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1969-11-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' 7 .. ' \ ______ ,__ __ • . • ' ' . '-. Buftt~ngfu~ 1Bea"h S_~e~ing. 1Mystery :~B~venge~ R .oDiher • • ' ire es ro S · ' 7 ·1B~oats Grounded . . •. . In 1Winding Fog;· 1Power Knocked On esan's ome Italy to Tr~y Hijacker Saigon WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix-Jn Washington, Senate Democratic on's Vietnam policy speech \\'on advance Leadei: Mike Mansfield of Montana remarked that "great ·hopes and ex-appi'<l\'al from the Saigon government, pectations are riding on th!~· speech." the Whit_e··H9uSe said today. Ziegler. de.:;cribe$:1 . the ~ddress as a DiscllsNng the NlxQn talk, to be broad-pei:sonaJ ·Nlxon: undertakil1ffi'offi start to cast live1fi6m his ova} 'officiiJ)y television finish'. · · · .' Before New . Charges Filed :i\gainst Young Marine ROME (UPI}. -An Italian prosecutor said today plane " hijaCker Raffaele Minic:hiello would be tried in Italy before "facing pfoecution in the United Stales. Three more.charges were filed againt the young Am·erican marine. ' ' , . . . ·Prose;cuti·on • f ) • ... ' Chlld~s-21ay~Blamed Flames Destroy Home Of Disabled Mesa Man By ARTHUR R. VINSEL who have pitched in to help I.ht un-°' ttie 0111, PnM s1111 fortu nates. Flames fed by a torch-like, melted gas "We've all gotten clothes together fc;ir line roared through a disabled worker's them, but.mostly they still need some for Costa Mesa · home Saturday, destroying Dan and Bunna." said Mrs. Grace &11 family possessions except for the vie-J{oscoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., ·four and radio networks !il L~:~ P'.Jll·1 PST, Speechwriter~ were not elJlPloyed in ~--.,ess-Seerefary-RoneRI-. egler-said.,_..__._the---usual-sense;-he-said,and--thc-teiL.w:as '!'he new ·charges brought to eight the number of charges Minichiello faces here. If convicted on all of them he could .spend as long as 30 years in Italian ·prisons befor·e-1imertc:arr--authorities------ tim's special orthopedic bed. houses from the burned home . __ ...,amage to the home-occupled..by_th,~~'Prrrstitl-in a state of shock myself," Dan Reddick family at 2424'k Santa Ana said t-.~rs. Roscoe, "Their refrigerator "We have had full and J:omplete..con· "tntally the President's product:' more sultaUon With the government of Vietnam than.any other in recent nlonths. on the President's speech ... They are in Ziekler said Nixon hatl "structured it, agreement with itS contents .. " dev~loped it, written it on bis own." Ziegler feported also tha,t Nixon had The Pre'sident returned to the Whit~ arranged for some consultation an the House Monday afternoon after a long -ad<lress-with ~leaders of~_Congress and_weekend slay at-Camp-DayldrMd.,.wbere other sOvemments allied with the United he put the finishing ~ches on his States'Ul the. Vietnam war. manuscript. "l How'ever, the chief executive did not Working with him tb'ere were Dr. set up· a personal br,iefing session with Hen{}' A. Kissinger, assistant for national Congress chiefs in advance of· his security affairs, _and . Bttg. Gen. Alex- teleVislon·radio appearaoce. ander Halg,.Kissinger's ~putf. While the White House continued to ·Plans for the speecH had been an- keep mum on the contenf.s of Nif'(on's nour:ced just prior to tbe;Oct. 15 Vietnam text, there was considerable speculation hWratorium. That's more lhan the the chief executive would announce some normal span for advan~e word on a move t.oward accelerated withdrawals of presidential talk to the nation. U.s: troops from South Vietnam. The delivery date was.fixed for election In Saigon, however, Vice President eve-and ~e just two days after the Nguyen Cao Ky was quoted during the lirst anniversary of Janner President weekend .as saying the address con41-ined Lyndon B. Johnson's action to halt all "nothing new.tt · American bombing of.~orth Vietnam. could Jay a hand on him. , Assistant Prosecutor Massimo Carll called on Minichlello at Rome's Queen of Heaven Jail tonight to infonn him or the new charges, which include kidnaping, private violence against the crew of the Trans World Airlines jetliner he hijacked and violence against a public official. Maximum sentences on the eight charges add up to 31 years and six .months, but under Italian law the most lime a person can serve in R.-rison short of life imprisonment is 30 years. Minichiello, who hijacked the plane in California last Friday and forced the pilot to fly it to Rome, races a possible death sentence in the United States on a hi· jacking charge. "I am sure he will be tried first-in Jta .. ' (See IUJACKEll, P ... I) ·BRAIN INJURY FATAL Merk Naylon, 15 Rites Conducted . _For Mfl.rkNaylon,,, Ediso n ·cridd~r . - 2 _Scuba Divers Drown Funeral services wei:e· held this ~n ing for" Mark Neylon, JS.year-old Edison Fog Grounds 7 High Scbool junior ••rstty·1oo1bau player who died Friday. . : 'J'll6 youth collapsed Oct. 18 after a Boats On Coast; football game and remained in a coma · for two weeks before he succumbed at 4t Laguna's Shaw .,,Cove .Hunti ngton Intercommunity Hospital. More 'f onight . Doctors ••id h• h•d suffered. subdur•I . hematoma, or Internal bleeding of the Thick~ blinding fog moved Into some brain area. By BARBARA KREIBICH when they · failed ~o ap~ar some two areas of the Orange Coast and nortbw1nt · · Mus Wu held· this morning at ' St. , 0t-. Dtilt'f PU•t "'" hoors after efltering the water at about 8 Sunday evening, C8UllRI fits -NJ r : •Simon and Jude Catholic· Church, Hlln- Two La Habra sruba divers who a m yachtsmen in the Santa Monka 1rea, but · tlnpbn Beach, with interment in Good dro\vned in 20 feet of water off Shaw's 'off-duty ~lifeguard John !;~field ran to in Orange County areas tt ·found ·~ts Shepherd Cemetery .. ~rvices .were under C"'~ Sunda• ap~rently died "'"''ing'io lhe b honi f M GI v· .. ~-safely in port. . dlrtctlon of Smiths' Mortµary. . v•... # r-... , near y e o ayer eM euucr The )YUth is survived ·by his parents, help eaCh other," Laguna B e a c h to call the main guard tower which The thick billows ·caused at Jeut 1eVen Mr. an(( Mrs .... WJUlam Naylon, 10012 t-eguarda the0tized toda:r..----~"'di.~""'-' tclted..:~-jetp-manned.....b,y~~•e<'~·f~t'.'to'-!ru:"!'n·':'al"IVJlll!!~~l~lhe~Sa:;;llllar::r.M;:on:;l;:ca;--i . 1 ~....-... h '1Wben the bodies wtire found ," Lt. guard.:: Mike Hartley and Bernard and an untold amount to waJt a Meredtth-Drive;-'Hunt "&"'" ...... ac ·, f !he brothers Dennis, ot Chlcago, aod Patrick Gene DePaulis said, '!one · man was Voorhees. for sa er wea r. of •tbe family home and three sisters, grasp inti: I.he other's· air valve. His tank flfeanwhlle the bodies had been located But check! along • the Orange CO.st. Yvonne, Kathy and Donna, or the family was t"Olllpletely out or air. by three Mater Oei High School 111tudenU, which received the southern fringe or the ho "Apparently his buddy had t.aken 'out Jim Jumon, 16, Frink Dalgadillo, 17 and fog, showed no yachtinl mlahap!'I. me. his mouthpiece· to try to share his air. Ernest Domi(lguez, 17, who were also '1l was thick, but weileard of no pro-'~'htn you do this You can take on water diving at the cove. ' blema whal.3ocver," a Harbor Deperf...· anU pass otit in seconds. lt looked as lf it Young Dumon said he descended to the 1nC11t spokesman said in Newport Beach \\·as too late for both of them.'' ocean lloor and ai.me upon "a guy with a todoy. AUlep!'lies are being performed today red 'beard, 1'bw on bit back who looked Checks with HunUngtQn Harbour area on the bodies of dlverJ John Vaughn, 22. like be was dead.'' jurisdictions indicated the same -no and Watt.er v. Heiat, 29, who were nr6-Oirected"by the youths, who _bad been prablems. nounc!ed dead at the !Cene at 11 ~45 a .~ unabli to _get tti~ bodies ashore, tht two" But if Harbor -areayaChllD'Mft-fared Frleoda ol lhe two sounded !he alarm (5" l>IVERI, Pip I) (See FOG, Pip II-.. ' I • • - Fullerton Man Dies BAKERSFIELD (UPI) -M a 11 z Maldonado, 341 Fullerton, died In Kem . General Hospllal here Sunday of Injuries 111f!erod Oct. :ie •h<n Ills car alili\llled Into Ibo reai"ol a lrllcl: Jrelllr, '·' . Ave., combined with personal belongings, just melted." totaled more than $6,000, according to Firemen arriving on the scene found Fire Department investigators. ttte Reddick home a litef81 Inferno from "It's almpst a total loss," said l!attalion the gas-fed kitchen portion, but rushed in Chief Bob ,Beauchamp, explaining that a child playing with matches evidently trig· and !a.Jv~gcd the workman'• badly gercd the disastrous IO: 16 a.m. fire. needed, S150 o~opedjc bed. . "It was spread violently when a five-1ttrs. Hoscoe said In addition to adult eighths-inch gas line to the kitchen stove clothing, the Reddicks will rieed linens m~lted and we had many STUs (British and other household goods, as well as an Thennal Unit§) or gas pouring out," inexpensive place to stay during his con- Chief Beauchamp explained . \'alescence. ' l'io one was injured in the fire which The Reddick ra mlly includes' Billy, 10: deVastatedihe Reddick home, but that iS · Barbara, 9 and 'Danny, 4, according kl about all the family can be thankful for fl1rs. Hoscoe, who ,aid one neighbor will today, on the eve of Reddick's own provide shelter'for tAem ·tonight. 1 hospitalization. , -, : -Anyorie iW>lhinli ·to donate or loan ._JJe,_sufferS:rrom'&n lnJµred ~ck and Is clothing and household goods to help the tentatively scheduled for s u r g e r y trouble-plagiled ramlly may drop it Off at Wednesday at Riverview Hospital, Saqta · (See MESA FIRE, P11e Z) · Ana, after which he faces a long con- valescence. The _family . .has. ·been living .on \Vorkmen's Compensation and other such funds connected with Red.dick's job- related injur)t, according to neighbors Police Seeking M yste.ry Bomber Police today are s~king a my~rious bomber who blew out the hallway window of a Huntington Beach home Friday night and left a •evenge nqte tiq'eatenlng to "get even." · Oruge Weather If you've "mist" the sun these past few mornings, there 's a good reason -: that, pea ~p which will be back a1ong the coasl on Tues- day, olciddlng !he· mercury lo •65 and back io-7'8· inl1nd. . l. The bomb was placed next to a wlnd01" 1theoome or ~:--'EUJ~r Toclsen, of 20242 Lanta(la St., about 6:SS p.m. Friday. lt shattered the· glass, i;hredded the curtains and spread ,debr~ INSWE TODAY Intrepid Joh.n Dane and Jfmo. le ss sailiwo cr.ew from Tulane !lnimiiif ~'''!!'l.JU1ffl' Qf ~ 1-~f; Douglas Ci+p collegiate selling matche1, beating out defending in the fr"ont hallway. There · were no in• juries. Damage wlis estimllted al $210. fi'ragments from the a1p parent 1 Y hcimemade bomb and the_note are being 1nspected today by police lab technicians for fingerprlnts and any other lead to Jdenliry the bomber. Contents of the note were not releastd by polit<, txt<pl !Mt It lndl<:ated•lmlt sort o( revenge. cho,mpion USC. Page 22. ...... . C1Nllnll• I Cllullld > • 1 .. JI CtllllCt 11 Cmtwwf 11 °""' ""'"' 11 Dlwrc.1 11 llfltrllll It.,. ' l11Mrt.._...,. 11 'llllM• "'" Mmlwwt 11 ..... ~ 11 Mel..., ' ...,,... U...,11 z a a a a cc a a a a a as s as a a a a a a a a a cc u au a 4 a a a a a us a a a a a ea s s s • ' . .. ' . :f °"ltV PllOT 5 MondQ', Nowmbtr 3, 1%9 rew r1lic1z~e s-· -FBI.-. ait oling ofllijac I , ' • • ~ • NEW YORK (UPI) -'!bl lour ori&lnal crrw mmben ol TWA Fll(bt 1$ r<tum- ed to the United Statta Sunday with some -. 1ympaihttle~onls far aCC\lled hlJacm Ral!atle Minlohlello and criticism of the FBI forj_,,!Woa the er.w~ salety.· Capt. Dooald J. Cook Jr., pilot of the 111 g h I orllin11ly . ICheduled ·from Baltimore lo San Franc!"" Frldlj', ·fold reporl«I up<iil • arrlVl111 al ~ Airport: "1'111 certain they (FBI qenu) didlll do It lnllnUonally but they .just crowded Ui a b!t too far." Cook, 31, who was born In New York Clty. was.backed b)' tbe three'Olber ere..., mombers In his Cha'rge against ihe FBI. However, he said he .did not rtcall ac· cuaJ.zit: lhe agents of acting like "ldlot.S;• . a remJJ"k . attrib\,lled to him in Rome wh~e Minlc~lello terminated ,the 7,000- mlle filabt and was..captured. . 'n. pilot described the half.hour New York .atopover in tltt Denver-New Yori• Ba~ fo Baptist Preacher Traded Six-shooter for Bib'le By JANICE BERMAN OflMO._,. ....... "l used to own ~ meanest, rottenest bar in a11 of 1'iemphls," uid the 92-year· old preacher. "I'll tell you how bad it was. t had. to walk around with two ail-shooters straP" peel to my belt and carryin& a shcqun." "But then 1 saw how bad tt was. And a man came in who wanted to buy it. 1 uld, 'Do you think you can handle It?' He said be coukl. So I hun1 my apron around . his neck and walked out. I gave it to htm." But that was a long time ago. Today, Bill "Daddy" Cleveland, who just had a birthday, answers the phone by sayinf, '"l'lw: Lord is my shepherd, l shall not want." And often, on the other end of the line, there's someone who want& Cleveland to pray for Jiim. . . He calla Jt a minJstry of consultaUon and he•Hn&· . -~'I'm juat a vessel ln God's hand&," he .. 1d, d!Jelaimlng any credit for W'!fklni miracles. "A whole lot of these preachers today were once bad boys," Cleveland said, recalling his years as saloonkeeper. After he left Tennessee, he·aot marri'd and IJ'IOVed to Tex:as, Where he became a Christian. "I was dumbfounded at the ch an go In my life," he siid or his con· version. •He came to ·eosta Mesa in 1927, when he bought five acres on Monte Vista Drive. "l've built 16 hou.9es here," be Bald. In t937, he set up a Baptist meeting place called the "Neighborhood Church, at the et>rner of · Wilaon Street and DAILY Pit.OT lflft PMtt STI LL MAK ING FR IENDS Reti red 'Preacher Clevel and Newport Boulevard. His specialties are chile con carne and He allo built two churches in Monrovia, beef roast. "You take a piece of beef, a ooe in Ramoo8 and one 1n OreioD. carrot and .!IOme potatoes, put it in an iT~, he, livea ai-, biit he ~eep1 . alumlnutn bag, and lel It cook In a low buY. ""' liof>bf 1s J!O!nUnt Uc! pl<tura·: •~ttt.' n's really go¢."' · · ot. his late wife; hl.\,.diqghte_r, ~esua ,.net And ·he h.as. many visitors -former Billy ~~aha~-~ .I~·up.o~ ~ ,&tf• merotfer.t :e_r· his church, and chi14J:cn~ and ln-tilt·Ptt".W'e 'winQoW, .""' ·•· : ··. ··Jrs>tri. it1e ffarbor ·Trinily Baptist Ctit;Jrch., He does his own cooking, g~ting . urtft,e:en air ls came · 3:.fid did thee -tntire , ·~ with the aid of a Walker, because pla~ over from one end to the other," he his ankles are wtak. said. ''I don't get to ~hurch veiy oftt'!n now, but I went and six airls came over Astronauts ·w elcomed By Cr owd in Seoul SEOUL (AP) -~ three U.S. Apollo 11 a.sttoi\auts arrived 11'1 Seoul today far an overnight stay on a round·tbe-world toodwill tour of 23 countrlea. A. huge, enthusiastic. crowd led by JnfontiaUon ana Culture Mlillster ·srun Bum·shik greeted the American lplct.men when they landed at Kimpo lnlenlatiooal Airport. -and sat with-me;" he smiled-. --:- "It's wonderful to have friend s. 'Yon· know how to get friends? You be a friend." :· ' He likes it a\ i9251h Anaheim St. For a whlle, after a bout with Asian flu, he v.·as in .a rest home. "From~ outside, it really looks nice. You thlnk, What a wonderful place for old people. I lfas in there eight months, and if wa.S terrible. The people there look old and live old. They were around 80 and 85. Here I was around 90 yean old and there was nobody there I could talk to." Ar-my Post Confirmed For Newport's Johnson _ Newport Beach· aerospace execuUve Robert L. Johnson was confirmed by the Senate loday as aS1istant Secretary of the Army for research and development, after his nominaUon alx weeks ago. The Senate also confirmed promotion of Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, who i1 Dll l L' PllO l ........... , ....... .... _____ ...., CA-IA OIA#GI co.ut f"UkllfllMe CCIM"'"' l'M.ti N. w ••• ---Jn\ L e.1., ""'-..,......, -0-Wll ......... T111t11•• 1Ctt¥11 ·-n ..... , A, M-r,MM _,..., -~ MIMI ill #nl '" '""' .....,. -.01 m1 .,,.., .. _........,. ~~:'"'-'"""'"' ................... .... ., "'°'' .................... -...... , ............... ~- being nudged out of his job as head of the Selective Service System, to full general rank during the session in \Vashington. The 49-year~ld Johnson, of Ill06 Galaxy Drive, Newport Beach.:-a Navy veteran -· filS nominated to the new Anny post by President Ni1on in late September. A longUtne leader in McDonnell Douglas space and missile programs, Johnson was most recently vice president .Jn charge of the 5Crapped Manned Orbltal Laboratory (MOL) program. Government officials earller this year P.!lminated that project of the McDonnell DouglRs Astronautics Company plan t In Huntington Beach. The new administration appointee is a UC Berkeley graduate who joined Dou.gla.s Aircraft Compan1's burgeoning space and mis.51le development program after WorlCI \Var II service. Johnson and his wHe Betty have three children, Louise, 21 . Bruce, 17, and Kirk, 9. who will apparently a'ceompany the family on the Washlngton assignment Johf\son suc.cefds Russell D. O'Neal, who resigned last year as assistant secrttary of the Army for research and deveJopmtnt needs. F rom Pnge J FOG •.. ..,.~ ... ----c. ........ ::"' ... ~.~ti v~~ "':'~•::; won, some Newport Heights residents ,......, _..., °"""' c..,, 1>W11111'"9 didn't. · · c.._. ..,...... ,,...,.. .,. •1 nn w... Power faUurea caused by arcing power .... ...... ..._., hldt, .,,. ,. ... ..., ....., ,_.. -... pnle connectors caused an hour-long ••:!'::•• 1ft41 Ml-4Jl1 outqe In parts of old Newport Beach and Cl _. Al11 11A I Ma."'' •lone K!ng's Road and Clift Drive, Irvine ::;:-:" .:=.---~ .. :.~.':: Avenue ln the Heights. --.. _.. • ..... ,.. ..... ,,,, """"" Clockf stopped at 1:39 a.m. and started _, .... _.,....._ ... _ ..... .. ..,..... -· wo;klng q:ain at I: It a.m. :=-c::-.::•c=:. =:.:;::-= Dirt on efectr1cal connectors coupled L.:"i:•~=:·~-==-=""~"!"~ ·-:.:: ... :::-:.' =·:"'J · . -"litlUhe moisture ca.,.. shorting, utillt¥ ••• • • -......,. 1pokcsmen said. • .1 Bangor, l\l•lnt-Shannon. lrel.,.r-Rome hijac k flight u prestnUng "needless'' danger. Cook said when the plane stopped to refuel,•1'A man in coveralls was stan- ding along.side 'the aircraft, under one of the-wtna·s. t called out tile windOw and ukfd h1in to· Move the refueling equip- ment in. He said something like •we'll move the: equipment when · we're 1ood and rtadf.' .. ' fired a shot Into the galley roof to ward It. Neither 14a10.. nor the FBI Jn jetliner left Bans<f. He nld the_..Uv1 o( oil a PQ33ib~. FBI ~t~pt to , ca pture '\'ashingloD would eommmt on Cook's Italy, Who rfsld~ ln Seattle, w~ him_. Cook conl1nued! '11tls didn t sit too charge. "a good companion 1 nice anv 11 Cook' wel1 wllh me, since It was my plane and . . • 8 "V • my crtw that were involved. l think a Flight Engineer-Lloyd Vernon Hollrah, said M~lcl!iello was__armed-wttb~ 1- few won:ll to the FQLaJxru.t tbe..authorlty_ 32, o! Sl.~rles, Mo. said, "I fethny-carbine, pistol, and knlle. of a captain may not be out of line." life at Iha~ time at Kennedy Airport Y(as "He was very relaxed, v~-I?uch at At the FBI's New York headquarters in danger.'' Stewardeu Tr1cey ·COleman ease and we spent a lol of tune lilttning Frklay, UPI was told that asslatant Fer ~ho was he~d hostaie during the ru,ht, to mus.le," Misa Coleman, 21, aald • Director John F. Malone donned TWA and Weniel Williama, Z6, ol Shallowater, llowever, Lbe attractive slewardeu from At thia time Minichiello WU reported "lllriin( lo panic" lnlUle the plane and coveralls at ·the airpart, sneaked under Tex. first officer agreed. CJnclnn~ti said, '•'I'm convinced be would the jet's belly to try and aet a clear shot Cook said he was able to talk wltb the have shot all of UJ JI the FBl had not at Minichiello, but lhen decided against 26-year-old marine more eully after the moved out" al Kenoedy Airport. Reagan, GOP Leaders Raise Party Funds By BILL BOYARSKY "'" Ptlttktl Wrlllll' A multimillion dollar warchest for the 1970 elections ls being raised by "ltepublica.n Gov. Reaga,n and other leaders of the California GOP. Party o!flclals told details of their fund raising efforts at the annual meeting o( the Republican State Central CommJttee in Anaheim over the weekend. Committee members also voled ov~rwhelmfngly to back President Nix· on's effor1oli to end the Vietnam War. A'nd they cheered when ~n. George 1'1urphy {R.Calif. ), said California's Democratic senator, Alan Cranston, .. should be ashamed of himself" for some of his recent statements about the war. Details of the financial campaign were disclosed in Interviews, private meetings and in a report to the Central Committee by Robert Beaver of Fullerton, the treasurer. Among the plans: -A Committee for a Gruter California bas been organized to begin collecting money for Reagan's campaign for a se- cond tenn. About $200,000 was pledged to the committee at a dinner meeting three months ago at a Los Angeles restaurant. Jiolmes Tuttle, a Los Angeles auto dea ler and longtime Reagan friend, i~ chairm an. Sources close to the governor said that his campaign in the general election will cost $1 million or more, but he hopes to keep spending in the primary to $250,000. He expects no major primary opposition. . . UPIT1 ...... Double V 011r Pleasure ' When identical twin bunnies Samantha (left) and Tamara, 20, enter- ed the London Playboy Cl ub's contest to find tb.e world's most beau- tiful bunny, they entered as a set -with measurements o1 6148-72. Teens for Christ Strike Cathedral Atop Nob Hill -The Republlcan State Central Com· mittee has adopted a budget of $1,390,000 for 1969 and 1970. Thls will be used to pay for staff members, polls, computers and other political aid to candidates in selected legislative districts. Republicans control the Assembly by Bv JAMES McNABB Jr. youiig prophets wore ankJe length burlap on1y a 41·39 marain and Ute Senate by a s*1111 ,,.""' CAILY Pit.OT robes died blood red, a "Jesus love slave bare !1-19. Baver. said control must be SAN FRANCISCO -'Jbirty "Chlldren earring" in the-ltft··ear·and had ashes strengthened Jn 1970 -.. "a ye·ar of of Israel," many waving Bibles and all smeared on tUeir f0rebead s. decisions:" :i'be leglsJ,at~ .elected next armed with seven-foot rods of Judgment. · J year will redraw legislative and• con· The 500 worshipers inside stared in gressi.anal dlstriet lines .to .meet popula· struck Stmday he.re at Grace Epbcopal amazement as the group composed or ti on Chan8:ea end, said Beaver, "decide Cathedral atop Nob Hill. men and women in their teens and early which party·will ci>ntrol the slate for the The precisely timed it,;ation of the 11 20's cracked the seven-foot "rods of next decade." o'clock cathedral service was almost an ~u -y•8-•t•es--.. 1.-.. 1osed he·bas ---judgment' on thuoncrete floor as they c:1 u u~ exact duplication Of the surprise marCli · $500,000 in · h s campaign treasury for a Jn ched up the main aisle. 1970 rHlecUon campaign. that they ex· into Memorial Church at Stanford Reaching the front of the cathedral, full peel will ~tat least $1 million. University in Palo Alto one week earlier. beard~d Jim Ballester. who has been -Two conservative minded volunteer It was the second disruption of Sunday with the band since its Huntington Beach groups are ready to supply thousands of church services, since the group, known days, rushed the altar accompanied by dollars and campaign workers to con· as the Teens for Christ when head· two aides. servative Republican candidates in the quartered in Huntington Beach, returned Bishop Myers and other church func· June 1970 primary. Micha.el Van Horn, to California 10 days ago. tionarles about to start Holy Communion president ot the United Republicans of The self-styled Christ I an rcvolu· riles glared, hot~yed, at Ballester who CallforrUa, ·said, "We're shooting for tionaries have been gypsying across the then whirled around and facing the con- $50,000." James Kraemer, president of United States since depiu:tlng their first gregalion boomed out the bad news of the the California Republican Assembly, said tieadquarters, the Gospel Light Club, 110 coming end of San Francisco. his group hopes to put in as much as Main St., Huntington Beach early this Reading from the same scroll used in $10.000 in specified Assembly and Senate year. the Stanford invasion, Ballester yelled districts. They believe that God soon will destroy out excerpt.. of the doomsday prophecy -Assembly Speaker Robert T . America for turning to the false gods of taken from the Old Testament Book of 'Pt.fqnagan (R·Tracy), said he hopes to "organized religion, money, pleasure and Jeremiah and then smashed an empty raise $100,000 from a testimonial dinner education.'' flower pot to the floor. in Los Angeles in January to help Atoments after Episcopal Bishop C. The Pol smashing symbolized the Republican legislators win re-elecUon. Kilmer Myers finished his sermon the Lord's "breaking this city and this people Monagan said the fund will be under ··children" scurried past aged ushers and as one breaketh a polter's vessel." ''some offlctal auspices so it is not a started in their double colwnn procession Wh ile Ballester spoke the other pro- s\ush fund." He said he wanted to avoid up the main aisle ol the vast Gothic style phets tood in a semi-circle at the foot of the sort of criticism leveled against cathedral. ·/ the sanctuary steps. Some held Bibles F rotn Pftfle I HIJACKER •.. Jy," Carli said. o;No doubt about Jl However, tbat is my perJOnal opinion on- ly." C11rli alao said Minlcltiello's elderly father, who lives in south4jQI Italy, would eventually be allowed to m bis son. Carll charged 'Pitinichiello Sunday with live other crimes, including another count of kidniPina:, private violencti bringing weapons of war into Italy, pos· ses.sing them illegally and carrying them Illegally. Prison sources described Mlnichiello ln lood 1pirU1 and said he WU to under&o p!ychlatric tests during the week. He was allowed no visitors, not even hia father. 80, who drove up.from Napl,s. From Pnge l DIVERS •.. lifeguards donned scuba gear and entered the water, assis1ed by two diving ln· 5tructors,. Dave Golden and Charlie Gibbs, who we~ on the beach at the time . Guards aaJd rigor morlis appeand to he aetU.. ln,by the lime thty brOOlht the bodies uhore and resuacitation attempts wen futile. They said the dlve.ra' equl~ ment wu all int&ct and functionine normally, except for one air tank which wu completely empty. Obviously dislrwed by the Incident, Mayor Vedder aaid, bis youna:er son hail been by the area in a boat before the alarm was sounded and notictd the usual 'weekend crowd of divers and obse:rYers on the rocks, but· nothing was said about a missing diver. "It reinforces my feeling that we need some sort of control over this diging," the mayor aald. '1'hert must ha.Ye been 40 or··so of them at"thls end of the beach Sunday and probably up to a couple o[ hundred alot1g our belches. "While many come down In groups with lmtructors, others come in three.. and foura and thert is no way to know whe11 a diver_isJnissing." ~ The Laguna mayor said he would like to see a special diving area set aside in the marine preserve area off Heisler Park. ' "There art public facilities there and we could have a couple of gaurds chetk· lng the divers in and keep!" watch over them. The time el,menl Is so important. It's essenlial to know as soon as a diver Js missing so they can look for him Im• mediately. The guards would cooperate with the diving instructors and the whole thing would be mu't:h safer." Vedder noted that dive.rs have com· plained to him that the water in many areas is "cleaned out so there's nolhing to see down there." In the marine preserve, he said, "there are beautiful reefs and U1ey'd have something to look at when they dive. The present situation places a terrible burden on the c;:ity with this one lifeguard rescue unit tearing up and down si1 miles of beach to try to keep track of anyone who gets In trouble." former Democratic Assenibly Speaker As in the Stanford c;hurch lnvasioir, the and their rods.f1eavenward. Jesse M. Unruh, who had a similar fund l~~~j~~~~;;;~~~ii~~~;;;;iiii~~~~~~~~~~iii;~~~;;;;~;;;;;~i(i~~ but disbursed the money hlmse!L I~ Monagan said he thought his would be handled through the Central Comm ittee. "fo.1oney may be the root ol all evil, but it is still the mother's milk of politics." Beaver told the committee -using a phrase coined by Unruh. No 'Interce pt' For McQueen SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Actor Steve AicQueen is a little concerned about ttic efficiency or customs inspectors. Flying from La P.az. Mezlco, to the United States Sunday nlght after com· pleti.ng the Ensenada·La Paz off.ro~d race. Mc.Queen radioed customs 1n· spec.tors at Lindbergh Field that he would be arriving for clearance. No one met the plane, and even alter p;mning the Fe<leral Aviation Agency, he had to wait three hours for agents to ar· rive to inspect his plane. __ "If I had $50,000 worth of diamonds aboard that plane, who· was to prevent me from tossing them in a car and driv· ing off?" he asked. F rom Pn1e l MESA FIRE ... it~s. lloscoe's garage. "I'll ev~n go pick It up," she said . 1'1rs. llMcoe said the unexpected loss hns caused Reddick to consider delaying his badly needed corrective back surgery. bttl frtends are urging him to go ahead \l,'llh it . Jte was to tnter lhe hospital Tuesday. oiThlnas look J?rttty dark ror th~'-+~~il! no\v,'' 1he said, ilbut they have to 10 on . • ,. School For Skeptics Unusual !or any kind o! a store. We WELCOME hard-headed men. Those \Vho trust their own eyes and rely on their own judgement. The only criterion in our store is what you see in our mirror. If yo u don't see yourself looking better in our mirror, "'e start over again. The headmaster . of our school for skeptics is our master fitter, Nelson de Souza Avila. Nelson i& an old-world craftsman, the kind you rarely find anymore, and he won't let you have yo ur suit until you're BOTH happy with it. You will be, too . Conte in today and make us prove it. 3467 Vi~ Lido at Nel\'POrt Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m . I ' I' I I I - I J I j j r--1" ... ·-·-= ........ ---' . .. .. .. . .. .--,._~ 'i _Uontington~Beaeh . ... •.· ··'' E D IT.l~N " . -e~n-·~ . .. VOL·~2 . NO. 263, 3 SECTl9 NS. 32 PAGES. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI.( MONDAY, NQVEMBER.f, ·19~9 . ' TEN ~ENT,S • • ' • t • I 'I ' on· St ,John . ... . ' I ,• •• • ... ::1~~itor ·says. Cler{c Dicf,~'t flug Ba·nking Loophole I I ,, I ./ I I D,t.11.Y Pl\.OT. Pllele '1 T•trr (1v11i. Bi rd'• E11e Viem Intent surfer slashes down face of wave near Huntington Beach :Pier just before set(ing sail ·through treacherous pier ~ii~ ings in a test of nerve and skill. ·Photographer leaned over the side of pi·er to capture action on film. ~ "' J ' Police Seeking ' . . . . . . :Mystery BoJllher I n-Huntington Police today are seeking a mysterious bomber who blew out the hallway window of a Huntingtofi Beach home Friday night and left a revenge note threatening to "get even." The bomb. was placed next to a .window ol the home 0£ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Todsen, of 20242 Lantana St., about 6:55 p.m. Friday, It shattered the .glass, 1hrklded thi curtains and spread debris tn the front hallway. There were no in· juriu:. Damage was estimated at $210, Fragments from the a pp a. r e n t I y hcimemade bomb and the note are being Jnspected today by police lab technicians for fingerprints and any other lead to identify the bomber. Contents of the note were not released by police, excePt that it indicated same &Ort-of revenge. Mrs. Todsen; her J3.year-old ·daughter Jean, and Carla West, 13, were in the kitchen at the time of the explosion, said police. Mr. Todsen was at a neighbor'• house, but ~an home·' when he heaf-d"the noise. Todsen is a service adviser tor a Long Beach auto firm. Police could give no im· mediate explanation as to why someone m!lht be seeking revenge. The possibility or the· bomb being a Halloween prani·was di"ounted. Rites Conduc ted For MarkNaylon, Edison Gridder ... FUnerat 'Ser\llees were btld this niorn· lnJ for.Mark Nayloil, 15-year-<>ld Edison Hi&h Scliooi junior vauity loolbail ~layer wt>o died Friday. ii"'< youth collapsed 9<1t. 18 after 1 fobd>all game and temalrled in a coma fot two weeks before he succumbed at HUntlngton Intercommuntty Hospital. J)oct(n sajd he had suffered a subdural Mmitoma.--or-inlernal-bJeeaing-OCthe brain area. Masa was held this morning at St. Simon •and Jude Catholic Church, HI.Ur tington Beach, with inlermeJit in Good Shepher~ Cemetery. Servicts were under direction of Smithl' Mortuar:y. The youth is survived by hU parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Nayloo, IOOJJ Mtreditb Drive, Huniingt.on Beach~ bi'othtrl 'Dennis, of Chicalo, and'Patrick (I( the f1mlly home and three sisters, H--Yvoaoe,.Ka~and Donna, ol lhe family home. I~' ' ' ' ' By TOM ·BARLEY • al ttie &»1"' PUN SMH • ' ' .. + ( ' : Or•!ll' c:.,,mty Aµdll(lr ,Vic Ji<!m today laid 'Q\e . blame· tor ,a ·Sit ,IP) em· beizlelnent ~ Uie .eouaty :~rk) Office direcUy ·on., the ,~df:l'J ~f i i.ts . ad· ministr~tor; -~Y· OJer~ William E. St Joho. · . . . , , , Heipl left the.ctosing.s~es o( an aµdit that~baa ~ggfd Richard• Wjqtera Bur.ke's a:neged embezzlement -as -"somewhere near ·128,iloo:1 Ip 'till the DAIL y· PlljoT that if St ,JOOn hid followed ~ county auditor's advice, the . banking. ~oophola ' '. ,' Postal· Wor~ers . . . Raise .$1 ,000 NEW YORK (AP)-Moat-u conUn· ued to dip·today in elow•trading, as de- clines increaaed their lead over advances by tSO issues. (See qwotations, Pagea 20-11). I RAIN INJU RY FATAi.. M.rk Neylon, 15 .- alltgedly exploited· by the ex·Marine mi&bt well have been plugged. St JoM·, reported by bis secrelary Fri· day to be 1'out of·town" was "away-from his delik" throughoui·the morning. . He. did not reipond to several telephone . . messagea. Heim said his slaU made "15 or 16'' recommendations to 'st ~ohn a year ago when the ·county c1ei"k's financial pro- cedures -including the banking ar• rangements over which Burke had substantial control :..... .were 'surveyed. ",One ot tbose suggestions •specifically Sch~l Growth Meeting Topic 111 NY.,. CalUornia WASr.lNGTON (UPI) -Nixon s not eligible to vote in York mayoralty e~Tuesd Presidential PreSs Secretary Ziegler aaid the chie( e1ecutlve is a resident of New York. become a resident ol San Cleme woo't be eligible to vqte in any Caltf elections either for about 1 year. relemd to the aru which'Burke alleged· 1y exploited .to milk the county· of more than m ,000," be said. "lam not parllcularly blamirig St John .but I am· .saJing that if county departments would Immediately and faiWully carry out the recominendations of my office, the chan'ces of em· bezzlerrieot, would, at worst, be 'COrt-· aiderablr. nartO'fed down." While Heim was talking, Burke, Z7, of· 26372 Papagayo Drive, Mission Viejo was being granted a continuance 1n Santa Alia Municipal Court ol his arraignment on ' . ' . .. grapd1,tlJeft charges. ·. J'Udge Paul Mast continued Blp'~'tybail on h1s own recognizance and ordered St . John's former aide' to ..return io eourt Nov. 13. • , 'll is alleged lha> Burke' 191'ged :banJting returns during the two years of hJs ~nty employment to the total of more than $27,000. The' $200 shortaa;e.Jhat ltd to Burke's ~alleged confes~. or his e~m· bezz.lem_ent was· s~led by an Orange County Grarid Jury auditor. · St :John1a initial reaction. to the char1es was to point out that he-'°bad repeatedly ,. .. ' ' '" . ' CONFIRMED BY $ENj\TE, R & D Man Johnson , advised the county auditor of_ dtflclenciil' tn the awHting of bis department' recorda. ·-st •JoM at th~t time ddeiidect his' own oJfice's 1Up!rvision of ·linancial pracUcu' aJ beinJ ~ully ·m kfeping with reCognl~ · County standards. , · "He mutt have been aware at that time of the recotTimendations we made 8bou( I finaitctal opei'aUon· 'that lnclltded · ~ !>anting diviSion," Heim:said ·today. "f was ~treroe,ly diaturbed bY s~ John~• . comments at th.!l,t ,time· arid 'I feel ~t thi.s is a.n opportWit~y to put the record straight." -· 1 8each Jail . '. . Fl"asked Out By Prisoner . Schools to Note Veterans Day -~--- Student! at all five HWltington Qtach Unio!I Hlgh'School District "'hools will observe Veterans Day In classes Nov. 10, then take a holiday on the followinc day: "Our ecl»ola will recognize Veteran~s Da)r on Nov. 10 Instead Of Nov: 11 since-' Co_ In 11131 made N6v. 11.1 nallooal hollda)'," uil'Dla. Supt. Mu-Forney •. In eome blgh ICboo1s claasea will trac·e the hlstory, Of !lie holiday, while olhen will use the public addre11 system to . , read~"The-Crffd fOr YoUng Amertcans''- 1nd other Pltr:lotic majerill, district GI· flcial1 aakl. . , • 1£ you've .~~milt". the sun these p411t few morning&, ·there's a good reason -that pea .IOUP which will be bier a!oog the· cout on Tu ... day,, skidding .the .merC1jrY to 6S add back to 79 Inland. · JNSmE TODAY ~·lntrtpid John Dant and jlow- lt11 ftdling crew from Tula11• , • l/niomily·m.ci, clc!Jt;..,dP df llollgfpf:;C•p col~ ,.;li!lf riiolC!iei,' l><aiiflll out de/'11dlng chompion USC. Pagf '2. , ......... n.w ==· ,.J ~r lt c,.._,. 11 =·~ II " ·~ ..... ' ..... ~ ,. ........... ' Jt.tl' -" Allll~ •'M ... _ . ..,,._u.. .. 1t 5: .... ! or ..... e-.tr '' ............... -.... ........... ti Tllt\'hM 1t -.. --. • ._....... U, --.. .._... ....... 11-1• • t DAILY PILOT H Plea to Ban ~onaifunaUon cf property now oc- ~pled by an auto wrecking firm which Is U&ertedly a detriment to development of the city's Central Park and library wili be considerid by the. Huntlngton Beach City Council tonight. Subject of the action is the Golden West Auto Dismantlers on .Taylor Avenue, just ~est of Golden West Street and adjacent tQ Lake HunUngton. Granting or denial of a business pennlt for the operation . of ,motion plctw'e ~ television produ~on finn at 414 Pacif!,C Coast Highway in Ute downtown area 1S also on lhe councll'a agenda. ltoberl C. Harke, of Newport Beach, Under ttie name of RCH-Pacific has re- qiiested the license. In bis applicaUon for the permit. Harke !(.ates that the business will be an ad· nPMtration and production office . for niotion picture and televl81on production. ope.ration office for an advertlsing agency and 'fl graphic arts division including a Commercial portrait atudio. ------·- 0, 'K'd • --ID Speech Saigon WASHINGTON (AP) -PreaidenU!IJ. on's Vietnam policy speech won advance approval from tbe Saigop, government, the While Houae said locla'y. Discussing the· Nlxon talk, to be broad- cast live from his oval office by television and radio networks at 8:30 p.m. PST, press secretary: RonaldJ. .. Zlegler said : "We have had full and complete cqn· sullatlon with the government of VJetnam on tbe Pre:;ident's speech ... They are in agreement wi~ iLs coo tents." Ziegler feported also that Nixon had ananged for some consultation on the address wit.h leaders of Congress and other government& alll~ with the United States. in the V:ietnam war. Howev~r. the chief ~xecuUve did not get up a personal briefing session with Congress chlets in adv~ of his television·radio appearance.... ·- While the White House conti~ to keep mum on the contents of Nixon's text, there was considerable speculation the chief execuUve wvuld announce some move toward accelerated withdrawals of U.S. troops from Soutb Vietnam. eve-and came just two days alter the first anniversary · of fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson) action to halt all American bombing of N<rth Vietnam. Teens Raise Heck in Posh SF Church • By JAMES MeN~ Jr. S-lel ti .._ DAIL !LOT SAN FRANCISCO -y "Children of Israel," many waving ibles and att armed with seven.foot rods of J~ent. struck Slinday here at Grace Episcopal Cathedral atop Nob Hill. The precisely timed invasion of ~ ll o'clock cathedral" service was aJm<llt an exact duplicaUon of the surprise march into Memorial Church at Stanford University in Palo Alto one week earlier. City Clerk Paul C. J ones denied the ap- ptication and referred· it to the council- men because of the Jocat.lon in the city's downtown "hippie" district. .<\!so on the agenda is an appeal from a denial by the Planning CommiSsion of a pennit to Wtall a Zf.Square foot free standing pole sign at Carpenter's Hall, 8302 Atlanta A venue, just east of Beach FIREMEN BURST INTO BURNING BUNGALOW TO SAVE OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPED IC BED Costa Mesa Family Loses Hom• as Disabled Did Fac11 S.ck Surgery In Saigon, however, Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky was quoted during the weekend as saying the address contained "nothing ne't'." Jn Washington, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana remarked that "great hopes and ex· peclations are riding on this speech." It was the_ second disruption of Sunday, church services, since the group, known as the Teens for Christ when head· quartered in Huntington Beach, returned to California 10 days ago. · BOulevard, . 11ie conunlsslon·ers-denied the-sip permit because It doe& not confonn to the area, is a commercial use in a residential section and no hardship was shown. , 'l'he unla1,. organisation states that !he sign is needed for idenUfication !or local, cOunty and state members. A .. '!:. Trustee Urges .. . llorticidture at Westminster HS Flowers and plants may spring up &OOn on dormant land behind Westminster High School if Trustee Jobn Bentley gets JdS way. · ·~nUey told other members o( the Huntington Beach Union High School District go'Vtl'ning board this week "that wW &hoUld seriously consider includli1g in oot alrricillwn a ·tf.Operly prep&itd ooui'se lb horticulture." Said ~Uey, "There Is no ·q .. .'1400 l>ut' ll!ot lonclscaplng and landscape >main- tenance is a very lmportant:commercial f9J!ction in our area ol · Soulhetn Cililomia. S1.1ch a course would provide' a& enhancement to our vocational• pro- gram. It" would offer to certain students a chance to learn in a new and exciting area." ~..,----~~~..,--~~~- Parents to Get LOok at life In Hi h . Schools ... g ' wiiat lsJi lllie to be al!dni ~ of the ·s;;e high scbQOl.o in !he. l!unlinllon Beach Union Hlgh School District l Parents will have an opportunJty to fmd out at 7:30 o'cloc~ tonight as the last session ot the adult edueaition class aeries in high school dlslricl a!lminlsltalion meets in the music room of Huntington Beach High School. • Principals Glen Dysinger, of Marina High School, and Fernn Chrlstenten of Westminster High School are the m. structora fer the twcWiour program which will include discussion · of campus ac- tivltiu:, instrucUon and curriculum. Certificates · of completion wlll be awarded to approximately 30 members of th~ community who attended all four of the Miiiions; · • · · · • ~.--Pi:eviOus · meetings have 'conCernect theQise!Vu:: with high s ch o o I ad-- mintsttaUob, includine ' finance.;, scboOl board .'!l~~s, policies an_d ~,4~.'. " '·InstrfJctOn in the previous sessions. or this ·exl>erimerit in adult educatio'ir 1iaVe beeD Dr. Mu Forney, dlH~l ci· superintet1dent; Dr. Ethan Fullmer and Scot\ Flapaa:an, as s is t a n t superin- tendeJJ,ls;, Will Otto •. directot of cla~!lie~ personnel: Lee · Mosteller, director of ·.l'fhe trustee proposed that . such a , special services and H. W. Standard, ~ be implemented on a. poi;tion ~ II coordinator of child welfare aod at· acres of land owned by the distT:ict behind t d Westminster High School, which it has en ance. tJdld's Pl~y Blpmed Ziegler described the addreSs as a personal Nixon yndertaking from start to finish. The self-styled Christi an revollf.: tionaries have been gypsying acrou t.be United Slates since departing their flm headquarten, the Gospel Light Club, 110 Main St., HunUnglon Beach early ~ year. F"lames Destroy Home Speechwriteis were not employed in the usual se~he saJd, ~the text was "totally the Pftsident'a product." more than any other in recent.months. 'l'hey believe lhal God soon will deM>y Amerl<;a fer turning to the false IOds of. "organized religion, money, pleasure Ind education." Of Disabled Mesa Man Ziegler said Nixon had "structured it, developed)t, written it on his own.~· The President returned to the White House Monday afternoon after a long weekend stay at Camp David, Md., where he put the finishing touches on his manuscript. Moments alter Epi!<Opal Bishop C. Kilmer Myers finished his sermon the "Children" scurried past aged ushen and started in their double column procesaion up the main aisle of the vast Gothic style cathedral. By ARTBIJR I\. VINSEL Of .... Dtltt ........ ..,, Flames fed by a torch-llke1 melted gas line roared through a disabled worker's Costa Mesa home Saturday, destroying all family possessions except for the vic- tim '1 special or1hopedic bed. Damage to the home occupied by the Dan Beddick family at 242411 Sanla Ana Ave., comblntd wltb personal belongings. tOtaled more than $6,000, according to Fire Department investlgaton. . "lt~s.'8lmolt a io'tat lou,'flaid Battiliozi Chief Bob Beillch&mp, e:iplalruni that a <;1>qd Pla#i wil!>Jr!a~ •Vlt!en)ly trig· aered the c11sui..us to. 16 1.m. lire: · · . "U WU IPread \'iole!itl)' When a five- e!ghihs-ll!clr g.S nne 11>ihe kikhe1I stovo me:Jt.ed and we had many B1Us (British Thennal Units) of gas pourlng out," Chief Beauchamr. explained. No one was Uijured in the firt which devastated the Reddick home, but that is about all the family can be thankful for today, on the . ·eve of Reddick'a own hospitalizaUon. He suffen from an injured back and is 'tentatively scheduled for 1 u·t g e ·r y Wednesday at Riverview Hospital, Santa Ana, after ·which he faces a lon.,g con· valescence. 'The family has been living on Workmen's Compensation and other aueh funds connected· with Reddick's job- relaled injury, according to neighbors who have pitched in lo help the UD· fortunates. \Vorking with him there were Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, assistant for national security affairs, and Brig._ Gen. Alex· ander Haig, Kissinger's deputy. Plans for the speech had been an- nour.ced just prior to the Oct. 15 Vietnam Aforatorium. That's more than the normal span for advance word oo · a presidential talk to the nation. The deli very dale was fixed for election As in the Stanford church invasion, the young prophets wore ankle length burlap robes died blood red, a "Jesus love slave earring" Iii the left ear and had ashes smeared on their foreheads. The 500 worshipers inside stared in amazement as the group composed of men and women in their teens and early 20's cracked the seven-foot "rods of judgment" on the concrete floor as the>': "We•ve all gotten clothes together for them, but mostly thiy sUU Deed some for Qin ancl".Bunni," said. M'ts. 'Grace Hoscoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four houaes: from the .burned home: .. · inched. up the main aisle. Former Fir• eman Reaching lhe Iron! of !he cathedral, full bearded Jim Ballester, who has been "'ith the band since its Huntington Beach Willian> He. ngo. Jd. . days, rushed the· allar accompanied by. .....,._ ~ -two .aidts;. ;' Bishop Myers and other church func· -'"1Jm, still.' in a. State of ·shOc'k.-mySelf," · said :Mrs.· Hoscoe, 0 Their ·Tefri.eratOr )ust mf!!led." · Succumh.S ·at 66 tionaries abou~ to start Holy Communion rites glared, hot.eyed, at Ballester who Firemen arriving on the scene found the Reddick home a literal inferno from William Hengold, a retired captain of the gas-fed kitchen portion, but rushed in Huntington Beach Fire Department died and salvaged the workman's badly Friday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. He needed, $150 orthopedic bed. was 66. Mrs. Hoseoe said in addition to adult Servicts will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday clothing, the Reddicks will need linens at the First olli.sUan Church of Hun· and other household goods, as well as an tington Beach. inexpensive place to stay during his con· Mr. HEingold had been a resident of then whirled around and facing the co°" gregation boomed out the bad news of the coming end of San Francisco. Boys Ouh Seeks Tean1 Coaches Facing Charges In Italy Before Returning been unable to divest itsell of de~ nmne.rous attempts. • • "'The capllal outlay in buildings and an HiJ acker Irrigation system would be negligible," . be insisted. The district's director of curriculum, Dr. John A. Venable is now invesUgating the possibility of implementing BenUey's auggestion. ,,.alescence. Huntington Beach for 47 years and bad served in the Fire Dept. for 21. The Reddick famil y includes Billy, 10; He was a member of the Masonic-Volunteers to serve as coaches are now Barbara, 9 and Danny, 4, according to Lodge, American Legion and Huntiniton being sought by the Huntington Beach" Mrs. Hoscoe, who said one neighbor will Beach Men's Golf Club. Boys Club which is organizing basketball provide shelte r for them tonight. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, te3ms. Anyone wishing to donate or loan of the home, 502 N. Crest Ave . AU potential coaches and referees are cloth.ing and household goods to 1i.elp th e Burial will be at W e s t m i n s t e r invited to attend a meeting at 7 p.m. trouble-plagued family may drop it off at Memorial Park. Smith's Mortuary is in today at the ctub, 319 Yorktown Ave. Mrs; Hoscoe's garage. charge of arrangements. Experience is preferred but not . JJeacli Historian '.Falks to Civic Chili •• :.Huntington Beach City H I s to r I a n titlbert G. "Bud" Higgins will explain ''Jluntingt.On Beach Yesterday" to lfpmbers of the Exchange Club, at 12 :15 . Thursday at the Huntingt9n Seacliff. ggins is a 34-year veleran of service th the city in the lifeguard and fir11 ~ents. He was fire chief for the ci· ~l until his retirement to become city ~tori an. .' ~ , DAILY PI LOT ~ CllWfGt COAST P\tlltSltlNG <OMPAH'r ' . • l ! ! Rcb.rl N. Wt•d ""~~rir 11nd "11b!iM>cr J1t k I!. Curlty Vkt Ptt~i~crit otr>d Gcri·Hl l Mt,..ftt lhcm11 K11vll Edllor Thom•1 A, Mu1p~iri1 M11119lri1 &:dllOr ).lhtrl W. 1~111 Anottlt!t Edltv H111tl~H •••tlri Ofllt• { 109 5111 Str11t 1 M•lll111 Addt1ut P.O. 101 790, t2l41 f Otlltr Offlus I -. • N...,..., kHI" :211 \\ltlil 11111!11 lle!l ..... 1!. Cosll MeMt J30 W~1t l1v 5trttl l.t lll!ll kKlll 12J r-1n11 A•etllll ROME (UPI) -An llalian prosecutor said today plane hijacker Raffaele Minichiello would . be tried in Italy before facing proecution in the United States. Three more charges were filed qaint the young American marine. The new charges brought to eight the number of charges Minichiello faces he.re. If convicted on all of them he could spend as long as 30 years in Italian prisons before American authoriUes could lay a hand on him. Assistant Prosecutor Masslmo Carll called on Minichiello at Rome's Queen-of Heaven Jail tonight to ~form him of the new charg!s, which include' kichping, private ,{.fQJence against U>e crew of the Trans World Alrlinea jelllner be hijacked and violence qainst a public officlat, 'Maximum sentences on thf iel&bt chargts · add up to 31 years and ·sit months, but under Italian law the m~ time a person can serve in prison abort Of life imprisonment is 30 years . Harbor District End Disc ussed A resoluUon calling for the orange County Board of Supervisors to dissolve the county Harbor District will come before the Fountain Valle;" City. Council at 8 p.m .• TueSday. The resolution is spoo.sored , by the Orange county League of Cities which " has acUve'Jy sought dissolution of the D41L v '1lor. w1111 w111t11 If tOll\blfltf ~ harbor dlstrlct and placement of lb func--Me,....11m1. • ttlfbll~ -~~ ••te.ot "'11'> d rim ••• .,.--Iii ._,,..,.,_ nlfllM~~ -"-'•'"'"~ lions under Ult county epa ent~ ..... i ,•etc.II. ,,_,.1q v1111y~ c ... 1• M."'• "'w. Past Fountain Valley city councils have 1 Pl'' , .. ,,. •rid 1..t1-IHclf. 11...,. wtttt : ,..,. • .,ion.1 "'''""'· o'""' coett P~11111t.-favored removal of the harbor district, , ..., com,..11~ w11111,,. P,.f111 J1••11 nu w..• sa'id "ty -···~r Jaims Neal, but the ••ttOf ar~o . 10 .. ~0fl ftl<h. IN J.» u ........ 1~w,~1 "•~ '"'''· '°'" ww. -present couqcU made no statement r•itN• t7t4l MZ,..J2t as to its pos!Uon. ~ F••• WftflllfMNt c.o S40.1tlt The County Board of Supervisors will C~• M••rtW.. '4Z.JlJI hold a public hearing at 10 a.m., Wed· C.VMM. Ifft, OJ1f!M (otU 'llMltNfll bor c..,,..ft.. ... -• , , 1 t 1 .. ••"•'~ nesday, in Santa Ana on the Har tt1•.,i11 ""-'""' "' """'";"""ft" iwr."' DistricL ~'flt"""'"""'" ... 11'*" 1..ici.1 ,.,..... .... " '~'"Ith! c•r•. · Only one public hearing, 1 f'O\ltit1e s.ct .... c1n1 t n '"'l• ,. •• 4 ,, ~,..,.,., tw1t1t 1 ... .i... family <Rt) -'de U I 110-•fld c'''" """,.· c1111"~·• ~tHr-111U> ff 1 .. ,..., · rQJ n a .... ll•f'lcr u OI .. s •. •~·,, llv -u u. """"":::::~:::•.:..• -~-:~ e. ls Oil the Fountain Valley qend1 1ill.tY euilM.1-....»M..-1111¥. eaday. • -· "I'll even go pick it up," she said. necessary . Minichiello, who hijacked the plane in Mrs. Hoscoe said the unexpected loss All-star teams for boys in fifth grade California last Friday and forced the pilot has caused Reddick to consider delaying J in1m~r urante. Falls and under, sixth grade. eighth grade and to fly It to Rome, faces a possible death his badly needed corrective back surgery, ninth grade will play other boys' clubs in sentence in the United States on a hi· but friends are urging him to go ahead P N , ARil:. {AP) -Comedian Orange County in the basketball prcr jacking charge. ,,·Ith Jt. J" my Durante fell three .feet from a gram. -I "l am sure he will be tried first in Ita· He was to enter the hospital 1'u"""""--'s'-ta;·g;e stairway at the Arizona State Fair Further information about becoming a ly,'' Carli said.· "No doubt about it. "Things l r dar r them Sunday and suffered a cut on the bac k of coach is available from the club's ex· However, that is my pezson ·6Piili0n-on:..,~n~"~'·~"~2'1~id~,;';'b;u;tl;h;ey~~v~e~t~ogo~~on~.'~'~~lh~e~h~e;a~d~.~~~~~~~~~~i~ec~u;li~ve~d~~e~c~to;r~,; Pa~l~Do;;w~n~ey~,~a·t~53?.6~·94~1~5. ly." --..... 4 Carli also said M. ichiello's elderly father, who lives in ~°i':lthem Italy, would eventuaDy be allo\Wi1to see his son. Carli charged Mtnichiillo Sunday with fi \'e other crimes, including another count of kidna ping, private violence, bringing weapons of war lnto Italy, pos. Sessing them lllqally and carrying them illegally. Prison sources described MU:Uchiello In good. splrita and said he was to undergo psychiatric teats during the wee.k. He was allowed no visitors. not even his father. 80, "llo drove up from NlpJes. Huntington Man Dies of Burns From Accident A Huntington Beach man has died In Orange County~Medical ·Center of burns suffered three weeks ago in a Westminster traffic accident. Dari Garcia, 59, of 79820 Aldridge Strfft, was driver Qf a pickup truck '~:hl~h mashed Into the slde of a ca.r at a Westminster lnterSeCUon last Oct. 12. _Garcia~ was pulled frorilnis bumlng, overturned vdlicle . with third degr~ bums over most of his body. Nine oth~r persons, seven of lbem children, escaped from Garcia's truck with minor lnjuriei. The 16-year-old eirl driver of the other vehicle was unhurt and her car suffered only minor damages. Passersby braved slx·foot hJKb names and the possible ~xplMlon tO puli thrtt ol Garcia'• passengtts to ufely1~---ICJ:itlo School For Skeptics Unusual for any kind of a store. \Ve WELCbME hard-headed men. Those who trust their own eyes and rely on their own judgement. The only criterion in our store is \vhat you !lee in our mirror. If you don't see yoursell looking better in our mirror, \\'t start over again. The headmaster of our school for skeptics is our master filter, Nelson de Souza Avila. Nelson is an old·world craftsman, the kind you rarely find anymore, and he won't let you have your s1lifllli!il you're BOTH happy with ii. You will be, too. Come in today and mate us prove it. 3167 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach -Open-Frlday·~lngs U)llil l1J.m. ' f I< f I ~ a C• y c. • J ll u n p p 0 u u d n N u g •· d " ' ll II E • t: g fl k n • b Tfteagan--1\ssails Stale Slr~ OCC Has a Queen Janet Koontz of Newport Beach1 1969 Homecoming Queen a1 Orange Coast College, is escorted to center stage by Student Body President Tom Hubble during ceremonies· at halftime of OCC.Mt. San Antonio football game Saturday night. Pirates wou homecoming tilt 17·14. See story, Page 24, ; Republicans .CMer Go'l{l3rnor's Speech · ·in Anaheim ' Jly TOM llARLEY Of ... Dl&I¥ Plllt Jflff Govemot Ronald Reagan womtaed cheering RepubUcana Salurday lhlt llrlk· Ing stato "'1ployes -be Immediately replaced "eo that we can get on wltb the job of lel'vil1g ~ pubUc." , Riagm deoarW"ffom the speech be had intended to deliver to aome 3,000 onlookers and . delegate& ol I h e RepubUcon State c.ntral Committee at the Anabe.lm Convention Center to blast' the Callfornia State Employes' Aaocla· lion's. revocation of lta long-staoding·"no &trike" pledge. J1e"" "'"1Ceded that the state faced no lm- medJate stoppage by lt.s workers. But he * * * made It tqU&lly clear1hohlrlb ..U.. fo any mu of -ID•em-·woold not be tolerated .. "I r<lpOCI lho(rflbl of tboM In prlvalo bullneu to ~ bat Ille Slate· ol Califomla ii not a private h91bW1," 11..;.n said. '•we. con Dot <Olldoi>O 11rtn adlao by wri iii -pullUc .,.p1oyea ...i I aaure )'OU now um mdi a· btt.ech of publlc trust •!D lelid lo -,nplaclnc Ille strlkea ud conllnublc· on. • REASON TO PREVAIL "Bui perhaps . ....... will """'"·· ll<apn sald. "lboPo Ii ·will ud I iirp the employes' .,..P 1o bled my .....aru and ~ ~t I mean every 1'0fd!" Reagan abo rapped "teacher and • 'Ibo governor fi.rther warned his capacity 1udien<e that "the inlliltl•• proposal would abo require a coollnuou1 annual lncreua of about $150 mlDlon each year. These maaaive additions te · state expenditure," be said, "can only be, financed be gruUy Increased &late In" come or 11lea taus or both." , • CHEERS, APPLAUSE -. Halted repeatedly by cheers ud ap- plause, Reagan told the Republican gathering -at the midway mark ' of Its ~ay conventJon -that his own· plans for "a unique and maasive tar1 retonn program" would be "recogni~ by the people of this state as a. &nceN1 and ,,e.nuine desire on the part of tbfs ad•' ministration to lighten the tax load. , '1 For 'i.970 .Elections If that program wins legislative ap-• proval~ be laid, ••tJte at.ate wtll aupply 80 percent not 50 percent of the cost of the pubUc school system. · GOP Raising 'War Chest~ ''If state taxes are to be increased t&. do·tbis,'1 be said, "lhen there must be. rigid, major and guaranteed property tn reductions at the local level. My tn reform program will reduee mo:st re:sldenUal property tales by 50 permit° and keep them down," he said. By BILL BOYARSKY A· multimillion dollar warchest for the 1970 elections is being raised by leaders of the California GOP. Republican Gov. Reagan and . other Party officials told details of their fund raising efforts at the annual meeUng of the Republican St.le Central Committee in Anaheim over the weekend. Committee niembers also voted overwhelmingly lo back President Nix· on's efforts to end' the Vietnam War. And they cheered when Sen. Georg• Murphy (l\oCalil.), 6ald CaWornia'a DemocraUc senator, Alan Cranston, "should be ashamed of himself'' for some of his rec.Jnt statements about the war. Details ol the financial campaign were disclosed in interviews, private meetings and in a report to the central Committee by Robert Beaver of Fullerton, the treasurer. Among the pl81)S : -A Committee for a Greater California haS been ori:anized to begin collecting money for Reagan's campaign for a se. cond tenn. About $200,000 was pledged to the committee at a dinner meeting three months ago at a Los Angeles restaurant. Holmes Tuttle, a Lo:s Angeles auto dealer and longtime Reagan friend, is chairman. Sources close lo the governor said that his campaign in the general election will cost $1 million or more. but he hopes to keep spending in the primary to $250,000. He eipects no major primary opposition. declsiclns ... The legislatttre-elected next year will redraw legislative and con.. gr!sslonal ·district lines to meet pOpula· tion changes and, said Beaver, "decide whlch party will control the state for the next decade." -Sen; Murpby'1 aides diaclosed he bas $500,000 in bll eampalp treaaury for a 1970 re-elecU"' campaign that they u .. _ pect will cost afleast $1 millloo: --_J'.!'o conservative minded volunteer groups ore ready to tupply thousands ol dollars and ~palgn wor~ .to con· "'"alive RepubllcM candidates In the June 1970 primary. Michael Van Hom, president of the United RepubUcana of California, aa.Jd~ "We're lbootlng for $50,000." James ~l!emer. president of the CaWornla Republlcan Assembly, said his group bopea to put in as much as 110,000 In specified Assembly and Seoale districts. -. -A....,bly . Speaker . Robert T Mooagan (ft.. Tracy), said . be bopea to raise $100,000 from a testimonial dinner In Lo& Angeles In January to help Republican legislators win ?M:Jection. Mooagan said the· fund win be under "'some offlclal auspices so tt Is ~ a slush fun9;." He &aid be wanted. to avoid the sort · of crillclam leveled qa1na1 former Democratic Assembly Spea.ter Jesse M. Unruh, wbo bad I llmllar fund but disbursed the mooey hbiueu. Monagan said be lhougbt b11 woald be handled through the Central Committee. "Mi>ney may be the-ol .U evU; but ft Is still the mother's milk of ~lltics," Beaver !old the committee -liaing a pllraso coined by Unruh. State Has $23 Million ,Tied Up Surplus Funds Reagan's proposal would 1ncr...._sa1e1 tues by one cent and bJke sta.1e iocoma tax by one half one percent.. ' . ., ''Without such forced property tax reductlons,', he warned, "an increue i#," st.ate school aid can only mean unwar. ranted and intolerable addiUons to tho ' crushing burden oar tupayeri are ~· cam-Ing. Even wone, It will mean that . job-imlu<lng lndullries • . . will look · ebewbere. with dlaastroo.-i•esuUa fri:oar-. economy." In an -that hid very much o(, the election year ring lo I~ Reagan tick"" orr Item alter ll•m "of ooUd-IChtevement. by oor Republican admlnillraUon ud all· ol lhem geared lo that one Tl\al principle -the cuWng ol the cost ol goveUIDltill for the State of California." · : His altacl<s cm the ''Democrat. wbO unhlpplly preceded 1111 In office and the Democrats who even now refuse to con- cede I.he extent of the morass they willed-- to us" included frequent jibes al former Assembly speaker Jesse Unruh Ind Sao Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto -boa! widely regarded as gubernatorial can- didate! in 1970 and both frequentJy refer· red lo by Reagan u the "Bobboef Twins." ' He just as often sprang to the defensa.- SACRAMENl'O (UPI) -Controller unappropriated money on the hook•. o1 Vice President Spiro Agnew and lalhed Houston FloumO)' reported today the These were fwtds remaining from the the PreM for its "constant use of out-of. state is hol3lng $23 million in surplus tax· state fiscal year which ended last July t. context comments by Agnew. ers' money that cannot be .,._.,t In all, there DOW an $S37,l mllUon in "I happen to agree with everytl'q ~ 3 S·culptors fo ,Design . l . , Dana Harbor Memorial -Tho JlepubUcan State C.ntral Com- mltlee bas adopted a budget of $1,390,000 for 196i and 19'10. This will be used to pay for staff memben, polls, computers and other political aid to candidates in selected legislative 4istrict:s. Republicans control the Assembly by only a 41·39 margin and the Senate by a bare 21-19. Beaver said control must be strengthened in 1970 -"a year of -~· "surplus" ._ __ .. _ left ov-from ""-, _ _. __ , .. "' added u.. lo '"-ul"·-.. Ult ii WU not appropriated by the •w~ •• -~· -· -gan """ _ apo 1969 legislature. fiscal year. All but #1 mfllion of thiJ ts plause. He later clarified that comment ·It was not •"'P"pr"'opiM>ririat.ed because the ~1:;~ ln n~e only. It ·.~11y la aa beinc in reference to Agnew's~ Reagan ldmlnlstr1!1oo overestimated the •· 00 peace marcben ud thole whoo-.._,_ cost ol government and maintained there Some $194 mlllion. for Instance, Is President Nl%on'1 Vietnam. policles. ·• .. , "workiiig capital." Another $250' mlllion Reqan al8o promIJed an "unremittinc would not be enou&b money for additional is designed to finance state programs this campaign. by this administration in an . expenditures. year, lncl• ... u .... an $87 mlllloa:income lax area of trtmendou1 public concern -our. I r I Three American sculptors have been selected to submit designs for the Richard Henry Dana Memorial to be con- structed at the entrance of Dana Point Harbor. and sea. Chairman of the selection comm ittee is Gerald T. Gaffney of San Juan Capistrano who said that no restrictions have been pl~ced on the artists. Elderly l\iap Killed As C~r Tries to Pass The extra m........, now just ... l.f .. th-e," -.. ._..., GJ,h'> ~ rebate. environment. Flournoy told a newa conference. Scbdols will recei S174 7 mflll In. Glant steps have been 'taken and wiO The legislature· can appropriate .Jt dur-new money thi! year ~inc1u<1big neari; $io copUnue to be taken for clean water. Ing the 1970 session and a fierce election· million of the total "surplus." gmog-free air and "ways ii1 which we can year tug-Of-war js expected to .develop A spokesman for Assembly Democratic increasingly protect Uie natural en.. ~tween Gov.. Ronald Reagan and Leader Jess Unruh said "Reagan fooled vironment,', Reagan said. The governor Democrats over how to use the funds. us again." He :said Democratic legislators pointed out that his admJnistration bad Flournoy ·caned the new:s conference to had thought even the unappropriated added 2&,000 acres of land to Califonlla'a report that final state audits show a $12.9 money 'would go for schools. state park system "and not just to cono The artists are Vincent Glinsky of New York City, Edward T. Hoffman o( Wagner, Penn. and John Tenken of East Meadow, N.Y. "But we'd like the monument to :stand the tc:st of time and we'd like the total cost to be less than $15,000," he-said. LOS BANOS (UPI) -A 72-year-old million unappropriated surplua over what Flournoy said the final surplus was found the claims of predeceaors who Gardena man was killed Sonday when his he prellminarfly reported in August. At ••generally attrlbutable"cto refined state said . we'd be-busy selling off wbal WI Financing for the memorial will be en· tirely from private contributions, ac· cording to .Gaffney. Initial funds were raised through the ,:sales of license plate rrame:s and decals but fund ra ising will begir. in earnest when the sculptor is ·selected. car struck a '"Yehicle teying to pass him on that time., there' was nearly $10 mllllon in-accoonting. already had." Highway 2<'11about10 miles west of here. 1--------------------------'-------------- The sculptors have until Jan. 1 to sub- mit -designs !Or the memorial which WiJf be located on the outer mole at the end of the· causeway. lt ·will be visible ·by land· The California Highway Patrol said the victim, George Pillon. was northboUnd when he made a sudden left tum across the centerline smashing into a vehicle in the process oC passing. Outsiders Ripe f o-r-Bru-gs~ Narco Agent Says Unaccepted Kids Bear Watching . By ALBERT W .. BATES Jotdon ·had 6011\e advice ·for parents despite his appearance and the fact the or t11t 0.111 P1101 s11tt wh'ose children have not yet "copped room reeked of marijuana smoke. Later, · · al and'd t f ·out,'' but mighL Items:: aft.er the children's artest, the mother Profile or a typ1c c 1 a e or a -0 · · lack f •-td the agent that l!ibe .......... ht her teen-age drug·u:sihg group~ y~ss1veness· or · o · w Id •-.gh •· h A youhgster·of·either sex wtio ls super• su~sion. ·Allowing the youngster to daughter, at 13, wa:s o enou w ave fat, extra skinny, super-dumb -or non· · Sfa'y8II night with a friend cans· for her privacy. She thought nothing was outgoing in personality though perhaps of checking with the parents of that friend. wrong, yet it was obvious plenty was The friend might be :saying the same wrong, Jord9n said. average intelligence. thing to his parents, with both youngsters The undercover agent told th e Because most everyone wants lo be ac· then free to join an all-night pot or pill Rotarians why, in hi:s opinion, ao many cepted by his peer group and these art young people have gone in for religions youngsters feel rejected, ~ey are ripe p · y, and philosophies of .the Far East. candidates for a drug-oriented group NO FAVOR First, he said, they're fighting their where they can feel accepted. -It's no favor to the child to be too le-parents and the Asian religions are not This is the explanation given by Wally nient. Girls are noted for their diary those of their pareli.s. Jordon, undercover narcotics agent for keeping and note writing, telling all about , Second, they're not 0 thou shalt not" the Orange County Sheriff's office, in a their actiVities. Parents should oc-religions. They're permissive and preach, talk to Huntington Beach Rotary Club caslonally search .dresser drawers and "Make peace with yourself." But Since members Jt'riday. closets not only to examine such these young people are Jazy and care Emphasizing _ that he is not a trained documents .but to look for drugs. nothing for anyone but themselves, they psychologist, and speaks only fr~ close -If a child wants shoulder-length hair will steal and cheat someone elle without personal observation in hundri:rts of ca~s or a t~short miniskirt. parenta should a qualm, Jordon said. of marijuana and hard narcotics cases m fight ·Jt.' Tikihg on ti hippie Bppearance TAKE CARE the county, Jordon said that talking to means dope pushers will come along and "Take UWtirial care of the chlld who ls teen-age pot smokers and pill poppers say, "Hey, are you one .of ·us or not?" vr--allfl " the enl d ... litUe -or no good for they'11e "'pretty And then ..... dope into.the child's hand. the bashful., ower type, II "' .,...~ adminished. "Make sure he or !be un-mucb made.up their minds." But if the youngster baa a ,cleancut ap-dentands tbaj acceptance by the NOTION UNTRUE pearance, if he wants dope he'll have dll· narcotics crowd Is no acceptance at all. . . h · 'fiCulty making 'a'dliitact. 'y . !hemlm ••· J · tbelli' good•-He branded as untrue the notion t at If child J burning Incense In his LA ; ow 1.uat 115 g a • u.:r- lhere's !'-"generaUon gap," ~hat the older t -pla lcb It~ lt's frequently used as Cent kid will win the acceptance of other generation can't get along with youth. He , oom._ . good. decent kids oVer a period Of time.'' said Jt's not the age difference, it 's the a cover for mari1uana smoking. . Narcotics undercover men , starting difference Jn thinking. Jordon told ot a mulU«oried home in with just one offender 10metimes· wind A man-.of ~middle age. Jordon proved " Laguna ~ch where the b9itorµ. ~nOQL_up---wtUr!CORror-puib:ers----tn-,all-as-a- thi:s idea to hi:s own satisfaction by grow· was occupied by a l3-year-old gal ·~ result of that Jirst an-est Jordon con- ing a beard and Jong hWr. wearing a her lS.year-old brother. eluded. The first one wUI ofter to tum tn •Idl's Angels type jacket and dirty jeans ACl'INO ON TIP to puahers in.return tor his own freedom. with torn sweat.shirt. The young hippie Acting on a Up, he gained admittance. More auch "snJtchen" may develop out types took to him, saying, "Hey, I.his old Wearing clothing that made hlm look like . of the ensuing roundup -and so ~on geezer is all rlghl. He's a fiop.0 a "rejected Hell'• Angel/' he wafsitting higher up the dru& dealin.& line. He said they WO\lldn't. like the on the girl's bed dilculling the price of Jn answer to a . qutttlon, Jordon 11akl -··-,~; ........ .::.:., .:.-lo~. ~;,~;/·-:;;..( .1 t~ ,:...J.n ~........... . ,, MlCHEtSON AT MACARTHUR the new home of Newport National Bank's .Airport Office This I• an extremely con~enient location for thoa~ who use l!I MacArthur Blvd. frequently. Michelson ls near the San Diego Freeway, Newport Freeway an.d acrou from the Orange County Airport. Open your account at this con .. nle.~t locatloo ahd enjoy ~LE PARKING ••• SPEED WINDOWS FOR PEAKPERlODS, •• BUILT·IN CUSTOMER ADDING MACHINES , ,., COFFEE AND COOKIES • , • SIT·DOWN TEU.ERS ••• UNIQUE WELCOME CEN'!'ER •• , PATIO BANKING ... BEAUTIFULLY DECORATBD, EVERYONE IS INVITED TO OUR OPEN HOUSE, , • REFRESHMENT AND GIFTS Sirvlni the notds ol the industri1I tomplex. Mlthellon II MatArthar ••• 833-3111 Rotarians because ihey pay thei.r -taxes. mel.hallne, a potent drug, which the gtrl ' present drug laws "are adequa'te U 0011 ketp up respectable h!)llleO' a!¥I enJoY a hid for llle;-Wlltil-ber mother came the judges would. mete out full punlah· measure ol success. 'lbey'ro luy. They down frora npstaln. ment." He appured lo be ro•lerrlng to \ HY......:'..You don'Umow anything. I do S..jng J_onlon !!!.! m edlatel drul pusbers_ulll!r_!haa to_l'.'!l!!J._,,flnl..,.i:=:_....:======:....:===-===-=~~~================= beCause 1·ma Dop.11 apologized t~~ and • 1s, o enaeriW1tn i?larIJUana. I. 1 · ---· ----~1 , ,~ ....... OlllW ,... .... , '!'be daughter ol Soviet Premier A).-ol N. K .. ygln bu wriUen a book about American-Soviet rel> lions. The author, Ludmilla A. GVJahlany, is a profesaional bis tor- i ab a specia.l.Ut on Ibo United States, and Is connected with Ibo recenlly opeoed lnsUtute for Amer-i~an Studies. The book to appear •bortly deals with American-Soviet "relations" between 1917 and 1921. Whatever relatlor11 existed during that period were unofficial. • As far a& Montana Is concerned lhe battle of the sexes is over. Guess who won? Glacier County In Montana's north central cattle country has a woman sheriff, th1 lint in the state's history. Mra. Jean Gerb:en was named sheriff by the county board of commission- ers to fill a vacancy created l>Y the reslgnaUon effective Nov. l of J-Hortin. • Actor .LoTM Green 1houl1 hil Mn/• the mt'dal ht received from the Gov- e1Jnor . General of Canada Roland ~htntr, tnvt.sting him in the "Of"o dtr of Canada!' TM 1Mdall art a~td for outltanding 1mrict to er.-father of ~111 Schreiner, S, has filed a '25,000 suit for a bite •be allegedly suffered from tho for· n1M' neighbor'• dog. "I don't have • ;great aea1 of sympathy for dogs ninnlng loose and biting people," e1plalned Geol'll• Schrolnor' chief of the Sacramento County animal c~lrol center. 0 Elephants at Wmdsor's Safari Park in England, agitated by the nOise of passing airplanes, have been fitted with jumbo earmuffs, park of!icial1 have announced. •• !~----..... lean Httottt and her huaband of Hornchurch, England 1t11t out party invitation& to fmnd& which said: "'We art throwtrig a strip party. C01M along." AM they did. One couple even ar· rived tDUh nlghteloU... in hand. They tDn'C 4 bU IUrpri&td When the Hewitu handed out buckets of toatn and scrapers to strip off the wallpaper at their new 1:1even-room home. ' .. • As Vice President Spiro T. Ag. + spoke at a Defense Depart· nlent ceremony hls prepared ten riad: "No publlc figure has gone down in history for saying ~ve me eOonomy or give me death! 'When AJ.n:ew read it, lt came out: "No public figure has gone down in his- tory for &houtlng give me liberty or give me economy I" GOP'• John Morch! Llborola' Llndaoy Lindsay Re-election BUI, Highlights Tuesday Vote Conoent av<r law and onler, Prealdenl Nhon'a pollllcal clout and New York Mayor John v, Lindsay's drlv!ng effort for ...,lac:tton are adcflng up to 0.. ol the nation'• moot important olf·yeor el«> . ilons. Mud! altentloD ID Tuaday'a voting falls on. Lindsay. The one. t 1 me Repulillcon aJamour boy wu colllldered a clncb loser four months aa:o but has re- bounded to become od<IHn favorite to retain mt Is often dercrlbed u the IOCOll<Hnoat dlfflml1 elected olllce ill tbo lll!lloo. Beyond. the New York nee, thoulh. pollilcal observen are 1-.g to gubernatorial fights In New Jeney end Virginia end mayoral elections In Detro14 Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Bullalo for IJ>o dlcations on voter thlnklng. Tbe balloting ill New Jersey and Virginia b ol particular lntereat because Israel to Warn lehanon Against Guerrilla Okay Prell-Nixon bu lnjeclod hlmRll ill both races In bis fin! domestic pollllcal campaigning !!Ince bJa """ electloo o year ago. 'nle New York City race bu been a otudy ill frustration for most pollUcaJ oboerven. Lindsay wu all but counted out Jut spring when be lost tbo Republican oomlnatlm to • comervatlve and UWe-known state eenator from Staten Island, Jolm Mucbl. Forc<d to run 0n the Ucbts ol the small Liberal and lndepencknt parties, be fell far behind In the ear!J stages o( the race u Democ:rat Marlo Procacclno ....,ed to pick up IUJIPOrl fmn tbo heavily populated borougbl of ~ Brooklyn and 'Ibo Bronx. Lindsay. however, bu put together a pollahod and "l"'!lvo wnpalin that ·ap. pean to have oven:ome Procaoclno'1 law.-1-order lllrategy and hil attacts on the mayor u a "Limousine Liberal" who plunged the city into its worst ncial crisis. Tbe latest and fmal straw poll tahn by ithe New York Dally News !bowt Llnd.!ly with 48 peT"Ctnt of the vote, Procaccino 27 percent and ~1archi 23 percent. Two per_· cent were undecldea tn the newspaper'• poll, which bas correctly fllftCOsl the winner m the city's mayoral election over the past 40 years. The llghta 10< the other dty halls are Br Ualtod Pma latenaUooal ,..n as tesla of a current tbosll that mJd. hrael bombed thno Arab guen1lla cllMlua America la In rovo11 ..,.. Jaw. buts In J..Usn today, and Informed and..n!er and Ibo uplratlom ol arbsn oources ill Jerusalem said Premier Golda blacks. Meir wu prepar1q to wam Lebanon In Deln>lt and Cleveland have Neer<> can- clur tmna apll!ll pannlUJn& Lebanon-dldala for mayor, with Democrat Carl bise<f ,,_m .. to attack Israel B. Stokes running for rHloctloo In the A cea.1iro broogbt an ftld to the Ohio city and Wayde County Auditor fight!DI In Lebanon between resular Richan! Austin seeking a linll term run- army units end Arab guerrlllu today, nlng the MichJ&an metropolis. and peace negollalon in Cairo said they Stoke•. lint black mayor ol a major ...... confident ol reaclng a permanent U.S. city, la challenged by Repuhllcan setUement that would permit attacka Ralpb J. Perk with the race rated a against llrael. virtual toas-up. 'l'be key IJsue bas been Mrs. Meir called a Ngb level con-over control of. the police f«ee With the suJtation C11 the Ld>aneto c:rlala and racial anal• abnmering below tbe poUtlcal IOUl'Cel said larael wu tattna: a llUl'face. . «r've view of. the ~ agreement in The Detroit race allO ii seen as too cair.. 'Ille word was that Lebanon can fl cl"" to call with a wry high undecided expect Israel to rdaliait IWittly. voter element seen as the key in Austin'• Railroad Salary Hike Proposed effort agalost Roman Gribbs, Wayne County l!huiff, -bas made crime con-trol his major campaign Issue. 'Pray Now, Pay Ailing Chief Executive Re.elected in Tunisia TUNlS, Tunisia (AP) -Alllnl Habib Bourgulba was re-elected president of 'I\misia Sunday for a new five-year term without oppoaJUon. REFRESHING! ~ PURE U.S. Under Red SAIGON (UPI) -SW! North Vlelo • .., ... ortfJlery barrl(el ~ .. lor<td alllod troops to 1bandoa tbreO U.S. oolo polls aJoar the C&mbodlan fronttr, mlUtary spoktlin'!l1 -today. It WU the fin! nportad 1111 o( COO- >enticnaJ ertDJery by tbo Viet Cong 0< North V1etn1me1e ill four niolltbs. U.S. mlllllry........, aaJd oome o( the ulvos came from ne1&blJorinl CambodJL U.S. and South V-troopo pull· ed oot ol fire buel KU.. Annie and Sullll late Saturday and early Sunday, taking or destroying their own fllN and fleeing to the. Green Beret camp al nearby Bu Prang. Headquarten uld Bu Prang, 110 miles nortbout of Sal(Oll and within range ol CambodJI, ltsell WU Wider ahellli!I alo tact from the 7,000.DWI Norlb Vlet-n..,,.,. buildup along the bonier. Four U.S. belicopten were shot down Sunday by guerTllfa ground gunnen who used the heavy cover ol the Jun&le to move ll'9Und almost at will Tbo weekend flibtlng klllod 11 Americana -m ill the ambush of Ille truck coavoy, four ill o belloopler cruh and one ID the wilbdrawal from Fire B ... KaJe • lnitlal reporla JJated Ugh! fighting there today but far to tbo north, apoteamen aald, U.S. troops leveled their arWJ<ry and bluted apart lwo Communlst f(rOllDd attacta en the northern coast. • CONG 'THANK' PEACE MARCHERS SAIGON (AP) -'Ibo chalrmsn ol the Viet Cong's NaUonal Liberation Front thanked U.S. antiwar demomtn.tors to- day for "raising the flag ol tradltlon, In· dependence and democracy oplnst the war of aggression in Vietnam." · In a taped 11 address to the American people" broadcast over the Viet Cong's clandestine radio, Nguyen Huu Tho noted that the "struggle o( the American people bas become flercer than ever with the parllcipatton ol all cl-. ol people without d18tlnction of race." " Save at El Rancllo I wllere , tile price is rigllt I DELICIOUS! / Siz pacl< ••• 30o I I I I I I I I I I LIBBY'S ••• 5 oz. CANS ., I ,{'!..!.II!!!..~~~~'! .. ::;;:.:·.::::..._,• : Mazola Oil ............................ 59¢ GoJden pure corn oil ••• quart! Tomato Sauce ·-·· ... --n. 10 "' ~1 Softweve ·········------··· 4 ,. •1 Two roll packa of toilet timue ! Cat Food .......................... 8 ,., '.1 I I WASIDNGTON (UPI) - A presidential fact finding board today recommended a five percerit pay increase for merqben of four railroad shop craft unions and Later' Pl.an Tried Hnnt'• ••• 8 ouru:e cans ..... •ersatilel Purr ••• all tuna ....... on 6'h oi:. cans! VERGENNES. Vl (UPI) _ Tbe Rev. I Sm>< pork ••• for a welcom<o cha1111e of pace! r.;emlum pay of at lea.st 20 cents an hour or skilled mec:banlca. _ Tbe While H...,. made public the board'• recommendation -p:neraJ waa:e tncrease of two percent retroactive to last Jan. 1 and an idditional three per- cent effective last July 1 -which wu Identical to what the railroads bad of. lered the !oar unloaa. Richard C. Ogden Jr., hopes his "pray I Po k Ch CftmR CUT S1 09 now~pay-lat<r"-plan~lll-piok-up-a-little----r -ops steam once it gains acceptance With his ·-·-.. ·····-····-···· ... ·····-·-···-; ........ ..-. •• ....,..._ .... -__ lb. parishioners. 1 'Ille pastor, -alro II mayor o1 tl>.la Lean l\lld tuty ••• from fineot quality mld-weetem grain fed pork! Nutritiona ••• so delicious! Uny community which caJIJ Itself Ille · $ ;=.:es1ancJ~~~':'~te;-·~ I Stuffed Port Chops .. ; .......... 12: churcl! collectlom. With Cubbison'• Dressing! Ready to cook. Country Style Sausage ....... 59~ Quali\1: meat ••• tutefuDJ: blended & seaaoned I I I I Storm sweeps New England I Freezing Temperatures Chill Rockies to Pl.ains ! ~ Look to El Ranchc>for finerprodnoel 5 C I Banana Squash .................................... : ...... ·--·················· lb I Firm !!Wee! mealed ••• golden goodness Uiat tast.?s as good aa it looks I .. "t\ .. " .... u " .. " -41 10 " " Sf " , .. " ..... " " • Pricu iiu!fect Mtm., Tua, WM., •1 Nw. 3, ~. 6. No Saluto Dealers. Plclr Up Yo•r S•per· 11 Sltopper Recipes ot El llonclto Tltls Weelr! -·· ·~~:\~(· L:;:::81.i:l71 U•l tlllTMll JOTOCl$lil> .. " iM ,, • ... " .... " . 5.t ., .17 .... . , '' Rqes lhlt lmlte you to Sllprise JOll' t.nly with new taste adventuies! Thia week ••• pork reclpae I Serve 7our folks pork at ita beat ••• with • duh of lmaginr,. tionl • , • 11<1 your free recipes at El Randlo ••• thla ,..eek ••• and evUJ: week! I • \ .. .. " ... " .. n " .... " .. ..--- '' $1 .. .. " .... " iM ... .. " ., ., .. .. " " ·" .... » ,, .N .... " " .... " " .. ~ .. " ... .. .DI .. " .... .. . .. AICADIAr • -and "'""1-Dr. (IJ RlllCbo Cdlrl PASADENA: 320 Wiil Col«&do l!lld. SOUTH PASAOEllAr Fromont and IM!linclan Dr • HlllmlllTOI lfACR1 Wamar and NpoqulD ~ Ctailrl NEWPORT BfACHs 2127 = BM!. ml 2555 ult Dr. (fallblall \'ftllto ~ • ' .. I' I 1 - ~·woun18i:11· · V.lle ~ " • 't" • • • • l • .,.....,.'fiNli.y, • .F ...... -1 :N:.Y. Steeb I' I J:. t . ~ l ••• . ' ORAN&E OOUNTY. CAUFQRNI.(. • TEN CENTS . ' ·Theft Blamed· ·.04 :·:St John • ~ ... !.., • . . :~uditor Says ,Clerk . Didn't Plug· Jlan~ing ·noop.hole .. • : : .. • • Iri(~nt surfei slashes down lace otwave ne8r Hunl;ington Beac~ Prier just before. setting ~all through treacherous pier J?il· ings in a test 0£ nerve and skill. Photographer leaned over ~e . si4e · of pier to captui:e action on film. , . .. ·· ' · 1!r' TOM BARLE\'. ... 0.l!f•'611f St.ti', ofarige cdunty AU~ittir 'Vic ffeim today laid . the blame '9r • m;eoo em- bez:zleinent in the COurity <?Jeri's Office dir(!Ctly on · the ~d.ers · q(~ its ad· mW.tntor -County 'Cleh' William · E. St John.· I ( ' I " I ' l · Helm left the ·closing SJ)lge's 'o{ ail.audit ~ that b:u1 pegged. Rlch'afd Winters 'Butke's alleged embeU1ement 11 ~"'90m'.ewhere near $28,000"lto.'teU• tJile DAitY.PILOT Uuit;. if St John hld 1oUoWedrthe county aiid)tor's iadvict, • Qle · banking1, loophole ·, .. ' , . . Postal .Worikers ' • ?.r • . ' . Raise' :$1,000 . . ' ' .. ' ' . " . · For,Mrs:.