-
crease in c~ ii intvJtable. "We
already have 1 &erloua n'1-cotia problem
arriopg our young people and a &rowing
rate of thefts and _petty:'crimer."
MiSsiOn-Viejo Homeownm T1Ce ;iresI· ·
dent s. Michael Shearer aald be was not
,aware of 111y police ~ctlon problem.-
or at ·least luul received no complaintl
,·11 tbe Homeownirs AsaOclaUon.
Jlrlpe. • ' L • .. If would...., 1ncum-~uo;·Ple
peo~lt living In these 1peelal ..-
arel\1, lo 'flnd ou\ pr~ely ,wbal. lie.are
setq rof ·the taxes,• he COll\ft\o!I~
Jn ' Sie'T'iff Jame. "Mustct·;..· ~.
Underllleriff Robert Sharp igreed iliat
c:evertp · lhroqhoul Ille ~.;.;.
become "skimpy.'·' ·" . "'
The fesolUtion concludes bf imploring
all cl~ns ud civic grou~ in the valley
to Join In urging tl\t Sherlfra olliee and
~rd o Supervoaors to act to "redres.s
t h I s .aerioua imbalance in police protec-
Copies of the ttsoluUo9' we r e
distributed by Mlchael Collinl. ,""51dent
of the board ol trusleel ol Saddlebaek·
College and immediate past presicient of
ColllnJ pointed put that fi ve yean ago,
.. Leisure World wasn't there, Mission
Viejo wasn't there, nor Lake Forest n.or
. any, of the other developments that have
brought at least 30,0oo people into t h e
Shearer said ilie valley ·u divided Into
1peclal service . areas in which a special
service tu it pa.kl bf property OWIMfl ln
unincorporated arl!as. of the counly to_pey
the difference between ruraJ and Vban
levels of police and fire protection anct
"We do' Jl9l oons~r we '1'f adiQqatfly
ltaffecl W COVfr the whole ~
..... ol ll1e county and -oaiittact
cltle1," Sharp aakl. "W! have bfen
endeawring to obtain addltlooal.-
M!, bul lhe-BOard of Supervllot'i bia •not cranied_ uJ the _poelUons." · _
With so many people, he said, an In·
Nixon Urges
. . . ~ ,,,.
Partnership ·,~
WASIDNGTON (UPll -Pruldent
Nixon, admlting the past bu aeen f~
lgn polley mlmkes and hoping ll1e fU.
ture will resolve them, has propoied a
· ' "new partnershlp" for the Western hem·
tsphere -an tra of shared nsponsiblli·
tv and· decision making. with the United
States on equal footing with its !At.in
American neighbors.
Jn setting forth ms own new Latin
American policy, Nixon aalil the future
w\11 see. greater reliaoce on local Initia-
tive with help from tariff prefa~nces.
no.strings-attached U. S. development
aid and the tnCOUrllement of private in-
vestments. ,
Nixon unveiled his "action for pro£1'.'dl
for the Ame.fleas" policy fn a·11peteh Fri·
day night at the Inter American Prell
Association . meeting.
The President's statement dwtBed
heavily on the need for improving evf1t'j·
day re.laUon! with Latin America. White
Hoose sources sald he was trying to rt-ne~oUate the "special ttlationsbip" be
feels should exist among naUons !A,_ Uie
hemisphere. The IOW'CeJ also said N'mon
purposely avoided announcing any· gr1ftoo
dlose programs which might not be ful·
filled, hoping Instead to put the emp1Ja..
1ls on self~evelopment in Latin Americ~.
"For JfafS, we in· the United States
have persued th'e illusion thaf we could
re-make continents,'' Nixon said. 'But·u:·
perience has taught us better. lt bu
taught us that economic and aoclal de.
velopment Is not an acbievemut of one
nation's foreign policy, but something
deeply rooted in each nation's own tra·
From PllfJ• J .
. D1·ivi1i9 for Cle111· .lV ate1•
' Laird atte!l~..I· 111 eenipany wllli ep.
'cleMard Ltpicomb, from Im Angeles'
24th District and ranking minority mem-
ber of the House delense appropriatiom
subcommittee .
Al!o present was Harty Dent, special
a~istant to Prtsldent Nix.on. ·
Surfer makes his cut and heads for shoulder-F-riday the pier J;ir~~k fqr so111.e of-Ute"winter's best suriing ·
2fternoo n near the tluntington Beach Pier: .\Varm action along the Orange .Cdast. Surfers were look·
Central committee . cti.a!rman C~
ter in • press conference earlier mac»
an issue of a "credlblliiY laP" ln.Jauoq,.
lng a challenge to tJie Democratic ratty. sun and good sets brought more than 50 surfers to ing !or mol'e action of this type today.
Neivpo rt t.o I/alt
S11.rfbo ar d Fees ?
Ot 1~1 01111 l'li.I Stilt
Sometime in l\oven1ber, Ne11'port
Beach surfers v.·ilJ find out v.·hether
thry·n ha.Ye to pay to use their boards
aJnng the city's shoreline next year.
'fhe odds are that they won't. Liccn~ing
of su~fboards is expected to he <iban-
<1oncd by the city.
City councilmen al ready have indicat ed
at) inclination to drop tl1e $3 per board
111111ual fee first imposed four years ago.
The city staff todoy is preparing a
recommC'ndation for presentation to the
ccunril at eilhcr its Nov. 10 or Nov. 24
Councilmen Howard Rogera and Donald
A. fl.tctt1ni1, who represent the Ney,·porl·
Balboa ~Peninsula bench districts, say
they favor giving up the licensing prD-
Their: views on the Issue are likely ff)
prevan. because other co u n c i I m en
recognize that the problem -if there is
one -is theirs.
Mcinnis 11sked the starr to report buck
~o the council can act in time to get lhe
llcensi ng law off the books bcrore J an. 1.
'fhe fees are imposed on a calenda·r year
btsis. ·
r.ogers said he'd like to see • the
ordinance cancelled at least on a tnal
basis for ty,·o reasons:
~"Surjers aren't what they used lg
-"The law ls diflicult to enforce." He
added thal most violation cases coming
P,to cOurt are di.sniissed.
The reason for the dismissals, ac-
~Ording lo municipal court aides, is that
surfers caught without the license decals
on their boards are given the option o£
either paying the $3 fee or a $10 Cine.
Newport's surfers have lonp: objected to
ihc progrDm. Six months ag~ey sub-
mitted to the city a 00-signature· petition
nc:king for lt.s llbandonment, clo.i.Jl'ling It Is
discriminatory to charge the.m for :J~e of
tliC pUb1iC'lidelands whlle not charging
awimmera. •
At Uin.t time, they \\'ere toktby citY 0£-
ncials lhtl the 1nntter would be con·
sidcrcd before 1970. Cooncllman Mcinnis
haa no. fcillowed throuab on that pro-mlM. . .
U11rul1 Claims · Reagan's
Goal 'to Stay in Powe1''
01 Ille D1ilJ Pilot $1111
Cali£orni a. Democratic leade r Jesse M.
Unruh, sounding even more like he i~
running for governor, derided the Reagan
adminis_lralion Crom his open ing remark
In a talk Friday at Cal Stale Fullerton.
"This administration has only one com-
mitment," lie said, "to keep things as
they are: to keep those in po\\'er in
po\\•er. Next year l\·ilJ be the battle
bel\\•een the comfortable and the con-
turned a .... ·ay from state . colleges and
25.000 from UC campuse;,
The slale college percentage. of the
capilal ou_Uay budget for new buildings
has decreased from 67 percent to 22 per·
cent in Reaga n's three years, Unruh said.
lie said California r;:.nks 27th among
the slates in ta:t eUort for higher educa·
"I don't kno\v "'hat the go\'ernor "'ants
bµt l know v.·hat I want," Unruh said,
'"I11e record of their actions does not
bear out their claims • , • J think It'•
time we blew the whlaUe on them," he
The three -day convtntlon will continue
today v.·ith Gov. Reagan giving the k~Y-:
"note address at 10 a.m. and bwdnea
lessions following. ~frs. PatriCla Hitt of South Laguna
Beach, assistant secretary of health edu·
cation and welfare, wUI 1peak at noon
to women delegaleso :
Preceding an entertaimnent pn>Crm:D
this evening, Lt. Gov •. Ed Reinecke,
chairman of the Bl.Centenn.lsl Commia.
1lo il, v.'ilt be guest of honor at a ~
tiM saluting the rtate'a 200tb a~·
The coavention will conClude Sanda7,
Mr. Omohundro's
Last Rites Set
"\Vhich side will you be on?" he asked
the 2,000 asi;embled students.
launching into his 01,rn program for .
higher education. Funeral services for Philip SMrbun
The Ioglewood Democrat also said,
"The physica1 limitations on our lives
tiave been largely re:nove'd. The queslion
today is not \\1hat can 've do bul what will
\Ve do. The test of that will come next
)•ear In the June pr imary and the·
November general election."
•·1 want to end the pull and ha'' ·' Omohundro, ~· of :m, B Avenida .Ma-·-. jorca, LagUna HUis:, who died Friday, be~wee~ the admlnlstrahon and the v.i ll be held at 11 Lm., Monday, at P•
un1vers1ty. I y,·ant a sys',em 5D professors cific View Mortuary. Burial will follow c~n transf~r from. one Jeyel to another at Pacific View Mausoleom ..
without losing tenure. I want ~late col· Mr Omohundfo 1. resJdeJ'!l 'of. UWi
Jeges that ~ee~ tl~e standard to be able to couriiy for nearly' five yean, 1'11 the
become uruverslt1es. rellre,d president of s.c .. o~ Tool Co. ·
A student shouted Uie question: "Are
you going to run for govemor ?"
"I want a commitmerit that not one fie ls survived by his wif.e Alma M.,
qualified student be tu med away from a daugbt"', Nancy of Loa ~~: his
"Not ·with that tiny little applause,"
Unruh said, and louder applause v;as
state college doors," Unruh said. "I want J11olher, htrs. Jessie S,. Omohundfro; of
to see black and brown persons 11dmitt¢ Beaumont, Tex.: two brothers, Edward
to higher education institution! in G. Omohundro of Beauniont and JOtepb
somewhat commensurate proporUonr lo R. Omohun<lro of New York City. "I'll tell you l 'll run If you'll carry
Orang• County for me,:• Unruh quipped.
Then seriously, he added, "I probably
can be talked into it easier U1an that."
Later, in a press conference, he said he
probably will be aMouncing his decision
whether he v.•iU run "wltbln a couple o£
The slimmed.down former Assembly
speaker known as "Big Daddy" lit into
Gov. Reagan for his asserted negative al·
titude toward the University of California
and the stale colleges.
the population.
"I want a university that encourages
Involvement· in today's world . One that If
a .student has gumption enough to go out
and work in a ghetto glves•cwurse aectt
for .it and beyond, that lets that be the
student's w1y of paying his way through
college by walvinC tuiUon."
And he said he still wants students to
ra!'se ajl ~vexaUOUJ, troublesome pro~
A student questioner 1ald, "You want
alt these UUnas. Where will -you 1et the "I can't recall one sen1e ........ one kind ·-e ....... money?" v.·ord from Reagan the last three years
for the state colleges or University." "l'm glad you asked that 'qutsllon."
Unn1h s11id. "I-le has derided lhe ad-answered Unruh, "because l didn't get to·
ministrations, deprecated the faculLiu expound on Vietnam very long. This war
and derogated OM? std3ents." • is costing Cali(omia alone S3.2 billiOf\.
Untuh S<lid, "Angela Dnvis Is a scare \Vlth that $3.2 bllllon we could take over
lg.c;ne; students beifl& turned &way is lhc t~e whole educatlono:il ·burden. ·ktn-
ital is.sue." · Oeriiartcr'I thtoush college, and lake
I-le claimed that JO,())() qu~aUil«I Social,,''ICU~rc.off the property taxpa)'@Fll'
students ha ve been.turned away rrom 1• ~ck. ·
stale colleges this year becaU&C there-Unruh dill not say how he woutd ron·
wasn't room and that ·u Rtagan'a bUdgt( · ·vttf. the Cede.rat v.•ar savings lo stat.e
Is adopled for ftli year ~.111111 will be lunds.
' I
Mesa Residents
Pla1i Clean-up
Today 11 N-Day -for New~ -'In
Costa Mesa's College Part nelsfiborhood.
Rfs.idents lfave joined forces to wor\
rrom 10 a.m. to late afternoon In a
gener.al cJean.up, \fith planttnp f1nanceil
b)' joint donations scheduled at•-
to tht area. · •
City Councilman Gto<ge A. Tucker win
Jcnd a hand, according to Bobbe SuJb1.
o~ of UJC organizers. along wilh Hank
Panlan and Jake Eberlt.
'W1clk Stur to Per'fo'rm
L:awrence \\'elk Show organi•i BOit
•Ra\~ will bt featured In concert ·Sun-
dR,V nlght (or Leisure \Vorld l..truna Hil1I
residents And thtlr auests In t1aa ,.....
ment community •udit«lum.
J ------
-4 . 111111.'f' ;u.,
-...,.,... _ _,;;;.,.. ____ .....,... . ------.. .
p ~ .......... ,._
-°"""'.Tll Ltt• Avt., Wiii ball tlio ftllicy. 68* °"*• 11uac1a7. Tiie vauP w111 ~·~~--1 -· 9:18 a.m .• Ud qaln at 10:41 a.m. dUrb>i tlio mom-
lnC ~ -.. Tbe Jley, a-lltid-. Jll'Oft-of lli.YdloloiY at Whitt!" College, ~ IJ)Wer :'" tlle
.-Tbe _.u .. of r1n1
llaplill a.re. will share In I
sPtcl•l Mini~ and-M~
aries Benefit Bi>ard ,Offermg
to 'be taken at both servtees:
9:30 -_.m. at Peeks Chapel, .
78111 Bolla Ave .. Wutminaler II al 7:!0 o'clock. .
ind II a.m. at the ljunUpglnn A BaptiJl Youlll Fellowahlp
Beach Chapel, &Ill and Orange. group for junior bl'1> 10Ulhl
Pastor Wlllls 1. Loar will will ~ Sunday evtnlng at
continue 1>11 'oeiles of the Por· I o'c!Ock under the lMdorahlp
triJtg of Chrilt with "Th• of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Slmpoon.
Defendir of the Disliiberited" s.ruor Hillt BYF lllo meela
a• bll ,.P.on title. Cpmmu· _al I p.m.
nlon will be ""°"· Church _ . . oehoi>l ll held al t :IO •·"1-al T""ple 8Uno, the coooerv·
the downiOwn chlJ!ch Only. ativ~ temple of the Har,bor
The &U>d'1 ••'l'lnl ,.rvice · .,.., 117 W. llOmllton, Colla
Meu, wiu ctlttnte -Jewtab
-Monti>': with I lpltjll _.-on Friday, 1:11 p.m.
lo be coiiducted by Rabbi Gat-
llllrlng tlle mvlcw tllere
will be a rm~ng of the book
of Job, and the rabbi's aer-
mon Will tie 1'Who W11 Job?"
A ..... ,ar °"'' ShabbU wW be ,held alltr the 11rvlce1.
Al Commwilty Uolted M~
otll& a.rd, the Rav. Frtd
Overby will o!liciato at the
1:15 a.m. "early bird com-
munion service" Sunday. At
the regular 9 -and 10:30 a.m.
1er;vicea the Rev. Charles Rose
will be preaching, "The Chll·
dren'a Hour." Church school
claasea for Ill agea through
eighth grade and nuraery care
are lllo beld a\ bolb bourl.
Cllaea for bl&h achoo! youth
wW be held at the t i.m: bour
oaly. New mernbera wtll be
"60olved dur!l1I both aervlcea
al the eburch, 8'G Hell Ave.,
Hunllngtoo Beach.
Mttbodlll Youth Ftllowablp
Groupe meet eacb Snnday evo-nlna at 7 o'c*--
AcUvlllea an& meetlnp olal-'
ed for Novembel: I L W--
Ari!lllle BaP!lil a.m, Wu· ner A venue at Gotblrd Street. Hlll1llnitql Beach, Include:
Women'• 1111.!aionary Society, Thul'ldly, 7:80 p.m. at the home ot Mrs. Cbarlel Grar.
Sunday !chOol loach«-J and
workers with Superlnlendenl
Chlrlea Gray will attend the
Greater Los Aneetes Sunday
School .A!SOclaUon (GLASS) F ''" r-•Jc Convention at Lona Beach, • -
Thursday through S u n d.a y. Bemnning a w~ek of Men of the church Will attend ,,_
the Men's Fellowablp Retreat 'faith . and fellowship at
at Farest Home, Fri ii 1 y First Christian Church
lhrou8h Sunday. in· Coata Mesa, Larry
_ . .• I Coyle will speak on ,,To
~ Lat••r•~ Hell With the Cb\lfCh."·
anua, 9112 Hamlllon,, Kuni." He is western director lngton S..cb, hu achoduled • Sunday churdl llCbool for all • and national telev!Slon
ages at ' a.m. '!be Adult 01.. coordinator for the tele-
cuaaion group metll at I a.m. vision program Reyival
(See PULPIT, Pap I) Firell.
,·In Agreements WithBislwps
' ,,. . ,_ .
By LOUIS CASSELS strioua Internal ten&lons wu ...,elaria4 so that it II 1IOI
u•1 .. ._ Wrttw accompllahed at the Synod Of depeGdent on the Vatican
-pOj>i-Paul"V!-1\U awrtod -Bilhopt, I body·of-lj6-preloJ<,s-bureaU<fecy· !or 11aff-work.
al Jeaat for the preaeo4 th~ from all parta of lhe world And blsh'opo of varloul COUil'
danger or 8 major lcllJsm ill who met 1n Rome Oct. 11.P to tries will be 1ble W.r~
the Roman Cltbollc ~urcb. conNlt with the Pope on the issues on their own loltiaU~e. . atate of the church. instead of having t b e 1 r
He did ~ ~Y making im· The pi:inclpal achievement deliberations boked ln by a port.ant concessions to the f h J>-v · -• da. ttemandl of hia fellow b1Sbon11 o t e mecw1r was an agree-atican-prepar~ agen
I b d .r-l'Jltnt to give concrete In-So much the Pope has or roa er, more permanent 1tltutlonal exprtss.ion to the already ind l cited he's
and ~re effective particlpe· Vatican Council's doctrine of pr.epared to accepl Still under
tion Jn the government ol the "co1Jegiality" which asserts. study at the Vatican· is a re-
churcb. the eo-responslbUity Of Pope quest, overwhelmingly sup-bi·~~~~r thedyi~'anl 1~~.\ythae and bishops in gove~nt of ported by the synod, that the .... the church. Pope henceforth consult with
long shot. He made clear he Specifically, the bishops pro-the bishops , before is!uing
intends to retain supreme posed and the Pope accepted decisions that affect the whole
authority. the creation of a sort of church. This request is an
But the concessions he did "senate of bishops" \\'hich will outgrowth or the crisis which
make were sufficient to give meet in Roro-e regularJy_every detel.Q~djn tbe _d\U{C)l_jn Uie
new hope to frustrated and two years. The n a t Ion a I V{ake of the Pope's stand on
embittered Cat ho 11 e pro--hierarchies or the world wll1 birth control, which many
greaslyes who had feared that be represented In ~is forum bishops regarded as ill·ad-
Vatican Council reforms were in rough proportion to the vised. -
be l n g s a b o t -a g e d b y Catholic populations of their It seems doubtful that Paul
bureaucrats of the Roman cauntrie!I. VI will give the bishops a veto
Curia. The council of bishops will power over his d e c r e e 1 •
·nie easing of tht cblll'th!i have its own perma·neht ' (See POPE, P1ge 4)
Falrvlow Rd. Al fair Dr., Coala Mo.-
9 A.M.-Church Scl)eol 10 ,A.M~Worolllp
~-SOMltf.try~ ........ ,,_.,. ~------_,. -HARBOR 11UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH \ 1n.-.... 1t • .,,..,..., c.tti .... ' ' ..... c.-. ....... ,_.,
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. MomJnc WOrlhlp 11:00 LJn,
Baptllt Tra1nlng Unioo I p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m.
Wedneoday Sible Study & Prayer .............. 7:00 p.m.
SulMl•Y School •••••••• 9:45 Tr•il1l119 U11io11 ••••••••• 6:oa
.Momi119 Wonhip ,,,.,11 :00 Evor1i119 Wor1hi1' ••••••• 7:00
W•cl11e.d1y Preyer Meeti111 for •II '•9•• •••••••••••••• 7:10 ,..._~!;-flit N~netJAl_,.A ........
SUNDAY ICMOOI. ... : ............................ 91• A.M.
MOllNJNO WOllJHll" ................................ 11 A.M.
•VININO WOiltlfflf' ................................. 1 l"J/I.
MIDWllK lliltVICI WIONllDAY -.., 11• l"M.
wn1i.m 1. Atflft, '"''"' CIMlrcll ""'" 1¥-aUJ
THJ PlllT CHUICH OP CH,111', IC111Cf111'
"Everlasting Punlihment"
c .. 11 Mt-Plrat Church of Chrlat, Scl1ntlot int ........ Dt.,C....M-
....... ...... -t111A.M. c..,....,.._,,._,M.
...... ..... ... M .. Y ... Dr.
Huntington llllcl>-Plrat Church of Chrl1t, Scltntl1t
111 Otlft
S...,. w..1-ttll • 11:DO
c:urcll-11 A.M • ._...
........... -111015"
L11una llllch-Plrot Church of Chrlat, Sclontlot
611 Nltll llf,
Cltwdl Jr....._, kMel-9:11•11"iH __ .. _
Ntw,.rt lllMch-Plrat Church of Chrlot, Sclontlat
llU1¥te &We c:a.ri!IJr...., ........ _,,, •• 111H
·-. -!J11 Ylo UM
Now,.rt' llaa~~ Church of Chrllt, Scltnllat
1111 ..... VllwDt.,c..... .... .
Welcomes You.
P.tfl& Ylew Drt..9' M .. wllW,C:.... ... M•
1-.,: 11CH1, 9:JI -a .. c.e· .. ttH
Hel., hft • Aa.••c9" An a--W ......
ltcter, Tiie ........... l9fl'I Dem-,..._ 644-MO
ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M .
h..U,. 1:11 • 9111 C•,P Schoel -9:JI
~: 6:11110 •••• ; "°"..,. ........ weed
-Ylter, The Re. • .J.r. W. DH9 .... -Phe• 14 ... IJ26
1111 It. 1t Clltll'I UM -'"" -s If '1¥1 ,llntt """'""* ·---C.lllenlll TIM lltw. ,,_ C:. tally, Pllt.r
Sunday Services·
I :" A..M. Hlly Clflt!Nfl._ f ta.A.M. P'l'"lly llnlct a Cll•m 7:• P.M. • ....,._ ScMOlt 1:• l".M. ,_.,., u :• A..M. Mtniifll Wlf'lll1,.
Y ..... Cllurdl-Nurwry C•rt Pl"IVlllllf
'FIRST 1 ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH .A4' E. 22ncrst., Co1t1 M11a 548-37'1 M. C. CN111c. ,_., .., .101!11 Gelbllct:, Aaed...,
2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8-4293 •i
Tllo ..... ,,.... ........ ,.,.,
TM llft'. l....W Wlttte, I
AN'? .. ,.., 1'
P:emlty Wanillffl t :OO to 10::111 1.1'1'1. '
lllndlY $dlool • 9::111 to 10::1111 1,111.
WOMllllf llNQ 11 :00 to lt:OO
Nursery care available
at· all services
2900 Pacific View Dr.
Corona del Mar
Mrs. W•lff CH1111Hrlel•,
Perl .. Werler
Phone 644-2664
9:15 A.M. Po.lty We,.,lit
I 0:00 A.M. hlMI•., C ... rcll
kh ...
11 :00 A.M .... tf.,. Wortlll,
N1nory PraYIHd .
Mi11011rl Svnod
7'0 YJct•rl• It., Costs M ...
LOn.r v. t.,..w, Peter
54 .. 540• Wor11\!p $1n1k:1t: l 'lS & 11 AM. .511rld1y SCllael : t ::lll A.M.. Adull .l ibl• Clew: t :a A.M.
111 .. Y-* Dm. I kUr ltrfft, c..t. ~.., Cellf,
A.NOA&W C. ANDlltSON, P11tor
Slllld•V SCl'lool: 9:00. 9:)(1 Incl ll:OO-Morn11111 wonirtlp: 1:00, t::io •1141 ll:N
Printe of Ptec• Luthtrtfl 5chool -Miu E1th1r Olton, Princip•I
Office Phen•: 149·05~ I School Phon1: 549·0562
111iSsouri Synod
429 Cy.press Dr. Lagun• Be•c.h BAPTl~~R~~URCH FIRST CHRISTIAN
QIN.~ 11"91-'11 .... .
' \i_11_4 2161LC..Hwy. ~-""'-R•y Nfchofl:o11, Minister of Yor.rtlt •• Y. W. I. Nloderbrocll ,
Worship Se.rvices -10:00 A.r.1. ·. .,,.. ... 1a, .. ..,.
IAlfltrlc•n l•IHl•O
11 ... 0... Hnbl, Ml11t"'9r
· , Victoria & Placentia Ave. I Co;ta~Meaa·---,,.,.... .. ,..,..,
All are cordially Invited to attend th&<!l\1 •·· ~
· . aervic., and. enj~y the PJrlllil•1es of the
Reading Rooms
c•n• c.. PNYIM AT ALL SllYICIS Mot11lnt WoHhip 1:30 I 11 :00 I
_J_1i111cley Sch•ol • , • •. • • •, f :JO
Yo11th Meetint ••••••••• 6i00
Pr•Y•r S•rvic• , • , •••• •• 6130
£veni119 S•rv1~o •• , •• 7100
M•nwY A'llllW ti 111 .... vkll
.,., .• ""-11:~=~~===========~~~ VIVfll Mllllll1, -
,.,,.,_ w.rtfltp ........... .11• •·:n. lllll IC!Wtf ................ t1• e.M. Mtn11,. WWII\" .......... 1e1• ,,..._ ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH
YMtll .,... ..... "•• .. .,_, .... "' •·"'-y..,.,.. ............. ., ......... 1 .. ....
Nursery Care Provided
14M77t 14MJ41
(Mi11evn Syl'lffl
w1nhlpl119 et th•
$11149wr1 1t M•tth1w1 in U11ivlrsity P•rk
WORIHlr: 11:11 A.M.
Church of the Dilly W1'4 Jtev. H. Ni1M'1'111111 ,P•llor IJ].1211
Main & Adams Streets
Huntington Beech
Mornl"g Worthil'
•••••••• 1:10 I ll :OOAM
I Wtn 0. fHck111"' Mlllli!fl'
15th & Irvine, N1wp1rt l1•1h :!I (S1nl0r Cltllltlf, 811fkllntl I
l lble Scheel•••·•··• t ;4SAM I0100A.M. D1votio111I S11 ... i1• Yovfh 6re1i1p1 •••••• 6;00 PM I
E .... 11i119 Wot1hlp ••• , 7:00 PM OP:P:IC!: JOO W. COttt H1t~w1y, N.I. fmphllizfng
llMe 1'"1 e-s-WM.-7 '"'-l'l\Olll: ..Ultl Tlie Plan of God
Nlll'MfY Cir• Provided •t 1U tttvlc:n I I~•. PUYlll 64&.t6J9 The Pmon of Christ I
Ot1lc1: w.u•• 0111 cevoti-•,..•• 1 A .. ~1 -The Power of th1 Hofy Spirit
~~~;;;~;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;:;;~~~~;;;~;:;;;;;;;;::::;~11 S1111day sdiool 9 AM ~ Mo.r11ln1 WOr;sh ip t .nd 10-.lO JM
If """'-" •-" :-Vt11n9""v •!~I• StUdy ii M..,.. Qwdl " Unltef Qlll'dl ktlltilllS 1Cltnt1, Lis Artt•lM I · •nd p,~, 7 PM ·
SUNDAY ll!!ltYlCE ••• " AM N1Jntry f!urin1 wrvJc1s
MIPl!llll' ••• "'"'' •urk1, lt.~t.F.
OllP:,ITH CMAPll. Orlfltl (H1t YMCA, 2lll0 Un)'lll'l(ly 01.
A full Youth Proznm
On. of Oranp and 1JnL St.
P.utor H. E. JOlllli 1FO. mr.
U.hetl Cll•rw• .t
Corona del Mar
" ~ ~-o.,. ! -cs ~ .,.
I ; ~ ... ... ....... +
~ .. ~'411 ~t•MA~~
Writp-1 t1DO A.M.
If yo.11 •t• loe•i11t for 111 1l11tor1t• pre9rem, Of 1otiel Pf'l•flt•·
lut lf 'v•• er• looking· ,fer f11°d111th Iii.lo. tfutli"' Chrl1tl111 f1l-
fe'f"'hlp, 1l'HI ilupirln9 •Plrlttd wenhip, yoi.1'1111"• vt l Te etl•lft•
'"oG1te e1i1r 9rowl1t9 ch11rch f1'"llV We 11iw h1¥e twe Sw11cl1y
1r1otr1lllf 1erwl1•1, 9:10 ind 11 :00. NvP11ry c•r•. Cern•r of &r11n•
vlll1 & S1111flow1 r.
' 420 I 0th St., Hv11tintf•n h1tlt
I Phone lll·2120 I
Ad11lt a Youth Strvicet, 11 •• m. I
1;1 l•t Ye•t Clt1s, Wed., 7:15 p.m,
11 llNUT PATI. MINllTll . I
Ctl• .... kltetl -1 l :DO A.M. °'· Pllll!p G. M11rr1v, M1n141tw
MIM 11\lrlfy lllMI, c.c.1.
J./art/or Cfu·i6lian C~urc~
Mffff ..... ......, H_,., ........ ,., S4ffl
421 l.1M It., C... M ..
Church School -9:30 A.M. Worship~ 10:45 A.M. "'"*' c .......... ,hon•: 675·3915
MiQi1ter: Pr. P. W. Mc~lroy
llfWUN HAllllO• -' PAllllfllW
SUNDAY M,ORNINW lllll STUl)Y ••t••••••••••• 914.IA.M. !
SUNDAY 1veNtNe WORSHIP •••••••••••••••••• 6;00 r.M. /
WlDNlSOAY l't'lNINW 1111.E STUDY ••• , •••••• •• 7:!0 r.M. -NUUHY CAlll P110Yl"D.
-0.M ...... 4 D .•• N .... ....... ......, ..... ......,
P ..... : 541ol71 I D•y oi Night
t"I Te!IMtt ._.., ft.._. A M911eflel, POUNTAIM YAUIT
UNIFllD SERVICE• S~11d_1y Sch1ol 9;JO -WOR.SHIP.. IO:JO
Wetthfp A Yotrth Wroupt; -6:)0 P·'"•
H11r.trv .~lftd et •II 11r>11ctt
A CollMllH\llV O!llrcl'I -Vltllon Ar,. A,WIVI' W.~
et Hellft .........
1911 " ... ,. A... llf.7'11 iltl'I. Af",.. t.. Mlltlr, ,....,_
t 1UA.M.-1111Nyk1Mt-All ....
l11M A.M. ~lflt ---··I P.M. -Tllftl 9'"" 71• l".M. -IYOlllll'll 9tf'f'lc. 1 P.M. ... ,. l!W. ttwr.
A.M. -''Tloo -.. i.,o• . ..... ,,
P.M. -''C..tlhlt KN...._" ~ Id, ... ;:,_ )ifi 1t.N 17
S11nd1v Sch1ol -9:30 A.M, I
$Pf:CIAL. 1!1181.E CLASSES
SuncSl.Y School and Bible ClaSI - 8 :45 A.M. Phone.:-Church 494-7998 Parsonaae: 494.8110 -F•mily Winihr,..:; to:so A:J~:.nil 1:00 P.M.
(HUilett CHOIR -SHe~lb..!"AU_L§E~.Q!!.__~t'?f _
' 1011t~~ -llJO ,,M. --
W1d11e1d1y Pr•ver -l ibl• StvGy • 7:]0 P.M.
YWton Weta--N11nery Attftciat ~ U...... ~ -Mni.-John Gollnick-, Directer
Ptio11t: '41-2J2J
harbor reform temple
.. bi. meeting at
St. J1mts Episcol'.lal Church o 3209 Via Lido. Newport 81ach
For lnforrnttion: Call 67!>7230
740 W. Wll1on, COii• Mesa
iltOllltT I . S1STIO
Ml"ISlff el llllCllltfl C•1tt. O•NTllY Mlnlttlr " MIHIC
Su•lllOf. kllffl -9:41 A.M,
10;50 A.M, -lollol't I. SltTlt
Minisl•r of Ecl11c1tion,
7;00 P.M. -Jtoltert L Slstlt
•' II
I .
I~ I
A Cordiol Welcome from
l•lbo1 1$11nd
115 Ag•te 675-0950
I: 15 lnfo1'"1I Worsh ip
9:30 Tr1dition1l Wcr1hip
' Sund1v School
Cost• M111
ltth St. I H•rbor l lvd.
Cli11rch Wor1h ip -9:3 0 l I I
Churcll School -9:10
Co.+1 M111 North
M111 V1rde I l•k11 St.
Worthip I Chvrch Scl!o11
9:00 I 10:30 A.M.
H11nti119to11 l1•ch-North
e662 Htil Av•, 142·4461
Wor.hip I Church Schoel
9 I IO:JO A.M.
Irvine -E1tt 1111ff
11422 C11lv1r Ro1d
1t Univenity Drive
Worthip I Church Scl!ool
9:10 A.M.
l•911ne l11ch
21632 W1al1y Driv•
in So, l 1911n•
Wor1hip 11 A.M.
Chwrch School t :lO A.M.
Hwnlington l11cli N1wport l1•cll
l",.kllMI -ti:IM1rg1r1 ... -•11"*"t1ry -Qlllll Clrtl
* l
2721 17th St. 536-]537 1400,W. l1lbo1 l l•d,
-s1rvit11 -9:10 • rl A.M. l7l:JI05-
Nvr11ry thrv 2ittl tr.do · 11 Wor1hlp I Ch11rch_St.li1ol
Chvrch School-t:30 A.M. 9·JO I 11 A.M ~==!!:!l!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!=!l.ll!ll=·!!!!!!ll ni. ••"*'""" ..... ~ ...... tH etttlNHorMA'"
617WestHMMhN,CelMM ..
All Je..,ilh f1M!li11 ''' lnvit1cl to join vt in h111v m11ni119f11l ~IUTH IVININ• Sl~VICU FRIDAY et 1111 P.M.
-lplrihlllf I.MW -RabW •• ,.. .. GtHMfm•
of the Coastal Areas
Christ Church · Presbyterian
646·1512 Ttll'lpl1 Sheron Choir -Ont9 Sh1b1t 541°1412 l!.i= ~~~~~~~11 .
JOlll MotMlle fNHf AclOIM} Hltllft""" IMcll
IM. D1111ald I. ltobertt. P•IWf
Su., Wertlllfl: 9:10 A.M. Cll1rdl lclteot: 10:45 A.M •
• Offlae: 1011 I M09t1olle 5t: I'll••: 961Mt41 ' ' ll' 1:1
' "· Attend •
. o/ IJDUr choice
Churc:lt of the Covenant
1150 Felnm.-loff, Coste M ...
Brvct A. Kur rlt, P11lor
SulHl•T Wenhlp: 9:10 & 11 -Ch1rch kflo .. : 9:10
. . PhoN: 541·4104
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
60I St. A"'"' ..... N..,,..-t .._II
WenMp & Cll1rch~flffl : I, 9:11 & 11 A.M.
St. Mark Presbyterian Church ·
Corw.l ... •rn &-t...W." om.. CllNff '-' M., J.-Gr .... llrL ,_..,
Wonlllp l Chllf'Cll ...... -I 0 A.M.
• 64$1141
~om1111111lty Presbyterian Church
~ 411 .. mtA..-. {atlltlllSt.), Lot••IMc•
W1nlllp • f :ll a 11 :00 A.M. -a.re• Schei • f;JI A.M. I~ I
I W• hli1v1 In Yo11 , ••
Attend, the church·
of, your choice
II ,:1 tlSt Vlctori• St., Cod• M111 on Sun~•Y __ _ ~~----·-·--·----·-~----------·'"J ~-'46-46~~5_2~~"""'-·•_~·_,>'1.:::j'lll~~~~~~-~-~·-...J
' .
I •
p . •. s;93z9; c .z;e s _sgs tQ sac ; c: • o:-:;o;;:;-o.--:.-•.,;;;~;--.;;-.-. -~ - -• -• --"----
• ,. ~ P u lpjj__ anll Pew •
(Colti8ued.. Ima Pai• 0
to '°"1!der ''The Parablet
Speak to Ufe." '
Morning worship with com·
munion 11 at 10:30 •.m. with
Pastor Arthur R. Tingley
preaching "So They Followed
in lUs Steps." Nursery care
is provided.
cona:rqatlori wUl hear a tall. .. Jndlllir,•1 by tn&ineer1 in the .. RL Bl't!._Robtrt C~ Rl»ack
on "The Goll and ...Purpose of wtapanJ industry Is slated at wiD lie lht celebrant at the
Ufe" by the Jfev. Henry ,theSundoy mominJ lllfftlng t :IO a.m. ~-Job'•
Gerhard. ot tbe ·ui:i.itariaa·UnJverullst Daughters will also a!Jend this
lfigh school youth of tht Ft.llowsblp of Laguna Beach. a:ervicc. Sunday school and
chur.ch are auendl.ng a· youth Fellowship members Allan nursery care are provided at
co'ilrerence at Buckhorn Camp Christiansen, John Forkner and 9:30 a.m. - '
~if~to-' Tops
ST. LOUIS (UPI) -Tht Rev. Dr. Al Stauderman, • .,._
el ate editor of The Lutheran magailnc, llat.s the Black Mini·
festo u the top religloua story ot 1"9.
No. 2 reJlgloua story of ~ Y•r, aceottUng tb Qie Bev.
Sunday evening Ji'arnily Life
and Sex Educallon Forum
sponsored by the Lutheran
Council of Huntington Beach is
Slated Sunday, 7:30 p.m. at
Golden West College. The Fam-
ily We and parent discussion
will conUnue Tuelday, 7:30 p.m.
nea r ldytlwild. Junior church Jim Sweeney forming a ~nel • EYC will meet at~ p.m. Jun·
and nursery care are provided mpderated by Paul H•nce Jor-Conlinnatloo claSI wUl be
for the early service only at will · dlscuaa moral lssu~s of .laeld at 4 p.m .• Tuesday. Del·
20062 Laguna Canyon Road. personal Involvement In war. egates from St. John 'a wttl at· 1,j
-· r~lated business. The meeting tend the Long Be{lc_h Convo-
Mesa Verde U 1 It e d will be held at 1~:30 a.m. at caUon Tuesday evehlng. ij
Dr. Stailderman, Is the crlsla Of authority in lhe Roman C&tJ>..
.ouc Church. Others in the clertytnan'1 U1t of Ule top 10:
3. lmpro\'td relatlona among churches.
4. Fellowship and cloaer cooperation amona: Luthera111
Metbodist Cburcb, 1701 Baker Leonore Portney s Creative !,I
St:, Costa Mesa. wlll hold I)ance Studio, 336 N. Coast tm,pacl, a weekend !.!
worship services Sunday at 9 Hi~~wl ay, Laguna Beach. leadership training program
In lhe United States. • ·
5. A new relationship between churches and Uie aubjtc;l
and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Paul n tr 0 d u..c ti 0 n t 0 for teenagers, is being con-e. -Biesemeyer will preach Unitarianism." a program ducted by.,the Catholic Youth
"Help From Our .Religion." c 0 0 rd i n a 1 e d by Cathy Organization this Weekend at
"You Can't Tell the Differ· Church school qw:ets. at 9 a .. m, Kuhlman, a senior at Laguna St. Joseph college, 380 S.
e ....... " Is the sermon sel-ted · for all ages from nursery Beach High School will be held Batavia St., Orange. All CYO '""" "" •' 7:30 p.m. Sunday at 1377 t 1 b otr by Pa11tor Charles H. Dieren· through high school and at Dunning Drive. Laguna Beach. earn cu 1cers in Orange
tleJd to be preached at SL 10 :30 a.m. for nursery through , _ County have .been invited to
of taxation.
8. The chanJing relationship of youth and the church.
7. The war In tht Middle East. a. The decllne in chureh membership and attendanct,
but lnerease in Church giving. '
9. The wars In Blafra and Vietnam.
10. Continuing unrest on American campuses.
Andrew's Pmbm.rtaa ClnarH, sixth grade orily. · Subday at participate, according to
600_ St. Andrew~; Road New· &:30 p.m. the Junior High "Feast of Power.'' one of Everett Gorman, CYO field ~=o/.:1n~========:::=:o:::E~;:!:::~~~:!l port Beach. Worship s~lce.s United Method~~ y 0 u th the 19· 111onths of the Baha'i director In the area. A guitar
are held at 8, 1 and lI a.m. Fellowship will meet and Mon-calendar year, will be hosted Mass at noon Sunday will con· Religious Forces Hit ··
Deniise of Tax Break
New member classes for those day at the same time ~ 'by Ralph Schreiber of the elude the session.
wlsbinJ to jolii the church will Senior fligh Youth Fellow$hip eoita Mesa S PI i-I tu • I
begin Thursday at 1:30 p.m. will convene. Auembl)' of the Baha'b Mon-in Grace Chapel. day a p.m., replacing the usual
Dr. D. \Y. McElroy will
11Ho?v'to Bear· Spirituar and preach ·'On Getting One's Se.
Eternal Fruit," will be · the cond Win'd'' at Barbor Chris·
Sunday sennon by Paetor tJ1n C h·u r c b, Disciples of
Thoma• E. Benvenuti ·at Glad Christ Sunday. The church
Ttdinp Assembly of God meets. at Harper Elementary
Church, 15th and Monrovia School, 425 E. 18th St., COsta
streets, Newport Beach. He i\1esa for Sunday school al
will speak during the IO:SO 9:30 a.m. and worship at
Fireside meeting. Inquirers
are invited to hear Dr. John
Stroessler speak Nov. 10 on
"This Wondrous Age" in com-
memoration of the Birthday of
Bah.a'u'Uah, foitnder of the
Baha'i faith, at the B~ha'i
Cenfer, ·Victoria Street, Costa
Me sa.
a.m. service. 10:45 a.m. Nursery care is At th 11 s d The 7 p.m. service will con-provided, e a.m. un ay serv-
tinue the Slngsplratlon series. Ice at calvary Baptitt Cburdl,
EvaJ1ielist Siegfried Enke will Harbor Reform Temple ,.,.11 8231 Garfield Ave ., Huntington be th ! Beach, Pastor Dolin will dis-. e ~~ speak~r, talk· hold its monthly Family cuss "Two Minutes After ~n o~~i,ved Behind th•-· ~ice a~. 7:;,) · p.m. at St. Qeath." Little church is also
· James EplSCopal Church, 3209 provided at 11 am.
Via _Lido, Newport . Beach. , The High School You t b
Rabbi Bernard P. Km,g wlll Training Union meeta each
conduct services. An Oneg Sunday, 4:45 p.m. Sunday
Shabbat will follow the school, directed by Bill Neal,
service. begins at 9:4.5 a.m. At the 6
The firsl of a series of lee· p.m. service, commu{lion will
lures on "Significant Rabbinic be served and Pastor Dolin
Ideas" given by Rabbi King will ·speak on "The Bread of
ll'lll be held T u e s d a y , Life." Nursery care is provid-
Nov. 11. This , f i r s t lee· ed at all services.
ture will be on "The Jewish
This Sunday's Coast Chris·
Han Science lesson-sennon is
titled ''Everla st ing Punlshm~t."
Friday, 7:45 p.m., Temple
Btlb. Dlvid will hold lti;
monthly sabbath f a m i I y
worship services at the Com·
munity Congregational
Church, Katella and_Btoom·
field Avenues, Los Alamitos.
under the leader.ship of Rabbi
Bernard B. Goldsmith.
Rabbi Goldsmith w 111 be
assisted by Cantor H a r r y
Newman and the junior high
choir. A birthday blessing will
be cftered for all celebrating
their birthday in the month of
November, and Ra.bbi
Goldsmith will deliver a story
to the children.
Meeting In Newport Beach
Senior Citizens BuUdlng, 15th
and Irvine, the Newpori Ualty
Charch coogrtgation will hear
the Rev. Loren Dale Flick·
inger preach '"Thought
Substance" at l he 10 a.m.
service. Community sing will
be held'Wednesday, 7:30 p.m·.,
also at the Senior Citlze!lll
••Essential Christianity" will
be the sermon delivered at
10:45 a.m. service at First
ChrilUan-ChW'Cb,~~ Legion
St., Laguna Beach. 'rbe Rev.
Bruce Cushing's topic for the
evening service is "Searching
the Title." Tbe evening
worship hour convenes at 6
o'clock. ·
Concept of Life After Death."
An intemationaJ· exhibition
of spiritual art is now on
display in Los Angeles. The
paintings, drawings an d
sculpture will be shown at the
lnternationaJ Hotel, 6211 Cen·
tury Blvd., a11 a part of th e
third world·wide seminar on
Eckankar through SUllday.
Comm uni on will be
celebrated at Christ Lutheran
Church, 760 Victoria, Costa
l\1esa, during both services,
8:15 and 11 a.m. on-Sunday-. -
'The Rev. Lothar Tornow will POPE preach "The Parable of Pa· • • • tience," at both services.
Sunday school, Bible classe!I
and courses on compara1ive
religions are held at 9:;,) a.m.
Nursery care is.provided at all
(Coatlnued from Pace 4)
However, ne could find a !ace·
saving compromise by agree·
ing that there should be close
The men's prayer breakfast
will be held 1i-1onday, 7 a.in. at
the Jolly Roger. Chaplain
Archie J.Uller·.-or Los ~Angeles
General Hospital, will be the
featured speaker.
"The Lov.e of God'' is the
sermon topic selected by the
Rev. Nonnan:-L. Brown for
Sunday woiship al t h e
P l y m o a i h Ceagregatlonal
Church of Ne.wport Harbor,
3262 Broad St.. Newport
Beach. The congregalion
meets at JO a.m. for worship.
Sunday school is held at the
same time 3nd babysitting
service is provided. "mutual cons-ult"ation" '·Jesus As a Prophet, Jesu~ betM!en Pope and bisho~
Lutheran Church of lbe As-a Priest, and · Jesus As a before either party issues an ~taster-, . 2900 Pacific View King'' is the !itle of the important statement oC doc.
Drive, Corona del Mar, offers sermon to be .delivered at the lrine or policy.
···or•hip..at 9·l'and tt am 11 a.m. service of_Foantaln ""'-p It d d f .. -· .,_ · · v n-p ti ·ieri Cb h ''~ oPe-• en e many o
A two.hour Christian Educa.
llon program for chlldren up
to grade five Is slaled at 9
a.m. for Ftlnlew Bapti1t
Church, 2523 Fairview Road,
~la Men.
"The Difference Between
Faith. and Doctrine" by Pastor
Melvln Taylor is the. 10 a.m.
worship sermon.
Dr. Henry Kaufman will
visit SI. WUfrld'1 Episcopal
Church chapel here at Ellis,
HunUngton Beach, at the 9:30
a.m. prayer service. His sub-
ject will be "The Passover ."
Also at 9:30 a.m. Is church
school for the children .
Nursery can is also available.
Other scrvlCes on Sunday
will be communion , ·1 a.m.:
morning prayer, Jl o'clock:
and 7 p.m., evensong.
cond in s series or "New Life
Celebrations" Sunday, 7:30
p.m. The event will feature Bl·
shop Gerald Kennedy and the
contemporary folk-pop sound!!
of the People Tree, a siniJ:ing
group which has appeared on
the Tonight Sbow and the Joey
Bishop Show. The admission
free evening is slated at Trlnl·
ty Urllted r.tethodlst Church,
800 S. Lemon, Anaheim.
Pastor P. G. Neumann will
preach "A Heart Beat Away''
at 11 a.m. Sunday worship
hour for First BaptJ1t Cburcb,
301 Magnolia, Costa P..1e.5a .
-His topic at the 7 o'clock
evening service Will be "Ter·
roo and Tragedy -Who's Be-
llind It?" Nursery care is pro-
vided at both servi~.'
• NEW YORK (AP) .,, Public A 11 a I rs, or
American religious forc1es, Washingt·on, D. C.
already feeling 'the slrain of It and numerouJ other ' Increasing tax charges, today religlouJ bodies have filed '
are mounting broad-scale op-friend-of-the-court.briefs In the
position to a case before the mat_ty.' including: ~·1
U.S. Supreme Court aimed at The Synagogue Council of
abolishin& all tax exemptions America. representing th ~
for churches and synaiogues. three wings of Judallm: the
Both Christian and Jewish U.S. Catholic Conference, the
leaders maintain the step national ann of R o m·a n
would curtail many religion-Catholicism, and the Natk>nal
run humanitarian services and Council, made up of most ma· •
cripple thia country's founding jor Protestant and Orqio401 ~
principle of religious freedom. deilominations. • · ::.
"It Is one of the most im-The Catholic agency .ays
portanl cases concerning rela· remov.al of the exempUOflll
tlonshlps between Church and could bring these rell.llts,
tat to be( th among others: Youth Sunday will be cele-s e come ore. e
T .he United Jl.1ethodists of brated this week at FI r 1 t Supreme Co u r l in this -Elimination of s ma 11
Anaheim will present the se· United Methodist CburCh, 2721 decade," says the Rev. Dean churches wilh few financial •
LDS Stakes
17th St.. Huntington Beach, Kelley, head of the religious resources and Joreclosures on -'
with lhe Rev. Edward E. Erny liberties depanment of. lhe others unable to meet tax 1 preaching at 9:30 aJid 11 11..in. National Council of Churches. burdens: ,
services. 'I'he hJgh school He says the lawsuit "goes· to -Impairment of religious
youth committee helped pre-the heart of the maller" by liberty, and government in·
T P pare the sermon, "Wanted : cha1lel'!ilng tax exemptions for terrerence in church affain. 0 resent Good Listeners." A question· places,. of worship themselves. -Elimination of church
- ' ---naire to parents and teenage.rs It would . give the govern· social welfare · services, and :
V • l A ls on biggest woM'ies will ili"o'-beic-~·mmentthe-power .. 'Ui encumber, possible closings of hospitals.·;. ar1e y c discussed. lenninateoralienate"ahouse old peopl.e 's home1 .. -:
of worship by exacting money orphanages and other such ~ :
A Family N i g h t to from It, or to "dispossess the stllutions run by churcbea.
Remember variety show atar-Space Age ~orshipers, if such exactiom The Catholic brief contend& are not punctually paid in full that curtailing the public
ring the Lone Ranger ·and or cannot be," says a National benefit services by religious
liOmc of America·11 greatest T Ch Council brief filed in ~ C.ase. organizations wouJd cauae a
family entertainers will be 0 ange Religious Institutions in re-"slack which th~ slate wlll-
prescnted at.Long Qeach Civic cent years have· come urtder have lo mke up," and thua-:
Auditorium Convention Hall, Hymnals,? spreadinj ~s lor r~l would bring •bigger tax: bill! esl4tte and other tax payments for individual!, not smaOer. Nov. 12, 6:30 p·.m. and 8:30 on "arl~·· pen'pheral T ~ ..,.... . pro-he Baptist brief dismiswi
Cenbl Blble_Qiurcb will
hold worship at 9 and 10:30
--a~m. wia.Jt"":""P~e·ntVE:
Jones' topic ll'lll be "Vier
torious Giving." Communion
will be offered. ~s topic at
the 7 o'clock service w\11 be
"Gospel Power Manifested.''
with Bible study and Sundav 1 ey rtl Y an urc ·_lb. ,.,,.,....i·. · .
h -....-: --"--9-120 Talbert. Sunday-3Chool e.s,,.,,___.._sess!ons m per5!»1. c urc school al Iv am. will precede at 9:45 a.m. lie sat there s11:nt1y, takmg
The congregation w i 11 The 7:30 p.m. family hour note 11 , du r ! n g some
observe loyalty month durini:: will feature Chtlstian news remarkably. candid speec~es.
November. Communion will and a hymns s.inging program. One ract _which must have 1m-
open the special program. Dr. pressed 1tseU upon him wa s
William R. Eller will deliver "Peas Porridge Hot-'' will be that the bishops are
p.m.; and Anaheim Con· LONDON (AP) _ The pertie11 not directly related io as secondary the "quid pro
vention Center, Nov. 13, B p.m. away·in·a-manger type 0 r religious activities. qu :-aomelhlng for some-
Clayton !l-1oore, better hymn should be replaced by In addition, Roman Catholic thing'• argument that public
known as the Lone Ril.nger and something more ·up to . date, and most major Protestant services provided by reli&ion·
star of over two hundred TV C h u r c h o f E n g I a n d and Orthodox bodies, thtou~h run facilities justify the tax
shows and two feature movies, parishioners were told this lhelr joint agencies, have vo1c· exemption. saying:
will headline the show. The week. ed approval or proposals to "Tl tends toward a con·.
Lone Ranger will be talking on A report in Compass. an in· tax profit·makJng aclivilies of tractua1 relaUonshlp wlUch In·
law and order, the legend of se r\ used in many parish religious lnstituUons w he n • vites terms and condlUons
the L<>ne Ranger; and our · magazines throughout the na· these are not related to which can read i 1 y be
Pioneer Girls and Christian
Service Brigade will meet
Thursday, 7 p.m.
Dr. Philip G. f\turray. of
CGrona del ?tfar Community
Cburth, Congregational, will
preach "We Believe in God.
the Eternal Spirit." He will
speak at 10 a.m. ser\'ices st
the church. 611 Heliotrope
Ave. Church School and child
care meet during the v.'orship
the message "God Has Made the se rmon topl.c of the Rev. desperately an xi o u 1 to·
·Happiness Available ." Bruce A. Kurrie at Tbe establish more direct, man-to--
Presbyterian Church of the man channels· o f com-
Covenent. 2850 Fairview Road , municaUon with him, instead
Costa J.fesa, Sunday, 9:30 and of having to deal at arms
11 a.m. services. Chureh length·-through the cum.
school through sixth grade is bersome diplomatic and ad·
held at 9:3 a.m. Pastor Kurrie ministrative apparatus which·
\\'ill lead a series of · Bible has grown up at the Vatican.
The Rev. David DiProfio
_ \l'ill preach Sunday at Cbrist
Cburcb by tbe Sea, 1400 \V,
Balboa Bl\'d .• Newport Beach .
Early worship and church
school are at 9:JO a.m. ~,Ith
mornifli wofship al 11 0°clock.
Nursery care is provided
during both services. The
Senior High Youth Fellowship
meet.o; at 7 p.m. each Sunday.
studies on Wednesdays begin-In its simplest terms, the
ning this week at 7:30 p.m. 1ynod's message was "pape si ,
curia non." .
great pioneer herllage. lion, advised that scientific rclJgious functions. misunderstood and misused by
Wally Boag. star 0 r a ch ~eve men ts such as But the lcga1 move to im· church and state alike."
Di ;n e y I a n d' 1 Golden satelhles and rockets should pose taxes on fa c i I It i e s Instead, the Baptist brier
Horseshoe. Revtic • will handle replace -' ' a l r y·. f a i r y • ' d I re c t I Y <;onnected with contends the basic defense o(
the emcee duties.' references In churcb
muslc. religion and its perpetuation church tax exemptJons "rests
The show has performed for One clergyman. the Rev. has produced w_idespread op-o'n the principle of religious
over two hundred Latter Day Martin TuMicliffe, was quoled position. • liberty." as guaranteed in the
Saints Stakti in Utah Idaho as saying: "Mums who leach Some of· the objections U.S. Con&itulion, includlng
Nevada and California ove; their children that Lord Jesu~ recalled the declaration of the the liberty to believe In the
the past thi'ee years. Tickets looks down from ihe !ky are early 19th century Ch I e f need for organizing and main·
are available to the public talking nonsense and that the Justice ·John C. Marshall : taining "chur.ches and other
from ward and stake leaders same time damaging the faith ''The power to ta:r. involves the rel igious groups."
in Huntington Beach Stake. or the growing child. power to'\lestroy." Ir=========;;;; The sermon topic which
those who worship at First
Cbr11U1n Church will hear
Sunday morning is "Ho1v to
Become a New Person." This
message "·ill be presented at
both the 8:30 and 10:40 a.m.
worship hours by Pa$tor
James E. Piercy. The rhurch
is located at 792 Victoria St.,
Costa Mesa.
Communion will be celehrat-
ecl at both the 7:30 and 9:30
a.m. services at St. John the
A discussion of "The Scien· Dlvtne Episcopal Church, 2043
list's Dilemma in a \Var Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. The
IC the Pope: got the message
-as his initial response in·
dicates he did -there may be
better days ahead for the
storm.tossed Catholic church.
Santa Ana. Stake, and Newport "II you can't th"ink ol "If governmental agencies OP',0111TUN1Tv-111A11t• 1xP1111a1 19 ACAPULCO ff CAll!llSe.t.N • .j Beach Slake. anything else to say about Cod alt.empt lo turn churches into Ntw sz-.. a· Li.•. c•t•m-r• .... si.tia ,
1'0111• Ho1•oscope •
and Jesus except th at they a source of revenue for sttte ~o, Ji..':.:,., '•s':'.. 1T~kc1~~ .. 1 ~=t
live somewhere up in the sky purposes thou attempts con· C1bln1-S111 s~ » ~"'°''·
then it is far better to say Blitute restraints on the. free P.o. 1n '"'
--lfolding services at 9 and 11
a.m. the Chatt.II of Rellglou1
$(ieDce of LagUni Beacll
November 2
Spor1s and romance. 1ppear
to dominate. Real bargains
1v1ll1ble In cbildren·s loy1,
recreational attire. GUIDE ....... -..... ~~~~-~! ARIES (l\1arch 21 ·April 19):
"' MAT TRESSES e Greater creative freedom in-;•:...-;.;.;.;.;..":""~':'::--'il dicated . You are able to make
MATTRESSES sOclal contacts. You e11:press
BOA'r.'. ffO~IF--'. fR-'.n..r:RS yourself. And you could obtain
tmrarsr Sh•PH heart's desire.
OMla !'leN 1'111ttT'lll1 Co. TAURUS (April 20·~fay 20):
1111 N.,wpart llih'd· Obslacle should be regarded Uberty , 8°1303 as healthy challenge. Basic
• UPHOLSTERY • Issues dominate. You wlll have
to atlend to details. But don'l
bury imagination.
Mesa Upholstery
Ubtrty_ 8-4781
IJll ~ ILVD,
GE~11NI (l\1ay 21.June 20):
Short journt'y could result in
pleuure. Communlcalc ~·Ith
rolat!ves. }folding in emotions
is not advisable IO<lay. Say
what )'Ol.J mean -mean ~·hot
'"'' l«rnri" hndl119
9291 a-1.. St.. H1111t11ttt•1 &..u
Nu1;:J" f•r "•1'1•11 childt\11
MOKNINC. WORSHll' -11 :00 A.M.
ln .... ,... W. M•ntn
9•1·71•J ., · 124.)914
•Conkrm1 to 1~011 h11!1fi 111t1 ,,,ctlc.•• h1ld h11t1rlc.1ll y h'f
,, •• bylttl•"'·
l(ey Is V ersatili-ty nothing at all." exercise of religion," declares Ntw,,.r1 •••ell· CA. ttuJ .
the Baptist .Joint Com1nittee Ph_, 11...u·•121
Compass agreed that 1nanyl-:;:=::::::=:=:::::=:::::::=:=:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==: of the older h'ymns are sun
popular favorites for siriglng
at Sunday services but that ls
no reason why they cannot be
brougbt up to date. you sar. Lea ve details to SCOJ\PrO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Get basic chores out .of \\'ay
Taurus 1ndivldual. Your own style is important. early. Then you can spend ad4
CANCER (June 21.-July 22): Don't permlt anyone to ·talk dltional tlrbe with family
Entertatning at home would be you oui of it. Be part of a friend.a. You ca n communicate R8JJhi Goo<liiian
ideal. You could receive gift special communi\y project. today with co-w or k er s-,
which btaulifie!I surroundings. SAGl1TARJUS (Nov. 22-associates. Do so in relaxed
Intimate dining is ravored. Dec. 21): Good lunar aspecl atmos phere. To Give Prayer
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You today Coincides with Jong· IF TODAY JS y OUR
strive for perfecUon -and distance cotnmunicat!Ons. cor· Rabbi Garson Goodman or I I . BIRTHDA Y you are due for you .bclome 1' Luose 0 3n1 im· respondence. messages which relief oe a recent treadmill-Temple Sharon, Costa Mesa,
poss1 e gou . nar eye econ· could affect future. Be rece~ 1i·ke .,.,·~·nee. You will ha··e I. h' h p I t• " 11~ • will deliver the invocation at inues 1g . eop e no ice you. tlve, willing to learn.
So 1 · B greater freed-Om of movement. the State Conve.olion of the me 11 ng you r praises. e a CAPRICORN (Dec. 23.Jan To 11n11 °"' """1't 1ur,., 1or Yt1U 1... Admini.strations meetin"' at gracious wlnnr.r. 19), Co it ll'lontY 1nd 16¥11 o•oe• v1111t., 0 .... ,rr•, eo VIRGO (Aug. 23.Scpl. 22): · nsu !"ate, partner 11oo1r;1e1, "j:c••r. HI"''' klr Men 1nd the Newporler Inn Hotel,
Bei ng quiet v.•ithin is of gre11t -b;efore. committing yourself to ~a:r.::,·;~ A1"1o~~'~:C'!,,;"1~f'o~T~t~ Newport Beach, which will be
importance. Wise an d spiritual financi~l outlay. Be open l.o "•'1~.1N::\1l~·,/'-i~oo1l~n1••1 St•· held F.riday, at noon.
individual offer11 val id advice. sugge&tions. B~t remember lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;i;;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il
1'ry to follow it. Great emo-budget resolutions. 0P 1 an
tional satisfaction is poS!llble. ahead.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 ·Feb.
Some of your hopes wishes 18): Acent on how you relate
come IQ fore -m~ny are lo mate, partner. Close ties
Tcallzed. But lhe form may be may be put to t•t. Revision or
different from what you im· attitude could bt"a necessity.
ag.lned-Kcy Is tQ. know when Tf YOU. ~t tut, .relation:ihi))
:you have wha·i . YO\l rWly becomes stronger.
want. Be mature. PISCES (Feb. Jg..March 20):
'oven flmorial podt i
• Th• SowhLmd's Most Btdlltiful
Mt111ori4ls •
• MJ,U3,QlWM • COlUMMllUM • C!Mltllf
TREES of the WOllLD
Ct ,,r,i..., .. A.._.u,
.................. Ofw ..
Bible Thought~.
H•w •• -M•ffl R•1d I~• l iblt: r'i1d
M11lhtw, M11•, Lull• '"d Jolin to ttlit
FA ITH llltll•IJ, Ht b.1 1:6, Rem .10:11, J11.
20:lO·l I, R•m, 1: 16.t 1, I Cor.'4: I 5, R•1d
l uk1 1):) 111d Acll 2:]£ to••• t~ "lt d
for REPENTANCE, Th1ft r11d Ach 2:17-M,
S:16·lt, '22 :16 lo••• t\11 • ptnlit111t b•· u,.,., mu•! bt IA,TIZED i11!0 Ch r1",
No o"• ;; 11.,td •uhidt of Chii1t. Tlto11 "bilpiit1d i"to Chri1t"
•rt l111idt Chrltt 111d trt ''"•'· ~11.l r2 7. 1-il'ft you "put on"
Chrl1! 111 t1pil•m1 if 110!, you thovld do 10 11 •"Ce. Nt 0111 lt1t
th1 promi•• of •~olht• div of lif1. TODAY i1 th• d1y of 111.,,.
tlo,.,: NOW it l~1c.c1pl1cl tlf1'1, 2 Cor.6:t . "It h tppolnt•d vM•
,..,,._ ll.OS.1. to cllt . but 1ft1f !ltit lltt i~cl9m111t," H1b.t ;7, 2 Ct1.
1:10. -
Afttr '"• ;, b1pti114.. i"lo Cltt1 11: ltl 11 1 Cht:1+i1", t chilcl •f
God, '" "li1lt •f Gt/ i nd ioi"I h1i1 wit h Clt•itl," R.em.t ;+1. Ht
h11 1!11 p10111ht of 111111tlt~1 o"•' th111, for J11U1 ••Id, "! to to
pr1p1r1 1 pl•c• for you-I will f.o'"• 19ti" tf'ld 11c1!"1 you u11+•
fflytelf. th1t whi r• I 1111. llt11• v• 1111y bt 1110," J11.14 1J.), Do
you w1"t to b1 with God, Chtl1f '"' tlo1 •"9111 I" th1! 9r11!
Htt•inly 1101111, 1\to•t. •• th1 c111tl111 1911 ef tl•t11lly tome
111d 901 W1 f11I !hit you do-111d ur91 you It 11~1 1cli111 NOW
I• tnot• thit. VISIT 1n, Cltu1clt •f Chr!d , 211 W. W!ho11 SI ..
Cot!• M•1•, c •. l•f '" htlp yt11 111a\1 !hit 4,..;,, 1 r111ity 1.,d1y.
' On the Stage of the
-Pre,,_r11-for the Holld1ys -
THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20-9:30 A.M.
A MESSAGE from A.C.T. *
''Th is is • world of sptcieli1ttion w1 live in; +ht
comput1r is here to stey. Stick your httd in the
stnd end ttll yourstlf it isn 't happtnin9, it's qoin9
· t wty; but letv• your head in the sand for fivt
y.ears and • computer will be sweeping the floors •
In other words, ynless you t re spec ifiC tlly trein1cl
in • specific field, yoU won 't t '(#n bt qu alified te
swotp floori."
IN 6 MONTHS • • • •
You 'will be six 'montbs older or ;w could be •
co1nputer programmer with your fulure~secure.
• PHONI 547-9471 ......
10' '·fl·
of Computer · T t~hnoloq
' -· ..
• _, .,
. -· -1 .
' ,~--· ,
.... _ .. -
Co ••
.()pange -b ollnfy in -the _Battle for Manspae-e
N_ew po rt Aider Give s Plµ,nner 's View of Environment Fi ght
,.; t• 8y'DAREN A. GRCYrH • depend on UdineSs or Unlnes!: but on 11;n
active relaliod between , men and their
landscape, a pervasive meaningfulnes.s in
what they see. This meaningfulness is. as
possible in Orange County, our 1m·
mediate environment, as in any other
place, 8.nd probably more so.
DAREN A. GROTH, 33, U principal
plminer for the City of Newpori
Be11eh and ha ben with the city for
thret vears. He came 'to Ne1Df>M£
a/Ur serving toith the _ Oron"e Coun·
ty Planning Department. Ht holds a
BA Degree in. politiccJ. · acienc_t jrom
Cal State, Lcmg Beach. -
It's Onlr. Time
Until Machine
Outsmarts Man
lN JULY of 1969, Neil Annfilrong, the
first man to step foot on the moon,
1tated: "A small $ttl>loc.aJl\All, a giant
leap for mankind." The success of this
event became another cornerstone of an
adventure that knows no limits and in the
future may extend man rartht!:r than the
imagination can foresee : Man in ,space.
There is, however, another area that
man must be compelled to conquer. That
area is our manspace.
Manspace ts man's environment and
that environment ts being threatened to-
day as never before. One needn't look
too !ar to find newspapers, magazines
and books crying fortf\ With alarm as our
rivers, streams and lakes are polluted.
The air is saturated with automobile and
industrial wastes.
THE TERRAIN is chewed up by
freeways, subdivisions and parking lots.
Areas for public recreat.iOn are cut off by
private development. Thiee thousand
year-old trees art!: cut down and
lransformed ·into .six foot high fences.
Harbors and oceans are. becoming in-
creasingly polluted. Signs, blinking,
rotating and larger lhan ever before,
have become a nightmare. Special
government.al districts pile one upon the
11•• .... 111t1 ,.. .., 11 •r 0 •
'St, wbt'1 wr111c wftlt
111t11riro1od nclear •
For perhaps the first lime in history,
we have the means of producing an en·
joyable envirorunent for everyone. It
need not be saved for vacations but can
be achieved in the world into wtuch ~e
awake every day. At the same momlnt
we are becoming highly aware of the
ugliness, high cost and discomfort the
urban calossus now imposes on most of
Its inhabitants. Means and conscience
should go together. Pow_er and
responsibility can be equated. Vast, drab' •
and chaotic, the colossus I o o k s , drown us. And that is our environment -We have been in the throes of an· which can·accommodate 180 million peo-permanent but is in fact changing rapid·
our manspace. enormous technical and industrial revolu-pie and their water demands. ly. The enormity, the Complexity and
There are scattered incidenls which tion. Huge monetary and manpower com· changefulness, the diversity of function. \\'Ould make one believe that the people OUR POPULATION expanston and the ·1 e ts ha e •·· d to th d t eed to J 0•--Jel t and life style, our scale of control in rela-are becoming aroused, A public -·tcry or m1 m n v u=:n ma e o er na-· espera e n rep ace ~ e s rue-~ t d"I 'd ted ho 'tals h I tion to I.he whole -all cause us to doubt "Save Salt Creek ·." a public official's ·lions. ures -1 ap1 a spi , sc oo s
th t f. tr d · and · our ability to manage lhe quality of our gallant stand against the overwhelming Now we are embarked upon a moral · a are ire aps an crime· -v1ce-
possibllity 0£ an increase in air pollution; and social revolution that may fracture bri!eding slwns are giving us another surroundings.
an organization of citizens ctincerned our ideals of democracy, question our chance. There is !!0 opportunity to turn WHATJ NEEDED is strategic, in-
0 · t · ·1 ·1 feed and I •-· our country -man-made America -ver airpor expansion ; a c1 Y counc1 r oms eva uau:: our Justice. ·:y· Jnnned aroused action emanating d tin I · JU f 'I Thr •\,:A from a mess into an efficient, .... a op g a reso ut1on ca ng or a1 ougb ~; we have not attained the from the general popula:/:. Jt is easy to · d ha he · harmonious, livable and beautiful eir government agencies to ow l t y can visible manifestations of culture. We criticize what we have ne. What is not
to assure public access to and acquisition have too little beauty, too little livability, vironment. In order to achieve this goal, so obvious are the potentialities for r be h d ho li ( too II I h d. . . we must begin at the local level -the o ac es an s re nes; a group o tt e wnan 1gn1ly 1n our en· satisfaction and delight, potentialities peo I __ , bo t t f · l basic foundation of our everyday ex· p e conce. 11';U a u 11:n es uary or v1ronmen arising not just from the quality of the in-
• waterfowl ; citizens of a city voting Before this century Ls out -30 years istence. timate setting -the house and its
AMERICA HAS been rightfully describ-overwhelmingly , to replace their coun· away_ we shall have to bull d the We need not look forward with gloom neighbors _ but from the form the en-
ed as, .''The mess that is man-made cilmen due to cooflict of ·interest: a equivalent of another United States and to the future of the environment. vironment c.an take on a large scale.
America." As we ipproach our cities. we private developer backing down on a then some. we must doutile all the struc· Metropolitan growlh and "scat· My speculations on lhe pitbblems of our
are forced to travel through a turbllient residential density issue from protesls of tures which now exist. teratlon'' at low densities, which is an ex· environment narrow in on three points of
sea of. ugliness. At best, these approaches homeowners ; and the establisfunent of an Let me offer some s t a g g e r i n g pression of overriding preference on the leverage for improving l;;irge-sca1e en--.•
are plastic grass in median strips. At agricultural preserve by lhe' Board of statistics. 11 took 90 to 100 years to build part of a great majority of people, could vironmental quality: The movement
worst, they are unspeakable slums. I said Supervisors. the urban facilities to care and supply for be welcomed, not bemoaned. There is no system (transportation), the array of.
a "aea of ugliness." Yet it is actually a So there are examples of a concerned the 100 million people living in the urban inherent reason why life in an urban centers (populated places), and the pa.t·
.quagmire of ugliness, for we are often population. But unfortunately, they are places of today. The single, most im· area, however large, should be tern of ope.n spaces (green belts, reerea·
stuck and bogged down in it mos't of the often only brushfire attempls to cope portant resource ol man is land. For each unpleasant or restrictive; why it cannot lion places). We can imagine new
time. _ with the larger and more serious ques-person added to the population, one-be a satisfa ctory ground for human possibilities for each of these. Attractive
MJilions of people yearly are neelng our tion. fourth acre of land is converted from survival and development; why ils people directions for innovation in public policy.
By WllJJAM GERBER cities: ~~~.~ino g .tratrct'ns'"rd si::atterethd concme-THE SAD PART of this is ii.at there is non-urban to urban use. In the next 30 shod "1 lddsbe unable to look on it as a belov· To this must be added the more tradi·
WASHINGTON -British science merciaruo.1.1 n ts a orming e 0 • no one to blame. No supreme"hionarch to years we will need four billion tons of e an cape. tional concerns for the adequacy and ~-NI-I n.u.r -nUy p~icted lovely countryside into an unplanned , jer· · t t It · l So th bla sand and aravel for new urban streets, WE CUNG TO th · f Id ""Uily of bousing ·and local services, the •••Ml:I e~ \Alll.K: ......... 1~ ry-built, helter-skelter mess ca 11 e d porn o or revo agams e me line.,. e nolion o a wor ~, .
·that "'Wbethe!' 10 years or 100 yean "suburbs." The entire north portion of must be shared by all and the shame 750,000 · al miles of streets, 480,000 ad· with an urban Inside and a rural outside, quallty11~l; site
ctesign, thnde co.ntrol of noise,
elapee berore rMCbioes art more in-Orange County could be tenned a must be borne by all. ditional elemedtary school rooms, 360,000 divided between the exciting but dirty the po u_ron o water a air.
lelligent than man, that day will auttly "slurb," a result of the cancerous growth But we have been a busy people. additional high ·school rooms, $30 billion and disagreeable city and the placid We can and must begin to change the
come." Some observers, however, object and spillover of Los Angeles. In a short span o{ years, we havt!: in s3nitation facilities and sewers, $200 to countryside where people live in full good course of events to create an en-
to calling a machine intelligent. They transformed the rugged life of pioneers $500 billion in industrial and commercial health. vironment in which men would take pride
point out, for example, that computer THE SOUTHERN portion of Orange into the highest (and softest and com. development and a demand for water The contrast is ceasing to have. any and pleasure: A \\'Ork of art, fitted to
vocabulary ii severely limited. County had a chance but the sea of plex) standard of living ever achieved by which cannot be eslimated. validity. human purIX!_se -our pre c 1 o us
Humans who are bothered by Calder's ugliness is &preading. It threatens to any people in history. _..._ There is not one major city today The sense of being at home does not manspace, (
predjcUon ~an take comfort also in the
erperlence of the Apollo 11 astronauts. In
the final seconds before landing on the
moon, Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. n · th D b t. p c . =it:~~:s~"~~~b~~ a .ynswor _: _ e __ a 1nri_ ros~" __ ons_
t:UOID:tOUS boulders. In that fal.eful situa-~ f tion, the computer could not make a ' -
judgment _ only ·.the brain could. By ROY l\tcGHEE <R·Neb.), and Marlow \V. Cook, (R-Ky.), -Haynsworth realized a net profit of turn, forwarded it to the Justice Depart-aware a threat which may convert the
Armstrong took over the controls and ., WASHINGTON _ One of the t also members of the judiciary com-$437,000 on his original investment. ment. After art investigation, Attorney court J to a swamp of delay and
the al t belt I d. · ·1 mos mittee, are lhe principal defenders of the Haynsworth had been a small operator General Robert F. Kennedy and Sobeloff technicalities," he said. new _ er t o a er an ing SI e serious charges Lhat can be leveled nearby. judge. In the stock.market up to the time or tha t cleared Haynsw or.th or any criminal ac·
against a public official is conflict of in· Here Is a resume of Bayh's accusations sale. But with the proceeds he began in-ceptance of a bribe (the offer of business
MANY c<?l\IPtrrERS. are programmed terest -the collision of what ls good for of confli ct of Interest, and Hruska 's and vesting in a wide variety of businesses for Carolina Vend·A·f\.latic).
to appropriate new 1 n form at I~ n himself and what ts best for lhe society Cook's defense: and his securities portfolio is now
mechanically, feed back the new 1~--he serves. estimated to be worth about SI million. formaUon, and correct or change th eir . · · . VENDING MACHINE$ Bayh charged that between 1958 and
operations on the basis of the new in-For a Judge, !ehberate~y. isolat~ from In 1950, while practicing private law in \963 Haynsworth took part in seven cases
formation. This has led to the notion, not the press~ii . competitive soei~ty 10 Greenville, S.C., Haynsworth and a group involving customers of Carolina Vend·A•
yet fully accepted, that a computer can help safeguard his freed°".1 to act wi!hout of business associates organized a com-Matic.
"le.am." But scientists cannot yet pro-!ear or favor, even the whif.f of co~fhct of pany to sell food and other. products The most publicized case was Dari.
gram computers to learn in the adap-Interest can .leave 8 damaging stain. lh;ough coin machines. They called ll ington Manufacturing Co. versus the Na·
lively probing and creative ways in which And that IS what the Haynl!worth con· Carolina Vend·A·Matic Co. lional Labor )\elations Board . Darlington
humans learn. lroversy now dividing Washinglon is llaynsworlh invested $3,000 in the com-was a subsidiary ol Deering-Milliken. The
Two University of Nevada scientists mostly about. pany and got a one-seventh interest. lie issue was whether Deering-Milliken had a
have thrown new light ~ ~e develop-CLEMENT FUmtAN Haynsworth Jr., was elected to lhe Board ol Directors and ri ght to shut down the Darlington plant
ment of ~nceplual 1ntelli~enci! .bY 56, presiding judge of the 4th U.S. Circuit was named a Vi ce President. The com-because of union activity. Haynsworth
teachlng a chimpanzee to talk 1n the a!gn Court of Appeals, Is President Nixon's pany prospered. doing business with a held that it did, in a 3 to 2 decision.
lanauage used by the deaf. The chim· -choice to fill the Supreme Court seat large number of textile companies, in -
~ uses appyox:imately 60 G:est':!:!P"tn vacated by Abe Fortas. Strong Senate op. eluding the Deering-Milliken Co.
seennngly lnte~1gent ways. The ge.st~res position has developed against the llayns~·orth test ified he resigned as
aignify such ideas as: com~, gimme, Haynsworth nomination on grounds of vice president when he \\'ent on the
sweet (candy or dessert), drmk, open, alleged conflicts of Intere st since his ap-federa l bt'nch in 1957. He said company
UckJe and dog. pointment lo the federal appeals bench in recoi-ds showing he held the office
1957.. lh rough 1963 were in error. He retained
Haynsworth's opponents also charge
lhat his record shows him to be hostile to
the Civil Rights and labor movement~.
But the nomination see ms likely to stand
or ranron the specific allegations of con-
fli ct of inlere!t and th'e more general
ch arge that Haynsv.·orlh lacks the
sensitivity on quesUons of judli:ial ethics
needf"f( to sit on the nation's highest
hi s set1I on the Board of Directors until
the Judicial Conference of the United
Stales required federal judges tn re sign
rlirrctorships in private companies in
to sell his stock lo fellow stockholders.
Instead , the company was sold to
Automatic Jtetailers of A m e r i c a .
TllE DECISION wal'i later reversed in
the Supreme Court, which ruled Deering·
f.1illiken could go out of business com·
pletely if it wished, but it could not selec-
ti vely close down one plant to "chill
During the course or the case. the Tex-
tile \\'orkers Union of America said it
received an anonymous lip l ha t
lh1.ynsv•orth had ruled as he did because
of a promise from DeerJng-Milliken to
"throw business'' to Carolina Vend-A·
The union forwarded the charge lo
Jurlge Simon Sobelorf. then presiding
judge QC the appea ls circuit. !5obe\off, in
BOTH THE UNION and Bayh contend
Hayns~·orth should have disqualified
himself lrom the Darlington case; or at
least disclosed that he had a financial in·
lcrest in a company which \\'as doing
business with the textile firm .
Cook and Hruska argue t h a t
Haynsworth's ownership in the vending
firm was a "third party" relationshi p to
lhe textile company.
"A. no time was Carolina Vend-A-Matic
a litigant in the federal courts,'' they
said. On the contrary, they contend,
Hay nsworth had a "duty" to sit since his
third-party relationship did not disqualify
Roy Wilkins. director of the National
Association for the Ad vancement of
Colored People (NAACP) said: ''The
nom ination of Jud ge Clement F .
Haynsv.·orth Jr., is a deadly blow to the
image of the Uni ted States Supreme
Wilkins told the Judiciary Committee
that the court had long been the symbol
of protection of rights and dignity for
"Suddenly, the colored citizens are
THE PROSPECTS for successrul ap-
p1icaUon of human intelligence to social
problems,.wilh or without the aid of com·
puten, are evaluated differently by dir·
ferent experts. Britain's C.P. Snow is
peS&imisUc about the prospects o( turning
the mind of man away from its bent for
making the earth uninhabitable lhrough
polluUon, overpopulation. or the use of
nuclear wea~ns. On this side or the
AtlanUc, B:.1ctininster Fuller argues that
man'• chancet o( survival and well-being ·
are not dimmed but brightened by new
1chlevements of the human intellect.
SENATOR BIRcH Bayh. (0-lnd.t a
member of the Senate Judiciary Com·
mittee, is th~ Principal accuser of
Haynsworth. Senator.s Roman L. llruska,
.------------Ou r nJan In Snn Fr1u1clsco-----------~
-Editorial Rt&eorch Report!
"? ... -•.
---~ .....
"I jmt had to talk to •onieone, B...,.__
I'm lonesome!"
Capote Puts l(11ock oil Tasteless Tl1ief
been wandering along O'F:irrell SI.
nc:ir Pov.·elt at JI p.n1. one recent
night, you'd have seen a touching
i;ight. There were Author Truman
·capote and Saint Subber. the noted
N.Y. theatrical producer, lounging
disconsolntefy against (he old
J ai::uar sedan they'd purchased th•i
tl ay from a local friend . The b:tt·
tery was dead and Capcte and Suh.
her were dying of ennui. A tow
lruck ev'tntually rescued them .. .l(
lhc \'inta,ge Jag holds together,
lht'y·re off for Palm Springs, v.•here
TrUman.Jias a_ house that was
burgled the other night. Almost:
After stripping the place. the
burglar peE:ked ·into th e lee box.~
found two $20 bottles of Dom
Pcrignon chan1pag ne. drank them
both \\'hile \\'lllching. TV, and
passed out An easy arrest. Said
the crook to the cops who shook
him a"·ake: "Ooooh , my head!
fl.Ian, that was lousy wine." Snifrs
'rruman: "A burglar who doesn't
appreciate ~m Perlgnon has no
BUSINESS ln Palm Springs" ..•
Other voices, other r u m or s :
Capote ~·as offered the milllon-
dollar plum or covering the moon
landing for Life Ptfagazlne, but
lumed it down (and recommended
Nonnan Ptfailer). Reason: "Ifs
perfectly slmple -rm the slowest
writer Jn tl'le world. I told Life that
by the timt!: I finished the article.
there'd be a l:l lllon Hotel on Mars."
FOOTNOTE: I happtncd to be
among' those present a few years
11go when Robert Ruark, " pro·
digiousl,Y ,fast ~Titer. began heckl·
Ing Capote. "\Vhy,'' roared Ruark,
"I write more words In a day than
you do in '• year. I know ho~ you
• I
"'ork. Truman. You sit at an an.
lique desk with a quill pen and at
the end or. the day you've written
one word. ONE \VORD!" "That's
·correct, Robert." said Truman
mildly, "but it's the RIGHT w~d-''
IF YOU'RE on Jack Bengy's
Christmas list, you may anticipate
J apanese-style Kleenex tissues,
cleverly packaged and imported by
G. T. Marsh on Sultt!:r St. for snle
at ... i1.25 a pack. Mr~. Benny
ordered a whole slew of 'em lhe
olhc-r day ... cr~orgct it, Jack. Ju~t
a n.lce card will dol. •. Nancy and
Paul Sedon · dropped In r o r
breakfast at the Commissioned or.
ficers Opt n Men of the U.S. Naval
Station on Guam -nnd thtte it
v.·as, on the menu, under cocktails:
"Bloody Shirley Temple." &!ing
from Berkeley, the Sedons ordered
two In fond rtmembrance.
• •
"Judge Haynsworth'• dissenting opi-
nions in some key Civil Rights . cases
show clearly that he is not for pressing
forward. They reveal that Judge
Hay nsv.·orth is for the status quo or for
inching along."
Hruska and Cook, taking note or
Wilkins' criticism of Haynsworth, said
"The most vicious attacks" on the judge
came from those who contended his opi·
nions "form a pro-segregationist pattern.
"WE TJUNK the record shows quite
the contrary. There is absolutely no pat-
tern of bias. Just as in the labor
decisions, some decisions were in favor
of the party claiming infringement of
Civi l Rights and some decisions were
not." the senators said.
Joseph L. Raugh, Jr., a Civil Righi.,
lawyer, presented the committee with a
review or what he called Haynsworth·s
anti-Civil Rights actions. Hruska and
Cook replied, case by case. Here is an ex·
ample of the exchange.
Simkins vs. ri.1oses It Cone Memorial
RAUGH: Judge flaynsworth dissented
l~.at since the hospital received SI,269,950
in federal (Hill·Burlon) funds it could not
discriminate ra cially. He thought that
since the hospital had been established
privately it could discrimi nate despite
receipt of fed eral money.
IIRUSKA AND COOK: "· .. Influential
in Judge Haynsworth's mind was the fact
that Congress was then consjdering an
amendment to the Hill-Burton Act which
\\'OUld have the dfect of prohibiting
discrimination by facilities rectiving Hlll·
Burton funds. If (ongress had already
barred such di scrimination, as the ma·'
j"ority hiill 4 held, -Judge -H"aynsworlh
reasoned such an amendment would be
unnecessary. Judge Haynsworth's dissent
is highly persuasive ... to ascribe to this
decision an anti-Negro design seems
wholly unwarranted."
United Press ln ter11a!io11al
Saturday, November I, 1969
The Comment Page of the
DaUy Pilot seeks to inform
and stimulate readers by
presenting a varie ty of com-
mentary on topics ,Rf Inter-
est arid significance from
informed observers a n d
Robtrt N. Weed, Publisher
HOTI .. , ...
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Atata Landers
DEAR ANN LANDERS :· I am dating a very nt·
tractive younf-man. Ed 1s 21 and already has had
t.hree years o coll ege. One thing about him worries
me. He can drink everybody in the party under the
table and nol sho\v it. Latil night for examplS!. he 11ad
live highballs then· switched to beer. Before the eve-
ning \vas o·ver Ed had
finished s e v e n bottles.
The other 1.\vo fello~·s
were gassed oul of their
minds, but Ed \Vas in
complete control .
her husbond take a trip ·every
year, either l.o Europe or lhe
Orient. For the pasl rive years
they have galhered their Uiree
chlltlren and lll:!lr 11pouscs
lOgelher on the eve or their
departure. The purpose -to
read their will aloud.
19•" ... , ! I r•'-''"'' ...
"\·ou heir a lot about the )'OUng ma.n on the way
up, but you never he11.r about the middle-ag-ed
man on the way dowp."
Ed i& \'ery proud of lhe wa y
he holds his liquor. I don 't
think lhis is anyth.ing to be
proud of: But since fie shows
no ill effects. what can I say'!
He drinks like that almost
every night I am worried
about ~im, Ann. becciuse he
usually skips dinn~r and say!!
he gets all lht nourishment he
needs from the grain in the
alcohol and the malt in th<'
beer. Please check with your
medical consultants and tell
me what they say.
Thev go down the li~t of
stocks, bonds, real estate,
jewe.Jry -''Flve·hundred
shares of Johnson and Johnson
lo William. 1'hree hundred
shares of Transamerica tn
Kenneth -my diamond ring
goes to Selina. my pearls go to ----------------------'-
Julia. -etc."
DEAR GIRL : Ed may be
able to tell you bis drinkiQg is
not harmful, but i fler .a few
years he'll ha\'t to come up
wllb • helter story for bis
grandfather ls 79 and very
spry. He al\\·ays has been in
good health until last year
v.·hen he developed a. rupture.
The doctor said he should ha ve
surgery. Grandma is 71 and
always has ruled everybody
with sn iron hand, She says
the Bible stales clearly that a
run life is thre'e score and ten
and that Grandpa already has
had nine years more than he
is entitled to .. Grandma insists
that Grandpa would be going
against God's \\'ill bY having
an operation at his age
because he \vould then be
trying to get more years than
God intended. \\!hat can v.·e do
abou! i1 ·.•
DEAR K Ar\D .J: Thi5
decision · sbould be made by
the doctor. And since the doc
has sugge1ted surgery. Gram-
pa should b1ve it.
Please print this ror the whole
family to sec . ll mighl sci a
few people straight. ...
• A close relattve of mine and~
hty husband aJ'ld I travel
11lso. and we have our vdll!I
n1ade. out. but we see no
reason for the r itual. Can it b~
that Mom and Pop are ~educ·
ing the k\ds? What do ~'OU
DEAR WASH: I think there
I~ no harm In re1dlng wi\13.
\Vbat botber1 !\1E 11 wJiy doe~
it bother YOU. You are In no
way lnvoh•ed in the "ritual:•
caught my husband taki ng
some little orange pills on the
9ly. He said he had a slight
kidney infection and hadn't
\\'anted lo v.·orry 1ne. I suspect
he might have something else
-like a social disease. I ha\'c
had no symptoms but he looks
so guilty. 1 \l'Onder If I might
have somethi nl{. Needless tn
:1<1y this has not helped (lUr
love life much. What should T
-MRS. cucurit-BER
nEAR CUKE: Go to a doc·
tor fo r an examination. If you
need treatment , you must get
U at once. JI )'OU don '\, )'OU'll
ha\•e set your mlBd at ea1r.
0o YOll 1101 Ill t 1 l llt ••• ..,1 of 11 1
I< •Yt•Ybc<IY h1vl111 f 10<ld limo but
You~ Wtllt tor Ann Lllllltfl' boolr.let,
"Tiit l( .. v lo Pooul•tll't." onclotlt\1
w!llo Your tfQufll 15 ctll1• 111 ·co!11 11\f
• lo"9, 11tf·t0drtued, 1l1ml>ld ,.,.
""" L1n<1ers will l>t t ltO to l1t!t Yl>V ""''h Your ttob1t ..,.. S•nCI Miem IO ....
111 tt•• ol 1t>f DAIL 'f PILOT, tllCJoflfl'I
I ntf·t<ION.UMI. 111m~ed -·-
Crossword Puzzle
r ACROSS 4Z Ra ng r
anin1 ~I
1 Thr limt ~J l l9ht, I 9ont by silvt1·1-
S Ftmin1nt 9ray ,olor
11amt ~• T1irn down
'Spanish 4~ Canine
staport 4& Man's 11air.t
'14 Ftmalt •8 Time cf da ~
1 vcicr SZ lblh
15 1rxH!r pla nt century • I machinr 1r llg lo11s
111 Rrmain moYt mrn\ ~ I I I I
17 Gull cf lht 5& Spoil tht UO t <MI[-tt ~(
1 South Chin a s.urtact I Sea S7 Overhead lB Col orltss SB "R ubbi sh~"
' . " .
11' Htld in 59 Activ e 7 Fly u pw~1d
great volCllllO a Both;
affection fra turt P ret i~
20 Kind ol tin Im portant 9 Qu ant•l)
party: Slang folkway s. cl hrat:
21 Northwest &l A singlr V1r.
1 .... --·-·· tim r JG Orvrlop In· -
23 Frrr ••• ·-·: &Z Word complrtr!y
2 words. lndlc atin9 ill Army units
25 L'Ecolr des s urprise 12 ···• fixt:
Btaux ···-· &J Having no F1xt'd idta
2& App lied a power cf 1'3 Engl ish
match lo ac\ic11 lttltr~ 27 ..•. Cit)'. b4 Do~ 21 01) a Pf/Vd(t
C11!lcrnla 9ardculn~ Eye icb 29 Gemmen 1ob 22 Purthe p11tk
5u lfl'I. &S Proo f· 111 the nrl
I 32 Sout h 1r~dr1'~ 24 Cause lob!
Afr icJn m ~r k in high prav intt spir its
JS Follow a DO'liN ]7 Howdy •····
winding 2a :tighl·h and
course l Turki s~ man
Jb M~le Mim1I titir 30 Dtlt nSP
J7 "Th1t's 2 Not be lon q· group; Abbr,
• -·cf In g to ont 31 Faci<d
1 baloney!": J Rrm11n elpressicn
2 "''ords steady .32 Ca liforni1
JS Sylvan on the fe et vall <'y
Jfj Oppcsrd lo 4 Dick 's and 33 Sorrowful
JS Make
3b Onr
of •
Scctlish ' !.11111!y
38 Overccmt
42 Ffel
t X\r~l!I •
ingrr 44 Mo st
ltrri ble
45 Diii cerl.lln
household • wcrK
47 One who
1t~ldtnt e 48 •.•. pie
49 1'e ntal
ta lion " SO The "N" 111
of "USNA"
51 Kind ol
school 52 Branches
51 Black
54 "Takr ~O P1rt ol lht Harry's word
hr1d partn ~r J~ Into a ·······'": 41 Play In a 'i First burn conspltuous 2 wo1ds•
children's b Fumilur t place: 55 Melody
ga.mr van ) words 5q Induc ed r"'T,;--r.,;--r.--r:1 \""'',.....,.-,,,...~1;--T.,;;"""r.,-rn,.;-rn,,,..,~,,ri~.,...,1
" . " J <i.16
" :; " .. ;,· "
} • • •I ' ~. .. , l ' ·" " ,, ~ 51
52 53 .. "
" ·;•SI
I, , .
'• ..
Venerable School Gets
Its Y 01mgest Tr11stee
NE\V Y.RK (A Pl -Alison
aernstei(has just bec<ime the
youngest trustee in the history
of Vassar College. At 22, shc·s
a woman \\'ith a keen sense of
purpose, a quick sense of
humor and a disappointed
A Je"•ish girl, f\iiss Bem-
st:?in said her mother was
delighted 1vith the news of her
appointmenl , ··but would ha ve
been even happier ir I 'd s3id I
"·as getting married."
.Miss Bernstein s w i t c h c s
from serious staten1ents lo
humor without apparent cf·
On the one hand. she i:1
deeply involved 1vith the pro-
blenu:; of the campu~. On lhe
other, she jokes. "AL the age
of 26. I'll probably be a has·
At one moment she talks
seriously of her ambition to be
a college teacher. Then, in-
terrupting herself, she says,
"It's kind of a reverse route to
be a trustee fir st and then a
Miss Bernstl.'in, a native
New Yorker, and a surnma
cum laude graduate from
Vassar last June, is 1 can·
ruaate for a doctora t'e in
American history at ·columbia
University. Her election to the
board or lrustees of the
fashionable Eastern girls'
school. one of the so-ca lled
"Seven Sisters Schools," was
announced Monday.
In an interview, Miss Bern·
slcin said she was ,;flab-
bergasted'' al the news of her
selection to serve for 31'2 years
to fulfill the unexpired term of
a trustee 1Vh\l resigned.
~·!using on the reasons ror
her new job, Miss Bernstein
said :
.. I was active in campus af·
fairs. I worked last year as a
klnd of 1ncdiator beh\'CCn the
students and t h e ad·
ministratlon and the trustees.
As studenl body president, I
\1•as res ponsible for
articulatirig student views."
She said she ·worked lo end a
dispute Just yc;ir over the con-
llnuation or an urban studi e~
program. •tAll Iha\ wa s need·
ed was to gel the two sldcs
together _·•
How did she accomplish
this? "!laving each of them
laugh at their own folly. 1·11ey
thought they were lar apart.
but they weren't as separated
as they thought."
Oiscussi ng student unrest in
general, ri1iss Bernstein said.
"h1ost of the students' sense or
helplessness and
powerlessness is legitimate. In
general, I'm very sympathetic
with the aims and idesls
espoused by radical· students.
but l'\'e not yet found it
necess ary to resort to violence
aod I don 't think I'll ever find
thal to be the most satisfac-
torv route." ~·tiss Bernstein said she did
not think: there should be a
Student member on lhe board
of trustees, however . "IL·~
good to have a year of
perspective .''
She s'aid she planned lo visit
the Poughkeepsie, N.Y., ca1n-
pus often to speak witl11
stu dents. explaining her duties
as a graduate student left her
i;chedule more Uexible than
that of trustees with jobs in
Industry .
She said she wanted lo work
with the present student body
president, Margaret Beyer,
"To see if we tan make the
tn.istee!I. aece11ible: to the
Does i;ha ll"'r· feel par t of
the "eata~ment"? "I'd like
to thlnk not. l'd"tike to think l
have one foot in the establish·
menl and one foot just as a
person who's as inlerest'1[1 in
gelling things changed as the
The biggest pr oblem laciiig
the llberal arts college today,
she said, "is to try to decide
v>'hat its responsibility and
role if. trying to make socie-
ty a more just and belier
place That means black
sludic~. the disadvantaged and
presenting a curriculum that
is not only relevant, but
Strong Quake
Hits Adak Isle
strong earlhquake was felt on
the Aleutian Island of Adak lo-
day although there: we.re no
lmmedillte reports of damage,
the National Earthquake
Information Center reported.
A 3pokesman said t he
tremor, centered about !!O
n1iles southwest 0£ Adak, OC ·
curred al 6:33 a.n1. EST with
a magnitude or about 6.4 011
the Hichter Scale.
1 ? 1 1
You ull THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for
Cl11slfied Adverttilnt, •nd pl1ct a
the year :since the last U.S.
bomb fell on North Vietnam,
Hnnol has rebuilt the nation '~
road, rail and w 1 t e I'
transportaUot1 sy!ltcm -bul
key parts or ils industry still
are in rublJlt.
This Is the nsseumei:it by
U.S. inteLU.gcnce analysts of
North Vietnamese recovery
efforlll since 0<.1. :u. 1963.
whl'n President Lyndon B.
Johnson ordered U.S. bombers:
to halt raids on the North. _
Henoi had sla·rl t d
rehabilitation during I h e
previous seven months, after
Johnson limlled bombing only·
lo the 170-mll~long Panhan·
die . But much reeovery work·
awaited the total end of bom ·
According to U.S. e1tlm1tes.
American bombers del~td
35,000 structures and reduced
industry to the primitive levtl
of 1954, the year North Viet·
nam became independent
afte r defeating the French.
