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1969-11-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
r t ' . . ' . .. .. :. I I • • • appy -·Hippo .. in. --~ . .. ·s • • c ' .., ,/' . . , . --. - Owner:Seeis:·New Haine • • • .· . • • -- JHURSDAY AFTERNOON,·l'JOVEMER 6, )"1f • "°"""& ......... I IKTtcMtl, • PAMS . • . . - -- --. - Na .sser-V.o,ws Middle East Bloodbath ·; .. -. , • '' ' I I Beach Police Nab 2 Teens -' S!ick .. Qig~war, Take~ ~oJ:I . _, " Drive -to Free Palestine . . ' ' . Pl~tfge4 by Arab ~der · ,.,,, ' j ., • ' • ,:. ~ " .. ; : 't "1 .;,_~~ '.. •• 1 ~ . . ·-. . "" ' ·\ I ~n Bo1nbing ·Traced through comparison or language patterns-used in a revenge note, two 15- year-old Huntington Beach boys have bee.1 charged with the Ha11oween terror bombing of a family's home. Investigators disclosed the arrests· of the two "Edison High School students to- day, but did not identify them due to their aies. -· - They were booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall-Wednesda)'-afternoon on c::.harges of juvenile delinquency, with l\f!ighbors and fellow students con- trituUng to the case against them. No one was Injured last Friday night when the incendiary device exploded in the Surfside condominiums home of Mr. and ~lrs. Eugene Todsen, of 202U Lan- tana St., but heavy damage was cause4. ·A hallway window was smashed, cur- t&ins were shredded and a revenge note containing what police described as col- miul language was left behind as a call- ing card. Using the language contained In !}le note and questioning neighbors , in- VFstigf!.torS singled out-one-probable syspect known to use those terms, ac- cording to Detective Bruce Young. Interrogation Of Edison High School sludents led to revelation that two boys hid talked about bombing some homes lfalloween night. During the process of contacting the to suspects, pollce discovered 24 carbon dioxide gas capsules, a quantity of black powder and aboul 50 cardboard cylinders capable of holding an expl~ive charge . A second revehge note was also found, !lmilar to that left for the Todsen family, indicating plans to hit another residence Witt: a bomb. Authorities said the only apparent motive for revenge against the family hit Halloween night was an argument one of Uie suspects had with Todsen over use of the swimming pool at the Surfside COD· dominiums. The two suspects live in the same gtneral neighborhoOd, both of them near ~Ison High Schoool. Latest Temblor Jars ~mpoc Area PASADENA (UPI) -The lat.II in a series or eight earthquakes hit Southern California Wednesday jarring residents of the Lompoc area. The temblor, eighth recorded in Southern Califcrnla since Oct. I, did not cause injury or damage . Seismologists al the Cali(omia Institute of Technology here said the quake, \Vhich octurred al 9:45 a.m. PST, registered S.4 on the Richter Scale. The temblor was centered 80 miles west of Point C.Onception In the Pacific Ocean. and "• large number of smaller afters~~ks"_Jgllowed the major quake. __ltn offh::tAl at near6i.JandetitiefrA'FB- .,.1d there was no damage at the ba'Se but it.was ''the stronaest I've ever felt." .. ··r.i~. u)·. (!• ;,t.:...-,,·~ .. 1~~·1_t.'.~4'~· --l~~lt\~!.:::.·.·1 -• 1 t CoUilo -.,-~d' <fiiiil! AWel Irmo thla, ii that Ihm ii no )ongw a WIQ' N ..... vo.,ed today to tum the M!ddJe out of. our pri/leilt-llluallon escept "1 Eut lnlo a "* of blood and a bo!lioo_ lorsh>I a road towards ...-objective· bluihg with fire" In a drtvi to UDerate violentJy and by fdrct; over a aea,of blood Palestine from lsraeJI control.' and under a boriiQn blazing with fire." Sp;!aking only hours, afte1'1 two separate Nasser said. · comritando raids against llJ'ael in the The EfypUan Jeil:der Was rilakfni his Sinai, Nasser told the Egyptian parlia-first public-speech in three rmonthl. He ment the Arabs had no · choice but to · has been reported ill With the nu since liberate Palestine by mearis of violence the second week in September. arid foree. He caUed for -an Arab' summit con- Nasser said Egypt had tried to Im· ference to discuss the Mideast problem, plement the U.N. Secttrlty Council resolu. declaring the situation, as.far as Egypt is tloo on ending the Middle East war, but concerned, is "to be, or not to be." that-lt-and·the-big four-powers -had railed Israel is fight1r ... with Hs back•a .the to rind a solution. ...'6 ..., DAILY PILOT ll11f Jtlwt9 ,.,.. GRIM WRECK SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLE THIS MORNING 0 0N NEWPORT FREEWAY Smooth Tlrtt and Wtl StrHts -Add Up to 'Suicide' Says CHP Officer Be~s Happy Hippo ·-Oivner Seeks New Home .for Pet Newport Freeway ~ash Hm·ts 2; . Wet Road Blamed Record Hashish Seizure Made In Huntin~ton By TERRY COVIILE Of flNI Diiiy Pllllf S!~ The largest seizure of hashish in Southern California history -20 pOOnds of It -was made Wednesday night in Huntington Beach by ~rcotic1 officer•. from Downey, Long Beach, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and local police. Five men were arrested on charges of 11ale and poesession of narcotics at 9351 Tahiti Citcle, Huntington Beach. Police claim they recovered the hashish, five pounds of marijuana, 95 LSD tablets, a quarter ounce of heroin, 400 1ecooal tablets and four marijuana plant& grow. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL although they are relaUve rarities ln ing in the rear yard. 01 llM oeur '"'"' s11tt Orange Counlyr . Two Tustin women were seriously in· Total market value o{ the Illicit One might say Utat Sam the hip. Thi huge animal is residing for the jured this !"onllng when their southbound narcotlcs was estimated at $100,000 by popotamus is in happy, hippie hippo seventh day in a beefed-up horse corral car skldded on the rabHUcked Newport Los Angeles sheriff's depuUes. . , heaven today, living communally among -the fht hippo ever to be a guest of the Freeway near MacArthur Boulevard and Arrested in the huge haahilh roundup 400-plus other creatures with no concern Mancbe*1 ...Avenue facility -al $1 per i · In an affluent resklentlal eectlon of over food and shelle(. day bargain rat.es Jor the of(·tourist wrapped itsell around a lamp standard. southeast· Huntington Beach were Elder "Sam's· fine . C.oming alone 6-.'' season. Both were. taken to Costa Mesa Lon Hocker, a, of tht Tab~ C~cl:~ said Robert Wohn;nan, Chief of aimiiat His rootnm~Lel include 3$0 dogs, so lvlemoriai Hospital ·where they were dress; Michae.I R. Gray, • services a_t .the Or1n 11re ,.._, ...... .An1maJ. cat.s, one de-scented skunk, a monkey and reported to be in aerlous ' coodltioh and Ana; John ·A. Thomas, 21 • and Tommie ---o ..._....., Mike Thomas, 70, both of. Long Beach, Shelter. sundry other creatures suclJ as hamsters, awaiting surgery for . mulUple Injuries. and Phillip Horton, 19, or Bellflower. And service is just what the 1,780 pound · \\·obnnan explained. Their car waa writtpa off as a total loss. Eight men ·and tW<l(WOl'tletl were later •lar boal:der.pta. · Sam. will my on until Hoch!eutner gets .,. . ,___'tal _,,_ Id Mrs arrested in Long BeiM$ Ot), char~'l'! of He is showered on the hour around the his h.ippopotamUJ out of hock. '"'°Y' -• ...,_sman sa · pcieaessl.ng a pou"nd and a ha~ dl ~a~sl(. cloclr,.~-not counting the raln'-pll five "I don't_want._to give Sammy up," t.b_e Angelina Blair, 33, of 15S32 S. B St., suf. presumably' from Hocker's horrie, aaid , bu.tbels of mixed cabbqe, lettuce, celery Unemployed construction worker declared fered multiP.}e ,fractures a n.d un-shertrf's deputies. Nooe of tbe · Long and lurntpo, plus a Ude order of aHalfll, Wedn<aday, "I've go< a lo< of money in-determined 'Pinal IJld hlp·lnjurlea. Beach arresta involved OrlJl4' County an~ much notoriety. vested in him. Jlm not going down H' M~ ""•ovt' of ~d •· , er passenaer, •tia ~ a, %9, r~· enwi. • · r • • Unemployed CODllnicUon worker Ro~ without-a fight.' J5s?2 9:St., ·suffered almost sfnUJar J~ The fJve men arreited in HuntJngton -nie Hochleutner, 24, ·Who bought hbn for "f tboulht I'd exhibit Sam at shopping . • , . · ~ -Beach are currently In l:.akewood.lhtriU.,. $400 at a Jungleland bankruptcy auction center fairs and swap .meets and mate Jurl~. but the e~teut had p~ been station jail awaitjn1·atraig1J1nent on~ last month must find him new quarters. some money on him," said Hochleutner. detennlned after p r e l l"m t n a r y ex-nircOtlcs charges in West Orarlge County · "Right now we're .lookini fbr· a· city · who'd' personally car.e for the hiPPo iC amlni1Uon. · · / Munk:.lpal Court, W~tet. Seyeni.a . that doesn't have a zortlng ordinance ban-someone •cxdd provide a home. CaUfnrnla Highway Patrol office.rs at-narcotics .ofiicen: wete involved In ,the nina: hippos," explained Wohnnan, ''but Sam's first Orange County residence · r--arreata. . most cities take a dfm view of them." was a horse raiich In Yorba Linda, but tributed th~ accident to the smooth Ures The irrests ~ended a . lJ:l~·moritb ";I.'he main concern is to find, a place the,pony populaUon was suspicious ot the on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP orflcer com· narcoUCi 'investigation conducted by v"htcb will keep Sam safe from the public fat., quiet'.' bO&rder who had some pre· mcnted : ;•it was suicidal driving on a Downey polite and Los Angeles County -and the other way around -and lhen judices of his own. freewiy with Urts like that In thls kind of . &herllf'1 deputies. there's also the hippo health co~ He waddled through a wood fence .... weathe·r."· "We started llbout I p.m., Wednesday, slde ration.'' JXISSibly ln search of a pond -and coun· . 00 a trip to make a narcotics arrest in s11m~ulf1!s -a-,,ool in which to Im· ty animal control officers staged the first 1 The crash delayed rush hour traffic In Long BtaCh/' said Los Angeles Sherllrs merse Bod keep his skin lovely soft,-lhe hippo roun<flfp llf-Yol'ba tlnda taking lllne -the l!Ollthbound lanes ·bf U>e-freeway-for-s,i. Jack BOberg.·"we.never e'tpected tO kind another hippo would love to touch, (See lllPPO, P11e I) about one bout. (See lLWIUlll, I'll' I> ) l ~. sea, while Egypt had spent 500 m.Ulkrl. Egyptian pounds Jn lhree y e a r s rebuilding Its army, and could now put 500,000 men in the field. he said. Ht again denounced the United States on charges of supportiqg Israel. Nasser said that "U.S. mllltarist.s" are lighting against Egypt "Crom behind guns and from aircraft that carry the Star of David." The Egyptian President Slid Russia was Egypt's friend and the United States was "adopUng lhe stand of• an enemy." "Thti anns of the Soviet Unlon are In our hands," Nasser said. "The anna or the USA are In Israel's bandsJ' Egypt said it sent commandOI ac:roM the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" the troops in two Israeli ·armored columns. Israel sald·Cive men were woun· ded and sent Its air rorce into action bl· a retaliatory raid. . .· Cairo said one Israeli plage was shot down ~ another damaged. 'lbe Israeli anoouncemeQt_aakl all Israeli pla~• returned safely to ~-Jn another con- flicting repOrt Israel 11id fi'vc Israeli soldiers were wotmded and none tilled·in the two Egyptian mmmando a~,U., second and third ln two days. -~ ~ Orange Weatllel" Keep thole ralncoeta on, !alts, as Ulere's more preclpltaOon on the way, increasing Fr\tl•v and ,pro\Jably c:OnliM!ll\ ov<r ~--, end. Coeetal temperatures iare 'down in-tlie mld-80~. · t INS~ TODAY Separated! atl»birth, twin1 - lidtnticat in~ all respectl.;_fotmd '.fath· othtr at aae ·:u a!Mf. v.~, ':thttl'~l never' b~ par_ted aoGJti.1 faoe' 16. ~ 1 ,. l ltfllt M Mn'-' ... 'c••""• r _...... .... c•llM ,... ,_......,... n C1inlc1 • i1 NI..._. M1w1 •t t cmrwrl. n 0t11111 c..... It DNlfl N911ew •• IYMI ....,... 11 Dl*Ctl 1e '""' ,._. t•llHlll '.:r • Stldl ,.._. ... -.at\ ....... ,._ SN! "_....... • " f'IMllOI n »» ...,.... . ..... . • Aflfl I....,. U •Mllll...... • ~.1... . ..,. ..... .. JMtrliti Oc:"'iil .... 11-....... 'I ... tt• • h • --. l 1. I I I ,...._,,.......,.. ___ . -• • 1C • r..•=;..- PaJitieos ,-Prof s 'Ra!)~ at U-C l+f " . ' Dialogue Turns Into Exchange of Hostile Charges DAILY 'ILOT ............ ,.,.. LINDBERGH SCHOOL 'S Hl!LEN SHl!NG, 7, READY FOR RAIN Coda Meu Girl Won't Ba Out1llck1red by WHtherman ' Traffic Crashes Flourish In Rain; County Swamped B1 THOMAS FORTUNE Of .... DIJho '"" tl•tt A &rOUP of students and proressors at C-I"lne Wednesday enlreated "lslUng .Ute RepUbllcllllS to IOlllellmes 111 1001ethlng pl aboot the unlvmlly in- lttad ol always 0 bad mouthlni" It. State Controller Houston Flournoy and A&semblymen Newton RuaseU (R·Tu· jUnga) and Bill Campbell (R·Haclenda .Heights) would make no promiae to do JO durillf tive boun -I oa ClmJIUI apeU- iftg to llfOllPI of JO to Ill per-. The ,Republicans' prupoee was to Mtabllsh a dialogue but what actuaJly transpired ls best described by the praenlodlJ-)'outh ~on '•rap 5eSlion." The student. and professors rapped at the pcUUcans and they rapped back. Few areas of agreement were found. "Part ol tile )\osllle pub~lnloll In thll lllle bu been will up by Kuyperi Hits Back at Claim By ~ssessor .An aPPeuate court-"bench todai Is atud.rin& a new aspect of the peUtion fllt.cf lilt week by Orqe County Alses- llOI' ~ J. Hinshaw-a S6-pqe brlel -ttid by County Counael Adrian Klo'Per-ln oppoelt.lon to· the asswor's ariument. . Kllyper clal m1 in hla: response to Hin. shaw's plea for a writ of mandate aaalnst the Orange County Board of Supervisors that the assessor has had and can still have legal advice from hls...office. "The office of county counsel 11 re- quired to represent the county assessor Today's heavy rain productd a crop of bottleneck near Anaheim Stadium when except ln cases ol conflict of interest traffic acc1·d-ts and kept the Ca!"ornla n 1 between the aaessor and county coun-~· 11 an over owing cu vert delayed work-I " K t "· lb F rth District ll!ghw•y Patrol and police. in 1everal se , uyper eua e ou bound motorists but the slluaUon was Court ol A~al And he goes on to ····• Orange Coucty c!Ues on constant traffic · ~ ~ tn"esUaaUon duty until mkl·morning. soon rectified, officers aald. · that no su conflict of interest does "W ha 't bee bu th'· I Fullerton, Stanton, Buena P a r k • emt. e ven n as sy as lli n a G rd G d Tu Hnlshaw argued '·st we<k that It d"'' long "-e " CHP 11·-ted a en rove an stin po 11 c e . us "'" • a 0 .1 .. ~. commen · and that the conllict stemmed from th• "We've be · f Id t departments confinned the Thursday en running rom one ace en th dispute with Kuyper which JoUowed "· to th UI bo l lo h wea er picture as wet, busy and -in .._ ano er un a u a.m. w en h (Hinshaw'•) refusal to useu Upper tilings began to slacken off." t e case of motorists who were late for ed b the With one exception _ the crash at work due to traffic congestion -pretty B11 lands trad to the county Y Newport Freeway and MacArthur windy. Irvine Company. Boulevard _ accidents investigated by !Cuyper, apparenUy reluctant to answer the CHP were described as the "minor Hlnahaw'1 voluminoUs brief with per· I·-• bend let ith I ts d Jlro1n Pn•e 1 sooal arguments, contents hlmseH with 1:.uuer er var Y w on Y cu an ~ two pages confined to flat deniaJs of bruises suffered by those injured." poliUcans and particularly the governor who has made nothing but punitive remarkl,'' accused English Profe$SOI' Robeif Montgomery. ''I think you tnust reaUu we are a composite reflection -in theory and I think in fact -ot the public," said Assemblyman Russell "Because the fO\'emor picks the uruvers.lty as an issue does not mean he is fabricating it. It is there. Whether he Js playing on Jt or not there 11 a bull in fact u far u..the peo- ple are concerned." "Do you think the governor really cares whether we (the univeNJlty) live or die?" queried English Profes&Or Harvey Cross. · "Yes, I th.ink he does," said Slate Con- troller Flournoy. "His definition of a good universlty may be quite different from y~1. I'm sure be bas no evU lntept, in his own terms." Assemblyman Campbell 1<>t lntO a ne11r shouting match with a black studellt ttnd sald, "This ii a claalc eumple' of the ~1111r betw,.. the lntellecllla\ and the 1191!Uca1 community. You contlder yOurseU poUUcaU.V 90phlstlcated and everyone else an ldkit." Campbell said, 0 J thlnk we tend to resent sometimes the academic com· munity sayi.oa you_juat gi\'e us the money and we'll do the job. We haven't found that alwaya to be so. 0 1 thla.k academic freedom need! to be coupled with responsibility. The faculty need! to police its own ranks and present the best· possible posture." . 111 thlnk'the gcwemor needs to ·lead, not drag his feet," said Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John •loy. "There Is a tremendous leadership vacuum." Music Department Chalnrian H. Colin Slim griped, 1'11le lieutenant ~vernor referred to the dl!ltlngulshtd faCUtty U ' 'Inmates of the Institution! 11\at's not very fUMy." ~ Black 1tudent Robert Hubbard, Jd .... dresaing .Campbill1 said, "Com'oa ~Hr let me whJp thll on you. In all thlJ. rhetoric, If you'\'e been 11 s t e fi I n'I carefully, we're asking for projecUon of leadership -moral leadership, pos!Uvt leadership. I hear negative, negative', negati\'e. Student Don Wilkin remarked, "I would like to enlighten everyone here and aay there is more good construcUve research going on on campus than \'iolence." "Unfortunately it's a human failing that we all tend to dwell on the negaUve," said Ruasell. '411le news media certainly does this. I think we in the Legislature all reallu that most stu• dents are not causing the problems." "Please beat that drum," said Wilkin. ·''Please,get RoMie to beat that~" • • ' Alexandra~s .Great. Kopechne Case ' Sleepless Nights With 48-inch Bust HONOLULU (UPI) -Alexandra the Great has a big problem. It's her 48·inch buatllne, and it's getting to be a pain in the back. The redheaded stripper appearing at the Dunes night club complained, "I can't lead a normal JHe." "Because my breasts are IO large I have trouble al""Plng comfortably and they make my back hurt." lt was because of Alexandra's bustllne that 3,000 persons, mostly men, jammed the Financial Plaza of the Pacific -the Wall Street of Honolulu -last year to look at her. A lass with a 4J.incb bust was stopping traffic on Wall Street, in New York and Alexandra hoped to find a sponsor who would pay her expenses to New York sG the could compete in the batUe of the bosom. But Alexandra (whose real name is Miss Geraldine Paredes), never went to Wall Street and is now planning to marry Army Capt. Bill San Hamel. '"nit llfe of a stripper has gi\'en me a great deal as far at monetary renumera~ lion is concerned, but It has also taken a Jot out of me,'' she said. AJthough she bas been stripping for' 10 years, Ale1aodr1 saJd she dislikes nudity . "J'm a b1g eex symbol, yes, but I'm also a pel'IOD. It's 1tartJ~ to bother me, hav- ing to bare my body in front of au- diences." Aleundra, 28, r. ~reet·IO tnches tan , has brown eyu, and a 25-incb waist and 42--lnch bipe ,to go witb her 48-inch bust. "My bust started del'eloplng at 14 or 15 . . . people started making fun of me when l was 18." "All I was concerned with was covering up. It made me an introvert, made me very shy and se lf.·conscious which re- mains to this day. "If I want to get some sun ... if I want to go to the beach it's ridiculous. l 've never been to 1 public beach here" she said. 1 "I lead (wo lives," Alexandra said, "one ls the image the people in the club t:xpect of me. They e:s:pect me to be a sex symbol. In my other life I am kind of shy, kind of retirln1 and seek out retiring people." Measurements * Mean Money Awaits Word 011 Autopsy EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) -Edgar· town District Court Judge James A. Boyle ref~ today to set a date for the inquest into the death -of Mary Jo Kopechne unUI a decision is made In Pennsylvania on exhuming Miss Kopech- ne's body for an au topsy. The judge's decision was aMounced by Court Clerk Thomas A. Teller after a closed-door meeting between Boyle and 12 attorneys involved in the case. The meeting lasted an hour and 50 minutes, and when it was over neither Boyle nor any of the attorneys would talk with newsmen. Teller's brief statement did not elab- orate. Miss Kopec.hne was found dead July 19 In a car owned by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy that had plunged off a bridge on nearby Chappaquiddick lsland. A medical examiner ruled her death a drowning, but the body was burled ln Pennsylvania without an autopsy. Santa Ana police had the same report HASHISH HlnJhaw's allegations. to offer -many minor accidents some • • • The co.unty counsel offers one.para· ~ • caused b stalled cars but no ~erious . graph rejecUOM of lhe eight allegations M . ~ , (+ti) N' t:K • k • me 8 JiO'"irifu;Iesr w 0 r :i,--end up-ln-HuntinJlon·Beach!'-:----conte1ne<t-tn-Hlnahaw'r-pet!--lnd·-. -o...,g·Q'nna-• ,, --. A' :-'I-_ e · -1-ng r g." lt became. a game of "guess who's ends the two-pqe dl.uerlaUon by a1kin1g .I.. j U. V ~.I. t wu the same story in Orange where cominc to the pot party?" according to the board to de n Y the Ullf:S80r s police had to go to the aid of mOtorlsts · Long Beach narcotics officers. "We went de~. stranded by deep water Jn several areas. lo 5780 Campo Walk in Long Beach," sak1 The bulk of Kuyper'a l:wlef ls comprl.8ed But there Wert no major accidents and Long Beach Lt. Jim Walker, "in the of ~anscrlptl Of hearings before the ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -Morg&Ma 48 Inches around the .chest and unhappy f.forganna made the aports pagea last no Injuries reported. course cf trying to buy hashish there we Board of Supe"laors, a lonf recounting Roberta baa I 44-lnch bust but she's DOt becaUlt people stare at her when she ii summer when she ran on the field and Anaheim police were caUed to more were told that the 'real action' was in of the history of the Upper ky dtapute, uptight about it. oll work. kissed third baseman Clete Boyer of the than 20 rain-connected accidents but Huntington Beach, so without telling who correspondence between himself and In fact, she cherishes it all the way to "I'm a girl and t like it when people Atlanta Braves during a National League reported "nothing niajor and the rain and we were we left." Hinshaw and the text of earUer unrelated the bank. look at me," said Morganne, who wore a game. Boyer, who was at the plate11t the 1he traffic congestion has just about "We notified the HunUngton Beach asse~mfl'lt dlsputet which went to court "That's what makes the difference In low-cut, high on the thigh minidress at an time, promptly singled. cleared up now." police that we were coming,, coot!nued hearmg or are now awaitlDg court the salaries," said Morganna, 22-year-<1ld interview. The long·hairecl brunette also jumped Rush hour traffic produced a Walker · "then we sent sonie men Into action. stripper al an Atlanta night club. "Those "I started stripping at 13, In BalUmore. into a fountain in front of a new office Hocker:s resi dence to buy the hashish Kuyper's brief ha1 been explained as smaller girl~, are only making $200 or t may ha\'e been underdeveloped then, building being dedicated by Mayor I\'an "'¢I, * and the arresll were made." being repre11entatlve cl the COWlty coun-f300 a week. but nobody ev~ told !"e." Allen Jr. --· ------= .. Atterwe-rtnmded-up-the·narcoUce in sel's desire ta place is much inf~~· . The club manager says he . pays Morganna srud she ts quite happy with Although basically uni n h I b It e d, Ra;n Season lluntington Beach" said Walker "we Uon as poiittile on tbe-upper m.1-aw-MorgaM•·•l;OOO·a-week.. --her....body,.bust-and..all ... and_i~'L mind _Morg;nna confessed ta one little hanguP.:: " Y returned to the Campo Walk addre!.!I pute before the Appellate Court. Morganna'a remarks were prompted by showing it -"I don't think there's '1J. on'frniM laking my clOUliiOff-on knocked on the door said, 'remember us? Kuyper includes with the brief vertn-• story from Honolulu about a stripper anytl~ng ~~with a twde body. Bodies stage but I don't like undressing in the Bows On Coast Guess who we are?'" cation by Board Chalnnan William HiJ'<o namedAlexandratheGreaLAleu.ndrals are like art. doctor's office ." "Thls was apparently one of the major stein to the effect that the county coun- Welcome ~o the rainy season Southern California. selling points of hashish in Southern sel's response to Hinshaw'• petlUon "is in California," said Sgt. Boberg, "It is the true of my awn lmowled1e." largest seizure of hashish we know of Hinahaw's request to supervison for tt arrived officially along the Orange Coast early this morning and, according to weather forecasters, will be with us at leut through Saturd&y. A cool weather front o(f the Gulf of Alaska was reported responsible for the drizzles which dampened the coastal area today. Forecasters predicted the Ughl rain would coiitlnue tonight, turning to zcatttred showers Friday and probably Saturday. Gusty winds will accompany the prectpitat.lon while snow levels in the mountains will be at 9,000 feet tonight, descending to 7,000 feet on Friday. DAil\ PILO T ........................ '---· ..... --.............. OlAHGI COAS1 f''11~1St11NO COMH.HJ "'''" N. w,,, ll're.i..nl .. l"Ubl.._ Jeclr I. C11tJ.., vie. ,....,, -o-r .. ~ Til11111s K1..U .... 11111111, A. rr.t.,,111~. Mt11t1ltl9 l•nor here. They were apparently selling all priva te coonsel In the dispute waa de- over the Southland." nied, an acUon that led to his filing in The cUrTent street price of hashish is ~e appellate courl He bas debated the $80 per ounce, according to Informed 1ssue1 invol\'ed with Kuyper before the sources, and sometimes runs higher. Orange CoWlty Grand Jury. Newport Beach did find a larger load-Hinshaw challenged-the county's riJht 150 pounds of hashish -on April 1 when to consummate the deal with the Irvme a fi sherman discovered an old trunk In Company, in which the landowners and the ocean at the end of the M Street pier. the county traded nearly 500 acres of But no arrests were made •. Value of that shore-oriented land. haul wag about ,500,000. Police ha\'e An appellate court spokmnan stattd theorized that someone had dropped the Wednesday that the "petition Is under trunk while attempting to pass. the study at thJs time. No date has been hashish from one boat to another. ~ for a ruling and J imagine that the Nixon Appoints West Countian An aerospace executive f r o m Westminster has been named to Pre11i· dent Nixon's Task Force on Prl1011er Rehabilitation. He is Reginald C. Doiron, of nil Rock· mont Ave., who Is rmployed by the McDonnell Dougl11 Company ln Hun- tington Beach as a contractl ad· mlnlstrator. As one of 14 men on the task force he v.•111 review problems faced by fonner of. fenders and attempt to aid them in a pro- duc:tJ.ve return to society. Oialrman o( the force will be John M. Briley of Owcns-Cornlng Fibcr&lass COrp., Toledo, Ohio. Jlrona Pqe l HIPPO ... hours to ae1 him Into 1 truck. The ne:rt pos.slblllty was S1nta Ana's PrenUce Park 1.oo, but officials con- sidered lhelr bear and babboon border• and hung out the No Vacancy sign for Jiochleutner's hippo. Why would a jobless young man buy such a white elephant, or r1ther hlp- popat.amus, with one child tnd a wife far along lrr-pregnancy?~- 11tt ~·as Ju.st one or those things," he said, "boy meets hippo." filing of the Kuyper brief will delay things a Utile." Hanoi Says Nixon Betrayed Promise PARIS (AP) -North Vl•tnam uld Thurlday President Nixon betrayed a U.S. promise in rt\'ealing the aecret talks between the two deleaaU0111 at the Paris peace talks. Hanoi 1poke1man Nguyen Thanh Le reportd that Ambassador Xuan Thuy told the peace conference It waa the Unlted States whJch bad propoaed that the private talks be kept secret, and Hanoi had agreed. Nh:on rtvealed the 11 meetinaa in his addreu to the natJon f\Jonday. 'nluy WIS quoted .. sayfna:.M>e ''Amer- Je1n repreaenlaUva do not keep thelr promise! even for llWe thbw:. That 11 why we have said the Unlted Stltea speaks Jn one aenae aod acta: In a com- pletely different sense. It speaks much or peace. In reaUty H punures war ... The North Vietnamese l'pOkesman said the agrtement for secret talk.I wu made at the first private meetin.I be- tween U.S. Ambassador Henry tabot Lodge and Thuy on March 1. Sears Pioneer Dies ClfiCAGO (UPJ)--Oen. Robert Elldnc· ton Wood, who built Sean, Roebuck and Go. from a lle<lallnc-moll~ordu firm, died today in his suburban Lake Forest Home. He was JO. November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS • , , Your /4VOrltt lnttrlcr dtsignlr will be hapJ>U to assist ucu .• , H.J.GAl\RETT fURNflURE Immediate Delivery IPROFESSIONAL INTElllO• DISIONERS Opt11 Mo11., '"''"' I Ftl, f •tl, 2211 HA•tO• ll VD. COSTA MESA, CALI,. ,.,.0211 1 ( be ts G: to qt at ge st th G: st d! lh "' " ls cl C• .., c: S< li· H t) H Ol th ft s. •• ,, tt I I ; . ' . . . 'T ••• .. DIANE SCHURR DEMONSTRATES FOR MINI-CLASS At Laguna High, Yoga end Eastern Philosophies Top of World School Site Of Homecomirig Program By FRED SCHOEMEHL 01 11141 DlllY P lt.f SllU TOP OF TJIE WORLD School will become more than just a school, when it ts transformed in to Mt. Olympus or Greece for the 1969 Homecoming Dance to be held Nov. 15. The dance will honor the homecoming queen and her court after she is named at the El lt1odena versus Laguna Beach came, the preceding Friday night. Lagwia Teen Corner noteworthy In the acceptance o f responsibility and involvement by high school students in their instituti()n.~ and For only three dollars, ·all LBHS students will be able to dine and dance in the same atmospherr as did the ancient Greeks. Togas and sandals won't be in style, though, as formal or semi-formal c1ress will be required. Nor will lyres and flu tes fill the air with music as "Can-educational environment. nab!s. Rex'' will bring the current rock THE l\fiNI-COURSES through this &1unds to the Olympian atmosphere. week have been exploring the conflict and TllE PROGRESSIVE Educalioo Club compromise of the Eastern and Western ls again starting a new concept that may minds in the world today. or the toplc.s change student initiative all over Orange presented, from Kanna to the concept County, throogh wha t it tenned an of the Oriental "mind'', the most in· •·orange County Progressive Education teresting topic was the one ot yoga. Clu b.'' Many of our young people are turning So fa r, only Newport llarbor High to yoga as a way of life. Contrary to the School has started a progressive educa-popular belief, yoga is more than sitting lion club likened to the one at Laguna in the Lotus position. It entails a whole High. Two other schools in Orange Coun-fonn of life, from the infinity of exercises ty, Sunny Hills H.igh"School and Valencia to the dietary program or raw and un- li igh School, are hoping to get such an cooked foods. organization going soon. A demonstration of one {orm of yoga - But what about all the other schools? the Kundalini Yoga, which is defined as NOW THEY HA VE the chance to get the yoga of awareness, was given by their students involved in education, Diane Schurr, a local yogist. She showed following the basic pattern at. Laguna. the waking exercises to be practiced in Such groups may start mini~our.ses at the morning before arising, which, from neighboring high schools (Jr have their what I could observe, rnU5t have stretch· students on more flexible programs. But ed every muscle in her body and then the 'tmportant thing about a countywide some. organWition-isr-that-it-would-glvt-the--Aa.for me, I don't know if~I could..be...a students in all the Orange Counfy" high yogi, hiving to learn all those exerclaes. 6Chools a unily. l'm still having trouble getting my push· .Such unity and organitation will be ups perfect f<r Mr. Miller in P.~. · ... . . . ... '• ( ,..._ TllondlJ, -6, 191.t s DAit V PltOT 3 • ' ' ' .