~amey Huntington Beach postal employees have' now 'raised nearly $1,100 :to help defray medical costs · tor the wife of fellow mail carrier, Monte Ramey. · More than ~ was ' put into the "Ramey Fund" over the weekend from a garage and·bakery sale put on by postal employees: "We're' ertrem4!1.y pleased with the response we've received in our effort lo help· Monte," said Peter B a r z s u , chairman of the fund drive. alleff«Uy exploited by the ex·Marine mlght well have been plugged. ' Sl John reported by his secnlary Fri- day to be l.'out>of town" was "away'fronl his desk" thrwghout the morning. . He d~ not respond to several telephone messagea. Helm said his staff made "15 or 11'' recommeodatlons to Sl John a year ago when lbe COWlty clerk's financial ~ c~~ -including the banking ai:· rangements over which Burke had substantial control -were ~ed .1 · _ "One of .those SlWesflons. specHically • • • • v • • • . • ;..i,rred to tbe .,.. which ~le aJlepcl- ly nplolted'.to mill the county ol more than $17,0GD," he said. "I am not. parllcularty blamlng St 'JOhn liul 1 am MYU. that JI • county depulments would ~lye and faUhlully C~rry out U¥: recammeftdatioria o! my . olllce, the --of, --bealement, would, ~t Wont. be con-. sideriblY 'narrowed doWn. '.' ~ While H~im WIS talking, Burke, 27, of 26m Papa1ayo Drive, M'9iion Viejo wu beini lfUlled a conUnuance4n.SUta Alla Munlcipaf Court .of hla .trilgmiient on • lfand lheft•chlrgO!. • • .!udp Paul Mui C<lllthiued Burle'.1 bill or/ bis own f.ecogniunce and 1ordertd St Jobn's former aJde to· return to.ccut .lfOY. Ill , 1 It II lllqed 1ha\ Burle forled 1llMlpg returnl .during. the two ye1r1 « his coun- ty employment to the total ol more•lh&n 127,000. The l2oi> shortqe thjt led. to Burke's alleged confession of hls~·mt· beulement was spotted by an Or'~e County Grand Jury auditor. • • St John,.s lnlUal reaction to the cbmps was to point out thilt he' h:ad repHtedly P-Olice · See~g :, The local post office' department's 250 erilployees united behind the project two weeks ago when they teamed of the hea~, me4ical e'lpeilse,s fac~-b~ .. ~ey While hil wife, Cira, is. under 1ntenstve care at 0r,nce County ~edical Center. ·· llll:l..llaiul·ll IRlll<.rfut .ffOOI a ~ec-" titt~.'Jln CO<idliMi •-P~led ~ diatieteli, which doctors says .. !llakes 1t nde difficult to find a solutiOD to .the ' ... ,· .. ~ l\fystery Bobiber ' . ' In Huntington Police today are seeking a mysterious bomhf:r who blew out the hallway window or a Huntington Beach home Friday nlght and Jen a revenge note threat~ng to "get even." The bomb was placed next to a window ol the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tod!en, of 2024% Lantana St., about S:55 p.m. Friday. lt shattertd the glass, 6htedded the curtains and ·spread debris in ltre\ front· h.illway. There were no in· juries: Damage was estimated at $210. Jo~ragments ·from the apparent I y homemade bomb and the note are being · inspected today by police lab technicians for fmgerprints and any other lead to identify the bomber. Contents of the note were not, released by police, except that it indic~ted some sort of revenge. -··~ ... ft&mey bu beei1. ~ith· ~ HUDlirigton :Beach , pbst~olDce,for· a_vco )'ears .. He delivers mall in µie Hunt~·Harbour area. Al of 1aat week·he ,alr,eady l\ad doc· tOr 'and hospi£al bills aildlng,\ip' to l1.!XXI: ·In the meanUrne,. Mrs. Ramey, 1n ae:r\ol?, C()lldlUon for the ~t two m°'!tbs. facfs 'hoSpitallzation for an.undet~nomed amount oJ, time. The.intensive care ward alone costs 1132 per day. • · . Dr. F.dward Aston. or the medical center iaid 1toilay that , a , kjdney tranwlant awears to be the best chance for Mrs. Ram'ey, but tests. for such an ~ation have,not been comp!ete:d. , . lier kidney funcUon, said Dr. Aston, is being maintained by peritoneal,di.9.Jysis, a compliCated mechanical System which temPorarily replaces the kidneys. That. however, can only be used for a short period of time, explained Or. Aston .. Doclors· have not yet sought a kidney donor. k Meanwhile postal employees are see • tng' more donations from Huntington Beach residents to help with the m~ical espenses. "We still have sevei:al items from the garage sale, and we might have another " said Barazsu . · Mrs. Todsen, her-t:l-year-old daughter "ReSUtent.s who would like to help with a Jean.-aM-CarJa-1YJ:s1,J3,_w_ere._in-1he__financial:::donation-may_iend money to kitchen at the time of the explosion said Ramey Fund, NALC Branch 2135, c-o police. Mr. Todsen was at a neighbor's ~<fil:.::" nl:i.5, · Hwrtington Qeach, house, but ran home whe.n he beard the ---·-· -·-·-------- noise. Stork M•rMtS Todse'n is a service adviser for a Long Beach auto finn. Police could live no Im· mediate explanation as to why someone might be seeking revenge. Tbe posslbilit:v <>f .the bomb being a Halloween prank was discounted. · ' J1.ites Conducted · 'iorMarkNaylon, Edison ·Gi:idder ... Funeral services were held this .morn- fnJ ~for Mark Naylon, 15-year-old Edi.son Hlgtl School jwllor vanity football player """died Fri<jay. ' The youth ' collapsed Oct. 18 after a football game and remairied in a coma f&r two weeks before he succumbed at HUrltlngton lntm:ommunlty Hospital. DoctOrtsaid he had suffered a subdur•I h~matoma, or internal bleeding of the br'aln area; ,Mass was held this morning at •St. Slrrlon arid Jude Catholic Church •• Hun· tinston Beach, with interment In -Good ~ ~etery. Services were \lllder • NEW YdRK CAP)-Most stocks contin· ued to dip today in slow trading. as de- clines Increased 'their lead over advances by 150 issues. (See quoLaUons, Pages 20-21). dlr'ectl'"''OI Smiths'. Mortuary. ' 1 'n>e youth is survlved'by_ his,,.rmt.s. J\11'. and Mts. WUliam NoJlon, 10012 Jlleiedtlh Drive, Huntincton Belch; tirothen Dennis, or Chtcaro. and Patrick or 1he-..famlly home and thret! slsten. Vvonoe, Kathy and Dofln11 ot thl family home, ~ ...____. lllAIN..INJURY l'ATAL Merk Noylen, U _, •.•. i :•fn. · .. •• .......... ;'•' .,-,. · • ' • ' I . • I < ·' ' I:' ~ ! . -..• ·D ... ILY•PILOT ,,.., ,...,., • -: ' j -. r ; . ' ' . 'r • ' . • . . • Nl.J(IHBOR DOI!IAt!!·HAl!P,ER, ·'·· C!i~crss·qi:J:r ONl.'0!',i'HREI cAR.$.BU.~NED IN 'CA!l,f'bllT' · : F»"• lriYe1tlgafOr1 Say Huntl1'9~.Be.ch 1Bl1ze·W11 •Clear Ca1e of ·Araon · · . ' ' ' . . . . . : ' . ' _, ' . . . ' ' ' .Arson Suspeeted . . ... In Huntngton Carport Blaze Firemen suspect arsonist:; set a blaze which .destroyed iwo·, afilomobiles and· dam aged another in' a carport at. 1736l Jacqueline Drive, Huntington Beach Sun· day. Two engines, a"truck and a rescue unlt, directed by Battalion Chief Frank Kelley, ":ere dispatched lo the fire and · had it under control by 12:06 p.Tn . _ Damage to the vehicles was esUmated at-$3,.700..whilUhuarport itsell suffered $1 ,500 in damage, firemen said. Owners of the can are Ruben OelGado, 1769 Collins Circle, Huntington Beach, and Jean Willes and Emanuel Tapia , both of 17361 Jacqueline Drive. Capt. J. V. Vincent Bald the exact caus~ of the fire js atlll under in· vest.igation but that vandalism through an incendiary device is consldefed as lhe most probable . cause. School Growth Meeting· Topic Founlain Valley school growth pro- , blems will be discussed at 9 a.m. Wednesday at Tamura School in a session sponsored by the Superintendent Pare-nt Counpl '!SPCI. -. Army Post Confi,rmed . For 'Donglas' Johnson Newport Beach afr011pace executive Robert L. Johnson was confirmed by the senate·. t008y ' 81. al!ista~t spetar). ~f. the Army for research and development, alter his nomination six weeks ago. The Senate also conflrtntd pr'omqtion <>f Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey,· who is. being nUdged out of° his job1ls heaCI of ,the. Selective Service System, .tO full general rank during the session in Washihgton. The 49-year-old' Jobµson , of ·llKlll Galaxy Drive.Newport-Beach -'a Navy--ntera -was nomlriated to the n"' Army post· by President Nixon in late September. A longtime leader in :P.tcoOnnell Douglas spact . and missile programs, JOOMon wa1 most reci!ntly vice presi~ent a in charge of the scrapped Manned Orbital LilbOratol')I (MOL) profram. , Government officials earlier this year eliminated that p,rojeet of the McDonnell poujlas Astrona\llks . Company,. plant in Huntington. Beacf\.: · The new adminlstratlon appointee is a UC Berkeley gra,duate , who . joi~ed Douglas Aircraft CQmpany 1 .burgeoning space and mialle development program: after World War 11 service. Johnson and hil wife Betty have three children, LOOl.te, 21, Bruce, 17, and Kir(, 9. who will ' apparently accompany· the family on the Washington assignment. Johnsoo auccceda Ru1Sell D. O'J'l"'I, who nslgned Jast year as assl1tant seqetirj of the , ~Y 'fo~ research l;nd CON,IRMID IY, SEN:t.~E, · R & D Man Johnson • Mari.J,J.a 'Hqnors0 , • l'op,il.cm on ihe agenda will be the $3 million school building bond. issue to be vuted upon Dec. 16. 1 The SPC. ·coordinating council for ll parent-teacher units in Founlain Valley, invites all memben of the community to the Wednesday session. "I ' ~ I l • • Rhon~a Ma.tthyn ·' . ' ( . ,. r. development neei:ls. • f I • l I ' I • '' ' Ocean ·View· Schools . . ' Have Routine _Ageu~a Marina · Hiih School senior Rhopd1 M~rtyn has been chosen the school's Key Club sweetheart ror 19&10. . 1 ' RQutine l>u1int11 ' items dominate the "Mies Martyn, J7, WIS se~tia rOr-· lier Nixon Can't Ballot agenda ; 1or .!Onllht'•• ·nt"Ulll r°' ,lh• ¥'\'1<"19. tlJ_e sc""9_1 l!n<l '!iil ,,Omfn¥!fy: • • OciU1 °'tJ~; .Schoe'l:,Dblfkt l ~d .,O~r : S~ii1 ?14artha•s head,~-\ead~ff ind1'1• In. ~Y, · C~lifonua I ttuat<e1 '1t '·'IO q'clock ,t <!!Ill~ htad· member ol the •Pep Club, the Amedcan . WASHINGTON -(lJ.Pl) ~ Ptflktent . ...,ne~, ~ Yt'~,r~,~~ R'ld Ser'fiee; Girls A1h1e0c.'~~1 Nlxon"'is not eligible· to vote,ta the.New1 • Beacfl.· ·' ··~ ! ' ·-· ' , ·1\' • aper .~ council .. : ·• ,r · York mayoralty eSecd011$..~· Included among~ acfaoa .f~f.ue. 'OMf 10 other sentor ~ls were. ~tao ; Prelldent.ial Prea secretary Ronald L. •Ume-e*"'klns· for ~~ of, nomlna!ed ar:,e Melanie i,ronn., G'y, Ziegler aak1 the chief executive no longer Park Vlew·and ·ricesa VJew•Schoels.iand1 •· DavldJOn, Karla l>u{ham, Sbaron frk:ke •• 1s • resident of New York. He has . $2.5l hourly aaljlry for full·tlme itudenlsl Barbara Gibbs, Cjndl Johnson•, ·Carol becoTl')e a rellden\ of San Clemente, but • _ • i . b Kit ..._ Tti h SI Ud Kbn won't be e!illble to vote in any Calllomia who are emplO)'ed n the dlslrict...-11, Lam , ·~-", :s • nger elecUonl either for aboUt I yc;1v, · teacher aides. Webel\ • ' t. ' • ; .. -.... , advised the ~ty audJtor of deficiendq iD the audlUng of h1s department records • St John al lhat time defended .his,..,. office'• supervision or financial practica: aa being fully in keeping wllh rOCOjpllJeil county standardl. _ 11He must have been aware at that time of the •reconunendaUon1 we made abOUt a financial operaUon Ulat. tncJuded the bap)tJng div.Won," Helm said today. "I was extremely disturbed by St ~JoJin's comm,nts at that lime and I feel Uiat lhll ls · an opporlunily to put the rec:crd atraigt!L;' B~ach Ja·il ' . . .. ' ' . - Flushed Ou.t ' {. ' . . , ''I 't. !Jy ·PFiso'f;i,e;i: A prisoner · in the HU.thiitoft Beach city jail took a disliking to his faclliUea · Saturday and three· Umes ,flooded T~ !•II room by 'sta~ng .., toi> o! tlie 'tolltt wllh one foot•depre.uin1 ~ handle: · • Leonard Calvin Farley, ~s1, of nu; CommOdote 'C(rcl!, 'HuritJOglofl ~llNch. was ~ed into the jail S.ttirday on • misdemeanor chars• ol dllturblng the peace. ' By 'tfit. · time: he was transferr!d to Qr&Qge , Cpunly. Jal I Saturday night, he faced two felony chargeJ 9f destroyigg pollc~ property and assaultlng an of fleer. -. At ·11:30 p.m., an oUtcer making the rodnda dlscove,red \wo lncha, of water CIO ·the . floor. ol a room adjace~t to !he !!ill cel1'. · 11• enter.ell \he jail to li'1<1 Ji'arley staJldlng on !.°P, of• Ule commode:. A 'warniAI 1llat ·~ U... mi!demeanor charlli w"!lkf'bi 'bmirht agafust: hitn. brought Fsrley down lrom his perch, laid ·pole<. At 7 p.m., Farley was again discov· ired perched above the toilet, toilel- tissue:1 $fled in the bowl and water flowing freely over the floor, the police Bccoant chargea . ' ThJs time 1 Farley was· transferred to tbe dn111k tank . which contains a fioor dral'1. At a 1p.m. the officer on duty found water-soaked carpets in a f00111 ' next to the drunk tank. Again, Farle7. wu ask!d to cilmb down !tom the toilet top. ln' addition to stuffi ng the toilet, he had also plugged the floor drain with toilet ' tissue, said the officer. Farley then struck the of_fi wl · his fist and began kicking him, police said, when mace wu used to bring him under control. After that, Farley was transferred to Orange County Jail where he was booked on the two add!Uonal felony charges. Damage done was primariJy ·to the car· pet in one room. · Schools to Note ' Ve,terans Day Students at all five Huntington Beach Union High School District schools will obierve Veterans Day In classes Nov. 10, then take a boUday on the following day. "Our achoOls will recognize Veteran'• Day on Nov. 10 instead of Nov. 11 since Congress in 1938 made Nov. 11 a national holiday," said Dl!t. Supt. Max Forney. In some hilfl schools cla.ues will trace the history or the holiday, while other• will use the pub1lc address system to read .'l'I'he Creed for Yoqng Americaps!' apd other patrioUc material, district of• flcials said. · ~ Weadler If yoU've ''mist" lhe sun'. these past Lew: ,m4mlng1, µtere.'a • a:O!ld reason .:... that pea soup whlch will be~ back~aloiig ,the cout ~1 Tues; r d•~· skidding the mercury to Iii and liack to 71 lnland. ' INSIDE TODAY l11trtp'id John Dane bnd flaw- h!.t.t sailing crew [1om Tulane U.Riuertitt1 made clean .wt•P o/ 1 Douglat Cup collegiate ialJing 1 "'4tche!, beating out deftiiding t chcmpion USC. Page 2Z. ' ' , ........ ' ' ··"· """'"'· ~ , •. ' Cal... . ............... ' ' . ·" , c....,_, .. ~~n ~· """ .. ~ ,, °'*"' ~ ,, , ,,....... ,, ''""' """"' ,. ......... It .,..., sa.• .,.....,. 11 .... "'"1Wt'I »11 ,_... ,._ ' T~ .1t ~ E ... .:: =: , . " ...... .... .. ' """ 1..-n If ...... """ ., ..... . ................. ,, T MluMM 1.lnll-11 I 1 •• . -• I • • ~ . I -...... !, OAJtY PILOT--H --,,.....,, N.....,~ ___,, ___ .,.,._ ---~---~~-------------:·-··--------• --------- ~Co.unctt·eets-r.J! ;t~·...r--•• • Speech Plea to Ban . ' · Condemnation of property now «» ~Pi!d by an auto wrecking firm which la aMertedly a detriment to development or the city's Centr•l Park and library wtn be C<>nS!dered by tbe HunUngtoo Beach Cily Council tonlgbl • Subject ol the action IJ the Golden Weot Auto Dismantlers on Taylor Avenue, just *est of Golden West Street and adjacent to Lake Huntington. • ~ Granting or denial of 1 business permit {<!.r -the operation of motion pidure . 9J!d ~vision production finn at 414 Pacil1c Coast Highway in the downtown area is a!90 on the counCil'a 1geoda. ·_Robert c. Harke, of Newport Beach, Under the name of RCH·Paclfic has re- qiiested the license. Iri his application for the pennit, Harke states that the business wUl be an ad· fuinistratlon and production office for mOuon picture and tetevWon production. Operation offlce for an advertising agency and a graphic arts division including a commercial portrait studio. City Clerk Paul C. Jone1 denied the •P- Pbcation-and referred Jt to the council- men because of the location in the clty'1 downtown "hippie" district. .-Also· on the agenda is an appeal from a dtnial by .the PlaJin.ing c.ommlssion of a permit to Jnstall a 24-equare foot free 1landing pole sign at Carpenter'• Hall, 8302 Atlanta Avenue, just east of Beach B"oulevard. ·,The commWionen denlecLtbe sign permit because it does not conform to the area, is a ct1mmercial use 1n a residential aectlon and no hardship wu lltown. · • ..The union organization states that the sign 11 needed for identiflcaUoa for IoCal, county and atate memben. . " .Trustee Urges .., Horticulture at -. Westminster HS -'Flowers and planl.5 may spring up soon On dormant land behind Westminster High School H Trustee John BenUey geb Ji.is way. -Bentley told other members of the Huntington Beach Union High School Dislrlcl governing board thJJ week "!hat we shouJd seriowdy consider including 1n oar curriculum a properly prepared course in horticulture!' · Sald "Bentley, "There is no question but th"at. landscaping and landscape main- tenance ii a very important commercial function in our area of Swthem Callfonda. Such a course would "provide an enhancement to our vocaUonal ·p~ gram. It would offer to certain atudenl.!l a Chance to learn in a new and exciting area;" The trustee proposed that such a course be implemented on a portion of 18 acres of land owned by the district behind Westminster High School, which it has tieen unable tG divest it.self of despite numerous attempts. · "The capital outlay tn buildings and an ltrigatioll-'Yslem-would-be.Jlellliglble,'' he insisted. -ne· district's director of curriculum, Dr. John A. Venable is now investigating tbe possibility of !mpi<menttnc BenUey'• &UQestion. Beach Ilistorian • ,Talks to Civic Club Huntington Beach City H i st or I a n Delbert G. "Bud" Higgins will explain ~Huntington Beach Yesterday" to members of the Exchange Club, at 12:15 e.m. Thursday at the Huntington SeacUff. --+'. Hifgins i!l a 34-year veteran of service irith the cily in the lifeguard and flre deparimenl.5. He was fire chief for the ci· ty-unlil his retirement to become city historian. ' DAILY PILOI (lJtANOl!i COMT PUaL llHING CCMlllAN'I ll olitrl •N. Wt•I J>ru"'enl •n4 Pllbll$hlf J1tlo: JI , C11rr1., Vk• ,,.!,.:lfnt 1nd Ge11tr1I Me""" Tho1r11t l<11vil fdllor. ' FIREMEN BURST INTO BURNING BUNGALOW TO SAVE OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPEDIC BED Coit• Meu Famlly Lo111 Homt •• Dl11bled DH Facts Bae~ $ur9ery ~~~-------- 'Pare_nts to Get look at Life In_.High Schools ' Wbat IJ It like to be attending· one of toe ftv•. h!gh &choob In tbe Hunllngton Beach Union Hlgb School Di!tilct? Parents will have an opportunity to find oi.lt at 7:30 o'clock tonight 11 tlle last sesaion of the adult education clus Mrlet in bl1h school dillricl admlnl<atioll meets In the music room ol Hunllngton Beacli HJgh School. · · · · . Principals Glen Dysinger, of Marina Hlgb School, and Ferren Chriltensen of Westminster . Hi1h School are . ,the in- struct.on for the two-hour protz'811l which will include discussion of campus 1c- tivitte1, instruction-and curriculum .. Certificates of completion -.will I>!! awar:i:ted to approximately 30 memben of ttie community who attended .an four of the sesslom. Previous n'!eetings~ve.. ... concerned themselves with . high ,sq-ho·o l ad- ministraUon, including flnanc(, ·tch®J board tneet1n1:1, policies and .procedures. · In.siructbn in 1be: prevlocD .sessions · of thil aperfmeol ln adulf ed1foaUi>li hiv.e been Dr. Muc· 1"0$y; district superintendent; Dr. Ethan Fullmer and Scott Flanagan,. as sJ st ant superin- tendents; Will Otto, director af clas:sified personnel'; Lee Mosteller, .director oi special services and H. W. Standard, coordinator or child wellare and at~ tendance. ,. ..-.. C:lllld's Play Blamed Fmmes Destroy Home .of Disabled Mesa Man , .. - By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1M DtllY I'll• SMH Flames fed by-a torch-like, ·mtlted g11 line roared through a dislbled worker's Ccstfa · lt,!eu. home Saturday, destroytng . all family poueuions except ,for the vie· Um'• sPecJal orthopedic lied. Damage to the bome occupied by the Dan B<ddicl: family at 2421\J San~ ~ Ave., Combined with petionsJbetonsings~ iotaJed m<re than 16,lioo, acco!Jl!ni to ·Fire ·Department investigators. 11Ii'1 almost.a total lou,''.aaid Battali6o Chief Bob BtauCbamp, eipl>h\ing !hat a child playing with matclloa evldentfy lri&· 1ered the diaaiti'oul 10: 11 a.m. fire. · · "It Wu .IRrea!f,viOI~lf:l!he_ri a fiv~ eightJl&.mch gu line to the llllchen otov~ melted and we bed many Btu's (British Thennal Unit.II) of gas P1>tiring out," Chier Beau~p explained. No one w.aa Jnjurect in the fire which devastated the .Reddick home, but that is ~bout all the family can be thankful for today, og the eve of Reddick'• own hospitalization . fie .suffen from •n injured back and is tentatively scheduled (or 1 u r g e r y Wednesday at Riverview Hospital, Santa Ana; alter· which be faces a Jong con· valescence. . The family has been living on Workrilen's Cornpensatlon and other such funds connected with Reddick's job. related injury, according to neighbors who have pitched in to help the Un· fortunates .• "We've all &IQlten clothea together for them, but mostly they Bf.Ill need some for :Pan ~ · Bunna,'' said Mrs. Grace Ho.scoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four houses lmn the-burned home·.· · "l'm still in .~-state .of shock .myseu," said Mrs. Hoscoe, 0 Their refrigerator just melted." Firemen arriving. on the s.cene round the Reddick home a literal inferno from the gas-fed kitchen Portion. but rushed in and salvaged the workman's badly needed, $150 orthopedic bed. Hija~ker Eacing Charges h1 ·Italy Before Retu1·ning blrs. Hoscoe said in addition to adult clothing, the Reddicks will need linens and other household goods, as well as an inexpe~ve place to stay during his coo- \"alescence. The Reddick family inclucleS Billy," 10; Barbara, 9 and Danny; 4. according to J\lrs. Hoscoe, who said one neighbor will provide shelter for them tonight. Anyone wishing. to donate or loan clothing and household goods· to help the trouble-plagued family may drop it off at Mrs. Hoscoe's garage. ROME (UPf) -An llalian P""ecufor u.id today ptlne hijacker llaffHle Minichiello would be tried in Italy before facing proecutlon in the United States. Three more charges were filed acaint Jobe young American marine. 'llle new charges brought to eight the number of charges Minichiello faces here. U ronvlcted on all of them he rould spend u long as 30 years in Italian prisons before American authorities could lay a hand on him. Mslstant Prosecutor Masaimo Carll called on Minichiello at Rome's Queen of Heaven Jail tonight to inform him of the new charges, which include kldnaping, private violence against the crew of the Trans Worfd Airlines jeUiner be bljacl:ed and violence against a public officlaJ. . h-finicltiello, who hijacked the plane in Califomla last Friday and· forced the pllot to fiy lt to Rome, faces a possible death sentence in the United States on a hi- jacking charge. "I am sure he will be tried fir st in !ta· ty," Carll -said. "No doubt about it. However, that is my personal opinion on· ly." C11rll also said Minicbiello's elderly father, who lives in southern ITily, would eventually be allowed to see his son. Carll charged Mlnlchlello Sunday with fh•e olher crimes, including another count of kidnapiJlf, private violence, bringing weapons of war Into It.aly, pos- sessing them Illegally and carrying them illegally. ,. . . . "I'll even go pick it up," she said. ~trs. Hoscoe said the unexpected loss has caused Reddick to consider delaying his badly needed rorrective back su rge ry, but friends are urging him to go ahead \\'ith it. He was to enter the hospital Tuesday, "Things look pretty dark for them no\v," sh~ said, "but they have to go on." Nixon's Ou'd·.· • · c · • · · --n:-.~ in--ua1gon- WASlllNGTON (AP) -Pr<sldent Nix- on's Vietnam PoJicy speech won advance approval from the Salaon government, the While l!tJuse oald today. Di>cuaalng the Nbron talk, to be broad· cut live hom hJs oval office by television and radio nttworU at 8:30 p.m. Psr, press secretary Ronal<I L. Ziegler Said: "We have had full and complete con· s1.0taUon with the government of Vietnam on the Preaident's speech ... They are in agreement with il.!l contents." Ziegler reported also that Nixon had arranged for some consultation on the oddiess with leaders of Congress and olher governn,ents allied With the United States in the Vietnam war~ ' However, the chief execuUve did not set up a personal briefing sesaion with Congress ,chiefs in advance of hls television-radio appearance. While the White House continued to keep muril on the rontenta of ·Ni:Jon's text, there was considerable speculation the chief e}ecutive would announce some move toward accelerated withdrawals of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. In Saigon, hciwever, Vice. President Nauyen Cao Ky was quoted during the weekend as saying the address contained "nothing new." In Washlngton, Senate Democralie Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana remarked that "great hopes and U:· pee ta lions are riding on this speech." Ziegler described the address as a personal Nison undertaking from st.art to finish. Speechwriters were not employed in the usual sense, he said, and the text was "totally the Prealdent'a product" more than any other in reCent montm. Ziegler said Nixon had "structured it, developed it, written it on hls own." 'llle President •returned to the White House Monday afternoon after a long weekend stay at Camp David, Md., where he put the fin illhlng touclles on his manuscript Working with him there were Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, assistant for national security affairs, and Brig. Gen. Alex~ ander Haig, Kissinger's deputy. Plans for the speech had been ID· nour:ced just prior to the Oct. J5 Vietnam Moratorium. That's rnore than the normal span for advance w0111 on a presidential talk to the nation. The delivery date was fixed for election F 01'Iller Fireman Willirun Hengold . Succumbs at 66 William Hengold, a rtUrtd captain ftf , Huntington Beach Fire Department died 'Friday at-Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was 66. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the First Christian Church of Hun· tington Beach. Mr. Hengtild had been a resident of Huntington .Beach for 47 years and had served in the Flre Dept. for 21. lie was a member of the Masonic Lodge, American Legion avd Huntington Beach Men's GoU Club. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, of the home, 502 N. CresJ Ave. Burial will be at Westmin1te.r Memorial Park. Smith's Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. Jimn1y Dm·ante Falls PHOENIX; ARiz. (AP) -Comedian Jimmy Dur~ fell three feet from a stage stairway at the Arizona State FAlr Sunday and suffered a cut on the back of the bead. - eve-and camt just two days after the flrst JMiver:sary of former President Lyndon B. Johnloo'• action to halt all AmerlCID bombi111 of North Vletoam. Teens Raise-.. Heck in Posh . - SF Church By JAMES McNABB, Jr. t:Hdtl" ffle OAll.Y PILOT SAN FRANCISCO -Thlrly "Childrtn of Israel," many waVing Bibles and all armed with seven-foot rods of J=111t, struck Sunday here at Grace Calhedral atop Nob IIlll. 'The precilely Urned invasion of the J t o'clock cathedral service wu allJlOlt an exact duplication of the surprise march into Memorial Church at Stanford University in Palo Alto ooe week earlier. It WU the second disruption of Sunday church servicea:, aincf! the group, known as the Teens for Christ when head- quartered in Hun&ington Beach, returned to california JO days ago. The sell·styled C b r i 1 ti a n revolu· ti011aries have been gypsying acroe11 'the United Slalel since departing their. flnt heedquarten, tbe Gospel Light C!ub,UO Maln St., Huntington Beach ear\y Ibis year. They believe !bat Goa soon will dertroy America for '1urnlng 1o the falae pda,·ot "organlled religloc, mooey, pl~e ind educaUcm." Momenta after ' Episcopal Blsl!op C. Kilmer Myers finished hil aermop the "Children" scurried paot aged uslHn and started in their' double oolumn proceuion up lhe main aisle of the vast Gothic style cathedral. As in the Stanford church invasi.on, the young prophel.5 wore ankle length burlap robes died blood red, a "Jesus love slave earring" in the left ear and had ~ smeared on their foreheads . The JOO worshipers inside stared in -amaUnlent as the group composed or meri and 'women in their teens and early 20's cracked the seven-foot "rods of judgment" on the concrete Door as they inched.up the main aisle . Reachlng the front of the cathedral, full bearded Jim :pallester. who ha!! betn v.•lth the band since its Huntington Beach days, rushed ~ altar accompanied by two--aides. -- Bishop Myers and other church f~· tionuiet about 1o start -Holy Communion riles glared, hot-eyed, at Ballester who then whirled around and facing the con..· gregation boomed out the bad news of the coming end of San Francisco. Bo ys Ouh Seeks Team Coaches Volunteers to serve as coaches are now being sought by the Huntington Beach Boys Club which is organizing buketball teams. All potential roaches and referees art invited to attend a meeting at 7 p.m. today at the club, 319 Yorktown Ave. Experience is preferred but no t necessary, All-star teams for boy!! tn fifth grade and under, sixth grade. eighth grade and ninth grade will play other boys' clubs in Orange county ih the basketball pro- gram. Further infonnatlon about becoming a coach is available from the club'a ex- ecutive direetor, Pat Downey, at 5.16·9415. Mailmum sentences on the eight rhaJ'ael add up to 31 years and sir monthl, but under Italian I~ the moat time a person can serve in piiloo short of life imprisonment iJ 30 years. Prison sourct11 described Mm1ch1ello In good spirits and said he was to undergo psychiatric tests durine the week. He wa~ allowed no visitors, not even his falher, 80, who drove up from Naples. School For Skeptics T~o11111 A. Murphint MeNtlno EGl!or Alherl W. 11111 AuoocMte-1Edll'el"-- H111tlllffH ... ,, Office Jot· Sih Str111 M1ilt111 Adtl rt1u ,.0 . lt11 790, '2641 o "" o rn1n _H.arbot· ])istrict End Discussed Huntington Man Dies of Burns From Accident Unusual for any kind of a store. We WELCOME hard-headed nl.en. Those who truat their own eyea and rely on their own jud~ement. The only criterion in our store is what you see in our mirror. U you don't see yourself looking better in our mirro'r, we start over again. The headmaster of our school for skeptics ia our master fitter, · Nelson de Souza Avila. Nelson is an oHl·world craftsman, the kind you rarely find anymore, and he won't Jet you have your s•.tit until you're BOTH happy with it. You will be, too. Come in today and make us prove it. """"' lt•tfl: 1111 w.11 ••1t111• l 111,11t¥1ri <11•1 Mtlt: i30 Wc•I llY $1'ttl l.•f~N lh(ll; llJ Jortil Avtt: .... -CA11.-,. "II.OT;-Wllfl v.fl~lt ll tOll'lllt""' 1'1t Jf_l",nJ, If -..bhilloo ,,_i!v t~tnl !.w,.. 111"1' trl HOl'llto tdl!iotl1 for 11""'111\f- htcfl.. f -r.lrl .. VlllU. C.Mlf Me.. HI .. w• ltatlt 4'llf l•t llf'• l uclt. •llll'IO wlllt l .. r .. JoMJ ttlltlont. 0'1ft\\lf (Ntl f''lllllfl"' 1111 C..mii.1ny prl!lllflt P<tnt1 -1• 11 1211 Wtol 81lto.I t lvd • -,.,.,ttfl I Nth, 111\f U1 Wu t lltr '""'• Co111 MfM. r ... ,.._ 1714 ) M2•4J11 ,.,.,. ........... C.11 •••·12Jt ClenlffW • ...,., ..... MZ·l671 C:.V,ltllt. ..... Ot...... <••t& ~Iii!~'-"" Ne -.,.,1.,, 111u11 .. 1ttr.i. f'fllll"lll mtli.t ., lfW<llUfM~l'I Mr•lfl "'It .. '~ •1-.r llHllll ptrmlMl(ft " ($.llttM .....,,.,, k(t'l'ltf ci.1t .._._ ••" 11 -.i v.·Hrr tNc.11 ~ UJ!i NCH, t 111t1on:t , l'i~\1(~11(11 t;y (t,~lilr $1 0I "'C~llllVJ ~ ,.,.11 J7 M ,,.!1'1tyl ll'lllllfff l!tillMlleM,. 11.l!I -~1r11.,, - • A rtsolution calling for the Orange County Board of Supervisor& to dissolve Ute county Harbor Diatrlct wUI come before the Fountain Valley City Council at a p.m .. Tuesd ay. ' The resolution Is spomored by tht Orange County League ol Cities which has actively aought di&soluUon of ~the. hlrbOi" district and p14cqnent of tts func- Uon1 under the county department. ·Past Fount.aln Valley city councils have favored rtmoval or the harbor dlstrtd, old dty martager Jamta Neel, but the present councll bu made no statement as to its: posljjon. The Cowltf Board of Supervisors wilt hold a public ht&.rlng at 10 a.m., Wtd· netday. in Santa An• on the Harbor District. Only one public hearing. a rouUne ·•inllle-lamlly' (R-1) resldentlol ,..,.. change. ts on tbt Fountain Valley agenda for 'rueila,y. ), A Huntington Beach man has died In Orange County Medical Center of jSurns suffered three weeks ago in 1 \'VestrnJn!lter traffic accident Dan Garcia, 59, of" 79621> Aldridge Street, wa' driver ol a pickup truck which e:mashtd into the·side-or a"ttr at a Wtstminsli r Intersection last Oct. 12. Garcia was pulled from his burning, overturned vehicle with third degree bums over moat of his body. Nine other pet90DS, seven of them children, e!Capcd from Garcia's truck •1th mlnot Injuries. The 18-year-old cir1 driver of the othtr vehicle was unhurt Md her cir suffered • only minor dama&H. PalMrr&by bra}·td alx·fool hJgh name s And the possible uplOSkm to pulJ three Of Gatcla'1 passengtrs to alety. ' 3l67 Via Lido 11 NewJ)Prt Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Frlday evening• until 9 p.m . l J v ' .. 27 Le of co ls Q ac ' 10 I' j - 1, b d ' ... 1 1 I l w 0 01 a c. R w, E D 81 di tt 0\ c D Tl I' SC w " •• b a p· is p l> B fr n " o· ti ~ • d • ,. d ] ] le h f 0 a E • • • g ,- . I I I I I -------~-··--- •• • -. ·--'--·-···--';... TEN CENTS • S. th '{' co c mans ' Cove, Raid N-tillified a =s LaW F all·s By lllCRARD P. NALL OI tM 0.lly l'tl9t Stiff A Labor Day trespassing ~ackdown on 270 persons-at Scotchg}an'.s Cov~ north of Laguna Beach was made oil. the Strength of a cqunty ordinance that was un· conlltltutional. ·• , In \be weekend sweep of the area ~~t 1s owned by the Irvine'Company, Orange County sheriff's deputies arrested 43 adults, cited_ another Ii& and rounded up , 101 juveniles • • •• Aside from arrests made for other crimes -such as ~pos.sesslon of alcohol by a minor -the enforcement vehicle used was county orohiance 38.031. It was a bandy ordiriarlce. Violators .needed to have onlf ;enterec;I fet1ced or cuitivated priVate p~rti to have been breaking the law. · . Be£ore the Scotchman's Cove arrests, however, an action had betn taken that was the· beginning of .the end for county ordinance 38.031. 1vers Atlditor ·in Cluirge St-:John ·Blamed In Embezzling_ . By TOM BARLEY of .. D.lllJ l"li.t St_,. Orange County Auditor Vlc Heim today laid the blame for a $27 ,000 em- bezilemenl 1.n· the County Clerk's Office directly on tbe shoulders of its ad- San .Onofre ,- N1iclear Plan,,t R ·eport Due A report on effects of radioactive wastes dumped into the sea from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station after one year 's operation will be delivered !O a special state agency Tuesday 1n Carlsbad. The 2 p.m. session of the san Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board will be, in the Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Elm Ave., according to Orange and San Diego county authorities. · Public health, effects on marine bi ology and other directly related topics will be discussed by experts in the field during the hearing before the panel. The nuclear power generating plant is owned-and operated by the Southern California Edison Company aod the san Diego Gu and Electric Co'!lpany. During its routine operation, the plant releases 350,000 gallons of cooling water per minute into the ocean, along w_lth some occasional low~level radioactive waste--materials;- Grtit concern for effects of the radioactive materials on fish and game, as well as natural resources~ was voiced by the pulbic when the plant was planned and later went into operation. Close surveillance on the nuclear power plant and its effects and potential results is kept . by both state agencies and the powe!' compaajes involved. Speakers at ·the Tuetdiy meeting will be Dr. Simon Kinsman, chief of the Bureau of Radiologk:al Health of the Slate Department of Public Health and marine biologist Charles Turner. Dr. Kinsman will report on results of radioacUvity surveys conducted i n offshore southland waters . Turner a senior marine biologist for the state'Depart.riient of Fish aod Game, will di8cuss findings of a biological sur:vey now being carried on by his dePartment for the rea:ional tioard. ministrator -County·Clerk William E . St John. Heim left the closing stages of an audit that has pegged Richard Winters Burke's alleged embezzlement as "somewhere near $2.8,000" to tell the DAILY PILOT that if St John had followed the county. -.ooitor'.s adv\ct;. the . ban~ lOQP~le allegedly ex:ploited by the ~-Marine mjghl well "ave ~q plugged. St John, reported by his aecretary Fri· day tO be _"out of to .... ·t1•• waa "away from his deSk" th~oughout the "morning. He did not re~d to several telephone messages . Heim said hls staff made "15 or 16" recommendations to St John a year ago when the county clerk's financial pro- cedures -includin'g the banking ar· rangements ov.er which Burke had substantial control -were surveyed. "One of those suggestions s~lllcally referred to the area which Burke aUeged· Jy exploited to milk the county of more than $27 ,000," he said. "f am not particularly blaming St John but I am · saying that if county departments would Immediately and faithfully carry out the recommendaUons o( my office, the chances of em- bezzlement, would, at worst, be con- siderably narrowed down." While Heim was talking, Burke, 27, or 26372 Papagayo Drive, Mission Viejo was being granted a continuance in Santa Ana Municipal Court of his arraignment on grand theft charges. Judge Paul Mast continued -Burke!s bail - on his own recognizance and "'nrdered St John's former aide to return to court Nov. 13. . _ ~--- It is alleged ·thaf Burke forged banking returm during the two year~ of his coun- ty employment to the total of more than $27 ,000. The $200 Shorlage that led to Burke's alleged confession of his em- bezzlement was spotted by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. ' St John's initial reaction to the charges was to point out· that he had repeatedly advised the county auditor of deficiencies in the auditing of his department records. St John at that time defended his own office's supervision of financial practices as being fully in keeping with recognized, county standards. At Great~ Cost Judge • Rlehlrd_' Hamijton, pmldinJI Judge ol So\IUI .OfJllge_O>unty Judicial. Dlstri~ declared. the ordinance un.. conslituUonal on. ;Jui)e I on the' ground! that tlie ma bad been pro-empted by state law • ·He dlaniaaed a ehir1e qaillat lilr<e defendant& al Ille time. Tiley bad been accused ol treipa.llini on Ille Moulton Ranch. The distrie~ 'attorney'• office did not agree with Judge Hamilton. Tbey a~ pealed bll·deewon on June II t& Ille A~ , pellate Department of Superior Court. The appellate department upheld Judge HamUIGI\ and nlllaed to certify Ille !D.at· ler 0010 tho Fourth lliltrletCourl of Ap. peals, ~ to Mlduiel Capplzzi, deputy dlatrlet ottomey bandiil11 •ppeals. Whlf effed does this have on those charlfed ·undir Ille now-dead ordinance?· .11 appannUy. depends. The dt&trlet attorney's olflee filed . against 147 perSOlll in municipal ~utt in .. rown I l».dri.,J.,:;•• ~· ' • Santa Ana. Many pleaded BUIKY In September and were given Iafonnal pro- bation for fiv! days, according to a court aide. othert after bearina -from, the~ judge asked for a change of Venue back · to So\IUI 0r8nl' COunty Judleial ll1'trict wfiere Judge Hamilton prealde&. · ctw"ges against. ·five of these penQns were dropped Friday. Five of the now cleared defendants from the Labor Day swoop includkl David Monson, 30, Hun-- It. was ''i'es ltfi.t" as the.st sei.ftllls view a pals-. ing 'fishing velnl· Jn Coos Bay, Ore., hoping tot a ta~ty nforsel. The· military formation woula have paued any Pandt-Cround Inspection exc~pt for the missing "prlvate" in the tear rank. Hijacker Facing Charges · In Italy Before Returnfilg ROME (UP I) -An Italian prosecutor said · ~ily · p~ne hij~cker Raffaele Minichiello would be tried in Italy before racing proeculion in the United .States. Three more charges were filed againt the young American marine. . 'The new charges btotight'to eight the number of charges Minichiello faees here. U convicted on aU·of them he could spend as long. as 30 years in It.aUan prisons before · American authorities could lay a hand on him. Msistant Prosecutor Massimo Carli Marine-Killed In Auto . Wreck A young Marine who survived nearly two years of combat duty In Vietnam died Saturday in a traffic aclcdent near his Anaheim home just three weeks after his i'etum. California Highway Patrolmen said Steven W. Boyle, 20,,was ,traftUng weit,.. bound·on·Ule Canyon Jj"8d b<tween Royal Oak Drive and Crescent Diive 1when his car failed to negotiate a cur.:e and smashed into a tree. Officers said Boyle was trapped in the wreckage and was pronounced dead at the scene. called on Minichiello at Roine's Queen or Heaven Jail tonight to inform him of the new charges, which include kldnaplng, .Priyate violence against the crew of the Trans W.orld A.iJ:lines jetliner he hijacked anct. violence against a public official. Maxl'mum sentences ofl the eight charges add . up 'to 31 years and six months, ,but under .Jtalian Jaw the most time a pet30n can serve in prison short o( 'life 'imprisonment is 30 years. Minichiello, who hijacked the plane in Clllifontia last Friday and forced the pilot to fly it to Rome, faces a possible death sentence in the United States on a hi· jacki'ng chty"ge. , ••1 am sure he will be tried first in Ita- ly," Carli said: "No doubt about . it. However, that is my personal opinion on· ly." . . . ~ Carli also said Minichiello's elderly father, who lives in 19uthem Italy, would eventuaUy bt all.owed to see bi.5 son. Carll charged Minichiello,Sunday with five other crimes, including another count of · kidnaping; private violence, bringing weipOns of war into Italy, pos.. .Hllihl them illegally and carrying them illegally. ' ; · Prison sources described Minichlello in good spirits and said he was to undergo psychiatric tests during the week. He was allowed no visitors, not even his fatbcr, .ao, who drove• up from Naples. Special District Elections Carded In South, County Elections Tuesday to . fill seals on water, sanitary or other special districts include two in southern Orange C~nty. Jn many districts: there ls no election because or a lack of candidates. Seals \\"ill be filled by incumbents · or by ~p.. .pointment. Capistrano Beach County W a t e r ·Dis.tr\ ct has two directoraWs ·to fill' .and four candidates. They are Duncan A. Blackbum, civil engineer, Dana · Point: K en n e t h ' . La1vrence, incumbent, Capistrano Beach; J~enry A. Halmlnski, designer, Capistrano Beach: James S. Elliot, Jr., engineer, Capistrano Beach. In Dana Point Sanitary district there t1re three seats to fill and four can- did;ite s. They are Edward R. Doose, Incumbent, D;ina Point; Howard D. Borts, In- cumbent, Dana Point; Louis E. Dunning, incumbent, Dana Point ; and Raymond H. Swentek, ~ahitary elJl!neer, Dana. Point. Stork· Market• NEW ·YORJC (AP)-Most stocks contin- ued to dip today In slow trading,' a1 d~ clines increased their lead ov:er advances by 150 issues.~ (See quolationa, Pages 20-21). • • tiniton 'Beach; Marguerita Chavez, 27. Long Beach; John E. Wood, 32, Long ».each; his wife, Jimi Jan, 30; and Stephanie E. McCfure, 27, N o rt h HoJifWOO<i. Mrs. McClure said the five .. were fishing be~ow lbe mean high tide line when cited. The citations would have been impossible under the state penal code trespassing aection. nie group intended to fight the case {See COVE, Pase Z) Died Trying To Assist Each Other By BARBARA KREIBICU Of t119 Dell, ,lltt Stitt/ Two La Habra scuba divers who -drowned in 20 feet or water off Shaw's Cove Sunday apparently difd "trying to help each other," Laguna Be a c b lifeguards theorized today. "\\'.hen the bodle~ were found,'' Lt. Gene Del?aulis said, "one man waa graspin1;: the other's air valve. His taak \vas <,"Ompl~lf out of -air.· •· Atiparently his J>llddy ha~ taken out • bis mouthpiece to try to share his air. \Vhen you do this you can take on water and pass out in aecond.IJ. It looked u if It was loo late 101·both of theffi." Autopsies are being performed today on the bodies of divers Jolin Vaughn, 22, and Wauer v. Heidt, 291 ~ho were p~ nounced dead at the scene at 11 :45 a.m. FrienM or the two sounded the alarm when they failed to appear some two hours after entering the'waier at about I a.m. Off-duty lifeguard John Enfield ran to the nearby home of Mayor Gle11R Vedder to call the main guard tower which dispatched the rescue jeep manned by gu,rd.; Mike Hartley and Bernard Voorhees. Meanwhile the bodies had been located by three Mater De\ High School students, Jim ,Jumon, 16, Frank OaJgadlllo, 17 and Erne.st Dominguez, 17, who were also diving at the cove. ' Young ·oumon said he descended to the ocean floor and came upon "a guy with a red beard, lying on his back who looked like he was dead ," · Directed by the youths, who had been unable to get the bodies ashore, the two lifeguards donned scuba gear and entered the water, assisted by two diving in· structors, Dave Golden and Charlie Gibbs, who were on the beach at the time. Guards said rigor mortis appeared to be setting in by the time they brought the bodies aShore and re1uscitation attempts were futile. They said the divers' equip.. ment was all intact and functioning normally, except for one air tank which was completely empty. Obviously distressed by the incident, Mayor Vedder said, his "younger son had been by the area in 1 boat before the alarm waa: IOUnded and noticed the usual weekend crowd· of divers and observers on the rocks, but nothing wa~ Jaid about a missing diver. "It reinforces my feeling.that we need (See DIVERS, Page Z) . . Orange Coast UUllty company spokesmen are also scheduled to dl.scu~ their own ocean studi'-9 and monitoring of radio13ctlve disCharge into the sea. Better · Police S.ervice Available Weather If you've "mist11" the sun these past few ntomlngs, there 's a good reasr-· ' pea soup which will LSD Charge Jails 4guna Youtl1, 18 A-;umi-Btach-youth'nileged at!empt- to hi4e suspkted evidence. failed to save him tr«n arrest by Laguna Beach police. Friday night. Officen booked James Henry· Bennson. 18, iii) suspicion of pooawloit of, danf;r- oUs drugs frir sale. 'They said he tosjed a plastic bag into a bush as they ap. proached him in the 200 block of Cleo Street. 1'l>e bag, olfleen said. eootllined M white table!• Uley belim<ed to LSD. Three Addtttonat• v1rieties-of Jtblels and ccip- liules we~ found on hb Person, they r~ porte3, inCJuding 11 red orange capsules, b<llcxed to b<_a_barbliurate. \ Saddleback Valley residents can-obtain <a higher level of police protection l!trough Ltieir special tervl~ districts -11 they want to pay for it, an oranae Cc:JuelY of· ficial said today. * • • ~eomn>entlng on·a resol\IUO. adopled by the Saddleback Republi~n AlaembJy complaining of ina~~ate police aekice in the burgeoning' val1ey communitlt1, Bob Russe1i ~cial ·district coordinator In ~!llY administrator's oHlee Aid, ~·t.~~artll hu ~ pOwer IJKI 'aii~lij lo provide an extended lave! of police J"Oleetioa.illut up to this Ume Ille residen&I have not seen Ot .to1 1c:Uvat.e this added police PIQledlon terVice.'' 'the new communiUea in SaddlebaCll: Valley wheri·populatlon .hn tlOOlned to 30,000 In Ille past five yean, are divided In spccl11I service districb-coverinc. Lcl~ure World, MlSSIOn Viejo, El Toro, Capistrano Highland£ and Aegean, Hills, cipal purpose la to protecl construction he said. aites.Jronl vandalism. _ ~ _ .Residents of the distrjct pay 1 special However, residents state that the patrol tax to cover the difrerenct between rural .often ,helps with such matters as traffic and urban levels of service usually in-· control during buJ)' hours. <ludinB aueb Items u llreel oweepl01; CounlY. olfielals-eonlil'm, the charge In maintenance of landaeaPlnl "' slopes arld the Slddlebac:k Republican&' resolulfq)t median atrij)I, trash c:olleetlon and~U ' th•Lpoll'-" protection ln.l!>e..area Is Ille desired, fire and police protection. .same as Jt was five 'yean ago when the All of Ille Soddlebaek Valley district& .valley wn larply rural. are indudecl-ln extended fire proteCtlon The Sherill's Olnee, Russell said. glv .. aervice, RuuelJ ·said. becaue resident& _J._ »tailed ruril protection In the unin· uaually work it a distance ,from horhe corporated areas and higher levels of and Ihm Is Insufficient m~power clur· protection mllal be obtained Ulrough ing the day to maJntain volunteer fire 11peclal contracts, aucb as are maintained services. , by three ·count)! cltltt that do not have . None ao far, he ·ldde~,. has 90Ught ex· U:ieir own poU.ce forces._ 1 tended-po Hee ..,.Ice; -... An increased lev<l 1of prolection, such Leisure World maltltains Us \ YN1' .al an .adJlldonal eltr0i ear, could be pro- secw:lty ,sen-Ice 1nd1 the M~Vte-Jo-,--v'4ed to,·a ar;vtce..area undtr-a similar Company bu a private patrol Wlio pr~ cori.tract. he Wd. Such u airanrment, Russell added, would have to be approved by the Board of SupervJsor1~ Undersherift Robert Sharp .uld the SRA estimate of two patrol cara cover· ing the valley was approximately ~r· ,ttct. The department• coven the entire unincorpora(e(l county· ai-ta,, w}tl:t seven cars on the graVey4rd lhllt ~ 12 and 13 for the daf and evening shifts, and no significant additions have been1 made· In the past five years, he said. be · J the coast on Tues-da~ _,ng the mercury to" 6S and back to 71 inland. INSIDE TODAY lnt1-epid John Dane apd flaw- less saiUng crew 'from Tulane Univera-i£t1 mode cleon t weep of Doupta:I Cup collegiate tailing matches, beating oui dt/rnding ,champion USC. Paoe 22, HowCYer. Sharp added, depirtment :;;:., n. S: =• Ut records $bow · that ~trot aciivjty in the ClltilflM "'u .......,.. • ...,... •s past two year$ has increased 38 perctnt f::.:.f :: :::=-~tr : and pOplJJation ha5 gone up 28 peroen.t. DM• tttt1ctt 11 :;:: M«btt :r. "In order .to reestablish the '.leyel of r.= '"' 1! 'T•IWl•ltll It, .Protection of' five .~ears ago,". the uq· :=.HVMlll ._;~ ~ ': .dersherUf concluded, "we would ,need ~t ~ '' ... W11"9 JI :1east, 20 more positlori,f." Tht ·no.rd of '~':1~1.•" •: :=...~ , .. ~ Suj>ervlsol'$ bu.refused to.gr.aalllae.~-1::::::"::":::'-:::::-':::":::":::Mt.ll~======::.1 tions, he s~id. ,. ' • 'I l l \ -:1 DAl\.V l'ILOT COVE ~ . ' anyw_,, uld Mn. MeClure. and had oecurod a chanl• o1 venue back to the Lacuna court. Siii &aid ll!ey . had dlocusaed tbe g::r::11"' .... .,,.. IUit bot-~ ' -"' her PVllP -Id lollow lh,..p with thal -· She ,.Id she felt j..U .. had lrlumpbed oot said il took three api)earances in court. She said she Intended to go fi.shing ap.1n. ''I believe the public should have acceu to the btllcb." Asked If she 11<0tnl she would fish at Scotctunan's Cove, ahe Mid ... possibly!' Robert Sharp, Orange COunty un- deraheriff, 1aid future treapa.ssllig en- forcement& wilt be 10mewhat ·Com• i>llcated by lhe niU,pg. "We will probably have to rely on the penal code," he said, adding, "I had a sneaking hunch Judge Hamilton Was right." One method of proceeding ~ the penal code is to have tbt property owner or his representative present . to ask trespassors to leave. If they refu1e they have then violated a state law. Sharp said be did not think Seot- chrnan's Cove would be a signif~t future problem -despite the lepi-· pllcaUon. He said county supervisors have adopted an ordinance thcit will make it illegal ,. park alone Coa!I )lighw_, 1n that vicinity during the night time, w~ch v.'as the time of greatest problems. . . Persons who still have trespassing cases pending from the Labor Day arrest .... if any. -will. probJbly have therq dismissed automatically. ------ tr: .Nixon's·· Speech ; r O~'d 'in Saigtih ~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Pmld"'I NII· Cln's Vietnam policy speech won ad\iance apProval from the Saigon government, the White House saJd today. Disawing the Nixon talk, lo be broad- CB!t live from b1I oval olfice by tdevlsion and radJo networks at 6:30 p.m. PST, pres.s secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said: "We have had full and complete con· Sllltalion wit~ the government or Vietnam on the President's apeecb .•• Tbey are in agreement with its contents.·• Ziegler rtpl)tled also that Nixon hid arranged for some COMultaUon on the address with leaders cf Congress and ether governments allied with the United States in the Vietnam war. ijowever, the chief executive dld not set up a. personal briefing seulon with Co11gres.s clllefs in advance cf bis television-radio appearance. While the White House continued to keep mum on the contents of Nixon's te~, there was considerable speculation the chief executive would announce some move toward aC<?elerated withdrawals of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. .. ' normal apan for advance w~ on a preddenllal lalk ID the naUon. Tbe delivery dJle was fixed for election tve-and came just two days after tht fint .amdvenary of former PreQdent L.yndo1I B. Jobnsoe'• action to hall alt Am«lcu bomhlni ·or Nortb Vleliilm. b 3 Sculptors Vie for Dana Tribute Job By PAM~ HALLAN Df ,,. Dllltt "" ,,,,, Three American sculptors have been selected to submit designs for the Richard Henry Dana Memorial le be ccn- structtd. at the entrance or Dana Potot Harber. · A quesUon mark is those cases in- volvln& persona who entered guilty plus but are innoce:nt because the law was un- coastltulionaL DAll.'I' Pit.OT ...... h" T•M Tit~I FIREME"N BURST INTO BURNING BUNGALOW TO SAVJ' OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPEDIC BED Co1ta Meta Fam11y Lo1e1 Home as Oise.bled Dad Fac11 Back Surgery In Saigon, however, Vice President Nguyen tao Ky was quoted during the weekend aa aaying the ad~ contained •·nothlng new." kl Washington, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield or Montana remarked that "great hopes and ex- pectations are riding on this speech." The artists are VinceDt Glinsky or New York City, Edward T, Hoffman of Waper, PeM. and John Ttnken of East Meadow, N.Y. '!be sa!!pt.ors have until Jan. t to 1111>- mlt designs for the memofial wllich wi1 t be located on the outer mole at the end of the causeway. It will be visible by land and sea. -~~~-~~~~--No 'Intercept' For McQueen Child's Play Blamed Parents in Capo ; Asking Palisades Overcrossing Ziegler descriped the address a.s a personal Nixon undertaking from lltarl lo finish. Chslnnan of the selecticn committee is Gerald T. Gaffney of San Juan Capistrano who said that no reatrictiou have been placed on the artiala. ' SAN DIEGO (UPll -AclDr Steve McQueen ls a litUe concerned about the efficient')" of customs inspect.ors •. Flying from La Paz, Mexico, to the United Slal<ll Sunday night alter com· pleUng the Ensenada-La Paz off·road race, McQlleen radioed customs in· 5pectors at LJ.r"1bergb Field that he would be arriving ftlr clearance. Fln~s D~stroy: .Home . . . Speechwriters were net employed in the usual sense, he said, .1Jld the te1t WU "totally the President's product" mere than any ctber in recent months. "But we'd like the monument to llancl lhe test cf time and we'd like the total cost lo be JeSs than· ft.5,000," he slid. Of Disabled Mesa Man P•rent groups: will ask trustees of the Capistrano Unified School Qlstrtcl tonight to participate financially. in securing_ a pedesµian overcrossing near Pallsade.s Ziegler said Nllon h~ :•structured it, developed it, written it C1n his own.'' The President returned. to the White House Monday afternoon after a long weekend stay at Camp David, ~fd., where he put the finishing touches on hls manuscript. Flnanctng for the memorial will be tn· tirely from , prl\'ate contributions, ac- cording to Gaffney. Initial fund.!l were raised through the sales of license plate frames and dec•I& but fund raising will begin in earnest when the sculptor is :1elected. No one met the plane. AJJd even after pi1onlng 1he Federal Aviation Ager>C)'.. he had to w1it three hours for agents l.O a:r· rive to inapt.Ct hll plane. . "If, I had $50,000 worth or diamonds aboard that plane, who wa.s to prevent lne from tossing them in a car and df!V-in& off ?" be uked. j\lanon Retreat Set on · W:rekend · BJ AllTllUJI R. VINSEL , ~ flll .DIQ1 Plilt t•ll • f'lamea led by • torch-llke; melted gu lloe 'roered thrQugb a disabled. worker'• Costa. M ... home Saturday, destroylna all Wnlly poueslif:!lll e1cept for the vie- . tlm11 ~ c~opidic bed. Damag< to. the home occupied ·by the Dan Reddick family at 212411 Senll Ana Ave., comblned with peraonal"belongings, totaled more than fll,000, according to Fire Department lnvestlgaton. "It's abnost a total loss," said Battalion .' Chief \Bob BeauchamPI explain log that 1 cMld·playing With inatches e\!ldentlY trig· Laguria area ri1em~' of ·Alano&.· llh ~gered the disQ'slrOU$ ~0:16 a.m. fire. f,rian1tau"" .. 1tr'wlvei, ··hus1>&ndi':'.n11 ·, .•. "lt ·~~ llPl"•!•l_;~lflltlY -~ti,it ,,.~ ... friend• of • a1ccholiCs; ·art pla~ a ~l)~·lnch ga; lii;tt .to tlie ·kltcllen &~~v~ retreat at St. Mirj'i" Retriit HOiiie ,jn : .meJt~ .and we had m_any BTU~ -~r1~15?! Santa Barbara from FrJday, Nov. 7 to .·~nna.1 .Un1ts) c~· ga.s pou~. ~t, Sunday, Nov. 9. Chief Beau~p exp~.1ned. . .. Alanort wu established to as.silt No. ooe was iDJured m the fire which fani.llies and friends of pe:nons wbo-have devastated the Reddick home, but that t,s joined Alcoholics Anonymous, b u t about all the family can be than~ul for 'membership Is open ttl any person con-tod11y,, .on th~ eve of Reddicks own fronted with the problem .er aJcohollsm, hospli,tbzaUon. • , whether or rot the · viCUm ls an AA lie suffers from an injured back and Is member.~, . tentcttiveJy scfledu led for su rge: r y The. retreat will t>egln on Frklay . ar-W~ay at Rtver:view Ho.spltal, Santa t ernoon, Nov .. 7, at S:30· p.m. and. will Ana, after · which he facell a long_ coo- close after lunch en Sunday, Nov. t. v~le.scence. . Reservations are required and the cost Is The family has been living en a ccmtribution to the Retreat House. Workmen's Compensation and other Such Women will stay at St. Mary's Retreat funds connected -with Reddlck's job-Hou!e and men will ·be hoi.ised at Mt. related injury, accenting to nei1hbors Calvary, a short distance away. For who have pitched in to help the un- further lnfonnation call St. Mary's fortuni~es. Episcopal Church, in Laguna ~ach, 494-"We've' ail gollen clothes together for 35l2 ' ' · them, but moslly they still need some for Astronauts Welcomed By Cr owd in Seoul · SEOUL (AP) -The three U.S. Apollo a.1 astronauts arrived in Seoul loday~fi>r an overnight stay on a round-the-world goodwill tour cf ~ countries. · A huge, enthusiastic crowd led by Information and Culture fl1inlster Shin Bum-shik greeted the A m e r i C a n gpacemen when they landed at Kimpo lnternational Airport. LAll'f P!!O I ~ aM,11 fVllllttU19 ClDMNN'f lekrt N. w •• ~ ---Jet• a. c.rr., Vkt,.,....... • GeMtti ...,.r Tlr.M11 IC..-ril ••w 1\111W11 A. Mw,,~i~• ........ Efhll" l lsli•r4 P. Ntll ·--'lit t:fllw ---211 h111t ...... Mein., ,..._, 1.0. 111 "" •ZM! --~ ...... !.Wast .... ,.... ........., ~' "" Wnl kltlt• .... ... , ......... llMcll:.""""'" ' Dan and Burma ." said Mrs. GraCe Hoscoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four houses from the burned home. "J'm sWI in a state of shock myself." said Mrs. Hoscce, "Their refrigeratcr Just melted." Firemen arriving on the scene found the Reddick home a literal inf~rno (rom the gas-fed kitchen portion. but rushed in and salvaged the workman's badly .needed, $150 orthopedic bed. 1rlrll. Hoscoe said in addition to adult 'clothing, the Reddicks will need linens and other household goods, as wtll as an inexpensive place to stay during his con- "alescence. The Reddic!< lamily ioclud"' Billy, 10; .Barbar~ t and Danny, 4. according lo flirs. H~, who said one neiJhbor will Defective Child Risk Greater After Abortion? \\'omen who have se\'eral abortions may risk givlne birth ·Jater on to a defec- tive child, according to an official ~f...the U.S .. Department cl Healll;I, Education and Welfare. Palricia Reilly llitl, assistant HEW secretary fw community and field services, told the Republican stnte cen· IT•l committee convention In Anaheim Saturday abbut sludles now beln& con· ducted in the Soviet Union. She aaid. "Too liberal abortion laws" hive raised a "serious question·· in Ru§ia. Studies, she said, "have begun tc suggest 1 possible correlation between multiple abortions and tht birth of later w1nted. but defective. children." Mrs. Hitt said 1he learned or this on a September trip to Russia. She said the deformed children were born after women bad undergone "three or four er • more" abortions. ' 5he also said RuSsia's "population decline'' caused by "sa..fe and very fre-- qutntly uWlied'' abortions Is '1gtvtnc th1 naUon'1 planntta grave cause far con- cern.'' provide sheller !or them tonight. Anyone wlshlng to donate or loan clothlna and.~ouaehold good! to help the tropl)le-plaiued f1mlly m11 drop Jt oU at M.."I. Hoscoe'1 earage. !'I'll even 10 pick It up/' ahe said. Mn. Hoaeoe aald the unexpected loss hu caused Reddick to cooslder delaying his b&dly needed. correcUve back surgery, but friends are urging him ID go ahead with It. He wu to enter the ho5pftal Tuesday. "Things look pretty dark for them ~~w,'.' she sald., "but they _have to go on." ~eagai,, GpP ~ders Raising Ele.ction Funds By BILL BOYARSKY AP P.illktl Wtlttr" School. A.ct.ion on the 111atter waa dererred from last meeting. oo that pennt groups could present hlformation en why they feel the overcrossing cvtr the San Diegtl Freeway ia necessary. According to a disitrict PTA Council . study, about 2SO clllldren attending the school ln Capistrano Beach live across the freeway. They are delivered to llcbool by bus, but could walk to school if an overcrossing e11:isted. Working with him lhere were Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, assistant for national security affairs, and Brig. Gen. Alex- ander Haig, Kissinger's deputy. Plans for the speech had been an- ncur.ced just prior lo the Oct. 15 Vietnam Moratorium. That's more than the From Page l DIVERS •.. \Vallace Knutsen, district des I g n tngfoeer for the state Div.Jlion of HlghWays said · it is his department's somi· sort of control over this diving,'' policy that local agencies pay one-half the the mayor said. "There must have been cost or . a pedestrian. overPJl.u .ht cases 40 or SO of ·them at,thll end. of. tht beach where the need has atfM!n. aft.er the Sunday and probably up .to a CtNple of original freewa y was built. Either the hundred along Clur beaches. county or the school district would be "While many come dow.n ln groups as ked to pay the amount, roughly witb instructors. others come in threes $40,000. and fours and there is no way to know At their last meeting trustets heard a when a diver Is missing." report stating that the county could net The Laguna mayor said he would like help financially because funds are not to see a special diving area set aside in available. the marine preserve area cf{ Heisler Groups interested In the overpass in· Park. A multimillion dollar warchest for the elude Palisades PTA, Capistrano Unified "There are public facilities there and 19'0 e1eeUons : is being raised by PT A Council and the Capistrano Beach we could have a couple cf gaurds check- leaders of the Ca!Uornla GOP. Community Association. ing the divers in and keeping watch over Republican Gov. Reagan and other them. The time element ia so important. · Party officials told details of their fund lt's essential to know as soon as a diver raising elfoits at the aMUat meeting of Pat Nixon to Visit ls missing so they can look for him im· the Republican Sta.le Central Committee mediately. The guards would cooperate .in Ariaheim over the weekend. With the diving instructors and the whcle Committee members al,. voled College Canipuses thing would be much safer." overwhelmingly to back President Nix· Vedder noted that divers have com· oo 's efforts to end the Vietnam War. \\IASHINGTON (UPI) -First Lady plained to him that the water In many And they cheered when Sen. George Pat Niion will make a cross country areas Is "cleaned cut so there'll nothing Murphy (ft-Calli.), said California 's campus swing next week to put the ltl see dcwn there." Democratic senator, Alan Cranston, spotlight on vclunteer activities of college In the marine preserve, he said. "thtte "should be ashamed cf himself" for some students, the White House announced to-are beautiful reefs and Uley'd have of hls recent statements about the war. da y. son.ething le look at when they dive. T11he Details of the financial campaign were P.1rs. Nixon's staff director, Connie present situation places a terrible bur en disclosed in interviews, private meetings Stuart, said stops would be made as far on the city with this one lifeguard rescue and In a report to the Central Committee Y:est as Colorado. She said Mrs. Nixon unit tearing up and down six mile:!I of by Robert Beaver of Fullerton, the also would visit colleges in ~1ichlgan, in beach to try to keep track of anyone who Helping Gaffney with the final selection will be James Ballinger, Orange CountY. Harbor District engineer; Ha rold Ekman, member of the Orange County Planning C"mmission; Mert Wilson, member of the consulting finn cf the South Coast Scenic Highway Improvement Project, and H. L. "Les" Remmers. The idea wall originated by the San Juan Capistrano Hilltorical Society who believed that something more substantial than just a plaque should honor Richard Jlcnry Dana. - The idea was taken to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Orange Coun- tJ Oeparlmellt of· Beac;hes and Harbors for .111pproval. G.aff,ney I~ that the artists whO are. submitting final designs have all had previous experience in designing public monuments. He said that special care wall taken to fmd out who was best suited for the type of monument the group hopes for. Building Permits Outdistance '68 Laguna Beach building permits for the first 10 months of the year continued to outpace like permit valuations In f968 by better than a million dollars. Clyde Z. Springe, city plaruUng and building director, said tbe .aggregate of buikling permit valuations through October came to $5,509,158. The valuation total for the same period last year was $4,385,910, $1,1 23,248 less. There have been 439 permits issued this year compared to 432 through October of last year. October valuations compariS<>n "'·ere $24.1,000 this year and $273,243 last October. treasurer. Among the plans: the south and in the middle.Atlantic area. gets in trouble." · -A Committee for a Greater California 1j~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~;;~;;;~a;a;;t has been organized to begin collecting I ~ money for Reagan's campaign fer a se- cond term. About '200,000 was pledged to the committee at a dinner meeting three months ago at a Los Angeles restaurant. Holmes Tuttle, a Los Angelell auto dealer and longtime Reagan friend , ls chalnnan. Sources close to the governcr said that hi& campaign in the general election will cost $1 milllcn or more, but he hopes to keep spending In the primary to $250,000. He expects no major primary cpposition. -The Republican State Central Com• mlttee ha1 adopted a budget of $1 ,390,000 for 1969 and 1970. ThiJ wW be used to pay for staff members. polls, computers and other political aid to candidates in sc!eeted legislative districts. Republicans control the Assembly by only a 41·39 margin and the Senate by a bare 21·19. Bca\'cr said cont rol must be strengthened in 1970 - ;,a year or decisions." The legislature elected next year will redrnw legislative and con· l{resslonal distri ct linea to meet popula· Jion changl!!s and. said Beaver. "decide "1lich party will control the state for the next decade." -Sen. Murphy's aides disclosed he has $500,000 ·in his cam pai!n treasury for a • 1970 re-election cahtpa gn thnt they ex- -pect will cost at least $1 mllllon. -Two conservat.iv·e minded volunteer gl'OUps are ready to supply thousands er dorfars • and campaign wor~ers to con- se rvative Rcpublicp.n candldale:!I in the June 1970 primary. Michael Van 11orn, pre~iclent of the Unlted Republicans of CaUfornla, said, "\Ve're shooting for $50,000." Jamell Kraemer, president of the California Republican Assembly, said his group hopes to put In a~ much as St0,000 in spccUied Assembly and Senate districts. -Assembly Speaker Robert T . f\1onagan CR-Tracy ), u.ld he hopes to ral1e $100,000 from a testimonlal dinner In Los Angeles in January to help Republican legislators win rc~lectlon. , • School For Skeptics Unusual for any kind of a store. \Ve WELCOME hard-headed tnen. Those \vho trust their o\vn eyes and rely on their O\Vll judgement. The only criterion in our store is '".hat you see in our mirror. If you don't see yourself looking better in our mirror, "'e start over again. The headmaster o[ our school for skeptics is our master fitter, Nelson de Souza Avila. Nelson is an old-world craftsman, the kind you rarely (ind anymore, and he won't let you have your sui~ unlit you're BOTH happy with.it. You will be, too. Come in today and make us prove it. 3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings unlll 9 p.m. I I ~ -- I I l < I ! I • ' ! • I 1' - ------- • eaeli EDITION VOL. o?, NO. 263, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE .COUNTY, C~IFORNIA • MONDAY, NOV~MJER ·3·, '1969 TEN CENT! . Scotchman~s Cove Raid . Nullified as Law Falls By RICHARD P. NAJ;L Of .. Deity f'llfl Sllft A Labor Day· trespasslng crackdown on %70 puaoos at Scotchman's Cove north O{ Laguna ~ was made on the strength of a .county ordinance that w~ un- consUtutional. Jn the weekend sweep of the area that Is owned by the Irvine Company, Orange County sheriff's deputi es arrested 43 adults, cited anolher 116 and rounded up 101 juveniles. • Aside from 1rrests made for other crim~ -such ~ possession ol alcohol by a minor -the enforcement vehicle used was county ordinance 38.031. It was a handy ordinance. Violators ne«ied to h,ave only entered fenced or cultivated private property to have been brtaldni the 1aw. Before the Scotchman's Cove arrests, however, .,, action had been taken th.at was the beginning of the end for county ordinance 38.031. 1vers Auditor in Charge St John Blamed In Emhezzlin·g By TOM BARLEY OI "'• 0.llY .. li.t SI.ti Orange Coonty Audit.or Vic Heim today laid the blame for a $27 .000 ejll- bu.zlement in the County Clerk's Offlct d~ectly on the shoulder~ of its ad· miniJtrat.or ~ County cterk William E. St .John. Heim left the closing stages of an audit that has-pegged Richard Winter• Burke's aJteged embm:lement as "somewhere near $21,ooo·• to Id! ·the DAIL y PILO'I' Jud(e Richard Hammon. · pre.sidiJll judge of South Or1111e County Judicial Di&trict, declared the ordinance un- constituUonal on June I on the grounds that the area had been pre-empted by state law. He dismissed a charge against three defendants at the time. They had been accused of ~ on tbe Moulton Randi. The district attorney's officf.. did not agree with Judge Hamilton. They a~ ·-.;. pealed hla de<:lalon on Jime U to the Ap- pellate Department of Superior Court. The appellate deportment upbeld Judge Hamilton and refused to certlfy the mat4 ter on to the FOW'lh District Court. ol Ap-=ty ~~M'ha~ c:p='. What effect· does this have on those charctd unde;r the now-dead ordinance? It opparenUy depends. 1be district attorney)& office flied against 147 persons in municipal court in .roWn sama Ana. Many pleaded guilty Jn ~ber and were given Informal pro- bauon for five days, accordiJli to a court aide., others alter hearing from the Judge asked for a change ol. venue Nell: to .South Orange County Judicial lllatrkt . where Judge Hamilton prtaldes.- pharges against five of ~ ,penons were dropped Friday. Five of the now cleared defendants from the Labor Day swoop included David Monson, 30, Hun4 tiniton Beach; M"lllerfta Cha.U. 17 Long Beach; John E. Wood, 32, ~ Beach; his wife, Jimi Jan, 30; anG Stephanie E. McClure, 1:1, Nor t t Hollywoi>d. Mrs. McClure uld the five were fishing below the mean high Ude line when cited. The citations would have ~r\ lmpoaible Wider the state penal code lrelpUllng aec:Uon. . ' The &J'OUP inte1)ded to light the case (8ee COVE, Pap I) Died Trying To Assist Each Other ' By. BA.RB ARA KREIBICB Of .. Dll-'"" ·- I I Two La: Habra ,aaibl divers who drowwd in. 20 feet .af, nter off Shaw's Cove Sunday apparently died "trying to help each other," Laguna Beacb lifeguards theorized tod1y. ';When the bodies were found ," 'Lt. Gene. ·DtPaWis aaid, "ooe man was grasplnt; lhe other's air valve. His tank was p:>mpletely out ot air. . .Sal]. Q_nofre that U St Jilhn bid followed the· <Diiiy audil«'s advice, the bl.nki.ng ~· . llerodlJ-aplalted-by 1111 tr·llorliia --Tnlght well have been plugged. Nuc 1 -ar Plant ·st Joon,.reported bf 1111 K<retary rr1- -ed any ~arade graund inspection except for the missing. "pnvate" in the rear rank.·• . · "AJ!paroolly bis .-Y had taken 0\11 his mouthpiece to try to share his alr • Y.'hea)W...do..thia.__,__ean lake on .water and paas OQt in IK'Ol'Kls. Jt looked a, U it w11 too Jate fer both ol &hem." . ~ .,.. hetn1 performed todaJ ori, t~ bod)ea of di yen John Vaughn, 21, and Waller V. Heidt, ~. '.'ho ·were pro- . nounced ·dead at·the·scene at 11:45 a.m . . re day to be J•oUt of toWn" was "awaf from bli: desk" thrOUjhout the morning. I I <. . Report Due He did not respond to several teltpoone messages. Heim said his iitaff made "15 or· 16" A .report on effecl3 of .radioactive ~f!!endatlons to St John a year ago Hijacker Facing Charges In Italy Before Returning wastes dumped Into the sea from the' San wh lb 1 k' fl I t Onofre Nuclear Generating Station after en e county c er s nanc a pro. one year's operation will be delivered to cedures -including the bankblg . ar· a special state agency Tuesday in rangements over which Burke had Carlsbad. substantial control -were surveyed. The Z p.m. session of the San Diego ''One of those suggestions specifically Regional Water Quality Control Board referred to the area which Burke alleged4 will be in the Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 ly exploited to milk the county of more Elm Ave., according to Orange and San Diego county authorities. than $27,000," be said. Public health, effects on marine biology "I am not particularly blaming St John and olher direcUy related topics will be but I am saying thlt if county discussed by experts in the Deld during departments woukf immediately and the bearing btfOre the panel. faithfu!Jy c.arry out the recommendation s The nuclear power generating plant is of my office, the chances of em· owned and operated _l!y the Southern bezzlement, would, at worst, be coo- Califomia Edison Company and the San siiferably -narrowed down." Diego Gas and Electric Company. While Heim was talking, Burke, 'lT, or During its routine operation, the plant 26372 Papagayo Drtve, Mission Viejo was releases 350,000 gallons of cooling water being granted a continuance in Santa Ana per minute into the ocean, along with Municipal Court of his arraignment on some occasional low-level radioactive grand theft charges. waste materials. Judge Paul Mast continued Burke's bail Great cqncern for effects of the on his own recognizance and ordered St radioactive materials on fish and game, John'• former aide to return to court as well as natural resources, was voiced Nov. 13. ROME (UPI) -An Italian prosecutor said. today plane hijacker Raffaele MinlchleDo would· be tried in Italy before facing proeeution in . the United States. Three more charges were filed againt the young American marine. The-new charges bn)qght to eight. the number of charges Minichiello facts here. U convicted on all of them he could :ipend as Jong as 30 years in Italian prisons befofe Amerfe8n authorities could lay a hand on him. Ass1stant Prosecutor Massimo Carli Marine Killed In Auto Wreck by the pulbic when the plant was planned It is alleged that Burke forged banking and later went into operallon. returns during the two years of his coun4 A young Marine who survived nearly Close surveillance on the nuclear power ty employment to the total of more than two yearii of combat duty In Vietnam plant and il3 effects and potential results, $27,000. The $200 shortage that Jed to died Saturday in a traffic acicderrt near is kept by both stite agencies and the Burke's alleged confession of his em-his Anaheim home just three weeks after power comparlles Involved. bez:zlement was spotted by an Oranie his return. . Speakers at the Tue3day meeting will County Grand Jury auditor. California Highway Patrolmen said be Dr. Simon Kln&man, Chief of the St.John's initial reaction to the charges Steven W. Boyle, 20, Was.traveling west4 Bureau of Radiological Health of the was to point out that he had repe1~ .bound on the Canyon Road beiween Royal State Department of Public Health and advised the county auditor of dtficiencles Oak~Drive and Crescent Drive when hls marine biologist Charles TUrner. in the auditing of his department record3. car failed to negotiate a curva and or. Kinsman will report on resulls of ~t ~obn at ~t time delen:decf his own smashed into a tree. radl0activity surveys conducted i n ( office .s su~1on of. fm~al practlces Officers said Boyle was trapped in the offshore Soulhland waters. as being fully in keepmg w1tb recognized wretkage and was pronounced dead at TUrner a senior marine biologist tor county standards. the scene. the state1Department of Fish and Game, will discuss findings or a biological survey now being carried on by his department for the teglonal board. At Greater Cost called on Minichiello at Rome's Queen of Heaven Jail tonJght to inform him of the new charJes, which include kidnaplng, · . privatf' violence against the crew of the Trans 'World Airlines jet;liner he hijacked and violence against a public official. MaxJmum sentences on. the eight charges add up to 31 years and six months, but under Italian law the most · time a person can serve in prison short of life imprisonment is 30 years. Minichiello, who hijacked the plane In California last Friday and forced the pilot to fly it to Rome, faces a possible death sentence in the United States on a hi- jacking charge. . "I am s"ure he will lie tried first In Ila· ly," Carli said. "No doubt about it. However, that is my personal·opinion on· Jy." Carll also said Minichiello's elderly father, who lives in .southern Italy, would eventually be allowed to see his son. Carli charged Minichiello Sunday with five other crimes, including another count of kidnaplng, private violence, bringina: weapons of Wal''inlo Italy, pos- sesalng them illegally and carrying them illegall1 .. . Prison aourceJ deJCribed Min ichiello in good spirits and said he wu to undergo psychiatric tests during the week. He was allowed no visitors, not even his father, IO, who drove up from Naples. Special District Electio1is Cardi!d l1i South County Elections Tuesday ·to fill seal! on ~·ater, sanitary or other special dlstric13: include lwo in southern Orange County. In many districts there Is no election because of a lack of candidates. Seat.s ~\~II be !iUed by incumbents · or by ap- pointment. Capistrano Beach County W a t e r District has two directorates to fill and four candidates. They are Duncan A. Blackbum, civil engineer, Dana Point: K e n n e t h Lawrence, incumbent, Capistrano Beach; llcnry A. Halmlnskl, designer, Capistrano Beach; James S. Elliot, Jr., engineer, Capistrano Beach. In Dana Point Sanitary district there arc three seats to fill and four carr didrnes. They are Edw~ R. Doose, Incumbent, Dana Point ; Howard D. Borts, ln4 cumbent, Dana Point; Louis E. OuMing, incumbent, Dana Point; and .Raymond H. Swentek, sanitary engineer, Dana Poillt. Stacie Marlcfts NEW· YORK (AP)-Most iitocb contin· ued to dip today in s)o"rtradiqg, as d'4 clines increased their lead over advances by 150 issues. (See quotaUon.s, Pages 20-21 ). Friends of the two IOUIJded. the alarm when they failed to appear some two hours after entering the water at about I a.m. .Off-duty lifeguard John Enfield. ran to the nearby home of Mayor Gleoo Vedder to call the main · guard tower which dlapatche:d the rescue jeep manned by guard; ·Mike Hartley and Bernard Voorhees. Meanwhile the ~ieJ had been located by three Ma\t'r Dei High School students, J im Jumon, 16, Frank Dalgadillo, 17 and Ernest Domi.nguei. 17, who wue also diving at the cove. Young Dumon said he descmded to the ocean floor and came upon ''a guy with 1 red beard, lying on his back w.ho looked like he was dead." Directed..by the youths, who had been unable to get the bodies ashore, the two lifeguards donned.scuba gear and entered the water, assisted by two diving in- structors, Dave Golden and Charlie Gibbs, who were on the beach-at the time. Guards said rigor mortis appeared to be setting In by the time they brought tho bodies ashore and resuscitation attempts were fuUle. They said the divers' equip. ment was aJJ intact and funcUonlng normally, except for one air tank which was completely empty. Obviously distressed by the incident, Mayor Vedder said, his younger son had been by tbe area 1n a •t befora the alarm waa llOUndecl aad noUced the usual weekend cnnJd of cllven and observers on the rocks, but nothing waa said about a mi.sling diver. "It reinforces my feeling that we need (8ee D~, Pale I) Oraage ' Utility company spokesmen are also scheduled to dlsCuss their own ocean studlt.s and monitoring of radioactive discharge into Uie sea: Better Pofice Service Available · Wea~er. If you've "mist.:• the sun these past few mornings, thete'1 a iood reason -that pea IOUP which will be ba<k along the cout on Tu,.. day, akldding the mercury tO 6S LSD Charge Jails Laguna Youth, 18 Saddleback Vall: 'Jents can obtain a higher level of po.u.:c proteclion through lh;ir special aervice districts -if they want to PIY ror It, an Qraqe County of.- ficial said today. A Long Beach youth's alleged attemp~ COtnmenting on a·reto1uiior. adopted by to hide suspected evidence faUed to.oai( _ .. the Sa\ldJeblck Republican Anem~ty him from arrest bv .Lajpma S.ach pollct · ·-Plalnlhi of iu~ato police aemce Friday rupr. t " · in1he bargodlllfg 111@!< -cornmuniu.,, Officers booked James Henry Denmon, Bob Russell, special diJtrict coordinator 11 on suspicion of possession of danger-in the county administrator's office Aid, ~ drulll for aaJe. They said he loued "a service arta bas the PQ'o\'tr and a ·plastic bag lnlO a bush u they ap. authority to provide an ertended level of pll>achod bim In the JOO block of Cleo police ~ but up to thli Ume the Street. • residentl b8'i not Me:D flt to activate ™ bag. ofncers said. conUllned 53 this iddeclpollee prWctloo aervice." .Wile tiblitt they believed to LSD. 'I'hr<e The eew ""'1llllUlllU.. In Saddleback addltion•I v·aneUes of tablets ·~ cap. ValltJ. where populaUon bu JOOmed , to sulet were found on hi• pet10n, they ~ 30,IJOO In the put nve )'tan, ar. divided porl.ed, lncludJng 1 l red orange capsules, tn apecial eervk:t dJstrlcts covettna: beUeve~f to be a barbiturate. Leisure World, Misaion-Viejo, El Toro, Capistrano Highlands ahd Aegean HUis, he said. Residents of the diotrtct pay a speelol tax to i:OVer the difference between rural and urban levels , of service usually I~ eluding such Uema u stttet oweeptng, maintenance of tandlcaplna orul-·and med~ truh collectioo .and. JI. destr<d, ru. aJfd police protection. All of the Saddlebacl: Valley districts are Included in exteoded Ore protect.ion servf<e. RUaaell said, beciuoe residents usually wort at a dlstance from home and tbe" b """'Ocleot manpower dur· Ina: the day to maintain wolunteer fire services. . N-so far, he added, hu aouchl •x· tended poll<e service. Lelsure World maintains its --OWn .. curtty ,.rvice and-the Ml.ton Viejo Compomy hH a prlnte-pa\TOl'.Who prln-. • clpat purpose ls to protect construction &Iles from vandalism. However, te11idents state that the patrol . often .help_, wllh, such matters as traffic control during busy hours. . Coµnty oUlclals confirm the charge in the Saddleback--Rtpubµcans' resotuUOn · U1t1t pollce protectJon .In the area i3 the same as tt was five. years ago when Ute valley was largely rural. The Sheriff'• Office, Russell said, gives so.called rural prot«tioo In the unin- corporated areas and h1gher levels of protecUon must be obtained through &peclal comracta, IUCb u are m.ahltalned by three county cities that do not have their own pone. rorces. An 1..........i le1<' of prot<ction, such as an addlUonal patrol car, could be pro- vided to a tervlce area under a slmllat t'Ohtrad1 he .. 1d. SUcb In a'rran&emcnt, • .. Russell added, would have to be approved by the Board of Supervisors. Vndershertff Robert Sharp . said the SRA estimate of two patrol cars cover- ing 1he valley was approximate!¥ cor• rect. The department covers the tnUre unincorporated county area 1'tth stven can on the araveyard 8hllt and IJ and II for the day and evenlne shirts, and no " significant additions have been made In tbe past five years, he sald. However, Sharp added, .department record> show that patrol activity In the . past two years has Increased 38 percent ar.d population has gone up 26 percenl. "In order to· reestabllsh the' level of protection or rive Yws 1&01" the un- dershe rur concluded, "we would need at . leaSt 20 more posilloiis." 1'ht Board Of Sul>crvlsbrs has r<fused to glanl the pool· tionri:, he said: ... r and back to 71 Inland. • INSlDE TODA 'l' /~trepid John Done '!"<I JlaU> . leu soiling crew from Tulane UnJ~nitr 1riad~ clean Mcp o/ Doucllar Cup-coU.Qiate ,.;u.g matchC!:I, beotfng out dc/ntdinQ cllllmpto1t•usc, Pog• 22, . . ' ...... ' n.tt: ...... • c.-.-. ....... " c ....... .,, ............... . C-ln II Of'-.. CMMJ II c~ u l'ttrit ...,,.. • °'9fll •ic. ,. Mm ,.. Dlwrtte 11 .... M9ftNtl ..,, l.i!Wltl ,,_ I T........_ 11 '"""....-i ,, """"" " .,..._,. •n ._.... ' .........,. 11 .......... tt AMI """'9 11 .... tt.wt ... Mel... • , ............. , .... .. ,, .... I.fall• 1t . . I - L . ·--:t-· O&ll.Y ·PR.OJ ·: . -----'-'"'·"'"" P ytt_ J ~., ' -· uld Mn. McClure. and hAd teClll'ld a cblal': oC ~ue hack to the i.q,ma court. Siie Iii<! the:t:;had dill<ussed the ~111 al a I ·.....i tult but dldn' illliili -al lfOllP would follow ~ with that now . .she sald 1he felt iultlol had trlwnpMd but said it took tl\r" api,.arances. ln court. . Sile. said Jibe inteoded to go fishlng aialn. .. I believe the public should hava acceu 'to the beach. 0 A-Sked U :she mtant ah~ would f!Sb at seotcbman'a Cove. sba &ald, "po15ibJJ ' .. Robert Sharp, Ora.nae County un· ders'heritf, sald future trespassing en· forctmenll wW be !Omewhat com· oU<ai.d l!J Ifie ruling. "We will probably haVe to rely on the penal code," he a&id, adding, "I had a sneaking hunch Judge Hamilton was right." One methcid of proceeding under Ute pinal code Is to b&ve the property owner or bis representative present to ask trespasson ·to leave. If they refuse they have then violated a state taw. Sharp said he did not thlnlt Scot· chman's Cove would be a aignificant future problem -despite the legal corn· Dlication. He sald counly supervisors have adopted an ordinance that :ivUI ma~e it illegal to park along Coast J.Ughway m tha{ vicinity .during the night time, wbich was the time cl greatest _problems. . Persons who still have trespassing cases pending from the Labor Day arrest --if any -will probat>ly have tqem dismissed automatically. . • -· ' _ _!'V A~! ~oa'fltt Nixon's Speech : • • • OK'd ID Saigon 1 WA§lllNOTON (AP) -Pretldenl Nli- on's VleJnam polJey speech won adv1nce approval from the Salaon government, tbe White House said today. Discussing the Nixon talk, to be broad· cast llve from hif oval offlct by televillon and rldio networka at 1:)0 p.m. PST. pre5s secretary Ronald L. Ziegler aa.ld: "We have had full and comrlete con· sultation with the government o Vietnam on the Pre!ident's ~h .•• Tbey are in agreement with its content.a." Ziegler reported also that Nixon had atranged for some con.su.ltaUon on the address with JeaderJ of Conlf!.SS and other governmtnta aDied with the United States in the Vietnam war. However, the chief executive dkl not set up a personal briefing aeuk>n with Congreu chiefs 1n advance ol. tits televislon-rad!o appearance. While the While Hou5e continued to keep mum en the contents of NIXOl'l's text, there was considerable speculation the chief execuUve would announce some move toward accelerated withdrawals of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. normal span for advance word t1n 1 presidential talk to the natJon. The delivery date was fixed for election eve-and came just two days after the first anniversary of fonner President Lyndon B. Johnsen's actioD to halt all Amerlcaa bombing ol North Vietnam. 