But the main purpose of the
3'::·year U.S. bombing cam·
paian v.•as to cut down in-
filtration of enemy troops i nd
supplies Into South Vietn11m
and to raise the cost to Hanoi
for continuing to support the
Despite about half a million
Ions or U.S. bombs and
rockets dumped on roads.
railroads, bridges . canals and
streams. the North Viet·
namese managed to maintain
a now or 'A'ar gear to their
troops and the Viet Cona: in
the South.
U.S. <1ir oHicers contended
U1ey could have virtually shut
off the supply f101y if they had
not been limlled b)" restric·
lions to minimize North Viet-
namese civilian casualUes.
Son1e 600,000 North Viel·
nal'Tll!se were diverted fro1n
r.aising food to keep open the
hnes of communication and to
n1an air defenses. With the
E>nd or the bombing. man:V
returned to the rice paddles,
but thousand! were put to
"'Ork rebuilding bomb
Here is \\'hat they .have I C·
comp Ii shed:
All destroyed and dama1ed
bridges have betn repilred
along major railroad lines.
:remporary structures are g\v-
1ng way to permanent 1fecl
and conci;.ete spans.
Modem dlesel engines are
now seen by U.S. rtcon•
naissance planes as far soutll
a~ the city of Vinh, a major
trans.shlpment poi.nt. An Jm-
portant northeast rail route
from Hanoi to Red China hai1
been vi rtually reconverted to
dual gauge,
All major roads leading Into
the Laotian panhandle are
open once more to truck traf.
fie, wltli numerOus b)'passes
built to facilitate lhe move·
ment of military cargo In the
unlikely event of resumed
bombing. The truck road
network into Laos has been
extended and tied to the
"'estern end of the demililarlz·
cd zone.
Vinh has been built up to 11
more important pot;ition than
ever as a supply movement
point. For the first time since
1965. big foreign merchant
ships are unloading cargo to
Vlnh by barge and junk,
rather than hauling their loads
to J-Jaiphonf( some 190 mile.,
further north.
These su pplies are moving
1hrough Vinh lo the ~lu Gia
Pass over in1proved roadii:,
<1nd on into Laos and South
Vietnam .
The number and size of steel
barges used to carry cargo
~tong inland waterways In the
oanhandle h a v e Increased
Oil OU \Valer
-~fan is dumping one bill ion
tons of oil annuaftf" in the
oceans. Dr. Ed\Yard E,
c.;oJdberg. a geoc~mist for
1hc Scripps Institute of
Oceanography, said today.
}le 9aid the oil comes from
lC°akagc and spllllijlC. enough ·
so that the shipping l~nes or .
the Atlantic already art
CO\'ered by surface oll film .
IJ'he impact it riot known. Not
so much oil Is to be found In
the shipping lints of Ult
Pacific, but the amount ll!
growlng, Goldberg told a
nuclear symposlwn of 1he
Tnstllute of Elettrk:il and
Electronics Engineers.
RHd The Deily
Award Winning
·Ed ito ri1l P1gH
I ----·--\ ........................ -:-...... --------------'. I
~ • DAILV ,Pl~OT • c -·
'. et~ilgs Along-
. '
I •• • '-•
•Y TDNl ~ co~d1~ons
h~:r airer eac.h shampoo
.•• ends tangles.
1.U I 1z. Sirt
tor li111leMm,
Vinyl, Tile, etc.
Pine Fresk Fr1rr1ttt
Siz1 ssc
1.45 Dis,11ser ti 11
I ijijli@:llllUl!ij.Jijl -, I , COMPlEXtON BAR OF' I
l. Safeguard I
linN TKIS ~· -
Off!! Dlil!tS SATUIWAY. "'11. li 190! tlM IJ OHE fRH CO!lfltx G~ W
f(ll fA'ilJli'
COOO O~lV Af ~AV-ON D!!U&~
NOR:<Al RH.l.ll PRICE IX f~~ J COllPLEXlOK 8NI ... ____ _
,\ Gt1ss1s r. S1lt1r &
'I. Ctoe 01tJ1i111' ~'
79c -~
ace1t Fish anl
l r1isel liter fl1r1rs!
!-.. ---·-·-··-.. -·-
Clothes Hangers
I Set 11.t .•• lw:a·;1!y ood-
d~d h1~gec;.w.th ~1r1~d
~il!in _ covfrlni ~ a>·it
~J~t~I c0Jo1s. 1.79
• • OPEN 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.'-7 DAYS AWlllC
1020 lrrh1•, h1 WHJCllff ,._.
Ad•N •1td k••kh•nt
.. _. ____ _
. '
I ...
·~ Estate
and ..
Randan Mc:.C.ud!.
11 L ... Ai.,.1 .. ,_ tho lo'IHI city In tho UJA?
\V!l•l· ls .tho -loll"" ol Loo Angelos? How doa1 thi1
comJai!rt with, other citlH? -
W. T. Costa M~1•
New York is larger. Los Angeles is .1econd. There
are over~~ miJllOri people in greater Loo AnJeles. You
comp~e ~pulation like this .not-to other cities; but to
1tates. /f.
LQr Angeles' populatioo is larger than that of any
one of. #',states. _FQr example, lar-ger ~ the entire
state ()(•New Jer'sey;or·Maine, andJ.faua¢,uset.ts com·
bined, Or over twice1the popu1aticin O(tdear o~d Minne-&ota.:.:. ·• ·
I kftow you had '-Som.thing to do w,ith the Mi11ion
Vi•J•'AA1J•:f1o~•~ ol tho l•'l"I ••-'In Or•"llO County?', How dOea tfi11 com~rt in si.le wtth the .Hohl
Ralich?' Wiih Ille SOgerotom p._rfit'·:wtth Lquria
Niguel? --
11 it tru. th•t the · 1rv1ne Ranch 11 almo1t twice ·••
large ras our Cl.vtl•nd National Forest? '
I ,.
'.J'tv• la (',oanty
~Gitd for Boom.
. , .. ., ~ .
University Paik Of ers Low Rat.es . '
WALTI!AM, Mus. (AP-) -"In addltiGa, 11110Y ol·-
New, loW IDWtll ralel &(!I "·""'_,,"' ~ a111ilable ln · University \:II,~~
--Pii'&,:.tlii muhl-aWm:IWliihfifg-:)4
Stanley C, Swartz Company. .,
Col'(urAlnlty Builders, 30
million dollar home deveJ~
ment'OQ,the.1rv'1e ROnch.
A-. Brandela uriivers-ity communltlu .. wotptce
urbaMlopt.1hu Ued a Com-eenten and mllttmybeltl or
n•.ter 'ta predil:l :tiie. ·«. u;s. ~ ol oil,..,, "*''or dUes _ · inc\udlil( Anaheim dairy produdl," be oald. In VWap Three, .a lt3
and Fullerton ...: with' the Dr. J-and bla ~!es million, 399 ~ome develoP'
highest economk: • I r.o W t1b fed into, a computer teo-~, , · ment, lnteifst rates are
,poteotlaliD'the Jl,U1,1QJJUI: ·-~ r . i1!9 , . ' 7~7\1 percent deplftdlnc
0r1. Wyatt Jooites· w .. .Jlla ~ .!!i ~~ VieJ" 0 Man uPo-t11e t•r:n•. In uM. Part, U!"'iale,'.~11> J, ,Jqs. cllcei lndudllll ·~--ol .•. ·, , all million, SM Pftlo home
an · .uaocu1u· Proftl1'« 'jii . ...,.amjao; , --. ... 1.,...f ; T :.~ _'I ,. 'j>roJect 'lierng bu tl 1 con-
resein:b. at . Brandel·•, 'linlle c1wen..;p--r=·el ".1:'6JI08Cape curnn.UJI wllb VWW Three, prepared .a prollie 00·31$ U.S. local....,•"-'·and · · · 'j,,, . . , : · • •••.. d ., . .1..,~~, .• _ 7_7,,, cities with populaUoo over c:ome~-J 1.uc °""'"ica ,. • .._ -v 7'
50000 • . F' .lis . per...i ·dapenclbit •JIOll the The~ report WU re!eued , The..bomn·loWDI: " , ma t i«Jnl,.annWnc:od •A. P. bench
Wednelday. Abilene, Amarlllo,.-CotpUs Ji, vice l""1<fenl of the
Tw<niyolthe«citi•-ll> .Chr!Af. Lubboct. Mldland, -.George S,,Molsuoka, lll42 SlanlevC.SwortzConlpany.°• w..;'"·~ dudinc nine in Tull _ Will Odessa. P1A!"°na, T)'~ and Primavera Dr •• M'lllkll1Vtejo,. ~
be "boom" communltle$. ·Tile Wichita Folll, Tu.: ·..(Jt\any, ;., vylnl f« t.., hoOon In ,Unl)Wslty Part 1111 be,tn In ;
· Ga · Hamjilon Va · Hayward ~ . ~_h·e · """""""'ty three• years remaining J41will eaper1ence ·•.. ' · ·• · :J.: e11tewlde JandsC, _ aping com· ,.'··•·.bu ~-bI'"-·"t•!•lf'·'•··· IOCi<>economic• &rowtlf to ·a Calli., Ulch Point ·N.~.. . ~M -~ _ ~ ., -.,.· •·t 1...,· r ..._ Dr 'Huntavme,Ala.; J.ack1.o.n, pie:Ution spon,ac?r_ed ~y Ute ___,1...__..:\.iJ.· ....ia e1· enl ~• --.. -, 0 ,.,_ La~ -.~ La -'"11Lrn'Ja (,a·'·'a'pe• Con·· ·~~· w-aMog·-V opm J · ... id mao.; a111 . '-'Q&ilfl, .; \;I UU I~ --~ ~"'tlm·'-In ·-··-ODOI ,,-. i:a_. Olll1.; Monroe, La.; tractors A!aodftlon. ... w . -. ' ~~~·
.• '!'be c:ltiel that have . t11e· Newport Newt Va.; and War· B h --~~ ••· 1. ,_ • Cill(oria Dvin( ie to be loond h'8hiot r a 1 ... o1. rrowth and lllcb,·' e II·--·~ ma~ m In the , , Of. roll development Dr. Jones said. rtn. " "t "'the •contest with the lindscap-· ,.ns. ""·ac:r,I ' wm be tboae"tbat ''cater to die The .aecond 1':· .~. ·"'·q or;hli~ ~W·hame," Whk:b"'be tng-.-'Jawns ... -:and" iool, Jelly~
two most ..al'g,nt·fica,nt FAnall~-banGt,1·~'-··<.atei.1crin~tbe'llra:eresidelllial ~*8Jmolt ·ev.er.Y con· ,. developments of ·the 60'1 ·-· u eriton, · en , . · _ ·, cetvable type of recreation clilen.. spendlnc ai>d pojJUla· ID11ltwoocl. Palo Alto, Sln alqory, from'.·1Wb\!mf!11,and iennl• to
R1ar.>i'ard of'T•l'na "lodol ·
' ..
M •. H. Newport Beach
Perhaps a list of major land holdin~s in Orange
County as seen in Stewart Tille Company 1 Newsletter
would answer your question.
tioo •u:plolion." • Mateo, Santa C1r1,, SU& .Cl.CA IJ .. a-'nt-profit trade -.in.. .. and~ is to
llj'Vale. Torrance Ud Weal orpn!utlon cledi<l!ted Io ,.. • ..,.
COvina, C4)tt.; ADI\ ~bor, beautlllcation.and the enrich· be touiid laoed'. omong the
. ' ty Part la ldeally""'°fed. led by'.run Keefas, a lnltrtnl·
The clubhouse at the Village ty Park reaid"';t will pr;;;t
Park RecreaUon ct'hter is to the musk: for Villap Park
be theietting If!'" a Halloween reaident& and ~ir ,Uell's.
Ji"reok.<Nt C..tiune P a r t y Mix, rider and dougbmlls will ioo.f, at the 1corner of Mit.. belt:rved. Thepriee.oladmis.
thew• and .Roycie Roads in m ' wt.U be a tray of. hep
Unlveraity ~rk at 1:30 p.m. A d\Jeuvres and your ~,of
Holding Company ?{o. of Acres
1. Irvine..-Ran ch ...................•...••••••.• 88,256
2. Cleveland National Forest ...•...••.•• :,. ••.• 55,270
3. Mission Viejo · Ranch .........•.•.....•.•.. 52,440
4. Moulton Ranch , ....................... ,,.. .. 10,270
5. Starr Ranch ....................... , ....... 10,052
6. :Laguna Niguel ..... ·•.. .. . •. • • .•• . • .•• •••••• 7,169
7. Nohl Ranch .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .... .. • 5,000
8. U.S. Naval Weapons Station .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. • 5,080
9. Los Alis91 Citrus Corp. .. . . .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. • 4,117
10. ·Bryant Ranch ....•••.••••..•• \:-..... ; •••.•• 4,050
11. Mac~ ~.ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3,929
12. Unloil OU Company .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 3,900
13. M~rille Corps Air Station, El Toro ........ , 3,900
14. Shell Oil Company .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3,850
15. Rossmoor Corp. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. • 2, 720
16. El Toro Company .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 2, 767
17. Forster Ranch .. i ., ••••••.•.....•••••••• -... 2,450-
18. Standatd Ranch .. • . . . .. .. .. . . . . • .... .. .• .. 2,000 ~· ~res Ra~ch ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 1.sss
. Hding McBean .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1,900
21. Bolsa Land & Company ........ ·............ 1,609
22. Marine Corps Air Facility .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. 1,548
23. T.' W.~ Webb ..... , ',......................... 1,542
24, N. A. ·s. Loo Alarili\os .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,200
25. S!!gerstrom .Property ............. .... .... .. 1,200
2.6. .Backs Ranch ........••• ; •••.••. :. • . • • • . • • . • t 200
27. Gnoly·GJenn. Rancb ........................ 1'153
:· ~ Loo~~i:idi• .................... :.. • • • .. 1: 484
• > "· ;~_·.~~'!'. ~-i .............. .. . .. . . 1,074 . ao.,, HDilrersity ·""""ornla .... , ........ ".. .. .. 1,510 :~· ~.R~:rp~.e,op,;;•~i ·c;,mj;a.;;·::: ~::M
' ED1101f.'8 NOTE: Rcncfall R. McCordlt U cm inw1tmftf a~ a~r1t, ... prtsidt1Jt of the Real Estatfra. ·• c<>Utge lectur1r. a
dtrettoJ of the California Auociation of Real Eatlltc Ttach-
tra, ~ of ,.JUal E1tat1r in California ... Stnd l/OUr que•·
tiona ad commtlltl ·to Randall R. McCard{e , cto-tht DAILY
PILOT,J ',.,O;.lloz IS60, Costa M<&a, Calif. 92626
New Homes ·,
Available · . .
'At Village
Filty.four opeclal ·n e"
bomelite1 are.· now avaliable in
'J1!e Vllloae 'ii take Fomi,
Including live alkw:tr llvin(
plans in t~nve bedroom mxl
liimily room deslgnl, an-
nCIJDCel Jack RI 1 brou I b .
director of marketing at Lake
'I1lt new area. In the Village
offers elevated lots, that in-
clude beautiful "flews of s•
dleback 'inountaln and lhe
coastal riRle. . m homes are aloo attua1e11
neer the newest Lake ·P'onll
rerreatlonal area -· belnc dev<J..,..i, Including -,;.
ball rourt,. -court and clllklrfll'I playcromid; U well
fadllU . ,..
l!aor pla!ia lnclu!le one and.·;.twO a\Cty1 two-·f lv e
~ wllb ,1Jm!l1 mOCleil. All liolure ibe
Deane Garden
~. ~----
cmcept. -ibe nllide!a are a ,_ ljlill level plan wltll
llUlken ''Conversation Pit .. in
ibe"tivin( ..... -llooi'
plan 'bu a -niii1l op.
tioo)ally avalloble~·~~~ ~~TiOVIDare, .-ii .lbii
N~port Architects
Richard Leitch-Sam plannlnar and c·reatl·v e
Kiyotoki & Aas o c i ates . department.s
Newporl Beoch-inte!llaUOnal · . ,, ' Jand planning am architec· . We have many nt:w-prn-
turol fimt, 1111 doubled Its J«ls throughout the nolion
lltaff and ezpanded its land and in a few foreign countries,
for whlch we are providing our
comprehensive land pWuilng
and total design concept
services," said Leitch. who
bu pioneered in lhe total
planning netd of architecture
and whose projects have
received national recognition
for conceptual cruUvenes1
__ ....... ,.
ltiOOffi!OPiiienl; -·tlle itial olferin& allthe.1-e
Dein -.. liic. Jrijecl Homes are · a• avail.lbJt·'fu
!!'he WoOcls and in ibe iz.
To reach Lake · Fonol, lsiR
the Sanl.a Apa. or SS-'Dlep F'reeo'.ays to El Toro"BOoll 'and
follow the direclional algna.
* * Harvesting
On Sunday
and comprehensiveneu o f Complhnent.ary oven-fresh
design. pumpkin pie and . bowls ol
Geor141 McG•fflt•n
Named Veep
Georre ·J. McGalfigan o1
Newport Beach bu been pro.
rooted to vice president and
general manqe~'of . Ran<;ho
Ca!lfoinla, ·an ·17 ,ICll acre. Janel
41eve}opmem in 1 o u t b W e s· t
JUvenlde County. 1 I
McG-iffigan will maiiltain
executive offices at 4320 Cam--
-pus Drive, Newport Beach, as
"We have increased our crisp, Wuhlncl9n Staie IPP1"
sWf and added lane! p~ will be ln•the,elfering.lllmdof
to keep pace with tbe dem8l'ld as part of ·the contihuing
for our services in Utese "Autumn Escape" procram 1t
areas, especially u •the trend Lake,,. Forest, the 1,700-acre ·
toward ....,rt'rt~dfllUal com-Jltllll Brothen deveJ..-'.
lnunitiea increases. We are in IOUtheastem Orange Com-
•tooUng up' u more an~ more ..., developers :iee the need for an v.· ' ' arcllll<dural firm which con .Jac'f Rlsbrwgh, diredor ol
supply the t 0 t 1 1, com· marketing at Lake rarest. an-nounces that Ute Rfrubmenti ~r3!1J~lve service. wt pro-will bt aerved in a sped.Uy
designated "Harvest Room" Such communities as the in. uch of the three model
Bluffs on Irvine Ranch, thfl areas. These homes ~..iu
l a k • projects in Westlake, f e at u r 1 acceuories com-
Oakbrook for Del Webb near pllmentlng th e Halloween-
Chicago and ff a w a l l a n Thanbglvlnc lltllOllS.
developments, were all totally Apple cider st.andl, operated
planned and executed by 1>y,1een1re resldellll .ol .• LQe .
Leltch·Klyolokl, n-pro. Forti' a!lo add to the ·'""'• jecla have Jed the trend Jn ., ~
total plami•• w h I c h in-enjoymen~ with }lroceeda ol ·~ the.n.e·cent-·•·--.. corporates into a community r-· .-
Mich.; Bloomln&too..;'/oljhn.: -nro1 _,_, li th-• maey rnenbelt area~ Eugene,.Ore.; Kett•l'1'il&,' me .,...,.,...s ves ,..,..., With U..if!loM.,Jl'Olimity to
oh I o ; Jivoni1, "M 1 c bl,, : ~Pini· Each year ;t beach. ~Uon areas, the
MadilOll, Wil.; N:eiw·t o'-n~ spoDIOtl llrtdscaPinl com.. ~ ...... !al I Mus.; Re~ Nn.;""'-Rayl:l petition for stale-licensed con-n e" •""'-1-1 comp exes,
Oat, Mich.; -· m.: v .... to 1mprove -stry Fashion llland, South, .Coast
U·n i·T·e·r 1 l t 1, )r(o.; and 1~1and give recogniliGll Plaza and the UrUversity of
Wauwatou. Wls. to tts ftriest craftmnen. Callfomla at Irvine, Ualversl-combo, ... the Contemporaries'" ~ge. . , , J
.$495··oowri* ..
buys you the last
woret ·1n sp~ee •
' ' , .. , ! •
even bigprl Abome'~ oo)'ou cail
add AIOOlll U JOlll family growa ••• ema spaa
that doellilt COii! you extra mooey 1llllil you
actilllJyneedit Even then your home will
r.tain ifa bUlc architcclllral style~ )'OU don't
· ba¥e to !alt down wa111, use exiJting bedrooms
u hallways or add a hall, thil 11"'"" 1 ...
JllOllCywhen you add onto your heme.
Bn .... fwmilll?'l'lle ball 5B1i Si'
Pa 1rfr •M•11•0neand~1N.1'1 '
~E ... .t·Mt ... ._RoamFloolpltuw
, •l,3,4A:5B1...,_•l·A:3...-•·Jl-1
/ Utlms8-•l1'-87J!ahz!•' ·1c I ;·
• Tropl •'lcf I 11 wlfll Daoilile Oftml, ))ljlj 11171 .
·~Isstrr 1haAlp'!P 1 ,
............ J.nteMlaltlllA'1!11 .. · •I . •
. '
. ' ·l·
• .. ..
from$27,950 ·:
T~ (714) 4'3-3041
. • ,
• •
• ' I ·' ' ' •
' • • •
• '
i • •
--·-well as at Rancho California.
During the pas! y •a r-,
McGaff igan has been
vice president In charge of
operations at the ranch. He
has apent more than t\ Yurs
I n matketln ( and management, amt Ts· a
graduate of Ute Unlvenity of
Santa Clara College o f
many t)'Ptl of'livin( mlita, and ml!oil piq ta the LUe hmt
recreal!Onal and commerclal S'trin1 Team trophy ""'!' amJ, ,
amenltle>. • ·Vlilt<n an lnvltod· to..i..r
'[od11, 'Leitch nqted, n\ore tlle. ·-, opened -lollltj. planned communlti• · bomeattn cln Tbe Vlllqe, t11e
thane"" before.,. proJoctod I~ .Lll<etho"' . Jl10*ls
·as bl1 <0mR1nles are ent<ring and the rustic l>emeRlll In _
the lield· and afe 1>uyin1 large 'nlf -· The Lei r....i P'""'" ol land. And typical of ~· ,and Teonls _ Clall, ' Utese planned communiUea b S3IO,om» fadllty-ape:lied urller
the mort.-resldentlal pi'ojt_e~ ~yt§r, ls alao open to iD-
wlth hlgh-denSlty h o u a I n c , spOCtlon by visllors.
Saniulll eapillrliiOi. 15 degreelcoolortban . . . 'lhe1111nii1e1time'1~ because.the
··'--· ---
myriad recreation and leisure Lab: Fomt la cumntly tht
orlentedacttvttte1,coRl· lariest Dea_qe' 8,rotbera
merclal areas and pleuJna e~ dev~t. TJw firm, a
vlronmenta. sublldtarJ of O c.f I d...-n.l •I
"All ol these elements muJt P-Corporiliell, I
'be planned together, thl'OOgh d ... IOpmtnt ol Lab~ · In
Ute total coocept, and that'i 19A. Since then. the com-
btauli(u!Peciflclaiocloee •.. THAT~
what the big companl" ara munity hu nearly doubled In L----------------.-----------1----------------":"'~:f Wisting on," Ltttch II.id. 1ize •
.,,I •
-.... ~ ------~· ' '·
I • I I
' .
~Mesa ·Woods . ,,: .
;~ Offering ·
'"· H: Full Yard s
11; ~·: 1-tesa Woods, a ne\vl y-opened
! ;; it e d a 11 ion Award-winning
~ ~! development in Costa J\1esa
~ ): featuring a new "full yard "
• C: concept. is enjoying brisk
;-:f'ales, according to R. P.
;: Burbank. Southern California
~....-Edison Company d i s t r i c t
_.;,: representative.
• #-Furnished models are now
• :: open to illustrate the variety
:-of modern Jiv~ng convenience.s
·.-at Mesa Woods homes. The
... ;: proj~ct is located on Sunflower ~ _:; Ave., between Fairview and
; '. Bristol streets, just north of
~ :~ th~~:;a~~e~~l~~~~:ihc "full
. : yard" concept means thlt
~ :· every square foot of a Mesa
, :-\\'oods' yard is usable and
:·-: adds a new dimension to out-
~ door-indoor r:nvironment.
, : : Another1lii:hllght QJ eaCli -
: home i~ an all-electric kitchen + with built-in range, oven ,
! w a s l !: dispos1l, automatic
·: dishwasher an~ luminous ceil•
! ~ ing. A pass·throuah window to ·
· l: 11n outdoor S!tving counter
: · also is f!atured.
::· 6ther int!rior f!alures In-
• · clud! Jiloped ceilings, family
:: room, garden-view mt:iter
': bedroom suite, firepllce and
l ':, carpeting. '
· : Our model is enhance<! by a
· ; dramatic sunken conver1,tlon
~:· pit adjacent to a dbuble'
: ~ nreplace v.·hich operu to the
: ; living room. and !amily room , ... H Burbank said.
~ Meaa Woods homes contain ~ up to foUr bedroom1 and are ~ availlble in contemporaty, .. 3 Spanish or modem sty1lng1.
: All ut.IUtles have been ll'll!itlll· i · ed underground to enhance the 1 :Ja~al beauty ~ the area, be
. .. '-..
materials and •·e w in g ·The ~m can ~gipckly '9
equiwn~h -~oiiverted into a bedroom
Increased lighting and wide whm .ij)ec need com'9: extra
\vindows mak e this a •cheerful gueats or new additions to the
and bright place lo work. family.
Thousands of hom~makers Turtle ~Rock'~ Hllli "m"Odt:Js
y,·ho ha ve visited ' Turlle are open from 10:119 •m:1· to . , dusk. They can be reachei:t by Rock H1til, ·models ve ex-turning off the Smtfa..., Ana
prc~:;ed f;b.6fr delight ~With this Ftttwax: or the San Ditto
SCto!l.JJI .r~. It ha'i~on top Freri&Y'IL Culver ·Drive and
r at mg· 1n •. popularity . through procedlng south, or by tunint ~e s~les• ,programs for two off Pacific Coast Ji11hw1Y at
Units t;f tht_ t1evel opmtnt . MacArthur ·Bou1evant a ad
· Achrally;1the rooni~ld do proceeding north:·
d9Uble ~uty also as a hobbyl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;
room , a lgame room, a play
room , an'Ofrice for ~·head of
the .Iamtly, a special stereo
.roo111 . or~ a photography room.
Sell unwanted Items .• ·
with a DAILY PlLOT
ClassWed ~d.
:,Own t~ land on The Ra~ch in lr\line
· \ and tree-lined ·greenbelts
. -
' .
. -I . .
. :Located<i n the heart of the 'Jrvine Ranch, this new
• -P•cesetter c_ommu ni ty provides ~ou with a new.
. ' :.. b.readth fo r liwing. The fr~qom of an early Califo,r-
. n)ar~nch is.p.:eseJVed in the penna,nent greenbelts,
'. tl:ie. eucal)'ptu's-Jined pueo and the Gentril park.
· -.;~oit.es·inclvt;le'i)ie Jand 'tJley,,a.rp buili ~n and are
· " ··: an .~ce)le(it invesbuent"!>PQr:tunity fQr you. ·f'1' ·., : • .. ~ral ceilings, Juxu11905 ,91rpetlng, a .family
'' ·' ···-~· rooj!l;_v11,10 fourbedrooms~ahuge'master_suile'
,,... ··~one and two story homes contillue the
are yo~r .bacl<yara:-_.___
•. :: ... s~~~~
"'l'tes homes reflect 60 years of building experience
that means thought ful design and qual ity construc-
tion. These names are imagi nat ively planned to
be the perfect complement to all that the ranch
represen ts. '
You may ch005e the home tha t is most appro-
priate fro"J,a sel~tion that offers from 3 to 7 bed-
. roomsand:Z to4.baths. Since individual tastes differ,
fifteen mqdel variations are available. Whatever
your final 0Ghoice,'you max· be assured that your ~ entire Jot is complet.tJy
walled for the utmost. in
privacy, he added.
/-· -ipasf~us:iheme .of the grounds. · ·
--. l'a~tler Homes are priced from $28,500 and
the. best FHA, VA and conventiqn•! financing are
available. Our sales offi~e may be cont.icted by
calling (714) 8}8·9330. • ·
-~--Ayres.home-has:been boilt '(qr a lifetime. .. .
Ayres Homes are ·priced ·irom only $25,400 and"
FHA, VA or conve'nt i on~J financing may be
_ a rrmged~ Our~s office ~!Ttay be cohticted by
calling (71 4) 838-51~6.
• •
Problem Property
-Cffl-h lxch~nged
' ,_
·=.Ii~ • • •
• Pacesetter . Homes ....,.------·' --• • Ayres Ho.mes
I -· )
· The secood. apd iin!l-1 phase
or .constnl,ction -tQ qmlprlse 1ui~units '.:-·begins ·tflls week
at.-,Oakwood Garden
. ~ts ··-a residential-
~tlonal country club com·
rpunttJ exclusiv~ly ,for adults,
·, iT,'b.e $14.1 million complex oPened four weeks ·ago with
:4M residential units .ready for
occup'ani:y and $1 million'. in
recreatitnal amenities. Upon
· COmjlletion in June 1970, lhe
y ojict 'will contain a total of
site ·at Seagull Lane and 18th
Street in Newpol}.Beach, it is
the second in a chain of OakwoOm-·soon lo extend
. th~l· California.
· Higfili&hling the retreation
,~clolge '-•l ,Oakwood is ~
three·-' stQry clubhouse con-
taihing a wide ra,nge of indoor
fa~i~U~. Men'~ and wome1fS'
health clubs feature complete ~xen:ist equipment and rock
~ -ateam~ry-lieat saunas..and_:a
vast party room· encompasses the · entire ground floor, of·
fJring · catering · kitchen and
·. service bar. Also contained in
the clu~house ari an indoor
golf driving range, color TV
theater, multi-tabled billiard
lounge, arts and crafts studio,
conference room, shuffleboard
and pjng .pong areas, a fireside
lounge and_.card room.
Foroutdoor sports, four pro--
fessiooa1· · standard t e n n i s coUrt,s 'featUr'e. 'n 1·g h l time
.(loodlighting, and there are
votle)'b).ll-basketball and pad·
die tennis cuurts as well as a ~lal sand volleyball court. Theo Olympic-size swimming
pool features large deck areas,
abd two whirlpool therapy
blfthS m'alntaln year-iourid 105
de~ temperatures.
:SXCial' risldeht personnel lnclUde a clubhouse director
wfio coordinates a variety of
dtcatiOnal an<r social ac-
ti\ritles. and a resident tennis
phtfessional who offers group
. ttss(;ns a· n d ~rates a p r o
---shOJ!:..._ ' . . --:-Apaf'lffifnt-unlts--'are-ap-
poinied with a ll·electr i c
WestlnghoUse . appliances and
color-cootdina.ted . wall-tc>wall
~rptting a n d floor-length
drapel'ies. A I I' apartments
b;lve ainple closet' stipce, and
~tins or balconies adjoin liv-
Jng J:tMmis · via sliding glass
~· The resld.ential
. bWldiqs .. are . des~-for ""1vacy, ~and'"'·lhi!....-~ alt
jl{olessionally landscaped.
' Oakwood, .designed ti~ Jiobert. H. Skinner a n (f
AssOciates, is dis p I ay in g
fiirliisbed m~els ®ily from
10;00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. lt is
b'1! ll I by R & B· Develop-
ment Company o,f. J.. o s
Angeles, who pioneered~ .the
South B a y Club residential·
recreational communities ex·
elusively for single young
a dulls. ·Currently the third
largest builder o( multiple-wilt
housing in the United States,
R & B will have 9,000 units
in.oper$>n by the end of 1969.
Vreeland Jofus
Realtor Firm
_ l;uge_ne M, V~landJ>J__Li!lg
Isle -ba.s joined the "Newport Jleich ruldentiafSile, oJ)era: tion ol Coldwell; Banker and
CO .• l\eaU.ors.
In .his new position Vreeland
Is'· located at the !inn's
N.Fwporf Beach office in t h e
IrVine· Firiancial Plaza at 550
Newpoft. Center prive. He will
hindle residential sales in the
Newpo~ Harbor area.
·1 uron~
' :
~ . ' --ISH
Something exclt·
Ing Is about tG
happen In the '" ,~ ·Orange County
area. Today.
r'iiiuron.Ful -en family townhome
llVlog.,-.A moment from the sea.
OurGrand Opening Is this week-
end. To Introduce you to the begi~
nlng of the good Ille In the cool,
carefree new world of green lawns,
colorful flowers -.nd lree-shaded
EaCh Tiburon home is-a master·
a ·,
IS. .. '
piece of design. Blgnl!W onea_nd tWo
story homes feature excltlng~new
features and floorplan Ideas.
The whole community Is one
giant park with endless· recreational
!acilities. Just for the fun of it.
We have the Tiburon Club. For
year-round family fun. You belong
the day you move in. This is the per·
feet place to get away from it all.
By' staying home.
Tiburon ls in th! perfect locatiOri.
Right Irr the heart of the famous
coasta l communities " of Newport,
l ido Isle and Balboa.
,. .. ' .
' . ----• • f.~
• • .......... ~ ....
- t ,· .!~~
-/. . ~·. '
Beaches are six mlnullS twtrf.' · 1;;;~;;;;i:l~~~~;;!j~
Swimming. Skiing. Surfing. l!oltlrif • -I
Sailing. You name It.
Features. How about totalf1or1!1
refrigerated air conditioning. At no
extra cost. '
And no exterior maintenance. Ifs
all done by professionals. .
Come out today. Excellent !Inane-
' Ing. Special parking facilities. Intro-
ductory prices limited time or\ly.
It's not a country d~b. But when
you live here you'll think tt Is.
,, :
' ·•. ·"
AUCTION r--M·y-the-d~velopers-of-wor-1~-famous-langlewood
· 10,000 sq. ft. -BLDGS. on
12,500 sq. It. C-5 LAND
in tfl• llurt of bu&rtlrul
1471 GUNNrrltE SI.
s.w. ~M•r Glennt')'R St . .a. c.fllope St.
.. NOV.13. •11.1.r.
~~·in111h.huth ·'""'~~;;;= c.-t ...... CloM to.MW lloUla
-..... 8C11Jacent to the Alt c.t.r. ,_. _-2 ..... ....,
==-=.::.~--· ·--... """' "'""' 't __. Cl 100')&121' '°"' ,..,.., 15" '""'· C9i _ .... _. tifflc'9
flfll;. ·~
-HlfiifliTiiii 6660111111 ... 1.wershow c..
AUCTtOfllllll • l!AJ.lVlll ,,.._..._ .. ..,._ --· 1112a;m a1.~.-c.r. IHS:C
' (11.., 721·1* _...., ___ _
__ .. _. ____ ,
DAil~ I'll.OT :J\
.. • •
DAll.VPllAT ' .• ..
• •
•• •
-... ·-__;._
. .
. '
. .
. , .
" , ..
. . ' .
.,, ..
. "
____ ............... . .. ,,, __ -
I •
---------,->•--jntHe ~ Y,ars sin~~ at was littie more nan !Fn·r.~a.;:~;.-.rt . M
· ·~uture
. -·-··,-· ,.._ ..
' .
10,000 people ha ve chosen Mis sion Viejo ·es home. Today,
you can see the living result of a pion uniquely designed for ·
people: A complete community whose growth is as pred ict·
able .,, fhat of your own cliildren: where nature's -gifts are
molded with dis cipline, and care, and respect: where peopl9 •
of every age and every colling sens e a spirif of belonging
together •. Mission Viejo was carefully de sign ed around th e
people itwould attract ... this year, next year, andfordecades
to come. We planned places fo r schools, parks, shopping
centers, an~ recreation facilities. We planned for employ·
!rient centers, within Mission Viejo itself. We planned homes
of outstanding characie r, in every attainable price range.
And we planned for change. The needs of people cannot be
met without it. And so the future of Mission Viejo is not cast (
in con crete. Nor wi ll it ever be : It is a continuing process of
' gro w ... , guided by principles that do not change. Each cycle '..
in the progress of a communit~ produc es new needs, for ·t
which th~ communily must provide. At Mission Vi~jo, we en· .•.
ticipete future needs systematii:ally; we re-evaluate our plan
· and respond early, so we will not be forced to change when it · . . . ~
is too late. But we will never violate the backbone of the plan, j
' I
We will nor allow the future to do to us what it has done to -r
other towns. Permanenc~ is our criteria . Our streets are de-J ,.
. '
' ecfuc
• l ~~i·
• Sil I) i f
d~d . )
• tb. [
rb rr
I <
thot . '
#· t~-~ .. to · in
" . fo!ur
l· t . Than
'" ' Thee ...•
the r
' " i:!Yati1 •
' . 2·ma
' . . . n1s c
Ile inc
Ll . a .P
i •
" ~~
signed fo~ their ultimate use. Our neighborhoods and our
buildings are detaned with infinite care, to blend with each
other and with the natural beauty of the land. We build in th9 k~~le.~ge_th~t~issi_on Viejo will be h::nf:~:o:r::::~aJ:~: . · j~:
j ·de
.. ..__ -. ·---
is Mission Viejo's his· i : ~:
tory. And its future. l 1 P
· ··' tJ...fo
.. "' ; qhu1
; Wef
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_b_tu~iQn Y°ioiQ,W'1i.RlpnntilJ10mlha.liig~~_(&.ser.1e.its-• --:dltl'l's.~tttec:tion.from.8uene-~81'k,•t<Cro:..n--v&1~-Perlcway.-+-bettoon1Sralt.with·df!metlc~~loc••nd-rith-\.ood doteif.
• fa~ilies as a co mpl ete residential community.Asthe ne.•ds of
ou. residents grow and change, the plan grows and chongts ..
• ,.\but always with in our uncha nging .oominitment. We
eifucate our children close to home, in an uninterruphld series
• •
' o chools from day nursery through junior college ••• en
• q ievement made possible by advance land plonhing 1111d by ,•
ei,tly liaison with ihe school districts. We contributed hun· ' ; J~ds of thousand s of dollars in cash and land to theo districts, . i
t*rovids a lighted stadium and a 7-acrea.gricultural "class·
r6~m" forthe High Schoof, as welt as many other ~vantages
·~ +hot would have been beyond the districl5' capabilities.To-
• t~ '
··~ . <fit• we have no double senions: this year, we erranged for . ' t~• purchase of over $4,000,000 worth of State school bonds
' . ti:>insu re that our needs for 3 additional sch!)Ols in the near
' ' fuf ure will be met. 2 of these will ba under construction by
I ~~nksgiving . Re creation, too, is part of the growing plan.
The challenging 18-hols Mission VieioGolf Coutsehaseamecl ..
the nickname "Mission Impossible": 11 second golf course is
' I• •. ~~iined. 2 neighborhood perks ere in.oper11tion:-4more11~
under construction; 27 others ere planned. We already h11Ve .. • • 2maior recreation centers, with competition-size pools, ten·
nls: courts: and huge dub rooms: future needs are already
being considered, and land hes been setasidefo meet them.
Lb .. Paz Pla;a has been h~r&for 3 years, since there were
4~cely 1,000 residents. It ise channing neighborhood shop. ·
~o/-1 center, designed ero~d 11 _trllHheded cenml patio.
. ~second, similar center wm be open soon: enother 9 er•
rl~nned, Qurown posroffice, 11 maiorbr~nch bank, serv-
ide sta tion s, re stauran ts, ar11 11!1 lier•:oow. La Paz Medical
l .nler is nearly completed, and wiU b-~;~rvl~J our residents
I -. '
1 ~fore the end of November. Mount of Olives Lutheran
~hurch was the first of man.Y.to be buUt: 11 l'resQyterian
4hurch hes broken ground: other sites nllV9 elready been
pUrchased at their reserved place in the Mi$sion Viejo plan.
· We have dona ted land to the Counlyfor e branch library, as
well as an expanded fire station which .is now 1being built.
W ~
hatever their fundion, all ?Ur public buildings are
• tiieliculously detai le d to blend with the traditional early·
' Cc1lifornia style, with red tile roofs, rQugh sown timbers, ·
• · Wrought iron, textured slueco, end block. We heva 3 land-1 •
s~. ed, divided en try drives from thefreewayi by 1971,
t · wiU be 4. We have 38 miles of lovely wi~ding roads, . ~ -· --ri d by ''Mi1Sion Bell" street lamps. At age 3'/z, MiHion
vf;j~ is maturing rapidly. You can' see and5ense ltr permenent
~ ~
t , ctprtoday. Recent ·news et Mission Viejo in,cluded the
o~ing of "Old MacDo nald's Farm," thewcrld-femolisehi1·
. ·-
Furth tr south, ground will be btoken this year {or the Missi~n
Viejo Auto111obile Pl~za, a complex of rtitall 1~0wrooms ond
service centtts sec-ond fo none in Amtrica. Orrtl!t pl•nning
teb!es ar~ a major hospital, to be owned end managed by 60
' doctors, and a 500-saat thdlrter, to be the finest il'I the
Counly. For the more distant future, Mission Vieio has re-
served fend for a maior regional shopping center, 11 commuter
roil station, and even a cemetery. The future is ever present,
but never certain: Still, we plan for it. The beautiful new Bur-·
roughs Corporation plant, in the Mission Viejo Industrial Park,
.will soon employ more than 1.(()0 people within our own
boundaries. The lndustriel Park will continue to develop es a
~niquely controlled setting for dean, light industry, provid ing
still mora thousands of jobs in an atmosphere of beauty that
hes never been equeled. More than 3100 h~mes h.;ve al-
ready been sold in Mission Vieio, and we will meettheobvious
need thetclos•byemploymentwiU crea te. Within this I I ,000
ecre community will be townhouses, eparlmenh, petio
homes, mobile home perks, end en even wider range of
single.family homes •. Each will find its perfect place in the
Mission Vieio plan.And each will contribute to the continuing
enhancement of ourfown as the embodiment of perfect CaH·
fornia living. Mission Vieio will always be some of yesterday,
some of today, and reedy for th• chollenge of toinonow.
Eech of Mission \liejo's neighborhoods has its own speciol
flavor, its own character: yet each blends perfectly with the
relaxed, early-California atmosphere that is so warmly ampli-
fied by ~leer skies and gently rolling hills. Coronado Homes
· ere th• newest, end mostmoderatel}"'priced in Mission Viejo.
'\ At $21,995, our 2-bedroom plan provides.~hing you
could esk for 11 compact home, yet sacrifices none of Mission
Vlejo's charm. Others come in 3' or-4bedroom eizes. The laig-
est one c.osts just $25,500. Eldorado Homes have always
been popular. At 11 range from $22,500 to $26,990, more
thee I 000 hlMI been sold. There 819 6 modelf, from 2 to 5 -. .
in9. Both Coronado H'¢iiies and Eldorado H&m•$ er• av•il·
ab!• on VA and FHA ttrm r. La Pot Home~ hevl •drned
natlonef acclaim end numerou6 awordsforllwtsfend ing dt1igrl'
slnce their in.frod~ctlon. A variety of 2 [ styles with 3 to 6
bedroorns ar1 aveilablefor immediate move•in ~ Priced from
$27,990 to $37,995, La Paz Homes are closest of 11!1 to th•
. htdrt of the Mission Viejo Community. Grenada Homes,
between the go lf coul'se and Sadd lebo ck Colle<;•, begin at .
' $28 ,990 ind 90 t o $40,990. Eloquently styled in the Spanish
iredition, they offer 3 to 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, huge unfinished
· bonus areas, 3-car garages, and an exceptional value •
Misvion Ridge is.ihe very top of Mission Vieio, A limited
gro~p C?f 3 to S·badroom estate homes are oriented to ~c· .
tacular views across the golf course. At pric~s from $53,950
to $63,000, nothing hes been lefro ut. A fewchoiceviewsites
in Mission Ridge will be available soon for cu;tom-designed
homes •• People who live here see Mission Vieio·as more then
fond end .treehl andbuttdings. It is.a rewarding way of life •••
. the.b"iid of town whereyouwoll:downtoe Fridoy night foot.
boll garne ••• where shopping is unhurried ••• whera churehes
t:iloy octive roles in f•mify living ... where golfers exchange
exa9geratioM, anel resielents ere immersed in the on-goings
. of community eetivities. There is 11 cam0roclerie et Mission
' Viejo which is seldom found today: but it is not the result of
IJlliformify in taste, or iiil•t&t, or opinion. Perhepe it is be-
. C110s.ff!lreerenowollsio separate one lind of people from
enothtr, no wrong side of thettack$, Wh11tever the ,.ason, . -
our I 0,000 people hove discovered·their lives are fuller here.
.. ·•. iJ· ... !..;:•11lr.'· .
Their cnildren join <!-H Clubs, Sco~fi.~iOwnl . 'l!lnd ln~en..,
. ' ... ... ~· ..... "'"jr. ·'tft· ' \I' .t' ,. ·'· I '"'
. 'tsui~ ... w. "·~·· a.Whor• r•ag'li~of littr..Leag~feoms, apd .
11 Junior All·Aintric:an Football program. Chept•~ of n•·
' I
tionafaervioeclubs hoYJcnerged. Wehavetidince'~nd. . . . . ~
ir1vtl Qlobt, swim teemr, ii0c;l: clubs, ~!tie th~t.r ~pr.
sewin~ clubs ... the number of special infer.est organimtions
fn!s 11 directory. There a ... +ha Boosters of the valiant Mission ·
Viejo High ,Schoof Diab!os. And next year, Soqdlebae~ Col-
lege will no doubt have en Alumni Club. This isa ~~mu~ily .
thot c:areS'. Charles Dickens wrote "in love of Herne, love of
Country hat !ts rif9." We belieVe that our resid~nte' ~tgerd
forthe woyof lifethoy hove found here hes red them to sher•
our love l!nd N1spect for this land, ond our confidence' in its
future,., Comeendvieit~s. Tak.etheSante Ana o~San Diego
Fretw1y to"t.1 Pu Road, Crown Valley Parkway; or Rancho
• I
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So\""'1· NMmber 1, 1969
;, iMMEPIA"' J>.~LIY~Ry ,· -.. , . -..
. Full FKtoiy Equipped XH29COG12349
. .
197·0 DODGE
• • WLIX:OEIG9'7t '
-' I' !
•:::o 19:70 · ·CHALLENGER . ' ' . . . .
' ... • l
$2788 196 $2688 s93 · s93 :$96'·'. . , ' I . .
+ Till & Lie.
. .
· Full FKtory Equipped (Wl2189E1308n)
s72 s208 8
AT JiiESE '~ow. $4~8 ~:~ •21 M1:.1~1y
• LOW TERMS . .. ''''"'"' Poymont
,,. fl •h• IOt•I clc>Wll NYfl'le'll. w II 1111 IO!tl motl•nlr ••rlfttfll lncll!Oltlf !•X, l1Uo11H Ind Ill ClrfY!~·, tf\llrge
-<111 1..,,,,ed ""511 for Cll'll' u monlht .,, II rau o•.i.r .JO ,.... c1ll'I, thr hill cl.,, pr!Q 11 onl'f s&lCl • .O M:lu.:11
Ill< •nd rinl!tr. Dtlt(f'ed ~•rment orlt• Jt_l\la. lllci11Ctln1 111 lnttru}, IU incl lr1n1!11".
" ' • ANNUAL I' tlCl NTASl-JlATa "·"'"°
. '111 Dode•, '"..... . . '88 De~ge Dari :::..:-:-.... ~-"' ..... s1 988. ··· ~-........... · ~ 788 1'"'1111,.-l!rtkt1S.. -1111111' ~ •-Int. buckll -11, radit • llM!· budlii' 11m
.,. •• GL~~t:· (\llW •Ill . GOLD STAlt ·IWPI' ~'I
10TAL PllCI ~ +. ..... _~ ___ TOTAL PllCI +-1.\l< .. LIL
'68 P.IJlllOU!k .~ •. , ..... :~-::: .:.~: .. $, 588
G-DLD ST""ll IVl'D l'lll . '
' TOTAL l'l~Cf + T11 &. Llf::
'8& Ford tTD !-:=.:,
l"IC1or'f Alt, ~IC.
-· l!ftf., ~ Dr•~· ll. !Iffier, ....,111 -11
tlrrs. rl<llO. IOW't )11).
TOT.ti, l'llCI 1
+ T11 I. Lie.
'87 · PIJ1110ulb ..., "' . ~!...,"~~:;;1\9.IUJ! s1 "3' .... 9' 8 Ola • Mill!', Wltll9 Wiii
!Ira. CVMK 71111.
TOTAL l'llt l + T111 t. i.lc.
66 ·f.onl. Wagoa ,,;:,.,'";::.,.
'•' $ :t11 V·t... llllO. lrll\),. ~. ·-l . , .... , w.11'1 .... .,~« ... ,. .. ~ 888 """-T. r1ct.. rlCI•"-• IP4E fl • •
TOl PllCE + -,;., ,· t.1c.'
8 ""·,
. . .',!'~~~
r I '
' .... d
Now 1970 D.odge
Model A-100 Vin ·
Fu ll Factory Equipped
A· 12MOU10635~
New • .1970 Dodge
'A-100 C1111per Vin
Door & W~Qol\' Ptckoge, Tinted Gloss,
Passenger Seat, RNr Dinett'e, Ice Box,
, Stove, Curt~in&, Water ' Supply, Vinyl
Floo~ etc. Al2A80UI01690 .
+ T1i l LIL
Totol -p._i
Monthly P'iym1nt ·
full . FKlory Equipped (Wl45i9,E121966)
1---~ ---I Tolll Dowo Po,_i Tobi Miii'thly Pt!'Ml'I $23.88 T~.OR.T,1~A~.L •2.aa e TOTAL
PRIC:E !P. 11 ... tot•I .... -~""'"'· -b ,.. -~ rrww.tti'-' ..... _,.,, l~ludllle Ill'., Ileen~-''\'! ''I Cf.at.'~
+ TAx rnar::IL ~1rS11fi:.·ijf·~ ~r•=-l:.i~-,;· g:,;u~~.i:i..cr~· .;..~ roi:.. .... &. LIC _DefWTiO" ,fK •, IM~;g unv11111 oi.r-.••••• llcenw. tr<lhlm 1"4' 1111111r ,,..,... .. • " • _lil!n.-Jl_Olfll,,.. """9 la'tNIY. ...eAld-kl-C!lltl M-. .
, ANNUAL P'••CI WTAG• •ATI lz.tr'lr. • ·
Show tho doolor my guarantoo a11d ask If lio
ca11 match Ill If 1101, como Into HARBOR DODGE
,-homo of tho GOLD STAR GUARANRI.
' • r/Job Swick, 0WN1R-G1N1RAL MGR.
fo r your protection 100'~ Unconditional Guarantee -This Star stat·
es in writing that Harbor Dod9e gua ~antees the c11r 100% 11gainst
mechanical defects fo r 100 days or 4,000 miles whichever comes
first after purchase. This includes all mechanical pa rts, electr ical
equipment, battery, speedome ter, radio, heater on all cars. This
guarantee CO\lers all parts and labor from bumper to bumper
absolutefy free to you. .
f11t & 1ccur1t1 cr.dlt lf'PJOi1I, nurttou1 fin1nc1 M1n1gers on duty 1t 111 times
AH A'lllt1blr Ind llrlltv Arr11\91d Dn YOlff" GooO CreOlt
'87 Mere. O~clona , .... ··::,_
in., !:°""' tir.iin . ••· ..... ,,..« """ 1488 ~Ttlw"1'rm~~ STA 'iOvvnn.
'&& Pontiac ·~· , ,._ ··'· , ... ~· .. .r1o"'· 88 fldlll"r 1lr, 1 1w1r "
f'Hrl111. rlltlo, ~t•ltr.
fTSN stel
t---r-·-.... ·----
+T"l l.k.
1111"' ChlYrolet ,.,..... '""'·
au iiss v.a. avtemenc. ~ ""'""· -.,..,.~ whli. will tire.
'87 VOLISWAJEN . '85 Oldsino~ila .,,,,,,,. .. . ·-· ..... """'· s9· 88 ~:;,:.•,:::~~:;.:-::: s999 bucJlet Ht11 .... lie Wi ii dki • l\tei.r, whitewt ll
tires. ITYE142), • tlret. IF~MMQ),
TOTAL rtl(I +. Tiii' & Uc. TOTAL ,.ICI
AT THESE LOW, . s:35 ~ s35 ,::~ly
LOW TERMS · P1ym1nt P1ym1nt
'88 Doll~'""' IH> ..... ....;... ..... . 688 111,. •• (~ 1'111111'. •
GOj.O 11'.Al!t IXHX "3) •
'Bl Po1L &To·=·
:;:...".'·~-.::.~ $19-88
t OTAl rtllCI + Tn a. l.tc. " , ______ _
'87 Chevrolal ::::::""·
r:=..:.W..-u ~. . . '"'-'l" ::'. f.:"·'t si388
GOLD IT.All {Y.(;t 1Jtl ,
TOTALJllCI + Tix&. L'--
--·-..... -... ~
.. ·~·· .. ·-·-----. . • • '
I ,
· ~y, """"'!"' !. 1969 ,DflLV l'IL01' Jf
-~s~uPe~,\!:~D ;--fei'-~QB /~ ~tit)D:~1 No~:l ~"l ~~rti0
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -Rex Kern is
li~i • Jot,o~ Olilo Stale Univer~ty'fU,500
studenl,1•in Ql)e r<Specl. I
He ro IS'Oiit'"OfrilS Phi Uelti ThEitt
frat.ernlty bed each weel(day m,oming at.
7. rt~14~ ~IUl.aml five -hOUra:<lfclaSses, -
But Ker1)Jijlnlike other students. The
red·hairei:I JU!)ior is the recognized leader
oC unbeaten Ohlo State's football team,
dtiving toward a second-successive na.
tion~I title.as tbe nation's ~p team.
\Vith th8t, he faces pressures other
s\uden~ on ,this liig campus do· not en-
counter. Fan mall, spe;i)ting requests,
calls from writers and fellow slud!!nls
Penhal l Leads
Golden Bears
Against VSC
. ' BERKELEY (AP)-The unbeaten Tro-
jans .. of Soulhei'n California ~eet Cali·
fornia's Golden Bears here this' ~fterooon
hoping to continue a march to a Rose
Bowl showdown with UCLA .
Sixth-rated Southern Cal, still unbeaten
but. tied by Notre Dame, has had its
problems in the last tbree games but is
favQred by · 12 points over Cal.
USC struggl~ through a last-second
26-24 victory ~ver Stanford, battled to a
14--!4 tie with lhe Fighting Irish and had
to stage a comeback to beat Georgia
Tech, 29-18. .
Th~ Bears are 2-1 fi1 the Pac-6 and
Southern Cal iS 2-0 in te·agUe play.
Sophomore quarterback Ji~ Jones. onl.y one tOuchdoWn pass ,aWay rom the
20-year-old school record of 12, wm be
leading th!! Trojan attack.
Of everj five pass completions\ ~ones
has thrown at Jeast one for a toucnaow"R,
Former Westminster_ High star Dave
Pe$all. starting his second game ~t Cars
helm,, will be lacing a tougb USC defens·
ive line.. Gary Fowler, a rugged. Cal fullback, rnaY also find it tough going against the
USC defense.
The Bears have not defeated Southern
California since 1%8 and their last tri·
umpb in Berkeley was a year before
Qr uins Battle
Washington .
Al Coliseum
LOS ANGELES (AP)-'The Washing·
ton ·Huskies, winless in-six· games and
hoping to ·end a season of· frustration:
may· emphasize an air a!t.aele ag~i.nst
unbeaten , onCMled . UCLA Jn a ·PacifJc-3
football game this afternoon at the
Reports from Seattle during the wee_k
said coach Jim Owens · has had both ~1s
passers, Gene Willis and Steve Ha.nzhk.
busy throwing the ball to such targets
as. Ace Bulger, Dan Roberson and Dan
But .late Thursday._ Qwens 'suspended
four players from the team. including
the team's No. I receiver, Ralph Bay.
ard, .for disciplinary reasons.
There were indications the incident
had racial overtones but Oweps said the
players were suspended because they
told him they were unable to give foot·
ball ·their total commitment.
Friday, the remaining Negro mem·
bers of the team and a Negro assistant
coach refused to accompany the team
to Los Angeles in a protest over the sus-
pension of Uie four players by Ow~s.
• Coach Tommy Prothro's Uclans are
secOhd only to California in pass de·
fenie, and their. speedy little Ron Carver
leads the JOop y.rith four interceptions.
Off their record, the Bruins merit the
role as heavy favorite in their drive IQ-
ward the Rose Bowl.
Led by quarterback Deoois Dumm it,
UCL.A leads the conference in rushing
and is Second to Stanford in both total
and passing · offense.
Dummit is fifth in the nation in total
offense. The youngster has passed for
l,429 yards and rushed for 10$. He has
scored six touchd~.
UCLA's ruMing backs. Greg Jont>s
and Mickey Cureton, have traveled 606
and 582 yards, J'espectively, on the
ground. •
And Dummifs chief receivers, Gwen
C~per ~and George Fanner, are No. I
and S in the Pac-8. Cooper has caught 27
for 605 yards and Fanner 24 for 432.
But Prothro has memories that shake
him up. In 1966 UCLA had a perfect
record when the Huskies knocked oil
the· Bruins, 16-3, and out of the Rose
Bowl game.
• r· .:
wanliDg lo talk about the;.l!!'i• are p"t _,_that but lh•l don't lit• 19..l'!."!'t anifpro, W"!'!YJ!ayos;)ili(i has-11~i'it o(~i. .r.~ Ht'a done this cltspita ·a Ust oJ lnJurlts pi.."' to Join Ohio State'• t>ostceu.lon 1eaJ!>
1>tKem's 118y. . fa it/' Kern contends. " 26 coaching years at OhJo "saate, calls -cllNoca~ lbqulder twlct, .Uppjd blck which ta e~ tO, put in • lll'ml b'1!
' "ti's more dllllcult for an 1llhlete IO lie Ktm ls one of thole athletes who com-. 1Cern the 11111 quif!er"""* he'aJiad ;And ~. sprained "1k1t and knet prGble~ '"' the Big Teo UU..
a 51udeot,'';-admlts Kern.~ a pi>ysicat mand• lhe--l--OlchJ&-COMhoSr lelm• . -·-;1si-~ W@lj( . .., 1ila--'IM 'ancllwo ·-· · That ~ of ~· niOaola •Iii•
education major wilh a 2.8 scholasti~ mates, the opposition and ·writers -not lii;~~ .. 1 :ploniblp ~ . : Kd blameis most Of hll lnjurles on a hlg.'t sc~ career It~. Cldo. ~ . av.era~. · . ' . _ to mention ·girls. ~;.. • • • ·"' . · 1 • • s,~ 'dl.e ~ .:df~ whllt•hiCh ~~ wy A.I~ in f~I. bas~t arid,\
-Kem, ·~ jrilO °'8,<1Yio"ll' Wl\en he-11111 Jn-California alter last-llLCO!J\b~ lllOI'.• 'lfraatilllJ. ~· ., pag-lii a-plljtleal • ..i.ICOtloof clau. H•~baiebalLJl<s.oned ..ey major~
the Ohio State· career yardage ' recqrd se3son quarterbacking the Buckeys to a any ipfa.yer lYe' had •t,that.,J)lMithm, ~ndenJ'tnt u •operatlon for Jt ln June .c .. ~ULaniCuter.Asb_.Ooter.~
2,588 after onli the ,fifth &anlt. of his Itose Bowl~win over Southern California, llayes clalms. . " ·~ 1908. ~" r , 1 : played 1111~ oa I state . ~t jun.i~ )'tat, is mote in denllild than Kern made such an imprtssion ,bu· Nancy .. He's an ~excelleptt,passer ~ nmner ~ "lt, lf:rt nie~,~ .W~ to prepar_e ~ ·~~ team &'.I a JUftlQI'. il!s~
other college alhlete speaken. . ltenno, ·a ·game princess, that she • an~ kno~ ~when • to . dn whic~ .• r.~ a my-sopb~ seu.on, ·He ·recalla. I JWllped center~ 1tk final aeaeon. . •. ~
He's defply rf:UgiOUs -he reads the ~r3nsferre<I to Ohlo Slate. . "!youngster ne m.akes few IJllStates. • w•m.'t . in an)'. "'~ of, oondlUoq. ~ ''As ~~-,..he Js Jn~~Olltbd and ~·
Bible.nighjly in his room before going to "That's the first ii.me she had bee.n • On~a. powerhoi.lse equipp9.l ldth'at leUt Pbylica!fy, I •as smaller (176 to 181 ketball, Qbio Univeta1ty. ~-~
bed -and is a-o active member of the East" chuckles Kern. He admits it's seven first-rate rUnnen, Kern 'Mill ha.! pounds now)! and mentally I was W'l· ketball coach George ·Hill points ~.
}t'=.Jlowsbip ofiCbti§tian Ath1etfs.. tough firlding time d)Jring the ,st:ason to found time to •rush for 1913 yards and 15 :iound because ot the back~·: . ''the bo)' coi;Jd .1!'e a major league ,b~
'11 think we have too many pa ssive )!pend with his ltyear-o1d girl f~om touchdowns and pass for 1675 yards and It Kern can go ~ah tlie.r~malnder b~ll "player. Hill coached Kern..as ~:a
ChrisUans1itowdays that like to be labeled Pailadena. ancther '13 scores. . of lh' season without any big IDJuries, he h1ghschool basketball player. ,~ • ..
Slnm-ban g Schedu,le ·. •· .
'· Rugged SEC Tilt~
Top College Slate:
By ASSOCIATED PRESS ing average alo"ng with a tight defense,
has.lost five and Lied one of its .last seven Tal:e. three teams that were supposed meetings with Mississippi, 1-1 and 3:-$,
.to be just mediocre but are far from it, and to improve on th13t the Tigers . w.ill
add three equally dangerous squads, have to stop sensational j u n i O t
thr°'' in a jinx or two, add an arch· quarterback Archie Manning. •.
, rivalry ... and what do you get! "If you .let him operate at his will, you . ~ A slam-bang trio of college football better hold on," said coach Charles
ga1ne:; as far as the hectic Southeastern Mt-Clendon. __:
Conference .race is con~rned. Ohio State ~ expected to have mudt
,,,--..._It's · been a long time since one con· trouble running lts ·victory string to ~20
ference could boast an awesome lineup straigh't -and six for the season -;-
equalling today's.SEC games that match: .. agairist Northwestern, stung 45-20 -.Y
No. 3-ranked Tennessee, riding a five-Purttv,e last week. ·-g~me victory string, at defen!!inr·ch~ But Buckeye coach woodi Hay~ "111 p1~rf Georgia, No. 11 ; N.o. 7 FIOrida at No. h?ivt a wary eye to the pa.st. ln 1958.
17 Auburn and NO. I -Louisiana. State H&Yea• undefeated and tO)>"ranked club
against its arch-rival, rugied Mi~is.sippi1 wa3·.upset by~~Wi~ts 21.0 in the
at Jacison, Miss. '"'·· si~game of the season.
I.SU and .Flori~a. both &.o for the -Texas and Arkansas also are expected
season, are bed with TenntSSee for first to maintain their coleadership in the
place with 2--0 marks. Ironically, all three sOOthwest Conference.
t~ams were picked in pre-season polls to The Longhorns will have a bu.sy af.
finish among ~he league's ~~'rans. . . ternoon conlaining SMU passing ace
Te~nes.9ee, 1dle last week, JS a one-point Chuck Hixon, but the Mustangs will have favor1~ over the Bulldogs, 2·1 and 5-1. an even tougher time'with Texas' bruis·
but to. '!'in i~ the ~ols will , have to . solve ing running backs.
, Georgia a stingy defense and a string of Arkansas has scored 191 point.s white
.; iutusi!11at.home. giving up only 27. and Texas .A&M
,. the Bulldogs have yielded an average ii~'luldn't pose much of a threat to eith(r
t\f only 8.2. points pe:r game and rank mark.
·ninth ih rushing dtCense. Penn State, 6-0, is an overwhelming
' On top of t!13t1 the~ have lost only two favorite over Boston College. 212, OOt
games a~ ~ed. one in 26 at home under Southern Califoq1ia, 6.fl. could be in for a
coach Vtnce DOoley. But the Vols. are b<1ttle to maintain its Pacific-8 lead
rolling alOng 'wlth 8.39.~ ~point average, against stubbOrn California. 4·2. secona.
!ot1rlh best in the country. place UCLA, S-0-1, is a solid fa vorite over
_Florida -otf t~ ap. a.stopQinf;-~tart. )Ya,ilUngton 0-6. ·, ·
wi th a sophomore-laden attact'M:aded·6y l\iri'sis State, S-t which proved ·its ear·
J. qu¥letback J.ohn Reaves; w.bo lead! ~e ·I)\ .season success' wasn 't a fluke by
<.-oqntry with 20 touchdbwn: passes ~is "..tJ'MJ'tiCing Oklahoma 59·21 last week,
the natiOn's third' best scori~g out~it wjth fi\C:es a struggle -rin preserving its Big
a 39.7 average aod rank! eighth 1n tqtal Eight lead against Missouri. s l 111
cffense. srnar'ting from last Saturday's 3J·i4 ·upset A~Jlf_!!, 4-2 1nd 1·2, has ~e~ Jabbed " lo~s to Colorado. _ . r
louchdown..favarite, however, thankS to a The Tigers are tied wu;1 Colorado aQd(
crew or stoppers that rank second in total NebraSka for second, all with 2-1 record.'i,
defensr itnd seventh in -pass defense. behind. K-State, 3-0. '
Jn addition, Florida coach Ray Graves Purdue is a big favorite to "C~
Auburn, only to have the Tigers maintain the Big Ten race.
-'~· has . taken some dandy Gator teams to winless Illino~stay in the thick Of
Ul'I T•._... > their home .field jinx. • The Boilermake , 2-1 In the league. TROJAN WORKHORS E··::.__ When · O~ J. -SiiTip.sorl · done the bulk of the running 'for···sc this season, . H_~ver! Graves is a llUte_ more. o~ share second wi _Indill~a. ·Michigan,
left the University of Southern California everyone gaining 826 yards in six g·ames. He'll show off his bnustic thia season. "I feel like this 1s North\\·este.rn and W1sconsm in lh¢ fight
expected the Trojans to try a balanced running at· stu!f today 1n Berkeley where USC takes on Cat:-probably the best tea'm: I've taken to for the runnenlp spot behin'd 'Ohio Slatt
tack. However, juni'or college transfer Clarence fornia in a Pac.a game. Auburn. I know they're capable of -and a trip to the Rose Bowl since the
Davii; ha$ picked up where 0 . J. left off and bas beating anyone," he said. Buckeyes are barred from a repeat visit -.,..---'-...:..,,4----',------------'-------------------====~ -touisilna-&Me;whi~-hM:a4.8~scor to the -New ~ear 's Day classic. ..:..
II llnder Par
N icklaus Se (ting Pace
In Kaiser Open Action ·
NAPA (AP) -Jack Nicklaus, flashing
the form that made him t.he most fea red
golfer of his generation, fired a five--
under·par 67 Friday and took a two-
stroke-lead in the second rwnd of the
~148,000 Kaiser International open golf
that figure with Chi Chi Rodriguez and
• Canada's little \Vilf Homenuik, who
matched the north course record with a
65. Rodriguez had a second consecutive
The big, blond· helter from Columbus,
Ohio, ·had a 36-hole score of 133, 11 under
par aft8" ·a round over each of the two
par-72 courses al the swank Silverado
Country Club.
~Big Jack, who recently 8.hed some 20
pounds from his normal 21G-pound frame,
charged home with birdies on seven of
his last 10 holes · and brok e out of a
three.way tie for the lbp with Lou Gra·
ham and Chuck Courtney,
All three had first round 66s but only
Graham could slay close. The 31-year-1
old Tennessee product had a 69 for J:lS
and second place. two strokes back.
Courtney' fell back with a 73 for 139.
Young llon Cerrudo, who mcived into
a condomeruum on the course just this
Yt'eck, fired a 69 for-136 and was tied at
68. •
Jn the group at 137 were Dan Sikes,
with a 65 on the south course, Billy Cas-
per, 69, Bob GoaJby, 68, Steve Reid, 69,
Kermit Zarley, 661 and &:I Sooed~to:--
0;:-g~u •llff a6 tloilu Frida• J~ lM '140.000 IC11Mr
Rams,. ·Atlanta Vie Sunday
•• . A'Q..ANTA, Ga. (AP)-Unbeaten Los
Angeles, running away from the fieli::l .in
lhe National Foo.tball League's Coastal
Division, st_eks its seventh slraight vic-
tory Sunday when the Rams collide with.
Atlanta .
lt will be the second meeting between
th c two. The unbeaten Rams won 17·7
in a Sept. 28 battle at Los Angeles.
The Fa.Jew, plagul!d by tnlstakes In
key stt.uatlons, are 2-4 for-the )'etlr, but
at thl.ii ·stage of the seascn ln-'Atlanta's
four years in.the NFL.
Falcon coach 'Nonn Van Bracklin says
he~ll go with Bruce Lenimerman again
this week as his starUng quarterback and "
move Harmon Wages into tjie starting
fullback spot to replace Junior Coffey,
dealt to New'Yotk fn a trade Tuesday
for two future . Giant draft choices.
Lemmerman got his first start Jn a
regular season game against Green Bay
last Sunday,. He hrt 'en onfy nine of 19
passes for 104 yards as tht Packers ' front
four ke'pt constant pressure on him in
Gl:een' Bay's 28-10 victory.
1'>feanwJ'iile, the Rams used three field
goals' from Bruce Gbssett to trtm winless
Chicago 9-7 to boost their Coastal DIVI·
sion lead to three games over defending
• NFL champion Baltimore. ·
Quarterback Rom11n G•briet, who has
hit on 98 of 188 passea for 1,168 yarda
and 11 touchdowns, had ~g of 1111 pa.u 'ilteriipts-WiUlo\it ~rception
tiroklff by the · Beers.
I t •• •• .·,1• •''
' ' BLASTING AW'AY -· Alnbl4'.Pa!JJ1&r fl'res owaY' during •F-y play of the $140,000 Kaiser OJ!en gof!
tournament: Palmtt fell ffiifn 'itro~es behliiil Tack
. • , • ,Ul'I .......... . ~ -~. Nlcltlaus wl\JI • tw<>day tow of 140. Th• ,toutntt
' t:ontihues this; aftetJ\OOn" and ''ind.s Up ~~):'.. . '
- -.-..---.-..•---r------·--·-·-~ ---~·--.--·--1.--.. ·----·-··---~·-·----·---.... -~--:;-"'· _ _.. __ _,
.. . ' ,
,\I IAlLY 'ILOT : :•turdrt, NMmbtf l , 196'1 -• .
ntington · Nears ·Ffrst Sunset 'Fitle Since '46
" DAILY ,!LOT ,.,.... "° ''' ..,...,.
J,A. VER TOP '69
;·NEW YORK (AP) -Rod Laver of
CArO na del 0P.lar, who won the Grand
Slam of major championships, was nam·
6d Saturday the No. 1 tennis player of.
·.·He will recth•e the P.IarUni and Rossi
Award a.9 Tenni.! Player of the Year.
.~An international panel named Tony
twche of Australia No. 2, John
Newcombe of Australia No. 3 and the Uruted States' Arthur Ashe No. 4.
,Completing the top ten \Vere: Tom
Qk,er, The Netherlands, No. 5; Ken
llosewall, Australia, No. 6; Fred Stolle,
Australia, No. 7; ,!Wy Emer®n, Newpqrt .
Beach, No. 8; Stan Smith of the United
Si,Jtes, No. 9, and Richard (Pancho)
Gpnzalez of the United States, No. 10. /' ~~~~~~~~~~-
l\lesa Driver
fresses Buggy
Race Victor
.LA PAZ, Mexico (APl -The death-
marred Mexican 1000 roared to a finish
·Jo~riday, at Jeast for the fastest 1 n d
)ui:kiest, with a Ford Bronco pickup tru ck
1howing the way.
larry Minor and Rodney Hall, both of
11ernet, drove to victory in a record 21
hours, 48 minutes over the tortuoos 83Z
miles down the length of Baja Calllornia .
The frame of their raCer wu badly
damaged, they said, as the result of . a
..:.rash With anothu dune buglY in
1iirkness somewhere ·•long the lonely
: -P.1echanica.1 failures prob ab 1 Y
eUmlnat.ed half the field of 225 vehicles,
offiCiaa said.
A dune bug~ carried actor Steve
J.lcQueen and hl.5 cOOriver. Actor James
Carner, driving an Oldsmobile Cutlass.
was "lost" through four of !ht: eight
1:heckpoint to*ns but finally found in the
~'The other drivers included l\Uchacl
Nesmith, one of the tinging Monkees,
atx>i.rd a motorcycle.
Minor and Hall were dusty, eihausted
find covered with mud as ther, completed
the race seconda ahead of Dr no Miller of
Costa Mesa. drl•lnc a Volkswagen. -rod dune buggy.
)filler Jed the race most of the night
but. wa' overtaken 30 mlles before the
llnish. --
CHASING A LION -Huntington Beach High's Frank Hanss (48) pur-
sul!s \Vestminster Lion E d Banc (1). Alan Dages (76) and Dan Wiec-
zorek (76) are Seen on the play for the Lions. as is Oiler Mark Smith
(88). Hanss' conversion
League crucial, 7-6.
proved to be the difference in the Sunset
Rustlers Thump Rio Hondo, 35-19
Wealth of Deptli Added to Golden West Attack
By HOWARD L. HANDY effort in five gam&, completing eight of Fullback Charles Martinez scortd the
· 1>1,... O.Hw '°11" '"" J2 for 184 }'an:l1. first o{ three touchdowns he was to collccl
Something new hu bee.n added 10 Don Hellon moved into the offensive all on ont-yard plunges, to bring tlte half·
the Golden West College football picture picture at end and caught four passes time count to 14-7. ~
-• wealth oJ deplh. for 102 yards and a touchdov.·n. Bine1t surprise or the evenlng came in
Coach Ray Shackleford 's Rustlers un-And to make the evening complete. the opening minute of the second half.
covered a new running back, a pas.sing ll\°e different players scored touchdowns, Bonw&I came out passing and in three
t ctr1 h O~•"•l"l Gohl•" w .. 1 ..... o H 11 Rlo ~Ol'do .. • .. . .. . t 1 6
G"M~ STiil ISTIC\.f,C
' ,/
1~ 'l ... '14
J/Jt.S ,,.
> -M
' -lt •• " I " "' " " , .. .,, ..•
.... t
Oilers : Edge
' '68 Champion . ~ ' .
Lions,' '7 ~6
-By Gi.i:NN 'llJ!iTE·
Of .. (Ni" ,u .. , ....
Huntinaton .Beach H1&h'1 toot b a 11
mi&bty mites took a major .stride toward
their first Sunaet League crown in Z3
.years when they slipped by J96&.Joop
champion Westminster, 7~. Friday nllht
befort 7,339 fan& at ~ lo.sers' field.
Tbe dlffertnce in the .pine WU ()an
Moats• Pass interception in the closing .
minutes, the toe of Fr~ Hanss and a
bruising Oiler defense .
Triumphant coach Ken Moat.s ~ailed. It
simply, "the blgeat wbJ of my lite."
Thm was perhaps· an ominous ind!•
cation or what wa:s in store for coach Bill
Bo s we 11' s losga_ when Westmlnlter
Homecoming queeifleindy Harrll bad her
freshly garnered crown accident'1Jy top-
pled from her head jwt before th'e. aec-
ond hall got under way.
In leu than an hour her school's Sun·
1et title hid aJao fallen · away 11 We.$:t·
minater now trails three teams in th•
standings with little mOre than an Wini·
tealmal chance at tying for the chamPion·
Meanwhile, Huntington is now ~ead·
locked with Anaheim and Newport at 3-1
and the Oilers netd only to get by Ml·
rina and Newport to be auured a piece
of first place. It was a bitterly loQght duel with West·
minater takina: a l-0 lead after Dtano
Aldrid1e miased a field goal try from
the 23 late in the second quart.er U ·CraiC .
c Zall01lqq1artlally blocked it.
Earlier in the first half Aldridge sel
up for a place tick from the 011City17.
But on that one be tried to pass and the
aerial was a finaer off tareet.
Westminster finally ended the acore-
Ieu de1dlock, taking the second half
kickoff and marching S3 yards in U ~ayt
with .classy Ed Bane sweeping left end
for the final yiini on fourth down.
Aldridge's ldck was wide to the left and
It wu a.-0 with 6:45 lefWn the game.
Hcrwever, coach Kett Moats' Oiler•
bounced back. Shelving thalr ineffective
aerial attack they switched to a potent
ground game and had the Lion1 for liih. They punched 66 yards in 12 plays Ith
Hanss and Frank Neal handling mos or
the running duty, Neal banged over fr?m
the flVe and He:nss added the conver11on
With 15 JeCODda: to-go in the third quarter.
Then the Oilers called on ~ 911 ..
&landing defense to throttle Weslrhlnrte:r.
Bane fumbled at his: own 47 and Zalto-
1ky jOined Moats in the recovery.
Sui>sequently Mike Mast got oil a punt
out oi bounds at the Lion 11 with 3:35 to
go. Then came the vital interctption that
spelled defeat fer Westlnimttr. Gilbert Cerda cruhtd .through to hit
Bane while auempting to throw and Moat.s
made an on the ground interception. Hun-
tington then ate out the ~lock and ended
up on the Lion two when the game ended.
DefCMlve heroes for the wlnnen in·
eluded Lee Walters, Arnold Ruiz, Rod
Muniz, Zaltoaky and Moats.
jl! •AME lTATlnlCl ... ,
Flr1t dow!O$ rllihll'll 11 4
F inl dt-,.u1... I •' Flrtl 0oWM ,..,.Ill• II
'Totalt ftr•I II-1! I vm1 rvshl119 U1 101
Y1nll Pl••ln• 11 71 Vt !'111 lttt It ,'!.
NII 'f•rf1 llllMll ltl .,. p....,,., .... r•o• lllJlllK• )1'1.3 2/M.S
P-tlln lY•rtls """llud 6/li 4/JO Fumll•/fumotn loll 110 211 k"11.., ... ,..,. "'""''l~t911 a#Cft ' •• ' • -' WnlmlNt•r I t 6 • -I
WI• Nttl c .... ·-Ht nu ,..,.
Downlnl .. ~
Btlr. Mii,,.
Aldrldt• .., ortl•
IUIMtM• MllMllllftlt IMCll .. ,.
'' J) .. ~ . ..
' " . " ' . ~ m
WtllMl111l1r II 11 . ~ " . ' . ' . :M ltl
"' .,,. ' .. I 1.1
J '·' . " I I .I . ..
10 •.)
" • • • • "
'·' • •• •• ... ..,
p~s1111• ~ "=~=~~~~ ': r;' .~: ··1 • I ,, .:m
• • 11 ... .,
Football Fills
TV Channels
1r football Is your cup of tea. fill the
refrigerator with cold drinka , make a pU•
of sandwiches ind pull up a cmntOrtabl•
chair because ·the weekend television
sports caltndar is made (or the football
Things started slowly this mominc with
ju:st one game on the tube -pittina the
No. 1 rcinked Buekeyes of Ohio State
againgt Northwestern.
Sunday, however, the schedule I~
:suicidal with seven 11me1 belna: fired
over the airwaves in a blitz of football.
It all 1tart1 at 9:30 a.m. with a color
tape ol the Navy-Notre Dant• cla1h.
After that the pros take ovtt wllh a pair
of double headers. On the NFL scent if.31
the Rams against the Falcons and the
Detroit-San Francisco game .
The AFL ehlpc in wilh lhe Oakland -
Cincinnati and~ Dltit>t>tnver sames. ·
'M'ln just fOr good mtliure, celor tapes
of ~ UCLA -W1shiniton and the USC·
CetifanUa Pac-I bltlles will be shown.
.~~motorcycle driven by Larry Berquist
ahd Gary Prta:lon ol Paramount, who
Woa .lufyur, croued.the flnisb line first
but"wu listed u third .becaUSt of 1ta1·
~ 1tarttn1 Umes.
game that has been dormant , a new And Bob Bess continued his record strln"
el d rl g h a' aim ..
• plays. t~·o to Roger Parkman and the rec ver an a sco n punc of c""vereions with live to bring lhe "' "I' ,, '
. :ne, took turns as drivers and finlsh·
~ in 22 hours. 14 minutes. 20 second.~
c.:ompared with 20 hou1'11, 30 minutes last
Yr'· ' · A rq aeciqent Injured two dune buggy
#j-. Wolfgang Gerhard. 31, of ·~· N.J .• was unconscious a day , l.Dd listed in 1eriou1 condJUon in
'e Mercy Hoaplt.al. Btrt Wrede.
•. .. or Rldg!ffe1a, ;urrcred mltiot 1;.'
t ....
"'' last. a 34-yard effort, lo Hellon took the
every tum. 1 s,aaon counl to 23. ball 65 yattls lo the end tone. !°""''1'
The new Rustlers Y.'ere un vei td Fri· A slubbom Ri·o Hondo squad had bat· uc-1•1'1(1
nl h he h I flf h tr · h :/ Greg Henry then brought the defense ~~'flit•, day g t as t Y won t er t s aig t tied the ..Rustlers on even terms in the into the scoring column as he intercepted "1111"
gaf'!11e. ~19Cove1r Rio Hond1 ° in Soo0 thern firSt quarter but fell behind, I~ gUdwa a Grer Lee aerial at the tl and went all ~=. .. ,
Call orrua1 on ere.nee Pay at range through the second Slama and was ·nev· the way to a touchdown. This made it r.iiti
Coast Col ege. er able to catch up.. 28.7• M•"1"u
fullback Rex Snyder came lo tl1e The Golden West B·Bovs scored the Ln the wanin& minutes afler the Road· ~11',l1~
frooL a:s a running back. taking consider· touchdowns. Buckland had i one over from runners had closed the iap to 28-19, Rex "'1°1111
able pressure off quarterback Tony Bon-the ooe and Bonwell from the 16 before Snyder roa rfd up lht middle from~ 14
wr11 and tailback ·Charlie Buckland.·.·~· -""1th! JWadn1htltt~ 't'bll10 '4~1ltflltl!'• 'slttlt\'g • 3-'fl:tds oot iri .. tllt11at ·the~~g· for 1he~· ·-,o~;e,r ·'
Bonwell emerged with his be.st passin,:: punch, night. L••
• •
' ,,
"'11 ..
H 3.• " '-' i:1
'' u
t'ffi"'' IP) Cl -1;.'tfi. ..,.,.", OJlle St ... •t ~ ""' 1 ·~ nn CL -f•l•tr lllttrMllMfl G•lf ff'J'~ '(11 CT-AIC'1 Widt W..-N tf ...,.
·=~ .. m. Ul CT -c~w:t'foMMll, H•-n ,, lftlr•
.,,.,., ·,,., 121 CL -HfL fto!IMll, "'"" tt ""•"'• 1 : 1.111'1, ii) CL -An IMtMll. otiltftllll 1t
I to.m, UI CL -M'l MIMI!, 011Nlt 11t "" ll'r•~ c:IK11, I ,,,,,, (l) CL -Al'L ._..II, .. II Olttt •t
°''111'{ IJU1iT -C911?.1i_ltetMl~l~~C.IJ..~'lfWllll. u·1 1:,"'• " CT_....._ .... 1' • """9 et
1.in. (111 CL -1(1ls.r lllllr11tlltMI Oolf , __ rntnl.
• ·-
' .
S•turday, Nowmbt!' t, 1969 DAILY PILOT II
Lo~~.nuff-s-OUt .,.
. • . Ol-~f l'W.ileff ' ·~ .. del !lar:Hl&b ~ ... u'..i...
~pc11ts Editor
Edison Nabs
34-14 Win
Over Mesa
01 1M 0.111 l"I"' stiff
Give a pauper a million dollars and
the chances are he'll squander most of
it In no time. The same principle holds
true for football· teams whieh are not
used to enjoying big haUtime leads -
they can't stand prosperity.
Edison High School, which up to Fri·
day night had never enjoyed more than
a &.a halftime advantage, took a fa&..21-0
cushion over Costa Mesa into the locker
room at Huntington Beach High School,
arid then promptly forgot how to play
football fOl'-nearly a quarter.
It took a superb second effort on a
dive play up" the middle early in the
fourth period by tailback Jim Moxley
to wake up the Chargers and send them
to a crushing 34-14 Irvine League victory
over Costa Mesa ..
·~ cbM.p1<i11hlp ............ do!'l-tlil driin Fr'lday•night u the SaxON of
Loara High utillzed five dilferent play.
trs ·for touchcbirnlJ en ""*\to· an ~asy
IS.LI football yldorf t 'Newport ~
·High !Mr-4""'f.... , •• 7 ~ . ' '.!'he l!h IQP&~~. 91m In t at-the,
league leaaera took· the opentlll' klckoU
and in four plays had· produced the flrst
of their five .TDs. . • , .
Corona deJ Mat's only "brlii;ht spot of
the night ,Oa!f the fine· P.assing game
deinonati'ated b"y quartUbaci Keith
Samuels, a .junior, who, completed eighf
ol.t19.1lll:.173..yard! and.two ""chdo'fDL •
With just 20 seconds gone In the fmal
quarter, the Mustangs exploded on a 51-
yard touchdown pass from Bill Adelson
to Frank Kelly. That and the extra poirtt ~
by Benito Ricardo cut the Edison mar-
gin to 21-14 and the Chargers were
floundering. .,
Costa Mesa tried an onsldes kick but
the Chargers covered on their own fO.
Moxley then tried to go up the middle
but was apparently stopped for no gain.
But the hml-runnmg junlor picked up a
second head of steam, simply ran over
the tackli!r and broke free up the middle
on a 60-yard touchdown romp.
Rocky Whan converted and the Charg-
ers, who had trouble early in the game
coverinj: kicks, went for an onsides b9ot.
Costa Mesa fumbled it. and F411an toot
over on Its own 47. Seven plays later Mox-
ley sC1X'ed again and Whan's PAT gave
&lison the most poinl.s in itl brief foot·
ball history.
Edison dominated the fir st half. tts de-
fense was magnificent, bottling up t~e
Mustangs for a net of m!nus one yard.
It wu tb. most poiOta scored on Loara Ina: three far 100 yards and Goelltz three Coach Herb HlU·s Suon machine .ran •i.M• ITAT'9Ttct CM
this ~ afltr JtVtn..cruncblnc wins. for 23 yarda. ~ tally up to ~ early In the thlrd • :1~11 .... = -4 11" lldudiac live In Irvine acliGD. However, that wu aboet the ez1art oC period Qll St.lodley'1 U,._ylt( flUI. ~~!<i fg,:-'1
,. ~' nr. TD effort •!l.J: ~lba halt&' __ __,___Qirona-del Mar'a deleut fell apart ~. ,....:: ' • ·
ly 'll""'liil Hilil to end JSarJ Kllleltr ~· toullh dele... •PtUt the aplnst Uiar1 u 1t.e su.n. l!lnPIY oul · v. ; t:.\' : '
with 4::1,1 rtlJllinlnl In the third period., lround game illul oll thll pbaae ol lhe· too much pl""'!ff on the defensive lfnc. ~1£'~::.:r. · ~ , Tbe play COYOftd at yarda 111<1 Klllefer , Saa ••·· .a-, opeotnc up llul• hote.I In the Seo Ktnc · • "':."" went the 'Hnil IO wlih llfri< c!Cenden In" . .,...., --11oe for bads 3plsliualo Steve Elklu-•-' --·· -,>
pw.dt. UTbethSUom ~utecfof 11~"' time Jn .PU'· and Gree.._... •1 , -I -a~11·~ ...... ~· . , ~;
1SamuelB' aecond bullseye, came with ~ e same OUl rea ..... ~· It was CorOna, del Mar's worst defeat c.-·• -.•
seven -ndl Jell in the game cin a ,.,. After Quarl<rbac~ Don Standley p&....i (Zl poinfl) alace the fOljrlb game of 11186. l'"'* ii" \1 r ~~
en--yarder to his other end, Jeff Goelitz. l9 yards to Pat BuUer for a· score with' _,._ ..A. J... l:;:;':l~ I , 1/ , , :.
Al Sala.bad &et up ihe last Corona de! 10:07 to IO In the first period,~ SaxOllll w w H "'"'r••• lo al .I ·~ ·' M~~~~~:ff:Da!t~lo~na~~ hJ~=k•l~:~~~uOto went over ~ -.riM~~w Tl •'~,is §~'" .... ,/. .I 'I ;j .l
ed the two-point conversion with Samuela:· from OOf yard out.and U. deep in the ..,....... _".,... · 'I ~. ' • ;1.1 pl'ssing to Goelltz. secood ptriod it WU Standley hitting c.... ... Mir ~. :..· I : t. t:
The two Sea KJng ends did most ·of·the Paul Chadbaod with a 10.yard deflected s.m ... 11 ";; 'f "': 11: 1R .~ f 1t , t.~: ~e for COrooa-.with KilWer catch-l*I·--.. ltandlW '-•, 6 1 ,. Ml , Hiiif'; ... " Jl 11f ...% :(tf
Thorn Slap~' -,
Vikes, 22-6
OI '911 Daltr l"I .... ..,,
Marina labored the enUre four quar-
ters Frid~ with a menacing thorn In its
The thorn was wearing a blue Anaheim
Jersey and went by the name, Tim Tbori!.
The seniOr tailback accounted for .an
tqe Colonists' poinl!I in their 2U win
over Marina during Sunset. League focit-
ball action ,in La Palma Sladium.
Thom, who did everything: but lead
cbeera, scored three touchdowrui, kicked
and ran for extra points along with
kickoff and punting chores. He galloped
for 144 yards again1t the Viking defense
in 28 carries and scored on fJve, Uy;ee
and ·one-yard plunges.
Marina played another fine game
against the Colonists but failed to com e
through when it 1ot inside the Anaheim
The Vikings stunned Anaheim on the
opening kickoff as Steve Monahan field-
ed Thorn's boot on the 10 and returned
it to the Colonists 36.
Tailback Henry Lazcano was the big
m~n in the drive that carried to the Ana-
heim one. He lugged tile ball seven Ume1
in lhe niarch for 30 yai:ds.
It was his carry to the one that set up
a first and goal situatlon of the ViklngS.
llowever, they CQU!dn'l punch it in 8Jld
turned the hall over on downs. '
But, seconds later Colonist quarterback
Geo rge Fraser rolled to his left and
fumbled in lhe encl zone where corner·
man Bob l\lerritt pounce<! on the loose
ball to give his mates a 6-0 lead wltll
5:03 left in the first period. ..·
Steve Abbott's extra point attempt was
off lo the right. ·
But from then ~ it was all Th~
until the fourth quarter when Marina
took possession on its 18 after Anahetfti
upped the score to ls.ti. Brian Bayless, Mark De.Huff, Gary
Root and Jeff Carter led a fierce rush
"that stopped the Costa Mesa ground game
cold and harried quarterback Adelson.
Adelson was sacked &ix Um.es . in the
game for l~ea totaling 43 yards.
AERIAL THREAT -Corona del Mar High School's only effective
weapon. w.as ',ciuarterback Keith Samuels' (14) passing game Friday
-night. -B!nliis Pearson (55) wards off Loara's Bill Judd on this play.
Loara cashed in five touchdowns for a 35-14 Irvine League win to r.x-
tend Its winning &Iring to 20.
After a four-yard loss back lo the It.
liophomore signal-caller Dave Campbtll
dropped back and hit Monahan w"Itb·'s
pass over the mli:l:dle. • ·
The fl eet flanker cut across field aiwf
carried lo the Anaheim 35. However S(C~
onds later Fraser Intercepted Campbell'$
pass on the nine and ended Marina'• up-
set hopes.
The Edison offense, meanwhile scored
once in the opening period and two more
. times in the second. Ken Funke set up
the first TD with an interception return
of 35 yards to the Costa Mesa four. Jerry
Hinojosa scored on a three-yard keeper
In tbe second period Edison marched a yards with Hinojosa scoring on a one-
yard sneak. Hinojosa then flipped a se-
ven-yard TD pass to Terry McNay after
the Chargers recovered an onside! kick
and McNay ran for two points.
Costa Mesa's first touchdown came on
a one-yard run by Kevin 1tfanix.
IClrt '" Q111rt1rt CotltMH• ce JJ -U ldl'IOll 7U0ll-JI
l'lr11 c1own1 du•hlnt ' ' Flr1t dow~• l"'ntlllH ' ' Tott! 11'11 down1 ' " Y1rd1 rv1M119 " "' l'lu1 downs pt11lnt • ' Ytrdl PIHi"' '" " Ytrdl ... ' ..
N~ '''°" ttlned ·~ "' l'""ts/Av<iratt dll!IMI 'I ; , u
Ptt11lllt't/Ytrd1 Hntllud •1" '"' l'lll!lbln/l'll!Tlblll ... '" '" •UIHIM9 Cnt1 #Ml.I .. " " ·~ M"'• ' " • u --" • ~ ••• CaOurn • ' ' 11.6 • ... ' • ' .,
Tof1ll M " " ...
111 .. 11 ..... " ••• ' " HlnlilOM " ~ ' ••• .... ' ' • .. ...... ' " " ... ..... • " • " Tot1I• • n• " ,,
Cttlt M1•1
N H '" " ...
Adel Mn " Id!-' ' '" ...
HlllOfOfl " • 1 " .....
Will Defense Be Key?
Gauchos. Tackle Mira Costa
01 1'111 DIUJ 1"1111 llltl
SOmetimes ·u Seenis like Desert Coo-fereQc~ football teams• p!fe up the points
sO fast the scoreboard can't keep up with
the touchdowns.
Scores like ~. 41 -16, 31·28, 42·21 and
68-6 have been commonplace this season.
However, tonight's key confrontation
between a pair of undefeated teams, Sad-
dleback and Mllta Costa, figures to be
d(!CidM by a Strange co'mmodity in tile
.Kickoff for Qie .ceinlest, which will be
played at Oceanside High Sdtt?C>i is at 8
o'clock. .
Sadclleback and Mira Costa (both 2-0)
trail -Mt. 5an Jacinto (3-0) in the COD·
ferenct by hall a game and bolh teams
have been able to light up the scoreboard
However, they are the on1y two schools
to .show any kind of defense.
Coach George Hartman's team has
yielded just 13 points in. two conference
starts while the Mira Costa squad is
almost as stingy, glv!ng up 22. By com-
parlSiOn, Mt. San Jacinto has allowed
three foes to score n. '
In its last four games, Saddleback's
small, but swarming defenSe, has given
up 180· yards and less than 10 first downs
a gam~ to the enemy.
After suffering numerous injuries In
the first five weeks of the season, Sad-
dleback has had two weeks to heal and
Take San Diego Freeway South lo Ocean-
side and lake Minion Blvd. --Down-
town •ent. tl!rn right at stog sign and
Ulen ieft at ii.pal 1;0" tbe bJgb tcbool.
the Gauchos will go into tcinigbt 's game
virtually at full .strength.
Only offehsive tackle Chuck Finn, who
had an operation to remove a blood clot
from his hip is a questionable perfonner.
Hartman, however, is wondering about
another kind of sickness.
"Most or our kids come from high
schools that didn't win too many games .
Winning is like a diSease, and our team
ha.s been bitten by the victory bug. I hope
it causes an epidemic."
While most of the conference schools
have played three games, Gauchos
players lead the circuit in most offensive
categories after just two.
Quarterback Rod Graves, one of the
state's small junior collea:e leaders in
total offense, tops the conference In pass-
ing with 35 of 5,9 passes good for 490
yards and seven touchdowns.
Tighl e~ Mafc Hardy is the top
receiver with 13 catches for 114 yards
and four TD, while flanker back Gary
Rossman i.s tied tor fifth with nine
catches for 146 yafds .
Tailback Toby Whipp!~ Is thif"d In
rushing with 249 yards:, only 19 behind the
Mira Coata's main offensive threats are
23>pound fuUback Peru Saole, . who is
ranked eighth Jmong the cOnference's
rushers, and tight end John Moen, a 220-
pounder who's caught nine passes.
'" ~r~H~ ' Wl"l'!Wl Tlll ll'lft •m
"' lln-en Colbert ' Jim lur!llU "' "' lob Ur~I G P11t Liu '" ·~ •111 L..,oiev ' Vv llty "' "' Jtlf Virdin G Cr1l1 Wood "' • 210 D1v1 L1mebrook ' OIVt Sd'te!1cil '" '" IUU OtJ ' JoM Moon "' "' Rod GrtWI • Rick Gre..,. '" "' Roct.y lfltlcl'l1r ' P...i SHI! 1;s
'" C.trv RllHrl'll'I ' Jel'I" Dilu1lf1 •• ,. Tobv WMPPlt ' Sl>o<"IJ Wl+lll ·~
Battered Bucs Battle Hungry Mt. SAC
. ~ .
practice after damaging a knee against
Cerritos last Saturday.
FV Gtinning
For 5th Loop
Win Tonight
'Fountain Valley and Estancia high
schools collide tonight at Newport Harbor
High in an Irvlr.~ League football game.
The kickoff 11-at . .8 o'clock.
For coach Bruce Pickford and .)lis
Fountain Valley Barons, it's another case
of having to .win to slay i?ven with un-
deleated Loara in the ieague cham-
pionship race. "'"
For Estancia, it's a chance to get back
on the winning trail afler dropping a 26-0
decision to Loara last week.
Fountain Valley ls riding high these
days with a 5-1 overall record,_ a 4-0
league mark 8nd has been triumphant in
seven of its last eight games. .... '
And, the Barons have shut out their
last three foes.
Pickrord has a flock of impressive
backs to run the ball. In ract, halfbak
Rick Hartsfield, the Barons• leading
rusher with 248 yards In 54 carries and
four touchdowns, Isn't even starting.
The Barons have their original trio or
running backs back after suffering
various injuries during the year. They're
Rick Martin , Rick Power and Dan Shaw .
Fountain Valley has had 18 players
figuring in rushing statistics and nVe
passers in Its first six games and It's that
kind of deplh that has made the Barons
nine-point picks over Estancia.
.Coach Phil Brown's crew numbers only
28 and the Eagles are without a junior
varsity team.
Also. they are going Into the-game
without lheli:, No. l runner in top shape.
Tailback Dave Johnson Is still nursing
a badly bruised back and may not play at
all. .