\ . Down tlte-· '- Mission :R-epriev-e ~ for H-aFhor ; D,istrict May Get New Name, More Duties Trail 8,000 to Face j Water Rate Hike ' LAGUNA HIW -About B,000 customers in Laiuna Hills and El Toro face a $1. ~per-month hike in their water bills ~or Christmas. The State Public Utilities Commission granted a 6.8 percent rate Increase to RossmOor Water Co. over a 15 percent hike authorized in March. It ls to be ef- fective in December. A request for investJgation into alleged doUble charges was ruled out by the Le!sure Woi:ld Foundation. e Call(> to Get f'1111ds CAPISTRANO VALLEY -T h c Capistrano Unified School District has qualified for $150,090 ·to be used tor eon· struction under public' law 815 which sup- plies funds to districts who have federally in volved children. Superintendent Truman Benedict ad- \'ised the board to use the money to con- struct portable· classrooms. "We'll need portables for the nerl 10 to 15 years," said Benedict. "At the saturation point Wt! may be using 35 to 40 portables in our district." e Crah Class Carded AfISSION-VIEJO --A few openings re- main in the ChristmaS craft class whJch is scheduled to begin Tuesday. The class whJch will take place on con- se...'Utive Tuesdays Crom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the recreation center is open to OOth members and nonmembers of the center. Instructing the three sessions will be Ann Struck. For more information con· lact the recreation center at 837-4084. By TON BARIZY or-.~""""' An Orange eoont7 Htrbcr Plltrlct Iha! ·~to be-f1ewxl<rlnl•On the~ or dlll8oluUon ii loins IUl1 speed ahead ... day with a newly charted route that lll:IY end with its eX)>lllllon IJll! .....,..,.,,: Tba beleaguered diltrlel got a H .bot in the arm TUeoday from er..,. County s~ Co~ ttie bWing ol argumenta that hive ~sued it for the past two years -the claim thlt !ta fllOC-' lions couJd just u well be perform~ by county govenunen~ the wertion that tt serves only tbotie 'county residents ()f coastal areas and the argument that it frustrates streamlining of county govern. ment by its existence as a separate tu· ing agency. · It got its strongest support from a super\·lsor represenUng an Inland divi31on -Robert Battin of the Santa Ana-<:en· tcred First District. Battin lashed the arguments of pro- dissolutlon speakers -particularly the Orange County chapter of the Caillornla League of Cities -as "subterfuge, mask· Ing the real reason for their desire lo kill the Harbor District. "It doesn't .seem lo have occurred to anyone to ask Wh't we have had.this Slid· den recent attack on a dlstric~ that has existed since 1934 and which had never been challenged bef()re lhis actiOn by the League of Cities," Battin said. Battin submitted that a "personality clash between (City Administrator) Doyle Miller of Huntington Beach and Kenneth Sampson (Harbor District direc· tor) I~ one of the real reaS()ru behind this attempt to kill the district. "It all goes back," he said, ''lo a time when Huntington Beach wanted lo pro. vide a police force for the HunUngton liarbour area 11nd also wanted the county lo pay for it. It didn't get Its way and so we have thi s long, devious path, this power battle between the oounty and Ila cities, to this present h~aring." • Street Work Oha11ed Battin rejected the League's suggestion SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Bidding that the dissolution issue be put to a has been authorized by the city council county-wide vote as 0 the easy way out•• for the reconstruction ()f several city for the supervisors. streets. "Why were we elected?" he asked. Streets to be repaved include Ortega "Because the public puts in ofnce those It Highway between Camino ~plstrano and believes to qave superior knowledge, ex· the San Diego Freeway; El Camino Real perieoce and education and it also ex- between Don Juan and La Tanja and pects those elected officials to make StatllUcl prepared by Grten lndleattd tbal the nsJ)OQle reOected the dealrea ol more than 1411,000 C<IUllly relidenLI. ap. ]Xll6d,-he said, were ftve OllDJ!Mdtlel - Costa Mesa, Newport Be1eb; Seal Beach, La Palma IJll! Garden Grove -lol&Wn( illll under 185,000 RJ!dtnta. Three clUes, the League survey claiml, have taken no stand on the ialue. LAguna B<ac1>, Orange and Anaheim ftpr-t 245,300 coonty residents, according to the Green douler. "Speaking just for my Own dlltrict." BatUn said, 1•1 know that two cltlu belltve they made a mistake when ther went on record as favoring diuolutJon. And in another clly tJiree councilmen have been replaced and we mlght get an enUrely dUferent reaction to this pro. poaa1 todiu-' II Battin argued that . "many .<ltlel have nol been given the lrue plclure ol the overall sltuaUon and we &bould not ac- cept these figures at tbelr face valiae." Battin pt 4 to 1 blck1n1 for hll argument.a and he in\medlately advaDced a suggettion that had been earlier offered to the board by Carl Kymla of Newport Beach, representing 'the Orange County Coast Auociation. Kymla suggested, and Battin used the wording in his resolution, that the Orange County Harbor DI.strict be renamed the Orange County Recreation, Parks and Harbors Dtatrlct. County Counsel Adrlali Kuyper was named chairman of a com- mittee which will report back to I.he board at Its public meeting Nov. 2'. Battin supported Kymla's argument that the name change would htlp to cor- rect the "erroneous impression" that the district's activities and interests c>nly benefited resldent3 of the coastal area. "It certafnly beneOta resklenta of my own inland district," Battin pOinted out. "And it might. he:lp many of them to ruU.. tt when they -the tu fwid1 deYoted to the -District comtn1 ba<k to -In the bm ol parts and --ladlllta In thelr'<IW!I ..... mun!Uel." He bad to OVlttOme argumenta: of Supervi.oor David Balter In which the Se· cond Diltlict aupervisor condemned retention~ the Harbor District "as· being in, conllkt wtth an our Ideas of stieamJJnlng IJll! updatln( ct the county 1tructurr... "We should do It (dilsolve the dtltrlct) ourselves rather than let the legislature do it," Baker urged. "No" one ls ques· tlonlng the lnlegrlty of the dlalrlel or It• peraomel but we here on the board are the front men for lh!s operation and we mlgilt 11 well have It within the counly llnlelure. "This (Harbor) dlalrict bas low vl!lblll· ty, it is not seen and It is Dot un,,. derstood.'' Baker said. "It has a budget ()f $1.4 million and very often there are fewer than XI persons present at its meeUngs. "Let's put this matter to bed once and for all," Baier said. "11lls ii our op- portunity to take a final acUon." But Supervilon Alton Allen, Wllllam Phillips IJll! Wllltam lliraleln joined Ba~ tin In defeaUng his aim. And they backed Battin'• plea for a study that will alJO produce the poulble recommendation lhat the Harbor Dl!trict be expanded from !ta pre9ent 17 percent coverage Of Orqe County to a 100 per- cent atatuJ. Le.ague of CIUee apokeanen stated foDowtng the bearing that their next ac- tion will be "to qaUI approach the couo- ty'1 dUel' and ~valuate our stance.•• Secretary Winston Updegraff COi> firmed that the League "will not abandon ii.I bid to dissolve the Orange County, Harbor Di.strict." . r I 1 Second Community Chest Mailing Due for Laguna Andres Plco, Ysldora, Camino del Avion decisions -like the one .we have before and Guadalupe. us today... A second Community Chest mailing off sharply, Eccles said, and only 58 per- will be sent out in the Laguna Btach area cent of the needed amount bas been e Ne"' Troop• .Forna He also challenged as "misleading" in an attempt to spur this year'• Jagging received. LAKE FOREST-Lake , Foresters who rigures submitted to the board by Hun· fund drive, directors decided thla week. "We must extend our efforta lf we hope , · tlngton Beach Mayor Jack Green. cur· 0 0ur 1969 campaign fund J:! of to support the 14 agencies dependent on have a potential Brownle <ll' Girl Scout rently president of the ..League ol Cities • ooo Ion off the Chell thl " •· Id "ll the l in their home may call the Beach and _ .,,7, seems a I way en we s year, ur; sa • goa Tennis Club far information on new chapter. look at a total conbibuUon of $33,350 so is not attained, many of the agencies will troops being organized. Green argued in a long statement to far,'' president Albert Ecclet Jr. told the have to curtail their programs." While enough signatures have been the board that 18 of tfle county's~ cities .board. • He urjed La1UDans to respond to the ecei.ved, ..ran...org•nizat!OMI meelini :w.iIL._jl.M_jn_gi,~.ated to Lea~ surveyors that With advance glfits running ahead of new .appeal by aend!ng donatil;>m: to Post>- take place and a complete scouting pro-they woulO-prefer dissolution Of tne---prevreus-yearr,tt-had·befn.-~·Box·Ml1D-l;,quna-Bach.-brin1•'iM--~ gram will get under way. The club's district ()f an ,election to determine Its Laiuna would, as usual, ezceed the cam4 them in peraon to 221 Forest Avenue, or number is 837-8161. .. fate. paJift pl, but daily gtftl have dropped calling 4M-m7 for pick-up. • ' • Ta.ke the Kiddies on a Junior Safari Stroll Among · the World's Tamest-Animuls • • • Pet Them • • • Feed Them JETT'S EXCITING ' EDUCATIONAL T onite 'til 9 • • • Friday 10 to 9 • • • Saturday 10 to 6 ADMISSION 25c • 17th & Irvine in ·Newport Beach • > . • ' ' t (c..I ... .., .. DNr PIMf MtlfJ ~eanup of Halloween mlschicl such • 50aped wlodows for premium& 'f $1 per hou&ehold and $2-$4 per lluslnes11 depending on the number ti wuidOws. , !.A group of enterprising high lcilool &tudents In Richland, Wash., tpade a tidy sum for a proposed mental ·health wing at the local l*'spltal by selling H8llowe.en i!t· ~e.1,.Mllce McElroy, .president ~ the Key Club al •Columbia High 8cbool, said his group guat anteed ~ ' . ·- ·flooding in South America lef t thi8 iilla.ge boy stranded after he rescued ''P. imalt statue of hta town'1 patron :iaint. Now M and ti~ saint ·wait patiently for another good samaritan. ~ Help wanted: One steeplejack lo : retrieve stranded flags at Northern : Michigan University in Marquette. 'The flagpole atop Kaye Hall re- tuses to release the.American a n d Michigan flags which now have be- come tattered and worn in high ·---· ·----. . To·El9ase ~0~le Term CHJCAGO CUP!) -Le11l J1U1chin"1 Degan-todly to erase a four-year con. teqi,pt aentence qalnat J;llack Panther· leadtr Bobby Stile fm'hlo refuul lo keep' quJct durlll( the ChicliO riot conspiracy trial. . •. For 1he flnt Ume llnct the trial began aeven week& qo, Seale Wu oot In court and the "Chicago Eight" were redUced to seven defendants. · U.S. District Judp Julius J . Hoilman W~nelday declared a Dlillrlal of the conspiracy cue against Seale and banded down three month conSecuUve ae.ntences for each of JI acts of contempt, ranging f"'l!l·Jltou!ed oboepitles to ~ ma~ che.. wttil deputy marahals. At the atart of todly•a .... 1on. Francis J. ,..McT~ .• J>lll1ner -~Seale'• Iona:· t.ime laWJtr, wu 8dmitted 11: an al· lotney,lil•tlle ~ ll<!flmiul'granted bim ~·!" life 'a inotiOn' Mekinc lo lie! uide !ht Cliatempl citations. • MCTemaa 1+ft '!ht oourt , room 1111' niedtateiy to,pnpore hia rnOllon. He oak1 · ' . - DAILY PjL01'11 ... ,,._ SENTENCED TO 4 YEARS P•nther Bobby S.11• he would base it on grounds that the con- Lempt senterice is so long It constitutes I cnitl and ~usual punishment. Iowa Senator Says He'll Vote ~gainst Haynsworth WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Jack MlUer, (R-lowa), annodnced t.odly De wlII vote against confinnaUon of Clement F. Gold:water Feels Citizens Getting Tired of Protests WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Barry Goldwater, (R·Ariz.), warned President Nixon's Vietnam cri~s today that the American people are getting more tired of street demonstrations than they are of the war. Goldwater said be was now convinced that most Americans agree with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's description of demonsltatJon leaders as "Jmpudent mobs." "I feel President Nixon'• Vietnam crit- ics are beginning to press their luck," he said in a speech prepared for a Western Statea:· Republican Conference in Hono- lulu. Haynsworth Jr. as a Supreme Court jusdce because of "carelessness" by the judge Jn observing judicial ethical stan- dards. Miller, who had been known to be privately opposed to Haynsworth, said in a statemenl: "I have concluded lhat con- firmation would delay the restoration of public confidence in the Supreme Court which is so necessary and urgent. Ac- cordingly 'I cannot vote for his con- flnnation, The Senate plans to begin debate next week on President Nixon's nominatJon of lfaynsworth. ' Miller in the text of a Sencite floor speech complaining of "<!arelessness", cited the judge's holdings in a vending machine linn while deciding a case in- volving a customer of the fum, He also mentioned Haynswortb's stock purchase in a firm that was in litiagtfon before his coo rt. Miller ts generally regarded as a "regular" Republican partisan, mosUy conservative in ouUook. ! Democratic Leader Mike MansfieJd said the nomination would be called up about Wednesday. He expressed hope it could be cfuiposed of in about one week. "'~inds and freezing temperatures. : 4!he--univenity--eaytil-has-ex!iaust1--------------- ed every means of getting the flags , down and now is seeking outside • help. Liquor Control Probe Turns to Ghetto Area SACRAMENTO (UPI) -An Assembly committee considering possible changes in liquor control laws planned today to turn ill attention to the overconcentration of taverns and bottle shops in ghetto areas. Aslemblyman Robert Moretti, ( 0. North Hollywood ,) chairman of the a 11 e m b 1 y governmental organization committee, Monday questioned lhe price for transferring liquor licenses. He said he had "some concern" over exorbitant costs and profit making in areas where · thl3 licenses are scarce. Powder Keg Red Light Rest Room Spa rks Strike MONTECCHIO, llaly (UPI) -Ladies at a bicycle saddle factory here went on sltike today because of their boss' use of closed circuit television and a red light to control the time lhey spend in the powder room. TI1e light goes on as soon as the powder roon:. is locked from the Inside, they com· plain. And factory-owner G u e r r l n o Giullari, M, can see the light on a television set in hi.s office. The 70 men at the plant have gone out in sympathy with the 90 ladies. "We used to be one bJg happy family," Gluliari said. "This is the first strike we 've had here. ~ they had to wait un· tit I was In hospital (for an opera· llon) before declaring it. Somebody must have put them up lo it." He said "the light used lo be white. I put it there so the ladies could see from thelr workbenches whether the powder room was· occupie<! to save lhem Ull- neces.sary journeys." Asked why he changed to bulb to red Giuliari replied : ' "Because the ordinary bulb didn 't show up on my television." He said he had the television in.stalled to keep an eye on production. ''There was too much time being ~·asted around here," he said. "It would have led to catastrophe." Gale s Hit Atlantic Coast Fair Weather Noted Over Most · of Nation C1!9fol'llle LOS ANdl!L!S AHO \llCINITY- Cloud'J ~ lltrolltlt Frlde~. C1'1111C• of l(.ltttrfd ~· fonlthl .. 111 ,,i. Mv. 1 . .101, ftntt>tr•1vrl ch•nH. Low '«1111111 S6. Hllifl Frldtov 65. Ch•MI or ,.In lower...,. lo .II Plrclfll tonl11tt enlll • Pl'l'Unl Fri.s.J. POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICAN IOllDf'll:-0.UtMl"I "'10\fh hlnlllhl. SDUl'-ttfflJ WIO\dl I ta 11 knot1 l'tlo deV. F-taotttrtd "-tn tvnlt hl end frlde~- VC:TJtEME SOUTH EltN NEVADA- V..-leOhl dOlldlMU llltO<.>llfl !'ride~ wf!ll dlellC• of ltw K •liffitl lhoW- "11 tn11ln1V •rovnd mounleln1. Gv1tv wlnd1 Frldmv •'""-"· $119htlr cool- er. LOWI IO!'llvhl :lJ ta 47. Hlthl '"" .., '5 ta 7S. CO.UlAL ANO INTl!ltMl"DIAll! VALLEYS -MOl!I~ clovdv 1111'11Wll Frldep, F-IC•lll'l'"fd ihoW.l'I 11)- 0\ltt!t end l'rld1v. Little 11m11ereture ChenH. HIVh SI lo IJ, Lowa !ortl•hl ...... MOUNTAIN Alt'!AS -Sc11!1rld ~ toO\lthl •ncl Frldev. .SllDW """' nMr 1.tlOll tnt. J u91111, 'llD!tr loftlllll. GullY wll'ld1. INTlll:IOll: ANO DEIEJtT llt'!OIOHS -\1.n.Dlt cloudlnnl th•Olllll frldto~. °""" wllllJI JO Ill IS "1Ph ti limn. lfllMfy twlw. 1.-. toni.111 n to u UllflW, 4$ Ill U '-r v1l...,1. Hit111 """""" .. ft ,. u-. ,. ta ,. 1-"•!ttva. U.HTA llAJllAll:A ANO \IJCINtTY ~·bit' CIDUcl'-lhl'llv9h Frio tlltr. A few tcellt1" .,._.,, 11111 ,.,.,_ ltwDUtfi ,r1de,. Contlnutd cwl, H'9M Ml .. l.l. 1.-. lotllt>lit .11 • M. C'*"°9 « rolft dtetlo•1tnt tt 4 • ~ ......... tllnMlll ""°''· IANTl MONICA IAY AJIE"-C- 1......_ CJO\ldl-"""""' l'rlOtv, C'llOMI • .... "'-" lonlllllt •n!lf Frldw. lltti. ,_,..,,illf'I en...,., Hlft .. ,. .... Lowt IOnllPll -SJ. $Aft 1'9"11:NAN00 VALLEY -Fr;w tc•'""" ...,..... ftllltH el!CI flrlcltv. Llttlt ....,..,.,_,,_ U..ntt, HIPll SI llO ... UWt """"' • lo JS, CfMMt ti refll ~ to • "1c:Ml 1,,_ N1t11...r•.-it Frld1v. ·~ s-. llf-, rwu TNUJUOAT ,..,. llltll ............. 7:0ll ··"'· f,4 1-..1 low ,... "" Tl'CIO o.tn, t.I •lllDA1" ,Int Mell ........... : .. 1( .. e.m. J,7 Pint !Ow .............. Tf:4 e.m. t,I '-" hltll ••••••••••• 7:0 1.m. 4.( s.cw ................. 11• JI.flt. 11.l UN •IMIAllDIMO VALLl't'-''"' =· ....., -~ •!!Ill l!tldel'._h. . •••A.-~ ....... --11 ....... 17-e.Mi. .... ..41M •·"'; ._ J;M •.m. ..... 1;01 11.m, Mltll""" Pl'M. Albl!IV, N. Y. "6 a ,fJ A1Nr1JID n al AlhnHi. tJ 3' All•nl• 51 31 11111111111 n '° lll""l1111Nm to :t llf1m•rdl M 3' llolit Sl (7 hllm 51 ,, .1( ·~O\ntlllt " Sl llvff•I• 'f ):I llurllll9ftwl. VI. "2 (0 ,f1 Celllff ti ft CNl'lettott. l .C, .ff .ft Cf\•ti..ton, w. ..... 41 11 .ll Cl>1rtot1•, N.C. 51 :n Cl>le... S4 " Clnclrwltll .m 3, Cl ...... el'ld 44 36 Cel\NTlllU1, 0 , 4 Jf D•lle~t. Worth 14 '1 °""""' •s :u Dn .Moln•s '4 JJ .. .., ll:tlfW, wllld'I' 11\d cGOI toder. Lltlll '"•rleblt wlndl ltltht •nd mDl'nl119 tloun btcomlM _, to IOl.llh-1 t • ta 1, ll!lofl. HI""' tedtV -d. 0.11'1111 .. 37 .01 Coe1tel ""'"r•tvrt• rMM fl'Oll> JI ta u. lnlend i.m-11um ''"" from .M to u . Wetw ""'-r•l\lte U . Dvluth " ,. l!I Pe.. 16 :16 ....... S1 ,, Gr-Ht Pell1 Jt U Htt-S6 "6 Hou1t0fl 7' SS lnd!eMllOlll U J2 fl S S Jedi.IOI!. MlsJ. '5 JD • • ......... JedllOllYlll• '1 ,, A ltl'W hlell ......,... '"""'" k•MeJ C11V '' a broWflt ,.., ......,. ft "'"' of ""' Uttfl ll:odl " " Mtltft fMlf wMf .ttltnl llwml Mt-l•kVlllt JI ,_ .of """" ,,.. ,..,,,,._. •Ill Hortllwtll, ~1• '' ti Ge ......... W.. 111 .. lrftd tlortt Mletnl llMtfl tt .n th9 A"9fttk (...t fNnl c-Mer. Mlhll'tujtee: Sl " M.J., .. ...._., fMIM, 1"11 elctlt Ml!wlNilolft.SI. ,IU! J7 ,, .,,. l'tdflic c.... ""' l•..,._ w • .,... tMw °"""' '' n f9 ~. °""' NN' Ywt! II 411 .fl Storm -nlrllt wtrt In ttftct oft North Plett. 76 2f "" Antonlk '""9tlM """ 2IMott Clllehcmll Cltr JS " __ _.... 0...llA ~ 614 ll:enl ... ttce.i-1 M l ,,_ .. II Phlledtlel\le !D a !If '"'"' nlllrel _.,...,, end A011t'1I l'tll1Mtll '2 " .01 fMw yn. ,,,,. • 1lle ,t.n.ntk. llttn, 1'«1tffld. ""· s1 "' 1.MI wttll --"' ... _. ...... ece\llT'M ll:tltltfl ,p • fl'Ofll ......,n WtthlMMn ,. ~ CM> 11...W City 11 as lr•I C.llfotnle. ll:klwnllMI 51 • ,,..., Of' fl'MN ·~mlMI _. -lo SI, LDUI• 6J 11 M fltt nwcll ef tr. louth far TM 11tc;. St. P•191'11Wr9·lttnH 65 !D fll'ld 1lr•llM nltM tlvl un-~ S.lt LMe Cltt ff 'f mild _,,_, ""''*" norttiw1rlll fe. Stn Antoillt '' 31 ••1'4 w.. C.Mdlt n b«W. S1vlt Sit. Merit " "' l•tlY morr.r"" t9""ff•1•ltll't 1xll'fmff 11>~--~--~~ u ttm9 11'1 Arlhll'lf, Y0tn1 ·11111 '' ene--Within"°"'" ~., l'l"tllff is, Wldllle • 17 » • • -oss •• • ·Elite Saigo~ Unit,. U.S. Bases Hft ' ' SAIGON (UPI) -COmmunlal ln>opa 145 dud and 711 ·wouodld aploat !,Ill lnlllcted coolly ,1-on an elite South IU"frillu lialn. • Vletname&e Marine unit In 1he Mekong Due Lap wr the C>mlpUon - Delta today; bit t"o Americafi"'bases 1n~and>JD 1111111 ·-of Stlp II 1he central hlghianda with gn>Ond defended, by South ViltnameM Irregular 8'38Uila Ind laid liege to the D)lc. Lap .troopi· -· command of U.S. tpeelal Green Beret Camp near the Cambodian fon.w. bonier. UPL ~ Kent Potter aald It wu the aharpeat seri.. of "N<rth n>Odl to Due Lap had baen cul and that Vletnameae and Viet Con& atta~ In all·tupplleo ... by air di<ipa. moothJ after a oeven week Juli ...ied C<immlinlll · ooldlera drvve today te early In 1he week with oew drlvea that within 1,000 ,,_of Due Lap and lhelled appell"Od to be a deliberate poUcy of Duc Lap and a nUrbJ arttlJery auppart testing the. Saigon go\lf:rnmtDt's: wW· base kllliq one American, womcttna two lngneu and ability to take over the war. _.,.and woundlq fi•e South Vie~ The new drive was not reflected Jn namese. UPI correspondent Nat Glbeoa cuuatty reporll releaaed ~ for · tut liald-the rocketa apparently were fired week. 'lbole reports said 13 Amµicans from Cambodia. we.e killed and 721 wounded, the filth GI-'aald the N<rth Vietnam•" and week In the paal aix that Ameriqn JOuea. some Viol eon, r.uowec1 up the ahellinl were below 100. Government kmes wtle wtth a· ground attack aaaJnat the artillery bue JUll nor1h of the camp, lillltllna In ~ a fog to the trencbllae diloiioea ...... they ·knifed a goverllllHOll eoldler to daatll.belon~repulaed. The South vtetnameM loll lour killed and nioe wounded while the COmmunlal -loot Jix dead'. ·· A Viel Cloog broadcut aald lour Americana: were captured near Due IAc ~y '!he• their helicopters were lllot down. U.S. military aourcea ut4 lour men wtre ~ and that one wounded man and ·.one body were recovered. Helicopter rescue cran got within IO feet of one live pilot but were driven off by heavy gunfire. Government military sour~ said as many as 5,000 North Vietnamese troops operating in lhe remote region anund Due Lap were lollowinl a plan that called ftr capture of the camp. * * * -Viet Battle .Goes . 'E%cepilmJal11 Bapn' ' . ' Indian Style: GI Uses Arrows Viet. Cong Releases 3 PHUOC DINH, Vietnam (UPI) -A 11.S. 10ldler from Connecticut wllh only 25 days left iri hia Vietnam stint grabbed a bow and arrow when his ammunition ran short and helped turn back a North Viet.nameee alt.act on an artillery base. Soldiers in Goo d Sh ap e Spec. S Garciano Hemande1 of Bridgepart joined other cooks and clerks manning the perimeter of fire support base "Buttons" about SS miles north of S~Jgoo during the attack early TUellday. A cook, Hernandez discovered he had only three magazJnes of Mll rifle am- munition. But he allo Camed with him. a Jong bow and target arrows whlch had been given lo him by a friend who return- ed to the Unlted States. "I had very little ammunition so my first reaction was to grab my bow and arrows," he said. "I had done a little hunting with them berore, but ol course nothing like this." Hernandez fired at least eight arrows at the attackers.and wounded al least one of them, an Anny spokesman reported Thursday. "I was only trying to help my friends and aave my life," said Hernandez, who leaves Vietnam at the end of the month. ...... ' "" ,., "'' ,.._,. -(o I ................ .. ..-.... •14"" ,.. ..... _ .. -Uto' • -...... ,. _ .. ....... ·----.... " " .......... .,._ .. .... _ ...... ,.., ... -~-... ""' ........ -... '" """ n• .. +1t SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. Anny described three Gia as "in an ei:· cept1onaUy l!Jppy mood" today lollowlng their release from Viet Cone prisons - and a ate11k dinner. Fulfilling 1 promise, the guerrilla& freed the Gia Wedne..tay on the northern coaal. In """"'""'"' the .. 1 .... Oct. 21, Liberation Radio aald tt waa planned foe "humanitarian reasons." . Army spokesmen Identified the men as PFC James R. Strickland Jr., 22, of DuM, N.C.; PFC Coy R. Tinsley, 22, of Cleveland, Tenn., and Spec. 4 William A. Watkins, 22, of Swnttr, S.C. They came out of captivity to a steak dinner and underwent. phy1lcal ex- amlnatiom that showed them in a:ood condition. Tlnaley had lost 20 pounds and the other men shed IOIDe weight. For Walklns and Strickland, .It marked the end of 22 months as Viet Cong prlsonera. Tln:;iey had spent eight months in captivity. All were America! Division soldiers captured in the ruthem war ..... The release brought to 17 the number of Americans released from Viet Con& or North Vietnamese war prison.!. Nearly t,400 Gls are listed as missing or cap- tured in tbe'Vietnam war. As it had previous release, Lberation Radio announced that the three men had admiu.ed the United Stites does not belong in Vietnam. Army spokesmen aid T 1 n a I t y , Strickland .and Watkins w~ 1nto a South Vietnamese outpost near Tlll!l Ky, 340 miles northeast of Saigon, at 1:05 a.m. Wednesday and were turned over to American authorities. Youths to Send Gls Ton of Popcorn . I LANSING, Mich. (AP) -Some Lins· Ing eighth grader• and the city's Junior Chamber of Commerce are joining forces to send more than a ton of unpopped pop- corn to servicemen in Vietnam . MORE CERTAIN THAN STOCKS, MORE IN 18 n SI THAN BANKS. • • l • • ! I You CIR bo cellain tNit ,,-Nvirlgl -wtll bo •up• ot 111o ... M -MUTUAL SAYlllGB. In fact, ... guarantee ~I And.a 19Qular Pwbo"k Sw'.llg9 -ot Tho Big M pays 25% "'°"'IM!' o regular cont- mon:lal b1M ...mg. occount. --·~ ., ...., ~-roNm. For llddltlonol oecurily, your lundt -inour.d lo 115,000.., .. _..,. d ... --- PASS BOOK ACCOUllTSEMft B.1K -... 5% -- -II~ dllly lor • -· lntaraot.polcl day In to cloy out. AddRlono or wlthdnl-In ---at ony time. IONUI ACCOUllT&Some ba8t -M Pm-Aocounto. plus ban .. Of 25% yoer1y.-,_for :!ti monlhl (.75% total). $1,000 min-Yoorty ylo!d ti.311% -lnt"'911 II ____ datly. GUAllANTEl!D RATE ACCC>lifn EMft 6.25% par -guo1•d_, far a fixed term Of 3, 4 or 5 yea.,.. Minimum required 11.000. Prior IO """'l'"Y• wlthdrowota ""'Y bo ,._ !ft -al hiwdolllp. waaT AftOAOIA "° W...Outnt ~ ftl,9pfloM 4...0IM CORO NA Dl!L MAR •rtt.icottt~ T1~e,HOIO COVINA ~:-0 NoM Clw. A-..- Tttepllone UNltt GL.aNDAL.a JM-Nonro •"nd t ovl9••f<f T...,.,.,,. l4:l-41•t r • • I I • • ' I I I I I i • l .. I I ! 1 I I • . ' I I I I I l r I i I I , •• -- * ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 71 .-. • TEN ·CENTS .. ' -,. ' ' • J ' . . .. ecor· . . .. ·' eac ' N·ass·er Bloodbath? . . ' Arab ·vows Horizo -n Lit ·by Fire . ' . ·"From Wirt Services CAIRO -President Gamal Abdel Nasser yowed today tO turn the Middle East inlo a "sea of blood and a horizon blazing with fire i' in a drive to liberate Palestine from Israeli control. Speaking only lk>urs atter two separate commando raids against lsr-ael in the Sinai, Nasser told the Egyptian parlia- ment the Arabs had no choice but to liberate Palestine by ·means of violence and •.force. · ?ia56er said Egypt }\ad tried to im· plement the U:N. Security Council resolu- tion on ending the Middle East war, but Tfoaced by Notes that it and the big four powers had failed fo find a solution. "The definite eonclusion we must lake from this, is that there is no toD£er a way oUt of our present situlUon except by fprging a road lowan\I· ,our, objecUye violently and by fo,rct, over a sea of blood and under a horizon bluing with fire," Nasser 5'11<1. , ' ! The Egyp_tian leader was making his first public speech in three months. He has been reported ·iU with tbe Ou since the second week in September. . He called,'for ail Arab .summit con· ference to dbCuss \he ?;id9ast problem, TwoHuntington Youths Held iu Terror Bombing . . • Traced through.c·omP.Mison of.language cap8ble of holding an •uploiiVe charge. iia~?U# •!Jt"t rl+ae .11oi., two 15-· to ""~ rri-. ll°lf':'~~ I~, y.ar,old 'Hwitlng!on l!each boys )\ave !lmllar ici'that lei[ !or th•~ l•'!lilY. beeil charged with the ;Hi.lfoween terror irdjcating ptibis tO hit:auOlhtr residence · bombiilrofrlim!ITt-hoin•c---~---wllh·•-bomb. • !J\ve$1igilon duclpoed the arrests of_ Aulhorllies said · !hi · on!y , applrent the 'two Edison ffish School students to-motive for revenge agalnft the tamily hit day;-but did not~ idenUfy-them-due to HaUowe~n night WCI&· an arguMent one of their ages. the suspects had with Todaen. over use of They were booked into Orange COunty the 81.!~mming pool a~ the Surfside con-- Juvenile Hall Wednesday afternoon on domiiliums. charges of juveltile delinquency. Wilh The two suspects live in the same neighbors , and fellow students con· general neighborhood, both of them near trit'uUng to the case apinst them . Edison High SChoool. No one was injured 1ast Friday night when the incendiary device exploded iil the Stirfside condc:>nUnlums home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tod&en, 0£·20142 Lan· -tana St., but heavy damage was caused. A hallway windolf was smashed, cur· tains were shredded and a revenge note containing what police described as col- <lrful language was left behind as a call· ing card. . . Using the language coota1ned 1n the note and questioning neighbors. in- vestigators singled .out one probable suspect known to U9e those tenns, ac- cording to Detective Bruce Young. Interrogation of Edison High. School students led to re'-1'.elation that two boys had talked about bombing some homes ffalloween night. During the process of contacting the to suspects, police discover~ 24 carbon dicxide gas capsules, a quant1ty or black powder and about 50 cardboard cylinders Stock Markets NEW YORK (APf -Advances drew abreast of declines in moilerate trading this afternoon as a sluggish stock mar- ket continued lo mark time . (See quota- tions, Pages 22-23). ·-· "There is some need for out.<;ide news or influence to get the market ~going," commented Monre Gordon, research di· rector of Bache & CO. Oran_ge Coast Tax Override Won't Solve OV Building Needs The $1.25 lax override pasaed by Ocea n View School District voters last · spring will not help alleviate q>e district's building needs, Supt. Clarence Hall cau- tioned today. ''.Many Ocean View parents thought that when the district passed its tax over- ride last' spring, their schools were on the way to becoming problem-free," he said. "But overTide funds cannot be used to build the additional classrooms we need for the next five years," he added explain- ing that the money is used for operating costs. Hall said that to meet the district's building requirement.<;, it has scheduled a $7.~ million state aid qualifying bond election for Nov. 18 which will maintain it a eligibijity to receive state loans for building ·purposes. During the last 10 years the district has spent four state dollars for every local dcllar spent on school construction, he said . , If approved by the votets, the f7 .$ million bonds would allow the Ocean View . District to maintain it.s present billlding · schedule and will build approximaLety.200 classrooms over~the next five years. Enrollment OVer that time span ia ex- pected lo reach II ,Oil': t declaring the situation, as far as Egypt is concerned, js "lo be,.or not to be." Israel is fi'ghtlng with its back to the sea, while Egypt had spent 500 million Egyptian pounds in three ye a r s rebuilding Us army. and could now put 500,000 men in the field, he said. He again ~enounced the United States on · charges of 6UpJJOrling tsrael. · ·,Naper said,that ~·u.s. militarists" are ll&f\UJ'i ag~_fi:gypt "from behind guns and' from atrcrall \hal carry ljle Siar of David." The Egyptl8o President said Rllista· was Egypt's friend 'and the United States . was· "adopting the stand of ·an eaemy." · ''The anns of the Soviet Union are in <lur harids," Nasser said. "The arms of the USA are in Israel's hands." Egypt said it sent commandos across the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" the troops in two Israeli armored columns. Israel said five men were woun- ded and s.ent ill; air force into act.ion in a retaliatory raid. · C.alro saUI one Israeli ' plane was shot down and another da~aged. The Israeli announcement said an Isrleti planes r,etumed saltly to bfl!le • .In another con- flicting '.repOrt Israel spld five Isra~U sOldiers wer'e wowlded and M~ ~'in the two Egyptian~· ,ttac"'kl,'lllt ' ........ llld third Iii ~ taya. . -, . + Ramfan-Brmgs 'Fraffic Snarls, Fender Benders · . Today's heavy rain produced a crop of traffic accidents and kept the Ca1i.fomia Highway PatrQI and police in several Oranie County cities on constant traffic investiaati-On duty until mid-morning. ' "We haven't been as bu~ as this ip a tOng time," a CHP officer commented. "We've been running from one accident to another until aboi.Jt 10 a.m. when things began to slacken off." With one exception -the crash at Newport Freeway and M a c A r t h u r Boulevard ~ aeCidents investigated by the" CHP were descri~ as the "minor fender bender variety with only cuts and bruises auffered by those injured." Sania Ana police had the same report to offer -many minor accidents, some caused by stalled cars, ~t no serious mishaps and no injuries ' ' w o r t h reporting ." Tl was the same story in Orange where police had to go to the aid of motorists stranded by deep waler in several areas. But there were no major accidents and no injuries reported.· Anaheim police were called to more than 20 rain«mnected accidents but reported "nothing major and the rain and the traffic cona:estion has just about cleared up now." Rush m · . lralfJc produced a botO.eneck near Anaheim Stadium when an overflowing· culvert delayed work· bound motorllta but the situation was soon rectWed; officers said. Fullerton, Stanton, Buena P a r k , Garden Grove and Tustin p o 11 c e departments confirmed the Thursday weather plcture u wet, busy and -Jn the caae of motorists who-were late for wor~· di.le to traffic Conge!tion -pretty windy I! . Weatlaer . .,.; ; . New Name,· Duties Loom Keep those raincoats on, folks, • • OAIL Y PILOT It.II P'llet9 BEDSIDE -Pete Barazsu (l~t) and Monte Ramey bring some g?OO news to Ramey's wife, Cara. Doc;tors.have decided she'll get a kidney transplant and Huntington Beach mail carriers, led by Ba~zsu. have raised $1,000 in conUnuing drive to help delray couple's hospital expenses. . . Jr-or -Postal-Man's-Wife ·• ., • , ..-' .., I · By · TERRY COVll.LE ,. -!funtlnaton B~ch._ CalUornia,.112647. • ot ,.. DllfY P'llpf tten onr • i.:..-I Doct.on at ,Qfange County Medical 1"e ve uo::i::q P e•sed with the support Center ha•e·declded lo perform a kidney we've already tteeived from the com- transplant on Mrs. Cara Ramey, wife of munity,11 said Barazsu, Wednesday. Huntington Beach postal employe Monte Monte Ramey is a mail carrier on the RB.mey · Huntington Harbour route. His wife has The decision was reached Wednesday . afternoon, Ramey said. N.tittier or his been ·receiving steady medical' attention wfte•8 current kidneys are funtloning pro-the· past lWO months ·while the bills con- perly due to a serious diabetic condition. tinue to mount. WedrieSday he' received a bill for $2,900 from the medical c!nter for She. has, ~(I in intensive J::~ for two service through Oct. l3. · weeks at 1he medical center. Shortly after the kidney transplant "My Insurance only pays part of those decision was made, five of Ramey!s bills," said Ramey, "I sure appreciate fellow postal . employ~ visited him and the help mY friends are giving me." his wife at the medical center to present ' And t)le expenses are just starting. In them with a $1,000 savings account to preparation for her kidney transplant, help defray heavy medical expenses. doctors plan to use hemodlalysls, a Letter carrier Peter Barazsu has mechanical process for circulating clean blood, at least two limes a week on Mrs. organize.d more , than ,200 Huntington R c f the Beach postal employ es In a united effort amey · ost 0 process is '150 lo $200 to establish the Ramey.Fund. They have for each use. already deposil.!d ,l,107 in the Security "The doctors told me that if the kidney Pacific , National Bank of Huntington transplant is completely successful my Harbour and hope to raise thousands ·of wife will be as healthy as she· was a year dollars more. ago," said Ramey. Money was raised by a garage sale Success of the operation, however, over the weekend ·and through donalions qe pends on findilJB a donor for the by local residents to the Ramey Fund, necel.W'y kidney .. A medical center P 0 B lotr. spokesman said that a person whose NALC-Brance-2135, c/o · · ox ~.· blood and tissue types match Mrs. Valley Tennis Tourney Slated Ramey's must be foitnd. No date has been 6Ct for the transplant. . Until the transplant is made, Mrs. Ramey will be kept on the hemcxlialysis system. In the meantime Huntington Beach mail carriers are trying, to help Monte Ramey carry ·some of bis heavy ]91d. ·au 20Pounds Seized;, ' . 5 -Arr~sted. By TERRY COVIi.Li!: 01 "!'f n.ltr P'llM Si.ff '" 1 The largest seizure of hitbiah in Southern California history J 20 ·pOunds of it -was made Wednesday night tn Huntington Beach by narcotics otrtcers from Downey, Long Beach, Los Angeles Cbunty Sherllf's Department and Jocil police.• . I Fi've.men were arrested on charges or sale and possession. of narcoOcsl at t.1.51 TahiU 'circle, Huntington .Betc:h. Police claim they recovered the hashish, five pounds of marijuana, 95 LSD tab1et.s, a qu &Ji.er ounce df heroiri, tlO ~Qnat tablets and four marijuana plants· ...,.. fng in the rear Yard. Total market value of. the ~illicit narcotics waa . estim~ at •ioo,OOo ~ Los Angeles sheriff's deputies. Arrested in the huge hashish roundup in an affluent resldenUal section of southeast Huntington Beach were Elder Lon Hocker, 28, of the Tahiti Circle ad- dress; Michael R. Gray, 20, of Santa Ana; John A. Thomas, 21, and l'orilmie Mike Thomas, 20, both of Long Beacb, and Phillip Horton, 19, of Bellllower. Eight men and two women were later arrested in Loilg Beach on. cbarcea ol. pooeeaatng • jl0Ul14,and a.half.of hUhia11, . bl fr ' .. ~···· ' l't'-' said ~· d~' · u0m 'N""' 'o1 'Lon sm:r1., s epu es. t•ODe , ' Bue-arrem involved · OraiJle.County residents. • . -The-five ...,.....,...led;ln-Hunlington l!<lch are Currently bi LakOWOOd iherlff llaiton jail awaiting arnlgnme0t on the riarcotlcs charges in West Oi'ange b:.unty Municipal Court; Westm!nster. SeVenteen narcotics officers were involved in the arrests. . The arrests ended a three-montti narcotics investigation c<illdllcted by Downey police and Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies. "We started .about I p.m., Wednesday, on a trip to make a narcotics arrest 1n Long Beach.''-"!ld bis Angeles Sheriffs Sgt. Jack Boberg. '1We never expected to end up in HunUniton Beach." -1t became-a -game-of....!!&uess-who's coming to the pot party?" according tc> Long Beach n~i::cotics officers. "We went to S780 Campo Walk in Long Beach," said Long Beach P9lii:e Lt. Jim Miller, "in the course of trying to buy hashish therei we were told that the 'real action' wu in Huntington Beach, so without telllhg Who we were we left~" "We notified the Huntington, Beacli police that we were coming," continued Miller, "then we sent some mep into Jtocker's residence to buy the hashish and the arrests were made.". "After we rounded up the narcotics ,In Huntington Beach," said Miller. '"we· returned lo the Campo Walk addreSSi knocked on the door sa id, 'remember us? Guess who we are?' " "This was apparently one of Lhe major selling points of. hashish in Southern California," said Sgt. Boberg, "it 15 the largest seizure of hashish we know of here. They were apparently selling all over the Southland." • The curr~i street price.of· hashish Is f80 per ounce, accordlng .to ..informed (Seo llASllISB, Page I} The FoUrth .Al1nilal Fountair\ Villliy Cl." ty Tennis Tournament will be held Nov. 15, 16, 22 and 23 on UJ• teniits courts of f"nuotaln Valley Hi8h School. Residents of ~e city, members of the Fountain Valley TeMls ·Club and in- dividuals·whO go to schciol or work ln the city are eligibl~ to ~nter. '* * . * *' * * Entry fees are fa .SO for singles and $3.50 for doubl~ and may be paid during the week at Foontaln Vall•Y City Hall, 10200 Slater AvenUe. · Youth Hangs S~li Student Believed Hopped on Drugs ·; An apparently drugged Saddleback and which could happen at pfetty we11 High School student · hanged himself any time." · . , as there's more precipitation on the way, increasing Friday and probably continuing over the week· end. C<lastal temperatures are down in the mid.fiO's. Young Dunphy was placed under arrest Wednesday while being held for in-early Wednesday when he arrived at Sad- ' . v~ationJn the Sanla,AM,pc1[ice head· lebackJ!isl! yparently un.\lft~ the i1>-_ C t, R . H b quarters. nuence «drugs. Officer• tool{ Ute OOj 1~ INSIDE TODA. 'l' Separated ot birth, twins identical i11 fill respects-Jo¥·fld ea.ell ot1ier at oae ' 24 011~ tJOto • ... ' • 1 .. they'll net.•er be' r.ted • QQtlttl •• OflC "J . .oun. _y epr_ 1eves · . ~r _____ Q,_. r~~·~~~t,~exl~~i:i:~ :~"'~°!>;iZ3m~·-~":.:t:~~ . • ~ .Santa Ana, in ~~juvenlfe• waiU_IJl:roorn• Headquarters. ,, . ;, .,tl I ' . , . . . . . ~mltt1er ~"' "f,: fll"l'•mhll>:~ In' P•g~~ [,~~,~~~w~ By TOM BAi!LEY lrtlsil'atea streamllntng,a! coun)y BO~· exlole<l ;aiii&',111M 'ini!'wlikih half. ntver .~.~im~~~/ii{.;..1' "·1p1Y '. · ;;11' :l:,.1b\d . .., •"~toO-·illiliiilt'"-at":l.aii °' 1M '"" ""' ""' . . !'l'!'l PY •ill ~awict,u •. jeilarat• UJi j beeri.ttialleng<j!, bolore llili,!!<Uon'll) the. -"'P,ued"tite waitini ·room i._h' i!leback and )iSted int~ top IO percent of ' An Orang~ ~nly Harbor IJ!Mrid Ui#-:,111!1 1Cel¥lf•; .;,_1. 1·)'.-. . ·: · I I,ea111t,rl'!Ji\!9'.' ~tpn.irfl<!,:• ~~~ : · • O'!.ef> 10'111e door , looped hla'J)elt ~: ihe echolastic ralings -had been !akinl I dls,,,1111100 ls-gnlng-fult-.poe<hlhead to-pmiaorrepmontlni,'airmbmd diviskm-ctulr ';between 1ctty-Al11Dl . · r~ {iiil~iC111:ounij'Hii,necit·JlllCI .. , Roports state that the boy told ofO.cers ~tet!'lo ))e,.rfoundenng on·the .brh!lt ..;. ~ got.,.iU 8Ul1Til'S ::~rt from a ·,aattift au~ttt.ed .. -.al ••·i.;&t·.i:r;tY ~rni1 device,aff~o .the.back bf ·druss since he was J4. · i day wlth a newly charted route that may - Robert ~ttln of tbe S'anla Ana~i i;>oyle 'Mill'!~ of Huntington< ... and ites)pe<t ft'.om ~bench~ .' ·· ~..-~· he had takeli three 1'reds" thet morning ~~1~,..11 1~ ~'::~'' ,,.~; end. with its expansion and re-naming. tertd First District Kenneth Sampson ~U.rbor tfliCrl~·dtftc· "' AJcororier1s · ftltopsy' toda.1 • eonfiJrtled -sec nal capsules. Four more of the an· ci.11111..i ,,», Mttu11 "'"" it Th .!. beleaguefed dlslrict got a 4-1 shot BattJn lashed J.ht afcuments of' pr°"" lur) i!one <>r: the ieaf reaaons 6etdnif'.this the ~id~ on 'which pollce1ba!ed ~r' ti-depressant Pills were confiscated at ~;.~~,. ~ :::;:•=. ~,: in the arm 'l'uelday from Orange· County dissolutkln speak en -· parUcularJy t~ atlemp&.Jto ·klU the ;dlstrtct.. . i,.' • armt of: the atudfnt; thar· Dunphy was ~lice headquarttts. , , ~~~•1<•1 ;; f!."'J! ,..,.., uJ: spcrv1sors following tbe hearing of Orange County chaptei of the California "lt'aJJ ~~·'.' ~ Uij:I, ~~ .a Urne , Pride!: t.iJtllUeneet.(i{ drup whert ht was: Officers said \116 boy appeared tO tie: ·•""'''' ,..,. • st.di Mn1t1 n.,, arguments that 'have .. ptlgued It for the Leagoe of Cltiea -as "llft?t.erf~, mask-' . whet\~ ._Belcb f'Nited .top ~· : , , , . ·: •-· ~ 1 , rrectly calm and raUOnal "and ,ctr'-;~~=~-.i .,.tt ;:;::::-u.Il past two years -the claim that its fUnc· ing the real ret.901'1 for ~Ir. desn. t,o ~ ~ vfde 1 ~·~ f9t ~ .. ~: . lfo.irivatiia.Uon into tht ~~ii""'" , il'lty not' belligerent or '·anauJsMdJ' """'"' n ,._ • lions coold just 11 wn'be pertormed by tbe Harbor Dlatrld. ,;_·" ., , \ llorbour .,.._lild !l!~f"linteil !iii Oiliinlr· 1'M' '!Jil "lfie':-l!§fa · d~rhenl. 'A when l•ftln the "ailing room. 1' I I " ~':: .... "':""" 1~ ::;.: : ~ C®Ot)L&O'lcrmnent,. the wutioa..th:at-ll "It doesn't-seem W hit ~ · to',,..Y?!Of.lt.lf.CUdn lgff:Hi way iiid'ao sPotesman today described the death as-Tlieyquotat-tJie boy's-father u MU.-""'-"""* " _, '!!!' 11·• -"'.m..Rllll...~-C!>llA!l' JPldlnlt lllj'.Dlll lo ui< wlly wa.bav•Jiad lllil.Jlld·. , we llrle thls..lim&,~Pllb...Jhil " blolutely..JID&Y~-lhAl..-lba "dl'.llP..JllllJlilll...kl..d~ cl Ills,__+ '-----------....1 COaJtal artu aod Ille arcumcnt thll ti den rectal attacna a dlltrict, !bat bu 1Se1 IL\JIB()R, l!qe i} · can't bt foreseen by ony police offlctr future IU•." , . , • ~ t .. \ I ••• ·Hits Stand nyNixon MOSCOW (AP) -SOvlel President Nikolal V. Podi<>rnY occused Ille Ni1on •dmlnistration today of taking "non- comtructive" Jifands on pr ctb 1em1 dlscuased bttween the soviet Union and the Unit..i Stale!. Poctaomy al.so told a Kremlin meeting that "many activitiea of the United States in the international arena contradict U.S. official statements." The--president reaffirmed s o v i e t readiness to start talks in Helsinki Nov. 17 with the United States on limiting strategic weapons. But he stressed that the important thing is not.&imply talking but "lhe basil: oo which talb are carried out." Podgomy said the Soviet government will seek posiUve results from the talks "which would favor the Improvement of Sovtet·American relations, u well as stre!lllhening peace tbrougbOut the world." He implied it was up to Washington to match the Soviet attitude in order for the talks to succeed. The president warned that Ibo Soviet government "will never allow anybody to speak to it from a position of strength.'" This indicated that its negotlators in the strategic arms talks will demand some fonn ol U.S . .SOvle\ parity. Podgomy's speech, elven on the eve of the 62nd anniversary of the Bollbtvik Revolution, was lhe toughest attack by a Soviet leader on the Nixon adminl!tration 1ince it took office. The speech seemed to reflect growing Kremlin bitterness at U.S. policy, particularly In Vietnll)ll. Podgorny said President N i x on ' s &peecb Monday showed that a "sober ap- llr'OKh to this problem" does not prevail In Wublqtoo. Land Resigns School Position In Westminster John F. Land Jr., 57, superintendent of the Westminster School District for the paJt 15 years, resigned Wednesday. In a letter submitted to the board of trustees be said he plans to retire in July and move to Oregon, where he owns prcr perty. Land, who has been an educator for the past 3li yean, came to the Weslminlter district in 195$. urt•s been a nice 30 years," Land told the ~·of trusteesc Meuiwhlle Dr. BUI Dolph Wll ap- pointed by tl'lllleel 11 deputy ouP.rln· ~ and will roplac:U<!nd after his nur.ment. . Dolph has al111> been with the Westminlter School District for 15 years. From P8flfl 1 HASHISH ••. sourcee, and sometimes runs lllgher. Newporl Buch did find a larger load- 150 powm ot h&_!hj!_h -on April I ~h~n a fisherman discovered an old trunk 1n the ocean at the end of the M Street pier. But no amsta: were made. Value of that haul was about $500,000. Police have theorized that someone had dropped the trunk while attempting to pass the haahWl from one boat to another. Solon Says DDT Ban Too Little, Too Late SACRAMENTO (UPI)-Sen. John A. Ntjedly today described as "too little, too late" the State Agriculture Department'ii actJon to limit the use or the pesticides DDT and DOD on California fann.s . The Walnut Creek Republlcan vowed lo re-Introduce next year his legislation to ban DDT and other pesticides which f~J to break down after application . DAILY PILOT CllUNGE COAST PUILISH1NG COM,AN'r Robe r! N. Weed Prc'lcl~nl •nd P11blllllf:r J1tk R. C111t1y \/lei Prnldftll i nd Gt111rt1 Mtlll"' Tho11111 K11•ll Edl!W Tho"''' A. Mur phi111 M1ni1ln1 lttllw >.lb1rl W. 11+11 "150(.i"I Edl!o• H11ttl11tt.,. .._. Offico 30' Stli Str11t M•iU111 Addr1u: P.O. 1 01 790, 926~1 otHt ouk .. H"""'" tfftll: 1111 Wu! lhlt'll lo\lltYl ld c.tt1 Mut: »II W¢1! I•~ 51<«1 Lnurit lfltC~I 2» Foret! .t.v1n119 --~---............. -• DAILY PILOT Slliff ...... ---·- House ~ Group ·. slippcii-tsy Ni.x·on WASHINGTON (AP) -Th~ House Foreign Affairs COmmittee approved to- day a resolution supporting President Nixon "in hil efforts to negotiate a just peace in Vietnam." The vote was 21-Sl . The moiutioo, whidl ori!PMlly had the sPonsor~p1 of 100 HOUie members evenly dlvi~ .!'.between ,Democrats a n d Republicans, was Introduced Tuesday. Aboul 80 others had joined in backing the proposal since then. The committee's action was taken at a closed-door session. • combat forea from Vietnam "at the earliest pra_cticab.le elite." Chainnan Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa.), said the committee tentatively agreed to :i;eek three hours of debate on the pro- posal when It ia co¢de,.t by the HOUie. He •aicl. that dalo is not cer1a1D, '"d depends on later lalka with the House Leedershlp. "We plan 'to get It lo the floor a11 soon as pouible," Morgan said. _Morgan also said It had not :yet been decided whether to seek clearance from the Rules Coinmittee uqder a procedure which would bar any amendments from the floor. "I am terribly distressed,'' said Rep. A GRIM WRECK SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLE THIS MORNING ON NEWPORT FREEWAY Smooth Tires and Wet StrHh Add Up to 'klckl•' Seys CHP Officer Prior to final acUon, the committee defeated a series of apiendments caijing ·for p!.lblic or closed hearll,igs and to sup- port Nixon "ln his exprelaed determina- tion to withdraw our remainin&" eround Jonathan B. Bingham. (0.N.Y .), a com· mittee member, aftef the au1icr1. J'I think this resolution will be coristrued as total support ol the Pmlclent'1 polWon." Alexandra's Great Swepless Nights With 48-inch Bust HONOLULU (UPI) -Alexandra the Great has a big problem. It's her 48-inch bustllne, and it's getting to be a pain in the back. The redheaded stripper appearing at the Dunes night club complained, 1•1 can't lead a nonnal life." "Because my breut.f are so large t have trouble sleeping comfortably and they maie my back hurt." It was Qecause of Alexandra'I bustline that a,ooO perms, mostly men, jammed the Financial Plaza of the Pacific -the Wall Street of Honolulu -last year to look at her. A Ian with a 43·inch bust was stopping traffic on Wall Street, in New York and Alexandra hoped to fi nd a sponsor who \vould pay her expe nses to New York so she could compete in the battle of the bosom. But Alexandra (whose real name is Miss Geraldi~ Paredes), never went to Wall Street and is now planning to marry Army Capt. Bill San Hamel. "The life of a &trlpper has given me a great deal as far at monetary renumera· ti on is concerned, but It has also taken 1 lot out of me," she said .• .4.lthough she has been m1pping for 10 years, Alexandra said she dislikes nudity. "I'm a _pig sex symbol, yes, .but J'm also a person. It's Startin& to bother me, hav- ing to bare my body in front of au· diences." AJeundra, 28, is 5--feet.10 J.nchea: tall, hu brown eyes, and 1 25--inch waist and 42-lncll hips to go with her 4&-inch 00.L "My bust started developing at 14 or 15 . . • people started making fun of me v.·hen I was 18." "All~ was concerned with was covering up. It made me an introvert, made me very shy and self-conscious which re· mains to this day. '•Jf I want to get some sun ... if 1 want to go to the beach it's ridiculous. I've neve r been to a public beach here" she said. "I lead two Jives," Alexandra said, "one is Lhe image the people in the club c.xpect of me. They expect me to be a sex symbol. In my other life I am kind of shy, kind of retiring and seek out retiring people." **-* *** Jtleuuremeht• · .Mean 1t1one11 Newport Freeway Crash Hurts 2; Wet Road Blamed Two Tustin women were seriously In· jurcd this morning when their southbound car sltldded on the rain·sllcked Newport. Freeway near MacArthur Boulevard and wrapped ibelf around a lamp standard. Both were taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital where they were reported to be in serious condition and awaiting surgery for muJtlple injuries. Their c.ar was written oU as a ·total Joas. A hospital spokesman said Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, ol 15532 S. B St., suf. fered mulUple fractures and un- determined spinal and lllp injuries. Her passenger, Maria Segovia, 29, of 15572 B St., suffered almost similar in· juries but the extent had nor· been determined after .P r e I i m i n a r y ex· amlnation. Californi a Highway Patrol officers at- tributed the accident to the smooth tires on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP officer com- mented: "It was suicidal driving on a freeway with Ures like that in this kind of weather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic in the southbound lanes of the freeway for about one bour. From Pagel HARBOR DISTRICT •.. power baWe between the county and its citles, to this present hearing." Battin rejected the League's suggestion that the dissolutlolt issue be put to a county.wide vote as "the easy way out" for the supervisors. "Why were we elected?" he asked . "Because the public puts in office those it believes to have superior knowledge, ex· perlence and education and it also ex- pects those elected officials to make decisions -like the one we have before Ull today." He aJ90 challenged u "misleading" figures submitted to the board by Hun· tlngton Belch Mayor Jack Green, cur· rently president of the League of Cities chapter. Green argued in a long statement to the board that 16 of the county 's 25 cities had indicated to League surveyors that they would prefer dissolution or the district or an elecUon to determine its fate. ) The North Vie tnamese spokesman said the agreement for secret ta lks was made at the first private meeting be- tween U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Loc11e and Thµy on March 6. StatisUcs prepared by Green indicated that the response reflected the desires of more than 640,000 county residents. Op- posed, he aaid, were five communities - Coata Mesa, Newport Beach, Seal Beach, La Palma ~ Garden Clrove -totallln1 jutt under 28$,000 residents. _Thr~ cities, the Le___!gµ~ suryey claims, hav., taken '10 .stand. qn the iasqe. Laguna Beach, Oranie l1ld ~dJD repreaent 245,300 county resJdenfl, according to the Green dossier. Beach, represtnting the Orange Cdunty Coast Association. Kymla suggested, and Battin used the wording in his resolution, that the Orange County Harbor District be. renamed the Orange County Recreation, Parks ind Harbors District. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper was named chairman of a com- mittee which will report back to the board at its public meeting Nov. 26. Battin aupported Kymla's argument that the name change would help to cor· rect the "erroneous impnssion" that the district's activities and interests Gnly benefited residents of the coutal area. "II certainly benefits residents of my own inland district," Battin pointed out. "And it might help many of them to realize it when they see the tu funds devoted to the Harbor District coming back to them in the form of parks and recreation facilities in their own com· munities.'' He had to overcome arguments of Supervisor David Baker in which the Se- cond District superyisor condemned retention of the Harbor District "as being in conflict with all our ideas of streamlining and updating of the county structure. "We should do it (dislolve the district) ourselves rather than let the legislature do it," Baker urged. "No one iS ques- tioning the integrity of the district or its personnel but we .here on the board are the front men for this operaUon and .we- might as well have it within the county J~re. -~ .. -· Morgann~ ( 44) Not Kicking "Speaking just for my own district," Ballin said, "I know that two cities believe they made a mistake when they went on record as favoring dissolution. And in another city three councilmen have been replaced and we might get an entirely different reaction to this pro- posal today." "This (Harbor) district has low vialbili- ty, it is not seen and it la not ·un· derstood," Baker aaid. "Jt hu a budget of $1.4 million and very often there are fewer than 30 persons present at its meetings. • Talbert Water Unit Adds Two Beach Men ATI..ANTA, Ga. (AP) -Morganna Roberts has a ff.inch bust but she's not uptight about it. Jn· fact, she cherishes it all the way to the bank. "That's what makes the difference In the salaries," said Mo,rsanna, 22-year-old stripper at an Atlanta night club. "Those smaller girls are only making $200 or $300 a week." Thi! club manager says he pays hlorganna $1,000 a week. Morganna's remarks were prompted by a story from Honolulu about a stripper Hearing Set Ou Bolsa Island Desalting Plant Plans for the much-discussed atomic desalinization plant on a man made is· land off Huntington Beach will be explor. ed when the State Legislature's Joint Committee on Atoroic Development and Space holds public hearin gs Nov. 18 and 19 in Santa Ana. Announcing the hearings to d a y , Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Fullerton) said the sessions would rover the history and future of desalinization plants, demonstration desaliniz3tion plants and facts revelant to the proposed Bolsa Island plant off Jluntington Beach. The hearings will be held in the Santa Ana Court House, 700 Civic Center Drive \Vei;t, Room G·IOO, beginning al 10 a.in. both days. Beacl1 to Screen Nazi Prison Film An award winning film of life in a Nazi concen~ation camp will be shown Friday at 7:30 p.m. tn the HunUngton Beacb Library Film Forum. The film. ·''Memorandum.'' -uses flashbacks through the mind of a Bergen~ Belsen survivor as he visits modern Germany. It was produced by the Nalioinal Film Board of Canada and receJve:d awards In San f'r8J1clsco, Venice, Vancouver and Montttal. The film •hO'tlng is In the A~ililnlab'tUve AM••· 532 Main St., 1IJ!ll 1rojiiliftirtlle111l~!Jc free al charge. named Alexandra the Great. Ale1andra is 48 inches around the chest and unhappy because people stare at her when ahe is off work. "I'm a girl and I like Jt when people look at me," said Morganna, who wore a low-cut. high on the thigh minidress at an inter\·iew. "J started stripping at 13, In Baltimore. I may have been )lnderdeveloped then, but nobody ever told me." - Morganna said she is quite happy with her body, bust and all, and doesn't mind showing it -"I don't think there's anyUJng wrong with a nude body. Bodies are like art." MorgaMa made the sports pages last summer when 5he ran on the field and kissed third baseman Clete Boyer or the Atlanta Braves during a National League game. Boyer, who was at the plate at the time, promptly singled. Rites Conducted For Jack Pyles Funeral services were held today for Jack Pyles, 2G-year resident of Hun· tinglon Beach who died of a heart attack Sunday at the age of 63. Mr. Pyles collapsed upon returning from lhe Bakersfield funeral of his uncle, Roher! M. Pyles, lo!lllime Huntington Beach civic leader. Services were coo.ducted at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter·Day Saints, 14271 Locust Street, Westminster. Burial rono,ved in Westmi nster ~1emorial Park. Survivors includes his wife. Grace, or the family home, 1036 13th SL, two daughters and a sister. Veterans 'Day Band Sought A band or drum and bugle corps 1!1 urgently needed by-the Huntington Beach Veterans Day program committee. -Co-chairmen Geora:e MCCracktn, vice mayor, and Hal Wirtz, local Lecion post co1nmander, appealed today to any musical organlzation that will be able to appear al the one·hour proaram begtn. ning at U a.m. Nov. I. 1'ho observance-will be htld1ii thel!un- llnit<Jn Bmb111&1fSCllOOI alidltcrllllil. - The long-haired brunette alao jumped into a fountain in front of a new office bullding being dedi<:aled by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. Although basically uni n hi bi led, ?.forganna confessed to one little hangup: "I don't mind taking my clothes off on stage but I don't like undressing in the doctor's office." Battin argued that "many cities have not been given the true picture of the overall situation and we should not ac· cept these figures at their face value." Battin got 4 to I backing for his arguments and he immediately advanced a suggestion that had been earller offered to the board by Carl Kymla of Newport Two HunUngton Beach men have been named directors of tlfe Talbert W1ter District. Tapped by county supuvisora for board duty were Joeeph Boyle and Alban Holtz. Their appobl.tments become effective immediately. November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME-S~TS Immediate Delivery Yovr favorite inttrior designer will be ~am to auis t you ••• H.J.GAR~ETf fURNf[URE tllOF'ESSIONAL INTllllOlt OlSl~fU ~ M111., ~·& ,,;. ly.1. ·- 2211 HA.ltOl II.VD. COSTA MESA. CAUf. , ... 0171 " • • ' ~ .. '· ~~. ' ... , .. ' Thur...,, N"'~b<r 6, 1'169 H DAILY.I'll.OT J ~-lutllehge::::·· . .' ~ l ssired §1~~1-")i-airrgire ' ' .. I • Politicos, Profs Trade Ho stil.e Cha~ges Kuyper Hit$· Claim Made ""' '' ...... GIVE S HANOI CHOIC E Ambassador lodge Kopechne Case · 'Inquest Awaits Autopsy . Report EDGARTOWN, Mkss. {AP) -Edgar· town District Couf1 Judge James A. Boyle refused today to set a· date for the inquest into· the death of Mary Jo Kopechne until a decision is made in Pennsylvania on exhuming Miss Kopech- ne's body for an autopsy. The judge's decision was announced by Court Clerk Thomas A. Teller after a closed-door meeting between Boyle and 12 attorneys involved in the case. The meeting lasted an hour and 50 minutes, and when· it was over neither Boyle nor any of the attorneys would talk with newsmen. Teller's brief statement did not elab- orate. Miss KopeFhne was found dead July 19 Jn a car owned by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy that had plunged off a bridge on nearby Chappaquiddick Island. A medical examiner ruled her death a arowning, but the body was burled in Ptnnsylvania without an autopsy. Alioto to Challenge Bond Vote 'Majority' Sl\N FRANCISCO (AP)-Mayor Jos- eph Alioto' plans· a crurt ChaUenge of the · two-tJiirds majority requirement <>n Jxmd issues, which he said "clearly ylola'ied the one-man, on~vote rule:-,._ ... · ... The mayor, 4tter confUring with city attOrney Thomas O'Connor, said it was decided the suit should be initiated "by private plaintiffs." • '' JJy Lodge ' ~I PARIS (UPI),-Ambuaador Hwy Ca_bot Lodge told communist negoU1tors today It waa for. them to decide whether .. ' the Vietnam war wu ended at the conftttnce table or by President Nixon's . "other plan." Lodge told tilt Communlat side Nixon wu readt to carry out his pWi !or Vie~ namization of the war Ind withdra~al of American forces if effortl to negotiate a tettlement failed. Lodge warned the Communilta : "You mu.st not rely on our making con· cession after concession until you get everylhing you want. ' ·"In our INl'Cb for peace we have reaignlzed YDW side wu capable of . blocklng all attempts to bring an end to • the war throucb negotiation." "The Pmld<ot . bu stated th e alternatives," he told the' 41st session of the Vi~tnam peace conference. "We, re- main uady through thue meetings, tbrvulh private meellqo or through restricted meetings, to dl!CUSI the issues seriously and to find mutually acceptable solutions to them. "Whether peace ia 1chieved through negotiation depends on your readiness t.o deal with the issuM in the same spirit." Lodge deJCribed Nixon's alternative plan as <>ne "Which would bring the war to an end, regardless of what happens on the negotiating front." He said that as Nbon had said ta his speed> M~, the United States had noted the reduced level of. North Viet- namese infiltration into South Vietnam and the reduct!"' ol American cuuaJUes. "We are besing out program of Vlet- namizaUon partially on UlOle fact.On," he said, and added a warning: "ll your military activity aJgnlllcantly 1ncre ... , we might have to tlke other measuru." Lodge cited public opinion polls taken ~Ince Nixon'• addrtss to show that the PreSident's Vietnam policy has tbt sup- port of the "vast majority" of tbe American people. "That support has fncreued since the launching of the moratoriUm movement to which you refer so much," ihe U.S. negotiator said. "You lhould be under no lllusion that our position be.re at these talk.s is 1oin1 to crumble becaUH o( .tbe words or ,actions of a v~l minority of ij)e ~erican public." I -Viet Cong ·F~··-llfodame Nguyen Thi Blnh hid told Lodge earlier In today's oeu!on that "the Vlet- namizatlon policy II doomed to inevitable failure." By THOMAS J'ORTUNE Of ":' o.;iw """ ~,.,. A CfOl!P ol atudenls and prof....,. at UC lrvjne .Wednesday entreated vlalUng . •tale Ropu~lk:ana to . sometimes say som•thl»& ~ ~qput the university in· , mMf of ai.a)'l' 1itt.d fl'Ou,U\ing" it. ,' Stale Controller Houston Flourooy• and AaHmblymio ·Newton .. lbweU (R,Tu· junjar Ind Bill CUlpbell CR·lladenda l!eil!hfsJ 'would·JDite no.promlte ·to do ao during five hours spent on campc1 speak-- Int to sroup;. o1:.1r to IO ·per""'· - The ReplbUCans' prup)se was to establllh a dtalogiie but what actually trarMpi~' is1 best · ~escri~ by ,the pret"1Hl•Y youth expr~slon • • r ~ )> 6eS!lo~" The. students and professors rapped at the pollUcans and they rapped back. Few areas or a.greemeilt wert found. "Part of the hostile public opinion in this state has been whipped up by politican1 and particularly the goveroor who has made nothing but punitive remarks," accused English ProfesS()r Robert Montgomery. "I think you must realize we~are ~ comPoSite refleelion -in theory . and I think in fact -of the pUbllc," said Assemblyman Russell. "Because the governor picks ~ university as an issue does not mean he Is fabricating it. It is there. Whether he is playing on it or not there is a basis in ract as far as the peo- ple are concerned." "Do you think the governor really cam whether we (the university) liv~ or die?" queried En&lish Professor Harvey Gross. "Yes, I think he does," said State Con· roller Fklumoy. "His definition or a good :.miversity may be quite different from your1. I'm sure he has no evil intent, in his own terms." · Assemblyman Campbell got into a near shouting match with a black student and said, "This ii a classic example of the gull between the intellectual and the political community. You consider youmU poUUcl!ly IOphi3tlcated and everyone else an ldl<lt." Campbell said, "1 think we tend to resent 90metlmes the academic com· munity saying you just give us the money and we'll do the job. We haven't found that always to be so. ...,.. "I think academic freedom needs to be coupled with responsibility. The faculty needs to police its own ranks and present the best possible posture." "I think the governor needs lo lead, not drag his feet," said Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John Hoy. "There is a tremendous leadership vacuwn." Music Department Chairman H. Colin Slim griped, "The lieutenant governor re!emd to the dlsllnfuilhed· !acuity as 'inmates of the insUtulion.' That'S not very funny." Black student Robert Hubbard, ad- dreaaina Clmpbell, said, "Com'~ Bill, r I' lel me whip .this on you .. In all tll!I rhetoric, If. you've been 11ttent.a·1 care!ully; we'ro aRlng !or proJecil<ln ol leaderahip -moral jea.dtnhlp, ~~• leadership:. ,I bear ... JM!l•ilve. oegauv,. nea:attve.. ... • ' Studenl'llan "llldn remarked, "I would like to enlJcb!ltt everyone, hor•r and 11)1 tbqe.11.m ... ,...i ·COllM!Cllv• reaearcb I I ' ' < . ' 1oing on on campus than vlotence." "UDfortunattl,y H's a human failing that we all tend to dwell on the MCAlive," said Ru11tU.