3 Sculptors Vie for Dana Tribute Job By PAMELA HALLAN 1 Of fJll Dtffr Plllt Ili ff Thru American Sc.tilptora hav1 been ~elected to submit designs for the Richard Henry Dana P.temorial to be con· structed at the entrance of Dana Point Harbor. The artists art Vincent Glinsky of New. A question mark is those cases 1n- vo1vin1 persons who entered guilty pleas but are innocent t>ecJuse the law was un· comUtutlonal. • _ , DAILY PILOT Pllti..., T1111 Tltwa FIREMEN BURST INTO BURNING BUNGALOW TO SAVE OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPEOIC BED Costa Mt•• Family· Losts Home as Dlsabltd Dad Faces Back Surg•ry J n Saigon, however, Vice Pr~ldent Nguyen Cao Ky was quoted during the weekend as saying the address contained "nothing new." York City, Edward T. Hoffman of Wagner, Penn. and John Tenken of East MeaOOw, N.Y. No 'Intercept' For McQueen Child's Play Blamed SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Actor Slt•e Mc:Queen is a little concerned about the efficiency of CUit.oms ·inapec~rs. Flying from La Paz, MeXJ.co, to the ·un1ltd Slates Sunday night after com· pleting the Ense.nada·La Paz off.road race, McQLJeen. radioed customs in· sped.ors at Lt~gh Field that he would .be arriving for e.l~arance. Flames Destroy Home Of Disabled Mesa Man Jio.ooe met the plane, and evm after pilonlog the FeQeral Aviation Agency, he had to wait three hours for agents to ar· ~ive to inspect. his plane. ~ "If I had $50,000 worth of diamonds ~board that plane, who was to prevent 'me from .tossing them in a car and driv· • tog off?" be asked. rAlanon Retreat ' .&t on W eekeJ:!d ·• .By Al\TllUJl R. VINSEL Of tM CllUr Piiot l tltr Flames fed by a torch-like, m~lted gas line roared lhrOugh a di.sabled worker's Costa Mesa home Saturday, destroying all family ~sions except for the vic- Um's special orthopedic bed • Damage lo the home occupled by lhe Dan Reddick family at ·242414 Santa Ana Ave., c.ombined with persooal belongings, totaled more than $6,000, according lo Fire Department investigators. "It's almost a total loss," said Battalion Chief Bob Beauchamp, explaining that a child playi.ng with matches evidenUy trig· LIJ\ma 1rta members 'of Alanon, an· gercd the disastrous--10:16 a.m. fire. organiiatfon for wives, hwlbands and ; · "It was spread violently when a flve- lfrlend.s of' ·alcoh6Uc1. · are:P.lannlng a 61ghths-inCh. ~lint to.the kitchen s~v.e airttreat at· SL Miry's ftmat HOuse Jn tntlted and ~!!!.bad: many BTU.s (Bnh~ t!lanl& Barbara troro Friday Nov 7 lo · "Tllermal Urut•) ol gas polll1Jlg .out •. "&mday Nov g . · ·. ' ,t ·. Chief Beauchamp explained. · ( Al~ w·a,' estabtiMed· to a Mist No .one was iojur~d in the fire whi~ti .families and friendi of persons who.have .devamted thl!: ~die~ home, but· that 1s \'joined Alcoholics Anonymous, b u t abcut all the famdy can be th.an~ul fo r µnembe1'3hfp Js open t.O any perSon con· \odar. !>n . t.pe eve of Reddicks own \fronted with the problem ct alcoholism. hosp1_lahzabon. _ . . . . .iwbether er not the victim is ·an AA l ie suffers ~rom an Injured back and 1s ~member. · tentatively scq~dule~ for surgery ' The reb'tat .wDl be&ln on Friday af· Wednesday at Riverview Hospital, Santa ~temoon, Nov. 7, at 5:36 p.m. and wilt Ana, after which he faces a Jong con· «elose after lunch ori · ~unday: Noy-. 9. valescence. . 'Reservations are required and the cost Is The famil y has been living on ~a contribution to the Retreat House. Workmen's Compensation and other such Women win -stay at St. M1ry'1 Retnat funds connected with Reddick's job. House and men will be housed at Mt. Te1ated injury, according lo neighbors Calvary, a short distance 1way. For who have pitched in to help the un· further lofonnation call St. Mary's fortunates. Episcopal ctuuch, in Laguna Beach, 494-~·We•ve all gotten clothes together for l 3542· 01em, but mostly they still need some for 'Astronauts Welcomed ---' ;By Crowd in Seoul . ~ SEOUL (AP) -The three U.S. Apollo :11 astronauts arrived in Seoul today for : an overnight stay on a round-the-world • aoo<lwill tour of 22 countries. l A huge, enlhuslutlc crowd led by ; Information and CUiture Minister Shin :Bum-shik greeted the American : 1pacemen when they landed at Kim po International AirporL 1 .-~~~~~~~-· Gl\11 1 rinor --~ '*'1 ""'mtnta CGMMNY ••Nrt H. W11I _ .. _ J 1c• t. c.r1.., V1Clt ,,...._. _. a-rw MlnNt1' Tlie11111 Kt1•il t:.i• Tltt1111t A. M••p~i~• MMteiOI l~ftw Rlcl111nl P. Nin ·--'"" llltw i--·--212 h rtd A,,, MeDr.t AU11n1 r.o , I••"'-t2U2 --e. MIM1 m Wnl • ., IPl'Mt ......... lolKtl: '"' ................ .....,. ,_l:llM .... ! • IMI ..... Dan and Bunna." said Mrs. Grace Hcscoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four houses from the burned home. ,-;-I'm still in a state of shock myself.'' so.id Mrs. Hoscoe, "Their refrigerator JU St melted." • Firemen arriving on the scene found the Reddick home a literal inferno from the gas-fed kitchen portion, but rushed in and salvaged the workman's badly needed, $150 orthopedic bed. f\.lrs. Hoscoe said in addition to adult clothing, the Reddicks will need linens and other household goods, as well as an inexpensive place to stay during his con· ,·aJescence. The Reddick family includes Billy, 10; • Barbara. 9 and Danny, 4. according to itrs. Hoscoe, who 1aid.one neighbor \\'ill Defective Child Risk Greater After Abortion? Women \\'ho have several abortions may risk giving birth later on to a defrc· live child, according 1.0 an official of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and \Velfarc. Patricia Reilly Hitt. assistar,t HE\V secretary for co1rununlty and field serviceS. told the Republican stnte Cen· tral committee convenllon In Anaheim Saturday about studies now being con· ducted In the Soviet Union. She said, "Too liberal abortion laY.•s'' havt ral.sec( a "serious quesUon" in Russia. Studies, she said, 11have bc!:gun lo sugie!f a possible comJatlon between multiple abort.Joos and the birth of latf!r wtnted, but defective, children." ~1rs. Hitt sald she learned of lhis on a September trip to Russia . She siild the delonned children were born after women had undergone ;'three or four or mot'C" abortions. She also said Russil!'s "popull!tlon decline" caused by "safe and very fre- quc ntJr. utillztd" abortlons ls "giving the nation 1 planners crave cause for COO· ctm.'1 provide shelter for them tonight. Anyone wishing to donate or loan clothing ·and· ti:ousehold gOQds to help the trouble-plagued·farnily may drop.it off at M?J. Hoscoe'11 garage. "I'll even go pick it up,11 she said. • Mrs. Hoscoe said the unexpected Joss has caused Reddick to consider d~aying his badly needed corrective back surgery, but friends are urging him to so ahead wlth it He was to enter the hospital Tuesday. "Things look pretty dark for them now," she said, "but they have to go en." .Reagan, GOp . . -. •' . Leaders Raising Election Funds By BILL BOY ARSKY "P Pollllc .. Writer A multimillion dollar warcbest for the 1970 elections iS being raised by · l~ders of the California GOP. Republican Gov.· Reagan and ether Party officials told details of their fund raisin·g efforts at the aMual meeting or the Republican State Central Committee in Anaheim over the weekend. Committee members also voted overwhelmingly to back President Nix· on's efforts to end the Vietnam War. And they cheered wh~n Sen. George Murphy (R-Calif.), said California's Democratic senator, Alan Cranston. .. should be ashamed of himse!r• for some of his recent statements about the war. Details of the financial campaign were disclosed in interviews. private meetings and in a report to the Central Committee by Robert Beaver of Fullerton, the treasurer. Among the plans : -A Committee for a Greater California has been organized to begin collecting money for Reagan's campaign for a Se· cond term. About $200,000 'vas pledged to the. ccmmittee at a dinner meeting three months ago at a Los Angeles restaurant. lfolmes Tuttle, a Los Angeles auto dealer and longtime Reagan friend, ls chalnnan. Sources close to tbl!: governor said that his campaign in the general election will cost $1 million or more, but he hopes to keep spending in the primary to '25(1,000. He expects no major primary opposition. -The Republican State Central Com· mittee has adopted a budget of $1,390,000 for 1969 and 1970. This will be used to pay for staft members, polls, computers and other political aid to candidates in selected \egislati\•e districts. Repub lica ns control the Assembly by only a 41·39 mangin and the Senate by a bare 21·19. Beave r said control must be strengthened in 1970 -"a year of decisions." The legls\alure elected next year wlll redraw ·legislative and con· gressional district Jlnes to meet popula- tion change& end, said Beaver. "decide \\'hich party will cont rol the state for the next decade." -Sen. Murphy's aides disclosed he has $500,000 in his camp4ign treasury for a 1970 re-election campaign that they ex- pect will cost at least $1 million. -Two conservative minded volunteer groups are J"eady to supply thousands of dollus and campaign wo~kers ~ con· M!rvatlve Repubhcan candidates in the June 19i0 primary. Michael Van Hom. prtsldcnt_..or the United Reopublicans of Californi.a. s.tld, "\lle"re shooting for SS0,000." Jemes Kraemer, president o( the CAllfornla Rtpubllcan Assembly . said his group hopes to put tn as much as $10.000 io specified Assembly and Senate districts. -Assembly Speakt.r Robert T . Monagan (R·Tracy), said he ho~s to rolse $1001009 from a testimooia'I dinner Jn Los Angel.e's In January to help Republican Jegi.slators win re~l~tion.. ~~~~~~~~~~- Parents in Capo , Asking Palisades Overcrossing Parent groups win ask trustees of the Capi..tr11119 Unllied School Dislrict tonight to partlclpate financially in securlilg a pedestrian overcJ'OS!ing near Palisades School. AcUon en the matter was deferred from last meeting so that parent grou ps could present information on why they feel the. overcrosslng over the San J)!ego Freeway Is neeessary. According to a district PTA Council study, about 250 chlldrea attending the school in Capistrano Beach live across the freeway. They are delivered to school by bus, but could walk to school if an cvercrossing existed. \Vallace Knutsen, district design engineer for the state Division of Highways said It ls his departmen~'s polity that local agenci~ pay one-b~ the co.st of a pedestrian ove~ in, cases where the need has arisen after-the criglnaJ freeway was built. Either the 01unty or the school district would be asked to pay the amount, roughly $40,000. At their last meeting trustees heard a. report stating that the coonty could not help financ ially because funds are not available . Groups Interested in the overpass In· elude Palisades PTA, Capistrano Unified PTA Council and the Capistrano Beach Community Association. P al Nixon to Vi sit College Campuses WASHINGTON (UPI) -First Lady Pat Nixon will make a cross country campus swing next week to put the spotllght on volunteer activities or college students, the White House a.Mounced to- da y. ~1rs. Nixon's staff director. Connie Stuart. said stops "'ould be made as far "'est as Colorado. She said Mrs. Nixon also would visit colleges in Michigan, in the sou th and in the middle Atlantic area. Jn Washington, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield cf Moolana remarked that "great hopes and e1· peclations are riding on this speech." Ziegler described the address as a personal Nixon undertaking from start to finish. · Speechwriten were not employed In the usual sense, he said, ancfthe text wu "totally the Prealdent's product" more than any ether in ncent months. Ziegler said Nixon had "structured it, • developed it. written It on his own." The President returned to the ~le House Monday aftemoon after a long weekend stay al Camp David. Md., whtre he put the finishing touches on his manuscript. Working with hint tliere were Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, assistant for national security aUalrs, and Brig. Gen. Alex· ander Haig, Kissinger's deputy. Plans for the speech had been an· nour:ced just prior to the Oct. 15 Vietnam P.foratorium. That's more than the From Page J DIVERS ••• some sort of control over th.ls diving." the" mS:Yor said. "~ must have been 40 or 50 of them at thia end of the beach Sunday and pi-obably up to a couple of hundred alot!g our beocl>es • "While many come down in groups with instructors, others come In threes and fours and there Is no way to know when a div"er is missing, II 'I1le Laguna mayor said he would like to see a special diving arta aet aside In the .marine preserve area gff Heisler Park. "There are public faclllties there and we could have a couple of gaurds check· ing the divers in and keeping watcli over them . The time element Is so important. It's essential to know as soon as a dlver ls missing so they can look for him lm· mediately. the guards would cooperate with the diving iMtructors and the whole thing would be much safer." Vedder noted that divers have com· plained to him that the water in many areas is "cleaned out so there's nothing to see down there ... In the marine preserve, he said, "there are beautiful reefs and they'd have sornethlng to look at when they dive. The present situation places a terrible bunlen on the city with this one lifeguard :escue unit tearing up and down six miles of beach to try to keep track of anyone who gets in trouble." The sculptors have until Jan. 1 to sub· mit designs fo.r the memorial which will be located on the outer mole at the end of the causeway. It will be visible by land and sea. Chairman of the selection committee is Gera1d T. Gaffney of San Juan Capistrano who said that no restriction5 have been placed on the artists. "But we'd like the monument to st.and the test cf time and we'd like the total cost to be less thitn $l5,000," he said. Financing for the memorla1 will be en· tirely from private contributions, ac· cording tO Gaffney. Initial funds were raised through the saJes o( license plate frames and decals but fund raising will begir. in earnest when the sculptor is selecltd. Helping Gaffney with the final selection will be Jame5 Ballinger, Orange County, Harbor District engineer; Harold Ekman, member of the Orange County Plaruting Commission; Mert ·wilson, member cf the consulting firm of the South Coast Scenic Highway lmprovement Project, and H. L. "Les" Remmers. The idea was originated by the San Juan Capistrano Historical Society whc> believed that something more substantial than just a plaqui; should honor Richard Henry Dana. The idea wu taken to the lJ .S. Army Corps ofEngitreetS and the ·orange Coun.. ty Deparlml!:nt of ·Beaches and Harbors for approv~. .Gaffney said that the artists who are submitting final designs have au had previous experience in designing public monuments. He said that special care "'as taken to find out who was best suited for the type or monument the group hopes for. Building Permits Out.di.stance '68 Laguna Beach building permits for the first 10 months of the year continued to outpace like 'permit valuations in 1968 by better than a million dollars. Clyde Z. Springe, city plaMlng and building director, said the aggregate of building permit valuations t h r o u g h October came to $5,509,158. The valuation total for the same period last year was $4,385i910, $1,123,248 less. There have been 439 pennit.s issued this year compared to 432 through October o{ last year. October valuations comparison were $241,000 this year and $273,243 last October. School For Skeptics Unusual for any kind of a store. \Ve WELCOME hard·headed men. Those \Vho trust their own eyes and .rely on their own judgement. The only criterion in our store is what you see in our mirror. If you don't see yourseUlooking better in our mirror, we start over again. The headmaster of our school for skeptics is our master fitter, Nelson de Souza Avila . Nelson is an old·world craftsman, the kind you rarely find anymore, and he won't let you ha ve your suit until you're BOTH happy with it. You will be, too. Come in today and make us prove it. 3467 Via Lido al Nev,-port Boulevard, Newport B<acb Open Friday evenings unlll 9 p.m. l I I -, ...... ~---... ~ .... ~,.. -. ----.--.. ~ -TUMllDllED•-- MONDAY ~IO 8 I~ -CCI P1rt I <"> D ll!l H....,.,,...., <Cl <"'> ·-- -(Q (OD) lf""lMUs "' Ch1rli1 Minn, Diet C1lr •nd Jtnnti McM1hon, Jot WIUll1111 and Adr!1ri RONll. ..... (Cl (30) ID Dick v11 DrU <JO) m..,..._<ID> m Stir ''" <t> (60) IHHI> "'" """' <C> <!D> 81 Wiiii's ""'1 (le) "lost Poay," QI IIJ CIS ''"' (t) (30) ti TllMpt 411 ,..~, (JO) OI-(C) (IO) Jock ••"7. ""'891IJ-• ,.., (C) (3Q) ltky blicon'ltl oonc1rnell wtMn ti.1 1.-rtJMnt la rMMd Ind JfO(tldl to In.Oii Mr own lllurt11r 1lerm. e .... II .... (Cl (30) ...... flllf ... (C) {90) Au. ... ..,, ""'· . ...., .... _ M1M Wllll1111, tetof H!ilh O'lrltl'I. &1n11r Jtn!IHW IN llltflor Jtft $t, '"" ..... ...... ... ,..., (Cl (IO) ·--(ID) • NIT JnrMf (C) (60) ''Tht Con· 1t1V1tiv1 Mr. tuc«Jer.'' t:to•B!.1)1t11Jliltrrr l.F.D. (Cl tlOI "Siril)l11s host to 1 'Rutsltn firm •Ptrt. who uMkt~ledly turns out to bt a wom111. Ch1rltn1 Pofitt rutsll 11 Tanya, l!l'!D ril llllNIC """" ..... ilwit: it) "frtlllil ......... ..,.. (musictl) '66-Elvls Presley, Donni Dou(l11. Ntney Kovack, Anthony E.ill11. ltud on th1 famou.s Jolt btlltd, Ille DJ concn1 1 J'DUtll ~'XIPll llfloll 'Mid ii I Millialppl runblln1·~ .... -....... (C)(ID) liT111 Cmlly II rout.I ., l"at lut· 11'1111, Curtill tlld Traq, MOt1J AtnattrdeM, Oeraftlr 1t1min, Pit ''"' Cull, Dorothr ltlllOllf, ..... H1rrl1: 1fld Rlcfl Utt11. D 1HJ (J)a Litt, A•1rlc11 Sljlo(Q (OOf ID a:nmo (C) 1&0> "The Pres!· dtnl~m:• II) Lal Elttlnh J Udld (30) 1:)0. DD 11,,,.1d111t "lx•ll'I . ,,..... "' ~. (C> 1:10 a a oo n. c:..i 1nttt .... m Tt Tiii tilt Tr• (C) (30) IC) (60) Blnc CroibJ, EJI• fltl· g ornc. t i 1llt ~ (30) ae11ld, 0111 Row111 and Diet M11tl11 aunt In • 111111ic-•nd·camtdJ II· @@ H1111111J-lrln~ (C) (30) lute to Ptrtmount Picturu. G Twill Cirdt Klldllati (C) (30) Cl RM (e) (30) B•rtar W11cl. a rn 1111 ... ,...., <Jo) m ... • a. 1t1t1 1ci (30) • Ntlldwl M (C) (60) g R ... W. lltullll., (60) 81'M (C) (30) E Jtwi11t Mllkll (30) 1r • Ill ,.._ (Cj '."t II (30) 0 Mira MJ' U~T (~) (!0) ., ........ (31!) - ..... .,.,,.. CCI <30> gc._,_ -(3Q) ID Cil --CCI t!Ol •'lfalfiilt." •rrlnt SfllrJ., M1c.- ltl111 111d M~I Clh1t. 111-1 (lQ) , ·--(IO) .. ..... (C) (60) .......... XF.tdultd 11111t1 lndUWSh1tl (ft.' is. G117 Ltwit & Thi Ple)'blrL 11'*'1-(IO) • Ciul .. Miiier• (30) --~· .-.. -· ... -..... _, -·· . .. ,, '• PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS .... ·-...... __,, ... -.. -" .... -·· -. .---..... -. - -ly-Tom K. Ryan SALL Y-IANANAS WHAT A STUP/I> THIN'> -rosAY! -- o~,r--=:::::1 WASONLV 'j <;IVING C~EDIT WMERE CREDIT WAS·· ,..--.,.,..,..,..,.,...,..... QllIJtrvt> " --tc> 11111 8 11111 -""<•> STEVE ROPER clO> • ™"' L1111 <IO> wn111111 l uck· "'~·-:....c==· ===='z:'<:Md~;;;;'T"f--,:;;;->;:::·;;:·-;r."Ft.··, ley. "ta Tlltr• 1 W11 Out Clf the I NOf· .. MO! fM fD C--1 WWW (C) (30) Wtlftrt Mea1'' /loo'$ Gl(A.WOFATHER CD TW 1111 (C) (30) • DOUT C111lftii l••R (30) 15 ANNOIJNCING Sf°'1 Df I woni.11 liYilll I double 7HAT HE PLA.NS 1:118 KMIC "e•ulol (C) Htw'lll'ltn Prt•nt 111 tylluatlon of Pmldtnt Nilo1f1 Addrw on VitliMm. Ult. TO FINANCE THE 1:I089(JJ l•ntMtkt (C) (60) Minliiill~IHan, ermina 1111 ftsert wltll 1 prlsontr (J•mu But) con· dtmMd to h•lll ill Dodi• City, Is pllr&uecl by I ~nd of bomlflelllS. 8 ID My WtrW llMI ,...... to It (CJ (30) "Siii In Jlt1 ledroom." Ht1111 Mor1•11 dtbUU In rw.1rrln1 rult ol f'tlll!p J9flllfl, wr!Wr-frittld to wtltlm .klhn Mo11roe turns wh1n 111"1 hav!n1 troublt. ll:INIBDDll-IC) ·--Cl 'hit MMI c ... (C) Sottnr Fox 11C11ts. Qu1t11 111 Phyllis ONllJ, Huell O'Britn, [)y•n '9nn1111 1nd D•vld J•lllMI\. ma. LiM1t1 IHI IIJ ID CJ) QI IIJ -«> 11>mm-«! D .. , "" Sbn (C) (30) Mlle Stakty welcomes t.ualtl Gtol'lt ll:JO 8 9 ()) MW9 C1ifti11 (C) fro. Lindler, Arltnt Gl)lonkl 1nd Jteli tr1m oriilnri .. l!WI 1111 l11tun1· DodlCln. tl•MI Holtl 111 l•I V1411, Nmcll. Scl'lld11lld tlltlls lftciudl Vlrn1 Lisi. D (HI (J:l (D T1te Mllflc kta1 S14 C..•r.' lillU ConflOfl, MkktJ ('Cj ~5) ROOMJ Ind 11'11 ~Ill slllera. 1!1 Mlllilll $ MeM: (t) ''CtrM11 JiiW" (mullicet-dr1m1) ·~•"7 B1r1to~ Dorothy D1ndrl411. m Trllll " ClllJl'!llllllM (C) (30) • Jvdl "' 1111" "''"" (C) (60) • , __ (30) ·--(30) ............. (30) &;ODD Cla.P.111 (C) (60) Buddy KicMtt. u doctor, 11r1sm1n and 1 mqor of lr1l1MI, ru•Sll. • Jeck lltlllJ (30) Ritt Motn ·-·-fw I Dly (Q (ID) ..... " ... (30) fll) --(Q (lD), II) 1111 ..... (C) (90) 8'11 n IH> <Jl ID Do .,. ..... <Cl (1$) '"Mltri•p -IOl'l'l.l'IO $tJIL ~ Chu1t~·l'Mled C.11, abOilt to t1w birth to 8o111•no'1 fltst ,btbJ! lo OllPl1 di.turf* Ullt silt tnd obJ h1Y1 no w1r of a1111n1 l'nlfrltd . II.di Htfll11 mt~n htr ltltrilltn • debut 1t C111. TUESDAY DAYTlt,lE MOVIES DIDCl>9lolle" .,.., tC> StM l:c1wrtftt1 11 iubstltut1 !loll Mill htu MIX 11 I tdlldlllfd ..... • ~ ......, ti Mlt'IOCI" lm1t- ili1 COlllldJl '4Z-Bob Hope,' Bina Crolby, ObrothJ ~tnollf • D tnl (J)OJ"" -<ci ffi lfa""bor Ind Rich•rd ·~~11th •rt •mont tM &hldultd a1111t1. ~n h1cllldt Efmn ZllllDllltt Ir .. E'lt GM!' Ind PlllCl'lo 60wltl. II M•: (C) "hrils If PMllftl't (COll'lldJ·blofr•phy) '47 -Bitty Huttoll. John L11rid, BlltJ Dt Mt. • .-..: '"Ctwln • """' (frt· 11'11) '41-00.. Amtcl'le, '°'" Bell· .... 1:00811"'9: (t) """"' ....... tlnriturt) •SJ-tomtl Wltdt. ··-•'> ......... ~ ....... (C) ....... ......,._.,... (Tl'llM) '!S-Tlrn T11rlllt', . lltOll......... .... .. ,., ... ,.. ·-· . Curt Jurtw. htltel6 N .. I. m ......... , ..... (drtJM) 'M:- ~tn McNlllJ, Colftl'I lrty. U::OO • ......, (dtllM) '$4-Johft Anf, Cl• Motrt. t.GO a (C) "A Star Is 11t11" Pttt II l:JCI D ._111 Pmtf' (colllldY) •41 '''Jfttm~} '$~Jl.ldJ .C•rllttd, llma -Wtrt Ywn1o · Nturllfl O'Hlr" !i Muon. Cllf'lon W'tbb. t:IO e -11"'1 • """'" ti> Cilo a CCI ._ 11 ...,.. 1-l 111111C1) '41 -MltdttliH C."'8, '!:-fob HOlll, lift( C,_,, Dof. fl'M MteMllffQ'. elhJ ltllOUr. YOUTH'S ·EWGINEfRING . COU"SE M• W/.IEJJ /IE SUOOENLY COLLAl'SES ! 'n Mun AND GORDO ------ JEFF WHEN ITCOMES "TO 'POLITICS I LEAVE T+1AT UP To MY +lUSBAND! • ly John Miln · By Ferd Johnson By Al Smith ----···------ T~..tA.. °"4 ~I~. • CONFRONTATION-Buddy Hackett, left, and Ruth Buzzi exchange glares on discovering they are sartorial look-alikes on "Laugh-In" tonig"bt on Cha~ nel 4 at 8 p.m. Henry Gibson becomes Herbert the Hwnan Fly in an experiment. TELEVISION VIEWS Ed Sullivan Finding Flak By CY NTH IA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"The Ed Sullivan Show," after more than 20 years, seems .to be running into some heavy flak . Since the new season started, the CBS vaudeville hour has been losing the ratings race. THE SUCCESS of NBC's "Bill Cosby Show," preceded by "Tbe Wonderful World ol Disney," has been a pnnclpal factor, complicated by the con· tinuing popularity of ABC's "The FBI." Sullivan and company, however, are uniquely equipped to handle emergencies. Most variety series are taped for in advance-bften months-and it is almost impossible to make repairs if things don 't go 'velJ. The Sullivan hour is ahnost always live and therefore flexible . There already are signs that the show is being beefed up, with more stars and fewer animal acts and acrobats. SUNDAY NIGHT'S biil had Peail Bailey, Petula Clark, country singer Buck Owens and a .J]ew rock group called "The Band," so there was something for just about every variety of mu sic lover. There \Vas also David Frye, probably the most skillful im- pressionist around today, a very short-stand-'u p co medy monologue by Rodn ey Dangerfield and some young French-Canadian folk dancers. It was a star-studd ed and lively hour. But there are so m~ny variety hours on . the three networks. there i ~ a question .whether the supply is not larger than the demand. :'BONANZA" was practically a night off for the Cartwright family. The story centered on David . Canary who plays the Ponderosa ranch hand, Candy. It was an improbable story with Ca ndy killing a man in self-defense and then trying to help the man's pretty widow and child run the ranch. Romance flowered. while a mysterious evil stranger skulked around taking pot shots at Candy. I! TURNED out the pretty widow, in hi!r fresh angwsh over her husband's death had written to a gunman -asking him 'to come ' and avenge the killing. ,,... There \vas the shoot-out at the end . and when the gunman bit the dust, Candy told his lady love to forget it, anybody could get upset and make a mistake like that. RECOMMENDED tonight : President Nixon's address on Vietnam, all networks, 6: 30 PST to con· cJuslon. Dentals the Menace· ) .. . I • =~~~=!==~~· ~S-1.ii:Bi-gh G •TICe Ofl ttlltT••1 SAU J. ~tel Ofl NON-llll'°"'l.181LITY ---~ ftUIT llCl. 4oUf NOiie. Is htrtlbw tl-INt IM Vft. Oft NCl¥tll'IMr II, lW, •I ett\'911 9't~ Wtl9!Moll will llOf Of """°"'-tor "11'11' A..M. lllll l'lrM A!Mrlan illlMnc1el COr> ~ w ll•bllltl .. tonll'~ted tw .,..,_ "''"'"' .._ll< 1'11'1 Ml«lc.111'1 Tit" o"*' trllfl mvMlf, on w •ttw W• ~!!l I~ 6 TIVllol C111T1N11r, 1; tt"*ltif. Dtlto 11111 tin! Ott ot M!Mlr!IMr, I"'• er _ ~ '1IAtM or tl.lbl11tvlMI Deo.ltloll •llff Continenml ·Sales ·climb tMtM, ., ff\t ttn1)11 DMd d '""' «-1PI "!Kenlt. '"'-0 11, ._..... ~ OWPI O. tollN _,. ,...,._. 8eMf\, C1lll, CONITANCl ,, COii!'(, hu ... Ind 'Wlf.. htllllhtd Or•-COW 0111¥ l"llOI, ,.,. _... ..._, z1. ,,.. 1111 1oo1t..,... Oc'9tliW i., 21 •lid ~ J, ..... ,,. .. omc.: .... _.. ot 0r ..... · ,,,.. ,.,..., c-fy, ttll:tw'lle Ml --· .. tl'llt' ----~~~_,,.,.,,,,=---! Cfl'j,llfl ,...ic. ., ~" ~ 1!:*11ot1 " 1• NOT!~· Mfl' ""''.,.... ~ """' n. JMI 111 LEGAL v.:. ._ tctM. ...... 461 Ill ornct.I Jlttctt'Cll Of 1------::-:::=c------f ~·c.-.ty.wl11......, ..... ~.. , ...... wl9•o.tcl., Tl'\nt Mii .. Mlle •utl'Wltl 1u,.n10• COl.llT ~ ,. ... tot' cttrlt .. wflll -el tile Ul'lllH STATI OP CALll'O.NIA ltOI: Ml'" d Alnoirlu, 11 fM !Nl!I Wtft -THI COUNTY • OIU."'91: .... .. "" tllrM "-lc.M Tiiie Nol; .......,. ~ CGll'INll'I' IMlllclllle loc•ttd .t lfOTIC• 01' M•A•INO 01' l'ITITION 11'1f-.outllfalf <Orflff"' Flftll •11111 M<l •o• .. aotAT• o• YtliL" ANO S!fft'l1 In Ille cltv di Mt1i. AIM, COOICIL. AND l'O• l:•TT•AI TISTA· C•llfDmllo •II tl'ltl rltlll tllll Mid tnlt•ttl M•JolTAlT Ut'I-· ..... now lltkl 11Nlw D..., ol Ell•I• d INl!l WU.LIAMI. Oe«t5". TN61· Lt1 tM ,_,ty tllloltlW 111 11'11 NOTICI!! 11 HEREBY GIVEN Thtl County Mid Sitt. 08(.rlbtd ti: THERESA FOURlOH 1111 flltd M•ri~ t A lNMl'IOld Etl•lit lri &11111 tO LOI 3ol Of JlfllllOfl IOI'., .... Of wlH lllCI (lldkll tllCI T'9d .... '1U at lhoWlt "" I ,_.,. for IUUl!IO ot Ldtto litst•IMflll" le· ,_...,. 1111oDk H. ..._It. U.Mld II !tit "'ttltfltl', ~Pfflet lo wtikll 11 m.ot f/I MlMtlllfltWI M-. rltCOl"df Of frot fW!t'llr Nrlkult"-Mf ""'' lfot 1im. Ot"'fit Coutlt¥, C•MfOl'flll . Md .. It« ot f1Mtl111 ~ a.lime lltt ~ Saki Mlf wtll "' IMCl9 WIJl'lwt COveM"' ... fol' H~ 21. 1Ht, at t:lO 1,1'1\., lrt v "''""'"· tWtNH flf' '-llecl• •1 to lflit <Ollrt,_ d OtPtrlrMflt No. :I fl t11e !Ille, ~ OI' ~1nc:n 911 Nici (Olll'I, ti' * Clvk Ctnftf Orlw MlbfY lfll mntlnt11t •lfl(IHI IUl'fl dut Wal. (lol'PMl'IY W11t Eltlltl'I 5frtttl ifl Gfl "'°' noft tet11f'ld IW Mid Ottd of T11,11t tti. Cll"f' o1 S.1!'11 AM. (1llfoft1l1, lo wit: U1D.• fllttllltl' wllll ten. dlfrgn 1>111111 Oclvt:le• ti, Ifft. 111111 --f/f tlle Tf\lllH Mid WCfl W. E. ST JmiN, CO\llllV Clerk, """'5 11 fl'll'I' "'9ve ti.Ill td¥1nced N•IL S, e Rl.All• _ 11111 holdw d Mid flOlt, w1111 ,,, ... , Ml1 ..... onw. Slollte A t, 11 Pl'O\lldtd I« Mild Offd al 1111 O.Wltl, Ctlff, '1716 lrtnl. T.it UIU llt$-11fl Ot!td· oct.iier 1L 1Nt Attw.., fw Pttl"-'hi. l'I,.... Al'!Ml"ICtll F1Ml'Kl•I .. ublllllnl Or•""' C-t IHllY "!lot, CctrllOt~lll'lt forPMrl't Ho'ltPl'IOef' !, ,, .. Ifft 20od4f .,. Fl"' --Tlflt l"wr•nc. •1----~"'~"""'"'°"'---~;u: .. ~~ LEGAL NOTICE ' AINtltnt s.cr.1V¥ Ul'1'1& ~llltM '"-' Htrtr« Hf'Jl'l·ll'rna ........ COUlT OP TN• tOl'l'lllinld w1111 o.JIY Pllel, Kew-1 &ffdl. CtlltDnlLa. OC...,., V , Hov«l'lber STATE 01' CALIPOlHIA FOlt L ~ ,,. 1'1Mf TH• co:.'!:::. OltAHOI LEGAL .NOTICE T_.n• NOTIC• TO caaOITOllS IUP••toa COUlT OF THI! ITAT• 01' CALIPOaNIA l'Ol •• TN• COUNTY OP 011.AfiOI lfOTICe OP MRAll ... OP PlfTIT IOH POR PtOllATI OJI WILL AHO 1'011 L1n•111 TllTAM&NTAllY Erl1!1 of MA.AV WllGHf WAOOELL JORDAN, OKHHd. • NOTICE IS HElElY GIVEN Tll•I M•r'f Wtddtll Joni•" 1111 !!ltd lltftlll I peilllO!I fol' llf'Gbafl of Wiii lfld tor !WNPIC:t Df ll'ttwn T•l1mtnllrv lo ll'ell· • .._ ,_..,.., 11-•, reteffnc.t to wtlld! ls mlldo! fol' l!'t!I'-d IVY TIGHE. DfttlH'll. fllrthtr Nl'tkllllrt Miil IJl"I 11W tlPM lt'ld NOTICE IS HEll.EllY GIVEN to flHI itlKI Df lletr!t1t f11e Mme "''' betft Ml trrdrfor. cf ""-tbOY• ,....,td oeadetll tor Nowmbtr 31, lHt, 11 t :)I t ,l'l'l.. '" tM ttwor •11 "'-lltvli'le ti.1tn1 1111nst flHI ~1-o1 0....!1mfflt No. 3 of wlcl wJd tlifc:ecNr!I ,,. •-.olrrd 911 Ille IMm. court. 1 700 Civic Ctnt"" Drive West, "' wll!I 1111 l'IKnM" Wlll(hert, lfl 11\e llffla lhe Clfl' al $tP1!1 AM, CtllWll!t , al !1'1t tltlt; ol lilt lbo\lt tfllllled ctll.lri, or 1>1lrd Ocfobtt Jt, Ifft to ,_ llltfft, wn~ !tit f'IKHM'V w E ST JOHN By CARL CARSTENSEN The redesigned •nd rt- engineered Lincoln ContinentAI alreedy shows algns or b81ng a 1\lctt.SI alOry for the 1970 model year, a Ford Mol.Or Company vice presµ:lent said while In Southern CaWornfa l:ist week. M. S. McLaughlin, Ford vice prtsJdtnt and g e n e r 1 • manager of Lincoln Mercury• Division, said, "LincoJ.n.Con. • tiOl!!ntal sales. including the Mark Ill, set a retord In September and the Sl!!COnd JO days of October, and we've gol a good shot at a record in the final 10 days of the month." He aaid October sales will approach 9,000. The high mark for Lincoln Continental was 8,954 Jn one month back in 1965. McLaughlin was in Newport. Beach prior ~to a performance day program at Orange County Raceway for the press. Lincoln-Mercury Is en- couraging their dealers to become active in drag racing activities lhis year with the new performance m o d e I s . Cougar Eliminator and Montego Cyelone. These two should be headllners In the specialty car rield with their spoilers, PLEASED BY SALES Ford'1 MCL•ughlln engine and transmission op- t.ions. The Ford exf'cutive noted thal the division's other car lines are doing well during the early stages of the model year and "are continuing the n1omentum gener~ted during the 1969 model year when Lin· coin-Mercury sold 420,000 new cars, an all time high." P.1cLaughlin added, "Our en· ¥«IC.lier&. to 11W llflctetsl1ttec1 ti the offla cO.,,,f., Cltrti; cl llUSH, llUSH ~ LARSEN, AT· Hlt.lWOOO, SODIN ANO AOIONSOH ,-ORNEYS, kllll «ll Mtrturv 51¥1111111 UI N""'1 c ... 111" D!'ln llulldl119, 1112 Edl"11r A¥11111t, HUl'lhl'llllo!I N...-1 9"d1, Ctllttrflll Your Money's WortJ1 8tldl. Clllfor"I' t:i"7 wtikll It !Fii itlaCI Tth en•> ..... IJIJ • ef lllll!ntn OI ..,,. u,ndetsltntd ltl 111 mlf. A"-'l't r.r fO.t!lloMr ~I Hrtllt11119 le tilt e1t11t of 11ald dltce-P1tb~srM!d Or111g1 Co11t OtllY Pllet, ctmt, wit.Ill« lour monll'll '''" the lfr11 Hov.,..bl, 1, :t a. Ifft 20o!Wt l>Ubllctl!M ol t!!I• notlc:I. Otltcl October lf, Ifft. JOYCE O. MUOGE Allflllnl1l••lrbc WJI~ the will LEGAL NOTICE Be Careful in Buying ' A_.rd fl IM 1111111 ol lllt tbove HOTtC• OI' SAL• OP llRAL fOlt'OfO. "lolned dlcedttll. ••Tl' AT PAIVA.Tl Sit.LI •USM', IUSfl & LAUIN Nt, A'4tm ..,, IC. C.lt ..... lt1 the ISl.!PerlDI' Court ol Ille Sitt. fl Retirement Homesite mr ,._. ,......, ..,._ .. , C•HfrD•""' i.. rht CountJ or Or1ngo1. "' ............. c:allt. nM1 I" tt\11 Mt"tl" of thl E1111t "' EIYIF'li By SYLVIA PORTER Tll cn•1 aozn1 c1rr11111 SlllM, Dfte•sed. • ... ........,. ... Afnl!Mttrtlrllf Noflct 11 P!trtb'W' 1lw" 11111 Ille Vfl. Publllhed <>·-cont 01r1Y Plkll, cieril•lll'll •Ill 1t11 ,, Pr1v1i. ....... '" tM Thousanch1 of Americans are ~ 20. v 1iwt Nowmbl!r 3, to, M11iwst 11111 bat bidder. Wblect to COt1-being lured these days by 19" 1t5l--6t tlrfl'ltlloll of wld SllPerlor Court. on or · 1ner 111e 11111 d•'I' Of Hew""~' .. 1Ht. at newspaper and magazine ads LEGAL NOTICE the offlc• of Hirrv Alkaw. Attornef '' to invest now in a retirement ------~C"Co-------· 1L•w. 6CW Norlll Mii" Slrwt, Room H...mDer 0!>9. ""'' ,.,.., c1111om11. home site in C a l i r o r n a , P·Ul21 Ct111t11'r or O•t119f, st1te ol C1Htornla, 111 Fl 'd T N M · c1aT1P1CATE OI' •u11N1ss 111e ,1.,,,1, 1111e •llCI interest al Mid or1 a. exas, ew ex.ico. ,tcT1T1ou1 P1aM HAMI! dec:uiH 11 file 111n1 ol d•11t11 •llCI •It the Arizona, Nevada. TH' E UHDER$1GNEO c10tt lt!"bl' rl11hf, llllP •llCI lnterftl lhtl lhe P1t1te of • 1 uld -*' hn 91;au1r1c1 tw -r111on Thousands are being nown :trtoll~ 11'111 lie II ~"' 1 1 ~~ or ltw or o1Fllrw1M, olller 11\ttt flf' 1fl tcl-tr!~l~::i~• ~1, '111e ;.!. 11,,., dl11c1n to ""' of wld df'cefled, •• 111e to r e t i r e m e t home MeQo, ol SIUP .. fR MAll:INE •NI""' uld Tin)• of "9•111. 1fl •tld "' 111 !Fii Uf1tfft de v' 0 pm' n ts by the .....,.. of 1111 lollowlfltl -· -"' 1lhltlrd In 1111 C-1'1' Df °''"M de I l · I Is firm ,:~ 1" l\ll1 ,1111 111m of siitt of c1111orn11 • .,1r1k11ll•lv deKP'lbed ve opers, pu up IJl mo e -ldltlc.t 1 1o1111Ws. to.wit· 11 1D11ow$. 1o-w11: for a weekend, wined and din· "5 C.:.l1 E PtVH 11122 sa11 Cltdl, Liit IW, Trttt '1''' t i $llOW!I Oii M.I~ ed, b"sed arOWld I b Mr, • ti' I ,,.... lecordtd I" Boall ,J, P111e. .U. 41 ttld "w~,,".•,"",, r..idl.;1~1 ;1~ 'u1t1 da1 111 -• o1 MllCl!ll•"'°"' M.110. OtllcJtl d eveloped parts of the mv a.cords Of °''"'' County, Stitt ol' 0c1etitr. '"' c1111or"11 development, shown "then and Oo!l11d !. PIV~ Tffltll cl. Nie Clltl In ltwtul _.,. ol " • f th I STATE OF CALIFOll.NIA l ss It'll Uttl Id St•lft on C011Hrmit1on ~ 1,..,, now movies Cl e area o co(JHTY OF oaANG'!t Dctobr itff « "rt ct1h 1nc1 bll•r>t• wldenCICI bV prove how rapidly It is grow- OH THIS 1 '"' ,'", ,,_,,,11:1. , 'Noi1rY llOte HC"""' "" Mol'l911e or T•1111 Dtte1 • m· g, and generally treated to a bel--· lod ., '""" O!'I .... ltl'CPll"h' to 16111. ''" ..... etrtl fll Pultlk: 1t1 tM tor "" Mild '°"""' tne1 '"'°""' bid lfl bl 11nm11et1 """' bid, grueling hard sell. Sii~. rnfdltll IMrtlll. dul\I :""'~~ BldJ Of' °""" to lie '" wrltl"' lltd Witt THOUSANDS are b • I n' g •nd.-11. PtnONllY -1• . bl ~hltd ., "" efor"•ld office " '"" Pl'l'H --to IM :_."'to'::., = 11rn1 """ 111e t1r1t 11U1111ct11oot '*'°" •fllll persuaded to pay anywhere wi.. -Is tilbKf fllll Wfot't dlt. I/If Nit, 1"''"""'"'· 1t1c1 tWIOWlldtllll 1o mt o.ted ""',ht dlY Of Odebtt". '"'· from $1,500 to $5,000 for a f\f: t•ecvftd !I'll "'"'· Etrl Sit"""' $1111111 fr ct! f Jl IN WITNESS WHEa.E~!,· .. • ,..::: Admlt11'lr1tor of 1111 E1flte a on 0 an acre, very .... en tit<~ "' mv Miid ,,.. .,, • "" o1 wld Olt;tdtllt on or at lhe edge of the desert. lid" 1111 l1'le °'' a.Ill vur In tl'll9 HAlll.Y At.ICOW ' J h nl · h cm1nu.t1 11r11 1tioo11 wrtti.n. "' ,...... MllR s1n11. ave no argume Wit cofi .. JCIAL SEAL) ·-N_.., OM. your paying $2,000 or $3,000 or • 11.00 EARL Ll,.POLO """' AM. c • .....,.. .,,., whatever for a home s ite in •-' NoltN Pub!!(, Ctllfort111 T•h cn•t IMl""5S ,.,1r>t1p11 0111ce 1" """'"" 1er •11m1111t1rttw surroundings which are likely or .. 1111• C011ntv Publltlll'd DI'•"•~ Cotit 0 •11Y l'llot, to enrich your later years. I Mr Coml'l'l!HIOI\ Explru NO'tlember I, 3. .. 1"9 ~ f.ti. 11. 1tn won't criticize the land ty- ,.Vbl1tl!ld or11111• coa•• 0 11 "' Plioi. l. ___ LE!:!~G~AL~~N~OT~1~c:;E~---l·--1:F.<aii:""N.TI'iCie--I Ck1oWr lo. 27 tnd Novtmbl:r l, 10 '... 11t11t LEGAL NOTICE 1'411" CIRTIPICATI OF •UllNISS •All·J117 ,ICTITIOUI MAMI SUPllllOll COUlT OF TH~ ·-""" llPlller119Md do certllv llltv 1r1 STATI OP CALIFOaNIA FO• LEGAL NOTICE Cllflducll119 1 ll\/llf\IU 11 I', 0. ~ 164, TH• COUNTY OF OlANOE · CllTl,ICATI OP •USINISS, COl!t Miit, Ctllfnr"I' tHH, under IM NI. A_.1611 • 'ICTITIOUS NAMli tlclltlOUI firm fllm& of AUOCIATED NOTIC• 01' Hl!AllNO ON l'ETITION T U'lldtftl Md do certll't fhrl' ire PLANNElS AND OESIGNElS •tld 11'111 POl .. ROeATI OF LOST OR 1111 ti • .:..IMll " uo NI-ld •• wld firm !1 com--.:! ol Ille 1o11 ..... r,,. DISTlOYIO WILL ANO FOil 011.0Ell CllfldUC 119 Cillforttll , uflller 11\t lie:-pertons. WllllH "'"'" 1n l~U Ind tltCll ••VOIUNO LETTl!lS 0 F AP. ~ff ... • m.:-;...ml o1 11.ICAL ASSOCIATES ol ni1ldtr>tt tr• t i toltowt.,,,' H --ri MIHISTlATION POl ISSUANCE 01' l II -ed ol IFll lo rt I F. W11t, 11 .. ..-on t.ITTl!lS Tl!STAMliNTAaY. :~~~ =~m who:li nimu I" full (Ire~. HuntlntlOll llt1<ll, Ctlllornlt E1!tlt of I.A FRANCE M. PETERSON, nd 11 • ol ruldtnct ''" II tollOWI; '26.U DKt•s~d. 1 ·· '~rd o Roderldt 21H 8rl1lol SI., J1mn M: Tlbbet, 3'6 N. Mountal11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T,,11 ~~~Ant. Cit. Alll. No, 11.S Tr•ll Avt .. Slerrt M1d•t, C1lllornl1 t1112~ 1>o¥f HOOl\llnl111 1'111 flied llerelt1 I pell· Alllll w Ola 240 N1111U tll:d .• Cw!t O.lfd October Jt. 1Nf lion tor 11<rl1Nilt ol LOii ar Oestro1ed Wl11 Met. Cal' ' RCl'l'll F. We1! trod tor Otdt!' Mevolll"' Lttltr1 ol Otflci 0ct'. 11, 1'6t. Jl""9 M. Tl!Xlol Admlnltl•~llon 1tld for lss!Jan« of Lttltr1 • Jl k.lltt'd 0. Rocltr1ck Sltle ol C1tnor11l1 T~taml!flll" to Ptllll_, l'f'ft<el'ltt to ' ,t,11 W Oles Ort"9' C11Ut11'1': which II mllllt for l11rlMr Pll11cullrt. 11111 tt of C '7:tot .It Or111111 CO\ll'ltf• Ott Ocloblr 2.1, lt6', befort me, I I h 1 I tlle lime 1tld 011~ ol ftf1r!119 lhl 11' Otl:rie 11 11' !Hf before · -. 1 Nol•" ll'ubllc In •fld '°" t•k:I Sltte • .ame Ms bttt1 ut tor November 11. Ifft. ~" Publ~ \~ 1N! •tor Sl k:I Slllt, ~'10'ltll\I -•rl'd ROYtl F. West •tld 11 t :JG 1.m .. In """courlroml'I ol D11>1r.t• . rrd •1<111...S o . llode•kk J-M. Tlbbot known to me to bt "" 'l\fMI No. J ol lltld CO\lrt, " )!)(I CIYI( ~llY :'"'ti'"' kl'lllWll lo me to bt """ 11tr1Cltt1 wt!Ole l'ltmtl 1r1 suMcrlbf<I IO ~nle-r Orl¥t Wttt. I" Ille Cit¥ ol 5tnt1 •tld Alll':.t...i., Mm<'' ••• illblcr!t!H lo t!>t wltnln ll\Stl'\lfllelll 1tld 1ckl!OWl!lllllll Anl. Cllllornlt . ~1111 11 l"strument 11111 1ckM1wit00ed ll'ttv executl'd Ille 11m1. Dllld October 770~'~' I~ tllKUled IM Mme. t()FFIC~~..,'~~~tllP'\I t'°O..~i~ 5i1:rk (OFFICl""L SEALI No!irv Publlt·C1tllott1lt C. C. l.EOl!lllT0'4 MlrJ It. Htnrv Prlnclitll Ol!lc• In 1111 '4orl~ $trr•M Orlvt Na!1rv l ub!lc -C11l11>rnl1 Ori1111e Countv Ln A11111tl. C1Hlor11l1 Prlnc:!o1I 00\ct In M~ Commlulon E•olres Tt11 UIU '41<111" O•llllll C1111ntv NovtmlM!r 1~. un AltlrMV for l'tl!llontr MV CcimmllSloft E~pins P1tbllthed Ortftlt Coat! OtllY Pllof. Publ ltftfld 0!'1111111 CW>I 01il1 Plllll. N.,,,, 1.1, 1tn Ottober 21 1tld NovembPr J 10, 17, i'~';;':'";:-='=·='=· ='·='="'=====""==..,=,! Publlil!td Dfin~ Conl OlllV Pilof, lMt ;oo.l .. t Ii Oclotle'I' JO. Jr •net "'°'1tmblv l, 10.1--------------,... its.1.f'I NOTICE LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE I su,•a1oa COURT 01' THE STATE 01' CALll'OlNIA POl THR COUNTY OP Oii.ANOE Nt. A'4ttn NOTtCI OP M•ARINO 0, PETITION FOa PlOelt.YI!: 01' WILL ANO POl LITT••S TllTAMRNTAllY Etlllt o1 MAa.Y JANE ALLEN, Ottt•l«I. NOTIC£ IS HEllEllY' GIVEN TM! All Mok-All Models Au1Grnollll11 -Tl'lillkl Herber! J. Allen h11 flltd tltttln • t>tfl· "Wh•r• Strvi(t tklfl for probl,. of will ttld lor l1s111nc:t ol ., L~i Tftttmeftll" to Petll!Dr">t•. M•••• th1 Diff1r•"~• fe't~tnet lo •hlcll Is mtde for turtnef Nrtlculatt. 1llCI 111411 1114 tllM 11141 •ltu Orltlft C•-lllW •l11 Ctm"" Dr. o1 i'lft•l'lll ll'lt U""" 1111 bt'1I H1 tor l'ltwtlrl ICll. 17111 S41-•U Ncw....tlef U, Ifft, 11 l :lO •.m .. In !lit L•• -II• t6' 5, W•lt.nl couriroom at Deptrlmet1I No. J o1 111!1 tOlltl, 11 100 Cl¥1c Cfllltr Drive WHI, I« l'====="="='=""=="='='====::i tllf' Cl1¥ o1 ""'' At1•. Ctllfornl1. 01llCI OtloOtr J7, Ifft W, E. ST JOHN, Cllll/l'llV Cltt1o,, CYRIL A. WALSTON, am T"''M' ...,...,,,_, T•n'&Mt. Ct1119mll "lfl, Ttl: nul J71'4UI Atl•r"t¥ tor Ptllll&!Mr ,.1111ll1htd Dre1111e C011t 011!v Piiot. Dct«>tr 21, l't ttld N'cwtmlltr J, ltft 'l'OIMt LEGAL N011CE • MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE · WE'VE GOT THE ANIW•Rl FOR AS LOW AS 14.50 PER MO. Ct.Ll US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. r Tnll'RONE -ilbHSWERING IUREAU 543-2222 I OfFICl!I TO SEIM! AU. Of' ORANGE CO. • NEW PORSCHE LOOKS S.WE .,-JS FASTER ' 1 ~ ~· -~ .... -.... ----... -. -, ............. -·-.... --. -. • .. -----·· -------------·~---- I I J, ' L . . .,, .. .. . o.111. V PILOll 11 _ ~ .I D.\l\.V PllOT ,._ og Tulane's Crew Final Race _Sweeps Douglas For LAYC lleDM I'll 1!1'1 ho~ed alone the toast Slllldly turoed Los Al)geles Yacllt Club'1 lhial race of the He.rtor Series into , a ,garne of bide and aeek1 f~ the marks. John Dane and a flawless sailing crew from Tulane UnJvenity made a clea,n sweep ol the Douglas Cup match race series for col- legiate sailors at Long Beach Saturday. o.ne, who la the current North American champion in t.ht Soling Class, had a three- man crew ·composed of Bob ~ugon, Steve Collins and ''Cop" P'frez. The Tulane crew had to get by two key contenders in the final day's matches, defending champion USC skippered by Andy Macdonald and Stevens tnslitute of Hoboken, N.J. skippered by Jonathan G. Ford. If either of tMm had beaten her they would have not only ljlOiled a perfect score: but would have taken the seri.e:s. The race with USC was a close one with Tulane leading by not more than 17 seconds Base Closing Ends Busy Boat Season until. .the final downwind Ie1 when the Trojan crew had 1plnn~er trouble. 'Mle margin of victory for Tulane was 57 seconds. · In the race with Stevens il was DO contest u Tulane got the start and widened her lead at every mari: to win by a margin of S minu~ and 55 seconds in a dying breeze~ •lere is the way the com· pelltion went in indlvJdli&l matches Friday: SERIES 1 -Cal State LB over British Colwnbia, 52 secs; Stevens· o·ier 1JSC, 24 secs; Tulane over W asbington. 5.1 secs; Y aJe over Wayne State, 1 min 33 secs. SERIES 2 -Yale ever Washington, 1:08 ; Tulane over Cal State LB, I min.; Wayne State o~ Stevens, 2$ sea; use oC'er British Columbia, 1,06. SERIES 3 -Tulane over British Columbia, 1:70; Yale over Stevem, 52 secs; USC over Wayne State. 1:14 ; Cal State LB over Washington, 1,01. SERIES 4 -Stevens aver Washington, 1:02; Brit I s h Columbia over Wayne ~late, 44 secs; USC over Cal State LB, 29 secs; Tulane oVer'Yale, 29 secs. Here Is how the matclies · At lust one-thlnt"ol the fleet • oventood· the Loa Ancelea .e:n- trace bUoy and bad to beat Light Winds .1:!.~~1"1n•!Jght OvJ!rall and Class C winntr Rum• BYG's "In Sunilay'1 Marmeland raoe . was.Roy Cundiffs.Cal-37 sloop · Iritrepid 11,.whlch was also the Lid Rae. es ' .. eiatt .wliiner of . the. three· · 0 . race serieS sailed over the last ' three 'week.ends: · Hauy 'Wood of Alamltos . Al the Marineland· buo7; Bay ~acltt Club. was the Class weather mark , of the cour1e, A winner Sunday, of Balboa visibility 'f8S about a half mile Yacht Clu~'s Lido lnvitation41 ; and at-the L.A.-entrance buoy Regatta. Light to no ... xlslent on the nitum trip· vlJlbillty winds reduced · the r,q:atta trom. a scheduled five races ·tb ·was z.e.ro, one oo Saturday and two ~un-Marineland race: day. · CLASS A '--Ul, .~ub!E1::'Uon21, Final results: Harry ~teward, J.ll'"jy • ( • .• Sandpiper, Dean Brown. St. CLASS A -Ill) Wood : BYC; .(3) Westward, ·WUlard \Vind, Harry· Wood, ABYC;. (2) Bell, LAYC; (4) Capricious II, Old· Pokey IJ, Marty Lock!\er., ·Ben Williams, LAYC; (5) LIYC; (3) Pheemers, Merlin Newsboy Jack Baillle, LAYC. Gayman, ABYC ; (11 Lowly ' Roman , ·Rowland~ Lohman, CLASS B -(1) ?ttavla, BYC· (5) Ghost Lady Don Steve Barnard, NHYC. (2) At-R~son ABYC. ' toranle, Burke s_ a. w y e r . ' NHYC;-(3) Sum.me.rw1nd, Dick CLJ¥ B -(15) (I) Jal)les Mein<, LA YC; (4) Jo~er Ill, Kar1 s, ABYC;· (2) . J a ck BOO Leslie, LBYC; ( 5 ) c_oulter, BYC; (3j Jim Ker-&cudero, Dick Valdes, LBYC. 11>e busiest recreational Went on Saturday: r1gan, .BCYC; ci4) Leroy CLASSC -(l')lntrepldll: Southerland, VY · (2) Sundowner, Ed Sundberg, boating summer in the history RACE NO. 5 ..:._ Tulane over of Southern California came Wayne State, 42 secs; USC &o an end with the closing of over Washington, l :24; Cal the U.S. Coast Guard Boating State LB over YaJe, 0:44 ; Safety Center in Long Beach Stevens Imtitute over British Race Driver Signs Again For Havasu Sepl 28, Coast Guard officials Co~~~aNJ'.~:.... Stevens over \ sa~e safety center was open· Cal State LB, (default); ed in March to offer recrea-Tulane over USC, 0:57; Yale tional boaters of Southern Call-over British Columbia, 0:32; I.ml. qw'ck and accurate di·,. Washington over Wayne State, , 2 03 Race driver Bill Hill Jr., 40 semlnaUon of marine infor-: RAcE NO. 7 _Cal State LB of Cullman, Ala. is not easily mation; on-the-spot weather over Wayne State, 2 : 3 3 ; discouraged . infonnaUon and a voluntary w s11· ..tn B · t · h tn a trial run for the Out· --·~esy motorboat examina· a m5 ...... n over ·r 1 1 s "vw 1 Columbia, t :33 ; USC over board World Championship at tion ii desired . Yale, 1:16; Tulane over Lake Havasu City last year .. The boatln"-public's re-st 6 "" his boat overturned and he lJ' evens, :.,.,. sponse to the Coast Guard 's Final Standings: Tulane 7-0; suffered two smashed CYC; (3) Pleiades, Richard Smyth, HHYC; (I) Debutante. Dick Hatchett, LAYC; (5) Whlmsey 11, Hugb Rogers. Overall cla:m winners in Series: CLASS A -(I) Sandpiper; (2) Newsboy; (3) Jubilation. CLASS B -Ill Octavia; 12) Joker III ; (3) Allamar, Jay Jones, LAYC. , CLASS C -(I) lntrepid II ; (2) Sundowner; (3) Debutante. Diel\ Deaver Takes MeteaH . plea for safe boating was very f2) Tie between USC and kneecaps. encouraging," said Lt. Comdr. Stevens lnstitute, 5-2; (4) tie But he was the first driver Dick Deaver of Balboa Peter F. Slerbling, chief or between Cal Stale LB and to rile an entry for this year's Yacht Club won the Darby the 11th Coast Guard District's Yale, 4-3; (6} Washington, 2. renewal of tbe contest Nov. 29-Metcalf Trophy Sunday in a safety branch. 5; (7) British Columbia, 1-6; 30 at the Colorado River three-race series for MetcaU "Because the courtesy mo-. _(!!8:!..) .::W:=•yn~e..'.S:!:ts::l•::·.::0.::7:... ----':.:"°:::::.'::t. ________ :::di::ng!:h:::i•::•::SJ>Ol=''°='ed:::..:by:<..:B..:Y..:C:... -J torboat examination, conduct-I· ed by t.he U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the V.S. Power Squadrons, was a free public service and no tickets were issued for violatiOns of 1~· al or state reglllalions, we were able to reach over 12,000 boaters on nearly 3,000 indi· vidual craft over the summer months," Comdr. Sterbling said. He pointed out that although discrepancies were found on over 2,000 of the boats exa~ ined, most of these were easi- ly corrected by the sa~e~ conscious boater after v1s1t- ing the center. "The fact that boaters are anxious to visit the center and become informed of safety at sea shows us that the public is aware of the problems con- fronting them and are eager to make boating ~ safe sport as our waters become more congested," the officer added. He went on lo say that 55 percent of the ovlners of cr<ift which passed the voluntary inspectiQ.ns had previously tak - en a safe boating. course of· fered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary or th~ P o w e r Squadron. ''Many people 'have never been confronted by the chal- lenge of Ule sea when they purchase a boat. A course of this type is invaluable," the commander said. lnformation on courses of- fered by the Auxiliary may be obtained by calling the 11th Coast Guard Distr.ict Auxil- iary Division in Long Beach. The telephone number is (213) 437-2941 , extension 217 or 218. The Coast Guard Boating Safety Center. located at Coast Guard Base. Terminal Tsland, will be opened again in March. 1970 to aid the safety con- &eiOU! recreal.ional boaters of Soulhem California. Fiberglass Use Soars in 1969 Use of fibergla ss reinforced plastics in the marine market skyrocketed in 1969, reaching an all-time high of 278 million pounds, according to a survey by the Boot Commlllee ol the Society o[ Plastics Industry. The committee says lhe ncure represtntl a 39 percent increase over lbe 200 million poond1 rtporled by the in· dustry for 11168. ADDITIONAL BOATING NEWS ON PAOE 21 FOLKS OFTEN ASK who takes the pictures for Jack Daniel's. Well, meet Joe Clark. That's hin1, with the cameras round his neck,· talking with the boys in our rickyard. Joe was born and raised right here in our Tennessee hills. So we're as happy to have him visit at Jack Daniel's as he is to co1ne. Now if you're wond!'.ring if Joe has anything to do with making our whiskey, the answer is no. But he's taken so n1any pictures of th\'. way we do it, we just thought we'd pull a switch and take one of hin1 . CHARCOAL MELLOWED 6 DROP 6 BY DROP TC NN ESS CC wH1SKCY. 90 PRO Or BY CHOICC C1IMt.JKlD1~··•°"U11t11,l"'No1io-.~., .... DISllLL[O AND BDITLEO BY JACK OAN![L OISllLL[RY-• LY~CHBURC (P.OP. 380, ll~N. • ------- • ' . J>rice9 "Effective Beg;nnipg Tod•y Sunday, Nov. 2 thru Toe9day N01v-. 4 Sears ' • 1, .A.k Y 0111" ~ear,a, Automotive · El<Perto to Safety Check Your BATIERY FREE ,ave • . . 42 Month Guaranteed Sears • . . . ' . - High Voltage Battery an rec. • Don't be left out in the cold, inste.ad get 50% ·raster starts finjoy worry.free 1niooth power during cold wet win- ter ciriving · · . Installed by · Sears Experts · 97 With Trade-In N.,.4314,4304. 4331,4396 1999 Installed •An economy priced wove·n plastic cover .... entire cover wipu clean with a damp cloth •Available in blue and hliick oit]y ln•tallation Available Monday thru Saturday Aak About Sear• Convenient Credit Plan • 577 311 and FitMoetC1n •Don't pmble your life witlt a Je1k rmarr •. ler ••• the de1dly. odorlns ga• Crom • woni-obt 11111ffier is even more d1nserou1 when you drive 'f!l·ith wlndoWI cloaed • ec;me to Se•" for 1 Fl\EE ma(fier in- 1ptction e Se1r1 h1t I muf0er for your c1r! ln•&allarion. AMllable Monday rlani So.1urdoy Sati,sfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back -Sears UAU, aouuca: .uio co. Avoid Deadly E~amt F~M Ask for your FREE Mnffier Inspection' hy Sears Experts ••• Shop Monday th.ra Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P;M. Saadays 12 Noon to 5 P.M. _l I I 7 1 -J , ~ • . .,. • .. • ... . . • • • ----·-·-·--' • .. r ·--- I 17 • ,_ -. VOL.-'~· Ne>. 263, 3 SE.CTIONS. 32 PA6ES O~N&E COU~. CALIFORNIA · ·MONDAY, NOVEMBER., 3, 1969 TEN ·CENTS .. Air Route 'Appeal Eyed . . . . Air .. Cal,-Protes~. Rec()riin:ie ndation on NW Fligh~ By JEROME F. COu.INS Of .. ~ , .. .,. A. Civil Atnlllautics Board examiner has recommended that Continent a I Airlines be· allowed to Use Orange County Airport. for flights to the Pacific Northwest. Air CaWomia, which also sought tht award, Isn't happy' about tbt reco~· mendatioo. Neither is the City of NewJl(ri Beach, whlCbrwanta no airline to fly the toUte. ~ Cal spot_,eo IOld -Y the recommendltioll of. o:•ruimf Robert L. Plit will be a-1«1 at a ltNrhil be!""' the lull CAB. Park's conc\$1aia, contained tn a • page documri, were bued on tealbnony given at a t.bree-day uamlner'a bearing in -Washington, D.C., lut March. Continental wu one of five airlines bid· ding for the P,aclfic. Northwut~ aervice from· the1 IA'>I .\nceles area. Jt WU the ooly:major nalinoaJ line to Include Onqe County Airport. in Its 19' came u llO .,..t ourprioe. plication. ' . , ~ Davia,. Air Cll'a economlc planning Air Cal ud Air Jest were the oril)' two, maDqer, aald Ill believes his line was smaJF ...,.ien-~ the aw>ni. • left out of the picture because it ia no< ;Part ,Jbo "'""'~ that Air West yet cortilk:a1eltlot int<r'<tale lel'Vice by be l'anted an awanl ,!(II' the lll&l>ta to the CAB. All apjillcaUon f<r that Portland, Ore., ud Seatlle, Wash., but certllleatlon . ll -pelld!J>I befo,. the oiily out al Loe Anples International federol .,..q.. · . · Airport. ~ ~ "Reading between the lines of Park's Air Cal n:ecu\ive.Frederick Davia aaid .. repi)rt," uid Davis, "I 1et the im· that Park's•decisioa•'qiklft tbthcounfy· pl"Nlion thlt he would have chosen us if ~ line W'!S -a ·~~. but (!lee AIR l\OIJTl!I, Pqe ZI Nixon Speech . . . W"iris . .t\dvance Saigon Okay. Army Post Conlir·;nea ~ For Newport's -Joft~0:n · . . .\uditor Lavs . .. -~ Theft .-Blame . . . . On-.St ·Jobn NeWport Beach aerospace executive WASHINGTON (AP) -President -Ni•· Jld,iwt L. Johnson wu conllmted by tbe on'1 Vietnain policy sPeech woo advaii.ce Senate today, ¥· uaistant Secrelltry o:f approval from the Saigon SoVernroent, the .. A1'n9' for rtaFarch and development, the White House said today. after his nomination ,lix weeks' ago. · Diacussing the Nixon talk, to be br1oed-The Senate alao cmfinned promotion casl live from his oval office by television of Lt. Gen: Lewia: B. ~Y •. who ii nd d. t .~ t 1311 m ""T ·tielognud(edouldhlsjHul1ea<f"ofthe a ra 10 oe wor-a : P· .: ... -.. ~5elect1Ve ~System, ~"8 tmeral . preu secretary Ronald L. Ziogler'sai!I ' . 'oiiiili d¢lnll tlie'..inn ill-~-· •·we have had full and complete con· 1 Ttie·fl.YeaM>ld,Jobnloa. d lllil Ga'laXJ aultation with Ule 1ovemmentof.VWDiln ·Drift, Newpwt 8Uch 1-a NUJ''w\eraa on the President's speech .•• They m In -wN .........., lo the -· 'AnllJ. pool 1greement with its contents." tlf ~rNbtin t.Jat:e.~~.· "'gler ....;...., also_ lhat Ni>oo had •At '-lioitla!t .._ ".ill V b r -...... -·Doaik! -..., arran1ed for some coosultatim ·on the ~ waa D)Oll. addfe.a with leaders of. ConiP'eU and .i1r.-,.oltbe.1C1~1•p1•1f•lll1• olber -vmimenta-allied with the United La~ (MOL) -aa1 .. r ·Gooonunfnt oflic"'• .earllor Slate. in the Vlelnam war. elpninlted Uiat oJ1;;i of the'M How<ver,.fht cbiel esecutive.dld not ~Doug)U-~Uq eomp&Dy P!A1!I .J "'--•' ~·-1 -·"-with u,_,_,._ . ........, • · • --up a ,....--.-su.11 _..... ·-·-.-~-r. . . ... ~ """"' f1L advance ol 'his Tbt new ldmbiis\ration 'JIPoinlee ls a -. • =-di • . w Berkelef'•llodOitl!"' ... 1111-JiJ!n>d televiaion.·ra o appearance. nl.Jglu Aircraft• Companj;S· bureeoning .Wbile the Willie Hoose "!"'tlnued to ·space and ·nilssile Cleoelopnenl _,.., keep mum on the ctmtenta. of Ni.Ion's after World War II aervice.' .• t!:Ji, there wu cortsiderable apeculation Johnson and hia wU:e 'Bettf baTe 'three ~ .... 1ef executJve would announce 90Dle children, If>uise, 21:.Bruce, 17, and Kirk, ~ ~· ---9, who -will apparenUy 1~pany the move toward .ceelerated withdrawala of family on the Washington auipment. U.S. 1rooP.S from Sooth Vietnam. , ·~ '•' .:···•( -·1CONl'UIMI ·-IY SENATE 'J' .. ~"'R-.-.-D-'°lolilliih~~ ' . . ~( .~ " '.~. ~ ' .. ~ .~ • ; ' • j . • _, ' ·"i ' ' . In &lgon, however, Vice President Nguyen Cao ·Ky was auoted durin1 the • weekend u saying the address conWned "nothing new.'' Coast Yachtsmen ·Escap,e{/. . . . '' ; , In Washington,· ~nate Democratjc Leader M!ke Mansfield of Montana remarked that "great hopes aod ex· pectaUoN are riding. on this speec~" . Zleglier described the address as a personal Nilon undertaking from start to. fmilh. Speechwriters were not employed in the usual sense, he said, and the text was "totally the President's product" more than any other in recent months. . Ziegler said Nixon had "structured 1t, de veloped i~ written It on his own.'' The Presldept returned to the W'nite House Monday afternoon after a Jong weekend stay at Camp David , Md., whe~e he put the finishing touches on hJ.S manuscripl Working with him there were Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, usistant for national 1ecw1ty affairs, and Brig. Gen. Ale1- abder Haic, Kissinger'• deputy. PlanJ for the speech had been an- nour.ced just prior to the Oct. 15 Vietnam :t.1oratorium. That's more than the normal span for advance word on a presldenu.t talk to the nation. The dellvezy date was fi1ed for election eve--and came just two days after the fitst anniversary of former President Lyndon B.' JohTI100'1 action to ha1t all American bomblni ol Nori!> Vlelnam. Fo~ ButPower·,Liiies llif · Thick, blindin( toe moved into 10me areas of the Oraoge Coast and northward Sunday evenin11 • caUJina: fit.ii for yachtsmen in the Santa Monica area, but in Orange County areu it found boats aafely in Jiort. The thick billows caused at least seven craft to run aground in the Santa Monica and an untold amount to wait at anchor for safer 'weather. But checka along the Oranae Coast, which received the southern fringe of &he log, showed no yachU,,. miah1pa. "It was thick, but we heard of no pro- bltm.i whatsoever," a Harbor Depart- llJt!lt tpnkesman uia in Newport Belch today. . Checks with Huntinllon Harbour aru jurisdictions indicated the aame -no problems. • But it Harbor area yachtsmen fared well, some Newport Hegh:Ls reaklent.s -·t. . . . Po)'i'er f~rea c~ by m:i~poWer' pole · coonectOri caused an Wir-long ou{ai&in.~ of,·o!d Ne~~·,~ alone llinl'• Road and Cll!fDrlYJ. Irvin• Averwe in1tlle'Heigbts. Clocks sto~ at,l ~~ a.m. ani! slarled working ajaln at 2: 19 a.i:o. of.rt on el~tricil .c:oM.ect.or:i, coupled with the moisture causes shorting, uWlty spokesinen said. •· ' NEW YORK (AP)-Moot i19cu contin- ued lo dip today in alow ·trading, a1 de- clines lncnMed their lead ·tvet advances by 150 issues. (Sff qucUtionl, Pq:es 111-11). ,,,_ ~ Analysts said the mm:t# --ed with'"'invettors' warWlty over what ' Pmident Niiion hadi!n store for the naUnn tonigllt in his sptecb-on VletAam. Jly .TOM ·BARLEY 'oi .... ,,.. .... , ........ \ . C>ta.nge Coul)tY AuditOr Vic Heim today lakl the blame for a $21,000 em- beulem.ent in ~ Cptmty Clerk's O(f!ce 'directly on the shoulders of. its ad- maiiitratol" -·County Clerk William E. .St Jobn. , l Heim le;ft the closing $ges of-an audit that bu pegged Richard Winters Burke's &l(ege<I embez.zlemeiit as "Somewberf ntar $28.1100"0 to ' telf the · DAILY PILOT that Jf St J.ohn hid .followed. the county ~udltor's 1dvice, the · liariking . loopbol~ allegedly exploited by· lbe ... Marine might well have been plugtd. St John, roporlfll·by his secretary Fri- day 1o be "out of town" wa ·~away from his desk" ~ the morning. , He dldlnot· mPond ~ ieviraJ teliphOne JnMUpa. 1 ~ l!i!U!\:J:, hil -·~·~.JI .. )J\' rl .. fl yAh '~'ll!_'*-1i.,_ aao wtlim · tM eountr, cu:n:'I ll:naniefal ... ~ cedurea --lldidlllg Ille b<nkillg u- rangementa f'l'ltt whJcll Burke had 1Ubst&ntial control -wm sw:vey.ed. , "One of lboM suggestlona apeclllcally .-elerred to the uea w~ Burke lllege<f. ly ixplolted to milk the county of more W-rf'$27;000," he aid. --- "I am not particularly blaming St John but I am 11)'ing that if county departmenta would immediately and falthrully carry out the recommendatioos of my office, the chances of em· bmlement. would, at wont, be con- siderably narrowed down." ' While Heim waa talking, Burke, Z7, of 26372 Papapyo Drlv~ Mfuion Viejo was being granted. a conUnuance in Santa Ana Municipal Court of hia arraignment on irand theft cbar1e11. Judge Paul Mut continued Burke's bail on hla own recognlunce and ordered St John's former aide to return to court Nov. 13. It ill alleged that Burke-forged bankinl returna during the two years of bJa coun- ty employment to the total of ~ thm' "27,000. The l2llO lhorlage that led to Burke'a alle1ed confession , of his em· beulement was spotted. by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. St John'a lniUal reaction to the charsu was to point out that he bad repeatedly advised the county auditor Of deficlenc1ea in the auditing of h11 (tepartmfot rec;ords. St John 'at that time defended hil own office's wpervJsloq ol financial pracU~s u being fully In n.ping with recogniJed ~ m~·belri aware at that time of the recommendaUona we-made about a llnandaJ operation that· lnt:ludoil the banklnt dlvillon," Heim Kid today. "l WU utremely dllturbed by St John:s commeiU "at that Ume and I feel that th11 II an opportunity to put the record stral&bt.'" Milles, f;ortrad . ·Seh~ols to . .' -Set· Tax Total ; ' '\ . .. . ' .. • , r • , NflY·ltlLOt·-""* . . . . EXCljAlijGES A!!MY FATIG,UES FOR CIVVIES · Combat Artist Id Jow1t1 ,Stnl Sbfchlnt · ' . ' . P•q•~"~~~·we~pGn . '.. . ' Combut Artut .Returnsr Home .. · By moMolS FORTUNE ot "" Dlllr f'lllt Stiff How dots one protect hlmaelf from Viet Cong fire with a palntbruah? Ed Bowen, a combat artist, coukln'L and that's why he is 1wt lo be back home in .Newport Belch. "At f.foot-3 I was loo Sood a target," Bowen aays. . 'While In Vietnam nine weeks las! 1prlog, Bowen, ze, made sketches for oil polnU,,.1 and hundreds· of pen and ink drawlnflll. - Then he spent four months in Hawaii fmiahlng the oil pallitlngs for lbe U.S. Army and Ihm h< llmost bought ll A coconut dropping from a tree misaed his head by six inches -closer than any enemy !hell had come. · Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrl. John G. Bowen, tf4 SandctuUe Drive, Corona ~I Mar, Is now attendinl • Univmlty of Southern Calllnrnl1 w~ be -I• studylog on the G.I. Bill ror a ~er of fine arts desree. :Police Seeking ' Mystery Bomber Ifrllootington Police today are aeeking a rnyatertow: bomber who blew out the haPway window ol a Huntington Beadinome FrldoY nlibt and Jeft a revenae note threaU!illng to "get even." The bomb·wu placed next to a window of , lbe borne of Mt. and' Mn. oEiJgene Tome., of llDG Lantana se, about 1:15 . . 'Ill< COJ$at arUsl WU Jn Vletliam <al lbe 'worit . "Ible time . 11e· said • ~,...... ' . ~ . ,u-... the Tet otrenatve. · . ''They Celebrlted· the lunar NN· Year by killing ,G.J. 's,''. he commented. · Thret of 61!' teain. ·of' five cdmbit artist! chose to 10 into act.Ual Com6at and got Into lire fight&, but ·be ind onio·6ther decided to.hang back.· · Mostly.1'e salj, be.did studies of troops In their·baSe camps, such as.hls lril..foot long oil painting of a chow line, . and stUdies oC Uie Vietnamese people. To do that, ·be w.M allowed to viJJt off·Umltll .,... .-mW.et placea and the rulna ,GI ~ old capUol, !Jue. · ~ Jlow<n Hid be Carried I .45. plotol bu\ aever ftred jt, ... The moet immediate dao1er he. WU in WU from mortar ud rtickg attacka. · ~en, frilm hl1 artist's view, aeei the war as a real dilemma. "Whether ·1t11 right or.wrong, I just can't aee ua'patUnl out.i Wl!'J::e aO 'involved,";he !aid." · BOwen holds · a· bacheloo-al line aria degree 'ud 1 teachihg . credential ~front use. He tau1ht art for 10 Weeki It Vlll•· Par~ ~lg~ School in Orange ln ·lll67 1mUI be wll drtifted. · He wa's ttalned lo be a dOoi' g'll~r at-a heUcapter school in Vlrgfn18. •. l>ut wu: transferred to the cOin.ba( arllita ·'J>l"oi gram. • . Now his 11 oil paiilti'ngs 'h'aVe-!beCome _ f'lrt of ·the· War Department's art archive.a. Some Lr e..going on travtlJac display and othen are belnc aent to tho Smithsonian IoldtuUon. J .Bowen's Sisler, Sharon, "11, teaches sec-- ood g r·a d e i.l 'AiWn.! Scbool'fri 'CdBta • l{esa. Bowen tbinkl be,1too, wlU return-to teaching -once be geta. his muta'I. • ~king State • , . p.m. Friday. It llbalt•red -the g1.,., Harbor Trustees Must Fix O .. oorri.de F~g~re Tuesday ;:r:e;:..,u;eh:::::.·;:;: .. ~:r; . wea~r . -, • Secretary Post ' . . ASM!mblymen George W. Mi\ias ol Oilroy and Charles J. Conrad of Sherman Oab both , announced at the Anaheim Convention CenlAr Sunday they plan to seek the RepubUcan DOmination for ,_etary of .Ute. 'Republican Frank M. Jordan now holds the job, as he hu since 1941. But the 81· year.-old iDonnbtnt sullered a ~vere stroke May 1 and lince then has been partially paralyzed and unable to speak. M~as announced his candidacy at the ""1Clusklft of the RepubJJcan Stale Cen- tre.I Committee caave:ntioo. But he added lwo QU&lification1. Mulu told a news coafeience be would ' not ND in the unlikely event Jordan did. He also aald he woold wlthdraw from the race if a vacancy occu1Ted in the-office and Gov. Ronllcl Re11an Oiled it with som•bodl' elae. J Coortd did not call • news conJerenct. Bat he Mid ••unleu IOtllebod)' pulls tbt rug out from under me I'm gotn·g to-10. ·• ' \ , U1 >PJ;Ye t,fll)Jsl'' ihe .d._ .u.ese· , · · ; ... \ • . . . , jl.lti~s. n.mage"Waa es~irted •at ~10. , nut. few rnoininla, 'threni:&'"~ ,oOci By THOMAS FORnJNE and.$4.25 for res1de11t.siof~1N~ Beach, Reaaon1 cited by school officials.for. the 1Fr:agnieota from . the a p Parent I y ' ~i;aori : .. : t&it pe.··souP.: 1'h'il1'1 Will °'""' DtllfY '"" ., ... • the difference auribUtlb 1o acboor bond tax increase lnchlde: homem,ade bomb and the note are being be •• k 1,... lbe ·--"' ~-Newport·Meaa-achool trustees will hlYI ~~1::' in Cit c:Obununity N~ a::.=e~~!:u~~~~~= 1n1pected today by police lab tecbniciana i day~~diti;e the ~r:-0,~ lo COQle to a final dtclakln·on thf: amount School board *1nbefi ·all . 111.ve 1 con-the county UleUOt and Board of for ftiJ.eerpiinta and any 'ot.htt leid tO and back to 18 iriland. of the Feb. 11 override tax election when ceded becauia of an ~Ilea of lac-SuperV!tora. . ldell!l!y lbe bomber. INSmB TODAY they meet TUesd1y night. . tori they 1re loinC to ~ to uk for -. Deflated reservea , cfue to a one-Contents of the note were not releued . How much the 1chool"diltrict needa and proportionately mor~ tban '-almp)e ·cost aeuion-per·teacher kindergarten pro. by police eicept that It Indicated tom• Intrepid JMn Dane and Jlato- how much tnlsteea-lhould-ask-from of livin1 incnUe in-tbe Ove to,aveo.per, .... gram.the ..Lq:Lslahn Indicated .it-~or-" -_ .• _Jeu~ aailiNJ' cr.f-w Ji om..3.W.anc.._ ·-~~- voten bu been the aubject of 1tveral cent nnp. ' fund then did not. ~ , • -r r~vqe. . • Uniutr.sitv meat ·Cleon noeep of· special llCbool boll<! meetqa in recen\ • TMtee ·Donald Stra1111 ~thou&ht 1 .:..·Coot al living li1cr<de compounded Mn. Todsep, her 11-yeal'<lld daugl>ter-• Douglaf Cwp colllgiotc fllili!IO weeks. . the board should ~ a& ttu 10 : by lncfeued telcber lobb)rtna fotlli&ha' Jean, and Carla West:'.~. were.,. in tM:' 17¥1tche1i bfatfng ouc ~ftndi"q Now the deadline for tellin( lbe ~11 ~!-with Ila proJl'!l'd • ~ aallrleo. kitchen at lbe Ume of lbe uploeion, Hid cloompicm• USC.hoc> U. • ~~111l .iu.:.~ ~~twill.I>< ;;.~~~"CJ:"~;pi1=.i1ns~' ...tt~f!~~y:"q-~ torpk,W~,~~ poHce:Mr.:Todse1"WJll al i.,11elpW:1 . 1 · .;.,..:i : .' ;.... -· ',' ~ • ,__.. _S,~':'"J. ... _ ,r-., I ...__ __ but •·-• he be~--' lbe~ C....,_I t Mitt.I tt N eU .-a administrators achool nrninmnUon ha•~· · re~t. · nuu.:,, 1ran 11uu11J w n .-ra 1 • cleafftlll • twt ......_. ...,. .,. have eome up with a Ult of 1ehool district But Board PresklePt n . Marian · -Polti>onement since unilfC!ltion ·of1in· noise.. 1 I ~~::.,. ;: == /:!'.::' ' .~ needJ that would require an 80 ctnt or Bergeauu bu _argued •g ... ~~tog a , stru~al equJ~t ·purchase 10 all Todsen Is a serVtct ad\tlser fOr-a Lorie• J =-~ ~: =: ,,...w. = more tchool tat increase. B o a r d numller out ol a ltat bee it 11 e1· eleme~ry schools wW have lhe1°'me. ~Ith auto firm JloUce could gWe no liri j '""'"' ,_ ' ~ '' membenhavetalkedaroundtbeunount, ped11f1tlosell.". ~ 1be ~'lrieetina at which thr \al . • " 1 , . : ::::~· ... ~ = ': tome ot them ·wonderlna jf taxpayer• ~ aaid ·the achoo( diat.rttf's flnanCi~l override.amount wllf be decide9 .-111 be mediate H(tl•naU~ as . ,o why· aomeone: l ~ n ... .... n would eo for that much Jnare11e. condition is utr~!y Ertttcal aod· at 7:30 .p.m. Tuesdey. In the Lyceutrt.,at mlitlri be seektna nv~e. The pofslbllllyj i ~~ ': :=..."'::.. , .. ~ The -nt N..-port-M.,. Unlfled tu without an override ij !ices t fU million co.ta M.,. HICh ~I. 16611 Fal~. of;ihe .boo>~ beln'a H1lloweeo prlbi,wu l "'""" ""'"l." ' rat• 11 fUS for reJlaenu of com MeJa bUdge!-dellclt ncxt-yenr. , -· Road. • · dll!Cbilnltd. • ' ' • • -• .~ • · ._ __ ··---------J t ' 'l ' ' ----------------'°""'"'"' ....... ==·-;o;=;:-o:--::_;--_=-cc·=··~-~. ~;;-:-~ .. -:.::-.=-.•-=-"'"'' """'·""'··"7· t:C.T< "'<""=· ""· ,._,,,.,.,,,..,,,.,,,., • .,..,.. ""'::"'"'\!"'"'."'' ,_,,......, '"'""R'."'""' .,,,...,,A ......... .,.e .. ..,.,..., .. ,..-.,..,,...=-c-·,,-· .... ,.,.~·~·--~ ---._::-~~-,_,_, - ..... ~ .. ~.~.!!~!Q~~~: ..... ~P~! ..... : ....... ~·· • t ' -To Hurt Oil: Bill?. . . . By JOHN VALTEllZA °' ..... ty ....... ,.., 1'be honeymoon between California'• se..1on Alan er.-n and o-p Murphy hll the rockl In Orqe coun11 lhll weekmd and their new bill on off· sliore oil dtilling ""4hl be allected by lbe oPal Bipartisan support tor Democrat Cranston's new bill to ext.end offthore drilllnl 11nduariea itemed auured· wilb RtpubUcan Murphy's auppoc:t WI -k. but a weekend rift developed ovet Cranston'• cornmenll on pouible U.S. conllngtncy plans to llcbl So\llh Vi.tnain. Up to Saturoay olte-, blla _,,ed to flourish u CZ'IJ\lton spoke before a apane brotherhood rally audience in San- ta Ana and pra!Jed bll GOP c:olkague lot bll aupport.. • 'But Murphy told r<porlen Sunday al a GOP convenUon lli, Anahe.lm that ctanatm "lhoukl be.warned o1 hhnaetr• !Or saYlnl lbe U.S. bu contlngeney plans lo llabt Ilie South Vietnam .... Al I quick ma conltrtllCe oulalde the ne:ar-empty auditorium the junior "ftltor forecaat •lrooi bipartlaan aupport for bis bill ' Hteqdlng the federal, oil drilling ADCtuary in areu includlnc 6anla Barbara and horn the Santa Ana Jllver lo the Mexican border. 011t'1 a ."good bill and has a 1lrong measure of auc:ce11.'' he SIJ.d, and "and I'm delighted with the aupporl which ii rec<lyed horn Senator Murphy. Tbe bipartisan support Is obvk>ua and en-couraainl." be said. "It's a badly needed bill and one of ma- jor lmportaoce lo Orqe County and otbrr couta1 areu," he added. He followed with praise foe Murphy and fcrecuta of more GOP supPort tot the -drllUng ban. Mil recent commenll on the con- tingency plans were already in the air on S.turday, ·but Sundly was the first Ume Murphy spake about c:r1n1ton'1 allega- Uons In publlc. In his 5wid&y speech Murphy laid d!Jcuulon of a -lot <Cranston) about the plans f'doea not help our allies." Hl aid auch talk wu "miacblevoua " --·----------• ' -- ~f-=Sky?1ira~ ._Faces_ltaly. . . . ' Trial First .. ROME (UPI) -Ao llaUan pl'OOIClllot 1ald t.oday plane hijacker Raffaele Mllllchlello would be tried In Italy befora facinl proecut1on in the United1 States. Three more charges were filed q&int the young American marine. The new charges brought lo eichl lhe nwnber of charges Minichiello facts ,.lltte. U convicted on all of them'be coUld ' Spend as Jang as 30 years in . Italian prisons before American autHorltlcs could lay a hand oo him. Aailtant Prolecutor Masslma Carli called on MinichieUo at Rome's Queen of Heaven Jail loni&bt to inform him of the new charges, wlUch include kidnaping, private violence · qainat the crew of the Trans World Airlines jetliner he hijacked and violence against a public official. Maximum aentences on the eight charges add up to 31 years and aii: months, but under Italian law the most time a person can serve in prisoo short ot life imprisonment is 30 yeara. Minichiello, who hijacked the plane In California last Friday and forced the pilot to fly it to Rome, faces a possible death sentence in the United Statea on a hi· jacking charge. ,Murphy '• attack came 1t a speech dur- illi the WI ....ion ol the Rtpubllcan Stale. Central Cmnmlllee'1 llllOll!dal fall convention. ·Th< senator did not name <;ranatm in !lie speech, bul bll piepared tat Included ctanston's name. tt wu the. fint public clash 0between the two aeoatoa lioce each waa ..elected. Crlllllon baa ltfl Murphy alooe, · loo but anolhet Republican, Vice · Preaident Spiro Agnew, l.sn'l ao Immune. FIREMEN BURsT. iNTO BURNING BUNGALOW TO SAVE OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPEDIC BED C'ott• MMe FaMlly Loses Home as D111bJed Dad F1ct1 Back Surgery "I am sure he will be lried lirst in Ila· ly," Carli said ... No doubt about it. However, that is my peraonal'opinion on· If." ·He upialned the dllf.....,. by aayln& Iiltr he llitl lo avoid penoa.al allacb wtienhecan. :it:: before, ho"ever, the subject "Every -.i, before be -to bed lonlgbt, ahould pray for the health of President Nb:on," Cramton t o l d reporlen&anay, " . "He (Agnew) ls a 111llcioaJ tm· Cranatm arrived al Saola Ana lfllh barruomeal" SCbool for a c.ntam>lal Brolher!lood Cr-Wied oo the ... 1rovm1a1 ctlebratlon when lbe partlclpoa!I fare.. • vice preelden\ lo clarlly bis ·..._iton ceocled lbe oblervera. lhat diAenltrJ lhould be "-· out of . •· society" like rotten applei. Fro111 P .. e l Affi ROUTES • • ,.. bad been c:erllftcaled, bul he oouldn'l: He cited Conllneolll'a pr_.,t law fares and II& Innovations In service. Our pro- posed fares 1re even lower and we've had ' more UmovaUons than 1ny IXbel' carrier in the peat 20 to 30 years." · Davis u.ld Air Cal will file ii.! appeal Immediately, and espectl a hearing date w: be set within 30 day•. 11>e. line will at the same time seek an "exemption from CAB certification." This, Davis ex· plained, would allow Air Cal to operate as a-· CAB carrier, while its formal ap- Dll<ation awaJW final acllop. . .. J'nus lw never been done for an aitline .• be!ore," Davis admitted. ','But it bJs been done for certain rou.tn:. . . "ID any event." he a~,. Hwe (~1 '!'~ will have a strong case f o r r«onsideration oC P a r k ' s recom· mendation." • Meanwhile back at Continental in Loi. ¥.geles, officials &a.id there are no plans a• yet for a start in Orange .County service. ."We. can't say much at this. Um• because the decision was jU!t relealled. and we hope it stands," said a Con· t.inental spokesman. . The recommendation by Park involved Continental service to the Pacific Northwest fr<rn Los Angeles lntema· tional Airport and "satellite airporta.'' 'nteleJnclude Orange County. Newport Beach city officials said they are unhappy that Orange County flight! to Portland and Seattle had been recom- mended at all. The city joined Orange County government in protesting the pr~ ):iosed route awards last March. ·"This is very disturbing to us," said Ci- ty Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "It Would obviously mean an escalation in iet flights.'' .He said he isn't sure what the city can. q, now. "I'll bring this kt the city coun· cjl'e attention so we can discuss what other steps can be taken before this Oecomes a reality." :city Attorney Tully Seymour had a leas b1:eak view. "l'm not so sure that Con- tihtntal wants to come Into Orange Coun-- ty," he said. "The costs ta get in might .be prohibiU\'e and thue ia a great lack of available facilities." UAi\Y Pl lOT ~ COUl "'* ....... CIWMl'f l.Mrt N. W.M _ .. _ J,, ••. e.1., Vfcll ........... ~--- Tll_, ICtrril ·-111.-A. .... ,,., •• -·-. J...-'· c.111 .. --"" ..... --- "I memorlud that ala-Im· mediately, .and I can't forcet it," .cranaton 1aid. · • . "I would urge Mr. Agnew lo clarlly what be1meana by casting them ou~ "Does be mean. that they abould 'be put Into concentra~ cainpa? The law al1owa I~ and !hat's one lhinl I'm 'trylni lo eliminate. · "lloel be mean lhal we ahould aqap the Cooslllllllon .wblch l1Jlllllleeo eacb citizen the right to apeak? "I 1uuest that be 1pell out fn detail what be means by that statement," he gald. Tue only other ·rererenees ta ~furphy durine the appearance came in response to queries on the coming senatorial elec- tions Jn which Mur1ll>y'a NOi ia at slake. • ~MurphY .. WOO:L'be .an e.ify. lilae .)o i:JefeaL He's na easy target," Cranston EaJd. . •: ,. ----------~ Funeral Held For Daisy Sweet Funeral services were held Oct 27 at Cal vary Church, Santa Ana for Mrs. Daisy W. Street, .,, who died Oct .. 25 ia Newport Beach: M"rs. Slrttt moved to Orange County in 1961 from Vancouver, British Columbia. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. 'Winnie Morris, Newport Beacb ;.two sons, · George T. Street; West Vancouver, B.C"., and Charles R. Street 0£ lrvlne, and 11 erandchlldre-n. Burial wu at Pacific View Park, Corona d~I fl.far . Nixon .Can't Ballot WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon Is nat eligible to vote in the New York mayoralty. 'l.ect:!ons Tuesday, 1'resldintlal ·Pt"' secr.,wy Rollald L • Ziegler aakl the chier executive no longer Is a' rllident of New rYott. · · DAILY ,!LOT l'llttt •Y 1111tll1'11 Kffllltf''" 1tlt w ... ··~· ....... .. M1 .. .U4r-1P.D, ... 1171.tJMJ. YOUNGSTER CHECKS BAYSIDE DRIVE WRECK Bal Island ·Youth F•ll• to Mlik1 Curve --c.i. --.: ...... """'-' Loi ..... ...,,: 7" , .... I ·-Munt! .... llllca1 -llfl , .... e.lft.'I' ""°'· ........ Clll'llMllf .. ... ,,., ................ -~ _. -., ................ ,.. """"" .... Pelle .... a..... ..... ........ ,.,,.,,,.,"" .._... "'""'' ....... ... Balboa Island Boy Hurt As Sports Car Overturns . ......... °""" c... ,,..,.,.. ~ """""" ............. .... :"' ... -:;...-:' ._:.._""'-.,. • A Balboa Island youth suffered severe · ::: .. tn41 '41o4Jlt face cuta and head injuriea 'saturda.y ClrlPllW "''"''*'Ml-Mn afternoon when hls sporUcar rolled over ~ :::" ~--~ ..= on Bay1id1 Drive, police reported . .......,. ....... • ••s:•Js••• • ....... John E. Nrwman. JI, o! 311\.ti Onyx --·-........... ... ....... • ........ ..... -• Av•;: WU injured ~·btn the En.1llah Cir .....,. :fi7;!-i.'1t """"" :': h!t int curb near the Harbor laland en-:,:::.-• ;i.-~ trsnce ind nipped over. ._----..,...--'-'-'-'·--_, --111...-p .... lgtt. ltiID"CO!UU, 17, Of the same address, had lrss sevtte in- juries police aid. Newman wu ln fair condition loday at Hoaa: tifemorlal H05pltal. Officers said he was driving the car westbound whl!n he lost control on a curve and smashed Into the northslde curb. The car then btgan rolliftg and l!llopped top-down 'in a Andy area off 111rmd. - ' • Child's Play Blamed Flames Destroy Home , Of Disab"led Mesa Man By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1tMc Del, 'I"' Jtlft hospitalization. He suffera from an injured back and ls Flames fed by a torch-like, melted gas tentatively acheduled for s u r I e r Y line roared through a disabled worker's Wednesday at Riverview Hospital, Santa COltil Meaa home Saturday, destroying ~· after which he faces a Jang con· all family possessions except for UJe vie· .valescence. Urn's special orthoi>ed:lc bed. The family has bern living on Damage to the btme ocaipled by the Workmen's Compe~Uon •.~ other suctl Dan Reddick: family at 2424112 Santa Ana funds connected with Red.dick's job- Ave., combined with persooal belon&inis. related Injury, according to neighbors totaled more than $1,000, according to · who have pitched in to help the un- .Fire "Department inve3U&aton. .. fortunates. ~·Jt'I almost 1 total IOaa," said Ba"4lion "We've all gotten clothes together for Olief Bob BMuchamp, expl.alotnc that a • them, but mostly they still need IOl?le for child plaYioc with matches evidenllY. td&-Dan and Bunn.a," said :ftirs._ Grace ;9"*1 the disutrous olO:tl am •. fire. •. 1 Hoscoe, of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four "Jt· wu spread violenUy when a ft9t. bouses from the bwned home. e\cl)ths-lncb gu line iO"·tbe klicben si.oie "I'm sWl in a· stale of shock myieu,1•' meited aod we had man)r-!TU' (8ritlah said Mrs. Hoscoe, "Tbeir refrigerator Thermal Units). of a:u pouring wt," just mrlted." Chlef Beauchamp explained. Firemen arriving on the actne found ·.No OM was Injured in the fire which the Reddick home a literal inferna from devastated the Reddick home, but that is the gas-fed kitchen portion, but rushed In about all the family can be thankful for and salvaged the workman's badly tod.11y, on the eve of Reddick's own needed, $l50 orthopedic bed. Youth Killed In Cycle Wreck A 15-year-old Yorba Linda boy died nea r his home Saturday when his motorcycle struck a chain slung across a private driveway. lnv esUgators said the victim, Jerry Alan LaFollette, was hurled from his machine a.s he drove onto Metropolitan Water District property near the in- tersection of Yorba Linda Boulevard and Fairmont Drive. Investlptors said the chain ls clearly visible to lrafric. They believe the boy, \vho recently qualified as a driver. was traveling at high speed and was un able ta avoid the barriu. ~trs. H05coe said in addition to adult clothing, the Reddicks vdll need linens and other household goods, as well as art inexpensive place to stay during his con- ''aiescence . Th~ Reddick family includes Billy, 10; Barbara, 9 and Danny, 4, according to Mrs. Hoscoe, who said one neighbor will pravide shelter for them tonighL Anyone wishing to donate or loan clothing and household goods to help the trouble-plagued family may drop it off at ~1:-s. Hascoe's garage. "I'll even go pick it up," she said. Mrs. Hoscoe said the unexpected los1 has caused Reddick to consider de laying hi s badly needed corrective back surgery, ·but friends are urging him ta go a bead with it. He was to enter the hospital Tuesday. "Things look pretly dark for them na\'I," she said, "but they have to go on." Carll also said Minichiello's elderly father, who lives in southern llal)', would eventually be allowed to see his son. Carli charged Minichlello Sunday with live olher crimes, including aoother count of tkinapi.ng, private vi~enCe, bringing weapons of war into Italy, pot- stsslni them illegally and carrying them illegally. · Prison sources described MinichieJ19 In good spirits and said he was lo ll1lderp psychiab1c tests during the week. He was allowed no visitors, not even bis father, IO, who drove up from Naples. Rites Conducted • For MarkNayl.on, Edison Gridder Funtral services wue held this tnOrn· Ing far Mark Naylon, 15-year~Jd Edison High School juni<I' vars.ity footbaU play~ wha died Frklay. The youth collapsed Oct. II after a football game and remained in a crena for two weeks before he auccumbed at HuntingtonJntercommun.ity .H~itat _ Docton said he hid suffered a subdurat hemaloma, or internal bleeding of lbe brain area. · MaSs· was held this morning at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Church, Hun- tington Beach, with interment in Good Shepherd Cemetery. Services were undet direction of Smiths' Mortuary; 'lbe youth is survived by hls parents, Mt. and Mrs. William Naylon, 10012 Meredith Drive, Huntington Beach ~ brothers Denni!, of Olic'ago, and Patrict of the fam ily home and three sisters, Yvonne, Kalby and Donna, of the famil y borne. · . A.stronauts Welcomed By Crowd in Seoul 1 SEOUL (AP) -Th< lhr<e U.S. ApoUo 11 astronauts arrived in Seoul t.oday for an overnJgbt stay on a round-the-warld goodwill tour of 22 countrie.!. A hug~. enthusiasti c crowd led by lnfannaUon and Culture Minister Shin Bum·shik greeted · the A m e r i c a n spacemen when they landed at Kimpo International Airport. School For Skeptics Unusual for any kind of.a store. We WF;LCOME hard·headed men. Those who trust their own eyes and rely on their O\VD judgement. Th! 0017 criteribn in our store is what you see in our Jnirror. l you don't see yourself looking better in our mirror. ,,.e start over again. The headmaster of our school !or skeptics is our master {itt~r, Nelson de Souza Avila·. Nelson Is an old-world craftsman, tlle kind you rarely {ind anymore, and he won't Jet you hav.e your suit until you're BOTH hippy with it. You will be, too. Come in today and make us prove it. 3167 Via Lido al Newport Boulevard, Newporl Beach Open Friday evenings un!U 9 p.m . •• I ............... - • sw·elling the ' coffers of the Republican partr were aOOut • 1800 dedi~ cated support~rs. and leaders who attended the gala Celebrity Ball whicb'kic4ed off festi•- . it.es\Of the Republican ,.___State ·central -corru;nit-=- te.e'S weekend session in Anaheiin .convention : .Center. Signing_.in wtth ball h9stess cO-chatr- men Mrs. W i·t Ii am _Bents and ~ ... 'J.!lUr-, _ mond Clarke 1s Don' -· .. Mulford, Assembly Re- j>ublican floor leader (above, left to right), while Gov. Reagan' .i's welcorried by ball ·co- cbairman Thom8.s Rog- •f$. Stopping" to . ·chat : during • the . reception · · 'whiCh preced~;the ball are (at left, Jell to right) )l!r. aJfd Mrs. Donald E. Swedlund and Mr. and Mrs. A •. Vincent Jorgen-· sen. Shariiig .one of the table's for 10 are (be- low) lhe·O. W. Richards (right) who welcome Victor P . Andrews, Prfsiderit Nixon's .spec- ial ambpssador to the .. 1970 'World's Fair in Osaka, Japan a'nd Mi's. Andrews. _...._ ______ , • ' BEA ANDERSON, Editor , ,_...,, -~ lo 1• P• II G-1 i~t.t-e -r, ' . .. ·• ~ .,. -0-pulence P-arade ld · PrDminent Orange Counti~ns atlending the reception. and ball.' which · featured dance-mwic· l>Y. Les Brown Jncluded (above) Mr. and Mrs. · Harold T. Segerstrom and (belpviJ. A;s.emblyman and Mrs. Robert H. Burke. . , . . . · -- - '· ... ---------- 1 !!!!!!; ~~~~~W6rksh"op~ '· ,rde Setting Conducted up 1at·'Vews-Recfffa · Mesa . ' ~ ) , • Tl>• Mesa Verde home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robert Gayner was pie setting yesterday for a ceremony, linking in marriage Mr3. Gayner's father, Warren Lows .Bremer and Gayner's mother, Mrs. Ami Francis Gayner. • · . Of!iciatjng at the sunset nuptials was the Rev. Loren Dale Flickenger of NewpJ>rt Unity 'Church. · -T6e bridal couple stood before a trellis of greenery with blue ·and ucbsia :flowen which. over!Ooked the g~ course. The floral motif was. earned through lb~ canopied. area by the pool 'fhere dinl)er was served r following the ceremony. Tables were decorated with blue meline, green velvet ribbons, pearl hearll, butterflies and fresh !lowers. A string ensemble proviijed hack· ground music. . · The new Mr~. Jktmer wore_. ~tmcb beaded beige dress and carried a bouqliet of roses, delphinium and lilies of the valley. . Attendants wer:e grandchildren of the newlyWed couple, Tracey and Kyle G~yner, Cathy ~d Laurie Brandmeyer and I,.isa, Dae.-and Sherie Peters. m moa11· green v~vet gowns, and Scott Ga:Yner, and Michael Peters. . Guests attending were members of. the two families inclUding the br1dets daughters,. Mrs. Suzanne Peters and Mrs. Milo Brandrileyer and her husband. out~-town ruests were Mrs. Katherine Caldwell and Mrs. Jay Roberts of Dallaa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brenier San Marino·· Mt and Mrs. Lawrence Otis, West Los Angeles; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.iJder- J1lan, Yorba Linda. The ,new Mrs., ~ei:ner has bee!l a resident of. the Balboa Bay Club and h~r husband reSides ip Cameo.Shores where they will make their home Jollow1ng .... 11 honeymoon trip to Yosemite: · , Single Ring Rites . ' Wine Tasted Costa Mes a-E 1 t a·n c I a Costa Mesons Marry American fJeld SerVice plansl a wine-tasting ben.e:fit next 1 Thursday night in tho Co.ta mantilla and she carried white Mesa home of Mr. and Mr!. carnations. W. Slater O'Hare at 7. Miss Carol Arm Brown, in a Flne Wines and ripe clliee9U pink gown and carrying pink will be ftatured as a pleasant -M-of,Gamma ·Alph Nu, Folantaio Valley Chapter ol Beta Slsma Phi, wit! com- bine a bulinaa meeting with a workabop for. a boutlque when the~ gather at a p.m. Wed- nesday, Nov. 5, in the home of Mrs. Walt Davidson. 1'1rs. Hatold Spubert will serve refrealunenta. ne public will be invited to att~pd the boutique between 10 a.m. and 4 J>.m. ·Satu~!~· NOV. 15, in~the CO.ta Mesa Grange Hall. Top Sports COYerago in Tho Daily· P1ot A Calendar for Every County House Peek Family Wedding Chapel was the setting for the 1ingle ring ceremony linking Kathleen King and Robert L. Noulln, both of Costa Mesa. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mr•. Nick King of Mexico City, wa.s given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of white satin. made by her grandmother, Mrs. Dagny Savage. Completing her ensemble was a floor lenatb and white camatioM, served way to help finance 1 the as maid of honor. Best man chapter'• three foreign ex-change students who are was BenUe Borosdy, and staying in Costa Mesa homes. More than 36,000 Orange County Girl Scouts are ~is~ and ready to fan out ov:er the country begin- ning Wednesday, Nov. 5, armed with stacks and stacks of Girl Scout calendars. F9r the next 10 days the girls will sell their calendars for one of thejr big·· 01'H•nu.1TT-IMA•• aJCl'IMlll " ACA1'Ul'O W CAllllll'AJil NIW st'd' lull:. Ctlffl\lra(I, S1M111 10, L.1111:. le)Ool. 2 M. Ctbl,.,, 2 Hd1., Mesa Rebekah · ! ~ 141., THt o~u. Tetk Every first and third Tues· day of the month members Of Meaa R e b e-k a h Lodge assemble in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa MeSJ, at a p.m. • C..Mn6 -Sall Sllffd '° kl'IO!I. 11>.o. ••a ,,,, ll .... rt .... ~. CA. f26'J , ..... ; (tl41 "2·•121 .. geat fund raising projects, raising money for pur· chase of campsites and other activities. Armed with their supply of calendars and ready to go are (left to right . Sandy Firebaugh, Carolyn Mollica and Peggy Canniff. Ann Landers Foot • Mouth Won't Stand • Love's Way ushers were Bill Freested and Tickets may be purchased Kerwin Johnson. at the door or by calling Mrs. Following a reeepuon in the 11'0;;;·;;;11ar;;;;;;e.;;;m.;;;;;;288;;;;;;1;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•II BE FREE ..• Treasure Chest restaurant, Uie11 o,.. FAC::!At. HAllt newlyweds left on a honey-$25 P'Oii.EVEJll'. Lrr US .. SHOW moon trip to San Diego. They will resJde in Costa Mesa WILL YOU HOW EASY IT IS when ther return. DO ITI TO REMOVE· ~CESS HAIR., 'I1le bride attended Phoenix Collect, is a graduate of Orange Coaat College and - is majoring in blllinea educa- tion at California State Colleae at Loni Beach. Her luabaod Is I.be son ol Mrs. Norma Nabb of New York City and Edward N . Noulin ol HollriroocL fta. L•v "w•v v•i.r r •r•lh•r kn!tttne IMClllM now tor Cllrl"INtl ..... .,_ --.... •i.e "' INCflli.. ..... MVll'lt ""'"'le• Cllll'- IM ... 1114 -~lilt )9V"ll MVe "" CllrtltMM, us ..... .... w ,.,. _. .... ,ti THI -KNIT W.IT He att.nded the llnlv•...., o! FlOrii!a~ilf lib'""'iiS from Norih,u, ·Jnatitu'te..: of SOUTH COAST PLAZA WITH MODEJllH ELECTl\OLYllS • MEDICALL"( A.PPJ'lOVED•, • -SA,E, Fi.ST, CIEHTLta CONStiLT WJTH oU/11 LlC!HSED TECHNICIAN IH OUft •CAUTY SALON·. T·-•··lo •,, ..... .a--1~ d Uww ._.... o....,.. Wtttii91'M'• DEAR ANN LANDERS: Every now and thrive oii the misery of your "WUJU fY, .._ """6~,_ an lrlitol •t left D .... o-. bisMSins~~I -· ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT. ana tllen you irritate me with your neighbors 411d relatives. And no vilit il!I at West Cout University, Los C•t• MIA oracular pronowicements. You make a complete until you glye me '°M! adv'.i'ce~·~-l~;A;;1111;;el;;";· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;:~~~~,.~-~·~·~·~21~1~2=~~~~~~~~~~~ it>'-'-------1--'"ta"'te"'m,.,enJ_Alld_expecL~l_t_ to..ActeptJ t _ _._,QW'.Jl:wn life Ja a ~._yM_)'.ou_J~el just because you said it. I decided the qualified to counsel others. I stay away THE BEAUTY SALON'S WIG, HAIRPIECE CLEARANCE Better.hurry for the best selection. Drastic reductions on mony beoutiful ha ir pieces ond wigs. Merked down becau se color li nes ore not c.omplet.e. Choose severol $15-$17.50 Wigle+. .... . ............................ 5.99 $25 -$30 Wig lets .......................................... _ 9.SO $75 Foils ........... .... . ........................................... _ 34.50 $100 Foils.......... . .. ~ ......................... _ 37.50 $70 Wigs _............... ... ... . ................ ·-··-·-17.SO ; $100 Wigs, semi -h ond tied ................... -........... _ 24.50 ; $I ~Q Wig>. hand tied .. , ...................... _ 37.50 ' • $6.50 Moust oches . ... .............................. 4.50 Tl~-;50Sloeburns ..... ........................ ..... S.50 ; $12.50 Goo tees ....... .. ......................... -............ 7 .SO ~ $75 French Wigs .............................................. -........ 35.00 ~ $200 Spenish Wig s _ ........... _.... . .. .. . .... ~95.00 ; Us& Your Broedway charge. •; Be~~ty Se Ion. 60 I . • : , ~FlC:l.A:O"W.AY AlllAMllM MfWl"OllT HUNTINGT'OM SfAC.H --~· H....btllil,JINltl ~-fhN ,,t,_--1117_hlfll«_Av. ... _lf2.».ll If '••ll!Ofl ,,,.,,. .... ,,.,, , next time you presented as fact .because I can only 1tind ao much. something which was less than faclual, I -YOUR DAUGHTER would nail you. Now is the time. 1 hope 1 have conveyed my feelings, RectnUy, you informed "Mystified A Mom" that it was most unlikely lhat her child wu biting his toenails. You went on to say, "If he is actually doing this, you ought to discuss his behavior with a 1peclaUat." My girlfriend is 16. Sh e has been biting her toenaih: 11ince she was a smali child. Bev is perfectly normal in every respect. When she read that colum n it made her furious. Your suggestion that this little idiosyncrasy wa,, evidence of a psychological disorder triggered a toenail biUng episode of wiusual duration. (Bev bites her toenails when she is depressed, frustrated or angry.) You wouldn't dare print this letter, but I feel better for having written it. -SAM DEAR SAM: I'm glad you feel better. Ple11e alve my warm re11n11 to your normal atrlfrtend -the oat wllo blte1 ber lotn1lll. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Every ao Often you print a letter from a' hurt mother Wh<t complains that her married children don't come to see her often enough. She invariably describes the cbJldren as, •·seJJish, inconsiderate, thoughtless." On two occasions when such letters ap- peared, I received copies in the mail - anonymoua, but unquestionably from you· know-who. Please print this letter. I will not be necessary for n1e to send it to my mother btcauae she reads every word you write. · DEAR MOTHER : I do not visit you very Often, because you leave me depressed, wrung out, angry and shaken. You make i'ite feel inadequate and Hupid. You dwell on the maudlin, tragic and sickest. a!plCta of life. You Jove to be first with the bad ne\Vs. You adore goWp nn. -MY NAME JS LEG!Otl , DEAR LEGION: You llave. And I den't bow wbo I feel 1orrler tor-yoa or your mother. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Laat year I gave a boy some advice when be was having trouble with hLI steady. He came to me because I am a girl and be fig~ ured I'd understand. My advice worked and be told everybody. Now, about eight guys want advice on parent problems, - money problems and school problems as v•ell as boy-girl pro~'1Jll. At !lrst it was run. J enjoyed being calltd Ann Landers Jr. But Jt's not. fun anymore. Jt's teary. 1 don't want to know so much about everybody's personal life. Also, I am only 14 years old and 1 don 't know all the answers . What should I do? -ANN LANDERS, JR. DEAR JR.: I'm 51 ud I doe't know all the UIWtrs. lJstenhlc it ne tlllq, but olferla1 odvtee la ~ .1 ... COan1tUn1 aequallltuee1 ·eu cwt 7oa 1ome. frlencllldps. Sometlmet a f t t r frlenda uload, &My ftel-Hcomfortable in your pnHDCe ud o .. ld 1""· T..u.Jt1 1uuea& tit Ulese boys tMy p .. 90IDelDe who can be mere objecUw. TM cHcla, or • favorite tetctter c~ be extremely belpful. What await! you on the other al.de of the marriage veil? How can you be IUre your marriage wW wort? Read Ann Landers' booklet "Marriage -What to Expect." Send your requut to Ann Landen in care of this newspaper encloe- jng 50 cent.. in ~in and a loha. ltamped, ~K-addreued envelope. AM Landers will be &lad to help you with your lJl'Oblequi. send them to bet in care of the DAILY PILOT-encloeing a self-addreued, 1tamped envelope. '81v' Robert Donna Formirly 1t Mr. Roberts, Coron• dol Mtr •.. ,Now With PETER CHRISTIAN Buuty Solon -HEWPOR-TER INN----644°0340 · J1mborM ltotd 11 Hwy. -101 Sears I • ,.... ___ .f _ liah>- weiabt wonder&, ran a bra.la t-.ia ii ond ,...,. nody to,.aa)w1we • Wondnu mocl..,.ile m...t • Cl>oiee ;,, 1,;,.;.,. -n. SAVE '5 Now? G..___ Romm Bair S~hWigl . Replar 3 488 $39.95 • Maehine made •a an etente-· bite '° ..... leeSU'e twJto•lil• fit ••• widl .pringy body • Ynr eboioe in ._,. • ....-. r.1a11oc1 .. .. '. I I 1 ...... , -'=' ";'--:,T-,,..· ,;;;.-............... ,.. -· ,. ... ---• . 'I" • .., ..... """"'""'""'--.'""'-.... .-,--.... ------':"""~ • .. . "* •. * . . V0l·62,.f'IO. 263, 3 SE.cTIONS, :i2 PAG&S O~!ilGE COUNTY, CALlfl:>RNI;';-MONDA_Y, NOV,EMBER 1, 1_96, . 1 ,,.. . . , .. , . TEN CENTS .....,,.,_~-~·..,.:...~-=-~~---'-~·~....:,..~-,-.,.--~~~~:.-,,,...,,.-_ ...... ___ ,...;..~~~~---~--:~-'---~~..:.....~_..,...._~---_,.......;.:, .-:-,.--~~-,-~'""""'· ~ 1 :._ ~ , 1 r ' · ' ~ ., I l Criticilm of a $1,000 repOrt on the dutiu oi ·a-Costa' Me&a~city tr"easur~. conteined in a diSsenting paper authored by COO.ncllman ·Willlaip L. St. Clair.,.Js nit)Iy to enliven tonight's ~ Jcnmcu m.etlrig. • . . • . .The nearly five-p,age doc~nt brought up·, two weeka •ago b11t .forestalled by ' fellow' councilmen is ·the second · matter und~r: old business on th~ 6:30 segme,nt ,Qf the agetl!!a. ·; · · Councilman St. Clair ·is expected· to re~~~ hi~ harshly. critic~! ~un.ter·reporl • . ire ~itade to ~spark .CounCjl ·-: tjr~r . ' · on-,the Grilfenhagen-J<roei~r Inc.! '!!port · wlilch ~nlll'Jiow to fill llie long- v&tant city treasurership. TheJur.may Dy after the, initial recita- tion .• ,. J'>.• ., •• ~ •• Ranglng · a£ .... times 1'r afield of i the fieasur.er'i roli in ~~jf~paliovernment, St. Clair's long report srupes, at some city department heads, their selection and metbqd ofAtralnhig.<, , ~ • • -.,~ Ranking city emptO)'es are hopefully not tOo senSitive, sinCe Uiere:is literallY~ something fo·r everyone in Councilman St. Clair's bag, which 111 heavily welght'ed · with more trick!! than treal..'I. • • ·Coples of the n!port from St. Clair Were distributed to fellow cooncilmen and the press at the OcLfi20 t'OUDcil meeijng; but no-di&cusaioft or readfng occ¥JTed. , Vice Mayor R!)bert M. Wi1J9n o~ry~ that he needed,time to read and evaluate St. Clair's position, al~gh it seems doubtful the three majority memben .of the.cQtlflcil. WUI hav,e. much praise for it ~night.~'·.'-. ~ .. Councilinart George A. Tucker sided with St. Clair in .recent rnoriths on the ~e.s. ro s --1 i • • • • t1uestiOD'of aelecting·a treallll'er who wilt tl)e conaulUni firtn. .,...... . · : Mr. ~es did 'in his t~.Ye&J At'tRtu.ar.r. be more than a figurthead serving at ' 0esp1te· apPUcaUon by· five men, one_ of · Many 'of the ~matters on. tortlllft',.,City $100. per month. ; whom has stnce dropped·"'«it of1ll\e con-· CoWlqll 11genda 1re· carried ov'er1 friNit Both presaed .together 'for a· study on .. tenUon, ·Q9 one has been· 1ppdin\ed:to last week's Plamtllig Co-mmis'l,i'iln 'vhat . the. Jpb. iJ\v,qly~$ , and ,41Qe Grif· , replace tQeJate W .. C. "Cy"· Riel,· who meeting, which was a quite 1al\ort, rouUne fenhagen-Ktoeger rt4>Qr1 · is· about 190 died last.llPflnc-•. 1 • , . session. . . • _ , - degrees GppOS!te wh1t":they bad hoped it '·Mr: RJes was well .li~ed· ·arnonr Res~tJ,of nop~m Collta,MeA might say. . members·ot the city aliff ·and went abOUt are llkeij .t0; tum out fcr,a public ,llUrinf Ess'°tially, the $1,000 report compiled : · his zo.boun: per· month job·wjth· the QUJe\ on eatablishing specific plans for streets by· the firm says the lfend in ~aliloC'Jlia efficiency·oC a. ve~~ -O«nk ei~uti:ve. · to be devel~ ill that ne~bor~~ government, ls toward eijmtnat1on of the .After his death during cardiac 1Urgery, Tbe: 1arei ln ... queationi. is .bouDdtd by traditional treasurer's posjtfon. • · city offici11s were faceij ,witll the reali;a· · Ba~ir. st.~Clair and Bristo( Streit. and His. work can_ be .and Is, o[ten dope . by ti on that while they muSt , piclt a sue-lieS west of the proposed corona deJ Mar the city ·Finance · Direct.or, acc<1rdina: to cessor, they' didn't really know j~ wl)at Freeway route. ' ' . ' . . . ' ' ~e-san s . ·o· m· ·e .. 1 !: ' ! . \ ' ' . ' ' ~ •1 . . ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ..... '. ....... ..,_. ' ; ' .. , ..... . , ., .. Bttck Victim ' .~ ' ' ' ' -. •Loses AD: · ·Bar i(t )lapli~·'.:·:: _ P~eacker Tra(lell six:sTiOOte r f orli~b~ • \ ' -j .. • •• . ' . By JANICE BERMAN of llM Dlllr , .... StMt Possessions . . "I. med .to own ilie meanest, rottenest bar il1 ·au Of, M9'Jlphia, ''",said1 the 9a-jear~ , 7 ". '' ' ' ' ·F.IREMEN BURST fNTO BURNl~G-BUNc;AL!>W· T.O SAVE; OCCUPANT'S ORTHOPEDIC BED . ... ' . • old prepc.het. 1 .. By !R,~: ~i.t ~SEL , ·~·I'll ~11 you how bad il.W:~· I hld«o. ., walk arOund with two six-&hooten_ atra_p. ' Flames fed-by a-torch-~, melted gas pei:I to iny belt and carrying a shotgun." Jine roarid tbroUgb a disable<{ worker's "But then I saw how bid it was. And a Costa Mesa home-Saturday, destroying man came• in who w1nt,ed · tO buy it. 1 all .~PY ~euept fpr~ vie-said, 'Do you think you can handle it?' He , -~Iii•~ oothcipedic ·bed, aaid he ceulct.So I hwlg my iprilo•srnund ' ~ • hil oeok .aod .walked. oul. I gaVO> it .to Damage to the home occupied by the him." Dan ~ck fa~lly .at ~y.a Sanla ~ Bu( that was f 1"1J: ~ ..... jOc{ty, '~-i'COIDblned with penooal'llllonglngs, Bill "Daddy." Cleve!Dd·, Who>jull'hed'a tnf;aled more than $6.000, accqrdin& t~ . birthd81. anawen the ~ tty ~ Fir~PM!m.ent~ve~g~tors. _,._, _~-is my-abepherd.,._t · s..fi .no( -· "It'• aJniost a• total lou, "·l&ld Battalion -w~· -.. • , • < • .q,l'if Bob:~~ Ozi>~ U..t • ten, on the other end ol lll<'Iiiif . chlltt playing with match<$ evidently trig-' . '°"' wlio wants cteve!Ond ~ . 1e~ tlie disastrous IO:~IS a.m. fite .. · priJ .. ,. him. · . " '' · • It·was. spread-violently When a five-He cills lit a miniStry 'of coMWtation · ,eigb~.h;h.&JS-llne toithe kl~en ~ve__and,J,ealing: , • ' - . me!~and-We-had-manYB'IVi\Br1~ "I'm ·JUSt' a vessel in Go;d'1 ha¢8," ~e , Th<rn\•1 Units) . of glls pouting .out, aal!h,diaclalming·any ct.di\ tor '""1<lnl :Chief Beau~hamir explained,. 1 miricles. . · . No ione was injured ·in 1 the nre which ~"A WttOle ·lOt of the.st: J>ffachere .today : 1 dev:astat_ed thf! ~dick home_, but that is wei'e onCe bad boys," Cleve~ aaid, about all the famllY can be thankful f~r reCalttng his•years as Saloonkttpet; todiy .. on the eve of R;~'s own · -!lfter he left Tenne88ee· he rot tn;med h~talizaUo.n. ~ · and moved to T6:as, w~ be became) a He·,suffers from an-injur.ed back and is · C'hriilian. "I -was dumbfounde(I at'. the tentatively scheduled for s u r.g e r:y chingc in my life," he uid of hill COO· Wednesday at JUverview Hospital, Santa . version. 1 .Ana, after whibh he faces a Jong con· He came to Costa Mesa in 1927, when valesceoce. . · ·he . bou1bt five acret on Monte Vista , · , . Costa•,Mese F•tnl¥ "-Offf.·l'tOtJ1 .. Jll lDiJ~b!,ecl, Dtdl.F'.¥•1 B•c,k S"rsi•ry ., -. :;r ~.-.i [ . ' '. . ·:. The family . has been living on Drive. ''I've built IIS bowlea• befe!" be ·wotkmeit's Cori:il*)iation and oth'er ,such uid. '. . ' · funds connected , irit.h Reddiek's job· In 1937, he set up a Baptist meetmg .,1 ,,. ·.1 1·.~~-- . s1'1i.~.M'.(Kit;~;~t'ms-' ., 1 R,u1,~ .PNHh~r,c1, ..... ~ ' Apologetic . Pair Cushion Impact · Of Mesa Robbery A Costa Mesa liquor store · clerk wig· gled free of his bonds earty· tOOay and called police to report a $328 holdup by a pair of. apologetic bandits who fixed a pillow for him before they fled. AIJen E. .Lentz, employed at ·Sfr Charles' Liquors,, 2981 Bristol St .. was not Jnjured in the robbery _whi_cb occurred just aboul midpight Sunday. -/ Investigators said the y o u n g serviceman from the Santa Ana Marine · Corps Air Station was held uP with an undetennined caliber pistol after the pair entered the liquor store. ' Capt.:Bob Green, head of the detective bureau, said'Lentz neither saw nor heard any getaway car and finally telephoned at 12:%5·).m. to report the holdup. nit mtn apologized before leaVing - 8aid they1 hoped Lentz wouldn't get i[\ trouble himself -and folded his jacket under his head so he would remaln coin~ fort.able 'wh.ile waiUng to be freed. The bandits were estimated to be 23 to 26 yearS-old, end-one had Jong sJdet>ut'iiS, the victln} told pol~ • • , Marine Killed ..,.., In, Auto . W xeck A young Marine who survived nearly 1 two years of combat duty in Vietnam • died Saturday in a traffic acicdent near his Anaheim home just three weeks after his return. CaUfomia Highway Patrolmen said Steven• W. Boyle, 20, was traveling west~ bound on the Canyon Road between Royal oak Drive and Ctacent Drive when his car failed to negotiate a curve and smashed Into a tree. Halloween Not All Treut; 6 Jailed in Mesa on Drugs Not everyone . who came knocking at the door Halloween night '!¥ looking for candy, as COO.a Men law.men jailed six • perstms, seizing assorted drug pills, opium, LSD and marijuana in separate criminal cases. • ~. Detectivs visiting an apartment at 302 · victoria\ St., said they overl)e'ard drugs beliii ' discussed u they approached, merely seeking to question 90llleolle. • They were admitted to the residence and arrested Edward T. McCue, 20 of 134 W. Wilson St., Costa Mea, Gilbert M ...... Valdivia, 18,•of Kamias City; Mo., and a IS..year-old Glendale girl. They were booked on charges of possession of dangerous drugs and mari· juanar after ('.osta Mesa vlCe 'Ind in~ telligeni::e detective Norm Kutch ahd Newp6rt Beach narcotics officer Al' Ei>" stein made the arrests: Kutcti said 18 barbltur:ate pills and 30 other capsules of undetermined substance were contained ·in a jewelry box whtch the teenaied girl·closed upon their ar- rival. his ailing dog. Police· said neither could produce evidence of ownership for the old car. A juvenile boy was also arrested and Jodg..-'d at Orailge County Juvenilt Hall on H8Uoween night after be wu caught with a bag of marijuana at Costa Mesa High School. Officer Phil Qonohue and~Policewoman Ila Dallas-on specl1l Halloween .night duty -smelled 'burnipg mafiju1na·wben they stoppjXI. to questiop a group of youngsters. The owner was determined to be lhe If>. year-old. who claimed he bought the pot from a stranger for $7 during motorcycle races at the Orange County FairgroUnds that ·night. · Return to Scene Puts Boy in_ Jail Authorities said Valdivia snatched the A 15-year-old c:Oata Mesa bOy who ap- key away from Detective Kutch during parenUy couldn't rtslst returning to the the impromptu raid and tried to swallow scene of the crime la in Juvmlle Hall to. it as a means of keepina.lhe }N'el box · day awaiting court action on car thift contents ~t, b)Jtl"u 'un~uJ. charges. Two ; otMr Colta Mesana were ar· He eluded police Sunday night after I related -injury, accOnllng . to neighbors (See PREACHER, P.,. I) · . , r ~ ~· (See MESA 'FIREJ P.ige4) ' . Harbor 'FrusteesMnst Fix'. : ' -. ' ' . : 0 .verrideAmoun-tTIJesday By THOMAS FORTUNE Of 1111 0111t l'lltt St• Newport-Mesa school trustees will.have to come to a final decision on \he amount of the Feb.-10 override ta1 election. whtn they meet Tuetday night. -. How much tile sch9o1·district fteeda and lloW much trustee• a:hould ask from voters has been the subject OI several special school board IneeUnp in recent . weeks. -- Now.the'.deadllne for telling the county 1Chool11 office the amount that will be asked in the election Is at hand. Newport-Mesa school • adminlJtrators . have come up with a llat ol school diltrict needs that would require an 80 cent or more school tax lncreas,. B oar' d members hi've talked around the amount, some of them wonderinc If taxpayers would go for that much increase. · The preseilt Ne-:port-Meaa Unified tax rate is $4.U for residentl Of Coita Mesa and ff.25 (or~sldenll of Newport ~p. the difference at\ribujahj• to. achoo! bo(ld . indebtedness voted: In each comDJ\Ulhy ' ' without an over?ide' lt faces .• $1.:l mllUOn bud.et deficit 'rtert year. · ' Reasons cited by school officiils far.the tar increase include: ._ • -1.oss·o1 1ncome c1ue to th• ul'liu Newport Bay.-<lil dlspute betwiim the counfy r 1s1e1M1r., and BOard ·of Supervisors~-. 1 , • , : · \ 1 1 -Denalejd f'5eryes. due to a . •· 1ession-perrteacher kindetgarten. Pr°" IS.. TBIJSTEES, ~ ... ll l . -. ' ' ' 0r ... , • '' ' , WeaJJter I t:eu&1 I · If· you1ve' "mid" the sUn · tMte past few motnlnp, there's a good reuon -that pea ao<ip which wHl j be back-along the,cout on Tuea- day, akldding 1the mercury to t5 and back to !I-Inland. · prior to unlficaUon. • • . INSIDE TOQA. '\' 1 School board .ttJemJ:>ers. all ·hl~e con-· \ I rested Sunday afternoon .at· Ne"?,'11. lligh·speed chase through ~anta Ana . Boulevard . 811(1.)'!Y-S!r#Lalltr-Oflicec --whi<h-ended-whoo-&-j>UtlWlll-CJl!":U..-~ Denp.is· Sterns stopped them for a check ranimed his cruller into the back of tbe · ceded because of an accun)UJaition of flC· fntrepid John Dane and Jl~w- !.-_ \,tora,...they~.are, goin&. tQ....haY.t,·to..ast~lor~-.:: .. ltJs_.miH11g.!.cre.ULtr.'om .• ~i. proportionately ~e ll)an•1 1imple cost Utrivtr.rity modt clean iwftp_ o/i of their battered auto. boy'a car -allegedly stolen. by the yduth Tbomu P. Nichols, 28, a.nd Louie . G. from a Santa A.na pa~kin. lot. Moreno, 19, both of 2179 Fairview ROad, The young driver leaped out of. tbe car were booked on cbaraes of poosession of and outran pfficers in a foot chase dangerous drugs and cr•nd: theft of an through a nearby realdenUal atea. One auto. officer commented: "The kid w1s like ' DAil Y 'ILOT 11-'t '""' Queen ol E•gle• . Officer SteM11 lllCI his folloW11p oflicer. a young gazelle, leaping backyard ·tellQ!s · Patrolman Bill Bechtel, aald Nicholl hed and dodging lbrough -"'K' that were • 1'unP oC what appreand to be opium impossible. fer us ." 4 • • hidden In . 1111 stocking, while Moreno Th• grateful ollictrs mad• good tbeir an.,.dly l(ied lo throw .JYJIY 11 plUs. chaae ~-haU l1our l!tor wlN!!I the boy. Mormo, whole nittname 11 "Joker/' minus shirt and shoes. returned to watch of liv.ing 'Increase in the live to aeven per· DougJaa Cup collegiate sailia.g cent ran1.e. · matche!, btdting' oue defend"'° Truste<rnonald Strauaa •Id he thought c"4mpion ·USC. Paa• 22. · th• board should not go higher than 10 percent. with tts proposed increase. Selim "IJ,ud" Franklin suggetted tomethlog in · between that and the fuU ·amot1nt Ole school adminiltration bas indicated. " But Board Presld!nt Mn. Marian • '.Berge1011 his argu«I apinst 11pick~~· num"" Qllt of a. hat . becauae. ti b ea• pedlent to 1ell.11 • ....... -I Nelittlllt ~ .. I or-(....., ' Ml ,, .... ,.,. .. =: ....... llf T...__~ 'tt -.,, =-.~ .........-::.. .. r,, -1 I I Officers said Boyle wls trapped in tht wr~ctage and was p~nounced dead at ~ --1•c~ICtM'. told authorities the pl111-In a Baysbore firemen hoslna ~ the area of tht An~ Hospttal·bor-wuni;iedicinc·f rash scene; Jtr11tlii 51.evena reigned ovec Estancia High School home- coming events S..tur.day. She managed to amile despite Eagles' 6-0 football' loss to Fountain Valley Barons. See story~p•f!.• 25, • Sl\e aaid th• aohool d~trict'o fimlncifl -cond!Uon-..n-eily iitlcal.;:.and-t::;==========;J-- l • • •• " ,• ~. Ne••mb•r ). 1'69 • :__TV Address..1J1onlfll--· - . ' . N·ixon~s .:. S . ·--~ .. -~ ..... ..-.-.---· OK'd .. -in ·sai on . . . " ' g .. . . . ~ . . -. . ' . . . ' ' WABHJN'.GTON (AP) ~ Pmldtt1l Nix· -' . 00'1 Vietnam policy 81)eeeb won.advapc:& , __ alJl<>ni the . Sallon go~'"""'°~ Ille Whl1e Houle .. td toc11y. Dllcmalns the Nb!On 1111<, to be broad· cut u .. !'tom .bil 01'11 o(fice by television .m · radio ne:tworts at &:30 ,p.m. PST, pras aecretary Ronald L. Ziegler nid: Zloaltr reported it.lo Jhal Nix"' bad arranged· for ~me ·coosuJtaUon on the addr._ with ,Jea.~rs ·of Co~ ~ _ other cOvernments .allied with the United Slalu Iii the Vietnam war. • "We have had f~ and comp}et.e con- wltadan •lth'the covernment of Vletna~ an 'the Pruldent11 speech .•• They are in qreement with It.I cont<nt.s." Auditor Lavs " .Theft Blame . On St John ·By TOM B~RLEY Oii ""' Dtlb' ''"' SMff Oran&• C<lunly Auditor Vic Heim todly lald the blame for a $17,000 em- beEJlemenl In the eouniJ ~k'a Olfloo diric:tly on the zhouldtts of'" lb ad· ' . Howfver, the Ch1et es:~ive did not ae\ up a peraonal briefing ses,,ion with CQflgress . chi~s in advance of his t1Je:vision·radio appearance. While · the White House condnu.9d to k~ :l'!'lwn on lhe contenta of Nixon's text, there wu considerable .speculation the chief execuUve would announce some move toward accelerated withdrawals of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. In Salgorl, however, Vice Preaide:nt N(UYen Cao Ky wu l!uoted during the weekend as saylllg the a(lifress conlained "hothing"ne'I!'." In Waahio,ton, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana remarked that "great hopes apd ex· pectatlons are riding on this speech." Zie1fer described the 8ddress as a peraonal Nixon undertaklng from start to finlah. . . Speechwriters. were not emjiloyed jn the usual .sense, he said, and the text was •\totally the President's product" more than any ot.her in fecent months. · l ltAIN INJURY l'ATAL Mark Naylon, IS Hites Conducted For MarkNaylon , Ediso1 t Gridder ' Funerai servjces were held this morn· Jna: for Mar~ Naylon, '15-yW-<>ld Edison Hip School lunlor varsity !"'!ball player who died Friday. ounts ROME (UPI) -An Italian proteCUtor_ new clwJts, wblch_ lnelude lcJdnlt>Uii, 111d· • 1odl1 pllJ!I hlJ1cker Ral£"1e pr!vat• vWtenco aplnlt t11e c,..,. ol t1ie · eel I ~., Trw World AirUnOI Jttllnu he biJockad Minichiello would be trl Jn 11'. Y """' • and vi01enee qainst a public oUtclal. facing proecuUon in the United States. Maxltnwn itntences on tbe-ejpt Three.tnorechargeswere·fUed a1atnt"th1 <'hargea~ lft.d \CP to 31 yean: amt six young American marine. months, but under. IWi1n llw Uit moet The ntw charges brought to e:i&ht'the _!,im._e a ~IOD can _MrYein prison short ol number of chat1ea Mlnichiello faces life lmprlloiiment 11 30 fears. • •• here. II convicted oo all of them he could MlnlchJello, who b!Jaoked the p~ In spend as Jone aa 30 years In ItaU1n Cllif~ lut l'riQJ and forced ~ pilot prisons before American authorities to Oy Jt t~ Rome, f~ a ~Ible Cleath could lay a h~d on him. sentence in the United States on 1 bJ. As.sistant Prosecutor Piiassirno Carli jacking char1e. called on Minichiell~ at Rome'a Queen cf "I am aure he will be tried first.in Jta* Heaven Jail tonl&ht to inform him ol the ly," Carll llld. "No doclbl about I~ Air Cal Plans to App.eal Route Recommen.dation -By JEROME F. COLLINS OI' Ill• Ollly ""'' l llft A Civil Aeronautics Board examiner has recommended that C o n t i n e n t a 1 Airlines be allowed to use Orange County Airport for flights to the Pacific Northwest. Air Cal and Air West were the only two _tmaller carriers seeking the award . Park also recommended that Air Wtst be granted an award for tbe flldtb to Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., but only out of Los Angeles International Airport. Hov.·ever, that fl my Personal opinion on· ly" CitrU also sakl 'Mlnlchlello'a elderly lather, "'1o lives In SOCUhtfn Italy .. would evt'!lullly be 1U9wed to see his son. Carli cbllrgecf. Mliilchielio Sunday with five other crimes, Including anothe r cuaDt ·of ki<hlaping, private .. vlOlence, brtn&ini WUpo!ll ot--war into, JtalYt piM--rn(lhtm Illegally and car?)'ln& t1lem il!qally. . • Prison sources described Mbdchlello In good splrits and said he was to undergo psydllatric tests during the week. He was allowed no visi!Drs, not even his father, Ill, who drove up from 'aplt.!. Mesa Restaurant, Harbor Bo ys Club Treat Retarded Hawaiians are .,noted for their warm. generous hurnanltf. George Kahollua, manaaer of the A&fN Restaurant, 2855 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, is a typic~ Hawaijln. He and bis wife Beverly -whose 17· month-old son is a bit too young to ap- preciate Halloween -wanted · to do son1ething to brir1g joy into the lives or ministrator -County Clerk William E. SI John. Ziegler said Nixon h_ad "11ructured it, developed it, written ·u on his own." 11le . youth coll.ipsed Oct. 11 after a fOotball game and remained in a coma for two wee.ks befor.e he succumbed at Huntington Intercomrnunity Hospital. Air California, which also aought the aw:ird. isn't happy about the recom· mendation. Neither is the City of Newport Beach, which wants no airline to fly tbe route·. Air Cal executive Frederick Davis said that Park's decision against the county- based liiie was a disappointment, but came as no great surprise. Davis, Air Cal's economic planning manager, said he believes his line was lelt out of the picture because it is not yet certlflc&t>d for 1n1er .. i.te oervlco by the CAB. An appllclllon for tbllt c<rlifleatioi\ la now pending be!ore the lederal qaecy. other! last week. . / They thought of giving a party for gifi.d children taught by a H1w1iian friend, but transport.ltion from prlvlte homes in 0rlOI' County poaed too great I problem. Heim l'ft· the closing stages of 210. au~lt ·that has pegged Ricl>ard Winten Bur~•'• a11tgtd embezzlement as "someWhere ,,.., 111,000" to ·i.u tlle DAJLY'Pllf.I' that 11'.Si Jobn •bad followed the coiiDIY auditor's advice, the· banking JoophOle .' alltpliy exploited by the '"Marine : ml&ht wtiI hove . been plUgged ... St John, reported by his secretary Fri· '.day tq be "out ~f town" was "away from . bis deak" throughout tile morning. ; He did nol<rt1P!)ild to\aeveral telephone ' ,meaqu. , fftlau Nld biJ staff made "15 or, 16" . l'tCGl!UIHDdl.ticm to•St·Jobn a year ago when the county clerk's financlal pro- cedum -IDcludllli the bapJdni ar- nncem.enta over which Burke had ~subltanUal ccmtrol -were Uveyed: , "One of thole suggestions 1peclfka1ly relemd to the area whlc~ Burk• 11ltged· 1.\)J • aplolied to milk tbit count)', ol more -~ . . tUa tz7;800," he Mid. . "I 11111 ncit ~-b~. Sij elh!> but l · ~m u)'int : tblt ~1!-.~ly \r-...eiita would : ~"'"' . · Od .,..... . " ., .•. ,Jaithfllll)' wry out the ,_,,,..ullons ;of IJl7 olllce, the -oi =· .hcaltmellt, would, at -~ be con-~'Dll'Towed-down: .. .............,. . - . Wb,lle Reim wu taltlng, Burke, 27, or """2U72 P1pag1yc,-l>rive, Miu.Ion Viejo was .being 11anled a continuance in Saitta Ana Municipal Court ol !JU .arralgruiient on lfllld theft cbllrgtt. Judp Pau1 Mut cmtinued Burke's bail t0t1 b!s own recognizance and ordered St John's former aide to return to court .Nov. 13. ~ It b alleged that Burke forged blnking returns during the two years of his COUn· ty employment to the total of more than $27,000. The '200 1hortage that led to Burke's alleged confession of his em· beu.Jement was apoltb:I by an Orange County Grand Jury auditor. St John'~ lnltipl reaction to the charge~ "'as to point out that be had r:epeatedly advised the county auditor of deficieocles Jn the auditing of his department records. St John at that time defended his o.wn office's supervWon of fmancial practices ;as being fully in keeping wHh recognized counly standards. "He must have been aware at that time of tht rtCOmme.ndations we made about a ·financial operation that included the banking division," ·Heim said toda y. "I was extremely disturbed by St J ohn's .comment.s at that fune and I feel that ·thJs la an opportunity to put the record ltr1ii;ht." !•f'dl T PllOT OUJHJI C0it.-'l' Ptll l f&MINO COM'°All'I l•ffrt N.W•H .. ,...., _, ~..,..,., J., ••. e.1.., vi. ""*~ ... Ocftlr•! ~ Tlt11111t ktl'lll .. ,., 1\1111•1 A. M1r11>iilftt --c---))0 Wi st ..... StrHf Mtllf .. ,....._,P.O. 111 ll60, t2•26 --......,. ..... ttllW•I ............ L.,,,o -·---I m ,_, A-"' .... : .......... The President returned to · the ·White lloU5e Monday afternoon after a Jong weekend stay a:tCamp David, Md., where he put ·.the finishing touches' ori bis manuscript. · I • Working with hlin · there were Dr. l<tNY IJ. Kissinger, taalatlnUor national M!curity affairs, and ''Brig. Gen. ·Alex· ander-Haig,.Kllsillger'• de(ivly. t. .Plaas .for the ~·"'had betn an- nour.ced just prior to the Oct: 15 Vietnam Moratorium. That's~ more than the normal span for advance. word on a presidential talk to the nation, Doctors said he had suffered a subdural bematoma, 0< Internal bleeding of the brain area . Mass was held · this morning at· SL Simon and Jude Catholic Church, 'llun· t.µ1gton Beach, wi!:h interment ~ Good Shepherd Cemetety. Services were uader diredio·n of Smith&' Mortuary. . The youth is survived by his parents. foofr. and Mrs. William Naylon, · 10012 Meredith Drive, Huntington Beach ; brothers Dennis1 of Chicago, and Patr.lck of the famlly hcime and three sisters. Yvonne,' Kathy and Dorina, of the family -home. Air Cal spoktsmae · lllld . today th• reeommendaUon of eumlnet Robert L. Park will be apPealed II a bearln& before the l\Jll CAB. Park's concluslonl, oonlalned In • IG- page documiiil~...,. baled OO"i.stimmy given at a ~ a:~'• bear1n& in Waabington, D.C., lut March. Continental was one «>f five airlines bid· ding for the Paclflc Northwest aervJee from the Los Angeles area. lt was the only major naUonal line to Include Orange County Airport in ita ap- plicaUon. "Reading bel'f!t<n the lines of part'• report," ~ Davis, "I get the izn.. preuion that! be would have cbole:o us if we hid been certlflclted, but be ~dn 't. He cited-Conllnent.al's proposed low fares and ita Jnnovatlonl in aervice. Our pro- posed farei are even tower and we've had more innovatlon11 than any other carrier in the put 2:0 to 30 years." So. lmttad of gift.d -. they figund tt would do the. trick lo treat another kind of aceptional child, men- tally retarded "younpi.n from nearby Fairview State Hospital. The A&W Root Beer restaurant staff pitched in to help, closed up the gayly decorated establishment at" p.m., Friday and served hamburgens, hotdOgs 4nd other goodies to 50 patients. The delivery date was fixed for election eve-and came just' two days after the first anniversary o( former President Lyndon B. Johnson's action to halt all American. ~b.lng of North Vietnam. Fr-Page l '"Employ Minority Workers' Mrs. Toni Tucker, assistant supervisor of rehabilitation services, waa in- strumental in helping to arrange the ex- cursion,. but transportation was atlli a problem. "So tbe Boys Club of the Harbor Area came . to our re.cue," says Kahoilua, "lhey provided bus ud driver. to bus the youngsters to and from ~ party. It was 1 team effort all around." PREACHER. • • Mesa Man u fac tures Tolil Disadvantaged Need Jobs :place called· the NelgliborhOQd ·Church, lt'.1llt ·corner i>f • WiilOn : stre<t and Newport Boutovard. . .: He'fbo bQl1t twa cl1Urchea:1n MontO~a. «>ne in Ramona and one in Oregon;;.: ~ " Today. be .lives . alont, l>ul: harrltjltOps ,..Y. His fiobby .;, pain Ung, ~ ,.,...,., of hl5 late.wile, bis daug!Jter, J911ua a~ Billy Graham are lined up over ,hla' IOfa and in·his Picture window. -_..---,-. He does his own . cooking, . gettjng around with 'the aid of a walker, becauJe bis ankles 8.re weak. · · _·: . His specialties are chile CQn Cl!J;le :and beef roast "You take a piece of beef, a carrot and so~e polatoes, put Jt in an aJuminum J>ag, and let it cook in a low oven. It's really good." And be bas many visiton -former members «>f his church, and chllditn from the Harbor Trinity Baptist Churcl'I. "Fifteen· girls came and did the entire place over from one end to Ult «1ther ," he sald. "[ don't get to church. veey often now, but I went and six girls came over and sat with me," he smiled. "It's wonderful to have friends . You know how to get friend s? You be a friend." . He like s it at 192514 Anaheim St. For a while, after a bout with Asian nu. be was in a rest hohle. · · "From the outs ide, il really looks nice. You lhink , what a wonderful place for old . people. I "'as in there eigh~ months, arid Jl .was terrible. The peoplt"there look old anti live old. They "'ere around 80 and 85. Here I was around 90 years old and there was nobody there I could talk to." From Page 1 MESA FIRE . • • -who have fortunates. pitched In to help the un· "We'\•e all goUen clothes together for lhe m, but mostly they still need some for Dan and Burma :" said Mra. Grace Hoscoe. of 2432 Santa Ana Ave., four houses from the burned home . "I'm still in a state of shock myself,'' said l.frs. Hoscoe,· "Their relrigerator Just melted." Firemen arriving on the scene round the Reddick home a literal inferno from the gas-~ed kitchen portion. but ruShed in and salvaged the workman 'l'i badly netded, $150 orthopedic bed . ~lrs. HOscoe said In addlUon 1o 'adult clothing, the ;Reddicks :Will need lin.e~s and other bou.Sehold goods. as well as an . lnexpeMive plice to stay during hil coo- vale5Cencf1. The Reddick lamlly Includes Biiiy, 10; Barbafa, t and Danny. 4, aocordlna: lo Jl.t'rs. lloscoe. who said one neJght>or will provide sbelter for them tonight. Anyone wishing to donste or loan clothing and household &OOds to help the trouble·plagued ramlly may drop it off al ?.f:-1. Hoscoe'a garage. "1'11 e\.'en go pick it up," she 11\d. l.trs. Hosooe sald the unerpected Joss has cau'$Cd Reddick to consider delaying 't}'.our .a~tiqn or lnacUon may 1'eep th.e smell of srnoh· oul of Orange County," a .f9"1Jer pr~i~n~~f..th~.c,Ountr's_ :;auonal Assoc:lation'. for . the .· Advancement of :C.1~·-POopi•. 0 (NAAcPl tDld hii au· dtence of COila Mesa manufacturers. Everett Winters, personal relations specialist -for PbllcO.Ford Aeronutronic, Newpot;l '~icb, ·spoke before th_e in· duStrlai cOinmittee .' of ·the Costa Mesa Chamber of ·Commerce .Friday on the employment of minority groups and the disadfantai:ed. · 11le two· areas are not necessarily Synonymous, \Yintets noted. He said that 81'.1 pe'rcent of "the di.sadvantaged" are white. Winters said that eacti group of per50ns neediilg employment -while, Mexican· American. Negro, Indian -has its own set of problems. For the Mexican-American. it's trouble . handling the English language, while for .the Negro, It's a difficulty with the st.an· dard English · expected by mo s t employers. The problem of the Indian is often loneliness brought about by leaving the restrvations, Winters said. OPPORTVN111ES The problems of the unemployed and underemployed, Winter• said, are in· scribed in a circle. Opportunities require skllls and educaUon whlch are bought with money, which creates opportunities. Wintera uid that prograJDJ of in- dustrial trafuina and public educaUon could help alleviate the problems. He urged lhlt coonly public achools · dtvtl•• ~atlonar programs in line with the requirement& of modern industry. Winten aaid tba~ one all-black school in Registration Set For Play School Registration will be held Tuesday for a coOperallve tlny tot play program for lhildun ages two and one-hall to five . Sponsortd by the Costa Mesa Recrea· tirin ·Department; the-ten-week session at Heller .Park, 257 E. 16th St., will begin Wedni!Sday. .Mothers will· play an ·Jmportant role in the ilCtlvlUes, as each mother must spend ~t' least two hours each week supervising the youna:stera in cames, sing\ng, crafts anct fJ<e play. tbe play 11thool will be held from 1:30 a.m. to 11 :30 1.m. MOndJY Uuwgb Fri· clay. . . Regl!lr1Uon will be held In HeUer ParW Tuesday from-• a.m. to noon. Mothtl'I mmt personally rcgtster their children. Fee for the ten-week seuion fs 9$.00, afld the l""P wUI be llmlt.d to the llnt 30 mothers v.·ho regtster their chlldren. Ex-Beret Improved his badly needed corrective back surgtl')', P~RTH AMBOY. N.J. (lJPO -For but friends are uratnc h1rn to 10 ahead the tlrst tlm• since he was hospitaltied with it. arter 1 head-on 1utomobile 1ccldent more He wu to enter the h01pltal Tuesday.· than a "'ffk ago, former Crecn .Bertt '"!"Inga look pretcy dark IOC' them Capt. Robert F. Maras«> has been now," lhe said, •!but-they havt-to So on. 11.._ reporte<!i mprmd at a-hospital here;- Sanla Ana bas '62. students In •. !.'basic curriculum," witli no unUorm tub or prescribed study materials at .u1 ind no formal course ·of ~ vocatklnll , 1'1inlic. Many o1 o,.,. s!Uaecit. · Will" c1rop: ciUt before ihey· graduate lrbin lillb 'acbooli hO said. : · 01 the studtntS that graduote, lO ·pe,. cent wlll have ~ achievement levell of tenth-a:ratlen, be claln\e4. "You gentlemen are Jn a position to do something about these Problems," he said. He urged "bJrina:, training and Te- tainlng" of diudvantqed and mloority workera. Such fll'Olll'aml shOuld not be "j...t tokenism or a sesture «>f IOOdwill," he said. "The youngster may know tie's there just for sbow. The training has to be real.'' FUNDED BY INDUSTRY lfe said that sUcb persons hired by in· duslry may require academic as well as job training. Courses in reading, writing and oral skills can be funded by industry through contracts with the federal government, \Yinters said. In Orange County, the National All iance of Businessmen (NAB), through JOBS (Job Opportunities in the Business Sector) to date has foUnd 1600 pennanent positions available for members of minority groups and the disadvantage_d. But' at leaal 7;000 county mldents are tltiible I« iudl Jobi. Wintora ll1d, and another 1,000 perlOOI, be tJ!lm""""'""1 beellatble. -· -·J·4'~ _ _,. Olartmd by Pmident Jobnacm In 1968, NAB is a combinalioa of private enttrprue and !he pvemment to find employmaet for the barckort. unem· . ployed. JIAB'1 goat ii to find jobs In prlvai. In· dustry for 814,000 men ind women by Ju.,. ly 1, 1971 and to find productive summer jobs for neeclY youth. KEY POSITION NAB, said Wintera, emphasizes the ruper:visor on the job ·~ the key min. Hla role ts to prepare his COWCl"lr.ers for the new employe by explslning the com- pany's objectives in hiring a rrieniber of the hard.core unemployed and by assur- ing the employes that the new man or woman will not threaten their jobs. In addition, the supervisor is urged to let h!s new worker know what 1s expected of him, and to act as a buffer against negative words and attitudes the new 1vorker may come up agalnst. Winters urged the representatives of inc!ustry gathered at Friday's meeting to "draw up an pftirmative action plan to assure the minQrity groups and the dlsad· vantaged that they are part of the great American dream.'' And not only that, evecybody on the team ii a real ~er. .. • ' "' . .. . -' From Page l TRUSTE~S ... gram ~ Legislature indicated It would fund then dld not. . -. Coot ol llvin& Increase compounded by increaied "teacher lobbying for higher , salaries. -Failure for ·several years to keep up Yrith maintenance and e q u I p m en t replacement. -Postponement since wi.ification-of In· atructional equipment purchase so all elementary schools will have the same. The board meeting al which the tax override amount will be decided will be 1t 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Lyceum at Costa ~fesa High School, 2650 Fairview Road. Nix on Can't Ballot WASHINGTON (UP!) -President Nixon is nOt eligible to vole In the New York mayoralty elections Tuesday. Presldentiil Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the chief executive no longer is a resident of New York . School For Skeptics Unusual for any k-ind of a store. \Ve \VELCOME hard-headed men. Those w~o trus~ their own eyes and rely on their O\vn judgement. The onlr criterion in our store is 'vhat you see in our mirror. J you don't see yourself looking better in our mirror, we start over again. The headmaster of our school for skeptics is oiu-master fitter, 'Nelsoo de Souza Avila. Nelson is an old-world craftsman, the kind you rarely find anymore, and he won't let you have your suit until you're l}OTH happy with It. You will be, too. Come in.today and make us prove it. . -J~£k1Ji4~11 3467 Via Lido at N•wport BouleVird, Newport Beach Open Friday evenlnss until 9 p.m . ' • ( ' t ( ~ Sy! Yo1 Tue A Vol coo the ten D S: l plE an J he; re1 sir Bu le la Ol •• C< yt "' w Jo I~ ta rr p! pc ol ti te de n N II g ., d. ti Ir 11 • I? I F k " • I ---. I Victory Hug ----... -..... -... -----.....-~ ~ --.. - --. ------·--~------~-~~~..,.........,..~----..,----. • 'DAILY ~ILOI 3 • Assails=8tate==8trike~~-~~ . ··-. .,... Hepublieans--{;heer-Gover-nor-' s Speech in Anaheim By TOM llARLEY Of tt1e 0t11r '"" "'" Governor Ronald Reagan promised cheering Republl~aturday !hat strlk· ing state employes would be immediately replaced 6'ao that we can get on with the job of serving 1he public." Reagan departed-from tile Sjjeech he had intended to deliver to some 3,000 onlookers and delegates of t he Republican State Central Committee at th e Anaheim Convention Center to blast the California State Employes' Aa8ocla~ tion's revocation of its long«andlnc "no &trike''. pledge. . He conceded that the state faced no im- , mediate stoppage by its WQrkers. But he . Dow~. the Mission Trail Jack in the Box Opposed in Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-A Ille roof does riot a missfun make. So says Daniel Brown who Is asking the Architectural Conrtol Board to review plans for the Jact in the Box drive.in \Vhich is now under coastrucUon at tho comer of Orrega Highway and verObl.iPO Road. "Although we understand that they are to have a tile roof, we feel that It's not enough as the rest of the building Is nothing but a modem box," complained Brown. made--lt-equallyclur lhal-octlon In llnancod bl .,..uy lnmoied --In-reducltonl," bl warned, "an -In any area of 11a1e plllll'lllOlll -'4 llOI come or aales -0< bolh." -· lllte ICbool aid con ooly .,... lll!Wll'· be tolerated. ••• rauted and Intolerable lddlUonl to tbe "I respect tbe right of ti.-In private CBl!BRll, APPi.A--business to lltrtke but the Stale o! Halted ftPOlledl7 by "'-" and "P' <rUlbin& -our luplyon .are ,_ California la no1 a prlvato balinea," plauae, Jlqpn told the Republlcan canyln(. Even WWM, It wtJl mean lhal Reagan said. "We can llOI -atrllle = -a~wo~ of Ill Job-prodUClntl lndulltrtes • • • will ,Joot action-by-any.of our public employes.and-plana-rot ~ ·-Yue ilil-milltvt~ . eoononiye1-here,., with dlllltrous results fOr oar I uaure you now that mcb a brtac.b of ....... · reform -am" would bl ~ · public lru<t wW lead to our replaclnc the by the peoji1e of this lllte U ' 0 olncere Ill an adclre• that had very much ol slrlkes and conUnuln& on. and genuine deatre .., the pirt' of thll ad-the e1eclloa yur rtn, tel~ Reacan ticked REASON ro PREY AIL minlstraUon to UCbten Jhe Ill load. off Item otter Item "ol aolld achievement "But perhaps reuon will prevall," ff that procram w1n1 leglslaU,. ..,. by ...-~bllcan administration and all Reagan said. "l hope It will and I urge prov al, he aald, "the llate wUl IUjiply to ol lheqi ~ to that cme v1tfl prtnclple the employea'. group to heed my remark! percent llOl IO percent ·of the -of !hi -the cutting ol lhe -of ....,...,..1 and know that I mean every word." public ecbo01 aystem. ·f9f" the State of California." , Reagan also rapped "teacher and .. U state toes are to be tncrused to m. attackl on the "Democrats who school organlza.Uoba" lo a tut minute do thiJ," be said, "then u.ire muat be unhappily preoecled · ua in office .and the. shill from a prtpared text which had rigid, major and guaranteed pMperty tu Democrall who even now reluae to ...,. been devo!ed almost e1clu.slvely to the reduCtlons at the local level My tu cede the utent of the morau they willed achievements of ti.I& administration dur· refonn procram will redllce most. to ue" lncluded trequen& jlt>es at former lngHethrl1"eenkedyearth~!' .?!thfi~;an ln!UaUve that. ruldeuUal prope!ly,llleJ by IO pen:Out Asaembly apeabr J..,. Unruh and San w• • • and keep them down," he said. , Franclaco Mayer Jooeph Allolo -both Is nothing more than a fralld, a massive Reagan's prOposal J'Olild -Jnereue sates widely regarded .u gu.bernatorlal can-, tax increase which will be fraudulently taxes by one cent arid hike state 1Dcoml dklates, in 1970 and boLb frequmtl,y refer· represented to the people ol. California u tp: by one half ooe ~t. . red to by l\.eagaD u the "Bobbley a property tax reduction. "Wlthqut "such torCed propen( tu Twtnl." "That lnlUaUve would require the olate to pay more than half a bUllon dollan to local school districts ip. addition to ex· !sting appropri!ltiOn$," Reagan said. ••And th~ e would be no guarantee whatever that local p~perty tuea·would be reduced by a penny." The governor further w~ hi• capacity · audience . that "tbt initiative proposal would also require a conUnuous annual lncte&Rl of -about •1so · miWM each yeai'. These massive addlUons to state eJl)eoditure." be said, 0 can Only.bl Pilot Logbook -· Underground College Paper to Publish Again By THOMAS ·FOR:TliNE .. a, .. ...,,. ...... '• •' .- " i . .. 'No Sleeping' Law Hits 10 In Laguna The morning the· ullderground n.Wspaper "Sa4dle ~" llrsl was handed out at the Saddlebeck College camP.UJ, Superbitendenl , Fred Bremer called student Keri Sn~der into hil office. ' , "Ho wasn't really too up-light, ' Snyder 1&ld, "He called to my , That's no ordinary football fan with her arms around Saddleback Colle ge football coach George Hartman -that's bis wife. ri.tary ~yn~, who obviously was pleased about th~ outcome of Saturday n1ght s game. Gauchos defeated Mita Costa 13-7 to remain in the thick of the race for the Desert Conference championship. See stozy, Page 24. Brown should know something. aboo! building of mission, Spanish and early Californla design. The stru cture housing llis own gift shop, 1be Spanish Treasures, is an adobe built around 1790. TOTI youthful· vlsltorw who have been touring the Orange Coast are., in an In• cient, .U.pasi!enpr bus . were • rudely awakened at 3:10 a.m. Monday by LagUna · Beach pollee olll..,. Arlhur DeLuca u Ibey slept In their home on :o lltlflty Drille ·Set w~a noUced the colorfully attention ,one miat.ake we' had made. I aalted him If he wanted to contiibule to the ·paper and ht laid be ,c:ouldn't beca\lle that would be officially recognizing-it;" , Unrecognized and underground It is, but SnYder, a !reshmln from Laguna Beach, says "Saadle Sore," first publiahed Thunday, definitely will be publilhed again. · , . ••we have three purposes,'' said Dennis Franklin, another freshman, Laguna Beach contributor-to -the paper, "to inform -stu- dents of the hair issue and its lmplicatiOOJ, to inform students of censorship and its impllcation1 and to be a atudent news~per." DANA POINT-A move tc>put utilities decorated bus parked beside the roadway underground bas been organized by on Broadway near Woodland Drive, etOJ>"' homeowners in the Dana Knolls area. ped to check it out and found a full house Residents will meet Wednesday at 8 of violators of Laguna's "no aleeping in p.m: in Forster Junior High School in vehicles" ordinance. Countia11s View NY Voting ''S•ddle Sor•" is seen as an alternative to the official campus newspaper uLariat~" which the Student Senate wants to cut fund& oil from because they feel It is censored. Members 0£ Orange County's Vote Systems Task Force today _w~tO:New York City to view its "gene·rar ele'c ti'on Tuesday. All expenses will be borne by the Shoup Voting Machine Co.,. one Qf eight vote· counting systems und er task force study the past 14 months. The group, is at· tempting to selec t a method for counting Diana -Ross to Leave Supre1ncs in January HOLL Y\VOOD (AP) -Diana Ross plans to leave The Supremes in January and work as a show business singlf. Jean Terr.ell, sister o[ former heavyweight boxer Ernie Terrell, 11.•nl · replace Miss Ross. Other members of the singing group are Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong. · · · San Juan Capistrano to discuss the situa-He dls~ibuted citations to the OC· ballots in future county elections. lion, accor\:ling to Andrew A. Cook Jr. cupant.s, who aaid their bUI WU having -Shoup will be , -coupting ballots~ in_ Complaints.about unsightly utJll.ty poles mechanical problema lll4t &hey were just Tuesday's New York elecUon, which pits and lines led: to the circulation of peti-waiting till a garage opened to get. it Mayor JOhn Lindsay in a_bid for re-el~ tions advocating ·the formation of !In im· repaired. . • · tion against · Joh.n Marchi and Mario provement district. There are 300 pro-Recipients of the vehicle sletptng clta- Procacclno. Also counting 1he votes will perty owners in the area. tions, which usually carry a $15 fine, be the Automatic Voting Machine Co. of were L. C. Balley, 19, Port Arthur, Tn:::;· Jamestown, !!.Y. AYM.devlces.:wete.JJSed_·-J\l-•-uel Elli"" 'YMCA Rebecca Lynn Smith, 11, Grov.., Tu.; on a tnal basts 1n Orange last November. -W •• ,, James Jerome Croddy, lt, Broderick, . Members flying to New York· include LAGUNA NIGUEL-Plans for a $1 mil· Calif.; Pa~ Motlta, 20, Fontana, Calif.; Cecil J. Marks, chairman: Mrs. Janice lion regional YMCA facility are being 'Ibomton~Eclward Rlmo, Zl,.Wuhington, Boer; Joe Irvine, and George Brokate. considered for the Laguna Niguel area, D. C.; William Gerald Bailey, 11, Port acording to officials of the Sou.th Orange Arthur, Tex.; Joanne May Suttles, 21, County YMCA. _ Hartworth, Va.; Curtll Earl Parts, 21, Board members staged a meeting Rose, Tex.; Clyde Earl JUcbards, 11, Port "We don't want lo conlinue puttinc our paJ>!'r 0\11; our objl!C- tlve is to get 'Larl~t· to be an open .forum,'" wd Franklin. · 1 ~ But Snyder:noted, "l'rom wball,.can ~.~.11 -=;{:· ~ c!iimge. We'll publbh agaili ~d: still be in the ~Uon of . . ' :. 'Lariat' to be a better !lewspar:r ." · _ Franklln said the studen who worked on the paper put up money out of th¢ own pockets. Thrt1! ads from Laguna Beach , . sbop6 were carried. Seven hundred copies were printed of -th• slapled, fivwheel papei:,__ _ ,One loahlro of "Siiirdle Sore" !I a c:olumn-~by~st~u~a~en-l~Body -President .John Bothwell, first IUbmltted to "Lariat" hut not run when.Bothwell objected to It being edited. Jn the column, Bolhwell refers to "a patronlzinllly repressive attllude on the part ¢ the trustees and adminlstratfon." He J~ on, "The fact that they tqW!la hair style with morality, $5 .J>8l:!Dlic tickets with lUJtlce, newspaper censorship with 'domestic tr.... quility,' i• tbelr hangup.'' ----Ex-justice Warren Gets Hughes Award NEW YORK (AP) -tormer Chief Justice Earl Warren and Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. of ·Atlanta have been named winners of th.is year's Charles Evans Hughes Awards by the National Con· 'ference of Chri.sti8ns and Jews. recently at a location in Niguel &o that Arthur. Tex.; and Richard Darrell they could explore the area for a possible Comisky, 19, 2753 Solana Way, Laguna regional facility site, according to board _ ~Be~at~h.:_ ___ ---------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President Olarles Benton. 1· YMCA Director Roger Carter said that a facility would be considered in the area because it would be central to all of tbelr youth groups and only minutes from seven communities. Outsiders Ripe for Drugs MICHELSON AT MACARTHUR ~ Narco Agent Says Unaccepted Kids Bear Watching :By ALBERT W.• BATES 0t lh• llllly PllOI Slllf Profile of a typiclJl candidate for a teen·age drug-using grou p: . A youngster of eithe r sex who is super. fat, extra skinny, super-dum b or non· outgoing in personality though perhaps of average intelligence. Because most everyone wants to be ac· cepted by his peer group and these youngsters fee) rejected, they are ripe candidates for a drug~riented group where they can feel accepted. This is the explanation given by Wally Jordon, und ercover nareotics agent for the Orange County Sheriff's office, in a talk to Huntington Beach Rotary Club members Friday. -.Emphasizing that he is not a trained ps)'chologist, and speaks only from close personal observation in hundreds of cases of marijuana and hard narcotics cases in the county,. Jordo.n said that talking to teen·age pot smokers and pi ll poppers does litile or no good for they've "pretty much made Ui>''their·minds." NOTION UNTRUE He branded as untrue the notion that there's a ''generation gap," th at the older generation can 't get along with youth. He said ·tt's not the age difference, it's the dlfference in thinking. A man of midd le age. Jordon proved this Idea to his own satisfaction by grow· ing a be8rd and long hair, wearing a Hell's Angels type jacket and dirty jeans with torn sweatshirt. The young hippie types tooi to him. sayina, "Hey, this old geezer ls all right. He·s a flop." , He i&id they wouldn't Uke the Rotarians because they pay lheir taxes, teep up r~pedable bomes and» eojoy a measure of success. Theylre lazy. they say, "You don't know anythlna. I do, becaw;e I'm a. flop." Jordon had some adviCe for parents whose children have oot yet "copped out"" but might. Items: -Overpermissiveness 'or · lack o f .. sURervision. Allowing the youngster to stay all night with a friend calls for checking with the parents of that f~iend. The friend mi ght be saying the same thing to his parents, with 00\h youngsters then free to join an all-night pot or pill party. NO FAVOR -It's no favor to the child to be too le· nienl Girls are noted for their diary keeping and note writing, telling all about their activities. Parents should oc· casionally search dresser drawers and closets not only to examine such documents but to look ror drugs. -If a child wants shoulder-length hair or a too.short miniskirt, parents should fight it. Taking on a Jiippie appearance means dope pushers will come along and say, "Hey, are you one of us or not?" 'And then put dope into the child's hand. But if the youngster has a cleancut ap- pearance, if he wail.ts dope he'll have dif· ficully makiiig a Contact. -If a child is burning Incense In his room, pitch it out. It's frequently used as a cover. for marijuana smoking.._ Jordon told of a muW4.0tiedJlome Jn Laguna Beaclt. where th~ bottom floor was occupied by a 13-yearoQld girl and her 16·yearoQld brother. ACTING ON TIP Acting on a Up, he gained admittance. WearinJ clothing that made him look like a 0 rtjected ,Hiljl'I Angel, t-> he was sitting • on the girl'1 ~ d1lcu"1ng the price of methallne, a potent drug, which the girl llad for salt, when bet mother came down from upltain. Seeing Jofdon, she I m m e d I a t e I y apologized 19r l.n!nlding and lef~ This, . despite his .appearance and the fact the room reeked of marijuana smoke. Later, after the children's arrest, the mother told the agent that she thought her daughter, at 13, was old enough to have her privacy. She thought nothing was wrong, yet it was obvious plenty was ' wrong, Jordon said. The undercover agent told th e Rotarians why,. in bis opinion, so many young people have gone irf for religion& and philosophies of the Far East. Fir•4 he said, they're flg)iting their parents and the Asian rellgiona are-not those of their parents. Second, they're not '1thou shalt not" religions. They're permissive and preach, "Make peace with yourself." But &lnce these young people are lazy · apd care nothing for anyone but themselves, they will steal and cheat someone else without a qualm, Jordon,said. TAKE CARE "Take special care of the chJld who Is the bashful wallflower type," the agent· adnlini:Shed. "Make sure he .or she un- derstands that -accej>tarice by the narcotics crowd ii qo acceptance alal 1 Lt~ them know that just being a good, de- cent kid will win the acceptance of other good, deeent kids over a period of time!' Narcotics undercover men, llarting with just one· offender;-sometimes ~wtnd up with scores of pushers iJr jail u a result of that first arrest, Jordon con- cluded. The first one will offer to tum ln JO pushers in return for his own freedom. More such "snltchers'' may develop out or the ensuing roundup -and so on hi gher up the drug dealing Une. In answar to a question, Jordon said present drug Jaws "are adequate if only the judges would mete out full punish· menL" He appeared to be referring to drug pushtrs rtther than to )'OUJlrl first the new home of Newport National Bank's Airport Office Th ia ls an extremely conveni en t location for those who usa Ill ~ MacArthur Blvd. frequently. Michelson Is near the San Diego Freeway, Newport Freeway.and' across from tha Orange County Airport.. Open your account at this' convenient location and-enjoy AMPLE PARKING ••• SPEED WINDOWS , fOR PEAK PERIODS ••• BUILT·IN CUSTOMER ADDING MACHINES ••• COFFEE AND COOKIES ••• S!T-DOWN. TELLERS ••• UNIQUE WBLCOME CENTER, ••. PATIO BANKING ••• BEAtmFULLY DECORATED. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO OUROPENIJOUSE ••• REFRESHMENT AND CIFl'S Servin& lht nem •f lhe industrial c:omplu. offenders with -ljuana. _ •-----~-;,...--------------------------~~~= • t '· I DAft.Y Plll!T The daugllter of Soyiet Premier Aluol N. Kosy9ln hu written a book about American-Soviet rela- tions. The author, Ludmillo A. Gvithl1ny, is a professional histor .. Ian, a specialist on the United States, and is connected with the recently '!J"'ned Institute for Amer- ican Studies. The book to appear 1hortly deals with American-Soviet 11reiaUons'' between 1917 and 1921. Whatever relations existed during that period were unofficial. • As far as Montana Is 'eoncemed the battle of the sexes J.s over. Guess who won? Glacier County in Montana's north central cattle country has a woman sheriff, the fl?'st in the s4tte's history. Mrs. Jean G.rtzen was named sheriff by the county board of commission· ers to fill a vacancy created by the resignation effective Nov. 1 of JnM Herl1n. • Actor Lorne Green shows hi.t wife the medai he received from tM Gov- mwr Gtnernl of Canada Roland J.fichmer, tnve&ting him in the ''Or· der of Canada." TM mtdcm are awarded for outstanding service to I GOP'1 John Muehl Llberal1' Llnd .. y Lindsay Re-election Bid Highlights Tuesday Vote By the Assoclated !'nM Conoem over law arid order, President Nixon's political clout and New York Mayor John. V. J.Jndsay'a driving effort for re-election are adding up to one of the nation's most important off-year elec· tions. Much attenUon in Tuesday's voting falls on Lliidsay. The one · t Im e Republican glamour boy was considered a cinch loser four months ago but has re- bounded to become odds-on favorite to retain wtat ls often described as the second-most difficult elected office in the naU_on. Beyond the New York race, though; political observers are , looking to gubernatorial fights in New Jersey and Virginia and mayoraj.~electiom in Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Buflalo for in- d.Jcatkm qn voter thinking. 'l1le balloting 1n , New Jersey and V1rglnis iJ of particular interest becauso President Nixon has injected himself in both races in hi! first. domestic polltlcal campaigning since bis own election · a year ago. The New York City race has been a study in frustration for most politicaJ observers. Lindsay was all but counted out last spring when be Jost the Republican nomination to a conservative and little-known stat~ senator from Slaten Island, John Marchi. Forced to run on the tickets of the small Liberal and Independent parties, he fell far behind in the early stages of the race as Democrat Mario Procaccino :.eemed to pick up support from the heavily populated boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn and The Bronx. Lindsay, however, h8J put together a polished and expenive camP.aign that ap-- pears let have ovtt~Procaccino's law..and-order strategy and ·his attacks on the mayor as a "Umousine Liberal" who plunged the city into ii.a worst racial crisis. I I W Tbe latest and final straw poll taken by Srae tO arn the New York Daily News shows Lindsay wilh 48 percent of the vote, Procaccino 27 T -b A , percent and Marchi 23 percent. Two per· .l.A;j anon gamst cent were undecided in the newspaper's Ca!l<lda. poll, which has correc!ly foreca st the winner in the city's mayoral election over 0 Guerrilla· Okay the past 40 )'<'ars. The father of Liza Schreiner, 8, The _fights for the other city halls are has filed a '25,00<t suit fol a bi'te By United Presi International seen as tests of a current thesis that mid· she allegedly suffered from the for· Israel bombed three_ Arab guerrilla dle-class America is in revolt over law- --mer nelghbor's-dog: ••1 don•t-have· bases in Jordan today, and lnfonned and-order and the aspirations -or mban a great deal of sympathy for dogs sources in Jerusalem said Premier Golda blacks. - l'\YlJling loose and biUng people,'' Meir was preparing to wam Lebanon in Detroit 'and Cleveland have Negro can· explained George Schreiner, chief clear terms against permitting Lebanon-dldates for mayor, with Democrat Carl of the Sacramento County animal based guerrilli! to attack Israel. B. Stokes runnlni for rwlection in the control center. A cease-fire brought an end to the Ohio city and Wayne County Audit.or -----~ 0 -,-ffgfrtfnr -1n-Leba1101i-betwee11-ngu!ar-Ricbard-Austin~seeking a -firsl-term run- Elephants et Windsor's · Safari army mUta 8nd Arab guerrillas . today. ning the ~chigan met.ropolia. Park in England, agitated by the , and peace negotiators t!1 Cairo said they Stok~s. f~st black mayor of a m~jor noise of passing . airplanes,_ qave were confiden t of reaemg a permBnent U.S. city, is ~enged by Republican been fitted with Jumbo eannufis, settlement that· would permit attacks ~lph, J. Perk wltb tbe. race rated a park officials have announced. against Israel. virtual toss-up. The key wue has been . 9 ' · Mrs. Meir called a high level con· over coo.trot of the Police force with the ll""'"•-'"'""'""'""""'""'""'~·" sultatlon on the Leban~ c;risis and racial angl~ simmering below. the Jean Hnoitt and her huaband of Hornehurch, England 'sent out party invit.atiom to f riends whf.ch said: "We are throwing a strip party. Comt'. along." And thet1 did. One couple even ar· rived with nightclo&hu in hand. 7""1f toerC 0 bll IUrprbtd 10Jltn the Hewitts handed out buckets of water and scrapers to strip off the waUpaper at their new NVtn-room home.· • Aa Vice President Spiro T. Ag. new spoke at a Defense Depart~ ment ceremony his Prepared text read : "No public figure has gone down in history for saying ~ve me economy or give me death! 'When Agnew read it, it came out: "No public figure bas gone down in his· tory for shouting give me liberty or give me economy I" political sources said Israel was taking a surface. , grave view of the reported agreement in Tne Detroit race also is seen as too Cairo. The word was that Lebanon can close to call wittl a very high undecided expect Israel to re1aliate swllUy. voter element seen as the key in Austin's effort against Roman Gribbs, Wayne County sheriff, wtlo has made crime con· trol his major campaign issue. Railroad Salary Hike Proposed WASHINGTON (UPI) - A presfdenUal ft1.ct ftmilng board today recommended a five percent pay Increase for memben of four railroad shop craft unions and premium pay of at least 20 cents an hour for skilled mechanics. The White House made public the board'• recommendation -general wage increase of two perei!nt retroactive to last Jan. 1 and an additional three per. cent effective last July t -which was identical to what the railroads had of- fered the four unions. 'Pray Now, Pay Later' Pl.an Tried · VERGENNES, Vl (UPI) -The Rev. :Hichard C. Ogden Jr., hopes his "pray now, pay later" plan will plck up a little steam once it gains acceptance with his parishioners. The pastor, who also ls mayor of this tiny community which calls itself the "smallest city in the United States," has started an experiment. in credit card church collecUons. -,--,----:-=-'7--. - - - -~u~. Pu ls -Back I .... Under Red Fire· u.,, ....... Demot' Procaccino Ailing Chief Executive Re-elected in Tunisia TUNl,S, Tunisia (AP) -Ailing Habib Bourguiba was re-elected president of Tunisia Sunday for a new five-year term without opposition. REFRESHING! ~ PURL SAIGON (UPI) -Stuf North Viet· name.-ullUery ~ have forced allied lroo!'l lo •blnclonilhroe U.S. aat- post& alone the (;amDOGWI fronter, military apobsmen Aki today. It Wll the flnl r<p<>rt.d use of C011- venlional artlllecy by the Viel Con& or North Vietnamese In !Ollt monlhl. U.S. military oources said eome ol the salvoa came from nelgbborlng Cambodia. U.S. and 5quth Vietnamese b'oof'I pull· ed out of fire hues Kate, Annie and Susan late Slturday and ear1y Sunday, taking ot ileltroying their own guns and fleeing lo the Green Beret camp al nearby Bu l>rang. Headquarters 1ald Bu Prang, 110 mllel nortbeut ol Salfl"ll and within rangt ol . CanibodJ.a. itae1f WU under lbelllng· at. tack from the 7,0QO.mu tlprlb Viet- namese buildup aloog tbe boriler. Four U.S. belicopten were lhot down Sunday by guerrilla ground gunnm who used the heavy cover of the jungle lo move around almOlt a.t will. The weekend fighting killed I 1 Americans -aiZ In tbe ambush of the truck convoy, !'"1r In 1 heticopler cralh and one In the withdrawal from Fire Bale Kate. lnlllal ,.ports listed 118ht ffiht!ng Ibero today but far to the nortb, apoi<esmen aald, U.S. troops leveled their artillery and bluted apart two Commwtllt groond attacks on the northern coast. CONG 'THANK' PEACE MARCHERS SAIGON (AP) -The chslrman ol tile Viet Cong's National Uberatim Front thanked U.S. antiwar demonstraton to- day for "raising the flag of tradition, m. depemlenco and democracy againsl tile war· of aggression in Vietnam." In a taped "addreQ to the American people" broadcast ever the Viet Cong's clandesUne radio, Nguyen Huu Tho noted that the "struggle of the American people bas become fiercer than ever with the particlpation ol all classes of people without distinction of race." ' I Save at El Rancho : where tlle prite_/s-tight 1 Si:& pad< ... 30< I I I I I I I I I I LIBBY'S • • • 5 oz. CANS ' ., I ,!'!..~!!!'!!.,i!.!!~'!.:: ·~: ·.: ~ ·~:. _,. I Mazola Oil ............................ 59¢ Softweve ......................... 4 ,,. '1 I I Golden pure corn oil ••• quart! Two roll packs of toilet I.issue! Cat Food .......................... 8 "" '1 I Hunt's ••• 8 ounce cans ••• ao versatile! Pun ••• all tuna ••• uve on 6¥2 oz. cans! n Serve pork ••• for a wcl=ne change of pace! I fi Pork Chops ···············-··00···-·~~~.~ ...... l .............. -.... fl O! 1 I Lean and tasty ••• from finest quality mid·Western'grain fed pork! Nutritious ••• so delicious ! I Tomato Sauce ............... 10 "" $1 I ~~~~F.;:;;~;;;:1-: ~~SIJ!,..,~;2!!, I Storm Sweeps New England I B~;;;chos;~~;h~~.1 ............................. -·····-··--·· ............... s~ I Freezing Temperatures Chill Rockws to Pl.a.ins ! Firm aweet mealed ... golden goodn"SI thaf tastes .. good .. it looks ! I CaHfornhl loll!Mrfl C1!llornl1 w1• ftlr 111d •'"" tod1r 0-, llM' lllOl'n!llf, Bui .-t1I 11'1d !NIIMI v1!lrtr• .,.,.. onlr etftlFll I -llPY brffk ,_ ""' ..... '°' '"'-' """"*' '"°""" '" ..._,. «I'• HWt ffrlr tDdtY 1t'ld ..... ....., le ~ ,..., '"'' •••Ill .... folllfhl lf'ld fl•IY Tvttlllr. LOS ANGELES A.ND VICINITY- Mt9" llll'ltl'llM Tunclly ttl9.-buf Ollllltlel foll •"" low cloud• """""' 111d T'*°"' "'°"''"'· NOi 10 WI'"" -.,.., L# tDnltl'll • Hltfl Tllftdrl' 11. !JOINT CONCll"TIOtl TO M!XltAN IOltOfllt 50IJ,,:-t 1'e Wlfl wlnob • " ·l• l!llllh lfl 9"-T'UftdtY. t.llflt ..... Y"1eMt wlfld1 tonll'hl tlld ,,,..., "'°""""'' .... ffll1 ll'>orftlM .... ,_ ~ wltll N fdr"I' fDI to- lllWlt ..... , ..... ., ~ .... but ""' ...... 6te11Nf·•-.n-. (oolef> ...... , • ~$'{~\. YAlll!Y'l--Hlrr -9f'>l11e Twiti~ •""-buf c:aiif11· .. -.,,. ... c:leulll1 ,.....,., Ind Hl'IY T~IY -IM. Ntt M """"' drl'I. l"" "" ....... ,, fll "· Hllll! Tllftll.., 7J to tt. tNTl lllMEDIAT£ VA.1.1.EYS -H11Y .,,....,,. IMll ef Tt.Jttelf' wt fol lt!t ~ 1.W Tllffdl'( ~tftl. N~ to W9r!ft ...... I.Ow """"' .. " "' " .... 'T......,. H to t1. MDUNTAlfll ,t.llllAI -lttM'!' wHlll vtrlt~e llloll c:louclfo ~1. Coo~ iow.r cetllel 1loPn T\llloder wllll Mftf """'r,.. '"· IHTEtl!Ollt AHD DfSERT tlEGtDN I ~ wttll \ltrltble 111~11 clOUll• TUllClt'V. LOWli 'rortJtM In )Ot °"'"'' '""' """'"' YlllM '"" • WI ... om ... _, Ylllt¥• l f'lllf 4J to Sf 1-r v•I- -llrs.--• -"" nartl'lem Y•ltm Tllfldw. HrtN n tt It v.,.._, w1lltr• .............. YI~ Coutal Htry ..,,...,.11'11 tl!lfY. UIM -"''~I trf'lfldi nleht •"' m«fl.,. '*"' bit-corn1,.. -'"""'-' It _. I ti 1• lfnttJ 111 •""-todlY 1M ,..,... tltr. Hlt~ Mffr "-• Sun, /Jl.,..n. l'lffe• MONDAY S"°°"'d ~Ith ............. ':'° 11.l'l'I. '" St<ond IOw ........ ~ •• ll;llit.'".o.1 TUltD.l.Y f'lll"tt lllth , ........... •:M I.II\. 4A l"lfll 10w .............. Jt:U 1.ft'I. 2.2 5t<Oll'd Mii! •••••••••••. S:U 11.f!'I. •.I St<Ol\illt low .............. 11 :• II.In. ... lvll ..... •:l l ·-kit l ;O'I 11.-M.-. .... 11:!:) 11.rn ..... f;4$ 11.m. tl.S, SummarD. A .... Uni,,. A!!111tl( •lofll'I .-i:rt "" Ntw EMllllll C:otlt lodlY W!!h Klf!trtd rt1n l1ld drlult l llltfldlno we1twtrd f,_ lM 1111ddtt •l'ld nortl! A!llfllk t! .. fl I C"'1-t lfllKPI ,/Jf l!'lfl Mldwttl I nd llOUlh lnlD Arli:lllMI lllCI M1u111lppl. i-WM f!lhted w!tll n 1n t11rw111< ' "'' flle -lffll <1"'11 l.•kll ., ••. Most of Ille -i.rt1 f!tftt l'lad c1ffr Jkl• ll(C:"t lor .om• i.c:•ll•~d , ~'.':'.."" ::':' P.!!):le ~!~ f'"rlM ntlt rtlt cen1 ... 01 1 1n1u1..- hltl'I _ .... ,.. ,,.., ll'OO'l'I the Cl'tlln l lltockt. ~ .... ~ "111 .... Ovlrfllthl lowt l l'Ol,ll>ll .,,. fllfloll AMM ltOlt'I 2 Mow WO 11 \.trtmll• I l'emperat11re• Albul!Uf"'IUI AM ho••" "'''"'• l•ktnll•ld l!Jmlr~ .. IM ·-~ ll>"OWMYlllt CM~1111 ClllCI-" '"~r °" Mo!""' ...... F1lrbenk• Fort Wortl'I ...... ..... kll'lloll Clt'I I.II Vltll Los Al!ffles Mi.ml M1nt1111'0l!I New OrlHlll N~ York Oakl111d Okl1~ C!IY Om•h• P1lm llrl .... Plto ._Obie} Pllolllbf Prtt1bo.lrtft l"efllllld R101d Cltt Red l lutt RoM Sacr•m•"~ s111 1.1•1 c11r 5•~ 0'"9 S111 F'r1P1CIKO St1ll!1 --TP1ff'm1I W11lll11tton Mltll Lo.. l"rtc:. .. " .. .. " " .. ,, .. " " " " ~ " " " " " " .. " " " .. " " " " .. .. .. " .. ~ .. " " .. " .. .. " " " " " " " " " " .. " " .. • .. .. " " " .. ~ ,. .. " " » " " " " " " " " " .. " .. " .. ~O> " .. .... .. ·" .. ... ·" ... ... ,r, Pri<es in •fled Mon.. Tuel., Wed., 1 N 011. 3, ,i, 5. No Sale• to Dtoler&. Piclc Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes at El Rancho Tltis Weel!! Recipes that Invite you to SIJl1ll'fse yo 11 fn1y with new taste adventures! This week • , • pork recipes f Sen• yonr follt1 pork at it& beat • , • with a dub of imagina. ti on! ••• get your free recipea at El Rancho ••• thil week ••• and ••"17. week I ARCADIA: SUnslt '"' Hunti""" Dr. Gl Bucllo Centlrl PASADENA: 320 West c.JO!ldo Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont 1111 Hunlin&ton Dr. HUNTINITON BUCH: Warner ind Al(Onquln ~k Conte~ N!.Wl'ORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. 1111 2555 Dstblufl Dr. (£1$1bluf!Vn!111 Cenbll 1- E r !1 I : ' Tt th• Vi th. po pe m• "' ..,, pa an u, da: is lh1 saf an- ( vie to tel• die tirr ,toY ele th€ "'' I ch1 ari- de1 pu! OV1 I qu; sh• bu th• mi !es tor th~ tel I wh pr< sal it as ·f~~ 1 for pr< ho ]iv "°' } r l ' Wi tlo c~ Ja ln1 of I ! co: cr< wa An "" ,hi~ M< .Jln I •o •"'" ~~ ,)ler COi t em ·Wit ~" Jy, .. .. me --..... ~ -- Sehno%% , Hospitali%ed Ell'tertainer J~y!Durante is consoled by nurse Gayle ~coll in emergency room at St. Josephis Hospital, Phoenix, Ariz., after he fell nd cut his head be- fore a perfonnancejat the Arizona State Fair Sunday. He as kept at tbe b0$pi: tal for observation. His condition today was described as 'excellent.'' Assassination Risk Rising • WASHINGTON (UPI) -slate and local governments to call for restrictions on sale of. The National Commission on review their protection pro-handguns and urged the use of the Causes and Prevantion of cedures, particularly f o r electronic weapon. detecting -~ governors-and-mayors. equipment to screen persons Violence has recommended The panel also renewed Its as they enter ,public meetings. that presidents and other~===~===========~====~! poliUc8.I leaders cut back ap- 1 f pearances at mass public meetings in an errort to reduce the danger o f assassination. The commission, in a 580- page report on assassination and political violence in the l United States released Sun· day. said domestic turbulence is so great that new steps should be taken td ensure the safely of political candidat~ i and civil rights leaders. One of the step;, lhe "iolence panel said, would _ to rely increasingly 0 fl television to reach mass au• diences. It urged enough free time be made available '°w!!&.the__e_nd_of presidenUaJ election campaigns to change the present system of in· tensive personal appearances. Dr. Mi J ton Eisenhower, chairman of the commission and brother of lhe lat.e Presi- dent, indicated the value of public appearances may be overrated anyway. He said the report "doesn't quite say political candidates shouldn't appea r In public ... but some situations are worse than others. Large outdoor mass meetings probably reach less than 1 percent of the elec- torate. You can reach more than that in one night on television." Eisenhower suggested that while the mass outdoor rally provides ' ' s o m e emotional $atisfaction" to the candidate, it isn't nearly so enlightening as a 30-minute talk to the peo. pie "that really explains the issues." The commission also called for extending Secret Service protection to any federal office holders or candidates whose lives are considered tern. porarily imperiled. It Uried America's Top Cypher Expert Dies WASHINGTON (UPI) - William F. Friedman, the na· lion's I ea d 1 n g intelligence cryptologist who broke the Japanese "purple" code dur- ing World War lJ, died Sunday of a heart attack. He was 78. A retired Ar1ny lieutenant colonel, Friedman was credited with shortening the war and saving innumerahlJ! American casualties, His rewards were the country's . highest honors, including the ·Medal of Honor Jiesented by -P.rtlident Trumart in-1946.- His subsequent inventions of s o phisticated cryptographic 1µi.achlnes were so top !ee~t lth~y could not be patented. ,;Even aft.er retirement, ~ 11Served the govemmenL as a consultant. You can :give the joy of Christmas r ~ to those you love in1 Family Gift Portr:its' A warm and wonderful way to say 11Merry Christ· mas" to Dad, Grandparents, relatives and friends ., ,-. •• wlth Gift Portraits. It's the gift that only you can give to those you love most Hurry in now ~o we can give you unhurried attention. You'll avo.id the crowds and the cold Weather ••• and save! 3, CHRISTMAS GIFT PORTRAITS I ARE YOURS FOR AS UTILE AS 995 ONE 81<10 ANO T'ol!'-S"7 OF ONE P£1190N (FOr m~1-tt;an o~Jiiit'"idd IS MCh.) I ~FlClr.D'1V.A.Y I t I H•11ri1ttff .. h ffJ.Jlll, lit. JIJ Photo.,;. St114lo J•t1floM 1 The Russlan·born expert emigrated to the United Sta.tel With his family In 1893. A itraduate of Corn'ell Universij. )y, Friedman became a 1 geneliclst In Chi cago, whcr hel'.:~=======;;Z::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:= met his wife Elizabelh. I· - ' • .,._., ~ .. -,, ..., • • ·• • • • • r • •• • •• -.,._., • -._.,... ............... ......,........ ..... ~ •· • -• • -• ---...----• ---- Dad,-'Jot Return -From Cuna· •. =1~-~·~~eg£~~======~New=tJni~::'.::::'.:I Hijackers 8appy "Co11nteririg ----· To Return 'Home' Protesters COMMUNITY EVENTS COSTA MISA UNITED· FUND Mn. J•ck $1'11ith, I ltO Sll•nnon ln .. C~11t• Mttt, wMo 11 c.htirr1111t thi1 yt1r of the 61.d Ntlthbtr clfvl1lo1t of tht Co1tt Mt1• U11 lt1cl Furtd, will Le •utmblint htr "'lu11t1er worktr1 the wttk of Nev. l •* the 6irl1 Club tncl tilt Girl Scouh f1cili. tit1 in prtperetiol'I for • malll119 to tll ho1t1ollltktrs .in th1 city, ARTIST OF THE MONTH A et11°m•n Cr1~ rotpourri E11h ibit by 0011111 frl•b•rhh1u1•r wlll b• h114 for th1 m1itth ef Npv11111Mr 1t C1liforni1 5,.,i1191 I L11" Ai111. V1riM cr1ft 111114'i1 dis• pl1flCI will i11e.IM1 br11d 1culptur1, S.ooli:• M w•ll h111tlllf ... ur1 husk fi9uri1111, li1tiU, etc, MllT DOlllN CIOTTA. TILLlll 0111 THI MOiiiTM A tevorli. wl lh th• Cc.!1 M...., d• POtltors 11 tolol'ld Oor1tn Ciotti. Her •P>trkllnt e'Y9I end w1rm 1mll• mek1 cus•-• •1111 -~ .... hippy th•t Siii 1$ on thl IOI». Dor.-ri er.cl l'IUI• •nd Tony own lfl•fr home 111 HUflt· lnttoro e .. t l'I Wl'ltrt they ,,. lolned by 1111 YllWQISf rhrH of tMlr 1ev1n dllld• ..... 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit $1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each year all your principal and interest remain, we'll guar- 1nt11a5.25% annua,t rate, compounded daily'. It adds up to 5.39% a year. FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ~ 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1,000 or more for 36 to 60 months. We'll guarantee you a 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded daily, with interest paid out to you each qu.arter. ' ' • + In case of hardship or emergency, you can withdraw.at any time with full Interest paid to the end of the previous quarter. 3. The Bonus Plan. Eam a bonus of v .. o/o a year when your account is held to 3-yaar maturity. This is In addition to the rei;Jular 5'}0 current annual rate. Regular Interest Is compounded daily and may be credited quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrawals bGfore maturity earn at the regular passbook rate. Any·amountof $1 ,000 or more opens and maintains your bonus account, All f4nds held to maturity earn an •ffectlv1·annua1 rate of 5.25%. 4. The Basic Plan. The most flexible plan. You can Invest any amount of money an d withdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave all your money and interest in your account for a year at our current 5°/o annual rate with interest compounded daily, you 'll receive an annual yield of 5.13%. You earn interest from the day you deposit your money 'Iii the day you withdraw it. Plus ••• the money you deposit by the 10th of any morith earns interest from the 1st, when it remains until quarter's end. C@Yf!!.QJ!qaf.~~~@JMw~!!l~gS NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd~ near Adams • 548~2300 CLIFFORD M, WESOORF, VICE PRESIDENT & /GER ! • 1 • • . ., ZS ~atF...-'4t•..-2C>V(oe s c · · 1 DAILY ·pogr: EDUOBL\L P•GE • •• Ci ¢4S ...-ilF ; P !JO-€•. ; 2 . ., . . • I --.... , I • ~-~·-. • .. . A 11111Jor move toward protect!ng califomia'• coost- lirie from further oil. disasters came last week when Sen. George Murphy announced be will co-1ponsor a bill pushing slate oif drilling nnctuary llrnll! outward lo the continental shelf. • . This meant that Callfornta' Republican sehlor sen .. ator is joining California's Democratic jlinior .senator, Alan Cranston, to give bipartisan support to coa r tel protection. The bill wa!i originally intrOduced by Crer ~ .. ton soon after the Santa Barbara Channel oll disa ster. But lacking bipartisan support it bas ·remained in limbo. Hans J. Lorenz, former vice mayor of ·Newport Beach and a leader of the Coastal Ar~a Protective League (CAPL), sl'!'ke for the Orange COasl area when he 6ailed Murphy s decision u a "major tnump)l in behalf of ultimate passage." If the Cranston-Murphy bill Is passed by Congress and signed by President 'Nixon, the sanctuary will auto-- matically be extended from the state's north~rn to southern borders and follow the continental shelf sea .. ward to federal limits. Congressional pas.sage...~n't co1lle too ~oon. , ' . Standing Up to Pressw'.e . Seldom is a judge in a coui-t ~law at any level sub- lected ,to the pressutN. experi~nced by Fed,raJ.j)i.'trit t Judge Jesse W. Curtis, Jr. tn·advance'of his dec1s1on in the anti·smog case la.st week ... ' -' ·Judge Curtis, an Orange Coast resident, approved the out-of.·court settlemen1. between the U.S. Department of Ju~tice and major automobile manufacturers in a lawsuit over alleged conspiracy to delay development of smog-control· devices: ' . · · Among major·j>oints in his decision were th ese: -Under 11well established law" ~he consent decree bad to be IPPfOVed ·IDllea ·the court could ·find somr le&al defect !Ji it. -The coment decn•renjoln1 and ratnlil& eacli liDd every company from combining or COiiJplrlng to pre-" vent. resu.Jp .or lln)tt the develop men\,, ll181lufacture, , inrtall•Uon, ,ilUtributlon or sales of device<. ·Judge Curt!~. said the dectee ls legally 7enforceab)~ oa )ts face. -Rellet provided for In the decree-ls · coosistont with the tennJ of the government's cofugfpint. -The decree does not 'prejlldlce the .rights oflreble damage ~lalmapu. · . . . -Ju4ge CUrlis· said, "!!:'·appears to me that the decree ii in the public interest, for it giV.S the govern· ment all "the-reHef ·tt coUJd have gained' ii it. had frtect the case and won:'' · · -If the cue were to go· to trial, it couJd, take' four or five years tO prepare and try at. '.'tremendous ex .. penditure of taxpayers' money and o(AnUtrust DIVisto,n manpower. And even thfn, there would be 'no guarantee the government would win.•• A federal grand juiy lnvesUgated the automakers• but did not retl.Jrb. an indictment. Judge Curtis 1said ex.~ hih)ts and the_ tran$Cript Of tbe 'jury's ~&•'""'!ill·. be avrulahle to all wllo nt(d them for smog a~ts ~g.itist. : manufacturers. -• · . . . Despite the legal logic of the judge's .decision he· was subjected to' .poijtical attack .after it 'was hartded down. ,Ip deliveriiig bis .judginenl he criticized political p.ressureS and the deluge of Jette.rs from pe_rsons all over· the country "who had nO idea of the iss1J.es. ''· IJ'?Ie judge waa understandably concerned. · 'The public pressure that·concemed ihe judge ·J.s·~ itself an unusual manifestation of concern ,;_ of intense public concern over sniog.. Government agencies 8nd automakers should find this as compelling a prod· a·s the court decree to pu&h much harder on the smog control problem. ~ · · ' ·' . ' j .1 ' ' ' • I , ' .. I ' I, ti_'. .'!Jut )'Clah Honah! Surel:1 :IOU don.'t upllt mah climt to jump inlo aaion ooaA nite'!' . ·-. 1t1oneia1•y, Fiscal, C1•e d it, Budget Poli~s '·Yeah ,-But ·· What's H~ :· A Definition of A Co ntrast , ' I ' • Ill W ASIUNGTON -The reason why c~ there iJ: a council of economic advisers in "' •·.. , 1. th• White House is that government has n Richa-.