Lazcano agii in starred for the Vikin~.
who dropped their fourth straight lealll-•
game.· He dashed for 70 yards in 25 at-
tempts and was the only )l.1arina rushing
threat. :
Campbell perfol_'med quite ~apably tn
his first start at the quarterback slot. He
took over the helm after number one
man Rick Saeman suffered a head iO-
jury in Marina's loss to Newport Jast
Campbell put on a rine passing show
amidst the Colonist n1sh compleUng le'{-
en of 17 aerials for 137 yards.
lJ. lJ. lJ.
l<lrt '" 0111rt1n Ml'!nJ • ....... • I • • ~.-"'"'''""' ....... .•..•••• 0 ' ' 1-12
OAMI ITATISTICI M f, l'ln.t dGWM rv1h1"' ' Fin l down1 p1"lm': ' • F inl doW"t Pl'ftlll n ' 1, To!al ""' downs • V1rd1 l'Villlne ,It lt1
Ytrdl r:11ln9
""'""' I 1ll •
"'' '"'"'' 1111\ed il'jl' ;:~1.t::/~:~J:!e1:::rf1td0 '11•.• liJI ., '·
l'11n1toltt11"11mb11s 1a11•u•"' ... >I --... " • '" O'Hare • 'I • ...
Vf<!llm1911t ' ,1 '1 Llltt•i: " " i: C1m~ 11 J ' ' otei. N " '·' ·-1'r11~~ 1 .n • 't' ·-· "' • Ta11r " • l UJgl• • • • " • l
• "' • Tol1l1 ,l,JIUto ...... .. .. N • ..
C1m11bell '/ I ' :~ .,If
$1rm•" • '·m " ' ' ·~ Tott !• AHllllml ·~ Frtstr ' • ' ' ' I :r 1. M(:ClllllV ' • To!1l1
Golden West
In 20-2 Romp
A muscular and ded icated defensive
unU bas carried Orange Coast Co!Jege:'s
football t.eam .to a i-1 record so far thia
1enon-lnd tt-k>ok1· like lt will-have lo
shoulder {he load again tonight whf°n Ute
healthy starter rtmainlng 1n ~ PJrate
backfield and he(s probably the on!)' one
who will be on the Held for the Bu.cs' first
-olrensive series.
"lte'll 1uil up, Tucker said1 "butt have
no ldta lf he'll play. It all "dePends on
how he feels tonight." -
offeMe, Orange Coast will have t-0 rely on
Its defense to carry the load against a
~!t. SAC team that has only won one
game '>f"forfelt) but £s i dingerous long
passing team. ' -'faking,hb place. luopl)omore wllbacl<
Jim Schultz and the quarterback and
fullback duUes wlll bt: manned by Curt
Thomas and Paul Joyce.
ExptOding fpr .rune goe.11 ln the fi rst
period, Golden West COiiege's wat~
nnlo team smashed Los Angeles CU1 i;:, . ·1~ili Ill ihO Qlll pool. --\,»liege, 20-, i-11 Y . lib
· Pirates stage their homecoming a1ainst
Mt San Antonio College.
Klckoff for Ole .contest at Orange Coast
will be I o'clock.
COacti Dick Tucker wlll te:nd his team.
, which sUll has a strong shot at winning
the. South Coast Conference cham-
pionship, on the field with an offenst that
· t.Js bttn crippled by leg Injuries.
~ .Quarterbl<k.r.tllc.1amiY"u ls~ •nlY
. ___, ..
. --
Flanker Bruce Hicks has a sprained
ankle, but Ttscker thinks he'll be ready
fOl" some duty.
Fullback Coe Meyer, who dislocated t¥s
knee two weeks ago, still has a gimpy leg
but the la5-pounder "'anl!I to play, ac-
cording to Tucker, 8nd should see some
· Tailback Ray Ricardo1 the conJcrence'•
1e8ding. runner, is the biggest quelitlon
m'~'· H~ tiasri't .bc;c." ~.to.~or~~~t in
Split e.nd Robe.rt Castillo, the Bucs'
leading recelver'so has a bruised knee: and won't sta However, he's the
healthiest of t quartet and Tucker
figures he can y rconsiderable time.
George BarneU. wever, will start In his
l pOl. .-.
Richard Durante will be in Mey!r's-
' gpot 1 while Bruce Rogge and Tnny Ven-
timiglia will fill In· for Hicks and Rlc&.rdo. ·
~ltl! ~ kind. of up~~a.v,a.t .l!l. t.he. PlJ:~te
Quarterback Don Gray and ~plit end
Ron Thomas are the key to the Mounties'
passing gatne. ·
!IS •1111 ·T'*"'-E °"'" I•'""" ,,, ,. Cr11t H11"el T 1ts lou Gon111n o ~te"" Plirchlt .. l:IO ,,.,.,.ii.11 JllhntOll ,311
2'1 Tim Clllk C ltob l'vrntll 1'2S
101 TDnl W1llNI' G Tom NtlfOl'I JCS
7'1 s.e ... OtlMl'I T 1"1111 w ... re11 no
1GS Ttl'OI Alttt .. ~··-I! Corl Plldtrtool 2'0 110 Don Gr1v I Mlk• Tem!YtlU 11!
1" CP!tl W"ll I ll:lcllfl"d Ou rt nit 115 -
101 l•V'f' JOM:I • Ton.-VtnllmltJi. 18S .J't N Q•? ~ ~ 11.0flll •.••• I~
1!0 Gt rv \ltlbutne [ C11lt Nomur• , ..
HI 6"rtl V1lbuent T Jlrn MMllr I _,.
uo Sine II.tu.,. 1' \'-"" Sl'l'P'dtf" ,.. l lt1 C~lt'l'IPlon C LUii F10r11
HS 1111 Krtllll'lll G lob l't le
191 lob W11ke<> T llod l'tll1
J6J JIMCI H1M• IE l • Frl9dff"*'1 lrD Joft11 Sv~ a Curl T.._1 A
11) Rick "-I P1\ll J O'l'CI
JU 0•1\ 1111• a J!!'ll k l>ultl
•, ~ .• ~.~.-. ~ .• ~,.C-Mi~I ftl'.llf'J"!IUJ' .
" ' .
"' "' ~ ,.
The victory was Oo)den West_ a fl .
without a loss in Southern CaUfornfa
COnferenct action and upped lhe R~~
ler$' seasonal mark \0 11-4. ,
Roy Buell, Don Llppoldl and Al Ro)as
paced the 'Rustlet romp with four 10611
apiece. . . Coach Tom Hermstad'a ooUll -!!':'
to, action Tuesdl!Y at home in 1 ..,_
coorerence match 'Oriih El Camino ~'
lege. _ .. , • • •L -· :L ••
• t·
,. . .
Jtb ey, A:llen ac·e-·
23_~·1ataguna Win . ~ . : A:g· ain·si~ bia:blos
'/ .
IJefendln1 cn.tvlew tuJU< cbampion
LoJuna -·High School -ita first win ot 1be season Friday night u it
topped tM Mtalon. Viejo Dlablos, 3'-13 in • cam• playod .... !lie A!lllta' field .
Runoing' lli<b ScOlt Allin 1DC1 Mite
Abbey.paced f;q,,.a u ~Hal Alins' ·team turned.in Jt1. ~ Unwesiive of··
fenalve porfonnanc<Mil·lbe cam~. ·o~-.-~ Utn ~ lJI yefda rimnina: Out ot
lhe lljllbacli"tpot and lillfback, Abbey
c<im~ ,bJm by nettinc 137. Be-
tween them.they carried tbe btll on 48
DAii. Y PILOT ,..._ ~ •ldllftl K•IU"
occuions. · , ,
The ,Arlim bod to• c:onio .lrom behind·
to pin the win u Diablo balfbact AUJl"
dre Holmel stuMed the 1P.1f1t crowd,
llCIJllperinJ 13 yatd1 down lhe •id<llnes
on lhe third play of' th.-aame to put Mis-
sion Viejo on top M ,wfth 1:31 gooe.
11ie Diabl01 appeared tp ha•e mo-.
mentum colng for them as tl}ey stop~
.w the Artlsli' initial dflve-on ·the M.luion
Yiejo Z5. •
But at that PQint the Laauna Bea:ch de-
fense allO ttqJin and the first quarter
ended wllh \i>aeb Ray Dodat'• t.ain still
boldinl .ltl marp. ~ . '
Sl)Oitly before the first period closed Lalwta IWted a drive on its own 19.
Sixteen plays llterr.Jt culminated as Ab-
bey found • bole up the middle and went
over from. one yard out with 8:4& left
before tntirmlssion.
his right end for the two-point con ver-
A fumble recilVtry on a punt for 1.tiJo
sion Vlejo by Bob Radzavage allowed the
Di1blos to close the gap to J&-13. He ftll
on the loose ·ball on the Laguna 31.
Holmes paced the drive and received
credit for the iCOl'e, coing in from seven
yards out with 1 :09 left before the final
Laguna [ailed to get a first down after
the ensuing kickoff, leaving the Diablos
with a chance to take. the lead.
Mission Viejo came as close as the
midfield stripe before Tel Cottam inter•
ctpted a pass at the Laguna 40.
Eight plays later Laguna iced the game ·
with Abbey finding another hole up the
middle and dashing 28 yards through
!he Diablo sectindary. Bill ~1orrison was
suettSsful on his only point after ki ck of ..
the ni~ht, giving hls team a 23-13 edge
with five minutes to · go.
The running of Allen and Abbey de·
1troyed the DJabl01, with Allen concen·
lraUng on bursts up the middle and Ab.
bey turning: in his best efforb on rweeps
to the outside.
k 1r1 llJ' •warttn MllSion Viejo 7 8 UlllN lff(ft 0 I ' ' -1J • 7 -u .
Finl down• ""'hlftg • " P'lril do'Wn1 111urng •• • Fl,_t down• PtNH!• ' ' TDi.I flrll doWN .. " V1tc11 rwlllng '" "' V•tcl1 l»Hl"I " ' Y1tc11 iotf " ' NII r•tc11 t•lncd "' m
llullfl/Aver .. • dl111nc1 ''"·' ~·· .,_111n ./Ytm 1»n1lllld "" v~
""""'""' Full'llllln ... ,,. ~· .;aoMas . AWAY.:--Laguna: Beach HisJt ,qarterback B~ian Ottmer
!:(15) Jets looae· with aerial µi the Artists .-wm over M1ss1on VieJO
Friday night. Blocking for him is Dave Kerr (63). The win was the
first for Laguna Beach after six losses. ·
With the score tied Laguna elected to
go for the two-point conversion and 1ot
it u quarterback Brian ottmer pitched
out to Abbey who duded a tackler on the C1!f11
Mi.Ill! YleJe •• • ,, " . .. ·' • " .
l · • Footh.all
Standing s
" '" .. .. '" .. ~ " "
'" ..
" ~ • "' " • ..
" ,.
ll " ~
.. Ii! ~ n " H
Athletes Talk
tt .. " ,.,
" ' ,! • " "
" ll ~ " " "' ,.
" .: ..
ff "'
" " :: " " .. '" ""
· Jim Lawrtnce or the New · Orlt an!!
Saints and Bob Wataon , who played foot·
• two and went into make it M .
The ArtJail biok that lead into the lock·
tt room with them u a closing Diablo
drive wa' thwarted when Hal Propp!
picked olf a pau with 2f se:cond.s left in
the -nd period. 1 Lq;una ·c1r1w 'firlt blood in the MCond
hall when 'lftet an exchan1e of punts it
went 51 yards In nine plays. Th1s time
Abbey toot the scoring honor•, going
over from the three with 4:41 left in the
thin! period.
ottrner made it 16-7 u he went around
It's Tu~tln, 14·8
) .. ·..-
Holmn ··-WIJklntOll M«-Tot1l1
OHrntf .... ·-All*" Wood
' " ' ••• u '" • • •• ' " ' ..
' ' ' " ' ' ' " ~ '" " ••• Lttunt IMdt • • ' ..
" '" • •• .. m ' ... , • • '·' • '" ' .,
MtHltll Ylell '" ,. ,c ,,,, " 12 5 ' " • 411 • • ' • ...
" • ' " ""' Lit-tMdt ' ' 1 • ,14
.. ,.,...,... k:tAt
32-y~rd .Fumble Ret~r_n
CrlfShes San Clem'J!;te
By DA VE CEARLEY His kick was extr \~ow and was
or "" 0.11r "'"' s1ttt cisily batted away:~
'.I'he big question to be ans~~ed .•hen
San Clemente tackled Tultin Friday niaht
was whether the Tiller• were for real -
they were. The vastly-improved Tu1tin
squad eked out a 14-3 win over the Tritons
at the-winner's field .
San Clemente's downfall came in the
third period. _
Only 10 seconds after the Tiller• ~ad
tallied the initial score on a one-yard
sneak by halfback Dave Driscoll, Triton
quarterback Bob McNamara fOmbled on
the next play from scrimmage, with John
Gorman scooping up the ~11 and canter-
ing 32 yards to the end zone to give Tus·
tin a 14-0 lead.
The Tritons baUled back after the en-
suing kickoff, marching 65 yards in seven
plays with McNamara plungin& over from
the one.
Triton coach Tom Eads · said, "It's s&
rough to Jose a close game like lhis on
something like a fumble recovery, W•
played a good game, especially on de·
!enst, but of course just not good enough.••
San Clemente led in nearly all stalitticat
departments, but fell fla~ on the score-
The Tritons ran off 60 !)lays to Tustin·s
43, led the Tillers in passing (118-34) and
total yards (214-186) and complet!lY~om·
inated thi first half, picking up 137 yards
as against 43 for Tustin.
k•r• •r Ol#lrton
0 0 • 0
0 0 14 •
Fin! down• ru1nl~<1 Fl~! clOwns 1»••i119
f lrH down$ pi,n11tlu
lol•I flrlt dOWF\S
V1tds rinll!no
" " ' •
-. -..
T • ' ' " "' •• RA/illBLING ARTIST-Laguna Beach's Brian Ott·
1ner (15) tries to elude Mission Viejo's G.ary Dick!'!
durirt!-.!'riday nig ht Crestview League action . The
Arti sts earned their first
23-131 again$.! Dicks & Co.
triumph of the season,
A1cNamara, a surprise starter at quart-
erback, then tossed to spllt end Rick
Gedde.s for two Points to narrow the mar-
gin to 14-8.
V1rcl1 llftHlng
V1 r<11 lost
NII var<11 1111""
11un1:11.i.var11e c11n1nce
l"ene1tle.IV1ro1 pe~•l lrftl Fumb1es1F111'11bt11 loot
" "' '" " '" J 11.G
" --15&
' "' ...
Si n Cltll'lnll , ... "'
" "
Tars _Bury ·Fallhrook, 33-0
The cru1hlng blow for the Tritons camt..
midway in the last perioiil. San Clemente
traveled from its 47 to inside the TusUn
ten with a (lrst and goal from the tight.
:After losing four yards in tw.o playt,
?i.1cNamara launched 1 perfect tOSI to
t11ht end Jack KalOta in the end JOM, but
the ball slipped through Kalota's nn1ers.
So did the Trit.ons' chancta for winning.
~-· ·~McH1m1r•
G"'M C!vel 10111,
C•r"1n1n C.l1~ill
• " " ' ' ~ 'Tlillft
' " " '
" ' • ' '" ' " .. ,
,, • • " • • " " ,
•v!I ... ..
" .. u ..
" " ..
Of th• o.nr Pll91 Stiff
FALL BROOK -If Falll>rook High
School ever comes up wilh a hole on its
football schedule, it's doubtful the Vlar-
riorS \Viii accept a rematch with New·
port Harbor High after the way the Sail·
ors treated U\Cm in th eir non-league
came Friday night, here.
Newport, now 5-1 for the season, rolled
to an impressive 33.0 victory behind the
llnal all-round play o! quarterback Bill
1sor1 '' OIHlr'tttl "' • •
1 • " Jj
' ' - 0
s:1u1 do-. •
"'"'' do·..., 11tnt111
Fl,_! dO""IU ""'"' .. 'T9f•1 llrtl "'-
"•"" rusllliog "f••cll .-»ir'll V•f'cl1 lest
NII 'r•Mlll !141ned
Pun1t/Avtr1119 Cllll•fl(I ll1~•Tllfl lY•r41 ...,;111n d
f"111"0l•/Fvmo1tt IOlr
81tt"o:flt'll "''" J $mllfl ....
Ml!ldt•JMI ~eu1r
" • • • ' ' ' ,
' --" llAlllNG
' I
" • ' " ' ' ' ,
" u ,,, "' "' • ' ' "' "' l c,o
) "' ,,,~ ... ,,, " ... " .,,,
"' • "' " • ..
~ ' ~ .. -" • " " • .. ' ' • .. ' • " ' • " • ' •• "'-' "
Shedd ana the explosive running or full·
back ROCky Dixon. '
Nev;port dominated the game, .rolling
up 371 yards in total offense, 260 of ll on
the ground. Dixon did the bulk of the
da1nase on the ground ror the Tars· with
131 ~ ards in 12 carries for a nossy 12.9
Shedd ran for ~ yards. scoring one
touchdown, and passed for an additional
86 yards and another score.
i\'c\\'port was in danger of losing it.~
shutout twice, bul eac h ti1nc !he Tar~
forci;:d a fu1nblc at their 15 and Ji in
the secol'ld and third periods and rl'Cov-
cred the loose ball.
Shedd got Newport on the scoreboard
the first time it toucht.d the ball, driving
the Tars "iO yards in 13 pl1ys. He scored
on a 10-yard keeper. Alvin White added
the first of three extra points.
Shcdd's·passing led to a pair of scores in the second period. ·
A 37-yard IOfis to Sle\·e Fi~h set up a
lhree-yard dash by Fish. Six minutes
Inter, after Dixon had dashed 35 yards,
Shedd completed a 22-yard sc<>ririg pass
lo Jerry Smith to make it 20-0 al the half.
Dixon exploded .up the midd le 58 yards
in lhr third period after a fu mble had
~topped a Fallbrook threat and \\lhlte
booted the extra point to make it 27--0.
Reserve quarterback Jeff Blanchard
rounded o\1t lhe Newport se<1ring with a
IO.yard dash in the last quarter. '
McNamara was dropped for a six-yard
loss on fciurth down and Tustin took over
deep in ita own territory.
The Trilons 11temingly had one last
gasp when Tustin was fotced to punl from
it! 16 with 2:31 left.
But Tiller punter Dan Pankha was
rou11hed and Tustin retained posswion.
San Clemente had Its final chance 20
seconds later •'hen Steve Divel picked of(
a Larry Carnahan pass at the Triton 39.
However, McNamara traded in pass thefts
on the next call as Tiller Mark Padbury
intercepted at the Tustin 42.
The Tritons had another golden chance
in the second quarter when th&y moved
to the Tultln JI, when ~ drivi ran out
of gas at •the six, place kickfi' RJcardo
Tereira attempted a 13-yard fiekt Coll·
... ndrlWI
P1dtlur'r Sil~•
' " llAlllNll
1-n C1ilflenl•
" "'
,. 11C "'I
)I 1 l
T111ti. " ' ' ' " '
' ' •
·' • • "
" "' ~ • ~
" '' •••
'" ·-"' ... ""' "''
CIF G1i d Scores
Lt~ewood 20, Jor•tft t
El lttncllll U. Mllllkfn l l
l -... ,II WlllOll 17, PIMY I
lllM!t nd1 1', Rlmont t
c;.,.,..ton lS. OllwMY 1
W1rre11 U, C..~1111"1.1 '
Noire 0.IM 10. Cettlldttl •
Temple C.lt'r 1_t, So11 Me•ll'll 1• 1 S.Ulfl l'tlMIM 4 , LI C..111•1 4
Is TholJlps~n's Drag Record for Real?
Skeptical drivers from lhroughoul the
state y;\\J be on hand at Orange County
International Ra~Y.·ay tonight to sCe If
Junior Thcimpson of Norw alk is for real.
City in a modlfied rotd Mustang. his Opel an~ the huae amountl of
tilany of the driver! express doubt that .horsepower 1entr1ted by his supercttare;
Thompson ca n repeat his phenomenal ed Clttysler transplant. He has done a c\ockin~ on le1itim ate West Coast Um·
ing:_devices. They want to be shown. · masterful job ~f concealllnt . l h e
, ConsequentfY 20 cars from both mOMlrous motor In lht 1pact ort11n1.1Jy
°'N'orthem and Sout hern Calllornia are designed to house only 1 small IO hp Opel
towing to·'Orange County Saturday~fora -engine. . ,
on OrsnJ• covnty'• l·l·mU• ,...~ •••* course.
~ The California Intern1t1on.t Grand
Prix wi ll feature bolh European 1M
American riders. ·It Is the only ln-
'temaUonal motorcycle road race to be
htld in the UnHect &ales this year. J
boll undtt Red Sandtra at UCLA, wlll
lllk abbul the f ellowship of Chri1ll1n
,Athlltll plus their football playing ex-
~~ at St. Andrew's Pmliyttrian
••• ~ .~1~.NL~_Bea~b .1t 7_:11)_~.m.
I Sunday •lgh -. lVIHd· -•. "'"""',..,,,,! 81•~~ .... ·d
.. " ' ' "
H•-" " .. ' •
--"" " • ·O • • •·· I ,, • • "" •• He·
.a~ ·~
Thompson attracted Jhcir allintlon
whrn he recorded Se\•tial 1.40 second
elapsed times-in his-gas AUptrchlrt:ed
dragster during a recent tour or eastern
trac~~.. --. .•. ·-·-··· .
The OClR track record for the c\Asli I~
8.62 seconds held by Skip Hess of Templo
J6 car. '2.000 eliminator field and the op-Qu1lifyln1 will . be&in al 2 p.m. with
• poi:tuni~y..10 ''iiee it·for themeelve1.1 .... ••• ... raclnc CfltiRC .un&er .way..a\ 7;30. • • •• -
· Thompson attributes his superior Sunday cran prlx motorcycles and
Fuel bl.iming drag bikel will be in·
eluded is a special exhibition.
• IJ!he ·f:'.i:M~ saocUoned ·finale· openl at"·
9:30 a.m. for )'r'armupg with ct1mpeUtion.
begiMing at !'loon. .... • nie pro"'am Is open to lhe public. TO/ti\ • I '" ,., per(ormanccs lo the small tronta·t }re& or aidecar1 wl11 conclude their 1969 '\'~n
~,. ___ -· •. ------· .... -.
: • ---s =
. -
' Pearlman Cl1arts -. ' .
Busy OCC Season ,
04 fllf DAILY l'ILOT Si,fl I . }any concert organization ·urtdef the 1m ..
pression that maestro Jo':seph 'Pe&rlmen and tlis
Orange «;oast C'ol!ege Community Orche&lra will J>e
resting this season on the considerable laurels they
gathered in 1966-69 had better not count on it.
Two di the DAILY PILGT'S four "Euterpe"
a\vards"are indeM on the college sideboard ; the one
Pearlman gained as outstandjng male personality in
music and an award that recognizes the orchestra
as {he do1ninant music-1 force last year along our
Oranae t::oost. ·
Six '''eeks alvay from the oPening concert the
impression is that Pea rlman and his en1hUJiastic
ensen,ble ill'~ r.lore interested in adding to their
number than sitting bac!k and admiring their richly
deserved troµhi es.
There \l'ill be four more "Euterpes" up for
grabs this season and, it is apparent, Pearlnian and
his musicians are well aware of the fact, There can
be no doubt at U1is point , these ·early rehearsal days,
that if the orchestra fails to haul in the 1969-70
hardware it will not be for 'vant of re~earsal. dedica-
tion or the detennination to provide demanding and
attra~tive prJ)grams.
1'l'M SURE THAT OUR audiences are going
to find our 1969-70 programs exactly that," com-
mented Pearlman, discussing his upcoming season
with thi&.\\'riter. "To my mind, they're about the
best we've had \\'ilh artists ·who command a wide
following and are guaranteed audience pleasers."
His first such artist is David Swenson, the 17-
ycar-old Do\vucy pianist \Vho has delighted au-
diences in the Clranf c Coast College auditorium in
his two previous appearances with the orchestra,
Swen1on wiH return to Cos ta Mesa to pursue a
pleasant relationship \vith the Orange Coast at 4
p.m. Dec. 7 and will perform Rachmanioff's glit-
tering Piano Concerto No. 2.
He is tbe star of an ambitious program. r·or
the orchestra's not inconsiderable contribution lo
what looks to be, at this point, a memorable season
opener, is Ilimsky·Korsakov's "Easter Overture''
and Dvorak's Symphony No . 5 -that ever popular
and always fresh "New World."
Looking at the Pearlman itinerary in
chronologicai fa shion , this might well be the point at
'vhich we should make mention of a concert that will
immediately follow this first offering -a copcert
set fo r 'l'uesday nee. 9 and which has been made
posr;ible by the determined efforts of a Huntington·
Beach music Jover .. ~OR THAT IS THE day \vhen Pearlman \Vill
take his Costa Me sa orchestra "abroad" -Lo the
auditorium of the Huntington Beach High School
and an 8:15 p.m. repeat or the Sunday program that
1nay well prove to be the foren1nner or many more
such concerts in the 1nusic-hungry Oil City.
Mrs. Sarah Glas is ~he eager qrganiier of the
trip aild the Jad.v who persuaded the admittedl,Y
doubtful Pearlrnar. to venture beyond his present
frontier. "I pointed out that the traveling orchestra
has many, 1napy ne eds and .I seqt her a m~mo
listing exactly \Vhat they were," grinned Rearlman.
"I thought that 'vould be the end or it since it
usually is," Ile said "But along came Mrs. Glas to
tell me that everyU1in~ \VIS on tap including the con-
cert grand ,,.e needed and now would •we _come? I
immediately told her that 've would be delighted to
accept her invitation."
Backing the librarian in her efforts to bring
the Orange Coast ensemble to l.Juntington Beach
have been tha'l city's chamber of commerce and its
Coordinating Council. "tt bodes well for the future o[
music in Huntington Beach," said Pearlman. "and
T hope that our concert \\"ill further their \Vorthy am-
IT WILL BE BACK to familiar Orange Coast
College auditorium on March 8 for a 4 p.m. concert
that is sure to delight the many guitar lovers in the
-area - a performance of the Rodrige Concerto by
that celebrated guitarist, Ernesto Bitetti.
Backing the eagerly a\Yaited Biterti ""ill be the
orchestra's rendition or Rossini's sprightly, bub-
hiing "Overture to the Barber of Seville" and
Brahms' superb. 'demanding Symphony No. 1.
Organist Jay Colyar \Viii be at the keyboard
!or the orchestra's final offering of the coming
season scheduled for 8 p.m. in the college
auditorium. llis offering has not yet been determin-
ed but organ lovers can rest assured that Colyar will
add to a Jong series of performances that have plac-
ed him in the front rank of hi s profession.
Several orchestra members '"ill take in-
dividual bo,vs at this "first chair" concert, among
them Adrianne Geiger, the orchestra's distinguished
concertn1aster and Hannah Skupen, first viola, in a
performance of Mozart's "Symphony Concertanre."
\Ve will be listening to a much bigger
orchestra this year th an.ks to an unprecedented
wave of interest in the highly successful Orang~
Coast ensemble -a response that has d~lighted the
dedicated Pearlroan and given him "the biggest
orchestra in our history."
,., I. .. -111'91 ,.,.,., ..
_. ... a. C•t.t-
e JllTA M~lll:IHO
i11 tht l•citi11t Ntw
f•1t. f•lr. f•eh1•I. Tf.01• S1111111111 Thrill1r-tl1rt• wo1clt •um up f•tlon in
•11•r•tion 011 th• DA ILY PllOT • "T.HE. Ntdf1r. qF_ TH~ ~·::"::'"'=~'::.::''::'=' ='::"=IY=.,='='·==i , . FOLLOWING DAY"
. •'
r ·; ,. , " I , • ,l()LJ/ I\ t hl >! f\t 'f>t 'f ()/~\'
TW.lthl •t I
Julie Andrtw• 111
"ThoM WM Tht H.,,y Tl-"
M1il"!~~1':0°/i, ..
witfo M•jtit Smlt+i
CONTINUOUS l)IU>A'f', 1 ,.M.
Exclutlw •-::tt
s~., c.,,,.._.,.,,
I~ P .M.
""""" · SOUTH COAST F ~~ ~""' D PLAZA THEATllE CORPORATION $an Dita frtt'Q)' at Bli•tGI • 546-2711
Winner 3Aca~~WY Awards
BEST ACTRESS· Katharine Hepburn
-t< .. l""''""''"l><S """""'
·""'"'le lHE LION IN WINTER "'"' .......... .,AltoOIJMlr-
JN ,....,_ at HlllftlltlMt
"ACI HIGH'' -I ll W•llldl -,.,,.,.._ HUI
c ..... n. c .. •1111 kll•el
Tll11nd-v -ta.-.
• 20t.cetnar«ll~\..··-
-lllllEWS·llllARD CIEllA
:lllllE WEIE 111 HAPPY lllU" --..... -· -· -· ................
-···: llii1ii>·lilii'-
. -··· .Ill·-----,. __
c.-., ,...,,.
II SU..,.,
GIM Lell11l11rltlllt.
Sllol~Wl11tft1 ,.,. kwf•N1
Sat...,, NM-I, 1969 -, DAILY mor 21
St'"' McOu••" J11qu1llnt l l1t1t "BULLITT" (M)
W1 rr.•n Bt1ftv· F1v1 Dun•wt'(
•ec~mm•~d,. l•r ""th
'J11p11neM Movl•1 Every _T~ld1y _ Nl9ht
~::'!::,'.:~~~~: .. •:~~=t ;.u:~C!=~~
Clint E1•twood . l_n,1r Sk¥tll l
Cli11t E11twood Eli Welltch
•"'"'"""" for M•lh ·············~ ....... lnJlllN 0,_.. Ct111ty Drift.II ""......... .
l i11 Mlnn1lli W11141ll l 11rton
Sftow11 at 1:45 r·'"· -Pl•
M.i,h11I C•in1 Sh1ll1y Wint1n
Slllwn t i •:M 1M Hllf .. ,ft. -·--... -..... ................................ .
bthtsl" o,.... C.•"'Y ·~· . ...... -
Mitfo•1/.C1int L1ur•ntt OIJ~,,
Sllow1 99 l :JO r·•· -Pl• Joh11 W1yn1 o, .. ;4 J111t11n
,. ••• -6:30 •ltd 11 100 ,.... .......... '"~·············· ,.._, 0 1To1lt ~ k~..t .. H ... 1nt
WI .. ... ,.. ..... _ . ..,,, .....
............. ~·············
·--$175 ~ , ..
A l't/"f llW'f'
lrl9lltt l •r,ot
N" 1n1 •llllltr 11 wU• .. ff.
mlHtd ""'' ICC_,.IMI ..., I 11trtllf ... '"" .. rtlafl.
t11Tlllll F :.t;"V"souTH COAST ,,.,.. UA PLAZA THKMrR&
!00"'11• Ion Olllo ,,._, •1 lt~tal • 546-2111 -
SA'f. 12111 I Jil l
ALL SEATS '75c"'"'"' .. '» ...
.. . . ' -"
. ;. ·--·· -·-r•··--·-'" ·-~.---.-·-.... --···----· O• •·-••ol •w• ---· ... __......,__ ~ ·-·--. ··-~
U QA)q flLO T Saturday, ~ovtmt>er.1. 1969 --
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. ' J. >
.. a11d · w e pttt 01ir i t1ai antee in . writil1t"' -
UsT Go
I 1 O '
• ~ N I ' .
OVER 75 1969 -PON_TJACS MIJST GO NOW . ' . . .
r.=::===• 9.~ALltY CQ,~:rROLLE]) ~· .SAEETY TESTED U.SED ~ARS ··1=-===ii
' I ' . I• l "
'62 PONT. CAT. 4·DR. H.T. . '65 RAMI. AMEL'.550 2·DR. '65 FORD GAL Soci 4>DR. H.T; '64 CHIV. ·IMPALA 2°DR. H.T. '65 PONT. CAT. 4-DR. ~~:·..=~·ww'::;:. $795 V-1, 9\llomc.",lc, totllt. Malo:. $1195 V•I, ~lomclllc, rocllo, Mater, $1' 1·95 ~ ... ·~:,:',.~f•~=· ai~'. $1195' V-1. oulomlollc, rDdl&, heol1r, $1296 olr condlllonll!f, tmpulGI •tu1. tinted 9lal1. Clll!lll'Y ytllow. Po'#.,. 1!e9!'!1111. C•v•tol wnllt. • •lllonlno. ,_.., wNl-•cellenl -u 11urrn1. LkenH Slll ~_ID-_ _ Uc-NGA 41~. ~lol ..... ~j. ......... _LitensL.RD.U.JSl. _ (Olldl!lon. L!«niOt_KAC 07-1. -
'67 CHEY. IMPALA SS .. '66 CHEY. iMi'Al.A SP. CPE.. '66 CHEY. IMPALA SS '66 PONT. CAT. 2°DR. H.'I'. '66 VENTURA 2-DR. H.T. ;'.;~, ·:1~~~· ,~~:· .1~1:: $19·95-~II"~~· ,:c~ .1~1:: s1795 =--~~ii:!~1~ZC!ro..,~c:: $1895 v ... outomotk, rocllo. llealll", s1795 v .• : avlDmati~. radla. heo~. s1995 c1111oni.,,.. 11111.r e 1a11. Cham-dlll..,,lfig. Cordollll IN, lo ml1n, dlllanl111, tin~ 11011. COnarv ....,., 1twrlno. CerdoYo 100. 1 PQWl!I' 1t1 .. lt1V, tin~ 11on. l~•rv
PCllil<'e Hid. Lk-• Tit.IC 1'1. ca,,..o whl ... u torn putt. Lk tnH ~ellOW". coi:do~a '°"' 1o low catTMO whlla. Lic.ens. ltXV t ll. whl!i. Lk en,.. RUC 176.
.... ·-. . . . . Rue Olil. • • mHn. Llcffll• SIU 135. ---~ ... .. . -~.. • .. I.. . • . I .. '63 P.ONTIAC LE MANS , '67 PONT. ION. 2-DR. H.T. '68 .PONT. CAT. 9 PASS. WG. . '65 PONT. CAT. 2-DR. SUI. '68 FIREllRD
v-1. ouroma ne. . $795 ~!;., 0=i:v'7 i:C':!'!' .~~' $2395 ~ •;:=~· ~ .~~ $3195 1~ •:=~· facr;:i~· 11';":;:,: $1395 :,..~·•;..::.:;:r'rfo,i:!"oii;ea:::;. $2795 radio. ,_..,_ •111on1111. Crv.lol t..r-IM. LI-. . dlllonlno. C:omeo wfllflt. ti 1,.. Cllllonlne. Ster'-"""'-Lktn$1 dltlot1lnt. corci-1ao. cw1t. lrlle·
LkatlH JQE 60ll. ' ' 'c......, VOIC --· -tires. Lkeflp VSV JZl. ' NHM lft. rklr-lurGUOM. License Vl V 560.
'61 PONT. CAT. 2.0R.' H.T, • '68 . PONT. TEMPEST eus, . . •67 PONT. G.T.O. '66 PONT. G.T.O. 2-DR. H.T. '66 CHEY. CAPRICE 4-DR. .H.T.
!!;..,~::;oi:.1cr~~·.~':!,: $299'5 ~--~·~·=.1c.~:s279· 5 -~·:it:·;.:.:-=: $'2495 :!.r~~=.~c:; s2195 ::,.';'."';'"~~~o:r~htlJ:i~ $179: 5 d11Jonln9. Btl.;.. llf1n. ,,.,.. tor 1lr CM'!Cllllollln-.. Cerdlv11 '°"' dllloi'llnll. C....6'MI top. Mlllador dlllanl111. Mala tle ere-en. l~ lnlerlof', CordoYo 11111. BtlQOI. EK·
wo"1111!y. l k tllM XEE °"' ...... Nit _,-gnty, Lbiu.t rid. LlbnM UKB 2'1. UT llt. cellllf!t condlllor!. Llc;il>iu.t RYI'
• XllC nt. · """'·------,.----
'66 FORD 6 PASS. WGN. · '67 BUICK LeSAIRE C. 400 '66 'AAMILER AMER. WGN. '67 V.W. IUG '68 PONT. Lf Mi.NS 2·DR. H.T. ~:;,~:r:i: ~~ ·.r:*. 51495 =:· =~ ... ;?~::~:~~ s2795. :~Tc~~=l~~ 51495 !r.cvL1~iit!. ~~~~ $1595 ?.~,~,~~ ~? w~r: $2995 wl'lllt . LlaMt Tl'M .Ut. t laiL c'....,.. top. """'-w~llt. -SAS 474. un11 TllC 111-blue. License VHG m. • 1c. TVC ff!. •
'56 CHEVROLET, STATION WAGON s395 V-1, eulam1+ic. E•c•lle111 1Rd 1er. C1m10 Whi11.
l iceRI• KKH 07i. •
'65 PONTIAC G.P. 2·DR. H.J.
y.f , eutomelic, r1die, "••l•r, pow1r tleeri119, feclery eir $1095
c11tditio~i119, t intocl 91111. l~i1I, l ice111• PIE 5J7,
• cylind1r ,111!0-lic;, bc1lle11f·· tunnint. 1111 .. itien. Li9lit
1!111. Lic1n'• IHL-&'lt .
s495 : ... l52 V-1, 1ul1metic, r1di1, hoeter, pow1r st1erin9, t<nted'
9!111. C1"'•• White. l1 mil11. Lic1111e NHU 070. $995
v.1, 1wlom1tic, r.edio, h11!1r. pow•r d1erin9, fectory 1ir $1195
conditio11i119. l i9ht S1e l lue. lice111• OSV 622.
'65 FORD GALAilE 500 4-DR. H.J.
352 _Y-t, oula"'olic; redie, hnl1r, ''""'' 1l••rln9, pow1r s 1295
wi ndow" f1clory 1ir · c111diii1ni119, t inted 91111. Cord1v1
T1p-Co,,.r. Uce111• SAi 210.
. -····-~ .1' .•.•• , ..... ~ ••.•.•. • · · ····~··••••,.,. .......... --~ ...... , ... n .L·····•····· ................. ••••••• .. . . . . . . . '• ...... . . • -· . .· I. , . . ...... ············ .. ~······· ........................ ~ .............. . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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. . . ··~
:·'. ---=~
··--=~~Tc~~-. I . , ·.
Here'• the kind,of neVts .auto buyers have. been
waifi~g fo,.! With tlie n~neleen seventies just ~r·.
rivinci Dwiton Ford ·fs ;'-~dt~-.t~'. decade w 1 I h th~ .b,ge_st n_ew a,9'~.~~.$~~-c:a'fsii'~~Ql;our history~
Pr1c:~.oil al~cars ·ltave · ·
' ••
Ex•cUtl~e Car and Dei.:.onstrator for Sale. Trem~ndous Sav-
ings. o~ ''T" Birds. Mustangs, Torinos. Galaxies, Falcons, Cor·
tinas ~ •• H11rry! · . . . .. . .
OVER ·60 ··.TO CHOOSE · • · .
HUG·E ·DISCOU N T·S b'e e.n ·, drasti~~'~-Y · ~e·
duced. The serec:tion .. }I: • ' • I > ' •
• • ... ··-_...:..~----~======~-----~--.. . •.·. : . . . .
has never been ·b,t:f'er ~.
And o·n-the-lol fh iahc·
ing . :makes ii . easy for
NEW 69'S
you to trade .up now to
t~at' better car you've
been wanting. •
ti'UST~NGS • Ti:>RINOS • T ~llRDS. • ~Ai.AXIES . • LTD's ·.
They MUST Be · Solcll
.Wf r• Ready To D~I! ~ Com. in Today! • •
. ' .
K ••• •
-· --·-----····--·--....... -.....L-.~ -·· -·--~ .... --.-·~--·----.l_:... ________ ..._ __ ···----.'·----··--· .... ·--·-··---·· '
• r" ·--------·~:
,.;. ---·-.
., .
I 'd
I '
' " ' • ..
' r :~
.. "fj" .
' '
' I J
,, ..
Terilyn Kell y. 10, :l24 Vista Ba.va,
Costa Mesa
Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len 's . .o\rt Contest. 1-le re 's all you
do : (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, \vhite papers• in"ches_widc and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace
picture. It must be yo ur own work. (3) Put your name, age and address
on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len 's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY
PILOT, Costa Mesa. \Vinner will receive Kennedy half dollar.
HONORABLE men I ion win· ners in this week's art contest ·--------------------------------'!
Gail Swenson, 9, Costa Bagdon, 9, Huntington Beach: /? IJ. /)
Mesa ; 'rag Casparian. 9, .Jainne Kartak, 7. Costa Mesa :~----Laro{~ Lorner -----"I Laguna Beach: Billy Huston , Rus.~ Findley Jr .. 10. Costa
•. Laguna Beach; Cathle<n Mesa, and Checi Kingsley, '· RIDDLES and JOKES Sweeney, 8, C-Osta Mesa; Keith no city given.
Dear Dad: Thing$ are pretty good
here at $Chool. but they could be
better. $ome thlng$ are needed moSt
de$perately, I hope you can-gue$$
what J mean and Send Some $oon.
Your Loving $on.
Se.I r-~......_ te A .. Awfy,
C/e °'11 ... C... Defty Pllet, ...
1560. c.. ...... C.llf.
Dear Son: NOthing is new here. I
kNOw you are doing better NO\v
than you have been. Write aNOther
Jetter soon.
II•• l•r 1w1y 11 tile laorizon?
ANI' undo I WW ............ 1a P1ul °' Kr.'Mr, eg1 11, of L11u ...••• a.. Ct Nfornle, for 1>11 -•!Ion:
Tiie horizon, of course, Is the
distant line whe.rt the sky
meets the surface of the earth
and it depends upon the
observer's point of view. An
average 11 year old boy stand-
ing on a beach can see about
lbree miles acrOS5 the boun·
dlng waves.
AL lhe far end of this
distance, sky and ' ocean ap-
pear to meet at the hori zon
tine. An average eight-year-old
gees only two and a half miles
lo the horizon. But rrom the
top of a mountain. on a very
clear day, both boys may be
•ble t'o see almost 100 miles
ioward the horizon in all
Tbe variation is due . to the
shape of the earth and the beiiht of the observer. The
surface of the earth is curved
on a grand scale. with the
ob:w:rver on the roof of the
giant_ gently sloping dome. We
can see so far and no farther
because of the slope. The
horizon is the limit.of our view
of the earth's curved surface.
And¥ w!'ICls • complft' "I'll ,.olumt set al ,,,. W"'14 ..... ERCJCl .... I lo
KtnN1ft om, •IN ll. ot o~-. ou •.
homa, for ftls ciutstOon •
What sort or hen Is a mud
The mud hen pays only two
brief seasonal visits to central
Oklahoma, so perhaps you
Your Loving Dad.
-Ttrilyn k ill>', If, n~ Vl1!1 •• , ••
Coil1 Meu
Jill : \Vhat's flat at lhe botton1 . pointed at the
top and has ears?
John : I don't know,
.Jill : A mountain.
.lohn : With cars?
. Jill: Sure. Haven't you ever heard of mountain-
-"ettr lhtl'ltll. I, Cttll M1s1
.Joe: Ho\v is your girlfriend doing with her diet~
Mike: Great. She disappeared last week.
-M•l'Y CiuJlll_, M•nli..,ton l11ch
have mi.ssed meeting him. But'----------------------'! •
almost certainly you have
heard his voca l repertoire. His
forthright squawks and grunts,
clu cks and cackles are cap-
tured on tape and often dub-
bed into movies and TV
programs. His bird calls pro-
vide the background effects
for certain tropical jungle
His name might· lead you to
lmagine a bedraggled chicken.
But the mud hen is not a
me·mber of the chicken order
of birds and though he spends
much of his time in slushy
~wamps. his glossy plumage ll'l '"'hile under his wings. He flies
always neat and clean. He is '"'ith hi s neck thn;st forward
however, about the size or a and legs dangling -and his
chunky chicken and h i s legs and feet seem far· loo big
favori te habitat tends to be for him.
muddy. Actually, the mud hen ti.1ost members of t h e
is a Grulforme bird and his Gruiforme order Jh·e and nest
order includes the cranes. by fre sh \\'Ster lakes ond
rails and an assortment of streams. but do not have web-
other marsh birds. He is also bed feet. However, the cool
know n as the cool. The ex-has lobes, or flaps or skin,
pre ssion "crazy.as-a-coot" along the sides of his over-siz·
most Ukely refers lo his wild C!d toes. He is -a better swim·
calls and has nothing to do mer and diver than most of
"Ith being as mad a.5 a '"'ct his relatives and he uses his
hen. feel to build up speed when he
Dennis the Menace
At different seasons of the ~kcs off from. the water. The
year, the loud mouthed coot i5 chunky, almost black mud hen
at home in most fresh water Is not choosy about his di et.
regions from Alaska to He devours small fishes, !.ad·
Equador. But he makes only poles, snails and water bugs.
brier stop-overs in ttrtain along with salads Of assorted
east-eentraJ state.~ as he \Vatcrweeds. He enjo ys
migrates between his su1nmcr ~·orms, chases frogs and nib·
and winter homes. The mud bles an assortment of roots.
hen st.ays north until ice seeds and grasses.
begins to forn1 on the water. The nesting season begins in
As a rul~. he Is the la st early spring. Both parents toil
migrating bird lo leave in lhr. 10 assemble a lcxi.sc pile of
fall and lhe most likely one tu reeds and rushes. The shaggy
retum before the first spring-nest is partially concealed
time robin. along the reedy brink of the
In early February or mid· water. sometimes on dry land
November you may have seen and sometimes floating like a
him with a flock of his kinfolk raft . The dozen or so eggs are
flying ,overhead. \Vhen you butr. thickly speckleCI with
know his field marks you can· brown or black. The parents
not mistake hlm for any oth'r take turns during the three
rnt'rpUna: bird. His over-all week incubation period and
color is very dark, blending continue working together lo
smoothly from stale grey tend and educate the chicks.
'otlow to glossy black on his The frisky youngsters, wear· I back, head and neek. He is the ing fluffy black down, reddish
only blackish bird of his typt brown bill .!Ind collars. arc J wlllt a sturdy white bill . Jn eag'r to get 1oing soon after
J -;='="'=h=t==h'=='='·='='=''=='i=b=""'=='==°'===th='=Y=h=a=oc=h='============.I
J For Top Spot..; Co~erage ,
llead the DAILY PILOT
PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz
,------;,,;:-,,n r----------, r---------.,., H001t0'1tl/TELL
• I
A Pl1WIO>I ™T \Otl llO!tT NEfD HW. All'/ Alll?E ?
ly Saunders and Overgard
HE"S /\ 6000 MAN,
10 HELP vot!
sottV FOR WHAT '! #-&llT 'fOll .wJSTTat ME ·
FOR n-IAT "'CATA/rlOll!Vr !
lrlE l3800 CASH/•BUT; 511./CE
I/ED OIYE "10RE 7HAN-. ,,._----,
65 M ILi.iON .1
!HERE: )In.
Sl'i 70
i..0""1 JAi
'"' ANCl!SJ
lret>E15 ONE:
}.Jo CMllDREN •.
'WOl2M5 WOW f
10 11/EV
t ~'. ·:. •· · IY.!T/ ! ; : . ; .
!' ~:-.. ~. ~
-·~·--.... ~~--.. -
PRrVB! I WAS ·TJVING 10 HI.Qi r-lfl.'\:'-t WSS S1'91CS!
By John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
By Ferd Johnson
By Al Smith
81TEAT .
By Gus Arriola
GO ON! WilE'1E
8 11;/ E)/01)911 'P
• ly Men
• -....... _,., J,
. HI
• • !
5 • 0
' -" 2
" " ' d
" " p
c .
Iii ,,
' ,,
,'Jl .,,
' "
• ' t '
lOOOGener•I 1000
Pele Ba,.,.eft R_ea ft'J
(Immediate Oc:c:upanc:y)
LEASE OPTION -This fabulous 4 bdrm
BAYCREST ho1ne no\v available to the dis·
criminating exec utive on lease opt.ion basis.
Outstanding pool & yard area . .Be in & set·
tied for th e ho lidays. Phone !or details or
see it.
1907 Holiday Sunday 1-S
LEASE OPTION Out of (ov.'n owner is
'villing to lease option this charming 3 bdrn1
BACK BAY home located on cul-de·sac with
great play yard for children. May also sell
on •'contact of sale" with lo\v down payment.
Phone for details or see it.
2905 Silver Lane Sunday 1-S
"·. BARGAIN! BARGAIN I Don't overlook this
,. · excellent BAVCREST home. Circular dri ve-t . '\'BY brings you to this large 4 bdrin hon1e
f \Vith fa1nily room , office or den. Large
Anthony pool. Reduced lo ~9,000 .
1607 Santiago Sunday 1-5
WESTCLIFF -•\Vas adult occupied -no\v
vacant. 3 bdr1ns, fa1nily room, dining roo1n + pool. lieavy shake rooi uSed bricK, dia -
mond pane \Vindows, low n1aintenance yard.
FIRST TIME OFFERED! 3 blocks lo ocean
s\vimming. 3 bdrms open beamed ceilings
in this Californ ia style beach ho1ne. Vacant
-\Veil priced at ~2&.000.
home on la rge R-3 lol. J\los l c.onvenient lo-
cation. Close to 17th Street Shopping Center.
Fenced yard . rear a lley access for boat or
trailer. 115,500. .
Office Open Saturdays & Sundays
1605 Westcliff Or., N .B.
Beautifully landscaped courtyard leads to
this ma~nificent home. Bright, s\111ny Jiving
room \Vitti view of entire back ba/'; den. 4
large bcd roo1ns. 4 spacious ba ths. a I electric
kitchen : dining roon1 . 1narble fireplace. Over
3200 sq. ft. $89,500. Call for app't.
Beautiful 3 bedroo1n home \Vith den: large
Jiving room, dining area. 3 baths; i;eda r cl~·
sets & room for a pool. $87 ,500. Call !or app t.
Entrance gates open to fi'ee-form pool in
beautiful, lush plantings, in this spacious 4
bedroom home with ma~nilicent view of bay.
Large living room, dirung r oo1n, 2lh baths.
Asking $115,000. Call !or app'I.
Beautiful Nor1nan Cr:ant bu ilt home on 60
ft. lot with pier & slip. Spiral staircase leads
frorn spacious entry to. tre1nendous master.
suite. 4 Bedroo1ns. 41,2 baths. lge. living
roo1n. family room. 4200 Sq. Ft. Tile r oof.
Carpeted & draped less th an 12 1nonths ago.
Offered by orig-inal 0\1.'ner. $179.500. Open
Sat. & Sun. 333 tvlorning Star Lane.
5 Bedroo1ns, 411i baths, 2-story \vaterfront
home. designed for entettaining & family liv·
ing. lluge family roon1 acco1nodates billiard
ta ble. 1naster suite with fireplace. Fol'lllal
dining room & separate n1aid's quarters.
Asking $135,000. Ope;n daily. 14 Linda Isle.
llome on the beach \vith beautiful vie''" 4
Bedrooms, family roo1n , large living room,
dining room, 2 fireplaces. Step-down "'et bar.
Outstanding landscaping. Lo'v leasehold.
$ll8.000. Call for app·t.
john mac:nab
901 Dover Dr., Suite 120
1000 Gentral 1000· General 1000
• • a • Are you in ttle mar-
ket· !or a De\V hon1e. a home
In a prime area very close to
lluntington State Beach: a
ho1~e you can cuslomize \vhilc
it is being built. a home de-
signed by outstandin~.~rchi
. tccts ~nd constructed t>l'"1•'ra nk
Ji . Ayres & ·son: a 1.,,01npa ny
that has been in ~·· 1ness since
1905 ?
General .
e e e e Come to RANCHO
LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and
Atlanta in Huntington Beach
<iny dav bet,veen 10 A.'tvl. & 6
Jl.r-.I. aiid select vour home in
our newly opene~ UN l'l' v·.
$2S,990 to $34,200
968-2929 or 96B-1338
1000 General 1®0
10 Houses
Choice Easl sidt~ lol'atio11 l'.losr
lo shops. Each hous..• ~rpar.
aled by ~ur.igr &: patio 101·
privac:o·. Lo1v 1nle1"1•sl -as·
sum ablc 10:111, No 1·aca111·y.
Near Hcirbor Hi
:' hornrs on I lo1 r ,u•h ha\·('
2 bdrn1s & I liJth ' J.u~c
ill'Jlll: !'OLJI\).
I~ 1:R 1 hath huu\r .\: tJ 011!1\1•
!:;<1t11~1'. JO', 11011·11 _ (Jnly
Grand piano si:.r.c Jivi~ room.
huge family room & 3 lxl·
rn1s. 2 baths. r'C'ady for your
f11m1ly, Nc1v .shng ca1'Jl('ting
& dl't'ur;11or 1nlrr1or. UJ1\·
111a111l1·ryant·l' ~ anl 11 dh a
Blut' JlJ't'ton Pool. • ~ CO\'f'r.
('(! JJll1io 10 re!a."i undc1" Cttll
1101v lo ~N"
Lj~,' • ](.lll11 (.1 $llil11110 al'ail)
T t R H I F I C 1.1nobstn1etrd
VI E\V or Harbor_ fee land ·1
3 bdru\s, + bdrn\, of.f patK>.
l;;i·. Jiv. tin, din. area. rt"
ft·li;, r!rllp•·s. 1·p1. & washer \
irn:I. <>NL. Y Stl.!'JOO.
NE\V LISTING • Chunnini; 2
lldnn. 2 lxlth, din. l'oon1 +1
l.!:t'. fam. roo1n: on br s ·t i
i;trt'r !; l!ix?.6 POOL, rock :
garden & luuntliin. cPI, &
drapc.'I .. ONLY $3•1.500.
r.tlNIUl\'f. 2 bd1mli. 2 baths,
lgr. hv. rm, hJt.jn'li, din,
area, 11· •\1' $.· drape11. $43,500 PRlCE~~J~~~':m" I
adult occup!C'd hornl', nrar.
~tlUOls i:. shcrppin~. l)':r. Jiv.I
n11 . & din. area. 3 b1rnl. 21
lm1h, bll·if'l's. t·pt. .t d1·11µ..•s1
• NO\V QN !.Y SM.7~11\
Fr:E :O:ll\ll'Lt; • 0.1•:in \•11·11
S'.!1.00J I
1l!fl" \'IE\\', [U('f'5 ~ s ln'l'IS
2'1 1 \\'.Coast lfl1·y :-;1,c;.:;127
Nt•wport B!'al·h, Evr. 5'1:;.;is~.1
Executives Attention
Assun1e ~'HA ·5~ ';, annually
1000General 1000
Coldwell, Banker
Custon1 built & Archit. designed for ere--
sent O\Vner. Lux·urious couple's home. Ext.
large mslr. suite: guest r1n . & bath. Pan.
den \Vith frpl. & \Vet bar. Lu shl y planted
patio. 3 Car garage. $147,500
Kathryn Raulston
Lido Isle . 5 Bedrooin -$79,500. Excellent
value on this choice 60 ft. lot. 3 Ba ths.
Larg'e, open patio. Shorl walk to beach.
Mar y Lou ~1ariofi
1948 SANTIAGO. Owner transferred. 111ust
sell. 4 UR .. farn. r m. Pool. l.oan ~an be
assumed at 6%.%. Q\\'ller '"'carry 2nd
T.D. $69.5-00.
Cathryn Tenn lile
.Just listed, a ··.Forever Vie\v" c u s to m
ho1n e \\•/lrg. Jiv. r n1 .. for1n. di n .. sitting
rn1 .. hobby rm. & 3 bdi'ms. 13eaul. landsc p.
patio & rolling lawn & trees. on ocean side.
. .\.truly unique home & setting. $64.500.
Mrs. Harvey
Steps to beach -4 BR. & !an1 .. ne'v kit-
chen. 1n tile-roofed home. Beaut. patio.
Price r educed $5 ,000 -no'\' only $59,500.
Carol Tatum
l~iY. r1n. \V/bea1ned ceilings. pegged floors
& rrplc. 2 Bdr1ns. 2 Baths. l)c11 'vilh frpl .
Ci rc. drive\11ay. Good pole.ntial ror re1nod·
eling-. :555.500
Kathryn Raulston
f General
_____ Gener•I 1000 G1neral 1000 JS60c~c~('~~v~~S C~I
Jn exclusive. privale con1n1unity. Slip for
large boat. sandy beach. covered patio,
large li vi ng roon1. 6' o Loan & all for only
804.500 .
1000 General \\!alter llaasc 1000 1---
-P-E_N ___ ----P-0-0-J.----I E\·r~. ti.\-1-1s.·t, h16<~?.10
I;:;:========. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' 1'111S \VF.EKENO I Mrm~ :"i ba1hs. S4.~.:-iOO. Su-I=========
. FOREST E. MESA VERDE BLOCK TO OCEAN. """" ~··dot"" ll"i-IN<J. ""'"'"' DOVER SHORES
and sav1• !13.00> in intrrrSJ!
Gracious '.!. s!o11·. ·I ix'd1oom
hon1r with :: lu.\.ur1ous ha!hs.
S!C'p down hl'ini; room 11i thl
ankle ri Pl'f' l«ll"Jl<'ls~ !11a.'l~ivt>'
1!.Y JtOO:\l 11·11h 11•all tu 11·a1J1
Fit•rplnt·i·. Glt•nn1l n,t:' OAJ.; 1
l IARDl\'OOJJ t'LOOH.'i! S1rr·I
ru .~. buil! ll\ il11f'rt.'O!n~ This I
no 111ain1 rnancr har·k yarrll
tw -. n'~ul;1lion V 0 LL !'.: YI'
BALI.. COUHT phi.~ k in~
s iif' BBQ fi1'f'pJI, i<urrouodedl
hy i;r1•lud1ni; hlock "'all 1HKl
i-< ·~ ~I ILE ·ro T HE
BEACJI' Owr1t·r lran!<.lf'1TPri
and oHf'r.-< :1t a Ll)\V LO\V
S3G.~,()J 11 i ! h suhs1antial
1IOll'n al ONLY $'125 11,.. r
1110111h 1111•lud1ng lllXl'.'I arnl 1
i I
:.i Br. LcJ,,. dn . pyt. $39.500 V.-\ loan :V-.l-1 per 1nonth in-'D L s 0 N 4701 RIVER i•l\KJini; t:.txr s. :i yrars nl".1•. :! . . CAMBRIDCl • •'llJ"?C'I-~. 1lra pcs. \\'31 1.'r sort. Bran-I llf'I\: lv;1n \\'1•\b' pLu1.
flt'r, built·1n douhl~ oven, l.11-:ury l1v111i.: :11 11~ ho·.~1. \\'t:~'TCL!f}o' 4 Br. ,\. lan1. 1· · f "
V1;;.1a 01•\ l.1ll•1. Pirr .t· ~tip
:iva 1lahlr, ~11 nr h•asr VP·
11011. Prier• ~·~triM. Walker & Lee
Inc. J:cnltors
5 ON I
EARN 24.B \1,
5 bea11rlf11I s l1tt"\'O lath
and µJastrr ho1nrs nn
one hu:,:l' :.!.'.:4 fnu t lol
ovrr!ook111'~ rabulou"'
r>"C\\'IJOl'l Bay. All ar~ 7
yPars you111.:. Fantai;t ii·
~lue! .1 &>d1•onn1 a ncl
2 Bedroon1 uni!.~. Scria-
ratr, clO!'it'cl t:arag1 ~. l'a-
tios n 11 d m;in1c;.u·,..1t
J!_ruund.~. Su b 111 1 I I'll
do\1'11 paymrnl. St'lll'f
<I c.1nra large bdrms,
CU~h1on Surrarr famil y
roon1 11· it h fin'placc,
11"1\' <'{H'fX'1!11 in Jivi~
ruoni, hall Sr maslrr
bc!UrOO!n. Covt"rcrt Jlil·
li0 & 1ropical land.sl·a ri-
111g. Va cant & ready tor
<l{'\'Ufmnrv, Ideal Joca·
1;011. S:;.'),j('() btlYll ii.
(0pen Ev•nings)
·roriiifll di111ng l"OOrll, sr.par-r1·r111c 1•1rw" 11pµc 1· ua.1 .
Protrclrd yal'd. SJJ.Jt'il air family roorn i1·1th firr . .\ hdrms ;: ba1hs -pu11ilrr
1632 DOROTHY plaf't', \\ood lloon;, 14 x 21' 1tJOn1, M'l)ara1r dilun;.: 1'Vvn1 ,
• pa!lo. tif>JtC'r t,, filtl'r \1i!b la111 il.,y 1uon1 \\1lh \\('I h.1r f.:
IP.V INE: Tl:.:RRACI;:, lin~·k & POOL, Block y,•alJ, landscap. s1·l~1n.I littplaN•, 1!1 x :;'.!'
6hd~ 3 Br. ~.500 · rd. ~11:.11-k!in.; pool in lan<l~raf)-$30,750
501 AVOCADO '"'· sht'ltr rNI pa11n. Sl U.~.000 TROPICAL SETTING! • l'SJiJQ~J(Mllf!l!\!tl ini·!udo•s lu\ur1011s ";u·11e1\ng, \\'t1l('r[;i!J & f,n1111a1n • l'lf'ur CA~J EO SlfOHES 4 Br .. pool. -•· ~-iiilMliiM hurn.lson1r 11all1ll.lpt'I'$ & frun1 hint· JIO•fl, Lus h plunl 111g~-
l.:.\cr·s de i~h1. S78.500 96 411 , .. ; l S4M1Gl Ja11d~1"1l1l111g. l111111('diale ~· Overs1a•d bcd1,.,1n1s, large
4545 REMONT I•""'-------l·•11~ui.·1 C.il l h~luy. den. :: l~1th.s. f;unily roon1.
HAL ' Pi NC HIN BA YFRONT l~an v:ens II Sons ~~'i:El'~~,t~;55'"~~~~'
& ASSOCIATES PIER e. SLIP R J w d c I BR , .. , "'""'· ''""" r 60. tfOO \J oy . ar o. 675-4 391 Anytime_ ·~· n1· t 1 _1110.•1 ".<'" l.\Cl.l ~I\',·: .\ta . .::-.T:-: M'p:.rah• nu tsu!r \\Orkroo111 CORSICAN~ .. htl1•n1, 11•ll h d1n111g, ]11·1110::11:::0 1;111:1,Y JJ II<' 1:1u.1: .. -,o 1n •t• hOllM', plra,<;3111 }111TI. ,t· 1n~lr. IAl1·n1. on 11a1rrf1·onl. · I Nt•a r \\'••s1r hff p J a 'I. ;i .
George V/illiamson
' ?7!)r1 Ha rhur Blvd, 1! ,\rl;in1s
_:.i:r00r1 Open 1il 11 "•'.!._I
Vi Ac:re • G.I. Loan I
Pool Estate
\\ill l"arry lu11· intrre~t II ::::::::::::::: loon. l n1po~siblr 1n J'C· II -· placr 111 $82,;JOO. To s~c.
l'O 11 6·!:"1-0:::0J.
l.uxury l1vin:: .t· Hll!lf'~ \Viii -$18 000 FULL PRICE . S2i.!OO. 1.;1nJ?aarol n E .• \JI
lfca1 ·,\• shakf' roor. J(ill)i si7..r
hrdr11on1~. Y1r!'plu~·•'. Jtoo111:
fur hur>'l·s 01· lu1"1,:r ran1ily l
liv1t11C. $41 .~. :ill).17:?11
TARBEL L 29SS Ha rbor
[)() Vou 11an1 a -hi~·los!'
lo 11 ;.:1'f'a! Elrn1 school in an1
arra Jll~I rr;.:ht for kuls'.'I
That's •1hi•1'f' rou \1·111 find
lh1~ :1 hrlrrn h•"Jn1r pyn1nts
lt·s~ 1b·1u n•nt. Jo'ull pn('C'
SZ-2,!'(Wl-\'.\IVllA OK. Bkr.
;14ii-&I t HOMES help 1u1nn~'<'. Ony s1:i~ .. ~l0. • R-l LOT :!-1222
WITH INCOME ... W:, rmtJ.·
m· ''1 ~tu·k '..' h.-rlro0111 wi th room ~G=e"n~.-=,=.-=1 ===~=~---
$27 .'150
}-ff're'" y1111r 1·h;i11• r In
i.a1·C' s..~. J ust tak<' •l\TI'
fanlasUr ln1\· in1r1·,.~t
F'l-IA lbiin. Xn rii1;i l if~111'.!'
~ l>cd1·001n. 2 hl1lh Col-
ll'::r Park r .... tnlr homr.
.,iF.ich \V a In u 1 pancl,..d
·fon1ily 1·00111. Oc I !I'\'.<'
built-in kih·h<'n, dr•'JI
pile 1v/"' rllnirli11'.!. 1,;n-
dc i· price<! fo1· Ml'•':t :it
$27.!130 P,r ~n1:•rl ~f'l'
today. Call 1; l'i-P';n::
at H11rhrl:· Crn t ~r I '.!:'9-J Harbor Bll'rl . C.:\1.
r i\ITED r~ut\D-Com mun ty
Che~! Thry i::ct the Job
•don" b<-~t
1343 Mariners Dr.
Open Sat/Sun 1-5
f1111no•·ulatc :: lxlrin home
111!h bcanH'tl ceili ng~. 2 lll'l'"
~t·c~. Qual ity cun~tru('\lon
by 11';111 \\'rlts. Flexible
11'1 m~. Quirk rnssr!4llion
I {:I~ I ·-f11r a11r1llil'r IH~ni··-Ynu1· 10101 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;O;;O;;O;;G;;e;;n;;e;;";;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;0;;0;,0111 l'\('11' cleluxr ~·plrxr.~. All bit Jl"~ 1n1·11 1~·: :q·1· ~1 11 11 ,. r f I
ins. shag crp!, drps g. larnl· 1110111)1 r11r this li yf'ar young
scapHll?, 71 ~·,., \a nnual ralcJ 67)..3585 Cuio101 n lll)rnr rlOS(' to :;chool
loans avail. .{-sh11J1p1n~. 1~1111:;:4• ,t tiVl;'ll
• ~ BJ':.·'l BA·r111lr . plus $35,950 i111·lUd<•1I a nrl 1hT1t}(•s 1hrnucll-
• 2 BR·2 BA·palloi: 5 BIG BEDM:OOMS oul'. 11011 aboul Sl,s.JIJ iJ011n
• l BR-I BA-dc.luxr sinsll' ramily room. ~ hlllh~. Bull!. 11aymt•nt~
SUNF'LO\\'ER AVJ::. in k111·1u•n. Drrp pilr 1·arflf'1. WE SELL A HOME
Bl11 n S. ~la in & Bnstol il'I~. lt u~e patio Eli•c1nc EVERY 31 MINUTES 1SS E. 17th St., C~1 f..(H;alrrl '~ 1n1 lr l.:. ur i::outh
1 61011•• ·l! .• '.1.1!·a1,_·,·,·,. nrwnt·r. ~flrlllklrrs. Wa Iker & Lee Rro 101·( c-IC);) Coos1 l 'ld~.a l'h!1Pr1im; Ci:ntcr ,..,..,. ,.
I C•ll 540-1973 TARBELL 295,i Ho•bo•
EASTSIOE C.M. LOWES T Prilc~ ---------l:n90 !larhor Bll·d. a! Arl11n1s I .... i1·r :" 1it1rn1, 2 bath homr .1 HR. condo in B1urr~ Investment Income :,t.'>-9191 Oprn tii 9 ";'1
11 \ih lrpi(-, , .La rgr b;u·k· Lovrly grt'fnbcl1 viC\11 & nc<tr $34,SOO
Arnold & Freud
<';ill nn\v on this 524.500 hon1c in North
('osta i\lcsa .
This ne<lt hon1 e on ri uiet cul -rlc · sar
slreel "'llh hu ge trees. & big pat io 'viii
111akc truly pleasan1 li ving .. , , .Owner
1\·ill p;;1y loan fees for fast sale.
5~6-952 1 ., 540-6631 ~·111\I 1111h /nJil \N'CS. Try ~wi111ming JIOOls. s:i9.j()(J 7 U~IT<;; I ' I 1~·> ~~-·· Family Gatherings
$!:,ere. Delancy Real Estate · · · i'.H'J:~ 01 ·•---=· 1 · Ideal ht'11' -higJ!f'lit y111•d In fiii'iiiiiiij iiiiiiiii
0 __ E C JI C·''f roo1n 1!1 hull!! .1 11u1r1' S)0.00() ,1 1 II .,. 11 1 ..
• """" · oast ii•y, u• U1v1ll'r ~·11! /·an')' Isl ·r11. art>:i., 7 ~ is. -" · 1:'.ru: ,,, 673-3770 II c I 1~10n1 .!. r1rrp1n('f'" :ifO.l•.!tl ...AIUlllfC.. We i·Mc ard e, R.ltrs. TARBELL 2955 .Harbor
I f A. l 1 y J BR.. 2 BA, family roo111, Hi\0 1'C\\J>Ort Blvd., <.:.il-1.
,. ' p Of 5•·<1J J n1'tri' drcol'. 1 '~ 1,T old-xlnt ;i-1s.7'f?!I 641-{168,1 ('\'CS. SZ!,500 VA appr<111uJ. 4 BR & . •rar . p! tJsl c. ..,._ ,. l'Ond. S32,500. 21382 Fleet •_•_...._.,.._.,,_.,..,,,...,..,..,..,.I lain rn1. Krnnl'<ly & ASi!OC.
Lane. JIB. Qy,•ncr 646-4328 UNITED Fund 1lmt" &12-!11JO Evrs. !'Y1$..()720 -· ----j'f'5; "F.•u· Sh11t'C'" Time
'rhis 3 BR . 2 Ba. ho1nc \rith din. a rea. fa m.
rn1. & prof. landscaped yard \\'il l be open
Sun. 1-5. Co1ne bi·.~ take a look. 3430 Sea·
breeze. <'.dt-.1. ~49,350.
Joe Clt1 rkso11
l.ovely vie\1' hon1c bi t. around custom pool,
in thiJi 1nos t de~ira ble area. 4 Bdrms. &
formal din . r1n. 0\1·ne r musl sel l at onco
-n1ake offer. S4!1.500
111rs. liarvcy
1849 TRADEWINDS -$46.500.· Most out-
standin g 3 bedroom 2 bath. on beautiful
tree lined street. 2 Fireplaces. Pro!. decor-
a ted & landscaped.
Carol Tatun1
1-.lakes th is Ca1nco li ighland s 3 Bdrn1.
bath a "Best /3 uy".al $43,400
Al F'ink
''The Blu[fs" 403 Carlotta. Reduced. $39,900
/Vista Del Oro. North on Vista Cajon to
('a rlotta ). 2-Story E-plan. 3 Bedrooms,·
Oen, J Baths. Lovely vie\\-',
!\1ary Lou f'l'farion
833-0700 644-2430
lOOOGen eral 1000 Ge"neral 1000 General 1000General 1000 General 1000 General 1000.Generil 1000 General 1000
Bri;t l'xprf'sses Y>hal )'OU_\\'ili find in th.i!'
rustom-bulll 3 Ucdroon1 2 bath .home 111
hl •autiful \Vestcliff on a NON-BUSY i>l rcC"t.
Courtyard rnlranCt\ ct?vercd pa t~o. sC'p!I •
rnlr plavyard fur k1dd1cs. Jmmediatr pos·
~ason Possible. $49.500.
AUracliv~ 3 Bcdroo1n, 2 bath1 home v.·ith
heavy shaJ<e r oof snd pe.tlo. S22.~ a.uum·
able loa.n just $'148 pct mqnlh r.P. :S29.300.
Tr;v 10~0 do"'"· Immediate J:luSi <.'s.!.lon.
Eai tsirll' cul dt' sac homf' "Ith lsrr c yard
hllrd \1 ith fruit 1ref'~. <':ozy nnd n<'a t \\Jlh
co11ert'd patio. ~l.~ ·rry 10•0 do11n.
5-P-R·E·A·D 0-U-T
tn thi!I nulstnndlni; :1 bf'dronm. 3 balh 11110-
s tory hnmc fC":alurini.: lnri::r ~r1fflr111 r famll y
room. forn1scl dlnln,.-: nr1•.1, .1v1·r~l1.f' doul)lr ~arac-r. Cigen!iC' ya1 d, locll1!'d nn a qulcl
~ldc Sll'l'CI. $31,995.
2U .
Tma"ifl{' 11 1·bcdrnnn1 '2-balh hon1r for only ~25.fioo. t...8.rgr rnjoyahlr ba rk yard. \\'Ith
fan1ily i;.ize patio. Assume cxbttn~ f1nanc•
in ... 11t lo"· 5~ •,;, lntcr1:st rate. Owner \\111 al~ sell FHA or VA.
One thh·d Acre \\·Ith hom<' sreludcd at 1hr
1•nd of n cul-d,.-:'Sa'f'. 4 bMtrooms 2 blllh~.
profes'lionnl d ark room, 26x37 foot. stc1>-
do\vn Iii in(:'. TQOm \\'Ith vaulll'd cc11lni:: and ~tnrit flrephtce, lol!I or glass, wlh view of
enelo!!rrl front nnd rear f81'd'l. So <'Iran It
iirarklf's, nu1y trade for motor Aflilcr. -
93.~2 Haz,...lbrook. Huntln51:lon Beach ·-. .. Sun. 1 lo ;l
11:1 Acacia. Corona dcl i\far . .• Sun. I lo !'!
20151 i\1cdlond Lant, 1-funtlni:tlol'I' ~al'h •. .• Sun. l to !'I
19962 Ran!"et" Lan!', Huntington Bea.ell •.. -Sun. I to 5
1645 Ik>mini. Co.~ta 1'.tesa .. . .. _,,_ . . .. ... Sun. 1 to 5 4R7 Ea~! 19th St., Cm>lil ~tc~a ...... SaL &: Sun. l lo !"I
1207 B!'rk:;hirr, Nev.·port &ach •. Sal. & Sun. t lo 5
llll Aviemorf' Terr .. Nf'1~1X11l Beach . .. Sun. 1 lu ~
11 12 Notlini::ham, Nr\\'f'IOl't Br11eh .............. S11n. l In :'i
2004 North Ca pella. Cos.ht f.1('.~ll .. • Sun. l 1.11 ri
2072 Ph:ila.ro('K', Cos ta l'.l<'Slt .
?!JO'.l Ca.,.tl\lt1 n, Jluntin>:lon Br a ch ...
.. Sun. 1 tn :l
• Sun. I lo :;
On :'-tllri ~old. A 1•hormln):' e111>tom built 2
bedroom plu11 den \Vilh a 11pneio\ls one bed·
room income unit for only $47.500.
ALSO ...
On beautiful X.la1·guct·lll'. Only 'A block to
ocean. A roomy 2 bedroom homf' with an
,,;x1.1·a sh11.rp :2 bcd1·oon1 JlBrogr a re1·1ment
phi~ a guest room 11i1h 1<,...paralc bath. Ex·
rrllrnl location fvr i;un1mr1· And \\lnteor
l'l'!lltll ..•
646-7171 546-2313 67!-1550
On cholCf' doublf' r·on11'r Int. R11m bl1ns:
ranC"h i>lylc \1•ith hca\'Y Wake roof near
rvcrythin,11,'. Lci1v rrnt.~ c11n br Jncrt"asrd
without vacancy. O\vner 5aY5 bring offer.
-Nking $43,000.
&:-2 nr:~ &. 2-~ BR &.II with :? bath!!:, all
lht: rul'i torn frah1rl'~ of a nice hon1c. Lo·
calcd on Cnrav.'•l.Y Orlvt'. Costa ~lt~a. F.x-
ecllrnt for live in or tA:ic rt lurn propc.1'\)r.
Prlti'd $1 .19,000. Call now for vlev. lh1t.
Remodeled 3 l>\_'t11·oom on lH1'f'I' 6(ixl:16 lot tn
111Jf'y. f orc<'d <1ir 1't'al, h11ill·lru:. lllQCk \\'Ill j 1 f"'l'Yr'(". 61t roan 'C8n be assumed -Only
, $26.9;',0,
Couldn'i k ill )·uur f'11lh u .. ta~m for t!)i-:
homt' Bftrr M'('ins It Jus1 ontt., A lrrm;n·
dous ;; bedr oom 3..b-l\11l.AllllLl.ll ~~u..u r~i.. ,1,.,11. Vl'l'de. S<'parelr fi'l1 nlly l'Of•tn, fnrm11.I
1!1nlni? r oom 111so l"llfln)? 1nTi'I In kllch""·
Ovt'r11iic fan1i\y fun hfl uk )II.rd. Juiot Ji1>trd
for onl>• 546.9.~.
* * $6S,000 * *
0 11r tx-~t ne"·~ yC'I i~ tha t on lxlth pror·
.rrti.c." aur .o\\nrrs. \\JU earry tHI PlllS.T ••
lndu&lrial Loi And Ofi!C'C' ....... $.12.:lOO
2~ 11q. ft .. Jnd~trlal Plant & llome ~67,500
;l. Bcd.i:ooru.llom1• (lu .~l·l..Lot...:...._ . .sz.i..!i'>o
66"300 Level 1'1-1 Lot CM-r. "ill fin. $20.&JO
. -···~ _..,_....._. ·------.. .... -.-.. ,. .. . .... ... . . ···--··-· --··---·--·-··-· -.... -..--·-~. -· --··~··-·~--·-·---
.. ~.
Set ; H!'l"'W , l M c:~~~~~~~~~~~~O~R~iA~L~-~~H~OU~~S~IS~FO~R~SA~L~l~~Hio~u;s~1S~F;O~R~S~A~L&~~1H~O~U~l~&~S~F~O~·~-SA~-~L~l1~~~H~O~U~SE~S~F~O~R~S~A~~~·~~H~O~US~l~l~F50~R~SA~L~l~~~1~H=OU~S~l~SjF~O~R~·SA~L~&~H~O~U~S~U~F~O~R~l~~~LI~ : -lllOO-~ol lOIO. c;.Mrol -. lllM Genor~I LOIO~ I!!!: ..___J 000~,. 1 .
I MA~;~:,~ ,c-0-~.i~~~~I~_: ____ M ~1~~;~~~-·~:~;~~;~~I;~
Downtown Costa Mesa location. Mo de l s ,
crafu, lft:ther & art sup~lies. 2,000 sq. ft. -,"'::.I+-· aito re. Appfox. $f2,000 in'invefite1ry·& .... flxfure s: F.P . onfy $15,000 -financing available.
~ OHL Y $11,tlll. Don't let the price fool you.
;,t Thi& two bedroom -elegantly carpeted. over i \Vood flO:ors ~as been remodeled .recently ·and
" offers a BEAUTIFUL BUILT-IN KITCHEN :~ WITH ASH CABINETS .. breakfasl bar. din·
'l'I ette area and separate Service porch. Live in I col'J\fort aqd shop only two blocks away at E.
17th Street Shor•ping Center. R-2 LOT -ADD
·····Ing wlln a total ~y Ve.~e Countr. y Club. Over 3100 !JI· ft .
"' me nt inchldiflt land pur-WI · 4 bdrms, a 3 car garage.& the 4 BeAroom, 5 bath hon1e in final staies o( ,_.... .... ·
completion. Palos Verde stone entry fire· chase or 011ly suo pe·r late.st & finest appointments. ·
pJaces. Family room ·&· billiard room. ·Beauti· month 3 ""btta:.hr ~rooms; · Offered ex"'iu. sive .. iy by Me·,.· Verde ·Real· fUlly decorated. P11iced at ...... , .... i1ss,OOO all c!Cctric kitchen, b I g "'
I • 15 Lind• lslt Orlvt fenced yard, 2 car prqe. ty·at '831500: With-a new Joan that is as.
Ne\\.'' &; beautiful 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home Vacant and ready. sumable al an . amazing 6.9% interest .
with lilrge sunken living room & lam . rm.. Privac:y Pleases OPEN SAT/SUN NOON 'TIL 5 wet bar. Radiant electric lieat. Crpt'd & Ind-z l)odroom pl"" d•n and a lot • at
scpd. Priced :· ........ -:-... -.......... $155,000. "'" ;, "" " acr .. Fn,;1 306 I". CAPRI DRIVE
' • 58 Linda lslt Drlvt trees galore. Eutside loca.
Just completed 5 Bedroom, 41h Bath home. tion, 2 car garage, 'vood
Water vielv from master BDRM. living rm,· burning firt'place. S21.T"JO
dining rm, family rm & kitchen. 2 frplc s. Rustic: Tradition.al
Crpt'd., wallpaper & lndscpd ... , .... $155,000. Ne.wport Heights, Two and
12 Lind• Jslt Drivt den, Hard11.·ood floors, fire.
'mes-£Ver6e'1ecifti, .. 2150 Mesa V•rcle Dr. e Phone 546-5'90
Spacious 4 Bedroom , 5 bath beautifuJJy de· place, built·ins. allty acce.ss
corated ne \v home-Jldj acent to clubhou se & foi· boat or trailtr. s27.ooo •
beach. Imported European frplc mantle. Pier Not . only Anxious Gen1r•I 1000 G•neral
Brand DfSW; soon to be-completed ; extra ntce
--units you'll · be proud lo own. Xlnt· rental
area, 1 blk. to ocean or bay. 3 & ' BedrMI\1S,
2 b8Uis; ffreplaces ; bit-In kitchens. Rentals
$300-Up. ··----.
All I-bdrm . units, easily rented on .summer I
winter basis at prevailing low rent.s . Gross
annual" Income $17.110. Asking $120,000 ... A
buy for oceanfront in~ome ! !
20U W. l1lboa, N•wport Btach 675.6000
2449 E. Coast Hwy., Coron1 Del Mir 67.M060
--l!-l-:Sl)!L YEA!L "!E)Y.s ompletely redecorated.'
,OOJIB EDROOM, family room, I;, bath
home with fireplace, forced air heat and
draped. Large over-sized double garage with
washing facilities. 15' x 20' patio, fenced yard s~rinkl'ers. Only minutes from major shop-
ping and schools. Convenien tly located lo
OHL Y '26,9il0. (Reduced $1,000)
& slip. Crpt'd & Indscpd ............ $155,000. . But Desperate I;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 1010 OAK ST.
Lindi Isle Development Co. Ifs in good condition. ~1esa Clost To Beech OPEN SAT., SUN. ·-----ijjiiiijilij;;iiiijjiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii 1080 Bayside Dr., N.B. 8111Grundy67S..3210 Vt"rde location. 3 big bed.-OPEN SUN.· Crom NOON Tremendous opporlunity for
~~'!!!'!!!'!!!~~~~~~~~i"!!~~~1 rooms, 2 baths. family room, fPOS6lbly also Saturday) growing family! Spotless 3
I' •• " '" :~ I· 1: ,.
" .
:: modem kitchen with built. 9231 Cbtistine Dr., HB BR. 2 ba , + family rm.!
Gtn•r1I IOOOG1n1r1I 1000. In<. Easy FHA tenns a~·ail· s•. ~, LOAN s · · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii;iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~I ~ 71 pacious pa tio Ir. Y a r d! able $26,500. Dwner anxious for offer • ,$23,500! 5% % Loan may be Don't Read This. aJready transfer. out of &ta tt . assumed. • EXECUTIVE HOME Unles• )'OU"d Ilk• a g1,.,,,. Exo<U•nt ro rner ~ bdrm BALBOA 'BAY PROP.
ing, friendly family s I z e home \\ith big $22,200 GI 67J..74ZO· ANYTIMt OPEN SAT./SUN.· home in Costa J\fesa's most Joan balance lo take over. EASTBLUFF deslrab!, area _ l\fesa Del ru"Y ~ipped Anthony Pool incl di I B Owner , h.u pUl'Cha.sed new 2001 Commodore ,Mar. This home is 'ntwly u ng poo -5~·eep. e. home; beaut. 3 Br. 2 ba. painted, and newly carpet-hveen Buchard &: Cannery
140 Harbor Island Rd.
(off 'Bayside Dr.)
Spoc• I Pool • Gorden '
Sea this bt1utlful hom• on Sunday.
Opon 1 • 5 $93.l>OO
'. ,,
'" · Vinyl slate entry, separate non-walk thru Ji v-1 ~ ing room. Slate hearth and marble front fire-
:. place in spacious family room. FIVE BED·
; "ROOMS, TWO BATHS. AH ceramic tile elec-
Finest 4 BR + formal dining room. Baycrest, ed. 4 bedroom phL~ family St,, south of &nn1ng, home on quiet ~tree t. Cond.
Heated & filt~red POOL. Assumable 5th% room. $29.<WO ~ ,.6.5810 better t~n new. Want& of· 675-3231 loan. 1 fer--a~k1ng S.18.5CO. '!!~~
DAVIDSON REALTY Har~or a~d o(l'.eG'fiie~T~ CORBIN-MARTIN _ Catalina View ISMAclam5atH~rbor.GM. REALTORS 6T:>-1662
Wm. Winton, Realtor
229 M1rln1, Balboa lslend
Opon 'Ill 9 Every Nit
• 1• "'
546·5460 Eves: 545·4941 0 "TI ,,. ''"" • '"'""''~~~~"""..,,.""'"" ,.,. E. eo." Hwy .. c dM 1-to\vn. 'f he DAiLY1 P".""' DAILY PILOT DI ME . A. slrf.E't ln Nc·wport Heights. u..ui
tric 6uilt-in kitchen \vith breakfast area.
Shakt roof. all interior and exterior trim
freshly painted. HEATED AND FILTERED
POOL -lo\v maintenance' )'&rd. Priced at
$36,950. 1000
Charming 2 bedroom 2 bath Classified section. Save LINES. You can use them
plus guest house. eoo-ra. money, time & effort. Look I for just peonies a day. Dial
.. ~ nnll': ! ~ 642-5678
tive ow11er will carry T.D.:"='':=======:-.'..==:::======--:=::==============::z:=!t As.king $49,500. 1-A!U!!.,8!~.~~~U~-lri=G:•:n:er:•:l·====l~OOO~G:e:n:1r:•:l ====l=OOO=G:e:n:e:r•=l====l~OOO~G~o~no~r~a~i =====ii
•• .. Spaciousness-Thriftiness
in Upper Bay. SLIGHTLY SPANISH, slate
·: entry. brick L.R. floor, "Death Valley Rock
~ Bark" fireplace. Mexican tile in baths. CO>
.. Nestled at the eM: of a private cul-de-sac. . t Large yard -workshop & plenty parking
space. ~EAR Y.M.C.A. -Be charmed. See
• ..
' ..
Imagine YoU 're an actor with
all the charm of a Southern
mansion! Walk up the brick
promenade thru double doors
into a Jiving room o[ love-
Hn~! Look past sparkling
chandeliers at· the art gal·
Great Duplex Buys
Je.ry and balcony. Step into BALBOA ISLAND·Near nl'!w
I.he: luxury of 1 15x13 formal 4 &Inn. 2 BA + 3 Bdrm,
dining room; entertain your 2 B,\, Xlnt rental. $85.000 •
friends in you1· separate NE\VPORT BEACH _ D1stom
family 100.n1. Your HUS. built 13 yr old. 2 Bdrm·s
BAND HA.5 HIS Oi\'N DEN! each. $51,950.
rooms, convertible dt n, for.
ma! dining and family room
"ith tlreplace and wet bar.
Custof!I draperies and wall
co\·erlngs. No care land-
sr-11.ping. F11ntastic p oo l.
$62,0CX> inve$ted -Sales
priced $57.SOQ.
Open Houses
This Weekend
" "i this. Oll'y $26,500. ••
•• •!
' •
220 E. Snenteenth St.
IE. 17Jh St. 5hoppl•t Ctr.I
OUT DOORS . AL!\fOST 113 \\'ATERFRONT. 2 & 1 Bd· 1:00 'lil 5:00
ACRE of fun and ar-1ivity. rm. furnished . \\'ill consider 1UM Augusta, Costa Mesa
J'igure 8 5\.VlMi\11NG POOL boal ai> part pavment J\1ay 3 bedroom, family room, 2
divided for children and <1!~ carry ls1' at ·1~~'k. baths, S26,QOO.
adults PLUS Sl'paralc thera-$62,000. 712 St. James Pia~,
pcutic pool, picnic gas BBQ Riddle & Ross Realtors ~ Newport Heights .
and BOAT GAT E FOR 3535 E. Coast Hiqhw•y ,., bedroom. for"_1al dln1ng
EASY BEACH DRIV E. Sec CdM e 675•7225 room. for rver v,iew of har .
: you'll like our friendly service
this BIG FAM ILY VALUE .......................... ! bor. $54,900
14 bedrooms + den. 3 lev-
els 2~il bathsJ before it ls
"Gone With the Wind."
EVENINGS CALL 646-2259 OR 541-3265
A home that 11parkles ''ith
pride of ownership. CUS.
TOMIZED kitchen \vith ALL
built -ins and glistening
floors. Vast expanse of con-
ttete. pa t I 0 I !U1TOUnded
by decorative b!"ick plant.
en. JUSI' 2· BLOCKS from
excellent 11chool and handy
S r\ni:: your "\\'HITE GLOV.
ES" and sec this outstand-
ing value at $31.900, a n d
Exquisite Waterfron'I:
hohie. Custom interior d('c.
oration_ Immediate possess.
sion. Asking $.W,900. 428 62nd
St. Open Sun. fM,
Elegant Contemporary
3 Bdr, 2 bath, fan1ily room:
L ook 11 like decorator's
home! Priced for quick sale.
\Vil! lradr for comparable
Arcadia home.
BEhLE PARTaf 613-1070
Beautiful custom home
With fab ulous ocean vie\v,
r>'-' I in ·Exclusive Cameo Shores.
3 Bedrooms, 3 Ba1hs,
Large family room
17X35 Pool
Evenings Call 616-1~
3 Car garage
Listed Exclusively \Vith "A,genl''
Colesworthy & Co.
a?d )'OU Vets bJOVE 1N .. '"For A \Vise Buy" NO\V~ 3 spacioLJs bediwms
and two baths. HUGE SUNK· 6(3..7777
man tic n1assive .BR I CK · OPEN SUN. 1-5
FIREPLACE! Beautiful area 218Z2 Spadra
or to\\·ering sh11.de trees on """""""""""""""""!Deane Garden Home plus
corner lot 'vith room for view.
boe.t or trailt'r. St's! buy this 5 3~ % 26412 Cortina. (l.a Paz) year al a LOW I...OW S24.:,00. 4 O Early California Ranch style.
WE SELL A HOME caII for Details. &Tarbell)
EVERY 31 MINUTES Gorgeou~ 3 BR 2 bath homt!l==="83"°7"-3"°n=== Walker & Lee 1000 Walker & Lee on quiet treclined cu!-de·sac:.
SALESPEOPLE New w/\v carprts. all built-Gentr1I
20-l3 \'lestclifl Or. WANTED : 2700 •llarbor Blvd. at Ada1ns ins, brick !ireplacc, fantily l-::=======;11 646-ml RAPIDLY expanding coin. 64;).0465 Open til fl Pi\! roon1 & hug"' oversized Joi.Ir
5 •--'rm. Pool pany no1v intcrvic1ving. \\'e $ll,900 MESA VERDE Ou!dOQr BBQ & rooni for
wu have nltlfly out-of·to\\'n buy-NEAR GOLF COURSE bo11.t & ti·:1ile1" A.~sumr 5~, -:~ Condominiums
$26 950 "'" loao . 120.'IOO. !11-1 P.l.T,l. 1 BELLI:; PARTQI 6-15-1070 CoLJntly Club jlLSt a fe\v sec. Priced for iinnicdiatt' sale at Lllrgt 2 6drrn \vi1h all the That"~ not al l -a lovely swim onds a\\'ay. 2 bflths. Elcclric $27,500. Call 545-84~~ South built-in~ Easlside COl!la
pool too? 3 baths. Rich \Vood JAY W. YEATS CO. bu!lt -in kitchen. Family Coos! RtaJ·Eslatr r.1esa, Priced right. O\vn.
panellng, breakfast bar, fire· 1-uom. 2 fireplace's, Covered ,. ........................ !! ('I' sayi;, "SCll or \Yill leasc -•-,, MIJ.l"""' 371 Ne\vport Blvd .. NB 1· •1•1120
$18,950 I ;~~~~-~~·~·"~~~~]!~~~~~~~~~·~'~"~·~"'~~~~~~~ Open Sat/Sun from J 'vi th S50o option.·· Act last TARBELL 29SS H1rbor ~ -i!E'f~ TARBELL 29SS Harbor trun Pet'('gi·inc Circle, FV on this one:.
' -1000Gentral lOOO Gentr•I --1-000··--Beautifully improved corner , Gentrll ''Oassic" hon1C', 01\'ner sac.I
So.lue a Simple SCTambled Word Puzzle fof' a C]r.uci_ ~
I I I' I I I'
I I' I I
1'-1 I I I
rificing for personal reasons.
BrookhLJrst north to Ellis
then right. Owner most anx.
ious for ofJcr tl1is \veekend.
Priced right in best section
or NP.11'port Beach • 8a)i:rest
at its brst. 4 bdnns, 3 bath.I
fan1 ily roon1 & don on al
~1~1)(' tree lined cul-de-sac.
Roy J. Ward Co. (Bil.yct~st Otiici')
1~30 Gall\XY D!"ivr 616·15501
:2 bdrm &: beautiful enclos·
ed lanai \viU 1nake for
cal'erree living for young
or old in the French Quar.
tcr home, E:..clu~ve. Call
now· for appointment to
see. Asking
Opon Sel./Sun. 1-5
Attorn~y s11ys sell 3 bdrm
Eastsidt; C.~"f: Vacant.
" '
I' I I I A lillle boy got on ~
'--'--'--J'--'-'--' school bus in Pas11dena,
rl0-1 D-cN-1 -5---~ sluck • pi•tol in the drlv•
~--,,....,....,.......,,_,....-1 er'1 ribs and said, "Take
Uppt>r bay. Ccn1ent hlk, [enc.,
ed rear & front \VI drivr ;
thru omanlental Iron swlng.
ing gatei;, Pan'ld & beam
cciling11 k walls: bltns, buf.
fl!t, srovfl, dsh"·shr., Over.
siztd hrilc. N-e w crpts.
S?!l.%0 . .Bkr £ 16-3150
Cape Cod
Open Sund1y 1 ·5
316 C1t1lln1, N.8 .
I I I I' I ._..._._.....__._ _ _._ _ _, th is bus to -·--."
• C()l'llol•t• tke diut~!e q11ot11d 1 I I' I _ I 1111 by f11!11111 If! the m1~11~0 word . • • . • you dtv•loo from ~!tP No. 3 below,
(>~, ............... _ ... """
1 ;;~,\·• I' . I' I' . I' I' ·I' I' I' I' I'' I
-·•-mii:;· .. 11111 .1.11111 .·-
------------~-... ---. -
TRI-LEVEL -$35,750
Bonus roo111 l\'ith wtt bar &1
ptivate b1J.th, al50 famlly1
room, dlning room, lnvitini!
flrtplace. l\fa.rblr hall. Patio
\\'lth lier.king , Near fint8t
!('llOOl~. 541).)71{1
TARBELL 2955 H•rbor
JS .Y.OU!l .. AD I N
CLASSIFIED! Somtone will
~ Jookln&" for it, Oi3.I 642·1 5618 I
Exquisitr: home in ptts.
ti.ge a r e a of Ne\Yport
Heights. Featuring 4 lari:::a
bdnns. den & unusu11l
rear yard wi1h wat!rfall
~ fish pool_ Call ho1v for
lppotnt.mtint to ~e.
Open Houses
keep tllls. INlndy dlrKtory with J*• thl• ..,..1191141 1t1
rou go ho111e h•ntl111. All tM loc9tto1U llstff! below
.,. dewibed In trffNr Oetoll •1 adftrthlnt •I•·
wkro In todoy's DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. P11rr.11I
1howln1 0,.11 hollllft for Mio or N refit are w9"
to lbt well lnfor'"''-" 111 tbl1 ulc11111 eoc• frlday.
12 Bedroom)
431 Riverside Ave. (Newport Heights) NB
642-8099 (Sunday)
7ll Marguerite, Corona del Mar
(Daily 1-5)
510 Jasmine, Corol)a del Mar
675-4343: 673-9127 Eves. (Sun .12·5)
934 Miramar, Laguna Beach
494-3066 · (Sat & Sun 11'5)
12 Bedroom & Den or Fomily)
2210 Private Road . Newport Beach
675-4130 : 675-1642 (Sun 1·5)
13 Bed room)
401 Bego nia Ave .. Corona del Mar
675-1326 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30 )
10761 LaTerraza, Fountain Valley
545-0458 (Sat & Sun 12·5)
*948 Darrell , Costa Mesa
548-9569: 540-4519 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5)
1849 Tradewinds (Baycrest) NB
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1-5) ** 106 Linda 1s1e Drive, Newport Beach
642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
408 Carlotta <The Bluffs) Ne'''port Beach
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1·5)
*253 Virginia Place, Costa Mesa
646-3750 · (Sat & Sun 1·5)
717 Poppy Ave .. Corona de! Mar
675-2101 (S at & Sun 1-5)
1100 Berkshire (Westcliff) NB
645-2000 : 646-6001 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5)
401 Ali so (Newport Heights) NB
646-5227 !Sat & Sun 1-5)
1501 Bayadere (Irvine Terrace) CdM
675-3009 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
1001 Dolphin Terrace, Corona del Mar
6;5-4130 : 675-1642 (Sun 1·5)
*9042 Pioneer, fluntington Beach
545-9491 • (Sun 1-6)
2507 Colby (College Park) CM
545-9491 . (Sat & Sun 1-4)
432 Magnolia St. (Eastside) CM
642-1771 (Sat & Sun \·5)
1964 Rav1nond, Costa 1\•Iesa
307 Ca rn ation. Corona del 1\1ar
(Sun 1-6)
673-2222 · (Sat & Sun 1·51
ll Bedroom & Den or Fem ily)
1010 Oak Street, Costa ~1esa
673-7420 (Sat & Sun)
24812 Mosquero, Mission Viejo
830-2919 (Sat & Sun 10-6)
~5 -Silver Lane (Back Bay) NB _
642-5200 1 · !Sun 1-5)
'3430 Seabreeze (Harbor· View Hills) CdM_
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun f.5)
**301 Evening Star fOover Shores) NB
64 2-8235 !Sat & Sun)
1845 Pitcairne (Mesa Verde) CM
540-1120 (Sun !-.I)
3046 Babb St,, Costa Mesa
757 \V. \Vllson, Costa Mesa
(Sun 1·5)
642-8232 (Sat & Sun)
1900 Seadri{l (lrvlne Terrace) CdM
61S.3000 , (Sat & Sun 1'5)
1218 Devon Lane (WestcliU) NB
615-3331 (Sun 1·5)
324 Snug Harbor (Cliffhaven) NB
• 645-2.000 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
.1343 Mariner,s Ori ve. (Baycrest),NB .