-J'The news · media certainly dou tl>i1 •• 1 lhlnt "" .In the LeJ!islature all real1'e that ..O.t atu· 4enta are nol ca"slris the ~." "P1eue }>tat qiat· drun'I," ~ 'YiUkin. a1Pleaae get .Ronille to beat Ui:at·arilin." " '. ' • •• lle~sl ·;nappy Dippi> By AR:rIJUil R. VINSEL ' ~ ·or . .,...Dll~ .,, .. , 111n One might say that Sam the hip- popotamus is in happy, hippie hippo heaven today, living communally among 4~plus other creatures wilh no concern over food and shelter. "Sam's fine. Coming along nicely,'' said Robert Wobrman, chief of animal services at the Orange County Animal Shelter. A.rid service is just what the 1,780 pound star boarder gets. He is showered on the hour around the clock· -not counting the rain -gets five bushels of mixed cabbage, lettuce, celery and turnips, plus a side order Of alfaUa, and much notoriety. •1_ Unemployed construction worker Ron- nie Hochleutner, 24, who bought him for $400 at a Jungleland bankruptcy auction last month must find him new quarters. "Right now we're looking for a city that doesn't have a zoning ordinance ban· ning hipJ>03," explained Wobnnan, "but most cities take a dim view of them." "The main ('()Deem Is to find a place which will keep Sam safe from the public -and the other way around -and then there's also the hippo health con. sideration." "l thoucht rd exhibit Sam at lhppping cea*' fairs and nap ~and' make some money, on him," said Hochteutner, Who'd personally care for the hippo if aomeone would provide a home. Sam's first Orange County ruiden(f was a horse ranch In Yorba Linda, belt Lhe pony poJiulation was suspicious of the fat. quiet boarder who had aOme pre- judices of his own. He waddled through a wood fence - possibly in search of a pond -and coun- ty animal control olltcers staged the first hippo roundup Ip Yorba Llnda taking nine hours to get him into a truck. The next possibility was Santa Ana's Prentice Park Zoo, but officials cOft. sidertd their bear and babboon borders and hung rut the No Vacancy sign for Hochleutner's hippo. Why would a jobless young man buy such a white elephant. or rather hi~ popotamus, with ooe child and a wife !ar along in pregnancy? "It was just one of those things," be said, "boy meets hippo." • Hanoi Says Nixon Betrayed Promise Sam requires a pool in which to im- merse and keep his akin lovely !()ft. the kind another hippo would love to touch, although they are relative rarities in PARIS (AP) -North Vietnam said Orange County. Thursday President Nixon betrayed a Th h · I · ·m r th U.S. promise ln revealing the seeret e uge aruma is resi ng or e talks between the two delegations at the seventh day in a beefed-up horse corral -the first hippa ever to be a guest of the Paris peace talks. ~ Manchester Avenue facility -at $1 per Hanoi spokesman Nguyen Thafth Le day bargain rates for the off-tourist reported that Ambwador Xuan Thuy season. lold the peace conference Ii was the Unlled States which had propoled that His roommates include 350 dogs, SO the private talks be kept secret, and cats, one de-scented skunk, a monkey and Hanoi had agreed. Nixon revealed the \\s~ncihrry other c 1 ralneatudre1 such as hamsters, 11 meetinas ip his •ddresl to the ilaUon o man exp e . Monday. .sa~ will stay on until Hochleutner gets Thuy waa quoted as aaying the "Amer· his hippopotamus out of hock. ican representatives do not keemiir "l don't want W give~ UP.;~' the 1promlJea· ~Vell (I:!', U~ Uilnj~ --"ii unemployed coibtrucdOn·worker dli:llred t "hY we havl i.ila the Un!Ud s Wedntsd.ay, ''.I've got a·Jot of !"fJllt11 In-sj:>eakf In one sense and acts in-a ·~m- vested 1n hon. I'm not-going-down pleteJy -different sense. It speak! much without a fight." of puce, in reality it Jlll"Uea war." .,. Take the Kiddies on a Junior Safari By Assessor An. appdlate IOIJrt bench today Is studying a new aspect of t4e petition filed last week by Orange CoUnty Ass~;.. sor Andrew J. Hinshaw-a SO.page brltf submitted by County Counsel Adrian ·Kuyper in opposition to the isse!IO('• argument . Kuyper claims in his response to Hin- 11haw's plea lot a writ <>f mAndate apiost the Orange County Board of Su~ that the assessor has had and cao Still have legal advice from his office.· : , "The office of county counsel is re- quired to represent the cowrty aqesior except in cases .cf conflicl of lriterfiSd between the assessor and county COWl· sel." Kuyper tells the Fourth Di~~ Court of Appeal. And be goes on to assert that no such conflict of interest does exist. . . Hnishaw argued last week that· it does and that the conflict> stemmed fr.om the dispute with Kuyper which followed hls (Hinshaw's) refusal .lo assess Upw Bay lands traded to the r:Ognty l!Y ·jhe Irvine Company. -. :• Kuyper, appa."enLly reluctant to ~r Hinshaw's voluminous brief with per. sonal arguments, contents himself wijh two pages confined to flat den.iall of Hlnshaw'a allegations. ~ The cowrty counsel offen one-para~ graph rejections of the eight allegations contained in Hinsbaw's petltk>ns and ends the two-page dissertation by asking the board lo de n y the assessor's demands. The bulk of Kuyper's brief is comprised of transcripts of hearings before the Board of Supervisors, a long re:ounUng of the history ol the Upper Bay dispule, correspoddence between hhnself and Himhaw and the text of earlier unrelated assesament disputes which went to court bearing or are now awaiting court action. Kuyper111 brief has been explained as being representative of the county coun- sel's desire to place aa much infomm· tion as pcssjble on the Upper Bay dis· pute before the Appellate court. • Kuyper Includes with the brief verili· cation by Board Chairman William lfu· stein to the effect that the county coun- sel1s response ta Hlnshaw's 'petition "ii true of my <>wn knowledge." Hinshaw'• request to supervisors for private counsel in the dispute was de- nied, an action that led t.o his filing in the appellate court. He has debated the issues involved with Kuyper before tb e Orange County Grand Jury. ' Hinshaw challenged the county's right lo consummate the deal with the ~rv1ne Company in which tl)e 1andoW¥rs and the county tiaded nearly 5oo. acre! Of sh<>rt-oriented land. · An .;i~ll!~ court spoke~l!'la~ !~~~d Wednesday that the "peUtlon IS Wider study at1 this lime. No date Has been tet for a tuling and I imagine that ~e filing of the-Kuyper brief will del•Y. things a tittle." Stroll Among +lie World's Tamest Animals • • • • • • Feed Them JETT'S EXCITING ' . ED.UGA TIO NAL Tonite 'til ·.9 • • • • Friday 10 to 9 ADMISSION 25c • • --SC.turday 10 to 6 • 17th & Irvine in Newport Beach I . up of Halloween mischief such I soaped windows for premiums : ' $1 per hou sehold and ~$4 per. 'siness, depending on the number I ' ' . o windows. ; A group .of enterprising high hool students in Richland, Wash., ade a tidy sum for a proposed ~, ental health wing ai . the local spital by selling Halloweeo in· ranee. Miko McElroy, presldent ol the Key Club at Columbia High ~ool, said bis group guaranteed, . . : . . r· . ... ·,, '*•'r'l: .. .J ' (. -? . ~) • A • ~ . ' lloodi11g in South Amt:rica left this ijµoge boy stranded a/Ur he rescu.ed i srl'lalt statue of hi! town's patron .Unt. Now he ond the sai1U wait ta'itntly for another good somaritan. ~ . :'lH~lp wan led: One steeplejack to ,.U1eve stranded flags at Northern Michigan University tn Marquette. !!'be flagpole atop Kaye Hall re- '1ses to release the American a·n d Michigan flags which now have be- eome tcrt.tered. and worn ·in high --mds and freezing temperatures. . e university says it has exhaust .. every means of getting the flags own and now is seeking outside tip . • • ~iquor Control Probe Jurns to Ghetto Area . • : SACRAMENTO CUP!) -An Assembly elrnmittee considering possible changes 9' liquor control laws planned today to pn its attenlion·to the overconcentration tJ! taverns and bottle shops irr ghetto f!<••· ~Assemblyman Robert '-toreUi, ([).. orth HoUyv.·ood,) chairman of the s s e m b I y governmental organization mmittee, Monday questioned the price r transferring liquor licenses. He said had "some concern" over exorbitant and profit making In areas where n· licenses are scarce. .. To Erase l ' ' • . ' ' ' . -• 1 s~ale ,..Term .. • Cll!CAGO (UP,!\ -Ltcal rD.cliiiiery. btcan1 fOday to erue a tr~-yetr ~ tempi oentence qalnat 'Black 'Pilntller le~r Bobby Setlo for hls'!<fUW to ~· qui.it during the Chicago rict comptracy trial. , For the ftrst Ume atnce the trial began aeven weeks qo, Seale .wu-not tn court and li:.e~"E:bictp;.Eighl" Weft ~uced.to &even· 4W~ I • • · u:s. DIJtrict .Juda• .Juli.us ·1. Holtman Wedneldoy declared a miltrial ol the consplraq case against s.aJe aod bonded down tJiree mdDlb COnse<:UUve aen.tance. for each ol 11 act.s of coo(empt. ranilng from lhou1ed. -.Utiea to wresutng mat- cilet with ClopoJt1 m.ribals. -• · At \he dirt GI today'• ltl8ion, Francia J. M~<;n>lll, a Plrtner' ol·s.aJe'a,Jong· time laWJ!t\ 'WU admitted U taft at- torney Jn -the case: Hoffman granted him permlision \o Ole·u-ioetJnC.to ,., aaiile the contempt dt.liom. McTemia .lefl the court room Jm. mediately to prepare,hla mollon. He aaid DAILY ,ILOT Sllfl ....... SENTENCED TO 4 y,EARS Panther Bobby S.•lt he would base it on grounds that the con. tempt aentence is so Jong It consUtut.es cruel ~d unusual punishment. Iowa Senator Says He'll Vote i:\g~inst Hayn sworth l\'~HINGTON (UPI) -Sen, Jack Mtller, (R·lowa), Rl1llOUJICed today he will vcU agaimt conflqnaUoo of 9Jemeiit F. ' . ' . Goldwater Feels Citizens Getting Tired of: P1·otests WAsHINGTON (UP!) -.Sen. Ba.,.Y Goldwater, (R·Arb:.). wahied Pre8ident Nixon's Vietnam criUca today that the American people are getting more tired or street demonstrations than . they are of the war. Goldwater sald he was now convinced ~t · m~ AmerJeans agree with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew•a description of demonstralion leaden as "impudent "10b!." "l feel President Nilorl's Vietnam crit- la·are begiNling to press their luck," he said in a speech prepared for a· western ~tales 'Republican Conference in Hono-lulu. · . .... -. ~ .. Haynsworth Jr. as a Supreme Court justict because oI "carelessness" by the judge in observing judicial ethical stan· dards. MiJJer, who had been known to be priVaiely opposed to Haynsworth, said in a statement: "I have concluded that con- Jinnatlon would delay the restoration· of public confidence in the Supreme Coort which ii so neceuary and urgent. Ac- cordingly I cannot vote for his con- firmation. The' Senate plans to begin debate next week on .Preaident Nixon 's nomination of Haynsworth. · Miller in the text of a Senate floor speech complaining of "carelessness", cited the judge's holdings in a vending machine firm while deciding a case in- volving a customer of the film. He also menUoned Haynsworth's stock purchase in a finn that was in litiagtion before his court. Miller, is generally r~garded as a "regular" Republican partisan, m~ly conservaUve in outlook. · Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said . the nomination would be called up about Wednesd,y. He expressed hope it CQU~ bj!Jlis"°"'d 9f ID •"9ul one week. . . -Pow-der· 'Keg Red Light Rest Room Sparks Strike MONTE;CCllIO, llaly (UPI) -Ladies at a bicycle saddle factory here went on strike today because of their boss' use of closed circuit television and a red light to control the time they spend in the powder room. The light goes on as soon as the powder room is locked from lhe inside, they com- plain. And factory-owner G u e r r i n o Gluliari, 54, can see the light on a television set in his office. The 70 men at the plant have gone out in sympathy with the 90 ladies. "We used to be one blg happy family," Giuliari said. "This is the first strike we 've bad here. And they had to wait un- ti! I v.·aa: in hosp~ (for an opera- tion) before declarl"f .. I · Somebody must have put lhem up to ~" He said "the light llied to be white. I put it there so the ladles could see from their workbenches whether the powder room was occupied to save them un· necessary journeys." Asked why be changed to bulb to red, Giuliari replied : "Because lhe ordinary bulb didn't show up on my television ." He said he had lhe television installed to keep an eye on production. "There was too much lime being wasted around here," he said. "It would have led to catastrophe." •• •• 1, fi • • ' • • • • Gales Hit Atlantic Coast . • Fair Weather Noted Over Most of Nat io n f t::aJlfontl• • • • LO$ ANGELES AND VICJNITY-C' c""""' 1C111ey ttwov~ Frid.tr. Clltol!Ct ,. (If tultt!'td •'-'• blllltll •nd ,,, •. .., ..,. Lllti. '-•lu,.. dll"". Low •, tor!llhl $6. Hltfl Frldey •t. Chtricr of .. If! "°"""''"" to '° ~ ... , h:lnlthl .. W «I r>en:Mt Frld.tJ. ~ l'OINT CONCEPTION l"D MEXICA"' 9 IOlle>@ll-DrcretJlnt wlnd1 tonight. j! + sovttiw.sterb· wlndl I to II k110l1 l'rl· ~ 11er. "-1t1ll•rtd •l'low•r• fonlthl .,,. , ......... :f fXTllt:MI! SOIJl"HEJHf "'EV.IOA-l VMl-ltlle elol.idir>en lt>tOl/lh Frld!Y '· wtrl'I ~ of IM Kl!ltred •l"low· -.... ..,,., ll'llUllll ,,_nllln•. GUSIJ i!. ..... l"rldly •ft.,._ SHtMIY (001-i: •• i.-t lonltlll »" fl 41, Hlt!'IS pr,f. • *'Uto 7S. •• ~St.IL A"'D INTEJllMEOIATE YM:LRYS -Moltly clouclv lh""'th ,."'*'· ""' SC:ltltr.il 1h-.r1 lo- 1\W!t' pd l'rtcHy, Lil!l1 '"""'ll•irl dlellft, Hlth .\I to '5. L-1 tonltlll ....... MOUNTAIN AJllE.l.S -k ttltrtd ...... toftltM Ind Frlclty. S-..... ....,.-1.-ft.rt. "lth!IY cooltr ......,_., GwfW' WWk. t INTelltDlt AND 0£$EllT ll:EGIONS ~ cloaldl,_ '""""' Frldtv. .............. 15 mph ,, tknt1. $llliMl'Y coottr. U.. '°"11111 .u •o ~s • ....... 45 to JS ~ Ytl'-Y1. Hlthl • ,,.,, .W lo JI -, .. f9 71 loWt!' J1 ":::TA IAltlAllA AND VICINITY -C ....... Mle c:twdl-. tllf'outll Fri· *'· A flw ~ .,_..,, 11111 • ...._ ..._.. P'•ldtr. Conlll!Uftl C!Ofl. Hltl'll '° trt '5. i.-t ~I JO tt 16, C"-" fiA ,_lo! dle:rrtlll!f IO • Mftlltll flof!ltllt lhnlutlt Friot-,. I SANTA MOfftGA IAY AlltEA-Con. .-....<~~F ,hUv. '' °"""" ., .... "'°""'9fl IDl!lfhl •'Id ,,,.....,. \.ttllot ......,eture dltl!H. I! H .... Q trt .......... IOrll.tfll ,.,..,. ». I · "'"' P'lltMJllDO VALLl!Y -,_ 1f ..,,..., ........ ...,, w .. rlMY. : • umt ......... I "'*°'"· H• ,. • .. .. i.-......., ... 1$, a..c. If If ,... ......... ,, • MrCllll ... ............... ,,,...,.. • IM ......... °"'° VM.l.IY_,._ ........................... ,,,"""'· : ...... ...... .... ... ltlttl c:oollr" ~ w!ll! '-s .. to Ji, Cl!t11<t ol rl11'1 «I PtrC9i'lt fllnl9lilf encl Frlclt-,. IMPl!ll:IAL AHO GOACHl!Ll.A YAL· LEYS IHC\.UDOtO PALM SPltlHGS -Vlr1tllole GllOllllNM .,,,..,. l'rlidl'I. Gwtr Wlndl • .. » """" •' tlfMt. O..net ., ._. .....,.. ....... - 111n1 llll'lltM. Sll9MIY ~-'-""' to-n19hl .. to S1 HlfN l"rideY it to 7J, .INTELOPI YAU.l!Y AND MOJAVI! OESEltJ-Y1rlellM CIOllcll-lhrouth '"'ld1y. Gv•fY ....... 2' '° u mph If !~I. '""""'""'*'• LA# fllfl'9flt, hltfl Frldty ,.......,. .... Victor> v1111 a ..sa, CJlllll Ltlt• 04 o.o.rtt ...... . OWENS VALL.Y -C--..11141 <~ tllrDWll l'tlcllY. ~ ........ ert mlllll"f ,.....,. -I~ ""*"" •nd FriOt'/, s-11Wt4 .....,... tw u:io Frldtv. ov.tr wl;,h 11 11me1 tM tll'll!llY Cllllr. Su•, Moori, 'r 111u fltlJlltSO.\Y $«el'd Miii ............. 1rll0 1,m. 4.4 k<Ollllll low •• , • • ", I:• I .Ill .•• I "lt!IM.Y 'W1' "'"" .............. 1:• '""· '·' F!rit Jfw .............. '1:4 t.m. I.I $ecorMI flltfl ••• " •••• " 1:tt -.m. 4,4 kOl'lllt .................. 11.N ~ O.J --..... 1111 ,...,,, "" l~JI "·"'· ..... JrU-1-~llft410I ,._ t::o .. i.I ltelflY, •Ind!' •nd CODI toH~. Llthl "'''"" WINll l'llttll 11111 nwmlnt """"' lloleom"" .... , ,. """'"'-' • te 11 k'llltt., Hltht to0t1 -r a. Cewfjj 1..,.._.1vrn r11111 ,,_ st fl U.: lnltt'ld '-'"•furn ''"" from st to '5. Wtttr hm11tr1tur1 iU. '1.S. S•'"-1'11 A 111" l!t,tl llAUUfl •Y•f-br..... felr ... ..., .. l'llOll of . 1119 "''*' ...., .... 'll'lllltnl lklnnl bit-,.... 1111 ~ Ind Norttiwtsl. GM -"""ll ...,. dl••llnd t'-IM Allentlc Gill! ,_,, C1111 Mev. N.J.. It £"""1', Mefnto, 11111 111iitt lilt "9cltlc C.lf ...., Tt laolh, Wttfl,. ,. """"°"'' or.. .....,., .,.,ni.,.. """' In .. +Kl olf tlll Afltnll< tfMnllne wl'tlrt 20-foctt ...,. ....... ~'"-ltenl llld «Ullontl Wit ll'IOW lttl from untrtl Mt!'"fllnf tnd ctntrtl HM Y1ll1I Sllft ft 11'19 Alttn!lc-lttln, W'ttll -I~ 1lht moimll l11&o ~ fr1lll'I -Ntft Wttl!J"'ten te _... ~ • "" CtllfWnlt •• '""' Dr flrtt111 w1mlnn _... _,. td for "'UCll ol 1'111 Joulll for 11>1 M(• 11111 •lt•lthl nltl"il ""' ""--*' "'lld -flltr oulMd ~ '°"' ••I'd Ille Ctflldltll bol'dtr. lll'IY ~ ....,..,.,""' •ll'Wl'lel <tfM In N!JOM. Y111111 hid H 1M ,..,,,.,. Temper•t11res AINllY, N, Y. AfNrlllo A.,,.....I._ Alltnl1 • l rtllnet 11 .... r..,.,1m l\ltntl"(k l ol•• I Oflon l,_nlYlnl l ufl1!0 l urll111ton. Vt. """ Ctllriftltlfl. S.C. Chtrletklrl, W. V1 . Chu1ollt, N.C. Chic•" ClllCl-11 c1ww11n11 COlumt1111, O. 011111-FI. Worlh ... _ On Molnn 0.troll °"""' El Pt• .._ G,...t F1l1i ··-........ llldt-llOllt Jldr.-Ml11. J•ck-111 KIMll CllY Llttll ltoct Loullvlli. -· Ml1ml IMCfl MlhvMff ..... ...__ll14t •• ,...,. Hw..- H.., Yor- NDl"fll Piette Oki."-Clf\' ... .. Pllllld9tllillt r>Hnbur1h f'ortl•nd. M1. lltltllfl ltllld City ··-tt. I.Mii St. Pfflf'Stlllf't-fttt'IH $tit ._ ... , Clf\' Sen A"tonlo - Stull SI•. Marie .......... W•ll'tlnt!Olt Wl(t1ll1 "'"" Low ,r.c. " ll .tJ n " " " " " n " ~ .. .. " JI 47 .Y l 7 .7• ~ .. .. " o • .n 61 4? ,. " " " .ll .. " " " " " " " " " '' " .... .. " '" .~ ll S7 .01 " " " " " .. " .. " .. n " " " .. " 61 ,, H n .... lS 4'I .It .. .. .. " " " " .. .. " SI e ,tf 1' H " " .... .. Q ... 42 :M ... $1 " 1.IO .. " " .. .. .. .. " ... .... 1$ ~' " " ~ " .... " .. =-Reds -Inflie!. ~ig-Loss I • ·Elit*: Saigo1i Unit, ·v.s •. Bases Hit SAIGON (UPI) -Cocnmw>ltt troops lnl)lded CGl!ty loaea nn ari elite 59'Jth Vleloamese Marine unll In the MekMg Delta today, hlt lwo Amtrlcan hues In the cenlnl hlghlanda, with .rround u.aul\I and laid iltp to the Iluc Lap Green llerel Camp near the Cambodian horde<. II wu the Wrpm ..nes ol Norih -and Viel Ca1g atta..u ID moothl aft.er a seftn ,week run ended early in the week wiLb new drlYeS that appeared to be a, deliberate policy' of tesUnc the Saigon goyemmenf's will· ingnesa and ability to take over the war. The new drive wu not refiected in casually reporla releued. today for last week. Tbole reports said 13 Americ8M were killed and 124 wmmded, the fifth week in the put !ix that American losses were below too. Government losses were * * * Viet Battle Goes Indian Style: GI Uses , Arrows PHUOC DINH, Vi<tnam (UPI) -A 11.S. soldier from Connecticut with only 2S days lert in bis Vietnam stint grabbed a bow and arrow when hla anununltion ran short and helped turn back a North · Vietnamese attack on an artillery base. Spec. 'S Garciano Hernandez o f Bridgeport joined other cooks and clerks manning the perimeter of 1µ-e support base "Buttona" about 6S miles north of Saigon during the attack early Tuesday. A cook, Hernandez diScovtt"ed he had only three magazines of MIS rifle am- munition. But he al.so cinied with him a long ·boW ·and target arrows which had been given to him by , friend who return. ed to' lhe United Slates. "I had very little ammwl.!tion so my first reaction was to grab my bow and arrow!," he said. "I had d(:t1>e a little hunting with them before, but of course nothing like this." Hernandez fired at least eight arrows at the attackers and wounded at least one of them, an Anny spokesman reported Thursday. "I was ooly trying to help my friends and save tliy life," said Hernandez, who leaves Vietnam at the end of the month. %41 dead ind 111 woundid .;,.,,. t,171 guerrlilu llaio. . • Due Lap near the Cambodian' border and 120 miles northeast of 8aipJ is defended by South Vietnamese trregU]ar troopg under C<ll!Ulland ol U.S. opeclal lorceo. UPI Jll>ololrapber Kent Potter aaid roads I• Due Lap had been cul and thtl all supp!Iel were by air drope. Corrimu:rust JOJdien drove today to Within l,000 yards ol Iluc Lap and shelled Due Lap and a nearby· ,.nmery support base killing one American, Wounding two others and wounding fivc 1 Sooth Vitt· nameae. UPI correspondent Nat Gib9on said the rockets apparenUy were fired from Cambodia. Glb90n aaid the North Vietnamese and some Vlei Cong k>llowed up the shelli!JI with 1 ground attack ·qalnsl the artillery bale just north or lhe camp, lliPPina tn through a fog to the trenchline defenses where they knifed a government soldier to death bef()(t being repulsed. The South Vletnamese Jost four killed and nine wounded while the Communlst force Jost Ill dead. • A Viet Cong broadcast said four Americana were ca,ptured near Due Lac Suncla3 when their helicopters were ahot dowru U.S. military sources aaid four men were missing and that one wounded roan and one body were reco~er He~pter rescue craft got within 10 of oiie live pUot bui were driven heavy eunfire. Government military source! said as man)' as: 5,000 North Vietnamese trOops operating in the remote region lr?Jhd Due Lap were following a plan that cail£d for capture of the camp. ~E~ceptimlalfl Happf/' • Vi~t Cong .Releases 3 Soldiers in Good Shape SAlGON (UPI) -The U.S. Anny described three Gia as "in an ex- ceptionally happy mood " today following their release from Viet Cong prisons - and a steak dinner. Fulfilling a promise, the guerrillas freed the: Gia Wednesday on the northern coast. In announcing the release Oct. 26, Liberalion .Radio said It was planned for "humanitarian reasons." Army spokesmen identtned the men as PFC James R. Strickland Jr., 22, of Dunn. N.C.; PFC Cay R. Tl!l!ley, 22, ol Cleveland, TeM., and Spec. 4 William A. Walkins. 22. ol sumi.r, s.c. They came out ol captivity to a steak diriner and underwent physical ex· aminations that showed them in good condition. Tinsley had lost 20 pounds and the other men shed some weight. For Watkins and Strickland, it marked the end of ZZ months 1s Viet Cong prisooers. Tinsley had spent eight months in captivity. All were Americal Division soldiers captured in the northern war zone. The release brought to 17 the number of Americans released from Viet Cong or North Vietnamese war prisons. Nearly 1,400 Gls are listed as missing or cap- tured in the Vietnam war. As it had previous release, Lberation Radio announced that the three men bad admitted the United States does not belong in Vietnam. Anny spokesmen said Tins 1 e y , Strickland and Watkins walked into a South Viitnamese outpost near Tam Ky, 340 miles northeast of Saigon, at 9:05 a.m. Wednesday and were turned over to American authorities. Youths to Send Gl s Ton of Popcorn LANSING, Mich. (AP) -Some Lans- ing eighth graders and the city's Junior Chamber of Commerce are joining forces to send more than a ton of unpopped pop- corn to servicemen in Vietnam, MORE CERTAIN THAN STOCKS, MORE IN I ERfS I THAN BANKS . You can be certak't that your Sl"lings account will be '"up" at The Big M -MUTUAL SAVINGS. In fact , w - gu•rantee tU Anet a regular Passbook Savings Account al The Big M pays 25% more than_~ regular com. mercial bank sa'lings account Bonus Accounts provide an even greater return. For add111onal security, your funds •re lnsur9d to $15,000 by •n agency of the federal govemment. PASS BOOK ACCobNTs Eam 5.13% when our 5'.4 current annual rate 5-compounded daily for a year. Interest paid day in to day out. Additions or wfthdrawal1 In any •niount. at any time. BONUS ACCOUNTS· Sime base rate H Passbook Accounts. plus bonus al 25" yea~y -held for 311 months (.75% total). $1,000 minimum. Yeer1y y\etd 5.38% when Interest is retained and compounded daly. GUARANTEEi> RATt ACCOUNTS Eam 5.25% ·per MnUrn guaranteed for• ftxed term of 3. 4 or 5 years . Mlnlmum requlr9d $1 ,000. Prior to maturtty, withdrawals may be made in e'teflf of hardship. MUTUAL SAVINGS _.Im u11dalillll · CORONA Dl!L MAR l917[Mlc;o..t~ r11op11o11o •1wo1• • OL8NDAL• w Nofltl ·-hll!Mnl T...,,,..Nt-41" A ~ [ • I I • I I l t I ' l • ~ • t I l /' . . ~ .. . . .. . . . . ··~··"'"""'"'-·7 .. ~.~···-..;;;---•c;'. •. ~.T':;77:;::'""",::::-;,~.~.~.-.-~ ........ 'TO .... .,,., ......... "" ..... """' ...... ~ ...... ""! ......... ~ ......... ~ll!ll ... lllll ................... 11!1111! .... llll~.lll!'!ll!!!!"l!'l!!! .. ~."!l!!!!!".'!.~~!"'!llll • .r ' . ' I ,. ·r ... : . . . - JOD EAN HASTINGS. -I TlMlrllMr, ,......... " fw • •• 17 ' . ' The talents of UCI "Town and · 'Gdwn Art Interest oroup members have been ~ping Out all over and the r.esult is a gallery of intrigumg art worb and craft items. '1: t ~,. All of the objects d'art 'vill be gathered. together in the home of Mrs. Robert Malinoff of Newport' Beach Thursday, Nov. 13, for an Art Fair, \vhicb promises to be a llighlight of the T_own and Gown Year ..• Pfoceeds from the· fair, which is. the Utlrd. such· ev .. ent, will help provide scholarships for UCI students ma· joring in art. Three scholarships have been ,provided by the past two art fairs and members are.hopiag to con· tinue their record of sucCess ·next Thursa'ay. Doors of the 1.'gall~.ry" Wijl Open /9r _brpwsers at 10:30 a.m. and close at i p.m.·A small clopation will be asked at the door and refres)\ments will ~ served as •hoppers leisu.,.ly view the arts and crafts 'and make their purchases. ·, · Mrs. Malinoff has been hosting the group studying CliJ'!V&s palntipg and sketching an d Mrs . Ed w a rd Steinhaus has opened· her' home to the papier macbe group. . . · A general' craft group has been meeting in the South S~ore Sailing, 91uh lqlier the leadership of Mrs. Ja c k Sinnett, and s.t1tchery-workshops are' being conducted in the home of Mrs. Arthur Boughey. . Mrs. Robert Scholler is hosting a group making felt totes; Mr~. E. Clowes Jones is hosting the wood flow· ers group, and Mrs. William Ashcroft has opened ·her home to the women making collages. Elegance ·., .. In Motion Just before Chri s tmas, memben and guests of the Huntington Harbo u r Republican Women's Club will be hoping· that "wilhing will make It ao." They will be §Ubmerged in a fabulous colleCtion of elegant furs and jeweled cocktail rings during a fun-and-fund-raisihg dinner and fashion show tak- ini' place Thursday, Nov. 13, in the Huntington Sea.cliff Country Club. Featured during the 6:l5 p.m. cocktail hour will' be a display of designer collection rings with prices suitable for the most modest hldget up to several thou.sands of dollars. At 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Albert Herbold, president, will ask . guests to be seated for dinner · and a fur and fashiin show . will begin. On display will be an outstanding array of Harris Furs and an exctUng collection of holiday wear from Chris Miller's, Long Beach, whidi will suit au tastes. Serving as chainnan of the event ls Mrs. Roy Hug.hes. and ass.I.sting her are Mrs. David Mayberry and Mrs. Robert . Bdl. Advance reservations may be made by calling Mrs. . Hughes, 116-:1531. • - l MA'Nv-HUED PALETTE -Ta1eritt<1 •in.many.Ways are members '0£ the tTCI ~own and GoWn -Art~IDterest Group· who have been · cllatint.arts ·ahd crafts for an.Art··Fmr·nursday, Nov. 13, in the Newp0rt ~ac~ home of Mrs :· JIOl?ef< lj!allrioff .. l'iltt\ng the finish· .. LY f'ILOT ...... .,. ltlcMN ._.., ing touches on the palette o( art works for the scholarsblp benefit are {left to rigbt) the Mmeti. Robert Scholler, .Ernest·Verre anct Phillip D. Shipp. . · · . '· .Auxiliary S.ets Fancy L'.uncheon By JODEAN HASTINGS Of t1M ~Hr f'llM S~ • . ' ~ FALL FANCY is the Iheme aitd a luncheon wilt be the first JOCial event for members of the Silver Anchor Auxiliary Alf the Assistance Leaiue of Huntington Beach. · Homs:-Of-plenty will center tables in the Berkshires restaurant at 11 :30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 15. Assi s ting Mrs. Dale Erickson, luncheon chairman, are the Mmes. Fred Nesbitt and Mrs. Mervin Keces, and also greeting members and guests will be Mrs. Harold Buck, au xiliary cha irman. Luncheon tickets are $3.85, and following lhe event the table centerpieces will be given as prizes. The auxiliary , f o r m e d through the Assistance: i ntece, Sally Bu~ are Mr. and Mrs. Chet Et Slare and JQn Tcidd .of.Hunlin&ton Harbour. Sally, who is I.he daughter of Dr. Wayne L. Butterbaugh of Palos V~rdes and ~frs. Curran Butterbaugh ol Long Beach, ii president of her Kappa Alpha Theta pledge class. Taineless 22, at the University of the Pacific, Stockton. LAS AYUDANTES ( t b e helpers) is the new name selected for the Huntington Beach Auxiliary of the Famil7 Service AssociaUon. Members hosted a buffet supper whith preceded the fi rst of a sef.ie.s of "Plays for Living," depic-- ting family and commuqity problems in theatrical p'ro- du c t ion_ Tonight's preSfJl- tation, "Fences," will be ~ cerned wtth school lntegra119n- The play begins at 7:30 p.m.