--• ··"'.Uson' ... recognized since the great dep~ession 9f r ~ \A "{'". ' the 1930s, its reponsibility for guiding \!:~ r ' ~-' .. -·--· • privately-controlled American economic , policy. threatened in the electrical industry. The.re are differences in apprOllch -"NUmerous large labor contracts come up between Republk~ and Democratk: ad· for tene'\\·al in Ii70. La',.r.management mlnl1lraUons on this critical matter. In experts foresee a period !f eitreme dif. most practical matters of everyday life ficulty. that concern most 1A.rrlerlcans this dif-ferenct is the real ~e dividing the two The central cause Is the demand .,_of political parues. ) organized labor for far greater wage in- Rarety has there been in the past 1ucb ~ases, justi fied by the incre~ in a lucid contrut between what a pnces, than man~gement Is . willing or Democratic adtnlnlstraUon w6uld do' ' a~e 'lo gra.n~. Soine economists blame under a given .et ·of ctreumstaace1 arid "'· thil': .. condition on I.he N 1 x o n what a RepubUean ad'9:Wi~:tutip0 -is AJmi~ralion for junking the wage- doinC today · ' 'price-' guidelines ,of te Kennedyl.Jol)nson The Oem~atk a~h is charac~ . ,Adminis.tralion ~nd e~~~aglng what the temed by active tn_terlention in th~ na: _London ~nom1st ca.ls . an ~ season tlon"a _economic alfairsc Wage and price fol~U'lg forward price lncrta!IH lo guidellnes, direct negouauon in labor 1969~ . Oisputes; thef .active~ enlistment ,of, cooperation between the leaders of labor and management under~ govermrtenrs ' eye. ' . . nJE REPUBIJcAN-approach relies much less on direct. lntervenUon ln economlc: affairs, no wage and prlcii gWaelJnes, no leading part by the govern- ment 1n labor disputes, no "jaw boning" of management and labor-in abort, an economy n o t burdened ·'by direct in· tervention but influenced by lndirttt. monetary and fiscal policies, tight credit, balanced federal budgets. Tbe test of these conventional doctrines baa · now come in the N l x o n AdministraUon in several different ways. The first of the_ ~icted big labor clliput.ea of 1969-70 ls now under Way with more than 140,000 General Electric plant · worten· ·on &trike. Other strikes are -. -'WH!'REVER THE BLAME rests, prices are rising ~lie the grw1h of. the American economy ia slo'!irl« :down, to 'hull its rate dur~·'Kennedf-Johnlon -Adminiatra~ .-l'n ~·tiinyenUonal .theqey, this should.:nofluippen. A> the <COJlO!l)Y eooled. of(· ptjC<I should 1111.· But ibt 1n· flation (aU>bas """"-f~Oln:.,t pe~ to 5•.> pe~ while-tlii< gt.o)'tJl;r,te ol the ecooomy bas fallen'tfrotn-5 percent· to 2 percenl , 1• ~. ' An ·increasing numtfer. of · economists are forecasUit; a dlngerOOi dip lo the American· econorpy · taking . the un· comfortable form bf llfl c 't e a s·e ll unemployment, decreased profits and a fear psychosis about the future. All that with prices very high, labor clamoring for bigger wages, and a stagnation in tc"onomic growth . These are difficult conditions in which to maintain the_detached vie:w that in- direct controls must be given an op- portunity to wort. These are the con- ditions, ha Jact, Which led to the DemocratiC activist view on direct in· tei'vention ·through wage and price ~n· trols and government intervention in labor di.sputea, .such as the KeniledY an4 later the Nixon interventjon (during the Eisenhowet -Admlriittratioo) • In steel strikes, whlc~ have "°' beefl ~binaoned: . by the Nixon Adminislrati.on. · . ' ., THE ClUESTIQN WBlg! re,al)y presents ii.self is whether or not the Nb:· on economic policy is ,breaking down under the ~re of labor·management dispulel '1ij 'I 'time of rising' prica•lnd slower economic growth. The avsage person Mes the wage and price side of this very clearly when his tncre'ased wages do not c;over the in- crea.!ed costs ol maintaining his home and famQy. The political que!l.ion ,then ha:omes r.not whether one ecQDOmlc 'doc· trine or the other is 90bnd. but whether the admiD!straUon in power is ta~g po;si· Uve actJan. The attracUon of the Demo- CratJc aP.f>l'oaCh a\ways was that it ~s made to ~the President wu on the side ol tJi' people by holding down pr!.., and makbij sure the ·wage earner got .a fair br'eill. The cOOltr Republican approach, even if sounder, hu its political advantage also at a time when people generally reacted against labor's power. But now everyone la in the same boa~ white-collar worker, bl~Uar worker, technician and manager-the system Is squeezing us all with· higher prices, higher taxes, higher costs of all kinds. In this condition, President Nixon may be compelied by practical polili<s to f I n d some subst.ltute for democratic economic activism. • Eavesdr.~pping on Speeders J • ' I . I . 87 JAMES .E. WHETMOllB -sen-. ' 15111 Dlstdcl In the future if you are speeding, smile -you could be--on candid camera. California sPee<fers could be bugged by black boles if the state transportation agency wins our approval . In the Legillii.ture for sophisticated electronic eavesdropping. • 1be agency hu pledged· a continued crackdown on drinking driven, and this ' put aeision we ~ a. new ·''.implied consent" law requiring S;Urpected drunk drivers to submit to chemical test!. But drunk drivers and ~ers continue to increue at an alarming rate. . What the department of transportation is asking for In their fight against speedsters b: the use by the highway patrol of devices which will not only record a violator's rate of speed but take . ·:-.. ---WWW.. Monday, Nove'l\\>Or 3, 1_969 'l'ht editorial JJOO• of ~ Dall~ Pilot 1eeb to inform and 1Um. aaou reader• b~ prt1tnting lhil mw1paper'1 opinioni Cftd com- ~ on topic1 of intert1t nd 1igrllfican<<, bu J"ooidlng a /onnn for t1tt czpreuion o/ oar rtodcn' opinion4', and bl/ ~Mttino th• diVtr•• ttft10-~&1 of in/omed ob1nwr1 nd "'°""'"'" cm IOplcs of ti!•. c1av. Robert N. Weed , Publisher his or her plctu~ ln the i.Jor~ bla~k <1.nd white. • -AND ANOTHER device which ls being Etudied by the state is one which permits speeds to be recorded by patrolmen fol.lowing, pmsing or · observing a c a r In ·tiont of him. Both of these devices were on display recently in Sacrarpento when delegates to the Governor 's Traffic Safety Conference m~t for two days · in an al~empt to cut down· on the incremed highway fatalities. The camera device Which aroused most of the jpterest among state officials con· cerned with speeding drivers. highway fatalities and traffic safety Is· ORB IS Ill, 14: t.rtde name for an apparatus wbl~ photogiaphs speeding violalon by d'I' or ··nitht. -Adudy, the device reli,. for opetltion · on,plloement of ~s .on hJghway pave- ment some distance f~ the recording devl~. WHEN A CAR passes over the wires, a camera mounted on a two-foot by one foot illumination source of near-Infra-red ilght lltlPI • picture. This lS reproduced showing time, l)lace amt· the speed limit ·on th.t 1tmch of highway. -'Q16. cost ot d'lei ORBIS units at about Sf;,OOlt tach ts high by comparison with an:>ther similar J)!ttt: of equlpmtnt which 1t:lfs for'dSO per Unit. And one advaiitag! to the latter aeems to be that it can be used in a movlnr vehicle, wblreas _the other can·onty be used when stt!Jonaey. Of coutre the . tooiihest Jl"lbl<m . to overcome before the CHP mq,ftt get such eqWpment is not the cost, but. ·getUDg· 11 through the Legislature, which may be unw~g to ~an~llon their use. l~.:'l'.l:IE.PAST. enqugh members of the Legislature have killed the use by the CHP of radar In their c.,.,, although·lt ls permitted for other law tnf9rcement agencies. And the majority felt, again in tl)e pJl'l, that . the · c~ ohould not be permit~ to ~ wµnarked cars. The traffic problem, with ·ta l!IOUllllng (ataUUtt, bu ·.brought .a warning, or perhaps a.prodiction !rpm one of my col· leagues. in the Senate .. He says lhat the day may come wberfwe will have to PJ1S a law making It an offense to drive after having had anything to drink -even just a half can of beer. It ls Indeed ironic that people concern themselves about 40,000 deaths in Viet- nam, yet are insensl.U•e •bout· the death and deslruct.lon on ·our hi.pays. Thi• despite the fact that deaths on highways have risen to 250,000 Jn the last fl" yeara, IDd CUlllllta toppod ·I mil- Dear Gloo~y Gus: Spiro T. Agnew ••• •. , • Tile.Mouth lluit Roand -E. V. D. TMI ...._ nflKfl ......... rilM. 1ICf ---"' .... " .... "'"""'''· ..... ,_, .... ,....... " ......., .... OIMJ , ..... R ~cilly Li,00?' An Executive ':"';...~~ ... -~...., .. '"'mfJ' ~ ' l • :1 ,, . '1' ' -I "I'• • .. ' ·< :, · 'Art 'Ho,p·~· ~e ~ •u..-•-.-.,.'Ill • .,..., .!) of'>' I f .,> I -:.. 1 ..,..:_..,_ ..... ,. _.. o.' ·- Tltoughta At Large: Arr ''executive" is somebody who wears out the seat of his pants four times faster than he wears out the soles of his shoes • • • • Reaction to "'Ilte SeUlng of tbe Presi· One of the most dangerous and d~, 1968". w~ ·~wil~ misleading of lnttUectuaJ.-pastimes is ·The· book, a best-seller. reco.mted m reading history .to draw paraUels .between exhaustive detail how · the: minions of past eras and our own; we are invariably ' Madison· a\.enue , createi:I, packged and tempted to stress those similarities that mid .througb,..televiaion a nieat, 'wrinkle-"'prove" our preconceptions, and to alur free, vote-getting image of Mr. Nixon ..... over those dlffetences that Point in an· op. an Image that l1ld little to do ,wtth whit pOlite dlrecllm. Mr. Nixon was re1lly like. . , • .•.· • Pu~Uc r_!sponse to ~-~ll<>n.!1 ! --11 you can •dersb..oo a_pJay .. Ute.first d.lstlOsures wa~ ~ctable: a ~· na-tlJhe you see 1t, it wasn't worth ieetng; tt011widt suspl~JOD of telmaion ~·' tbt purpose of .iframallc· art is not to ii· The ftm Victim WIS !tfa)'Or John Lindsy Juminale a slb&atlon but to· provide US of New .York: •. wtio projected an image of with an Ariadne's thread t guide ~tr.•-~ ~ l n t e 11 i Ce ti c e • through the d1rk labyrinth of ~ own :. Yeah, -Aki the average Flatbush voter conscious • ausplclous)y, "bul what's he re1Uy like?" · • • • And they voted ln droves for Pi'ocac· . . . ~ clno and: Marchi, two ;entlemen who bad ,iow mconau;lent of nature .to give us a the good.Jortune•to pro)ttt none of these atomach tha t can a~tomat~cally expel three qualttles. "Gl\re me an honest slob substances that are bad for it, but not a any time,''' said· the Flat.&uah voter hap. b_rain that can.do the same -especially PQ• . · -_ IJPCe polsonc!J.s ideal axe much...mare ·~· commoo than toxic foods. rotl.OWJNG TRI defeat of Governor • • • • Rugao.bJ Jess Uri in 1970, ttcame as Ships don't come in that were never no' surprise. when the Dem ocrat 1 aent out. · nornlolted as thelr Presidential candidate • • • in tm a relative unknown -Grogan J. If we genuinely want to decrease (IJll'dbelly) Clynewlti, a professional population growth, birth control alone barToom wresUer from Hackensack, N.J. won't~ it; what 15 also needed is a With .. Mf. ,.Nllon the Jncwnbent., r;shuut1Q&:Mf our &Oclal values and form! however, the Republicans were stuck. so that marriage won't seem so with him.. The expert.I agreed he stood "normal" and ilnperative for millions of little chance apinst a aenuine alob like people who wouldn't -and shouldn't - C!ynenki. mlrT)' st all. ti our society didn't make Czynewakl . st~ the country Jn a tbe state of afrwleness seem so abnormal. swdtyllndershtrt which exposed the rilo • • • que tattoos on his beefy should'1'5, pledg. Those who protest that the wool was 1ng to "late all them stumblebums in pulled over lheJr eyes have g~nerally Wubington, D.C., IDd kick their -tbe clone moot of the knitting themselves. bell out.'' • • • Mr. NiJ:m, by contraat, wqed ~• Jn all other mammal!, the males live hlgbmln<ltd, -· <mtnenlly a..... j1ISt u long u, ti "°t longer than, the amipelgn Oft!C network tekviJ:M>n. 1'Y fepWes of the species; only amona Ill& Odobtr, the polls -bJm·tJjli. humans -and among the most advanced and prosperous -do the females live, on the average, sevtn years longer than the males; ought tbis 'not to make us question our presumed superiority over the rpecies? • • • If1·ou inlattine-that simil~r words don't contein real distinctions, consider Paul Tillich's brief sermon : "Language bas created the word loneliness to eipress the pain of being .alone , and the word lOllllfde to express the glory of being o.Jone." • • • "t:;ounting" one's blessings is a stupid way lo evaluate ; a blessing should be weighed, not counted, (or one con-- siderable _blessing can outv.·eigb a dozen other deficiencies; just as good hea1tb can make up for many lacks, and love for even more. • • • A good story can always stand repeating, bllt only a great one can atand elongation. • • • Vi'ives are much more ready to believe that their husbands are deceiving them than husbands are ready to suspect their wiv~s; this is not because women are more swj>iciouS, but because men are mt1re vain. • • • The arrogance of youth is nothing new, especially in the U.S.; nearly a century aa:o. Oscar Wilde ~marked about bis tra\'els here: "In America, the young are always r,eady to give to those who art older the benefits of their inexperience. ' 1Qz~,1~:'!1i#~ Ofte undecided. I I 11AT LtAsT THE American bo<IJ poHtic need feu no mcft.'' wrote CoJum. nlst Marquis !Jpptoo, "that elections will No Official Stand Taken be controlleO by 11111CTUpUloua 'Madison To 'l!e F,cJlto" avenue bnage makers." , In desperaUon, Mr. NiJ:on called in the As president of the Orange County same Madison avenue 1taff that had wa,. Ctlaqi~ of Commerce, I was distlirbed ed his succeuful 1961 campalp. It was arid ·chagrined· to ttad an article ap. Greylock Ghmunet of Grommet. Grat· petrlniirecenUy ·in the DAILY PILOT ton, GrolOo lo Osgood, who put •tocetber COllCep\Jq .,a <ecent county cham~· the-.-· .. ~-titJ-..1, "Diet ~-es Bae..... 1 • 2'rport IW'Vey.1.whk:b atated: "County; Cli UVW6 a. sh~~ng· . Otamber c.-.... ..1.i.... Air The llbow·opened with Mr. NiIM,."°"'· _,, -.. , -.. 1ng a s~tstdrt labeled "Whittier A.C." CUrbs." 1be first paragraph of the article and a ~.beard, Iouncinl against •ays, "A county·wtde aurvey callJng lor the podlwn sipping from 1 beer botUe "striction of Or~• County airport and puffing a cheap cigar. ope.rations today iJ ~1n1 studied by three A drunken Negro preacher (played by top coonty officlalS." Steppin' Fet.chlt Jr.) opened with a-ques- tion about racial equality. '1 DON'T BA VE to take none pf thal - -from nobody,'' said Mr. NIJ:on, beavlrig the, beer boUle al him. "Thal taltes care of the Sooth," llld Grommet, rubbing his htnds u be watched the monitor. There follow<d 1 blatant appeal to the Bible .. ~~-when Mr • .Ni100"'"cal~ ~ bearded_young questloner a 11Coromle rat" and aocked him ln the nOse. The West was won when lhe President klok an owlish young man by hi• hy ~ clillor and kicked blm oll the stace· And ao it wenl NeedleSJ to '8y, ,Mr. Nixon was victorious in a landallde'. · · '"?be better slob won," commented Grommet the next day. "We have clear\>' entered a new political era in wjrich tht vottr demaod:s a candidate he can iden- tHy with. "And you can atw1ys count on Madi.soa ay.enue to create, package and aell blm whit be wlDll." THE ORANGE1 COUNTY Chamber of Com.mpce ha~ pev¥r made such .a rtcommendaUon. · Such a recom· ' mthllslton: woUld Ila,. to be submitted to our bolrd of dlreciers by the committee requesting I~ a o d IJction ta1ten by the board. U mcb aetlon ·were affmnatlve, an appropriate rnoldtion woo)d havt been duly luued by the Chamber. No ~~.!!!!!'.--..I by _ A> Arthur Brigieni · the committee C'halnnan states In the ·Anal paragraph of the z:tp>rt,. "apalysls,~terpret.alion· and summary or the rupo . , as wen u this <OOJ]IOllte .. port. " clone by blm penooally." ... nole1f Ii~ "JIOrl. .this wu done ll'ftl1 as 1 hamber public 1<rv1ct by Mr. Brlwn 11 not the ol· ftclal posttlen of the_c~r. ' -' .. IN A LEnER add Collnty .Board OI Su 'l":uhlll, execuUve ·viee Orin&• County Chamber to~ Oranfilt or1, ·L. D. "ident of the Commerce, r '. ~ ..Maillwx ltnm frwn Nedln •r. wtlcomt. Nonn•llY ...,.,.,.. "'"If ,,_.,.,. ft'Mllr menlM in Jiii! _..,., "" ...._ "" -• ~ lltltfl •tit -or ellmlMtc Tibll 11 ~. II letlm mu1t lnclud9 al;ftefuN .,.. IMllll'll l'ft., b!Jf n11nH wlll be wlllll'leM ... ,_, " ltltnt ~ b -"""· .slated, "otir execuU\'e committee has retemmended; and our board ol directors has approved." suggesting to your board that this type of survey be included in the information lo be fumL~hed by U>e on going Pereira study il such request has not already been made by your board. 0 This request was made to Jn.sure that the posiUon of ~ business and industrial community be a portion of any IUCb study. • ' ' In summary, the Orange County Cwn- ber of ColJl:merce has not taken' I.he stand 1Ugge:sted 'in the article. L"AWRENCE A. PETERSEN ---' Bv George --..., Dear ~ge: How toTM you use only Initials at the \bottom Of so many letttrs? We know yoo make the letters up any~''" right? FJI. Dear 1fll.H..: It's te!ler to make up tnltlall than whole names. • - ' ' I l ..-- ' I l ' ' ,, ._.. .. " ' ' ..... ·--,'M..,l'/, N-,,.~"9 ~ lJ.lJLY OU.OT f ~ -ceECK~INz~=-=t_' ~England~tluttin~el---:Jail-te~ehior .li--h-.: --1 U -LONDON (AP) -A n Installments 11 a nle he -'nt ~-lft-1'!1· II Git.en _ eql0rtement ' ~achlnery lhe llwl old Fl\11 Prilon aloog with more lhao !heir orl(inal dolil -• ·up . ·• Eot-.who doesn'I pay afford, or .make on.order for -·t ~ort because lhe -~. '!'llht be v,ry m. u rd e·r er 1 • and 'other wa1·worth. 411p ,what he owe1 • won't go to attachment of bb earnlngg by employ4 'dlllcemed switcl>es aood, but, wllhout.lt, It could crfmlna\t. Some employen alrudy m 011-·~: he'U.1!!.a.>1_ -bis employer. ~·ch COW'I '"""-moves le•villfl.!!O ad-be dlaulnlul, , A dtbttr .. _ to 1•11 ,_, 11!:•~· aLaJaw.J""' -"• lf''\::::;:::;:::;:::;:::,:::;;:_;:::::::::::;'l·-i.iii;-"';&y paet unwthedebt Wou .. &ISO l1aVt~· '1rawta~· ~tnmanY"Cf.iti ne"CU~--T'un;;p~ijltim or A~-lor bls ""~but~ eoft.. rtqu1rt ~m to beco,;"·~---.-. -' -.;; -b aetllecL . . social '!or~ . to . he!~ the no> Ile trac<d. . . -cOiiri committal ord<r.:...n-·tempi or: ....-t.lbrouP filling collecton from their mono Wh D S • gl • 'M · • A -blD, preaenled by. debtor in bis troubles. "Prof.,.lonal debtors -the ding the deb!OI' to jail Is an to comply with a Judie's Ol<ler r kless 1 M ,.1 speech openJna . Parliament.' that the flOVenunent;whUe ac' tend to Pt).'. anyway .~ wUI unl\appy one, socially and ·-to hll crodlt« at t.enna he crodJton. Ibey Point out, aro ~ Y 0 m ', 1 _e. ·l,·:· .. ' .. ',e;',n_ ~een Efiiabelh JI in er It is u~rstoOd, however, multjpledebtors~bontVerln-~. · · . · -'requlrtnabbnto 'friabresUtu· ec em_poyet, o will give tbe cotlftl jlo..; to cepUng the priJlciple, may not ' prot~ from' the neW situauoft/' comniercially. Bui·tf·we·are to is con1iderect ~le to af. big firml ·tnctin& on Joo. . • .. • 1 order employers · tq:~~ct be. able to .. provide the extra said Alan Longbllflt, pneral ·.r~ Pt ace one. unacceptable ford. Uau.aUy.a defaulter seta stalment crtdlt who Mou¥ P f '• D • • ' · ·? debts from an emp161e'e earn-, sLa:ff to ·enfOrCe it becliuse of manaaer or one q! Bntaln1s system with ·~nother, then it reputed ~Wl..minp from the chase down their own bid re er tvor,c_ees.. lngs. ; ',_: t~f ,cos\ invojved .. i.awyers. blagest debl collecting apn-·isn't really~......... . ,coUrt befor•'llU/fertng'a thre• debt.. , . The idea-is that ~~, ~n-soci!l~ workers ·and debt col· cles ~ Professional and 'trade . ~n ~ flct, ~ors ,,hivet.:<~ot. \ y<~k ~"le.nee, )¥hk:h dres not· Lonahurst said bad debts • , try court_ a regi~"i:ourt lecUng a~ents all aay the Services, Ltd. · been ·jailed for just being in it.sell ~tP:e"<l\jt ,tbe de~t. , 1 ' "' which deal1 only wti~ flO". scb.eJ.11~.:..·WJU rail under such t'Thtae people orten .. work · debt sl~-t•. wl'\en the law Nef".!Y 3,COO.J~ i._y.tar are increasing jn Britafn By L.M. BOYD lecting odd kinds or old barbed criminal cases -shoult:I ~ave cood1t:~ns. very little or are not·e~Joyed was ~ed foUOWi.Qg the 1ate'J~ed under this system. because ol ttabl-credit and tb1 LOVE AND WAR _ ·Vftty is ~7~ .... :llEME~'NOW, an en!O(cement o~tce~·to ~nd Attachment pt earnings fpr at all," be adi:led ... HoW, Uien, f~rore ~ tiy, ~ Dov~t , ·~ th6i.r \thr~ $0'!~ ~Y dellationary ·preuures el.~ a divo:ce. 50 m~uc h mo~ :1Y~:=·i"fb1:!;" ,.·.= out' it the 1deblot can-pay, gayments to wives abandoned can you~ from e&nµngs 'Charlu DictflJ'll.'in hls.bot'.rtfic in 9M '°'"Ht!' 1~1's ctrclled·t.o right the~ desirapte·than a widow? Jn t~ in ~bli« I '.lllllE'S ~ :11.1-;:mak=•.::°';.:dt::· ;.:n;.:f°'::~.:ae;.:~,:;:;.::: ·~· ·;,.:b::.i'_.;.:· ::.Y-...,;.:lhe;.:l;.:r_H.::'us::l>anda:==....::"'::"':....:in-:._.::th::ey:....:lwl;.:•.:en;.:'t:..:·P:::;!_Wllh=::..:P<;.:. ;:.DP";.:fir;.:. ::..-p,_i;.:dq;.:r<;,.:. •::ol::..:dtbtin::..:..:..;·thrown==·lilt=. ,.i.:o--+· ~=:=..::· c:+ost<:::..::tlie::· ;.:' _,· ::~'-'·-' ;.:'".:......:"::::'-=ml::c::.!:paol=Uon=. --- eyes Of those ,genUemen .ili'' 1ust .i:oil1~1jell<,.. "";~ . • , , ·" search of martrtinooial malef', ecpert makes the 'ut0idsbln1 · · ~ ... ' I meari, Statis~any, ta U:: .• cla.lm itha1t' ~ ablet i ' •' y!ai-okt divorcee'haS exacttY ."~,never t aj d chicbn, boUsel. the same chance (Ir ·temar-Bunk! •••. TRE1 ND lllST rytng as a 33.year-old widow, :i ,YIC~ ·~ tit! 'Brttltb · Most mysterious; Ml~ men-raceQ:acb ;are known lotlif\ ti~n~e ~the~c~r~~in-'. ~P to.f~~!JOO _a ,dey. , d1ca~ eJther th;, ~ GO~ -·wu w.1i to tior}e3 divorcee ;cir. w . .• i!I...,. \9,Sk tNt night .,Y a swift Wine : . .. ' ~ ' ·. more apt :to flO ,'lhra r '1 steward. "Never, n e v ~r, ~dingthan1s,the3& -old · st.ever," said be, .~•us.e, a ~I who ~ neyer , mar~ vlg:egar-aftd..O~ drelling 1 on ned. • your salad when )'.OU'rt served lT HAS BEJ!l'l l>ETIRMIN-a fine wine. The' VinegBI' af! ED that moi'e than 1)8~ lhe fertast.e . ruhls Ille 1il n'e grown ~meh nationwjde ap-flavpf'!" l s.i!l1 •as perfedJy' prove.of Jegallied prostitution. 8Wll'!l 6f·1.ha{~'dWnmy, that I • . NO MA'M'Eit . wJiAT it is, did· k on ·~, but the somebody some,where saved, , s~f?eri"!" ·fellow just rolled hi~ ....., it, sure enough. Did yOu know eyes arid walked,o£f. ... '. hundreds of 1*en ~nd the ~USTOMER. SER.VICE: Q. l • ·. · · ··1 • country make a hobby of col· "What's it cost to bury a dog Dana Wives Underground in one, of those p e t cemeteries?.' A. Understand that depends on the casket. Cheapest runs about $30, most - expensiVe about $250. • .q. "HOW MANY of the women in this country are 5-feet-7·iriches tall?" A. Decline to bite on DANA POINT -''A move to that one,.sir. All paint in seal· underground the utility wires ed cans is black. at Dona Point Knolb will be LANGUAGE MAN -Time discussed Wednesday . at a for Indian Summer, what! meeting in Forster I J unior That notion arises-became our High SchoOI schedul~'o begin Language · man today reports at s·p.m. . '. the origin of ,the pbraae. l Andrew A. Cook Jr., presi· was in those balm)'. days dent of Dana Point Knolls before ~Inter froze stiff ~ Homeowners Association, said . co~~trys1de. that the ~ndian the group has obtained proper raiding parties made their la~ petition forms from the county a~tacks of the season on the to legally . begin the pro-P!Of!eer s~ttleroents. A., t er· ceeding. r1fy1ng time once, Indian Sum· Volunteers, said Cook. will _ m~~NSIDER TIDS -.Did-you do a house-to-house canvas to catch Alice · Roo s e v e l t' • ~ determine w h e th ~ r the Longworth on television the necessary 60 pert;t~t of other day? A remarkable lady. homeowners are wtlhng to She once accepted $6,000 for bear the ex11:ense: It bas been endorsing a cold cream. 'lbat estimated this might be $1200 was right after the cosmetic to $1300 !'payable over a 15-company paid only $2,000 for year period. the same endorsement *° If sufficient valid signatures Q\l,een Marie .of•Rumania. File are ~ii rar n e d-.' coUntY ihit, too, 'linderr.-:-Ainincan .. · supervisors would set,a public Knowhow. hearing before fonnation of an RAPID REPLY: All right improvement district to ac--already, those seven .United complish the undergroundlng. States presidents who once I> Volunteers for ~circulating worked -aS . -Rbooltea-chers the petition to about 300 pro-v.·ere John Adams, James A. perty owners will work under Garrield, Chester A. ~~ur, direclion of Mrs. D o 11 y Grov~r Cleveland, Wd~tam aow·ers ~IcK1nley, Woodrow Wilson They. i n c I u d e Peggy and Lyndon Johnson. Saunders,_ Bob j}ra_dlty, Paul Your question17aftd -coni-., 1 Granville, Anne Hillis, Jean ments are welcomed ·and Pecaut, E d Birmingham, wiU be tued wMrevtr po1· Colleen Mathes, Ma r c i a sible in "Checking Up.'' Backus, Teresa Brown, Olive Address mail to L. M. Boyd, LeBlanc, Carol Call, Jerry in care .of DAILY PILOT; Jansen, Rene Angelot, Anne Box 1815, Newport Buch, Siminuk and Andy Cook. c.alif., 92663. • .. . . . •• ,, 1HRI) SATURDA\('ONLY f :a·s,h,io -n M -a n.·or . ' ' ' • . ' ' ' . ' .. !. '. .. -~Printryware "'i a:l·.el • All oltove rnercl•••• ad ll1 511.,.1Ad1, honnt eofcl, c1pp.1"9l•, . ...,,Y-& ...... W... " ! j ' :!;-WAY•--Naldo• -~---. ...-...... .__ ... __ _ .., ... .._.Sait ........ ...... .... ILto,-....... 7.88 . . -CANllTBSIT • ....,.colho, ~ ..... and"°"' ... stacb to..,. space ClftCf 'kNPI .. erything se 'fresh. 1'"· It.ff, NO)ll ..... , 8.88 DRUXI llREAD IOX. Wood ill""9 b_ .. ..i blritt .. lho -· -blo shelf, MOgneik: ciolw• • • • Ylfllilllll J .......... U.p bobd ..... ..... ....It.to, MOW ...... 8.88 POUMll MMN<Olll llH. t-. ~ , .................. . llhl llcm'ad .W.-,111 cal. ..... ( • ..,., ...... ,~~'.~-'1··' .... 11.'9, MOW._;., .. 9~88 20 QT, mf".oN WASTE CAN. U.. ' b ....... lo polyothrt.no -pol )'00 --COft riflle cte., Ocfor ... illng dt'fvlNr .. tho ltd ...... ...i .... podol. • · 1'1.12·"• NOW.-•• 10.88 UKE IT ... CHARGE ITI . ·' I ~ The i:iew you begins with a fall or wiglet . '10 . Sue CiMy, 'festhiif-ponn .and fashion cut ••• 8.95 . ~ . . .............. ,.1.11 .. , ......... ...,,.... ..... USI YOUl PINflllY CllAlH CAID·- NO APPOtllfMlkr NICISSAlY •ULLaltTOl'I ....._.,.1rc.fttf'I' In' "'°'' 111·44 "UJfTIM.TOM l lACH M1i111t1"1'°" ("'1er 21111 floor, m-mt MIWflOllT laAUI "'"'°"" ··"""' ,,.,. floor,.......,., •• ' SALE! S-pi9ce cutlery ••!·. tjaye good sharp knim for all Y?."' ~'!V-s~dng;dlcing '' chores """""' !lie kild>en. Ccnfu11y hou.d -. ... .....cf blodt lo 1c..,. 'tl!eir ·"'"" ,....., . •Iulo lin steel Wades. REG. 12.99 ,NOW .. . 10.88'. . - CANOGA PARK .. DOWNEY MONTCl.AIR SALE! 9 .. pi•c• Coming Ware• set. "Young Moderns' 1 qt. _.., -ro1o, n•. qt. COMed a;naerolei,. 1 'qt •. taucantaker, 9' -"" itdllot, 2 polite """' ••• and """'"" cOob oo_,Jy, clomia ao-1yl llEO. 19.95 NOW •. 16.88 _·' ' ' . SALE! 7•pioce· kitd>on tool Ht. Stainlou stool willl'lmlluatocf ,.ood handlol ... 010fJlhWv ~-"""',.,, tho COllfllless.-1rlng folis """ ...... """'""-~1111< ~ of<. Md.,.. ....... _ ... ( ' . llG •. 6.99 NqVi . . -. .· 5;88 . ..:.. .. _·_ - ------'-'---. . . ' . FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA . ' -' " • I ' ' , ; " ·' " J • ' ' " • ' " ' ,, • • I • • • ' • • ' • • I DAILY PILOT Mondi)', N~tmbtr ,, 1"" ly Phn lnterfandl "Well, I'm not a mermaid. and wh&t'& more, .I haven'; seen any merma.ids-so go collect your driftwood. A nctheim GOP Speech By Reagan. Scored SACRAM ENTO (UPI) -A Democ ratic leader say s Gov. Ronald Reagan 's speech to the Republican conventio n i n Anahe im shows the governor is "taking the low road" in a campaign ror re.flection. Assemblyman John Burton. ([).San Francisco,) presidenl of the California Democratic Plane Crash Cause Probed SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Federal investigalors worked today to determine the cause of a light plane crash that kill· ed two men. Henry S. Sparks, Oroville, and James L. Mentsch. 35. Antioch. were killed Saturd;i.v Council, criticized Reagan's ·barbs at Assembly minority leader Jess Unruh and Mayor Joseph Alioto of San Fran- cisco. Re agan. in a speech to the Republican Central Committee convention, labeled Unruh and Alioto •·the Bobbsie Twins of California politics." The two Democrats are waging unan- l"OUnced campaigns for thei r party'• gubernatorial nomina· tion. "His attempt to make humor,0 Burton said, "was totally unprincipled and is an indication that the governor is going to take the Jow road dur· ing his campaign for re-elec· lion." Burton added, "The reason he has started out to do this so early is because the record of his administration ls ii1defensible.'.' Reagan Raps Hasty • • ~··· # -~ Viet Moves LONDON (AP) -A hasty withdrawal of U.S. f91"ces from Vietnam could mean "another thousand years of darkness" in Southeast Asia, Gov. Ronald Reagan o I Callfornia said today. The governor told a news conference at Lhe U , S . Embassy that this was the message he hoped Prt!sident Nixon will deliver tonight in his television broadcast. 1 "I believe it is time for the President to explain to the Barricaded Man Killed American people that it is not LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A all that easy to end that con-man known to his neighbors as flicl. It is not just a question "Zorro" barricaded himself in of bringing the boys home. There are many other ques-hls house and shot and wound- tions and issues involved." ed tw o policemen Sunday The governor. who arrived before he 1vas cut down by Sunday night with his wife for · 1 h d h his llrst visit to London in 25 p1sto s ots an a s otg un years, appea red relaxed and blast. atfable as he fielded questions Killed was Thomas 7'-f. Fox, ·- -Abandoned-Girl' s-BrotherMissing- From Ule Wire Servlca sheri ff 's depart men l on child abal'ldoid'lWll chi rges Dena, 4, who was born afttl BAKERSFIELD-A woman spokesman said aulhorlUes after Jody "Smltb11 was pick-they parted. Another child, ·chirii<f w1ili 'ibaiiclODlng her··ttac1 · no1 -detmnin<d .. whethtr ·-«111 p bl' a1ri-on Callfornia .. :rlmoth,y.7, was with the F°"' S.year-old daughter on the the fraaments were from S between here and Los quets when they were ar· center divider of a freeway human bones. addlnc thll lhe Anaela She had betn told to rested. has refused to answer ques-fraimenLt do ~ 1,ppear hold onto the feoce wltll aome.1;:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;:;;;:; il"" io cooneclloo with the "cooslst.nt with the pathology one helped ancf· cooched to ._~., !t disappearance of a second of an a.year-old cblld." say her name was "Sm!lh," ,.,,....,, ..,. child, believed missing eight Sheriff's deputlei from Los Police said. •11 "''"'"' mooths, Angeles attempted tG que.Uon The child Wll identified ·~.,,..... Investigators analyzed booe Betty Louise Fouquet. ZS, and through newspaper pictures as -~ fragment,, today i n a her ccmmon-law b u s b a n d , lhe daughter of Mrs. Fouquet widespread search for an g. Ronald Fouquet, 31, Sunday almost a ~·eek after she was about the dlsappearaoce of foonif: · ' year-old boy believed to be the Jeffrey Lansdown. BUly Joe Lansdown, S4 . a older brother of Jody, a blonde On the advice of her court· mechanic from Camas City, litUe girl found abandoned by ' appointed lawyer, Mn:. Fou-Ort!., cont.acted Los Angeles an interstate highway. , quet rtfused to tali wllb m. ·police and told them he was Otf TMI -WATER ffiASlER The fragments were found vestigators. Jody'• father. He said he and in a suburban Bell Gardem Officers dU& up the Mrs. Fouquet had •thre e -rti,.~Col,.,.. home once occupied by a cou-backyard of the Fouquet home cbild!en during their five-year TOILET TANK IALL pie accused of abandoning the in the Bell Gardenl section of ma~~ before she lefl him "-in'•*t••W.. 5-year-old gi rl. Los Angeles Sat"""'' ... night. five Year. ago. n......,..w-•11o·1~-"'"-~.., 'd h h d ........ ., _., .tt.r ............ . A Los Angeles c 0 u n t y The Fouquet.s were &nested Lanldown SAi e a 7St ... , MAIDWAll STOllS custody cl ooe o~f~lhe~chil~-dre~n~·~=:;::~====::::~. Grenades on Campuses from the assembled, mainly 34. One offi cer, A1ichael w. REDWOOD CITY (UPI) -been di!COVered in a dozen British newsmen. Keller, 23, was in critical con-Dangerous gas grenades are school lockers. He gave no sign that he had turning up at junior and senior Elvander urges anyone fm· noticed the five long-haired dition at Daniel Freeman high schools on ~ Fran.-ding one ot the red.and-gray younpters picketing the front Memorial 11os pital w i t h ci.sco penirl$Ula. icc«ding to grenades to tum it in to police of the embassy nor the wounds in his stomach and the San Mateo sherifrs office. immediately. The captain said busload of po I Jc e rein· shou lder. Capt. Herbert Elvander aaid fumes from the grenades have rorcements t hat were on hand the gas grenades, which are a "clinging" effect and can in case <>f trouble. The pickets Pollceman David Adair, 22• more dangerous than tear gas, cause skin burns and can "Im· carried placards demanding was in good condition at the apparently were stolen from a mobilize a large crowd within C-IO 11111 Cflrllll1111 Science Lecture I P.M.. M....,, NeT. J-11...i. Hip kllHI 2JU N. "--"• An., CM'9 MeM u11d•r th• •~1pict1 of ,.nt a.rd! ef Chrht, kletltttt, C••te M ... •""'-" .. • ""-'""'•" w.1,.,... an end to Ule "persecution or hospital with an arm wound. military armory and have 60 seconds." minorities " in California. ,....'.:'.:':::'.::.::'.'.'.:.:'.'.'..:'.'..'.'.::.::'.'.'.'.'.'.:'.:...__'.'.'.'.'.'.~'.....'.'.'..'.'.'.:'.'.:'.....:'.'.'.:'..-'.:~'.....:::'..:~'.'.'.:'.:'.:._ _____ _'.!::=================== The governor il' here for eight days to ma ke two speeches, one Thursda y to the Institute of Directors, a private organization of com- pany directors, and another Nov. 10 to the National E1porl Council. He plans to talk about mea ns or stim ulating trade relations between Britain and California in his ' e c o n d speech. Reagan said he had schedul· ed no meetings with ~ltish government ministers b u l would probably see some at a dinner U.S. Amba llsa dor Walter H. Annenberg is giving in his honor . The rest or the time. Reagan said , he planned to spend sightseei ng with his wife. .All\.lulous Founder's Days Plug-in sale! , DO A 10' X 15' KITCHEN FLOOR INSTALLED FOR AS LITTLE AS 118.34 l'RICE IASED ON NORMAL INSTALLATION Don't miss this-opp6rfimity.to hava.tha luxuriou,.fook of marble al a tremendous -_ings. Armstrong's Corria Mdtble", one of their more exciting, new patterns in top quality thick gauge vinyl comas in beige, white, gold, green, or tan and orange. Hurry, while sale prices ore in effect. DOWNEY ~1 FULLERTON 871-4343 Coma In or Phone HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-nn LAKEWOOD 634-7000 MONTCLAIR 621-3811 N EWPORt BEACH 833-0792 • • Hard hat remote control hair dryer ... Now yau can have a beauty salon in yaurownhomeatPemeyslow, low price! Reg.~~~ 19.99 Penncrest• side control two slice toaster ••• Clrome plated steel with black or hamst hcindles. Comes with '4faot~ Reg.12.99 NOW • 11.99 Penncrest9 chrome plated toaster oven, •• Chrome plated steel CMin ._ tures front maunted conh ols, - through gloss window. Reg.~~~ 17.99 uarr .•• CHAIGlm f; · 1\'. 11 :. Penncrest9 low silhouette 8 spHd blender ••• SoGd llllte blender featum a timer and. a 44 or. container. Don't miu this great value I Reg.:~ 26.99 Penncrest9 Teflon• coated Waffle baker Telb,a Clllllled chr-plated llMI. Wolnut graintd handles. Thermwtutically COllll'olled. Reg. ~~t: 19.99 AVAll..ABL.E AT YOUR LOCAi... PENNEY STORE • . - w • " " u ~ • c c b I • r r r I ( I t ' T ' ( t • • r c I ( ' e t 0 t s 1. u t • ' ' r ' i ' ( ' r ' ' r I I I ' ' • I \ ' t , 1 I • I I • • I .I I • ' j --·· -·-....-----.··-.---~-~--------·-------·--------------------~----------. -. -------·~-----. --~~-~-,- 'Lefties ·Coming Into Own BILLERICA, Mass. (UPI) -If you are rtghl-handed, and _the odds are 9· 1 that you are, ~ou will feel di.scriminaed against right from the start. "The Left Hand," 1 catalogue for southpaws only cruted by two Billerica brothers, reads from back to front. It cries out to be turned with the left hand. All very unsettling for a member of the right-banded majority. Some of the cataIOgue's fare: knitting instructions tor JefUes, sd!SOni, ateani and dry irons. corkscrews, diaper pins, guitars, bandsaW. and baseball gloves. "Business hasn't been ex- actly booming, and we're not millionaires yet," says Martin Alills, 21, the right-handed half of the fraternal partnership. But, notes confident, left. handed Christopher Mills, 20, "l always was aware that everything was made for right-handers only, although occasionally you run Into a left-handed product. There are quite a few of us left-handers around, you know. We estimate about 20 million in lhe United States. "Left-handed people are the only ones who know what th ey're up against," Chris says -and Martin agrees. "I'm right-handed and I didn't learn what the problem was until my brother sat down and ~Id me about it. Jt'a definitely a right-bander's world." In preparing the catalogue exclusively .for lefties. the Mills brothers wrote to 500 manufacturing f i rm 1 , in- quiring what left-banded pro. ducts they made or would be willing to make on apecial ' order. Now they deal with wholesalers in Boston. "When we get an order we run orr and get it and send it out. We started out with just about no capital. For the month of September, we Jost $1 more than we took in said Martin. Their biggest selltn so far liave been the catalogue itself and the knitting Instructions, of which they write: "Most written instructions are dif· ficult to read anyway, but when they are knitting I& structions for the wrong hand, they are impossible." It was Martin's right-handed wife, Karol, who drew up the knitting instructions: and Martin, who is a high school dropout, recalls how he and Chris "sat next to each other at dinner tor years and bashed elbows -this operation really means something to us." In the introduction to 0 Tht Left Hand" the brotben write: "Ten percent of the population is left-handed, so there is a considerable de- mand for left-handed equip- ment. But the supply of this equipment had always bem severely limited in both quan- tity and quality. For lboee 10 percenl, there is a real need for our service." The Mills brothers, in ad- dition to offering t h e i r customers such exotic items as the only left-handed can opener in the world and an electric guitar with Jcfthand controls (noting that Paul McCartney of the BeatleJ is a southpaw), hope to expand their catalogue listings three or four Umes to include left. handed belt buckles, cricket O.ta, hoist.rs, scalpels, potato peelers, playing carda and micrometers. Their ulUmate pl? ''A million-dollar empire," aaya Chris. ''That's really seriou1!" .. .. Monday, Nowmbtr S, 1969 DA!LY '1LDT 9 PRE-HOLIDAY . Big savings on women's dresses We invite you to save on fashion right dresses far all occasions. A tremendous assortment! Misses! Junior petites! Half siz~I Hurry in for first choice! Bring your Penney charge card I ' Group I Orig. $8 to $CJ •••••••• Group II Orig. $10 to $12 .•••. oup Ill Orig. $)3 to $14 .... - There's superb quality fashion•a·foot ••• Engli~h imports ... 12.88 EACH Just look at what you get ! Monk strap style in smooth black or brown; demi boot straps in smooth brown lea· !her. Men's sizes. Men's blue denim westem style jeans ... machine washable ... Girl's attractive long sleeve dog ear collar shirts 2.88 Sanforized• 13'/• oz. cotton denim, Full cut, and reinforced at all paints of strain. Heavy duty zipper. In ind igo, men's sizes. -- 2.99 Dog ear collar shirts of 65% polros ter/35% cotton in white and pretty paste ls. Sizes · 6-14. NOW 6.88 ' NOW 8.88 NOWl0.88 100% acrylic screen print crib blanket for baby •.• 2.99 EACH These machine washable blankets have a 3 inch nylon binding. Multi-color print on white. In 4r:i'x6fi' size. Hurry in today! J.' ! ·'·~· ~ j. . ' 110 }' CLOSEOUT! CLOSEOUT! Big savings now on big and littl'e girl's dresses Women's Penn Prest• sportswear coordinates for leisurely comfort 3.88. 2.88 (7·1 4) (3·6X) Now is the time to stock up on these smary looking girl's dresses! 2.99 Choose from Fortrel.• polyester/cotton striped blouses, flare leg panlS, jamaicos or skirts in solids of navy or green. Sizes 8·18. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • • ~ . t I I 'JO OAILV PILOT -=-New Name Of Water -·Unit OK'd " SANTA ANA -CalUomia'11 : ~:z :.n:~a!~ n~:e :rr . , the Oran~e County Municipal t Water District. the county's principal wholesaler of im• ported Colorado River water. 'Jbe agency's new name ls the Pi.funlcipal Water District of Orange County. ·District directors sought the name change because of ·what they said "'as "great public: confusion" b;lween the Ir agency and the Orange County Water District. -whicb imports and spreads Colorado River water Jn order to re.supply un. derground water' Sjlpplles in the Santa Ana River Basi n. Directors of the Municipal Water District of Orange County include David K. Jones. Gerald E. Price, Clem M. McColloch. Glenn P. Allen and W. B. Bel lis. 'Start Living' TUSTIN -"Start Living - Stop Smoking'' is the theme of this year's Cancer Education \Veek, Nov. 9-15. accordinJ: to ,.!rs. David Richards. public educaUon chai rm an for the Orange County Branch of lhe American Cancer Society. DEATH NOTICES GARCIA o... trbntlneo ~rc:11. 71'2 Aldrk h s1 .. Hv"ll"'loot Bffdl. S11rvhrPll trv ,.;,~. Ev1; TWO -· Jlllllj.p incl tltk1!1rd; dlu ... ter, 1!:11 ..... ; brotller, N1Uv;ll•d G1rc11: wrtndiOll, O.n~l P. G1rd1. •OHrv ,lonltllt, Mond1V, I PM, el Peele F1mllv Cclen!1I Funer1! lolome. lle<i ui...t M•H· Tuetd•Y· • AM. Our Ledv ol Guff.llupoe C1t11e1ic Churrl1. Soni~ .,,..,, Olrtc!Pd b~ Ptek Ftmltv Colonl.ll fuM•tl Homt'. HENGOEO WiUl1m Htr190ftl. A~t 61. cl Jll? N Crnt Ave .• Huntington Be1cll. Ot!t ol l!elth. October :11. !.urvlv!!d by wlte. M1r111••I; cou1ln, O!lc Turnt. !.e•v- lcn, Tue'61v. 1 PM. Flr1! (hrl1!11" Cllu,,;h, Hunt1"9ton llt1ch. 1~1t•n\t"I, Weslmit>Sl1!r Mt,,,.,..111 P1rk. Smllr.s M~ry. Olrtctorl- Monday, Novtmbtr 3, 1%9 Dedicated at Fullerton New, eight-story, $3.6 mil lion Humanities..SOCial Sciences Building at Cal State Fullerton was dedi· cated Sunday during college's loth anniversary ob- servance. School began in 1959 as "Orange State changes later, its student body numbers nearly College" with 452 students. Ten years and two name 13,000. County Foster Home . Prograrn Talk Slated Handicapped Lecture Set.. SANTA ANA -Newport Beach physician N. Edlatpour and Evelyn T. EricUon, coordinator of education ror the physically handicapped for the Orange County Depart- ment of Education, wlD be the principal rsputen Wednesday at a meeting of the Onm&e County Epilepsy Society. SANTA ANA -There are Nov. 12, at the Rea School. 601 The meeting, open to all in- 1.000 youngsters in Orange Hamilton Ave., Costa Mesa, at terested in learning about the County who must live outside 8 p.m. little understood disease, ii their own homes. It is because Bert Knight. of Laguna scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at 200 their parents can't -or won't Beach. a foste r home W. Washington Ave., here. -take care of them. recruite r. sa id the purpose of1;:::=========::;:,I l n many cases, it is because the program is to generate Only One they ha~ no parents. more foster home licensees. How the county Department "The need is very ctitical," be Final stocks In all home editions. LILLIE of Social Welfare takes care of said. That's a big dtll? It ls lft Onngt Aibffl w. lllllt. 1C•Vi ff••clnus. co-these children, through the More lnformatiop on the Count)'. The DAILY PJLDT Is thf: •M• 11e1 Mar. ••• 7t; 1111e 01 11e1111. foster home program, will be county's foster tiome pro-only dally flf'WIPl.ptf' Ui1t dtllv ... 0<1. 31. • tiu11111"' <:1111tr1c1"" 1,, ffpw discussed by Welfare Depart• cedures can be obtained by J"'"'" .,,.. .a \'ff ... Su•VI"" bv "'"" t rs the patk>. llotit<I c .. c ... ona 0e1 Mtir; tltlc118•d, _:m::_:•_:n_:l:._:cl.::1.::i<.::i•:::ls:_W::_ed=n=esd=•Y:_:•:_:::<•::l.::lin~g~Kn=i~gh:::l_:a::l_:B3+::_:2603::::,· _ _!!:==========:'I w., S.nt1 Monk1: Allin C. Llll~.1 - Co.....,1 ~ M•r: brolher, 1o1ow1•d llltlt; sls!eti. Minerv1 lll1ubell, lid• _ Brff!!'lt", FIDftnce Ly1111s 1nd llu111 ft "'MIOfl, au ct New Jerstv. se,,,.lce1, !oc!av, MO<ldlY· l :U PM. Bll!I Clleo>tl. Coron• de! M•r. l"termen" Paclllc Vltw MM!o<lol P~·~. DlrKled bv 11611I ~:::::~":.,.£. Co.II H~wty, enne111 NA VLON AUTO C•NTaR M1rk ~. M. N•vlorl. "-~ l!. Of !!IOU M.,.edi!ll Or., 1-!untlnvlo<I lleacll. Otte !If dfftlt. Oc:lobe• 31. 5urvlv11J b~ Ntf!nU. Mr. I nd Mrs. WIUl1m Naylon1 ""'lhtrl. OeMl1 alld P1trlck: sisters. 'I'-. 1(1lllY alld O<wlnt; tr1,,.,,,1r- ..nts. ·Mr. llld Mrs. Albert O.nlKh; Nn. JI. H. N•,ton. lll:t<IU~ Miu WIS Al9br•ltcl tllf5 mc1rnli\f, MllfltSIY, " 10 AM, SS S!"""' Incl JI/de C1tllolk; • C~llrtll. lnterm.ni, Good Sh11>h1rd ClmdtrY. Sml!M Mortvarv, DlrK!ors. PETERSON Milm1 a-tit ~ltrs0n. A1MI 116, of JOJ Fulltrlon Ave .. Newport 8ffctl. Dalt of deelh, October ll. Survlvwd bY d.ou!lhttr. Mn. Mtt E. Robinson. N .... _.t llell(h1 bro!ller, A.~el V. Ander- son, M1nnt1IMI ar11'dchlld•tn, 1C1,.n A. Hur1t, Cllr!sUne M. Tollth!~ .• ~.; Elleft It. Gt1Um«1. Service5. T~· NO'l.,..btr 4, 1 PM. II Muolltr FUf>fftl Homti, SI. P1!11, MlnMt< •. lnle<menl, A(IC11 Memori1I Part. SI. P1u1. l.oi:•I 1rr-M1«11lo b' ll~tr llros. Morlu1r,, S•ntt An.. Major surgery or just an aspirin? ' REAVES Doris iltNYti. "" s~. cf t17·C G• ntv1. H11t1U"9!0n l!Hd'I. S11rvlv..t bv """-· Josaot11 111u11h1tr. Carol'~ Wt lktr; t1111tr, 1l1ymond Hk-o•r "''" sisters, c11n t1 M.trth•"'· Mt••e GM""'rtl~. Ct f'OI Gllllllt'ICI. M-ltl :ttfvlcn, fNwdiy, 2 PM, Smlllls Cl'ltP-8'1. f ln11 re1!111t cl1ct, ilt01lcrucl1~ Fllll~!p, Oc:t1nJl<:le, c1111. Srnl1h1 Monu1rv. Olrtelorl- ARBUCKLE .l SON Westclilf Mortuary m E. 17tll st. Costa l'ttr1a 646-4811 • BALTZ ~IORTUARIES Corona dtl l'tl•r OR 3.9~50 Costa ftle sa l'tU 6-%414 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l't1esa u a.JIU • DILDAY BROTHERS Hllriqlon Valley M .... uy 17111 Buell Bh'd. u .. ....,..11uc~ ... IC-'1'171 • M~RMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY llli ....... c..,.. Road La-Bue~ IH-llU • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ctm<luy • M<irlWITJ Cllapd S5tl Paclftc View Drive Newport Beocll, Calllonila -• REI FA~fiLY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 1111 M8 Avt. "-"3-3Sll • SBE"'...,F'"f"'E"R MOR1VARY ............. 414-1$35 ... a.-u. ,4111-4100 • • S.'IJTDS' MOR'nlARY 117 Mala SL u .. om.,.._ - There's !lQ guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there isn 't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find out scientifically! MONTClAJR In less than O{'le hour, W9 put your car through a series ol sci- entific tests {212 of them. to be exact) t~t plnpotnt any exisilng problems-and vwam ol potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakea. Transmission. Electrfc:al and cooling ~ fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analy1\s of everything from headlights to tallpipe. ·You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. .A skilled diagnostician goes over the report with you, If you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care or small problems now, before they de- \le lop into big problems costing big money. And, ff you "1111, PonnoYs wlf1 make the repat,._quickly, ao- Curately, econotnlcelty, R9"91ra that coukt pnrtent • needl111 htghway breakdown. If you prefet~YoU can take the repon anywhere you llke • The cOlf? Only 9,88 Pretty reasonable for a doctor, these daya. , , Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center The SclentlUc Troublnhootera FIAilATON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWFQllT llEAQ1 ' HAL AlltKMll ·HEARING' AIDS C.1le11t AVfll A"'flllltlc1llH MO I ALllSMEH 3409 E. COAST HWY, CORONA DEL MAR .., ...,, .... , ... , 675-3933 Foreign Language? Gibberish? NO! tt means: [][] Y[]U l:IEEIJ l[] TFIKE STEPS l[] U:lPfl[]UE Y[]Ufl 1'UTURE? If~ It no cost to you, you can be t11ted to see whether yoU qualify for • career in the Computer field -th• thlrd-larpft but f1stest·1rowin1 Industry In the world todly. Don't be satisfied with se<:or1d bestl Test your ~ualffkltions fREE at Tho Academy of Computer Tacll.....,., Pl\OM 0<Wnte: 547-9471 Union 81n~ Sq111r• -Suile 40 South Tower, Ortnt • 112661}, ' FOft nra INfOltMATION SOio THIS COUPON r·········-···-·-···-----···············•• • • • Name Phone • : : , Address c;ty , • • : County State Zip : • • • £ducat1on: Hllh School D Colltge O • L••••••••••••···----•••••••••••••••••••••~ Don't let this ••• happen to your car! • 3 D1ys only! Mon., Tues., Wed.I Professional motor tune-up! Volksw1gen 6 cylinder 8 cylinder 9.88 .14.88* 19.88* •Molt Americ1n c1rs Here's what you get: • New points, plugs, rotor, con· de•ser and distributor cap • Expert adjustme•t of cam• dwell, timing and carburetor • Result • , , more pep, better mileage • More enjoyable driving! • LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! Foremost8 High-Volt battery for sure-fire starts •.. 16.95 Power up with the High-Volt. II rech arges quickly and stores power up for sure-fire -starts every time. All ~oremost9 sizes with trade. • ' \ • • • ' • • • • • • ' • • • • ' • ,• • • ' • ' ' • \ • • ' • • ' • • • 1-~~~~-~~-~-~------------~------------~-i'' • • , • BUENA PARK ("'r.1:,."':l.":M) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISJA DOWNEY FU LLERTON • HUNTINGtON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • "--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! .. n • = • • l • • • i • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J --......... --. . .. -.... -.. ---. -.... -................. ._.. .......... -. ~ ----... -,. .. -............ ·~· ,. ...... .,_ --. . . --. -.. ~ .... --..-.--·----~-----~-~-~-----.,..--...... -MondaJ, November 3, 1909 \ DAILV ~ILOT J} Sl¥1nie~deatlg~i -Now.Po-ssibiT<>Smffiif~----1 . . , . · Painful HemorrhoidS "" Psj'Choloi)'. not technoloaY, this power, Americans should · electriCa1 Power to follow by and surrou~dlng ntlghborhood 1 • BfrtlaS . may bl~k .i\m~rican _~m· attempttosep3rate fearhom _ six or seven years. with as safe an environment And~rom~Stop_Theltch1nr, . _. Ii' • ~.T1~~l!~•...!);gr.t=!,'3J'~&.!h1• '"'"concern"-<h&-&alety..-0( .••. 'iet,the . .UniWlSIAl<sr which -ao-do-convenli-·..__ iJiey_e n In.Moat Cuea. ----L .! _.;;:,, .......... -....... HOX-l"'Mfm1 L Holli TA 11:1 ~1nca1 ....,,..." uiur grow ··-. · h •-d · d ··-"""' M y • Ny -.ceRSeB ~ tt de A • .a. A1 .... to _ _.A... atomic -pov.·er stations ac· · as 811 ""' Ye x Per 1 ~ n c e plants. .ntw or.. • • (SJlfflt.»: Set. ot the Inflamed h1mor1hold1 Marriage .. w . •l'ld Mrt *"""*" ,qullet' _., m .. -. ICCf)r ..... oa • IJUK\I • ' power ·~brown-oul.s" 1n some . ,1 , IP enc. hu found a mtd.leation took ptact. ' Htll~•v it."'' An• ''" ' : · nuclear engineer, cordlng to Or. Henn Fenech of ol its \major cities could be "In fact. he •aid, in· wfth,tbt ablUtJ-fa 'llDOtt eaiel The tterttli PrtpuatJ011 Hf. i h:t5"''~~~~!; i:.~v'incj;d1 r'rrl99• M~. •rid ' Mra, Ke,,.,:.,n Molltl, ~' ·With power nee(fs doubling the department of chemical crippled in its ~fforts to dustrial plants wh ich burn -to promptl1' 1\op ttchlnc There'• no otlier to1m.uJ a I ; Ftoe1NSON·WITHA:Ow -IXt. 1•. M Cll~itl'Wf ~vi,, Cotti M ... , bof • every ·seven ye~rs. and wilh · and nuclear enginctrini at develoP. such an efficient and low·grade coal as fuel subject tellevepalnandutaallylbrlnk like it! Preparation H ala• t e:~.~iit~1t, 0; •• G;•ro:1~1t:'i. •rid ~.!1. o~~~·=-MOtrl .. l1' ~o. fast-breeder reaction offering B ba ec<lnonilcal power source if the pub~c to a higher leveL of laemorrhotda.. toothes irritated tlaauu ••4 e W.All(!A:·LONei:-Oc.I. 10, lOU!• .l1 Mr. •fld M .... Murrey MtCod!. 110l6 the mei6t promise or~produclng VC.San~a ar ra. public opinion should bloc:k radioactivity than do nuclear ,." bf doctor• »rtt•d that helps prevent furlhtt Infection. i~" 11 •• •, '"-,•,· '!1··"·1• •no-"8" St., H11nt111t1on •••c11. t1ay ln an attJcle soon to appear , U f r 1 • eede power plan'"" In f'f.11 atta cue whllt ,..u, Jn ofntment or auppoillory ! ~ .~:;.• · · °"'' ' "'~ unt "''°" Mr. •Ml Nlr'-Johll ~. 15611 ..,;,. . cons~ruc on · o as -ur r I.CJ• 1 • DUNKEL.ZEOLI -Oc.t. to, W•ll•• •t>r.,Mls1ion:Vl1jo.llov' -~ i\n the, French pUblJcation, reactorsbecauseoffearbased 'Ibe elflciency of the fast. nUnlq~alD,acQialf9duetJon fOnn. • ~=•;»,11111He1tnAnn 2i.rio11101 Mr. •fld Mra. 1(1nn1tli ENiutt, 13'1 B h T ' • "Entr&JeNl&Cleaire"binotes upon misinformation breeder reactor in terms of l-----------------------w" 1Mlfl' U.111n1 ltd. No. 1, Ttntln. 1lrl • eac . ~ ... 0 lh 1~-M--u I • I ned I D F h h '1 th t ·-t 1--~ '""'"''id ·-·-· d •• t.AJTZM.AN·Df SIU.Al! -Ocl. :i Mr. 11'1d Mfl. J11ftft e,,,_..c, 111' ..._.. l \Nl•W"'-' CRl Sp an 0 · r. enec emp as zeS a 11~8 .,_ ~·-~ ovun w w ~'it~ tl~Ot J'~'' M•11· • A:Yll•N ltd., N.-t ... c:11. •1r~ ~ .start 9-n three pr o lot l. p e designs '(or nuclear power percent, ~hich Is equivalent to .. c;ONVEY-cAltPENT EA: :_ Oc!M 21. ~i ·~ r"' ll""'r"' ll-18 lit ~ ~--t' f . T fast·breedei-reactors lh the planta are aubject to stringent that of coovenUonal power Check Your Horoscope : ~'.~~~ !i·c!:1. •.:t.J•thir . ••Ito ~ ".A= tt ~ • or ow· Vl'lited Statei between 1'11 regulaUOn and that these plants fueled by coal and oil, :! P~·!f1.~~n':tofi t':tt.~'i~.,,~~~.~.: IN, •lld Mrl. 1totier1 ''""".a. DlllH• and 1975, with production of ~lants provide their employes accordlns to Fenech • .-llll"rtlnt, ti, o1 HewlllOI"~ AV1., CorOlll fel Mir, boy """~ dmJ•'M •·-( ilt WOODS.COX -Od 2f, Oontlct MT. •rid Mra. l1rry 01111M'""""r, lliSf ''ll~ 8 1~~rlwa1t rOM Ill" wuu.rn. lO. of coitt Mesa, 1,,,;1 e. llost, .t.ot. ue, oranet, bo'f' the Huntington Beach Union "' Oorol~Y Otrltflt. u. ol S1n1e An• Mr. l fld Mrs. Kfl'!Mth MOftn. 30C1 H. I s h I o· t . Ill I ._ JACKSON-VINSON -Oct. n, Jerrv Cleveltfld Av1., Coal1 ~. bo1" lg l C 00 IS rJCl W eave ,., A:ev,_ 1•, of We$ll'!ll11Sltr, I nd l10o11-,..__.. Nov. 2 for a six-day national .,. "' rru=r •· 2J, ol G1rden Grove ..,.,.._ '"" I · • posv.11t.scHuENEMAN _ oci 23 Mr. •11<1 MN>. Kurt A:lt1sch, ltlsi !'Ill tour of innovative earning Ectw1rd John, .u. o1 Mun11;,,1on l•M, HU11trfttton &Hdl. tlrl ler : a1K11 •rid Sus1n. 21, o1 s1nt1 An• Mr. •rid Mir. lloblrt e. Herm1n. t111 ·cen S. c.A~Y.r:H.AMIE1tL.A1N -oc1. ,,, · L• co11n1,, "°"'"''1~ v~1i..,, tlaY Representing the district on : ~[11~ ~.tnli~f~ ,fe~11J,0 lllll•~ ~t, omiw • the trip which will cover Los 1'" OA.V1S·AASMUSSEN -Oct' 1i Mr. •nd Mn. Gr19orv Stlttr, 10111 A""eies, San ~anc1··-, and till " ' Ar'l\ll"l(IM Pl., (Olll Miii, tlrl ... f' ,. ""'v M1e11ae1 J., 2J, ind e 1111btt11 21. boll! Mr. •rid ·Mrs, 11:1c111ird A:obson. 21201 5 eh 0 0 I a In F Jo r j d a, •• of l11u111 8t1c.h -Montt v di D so U11U bcrl f" lllr B!i,~l·+tUXlEY -oct. 14b Gr:tr;V Mr. 1nd ~n. ~1cir"1o eorn:ro. uo1 P~IVania, New-. Y ork, M r.:I~ ~t:nd N1ncv J1•n . bot of S.E. W1lnut Ave .• No."· Tustin. 1fr l Jlli"ois and Nevada are Dr. > MIER'J~H•SO• ,,_ Mr. Ind Mrs. J1-o.i.ny, 2ut 'J:r_ .. .... -vd. 74, Sttv•n "·· Nor!ie II Cott Maa lloy J ODD Venable, director of cur· ., n. ol untlntlon 8tfeh, •rid lll'll)I ·• • ' l .. 2s. o1 cos11 Mes• oct...,. u ricWum; Scott F 1 a n a g a n • ""KEYES.T.ll80T -0,1. 24. Mld1ael Mr. 1nd Mrs. H1tr11•y l:f1rblrs, 10ht -.. ~ Emil, ll, tnd Petrlcl1 L~nne, U, 10111 lfcllburn Or., HUflllfllllDll 8NCh, bov aS!lSlant Superintendent Of .,. o1 Cotti Meil Mr. end Mt1. Andr.w Pol•n. l4jtJ E•ln educational serviCes and John ~· lHIGPEN·NI X-Oct. 14, RObtrt w.. lld .. Wnlft\lnthr, INV .. 2f, ol Wes!mlntltr, Ind Jenn ifer Mr. Ind Mrs. ill:Oller lllloclfn"-utll. Hunt, director' of special proj-~ l~nn, n, of Founleln V1111, '13\\ M.llrlgolct, CaroN ct.I Mir,..., ... .-ENOICO'TT·WISE -Oct. 2.i. Henry Mr. 1nd Mt1. A:obert W, WJ!l\mel', t 71 ec ..... \• -l'~:T:i 'Ji °J,)ost1• Ml11. 1nd Vie~• Junlpen1 or., eo.i. Mne, lllrf The tour is sponsored by tht!! ;, MA~il9.Ut-TuAN':.1trte -0c1. u, M~u~~ ~~· c'/.'t'.' ~ •• •;/;~"' 2730 Northern California Industry R:~ .. g11~ ... ~,20~ :~Yr.;.~,1~ '"° M•. •fld Mn.. Ktn11tlfl IMf, c,2 1t1on EducaUon COuncU and the F'LACE·WESTMYER -I)( " Rd .. lrvlM. tlrl c lll . A··-1·a11· r _ Ch1r1e1 P., ..,,_ •n4 uv1 Ar1ti.. ~· Mr. 1nc1 M11. Fred• G. P1~r. ::iu2 a orn1a .-..... on o t1!h 0 ~0511 MfSI • ' Pltrct Ava., C~t• Ml'H, tlaY s e c 0 n d a r y -s c h 0 0 I I II .A. 8~1t-Ll58LtlT -Oct.~-Rabtrt Mr. Ind Mrs. F••nk J. (ovenl"f, 2•11 Adm'"IS. trators. ~-2 , \nd Ccwmle, 24, llD11'1 of H1111o Or1~1e. Cosl• MHI, -tlrl .. , 11:/cl.f'.',\'~.A~~~IN _ Ott JJ Otn Mr. Ind M11. Al\11\ O. M!lcht!I, ll<IJ -----------· Wllll1rn, 31, .tdn Miry "Lau1H, 4.2, 5e15hor• Or .. N-•I Btleh, glrl bot~ of Hun!ln11an ee1Ch Oeleber 16 M.ARSHM.AN-ANOEllSON -Od. JS, Mr. 111<1 Mrt. A:obfirt HINlntlUV, iNU RllPl'I J ., 35, ol Westml~t11r, ind Cortner .Ave., l•~ewood, 1!rl ANIMALogic ....... t1rJre•l~ii'NT{k ~ ~1'.11~~'.:,,.w:1i M~~1!.~v:"'t1 L~r~un~~.:;·~e.~~· leo. lJ, 1nc1 G1n11 M. 32. bclll ol olrl ·• · ' ' H""llngton !IUtl!. WEST-COl PjTTS -Od 25 Greritorv Mr. Ind Mfl. J1rrv Ven11s. 3511 W. ' · • 1111., S1nt1 An11"bov Rou. ,,, o1 osf9 M ... , •nd Jtnet Mr. 1nc1 Mrf. 01Ml1 e, C11mmln9s. t21 L.o~l11, 22. of G•rclln Grove. $1. Cl1lr, Cotlt Mesi. 1lrl OCC Forensics Team Sweeps 50 Colleges Orange Coast Co 11 e R: e 's Mesa: Cindy Rogers, Orange; undefeated forensics team Sue Stanford. Newport Beach, swept 25 awards at the recent , and Jean Blankenship, Costa ~6LIPPfDA~1~~ MOWC:..&,y ' i l 1 El Camino Preview Touma· Mesa. '¢U9t60AWl<WARt>"';i; ment to outd istance a field or,_::::::::_ ________ ..!::::=:::::=:=:::=::=::::'..I 50 colleges from throughout • -' Southl° California. J''' ... •"''''''''''''.'''''''''"•••M••••1 ceTi~~~e ~;rd~_uo~;:k w!~ i ·YOll PIOILEM: : Vic Adams, Balboa, and • • Dorothy MacMillan, Cost a i You Wint fe •II .... Item i; Mesa: Cathy Barrett, Corona thet-yw no longer Med but •i del Mar, and Dan Carlton, IOl'ftW• .... Clft uw fw Huntington Beach; Nova NOT OYER $SO l!achez, Costa Mesa, and • Pierce Lucas .. Garden G~ove. ? ? 1 . ? ? ? i OCC took six awards m ex-, _ _ , __._ · ·--, . • l<mporaneous speaking: MIU JODI :>:II llMllEI• ··· t Miklaus, Huntington ~acb', · 11 ... W • • P.ierce Lucas, Garden Grove, You coll THE DAIL y 6.i.OT ask 1 J Jun Odnozola, Balboa Island, I ___. .a·..1.....--.o.1-1 ~ • or Greg Bodenhamer, ·Garden C eulff-,.....-,...,,._~.and place • Grove, Dan Carltoo, Hun· tington Beach a_nd J e_a n PILOT • Blankenship, CostA Mesa. t Mike Miklaus of Huntington PENNY :: Beach took an exceUence ~ award in impromptu. PINCHER • In expository speaking, OCC t took 15 awards, with Lyal CL•""IFllD AD • l1erzog of Garden Grove tak· ~ 1 .. ing the top score in the field in AT OUR ••EC• a 1 LOW RA-the men 's division. The ~ .,.._ ,I& - awards: Pierce Lucas, Garden Grove; ~~b Sco~t, Corona del 3 Wm 2 11MIS 2 DOI.LAU Mar; Wil!Je Collings, Newport , • I Beach; Greg Bodenhamer, • Garden Grove; Tom Hubble, ANO YOUR CRIDIT IS GOOD I Newport Beach: Bill Landers, DIAL NOW DIRECT' • Costa Mesa; Nova Hachez, i • « Costa Mesa : Debby Brucher, :t 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 :: Orange ; r-.ti ke Reed, Costa L . • Pi1esa; Wendy Taylor, Costa (t•,,.. .. .,. C..., 141-lutl : Mesa; Patrice Kuhn, Costa ***~'*'*~t•tatA•t-AAAAA~AtttttAAAAAAA***~ WURLITZER HAS DONE IT!! The bi9 break throu9h on tone 9eneration that brin9s you down to earth prices on beautiful new instruments. ALL NEW ORGAN SEE ITI HEAR ITI Y1111 wtft'I MMft't tlllt -IMt~ ti IHClUOIJ IENCH •llDJ1 11 t11i. 11" •rlct, AHO DEllVSllY .1'11111~11 Wlfll llltonwlllc: !f'Ylllltt 11Cllln. •llllllll'f ~ltl!1r. Oth01' Models from $744.00 ·WURLITZER CONSOLE • 1 GRAND PIANOS r SAYE UP TO 40°/o OF NEW- PIANO COST Ntw IMl111Mtr '-'"· NW "....,... felts, 1 rebtllt tlti•1t, rntn1119, n1e111y r•phlud. _ ~11 wltfl 1 O ,.., wrln.11 t•••tM. ALWAYS EASY TERMS· .USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY NOW WalliehsMusic City Sooth Coast Plar .. lrl•tof Just N..iti of Sao DI• Fnry., Coste M ... , M0·3165 · SEARS Has Everything . . . I In.eluding SUNDAY SHOPPING Sunday Hours 12 Noon to 5 P.M. Orlon® Automatic Blankets with Personal ,Warmth Control That Adjusts -Automatically .- Temperature VP SAVE•6? Regular $24.99 Twin, Single Control 1897 \ • Machine wa1h and dry tor e•y e1re, escluaive penonai warmth eontroL S year p.anntee, 7-incb nylon bindirlg at top • L.11ting 10£~ deep w1rmth-•uperb atrength. motb·proof, mildew· proof. non·allera;en.ic. In 1old1 blue and avocado &29.99 Fall. Si111le ControLJ I. 97 f34.99Full, Dail ControL.29.97 S59.99 Kins. Dtt1l Ceatrol-44.97 "4.99 QuMn. Dua1Coatro1S7.97 U1e Sean Revolving ~barre More Great Blanket Buys from Sears! • SA VE '2 ! Fiberwoven• Blanket> Replo.f9.'J9 • SAVE 'l! "Thermo·Weave" Blanketo ReplotSS.99 •Trnctd to f11("1\eddfe&•1td ';97 •Madii"' "9tlt for e.;y can, 491 pillinf (or dur1bl1i1y , n talftt ••*P41 alter wnhln& • rir1eh1ne w••h •ml dry ror •• ,., ~ •1!e-~ted to teilit'~hedding •nd art";--contmiti .. -color"O•-'l·in.-----Twin--· p1lh1t11 for·dctnb1Ury. Soft tnd Twtn ii1lon biridinf . SiM floffr Sbe $ll.99,fal!Sl1.__9.91 111.99, XlntSlu._14.97 Si.99, FaJI Sl~6.97 atZ.99. Kin1 Si1fl-l0.97 $13.99,QaetnSit _ 11.97 110,99,QueenSir 9,97 Sears GUARANTEE If control or blanket prove d~fectivewiibin 5 years of sale, return the complete unit and we will repair or re• p lace it at our option, free of charge. Regular 84! Dacron"' Pillow• •Non .. •lier· genie, mildew and moth· preof e-s1ni • Gard 2 s5 treati d tick. reoioll bocle• for ria ' I i ,--·----------------------------------------------, I IUlNA PARK • ll MONTf lONG l(ACH ' rtCO •I~ l'OMONA SOUTH COASt ru.u. I ' CANi:1GA PAik Gl(HDAtr OiY#itC & S01"0 SANTA ANA TOllANCf I I COMnON HOtl'tWOOO ORANGf ~ SANTA ff SHINGS ~ VAllEY I ! COVIN4 INGtfW6oo , PASAOfNA e<> ""S $ANTA MOMCA 'VERMONT 41t "--" , '---~--------------~-------Q..1.1 -------------------': ...,Hftldo.....,......,_,,,IOAJl,fo"IOP.M.,l.....,tl-toJPJI. -~-• "Silitfoctleft0.-atoe4ocr...Mtne71i<1L• ··-. ...:_. - !l!•lll·~~llllllCJlllllll' .. lll!'lllf"l"'• ... ll!!'"""':"!''""''"P.""'~c~.,..,~ • .,.,,.~~-~""'""""" ... "'""' .. ""'' .... '~ .......... --~-.... --------'."""--C-r"=-:"~:-:"":. •.<, --~~-·. -., , -, ~··:-· .. ·· ........... -....... -~ .. ..__ ....... , ............................... ., ............................. . .... ._ .................. J ! DAJLV PILOT ys Contempo~a .... Y=-Redeoat;-----'--F . . B en Franklin Called 'Spy' LONDON ~!) -Ben· jamin Franklin, perhaps not unwittingly, spilled American and French secrets to British spies, according to a con· temporary redcoot. Author Richard Deacon ac- cuses Franklin in "A History or the British Secret Service," published this v.·eek. Deacon also says Josef Stalin's key spy ring in Germany actually was British. lie ·says Britain's first sub. marine wu built with plans stolen from the United States. • ,. Deacon writes of Franklin: "Between 1776 and · 1781 Washington spent more than 10 perttnt of hiJ milllary ~udget on intell~nce opera· lions. But perhaps the greatest surprise is that Benjamin Franklin hi~tr became a tool of the British secret service." "American historian.'! lend lo be still .too Jhocked by an:t ·such suggestio n to be able to view the facts objectively," Deacon sai d. Accordifl4 . to . D e a c o n , I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e For the garden of the century, fully grown Yue. ca plants or "pups", old and new. Dowers of. man. ana·land. e And \\1'lile La.$ Floras an! flowerirw, set Up this hand carvtd v.·lne rack, Mexl. can, of course, near the Spanilh hatch rover table, e Fandan;o or polka fan. all music: becomes beloved on a \Vurlitzer Spinet, full keyboard, in excel· lent condition for only $500. Franklin was caugh"t In the trap while serving as infant America's ambassador t o Paris. "Inside this embassy was a cell of British intelligence organized by Edward Ban· croft, Franktin't:i friend and chief assistant. who Passed on all information he obtaiDed from the master straight to the Britbh, Deacon says. The French trusted Fran~lin and supplied him with their secrels, Deacon says.. Ban- croft relayed them t.o London as well. ''The kindest deduction one could make from all th.ls was that Franklin was · duped by his asshrtant and, from a security' point of view, w~ ui. terlf incompetent;• De.aeon . says. "But a close examlnation of the facts by no means S!J8· " . ' ' • " ii n l!rf- gests that this was the case. ------~~------------1 Frank1in was widely travelled, an efficient administrator, a man of the world, fully cognizant of intrigues and highly intelligent. It is un- thinkable that he did not know something of what was going on," Deacon says. Acrording to 0 e a c o n • Thomas Beach; a British spy among I r i s h revolutionists based in the Uniled States a century ago. supplied London with plans of a submarine the revolutiona ries built. Buy The DAILY PILOT" Ju5t for 'Peanuts' Beach Quh Lau ds Seniors ' -j • • • • • • • Twelve high school seniors · than yearly, recognition would have been honored as students . do • better job," explained of Ole month for September c:Jub·pruident Doac Archer. and Oc:tober by members of Honored frcm MariM were the Huntington Beach Ex· Rhonda Martyn, 11; Becky change Club. Denos, 17; Rick Saeman, 17, The lop scholars. from and Paul Larsen, l_lt 1'.farina , Edison and Hun-From Edison were Janlce tington Beach High Schools, Maiville, 17; Molly Fisher, 17; were the first to be honored Ross Jennings, 17, and Dod under the E1tchange Club's Bateman, 17. new monthly syStem. From Huntlniton B e a(: h "We're tryipg to focus the· were Linda Moril.a, 17; Patty spotlight on JOcal scllolarsblp, Yamuaki. 17; Norm Furula, and we felt moiithly, rather 17, and Paul Moro, 17. Sears -- SA VE $7,NOW! Sears PorJahle Aut.omatie Fan-Forced Radiant Heater warm up p rage or work• 11hop in I jiffy Replar S26.95 ·1933 . ideal for COUD> try cahiaor COl'.'lf•'" • Thi. automatic portable heater AO"" to work i,.tanl· l f, moves from room to room with eue and .. kea ap e;o liu.le space. • Ju&l &el it and forget it ••• auto1111tie lbaiM 1'1 holdo heat II the aellillg JOG eboooe. Three .... __ tingo. Cur7 ~ndle - ' Use Sears Revolving. Charge ,-------------------------------------------------~ """"'-,,..TA 1-'-olOO. J11·4SJO fl lllOHtl GI l .Jf ll IOIOO 9tAD1 Hf $·01)1 ~ tO 2·114S. HA f.Jl,1, W •"'711 MO WI '"'1i'2 .,._OCW.fUIA ...ml I tilol'Ql4 ,,,.,,11.0M1 "'ucw.104s-100•,a •·4't1 ottll'f'IC t.10tO AHl-ss11 W«A,..m7-l#t _,,....,,, I I ~"""'u1,Nf1$•1 IQl"'"'°9HO•·J'4' -u 1.1100 ~ .-.. .-.... .....,1 ........,,.,,.....,.ftfaa I C0'9M "'°'" .... l!WOCl9'0I .. ,JU ~ "1 .,,"· '''""''' Sears --.. • ,.,,, -"'"'"' , __________________________ . ------------------ .,,.........., ..... s.i.n.,t~A.M.•fiJOP ......... 12Mw .. JP.M. '*' •• _ "5atfeh1ieaGcl a:zltt •• .. M 1 IJI Etf• Prlces Effeetjve, 6eginning Today 1 : : I l , . ' • SearS °'""""' hritilter elolhe. a1i111 i... d«,,_ Buy Today' INSTALLED TODAY! Just Plione ' Sears SAVE '10 ! 3 0-Gal. Water Heater •Plenty of hot, bot water! for diabn, laundry, •ndbaths • 53,000 BTIJ healer neoTera 44.S CPH at 100 . degreet riee • Fe•turet include 2-tt1ge .. Fl•mewith1 Bl'lin" Modei33S31 '9t.9S, 40-WL Wlter Beater 8,.88 SIOf.95, so.Gal Water Beat« 94.88 Regular 84.95 74 88 • .\!k About Sears Convenient Credit Plans SAVE '40! Autom atic Softener • S.ayela operation, providea eaperior W•ter softenin1 · .., . Regular S239.95 • , • { • 1. • ETI!f')'lhlnc le • liul1 clean.er, M>ner, enier {or you nd your family FodE~ 1-1i.11 ....... _..i 19988 I •7 4.95 Electric Dual-Element Water Heater s •••. 5088 115! 7 -- ldeal for your family"s need• Regular 15.75! ~ry~r Vent Kit • ·-' :-t . j: i· • ' SM.95,52.CaL ·W-·B .. ter-69.88 '95.95,-66-Gal.--- Water Beat..-_79.88 .lo.5.95, 112-C<L . Water peater-19.88 388 '"' i Ouutandingva.Jue at Sati low. low price ••• hurry -a.·hile quandties lase. ., ~ ~·-• Sati8faction Guaranteed rs==i Shop Monday tbro Saturday : or YOll7 Money Back ~ 9:30 AJl.10 9:30 P.M. , ....,,, __ ...,..,.Sud171l2 Noon i. S P.M.: • •• • I El co g• in. • 1 I I Fo m1 art wh ne; , pl1 he; an sci an m1 an ap • as ln Jal • H< ho be he pa 1 clo th gi· "'I • pl lh ., tic ar a e " to " st " " P< nl C• ty p 1 ho " \V D h1 le h' ti OI lh ti a1 bo 01 bo r S( " rr di tr ti rr • • - ~ Unexpec~ed expenses? Little Hope See n ' -For EarlyChange BuiMing Plane in Garage Elnfer Car~son, a Boeing Company employe, sits in cockpit of unfinished mini-plane be is building in his iarage-sbop at Enumclaw, Wash. He has been work· 1ng on plane for three years and has set Aug. 1, 1970 . . as the date for its maiden flight. It will be -15 :eet long with a wing span of 17 fee t. Ca rlson will use the plane for sport Dying. · Calves Use Fake Battle to Sa'1'e T11rtles Hearts · Palm , Leaves HONOLULU ( U P I ) Banana trunks and palm leaves may help save the giant turUe from extinction. WASH!NGTOM (AP) Four calves are potentially Honolulu zoo director Jack k · I h' · the 'Throp says the Galapagos ma ing medica istory 18 turtles, the largest land turtles artificial heart department in the world and the longest while grazing calmly i n nearby Maryland pasttire1and. Jiving animals, are in danger or dying out. Throp i s All four have totally im· chairman of a nation a I planted artificial "booster" research project on the turtles hearts in their bodies. They cooducted by the American are believed by government Association of Zoological scientists to be the first Psrks and Aquariums. animals to have such equip-The Honolulu, San Diego, ment Implanted successfully Miami and Bermuda ~ 'tak· and remaining operative for ing part in the project to appreciable periods. only four zoos that breed the Induce Female to Lay Eggs changed the soil." The seven adult males and five females, ranging i n v.·elght from 300 to 500 pounds, havt an extensive, shady area with a pool and clay and black saiid for the eggs. :Qut Throp said the eggs are not allowed to hatch in the sar'ld, where the young-turtles may be stepped on by the bu1e and clumsy adults. The round, whitish eggs, each about the size of a tennis ball, are plactd in an in· cubator and when they hatch , th~ babies are kept inside "un· from about 120 days naturally lo some 96 days artificially. The young turtles, which weigh only aboul 2\i ounces at • birth, can reach weights ol up to 600 pounds and have a life expectancy of about 200 years. By their Ioth birthday, the turtles weigh ebwt • 1 0 0 pounds. School Band Places First WASH!NGTO!i (AP) Chances tor Senate approval of a Constitutional amendment providing the direct election of the president has about faded to the point where the 1972 election may be decided under the current eleetoral college system . • , The Uouse Sept. 18 approved the proposed amendment by a 339-70 vote , far more than the necessary tw<rthirds majority. But no action has been taken by the Senate Judiciary Com· mitte. Time Js running strongly agaiNi the amendment, because the Senate will have Its hands full for th! rest of the year with the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr., the massive tax reform bill, and a pile-up of delayed ap- propristions measures. _ > • FIRST STEP The first step Is lo get the amendment out of t h e Judiciary ecommittee, which has been· sharply d.lvlded on electoral reform proposals. The issue was pushed aside by Haynsworlh's nomination and no date has been set for taking it up. Sen. Birch Bayh (0-Jnd.), chief Senate sponsor of the di rect election amendnlent, said there \viii be no mean- ingful discussion of it within the committee until the Haynsworth nomination is disposed of. "That's just-the facts· of Ille," he said before taking off for a n lnterparliamenlary Un.Ion meeting In New Delhi, Ind.la. He is not expected back before Nov. 9. However, Bayh said he has not given up hope of wlnning Senate approval o{ the pro- posed' amendment thi s year - or, ir this proved impossible, early next year. BIG HURDLE If lhe amendment gains a two-thirds majority In the Senate. it still will have to be ratified ~v three.fourths of the states. This may be the big- gest hurdle of all. As approved by the llouse, the amendment provides that ratification by the states must be completed by Jan. 21, 1971 . to take effect for the 1972 presidential election. -Bayh said he \\'ill fight to push lhe ratification deadline back to May or June of next year, contending lhe House-set cut-off date may make it im· possible to put the direct elec· lion plan into operation for 1972. TI1e longer Senate action Is delayed, the more likely this is to be the case. DEADLINE VITAL However, House sponsors of the proposed amendment argued the deadllne was necessary lo alJo,v time !or Congress to paM legislation implementing the plan if the stales ratify it. The proposed amendment abolished the system of alot- ting electoral voles to the states on a \\'inner take all basis. ll also eliminates the elector, a usually faceless in- termediary who in theory casts lhe votes actually elec- ting a president. lnstead,~a candidate receiv~ ing at least 40 perctnl or the vote nationally would be elected president. regardless of how many states he car- ried. IC no candidate carried 40 per cent of the popular vole, a runofr would be held between the top two finishers. useourmoney- andsave! Even a biassed event can Cl98te ......, pod>- lems. When that happens,-Monio 1'81. Yoa may borrow from $100 to $5,000 for medic:ol expenses, bill consolidation. home 01 car repairs, any good reason. Just phone or come In and tell us who! you need. We'U ten you what your loan wtll cost and imtte you to compare our aen4cee with other lending companies. Chancea are yow .. save at ~ Morris Plan 673-3700 Newport Beach ..:... 3700 Newport Blvd. ~ • .. . ·' •• . • • -· • • • • • I • • • • • . ' • • • ' ' • • ' • • • - ' ' • • • The boosters are designed Galapagos turtle.· Officials tn as aids to their natural hearts the Galapagos Islands, th e in experiments studying heart home of the huge tortoises &00 , d~ strict protec~ion-" They Newport Harbor H 1 & h are,nOt allowed to join their School's marching band placed adult colleagues unW they are .first in its first competition about five years Old. this season outperforming 16 Throp's methods have paid other bands last Saturday ln , off The zoo baa. 211 ~ that Tustin. -1 . failure, miles west cj Ecuador; "are One of the calves •. .a: (making 5W'! the tw:tt~ a r,e Hereford named Butterball,. -not eaten or taken out' of ffie holds the reaird so far, She's islands," Thorp said. been alive and eating grass in The combination of the kill· her Gaithersburg, Md . , ing of many for food plua a pasture for the past six weeks. high death rate under oatural ha~ batched witliJil.:the last ii Bands Weit jUdged fot CORl- two years,.about-to percent or , blned ~~lleDce__jp _ m~ the eggs that were laid ... This marchin& J.nd ~owroanshlp: ls a hatching record for the ; Patrice .Prastk:a, t.h e Sailor turtles in a zoo," Thtop said, band dnnn major, took a sec- addlng that the period or in· ond place trophy. cubatlon has been reducedJ,==========;J Her three companions, in--conditions has resulted-in .the eluding a male named Victor danger of extinction for the- -and a female and a male turtles, Thro.p said. The that so far have not been vulnerable young turtles are given names -have had their an easy prey for animals. Flutist Gets Estancia Honor "heart-assist" devices I n ·From ·956 to 1967 th e place for lesser periods, one of Galapagos turtles at the J~t Finney, a· fiutlst, has them only a week. Honolulu zoo did not reproduce ~n presented a $,10 check ·~ Or. Lowell T. Harmisop, at all. Then Throp began to Band Member of the Month assl!tant director of the Na· find ways to induce the female . to: September by the Estancia tional Heart Institute• s to lav eggs again . High School Band • n d artificial heart program, told "We gave her d.lfferent ~estra_ Booster Club. a reporter the success of the kinds or food . like sliced up Miu Finney plays in the e x p e r i m e n t s to date banana trunks and palm Marching Band, .PeJ> Band, represents a major s t e p leaves," Throp said, "and we Con~rt Band and Orchesb'a. toward developing t o ta I artificial heart substitutes. The goal of the heart In· stitute program is to develop such substitutes for trials in -WEIGHT CONlROL GLANDULAR THERAPY IEN I . 0 TNOMPSON, MD c.t1 t.r _,,.-.... MM211 o,..~-_,.,,..,... 1127 W-1111 .Dr. Newport 1-'t animals and, eventually, perhaps for trial in humans. In Houston, Tex., Wed- nesday night, Dr. Denton A. Cooley said he believed a new type of mechanical heart - presumably meaning a total heart subsUlute -would be ready for trial in animals I Se SJ Enjoy the Lu~ury of Soft Water with an afS Automatic Water Softener Sears Automatic Takes the W ork Out of Softening Water \Vithin the next month. WITH· SOFT WATER Asked to comment on this , .---------..., Dr. Hannison said that in the on detergents, I I Keeps thinp clean- hearl 1ns111u1e·s program ,, Yoo Save Money soap and c1oth-Yoo Wort 1tss .. without •ttort. least, total heart substitutes ing lasts longer . . _ eliminates J:>ath tub have not yet been developed to ~--------' '---------' rings the point of trial In animals. Describing the experiments on the ca lves, Hannison said that in previous ventures .or this type the power source for an internally implanted· heart booster pwnp has always been on the oul.!lde or the-animal's body. Jn the new te sts , r eehargeable batteries in- serted w ide the calf's body are recharged every 4 0 m i n u t e s by electrical in· duclion. This i n v o 1 v e s transmitUng electrical energy through the intact skin by means or a system or coils. Are you getting enough · out of life? Come to this Christian Science lectu re I PM, MIHIHy, Not. J ltta.-cl• Hit• Sc.hNI ZJ2J N. f'kK•rio Aff, C111t11 111 ... •"-' tll9 ... ,le.es of Flnt Cll•rch of Clwltt, kl .. th t CMttiM ... FREE Elitimates! Phone Searo Today! I Sears I .. SAVE'50 This Week ---··-···· -· Alteat SNn (looftol .... """'' ....... So. Coast Pla:a, 3333 Bristol St. Phone 540-3333 1l 1lnvt Fini1h Coruole 4'9100 H1Ho.:lr. Ch.lir lnelud~d #'334 SA VE $24! Zig-Zag Console With Storage Hassock Total Reg ular '101.90 . - • Onrcasu, siltin stitcfiea, sews on buttons, makes ··~buttonhole!11 monograms • • Front-Ji1ou11ted bobbin winder \\'ith automatic cut-off when bobbin is full. tJ H'as!!lock cl1air keeps all sewi11g needs in one place. Model 1204-9100-4334 $ • ·-----------------------------------------------,. I MHA •AAK tl ll'.QNT( IONO tfACH •ICO el ....... POMONA $OUYM C01o1r ftM,f. I' CANOG4 PAM GUNOAU OlY""IC. .. ioro SANTA ANA TOIAAHCI "" I oo.wTOH HOUYWOOO ORAHGi ~ SANTA rt srn.IC• \IAllft ~ COVf.14 INOlCWOOO PASAOlNA SA.NTA. ....oN1CA \'ttlilOMJ • .._ "'·--------------------------Sears----------------' 111., Ml"'•',..,.. ... Sot11f41r t?tO A.M. ,, t1ao ,,M., S111ulrr 12 N-i." P.M, ----"SotlJattlonGv6t .............. Meae,1 ... • •· I .-, ..... ~~ ~ ...-~---. -~----------------------------------------------------~ ~ •• lf DAIL'f P1LOT Mollday, Nowmber 3, 1%'1 ;;._.__.;.· A·NIMAl~i~~~-;~: V1Iriety~eas~re~6ffere · ~n ·Tu=esda t ®~ Nixon's Frie11ds, • ~ Foes Tall{ By MERRIMAN SMITH \\1ASHINGTON fUPI) - SonTh c I e a r I v identifiable friends of the N i x o n ad- ministration spent a recent evening in a Wisconsin Avenue pub discussing current affairs with a few acquaintances who v.·ere clearly lacking in ardor for the president and his policies. It was entirely off-record. lhe participants \verc fiiendly yet poles apart on political philosophy ; some had been in government before. s o m c \Vere in it now -a cross-sec· ,lion of conservative and midly liberal attitudes. -~1ost1y t h e y were talking ...; about the "c haracter _,aSsassinalioo,. defense o f ,Judge Clement F. Haynsworth , Jr. by ,President Nixo~ and the "effete corps of impudent 'snobs" speech in New Orleans about antiwar protests by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Running third on the highly ·informal agenda was the con- flict of views between Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, v.·ho at last COll[lt favored a unilateral ceasl!Hre in Vietnam and Defense Secretary Melvin R. Lajrd who is against, at last count, unilateral action. The liberally inclined people around the ta-ble expectedly thought the President made a mistake in mounting such a strong )Vorded offensive for Har"""'rth. i~ -They also -were-uniform in feeling that· <',gnew set a new gaffe record in his New Orleans speech, which might contri~ute to determination of Ole antiwar factions to. con- linue if--not--inlensily:, their prote'st demonstrations in mid· · November, ·Interestingly, the decidedly pro-Nixon participants did not differ with t h e liberals as harshly as one might· expect. The conservative opinions ran along these lines: -Indeed, the President's informal news conference of Oct. 20 did raise memories of the so-called "Old Nixon" of 1960 and 1962. but it was no more than a quick flashback and largely in the eyes of the beholder. It developed thal shortly after the 1968 election Nixon was cautioned b y longtime acquaintances that the body politic, particularly the journalistic s ection thereof, was waiting fot the "old Nixon" to emerge again. slashing and fighting . But the chief executive-elect l o I d several people that if he had not learned anything in the eight years since 1960, he did not deserve to be President. One Nixon ad1ni rer spoke up, ''he told me the san1e thing in 1960 after eight years as vice president.'' -Conservative opinions varied \\'idely. One n1an v.·ho worked for Nixon's election said. "Agnew may not have checked that speech 'vith the While Hou se in advance. and V.'hat he said in New Orleans may have made some high ad- mffiisfr!llion people unhappy, but I'll bet you there is not a cross word exchanged l>E'tween Nixon and Agnew on this sub- ject." Another man on the same side or the political rcncc said. "Oh, there'll be other Agne"' speeches that rub a little raw and the Nc1v Orleans thing may h ave helped solidify th e protest pco· pie, but did lt ever occu r to you that, right or wrong. Agnew voiced what a great .man)' so-called · s i I e n l ' Americans have been thinking for a-1ong-time1" -PUTiASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell UM\\'an!C'd ilf'fT\S "'ilh it DAlLY PILOT Cla.uifl.:d Ad. PHONI 642-5671 • ., • By ne Associated Press at least r~r communities Will statewide ballot In New Jersey whethtr the City can 1Ubsidlze sUtuUoa. comrnfUlng the state rejecUnc a $90 mlllion Issue ~Ucut 'toWlll -He~. decide whether to le•alil<e ;~tude a _ P'lhmlllion bond !he Detroit Sjreel Rall••l,.'!!!L li ,! .P9!!£IA~ .. i.il.M.tY,JUl4~u. bMi '6-B~---~ erm'1<1 oils ta!€ and-<ll)'"""'Joc&r ~cjJici(HJ<S:-· ···-"'" --·-~·io !Jilil wal<Fpoilutioo"illilliiiliifii"!lif iJU 1£ !Jfo. ",na\Uril 'r:e-·.a;,a· coil>' JlllllloO lasue on the ballot. , Vot..-a In each N 0 r f h ballots next Tuesday will in· New Jersey voters wjll and buy reservoir sites, and a quired to pay costs .out of batling ·air atid water pOllu·,. 'Greeley, Colo., resldeJ'ts will Carolina county wiR decide elude a proposal to lower the decide whether to lower the propOsal to establish a state revenues. Proponents of. a lion. -decide whether to legallr.e tt~ voting age to 18 in New Je.rs.ey ,voUng age from 21 to gt. lot\ery. -• subil<b' say~ altematiyeJs Sch~I ,funds •are prime quor sales, ~w barred under w~r to.add ont cent to the and measure~ to su~s1dize Ceorglll and Kentucky aft Uie . In Detroit ~ Seattle, funds higher fares or re d u·c e d questions m •~number. of ma· 1he . lOO.year-old , charter. of =~· 3 percent salet tu for mass transit 1n Detroit and. only states currently ll'ilh .a for mass transit are .the issue service. jor cities. Hartford will v.ote Horace Gree~y s Un 1 o n UH. Sealtle, voting age of 18. Citizens )n, with the . Se?ttle rere'rendum: Residents otNew York State on four bond ,'iSNes . totaling Colony. . . T~, Wash,. c.iUz.ens will School bond Issues are up Alaska are eligible to vote at asking a three-fear ~xcise tax Will decide whether a con· $26 million; Pittsburgh voters Proposals asking voters to decide on an $1 m1Won issue for voter action in a number 19 and in Hawaii at age 20. ': to buoy the•J>US·~~&ttin. servaUon. b~JI of rights should will be ~~ked t~ approve ~ .a.~prove the sale of llquor also for cOunty-city building e1· of major,citie~ and citizens in Other measures on the. Detr-oiter:s .. "'~st de c Ide ~written .into the state ·con-mJil.1~ m school bonds af'6 w1ll ~ deci<kd tn three am.all pansion . • In this age . of raucous,-~i-dney-jolting sports cars,-}s -there a ~plaee for a roadster that offers brillia·nt performance with comfort? Mercedes-Benz thinks so. Tfle Mercedes-Benz 2SOS( at right costs something between stven thousand and ten thousand dollars, depending on options, state and local taxes, and the like. That's twice the_price of the niost common little foreign sports cars yo4 see darting along U.S. highways and byways. And it's somewhat highe'r than such kindred spirits as Porsche, Jaguar XK·E and America's own for- midable Corvette Stingray. In fact , looking at it anotlier way, that compact, solid little Mer- cedes-Benz two-seater in the photo- graph_ is every blt as expensive as the biggest,. fanciest most loaded, six·pas· '"'\. ::_sehger;CadidacYou can·buy. ' ~ The obvious question is, is ii worth it? Answer: that depends not only on what the car of!_er~1 bµt.j.lso, to an import.lnt degree, on whether or not you are the kind of person who appre- ciates what the car offers. The sports car for grown·ups If you are out to prove you arc the hottest-blooded swinger on the block, look elsewhere. The 2SOSL is conceived, de- signed, and built as a civilized sports ca r. A car for grown-ups who want all the pleasures of sports car driving- ond Jlone of the privations. - is hand .. fitted to tlie floor 1anli !rafts.." mission tunnel. There are seplrratt controls to help you and your passenger adjust climate at various portions of your re- spective anatomies. A remarkable lever at tlie driv· er's fingertips performs four functions. Less showy, perhaps, than four extra dash buttons-but far, far handier. Give the·2SOSL a quick once.' over yourself. Flip up the trunk. Nine cubic feet of luggage space, and a cour .. tesy light. Fingei the wood 'trim. Real walnut, not plastic. Open the door.; Chromed on the edgts. Close it. Ka- chunk. _ ., (P.S. Yes, you can order a re-- lracting antenna. Yes, you can order automatic shift. And so on.) · A shrewd investment Finally, the 2805t is built with uncompromising s:are IQ. be· a long-, lasting investment. The body is not bolted into be-' ing, like that of an ordinary car, but solidified by thousands of welds. After 50,000 miles or so, you may begin to ' wonder if your 2805L will evtr rattle. · (If you .do hear something, check for an object you have misplaced.) Descendant of the World Champion Mercedes-Benz JOOSLR, the 280SL is one thoroughbred sport· ing machine that isn't stark or hard- riding or crari\ped. That doesn't make you pay for soul-stirring performan~ with ringing ears and stiff joints. iVitM lht addition of tl1t oplim111I. 111!.stctl hariitop.