646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1'5}
tt1802 IV. Oceanfront, Newport Beach
675-6000 (Sun 1·5) *256 Oceanview:Ne\vport Beach
(Sat & Sun 1·5)
251 E. Bay, Costa Mesa
6411-1711 (Sat & Sun 12·5)
9341 Mokihana, Huntington Beach
842-6691 (Sun 1·5)
9802 Silver Strand. Huntington Beach
842-6691 (Sun 1·5)
17985 Cashew, Fountain Valley
842-6691 (Sat 1·5)
9141 Five Harbors, Huntington Beach
646-7711 (Sun 1-5)
14 B.droom)
*140 Harbor Island Road (off Bayside)
NB, 61S.333! (Sun 1·5)
218 Colton (Newport Shores) NB
646-2414 (Sun 1;5)
2980 Redwood, Costa ri1esa
' 545-0.465 766 Hudson , Costa Ii-1esa
(Sun 1-6)
545-0465 !Sun 1·6)
2114 St. Andrews, Newport Beach
(Sun 1·5)
316 Catalina (Newport Heights) NB
642-1711 (Sun 1·5)
(4 Bedroom & Den or Fomily)
1632 Dorothy Lane, Newport Beach
675-4392 (Sat & Sun)
10001 Cliff, Huntington Beach
545-0458 (Sat & Sun 12·5)
tt115 Milford Road (Cameo Shores)
CdM. 6111-6996 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
3120 Lincoln \\1ay, Costa Mesa
(714) 521-6012 (Sun)
, 5472 Kenilworth, Huntington Beach
545-0458 !Sat & Sun 12-5)
*1007 Holiday (Baycrest) NB·
642-5200 (Sun 1·5)
*16tl7 Santiago (Baycrest) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1·5)
**333 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shor-
es) NB, 1\42-8235 !Sat & Sun * 1948 Santiaizo Drive (Dover Shores ) NB
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1·51
2094 National (corner Oak) Costa Mesa
642-9730 : 548--0720 Eves. (Sat & Sun 12-5)
1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 · (Daily)
405 Francisco , Newport Beach
540-1720 · · ISun 1-5)
**32 ·Linda · Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (Sun 11-5)
1124 Santiago Drive (Dover Shore•) NB
615-5930 !Sun. thru Thurs.1-4:30)
ttl Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
6711-3210 (Sun 11-5)
111$ Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB
646-15il0 '(Sun 1·5}
**15 Linda Isle Drive (Linda l•le) NB
675-3:110 (Sun 11-5)
21971 Starfire Lane, Huntington Beach
845-0465 (Sun 1-5)
37~ S~ntfl Isabel, Costa 1\1esa
646-7711 (Sat & Sun 12·5)
bl" IS. B•oroom & Den or Femily)
1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shon!S) NB
642-6235 (Sat & Sun)
**58 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (Sun 11-5)
*3113:Jefferson. Corta Mesa -
646-0555: 548-3265 (Sun 1-5)
417 Marlcofd. corona de! Mar
(Sun loll)
(4 Units) • 716 Main SL !Downtown) RB "'-'" '
536-146,P anytime (Sat & Sun 1.S)
*,... ···-~-*:<'* ""' '"' w ..... "".
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-------------------------------------------~---·----·---··~~ -------------1
Saturdly, NOVtmbtr l , 1969 -DAil Y PILOT 21:
I O.-•I · lOQO Newport _....,, _ 1200 Coron• al Mer lllO HunlbJ!?n ~ 1400Huntinfllon ....,, 140d. Leg""" 170S O.~~el = . 1000 ~r•I . IOOO~n,r.i.. 1000 I
3 Bit Polol. FrPI. 12•,9'0
ti~ L.OAN
Py re mid E xch engors
~···~ • t"6
l'ElrROVS ~iiii:!F!i!Aii!Si!!Tiisi!iiMz!i!ao'9nYi!!E~l~N~i;l~.~.'.'.:LEA~S~E/O~PT=lON:.!•:!!~;;;~:::::;:;:=;;;;;:==:,==~~~b~~',\-:=1 ~i~',.sopi>~" ~'. t~""i!~0'.!"~~s!:i.!~~ Pau ·White· Carnahan SPACIOUS llv. nn. " Nm· New homes, l'eady to move ' In. 2 to 5 bed-view. Call for' ienns. PAUL . ,
541-t56t Ew ... ~51 9 .2J4t£y Gi L J
.... nn ........ 4 ah•lv.. rooms, 2 to 3 baths. ~ mile from beach. First rLACE REALTY .,..,,.. . WHITE I
GALOR.Ei 3 Bit, 21t bat1u, payment up to 60 days after move In. tlO DEGREE VlEW LOT o1 Rea fv 1(0
ovtrt.iie R-l IOt Olt BEAU. VA/FHA Terntt. from $23,990 v.·titte \\'ater &: coastline, CUKABAll -~ .,._
Prit'ed , under marli:et )at
S.ll,500, "Ea!tbJW:t. cholcc'lo.
TtFUL ........ Own<r waots ' The Beach •mall but leV<I. 17.950 wllh ........ e.. otter NOW! _ $1.000 dOwn, bal at ~ mo.
SEMPLE All due 3 yrs. Broker · l!A L5440 REAL ESTATE (on Brooklwrtt 1 mllo 5ou!h of Ademsl 4!11-1l37 497-J021 ~
2.;1.1 E. Cout Hwy. 67>2101 962 • 1353 CORBIN-MARTIN *1i'EAUTJFULCUSTOM BEsr 2 Br. O.Y.O. $17,250-
Trm" "'· llv-dlo. nn. Xlot OUR 24th YEAR BUILT HOME 3 bdr. or 1400 concl. View. Wa rren
2 bdr. & den, 311 ba. Huntl""°" Beech 1400 Hunti,,.ton S..ch 499-2001.
REALTOllS 675-1662
3036 E. Coast Hwy., CdM
Cost• Mes• 1100 -HARBOR VIEW 1====1·
Owner Desperate
Absolutely mus\ 11tll this 4
bclnn & family. Nict-r than
ne\Y with ga.l'tlen kitchen,
shake root, brick fireplace,
;1p1inklers J: llU'l'.e lot As.
sumc 5~ ~:, loan • 01\ner "''ill
carry 2nd TD. SUbmit )'our
Cu&to1n built t'State with
2 spacious bdrms., 31~
i;unshlne baths. Sep. for·
ma.I dining room + fam•
Uy room. Located in
Newport's flnHt are a.
$81.500. Open 2·5 Sun.
1132 Goldenrod, Corona
del Mar.
.... tot. beated Jiool, vw. ol -------OPEN .HOUSE :--6710~~1~ ~\;.~r~1~ High tHA ~~~.bte Sl9l s ~~~~.~.'.!m Legune Nleuel
17111 Want Quick Action?
,,.. .uv tnonth including P.f.T.I, 3 Prestige 2100 plan, 4 JIJ¥t: L•gune N iguel Tar r. bdnns 2 be.tlv, 2 ytars new, IRVINE TERRACE upgraded w/w'carpets, drap· Bfdroorn's tn thil lovely 2 New 2500 zq, ft. 3-4 &: s Br.
Lo"ty 2 BR .• '· ba. homo w/ 1 story model home. SfOP homes in ocean view area. . e11, sepal'ate ivif'li:" room Ca quality remodelif'li:" done. with Palos Verde stone fi~ BY AND SEE! rpet!d, front landscaped,
lge, din. • famll.y rm., mar. place. Garden kitchen with w\lh sprinkler'I: bltns, self.
• dov"n paym~nt &: tcmis_ A
.. mus! sell situarion . look -. -f80P!llTlES WIST
ble !rplc., cov. patio, very cold anodized path thru slid. D_ 1. fJt'Ai l'~eanlng oven; 3 car garage,
best kltch. cabinets. ••1.soo. "'4t $58,750 To $61 ,950. Excellent ., ing wlndOlvs & doo111, el~. 1· 1ng 'th d u · l Qwn-mD<l ca....., f)••O<lng. • 'Ht ~ ln&nc WI t"/C ntnc 11-~1 ··~ ".I .... tric buill·ln range & double 't t t t •-1'' ~ Oleshire Real Estate STh-2503 eres ra e .uvm ,. '" to
oven. Brick tile entry. C " 6~ 'Ii. '· into ii. CAl.J., 5-1{).llj l Hl'ri-
QUTE, QUAINT, QUIET 121,,,.; • "''"'' • '"""""' • Le gun• N iguel Corp.
Thfs 2 bdrm, with ct:nler is. 499-13.U 547·7761
land kitch., bltn, n.11ge & ~qi ~~ri mljlp: 17C97 t-.lagnolla, fV RENT • sell •• 4.5 bdr., 21.:,
lOZ8Ba71ideDrife oven, ca.rpeJ.if'!i, \\'ill include m 545•0458 •· s~ • "-~B ·" ,._,,.,,... I · 0 "i lo ""·• 61:> n10., "'1l° &: lawn ...... .,.... •~. ......... poo I.: patio. n "" l. care' furn. 541-7008
LOW DOWN • SUBMIT f&. .{I S37,..,. DUPLEX WITH HIGR For The Big Family Di~;1•11bY. 919 ~ar.EXCCME,••---c=o-:~-:-:----1 Canon Realty 675-358! F.H.A. LOAN 4 Queen Size bedrooms, Tu'O Mo'sslon Vlei·o 1708
ciu 1nrerestn.o. ~..,.i-HOLIDAY HOME PLUS INCOME Assume tiigh interest loan ."ery luxw·lous baths. This,J-----''----C II
LENT FINANCING • 5* 'if. PARTY Remodeled' charmer on front with $3,CXX> Do\\'ll, J-fave in. home features stepdown Jiv. OPEN 1-iouse Sat & Sun lQ.6
FHA$15,()00Joanyoucanas. PERFECT r '" Ri 1 / dependenceandlef)'OUrlen. ingroom \Vith romantic fire-3 Br & fam r1n, 11plit level. sumc. PAYMENTS LESS < Bd d' "I .,, o .N ft. · ot \Y ne1ver THAN RENT BILL SMJL-mis., Ln. rrn. ~ amli.." 2 Br. 2 ba. apt. over dbl. .11nt pay your \\'ay. Gel place. FORl'\fAL DINING 24812 l'\1osquero. 830-2919
EY Rlt 6'i96G6 642.2221 rn1.. a dream , kitch. + gar. on rear, Apt. lsd, for 1;mart! Total· payment of ROOl\t, Sepal'alc step down .
• r. · · VIE\\', Open Su,n. thru 1~ , • So 1 Sl98 includes all. ·c re a I !antily roo1n leadi; lo com. S.11n Clemente
$,7 950 ~ ..... mo, 14;e. trees; , o 1 .... , Thw11. )-4:30; 1124 Santiago, J{wy, $.f2,500. Fie.". Inns. 1-lunlington Beach location. P et...., enclolled rear yard
SPANISH STUCCO Dover Shores. Cheshire Real Esta le 67S.2j()J Call beau ti I u 11 y Jandsca"p. \\'ARM & INVITING
Ncwly painted 2 BR on nicr BOYD REAL TY WE SELL A HOME ed. SI'EP UP inlo this i;:or. 2 BD)ll\I home. L?vely level·
,Clrner lot, Carpet$, kitcnen ~ E. Coast Hwy.; CdM OPEN SAT. & SUN, I gcou11 all eleclJ·lc kitchen. ed area. ~an v1e1v. Hrd\vd
range, large room 1hna-0u!. 67S.5930 · _,_ 1 1 • 5 PM EVERY 31 MINUTES FHA loan has p11ymcnts of firs, lrplc, bl~n!I. 2 car gar.
Eves. 5~7013. 307 CARNATION Sl;iO include:i all, \VIII sell concrete patio. By owner.
THE KESSEL co. Realtors FAMILY LIVING r.ragi\iticcnt Bay & Ocean Walker & Le'e VA at appraisa.I of $29,'60, :c.="=' ... =='=t"'=====ll
1916 So. F101ver, SA La.a-ge 4 bedroom, 2~1 bgi.ths, Vie1v, 3 BR home. WE SELL A HOME e ~ e 2 community pools. tennis & DON V. FRANKLIN 7682 Edinger EVERY 31 MINUTES ApMtments
tage Real Estate ("open eves)
675·1642 ,r VACANT-MOYE IN -
(' ~BR, 2 BA, lg-e family rm.
, Orps &. crplg, expl!nsive
\. landscHpi.ng & palio. COOL
, OCEAN BREEZES. 1900 sq,
:~ ~;s:h~=-a~.~a1 • R:,~~i2~R • 842-4w open ·ru 9 Pl\f Walker & lee N _E...::...:;c.r...:~:c•:.:1:::...-,-,--1:.:9~ao
HARBOR VIEW HILLS 24 HOUR 7682 Edinaer breathtaking: bay
If you desire tiota1 privacy 842-4455 Open 'Ill 9 Pl\l boat docking. All bit-in
in a prestige area, you will POSSESSION B kitchen, \v{w crpts, love this 1 )'t'ar new Lusk Y OWNER: 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba, thru--out. J\1irror ,va.u. drps,
A..~ ..
r.E A L TY . h l'ke fam rm, bllns, dl'pll, shag balcony. Security guarded. \ $34,900. i!:r 546-2993 ome; on an estate t Jot Payments lik -nt T crpls thru~t. 1 yr old. On N rt "·· h Wil d • 1--.""'==c-===-that is beautifully landscap. I! ''" • ry ul-d N h 1 ewpo ~c · tra e. TEENAGE TREAT I l Sl~ down Assume GI loan c e-Ac. ear s c s, 838-5460
~ . fl,
Nt:ar NP!. Post Ole. 646--2414
OCEAN VIEW ed w BR's, 2 BA 's &: "X• bche~. shop'g. Complotoly ' ~~:;;;.~~----Your family "''ill ha\.'e a ball · 1 J 1 9 """ of $23,185 at $205 n1onth. '"RENTALS ra rge am rm. $4 ,;,w. fenced & landsi:a;>ed. Im·
:. 'in this 3 BR home nr. Close in Harbor Hi area. 3 Ownl!r 675!7470, 64+2958. Nearly new 3 bdnn near n1ac! See al 21Ml Archer Hou1e1 Furnished ;College Park 11•ilh HUGE bdrms. 2 baths, all electric schools&. park. '(4400 DfVORCING, by owner. 2. Circle. S40,CXX>. 968-1564. • I sq Ill fan1ily rm. Lois kitchen, Huge patio. F~
of room for Billiards $30,000 simple • not lease hold. Call Sty. 4 Br. 3 Ba. executive
:&·there's an existing FHA Mark Les, Reallor 548-7711 hon1e. View, lge. lot. J-larbor Katlllla Reelty 8474061 Fountain Valley .:.__;...c:.,: 1410
• J v I c 1~01 E Vie1v Hills. 3 ?.Jos. ne,v. l oa.n.... ogc o. -'O<I • anytime. 6~~ %, $145 mo. Spacious 5
·-.Coast 1111')', Cdl\-f. 673-2020 t·F-O~RE-CL0~~8-U~R~E-~IP~•-rk 4~~·:rt Cardiff Pl. 644-5006 By owner: spae, 4 Br. condo. Br, 3 Ba, Jge lot. Top
•• '1901 Fedl.'ral Assume s;; ·~ Lido) Tow nhse. 3 BR, 2~i comp, IY/bltns, pool privil. n t: i g h b 0 r h 0 0 d vi c '
.. · $12.500 PITI 106 rent l6j BA. Frplc, hltns, pool Bilbo• Peninsula 1300 Assume existing FHA loan Brookhunt A: Elli!!. Drpf!I,
General 2000
"""""" ••• "'-Wll1ID :i=l llllDOOtAI-""""" An.·· ROCMMAn SOYKE ', t$10l\I cquily \\'Oi'lh holdin~ Needs paint & etc. $28,i."iC). "''ith lS~'iC int. l\-fo. paymts. xtra crpllng, 2 frpl c ,
becauseof C-1 zoni~ Liaison Co. 646--0732 Developer's Duplex Sl.13. \Vhy pay rent & coJ. coveIM patio. !!prinklers 4»W,lM.C•d•M.,.,MMJl1
also No. 1900 "·(11 0' on 19th \VATERI-~RO/llT DUPLEX Thrte bedroont upper tv.·o lect only-receipts? O\\·ner front&: back. fruit trees, 4 enr 7 7 ~-
Hot Buys one or both /d k 1 , 2 BR l.: 1 bedroom lol\'er \n very good "''ill help with finan·c. l'ull yrs old. $32,750. E-Z lerms.
4 4 4
L\11c Rily 5'S3 \V. 19th \\' oc · mmac ,. · ta! N. J·"I 1 plice $19.000. $2-2177 eve/ Leaving state 962-3475 R nt I t Sh 2005 54&-9~93 5-l&-:25~2 . BR. $62,500. 7.2 ,v Joan, ren area_ ow w y ea,s... • e a I o are
, · e\e. O"'NER ~102 ed. GOOd growth potential. \\'knds. SACRIFICE lrg 4 BR, 2% 3 Bd •·-t Sh Co ,. 0 I '"~ $22 000 4 BEDROO BA '! do !i Co r. ,_,, 0 arc. nven , \VILL TRADE R SELL OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX .,,...,.......,. , M n ea w ome. rner to UCI OCC & So Coa.s.
I • *OPEN HOUSE SUN * .f BR. 4 2 Br. unit. \Valk to BURR WHITE ''VACANT'' lot. Boat gate. Crpl'd thru· Pl 'F' 1 · t
• }Bl~ ~i'f°ln \\laiJ1 ~ shops. $.19.500. Agent REALTOR $140 per month includes .all ~-rps. Only $29,900. E~ ir;:t~C:· ~~:
" am rm. · • 642-3850 or 833-1077 '1901 Newport Blvd .. N.·B.. on exU;Ung klan anyone can Prefer 11tudents. .,,,"Orking
I TRUST REALT'i 67S4630 &&2·2253 Eves. assume without qualifyi"1'.!! 164S glrlll. Call _ 577~ or ! fTI41 521-6012 Bluffs prime on Bay location. Featuring 4 hU,ge bedrooms.1 N~o"rt.;.hc..T.;..o~s"t.;.ln.;.... __ ;.;..:;; 548-7376 before JO P>,J.
• 2 """· 139.500 Cail 644-2250 REDUCED 2 1 J STORY 3 BR, 2 BA, crpls. evcs/1vkends Great fami1'" heme nr. bay Wf1Vious baths. O'larming OWNER Transfe1Ted·S!ngll! LADY will Share Largo
tl-• bltns Ne"·ly painted ..,,:,;,,..,,..,,;,·..,,...,.,...,I OJ "Quecns" kitchen. Great Jiv. ' .,. • · _.. & ocean. 4 Bel, Mstr, extra story home In beaulifully J\foblle Home, with ~me ~nterior.· Lrg . fam nn. Well Newport. Heights· 1210 Jge. 3 Baths, fam_ 1TI1 . 2 ing room with rich ~nel-tna.intained neighborhood. age 40 to 55 yrs. 530-6725 o; ,Jndscpd: patio. $31,950. F k N . "S""" ing-, Al'lkle deep carpeting, \\'ell 1 ........ out, Bdrm 3 ..,9142 • ~9-2286 1vkdayi;, 5'10-5844 RUSTIC MODERN R'. c". o""R'E"E."R· R~e .• ~lty' Excellent cul.de-sac \V j 11 .....,. .. ~ 'I ' ......... •
• kod Bkr .. ,,U FHA aod VA. bath, den, 3 car gar. Rear F;,E=cM:...:,:AL,:.Ec..-roo-m-,-,.-.. -1-.. -30-ll
eves "' !!. · "'~"~ Vt'a L'"o ~9300 -pool area 80,..., cl'TTtent for · ~=-=-~-"-'-~~~-! !'.1uch glass, open beam ceil-,,.,,.,,, "' v•,,. WE SELL A HOME . '. '0
• .-Bayfront apt in Balboa. $50 , L!Kl~ Nrw, 4 bdr., 3 ba.: ings, 2 BR, 2 BA, dining, EVER easy living. Joilll pnce mo. ti75-0l5S
• 1Ch·l'r 1700'. Very Lrg. Liv. play area. Lrge fenced yard.L __ ind_a_ls_l_e __ .,,.._1_306_ Y 31 MINUTES $59,500. Custom lurnlshlngatj==-....:.,.;.;_. ___ _
' •Rn1. & !\last. bdr. Kodcll Walk r & l also available: Spanis h , GIRL needed to share my 2
ll'1·p111g. !"ear OCC & i;chls. ~ .. ~~t i~:ideo:::i· LlNDA ISie lot lorSaJe by e ee Oriental, &. Conlemporary. BR home in CdM. $75/mo.
, IPnlio. clbl. gar., SJ:l,9;il. o'vner. $32,5()(1 .plus I ease 7682 Edinger Principals only. 138Jl Gll!n· 67J...6867 aft 6 pm.
' l!i40-837ti. Dover Shores l227 pa.ymt. of $4300 per year. 842Mli Open 'Ill 9 PM mere Dr. 838-1066 WANTED refined lady to
t t d Slip capacity for 2--ro' boal.!5. share home in Bluffs. N.B. • i:TRA storage.:.; ra g Y , NICE 4 BR home, bolow • NICE' 3 B !" "-I I bl V'ew f 51 Ft, "'aterfront. Approved Laguna Be1ch 1705 Kit & laundry priv. ~ :-:1ra . r. "' ua, rrap acea • I o ma rket. Quick sale by ----1 ' 1r1R. Assume 5~·'7o FHA, BAY & MOUNTAINSI plans included, S48-3286 owner $25,400. 5~''/o FHA THE N!;RSE will share 3 BR, HS
,' i!?taJ $2;i,500. 0 \V n r · Unique "old "·orld" contem.64 ,='_...=='==·='==== Joan. $146 pi!r ·m 0 nth . ho1ne w/woman, 962--75~if
ttH2-8232· pora1')', executive luxury ldo I 1351 Carpels over hard \VO 0 d BIG STEAL no ans-aft 8 pm.
'l.£AVING AREA! Ownen home. 500J sq, ft. 4 BR's.L o...;;.:..c.1"'"-e------floon1. SUnken LR \\'Ith Here's a "real sleeper" \YIU.. share my 2 Br apt.
!selling located 3 berlroom 2 ·1~3 BA + maids qtrs. Ideal LIDO LOVELY fireplace. Patio, "-ood deck. OIAR.i.,1ING OLDER LA-pool w/gil'I 25 to 3j \Y/good ~th borne. Hurry for Sav· for entertaining. Easy niain. 4 BR, + family rm~ 4 bath! Great neighbors ·good loca-GUNA HO~fE WITl-f EX· morals, Refs. 6'5--2969 aft. 4
, ilngs here! 54>7031 Immed oc:cup. Furnished & a kitchen to ··uve in." tion. Nr Goldenwest • TERIOR OF OLDE DRTCK, BACHEWR Wiii share Npt
i;::::;;..:::::.;c-"=-;;c--::::;ctd:ocd:;;::-1 or unfurnished. Assum 40 Ft. on "''itle slrec!I . \Varner. 847-416:"1 Tl-ERED J Bdrm 2 Bath crp , rp, 6~~% loan. Box l632 NB STUCCO, \VEA I Hgls home. Musi see to ap-
lfrplc, bit-ins, dish\\·asher. !">-18-72-19 . Quality construclion Owner Transferred s H ING LE ROOFLINES. preciatc. 646-6112.
· lch>ersizcd gar. \\'/elcc open-Wilker Rlty. 675-5200 Nes-tlfd bt!ll<!ath towering MOTHER & child share nly
ccr. Like nc.w, \V/side Clll W t r ff 1230 :366 Via Lido, NB ()pl.'n Sun. shade trees,. a co_n1plctely Baylront tmmc. ~S.0137 3ft l . es c I Assume FHA. loan. Pymnls fenced lot. Just a blocks Call 61' "'~
" NEWLY DECORATED under $1 7a month. 4 BR 2 I •· h ho . . ,, =====:o~:=='==ll
B!t 2 BA, bltns, pa!LO · rom .....,ac Ii< ti pp1ng, 1n1•
'BBQ fam rm Full piicc OPEN SUN. 1·5 Beaul. lge. !iv. rm. 3 BR. bath Prestige Honie. J\o charminG: .olde La~ u n a Costa Mesa 2100
J ~ ::.(X)' loiv dOl~'n assume 1218 DEVON LANE 2 baths, 40 Ft. lo!. qualifying. Beach liecl1on. --------
1: lo~n. 766 H ~ d s 0 n. 3 BR. 2 ba. \v/beam ceilings. $64,500 The Real Est ate Mart UniqUe 2 BDRl\-1. & DEN $123/month. Deluxe Mobile I
;540-7211 Jmrhaculate! S~l.900 LIDO REAL TY INC. 847·8531 FLOOR PLAN, Aerviced by 11ome. Adult park. pool
' AN lslund in !he sky; 4 Br. 3 WILLIAM WINTON 3377 Via Lido ' tiil-TJOO -~Ow-n-ee-"-"Tranl'~fe_r_r-ed-2 BATHS. DEN HAS "'000 clubhouse, 6-16-2636, 548-4405.
, I&. S""clacular ocean viev.'. Real E st•te 67S.3331 I ~..,.,. _____ .,.,. Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2\8 PANELED WALLS, SILT. No pets.
I "' 1'!!!!~~~~~~~~1 BEST BUY b ti 0 l t Ca IN BOOKSHELVES, cozy t,·-R~h---.l-.. -,-,~--492-7481 a t, n corner o. rp. L·O G BURNING F'JR& B ouse, Ull ..., mo. ;;;;;,;,;;;..,.,....,..,..,...,I U • 1 p k 1237 For ige. family, r.todtrn 2--ets/drapes, all built-ins. For. PLACE JN USED BRIC,,.. * * *Also garage $15 mo. · d 1110 nrvars ly ar Sty, 4 BR. + conv, den. mal dining roon1, service ..,, 642--3837
' ~sa Var e Din. rm. Dramatic entry. porch. family room, AS5ume DESIGN. 2nd bclnn. has/,:::=:========11
; ~$169/Mon Total . MAY WE Only 7 yeat"ll old. $76,500 6% GI Joan . price $35,900. private entrance, \v/bath. Newport Beach 2200
1 PAYS A.LL when ~u assume Show you lh,is ~ciou.s-4 BR. Walker R.lty. 675-2676 Paul Jones Rulty Bright & cheery larmstyk,J:cc:.c.:;;;;:......;:.;""'"--=
th.,, , .. ,, ... ·, a•u·' ""rccntage To1~house. lt, s pnced to ATTR ACT I y E 2 BR 847.1266 Evl!. 847-8919 kitchen. 1-1 AS BLT • IN BEACH-Bay front, fantastic " cu r-11 in Jow $30 T rm BREAKFAST BAR, rallgl! view, 3 Br. 2 BA, sleep!! 8.
,rate r .H.A loan. Outstand-SC 5' e s. Remodeled. Owner will car-Beach Home & relrigerator. Thi~ better Winter. S300 mo. 939 w. Bay
Jn ... !\1ESA. VERDE home • d h·11 ry lge loan. No points. quality home is NOT A FIX-Ave. 6U.2012 eves, m-3580 \\'~" 2 F'IREPLA~S. ne"'' re I $45,500 Pllil s u 111 van. 2 BR, den, new cpts/drps, ER UPPER, but could stand days.
dl'll""S and llL\:Ul"IOllS c•ar. ="=&.6'1=='=1.======= li"'-· t " · '-'""--------,.. fl)llc, living room, dining a ""'.: pam • mU'IOr re-BA YFRONT CoHagc boat
l>Cting-. COURTYARD E~· REALTY Huntt ..... on _Be_ech 1400 room. B<'lter hurry: Price r>a:irs. \Ve haven't~~ llllY· sllp avail. SUO • n1 o, .:rr.v and ALL .t~ extras~ tn Univ. Park Center, Irvine ''W' $23,950. Owner/A.it. thi.ng to compare wilh it for, Bayahorcs Trailer Park.
kautif\d condition for JUS\ Call Anytime "833-0820 POOL PAD -847-3!119 or 5J6-45.J8 $26,950 64&-2634 . ~28.:.C'O. HURRY~ I~::.:.:::::.....----~
WE SELL A ft OME CONOO. 2 Br, 2 ea, l noor, s.i.~0:~ ~~ d!~~~-Where In The World FULL PRICE s~u~s·~~ ~a:Y 2
; . VERY 31 MINUTES '1166 Se!on Rd.. ll'vinc cd to issunie lo'v intci"Cst can You find a neat 3 bdrm O\VNER WILL n . l 67-122-642 3&!: : Wa Iker & lee $2'l,9."J() owner SJ3..-0842. V.A. Joan tor !hi~ shal'p 5 hon"IC in excellent 1-1.B. Joca. 1-{El.P FINANCE S.'\50 yr y. ;)-~. . 'a
he<lroom home .,,,1th 36' Pool, lion tor only $14,9.)f), Call MISSION REAL TY ! :zc.i3 \VestcliU Dr". Ea1tbluff 1242 Lois of deeking 11 nd patio. Ior terrific tern111. . 98S So. Coa.st HW)'., Laguna Balboa 2300
• ' ' 646-771 I BY OWNER Gorgeou.s carpets & Drapes. Pacllic Shores Realty Phone (714) 494-0731 ..... $ ta I ~-v· ""8894 .E ~·g pi!C cu nr V\.-..:an 1e\V
f CED t.Jodern garden type kitchen .• -~~~~~·~"'!'·~-~'!'2133~ FOR SALE by Ow n c r . Penln. Pt. 4 Br. 2 Ba, beach R·EDU C\lstom Blulfs 3 BR split Priced at $27,500 Jo"UU. ,::; Sacrifice, leavtng f o r $198 1,1.i nler. ti7~
Musi sell 5 Br, ~ Ba P.cpub-level w/ Bay View l: gl'een PRICE. Total .Pl,ymenll, HUNTINGTON HARBOUR? Europe i m m e d I ate J y . 2 SPORY 3 bdt z b
... lie ttomt. Bceut df'COriltlll8 bell. Lrg \V4llcd-Pill.IQ. Pltn just like rent. You can live there -on the Custom built wood &: glass S Jou • .. _ ·• 1 .... ~·
" land~caping. $47,500 by T. Custom decor. $53,500. WE SELL A HOME \\•ater w/your own boat-house. Oct:!an & canyon f>llC s. QOY vs. 6_.
Own e 1·. 2060 Phalarope Consider offers or yc"a1fy EVERY 31 MINUTES dock. Leu money dnflower view, wall to wall carpetlllJ", winter. No & l-u·d en ts · ~ lease option, Owner will fio. w lk. & l pymnts lhan you thought. built • lna & tl~Lace. 2 ~S,;:71~4167:;:;;======.-ll 1£o=~=====I """'· 615-222! a er ee Laod..,,tractorpnopa;dint Bedn>Om,' Batlu. Uotque lie h 270S aw port Beech t200! ~======== might be OK -ttrla owner construction. OPEN HOUSE L•tUM ec
1:;:::=!:::::.:...=.:.::.;...._:..:..:01 Coron• del Mir 1250 7682 F.dircer demands. action. Rex. L .. S&t & Sun 1-1-5, weekda.ys STIJDIO suest ~. $100 a
·B/8 OPEN SUN:12.5 842-4455 Open 'tll 9 PM Ho<Jae1, Rltrr. 847-2525 after 6. 93.f Mlramar, La&. mo. Utll. tncludtd. Nr.11tore
w .. 1cnm sv.•1o Loon s10 JASMINE BY OWNER• BR, 211 BA large 4 BR Bch. '"""" ~beach. •......a
• Open Sat/Sun 1-5 A-pealing,~ )Wr chimes! ::::.~rfll~1~1U:~.!m,! \ 1
COASTAL VIEW! 1•n="'N°'T"'A~LS~-~---
11DD BE RKSHIRI' Newly deooi, 2 BR .. l'!'k.. W/LOVELY POOL Territlo: loan usumplio.O! Hou-Unfurnished ( Ucss J BR. 2 bRlh hOme. ()bl. gar. Nlct yd $3-1.~ 614~ f1lA loan. $36,500. Interest rate doean't ITI>·J---'---~----JI
aitl, new kltch. Sm!lll din. DOVER REAL TY MUtSt Cl/no down or1'-HA/Jo down crease: no points. 3 Bdrms .. Genarel 3000
I tJo 1 I!' cor $2.9Zi0 dn pmt. 4 Larre BR's BEST BUY! family rm., 2 bath&.~ yean I ;~ 7c,~·; ~iitri:i" 'i!n· ca~'l.6-7~S..~34~3~,_6_7_3-~9_12_7_E~·-V_E_S. + 2Cl:x22 ram r.m. Assume HAFFDAL Rlty 8424405 old. Reduced to $41,500 ~ • 2 n~ lrro't"I' do~I~"-
,B s ... ~f"IU!'l1•rty. di J\far;11cr1te. r.1cVA)' :1-~SS lnd8Cpd corn. lot. 1:1ctach 8"\ow bldg. cos!, "1-"'"Y _._.-·-·'-------II
In sellln9 your home -list now and let our
professionally trained stoff 9uide you in securin9 a
top marllet price for your home.
p.w.c BIG 5
1. Mllftiple llstlftCJ servlce.-850 brokers workln9
for you to help sell your home. .
1. Professional advenisin9 pro9ram.
3 •. Immediate f1119ncin9 Is yours. 1 •
4. PW C trode-in plan.
5. County-wide referral system.
To find a lovely home at
the right price in Mc~
Del ltlar, but \11e found It.
This C'Ompact, "'-ell-ar-
ranged 4 BDR.l\I home is
your ans1,·cr. I-la." quality
or graciousncs~. 1 ~ baths,
stall sho1,1.·er. Spacioua liv·
Ing room, \\'f\v c~ts &
drape11. lAvely used brick
lireplace. Neu schools
and !ihopp!ng. Large n=ar
ya r d with patio. Only
$29.5CO. E·Z-rt'rms. 546-5410
Thoui;ht "·e"d let you In
on iL Plush modern 4
bedroom, 2 bath home,
l011ded v.·ith cxtra.o;, hig h
qualit y v.·/1v cpts ·I·
drape.Ii. Automalic "''al·
er softener, Sprinkler!
front & rear. Bit-in BBQ
.. J6" grill. 20x22 covered
patio. Paneling in dining
area. Spftcious LR -
Popular College Park
Frplc· l'\lanicured lawn.~.
Joc. Price $31,950. EZ
Terms. 546-5440
College Pal'k location
3 big be<lrooms
:.' fantily bath!!
Coiy family room
Beautiful fenced rear yd.
Quiet I.rec lined strl.'l':t
Owner alf'C'ady gone
Full price $2l, T::I(). 546-54~0
INo O bligttion Of Courie)
Luxurious family hof1U' in
BA YCRESI' has design
that y,·ilJ pleal!e a 11
membcni. 11uge kitchen
\\"ith modern built-ins -
dii;hwasher. rec r. s s e d
lighfing, quality curved
form a 1 dining. room.
Separate, den off kitchen,
sliding doors open out to
parklike yard and lovely
heated Tahilian pool. 3
bath!i -aU carpeted, huge
master bedroom with own
private ba th, 24 foot living
room "''Ith lush "''all to
"·all carpets. Ju s l re·
duced to $71.930. C'.ood
terms-Vacant. 546·5440
RUSH •••
1-luge 6 or 7 BR + fa mily
room \\ilh 3 bit1h. Ideal
family home. Top con-
\'1.'nient location, near all
i;choohi:. Immaculate con-
ditkln. Top quality \\'Bil to
wall. like new Sparkling
kitchen• wilh carpels +
C\Llifom drps, b/1-iru:, pool
"ize yard, 11 prlnkle ra
lovely patio. Only $37 ,000.
Excellent terms. C a I 1
now. 546-514.a
The best! \Vhy not buy
I.hi!! one for Christmas? A
fine home io J\fesa Verde
v.•ill be a Jai;Hng gift, and
one th<'Y \Viii always ap.
preclale and ren1embcr.
1'"1.'allu'es i n c lude 4
bedrooms + Family room
• 2 ba!h!!, \\'{1v cpti; &
drapes-like nc1v. Bl tins in
kitchen i nc l ude
dish·"·ashcr. tlwTy only
$28,950 ?>l&.S440
Chvner must sell 5 BR
hon1e in convenient loca·
lion near schools and
fihopping. Vacant and
\vailing. 1900 sq feet,
large cedan.1,,ood closets
c11ston1 drapes &. 1v/w
cpls. 25xl6 living room
\\•ith stone fireplace.
Terrific kitchen \\•ith
bit ins &: dishwasher. t
baths. Lge. bdrrns. Price
$33,750. 546·5440
\\'estclill 3 Mtm 2 bath .
lmn1aculate, 36' heated
pool, lightt'd yan:I, patio,
I r o p I c a I landscaping.
Electric built-in kitchen,
disl11vashcr , near shop-
ping & schools. Only
$44,SOO, ~-16-S-l.W
l 1i year new S BR'5, FR.
& lormal dining room.
Over 2800 sq. fl in thh1
lrl-lew.I beauty in t.fcsa
Verde. 01vncr says n1ust
ttll, cannot aUord to keep
this one. Just pa.int &
clean up a.nd you "''iU
have an elegant home for
children and cntl':rtaining
at $44,000. 5'16-5it4D
All our Salespeople are trained
to serve you in our special three week
R.E. Trainin9 School
First OtK' wlll take this!!
Shakl' roof contemporary
n1ode1·n in J\-1esa Verde
Eslt1!ci;, 4 B c d r o o n1 s .
f\1.mily 1'00n1, I Ar GI!
kitchen \vilh rl e I u x e
bullt -ln11. Beautiful
custom drape!! & cp ts
throughc:?ut. Value! Valur!
at SJl,9;)(), Call today ft
won't last! 546-5440
?Tired or driving those
d$ lo !i('hool <"very
ornlng? Then drive by
rhis imn1aculalc 6
b<!droom &. Family room
hon1e .. "'aiking distance to
St. John The Baptist.
Located just north of
Baker. Owners arc anx·
ious so have priced to sell
al $37,000. 546-5440
Scrub &. s11vc! Wet'd &
reap! A little love and
care makes lhls a dream
hou~c! 3 ~ s ii e
bedrooins. \Vork saving
kitchen. Low FllA terms
and low
Beat the ti9ht money
with loan assumption.
Here are three to choose from
51/4•/o LOAN
Al5Ume $27,300 loan at no
interest chan&e $233.00
n1onth includes prin., int,
texes, insurance, Vacant 4
BR. Echlicr hon1e. 2
baths. Extra lg. lot. Lots
of trees well landscaped.
Large kit bit-ins. family
room. f~ine area. Near
~chooli;. Only $3 2. 90 o.
Orange. 5'1fi..MIO
6"/o YA LOAN
No change In interest
rate. Payn1cn1s $178, in·
cluclca everything. This
home has-just been con1-
ple1e1y· rcdacorated inside
a nd out so just mow. right
in. Owner has b cc n
l.ransfenl!d and wlll move
r ight out $4,!XKJ do\VU is
aU ft takes, 546-~40
Great for entcrlaining.
ramily size home. 3 Bed
i.lnd family n>on1, In fan-
tastic condition. Pool is
fenced tastefully for ~1nall
cllildrcri, Existing 5~ %
loon can be ~sunuXt with
$8.000 down. You ntust see
Olilf heauty in r.1esn Verde
lo bclill"\'C lt. M&-M40
R 1?alt 11 C~.
.. Hit.~ ·~K.ER $TllEEJ, COS.TA. M~$A. . ~~·5'J40 ,
, be a~uiTINI a: ~·;,'1. Prlt'C' 2 BR. Immaculale! Lovely GI loan, S214 per nto. 2 STORY 3 Br, 2'i Be, PLACE REALTY 494·9704 Frplc, £sr, RIO. \Vl\V,
1 onl y SIS.5CO'. List<X.I "·11 h ~rd. Cpt1, drps. dbl gar. TOTAL PAYMENT. R.E. lonnal din rm. B ~aut * GJV&.A\\IAY * 1 · ,,. .er pet. Bkr.
a y & Beech Rlty. Inc. • OCEANFRONT·Pool + GOLr Coum Vw. 2,000 liq. a:u .. lrg: ~ rm. t.h1ny ex· view. Dre8nl house, 2;; xlr• izr.,. l BR. fin nn, trplc,
I Oovtr ·Dr .. -~rite 1'16, NHICftm!'O ~{lore!I. 4 nR ,,. ·Ovl ft, ~ bdp,, 1r; .. !em. 1'm'l ll'fltl< Dy • ·O"'ner • •$3!),150. ftatut'ti.· $.18.ii00 .. 1.ow down. l)lltt.@~ \V{Vf1 Nlct,ares..-Bier-.
-5.2000 6i6-(i()(ll F.\-'CI. 11:; r-.tUford Rlf. 6!.>-6.996 $.1$,0I):) Ml~ rnA. !ln--l.922 M'l--7172 J Ov.-ntr 64~112 I. 64>q.lll JJ.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...................... _____ .. JJ
• ~..
•• -' .... ·--~-·-----··· ... ~···-···---.. -·-·-l·-··-·· ·-----------·----
. ..
----~ -----~.:-::.-:-. ,:-.-.. :--:,-:-, --,~---~-:-;--··--·
• • -~-~-"~· ,... .. ..... ·:,.... -.f •· • ,..,..fAL~ •-"· RINTA~S -• '" ,
iiOl;M"!l:IMiir!iillliiiil -flY!tl Aplo. PumkW
5100 ol 3000 • l!N~o~w!.po~rt'.!._!lle~t~ch!!_._!4~200~No~~w!·po1~rt~l~o~t!!dt~~4!!209!!_ lkn•ral j!IOQ COllO -
3 8lrOOml: 2 B&thr, Fun of lrv1ne .T ... fff, . . ~45 1.l.ollc;;Sc.:;.Dt.ol;..ux_e __ %_8_r,-<3;;:.;Ba~INE'W • l>eluxt 2 BR'a-2
i".~,,,,.,o-_!~~~~ ,,, ... .i ""R s·•u . ~$.P.l,CIOUS AND CONVINIENT· ran!••"'· Frplo. .. u •• Ba1h1.c rp11,drp1,
V""1l'C · •-v ,._ .. ,_ ....,... v "' ~ ' wlw, RIO. Bill'. ~ dl&hwhn, rt.111"1. $ t S 5.
red IAaM a.t $l9S n\O• Custom ''Bldlfl" 3 BR. llJ)lll ' " I , . Avail Nov hl·lOth. Ste •I ,Sbanl. VACANT. • 1,.,.1 ,.1 """ ~ a:~M.., ., AU .new 2 bedroom, 2 llilh towDhouse. Lux· l3.'l. ' Br 4-plox !YO. 760 w. w11aon: !11~731, WE SELL A HOME bd u,r ~·O(,., ~...t:.. r . , W/W. Sl""I" ••!come. 646-&J>J
EVERY it MINUTES T. '·Cul.,:.'-... ;.:IY , .wious shag carpel, full ten,lh• drapes, red &rokor 534-<9$l ro"""WN"""H"°ou=SE~--1~,,,.-.-"',-·
Walker •. Lee -r·~--'-'tjl• kitchens wllh buil~lns. Over-1265 sq..f~ I~·~· ~~·.ri:.i ~~-~;hr~·/·:-· b!~ • .._, i..m.i!tll• oc-, • · I bulldln B k ,., •111 ° i 7682 Edi.Mer tt.lp&l'IC)', . , 613-2'11l ' pl"::"deck.or .patio. Poot, recreat on g, ro tr'"~ Untw'n. us Lexlniton Ln,
"''~" ~,r1il 9 Prtf • $150. NEW 2 Br atucllo t.;ype. CM. (213) '3l·lSU
c ....... dot -5250
S BR. S ba. ($250) ir 3 BR.
J ba CS32SJ. !"'riv. paUol,
cov. prtaff. Cpt'd., draped.
com;. bit-~. ~a:t Joe.
7'5 • 701 Orchid
-&7J.&Oie -o ,,
... 'I . 1a.a
' •
·-~. ·-~ ' . ... . . .. ~ ..
~ -~ next n . y./e. ~lcllff Plaza Shopping. '240 per -11 d bl"" A<lulll LAllGE 3 BR. 2 BA, pri lli>.1.88..,_ .... J):nc-,Coreh• ftf Ml!r ,3250 ""' • '"'"'' ' J'PI, • · l BR, 2 .BA. Mt&& dtl Mar patJo, bltlns. di1hwihr, M:\V
.._., )'d, It~. Qlld o.K. 8lcr · • . n1onth -Adults only. ,,. Bia. 64>0Ul -dist. Walle to eJl1 ICboola A olive •Ma crpta, drps. s~ Whoddy1 W1ntt Wh•ddr• Gott
.6'>ow CA?ttEO C'.uoRES. vi·ew toca. C-5100 mkt.I. 1 or 2 ch ldrtJt over Mo. 6'lS-l19f aftl!r 5 ~1 ottl MMe. 14, $160 & up.· lCOf Pl Ca·
tlon, 3 BR., convert den. 3 MARINER S"UARE APARTMENTS mlno Dr., ~. ~!!&.; BRAND New 1'" '""""' 2
I Mtse . ~· .31 00 BA. lea5e or le.ie option. 't" NEVER . BR. So of HYo')'. Vtew,
-Spoclal Rote
R 1 ba lot dbl $4.:tl mo. Box Gil Newport i BR, *>me rum. retrii & 11undeck. Adult&, no pets. 5 u--5 tlmoo-5 llucko
,...,. 'stO\-.. ';?,... flrlv la ~lose Bch 92664 1244 Irvine Av. e., Newport a.1ch B'EfORE •Qultove. Nr 16th & Ori ""'1100' 675-&:>71
._WllM -IM¥9 .. .,..._ ......,,... Y011 ""'~! IR lrHlt. ~; . .,, ""' crp , IRVINE Ten'. 2 Br. 2 ba. et j')el'!On or coupe. . •co=R"OLIDO'"""'°-,A""p11,-. --,2-B"r ~YOUll .....,. •IHI.I., .-a.. M tl"'" #II .. ¥1rtltl•
~P'S n:,.rr:· ~.din-lam. Tm . $400 mo., Ju1t North of W1stcllff ·Drlv• .-.......,.~=--,--,~-~-.,,.. studio!, some w/trpb. $180
PHONE '42..5671
b'a :a Br, fno:1 ynf,· dbl iar, lease. Agt. 67~2503 . · 11\'M in. Brand ~w apl 2 NEW l BR apts. v.'/W & up. Al.IC penthouse s,m.
l,tns. $140. i<ll'lljji:·-2~\~IJBaia".~d~"~plieei:x.:Z2ljlt)jjiijl========='7'========::::=: homes. Private patio Uvin(. crpta, gar, let: 5\Uldttk or Pool & patloa. 613-3378
To Pleet Your Tr1d1r11 P1r1dl1t M
Sq f BJ .u... lhtt N rt BeHh 4200 N!!!IJ' beach A ahopplfl&'. AU Pt,tio. RnpoMible adWb, -~~-----~ ·• • ** , t. tn1, u-1'N& , 4100 -I . .._ . no pttl 376 E 20th St. * Lp, sunny, upstrl, l Br, R on priv lo!, w I II', frpl. $300 l\1o. lea~. 50--7573 Co.ti Me1a w w carpetin1, Ul•pe•, pn-' ' lrpl, sundeck $160. 514 ~· gar. ~ ' l BR. 2 Ba, trpl, patio, built-BACH., attanview, n ice vale lfvirw, fll!O. 3 BR, trptc, patio, Narduus 61~4f • . t 5:1 . -~ ins, mri1. $2J:i mo. CASA GRANADA resld. 11.rea. private, pr. e.3 BR--2 BA·ltple., plus .Ct'Ptd. dJ't>d, 1arage, adults. =========
TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2~ ha.
•eaut. appt'd, Priv. patio,
pool: nr bay, Vil. $32,500.
!:qty for T.D., car. camper
01' '! ! Owner 6~ •-5131 Jw;t 0.,......,. • Only a few 2 $U5 util pd. 548..(6M ' • 2 BR-l BA-patios 289 Ogle, C. M. n4: 548-0l'l 8111 .. 1 lollnt! • 5"5 NT·~' ... RGE H ME ,.,.. ,....,.._. • 1 BR-t BA.(leluxt!!: r.in1le or 213: 5S2-522'i' "'" I========="-. BR'1 itill avail: Pool, rec FURN $l!'ll. l BR, Cf11b-, Co · $100) eqiil'.f in 1969 Chevro. ·~ V~e. #evl c&rPets &: LW. life 3351 rm. HWTY! 400 l\1ttiimac drps &: bltin!';. l % BA. Pool. rs1cen Apt. Homes LCE 2 Br, 2 Ba, frpl, drp1, 2 BR. :a 8A duplex apL 100' let station .,,..agon. Fully
!lra,pe1 ••······ $2'75/month I behind Lincoln Mercury oil 1525 Placentia. , SUNFLOWER AVr.. new shaa crpt •. deck, ~nc from beach· P2&-yearly equipped. Trade equity fOl ~9521 or 540-66JI CHARJ.fING 3 Br. 2 Ba year· Harbor) ~ 2 ·:sr Btwn S. ?.Jain & Brlllol et.r, nr shop. Resp adults:, •1=•·="=·='='=5-5207====== older Q r or ! ly rent&!. Juat remodiled & * :wo.3m * ~~rno:,1 ~e ti he • 1.ocattd % mill!' E. of South nc. pets. $165 m&. 9U-t88I .. a30-2!M5 or 63&-mU
decorated, frPI & patio, ~ ..... ~c, nr. M: c urc s. c:oeat Plaza Shopping Center N!:W 1 BR •Pt. bltn stove Huntington llueh 5400 =----,-.,-..,---,-Avail Dec. 1 P35 mo. Ewa $1SS • A1:7RA0'lVE, l bdr.. W1nter. 615-5442; 1510 W. C II 540-lt73 72' Cruiser Twin o, auto
673--70-t4: days .._.A 5121 fJOGl, uh). paid, iardl!n llv· ,°"'=,;an:"":=".;t ==;:=== • , $125 peT mo. No pets or LA)ltGE 3 BR, l Ba., pilot, range 1200 mi: N?cent '===='=~====-i ••g adulll II Al .. ,, chlld'ren. M2o-f014 fi J 11-Al "' ' ' no -pt! • ""' MERRIMAC WOODS . rep ace .., mo. IO new survey S40ri,t. WUI comkler
Huntington Blach 3400 ~aeh!!lor apt., elderly "''m'k· N1wpoft Hgti 4210 Just completed, l or 2 BR, 2 )..2BR. ap!J. Responsible l BR $125. Near occtn, pr!. trust d~ or smaller boat. --~--~-----1n1 person preler. 1800 BA with ·air cond, com-adults. No ~ta. deck. gar. 2038 · 14th Owner ITI4) 729--3400. •
3 BR 2 ba, cpt/drp, blt-lns, \Yallace Ave .. CM. * Cle~n 1 or 2 BR * pletely IOUndproofed, sell ror app t. 53-0684 536-ln9, 673-1784
rt-tr. frplc, elec. dr. opener, $25 PER WK . & UP Adult!, no peta, 2421 E . 16th cleaninz ovens, WOOd etU· l eearoom apartment. Built DLXE 2 BR. bllins, cpa, 12 uni ts dose lo Harbor &. 11·ater M>ft. A-B RI t Y • Bachelor & l BR, htd pool, S~. S13Si mo. up. stS-1JOl ini:;1, diahwaihera. I us h ins. Yearly. 231 Cabrillo St., drps, pool. Adult.a, no pets, Newport. O.I. Vallll! $95.000,
MZ-7731 or CZl.3) 597-375.l maid service. Kitchens & c;;;,;;-clll Mir 4250 lanchcaping with streams A Costa Mesa. $150 mo. 53&--2398 Owner will carry • no fin.
BR .. 2 &th!. den, cpts .. LEASE $275 J)l!r mo. 2 story TV avail. 450 Victoria {Nr. Wl!l.lerlall&. elevalQl'JI, BBQ&, UKE--.,-w-2-i'ill:--b-1...,--crp-.,-. l ========= =· ~yt~~ibert Rltr.
tftaps: lncd. yanf, \~ acre 3 BR, 2\~ BA, Sllorecrest Harbor). SPACIOUS &. delW<e J BR. 2 clubhowie, aaunaa, jaCU1d le drpg. Adults only. LM: St6S. Wutmln1ter 5612
East!lde. Avail Nov. 1st, tract, HB. call 54M005 aft N"r"c"E""""Fw~·n~3-n-n-a-p7t.-S"I=:zo BA, duplex w/trplc. S. of Pim pools, plus much 646-4922 494-5270 1tEOECORATEO 2 BR. 1 C.2 Comm. Bldg, lge pav~ -~ r.to. 642-5.1f9 543-SS78 6 or wkncl.11. lnel util. Sinele man orily. Hv.'Y. Everything furnished more.! .Everything ii e w . LG 3 BR, li!i'tii\ Cnt drpl. BA Crpt&, drp!! 1 lot near Newport"-Briltol ~ 3 BR, 2 ~A. carpets 4 BR, 2 Ba new rede<:, Ref. 310 P.feadow Lark Ln , \Valldng dl81ance to beach le Starling at $140, Adults Carport'&:. pGol. Ki~ OK. ito;$. Cloled 1.;, qu~~ ffivd. Value $27,500. Want ~f: hard'4i:iod nrs in N.C.P.1. lnibcpd, &eeks appreciative foff 2300 blk Santa Ana Ave), ~:,O~ng~~l~s!~dren on-~:r":;. ~~~ !::~o ~a= 2714 O:il.ltgt No. 2, 6~709 !~~I!: ..... 1560_ 1 van Buttn. view home, I.ton Vibert
'Avail approx Dec. 1, $215. occupant&. $250. 968-6215 Open alt l Sat~ ~un. Cadillac at 425 Menimac 2 BR w/w crpt.s, drpf, bltns. ~-==~~~-~.,.--Realtor 54S-m83 anytime,
.\Ytr -pd. ~>3671 NEW f BR .. near beach &: FURN' large bach apt, equiv LUXURY Apt. New paint, Way. ~5-6300 1.2 children ok, $13:> mo. Nr LEA~E Or Option. 3 bdrms Have: 56 ac w/· stream,
LARGE l BR, StO\'t & M:hooh. $245 Mo .. lease. to l BR. UtiJ pd. No pets, shag carpel! &. drps. Adlts sc;hools. 962,...JCISS + lrp unfinished room 2 FIC, in reci-e'I area. \\'ant:
l+!tic. nice c ar Pet in I . 536-396.l S1~·1 ~r ne;:1 !u~~ ~~Y· J~:e m:~e~til·C: H1rbor H1l9ht1 Four * 2 BR untum apt. Drps, BATHS $223/mo. TERRY Units, commercial, TD·s, or
drapes. Utilities pa id. 4 BR. Townhouse, Near 1tva ov. • MS-5962 · (ONSJRUmftll new Crpt. Bltn ato\-e le REALTY 5.'J&..1459 anytime ??? Nancy J . Moore Bkr,
t liiO/mo. Ai;t. 64Z..1771 beach 2 pools; clubhouse. _S=m~lt~h=. ~.,.----~-"'""' refrig. 642-364.5 6,i2·7000 • LEASE 5.16-1197 ,J.z; 1 BR I bea BEAUflFULLY Fumia.hed l ... Tustin 5640 ATTRACJ1VE L:g. 1 Bdr. ·' ' cean,quiet, ut &:lBRapta.Availon1hort J ST ( G AITRACTIVE2BPRM-crpt11----------80 Acres 1'1·3 East Hemet ilouse. 2 yn. old. J..ra:. Yd. -furn . N r ma ·r k et. b . TH" JAMAICA U llMlll mll d bJ"· ··-Adul'· TH" Asr~·s Value $225.00> .. ul ... '"""'·· '$150 a month. Adulta 357 Fount•ln V1llty 3410 Waaher/dryu, g.araie. tenn asis. "' vr1r"'llft ?'Pl. "'''· ._t"'''" u . "' z:.n .., •'"""'
•J6th Pl., C.M. Call 5'8-.5002, , . , . J\tature adults. 1922 B INN HOTEL, CdM. N? pell, S13S 1'fo. 548-fi159 1565l William St. IXX>. Trade for income. Bert
· • \VE need clean reap. tenants Wa llace. · F1JRN baeh!!lor apt. Nr 2 k 3 BR UNITS EASTSJDE Ip 1 BR. drps, Tustin's presti&:e address f.fott with Ed Rkklle Rltrs.
SHARP 3 BR. 2 story cordo, to rent our dealrable J Br & ===~-~=== il pd' all with fil'f:p1ace1, ts bit! Ad Its Adult living-, no pets 646-8811 or 83J.007. ~th pool etc., unfurn $:ll0 den borne in quiet tract nr. CHATEAU LA P 0 I N T E ::;e!o~ 6~~ng, ut · di1hwsahera &i 2 ba.thl. :s.'St3S ~~~~176~ ' no Shaii CMpets 1fum $2%5. Lg e I a.,g en t sehools &: ahOps. Avail iiow Lovely 2 Br furn 11pt, pool Rent.al ?t1a.na1er • Total air condltionlni Good R-3 lot: want late "54~ to right p&rly $Z3S mo. + carpo.rt, adults no pets. $150 LARGE MOD BACHELOR ?drs. Olrlstlensen 5200 Unfurnished ttavel trailer. Aho have &n·
i. BR hou.o;e. S16:i. mo. 389 dep. 545--9443 days; 54&-ll58 + util. 1941 Pomona. Bf:autlfully turn, ell util pd. 3117..A CiM•mon Ave. 1,N-'ow'-'"po'-rt"-"lle=oc;;;h;__;:_ Gymanl'iiumt le Saunu rique Parker dbl. barrel
'"ltoehesltt St., C.M. eve11 EX f CUT IVE • Type $100 mo. MG-2266 . Co1ti1 Ml•• STUDIO APT. Apartments from $150 :.l&U~~t outboard mo-* 66-1848 * Townhou.&e, 2 bdr., 2 ba .. COROJ..100 Apts 2 Br studio PhMe ,S.U..1034 2 Bdrm, 2 boa.tbs upmin. For information ~7 ·~i·"O. 2 BR ho"-, 1,_ ..... Wt1tmlnst1r 3612 !!,"~~;~ Pool. Adil! Only. furn. $210. . I I _. ~ ....,.. ¥U '".>-O'IO't 673-3378 Liv rm. w b'P c. dtnin& arta, L1aun1 Beach 570S • * *
Equity In S BR. den, beau-
tiful view, Back Say home
In N.B.. for b4rt land.
Aj:enl, ST'a-6252 er ew
6T.J-al23 •
2 Units l.al\lna hell
Exchanre for ·
10 A 20 uni!Ji
FORTIN, Realtor 6U.5000
170'1·A Wegtclill Dr .. N.8.
Rare classic Cadillac E;i
Dorado Brougham. c o 11
.$16,ZOO new-trade for equity
inJ or4 BRhome orf.
Owner · 842-4~
Re$t .. bar + 2 lovely horn·
l!S, fruit trees, horse barn.
rentaJs 5+ acres in Pauma
Valley • tax shelt. Trade -
aerz. &/er comm'L 644-1721
Newport Hei,ghta home!', 3
BR. 2 BA, DR, nook, .erv
porch, den, 2 FIP, 2000 gq.
It. Trade Sll,000 eq for Acre-
age/2Qd TD's 548·9821
Qi~nt Will Take Problem
Properties, laas t~ & clear
acreage p!us.lotll.
Laguna -4 Br. view home,
\'aJ, $65,!XXJ; take la:nd, bolt,
apts. f6r $21,000 l!'q, Mr.
Conrad, Rivim Re4Jly
49!t-2SOO '49+133() EWI.
What do you have to tra~ 1
List It htre -in OralWf
eoun1y·1 ~est read trad·
la& poll -&I'd make a deal.
* Nr &ebool:s . .A: shoppini. 20.15 4 BR, 2 Ba, tam rm. trpl, * . :===="===== 2 BR apt. cpts/drpg, blt·fn All el•c kitchen, washer--"---,------
:W.allact. 646-26M diahw1hr, crpt1, d r p 11, L~e 1 Bedroom ·* Balboa 4300 rllfll'e &: oven, rafrig, frtt-dryer incl. Carpeted & 100 CLIFF DRIVE ----.. ----------
t . COTTAGE. l BR. All util covered pat:IO & fence $235 furn: W/\~ crpts, drps, gar.. er, diaposal, air cond., pa.tlt:li draped. Enclosed patio, 2 $130 l BR, 11,, BA. Crptl,
pd. New crpts, drps. $145. mo. 8!17-~91 or ~3 ~0·~301~ :fl~~te! CLEAN Bachelor Apts. ALL utilities paid. $200/mq, ear garace. Use ol club-drps. bltins. View cf ocean.
No peta. 545-6294, 540-2516 · All uU1 incl $85 up AduJts only _ no pets. hoUr.e, pool '& sauna be.th. Walking distance to town;
OuSE in court. Crpta, drps, L•gun1 Beech 3705 SUS CASITAS 315 E. Balboa Blvd. -Wellt-McC1rdl1, Rltr1. Adults, $23Q per mo. Also turn Bacht!lor, very
""earpOrt. 9i6 West 17th St. . Fum l BR apt. :?UO Nev.·port BALBOA 673-0045 1810 Newport Blvd., C.ti1. MacFarlant large, $170, 49t.2f49 or Guest Hom11 5991 8u1lnes1 Rental
£osta Mesa. BEAUTiruLLY De11gntd 2 Blvd ft,teda.llion by Hotpolnt. 5.JS.7729 ~ve, 548·19..'!f e M2-3S62 e ~. 1---------
bdnn_. 2 blh, bit on 4 lew:l11, *NASSAU PALMS* Belbol Jslend 4355 NE\VPORT B~CH -Villi I-=='>,======= GRAD. nurse \Ytll take care
,· R. 2 BA. cltndo, bltio.ll, Alta. Vi•ta area._ Gorgeous 1 & l BR. Pool THE VICTORIAN Apt. Ell:clualve HetiOTI, fux; Q~nl Point 5740 of· elderly couple, 2 male or
· crpt-kid1 OK. $200 lease. ~u'nd".· ,V:!~ .. .,~ mo.-yr 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 BAL JSL., share \\'/I male. C.Om pleUng Nov Sth r 1 la he led. 2 female patients in my own . '13-4277. ll no ans 962-0302 • ., :rt-<t000 Nu 2 BR, gar, $90. ea. 8 nd · , .Luy iv nli:. rae a 2 BR. family nn, l'A BA. home, 24 hr nuning ea.re, top
3 Bd ia1ly f ho 1 BEOROOM J.ara:e. Jdt&l for 673-3868 ra. new 3 BR, 11'1 BA. pool, penthouse vi e \V • Appliances, drp11, cpts. pool. ref's, 499-4017. Call morns r., part urn. m11, Ml I y· . 3708 ba bal ~1 s·~ 1993 $I S 0. Adu Its on I y, Spacious 2 B,R. 2 BA. w!!t ""-•n •'ew. 11"'. from 1.2,30 $180/mo. F'"-11" Onl''. Agt. SI on llJO c or. ruu · u... · Crp•·~-blt S .1 U<."'-" •• "" ~ ' Ch h st .... ~.. H I •·· h ••-~l'O"" m. • u n" blJ' frpl c all elee crpts 4..,, ....,= 4-2409 ~ utt • · '" """"' unt ngton -c .-plwred, pri gar w_ /1terage. .._:. Ad.:iits, L.... '•e t s: ~.,......,_ or .,.,_ BEAtrnFUL view, 2 BR, l;~ l BR near new civic Cf'nter. F need yd I tio \V t .... "" "'~ REAL ESTATE ~sR duplex. l yo\IJ1j: child. BA. Frplc, bltn bookcases ~1,.,.i .... --·pl•'"'• infant CHARMING e w pa : .aer Bargain at .J $315 mo,
mo ,.._111 d 837-3937 " '""' ._.,., 2 BR _,_1 utiJ pd. $200 mo. pd. ~ard~ner ma1ntruntd. \Vesteliff VUlaa: No. 8. O.ner1I *· 642-2657 + '-'" ' rps. . ok. $125. 646-8226 AdW't.s~Y. No pets. l'fti7S 667 Victona St. 63S--412Cl 642-24M or owner~ ·R~o""n-t1-.1-,·w-,-n-tod ___ 5_990 l~~~~~~ w~~:1~6tht ;~ ~ mt.''S.A.'Hsl:lll. s2z mo. Condominium 3'50 $l65, l BR + den, ':'t5irie Cameron, 847-2125. CASA GRANADA DELUXE 2 le 3 BR :J-PLEX Newport Beach. 64.S.1724
Misc. R1ntal1 5999
Retail or olllce space. 6(IO.
1200-2400 gq ft. 211 ·to .21!
62nd St., Newport Beach .
Key for <"ntty, N.B. Trawl
Lodge. Owner (213} 2J3..ll.Ql,
eves 12131 24S-07{i).
569 W. ltth St., CM
Sll.'i/month incl1I H11K all utn.
ities, 3 years with option of
3 _ Fint &. last only.
"Hones. pet& OK. No gar, · pool, 1arag:e, very pnvate. l BR fum Water &: gu pd. Juat, Ope_ned • c;>nlY a ftw 2 Apt,, $185 to $n5 mo. WANTED 1't90m er Sm.ti
.2tll51 Cypnlis. 54&-:i044 3 Bdnh $250. rm. Lse/'option adults, no pe{s. 64&-376,f ADULT oil!y. $85. 91! Palm. BR. s 5till ,a"'il. Pool •. rec Adu 11 !II. Mediterran@an Apt. In . &!boa. 833-:11~ Ve~ cle41r. child & pell; wel. LARGE l BR, furn., duplex ltunllncton Beach. 536-4678 nn. Hurry.! 400 Mernmac VI 11a1 e. fntar Hoes ~'ffkdays &. uk for Dr.
HOT SPOT! GARAGE avall, fully e.nclo.-&l&-2'301.
ed. $20 per mo.
Venle 3110 come. 91iz.m64 garage. $139/rno. 164 E. or 536-4979 (behind Lincoln Mercury olf Hospital i: Park Lido Jack Littlt ;::_~~'---0.:...:.: EXTRA Nlet 3' &ir. 2 ba.. \Vil.ton. 549-2TI1 H.arborl l\fedical Bldg.) tilgr. 4150 l-"'R"E"N7.T~A'°'L,-,S"'E"R"V"l"C".E,-* 543-2921 * ROOl\t Suitable 'for gift 1htp,
==""",,;,;:=;;:,=.,== men's shop or 11dies .lhop•
1.ncome Pro,.rty 6800 Call J im Berkshir!'. 6'f3..940S IMJ\@ Occupancy! J Bft, 2 t t' 1~ • 4455 * • •• •m * p bi Rd NB ~ $225. Sharp! Sharp poo ' pa 10' ,.., 1 a mo., 4200 Sun.it B11ch :-r..N a ce ·• FREE 79 I...ANt?"°RDS ho~se! Will c 0 n s i der =w=/L .. ·=·· .. c=·="=-='"=' ==-~1-N'--='°=':..' .;;llecc:.••"il'---1 BR apt on canal. New drp~. MARTINIQUE o~~s~ & ~o ~~p~ * Blue Beacon 64.5-0D ~ *A Rare Jewel* ~M!/,option. 83M34l !!'Ye&. Dupl1x11 Unfurn. 3975 Newport Bf'ach Clean. Sanle rent yr round. GARDliN APTS. Adu 1 t 5 . · r.1Mitemu1*an • LANDLOR S •
STORE for lease, 1500 sq. tt:
Oceantront at Newport Pier'.
675--75fi6 -RR. 2 Ba. family nn, 2 · -·-·GRAND OPENING .$12.'5. SJS-1766 r~-u,n• pork·l•.k• ··n-und. vw,.e (behi_nd. Park Lido FREE RENTAL SERVICE JUST COMPL D r l · $230 2 NEWLY Rfd•c. home •IY!•· • IMMEDIATE ~--' •• • Brok" 534-6982 ET& c 1• mo. car 1arg. 1 bd t'I "' Encl in;1 for adults only. Near Bldg Hospi1a1) 4UO Patrice Brand new .4 units in prime Office Rent1.I 6070 ...crptfll. 67)-8213 r. ie, \\',\\" crp . . OCCUPANCY Or1ng• County 4600 shopping. Poot. Rd .. NB. 642-4387 WA NTED: Untlfrnlsho!d
pc»rt Beach 3200
• I/I
Nr.v carpeting:, new ptint. 2
tlWmia., l baths, split·level.
Pool. Adu!~ only. $22S ;)I,nth.
llav &: Beach
..._ ltulty, Inc.
:1M I>c:rm' Dr., NB SUite 126
,_ .2000 Eve1. 5fM969
gar. Adults. $125. 2:i1J E. Luxu-.. ~,, •"'rtm•nts • , ~ d 1 location, Shcrt \\'&lk lo beach LAGUNA Bet.CH.
•.1 '"' ,~ I 2 & 3. BR APTS u·~~M n~. 2 llR •tud;,,. house, Corona e M1r or •-ho · l bd 2 ~ 20th St .. C.J\t. ottering compl•t• pn··-cy, SINGLE adults, luxury ..., ••run.i• •:i.AJ "" ..... ,bo ! land ca11 •-•1•"• "" s ppini. rms Air Condl!IOMd ... rd ts /full lm Santa Ana, Apt 113 apt. Patio &: pool. Crpts. DAI a 1 • ""'~ "~· hllths • owners unit + J RENTALS ~autiful landscaping & un· ~a en ~~ · \\' . reerea· fi.16.5542 or 642-14&;; drps & bltns. 1525 Placentia, e Free Rental Service • additional units to make ON FOREsr AVENUE
Apt1. Furnish~ paralleled recreational facU. lio_n facilities & . complete NB Brokers I Min:. I Ownen paymt!nts for ""U Dt!lwce Desk apace available I~
ities in a countru cl ub at-privacy. South Bay Oub · ' "' .. ~.. 3 " • ne\\'tsl 0U1'c h"ildl-at ., kh t Fa1'rway Villa Apts I .~ l'roptrli .. w .. 1 "~l~ appoinlmonll 16' l 000 • • ... 4000 mosphere No1v tcasin1 in Apts, 217 So. Broo un · BACHELOR .. pl, emp o,.~ · · · prime location in down!OMJ
-----Ne\\'port Beach. Anaheim (TI4) 772-4500 adult cnly. $75. 1216 \V. 5995 Open Sil/Sun. l·S Laguna Beach, Air cOndI, Th<VAGOLRGD~OISUE. SRNEew F\rrnilhtd or unfurnished Ntar Oran1e Co Airport I Balb!)a Blvd. 6 7 5-7 g 7 & • Room• for lt1nt 746 Mein St., H.B. tioned. ca.rpe!ed, beauutuJ
ri,fodels open 9 am to 9 pm Gardin Grove 4610 UCI. Adctts only. 20122 494-9155 $25. PER Wt<. & UP entrances: Frontage mi
Singl·l br-2 br. Fum·unf. Re nts from $155 to $310. SINGLE Adull.'I Lu x ury Santa Ana Ave. $41).2716 2 BR, 2 BA. CID. pa.lib, Bachelor &: t BR, hid pool, TERRY REAL TY Fot'tst Ave .. ttar leads tt
Sa.un• Act1y Rm. Billiards OAKWOOD · h -lrplc, dishwhr-Nr W~stclifl maid servi~. Kitchtnii • 536-1459 lt1unclpat par~g Iota. $50 ·-. garden apts wit coun .. .1 h ! ~--'I'hl!rapy & 4.J' pool, BBQs GARDEN club atmosphere and com· NEW APTS Pb:. 1665 Ii'vl n P.. $200. TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr per mont or space, vn-
:!OXI Parsons Rel.. 642-8670 · OU1ll BAY $lS5 & $175• Adults! For Appt 642--0239 •tarborl. lNVESTOR'S • CORPS. and chairs available for ~:
APARTMENTS "f>]etr. privacy. S 161 U H1Hr Bch. 88 U El Business hours answertnC
Hl!ILIDAY PLAZA CLUB APTS 13100 Chapman 1 & 2 bdr .. 2 awim. pools. A11 l·~R., newly d~r .. adults LR.G rm. pri. ent & b&Ui Lr& Monte, SO u Yorba Linda -service available for $10.
DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm. 1700 16th Stref:t Ave .. Garden Grove cn41 util. pd. Ad.JU. only, no peta:. only, no pet1. Sl:ti mo. c 1 o get, pat i 0, c I o I e to · bt built·lst 0 w n er All utilltJes pa.id except
Fun1 apt $135 plus util. Tif: 642-8170 636-JOSO Furn. if desired. 642-3535 · Geo. WilliamSGn, Realtor bch/5hP1 $75 mo inc util deprttlation, 10% spen. ll!l!!phone. He~led pool, arpple parking. SINGLB Adults Luxury ;::=======::::"'. 301 A voe~ ~I., CM 6TM350 E'veg 6'13-1564 67~1023 dabl!!-accept pre paid, \Vill DAILY PILOT
No chlldren·no pel.!i. garden apt1 v.ith country L19un1 Beach 4705 DELUXE l bdr. Range Al 1 Bk upper. ttptr;. drpa, 2· Slttplng rooms, also l trade~-222 FUR.EST AVENUE '
e DOVER SHORES • 1965 Pomona, C.?<.f. club atmosphere and com· PANORAMIC view ovtrtoOk-oven, dishwasher. crpt l;i stove .\ nfrl&. $160 yrly. v.·/sep kit. $55 · & $70 per * NEW 28 UNITS * · hAGUNA BEACH
8._EA'UTIFUL, lar&e li!edlt•r· mcJ. 2 Br & den ·Jowr dplx. p}i te privacy. SOUTH BAY ing Al i90 Beach. 2 bdr & J drps. Elec. pd. Swln1 . pool 61'~ me. Quiet eiztp1 mt D. 494-9466 ,
1ftnean home. Swimmina BOat dock avail. Children CLt!BAPTS. Irvirieatl6th, bd.r. f'411'. All elec. apts. & gar. Adlt. ll~ng. SlfO • OCEANFRONT APT. SU-6986 . 'On l .4 acre tii Huntinjlon MODrlN · 730 sq il.
"'Jtiol, e1:c. Avail. Dee. l&t, O.K. Bkr. 53f.-6980 Newport Beach Miture 1tdults No petJ or mo. 2,Jt \V. Wllsoo. 5'8--0745 2 Bft adult CMl,.le cply. FURN rooni w / pri bath ~ Bl!aC'h by builder. 22·2 BR, do_\vnlown CM fr Ont a •e ;
tor 1 or 2 ~•r lta5e. $650 $125. l BR nev.·ty deconted. 1714) 6.Jf>-0.jj() child. S19S & ;230. ~aft. 6 or 615--5555 ~v&il 'Dtc. 122?: m.rm ; · entrance. Patio. Qqlet. l!l&Ot fi.-3 BR.. PCIOI, vil!v.._ J>l.t!os. lijht, airy, '''ell illurntna.i t.:s,
;p.r month. ~ Patio, util pd. Broktr 645-8 EA C 0 N BAY. Cozy P t.-1, 49S--3755 HUGE 2 BR, 2 ba1h. New Van Buren, we!tmin,ter. lat yr tax b~. Ul.0.000. a/e, dbl. toilets, plihtttul
""-TERrRONT Lux. . on 0111 bacMklr apt ,.,, k 11 che n RENTALS carpeta: &. paint. H••ltd .N•wport Htfs., 5210 19'-3598 $6CIM 4ft71:. &i7-3957 parking, 5Uilable for olc or
"l2te 'PfJ1in. New 2 Mr .• 2 SUO. La:e Bach apt. Util Pd. faclJiti@J, Lry; patio, prlv Apts. Unfurnished p>ol. no pet!. Responsible!' • . DELUXE in C.M; Prlv NEED 'Partner vl'!lh small special!)' ·re ta i I , 1134
bl., pool. Lse. adults. Boat A~\J now Brokt:r 534-6980 entrtntt. Uhl pd . Avail to lldulll $150. 1887 ~lonrvvia. 2 ~OR .. pool, firepla~. &: ·bome. ptOfeuional or stu· investment, lo complete Newport Blvd, 642-4230
ld.ips ~vall . cart'oe 8a1bl'la, . • 7.1 $105 'mo. 673--7535 Gen~r•I 5000 646-5.114 . •l•c. BB~. no child er Pf'la. tltnt only. r..tale. $15 wk. purchut of income p'rop. DELi1XE 3 room Culce auh•
3l0 P' I!' r n • n d 0 Rd .• (nf> Coste Mesa 4100 STEPS ta btach -!\Tod. 2 LAR.GE J BR. sharp? ~~7~· Sl70 a month. ~ 5'1}..2754. foi' tu: savt111a. 642-2752. In Corona del P.11!-l', PrestJp
• J....3(I03. ' • · bdr., all b~_l.-ins. lnel. \·ac. VENDOME Drapes, Cupets, naar So. -. · · SLEEPING ftoorri . Bk:r. location. Pantiled, n 1 w ~)'f..CJll•Mitlf.SBfl, '$30.00 '.Wki Up', ~·· Tadi!>f autO gar .. door. . Ct>Mt Plau, oCc. $130 mo. Eatt Bluff · 5242 En\played rtriUeman or LO\V DOWN PA YMENT Clll'Jl@ta &: dra.~•. privata
• 4in rm, fam mi. Fen • Stua°lo 4 1 Br 'A.Pt:.. ' · $D:t"\?iftl )"!"'M2-3490 Act. 835-4422 Eves aft 5 or • student. $60 mo. 642-5000; NE\VPORT DUPU:X. Bkr park1n~. Realonomta ectp1
'yd, Nr N.B. ltlgh. Frplc. • Kltchen &: TV incl. SAlJ...tNN r..totel. dlx rms, ll\U.t.ACULA.T'E AP'I'S! \\'kend11 54~18 e NEW DELUXE e 543--0390 612-2752 1 ~61>-6=-'-lOO==-~=----
ltllrn Or up-turn. Calt&U-7528 e Phone Service 1: Pool 1iriglei-cooples. $110 lo $120 ADULT(; FAMILY NEW 2 tilt l BA, shag crpt. ' I r. 2~· ba apt. for lease L"'RGE. PLEASANT. a· 605 1000 SQ. FT .. air cond .:
oil' 64$-1456 . • Ma'd 11rvice avail. n'lO. Cont bt•kfst, maii:l lierv. SECTIONS AVAILABLE Drps. diahwhlt'. patio. btam Incl. spac. mastr. suit!!, din WOR.KiNG tit~· ONLY. uslnes1 Property 0 e11 rpet, parking. $300 month,
S: Lcvtly 3 BR .\:. • Day, v.•t•k &: Month Linen xi~. 675-18-41 Clo11. to shopping, Perk l."l!iling, frplc. gar. Adults. rm. .I: dbl . 1nra1e. auto. 6"6-T;iOl s Pacific r.tutual Blda; .• 27U . n. Ci'ptg. drpl, pools. Wik 2316 Newport Blvd, 543.~ DUPLEX • Spaclom 3 Br'•, 2 Ba mo .petg $165 2600 Elden. door optntr avail, Pool & M tll1ck Knight Rest. E. Coast lhY)'., cdri,1 :
to kri1 IChool dub park o•m.. .... All. * 2 Bedrooms 5.17..00S2 afttr 7 pm & Sun. rte. arta. Nr.: ea. thollc PRIVATE Room. • Kiie n 'ti!• E 11th !L. c.~f, 673-4120 II , , ..; • ur....-\. 2 bdr. encl, ,._., 2 B .. A 73.QM *Swim Pool, Put/grffn . ....lvU Nut 21st Ir. Santa -.i , 1 --C....:~==~--Ul.5 mo. 61>4407•
0 r patio, cltan. adlu .• $90. Ca.II r near .... y. 6 Sl60. 3 BR. ~* BA. blt-liia, Onire.•. o'm.'"'y"' ... "! pt•ts. A~. ;17 \\'k. M5-12M Ct.and lo B1d,a:.) OFFICES ~-after 6: 30 &: w kt: n d s , 1 BR large. Nfar ocean. * Inil. Jndlv/lndry fae'la erpta drps d hwa her ""..., Reeeption-An~·erinc
, USE OiJi HORSES 645-1062 Upstain. $150 \'rly. 1145 Anihilm Aw. patio'. No ~ts. 21 ch~.i 86S Amlpc Wa:y, N.8. FURNISHED rooms. W~· Sy Owner nf: 642-6200 Secretarial ,
3 Br h3e fam nn, Bek Bay, '69 tlx:2S tNl\ler I block from •673408S* COSTA MESA i "2·:!12f. 0i. $45--3215 · · lit'IO l11S ~rson •. Nop-drlnktt. FuU S'Jb comm to all bkn. 3345 Neti:.'iBl\'d..--N&--t--t---
d ~,..,.. ,_ •r Coron• •t Mir ;;, NoT1-1tmoker. &M-6l1,0 -1=1 vu, ww q>tl, nu ec, .-. ... e ghop'a:. $39 mo. 011 Jeue J..RG. l bdr., bt?twttn lhe HARBOR GllWIS BRAND ff trwy So ..... · • .,.. vu ~7 basis. Option to buy. 1640 Ocean A Bay.,gQ1 & wnter eoa,t p::;_ 01 I: 2 • Bft. ' , $15 WK I: ut"' •/ kite~~ lutfnat lttnt•I 6060 COSTA Me11.. otfi~. AJC;
050 yt.u.Y lit. Npt Ber-. :; Newport Blvd, No. 55. C.~1. 1aid. $160 Yearfy.173-7452 _ Blttna, c ll i 14 re n OK. \ .,. $30. wk sti.J'¥" apt. • ...... $ -_ c:rrits, drps. Park!n,a:. Ver,
18fl 1k .BA. 1600 11t1 ft, no $130. PWn turn. 1-Bdrm. U!ll OCEAN' FRONT, yiew, 3 BR. BAOIELOR tlnfurn from ~76 ~" • "°" Newport. Blvd. 5fM7S5, ST'GRE • Ottica, 800 11q. fl. nice oilicts. 15$5 Balott, ~ ~ &t5-at Incl. A!Wt:i only; No pets. petW<e, plu~b! mtns. f(llle $UO. A1110 avail l • 2 & ! · Q. . . · 9t7 Gamptn. bu.la, many t)i'pfs 54d-U9Q ~ M• a BR. 2 BA ~ • etc. 1325, \Vlflter. 673-8088 .Bdrm. lfeattd polls, child 1 c!R, utjf, ~ •1~· , r.\ef!l1, Trlr. C~L 5 bualMu. f'mt, put)) ca~ f .U,:P;;;sr""'AIRS~-~Ol-fi-ce--w~/"3~ I r~ b.....I -""' • ..4.. ':Nu I l DR ~ SI Cl.rt: cen11r, adj to lbopp~ ts, "11.1' C&J110fl.~.,~ 0~' 'T'l'N A-•• TRA'~L : ... _. ... ,,· .,..,' 'i ~111 Unll , tnffk. ~modelfnl. view Celt "Jim 8erkdlr11 .~. r-..-~ J•v· Umlfhtd t BR apt. rurn. vu penln. :II J*r No pets. pets er c."'uren. ttBpo """ •t' ~. ...~ ... u $225 470 Newport Blvd · • ~7125 or &c2..JG4fl • 1tin A~. $135 wtr & mo yrty. Ulil pd, No pc!s 2700 Petert0n Way adWta only. SUS. MS..1 tfi.• 2 1l. J'UfD • v~ talf~ Hwy. J\.•nt · $5& zno. g( ' ' * ,673·!M<6 +
rowJ'(HOiJSE·2 BR.'2 B,\. 2 au pcl. 83M!J,9. 452--3379 1312 \V, Balboa Bh·d. Cosla Mc1a 546-0370 2 BR w/gare.fl!. Crptll--dlt-~i:.1;r:ata.'Ot~tnf.:'=1l. Ci.II 64~l Ant. mm:. bldJ .. ltoo Commtrclef 60IS
ar.f)'plc,pool.µ50. BAE:HEL0Rr$95. 1eparale:Z BR .• fnrn. apt. $140 r.to.. e R&NT e pn~al:-water pd. 61&--4190. 980 Stt. lbf. odM -Y rilt1 Sia Lark aq, ft. F'lcture&q\Je old :;;.;;;;;;;c.:;..;;.:;_ _ _..~.1 ~ • • 6~ ~ni~i~ 1ardnr, laundry. ~~1;~:~~· A~~\ pd. l ·Roomi Furniture ::: ~cl~11A~·~:g :;: ID''c,4tthur nr, 3rt: ?) ~:~·~= liewport Bl\'d,, :C~~.~~n~~tt~r~~: ~l~~':c~~ l!t~:~!!I
fttenf ,.,. 32i7 $67.50 NICE Bachelor apt. $137.!i(I BACHEJ.OR apt, util $19.95 & UP l.RG. 3 bdr .. 2 N,., crpt .. 2 BR. 1 bl .• cpta., drpg. er i H 59'1 Adequ1te parklni. 6n..9060; sr.i.ooa. F1nta1tlc terms.
-.J-· •·rri\llA ,.. o de 1 W W. \Vil&OtJ, C.J\I. pd . Crpts, drps, bltln5, pool. Month· To.Month Rent.a.ls dl'J'I.. bulll.\n1. h60 'mo. 'bitna, $175 mo., ltase _.!:!.•_! Omit 67l-4ifT Eves. LoCkhart Rerdt}I ~2301 ~c.;.o&ce ~fthfl( $4!'-95'i1 or Ml'i116S • ·152&-Maetmla. \ •• • • '\'\"IDE sz;u;cttON • IDV•l•IC'I~ e:Mo 6*-\6&1 S-ple:-R,Ji:.... ~ 6n.21Dl PftfVATi 1"0t'rtl' 1n· 1rctntt-dl:m'ORE1tit'.ldii'!it* uoo 'ltt". '1C .St.DCl1or'ielsel" U,<lOO •r.· .
tht unit. A°vall . N•v. l&t. $i6 It UP. Very nice l k 2 OCEAN f'ROr{:'. 2 , BR, NO DEPQSJT O.A.C. D£LlJXE 3 ~room apt. LA.RGB .. Brahd new 3 BR. 2 board &: cm hon\@ for in shop cir on 17th St. Costa Prope~ 90' x 300'. 6-15-)'early~ PIO month. BR trlr. ll.l £. l&th. •Plet Larae. f'rple., 1130. Winter. J-IFRC r11rn1rure R!!nllt.IJ Olb ph1mhln1, w/ wcrp11 & BA. View. South o I e Ide r l y 1 en t I em an M@tl'L. Call d•Y 494.-961.$ ntll! ·da,ya. Evu. &U-1l'l9. M w.
• H~,.nt 61M392 No. ~6. C.f\1. 642-1265 •67l--IOJS• 517 \V, t9th. Of !i-13-3431 drp1. SiS.3431. S.0-01~ Hlgh""-1· 673'-69t)f I AJnb11l1tory cnly. 54S.S22S !l6J...a8&3 ~'-''';io~·.:.·.;;C;.:;.M.;.;· ____ _
' -------,_ --------
---' . • --·
; .. ,..,.,.._. ,.., tllm -...... tel-, RIAL ESTATf Genorol . FINANCIAL J
1---+---l'hollft-Are4)pen-i:OO-cr:iir.--S:30 P••· . ' ~------i:iLotiii1==-r"7.,1'liooif ::"==~'===: !~ .... ..--
• -.,. to LMn '320
• 9 lei 'Naon S.iurd1y -Closed S.und1y ,;. • 1~~i'A,;M~t~mo"'h BUILD" UNITS 2 d TD l
DI ·L DIRECT .. L42 5L78 • 3Jtltl "I· Q .• otfice•, ; c;~.1~?"~,'~' °"""' lot, n oan " . • • • <> • <> ' phue '°""· 13 I 0/ m o . x . • a mptW<mentJ. · '· ~ · • • .,-in.a to'lS,000 Avail, Dec. Oritano l n •er n at I on a I Prompt, oonfidtnlial service
When You
Want it d9ne
ight .•. -WESTMINSTER & NORTR"CO'uN. TY DIAL FREE 540-1220 ln, ""'" ootult\lcUon. ~..,,..... ; min"'" .aw., '41-2171 . 54Mf11
........ ,_ , , c . Robert Nattrtss RWtor New P.1otor Speech\'&y 10 5e:l'Ylfll Harbiir arta 2() )'11. I ~ 'J '
Huntington luch: 54G-1220 L.aun1 Beach: 494-9466 Cotta Mesa 642-14&.i minutes. $36,<m ca.sh or Sattler Mortg.,. Co.
aubm.11 .. 0woor P. O. Bo:t 9. 336 E. 17th Streel ' Call one of ~·;
. ,, , • Hourl,'7Reg~l'*i.Sns...-Daedlines.-. KUNTlllGTDN.JEA.CH =---· Calit. ~n11 SMO-
• 1. · • for aood rM1 e1tate Joan.
_,,h,e-ex1'erfs , 1:
listed belowl/· . · llaotli Mw•rtlMn1shull atteck their ads dally and niwt 1,..,....letefy .,,.,, 9070 Sq.FtJnd\llltrjal Space, BEAUTIF\JL view lo t , Vacant OK. Mr. Adams.
w 111l1elaatltlutlona. THI DAILY PILOT....,,.... UMHlty for erren enly to Has3400~f1,airoonditlon. Tustln •. I d ea l for cuatom Broku * 52l3ll : .I I ............ lltftlilh&nti the 9"~1Mm""t correctly ... '''"' ed 'oftic;e11. ; home. Frtt &:. cl~. e;; MONIY TO LOAN
OU.DLINI 'Oil COPY AND KILLS : s:so P.M. the llay Were pultllatl.n, •xce,t R 0 ~~ ~ mont~1 =r:r•tr!re~ 61~5~3 2 ~1~ On Vacant lot oe.acreage SIRVICI DlllCTOIY ' SlltVICI DIU TORY
. .,,
fer Weektl'MI llfltlN •nd MWay MCtl.,.. wh• clotl1t11 time le S:H r.M. · · a es "'6t. 6'13-030S W, Stuart Foote Rltr, 673--0670 !------•---
PrW•J· • BLOGS 2700, 2400, 1200 liq ft '520 FurnlfUN. ltQforlnt . . . "
YOu MUST HAVI KILL NUMllRI When klllin1 •n a4 ~ • ., .. .t 4ulck rt1ult1, ~1~ 1~_2~ =~"Allv.64 .• R1nch• 6150 It E W Asphift. Olli ~ Reflnl1hln9 • 6675 LliMIKlp•"t! N 1urt .. m•k• • rteord ., tht klll numMr 9lven yw ltJ your a4 tak•r 11 -=· =·=-==··===~-:=;;:;;; 1---------"'-' • • •ntM 6240
..... '. . ...
v1rlflut~ ef ytJUr c1l1. -27· A. Sul>trb locaUon. View CAU. HARDESTY SEALING A PATCHING * EXPERT . m 1 p I e
lver.,.,..fort 1, m.Nt tt klll., correct 1 ntw 141 that hat Mtn tnlerM, kt wt c:trt-Lots 6100 lilit~. Colonial hQuae:, Xlnt -For Financlnc Residential• lndus . O:>mc'l refinlahinz, 21· years ex.
not 1uar1nttt tt tit IO untll the M. hu • ..,..,.... &n tfM ,.,..... 211.. to •·ACRES producin& avoc.,,dos + * 675-S * Con1pl reu :tel'\/. Currenlb' PttJencc, 2J1ay~. can. Y<I citrus !: comn1erclal land. engaged by City of C.M. for 642--5770
DIMl·A·LINE Ads •rt strictly cuh lrt atlvinct ltJ mill .., •t •ny "' .t our offlc... Rancho C•pistr•no SUit&ble for A1obile ho~s.. , litreel restoraHon. 1-==========
HO phtnt ordtrl. Is now ollerini:: fabulous, oak \Viii dlvkie. Tt-mu by ~rte-v-. T.D. I 6345 NATO CORP. Glrdeniftl '6IO MllMnry, lrl~k
, •• studded, ranch siz.e spreads. OY>'l'lef. Leaving, Stale. P. 0 . u2,~ SEASO. NED Gen'I Contractors 638-5818 The DAILY PILOT f' ... nn tht l'l9ht tt cl1ulfy, edit, ctnlCN' w NfvH 1nr, edvtr-The only Mes o! lhi?ir kind Bo <173 }allb k C ..., ,_, T.D • NE\V t ~ T"e«ed. 1
tl11m1nt, •ntl ft ch•nt• It• ,.,.,.. anti ntulatlons wlthevt ,,1., net c•. in tne ~ ' roo ' A coverin&' 100 ocean vle~~ Complete 1 ~:n• care. 0 :; RICH~ll;t ALLIN;
M1'9 Meir ... : a.x 11111 Ntwp9rt' IMch, C•llfoml• Booming South Coe.st Atta lol8, 1ellinr at $8,COJ each. 81by1Jttlnt 65$0 up. by job or month. fYee Cv1'9m & Sptin~ :
-tligh above , the smoc ~t. Citr us Groves 6115 All due Jn 16 mos., payable utimates. For info, c.au M. AS I Private-I'Ol.d!I and locked -S600 mo. incl. 10% interest, 1---------846.oo32 -lloc~rly-1 k pee a j
CLASSl,llD COUNTIRS •r• toceted u follows: ple &U&intee the natural Smog I-Tee 10~0 di a cou nt. Bkr. Babysittinc, in my home, "' r c , C~.
beauty or this ronner Span. }~ A L L B 'R 0 0 K 497-1210: 497-1021 el--.& $15. a w~ek. 615 Poppy AL'S G&raeJ\lnc ~ a: La\vn Free. I•!: 63).~, t
Daily Pilot Classified ish Grani surrounded by 61,~ ACRES 470 BEARING 1ST and 2NDS Ave., O:irona del Mar. =~~.·-~~· .... j beautilul aeVeland National TREES NEW MODERN BABYSITJ'I NG, ?ify home. .. '~-... raperhenefnt ~ ;
f"orest. All utilities avail-A\\'ARD \\'INNfNG 1-IO~tE. Fenced yal'd, lunch furn. .* ~ * .. .A ..
able. ' LOTS or GLA~ TEI\· So. f.aHf . T,D's. Jnc. r.1011-F'rl. Call 548--4538 COMPLETE ' PJ1lnti,,.1 , ...
PRICED FROM $8,000 RinC VlE\V OVEltl:ooK-ZENITH 21003 • Toll Free BABYSITTING At home, \'ard Ma.int. ae~up ,t i' ' ' ~ -1 ' '1 ;7, '
W\V DO\VN • EZ TERMS iNG PALA MESA GOLF ANNOUNCl!MENTS day or nite, warm food, nice Reas. 968-1928/646-82~1 * PAINT.ING, Int a:·· ~~ CLASSIFIED .INDEX ?
... ., ..
CCITA MISA 11H Nl!W .. Olltf a••CM Ml$A OI L MAii 11M NIWl'O•T Hl lONTS -nu i.t•sA '11:110£ 111• NI Wl>OllT SHn••s C:GLLIGe PAl:IC 11" WliST'tLllll" OH
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NllW .. OllT al .. 4'.:H UM UNIVlllSlt Y "'411K
i•W•O y IACI( a•Y II HllGHTI nu l!AIT aLUllll' i\LIOA COVIi nu NIW .. O•f' SHOll l l 1m CG•ONA Oil MAii S,t.YC•IST ltU U.LtOA "" ...
'"' t!H Wl!STC:LIJ'I> 1Uf SALIOA Ill.AND Hi\llllOI: HlllHLAfrtdl U H HUllf'IHGTON I EACH -... U•IVl•llTY PAllk 1t.17 l'OUfllTAIN YAU.•Y llVINl JUI SIAL alACfll .,. ... IMCK U Y Utt LONO SU.CM IASTILUl<I> ua OllANGI COUNTY -... lltYINI! Tl ll•ACI 11~ GA•Ot:N Gl:OYI COllO#A Dll MA• UM WISTM INSTll: ... ... aAUOA P•MINIUU litl MIOWi\Y CITY ll!ACOllll aAY 1• IANf'A AfllA l•'I' Il l.ANOS 11.M SANTA AfllA Ml lGH"TI LIDO ISLI USI TUSTIN
•• "" ....
... ...
flt? ...