·ln the community center at Golden West COiiege, Ind the P!Jblic is invited at no char._ ' NEW MEMBER11 o1 tile Also included in the pro- : gram will be an unusual door prize which will be awarded to · some lucky guest, M rs . · HU1hes said. BRI DGE TO. HOLIDAY~ _:·Mrs.' Howa;d P. Blackwell, Mrs. Charles Melchior' and Mp. Robert Heisler (left to 'right) display some of the fabulous furs which will be on view, along with je\vel· ed cocktail rings and holiday styles, when the Hunti'ngton Harbour Republican Women's Club sponsors a dinner show Thursday. Nov. 13, in the lluntington Seacli{f Country Club . League, staffs the volunteer aer,vice.1 for Huntington lntercommunity Hospital, and anyone· Interested In becoming a member may contact either auxiliary or league members for informaUon. HOME AFTER aUending tht! sorority presents or their Marina g r o u p , Hunt'.iq&oa Harbour Philharmonic eam. mlttee, were weicomed durmf a buffet dinner Jn the home'ol ' ' Carolee (Mrs. Richard) Div· ies, president of the~· Battle Not Worth Fighting : DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am led .QJI with your advice to wives ot alcohoUa that goes like this : "Have a utue,com- p&Nion. The: man Is sick. Alcoholbm is an illnesl. Etc., etc., etc." It's apparent that you have had 'no ex- perience with alcoholism. Well , I have, so please listen, After • years of hauling my drunken bum out of hotels, motels, ~Is, hospitals and other women's bedrooms. t resent beln& told I Lack cotn· p;mion. Jf you think I'm hard-hearted, wait until you read Ute rest of Ibis letter. Three weeks a10 I received a call from the police. Tht:y asked me to come to the morgue and ldemlly a man they belie ved to be my husband. I J'ICOll'liied him jm- medlately since he w11 In a pron& posi- tion, whfdl ls lhe'way t nw him most of his life. I had tried kindness and compuslon. It di~n 't work. I begged him to go to AA and even otfertd to i'O with him. He: refused. He •ou1dn't see a counselor or a clergyman because VleY were all "fakes." He was no father, no husband, no provkler, no human being. It took 31 years to figure out that compassion was not the answr:r, U I had It to do over I'd have thrown him oot and let the sot sink ,or •wim. ~ TELLING IT LIKE IT IS AND WISH YOU'D DO THE SAME. DEAR TEUJNG IT: You have 1 valid pelnt ud I woold Dot deny It. Not all 1p- proacht1 work for Ill people. Audlorltie1 ••vt been rttbln.ilng tilt tecU:lqun for treating alcollollca since alcoltolltm bu IUIHlled ephfe:mle proparUnl In· W1. Cftntry. Many dlld1gvl1t.ed auUlorlUt1 -111UW-lov1...i_........, !all, Ille -"'° "'-to .... • 1.f Love, Patience No Allies cou1e1tac or · medk::ltiea UOuld be ltirowa on. Tky "°" beUeve &ha&--aome dna•b wlU llratlt'loc.• JtelDHtvH oat·OU· lj ..... H I• made obandutly dear U.t tky •re respomlble ror 1'iemtetves - Ulat Dt Me will pnvlde diem wJlll room •ad ltoanl, coddle Utem, deal up afkr tlriem or make ftftltt for tltem khflmi- ly, frindt UMI lite boU. So, Ute advice )s now u • follewt: Wben love altd com~ p1sslon f.U, tllrow tbe 'bum out • DEAR ANN LANDERS: There musl be olher Women who get the silent treat. ment from their hus barids. Wfiy! DOn't tell me some men are Just •naturally C(lliet. My husband, who Is a pllyslclan, Is cOnl.idtred . brilliant and outgoing by everyone who knows him. Whenever we . ' attend a medical meeting Ed just about THE HORNS OF i.A DILEMMA: 'n1il't'b takes over. He is on his feet challenging, · the · origin~ '*'U-Yourielf project. No presenting his views, and he asks more one can decide {or )'«!. My per90Nll ofi. questlons than an}'body. The chainnen nion, however, is that you'd be bieutr oU ah\·ays have a problem shutting him up. to pass up the one with "lbat, certain \\'hen we have company, Ed talks a blue something" and take I.he: one wbo has strt:ak. Yet, when the two of us •re alone, something certain. Ile can't think of a single thing to talk about. If he didn 't enjoy my company, '"hy did he marry me? -IGNORED WIFE. ' DEAR WIFE: Obvluly be didn't mar- ry you because yOll were a 1re1t con- versaUon.U.t. It mu1l have been somethln1 else. Stardl your memory and maybe: yo11'U .eome 1p wit.II &be a111wer. -CONFIDENTIAL TO IMPALED ON ls 1lcoboUtm a dlttase? How eu tM: alcobolle t»e treated? ls *re • eve? R•ad l.l!t ~t "Alco!loUul -lllpe and Help," b)' A.111 Landen. fAcltle 15 cents In col• wl\11 yoa.r repnt _, 1 long, stamped, sefl.ftddrnlelt .,-elape. Au Loden wtn be pd II lltlp ,.. wltb 7oor prOble.._ -tllem II .._ i. care ol Ute DAILY PILOT, ....... a ldl...tdroued, _,... .. ....,., I I .I o..iLv '!LOT Thllnday, NMmbtr 6, 1969 FASHIONABLE ADDRESS -Off Broadway West will be the setting for a lash· ion atravaganza sponsored by Dusty Win~s. former airline stewardesses, Sat- urday, Nov. 8, at 11 a.m. Ensembles similar to those worn by the Mmes. Jerry J uergens, Robert Beaty and L. Douglas McBride (left to right) will be shown in the Grand Hotel, Anaheim. · Avoid Weter f When Clean ing ? Wood Floors I I Parade Fashions to Off Broadway West ; Avoid using water or waler-Off Broadway West will be -.. based products whenever the scene Saturday, Nov. 8, , possible in cleaning wood when Dusty Wings members • floors. Swing Into Fashion. ·'. Experts Say· ih8l".W"aiCf c3n·-·The Gf81id._H0tel. Anaheiin-, : seep down into the tight will be the location of the boards,. causing warping or fashion extravaganza which swelling. will begin with cocktails at 11 Over a period or time, thi~ a.m. and Juncheon at noon. can mar the appearance of the Fashions, J)re sented b y . floor and require cost I y Orbach's of La Mirada, will • refinishing. include original designs, fall •• •• I I! B NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN 675·7111 25% OFF SALE ensembles and the newest of party clothes for the hollday season. 1 ' Mrs. William Agee. o f Mission Viejo is serving as fashion show chairman and she is being assisted by other former stewardesses, t h e Mmes. Robert Smith, Foun- tain Va 11 e y. decorations; Robert Kunkle, . Huntington Beach, door prizes; Leonard Spielman, Huntington Beach, programs and printing and Donald Anderson, Santa Ana, music. others helping with plans are the Mmes. Ruth Jacobsen, Mission Viejo, publicity; L. Douglas Mc.Bride, Newport Beach, drawing and James Moroney, Huntington Beach , tickets and reservaUo~. The fashion showing marks the ninth year the club has sponsored such an event and turned the proceeds over to the Underprivileged Children's Fund of the Salvation Army. Last year's profits financed camperships for 25 children. Tickets may be purchased from any Dusty W i n g s member or by calling Mrs. Moroney, 846-9592, or Mrs. Frank Arena, 838-2090. I Tomorrow'$ An tiques !_...;_ ..... -------•-5-upporters.. • _ B.uild · Nest Egg -1·n· the ··.:closet NEW YORK (UPI) -If you can't save.._money_ aq~l away things ..,. chJ1d's finger palntlnp, unusual pluUc bot· ties, newspapen with momen- tous head1lnel IJld' maybe even fancilul junk mall 'Ibe1e thino, a few decades hence, probably will have ... t.lque valpe, U you doubt that, )'OU Juli haven't been to an an- tique llhoW latoly. At the Dreltla1ous National Arb and 'AntiqUes Fest.ival in New York, for example, magazines that sold f« five cents in the 19'l0s were going for $5 apiece. The artist's copy of a tum- of-the-centurr '!cl for men's clothing bore a $65 pricetag. Old jars, bottles, tin tobacco cans, penny Valentines and family album photos were priced from $1 11;p. In the picture department, apparently those sh ow in g humans in lovable stance are more valuable than others. A photo of a ·man sitting on a front porch was 50 cents; of a girl on a beach, $1 ; of a male and female swooning into one another's arms, $2. Things to 'bold onto include o!ltes Q! p1ai§e from scboOI __ teachers, cer:tificates oftnmt and rePQ:rt card& -especially the la(ttr since a om e educators are tryin& t o .eradicate 1'1!00rl cards, loin& on a simple -,ipass.faj.1" system of moving child from ooe grade to another. , The old·fashl one d ctrttncatea ol merit mm the scbooldays of the 19th Cet> tury, on dlsplay at the. show, often were coupled w l t h preachments. Samples: -"All f.hat you do, do with your mlght; things done by halves are never done right." 'The merit certificates ap- peared to have been issued weekJY and looked like checks but were decorated w it h flowers and dovts. "They look like money," one observer said. "Maybe the children did get money frcm their parents for a stack ol them." That's doubtful. Yesterday's parents, less permissive than today's, weren't lbe type to pay their children for doing w~ll in school. Donatitin to Festival Suspense , Builds Over First Lady's Package A mystery gilt donated by per. Serving on the deocrations Mrs. Richard M. Nixon will be committee are members of given as a highlight of the Beta Chi, a student service or-ganization at the college. annual Holiday Festival spon-Featured during the festival sored by the Woman's Cam-will be delicatessen items, spe· pus Club of Chapman College. cialty foods, baked goods, This year's sale will tak~ sweeLs, handcrafted Christmas place in the main dining room items and gifts. of the college next Saturday Salegoers may purchase a ROBYN LEE KNUDSON December Nuplltl• Knudsons Reveal Daughter! s Troth · The engagement of Robyn Lee Knudson and Jack Keith Hamilton Jr. was announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roy Knudson of Pasadena during a par· ty in the Lake Arrowhead Yacht Club. Miss Knudson is a graduate of. P asadena High School and the University of Southern California where she affiliated with D e 1 t: a Gamma sorority. lier fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ham· ilton of Linda Isle, is an alumnus of Pasadena High and is enrolled in USC's School of Busi· ness. He is a m ember of Phi Kappa Psi fra· ternity. .. The couple have selected Dec. 27 for their \veddi~g date. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. light lunch in the tea room,'--------------------' Donations for the First new to the sale this year. S_addleback College At Califia Taste Wine La&una Beach Branch, American Aslociation of Unlverslty Women, will raise fellowship funds with a Ca!Uia Wine·tlsting Party , celebrating CaUfornia'1 200th vintaae year, in Mission Viejo RecreaUcn center next Mon- day night from 7:30 to 10. Art diiplays and decorations stressing an early Califonila theme will add a fe&'tive at- mosphere to the affair whlcb is being chaired by Mra. George E. Goodall. Assisting her are the Mmes. Robert E. Lawson, Donald F. Tanney and Harry J. KippJ. All AAUW. members and their friends are invited to •ttend. ReservaUons may be obtained by calling Mrs. Goodall, 494- 4703. The associatibn spooaorl scholarships for university women on all levels of educa- tion and also on national and internaUooal levels. Associates Dine Out Members of Upper Bay Associates of the Oranae County Philhannonic Society along with their husbands will partake in a progressive din- ner nett Sunday. Cocktai!A at 5 p.m. will be served in the Corona del Mat home of the Bill Masons. Mr~ and Mrs. Thomas W. Hen-- derson Jr. and Mr s ~ Cttristopher Kitching w i 11 present a program by Gustav Holst and a selection of foli: melodies by the American Negro composer W i 11 i a m Grant Still. Carpets Take To Home Walls Lady's gift will be accepted The club was organized in at the door and will, with 1947 to promote student wel- other proceeds, provide schol· fare and currently provides arships for Chapman stu· scholarships and a revolving dents. loan fund, along with sponsor- Assisting with the festival ing special projects. will be the current scholarship • Anyone interested in mem- recipients, Sue Ryder, Ma rilyn bership may contact the mem· Stewart, Fred Ma, Rita Brock. bership chairman, Mrs. How- Tradition "Walllcaping" With carpet Beginning is. new trend in home decor. One manufacturer is making Kathli!i Petklil.s and SUsaircoo.-· -ara-xeuy of orange;. - Crusade -for Change 1. a tufted wa ll covering of _h .~avdedle~~C~f'c_ otJ ~~·r~-~},111 _ .The school ~oe!f 4t.1~ f_ I ame-resi:sta_nt .mod!lcf'Ili~ n4 .... .r•q ~ with only a fttlhman cur· fibers backed with latex. It Reception for students, an riculum. This year, j ust has been engineered for event which will become an d Oct a-•st1·-and comes in five-µn er way . 13, a two-year ........ ..... annual affair,on the colle,e's curriculuri'l~is offered. AbOut -foot widths to be applied with new campus in Mission Viejo 2,500 students attend the adhesive. Guests Invited Thursday, Nov. 13· school vihich is one of tbe few Carpet on walls also ~ Fred H. Bremer, college community colleges operating vides a good backdrop for pic- president, will meet studenta. on the quarter system in the tures or can aerve u a tack !r!~is.!f!:~!.in~ '!e!~l;=s=~='e=.=================boar===d=.============;:::; tendance to we l come -Members of the Huntington educate the public to the need freshmen a n d sophomores Beach Junior Woman's Club for understanding and action from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the will host an open house at in the field of meri.al re tarda-music building. Fairview State Hospital, COsta tion, and to illustrate the·need Hostesses for the event, Mesa, during Crusade for for volunteer services. which marks the first social Change week. There will be conducted affair on the new campus, will In support of the National tours of the hospital facilities, be students of the airline! AssociaUon for R e t a rd e d and exhibits arid demonstra~ stewardess program. Children, the Juniors will lions by lhe J:l&tients on Last year the college was welcome visitors between 1 display in the auditoriwn. located on an interim campus and 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9. Comprising the committee in Mission Viejo, near, but not Mrs. John Flanagan, the from Ule Huntington Beach contiguous, to its new Ioca· club's mental health chair· club are the Mmes. Robert tion in the rolling hills o! man, and her committee will Farah, Thomas Fisher, Wayne Orange County. serve refreshments. Monk! and Alfred Rizzo. :==================;II In addition, the club con-Donating coffee is Donut FAIR tacted Norman Ginsb urg, Del' H tt gt Be h d Ocean Vie" Sc,_1 Distri'ct, Ue, un n on ac , an •l'N cookies will be p lded by f t1t, f•ir, f•ef111I. Tho•• Who made dlstrlct faculty rov • ttl • f t I Albertson's Markets in Hun-'"''' wo • 111m up •e or• 11 members aware of the open tington Beach, Fountain op1rttio11 011 th• DAILY PILOT hOUJt H itoritl p1g1 •"•rt ... y. PurPose m the event b to!-V~a:ll~ey~an:::d~W~•:•:lm:m:~:er:.:_·~_!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=11 •..................... , • PEG DINSMOU, IALI CONSULTANT, WILL II IN OUR STORE MONDAY AND TUISDAY, NOVIMHl 10 AND 11 . 8'TEMJNB ll"t' LUNT Furnitu re Cen 't -Ski ~t Issues--S-T..R·E·T·C·H-: Magnificence 1n Sterling, , • -1«-wlloftlllthe -lneotld_ft_ --IUchllavlngoon ... Cit' .., pltOI, done or Amll1ca'• G--ngpalllmt. • .,...........,0, ... I 4-Pc, Plau llllln(lll SAVE $123.00 '40·Pc. .... no1c: .. ror4I" •Uc. Pltee Setting1 SAVE $154.lio 12·Pc. .. l onlot.for.11" 12 I-Pei. f'llco Settino• SAVE $21151 Actnow ••• Olw--~1-. SLA.YICK'S II FASHION ISLAND NEW~ORT BEACH -6••· 1380 Jn these day! of assorted hemline length1, even furniture has problems. Upholstered furniture, that is. · Skirts on upholstered sofas and chairs usually are cut to standard leogtha, But placed on a deep pile carpet like some of the cun-emly popular shags, the skirt falls in· correctly. To correct the matter, one manufacturer of upholstered pieces has produced a package • ol six "skirt adjus ters" which • it will ship with each item • leaving its ractory o r • • & SEW (T.M.l • • showrooms. • K .1 f b • The adjusters sup under n I a fl CS legs ol sofa or .chair, In effect • · ralsmg slightly the height ol • , "-' • • • the furniture 1rom the iroor. • 10 vrange • • Rtad JV WEEK • 724 East Kattllil • • • Every Saturday • r--~,.E~~E"'!A"<!C~H"Y~O~Uf'H~W~T!'!O~E~W,... __ •, ~~~~~~~~I · WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS •1 = • FEE $15.00 : Introduc ing Ele anore Cha pm an • •I • s • NEW CLASSE START • • • llh•ltff.E111rolltrlfftt • NOVEMBER 10th· thru 14th • • • IMor11l1111 A 1 ... 1 ... 1 • • • IMAGINE! • • • 8 Learn to mike Stretch Pints in one hour, 8 I: bathing suit for $5.00, even glrdlt.! : • TEEN CLASSES· TOO! • tHRIAD IARGAIN! a • M1rt t rh1d tftd -'11•1 duty, 11f • tpool, • • SKI PA NT FABRICS & 8 · : ALPACA SWEAT ER MATE RIAL 8 8 NOW !NI 8 8 HRS. DAY 9·5; NITE 719:30 P.M. 8 lJOS NEWPOltT ILVD. fACrDU from Newporl 9ete;ll Clly H1llJ • 673 °4116 Tho perfect bra t tot 1oday's pretty, I~ nodcllnes ••• 8&-io eeAU.CBUP When your nocknno is more baring, !his Is the bra to wear I Tho beautiful. CIJM>1livlng secret: the gentfe addition of Bell's own exclusive fiber Fluff"' in the bro-cup. Main-. to ins shapeliness through countless washings end wearings. Nylon lace end Lycra• span. do<. White, block. A cup, sizes 32 to 36; Bond C cup, sizes 32 to 38, $7.00. Wft.l YOU SPENO FM MINUTf.5 IN out FITTING llOOll f'Oft A oma PICMl.f'Oft Wit PHONE 642·1197 , w ' I I 1 • - • ( Na Ea b)E Pa COi Si11 me libi anc ~ ~le tioi 'I T pat: yea bee b:c?.~ Ir the day thei Tl Juv• cha1 neil! ltlt· N• who the and tan~ A tain: cor.t orfu mg U! note vest: i~p cord Jnl gtud· had J.lall· Di, fO SI die xi po~c NE 11bre• this ket c tions ''T or in comr recto CJ .. th• pr •• do idt '°' th• Pn "" "' Cit· CM c,...~ ... ••• ••11 lril• ••• ... ·~ ••• ... I I ' l ' ' -,-.. ' ---'-• . I -Fountain-. ' a Bey-- EDIT ION EllLCE ·-, • , - ' • ·.ecor eac ls ' au . . ' . ' ' . I ----.· . •• -. . 20Pounds Nasser Bloodbath? Seized; ' 5 Arrested A.rab Vows Horizon Lit by Fire • • From . Wire Services CAIRO -President Gamal Abdel Nasser· vowed today to turn the Middle East" fntb a •·sea of blood and a horizon blatirig. wtt.b fire" in a drive· to liberate Palestine from Israeli control. Spellking. only hours after two separate commando raids against Israel in the Sinai, Naaser told the Egyptian parlia· ment the Arabs had no choice but to liberate Palestine by means of violence and. force. Nasser said Egypt had tried to im· plelnent the-U.N. Security Council resolu· tion,on ending the ).1idd1e East war, but TraeetJ by Notes that it and ~ ~lg f9ur powers had failed to find a solution. · "The definite conclusion we must take from um, is that there is no longer a way out of OJJC present iilpaUon e.i:cepl . by forging a road towards our objective viblently and by force, over a sea of blood and under a borizon blazing with fire," Nasser said. The Egyptian leader was making his first public speech in three months. He has ~n reported ill with the nu since the second week in September. He called for ail Arab summi~ con- ference to discuss the Mideast problem, 'Two Huntington Youths Held in Terror Bombing Traced through .comparison of language pat.t¥'15 ~ in a reve_~se _!Wte.. two. ~s ye.ar:.old Huntington Beach boys ~ave bee,1 charged With the Halloween terror" bo,~g "'of a family's home. Investigators disclosed the arrests of the twO Edison High SChool students to- day, ·but -did nOt.. identify-them due to their ages. They were booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall Wednesday afternoon on charges of juvenile delinquency, with r.eigh.bors and fellow students coo· trlttiting to ·the case against Uiem. No one was injured last Friday night when the incendiary device exploded in t he Surfside condominiums home of fi.1r. and Mrs. Eugene. Todsen, of 20242 Lan- tana St., but heavy damage was caused. A hallway window was smashed, cur· fains were shredded and a revenge note 1.-or,taining what police desc ribed as col· ()rful-language was left behind as a call~ ing card. Using the langu age cootained ln the note and questioning neighbors, in- vestigators singled out one probable suspect known to use those terms, ac· cording to Detective Bruce Young. Interrogation of Edison High School itudenls led to revel ation that two boys had talke<l about bombing some homes liaJloween night. During the process or ~ontacling the l ft> suspects, police discovered 24 carbon I dirxide gas capsules, a quantity of 'black powder and about SO cardboard cylinders S tock /llarket• NEW YORK (APJ -Advances drew 11breast or declines in moderate trading this afternoon as a sluggish stock mar- ket continued to mark •time. (See quota· tions. Pages 22-23). "There is some need for outside news or influence to get the market going," commented Monte Gordon, research di· rector of Bache & Co. Orange Coast capable of holding an explo$iVe charge. A second revenge note was also found, rimllarto lhat lei! for 1he Too... ramlly; indicating plans to hit ailother re~dence witb aj)pmb. Authorities said the enly apparwt motive for revenge against the famllJ!Jtit J:Iallo"•eei:i..night was an..argument,ene of the suspects had with Todsen over use of the swimming pool at the Surfiide coll- dominiums. The two suspects li\le in the same p:eneral neighborhood, both of them near Edison High Schoool. Ta x Override Won't Solve OV· Building Needs · The $1.25 tax override passed by Ocean Vi_ew School District voters last spring V.'111 not help alleviate the district's building needs, Supt. Clarence Hall cau· tioned today. "Many Ocean View parent! thought that when the district passed its tax over- ride last spring, th eir schools were on the \vay to becoming problem-free," h~ said. "But override funds cannot be. hsed to build the additional classrooms we need for the next five years," he added explain-- ing tha t the money is used for operating costs. Hall said that to meet the districfs building requirements, it has scheduled a $7.S million state aid quall!ying bond election for Nov. I& which will maintain its eligi bility to receive state loans for building purposes. rJuring the last JO years the district has spent·four state dollars for every local dcllar spent on school construction, he said. I( approved by the voteni, the $7.S million bonds would allow the Ocean View District to maintain its present building schedule and wlll build approximately 200 classrooms over the next five years. Enrollment qver that time IJNlD is e:z. pected to reach 21,000. declaring the situation, as far as Egypt iJ concerned, is "to be1or not to be." · Israel is flghllni with its back to the se4, v.·hile Egypt had spent .500 milliQR E'gyptian pounds in tliree. y e a· r s rebuilding its army, and could now ·put S00,000 men in the field, he s'ald. Ht! again denounced the United Slates on charges of supporting lsrael. NaMer said that "U.S. militarists" are figt.ting against Egypt "from behind guns and from aircraft that carry the Star of David." The Egyptian President said Russia was Egypt's friend and the United States was "adopting the stand of an enemy." "T~ arms of the Soviet Union are in our hands," Nasser said. "11le. anns of the USA are in Israel's hands." · Egypt said it sent commandos, a~ss the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" ·the troops in tw-0 ·lsnn!li armored colwnns. Israel said five men were woun· ded and serit its air !Oice into action in 'a ielaliatory riljd. Cail-0 said' one Israeli plane .was shdt down ' and anothtt damaged. The Israeli announ<:i!ment .said all Isneli planes returned .safely to base. In another con· f)ictlng rePort Jsrael· said ·five Israeli soldit!'s were woimi:ied and. mne. killed "in the two E,YPtian comm3ndo atlacD;'the. aea>old .and third '8 ~~ys. . o1-\o. ,.. ·l. Rainfall Brings Traf fie Snarls, ' Fender Benders Today's heavy rain produced a crop of traffic accidenta and -kt!pt the California Highway Patrol and police in several Orange County cities on constant traffic investigltion duty until mid-morning. "We haven't been Is busy as thJs in a long time," a CHP o!fiCer commented. "We've been running from one accident to another until aboat 10 a.m. when ll1ings began to slacken off." Wilh .. oo.e_ excepllon -the crash at Newport Freeway and M a c A r th u r Boulevard -accidents investigated by the CHP were described a! the "minor feOOer bender variety 'with only C!Uls and · bru ise s suffered by those injured." Santa Ana police had the same report ta offer -many minor accidents, some caused by stalled cars, but no serious mishaps and no injuries ' ' w o r t h reporting." .. It was the same story in Orange v.•here police had to go to the aid or motorists stranded by deep water in several areas. But there were no major accidents and no injuries reported. Anaheim police were called to more than ·20 rain-connected accidents but reported "nothing major and the rain and the traffic. congestion has just about cleared up now." Rush hour traffic produced a bottleneck near Anaheim Stadium when an owrfiowing culftrt: delay~ work· bound rootorista~ but the situation was aoon'l'!CUfied, 9Ulcer1 aaid. Fuller!Oo. •Stanton, Buena P -ar k • Garden ·Grove end Tustin po 11 c e departments confLrnied the Thursday weather·jitc;ture 11 Wtt, busy and -in the cMe of motortsta who were late for lorl< dU.•'to lrafflo coog--prdty windy. . ' DAILT f'ILOT ............ B.EDSIDE :-!''le ~r.zsµ, (left) and Monte Ramey bring some gbpd news •.to· Ramey's1 wife. Cata. Doctors have decide:d she'll get a kidney· transplan t' aild · Hontington Beach mail carriers, led by . ~~2..flU, )1.aye,raised1,l,OOO in 'continuing drive to help defray couple's hospital expens'es. · By Tl';llll\' COVll.U Of !M~·""""' ' Doci<!n at •O~ange County Medical Cente:""haYe ·declded to perform a 'llldney transplant on Mrs. Cara Ramey~ wife of Huntington Beech pocstal employe Monte Ramey. The decision.. was re.a~ Wednnday afternoon, Ramey said. •Neither el his wife•., current kidneys are funUoninf pro-, perly due to ,a serious diabetic condition. She hu been in lat.ensive care !cir two weekl at the medical center. Shorily after 'the kidney traiupW.t decision wa_s made, five ol Ramey's fellow postal employes, visited' hjrn and his wife at the medical center to pr~t ~~de1~~y~:~~~cv~t to · Letter carrier Peter Baraz.su has org"anlied riiOre th'lin 200 lftintffil\On. Beach pOstal emptoyes in a united effort to esta.bllsb the Ramey ~: They have already deposited •t.lQ'l in U"-~ty Pacific NaUonal Bank o! Huntington Harbour and hope to raiae thodaaods of doliars more. Money was raised by a garq:e sale over the v.·eekend and through donations by local residents to the Ramey Fund, NALC-Brance-2135, c/o _P-.O. Box 10.U,. ~ ~. Valley Tennis Tourney· Sla~o HunUngton Beach, California, 12647. "We've be.in pleased with the .Upport we've alrudy receJved ... from the-com· munlty," .said Barazsu, Wednesday. Monte Ramey Is a mail carrier on the HWlt1~ Harbour route. His wire has been , ffiielvtng ste1acty. ,medlCAI .atten tion the' past two months while the bll la con- tj.qµe. to mqunL Wednesday.he...recelved •a bill ror '2,900 from the medical center for servi<:1! tltroup. Oct. 13. "My insuranCe only pays part of thoSe "bills;" aatd Ramey, "I sure appreciate the help my·frldnds are giving me." And the expenses are just. starting. In prepar&tion for her kidney lran.!plant. doctors plan to use hemOd,lalysls, a mechanJcal process for circu,18.llng clean blood, at-least two Umes ·•~week.on.Mrs. Ramey. Cost of the process is •150 to $200 for each use. "The doctors told me that if ihe kidney transplant is completely suceessful my wile wUJ be as healthy as &be was a year ago," said Ramey. Success of the operation, however, depends on finding a donor. for the neceuary kidney. A m«ljcal center spokesman said that a person whose blood and Usaue types match Mrs. Ramey's must'be found. No date has been iiet for the lraniplant. Unlll. 'the transplant is made, Mrs. ll'f"<l' will be kept on the ~~odlaly~s system. In the meantime. RunUngton Beach !nail carriers arc trying to help Monte Ramey carry-some of 'his heavy load: By TERRY COVILLE Of ffle Oalty PU1f Sid Tpe. -largest' stizur~ ·of ha1hldl in Southent'Calilornia history -20 pouncb oe· it :.... was! made Wedneeday night in Huntington Beach by narcOtici otrlCers f~ DoWney: I.Ong, Beach, Los Angele! COunty Sheriff's Department and Jocil police. Five men were arrested. on charget of sale anq J?OSSession of narrotlca at 93$1 Tahiti Circle, Huntington Beach. Police cla1m they recovered the hashish, five pounds of marijuana, 95 LliD tablell, a quarter ounce of heroin, too secona! ~ tablets and four marijuana planta: srow· Ing in lhe rear yard. Total market value of the illicit narcotics Wu utfmated at $100,000 by Los Angeles sheriff's deputies. Arrested in the huge hashish roundup 1n an affluent residential &ecllon of soot.beast Huntington Beac& were Elder Lon Hocker.:, .28, of thtt Tahiti Circle ad- dress; Michael R. Gray, ·20, of ' Santa. Ana: John A. 'lbomas, 21, and Toaunle Mike Thomas; 20, both of Long Beach, and Phillip, Horton, 19, of Beuno.wer. Eight men •nd two women 1were later arre~ in Long Beach on· charges of ~sslng. a pound and .a hall ~f ,ba!hbh, 0ruumably (i'om ,Hocker's home, oal4 ihmrf's depuOes. None '(I(, the Loni Beach arrests Involved Orange ~ty residents. ·TOO rive me·n· arrestea~tn -Huntington · Beach are currently In Lakewood sheriff station Jail awa'ltlJ"i arraignment on the naicotJCs J:hargesJn . .West_Orange.£ounty Municipal Court; Westminster. Seventeen narcotics officers were involved 1n the arrests. The arrest! ended a three-month narcotics investlgatlon conducted by • Downey police and Los Angeles County sheriff's deputiea. "We slarted abouf t p.m ... Wednesday, on a trip tO niake a narcotics arrest In Long Beach," !aid Los Angele! Sheriff's Sgt. Jack Boberg. "W•-never ezpected to end up In Huntington Beach." It became a game of "guess who's coming to the Pot party?" according to Long Beach narcotics officers. "We went to 5780 Campo Wafk in Long Beach," iaid Long Beach Police Lt. Jim Miller, ''In ttie. ~~ c;if JQ'ing_ ~~-b_u_x_~~s!J!sh th.t?!:e we were told that the 'real actl'on' was In Huntington Beach, so without telling who we were we left." "We notified the Huntington Beach police that we were coming," continued ~filler, "then W8 sent some men into Hocker's rtisl~t!IJC!! ro bpy the hashish and the arrests were made." "After we i:ounded up the narcot.lc1 ln liuntington !Wach," said Miller, "we returned' to the Campo Walk address, knocked on the door said, 'remember w ? Gueas· wbo we are?' " "This was apparently one of the major selling points or h~hisb in Southern Calito·mla." said.Sgt. ~berg, "It, ls the largest sel~re ol hashish we _ know or he.re. They were apparently selling ill over the Southland." The currentr street1 price ol hashish ilJ l80 per OUJKe, · ....,ding to Wonned (See HASHISH, rage I) The Fourtti AMlial Fountaln1VaDey.Ci-. ty Tennis T~r:nament wlllrbe. he.Id-Nov. 15, 16, 22 and 23 on U\e,tenals courts o! F'o!lgtaln Valley ,lllgh Scliool., ' ResJdeo~ 10( the dty, m8nben of the . •ounlatn •Villey Tennis Clu b and tn- dtv1dualf'•who·p ·to sChool 'ot:wcrk In the city are eligible to ente.r. · · • , * * * *' * '* ~'"1'Y, :fef\11 are ,JZ,511 ,for .singles and !j.®,f<>r.do\lbl~ Ind II/Bf be.paid ljurlng , · tW.' w .. k ,at. F"'ntatp Valleyl Ctty llall, 1aW1fSf1ter"Aveliue. • ' Yllaih. H~ngs Self ~ . ' S.i..de,~t,. Bel~~. Hoppe tf, on.' Drugs ; . ,, I t An apparently d1"1118ed Saddlebaclr and which could< happen at prietly well Wea~er Keep those raincoat.s on. folks, a.o; there·s more precipitation on the way, increasing Friday and probably coollnuing over the week· end. Coastal temperaturci; are down in the mid-60's. New Name, Dwtle• Loom HJgh ~ 1tudent banged hlmaet! any Ume;." · • · Wedne.9daY' while being held for ln-. Young Dunphy w11 placed'uftder arie.st INSW E TODAY Separated ot birQl, twins identical in all respect1-forend r.acl1 otlter at aye 24 and vow thtt{U never be parted · ogah1. Pa!Jt 16. .,,,," II MHllrltl " Ctllftrllla ' Mll'I•• ... , C .. Holll .. H•Jt Myl111I ,.,..., " ·~ .. • N•ll•111ll Kt'Wt ... Cl'flrwtf'f " Dr-C.11tr " 0..ttl MfllCH .. S1l'rlt ,....,.,. " Ol""cn " SllOrh ""' ••11'tf'i.1 ,.,. • IM~~ -··" .... t:••ttmlftMtlll »·J· ,_ .... " 1'111'"(' • ~"'' . .., .. ~-" Wt .. lltr • Allfl L8Mltrl " 0'-'I~ wtllM II MlllM-• Worlrl Hfl"' ••I M.,n.,. LlClllMt II Werfltll'I """ tl•N .. - early Wednesday wb11rbe arrived at Sad· County Re .. prieves 'Ha~h.o:r v .. Ujatioo In' the Sarita Ana P'!llct\11<¥-dleblck Hlgh apparentty under the ln- quarters. Ouence of drugs. Officers took Uiei boy ln.