(11bovt), Ilic 2SOSL convtrtiblt becomes 1u1 inst1ull closed $p orts cnr. No plastic toy, this orlc. Unconventional? Defiantly so.' Mercedes·Benz does not build conven-. tional cars-and never will. Nor does it look like a.rocket- ship-or a hoked-up, striped-up fugi- tive from a racetrack. It is sporty. But it is delib erately 1111flashy, restrained. The car will never embarrass you, 1vhether you are keeping fclslcompany in a road r.all y-or arri~g..tl\;he por· tico of the While House. Concluded Road & Track .iftcr pulling the 280SL through blistering tests: "For those \vho have less than $10,000 to spend, and valuC' finesse, pure quality and drivability more than jazzy looks, ii is alone in the field ." If the idea of such a sports car intrigues you, take a few minutes more to savor the details. Superb handling front. Low-pivot swing axles and trail- ing arms at the rear. Although the 2805l stands a mere yard and a half high, it ~estrides the narrow road like a colossus. Its 5S1/:-inch track~is five inches wider than a Porsche, ef~ht inches wider than an XK-E. "FullY,;. controlled, power drifts are this carj$ bag in the corners," confides Motor T'{cnd: You s lop .with the a\vesomc case clnd authority of ma ssive, 10-inch c.1liper-type disC brakes at every wheel. (Standar~ on all Mercedes·· Benz motor cars.); You're· blessed with' precise, "feel -of-the-road,'' recircul.: ting-ball- type steering. Tul'J'ling radius: tighter than a VW "Bug." Optional power steering: "The best available any- where"-Road& Track. Heart? A s·ophisticated, single The fun ,tnd safety of superb overhead-cam, 6.SOO·rpm engine \vith h.1ndling is \vhat a sports car is all Bosch 6·plunger fuel injection and 7· .1bout. So here are the facts. But l:iriefly, main-bearing craJlkshaft-built and sh,tce superb handling is 1vhC1t t11is bencli·tested for 60 Plli1111tcs to crui se sports car goes 6cyond. above 100 mph o~ Germany's auto- You enjoy the leech~like road-bahns for hours on. end without grief. ability of racing·type, nll·independen l Summary: Some tigers will suspension with coil springs and outdrag you from Oto 60 on a s!raight- t\eaVy..<futy shock absorbers . .Uncquitl-. away. But ftw,.if .atrf, will get ~round length" A-.trms and anti·sway bat up you on the corners-and almost noth· ... . • •• ..<...--·i·--• -·· -••• ing will beat you from 60 do\vn to O at a stoplight. (A nice, g ro\vn-up's vic tory.) ''Fantastic'' limousine ride And now, the big difference. In searching for words lo praise the almost sinful livability o f the 2805l, experts tend to grope upward toward the same adjectives. "The ride, over all sorts of roads, is fantastic," says Road & Track, simply. "The Limousine Sports.Car," rhapsodizes Motor Trend. "For a car that performs so well in the handling department, the ·280SL has a fantastic ride ... comfort is everything and more than it is in many luxury sedans." The .reason for this unsports- manlike sports car ride, aside from the ingenious suspension: orthopedic physicians with sympathy for your backbone helped contour the seats. Also, patient.Merccdes-B.cnz engineers have tuned the seat springs to the car's suspension movements-to cancel thousands of tiny, tiring tremors every. mile. Utter calm Tke280SL replaces the raucous bellow of most Sports..can with a hum. Y.C\~ .ca11.~~t~ally. co_nve!s.~ wl~l) yQ.ur passenger in normal tones. Doggedly probing with stetho- scopes, engineers tracked down and \vinnowed out irksome harmonic vi· brations in the drive train-even in the 90·mph range. "We dor\'t know of a sports car th'at is as quiet overall," reports Road & Trac k. Room with a.view Inside, the 280SL is propor- tioned'10r everyday adults, not acro- bats. In a direct comparison with a Porsche, a Co~ette, and an XK-E, Road & Track's experts• unanimously rated the 280SL the mosf comfortable. .A_nd what. a. panorama of the world! "The 'SL· is· perhaps the only sports car that gives a commanding driving position and view of the road," says Road & Track. "It's not a very low car, and, its tall glass areas, rela- tively low beltline and visible corners make it one of the most maneuverable traffic cars we've ever driven .. ," · Amenities ' European delivery brochure Stop in to arrange a test drive -and, if you plan to vacation in Eu-. rope, to pick up an overseas delivery brochure. (Or clip coupon now.) What better sport than to tame your new SC on the Bat-out autobahns and Alpine curves of its native habitat? Other models to ponder: 250 Sedan-an unflappable road car with superb handling and braking. JOOSEt 6.J Sedan-"Merely the greatest sedan in the world"- Road & Track. ............................ Jim Slemons lmp0rts, Inc. ® ; 120 W. Warner Ave. .. Santa Ana. Calif. 92707 · : . . . Pleaff tendmeyourrwwEuropean~ : livtry brochy.re, complete with work- sheet for computing my 11vinp. ADDllSS Th~ cock"pit is lt1vishly finished CITY STATS ZlP : in rugged MB Tex or (optional) rich · : leather-including, of course, the in.. TtLtPHON1 ·: teiior of the--glovebox a nd the under· •••••••••• , • , •••••• , ••• , ••• : ..sidt .of_the dash. Deep-twist.carpeting -··--«~1Hf:Mftalht-hlu'ofNottt1-.ic.,trie.!·· - Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. i 2ow. w.uner Avenue.Santa Ana. Cali forrua92101Ph'one :714-S46-4114 • " --- I 'I •• •n -' " . , DAILY PILOT ....,.... ~r LM p' . I Swelling ,the co!fers oJi th~ Republi~an ,part~ were about 18oo dedi· cated supporters an~ leaders who_ attend ,. the. g;ila Celtbrity .Ba i wbicli ticked off festi ! .. ~ of' the. ftepubli~ . • state-Ceatnl.,~mmi!.li.'.· t-·s weekehd~sessiOn . • Aiiclh'efrh ~ Cbnv'eritff ; ·,,,.~ Center .. Signing !n.'WI . ' ball hostess.-co--cbai 1m•n l\frs. W \ l·l i 1lL., Bents and Mrs. Thl!f mood' Clarke · is • · Mulford, Ass.emb!y · ... publican floor .. lead!,. : ·(above, left to· righ>)' • wf11le Gov. Reagan,•. ·i welcbmed by -Ji8Jl . • chairman ·Th()mas·j\o , ers-. --~topping -~-~1f · .. during ·the · tecepti · 1 wlllch preceded 'the · . are. (at left,' left to 'rig1'1 Mr. and Mrs.· Donald_"°' · · " Swedlwid and Mr, ~ - :. ~;A. VincentJoiimir '. sen. Sharing bne of t6i' tables fo r JO are (be-· low) the 0. W. Rk:balfs (right) who welcome Victor P. Andrews, President Nixon's spec- ial ambassador to tJie · 1970 World 's Fair j n. Osaka, Japan and .Mrs. Andrews. · ~ · ... 'I : ' • ----.. --.--.. .. ..--.-~ .. ------ • ' " -omen • " .alA ANbE RSON, Edl'9r G-litt~~~ -· • 0-pLJ ·l.ence P·-araded Prominent Orange Countians aU.endinS-the reception and bal l, which featured dance music by Les Brown included. (above) Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Segerstrom and (below)·Assemblyman·and Mrs.' Robert H.' Burke. · · · ) . --~ . ---------..,-..,,.-------...-.... ·-' . ~., ····~-··· . ' ,.-... , ... ' . . . . . . .. • -~- .It DAILY PILnT I . ' -11------~-,-:..;----~-W--W.:orkshop_ Mesq Verde Setting The Mesa Verde home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robert Gayner was the setting yesterday for a ceremony linking In marfiage Mrs. Gayner's father, Warren Lows Bremer and Gayner's mother, Mrs. Ann Francis . Gayner. Officiating at ·the sunset nuptials wa's the Rev. Loren Dale Flickenger of Newport Unity Church. The bridal couple stood before a trellis of greenery with blue1 and tu~hsia flowers which overlooked the golf course. The floral moti! was carried through the canopied area by the pool where dinn er was served ·following the ceremony. . Tables were decorated with blue meline, green velvet ribbons, pe8rl hearts. butterflies and fresh flowers. A string ensemble provided back· ground music. ' The new Mrs. Bremer wore a Frenc~ beaded beige dress and carried a bouquet of roses, delphinium and lilies of the valley. Attendants were grandchildren of the newlywed couple, Tracey and Kyle Gayner, Cathy and Laurie Brandmeyer and Lisa, Dara and Sherie Peters, in moss green velvet gowns, and Scott Gayner and Michael Peters. , Guests attending were members of the two families including the bride's daughters, Mrs. Suzanne Peters and Mrs. Milo Brandmeyer and her husband. Out--of·town gue sts .were Mrs . ·Katherine Caldwell and Mrs.~ Jay Roberts of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bremer, San Marino; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Otis, West Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halder .. man, Yorba Linda. -· 1 The new Mrs .. Brei:ner h'as been a resident of the Balboa Bay Club apd' her husband resides tn Cameo Shores where they will make their home folJowing a honeymoon trip to Yosemite. Single Ring Rites Costa Mesons Marry mantilla and she carried white ca rnations. ~. Wine Tasted Costa Me s a.Est an cl a 1 American Field Service plans a wine-tasting benefit next Thursday night in the . Costa . Mesa home of Mr. and J\.1rs. W. Slater O'Hare at 7. I Fine wines and ripe cheeses Conducted Members ot Gamma Alpha u,..Founlain-Y alley_ Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, will com· bine a tialnea rnetting with a workshop for a bo.ltlque when &hey gather at I p.m. Wed· ne·sday, Nov. 5, in the home of Mrs. Walt Daridl,on. iirs. Harold Shubert.. )'ill serve refreshments. The public will be invited to atfend the bouUque between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday. N!)v. 15, in the Colla, Meaa Grange Hall, Top Sporn_ Coverage in The Daily Pi:ot A Calendar for Ev~!Y _County .House " t- Peek Family Wed ding 'Chapel was the setting for the liingle ring ceremony linking Kathleen King and Robert L. Noulin, both of Costa Mesa. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick King of Mex.i co City, was given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of white satin, made by her grandmother, Mrs. Dagny Savage. Completing h e r ensemble was a floor length Miss Carol Ann Brown, In a pink gown and carrying ~ink and whlte. carnations, served as maid of honor. Best man was ~ernie Borosdy, and ushers were Bill Freested and Kerwin Johnson. will be featured as a pleasant way to help finance the chapter's three foreign ex· change students. who are staying in Costa Mesa homes. M<?re than 36,000 Orange· County Girl Scouts are gest fund ralsing projects, raisin~ money for pur-~1sed and ready to fan out over the country begin-chase of campsites and other activities. Armed with n1ng Wednes day, Nov. 5, armed with· stacks and their supply of calendars and ready to go are (left st.ack.s of Girl Scout calendars. For the next 10 days to right. Sandy Firebaugh, Carolyn Mollica and tbe girls Will sell their calendars for one of their big-Peggy Canniff. • OPl"O•TUNITY-SNA•E •Xl"l!!NSt:S t. ACAPULCO IN' CAltl.IEAN New $1'X20' Lui':. C.l•m&rl", SIHJM 10, LUll. Salon, 2 M. C•bll\I, 2 H01 .. 1 Queen 141., Teak Oec~•. TNk C1blou -Sau ~ JO kno1s. P.O. 1111 nu ,......,.,.. 1 .. cll, CA. t'IUJ P"'-: (1UI '424JJ1 Mesa Rebekah Every 'first and third Tues- day of ihe month members of Mesa ·Rebekah Lodge assemble·in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa, a,t 8 p.m. THE BEAUTY SALON 'S WIG, HAIRPIECE CLEARANCE Better .h urry fo r the be st selection. Drastic red uctions on many beautiful hair pieces ond wigs. Marked down because color lines are not compl~te. Choose several •. $15-$1 7.50 w ;glets •. . ...... .. ... ................ 5.99 $25-$30 Wiglets .............................. -.• 9.50 $75 Falls ____ ............ 34.50 $100 Fa lls ........ . ............. ____ 37.50 $70 w ;gs . _ ............ '17.50 $100 W;gs, sem ;-h and t;ed. . ............... 24.50 $150 ·W;gs. hand tied ... ...... .. .................. 37.50 $6.50 Moustaches . .. ...................... =.............. 4.50 .. $9 .SQ ,Sic!eburns .. ~.,, ......... , .. , ... ,.,., ...... ., . .,.,.,..,,. . ., ..... '"" ... 5.50 . $-1-2,50--Goetees .... .. . . .................. ..................... 7 .50 $75 French Wigs ....................................... -.: 35.00 $200 Speni$h W;gs .................................... 95.00 Use your Broodwoy charge. Beauty Salon , 60 I. AHAHllM •.i.i N, lll<flll1 UMUI I• Ann Landers. Foot • Mouth Won't Stand • In Love's Way DEAR ANN. LANDERS : Every now and then you irri tate me with your oracular pronouncements. You make .a statement and expect people to accept it just because you said it. I decided th e next time you presented as fact something which was less than factual, I would nail you. Now is the time. Recently, you informed "Mystified ~tom" that it was most unlikely that he·r child was biUn& his toenails. You went on to say, "If he is actually doing this, you ought to discuss his behavior with a specialist." My girUrieqd is 16. She has~been biting . her toenails since ahe was a foaIJ. child. Bev is perfectly nJrmal in ev · respect. When she read I.hat column i made her furious. Your sunestion that this little idloayncrasy was evidence of a psychological disorder triggered a toenail bltipg episode of unusual duraUon. 1Bev bites her toenails when she is ,depressed, frustrated or angry.) · You wouldn't dare print this letter, but I feel beUer for having written it. -SA~1 DEAR SAM: I'm glad yoa~J better. PINH stve D1.J warm ~p to your nrmaJ sklfrlend -lbt oie wbii tu bu ... ..u.. lr DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ev~ ao oft.en you print a letter from a huit mother who complains that her marrilchi.Jdren don 't come to see her often e • gh. She invariably describes the chi n as, "selfish, inconsiderate, though · . " On two occasions when such le rs ap- peared, I received copies Jn t 1 mail - anonymous .• but unquestionably lrom you- know·who. Please print thl.&~ett , I will not be neceu,ary for me to .t to my motber because 1be reads ev word you write. !'- DEAR MOTHER: I do nol vlsit you very Often, because you leave me depreued, "!W'C ~t, angry and 'haken. You make lpl'fetl madequate and stupid. You dwell on the maudlin, trlgic and sickest upecU of life. You Jove to be tint wJlh the bad news. You'adore gossip and thrive on the misery of your neighbors and relatives. And no visit is complete until you give me some advice. Your own life is a mess, yet you feel . 9ualified to counsel others. I stay away because. I can only stand so much. -YOUR DAUGIITER I hope I have conveyed my feelings, • Ann . -MY NAME IS LEGION DEAR LEGION: Yoa Uve. ADCI I don't know who I feel tonier for-yoa or your mother. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last year I gave a boy some advice when he was having trouble with h1a steady. He came· to me because 1 am a girl and he fig· ured I'd understand. My ad vice worked and he told everybody. Now, about eight guys want advice on parent problems, money problems and school problems as well as boy-girl problems. At first it 1vas fun. J·enjoyed being called Ann Landers J r, But it's not fun anymore. Ifs scary. I don't want to know so much about everybody's personal life. Also, I am only 14 years old and t don't know all the answers. What should I do? -ANN LANDERS, JR. DEAR JR.: I'm 51 ud ] dOR't bow all tbt u1wen. Li1&enlng i1 • WAg, but offering advice i1 someWn1 el1t. Coun1elln1 ac.quatntuce1 cu eotl yoa some friend1hJp1. SomeUme1 aft e r frleDds unload, they feel uncomfortable In your presence and avoid you. Tactfully auagesl to tbe1e boys they •o to someone wbo can be more objecUve. Tiie coach, or 1 favorite teacher can be extremely belplul. What await.s you on the other side of the marriage veil? How can you be sure your marriage will work? Read Ann Landers' booklet "Marriage -What to Expect." Send your request to Ann Landen in care of UllJ newspaper enclos- ing 50 cent.I in coin and a long, atamptd, st~·addreaoed envelope. Ann Landen will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT enclosing a self-addreued!.._stamped envelope. '81v; lllobtrt Donna Formerly al Mr. Roberts, Corona del Mu . , . Now With l"ETER CHRISTIAN Bt1uty Stlon NEWl"ORTJR INflf ' 644·0340 J1mborM Roa<I •I Hwy. 101 . Tickets may be purchased at the door or by calling Mrs. O'Hare, 546-2889. BE FREE-Following a 'reception in the Treasure Chest restaurant, lhe lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OF FACIAL. HAIR FOREV.ER. Lrr US SHOW· newlyweds left on a honey- moon trip to San Diego. They will reside in tosta Mesa \vhen they return. The bride attended Phoenix College, is a graduate of Orange Coast College and now is majoring in business educa· lion at California State College at Long Beach. Her husband is the son· of Mrs. ·Norma Nabb of New York City and Edward N. Noulin ol Hollywood, Fla. He attended .the Uniyersity ! or Florida,· received his BS .1 from Northrup-+-lnstitute -of Technology, Los .Angeles · and his MS in systems engineering 1 at West Coast University, Los Angeles. $25 WILL DO ITI Lt 'f Awl!ly you r &•Dth e r~nllllng .,,.thine now tor Chrl1tmt1J Sl1rt Y"r let'"1 -· .,... "" IMtftl""" 111111 .. """" Hl'Ykt clltr· ...... lillt' -IMCft/nt you'll lllYI .... Cllrlll'""I. SU ..... .... IU "' _... ... , .. ". THI KNIT WIT --SOUTH COAl1'-;PLA%A S.-r &...nl O .... lte W•lwrtll'I lrlttol 1t Sin Dl .. o Fwy. ("ti MNI Pheno SU.2112 you HOW EASY IT IS TO ftEMOVt EXCES5 HAI. WITH MODERN: ELECTROLYSIS, • >:· MEDICALt..Y AflPNC\.'EDt "' ' SAP'E, FAST, GEHTl..ta ·.;.. ' CONStiLT WITH CUR . ' LICENSED TECHNICIAt-f : IM OUft ,IEAUTY SM.ON·, : -ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT :. Pricn Effecfiye BeginningTod1y Sears ~AVE '3 Now! ANewYoninSelll'I Stretch Wiga Regular $19.95 1688 •Just pop on one ofthelelishl- wtisbt wooden. run a brmla throqb it and ,oa'n reed.1 to 10 a111Wben e Wondrou ..U..,lic flllorl • Clloiee in 1Uctow tllel' r SAVE '5 Now? Glunorout lfmnan Bair Stretch Wigt Regular 3 4as $39.95 •Machine made on •• 1lettlt · · bate ·&o· siw aeean· ea•..ul• ---fir..---.-widnprino body--- e Yoar choice la many...-.... fshhodeo B!if!af action Guaranteed or Your 'ft!oney Back _. .. ' • T -....,\.- • .. ' ,. .• " " . ~ Mooilll'; -'· 196' DAILY PILOT JT Jiprosco~e Annual Bazdar Date Set Gltll, gad1ete, 'jewelry;"po~. Doors to the Mooee Hall, 435 --• Virgo: Fight ~:Tirn~d Tendency ted planta ..00 homemade can-E. 17th St., Costa Mesa will d;y Will be among the featured ope n at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, . arUtJea tO be otrerett for sale Nov. 8. C h 11 d r e o at by thi Women oi lh·e MoOse 1.fooseheart 1vill benefit from durlnC the an nual bazaar. the proceeds. -'--11""""'""'""'""'""'~-~ .. ~.~-~-====-~-;,..;~-·~~""'""'""'·~·~-"""-....... l ·-· --.... _ .. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 By SYDNEY OMARR NEWS SPOTIJGBT o n mone&ary val1te1. some apeak up a1aJn1t those with power, ~xperlt9Ce. CaUltl market to 19 dlpty-doOdle. laflation 11 argument u ed a1alut those who make demands for pay ral1e1. CollfUct results. , . ARIES (March 21-April 19): .• Events slow to a less heetic :"J_>ace. But there remain op- portunities for changes, self- ;· -expression. Accent is on work, ;liU!th and how you relate to close associa tes . Com- : .munlcate: , · TAURUS (Ap ril 20-May 2tl): • Good lunar aspect today coln· · _t:ides with romance, creativi· . ty, dealings with young ,.,-persons. Much p\easW"e in· .dicated. But you don't have lo :: be extravagant. Know this - , act accordingly. ·. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): · Combine imagination w I t h ~ )>ractlcality. You know what you want -go after it. Be a · : 1ielf-starter. Some well-mean· : '.ing ·persons simply are not aware of all factors involved. CANCER (June 21.July 22): . More freedom of thought, ac-- . lion indicated. Day accents visits, dealings with close relatives. Study investment · possibilities. Helping someone get on his feel could be aiding · yours'elf. · LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): ,SpoUight on how you handle 'financial affairs. You can ; Spread inn uence. You can help those who aided ' you in · .. past. Most important, you can -find whet has been missing. , VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How can you lose weight and..) .. ke ep it oft -~-. j ____ lo~ good? _ti \ WEIGHT@. 1 WAT(HERS. • Some ta lking, some listening end 1 program that works. Ti. Fiil IAOCftUIE-CALL 135·5505 0 YOU WILL GO FROM llZI 14to 10 11130l>evl 16te 12 h1 )I~ ll1914i11)1D9yt. fOI THE FIRST TIME !YER SHAPE SHOPPES IS OFFERING A _ 12 WEEK CHllJSTMAS SPECIAL EVERYONE · PAYS THE SAME lOW PllCE OFHI LIMITID CALL NOW cor.wLETE 49 so 12 WEEK CHRllTMAI PR )GRAM ,. '. llOCoonucn SHAPE SHOPPES lntUCINe IJllT. --'4M711 ........ 142 ... 77 nn , __ .... i Cycle high: take ln!Uative. Stress Independence of though~ a c t I on • Figbl tendency to be timid. Be con- fident. Make contacts. Ask for wbat you need. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ci. 22): Much depends upon your hunch, lntu.ition. Do what you know is right. Many aetiv!Ues apt to be surrounded by secrecy. Be discreet That is Great Christmas Seal Put-on . I road to success today. Margo Myers, HUntinglon /Beach's Miss Christmas . .Seal and Miss Karen Castongay. Commenting on the styles will be Buddy and Fran of Radio sta,tion . KW!Z. • SCORPIO (Ckt. 23-Nov. 21): Miss Christmas Seal from slx Orange County cities Accent on bopea, desires. plus other ma~equin~ will model fashions, furnish-- Relief from pr essure in-ell. by stores in Huntington Center during a noon dicited. Your inf I u en c e pu'blic showing next Saturday on th~ m all. Selecting spreads. You can w r J t e , ensembles for the event are {left to right) Miss advertise. Many, even at a ______ _:__:__:_c._::..:__:.:::::.....::_:..:!!:::.:c_:::::::......------------------- distance, are cOncemed wit h what you say, do. . SAGI'ITARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Emphasis on career, ambiUon.s. Yoo are able to make significant a d v a n c e . Prestige rises -and so does standing in community, pro- fession. Re aware Of subtle nuances. Diane Kent Marries John S. Cleverdon Cosmetic Techniques I lmproving Your Makeup will be the subject o{ •j demonstraUon by· M r s • gram and meeUng, members will, continue working on articles which will be offertd fur sale during the p.r~tJnu 83.r.aar Nov. 1$1.n the Costa Misa Grana:e Hall: CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on what is at a distance. Key is to keep up with correspondence. Return calls, answer messages. Be considerate of one who is In a -quandary. Offer aid. You will <be repaid. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Financial aspects of partnership, unique associa· tion are highlighted. Gilts, spending could b e in· volved. Strive toward maturi· ty. Avoid the superficial. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accent on marriage, specia l relationship. Cycle is such that you should do more listening than talking. Be observant. Learn and prepare. Fight tendency to be impaUent. To find out who'• kidtr fa" niu 1" mOM'J' 111d. leY111 onlet S'fdMY On'ulr?. bookie!, "HUT! H!nl• far Mitri • w_,, ... Setl4 blrthd•~ •rod 50 cr•u• lo Omarr MlrolOllY Sterett, !l'le D"IL '( PILOT, llox 32«1,, Gr111d Cmlr1I $1 .. !!1111, Mtw YOl"k, ,.,y. 10Cllt. Diane Helen Kent of San Diego became the bride of John Steven Cleverdon, Newport Beach on the 23th an• niversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odis A. Kent of Ap- ple Valley. The couple exchanged vows and rings before the Rev. Arthur E. Huckaby i n Armstrong Memorial Methodist Church, Victorville. Given in marriage by ,her father, the bride wore a wbite silk orgam.a gown, trimmed with venise lace and fashioned with a chapel train. A seed pearl cap caught her veiling, and she carried w h i t e gardenias and carnations with yellOf' roses. Wearing yellow floor length gowns and carrying long.stem- med yellow roses were Miss Joan Kent, the bride's sister. and maid of honor; Mrs. Gary D. Coy Of Apple Valley and Cutaway lines Looking for a new Jook and a new line -but something not too too way out??? Here, in this Jo Copeland design, lies the answer in handsome cutaway lines of the bodice and the easy fall of the dress below. All this and a bow topped stand away collar too .•.• Try it in nubby wool for fall or without sleeves for warmer weather, or make it in raw silk, crepe, gabardine, fine ottoman, flannel, shantung. N·117S.1 is cut in Misses sizes 8-18. Size 12 re- quires approximately 2~ yards of 54 ", wi'l.h long sleeves. To order N·ll7S.1, state size, include name, address and zip code. Send $2.00 postpaid. Send orders for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15 Milford, N.J. 08848. RALPH GRANT SEIBLY, M.D. A~nounces tho Opening of his Office ., 745 Dover Drive, Newport Beach__ Pr1c.tice Limited to: OBESITY, l>llJTRITION & METABOLIC 'PROBLEMS , BEHAVIORAL RETRAINING ,HAIR TRANSPLANT SURGERY By .Appointment Only: 645-0711 ' ht rs. Kenneth D. Branch of Richard Wilson when she I Irving, Te x . , bridesmaids. presents a program for Xi Mu Janis Lynn Kelsey, also in a Lambda Chapter, Beta ·Sigma ~ yellow frock, was her aunt's Phi. I flower girl. Mrs. Charles Smith will Emblem Club The bridegroom, son or 1'-1rs. open her Huntington Beach' · Willard \Vade of Newport The Elks l.Ddce ts the aet-B eac h and Joseph K. home for the meeting at 7:30 ting for meetings of the Cleverdon ot Huntin gto n p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6. Emblem Club 201 .of Laguna Beach, ask~ his brother-in-A report on the Halloween Beach. Members ·gather the . law, John nichard Kelsey of dinner ·will be given by Mrs ' firsl and third TUesdays at 8 Glendale to be his best man. Nancy Felix. After the p.m. Ushers were Tad R. Callister -.==='======c:::i:::::::====;::::===;;I of Glendale and Michael E. Brown of Riverside. Miss Diane Odek i rk circulated the register to 160 guests attending lhe recepUon in the Apple Valley Country Club. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE PRESENTS COOKING SCHOOL On tho Stogo of lhe MESA THEATRE, Costa Mesa -Prep1re for the Holidays --P RI Z E'S ·-. THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20 -9:30 A.M. Follow\ng a honeymoon at Lake Tahoe, the newlyweds are residing In San Diego. Both the bride and bridegroom received BS degrees from San l;omii;;;iiiiii;-ii;;~i,.;;;--~= Diego State College. He at- fi liated with Kappa Sigma and now serves in the Navy, sta- tioned on Coronado Island. Guild Meeting Mrs. Judson LaRaye will present a book review w'hen Mount Carmel Women's Guild meets ~or a luncheon Wedo nesday, Nov. S. Reed TV WEEK Eve'.y Saturday IT'S A FACT! If you spent 30 uconds looking at each of our shag samples, it would take you over 9 hours to see them all- 10 come early and bring your lunch. • DON'S CARP.ET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (2 Bllu. No. of Bullock's) ORANGE HOUU: f·l:JO DAILY CLOllD SUNDAY .. ' SPECIAL! l L•t lllllllin' ex111m Inst 1otir hair wltti R•x "NICI Cllaue" .15.00 reg.25.00 ROllX After bleaching it-takes our experts just 10 minutes to color your s~eak· ed tips with moon-glow·tones or sil· ver, be ige, champa li?le. And without peroxide. Select one to flatter you from 18 toner shades. Call for an ap' pointment today. Beauty SaloB Buffums· Manicures. Pediciires. Faci als. Elec~olysis JllWplct.1 ...... te't.1 ~t c.n• • 14+2200• • Mon.,lbll&.,F1I. 19:00 till 1:30 Dthtr Dly1 to:oa ~Ul'S:SQ. only 7 weeks 'til Christmas Gloria Mmhall l!ll'I: ''Hm!J,lt'a not too late for that beautiful olender figure for Chrlsimaa,,, Thil WMk, u •· "Pie-Chrisimaa" offer, all 26 locatioDI in Califomia invite you to me the $20.00 Gilt Certificate coupon below . .. RESULTS GUARANTEED in writ;ng. "Tell ua the dress.size you want to wear, and we'll tellyoa howmanyvilitait wlll leke and guarantee in writlng that you wll1 i:each your·(Olll.. In fad:, sn poeitive are we that you will obtain your obj~ve, that, aa rtated in our guarr.nlee, we will evm let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all fu?ther visit., until you-reach your goal. Call for FREE 11mple visit Actually me, under lllljJmiaiou, the Glona Manhall machine8, including our patented "Ci,.·Ll·Malic. •No Charge, No Obligatiou. 20 II/FT CERTIFICATE fCllp out Wi 3 lhrouBfi N.:::::i Valff! NIWtlnbtr ,"'1 Gloria "''""'" ~for $20.IJO 00 ess •f how littJa -· ITlnt 1tgarr1-•~ llttdfO ..... c .... In comfortable ca.ual clotlia, dinbin# · ......._,., l'rioal• playroom focililla for ....u dtildrm. ---'L1l,GlJ.RE CONTROL SALONS- ~ • r ·..----, -~ ------. -. . . ··1 -•• '_ ....... .. . . ' . . . ' ' -. , • -=--~---:---; l ·t t ~ 1 IC-:;-' 'tl ~r~-r-:-~··i-1~•-·~t•w-r-.-.-.--1-_,-,_,_, r;--··-~~--•-.....,..,..,..~r·-·~~ro·"-r.-~--~·~-------• ••••• , ••••o•o o•• •<••• o L · .... ' ! '' o o •o ' '.> • ''' '. ~ • ' '••o '"', '.".''.","':'', ..... , ',', '•' '••' •• • ••• .·.-.-:--:--:-~.-,~.-;·--.7~.-... : . ... ~ . " tar-~ Judy's Daughter ·Big Hit in 'Cuckoo' •••. --·--.. Bf'908"11!0MAS''-· - !IOJ.l,YWOOI> (AP) -'l...i ~r Mia Farrow made neW1 a, 'a -4·1ineratloo movie star. Thlll year It'• l..lsa MJo. otJU. Tbe ~-of lolaltfOOll O'Sttlllvu ml dlroc1or John Fin'!", N la eotablillled -.... aetitll In her °"" riPI with her ~ ~ .. pelf~·= up, dauihter el . J u d y G4'1ud aod dl!e<tor ~le MDi'ltJU, 11 ~ u a : · liiie P'f!enaer la ''Tiie Storlie : Cuclito." It'• ... of -lllr...uhtc rojel tbat "'°' cw ajoog But I ...., IOW>d anything ~. I.4fa , p1'fl a ,.....,~ tbal reolly ...,.id right for mjloHP. vulnlrable cqllego JI!•, ml I !urned tliem all rlrl In ~ <jl )ol'a In a 4-. Oh, I dld 'Cllarlio ~ -111. ~ 1111'1!1 U wtlh ~bblu,' but tbat wu be<ause • W1b4ell ~ a lll'al!IY, ahy I bellcved b\ Alber! Finney. collqian. ,,,. !Pm. a · "But wfiy do a· pkture just -rem~(lble dlrtetorill by pro-to be working? Fqr the duce:r Alln Pakula. will eVoke money? I can 10 up to Las · . bittersweet memt1rles from Vegas for two to three weeks -an,00. who bas ever set root -and eam enough to live on for . on a college camput. the rist of the yur. That's all ; l..lsa Mlnnelli ., .. in her old I need. ,. home town -she has lived in "When I read "The Sterile · Maqhailan for ~ive years -CUofmo' ,oo..it four year~ ago, • for prtvins. She wu un· I decided : That's for me. Then : derstafMlably pleued wi1b the I found out Alan owned it, and · reactlon. I told him I had to do il He "I WeJtt after the role: I was unconvinced at first, bot mean I rully campaigned for he ~me over. When the last it," ahe rkounted. "Liie cam-script was written by Alvin ping on the p r o d U c t r a S&rgenl, I worked with him on doorstep until be r 1 n 111 y it, 110 It would sound like me." agretcl"I woWd be right tor iL Not everyone was convinced J've had chances to do that Liu. should play Pookie, other picture1. •nit ~ the Olfbea.t berQlne of "The Millionilr•' -thlllP like Illa~ Sterile cuckoo." N a t I o n a I "G<nerar,-'Rlllch '11ad--.-"""" • mltment with Pakula, sug· gea;ted that he cut someone elae. kid he: No Liza, no deal. He tool< tho plclure to Paramount, which 1hould be dollghted: the mm flu neatly into today 11 youtb-a~al market. Liza bas a alngle regret: that her mother didn't live to I eee "The Sterile Cuckoo." But . ahe added: "Mother did read the 11crlpt, and ahe told me, 'Go, baby. That's the kind of story I wish I could have ' rlone.1 She never did, you know. They never thought of character for her in those MGM days. Except maybe in 'Presef!tlng Lily Mars.'" Uza just flnished her third • film , "Tell Me That You Love L;;;'-'~Ji.""""--~"--...;; -Me, Junie Moon." Thal'& the DAILY' ,!LOT llltf Pllt .. one for which she and Otto Preminger are being sued for . allegedly staging a nude scene in a Boston cemetery. "I wasn't nude," she said. "I cut down a one.piece balhing suit and draped myself w i t h flower!. And the whole scene was shot from the back." Nor is she nude in "Sterile So Near, and Yet ••• Squire Fridell admires the forbidden charms of Elaine Bankston in this scent from South Coast Repertory's musical comedy "A Funny Thing Hap- pened on the Way to the Forum," f laying Thurs- days through Sundays at the group s Costa Mesa theater. Cuckoo," although in one--------------------- scene she plays a game of "peel the tomato" before bed. dJng with Burton . Would she do a nude scene? "l don't know," she replied tentaUveJy. ''l have no ob- jection on moral grounds." It depends on how J looked at the time. U I was overweight - no.'' · 'Sesame Street' Gives Kids School at Home Explic_it Reality By WD.LlAM GLOVER Four very able -. c to r s NEW YORK (AP) -You roister through the narraUv• don 't have to i mag 1 n e about a young flr1t.otfeodtr •nything ln Sal M t n e o • a who Is haraened info the version of 1'Fortune and Men's animal bosl of his cell by ex· Eyes" wtJlch opened Wed-poSure to relentless commun&l nesay night at oU·Broadway's depravity. Stage 73. The group includes Mark Homoserual rape, a u to· Shannon, Bartholomew Miro eroticl!m and vicious assault Jr., Jeremy Stockwell and.,'== are diaplayed with simulated, Michael Greer. 1- fierce exactneS1 and with There ls a susta1ned In· nudity that luridly shoves tensity about the whole alfalf today's mania for theatrical that belles any notlon that the supe r-rei:illsm a few degrees aim was 11 h o d d y sensa· closer to tenninal exhaustion. tlonallsm or prurient appeal, Such expllcltly sordid details This Is nightmare drama, not were not visible In the origlnal easily dismissed. concept of John Herbert's"-~-'---------11 . "Me : , grim drama ··a oout the ·~· . , ,;\....;' :ii:i1z;~ ""l'J~ ·i:.r:ts,.~ . Tlt0t .. I,,"'_, f Natalie"~ sh:ongly praised here several PlllTlV years ago and which subse-~J ~ a quently has played around the ttos •• c ... HIP'ftf' C.br~ globe. ~,. .. 4-t M_,11. 67J-6160 N "E'.=r#ja ~i.ineo, who used to star in films about juvenile delin· quency and is now described in the program as an "erotic politician," has determined to show whatever the script previously left offstage with Grecian restraint. In unspecified details he has also been allowed to make dialogue changes. ·· r111 ·: r1:u.1.\.~ ,J(H~·· Cast Listed For 'Harvey' A,t Fullerton 'Butterflies' Offers NE W YORK (AP) -Some ·Of the nation's leading backers of educatiorial projects are ~etting f8 million t h a t television can be used to teach NOW-End1 Tuesday S.lltfy httllle "COLO DAY IN PARK" Cul ll)flllbm for I be Fullen.o !"ooUlsl>lln' mtval i; of the Pulitzer ~g play "Harvey" tiave been an- n6unetd ·by dinctor Toay Brandt of Ci/iOOa ·ti<! Mar. Walt AasenheiJMr. dlreclor of the Foollighters' current "All My S.0.," will play the leading role of Elwood P. Doud, wtth Floria Mo a e portraying his sister, Veta l..ooile Simmons. Othm In tl>e wt are JW lol•MQ!n, J..,. Dm1cm. LO!s Llilwd, William y,...y, Joy c.otnn, Arillur ""1nl<t. ear.1 Hale and Jelm Malone. Brandl wtll appear lo a cameo role u the qi, driver. "HarviY" will open Nov. 29, wttll addftional perfonnanc<s schiduled for Dec. 5-6 and 12- 11 at tl1e Mucken~r Cent.er, 111 Buena Vista Drive in FuJlarton. Reservations may be •!Uined by calling llZ'/.1339. Laughter, Sentiment By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK (AP) -A nifty package of laughter and sen- Ument, "Butterflies Ar e Free," bu opmed at the Booth "nltater, notably enhan· cing Broadway's supply of amiable entertainment. Coupled with a script ex- pertly crafted by Leonard Gershe, a Hollywood film writ.er, are a trio of hip-hooray perfonnances by E i I ee n Heckart, Keir Dullea and Blythe Danner. 11le play concerns a mom- boued blind youUt w h o p~u .Into mnance with a -Grearwkh Villa&• laSs. A vtry com:{ contrivance with a manhmallow core, cer- talnly, but redeemed from almple gag-r!Clt banality by a wllJn baalc boneaty. Du11ea and Miss Danner scamper about in their sky· light garret pad for half the show like a pair of happy grasshoppers. He is on a two- month parole from suburban confonnity, she Is an Im· petuous sUrviv<>r of a six-day marrla.a:e. Their swift trip from com· passion to bed is made amid slick Genhe comments on multiple aspects of the current scene. Then the play takes on mo re meaning with Miss Heckart'• unexpected arrival and the ensuing struggle belween youthful impetuosity and parental determination. With several character turnabouts the play proceeds to predictable con c 1 u s ion without faltering in Its ability to beguile ii nal ucaUy en- thrall. Dirtctor Millon Katselas and Designer ' Richard Seger haven't Overlooked any details in equlpplng the entertainment wilh right-now verve. Don't expect a masterpi ece. Just en- joy. "Butterflies Are Free" looks like a long-run winner. L TfllltM ti I breschool children at home. They're ~utting their money tO "Sesame Street," a one· tiour program that will be ,ihowo weekday mornings on 1).75 public television stations beginning Monday, Nov. 10, tor 26 weeks. Some commercial stations also will carry the show. NBC will preview it in a special at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8. This program, as seen in 'some of its segments , is visually exciting, entertaining and instructive. It borrows ,Jieavily from "Laugh-In," the .cartoons and commercial s in Jts effort to pl'OYe that educa· 1.ional television doesn't have to he dull. "Our great.est opportunity exists with preac:hoolders. By µie time they've reached school they have lamed that learning is not fun and they're ·looking for release," said Joan Ganz Cooney, exeeuUve direc. tor of the Children's Television Excluli,,. Rt#/1JCd Se11.t b"flftltmtntl TONIGHT AT 1:00 ,.,M, Crossword Puzzle ACftOSS 41 tt1adb1nd 42 M111 ac~r 1 Whtthtr 44 C1lltot 11 .. -·: p111t 2: words 45 lttmovts ' liltll dish NaCl 10 Kind of 47 Otd 111lor loN ftort: 48 Pl91111nt lnlor1111I 49 For• of pre· 14 Softly: Music: c:lpllltlon 15 Ins trument 50 Grtt nland 16 Zest Vlllait l T lrJ•I In 54 Knoc td out or er to 57 Sharp· t•sl c:1e sted 18 C lotlc•otlc ridge 11tch1nl'1ll 58 l ost 20 ''lo .... go!" 21 VltlnlllllSt v1t1117 59 Rtsu1 of lesllval h1ai! Injury 22 Rf ally •o flurnln g ita1 trtil: s1.,11 61 British 23 oni11lt dt· Wt~n k'daUons 62 Kin of 25 ost relative ventut,tso,.t 61 lnnsbruct ZT Shrull of Is Its lht fOSI c1pll1I 111111 ly 30 Get bac:lt DOWN fro., !ht pawnshop l Gt11 31 Door 2 Cllm b section J C1rtoon lst 32 S1vtrlty 4 l lvin~ II up: 3) Brttkf1st ) Wlf S 36 ~~,ler: 5 lttlllt, for ont Pre fl• 6 Cozy 37 Actu1tor 7 Suppoft 3t Forr1 of ~rt-8 TOS'6JOt clplt1tlo ' Pronoun ,. ~-degr•• lf $!rip 49 111rilon of 1 Run,way Ch nt '""' •t••, •• ' 12 Cripples 11 llleltSI 19 ~oltd CaRad lan physic ian 21 OotoRQ 24 Eltelrlcal .... 11 25 Slrt Zb Fr1gr1nc1 27 B rid~t -src\1on 28 Catching of lh1 brtalh 29 Plac e for ttmp tr&tll'e read in g: 1 wo1d1 30 St. l1wrtnr;t, for one 12 Gar1111tnls 34 Blood JS Ftmlnlnt name 17 lttm of b111ball gear JI Kind of lovt ll/]/b9 40 Landlord's sign: Z words 41 Evil: Comb. form 43 Wtastl's r1l1Uv1 44 Ordtr's companion 45 Takes oH 4b Public dlspl ay ~1 Kind of chair 49 Ha lf: Comb. form 51 Movt qu ic kly 52 Air: Co111 b. form 5) Part of tht foot 55 Outs ldt: Comb. form 56' Unde r tht prtstnl conditions 57 Rearward 11 1J J Westward ~World's Largest Motel-1,000 Rooms Botwatn liiii'Cli!s COMPAU! YOU'il SAVI,,. -/dillllllti Sp1cWI Now LouttSI Winln RdllSI C....,. tit ttf..4<M _... ,...._ lllMlo Md, fl'M TV 10U Pll HLT ll ~1&ft, SI.II f" I ,..,11 c_,.,. .. $11-2 .. w. -., ••IJ $1Cl.90 twe pMPI• 1W. S4. 6Hll ..... .W12 '60 Ok a-.., A.,.;w,U • $l AJUi1"-l oc, 1111 fP..EE!s33oo REFUND PACKAGE I ,.,... AM c...i .............. ·-l"'"-9 .,, ,..,,, JM!"""" I '"'' Ut.IM=n: IMUMllll SllCIAL MtAUI Jiff c1m1 sovv••ttfll1 f--+-4-if--+--l l Jiii Clllfl •It P"OTOSI C"AMPAGNI PAITYI A"'" 0... •f fy11f I 0 1-• • ..,lntM 5""ito1lolo to l<11 YttM f\lft. •-all '"" wl~I I '"lil ....... 111 •-ov., of ""° "-" •t •-lO ....._ Mltlt ""4 d!!! ' ... '::: bo~~· .,.,; .. ;11 ... I *C'i*Mi·'t''·'i·'·''''i'Jipiiifii.llii§Qlil:I $IND NO MONIY NOW •• oaDEI IY MAIL o• PHONEI ........ wtf!I ~ n•NllM ......,..,, =-1~.;::lllt wtl'-9 CIMlflJi, _...... ,... AMe4. Drift kl ...... "" .... -.. 0 ...,..... •tot. ~ •• ,...,.. ..... Opnt. • PllOM CAUf., AllZ.. UTAH,, OIL, rDAHO DIAL FREE (100) 648-6898 Anytime -----~--- -••• 3:1 KAJHARINE HEPBURN as Tbs l'llIDWO!YJllll or CHruL.I.al' ·--· .. Ofllwt.1111~ .. -. 2HD OUTSTANDtNCi HIT "THI PRIME OF MISS JU.N IRODIE" l •CLU •1vt lrlfe ... r .. r !IT NOW PLAYING! 20ti Cemlf'(.fOX l'llDIHl1 JWE AllORfWS ·n:HAlll CIDllA ;THOSE WERE THE ILll'PY lllES" , lllllll Clll a DIE. lf!P.!! iii 0 Cllftll · -- . iiu. ... ----·-· --· m.l.•·-lfB· ... -__ ... .1•1-.. --+. -,. __ ComedJ fecrtu ro II Silvers, G110 Lollobrl1idci, 5"'W, WI~ ,Oler a..wf•rd "BUONASERA MRS . CAMPBELL" ......... ,,. ... 1 l"·lito c ... 1.._ 5....., I I"·"'· FD" ':v"'souTH COAST !A.· PLAZA THKATRS Jan Dillo frtftaY at ll~tGI • 546-2711 OPEN 6:45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner -.-· 3Acaq~Awards BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn WINNE&• "BEST PICTURE OF TME YEAR 1• --"""" ,.... Clllicl .-...... JOMIM f.lMNf-NIAYCOE'MtoAJl'l','ll.N P€reR ~ IOOHARJNE OTOOLE ?t1'1 HEPBURN lHE LION IN WINTER :.':~ ..... •ol1IW~Y - ALSO ..• ZERO MOS TEL In "THE PRODUCERS" M•rl .. ltnd• "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" -lotll I• Color- Starts Wednesday THI NIW SIDLllt lltOM SWIDIN "LIZA MINNELLI, THE ACTRESS THEY WILL HAVE TO BEAT FOR THE ACADEMY AWARD!" ___ .. -St•w•rt· Klti11, WNEW.TV "A triumph! One of the most appealing 'performances of the · ,1 season•"-·'"'~' ""•· , -,,,. • Ntw 'l'Orlf Tlmn in: ~ ~ "Off!Mat and endearing! , Liz• Minnelli is simply .. ~J wonderful! It's the kind · .~ ,_~of performance that "%"' · ~lJ break• heart• and wins , .,~, Osc1r1I" ~ -Au II.QI!, Keli.ay M .. 111f11 '*''· -f, \~)~ "Very real . . . like some wonderful, weird romance remembered from ear~ collete days!" "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'Al.FIE' VERY MUCH." "Calle-ms I killialt p1iftna•c1!" Se<°'"' foaturo At H ... hl .... En Wolach In "ACI HIGH" -· .. ' . . " . ' . ... ~ ~ .... . .,._ .. -. ..~~_,,___,._.......,_..,,. .., -,, . .--.-. ..----.. . -.... ,. ...... ........... ..-. . -. '·-.--~...--·-~-·-,-·-,. . . . . . . . . . ,. . I ~ • ·•·• ' • ' . ' • • . t •• .. • • " ! ••• ~-......... . TUMILJWIEDS SUFFl!IN' SllCMlllSI 1UI«£ HORSE HAS COME 11/<CK WITHOUT ~!Ml QOICl(..i.DEPU1'(j RUN TELL 'THE SHERI~~ WHp;f5 HAPPENED! . ·. .. MONDAY ( •:DO fJ llJ N11n (Cl P•rt I (30) Cl IE Hun!Sty. lth11dfr (C) (30) • "'" 1111111 Sllow (t) (!O) G'iittll 111 Charlie Mann, Die-C11l1 ind J1nn1 McMahon, Jot Willl1ms and Adrl1n Rosati. ON ... (C) (30) 0 Didi; ¥111 DJb (30) m,__,,.1 QI ltlf Trllc (C) (60) trlJ CJ) MIU Doqltt (C) (901 Ii) WUl's Ntw? (30) "L6~ Polly." .~(I) CIS Ntn (C) (301 fl) Tltltpe 4t '•don (30) QI ftlWI (C) (60) Jtck HicktY. • + • * Du1 II lnt·•lnlt• 1ehldulin1 ti prtlidtllt Nix111'1 ld6r1u lltls "'"" 1in&. 111 tlttM "'1'111111111 b a.ubjed fl cllen11 1nit ~" lfl ccni1r1p ol tlHi JttMC11 1114 etMMlllrJ bJ ltcal ltltitl'll tlld ·-· * + • + ~IO 9 411 (J) -·· L.., (C) 130) luey btcollllS COllCtfllH When fief tNrtmnt II r~ 1/MI prtcttlh lo inlbll htr on bUl'clar 1l1rm. ·-• -(t) 130) 11 hwW flMI Slltw (C) (90) A11· tJlof Gort Vidal, sinaw·COlllPO* M1aon WlU11ms. 1ct6r Huch O'Bri.tn, sincu JennilH and author Jiit St. John (UISt. CD TM lit: Vllllf (C) (60} m...-n..1r1 160) fl!) ff[J .llwnll (t) (60) "The Con t11rv1tin Mr. B~c~ley." t :OO 119 (I) ~1rt1111 U,P. {ti (30) S.111 Plt1' host to I RllSSllfl farm fJl'Plrt. who 11••P1Ctedfy turnt out: 19 M 1 WDllllt'I. Charllot Poll!• ruhb u T1f111. !..~Ill~,:~~ Cmusiul) '66-ttris rr..i.r. Don111 Dourta. Iii/ICY ICowll:k. Anthony DMtJ. a.Md on tilt famous fol• ~allad, ffll story COllCAfM I pount coupl• who9 worlll is ·; Mlsaiulppl 11111Wi111·3howboet e ... c. .. tie Stan 1C) (60) Blnr CtGlbJ is rGHtU by Pat But. trJm. Cl!rliss a.nll Tracy, Mor., Am!;lt~rn, Dltotlly Kirsten, Ptt and Cith, Dorothr larneur, PltiJ tWin!I Ind Rich Little. li.t!!J(C)Clfl L111, ll111rit11 fll 1 mcw;1 (CJ (50) ''Tht Prlll- d~nt on Vittnarn." II) Lii lllnltu J Uded (10) 1:30 II D 0 fJ P111Jd1nt Nl1on'1 llcldflll 111 Vlttn111 (Cl t:JO II a()) n. Cm! lnltt SllN m T1 Tell tht Tnrlll (C) (JO) (?) (iiO)lln1 Cr0$bf, Ella Fltz- £1),0fflu If Ult f't..W...t {30) 111110:, Dan Aew1n Ind Die.~ Martin ;ue&t In 1 ft'llliit-lnd·comtctr II· Q) 00 HvntleJ·lrln~tJ CC) (30) lu!t to Ptramount Pictures. @:)Twin CVdt Hpclli111 (CJ (301 8 JI"' (C) (30) ltxter Wird. Qi (I) n. M1111te11 (301 • 1111 11111, a. llillf (CJ (30) m ... t1c:11n l4 1c1 1601 m ....... ....., ~601 all NIMS (C) {30) g) 1tfti1tt llllllicll (30) 7:00 IJ II& NIM (C) F1rt II (30) G wtiar1 lllJ Unt? ICJ {lO) GI I Lm LIKY (30) m,..., _IC! <30l fll""'""'"'--(30) 9 @ Mtlld., Dew (C) (9<1) •'Garnblt" d1rrfn1 ShlrltJ M1c- Laln1 ind Michael C&ine. 10:00 em""" 1c, (iO) D--llO) 0 Dtllaf ~) (60) Ttl'ltllMfy .:llldUlltfruntfhClidt Shari Lew· is. Gt'Y LNis l Tllt ~ m""' -c.., !II""" .. -(30) Gll Allore! (30) · By Charles M. Schulz ~-------~ WE MOOIEV PLAY~ AA£ 5G"E11MES, Cf COUR5f, WE HAI? A '/ERV FVSSI' AWJl''T!lE lil>IY UTILE-~ "·'TH~·•"~ WE TAl'e OUR SllCKS '"~ ~ ·~ ~ ... -- •· PERKINS By John Miles JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux ii;iii;;;;ii~ii;-i~ii;i;-',i-i;::i~-TOOiiii'W;;""i'7Cw~o~!~TI<""AT~~,.,-7"~~T~""°;;;::~WOU::=;:c:;:L9-!MEA~N~WM~IL~E~~~:r-...... lll/ll,.. ... ~~~""' 'f1.IE "PROBLEM! MA.KE &ll:OPV ~WEETHEA.KT, MAKE SUll:E UOD'Y MAS NO WANT 'TO HURT TM~T NO OtilE l.?tSTUR6S ME! l'°""GINA.TION! 'IOU? I CAN PO WMAT I HAVE 10 PO IN AN MOUll:! fl = a C1J '""' • """"-1c1 1~" 11 ""' •m ""' IC> STEVE ROPER <30) • f1riq u.. <&ol Willilnt •uc•· 1• -::.·:.c:=====r-:rw;;:;;;;;;r;-r.;;;;:::;:;;;T;;.-"'· "Is Thtrl I War 0Ut of lfll 1'° Mf l<OMf. 114'1D!o.llL SE NE -;.FTE~ A GOOD Jr<llGHT'S REST.' Cllc-'I WwW (C) (301 Wllfmi M•1" /IOD'S 611AW0FATHER CD n1111r1 <t> (30l e llllT CrillfM 1 .... ,. ,301 is AJJNOUNCtWG Slot)' of 1 W1111111 llvln1 t c6oubl1 7HAT HE P'ANS 7:15 Cl MIC ..... .-(Cl ""'*'""' prtMnt Ill IWllUlllOn cl PmldtJll Ifft. ' 70 FINANCE THE NIXOl'l°I llddr111 Oft VlttAtm. ll:•BDDIJ-(C) ·--1:11 11 amc•••••'• (C) <&0> rlirnn Dillon, U0111M11 thl ...., wltlll • prilOMr (1111111 .., CM- 6Mtllld to 111111 111 Did .. City, II pul'Md " • band of Co!Mnctia. .. .., .............. It (Cf (30) "Sell In tht ltdnom. ~ Hf'lll}' lllort111 dtbllll In T1C11rrin1 ro11 of l'tllllp hMM, wrlt•r·trilnd to whof'll .lofln Monre. turn• whtn ht'• b1V1n1 trollbl•. YOUTH'S ·EWGINEER!WG CJ)f.JRSE-WHEIJ llE SUDDENLY COi.LAPSES /. , L-.-"'"~''--·-,. IJ111o--CCl-"' !Ion Cllllb "' l'llJllJt Dllllf, Hullt O'MI.. Dre11 C.1t11011 tlld _,,_ __ ._ 11!1 C1J U (I) 411 (J) -IC) llllDIB-1c1 a-.,_ 1ci 130l •1u Sto'" Wtlcom11 1uub Geor11 ll:JO B 8 (J).,., ltifflfl (C) "°' Lindsey, Arltnt GatonM: ind J1d rr•m orfilntl1t from 11'1• Intern• Ood1Dn. tlonll Kolll Ill Lat Vq1s, Nmda. Sdlldui.i suntt indllff Vlma Lisi, Sid Clttlr. Ml111 ConllDB. llllcli:ar ROOM)' 111d Ille 1t111 alM&. D 11'1 (I)(!) 1"' .... "'" (~ ll"•l SEE,MRs. MUTT, I FEl.T"l1-IAT THIS 10'ooVN NEEDED " RE~ORM SO 1<.. l DECIDED ::;-.. , W!-\EN IT COMES -ro POL.lTICS l LEAVE T+-IAT UPTO MY -HUSBAND! G 11111n. S 111-. CC> """"' JOM" (111ulittl·dr11111) '54-H1trt Bll1lontt, OoroltrJ D1r1drlcl1L II U (I) Ill""'" ..,_ ICI Sfm ltwftnc1 II lllbltltut1 tioat. Ntllt Pfttf Mu h I Sd'lldultd ..... To BE A -. .,: .. _> '. CANDIOATE • :-:-:}·'1· !'}>,~~-,..fl.QI IN ill!S -.. · .:. , -;, ID Trlll • C....,._ IC) (30) ..... "'"' -IC) llO) IE C~udll ti Jlalt (JO) ~•Dm""""'' IC! C60l 1,.;, HKkltt, IS doctor, ulesman Ind • llll)'DI of Ireland, 1uuts. 0 )let .. "' (30) JIM Mortn0 ....... ... Clfl. (30) G1 W""4 hM (C) (30) E Hit r1r• (C) (90) 1:15D@I])ID1"' ••"'"'<ti (~) "Murl111 -8om1no Styli ." C!luich·rHrrd Ctrt, about ffl 1iY1 birth to Bomtno's llrst b1by. ;1 dMplJ dlslurtttd lh1t lhr tncl Toby II*'• no •IJ of 1.Wnt matrltd. K1t1 HefUn m1k1l Pllr llleYllion dtbut II CllL TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES • ""*= ........ ,.._ .. (11111· liell COIMdy) '12-Wi Hope, Bln1 C,_, Dotothr Ltll'IOIH'. 11 ll!l CIJ GI..., -<ti [ya Gl\cii 1~ Rldlard Atttnborou1h 11f •lllOC'll Ill ictildlllld 1111sts. O!hlrt lllcWe Elrtm Zlmbtlilt Jr., [vt ,..., l lld ''!'CM '°1N:1lls. ID ...... : (C) ..,.. " P•lli .... f«*Mdr·biolr•PhJ) '47 -Bttty Hlllton, Joh11 L1111d, l il!J DI WolfL .... :~ ........ (dr> 1'111) '41..-lllntdll, Mn 8tft. .... it• II~ .,., .......... (c:orn-NY> 'Sl-Hup Hits. l:tDBM"": (C> ~ M1111 .. aa" 1l¥tntur1) '.57-(ofntl Wild•. d-u-1ci D C...1111itr ..... IHI ... ,. (C) m __ .....,..,.. (ii'llM) 'SS-Tirlt TlltW. ·-·-.... (-o) '64-""'_ ......... l • •MillllJ ...... (dr1111•) '5&- --likfWt,, eoi... Gr11. IZ:IO 8 "ltll" (drame) '54-)0lln 111.r, Cito M00rt. t.tl a (C) "A StM h ltrw~ Ptrt II Z:JO a MSl1tl111 httlJ" {comtdJ) '4! (drtll'll) '5~Jlldy G1dand. J.111111 -llo&t rt Youna. M1urttft O'Ha11, M1S011. Clitlon Wtbb. t :IO II "Ow •IJM 111 LflllloA• (rt< t :ll e {C) "lttH '! tall" (comedJ) m•nctl '41 -MMtltlM C.fflll. '$2-Bob Hope, l in1 Cmbf, Dof· fitd lll1cMurt1J. oll'IJ Ltmour. ' ELECTION] .,. - ' ··-< ~,· ';.:.:.:;~ ..... ~;: ........... _ -............ -~• ............ ~ ... Y• ·--·-~-' GORDO '~ ,, MISS PEACH • • '](EL.I. y Sc1-100L Arrr SHOW .,. ~ ~ I -\< 1 .,. I·~ ' 111' .SIUV $)p 15 C.$1/UJV/!./" 1//Jt •CCUJO</f 1~ By Gus Arriola -------~ By _~ell i i DAILY mor lP ~ __ly_ Charle la1~fL - CONFRONTATION-Buddy Hackett, left, and Ruth Buzzi exchange glares on discovering they are sartorial look-alikes on "Laugh-In"'tonight on Chan- nel 4 at 8 p.m. Henry Gibson becomes Herbert the Hwnan Fly in an experiment. TELEVISION VIEWS Ed Sullivan ' Finding F•ak By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"The Ed Sullivan Snow," after more than 20 years, seems to be running into some heavy !lak. Since the new season started, the CBS vaudeville hour has beCn losing the ratings race. THE SUCCESS of NBC 's "Bill Cosby Show," preceded b,Y "The Wonderful World of Disney," has been a pnncipal !actor, complicated by the con- tinuing l>OPUlarity o! ABC 's 11The FBI." Sullivan and company, however, are uniquely equipped to handle emergencies. Most variety series are taped for in advanc~ften months-and it is almost impossible to make repairs if things don't go well. The Sullivan hour is almost always live and therefore flexible. There already are signs that the show is being beefed up, with more stars and fewer animal acts and acrobats. SUNDAY NIGHT'S bill bad Pearl Bailey, Petul a Clark, country singer Buck Owens and a ne\v rock group called "The Barnt," so there '"'a s something for just about every variety of music lover. There was also David Frye, probably the most skillful im- pressionist around today. a very short stand-up comedy monologue by Rodney Dangerfield and some .young French-Canadian folk dancers. I( was a star-studded and lively hour. But there are so many variety hours on the three networks, there is a question whether the supply is not larger than the demand. ''BONANZA'' was practically a night oU !or the Ca rtwright family. The story centered on David Canary who plays the Ponderos a ranch hand, Candy. It was an improbable story \Vith Candy killing a man in self-defense and then trying to help the man's pretty widow and child run the ranch. Romance flowered while a mysterious evil stranger skulked around taking pol shot s a·t Candy. IT TURNED out the pretty widow, in her fresh anguish over her husband's death, had written to a gunman -asking him 1.o come and avenge the !tilling. There \Vas the shoot-out at the end. and when the gunman bit the du st. Candy told his lady Jove to forget it, anybody could get up set and make a mistake like th&t. RECOMMENDED toni ght: President Nixon's address on Vielna(Il, all networks, 6:30 PST to con- clusion. Dental• tlae Me11ace 1 I '.• ' I i • ~ : ~ ~ -• . . ----·----· ·~ --------------------~,_µ:,.i;..1;,• .... ' ........... _.,..., ..•. ._. ·:.. ~ l' : .:.. .: -· . ."-·, f f .: ... ; f ,;• T ' • . . .. . . . . • '1 Contin ental Sa'les ·Climb LEGAL NOTICE lllll•tll• su••••o• COUllT 01' T HIE STATI Of' CA.Lll'OIUUA l'Olt THI co~::':~ OltAHOI folOT!Ca 01' HllAll~ 01' PETITION 1'011: "ll01ATI! 01" WILL AHO l'Oll Ll:nflll TllSTAMI HTAllY • T~'141 E1t11f of AAltY Wlll:IGHT WADDELL ' HOTICI TO ClllEOITOlS JORDAN, Oect1Md. ~ SUl'l!lltoll CDUI T OF 'fHa NOTICE; IS HERESY GIVE N Tri.1 ~ STATI 01' CALtl'OltHIA "Olt Miry Weddell Jort11n h11 fl'" herein 1 • THI COUNTY 01' OllAHOI HllllOl'I tor Pl'oblle of wlH 1MI lor : NI, 11~1 l1MH111Cf of Letlt<J Tltl!ffMlllll'l' ta Pell· l1ltlt of IVY TIGHE. Dtcns.N. l~r. ret ... f llCI to wllldl 11 rnNe !or ftOTlCE IS HEJIEIY GIVEN lo the furflle!' 111rtlcui.r&. ll'ld tt11I the time 11111 ,...,11 d fM •bow .,.,,...,, deudMI lllac• or ...,,,,.,. the -"'" -.. M1 ""• ,':( HrtOftl ft......,. cr.lmt llllMI tti. for Hov1mber 31, lHf, t it:» 1.m .. 111 IM Mid decflXtlt ••• ••l.llr.., IO Ille Them. ::·a:"' ro:' c~=' :.~., 3 W:,, .. = Wll'I the necns..rv ~ ill the otfla · ' ' of the c'"11 ot IM 1bo..e t llllllfd court, w the Cltv of Stntt ,.,.., Ctlffotnlt. Dy CARL CARSTENSEN The redesigned and re- engineered Uncoln Continental already &hows signs of being a success story for the 1970 model year. a Ford P.fotor Company vice president said while In SOuthern California last week. M. S. McLaughlin, Ford vice presjdent and g e n e r a _, manager oC Lincoln Mercury Division, said, "Lincoln-Con- tinental sales, including lhe Mark Ill, set a record in September and lhe sceond 10 days of October. and we've got a good Shot at a record In the final 10 days of the month." lie said October sales will approach 9,000. The high mark for Lincoln Contin ental was 8,954 ln one month back in 1965. McLaughlin was in Newport Beach prior -to a performance day program al Orange County Raceway for the press. Llncoln-Mcrcury i s en- couraging lheir dea lers to become act ive in drag racing activities this year with the new performance m o d e l s • Cougar Eliminator and Montego Cyclone, These two should b e headliners in the specialty car field with lbeit spoilers, PLEASED BY SALES Ford's Mclaughlin engine and transmission lions. op· The Ford executive noted ~hat the division's other car ines are doing well during the arly stages of the model yea r and "are continuing t h e tnomentum generated during lhe 1969 model year when Lin· toln-Mercury sold 420,000 new ca rs, an all time high." McLaughlin added, "Out en- ro • P•-"' IP\tm, wtttl rllt ~IBMfY Dated Ocfober 1'· 1'6' Yotc ... ••· ta r11t u!ldt"llM<I at """offln W. E. ST JOHN el fl USH fl USH &. L,t,,l!SEN AT-C!lllntv Clerk t 0.NEYs' 5ullt ol01 Mff(urv $1y!nU NAAWOOO, SODEN ANO ADIC/NSON ' . J• H_,..,. CHllH' Orin BUiiding, n11 Edinger AYfflUf, Huntlnwkf! N_. ••Cfl Caftfflrnla ll~tl'I, C1lllornl1 f16.j1 wllkh 1111\e Plitt Tth (111) '44·1j1J l'our Mo11ey'~ ll'orth Df ltlls!~H of 1~• undertltned !n -'1 mat-All-YI fw PelllleMr lt tl P1r11lnlng to 1111 H iatt Df ukl cite.. Publls~ Orin;• cast D1llY Pllet, <kf!I, within fOllr rnontl'll alter t1111 flrit NIWM!btr 1 l , !Kt '°'3-ff •'*'l1<1Uon Df ffllt notice. , ____ ._._' -------1 Ci.led Odobtr ,,, 1"9. 1- JOYCE D. MUOGE LEGAL NOTICE ' Be Careful 'in Buying ' Mmlt!l1tr11t/1 """' "" .. 111 A_,,ed of IM ui.tt of fht tbow NOTIC• Dll SALii DI" ••AL PllO•· ausH. ;=: .. ~~H ••TY AT ••IV.t.T• SALi -- Ne.A~ •r1 I(, In !Ill: S-lot CO!fff of 1111 S11tw of Retirement Homesite ,.J ..... A ..... , S.... 4t7 C1tlfom1-, l0t IM Countv of Or1119t. HIM ... '-hid!, c.itf, nM1 In ll!t Mllffr of 111t Eslalw of Elvll'I TM 1n11 IU·Jfll C1rr11111 51111111, D«las.!<:I. AftwMn fir ...... lllllh'l lfil Holk1 II MrtbJ 1ltt11 tMI tt11 u~ f'ubl!$1'11d Ori"" '°91! D1llY PllGI, dirrlleried "lit Mii II Prfy118 11lt, to 1111 Citi<iblr », 11 11111 ffoYll'llber 3. 10. ~lgM:st ,.,., lies! bidder. 1ubler;t Ill ,.,._ 1'9 "™' n...,allon of Hid SuPf.'rlM Court, on or •lier Ille 11111 dlY Df No ... efTllH!r. Ifft, ,, LEGAL NOTICE · ltll olttct of HarrY Alkaw. AtlarnrY 1! +• ----~=,-----· IL1w, 604 North Marn Strut, Reom p.Uft9 Number. OM, Santi Ana, C11ttom11 , < •• T'.ltAT• Ot' •USINESI I Countv of Or1119t, Sl•le ol C1lllornl1, 111 rhl rlthr. !Ille 1nd !n~rest ol ~ld 'JCTITIDUS , •• M NA.ME de<e1~ 11 '"' l!mt or d<!1lh Ind Ill fl'll !THE UMDERSUiNED dol't ht,., rltlhl, !Ille •nd ll!ltrfll 111111 ltll et1t1 of ci••lfY ltlll ne ls cotl<luCllll!I 1 marl,,. Hkl OK11Hd has ..:<!lllrecl b'I' """'lflon Oflenlell bullnffl 11 1111 MonnWIA, COila of law« olherw!se, ol'Mr ll'lln "' lfl Id· ,,...., C1Hlom!1, Woller Ille llctllloll'S ttrm dlllon to ll!fl ot 11id dece1•i!'d, I I It'll' ... ,.,. of SKIPPE• MARINE and"'-' &aid llme ol tkfllh. In 1..ct Ill 111 tM certtln t(rm 1' corl'IPQltd o1 tM fllllaWlnt ,_.. -PlrtY 1111.1111!'11 In 11'11! (Clll!l!\I ol OranM •n. whOH """" In lull Ind pl1c1 of llllt of C1llfoml1, p1rlkwllr1Y dn.ulbftl rii1ktence 11 '' rotio-Jo.wit: 11 folloM. fo.wll: f Mr. Donald E. Ptl'M. ton 5111 Circle, Lot 120, Tn<:t ,,,,, I S 1'lown on Mill J!unllntloll BtK!o, C1Ulal'nl1 tl..U Rtc<lrded ln 9oak fl, PHn -, •1 Ind WITNESS mY Mol'CI lhll 11th dlY ol .. ol Mbc:ell•-· M1a, OfflClll d.::tober, IKf •KOl'dl ol Orange Coun1y, Sl1l1 GI ) DGnald E. PIYlt C1lltornl1. STATE OF CALIFOllNIA l Termt of ult ctsh In t1wt11t monfY of COUNTY OF ORANGE I SS. Hie Unlt..:t Slaltt on cottfirmatlon ol H it, OH THIS "'" dlY ol Ociobtr, 1ttf, or pert Cllh Ind blllnct tYIOttlc:ed by h ri mt, Rod Earl LIPlloolcl, 1 Nol•,., note .-cu..., b'I' Mort9111 or Tnnt DHc1 ~lie 1n 11111 '"' f11t w kl C-tv llhd on lflt a._tv to wkl. T.., "' c..,I ol 1 rukll"' 1t11re1,,_ futll commlutontd trnounl bid to llt ctto.lttd with bkl. ;_,., ,..,._uy -••Id DoMkl E. mi.-or ofttl'I te .llt In wr111,. ind wHI l'H kr.wn to ml to • "" ,.,_ bit rt(""'"'"'' -----Id omc. ,, lllY whote flllM Is Mlbld'lbed to !hi W1tflln II"" .itW lt.e first ~lullon llll'IOf Ind .. ' .. _ _..._leclled Ill ml ht Mto!'t .... of fllt~ 1~ 11111 ::;;" Ot!IMI i;,11 21st diY flf Oc.-,.. lftt. '!'tN WITNESS -wMEllEOF. I -... Earl Stanton $hlnn r:-nt "'y Miid 1"4 lffl~N mY af. Administrator rJf the E1t1t1 ' " nd H r In 11111 -., uld OKdrllf. cltl IHI ,,,. y I y HA••Y ALllOW trlllk llt fir.I 1bcrA wrltttll. 60ri1 Mtrfll MMR ltrftt, 4oFf'ICtA~ SE}.!._l lt.-:n """"' Olla.. _ . I •oo EARL LIPPOLD Slflll Ana, (11'""111• n nl ' Motarv P~bll(, Ctlllornl• Ttl1• 11111 Mf.IMI I Prlnc;tpal O!flte In All•,.., .. , A ... l"lltt•lw I or1n11 c-1., . Pubtlshed Ora/IP Collst 01111 P nof. I My c-1u1on E•Plfel NOYetnbtr I, ,, .. Ifft l'IMO.ff I Feb. 11. lf13 P11blhhfd O•lntl Coul Dilly Piiot, Ftobls: 2Q, 27 and Nov1mbfr l, 1D ..... 19Jl:ff. LEGAL NOTICE ..... By SYLVIA PORTER Thousands of Americans are being l'ured these days by newspaper and magazine ads to invest now in a retirement home site in Californ a, Florida, Texas. New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada~ Thousands are being flown to retirem e t home de ve opmen ts by thC developers, put up in motels for a weekend, wined and din- ed. bused around t h developed parts of l h e development, shown "then and now" movies of the area to prove how rapidly it is grow- ing, and generally treated to a srueling hard sell. 1HOUSANOS are b e i n g persuaded to pay an)'\\·here f r o m $1.500 to '5,000 ( o r a fraction of an &en!, very often on or at the edge of the desert, f have no argument with your paying $2,000-or $3,000 or what.ever for a home site in surroundings which are likely to enrich your later years. I v.•on't criticize the land ty- LEGAL NOTICE I: LEGAL NOTICE ClllTIP ICATE 011' •UllNISS •All·l117 -l'ICTITIOUS lllAMI! SU"E.IOlll COU•T 0" 'rHe p.UNf Tiii IM!dtrtltnld ~ twltly 11\ey ''' ITATI. °' CALll'OINLA FOii I c••TllllCAT• D, •u•tNISS, ~::::!"~~ ~r.'1..:'61'~· u~1':; THE CD~~.T~"~rnOllANGE 1 flCTtTIDUS NAME lklitltM lll'!TI Mme of AUOCIATED NOTICl DI' Hl!AllNG ON PETITION l Tiit 11nd1n!1Md do cerllfv lht:Y ... PLANHElllS ANO DESIGNERS •"" tl'lll POii PllO•ATE Oii LOST 011: ond\id\1\9 t bllllntss 11 1'0 Ntlll~ Rd., l lld firm 11 tomPOSec! ol tile follclwlnt DESTllOYEO WILL AMO ,011 OllDl!R f. Oltl Mtn, C111!lll'nl1, undtr 1111 flt-Pl<"2f\1, Whall n11nH In fwtl l l'ld PllCH lllVOICINO LETfEllS OF AD· lloul firm n1rn1 of RICAL A5SDCLATES ol ftlldtnct art •• folloWI: MINIST•ATIOlll FOii ISSUANCE 01' nd lh•l Ukl firm 11 comooted ol lllt • O t I I F. Wet!, t'.IC2 Ht11Mrlon LETTl!llS TESTAMl!NTAllY. o!lowlnt P11nons, ..nose 111mn In lull Clrclt, Hij11 U119!on 81•th, C1lltornl1 Eititt of LA FRANCE M. PETERSON, I nd pllCCff of rt•ld~ ••t I I follow1: t'.IU' DKtlHolf. llllc.h1rd D. 11.oderlck, 2121 &r\11111 SI.. JamH M. Tlbbcl, 3'6 N. Mounlaln NOTICE 11 MEREll'f GIVEN Th•I Slnll AM, C..I. ,t,fst. No. 11J Trail lw t., Sltrr1 Mldrt,.C1Ulornl1 t1024 OOYV HOof\lnllll hll fllfd herein • pttl· AU•n W, Diel. MO NIUIV ltd., COl!I O•tfd Oclllber ?C, tm lion tor orobllw o1 L.,,1 or Dp trcryi!'d Wiii ~ f,WM, C•I. Roytl F. Wtll •nd !or orOtt R""'°"lnt L•ll.,., ol Ot!N 0(1. 11, 1.... JlmH M. Tlbbol Adm!nhlrlllon 1..d !or IUUIJ'ICt GI LetterJ •ldl1n:I 0 , •odulcl!. SI•"' o! Calllot'nll T"ll'""'t•rY IO Ptllti-. rele~nc:e Ill AU1n W. Olu Ot1111tt Countv: wll!(fl Is made ior tvrltltr 111rtkul1r1. 1"4 ,St•"' ol Ctlltornla, Or1119t County: On Oc~r ]4, 1Nt, btlort m•. I 1 h 1 1 !hi llmt and pl.ct of Mt•!nt 11•1 • CM Odobf• 17, Ifft, betort fl'lf, I Not1rY Public In 1"4 for said Sl1t1, t.tmt hai been set 1or NOYl!fl'lllt• 71. 1'6', Nol•rr Public In 1nd for •lkl 5tai., l'l!._llY ..,PNred Rwal F. Wnt Ind II t ·lO 1 ,,. i.. IM courtrnom ol DK>••I· pe.ftOMllY ·-rfd 11.khl•d 0 . lllodtrkk JIMtS M. Tlbtiol knovtn lo .... IO bf !ht IMl'1i No' j' ol uld C!l\lrt, •' 1'QO CIYk 'a nd Allin w. Din k"°"n to mt ~ bt 1111 Plf'IOlll wllose namtt ••• 1uttscrlllfod lo Cf'f!!tr of1.,.. Wt1t, In the CHY GI !anti l'trlO'll "'-' flll'lln '" IUl!IS(•lbed IO !IV .. 11hln lnllNmtnl llld 1cknawled9KI An1, C1Utoml•. s v.ilo were farsighted enough to buy up huge tracts of land l&-20 years ago for $50 an acre and who now can sell it for $8,000-10,000 or more an acre. I WILL ARGUE, though, with touting these tiny parcels as a great "investment." There are milli~ of land parcels on the market today, so scarcity certainly won't be a factor driving up prices in the foreseeable future. IN MANY CASF.s all of the "investment" value -and then · some -is being reaped by the developers. -In today's credit squeeze, many real estate development oprations have been forced to a h a It, and Jfa ailybooy •s guess when promised im- provements will be completed. And finally because of high pressure sales teehnique s, a lot of people are buying land they can't really afford. In- cluded in the price are t h e proinoters' costs Of advertis- ing. flying buyers in for t h e weekend, etc. IF YOU -or a fr ie nd on-relative -are in t h e market for a piece of ground on which to build a retirement home, here are important rules to follow : (I) Ask the Better Busi ness Bureau in the area In which you are considering buying for a report on the promoter. Also ask for material to help you determine wijether the price being asked is fair in com- parison_ with the Cleats others are offe ring. (2) If the 1 a n d is in California, ask for a i.-ub- division report from the State Division of Real Estate. By try In lhc medlwn price l<J· ment -the Marquis -lJ con· tlnu!n, 1t a record pace wlt.b •bout one In four trf.de..inl-comlpg ll'om its dlroct com· petitOrs.,. The top of the Unc modell tre the front ruMers for Linc· Mere so far thl.s year with the Marquis Brougham the best seller in its Une. The XR·7 model i.s the fastest selling Cougar and the Montego MX is ahead in the intermediate line. Although a somewhat nervous eeonomic condiUon seems to exist in certain parts of the country, auto industry sales have moved at a good rate the past 60 days . McLaughlin said, "11Us might come as a surprise to you U you've read the nervous speculations of some outside observers. C o m b i n e d Sep- tember-October sales will be an all-time high for lhe 60 day period and about 100,000 units above a year ago." NEW PORSCHE LOOKS SAME -IS FASTER The 1970 Porsche 911 looks the way it did last year, but the new models have faster acceleration and higher top speeds thanks to a · more powerful engine. The 911. con· side red by zpany. as THE car, now _has 133.8 cubic inch engine and the result Is better performance on lhe 'highway or in competition. The 911 series is equipped with six-cylinder, overhead camshaft, air-cooled engines in three states of tune. The "T"1 which bas two three-bar· rel carburetors, has 1 4 2 horsepower at 5800 rpm. Ne1t hottest is the "E" which has a fu~l, injection engine develop- ing 175 horsepower at 6200 rpm. Fastest or all Is the 911 "S" which also has fuel in- jection. Its engine develops 200 horsepower at 6500 rpm. In compet ition, the cars can be driven at speeds ranging from 128 to 144 mph. 1)Yo body styles are available, a snug Coupe or the Targa convertible with its built-in roll bar and a detachable roof section. Botti cars have two rear bucket seats for youngsters, and for added baggage space, the rear seat back· rests fold down to form a luggage platform to supplement the lnmk at the front or the~· All of the 911 Porsches are equipped wlth four-wheel In· dependent suspensions and four-wheel disc brakes for ex· cellent handlin g . The suspension and brake com· ponents are tailored lG the engine output so that ' the handling of the car is matched with its performance, A four-speed fully . syfl4 chronized transmission i s standar<t equipment but a five- speed manual unit a n d Porsche's Sportomatlc clulchless fou r-spetd transmission are offered as options. A full ran~e or ac- cessories Is also available. The 1970 9111 are available at Porsche Atidi d e a I e r s throughout the country. Porsche Audi is a new franchise set up by the Porsche Audi • Divl~ion of Volks¥lagen of America and by the 14 regional Porsche Audi distributors. 'Ille w\111\n ln1tr11mtnl Ind acknowltdtN lhtV t•tc:~ltcl the tlmt. OitN Oc:lllbt• 71, 1t6' IMV t~tculed "'' nmt. !OFFICIAL SEAL) ...... E. ST JOHN !OFFICIAL SEAL} M•rY I(. MtnrY CmmlY Clt•k la\Y , such a report must be fil · ----------- Not1rv Pub\lc·Cllilcrn\1 C. C. l.liOE•TON Ml•Y IC. Henry . Prlnclo1! Otlltt In till Nort~ s11·0"" Drive Notary Pvblk -Ctll!otn" Or1n9e Counlv LOI •-In. C1l1Mrnl1 Prlnclp1I Ot!lct In My Cornmlsslon E~plrts Tel : CUJI 4'7 ... 11t 0••"" CoimlY · No.,..,.l>t, ,., nn All9f'llff klr l'tllll-M' Comml11lon E~plrn Publl\llN 0r•"11~ CNJI Diii~ Piiot. PvbUlllN Orlntt Coe1l DlilY Pllol. ' .... NOY. 'o'' 1'12 , •• ,, ""''' P\lpl Oc:lober 21 •!Id NoYH11ber 3 lO. 11. Nw.mber \, l, •• INt 1ou -.. Pvbl ''"" "'" ' IMt HIM_., I ;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;1 Oc•oblt' Ill, 11 and No\ltmbtr 3. 10. 11 ;1Nt 1tSl.ff LEGAL NOTICE "LEGAL NOTICE i !-----~~::-°'""'::--·I IU,.'1!111011 COUltT DI' TMll ITATIE 0 1' (ALlfl'DlllNIA 'Dll IUl'll•to• COU•T OF TMI: THE COUMTT OF oaAMO'I! I ITAT• DP CALll'OllNJA 'OJI IM. A-•Un THI CDVMTY O' o•ANG'I! NDTIC• OP Nl:AllllNO Dll PllTITION I w.. A-442111 l'Oa PllO•ATI: OF WILL ANO FDlt ! o •D•• TO IMOW CAUl'I! LllnE•I T•STAMINTA•Y 1 PPLICATIOM OF VIOA COLEMAN Estate of MARY JANE ALLEN, •~OHNSTON FOR CHANGE OF NAME D~~'.t't IS HEREBY GIVEN Th•I I WHEllEAS. VIDA COLEMAN • JOHNSTON pet[ll-• hll 1111!'11 an I P-Hfrbe1t J, Alt'~ hn filed hert1n I Piii· ' !loll 1ft. tlll Cl•rk o1 1111• court lot' llOll 1or problft of will end tot Jssuance 01 pllte W Htiontt' ,... ffctm lt'lle!'I 'Tulamtnll,., to PetllloMr, 1 1 " "'t;~-':,:IOll lo ~.~~ VIOLA reler'lnn to which 11 midi '°r lurll!er ~:EMAN n Pll'llailll'lo Ind !tit! lllt 1""4 Ind llKt IT IS OirtOElltEO ttt1t t ll _,_ 1"" of 1>t1rl111 IM llmt Mi bfffl -.et lw tlrtl'" In "" •bl>Yt'~tllli!'d mlt1tf ..... NoYemblf" 11, lttl, II f ;)O I.I'll .. In ""' • ...... tllll COllM ,, •.• • .... Oii cour1romn of DtPtrlnw~I No. 3 ., Hid Autwmflllln -Tn.tcll1 "Wllar• :S1r~ic1 M•~11 tll1 DIH1r1nc1'' 0'•1119 c..vnt' 451t C1rn111111 Dr. NNl!trl •ell. 1111) S*•H Lh """"' tN I. W111tn1 UUI 7*1611 ed by every developer and it must contain lull information ~ on water supplies, utiliti~s. roads, climate. etc. ln Florida, the law requires land sellers to provide a similar property report to anybody buying land by mail. If a promoter fails to provide such a report, be on guard. 13) FIND OUT how near or far the land is from roads, public t r a ns porta I lo n . churches, hoo pilals. r c f u s e rc1noval services, etc. If these are merely promised by the developer, make sure they are described in the sales eon- tract. (4) Before you sign any con-I"'',. ,,., 1 ""'cOlll1'rooioi ..Ca~ 11 (ourt, 11 100 Clvlf C1n1t• Drl'lt wur. In ~. s,:1, ,.,.., C • 1111, n 11 , Ille cu, ol Santa Ant, C1lllornl1, ''::::;::;=========Cl I ~ ). Mid '"'°" c111S1, 11 t llY, D11H Odobi<' 21, \Hf I• lra'cl, ba\•e a lawyer or the local legal aid society go over ....,. "" 9""1kltlOll tor cti.nte o1 n1m1 w. E. 5T .,,;oHN, Id riot DI! t•anlf'd Counl'I' C rk, "':';' IS FURTHER . O•OEltED ttt1t 1 CY.IL._ WALltON, ""'-~ 1 t111 OB"" Covntl D1llY IHI Terr-• h1111¥1"9, ,.. ... __ • " Df I T ........ C:•lflrllll ,..,, MORE DOCTORS I Piiot, CGlll MtM, I """"-' tentrt Tt ll U lll 111"511 ' J dr'C:itM!lon ttrlntfll 111 "" CPVl'ltv of A"'""'1 fir "•!Ill-DENTISTS ~-'t.!':!'1t~l'p,.:;'~ ~:-;:1,tornt ~ Pultllil>td Ori"'' c .. 11 D1ll1 Piiot, ' ':C~T: !ht -lklllon. Or.lobtr 21. :n ind NPVembe•l 3. ATTORNEYS, AND • OATIEO: Oct. 17, 1Mt. ittt ,. Wt OTHER • ltAYMOND THOMl"SON LEGAL NOTICE t ou•• • ;'.";;."" ---~=,----1 1 PROFESSIONAL f =-... :..,IM Sttn ClllTll'ICAT:.,,J: •UllN•IL PEOPLE USE ................ ~ ... ., l'!CTITIDVS NAMI TAB BECAUSE T.i f1UI nP-ltlll n.. .,,..,.,.,...,..... don c.nlP/' t>t 11 ~ --· "'~""*"'... too11t Dl•l'r l'lltf ductlnt I """""" ,, PO kll ltl ' Coe.II WE'VE GOT THE I I :t, 11.' MQt, Cttll., """"' fht lkll!IOUI llflfl otllllllt 2' '' i n d NowmDtr uJHt -of Ill l'AllllC PlllOOVCTS co. ltl •NSW•RI Z ,.., MBLE CO 111 .V.BLE TV SERVICE lftd A i; 11111 uMI tlrm i. ~ at Int toflow• I t.EGAL NOTICE rlt .,_, WMM 11-111 1vn llld 111tet ---'--,-':::-::--::'.:::=----1-,.1111fn(e 11 tt followt: • L•U.'= ltOT1C:• DtfllOlt '<11111 kntcWI. lltl Vitia ~ .• NOTICE 15 HEJtE•Y GIVfN thtl tM M-1 lead!, I FOR AS LOW. AS I I S14.50 PER MO.I '~119,lftmt of ......... er,....., •rootrlY Dt!N 10.IMI' "~ ... ""'" ""° bit ~ Pofl(t 0-r1llltlll DtMls l(tlth lent.on c •LL us NO o1"" CllY,ot c;o.f1 ~fer 1 "'lod In llalt of C1Qlonll1, o....,.. c-tv: ., W FOR tt«M 11 niMff 1,.1 dolvs1 On OcfOClotr I). 1'6t, Ml11r1 ""'' 1 INFORMATION AND ,., ..... ""'" ....,. ... 11111 .. J ... -Nolt.., ll'llblk In I~ for Miii .,.... A 8R""'UURE. clliet ril'lfllll'I --..Hy -'" Dennh. ICt!lh •tnton uvn NQTicr 11 i<:uanirJt GIVEN "'*' ., tMwll 1o IM .. bit "" .en... ....... .~ I tt'!l'Ho-"' ...., ....,.. Ind ,,.... "" ,.._ i. •'*'1btol 1'111 lllt wllhlfl ~ • --,...,. n1. 1~ If ttw ,,,_,,, wlll'llfl .,_ "',__ .,., .._ .... Id 11t tltc:1t11... -lilb l"-"IN" In d:IJ't lolio=ttll tM ~1tlen flf lflll ll'lf .......... _ -_ ...... I.Ill • HOik .. ~ ""' ,..,... lhlll .,.., In tflt IOIFICtAI. Sf ALI BUREAU !._'. If !11Wt bit -· W 111 !ht CllY flf JOSEPH E. DAVI$ 543•2222 ..... 11 "' ..... •1-...Mk l\IC:TICln " • ~ "'1 11( ... Offk• '" 1 omc11 r o SERVE af'd .. le .. 111 -.ct. Or•-Cwntv " / DATfD: NIW!ftlltr a, 1Mt, M'r (ommlstlon E)l;flJrtt A1J. Of A••UQE CO • I (Ml• ......,., Ill wMt;11 C1.e Tiii If-II' Noll" P~filllol'T\19 II ••. Nll,H -,,.-, J(lflll 11, 117'. """" , (H!lfl Dfl '°'-ICE Plibfltl'ltf Or~lllt CNtl Olll'r l'llol, '9 • Pubfllllld 0,..,,,. c:o.tl Otfl'/' "Ito!, Ociotltf' 17• ~ J. 10. 11 1... -l No\lwll'lblr s, '"' '°''"' '°°'"" • . - it carefully, (5) Inspect any retirement home site personl!)Jy -per- haps by con'lbining this tour with a vacation -si nce you may spend 10, 20 or 30 years ol your life there. (8) 111ost important, ask yourself these questions: HOW 00 YOU envision your r~lirement home su r- rounded by wide open space and plenty of qu iet and privacy, or iri the middle of a busy community, surrounded by a lot of nearby neighbors? How are you likely to spe.nd your lime -hiking and fishing? Traveling frequ t!nlly 19 o l he r places? Attending theater, concerts, o t h e r cultural C\'tnts? llow near do y0\1 want to be to old friends, childrtn and grandchildren In your retire· mcnt years~ A sunny climate, a big sky and a patch or ground are not enough to make a happy rcUrtmcn1. REGIONAL CH IEF Robert Loomis Loomis Ne w Dodge LA Area Cltlef ' N. K. Harri s, Dodge's western area sales manager, announced the appointment of Robert 0. Loomis 11s Los Angeles regional manager for Dodge Cars and 1rucks. Loomis replaces c. P. King who v.·as promottd to Chrysler Co r poratlon's international .sales operations. • Chrysler's western region headquarters ti: located In Orange County. Finance Briefs NEW YORK ·(UPI) Eastern Ab'Una hu 1mnald 1244 mllll91i· In loilc .._ credit to finlnce the purchl'"i of new aircraft and meet Other commitments during the early 1970s. The packqe lncludcS 1 1100 million revolvlna credit from 38 banks led by Cwt Manhattan at one-half ' per centage polol over the Jlrime rate, • $e6 million I>year lease a.rrangement at ~ per· cent interest wilh A r m co - Boothe Corp, covering 11 Boeing 727-Z25 aircraft, and a IO.year financing arrangement with Rplls-Royce, Ltd., for 90 percent of the cost of en,ines for ~ Lockheed Triatar airbuses. ii> part of the package, Eastern is returning to Boeing seven 720 aircraft. Other aircraft oC Eastem's present fleet will be sold or leases on them cancelled. NEW YORK (UPI) Soulhefn Peru Copper Corp., a joint venture of American Smelting & Refining Co., Cer- ro Corp., Phelps Dodge and Newmont Mining announced it has reached agreement with Peruvian officials on a con· tract to develop the cue.Jone ore b.ody. Actual development Is con· lingent on successful finan· cing. It has been estimated that it will cost $355 million to develop CUajone copper. • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) The president of the natloa'1 biggost brokerage bouJe rUc. day gave his support to the principle of public ownership of stock exchange member firms. 1 President Donald T. Refl;an of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fen- ner &: Smith. Inc., told a meeting of San Francisco security analysts that the capital structure of many securities firms is w ea k because they &TI! unable to sell equities to the public. He said broker«alers need more capital both 8!I a safety margin and to expand and ac· quire new electronic equii> ment to meet mode r n marketing and r e s e a r c b needs. WALTHAM, Mass. (UPI) - Horace .Greeley's advice, "Go West, young man!", is still good, according to an elec- tronic computer at Brandeis University. Prof. Wyatt Jones, urbanologist a t Brandeis's Heller School of S o c J a 1 Science, fed a Jot of data into the computer on 315 cities in the United States and asked it whlch,____clties had the best growth prospect& for the l!l70s. The computer picked nine cities in Texas -Abilene, Amarillo, Corpus Christi, Lub- bock, Midland, 0 d e s s a, Pasadena, Tyler and Wichita Falls -as among 20 headed for "boom" times and 12 California communities among 24 which can expect "high socio-economic status". SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Potlatch For.ests, Inc., a San Francisco-based foreSt pro- ducts company, announced Wednesday its application for JisUng on the New York Stock Exchange. Potlatch common stock ts currently traded on t he Pacific Coast Stock Exchange. 'The company w h l c h employs more than 12,000 peo- ple in 48 operations in the United States, South America and Samoa had earnings o( $12 million the first nine months of 1969, according to PoUatch president Benton R. Cancell , There arc more than seven million shares of PoUatch common stock outstanding, with more than 4 , 0 O O stockholders of record. NEW YORK (UPI) -'1'he Federal Reserve System re· l:ued the reins on credit a little this wee k. Daily average net boffowed or minus re- serves of member bankll nar- rowed to $895 million com- pared with a corrected minus figure of $1.l'rn billion last week. WASHINGTON (UPl)-Ben- dix Corp. ha1 obtaJned a '41.5 million extension of Its con- tract for operallng, mainten- ance and support service of the Nalional AeronautiCI and S p ace Agency's· Kennedy Space Center In Florida. SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) - Pulsar Computing, Inc., of Fullerton, Cilll., has ID- noonced the acqub.IUon of Turner, Brown & Associates of San Francisco. Both companies d e a I primarily In computer i;oftware and systems dtvelop-- n1ent • , •~Jt c T •• ':'I • " ... , . . .. Who Reads the Swr1 For the Stars? (~ ... .;rx_. It's ·syd~ey Omarr And now this orliculote wr iter who hos been celled tho "ostrologer's ostrologer" reeds the stars for you. Sydney Omorr, longtime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood''rend the literory world's mostfemousstors, is• DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for accuracy·of predictions bosed on ostrologicol onolysis is omozing. Whether you rood astrological forecasts for fun or as a serious student ol stor-gozing, you'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's deity column in tho . DAILY PILOT "'*"""'*•. 1 ..-~-· .. ,---.. ' I ,, .. ,......:... . . . _.,... . ...,._ ... , _ _...,....,_ .... .._ .. ,_,...,........,.-_...._ .... -_. •. ,_ ............... ,....,....._ ..... ~~ ..... ._,~ ........ --... -----------.... ----. .. NO MATIER WHAT tliey're in the market for, our readers find tlie DAILY PILOT is tlie best piece to put the bite on bargains. And they do it with tlie same gu~to es the gourmet here showing~liow much .he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands . You don't ha,ve to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, new appliances ef bargain prices, a reel ear liuy-or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the ."armchair market," ·the one our advertisers deliver to your door every day. I . . .. .. .... ··-... .. -. . -. . - DAILY PILOT . . :· I .. • ' . • •• • • • ... ... . . . . . • • j ' . T . . w ! ' " ! • ' . p •DAJl.Y PILOT MondAy, ~owmbet J, 1%~ Daae-at--Bebn ffi~~l-================-==:;;:=-===:=:;:;:========~ Tulane's Crew ' Final Race -F-or-tkYC Sweeps Douglas Denae fog that hojllCOlched &IO!ll the coaat Sunday turned l'.os Angeles Yacht.Club'a final r&a! of the 1Jarbor Series into a game of hide and seek far .the marks. John Dane and a flawless sailing crew from Tulane Univti'slty made a clean sweep of the Douglas Cup match race serie.s for col· Jegiate sailors at Long Beach Saturday. Dane, who is the current North American champion in the Soling Class, had a thi-ee- man crew composed of Bob Nugon , Steve Collins and "Cop" Perez. 1be Tulane crew had to get by two key .contenders in the final day's matches, defending champion USC skippered by Andy Macdonald and Stevens Institule of Hoboken, N.J. skippered by Jonathan G. Ford. If either of them had beaten her they would have not only spoiled a perfect store but would have taken the series. The race with USC was a close one with Tulane leading by not more than 17 seconds Base Closing Ends Busy Boat Season unUl the final downwind leg when the Trojan crew had spinnaker trouble . The margin of victory for Tulaiie was 57 sec:opds. In the race with Stevens it was no contest a~ Tulane got at every mark to win by a At least one-third of the fleet overstood the Los Angeles en· ' trace buoy and bad to ·beat Wm• ds back through the fog in a light -breeze to finish. the start and widened her lead 11··ght margin of 6 minutes and 55 Overall and Class C winner seconds in a dying ,breeze. Rtun· BYC's ln Sunday's Mar·ineland race Here is the ·way · the com -., was Roy Cundiff'.a Cal-37 sloop petiUon went in individual lntrepid 11, which was also the matches Friday: u ·d R 'I overall winner of the three- SERIES I -Cal State LB 0 aces r raceseries sailed over the last over British Columbia, 52. I thfte weekends. secs ; Stevens over USC, 24 ~arry Wood of Alamito! At the Marineland booy, secs; Tulane over Washington, Bay Yacht €lub was the Blass weather ·mark-o( the· course, 53 secs; Y@le over Wayne A winner Sunday of Balboa visibility was about a half mile State, J min 33 secs. Yacht Club's Lido Invitational, and at the L.A. entrance buoy SERIES t -¥ale over Regatta. "Light to non-existent on._ the return trip visibility Washington, 1:08; Tulane over win9s reduced the regal~ was z.ero. Cal State LB, l min.: Wayne from a scheduled five races l<> Marineland race: State over -Stevens, 25 ·secs;-one on~Saturday and two Sun.-iCLASS A_ (l} Jubilation, USC over British Columbia, day. . • '. 1:06. Final results:. •· Harry. Steward, LAYE ; (2) SERIES 3 Tul · J Sandpiper, Dean Brown, St. -ane over CLASS A -(24) wocxr, BYC,· (3) Westward, WiQard British Columbia, 1 :20; Yale Wind,•Harr)" Wood, ABYC; ~2) Bell LAYC (!) C · · II over Stevens, 52 secs; use Old Pokey II, Marty Locknty'•. I ;-" apr!CIOUS • W St t I 14 C I • Ben Williams, LAYC; (5) over ayne a e, : ; a LIYC; (3) Pheemers, Merlin' N bo J k Ball" LAYC State LB over Washington, Gayrrian. ABYC; (4), L<lwly' ews y, ac ue, . 1:07. Roman, Rowla,nd Lohman, CLASS B· -(1) Octavia, SERIES 4 -Stevens over BYC; (S} Ghost Lady, non; Steve Barnard, NHYC; (2 ) Al· Washington, 1:02 : British Robe ABYC torante, Burke Sawyer, Columbia over Wayne State, rtson, • J NHYC ; (3) Summerwind, Dick 44 secs; use over Cal State CLASS 8 -(lS) (l) James Meine, LAYC; (4) Joker 111, LB, 29 secs ; Tulane over Yale, Karis, ABYC; <2> Jae k ~ Bob Leslie, LBYC; ( 5) -Coulter, BYC ; (3) Jim Ker-• I LBYC 29 sees. rlgan, BCYC; (f) Le r 0 y . Escudero, Dick Va des, . Here is how the matches' -Southerland, VYC. CLASS C -(1) Intrepid II: The busiest recreational went on Saturday: 1 (2) Sundowner, Ed Sundberg, boating summer in the history RACE NO. 5 -TUiane over ' CYC; (3) P1eiades, Richard or Southern California came Wayne State, 42 secs; USC R D . Smyth, HHYC; (4) Debutante, to an end wilh the closing of over Washingtbn, 1:24; Cal 8Ce rtver Dick Hatchett,-_ LAYC; (5) the U.S. Coast Guard BociUng State LB over Yale, 0:44 ; Whimsey II, Hugh Rogers. Safety Center in L<>ng Beach Stevens Institute over British Overall class winners in Sept. 28, Coast Guard officials Columbia, 1:02. \ Signs Again Series : said. RACE NO. 6 -Stevens over CLASS A -(1) Sandpiper; The safety center was open-Cal State LB, (default); (2) Newsboy; (3) JubUation. ed in March to offer recrea-Tulane over USC, 0:57 ; Yale For Havasu CLASS B-(1) Octavia; (2) tional boaters of Southern Cali· over British Columbia, 0:32; Joker III; (3) Altainar, Jay form·a qu1'ck and accurate dis· Washington over Wayne State, An Jones, LAYC. 2 03 Race driver Bill Rill Jr., "t\I c ( ) J tr 'd JI Seml·nat1'on ol man·ne m· for-: · CLASS -1 n ep1 ; RACE No 7 C I State LB of Cullman. Ala. is not easily 3) Deb t t mat.ion, on·the-spot weather · - a (2) Sundowner; ( u an e. infonnation and a voluntary over Wayne State, 2 : 3 3 ; discouraged. courtesy motorboat examina-Washington over B r it is h In a trial run for the Out· tion ii desired. Columbia, 1:33; USC over board World Championship at Yale, l :16; Tulane over Lake Havasu City last year Dick Deaver Takes Metcalf "The boating. public's re-St 6 55 his boat overturned and he evens, : . sponse to the Coast Guard's Final Standings: Tulane 7-0 ; suffered two smashed plea for safe boating was very (2) Tie between USC and kneecaps. encouraging," said Lt. Comdr. Stevens Institute, S.2; (4) tie But he was the fir st driver Dick Deaver of Balboa Peter F. Sterbling, chief of between Cal Stale LB and to file an entry for this year's Yacht Club won the Darby the 11th Coast Guard District's Yale. 4-3; (6) Washington, 2-renewal of the contest Nov. 29-Metcalf Trophy Sunday in a safety branch. 5; (7) British Columbia, 1-6; 30 at the Colorado River thfee-race series for Metcalf "Because the courtesy mo-(8) Wayne State, 0·7. resort. dinghies sponsored by BYC. torboat examination, conduct--""-'-=:::.:=;;;.,;;-"'-----"="'--------....:=='-"'='-'""''---I ed by the U.S. Coan Guaql Auxiliary and the U.S. Power Squadrons, was a free public st?rvice and no tickets were issued for violations of feder· al or state regulations, we were able to reach over 12,000 boaters on nearly_ 3,000 _indi- vidual craft over the summer months ," Comdr. Sterbling said. He pointed out that although discrepancies were found on over 2,000 of the boats exam- ined, most of these were easi· ly corrected by the safety conscious boater after visit· ing the center. "The fact that boaters are anxious to visit the ce nter and become informed of safety at sea shows us that the public is aware of the problems con- fronting them and are eager to mak e boating a safe sport as our waters become more congested," the officer added. He went on to say that 55 percent of the owners of craft which passed the voluntary inspections had previously tak· en a safe boating. eourse_of· fered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary or the Power Squadron. "Many people have never been confronted by the chal· lenge of the sea when they purchase ·a boat. A course of this type is invaluable," the commander said. tnfonnation on courses of- fered by the Auxiliary may be obtained by calling the 11th Coast Guard District Auxil· iary Division in Long Beach. 11le telephone number is (21!) 437-2941, extension 217 or 218. The Coast Guard Boating Safety Center, located at Coast Guard Base, Terminal Island, will be opened.;lgain in March. 1970 to aid the safety con- scious recreational boaters of Southern califomia. Fiberglass l lse Soars in 1969 Ute of fiberglass reinforced ~sUct tn the marine market. -sk)TOCk'lteid in 1969, reaching an all-time high ol m million _.is. according lo a survey by the Boat Committee ol the So<ltly of Plastics lndu•try. The committee says the lip'e repmenta o 311 percent incrtlse over the 200 million pounds ttportel! by the 1"' duotrJ ror 1161. • ADDITIONAL IOATING NIWS OH PAO~ 16 • FOLKS OFTEN ASK who takes ·the pictures for Jack Daniel's. Wcll, meet Joe Clark . That's him, with th e can1eras round his neck, talking with the boys in our rickyard. Jo e was born and raised right here in our Ten nessee hills. So we're as happy to have hin1 visit at Jack Daniel's as he is . tb con1e. Now if you're wondering if Joe has anything to do with making our whiskey, the answer is no. But he's taken so many pictures of the way we do it, we just thought we'd pull a switch and 'take one of hi111. .. ' tHARCOAL MELLOWED 6 DROP ·~ BY DROP TE NN[SS[E WH I SKEY • 90 PR OOF BY CHO ICE C l%t,JtttD•~ltlDi1Hll"'·l•"'"'ot10-.Prop .. 111t. .OISllLLlD AN D BQllLED BY JACK DANIEL OISll LLlR Y • LYNCHBUR G (P OP. 38 4), !EHN, Prices Effective B~Today S.unday, Nov~ 2 thru Tueeday Nov. 4 Sears ' Ask Your-' Seara Automotive Exper.ta. to Safety Check Your BATIBRY'FREE 42 Month Guaranteed Sears High Voltag~:IJattery I . ~· . Free replacement within 90 diys Of_purc~e if battery_ proves defective. A.frer 90 days, we rq>Jace"the battery, if defective and charge yotr ortly for the period of own· ership, ba.Sed on the regular price less trade·inatthe time of reruro, -pro-rated over number of months of guar· an tee. • Don't be left out in the cold, instead get 50% faster etarls • Enjoy worry-free omooth power during cold wet win · terdriving Trade·ln Price 97 With Trade-In No•.43l4,43M, 4331,4396 1999 Installed • .>\n. econoiqy priced woven plaAtic co~er .... entire cover wipe1 clean with a damp cloth • A\•ailable .in blue and blac:k oitly 1 mtallation A vallable Mon.day thru Saturday Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plan Fi t Most Can · • Don't pmble your.life with a leaky muff •. le; ••• the dead ly, odorleu p1 from • worn-oul mufOer it el1en more dangerous when you dri•e with wind01n closed e Come 10 Sean (or 1 FREE m11ffier in· 1pection •Sean hat 1 muffier for your car! -rntlollolion Available ~lon.dny thru Saturday Sat~faction Guaranteed or Your Mone'1 Back - Sears sz.u.s, ROilUCl AND CO • Avoid Deadly Exbauet Fumes Aek for your FREE :M:ufflerlnspection by Sears Experlll ••• - &hop Monday thru Saturday .. 