L.Uewooo use ReNTALs
g~;N:: :g~:;: :: Apts. Unfurnished OUf' 011' STATI 1'" GINllltAL . .... STANTOfll Ull COSY.& MISA JIM l"I STMINSTI • t•n Ml!!A Vl!llDI 1111 MIOWAY CITY UU HIWl'Ollf' llU:N Jttt SAN"rA,AfllA UH HIWl'OltT HllOHTS ltlt IANf'A AHA HOTS. UllCI NeW .. O•T SHO••S mt OllANOI 101 Wl lTCLll'J' JUI TUSTIN 1M UNIYlll.SITT ,Alltl( 1211 NOllTIIJ TUS'JIW 1MI IACIC IA1' n .. ANANllM 1"9 IAIT ILlll'" na llLYll:AOO C.t.HYOfll 1W COii.ONA DIL MAii Int ·HAVASU LAKS 1•71 IALIOA Jttt LAGUNA NILLS 1NI IAY ISLAND) i-ut LAGUNA l 'ACM IJM LIDO ISLI! IHI U<GIJNA l'lll'JUl'L Htl HUMTINOf'Ofll llACH Sqit MISSION YU!JO 111111 l'OU"fllTAIH VA LLIY J411 SAN CLIMENTE 1711 1•.LIOA ISLAND SJU
S.Al<j JUAN CAl'IS•llAHO 11l1 l l AL &EACH ~H CA .. IST""NO lt:•.CH 1ns l ONO llACl'I SS.. DANA ,OIHf' 1111 ORANSI couNn SOM L.\lltLSl\0 Ult GAllDl!N GllOYI Ult OCEAH510E 1151 Wl!ITMIHSTI" wn 1.-'H OIEOO 1ns MIDWAY CITY H1' lllYE •SIOI COUNTY lttl SA.HTA AHA • /\. U2t MOUSll Ttl •• MOVI O '"' SANTA ANA KllGHTS U» CONDOMINI UM 1'51 TUSf'IN S'4t OUfl'i.IX•I lllO• SALi 1t1J COASTAL ntt -'"A•TMl!tftS 11'011 SALi "M LAGU NA alACH S1M
_ HouMS Furnish1d
GINl!•AL -fllltTALS TO IHAlll 2"' COSTA Ml!SA t!M MISA DEL MA• UM MIU Vl•DE tlll COLll!"GI! l'AllK 2111 NIWl'OltT IEACN ttH HIW .. OllT NOTS. ttlt NIW,.OllT SHOJllS tt2f llAYSHOltll tnJ ' OOVEll: Sl'Olt al nu l'l&STCLll'I" ttn UMIVl!'l:StTY "-'llK nu 111.VINI ml tAClt SAY n • l!.-.ST IL Ulll" n u il:VINI Tl •llACI! IN' CORON.& OIL MAii :t15t IALIOA titl 111'1' llLANDI tUI LIDO ISLI 2UI I ALJO.& ISUHO IUJ HUNT IHGTON l l!ACM JtM ,OUNTA IN VALLEY 1411 SEAL at ACH tut LONO JIACH Utt t>l:ANOI CCIUNTT t6tl l•JITA .&NA f'1t NESf'MINSTI• Mn \llOWA1'. Cit,. t61• SAllf'A i\tlA Kl IGHTS 1,:IO :OAStAL' tlH i.f<GUHA l lACH 11H LAI UNA flllOUtL 2111 MISSIOlll YlllJO 2711 i.t.N CLIEMlNTI! 2111 .,,,. 'UAN CAl'llTl:ANO ins :A .. llTllANO l lACH llM t>A"A "OINT '1 .. -1Vt llSIOI COUNtY ttll "ACAf'ION •ENT&LS "'9tt :oHOOM INIUM "lt5t lUl'LIXIS ,UllN. •It
Houses Unfurnished
:ll!Nl!IAL -COSTA MIU lltt MISA Dl!:L MAil JIM 'lllSA VlllOE J111 COLL.GI! "AlllC 1111 Nl'#l'O•T l l ACH IHt HIWl'tlllf llGTI. allf MIWlllOflf SHOii.ii Jut IAYSHOlleS ttU oov•• SHOlllP m1 #ISTCLll'" 1Ht UNIYl lllSITT ,AlllC JtJ1 +lltVINI SDI tACI( a.t.Y U4t , IUT ILUJ'I' IMI tflYtlll fl l:llACI JtO =olllONA DIL IN<• ~
1 ALIOA 1111 , IAY lllANDS lJ5t IDO ISP.• JUI
; :~~~Jl~SL~:rT w,~
. ' l'!NTIN(:f'OH 11.&CH l>tM HUllllTlllGTON H.t.•10111 l'M 'll TA•N VllLLiliY l<llt : llAt. J IACH )t5t CIAllDlfll 1•0¥1 *411 LONO alACH llOt
Tl:!PLIX, "c.' SHI CONDOMINIUM IHO •lfllTAl.S' WANTID Ifft •OOMS 11'011 l:IHT '"5 •OOM a aoAllD "" MOf'l!LS. T•AtLllll COUlllTS sm OUIST MOMliS Sttll MllC. •IHTALS S!tt INCOMI! ... O .. l•TY '* aus1N1ss "110,.111TT "" f'll.IJll!lt "Alll<S 6'51
auSINISS llfllTAt. "" OFFICI llllHTAL "'t IMOUSTlllAL "llO"lltTY &ell COMMl!l:CIAL 6ft,S INOUST•tAL lllHTAL "" LOTS .i•
11.AN~Hll tU• CITJIUS GllOYll •17S ACl:IAOf UH LN<E ILStNO•I •:tt1 llllSOllT "ll01't•TY UM Olli\NOI CO. l>flOP'l!lllTY •1'1 OUT 01' STATI! 1'110... OH MOUNTi\IN & DISl!llT Ult SUIOIYISION UNO •111 RIAL •STATI! S•lltYK:I f?IJ 11..E. l!XCHA NOE ,,,,,
1: .•• WANTID •~t
FINANCIAL &UllNes• WANTl!O INYl!STMl!NT OP1.,.,,.ftl!111 8Ul lNl!SI 0""0•TUMITIES INYI STMl!NT Wi\HTIO MONIY TO LO•.fll ,.lllONAL lOANI JeW•LllY LCli\NS COLU.Tl•AL LOANS •I AL llf'ATI LOANS MOllTO,t.Ol:S, T,.., °"* MOflll Y WAMf'IO '
ond NOTICES J'OUNO ClllrttAft)
LOST f'l:llSCNi\LS ANNOUNCIMlfllTS &lllf'flll "UNIJIALS PAID OllTUA•Y ll'UNl:l:AL DIJll CTOlltS J'LOlllST1 CAllO 01< TMANICI IN MIMOll.IAM CIMl!f'l flY LOTS c1Mn111Y CllY .. TS CllllMATOlllll MIMOlllAl l>All KS i\IJCTIOftS AVIATION llllYl(I Tl:AV l!:L Al• Tl:AMl,.OllT.tf'lOri AUTD TllANll'Cll.Ti\f'IO N LI OAL NOTICIS llllMAH I TUTOll.111•
.... uu .... ,,u
"" •m -... ....
'"' ...
-.... -M" Mn
Mii .... ...
MU ... .. ,
M" .... ••• M• Mb ... ... .... ... ...
CQHTll.ACT011s "" For true country livin~. re-COURSE. $54,00J. Sm down ind NOTICES yard. Infant OK, 642·5299 --Back frtim Vietnam ·B4CM
CUl l'lif ,CLl!AHIH• UIS tiren1ent or just plain invest & reasonable lcnns direct c.11 Top Job 54&-1422 in buslni?ss •"airi. -~ CAl:l'af' L1t,YtflG & llll'AUI' Mh • F d (F Ad I 64 PRAC Nu1·sc, x:lnt..baby care, Laii'n &: Garden filaint. • "---.. '"'l' 011A,.1•1t1 "" ment .at f bargain price. from 011·ner. oun rH I 00 my home, Ncwpt Sboreii. estimates •. \Vill auawntr'(et~
Ol:MOLITIOff "" Call or ll'T'llc for complt>lc 319 Ste1vat't Cyn. Rd. A•1yt•'n>• * ••z-n~~:: REASONABLE RATES 64j...J089 •. I Ol:A l'TIH• Sl•YICI .. Jl • VERY Y"""g fon--•e blaok • ~ -l:Ll!CTl:1CAL 4'ff de!ails'\Clfld Cree C."Olor bro. 728-7 1J J. ~.... ..... Fuji Lawn Service NEED PAINTING?; j l!QU ll'Ml!HT ••NtALI '"t chul'es. cV~~· Ir/collar vie. llarbor \VANT playmate for 4 yr. old I: General Yard Cleanup Call ua! Rcllab!e .,~·-.. _ . ..._,
FINCIN• "" RANCID CAPISI'RANO Acreago 6'200 n:w Homes, CdM days boy, near Bristol & Adams. 540-4969 Free Estimate . .,..-, .... , .... ·~1 l'LOOll.S "'1 J.larsha.11 6'4-0629 ext. 2::9 ~l692 Quality at Us beat, at.11\J~ ~ FURIOIAc• 111"A'11'· Etc. "" 4570 Campwi Dr. · •·-. ~2317 t ~=~-'7-~~---JThl'S Garden!"" & ta'\'n n\oat reasonable pric8' • 1 J'UllNITUlltl! •••TClllfllO Ncwpot1 Beach 92660 20 ACRES. Jo'ALLBROOK, ... 0 .nlr ClllLO or Infant care, my ·~ :'.l"';;;5 I • Rl!l'llOSHINO ..,. \ • choice klcation w/view. .maintenance. Res. &: Com-.f'ree eJ;timate<1. ~~ OAl:DIN•NG .. " 546-7143 -BLACK Kitten, about 6 mos. horn~. S6S n10 in advance. mercial. * 546-4831. -GRNEUL :5EllVICll ""'--,Ow""·n~Yv:: ... ~.~O~w°"'n--.Gentle slopm.. wtr .• frost· 'OliJ, vk. CoUeae-Park, 646--0031 ' -~---~----IINT/EXl'f;R.!Ort Cle~_.,aj =~:;NG. cisciN_G :::; ""' btt, sr1~r near. PotentJal Owoer please c I aim .J ~========= Japanese Gardener neat \Vo r k, Cua.ran~~
Ollll!N TN UMa '* l'.IOBILE HOl'.tE ESTATES Mobile Home Park, nursery 54>2703 · Complete Yard Servi<."e Reas rates, Jo"'ree eat. .....,,,.,
GUN SHOI' •r11 Overlooking .golf courie or grov~. $90,000, excell. FOUND fawn -•-• -al" ,Brick. Masonry, etc. Jo'rff Estimate 646-0830 Jark 894-3895 coUect U ~: ~. HIALTN CLuas "'t Surrounded by the hill• t B k ..,.., . ~ '" ,_ 560 HAU1;tNO ,,,. enns. ro er. .c.~-enin1a 6 CLEAN-UP · SPECIALisr. *INTERIOR EXTEJlIOR~, HouSl!CLIAN1N• ttu of HESPERIA (n4) 549-4387 Chihuahua • Vic. Baker !: Pain"·· -Pa-~"',
INTllllC• DICOflAf'IN• 6UI Investment or use now! I "=i:======== Fairview Ave. St&-8918 BUILD, Remodel, repair. hfol\•ing, edg~. odd jobs. L1'c-.~ '"'· G .. ·---;~ 1MCOMe TAX u~t T-mo~-,, demand. From E led 62'40 CL Mii Reaaonable. 548.69.» ---·•i=o::u 1.0 .. .. •~ R Win Bl·ick, block, concrete, .,__..~, • N, .-.... i. 11c. •nt • • ---'-~ * E J HlllTis Painting &e..---:.,., 1 1110N1Ho 67U S3890 -10% down. 60x120' FOUND Vic. of UJM Sm. carpentery. no job too 11nall. xpart a,.nese .. :::~~i~N: :: lots. \Vrite or call for FREE NOTICE black puppy JO" body, 6" Lie. Contr. 002~ FINEST \VORK 6t6.0384 ~~URB0AN Ptf~UnaW/~ !
INYISTIGATIN•, Otf•ctlv• 61• !\laps & Brochun.-. Layton. hla:t\. bn1 le~ &: chest. -----------'CAApert ua.rani=u Or1(~1
JAN1To•1AL ''" Coa~ Broker, 901 So. Sfl!uzers face. 67:..3065 6590 , Gen1r1I Strvlct1 6612 Free ut. No job too J&rt1 JIWl!LllY ••,A1a. l!lc. '*,,,, J-larbor. SUite 421 <n•n If yoU have a 3 or 4 bedroom Carpentering -or·too smWJ. 49Wlll "'.:: LANosCA,.IN• home for sale or for rent, MOTH~. i\taru.; cat & .;;;;;.;;.:::.;.c;;.°"''---'°'~ WHY SQUINT? TINT! LOCl<SM!f'N ''" 531~~0 -INTERIOR, E.x I er l O"I'!: MASOHltY, 1111e1< 6m ·==~~~-~---call us today. We rcpre11e~t offspring, both with collani. CARPENTRY Slop Glare, Fit.de !:. I-teat v• MOYIMO • STOii AG i! "* ?i1ESA Verde~ goll CO\U'Se, the employees of • larre Vic. tlarbor Vie1v Hilh;. P.nNOR REPAIRS. No Job Interior-averw 3 b d1r''."I "A1Nt1 No, "'"rt1an11~• •ut corner Java & !i1c.5a Verde fl-movl"" 10 t"· Ha-'--r ., •• """o SUN.RESIST'OR -home. $98.:.0 labor oiily. l'i!li "AINf'INO. 111111 "11 .... .... '"" 1-uu .......-u~uo TOC' Small. Cabinet in pr-Applied to Existing Glass 1:.•o i~s ~ ".&T1os "'' Dr. $15,900. 893-5S26 or Area a nd lhey must have LADIES gold . •.arr i n g, ages & o t her cablne l1. F FRE .,...,.. .,. ' ,. · . ..: •
""OTOG llA,.HY "11 96Z-8668 housin&! i\11 cash if desired. 545.817{1, 11 no answer leave or E Estimates, Call INTER.· & ~t. -palritflla'. Ot-j =~U":.:::G· "'''"" lt•••1r :~~ R-4 lot, Costa 1itesa. 40 units. can ·Farrow 546-8640 ~=· parki"i: 10 1 · msg at 646-2372. JL o . SJt.6'2J &: Ins. Free est, 30 1ff-.J
,.T OllOOMINe .... Owner, P hil s u 11 iv & n l -:87U~S~l~N~E~s~s,.....-.-.----Anderson Jo"i'0111 Beach ateU Aeowtllcal. 645-0809 •1 •
"00l s111v1c• 0 11 ~"' "761 LARGE whi~ H"'kie dog ----=-=,-,,,.,---,---, ZE 7<0510 I-.====,-,--,"'-,,,-,-• l'OWl!lt SWll,INt .,II '"....., FINANCIAL · ... *PAINTING Jnterlor/Extef•J "UMP .. 11v1c• ''" iiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiii• I--.,------,--Nwpl Hei&hts. 646-4517 TRANSFER P•nel' trucks !: 9-IHl Chapman Ave. , 11:00"1"'• .,. . CL MDI V\V's lo Campeni. Rebuild Garden Grove ior. Local rtterences. fij.\
•ADIO. ••Min, l!lc. ,.. s AYE · Bus: Opportunlti11 6300 or remodel boats med. servkf.. 646-3651 . • ••MOOEL1fllo a 11al'A111 "• .. .,. fl.1EOIUM siled tatty colored H 1111M001L11110, IUTCHENI '"' a: FAMOUS 1 d v rd prelabrication. Cu.slom-built aullnp 6730 PAJNTINIG, Ext ·1n1. fi·~ scuurs~ ~ mae og.l'.lesa e earea. cabinets &: fi x tures. -•--L'· F •
SEWING 6Nt .... , As H ! BRAND NAME ~:>-172J ' rormlca i\·ork. &~9 or TOP Dollar for old items e.xp. u-""· ree e"'' SEWING MACHIN• 111. .. All:S m: CANDY ROt.rrES y 0 u r .. a"... •v ., ( l ACOU.!11. celltna:A. ~. ·; : SEl'f'IC T~MKS, s.--. l ie. •te 5'1S-165-1 • • TA1Lo111f'lo 6111 Now avail&ble in Coiita Mesa Lost 6401 1 ~~~~~~~---:11tore/and/or nme. kl •· DUNN BY DUNN ~!
TERMITE CONf'llOL 6•11 & many other 101\'0S in thiJI CARPENTRY. cabin e Is sn1all businessman pay at-Paintini:: & Paperh1711i1"9 :it:: ~=~ • Mtr';.19 :::: area. All locations are com-LADIES llamilton \\'alch Remod. f'o job too 11n1all, lcntion lo your needs. Free-el!I. Reas. 642.2364 • ;
Tltlt: SlllYICE ''" mercial or factory. Very ?i1on. alt., either \•ic. ol quality work. Call EM!r25'i6. Joh 536~26 TILIV ISION, •• , ..... Elc. ''ll ' . Nev•po rl Po Ofc 0 r Al n . PAll\~R. Exp'd, Ext I J•t.t .u"NOLSTEllY ,,.. high earn111,Js, no selling in· 0 · · 15• 4 QUALITY Repaini -tera-y ARD / Gar . c 1e 1 n UP .at wrv low rates, 6'f5..Uf'C Wll.DINO •tH volved, To quaJ!~y you must Custei·'s caners, ·' l.iorui -Ne\V cons!. by hour ·r N-• et d "·•·--" S l"l load. Salvageable• &ft6p!ITI. .;.
JOBS & EMPLOYMENT be reliable &: have 1 hr a e 1• v ·1 ""'nuu. or Contract. 646-3442 'I. Call 548-2076 free! Remove tnes, ivy, ~~oR.-"'......,...IOa ._: day 111pa.re time (days or Di.•n AJRS, ALTERATIONS .c...'\.J.a:.<l,.J. u~•~ •-, IOI WANTE D, Mtfl
"" "" ... ... •• -MERCHANDISE FOR
"UllNITUlll NII 0"1'1CI ,UllNITUlll! Mll OJ'l'ICI IQUl .. Ml!NT 1111 ITOllii IOUl,.MINT llll CA,.I, 11.llSf'AU•UIT Hit IA.Ill l!OUl,.Ml:NT 1111 HOUSIMO&,.D GOCICI om GAllAGli SALi Mn J'UltNITUlll AUCTIOH ltU A""LIANCIS llH ""TIOUllS tllO SIWINO MACHINl!I IUI MUSK:.&L INST•UMIN T 11U f'IANCS 6 o••AHI ll:it II.AOKI ttll TllLl!YlllOM 11M !1.1·1'1 6 ITalll O Ult TAl'I: ••co1101111 me CAMlllAI & IQUl,.MIHT UOt HO••Y su .... LllS ..... s,.o•T1N• .ooos UH •tNOCULA!lS. ICC,IS U51 MIJCILLAH IOUI NM MISC. WAfllTIO Mii Mi\CHIHlll'I', II&. 110t LUMIS-11 t151 STOllAOI 1111 •UILOIN• MATlllALS l'N SWA,S 11"
PETS and llVESTOCK ,ITS, llNlll.&L llet CAf'S 111' OOGI RU HO•SIS llJI LIVllfOCI( tMf
~'"'' 1eu1,.. tOi\T IL'"• MOOltlllt llO,jl.T SlllVICIS llMT llttNTALS NAT CMAllf'l fl "llHINI IO.&T1 I OAT MOVllllO IOAT ITOl:AOI l~T1 W.&NTaD All:CltA"f l'LYINO Ll!SSONS MOllLI MO"'•S MOTOlt HOMIS llCYClt:S l!LICTlllC c••s MINI all(IS
-"u --""' "" "" "" "" ... •• --.... .... .... ... t!JI .... m• "" .... ...• nn
,...,.... ;rade 962-1745 <l ?i11intena-·, -' ' eves). LOST --Parakeet, lire green CABINET. Any size Job CLEAN U • ••• _,15·.~· '~. •, $]j00 to S3350 REQUIRED &: yellow, banded. Vic. ol 25 YJ'fi. c:<per. 548-6TI3 · • P and lizht mov-.-..>1 .,..
Inqulre aboutour"Jree.bonus Orange Ave. !: P.lesa Dr., REPAIR Partltl Small in&. C&ll Dave : \V~APERING a: PAiN{
route plan". Make )'OUr fu. C.~1. Reward! call 54S-0010 .,_ od •1 t N.1°"' d * 893-t29:; * TING, ·m YRS In areaJ
t ... 'Ith D ncnt e , e c. 1 e or ay, . \
& Bradstreet raled National ""~· Reas! Call 5' \l""I01;, . ure """'ure y;. us, a unn P~GESE d.,. 1 0 , 1 in KEN l" • ..-CLEAN UP a: Haulin& Rtasonable ntt1. 642--0aT l
Co. For more Wormallon .N.B. Owner grieving. Bring =:;:========J TreeA .&: Mrubbery trimmed FOR BetteT ratnttnr, inter"
to 1525 Placentia, NB Apt Cement, Concrete 6600 or removed. 549-.W9 · !or 4 exteriOr, acouatic c1il send name, addresa & phone C3 ·•t ... ~· •-'d C'· And H ul I •••..,,,.. ,._ ,.., • ....., no to: ROUTE DEPT P o or c.. vu.-v.-... •uc:•v • rw•n Up • 11111 •• .......,, • •• .,......;i.llW t' :' &'x 58 Pomona, Calif: 9j769 LOST Female Collie, 6 mo. * CONCRETE It' I 0 0 r s• $10 a load &46-2528 -~
Vic. Fairview & Avocado on patios. ete. Reasontble. Cllll Pl ' • 1_ • I
Affiliate 10/26. 548-3155 or M:J...O'lOO Don, 64U514 Hou .. clHnlnt 6735 ••'''°""' r-!f' r ' , CANDY SUPPLY , ·
ROUTE ii>ST dark bro11>•n Siatnese Contracton 6620 LANDLORDS L!t "Rental e p ATC H.~
!No Selling lnvolved) cat Mesa Verde area. Call t----------Readier" ready your rental. ~~Free_~~~
Excellent income lor fe1v 551-7961 FRED H. GER WICK · H o u • ecleanina:. painting I==::!=:;::=:±=:;;!
hours weekly work. (0ay11 Building Contractor elec. repair, carpet 1ham-
and Evenina:a). Refillin&' and Plf'10n•l1 6405 Jo"am. mu:, bdrms. patiol .JJOOit!J, yard work.~ PlumWnt ~
collecting iTioney from coin Llcensed-}~ree estimates BA y & Beach Janitori&I Serv. -u,
operated dispense1'll in Or. *· ~ ne". 67~1 &: 54s-2110
Carpets, wlndowl, fioors, Ange Co, and surrouMing ~ '6"$ etc. Res &: Co m m c • l
area. We estabUsh rou1e. _c_n_,p1_1_C_l_H_n_r_nt~--·-I 646-1401
CHandlca name brand candy YES IT'S YOUR CARPET Cleaning l nns CARP==E'°"T°'ll.'""w""°""'°"..,--.,-. -=nn.-
and sna.cka), $1575.00 calh FAULT $19.95. Upholstery cleAning-etc .. Res or Come'!. Xlnt
required. For penonal inter. Jo'ree ScolChguard. Harbor "-"Ork Reas! Refs. 548-Ull. view in Orange Co. area, For recorded message that
!!end name, address and will change your life call Discount 839-1870 \\'OULD You believe I will p~ number to Mm.TI· ORANGE CD. 547-4i661 * Diamonds are meiu;urcd cleaJ1 )'Our home fur Blue
STATE DIST .• INC., Im W, t -~~'~<_ho_.,u~'-"~'°~'-"""'-· ~-j y quality, AO are \\"e! Chip Stamps? 897-7350
Broadway, Anaheim, Cali· Attr•ctJve Expert DIA1\10ND CARPE.'T CLEANING lady \V ari ts
fomia 92800. YOUNG WOMAN CLEANERS 66lll7 anytime dB.)'lvork. Call alter 4
dancer will teach you all CARPET & Fum. cleaning: 6t2-J409
latest steps. pau ArdeU for 1 day servk-c &: quality e \VlNOOWS DffiTY?
213: 591-4a38 1-10 Pnf ,1·ork, Call Sterling for Jo'ree est, 11 years .exp.
WANTED;' Ride from 20th & bri&:htness! 642-3520 Johnny Dunn &tZ-2364
NP job-IOQ .m.u f. I ..
• 641,.J12t • • t
~l"f , .~
A1'TE RATIONS-Me-n'1 ·~
women's, cood job.· ra!t +.:: rell.!IOnabl~.' 642-5299 ." .1
AlteratiOM, nstyle &: ; • 1 custom. Bedspreacll•
Louise 541-n .M " • .~o-,.-.. -...,.~--,,.-. ~AI~--~t-~J
Specii.I on hems. !
·~·· '
Active sia,!XXl: N.itionally
kl'IO\Yn manulactu.'1ng bu1i.
ness, firmly est&bllshed aa
tops in tl!!ld for many years,
now expandlll&'. St&ning 681.
llrY $12,COJ per yr plus %
oI Pn:rtlll. Should return in-
vestment 1st yr, Principal
aelected must have execu.
tlve manacement abDity.
Rigid investigation Invited.
Rtfettnces excban&:ed. In.
qulrie11 held in COl'lfidence.
J>e"**Dal int"ef'VieW8 only,
C a 11 K'n Qillonf Cn4J
Santa A111t. Ave., C.M. to CARPET it. upholetery steam WINOO\V CLEANING 1
'~~~eim, 38 bl~. oil ~A. ~tale=~n. ~~ults~. i:; Promise to please! TILE, Ceramic "'-'l '"J• on roa way, ..,..y •y *~2210• • • Ytr•
lhilt, 5 days. 64&-8579 alt free e11t . call 646-S!ln -· * Verne, The Tile MIJ\:'r-•
6:30 P.M. =======,=6:=40 J1nltorlal 6790 Cust v."Otk. Jmtall a:,.....,._\I
NEED female roommate LO Electrical -No job too sma11 • ..=;;;;:;
help maintain t. BR. hse. CIAN· Llcmled HOr.tE-Apt-Rental. H a v e patch. Lealrin&: 1 bo~\r"
Pn!f 2l·Z up w/1 pre-schl ELECTRI · · ' your home ien'I cln'd by rtpair. M1-lJ$1M'6 ~(')_
chDd. Qean & dependable. bonded, amall jobs. malnt It cln'g 1peciallJ11l1. C A L L 1
Pleue call Dotty s.tG-t299 repairs. ~ Walter't Oe&ninl S er Y. u,-e.....,.... 61,fi:
wkendA: aft 5. 639-2233 •
Floon " 6665 SPARKLE Janitorial .. Win-CZVKOSlO:S cUt. u;..at.·~,;
CARPET VINYL TILE dow cletJ\irc Serv. Win-European ~~'
Jo'ree eat. Uc. contr. 54<>-'11.62. dowi, ruid., cornet. cons!. • 100~• ~!(~-L :11 : n4-1tfi0. •
IN A RUT! Find yoursel f
"caught tn & trap?" Break
tht vicious cycle of )'(!Ur life
p a,t tern 1 with .. 1 e It
FRIGIDAIRE """"'"'" th,..,.,,. """' ~! ~! JET ACTION •noounter. Call 6T.l-T"6.
Frigidaire 18 min. wash. * HARBOR CR.VISE *
Fastest In the Industry, 30, Dally 2 Pfi1, l''un Zone Boat
13 min washca wiU Clo the Co., Balboa * 673-0240
1 O••.flld COUNTY ,, .. , UI NTA AN.& Nlt
••SJMllllSTl ll Ult SERVICE DIRECTORY :g~g:~l~~::11, ...
IS!t .... tnt E work ot ts, 30 min .wubet. $2300 CREDIT at Ne1Vporter J b W led
FRTGIOIARE OU'l'STANO. Inn will di8COUnl or Tridc? O In ' Jol:tW1n...,,
Women ACCOUHTINO "9t AUf'O SlltVICIS I PA•TI ANSWtlllNCii 11•¥tc:I fstJ AllTO TOOLS 6 IOU! ... AP .. Ll,,.flll'"I ltl,AIR'-""" •~1~ f'llAIP.lll, flltAV•t. ..,,.,11.t.111Ne au t11A1i..111.t. tlfllffr i\Sl'JIALt. Ollt Utl f'ltUCICS AllCKITICTL!llAL SlllYICI 6nt Jl l"S A\110 fltPAll) ISJf CAM,.t•t i\U'fO. kif lttlllo T-. ate.. .... CAM,.111. l:l!HTALI l.&aYl/TTINt UM DUNI JUOO lll IOAT MAINf'lll,,llCI .,.. ·1Ml"OlllfJO •.VfOS tllltlC, M.&IOftll T, ltc. tUt ll"OltT CAltl I UllNISI SllVIClll .UJ AflltlOUlt. CLAUKI IUILDllll '911 lt,-.CI CAfll, 11.00S
CATllllNe '"' i\UTO a....-lfTS Ci\llNITMAKINI tJ• AVTOS W•NtllO C.&lll'l!fllTll:lfllO _,.. NIW CAlltl -ENTALS
'lllOWA'I' CITY Jl1' IANTA AllA KllOHTS 1')11 , C0"'1TAL 11't 1.AOllHi\ l l ACH »IS LAOUfllll N l~U~I s·tr MISllOfll Vll.10 J?H iAN CLIMl!'iTI 1111 .-A .. llTltANO 17U t---leAr1tT~ 1ur11 ''" DlMA "OINT J?tt :oNDOMlflllUM JtM )U .. U lCllS llflllllUl>M. 1971
ClMlfllT, tll!ct... HM AUf'O Ll!ASINe Apts. Furrd1htd
II Nall AL .. Cl'llLD (Altl, Lio!~ "II USIO C.U:I
:::.:·'IN ... YOUR .. H.Q.ME . LATELY?
' ,
... ... ... lllt
"" tJU ... -H U .. u ...
"" ... ...
HU -
' -1
--lllYS! .. Q.
ING LOC\TIONS: LI .Mira· Call LJ 3-862.5 Women
cla major thoPPJng center, • ---------
Carden Grove ' Buena ALCOHOU CS Anonymous e MINJCARE NURSING e
Park. Phone 5f2.7211 Ga· write to Nurses It Aides avallable for
Col'n·O·Matlc P .O. Box 12Z3 Costa Mesa. home care on hourly basis, 1 hour minimum. Alad shUtl --Equipment I W A N TE D TranJPOrtation ii¥e-in.546-4j10
2334'1i w. v..i;~ w fiffiiJC to Chino every • Allied NU1'98 a: Aklt!s •
F'Ullerton n4:. S25-il33 olhtt week. 64?-1361 Of O.C. Nurses Registry
DELIVERY ** TENNIS ?.1ember&hifl 2T29 \V. Lina•n Lane, S.A.
Superviie the deH-of ~vlo for ule al Ne-WJ)Ort Beach 20 YRS u.le.1 e~p. In cos-·~·1 Tennis Club. &Th--0701 parts le. aectllOries to our melics. drugs .&: je~'t.lry.
customers in Oni.nge County Mernorlil '•rks 6421 OJI 9fi2..1890 -Al~ ... $750o Investment re-''co~ MPANJON. BabysHler Or
quired. 1230 per wk plua 4 PLOTS in Pacif.ic V~ HOUse<A'Ork. Good references.
profill, Should eicceed S20.IJlO ?ifemorial Paf'k. Set to 11p-~1501
per yr, For appt., elll (714) preciatc. Price now $470 --~=~~==~-
"19'!>000 '" 393. cach -wm atU '"' 121; TIM' FOR -e"EA=UTY=-~SALG=~N-,-.,-..i-.·.11 ="00'•"'· :!M'l--<lGl-'-'-T~~-~ QUICK C•SH
Establl1hcid 9 ycan, ?iteaa BUSIEST marketplace In THROUGH A
Verde a1't.11, CM. Doing lown. The DAILY Ptl,0]'
btwn $jOO.$G60 wkly grou, CIAHified 11eclion. S a ve D All 'Y P.ILOT
'll>nt '11'3' tl\O.' WM!!' DallY """""9· trme ·~· •flbtt: too~ .. ... • .
Pttol Box M·lO. nowl !I WANT AD
NURSES &: Aide~ availabll
Ior home care. Sf&..4510
• Allied Nunes Ir Aides •
Of O.C. NurM•-Reiistry
2121 W. Llnp.n Labe, S.A.
Job. W1nted,
Men & Womon 7Gio
CHJNESE liYHn · Oomesttcs.
P~t. Experienced .
Far East Aeency 542-8703
Jobo-Mon. Wem. 7100 .....
Salary, . ~.s. adminittratioll
))!'efemd, (lte Rd) call Ann,
1'1t:rchllntJ P1r10Mel A~tn.
cy. 2043 \Vt1tcilf( Or .• N.B •
64,5.2771) (alaD f~ job!!)
Plt<dtf' EnoQ:h ... Givt ·
Your "F~lr Shar'f'"
cibflities\1i alllfmite()·;
'agenc::::v:· ·• Y'.-l Quality Poatt.lona fOr -.. •
Qu&llli<d ~pplle&llts .
488 E ... 11th st., Suite 224 f, °"" ..... ....,.~
Accounili\I( • • (
Oppo11w1lly for a~
wll!L.Jnll!IU"" ... om
Uon, Dt:IP"te or etrQI
txJ)frltnce ~ulrtd.
tractive 11artinr aal&l)'
tienen11. Stnd resume ·.ta
'' D, ·Paul.sen 2M-Fisher-~.~
Colt.a 1'teu, Calli, / t • :. --
--~---~~-• .... ":' _.,__....._~---·-------··-· .. -----------------..----t
--r I
a Busy Day T-oday-
Jre created1iiid delivere<L~nother--f~esh-edit~a-01 Tlte-DALLY P.ILOT, _· .,_
1 ••
~ .....
' '
TEAMWOIU[ produces uch day's alJ.n<w DAILY PILOT. Often spedal-
ilta: li~e Tbomu Fortune (left), whose belt is educaUon, work with a
ataff photocrapber like Palrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words
and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last yur to 111\lltr'ate the
.var'ied story of Oraiige Coas_t life. Nobody knows how many local stories
we wrote. Not even ua.
CUATlVITY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell· their 1ood1 in
the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford
(center) of display advertisJng department discusses with layout artist
SuZ.ie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff ArUst Bob Noyes an ad whJch
will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes puta
final twchea m artwork and it is approved by tht advertiser, a local re-
' • -. tail merdtanl
I , ' . ,
j . ~tiUICJt IJANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates UJtd
' ·to rtproduce picturea) into page forms as the day's product btgins to
lake Jhape. Compositor Arden ~iaJsbury is only one of a platoon cf
prlnltts Yi'ho "build" the news pages under pressure or deadlines, wort'
in& acainst the clock to bring readers lhe lalest available infonnaUon in
each edition during the day. -
. -DD.JVERy of tht oewsapt:r ts a speed event., too. Qmveyor belta carry
. tbl ·papers thrwgb the mailroom where they are aut.om.aUcaUy Ufld l.n
. bundles of 50 and tossed to waiting circUlation district manaaert (llke · '8taine Roberti, shown hete, rliht) who spetd thtm vi a a 40-vthlcle
~ fleet to carriers for deli very. Mailrooni foreman George Arauz (left)
.antJ bil crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour. ..
VOLUME Ill Ute wont at Ute Copy Deak. DAILY PILOT Copy De!k Chit!
Norman AnderlOll (right) aided by Tom ·mus (i>"ckground) and allter
copyreadera every day slfta, checks and edits more wire reports from
wbrldwlde new• services than the averaae weekly news magazine pub-
lilhtl. Editors scan enoup telephotos to w1llpaper a living room every
it houri. Speed, born of experience, helpa: them keep il all fresh, too.
THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,000
computer, a DAILY PILOT Investment in speed and accuracy, which uHs
a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of
1,000 a MCOnd .and punches a new ta~hlch wlll activate another machine
for automaUcaJly setUng type at hl&h speed. The machines can set type
at the rate Of 1,000 lines per hour,
MACIUNES hasten the processes of ~Par:ing plates for printing the
pages cf the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground ) and Ed·
ward Quinn operate a castlna: machine which molds curved plates to fit
onto high speed prtsse!. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40
ton& of type metal whlch is u!ed, melted down and used again in the
continuous job of printin1 100,000 words a day.
MODERN equipment helpe: tht acCountlng deJ>lrin)ent keep tJp with tht
"today" pKe at the DAILY Pll.01'. Even as the day's newspaper is
b4iin1 sped to ita readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figure! into a
computronic bookkeeping miahine that helps keep track of bllllnJs for
ads and 1ubsc:rlpUon1. The machine, forerunner or a brace of computera
rtctnlly added, handles 5,000 accounts a month. .
' '
""· t. '
RAPID communication iS the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey
and her crew of ''ad-visors" handle t,000 transactions a week by phone,
resulting in publication or S,000 classitled ads -\\'Ords which help pe9plt
buy, sell, rent or I ea se ... even find lost dogs. Many of the DAILY
PILOT'S 150 phone Jines are plugged in here, the classified advertisin1 de-
partment, borne of "Want Ads''. and Dime-A-Lines.·
. ... -.. i
,;.It ·y. ,,
PlcruRES, too, get the benefit of skilled. efficient handling by mut'er
craftsmen who re-photograph lhe1n and then transfer the images to a
sensitized metal plates which are used to reproduce the photos as rea4·
era will see them in the nev.•spaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really
cloae look .at a negativ~ which will be used to etch the image on the
metal plate.
rlmsHED PRODUCT is checked by EJ11,;ood Anderson, press crew chlef,
even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour
completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of
$3.S mill ion. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machines the
equivalent or a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in
printing the DAILY PILOT this year.
• ALMOST before the ink 11 dry, the. product of our busy daY ii toned
deftly on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspaperbojt-wtie
important llnka in the chain of people it takes to bring you today'll 1
and features today In the OAJLY PILOT. And as our Young lndepen t
merchants, like J ohn Melton here, make their deli veries, we're 1ear.ln1
up for another busy day -all 1.000 of us.
_Jhe •Now' Newspaper for All The Communities
'.Of The Growing Orange Coast . . '
• ,_
.. ____ ...
------·-.... ---·-·--·----. 4 ~-···---·· _,,______ ··-.. ·~
-·---···-----------,--~--~ -·---• -• -__ / '
"tutt111, Nowmbtt 1, 1969
:~J~o~1~s~&~E~M~P~Lo~Y~M~E~NT~J~o~1~s~&~E~M~P~L~OY§M~EN~T~/ ;J~o~1~s~•~·~~~L~OY~ME~N~Ttj~Jo~1=s=1~1MPLOYMINT Joas a EMPLOY NT ., •• K~,,,.N..,1si: fo11 ... Jollo -· w-. 7100Jobo Mon. Wom. 7100 Jollo lt\M, Wom. 7100 l-:~:::"::L-:l:"A:"N:.:;D;:_;T~R:.:;A;:D:.:;E:::-::-=:::.:::...:::.:::...:_::;:,~1 ii.................... ~ "~ .... Mllo,~71001.h ... -#.lloo ·:a:vi:c.
You haye an opportunity to be part oJ our
rai>ldly ·srowlng Industry, and ii you live-in tbi · Oi-ange County Harbor area, you won.'t
have to leave "Home."
It you have experience in any of Ibis work,
come In and see us.
Malnten1nc• Mtchan1c
.. Turret Lithe 9'er1tor
Rodlol Drill Oporotor
Drill Prt11 Oper1tor1
541-:llOl -
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Two ytot,rs experience,
clerical acoounfinc, ac-
counts paya~le o:r ltteiv-
ablt, ot job cost, Type
SO wpm el4!Ctric.
Call Peraonnel Dept.
1714) 494-9401
L19un1 Beach
~l r,pp(lrtunfty f'mploytt
eAfivsiTtER In my home
wkly 6: 3()..t, 2 children, 4 yrs
&-3 n1os. Exp'd only
AIDES, Nuning. E x p e r .
Pref'd. Appb' in person via
PH: n4 -49U075
Now llltel'Ylewing
Full Tlmo
t:ifctllent company benefits.
A)'}Ply in Ptt90n only
# 1 Fashion Island
beon\ttn 2 • 5 P.M.
""""""" *HOSTESS*
21 Yf'aJ's or Over
Night Shift
1555 W. Adams, C.M.
B/.BYS.rJTEJt -Evecy Fri It
S..t nlte 8 pm -2 am Vic.
l!B Qll -1682.
BXiifiHTER Wanted, my
home, to r ttach@r. Own
tl'trll, Call 540-1859 a.ft 4:30.
Bii.BYSITTER neded lmmed.
fer 10 mo. old baby, 5 dB)'
wit, must come tG home &
have ref~. ;;40-0063
Weekly. Arch Bch His.
Call 497·1416
&Alt MAID -Apply .• The
Piact, 2000 Balboa Blvd.,
Newport Beach. ,
Youn£'. attractive. Apply at
-1130-l'lac!ntta. C.M.
BAR MAID -Ntltt.
lofAV't{uC.K 1728 Newport
Blvd., Of.
for da,y & f"l'(!n inl shifts in
~pular • priced C.M. Won.
Present staff can't handle
r1,pldi.Y expandil1&' vo!umt.
Paid vacation. Call Viola:
548-9919 or Apply in ptrson,
crowninc Glory Beauty sa,.
lon. 267 'E. 17th St.
llHI Mfg•.
• AtHmblort e T~p
• Plnloh Corpon!Ort
Top waies, pennanent, hon·
est, and good working con·
ditions in area.'11 leading
.restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5
pm for interview at
24031 El Toro ltd.
Leisure World Lquna Hlllll
COOK, graveyard & relief.
Exp only. Start $2.30. OJT.
\V. l!tfh SI., C.M.
tain 11mall trailer park.
Smog free Orange Co. Must
be bondablr.. 642-126..'i
Dell very
WANTED: Auto carriers for
allernoon Register route for
Costa Mesa & beach areas.
Please caJI 540-3006
DENTAL Assis. Previous
E.""<per. Desirable. Ca.JI for
intervw. between 2 & 4 pm.
Oral 5W'Cf?Y & X-Ray ~p
onJy need apply. 548-m9
Large, luxury ,hOlet• Good
salary, live daYs. ~fust be
exp'd on NCR 4200.
The Newporltr Inn
Ol'llAToltS $521-Mn llM KIYl'UNCH
• -l'AIN'f'ilt-
NEWPORT BEACH --. · lo"" oxtro monoy fW 1 --------~-~------TWO·YEAllS·EXPERIENeJI -"62. 19-$614. por-!M. * C.HRISTMAS * ~~~~ ~ n.qui... .... pl ..... o1 ~..... _" ~ ----'-=--.U!.IOPM.!!UPNGBE.\Ql,~~~.l°!-c~~ · u JV'U'~OQ:u••u .,_.,ter. J. c. 'Penney Company OUtowld"" ~ ...... AppllcOnts,' Pl< ... apply
Fuhlon. Isla-• -Newport...... fill: -lcol. 8Codc pur. IO 'Paoonnol Ol!ko. 3300 "" <hue, Dl#.bUlty Life ' ~ -BW<I., Newpor!
Has 1!•1Sltlot1S open In . ""*-· Sic< lee;., -Btach. Calli •· J'>b.: * Sales ...,,, p1an .o:. Am: <n•» m4AL • * Santa's Helper Thur,...y, Nov. ""-Pl\O~ TlltE MAN Apply * Credit interviews I AM In -· <a OcNn A .. ., * Gift wrapplne ~Rh~ OPERATORS
Schedules Including afternoons, evenings and EDISON 'W..,,... • "'lit ,., plutico combination, of both. moldq-. 5<$.3310
Ftnt1t· conditions -Top supervision -Ex-cellent benefits includif!g discount privilege. * Apply Now *
10 A.M. tot P.M., Monday thru Prldoy
-J. C. Penney Company
#%4 Faohlon Island
Newport Beach, C1llfoml1
$474. to S.171. per mo.
~one )'eV ~nt
clettcal •Qel'Wnce. 50
wpm ~ Hilb School
Min tnd. women. Opporwnlty
unlhnl\ed! LoOal ottlce. Call
Addle ,, ........... ,..~-~Mlont
1711 ~e Ave. suite c ---
$&1C1 • -Show R_,. • FIM< Samplff • Factory CIOHOUb
ls prolJtal)lo, ""' ..... c1u..
Eun 'ISO •• ~oo .. , ...ek
full or 'PUt . • time. Oiooe:•
)'OUr own bOUti. No delJwry
or eoUecdnr. no brw1tme111
to •tart:. tm,ned. prefit• •
we train. Phone 54.5-2038.
SW!:S • put time on\Y
Wanted: 2 mtn
'Ewe " Saturdays S&1ai,I + bonus
Aca~omy of
Computer Technology
Call ~T.Htt
·9 am to 3 pm
• S pc. authontlo Spanllh· ldnn. HI, e· 96
In. qulltod solo with 56 In. motchlng love
ttit, or ch11r e 5 pc. Spt1nl1h DIMttt, Olk
toblo' top • a hoevy Modlterroneon mlldlln1
t1bl11, top durable •nouth for Flamtnco
Dancing. Wiii sell pl-• lndlvldually.
Shop Fir1~! Then See Our Unbeli1vebl1 'Buys!
1001 othtr It.ms with terrific 11vlng1I
Bank Terms Store Charge Master Charge
llankAmerlcard All Accepted
-Apply btfore $pm. Nov. U SERVICE STATION ---
Car!er opportunity, $64T. t.o
$775. Are 21·U. CIOAing date
Novembtr lQth, 1969. Appl!.
cations avaUable at Fire
Dept, hdqtni., 501 Forest
Ave., or phone 494-1126.
Cocktail W1itrttMS
Pert time HottttHt
Ff. tlmt Dl1hw11htr1
~ otnc., 3300 New-Top ialPd Nl.•amen Jobs-Min, Wom. 7100
.... Blvd .. Newport Beul>, COO!> pay I« houn.·El<J>,1--------CalU, fn.4) CT3«U. ret'd. Corona del Mar Shell
Reataurant · Serv. 2801. E. Coast Hwy. at
Goldenrod CdM.
Jlull Tlmo
Part Tim•
Opr: for Ncvrp<>rt B c h .
Graphics firm. 1 yr. min.
exper. required. P e rm.
Position. (714) 546-4670.
BACKGROUND Experienced
PREl'ERREO. Apply in penon only
Roy C~rver THE . RIGGER Pontiac
Kl~ #16 Fashion l5land
.,Newport Beach
New ·9 pc, corner amuig.
cholee of clrs. reg. $230, now
Sl~.50 • New beda: King
$99.50, Queens $89.50, Full
$54.95, Twins $14.95, fully
guarn. King sz spreads sµ.95 n. a:z:. $9.9'.i. Headbrda:
Kinv. S15, Queens $12.50,
Fua Sl0.50, Twins $4.95.
Trundle sela Cduo rlser)-w/
inner spring matt. re,. $106,
now $79.50. K.s. 1prds SU.99,
S.pc. Span gp. $249, K.1. veJ.
vet 1pread1 $49.50. Caoopy
beds re;:. $U9.50, now $89.50.
Full sz. 1leep • sola ,reg.
$2.19.50, now $169.50 •. Chrilt·
mu lay-away a now. SIEITA
SLEEP SHOP, 1927 Hafbor
Blvd,, CM 6·15-2760 daiJJt 10.
9 5:it-Sun 10-6.
17 Pc. King Slie
Bedroom -
Large 9 drawer drtt1er, mir.
ror. 2 bed1ide stand•, tdna
size headboftrd, ~. quilt.
ed mattreSI, ~heets, blank·
ets, f'tc.
Choice of Spanish
or Modem Style
All For $249
--"-------------~··-··---.~·-·-----'--·-----------------'· --·----------Ir--
, ....... ~-~'· -. .. ·. ...~ .... -~ -,---..................... ...; .................. --..;;;;.;.;~.~;;. -
' " .
$al.Woy, NOVt-I, l~ • " ~·.' '' ,, ' ,.,
.. \ ...___.._ .-!
',, ONVENIENt-Off-1~ ~QW!.Y~ ' u . I I' I-
" " TO.SERVE YOU' I Ow Fa-.Dttn•··A ·Llnn ·-,....--
' ' r . , . • .......... !!" ..i1:i11Mo wltli ..,. ......
• t~l llAC:H ..... -U11 11•11 IW. . te w 1ef' W 4 rrno•I.., efflc1t. ·
• cOsTA NISA .... ·-·-· ~no Wiit .. , ................ _ ....
v~e..MUNTllllH.otl IU.Clt ....,.,. 101~ StrHt ~~-It-_. ~Jd!tW wltli " ltlftl °'"
• LA•UNA·llACH· .. -·--.. •m -••-·'31. " ' ' · .. ! . c..;,_ .. ,...... .... _ ... ft ...
_4J _ il;:;;;;:;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;::;;::;;::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;::::;;;;~::::;;i;;;;i::;;;;oi;;;i;;;;;;;im;;i;;;!:~;;;i;;;;;::i;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:.;;;;;::::;::::;;;::::::;::::;::::;;r;;;;;;;::::;::::;;;;;;;;;::::;::::;::::;;;;i;•
,,. ,ti . • ... • • ' • • I I )"" , -t , -•
• 300 K01)AK ' alfde peo-CASEMENT •-• COm·1 RECOllP cha ... r, al•<••>. 4 CAS',ranrt wilh iij<!ille);i. l!l'<W.,-~: Sit>. • IW'lll,I: """"" , foll tor ~ 1111,y;: M ..... , ,' 15' 11UCII>Al!lE, t cli?t>r $25. MAPLE' S&le: i Capta!N
11 ~ $10. Portable tc;rttn plete with screen 25.¥31': $.lS. speed automatic. Piclm1tl: , E le ct 11 1 ci ~fie.l(er . ii. ,wtJnui d)ffff• table $20. Q1b .~thnlonl. pullinan. ·Bt\ri, tatlt $9/thest.or .Uveiwa,e H~tt' ~vacuum $10. Sran chalris $20. Kn~ sheU
· ~ ':: ~M~;: Bathrwm ,medlc1!Jt c~st diamond cartridge $l s'. 'Pa~r~clc •llQokl :;c, ~6'19 ~ 2: pa1~]~·1~·1-,ch. link •~b}ched,1 ~Jah~. u~ $12. Floor lam~··~ tlectrlc1overi $.l. HaJr ·cJtp.. : ~;~e~~~~
J u..-.w"' U""''' •·-• •po•'t $'l.~. Enc:~ fOl' S. fool Amplltler~Jli-Fi, IS ,.,.atl ·?pital, C~M..•. • ' ,: 'Table·~ $1. Old .L .C. $25. 2 w!" pla.qu~ 18 x11 ' $12.50. Pa1r ot eandleatt' ~'I U. Brqiler $3. ·tron $3. d•nt desll:· and Seat fl5, ., f~-· -'" • .... ~ bath•·b n Bir B .r: , · ' · · • ' . ., , ·cork $~t50 ,e~ch. ~~ • . _ • , . · ..! Frytt J2. can opener $.1.50. •~
•11 ~ -.cNcw je~·elry and Ba~ ;i~h hood and n:; ,12. Mi.xmaster $151 · 2j16 aRIB, ~n, hlP, cAalr ,SJ ~Ith . typewri~ -~ S!'i'aJ1 SKl's.M;.liki 1iooU: .$4 t. $1S. $3. D.Uw~ ~·~I U.:f ~uicer ~.Blender $5. li'on-Lamps $10 · each. Shutter
,("' ·cietJc umpla * to 50c;,._ motor $1S. OX:ktaU table. $1~. Bowdoin Pl. c .it each ... 9473 , Iolani 1 ciR:li, tltJ's· bl~ $& ~ .Chaif ~13 5l'IO_W> litts -IK"\V toldln& chairs $l eadi. tnc board $3. Pwtable door ft'COrd cabinet $20 .
. ! 41~~ ·~~~ N~~ Desk.' p'.ad Ux38 · $3.1"'0 SATURDAY 'only, $.4. Stu· 1j.s'. ~ ,' • ~. ~ Sl. ~MOC ·, 1 $7.50.,,i Skin diver· Jia,ddl Steel tafe"bOx Sl.50. Stt"otf Sinrer sewing machine $15. ~i!e~ts41lr:~=~h~~7ee~:
.t · 9't twlntt.dSPl'ffdSlea.ch. Travis .curtaip· .ro& $5. dent desk $15. "Record COIL.,tioubi'e·btd sp,rinKJ NE~ in;ori.Jinal 'cratea Jap. board $5. ~dlni, ·bl"U! steak kniYes $2.' Set .of 3 ~ ~ta,ble ~writ~ 2 end tables $Z> for all .a ll~ -!.11 CluhJ •"'each ~7226. · 1 · . player$2.50.J)ate·s S5, good.·one rc .. lie. ~ antie china, $1.50 .per ..!it,~ 45, 30-lQ 3c, Qillds klttjien knives ~:SO • .Ju!Ce • 16 portable TV~ th 548-8611 · -,..,. .., -··...:--r t1 Ink Ou'ill1.-...-a h taya· 1amei 25<:·$2 J.!eath-· . Arius C.Z $10. Volt 1.4 lens"'··=· ~=7· -=~==I • "' J!&iS:tertt:t. Sat, s .u n d a y V\lf Hitch $1~ S drav.'t'r cbl!st ' bedspread SJ, Jewelry IOc • d o u b, I e be:it •• Pe e d's tt· .,.!,.. ,.. . ..._ . 0 n r kit jr. lab new llo.' ~ct or ~~s~Sl.i All ,in ~. co.,. apeed_ .t-.001 $20. SimsonUe DOUBLE Bed $25. Double ~1103, 200C)' Com.I Pl, $1 5. SrnaU <'&bi.net \\1th 25c •• Lawn mO\\W "''ith finishing ~-Double maJc • .-01:26. . £>•,.. b ns-J '-t $1' 2 i bed frame•• 645--0717 _ 'ir:B. sliding •105 doors $25. Foi catcher $3.50. Com p 1 ". t e tress $'~· P!~lt Rq., u . ill 'OFFSHORE c.Nilinl pg ~s •$2.00, chi.Ids pftono $.), ' cu on. • . ' , A t aana , '8t;;' · Ill.Ill'"' · · · au !er $l~. ;;7.C~;::.;-::;.,~-i:;7:-:::;;; .,... " 779 b · t \' bil Sowa 2ac.SOc,. doJ:ls $1, dOll Coata M~ 4f>Dl65· 1 : Furn turt, . '5 pitce 1967 MAN·s 3 • speed bike with
1"1', .... * USED TV's * lights $10. ~9 • adm1ntol} :KOi S . \Oil· $2. 1.!69 Repu c Ave.,.C:}lt, t~ks,$15 each. ·Hi&;hboy oU a~sones ·25c, chllds life COUCH And•chair $15. Chair ~fedltci,:n.nean ~~ ~et rack $22. Girl's Stingray
1 "Jo,.. '• _ . jGE \Vasher and ·electric derhorse $4. 2 hoses, iood BOY'S 26" 3 speed blcyCle disptme:r :30 : .gallon .. "~ .. . , and ottotnaif $lO. Bustne'Ss $25 eac:tu:·196T Antique white dry
,JI .. ~ •. • $25, Good eondltlon dryer. &th in·eood 'Working ~ndll~n ,1.50 eac~. TV. $15. Glri's 26"" 3 spee(i bike proxl"?&:tely $1.: Eur ~ ~fl 5Clc. ~. t1I lold ·deif S25. 'i_n!nE tab!' ~&l bedroom Jet. C J?b wUh ~.th ~~~I $:~s~~crys:
,Cill 5'.U415 condition $25 the . pail'. 1:1bach1 $1. Ba\h tow.els 2c-$12.50.' Regulation ping~ ·$2. SJd:bl.ndtop ld~f with '1W EneYciopedia. Mt -.;, . ~ 1 ~ de11k $25, each. Box, 11Pring chandelier • .,~. can.646-3680
,1• PALM t e • 1 be r .,... 644-usa. , · · lJC. Bathroom whatnot s~lf table Su.so. Sin~lc 8~ bnuia"'buc , ,ai~ Crate o1 9'_: SitARK s~. ,with L!l'IM , , ........ .._ and ma~ $25 each. 2 _.
,...; )IJirllement $10. iu;. bull'.Y . . $2. Battery cloqtcs cle&J1C! door .$3. Pink 4. ·draWer '30, dellveey.: ohn ~ car 1'.Ck $25, F.arfy Ainer. -~ ~ ' Bunk ~ .. wlth mattress $15. ~·='=".:.'..:1:;·-~~-~.,-
.. 't'IL ~Walker $5.. Automatic GUITAR wi: caseod.t ~:i~ $1. 4 place settln~, Melm~ dresser $5. Leather top QROW,N ao1a &ood ica.n "19'' TV , ca9Ine'.t-S25, 2 GA!tDEN !fose ._$5: ,dliilS Childttn'S bOoks .lO each.· RED.Leather chair and blue
... 'hrioi: no. CU' aat $3. s10._ Ma))!.e binern;'143~~ 38 $1. fl.ten_ and '" o m.e.n s mahogany elld table· i.;. e,oodition'$a '.:l(a t chin I Danish Modem w«~onals $25. End tab_lea $25.~-n: Gilbert erector set f1. Bat· naugahyde rocker both for 1
' ~~~-le seat (for stroller) tonnJca ~ ee S10xlS 6 clQthe11 25e • .S3.. Camera ~· M&.Il47 chair $8::'M!'Ple ~'tier table $20 ~ach. Coffee table;J:!OL _ to ~ ,PM. Ttie ·Albe~ _ tw .tractor $5. a ·foot , sofa $23. ti73-4377
• 1l~·flith chair $5. Baby ::~h t1! t_ P ~is~ .lab ;1~~~n~~~= 7~ FRENCH. ProVlncial doUble w1 lalth ~f '2C~t.arie,.. bl. ~f .;:11 ~~;ri~~ ma~~e= ~~=· Lquna ~~~ ~11,·~~d:t!101i~:::;~ TIME· FO. R
"6 'Mc}', pack cap1er $10., '57 kit le microscope $4. Chlld1 ·each. 4096 Germain i:te ~ .. spnn&1 and ~attres. e _ m....,.~ co"'""',. ~ _.. 1 ...... -e .. _1 .,...., • • -z -· : . • · · · UICK CASH ~ Oievrolet. 6 eylinder engine mosaaic kit $2. Books .lO & U . slty Park 8.J3..lS9S $::?5. Pair modem desk or Maple 31 . TY .. werkz &ood ...,_,. C•JILISC! $:.50 each. }iELMET~ Factory~. $7.50, bi:,ange · arid brown Q
,. ~:.~Victoria, C.M.. .25 541)..8376. n1ve~ " . bedside lamps $ each. Pa'.tr s;P-.. • ~I -sy:t•a _tricycle MU236 hall price'.,$16:. ~· ~f .~., Fl'manshinrs:. $.ii;: THROUGH A Bl~litul no f.fi.r to P BABY items: crib & mat· TWO girls, ~\l:.e )4 Jllack and Japanese ha':nd painted on· 11~ ne'!, .SiQ. ''tr!~e. ~· 2 SINGLE bed!,. complete, H.B. . . • .-mp ...,
.mahoc8:1\Y table for comer tress $20, car seat $3, jump whit~ check coats. $10 each. silk fra_m~d ~t~'$5 each. Diaper Pall ~1..~ bed .ia. mattress and .~ ~. MOVING f\fust 9tll,· !1l" ex. Refits $3. deb. Sal. sun. DAILY PILOT ~ ·~ unit ;25. Lo\'~ S"'a& seat $3. Playtex numr $3. ~ c.ondi!IOll. ~ Tricycle S2. lSOO C0n1· ~8-Ml! clean $8 both, ~2 cellent condition, babio'bed! Mon. only·5~1980 H.B. 1121
_ l.,rnp '1.ilh erystal ,fla. Na"'Y bath seat , 15, sb-oller Sj. TOOLS: ~ V 20 amp arc modol'e R°"!d, N e w p 'or t ELECTRl9:" ta~le '#W. ~" Gl\S 'range, apa,rtment aize $10 . each. Die~r · Sli>. =1!~:~ve, near Beach W·ANT AD
cape $10. \\hlte \1001 548-20l7 v..'elder $25, Hood $l. Rod -$2. Beach 543-4563 blad~. WldJl'I • n d depth $2;;. Clean 548-3382 BookcaR $5. DOiible• :1m: ,~f $3. Ladles leather look · 100" 2 wire elClel!Sion No. 10 YOUTH bed. With maltreu, jU!des }20. 645-1452 . · · · springs· and rnattreSs. $15
• '!'r::t:Cke~ :6~el8~42o8::~~ ~~ $~0~~~~e head· ~e:~ :~a:·d~:~ ~~ exctllent ~fttii~n $13. Shoe NE\V, ·d~~ .. has .'7 ru-aw:crp SQ-AM-LETS :~~ell~~~tr;~che~;~1~a~~. , o· N.-. " T
• l 1 SJ.fil. 6' artificial tree in StCKROOi\f supplies: Com· d~ill. $1. 1~0 wait ampilfier ~~white stze 11 $2.sq. S20. ti.f5...l4a2 , ' . , _A; NS' .v· ERS commode,· round end l&ble D , I p IN CH
rtdv•ood pot $5. Assorted mode fl, Adjll!table bed tray $20.-~rd speaker-S20. MA~S. box " apr:rngi ; , $15 to $:25.'Cottee' table, tabfe
· ~ •chiJtal 50c to SI. A!!Sorted & stand $4. crutchl!s $1, bed· Heavy duty disk sander $20. F~ANCI~ "Starburit'l m:t·-..bed fram~ -~ · ~ ' , ·~ . • .-_ ' , , and chain,• hutch lamps $25
•• ,.~iebes Sc tn St. 961 .. 2035 pall $3, -urinal fl , invalid Discs 20c'-eacb; Orblt sartler pattern d15hes, maey ¥rV· mattress· $10. -T•~le-and~ ~111~~"~ .. ~enace -Liquor each: Studi~ couoh ~. ~ -
PfJR Teackwood.front doors cushion $2, latex back rest $1. Electrle' ·fu6ton $5 to i~g pieces .. 75e to S3 each. Chairs ~5. Goi:14 biC '.h'11~ ':""~Na.soot~...:. Sidln.&: -·Dis-Swq tilmp SlS. Vanity tab!.? ~udinr ltardware s2.5 . $4, fool rest·$2. fracture pan i20. 1'' power saw$10. Pipe \\ooden high chair S12· chair· SlO Dishes, VUl'I, ll)i.)'-D!SNEYLAND ' and chliir SlO. Elcctrlc #c.o1~ .. ~~ ~~l~~a~~ ~:;~~:~~:1th ~i~~~s;~~·:o~.:e~t~: l~~~~t~ el}i~ $25. :~~ij~1.a:::~: ~~ttl~!i:~·:~:k,~':: ~~l~1:!.~1~~$~He~~ ~y· 0 .... u· ~ ·RSELF
=y'1 G>Kart $10. rold~n: reduction gear $12. m:i vx taps 1/8" to ·1·• $20. 0, D. "re-t suit top, medium $3. Av-ers $15 980 Oak St., C.M. fol in the ' drlver•S J;ibs and Fiber. a:Jaq:· T.V. trays $3. u cart 1750 F~d e••l-F......, ... _ .. out .040 ?'>lie 1" • 6" S6.50 to $15. L. ocado quilted bedspread, 646-6116 · • . s.aldYUhij:. '"T~ this bJJ.s to.DIS. N:ew el~.e niors $3-45. • . . in:: ........ -v•u .....,.~ . 2 t 12'' 1 I NE . .petal single btod $ 5. over, oUenhaU&er head v..it D._ 1"l1c o ~mp e.e .double, good cond~lion $5. CARPET. b¢a:e v.:ool, good . . . ;" Lata:e cbilds rocker $3. 120
Eastman Verilax SigDet three s......i transmli;sion $20. Sia. Oversize dnlls 25c Beige n1g, 6x9 .$5. Electric · nd'ti. 11· .,_, ·131,. $15 GOLD N·'· . 1 10, bass · aceordian, d t she 1·, ~·· e••h. "'o<k •--hon Wheels ' · .., x 5 '°, 1 on. 7ll x ' · · · ,...,n~~-" . x 11' v••'-, uteM· us •-to •~. flQ .qopier duplicating machine serve ! gas refrigerator .. " ""''"" knile sharpener ~· ·1 64 4888 ' excdlent $25 includltfg pad """'" ;Jl; -)
•. Paper supplies for ~ $12. Raffle ticket ~~dH~:o~ ~ty ;is;25~20.j .. (•.ii!!; toy .• > $10. EastbluH CA;wET, willow pen for· Sf2..37tl ' . ' ~die~!°:. s :u6:"8 ~!.-. (You' re ·Not Dreaming
•, ,-, , pUc&tinz $11. 64Ulll6 mixer S2 642--'5989 """"" HOO"ER T ~ .,. -· · dnt"'·er tool ·cabinet .SlO .. · . trel .never wed, brand n.ew ... .i.nk type $2.0. • 10c-60c. White shoe skates 7
;11 0tEVROLET V-8 automatic TONNEAU cover&; boot for Golfcart$2.Chainfalls$20. CAR.RIAGE $W .• Keystope 8 3'x31'atrip aobdforhall$20. 84~ like ·new . $5. 9132 Car-But You Can "~ ttarl!imlssion ""'S25. 1 7" ' Datsun Roadster $10. Deb-a · · 5 1 mm camera $1:>. Baby seat ' · , . Nev• anchor $1 . l am, not Sl 2 . ted Lou di 6424888 . . LAMP Tabt~· sohd· v.'8.lnut rollto'fll 0r: .. H.~. 9621916
. TVportablf25e TVBed$20. Zl'd' table heavy duty trailer hitch $10. before,' to 6 pm Saturday & S~ '> ~111 le ~in "~s ~~ BED. extra 10 n I doubl~. $25. ·842-3712 , all '"eek tU gone
· sprea $3. Slat bench SJ, 646-9842. Sunday W Baker I o ' "' · ap -c; corxftkifl' • t ·l)ark. b-ro""'wn'-,tm-alJ_d_•_l.X.-t
•' ;fl.laple lamp shade S2. West· BOYS suit \\'28 L28 $15. La:brilikir to' 3031 Samoa, ,Keystone .s 'mm. projector Beau~ .. ood. I • SnJDEN'll ..:·~wt .. d~.~k p·rN c· H' YO"UR , ~nd. aaJad bowl S2 (~). Shirts SOc. 2 p&ir lined blue Co t M $25. fl.lanu al ice cream Box spnns·S20 148.ttz:tss $20. metal. $15.: ·tampfitt &irl's Y.'igl« $5. 1 'electric' ltet&X.
; . ;!!!'rt, power ~al1el)' Chevy chlnlZ draperies Sl. S4H302. s a esa frtezer $5. Do-Jt.YOurself 6424888 unifonn, $i?. 96_~7593·_ , -A-Cisor $25 •. l · 12'''
.tape (12VJ still guarantttd . _ l\lAPLE coUee table $10. books ';'J· Rink roll.er skat~s, WHIRLPf)OL" wu~ $10 5.TuDENT , DoU~. ~I diameter 'world '· c I 0 b.e
, • flO· 216 tubes $2). 548-6529. GENER AL E 1 e et r i c Maple cotfee table $25. MapJe woman 1 and.~ s $4 pall'. Refrigen.tOr •Sl;io ~3 desk metal .. ns.-, ~.Ptire Wl~ ~ Slb.· ~$$Ort~
1a'· • automatic washer in very endtable ,v..;thlamp$25.3 Stuffed t,0y arumalS 50c · - -. gjrJ'swiilottn~962-7S9l _blllck/white l!lk~ful}ea .·A;'rld r ~ ~.WASHERS $5 each, ga~s a:ood condition $2 5 . pieeetable•set'S20including each' .. chnd·S pool ll"XtO' MIXM~·~~L!I P.1C: -~-· oilcanvaspaintinc-')lto'$10. · ·
dryer $15. Gas stove $25. Mercruiaer ~rarin corner table. Lazy SUsan v.ide$3·!>.1ot6nilacarradio lure .$5 La~ ~ided rua:MQl'ORCYa.E, Bti:mper 1 'Set bronze ~side'nti&J PEN .NIES
"I iu~Sl~-~~5$3~~d~ Ta:hometer. 12 volt. 4 "''i lh large wooer base $5. $5. Pu~ tent. canvas $2. $10 Metal shelving Sl.·<:an-c~rri.er$1~.95,a l 10 coins $5, 12 or¢tid .'ci-)iSt.&l • ·
• ' b ,_ •• h 1 lty cylinder $12, 11ever used. '$10. Slat bench $j. Odd Phone 847-1081 ister set .$3 Portable broiler m111cellaneou:1 . part.a from S'nack sets $6. 1 pink ctiillon 1 • ,
· ca .. ~ ... eac · po 847-811" Chair wtth matching drapes S3 Jiam11ter _cilge 50c Otlna SOc .to.$23. 962-!4.lls'. 11hbrt 1onnal size f--3 siO •. l •'·'r -TV (for p••t·l '· ANCHOR $10. 'f~•·ine .loud "' • '· ... ,_. ... ""' ~ odd v.·atnut table $3'. and S.f. "..... cabinet base S2() 645-)331 SCHWINN Racing bike v.'}lite chiffon short klrinaJ
. " ',S51offer. Couch (needs AUTOJ\lATIC v..·asher, very ~7 after 6, Sat. all day speaker Sl John. 536-£126 N' i. handb ak .,,,., n ... oi 20 i;ize 7~ s15. l black nylon
1 1upholsterinel $ 5 / 0 f f er. good v..'Orking ·condition. Ne'v BRASS top .ta'ble $20 · ll1•t r es .,..,. ..,.,,., s .,~ SUnday \VALNUT Bookcll!e head· .,tand t i::. 833-~16 ·, inch bike, hand brakes $10. 01-ganza fgrmal or Cocktail
,,1 or ""8-4776 hotes. etc. $25. i\tay by board, double ~12.:'iO. Child's " .,.. -962-3436 dre;s, size 11 $10. 1 white ' 5 TURDAY ••• Sund•y 1008 before buying. 5'1~. MOVIE , projector, ·e:'t'cellent TABLE &nd .4 cllai.rs ·$15· 2 . • • ~ --COf\dition $25. Da y 11 g ht Jlecord player $1 Pole lamp, TWIN B d ttre imitatiol) fox c;a.pe $10. · 1 -~Ison. C.M. RCA 23 inch BAB);' .~b Jl,5. 11\l\~ta S5. $6 , U h 1 1 red bei'ge and v.1iit~ $4. OO:S.:7001 maple end tables $5 each · .. e ma ss, two black ~·/gree"-dinner . oi ip J>M(ls tubes and battery hlgbduilr' $1. \ bajflinette $8, vie w e r . P o s e 1V table $3. ·'Refrlprator trundle bed mattresses on part)' ·dn?U iize 14 $S. l
·for · rtmot~ conlrol $10. stroller.$13, other baby items chil..\r, needs reC1ni!tlng $S. EXCELLENT used car~ting $25. JI.fetal stand, sz;&16-4018 boaid .' tram.es ~ each. man's white dinn,r jacket
shWUber $10 u is, Boy's .5 to ·;$2, ~I nags: 9x12 ~l~:e $~~~ea;:iu~i~:~ ~· i:~t~~~ i~v= BELLY ·board; '4' · exctllent ~3:436 · ' size :'().$.lQ1 ahlrt ~ .. 1 pair ~thine sile1 10-12. &irl's bn.ided $22, blue 5."3 .SIO, acroll $14. Frames and cond\tion $25. $45-4617 · M~~ ~Helmets .-mei:i'sJ:ilftck dress pal\ts 111ize 1tpa 1-1. Men's pants like beige 4x6 Sµ. Phone TV 16" ptbl. Emerson fQ. tacttiry seconds $16 -half ,34 Slfl.~1{.lftan'a spQrt jacket ~&l·i""' 32,
~'I~$!.:,~ Sll-2597. bfdntsBe:;~ "'~:7s. s,66 Heath Kit model Ts.3 Sweep ~~:e :~e~~ :: _l]ie.rdail l)fice. ~7s'..57~ . aize . 41 ' $15. t pair"men•11
-1 .na swta er.,., .......... "'. PORTABLE TV ~ J25.• m e ·d I um range hi. f i Kenerator $25. 494-8660 Oilld's car seat $4. iBei;~ V~~ . Cleuer· t S 2 0. slaclis size 36 ~.-1 .black ~and drapes ll)c-$2. Dishmaiter, cOod -$22. New ipeaken $2 each. Oval pie-SMALL · rtfl"igerator, ~ draperies, 11~4",W-lnd.·5,, L ~~tte. 6. chainl ,~. Ke~-man's ault 42 $10,r 1 rra¥
_, Nrn.JRE, rummage cl.oth curler $5.', Webcor ture frame $9. Baby _crlb condition $15:.673-~ -S9 Ill.lid otl white dt.l.perit'll · .~ R\¥1DC machine S2J. nian'• suit aiie' .40 -$10.
c lo thinc Sl $23. record player $6. c.ar mattress $6. Antique c<im· ouT1>businns ,Saturd&3, u• 6" w x 418" L s1!Gobd ~ che~t $20. Twin box: ~96="'":::00:::31::.,. _ __:. __ _ P~rbacks 5c • 1.0c. Elec-vacuum $5. 2 Fire screens pole diSh $9. 642-693,; Sunday .Nc:ivei:nbtr 1 and 2, terW 646-6115 · , •. sprtn&:, a 1n d mattress $25. DAL b: , .
tfte · 'CWtar '$25. , Record brass $5 • $10. 3 Hair dryers s~" •f .. oy , ~. · .. ,, HB. ~a · .. · 'J'Win .. bax. 1pri,ng and .mat. 4 Track walnut hOme tape
2 n.,_~ '1 ll YOUTH chair $2. Youth bed "'"' " ..,,.. CRIB ··• tU. $10 P""
0pll)'tr $10. Beglnne;i;.,. ac-$4·~· ue.-"-;'t ~ es $5, Baby clothes, toys lOc. Miscellani?oqs plastics , ..,""ma SI ~-lnl8 $15..~ ftame ·$3.50. deck.likenew$20.~4. ~i~ $25.· Boy'~t -tidies -$2. UHF con\!erter $10. trash' .ca1t!Jllds 10 a:allon .,en ·Sl.50 Gnuxilg radlo tJO Steam iron • $:J. Toaster' BEIGE/Brown f o rmvt'ca
idoUtin& &-16 ;Jc·. $5; Bar Toilet seat $1. 6 electric Chest of dra...,·ers s5. r..taple 50c • \Sc· Diaper paiis .75c. Electric heater S6 Efecti"IC ·U.50. Wame , iron $4.50. 2 dinette table, teat and "siX
s;.\ Lawnmower $ 2 . 5 o, clocks $1 -$3. 3 clock radio11 collee table $8. Plastic love Laundry b"aSke'ts 50c. Chair sdS!iors: $4 Kitchen Cloe lamps $5 PW. CoUee table ~ $25 GE canl t ~t #5. Maple tables ~· S5 • $10. 3 TV stand1 $3 ~ $5. seat $8. Large mahogany seat& and backs $ 2, $3.50 Ba.tln'oom ·~~ $3 $5. End table'$5 .. 2 ctwrs $4 ~aciium wiitta~funents i:
:flO. w&aon Wheel chair SlO. GE Tank vacuum $6.50. table $S. Slnger P a .t i 0 StainleSs-.ateel pans no han-Box of dishes $1 Rotobroll each. 2 hv1n 'boO_kcaae bead· Knelsset skis 1 ft. Jorie
'Cfjcke.(cha.lr$8.-536-8518 3910~~··Channel Pl. NB. ~~~:11$2.~·ne:wEicc~~ dle 25c. FlameJight bulbsJ $20 Bowls, &lasses, dishes boards $2 .ee.Ch. Eiid tables thong sat8t;y bindillP SlO.
t if>.JJBLE sink and disposal 6'13-1603 fan $2.so. Se"'ing machine ro\ors.. ·15c. Styrofoam jugs and decoratinr items 10C'45 $2.50. each. Casal· Mesa 968:-2l93 ,
·1 .. ·cou" mill; new. Grind 21 " TV \\'orking condition $l5. &42-lG59• 411 Emerson and coOlen_ $1: Chroine Maple tnlme ·picfure $12 548-5067 · ..:::o.::::.:.~===--
•· ~ OV.'n $6. Old lamp $3. 2 $10. 54s::.8964 St. ~.B. bi'ead boXes and canisters l.arie picture ot. ~los Ar· CHINESE Orit~tal I'U& b.12 61 · :-62 1'D!fPEST parts,
ix:w bathroom, rugs 5x6 a~ BUNK .. beds $2j .• Bu n k MAPLE table and 4 chairs 75c 'to $2. Corner unit and ~~ ~25. ~any ~.of ma. $25. Smalle'r rue $10~ ?tfaple ~::;1~ats°:~Uo. ';!i
Cttitlet coven $4 ea ch . ,__.. ..._ <'• I h bookcase •::.1and SlO. Jfe&.d· fe.iials Io.c:50e·}'lli:ct. WhelP," platform.. .roclter S·l 8, 5 O. · UC\.lsprea...... w a eac · SlO. Gas built-in stoVe unit ..., tied ,~ Book and , · · $5,.Radlaton: $1. each, ~ Be<lspttad and blankets S2 Armchair .rock'er $10. $25. Sofa $lD. Tables and boards, 2.twin, 1 kingsite ing a a · rec-Pmfeasional hairdryer $HI. $4. Bumpen' $3 ea:'ch~-
'leach, good. ~7342. 216 Portable air . cooler $10. lamps $5. Glau shOwer boOkcaSf' $15 and $5·pair. 14 ·ords 25c·$3 Pa.int!'t's drop' Twin 1ize mattress and box 11!)3:'.lS98
' ~ Dtive, CM Chaise lounges · (2) $10. doors for tub SlO. 460 kt ·gold bractlels 50c. 400X rjotlt Si): Ma,p}e_ loPOOJl rack aPrlig $12. Kids show skates :::.:..:::::.---..-~-= ~ w.BLE and 4 chairs 'S10. 545-5788 Lenw'OOd Circle, O.f telescope $20. Phone $1:50,,Dpuble box BPrlncand $1 pair. 129 4ard St., N'.B. MAG Rims V.W. bus.~
tv..'O \lolOod chain $5 each. 2 536-1822 betv..'l!~n 10 ani and ma~ $25 ·Bunk .. bed 673--0311 ~8.ch. 536-1~
vicuum ~leaners SlO each. OVALbrald~rug~.~l':e NAUGAHYDE Sl to $2 yard. 9pmplease. .lraaiei'.$3 each. 353 E, 2lstTYPEwR1TER ~ith G4S Refri&erator $25 .
fl:alr dryer $20. T\\'o small ro;e;d~::le $~~c\Vau ~am~ Plexiglas boat 1"indshield STRONG old·tashioned fold· St. C.~. 646-4698. Corona, very clean, A-1 67s.199'4 · With G
· ta-bles -$2 each. Two collee -12. Electric heater St. RCA $1'>. Speed O pr i n t In-the.wall double bed 125. WEDGEWOOD range, white, condition, works · llke.:__l'le\Y M-ASSIVE Anliquetf c o1 d
tabJes $3 each. R.Ocking radiO stand $2. UtUity table mimeoit&ph sz:;. lO fool f.1attttss.for double bed no. 36 inch, 4 burner $25, Good J2:iM Small ironing • board, decorator lamps $20 each .. 4
"ir·lS. Tu'O bU stool! '$4 $2. 2 TVs· $5 each. fl.taple canvas dinghy cover SIS. 897 536-7056 condition. 835-1I47 folding tor camper $4. Spindle-back oak chairs $3 . St..me· machine SlO. milk stool St Pink chenille ~~ter, C.l\t. ·No. ·21· after'S SLIDING a:lass bat~· tub 35 ·AIREQUIPT slide r:naga. 54&-7165 eacti. c.t:ramie lamp a,nd A.~I OT
· 1ktarda' U e a c h · bei:lspread $2. Pink curtaim enclOl§ure 58''x68" $ 2 5 , zinei and c:uryirc·<:Ue ;12. INNER Spring· matt re gs shade· SJ,· Ori&inal . "oils,
'.ood .bed fra.rnes S3 $1.50 .. Yellow curtains SL VACUUJ\.1 S\\'eepel'. Elei::· 548-5188 M>2SCM frame $10. Jersey au it, V.'atereolor and. ,p 1 a. q u e a ~' Ch. Kitchen table $5. While curtains $1. ~ trolux. Very 'good sucliol'!, ktaiJ dre I 10-12 St..JJ.O. ?1etal ate~ platters
cS\lrfbeiard·$5. J\adio $5. Poli striped curtains $4. 1'1ash has bttn tested. All at· StZE 12.14 \\'omen's mat· 8 CAGES includint wheels c,.:,per and ==nt ·~ ' Sl pair. \\'ooden trienlt
Jii : ilid·pan1JOc. $4. Dishes 5c tadlments included $20. Ching White Sta'& jacktt and and waters &: food for 6 • "" ~ Pii~WY ' Pi~'M~'M~· ,_ ·,_ $2. Garbare dlspos'.al $7. ~~~!1 1~. T!'ri~~a!!i 642--4888 fk1 pllJ1ts, skirts, dresses. months for hamsters. SS $4. Ml~llaneoua-1tem~, ~~~ $16,i= .~= . .·.. . 7l . -10 •J>OUl --• eutt•r wlth . r · Id I . sweaters, caprli, .blouSes, ei.ch e"-or all ·for . $2$. la""!' chairs $1 to ·, $?. nd 1~11c ..,,. ..... posters SOc. 1e 1 as~s HOOVER Ooor v a e u um ,_ ja_. -1 _... ug..9359 animals a toys . ..,...~ · b9x of fittings $5. Couch $5. 'l5c. Tackboards 3()c, Pat-scrubber $10. Hoover cjll'Ptt 'beige rnus ..... t ... n .. .., '"3-646.M50 663 Sud ·CM · "'! Mt9Cellaneous tcrvins .plat.
2 s~ts Beaver Board S4 .ter ns lOe. Books 3: ta:r ix. 1":eepec $4. 3 black. and blue knit lining, ·ma.tch~g Tv: 1
$12 ~UCh $~5 .. :e:ookcase DOUB~ Electrit bot plate, ten. dlshe1. c la• S w a r ·e
t>!:tr. 20713 Birth.,~~~~ Picture tramea lOc. Water white blll' stools S3 e11ch. :~ s~~ 6~~i~:~:;.e:~ SS ·and' SB Bar stOOt fr~Re. :~~=t~s.trr;:htow~: a;c.$4. \Vom.f:n's and mea--, Class"if"ie· d. ·Ad. , .. : ·&:n~,Am. Rela:hts. -.~ ...," jug io c •· Na t'i 0'11 a I w--.. -n ladder •1. Cos"""tlC bl ki •1 cllner ..,,. Dlcture S5 M@t. · . · ' · ., .. ~. clothing l~r; Womt:,n.'• ... ., ........, "" ... .,., ....i_ es $3.50. ca e ·s "~-~ ~ • , CUnp•,,. rear -to 112 so ,...~ &n ~. Geographica 25c .r 528 traui cue $5. Lugqe, l'Y' 2 ri'tac set SS Typewriter $25 · _1" ~ • -· aize 6-6''1 shoes ,SOc. pair. I . .,._. _ .. ,_ ••• A NB "'"1092 . I dings $3.·2CAnnY cots $ .50: H . .., '"'--'w -Trailer S>Cfffn door $2.9a. ' I h , ... '"• Et.OEN, Banken Curve n.aCC! R~ a.ma, ve.. · ~ various S3 .. $S. Btcyc c, Kcnlka ·35. rnm camera $25. ant tteeiv:et. $.w vt1C_ 9" Larae .and imall stainless W e'S t n ;. o u s:e .,
Set $2S. 2 ttnnls rackets $4 BABYLINE crlb .· ~. 2761 boy's 20'' Scai'S .spyder Bell and Ho\l.·eU g1 mni ~ S12 H1-tt speake~ $10 steel lfnkl $5 each. 10 a:allon Blac:k/,vhlte portl.ble TV.
eaeh., Both rte"'· Other S..11 Cai-Joe:, C.M. (Stingray type) 3 spffil $18. movie camera $15. No call' each Sony A1'1·FM P9rtable Water .t.arik. ·will)._ fittinp $!), \\'Orks $25. 'Afillque• ~I 3, . ·11 N ES house~d items $1 • $10. ORIENTAL rug. 4 x 61 $1S. Games 25c • $1. 2 hl-li Saturday."6'4-0197 $25; Sat-Sun. 546-1330, 308'I New .22 auto rifle $2S. Ac-arm chair. ne·ed.s 64~9 Or ~ anytime ..a~· Pl C >! speakers, Knight. v.·alnut VW h••vy duty IT'"'' and Gibraltar ·Ave. C.M. -sso· .. n'•• 12; \' a_r i 0 u s reupholstering $10. Huge un-
iµ. • ' __ .. 2516 S<Muum · · · ftol h $"' • B b car · ""' .__ "' f>"n•'sh-.. >A'OOden bowls St BO 'WAY beds 39" .... .., 4 TV s ~ eacu. a Y hitch •;. Typc1vriter $10, .. ELECTRIC hea~r _SlO used housefl!lld 1te_ms .?.'.to $5. ~ ,,_..., ._..,' • ,, ,115. each. TV console, LAWN trlmmt1' · ...... bed $3. 2' head~rds, t1\-ln ""' 2 1 $20 Bookll 1 10 to IL eilch. Staihle• 1tetl wnum!: , tabl a $150 Beod l1gl1t 50c ....... llite. bookcase, un-Antique likl! vanity SlO. New months; e ectrlc Juicer ' magaz nes . set ·~. 2642 Vista.Drive .NB 'r · • bad. $10. 3 8 8 e · · · uo:\t lorg• d"" bed 'and pod •0' used once, electric knife $5 , l\1en'.' je11·eJcy $5 ,to $2a.. ... ·, · Cl\! 64Z..7020 2516 .Bov.'tioinPl.C.1'1. pelnted ·$8 ee<'h· 3066 ~. """ (Ba.yshoretl~l(S\lnl0:4. '--
~~m4 $UCA.2lMZ. RAil",' TVG""'s!"o. 8:.A~E~.u.,, cou'"°"0.!, .~i::, ~ Me,. •. h1 5-1SU -· . BEDR0Cl~T set $l5. Se<:lional $3. el~c blender Sl0,·1640 ~nsembte, 8r1ngsHS.25 eaNch, PADDLE 'thBoardd,dl~ ~ • ,....,.,, _.. -: ..,,.. ...,., UJ '""" ~ eed • .. $20 Bar Newport Blvd, ·#~ C.M. cue $2:). nug · arbor o. dition, yn Pl!-, e ~ 1..-..
bnt:er ... , . . Yellowstone .Dr ... Costa 8'17-3006 , '.-never -used, el~bic taaster Beautifv._l we~dlng 2· ,. IMES
......_...._,_ ma eh in e ,' In· each. 54&-6302 . CUSTOM boat pads $1.> pair. couch, n 1 repair · • · '. · . 37:-1626 Newport-Blvd., ny Lind be\! mmc S7, :~~ . ~ •
__ ~ \0-Modern-~th. -2 SAL't.WaJn.rodtand tttl~ Remnants .f!om ~~r_at~r and stools sn .. Bely Scout SMA,U. refrl&:erator, ~at to Costa 1'1esa. Palk outside " and loot. board. Pair ~
::.!'.i...h· 15 ~ach. Sat & Sun one for $20, one for ft5, studio 2Sc • $1~ -~otlilng. unlform'and-eqinpment~ • tW'n, ~ey 1ow for_q~~p . de!t1t dl1turb< man&ier~--andirons $2. Bar--~e.:' tuii _..... . V rd 64 ... 00 men.._ women 5 and $5. Desk ,10. Golden Bciok frttie $25. 5 a:anon aquar: _,. 11_ sizo$2.ll08E.Ocean'1slW. .~---_._._ __ Molokai ?.tesa e e, ..-oo.w ,... · • · Ency· cl--'is_.....-l>lctionary, lum (\\:1th pump, etc.) and J 5r.\TIQN, W~n .-.1_ 1 a. Bal~--~ Jrt I chlldtt11's . .fonnal eni,f in-"""'"' Doubl btd 1m Po I ....,. u1.r;;o;;><;1•
; __ 1 1 . 2\\'ICJ<ER..bar-stools, formallOc·St.'.Si\-ea.ten Atlas.$3 •$6.GoldenBook g:oldfishS6.~"~$8.·Re· e ·_ eamp , ,
,, $2-o·o i:GL ext er 1 or / In-\\TOUght iron base S4 ea~h. and jackets SOc. ·card tablet of KnQv..·led&e $6. Unlvenal nault C4CVJ 'Radiator f7, St, small ~cle $3 .. La~ ~CUTIVE Desk ~ ~ll' --..._ oil hue be i re Con!Olc stt~radio $25. 1 .., 50 'Encyclopedia 24 volume 54.\..6M2 , ~ • trlqlc}it. SS. Baby be'!! and $20. Foam ru~btr ~t
".--• T"''O gpeaken $2:3 tach. $2. Foldlnll: cha~ ••· · Sl2 ~ Set · plastic dishes mattrest $15. L. P. ·records. and . pad t"Xtn t ti I clt' • 1 '
paint. J!-!50 e:•ch· 2' 1allon.~ Je\\"tlcy IOc. ~· EXtfCYcle ., so' ,Hiba•hi $4. V&porlr.er GOOD tYPtWri,tfo:i' $20 A48lnl S1f Toys .~ -$3. Dishes and ~xll\~' $5. Barbell Mt; . . • ·. Q i+tiit $1.50 tach. 10 64&-4711 $10. Shoes and haridba.gs .,... • " IMchi $25 5o4(>.8990 15 Pi taw. stand sm 'Road ·s b'k st i .... ~ •t E d "" .-titlscell~us bOOks. ' M · · ~1.~ enda Sf -$10. ·Girls like new $ . . _nl-f'O'li ~ 'N 'V ~ . . . .. GJRL 1 e, n &r 1 y l51:. D6ot' taim::i ..,. n '?.-rds p•'ctu,..,· 00.C. each. S DRAWitR ~fy 'BildteYt clothlnl slte 3 ~ 6." Sl -S75. ts_Ne. top J9. b;~rcycl~. ff, ""°*· $3. 2 X 3 ,hcet1 1/S· Schv..inn. very «OOd. con-tables $.) palt. Drapes and •~'-" • u t d 1'~-sraJI! muopltc 1Sc dltion $11'. 549:182'1 curtains $1. Large nu.p)e Sat. Nov. l, 9-S. 9M2 i t&pfe 48 .. d ter mirror \\'omen's cl<!_thlna: altt g.; Lionel tr3in 'se ' an DIAL DIRECT ~-s;: 'pllOftl plastle '11.·~ter HIGH "hool -En---lopedla framed mirio'r $20. 1.f(lbby Southshort OJI.. HB ~rter ~ S2l 2 Bia: 80y Barbeque. S$ $3 -~ ~II· do\l.'tt b"."1 ~rd $9, .Arm~i·a:; ~ ..., ch 1121 Kingg ~J.. 1 t $3 \\'ttkdays ca.II 968-28i6 "'ith $pi( 1.:-motor .• ,.~ Alum. lamp $3 .. 3058 'fyl~r "'l\Y, f1 e, M\\', l box S4.
_..,. -H ,. • • • complete. set af 20 volume• supf)l\es 5c • IOc or 0 · . h 1 $1" irium Christmas fr~ .iso Coltll ·!>.te1:1. 546-2962 · S:?. Aluminum . w t i;i, do :1: ~ 2-
n-A Newport Beach 19 ,,,1, or ""Iden Book · 00111~11. tablecloths and """IB 1natu'ess s et s °' ' · -""" _,, 12 ---4. 5618 ·~ ...., .... ~ . · r $1.$0 ea<'h. <?o!or v.ileel r.:tAPLE 'Table $12. 3 chairs trame ~11 x ·"" · '"'u'
S(!IWJ?JN Bil<t, ·5 spttd. ~x. Encyt'lopcdia, 16 Yolumc1 n!tpl(ln! Sc -SOc. Sat. -:>nly. 96~1418 new $1.50. Roto Broil Rotis. $.1...eacb. S~ table s2.5CI. bed h'amc . $1.50. r..tfta1 . '_. • .
c6at amdltlon J2i>. Wheel $6. MS.-182'1 10 Ai.\l 2QT :r.tes& Drive, WESTINGHOUSE r o as t e &. s~ric;s $5. V.?ncoan Bll.tll ~ .cabinet $2.00. !\fail i::araae cs.b\ntt S 1 . ~ 0 ·
'$.\. c.mtnt ~ Sl to BO'l''S clothing, stay press Costa f\Je~a own $15. 962--1418 21¥..:-c«; 63x51, . two 4t'67, ~I~: r1re •C'tt'en $3,$0. \\'tstinghou.!-e port.able elet? IP
can ,Jlfer ;s pm ~21S&. shirts. sl!t!.12. 14, 16, soc -BABY bed $12.50. Baby mat· ST'URDY lhny otk bed S25. 3!,'(60 .$1.50 etch, Stnm t•rli· Book tack $5. 011k rocker D'lc ovon St• •. 675-4006 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD
frAlrbnl $1>.-3 apHd Sl. BeauUh1l panrn aiz.e1 freu $$. Crib beddina .$3. 13 HIP declric .~or $i. 3 et'a.~Kodfl!t -$4.50. ~is.\3, t 14, . \\11c_ket cMir p . J! 4 700x.IS Titt.c;. whtte wall St? · 'm, ~4" bike $JS. ~" VllfY 50c • J2· s.1~1 ·a.by back pack,,ncw $8.50. HP gas n10tor $25.. 21" Ford I 19.slt Salmon Lane/ Huntin&· •tand Sl. Ttlephone "til.b11t Sa. s~f'·or is"eac!\.'3'.Jl SOtlt Sf .. ' 0. ~in.er 10. • LADIES Blk! $JO. 673-6071 Inf.lint M!lll $1.·~2575 • 'A'heoe.I s;..;, 962-8745 • ton Btt:<'h -~ _ , ~ pCOl'l'ft.ack·Lan;e. ~.M. _N_• ... w-'""-'n"'-"·------1
• --"1-r-·-------'";-••-•·--·--~-·• -•-••••-·---"'"' •••-----~--·-·-------·••••--••4•..-• •-,.··~~--·--..... L... ••• o-•••~•nf-~••••••-••·•-·-~·VO-••••••-••••....,,._._••••-
I ... -
' '
~. . ·•,,1 .,,.j
1 Mtici4~N'i>rs1· ~ ,. Meiti:HA:NDl's• .. Y6't. · --:;f1tcH',(ND1~~-;c;~ffiHAiDiri~~-?· Mii~~~;~11~~~-:...1-; .. r; .~ ~~'lsi~lc 'riiNs!~·~TATt 1t1!!0., -·~'~. n~· ~:;~:.·~1:,~~, ~"'
-1 SALi A.!ID T~.111 _SALE ANO .-'q!A!l:I l T -SALi AHD ·• , LI , • •• ~' . -. • ...__ • ~ .. oMeldrtyc
: ~umlture .aooo1 Appfler1ces\r.-l_. 1J'Cloo • · t .. ~ r •' ·~. '~! lSO-.:W-~--: .~' -. ,·z;r;p;,~!,. 9035 , -. ~•mpcr1 ' -. ~ .. co"',-qliil \ ·' ., . i\:,.:.d ~t4ii~·~·" ~ '#°JN~KEAS • u..'::l~N!.~:! .. , J 9~·-VWC.AM 2 eox •Pring • l'rlattrw> llellia•rttora: .-.,. <fftlfT\•$38. L v L•j~..,hti fti~·'·' . i.t\: -~.*'Uitit -JUP!e• "oi. ·~~ f"2', ...... s..oro .... 1 suP£a ·CLEAi~,,. ,, , N ... V..iC,OrriCER
1tta (20 )'l' &UU;) like new GE ~rtable Colo.( .. ':'··· '~"} •• • · · \, 't', f: 1;:..-1
• -."-~Roll~ .. ,., ts.99 #Om the Sha~tt.S ·.llnt; J..$ oz. X,~ ·····• 1209 ·*330 ,, '* ·831131' • vt.irNAM'.ll'RANSr
$40 llft. 2 student dtsks, like llU .: .............. ~14S' i.;.1 · .... cou...N..' -.~rth .... 25 .. 5~,._ Ch·-.~,i;;.. teer Door ~······•;1'4.91 ~ euwrn line ~II ~wn "OI,. 4 :?t.i.:& ...... S21' . p. lo w J }.
Jim°" Olk $30 !Or bot~. Dou· OE doclric,4fytt '·"'·"""·~ ' r1 ~'"'"' "" i;,itlwPhla~,~~ ... I .,, •• ,,i.,!l;!! "tqr tbalr~pnut'4!t~tlon !~ oza·~ a!: .... ~·~ ~· ..... ft , ..... I ~nl';:,0~ C:.~' hi• rou ... way bed $15. 40·• RCA ConlOI•, color TV1.'.$l78 ' :re• •nv .~v~olt•'m QCl.9l>or ""'\' ~ ~ n •. ,••r;:;iN ,,., l)<ow • ·~1 ,... l",~·-..· "''"' ...... .,,..., " '~s.241,-··, . ,
table lamps $2S J>r. MJpl~ \Vhl.rl~.aqt!>"1a~c washer. '~ • ~~·~ ~ ~-1:"'11. 'MmltJ"' .~!'-.' •. 1. . vJ, , :Weaned,::· lftl :J Phone 5 ·oi; !' to·Jx'28' ...... '$KIO a .. · ' ·' • ~
coif" t&bl• ilo. Anuqu.. copptrto°' ............ $111 • to c ~-io liom ... _, n. le , _. •. _ _ ···~ BUILDIRS SUPPL y mil t§i-mo; JMl~ll % "· ~x 23• ...... ll;O .• • 1M. ·s1 ~"i"i-.li. t r:owi4....oed .. W:..tablo...l5. • LAP! .. ·.;. -; n ·i-me=~ · 1ir.e;.su ...... ;,t:lil .Oen :Pl1..-$i~a·l·r-or N~' . l .... taftt• .. •$133 1.1.•--1 ' cai,.;;.,wr . ...~-I ·~r $15. 4150 A. ·PatrlcO 1115 New-yd. C.M.,. ,,,. .. •. r . r p..,...t9J'~ .. . , , . . . .f,JUl!e, " • l\YIWY'• ·· -900 ~l.:~W•Y · ~cor.kR/1!d0:1~
, '.Mi<'!Xrnr. H,.. Hmpl'."'l ·ONTESTJ41-P!,." .. ,N • :: ., .3,50 N.. N:.w2,.._51r716&01~~sporta• , a..ch · FREE !O. YOU , PUPWP'-!!"E.RAPUNiR!!.:,SRED. ~1~.4~ .MoiSOJ , -i ~100 . ;"ln:i · •.i¥r .. ~. • .
USED · hospital matt. & box · i1:1p~e; 7~· ran~;, -" ~ FOUND 5·a~ritd kitten!. .l.Mo)&m g!1J ~ NeWpo\1 &aeh; ~J . ·· '~ ·· · 't'. • -!'1
Springs $37 .. bottoo1 freezer all del"' teatu.res~· '$2;)0., \, ·~ •• 4 mAle11, 1 !tmtJe; now all i~o._ IL-. l;ASY rider, ~r ,1961, NE\Y Cln'li>et' b
dei!,l.'le G.E. Rttrtg .$12'1. ~l7 ~·.-_, 1 htaltby6must.findhomes:· ·-eau 642:.m,e:t ~t:PM 1HtSllpMoerln1 ~ l ~O O in ·•nrtn.e & hl1h: tuuy,'lined :Wlth tn·
Green Med Credenza S38". ~ Please hf'lp ... we'w: btd , er • • , rtr&nsmls•ion tlolJt .. n.ooo. lerior lf&'h111.t .t:' wnt)
The . Fictory, l'8S Hal'bor, DJVORCE Sale--196~ ·'·ct,, ·' • . , . , . ' Ml.C.ilinMu. · 1 l6oQ ru"u •tart! '9 4.,. s 2 3 5 ; · AKC SI~Y P~PPIES '10' ~-avatlabl~. _All or MM3M: • Smit•. '9:14 'N,•Harbof.tt ~2. JrQlt il'ff reCrig, ·earner k Pi1no1 I Or91n1 · 1130 .. ~?SOIL~ , . . .1118 All have """ ~me.a, except part, NOY, thru •.J.an 1$tlf. KAW4\SAKI :69 ?i·tach. _ 111 •69. RD * F'F.i£ .g
Sattler range&; booen; use'd 1 •. • lf'OR Sale: 1'.tixtd ·~ ot SW . l\fr, Schroedtr A l\C1J fone.Jy.· $2.00 per ft. CaJl Chuck 60 HP 3 1 ~ 2;;ob ml RtH · AC . . ' .... ,:;-;..,7; '
rURNQURE returned from mo. Best oUer'. 596-4219 . * PIANO RENTAL· aoodi~ fucludlni dtek no. ~)'I~ \\'tour:~~ :e ~~;! He's. lit, ~PP~~ lOves to A"f't'Y 6'13-5252 , • 5 mo. 0J.Y$900. '46-361.9 ',', 'El&;rauo '9 ta1f.1 J.S -.. !: ~~~~:c::~~:· ==~~:i~~ C~OS~O.i'retrigera}or,,, .:·SPECIALISTS. Dbl bid frame $10, b11r & lovable 'la nu .~v& ,ood play ~95?., SUP Availa~e for 30 boat, •61 LAMBRET'TA 150 sleeps 5· $1000 .ca
Spanish & l'<fedlterrantan etc i ~hit co l110~ )?O. Al ¥1 No iime llrnil. Rental applies stools $28,• table $2, typing house mannen;) BLe.c\cY and CHIHUAHUAS .: Sao·Wee, alto aide li.e for, U' boat. Special W:tod cOrut 6'f3..9788 pym'ts. 64z..oo3o alt 5 ~I RD FURNITURE . cq, cups ,r,::Oo<l, m. to PUL'Cha&e wlthin ·IL' year.. =~t $l&50~1::::y;,.~b •. ™tan\. Calleo tluth and T1Pr·:J0y, Puppies· from, ~ •. \\'Ol1ll 6'1'>4192• .64f..0:623 Apt. N~. 5 llelo1-C ll am. NEW ·;o ·Ford ·PU<3,;.