- Offieen: said ·they lefl -t.Rlr.mond Ter--· to custody from the 1vice prtncipal'.1 officf r~e ~pl:ly, t?;'ef.,.1221 C¥tton P.li~. and e.sco.rted hJm ,to their Santa Ana Santa An1, tn the juvenile Waltlna 'rocim he.adquarttts. "unlil ·:w.e ~co.w1 ~,arol.lld·to UOiq ·in Pollce reports bllk:ate that the boy'• By TOM BARLEY Of rM 0.lff f'l'91 St ... An Orange County Harbor District that appeared to be floundering on the brink or di6SOlulioo is going full speed ahud to- qay with a newly charted fO!Jle that may end with ils expansion and re-naming. Th J beleaguered dislricL got a 4-t .ahot in the arm Tu.esday from Orange Couoty sperv1sors following the hearing of arguments that have plagued It for the past two year• -the claim that lls rune· lions could jtisl as well be performed by county. govemmenl, the assertion that it ~rve;; only those county residents of coastal are11 and !ht 11.......,t lhat k frustrale! streamlining or t<lllnty g~~·: 'iE' · •tis!,!'!'l.j<hl~ ..,.-l\?~~~~6.~·;. '\, ~: 'ni~:' 1:=1~~!!,~ti; ~~r~.af~.,d: menl by.1ta exl~·" a separate,lfx,l ! ~;~ , . 'bj>'llif,, Dunw;, .. ..-~ · \l!Olch • · ~kal!lllist<dlpthejop._~of " Ing agency.• -~' . , ; 1~, ,.,, .• • • O.u to the"41obr loopld o~f~; · • ~i.;~ ~Jiod "•(&kip; It'·°' ltf atronge.1t suppart frQm , a _ ~ •• ~f .j " • 1·: t.IMh•l~rur ·cttyki<11ff11~ to.·~.Wct of .. ctroP •e.,,.w1s f4. 1..-· • "•"' '' SUi>'"llor repreaenllnc.an ialand;d~ ,-cr;!h bel>111//!n I Iha _, ~ tt around,lils.necl< ond fllpot\I state thal lhe boy told olllcen -Robtn Battin oC the Santt··~-c:tll-Dot.It' Mft!n"' OJ;-, •• ,, • ,_ l ~\aieOoed lrom the ~-., -lie.hla {alien "three "red31' that tnOl"lllng tered Firs\ Dllilrlct. • ~th-Sim-=( ~ ~ ' t,\"·c«Oiltri 'aollOpoy• tiichly t<Jiirlrined + s.CO.al capoules. Four '"°"' or the an. Battin _la.bed lhe argumenta !or j!ro-'tur) J1-of ~1! -~~ @: the evldenCt.on which poyoo baled their tl-del!J'.eilant pltlr were cooflacated al diNolullon 'l"'•ken -particullrly the , •!!<~•Pl ~ ~;!l'" . "r ; • ";. lmSI 9111t0, 11.-t;" ~I Dolophy "11• poll<t h<adquartert. Orange County chapter or th< Calllornla I ;µtell -i!.:ck," tio·Ald..t·to-, -, • j1!ler die~ or~ when be was I O(llctia said the boY lppetfed to be League ol Clt;es -H "su bterfuge.DWI<-o"'nt9 lfunt~ JI<~ W~ 'Iii pr,o, .arieoted. . , 't , . perfectly Cahn and rou-J "Ind ..,._ Ing the r<al reo'°n 'for thetr'des~e.\o klll • vldf f .P.Uoe Im fi>r t_t;• II~ L '.N; Qiv<lllPUoo Into ~ai' ' ld•"I• piaJI-tflnl)I not • lleillgerent or angubhed.• theHarbor DISlrlct, ' , 11;\irl>Oui!U:Jiallfl.alii>~Uii'cloilfl'f, 'ii!d ·')lr.' tfit , ll'!llt;• 'ttirienl,. A hq!J•ftlnthewaltlngroom. "ft doean't seem to have occunt'll 11n; llO,P,.Y kit Jc,:Jr:dldn~1rtiiir•01 midi-. I .~llQilif ~ , oe 'de.th ••· They \iuoted the boy'1 lather 11 llaUn' anyone to ask why we have had 11111 s\iJI. twt h&vt iJih,· J!liwJ ,~,Plll!.t jbli 1 "~lio'olWly lll)&•OJdafilo. :methln1 that that "dnlp put him In desJ>8lr ti his dal _.au.di oo a dbtricl Uiat bli · "(Iii IWUIOll, fiP'lf "" e111'fbt loraee• b7 any polko olllctr !Utun life." \ c • • • •• .... ,.••:.-I~ 2 DAILY PllOT H :.Ru ss Cliief :-Hits Stand .. ' : By~ixon --- MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet President Nikolai V. Podpny 1ccuted the Nlx"1 1dm~1Uon today of takln& ••non- , ,coutructlve'" stands on problem• 'dllClllaed between the Soviet Unloo a~ the United St>tts. Podgomy Ibo 1"ld 1 Krlmlln meetini lhlt •many 1ctlvltit1 ol the United St>lts in the lntematlonll aronl contnodlcl U.S. ,otttciaJ Ntementa." The preaMSent reaffirmed S o v I e t rt:adi.oes.s to start talks in Helsinkl Nov. • 17 wilb the United States on llm.IUng ,strategic Weapons. But he stressed that ·Ille· lmportonl thlna 11 not limply tllkln1 . but "the buil on Whlcb talks are carried out." Podgomy said the Soviet govenunent will seek pogitive N:suJls from the talks • "wbJeb would favor the improvement of Soviet-American relaUons, u well as " lllrengthenlng peace throupiut the , 1r0rld." He hnplled it wu up to • Waohlnglon to match the Soviet attitude 1n order for the talks to succeed. · Tbe pttlidenl wiuned lhll the Soviet . government "will never alloW anybody to • speak to It from a po1llk>n of strength." ··This indJcated that Its necotl•tors In the strategic arms tJlb will demand some .'form of U.S . .sciviel partty. • · Podgomy'1 speech,.given on the eve of 'the ~ anniversary of the Bolshevik ·. ll<volutlon, wu the tooghell attack by a Sovlel leader on the Naon admlnls1t1tlon llnce !t took office. The speech aeemed to -.reflect growing Kremlin bttt.erneu at U.S. policy, pertiC1.11arly in Vietnam. • Podgorny uid President N I x o n ' s . speech Monday showed that a "sober a~ proacb to ttlll problem" does not preva:' in Waah!ngtoo. ·Land Resigns School Position In Westminster John F. Land Jr., $7, superintendent of the Westminster School Dlsb1ct for the past 15 years, resigned Wednesday. In a letter submJtted to the board of trustees be said he plans to retire in July and move to Oregon, where he owns pro- perty. , Land, who bas been an educator for the past 30 year1, came to the Westminater d!slrlct In !~. ~ "fl11 been a nice 30 yeari "-t.and told !he board of trustees. • . Meanwhile Dr. Bill Dolph Wll ap. pointed by trustees a1 deputy wpertn. tmdent and will r<place Land aller his .. tirement. . Dolph hu ai.. been with the Westmins!tt School District for 15 yurs. Frem Page 1 HASHISH ••. sourcts, and 10metimes runs higher. N•wport Beach did find 1 Jarser load-150 pounds of hashish -on April 1 when a fiaberman discovered an old trunk in the ocean al the end of the M Street pier. But oo arrests were made. VaJue of that haul wu about $500,000. PoUce ha ve theoriied that someone had dropped the trunk while attempting to pass the hashish from one boat to another. Solon Says DDT Ban Too Little, Too Late SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Sen. John A. Nejedly today described as "too little, too late" the State Agriculture Department's actJon to limit the use of the pesticides DDT and ODO on California farms. The Walnut Creek Republican vowed to re-lnlfoduce next year his legislation to ban DOT and other ~ticidea which fall to breat down after application . ' DAllY PILOT OIAHGI COAST "Ull ISHINQ COM .. AM'Y Jlt~•tt N. W11d ""1ldetll Miii "ulll!shlr J1d1 ~. C1;11l1y Vk9 Prt-.V 11111 G_,11 MtMttl Th'"''' Kttw-!I Eclllor Tlo.11111 A. M111phl111 Mlfl.ttint Eldw Albtrf W. l1ltt J.Jsoclt11 E~llOI' "''""'""' ..... , Offlct JOT Sth S1t11t M•m111 A4dr1n: P.O. 111 7'0, •J441 Ot'Mf °'"'" """""°" hl(lu !ill Wtll 111111111 14u"¥1f'I ce-.11 Mtw : UO West ••v Slrtel u.111 kKll• m ,.,..., •- ' ' • :- 04'11.." l'n.Of, tll'lllil N!kll It'°""""'*"' ...... l'tft .. i. ~ti.Ml .. lit •Utlll "'°" 4•1' Ill ... ,,.. HI!• ... "'°"""'''' ~ ""'"''"" \1'1!ttV; (Mii MtM, Ht.,. ,.,, lllltll .,,,, .....,.,_, ... ,11, 11""9 •llti -,..., tclltlollt. 0••"" '°'"' hll*!fl.. ir,. C~I' ,,wi1int .,_, •r1 111211 Wl!ll 111e.. t.lvt' _..,._, ·~ lftll QI ll'f nt 111' ltr9ft (•I• MtM, T1l1,••-• 17141 MJ-4J21 ,,.,. ............ C:eQ .... 1221 Ca...IRH .W.111bl111 '41°1471 ~ tNf, 0r"'91 (.... f'WlltNrit (..,...,, ,.. -111t I t ._ 1-..itrll-...,.,Jtl """"' « ..,....,"_" Mtt lll oner .. '"'MIXH wt"*"' .-<i.t ,.,1111t1• __ .,. .. ,. .... ...... CM>lt l'.'IS'""' H'I II "'""'' 81~• toM C.1!1 M<11, (t U16t•!t ~tU•,.hVI "' ti,,,_. I). -1111\'I W -II #I Joi -llllJI ""lllrY •1111111 ...... UM .,.._,.,. -.. . . -·----·--.... -.. DAILY PILOT Sl9" lli.tt ,._ .--- House· Group Supports Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) -Th• Howe Foreign Affairs C.Ommittee approved to- day a resoluUon supporting Presl.dent Nixon "ln his efforts to negotiate a just peace In Vietnam ." The vote waa 21-8. The res:oluUon, which originally had the spo050rshlp of 100 House members evenly dlvlded between Democrats and Republicans, was Introduced Tuesday. Aboul lKI others had joined in backing the proposal si~ then. The committee's action was taken at a closed-door session. comhlt lorcta from Vietnam ••at the earlieat practicable date." Chalnnan Thomas E. Morcan (0.Pa.), said the committee ltntatively agr9ld to :seek three hours of debate oa. the pro- ~al when it la conSidered by the HOUie. He aald that elite la not certatn, and depends on l11tr lalU with the Houle Leadership. "W• plan to pt It to the floor a~ soon aa possible," Morgan aald. Morgan also said it had not yet been decided whether to seek clearance from the Rules Committee under a procedure which would bar any amendments from the noor. A GRIM WRECK SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLE THIS MORNING ON NEWPORT FREEWAY Smooth Tlr11 ond Wot StrMla Add Up to 'Sulcldo' Soys CHP Officer Prior to final action, the commJttee defeated a series of amendmenUs calling for public or closed hearings and to sup- port Nixon "in his ezpreued detennlna- Uoo to withdraw our remaining" around "J am terribly distressed," said Rep, Jonathan B. Bingham, (D-N.Y..),. 1 com- mittee member, after the seaton. "I think this rnolution will be construed as tutal support of the Pm!dent'a pollttocl." Alexalidra"s Great Sleepless Nights With 48-inc1i Bust HONOLULU (UPI) -Alexandra the Great hal a big problem. It's her 48-incb buell!ne, and !l's gettini to b• I paill In the back. The redheaded stripper appearin& at the Dunes night club complained, "I can't l!ad a nonnal lile." ''Becauae my breastl are so large I have trouble 1Jeeping comfortably and they mate my back hurt." It wu because ol Alezandra's buatline that J10liiD penons, moatly men, jammed the '-lunclal Plua of the Pacific -the Wall Strtet .. of Honolulu -la.st year to loot at btr. A Jan with a fl.inch bust was stopping traffic on Wall Street. in New York and Alexandra hoped to find a sponsor who "'ould pay her expenses to New York so she could compete in the battle of the booom. But Alexandra (whose real name is Miss Geraldln~ Paredes), never went to \Vall Street and Is now planning to marry Anny Capt. Bill San Hamel. "The life or a stripper has given me a great deal as far at monetary renumera- tlon ls concerned, but It baa also taken a lot out oi me,'' she aaJd. Allhough she bu been altlpplng for 10 years, Alexandra aaJd she dislikes nudity. .. I'm a big aex aymbol, yea, but I'm alao a person. It's starting to bother me, hav- ing to bare my body in front of au- diences." Aleu.ndra, 28, ia ~feet.10 inchea tall, haa brown eyes:, and a 25-inch wailt aod U.inch h!po to go w!lh her II-inch busL "My bust started developing at H or 15 . . . people started makJna: fun of me when I was 11." "All I was concerned with wu covering up. It made me an introvert, made me very ahy and aelf~naclous whld:J re- mains to this day. "If l want to get some sun ... if I want to go to the beach Jt's rldlculoua. I've never bten to a public beach here" she said. "I lead two lives," Alexandra said, "one is the image the people in the club expect of me. They expect me to be a sex symbol. In my other life I am kind of shy, kind of retiring and seek out retiring people." Jtleaurenaent• Mean Money Newport Freeway Crasl1 Hm1s 2; Wet Road Blamed Two Tustin women were seriously in- jured this morning when their southbound car skidded on the rain-alicked Newport Freeway near 1.1acArthur Boulevard and wrapped itself around a lamp standard. Both were taken to Costa Mesa 1.1emorlal Hospital where they were reported to be in serious condition and awaiting surgery for muhlple injuries. Their car was written off as a total loss. A hoipltal spokesman said Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, of 15532 S. B St., suf. fered multiple fractures a n d un- determined spinal and hip injuries. Her passenger, Maria Segovia, 29, of 15572 B St., suffered almost similar in- juries but the extent had not been determined after p r e 1 i m i n a r y e,x. amlnatJon. Call!ornia Highway Patrol officers at. tributed the accident to the smooth tires on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP oIUcer com- mented: "It was suicidal driving on a freeway witb Ures like that in this kind of ~·eather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic in the southbound lanei of the freeway for about one hour. •. Frot11 Page 1 HARBOR DISTRICT ... power battle between the county and it3 cities, to this present hearing," Battin reji!cted the League's suggestion that the dissolution issue be put to a county-wide vote as "the easy way out" for the supervisors. "Why were we elected?" he asked. "Because the public puts in oUice those it believe.!! to have superior knowledge, ex- perience and education and it also ex· pecis those elected officials to make decisions -like the one we have. before us today." He also challenged as "misleading'' figures submitted to the board by Hun· tington Beach Mayor Jack Green, cur- renUy president of the League of Cities chapter. Green argued in a long statement lo the board that 16 of the county's 25 cities had indi cated to League surveyors that they \\'ould prefer dissolution of the district or an election to detennine its !ate. The North Vietnamese si)okesman said the agreement for secret talks waa made at the first private meeting be- tween U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and Thuy on March 6. Statistics prepared by Green indicated that the. response rc£Jected the. desires o! more than 640,000 county residents. 0.,.. posed, he said, were five communities - Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Seal Beach, La Palma and Garden Grove -totalling j~~ lJ!lder 285,00!I residents. Three cities, The LeagUe ·su'fvey Claims, have taken no stand on the Wue. Laguna Beach, Orange and Anaheim reprea:ent 245,300 county-r.esidentl, according to the Green dossier. Beach, representing the Orange County Coast Association. Kymla suggested, and Battin used the wording in hla resolution, that the Oran1e County Harbor District be renamed the Orange County Recreallon, Parks and Harbors District. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper was named chainnan of a com- mittee which will report back to the board at its publle meeting Nov. "6. Battin supported Kymla's argument that the name change would help to cor- rect the "erroneous imprenlon" that the di strict's activities and .inte:reala only benefited residents ol the coastal ana. "It ctttainly benefits resldent.s of my ov.1n inland dlalrlct," Batun pointed out. "And it might help many Of them to realize it when they see the tax funds devoted to the Harbor District coming back to them in the funn al parb: and recreation facilities in their own com- munities." He had to overcome arguments of SuperviSOr" David Baker in which the Se- cond District supervisor condemned retention of the Harbor District "as being in conflict with all our ideaa of streamlining and updating of the county structure. · "We should do it (dissolve the district) ourselves rather than let the Jeglslature do it," Baker urged. "No one is ques- tioning the Integrity of the diatrlct. OI' Its personnel but we here on the board are the front men for this operation and we mJght as well have it within the C'OUnty; struel.lite: ···· · ·-·· ~ ··-···-·-·-·- Morganna ( 44) Not Kicking "Speaking just for my own district." Battin said, "I know lhat two cities believe they made a mistake when they wer.t on record as favoring dissolution. And in another city three councilmtn have been replaced and we might get an entirely different reaction to this pro- posal today." "This (Harbor) d!slrlct baa low vilJb1ll. ty, it is not seen and it ia not un4 derstood," Baker aaid. "It bu a budaet of $1.4 milUon and very often therw are fewer than 30 persons present at its meetings. Talbert Water Unit _,\dds Two Beach Men ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -f.foraaruia Roberts has a '4-inch bust but &he's not uptight about it. In fact, she cherishes it all the way to the bank. "That's what makes the difference in the salaries," said Morganna, 22-year~ld stripper at an Atlanta night club ... Those smaller girls are only making $200 or $300 a week." The club manager says he pays ~lorganna $1,000 a week. ~1organna's remarks were prompted by a story from Honolulu about a 111tlpper Hearing Set On Bolsa Island Desalting Plant Plans for the much-d iscussed atomic desalinization plant on a man made is- land off Huntington Beach wlll be explor- ed ·when the State Legislature's Joint Conunittee on Atomic Development and Space holds public hearings Nov. 18 and 19 in Santa Ana. Announcing the hearings l o d a y , Assemblyman John V, Briggs {R· Fullerton) sakt the sessions would cover . lhe hiitory and future or desalln!zatlon plants, demonstration desallnitatlon plants and facts revelant lo the proposed Bolsa Island plant off Huntington Beach. The hearlnga will be held in the Santa Ana Court House. 700 Civic Center Drive \Yest. Room G-100, beginning al 10 a.m. boil! days. Beach to Scree11 Nazi Prison Film An award winning film of life in a NazJ eoncentretlon camp wlll be ahown Friday II 7:30 p.m. In the Huntington Beach L!brlll')' Fllm Forum. The film , "Memorandum," u I e J nuhblcka: through the mind of a Btrcen· Bellttl aurvivor as he visits modem Oennany. It was produced by th• Na Uolna l Film Board of Canada and ~fved 11\\'ardl In San Francisco, Venice, Vancouver and Montreal. _ The !Um showin 1 is in the Admlnlfttallve AMex, 632 Main St., and ii open to the pub!~ ltte ol charge. named Alexandra the Great. Alexandra is 48 inches around the chest and unhappy because people stare at her when she Is off work. "I'm a girl and I like it when people look at me," said Morganna, who wore a low-cut, high on the thigh minidress at an inter\•lew. "I started stripping at 13, in Baltimore. I may have been underdeveloped then, but nobody ever told me." Morganna sald she ls quite happy with her body, bust and all, and doesn 't mind showing it -"I don 't think there's anytl.lng wrong with a nude body. Bodies are like art." Morganna made the sports pages la st summer when she ran on the field and kla.!ed third baseman Clete Boyer of the Atlanta Braves during a National League game. Boyer, who was at the plate at the time, promptly singled. Rites Conducted For Jack Pyles Funeral 11trvict1 were held today for Jack Pyles, 20-year ruident of Hun· tin&ton Beach who died of a heart attack Sunday at the age of 53. Mr. Pyles: collap11td upon returning from the Bakersfield funeral of his uncle, Robort M. Pyles, longtlm• Huntington Beach civic leader. Services were conducted al the Churth of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 14271 Locuft Street. Westminster. Burial followed in Wealmln.ster Memorial Park. Survh1ors includes his v>'ife, Grace, or the family hon1e , 1036 13th St., two daughters and a sister. Veterans Da y Band Sought A bAnd or drum and bugle corps ls urg•ntly needed by !lie Huntington Beach Veterans Day program committff. Co-chairmen Georp McCracken. ~Ice ma~·or, and Hit Wirtz, local Lfglon post co1nmander, appeeled today to any muslcal organization lhlt will be able to appear at the one-hour proaram beiln- nlng at 11 a.m. Nov. t. 1be observance wUl bo held In the Hun· lin11on Beach Hlih School auditorium. The long·haired brunette also jumped into a fountain in front cf a new office building being dedicated by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. Although basically u n i n h i b i t e d , htorga.nna confessed to one little hangup: "l don't mind taking my clothes ofI on stage but I don't like undressing in the doctor's office." Battin argued that "1nany cities ha ve not been given the true picture of the overall situation and we should not ac· cept these figures at their face value." Battin got 4 to 1 backing for his arguments and he immediately advanced a suggestion that had been earller offered board by Carl Kymla of Newport ~·o Huntington Beach men have bern named directors of the Talbert Water District. Tapped by county supervisor• for board duty were Joseph Boyle and Alban Holtz. Thell' appointments become effective immediately. November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS • Immediate Delivery Yo ur Jm>0ritc interior tUiigMr will be ham to a.sslit flOU • , , H.J.GARl\ETf fURNf[URE ~lOFISSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 1215 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MlS,\, CALIF. 64•·0115 • • I I ( • 1 I ( I I I 1 • ' • • I 1 I • 1 7 . " -, • , -~~;:-,~~~~..-~ ~~;...~.~~~_;_¥ • • EDITION • v AGES ___ ___,,,_RM!GE~OUNN;..GALIFORNIA TEN CENTS , ' Niguel Denies Blame for Salt -Creek Rllhhle Laguna Niguel CQrpcir,lioo official! believe they have been pinned with a bwn rap ol littering Salt Creek Beach and to.. day a?'!: attempting to set the record stralJ<lil. RUbble dumped at the beach was done lllesally by a contractor' with the County Road Depaitmenl and the Niguel Corporation hcis been trying for months to havt it removed, they allegecl. Charges that Niguel Corporation had despoiled the beach were heard at a ; Main Beach Hotel Draws Mixed Views By BARBARA )IREIBICH ot tM' o.llJ Pllllf Sid The first phase of the Holscher feasil:iility report on .the construction of a hoteJ-conferettce facility on Laguna's Main Beach was castigated by one city councilman Wednesday night and greeted with something less than enthusiasm by others. A!ter some biller dlscusslon, the coun- cil set a Dec. 10 study session on the bulky document, prepared by economic exPerts HarTis, Kerr, Forster and Com- pany as .part of the SI0,000 study ordered from Holscher and Associates earlier thls year. . Noting that he had "many questions" after a careful reading of the report. Co.mcilmah Richard Goldberg proposed the study session. "l have many questions too," :1aid councilman 'RoY. Hahn. "ln fact if I staded isklng them'. we'd be here al,I ni&hl. Frankly I'm very disappointed. I .. thihk.U.~s.cne . .of..lhe. mosLWl&o.pbi.s1icated. reports: I've ever seen." The report, said Holm, is "full of er· rors.:ffen in ariUuneUc." ~tloning the selection of a 2(j).room fatitity for study, he added, "Why no alternatives? Why not 1400 rooms? Do you realize the biggest hotel in town now, The Towers, only has 90 rooms? And ll really towers Cown there on the beach! This woo\d be a monStrous .thing lo put on .I.be Main Beach. It would be the big· gest building in town. including the Playhouse. 1be whole thing I s ridiculous! '1 Mayor Glenn Vedder noted that the coi.Jncll had requested the study and sug- geSted it. would be wise 1o "let people react to it, especially the hotel people" before setting a study ses!ion. Joseph O'Sullivan said he agreed with Holm. "I don't see anything in the report we didn't know anyway," he said. "I'd suggest we~ it ride ." Holm asked City ti.fanager James Wheaton , "Can we shut off the meter right now? I don't want to see the city spend-any more money on this." Wheaton said Holscher and Associates had halted their study and would not do .any more work unUI they rereived coun· ell reaction lo the ·first phase , the economic report. Then if the council wished , they would proceed with detailed design proposals. Thi? city manager said later that he would estimate about $5,500 to $6,000 of the •10,000 authorized by the council for Ute study already has been spent. "ll the council does not wish to proceed, I'm ~ure we can make some arrangement ," he said. To Holm 's comment that "We've got some pros in town who have been running hotels and motels for some time." Gol~berg replied, "1 couldn't agree more, but we're paying these people enough so a,t least let's get them down here and talk to them." Al the time the city purchased the Main Beach for $3 million. it was decided to study the feasibility of some com· mercial development Jo conjunction with IS.. llO'fEL, Pqe I) Board o( Supervisors heartng last week. During the hearii\a:, a propcnent who \vants the county lo reclaim Salt Creek passed out photographs that moved Supefvisor David ~alter to remark, "They have brought deslrucUon and desecration to God's coastline," and Supervisor Robert Battin to say, "These people have come to us with dirty haridS ." Niguel Corporation now is contacting supervisors to aJlege that Kelly.C:Orkill UN'T•.....,. GIVES HANOI CHOICE AmbOa-Lodp . . . todge ·Warris -··· Reds to Decide On Ending War PARIS (UPI) -' Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge told Cornmbnist negotiators today it was for them to decide whether lhe Vietnam war was ended at the con.fei'ence table or· by President Nixon's "other plan." Lodge told the Communist s)de Nixon was read y to carry out his plan for Viel·· namizalion of the war and withdrawal of American forces U efforts to negotiate a settlement failed. Lodge warned the Communists: "You must not rely on our making con- cession after concession · until you 'get everything you want. •·Jn our search for peace we have recognized your side was capable of blocking all attempts to bring an end to the wa:r LhrOugh ne(otiation." "The President has stated I h e altematlvl!s," he told the 4Ist session of the Vietnam peace conference. "We re- main ready through these meetings, through private meetings or through restricted meetings to discuss the issues seriously and to find mutually aceeptable solutions to them. "Whether peace is achieved through negotiation depends on your readiness to deal with the issues in the same spirit." Lodge described Nixon's alternative plan as one "Which would bring the war to an end, regardless of What happens on the negotiating front ." Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -~dvanm: drew abreast or declines in moderate trading this afternoon as a sluaisb stock fnar· ket continu~.to mark ~e.:J_See quota· tions, Pages ZS.JJ), . ' Worth the Wait Guards Get Boat-After Long Haul Jt was a long hard night lb city haU coor>eil chambers for Laguna Beach Lifeguard Lt. Eugene DePaulis -but he aot lhe boal. Item 16 on the Wednesday cooncil agenda had to do with an ofm:...ffom _the city of Newport Beach to sell the Laguna lifeguard department one used rescue •eS!el (worth '2,000 new} for the bargain price of ISOQ. • • Chief Lifeguard 'fltomas.L. Dugger had submitted a five-page argument sup- portint acquisition of the boat l or the In· formp tion of coonclhntn' but Depaulis )IVSS on hand anyway, to bolster the gua_rds' request. MW waiting through lhtte public hearJne:1t'Ott council arrived at item I on • • the 8genda 1t 11:10 p.m. The audience dwindled, but De.Paulis heJd fast. Al 12: tn:nr.llldaycMa)'Or·Gi<nn Ved- der called for Item 16. ;•Move we. purchase the . boat," said, · Councifman Rfctiard Goldberg. 1'Second." "All tri favor." · "Aye." • "Motion carried. lte.m 17 ..• " "I& ihat all?" asked the Jtartled [)cltaulis. "That's all, Gene," said the mayor. ''You got lhe boat. Sorry we kepl you up so ltlte." "lt was Interesting, .. said the llfe&uara polftely, "vtr7 blterealfng, .. " Contractors, of Placentla, dwnped four loads of broken concrete, shown ln the pictuies, Ulegally and w i t h o u t permission . l.apj Lizotte, project engineer for Laguna Niguel, aaid }Je caught a Kelly· Corkhlll truck following Niguel rock truck! lo the beach and told them not to dump any more there. A 1et£er ordering removal of the rubble a1ready dumped was sent May 1 lo the contractor and a . • copy to lhe County Road Department, docs It on bis own ffll>Uily." L~olle said. In ahorl. the counly cannot be h<ld Kelly-COrk!\i,ll wu the. contractor for a rupomible. Crown Valley Parkway wldenfq project No llJlQWnian for IWly-Oorkhlll could in Laguna Niguel that required removal· be. readied for comment. of concrete curb and gutter. Pete Moore, uslatant to S~ William Zaun, division engineer with Raker, said he wu going to meetl'with the Road t>epartment, said, "When that Lizotte later today "to see what he's material is removed it becomes · the got." responsibility of th·e cootra~. If he Fred Harper, uslslant to Supervbor disposes of it on somebocfy'a property be · BatUn, &aid ba had been cont.ad.ed by Lqlma Ni(!Uel allomey ~ bio. Be aal<I be uked -~ mall ID 11!1 evldeoce. . f . Lizotte laid Lqun0 Nlptl COfi*lllciD fa jllll leyin1 to. HI the · ,_,i lln!llbl. Thue has been no call lor relrldlon or aJ>OloSY by the supervlson. Ll7.otle said the Niguel trucU were hauling rock to the &ftl•lo exlend a rock revetment aiooa ttie Jhore frOm the 'IS.. RUBBLE; Pap I) Record Hashish St-ash Seiz_ed In Huntington Youth Held Get That Troek Fo1· Drugs Hangs Self 'Number 49, Where Are You?' Number 49 out of San Diego smashed The driver of the olive-drab garbage into a Laguna Beach man's ear In wag(ln, he said, waa ''obviously drunk." Newport Beach this morning. The Initial crash belweer. the btlitmoth. · But it wasn't a train . 1 • or e"'.en an er· and HartweU'1 car coccurred on Pacific rant football player. Coast. Highway at Caqieo Shores. It wu lt was a garbage truck. minor. 1'he IWJlbering, rig with an apparently Then Hartwell gave chase lo the fleeina: An apparently drugged S.ddleback High School stude~< Jiang<( ~! \\'ed·nesday whl!e 't;e.Jtii' held for ·~~ vestigation in the Santa Ana police head~ quarti:rs. drunten di'iver at the wheel and "H~lp, machlne. · · Keop,SO DielO Cio"1" <11!~ '""'lo<l lhe-"I cbaed,' the -~. "'1' a~· ~r Laguna 'ntan on a lonr. posWccldent' Corona. del Mar, up 't&cArtkq,r chase U!.rough wet streets of Newpcrt Boulf:Vartl, then dawn Jamboree' towai'ct Bea<:h . .~.Oll!t~'!..~Y.. ~~~ I l~t b~t"'be aajd. -.,,,.. ·1rm,.ppflted:·--·-·-·-· ····--· ·········· 'flie li'Uc~. wfilili llao 111 llcwe p~le• • ..... orn-cers ·~aid· lhey-1ert · ·Raytni>ntt· Ter~ rence Ounpby, 17, of 1225.Carlton Place, Santa An., ln tbe juvenile waltin1 room "un!JI we could get around to filling -in.. the booklni forms." fl.1elvin C. Hartweel of 300 Mountain w_. marked only with lb! alopn. on one Vi ew Drive, walked into the Newport slda ... Number t9 on the bact. police department this mornlllf at.1:30 to And .. of latest report.. today, Number report the hit-run aod ensulng chase. 