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Sundays 12 Noon lo 5 P. M. ·-, Chiefs Grab Lead in West With . 29· 7 Win Ry United Preti lalenallooal The Kansas City Chiefs toot over fint place irl ·the Western Division of the American 'Football League by defeating the Buffalo Bills, 29-'7, Sunday whtle the New York Jets took a two-game stranglehold on first pla~ in the Eastern Division via a 34-31 triumph over the ~1iaml Dolphins. The Oakland Raiders dropped into se- cood plact in the West When they were l)ealen by the t'incinnati Bengali, 31-17. The Chiefs have ":on seven of eight games while the Raiders have 1 f.1-1 record. 11he Jets gained their tv.·o-game lead in the East when the Boston Patriots upeel the second-place Houston Olien, ™· The victory was the Patriots' first of the season after seven straight losses. The Denver Broncos defeated the San Diego Charge..r.s, 13--0, in Sunday~a other AFL game. J ap S!enerud kic:Ud field ... Is ol 47, 34, 37, ~and 18 yards for the Otltfs. who trailed 7.0 aftU the first period and 71 going into the fourth period as a result of K 14-yard touchdown pass from Dan Darragh, to Marlin' Briscoe: Sl.t.Jlerud's third . field goal put the Chiefs ahead, 9-7, in, the r~th period and his (ourth ,and fifth field goals Increased their mlirgin to 17·7 with 1:57 left In.the game. 'nlen the Bills, collapeed and the Chiefs scored two late touchdowns on runs or 34 and five yards by Mike Gar· rett. The Jets, who trailed by 11 paints at the1 half and 24-16 entering the fourth petiod, pulled out their victory when Jim Turner kicked a 36-yard field goal with 2:41 lo go in the game. The Jets had tied the score at 31-31 on Joe Namath's 25-yard touchdown pass to Don Maynard enabling the latter to &et an AFL record or 83 career touchdowns. . -·ee ' I Jut a Friendly Get-together Denver's Grady Cavness (40) and San Diego's Willie Grazier (83) may Jook like they're working on a square dance step, but it's really a sud- Monday, Nowtmbtr l , 1%9 DAILY PILOT 2:; Ul"I T'"""""' den meeting after Frazier caught a five-yard pass. Denver upset the Chargers, 13-0. Sunday in AFL ac·i:ion . -- Rams Bl~~\~ Falcons, ~;.(), Still U11beaten ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -Loi Angeles quarterback Ro:nan Gibriel saya. hll or- renstve tine knows "If It hold• the defenders out, we're solng to win. It's as 1imple u thlt." · And the Ran'll!l.,only unbeaten team 1.n the. N1tlona.I Football League, made 1t look simple Su~ay in a SI rout of Atlanta In which Gabriel uncorked three touchdown passes while connecting on 18 o( ZS for 2311 yards. ' Gabriel was dumped only once by the Falcon defense, which finally crumbled under the constant pressure it endured in the face of a futile Atlanta oftense in the first ha!( when Lo.s Ange~s built a 17-3 advantage. ''Actually, Atlanta was never getting all that close to me," Gabriel said. , "Its linemen were coming in there awfully hard, though, in the first period. So the guys felt, I guel5!!, they'd better shut 'em out more completely. And they did." · Gabriel heaved scoring bombs of 22 yards to Wendell Tucker, 21 yards to Jack Snow and 33 yards to Larry Smith a, the Rams rambled to their seventh straight victory -most ever by a Rams team RI the start of a season. P.feanwhile, the Ram defense limited Atlanta to only six yards total offense in the first half, giving up polnls only on Bobby Etter's two field goals. "Any time you hold a team in the Na- tional League without a touchdown, ifs somethi(lg," said George . Allen. in his fourth year as coach o( the Rams. "This is our best all around team since I've been with the Rams," he said . Atlanta coach Norm Van Brocklin said the Ramr whipped the Falcons up front. He called Merlin Olsen and Deacon Jones -half of the Rams' vicious front four - '-'as fine as any I've seen play the game." Van Brocklin added, "I didn't live in Pudge Heffelfinger's day but ... you old heads will have to tell me about him and Yale." Namath threw two other touchdown passes In the game while Bob Griese of Ll-ie Dolphins fired l90cbdown passea of five, 29, 11 and Dine yards. Big }pck, Casper, Arclier Tied lt•IM l'•l<Wli 11 15 Greg Cook 'completed. II of It passes for 189 yards and hit Chip Myers with scoring tosses of 35 and eight yards as the Bengals broke their four-game losing streak and handed the Raiders their first loss of the season. _ Nicklaus Hacked Off About Playoff Fl"! downs ""'~Inv ,,.,,,.,, Ptstlf'lg Yt•dqt: """"" y1rffg1 l"llM• Fumbles loll l:U 107 "' '" " ' 1'»>o 1).2'-l I I DEVLIN WINS TEST, IN SUDDEN DEATH Ron Sellers caught-touclu:lown passes of 25 and 43 yards from Mike Taliaferro to ll!::id the Patriots lo· tlieir Upset of the Oilerl". Defensive back Daryl Johnson ran 32 yards with a recovered fumble for the Patriots' other touchdown and Gino Cap- pelletti added a SO·yard field goal to his lhree conversiorui for Boston 's other points. The Broncos scored their touchdowns against the Chargers in the third period. 'Fhe first came .on a two-yard pass from Steve Tensi to Al Denson after the same et>mbinaUon set up the score with puKS of 30 ·and 19 yards. NAPA, Calif. (AP)-"I'm just backed of'f at myself for letting il get into a playOff," .. blg~ Jact Nicklaus sald today before ,continuing a darkness-delayed sudden-death playoff for thei.wp prize in the $140,000 Kaiser International Open goll tournament. Nicklaus, who blew a two-stroke lead in the final round, Masters champion George Archer and placid Billy Casper were locked in a playoff for the title after one extra hole of the precedent-setting playoff. The situation, 1 second day of a IUdclel>dealh playoff, hu not emted Surprising Revelations Moats WouldHaveGone For Tie in Lion Game Among surprising revelations are: Huntington Beacb football coacla Ken l\1oat1 aaJ• bis Oilers would beat Anaheim If they played now. And he says he ~·ould bave ·1one for 1 de fnltead ef 1 win 1galnst Westminster Friday nl&bt had such a aituatlon arlseo. Asked If be'd llave kicked ftr tbe Ue « tried to run or pass for two points Pd Illa Oilers scored late in the lllJlle &o trail, '1· Ei. l\1oats said he'd have abot for the deadlock. His theory Is that you have to tit or beat lbt leader and •l that hour ....... ,,,,,,, ...... . WHITE WASH for a game-w:innJng field goal against Magnolia wa1 Mike Sgobba. One coach says tie hollered at Sgobba that a mistake was being made but that the little official simply shook his head in a negative man-ner. The erroneous placement resulted 1n poor field goat angle and the Chargers missed the ensuing boot. Nenn IAmlu'' son i1 1 swimmer. Lil· mlu, former track coacb at Orange Coast Colle1e, Is 1 familiar fixture In tbe are•. Ht caa be seen 1t one time or anotlter doln& tbe ume thing -running. He a&lll competes 11 lon1 distance races 'IDCI gdl ta ~ lr1lnlll1 by tUJn1 the .iaoe katber upre11 aJ'Olllld ·Ute various streets. net llill boy .-W be • 1wlmmer la a -lier. ""' ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It may turn out to be an all·Angelus League fln1le when it gets down to the •LINN WM1tt CIF Class AAAA football finals next \Vestmin1ter and Newport Harbor wert month. Bishop Amat and either St. Paul co-leaders. or Mater Dei loom is lhe c:ream o( the t\loats is 1tlll bltttr. and perh1pi Southland crop. - t'autlou1, after btlng second peued by Too bad they can't all be admitted to Ute pnss last year fteo Illa team ftll lt the playof(s instead of allowing overrated Santa An•, 14-7, hi the &mid epeaer. leagues·like the Bty loop to clutter up the HunUn,wn cotdd Uve sat oa Uw. ball ellmin1tions with do-nothing entries. aJtd probably nm out die clock ta Ute late . Wtltml.ner p1d co.rll Bm Beswell 1'81es of play wltll Ute letn boUtd Ii '1-t.U. tlte Nn". lS H111tla1M Beach. all. Bat Moatl ekded &o *'ew, aolq: ~ewpert 9...., pme a pick 'em affair for • wi•. Santa Au pC titre bd, dlel .tier ,...1 lo boll. scored &o a&aaer tile Olkn. It mnhtda GM Gf tll1t 1154 CIF n.111 Am. HC~ll bhnttll for tbe 11mt wftll Glendale Heovtr ud Cen--1Jon11 '"' lots te H1nt1aci-, lte 1•)'1 the ltmd1I. Had Ute former cltoHt &Cl eat •P mail Wac lie wwld hve dent dlf· the cl®k in tlte_ lait mln11te, It woald ferentty •Mld be p fw ~ neld 1081 In· bave 10Ue11 the Ude. 11tad of faklq' ft •Bd plnbtg. Tbe game •·as M and Hoover bad 1 DaJe Curtis, the one-armed kicker from declsl'e ed1e 11 flnt dowm. At &bit lime Fullerton who now performs ' for cat the team wtUI most rlr1l downs w11 dccl•rtd cb1mploa In tbe eve1t of a Ut. Western of San Dtego, booted fiekl goals of 24, 37, 46 and 46 yards in aiding his Bat'1foo\·er went fetr brGke, Centennlal mates to a 46.Q blasting of \Vastungton a:tt Ute ball aDd leered oa Lhe Jul pl!Q' DI (SI Louis) lbe 11me for 1 12-t &rtampll. ' • be£ ore. It was forced when darkness descended on the Silverado Country·Club after·those three plus Texas veteran Don January h.att completed only one playoff hole, the p:.tr five 16th. January, who had lied the others with a 72·hole total of 273, was short of the green in three, chipped on and made the putt. Thc.oth€r three ran in long birdie putts. 'l'he distance of the putts was in question because, actually, it was too dark to tell. Casper putted first and made what he called a ~footer. · "It's always nice lo gei yours in the hole and .then let lhe others worry about it," he 54id. Nicklaus .putted next. lle said hi s was rrom ,22 feet. Archer' agreed -"l thought Jack was away. But it was too dark to tell'' -after he sank his 14-footer •. . ' . x-G-ge Arcf'otr tt ·6t46-0-.17l X·Sllty ·C11"r .... ,.lf .. 1-271 •·Doll Janu.rr 61-71.,.,""-27l x.J.clr Nlc-111,1$ 6Hl ... ·11-21l L~ Gr•l'lam, »,HO '6.4J·J'O.'t-27' Ct>l (~I Rodrlgue.1, U ,160 61-6Mt·1&-2/5 Oln Slltn, 1~,760 · 114$-11 .. 1-:175 Arnold. l"llm.1r, U ,lllJ ,,..,..,.,_217 It. H. 511<n. U.91lJ J)~MMf--277 DIW Slllc-IOr!, SJ,IOJ 71-47 ..... 73-27, Oici< Cr1Wfwd, SJ.NO ,",.'·..!'!!°~!-17.,t Ed Sllffd, Jl.OIO ,,,,.._.. Oon 11.,. u,310 IHHl-1>-m !loll OltklO!I. S2.JIO lie<"! Green., JJ,JIO Mite Melt~ IUlO ~t~I Und-, ll.l ll CllUCJI Courlnty. 11.'-'A 8•~•t (••fnltlOl'I. Jl.450 Ltrrr Hll'ISOll, Sl,,~ G-Litr~r. 11.450 l ob Lunn, tlAJCI ICtrmlt Z1rllr. U.4'11 Al ~I, Sl.4lei Cl'l1rl11 Coodr, 11.ollo J1ckr C1.1p11, 11.0l6 Soll GOAl!ly, 51,036 Dkk M1y1r. S1.0l6 WtYnt vourrier, S.1.03' Miiii' B•rb<lr, Sl2J Frint •••rd, un Homtro a ltt1C11, wu Rod Fun1tlh, 1121 Jalln JtCOOI. M2l Tommy J1cobl, Sl2J TOmn'l'f Atron, U24 Frtllt: lll)'llfon, 1626 ff.11-71..._,,. IUf.•1~21' ... ,. ..... 71_,,, 11·6t-6t·10-J1f ,._ll-n.61-MO ,, .... ,, .. ,_:Ila H·ll·7U7-1IO 14-6MMf-.MO 1'""'111cn-• 11 .... 11.12-1111 ••·ll-41-70-:'*' 11·11·61· IO-:-HI IUt..,.U-'91 '""'""''-"'' 11-41-11·11-111 1>-™, .. ,_,., 6'·1+70-•t-212 6f.1+11 .. t-:112 12 ... ·1Uf-2t2 lut-10-70-:112 7Uf.1~1l-H! 7'-71·7'-11-111 ... 10-1.>-n-m' 1Nf.72·70-aJ MELBOURNE, Australia (UPI) - Bruce Devlin won the Dunlop Intema· tional golf tournament afte r a drama- charged sudden death playoff at Yarra Yarra course Sunday . The 32-year-old Australian got a birdie at the Cirst playoff hole to win first prize of $4~480 rrom Lee Trevino of the U.S. T9e pair had finished even at 276 after Devlin turned in a 7l and Trevino fired a spectacular six-under par 67 in Sunday'a final round ol lbe $28,000 tournament. NFL Upsets Galore Cowboys Passed Silly By Cleveland, 42-10 By U1Jted Prt1s lnteraatioaal Bill Nelsen threw five touchdown passes as the Cleveland Browns upset the Dallas Cowboys, 42-10, Sunday and took a commanding lead in the Century Division race of t.he National Football League. Nelson coinpleted 17 of 15 passes for 249 yards and threw touchdown passa of 46 and 21 yards to Paul Warfield, 10 and seven yards to Gary Colllns and 10 yards to Chip Glass. The Browns' victory raised their record to ~1.1 and enabled them to pick up a run game each on the New York Giants. St. Louts Cardinals and Pittsburgh Steelers wfio losf thelr games. The loss was the Cowboys' first after six victories but they retained Olea one and a half game lead in the Capital Cincinnati Downs Lake1·s, 124-116 LOS ANGELES {l\P) -Veteran forward Tom Van Arsda\e scored a career high 41 points Sunday night to lead the Cincinnati Royals to a 124·111 Na- tional Basketball Association victory over the Los Angeles Lakers. Van Arsdale, a four-year pro, scored II of his points In the fourth quarter as the Royals rallied to overtake Los Angeles. ClncinnaU led most of the game. before the Lakers built up a tl-83 advantage -early In the fourth pei'iOO. A stuff shot byr rookie ctnter Luther Rackley moved Cinclnriatl bick ln front 92-91 and the Royals pulled away, leading by as many •s 16 in lhe final minutes. CINCINNATI 1.01 ANlll.11 G F T 9 I' T 'VltlArlellt. 11 J I 41 l1ylor ·• 1·1 IS llll'flt' t l•l t '°"""' I M 1 Ol«lr.lnl • 1·1 U Clltm6orltlll 10 J.t tJ 0H111m • 1·1 ' W•f II J.t 11 ltObtrUOll 1 lolt 22 Ga'rrett • "' u '•Utr J H I f: .. n l ).) t Gr-I 0.1 It Htwtlt 1 J.J 1 Division when the Baltimore Colts defeated the second-place Washington Redskins, 41-17. The Minnesota Vikings whipped the Chicago Bears, 31-14, and held their one· game Central Division lead over the Green Bay Packers, who edged out the Steelers, 31-34. The Philadelphia Eagles beat lhe New York Giants, 23-20, the New Orleans S11inls outscored the Cardinals, Sl-42, and lhe Detroit Lions beat the San Francisco Forty-Niners, 26-14, in other NFL games. 'J'hc Browns' touchdowns (ollowed Cmvboy fumbles on the Dallas 48 and 12· yard lines, a pass Interference penalty which put the ball on the one-yard line and an interception by Jack Gregory, "'ho ran the ball 12 yards to the two-yard line. Craig Morton o( the Cowboys was in· tercepted three times and thrown for lasses four limes. Tom Malle scored three touchdowns on runs from imide the JG-yard line for lhe Colts. Linebacker Bob Grant set up two of the touchdowns with Interceptions and cornerback Tom Maa:well set up the other with an intercptlon. Sonny Jurgensen passed for both \Vashington touchdowns u the Redskins were limited lo 35 y1rds rushing. Joe Kapp threw touchdown passes ot 20 yards to Gene Washington and 13 to John Beasley and alto set up a TD wilh a Z3- yard toss to John Henderson as the Vik· ings raised tbe1r reccrd to f.l. Clint Jones also sco'ied~for ffiiVl~ngs on an 80-yard run from scrimmage while Gale Sayers rushed for 116 yards and scored one of the Bears' touchdowns on 111-yard dash. 'The Packers rallied for their victory when Bart Starr connected with a fl-yard TD pas.. to Carroll Dale with 4:4' left in th game. The Steelel'1 had tiken a 34-31 lead with $:OZ gone In the fourth period on a !'l-yard rield goal by Gene Mlogo. ~ Travlt Williams scored for the Packers Ul"I r....-. Rtldlltr J 1-0 I L)'l'l!I I ).f $ • Vtnllw 2 .H t M((I~ J O.t 10 " He also klc:ked 1 pair of extra points, The official who made lhe error of brinef hJs point total to 14 for the ni ht. plllctnz-lhe·balt·wben-Edlm wu 1o1nr-Not-for1'hlndicappod'YOllJ1111ct. REACH FOR THE SKY -Connie Dierking (24) of Cincinnati and .... "_ ' H I C I , T6t.ttt SI 22..tl 1't T•ltll 4 :17-t:I II• Wilt hamber a1n {13) of Los An eles strain for a rebound und-er th.e~ __ _,c1nc;111111t1~---.:1-" " •1 -1Jt --uR~rI"lilBRerSWidiiy nlgITT~Cfnc nalflrippf<nlieLrurs~ill'lf6. .~"'::, _ '·"'· '" u •-"' on an 83-yard punt return ind a 98-yard f .kickoff return while Roy Jerfenon c:au ht I -wn-pe-ol-11 MV-7ordl-loo+--H the Sleelers. ""' . ' -------------------------··-----------------·--------- J!4 DAILY PILOT Mo:'lda';·, Nowmbtr !, 1%9 PIGGYBACK FIRST DOWN -Saddleback College ti ght end Marc Hardy needed all of his 6-4 frame to reach this pass from Rod Graves and then all his strength to hold on to the ball as he was picked up in mid-air by Mira Costa defender Eddie Johnson. The play covered 11 yards in 'the second period as the Gauchos posted an important 13-7 win Saturday night in Oceanside. UCLA Takes Rest Trojans' Rocky Road Sfwuld Ease a Little By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Southern Cal's unbeaten trojans, "'ho had to come from behind In the last minute to beat the California Bears. 14·9, should have easier going Saturday when · they entertain a Washington Sta te team still looking for its first Pacific-8 Con· ference victory. UCLA, which hung a seventh defeat on winless Washington, 57-14, rests this weekend on its 4--0-1 conference record and 7-0-1 over-all mark. Oregon State plays al Cal and Stanford meets Washington at Seattle in a regionally televised game, while Oregon entertains Army in a nonconference clash. ' After next weekend there will be 9nly two more rounds of Pac-8 action. and it appears almost certain the conference crown will hinge on the UCLA-USC battle In the Los Angeles Coliseum Nov. 22. USC, 3-0-0 in Pac-a play and 6-0-1 over- all, came from behind for five straighl weeks to win. Clarence Davis, the Tro- jans' leading ground gainer, dove the last vard with ~7 seconds left as USC beat the Bears for the 11th time in a row. Randy Werschlng booted a 37-yard field goal for Cal in the second quarter and a Z9-yarder in the third. The Trojans' Sill Smith recovered a poor punt lhal bounc- ed off Bear Bernie Keeles' chest for the break leading to Southe rn Gal's first score, also by .Davis, early in the fourth ·quarter. UCLA's Dennis Dumm it threw a pair of touchdown paMes in the first quarter against Washington. 1be Huskies were playing without eight Negro regulars, who stayed home in Seattle after four other Negro players were suspended last Thursday. Stanford rolled up 26.l yan:ls passing and 230 rushing in its 33--0 drubbing or Oregon State at Corvallis. and Jim Plunkett set Stanford records for career touchdown 511sses and total yardage. by Bobby Garrett. His 3,847 yards gained by aerials surpasses by 110 the old record Dick Norman set for the Ind ians in 1958..fiO. In non-conference games Washington State lost to the Unlverslty of the Pacific. 27·20. and Oregon romped past Idaho, 58- 14. Pac-8 members now stand 14·10.l with non.conference foes. Pirates Bag Co11solation Orange Coast captured the C<lnsolation crown in the California Junior College and Frosh water polo championships held at Santa Ana College Friday and Satur· day. The tourney hosted junior colleges and university freshman squads with the UCLA Frosh swamping Santa Ana for the title, 18-6. The Pirates had to rally to gain con- solation honors agai nst West Valley. Orange Coast scored four goals in the third quarter and fi ve in the fourth to pull off a 11).3 win. Up until the third stanza the Pirates trailed, 2-1. Steve Wagner led the Bucs with four goals and John Farr added two. Other scorers were Brad Shoemaker, Bob Reig, Mike Allbright and Bob l\.1osely all tallying once. Orange Coast was pushed into the loser's bracket IR Its first game by the champion Bruins, 10-5. Brad Shoemaker paced the Pirates with two points. In the next encounter Orange Coast took De Anza, 12·8. Allbright led scoring in lhat game with fi ve goals. By JOEL SCHWARZ Of tllt Dtlll'I' l"lllt ll•ll Footbatl is an emoUonal game, but too much emotion can be almost aa fatal as not enough. ~addleblct College rootball coach G<orge Hartman, aaw his cbarpd up team tate the first of two giant steps toward the Desert Conference cham- pionship Saturday night by whlpplng defending two-time tltllst Mlra Coat.a, 13- 7, at Oceanside High School. Hartman, like football coaebes are apt to do, Jooked at the dark side of his team's peffor:mance ralher than the illver lining. "We made the kind of emotional mistakes I thought we would ln a big game. Our kids were IO keyed up that they kept lining up olfaldes. I can ,.. why they were keyed up, but if we are going to Win the championship we have to Bucs Await SD Mesa; Wm, 17-14 By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tltt Diii~ l"llfl staff Orange Coast College can throw the South Coast Conference football cham· plonl'hlp derby into a tiziy by upsetting undefeat~ San Diego Mesa Saturday night at OCC. Coach Dick Tucker's Pirates stayed in th e thick of title contention with another of their run-away conquests -this time It was 17-14 over Mt. San Antonio Satur· day night at the winner's stadlum. Believe it or not, °'!.l's the widest margin of victory for Tucker's team in its last four triumphs, the other landslides being 21-20 over LA Harbor, 2Q.. 19 over Fullerton and 14·12 against Santa Ana. So they stay in the run for first place, along with Cerritos and Fullerton, each of which has one conference loss. The lntter t~·o collide Saturday so this turns out to be a key weekend. The running or reserve tailback l\.1ike J1aynes and the signal calling and versatility ol quarterback Mike Tamiya- su sparked the Piratetl against Mt. SAC. Haynes, a freshman who has seen little action behind Ray Ricardo and Tony Ven- limiglia. did an outstanding job. He car- ried 12 times for 77 yards and a nifty 6.4 average. Tan1iyasu. the signal caller who has be.en up and down lhis season, had one of his best nights as he scored two touchdowns, carried 19 times and C<lm- pletell seven of 20 pass attempts. The Orange Coast injury list may have been swelled to even greater extent. Bruce Hicks and Mike Ezell both left the contest with knee injuries. Ray Ricardo or the walking wounded on the Pirate squad, carried four times before being sidelined again with an ag- gra\'ation of a knee lnjury. Coe Meyer \\'as used on a limited basis and emerged in good condltion. · The Mountaineers scored on 72 and 88- yard pass plays. Two other Mountie scores were nullified on penalties. After Mt. SAC had jumped to a 14-0 lead in the second quaner, Orange Coast bounced back to drive 81 yards for a touchdown. Tanllyasu bounced over from the one with 61 5CC{)nds until intennlS!lon and Bob Ryder's kick made it 14-7. Then with 14:56 remainini in the game Tamiyasu crashed over from the two and again Ryder converted to deadlock the count. Bob curry had set up the score \~!Ith a 46-yard return of a pass in· terception. Twelve minutes later Ryder won il with a 28-yard field goal. kett '' Qwwttn O••llll• Cotil • ' • 10--17 Ml. ... """"" • " • .._ .. OAMI STATISTICS occ Mt.SAC l'"INI ckwn1 rvtlllrit II ' Flr1I clol¥nl PW"'9 ' • Fl"t dawnl ,..._ttltl ' ' Tottl llrll OVM11 .. II Y1rd1 -I~ ,. ·~ V1nh , ... 1 .... " "' Ylnll ... • n Ii•• v•l"Cll •tlntd 2U '" P~nll/Avtr"t dl1l1nc1 t /34.1 l /Jl.J Pen111i.11V1rd1 H n1!11td 1/ft 111126 F11,,.,blt1/FUmDl11 .. I "' '" llVIHING Orlll .. CHIT ... w • ... Vl!'fttlmlellt II ~ I ... Dllr•nrt I ' • ... ..... II .. ' u ll:lt•rde • • ' ••• Tt mll'IW " n n u Htvnu " " • • •• ll:Ollfl ' I • 1,0 corw111 ' ' • "' toll I• .. • • • "' Ml. hi! Anl91111 J11r"' ' " • u Grlll " ,.. " ... W•ll1 ' " • "' '""'' ' " • • •• .... I ' • u Thorn11 I ' • ... TOllll ~ ·~ M ... l"AllOIG Or•n" CN•I .. K "" " '" T1mlv11u " 1 • " ... Ml , lln AlltMllt OrtY " ' ' "' .m l 1rron ' • I • .... ··-' • • • .... Toll!t " ' ' •• ... His second~uarter 7-yarder to Howie Williams was the 29th touchdown pau for Plunkett, one n:iore than the old mark set Area Sports Calendar 1 of 6 Fighters LONDON !AP) -The Royal CoU•ge of Phv1lclans in London reported today that ..,ne professional boxtr In six was found to be sutterln& from damage to me nervous Tllt6Clt, l "~' • -'""'tf•v 11 ortf'llt c~" 11 C•l'llno sys cn1. 1:,.,..., • '.::'~1l.~!:i1tN•, 1.~=.f~ ll addP(l lhat severe brain injury is un· v111ev • ~It. ,,c111c.-l' ::~,.,, Eo11.., common among boxers but a danger of "' "illl Nii Yt llf'r ~II t i J: JI. • ..,,,. "" _ c.i s1:i"r""'i~ ... c~l ,, 0,,11111 chronic brain damage exists. c .. ,, Utl01. u.c •t vc •i.1 H .iftO,,.i.n ''-'''-•' The college working with the help of a Mlrl,,., ...,ttm 11 wtljm ri1 «, l!lllNll 11 J6'111n. 1. . I ' ( the D · '•h ""-&MCtt •t lolllrit 111 •• 1iu>. 1nanc1a grant rom r1t1a govtrn· ,....,... -''· l"W! ~.'t~ 0,1 111. mcnt, examined 224 former professional c,.. ~ -"'ii' 11 toll• M"•· Ed11on •I bo I lle l lo d·•· ti ,ff••~~'".ti~ •I LNr•:J-••11'lJ'l'i/i •t xers n an a mp 1!!me ie vtR1'Yliri'k°MlMtM , 't:' :l ill~!~ Jay,_dansen ln vol\led bl-the sport. Sir 1'fax Rosenheim, Sl·year-old pres!· dent of the C<lllege, lnlroduced the report. He said that of the 224 e1-bo1en ex· amlned , 37 showed evidence of brain damage and in 13 cases it was disabling. "Thus one In six of the boxers studied !howec.I evidence of damap to the nervous system," Ro,,enhelm said . lie added that most of the boxe.rs t.x- amlned had retired from tho ring for 1nore· than 20 years. The C<lileae made t w o recom- mendaUoos: ' eliminate lbese mistakes. "We had everythlng going for us ln the first quarter when we scored and then blocked a punl But we didn't have the tiller instinct and didn't carry the game lo them. II we had seored again, they mtghthave never come back," the Gau. cho boss said. "Comldering the caliber of our com- petlUon -Mira Costa was better than anyone we've played this season -this had to be our beat game," he admitted, sporting a big smlle. . Saddleback played a nervous game, fumbling away the ball on the firllt play of the game. In all t.he O.aucbos turned the ball over to Mira Costa six time.a, on an equal number of fumbles and in- terceptions. However, Mira Costa returned the fa vor by having a punt blocked and four of its passes intercepted, three or them by Chris Hector. The dlfference in the game tWTled out lo be a !~pound toilback IWlled Toby Whipple and a swarmlnc Sad<lleback defense. Tbe Ufelosr Wbipplo carried the of- lenalve load r .. Saddlebaek, l'UMlng 14 time:!! for m yardi. The defepse, meanwhlle, limited a lightning fut Mira Costa backfield to 67 yards In '9 tries and conmtently came up with the big play. And there were plenty of big plays because the Gauchos Md to make three goal line Bl.ands in the final seven minu'tea of the first halt. After the Gauchos had taken a 13-0 lead, an interception gave the Spartans t)le ball at the Saddleback 15. The Gauchos held on a fourth and one-foot play at the five. Anotller pil8 lhell pul Mita Costa ill business, but Chris Hector Intercepted at the goal line to·Stop that threat. Seco~ later, aftU a Saddleback fumble, Htctoa Intercepted · at the lwo lo •fop the Spartans once again. \\'hippie put )lie Gauchos ahead ~ in the iinll quarter with a one-yard nm after he had powered an 88-yard drive. An JJ.yard Spartan punt in the second quarter set up Saddleback's other score. It came on a fine diving catch by Marc Hardy of an eigbl-yllfd pass from Rod Graves. John Stewart added the extra point. Mira Costa got jts lone touchdown in the third period qn a 13-yard ~ from Slmi Faaaua to Sporty Wlllill. . Saddleback had a 57·yard touchdown. run by Graves called back because of a clipping penalty in the game's final mtnutes but still managed to run out the clock deep in Spartan territory. DAILY P ILOT PllllM .., l"tf O'Dt!WMM TWO.TIMING PROTECTION -Quarterback Rod Costa cornerback Willie Buchanon. Saddleback won Graves of Saddleback College unload s a pass be-its third straight Desert Conference game and in hind tl\e excellent pass blocking of Don Martin (55) the process snapped a 16--game Mira Costa circuit and urudentlfiable teammate who holds off Mira victory string. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Saddlehack Statistics .. ., Flrit dowftl ntt!llM II • Firs! down• PtHI ... • ' Finl clowl\I Plfllllln • • Tot11 tlr•I down1 " II V1rdl rvt/1!1!11 "' •• Net y•nb gtlnld '" "' 'V•rcl• 1>11111'1!1 " 1• Y•l"Cll loll " D P11nll/AV11rq1 dlt!lnct •,121.0 f/15.1 h n1ltl11/Y1rdl HntilHd 10'70 $111 F11mb ltl/F11mDl11 IOJI "' VO auSHtNO 5Hlllt0Kt •• '" • ... WlllH ll " >n ' >.I Gr1v11 II " II 1.0 Fltlchtr ' ' • u l ltekmon ' II • '' HKl9• I ' ' '. Toltll ~ "' " '. MIA c .. 1. .... • " ' ... °""In II " II •• Wllll1 • " I l .• - l llCMnon ' " ' '' G~M 1 1 " "·' --' • ' .., Ftt...,. ' ' • .., l>\(.K..,1J1 ' II • " Tot111 M ,. • "' l"AIJINO SHlllt~ .. K .... " Kl Gr111t1 " • ' " ·'" .,\o\lr• ''"' Ftt1111 II ' • •• • •• Oou1t11 I • ' • . ... ·-" ' • • • •• To1111 • " • 1• ·"' Menaced Bruin Coach Irate Pro Hockey Joins Act, Officiating Blasted BOSTON CAP) -Criticism of oflicials leaves members of a National Hockey League club open to a possible heavy fine, but coach Harry Sinden of the Boston Bruins couldn't care less. Sinden thinks referee Vern Buffey is lacking in many ways as a major league offlclal. "He's_oul of shape artd can't keep up with th~ play," Sinden said angrily Sun- day night after the Toronto ~f1ple Leafs twice overcame two-goal deficits for a M lie wit.h the Bruins. "He can't get out of the way," Sinden said. "He hindered the play four or five times. I hat'e talking about officials, but •.. It isn't one ca11, Jt's the whole game. ''This all started in Oakland a wh.ile back. He made a wrong call and when t llpproached him, in street clothes later, 1 period lead on a pa.Jr of gOats by Phil Esposito. Toronto came back to tie the count. on goals by Dave Keon and Mike \Vallon, before Wayne Cashman put Boston in front again 3·2 ln tbe closing minutes. Veteran Johnny Bucyk made tt 4-2 while the Bruins had a two-man ad· vantage midway l:hrough the HCOnd period, but Jim McKenny capitalized on a Boston defensive lapse to nart'CW the ma rgin at 17:09 . Anteaters· Duel ·Trojans; Lose 4-1 \\':Is brushed off. Another stiff challenge looms (or UC ''Now he has a phobia as concerns me. trvine's Anteaters as coach Ed He's trying to nail me with a bench Newland's water polo forets. take on the penally when he should be watching th1 University of Southern California varsity ·play." Wednesday in UCI waters. Th• Bruins, who got olf to I hot start in The Antesters are 1-1 with USC and ·winning 1lx and tying OM of thtlr first wtll carry a 12-e: seuon record Into the 4 J. Alt boxlna should be supervised by 1even starts, wtre not ln good humor. p.m. contest after bowing to mighty organliallons able to take responslbllity 1'hey lost 4•2 Jn Toronto last Wednesday UCLA , 4-1, Saturday at the latter's pool. and were bombed 9-2 at Montreal Satur· for the boxers' medical welfare. day night. Newland was especially pleased with 2. Personal records of all boxers should Then they blew two-goal leids twkt in his t.r:am's defense against an op119nent be preser\•ed. being deadlocked by the Maple Leafs in many consider to be lhe nation's best In The report noted that professional their first appearance in two weeks at collegiate ranks. boxing coold lake place without adequate Boston Garden be.fore a dlsappolnted UCLA lot two goals from the field, the supervision. Cl'f'Wd of 14.831. other two scores comin1 via penalty Rosenheim said it could be that careful ''ll was the worst officiated game t've shots. super\1lslon h&d reduced aod would con· seen In 3t years in lhe league," said The host& cattled a 4-4 lead into the Unu e to reduce the incidence of "-br"a"ln'-'"Bost"iiiOl1 1enera1 manyer Mill Schmidt. ttMI quarter then Jim McDonald broke damage to boxers. t-·snun1 ]umpea ourlOlf"..olll'S -the scoring let for UCJ on a penalty 1oa1. r I --! ' I ' ( I I I I I ( t j I I I I I I I I I I ' I I 1 I ' I ' ' ' ' I I ' I • I I ' I ' ' I I I • I ' I I • I .. . . . _.-. . . . -. -...... -.. .. . , .. ~ .. ·~-.·--·;.7 •• -~· . . ... .• -,• .~, 1r .. • • •• -.. -.-. Saxons, FV D11el One tiile decider ind a flock of 1urvtval \eSls are in store for Orange Coast area prep football teams thb week with Saturday's showdown between undefeated Loara ind upstart Fountain Valley at La Palma Stadium beading the ·list. Loara Is ranked first in Orange County and is working on a 20-game winning streak that Includes the 1968 ClF AAA championship. Fountain Valley, meanwhile,, ha s blanked Its· last f~r op. ponents and is 6-1 overall. , The frantic scramble in the Sunset League ( e a t u r e a Newport Harbor and Hun· tington Beach trying to keep pace with one another for their title deciding clash the fo11owing week. Newport invades Western High while. Huntington Beach ii at Westminster to batUe winless Marina in ·Friday ' night games:· - Allabelm, like Newport and H~ with a 3-1 mart, is at -santa Ana. And. Mator Del mgb gels iis last fling al the Angelus Leune crown Thursday night whM the Monarchs host the CIF's No. 3 team, undefeated St. Paul. Tbe Monarchs are coming off a 28-7 loss to Bishop Amat and must win Thursday to stay.1n-eotitentton for a portion of the title or second place in the rugged Angelus loop, Football r ~ .. OAILY l'ILOT P""9I W ltl l'l'f!'ll DAILY ,.LDT ZS -Defens~aduee,~ 4th Straight FV . Shutout Win, 6-0 By ROGER CARLSON Baroni manapd to keep tho Of "'-Ocll'I' l'llM Iliff drive alive despite three 15- If deferise will do !t alone for yard penalties. Fountain Valley H111h School QuBl'.l<rback John Svoboda and Its footbal~1"Tri-'-s~uie-fiiill yard for chances for an IrVtne League the TD with 2:51 to go in the crown, perhap! th~ Barons period. Key to tbe drive was ~I give undefeated Loara Qan Shaw's 11-yard run to the High a run for it Saturday Eagles' 16 with a pitchout on a night at La Palma Stadium in fourtb-and=ohe situation. Anaheim. Estancia's Dennis Craig Defense was about the only blocked the ~xtra point tty by bright spot for coa~b Bruce Tom Malone. Pickrord'• Barons last Satur· Considering F o u· n ta I n day as they-ju&~ did &et by a Valley's over w be Im In & etu bbonJ Estancia eleven,· 6~, superiority in depth, coach before 4,200 fans at Newport Phil Brown's Eagles did a Harbor High School. good . job defer:isively but the The Win enabled Fountain Jack of a solid punch in the- Va lley to keep pace with Eagle backfield killed any J..oara in the ·Championship chances Of an·upse_t. race with a 5-0 loop record. Fountain VaUey'\Jtept the It ~asn't one oC ~?U~tain pressure on Est an c i a Valleys -~ Estanci.a s -thioughout defensively, allow- better offensive efforts of the ing the Eagles ·only four first year. downs -one -rushing. And For the victorious Barons it that one first dowft wu made was a matter of too many by -punter Bob Kalaer on a fumbles (they loll three of~ fake punt play that yielded tl four bobbles) and no passing yards. It was Estancia'« game. longest rushing gain of the For Estancia, it was the se-night. cond week in a row that the The winners didn't look" Eagles were foc_c_ed to go much better offensively, but without their ace running they did manage a few back, Dave Johnson, and the breakaway efforts. second in succession ln which Brady ~1oore's 60 • yard they failed to score. dash on a draw P,lay got the Estancia never really c~me Barons out of darlger and on cll>M!. The Eagles made 1t to their way to their only score the Fountain Valley 17 early in of the night the fourth period but Bill · KrisUnet's Interception ended -ti · -ti that mild threat and the Ba rons were home free with Fovnt11,. = ~ •rttr; • ' '-' their fourth straight shutout E.i•nc!1 • o o a-t in Irvine play. Standings AN ESTANCIA DEFENDER MOVES IN JO CUT DOWN FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S DAN SHAW (20). Fountain Valley's only SUI· tained drive came Jn the third quarter when Pie kf ord • s charges swept 66 yards in 1$ plays. e _AMI STATllTICI P'I tllrtl dOwM 'ulhl"f 11 tllrst dowru paul"' 1 • ' • • • SOUTH COAST CONtlllllNCI WLl'tll'A S-11 Cit-Mesi Or1"'1 Cotti Cft'rltot F11lllrton $11f't DI-City Ml. SAC $1nt1 AM l '~''' l 1 Af61 l 1 111 61 2 1 104'2 1 2 SI 61 03•110! D4.S 7• SI ..... ,.,. fiCOt" .,,..._ Co.st 17, Ml. SAC 1~ Cerritos ». kf'tt• AM 16 S•n Ditto Miii :u. Sin 019911 c ;11 " F u I i.rtori. \rtt' Ntxtl.-ur••-S1n O'-MtM 11 Drlrtff CDJst 1'ulf1r10n 11 Ctn'llm Ml. SAC •t $1!'t ClletO Clty S.ni. Anl, tlY• SOVTHl!ttN CALl,OttNl.l CONl'lllaNca W L "' f'A .Golde!!. W11t ' o !1! 33 Hlrtoor 1 I! -5'--,-t E11t Lot A11t1tle1 1 T. !5 31 LOI A""''' 1 1 '' '' Cyp~1 0 1 I S7 "to~ Ot3161 S.flll'1MY'• lcwt Hi.-21. Cyp..,U I N1xt tlrkl1'1"1 OllM H1rtoor .... Golden WK! 11 Clr111111 COiis! .... Sl'l!;lrdlY't 0.111" LM Aftllll4,1 ... Rio Hondo 1t El tt.tr.cho H111h S,t""°4 Cypress 11 E1sl Lot Allff1K DISEJtT CON,l!ttl .. CI! WLtl,l'A Mt. Slf't J1dnlo ' I 16' 11 Slddllb1cll .t fl l ot 70 M'"' COiia 2 1 U 3! lft'IPlrlll V11!1'1' :t 2 -n 102 Cef1-of DeserT 1 .t 15 77 .. """"' 0 3 21 109 Vidor v.n,,, o .t •1 155 S.Wret'l"ll ·-S.&tdfllblck 13, Mtr1 Cost1 1 Ml. Saf't J~htte .u, 8•rs-t lm-lal V1U1y 15, Coll"• of 11>1 DIHrt Tl lms>1rl1I V.!lev, bve Nlll:I S1hll'lllY'I Olll'lft 8 •PStaw VI. $1ddltb1elr. 11 Mlnlo!\ V~lo High Mlrl (O\ll 11 Ml. S.!\ J1dnlo Vlctol' V1llt¥ 1t lmp1r!1I V1 ll1Y Cot!11111 of trte Desert, bv• lttVIHI LaAOUE WLTl',l"A Foun11ln Vl lltl' 5 o o l l ~ LOllril 5 0 O HI 25 Coron• dtf Mir l 7 o 5t !5 Edison ' 1 1 7' 66 M111nolll 2 ' 1 M St CO$l1 M.._ 1 ' G '9 80 £1!1nd 1 1 ' 0 6' 9$ ~nll AM Vt!Tev 0 5 0 :U 111 ltllll'dlY'J Sctnt fl'aunt1ln v1nev 6, E•t1nc11 a M1111101!1 27, S1nt1 An1 VI!!.., 1~ Pl1UY'I Gilmn ld!IOll VI E1"nc:i1 ill Newport H1rbor sm11111y'I ••"'" f auf'tl1ln V1ll1y VI Loar1 11 LI P1lm• Ml-Ila vs Cosl1 MUI 11 NtwPOrf """' Coron• 611 Mar •l S1n!1 AMI VII- ..... (1 ::111) Pro Grid Standings Clevf'l1nj New Yori( SI, l.o\11$ , Pltt1burlllh "" EnlM'n DIYl.00111 Ct"lwY Divl1lo" WLT l'Cl,.1101' j 1 1 .133 201 150 3 ' 11 .l29 t11 1'6 2" 1 .llllill'1'1'' 1 a.o .10 1x u.s CIPllol DIYblon D1ll1s WIJl!lnaton PMl(tdell>lol1 New Ortearu. ' l 0 .9'7 19' 103 -' 2 l M1 1511'1.tl - 3 • 0 .419 131 195 1 6 0 .UJ U2 195 Mlnnesol11 Green 81y °"Ira It CMc11gg WHttno 01¥1t1Dll Clfltr1I Division ~ ~ ~ :~~ ~~ ,;i ' 3 0 .!11 Ill 110 O 1 0 .ODO 69 10 COMtlill Olvl1lon Los M 9flf$ 1 O 0 1.000 189 " a1111mor1 ' J .o .sn 1'1 1'4 Atl1n111 ' l O .2M f9 HJ San Fr1nci1co l 5 I .167 1111 150 SllMIY'J lt~Ulh l tlllrnort •I. Washington 11 C!1vtlll)d ,,, O.t11i 10 t.111. .1.l'l!lel~ 31, Atl1nt1 ' Gr~ llilY 39, Pllhbur9'1 :U New O!'l!•ns SI, St. lovl1 '' Pl!ll1delphl1 2J, New York 20 Detroit 26, S11n Fr1nc1scv l• MlnntllOI• 31, cn1c1110 14 Atl11nl1 11 Detroit Grttn 81Y at 81ttlmcn C.levtltnd •I MlnntM>ll Plll1bul'9h •I Chlc.100 New York HW>IOl'I Bu1111111 Miami OM ... '" l1tltl'll Cllvltlon w l Y l'et 1'11 o,. 6 1 0 .7SO 706 160 ' ' 0 .SOO 11S 10 2 ' 0 .2511 13' 2'15 I 6 I ,!'3 U1161 i , a .1 2s 111 1M W11t1rn 01v;1111n K11n••s CilY 7 1 o ~1$ 1U U O•k1and 6 I ' :as1 1U lSS Clnclnnetl ' ' 0 .500 U2 191 OenvPI' I 4 0 _j()Q 115 16l San OltPO • ' 0 .$00 13!1161 Sunlll'l't Results Cintll'lflt!I 31, Otkltnd 17 NPW York J4, Miami 31 IC.llflH1 (Ny 19. 8uf11la 7 Boston ''· Hwston 0 Dtnvtr U. San OltllO 0 Collegiate Football "ACl,.IC COAST UCLA !7, Wasl!ll!!llDrl U El Modena Runners Win Meet EJ Modena turned In the best aggregate time In the Westminster Invitational Cl'Ol'iS country meet Saturday. The Vanguards totaled 48 :31.5 with their ow n Dave White ha ving the best day, hitting the tape in 9: 14.S. In" the Only dual meet held -Eriday,--Mater Dei upended · Bishop Amat. J6-39 in an Angelus League meet on the Lancers' course. There were five races in the Jtth annua l Westminster meet with the teams seeded on the basis of their performance this year. Westminster was the only area school in the top-seeded group finishing fifth wiUt an aggregate time of 49:55.7. Jn the other four heals, Estancia flnished third and Marina sixth in group two, It seemed a major feat. especially considering t b e Pro Cage Standings Pro Hockey Standings NATIONAL LIA•UI Newport Harbor was fifth In 111t 01v111111 heat three, Huntington Beach 1oi1on :' ~ ; '7: 0~ ~~ was fifth and Costa Mesa sixth New York ' l t u lt 3J Detroit ' 1 I 11 :a 70 in race four and Founhtin Val-MonfrNI ' 2 ' 11 3' u Toron!11 3 4 J I 25 72 Jey wound up second and Cor-c111c1eo 2 ' 1 • 11 2• ona del Mar third in the last si. t.ovls W•I 01~·~ 3 11 36 ,, division . 01k11nd • 4 1 • " ,. The top time for an area Pl!ll(tdelPM• 2 2 s ' 1' • MfllMSQtil ' 6 0 • U J1 rnMer went to the host Lions' ,.11111xJr!lh 2 s 3 1 " 21 Don Diston, who crossed .the Lot 1.n .. i.1 2 ' a • u 2' hi.rflfr'• ftltllll• finish line in 9 :30.3. Teammate Ntw York s. To•onlo 2 Steve Varga wasn't far behind =~:!.,'·,,"°,;,\:' ... !o,1 1 in 9:42.7, SI. Louis I. .l'hl!..Ulptil1 o Other outstanding t i m e 11 c111c.awo '-Lo. A'*"' 1 Finl dawn1 pen1lll•1 a Tot11 llrst d0wn1 14 Y1rd1 ru,,_!ne t16 Y1rds PIUln• tl Y1rd1 lost 17 Net y1rd•· ,,;nld 2n P11Ml1/Av1 .. ge d llllllCI l /J0.8 l''111lll1•/Y1rd1 Hnllltnd !145 F11mblu /l'umblt• Iott 4/l llUSH l"O Poun11111 Vellrf " " " .. Jlil.O ,,. '" -TC• YO YI. .t.vt . S~bodl S~aw H1rtsntld M-• M1r!ln 11 52 t .t.t 11 n e ,,J 12•s•·t .r • " ' 10.1 4 14 1 3.2 ·-· H1nlln ll ' 1 1.0 1 10 ,.G ·~ T011!1 1 o • o.a 51 21• 17 1.0 ~ BAF&CD INSUAANC& for special GOOD STUDENl'. DISCOUNTS on you r Fomily Auto Insurance Bob Paley • and Auoclatn c1t1mi11w LEAov1 ~1~~~:.; ;;:11~:J stet• 8 BRINGING HIM DOWN -Robbie Van Vianen (65) of Estancia brings down w L T "" l'A P1cu1c 21, w1s111nri1on .s'•'e 70 Fountain Valley's Rick Hartsfield while mate Rod Felts comes in to assist. S1111d1'1'1 ttau/11 were turned in by Corona del "hlll<fl1p11i. '· Mlflf'IHOf• , Mar's Dick Day and Nick De!foFt -" Pllltbl.lrtll 1 INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 iii:,: ~ ~ : :: :: ~:;.,:e;:::c1d';h05;~ Joi• st. 2' Fountain VaJJe·y remained unbeaten in the Irvine Leage with a 6-0 victory- T111t1n • 1 e 10' 49 'ledl1'1ds ,l.I, c11ntmont·M11&td ' its fourth consecutive shutout. Bolton .. Toronto .. tit Rose, both had 9:56 clockings, NtwYor\ '-s1. L0111 • and Dave Lockman, of Marina Ne ""'"r::;-$1n Ci-fl 1 3 1 42 17 Ctl L11!1\er1" f/(J, Occlde"!al 13 _;.::_:.:;.:::.::.:._::.::::.:::.::::.:.::..:.::.:::;.::.::. ______________________ _ VIII• ....... 1 .t I !1 ,, Ct! W~ltrn #, Wt1'1(1!!11Dn rst, -9:57. T......,.........._ Richard Priest Or Costa. ~~T~·~-~~~"~°"'~"~"'~====~========~ llll;M l ffCI! 1 ( 0 '1 115 LOY!S) 0 M ... lon Vlllo 1 ' e u 15'1 Cal ~ltll (LI) n. Cit Po(y (SLO) t:I Moant 1 l O 59 llf ;o liNNn'I kiDrl L1 Verne U. C1lttc~ ' FODl'll111 Jt, El M~ 1 Nevtdt !Les Vev11) 36, UC ft!yer· -----,.,...., .... _ 'ldt ' - L"llM 8etd1 1t S.n Ct-11 USC Frosll .U, C1!1fornl1 Frosl! 21 Vilt• ....... I I Minion Vlt!o MIDWEST El Mldlfll YI Orlntll ,, El Moden• P urd11• ''· llltrlO!' 21 Tll61tn ,... •oolhl!I 11 T111tln Qlll1rtem• St1te '8, K1nsts 2J 1 Mlch191n lS, w11consln 1 eA•DEN llltOVI LIAOtJI!' lndi1~ 16. M !chl91n St~re f W L "' l'A Netor11k1 to, Colorado 1 ~nltn GnMI l a ti 0 No1r1 a,,,... ~7. N1yY 0 ttitodle Al1rn!IOI l O 14 O OMo Sl1l1 35. Nor!l!wetltt"!I ' Piclfk1 1 ' 10 ~' Minnesota lS, low1 I 5111111911 1 t 72 «> M!uovrl "' Ktnlill S!1!1 lll loll• Gr1ndt' I 2 31 11 l'.lll!1"-om1 37, IDWI Stat• u l • Quin!• a l a '' ttOCKIES llYU 31, Arlron• 21 SllwdlY'I SCOf' TW(lt (El P1111) U, Color1do Sla!t 8o!11 or1nci. 2'. L• Qliinl1 I 16 "'IUY's o-Ut11! 2r. Ut11! St1te 7 G1f'def0 GroYI Vt tt111tho AJ1m!1ot; SOUTH II "°"' Clt!'"Mln ill, MI Nl•nd e l• Quint• vs S.Mtl-11 G1rden FlorJd1 11111 :u. $0Utn C1r1Un1 t GtuYt • T--11, G«wtf1 J llfmtlY'I O.IM Geor911 Tlci'I 20, N.1 1 ,ldfkl ill lllOIM Gr1M11 W11t Vll'911!11 ?, K111l11ckY•' Mempl!ls SI. Q, TWIN t4 Oltl. ... I LIAeUa 'llcl!mond .U, Cllildel 11 W L '" PA DtvJdton 39, VMI ' L• Allmrt. J e 1s.i " North c.ro1rn1 11. Virwrn11 a SO..• s a Jill 11 v1rw1n11 Tedi .If, wm11m a. Miry 1 Kefllla l t 101 102 Auburn JI. Flo•ld1 11 Vtllliltll ! l 11 M MlululHI 26; UiU 2l .,... 2 l 711 101 V1nderbl!t 26, Tul1n1 n IJ DOrld& t l 105 ti Al1blmt :n, Mls1ln!Pfll $1. 1J $tddllblek 1 4 n SI SOUTMWIST .... A"'1tol e s 12 Ut Tt••s 4$, SMtJ u •rti:l~MI lS, Tt~ill A&M 13 Sltwfrl'J S-TCU JO, l aylor U k1ftofl1 ,,, VlltllCll 1, l-IOY1ton •• M!eml fFl1.) .)6 S0nort .U. Loi ""''"' ' tu11 Ttcll 2•. llk:e 14 tlrldlf"I et111" SAST V11«W:l1 11 •r" Alt For(t lJ. Arm1 a Lill ""'11f'OS YI K•tella 11 LI l'1lm1 C°"1t:!I 10, Coll11nbll J El 00t1de Yt $ldclltblck II S..n!I tllrYlrd 70, Pfl)~ ' .w ecz'111'9lr'• ....... • :~i:bus::~· ?:: ~:,~ot:' ii ~ Al1mltot h Sonort •I Lt l"rlnceta" .,n. 8r"""' 8 Mesa led the way for five/;: Mesa, Vikes, LB Victo~ious other runners who were under IO:Ht. Prie§t's time was 10_;01, Newport's Chris B.eniley, 10:03 and Rick Fleming, 10:08, were next with Tim Funk of Foun· Costa Mesa, Marina and Laguna Beach notched water polo victories Friday. The Mesa Mustangs tripped Sunny Hills .. llHi. Marina outscored Fountain Valley, 12-10, Laguna Beach downed Edison, 7-3. The Mustangs Jed all the way against host Sunny Hills. At the hall Costa Mesa was up 6-1 and then ended tt all In the last petiod with (our goals. visi ting Fountain Valley. Ttle three goals apiece. Ric Jt tain Valley, 10:08 and Ken Barons also tallied three times Ostheimer with two. and Russ Hust of the Lions, 10: 10 follow- d f Soi ing. in the secon and ourth t and Reed Hansen, one Rick Jennings paced ~later periods but came up one short also hit the scoring list. Dei to its fourth straight in the other two frames. Laguna Beach u~ecl a fired Angelus League win. Je nnings Chuck Holloway led the Vik-up attack to down the viSiling was clocked in 10:()6 .. ing attack with four goals. He F..dison Chargers. Bob Leanza, Steve Horst· was followed by teammate The Artlsls led all lhe way meyer and Mark Collins trall· Howie Johnson with two. John In the battle. t<! In plac~ two through four. Maltby, Dean Jacobs, Kevinl'j-.. iiiOiiiOiiiO;;o;iiiOiiiO~~-;;;;;;;ji;~~~~--;;;;~-m;jj Wiliiams.-Art-Herbon, Bob DELTA S~PER QUALITY Hatri.,n, and Bili Fahrenkrug T1"re' s' Cost Less each scored once for Marina. Kurt Westerfeld and Bill Rice paced the Barons with Mike Beal scored two points in the.,,SecQnd frame for the -j\:Ju;langS when they-put four AOVlttTISIMINT Coll'lpl•le Line of i:a,.f911,, ltlttd Tit•• Av•ll1'-l1. ,...._ Stt11t • 121 .tl ,tn 11.1.T. Fil:i1,9l11t Wide Ov•I• -Super l't11111lllf!I - R•di1I -Spoth -S1rtd lu99y -goals in the books. EXCLUSIVE Beal '1id Ron Misi<>iek led IUSINISS the scoring with three goals. AYAILAILr NOW,"..... .BERG'S DELTA TIRES Curt Plumlee had two while IXl'IRIENCI -WILL TlAIH Rod K. d J · l'URCHASIR. HIGH IAlNINM Ulyon an 1 m uco••-st.111119ut110. 141 E. 17th St.• Costa Mna • 645.2010. MCAneney, scored one apiece. WllTl 1ox M·J44 TNts lanl:Americ.:1rd tOpp..,._ .... lit h,J M11t•t Chari• Marina put together three NEWSl'Al'IR. lll'LllS HILD 2001WI.ST17Ht, SANTA ANA-141-6104 · I .11 s1 .. , TM1t lkT1,...--- t'TEED FF?'' WHY NOT l'LA Y? A Publlc Couru with • Country Club Atmnphtrt, The Huntington S..cllff Chomplonlhlp Golf CourM ond Unporollelecl Cl.W-.. Facilltle1 1171 MIN'S AND UDID •OLP OMANtzATION AmlCATIONI AYAILAll.I P•O SHOI' ,ltACTICa •11t11Ns oatVlff lANOI lllNTALI C:AllTI LllSO"I 01 .. !Ne aOOM COCKTAIL LOUNOI IANOUIT ltOOMS HUNTINGTON )•.r SEACllrr Jfft PAl.M AYL \ H111ri ... llMdi 116-INI lhtrtl .. Tl- IJ .. 7171 Olrtt""'-fl Clft hll 011te Pwy, " O.Jdt!I WM! A't'11., 19W111 Jt 1'1111'1 ""'' rltftt It c--. " l'tclflc (Nit MWT. fl 0.ldln WttU Wftl " 1'1Hn1 llflNC:..........._ , -----~·----·ir---Dlr.tmoutl\A.;'1'1!1 21 goals In each period to ousttL..:';:":;1;:0'::';:';.;0;;:0:;•::";:",;:'"::':;t•:;'-:::; [~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~= -------- I I ' DAILY PILOT Monday, Novrmbtr 3, 1969 Ready for Actim• Diane Pottios, wife of Los Angeles Rams linebacker Myron Pottios expects plenty of action when the World Championsbip Outboard Regatta ~els under way at' Lake Havasu· City Nov. ·29-30. Even though she is an all-out Rarri fan , she will mix {ootbaJI with boating as the queen of.the $50,000 regatta, expect~ ed to draw the fastest field of outboard drivers ever assembled. Welsh Captures Dinghy }{aces -ensen-: -Lapworth-designed Cal 43 Racing Cruiser Jensen Marine'• newest boat Is the Lapworth-deslped' Cal· 43, a moderate displacement, low wetted surface racing· crui!lnc boat' that maintains many of the ·features , that have proven so successful in ot,h!r Cal boat1. Most iUatlnctive feature of the Cal..ft: ts the short keel and ventral fin forward of the spade rudder. Th I 1 con· figuration acts to reduce the wetted surface while im· proving the t ra c k I n g characteristics. The fin will make downwind steering considerably easier._ particularly in a blow -while providing excellent upwind tracking ability , according to Jack Jensen, president. The prismatic coefficient is very close to that of the Cal· 40, which should result Jn ex· cellent surfing ability for a boatJ>i her size. The sail area to wetted surface ratio is ex- tremely ·favorable, while the. ballast to -displacement would be considered nonnal for this size boat, Jensen added. While the 43 was design¢ with full knowledge of the International Offshore Rule, primary emjihasis was placed on o v er a 11 performance, Jensen said. The hull is constructed of hand laid up woven roving, resin and glass cloth, with the keel molded as an integral part of the hull -completely enclosing the lead ballast in fiberg lass for strength and smooth finish. ind permits the aub<UtuUon of a heavier <lleaal without af· lectlng trim. It abo provides a centerline p~ls:Jo11 for epier handling and cruising efficiency. Power Is provided by a 112-cubic inch Gray marine engine or an o~ tional Perkins · 4-107 diesel. Either engine will proVide a cruising speed of over eight knots. The interior is. very similar to that o( the Cal-48 with three separate double cabins, two heads, and three hatches. The d e ·tailed compartmentation gives full privacy for three 'couples when cruising and separates the eating, sleeping and navigating areas for rac· ing efficiency. The Cal-43 in· terior combines the functional convenience ol a three-cabin plan with the bright, we11-ven- tllated features ol a modern cruising boat. The Cal..U is designed and built as a sophisticated package for the more ex· perienced sailor who wants the performance of a modern, well-construCted. racing d~ign and the traditJonaJ, functional features that make extended cruising or racing comfortable an~ convenient, according to J erlsen. Roger Welsh was the winner Sunday in Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Cicero Trophy Seri.ts for Lehman·12 d~ghles. There were 17 entries, Runnerup in the series was Barton Beek and Bob Davis was third. The rig features a powerful masthead . plan with a "J" measurement two I n c h e s longer than the boom. A new mast secUon, using only one set of spreaders, . w a s de•eloped just for the Cal-43 . to handle the load of the large heads') without adding un· necessary weight aloft. The engine installation in the Cal-43 is somewhat unique· in that it is integrated into the midship's c~binetry under the main cabin ladder. Tb Is makes it access.ible for In- spection and maintenance, The first boat will be launched in Deeember of this year and is expected to com- pete ip !Orne of the major 1970 ocean racing events. SPEED AND POWER -Bertram's new 38-fnot sporlfisherman will attain speeds of 26 to 34 miles per hour. Traditional Bertram hull utilizes features }earned in many years of offshore power boat racin D 0 -I The have and holders ... a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and select the one that suits you best to find the right savings plan for your type. The charts w ill show you how each one works. We'.ve been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind of people who want their money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of their money to remain steady in an up-and-down market. Who would rather have their mo.ney earn interest than to pay exorbitant car,Ying or loading charges. Who want their money to multiply so they can pay cash for things. Who want to be able to get their hands on their fT\Oney when they need it. Saving people, l ike you-the kind who want to HOLD tfleir money and HAVE it earn interest. Come in and let 'one of our people experts get you started on your peraonalized·!e>-your·aavings· personality program at Newport Balboa Savings. .. \ ' ~ Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #1 Aegular Account This plan Is for regular people with regular salaries who have .decided to ssve regular emounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want tt to be some ~ace they can get their hands on it If they need it In a hurry. If they can leave rt alone fora year or more, it will give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield, REGULAR MONTHLY INVESTMENT $2> $00 $100 6 Mos, 152 30• 608 \Yr. 308 "' 1,133 1Yrs. '" 1.26' 2,529 3 Yrs. 972 1,9'6 3,892 ..i Yrs. 1 ,331 2.662 S.324 5 Yrs. 1.707 3.415 6.830 10 Yrs. 3.900 7.801 15,602 15 Yrs, 6.715 13,432 26.864 20Yrs. 10,329 20,662 411.325 D Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN #Z Life Income Plan This is for people who have a sum of money they would like' to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you Intend to leave your money to yotJr heirs. In this plan the original investment Is retained for a lifetime and you have a regula r Income every month. If your future plans are for your children's future, then this savings program rnay suit you. UfE INCOME Pt.AN l"itl1I O.poMc Amoonl of Chtclc: $12.000 1,,!iOO 20,000 25.000 so.coo $ S0.00 Per MOflth E0.00 Per Motith 83.00 Per Month 104.00 Per Month 208.00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN 113 Monthly SecuritJ Account This Is for people who have e lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put it away somewhere out of sight. they will spend I~ Perhaps they ere looking forward to retirement and know It would be better to have a certain amount coming In fl'(ery month owr a given period. Not orly wllf they get beck 1 lotmoretl>en they put In, butll>erewUI be a nestegg to twwerd themaetvea for not blowing lt all ot once. INVEST $10,000.00 AND: you receh1• and you ret1ln each n'IOl'lth for en e1t1te o,. s 50.00 10 y•• ... $ 8,675.00 $ S0.00 15years $ 7,725.00 $ 75.00 10years $ ... ns.oo S 75.00 15 years $ 1,000.00 $100.00 10ye1rs $ 875.00 INVEST $25,000.00 AND: you receive "nd yOY retltn each month f« an estate of• $100.00 10ye91'S $25,800.00 $100.00 15yeitl'S $26.050.00 ,. $150.00 10yeara Sl7.8CO.OO 5200.00 10years $10,000.00 $250.00 10years $ 2.2001!0 r.::;rl ~ ....... _....-.:" .. ... -' kcthol 1104 ..... Cllitwll• tftl Milt Celfe ... wlllc' t ..... ..... INft 1-l11l1• NJ Ml ...... lb rfftrt .. "11Ui,. u-"' 111 -tlta Mtk:e -' lfli.itj 9 ooiltid!P, ~ 91111111 s.vl~ll ~" -._, wtt"411"'11 ........ , ,._,,tty withM d9'., • .... tiefl II ,_ Hlltt J.1 J'lrt. Are you one of the patient people?- l'LAN #4 Guo...-d AnnuolRlleAccoant Thi• plan la for patient ptO!)fl who already have 1 sum of money to invest and are w\llihg to wait a while for a good return on their money. The minimum deposli Is $1,000 (more If you wish, of course). tn exchange for which you receive a certificate 'Nhlch guarantees an annual rate of 5.25% for3,4or5years. Are you one of the patient oneo? Then tho GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. I ftlol YOU WILL RECEIVE n 9fter after dtr DepoaR 37eaN 4)'9WS &,...,.. $ 1,000 $ 1,170 s 1,233 $ 1,300 s s.ooo $ s.as2 $ e.1ea s e.soo $10,000 $11,705 $12.338 $13,001 $T5,l!OO $17,558 $18,504 $19.S02 Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN #5 3-YaorBonuo Account For peoplo who want not only the current )'ield on their aavlngs, but would Ilka a sum over and above. In this plan you Invest a minimum of $1000 which earns you the current yield PLUS an extra Y.,% per year at the end of 3 years. If you would like to be enterprising and safe at the eame time, then the 3-year bonus account la for you. YOU WILL AECEIVE ln1t1.r .tt.r efter •fWr Deposit 311era 4 ,..,. 5 ye•rs s 1.000 $ 1,169 $ 1.2.32 $ 1,296 $ s.ooo $ 5.8'6 $ 6,161 $ 6.493 $10,000 $11 ,693 $12,323 $12,987 $15,000 $1 7,540 $18,485 $19,'81 " _f!l.'!P~~!!!!~~~avings •• M•lfl Oftiet: 3366 Y~t lido. Ngwport 8eKh. Cahfomla 0266.S • Phone 71 4/673-.3130 • Coron• do l Mii' Otf~t: Fin&nelll Pl&u, 6.50 Newpctt C.ntar Orivt • Corona det Mar, Ca1fom ia 9262$ • Phone 714/644-1 'lit -· • .. Firm Builds New Boat In Florida Bertram Yacht Co., which recently opened offices in New· port Beach, announces that a 38·fool sport fisherman is now in production at its Miami, Fla. plant. The deep vee fiberglass beauty is capable of speeds of 26 to over 34 mi!es per hour, depending on the buyer's choice of power. Standard power is a pair of 32.5 horse· power MerCruiser engines with a 3: I gear reduction. Op- tional offerings are Detroit Diesel's 8V-53 units with 2: 1 reduction or the new 482 cubic inch 390 hp MerCruisers . According to Dick Bertram, the 38 foot sport. fisherman utilizes the many lessons in high speed offshore perform~ ance gleaned from the finn 's years of successful offshore powerboat racing. A beam of 14 feel 9 inches allows comfortable cruising accommodations. Standard equipment includes the tradi· tional "ready to run" Butram accommodations. A special feature being in· troduced on the 38 are the new Bertram "Constant Trim" designed fuel tanks. New Models Of Motors ·Ready Soon The 1970 Jine of outboard motors from major manuf8c· turers incl udes several new models with .increased horsepower and performance. The new lines will be un· veiled to the public at the 1970 National Boat Show in New York's Coliseum in January and at other shows throughout the country. Johnson's 60-horsepawer Sta Horse and Evinrude's 60-hp Triumph both feature a third intake port in the sleeve of each cylinder to help regulate fuel flow lnto the combustion ch~mber and create greater efficiency in the two main in- take ports. The motors are also fitted with newly designed piston rings or triangular design U,at forces the rings out against the cylinder wall during COnlbus· ti on. Both J ohnson and Eviprude lines include motors from 1113 to 115 hp. with the two top ll)odel$ in each remalnlng virtuaJly unchanged from last year. New control systems. improved silencing and offset wri11t pins (on the 60 hp' models l have b e eh in· corporated in many of the motors of this year. Kiekhaefer Mercury has In· troduced a 13$-hp Mere 13'0, along with a new 115-hp Mere 1150 and a 40-hp Mere 400. Chrys ler 's new high horsepowtr motor ls a 120-hp foor.cylinder model. tt lg also offered In a racing version with Chryi;Jer's •streamlined hi£11 speedJQW.e_r unit, ____ _ 26l you' M" 2 ., '"d di lie m" tern this sell, """' I iv fire~ <Om h<' foreo lw~ .,. il'-s · help plac: doul the tern Spa1 the '"d Be• ...., fire1 Iron hou~ that Plu~ bed• tiled $39,! In '" B II ove1 Boy Be• '"' 11001 nod Hca muc £1f-- dO,\' ever nan1 ,,.,,, - if ) bed• rcn! "''' of a 1.he mill casl- row 26l ---. . -. . -. . ' ' ~ -.--.,. --~· .................. - r..rarr,._ .. OllANGI COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARiOR ILVD. 546-1640 Open Evenhu1s till 8:30 Here's Your Doll House ~21,750 you'll fifld It in Costa Mesa, it has-3--bedmoms, 2 baths a double garage and is-in excclle~t con- dition. It's vacant now, so n1ovc in \Vith FHA or VA terms. College Park Bargain $23;750 . this home Is priced to sell, it has 3 good siwd bixlrooms, 2 baths ten•ific l ivi n g ro om \v i t h fireplace. The yard is completely fenced, and hss a double garage, plus forced air heating and a large family area. This one ""'on't last.- Eastside 5 Bedroom Needs Work! it'.s vacanl and needs your help to turn it into a show place with 2 baths and a douDlc detached garage. the price is right and the ter1ns arc the best. Ole Mucho Casa Spanish is the mood \vi lh the high arched entry "4:Y and interior d e c o r . Beautiful step dO\Vn living roon1 \Vilh massive rock fireplace that's separate from 1he rest of the ;,ousc. Big b\g family rm. that also has a fireplace. Plus 4 master sized bedrooms and a drean1 tiled kitchen reduced to $39,950. See this one! Best View In Newport Beach on the point of Ne\\'pDl'! B l uffs this home Colesworthy & Co. ''For A \Vist> Buy'" 6-12-1777 .,.... Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Or. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644-2430 NO KIDDING l liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.! This largr GI loan at 6'!~ can be assumed \.\1th no intel'est change or charge to buyer. Pa.yincnls at $178 Per month includes all. 5 yea1'S OC\V &:. just redecocated in & out. MESA VERDE 4 Beautiful custom homt! \Vlth fabulous ocean vie1v, in Exclusive Cameo Shores. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bath!!, Large fa.1nily room 17X35 Pool 3 Car garagt> $100,500 Listed E.'tclusively \Vith ZAILW 14Hiii 5% % _. Evenings Call 646-1050 I :;__.c.;=...o;=...= -Gorgeous 3 BR 2 bath homl! DON'T CALL ME on quiet trcel!ned cul-de-sac. New w/w carpets, all built. A DUPLEX ins, brick !lreplAce, family I'm an extra liice 2 bedroom room & huge oversized Jot HOME with a 2 bedroom Outdoor BBQ & room tor MONEY MARKET out bAck. boat & trailer. Assume 5% % Both units are owner occu-loan -$20,400, $174 P.I.T.I. pied and 1lawle11. Situated Priced for immediate-sale at 2043 WeatcW! Dr • on a quiet tree lined Corona $27 ,500. Call MS-3424 South 646-ml del Mar street. Once you've Coast Reel Eltate ===0::===== ---------~ ---. - - ll51 LIDO LOV!LY 4 BR. + family rm ... 4 bathe 4 a kitchen to "llve in." 40 Ft. on wide street. 7682 Edincer 842-t455 Open 'lll ! PM 24 HOUR POSSESSION This charming 4 bdrm home is really sharp, Has terr a :i z o entry, stone pl anter & n i c e yard. Oose to Mesa Verde School. 10~0 do\1111 v.;u get yoq in on lhis bargain. $2~.9j(J. Call now -\\'on't last! REAL TORS seen the rest -Come see the bes!. WE$TCLIFF POOL HOME 1100 Quality construction Welbr lllty. 675-5200 3366 V1a Udo, NB Open sun. Payment.I like rent. Try $1500 down Am1mo GI loon Of $23,185 at $2(1) J'llOllth, Nearly new 3 bdrm ne&r achool& & park. ~ . 673-4400 ~1 .......................... 1 673-1550 ~~OATS ~ WAt..Act REALTORS --.546-4141- (0pen Evenings) 1093 Bake1-, C.M. j46.frWO BROKERS WANTED l!::;:::::;::;:;:::::::::I Why not work on your own? Space is avail- able. Contact Jayne Davidson Close To Beach 5~% LOAN Owner anxious lor offer -al· ready transkr. out of stale. ~ E«el!'"t rnm" 4 b d' m DAVIDSON Realty home 'vith big $22,200 Gl ZT::iO Harbor Avr., C.M. loan balance to take over. 5-16-M&l Evt-s. 5~9-1058 Fully equipped Anthonyl '"""""~!!!!!!!!!!~"""""' Pool in cluding pool·S\\'eep. 9 UNITS 546·5880 OCEANFRONT (nearcinematheaht) AU 1-bdrm. units, easily reni· LLEGE REALTY cd on summer/"·inter basis 50J~atH11boi,C.M. at prevailing lo\v rents. lll::iz::iz::iz::iz ::iz::iz:!C::CI Gross annual income $17,110. BalbOa Island Asking $120,000. ~uy for oeeanfl'Ont income! 2 bdrnis & den in a terrific location . Just 4 houses frcnn RED rt.mml' Soulh Bay Front Back ya.rd ~ \\'ith room r or extra units. R E A L T Y Owner v:ill finance: $~4 .500. 2025 W. Balboa, NB 67:HIOOO Barrell Realty 16C6 Westclilf Dr. N.B. 642·5200 '2449 E. Coast. CdM 6Ta-OO"o0 1 DIVORCE SALE 432 .MAGNOLIA t..... Attorney says, sell J bdrm Eastsidl', C.1if. Va c ant. MESA VERDE $23,950 Perfect home i.n size & pr1ce. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. ~iodern $23,500 " --PERRON -~J, .. .,.._..,..., .. kitchen. Double garage. * 642-1771 Anytime * Near t>Veryth!ng. 510-17®. TARBELL 2955 H•rbor 1· ,. ,. Great Duplex Buys BALBOA ISLAND-Near new 4 Bdm1, 2 BA + 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. Xlnt rental. $85.000. NE\VPORT BEACH . Custom built 13 yr old. 2 &inn's ea.ch. $54,!r;iO. \VATERFRONT • 2 & t Bd· rn1, furnished. Will consider boat as part payment. May also can)' 1st at 7~~%. $62,000. Riddle & Ross R•eltots 3535 E. Coest Highway CdM • 675.7225 \0 THI:: f~LAL ''°' f:STATf:llS ONE JUMP AHEAO of other homes. This spotless 4 bdrm & 2 baths has every- thing needed for happy Uv. ing. Lush w/w crpts/drps, blt-in kitch., \Va.ter softener, terrific rear yard, patio, sprinklers. BBQ. Choice area. Only $31,950. I' \I t • \\ It I ! I :Q'"I \lf\\111\ It I \ I I \ L • 1003 Baker, C.M. --~=- Extri1 Shi1rp BenuU!ully improved comer 10 Houses "'Classic" home, lush new Choi ce Eastside location close carpeting & drapes. Owner sacrificing for personal ree.. 10 shops: Ea.ch house separ. sons & most anxious for of!- ated by garage & patio for er. privacy. Low interest • as- sun1able loan. No vacaTI('y, Lochenmyer Re,1 lt or 1860 Newport Blvd ., CM CALL 646-1921 Eves. 644-1655 646-2290 DOVER SHORES Investment Income 7 UNrrs; large lot 132x306'; room to build 5 more. $90,000 Owner will carry 1st TD. Wells-McC1rdle, RltrL 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548· 77!9 644-0884 eves. 5 Beclrm • Pool $26,950 On a quiet side strttt lvilh <.'O\U't)'a.rd entrance. Spotle11 throughout. Pia.no alze Uv. ing room, parqu.et noottli family room. $49,500. Owner wanlf! oilers. 646-7171 1-Q THC REAL ''°' LSTA'l'J:RS EASTBLUFF NEWL T O!CDRATIO HOL I DAT O..ut. )&<. llv. rm, J BR. ,ARTY 2 batM. 10 rt. lot. Ketelle Rulty 847-6061 P!llPICT 164,500 • Bdmu., din. "" ~ tamilv LIDO llEAL TV INC. $111 A MONTH rm., a dream kltch. + 3l77 Via Lido 673-1300 ly owner; spac. 4 Br. condo. VIEW. 0 pen Sun. lhrul ,.~.,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!" comp. w/bltn1. pool privll. Thurs.1-4:30; 112-j Santiago, ATTRACTIVE 2 BR. Assume existing FHA loan Dover .Shore1. Remodtled. O\vner will car-with 5\i % int. Mo. paymta. IOYD REAL TY ry Ige loa.n. No points. Sll3. Why pay rent & col· 3629 E. Coast H\\>y., CdM $45.500 Phil S u 111 van . l~t only receipts? Owner 67S.5t30 c"':,"'=::76,;I:.=='==== wiil help \vith financ. Full FORECLOSURE (Park -price $19,000. 962-llTI eve/ Lido) Townhse. 3 BR. 2% Huntlftlfel'.I IHch 1400 _w~knd~"=~===~ Owner has purchased new BA. Frple, blms, pool. POOL PA-D _ $12,000 4 BEDROOM home; beaut. 3 Br, 2 bL Need• paint &: etc. $28,450. ''VACANT''- home on quiet street. Cond. Lia190n Co. 6t&--0'!32 NOWS THE TIME II'" th •--"·~--" _, ",-10_, "'''" .. ____ ......, w per mon .....,.._s -.u better than new. Wanta ~ .,.. -,.. " UV'l'I'" ~ 1....: .. -, __ fer-asking $38 500 OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX ~ to uaume Jow lnttreat on ex ....... '6 -..au &ll)'Ohe can CORBIN.MAR.TIN 4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. Walk to V.A. Joan for thl5 thar'P 5 •1aume without qual~n&!! REALTORS 615-1662 shops. $39,500. Aaent bedroom home wtth 36' Pool, Featlll'inc 4 huae bedrooms. 642-3850 or 833-10?7 2 lllXW'ioua baths, OiannilW 3D.36 E. Cout Hwy., CdM Lots of decktnc and patio, "Q~" kitchen. Great 11• RETREAT Blutts prime on Bay location. Gorgeous carpett It Drapes. lng roorn with rich pantl •. 2 bdl'!l. $39,5()0 Call 644-2259 Modem garden type kitchen. ing. Aol<le dttp c•-tinr. To the hi&:h mountain coun. evea/wkendl, Priced at $21,500 FULL -..-~ try. Modern 2 Br. 2 ba. com. ~:=::i::::;:::i::====' I PRICE, Total Payments, Excellent cul-de·9'C W J 11 pletely tumished San Moritz Newpiort Heights 1210 juat Ilke rent. seWU EFHASEaLndL VAAH. OME cha.Jct. $34,900. Excha.nae for WE SELL A HOME looat ....i••nce. . RUSTIC MODERN EVIRY 31 MINUTES EVERY 31 MINUTES -3:!,•~P.\:~1~!.A~~m M••••1u .. ot1enbfamceu. Walker & Lee Walker & Lee ing1. 2 BR, 2 BA, dirtln1, IA YRlONT APT. play ..... r.rg. tenced '""'· 11112 Ed'-7682 Edina" 2 Id $30 500 Own "'•"'' 842-4455 Open 'til 9 PM Vista Dcl Lido. Pier & sllp 64~0 .Ui Rl~erside Ave~ 842-4455 Open 'til 9 PM availabl•. Sell or lea .. /op. $2 950 D '! owner Transf.erred. tion. Prloe $28,500. 227 • n. mt. GHrge Williamson Dover Shores 1 4 Large Bedroom'• Xba2 Auume FHA bn. Pym.rats RtALTOR lrrepl1ce1ble View of tamily room. Auume CI under $175 month. 4 BR 2 613-4350 Eves. 613-1561 llAY & MOUNTAINSI loin. 121' per mo. TOTAi. bath Prestia• Hom.. No 5 BR. 3 BATHS Unique "old world" conh!rn· PAYMENT. qualltyina, Priced under market at porary, executive luxury The Real E1tlfe Mlrt $43.500. Eutbluff. choice le> home. 5000 111. ft. 4 BR's, D __ •. r..... 147-8531 cation! 4\i BA + makil qtn:. ldeal W CW X::-Trens•--• CORBIN-MARTIN for entertainln&. Easy mil.in. m ~ "" ~·-REALTORS 675.1662 Jmmed occup. Furnished ., C at Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2~ or unlurnilhed'. Assum bath, On corner lot. Carp. 3030 E. Coast Hwy., CdM ti~#% loan. Box 1632 NB eWdrape1, all built-ins. For. EASTSIDE C.M. :»&-7249 ma.I dlnin1 room, .eervtce Nice 3 bdrm. 2 bath homed :i:=:i::====== lTCQT l\iacnolla, FV porch, family room. A11ume with "1>k. L<u-ge backyard University Perk 1237 ___ 1_4_5_•_0_4_5_1__ 6% GI loan· price $35,900. with fruit """· I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DUPLl!X WlfH HIOR Peul JonH llulty overlooks all of Balboa Pledge Enough -Give EASTERN CHARM Brand new Ivan Wells' 4 bdrm 3 bath + powder room. FonnaJ dining room• ram. rm/wet bar & trplc. LUJt.'llriously carpeted. Su- p<'rb view. Pool in landscap- ed court yard. Rooy J . \Vard 1430 Gal11xy Dr. ~6-1550. DO You ,vant a home close 10 a g1"Cat Elem school in an ar-?a just r ight for kids? That's where you \Vill find this 3 lxlrm home pymnts less than rent. Full price $22.~VA/FHA OK. Bkr. 546--0814 Thal" s not all ~ a lo•·.::y swim pool too! 3 beths. Rich wood paneling. breakfa.:oi bar, fire· place. 540-lTlO G h Tzy iiii 123·?!'·2•14 LEASE or OPTION F.H.A. LOAN s""1266o Evo. 841·8919 ra im Y· ._.. " $31,950 w/$1,0CO option me& Auurne hiJh lntere1t loan Y WNER: 1 Bdnn. 2 Ba. Bay and Newport Beach. Your "Fair Share" A winding brick walk & porte Beautiful ash panl"ling Cochierc. 2 fireplaces & a 11nd hard\11ood pegge d Gen•ral 1000 formal dining room. make floors, hlgh beam ceilings this one of a kind, custom 2 and brick f i re p I a c e · 11~=========.I b<!<lroo1n home a must. llea"'Y s hake roof and FOREST E. Landscoped by Dick Beason. much much more. Asking $65,00'.l. Neaio Newport Post Office ey OR $295 mo. 3 BR. + w!Ut $3,000 Down. Have in. lam nn, bltns, drp&, shag 3 BR, 2 BA, family room, FR. ~ -•-·,. de-me,, .......... let """""ten-crpt• thru-out. l Yl' old. On · .1.ow'"""" • ..,,. ...... cu.... J¥--·•-'" N h I prof decor. 1~> yr olcl-xlnt • d h II ant pay your way. Get '-'ll""'MAc. ear • c •, cond. $3'2,SOO. 21382 F1eet re ·, smart! Total payment of bcbea, shop'&· Completely Lane, HB. O\vner MG-4328 $188 inclUdes an. G re a t fenced " landscaped. Im· Huntington Beach location. niac! See at 21542 Archer TARBELL 2955 Herber LOWEST PRICEI 0 l S ,Q N john mac:nab 4 BR 1 ~ baths. lanai, separate outside workroom tree house, pleasant yard. Nea r \Vestclilf Plaza . $'27,900. Kings.a.rd R.E. ~fJ 2·2222 4 BR. Condo In BluUs Lovely greenbelt view & near swimming )>OO]s. $39,500 DeLi1ncy Re•I Est1te 2828 E. Coa.!t Hwy, CdM REALTY Costa Mesa 1100 Call Cl.rcle. $40.0CO. 988-1564. WE SELL A HOME GOLF Coune Vw. 2,000 oq. Save On Income Tax 6'~ycar old duplex-no do"'Tl to vet11-low do\vn to everyone else, your ten- na.nts will make the payments '1.'\th some left over. HWTY l Notice if yon hnve a 3 or ~ bedroom hon1e for sale or rent call u11 todny, \\'C t'l!present lhe en1ployees of a large f\nn moving to Uie harbor area and they mus~ have housing: All cash if desired. Call Far· row 54&-a>40 OllAN•lc_'r--,_, COUNTY' LARCHST 2629 HARIOR ILVD. 546-8640 Op111 l•enlwg1 tlR l 1lO Inc. Realtors NEWPORT BAY 5 ON I EARN 24.8% 5 .beautiful stucco lath and plaster homes on one huge 234 foot lot overlooking fabulous Newport Bay. All Are 7 years young. Fantastic value! 3 Bedroom and 2 Bedroon1 units. Sl'pa- ratc, closed garngl's. Pa· Lio~ and ma.11!curl'd groundi:. Su b n1 it on down payment. Sell<'r \I ill carry ]O\V lnlerci>l loan. Imposslble to re- plac<' at $82,500. To sec, ca II 645-0303. COLLEGE PARK $27,950 Here·s your chance to save $$. Just take over fAntasttc low interest· FHA loan. No quallfylng! 3 bedroom, 2 bath Col· lei:tc Park estate homP. ic h w a 1 n u t paneled family roo1n. D e I u ~ e b111ll-l n ldtchr.n. dttp pile \\'/\\" carpeting. Un· d'i'r rrlced for arr.a at $27,950. Be !:!mart see today. Ctlll 645·0303 645-0303. a1 ll"rbor Center 2299 J-tarbor Blvd., C."-t. 673-3nO Univ. Park Center, Irvine $22.500 VA approval. 4 BRi ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 ,..,.ean!'!!!l!Anytil!!!!!·m,.•,,,.833-t'l,,.•20l!!ll!! I.am rm. Ktnnedy & Assoc. Ownert Dasperat• tt. 3 bclr., lrg. tam. rm. (714) 642-8235 EVERY 31 MINUTES $35,00il 5'!i'~ FHA. ,.._1922 901 Dover Drive, Sul lc 12() Nc\vport Beach 642-9730 Eves. 548--0720 CONDO. 2 Br, 2 Ba, 1 floor, Ab&olutely mu1t sell this 4 4166 Seton Rd., Irvine Walker & Lee Founteln Vellay 1410 General 1000General 1000 Gener1I $©~.{llA-J&t.~s· Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puuk for a Clt.uc7cfe 0 Reorrcno• Jelftors of the· ,..-...._ four Krornbled words be- low to form four simple words. INEKLEN I' I I I I' ITT SET I 1·••A• I 14 I I 1'. so)ute lo today's a>ll1g1 _ . . student: He 1tudl11 by the .------'---. flickertng -of tli1 l/brory IF ET M 0 N I building. 11-S f,.-T 1 -,., 1 ,,.... 1 ,....., 1 ,....,...-l O Complete th• chvckle ~\IOted by flltln; In Int m!ltlng WOl'd • you develop ftOtn step No. 3 IMlow, • PRINT NUM8EREO lEnERS IN I' I' I' 1· I' r I 111~SE SQUARES • . • • _ • 1000 $CRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN_CLASSIFICATION !000 bdnn & family. Nicer than ." .. ,,. · ---.,..., owner~·· new w1th aarden kitchen, .;;;;;:=:::::=::::=o= shal<• root, brick tireplac<, leltblulf 1242 7682F.dlnpr 1prinlder1 A la.rte Jot. As-I ===~----;.;;.;;; IU-l456 Open 'til 9 PM NIED MOllE ROOM? OoWd 10'I Ule a larp 5 bdrm 2 lbWy with 2 ti.replaces. lark kitt'ben, 2% car gar. -re. block wall, ahake roof + bel.rw in • very nlce area? A.tklnc only $33,roO. 8!1%, $145 mo. -5 Br, 3 Ba, Ip loL T~ nel&hbothood vie . Brookhunt A Ellia. 0rpe, xtra Cflltinr. 2 f r p 1 c , covertd p&tio. sprinklen front I: btck. f'.nlit trees, 4 yn old. $32,750. E-Z tenna. Leavina: •l9.te, 9C-34T& swne 5~ % loan. owner wW carry 2nd TO. SUbmit )'0111' ckr\vn pa.yment 4 tenn&, A must eell 1ituation • look into It. CAU. Sf0..1151 Hert. tage Real Esta.te (open eves) Panoramic: View! OCEAN & CATALINA $37,950 Dt.lightful 4 Bedroom 1 n d formal dining room, taate. fully decorated. Walle to &ehools and shopplq. 646-7171 YACANT·MOYE IN LOW DOWN • SIJB~UT Drive by 919 Cedar, Cti-f A e11ll if lnte1'f!11ted. EXCEL. LENT FINANCING • $~ % )~HA $15.~ loln you can a.1. aume. PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT. BILI.. Shill, EY. Rhr. 646-9666, 642·2221. LEAVING AREA! Owntrs aelllne nicely located 3 bed. room 2 bl.th ho~. flurry for Savina:a here 561031 IY OWNIR Cl-. Bluffa 3 BR a,llt level w/ Bay View I: peen belt. Iq wlllled patio. Plan T. CU.tom decor. $53,500. Conlider 0Uer1 or y~ lease option. Owner will fin. a.nee. 675-222l North Tustin 1645 lf++1111Mp Coron• dtl Mir 1250 ,...YT1!"11Sm OWNER Tranaferred-Singlc __ -·. _ _ atory home in beaullfully IRVINE TERRACE 5 BDRM maintained nela:hborhood . Lovely 2 BR., 2 ba. home w/ \'ltll ll&Yflt out 4 Bdnn, 3 quality 1-emodeling done, EXTRA SHAit' balh, den, 3 car gar. Rear lge, dln •• family rm., m&r· Only .. l,OOO pool area, 80% cement, for ••· 1~ tio .. eall)' ltvtna. Full price .._. .,...c., cov, Jl& • Ytl')' GI/no dowo FHA/lo down •u. best kitch, cabineU. $47,500. _,500. Ciiatom turnllhir$ Owntr may cany financlre. or ueuue low int. loan &1lo ivallable: Sp an i • h , Chettdre Ree.I Eltate 615-2500 HAITDAL Rlty l42-4«l5 Or1tnta1, A ConternPt'ftl')'. 1900 SEADRIFT DR. 3 ii-Vacant ::=ir: £.,i),.im GJel>. Near park in beaut. lrvint One euy milt to the ocean. I .,;;,;c::=;:=:=;;:;;:::;::=:. Ttrr. S 8d,. 21,!s bA., din. •, Pac!tlc Sands home 1.vaU.. Le1un1 ·~·•·;;;h_....;1.;..7DS"°'. tam. rmt. 81 elec. Jcit. l.oVe. able on your term1 or just __._., ty 1•~en. $$4.960 $21,000. COASTAL VlEW! R. C. ORllll llulty ll~x L. Hodg11, lllltro, 33SS Via Lido 613-93Qll 84T-2!2l ·TIME FOR 9UICK. CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Have .,.nlngs fer 4 Real l•t•te Sal••m•" In our new offlce.'Cell fer ••lntment. R. o; s1ate1, Re1lt1r1 53'-11111 Ten'l!le loan usumptitml Jn~re1t rate dot:s n't in- crease: no points. 3 Bdrm1 .• family rm .. 2 baths. 5 yttn olJ. Reduced to $41,500 PLACE REALTY 414-910! DAILY PILOT DIME ·A· UNES. You can uee tbtm ... jull ,_,.. • di>'· 1>111 PU.9T OU«lll<d &cl. • I A_...,.,._..,.,.=.-;'"""'"'~;,;··.;-,....· .;·o··;;·..:·:;·""-""'• I•+..,.,..."'-'' •---~ -;. -; -, -.... -._. :. ;,,, T -.• -, l -,--.---.. -~ .-""~,,.-----.... ·;o·;;··;i;·.,..;;·::;-;,;·co··.:·-"· ,.-,.. ----··-·•·=~"·"-"-;-~-,;.._--·----~ ......... ~ . ' . i.a ~&NIAU ' MaN AlS -. ' •• a!NTA~ RENTALS . • Ri.NTALS -,L. ---I-lo~ 111.Ullfum!.W... t1.o•-·Uftfurftlohotl-:::..At!!•· '•rniahod , .1_~~~~·J~;n;l.u;!!n;;'•;h~od~~~~-~~~~~~fu~~n~f~u~r~n~l~thtd~~~·~====~;::=i;::::;:;:=~;;:~~~~='l •l-"Ciitl-I fl Hiiiltiiijli;rlliiai0-. I 100 Gine SALE bY Owne_r . • ', '""'"' for s BR, 1 .,. •on J"iY lot. dbl 3 BR,.'! ,llo,. cpUdrp. blMni, CASA ORAN.ADA' VEN DOME 1 Bl\, iomo tum, refrli"T -r--~-l tn mt d I at• I 'J . pr, stove, tomt crptJ. dbie, rdr. t.rpic, elec. dr. opener, J ,..._,,ncd Onl r 2 stove. Nr 16th & Ora:ngti. ,, IDm built wood £: 11111 to lbp'c $180 mo. water 90ft, A-B R I t y . ust, .,.,...., • ,, YPooll ew Quiet pcnon or couple. $100. . Qctan It canyon *** ~nu or t213) 597-3753 BR1 •lill ava.... , rec JM?dAbJIAT,E AP'l'S1 642-tG38 'f\'iew. Qll to wall carpetina, Lrs 2 Bf, lncd )'fd, dbl ·CU', LEASE $275 per mo. 2 stbry rm. ff~!' '400 Merrimac ' ADULT 6: FAMILY l ·l-IG0-.-3~B-R-, -t'Pl~,-.-.. -tlo~, l'"ilt .. lns A ttrtp'Jice. 2 bltns.. $1f0. 3 BR, 2\1 BA, Sbo~re1I (behind Lincoln Mt>rcury oft SECflONS AVAlLABl.E crpW, drpd, a•n&e, adults. t-~ t &thS. Unlquf . *** • tract, HB. Call 548-4905 a.ft Harbor> s.ro.3m * Clo .. to &hopping, P•rk 289 Ogle, C. M. U4: 548-8301 l.<'Ollllr\lcl\oft. OPEN HOUSE l BR ·on prtv lot, w I w, 6 or \\irpdl , 1 * *Spacious 3 Bt'a 2 Ba or 213· ·592--5227 her 6r 93t ?aflrtnW, Lai· * S4F6680 ._. -·.---4 BR. 2 Ba new ~~· Bachelor & 1 BR hid pool, * Sw1ra Poo1, P\l_t/~ -H.B.& _apts..~Rt'flOIW~ 1Bch.-49Wo&6 · . lnd&cpd, IM!tka: apprec.i:uve maid iierv'ioe. fOtche~ -~lr.tnalvi'lnaiY fac'la adult.s. No ~I!. ..._ 1' . . ~t • Sll• J!1, weelcda,>1 bl"", W · .1125. · -' · $25 PER WK. & UP * 2 Bedrooms ' ' . 1 * GJV&..AWAY * RENT LARGE HOME occupants. $250. 9Ei8-42l TV iv&il,-A51J '\trcnlrla <Nr. ,1845> Anaheim A'le. li'or, app t. 546-0684 , OW ~hWI:'-~1.-~~ J.1~ Verde,_ ~ew c~lc: f"l111on-v1e10-37oi larbor): ' ' ' COSI'A MESA &12-2824 EASTSIJ?E lge 1 BR, drps, w. Dream bot&.e, z xtta rape a ........ i2!'..Tlri0riih . • . . FIJRN large bach apt; ~uiv crpts, bl{ln!~ ,c:ar. Adults\. no I I••-• ~.!OJ!. Low down. 546-9521 or -1 BEAu;rtruL vl<w, 2 BR. I \I to 1 BR. Ulil pd. No pots. , HARBOR GREENS-pet•. 11'5 mo., MS-l1'2 iOwner w.4U2 BA. Frplc, bttn bookcase~ $Jl.;. Nr new furnlture;· . • · '-j.I HANDYMAN'S Crpt.11, drps. 837--8937. avail Nov. lsl. fH!l-3866 BACHELOR untum t r om Newport Beien . 5~00 . .. !' 4 Iocome lJ!lila .~ RE~ALS . Smith. ,SU~ Also avail 1 ~ 2 & 3 NEWPORT BEACH Villa Whod4Y1 W••t? Whlddyo Got? . 5PEClt<l. ,CLASS.IFICA TION FOR NATURAL 'BORN SWAPPERS -.s.,..111 Rate 5·LIM.-S tl,,,..-5 bucks iltULl!l -AD MUST INCLUDE :yds. to beach, Patios, dtcks Apt1. Furn11hecl , LARGE l BR, furn., duple:t Bdrin, Heated pools, child Apt Exclusive -section, lux· t-Wlllt ~ f\foyt to tnidl. ~ yw -1 "' ,, ... 1-YOUll pl!One,•rtlil!Ot' uor.t. ~ nl'IH of MNertlllnt. l!W/ocean vM!w, Nlfs, l*inJt EXTRA Sharp Exec u t , .. """' garage, $139/mO. 16t E. ~center, adj to shoppiJl&". ury liv"ing, large heated ~OTMIHG FOi: SAi.i!~ TllAOEi ONLYI ~tc. Sboukl ~ $9,00!J ·~· Home 5 bdr. 3 ba. w/\V General .__ \Vllson. 54!)...2771 No pets. pool, penthouse view . . PHONE 642.5671 • $69.900. Consider tJedes, · • ' . '. 2700 p t w IISSION REALTY 494-0731 crpts, drps., b~1lt·1 n1;, eerson ay Spacious 2 BR, 2 BA, wet To Place Your Trider'• P1radl1e U ,..-=====~-I dish...,·asher, $27a mo. lat .& The GORGEOUS New Newport Beedl 4200 Costa 11!'esa 546--0370 bat, trplc, all elec, crpts, 1"LEASE/OP110N• last plus $100 de po s l t. VAL O'ISERE e RENT e drps. Adults, no pets. nt term.a fOr tbil 5 yr. old 3 636-1549 nt Newport Beach . ' Bargain ~t $315 mo • • •-ho / Singl·l br·2 br. Fum-u . '3 Rooms Furniture • .'· -~ ..... · me w ocean LARGE 1 BR, stove 11' Sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards GRAND OPENING Westcliff Villas No. 8· ~ew.cailfortenns. 11 · • t · . $19.95 & UP 642-.2496orownerla5-401.6 TO;vNHOUSE.3 Br~ 2~~·.ba. Beaut. appt'd. Priy. patio, pool: nr bay, vai: $32,500. Eqty-for T.D., car, camper or 1? Owner 646-6654. 1'LACE REALTY '494-9704 re: ig. nice ca.rpe tng, Therapy & '15' pool, BBQs IMMEDIATE Mo"th--·Mo"lh Re"la'· DELUXE 2 & 3 BR 4-PL~~ '"""'~""°"""'"""";-:;I drapes .. Utilities paid, 2000 Par;sons Rd. 642·8610 OCCUPANCY " ,..,. .. " "' LAJ-----~---~EGREE V&IEW. LOT01 of $150/ino. Ag( &12-1771 HOLIDAY PLAZA Lu~ury g!U'dep aP.al'tlnents , WJDE SELECTION Apts. $185 to $215 mo. $1000 equity in-1969 (l)evro. ,\\'h1te . \\'.Ster coa_ s ne:, A.ITRACTIVE , -. -1 Bdr. . 1 NO DEPO•IT O Ac Adu 1 t s . l\1editct,·cuiean Jet station w"'ann,. Fully -•J b I I ..,. "'°" -~·.. ..... DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm .. offering compete privacy, M • • • ....,.v sma.i ut e:v~ "''$'&; lw•u• .bbuse, 2 ~TS. old. Lrg. Yd. t"\n'n apt $1.35 plus util. l]E!autiM landscaping & un-HFRC Furniture Rental K Vi 11 age. (neaJ: Hoag equipped. Trade' equity for ;$1,000 do\\TI, at -mo. $l50 8 month. Adults 357 Heated pool, ample paJ.'kitl". paralleled rec:reatiOllal faciJ. 517 \V. l!h.h. CAI 548-3481 Hospital & Park L i d o older car or ? All due: 3 yrs. Broker 16th Pl C ~1 Call 548-5962 No chlld-n-no ""'ts. "' Uies in a country · ciub at· $175 OelW>e · 2 Br, 2 Ba ?.tedical Bldg.) Mgr. '4l50 ID-ml 01• 636-0942 494-1137 497-1021 · " .i • • ''" ,,.. Patrice Rd., NB SHARP 3 BR. 2 story condo, 1965 i;>omona, C.1\1. mosphere. Now leasing in g&·den ·.apt. l-~rplc. patio, 72• Cruiser-Twin D, auto sr 2 Br .. o.~.O. $17,250-with pool etc., unfuni $200 Ml\/\ 2 8 & d lo d Ix Newport Beach: ·w/w, RI<?. Bier. 5JH98Q DE;J..JJXE..2. &-3 .BR....4-PLEX pil_ot, range l.2(lO ml; reCe.nt "'""· • 14: .. hv-din.·nn. Xlnt I·-1~~ L•e/ag•· "l .,=v. r e~ WI' P · FW·nished or·unlurnisbed APTS. $180 to $220 mo. = V \" •au -... .. Boat, dock avail Childl'en $~~· 2 Br 4-plcx R/O, survey $40M. Will consider ' """""• iew. ,yarren s.f>.3658-· l\-Iodel!open9amto9pm l\'fW 1 · Ad·ults, Mediterranean alle ;499-2001.. O.K. Bkr. ~ Reiits troin °$155 10 s310. ; Sing es \\'Clcome. Village (behind Park Lido trust deed or sm r boat. 2 BR. house. $165, mo. 389 $125._-1 ~ newly decorate~. OAKWOOD Broker 534~980 . Bldg -Hospital) ~ Patrice Owner {TI4) 729-3400. '-•1un1 Niguel 11a1 Rochesrer St., C.r.t. Patio, util pd. Broker 64:.>-G , llD ·M $120. · 2 BR, gar, p"tio. Rd .. NB. 642-4381 12 units close 10 Hlll'bor &: 7L NI IT * 645-1848 * 0111 ' A E ~hil~re~~ un:ii pct O.K. UNFURN ·$150. 2 BR. studio Newport, CM. Value $95,000, ..,; .. ag~na gue err. -$120.-2 BR house, fenced yd. ~O. Lge Bach apt Util pd. APARTMiNTS l'O er -1 apt. Paljo & pool. Crpts, Owner \\'ill carry -no fin, New 2~ sq, fl 3-f A 5 Br. Nr schoob_& shoppin&'. 203:> Avail now. Bl"oker 534--0980 $150. NEW 2 Br. studio lyPf.'. drps & bltns. 1525 Placentia .. charges, Leon Vibe11 Rltr. ~mes m ocean view-atta. \Vallace. ~2634 1700 16th Street Crpts. drps, bltns. Adults. 548-0>88 · t"1>rpe:ted, front Jardscaped, -.1 •lDO 714: 642-8170 B'-"·'~ nlll N.B. anytime. lfth sprinklers; blbls, self. * COTTAGE, 1 BR. All Uli Coste MHa ~ SINGLE Adu! L ,..._ """"" BACHEtoR ap'' ('n1ployed ·y !xi Ne\V crpts drps $HS • ts u x u I' y 1 BR apt'on canal. Nt!w dr.,,, ·' 11· 1216 \" C-2 Comm. Bldg, lge pav<!d lcleanlnJ oven: 3 ear raraie. · ~ ..:. •... · ..,~,6 · $lO OO Wk U garden apts \\'ilh coun t"" adult 0•1.1Y. ::i. .w. lot ne<> .. Ne\vpo11 & Bristol !l.>R,i;i() To '$61,950. Excellent ' No pets. ~5-6~;>"<, .,..[)..MN • • • p •.r O ean, SanlE' rent yr round. Balboa Blvd . 6 7 5-7 8 7 6, '"1' r.-r<..... ..i-. club 'atmosphere and coin· $l2:i. 53&-1766 Blvd, Val Ue $27,500. \Vant 1inancin( with df.clining in-HOUSE in murt ..... yL'<, .... ...,, e Studio&: l Br Apt~. ple:te privacy. SOUTH BAY 4~-!>755 vie\v home, Leon Vibert !ere~_t rate from 7~~% to carport. 976 \Vest l11h St. •Kitchen & TV incl. CL-UB APTS .. Irvine at 16lh, Cost• M~ Slbo 2 BR, 2 BA, CID, patio, Realtor ~8-05S8 anytime. ,a,.;717. Costa Mesa. •Pit?ne.Servi~e & Pool Newport Beach frplc, dishwhr. Nr \Vestcliff --------- ;:L1gun1 Niguel Corp. 3 BR., garage, fenced; some •Maid serviee avail. (114) 645--0550 Plz. 1665 Irvine. $200. Have: 56 ac w/ s tream, ~LUI . 547-7761 cpts.: drapes. Qlildren OK. e Day, week & Month . MERRIMAC WOODS Adults! For Appt 642--0239 F/C, il1 recre'l area. Want: itENT • sell, 4-5 bdr., 2~ $180 Month. 497.1242 2376 Newport Blvd 548~9'/;>5 8 EA CON BAY. Cozy Just completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 I ,..=-~-~-'c'---~,.-Units, commercial, TD's, or ==~-~~·~·---1 bachelor apt w /kitchen 1-BR., 'newly decor., adults ., ? ? N J l\t Bkr baco $275 mo., wtr A: lawn 3 BR,· 2 ·BA, condo, bltins, DU~LX, 2 bdr. encl. gar, facilities. LI'& patio, priv BIA lwith ~~ co~'.. com· only, no pets. $135 mo. • . • ancr,2 7IVVI oore • Rare classic Cadillac El • Doi::ado Brougham, c e st $16,200 new-trade for equity in 3 or4 BR home or?. owner 84249il3 Newport ,Heighl!I home:, 3 BR, 2 BA, DR, nook, serv porch, den, 2 F/P, 2000 sq. ft. Trade $11,000 eq for Acre- age /2nd TD' s 548-9821 Oient Will Take: Problem Properties, has free & clear acn:ia;e plus lots. SI SLAVIN, REALTOR ..,.,,. Laguna 4 Br, view home, val. $65,000; take land, boat, apts. for $21,000 eq, llilr. Conrad, Riviera Realty '499-2800 '49+1330 Eves. 80 Acres ?i-1·3 East Hemet Value $2"25.000 equi~ $200,. IXXI. Trade for income. Bert Mott with Ed Ridd!(' Rltrs. 64(i..g8ll or 833-0t37. Good R-3 lot; want late travel t..ailer. Also have an. tiqUe Parker dbl. barrel shotgun : want outboard m~ tol'. 499-2770 (care furn. 544-7008 . crpt.kids· ·OK. $200 lease. patlO, clean. adlts., $90. Call entrance. Ulil pd. Avail to P f?le Y sounuproof .. -..., sell Geo. Willlamson, RealtQI' .,.. • ..,..,., . 613-42tr. , it 00 ans 9i62--0302 after 6: 30 & w k e: n d s , 7_11105 mo ti73-Ta35 cleaning ovens, woad ceil-6_734350 Eves ~73-l564 ..a. .* *' *. . *. '* Apartments . &15-1062 · ings, ·dishwashers, I u s h ~ ?>-F S I lflO 3 Bdr., partially fl.!l'fL home, , _ STEPS to beach -Mod. 2 landscaping \vith streams & 2 BR upper. crpts, drps, "'!!~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!"I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I i, or a e Sl.80/mo. F&rnil.Y only. Agt. 6913x~ trailer 1 ~lock from bdr .. all built-ins, incl. vac. watei1alls. elevatofs. BBQs, stove & refrig. $160 yrly. iEAL ESTATE General EV ~etaJJt 2 BR, 968-4362 sborg. ~ mo. on lease sys,, radio, auto gar. door. clubhouse, saunas, jacuzzi"'& 673-8088 Gentrll REAL ESTATE athtaking bay view \.\'/ 2 BR .d"plex. 1 you"" child. basis. Optwn to _buy. 1640 $220 yearly. 642-3490 swiin pool•. plus 1nuch ·oceANFRONT APT • • .., Newport Blvd: No. 55. C,i\I. · ,,_ PROPERTIES WEST Rental Loc•ter1 Re1ldentl1I -Apll. 2627 N•wpOrt, Blvd'll ,. • N•wport. Beach r -675-164~ '7M2 Edinger 1i2-4m Op<n 'tU > P!f L._:;ltle=l.::•I;:.