546-799\ -~-· .• NEW & USED PIANOS ·& Polaroideamen.$T~llepom~ Ple'a 'a e •cal·l · ioo n ~~ 5*-363fc .• 1169 Dorselt>OCK' for rent for iiqwtr .., . ,,_ .. I dlr lnvob \v '/ c r
1144 Newport &IVd., CM KENl'<lORE auto •\\·aslter, ORGANS. Best ·deals in heater $7.::.0, wame•lron 2. 536-7771 ll/4 ......,,.,, .ht. ~t to 22' Sl.-50 a . foot. ":"uto -rv ce1 pUtehaai!:; Scoiis, 9 · . N.
' evecy nite 'tll 9 late model, ~nit -. co~. 8 Ora.ric:e CoW'ty· we iakl bottle aterUiier fl.flO, bo!{: fEMAJX blorid n.ix~ ·pup-WEIJ\1ARANER. p? p p i e 8 Liallts &: water inc. 673-6102 & P:•"!.,__ ''°° •rarbor. S.k: • . ·::O
\VtcJ., Sat, &: Sun. 'til 6 cycles. S75, ~73; 847-31U', t1'adcs.' ,Barik terms., Open iJlg .~I & bail''·U~. Wig & ,py, ma I e brown/black:, AK
C, ~ts. Grarid cham· I •y ht ' 'F T STIC . ~
siLVfR grey used 5 '. pe WASHER & . dryer, aVOC!l<!o, . Aton'&: Fct eVes, S11[1 l2 lo f . c~ $15 1' . many other m iX e d P u pp l'., 8 a "d pons. .. ..... IC . . . 90•9 . • ---• -'8"1 • --.7
. b;dtm suite fn. Boudoir $125. Rtfrig-F'ros\·tree $100.·. .· -· tlAMMOND . • itcmt. 905 l"ai'k · Av t,,, di a fa tn per... 1 ho j a, •<nt) m,..2423* _C.;.h_•_rt.;.tlr;_I··---...;.;-'-• ~u
. ·1tlflp~. $1. ea, Green quilted Fttezer's '$65, 540-1095 ·. . }n CC?ROf'!A DE~ M~ft t.4iuna ·Beach or e a I 'M&.ol&:; · · W6 B~CK .~n~s., ~-~. 2 SAIL-CAL 2t iz pet day. AU-t,O: Supply
JC>fa &: c:hair, both $58. The Pi1A YTAG auto wa.sti'er xl t ~ E!'. ;toa~t Hwy:· 613•8930 4~!1322 . · MALE Germ. Sh,ephe.rd puP-td'yi, miles, 4 ·mos: AKG CAL 36 S60 ptr day. steepi f~ctory, 18'5, • ~arbor cond. 4 . ,..,; , old. .. ' .~as A URGANS *. AUCTION * py. 6 moo. ~Id. A!I shots. To ·"'· Btat ott".· .~1962. •· Call<Tlll 846-29>'1: • WholoHle
StMIMt• ·' 546-8672, 8i7'81i5_:, .. • ex.:pf USEl;> · . , U 'i.*ul µ·· hu.. .a;ood ho mt ·.\'/Mlldr-.n. WltlTE Poodle puppies, 21===·"'"'=====: eJl~'o: I~~~. ~~ Ary' unU·StO~f;1 ~rlger.ator .... i'Mnias Ori-=·~ Oraans ·~~· \Vt:y· ~ortf;WJ 8304087 • 11/~ ~mos.· ~,!htl"~~~; joy~ MOblle Home. . 9200 Prices to AU
chenware, ! ,pic.lllf"s. ere. a1nk; combinauo.n. X l•n1.1. • ro.inbalt PI&noa . Au~~~.,f~"?' ;:.30 p,m, 11Y~A~·.f:~~~'?rd"'. Swtalaeen-t ly, robust, S«l. 4 . 1~. SPAC[SI • -. . c;:zff~e i'4~~~5:;P
t-.f•7st Sell by . "'""·,;k•nd. C"I co,nd. 64&.'1861 , • Kohler ~ CaiM'Jbell -_. Win 'y I Auction l•r" .,., ""'' ...... '"'°"'~-"" t 1\10 oJd m'ale Chlb\!ahua, • , .... " "'" '" · --cOAST SIC . 0 . · . •1 doc to 'aood home . pureb~.no,pape.rs, : • ~BUlLT ·EN~"'ES-541-.lllJ, . -.. hi T • Bid ... ., " I • ·Ant~u.. 81 ·10 . Nf;\VPORT & HAR.SOR nd . On)' I g, mat . 54~235a ... 11·3 * $25. 645-0121 *. " .NIW' s+: PARK-11..'li-Victorii.Pt ·548~1 Oun• 1Uft"'9 ' '1 ANTI~l:TES, hooks; flll'niture · · , . Costa Mtsa * 642-~1 20Th» ~e"''J)Ol'l,, CM.~ i..6VA8LE am&ll bT e ~<I AFGHAN PUPPf:ES. o r • MOVI ·~· !f'OOAY.111 18361 B;each Blvd, HB 847-0091 • '. . r ' .. y,·asher/d~·yer.'· misc. Sat i:, JUST RE;CEIVED: Tdftl.~y ..Qp.ii l().6 Fri lG-9 Sun :12-5 PAINTERS Equip: Binks ·female 1h0rt haired puppy 2 QUALITY. AKC,. REG. w· Ch91ce Of MOi:lels· * OPEN 1 DAYS * ' yW OUNIE; &uG
Sun' 1~5,' 411 Vlita F.lora . ,Qqeta.1, s.t.tl.l.~!'.I; ~r!li~ol, WURLITZER Splriet.-. fuU !ewbo;y co m Pre s.1 or' 2 moa. eld ~s ·IOOIJ home. * 982-9989 ·• -;. . tr Custom Bvlft --·· ~ -" . . . . .G\
(Eutblufn NB · · Bohe~i11.n, <fl"ali be rry ,, keyboard,xlnt cond. -othtrs, 4o·~~tt~1ladder, 836-4193 AKC Silky Terrier male •u~i•-··~-, l•r ~e:-W~er body, l.9$T
carnival. Calendar Plates, '500 * &144a20 . 120~·1a<i~et1,..!S·taJ ipet, "1 gal PUPS • German iihorth11.lr . PllP"· Chrl1tmu •pt c i a I rN ~10G FR.EE • ,,. '--:i_,.· .. "::!t·!I . ·:.It~~: i:UT7
DA'-1'.ENec>RT &: cnair·S35: 2 Sttjni.. ?>'Iuatac~:.. c µ p s. . . potsv'.l. '!}15~ .. -1Ufl;S'3! &: hose.g, Dobe1mar1: E x c e 11 en t price to >'OU $123. 644-11806 Cos.ta Mesa· ' . ~•rm • .,,.. s· '' YM\V788 •••
1:ilohd end iabl~ $5 eaCh. 2 8'!'bel' P:~ f?)P0!5,tei' ~d. D.e -~-°"a 1,f;J:t;11,, 642-014.l hunter. pet, Pro I e ct Ion 'Protect' )'GUI' C;«r l!:' aeceuor:
:)ahJPf Sl0.·•'4s-4G1S ~ &1]\-tuch.M'orr . .pP4SJl ~ d~"S Televiaion 1205 aJter s "' " -961-8973 ,1111 POODLE Pups, tlny -~y 6: "1" • ;e1, ~1,.50 PORSCHE , J'O'fe'Cif ~JO 'til ,S. 'Sulf ... ·,12 ~ ... s. CONTE.!fi' . . '4 G ' toY, all colors,. Al{C,, top Ne-wp· art Harbor Nefion1I Speed..Center 0·1ne Bum. read IO:'t OONTEMPORARY 8' sofa, fo;fary J11.neS Anffques, ··2b2 . ,, pnze: ates FREE! t-.Jale kitteo, 8 wks quality. Stud aer. 893-911.9 2U!)>S, Harbor, ·C:O.ta Mesa "'ail:· ;,"i
loose pillow back, royal blue. N rt Bl d c i\f 1..e·.ue ·eo1or' TV or Btilck .tu•s Super ~~nt safety old. r.raJte.se ifrey, · 'vhlte ·o ·
$115. 6#-1373 C\\'po v " .i · ·.~·\\1hlte. Option lo buY. tubel!S5. w/w 1 4 ply pa.Yo'!. Sturdy I: handeome. AFGHAN H UNO Adult Mobile Home Park ~70!) Open 'ttr 9· 6 on Sat, ~ •. • .. r·"a· "1• =="'>;====°""= , _ THp: EUZAl\R,E J."rtt service. No depol!it · ~~ter. 2 ply !b&J.s. Sl60. &f&..31!2 1113 4 Ye,ra old. 5&25.."0 GREENLEAr , {~~t"td' Mr .. T'i) ' ..
• + •' .l~ BeJCb Bl~ J.l.B. A·Active TV Rental Co. r B ?.1obUt Home Sales ' fOl'$Chf! .. Mere, .. V,\\'. [). ·: ··~· ' I Office •uinltu'r... -8010 .OJ!errlryg 1 15~ial"' leatw·ing (1) sn.1153 1 MAPLE H h 1 CB B EAftDED iris, various col· Horttl 1130 Bug;le•:· New·&:'.Used Paru. '-. li ner anUq\tC' fu r n i ture , . : -· -.utc • · ase ors. Y0u dig SaturdJy only. .. 1750 Whittler Ave., Vhole ..
SPANISH Desk-carved -all
four gld~s &. top, chair incl
$200 <IJ 718-~ evts &
·rugs, jewelry, 200 year old CURTI~ MaUles comb. 'rv, ~·~~~· ~8HY.1A!l~enna· ~ 18819 San~ data cfrcle FV SMALL Shetland, c b I ld Costa ~feu. ' sai; to all &42-0350, .-.• 9oo So. Ctt.'H1~
paintingg, sculptures, book!, A?-.l/Fltt ·I.: tum'table. $150. 0 e .w .tntenn,a. ~109 · · 11/1 hfokt, dapJe pey ff3. -Take Newport' Fwy. or MAGS, Mrr fta.10'.er, '15" fOr Li1111rii Buctt-"'f
P vt r "'"" "'"" -<193-46'1'7. · "~" ,,,.,_ Harbor Bl. to 19th St. Ford, 2 for '$io. ~"S.-2246 -• ,~ dramatic decorator iten1s. -PY· ,,_...,...,.. · . . . AKC .Bufftt howtd female • ~UI .,., !IM-7503 > '*· · · 00
\\'kl}dS. .
NAffiRAL Oak desk, 34.\'SO", Jikt, l\e\V, $75.
• USED TV, PATIO ~11 upr<<ht P""' TA •NS'"ORT•TION ·Drive West to \Vhlttler Ave. · 11.fltr, 6.p.m. P.lt Micheil ~Antiques s * .... ' -' l yr. tri-tekired, loves ""' t" ,., -======-=====
GRANO OPENING! $15 -$40. Good condition up~ht~~ter._rt.a\._trl'ne:h hfldrt ·Nffd fenced d CM.~ <714) 642-lJSO ... • .. MEY·ERs -M'W Sold •' c.11 M3-&4lii fr)ler " misc. ~2613 alter c n. ~ Y · a.. & y L&.... _,.,. IUT J• · NIW Triller, Travel 941S :·me;-1ii00t"e ~-.,. Fme select1on or Europe1p1 u ' . , , 540"8638 ~ws. -1111 t•·. . -acmw TINV $ILL 1m USID. " ...
& American Victonan fu rn-'.P,tCKA:RD ·Beu 21" color ~E tbl 8, chr~ buffet 'YbtTNG f•iTiale Tortle fl01nt BOAT SAt:.E: • all iype. boa' ti , C · ~i~:'i~~~t .. L ~.nJ · :~··~=~ .. ·~.:e.
iture. see at 468 E, 17th S~ ', ·~ ~ol .. SJ\faple ~b. Good $l25 · Map!~ dtm;~r $1~ cat.·Beautiful-and frit~y. & i ear for sale. 71t to 45 ft. 00p8r . x 1 r a s.·like n~v. $2600. 54,8.-JSS:i •• ,
Offln Equipment IOI 1 in C.M. &45-2776, 10 tO 5. ~ _ lt!on .110. 54q.;.721T St01~cou1Tt9?"$U. SUriboatd All s ll 0 t •; House~en. J\ta)' be viewed At Se1 Scout ™ILElt SALIS 548-7825 .•MEYERS MthX"
• Call 962-8209 *
1-,-.;;;...=:x:.;:::;;;.....:::::..:.: ELiGANT L 9 u i • A'V . $45 .. ~1890. • 828--2089 _ W 3 Base 1'31 .~. Coast Hlway, "luy frem 1 Min · d
A,s;ct'. ,M&eb. Eurrouch'1 S-• r,J'l'I & i "e, R (I .. :e ~ d, Hl~FI & StiNO' · 1210 -~'u ·, ... : .,........L Copperto~· FREElG coOd home .aPP'"· _l Newport Be:a.cli, End of.Sale, .~-.11-1 In onol'' gy, roll bll.f, Jaki ' e, lioo · 1 _., • w ~~ -~ .. •~ •• Tr1ilon, Utlllty. 9450 .. bumpe..,, 189'. >H · 5 1 \\'/all bai:ic a e<:tng. iS&tii'i~. VIJU~\lt •pier COtiWONOO ltereo sound Refrlt. ~-fV.l!ilk. &; wht, yr .(lid male buatt Mund. Sun, Nov: 2 ' \YE '!ER.VICE . -days, &14-1618 eves. ,s.!' ~':·~· ~~n ~r~ric~~ .:~rd ~fo~l~ o :':~· , ~:~~~=t ~O ~~:. ~8:.biia pJay~n, $3. -~~~~ ~/chUdttn. ~~!~~e~:.~ ·~~~ ~:r~ 324 :~!~~. ':1~~1 Ana l[!;~=es tt~.t c~~ ·, ~·~·. ·~ KeiU~n ao}d flake.: ..
Spesan, 54a-t42.l ~:.:;;: ftd 0
5u b 1 e bed .r.Uraeord -H changer, KLH cARflET lnstallm" ·has one ADORABLE s ... 'ftt Calleo Make otter. ~~18 1 Bick So. of Boin · 531-106& 540..ll65 af~r 8 Pl\l ' . =~~;.~~:t~.
TYrE\VRITFJt,,add. mach.~ a er, p.m. 6'.s. !Jw'flt orange cabinet roll. avocaa:o nylon t=arpet, kil~l'I$. Gtty arid on.nae lJ' inboiu"d 29J.}'ord 8n,., &: s E L L calculator.,f~ry ~asonable; ORIG. orle.htal 9xl2 ru;, $300 complete. call 644--2430 dtNblt jute-backed. \VU! sell !tripe. I wkll old. Trained. trailer. · Trucks 9500 .Imported·, Autol ':.
XJnt concl.A92-2423 1jier{ect . ·Ct'Hid;, blue s909. as~ f0r Phil: all or ptlft $3/Yaro. 540-7245 642--4'm 11/3 496-3715 UNbERw0ooEf·e~-trl c , >uni41le .. ;5 hee ti: music cab., BARZILAY b · CUTE.,,_.., kit t --' · Your Mobile Home •c JC UP 19:;7 MORGAN< .. -+· ·-f!" claW f'eet $225. 673-1812. 1 component ca • CROSS top · Ref r i c ., s""' t em 0 •'"'"" DRY boll.I 1tor11.te-tae. to -'6., KEV. P. JC x..
Model Forum. XLNT cond! BR•SS BEDS ·, with matching speaker encl. ·automatic defrost: Ell'.c. S6S. home. \Ve~ & hae:brken. work on boat: Coast l-Ji~y. _ V-8 el'tglnc, 8' bed. «!lent copdition; ·new~ p,
$130. 499-3412 ""' Oil ·Wal.· $'75. Small zpeaker Th.i l;IQll!' in Blck 4t:i E . 11 wks eld, Call ~1114 NB. 50c ft. * 6.1i,.9201 FOR CASH . · Bte.utlluJ condition! ·nc1v brake&. $1600.1.:-II
JO, ANTIQUE. 646-83'j1 eoc. $12.50. Xlnt! 644-1739. 7th &42-5741 $1005 ES36•Ui &1~3716 '·atter ~ or G.r1•0.S1•.-· 8022 SONY 1 · · ..,_.. 436-32'1 SS6-fH; Broker • · •i·ee"•nd<· . .~,· •°""" _ ......... -* CUTE 5 mo m t xe d$1llllott1 9010 ' ~-' -· '$'> ·-· .~" ' ·' •· -Musical lnll. 1125 · ·.··"-'yea·,·· p·J,y<d • k 1~··1 1 a1 u . . · a•y HARIO• . • ... ~ :, . • PINK l\)'1~gi4au-i washer & '"'j'I' FAt.W..Y .. ~lembttshif' In . 'coc er ~ e. em. e, a •1KE ••1LIN"? ,.. " •fA''lS , ALFA R'OMEO'·
"""' "'' ll5 both. Alll-FM · 4iin1ts. 17'. 642""!, !r\11~ Coast tounn;y . Club lllOll._. To "°"" h 0 m' • ~ .. °" · .. . "lobll•. Homo S•l11 • ..f!I 1 :'.'" . '." . . .
stereo phono CQZl90le $45. GUITARS , "for Baie. Pvt ~ty .. 673':~131 :5'f3.26;;8 . 11/f !>l!LIKE THESE'r \.!&a Loma Roll • An·ay • lQttlfS
Re1ina elec broom $7.~ l~t T1pe Recorders .· -.~20 WEDDINfr.:ftbe -:.. -1115 &: FREE . To iood .home. 15 • Payme~ts, hl1h intertst, Shtf.aton<Manor. Hometle . . . • 'AUTtlO,RtzED'~ ,
HP 11().220 .,., --p · •" -· month· old Collie AKC depr-clldon. •I i P ~ntal, Kit -PrestlJe • Sahara · 900 So Cit Hl ... hw1y ALFA ROMi . . '""" " Lo11·tst prices in MOO.c..i.. 990 Robe ... • TA-HtrS ... Used.,911 d•ys...Anlique · -· · A'•ani · I "• SIZ • ~-•. • , w i.:e e I 1 $7'. Und•-··•t•r "~ "" 951-om::"' 11/4 'U'C ·~· insurance, e c. """""· ES L19u"1 811ch ·
'u-.•·vod·" "'·, :v-•I •-Orange C.ounty recorder •·/mike &: eu gold, 'Be&UWul. ~.otter.· . """V ·PREfE!t THESE! N.OW ON DISPLAY · · QlfA-' .ti .,-tri~~ $as .... Consi; .1~ JOO's to sele<:t trom! thCnes .. Excel. .. cond $100. Call · 6'f5..Sl59 DARLING full)'· ireY &. • I;Jw. ·cort, no \VORK " 142a Baker St., Colta.. Al'sa 4M-7~3 * S40-310J ' · ·' ·lt'l""'~R..;·;
SkiJsaw-cofub w/arbor $Gs. WAS NOW' ' 3-62~,~·s. Even in a. . cariief layer l\'allll Lo ,whlte kittens. .8~:'~ CAREFREE S,\ILING! .~J block Eaat of Harbor Blvd. -ftlCkUP TR~f(S AT·WT_ r 1_;_._
11_6 pm, sat-Sun. not ht-lore !~lk_ i uitars · € . "73--0693 · ro:1Dns ·$1.99 YA-~' . for new harries . Cal 25 J.ittle u Sl4, ~• day Costa,Me~ 1no11 S4G-!H70 '-•eS nv../ #it>lr~18 .i .• S 999 lm111edNte o.llv: .
See DAL for () t 1t er ..... ~a $17 95 . . fn:¥n .$3.M up ,+ my labor, FREt• plywoM • e 1'. p I. ", __ny Our Club Plah PUl .. IC NOTICE '63 ~ ~-: . ·s 999 ~ : N!W I ' \'I
Barga.ins. \V. Baker to' 'E!Mric 2 pick-up . 9J1m . .,-11 l..Eq.ufp. 13~. ~ ~r . yat.4~ ~to . ' mahOa:any ~ ftr. 864 w. Nt'WPO~T sA;ICING. a.UB UQUIDATJON'· SALE .~. rdt28soJ 1,,:.::::: $10$ I Alfi Romeo:•.<;
Labrador tq ·*4f.'5 , $~.~ .)VIl,J,. BUY , 16 min proJ. Sir.tt.tONS Beauj:yrtst lrlnp' !8th ,5~ CM 646-2.17'1 llJl ~ &n.noo • . 8rand -l'lew mobile hotne; :,86 00l!We'T83190. ,,.;,; t ave · · ~,. • All Mocfels •;
3031 samo,,; C.hf. A~~ ;J\mps l _.llil,ent or ;SOUnd .. to.lust \lf: in ma~ , ~ .l'•ln,.ut • & U5NG-ha.lred female' 'kitien. l:lDO J4 •• )ike.~w. Full ra~ ceuiltry club Uvinr~ adults, '.68. ~ce.-v~;' a111a, _98934..\ ~ , •.. ' • ''•
---tfiENCH .,:_SL,,.,• A _ _, $79.9.i .;--' $311.~ -·~-~· .. ~as; pr!~. p\)'\\'ood _!>allt t• ~ mat-iillve._r PY ~ blk., h?X lhg _geAr & hwy .~u~ If intett_!.trn__ pleut clJI ~(\ I tt, ~927 •• Sa_ve $6®_. ~ -ar111m
· -. ...... VU)c ... o-.,. ... -FOlJrGi.ilttn · \\'ILL SELL . Feder·aI treuon. 96~ fta1~ 536-0JJS · 1111 $1500. 644.-1370 . btwn s.& ·PM Se.t. or 11·1 .-lfKUSTOMMOtORS 11 ·.,t. .... ~~.;;I.d,7st,~·Sla~ ei:;~~ ~~~3wood ~:¥~ $69.!1:5 Enlirget for 3j mm~ 'STERLING s i I': er Int'I BLACK A~~ kflli!n, J1?.&!e, RiCisrER~D Naplee Sabot _PM on Sunday, sas.m1 ' AUlh. JH Dlf. . '-.m.,'1f
$9.!hort1v1s:1Europeanha1r, SlOO · 385·~ . .21~"xf'A", etc .. in foldaway. Royal Dailish. 1tOf9;:JI · apfJT'Ox .3 mos. old. GenUe full nee ng very ltf. $225 '55 Spartan b:42; alum· awn·· MS 81.ktr,St., <;M~ 54().5915 900-So -Gt H. ""
lla:ht bro\Vf! w/ blonde ffO~t-Tender l\lustan~·~,. ~~·tra~e 0~~~~~tor~a~::i. 1:fr0C1 for s. 6'lf..~60_11.ft T dl!flO•!tion. ~ CaJI &f&..2043 alter 4 pm ing, located adult park o-t. ·GMC.lRUCKS ,.-, •I; "u 1 • ... ? W..~ ~. nttds set~. Pa1ct $200 · ~ S13S 00 'on · wknd!, tri even thru. pm , S p UP p I ~.S. ,Mix'1:1 ' -SABOT • sm: Xlnt co1'd., priced Jo1o,·, Oranae County sl.J,1 and 4,...75:1,,..n•*Y!' C ·
$90, sell for SJO. 1:-&dles Martin 0 .18 ~ · :E'*ERCYCLE $40. \Vashet Shepherd.. Box'r l \\·ks old. Good hand trailer &: 646-84~. call after '4 or all ,!fJMCe~Hf~&~rS.· . .i .54 ;~ S4i:1~~4 skates, Site !, $300 . , 1~20?·00 '~2152~iUJla Bf!: a ,c h' w.,. .. dryer· ~; Candlelight . $40-3763 ' Wl ' sail. Call 644-4445. day weekends. . NEW',~ ,u~
·: All maJOr bi.00.s, tratle-tns, OMEGA'. Type D 4 x 5 by T.Ol~le $37.~. ~T109 £0p1PEJiS1AN k3tten 3"' ~· AJba.tiosS. excell cond., FOR Sile: -8'x35' 1957. ~.bdr: . UNJVIEJl.Sll:Y f: VER Y TH I NG CfOES Lay-Av.·ays · g 1 , · I nd · 1 KIF.pY V&c:Uum Cleaner, •ltlOll Q,id. Need bomes h,.dly. J1.1any extras. Recent I y furn., 1tcv~ Ii: refrla:. ln~I. ' 01.:DSMqBILE
CHEAP. Slovt:. SlO. \\'ashing ISLAND GUITARS . : :n ,. a r g ~ r w cO ' ~!Iser, like nt1v, c$. t $200: .wW WI S»li63... .. -refinished. PhOnt -842-1398 New Awnln·c. Exce_n. cond. ~850 Har!Xir BlVd . ma h · l>O Ov 1 .,. · lensea, for 2!~x214 & ·3.>rom. .r..'I! .:i '49'1 1421 r "" •• ., C · c ine ' ·a rua:1> ..,. 2UI Marine Ave., Balboa Isle m ole darkiin: setup. llxlf fQl' $~. 646-1oo.1 , -. F·R.EE·Kltttm" 1 ~llow/wht u0()" 14 #1761 2 sets aaifs, -. o ,.,..__..'l. "~oat,\ hfflla ~~~ttc La~~ ~UelTa~:s~ 673-3764 Open 1 days i &. ~10. 1Mi,ys._,~uttinr brd•. POOL tabl~ 4'x8'~ Hice new. 2 bli/1vlit,.iieed &ood hOmee:. ala1g entrbo&rd, Ndder, full ~~lDEi 2 ~R, carport, 540-!l640 · AU~TIN ·· ff.EA.,
Chail's, Jots more . 545 E. 4x5 k 2~,x2... film dh'. ~ to appret, 642-0097 or 'Call after 3:30 54>8801! 11/3 raCf', cover, SllOO, 592•5(j7 11 ng, U."<Ul'lOu~ nu .crptg FOR S&le: 1967 1'~ or d'
171h St. Cl\f. 6'2-5741 ACCORDION !21 Xlnl. l20 tank. dayhle film chnf. ~1. 646-3118. diliiUAHU~ ·iar~ eiit. £100 lt. HWf trA.Ufr, aa Us, ~ot_t.i\f·~~~~~~ew Eeonollne, ~avy duty: super
Bui Lemar, 12 Bass Noble. · Goo1r ·111ue. uttlma ,t..C & ADMJRAL COl6r TV, Zi" Very lovinr young ftmalt to ~xtru. Good ~11!'.1. ~ · · "':"""' . . van. $1975. 630 \V. 17th St.,
Sl'EREO. 2 TV's, rtfri1, 540-2472 ·DC. Strobflte. 1-"ully equip. 'Lthr blk cheir $45 ,R.o &dull hol'lle. ~· 11/2 $650/oUer. 848--0058. ~ 2 BR, 2 Ba .. Slurting, Ct.f.
Bdrm ser. encyclopedia .et, ELECTRIC Gui 1 a r l JndUtl. Polaroid. 3 ~ x <t ~t d ta.bl -135:"833--J3l 6 . _ ~ CAL .,c. full.-~-. SS awning, porch. Finest CM1 ·":ie'"'"°'F°"O"R"o:-°'Pl=CKU==P--.6
dishes, lol.!i oL household ~ampli;jer $40. 1V/clo eU lenses, C a I J -in-e · · SIAMESE. eat0 e·m • 1 e • . -, '"-;""'•-.&ear_,__ --panr.-R.e&1-bll)'! &tR252. cylinde~ ~ $150, good ni~nina: 1tero.z. Fri-Sat-sun 8 am·'r 842-4~-p LIKE Your hairpiece& to look howebroken. l~) yn:. old. radio, 9~, Ev1nrudt, manfl:'-=7.,_c-oc'-=-o-o-
150 Tulip Ln l~r Elden) 541-498? ·-3 _ · 'natural'r Try ' our touch. l'laa shOts; ffitndl.Y 8'!>182L x.tras '69oo. ~ f FUJ+ beds, 30 gal hof cond., Mlnney's, 2:i37 \V.
C?-.J. &42-623.l ._ , • " ·Acct:>ROIONS, 120 b a 11 ,NE\V 35mm Ze1~ Ikon Con-Reas. pri~s. l42--39ll. , :.\.DORABUJ.. ·~' s ·t a· m e 1 e LIDO lt salls,'traber A boat waler tank $1800. 1640 C.oast Hwy, N.B. ' ci""-,,,,,.,,,.-,,-=-,.-.. Flerioo. $195. Prof. Sonola: daflex Super BC w/proxar '· . ,, , ki fre .. 1 . ciivn ;995 Newport.~· No. 3. C.M. '66 FORD 'F2SO,·!{ ton P.U. P~TIO , ~: 10 am, lo '4 '~. 9&2-S611 __.. ; clo&eJui> lenses, lthr cue· t'ORO rotary ·inower, 19 ' b•bY tt&n; e. t~ OYllli • 5"-1685 MAKE ofFER for 20x57" "Custom cab, auto trans, t/h.
pn.1. SAT. only. Lots . ·or c -t260 ~)'18 after 6 p,rn . complete $'5. O~ edpr $20, hoq}e. ~7~ -.. . , Col.den , Weit, to' ned, sid' pockets ;1700. 673·9112
m1scl. le . an a~sortment of Pit nos a Organs 1130 . _ +::= 96Ul49 , 'NOI~ p.irrift& abadow two 3 HOBIE 'C,\T • b. term i1 ~2945 'er: 675-685.2 : · · ~ght lton f1Xtu11!S; 1729 . . J~rtlrJi Goods 850<f Shop Sml\h ~ J&tbe l'ftinth ·414 ftn:Wf Jdtft!m. / W/tnlJtr $],OOQ, • ·,!°,!C::a .~:iu::I ava . •, ' . , - ' ~ . Cbarl<S ·11· N.B. . . .FACT.O.,,, l ..... ·.' -' •>id ..... $llrl. . ,con <!'-™' . • ·1om Call 199'm; ... I ·I I.... . . 9275 . ,. ... CHEV. ~391 :cLEAflANCE l'. '. U q"'-P..lasUc,.3'~-8. case f";iO. • 6tl-7176·•· SJl\dlLy ·Urlma -kllttn. aWe ilD6 14 No. 3JI» All cuitom ~.n . -.. · • . . ,., Ten·P .V.'.
ELEC Drill · pres!, 24 · hP Factory ordei's 'cl~iran-Ct Of .. tc caf'bjhe ttl(?adg .S6-lll0 .. . "Firtlt'.60!1 10I' sale tUlly pUt ~. '1:-f'kl~· , ricing equip·, · 1970 KONJ;>-' 'Mini' !J'r4il 70. 5-18-4448 alt 4· 30 ·~inrude mtr. ced~r chest, all overage, de!f1oi-istra_to1'o . -~ Gi.$3-100. 54&:-1989." ~., nry EUcalYPtus -~n. ·~~,'tali '.llti ~· Le4ddl Perteet cend. '64 ' Chevy ~~ cibh shortbed
m11c. bouathold items & floor mod.el~ ,1tQd\o & re. CHUCK , Ortn\. liUrfboud, •. ex-· . .546;91f1 l i5UtE lltU 1 • 1 • heff SAIOT * ·MQ.7128 •· pick trp.'Xlnt ·cond; &tz..6840
f\lm. Sat & ·~n 17.02 s. turned ·rianof & Orpns., eelent-condition, Mil c.beap. . . _ . . , ,.-e. P\IPJ'I •~ a · . a.her~ nt · .~nt, B4Jb&a ia·le Rell.!·1M1.viijs1·up to 30%~ ~.. • ~hty_Jring tJ:!;:d~ilted ™?.me. a~ t: ,1'1 of J9ve. Sl60 642-~Mttorcys!es , neo:
81:;..1493 Everything guaranteed ukl l:Otnpltt.unqr.ed. S-105, .worth ~9l16.. . . 11/I . : .• ..-'· 7 . , . w , Ar N 1 UM 1735 P 1 new. saie limited 10 1pedtiC "'isc:eUaneOus . '1600 .$2Sll. Aft 5 • Wknd_li$42-6536 fR.Et Jritte .. f. qlieo. gUver Power· ~l"VfMra ' . 9020 ttsr HONpA t'D 160· M~11.~:.· N'.a a,' wiPr c;;. a=~ AO hu;ry~ f"o money . . . .. , . l{O ' laYtiut'"w1traln1o. ,i&nlc1 & .!ed. ta.~t-. ~ lJ/1 CAMPBELL Cruieer 22~ ,vtth ~LEPt .
$5 ea. Dresatr $10. SX9')ful , dThol 0.4,C, .~ .. ~ean1 to pay. ~fND-CARkV.~S~ •11EXJb hCA-~ rbeaul'. See tO Apprec., tn&ke FREE OOck·a·poo; 6 m1t, new MO HP Chevy enttM E1J~· •tarter, ~ or1;, ml.
ftft • \,J... t great -on Y at: wine n.e . pan Ii al"" offer .. 545--0205 al St~2364 · -11/4 •· 1 ' """'· • ~n &hal rug ""'."'· I w-..nut \VAJfD'S BAUIWIN sruoto :cover . table. G a rt a'r d-. · --_ m e. · • trs.Nmi.s on, V-drlve, etc.! 1967 TRIUMPH T-100C
end Ibis,_ toys. m11c1 l!l!i1"ey,·port~ C.M. 642-648f turntablei Kastin~r Sid E~CELL~~ co ~.a It~ on SAVE' kitten trOn\ Shelter. ~~dy to go .In '. N~ 500 CC. Very. clean. S750,
· ' -· ·Opel} EvifY'Nile , 'boots 59~~. soin.e , misc. ·b1'k1e!·,G,",·hl ·~:.~ mcll S3Wl56 ' " 11/4 !'!1~•!!!11&. $3695, .wlth .trlr. '6i l.JONDA liO SCRMfBLER
ANTIQUES, books. furnituiT, & Sunday Alternoon il}ms 6'1'~. 33 $ '"" · · · , _ LOVELY kitteris,-lllack & ~.. .. ~ • · Completely itock : perlect washer/d~r. misc. S11t & yuCAs f lull -wn planta UIRUNE£R Sun J0-5. 411 Vista f lora SO '· You'r' "°' rtady YELLO\V G. ~· relrig. Xln~: 8, taU. ·SlO ea.aY~ucca..Pu~ wt\ltf, ,,,,, S~ae.' 87~2 nut .. , . . ahaS)e. SJ!l;i. •
(EastbluIU NB'.'-· --=: !". toDUyl :.Co~ .. S75 .. ,.pxich 1' chfur S?es.968-4528. . ~rabbit lo aood _ ~~ESLTp 1..,,...,,.,,,,,,,,.,..,,,.,... ..... -~· 1 Rent~ planc>Of.)'OUr choice. N:J, .P\i9'1! "taod k c hair . .;__ holnt. M:l·W6 .. _ I Like new, ~ Ga,t.• ~46,0J)O IIijlt Newport Blvd . ~-OM?.
BRO\vNifJG Sl.,t,cw\ ,f~zs. All J'llonies pald\Credit to-.~· .~anuqnlc stereo AM· Mis'c WmtW 1 1610 Vi:Ri; lfnlle b\Ul'h9 tabbltl Day1 77"6110 Mn. Brown,. '68 .HONDA ·•• Ll~·ne 1v.·1 .,..=.,:,=,,;,,"'==~~
Swtl:dish· :P.l&\1111' S49. HOnaa Ward\ purchaseli!trom S10 Yl\t ~r4· player, STS. ' • ' , Srjna:eaat .. 648-3194 ;·. ' _:Vevea t13-91!11 Mr. Jathes. Only·soo ·miltr. Llc'd, Knob.
.s.i.•:'>¥ivic!. ·~ lmmedla1t Delivrif.
. • · ••' J\lnReti ·.··1
. ·~1. "7' • ~I
$1511,.· ~!;.7~ 2ui~J60· nl_9'1tllly.~ -• ...., -5SH007, ·~128. . -~ -WE· tUY $ iitiJDid oou h with bOlsten 1i7 31' ot:RU Coi'inthiatf, by tire. Int o&r O\'llf $100.· ·su --GOULD MUSIC KIRBY VACUUM CJ•..,.. ,"' . '. . . . . . ,536.7056 f '· . ml ,fully . ...,,,!*!; .x1nt : '"'""· 96>,3110 stt& . • 'at i-~·d•luxc: IW!· ni
Fu R N ITURE, ,Palntlllp, 20l5;N; MO!•; SA 547-!1681 ~uh ~ tt •chm• n ta a $ FURNITURE .$ ~ ilibi~ lM to Will "" equity. Da.Yf' !711) BYLTA.CO ~~, ··s". ~ .... • 'J10 ·~,~~ ~ Hi·Fi eqpm·i.~ radio, 'Mm . J>oll1h!.'.J',, Take o~r smaJ.\ . NC S · . '137..o&Sl. evtt 54~2434 Mr. completelt relJiU "Stll : or r -.. ~ · v · · par, misc. .sat.-S-u n , HAMMOHD .. Steinway • Y• pay~nts QI' ~Y off ba1ance ., >,PPLlA .,E
Boe4 tiome. ~988.1 11-3 , Owtna ' ' th~ tor dunt b!lm l,"'5 µJSJ;:JJ . Jttp, 4 wheel
5.f&-7330. JOST a~. tar, CM. m11* • new It used plane+ of $36.to;. Cttd'lt . Dept,, Col~r ty~l•ff?-:"lt•~"' fltEEt Coll'. bed spiiJip: a: 'u• . " -. 83o..5226 I • 45rtW1 3 cYI dle*11, for tale • ,;~&~,...,~-"ho""-"''*"· ot..U.'rnakt"' Bt:st bun 1n J ~m · 1 • • , ,,...,.,.....,.. ewwt·-·ttre.,1a•m·111i· -~auus Roanter" LO,\D. · ·· -··~"--""',.,.;<;.,;o.:....,~~f-GJ.RACE Si),· 'L\: OOi\I so.. <;IW •. Jicht ben ~~ · tA•~; IN 11 MINUTll ::;;, •• .,. · , ;; , · , EDI "'1Uy equlJIP'd. lQnt 'at Y Alilr'!IA l2S, 900 "
M•rigold, edM. Kil."'·"* ~ Ni!SIC m . 'RQll'l'INQTON llAROOUI\ • ~1-453 f '. ll-<;IJSIOM ........ ,.... '"""· Muat;'-~I Ci.).I beat otJn.'. . .
az ~. nlttstands, Haht fbJ-l9o7 N. Matn, • SaUSun J.M.. Grttn blut 1 . • -• · (1fttlioN:. •~noc Evt•. 1113 ~3 oJ '13.-0305 , . 6'1~12 etttr !pp di~ & mil!C. ' j• -·' I Santi Ani ·tofll:; ~~ roaa. lllmJ'll, ' lllr p•y flllfU ,ITS •ml 'LJVISTQC1t.o. ~· a1ii1li 5\11,tt, ''22 * ·fj BSA :mo~ MOO mllea. Jabl.e1 .l all IOrta df lhinl•· lf~ " ~1f1 , , · r . , 01<EEFE & Mmilt. pa FR~E Ol!GAN a.ASSES •""'1161 • ~ • ll20 .f;k Newly pt.Jnttd. In-. W.O. · •
r!na• with trrld4k ~. 164 "~"'·l'li<I 7;30: ,,., .... FIREW~D tor .., ...... to ' 'tv.i'li!iD· . . .it!? ·' : .• . . ::: •. '*"'· •$ll)O,. ~ •• 1003 ...... ,~o Dr .• CM
Congrtsi. C.M. ,.~ :tft' . G9U~D ."'US~C CO. y 0 u r ' 'apeclficatlons; v.·tll .1:1.&e4-!YJ1'1t~. Wuhtp, .~'fJ/· CUT.E. Fl'te Kltttna To,Goed m ~ . 66xi SU~UKJ. Not u;t;i for
POTJ'fltY ~-:saie. .'1\'lf ~s N. hfaJ"·flt .. \. 541-0681 eQ)ned." Dt:llv & atrk'• ers, rttnr s, wot,kir'll ~r r»f .. liome. \Vttntd ' lfst~ ii l'AI ft Sjlortfleiift . I-yr. Ntf!d overhau} anct CemP,ri ~-
5-t. & 'til everythlns 80t•. 8.(LOWIN Or;:llaonl c 2 , fr&t. S2T.!IO '" c. s4T:50 c. REWA"D ll wit$. 0141 Can~ F/8. 2eiO p.Cn.Judcr. 1.'0m· tune.up S200. 543-1989. l.S~E-lj'_, .... ,~-,.~,,-h~i..-,-,-.-,.-, .. -,.,
m s Pebbl~ Dr. Cc1t1r M.a'l\ u •I ,-1itrcmalon In Cali collect f1f4l 688--0&46 •. I $2. to szo. I 8i2-<108J SIAMESE-show cal, •lO"moe. ,p\ttely ~lp. e7l-672S -Yam~h• ~ ce. YD S-3 Cht'V)' "* 1ol\. Stove. l'Ctrl;,
•-If · 8100·' "ilinUt. $'too.' Dinette .et, ASH blonde ~h~mall htJr, r,,itNK j~cket, 1i.te 1~·16. 01~.· te'!'tlt. $25 or beat of· IH.t Trtlllrt 9032 Nffi:ll minor npalr 12!(1. allow«, toilet, dou'ol• il\nk,
-..P .'"en flOO, 41M-16JS. ! I\• n If. t I•• w'lc •11.'1..Y!, Tounnahne-• shadea.-Cuh tet\ 61~1~. : · • . • · · • 548-3627 • eliec, ~Iller l"lm~ tw·ntct.
G,E.,-eitl:.n,np, 40'\ coppe:r, P~JY'.\TE PA.Ja'l! w,.umi af)'rofoam head and hu)'t!r. ~2-0038 ' -SIAMESE Kttteft8. il!'aJPoint \V).NTED: Ulltd-boit lrlr. ·~ ru.Zf.1"1 *Clf.X~.':,-tlO Tllth: .. ~eat"tr, .al~l\.ot 8. Hkii _.,,. ·----· .. '; · : !I'O 8uY Pi.A1'0 Foft -· STU: MS-0955 atttt rPM er 'NEEIJ""""tin.Cki~OiJe''tti.'-ltXXI, ffmali-·P» · M.ili'" t 2 !S . l:r b-18' boat te1.;th.' · model T-~ $.100. Nevtr uiCa. best ~lier.
w ._2163 * C~!H. M~ \\'tt1cend11. •.Onably "1c9d. ~ m.o5Tf ' t,.t a.us, Mt..iar.o IUo92IO -------
4--··---------• -·-'-----·-----------~ ----·---·-------""·.,;, .. ~~-·--:,~ ...... .--... _____ ._ ---=----·-------.L---·----""---
:Jf DAil Y PILOT S.t ... ay, Ho,,mb" l , l•M
-9'00 --lm ... IM A-t600 .!TJl!!IM AulM • Nel l~Autft t600 lmfl!'!!<! Autoa , ~.Lll'!J!.trtld_~ _!!600 Auto.L11ol.. 9110
DATSUN ;:;,~ ,.,,';:'. PORSCHI F8TOY~.-~~OLKsWA~.~~ ll VOLVO -~ ............ ::.. ;;;;;;;;C;;A;;D;;IUA;;;;;;;c=
~ .... DATSUN
Ooor Sedan, llUIO tr1ns. ~if!!~ tltW Gru, beau1uw!
y$1\9S. \\'QD388
• -lit{! 11ar,uis U tn•t•n t+i So. Cot. H lghwoy
, ~ L .. une Beech
Mo7S03 *. 540-3100
~ ear 1X"11•, 1500 mileji! 4 spd,
dlr, \\.'Ul sacrifiCt"! Small
·_down. \!JUI fina nce private
pa.M y. ZQSSOOLB. Call Ken
494.9773 or 545-0634.
~ DATSUN 1600, llkt' M IY,
auto. r & h, priv parry._
;; l~ 548..so.16
. 1 lmmediat.e d@Jlvery
;ari~ Count)!'• only autbor-
zed dealer.
~· ~100 \V, Coe.st Hwy. • NeW'port Bee.ch
.9405 540-1764
,Aulhorized Ferrari Dealer
;.:rffiQ Beach Blvd. U-f\1'Y ~)
(2 b!ks So. G.G. Fnvy.l
: Sales _ Service • Parts
• • . JAGUAR
Unbehcvcable Savings!
-La.i-;e Slock Availablr.!
:6vailabJe for dcniorn;tntion. .. !tr.I mar,uis i:U' tlletm J.900 So. Cst. Highway
~ Laguna S.•ch
7503 * 540-3100
-!Qi J1\GUAl: XJ\.140. l::x-
1(ellt'nl condition. Phone
.2, yt'llO\\', black inler.
. ape dee, Riil ~160
: 1965 K•rm•nn Ghia
C . Poncho '" t12·c;--· .... to ..,,,,, ·-,. '65 T·Bir<I. air, •"'" -··d. '68 CADILLAC -;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I e It'. u atom P • 1 n I GJt·-1--b.,_,,..,..,.ftnilb w/ o••uGE his '61· VW tor SlSSO. lib •w.oy ~-•
w/l•ather •-tor • n 1-y ~·-~ -·--~ ~-·"· VOLVO Sale .................. mo '68 CADR."C $6T!IO Ju.II prlct. Jim black inter. Every '*'tor7 COUNTY"s---wd ---·• reAr whetll,, '69· Cad El Dorado coupe, LR
gemons Mert:edts·Bem:, UO tncld. AM/f'M &: •ctvollh! ''OLDEST' \\ steer. wheel, etc. SUtl. SORRY.I fully equipped •• $199 mG. Coupe de Vlll•
\V. \\'arocr, Santa Ana. \\<heels,' Flawless tn t':W.I')' !Soard, i40; ~ r75-28t9 ~69 Cadillac <:oupe de_ Ville White "'Ith wh ite vinyl top,
516-4ll< • d"•il. · · • TnvDta Dealer '67 VW, Dratt<d, mwit sell ALL ''9's SOLD' '_fully .,..lpped .... $16' mo. l0&lhor Interior, factory alt,
M,El\;C,ED.;:§..._lcnz~ l~_J.7~
'Cabriolet -•A real colledori
Hem in ni~ tt11tored con-
dfUon. l\tUsr BE SEEN!
Call for details. J i m
• •J my beloved ,lSOO Bug. baby • ~ Otcv Camaro, pwr strg &; AM/FM atereo, 6 Way seat,
bh,ie, blk.-inter. New tire• & CHECK_QU_R DEAL -braktt. air •••..••• .$90 mo.-lilt &.-tele &tee11ng, powei· j~rLUptli I
. il1 11t1111 I'•
Slt':mons J\feroed.es Benz, U'.I 3100 \V. ·eout Hwy., N.B.
\V. \Varner, Santa Ana. (Ser. 642-9405 540-1764
No. 46181 5-16-4114 Authorized ?i.IG DeaJcr
I ni'n\Wiotlf Dollvory
MODELS -call for
e J\IERCEDES Bcn:r: 1962 PORSCllE '66 SU. Green.
m:; 4 door in nlce condition, Low mile, xlnt c o n d .
fully eqpt., only $795. This Af.1-F?.f. Private party. tOO So. Cit. H19hw1y
"'·eekend at Jin1 Slemons 838-0630 La91.1n1 Be1ch
t.tercedes Bern!, 120 \V. 4'4-7503 * 540-3100
brakes, R&H; top cond. ON 1'70 Mocf•lt l · SOUTH COAST door locks. WQD263
Ori .. ownor. $1295 . ..._.466. ~ 1l . , CAR LEASING $4695
'67 VOLKS Squmbacl<, tx· lf,Q\$ 300 W. Ct! Hwy, ~B 64.l-2111i
tra clean. Exhaust system, ..... ALLEN R/H, stt':reo splat, Muntl c 1l•wfS UHCI. C1r1 '900
100 on request. i500 &
T.0 .P .. 543-3206 anytime. Mo So. C1t: Hi1hw1y e OTHERS
'69 V\V, just from Europe, L19un1 Bt1ch e TURNED
lite bluc/blk int., AM/FM, 494-7503 * ~100 e YOU
sunroof, reclhr seat 1 , • DOWN 67~ -e NE\V IN CALIFORNIA
Old&mobil~illae Inc.
1150 So, O>ast Highway
Laguna Beach
fNrxt lo Pottery Shack)
494-IOl4 547-3103
S.d•n do Villo
Cold with ma1ehln1 lnterlor;
cruise control, rac:tory ai1·,
A'-f/FM-radkl, 6 way 1NI,
tilt &: 1ele 11~rinr, po\\W
door locks. \YDJ915 •
Oldsmobile-Cadillac Inc.
1150 So. Coast 1-flghway
Laguna Beach
(Next to Pottery Shack) \\'arner Santa Ana. (Ser. PORSCHE 9U T. C.OUpe, 4.,,...,..,!!J!l!~~ ... ..,!!!!!!!'
No 4Wl ""'4ll4 '""" 6,00> mil6. $5,800.1 TOYOTA · (213) MA 0-1080 days, eve
e MERCEDES S.n> 1966 1213) EX 1-1837. '
Antiques Cl1ulcs 9615 • HAD A REPOSSESSION '67 VW Bug, xlnt cond, :::.5,000 ' e BEEN BANKRUPf
mi, bei.ae lnt[black ext. Pvt •57 ?t1:organ + 4, e;scellent ··eome & See Us"
pty '1195 terms, resp. party. cond. S1600, 842.Jn& a.ft s, 1. No Side Loans
494-10l4 547-3103 '65 CAD DE VILLE-~'!"'!'!'!'~~! '&t CADILLAC Coupe
230SL coupetrdstr. 2 tops. -·;_..c....:.c.~-~~ I auto; power 1 teer in g, '6f SC. comp. rebl eng., Koni SPECTACULAR ~3694 all day wkends. , 7. No Furniture Loans AU oria:inaJ, full pwr, .fact DeVille. Full pov.·t'r, factory
air, Mf-Fi\1., lu.ther bucket
seats, all equipment
IOMD~l $1200. Nabers
Cadillac. 2600 Harbor Blvd.
C.!'.t. 54G-9100 .
'6 7 SE D A N • R ad Io , l"9 Modol A F--' 3. No Salary Loans PO""~'" ~•· • d" wu air, dlr, take foreign car in l\Olll..n.r. eAl .. ust 111r. 17,,,. t No Co-signers Needed
Ori T __ _. "" trade or 5mall do11·n. QPA-Ai\l/Fl\t, etc. only 15,000 shocks. s !ioHchekln tires. YEAR END SALE
mlles. One O\Vner car like ne1v clutch, l «!wner, lst ALL MODELS g owner. op •.vnu. 546-5655 5. No Collatere.l Needed
Sl400. 642-3956 aft ~ pm. .._ . , \Ve ea.nY 322LB, can Phil m9m or
'68 V '"· ndn-' F'or Sale -Jaguar Class.ic. OUR OWN Co•~•I• 5-15--0634.
llt'\\'. (TUR2081 Sold new $3(0) take11. &1>144ti YOUR BEST DEALS
and ~seivked by Jim Por1cl:1e 'f7 tl1S.T•r9i1 ARESTIU..AT o._wagen, .sta ... -... 1955 XK-140. $95(1. "'"'"~
eqUip, chronM! r a Ider Call _ &73-Q'.M7. :5456-J\1e1'Cury FWR578 .••• s 3.i i:'nd.CP:as deal1Vil~ e~~'.
whttls, xlnt cond. Call alter Pl)'llloulh QHEm .••• $ 33
B p.m. 673-2108 Rice C1r1, Rods 9620 :59 Rambler PLG328 ••.• s 50 =ledre~ir\v~~P~~:S· ~
~e:i:~5e rl~po~ta 120 A~~: ~:=Ybl~e~/ ~~ DEAN LEWIS
Call 546-4114 contrastini: in t ro, r ' All 1966 .~ c· · · CHEVROLET
P ,__ ,_. eo __ .~ dri H..--...ur, .ii!. 646-9303 MERCEDES Benz 1967 250 orscue-ex ..... s. "'""' .,. ve'[•iiiiiiiii.._iii ... iiiiiiiiii
SE 4 door, power stt':er.. to believe. "67 Toyotai Coron•
'68 VW Fastback. \\'hite, red 60 Comet WIF'683.,, .•.•. $175 mi, new brakes. $1650. Pvl
int. xlnt cond, $111 0 , '59 LINCOLN 430 bid, $100 '62 Lincoln, Full pwr., paty. 646-456'1 aft 6
'55 CHEVY 292, F'. I. Cam, 4
sp. Hurst link. 4 & 8 stereo.
Sun tach. S/\V gauge11 .
Quick? Only $450. 549-2445
po~r sunroof, Mt/FM, 4 Door Sedan, auto trans.
etc. Less than 30,000 miles. Perfect Condition! $1195. _i ~nu p Ll I r
.ilt llplll I'•
547-5032; alt 6 pm 673-7226 bal. crank, $300 pa.i1s,· all J RD908 ···-···-··· .. ···S495 for $200 cash. 54S-1989, '65 VW NOL227., ...•.••• $595 '61 CAD de Ville, landau top,
301 CHEV Engine. Short '64 Mercury Sta. \Vag., • leather, stereo, all p\\'r,
Block. Souped for racing .. ~\VZ400 ·-······-·: .. ···S~ \vholesale + S:lO. 962-4887
$150. 637-8746 ,();]Ford Falcon YJ::S932 $595 '65 SEO. DV. Matador red ;;;~=======-! 65 Ford Ranchero, w/ 1vht-vinyl lop, xlnt cond,
Aulot Wanted 9700 Pf8472 · .. • · · • .. ·· •••· .$795 has every I hi n g. $24$.
tXE.XllO) Only $399;). J}m, UNA.005
Siemens Imports, Inc., 120
\V,-... \Var ri er, San ta
Ana. 546-4114
'69 J\tG AU1lin Amt':rlca,
auto, radio, xlnt, $1650, Alt
7 pm 675-6912.
9 :r.1ERCEDES Bem 1965
dle6el 4 door. Vinyl interior.
Nu paint. ~ speed trans. A.Mint radio. Only $1795.
CPDA336) Jim Sl emona
1.tercede1 Benz, 120 \V.
Warner, Santa Ana 546--4ll4
'ti5 i\1ercedl!s 190 Diesel
'67 MGB GT Coupe
Ruby red II'/ bla~k leather
inter Loaded ,v/ c:<tras:
. wire
1vhecls. Ai\l/F?i.f. over-
drivr, Pirelli Radial Tires,
\\."OOCI \\•heel, etc. Ne\v car
trade in 1vith only 2(),000
miles. Ser & drive to apprec-
J~ t'l t1 po rr
3\inpo r r.-,
:noo \V. C.oast HY.-y., N.B.
642-9-K\."i 5-1().17&4
Aulhor!zed ?i.1G DeaJer
Sales, Service. Parts
Immediate Delivery,
..l?rtllPLH r
Jlnrpor t ~.
'61 V\V Bus. xlnt cond., best
oUer over $1800. 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B.
6~2·9-tO.:i 541}.1764
AuUioriwd t.IG Dealer
671--1705 :..:;;;.;::..;;;.c;.;.c.o'----1'1» Olds 88 la.irl PIT446 .. 1895 5'1()..7573
'62 CHEV. Impala SS cpe. 1-
0wner. Pl\T. steer. I:
brakes; bucket seats; R&H,
lle\V ai.r-<:<>nd. Top cond.
t.'lrs. Sha\v 673-3770,
642-53.lJ Eves. '64 PORSCHE c, xlnt cdnd, 900 So. Cit. H ighway '68 vw CONVT. Newly \VE PAY . . HOLIDAY RAMBLER ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
o,.r11au1.,.,. """' CASH 1009 Hart>o, Blvd. '69 CADILLA.C At\t/Fl\I radio ski rack L1gun• Be•ch. Call 543-0269 alt 4 pn1. 642-60'l3 Costa J\fcsa
'68 VW Camper, pop top., x.lnt TRANSPORTATION CARS Fl•etwood Broughai.m
<Ond. $3,~~ tor .. :. ,.,. ~ """" 1"'1 NEWPORTER MOTORS r,...,..,; .. with wh;,, '"'""
fully cqp'd. 549-2289 ; aft 6; 494-7503 e 540-3100
1965 El Can1ino, a u I o,
air/cond. Xlnt _ condition.
Best oner. 64::,...200;), ~Z-5855
'69 El. Ck\llNO SS 396. 4
speed. Lo\V mileage. 'IH PORSCHE SC Conv. New
top, tires & engine, '68 V\V, mUJI aell! Lo mi.,
orig. ownr. \Vhl/blc:k int.,
r I: h, Xlnt. $1450 642-tn9
'58 VW. for any information
call 540--4964, Mon thru Fri
eves, all day Sat or Strf.
call 115 for trtt "1fmate. intro,1ior, \Vhite vinyl top,
GROTH tUCURQlfJ 2036 HARBOR BLVD. faclol')' air, At.t/FJ\f stereo, 89'2-1842 ... P0~7. an <Xlra., IT!flY(O!Tl6J U1'1 COSTA J>.tESA 6 \l'ay seat, tilt & tele steer-'61 CHEV Wagon, aulom, V-
8. R&h, power. Good cond!
$450. 646--6446 showroom "'""'· $3200. Call HUI l!ACH BL VD. .Uk for Sales Manqu
18711 Searl! Blvd.
Hwitln&;ton Bcacb
Kl 0-33'1
548·5294 or 548-8511 ing, PQ\\o'tr door Jocks. VWY-
FINANCING AVAILABLE 645. · · """182 Hunt. Beach 147-ISSS
Porsche '62 C• Briolet 3 mi N. ot Coast Hwy. on .Bch
Unusually fine condition. Ba-
hama yellow 1v/ blk. inter.
Fully equipped. Kept up· to
the minute by previous own-
er. Locally owned & servic.
ed. Hurry on this one.
3100 \V. '0>a11 H1vy., N.B,
&U-94.ffi .J.ll}.17£4
Authori:r:rd MG Dt':aler
1966 5 SPEED 911. l\fint
cond. OriginaJ owner. S3S50
finn. 6f2..3956
'66 PORSCHE 912, re-bit cng.
Xlnt body, Blk inter, Am-~..i9-:roll Ext. 66 or 67
r~i\I. ~spd OOS:-1210. 1970 HARBOR BLVD.
"'·ith blac~~~r-$2200 '65 Vqlkswagen
'65 PORSCHE 3::.G sc~ CAMPh BUS ..
sun.roof, new p;i,lnt, new 912 Pop top, e:.:~!Jent conchtJon.
eng. immac. SJ!ioo. s1a-1s10. Kustom Motors
84.l Baker St., ·Costa Mesa
19£6. ~000 mi, iiiIT!
3914 H"mboldt, H.B. Wf PAY WH '62 BUICK 225, 4 dr """"· 592-2364 fact air, r/h, comp. ·p\\T.
'66 VW, EXCE L LENT FOR YOIJR (AR Sec to apprec. S&95 or offer.
COND. Radio $900. 6~3420 370 Broadway, C . M. S<S.3384
or 67>-5ll9 CONNELL
il SACRIFICE '65 Buick Sport '64 VW. Low mileii on rcl>u t CHEVROLET W t'ngine. $935 or o ffe r . gn, Auto trans, ..JW>, p/b,
54f...74;.J 2&.JS Harbor Blvd: r/h, ne\v eng., still under
-~~~·~·~l~~"'~"'~;'!!',-li"f·ty~·..:S~l~l511~.~892-~~-;.;;·,·T;;;;;, '69 V\V Squa.reback, automa. _ s a "esa ......,...,..,,,
tic, sunroof, Al\f/Fl\f.' WE PAY TOP '6.l 4 DOOR \Vildcat. Total
646-2238 after 6 Pllt DOLLAR po1\·er, a ir, custom wheels, new paint Sec il & love it.
'68 V\V Squareback, radio for good, clean used c:ars, $1400. 64~
radiaJ tires, xlnt corxl. all makes. See George Ray 1..:=::...:.::c=:..... __ _
64fr.5601 after 6 Pi\I Theodore Robins Ford '63 BUICK Electra :.!25 c:onv.
:!060 Hal'bor Blvd. N~1v eng .• pwr. sir & brks.
V\V Sedan 196.'i. Good (."ond C.f.1. 642-00IO All'. X1nt cond. $89:) 968-3423
S!t:iO. ~2747 after 6 ,
._,kdys, all day Slt-Sun. 'IJ\IPORTS \\'.\.1'fl'ED '66 SPEC. Dix hdtp. Air. Co~
Ora.n:e Counties tact ?>!rs. Hargravt', 5~7-6866
'66 VW Bus, dlr. TOP S BUYER days, or 67;).5677 Eves.
845 Baker St. Costa Mesa * 540-5915 BILL MAXEY TOYOI'A BUICK '64 Riviera. air, ail
1888] Bt':ach Blvd. e:.:lras, excel cond. Priv. ply
1!:'1 VW. 43,000 mile beauty. R. Beach. -Ph. 147-l&'ll $1395. 548-7017.
1 owner. Faultless cone!.
$893. 968-1797 CADILLAC 1963 VW Bug, 1 01vner. SJj(l.
Good t.'Ond. _ \"our Volkswagen or Porsche LUXURIOUS Transportation
*64&-6715• I: pay top do1!iar:· P~d for BrG _ CAR safety, po11'e~
Will Buy
1966 VOLKS\VAGEN Sedan or nol Call R p everything e v e n 11unk
-1964 VW Sq. Bk. Sta \~'ag SUNROOF. R/H. $995. G1l-0900 latch. \VI TH I N past R0~1;8 '39, side ~.ounts$4~~·· 15 0 0 . S. $11.W. tn4j •536-8659*
year-radiator, 1Yater pump,,
pa.n • nciv 'Y:1w i~s~ · 842-1222 aft. ·s pm, Mon-Fri. -====:;;==== ._A~u;;l;o;;;L;;H;;•;,in;;g;::=::;;;;; U-joinls, trans., brakes. & Priv. pi·ty 8 f 6 -a 0 4 1 • All day Sal l:. Sun. •R . tires renc1ved. BUDGL,.
G44-DJ07. 06.i V\V, ne1v !Ires & uphol. VOLVO LEASE RENT priced at $4 85. A
Needs he\V paint, e.xccll. ORDER. YOUR ' lo"•-mileage, palnp<"rt'd, '59
cond. Best Oller. Call -VOLVO 1970 TODAY Cadillac 4 dr. \V hit e
'62 Swlbeam Alpine, 839-3312. FOR EARLIEST w I desegregated black-&-
k $39d ~s BRAND ne\v '69 V\V, lite CLEARANCE NO\YI DELIVERY \\'hite interior. Call f,IS-7a!l-I
eng. \\'Or 00-o:iao blue, \\'/sunroof, Ex. eond. 142 • 144 • 145 • 164 All popular makes. Ford e CADILLAC 1968 sedan de ; ========='! it995. Pbone 494-562'l or THE LO\VEST PRICES authorized leasing system. ville (ZVN533l All po11·er +
?48-5734. YOUR BEST DEALS Get Our Competitive Rates air conditioning. all e11tras.
'67 V\V bus, sundial camper ARE STILL AT ·Theodore Less than 21.IXXI milC"S.
! SAVE $1,000 ! comp V.'/camping extras DEAN LEWIS ROBINS FORD r-:orced to sell forQnly $3995.
Nt'w '69 TR-6; \Vire "'his., '7200/bt':1t oiler, Bob Jim Siemens Imports, Inc., "'" """' II 6 200V Harbor Rlvd. 120 \V, \Varner, s ant• overdrive, ao!t top. British .... ~a 1966 Harbor, C.1\1. 6.i6-93D3 Costa ?i1esa 642-0010 Ana ~6--4lt4
gt'Ct!rl. View Sat. '-Sun. at '64 V\V Bus, All new running * N V I *
5106 Neptune, Nc\v por t gt":a.rs. Xlnt. OUer/Trade. ew 0 VOS LEASE ANY MAKE-C~D. '67 Brougham: n1v.
Beach. $3200. 548-5942 Pvt pty. 497-1422 GET A OR MODEL tires, brakes. Except1onally
68 BETTER DEAL clean. etc, \Vhsle -$3595. · SPITFIRE -lmmac. l!IGO V\V Bus, Lei our tease experts sho\v G45--0S04 .
Great 2nd car. Christnias rebuilt engi ne, S5JO. ·Herb Friedlander you the best plan for your ---· ------
Oldsmobile-Cadillac Inc.
1150 &!. Coast l1lghway
Laguna Beach
(Next to Pottery Shack)
494-IOl4 547-3103
'61 Cad. Sedan DcVille. Full
pwr., ract air & stereo. All
11ttess. l--01vner. Lo1v mi.,
Xlnt cond. $3895 or best o!·
fer. Cail "'·kdys: 644--5t6S
'6l CHEVY II Wagon. New
tires, brakes. $350. * 54~3580 *
'62 CHEVY Impala 327, xlnt
cond., 1v:ide ovals. i 450 or
best oUer. 64&-2231 -
'ti6 CHEVELLE SS 396. 411
pcsi, 4 spd, ne:w tires w/
mag11. Desperate. 646-0019
'&I CHEV. Nova ""'agon. V-8,
automatic. power 11teering.
Good condition. 839-2314 .
1964 BELAJRE Sed. Runs
very good . s:ioo.oo
M0<0 Than ZOO CGn To c-. From
'68 CHEVROLET lmpola $1999 Cust. Cpe. V-8. 11-uto., fact. air,
p\\•r. steer, R&H, tinted i;-lass.
0.K. In every way -Hurry tor
this one. Llc. No. VG\" 083.
18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach
gift. l1500 01· olfcr. Call Phone 548-8:>..'>9 l l T;l() Beach Blvd. (I-ill')' 3.111 pci•sonal needs without obli· '69 CAD 4 DR Sedan.
''GB .,., 1, & 11 -days, l\1ikP. 'fa n s I e y .1--,°"-. -V-IV-•• -,.,-.-x-·ln-1---,-,,,-, ., biles So, G.G. F'ivy. ~atlon. F\eetwood.B1'0ugham LOAD-
. "• • ' '\\'ll'CS. nu a.ID-5000, l::Vf'M/1v knd s .,.. .xt1 uu " UNIVERSITY ED'
Hwy. lf So. 9t s .. DI .. • Fwy.
Phon• 545-8863 or 847·6839
Open 7 D1y1 ·r;1 10 P.M.
lop. lo1v 1nilri;, 1-cd 11·/blk. Original O\\'ner Sales Service Paris ·
bcau1 oond .. S12j(J. 67J.-70J7 ;"""6Y.J~·,,· oi;·'°i1.0.%;;--;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;JB~o~.t:.."o~ll•'.:r:'.! __ ~*~"'.:'":''°°ltJ<>3 •68 P-1800 Spt Cpc. ru uy OLDSMOBILE * 838--S160 *
'68 TR 250. \Virt \\'~els, lut:-'&I VW CUSTO:O.l CAi\1PER. equip'd lthr seals. Xlnt :ZSJO I-Tarbor Blvd .
NSU gage rack, ne1v vinyl top. -. . . ""'l ~~" Costa l\1i;sa l\f hel' f $2650 Call Factory rt'bu1lt t'ng1ne m cond. Prlv ply. ......-"""' 54{1.964() ar~c6 pm'", ~~3os · l ~w~ur~a~oty~. C~a~l~I 64~2-4~0!~8=:.l~'~""~· =======l,;::::==~'======:;,;: NSU is here ;it l{ustom
J\lotors, over head c-om '64 TRIUMPH Sport 6 convt.:liil~m~pe~rt~o4~~A~u~t~o~1 iiiiii9'00~i';;;~lm~ported~~~·~u~lol~iiii~9600~~1miiiipoii;rl~ad~Aii;ju!Gjijiliiiiiiii9~600 cnr .• amazing performance! Good cond. 4 spd, $:>95 cash
J..o\v priced! 845 Baker St.. or offer. 64.J.-29:!'1.
C.?.f. 540-59lli =========
Naw C1r1 9800 New C1r1
2 door 1ed•n. Fully f•ctory equip. #SEV 253021
_fmh'laculatt': inside and our~ OPEL
-One ~·ner. See at 480 Broad---,,--...,---,--
1969 FULL
~i·ay. C.?.T. 196'7 OPEL RALLYE.
0 IVE today -Thfo "linitt':d Sll95 Vt'cy clt':an.
_\1ay" Ml-5693 or ~7-6979
• • • .
06S Toyota Corona, 1rr. auto,
red, almost new, dlr. 845
Baker St., Co!ta 1.leaa
540-S915 '
I .
Re•dy & Servic.d for lmm•di•t• Delivery
e CORO!e-LAS-Sed•ns-F•stback Sprinters-Station W19ons e CORONAS-4 Door Sedan1-H•rdtop Coupes e MARK 11'1-H•rdtop Coupel-4 Door S.d•ns e CROWNS-St1tion Wa9on1--4 Door Sed•ns e LA:NDCRUISERS-H•rdtopa=-4 WhHI Drive W•gons e PICKUPS--4 Spead Slondord Tron1.
Autom•tics -4 speeds -f1ctory t ir ccind itioning -slor•o tip• dacks
mag wh•el1 and many oth•r options.
• Many Demonstrators at Reduted Prices •
NAME YOUR DEAL -"WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS ..... e S.IKt Dom•1tic & lmpGtted Used Cara Bolow Mark•t P rices •
540-2512 Open Sun. 11·5 •
2 door H•rdtop. Full factory •quip.# 19363.4.
+Tu -& Lie,
PwE HAAVE ocvER 1100.FNEW,cACRs 1N .~'?E!<..~~~~;~~~.!~9;.1
·~ '*--s..i111 .. 'Wr. o a s ... Offtt • .,...,., \Mtt 0
... .. Uli ....... ., ...,.~ ~
4201 E. ·WiflOll St, LB. 59~71 Willow n . :5
·--~~-·-··-~-· ... ·--··--· ~·.
> !
' (
' '
' '
j . •
" '•
r. ,J
,. -" ,:
• •
t '
I ,
~, __________ _
UHd ,C1rs · '900 UHd G1r1 9900 UHd C1rs 9900 Uiiil C1rs ~ -~9900-lfoiil tin
--------·1'56 OHM A 4 Dr.-R./H, --------
'66 CHEVROl...ET C.pri~. '67 COUGAR '67 MttCUrY 1tation wqon, lf'tY/white. Good con d. ·CT=~C H= (GT 0 •
One owner car with only Automatk, radio., heater/ below book. Sl&)O, $100. $150,675-~aft6. v•---i -top cpe . " 000 ·~ bu &II • ,,__ down fM-4688 uq top, auto., etc. Only • m-.. .., + -•lftring, -"""·I,-,==~-:=--PLYMOUTH , 16,000 mu ... Mu.t Hll thJa &Ir condlUonl~.-Ablolutely Beet over $139$. LEAVING for CUlb., mml weekend. Call 546-411( or
,the cleanest one in town. • Holiday Rambler sell '63 Monterey, all pwr, -can be .een at 120 \Y,
-.Jim Slemona..-M e. r c •-de 11 1969 Harbor----Blvct._.-air,:tlnt conct $'00 Mf:.2834. • PLYMOIJI1l-la&7-GTX Warner, Slnla Ana CbliJ
Benz, 120 W. Warner, Sani. ~ta ~fesa ===i======:I hardtop auto, power •teer, •
Afll!:. 546-4114 MUSTANG power ·brakes, JIO\\T win. 1965 Pontiac GTO Con-
'63 CHEVY SS; PIS, P/B, DODGE dow1, buckets, etc. $:15!£ wrtlble 4 &peed. T~ over
air, buck. :acats. $l050. --~~~:!---1 :=::::======I (J',Ol.99.1) Jim Stem on 1 payments, 6*-3168 alt • •
675-1200 g,30 'til s. 543-8468 '67 DODGE ,DART 1965 MUSTANG CONY. lmp0rta, 120 W. w.,..r, .;,'"'~· ==~~~~
au 6 4._ weekends. Mrs, Eicellent Ccindltion! Yelloww/blacktopandblack Santa·~ni : 546-1114 '88 FlREBIRD 400 Turbo
MalTiolt · \Vhitewitb vinyl top, air con. Interior, R/H, 289 w/ man-'!U PLY. Fury, air, P/S. hydro, power, 1ttreo FM.
dltionlng, auto, trans., pow-uaI ~peed. l"'our aood Fire. )lm, Enr .• trans., ,tires k $2250 or best ofter. 673-6870 '67 EL CAMINO, auto, air, _, dlo --• ~ t .
f er stee •• na, ra ...,JU .,.,a er. stone \Vlde Ovals and wire brakes new, ?ttust Sacri. this '6i Grin Prlx-Shorpl antutlc nu cond., travel N 11•~ "000
1 di ew tires. V..S. ~. -. hubcaps. Excellent Condi. weekend. Rell. book -$1100, Loaded! $1996, 846-1165 op, r. 845 Baker St.; miles. Call 637-4156, Uon. $1175, Call 613-449.1, •'I· ~.• ~·.While book• $880. ·-====='==:;:::-'=::-Co.sta Mesa. 540-5915 .,. ":'""! --e DODGE 1964 ~pus sta-er 6 P.M. 147-289'2. RAMILER
66 f>.tALJBU Wq. V..S, !Ion Y.'agon. (0JU983) auto. ..~ .. ~.SP06~R~T-F=tll1'-~S83=."'bu,.-,ck,_•t 1:;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;, :~r:~t~s. J:;: ,1~,!f: trans .. power steering, ra~io. 'ff M usta 0 g seats, pwr ·s'trg. uoo or best
heater, ete. Only $795. Jim --UU offer. 832-0047 '"RAMBLER
_fer. ~l03. Slemons Imports, 120 W. Load~! Xlnt cond, dlr, in-,;;65;.:::;P:,.lymou=.:,;.:h:..V"aliant~·='""·m""· I AMERICAN, 2 door, stand.
'59 CHEV \\'&'JI, new air \Varner, Sanla Ana 546-4114 side .le out. Take foreign car six, stick, iood cond. $750. ard &hilt, 17,000 miles, $11915. ~· ~fv.~, gd cond. '65 Dodge Polara V-8, aut, in trade or 1mall down. 5f4..3074,. VGY807.
one O\\'fK'T, sharp! Kustom Make low, low PAYmtl. VZI-~ 1111111 •
'64 Chovrolet 8"1 A" ,.. 283 Moto..,, "' Baker, Coota 08211.B. CaU Phil, 494.9773 PONTIAC .. lf"I\$
enelne, stick, $550 or oiler. r>.tcsa ~15 .~·~·~-~~-,,.,..=,,,_---,ll---;;7-;;;;~-"'
544-JCI< 1'62 SEDAN v~. •uto, Pl•. LEAVING '" Carib., m"'t '66 GTO Ulltll'S .
P/b, radio. Runs well. $250 aell '66 GT pk&, a/c, 4 SPEED CHjlYSLER '"m 64._2699, 67l-5116. AM.IFM. !/pwr, dl •c. ·CONVERTIBLE
'65 DODGE Polan. convert., radials, 4 barrel $1895. VS, -•r ,1~".. -dio,
900 So. Cat. Highway
L.gun• Beach 494-7503 * 5411-llOO 68 Chrysler New Yorker, xl 40 000 · 1·-., .. A ...,... I""" ...,,.,.... • .. u1 er • mi. """' or ....,...._,..,. heater, bucket aeatl, ~ ....... air, brkll, strg, landau. beat oHtr: 6'13--!1252 "'t"" ...
Sharp! Lqw, lo\v priced! · 4
• • '61 Mu1r.arv 3<D. 4 barrel 4 !ally Priced tn Sell today.
·Kustom Mo!Dn, 315 Blktt FALCON ' ""'·· v1.,1 rt, P/S. 5 nw. Lie. SYMmtl.
'62 RAMBLER sedan, xlnt
eond., auto, r /h, ~. iitts.
$365, 536-U97 St., Costa McM S4f>.5915 wd/o tire'-Wrnty, Tranof. $1199
CH Prlv. Pty. 642-9075
RYS Ne"! Yorker. 4 "63 }'ALCON $250. ~ d •-~1 "-d~' Pri '67 LO miles, 1 owner. Auto, oor •1&1u .op . ....,. ""· . Mechanical!>'· sound. C&ll
pty, Jo m1, 4 new Radial bet. 4 & 12 PM, 6?3-812b; new brka &: tirt1. Motor 0 .,_
ti!'es. Beau!. car & cond! a.sk for Rick. pert. 23 MPG. $175 0. ~ Call 673-8740. . 673-6585.
•s1 . FALCON 4 Dr., stick MU'"'sr=AN=G"""'ss""""eo=,.c-:,::ro"·•"••-.1 • ~ CONTINENTAL •h•ft, R•H ,_ c1 .. n._ good nm. Stkk. ""'' "ll-8"•1 otter. '"
LATE 6.1 770, 4 ct~', S cyl.
Stlck O\'erdrlvc. Lo miles. 1
Owner. $415. 646-1762
'62 RAMBLBR 4 dr .. Wagon,
6 cylinder, automatic, e:~eel.
cond. $350. 646-5669
nmg cond1twn. 5'15-4891 675-6291 WL ,AJ
~-CON"I'. Lthr. Landau <I 61 FALCON '68 MUSTANG 6 cyl. P/S, vi-"\_JW
'65 RAMBLER American, 4
Door, 232 eng .. 155 hp, auto,
Xlnt cond., Call 9624024 Dr. Pwr. steer. brks, & Good condition S285, Cindy nyl top. XJnt cond. $1895.
seats. raet. air. Xlnt cond. ~161 before 4:30 Original owner. 6.w-2290 ~1 Ext. 66 or 67
Needs tires. Will trade lor ======== 1970 HARBOR BLVD, T·llRD •mall foreign car. $22511. FORD '65 Mustang V-8 au.to' . COSI'A MESA·
.fiTh-7862. br"Ol{Ze. xlnt cond, C&ll ,63 GP Pontiac, good cond. e T-BIRO 1964 (Stk
'63 Continental 4 DR Sedan. '66 FORD Galaxie 500 2 Dr. 645:-0U4 befr 4 pm. with all extras, l owner. Air M~~!1 in a~tlolutely Alm
1 R•.u p S 1966 MUSTANG-6 cyl, i;;tick ...-.R"'·• ~=. 841 A~01. ma..,....,. t! COuul n. Fu.II powr & air/cond. H.T. Auto., """ .. , .... v •llJ -.......,, + Ir J 1 1_,_,
11000, * • ., "1!3 p B f · · I t shift, 1 owner, 21 1-lPG. 1964 GRAN Pri 8.,.. -nd power a · US u11.1.:u on .,.,crv . .• actory air, v1ey op. x, ...... ,,~ Be Full
ISUH686) $1275. Nabers Clean. $1295. 546-7147. P/i, P/b, xlnt cond'. ~ new "''-~e• nz-'65 CONTINENTAL .f.door Cadillac. 2600 Harbor Blvd. _, price only $1495. Jim Landau top, loaded! 50,000 1966 MUSTANG '°" Auto, lirm, 645-2699, 673-5186. Slemons ri.tercedes Benz, 120
ml, S2!XXI. 642-0090 C.M. s.ID-9100 R/H, PI S, P/b, new paint. '68 G T 0 \V. \Yarn er• Sa nt a
LOADED! '68 Galaxle, 2 dr Top ahape. $1-195. 962-61-19. • • • Ana 546-411-t
'66 Continental 4 DR Sedan. Landau top. Fae air, P/S, 1!167 l\iUSTANG diak brks 4 SPEED A20 Full power &: air/cond. P/B P/\V Fl\f STEREO • ' • '67 T·BffiD Lanqatl,.,, ena::, S2000. * 5'18--0113 • • 1 vinyl top, lge eng, 1 owner. Facb:lry •air, po-A-er steerln1 perlect cond.ltkln, all extru, radio. X!nt cond, $300 dn. Low mileg 543-7621 '69 ll.1ark II, black, red 64z_2752. · · & brakes. vinyl roof, radio, full pwr, under 24,00ll ml.
leather lnl er ior. Loaded! --~--~--19116 MUSTANG, xlnt cond. heater, 24,000 orig. milts. Orir owner. $2575. 644-477• * 838-.'>460 * '66 F•lcon future Full CM:?rhaul. 39,000 mi. l One owner, like new. ~m-'64 T·BIRD. Must s.e 11 ,
Fully !actory <!Quipped, Dir. owner. 642-5299. ium Wide 'Oval tire~. Still in Sacrilice! 1'Ull power, air.
'56 CONTINENTAL. Loaded, $695. factory ,varranty, Priced to Betit ofter. ~2383 ·
very xlnt cond, ·low mileage' PllOne ~2-0023 OLDSMOllLE U od
$2400. Prlvato S4f>.7828. --------;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I " 1 ay. '59 T-Blnl, Kood cond., good '62 FORD FAI R L A N E , $26" tires, r/h.
CORVAIR ~:,m• ~$:.' ~':ij . '"Olds Toron1clo ~ ,.._2196
675-2232 Dclu.xe, AM/FM, .1ir cond., '56 T-BIRD comp I et e I y wh~~~~~t4r:~~i: co;i~~· -.,-,-1-USJ:_AN_G_M_""_t_Se_ll. :::.:~.~~~~:~~ts. One o~ . d =~~~· oiler or
, l $223 49+8769 Excel. cond. Lo mile. Like .,~ s0" ~ • CORVmE -~%E~~~ ~ tr.i •m~:\~ '0·'"'' ", .. :!.ALI,_v~ctNT•U••A.w:...oodT. coo._;~-.
'61 Corv•ttt Fastbfck -~":.;"='~'::.'JO""'.,~-~~-I ~ ••• •E
$4695 BEAUT. '68 C.ountry Squire, 900 So. Cit. Hi9hway S.\s.Ja31 Ext. tili or 67 R/H, stick lhilt. $500 Day1
Strikint:lY finished In ebony 9 pass, aJI pwr, air, Laguna Beech 1970 lfARBOR,1BLVD. 540-2464 ExL 74, Eve.
'black iv/pl ush black inter .. FM/J\1\.1 stereo. 673-3823 :494-~7~lll~l~!'!*~~54Cl-;;~ll~OO~l;;;:=~cosr;:::"'A=M=E=SA=';::~~-=~2224;::.:====;;;;;; .Every possible extra on this 'iill FORD 2 Dr. $50 or will ".;; U C
•1ocal •·r• 0,~oer "Vett". sell parts. lsky mag cam •OLDS. 1966 Luxury Sed.l~U~Hd;;C;•;r;•;;;;;;;;;;;"°';;;;;;;*;;;;'";;;;;;;;;;;;~:;~ .Auto. trans~, Juli power., re. $00. 548-1989. (Slt1Z731) All power le air; I
mov, panels, AM/FM stereo, '·63"'-~Eo'oo".,.-to'in-,-w-/,-,An,--,-,san exceptionally clean, low
new wide oval tires, etc., sprints & Indy's. $840. milea,re car. Only $1.995 full
etc. A remarkable car at a *67~2()* 1•'· ·price. Jim S lemons Merced.es Benz, 120 w. ,remarkably low price.· '87 COUNTRY Squire, ilr. Warner, Santa Ana &4&-4114
J2 rtupo11
31111po1t s
pWr disc tirakes 'kStrg, ,ai '65 OLDS Delta 88 4 Dr. H.T. ~eng., $2200. 968-40l9 .,, a ._u PS PB !
·3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B,
9405 540.1764
Authoriled l\tG Dealtt
Auto., '"""" . ., . .. ac-'62 FORD VAN, Custom, ex-tory air. (XEU321) $1050.
eel cond lhru-OUt. 'f>.tust MJll Nabers Cadillac. 2 6 O O
S90ll or. best oUer. 54>.2JSL Harbor Blvd. C.r>.t. 546--9100
'61 Galaxie $150 runs ~it '68 OLDS ~ Conv., full
~s paint. 2016 North power, factory air, maey
C&Jl(!lla Court, CM. extras. Jo-m i, warranty.
LINCOLN V-3, 4 spd, dlr, convert. Xlnl ---.,.-.,----
cond in &: out! Take trade e L t N c ·o (.ii Continental
or small down, Will fine 1964 (HIF ..GJ.1) All power +
prvt PrlY. D8Cfl5, Call Phil air conditioning, all xtrU.
494-9773 or 54iHJ5l4. ~than 46,000 miles. ri.tust
'Sol OLDS Cutius, JTJ HP,
$800. Clean, &ood l'Ond., new
tires. R I H, P I B, P f S,
RVE'ITE 1967, 321, 2 tops, see this weekend. 0 n I y
Al\T/FM. pis, n1any xtru. $1495. Jim Slemoru Imports, • 21.ooo mi. \Vkends 673--0167; Inc., 120 w. \Varner. Sarita
wkdays 635-5600 Ba1dwln Ana 546-4114
1968 Olds Villa Cruiser Sta·
tlon wagon. Lo mlleqe.
Loaded. Call 642-9.156
RVE'ITE 1968, 427._ convt, IT'S \VONDEID1JL the
AM/Fl\1', l ike new, 11;000 many' buys in appl~nces
mi. \Vkendl'l 61 3 -O l 6 1 ; you find in the Classified
'68 Torona.do. many extras.
Call after 5 PM 64l-5333
'65 F-85 STA Wag. Sacrifice.
Ol1g owner. Exceptional.
$1100. 673--1232 wkdays ~5600 BalClwtn Ads. Check tJiem now!
Used C•r•
'64 'T·llRD
Full power 1ncludlng f•ctory •ir.
Lie. OUll 381 .
Rt•I nic•, with radio, he1t•r,
etc. lie. LIWR 872.
2 door Hordtop. ,Jtedlo, hNler,
autom•tlC tr1n1m1ulon, ""'power
steering, fir conditioning. Lie..
9900Usod C1rs 9900
'65 IUICK Sl'T. WGN.
Lo.dtd with 1ir conditioning,
power 1t"rln9 &. br•ke1, r.dlo,
hHl1<, etc., Lie. RIZ 383.
Autom•tic tr1n1mi11lon, radio,
h•1ter, power 1teerlng, #1.S9S..
•, '
'65 CHRYSLERf Newport
Automltlc ti1ns., powtir ttterlng
& brakes, air coftcUtfoning, ra-
dio, he1t1r. Lie. PIK 411 .
PA C I F I. c : ..... ···~~-.... ·-·--··-~··-:·!
• : •1r10 e-: , • 'Wr!•11 • :Vt ••,,..."' .. ·I ' .... 0 ...... .,,.,.1 ... ' . l, b:::-:. ·.:::.. ..... ~ i
4281 E. W'lllow St, LB. 595'437Y i_ ____ : ............ __ J
;~.~~;'~:~~~·.,[ ~· s2295
'&1 CHEV. Impala s1995 $~COUPE • .t.o10, ~I'll., f•ett; t lr tfc11· I Int, _... 1fftr , r..SI~, ter. Cll\ 1a.
'&1 CDRVETIE Co11v. '2995 ~~l· JIJ.m., -1!Hr!1111. r1~1a. hMltr.
'64 CDRVETIE Ope. •1795 ' ""'"· rold-lo, tltlllt'. Ul'Z tlf. .
'&1 MERC. Comet H. T. '1795 COU,t!'. Auto. ~ f.ldot!I alr cerodllltrlM
-~ rill -•· l.IOP 11 ..
'81 MUSTANG 2+2 •1495 fW'"!o_ V.f, fadetV tit: <tlfld'l!lolllnt.
'&1 PL Yll. Fury Ill '1695 ~-'OTOf"~ !•1~, ~ t ll 111........ .TW I .
'64 OHEV. linpala Wp.
~.:· 11ft""· _, l'-1111, ''"" """'· '1395·
'66 CHEV. lmpali .. S. '1595 COUl"I-.=. '=k = ~~l\olltflt. -,,.. . m ..
'I& CHEVEiLE COlv. '995 ~,;~ ..... -.......... ,..,.,........,.
'&&CHEV. Oaprl11
2828-Harbor Blvd.
~sta <_Mesa 546-1201
. • . I
S..turd•Y· Novtmbff l, 1969
. . ....
I ... . ..
Fullv fttfory equippttl in-
cluding ha11d ret11, •••t
balb, b•t~ up li9hh,
Windthit ld w1shtr1, out-
1ldt miuor, ttrpth, tic,
.YQ.JIR ,i;Ruc"
" .
•·•· hlfly ffellt .,..., *"'
ltl 1,rl119", lll&tJMtl•• lfff """' lit, •Ir htl. rHCtor, ,..Ml1ttH
radio, f•ll fff111 Ifft,
IDUL fOlt CAMPllll
\ ; I•• ' t1
NEW 197~
3/4 TON
L Now is THE nRJ.JQ. ,-aUY a •=w I QUALITY VALUE.ftAT.,;'.~Q OAR
R.ldlo ,,,. 11e1t1r. wt.Ii. i!de .. n tl;t:i, CV~J nn.
l'vi1 "'"'"· IMIOr( t lr tondltlo!llng, CMGM.
766),' -'7
5795 $1395 $1195
FAIRLANE 500 CORVAIR v.a. 3 lpttd "'"'minion, ""'*'t 1tltl'fr1to;
2 Or. H.T. lit VI, 1~to., P.S., rtdlO, huttr, ' c~1,, tutv. lr1ns .. r1t11 lo. llHltr,. Wiii! .. r:~~-tlN!tr, wtllttwtll fl,., wllcll <OVI~:'
tTFC :iotJ • Wl l! II••• .mNI tO\llrt. fR.ON 3'9.1
51295 $595 $2395
4 sClttd 1r1Mmiss10n, •.cllo tnd hut«". IHHI( 2· Door. VI, ''"-• t lr tondlll0!>1ng, rldlo, ..... I U1'0Mtlk, POWW •'"'""'· racllo, htlll*{;
"'' ._..,. (TU" 1011. IUEU 7471 : _
$2295 $1195 s795
l"oumMloll'I, rldlo, tte1ter. Fun POWlf, ll(IOf'f t lr, ""'·FM rldlo, lilt A '"""' Tr•lltln1$.Slorl, rldlo, tltt!t r. e1r1w11
wnttl. (11.ZJ ot2l lop, !V llS Sf!'),
$2995 $2895 51595
' '2850 .HARBOR BLVD. • • . ' l ~
COSTA MllA . 0,.,, 7 DAYI A WllK • 5..0·9640 •
j •
;.. :;. I _,.. -.-
~ -:--. --=-== ··-:---;:::-:;:;:,..---7""--0::. -::"."'.":::-:-.-:: •• :::-. -7. -~.":":":~.-:~""":.'!':-:'":'". :""!~·~ • ...-..:=:::--:.":."'':", ":'.":.:='""""'!'"''-' '!'· '.'"'"":'"'':='-'"'·!"'"0 """"'""!". ~'!'."'"'*"'· "!'!'ll'l4"'fl!'!'O:i "¥4'!'~. ~!!!'.!Ill 11! •• ~.'!ii"'"'*~!Q,....,,, .. '
~-~~~~-. -----.,-------
.. . -
.. .'--·-.~
• CADtLL~C NINETEE·N:.SEVENTY ~ . . . -~ . . . ~ . . .· . . . . .
A : Magniii~ent Experien~e
• ---
Full power ~quij,ment plus f1ctory eir
conditioning, AM.FM radio, power door
locks, auto seat rele1ses, etc'. lovely
Cameo beige exterior with • flax pad·
ded roof and Delphine Flair cloth i nd
le1ther interior •. ( 141129 I
CADILLAC SALE ·-1966 si100 Cou~ l)e Ville. Full power, factory A.ir con·
dltlonlfli, A?-t-F1'1 radio, tilt· telescopic steer·
Ing wheel. Grecian a:old with black leatiler
Interior. (RKK878) PRICE -
1966 CADILLAC 1600 Convertible: Antique &Old with matching t op
and full leather Interior. Full power, factory
alr, Mf·FM radio, tilt·telescoplc stterlni:
\\'heel. (TSR728) PRICI
IMPERIAL -SALE 1969 $4800 LeBaron coupe. Tull J)O"'l!r, factory air,
&tereo tape. cntlse control, ev"ery possible PRICE option. Padded top. (XSP777)
Sedan De Ville. Full po\.\·er, factory air con-$4400 ditlonlng i;lb'tJal seeking radio, l>CM·er door
locks. Arctic blue n'ith dark blue top and
exquisite matching cloth &. leather Interior. PRICE Low mileage. One owner. {820AGA)
1967 CADILLAC SALE $3700 Full power, factory air conditioning, Al\1-f1't
r&dlo, power door locks, power vent win·
dows. Brorn:e flremist with black padded top
and ,black leather interior. (822AGA) PRICE
1966 CADILLAC SALi $2800 Sedan De Ville. l\fist blue with metchini
cloth and leather interior. Full pov.·er, fac·
tor)' air. tlll·telescopic steering wheel. Mt·
FM radio, pov•er door. locks. fRYS938l PRICE
Thi& lqyelY Grecian white Qutlll~ Is 11-bsolutely a:oraeoui 1n1ide and out.
Has Cadillac full-power-features lncludlns-factory alt-condltlOning,....Altt·
FM radio, premium t ires plus much, 'much more. This one owner Cedil·
lac has only 22,000 mUes and shoWd be driven to be fully apprecia ted. CTGU9~J SALE PRICED
This Normandy Blue Cedlllac Is immaculate and h•1 only 16,000 care-
fully driven miles. Dark blue padded top wilh blue full leather Interior.
fUll PO\Vi;r and rectory Air condltion!ng. Stereo·AM·F1't radio, tllt:tele-
ss:oplF .s~e<-ring \Vtieel, twilight senUnal pl1,1& all of cadQl&C's popular
accei;sor1es. (\VV!l565l
A Solid Shleld of
with every sale
.. SALE $5700
. . . ..
Coupe de Ville. Normandy blue with black
Landau and blue JeatMr trim. Full power,
factory air conditioning, Wt-tele wheel,
AM·FJl,.f radio, etc. Local ohe owner.• (VGZ117) c>.
1964 ; FLEETWOOD -·
F\111 power, factory afr conditlonlna:. Has all
of Cadillac's popular option&. Bt4utiful bet&t
automobllt. (0QB616) -.1 ,.
Full po .... ·er, factory air, tilt 1teerlng wheel,
Antique copper \\'ilh white vinyl top and
copper leather interior. {RHY396)
500 2 Door Hardtop. 29,000 milea, 1 owner.
factory air conditioning, automatic. power
steering and disc brakes, radio. he.i.ter, white
walls. Spanish· sll\"er with black vinyl top
and black vinyl Interior CTFE769)
Hudtop Coupe. Ca11;cade green Wfth match· ing doth and leat~ett Interior. Full power,
factocy air, Alot·FM . radio,. Wt."telescopic
steering whe@L 'CRGU643) · •
, 19.67 .CAl>IL~C . ,
c:;oupe De Vllle1 Artesian turQuolse with
rilat<!hlng cloth and lff.ther interJQr. FUil
po"''er, factory air, A~t-ht tadfq, tiJt.teJe-
scoplc steerina whff.I. fl'EX904)" -...... ' .
SALE $4400
$ SALE 1400
PRI~ -'
"$ SALi 2000
Your fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area
2600 Harho!! Blvd.,
~ eo.sta Mesa .. ,i .. -' ' ) . \ '
a40•9IOD ..
8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM -Sat. and Sun.
l ,I • ' , .. ' .
lmriiedl1te dellverj • Excellent S1l1ction
Over four acres of factory author· ·
Incl total Cadillac: fac:IRties desi9n•
9d tit belter sen and semc:• new
and used Cadillac: automobiles.
. • ..
. '
· LivE ANd L6vE AqAiN
NOVEMBER 'l, 1969
REV~')~ ~bour You
'Oa }AllllS '· BICCIN~
Atltktia Dept., 3M Co.
r .. /et1 •p· "71Af to
Fla.11 wi.U I .. •W.
to ,,., ""-• ... ·""~ a.I ,.,, Nlelt • uetl oa /oolNU
-"" .... ..,, ~W.1--llkluinl..,.,.. .
...U., r .... 1e, NJ.
• If you were to buy, aay, Tartan Turf
tod&y, you would pay MMDewhere between
115,000 to '20.000 to cover 5,000 equare
feet of lawn. Don't despair, hoWeYer, be-
came maau(acturen hope to lower the
price with.in the nest year or two.
National Comrt1t1Atltr.
Arntrirn:n Lt>1ion
rre .. e 1!%ploi11 die
dfni/U;a1tce o/ IM 21-
,_ .alale •I Ille /•-
ural o/ Ge11. DeeiJlaa
"'"'"' BU911lunoer •"" o/ iM •aab-NtJMM &Aree-1.,. •bde.--E'4-a110r
L ,,,,.._..,, ft•pid City, S.D.
e General Eisenhower received a 21-gun
salute (preceding the cJo.ing of the bur·
ial ceremony) because he bad been Presi-
denL The three volleys of rifte fire at the
end of the burial ceremony (immediately
preceding lowering of the casket) repre·
tents the standard salute ueed in all mili·
tary burials.
SttrelMy o/ A11icaltare
Flklt .. J-r l/.S •.. ,..
t:llllaral erop ._. pre-
••••e" dae ••••"••• ...,. ... ,.. ,,,..,,,. .. ,,
to a1ae iwueu1--BUl
Hal, W.,flora, N.D.