49 out of San Diego wu atlll at large. During their absence, they said, Dunphy pulled the waiting room bench over to the door, looped hl11 belt around the alarm device affixed to the back of the door, fastened it around his neck and stepped from the bench. A coroner's autopsy today confinned the evidence on which police based their arrest of the student; that Dunphy was under the influence of drugs when he was arrested. Viejo Citizens Hear Pros, Cons of City Incorporation No investigation into the suicide is plan· ned by the police department. A spokesman today described the death as "absolutely unavoidable, something that can't be foreseen by any police olficer and which could happen at pretty well any Lime." Young Dunphy was placed under arrest · early Wednesday when he arrived at Sad· dleback High apparently under the in- fluence of drugs. Officers took the boy in. to custody from the vice princlpal's office and escorted him to their Santa Ana headquarters. Police reports indicate that the boy's parents told officers that their son - descrl bed as a "fine student" at Sad· dleback and listed in the lop 20 percent of the scholastic ratings -had been taking. drugs Since he was 14. Reports state that the boy told officers he had taken three "reds" that morning -seconal capsules. Four more of the an. ti-depressant pills were confiscated at police headquarters. , Officen .said the boy appeared to be perfectly~ calm and rationa1 "and cer· tainly not belligerent or anguished," when left in lhe watting room. By .IiJCHARD P. NALL Ol Jiit o.llY f'lltt llttl Mission Viejo homeowners beard about both the agencies and benefits of cilyhood Wednesday night but were advls~ by one elective officlal to "think big". if they took the plunge. "There are a Jot of advantages in being a city and a lot of disadvantages in being a !!:mall city," said County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw, one of four speakers al the homeowners meeting. "If you talk about 10,000 people," said Hinshaw, "It could be a grave, grave er- ror. You don 't have the lax baae; you could price yourself (by taxation) right oul of the area you wanted to live in." The oft-<:onlroversial assessor advised the group that by reaching out into El Toro, Aegean Hills, the North ,\merlcan Rockwell Autonetlcs plants and neighbor· ing Leisure World retirement community they might have a very fine area for a city . The meeting initially louted 13 a pro- bable turnout of 300, fell considerably short with about 80 in the audience. Thue 1eemed, also, considerably less than a groundswell for incorporating. One member of the homeowner's group privately described the incorporation issue as "a straw man" to bring dissident groups (opposing apartments) Into the association fold. It was also election night for Mission Viejo Homeowners Assocla· lion. Speaker Bob Russell, administrator of County Service Area Nine, detailed types of County service districts and advised that they "can perform alm06t any func- tion as long as you're wtlllng to-pay-for it." He sa1d it is expensive to force a city and sometime:1 is in the worst interests of peMiOns reponsible for the fonnation, Russell estimated that eityhood might olace an additional 30 to 58 cents on the Property tax rate. Bom>wing words from a character in the comic strip "Pogo", Russel~ said, "I has surveyed the enemy and I find that he Is us." He advised homeowners not to (See VIEJO, Pa1e %) They quoted the boy's father as Stating that "drugs put him In despair of his future life." Push._£ or Dana, Capo Cityhood Educator Says Get l(i.ds Before Dope Pushers Bo- D f Air' By PAMELA HALLAN Ile Or mg "We can'~ ;r:y°'::!:l~ ·~-;y more. We have to get there first. We haye to tell A renewed pu&h for lneorporatlon ol the them It'• bad before the older kids get to coastal communities of Dana Point and them ." Capistrano Beach will be aired at a The speaker was Dr. William Stocks, o'clock tonight in a · public seMion at aulstant superintendent of the San Joa- Richard Henry Dana School. quln Elementary School District. Dr. Roger Sanderson, chairman of the The subject: narcotics. lncorporaUon movement, has claln:ied .1_ u l 'Vk'Ve hid e'telnetitar:y · aee ·youn&st«s · that II is financially J'UMJllable for the 1Je' ~ by pill-eell1r1 u.Uwiy~got off communJlies lo become a ctl1 because-of thtir,bllWi"· aald Dr. Stocki, esplalni.n& JtVtnues avalla~e ~ u Alea and pro-the. }Jfied !Jr ~ a comPreneristve ' nartotics pirty faxet and other revenue source.<i. ~~ prosr•m: . · ' Sanderson has clatmed thal the com.. t •The remiirkl came Wednesday befON; munit'y lntere11Ls are bein& abuaed by lhe the Board Of Trustees. · county and large landholders. lie has He yikl that dl~ion of the P'Q.blem been critical also of the Scenic Improve--hadii from dOi(ia nothing at all---1n men' Plan which, •m91ll other things fear "' i!Jcltina · founpters ' to tr)' calls for rerouting ot the Cout l~lghwar Nr s; to ·an au.out scare •Mp&Jgn. UU'Ough Dana Point. • • "t • ''Thtre are people who don't lhfnk it's a Sandersog has said the rerouting wotbd 1 ~f and Ottttfare oQtera· who fetl lt strand businesses along lhe exiaUDJ fQute 'I 11 ~·..:·nt.ffef of ·01( 'conctm, "' yJ(f !nd brin1 I.raffle noi9e-lnto • re&Wen\i 6~. 1. L ' .~ -.' ,: 1 • 1rc1. _..!,.. • ''Wlltt· shall-we dot Whit ran1e of· , . ... details shall we Include? What direction shall we take? This is what we're asking you," he told lrustees. Stocks rtported lbat some people (eel narcotics education ahoul~ be left up to parents. "But there are three klnds of ptnnts, thooe woo are ~lhose who know their kids might be uliriji drugs bul don'l know. whll to 4o '-and thole who Jcut don't c:.art." . . . He said It iiDtcacp. oi lhe laUer· lbat. ihe" ochools mUll llOP In. • · .. School. prbiclJ>Oll '1"1beci, said ~I h<a{lh 1hcJ!ild· be empbu~ed_~~ lhe ~er. irades, u$1ng Uie .<ccncept '..,.l harmful IUbs~es $hooid.not be Ingested.Into lf\e bodt. A mtmber of the •udle!nCt ftood: and told the board specific lnlormaUon Is needed,.ev-en at kindergarten }evtl. ·' ''Tell them wbal those su~nces ire:"' the untdenUfled wonuin ,aald. · ~ ' "Tell th.em not 'lo ~~pl ' pllls 'lrppl : inyorie "tfut riloinniy; ~d:)'~or t1*·d0c·.~ · Ui .. ·NAllCO!\CI, t'qt ii '· · • • Police Grab 20 Pounds; 5 Arrested ~y n;llRY CoVILLE Of ,.. o.llJ ....... The lugHI Rilure of hub1* In Soot¥m c~ ~ -• fPliida of it -wu 1made Wednesday ftictlt.Jn_ Huntington ~ch by ..-cs al!lcor1 lrom Downey, Lon1· ~h. Loi Anples Cou/ll>' Sberura Department and locll poU... . . Fivt:men Wtf':7armted_on ~of sale and poAelalOn of narcotics it 9351 Tahiti Circle, Htmtlngton Beach. PoUct claim they recovered the hashish, five JXllJ1ldl of marijuana, 95 LSD tablet.I, • qulrter· ounce of heroin, 400 seconal tablets and four martjuana plants grow· lng in the rear yard. ' Total market value of the Jiliclt narcotics was estimated at •100,000 by Los Angeles sheriff'& deputies . Arrested in the huge hashilh roundup In an affiuent residential aectkm of southeast Huntington Beach wete Elder Lon Hocker, 28, Of the Tahlti Circle ad· dress ; Michael R. Gray, 20, of Santa Anci: John A. 11iomas, %1, and Tommie Mike Thomas, 20, OOth of Long Beach, and Phillip HOftcin, 19, of Bel!OoWtr:·· Eight men and two women wtre later arrested in tong Beach on cliarges of possessing a pound and a half of hillhis~. presumably from Hocker's home, said sheriff's deputies. None of the Long Beach arrests involved Orange County residents. The five men arrested in· Huntington Beach are currently In LakeWood lherilf sta~jail awaiting arraignment on tl}e narcoti cs charges in W~ Orange County Municipal Court, Westnunster.-Seventeen narcotics officers were involved in the arrests. The Brresls ended I 1href>month narcotics lnvesUgation conducted by Downey police arfd Los Angelea County 1heriff's deputies. "We started about 6 p.m., Wednesday, on a trip IO mate. a narcotks arrest µi Long Beach," Aid Loi Angeles Sheriff's Sgt. Jack Bober1. "We never expected to end up in Huntlnaton Beach." It became a 1ame of "guess who's coming to the pot party?" according to Long Beach narcotics oUicers. "We werit !See JIASHiflll, Pip I) or .. ge C.ut -~ - Weadier ' Keep lhooe raillcoata on, folks. a& there's more tnciPitation. on lhe way, lncreutni Friday ar.cI probably cOnttaulbc ovv the week· end. Coastal lemperatum art down in the mkl-eG'a. • ~ "M ;;;::;:"' ..... --~ .............. .., ... _ CWllff ti ,.,~ ,._ n -.... .....-.... a.n ,,......_ n -... -·• --. ..,. ........ """"'"' ""' u• • .. DAILY PILOT Jft:ff ,_. A GRIM WRECK SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLE THIS MORNING ON NEWPORT FREEWAY SmoOth Tire• •nd ·w.-·StrHh Add Up to 'Suicide' S•y• CHP Officer Arabs Mount Raids Nasser'Pledges to Turn Mideast Into 'Bloodbath' Fn>m Wire 5entcel CAIRO -President Gamal Abdel Nasser vowed today to turn the Middle East into a "sea of blood and a horiz.on ~luiftg with fire" in a drive to liberate PaltsUoe from Israeli control. Speaking only hours after two separate commando raids against Israel in the Sinai. Nasser told the Egyptian parlla· ment the Arabi had no choice but to liberate Palestine by means or violer1Ce and force. Nasser said Egypt had tried to im- plement the U.N. Security Council resolu· tion on ending the Middle East war. but that it and the big four powers had failed to find a soluUon. "The definite conclusion we must lake .(rom this, is that then Is no longer a way 'Cllt of our present 1ltuation e:a:cept by fOr&inl a road towards our objective violuily and by forte, ov~r a sea ol ~lood and under a horizon blazing with fll't," Nauer said. The Egyptian leader wu making N1 first public-speech in three months. He has betn rePorted 111 with \he flu 'iDcf Ille -.id week in Sepltmber. He called tor an Ar.ab ,Jj.lmmit con- ference to discusa the Mldwt problem·. declaring the situat.lt>n, as tar u Egypt is concerned, i11 "to be, or not to· be." Israel Is llghUng with 111 back to the sea, while Egypt had spent 500 million Egyptian pounds In three ye a r s rebuilding it.9 army, and could now put RUBBLE ..• trailer park to the SOllth to the groin at Sa1t Creek. The unauthorized broken concrete was not added to the revelmenl but dumped near the groln, Lliotte said. One aerial phol<lgraph presented at the supervisors' hearing by Brennan "Hevs" McClelland showed the groin. The picture was carried in newspapers "'ilh the implication Niguel Corporation had built it, Lizotte said. Actually, he said, the groin, called "the: boneyard" by surfers, has been there for at least 20 years, lolli prior to Laguna Niguel ownership. "In reference to destroying that beach there is something else," he said. "We spend thousands of dollars a year main· taining the beach. It ts one of the cteane14 beaches in Soulhem CalUornla." $00,000 men In LI!! field, ~ said. He again denounced lhe United St.ates on charges of supporting Jsrael. Nasser said that "U.S. militarists" are fighting again!t Egypt "from behind guns and from aircraft that carry the Star of David." The Egyptian President said Russia was Egypt's friend and the United States was "adopting the stand or an enemy." "The anns of the Soviet Union are in our hands," Nasser said. "The arms or the USA are in Israel's hands." Egypt said It sent command01 acrou the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" the troops in two lsraeli armottd columns. Israel said five men were woun· ded and sent it.9 air force into action in a retaliatory raid. Cairo said one Israeli plane was lhot down and aoo~ damaged. The Iaraell announcement Aid ·all llraell planu returned safely to base. In anolher coo· flicting report Israel said five Israell soldiers were wounded and none killed in the two Egyptian commando attacks, the "'i"'ld •114 third In two daya. ,;; 4~:i·· f'ro111 Page I ' · HASHISH .•. to 5780 Campo Walk in Long Beach," said Long Beach Lt. Jim Walker, "in the course of trying to buy hashish there we were told that the 'real action' was in Huntington Beach, so without tellin1 who we were we left." "\Ile notified the lfuntington Beach police that we were coming," continued Walker, "then we sent some men Into Hocker's residence to buy the hash!sh and the arrests were made." "After we rounded up the narcotics In HunUngton Beach," said Walker, "we returned to the CamPo Walk address, knocked on the door said, 'remember us? Guess who we are?'" "This was apparently one o( the major selling points or hashish in Southern California." said Sgt. Boberg, "it is the largest seizure of hashish we know of here. They were apparently tielllng all over the Southland." The current street price of hashish l! $80 per ounce, according to informed sources, and sometimes runs higher. Newport Beach did find a larger load- 150 pounds of hashish -on April t when a Iisherman discovered an old trunk Jn the ocean at the end of the M Street pier. But no arrests wCre made. Value of that haul was about $500,000. Police have theorized that someone had dropped the trunk while attempting to pus the hashish from one boat to another. Newport Freeway Crash Hurts 2; Wet Road Blamed Two Tustin women were seriously in- jured this morning when their southbound car skidded on the n.in-slicked Newport Freeway near MacArthur Boulevard and wrapped Jt.self around a lamp standard. Both were taken to Costa Mesa 11-lemorlal Hospital where they were reported to be in serious condition and awaiting surgery for multiple Injuries. Their car was written off as a total loss. A hospital spokesman said Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, of 15532 S. B St., suf. Iered mulUple fractures 1 n d un· determined spinal and hip injuries. Her passenger, Alaria Segovia, 29, of 15S72 B St., suUered almost similar in· juries but the extent had not been determined after p r e I i m i n a r y ex· amination. California Highway Palzol officers at- tributed the accident to the smooth tires on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP officer com- mented: "It was suicidal driving on a freeway with tires like that in this kind of weather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic In the southbound lanes of the ftef!way fIJr about one hour. Fro111 Page 1 IJOTEL .•• U1e proposed park to help defray cost of !he purchase. The Holscher report was ordered a.s the first detailed fonnal study of such development. Jt concluded that a large hotel-conference facility in the area could "rejuvenate an aging area of the city and act as a catalyst in bringing tourists, shoppers and retail establishments to Laguna Beach." Baslng figures on a 200.room facility <ind average $22-a-day room rent, the report estirriated the center would yield tll7,000 to the city annually alt.er pay- ment of operating costs and amortization ot the mortgage. Councilman Charlton Boyd recalled, "At the tJme the council authorized this study we were criticized for the loose way in which studies are authorized. However, we've got It, and it's a subject many people are Interested in .so I'd say get them (Holscher and Associates) down and let's study it." liolm said he understood there was A posslblllty that private developers were interested tn a similar project. "Personally J'd rather sec private money tn thJs sort of thing than city 1noney," sald Vedder. "This year we make our first full payment of $200,000 on the Main Beach, but It can all be paid out or Festival money, the bed tax and revenue from the Main Beach rentals and parking lot . We're in no great need of money right now." To the motion that set the December l'ludy date, Holm responded acidly, "I'll be there!" OIWtG~ COMt P\lllllttl"'9 ClOll'tMNY a.Mrt H. Wtt4 .. ,....... ............ Fron• Page 1 .i.u a. e"'i., Vkl~---lll~t TJi'"''' ICHTil ••11w Tlio111•• >-M.,,fi.fnt ~l•ltor aia • .., r:-N.n ·--'"' ----222 F.ttd A"'• M1lltti1 M4•tMI P.O ...... ,. 12612 --c.... MIH1 DI '#wt lrl Slrwt .....-,, 1Mc111 nn "'-' .. ..., ..,....,. ,....., .... '9Kll: •• """' NARCOTICS ... tor," declared another 1''0man. "Ju&t like you tell them not lo accept candy from strangers." AnoU1er person said perhaps the board should co~lder eliminating lunch money that could be spent for pills by Issuing meal Uckets irutead. Board members indicated approval or this concept. Trustee Gratian Bldart said he was wcll·acquainted with narcotics problem, relat.lng a recent incident where aa a volunteer fireman he answered a c1llvln· volvin1 a 17-year-old Mission Viejo youth who was on a bad trip. "About 7$ kids gathered Around," said Bldm, "perhaps w e did ...,.thing wrong. We shielded him. t was lat.er told that -not blJ firsl acid trip." Wiii Baker, coach at La P a z Tntennedlate School, M!lalon Viejo, said be believe& youngstert needed more In-- formation. He also 11ld there were thrte studenta aent to lhe principal last ytar for suspected narcoUcs use. The boa.rd seemed stunned, becal.L'ie policy had not been 1ollowcd In notifyi111 trust.eel ol these Incidents. Dr. Stocb. aaked the board to •pprove beg!ruifn& IOfnt type or dflll prosram. "This Is too tricky. loo deep and too lmpcrtant to leave up to the teachers. We need-to find people-who al'!:~really guna:· ~o to lead thls program." The bbard voted to authorize the ad- mirlstralion to find leaders and to co me up with a program In the next two weeks. Officers Elected By Homeowners Members of the Mission V I • j o Homeowners. Aaloc.iaUon -Wtdntsday night elected nine dlrtctora to one year lcrmr. RttW11ed to new terms 1''tre Mike Shearer and Bill Gardner. Other direc- tors are Don Sebade, Jlm Crtbfr, Louls Ramirez. Gary Bun. Burdette Saunders, John Dowd and Bob BreMan. Officers will be elected lattr. The nine. some or whom have worked actively against apartments In the plan- ned com~unlty, were chosen from 11 men nomlnated. -Areh BeaclrPlan-f)K'd • Lag,una Depisioi:i, ~nd~ Year: of Wrf!'ngl~~; .• • .. ····"~ ,. :7. ' _.Mei a 111111 Ourry of proles1.s from method....., 1oor,mp'IO for propertla the lmprowimt11ll. lrall pr-'1 0Wllll'I, the Laguna Beach of this lype.'' " ,, ' Each motion W.. ioc.ivtd wltb a f to I City Council ·voled Wednesday nlght (o Holm said he agroed wllh Boyd. Thll "te, Councilman "°yd cutln& tbo ts a very bad situation, th1I entlre llRJ8o' ae1aUve vote m each 1nltance. ~Jude • year of wran.gUng and proceed ment district. When you look at -Before voting yea, Ho~ a stead)' cp- w1th Arch Beach Heights Assessment something-with thesfl contoun1 these '*"8'-ol ·tbe-projectr-e1pla·lned 1 District 86-1. drop.1, it doesn't seem right to apply the "Considering the amount ol m0r\6y the Final tally of protests registered had same standards as on level land. I feel cfty has inve3led at UU. Ume, no, other represented Jess than 7 perctnt of the the same way in some storm drain vote Ja pollible." property Involved In the district on flrst assewnent.s, that aome people m 'not The councilmen said the J:lil''• a~ cost estimates and less than 5 percent on benefited . Maybt the way some of these ptndlture on pttlimjnary fnllDlerin1, the modified cost finally approved, C<Nn-things are done around thl.s town need legal and other coitl now amounta to cllman were told . changing." $110,000. Modl!lcatlon Included removal of all Joseph O'Sullivan said he shared The 4-1 voUng continued u the council assessments from some steep canyon lots Holm's view about. the wbole area. "It's accepted motions to award the contract deen:ied unbu.ildable and unlikely . to just very fcrtunate that in 1911 some-and accept the bid on ale ol. bonds receive any benefit~ from the 1m~ one imposed a tract map on this whole amounUng to $95r$,OOO. provements, reduction o( o th e r hillside and we had to inherit It. Wheaton said the Western Jmpro~ a~essments and a re-spread of the ~I However, people bought the lots anyway ment Bonding company wW be HPdJnt d11trlct cost or tt,090,000. The low bid and many of them aren't complalnlng. l statements to property owtten wbo w1D. ~a~r also whittled $80,000 from his don't see scuttling the whole project. at have 311 days to decide if they wiab to pay bid, City Manager James Wheat.on said. lhiJ point just becauae aome people don't the uaesament in cub « let lt ao w Appearing In peraon to protest was want to pay." bond for 15 years at 7 per cent interest. Mrs. Arthur Sheekman of Los Angeles, "If we 0 back now we'll open up a Bonds shou1d be ready at the end of. whose '30.000 •"""1Tlent had been h 1 g of .. said Richard Dec""ber he said. reduced to $25,000. She stlU maintained ~fd~ new .. ~ the ::msple 'who aren't here ' . that use of the front-footage method to .rg. r-w ree determine assessment was unjust in the now w1l_l want to be re-assessed. I ag , case ot steep hillside properties ~25,000 1s a lot of money, but the assess- regardless of fr~nt footage on the prO: ment is spread over 15 years so they posed road, in her case 250 feet. Assessed don't have to come up with It right away. valuation of her property, she said, is If I could see any way to make. $1,tOO, fepresenting a present market everybody happy, I'd say go back, but I value of $4,400. can't see risking the lou of the whole However, assessment engineer Carl project." Carlson of Boyle Engineering Company, Mayor Glenn Vedder said he, too, felt designers of the Arch Beach im-furt,)1er study "would not solve much." provements, maintained that owners of City attorney Jack J. Rimel warned such properties would be rewarded that the low-bid contractor had agreed because Wtallation of roads and utilities only to extend the time on his bid to Wed· would enable them to divide formerly nesday night. unusable property into salable, improved "I wish we coold go back a year," said l~. Holm "to when we first got ounelves In· "This ts a confiscatory act and lt to this. A lot of city money bu been makes It difficult for me to maintain my spent and J dislike intensely having to persistent belief in justice under the make a decision under presaure of a law," Mrs. Sheekman told the council. deadline like the bid." Councilmen Charlton Boyd and Roy Vedder noted that the auessment Holm continued to express doubts about district had been Initiated by petition of the whole operation. property owners, not by the city. "I can't help feeling we should do more He moved to overrule the protests, con. screening," said Boyd, "the front footage finn the modified assessments and order From Page 1 MISSION VIEJO CITYHOOD r· . let !hat happen. Stuart Bailey, acting county planning tiirector, referred to the planned com. munity conetpl of Mission Viejo as a new tool. He said its potential population might equal or exceed the big cities like Anaheim and Santa Ana. "We are moving, very, very fbt and _ "-fisslon Viejo isn't the only community \\11th this type (zoning) problem," said Bailey. Referrin& to "a ,city to: the south wiQJ a Spaniah nime" (apparently San Juan Capistrano), Balley said on the·basii ·of already approved mobllf: Home plan• the number of single family residences in mobile homes there will exceed the number of single family residences in houses. · RuS!ell said there are ap~ately 10,000 persons in Mission VleJo and 3,350 registered voters on developed property amounting to 5.000 acres. Total planning Is for 9,851 acres. As.sessed valuation lie said , ls ·$20 million. If incorporated now, said Russell, Mls!ion Viejo would be about the 21st Orange County City in population and the 22nd in assessed valuation. Dick Turner, executive officer for the county LOI:&:! Agency Fonnation Com· mission (LAFC), said tbe LAFC would not endorse incorporation on the sole ground! of a commwUty's desire to l06e its z.oning. At one point a member of the audience asked lf anyone favored incorporation. Bob Maruslch, outgoing homeowners' president, said there is no incorporation movement afoot. "\Vhat was the purpo6e of the meeUng tonight?" he was asked. Marusich Aid Jt was to determine whet.her the area had the "stomach to incorporate, aort of a soul searching." Later when the meeting entered the discussion or proposed apartments, there was both praise and crlticl.sm of the ~Ussion Viejo Co. Marusich said the homeowners' board had not opposed apartments per se but said when and if they come they must be properly incorporated into the fabric of the community. There was s o m e anti-apartment backlash to this and some support. One member or the audience suggested that everyone present was short on facts about actual plans for apartments In the fourth revision (pending approval) of Mission Vlejo's master plan. Concert Trip Gets Financing By Philharmonic With a tightened scbool budget euttina down funds for student transportation on field trips of all kinds, the Laguna Beach Phllharmonlc Committee baa mppod In- to Ille br<ach to fin.-a trip to Frldaf'• Youth Concert al N"'J'Oi't HarlJoT lllih School for sixth graden in Laglma'1 three elementary schools. Youngsters from A.Ueo, El Morro and Top of the World schools wUl bear the special performance by the Tamlanka Chamber Symphony. Member• of thl orchestra will demonstrate individual in-· struments as well u playing the concert program. Music teachers and PTA volunteers have been preparing the students for the musical adventure thiJ week wtth classroom "previews" of the concert, in· eluding playing recorded aelectionl, showing large color pictures of crcbeltrll instruments they will bear and RivlnC students a list of "tbirlp to look IDd listen for" at the concert. Lodge to Quit • Post in Paris? P.~RIS (/J') -U.S. Ambaaador Henry Cabot Lod(e mUled to commen1 today on reports he may n:alpi ICIOO. "J will stand on the statement that WU made at the White House," he told newsmen at the U. S. Embaaly u he departed for the 41st weekly ltllkla of the Vietnam peace talks. White House Preas Secretary Ron Ziegler sald 'Wednesday that Prelldent Nixon is not consUlerlng the replacement or either Gtn. crtJibton W. Abrams, the commander of U.S. forces ln Vietnam, or of Ambassador Lodge. "No such recom- mendation has been made to thl Preli- dent," Ziegler aaJd. Lodge also referred to I comment he made to reporters Ocl 14 when he returned from a trip to Walhlngton to 1te the President. He denied then that be had discus.wd resi&ning wtth Nixon.. November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL ·REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS -Immediate Delivery Your f•l>Orik f•f<rlor dt1lgnn will b• MPPll lo GUJI! I/OU :7 · H.J.GARf\EJT fURNfJURE fPR:O~SSIONAL INlU:IOI OISl&NEIS 221& t-!A~IOlt ILVD'. COSTA MlSA. CALIF. "46-0271 l h r d ' ii ~ ( " d \ ] ' ] 1 le he M cc WI o< ., ru. bu ex P• fn ye al Cc th• "' all nlr lhi ~ • "'· ' r .. ell yo Th "" Th on ge Pl. ric I co ge "" be lie Wf ·~ I WI rit sp ' ha an cil "' \Yj de ' "' tlH tb> ~ ~u: he SOI hi>' Ge bu at to j Mr to m• co LL go I ag cit lif· ve pr ' "' po Im w• gu . he . . Eaguna ~-B e aeli . -• Niguel Denies Blame f or:.$al' t,.aguna Niguel Corporation officials believe they have been pinned with a bum rap ot littering Saft Cr~k Beach and to- day are attempting to set the record straight. • · Rubble dumped "at the beach was done illegally by a contractor with the County Roa'.d 'Department anft tl)e• Niguel Corporation'b~ been trying for ' months to have it removed, they alleged. Otarges that Niguel Corporation had despoiled the beach were heard at a Board of Supervisors bearing last week. During the hearing , a proponent who wants the county to reclaim Salt Creek passed out phptographs that moved Super;visor David ' Baker to remark, "They have brought destrucUon and desecration · to God's coaStline," and Supchisor 'Robert Battin· to· say, "These people have come to uS with dirty lfands." ' · Ni~l Corporation now is contacting supei-visors ''° allege that Kelly-Corkill Contractors, of PlaqenUa, dumped four loads of broken (.'00(.Tf:te, shown In · the pidures, illegally and w I th o u t permlssiOn. · l;arTy Lizotte; project engirieer for Laguna Niguel, 'said he c8.ught· 1 Kelly· COrkblll truck following · Niguel rock trucks to lhe beach and told them not ·to dump any more there. A \ettier ordeTing removal of the rµbble alrudy dumped . was sent M'y I to the cqntractor and a copy to !be COUDty Road Deportment, Lizotte sald. KeUy-Corkbtll was the contractor for a Crown VaUOy Pukway wideJtlnl project in Laguna Niguel that "'!ulred removal or cootrete curb and ,gutter. William Zau'n, division engineer ·with the Roed1Department, said, "When that material is rtUnoved it becomes the responsibility or the "contractor. u he. disposes of it on somebody's property be" --'". - cloco It on liis °"" llablllty:" In ihort, the c:oonty cannot be beld respmslhle. No spokesman for Kelly-Corkhlll could be rtached for comment. , Pete Moott, assbllnt to S~ Baker, sald he was gtilnJ to meet with Lliotte later today "to see what he's got." Fred Harper, assistant to Supervisor Ballin, •aid be had been contacted by • .• ' • . • I• Today'• -n..Ji N.Y •. Steeks • . Lqun& Ntguel'ittorney Alu-Boriii. He aaid be" asked Bowle to· mall ID bis evideDoe: LI,.µ. aaid Laguna Nlpl CorJi!n1191 Is jull "1bii to 1<t Ille .nOorrl lln!pt. There h., been po coll for {elracllon or · ajJOlogy by tbe IUpervl ...... LU.Otte said the Nipel trucb were hauling rock to the area to uleod a rocli; revetment along the shore ' from the (lltt RUBBLE, P&11 I) Mlli·n Beach Hotel Draw s 'Record -Hashish Stash Mixed View s By BARBARA KREIB!CH Of "" 0.lll' ,lltt Sllft I Seized In . Huntingtori The first phue of lhe Holscher feasibility report on the construction of a hotel-confereoee facility on Laguna's Main Beach was casUgated by one city councilman Wednesday night and greeted with something leis than enthusiasm by others. After some· bitter discussion, the coun- cil set a Dec. 10 study session on the bulky document, prepared by economic experts Harria, Kerr, Forster and Com- pany •~ part of the $10,000 study ordered from Holscher and Associates earlier this year. Noting that he had: "many questions" after a careful reading of the report. Councilman Richard Goldberg proposed the study session. "I have many questions too," said C<JUncilman &y _Hohn. "Jn fact if I start~ llldng them we'd be. Jiere all night. Frankly I'm l'ery dislppo1nted. I ihlnk it's ooe of-the most "180phi1Ucated rewts 1-'ve•ever seen." · Th~ t:fPOl'l; said Holm, is.~'full of er· rors,_even in arithmetic." Quesliooing the.selection of-a-2(1(1.room fac:iUty for study, he added, "Why no alternatives·? Why not 1400 rocms? Do you realize the biggest hotel in town now, The Towers. only has 90 room,s? And It reaJ\y towers <!own there on the beach! This would be a monstrous lhi.ng to put on the P.fain Beach. It would be ·Uie big- gest building in town, including lhe Playhouse. The whole thing i s ridicu1ous!" Mayor Glenn Vedder noted that the council had requested the study and sug· gested It WQU!d be wise to "let people react to it, especially the hotel people'' before settm, a study session. Joseph O'Sullivan said be agreed with Holm. "l don't see anything in the report we didn't know &nf\'ay," he said. "I'd suggest we let it ride'." Holm a§ked Cily Manager James Wheat.on, "Can we shut off the meter right now? I don't" want to see the city spend any more money on this." Wheaton said HOischer and AMociatcs had halted their stuily and would not do any more work until they received coun- cil reaction lo the first phase, the economic report. Then if the council wished, they would proceed with detailed design proposals. ' ThJ city manager said later that he would estimate about $5,500 to $6,000 of the $10,000 authorlr.ed by the etiuncil for t~ study already ha_s been spent. "lf the council does not wish to proceed, I'm sure we ca n make some arrangement," he said. To Holm's comment that "We've got some pros in town who have been running hOtels and motels for~ some time," QQlciberg replied. "I couldn't agree more , but we're paying these people enough so at least let's get them dow n here and talk to them.'' At the time the city purchased the Main Beach for $J million, It was decided tO study the feasibility of sOme com- mercial development in conjund.iOri with UP.I T ........ GIVES HANOI CHOICE Am1Nt1udor .Loci .. ' . ' • r I l!ibdge warns "" ' ll·eds to . Deel.de On Ending War PARIS (UPI) -Amb8ssador Henry Cabot L<>dge told Commun!st negoUators today It was for them to deeide whether the Vietnam war was . ended al the conftrence table or by President ·Nii:on's ''other plan." · Lodge told the Communist s:de Nixon W¥ ready to carry out his plan for Vlet- namization of lhe war and withdrawal of American forces if efforts lo n~goUate a s2ttlement failed. Lodge warned the Comtnunlsls: "You must not rely on our making con· cession after concession· until you get everything you want "In· our search for peace we have recognized your side .was capable of bl ocking all attempts to bring an end to the war through neiotlation ." "The President has stated t h e altematiVes," he told the 4Ist session of th e Vietnam peace conference. "We re- main ready through these meetings, through private meetings or through restricted meetings to discuss the issues seriously and to find mutually acceptable solutions to them. "Whether peace is achieved through neg,otiation depends on your readiness to deal with the issues in the same spirit." Lodge described Ni1.on's alternative plan as one "Whlch woukl bring the war{ to an end, regardless of what happens on the riego,tl.ating front." Stock Markets Youth Held Get That Tru~k For Drugs Hang~ Self 'Number 49,. Where Are You?' Number 49 out of San Diego smuhed into a Lagilni Beach man's car in Ne-w'port Beach this morning. · But it wasn't a train •.. or even an er- rant football player. It was a garbage truck. Tht lumbering rig with an apparently An apparently drun:ed s.ac:lleback drunken driver ' at the wheel and "He1p High'., School sludont hanpd" ~! Keep.San·DI,.. Clean" on !Is llide led the W~Y \'bite ,bllu ~:!Gt, JI>-·~ """! qe, a lolis, 1111'.rot"ltnt v<illptlen In tho &iillf'Ana )'llll'e "'"* clju< 1hroui!I ftt stree1a o1 Ne'wpor\ quarters. t # • ·. BeaCJI. ~ Officers ~ ~It Raymond ,.....