• _;...__=;.; $J'TS, :1 Br lo\\llr duplex, CHARMING 3 Br. 2 Ba )'tlll'-FrPJ.c. pr, RIO, W/\V, ly rental. J'ust remodeled & \VW conakltr pet. Rkr. d~rated, trpt le patio. SM--6980 li\'tll etc. 1 $3.~5 mo. 6\'~I _ $221 3 BR. rm nu, lrplc, 613-TOM; days 54.._.5121 1 P/\NORA~UC view O\'t'rlook· DAllY PILOT !'!~ll•I•/w. Nice area. Bla.1Hurit1ntt __ on leech 3400 Ing AllM,&11.ch, 2 bdr & 3 ~ , For .,,....rt bdr. lum. AU ~lee. apU.. Excellent, Park.J.ike surround. :ings for adults only. Near shopping. Pool. l,2&3BRAPTS 177~ Santa Ana . Apl 113 6~6-5542 or 642·}~65 Fairway Villa Apts Near Orange Co Airpo rt & UCI. Adt:!ts only. 20122 Santa Ana Ave. ~40-2796 .,, ..s. ..,... Ollld 0.11. Bia' "'•ch 2 ""°"" c1"b"""'-Aulstan~ chna. 11!l> k 1230. eau a11. 6 f130. 2 BR ap, hO\lte. Fenc-~t ..BR. Townbou11e. Near ._.,,...,-l\f~tutt adult& No pets ot; 6'.Wl1-• + ~~A!f" srt1~ . . ,__,..,....,.,,,.,..,....,....,....,.., P~f, 11gs..sr,~---- A1TR1\CT?VE 2 BDM l•Cl'PtS dl'P5, bllins, cai'Pffi't. ~du1!1. N, Pf!!,tlt, 'S}3J Mo. 548.fi7G9 RENTAL SERVICE FREE TO LANDLORDS * · Blue Beacon 645--0111 * e LANDLORDS.- FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker Slf.6982 6060 He SQUARE FT. Rel.ail or oUice spatt. 600- 1200-2400 sq ft.' 211 to 213 62nd St., Newport Beach. Key for entry, N.B. Travel Lodge. Owner (213) 233-3101, eves (213) 246-0700. Rooms for Rent 5995 SfORE for lease, 1500 sq. ft, ---'-.;,.I Oceanfront at Newport PW. ~:~~-•rt•1 . ON TEN ACRES 1 & ·2 BR. Furn 4 Un/urn Fireplaces I priv patlol I Pools. Tennis. Col1t nt1 Bkfst.. 900 Sea Lane, Cd1.I 644-2611 !MacArthur nr. ~t Hwy) 2 BR. 1 ha.. cp!s., drps. bltns. $175 mo., lease Scn1ple R.E. 675-2101 LARGE Brand flC\V 3 BR, 2 BA. Vic1v. South o I High\\"ay. 673-6!XH COROLIOO Apls. 2 Br scudioS, some v•/Crplcs. $180 & up. Also J)f.'nthouse $220. Pool & paHos. 673-337S Balboa lillnd 5355 2 BR, 2 BA duplex apt. 100' from b e a c h • ~yearly lease •. 61:r5207 Westminster Tustin THE ASPENS l:i652 \Villiam St. 5612 5640 Tustin's prestige address Adult-livi11g.-nO--pets Shag carpets ·Total air conditioning Unfurnished Gynla11Siums & Saunas Apartments from SlSO 'For inforn1ation 83:>-668'1 Dana Point 2 BR, family rnl, :1 1i BA. APPlil!..ncCs; dl'J)S, cpts, pool: Ocean view. $16.'S. 499--:m5 or 4~2'100 REAL ESTATE Gener•I Room w/kitchen & Oath. Pri. vate entrance.___,__ 548-2720 FURNISHED rooms. Work· ing Person. Non-Orinlter. Non-smoker. 646--&llO $15 WK & up w/ kitchen. $30. wk studio · apt. 2376 Newport Blvd. sti-9'5.\ Mallia. Trlr. Cris. 5997 WEEKLY rates Sea Lark .Motel, W l Newport Blvd., Cosla Mesa Guest Homes 5998 GRAD. nurse Will take care of elderly· couple, 2 male or 2 fe1nale patients in my own flomC", 24 hr nursing care, top ref'S, 499-4017. Call morns from 7-2:30 PRIVATE l"OOIU in licensed board &. care home for elde-rly gentlem·an Ambulatory only. 548-5225 Misc. Rentals , 5999 INDUSTRIAL ufilt! f 0 r storage. $60. West 16th St. Newport Beach. 646-1724 Rentals Wfnte~ "990 6~3111 ____ ..;_..;..~.--'"-'-". ROOi\1 Suitable for gift shop, • 1'1W R<inlal S<'rvlcc • n1cn's shop or Jadi('s shop. Brokers / i\tgrs.. I °'1·ners Call Jim Bcrkabtre. 61~9405 PropC"rii<'s \\1est 6"r>l&tl ONE Ctn H'lps r.-tnny YOU a;et·more Ulan )'OU give -United f\ind 67>-1566 Office Rentol 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FORESI' AVENUE ~sk space available tn newest o.tllce building at prime location in downtown Laguna Beach. Air mndi· tloned, carpe~ed. beautiJul entrances: Frontage on Forest Ave., rear leads to MuncipaJ parking lots. $50 per ntontb for space. Desk and chairs available for $5. Business hours answering service available tor $10. All utilities paid except telephone. DAILY PILO'l' 222 FOREST A VENUE LAGUNA BEACll ........ MODE.RN 750 sq ft. do'W1'.ltown CM frontage, light, airy, well illwninaled, ale, dbl. toilC"ts, plentiful parking, suitable for ofc or $pecialty r e t a i I • 1834 Newport Blvd, 642-4230 DELUXE 3 room office suite in Corona de! Mar, Prestige location. Panelled, n e \Y carpets & dra:>es. private: parking. Realonomics Corp. 675-6700 1000 SQ. FT., air cond.; carpet, parkiiig. $300 month. Pacific Mutual mdg., 2711 E. Coast Hwy., Cd ?.f, 673-4120 Loll 6100 SUPPORT )'OUr Un!ted F'uid c L • A 5 5 I F I E D llHST 11111 .......... - 6\~ TR •• LO RI IN ·cc A ... R. If' ho ca: "' 11' .. ho ca ' ' p, BL I m• hi1 VO be d• " $l I., ro '" & 0: "' 00 "' Ai Ex h< "' "' op "' a< (> "' "' v; "' pt SI B> fo Ac "" oe to "" ar or ve "' ti\ lU R< •" •• c 77 Fri F• I8 W< FR IN da G• •• s"' po cw ., •" p~ ,., 53! BE, Es Ve bh Re P>I Mo 21 ' Pre 64: Set s. f< v Bro I 0 \V. l Mo 142,1 ""' Jou All $60 10$ "" s "' All ~ lloodlt, N-bor '· 1"69 DAllV l'llOT .. RI AL UTATI 0.-al JOU a IMPLOYMINT JOIS & l~OYMINT , JOIS & IMPLOY-N ~,•Ju•• 11 , • JOu a ~ _ . Jeb9 , Mon, Wom. 7100Joio:' ~!Jo~-~100 . ~* 6 "Y-J!o6 e~no,m. 7fOO_J..;i~ t.!oro.'.:.w-.Jl•' Smo&Free FALLBROO K &~S ACRES 470 JlEAR.lNG I TREES N !l W MODERN AWARD WlN~JNG HOME. LC1'rS OF GLASS T£R. rune VIE\Y . OVERLOOK· ING PALA MESA GOLF -coURSE.-.,:W,oop. ·Sm down le reasonable temu direct from owner. 319 Stewart Cyn. Rd. m..n1 3 J ' ( When You Want it done • right ••• Call one of the experts listed below,11 ~~tod ·-'-' ...;;.62_40~ 1 SERVICE DIRECTORY SEllVICI OllllCTORY SERVICE _OIRICTORY NOTICE Alphalt, Dllt 6520 Furniture RMtorlng & Refl nlthlng 6475 1'1porhentl•1 P~lnllnt 6150 II you havt a 3 or f becirotim , SEALING it PATCHIN~ * EXPERT map I e borne Jor ale or fOl' ..:r.t, ., ldent·at _ •-~·-•. ;:._~A1 11 ... 1.~:-* PAlNnNG, int • ext. call us today, We re~t 1 1 • .,~..,. ......,..,"' re..;.......;.. •• · 21 years ex. Back from Vietnam. Back th& einployees ol & J&rs:e Compl reaa serv. Currently perienq!, 2 day Rrvice. Call ln business qaln. Free finn movina' to ~ Ha,r&r engaged by Ci~ of C.M. 1or 642-S770 e1t.lmalel. Will liUbcontracL Atte and they must "have stttet restoration. 64>1089 housing! All cash if dealred. NATO CORP. G•rdenine '6IO .;.;:N~E~E°'D~P~A~l~N~T~IN=G~?- Call F·--w 546.8640 Gen'! Contracton 638-5818 / ... ~., .AL'S Garoenln&: 6 Lawn Call ua! Rel.I.able Service· w 4 M s_ Bdr Eastblutt home. B•bysittlng 6550 tifaintehance, Commerdal, Quality af its beat, al tbe , Principle only_ , ---------1Ddustrial..a-rnidenU&I. most reUObl.ble prices: NOW You have an .opportunity to be part of' our rapidly growina lndustry, and ll you Uve in the Orana:e County Harb!>r area, you won't have to leave "Home/' · lf y6u have exptrtence 'in any of this work, come in and see us. • DAYSHiFT. Mlllnten.nc.-Mechenlc • SWING SH!F.T, ;•-- .• Turret Lethe Oper ... r • , ,. R,IMf lal Orlll ~atw Orlll Pn11 op.iatora , 644-4a79· 1 • * 646-3629 * Fttt ntimale1. M8-60a.I CALL HARDESTY ~~:~1~:k~6~y~;;· COMPLETE INT/EXTERIOR. , c I ea n, 17th l PLACENTIA, COSTA' MESA For Financing Ave .. Corona de! l.1ar. ~t w or It. Guaranteed. 541-2201 . Ci-A-VAL CO. Commercial W-"-$610 + commilQon + car 6. ex• penses. (Wh0Je1a l e turn1turer2 yn ot coUep. Resident or O.C. ' )Tl. GoodAle1~ Credit s.lloi .._ .. .. $650 (Trt.ineoe) 2 yn coll~. draft exempt, wlllln&: to tra\'tl. Office M91". T....,N .. $610 Colle&f' prtfetted, sharp ambitlowi yourc man able to meet public. * 675-2866 * Yard Maint. Cleanup Reu rates, Free est. Call . 1 __ .:....:.::...:=---l'BABYSfTI!NG, My hom•. R•u. 96tJ.J928/....,.T Jack -.,,uect u nee. Equal Opportunity .Employer, Technical· BUSINESS •no 1-~enccd yard, lunch fw:n~ Fuji LaWn Servlce *INTERIOR EXTE,RIORW • • • • •• , • • • • I 1 ""1 Ii • • • • 9 I efy1 FINANCIAL _ ltlon-Fri. Call 5'18-4538 . &. General Yard Oeanup Painting_ Paperhal!cina; _ Sltl= •lee II Bus. Opportunltles 6300 WANT playmate for 4•yr, old 5404969 Free Estimate Lie •• Ins. Guaranteed JM W•ntld, Jcibs-Men, Wom. 7100 Heavy '-:Rte !!~~ence. ::..:;:.:_::,!:!::;.==c:....;.;.;.c1 boy, near Bristol&: Adams. JTh-I'S Gardening & lawn Harrill Painlin& 642-4551 Women .,. 7020 l---------1 Some Marine hardware FAMOUS 546-1692 maintenance. Res. & Com· SUBURBAN Painting/Dec ' . '· • b•l't" background helpful, but not BRAND NAME CHILD or infant Catt, my merclal. * 540-4837. Expert Guaranteed Work a MINIC.ARE NtlJtSING e · 0 ,J J. 1·e5 necessary. CANDY ROlITES home. $65 mo in advance. Japanese ·Gardener Free eat: No job too Jara:e Nurses 6 Aklel available for Ur:Jli,fnife() N.O\Y availatblho int Cost11: ltttohsa,., 646-5531 Complete Yard Service or too small. $3190 home care on ~u:'!!_ basis. . age_ .nc:v MOnell Worker to $.J.so, "'· many o er owns in Free Estimate &t&-0830 . l hour minimum . ......., shills u yr e;cper, 1n arge are•. All locatk>ns are com-Brick, Masonry, etc. INTERIOR, Ext er 10 r: ,._ 11 .. -•n. •-'570 Quallt p -• · f milli""' machine. Furnlture -"-' f V 60 c••·•"UP SPEC!•'!ST• Jn''rlor-eve-... e 3 bdr . • • .;-,i _...... Y o ... tloll! or . . .. men:lil-I or actory. cry 65 &..CJ'U,. ~ • "' ·-a Allied Nuries & Aides a Qualified Applicants background helpful. high earnings, no sell ina; in· Mowing, edging, odd jobs, home, S98.50 labor only. Call Of O.C. Nunes ReJ:lsby valved: To qualify you must BUI LD, Remodel, repair. Reasonable. 5i8-695.5 548-15-16. %729 ,W. 1.Jngan Lane, S.A. 488 E. 17th SI., Suite !24 Shlppl1tt C19t'k be reha.ble & ~ve l hr R Brick, block, concrete, * E x pert J•p.MM INTER. & Ext. painting, Lie. NURSES l Airies. available j '!!Cos!!!!t•,.M!!!!e,.~~'!'!!!!'"64'"2,.·1,.41"1° te $2.50 lw, day spare time {dayg or carpentery, no job too small:. Fl1''ESI' \VORK 646-DlU & Ins. Ftte est. JO yrs exp. for home. care: 546-4!>70 Cle&JH:Ut sharp you n I eves). Uc. Contr. 962-69-l;:i Acoustical. 643--0809 ' , . $IOO.OO man able to ltam tut. S1200 to $3350 REQUIRED H• II 6730 CUSl'OM PAINTING a Allit<fNurse1 & Aides a Salary,· B.S, admlnia:tration Inquire about our "free bonus C•r-tering 6590 u np n'C'"SONABLE RATES Of O.C. Nunn· R.ecisb'y preferred, (fee pd) call Ann. Mellltewce M.0.lc route plan". ?i.la,ke your fu. TOP Dollar for old items ~ &fl-Olil ~ 2729 W. Llngan Lane, S.A. Merchants Personnel Aae~ te $4.00 lw. lure secure "'ith us, a Dunn CARPENTRY your gar a&: e, w i 11 COMPANION. Babyaltter or cy; 20&3 Westclift Dr .. NB. All around plant· ma.In· &: Bradstreet rated National MINOR REPAIRS. No Job store/and/or move. Let a *PAINTING Interior/Exter. Housework. Good'l'eferences. 645-2770 (abet fee job.s) tenance. Able to do weldin& Co. For more information T~ Small Cabinet in pr-sm9!1 businessman pay at· ior. Local ttfere~, Im-5';1-T;i01 AIDES, Nurstna. Ex Per. and .electrical. &end name, address & phone ages le 0 t b e r cabinets. tention t~ your nttds~..,, _...., med.· service._ &16-365 SWedish lady W!l'lt:9 hoUse-Prtt'd: Apply in person via EstltMter ,,.._" no. to: ROUTE DEPT. P. 0. 545-8175 1f no answer leave John ~uu PAINTINIG, Ext. Int. 18 yrs keePine, cOokiN:. · llve-tn. PH· 714 _ CM-801$ . 6o Bax 58 Pomona, callf. 91769 ms&: ;t 646-2372. H. o. y ARD I Gar . c I ~ an up exp. lfts. Lie, Frtt est. &ferences 646-6221. • te $4. lw. Affiliate Anderson , $ 1 o I j 0 ad . Salvageables Acoust ceilings. 548-5.125. · ' BROILER MAN • COOi' Min. 4 yrs job-t:hop e:<· CANDY SUPPLY CARPENTRY, Cabinets lrtt! Remove trees. ivy, o tiNN BY DUNN ' JobW•nted, • ~~~f~!;s!~~r~~ ::i:: A:l~eto ~an :a':: N R?UTE 1 edl Remod. No job ·too sm7~1, p-ade 962-8745. Painting & Paperhangint Men & Women 7030 RESTRAURANI' B.f .'a. ( o Sel Ing nvo v quality \vork. Call &l~Zi · CLEAN-Up and light mov· Free est. ~as. 642-2364 . 1695 Irvtne Aw, Ot Excellent Income for few QUAUTY Repairs -Altera~ lng. Call Dave: EXTERIOR-INTERIOR OflNESE live-in Dome1tie1. lrowle & SIMlrpe ht.up hou rs weekly \\'O~. (Days UoM' •· New const. by hour * 893-4295 * & Maintenance Pennanenl. ~tienced. Mn to $4.10 ., IPF• :e~~~;in~~~&~c:~g ~ or Contract. 646-3442 CLEAN UP & HauJlfll a 646-31&5 a Far East A2ef,cy 64U'703 BUffUM'S Fifat and second lhlfl. 5 operated dispenser! in Or-REPAIRS, ALT~RA!IONS Trees & shrubbery _trlmm~ \VALL.PAPERING & PArn· ..----yrs exper on all 8 &. S ange Co. and sut'l'Ounding CABINET. Any size ~3 or removed. 549-1359 TING, 10 YRS in are.a. Job~n, Wom. 7100 NEWPORT machines. , area. \Ve establish route . 25 yn. exper. Cleen Up And H•ul RPasonable rates. ~71 lrewl• & Slterpe (Hand les name brand candy REPAIR. Partlt_ions Small $10 a load 646-2528 FOR Better Painting, inter-Accounting o,..olen te 4.00 ltr. and snacks), $1575.00 cash Remodel, etc. Nile or day, ior & exterior, acoustic cell· I I I m• required. For personal inter. Reas! Call KEN 54()..4679 HouseclMnlng 6735 inp, 646-40'l"l & 541·3.502 Now nterY •W '"J 2 yrs exper on all BlrS view in Orange Co area, ,.,,. machines. send name, addreis and Cement, Concret• 6600 LANDLORDS Let "&nt.11 Pl•stlrlng, R.,.ir 6llO ~ phone numbtt to MULTI· · Readier" ready your rental. COOK hHll PrMI °"9'•1M' STATEDtsr.,INC.,1~1W.*t'!lNCRE'I'E Floors, Housecleanlng, paintina' e PATCHPLASTERING. te$l.00iw. Broadway Anaheim Cali· pa.tiol, etc. Rusonable, can elec. repair, carpet sham· All types. Free estimate. FITTER •-'-INISHER • I Montht expertenc.. fomla 928Crz. ' Don, &t2-85t4 pooing, yard '!ltwk. 5fG..3924 Call 54G-'825 Ml ••Ip WOMEN ~~~d.;~iiii~I =======I -llllectloo MoW L .... M• * PARTNER * Contreetora 6620 e~:ae.=.rlal .=: Plumlolng 6l90 Full Tlmo ,. $4.00 llr. . , . >'RED H. GERW!CK etc. "'' • Comm c 'I -ACCOUNTING Ahl• ' to '""'""" S.. Active $25,lnl: ~at1onall~ Building Contractor 646-1401 PLU?i.IBING REPAIR Excellent company btnefi(J. Women. Do 1et-ups and koown _rnanufactun~ busi. Fam. rms, bdnns._pa.tios -CARPETS, Windowl.-fi No jOO _too small -CLERK-tmuble_lllaoL. ness, fumly estabhshed 85 Licensed-Free estimates etc. Rei or Come'!. Xlnt ... •"'1424!28 • · Apply in per90n only .. lectloa MoW ,,_..,... tops in field for many year!, 673-0041 & 549-2170 work Reas! Reb. 548-4lll. Two yeeni experience, #1 Fashion Island te $4.00 lit. now expanding. Starting saL . WOULD Y believe 1 will ::Sew:=:l:.:"fl!... ___ .....;6:.:960.;;..; clerkal aceountinz, ac-between 2 • 5 P.Af. 2 yrs ex p e r. and aryf ~?.·,000Sho"'u1' dyr plus _% C•rpet Cl1•nfn9 6625 -•-an ""urou home Jor Blue counts payable Cll' recelv· -,,===_,=__,,,..,.1 supervlsorial bt.ckaround. o c-n1u s. return lfl. ""' J V 7 Alterations, restyle I: able, or job cost, Type :;-; All ahitta. · vestment 1st yr.' Principal *· Diamonds are measured Chip Stamps? 89 -7350 custom. Bedspreada 50 wpm electric. BABYSITI'ER -Every Fri & seleci~ must have execu-~Y quality, so are \\'e! • WINDOWS DffiTY? Louise 548-7104 Sat rote 8 Pm - 2 am Vic. Anemltlert te $3.21 ltr. tlve management ability. DIAMOND CARPET Free est, lS )'.Ian. exp. a Dressm~. Alterations C•ll Personnel Dept. HB Call 9ftZ..7682. 2 )Tl experience In elec· Rigid investigation invited. CLEA?'JE{Ui 64>1317 .anytime Johnny Dunn 642-2364 Special on hems. (714) 4M-MOI BABYSITTER Wanted, my tro-mec:hanlcal auembly. Relerences exchanged. Jn. cARPET &. Furn. cleaning; WINDOW CLEANING * 6f6..6446 * home, fo r tee.cher, Own M&cr.Pllln« quirie1 held in confidence. for 1 day service &:. qualil)' Promise to pleue! 6974 TELONIC tran•. Call 5'0-l&59 aft 4:30• froM $l.OO .lit. Pttsonal interview1 only. \\'Ork, Call Sterling for *54&-22111* TILE, C.r•mlc BABYSJTJ'ER, My home, Knowledge and experience Ca 11 Ken Cliltord (TI4) brightness! 642-8520 Weekly. Arch Bcb Hts. to convert reeords onto 714-7000. CARPET i: upholstery steam J•nitorial 6790 * Verne, The Tile Man* Call 49'7·1416 rum. I · eust. work. 1mtall " repairs. ENGINEERING CO FRIG DAIRE cloaned, a1'o ca<pet '"' SPARKLE Janitorial A Win-No Job too •mall. Fluter • BAR MAID -Nit.,, UMkHled JET ACTION stallation. Results gua.r. For dow cleanin& Serv. Win-patch. Leakinc •how er P.fAVUl.IC.K 1721 Newport ..__ tree est call f!46..5971 d id cl nst L leech Blvd., CM. ~TNl•HI ... .,,. Frigidaire 18 min. wash · ows, res " com • co · rep&Jr. &1'1'·1957/846--0206 19un1 Fastest Jn the indusby. 30, 6640 ,Cl;:ea;;;nu;;•;;· F;,:"'~:;'"=·=968-=269;;;J: I BEAUTICIANS $2 • 18 min washes "ill do the E:.:l•:;d;;;.;.;rl.c.u;...I_____ -;; '6990 Equal opportunity emplaytt for day & ewninc ahltts tn DrlY• $2.00 .,. \\'Ork of 45, 30 min washes. ELF.cTRIClAN: Licensed, Landsc•plng 6110 Upholstery popu]ar . priced C.M, aalon. FEMALE FRIGIDIARE OUTSTAND-bonded, small jobs, ma.int &: LIC'D Japanese landscape CZYKOSKI'S Cust. Uphol. ACCOUNT ANT Present ltatt on't handle ING LOCATIONS: La Mira· repairs. MS-5203 contractor, Lawns. aprltln, European Craflllmansfllp . n.pldl)' expanding volume. da major shopping center, ========='I patios, etc. 830-3037 JOO% Fin! 642-1454 for· PaJd vacation, Call Viot..: /ST O Garo'" Gnwe • B"'na Flooro 6665 ~~,;::;:~=:;::==: IB3J Newport Bl .. C.M. SAN CLEMENTE .....,19, or apply In oenon, MT •• 2.P~°' Park. · 6830 Ctownlns Glory Beauty S&--· • •· Coln•O•Matic CARPET VINYL TILE Masonry, Brick SHsh?~ you car-Give a Jair Jon. 'lfi1 E. 17th St. Will train 1ood, accurate I Ll tr ~"" .....,..,. ...... Requirtt desree plU9 thrtt .:::;:,_:;;;,.;:;;..;:.==--·I typist. E I I rree" · ~ con · ~·-· RICHARD AWN 1..::=-----· •--1 Mlgr. qu pment, n~. 546-4478 BUSIEST marketplace in years C09t &c?lW!Wll uper· -General Ottice duties. Fulle;:;~~ \V, V~~~c~~S.7833 DON'T JUST WISH tor Custom & Spenlsh town. The DAILY. PILQT ~~f~~-mai!!~ , -NEEDS -IKeptleMlf/Secr'etwy i:-=:.::::~=~::.· =_;;;;;:1 something to flrrnish your M•sonry A Specl•lty I mone)", Ume ft tttort. Look torma: duties ot Dlvl&ion Con-. , ,. $SSO "'°' DEL IVERY home find areat buys in Block, Brick. Concr•t• .CJ••s!Ued 1tc:tlon. S a v • e • bit parts &: accesson es to our ...., which indudn lee e PI n 1 • TOUO...p WW be secretary ta customers in Orange County boofi:s, prepare< financial •· Fiftlah C1rpenter1 President, Chairman of the . . . J.: c: Penney ComDGny FHhlon lalond -Newport hoch ' -, ',' .' · f:I•• po1lt-'nt .... In . '*Sales · 1 1 ' ~ ·* Santa's Helper * Ci'edlt Interviews *·Gift wrapping . Schedules including afternoons, eveninp and combination of both • " ' ' • -1 Jobt Mon, Wom. 7100 I Job! Mon, Wom. 7IOCJ ; t'OOK. craveyard a: relief. 1 Exp cnly, Start $2.30, COT· DRNER"\VANTEO. Ovtt'1~ i TAGE COFFEE SHOP 562 for Lacuna area. Muat h&Yl' W. 19th St., C.M. ' dependable traillporta"tion , ;;;;,;;;;;,;:,~':':':'--:-:-~. ltfon thru Fri afternoon, Sa ' COUPU(-fl.1anage and mam-momlng. Call &n Wuu.niii I lain small trailer park. or Joe Nobles &fZ..4321 I: Smoa: b'tt Orange Co. Must ' , be bendable. 642-1265 ENGINEER • Exper. in ap DENTAL Assis. Previous Exper. Desirable. Call for lntervw. between 2 6 4 pm. 64&-2615. DENTAL ASSISTANT Oral 1~ il X-Ray txp only need apply. &48-711.9 OESK CLERK- CASHIER Lara:e. luxury hotel. Good Wary, five days, Must be exp'd on NCR 4200; Apply In person only plication of ,Hydronlo • bea~ & air cond. to .AJtL. houses in rapkily srowtna company w I wdcNe patent applied for 1f1tem : I BaJance.no,1ne. ~~..:<'=J:.:;41~~:.;:;.:::'='°'---1; ELECTRONIC . Auernblen; ! printed circuit "b o·a rd.1 1 exp'd. May consider tn.~. , 1555 Placfntla, Newport ; Bch. 645--0770 : FIBERGLASS LEAD-MEN ! Also Exp'd. LAMINATORS I Willard Boat \Vorlss .~ 1295 &ker St., C.l.f. · For1l9n C•r Mechanics. 1 Good '°· benefit~ Incl pal< l The Ntwporttr Inn vacation, sroup w, un,l. J fonns furnished free. Goo: 1 . 1107 Jamborff. Rd, comm. tehedule. Ask b: Newport Beach -Joe ?i.foore Ph. St0-1164. · ! DEPENDABLE MAN , FIREMAN I WHO CAN WORK CITY OF , WITHOUT SUPERVISION L~GUNA 'BEAC.H ! Contact customers b:l Beach . _ : Citlet area. Limited auto Career opportunity, SS47. tti travel, We tralll. "Ail mail $175. Are 21-31, Qo.irw date ; A. P. Die-J?ra., No.ember lotb, 1'ii9-Appll. Southwelf.e"' ~ewn cations avail&hW at FJr, Corp., Fr. Worth, Tu, ,Dept, hdqtn., 501 Fmu * DISHWASHER * Aw ., or ptoone~U26. Day Shift General. APPLY Cocktail W•ltrHM1 ALLEY WEST P1rt time H"-( 2106 w. Ocea'.nlront Fl. time Dl1hwnhen 1 Dl;~:,ch~:ll. ¥APPLY IN PERSON j IMMeDIA TE MASCOLAS ' l HELP-WANTED . 1615 1. 11111. DMSION· S•nte ~n• EXPANSION Gener•I Offlco $450 -IN OR.ANGE COUNTY Good typinc sklJh. aiceount• ... tralninl • -· J Provides immediate employ. beach area., call 'Loratm: i mem for rnldenta at tlie ~ am.. E>tperience i&n't nece1o Merchanm ~I .Ap~ l MrY u ;Company 1ralnina: ~:::.: Wetlditt Dr., N.B. l " fumlahed. 1 START GIRLS lM5 Train to t. a J AT Dental liai&lant. L n c a l $410 PEI' MONTH InotNctlon. s ......... by ' If qualilled and acoepted, iO Adult Training Sc boo I. on pe,yroll lhls week. Wtjte PO . Box I l 8 , 1 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 'Palmdale, Calif. 93550 AGES 20 TO +o COUPLE • Manage &: main-i 1 YEAR RESIDENT General : IN AREA ASSEMBLERS, carpenter-.,. CAlL Mon. or Tues. electrician, rollers, choppet ~ n4-7253 aun operatnr. 1232 E . , DREAM J'.ob -Keep your Pomona St. .• S.A. ~ Important job u wlle le GIRL FRIDAY· Exper., die-j mot.her & earn a .wlcly taptKine, top typing lklll1 pa.ycheck •. ~7/ 1ecurity clearance detirable · 545-t193r.i38-2540 Salary open, can llf-0634 Supervise the delive. TY of auto~l~od••'•• Cia111ified Ads. FrH E1t.,'3i.2343 now!f! troUer I Of'flce Manqer "''Hm rl 1/i IPF Area. $7500 investment re-_ 1tatemdrta. Jottcuta or ' ' Bo a rd. Re a I 1 ha rp quired. 1250 P" wk plu. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS . .ates A costs and .. neral * O' DAY YACHTS* a11-arooind raf. D~~ tl~~ld I:. C S duties required' for a !111&11 3l.80 Pullman, Cotta Mesa profi~. Should""-!20.000 ind NOTICES 1nd NOTICES and ·NOTI E manutadurinf< tinn. J.Wt F /C "-"k . P/C loollk"!'"' $521-...,..,.. det>llfd drawtnc• HOSTESS per yr, For appt.,, call {TI-4>1 1~--------I General Manqer al Division -e:-P"r Able to ao to· trial balance. 1oi' lnltalllnc of unique pa. WITH 539-500:! e:irt 393. Found (FrH Ads) 6400 Lott . 6401 Penonelt 6405 in various admlnhitn.tiw to $700. conatnlChon ~·· Fron.t of f ice, 1ood tent applied for heatirw • Ptr son1lltyw1nhdt.r BEAUTY SALON for sale. •----------1---'-------------·I .. ~~ M·-.._ ld11W't-beach area, call LoraiJie, penonality. air cond. system of raphlly .well·reputed retleurent. ·-J' • I E aw"' ......... · --...... Mttchantl ~-~n. --"-&lance-........... N Established 9 years, l'tfesa VERY Young fem* blade LOST • Paralceet, 1te green ,,.ttrKt Ye. xpert er and be able to work with-.....,,. W--.,11., Dr N.B PIX o,.,..... $321 -. 5""'",. company. APPLY IN P~~ Verde area, CM. Daina; cal, w/collar vie. Harbor I yellow, banded. Vic. of YOUNG WOMAN out claw direction or super-cy, .,.._ 1 ~""""' •• • Put··txperlenc,e on heavy Flo, lne. (n4) 6C-570CI Mon. thru Fri. 10 ~ 11 am ' btwn l50tJ.l600 w~y ....,.. View Homos, 001 daY' Orang• ''" ~ Mosa Dr.. dancer wU1 toach >'OU all vision 01fera a cballeiw"1< ""2110 bouU. Front o!llce >'OUna: DISHWASHER HA 'PENNY INN ' Rent $165 mo. \Vrite Dally Marshall &M--0629 ext. 239 C.M. Reward! Call 548--<l910 latest steps,-Call Altlell opporiwuty tor penon with BOYS 11·14 .p1, Ew-..J.nceci l40Cl Buch Blvd. ·, Pilot Box M-10. eves. 540-2317 LOST dark brown Slame11e 213: ~-4538 1·10 PM initii.tive am .~. ~ ':'f' Open lcc~ltt 1 'T""'' ' Wfffmhtt .. r Money to LHn 6320 BLACK Kitten. about 6 mos, cat,·Meaa Verde areL Call WANTED; Rlde:1from 3)th & far . "-·$2;0o-\r. IPfl, ApPI In ~ 1;.;;;c;.:.:....;;...:;=;__..;;'-'l old, "1c~Qo11,.. P_...., 1 ~55§1-f1961:;§:::::::==== Santa Ana Ave., Ql._to_ SEND lX!MEIZl'E'ltE.WME -i.aa--8-h.·So. -Hea"l' plto.; llaht typlnl. SURl'y a. $IRLOIN -2nd TD Loan -~03-.1 .... <1a•n .. 1· Aiiili<rm. 3bl"'-o11 s.A. ro OON TOMPK!Ns DAILY PILOl' ~-.:..-~ 5930 I! c • Hwy ~. P1rson1ls 6405 Frwy. on· Broadway. Day ea.GD -:--....,.., ~ac.. I• • FOUND f lored .r :..;;;=='----.;:..:.;.;. ahllr 5 .a,~ ...._..19 all 3333 Harbor Blw. . CASJl!ER'l!n1am'ahl ,,,,,..., ,. $2.$0 llr. Newpo<f leedl · HAVE FUN • Pronfpt. con:tldenUa.I serv1 ce . awn co m e LOSE 6:30.'P.M. Colt& M~ ~ f'l628 pttfemd. Ntahll. 6'1'3-o9tOS. EXJ>er'lenced in 'cosmetic DISJ:IWASHER, Hand--wuii. AND E~lll ... 642;2171 545-0611 Chihuahua • Vic. &ker &: •·k for Mn. Franlce. aale1 and order. Good and " ....... ndable a $$$ Serving J{arbor area 20 Yt'I. Fairview Ave. 546-8918 IN A RUT? Find )'OUJ'Rlf IU "'"'..,. IN YCM.fR t Settler Mortg•1e Co. ct~-"-'°~~-~-~ "cau1ht tn a trap?" Break ,,.. Chemlstry·Melor Secrnry/ll·Llttt•ht ~:;~ c~te~· 4App: r.i~ LEISURE TIME 336 E. 17th Street FOUND Vic. of CdM Sn1. WEIGHT !~~ce~~Y:~t~K®:e"I~ Recent if&duale, local eo. Must be$!: '::"react and PIRATES INN, &40 YOU WJLL. $15000 b!ack puppy JO" body, 6" 'thro h caretropporttinlty,callAnn. wrtt• German and 1lellotrope, Cd.\f. IE H I LPIHO' ' high brn legs & chest. awareness ug ~ Merchants PU'IOnnel Aa~ I=-==;,,..-,,-,.-,--- for good real estate Joan, Snauzers face. 67;;.J065 µ enoounter. Call 673-'75SS, P.1ISSILE. sYSTEAIS cy, 20l1 We1tc1Uf Dr., N.B. tranllate. DRAPERY RI. rd ware IN THE Vacant OK. P.lr, Adams, t \\-'&nt ·la """mtn who are 10 ALCOHOUCS ~ous DMSION 645.2'1'10 Office c-1.... A111tmbly. Reliable female FIGHT AGA1NST Broker * .f99.213Q P..10THER Manx cat & ·~v ----50-7211 . wrltll to TWI nr~r• CH -,....".. over 30 . wW train . $1.'1'5 hr MONEY To LOAN oVllcf•.Pri!'.~··borboth wV~thwcollanH"'-.· pounds or more ove""'laht .. ......,. . or A TIC RUUR CDUNTER GIRL. Expel', te $SIO .._ m •tartinc· 40 hr week. Full POLLUTION" ...... ... W3 to take part in irouP we1t:ht P.O. b 1223 O:llta Mesa. twl time. Appiy.1'34 New-linl' &harp 1al, able to On Vacant lot or acreage 644-Q)S lo8t propam. of tpeclalbed w A NT E D Tn.nlportatlolil a>RPORAT10N port BlVd. CM • aupervtee all clerical at&U. ~~~= ' to S Jrourt ot W, Stuart Foote Rllr, 673-0610 S_otrl"ped-'--i'-1...,,--.. -t-. n~e.-<0~1""-. reducing. All tnquhie1 con-w/teuiue to Chino ewiy A ~ Cl( !be Will bt pr;vp.te 5ecfttar7. tn pmOn ll/$'. un, 2:00, ~~ ,!~j!.per ~ TD 't 6345 '°"· D'1 Mar • Santa Ana ::,."'::}~ lor Mr. Koon-other.-k. ~!361 ~.Oorp. C<dm l<lnt Co. benel!la. to 4i00. --SJOO I'!' montl> ' ' ' Sts. CM """'6 I-"'-=::;=::::.--:--::-OC.~·~-~;.,~..,~~Lm~=· ~'4~1~1 1 -~An:.:equal:;~""""'""'e;=:"'_ my c-r PACTOlY T'nNlolsoi.HI• J131 Birch 51. Newport U Hn./Wk -1s 142.000 SEASONED T,o .. LARGE w1o1te Hull<\e .... * Don'fl. ;;: ... _ n• WM ,. ''"' "· s.ach <Mh~:~i...i> -.ring JOO ocean •low Nwpt. Helibt& 64M51! Padi!e View Oonoebul" Sac-~....,., pmnimont, lion. APE' x * D~'VERS * Iola. .,lllnr ... 18,000 each. (JL .... rill<e 2 °"'"" Jou. TIME FOR "l and f)004 -· -.___._ Details In Pmoonal All due in 16 ~· pgyable'1'M:.:ED'=!UM=~at~,..~-t.~ll~y.,,~,..~'ed. Call u.. U yoo 1UU believe in l===;~::;IB11'°"'=== dlUonl bi area's ltldlna: No _,_.. _._e If .~~m:-tc~ an4 16'!' mo. Incl. JO ,. Info"'"· m.ro dog. Mou Von!e ""'"' cave olyle dsHng. -9UICK CASH res<auranl Al'Pl1 t am to S Employment N~I want to enjoy you.,.If, ' !:7~121:: 1~-f~1ne~• Jl,kr, 545-172..'! ORANGE CO. $17-66611 Memorl•I P•rkl 6421 pm lor Interview at AftAN/!_y r.rust have dean Callfornla ct.II 1'-fr. Darin· at 6'2-6861. S 2 UNITED FUND-Commu nity 24 Hr recordin1 4 PLOTS In Padllc View THROUGH A .. -·-drivlac record_ Apply (10 1 am - 6 pm) T and Nos Che" Thoy got Jhe Job • HARBOR C1tv !SE • Memorial Pa•k. See to •P-DAILY PILOT MANNING'S (.'11 1oJ1i S..·of 1""1 Y E LLOW CAI CO. TH I LINDSAY CO. ' done best -; Dally 2 PM, Fun z. ... Boat 1""¢lato. Prl"' now mo COl'FEI SHOP 111• HARiOR 118 E. 11th St. ' '1~-~----~J So. Calif. T.D'1. ~nc. IT'S \\'ON DERFUL the Co .. _ Bal~ * 673-0240 each -wll! sell for $285 2t031 El Tent Rd. ·~ . Ccata M•a l S y; OUR AD l N -ENrrH-UOO:! • To.l r ... m•ny • .,. tn applf•nce• • • TENNIS Membenhlp 1.::'"'=·=·..:542--06:.::..;:.:;1;;.1 ___ ~ WANT AD Ler.... World ~ Hllh ILVD. 1---------1 CLASSIFIED? Someone wUI >;u;YPJWl'WANTADS! you find fn the C1U1lfifd for saie al N•WJ'O"l Beach Chell Tho7 ... Jhe job • ii_!'.!!~~131!!!·1~01~4~!S~;;;;;;;;,!~~!-~·!!':...·_,Your UNmD'f'UND 0 , be lod<ina b! It, Diotte S'.lCtC rr TO 'EM! Ada. ~,le jhf---··· --'I'tnni._Qub,.__675-0?0f, ~olon~~~!-!!;::::====~I "'GtV=1t-""' ... -.:!!IJ"°' ""'-~--=w=-.,,-_,, .. -.1 Jt'4..t1rAJR-18MtE'-'-'11mt -Nttdl Yoor Dol1ln , • MTS, - HOUSEWIYU ' ' ~ . ' I I l f I l ; - • ----• 'I DAl!.Y PllOT M-. N-b<f '· IWJ 11 .. IMPLOYMINT JOiis' EMPLOV_MENT J_oas & IM_ PLOY MINT JOIS .. EMPLOYMl_NT ,,J~O~··= .. ~·;;:M~l'L~O~V;':Mtil~N~T11:"';·~--·~~~A~ND~l~ll~l'Oll~~MftCHANDl~~~~···~l'Oll~;:j:Ml~R~C.!.HA~N.!;;Ol!!S~l~F=O~·~~M~E~R~C~HA~N~D~IS~l~F~O~R .... 1 _ 1:1-AND~TllADl ~SAlol ANl!-TllAD._ ·SALi AND-l'RADI SALE ANO TltADI • -·-7l00 "Jalil=Mooo-Wom. 7100· ;lolil::::Mon; Wom. 71• Jolie Men, W--7100 Jolie. MonrW--7100 ~ ··· I iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----1---------1 Fumltu,. -Fumrtu.. -AppllonC.. 1100 C1mtr11 & Equip. 11•11111 llEU' • ...,(cil, Exper PIE "'-p, PRESS OPERATORS s.i.. BAl5ER. Ftmale, NO aie Couple to ma~ 12 u?ll __,... \Vomen • ~--ork for~plUtiU -EXCEPTIONAL llmlt. .Benton'5 eouee Shop, cornpl-:x. must be exp d, • mol.dina: plant. 543-3.JTO OPPORTUNITY Las Bch. W S. Cit !hey. 000~'Wd.... I ,,.,,..., remter Wo .,. ~ • .,. New ~ OK. Exeba"" 2 BR duplex. POLICE CLE~K port llea<h opentlon and \Vrlte D&llY Pilot Box r.t-PIRSONNIL wtab ~ inttrvinr 10ung men Rtfrtatnaton . . . . h'Oft\ 138. OMEGA TYPe D .f X S CE Portable Color TV. E n I a r 1 e r w/condenter. Uh nu •••• , • , ......... Sl4S lelllCI, for 2llie2~ & 3Smm. GE •ltctrtc dryer , .•• $69.95 Whole darkrm. setu.p. llx14 RCA Conl01e, color TV , $178 & 8x10 In.YI, cuttl"' brd1. Wb1rlpool automalic walbcr, tx5 & 2%x2~ film ·dev. coppertone •••••• _.. •• • $69 tank, day lite film chng. bq. HOUSEKEEPER. live in molhtrleM home Cd.M. 2 teena.aers; \Vom1,n with 1 small ch1ld ok. 53J,.1'50 10 am • 5 pm ~. ••INCT $474. to $576. per mo. w'ho are tnlly interested In r.tATEIUAL_Control Mo.n e.it· "" aetennln1ng the po1sibilltit1 , per. In domntlc "''""' • <41 ,., ,,,. ,,..., CITY OF o! a Ille Ume.....,. In lh< SPANISH MEDmRRANlAN aiJ' cond. field to handle c... "-NEWPORT BEACH tlnanclal .ales held w, Sh R F'---S I F....._. Cl- DUNLAP'S Good little Ulllma AC le 1!15 Nfwport Blvd., C.?it. DC. Stroblltt. FU.lly equip. HOUSEKEEP ER for gentlmnu 2 or 3 days per wk. Wublna, ete. Call days 642-85111 "'""-k invent""" control l\a~ a Jone ,., ....... trdru-ow oom .. ~ Imp •• • -·-r I ......,,,.._ ~·1 '4U121 • .,..... ·-. ·.w&.7711 Indus. Polaroid. J W. x 4. 1" CONTEST PRlZE; N e w w/ctoseup lenses. C a 11 Tappan-Gallery gas ra~e. ~:;<llSC::======-1 ~lx features. $250. s;;;:;i.;; Good.I 8500 ~'~~~.!.>' .. ~":p'°pl~t~~ 11041•11,.srrt .: R~soneyttrncent ::8:!7:~11.=~ 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. •-•-..,. clerical experience, 50 · IQ'lltem. Balance • Flo, Inc. _... estato ·conservation. Wt wW 1n41 &U-STOO 141-tJ'JI \\·pm typinz, tU&:h SchOol make a 1ubltanUal cub m. e S pc. outhontlc 5ponlsh lldrm. Mt, • 96 In. qulltod sol• wllh 56 In. motchlng lavo tMt, or chair e S pc. Spanlth Dln1tte, °'k t1ble top e 3 huvy Medlt1rr1na1n matchl"I tabl .. , top durable enough fM Flemanco D•nclng. Wiil sall plecH lndlvlduolly. HSKPR -Resp woman for lite cleaning & cooklna:. 3 hrs mornings, 6 days. S2 hr. MB-4844. HOUSEKEEPER Ir child care, S\Y day wk., $50 wk. + room & bOard. Pd. vac. -= HSKPR. [J chg. Llve in prefd. 6 ln fam.. H.B. Ref'I. Box M-566 Daily Pilot IMMEDIATE PART TIME HELP WANTED ?i.tECHANlC • one needed, d3Y shift. Unk>n 76 Station, 1900 Newport Blvd., Co$ta ltfesa ilnewport . personn~ agency 833 OOVER DRIVi; . NE'\VPORT BEACH 642-3870 PLEASI CALL FOR AN Al'POINTMINT FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE Lari::e narioN.l company. ex. pancli'ng ln Orange C.Ounty, ' has c1"Ca1ed m&1\Y openlngs. for male &: female, tG work pan time e\'enings, No ex· perience neee6Al")' as ,,., train. S..ty to $625 EPF' \York ior Vice-President of local prestige comflany, Enjoy e.,cellent benefltt. Good t y p I n e with 5hort· hand, ii possible. Mos t Important requlren1ent is heavy escrow background. High school diploma and one yrar residence required. Call Moo. & Tuos. 77~7251 INSPECTOR-Receiving, male or female. ReSP<>tudbilltle1 will Include inspection of il'l- comlng parts, components " sub assemblies. Experience in receiving • inspection of electrical &:. mechanical parts helpful, should ha.ve some koowled&e of rece1v- ine inspection test equip. ment CaU ~7640 Karen/ vang\iaro Data System.a. LADY, Ute housekeepin& &: oook dinner. Hrs. 3-6 PM, 5 days a wk. CdM area. 838-j623 LANDSCAPE Helper. Full time. Some exp pref. S. Coast area. 83().3037. Keypunch OPERATORS SS2l -$652 IBM KEYPUNCH HONEYWELL KEY TAPE T\VO YEARS EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. START ON SWING SHIFT 3 PM TO 11:30 PM IN LONG BEACH. OUtstandln&: employee bene- fits: Medical, Stl>Ck pur· chase. Disability. Life 11'1- surance, Slck leave. Retire- ment plan etc. Apply: Thursday, Nov. 6th. IAM EDISON SJ8 Main SI., Huntington Bch. .. equal opportun;ty em player ~fAID -Part time. Apply in peraon Sea Lark Mote.I. 2301 Ne'wport Blvd, CM mi66 f.:xec Agency for .Career Girls Secrfte'( Marketing or comJ>Uler background, good skills. Coordinate v.·ork lor S men. F/C llllkpr. to $600 IRF' De~ preferred. ti,fust be flexible 1vlth ability lo han- dle rnt1111ple books, tlnan· clal statement, and must ha\'e some knowle.dge EDP. Excellent company and opponunity for grov."lh. F/C lkkpr. $5&0 IRF' Company moving to San Diego. If )'Ou would like lo make the move, and have COllltrUCtion back.around, call us regardlnr this job with great potential! Secty. to $550 ElF' P r o p e 1· l y management. real estate, or building baegground helpful. Shorthand 80 plus. typing 6J pJu11. Se<ty. to $550 ll'F* ?t1arketin&: background to \\Wk for an excellent Com- pany 1vith good \\1ll'king conditions. Must be young and attractive, LO<Jal Sec. to $S2S APF' hlust have Calif. exper, + shorthand. and dlctaplKlne. \York ln lovt!Jy new local offices. lookknper $500 APF* P&.L experience. CPA ol· flee or._ varlely of business experierlce nteded. Dlcto,._. S..ty. to $4'5 APF' Dictaphone experience + accurate typing needed. Prefer some bookkeeping koowledge for 11 g: h l statistical typing. •m .... ,..,., ,.,.~,_ *APF, appt1CGftt ,.,. '" *ERF, compmy relmlMuses fee Nurse Aides ALL SHIFTS EXP'O or TRAINEE CALL NOW 546-6450 **NEW** GIRL BOX BOYS ~\'O (2) girls for check-stand attendantll. Ages 17-20 pref'd, ~1ust be avail. mornings, part time or full time. Ap.. ply in penon, Richard's Sec:rttary Lido Market, 3"33 Via Lido, JBM Executive experience. ,N;:c:'.B:':. ,...,=._.,=-,,.-~ Good typl!it, Utt shorth!Uld. Nurses: RN's. J\lll time, ll-7 TOP a.rchltec:lural fh111. LVN's Pt. time 7-3 Secrotory '1)1pln&; and-shorthand. Vecy e'.'tdting &:. interesti~ posi- tion. Outstanding pt'l'sonal· ity. Duties \"ery diversified. lsuow$ecrlt<rf for VP o( prestige Co. 1.fust be ~cuUve caliber, f\Dn 3 )'Tl Eacrw-experi· ence, Top grooming. E'l"lp11t1•t C..trol cleT'k. Inventory CGntrol helpful. Lite typing. IO-key adder. 7 Yn ex-pe1ienr<'. A.I· so a:enttal office. 7-3:30. Cl«lt Typist 00 wpm aocurate. in 11d1·~ tislnc &: Ales pronlotion Dept. Some ri lctaphonc CwUl tnJn) Youna:. Ace I I Atilt , ....... Male r1t female. ~ in tlCt'CU'tlni-Work Expe_r. ,.._....,,, .__,A....,109 .. CI.E!R.K. IAguna. 1tood Ii· SllN' aptitude. Good 1ele- ,,...,. tocMI-m CPA flnn. -'~ C1lecM Clark Cl'petltnot! nqulrttl Good -1~ dd&l.I tnd follow-vp. 'fyploa 410 W. C:-Hwy. -'-~m';'"' Parle Lido Convalescent Center. 466 Flag11hlp Rd. Newport Beach. 642--804.4. NURSE'S Re~stered • evenln1 & night shifts. Ex. beneflll. Apply Pet1GnneJ Di rector, So. Coast Com- munily HOl!p., 31872 Coast llwy .. So. Laguna. 4.!IS--1311. ext. 356. * NURSE.5 AIDES * EXPERIENCED * S&X61 * f"RONT Ofnce r.tan1g<'r \vanted for Laguna Bc1tt'h J\tott'L Previous experlenct." required. 5 day \\'k, incl 1~·~kends, 4~21 *OVERSEAS• We netd you! ean smitty. 114.:774-2610 -PAINTER- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $562. to $614. por mo. Rcqulm completion of llPPrtn11cnhlp. lWo years a~ Jou1-neyman pelntrr. ,\pplltan11, pJeue. apply lo Pel"80nnel Offlce, 3.300 Nel\'port Blvd., Newport Stach, Calif. 92G60. Ph.: f71·11 613-6633. PT-Tlmt TIRE MAN Apply In person. 4S2 ~ Aw., ..... Bch. GIVE Now • United F\m~ -'------- FEMALE FH relmburMd Secr•t•ry to $575 Personnal o f f I c e ex • pe-rience pre1m-ed. Front office, work with top ex· ecutlve. Great office. and C.O. benefits for right g:lrl. Type fiO, l'lhonhand 80. F /C Bkkpr $600 up Strong boo'kkeeplna: background w I t h con· slructlon experience. Able to come In tuxl take over, capable young thlnldlli: group. Applicant Pay• FM NCR 450 Operator to $435 Will train In job if you have knowledge of opera· lion & function of NCR ,50, &autiful place lo ~wk. Marketing S.cret11ry to $450 Good secretarial skU\s. Sharp. altra.ctive, front of· fice. 2 yn min. working•ex· pcrience, Prefer marketing experience. Generel Office Clerk Advertlalng $450 up \VIII do general office, lite !yplng & a bit o t everything. ?o.1ust h a v e agency media and traffic elCpericnce. Some 13Y-OUt. Sharp a:lrl here! Factory Trainee to $2 hr. Good clean work. Reliable, 1wtng shift: General Office Bool<kMpor $400 & up Be in Char1e oJ whOle of· flee. Good 1enera.J book· keeping background. Type 50, son1e corre:;pondence, filing, and etc. Part-time hou1ekeeper $2.10 an hour. Ju.!ll stralghtcn up and cook dinner, fOr man recovering: from surgery. Hours will be belv.•cen 5 P~t and 8 Pti,t 5 day5/week. Medical A11i1tant Trainff $33& to stert Mullt. speak. read, and write Spanllh. Type 40, be wUl!ne: to \\'Ork dltlerent shltt1. No experience. Will teach all back office ~ cedures. Receptionist /Typi1t $400 to stert. Lots of report typing. 1.lu.st be accurate and good speller. Genera] otiice. ~ MALE FEE PAID Junior Oreft1m1n to $600 Some experience l"f:quired • Co. pays our fee. Fee Reimbursed Accountant Junior to $750 ~lin. 2 yrs colle1e required. So1ne experience w i t h payroll and payable s prcfem!d. Stable, n o n • defense Company. Appllcent Pays Fee Adluster $750 If you have experience \\'ith bodily injury, would like outside '\\Wk with company car, call us! Cost Accountant $900 lt you are compu ter oriented, experienced in cosl accounting, and billing lhls growing commerctal company will be inter- ested. Advtrtislng Salts to $650 Jf you'\'e: &'01 what It takl!s, 11nd are willint to work long hoUn, range entire Orange County, you"ll try for this interesting op- portunity. lnclustrlal Sales $600 Plus Comml11lon Salary plus cqmmtssk>n. car &: expenses. Exclmlve Soulhem CalU. territory. Fork lift Mechanic $3 Hou r Commcrcla.1 manufacturer. needs you! And offers good future lt you're vcperi· cnced 1n fork llfl mainten. ancy and repair. Printers Helper , $2.50 hour G o o d advaocemtnt opo portunlty If you'd like to learn a trade. Carpet Cleaner Tralnoo $2.50 hour Tf )'Ol.I an! stable. dean-ail. ctan ltLlk to owners ()f fil'IC homel. I.here i3 a crowing dcn1end and hl&h 1.ncome In ll1l!1 l.ittld. Foreman Tr.in•• 1t1rt1 $2.30 tie~'• your opP011\lnil.)' for thol'M!lh tralnina in If")"' .. ins: commercial t i e I d • Steady ral11tt..,and fonim1tn in I or 2 )'tart. JI you a~ reeponllbM and wllilna to 1"0l'k f.Q1 shift. diploma. ' vealm~t in the men cltoien, Apply before, S pm Nov, 12 rn •ddltton to ~'Ing a na· Personnel Oiflce, 3300 New. Uona1 life 1nsuranCe com. port Blvd., Newport Be&ch. ~. we have a broker/ KENMORE auto washer, Delwte RemlJliton 700 B DL late model, xnlt cond. 8 2'l.250 rille w/IO'.lpe, case, & cycles. $75. M5-Mi73, 847-8115 sling, Aner 5 P?if: 6734003 Calif. CTI4) 6~. c!eale.r ou~t for &ales of WASHER A: dryer, avocado, I Re taurant tual tund II ha $125. Refrig-Frost free $100. MJscel •neous a mu •. YOU ve Shop First! Then See Our Unbe!iev1ble Buys! 8600 Full Time DISHWASHER And Part Time BUSBOYS APPLY IN PERSON 2 PMTOSPM Snack Shap '#.1 23to E, r.oa.t Hwy. CD.rona dd Mar :i::e 1:1'!~!!1:·0, a~ • ~ 1001 other Items with terrific i1vlng1l M~ie:a· ~ :::!. xlnt * AUCTION * and &.IT willing to &pend Bank Terms ·Store Charge Master Charge cond. 4 )1'I old. $50. U you ,v111 .sell or buy some time in order to Jeam 5+6-8672, 847-8115 rtve Windy a try mon about our opportunity Ba.nkAmericard All Accepted Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. -~ allO '" all G.E. elec range, 40" copper, w· d ' A ,. B ..,,.. your Q\I cauuns, c ,. ... _ In y S UC IOn am M B ~ ..... ~ ~~w. r. rown at v•.H.U"l4, tor • • • • ' ' * 968-1163 * Behlnd Tony's Bldg, Mat'l. an appointment. Pacific Mu-20751,) Newport, O.f 646-868 1ua1 We Iroora.nce Co. Antlq\.11 8110 PAINTERS Equip; Binks SERVICE STATION lowboy compressor, 2 Top island salesmen • ' · • • • JUST RECEIVED: Tiffany otllers, 40' extension ladder, GOOD pay for hours. Exp. Quer.a.l, Steuben. Bristol, 2 al' ladden, 5 gal pot, 2 gal RtstalU'IJl't *HOSTESS* re1'd, Coron& del J.!ar' Shell Joiasi'i&fiEi&MiiPiiLtO\.VtiMiii"ENN1r7========= I Bohemian, Cranberry, pots. misc runs &. hoses, SUV. Bil E. Coast Hwy. at fumlture 100Q Carnival, Calendar Plat«, DeVUbes & Ir I e Ii 1, 642-0141 l_:G<>::::::ld:;eraod::;;;Cd::;;M;,·,..,,=--IJob-Mtn, Wom. 7100 I----_,,....___ Steln11, r.tustache Cup 1, alter 5 C Barber Btls., 4 Poster Bed.HAN ·'::.,,=o'"c=AR=v-E~D~M-E~XJ=c-A~N 1 SERVI E Siesta & Mu:~ More. Open 6, ~ays wine rack, Spanish hatch 21 Yeal'I or Over Nilbl Shilt APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S lSSS W. Adoms, C.M. Re5taurant MAINTENANCE -MAN- Wanted For Fir W11t Services ' *'WAITRESSES• over 21 -10 ill 5. Sun.'. 12 til 5. covet table, Gar.ta rd CASHIER Apply: FLYING BU'M.ER SALE! Mary Janes Ant1que1, 2432 turntable, Kastinger Ski ~--~ --ea -----ELEGANT Louis XV items 67>-0933 MATURE, MARRIED WOMAN WITH AUTOMOTIVE BACKGROUNO PREFERRED. Roy Carver Pontiac Kl 6-4444 School•lnttructlon7600 Ntw 9 pc, comer an-ang. ar!floire,Rosewood, KIRBY VACUUi\l Cleaner IE A MAN cholee of cln. res. $230, now Sahnwood, ormulu, pier with 8 t tac h men t 5 & GET A MAN'S JOI $l59.50 • New beda: Klng mlrmrs. Elaborale inlaid polisher. Take over small OPERATING S9S.SO. Queens $89.50, FuU headboard & foot b 0 a rd, payment~ or pay oft balance • HEAVY EQUIPMENT $54.95, Twins $44.95, fully ove!'llite d oub l e bed. or $3640 Credit Dept Train NOW tG oper3 te gUarn. Kina: 11z t1preads $13.95 548-2394 after 6 p.m. 53S-?2S9: ' ' earth-moving BULLDOZ.. 11. 11z. $9.95. Headbrds: ORIG . ,,, ""' ERS, BACK HOES. GRAD-Kinas. $15, Quttns SU.50, · ontn...... rug, FIREWOOD for We-cut to ERS, DRAG LINES, CLAM Full $10.50, Twins $4.95. perfect cond., bl~e $900. yo u r spccillcat:ions; well SHELLS and SCRAPERS. Trundle &etll (duo riser) w/ Unique sheet music cab., iieasoned. Deliv &: stclc'd Th• Construction lndu1try inner spring matt, reg. $106, claw feet $225. 673-1812. tree. $27.50 i,t c, $4?.50 c. 11 loomlntl You can earn 119 50 K ~• 99 Call ll (7141 688-0846 fop money in this fut now · · .s, sprds ~..,. ' Mu1lc1I ln1t. 8125 co eet • moving, action • packed 5-pc, Span KP· $249, K.1. vel-, CONTEST prize; 4. Gates SERVICE STATION help field! Keep present job vet spreads $4.9.50. Canopy titts "Super silent sa.tety wanted. See Mike, MIKE and train at home in your beds reg. $119.50, 00\ll $89.50. ACCORDION <2l Xlnt. 120 tubeless w/w's" 4. ply TICE CHEVRON 1 7 2 5 spare time . followed by Full sz. sleep • sofa reg. Bull Lemar, 12 Bui Noble. Polyester • 2 ply fbgl.s. $160. . ' Resident Tnuning in the $239 50 oow $169 50 Quist 54G-2f72 ,,,,,, .. ~ 7 APPLY Supenor. C.M. actual operation of heavy mu"iQ.-aways nO:.V.°SIESTA ECTRIC G -1 &: .~~~"!""==-:-=:-::-- REUBEN E LEE SERVICE Sta.tian attendant. earth-moving equipment SLEEP SHOP 1927 Harbor EL . . u 1 a r 1 MAPLE Hutch. l CB ~ • Graveyard 5hift. Apply 2800 under project conditions at mvd., CM 662160 daily lO. amplifier $40. Rad~. 1 lly. Anlenna & 1 w Coast Hwy Nwpt Bch. our school owned facilities 9 Sat-Sun lo.6. 543-4987 11.lobile cs w/lllltenna. Call IS! E. CoHI Hwy. _Newport 8e1ch RESTAURANT. * * LADY, for full or par! t.ime, mature. $2.00 per hr . 545-9863 · ' near MIAMI, FLORIDA. -=:-,:=----o=--:,,..--CCORDIONS, 1nr. b 49~ ~677 Secretary Nationwide employment 17 p Kl s· A U\I &IS -..-i:,.;,;·------1 Newspaper nttds assistance. For FREE in· C. ng lie Florina. $195. Prof. Sonola, cARP£T l nstaller has one PART TIME formation flll out coupon Bedroom $295. 962-5618 roll, avocado nylon carpet, SECRETARY and mail today! Larg 9 d d -130 double jut&-backed. \Vill sell e rawer resser, mir. Piano1 & Qrg1n1 I all or ruort $3fyard. ~7245 to Vice-President For prompt reply write to; ror, 2 bed&kle stands, king ,... ,& General !\.tanager UNIVERSAL HEAVY si?.e headboard, frame, quilt. FACTORY CROSS top Ref r ii., RELIABLE Young J\I an Who ean take shorthand ~00 CONSTRUCTION ed mattres.!, sheets, blank. CLEARANCE! automaUc defrost. E.xc. $65. w I truck de Ii v e r wpm, like variety and fig· SCHOOLS, INC. els, etc. Factory orders clearance of Thn House in Back 44S E. newspapers. Advancement ure&, type 60 wpn1 or better. Dept. 1203 010ice of Spwiish all overage, demonstrators, 17.'.hc'-' -"-~-''-"-''-· ----I mgr. After S -540-6207 Exciting, intere&ting \vork . P.O. Box 476. or Modem Style Door models, studio & ~ * * * * Flexible on boUrs: can be El To1·0, Calif. 92630 turned Pianos & Orgaris, FMfILY Members1.1ip In R.N. cal_ Lise.. part time, prefer 9 am to 2 pm. own , transportation. 968-3003 SALES -Eatn money with no invntment S a r a h Coventzy needs full & part-lime help. N() del; \Ve train. For int. ph.. 54&-6100 either mornlng, afternoon or Name ...................................... All For $249 Real savings up to 30%. Irvine Coast Counll)' Club :;plit, 1'1any company bene· Everything guaranteed llke for ule. Pvt ply. 673-9131 fits 5UCtl u paid' vacations, Age -......... -....................... _ .. No down Pmts. only $9 mo. new. Sale limited lo specific Carpet layer has Hi Lo sick leave, paid medical and Address ~ ........................... ""' WELK'S WAROIQUSE lldtock "o'°AchU5rry ! No mo~ nylons $1.99 yd. snags li[e insurance. credit union, O\\'n • years to pa.y. from $3.50 up + my labor, etc. Call the DAILY PlLOT City ................ State ............ 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana ~~~~~~y~tDrO OOc per yarrl. 968-6910 SALES M/F. tor an appointmtnt. 642-432l Zip _,,., .......... Phone ............ Open Daily 9-9 18,. N•wpo-, C.M, ,., •••1 SI~fMONS Beaulyrcst kingsz and ask fur Mrs. Greenman. w • • vu-ow Sat_ 9-6 Sun. 11-6 Open Every Nile mattress + wa1nut &c Neal Md • ..,.. .. ;,. lo .. u ••• SECRETARY KEYPUNCH omce ouppl~•, tunUtutt, stationery. Applf 270 Briggs OU.r General Sales ti,tanager TRAINING Ave .• C.~f .• AM•· needs a &id with rop skills, Wanted 5 Womin in!tiatlve, personality and TO Sl'ART Ct.ASS Sales willingness to accept respon· MONDA y NOV 3 UNUSUAL ~ibillly, ~cellent opportun.. Pilot Keypun°cn program ny for girl wtlh am~ltlon to ofiering the tinest equip- opportu nl'ty join a rapklly growmg con. ment &: facilities available? sumer product manutactur-J . the 1 d , er, Salary open and out-oi.n ea er. The Independent Order of standlnc company benefits, Academy of Foresters have opened a Call for apopintment ITI4) Computer Technology new oUice in Sooth Orange 54&-2250. Call 547-94TI County. Require intfllllgent POL Y·OPTICS INC. 9 am to 8 pm man or woman over 25, CoL SHIPPING Ii: stock clerk: 1-----~=~- lege not necessary, Should woman over 30 tor small COMPUTER have expe.rie~ in meeting manrg. co. Full time Sl.65 pubu.c. Dogrufled ill• time lu-. lo •tort. Apply mo"" 9-PROGRAMMING poslUOn, Eannng: commenc. 11:30 at Golden'g Magic Wanted 6 Men es immediately. Should be \V&nd, 946 W. 17th St., C.M. TO SfART ~SS in excess ol $250 weekly. S o-C t ti MONDA\' NOV 3 ten on& rue on Pilot program. oUerins: the Telephone: 4.92-3700 between ~ !f~~ sho~hand, gen-flnost equlpment & facUities 9 AM • 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. e e Be • ary open. available' Real·tlme com· 9 Aro.I • ~2 Noon Sa.tunrday1 Newport &l;~~rea. puter p~mlng. for appointment. Academy of Salos TYPIST CLERK II (Hall time) Computer Technol09y Call S47-94n 9an1to8pm ESPANO'L IN QUALITY & Sunday Afternoon PIY"'Ood base to set mat- Model Home Furniture * PIANO R&.'lTAL tress on. 962-6460 Savings to 85%, Very easy SPECIALISTS STERLING Silver lnt'l financing. 3 complett room1 No time limlt. Rental applies RoyaJ Danish. com P . of decorators styled Spanl!h to purchase within a year. service for 8. 04.J-2160 aft 7 furniture, Consiltlng of the NEW &: USED PIANOS & ,p'-m ________ 1 famous custom quality Ma-ORGANS. Best deals ln EXERCYCLE $40. \Vash er , drld Jiving room group. The Orange County, We take $45, dryer S35. Candlelight original El Presldente spac-trades. Bank terms. Open by Towle $37.50. 968-TI09 ious master king size bed-Mon " Fri eves, sun U to 4 F ire,\'Ood for sale Dry Eucalyptus "1>9887 room 1uHe and the authentic HAMMOND La Paz wrought iron dinette In CORONA DEL MAR sets, Llmiled stock • $488. 2854 E. O».st }fwy, 673-8930 Hamilton Showroom, 5948 Quality king bed.quilled Westminster Ave, Westmi.n.. PIANOS & t>RGAN$ complete-unused $105, worth ter. 894-4434. y NEW ~~-~~Do $250. Aft 5 & wknds 84.2-6536 0 amaha L'J4UO.l.S &: l'ganJ • , USED h<>spital matt. Ir box e Thomu Organs EXCELLENT co n d 1 t t on springs $37., bottom frtt-zer e Kimball Pl.arm bikes. Girl's, boy's 20 inch deluxe G.E. Retrig $124. e Kohler " Campbell n1.so each. 548-&149 Green 1'1cd Crod'enza $38. COAST MUSIC YUCAS. 4 full grown plants. The Factory, 1885 HarbGr, NEWPORT & HARBOR g• tall, $10 ea. Yucca Pups 510-6842. Coeta Mesa * 642-2851 $2 ea. 961M528. FURNITURE returned from display studios, model hOm. es, decorators cancellation. Spanish & Mediterranean etc. RD FURNITURE 1144 N1wport Blvd ... CM every n\te 'til 9 Wed .• Sa.t, &: Sun. 'Iii 6 Open 1().6 Fri l0-9 Sun 12-5 SO .. You're not re1dy Misc. Wanted 8610 Rmth•p~~~r~w-choloe.$ WE BUY$ AU monies: paid credit to- ward purchase .. from .$.ID $ FURNITURE $ monthly. APPLIANCES GOULD MUSIC Color TVi-Pitnot-Sf•t•ot C Y OF 1 Piece er HeltM P•ll IT JOIN THE FIBLD SILVER grey used 5 pc 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 CASH IN JO MINUTIS * Fantastic! Is the \\'Ord for this national NEWPORT BEACH \VJTH A F11I'URE! bdrm ~lie STI. Boudoir HAMMOND • Steinway • Ya· • 541--4531 • company's new program for Age/education no bfi.niert lamps, $1. ea. Green quilted maha ~ np 4 med plaJ:Joe Southern California! We $2.61 to $3.17 per hr4 Let us help ycu quallry. sofa Ir chair, both SSS. The of all makes. Best buys in WE PAY CASH need INNKEEPERS INSTITUTE Factory, 1815 1-1arb 0 r Sci. Calif, rllht here, - -DlSTRffiUTORS Requlrei High School di· INTERNATIONAL 5-10-6842 SOiMIDT MUSIC CO.. 1---,,W"°A"N"T=E:D---I -MANAGERS ploma, one ""at general MoleVHoteVApt Mgmt ~~'-• CLUB Chair & ol•-0,ao, 1901 N J\Jmln -SALESMEN clerical ex~rlence, SO A DIVISION OF ~ down & fealhcrs, wloden San~ A;;;" iJsed fur~lture: washers, dry. -SALESWOMEN wpm typing. One current ANTHONY SCHOOLS green: like new, Cost $350; FREE ORGAN CLASSES ers, refiR,gE"w"'A"R'~D·ng or not. -REPRESENTATIVES opening in the buildinl 1TI7 S. BROOKHURST $17S 548-7072 _., TRAINEr~ · ' 1'101~~ nites 7:3(). 8:30 pm 12 10 S20 .., .~1 -1:.-> dept. ANAHEIM. CAIJFORNIA GOULD MUSIC CO. . • . ' . .,..-..o This 11 a real sround Boor APPLY B1MEDIATELY Casses form every weelt Office Furniture 8010 2Qt3 N, Main, s .• \. 547~1 MINK Jacket, size 14-16. oppoMunlty wtth a IO!ld auto. to the Personnel Office, 3300 PHONE FOR APP'I'. NA-~" O PRNATE Tourmaline shades. ca.sh ma lie electronic equipment Newport Blvd., Newpo rt Ask tor Betty 776-5800 • """"' a.k desk, 34.xOO'', PARTY WANTS buyer. 642--0538 firm that otfen Be8ch, caw. (n4) 6~. MERCHANDISE FOR lik'-' new, $75.. TO BUY PIANO FOR HIGH * Call ~ * CASH. 542-6045 NEED brlcJ..""S one to 1000, -~SA~L~E:_A~N~D~T~ltA~D~l: .. J:;:=;:=;==:====: bl pr!C<d 644487 lmmedlat• --~TY=P~IST~---1 -WURLITZER Sp!"'~ lull ......... y . Ea I EXPERIENCED Fumlturo ~ Office Equipment IOll keyboanl, xlnt "°""· Lumber 8750 m ncp l!ITsr/1.rtSC DON'T Give ACCT. 1.fa<'h. Bllrmugh's S-~. * M<l-4.m(I 546-JOSb Opl". for Nl'\\'P()tt B ch. lind it al Am~~!:a,~0~;:r, 1400 "'/all buic acetng, ========= 90 LB. Roll roo!ln' •••• $.l.99 I~=--------Graphics firm. 1 ;,.T. min. most unusual unfinished progran111. Save on ClericaJ Tel1vlllon 1205 Key Door Lock& ...... $-1.!ll! sales expcr ~uircd p" rm ill cosls I: errors. ~fr, Di •. 4 x S P11.nelllng ........ Sl .99 THE NEW JUDY LEE 1cPo.:.:; •l::ti~:;o::.·..:l.:;11:.:<:..) .:&i.:;"-4:..:.:6.:;70::.·_·1 ~mSa)toureta •'010,"F·~.'Tu· R,'"110•. 1 Spesan, 54$-.!Mt; .a..r:ase Color TV or Black Ext \Vhllt' Paln!, gal .• ;2.9.5 .!" .. J . A \Vhite. Option ID buy. COSTA MESA ml So. of Newport F\''Y· TYPEWRITER, add. mach., Fl'ff service. No deposit BUILDERS SUPPLY Open ?fi2 days per yr. calculator, Vtry reaJOnable. A-Actlvt' zy Rental Co, ~-4~70 XJnt cond. 892-2-423 (1) 522-US3 1700 Superior. Ot 5-18-28:.'6 " ''°"''b'•· '"0 & .. c1t1og. WAITRESSES Earn $50 • SUlO per week full or part • time. Choose ......_ your own hours. No delivecy ~ E.xperienc<'d USED langerine occ. bj..back UNDER\VOOD EI t c tr i c, CURTIS i\tathes comb. TV, FREE TO YOU or collectinlt, no lnvt1tme111 chlllJr $14. Danish end-tbls ?i1odel Forum. XL.NT C'Ond! AJ\i/01 &: tumtable. $150. ______ c....;:...:;_ 1 to start. Immcd. profits · .Appl)' In penon only S4.95. RCA TV, ~wldnJ, $130. 499-34.U _Pvt_7•~1Y..,·,,53&-=7l,..'1=.o---ISAVE kltttn ltonl Shelter. we train. Phone M5-l006.. $10. Used turq. hlde-e-bed * USED 1V'a * 5J6..3156 11/4. SALES• part time onlJ THE RRGGER :S-ar00r ~ctory, 1885 Garage $111 _. ___ I0_2_2 $15 -$40, Good condition LOVELY k1tlens, blACk & \Vanted: 2 men I E VE R YTH ING GOES Can 543-6415 white, ~l Siamese. 673-3452 EVf'S A Saturdt.YI US&O 5 pc deluxe antique CHEAP. Stove $10. Wuhl"" P ACKARD Bell 21" color salary + botru11 #16 Fashion l,Jand wht dlnttte $38., 9 pc comu machine $10. Oval nip: $5. TV. Col. Maple ctb. Good S'POTI'ED ?111bblt to rood Acldamy of Newport ~ ll'OUP· floral SSS. Grttn Dinette 11eta. Butlt!t, Love condition SUO. 540-7217 homt. 642·'1256 Computer Technology qull!ed oec. ~hair $29, The seat, Lamps & Tables. ========= VERY gentle buMy rabbits. call 547.,.n J ~O~B~S~%~l~M=PL~O=Y~M"'E~N~T~1 ;.actory, 1885 Harbor -Chain, Jot1 more. 5-15 E . •ll·PI & Stereo 1210 Bring eoa.ge. 646-3894 9 am to I pm a 5>10-6842 lilh SL Ci\1.. 642--5741 ---------},!replace: Wood !:At.ES Sarah Covent"" h11.~ WAITRESS GOOD condition 8' loollC! PATIO SAl..E: 10 am to 4 SONY ·!IJG Sun51lt. 0.1 " pl) low back t01a Bf'lge "C......_· Cl.I.•" plouod openlnas for n or pl tlrne · ' pm. SAT. onl)', Lol11 of ""~ ..... • ADOaABU:: Rabbit. free_to Xrnos u la. PI• a~ ant ,1-mXPKRtRNCEO ht'OC11de rn11terlt1!. ~lllrle-by n1!5cf. " an -RSAOrtmeont ol -::::::':::'="""==' 1:::1:::;'="=H'84==·= ood K1Whlt1r STS. ~1$19 ... R home. 5'6--B.1 11·3 d1'nllied v.uic wino ii). Y.TOll£hl Iran tixtum. l'T29 T1-Recorders 84!20 9' CU51'0~1 110f~. ~-m \'UL.. co 11ectl()n1 or Apply in P•r•Of\ QUAiity ktna bt"d.qulltcd. Port Charles Pl. N.B. ......... ._ dtUverics, Choole )'0\1r O\\TI SURF & SIRLOIN Complett-unukid SIDS. "'Orth &M-4397 ?iiOOEL 990 Robtt'ls Tape ~shion1. 6~7':2{H E'Ves. ll/3 hn. l\tln. •P 21. Tor intv. S9JO Pac. Cit. Hwy. $%10. Aft 5 4 wknd1 8t24l36 1 8~.~0~1-1'NIN=~c~Sho--1J-u-o-11~25. recordtr ivfmlk"' & ear UNITED FUND-Community WI: St()...()614 A 962..sro.l l =~N-"•-'owi-'f'O'-'-rl.,_llo'-;,1'-c'-h--IUNITEO FUND-<,.'ommun1ly $Wedlsh ~l11iulll'.r $4.0, Honda phones. F..11c:tl. cond. $100. Chest They &:et the job l1N1TED FUND -}lave Pied.it ~ -Glvt Cbcst They ret the job $150. SL Georp GuH.ll' $60. 6~ dl1s. E v e n I n 11 done be~t . -Yau Coritrlbuted1' Your "P'atr Share"' , done bed Sun. 546-7002 673--0693 GIVE Now -Unfttd f'\tnd --f -FOUi 4m "'al Ple:t l'Ull '*' s'POC ""'' !ova -Cali< Pl• 53&-' FEM. py. Ill i: d,, ..... MAL: py. I good ,,,._ 1Yii !i G dog ...., LoVi fem; moa 1136- FRE: old. paw ...., Yo[ "'" All .,.., fil ,... . Goo Call ADO: kittt slri( .. ... CuTi hom ll ' CUTI ""' •hol 673-: FRE mo' ,... BLAI appr <lisp 2-Pfl mo• SJO.: FRE 2 bl Call Cllll- Ver: odul SIM hOU! ha• ADO: bab: horr FRE: ma! PEl C1t1 CUTI Hon 11 ' SI Ah old, fer. ~ y PUP Ca CHJ1' Pup $150 Lao \VEil AKC pior Ar Q' ARC P"> pric l'OO toy, qua Hor Si\iA bl'Ol TRI Boo DRt ..... NB. . --· --~-·~-----------~-----.. ~-~------~--·~ -..... Mona,, Nowmbef J, l 'Mi' DAILY PILOT '• , TRANSPORTATIOH J-TRANSPORTATIOH ~TR~AiN!S~P~O~R~TA~T~l=O~N~J.T§R~A~N~SP~O]R~T~AT~l~ON FREE-T0-.YOU 1---~---.,.ta..h..._V..htt 9000 ltlou«.y~ ~ Dune mlu _ . m ~ FOUND ~ abandoned ltlllens, 1---------11---------'69 Kolll10n gold ~. au '67 MG TRANSPORTATI N T S TRANSPORTATION mporhd A-9600-lJsiirC•,. ION fifRANSPORTATIOH / '900 OiiifC1" 9900 :1 ·-r VOLKSWAGEN IUICK FORD ·1 4· males. l female, now ftll SCRAM-LETS EASY rider, Chopprr 1961, comp. Llke new. '9!i5, Finish healthy le; mu.st llnd homes. S 5 0 0 i n e n v l n e l youneU, &12-00SO Please help -~·e'\'e had a fJ'aNmission alone. n.000.1,:=========!'~ 1.t(i..TO, aood cond. $450. "',.~,..!tart! 4 9 4 -S 2 311'1s' ANSWERS 54M38S. Imported Autos 9600 Nllw IP.·=· q. '67 vw, Dnftl!d. must aeU my bolov<d uoo Bur. i>tby blue, hlk. lnter. New tires I hraket, n.aH: top eond. Orig. owner. $1295. $40-H56. '6T VOLKS &quar.back, O • tra clean. Exhaust system, R/H, 11tenio SPkrt. Muntl C. 100 on nque1t. $500 .t; '62 BUJCK ~ .......... LOADED! '8 Galax~. 2 ... DUNTON fact air rlh. comp. pwr' Landau top. Fae air, P/S. ;n-_, KAWASAKL '69 1'.1ach. • Ill ---=-""-;:;.;. __ _ SPOOKY MF.OWS We ha.Wi KenllCtl -Test)' -Rabbi -60 HP 3 cyl. SOOcc. m> ml., 1957 ~tORGAN + 4. Ele- See to ~ $595 ot otter. P/8, P/W. FM STEREO ~-.;.,.. c.1o1 : ~~Xlll· cond, ""'... FORD people who love us we'tt: Foment -FLAMES 5 mo. old. $900. &1&-3619 ttlle:nt condition; new top, MGB lovable (s n d have good A salute lo l'Odt.Y's collegt: Yamah& 250 «.. YD W new brakes, $1600. Call house manners) Blaclcy and atudent! He 1tudles by the lnor $250 842-3116 al I o r 6 or MGB '63, R & H, wl~. nu Calico Ouffs and Tiler Boy, nll~~~b Ud~M.ES cl the Needs em~ • \\'eekend!'I. ::utloc:oo~I~ ~:~· '63 BUICK Electra 225 'U F•lcon Futura New-enr:;--pwr. 1tr 1 ~~: Ny tac:tory t®lned. Dlr. All'. Xlnt cond, $8'15 96W423 p..::t-2240 S. Main PI ea 1 e ca 11 11 oo n l =-=-='=u=1=ng=·==== i========= ,,,._m, 111• Auto Servi-ALFA ROMEO HSU T.O.P, "'3-3206 anytime. CADILLAC '62 FORD r A IR LA NE' 546-7076 ,.~.E=>'°'lAc:L°"E"'b"'lo-nd.,--m71x-<d.,--pu-p.-IS.llboola 90lO A P•rh 94001--------.y. ma I 0 brown/bla•k, I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 1961 ALFA Romeo Road1ter. ---------" 2 ' !al.and.er sloop F, G. tnb.11--New brakes, battery & NSU Is hore at Kustom m ix e d P u P PY • H 8 d aux. Pulpet, bead, galley, til'es. Xlnt cond. $ 7 5 o , r.1otors, over head cam 'l\'9 VW, just from Europe, chrome wheel.a. good t1res, lite blue/blk int. AM/FM, ---------1 4m mllea •...::" ca I I sunroof, t~ 1 eat :s, LUXURJOUS Trantp0rtl.llon, 675--2232 ~· ''8 PORD $1191 67S--326l BlG • CAR aafety, power1;-:.,-=.,,,-,,--:::::--.--..-ll 6•l11rl• 500. 2 cloor htrd· d I 11 t e ni P e r ' ho I • • bllae pun1p. Full covers and BEACH 962-0262 eng,, amazing performance~ 646--0IBS u16 •"'"""''· 51,.p, • .. $39!0. Auto Supply ========1 Lo .. pd""'' ... -., st., ·"111"vw=-011ur,-.,.,-xln-,_,t-.,,-nd..,.,°"JS."ooo= I ewrythinr ev e n l.r1tnlc i.te '68 Torino.l30o ml, air, top. v.,, power itoorl119, ml, be,-inUblack ext Pvt latch. WITHIN put P/B, PIS. bucket tNta. 390 todlo, httftr. Lie. WACJ71 MALE Gecm. Shophml pup. 714 • 833.JJIJ E><l 221 wk AUSTIN HEALEY C.M. S«hl915 py. 6 mos. old. All shots. To da,y1. ========= ,.., Ytl.1"--radlator-, water pump, ena:. $2500, 645-2'84.l :.::: t.,,.., -· pU1y. U-jolnt•, ....... , bl'ak.,, • '65 MUSTANCO $11'1 good home w/clilldm>. REGISTERED N•plos Sabot Wholesele AUSTIN AMERICA 8.10-4087 11/3 full race rig very ~· $225 PORSCHE '4i7 SEDAN. Radio, '67 PORSCHE 912, '1400 tn PORSCHE exhaust A: dlstr. EXTRA equip, inciudina air: Orig owner. Top cond. Orig owner. IMMACLATE $1400. ~aft 6 pm. PRICED to sell! 646-5.175 '68 Volkawa&t!n, standard Eves. 540. 7070 Days, eqWp, chrome r • Id e r PORSCHE '4i6 912. Green. wheels., xlnt cond. Call after Low mile. xlnt co n d , 8 p.m. 673-2'7tl8 titts renewed. BtIDGET MERCURY Autornttlc tr1111,. , •• 11 •• priced at S 4 8 $. A. heeter. lie. fSWOll7 l YR o.ld female ~ Belgian-e&I 646-3>4.l 'after 4 pm Prioes to All SaJrs, Service, Partl " G •"-~~ 8 t Complete Machine Shop Immediate Dellvuy l~U~, pampered, •g LEAVING for Carib., muatll ·-------- CadW.o < dl-. w h It• .. u '63 Montttey, .u pwr, '61 CHM $1''5 w I ~ated black-&· air, xlnt cond $150. 644-2634. No~•. 4 cir., ' cyl,. 1ulo• ,, erman ~"'""h' "-cc CAL 2S, full racin&" gear, SS SPEED EQUIPMENT All Models dog to ............. o me · radio, 9\2 Evlnrude, many REBUILT ENGINES •whi~.te~I-~~· ~.~Ca11~~"'8-~~7594~1==::;~~~~~=011 '"•'ic t r1111l'lli1tio11, r1cllo, 543-235.'i 11-3 Xltu $6900. 646-8559 LOVABLE small b r c e d LIDO 14, sails, trailer & boat 1125 Victoria, CM 548-6550 female short haired puppy 2 cover. $99:>. 18361 Beach Blvd, HB Bfl-0991 Id ___ .. _ -.....i '-n * OPEN 7 DAYS * mos. o ,..,.,-...;> ,.. ......... , .... me. 5-18-1685 83&-449J • HOBIE CAT FREE fiilale kitten, 8 wks \\'/trailer $1,000. Automobile Bur9l1r -J1rlu µon 11n1µor1s 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642.-9-1-05 540-1764 Mot-flit. Private p a r t y , '69 ritG Austin America. .~ auto, radio, xlnt. $1650. Aft old. ?1-faltese &reY· white CaJI 4~2825 Alarm. $9.95 pB\1'6. Sturdy &r: handsome. I-"========= I Protect YoUr car & stteuor. 646-8782 1113 Power Cruisers 9020 ies. YOUNG Fen1ale Tortk! Point Nallonal Spe.d Center cat Beautiful and friendly. OWENS Cabin Cruiser, 22 2'll0 S, J-larbor, Costa Mesa All sho t a. Housebroken. 1''t. Newly painted. Inboard. 64&6700 Open 'Lil 9, 6 on s81. 828-2089 11/3 Xlnt cond. $500. 536-8536 (Ne xt to Mr. T's) Eves, ' FREE to good home appox. l yr old male baBM!t hound. Gentle, good w/children. call 842-8672. ADORABLI;": Sw~t Calico kittens. Grey 11.nd orange 15tripe. 8 wks old. Trained. 642-4725 ll/3 CUTE free kittens to good home. Wf'arted & hsebrkcn. 11 wks old. Call 5'18-82W 11/4 Porsche ~ Mere .• V.\V. D- 3 Buggie•. New & used parts, Marine Equip. 90 5 \Vholesale to all 64.2-0350. SPINNAKERS f.1AGS, MIT Raider, 15" for 1!4 oz. _ 39· x 22' ••••• , S200 Fon!, 2 for $20. 64a.-224G 1.S oz .• 39' x 22' ••••.• $200 =·="='='=6=p=.m=.===== ~.; Ol, • 44' :< 28' ...... $275 1.5 oz._ 4j' x 28' .•..•• $250 Trailer, Travel 94'25 1.5 oz. • 45' x 28' • •••• • $300 20' ARISTOCRAT Land 5 OZ, • 40' X 28' • •• ••• $.JOO Liner fully sell-con' manv .. 40' 23' • .,:;o •.• •y ., oz, • x · • · ·" ~· • x t r a s. like new. $2600. Navy r.fk. II Sextan •• $135 548-iB2a J\linney's ========= Sh;p O>imdl•ry T 'I Utility 94SO 25.11 \V. c:oast lllgh\\'ay _r_•_i_o_rs_, ___ ~--- Neo.vport Beach, 548-4192 UTIL-Dune trlr. 5:<6' H.D. 40 HP Evinrude motor, 196Q. good cond . $200. 8J9..ISJ7 leaf springs, L ice n15 c d. 540-1165 after 6 P~1 Trucks 9SOO Authorized ~fG Dealer CORTINA '&I PORSCHE C, x1nt cond, Ar.'l/Ft.t radio, ski rack. fully eqp'd. 54~22'!9; aft 6, 494-0191 SUNBEAM '62 SUnbeAm Alpine, e?\i:. ""urk. $395. '68 2 DR deluxe, R&FI, Xln t 64.2---0350 cond, under 12,000 mi, $1400. ========= Pvt pcy. 64&-7&12 TRIUMPH DATSUN ! SAVE $1,000 I New '69 TR-6: wire whla., CUTE 5 mo mlxed cockerlbeaglf', female, all shots. To good h o m e . 673-2658 11/ 4 FREE To good home. 16 month old Collie. AKC. 968-2763 11/4 BLACK Angora kitten, male, approx 3 mos old. Gentle disposition, 968-4397 Bo•I Slip Mooring 9036 70' SLIP available. All or p11.rt. Nov. th1u Jan 151.h. $2.00 per ft. call Chuck A very 673-5252 GMC TRUCKS ORANGE COUNTY'S . ovenlrlvo, soil top. Brlt!oh 2-P/PERSIAN , killcn 3-4 mos old. Nttd homes badly. 530-1563. Orange County Sales and NO. 1 . green. View Sat. &: Sun. at Service Headquartl'!rs. DATSUN DEALER 5106 Neptune, Newpo r t NEW • USED DOT DATSUN Beach. $.3700. MS-5942 UNIVERSITY '66 SPITFIRE -Imme<. OLDSMOBILE 18835 Belleb Blvd. Great 2nd car, Christmas 7 pm 67!>-6912. '68 VW CONVT. Newly overhauled. $1800 Call 548--0269 aft 4 pm. ·~ VW Camper, pop top, xlnt corxl. $3,250. 543-3536 CLEARANCE NOWI 142. 144. 14S. 164 THE LO\VEST PRICES YOUR BEST DEALS ARE STllJ. AT DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '68 P-1800 Spt Cpc, Fully equlp'd lthr seats. Xlnt cond. Priv pty. 642-1536 ..... Anllqu•, Cluslcs 9615 '51 Morgan + 4, excellent cond. $1600. 842-3716 aft S, all day wkends. For Sale -Jaguar Clauic. 1955 XK-140. $950. Call -613-6041. FREE Kitterui, 1 yellow/wht 2 blk/Y.'ht need good hoines. Mobile Homes 9200 Call after 3:30 MJ-8801 11/3 IUY J• NlW :18.)0 !-!arbor Blvd. Huntt.naton Beach gift. $1500 or offer. Call Cosla .i\1!'sn 842-ml or 54().(1442 days, ?ttike Tans I e y , ,A_u_t .. _W_•_n.t_od ___ 9_7_00 541).~~(l '69 DATSUN 540-5000. Eve 1 /w knd11 1 · 0 CHIHUAJ-IUA larger r;lze. SELL Im U5£D very loving young female to Cooper adult home. 646-42'l'i 1112 SIAMESE cat, female , TRAILER SALES housebroken. l'h )TS. old. "Buy from a man has 15hol!i ; friendly 675--1821. who lives in one!" AOORABLE ~~ S i a m e s e \VE SERVICE baby kitten. lrce to loving \\'HAT WE SELL! 32'-1 So. Harbor, Santa Ana "hom""'•c.·.:c.,._='-711!6~--~--11 Bick So. of Bolsa 5:31·1066 FREE Cock·a-poo, 6 mo, SPACESI male. 549-2364 11/4 i\Iove in today PETS and LIVESTOCK New 5• Park Cats 1820 Choice o! models or custom built in smog free Costa ?.lesa·Ne'ol•po11 Ha rbor. Adult Mobile Home Park CUTE Free Kitlens To Good Home. Weaned &: Hsebrkcn.' 11 v•ks. old. Call 548--8202 StAr.1ESE show cat. JO mm;. old, female. $25 or best of. fer. 645--0156. Greenleaf Mobile Home Sales 1750 \Vhittier, Cf\"1 6'12-1350 S E L L Dogs IB2S Your Mobile Home ;:;.;;~------I WEIMERANER'S FOR CASH PUPPIES PUREBRED Born !l/2'J 636-3291 , 536-8869 Broker FOR Saloo 1%7 I' or d 535-6591. Econolinc, heavy du ty su per Big ~ Sedan. 4-spd, Dlr., 'E:l: TR 250. Wire wheel.s, lua· V811. $1975. 630 W. 17th St., radio, heater, 1300 miles. gage ri.ck, new vinyl top. c:-.t. Will sacrtlltt; Take older Michelin tires. $2650. can "59 FORD PICh1JP, 6 trade. Call Phil, 494-9771.1 _af_t_6~pm-,_-~~-- cylinder. $750. good runnlng 545-06.14. ZWJOOl. '64 TIUUf.IPH Sport 6 convt. cond., ~tinncy'r;, 2'537 W. -~~~~~==~ Good nd 4 spd $595 cub Cout """' N.B. '69 PICKUP "ou:':. 6'4-2951: '6-t Chevy !f ton !'ihortbed pick up. Xlnt cond. &tZ-'840 after 5 PM '52 Chevy 1,; Ton. Needs trans work. J\1AKE OFFER. * &16-5262 • '67 CHEVY, 8 x 12 flat bed, Kuston1 r.1otors, 1145 Baker St.. Costa Mesa 5110-$15 '62' DODGE 1-Ton Van. Eng. & trans. :-:In!; front end damaged. 8~2314. Near new, 1500 milnt 4 spd, dlr, will sacriJice! Small do"''"· \Viii finance private party. ZQS909LB. Call Ken 494.9773 or 545-06.14. --- ENGLISH FORD TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BESI' DEAU ARE SI'IlL AT DEAN LEWIS WE PAY .,. CASH WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHmOLET 2828HarborBI ... '64 CHEVY 1 ~T V.S auto. Can1per bed. S!l50 cash. • * &16-5177 * * ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate dellytfy LARGE SELECTION Theodore 1966 Harbor. c.r.r. 646-9303 Costa -046-1'00 -~w"'E~PA7'Y""'=To°='p="-- ROBINS FORD Jeeps 9S10 '5.'\ JEEP \VlLLYS. 4 wheel BILL MAXEY DOL LAR • -,65 CAD DE VILLE MUSTANG ....... '''· "'· VMIJ" l=======ll •H CORTINA $1491 AU orialnal. lull pwr, tact 1965 MUSTANG CONV. air, dlr, take forelan car In Yellow w/black top and black 6T, 4 1peecl, r1dio, ho1tor, l1ftd111 top. Uc. XUAl 770 trad~ or small down QPA· inttrlor, R/H, 289 w/ man. ,67 OLDS $219" 3221..B, Call Phil 494-9m or · ual 3-speed. Four p:d Fire-• 545-0634. 1tone Wide Ova.ti and wire D•lmont II 2.cfr. H.T. v.1, b "·· Ex U Cond t ulo, r1d!o, he1!1r, pow1r CAD. '67 Brougham, nw, Uuow.ps.. ce ent i-1t11r, pwr hr1 k11, f1,tory tires, brakes, Exceptionally tlon. SU75, Call 673-4493 aft. 1jr co11d, whit• will tir11, clean. etc. Whsle -S3595. er 6 P.M. .,,)11yl top, tint1d 91111. 64>-0804. 1 .... ~=:;~~~~dl ·69 CAD • DR Sedan. '68 Mustang '" FORD $12'5 F1eetwood.Brougham. LOAD. Gil. 500 XL 2 Dr. H.T. Loaded! Xlnt cond, dlr, 1fl. V-1, 1 ~tom1tic, r1dlo, ED! h11t1r, pow1r •l11rln9, * 838-5460 * aide I out Take foreign car pwr. 'bri ket, f1,torv tlr '67 CAD de Ville landau top in trade or a:mall d Own. ,011d., whit• will tlr11, leather, stereo', all pwr: Make low, low paymts. VZL. vinyl top, thtt1d 91111. Whal~ + $50. 962-4887 al21LB. Call Phil, "94.S173 "-RP-'-M'-"15"-l-----11 ,_. SEO~ or 51><&J4. w . p . Matador red . \\'/ wht · top xlnt cond LEAVING for Carib., must G1leid1 500 ConT1rtilll1. bu every'thina:. $24.951 • sell '66 GT pkg, ale, v.1, 11110, r1clio, h•1!1r, MG-7513 AM/FM, Uywr, d l s c , h' II ti '65 FOl1i' $791 , radials, f barrel $1895. pwr 1!11r, w 1t1 WI r11. 67 Cad. Sedan DeVWe. Full 6"-~. II '0'-'Y'-0-"21-'7'-. ----- P"'T., fact air le 1tereo. Alll==""'~=~---accesa. l~ Low ml MUSTANG '65 Convertible. '61 FORD $2ztS Xlnt cond. ~·or best 0 ;: Stick. Mua:t Kil-Best otter. &11. 500 4 Dr. H.T v.1, 1u· fer. Call wkdyg; 644-544i8 =f;!~...,,~-l--~~---llto111•tic, r1dio, h11t1r, '65 t.1ustang V~ au to, 1t1w1r tl1•ri119, ft,lory 1lr CHMOU'f bronze, xlnt cond. Call ~;;d• tintld. 11111, .YOW· ---------I 645--0114 tierr •pm. '66 CHEVRo= capric•. =o=L=D=S=M=O=B=ILE==ll ·u FORD One owner car with only Country Sq11ir1 W19011 v.,, $1491 2~.000 mile&, has all power+ c11to11'11tic, r1d!o, h11!1r, air condttlonln&. Ab«llutely '68 OLDS 98 C'.Dnv., full pow1r 1t11r!n9, pow1r the cleal'll!st one in town. power. factory air, many llr•k11, whit• will tir11, Jim Slf!mons 11,f t1 r cede a extras, lo-ml, warranty. tint1d 9l1n, lu9911• rick. Benz, 120 w. Warner, Santa 642--0112. ~UT:.;1:_:_19;.:5:-. ----- Ana, 546-4114 '64 OLDS Cutla!g, 3T:i HP, '55 CHEVY 292, F. I. Cam. 4 $800. Clean, good cond., new e:p. Hunt link. 4 le 8 stereo. tires. R I ll, P I B, P I S, Sun tach. SJW gauge1. 642-~. '66 PONTIAC $14'5 G.T.0 .2 Door H1Nltop V.1, 1ulom 1tJ,, r1dl1, h11l1r, vinyl top, tlnt..il tltll VIT 024. Quick! Onl,y ~so. MS-244SJ,.;.'--''7..,"'u"sr"°"•E"'1"'"'·!-- Grea:. '68 Toronado, many extras. 1965 El Camino, • u t o, Call after 5 PM 00-53.13 '67 MUSTANG> $1695 alr/cond. Xlnt o:md!Uon. '65 F-85 SfA Wag. Sacrifice.. fa&tM&k Best otter. 645-2005, 642-S855 Oris owner. Exceptional. v.,, rtdio, h11!1r, pow1r 1!11rin9 whlie will lir11, '64 CHEV. Nova waion. V.S, .~l~ll_00.=67-"-~l232~~~-==~ll 'int1d 11111. UOO 279 automatic, p:JWer 11teer1n1. '56 Olds 88 4 Dr. R/H, Good condition. 839-2314. erey/whlte. Good con d , ''8 FORD $2295 1964 BELAIRE Sed. Rum $150. 675-7896 aft 6. • ... 100 4 Dr. H.J. \>ery good, $500.00 v.,, 1uloll'lotic, r1dlo, h1•f· 545-4234 PLYMOUTH .,, power •t••rint f1 cl1ry -=~-.,.--=";.;.,.--=1-----------II '1' 'oncl., tint1d 91111. '64 Chevrolet Bel Air new 283 WTE 516 engine, aUck, $550 or otter. '65 SPORT Fury 383, bucket .::.;.:....:.:..:_ ____ _ 544-3074 stata, pwr strg, $900 or hE'll '67 FORD $1791 . ~•l_I•~'~· -~-~'~~-~~11 611, SOO 2 Dr HT, V.1, CONTINENTAL 'SS Plymouth Valiant '225' 1uto, r1clio, h11t1r, pow1r 11br, atick, sood corxl. $150. ii••'· f1c fory 1ir co!ld, '63 Continental 4 DR Sedan. 5"-3074.. w Ii i t • will th11, tlntff Full powr .l alr/cond.1-=========,ll•l•tl. VDH 2•1 11DOO. * 548-0113 PONTIAC '66 MERCURY $14'5 '65 CON'I'JNENTA L 4-door Cycl•• G.T. 2 Dr. H.T. Landau top. loaded! 50,ooo '66 GTO v.1, 1wto"'•tic, ,.d10, h•••· ml, S200o. ~ 4 SPEED •'· pow1r 1f1•ri111, pow1r '66 Continental 4 DR Sedan. CONVERTIBLE llr1 ke1, f1,terv 1ir co11di· Full powtr &: &ir/cond. V8, power steering, radio, :;;;Int, tlnt1d t l11s. TSA $2000. * M8-0lll heater, bucket seats, Spec.II :::.:.., ______ _ Uo .. ,, BAY HARBOR Ca11 6-12-8223, after 4 PM. Mobile Home hies drive. Excell. cond. Built-in 2060 Harbor Blvd. !Tl§IYJ9j!JAJ 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt, Beach 147.-SSS 3 ml N. of Cout Hwy, on Bdl '68 Toyota Corona, HT, auto, red, al.moat new, dlr. 845 Baker St., Costa bteaa 54lhlBl5 for aood. clean \lied can. all makeL See Georse R.ay Theodore Roblns Ford 2060 Harbor mvd. '69 • !ally Prl d to Scll tM•• 'H MUSTANCO $12'1 .. 1ar1c n, black, red ce · ,,,._ leather interior. Loaded! Uc, SYMOOO, v.,, 1uloll'l1fi,, r•dlo, h11f· CHIHUAHUAS -Sacrifice. Casa Loma Roll • Away • Puppies from $50, "'orth Sheraton fo.lanor • Homette • $150. 546-3634. 1169 Dorset Kit -Prestige • Sahara camper for low price. Costa Meaa. 642-0010 c.~t. 642-0010 * 838-0460 * $1199 1r, pow1r 1!1•rln9, whit• will tir11, ti11t.J 91111. Lane, C.i\t. ALL SIZES WETh1'.ARANER p u p p 1 e r; NOW ON DISPLAY AKC, a:hots. Grand cham· 142:> Baker St., C.0.Sta Mesa pions. \i block East of Harbor Blvd. *(714) 892-2.:123* Costa fo.1esa {Il4) ~~70 1-A~r~G~H-cA~N"°'P~U~P~P~1E"s"""'o~1·,-I '5:i Spartan 8';42, alum awn. QUALITY. AKC, REG. ing, located adult park C!\f. * 9G2-99S9 * Xlnt cond.. priced lo"" 6f6-8450 call a.lier 4 or all AKC Silky Te11·ler me,le day v.·eekcnd.~. pups. Christma.'! s p c c i # I price to you $125. 4i44-4d 20' \VIDE. 2 BR, carporl, akirting. lux urious nu crptg p()QDLE Pups, tiny toy &: thruout. many extras. New toy, all eolors, AKC, lop !'lub C. r.1. $8500. 642'-&495 quallty. Stud ser. 89:r9719 Horses 8830 2'Ux55 2 BR, 2 Ba. Skirting, awning, porch. Finest 01 park. Real buy! &12-8252. 536--3855, S.1&-985.J Campers 9S20 '67 CHEVY ~· T P ick Up \\'/10~)' cab ov('r camper. Alrlcond, R/H. 1().16.5 size tires: jack!'i, !iC!f ('Ontalned toi\rt & other extras. $4200. 962-3."iS~ '69 FORD 'i T. l-"'250, V-8, Rill. AC, tnpc, PS, PB. Eldorado 9 ft Comanche, sleeps 6 Sl!XXI cash + pym 't11. 642--0030 aft 5 Pf.t '67 Jo"'ORD ,. T. truck. camper spec. new • 6 9 Pilgrim camper nev.• tires, xlnt rond., 962-5998 or ~ Sll1A1.L Shetland, c h 11 d 9S2~ brokt, dae~~ ~ $75. Motorcycles 9300 Dun. Buggies l====c~====-·I BULTACO SHERPA "S", ----TRANSPORTATION completely reblt Sell or r.tEYERS Man."<. gold metal B .. I. & Y.ch._ 9000 ~d~....., for dune bua:Y· flake. , l500cc t'ng., racina: •• ...,.,...u.MJ crank. Gates tires, An&en ORY boat storsge-f11.c. to .~66~su=zu=K1~2'0~<>:~X~._.~.--1 gprint map. ?.lake ofler. work on boat; Cout Hwy, model T-20 $300. 548-1685. NB. 50c ft. * 642--9201 842-3860 0?\'E gt.ft -many wonders -- ·-----·- FERRARI FERRARI N'rwport Imports Ud. Qr. arli'.tl Count>''• onb' •uthor- lzed dealer. SALES-SERVICE·P ARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642·941» 540.1764 Au thorited Ferrari Dealer JAGUAR '51 JAGUAR XK·140. Ex· cellent condition, P h one &l&-2986 '64 JAG HT COUPE E type 4.2', yellow, black lnter. Tape dee, Riff. 8JS..S160 KARMANN GHIA 1965 K•rm•nn Ghia Immaculate inside and out! One owner. See at 480 Brot.d· WS¥, C.M. MERCEDES BENZ VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS FRO~t $399 IMPORTS WAN'I'lD OrUJp ,_,,,. TOP I BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYO?A 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. Ph. NT.el5 Will Buy Your VolklWageri or Potwebe A pay top dollars, Paid 1or or not, Call Rl\Jph 6""'900 CORV AIR, C dr, 1960 sedan, white. Xlnt runnlnc cond. lo mlg. $225, '94-8169 CORVETTI '65 FORD $HS MS.31nl Ext. 66 or 67 611. 100 -i·Dr. V.t , 1uto, l910 HARBOR BLVD, r1dio, h11!1r, pow1r 1f11r, white wi ll tlr11. SYI 20]. '65 CORVmE cosrA MESA 'H MUSTANCO $1HI 196< GRAN Prix, aic oond, GOOD SELECTION Auto Leasing 9110 vs 4 pd dlr Xlnl v.1, 1utom1ti,, r1dlo, • , • , • convert, P /1, P/b, xlnt cond. $995 hi1t1r, pow1r 1t11ri119, • ..til///ll • ..til///ll or small down Will fine 1 LEASE cond in .I: out! Take trade firm. 645--2699, 673-5186. whit1 will tlr11. VSK 610 tr tr prvt Pli>. D802i. Call Phll 68 G .T.O. ·u FORD $14fl C~ ~ ·1 V\V $49 49f-9T13 54S-Q334 F1lrl1111 500 2 4r. H1r9top 0 '-.. ,,,,,, .. ,, mo. " · 4 SPEED V-1, "'" ""'· h .. t .. , S '65 T·Blrd. air, fully eqp'd. ' ,_._, _..__ •aioit Factory m, po111,-er stee...i.... pwr. 1t11r, f •ct or y 1!r ~ A i' .69ec!i1,;eEI .. ;:,:,::~:··~;:;, DODGE .I: brake&, vteyl root, ra'd"~ ,,(Id, wh!11 will tlr11, tint• W'" ~·~ ~ ---------1 14 t l1i1. STY 105 54$. 3031 Ext, 66 or ST 1970 HARBOR BLVD. t'OSTA MESA '65 Volkswagen CAMPER BUS l>llly equipped .. $199 mo. '67 DODGE DART ~te_::~·.0001Jk,',,."• .. ·. ~:!: 'H MERCURY HlfS '69 cadlllac Coupe de VµJt1 Ex 11 t "'-ndlt!o VJ1S v .. ,.... ...-'"••.-,... - uJ ped II-~ en ....., n! tum Wide Oval tln!s StW •-Cowt1r. v.1, 1wto, r1dio, eQ p • • , . Gill' nl(I, Wb!•• -•11t ~-I '""" a la --I • IU h ·~ Chev Camaro, pwr llrl: I "".,., '"'V -r. _. .._ .. flctory warranly Prictd to t1t1r, power 1tt1r, p1w1r k al _,,, dldonlnc. auto, tran&., DOW'-1111 t.wt.... · llr1k11, f1,t1ry 1lr c1!1d, m et, r •• · · •••• ...,., mo. er steertna, radio and bater, __,. whlt• will tlr11, Ylnyl top, SOUTH COAST New tfrM. v.a. S1S50. 35,«JC) $2''9 tintM t i•••· UJA J7J. CAR LEASING mil Call 637~u ••. -· · '69 MUSTANG $2'91 1967 250SE Meroedet-Breni· Pop top, ~lli!nt condition, ooupe VJG083 all', JIOW<I', Kustom Motors 300 W. Cat Hwy, NB 645-2182 ,65 Oodp Polara V..,, aut, 0 . ,.__. LE'•I!. RINT one owner, lharpl Kwitom ~ v.1, •\llom1tic, r•tll•, h11t. OR-DIR YOUR Moton, 845 Balcer, Oxta t r, pow1r 1!11rlnt, whlt1 will lir11, tinted ti• ... 1'70 TODAY XTH 19! etc. Custom p ain t ,v/leather interior o n 1 y $6150 full price. J I m Slemon1 Merccdt's Benz, 120 \V Warner. Santa Ana. 5-16-4114 Or ,111~·· C0unty". L.11gc•.t 5,.1,_.c11011 N<'w X U·,, d f/\,,,, .. d .. , l\•·111 Jim Si emon > Imps. W "n•'' & Ml1r11 St S .1nt.1 A11.1 546 4114 MG MG Sll.l~.a. Service, Parta Immediate Delivery, AU Modtla -- 'J1rtuµort ' ' . . .111µ0!J ~ W Baker St., Coata Mesa 540-:,915 l'OR EARLIEST ' "'6.;.J..;,PO"'N~T""IA~C,-,$~16~f~I DELIVl!Ry P/b, n<\10. RUM .. 11. $250 '65 VW, new Urea & uphol. firm &e-1699, 673-5186. 9N9ll Prix Needs nt1w paint, exceil. All popular makes. Ford ,65 DODGE· """"'----.. -.. Autom1tic. tr11u111!11l1n, nd •· t Oft Call autho"-• leu~ IY•'·m i-w•n• ... ., ... .,.. ''''''Y 1ir, ••w•r 1t11rln1. co . ..,.,s er. -·~ . o.c • .,~,. ••,ooo ml . .,~ _ 549-3031 Ext u -GT .,.,.,,, .,.,,., Get Our Com ti Rat "' ..., ....,., --""' v• r1tlio, h11t1 r. l ie. JNN 24'4 ~. pe w ea best otter. 673-1212' l.970 HAJtBOR. BLVD. '63 vw Sedan, xlnt cond. Theodore cosrA MESA '67 PONTIAC $1HS Ori&lnal ownor ROBINS FORD FORD 1965 Pontl.oc GTO O>n-2 ~ .. , =•~"'°m•lto &st offer! *6'734I003 2060 Harbor Rlvd. wrtlble 4 •PMd. Tllct over tr1111ml11l1n, f1,fory cir, '84 VW CUSTOM CAMPER. Corl& ~.. 6'2-0010 '87 MtJSTANG Mu11t Seit ~ntl, &tWl.68 aft 4 , rMl1, h11tcr. TUL 042 Factory r.bullt •natne In E SE 'N "'KE Exa!I. oond. Lo mile. ua ~pm...,==::-...,,.,,-,,,...,..;i 'H CHIVY $11fi •"UTanl>. Call 64,,_ L A ~ Y ~ ""'" $16!0. -'61 FIREB!RD 400 'l\trbo -W- '58 vw. for any WonnaUon OR MODEL BEA11l'. 'Ill Country Squirt, hydro. power, atereo FM. Y.t, •11t."'ctlc tr•nt"'f .. call 54()..4964 Mon thru Fri Let oUt Ieut experts tbow 9 ..., all ....,,. air $2250 ar beet otter. 6T).6S'7D 1lin, fcctory 1lr, 1Nwcr ' ~ the belt plan fOr )l'OUt ' ,.~., ' ~ t+11rln9, tcdt., h11t1r. U1. tvts. all day Sat or SUn. pertonal nteda wl.Utout oba-FM/AM &ttreo. ~ '67 Ori1n Prlx..Sh•rpl '-MU Sil 1966, ~.(X)(l ml, $1075. iation. '63 EconoUno w/ Allan Loaded! $199!5, 146-UG:i 391< Humboldt, 11.B. UNIVERSITY •PMl>I• A lndy'1. $840. 592-2361 O LDSMOBILE •m42l• RAMILIR '67 VW Bus, xlnt cond .. best 2'8SO llarbor Blvd. '61 COUNTRY Squirt, air, __ ;..:;.;.:.;.:.;;::;.;_ __ oiler ovi!r $1800. Costa Mesa pwr dltc brakes Ir 1trt, 390 'SS RAMBLER American, 4 m-,m -MO-ll640 __ -•na. i=.. 968-<0lll · Door. m 1111-,Jlil hp,.oulo, '4i6 VW, EXC ELL.E NT '62 FORD VAN, CUstom. ex· Xlnt cond., Call 962-GC COND. Radio ;ooo. 675-3420 U•ed Ctrl tt00 eel cond thru~ Muat ll!ll .,,. 673-51" BUICK $900" ""'' '""· .,,_'°"1. T ·BIRD DUNTON FORD·- '66 vw ""'· "''· '61 Gw11 iiro Ntll .,...t ·n -r-s1RD Lalldau 4:1n •na 2240-s:--Mciln 3100 \V, Const Hwy , N.B. MS ~ker St. BUICK 'G4 R1vlcra, air, all needs J')aint. 2016 North perfect cond!Uo:t, ~II ~'. 6~2-!U05 !M0.1764 Cotta Mesa * 54().S~IS ex1ru, excel cond. Pr\v. ptf Cat>tlla Coor!, CM. full pwr, under 24,000 mJ. 546•7"76 , ·---------------------------I] _.:;A.::utho=r.::lz::;•d:...;:;M;:G...;Deli=l::°'c_ -Jt'f ''FAIR SI-TARE" Ttn'le -$1395. S43-101T. CtvE tht "'United WaY' ,Ori_r.._-_-_ ... 125_1>_. _64_4"'_-_T7.;.•., .. ____ ..... ___ _., I I • I --..-,.---,.---,------·------.... -· -... -.... ----· .... -- .. . 31 OAILY ~ILOT - -Sailors Face Up To Cuts • orma Growing " Kiwi Berry LA GJ!ANGE;Calif. (AP) - \Vliii'sSh8Pedlilfe an egg:ha! - (uu: like a peach, ls dirty brown In · color, has. the ct1n-' . By WEBSTER K. NOLAN aistency of an avocado and has an "either you like it or you l'EARL HARBOR·. Hawaii don't'.' taste. 1 __ (UPI) -DeSpite Pentagon-. . Right.you are. Aklwfberi-y. ordered cutbacks, the com· · mander of the U.S. Pacific ·The Kiwi -berry is naUve to Fleet reels Uie Navy can 'China and'-is giown com- perfonn its mission in the mercially in Australia and Vietnam war and ·meet the New Zealand, , wh!Ch expqrt gr-oWing challenge or the . them to. . specialty f o o d Russian navy. markets in the United Stat.es. Ad o!m I d . • They command a retail price m.'J J. Hy an •whose ·of abOut ISO ce'nts.a tv1und. c<immand reaches from the r--; Arctic throtigh the Pacific to \, Joel . Hall, a 29-year-old the Indian Ocean, said, "We're farmer on the Toutompe River £9(ng to have to do just a little .u,1 . .,,._19 'near here, is. trying 'lq b_reak bit Jess. I don 't think we're St · d" · 'L •--t' D t into the · market w Ith being cut lo the point where fftt .tttg . 00"ll41011 . . 1J. Y : Cali(ornia-grown· Kiwi-berries. our essential commitments ' ' · He farms 1,700 acfl!S . of cannot be met." Canine mascot of l~~h ;\rmored CavatrY Unit keeps a sharp eye on road ahead · tiarley. .wheat, · beans and and an al~rt ear while riding atop vehicle ·during patrol.of'rubber plantation at k h" The admiral noted, "\Ve're Quan Loi. South Vietnam. . . J'!Ursery stQc , but is pride losing sorqe 69 ships and of -'----------'"----------'---------'-----and joy is four acres of spind- course we were getting useful ly Kiwi berry vines. = :;;.mq~~':1d'~~·w!~ 'A,B,c,n: Quadruplets, Family Meet fcir Reunion vi~:: !h'?i ;~n,:e ,e::.i~~~I~ expensive to operate. But with · · --male and a female. He· used them, u·you had nothing else, BEAUMONT, .Tex. (UPI) -· fashioned family reunion. ing male quadruplets _in t~ thein 'to S!Jpply clitllilgs for ' they would do a certain Anthony and Behlard and Carl , · The . PerricOne family did nation. new plantings. number of things for you." and Donald :and their 2_0 ·S?ns not spook a. n y on e, but cele--Dr. John is John R. Bevil, The Second time around, he He said his neet would and daughters ~nd the tr five bra.ted the . 40th birthday or 89, the physician W'h 0 lost only 10 of 65() cuttin~. STEREO SENSATION! .JJle colorful soun~ of Orange County Music . . . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach receive 23 new ships in the bro_the~ apd th:rr mother and Anthony and Bernard and Carl . deliver~ the qUads Oct. 31, ana is .copvinced the rolling near future and explained, "Al--t~h!e1~r~f~al~h~er~·~··~~D~r-~J':oh~n~g~o~t __"a~nd~Do~na~l~d~"'.th~e~A~, ~B~. ~C~, ~D~~l929~~in~a"1!:w_h1~·ie~.=fr~am=e~h=o=m~e~in~~-h~il~ls~~in~i_th~is~~·~re~a~~a~r~eJ.::=::::=~================:;'.:=========== certain number of them will together Halloween for an old of the family and the only liv·. BeaurTiont. bO!l~i~ble to':"ttte _exotic fruit. actually replace more than an , _ equal number of the old ships we have decided to inactivate. "We don't like the cuts. Here we are still in the middle nf a war but a~parently the . requirement on ti)e part of the government is to do so'mething about saving money and this is our part or it." Hyland made the remarks in a special briefing f ·o r newsmen. He said Ule overall Navy requirement was to cut expenditures by $1 billion. He said the Pacific fleet "faces a growing challenge by the Russian navy," He said the Soviet Pacific Fleet was "getting larger, it's of a much better qual ity. We see quite a bit of them at sea .. They're very smart about the way they handle their ships. The ships look well. They're aggressive atiout the way they operate them. ''They're setilng up at least a semJ;pennanent ·presence in several new areas where they (!idn't ~~r!lte_before, such as in the Philippine Sea and-In· dian Ocean. We hope to meet this challenge of the future with a balanced Pacific Ueet." Hyland also remarked that U1e Chinese navy Was growing larger. The admiral said. the navy's "Yletnamization" of the war was progressing rapidly, with a large number of petrol boats already turned over to the South Vietnamese. "This 1 I t t I e Vietnamese navy, ·Which four or five years ago was absolutely nothing, is honestly showing up quite well. When they have been turned loose on their own, they have been quite ·competent and aggressive." Asked why the battleship New Jersey, which cost $27 million to reactivate two years ago, was selected for the mothball fleet in the current cutback, Hyland said: "She was very popular with ttle troops who got her support when she was there but really there are no targets in South Vietnam which require that very large gunpower. So when we got this cut. one of the fair- ly obvious ways to save quite a bit ol money was to put her back in mothballs." Hyland not~d th at t h e original purpose of reac- tivating the New Jersey was to help with the bombardment •Of North Vietnam. "She \Vas used for just about a month when the bombing halt came along, so she was utilized in South Vietnam. 1'None of Ulese cuts are popular with anybody in the Navy and none of these cuts in naval gunfire support ships are going to be popul ar with the Marines or the Army peo- ple ashore. But they're just necessary. Although lthe New Jersey would be we! , utilized and the people ashore would be grateful for her presence, We really isn't needed.'' 'l11e admiral was al so asked what plans "'ere under way in the Navy in the event the U.S. neet,iJ required to pull out of Japanese and other foreign baSes In the Western Pacifi c. ~·In my opinion," he said, "the best thing to do would be to get inotper line of bases that are as far forward as you 'I.. -~ • . ·~ . ' • . . :_Sears Has Everyth in g! ln ~ludi ng SUNDAY SHOPPING I 1~u~g~~ ,~~u~~- 1 . ' . l JIMMY CARAS Fi~c-rime World"s Pockc1 Bil· Hard ChMnpion, will ap~~r personally from 10 A.M. to 12 NOON, 2 P.,M. 10 5 P.~f~ and 7 P.M. 10 9.P.M. Jn the follow· ins .sc.n 1torcs on the folio- in&days: 9 -SeanSantaFeSprings -November 3 and 4. •Sean Co1ta Meea - ·November Sand 6 •Sean "'.fOrrance November 7 and 8 Prices Effective,· Beginning Today,Sunday, Nov. 2 thru Saturday, No ... 8 Ask About , Sears Convenient Credit Plans % OFF! 36. l\'Ionth Guaranteed Full 4 Ply -Nylon Silent Guard II Regular Trade-In Ptice •239s 95 6.50d3 Tubele6s Blackwall Plosl.79F.E.T. And Old Tire • Deep tread (or greater mileage ••• wide tttad for better u.ct.ion, surer ind safer stops. •Patented safety 11boulder for poeitive steerin!f and cornering control. Ruiq;ed construction. ALLSTATE SIZE llo..i•l.or ,,. , ....... Passenger Tire T,.,.do-h1 T t•<l•-f• E~ekf. p,.; •• .... 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