• Cotton. It bu not shared in the growth
experienced by the total U.S. 6ber market,
which baa doubled eince 1940. Cotton has
decreased from 80 to 42 percent, mainly
becauee of competition from man-made
fil>era. Other factors are the dwindling
uport market and the import increuea.
P1t.Ue1tlUM A'ur °"
C01UU1t1 Alars
Flt.• u iM ~ferertee
beieeeea lee er••, •r-
ti~U.l b ereaa, alld
~ ke •lllc. I• •rll~ilal
lee erea• lotoer IA ealoriu "'-• Ice
ereta•1 I/ •o, by laoto •udat-N•rw:y
FUlila-..oa, Palo .4ko, Call/.
• Froaen de.eerta. ice cream. and ice
milk ani required under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Coemetic Act to contain a
minimum amount of butter fat and total
milk eolida. Frozen de.aerta that do llOt
comply with the preecribed etaadarch for
ice crum are requjred to be called "imi·
talion." I do not know the compoeition
of the .. artificial .. ice cream you inquire
What In Ula World!
Acdclent..Prone? "I'm re.ti~," says
es.Creea Bay Packer offensive lineman
J~ Kn.mer, 33. in tu. new book, "Fare.
well to Football." .. I'm tempted to go
into politics. but I suspect rm moving
heecl6nt into boaineee. rm piq to weu
.Wi.. not thoulder pada." Some of the
teen Jerry's suits will eo•er come from
a lifetime of eccident.a. Among them: ace
)-fell on axe; 14-ripped out chunk of
ri&ht aide with lathe; 17-ran 7%"' splin·
ter into poiD and spinal mU8Cle; 23-
third bn.ia CODCUMton and detacbed ret·
ina; ~% hoar operation to ..remo•e
the l l·year~ld splinter; 32-rigbt thumb
broken. lhybo Jeny still needa proteetiYe
.. dctbal? .0.
Theyre Singing Our Song "HapJly
Birthday•• was written in 1893 by two
kindergarten teachers, t1isters Patty Smith
did the lyrics (called originally "Good
Morning to AU") and Mildred J. HiU
lhe familiar tune. By 1910, most peo·
pie wrongly a.Mumed it was a folk aontt
in public domain. Western Un ion was
sued by the copyright owners (not the
girls) for using it as a singing telegram;
Irving Bert.in was sued for using it in
his 1930 revue .. As Thousands Cheer."
TrH-Guide Every single divi divi tree
on Aruba, the little Dutch island in the
80llthem Caribbean, points in only one
OM JM tree
direction. When the sapling first pusbea
up from the M>il, it aims straight up,
about, hut tbeR are two common types
of imitation ice cream. Veaetahle fat ie
tubltituted for butter fat in one and
would moet likely have the NJDe number
of calom u regular ice cream; the
other, which contains sorbitol (four caJo.
riee per gram) and artificial sweetenera
to replace aucroee or destroee ia not sig·
nificantly lower in caloriee.
ma llJtS. IUCB..41W NIXON
ru. perW •I far-.. ""-" u ,_ prefer
/or your owa ,,,_,,.
ue1-lln. 8. J. N.u,
Borao, .4rl.
• Eicht.eeath. and 19th-century furniture.
Aleo lo•ely Chineee things auch u Coro-
maadel ecreena.
FOR HENRY CIBSON of .. Ltw,11./,."
Do yo• MOM up llae
,,.,. ... tlud yo• reciU
011 iM Jwno1 I/ aot,
•ho floe•1-Li114'•
s1a.;1a1.rl, i ..... ,.,,
e I make them up, every •ingle word.
ABC 1po1uau1u
Do ,.... .,.,,,. ..... .,..
•l•I•••--'"•' Pete RowUe ,... Joe N• ...,,. ~.,..,,,,.. "-,..
ter'Ml U. • Ne• Yorlr
1Har1-Tlto•u,. r eJUMtl, F ootldll
L.u, NJ.
• Yea. While Namath is a close hiend,
Rozelle, as pro football oommiaaioner, bu
an obligation to keep football above Sut·
picion. o~ public co1tfidence i.e b'rokea
down. public interest ceases.
)' .. --• c.,....,.
M.e.,,Mr4 .... to lrwoe
dw9 loefalion o/ ,,,_.,
IA • reeelll Drw1""'
JWOfl'W•· R•• • "°' er1er eclaally "o•e
11au1-Marlr Re•cll•11d, L•••l•1,
e Yes. Gin1er, the wrman shepherd
eeen on Dragnet, is not a thow dog but
actually an employe of the Loe Angele.
Police Department and is ueed Cor ferret·
ing marijuana.
w ... le _. a ,_ ~ • .-t1 .. T v .. eaa ........ .W. _._., ..,.._,. ~
•lie • ..,_.. ,,_ d.e ....-•-· .--y-• d .................. pNf-W,. -•
..... ea"', .. 4alt 'n.-. Y_.,, F-lly Weekly, 641 'Lim ....... be,. New Y.ft, 1".Y.
tOOU. Ye c,..-4 Hk-lellp .-.. ..... Ht IS wUI lie .. w 1--di --4.
like all other trees. But the tradewinds
soon take over and point the delicate
branches in their own direction: south·
west. In four lanr;uage11 the natives (who
speak in Dutch. English. Spanish, and
Papiament~a combination of the first
three) explain to visitors: .. Even a strang-
er cannot get lost on Aruba. Just follow
the di vi di-ti treea . .,
Ina and Outs, Alrt.ome "Make-up
has always been required but was played
down," says Mn. Kare.a Schneider of
the Image Development program at Pan
Am's International Stewardess College
in Miami. "Our aim now ie to educate
a girl to make correct choices, rather
than burden her with many don'ta."
Some current jns : moderate false eye-
Alter ...
luhea, wigle~ hair·pieces. Now okayed:
frosted lipstick if rosy.hued. eye &hadow
If blue or brown, long hair if brushed
back to a barrette. Out: color Iese lip·
11tick-or none at all, white bi&hlighter,
black eyeliner, overfringy lashes. French
, twist. chig:non. or bouffant hairdo.
Not1.,,tbn-!, 1961
IOlaf RTZOIMOM E4u-.i,.,.Cllwl
!AOC IYAN "•-~"• E'lt..,
You are Invited to mail '°"' questions or comments lbout any article or advertisement that
appears in Family Weekly. Your letter will receive a sirompt answer. Write to Service Editor,
F..nilj Weffly, 641 lex.lnaton Avenue, New YOft, N. Y. 10022.
« 53
off with this C:OUJIO"I -any famil7-
1iz.e pecbte of Kelloa'• Special K
How to Work Hard
-and Still Be
a Good Father
Spending a lot of time on the job at the expense of
yout family?. Don't worry-there are solutions
I T'S 8 P.M. and here comes
Father up the walk with
his work-filled briefcase after
the commuting trip home.
"Hey, Dad," says Junior in
the front yard, tossing up a
baseball, "How about a game
of catch?"
"Aaaa ... uugg," says Dad.
Frazzled, wanting to relax, Jun·
ior's father feels a stab of guilt over
saying no. What if Junior ever gets
into trouble at school or grows up to
rob a bank? Won't it be because his
father had no time for him!
In cities and suburbs, fAthen1 are
bringing home the bacon-and piaa,
bicycles, mortgage money, and other
family necessities. But they're alao
worrying about neglecting their chil-
dren. How can they really be fathers
when they must work late at the
office and bring more work home!
And what about the mntriarchal
influence of their wives!
Their worries are valid. But they
can s till be succe11sf u I as fatherf'.
"Putting a time clock on a father
isn't the solution," explains Dr. John
L. Schimel, psychiatrist and clinical
director of the William Alanson White
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanal-
ysis and Psychology in New York.
"An angry, im1,atient father who te1'8
a child : 'Don't bother me!' may be
clockintr more hours than the father
who's keeping it friendly."
The qualit11 of the relatiom1hip is
the important thing: the amount of
love, direction, di8Cipline;nnd friend-
ship a father de liven.
Many a father, caught between
home and office demands. f igurea out
good solutions for delivering that
high-quality relationfthip. One busl-
neeaman hu a system whereby his
two children can get permission at
home or school t.o telephone him if
they have a pressing problem.
"It's our 'hot line' if they need
me," he says.
Another father makes breakfast on
Saturdays and Sundays, while his
wife sleeps ; then he and the kids re·
laxedly catch up on the week's neW'I.
A third father spends hie first 15
minutes home with his four.year-old
daughter. Small ct{ildren understand
"now," not "later": to a four-year-
old, this 15 minutes now is a major
sign of love.
Understanding a father's buftineM
makes a difference. "An important
_part of a father is what he is in his
work." says Doctor Schimel. "He'll
have a cloeer relationship with hie
children if he conveys to them what
his busine.sa is about.''
Yet when a dozen children were
recently asked what their fat be rs did,
most of them answered: "He makes
money." And the daughter of a fa-
mous actor• once confeesed that for
years she thought her father waa a
burglar because he worked at night.
One lather, who is In the coemetics
business, haa a practical way of tell-
ing his two boys, ages 9 and 11, what
he doelf: he brinp them to his ·office
on Saturday mornings, and they help
him pack cosmetice.
"I pay them by the hou1", like a
stranger. Then I take them to lunch."
The boys love it, and they respect
their father as a businessman.
But a father can't do the whole job
alone. Since the mother runa 90 per-
cent of the household, the children
come almost completely under her di-
rection. She is a major-influence.
Children see t heir father largely
through their mother's eyea.
"Her attitude helpa create the emo.
tional climate of respect for the
father." explains Doctor Schimel. If
her attitude ls critical, the father will
have hard going.
When one seven-year-old boy, learn-
ing how to tie Boy Scout knots, was
told that his surgeon father could
skillfully tie tiny knots involved in
performing a stomach operation, the
child's scornful response was : "Oh,
my father can't do anything!"
On the other hand, if the wife
creates a built·in respect for the
father, children will be prepared to
love and admire him.
Som. fathers flinch from apepding
even five minutes playing with chil-
dren. "I'm their father, not a play·
mate!' objects OM father. Another
points out: "Fatigue is a big thing.
Even if you get home in time. you're
tired. You can't play with any amount
of e nthusiasm.''
If a f atber plays with a child, he
can still act like a fatl~r, not like a
10-year-old playmate. But the father
who h11.tee playing or is tired shouldn't
play at all-he'll be uncomfortable
Md so wilt the child.
Sometimes, though, a father feela
so guilty, thinking he's neglecting his
children, that he can't say no. So he
either puts off the child with "later''
or givea him a reluctant "yes." Then
he gets mad and blows up.
"Rut a boy or girl can survive being
given a firm an<t friendly no." says
Doctor Schimel. The real rebuff is the
angry exploeion.
W eekenda and vacations are a big
help. A father who's doing a home
weekend job of carpentr y, for in-
ittance. can let a child help him for
awhile for the sake of building good
As for picnics, ba.seball games, and
other pleMures that are supposed to
bring ~bout father.children cloeen~,
they should be something th~ father
enjoys, too. If he doesn't, the kids
sense it, and the closeness fizzles.
V acatione are more ticklish. Too
much child is more than 80llle fathers
CllJ1 take. One father with a four-etar
relationship with hia kids says, "We
once went on a togetherness vacation.
On the third day we all went home,
and the kids went to camp." A wise
father ret1peds his own child-toler-
ance limit. .
Fathers don't need to panic. The
bu~ie11t fftther can develop a fairly
close relationship with his children,
11.nd Junior isn't likely to become a
How close ls close enough ? Recent-
ly, Doctor Spock pointed out that in
Eur ope and Latin America, where
father and son chat spontaneously
over dinner and are reasonably com-
fortable with each other, the boy
develops normally.
-One American fat her who worka so
lAte he never gets home to have dinner
with his children, has this kind of ar-
rangement: "The kids have done tbei r
homework, and when I get home we
shoot the breei.e in the den for a h alf-
hou r while I have a drink. Eventually
we discun all their problems."
Another father sees his three chil-
dreQ at dinnertime on the average of
twice a week. Hie theory, which be
baa successfully conveyed to his kids:
"You don't have to see you1" good
f riend1 an the time to know they're
good friends."•
CP_dillac. The maslerfuJ approadr 'lo /he spiriJed sevenfies. The dis~nctive 19'70
Cadillac captures the spirit of a whole nnD era of luxury motoring. Tiu balance and boldmss of its front-end design, the nnDlJI contoured
rear-light assembly-everything about the 1970 Cadillac's dramatic styling looks to the future. Its spadous and elegantly appointed
interior surrounds you with a wealth of comforts and conveniences-all designed lo make Cadillac driving a most relaxing experitnct.
Your-authorized Cadillac deakr invites you to discover the difference total dedication to excelkna makes in the world's finest luxury car.
~qg~-70 . I
• '
Family weekly/ November!, 1969
Vietnam War Widows Le~
In soul-searching group discussionst they talk out their grief
and loneliness and face the future with hope
T HE ROOM is one of hun-
dreds in a one-story se<:-
tion of the Na val Hospital at
the Marine Corps' Camp Pen-
dlet.on on the California coast
just north of San Diego.
There uch Tueedq afternoon 1it
1ix or eia'bt attractive women with
one very important thins in common ~
their huabanda wen all ldlled. in Viet-
D.UDJ Throurh aoul-eearchinl' dilcul-
aiona led by two Navy pqchiatrilta,
thele women are helplq each other
overcome srief and lonelln~ in a
uniqH procram called "Operation
Second Life."
Theee women at Camp PendJeton
an juat a handful of the'DeU'ly 17,000
widowe of a remote war much di&-
puted by the American public. Their
uperieneee are typified by thoee of
a pretty blonde of 31 with three chil-
dren, who told me, "When my huaband
WM killed lut JUI', it WU the MCODd
time he Ud aerved in Vietnam. We
knew there wu a chance he would be
wounded or killed, and I often wor-
ried. But he Hid, over and over, that
1le Jmew how to take care of hilftlelf
and would be back. He Ud ua almoet
.... Shock of ....... Death
"The abock of befD« informed of
hi• sudden death by the cuualty offi-
cer and chaplain ia too put to ex-
. pna with worda. It hu ta.ken me a
whole year to accept hie death. Even
now I eometimee feel he i• sti11 out
then IOIDewhere and will return.
"Tbe children remember thinp he
Wied to aay or do, but there YI lea
udne11a in their voices now when they
talk about him. When they happen to
1ee newa on tv about our aervicemen
in Vietnam, there ie a l'Tilft look in
their eyes.
'"Then, I put uide my own rrief
and tum Into a clown. I do or 1a.J
aomethinc atlly, or juat dist.net them.
••'To the world my huabend wu
Jut one, but to WI he WM the wbole
world.' Tboee are the wo:rda which
haw been eqraved 0111117 Jn11band'1
tomhltone, for they truly e:xprea how
we felt about him."
Tbe P'OUP wu listening u Barbara
talked. Leadiq them wu Navy pay-
t F••i.lr W..W,, NH••Hr J, 1111
chiatrist Leonard II. Zunhl, who
•tarted "Operation Second Life" in
January, 1968. Doctor Zanin tumed
to a dark-baited~ with eenaitive '
eyes and uked l'ently, .. Row doe•
what Barbara laid compare wfth your
own feelinp, Lorraine?"
A tall, articulat.e ex-nune in a men
dl"fJll replied, ~ I learned my
husband wu dead, I felt I wu left
a complete nothiq. It took me quite
a while to recovel" and feel unmarried.
"I didn't know myeelf u anythinl'
but wife and mother, and only one
role wm left. I bpt my weddiq ring
on for montba; for it aeemed to me I
would be tryiq to hide hf.a memory
if I mnoved ft.
''Gradually, I discovered throul'h
the group that we share the pain and
the probleml of children and dating
and the world around us. Other
widowa helped support me emotion-
ally, and l"Ye. aeen how we all are
strenrtbened doinl' the same thing
for new memben."
The ..... 11 .. of n... ... ,
Doctor Zunin (who bu 1ince left
the Navy and la now director of the
Institute for Reality Therap1 in Loa
Ange lee) encouragM group members
to expreu tbemaelvel openly. He be-
lfevei that widowe with may prob-
lems of adju1tment could tum to each
other and wouJd benefit by PQ'1:hi-
atrfe ruldance. Dr. Zunin stn•• that
thoul'h the l'roup hu therapeutic
aima, none of the wmaen ii sick in
a Datholorical aenae.
"None of them had to join the
Sl'OUP," he aplaina, .. and all would
have done well on their own in orient-
ing to widowhood. However, the sroup
makes it easier for them to realise
their hidden potentiala and make use
et their abilities to meet the realitiee
of children, parenta, tn-law1, and,
eventuall)o, other men."
1he Perla II of Tl'allllftloft
A m_,orfty of the ao women who
have at one time been Kttve In "Ope-
mtf on Second Life" are widOWI of
career Marine officen. Since most
lmlbandl ·had often been away from
home OD duty before they were kiDed
in battle, thei.-wiftl luld a period of
Doctor Zanin puta it thfe way :
"Their acute rrief period la aborter
-eompared to civru&n widows whole
hubande lDl.1 have been killed in an
accfdent-becauH they live with a
eeue of death. Almoet..U of them Ud
di1cu11ed the po11ibiHtiea of tbef r
huabanda beint' kin,d, and the women
who were thu pnpand are better
able to deal with their m .•
Pad .. Not ..... red
It la 1ipfficant that the nlA;or
f ocua of sroup meetfnp ii on a "here-
and-now" bull. Althoqh the put is
not ipored, the empbaia of Doctor
Zanin and Dr. N orma1 L. Barr, hil
uaocfate, ~ been on helping each
woman to better understand her pres-
ent aelt.
Doctor Zunin bu beea uaociated
with Dr. William Gl&uer, who wrote
the veey aucceuful book called Bealitr
TMrtin. and it ii thil approach to
recovery from tna'edy that hall in-
apirecf the women at Caiiip PendJeton.
It mil'ht seem that a meeting of war
widows would be a ud occuion with
most of the participant. f eeUq very
IOJTY for tbemaelva. Sacb i• def i-
n itely not the cue for these vital
widowe. Alnonf them ii a definite up-
beat f eelinl' u each makee the diffi-
cult move from •Dock and helpleelneu
to adjusted aelf-eonfidence.
Th9" have choeen to stay in a tri-
&lll'le of towne, Carlsbad, Vista, and
Oceaneide, adjaceJ1t to the Karine
bue. Not 0111y la the camanderie of
other widowa comforting, but they are
occupied with the uaual demanda of
child care and homemaldng.
Their Grief .. Un ...........
Doctor Barr, who bu also left the
Navy to become chief paychiatrl1t for
the Buruu of Prieona in W uhington,
D.C., noted that many of the widowe
Md bourht homes since their hua-
bande weni Jdlled. "They have a posi-
tive and favorable. attitude toward
the military," he eaid, ''tor this com-
munity eeema to undentand pief
better than distant towu where par-
ent:a or in-lawa live.
"Several girls tried moving back to
home towns, onb' to diacover they felt
like Intruder• among people who
didn't know what to eq to them. They
feel ~ a1one in the Camp Pendleton
area, where they can pick up the many
pieces of thetr lives in more em-
pathetic eurroundinl'B."
Probably the moet difficult stage
f OT 0 0peration Second Life" memben
is the shift from being a widow to
beins a •inale woman. One of the
rroup told me, "At tint I felt Jike a
teen-ager having to date qain. It wu
all eo unfamiliar and awkward. Our
old friends and our husbande' friende
back from the war are helpful But
aomehow people don't euily aeoept
that we muet date again, though they
expect WI to marry. We ha~ to go
tbroogb the court.hip ritual, but we
are not suppoeed to have eexual feel-
inra towarda another man."
Another of the widows explained,
'flt w. after our first tr?Oup mara-
thon. when we epent 14 etraight hours
taDcing and exploring out' feelinp
deeply, that I tint felt lib a single
woman apin. I had bepn to know
myself more objedfvely. and it wu
a final reality that my huaband waa
not coming bd. I had a new· identity,
and I wu ready to cope with men who
could now feel at eue with me.''
....... "'*"'I
Topica of diacuasion at ITOUP meet-
lnra ranp widely from solace for new
niemben, to problema with parent.
and in-laws, ~to child-rearing. "Our
children 1eem to react pretty much
the way we direct them," lai.d Sue,
one of the original memben of the
gTOUp. II.
"If we feel aorry for them. they
tend to feel 1orry for themselves.
Younger kids expect WI to provide
tbem with new f atben immediately
-in the exact imaae o! our former
hu1band1. Older children are more
protective of our f eellnp.''
Theee widows, whoee qee range
ftom. 26 to 40, unde~d that there
is a limited number of desirable,
marriageable men available. But five
of the group have already remarried,
and the aelf-awareneea which dnelope
from wiae psychiatric pidanee bu
cfven the women both direction and
confidence in the future.
Some of them take part-time jobe
to improve their finances, but thel~
widow's· penaiona are dimlni•hed if
t~ earn more than $1,660 a year.
. Doctor Zunin baa found, "It ii lilce-
lJ that lll&ll7 of thelle women will
to Live .and Love Agaln
marry military men again because of
their etronr identificatlon with the
armed servicee, which repreeent both
their deceued huebande and the cause
for which they died."
AU of the widowa who have had the
encou rq-ement of weekly three-boor
"Second Life" meetinp "deeply be-
lieve that their men died for an im-
portant cause," eaye Doctor Zanin.
"They were def en din( their country
and firhtiq for their own convlctlona
of .rirht and wronr, good and blMI.
They want their children to believe
this u well."
At one Tueeday seaion, "when we
all spill It out," u Barbara deecribel
it, the sroup examined their f eelinp
about death. In another they recalled
how they felt at thelr fint meetlnr
and compared impreuione of P'C)Wth
since tbo.te memorable days. At still
another rroup ptherinr, each woman
decided what kind of candy she mia'ht
be and then had to eell the othen OD
the merits of her type of candy.
"We eneoarap auch exerdaM in
selt-diecovery," Doctor Barr points
out. ''Thele women have rarely had
to deal with comparable etreee before;
they must call upon their inner re-
IOUI'Ce8. Some have had suppressed.
hostility toward a 1pouee and muat
now work out pilt feeHnp. Other
have menly led sheltered livee and
moat leam to meet new nsponaibll-
itiee. An of them are Jed to under-
stand their fate ii euentially in their
own handa." •
Al a n11olt of their expoeore to
"Operation Second Llf e." lntueeted
widows at Camp Pendleton are not
depnued ae 'Iona'. They pt mutual
comfort from apremin• their f eeJ..
lnp to one another, comtroctlvely
and ueu&D.7 optimiatlcal]y.
Their tendency to mourn 1a' not 1up.
preued, but tnatshta •ained from the
sroup help them bounce back to more
normal Uv-.
S.,a Sue, wbo baa a hro-:f9U'-Old
daurhter, UWe accept each other with
undentandln•, BOt pftT. Crt.19 19 m.t
head-on. We are dlacoverin• we are
new people with confidence."
At present, the rroup le lead by
Capt. K. P. lonee, chief of neuropey-
cblatry at the Naval Hoepital. An-
other doctor joined Doctor Jonee after
the departure of Docton Zanin and
Barr, and "()pention Second Life"
continues u the only 1ach inten1ive
cou.DHliDI' poup for military wldowa
in the U.S.
.. Only another widow can really un-
dentand what it's aJ1 about," summed
up one of the rroup. TheM women are
1upportlns each other throal'h the
emotional turmoil of mat Jou. They
•hare both ltrensthl and wea1m .....
to mab the future brtshtv and the
pn11Mnt more than tolerable. • I I
NOY. 8·18
NOY. 22-30
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • EXPOSJTIONS a SHOWS, INC. •
• • 0 Please send --Famlly Plan Admission Tickets :
@ $5.00 each. • • O Please send __ Couple Plan Admission Tickets •
@ $3.00 each. • • 0 CHICAGO 0 LOS ANGELES • • O ChKk Enc/oaed O Money Order Encloaed • • • ~·-"'-~~~~~~~~~~~-:
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~ ............
Aa a 1"•1 from my
Whe• they p on
Tiiey "lend" me thelr
For free room and
.... 1o ...
l'Te kepi turtl~ aad
&a..ten a)ld papplea
Parakeeta by 'the eo•ey,
Loyeblrd. that aren't
white rabbla.
With f e.~lllty hablta-
Some fine clay I'll rebel,
Sitting creature and
For fear I inyeelf
Mlgill eoon need a
keeper •
-Le110re Buraole Pulter
A father took his teen-
age daughter to the movie.
The next day be admitted
to a friend it was a little
more risque th~ had
"It wasn't that I minded
her seeing it," he added.
"It was that &he laughed
in all the' right places."
-Richard RolliM
Notlmo moku raiaing
o famil11 more ~ve
tho• G babt11itter who
t0atat1 to eot '"and a wife
wAo 10atat1 to eat °"t.
-Dem Bennett
Young wife {at post-
off ice window) : 1'1 wish
to complain ."
Postmaster : ·"What's
the trouble, young lady?"
Wife: "Well, my hus-
band ia in Chicago on busi-
neu, and the card he sent
me ia postmarked Las
Vegas.'' -Dorothea Kent
''Just· tell me one good
reason why you can't buy
a new car now," said the
persistent auto salesman.
"Okay, I'll tell you.'' re-
plied the shopper. "It's be-
cause I'm still paying
installments on the car I
·swapped for the car I
traded in as part payment
on the car I own now.''
JustC•ll M9
Mother Hubbard
Alter the day I've
shopped «>n ma•H•
When ahe gourmel me.ala
are on my sbelvee,
We dine alone,
all by ounel•es.
The day before I shop,
When nothing'• in the
Guesa. alway• atay on
to be suppered.
-MarroNJ Okoll
"Ca• 11our doU co1M out and p'ta.11?"
Fa.milv Wukl11, No1>.-mbtr i , 1961 •
NEW YORK -"1bere'a no maaic in m13ic,"
Kajar the magician announced this morning. "Once
you kn.ow these few simple secrets, anybody can
be a magician!"
In an exclusive interview in his swank New Yorlc
apartmeot-llotel (in the very studio where be him-
self privately trains professional migicians), Kajar
revealed tor the first time, how easy it is to become
an expert maaiclao. ·
"Mqic ii a monoPOl.Y toct.y -and it ahouldn't be. Mqic abould be fun. aocf fOr twrybody." Did you ever aee a mqician who wasn't the life of any party? Why should tbo
poDUlaritY and JOOd times be restricted ooJy to tbe pro-feaiiiooal? Jn minutes. anyone can learn tbe secret tricb that
mystify uery audience ..• bow to make thiq., diaa~ -
and m~ reapPCU .•. how to "read mtnds' ... even
how to pull tbe rabbit out o" the bat! You're in the middle of a sroup of people. You ask for
a dollar bill -just for a five minute loan -then, you wave
your bands d~ and el'el)'body is stupified u
you malu tit.at #1.ollor bill fft.fd•rlotuly rl« inlo mkl-ldr! ... float duoup ..,.eel •.. defy the law of puityl Or you
myltify and amaze everyone in tho room by readina wl/lt
you1 finl-rti/U. Completely blindfolded, you read the ncwt-~r -tbo ldel>hone boOk .•. ~printed matter that any-
body darel lO claalleQD you witbf y OU IO 00 to read IO~ tJWaa you couldn't tee even if you weren't' blindfolded! No matter bow shy you m-.y be, you start a c:onverutioo by announcina tbaa you're ps)'daic. that you can actually
reMI mindl. If IOIDebody doubts you, you ask him to think
of a number -any number from I to J0,000 and write it
on a piece of paper. Then you dra.matical1y bum the P@Cr
without lookina mt it. Yet in 30 aec:onds you reveal the
Yel)' number1
You. younelf, can do all of thao tbinp and many, many
more -1rithout years of arduous tninina. 1rithout specially
"daed" equipment, without upensive propa of an1 tindl
You aee, behind every feat or mqic lies a simple secret.
Disa>wr the teem and em! the most amazina feat or mqic
can become fantuticall7 _easy.
Ever tl)"1o eet a malidaD to em.in hil .tricb? He never will· it takes the "mqic" out ol it. In fact. most map: trleka are 10 siml* th.a any child can lea.m them. The
bia uset of any a•icceufW profeaiooal maaician ia not his
natural talent.. but limply L11 ltoet of tricks.
Suppo1e you learned all the teereta of tae mqician?
Suppoee, in fact. you bad enoucb money to hire a pro-
fe:uiooal mqldao just to t.eacb you these very acreta, a
professional mqlcian who would per'IOMIJ.y work with you
until you mate~ every trick in bit repertoire? Of coune
)'OU can't dord to do that. But now )'Ou doa't have to!
JC.ajar, tbe world'a molt popular I.devision ~clan, bas publilhed a one-volume eocydopcdia of Mqic. pecked
with o..er 21,000 words. literally dor.ens of amazjq tricb,
pl111 nearly 300 steJ>-by-s«ep abow-bow pictu~ ... Pictures
drawn by famous television artist Jon GmcYI With t.bit book. it's like baYiq ic.Jar ahnys by your aide to te~
)'OU himeelf.
Wkh th» amaziaa method you need no talents, no Jona
hours of study, no ~ equipment. Every tridc comes
easily, quickly~ o.aturany -: oo matter JM?w tumble-fiqe~
you ~ be. ID t.d, m S mlnuca you can mystify your
friends u yoo e.pertlY perform tho famous card-in-the· aruefruit trick1 ~~)a Section 1 of Ibis fllbulou.t 1>9ok. 1be allDOll unoeaeftDle trick where you .U aomeone to
pick a card ••. your frieftde .ee you put I.hat card into • telled enftlope ... yet, 30 leCOnda later, YoU startle e..ery-
one by pull.Ina tlttu very c.nl out of a araPefruftf Just a few
MUia after 11mdnt Id ~ 2 Of. tM. traaure cheat of maPc. rou'D dilcowr tile eecm of l1ladins minds •.• of pu11!!a dollem of qp out of )'OUr friend'• h8& ••• of imilllt·
1111 RoodiDi wil a minculoua ~pe fl'OCll a tael that has
bocll bound and tealedl In ~e<:tion 3 alone )'OU11 ind II profasioo.a! mqic tricks
you wW do~. petfecdy, fabltlally after juat 1 few tries. Here ire card tricks. baDdbtdrief tricb, coin Ukb,
even The Mlilioa Dollar Mntery. Here are tricks to mab ~ disappear and aricb to mate them come back ap.in -tncb that are easy fo,r you to do, ~ble for yoor
audience to aotve. And most important, )(Ajar abows you
how to avoid a .r.ip-Gp, aeadaea you how to perform ao ewn • trolltH 11t11fk•'• ~ can't detec:t yoor seem. With JC.ajar to auido YoU. YoU c:aa accually Ital in mqjc
sboM. and earn money M a profalioaal map:ian
MOit tricb "-~ boaa banded clown bom father to IOft, tbrooab lfDlraUom of mqidana. Tricks are jealously auarded. Very few new tricb are ever invented. MOil so-
caDed "oew" tricks are simply variations of cl.usic mqio
arts which IO back thousands of yean. In fact, up to tho eubUcadon of Kajar's MAGIC SECllBTS, there were only
lhrcc w-.ys eYeD a pfofeaional mqician could tel tricks:
1) Steal them from other m11111111icia&.P • ..-ia..
2) Trotle them ..• Sometimea two profeuional m.qiciam
netotiate for hours an eaicbaDfe of tricb.
3) Buy them. SdHna masic tricb bas become Bia 8US&nea. Some tricb colt W , 101DO $50, Maaiciam report SS.000 as pefd for tbe teCm behind a rare Hindu mqjc
Kt. The Tbouabt-Tramtemice trick on Pue 3-4 of Kajar's
MAGIC Sl!C1tBTS ha Ktually ~ aoJ.a for SIOO.
"Macie -and all the fun it provides -abould be avail~
able for all to eajoy. OnJ.y a court injuDcdon can s&op me
from oifcrina ~ 'Mqic Seema' to ncrybodyl"
I have now ldected my matt ~ the molt inter· eatina -yet tbe easiest-to-do maP: tricka -and condemed them into one bia WUltrated volume. I can now offer tbis
edition for oo)y $3.91J. and you can test this book on a
no-riat, 1()..day trial oner. Act now.
Seod for lllY MAGIC Sl!CllETS now. When postman arri~ dellOlit only $3.91 plua pcJltqc. Keep it for 10 full
ct.ya on this iroo<lad. money-b.U auararuee: u within 5 minutes, you can't expent.y perform any trick in tho book
-if witJUn I week you aren't bdlins your friends and
oeqbbon -if wi1bin 10 days you are not an expert ama-
teur IQalician ••. simolY return tho boot for your money
bllCk. No queetioas Will be asked. .
Only a very limited number of tide Jow COit Volume of Macie ha been printed. Once they're to-, you •Y nover
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So t~ dip out No-Risk coupon below aod ruab it to
MAGIC SBCllETS1 Dept. 1s20, 4500 N.W. JlSth Stred,
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Here Come the Jumbo Jets!
They can carry more than 300 passengers
in comfort and safety-but they also
may create some problems
Avthor of ''The JUftlbo Jett"
makes its greatest leap
forward since the advent of
the jet engine with a jumbo-
sized airplane this winter-
a plane almost unimaginable
in size only a decade ago.
There'11 the Boeing 747, Lockheed
L-1011, and the McDonnell Douglas
DC-10. That'll a Jot of airplane&-and
a lot of proble11111. What will the jumbo
-jets be like, and what will they do
to travel for Americans? Here are
some direct answers to this revolu.-
tionart development.
How Wg.are the lvmbo ief$?
Two 74711 will be able to carry u
many pusengers as five 707s. The
707 is 162 feet long and the 747
stretches 231 feet, while the L-1011
and the DC-10 are ootll approximate-
ly 180 feet tong. More important, ·the
new euperjete are about eight feet
wider than the current 707 or DC-8.
At flrst eight, all three aircraft will
look J'ke authentic giants standing
at the airport ramp.
If the DC-10 ancl the L-1011 each
have tlwee -'nes ancl are about
the same length, how can you tell
them apart!
Look at the position of the jet ex-
haust in the tail of the plane. If the
exhaust is ab011s the rear section of
the fuselage, the plane is a DC-10.
If the rear exhaust port is within
the end of the fuselage, it's a Tri-
Star, the name Lockheed has given
its L-1011. Of course, the 747 bu
four engines, and since it dwarfs any
other airliner in the world, it will
be readily distinguishable.
How wy people wlR fty In
thete huge planes!
While the 7 47 wilJ bold up to 490
puaengera on two decks, Pan Ameri-
can (which will make the 1irst sched-
uled 747 flight [New York to Paris]
this winter) will put only 862 seats
in the plane. The L-1011 and the
DC-10 will each• carry an 'average
of 300 persons.
Why thrM giant iefs?
The fc;>ur-engine 747 is built for
Jong-range air routes, across the U.S.
and to foreign countries. Both the
Lockheed and Douglas jumboe have
three engines, and will operate more
efficiently over shorter distances.
They'll connect cities such as Loa
7ingetea-and-5an-Funcisco, N~ YorJr
and Miami, where the number of trav-
velera is enormous.
How will 300 Of' more ,.....,..
.... .... feel?
Under the main cabin of each plane
is a separate galley, where food can
be kept warm o' even cooked to order.
Elevators will carry specially designed
food carte from the galley to the
cabin, where as many as 15 stew-
ardeaaee will serve meala.
What's It going to feel Ilk• to
fly In such a huge planet
Plane builders say it will be quiet-
er and probably smoother than flying
in today's jets. Jumbo jets' wide
bodies allow for larrer seats and two
aisles the length of the cabin. In problems of congestion in the air and
touriat cla88, seats will be eight on the ground. In f aet, they may ar-
abreaat, but no one will be more than gravate aituati0111 at airports until
two seat.. from an aisle. In ftratdua, more modernizatiod is achieved.
six-abreaat seating wm be more laxu-In a few years, however, several
rioua than anything in the air today. hundred jumbo jets promise new
Designers say SOO persona can be speed, comfort, and convenience for
loaded or unloaded in about Ave to travelers uaing the world's most pop-
aeven minutes from four extra-wide ular form of maaa transportation.
doors in any of these p anes. ----........ planet need lirger-en·
What_. U.S. all'ports doing to .,._., wlll the ...... left M not.-
get ready for the I~ t-ts? ler than toclaY• alrllnent
In many cities there is a furious Advanced designs and materiala
rush to build and remodel terrnina'8 make it possible to build a new gen-
and to buy new ground..support equip-eration of jet engines that are 20
ment. The bottom of a 707 doorway percent quieter than those on the 707
is only 10% feet above the cround, or DC-8.
while jumbo-jet doorways are ele-How safe wlll theM lllOftlter
vated between 15 and 17 feet. New aircraft be!
passenger-loading vehicles and stair-Computers will be standard equip-
ways have to be ordered. ment in the cockpit as an aid to
At moet of the 2S principal air-navigation. Electronic equipment will
ports in the U.S., the airlines are en-help a three-man crew fly a auperjet
larging their waitinr rooms, widen-even in the worat weather; eventuat-
ing airplane parking areas and even ly, landings are expected to be made
building new hanrers to service su-easily AJJd safely when airport vi•i-
perjeta. Underground parking areas bility is almost zero. Each important
and dual-level approach roads are instrument is inatalled in duplicate.
~Jso planned or abuilding. I! one inatrument faila, a replace-
Theae are some of the ways that ment takee over automatically.
giant airliners will meet the popula-AH tbree planes will have been
tion explosion in the air. At them~ ftight-teeted nearly a year before
ment, ftve 74711 are roing through they are certified by the FAA for de-
strenuoua ftight teate in the Seattle livery to airlines. One L-1011, for
area. Lockheed and Douglas are rush-instance, wiU undergo all aorta 9f
ing new factories to completion at fatigue and strain tests in a banger.
Palmdale and Long Beach, Calif, re-It will never fty, but the data which
apectively, and their uaembly Jines engineers gain from it will aerve to
will begin to roll late this year. make aaaembly-line planea A.fer.
The L-1011 and the DC-10 are ached-In addition, new jet engines are ao
uled for delivery to a number of air-1>0werfol that the 7,7, for example,
lines in the U.S. and abroad In the need.I 2,000 feet le111 runway to be
fall of J970 and the winter of 1971. airborne than tta sister 707, 'Which
These planes cannot atone solve weighe only half ae much. •
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Big· Bargain for
H ARDLY ANY have swim-
ming pools. They are
relatively hard to find. The
management is far from
professional or highly pol-
ished. But they-tourist
home&-ean save an aver-
age family of four close to
$400 during a normal two-
week vacation.
Tourist homes are relatively un-
lqiown to most travelers. In fact,~
tourist home· in some areas is
darned hard to find. Nothing
more than a smallish, tidy sign
might advertise it.
However, there are ways to find
these money-saving accommoda-
tions and cut the biggest single
expense-overnight accommoda-
tions--in your t'ravel budget. 'B11t
first, let's taJce a look at what these
places are like and how much it
costs to stay in one-of them.
A Denver salesman first tipped
me off to the value of tourist
homes. ''I've been traveling for
yea.rs," he said, "and I a\ways stay
in tourist homes. I can stay in a
big, comfortable bed in a quiet
home for $5 a night. It c08ts at
least $15 and usually more to stay
in a motel That extra $10 or $15
is a big premium to pay for a mod-
ern room with television."
"It's fun having visitors in,"
said Mrs. Helen Macconnell, whose
big, rambling house just west of
Minneapo1is has five double rooms
available to tourists. "I only rent
to people I like. It helps pay the
mortgage and taxes."
Mrs. Macconnell has a sma11,
white sign a few hundred feet from
the front door of her neatly painted
home. It says simply, "Tourists,''
and it attracts about a dozen pass-
ing travelers a day. She normally
hM rented all of the rooms in her
house-at $6 each-well before
dinner time.
I stayed there in a room which
was typical of those in old houses.
There was plenty of space. The bed
was firm and comfortable. The
sheets were clean.
Then there is Mrs. L. E. Dam-
eron wh·o operates the Virginia
Guest Hom~e. a tourist home in
Orlando, Fla. There you will find
six large rooms, each with a dou-
ble bed, and five all-tile baths. Jn
a large dining ·room guests have
their meals; there also is a giant
living room where guests relax,
·chat, and watch television.
The cost, with meals, is $4 to $6
a day per person during winter
· months. Rates are even lower in
t he summer.
lut how do you find a tourist
home for your use during your
next trip away from home?
• One way is to w1 ite to the tour-
ist-promotion depakment of the
city you plan to visit. Tell them
you would like to find a 1i8t of
tourist homes in the city. Unf or-
tunately, many cities don't have
one. If you ·don't get a satisfactory
response, write the chamber of
commerce of the city.
• Look in the Yellow Pages direc-
tory of the city of your choice.
Most telephone-company offices
have directories for major cities,
so you, in your own home town,
probably can fincl_a directory for
the city you plan to visit. Look
under ''tourist homes," "boarding-
houses," and "apartments." ·~
• Still another way to find a tour-
ist home, and the one that has been
in use most successfully for years,
is to look for a small sign saying
"tourists" in the town you are vis-
iting. This has worked for tens of
thousands of people in the past.
However, there is an inherent
problem involved: you can't make
reservations in advance. Thus, if
vou arrive in the town and can't . . .
find a room in a tourist home, you
have problems.
College towns, incidentally, often
are heavy with tourist homes dur-
ing summer mo.nth&. Owners of
large homes rent to students dur-
ing school months and to tourists
during vacation periods.
However you find your inexpen-
sive room for the night, you'll end
up· with a baTgain.
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Caring for Your Kitten
Fili.de Am., and feliM frinwb.
BE READY when Tommy
comes home from school
with an ~ful of kitten-
rnostlx mew and tail-and
asks mother if kitty can join
the family.
Kittens make wonderful compan-
ions for children and are far leas de-
manding than puppies. But they do
-"have special needs~ If you are won-
dering bow to meet them so that this
particular ball of fluff will rrow into
a happy, healthy cat, here are a few
Spea~ Softly
ln the ftnt f ew hours after her
arrival, be considerate of the kitten's
nervous system. Cata are much more
highly strung than dogs; they startle
-uaily. They hate loud noises and
sudden motions.
Let your kitten explore her new
home undisturbed. If she jumpe up
on the table and threatens your beat
lamp, don't panic. She is much more
sure-footed than you think. Watch
her tail. As she moves from room to
room, anxiously learning geography,
amella, signposts, her tan will be low.
As she gains confidence, her tail will
riee until it is straight up like a flag.
That meam she baa decided to stay ;
from now on you are her family.
Hold Her wfth loth Honda
Some children pick up a kitten u
tbou•h it were a soiled T-ablrt or a
pelr of roller akatee. Cata don't Uke
to dangle, and that goes double for
kftten1. Show Tommy how to grasp
the kitten eecurely under the shoul-
den with hia right hand, lift, and
.upport her haunches with hia left
Cats make wonderful pets for children, but they need care,
especially when young By FELICIA AMFS
band. Never pick up a kitten by the
ecruft' of its neck. Only ita mother
knows how to do thJs without injury.
Visit the Vetermarlan
When introductione are over, take
your new pet to the veterinarian for
her physical exam andteHne enteritis
inoculations. Two ahota, admJniatered
a week apart, are a moat. The longer
you wait after seven weeb of a1e.
the 1Te&ter the risk.
Make Your Mouw a Home
A kitten's ftrat choice for a bed is
one of your own. There ii much to
be said tor lettiq her sleep with
Tommy (or some other member of
the family) if she doesn't disturb
a good night's reat with midnight
playfulness. If you pref er the kitten
to sleep alone, however, find a nice
cardboard carton and cushion it with
a soft blanket or towel. Put it on a
low shelf or table off the ftoor-cats
have a perching instinct, and they
bate drafts.
A kitten's board is much easier
to manage now that commercial pet
foods are so abundant. If your kitten
has been properly weaned, ahe will
need a varied diet of meat, carbo-
hydrates, minerala, and vitamlna--
all available in high quality commer-
cial cat foods such u Friakiea.
Don't give your kitten a monodiet.
If she is fed only one ftavor, she will
become addicted to it and refuse ev-
erything else. Kittens at seven or
eight week.a (the ideal time for adop-
tion) should have four small meaJa a
day. Thia will gradually decreaae to
three, and at eight months to a year
should be cut to two-breakfast and
a upper.
You may give her occasional treats
of raw liver, beef kidney, or heart,
and spoonfuls of cottage cheese and
scrambled egg. A halt teaspoon of
brewer's yeast sprinkled on her food
ia good for her. (Some authoritieit
think it is also a flea preventive.)
Don't feed her chicken bones or
raw fish. Never serve food straight
out of the refrigerator. Cats hate
cold food, and it is bad for their
digestive aystema. Keep fresh water
available at all times. Feed onl.7 a
little milk (at room temperature)
betHJ«eJ& meala. Adult cata do not
need milk at all. If your kitten ahon
symptoms of diarrhea, diacontinue
the milk. '
Unlike puppies who often take six
Author ef '11M c.t Y-C-,_>•
months to train, a kitten ia taught to
use a sandbox by its mother u soon
aa it can toddle out of the nunery-
box. A plaatic dishpan makes a good
sandbox. Fill it with a commercial
Utter ( euiel' to handle than real
aand or dirt) and place it in an out-
of-tbe-traftlc spot.
Show the kitten where it is; ahe
knows perlectly well what it ii for.
If your house ia a large one, it is a
good idea to have more than one litter
box-upstain aa well aa downataira,
on the service porch aa well aa near
the front of the house. Be sure to
keep the pan clean. This means
changing the litter frequently, wub-
ing out the container with soap and
water with every change. <Soiled
Utter can be ftuahed down the toilet
without danger of stoppage.)
I have lived with many cats, and
none was a furniture-ripper. If you
don't want your kitten to scratch
Scratching poat prevent.a domo.g~.
your newly upholstered couch or
chair, train her early. Two thinp
are needed : consistent, ftrm discipline
-and a scratching pollt. Tuck a little
catnip under the top, and show her
where it is; she will soon learn to
use it.
If she starts to shred the furniture
inatead, say "No, Nol" in your beat
sergeant-major voice. Never hit a
kitten or cat. She ia just aa much
intimidated by a loud voice aa by a
Grooming la fw Cab, Too
Too many people seem to think
that becauee a cat keepe ita coat
slicked down with its own rourh
tongue, no I urther rroomiq la neces-
aary. Fur ba)Ja in the cat'a tummy
are often the result of this neglect.
If your kitten is abort-haired, brush
her at leut once a week. If ahe ia
Jong-haired, comb ber·nerv da~ with
a steel comb you can l>Urchaae at any
pet store.
A kitten can become accustomed to
daiJy combings at the tender are of
two weeks and soon learns to enjoy it.
With daily grooming, few baths will
be neceuary. If your pet gets into a
mesa she can't clean otf by hene)f
(like the sardine oil my kitten found
irresistible), don't hesitate to give
her a bath-lukewarm water, rentJe
soap suds, thorough rinsing, towel-
drying in a warm l'OOm. And don't Jet
her out for at leaat an hour or until
she is all ftuft'ed out again. Cata catch
cold easily.
lncloon or Ovtdoor1
If you live in an apartment or on
a busy street, keep your kitten in-
doors at all t imes. Give her toys to
play with, good care and food, and
she can easily adjust to the indoor
life. If, on the other band, you have
a yard or garden with treeA for
climbing, by all means Jet your kit-
ten ro outdoors to explore the big,
~iting world.
Under no circum.atancea let your
kitten out at night. Night bolds many
dange.rs for kittens and cats, chief of
which ia the automobile, with other
animaJa running a close second.
Watch Out for .•.
Open drawers, unlatched cup-
boards, open ovens. Kittens have
insatiable curiosity and love cozy,
dark areas. Don't abut a drawer or
cupboard or light an oven before
checking to aee if Puss ia asleep in~
aide. Keep thread and string away
from her-ehe can swallow yards,
especially if the string baa been
around a turkey or pot roaet.
A Cat Is Independent, bvt
Cata need a lot of love. Don't be
fooled by the fact that your kitten ia
not a "joiner" like a dog. True, ahe is
self-contained, will not fawn over
you, and will do nothing just to
please you. Aa she grows older, she
will withdraw to meditate.
But her sil'D8 of affection are real,
if aubtle--rubbing against your
ankles or band or asking to have her
chin scratched. Loud or IOft, a purr
means only one thing-happineu in
your presence, love. •
Now yours
for only
Spet.iaL! .
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Now ••• Plastlc Cream
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The special penci)..pointdiapemer
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FrxoDaNT Denture Adhesive
Cream at all dru1 count.en.
What Your
Tell About -You
ft But what do such dreams in-
dicate about a person? And how
does one person's dream differ
from another person's?
Science la just beginninr to probe the
deeper meanings of daydreame, yet it baa
come up with some startling preliminary
ftndinp. Here ia a true-false quiz to teat
you on your lmow!edge of daydream&-a11d
how they reveal the inner you. Day ................... ..... ...............
Falae. Daydreaming occurs when you
deliberately cloae down your comeioua
mind and permit the unconecioua to take
over. In addition, daydreama are not dis-
ordered, full of atranre symbols, or in
direct eontrut with real li.fe u often u
night dream.I are. Further, daydreams are
uaually pleasant, whereas dreams are often
unpleaaant. One similarity ia that, like a
dream, the construction of a daydream ia
not restricted by the harsh realities of time
and space.
Dar•aaw are helpfuL
True. The most recent reeearcb by pey-
choloriat Jerome L. Sinrer, indicates that
daydreame can help ua avoid making mis-
takes. Aa he puta it, a person who day-
dreams ''ia better able to plan bia f utore
because be can try out a plan and weigh
the conaequencee before be bu made a
move." He also addf!ld that the person baa a
wonderful ability to amllff himself durinr
such dull periods u a Jo~ bua trip. .,...... ............... ....,....
are (MYchola9lealty und1alr•S..
T~. E. Earl Baughman and George
Schlapr Welah of the Univenity of Nol'th
Carolina reported in "PenonaJity: A Be-
havioral Science" that daydreaming can
become harmful if you indulge in tbeae
f antaaiea to the point where your contact
with the re.al world becomes endangered. Day....... .... ... llMllculkM that
....-an IMCDlftlne Mettlally Ill.
Fahe. T. L. En&'le of the department of
peychology at Indiana Univenity says that
daydreama are not only completely normal
but that, "It takee ability to produce elab-
orate daydreams."
Day._....._ IMelfts Ill chllAood.
Tnu. Pl'Of. Laurance Shafter, Carnegie
Institute of Technolo~. aaytt, "The inap-
propriateneu of curriculum to a child's
needs often cauaea very bright children to
ftnd close attention unneceaaary. since they
grasp the work quickly and without ef·
fort." On the other hand, be reported,
"Dull children are often repelled by inatruc-
tion that they cannot undentand and,
the ref ore, are likely to aive up the hopeleu
task of trying to learn." In either cue,
daydreaming may ofter a pleasant eecape.
The hero of a clay• .... Is always .... ........
True. Sirmund Freud put it thia way,
"The b~ro of a daydream ia always the
subject himaelf, either directly imagined
in the part or transparently identifted with
someone elae."
Meftha..dl ........ clay .............
True. Studies show that men more often
daydream about accomplishing physical
feats than women. Women's .imaginings
are more likely to center around their
physical attractiveneaa.
'•Dpl• from Clal'taln cultural IMlck· 9"0UftCla clay._m mo... thOft others.
Tf"IU. Accordiug to the ftndinga of Doc·
tor Sinrer, who studied the daydream·
ing patterns of educated, middle-clue
Americana of dift'erent cultural back-
ground&, Negroes, Italians, and Jews day-
dreamed far more often than Germana,
Irish.men, and Angl<>-Saxona.
TheN a. no such thing as a ''COM-
w" day•ecwn.
Folae.. Not only are there "common"
daydreama, but recent studies show that
scientieta, after questioning two groups of
men and women with an average a1e of
21 and 28 respectively, have cate1orized
them in the order of their importance, u
f ollowa : Accomplishing a physical teat;
having physical attnctiveneaa; accom-
plishing a mental feat: achievin1 voca·
tional success; obtaininr money or poe-
aeaaiona; gaining .applause by ability or
daring; rescuing someone by &TUt brav-
ery ; picturing oneeelf u a great penon ;
rendering aemce to someone whoee favor
ia sought; 8eXUal .rratiftcation. •
D to
ical ..
ieir ...
• as
.. v-
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~. to.ollleepaada tonnent.-iaa luh -an often telltale lirna of
l'fD-W on:11111 • • • ucly parul• that
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thq live and multiply. That'• euct)y what Ja,.ne'a P-W tabaeta do ... ~
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ern, mecHeaJ)y•ppro'nld l~t so. rfsht to work-IOU. Pin-Wonna Qukldy, euily ...... ,,._ ,..,._.,.
Don't take cbaneN wttb ttupr.. ous. hlcbly coetaO>aa Pin-Worm. whieh Infect entire lamtHe.. o.t pn-
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Common Kidney or Bladder Jrrlta· tlona afff'ct twice aa many women u men often cau.1lng tenanna and
neTVoutnNS from Creq~nt. bu.rnlng,
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An Old--Fashioned Dinner
• Here•• an old-fulUoned dinner
mena ha the modera ... nner. A
boned lamb rout maU.. an eaay
job of earring. Canned , .. ., boiJ-
ba .. -bag -Yegetablet, rolla from re-
frigerated f rah doagb, leed eelery
witla oUvet, ehoeolate bread pad-
ding and eo«ee, eotnplete a dhmer
fit to pleue tlae 1oarme1 and Um-
pie eaoagh to be prepared by any
Roast Lamb Shoulder,
Colorado Style
1 boned •hoalder of laab (aboat
5 lb..). rolled ud tie4
% eaplt.-7
2 tablnpoena llae Julee
1 teu,oea .. lt
1 teupooa IJ'O•DCI si•g-er
Yi teupocm rroulld done
1. Put lamb on a rack in a shallow
roasting pan. Insert roast meat ther-
mometer. Set in a 325°F. oven, and
roast about 2Y.t hrs.
2. Remove from oven and drain off
excess fat. Mix hoi.ey, lime juice,
and a blend of salt, ginger, and
cloves. Spread over roast lamb.
3. Return meat to oven and roast
Y.t to 1 hr., or until meat thermome-
ter registers 175°F . to 180°F., bast-
ing frequently with pan drippings.
4. Remove from oven, and allow to
stand 15 or 20 min. before carvinr.
6 sertJinga
Note: If desired, add a small amount
of water to roasting pan over direct
heat, and stir until drippings are
loosened. Blend in 1 to 2 tablespoons
mint-ftavored apple jelly. Heat thor-
oughly, and pour into a small pitch-
er; serve with the meat.
Orange Yam Cups
3 mecli•a-.i:aed •anl or••JrH
1% ups aubed, t'ooked Y••••
2 tablHpoone butter or
•ugarine, melted
S tablupooaa oran1e J•ic~
l tablespoon lrmly pat'bd
dark browa .. ,ar
'4 t~upoon salt Yi cup eoanely t'hopped pecau
1. Cut oranges into halves. Using a
sharp paring knife, run it alotlg the
membranes of each orange section
and remove pieces to a sieve set over
a small bowl. Empty, collecting juice
into the bowl. Using a scissors, snip
membrane as close to peel as pos-
sible, and discard. Set the orange
cups aside.
2. Blend butter or margarine, or-
ange juice, sugar, and salt and stir
11 Fomil11 Wukllf, Now~mhr t , U61
HOMY atld gi•ger-glaed. Roaat IA.nib, CoWrado StJle, u c011tplente?Jted br e1 mi%-
tuf'e of buttef'Jt 10hipped. wama, Of'Gttge sectt0tu, attd ~tu piled itt Of'G7'ge C'K'P'·
into the mashed yams, blending thor-
oughly. Mix in orange pieces and
nuts. Pile into oran•e cups .
S. Set close together in a baking
dish or pan. Put into a 326°F. oven,
and heat thoroughly, about 40 min.
Serve with the roast lamb.
•If using canned yams, drain before
maahin ...
All Green Vegetable Skillet
1 boil-ia-a-ber pkg. (aboat 9 oa.)
dia1oaal17 •lieed freeD ~ ...
ill b•tteraaace
1 boll-ia-a-beg pkg. (about It oa.)
Hma ~au ia batter sauce
~ t'llP batter or aargariae
~ cap laely e.hoppe4 oaio•
l lb. (abo9t 4 cape) •littd zucchini
Aceeat Yi cup •ai•l*i parsley
~ aalt or pepper
1. Cook the cut beans and limaa
following package directiona. Do not
2. Meanwhile, heat butter or mar-
garine in a large skillet. Stir in
onion, and cook about 2 min.
3. Add zucchini slice.s. Sprinkle with
Accent, and toaa until slice3 are well
coated. Cover, and cook about 16
min .• stirring occasionally.
4. Mix in parsley and then the
cooked cut beans and limas with
their sauces. ·Season to taste with
the seasoned salt or pepper. Spoon
into a warm serving dish.
' to 8 •enrittgl
Double Boiler Chocolate
Bread Pudding
Refrigerating tit.ii JMiding 1 <>r t
dais before 1ervi7'g permit. ftaVOf'1
to fllll11 mello10.
S ._ (S os.) uuweeteaecl
S ca,. .Uk
% t'U. vunalated 8Ul&r
2 egp. beaten
% cap lnnl7 packed brown 11•su
Y1 teaapoo11 .. 1t
1 tablnpooa nniUa extract
6 •lit'et1 white bread, e.at ia
••all cubes
Z os. aanh•alloW'B (abottt It)
1. Put chocolate and milk in a double-·
boiler top over simmering water.
Stir occasionally until chocolate is
melted. Mix in the granulated sugar.
2. Meanwhile, adding gradually, beat
the brown sugar into the eggs. Blend
in salt and vanilla extTact. Add
bread cubes, and toss antil thor-
oughly mixed.
3. Stir into chocolate mixture in the
double-boiler top, and add marsh-
4. Cover, and continue to cook over
simmering water about 30 min. Stir
until well mixed; cover, and cook
an additional 15 or 20 min.
5. Remove from heat, stir and tra11s-
f er to a servinir dJah. Cool, and serve
warm or thoroughly chilled. Ac-
company with a pitcher of crea• or
a bowl of unsweetened wh~pped
crea•. 8 IM"viflgS
•'· ........... Zlllliiiiiii ..... iiiiii .......... _. ..... ______________ ~~
n. rtc•1111 " .... ......... _ .. ... . , .. , .... "
1-tna artr1•111 I .............. ,_. .._ ................... ..-.i 'g$? r ..... ._. ... ,... .......
• .... I' I II"""
•l'reJr .............. . ........... ~ ................... ...... .......... .............. ..__ ................... ...............
eC c''S _.
......... rtdl wa.a ............ -..-..
Here's the moat advanced, moat
comenient, moat trouble-f,.. ny
for you •nd your family to enjoy
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that scmch, •rp end .. rout •..
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Pl.AYER ••• now ~ra. iri this ex·
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With the ColumtM 8-Tntek Play·
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Our ,....ear price for the ....,...
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Now keep trim and attractive ... by ·~MPUTER'' !
Dial the body you w.ant lor ALL
these sportsl
No strenuous exercise or boring calisthenics I •.
·simply set dial and close your eyes
-to "program" your body in·as little
as 6 minutes a day ... for:
D J........_ ~·.,,. IOXElrS ARMI
Deep chMt end ''RMI cable" bectr of• WEIGHT UFTERI
ClwMwl _... '"1Uyt111 ~·of a LONG
0 uthe .... end pr9delon timlnl of •• TENNIS ..,.,..,
D Trtm ........ ftet-tnUlded ~of• CCJI I fQf Wlt£STlDtt
D ~~cattmwdesot•
0 Concentu1tad "lmMh-power'' of• BlACK-
llll T KARATE EXP£RTI D Rhrthm anc1 • ..,...... ....,-·of•
COMP£TIT'IOM SWIMMERI D 11roac1 lhoulder1J •nd toaow-throuch of•
''CLEAN U"' BAntlft D A1111t1 and perf9ct bodlJ proportions of•
GYM NASTI D Smooth swlf1I of. TOP GOlf'ERI
......... .. _.. ........._.. ..... Clll If ...... ,..,
'ltt.JOW -thanks to 1 tiny (no biaer than a !-~ CU)era) .. computeriz.ed" minicle called the
MULTI.SPORTER, you can now bope to
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And you can beaUs "*PS>ina into" this perfect
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I day! uu tltrN ""'" It IWI to llt.HI MULTI.SPORTER is virtually I brand ntw
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hind MULTI-SPORTER. Boxers, wrestlers,
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FAST -10 keep their rivals from aetlin& the
"edit"! They know that while the r.eurcises"
take onty 6 easy minutes 1 d1y, IM f1bulous
MULTI.SPORTER .really does WORK.! A..._._._. • ..._......,. ... ,
Yes-il'a •&di Tbat'1 w"1 prof..,_. atJ..
lee9 are eo ..atect about die compulerized
MULTI.SPORTER. For nen u it cooditiom tbei.r bodies -It 11bo tlupllet11u and nbl/ortt1
tit• bnw/idol 1tetlon of tlw IJIOrl tltol II tMlr
UvellluHHll lbey Id a "'""''• ldvanta.fC -and to wiU you. Even u yo0 besin to slim, trim,
sueqthen and dlhten your 6ody, you will -
in the -.me inttant, with no. extra time or efton
expended -allo be imprcrriq your pme in
SOCCB1l ... JUDO .•. SWIMMlNG -or
MY spcwt )'CU wiab to .. prosram" into the
1111uio1 MULTI.SPORTER.· .. _ ................. lefts'"-...... ,.. .....
A built-in 11fEllMAJ.,EYE actually records.
memorizes. Ilona 111/onrwtlort 4Jbot,J '°"' pro-
'"" ..uo""11co//y ••• eautlY as lftJ computer memorizes and MOf'tll information in itl own dat1 banksl Yea. MULTI.SPORTER llCtually ,,..,..,., oM .. JtttU bock" the intensity of your
Deffonnance. 'Not puttifta enousb inf Tbe nlERMAL-EYB-oa the llasis of a&ored data
tb1t 1ppUea onlJ to you -will ear eo. ~
too mudt in? Tbe remarkable THERMAL EYE will alert you in that cue tool llemanber,
MUL11.SPORT2R will be ''proarammed" to '°"' bob .w._ 1JHI' bob """' So follow MULTI.sl'ORTER to 0. '8tter and you can-
not make a •••ab . ....,,. co,,.,,.U•n # ""' ,,..a ""6Mkl1. .
1-Week NO.RISK TRIAL-~" ya. ow•
WJ fcwfl(l!flqtltt¥M· No fflt cw .......... ..,
We abdatelY wDI eot .._ corulM' eeDiDa you a new MULTI.SPORTER ... before you
ba" tried it for~ •.• 'aed -the llDU· ill ,..iu for younelf ... on"*' oww bob.
ODl;y dim cu JOU ~ IPPf'eCiale bow dII-
helps 10" to:
Ill• wal1t11n1 1191111 • '"' .. .....,Ti'" . ..,...,.... .... • Met·
mid llMHlldln • T )lllt ......... ., ........ ..
~·U..lt ........ . ftee, .,....... Flllt ....na,
UIJ tD ... • llfl fir aH ........ Sclot dhlllpn .., _ .. .,.. • (Ji.I-
..... .eMlla ....,........ •
CMrall ~cal fltMu bM-
tfltl • "° costi,, '*'" !Mdl .... llledecl • Na ltrt•
HH lltrCllt, M INrl•I alte11ttlllc1 • lt'a ,.,,_._
• 11r11r ._a Cl99rl.
WOt'td-Wlde proof-MuttJ.SporW worbl
I SM·llA I
CMARGRACl COftPOltATt°", lMt ----'
______________ .... ____ _..,, ............................................ ... RICHARD KILEY -
A Star
was playing the title
role in one of Broadway's
most successful plays, "Man
of La Mancha," he used to
jog through Central Park
every morning.
One dA;1 an old hobo, who looked
u if be could barely move one foot
in front of the other, 1omehow
man .. ed to bep up with Richan!.
"Hey,"~ yelled,"ain't you that La
Mancha man?"
Kiley nodded.
''What do JOU know t" tbe hobo
mumbled u be fell behind Kiley.
"I'm running next to that La Man-
cha m.anf"
The next mornlnr, u Kiley
joneci ))Mt the Ame apot, 1are
enoqh. there wu the hobo and a
couple of oth9n waltins to join
him. Before the week wu over, "It
looked lib I WM Jeadin• a mara-
thon. Thereafter I went to the
YMCA to work out," be told me in
hi• apartment in London, where he
wu appearinr in a revival of
"Man of La Mancha."
Thia incident wu· an exception,
for altbou1h Kiley hu won· more
awarda than mOlt acton, he ia a
theabical oddity-a top ski' with
virtually no public fame.
Kiley's bi&'reet handicap in cap-
turing public acclaim hu been hi.a
inability to overcome a 1hyneaa
that seems strange in contrut to
his colorful baclcrround.
Hi.a lrlah «randmotber, who died
at 86, U8fJd to be a nun, Kiley told
me. "She wu advised by the mon-
signor to leave the convent because
of her precarious health. She did
and had nine Jdda in America."
His tether, who worked for a
railroad, made it po91ible for his
eon Richard. to tnvel throurhout
the country free of charge, eome-
timea accompanied by his child-
hood friend, Steve Allen.
Yet u a teen-q'er he wu so shy
that be never even learned to
dance, a 1U.bt handicap when he
married his second wife, Pat Fer-
rier, a professional dancer. Kiley
bu six children from a previous
marriage, ages 7 to 21.
Kiley-who alwaya baa had an
excellent voi«»-attempted to break
into show bu1ine1S on hi• own by
trying oat for the chorm line of
"South Pacific." He was prepared
with only one num~'-rhe Sou
of the Open aO.d." -i"he l'1l7 before
me also bad only one IOD•-the
aame. And he aanr It like Esio
Pinza.. That wu that!"
Of the•• led jobe be bad while
malting the rounds of apnta and
cutinr office1, Kiley laid, one be
will never forpt wu in a '2nd
street bookstore at nisht. "It be-
loosed to an old man who eold eexy
novell. It wu Ill)' job to crack the
books to the most provocative
pa•ea M> when aomeone picked
them up, they would snap open
automaticallT and immediately a~
tnct them."
Kiley's penilt.ence-and talent,
of coul"l&-eventually paid off in
actinr. He introduced, for example,
the aong, "Stranrer in Puadiae"
In the play, "Klamet." Moviee have
been strictly second-rate for him,
but he hu starred in top tv drama.a
and on Broadway baa won the Tony
Award, Theatre World Awa11d,
DTama League Medal, and othen.
His Broadway credit. include such
bit.a u "Redhead," "No Strinp,''
and "Advise and Conaent."
His pNMftt ambition, needleu
to say, la to star in the film venion
of "Man of La Mancha/' although
everybody from Jo•' Ferrer to
Cary Grant bu been mentioned u
a poasibility~verybody, that ie,
except the star who seems m01t
qualified for the part.
Yet Kiley does not eeem to be
an unhappy man. He Is very much
In love with hi• new wife, la buay
with plans for ncordinr children'e
records, and writes and 1btcbee
in hi• spare time.
To that "La Man~ha"man,1in•
ing and actinr are on]y a prof•-
slon. The trimminl'• he can do
without. Yet you can't blame him
for wantin• the pl am part.-and
national fame rather than with just
New York crltfca.
Can yOur child
read these words 1
napkin ·
camel ·
Your child wW 1-.rn bow to
r.cl tbeee Ud mon than
-other ..... aft• wwk-1.n& with the ....., /lrlt reconl
~ The Sound W•y to .Euy
Try out thia Phonic• Coune
with your child in your own
home-without rbldn1 a
penny. Mall the coupon below.
If yoW' child la a poor reader, U he
b.u not been able to keep up with hia
cJ... in ICbool-here ia a way that '°"
can help him. Many parenta have Men
their poor readen pin up to a fwll
ffGI"• grad.I i" readi11g akill in juat six
weeb with tbe Sound Way to Euy
& aoon u your child It.arts playinc
the record.a and uainr the charta of
The Sound Way to Euy R-.dinr you
will know why it worb eo well. It
tam the mystery out of leanrlnc to
Nad becaU8e it teach• your child by
the J>Mniu method (the method by
which moat parenta le&rned to read
years aeo).
Ttadlea wttlt recurda
With this cow.e your child dblcovera
that letters have 101uttfa. When be
atartl eoundin& out the letten be hears
himlelf 1Gri"9 tbe word. He'• readift{I.
The recorda drill ~i• i11 tM '°""'"of
Utt !I z.a.r, of U.. alpltabd and their
blends. By the time be complete. the
fir'4 record (about two weelm for the
aver.re child) be can read 800 worda.
After ftniabinc all four records be bu
been taurht 128 baaic phonics eounda.
Once he knows theee eoundl be can
read up to 86 3 of the. words in the
Eqlilh IAncuqe. It worb for chil-
dren of all area-in the •rlieat cradea
and even in hi1h ecbool. Ita record.a tell
your child eu.ct1y what to do, ao be
can teach hi.maelf . without any help
from you.
whisper . zigzag
Many o( our bri&ht.-t children are
not able to 1fMP the .. look-&nd ... 7''
method taurht in moet IChooll to-
day. Yet, many ed.ucaton inDt that
at l .. t '03 of O\U' children •d have
formal traininr in pAowiel-that they
will newr muter readina without it I
Help Yos Cllilcl Now
Bo don't wait for your Poor reader to
reach hip achool before cominr to
hia aid. By startfh1 your child on The
Sound Way to Euy Read inc now,
you can ch~se hia entire attitude
toward acbool-tum bil 1e1we of fail-
ure into the joy of IU~ Try it free
for two weeb. You eend no money-
juat mail coupon.
usm BY .... PAUNT8 ........ aa117...._. ........ ,
••&&•r aarb-"Al U.. ••cl of Ila. ftm ......._m,........_o..w~~,._,mu11 .... o. ..... Aftiw woftlaa ...... wltla u.. _. w. .._, -4 -c:·
llre. Will;.. U,,., ai.l.J., 8. DM.
' Df 11, ... 8CBOOLI T_.._. aN laicMJo ..... .......... ---· .. ,.._.._ ........ ..... .,_ -for ......... w«k ta ~..a ...... ~ ~ ddlcl.-..... "-..-UJ-........ I HCI •If ft to ,..,.. .... ........ ~ -for,..,......, .. .a .•. P~, PriMlftel. A.,.,.., 0..
A~ .. ll-.•J' .a--.cl-"l am jaet ~· la tlM IM, ... ,,._.. 22 of
m.7 • .,...... popa. "'-Pt op ti.Ir
-la ..._, naclbi.r. 'IWr oftl ..um, "' --~tt···~to--t.IMm-·'' llwyL. H-'-, ~.La.
I T.ted and Pro•ed ·1
In a pilot atudy by univeraity Pl)'---
cholocista, children pined up to a full
year's crade in oral readin1 •kill after
only 80 leaaona with The Sound Way
B...--0.rie Pbo.&c:.. 0.,,.. P-111 wu.m.u.. Dlfaoill tOOel
to Euy Readins.
A aemeeter-lon1 1tudy fnvolvin1
21' pupi.18 in f ou.r Cbicaco acboola
proved that the ci.-liven The
Sound Way to Euy Reedin1 lhowed
marked improvement in readinc and
spe1linc over the control croupe.
Don't think It'• all your child'•
fault ii be haan't leemed to reed.
........ -on. ..... w..,. .. ~ a-d-.... .-..w. OJt epprewil. lt.ltM 2 _... trial.
lf I -..,.,........ ,_iu, I will ..._'6 1111'
... pa~ ... wtll ...it .... ....u.
tHtM-*1 ..-... ~.1.m..ct ....
pa,._t .. Ml. u aot ....... .,.......,. 2 ........................ _,... .......
e..d -O II~ RPM, a &a RPM N..,._ __________________ _
Imagine the thrill of having this lovely towel entembte In your
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Y•, you can now compose a bright new orcheettatJon of color
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lllu.tratJon ... you must see, feel and UM this lovely enMmble
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kitchen-a value far above and beyond what you would expect
~~-----'° pey ~· ~an<l t'J all Y_!lll!LfQr Jbe fa11tuUcally_low ence of only $28.88 (plus postage and handling) if you act nowr
Here'• Alt You Do To Get Your
IO-Pa.c. c.nnon Miiie Towel t;N...,.ble
You'd ordlnartly expeca. to pay aa much aa $40.00, $50.00, or
ewn more for an ensemble with thlt man towels of auch
quality. But we have been able to arrange a lal exclusive
pun>hllH with famous Cannon, and can brt this Ml to you now for only ta.88 (plus ~tage l handling).
SlmP'y mall the Amazing Trial Coupon TOday our complete
50-plece Deluxe Cannon Towel Ensemble be sent to you
at once on lO Day Trial. You will also elve the 12-pege
Home Fuhlon Guide, chock full of exc ng Idea ... and, u
an extra bonw your 2 Free Golden Grille Fiiigree oval toap
dilhe8. TbeM are your1 u our gift to you whether you decide
to keep the Tro..-..-peckaged Towel Enaembfe or not But
yo.1 must .ct now becaUM thla generous offer will not be
repeated thll .-on.
e 4 trloral Print Bath Towe ... 2 Pink, 2 Gold e e
Solid Color Bath Towela, 3 Pink, 3 Gold e 8 Solid
Color Fringed Hend Towel• (Guest), 3 Pink, 3 Gold
e 8 Solid Wah Cloths, 3 Pink, 3 Gotd e 4 Floral
Print Wah Clothe, 2 Pink, 2 Gotd • e High-f-.hion
Ch9ckecl Dfsh Towel• (Fringed), 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2
GrMn e 12 Knit WMh Clo1ha e I Pot Hoklefs
,,. .. dint'• ou.nn ... ..... ...... ,......
Your rffllttence •Ill be held In nc:row Md put Mld9 In )IOUr
-In one 01 IN country'• _.. 19.,.Cted llwtel• lftltlrvtloM. I
wlll guaranlM ltlat PIMi' ~t
•Ill be refunded. without queatloft, If you .,. not Mtl.n.d In !lf'Y way
dut1119 ttle 1G-dey trial period.
DOUkE GUAAANTU ...... , ...... 0 ........ Ewry piece la gu.,91'1-..c! llgainat defectlw -rtlnlanetllp or lrr.gu-
latlty, and la all flrac quality IMt·
CMndl•. ,._,llectlG....-.
2 hqutelte Golden Qrtlte Fltlgree &Np DtehM
Eech 9• II 4• to CrllCtle YoUr fevorlle, fregrant bath
aoape-uM for alnk, ahower or tub-f<Mpa soap
high and dry and adda • touch of elegance to bath
or shower. Thfte exclualve-Golden Grille Metal
FlllgrH Soap Dlahes are not for ule -the)'' re
YoUra. free, when YoU Mnd for YoUr so.Piece Tr04 .... au-Packed T"°wel Eneembte.
UNl-LEISUM CORP .. Dept. CT·26
20 ................. ,..._, M.Y.10IOI
Yff, N8h IM ltll1 lft119111flc9nt ..,,.._ DetllM C-ll 11•11 Dlu1 ttle ,,.. 12....-.._ ,......_ O.W. Md the I O.W.. Gl'Me ,....,_ o..I ..., DflMe (mine to lleec>
In 1111 c-> wtllctl I wlll pey tor Uflder one ol !tie lollowl119 plans: (ctleck ont)
O I tneloae Oftly a 13.00 dep011t louer1111Md '9fUnd8b .. by )IOUr Prffldlftt If not llbao-
llMIJ dellaflled) and wtll Ply lfle balance Of $25 .• (plVI poll991 and handllftt) ..
only $-4.M per lllOfl1fl lor allc MOnttia. Ho Ctedll Ch~.
0 I entloM tM low IVll pe,_t of 129.11 and MW 111 p01t991 Md !IMdllng dlargM.
(S-binding gual'WltM by )IOUr P'91fdenl)
If duri119 IN 1CMey trial period
yov are not plffMd and dellgtlted
wlttl )IOUr purctl... lllftply 19lum
tM lllerdlendlM and )IOUr money
wlll be ~. reoantl ... of IN
IMltlod of ~t •le«:ted. No que1UoM -.CS.
..._______________________________________ I
~ I
• ,,,,._ print)
Cllr ..... Zip I mt.nn.11MMl\ll/1~n.nru1n11n11111111~AllAllM1"'"° L _______ ---------------_ _J
l '
-I • I
~ I ,, I
I -I
Gl,.B Biii t1e ln'ull B<>Y• 8-
pku set '" red aftd 111hite aol.-
d~r duiOft Ml brul, comb
aftd Mil bnul. State fir•t
Mftl.e to be per10fltllt.e4,
11.98. WitAovt Mme, 11--'9·
Add 151 poatage. ~
Livmg, Dept. FW-11, Berke-
ler, R. 1. 01864.
to decora.te beautiful cakes
for paf'tiea witl& book, "Cake
aftd Food Duoratittg Ideas,"
to teU lotv atep btl atq. Eas11.
160 pages full of color. 11 ppd.
Wilton Enterpriaea, Dept.
FW-11,888 W.'115thSt.,Clt.i-
oago, IU. 60648.
orite pl&oto ean be blown up to
a gia.ftt pl&oto poater tl&at'a
great for a deft or aft11 room..
Seftd black aftd 10/&ite or color
ploto ( retumed). Id', 14.95:
8%4', 17.95. Ploto Poiter,
Dept. ED81, 110 E. Urd St.,
New York, N . Y.10010.
·weekend Shopper
LAST liberty dollar of the
fine si~r "Cartwhee1s"
increases in value over
the years. Circulated con-
dition, $4.98. 10 mixed
dates, $47.60. Roll (20),
f89.60. Add 5o; J)08tage. Free 16-page cata-
log. Matt Numiss, Dept. FW-11, 2928 41st
·Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. 11101.
SELL Just-A-Notes ·
and add dollars to
your group's funds.
12 members sellirig
12 boxes each gives
$64.80 profit. Send fl
for sample package and money-raising in-
formation to Current, Dept. FW-11, Box
2020, Colorado Sprinrs, Colo. 80901.
LEARN upholstering at
home with a new course
that offers spare time in-
come. Low tuition and
terms. Send for free illus-
trated book that explains
easy steps. Free sample
lesson. Modern Upholstery
Inn., Box 899-CAF, Orange, Calif. 92669.
nRST coins minted
since 1955 at "S" mint
in San Francisco. Set
of 10 uncirculated
coins in velvet lined
~~· ~') '~·) ~ .. ) (J.,_1
~;j (1 •• :;·.,,! t) '!-1 ....,., . '
case, $3.96 plus 26¢ J)08tage. 10 aet.8, $37.60;
20 sets, $70 ppd. Write for free catalog.
Nwel Numismatics, Dept. FW-17, 31 2nd
Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003.
-· ..
... :r.... -
KAN'S fake diamond ring
looks like the real. thing
but bas no 1088 worry !
"Esquire" center stone is
about 2% carat size plus
small stonee. Gold plated. Sizes 8, 10, 12.
$5.98. Terry Elliott, Dept. FW-10, Box 1918,
Grand Cent. Sta., New York, N. Y. 10017.
is a simple pro-
grammed tea.ching
aid Charles Goren
calls "the greatest
-· ..
break-through." Learn or improve game.
2,000 situations, deals, etc. $29.95. Rbbert
Hallowell, Dept. FW, 717 6th Ave., New
York, .N. Y. 10022.
Creme is an excellent aid
~youthful beauty. Rough,
dry, old-looking skin can
change back to the girlish
softness you know. A skin
softener ; in minutes you'll feel the differ-
ence. 2-oz. jar, $3. Elanco, Dept. N38, 200
E. Ontario St., Chicago, Ill. 60611.
SEND photo cards for
Christmas -personal-
ized with your name!
3x31~· on glossy stock.
Set of 40 cards with
envelopes. Send snap
or print. $1.36. No orders after Dec. 13.
Photo King, Dept. C-12, 234" 6th Ave., New
York, N. Y. 10001.
CLEAR the way to group fund
raising-sell Auto Wbis-Kit.
Clears windshields -many
uses. Profits guaranteed. De-
tails from Abigail Martin,
Dept. 28E4, 1113 Washington
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 68101.
Montgomery Wards
new 126 color print
film for Instamatic
and other cartridge
snapshot cameras.
Send 26' poetage and handling with self·
addressed slip of paper to Wardway Film
Offer, Box 821, Rosemount. Minn. 66068.
Weekeftd Shop~,. item8 Me NQT tul11ertilritt11. I/ prod.eta
"h""'" arc not aw.ilabu at 111.of'cs, order f'l'<lm sources l&dt.d.
Famil11 WHkl11, Not1nl6•r I, 1161 n
Sb.op ping
....... MJl:NO..., -....... ... ... -...... .1...-:. ..... MDI() .._, 19 -• ..._I ....................... ,
MM9C.9..J.-. .... C... ....... u, . . . LMt JI ... .. 1 ..........
Mr • ....._.,...,._..,.._ M.Y.
"IM 40 DAYS I LOIT H &.H. .. ,.._ D.M,. .._., ........ M.Y. u.. ................. ... ...,.. ... ..... __ ........ .... . .. . eftedtw ... ~ .......... ... .......... ..... 0.. tr-.:.-:. .. -.... ...... ..., ... ........... ........... ...... ... ....... .... .
ft .... ... ... .... -~.
~ ...... --- -----
AnUMle --... • ....... ----------------------· llLLIDO NOOUCTI,, o..t. FW·3 414 I......,, M.Y,. M.'t. 10011
0 U DAY IUPf't. Y $5.00
Me C.0.D.'t 0 J4 DAY sun\.Y $9.00 11AVI $1.001 0 SI DAY IUlft.Y $UM llAVI $LOOI 0 61 DAY IU,,\.Y $16.90 ISAVI $1.SOI ........... a.. .....
24 Pll9 C.tllol features CNfJf 100 items thlt will cater to your (and friends) Wild Bird
Hobby. la1'19St GIFT selection available in this Specialty Field:
• S,.Clll Ii ...... lllllCtlen
• ,....,., Ill "'9s
• "-l!llllird Flfftn
• llrd ...... T •llrdlltlll
• Fl•lf Glide .....
• lird IMI lttcordt, LP
• lird Nitti (COior)
• 11n1 ni. (color) ~ • htlt TlfCMt
I :=:-=::: ~~···
DU-.. ~-;;-..... -1'<• I -· . .....;11.L .. 1 I I l'ltMt _, 11mntcw•a Oitt Cataloc " I I 11bn nm Clm 11111. £acl....i fiM 25e I I=:::, flt~~---
, M*ttl ---------.,-1 .. , _______ li•--_J
~ .. Make$$$ 10 WAYS with flowers
Garden Aowen or ardficials COit ~Ilia, bfmg ln S's,
Corseges, Wedding Flowers, 'fable arraal"JCOtl,
Hobby. home butincu, aen your own shop. FllEE
C'.olor Brochure lhowa you 00-co learn ~fcssional ·
Flower Arran~ns and FI01"· •r Shop Opention. Abo
FREE, 3·m<mclu subtcripc.ion to "Flower Talk," Pub-
liattion for home flower da18f'en. Floral Arti Center
(tto-St.dy Div.), o.pt. 4NA. 162' f . Md>owatt ltd .. Phoeel11. Ma. ll006.
s scHO_OL U • • . : Josrandy ShoWS
Secrets of teaching yourself music
You can learn any instrument in your home ... in spare time
Teacti y9J1rsel/ music? Yes, you can-and you'll be
amaud how easy it is! Piano, guitar, accormon, saxo-
~ny popular instrument-you can teach your-
self to play it rigbt away. It's all possible thanlcs to the
remarkable home-study Course offered to you now by
the famous U.S. $(hoot of Music.
y-.. .,. QmcklJ, IMilJ
This superb Course shows you how to play your favorite
music by note. You read and play actuaJ sheet music.
1Mre art no "gimmicks" at all. And the incredible
thing is that you learn so 4uicltly and easily.
The secttt of this rapid success is in the Course's
unique, proven method of instruction. Simple, wy-to-
understand instructions tdl you what to do. Then,
wondtrf ully dear pictures sbow you just how to do it.
These lessons art so well-developed and ~ffective, you
actually teacb. yourself I It's so easy that even children'
can lurn. And you don't need any special talent, or pre-
vio«Js experience, or even special knowledge of music!
From the very Arst lesson you start playing actual
tunes from sheet music. As you progress, you'll be play-
ing more and more advanced pieces. Before you know it
U.S. School of Mu1ic,
Studio A74 t 1 ·N, Port Washington, N. Y.11050
Yes I I want to learn to play the instrument checked
below. Pltase "nd rM, FREE, your new illustrated
booklet "Now You Can Lcam To Play Music Jn
Your Own Home"-plus your free Piano "Nott-
Findtt." I am under no obli~tion.
Check the instrument you would like to pby
(cb«lr. one o"ly):
O,,.__ D llMIGtd•
Do.Im DS&xoJ .. ••
D 1t.1a1r.._ D Vlolla
O <>rpe-..... D T--8-Jo
............ ,_. D Y.daU.
D Tnapet
D eo...t
D a.n..t
D UbWe o n...._.
Mn:.__------------.,....,.----t\ae---Mm ~ ..... ct.rt,J)
Oty· ~---------------------------------~
StM Zip'--~~--
Do JO'I have lnstrilmtnt? DYes DNo lmtswoents,
If needed, 11UpPlied to our studenta at reduced rates.
you'll be playing your favorite music as though you've
known how all your life!
c..-leat ud Eco 1 In)
You'll also be deHghted to discover how convenie11t and
economical this wonderful Course is. You learn at home,
in youT spare time. You go as fast or as slowly as you
wish. Ther-e's no expensive private teacher to pay. You
get valuable sheet music included at no extra cost. And
you learn for just penm1s a day!
Start .... ,...• New W•J of Uh
Just imagine yourself playing your favorite instrt.aMnt,
and playing it well. What a thrill and sense of accom-
plishment you'll feel as you slcillfully -and confidently
play popular hits ... classical pietts ... folk and cotm~
music ... dance tunes-any kind of music you Hice ! You'll
enjoy a wonderful escape from the tensions and prob·
lems of everyday Hfe. Yoa'D win nt'W friends and new
popularity. Best of all, you'll have 'that warm, dttp-
down smse of satisfaction and sdf-ful6Dmmt that comes
with going ahead and really doing something you've
always wanted to do!
Mall CoupOll hMiq
Don't go on missing the pleasures that playing music
can bring into your lif c. Mail the coupon right now for
qur new FREE booklet that tells you all about the Course
and shows you how fast and easy this unique instruction
really is. We'll also send you a FREE
Piano "Note-Finder." No obligation.
Just clip out and mail the coupon
today to : U.S. SO-IOOL OF MUSIC,
Studio A7 411 -N, Port Washington,
New York 11050. £stablisbed 1898.
C.icensed by tbe 'NeUJ )'orlt State Edu·
cation Department .
Hen'• How OtMn Leaned to "'-J
1'1ala ..... z.., w.,,
bd .... 0.lia'tM, "f'a 10 ndted • .-f cldit~litd wk~ lldt C-W
1llal It'• 41._.t to 'p slowly.' tattnictioM are cul.ly -4m1oo4. Aed
I eajoy dlt fan ti..t I caa ttlldy at •J ow. ~ w ..-.. " c ...... J ,.,.....,...,_1muo.o. 111. J .
... ,_ .......... "I Mft tllilW Cllllllp, Md •J ability• pkJ
tM plcar rally ,..4 ~ lkn, ~peda.IJy ll9Ct foll •.Uc a.a. ~
IO pofJll!ar. I M•t ,a.y.i bo«ii u luli pi«arbl ...t ~,.ai. pl«ar·
11t ... DwlfN .. ,,_,_ c~i1. Arlt.
......_ .. Mii ....... "Eftf llACt I slped ., for IM Pbno
eo.ne, I Uft "-,..,._. happl-. My friends are utonl•~ and
ay f-llj UJ19Y. I will M•n fOTpt all tk ftm I've had."
!I ... 7C11rt11-.Alrvll~. P•. ' ..
~ .. Too Good to Be True Dept ...
A Los Angeles Traffic-fine bur-
eau clerk found the following
note attached to a $5.00 bill in the
morning mail: "This parking
ticket blew across my path in
the street today. Assuming it
may have blown off someones'
windshield, I would Uke to make
the remittance for him -in
gratitude for the occasions I
have parked over time and not
been ticketed." There are all
kinds of people and hopefully
there are lots like that dear soul.
Speaking of people, F o r d
recently announced that a
survey showed that "car buying
is no longer exclusive male ter-
ritory. Women are making up a
larger and larger part of new
car buyers. Ford figures show
that women account for about 16
percent of all au~otive sales,
and almost one-third -32 per·
cent, actually - of Maverick
sales. Although Ford doesn't
design cars exclusively for
women, it certainly keeps their
needs in mind. Ford's 1970 cars
are pure pleasure for the ladi~
... whether toting groceries,
chauf f ering the local Cub Scout
pack or hauling finds from an
antique show. Inside and out,
Ford's 1970 lineup offers lady-
pleasing comfort a n d co~
venience features. Women wUI
find it easier to view the in-
strument cluster -and to enter
and exit -with Ford's new
modified oval-designed steering
wheels. The h o r n · b I o w i n g
mechanism is invtsible, but
pres..4'\lre exerted a l m o s t
anywhere along the top surface
of the spokes will cause the hom
to blow. These ar~ just some of
· the exciting and unique features
found on the great new Fords
for '70. Why not drop in to our
dealership here at 182.55 Beach
Blvd. and get the Ford feel for
yourself? We feel certain that
you'll find the Ford that fits
from our tremendous selection
of Ford's finest ... 1970.
&SS SS &&&& &111&&& .. &&lllllll&&ll&l&&&&&&&&&&&i&&&&&&&&•&l&&&&lll
See all the g ....... ·newest
ones for
842-6611 SALES DIPr.
t ...... 1 .. , ...
7 hp
TMS. tlw1 Fri., I •·"'· to 5 P·"'·
Mo:t., I •·"'· t. 9 p.111. s92.ss1 ·1·
MoNoAv thru FRIDAY
Weaver, Gall Fisher, Joe Flynn.
ID WtJlcl of W••.. (C); Wild Ad-
vtlltllrt (C) Wed. only.
5:5511 CIM Us 11ril DaJ (C) 11:0011 ~Cl) W1Mr1 tile Htlft la (C)
&:oo 11 S.ritt Se..., <C> D 9 @ tD Jeopardy (C) Art
&:30 I OdJS1l7 (C) Flemin1 hosts. The 18 undefeated · Education Ellcltanp (C) champions of the past year will
~" utlrabn compete in the 6th annu•I "Tour-
Eduational Prolfau nament of Champions."
• Ln for the Lay111an (C) Wed. O TIM Callopina &ourMtt (C)
7:00 I CIS Ntn (C) Joseph Benti. ID Romper loo• (C) ~ 00 6l';Hhe Today Show (C) 11:25 II Qt 00 CBS News (C) Elerdse With Clclfia (C) Mr. Willlbone (C) 11:30 B ~ (j) Seard! for TotMnOW (C)
Flffl tlae Cat (C) 0 9@ m N1 .. Dropper1 (C)
Co•modity/Stock R.,ort 0 Joilnny Grant (C)
7:25 0 Co•m1nity Bulletin Board (C) 0 The AnnivmlfJ Ca1te (C)
7:30 I Feman Leeionaaire fJ T tt1tpo (C) Baxter Ward hosts.
News/Ed. Netson Show (C) m Slleriff JMt1 (C) · tt 11 Writtell (C) Mon.. Wed., m Tmel fillll (C)· ... nipedlw
Fri.: Bible S•rr (C) Tues., Thurs. (C)/Stretch and Sew (C) Wed. only. I Wondera•a (C) EI\) Podletfut of Fin Bozo (C) • (j) CBS News (C) 11:45 0 Coms Guy (C) Wed. only.
1:00 I Qi) (j) Capt.in lbclgaroo (C) 11:55 0 Qj@ m NBC ..... (C)
Uncle. Waldo C1rtoon1 (C)
• Dapflne•s Cartoon Caltlt (C)
Cum1by (C)
News/Stodl Market 12:00 B Boutlq111 (C)
A r T r RN 0 () ~i
1:15 @ (}) Yldee Diaest (C) 0 @ 00 m You're htti11 Mt
l:lO I T1le flintstofta (C) On (C) Larry Blyden hosts. Guests
Roctet Robin Hood (C) are Tiny Tim, Phyllis Diller, Marty
Cl) Rocky and His Fri.nets (C) Allen, Brenda Vaccuo, Pew Cass and Bill Cullen.
1:45 0 YMr MoftlY's Wtfth (C) ThurL -~ovie: See Daytirne Movies. fD Eduutional features (R) Wed. 1 @ Bewitched
and Fri. News (C) Bill Johns.
9:oo I~ 00 The Lucy Sltow (C) Stock Market Clo11 • @@ It Takes Two (C) : Orice Upon a Day
Ltvt That Bob: ~ob Cu~mlngs. (j) Andy Griffith (C) ·
Movie: See Daytime Movies. 12:30 I Qt 00 As the World Tums (C)
• Debbie Drake Dancerdze (C) • @ Ci) g;, DaJs of 011r Uwes
. Jad La Lann• (C)/TIM Blind (C) Macdonald Carey stars.
Bini ·(C) Tues. _only. . I @CI> nat Girt (C) I Undttdol (C) C Cf} Jad La lanM (C) N~ ( ) Jaclc Latham.
ffit Fersrt-Sap (R) Thurs. =IM~~:::,,:
9:25 0 @@ m NBC News (C) 1:00 IJ Qi 00 love Ja a MHY Splen.
9:30 I ~ (j) 8ever1y Hillbllllea (C) dofed Tlaint (C) . ~ oo m Concentration (C) I Qj 00 m The Doctof$ (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies, @ Cl) Dre111 Hoae (C)
• Western Star Theatre Password (C)
Movie: See Dayt!me Movies. Office of the President. Mon ..
Cumby (C)/~uide~st, Mon.. Wed., Fri.; Penpedivt, Tues., Thurs.
Wed., Fri.; Pubhc Service, Tuu., tiE) The Gallopine GourllM't (C)
Thurs. • 1:15 EI\) Eduutional Featura
@ (J) Hayden s Happenl111 (C) l:30 I Qt OO TIM Gttidiftt. LIPt (C) fD Echoes of Oar Past Mon. only. . Qj @ m Another World (C)
10:00 I Andy Grlffia (C) fathtt Knows Btst· Coolll•& (C) · Qi 00 m Sale of the CentarJ Wed. onl . '
(C) Jack Kelty hosts.. . 0 @ 00 (D let's Make a Deal fJ Movie: See Dayt!me Movtes. (C) Monty Hall hosts. m Esstnc:e of Judaism, Tues.; Re-m. Tnrth or Consequences (C)
conclllatiOll, Thurs. EE Ttchnicaf corner ti) News/Stodl Martet • . ~ 17'1 Sunn Toda (C) 1:50 (B fast11ons in Sewln1 (C) ~ ~ . y y 2:00 B ~ ® Secret Storm (C)
EI\) Educational Features 0 ~ ~) m Brlpt Promtse (C)
10:15 m Wor1d Talk, Mon.; Public Serv-IJ Dear Julia Meade (C)
let, Wed.; Mr. MercMndisinf, Fri. 0 (ii) Ci) tiE) Newtywed G111e (C)
10:30 tJ Qj (j) lOft of Ufe (C) W I love Lucy
0 @ @ g;, Hollywood Squares (B Human ~unele
(C) Peter Marshall hosls. Guests are EE Comlll0d1ty/Stocfl Report
Nanette Fabray, Jan Murray, Dennis 2:30 B ~ ®The Edge of Nipt (C)
OUOO IDltlttn te t.cll-1•
(C) Gary Owens hosts. Guests are
Mickey Rooney, .lire P. Mo11an,
Ninette fabray and Alan Sues.
0Glr1 T .. (C)
0 (11) (I} EB Dltlna c... (C)
D Seldell Anw Merit (C) See
Daytime Movla. Durin1 Intermis-
sion, telect viewers participate in
a new same show. They fire arrows
at a taraet for prizes.
mHanl (C)
ti) Futurt
3:00 B 9 Cl) ColMf l'Yle (C)
O It's ftw ht (C) Hal Mardi.
0 HieltnJ f'ltn>I o @rn m a.tta1 ......., CC> m 111"" ...... (C) m Boa's II& Tep S9low (C)
ti) Mr. ltld Mrs. Noftll
ID Ci) Matl....: Don Rodewald. m M1ti11111: Don Wilson.
3:30 B Lucky f'alr (C)
D 111'9 Do11atu (C) The amazlna
Kresllln co-hosts.
0 Ozzie aAd Ham.t
0 0ZJ (}) Ei) One Uft Te Uwt (C)
tE 1V ........ Dfralt a rn ...,.,. c.rtotna (C)
3:45 ii) Ftatares & NIWI •
4:00 II Su Hint; llowlt: Thurs. only.
0 Be Naud Trvtll (C)
0 0ZJ Cl) tiE) Dart Sllaclewl (C) m My Feworlta Marti.In
EE) Peter Gu1111
4:15 EI\) The FrlendlJ Giant
4:30 II M•: See Daytime Movies.
Divorce c..rt (C)
Newa (C) Bill Bonds.
• T1le "*'t W. Mof&M SM (C) T1le f1......_ (C) T1le ... ..,.
(I}hny M*" Hone Opera
: Pocbthll el Fn (R)
Cl) Tiie Flintstones (C)
• El Dolar de Aaiar
5:00 MIC NIWMrvlce (C)
News (C) Tom Reddin.
flipper (C)
..._ (C) Geor1e Putnam.
8ataM (C)
Ci) li•"'Y TMIMIO• (C)
: Otta Upot1 a DaJ ( R)
Ci) MtHalt'1 Nevy
• Un Canto dt Mea.lco
• Gilli1an'1 Island (C)
Drt1111 House (C)
5:30 I @m m Aac Ntwt <C> • Candkf Camera
GilUcan'a Island (C)
Sunset Trails
@ 00 This Day 1969 (C)
tll) Mistnftn' Neiltibotiloed
~ 00 News (C) Frank Tracy.
eI) Yirut. J Cepullna m Town Talll (C)
'AGES 3 TO 19
to Audition on
CIOHCI Circuit Tel.vlalon
and Qualify fw.
Brandon Cruz joine.d the
talent pool, and five
months later signed •
five year c.ontr.ct with
M-G-M. Now he can
be seen each week .t·
8:00 Wednesday eve-
nings on "Courtship of
Eddie's Father.''
'OR ,All
(714) 547-6251
T.aent Search Being ,
Conducted by ---
Pap 3
(C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Plcffic Coast Football (C) (21/z
hrs) San Dleao State meets Fnsno
st.le Coller• at Fresno.
I Hawail Calls (C) (30)
Sacetwutti Theatre (60)
On Beine Blacl (C) (60) "Al·
ton Flipped.'' Luther Jamea' drama
of a black man sufferinr from 6:00 II Iii News (C) (60) Clete Roberts. mental illness, who seeks help from 0 @ @ m Huntlty-ltinkltJ (C) an indifferent WOfld. Robert Jack· 1J COMIC JERRY SHANE son and Marlene Clark star. * KILLS CARES IN~ de Estreno <2 hr)
WITH RAZ.OR WIT'· 8:30 ! ~i Tllree Sons (C) (30) · 6 • Ad•m·l2 (C) (30) O One-M111 Sbow (C) (30) Jerry • l.aw'9nce Well! (C)
Shane, the philosophical comedian Roller Derby (C) (60) Horth-
who hits home with stories that west Cardinals vs. Northeast Braves.
have a ring of truth, makes his 9:00 IJ ~Ci) Green Acres (C) (30)
debut. 0 @ @ a;, NBC Slturday Mov· O Boss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle ie: (C) "Sefpants Thi .. " (comedy.
hosts. western) '62-Frank Sinatra, Dean m Barbara McNair (C) (60) Lionel Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter
Hampton, Vicki Lawrence, comic Lawford. Joey Bishop, Henry Silva.
Sammy Shore, and The Spiral Stare· I Hone Opera (60)
case rock group are Barbara's NET Playhouse (C) (2 hr) (R)
guests. 9:30 Qj (j) Petticoat Jundlon (C)
Q) Animals, Action and Adventure C30) Visitin1 sinrer Glen Tinker tells
(C) (30) "\'/ild Animal Odyssey" is Dr. Janet Cral1 he knows nothing
a look at wildlife in Ontario, Can-about the little Vietnamese orphan
ada, and at Kruger Park in South who disappeared from the adoption
Africa. center in DaNang, even thourh tiny I TV Re.ser's Dicest (30) Tami is hidinc in his duffel bag.
6:30 llNBC News Conference (C) (30) O Zane Gr~ Theatre (30)
Melody R1nct1 CC) (60) Chill fJ SAMMY DAVIS JR.
Wills guests. * TONS OF FUN O Rosey Grier Show (C) (30) -
Guests include Max Baer of Beverly Pete Lawford-Mama Cass
Hillbillies, singers Priscilla Paris and HOLL YWOOO PALACE
Ca Shears, and Fernando Escandon. D @ (1) &) Hollywood Palace
Run for ·Your Life (C) (60) (f) (60) Sammy Davis Jr. hosts.
Dr. Hu;lson's Secret Journal (30) Guests include Peter Lawford, Mama
: The Presidtnrs Man, 1969 (30) Cass Elliott, Lionel Hampton, Dana
• On the Edee of Gernlty (C) ValeTY. The Dells and Rosey Grier. -==========-.....:....---------------, • Cifl From UNCL.E (C) '60) 0 Philbln'1 PIOClle (C) (90) Pat
7:00 CBS Evenlnc News (C) (30) Colins, au~hor Joe McGinniss, and.
• KNBC survey (C) (30) Ga11 Cros:>y guest
Annivtrstry Came (C) (30) I luck Owens (C) (30)
• Dutll YllllJ Days (C) (30) 10:00 Qj (I) ManniJ (C) (60)
I sJfol~ I The Alils (C) C60) Wffund Ntw1 (C) (30) Hal
The group of five talented Islanders Fishman.
perform on 21 different lnstru· 91;1 Andtnon (C) (30)
ments including the pianica, kazoo, Rawlllde Roundup (60)
tipple and mandolin. (R} Box dt Melico (90)
fl) Sanset Tr1Hs (60) 10:30 Dr. llildm (60)
fl!) Black Jeurn1I (C) (60) ''Are." . Nns (C) (30) Bill Bonds.
a two·character drama about the Kitty Wells (C) (30)
conflict between a white liberal and Passport to Travel (C)
a black urban dweller. stars An-10:40 News (C)
tonio Fargas and Andrew Duncan. 11 :00 0 &) News (C)
I Do·Re-Mi (30) • The Movie 8aM (C)
R1t Patrol (C) (30) Joe Pyne (C)
7:30 ~ 00 Jacllie Gleason (C) (60) -I Have Gun, Will Travel
@@m Andy Wllllam1 (C) : The Toy Th•l Crew Up
(60) Guests are Debbi~ Reynolds 11:15 Fabulous 52: (C) ''Tiit Naked
Flip Wilson, Rod Serting, Henry ind ttl! Died'' (dram1) 'SS-Cliff
Mancini and The Edwin Hawkins Robertson, Joey Bishop, Raymond
Singers. Massey, Aldo Ray, Richard Jaeckel.
0 LIVE HALLOWEEN 8 ~~;:,' C~lipt Movie: (C) * PARADE FROM ANA· "Home Fro111 the Hill" (drama) '60 HEIM-Buddy Hackett -Robert Mitchum, Eleanor Parker, ·
Is Marshal! Fun! Georre Peppard, Georie Hamilton. 1J I sFtciM I H1lloween Parade ft) lnpar lerrm111 Festival (C)
(C) (2 hr) Dick Lane describes the 11:30 0 a;, Johnny Cal"IOn (C)
festivities at the City of Anaheim's 0 Movie: "Monsltar lelucah"
46th annual Halloween Parade. the (comedy) '46 -Bob ~ope.
theme of which is "Halloween in 0 Movlr. (C) "The Hunten" (dra·
Toyland " ma) '58-..:Robert Mitchum, Robert o (fi'J(l)U) Dalin& G1111e (C) Wagner, May Britt. Richard Eran.
(30) Jim Lange hosts. (D CiMMI Slturd.y: "Arsenic and
0 Million $ Movie· "The All&rY CMd Lace," starrinc Cary Grant. Hllll" (drama) •59 :_ Gl1 Scala, 1:00 II Mtvie: (C) "EncU11ted Island"
Robert Mitchum, Stanley Baker. (a~nture) '58 -Deni Andrews,
Q) Woncten of tlM Wortd (C) (30) 0 News (C) •
"Demons of Puerto Rico." m All·Nl&ht Sllow: (C) 'The Half·
&I) Los Caudillos (30) breed," (C) "War Goda of Baby·
8:00 O @(]) Q) Newlywed CalM Ion" and (C) "Josephine and Men."
• SUN SHADES (All Sizes)
2202 S. MAIN ST. 545-0491
Muter Furrier
Sl~e 1933
NUWl"OltT a•ACH 11141 ~1
,.,. 5
in COLOR starring . ..,_
Elvis Presley
..... '
D m NEW SEASON Tiii Etlmal Licht (C) "The Remarkable Adven·
tures of Deuteronomy Katz." Morton
Wishenrrad Incorporates the 10
Commandments into a story about
a "moral" man In an "immo11I"
All stations reserve the
right to change program-
ming without advance no-
11 Notre Da•e Footblll (C) Notre
Dame Fifhtinf Irish YS. Navy Mid·
shipmen at Notre Dame. Game
taped yesterday.
I~ (1) ti!) Dudllf Do-Rlatrt (C)
6 Oral Roberts (C) tice.
Popeye Cai1Dona (C)
The Cllriltoplien (C) Mano a Mano Randlent
The Bible Answen 9:45 ~ (j) Nfl TodaJ (C) LA.
&Ive Us This Day (C) Rams at Atlanta Falcons.
Tom and Jerry (C) 10:00 D ~lture USA (C)
Sanday funnies (C) fJ @ Cil a> 6wp of tllt J1111&te
7:30 Batman (C) (C)
Mor8'0n Tabernacle Choir (C) fJ Movie: "The Firebalr (drama)
1V Worship of the West '50-Mickey Rooney, Marilyn Mon·
Sacred Heart (C) roe.
7:45 The Catrlstopbers (C) I Dollars l Sense (C) (I) Dawy ind 6ollath (C) @ First Baptist Cllurdi
1:00 Lamp Unto My Feet (C) Un lirlto tn la Obscuridad m 1'111 Qrlstopllen (C) hllty Review (C)
Cathedral of Tomomw (C) 10:15 Passport to Profit (C)
• Day of Dltcowtry (C) 10:30 @ @ m Afl. FoottMIU (C)
Woncleratna (C) Oakland Raiders vs. Cincinnati Ben·
Allen RIVIY1I Hour (C) gals at Cincinnati. ~ Paul Hervey {C) I@ (]) G) Fantastic Foar (C)
6od Is the Answer (C) Faith for Today (C)
Town Hall Meetina (C) 11:00 Homebuyer's Culde (C)
1:30 I look Up and Lin (C) fJ @ (I) (E Bullwinkle (C)
• Tiiis Is tlle Life (C) m Movie: .. My Darttn1 Ct-.n.
CH•bln1 Hlall (C) tine" (western) '46-Henry Fonda,
• Movie: (C) "Tb• Mater of Bal· Linda Darnell.
lantnle" (adventure) '53 -Errol m Cllurdt In the Home (C)
Rynn, Beatrice Campbell. 11 :30 fJ (j1J @ a> D I s c o u r J ( C) m KATHRYN KUHLMAN "Llrhts, C1meras, and Underwater * AND GUESTS IN COLOR ~eMnt~re:'',,Si... r..... -"
I Katllryn Kuhlman (C) ~ o .. ,e. '""n .... oms .._
(]) Revival fJres (C) (a~venture) '48-lon Chaney, Uoyd
()) Full 6npel Revival (C) Bndges.
TlJe story (C)
9:00 C1111era Th,... (C) An unknown
p11no fantasy .by Franz Sch~bert. 12:00 fJ MOYie· "I Killed Wild IHI whose manuscnpt copy was d1scov· • " • , ered last year in .an attic in a small Hlckoll (western) 5&-John Forbes,
town In southern Austria, Is per· Helen W~stcott.
formed for the first time In the m lntelh&tnt P1rent (C) Florence
United States by the renowned pi· Thalhe;ner hosts.
anist Lill Kraus. Th music is titled I Cil Colle&• Football 1969 (C)
"Grazer Fantasie,'' after the Aus· • Cine .en Su Casa
trian city of Graz where the search ' lnsiallt (C)
for the manuscript was Initiated by 12:301 Cene Autry
Prof. Konrad Stekl, composar and Oral Roberts (C)
musicolo&ist. Mme. Kraus discusses · Pattern for Livin1
the circumstances surrounding the 1:00 IJ 9 (j) Nfl Today (C) Detroit
disc'overy with Michael Steinberg, Lions vs. 49ers at San Francisco.
music critic of the BO$tOn Globe. D ~ @ m Afl. Football (C)
9:001J Camera Tilrte (C) San Diego Chargers vs. Denver fJ MJ Favorite Sermon (C) Rev. Broncos at Denver.
John Piirto, U.S. Navy Chaplain, 11 Movie: "Joy Ride" (drama) '58
USS Hornet, guests. -C. B. Gilford, Ann Doran. 11 Day of DIKOvery (C) I@ (l)G) Directions (C) "Job." fJ Campus Profit. ''Biiinguai Edu· • Sllertoct Holmes
cation." Host Arnold Pike shows Bil Atbck
sented to non·Enflish and English Revival Fires (C)
how bilingual·bicultural education is 1:30 Ci1J (I)'(£) Issues and MMltrs
presented to non·£°nrlish and Enr· ( J
lish speakln1 students. Guests in· m USC Football (C) USC Trojans
elude Dr. Max Rafferty, State Supt. vs. UC Bears at Bertteley.
of Public Instruction; and Calexico IVolce of Calvary (C)
Schools Supt Dr. John Haren and 2;00 Press Conference (C)
Board of Education President Tony Buck Owens Show
Sieera. CI) Sanday Matinee: "The Left
Qospel Music (C) Hand of God," starring Humphrey
l ~A. A. Allen Bogart, Gene Tierney.
6 Kathryn Kuhlman (C) I Clludlo el Roto .
To11 and Jeny (C) · • F11t1re (C)
Nam Cita 2:30 Movie: ''Calatta" (adYtnture)
• Tiiis Is tll• lite (C) /47-Alan ladd, Gall Rudin.
• llflcultu ... Report fJ Movie: "R•ains To It Stttl"
9:30 Inside Foothill (C) Georae AJ. (mystery-comedy) '53-June AJ!pon,
len, Gil Stratton. Van Johnson.
f\ I T F R N 0 0 .._.
It ..
.. .;
Tltere .. ,
another Fish
·Story like
the one unreeled
tonight on
Ralph StorJ'•
Los· Angeles
6:30p• CISS2
Show" (drama) '61 -Esther Wit· S:JO NtwsMalltrs (C)
fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (C) ''The Ill · I Run for Your lHt (C)
Iiams, Cliff Robertson. • All·Amtrlctn Coll•&• Show (C)
11111 Andtn0n (C) Arthur Godfrey hosts. Jud1es are
f.strellas en Mla111i (C) Dln1h Shore, Don Marshall and
3:00 Sa•son (C) Cr1i1 Stevens.
Upbelt (C) I CUllpn'a lund (C)
3:30 I '•ttJ Dulle Sunset Tr1ll1 : Mlsttf9pra' Ntiatlborhood @ World TOMOITOW (C)
3:45 (]) lntematlontl Tradtra (C) : Frtndl Chef: Julia Child pre·
4:00 lnslcltr/Outsldtt (C) New Ideas pares aspics.
in black education are discussed. 9 (j) Ftabll'9 0 On C.111pus (C) "Writers on
Campus." Ray Bradbury and Leon·
ard Wibberley ditcuss with Red-
lands Univ. studenb t~t education
of tomorrow, books and computers.
B BRUINS & HUSKIES * IN GRID BATTLE! It UCU Footblll (C) Bruins vs.
Washiniton Huskies. Game taped
yesterday at the L.A. Coliseum. 0 a> Collt&t Football 1969 (C) m K1iaer International Golf Tour·
nament (C) Ray Floyd heads a list
of 10 PGA champions set to play
at the Silverado Country Club In
Napa, Calif. Other past PGA cham·
pions competing in the 72-hole
winning Kaiser $140,000 purse tour·
ney are Don January, Jack Nicklaus
·and Dou& Ford.
McHalt's NIWJ rn l.ara•it 00 lodler Room (C )
: Whit's New? (R)
(i) B1tman (C)
• CfetlllOI
• Sperta (C)
4:30 Tht Sunflower Ctltbr1tion Cotn·
p1ny (C) Featured is a slide pre-
sentation on the role faith plays in
youn1 people's lives. The poem
"Somewhere" is read by host Norm
Anderson. 0 Clolt Up (C) "The Mous'keteers
Grow Up." ·
IS.lppy (C)
TIM Munsters
Yokt of tit• Hour
@ Alm Ftaturn (C)
Adventure: "Mystery on the
~ Cl) Ftce Ult N1tlon (C)
I Mtttiai J P1l1br11
Tht RHlt•an
5:00 F 1C9 Ult Nation (C)
Spuk Up (C) Biii Leyden hosts.
'u ELVIS PRESLEY-COLOR * "KISSIN ' COUSINS"! 0 Mwit: (C) "Klsaln' Cousins"
(comedy-musical) '64-Elvls Presley,
Pam Austin, Arthur O'Connell, Glen-
da Farrell, Jack Albertson. Presley
plays a dual role in this hillbilly
romp about an Air Force lleuten·
ant's attempt to pl1cate a f1mlly
ao the 1ovemment can mike a deal
to build 1 ml$Sile bue on top of
their Tennessee mountain. fJ Slllr1., Ttmplt Tht1trt: "Stand
Up and Cheer," with Warner Baxter
Cl) 81t111n (C)
(jJ) CV Stvett Arts TIMat,..: "The
Rest Is Silence," with Peter Van
fl) Georp JHMI
@ @ My World 1nd WtlcolM to
It (C)
EJl) You11 Musk.ti Artiata: Sharl
Ander10n, soprano. sines worb by
Verdi 1nd Cui on <l0ncludln1 pro·
gram of series.
I Cl) Camtr1 Thr11 (C)
T9f91 tt.t eo .. t11e Sllrs (C)
6:00 II KNXT Sund1y Ntwt (C) (30)
Clete Roberts, Stan Duke . 0 Qj 00 m Mfft tit• Prm (C)
(30) U.S. Attorney General John N.
Mitchell guests.
I Polka Parldt (C) (60)
G) Man From UNCLE (C) (60)
Anlm1l1, Action ind Adventure
( ) (30) "livin1 Death in New
Guinea." Story of a youn1 min
with leprosy. EID Specalatlon (60) "A Convers1-
tion With Sol Hurok." (R)
6:30 II R1lph Story's Loa An1tltt (C)
(30) Ralph Story makes a niaht run
with "Gill·netter" Mike McCorkel,
one of the last ol the old-fashioned
career fishermen.
0 Qj@ m C.L Colltlt lowt
CC) (30) fJ Didi Van Dyke (30)
Cl) I ll'lclA( I Miu lnttrnatiOnlf
Sltow.J}tf 1970 (C) (60) Girls repre·
sentin1 different Lu Ve1as Hotela
compete at the Stardust Hotel In
Lis Vegas, Nev. Recis Phllbln hosts.
I Slpbrusll TlfMtr• (60)
Skip (C) (30)
7:00 ~Cl) r. .. (C) (30) A hell·
copter crash in a remote, snow·
covered valley plunaes Lissie 1nd
Turner Into a struu le for survival. 0 @ 00 m Wiid IUtl,._ (C)
(30) "Summer of the Bad1er." 0 Tht laron (C) (60) fJ (jJ) (]) &') Land -' ttM Cllnts
(C) (60) "Collector's Item." Valent
is captured by 1 1ood·lookin1 youn1
1i1nt ind placed in 1 booby-tr11)9ed
music box. Guy Stockwell and Rob·
ert Harris 1uest. B Joe Na1111th Show (C) (30) m Movlt: "A Wal• In dlt Sun ..
(drama) '46-D1n1 Andrews, Ridl·
ard Conte. ID Th• Advoca'*' (C) (60) fa.
niahl's issue for discussion Is
"Should the states adopt le1isl1·
lion nllowin1 any woman to termin-
ate pre1nancy at any time durlna
the first three months?" The dtcl·
slon-maker is tht audience.
Eli) Co•icoa y C.nclonu (30)
7:30 II ~ Ci) To RoMt Wittt love (C)
(30) After a lone wait for 1 tel•
phone, the Endicott family fln1lly
receive one-only to find II belonp
to all their nelahbori also.
0 TONIGHT from DISNEY * The exciting animal
adventures of CHARLIE
The LONESOME COUGAR 0 Qj 00 m Wilt Dlsaey (C) (60)
"Ch1r1ie, the loneaomt Cou11r."
Pert I of two parts. Story shows
how domesticity dulls 1 pltyful
cou1ar'1 Instincts for aurviv1I. Rn
Allen narrates.
Pia• 7
IUtVEO WITH: WIH. ctleele, ••lad. ...... ,...... •lid ¥......... Of Illa •• .,
fllet of sole
chicken ldev
top slrl<Mn
veal cordon bleu
fllet ml on tail
Dally , .. "',.
beef brochettes """ •ic· l"la.tf $3;%$
lobster tall
OI' fllet mJgnon buccaneer ai.ca .,..., aMf ••cllfllv.ey
'"' Nt1"t SI.• 1 !Hre U .t..
YI Nt'9 '1.Jt 11Welltt11 f .7S
·~··""'~ Phone 675-2051
Open 5 :30·11:00
9:30 AM 1J Notre 0.me Football (C) Fighting Irish vs. Navy Mid·
shipmen at Notre Dame. Game taped yesterday.
9:45 IJ Q?J Ci) NFL Today (C) L.A. Rams vs. Atlanta Falcons at
10:30 O @ 00 AFL Football (C) Oakland Raiders vs. Cincinnati Ben·
gal.s at Cincinnati.
1:00 1J ~Ci) NFL Today (C) Detroit Lions vs. S.F. 49ers at San
O @@ AFL Football (C) San Diego Chargers vs. Denver
Broncos at Denver.
1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Trojans vs. UC Bears at Berkeley.
4 :00 IJ UCLA Football (C) Bruins vs. Washington Huskies. Game
taped yesterday at the L.A. Coliseum.
0 College Football 1969 (C) m Kaiser International Golf (C) Ray Floyd and other PGA
champs compete at the Silverado Country Club in Napa, Calif.
The purse is $140,000.
12:00 O High School Basketball Game of the Week (C)
1:00 U @ CI) NCAA Football (C) Stanford Indians vs. Washington
Huskies at Washington.
5:00 0 @ (1) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Los Angeles Times
Grand Prix, Riverside, Calif.; and World Figure-Skating Cham·
pionships from Colorado Springs, Colo. (Tentative)
Movies ol tile Week I
9:00 U @CI) (C) "The carpetbaggers." Young man inherits his fa·
ther's business arid soon blazes a trail of conquests, both in
business and with women. George Peppard, Carroll Baker, Alan
Ladd, Elizabeth Ashley ·star.
9:00 O QJ @ (C) "Fninkle and Johnny." Elvis Presley stars in
adaptation of famous folk ballad concerning a young couple
on a Mississippi gambling-showboat. Donna Douglas, Nancy
Kovack. Anthony Eisley co·star.
8:30 U @(I) (C) "The Pigeon." A detective becomes involved in
a frantic search for a missing diary, the contents of which
hold a secret that spells life or death. Sammy Davis Jr .• Pat
Boone, Dorothy Malone, Ricardo Montalban star.
9:00 O @ (}) (C) "A. Man and a Woman." Prize-winning film of
the growing love between a man and woman who are both
widowed. Anouk Aimee and Jean·Louis Trintignant star.
9:00 II Qj (j) (C) "Four for Teus." Money and women are the
source of constant rivalry between two rowdy gamblers. Frank
Sinatra, Dean Martin, Anita Ekberg and Ursula Andress star.
9:00 II Ci!) (j) (C) "How To Stuff a Wild Bikini." Annette Funicello,
Dwayne Hickman, Mickey Rooney, Buster Keaton and Frankie
Avalon star in musical-comedy about an ad·man's quest for
"the girl next door."
9:00 0 Ii) 00 (C) "Night Gallery." Richard Kiley, Joan Crawford,
Ossie Davis, Roddy McOowall and Barry Sullivan star in a tril·
ogy of dr.amas that deal with strange human relations.
•le cy
i e
o •
SUNDAY (Continued) ., c.rr... MaklM (60) I I c. .......... (C) (30) llJ ....,,. ....... (C) (30)
D MMIM $ MMI: (C) "VOJqt tt
......... of "" s.. .. (sd-fO '61
-Walter Pld1eon, Jqan Fontaine.
Ii) Paaport to Travtl (C) (30) "The
Colorful Mid-Americas." Hal Sawyer
visits Central America. fB HefM Opera (60) Im Loa C1uclllloa (30)
l :lO 0 iaJ @ m I HI C.., ._ {C) ........ .._.., (60)
(30) ''To Kincaid With Love." Chet ......... (C) (60) "Brt1d and 11:00 II 0 llJ """ (C)
Kincaid's best om student be1ins Buns and Thinp," (R) U c.tWrll ef y...,... (C)
to flunk the course, when julousy g) De1alal91 Htftlu (30) D 111e MMe &a• (C) Sonny Fox
of his teenaae &lr1friend (who has 9.30 D Ntw1 (C) (30) Doua Dudley hosts. Guests are Red Buttons.
a crush on the coach) interferes • It 3 · Dorothy Lant0ur, Georae Kennedy
with his coordination. &J TM Spetta Set • ) ( 0) ind Carolyn Jona.
Q) Probe (C) (30) ''The Quiet Im c:.-taries Y c...w.-(30) @ @ ta Ci) News (C)
Bomb." Part I Or. Albert E. Burke 10;. tJ 9 Ci) 11-..· 1...-.. (C) discusses public health proarams. • (60) To Tree an !~prisoned priest 11:301J Mewie: "SM Wor• • ,., ...
the incre!Sed life span of ~an ind whose IHe Is at atake, Jim Phelps lib*" (western) '4~John Wayne.
the problem of overpQpulat~.n. PoseS 15 1 missionary, Paris be· Joanne Dru. tJ Qj Ci) Ed Solllvlll (C) (60) Pe-
tula Clark.Rodney Danaerfield, David
Frye auest.
D Roller Games-live! (C) * T·BIRDS vs. NEW YORK IJ htleJ lalM (C) T-Birds vs. New
York Bombers.
0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI 0 (i1) (]) &) Tiit Fii (C) (60)
'lfhe Challenae." Erskine lnvestl-
1ates the death of a surfer be·
cause of the presence of a Com-
munist trawler offshore and a space
weaPonry plant neuby. Guests are
Joanne Linville, Richard Anderson
and Fritz Weaver.
Q) Ceasu's World (C) (30) "Afrl·
can Wonderland." Cesar Romero
leads viewers to Victoria Falls. the
busy capital of Salisbury, Rhodesia.
and the mystery ruins of Zimbabwe.
fll) llle Fonyte Sip (60) "A Man
of Property." Soames Is too busy
with financial affairs to note the
1rowing attachment of Irene and
Bosinney. Meanwhile, Helene be1ins
to show sl1ns of mental di90rder.
~ W~ T~ Clf!> Inter· comes a Chinese aeneral and Bar· 0 ltll.,• & Bartley (C)
view with General Ames. ney builds a helicopter. Gu•ests in· D Wlllia1a F. llKlllJ (C) Guests
9:00 tJ 9 Ci) Leslie Uu••• (C) (60) elude L1wre1Ke Dane, Sid Hiia and are three noted Conartsslonal Lib·
Jim Nabors, Jackie Vernon and the Arthur Batanidei. erals: John Moss (0-Calif,), John
rec:ordin1 rroup, Smith. auest. D 9 (l) m Tiie ..... Ottis (C) Conyers (O·Mldl.) and ~ant
0 @@ m ... alW (C) (60) (60) ''The Crowd Pluser." Neil Dar· ~0th. (D·New York). ~ .. dl1eu11
''The Stalker." Candy accidentally retl uses le1al tactics th1t could Racism and Conservatism.
kills I robber durin& a bank holdup mean the end Of his law career Ii) lhwie: (C) "ftoUJweod C..leeft"
and becomes the taraet of ominous in the defense of a youth wron1· (muslc•l·comedy) '«-Sette Davis,
threats on hia life. fully char&ed with murder. Mel J1ck Carson.
0 (ii) Cil a> AIC SUday Movie: Torme auests. 9 @ lnaiatit (C)
CC") "Tiie Clf1'ttb•Uttl" (drama) 1J m Ntw1 (C) (30)
'64-Georae Peppard, Carroll Baker, 0 Let Me Tall To ... (C) (60) 12:00 IJ I IHC!¥ I WM Are W1? Ray·
Alan Ladd, Martha Hyer, Robert •1ifan's Future in Space." Guests mond Burr 1ntrodu~ this half-hour
Cumminp, Lew Ayres, Blzabeth Ash· include Or. William H. Pickerin&. s~ory of . the ~nlversity of the Pa·
le:. The world of bi1 business and direc1or of Cal Tedi's Jet Propul· aflc, California s first eolle1e.
the Hollywood of the "Golden 30's" slon lab: Ray Bradbury, science· 0 @ (]) aJ News (C) Is Portr1yed throu1h the lives of
people who lived it. Ad1pted from fiction writer; and Krafft Ehricke, 12;15 fJ Mewle; (C) "Pal Jotf' (musical)
novel by Harold Robbins. (R) space scientist. '57-Frank Sinatra, Rita H'yworth. m I IJlcll( I Diel Clart'a Male fE Manion Font•
la1 (C) (60) Dick Clark hosts show fll) Hlper EdttUtion In Ult 1970's (jj) CI) Tllls la ttle LHe (C)
with a creative l~k into todafs (60) 12:l0 0 Speallnr FMfJ (C)
contemPorary muMC SC*nt. The @I)'"" Teatrt (60)
spotliaht is on Paul Revere and
The Raiders. Steppenwolf, The Cirtss-lO:lO 1J W«1cl To.orrow (C) (30)
roots, Tommy Roe, Davy Jones, Mar· m Jelln la"-r (C) (90) Rfp Tay·
rilee Rush, and Gladys Kni1ht and lor, Jody Miller. Larry Hankin and
The Pips. Bruce Cloud auest.
1:00 tJ M..W. "Tiie Cue Aphltt
lreeltp" (dr1m1) ·~oarren Me·
G1vin, M1uie Heyes.
Where cari you get ~S 3,000 cash ...
with the lowest monthly payments?
Monthly p1yment on 8)( yur Home·
owner Loan -i nd your ellaible whether your home ts paid for or not!
''Borro1'1T Sl,000 to SI0,000 or more-by phone!''
HOMEOWNERS-compare Union's new reduced
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See why thousands of homeowners call Union
Home Loans when they need cash for any reason.
PAY ALL YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan
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'UNION'S ll[DUClD ,AYM(llT Includes both principal & Interest -rt· pays loan . In full In 98 months. MD HllOOll 'a\'M[llTS! Annual per. cent11e r11t 11 $14.80 finance chuae pu yur per $100 or unp1ld b1lance and amount financed Is $2,550. Total of payments ovtr period of 81' years at S45 00 a month! $4,410. Shorter I lonaer term loans
n all1blt . . because AT Ulllull, YOU'il THE IOSS -YOU CAii "Ca
DU 5-4141
• 589-4S711
VAN NUYS OFFICE . . . . .• Mr. Gomez . .
WHITTIER. OFFICE • , .... Mr. M c Dowell .
"The Big News" with Jerry Dunphy, is the Number 1 news
broadcast in Southern California, watched more often in more
homes than any other news broadcast on any channel at any
time. And t hat i~ BIG news! Weeknights, 6 :00 pm on KNXT.
Auc:ttence estomares from latest ARB Reoort f0t Los Anaeles sub.iecl to !3ualofteat1ons on reouest
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O (C) "A Sbr Is Born'' Part I
(drama) 'SS-Judy Garlanii, James
9:30 9 "A Place of Ont's Own" (com·
edy) '4S-James Mason, Margaret
Lockwood. m ''Two Tbounnd Women" (dra·
ma) '44-Flora Robson, Phyllis Cal·
10:00 fJ (C) "April Love" (musical) '57
-Pat Boone, Shirley Jones.
12:00 9 "Buy Me Tllat Town" (comedy)
'41-lloyd Nolan, Constance Moore.
2:30 fJ "The Mudlark'' (drama) '51-
Alec Guinness. Irene Dunne.
4:30 IJ "Di•nsion 5" (drama) '66-
Jeffrey Hunter, France rtuJen.
6:001J Big News (C) Part I (30~
0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
9 Steve Allen Show (C) (90)
Guests are Charlie Mann. Dick Clair
and Jenna McMahon, Joe Williams
and Adrian Rosati. 0 News (C) (30)
I Didi Van Dyke (30)
Peyton Place (30)
Sbr Trek (C) (60)
(]) Mike Dou1l11 (C) (90)
W111t'1 New? (30) "Lost Pony."
(j) CBS News (C) (30) el Tleft'lpo de Penton (30)
(D News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
* * * * Due ID last-mi11ute sct.edllfing of
president Nixon's adcfrtss tll!I ew.-
ning, all listed progra••inc is
subject to dl1nre ind preeinptietl
for covtr1ge of the S4>ftCfl and
con1ment1ry by locll stations and
* * * *
6:30 1J President Nixon (C) (30)
8 KNBC Newsmic:t (C) (60)
Presicleat Nixon's Addrm (C)
(60J fJ The G1me G111e (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts. Guests are Carl Betz,
Richard Deacon and.Suzy Parker.
I To Ttll the Truttl (C) (30)
Offict of the Prnidetrt (30) Cl (i) H11nU.y-Bri11kltJ (C) (30)
fil) f wln Ckde Headline (C) (30) ~ 00 Tht Munstln (30) m Notidtro 34 (C) (60)
l, col.OR
1ntroduc1na ·
Thi HaalhkR
11Boon11-Blka" •••
The 111-saason
Trall Ind
snow Bike
Pewer from tl.e e119:11e is
truaferrecl hy choi11 to
this 11 • I . 50 twbelen
flHtetlo11·type tire. The
reswlt ls hi9h stehility 0114'
remorhhle troctio11 ""'•r
olmHt 011y swrfoce COii•
the Heathkit
"The Beach
Combers delight"
"A Mus t f or
fi•d col1t1, watclles.
lowolry, itrKlottt
-' ... .
H ... h• oM 1t.t
o '4ter r111h 111 'Ht
·-~ ....
FREE Send for Our Huge Catalog ,,.,"" ,. , .. ,_ ............
~:-:1f• ,._' 11.
Te reoch HHth~lt Electre11ic Ce11ter toh Horbor 11 .. .i. te loll AH.
oost 011 hll o few shert ltlecks to no Eoat loll er toh Suto
A110 frH woy to Herber II•'·· H~lter 11•4'. te loll, o few 111;,t
ltlech 0114' yew're here
776·9420 JJO IAST IAU. ANAHllM
SI., I Cl
,... 11
Debbie Reynotds st•" tn a untque TV s.,.ctat,
"Debbi• Reynolds and TM sound of Chttdr••·"
Thursday at 7:30 PM on NBC. The shOW ls an
origtnat n)us\cal and visual adaptation of th• c1as·
sic rhyme which begins. "Monday's child ts ta••
of tace/Tuesday'• child ts full of grace ... " and
continues to identity childhaod qualities with all
seveo d•Y• ot the we••· Debbi• sings several songs
written 05peei•llY tor the show and is jO\ned bY
approx\matelY 750 child•••· ranging trom toddle<S
to teen•••"· tn a se,;es of vignett•• suggest<d
by the rhyme. Action talc.es place at various Southern California
1oeat1ons. ranAi•K from Belmont ""'usement park
in San Q\ego to OisneY Studio's Golden Oak Ranch
north of LOS .-.ngeles. "Debbie Reynolds and The Sound of Children
.,..sented bY campbell'•" was created by Portia
Nelson and written by oorothY ~\ngsleY· with words
and music by Miss Ne\son. Alan Handley and Bob Wynn are e~ecufr.ie pro·
duce.s. Hal Martin is producer, Marc ereauf, i;
director and Jerry f ielding is musical arranger.
Now •
The Big
Bra~e Huntington
Brakes relined
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(We use Bendix -the best linings you can buy.)
Now brake linings and lining inst a Nation cost you half .at any Big Brake Safety Center. And we guaran-
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Nobody knows brake relining better than our mechanics. That's our specialty. We use Bendix -the
best brake linings you can buy -bett~r than factory standards for new cars. And we install them in
90 minutes -while you wait. Brake adjustments are free for the life of your car, too.
Use your BankAmericard, Master Charge, most o il company credit cards, or our own financing. Re-
line your braku now -and save half.
Huntington Beach ·
16091 Beach Blvd.
f SHt" of Sa• Dleto Fr .. woy)
HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. Ti ll 9:00 P.M.
SAT~ Till 6:00 P.M.
SU~ Till 5:00 P.M.
The Big Br•ke ... when vour life is •t stake.
MONDAY (Continued)
mN ... (C) (30)
7:00 I lie Mlm (C) Part II (30) • WMt'1 MJ Line! (C) (30)
I LMI Lucy (30)
lut tile Clocl (C) (30)
C:..medl~J/5'1ct Report (30)
Ci) MondlJ SIMtw (C) (90)
• ·• 1mblt," starrlna Shirley M1c-
L1lnt ind Michael C1ine. m .,., <3o>
QI Ci) Trutll or Consequences (C)
i ) .
C..-1 Wortd (C) (30)
Tut Clrt (C) (30)
7:JO. QI Ci) hns•oh (C) (60)
Marshlll Dillon. crossinr the desert
with 1 pritoner (James But) con-
dtmntd to h1n1 in Dodi• City, ii
pursued by 1 band of Comanches. D m .., Wertd and Wtlc.ollt to
It (C) (30) "Seal In the Bedroom."
Henry Moraan debuts in recurrinr
role of Pttilip Jensen, writer-fritnd
to whom John Monroe turns when
he's havlnr trouble.
D Sbl•p tlle 5tMs (C) (30) Mike
Stokey welcomes ruuts Georrt
Lindsey, Arlene Golonka and Jadl
Dodson. fJ (jJJ (]) Q} TIM Miiiie Set ..
~ (45) 0 MUii• $ Mtvit: (C) "Car .. a Jottea" (musical·drama) '54-Harry
Bel11fonte, Dorothy Dandridae.
I Trutll or Con11quences (C) (30)
Judd for tilt DtftnM (C) (60)
Ttdlnlcal Comer (30)
hstlfll W"ndo111 (30)
Cltudle ti a. (30)
1:00 D 8' lluP,.111 (C) (60) Buddy
Hackett, lls doctor, salesman and a
mayor of Ireland. auests.
II J1ck Benny (30) Rita Moreno
I Quttn tor a DIJ (C) (30)
Clencannon (30)
Wortd Prt11 (C) (60)
Hit Ptraclt (C) (90)
1:15 D (11) (j) al l1lt ..._ ,..,.. (C)
(TI) "Mtrriaee -Bomano Style."
Church·reared Cara, about to &ivt
birth to Bom1no's first baby, is
dHply disturbed that she and Toby
hive no way of rettinr married.
Kite Heflin mikes her television
debut ts Cart.
1:30 fJ Qt Ci) Htrt'1 LUCJ (C} (30)
Lucy becomes concerned when her
apartment is robbed ind proceeds
to instill her own burelar 1larm.
I lrulna in Action (C) (30)
DIVid Frost SIMlw (C) (90)
-De lit v..., (C) (60)
Sl&tbnlllt Dtatrt (60)
t:t08QtCl)M1JberrJ l.F.D. (C}
(30) Sam plays host to a Russian
ftrm expert. who unexepectedly
tum1 out to be 1 woman. Ch1rlene
Polite ·auests as Tanya.
D 0@' Nr Mo_!Cl_ll Nlpt IMI: <er ran 1t 1iid-.ltMiij"
(musical) ·~vis Presley, Donna
Dovllas. Nancy Kovack, Anthony
Eisley. Based on the famous folk
b1llad, the story concerns 1 younr
bouplt wtlON world Is 1 Mississippi
e..mbllnr·showboal u .... Ceet tM Stars (C) (60)
Bi111 Cmby Is roasted. by Pat But·
,... 14
The woman in Room 314
left something behind .•.
On the third ftoor of a Los Angeles hotel s tr eets, get "adopted" by teen-age hippie
the maid discovers that the woman in "parents."
314 left something behind. A 6 m onth-Others try to sell Jove on the str eets,
old baby. like the little 11 year-old girl picked up
A 9 year-old boy, left to wander for las( month for prostitution.
days along Wilshire Boulevard, begins a Bill Bonds an d the Eyewitness News
life of perversion when h e's coaxed team bring you a special rep ort on
into a car by a man "who looks Jikq)THE ABANDONED CHILD. Brought
Daddy." to you from t he streets too many
Some of Los Angeles' aba ndoned of our kids are forced to call home.
chif<lren try to find love on the Beginning Monday on Cha nnel 7.
~ we ffltlf1IJI today, you'll argue-tomorrow.
4:30 & 11:00 o.m. KABC-TV
!t S,
tram. CurtJss 1nd Tracy, Morey
Amsterdam, Dorothy Kirsten, Pat
and Cash, Dorothy Lamour, Phil
Harris and Rich Littt..
O @@(£)L1u, hurlcan
Style (C) (60)
fD NET Jewn1t (C) (60) ''The Con·
servatlve Mr. Buckley."
the arts.
@I> Lu Eslrtllu J Uded t30)
9:30 e Q!l Cl) flit c.ro1 ••nrtt ..
(C) (60) Bina Cmby, Ella fjtz.
gerald, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin
auest In a musk-and -comedy sa-
lute lo Paramount Pictures..
0 Newl (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
m ... s.w. • Said <C> (3o> m ........ RoM11c1.., <60>
@m Revitta Maical (30)
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change proeramming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 0 (C) "A sa. b lonl'' P1rt 11
(dr1m1) '55-Judy Garland, Jlma
9:30 0 "Ont NIPt In Lisllon" (ro.
mance) '41 -Madeleine Curoll, 0 REDDIN RATES Fred Mac:Murray.
SDS As RED! 10:00 0 "hJc)le '59" (drama) '64--* Curt Jurgens. Patricia Nul. D m """ (C) (60) GI "Johll., Roca" (drama) ·~
0 Fut.rt (C) (60) Stephen McNally, Coleen Gray. 12:00 e .... it" (drama) '54-John Alar, 0 l)ejlal (C) (60) Tentatively Cleo Moore,
scheduled guests indude Shari Lew· 2:30 0 "Sittinc rmtr'' (comedy) 'U
is. Gary lewis & The Playboys. -:Robert Young, Maureen O'Hara,
Chfton Webb, m '"" Maotl (60) 4:30 B (C) .... ad .. l•li" (comedy) fD f"lfinc Unt (60) Wiiiiam Buck· '52-;-Bob Hope, Blnc Crosby, Dor·
ley. "Is There 1 Way Out ol the othy llmour.
Welfare Messr'
g) Caretf de Mujeres (30)
10:30 B UIT News Eltra (C)
@m DEBUT Cristina liuz .. n (30)
Story of a woman living a double
11:00 B 0 0 m News (C)
1J Alfred H~k
0 Tilt Mewit " .. (C) Sonny Fox
hosts. Guests are Phyllis Diiier.
Hugh O'Brian, Dyan Cannon and
David Ja0$Sen.
m Outer Li•its
@CIJ@(i)la(l)Ntw1 (C)
mmm""' cc>
11:30 B ~Ci) Mm CriffiR (C) Pro-
gram ong1nates from the lntema·
tional Hotel in las Vegas, Nevada.
0 @ @ m Jollnny Canon (C)
Steve Lawrence i,S substitute host.
Artist Pete r Max is a scheduled
1J Movie: ''Road to Morocco" (mu·
sical comedy) '42-Bob Hope, Bing
Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. o <UJ rn m..., 11si.op <C>
Eva Gabor and Richard Attenborough
are among the scheduled guesti.
0 Movie: (C) "Perils of PHllH"
(comedy·blographY) '47 -Betty
Hutton, John Lund, Billy De Wolfe.
&) Movie: "Confin11 or Deny" (dra·
ma) '41-0on Ameche. Joan Ben·
12:00 ID Mnll: "Paradlsa Alltf' (com·
edy) '61-Huao Haas.
1:00 B Mwtt: (C) '°"'°nd Mo•llnl"
ac!Venture) '57-COrnel Wilde.
1J Colt•uity l11llttl11 laard (C) m Adleft lllutrt: • .,.. Dec"
(drama) '55-Tlm Turntr.
6:00 B !!J Ntwl (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 W Hunth,·lrlnklty (C) (30)
0 STEVE ALLEN GETS * PIE IN HIS EYE! IJ stew Allt11 si.w (C) (90)
Guests are Frankie Randall, Allan
Sherman, Rip Taylor and Arthur
·Bornstein. f1 Sil O'Cloct Movie: (C) "Tlle
Bifdl.. Part I (suspense) '63-
Rod Taylor, Tippl Hedren, Jessica
Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, Char1u
McGraw. Terrifyinr events beain
when a weallhy playalrt. vlsilin1 1
youna lawyer in a imall California
coast town, is attacked by a sea-
I Diel ¥111 Dytie (30)
hyton Place (30)
St.If Trek (C) (60) m .,,.. DeticJa <C> <90>
fiars Nn? (30) "Shelducks."
I (J) CIS ..... (C) (30)
@!) fit•po dt Ptrdetl (30)
G) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
6:30 8 MIC N1WM1Ylct (C} (60)
• Tiit liaM '8.. (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts.
I fo Ttll t1M Trutll (C) (~
Dffiee of ... Pmidttrt (30) 00 Ht1ntl1J·lrin"9y (C) (30) fD DEIUT Crisis of Modtr11 M111
(30) ''The Crisis ot Belief." A four·
part series presenlina the views of
the tm Episcopal Bishop, James
Pike. Educator Dr. Frederick Mayer
I (J) Tiit MIUlltera (30) Nttidn 34 (C) (60)
..... (C) (30)
1:00 I cas Evtttlns ,..,.. <C> (30) · wura My u.1 CC> (30)
I L8" LllCJ (30)
I IHt lie Cled (C) (30) '1he Heartmakers." film of tht
Co•!Mdity/a.d lt,..t (30) lirst artificial human heart Im·
@ Brandtd (C) (30) plantation.
Allora! (30) m Hoy! (30)
i >=.11 : ~:::> (C) ':GOVERNOR a. J . J.
nat &irt <C> (30) * HIT Of THE SEASON
7:30 3 (j) Lalltlf <C> (60) Johnny 8 9 00 1lle 5Mr11er and J.1
Lancer meets and falls in love with (C) (30) Nebraska Gov. Nortltrt
I lovely younc missionary. Brooke riemann 1u•st.s n him•lf while
Bun~ auests. Gov. Drinkwater is btinc pressured D fD Ci) m I Dru• or Jeannie by daughter J, J. to pardon a eon-
(C) (30) "See You In C·U·B·A!" victed murderer who loYts butttr·
Tony's NASA flieht asslanment is fliu. Henry Jones. Ned Wtrtimer
accident.ally llOCl'rdized. ind Richard X. Slattery alto sueat.
e MAYBERRY SENDS I .... (C) (30) Buter Ward. * TEAM OF STUMPERS! :::: :::nds:(~~ <30>
_, ._, lllt St.ws (C) (30) George Qcllt A..a..t (C) (30)
Ltnduy, Arlene Golonka and Jack lO:OO B I SflclXL I lNXT ..,.,._ (C)
Dod.,n ~esti Mike Stokey hosts. (lO) "Cry I .. An · de ... loo" O @ (JJ <:£) Med SqMCI (C) (60) arm. . in· Pm . a
''Osa." Carolyn Jones cuests as a at property pro~ection and vanoua
woman •ith a &plil personality. forms of security iystems. Clelt 1J MilliM $ MeN: (C) "All Afrl Roberts rePOrts.
liirl" (comedy) •59 -Shirley Mac-0 NEWS WITH REDDIN-
Laine, David Niven. * COMPLETE, FACTUAL!
Jtidd '9f tlllt DtflllM (C) (60) 0 (jJ) CJ) (i) Marca Welby, M.D. I Tn1U. or C..~lltMIS (C) (30) 1J m NfWI (C) (60)
Tedlnlcal C-ner (30) (C) (60) "The White Cane." When
Tiit City W1:Cllen (C) (60) an operation res1ores Paul Han·
QlldM el htll (30) nan's siaht. his love cools for his
1.-00 0 Q1@ m Dellbit Reynolds (C) blind fiancee. laura Jelliffe. Gu11ts
(30) ''To and From Russia With are Carrie Snod1ress and Cllff
love." Part I of two parts. A de· Potter.
fectina foreicn track star is hidden 1J Della! (C) (60) Tentatively
by Debbie Ind Jim. Hila Talbot, sched ulfd auests include l(eith Bar·
Fabian Dean and Jonathan Hole bour. and Bob Kina.
guest. I Peny Muon (60) O lKl lttl9J (30) Frankie Avalon : Ht....od (C) (60)
auest.s. (i) fHtwt (30)
I Quttn fw I Dty (C) (30) e> Ctfcel dt Mt11tfts (30)
trs 1 Crut lire (30) l0:30fJf8Ci)Wllt, Wht, Wlllu. ~ a ~ (60) Wltert, Wily? (C) (30) "A Conwrsa· 1:3011 9 00 Reel SUltDn (C) (60) lion W.th Dean Acheson, Part II."
Audrey Meadows. Three Doa. Nlahl. g) Cristina C111•11 (30) Ind Edaar Beraen & Charlie Mc-
D ~ (i) m Julia (C) (30) "You Alfred "·
Can't Beat Drums." Juha's Milh· • Tiit MO!" CA• (C)
Cart'!l_ auest. 11;0010 0 =T (C)
bors appoint her to do something Outer l1•its
about the noise made by a drum· 1'1) @ (i) a (I) ..... (C)
mer in In adjacent apartment. t1') R111an Presa CtifthffM.e 0 Win Wi111 tt.e Stars (C) (30) @!) m al News (C)
Helen O'Connell and Billy Eckstlne 11 :JO B ~ (i) Mm lirlffl11 (C) Pro•
guest. aram orlcfnates from Ille tnterna·
0 @ (1) im.,~ Movie of ttle tional Hotel In las Vegas. ree11: (C) ,,.. . ,.._... (drama) D @ (6) m Jokoay ca'* (C)
69-Sammy Davis Jr.. Pit Boone. Alan King is substitute host
Dorothy ~alone, ~Icardo Montalban. 1J Movie: 100 ule '9f T...-
A detective befoends two women (mystery) '49-lizabeth Scott Dan
ind becomes Involved in a search Duryea
for a missing diary. O @ (})G!)JHJ llalltp (C)
I Dnld Frest (C) (90) Scheduled auest.s Include The New
Tiit lie Ylltef (C) (60) Christy Minstrels. st"1er Kim Wt• s.it',.. 1'Ntr• (60) ton: and Kriskln, a mentalist, and f~~ (C) (30) "Neutrons champion eolfer Jack Nieklaui.
at Work. fJ Mewit: (C) "[M.-y .....,. (Id·
9:00011) (i) m F1rst Tuaday (C) venture) '57 -Robert Mltdlum.
(2 hr) NBC News Includes a 10· Ii) Movie: "Dttp W1tad• (drama)
minute election summ1ry with the '(8--Dana Andrews, Jean Priers.
featured films, which provide a look
at American rule on Oklnaw1 from IZ:OO m Mevit: "IMaftd llllat" (com·
the Islanders' points of view: edy) '52--0lynis Johns, David Nlvtn.
~lmed reports on the eontemplati~e 1:00 B Movie: "T1lt Wltidow" (mp·
hie at the Poor Clare Monastery 1n tery) •49 _ Bartma Hale Arthur
Omaha, Neb.; and on Geor1e C. Ke"nedy '
Walla<:e and hia Alabama. D D N... (C)
a DOODLETOWN PIPERS I Co••unity. ltlllttle ..... (C) * "HARVEST HAYRIDE!" News <Cl Musical Fun From the Actlon Tlltatr1: ''Parole, Inc."
Penn. Dutch Country! 1:15 0 News (C)
II .... 5 (C) (60) The m All·lliOt Atw: ''Black Orapn
Ooodlttown Pipm star. cif Manzanar," "Tht Spider and Ult
fJi) NET Scltfta 5"dal (C) (60) Fly," "Rinr of Terror."
'-I• 15
A· T • T ·E·N-T ·1-0-N
Always a-large Hlectlon
of new end uHcf cars.
710 E. First St., SA
·~ S.. and Drive them
During our Model CIHrence
Sele -on NOWI
13750 Beach Blv~, Wmstr.
1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303
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the Eco•y
line for the
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 U "Tllorou1hbred1 Don't Cry"
(drama) '38-Judy Garland, Mickey
9~30 D "Out of Th\I World" (comedy)
'45-Eddie Bracken. Veronica Lake. m "TIM Bachelor 1nd ~ lobby
So1er'' (comedy) '47-Cary Grant.
Grant. Myrna Loy, Shirley Temple.
10:00 0 ''TM story of Louis P11teur"
(dra ma) '36-PauJ Muni. Josephine
12:001J "Hii Girl frid1J'' (comedy) '40 -cary Grant. Rosalind Russell.
2:30 fJ "My Cousin Rachel" (drama.
mystery) '53-0llvia de Havilland,
Richard Burton, Audrey Dallon.
4:30 fJ (C) "I Dul in D1nrer" (sus
pense) '6&-Ro:iert Goulet, Chris·
tine Carere.
6:00 fJ Iii News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-lrinkJty (C) (30)
e STEVE IS OUT· * FOXED BY REDD FOXX! 1J Steve Allen Show (C) (90)
Guests are Norm Crosby, The Hardy
Boys, Redd Fou. Gwen Davis and
Wilbur Hall. U Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Th•
llrds'' Part II (suspense) '63-Rod
Taylor, Jes.sie1 Tandy, Suzanne Pie·
shette. Tippi Hedren.
Dick Yan Dyke (30)
Peyton Piece (30)
SW Trek (C) (60)
(I) Mike Douitas (C) (90)
: Wlllt's New? (30) ()) cas Nt'WI cc> (30)
· Tietllpo de P•don (30)
• News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
6:30 8 KNIC Ntw1trviu (C) (60)
• The GH1t G111t (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts.
I To Tell tllt Trutll (C) (30)
Office or the f'resident (30)
@ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
Guten T11 (30)
Ci) The Munsters (30)
g) Notlciero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30)
7:00 CBS [~Inc ..... (C) (30)
Wltlt's My lint! (C) (30)
I love Lucy (30)
lttt tbt Clock (C) (30)
Com111odlt.y/Stodl Report (30)
Ci) America! (C) (30)
: AliOta! (30)
()) Trvtll or Contequtnetl (C)
@?:) W1ndtrtust (C) (30)
(!) Thlt Girl (C) (30)
7:30 fJ 9 Ci) Glen CH1pbttl (C) (60)
Barbara Feldon and Georae Lindsey
1uest. a @ oo m Tiit v•atni.11 cc>
(90) "The Substitute." • While on
vacation from Shiloh, Trampas is
accused of klllina a smell town
doctor and faces 1 lynchin1 party.
Otnnls Cooney and Beve<lee McKin·
sey guest.
II "GOOBER" Takes Stump * on STUMP THE STARS! 1J Stll•p Ult Sh rs (C) (30) George
Lindsey, Arlene Galonka and Jack
Dodson guest 0 (iJ) (])(£)The Flyinr Nun (C)
(30) "A Convent Full of Miracles."
The nuns attribute miraculous pow.
ers to Sister Bertrille when a handy-
man, who is really a millionaire
gives them 1nonymous gifts. Nehe·
mloh Persoff r uests. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Stolen
Hours" (drama) '63-Suun Hay-
ward, Michael Craie.
I Truth or Conuquenca (C) (30)
Judd for tilt Defense (C) (60)
Ttcllnical Coflltf (30)
Jtyce CIMn C.Ob (30)
Clludlo ti Roto (30)
1:00 IJ J1cll Benny (30) Connie Fran-
cis guests. u @ (]) e Th• Courblllp of
Eddie's Father (C) (30) "Bully for
You." Mrs. Livingston brings out
the girl in tomboy Joey Kelly, sav·
Ing Eddie from more black eyes.
Jody Foster guests. m QllHft for a Dey (C) (30) ffJ W'1lli"lll Tell (30)
EJ'1) The forsyte S111 (60) (R)
ti) lmp1ctos Music~les (30)
1:30 fJ tBJ ()) Tiit ltvwly HUlbillits
(C) (30) Con man Shifty Shafer
(Phil Silvers) Miis the Cl1mpetts
Central Park and then tries to un-
load on them other N8" York land-
~ R11111 Hlplipts (C) (30) Taped
h1(hli1tits or Sunday's 11me be·
tween the Rams and the Atlanta
U @CDm Room m cc> (30)
"Our Teacher Is Obsolete." When
Liz Mcintyre substitutes for a teach·
er of a Preparation for M1rria1t
cl1ss. students petition to have her
replace older Miss Tandy. Helen
Kleeb ruests. m David rmt CC> <90> m T1-Iii V1lley (C) (60)
EE S.l'bnnll T1ltah <60> m Sonrlus (30)
"SINATRA" fJ ta Cl) ... ll .. ! ... ic .. 11..,, ... , Sln1tra (C)
(60) A concert of ilits spannlne the
almost three decades of frenk Sina·
tr1's -phenomenal career.
* Eddy Arnold, Sid
Caesar, The Lettermen
a @ oo m 1ntt M..ac .... cc>
Eddy Arnold Is host to Judy Carne,
The Lettermen. Brownln1 Bryant.
Sid Caesar and New York Mets
pitcher Tom Seaver. I II Wrest1il1 (C) (60) Rocl\Y John·
ton and Paul Diamond ere featured.
(Cbrrti nued)
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14-01-011 91102 69·GW·7 , ·------------------------------
, ••• 17
WEDNESDAY (Continued)
0 lW (VO) AIC Wtd1111da,
'lhM: (C) "A Man Hiiia w....-
(drama) '66-Anouk Aimee. Jean·
Louis Trintianant. Pierre Barouh,
Valerie Laaranae. A man and wom·
an, both widowed, meet at thtlr
children's boardlna school.
Ul) News 111 ~ (C} (60)
II) s,twta ' Enriqt91 (60)
t:lO I._ (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
... S.ld. Slit Said (C) (30)
. lta9'idl RHnd., (60)
10:00 8 Qt Cl) Hnall f1"-0 (C} (60)
A sketch drawn by a U.S. Intel·
ll19nce apnt exposes McCarret to
a 1rim possibility of aerm warfarw
and potential loss of Hawaii's suaar I
industty. Theodore Sikel auests. a 9 Cil m Tllen ea .. lro,..
(C) (60) "Old Tiaers Never Oie-1
They Just Run Away." A tension·
ridden smalltown motortyclist mis-
takenly believes his wife Is at·
tracted to Bronson. Guests are Gabe
Dell. Dian. Ladd and Wiil Geer.
8 m Ntw1 (C) (60)
Della! (C) (60) Tentatively
aclleduled 1uests indude Merit
Hauarct and The Str1n191l.
I :::.:-:...., (60)
s,ec.atatioft (60) ''Cimpus Un·
rest-What Next?" Guests are San I
Francbco State President S. I. Haya·
ma and columnist-author Art Sei·
., c..al ......... (30)
lctJO ti) Criltiu Clllalfl (30)
11:00 In om...., <C> MrM Hltdlcect
· Tlle M .. Ca• (C) Sonny fOlt. mo.w u.m
@Cl)~ @9 (I)""' (t)
fE flCT )Mrftal (C) (60) "The Con·
smatiw Mr. BuckJe1." (R)
II> ma> ""' (C)
ll:JOIJ~ Mn Crtm. (C) Pro-
cnm Ort(lnates from International
Hotel in Las Yeaas. Nevada.
D ~ Li.; m _..."' CanN (t) Pro111m beains oriaination in Bur·
batik. Calif., and continues to orif·
lnate from the West Coast throufh
Now. 25.
D Mewie: "flall MCI n.. s,.-c..mm> '56-John Apr.
8 @CllEl)JUJ llsh' (C)
Scheduled ruests include Milton
Ber1e. B•!bara McNalr and Krt:skln.
D .... : <Cl "1llt c.t JaW'
(comteb) '56-01nny Kaye, Glynis
IB ~ "An,111t•ut wta ~,. {mystery) '4&-Williim Hirt·
nell. Robert 811tty.
1t:t0 m ,.....: .,,.. EltdalnW c.uat'I'"
(Tram1) '4~obert Youns.
l:IOBMM: "tat I Dark~ c~n•> '57-Dlrk Boa1ra
DB.._. (C)
• C..•.mtJ l.uetlfl ...... (C) mAdlM 'Allah:..,_.~
(wtthm) '57~od Cameron.
1:10mA1M11aM a-: "D•nt &y." ~Day on M1~" ''tamrval."
For morning and afternoon
listinp, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the rilht to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 D "111e Ca.ct" (romance) '45-
JUdy Garland, Robert Walw.
9:30 n .. "'... ......,. (comedy) ·~arold Lloyd, Phyllls Welch. m ""' c ........ (drama) '43-
Greta Gynt, John McCallum.
10:00 0 "111e ,....... 11llef"' (com·
edy) '62-Anna Marnani, Ben Gaz·
l%.1IO D ""' Flclrtilll ............ (Id·
venture) '45-Willerd P1r\er. Anita
2:)0 0 "IJllC'• Row" (drama) '42-
Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummin~
4:008....,... Up laW" (comedy)
'l&-e.ry Grant. ~rine Hepburn.
' fvf •.,·.r. l:tOl Iii ..._ (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. . m~ (C} <60>
SliM Mell a.. (C) l9<l) Pit
nry, Bill Weedto. David Ankle,
Bill Daily ~nd Mary Porns rUtSL D Sil o-a.c. llhwit: (C) -n. fr• T,.....len" (scl·fi) '64-Phihp
Carey, Preston Foster, Merry Andell.
Scientist ttewlop experimental equip·
ment to help them obsaM tllt
past and future, and they ere ac·
eidentally transported 107 y11rs
Into the future, where they are at-
t.cktd by the mutated survivors of
an atomic war.
I Dick Yu DJ'-(30)
,..,... Place (30)
Star T ,_. (C) (60)
(I) Ma ...,_ (C) (9()) -.rs ....r (30) "And How
I (j) CIS ..... (C) (30) n..,.• ..... (30)
..... (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
5:l0 I DIC lkwwwwiw (C) (60) • Tiit '-• Ca• (C) (30)
Tt Tel tlle Trdll (C) (30)
Offtct tf ............. (30)
~ N....,_lrie'llf (C) (30)
i: )Cl) ~aa:~ :) 19'!1 (C)
llttidar'I lt (C) ( 60)
..... (t) (30)
7:00 IJ CIS &nil!& Ntws (C) (30)
Walter Cronkitt. wurs My LIM? (C) (30)
I l.,. lJKy (30)
lat t91e Clocl (C) (30) C..!Mditr / 5'1cl lteperl (30) 00 'Ale a.riu11 Wat (t) (30)
. A19an! (30)
(j) Trdll er C.--.lltllCal (C)
(30) m T,_ Mwatae (C) (30) a> n.t liir1 (C} (30)
7:)0 II a Faaiy Mair (C) (30)
Buffy breaks her It& and misses a skrinala! or. The Stoned An1els."
ni&ht at the circus. but the Davis The discovery of North America
family and French brina the circus by Leif Erlaon as envisioned by
to her. Paul foster. Tht proaram makes D @ 00 m I IHc!A I Debbtt use of a new television technique
liy .. ldS alMI ttte SettllCI tf twldrt11 called "videospace." Tom O'Hor·
(C) (60) A musical and visual aan (of "Heir'') directs and the
adJptatlon ot the familiar rhyme performers 1ire from Ellen Stewart's
which starts "Monday's child is fair La Mama Troup&.
of face/Tunday's child is full of @!) Muic:a y Estrebl (C) (30)
,,.~ .. ·." and continues to iden-!1:00tJ19 Cl) CIS Tl11may MO'lie:
tify childhood qualities connected (C} "f .. r fer Tua.. (comedy) '63
with the seven days of the week. -frank Sinatra. Dean Martin, Anita
Debbie is joined by children rana· W>era. Ursola Andress. An amusing 1.!!l from toddlers to teenaaers. tale of rivalry between a pair of U ..., tt.e stara (C) (30) rowdy r amblers in the Old West
Georae Lindsey, Ar1tne Golonka and who ere oontsantty at odds with
Jack Dodson auest. each other om money aod women.
O (il)(l)&}Tlle Choat and Mrs. 1 {17}(J)Q)To• JeMS (C) (60) M.lr (C} (30) "Medium Well Done." • ~ (30)
Stiir1ey Booth auests a.s a medium 9:30 • News (C) (30) Baiter Ward.
who claims she can rid Gu!I Cottage I Ht S.ld, SIM Said (C} (30)
of Capt. Grtu's ghost Rawllldt Rotllldu' (60) 0 Millien $ Movie: (C) "A Tlckllstt , Mutkal Dsprt (30)
Aff.lr" (roman~) '63 -Shir1ey 10:00 • ~Ci) a;, Dealt Martin (C)
Jones. Gia Younc. (60) Guests are Bina Crosby, Eva
I Tnitlll er CoaleqllttKd (C) (30) Gabor, Jack Gilford and Dom De·
Jwtd fw t9le DeflftN (C} (60) Luise.
Tedl1tleal c.mer (30) B m News (C) (60)
Tlltm kit (C) (30) "A (jJ) (]) &) tt Tall• a T1lief (C)
Whisper In God's Ear." Samuel Bim· (60) "The Three Viralns of Rome."
kr1nt's pl~y is performed by the Alexander Mundy, assirned to pro· Star• Society Theatre. tect three priceless painllnas beinc
I ai.c.. ti ltlD (30) shipped from Rome as a donation
l."00 41 (I) JI• Nabors Mew (C} to the UN In New Yor11, discovers
( ) Opera star Mary Costa and that his father Allst1lr and alao one
comedy star Tim Conway auest. of the donors. Oliver Kent, plan to 0 Jan ~llJ (30) Don Wilson steal them. Edmund Purdom. Karin
and Oenn&S Day auest. Dor and 'rector Buono auest. The ~ ~ Cil a> ~et Clr1 (C} (30) teleplay was filmed in Rome.
'Wnte Is Wrona. A~n. app~es of fJ Della! (C} (6!>) Tentative·y
Don • Holllnr~r's telev1S10n sen pt, a scheduled auests include Eileen ~mnc vehicle for her about ~r Fontana and Dr. Julius Sumner Mii· be1n1 snowed in 1t Kennedy Air-ler
port. until It Is rewritten by the · Ptrry Mltoft (60)
show's writer. Wiiiiam Schallert : Tiit Adwoatea (C) (60) (A) g:sts as Harry Cook. TV producer. , Caral • lttlljeres (30) • = •:.:..Day (C) (30) 10:30 • Criatina 1111 .. n (30) m WasalQJtett Wttk In Review (C) U:()O 0 D OJ ..... (C)
(30) Alfred Hltchcodl
ft\ Ftlidano' (C) (30) • Nn , ... •f Utt Wed (C)
qo, ' Ottttr U•ita l:JO B 9 @ m I SPfC!lL I lob Hope (I) Iii @tlt Cl) News (C) sliilw (C) (9<l) Bob Hope, Janis . a;, G) News (C)
P1l11. Michele Lee and John David· 11•30 -~ r.1 Merv Crifflll (C) Pro· son star In a new version of the • ar 161 .,._,, Jerome t<ern·Otto Harbach musical a!am ona1na~es from the lnterna·
comedy "Roberta " Ann Shoemak-llonal Hotel 1n Las Veaas. Nev.
er, Ire~ Hervey: Clifford David, 2a~m ~l~a:8i~ e= ~t
L1ura Miller and Eve McVeaah co-Q MO'llt· "Joe M.a.tll" (mys·
star. Los Angeles Rems quarter· •erv) •56• Paul ""'"rllS. Ruth b1d1 John Kent (Davidson) enaaaed • ., -"""
to a wealthy American airl (Miss ~m@CD&> Jety ....., (C)
Miller), m~ts an exiled Russi~n Scheduled runts Include sinrer·•C· princus (Miss Lee) when he tn· . . lltrits 1 Parisian fashion salon. tor Se.r1110 Franchi and actress Shel·
H. hi' ht' ... • ley Winters.. 11 11 in.a 1ne proaram 1s. • t.Om· 0 MoM: (C) "All Altair T• ite-~=hfa~~~ur~ow H~~e~"'::s 8i~ ~-:-r i.dram1) '57-CaB Grant,
wenehy. e ra rr. 0 lolinc (C) (90) II)~: ~ El~~ (dra· D (i1J m lewttdled (C} (30) ml) 56-Eric Portman, Cecil Park·
"A Bunny for Tabitha," Sarnantha er. .
and Darrin celebrate Tabitha's birth· l2:()0m Mnir.. '1tintS" " Mir ftnJlr"
day with 1 few unwelcome and comedy) 42-Henry Fonda, Gene
uninvited auestr-a real donkey Tiemey. end 1n ersatz Playboy bunny. The 1:00 II MO'lit; (C) "Ridt ....._., ..
uninvited 1uests are brouaht by (western) '59 -Randolph Scott.
Uncle Arthur (Paul Lynde) when Karen Steele.
his ~rlock powers ao awry, lust ID ""' (C) before the arrival of two more un-t4l•111unftr laltllltie-... rd (C)
Invited ruests-Oarrln's boss and a Mowlt: "llttt fe J.,..lae "'*"" clltnl ( rama) '59 -Marcie Henderson • m Dmd frost (C) (90) Dorothy Provlnt. Scott Marlowe. m Tiit Iii Vellty (C) (60) 1:30 m All·Nlatlt SMw: "The Cart of
fJ) S.fMna* TIIHtrt (60) Goid," ''l'ht Invasion of ttlt V1mp· fD NCT P'taytltUM <C) (90) "!Htlm lrn." 1nd "Pott'1 Pub.''
. ..
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Television , it appears, has
a patron saint.
Patrick Trese, producer of
a filmed report for NBC News'
"First Tuesday" on-the con·
templative life at the Poor
Clare Monastery in Omaha,
Neb., learned from . the sis·
ters that the founder of their
order is the patron saint of
Pope Pius XII named Clare
of Assisi Universal Patroness
of Television. The official de·
cree was issued by the Sac·
red Congregation of Rites.
The choice of St. Clare was
based on stories in her life
which relate that on several
occasions she saw events tak·
ing place at a distance. On
one of these occasions, while
Patios -Wa lks -Driveways
License · Reac:onablr Rates
-· Free Estimates -· J . RAY CO~STRUCTION
642-4210., (1 )492°2716 ....
Mirrored Wardrobe Doors
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475 N. Newport Blvd.
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Furnace Repair A: Cleaning
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Call '42·1407 anytlmo
for old ltema in your garage,
will store, and/or move. Let a
small buslnessman pay atten-
tion to your needs.
Call John SJ6-6126
sick in bed near the end of
her life, she heard organ mu·
sic and saw the celebration
of Mass two miles·away.
The basic way of life of the
Poor Clares remains much
the same as it was when the
order was founded in 1212.
* * * Elizabeth Montgomery,
who stars as the lovely witch
Samantha on the ABC Tele·
vision Network's 'Bewitched'
series, has been honored as
the First National Chairlady
of the Mothers for UNICEF
Due to cltatlons, 50'J,
age, SR-22 ... Contact
Ron Greenwood Insurance
417 w. , ... St .. c .........
Revolutionary 5-week
Chilcoat Tvulnir Course
every Wed. eve at 7 P.M.
445 E. l7th St, SuJte H
Costa Mesa 548-0440
F .. ~v Wlltl RCA Service Corp.-
JIHY CUITll . .,.. " . _..._. ....... ~/ ·~'I earn my .money ...
· and your confidence"
,.._ 64Z·1 4U
Paul Edwards, director
of public information for
UNICEF, prehnted a plaque
honoring Miss Montgomery's
"interest and concern for the
needy children of the world."
Besides personal interest
in UNICEF's yearly HallQ:
ween campaign to collect
money for needy children,
Miss Montgomery and her
husband, William Asher, pro·
ducer of the series, this year
scheduled a special Hallo·
ween episode of their series
which promotes the UNICEF
door-to-door campaign. .....1.
The W Ottderftd
World of Disneu
·'Charlie. the Lonesome Cougar," a two-
part nature adventure story airs on The
Wonderful World of Disney. Sunday at 7;30
First released a the theatrical companion
to ··The Jungle Book.'' the film enjoyed as
much critical success as the animated fea-
ture ii accompanied. Produced by Winston
Hibler. who was integral in the start of the
Disney series. "Charlie" tells the story of an
orphaned cougar kitten that is found and
raised by a logger.
The idea for "Charlie" came from Mr.
Hibler. He felt that the cougar, which has.
in motion pictures, been traditionally treated
unkindly. bad a good side like aJI animals.
He set out to show that an otherwise vicious
predator could be as compatible with civi li-
zation as with the wilderness.
The story, set in the rugged Pacific North-
west. tells of the kitten raised by Joggers at
the Carbon County Lumber Camp. When
the time comes for the cougar to return to
nature, he finds that his domesticity has
dulled his instincts for survival.
The story was photographed by Lloyd
Beebe. one of the world's top naturalist cam-
eramen, and Chuck Draper of Cangary.
Ltd .. in the Northwest timber country. where
majestic pines thicken the mountainsides and
snowcapped peaks support the massive gla-
Much of the production was completed
on the extensive property belongi ng to the
Weyerhaeuser Lumber Company just out-
side Sequim. Wash .. and one of the com-
pany's mills at Enumclaw. The mill itself
was used for the Carbon County Lumber
Mill sequences in the film. Actual field lum-
bering operations were filmed for the picture.
Disney cameramen were permitted to cover
one of the last great' log drives on this con-
tinent. a I l 0-milc drive down winding rap-
ids from the north fork of Clearwater River
to the Potlatch Lumber Mill at Lewiston.
While the Disney studios continue to
provide top quality entertainment on the
Sunday night television hour. they are also
involved in putting together a traveling show
to introduce the unique artistry of Walt
Disney 10 Americu's hometowns 1hroughout
the country.
"Disney on Parade," a new dimension in
family enlertainment will debut in Chicago
late in December. when a procession of 135
Disney characters. dancerc; and professional
acts put on a 2-hour arena and coliseum
show of seven Disney animated classics inn?'!"
grated with live professional acts.
Through the dcvclormcnt of the multi-
medra rcchnique-. blending of nll the elt:-
ment!> of live produclion, sound effects. mo-
tion pictures. music and special lighting.
"Disney on Parade" is a totally new dimen-
sion in entertainment.
As e~1ch segment is 1n1rotl uccJ on a mas-
sive o;torybook screen, famous Disney char-
,.,. 20
acters, along with several new ones, will
"come to life" in lavish productions.
In the role of Master of Ceremonies. a
real live Mickey Mouse brings the realm of
Disney creativity to young and old alike.
Stars from such beloved classics as "Snow
White," "Cinderella," "Jungle Book," "Dum-
bo," "Peter Pan," and "Alice in Wonder-
land," will join DonaJd Duck, Goofy, Pluto
and a cast of 135 performers-all in dazz-
ling costumes--in song and dance.
In deciding what classic stories would be
included in the touring show, the Disney
staff combed the entire story and film library
at the Burbank, Calif.. studio for just the
right balance of comedy. pathos, suspense,
color and music. The show will combine all
the spectacular elements of a major extrava-
work began. Jani established a fulltime or-
ganization, staffed departments, quartered
his crew in a special building at Disoeylaod,
hired outside consultants and began to build
the show.
On May 27, 1969 the group made a for-
mal presentation to NBC Enterprises and
Walt Disney Productions. Each second of
the show was carefully explained, from open-
ing overture to grand finale. The long hours
of preparation. with the same care to detail
that has created Disneyland, paid off with a
final approval to move ahead.
"Tbis will be a pouring out, a procession
of Disney characters with the same warmth,
charm and dignity of purpose that have
m;lde all our projects so successful.'' said
Thomas W. SamoD. NBC S10D £xticmivt' Viu Prtsidtilll, Wtisr Coast; Robtrl F. Joni, lrt'cfor
of E111tr10/nmt11t for Dl111tylond a11d Robt'rt Maxwell, "Dis11t'}' ~on Parodt" Gtntrol Manogtr,
mul 01 Dls11tyland d11ri11g a formal prtut11atio11 /or the ntw 1011ri11g ort11a show.
ganza, coupled with Disney music anct the
fabulous wardrobe of Disneyland.
"When NBC a pproeched m to put such
a show on the road. the time was right and
we were ready." explained Robert Jani, Dis-
neyland Director of Entertainment and the
man responsible for creating the traveling
show. Jani admits that he had been thinking
about a traveling show for some time, but
the present concept was triggered when
"NBC came to us."
"I think the case has been well presented
to us by NBC that arenas are in need of
new breath, a new vehicle for famil y enter-
tainment." said Jani. "We feel it stands to
be a good business venture."
The initial idea was studied for three
months before Jani was given the green
ligh t to assemble the best brains possible for
a task fprce approach to the show. The
group met from Oct. 15. 1968 to Feb. 15,
1969. to "really shake down and rattle out
the show." said Jani.
"We aidn"t put any priority on ideas."
he continued . "We let them throw in any-
thing they thought. I acted as referee. We
evolved through many stages but now we
have the best of everything." .
l n February the task fo rce presented its
ideas. the concept was approved and detailed
"Disney on Parade" debuts in Chicago on
Christmas night, 1969, with the first season
to cover 22 major cities in 27 weeks. The
schedule is as follows:
December 2S-January 4, 1970, C hicago, Ill .• Chi·
c~go Sta~ium; January 6-11 , Dctroil. Mich., Olym·
p1a Stadium; January 13-18. Pittsburgh, Pa .. Civic
Center: January 20-2S, C~veland. Ohio, Cleveland
Arena; January 27-February I. St. Louis Mo ..
Missouri Arena; February 3-8. Charlolle.' N.C ..
Charlotte Coliseum; February 10-IS, Bahimorc.
Md .. Civic Center; February 17-March I, Washing·
Ion, D.C .. WMhington Coliseum.
March 3-8, Greensboro, N.C.1 Greensboro Coh·
scum; March 10-tS. Philadelphia, Pa .. The Spec· trum; March 17-29, Toronto. Canada, Maple Leaf
Garden; March 31-April S. Rochester, N.Y., Mc·
morial Coliseum: April 7-12. Hershey Pa., Sp0ru
Are!'la; ApriJ _14-19. Ft. Wayne. Ind .. Memorial
Coliseum: April 23·May 3. Houston. Tcxos, Sam
Houston Coliseum.
May S-10. Ft, Wo rth. Teus. Tarrant County
Convenlion Center; May 12-17, Dallas, Texas. M~
morial Auditorium; May 19-24. San Anlonio, Texas, Convention Center; May 26-3 1. Phoenix,
Ariz.. Memorial Coliseum; June 2-7 San Diego.
Calif .. International Sports Arena· June 9-28 Los Angct~-;-Cafir.:' Sp0r1~ Arena; Ju~c lO·Augu;t 11.
Anaheun. Calaf., Convention Center.
Augus1 12-23. VACATION: August 24-Septcm·
ber 6, Anaheim, Calif., Convention Center; Sep-
tember 9-1 S, Salt Lake City. Utah, Salt Palace:
Seplcmbcr 23-0ctober 4. New York City, N.Y ..
Madi:.on Squorc Garden; October 6-1 t. Montreal. Canad~ The Forum; Octol;>cr 13-t 7, BO'ton. Mass ..
Bos1on Garden.
.. ic
O, c .. re,
Y ..
>S ••
For morninc and afternoon listings, please see ':DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the rlcht to
change proerammlng with-
out advance notice.
9:00 D "llrf ~ (comedy) '44
MicklJ Rooney, Judy Gar11nd.
9:30 D "RllJtli• on ttM. RJvtr"' (mu-
sical) '40-Binr Crosby, Mary Mir·
10:00 0 (C) ""A klu Befort DJiat' (myt·
tery) '56-Robert Wainer. Joanne
Woodward. m "Sw .. p W•" (mystery) '41
-Dana Andrews, Anne Baxter.
12:00 D "Tiit Tmn Mfftl Call• J11t" (western) ·~James Ellison,
Evelyn Ankers.
Z:lO 0 (C) "lad tf tilt ..._,.......-i
(adventure) 'SS-Jack Hawkins. Join
4:30 I) "lllQI" (adventure) '52-Rob·
ert Mitchum, Jane Russtll.
6:00 I '" Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy • 8?:) Htlntl1J·Brl11kleJ (C) (30)
Stlft Allen (C) (90) Nor
Crosby, Eleanor Risby, Clalr a
McMahon, and Roy Applepte aUMt D Sil O'C1od Movie: (C)
Wllttlet Dultn'' (comedy)-Jam
Garner, Lee Remick, Phil Hams,
Chill Wiiis, Louis Nye, Jim Bacllus,
Patricia Crowley. A Texas oil ma
anives In New York to make aom
deals end causes a whirlwind o
activity when he bealns buyin1 any
thin1 that displeases him.
I Didi Van Oya (30) ""°" Place (30) Stir Trek (C) (60)
(]) Ml .. Doullas (C) (90)
w111r1 NW1 (30) "And
Cl) C8S News (C) (30) • n..,. de hrdocl (30)
News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
6:30 • MIC Ntwllrfia (C) (60)
TIM &•• &a .. (C) (30)
To Ttll tllt Tnittl (C) (30)
Office of tlM ,....,.nt (30)
(j) Hmtlty-lrt...._, (C) (30)
: Roots of Qolcl (C) (30) A "
action" re-creation of the first re-
corded discovery of iold In Call·
I Cl) TIM Munsters (30)
Netidn 34 (C) (60)
..... (C) (30)
7:00 I) CIS Ewnln1 Ntwt (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I n.t's MJ Lille? (C) (30)
I Lowe Lltcy (30)
hat tilt Clodl (C) (30) c.......,, .. ~ (30) C1J a.... S11owu1t (C) (90)
"The Whippin1." st1rrln1 M•rtln
Balum and Jeanne Cooper.
fli) Alwal (30)
Qt Cl) Tnitll tr Cofttlll..._ (C)
(30) (Continued)
• FISClllTllG
TRAIN AT 140M( Oii iN OUll IEAUTlfUl
ll(W STUDIO SCHOOl1 You tlft 1tuc11
b<Old<Ht IKlllllqutl ti flollle, 111 )'Out spare llmt, 01 1n our MW l1otclcHI·
In& SchOOl-lOCATlD lllCHT HEii( IN lOS ANCELE$-Un4tt !fie 111t11tvl1ioll ol ou1 Dl1Klin1 facultJ of 11 f1mo111 11<otdc11tt11.
lltcllo-TV slatlons tvtrywlltre MVt 111
UIM(DIAT£ DCMAND lot llotll IMft tlld
WOIMll to• take OVtl 1111port1111 1oocl·
p1yln1 job$ 11111t now. NAllON·WID(
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Send Ill CAllE(lt ACADEMY'S division
of flfllOlll lroaclcalltrt for fll(( booll·
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• Netlonal Aaeoclttfon of Trlldt •nd
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• ~wd fw VtteBn Tr•lnlns
• Member of Callfoml• Auod•tJon f~ P"rlwte Educttlon
•Art eUslbl• Institution und« tfl• ftd•,.11)' lnaurtd Student Lotn Procrtm.
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Cft)', State/Zip
"'""'• I am Interested In
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I 06AAA24Z ---------------------,... 21 ...
NBC Previews 'Sesame Street'
"This Way to Sesame Street," a special which previews a series
for pre-school children to be seen on educational television stations
across the cbuntry, airs on NBC, Saturday, Nov. 8 at S PM. The
special is made possjble by a grant from the Xerox Corporatiop.
Announcement of the special was made by Don Durgin, presi-
dent. NBC Television Network, and G . Peter McColough, Xerox
president and chief executive officer.
The special will call auention to "Sesame Street," a daily full-
hour series which begins Monday, Nov. 10, on the Nationwide
Educational Television Network. consisring of more than 170 sta-
The series is produced by the Children's Television Workshop of
National Educational Television, under executive director Mrs. Joan
'COMMERCIALS' THAT TEACH-Tht four setnes al>ovt art roktn
from anlmattd caTloon spots crtaltd for lht Chlldrtm'1 Ttltvlslon
Worluhop show for pruchool childrtn, .. Stsamt Strttt." Tht 1po11,
patttmtd a/tu ttltvlston commtrcial.t, art dC'sifnC'd to bC' tnltrla/11/ng
tu wt/I as ln/ormal/vC' 1111d can bt in.rtrltd '" rtquind Juring t'ach dally, hour-lont 1ho .... Clockwise' Jrom upper It/I, tht spolt Mlp ltach
num~rs (lhC' 1.ountdo"''"" tht ltttu "/ ... tht co11etpl o} "thro111h." and
tht ltfltr "m."
Ga112 Cooney. "Sesame Street" will teach basic skills to pre~chvol
children in the 3-5 nge group. This pioneering program will utilize
commercial television techniques for educational aims. Animated
cartoons and .. spot commercials"' will be used in teaching recogni-
tion of letters and numbers, reasoning skills and to help the young-
sters to an increased awareness of the world around them.
The Xerox Corporation wilt forego all commercial messages dur-
ing 1he telecast of "Th:s Way to Sesame Street"' on NBC-TV. Xerox
Corporation will be identified only by brief announcements at the
opening and close of the program.
Mr. Durgin said : '1"his special promotion of an educational net-
work program on commercial network television is simply another
exnmple of the continuing cooperation between commercial and
non-commercial television and for us is a natural ex1ension of NBC's
Jong-st:inding support of non-commercial television.''
Mr. McCotough commented: "The decision to fund the TV spe-
cial was prompted by the need lo bring 'Sesame Street' to the :llten-
tion or as many people as possible. We koow of no better way lO
do this 1han through the use of network TV.
"Though Xerox. is playing a very small part in the total 'Sesame'
project, we arc gratclul for the opportunity to participate in this
unique combination of education und en1en:linment."'
"This Way to Ses;ime S1rcet" will offer an advance look at vari-
ous segments of 1he daily series, taking viewers on a tour of "Sesame·
Street" (site of the series) and introducing them to the regular hosts
-Matt Robinson. Lorretta long. Bob McGrath, and Will Lee. Also
participating in the Xerox-fonded special will be rhe Muppets. popu-
lar performers of many television 'lh1.>ws, who will be featured in the
"~ume Street" seri1."S.
FRIDAY (Continued) Dwayne Hlcllman, Mickey Rooney,
I All«a! (30) Buster Keaton, Frankl• Avalon, Bev.
(j) Tnitlt Ct (C) et1y Mims. A bach party png • lltlfl ... Cll helps an opportunistic ad·lnln in
(IJO) Meriel west (C) (30) his ~uest of "the 1111 next doof' " as part of an advertising stunl n1t '111 (C) <30> D ,,.,._, Alt.w Datt <C> (60)
7:30 Steppenwolf•. Joey Bbhop, Joe Wil·
fJ GET SMART Iiams, Joanne Vent, and Skiles and * lV'S FUNNIEST SHOW ;f&"'°ciJ19fttere C••• th II fa C1J 5et Sllart (C) (30) Max Irides (C) (60) 1'he Road to the
Is assi1ned to follow Simon The Cradle." Lottie and Jeremy en. Likeable, the most toveabkl crook in the world, to the new headquar· counter an illeaat whiskey peddler
ters of KAOS, but Interrupts his fleein1 bounty hunters.
mission to rush 99 to the hospital fil) David Susslilld (C) (2 hr)
to live birth in this first of a 61) NNVI c:aa Muliul (30)
two part episode. Jack Gilfonl cuest. t:JOI. .. ... (C) (30) Baxter Ward. II 8' Hl&ft Cll1p1rral (C) (60) He Said, Slit Said (C) (30) '~ch• Trust" Blue Is captured R..tlide Romdup (60)
by Apaches who use him as 1 pawn Pandtraaa (30)
in a barterin1 pme to stave off 10:00 0 @ @ m lrld•'• Wertd (C)
an lmpendinc Cavalry attack. (60) "The Stunt." Young Chris .lor-0 st.1111 th Sbn (C) (30) Mike dan (Bobby Riha) IMS his father's
Stokey hosta. Guests are Geor1e (G1ry Collins) actln1 im11e crum·
Lindsey, At1ene Golonka and Jack ble when he finds out his father
Dodson. doesn't do his own stunts. Davey a @ (I) a> Lil's Mau a Deal Evans (Dennis Cole) Is seriously in·
(30) Monty Hall hosts. . )ured durln1 the llpina of a tele-
MUllH $ fllewie: (C) "Elclpel ~lslon aeries, and the atar's ton
he.-bllrain• (adventure) '62 -witnesses the accidef'lt. He blames
Sal Mineo, Yul Brynner. , his father for turning 'chicken' by
I Trutll or Coesequtnces (C) (30) not doln1 the stunt
.... for die Deft• (C) (60) e m ..... (C) (30) rec:11 ... Con« c3o> a @ rn m J1 • ., ..... rr.-n. fretldt Cllef (30) Julla pre-sents The ""9nH sa.t.s (C) (60)
pares aspics. Fess Parker. John Byner and Hines.
g) Cltttdlo el Roto (30) Hines and Oad auest. G Della! (C) (60) Tentatively
1:00 II~ 00 Tiie Clod '"" (C) (30) scheduled guests Include Dusty
Rufus and Bert try to become vol-~ringf ield
unteer firemen b~t Bert has trouble W I lflCliL I ,, .. ,.,. Coftrap ~ulna the main. test -maldnc (C) (60) Army Archerd iS on hand
fntnds with the fire house do1! with his microphone at the pie·
IJ llH<w I S.•llt• to IOJCe & miere of -"Goodbye, Mr. Chips,"
Harl (C) (60) With special 1ut;m where he intervieW! Peter O'Toole,
The Four Lads. The B~skerv1lle Sir Michael Redarave and Petula
Hounds and Three Do1 N11ht rock Clarll
1roup. ~ ,: __ ...... M '-(30) fJ cm CI> m Tile lk.cly l •dl ~ ......... -u,..es
(C) (30) "Kitty Karry·All Is Miss· 10:30 @I) Cristina Caza1n (30)
ln1." Cindy's favorite do:I is missing 11:00 0 fJ ID Ntw1 (C)
and she accuses Bobby of l1kin1 it. Alfred Hitdtcoct
Pitt Herbert auests u Mr. Orlscoll. • Jelln Mclay S.... (C)
I Qt!Mft for a 0., (C) (30) Outer U•lb
Play or die w..-(30) CI) Qj 00 9 (j) News (C)
hrt...t1ee (C) (30) : n. forsyte Saa• (R)
LllCtCita <c> (3o> . m m News <c>
l :JO II Cij Ci) ttecaa's Heroes (C) 11 :JO II Qt Ci) Mm Griffin (C) Pro·
(30) The Heroes ~ttempt to foll the 1ram originates from the Intern•·
test of a new seaet weapon bein1 tional Hotel in Las Veaas, Nevada.
sta1ed at Stala1 13. 'O @ @ m .. .., Canoe (C) 0 @ @ m Na• flf Hie Ca• Proeram originates in Burbank.
(C) (90) "The Perfect Image." Pub· Calif.
lisher Glenn Howud (Gene Barry) Is O Movlt: "Seminole Uprltin&"
shocked when he hears a politician (western) '55-Georre Montiomery.
backed by his magazines Is front· Karin Booth.
ing for a crime syndicate. Guests fJ @ (I) EE JoeJ lilltep (C)
are Hal Holbrook, Diana Hyland, f) MOYfe: (C) "Wllite Co•11ndlt"
Clu Gulager. Stephen McNally, (wutern) '67-Joseph Cotten Wil·
Charles Drake and Ida Lupino. llam Shatner. ' fJ @ Ci) &) Mr. Dtt4s Goes to IE) Mevie :(C) ..,....,.. (drama)
Town (C) (30) "Industrial Spy." Mr. '4&-Fred Mac.Murray, Anne Bader.
Deeds forms a 1ang to steal back ~ (j) Wetllend Show
a six·million·d~ll1r paint formula 12:00 m Movie: ''Clpbiln loycott" (ad·
stolen from his company. venture) '47-Stewart Cranrer Kath· m David Frost (C) (90) leen Ryan • ID Iii Valley (C) (60) 1:00 11 Movie; (C) "This AnOY Ate" EB S.aebnntl Tlttatre (60) (drama) 'SS-Anthony Perkins, Sil· fil) Casals Master tins (30) Pablo vana Man1ano
Casals plays . the "Boccherinl So· I fJ News (C)
!'ala in A Major" with two perform· Co•••nity l ulletin Board (C)
Int students. • Movie: ''Cllt and Mone" (mys·
@I) Nodtes Tapatias (30) tery) '60-lee Patter10n, Ann Sears.
9:00 6 Qj (j) CBS Fridaf Movie: (C) l :lO m All·Nipt Show (C) "Battle of
MHow Te stvff a W-ild Bikini" (mu· the Worlds.'' "Desert Raiders" and
sical) "65 -Annette Funicello, "Wiidcats on the Beach."
'· I•
& n
• le
I e-
r ..
I&•" Sil·
! of
· Qj 00 ~Bantna Splita (C) 12!30 I ta (I) Wq R1ca1 (C) (i1) (I) · 1\e HardJ 10JS (C) Mowil: "Mr. S.ltll IMI ti
Amazia1 rw WlllllnatD•" (comedy) ·3~J11ne1
· Cwclls J Cuita"n Stew1rt, Jean Arthur.
NOVEMBER a 10:00 tBJ (j) Penelope l'itstlDp iC) 0 II MoDdo (C) "B1n111ok, land @CV m Slly Hnb (C) of Peace."
• Movie: (C) "Straa1• Lldy In ID llhvie: ....... ti Clely" (dr1 m1)
own" (drama} '55-Greer .G1rson, '3&-fredrlc March, Lionel B1ny·
Dana Andrews. · more.
7:00 I 00 m Heckle & JeQje (C) m Movie: "When Ganit•nd strlbs" I Set ... u.u. (C) 00 G> Caper (C) (mystery) 'SS-John Hudson, Marjie F..ture
Wllbbone (C) Millar. 1:00 ta~ Slperun (C)
Ftllx tilt Cit (C) I El Dolor de Allllr (fij .IG) NCAA Foollllll (C)
7:'25 Clve U. Tiiis Day (C) 10:30 ~ (j) ScoobJ·Doo (C) e Stan ord Indians vs. the Wah·
@ (I) Q) Smoby the Bar (C) . @ Ci) m J1•bo (C) ln&f,on Huskies 1t Washinaton.
Readlac Witll Your Child Movie: "Spin 1 Dart Welt" D Mowte: "Violent Rold" (drama)
Bozo Ult Clown (C) (drama) '5&-Falt~ Domergue, Lee '58-Brian Keith, Merry Anders.
8:00 ~ 00 The Jetsons (C) Patterson. I P..,..ttlPr.nt/tlo•••tled (C) Q)@ m H«e Fomes the D ITTJ @ m Culliver (C) · Caret! de .......
Grui (C) · ID Movie: (C) "Clint of Evil la-• !forts Woftd (C) I 00 tl)Clttanoo11 Cits (C) land" (horror) '64-Rock Stevens. 1:30 QICi) Jennr Quest (C)
ll mbl (C) • Diana De Santis. · Double Fu._.: "The Flylnc
T•I• of Welts Fareo 11:0011 ~ Alclliie sa.ow (C) Saucer" and "Only One New Yort."
Gumbf (C) . 6 m The Flintstones (C) I wresa1111 (C) 8:30 9 Ci) Bup Bunny/Road Run· (;!) Fantlstic Yopp (C) • Fll111 Fut.•
ntr Hour (C) • 11:301 1 00 m Undlfdor (C) 2:00 Stlpl to l1111111t1 (C) I @ @ m Pink Panther (C) ()) aJ American Bandltlnd Cl) Sa-..., Sllor. "Thunder
Campus Profile . • ovie: "T11e O.·Bow Incident" Road" and ''Wind Across the Eyer·
• Movie: (C) "The Pirates of the ( estern) '43-Henry Fonda Dana &lades."
Coast" (ad~enture) '61-lex Barker. Andrews, Mary Beth Huaties.' fD Tmef Ult World <C)
Estella Blam. C!J Movie: ''Tiie Oler Is U.." 2:30 1J ....... Kia 1nd a., (C) Pro-1 Cisco Kid (mystery) '56 -Joseph Cotten, fessor Susan Pttel"IOfl Is the In·
Rocket Robin Hood (C) Rhon<fa Flemlne. structor. 9:oo ID oo m H. R. Putnstut cc> I w.,... rr1i. cc> Movie: "South of T1hiti" (ad· Clriller
venture) '41-Brian Donlavy, Marla • n.e ~
;Jn~ 00 G> Hot W!Mela (C) 12:0019 Ci) Tbt Monu.i (C) 3:001 Tiie New SocletJ (C) Paul Udell. ID Movie: ''1111 Sevtntll 5uMvof" . Hlctl Scllool Basttlhll (C) er. Kildlre
(mystery) '4>-Austin TreOJor, John Home and RecrNtlon 5'ow (C) :..--,. J.C> Pwdon stuart. Jack Rourke hosts. ·
I lhdf 'n' ReddJ (C) I Evans..No~11k Report (C) • TM 11& Pidmre
C1nclones J Musicl · Te1tro FH1illar 3:30 IJ Yiewpolwt (C) Jere Witter hosts.
9:30 QI Cl) DastardlJ & Muttley (C) • Mclleever and U.. Colonel II) PattJ Ode
I 5'1wtr Wl•ll (C) I
4:00 lleN: (C) "-ftr I c..a"
(western) ·s1 -Fred MacMumy,
Janice Rul~.
I Clll•pieaMp lewllnc (C) I S,, (C)
Ml• F,.. uMU (C)
Mc:Hlle's NlwJ
4:30 = ,c::-: Met (C) "Or·
l!!'lzed Crime." U Otltdoert With Lfbartr 11 ..... i II Monde (C) "Oflental Exprm·
1 ..........
1\e Wortd ., ...... (C)
5:00a11Hcw1 ti"" te t.a• str..r (C) A pr of die MW
National Educ1t 11 Televlaion •
ries for p,.schooltrs that pr9mferes
nationwide on lduc.tionll TV Q.
tions November 10.
8 T1'il WeK. In Pio FtotblU (C) @ (J)t:B ... Wide ......
et s,.ts (C} Los An.Illa Tlmes
Grand Prix, Rlvenlde, Clllf.1 Ind
World A1ure-Sbttn1 Champlolllhlps
lfrom r:'=c'Cf Colo.
Daktlrt (C)
..... 81111 •
Dllcower a..lcl (C) Eddie Al·
bert hosts.
ti) Futbol-Soccer 5:301 Rllpli Slllfy <C> (R) . uec ....... <C>
IUllpn's lsllnd (C)
Mr. Ind Mrs. Nortll
...... In Pw..-tve (C) (R)
• ~USA (C)
News Bureau Chief
John Hopkins. President of the
Chris-Craft Stations, which in-
clude KCOP-TV, 13 Los Ange-
les, California. announced the
appointment of William Swint u
Cbjef of the Chf'ia..Craft Station'•
new Washington News Bureau.
Swing is the former Executive
Assistant to Senator Mart 0 .
Hatfield, Republican from Or~
gon, on Capitol Hill for the lut
two years. Mr. Swin1'1 bact-
around coven more than ten
yean aa a ata.ft writer, for the
Ponland Oregonian and as a cor-
respondent for the New York
Times, the National Observer and
also as a Television News and
Public Affairs Director.
2 ·YR.•
Senators, Congreumen, mem-
bers of the Executive Branch of
Oovemrnent and other govern-
ment officials will be interviewed
on a daily basis from the Wash-
ington News Bureau. The reporU
will consist of Washington news,
interviews, and answera to ques-
tions from viewen in the Cbril-
Craft station communities, Color
videotapes will be sent air ex ..
press, each day, to the c~
Craft Stations for the evenin1
Unconditional Guarante non or SYL\:\.,I.\
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