-'Tlll!rr11:-dlul'Pw<d. renct .DlmP1110• ll, Oli12Zll. Carlton ·P!Jce; Melvin C. Hmlreel ol 11113 Mounlaln sinta Ana, In the i'l'irille wa!UnJ. room View Drtvt, walked Into the Newport "~otll we <O\lld _get~ to fnlin& "In Poli<• ci<partiMnt lhll morning all:30 to the booking forms ." r.!port the blt·run and ensuing chase. During thelr absence, they said, The driver of the olive-drab gubage wagC1n, he said, was "obviously drunk." The Initial crash betweer. tbe behemoth and Hartwell's car coccurred on Pacific Coast H1ghway at Cameo Shorts. It was minor. Then Hartwell gave clwe to the fleeinc; machine. "! c~ th< dumb I'll' all ... , ~·'iirMar, .; -111te~rffi1·r Bqulevll<l;'tben -~-toward c..ot "'..,.ay, then l loll lth.'"111 iald. 'Ille ~--bod""~ mit.. w11 ,marked ooly with the ~111 on one s<do ind Number 49 on tbe bocl<. And as of latest reports today, Number 49 out of San Diego was sUU at large. Dunphy pulled the waiting rOOm bench over to the door, looped his belt around the alarm device affix'ed to the back of the door, fastened It around his neck and st.pped rrom the bench. A coroner's autopsy today conrirm_ed the evidence on which police based their arrest of the student; that Dunphy was under the infiuence,of drugs when he was arrested. Viejo Citizens Hear Pros, Cons of City Incorporation No investigation Into the suicide ii plan· ned by the police department. A spokesman today de&cribed the death as "absolutely unavoi4able, eomething lhat can't be foreseen by any police officer and which couJd happen at pretty 'Well any Ume." Young Dunphy was placed under arrest eflrly Wednesday when be arrived at Sad- 'dleback HJgh apparently under the in· nuence of drugs. Officers took the boy in· to custody from the vice princlpal's office and escorted him to iheir Santa Ana headquarters. Police reparts indicate that the boy's parents told officers that their oon - described as a "fine student" at Sad· dleback and listed in the top 20 percent of the scholastic ratings -had been tak ing d~gs since he was 14. Reports state that the boy told officers he had taken three "reds'' that morning -seconal capsules. Four more or the an-- ti-depressant pills were confiscated at police headquarters. • Olllcen' aaid Ute boj appeared to be perfectly '-caln) and rational "and cer· taiply pot beDiaerert or angu~hed ," wllen !ell In. !hi! willing room. · Tllty qooted !lie boy's !ather u 8lating that "il<up put hbn In despair ol hil future life." By RICHARD P. NAU. OI ttle O.ltr I'*" l~ Misalon VtejO homeowneri heard about both the agencies and benefits of cltyhood Wednesday night but were advlled by one elective official to "think big" if they tock the plunge. "There are a lot or advanta&es in being a city and a lot of disadvantages in being a small city," said County Aasessor Andrew J. Hinshaw, one of four speakers al the homeowners meeting. "If you talk ab!>ut 10,000 people," said Hinshaw, ''It could be a grave, grave er- ror. You don't have the tax base; you could price yourself (by taxaUon) right out of the area you wanled to Jive in.'' The oft~troversial assessor advised the group that by reaching out into El Toro. Aegun Hills, the North American Rockwell Autonetics plants and neighbor· ing Leisure World retirement community they rriljht ha ve a very fine area for ~ city. · The meeting initially touted as a p~ babl9 turnout-·of 300, fell considerably short with about M in the audience. There seemed, also, considerably less than a eroundswell !or incorporating. One member of Ult homeowner's group privately described the incorporaUon issue u "a straw man" to bring dissident groups (op'poslng apartments) into the aMOClation fold. It was also election night for Mission Viejo Homeowners Assocla· tion. Speaker B-Ob Russell, administrator of County Service Area Nine, detailed types of County service districts and advised that they ·"can perfonn almost any func- tion as long as you're willing to pay for it. .. He said it ls expensive to force a city and. sometimes is in the worst lnteresta of persons reponsible for Utt.! formation, Russell estimated that cityhood might place an additional 30 to 56 mits on tbe properly tax rate. Borrowing words from a character in the comic strip "Pogo", RusstiJf said, "l hal' surveyed the enemy and I find. that he Is us." He advised homeowners not to . (See VIEJO, Pag< 2) Educator Says Get Kids NEW YORK (AP) -Adv111<e1 dr<W abreast of declines In moderate trading this afternoon as a slug£sh stock mar· p h f D • (See HOTEL, Page %) ket continued to mark lime. (S.. quota-.. us or. ana, Be. f . n . p h Do lions, Pages D-23). fl.:rn ope US er'-! -- --ca o-nooa ---,.,,.,...;. --. . 'o<j-- Worth. th. e Wa1•t po ~Y . . . D f Air• B:f PAMELA. HALLAN details l]\all we Include? What direction ue or • mg . OI tM Di!IY ,lttt llfff Shall we lake? This is what we're Uking "We can't play ostrich any more. We have to get there first. We have to tell you." he told trustees. Guards Get Boat-Aft.er ~ng Haul A renewed push for incorporation ol the them It's bad befCl'e the older kids get to Slocks .reported lhal some people feel coastal communities of Dana Point and them." • ' . , narcotlcs education should be left up to Capistrano Be1eh will" be aired at I The speaker was Dr. William Stocks, parents. It was a long hard night in city h~U councll cbam bers for Laguna Beach Lifeguard Lt. Eugene DePaulls -but he got the boat. llem 16 on the Wednesday counci l agenda had to do with an off er from the t:lty ol NewporfBeacfi {()"sell The Laguna lifeguard department one used rescue vessel (wort.h $2,000 new ) for the bargain prl~e of $500. Chief Lifeguard Thoma!!. L. Dugger had 111bmllted a five-page argument~ sup- porting acquisition of the boat for the Jn. formation of councilmen but 'Df:Paulls "'as on hand anyway, to bolster the guards' request. . Alter waiting through three public hear!""' tht C!"Ulcll arrived at Item I on • "< the agenda 1t 11:10 p.m. The audience dwin<!led. but DeP1t1lil held fas( At 12:40 1.m. today.. Mayor Glenn Ved· der called for item 16. o'clock tonight in a public aession at assistant lllperintendent of the S!ln Joa· .. "But there are three kinds of pm!nls, Richard Henry Dana School. 1 quln Elementary sdloOI Dlalrlcl. those who are concerned, those who knoW Dr. Roger Sanderson, chalrynan of ~ The lllbject: nafcotica. lhelr kkis mlght be using drugs but don,t incorporaUon movemtnt, bis claimed • · ".WO've rhid e~ 11e ~ know what to do -and thost: who jus't tl!it It Is flnanciaUy reasona~I< for tr . be -by pill-sellers u they got oil don't care." . communillel to beoome a city because of their, bu8'o:: aatd Dr.,S!o<il.-~ U. aatd 11 .1~ beCaiitl' of th< latttr that said revenues 1vatlable such as saif:s ind~ lfie· need-'1or...a:..co~Yt·hini6:L the echqlls...roasJ.,.1\.epJp ~ .. · ~~. perty-U-xesandotheireYenue-aource•.t education program. ·' 11 •• _Sqho~l prlnci~ls quued said' that '!Move we purchase the boat," nc iTiin Richard Goldberg . "Stcood.'' '"All ih fa vor."· " Sander90D h•s claimed that the corrt-. r._ • The freffiarb ·c&me Wedneiday befOre ·tieatth1 should be. tmphaslzed lnithe lowtf. munity lntere8ls are b:_elnc.'1Joled by the ·lbe l!Oord of.~. , · , ,) 1 .: 'i'idel, u•mg the' concept Iha hlormf\ll ""'nty and ilarae ~lljin,. He haa ~ .He aaid lhal dlacusslon of o\be,fll"blqt · olub$l<nct1 iliould not be Ingested lrilo lite J>e!n crUlcal,,allo OIJllO ·~mprove-" ha(iana<d fllJDI doh11 no11il41 at all'lh body. A l)lelTlber of lhe"audltn<o i tool! '\Aye." - "Motion carrled..ttem \7 .. .'' "Is' that 1111?" alke<i .the OtPaulls. atirtled" men• Plan which, •moni thlnp' '!ci r o( lnclting )'Clllll~ to try · oncl told the board spccini: lruormaUon ii calls for rerouting of the -., • narcotkl, to an ' an.out 1eare. campaign. needtd, eyen-It ktqderg1rt.en·~vtl. "Th;:it's all. Gtne," u.ld the mayor. "Yoo got the boll. SOrry we kept yoo up S;J !alt','' "It was lnteru tin.g," sald lhe lifeguard pOfifely, "very IDllrmln(. , , • through Dao1 Point. '. "Thtre art people who don't think lt'1 a ' 1'Tell them whtt U10H substan.Ces are," Sandttson hu satd the re Ill •l"'lil '' 'pr0Wm and tlfert are•nt!om who r .. 111 "the. unld<nllfled woman sa id. strand buslneise1 along the e.W>ute I 11' a ' matler ·of l"elt. cotloem,11 said "Tell ~ not to acetpt pills from 1nd brlnj !raffle noise Into a till Stoc~•· ·' . ·onyone bul mommy, dldcly or the doc· -. •w 1 "Whal lli>all wo' do'. Willl ,..,._11 · • <llet NARCOTIC!, hr• I) 1 . .... Police Grab 20 Pounds; 5 Arrested By TERRY COVILLE Of "" IMltr P'lllt , .... The largest llOizure of . hashish In Southern eawom1a hill«J -io poundl I ol'tt --...., w~ night ID 1 Huntington Beach by nm.>ol!Ct -· from Downey, Lon( Buch, Loi Al1(0le1 j County Sheriff'I Department and locol pollct. Five ~ were arrested on charges fl-- sale ind pogseulon of narcotJcs at t3:il Tahiti Circle, Huntington Beach. Police claim they recovered the hashish, five r pounds of marijuana, 9S LSD tablets, a quart_er . ounce of heroin, 400 'aeconal tablets and four marijuana plants grow· inR In the rear yard. Total market value of the Illicit narcotics was estimated at •100,000 by Los Angeles sheriff's deputies. Arrested in the huge hashllh roundup In an affluent residential aecilon of southeast HuntlngtOn Beach were Elder Lon Hocker, 18, ol the Tahiti Circle Id- dress: Michael R. Gray, 20, of Santa Ana; John A. Thoma1, 21, and Ttmmlii MJke Thom8', lO, both ol ·Loiig Beacb, and Phillip Horton, 19,of.llellllnwer ...• Eight men and two women were later arrested in Long Beach on charges ol possessing a pound and a half of hashish. presumably from Hocker's home, nid sheriff's deputies. None of the Lon1 Beach arrests involved Orange County residents. . The five men arrested' in Hunllnitmr Beach are currently in Lakewood sherUf lla.Uon jail awalting ·arraianment on Uie· narcotics charges, In West Or;ange County Municipal Court, Westminster. ~teen narcotics officers were involved in the arrests. The arrests ended a three-month narcotlca investlgatiop conducted by Downey police and Los Angeles County sheri ff's deputies. "We started about f p,m., Wednesday; on a trip .to make a narcotics arrest in Long Beach," Saki Loe:,~es Sheriff's Sgt. Jack l!ober1. "We nev<i especled to end up in Huntlogton Beach." , It beeame, a game qi "guess who's coming to the pot party?" according to Long Beach narcotics oUJ~s. "We went <S.. ·H.WIJ8H, hg< I) Oraage WNIHP • I K"P U-tilncoall ~. rou.s, as there's more preclp'itatJon oo the way, increasing Fridl)' and 1 probably continuing over the week- end. Coastal temperatures are down in the mld·«l1s. INS'IDE TODAY -. Stparated at birih, twins - 'identical in · all respect&-found' .:_,_jJ ~OcK -other at agt · 24 and 1'0tD -.U..~u.. .. ..,-~,.ted-IJO'lfn.-' 'PaQ< .!6. · \11rtti. u ,........ 11 C .. ltffilll• r Mil"* Jt4I CltMlfltll 11.Jt M9tMI '""' n C.Mk l 11 ......... ...... ~ ·~Ifft ~ t·::= ~ OI_. II S""9 .... ·llfttffltl ,... • UM1r Miwllfl B•ll •••ttt•llltfll ,..., ,........ 11 r1...acc n ,_..., ..,. "''"''" • ......, 4 ••• r..Mden 11 ••• ...,.. W M11"9•· • wwt1""" .. Marrt ... t.kt11Mt 'If .......,., ..... tt• ' , • • -- ]I DAILY PILOT Arch Beach Plall OK'O 1 DAILY ,II.OT SI•",_. • Laguna Decis,ion Eml$ Y. ear of Wrangling An.r 1 fillll l1urry of prolests from Irate p-operty owner•, the Laguna Beach City Council voled Wednesday night to conclude a year of wrangling and proceed with Arch Beach Heighta Aase:111ment Distr let 66-t. Final tally of pro\ests registered had represented les.s than 7 percent of the propert7 involved 1n the district on first cost estimates and less than 5 percent on the modified cost finally approved, coun- cilman were told. Modification included removal of all assessmenb from some steep canyon Jots deemed unbuildable and , unlikely to receive any benefits from the im· provements, reduction of o t h e r • assessments and a rNpread of the total distrld cost of $1,090,000. The low bid contractor also wh.lttled $60,000 from his bid, City Manager James Wheaton said. metltod setmJ loo simple for properties ol this type." Holm sald he agreed with Boyd. ''Thb Is a \•ery bad situation, Ulla entire aa&ess- mcnt district. When you look at some1hing with these contoura, these drops, It doesn't seem right to apply the sante standards u on level land. I feel the same way fu some storm drain assessments, that SOJUe peop~ are not benefited. Maybe the way some of these things are done around this town beed changing." JQseph O'Sullivan said he shared Holm's view about the whole area. "It's just very fortunate that in 1911 some· one imposed a tract map on .this ~ho~e hillside and we had to inhtnt 1t. flowever, people bought the lots anyway and many of them aren't complalnlng. I don't see scuttllng the whole project at this point just because: some people don't want lo pay." lhe lmpoovementa. Each moUon wdrectived with a 4 to 1 vote, Councilmail ~d cutlnc the negayvt vote lo ucll .instance. Before voting yei, Holm, a ateady op. ponent of the ·project, e x p la In e d , "Considering the emount of money the city n&a Invested at lhis time, no other vote ii poulble!' The ~ ,111d Ille cit)''• ... pendilure on preltminary ~. legll Ind otheT COila --I<> $110,0llO. • 1lle 4-J voting continued as the council accepted mot.Iona to award the contract and accept lhe bid on ule <ii bonda •mounth!i I<> 1965,000. A GRIM WRECK SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLE THIS MORNING ON NEWPORT FREEWAY Smooth Tlret and Wet StrHI• Add Up to 'Suicide' Says CHP Officer Appearing in person to protest was Mrs. Arthur Sheekman of Los Angeles, whose $30,000 assessment had been reduced to $25,000. She still maintained that use of the front-footage method to determine assessment was unjust in the caSie of steep, hillside properties, regardless of front footage on the pro- posed road, in her case 150 feet. Assesaed valuaUon of her property, she aald, is $1,100,. representing a present market value of $4,400. "If we go back now we'll open up a "·hole new can of wonns," aa1d Richard Goldberg. "All the people wbo aren't here now will want to be re-assessed. I agree , ~2.5.000 is a lot of money, but the assess· ment is spread over 15 years 80 they don"t have to come up with it right away. Jf J could see any way to make everybody happy, l 'd say go back, but I can't see ritking the Joss of the whole · project." Wheaton Wd the Weatem Improve- ment Bondlna: Company .will be ~I statements . to property owners who w,U1 have 311 days to decide 1f they wish to PlY lhe usessment in cub or ltt It eo to bond for 15 years at 7 per cent interest. Bonds should be ready at the end of December, be said. Arabs Mount Raids Nasser Pledges to Turn Mideast Into 'Bloodbath' From Wire Servlcn CAIRO -President Gamal Abdel Nasser vowed today to tum the Middle East into a "sea of blood and -a horizon bluing wilh fire" in a drive to liberate Palestine from lsraell control. Speatln1 only hours after two separate commando raids. against Israel in the Sinai, Nuser told the Egyptian paru .. ment the Arabi hid no choice but to liberate Palestine by means of violence and force. N...., aaid Egypt had tried I<> im- plement the U.N. Security Council resolu· lion on ending the Middle East war, but that it and the big four powers had failed to find a IOluUon. "The definite conclusion we must lake from this, is that lheu is no longer a way Out of our present situation e:s:cept by forging a road towards our objective ,vlolenUy and by force, over a sea of blood and under a boriion blaz1ng wit.b fire," Noser uid. · Tbe..._EgypU1n leader was making his first public speech In three months.'He- 1\u been reported ill with the nu aince the second week in September. • He called !or an Arab aummit con- ference to discuu the Mideast probltm, declaring the situation, as far as Egypt ls concerned, Is "to be, or not to be." Israel ts fighting with its back to the sea, while Egypt had spent 500 million Emrtian pounds In three y e a r s rebuildin1 Its anny, and could now put From Pqe 1 RUBBLE ... trailer park lo the south to the groin at Satt Creek. The unauthorized broken concrete was not added to the revetment but dumped nur the groin. Llzot.te said. One aerial photograph pre$ented at the supervisors' hearing by Brennan "Hevs'' McClelland showed the groin. The picture was carried in newspapers with the implication Niguel Corporation had built it, Lizotte said. Actually, he said, the groln, called "the boneyard" by surfers, hat been there for at lea.st 20 years. long prior to Laguna Niguel ownership. "lo reference to destroying that beach there is something el!!e," he said. "We spend thousands of dollars a year maiJl.. tainiog the beach. It Is one of the cleanest tieaches tn Southern Calllomia." 11r\l!Y P11or 500,000 men in the field, he sald. He again denounced the United St.ates on charges of supporting Israel. Nasser said that "U.S. militarists" are fighting against Egypt "!rom behind guns and from aircraft that carry the Star of David." The Egyptian President said Russia was Egypt'.& friend and the United States was 11adopting the stand or an enemy." "Thti arms of the Soviet Union are In our hands," Nasser said. "The arms of the USA are in Israel's hands." Egypt said it 5enl commandos across the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" the troops in two Israeli armored columns. Israel said five men were woun- ded and sent its air force into action in a retaliatory raid. Cairo said one Israeli plane was shot down and another damaged. The Israeli announcement said all Israeli pla.nu returned safely to base. Jn another con- flicting report lsral!J said live Israeli soldier• were wounded and none killed in the-two-£gypttan aimmando attacb, the aecond and third in two days. From· Page l HASHISH •.. to 5780 Campo Walk in Long Beach ," said Long Beach LL Jim Walker, "in the course of trying to buy hashish there we were told that the 'real action' was in Huntington Beach, so without telling who we were we left." "We notified the Huntington Beach police that we were coming," continued Walker. "then we sent some men into Hocker's residence to buy the hashlsb and the arrests were made." "After we rounded up the narcotics in Huntington Beach," said Walker, "we returned to the ~ampo Walk address, knocked on the door said, 'remember us? Guess who we are?'" "This was apparently one of the major selling points of hashish in Southern CalUornia," said Sgt. Boberg, "it is the largest seizure of hashish we know of here. They were apparently selling all over the Southland." The current street price of hashish is $80 per ounce, according to Jnfonned sources, and sometimes runs higher. Newport ~ch did find a larger Joad- 150 pounds of hashish -on April t when a fi!herman discovered an old trunk in the ocean at the end of the M Street pier. But no arrests were made. Value of that haul was abotit $500,(0J. Police have theorlred that someone had dropped the trunk while attempting to pats the hashish from one boat to another. Ne,vport Freeway Crash Hurts 2; Wet Road Blamed Two TusUn women were seriously in- jured this morning when their southbound car skidded on the rain-slicked Newport Freeway near 11-iacArthur Boulevard and wrapped itself around a lamp standard. Both were taken to Costa Mesa Pt1emorial Hospital where they were reported to be in serious condition and awaiting surgery for multiple injuries. Their car was written off as a total loss. A hospital spokesman said Mrs. An1elina Blair, 33, of 15532 S. B St., suf- fered mu!Uple fractures a n d un- determined spinal and hip injuries. Her passenger, P.faria Seaovia, 29, of 15572 B St,. suffered almost slrnilar in- juries but the eI~nt had not been determined after p r e I i m I n a r y eI· amlnaUon. california Highway Patrol officers at- tributed the accident to the smooth tires on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP officer com· mented: "It was suicidal driving on a freeway with,Ures like tbat lo this kind oC weather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic in the southbound lanes of the freeway for about one hour. HOTEL ••. However, as.wssment engineer Carl Carlson of Boyle Engineering Company, designers of the Arch Beach im- vrovements, maintained that owners or such properties would be rewarded because installation of roads and utilities would enable them to divide formerly unusable property into salable, improved lots. "This Is a confiscatory act and it makes it difficult fur me to maintain my persistent belief 1n justice under the law," Mrs. Sheekman told the council. Councilmen Charlton Boyd and Roy Holm continued to express doubts about the whole operaUon. "l can't help feeling we should do more screening," aald Boyd, '"the front footage Mayor Glenn Vedder said he, too, felt further study "would not solve much." City attorney Jack J. Rimel w·amed that the fO)O'·bid contractor had agreed on1y to e1tend the time on his. bid ,lo Wed· nesday night. "I wish we could go back a year ," said Holm, "to when we first got ourselves in- to this. A lot of city money has been spent and I dislike intensely having to make a decision under presaw-e of a deadline like the bid.•: Vedder noted that the assessment district had been initiated by peUtion of property ownen, 1IOI by the city. He moved to overrule the protests, COO· finn the modltted aaeaament.s and order From P .. e 1 MISSION VIEJO CITYHOOD • • • let Jhat happen. county J.ocal A1ency Formailon Com· Stu~ Bailey, acting COW1ty planning mission (LAFC), said the L.A1'C would rlirector, referred to the planned com· not endorse incorporation on the sole Concert Trip Gets Financing By Phi]haqnonic With a U1htene<l achoo! budgtl cutllng down funds for student traru:portation on field lrtps of all kind•, the Laguna lleldl Philharmonic Committee hu stepped in- to the breach to finanet a trip to Friday's Youth Concert at Newport Harbor HJgh School for sixth graders in Laguna'• three elementary schools. Youngsters from AU9o, El Morro and Top of the World 1eboola will hear the special perfonnance by the Tarnianka Chamber Symphony. Members of the on:bestra will -.nrtrau Individual In- struments as well aa playing the cmcert program. Music te:achera and PTA vohmteerl bave bten preparing the lfudtnta for tllo muaieal adventure this W•k with classroom "previews" of the concert. In. eluding pllyln1 r<eotdt!<l aslectlens, •hawing l"'i• color pictures of orcbeatral instruments they will bear ud livlnl students a list of "things to looi: and listen for'' at the concert. grounds of a community's desire to Jose munity concept of Mission Viejo as a new its .zoning. Lod Q 't tool. He said its poteoUal population At one point a member of the audience g'! ,,.to UI, might equal or exceed the. big cities like asked if anyone favored incorporation. Anaheim and Santa Ana. Bob Ataruslch, outgoing homeowners' p t • p • ? "We .,. movlll1, very, vory fast alid president, said there is no Incorporation OS in aris ,- 1.fisslon Viejo isn't the only .cmnmunity movement afoot with thh type (r.onilll) problem," aaid "What wu lbe JlW1IOllO of the meetiog PARIS (Al') -U.S. Amb111- Baiiey. -tonigh~l!' ho-wu aaked. Marusich aald it Henry_Co!!!!t Midi• mu..! I<> m1miilll Referring to "a city to the souUt with a was to determine whether the a~a had today on reports he may reslp lllOD. - Spanish name" (apparently San Juan the "stomach to incorporate, aort of a "I wUI stand on the statement that wu Capistrano), Balley said on the basis or soul searching." made at the White House," he told the propo&ed park to help defray cost of already approved mobi~ home plans the Later when the meeting entered the newsmen at the U. S. Embusy u he the purchase. number of single family residences in discussion of proPoSed apartmenls, there departed for the 41st weekly Klllon of The Holscher report was ordered as the mobile homes there will exceed the was both praise ind criticism of the the Vletnam peace talks. fJrst detailed formal study of such number of single family residences in Missk>n Viejo Co. White Houae Preu Secretary Ron development. It concluded that a large houses. Maru'sich said the homeowners' board Ziegler said Wednesday that Pmidtnt hotel-conference facility in the area could Russell said there are approximately had not opJlOSed apartments per se but Nixon is not aonslderlng the replactment ''rejuvenate an aging area of the city and 10,000 persons In Mission Viejo and 3,350 . said when and if they come they must be of either Gen.·ereipton W. Abrams, the act as a catalyst in bringing tourists, registered voters on developed property properly Incorporated into the fabric of commander of U.S. forces ln Vietnam, or shoppers and retail establishments to amounting to S,000 acres. Total planning the community. of Ambassador Lodge. "No such recorn. Laguna Beach." is for 9,~I acres. There was some anli·apartment mendatlon has betn made to the PreJj.. Basing figures on a ZOO.room facility Assessed valuation he said, is '20 backlash to this and some support. One dent," Ziegler sald. nnd average $22-a.-day room rent, the million. }f incorporated now, said Russell. member of the audience suggested that Lodge alto referred to a comment he report estimated the center would yield Mission Viejo would be about the 21st everyone present was !ihort on facts made to reporters Ocl 14 when he tlt7,000 to the city annually after pay. Orange County City in population and the about actual plans for apartmenta in the returned from a trip to Wuhlngton to aee ment of operating costs and amortization 22nd in assessed valuation. fourth revision (pending approval) of the Presldenl He denied then that be bad of the mortgage. Dick Turner, eieculive officer for the Mission Viejo'• master plan. di5cussed resigning with Nixon. Cou ncilman Charlton Boyd recalled , rp;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;~;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;~;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; "At the tlme the council authorized this study we were crillcized for the loose way in which studies are authotiZed. However, we've got It, and It's a aubject many people are interested in so I'd say get them (Ho19Cher and Associates ) down and let's study il" Holm said he understood there wu a possibility that private developers were Interested 1n a similar project. "Per&:011ally I'd rather see privtte money In this sort of thing than city money," said Vedder. "This year we make our first full payment of $200,000 on the Main Beach, but it can all be paid out of FesUval money, the bed tax and revenue from the Main Beach rentals and parking lot. We're in no great need or mont!y right now." To the motion that set the December Rtudy dale, Holm responded acidly, "I'll be there!" November is Dining Room. Month at Garreffs' We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS OhltO'! COo\11' PVlt $11 ... CQlllUl!AM't leMrt N. WeM ---Jec.•L~ Fro11• Page l \ Yk9 ""*"" "" ~ MlllHtt nt-11 K..,.il .... T••-• A. M.,,t.1111 f ~ltlW Rl .. M '· N1Q .___ <ttr I ... ---222 hf•lf A"•• MtlUllf Mtlt-1 ,,0 .... 666, t1U2 --Ctlft .,...., Jll w.t '"...,... tllwel'l IMitfli .,,. """' ............... ............. 1•••"" ~ --' -DM.Y PILOI ..-.... • _....., IJll ..... "•1 " ......... ..,. --..... ::.·---... ··-..... ' tl ..... ......,., ..... CMtt ... ......... .... -,.,... .. v ... ------··-........ ,..._ .. Sil*"" ..... ·~ ................ ,.... .. , .. c.--. . = •: ?~ ·:.::. = a-..-.ar._ a. l"llMliMllt c....... "' ---............ ............. ~----.......... 1 .. .....,. .......... ............. -. ~~-Jr.F..._. .... -c..i. ..... • ........ .. OffM'-I tr"-"•••_,, • ..,., .... ! ... -.....,,.. NARCOTICS •.. tor," declared another woman. ''Just llke you tell them not to accept candy from strangers." AnoU1er persOn said perhaps the boa.rd should consider eliminatina lunch money that could be spent for pills by Wulng mul ticket& Instead. Board members indicated approval of Ibis concepl Trustee Gr1tlan Bldart said he was well-acquainted with narcotics problelll, relat.lng a recent inci~t wbtre as a volunteer fireman he answered a cell in- volvJng a 17-year-old Mil!Jon Vlejo youth who was on a bad trip. --~Aboul~-kidl 1alhered around." uld Bldarl, "perhaps we did romelhlng wrong. We shielded h.im. I was later t.old that wu not hi> first acid trip." WUI Bater, coach at LI Paz Intermediate School, MIJllon Viejo, uld he bellevta youngsters needed more ln- fonnaUon. He also said there were three stud'1lll Jent I<> the princlpol laal year for suspecttd narcotics use.· The board seemed stunned, becaU!le policy had nol been followed Ill notifying truseea of tMse Incidents. Or. Stock:. a!ked the board to approve bt11lnnlng some type of drug program . "This Is too tricky. too deep and too impcrtant to leave up lo the teachera.,We need to find people who are really l\Uli· ho to lead this program. n The board voted to authorize the ad- miri!lration to find leaders and lo come up with a program in the next two weekS. Officers Elected By Homeowners Member$ of the Mlsalon Vie Jo Homeowner• Aaac)Clition -WedM'Saiy night elected nine directors to one year termr. Retto'lltd to new turns were Mike . Shearer and Bill Gardner. Other dlrte· tors are Don Sebade, Jim Crebe.r, Louis {tamirez, Gary Buss, Burdette Saundtrt, John Dowd Ind Bob BttMln. Officen will be elected later . The nine, tome of whom have worktd actively against apartrnenta: In the plan· ned community, were chosen from 11 men nomlnated. Immediate Delivery Your f®Ori.tt fn.tmor dc1igncr 10ar be ham to e11flt ro-... H.J.GARRETf fURNfJURE l'RO,ISSIONAL INfUJOI DtSISHW 2111 HAltol ILVD. COSTA MlSA, CALIF. '46·0271 I I I I i I :::-----------~::::::;:::::====.:::::, I • DA!t'Cl!lt,9,T ,pt Ta.,ks Circ~ing Vp Like the settlers' covered wagons in a cc>Wboys and Indians thriller, tanks and armored person.qel car- riers form a circle.in a cleared area near Quan Loi. But Not for Long ' ' The modern-day settlers are me~~~ oi :the U.'&. 11th Armored' Cavalry. . -1 . ' 'WA$11IN'GTOl'f' ( up I ) -H-uq ,llJe p111four an-1;;::;========:;:=;::;';::;"·==;:====i llawl<I are no lancer f11tlll ID DUI!'-·~ •P-l~tlon o'°'!; c.fi1o1 , IlllL Jl"lllriatlaa d<blllo that tller< They are llive, and wen, ~ Wlf aalJ "I' "11 to 11P1 • war-Jo wti. porta one, but they ban.,;v.,,, Tbla,.... be boomed: ''Now ·uplbo~ on Vletnam. · 1 letuaectU:temea..Letuafllbt, History;...-,, recoid 11 thtlt 11111 war to win "· u wu Aid Jul IJlihl ,u Jll·i!aried. oiJrt1e In the N1oy - I wu ID the Navy, 'pl tbe bell out ol -• few'.,daJ'l_qo ill Jl'.blch ~'-111>er<!",,.' .,__. ___ _ ·/)~tE? STRICTLY JUNIORS ' . - NOW , OP,EN • '; • In_ The, ~lie, Of-.. r, -----Jloo,.. memben ,itjed Pre1> Tllidnr with 1 recent vWtor Iden! Nll<on to onler "a su.d-In bla •olllce, the 8l'Ufl vuicecl den aiicf major ..CalaUon" Cl but 1Jlllllly pnlal Andrewl the war. OriPnauY 15, Bicned .: observed lldly that per!iajlo letter to the Pralilent but 11ep.' the Orne had come to admit llo(ei c B M-~--("Md) that the war .would not, be wiuJr.!w·~ ~';,'' L"' ·' f~·tovlctory,atwttbatft)IY· Optii..;rf .. IV... AA ;VIA., ulo • ·:a u 'c ..-n Morion, who doubles .,,Re-"f..:t""anc1' oobat to ·1r,t out' lbck, , . . • , ''tlli• . .,...ott oiAc,k CAhs wtico111 pqt>lican nailaul chainnan1 .;:;•~~~,;;:~;;rre;;:,====~· ~-=~' ;:';;::::· :=:E::::::::;=:;:==:;;=;;=E:::;=:i ill)~· he signed the letter with-Ir . , , ., out reaIWng it was something Jess than a complete endorse- ment of Ni..lon'a peace efforts. Aboot a -.k prevloo1ly, Sen, John G. Tower, (R-T ... I, said that U the other llde did not respond po&iUvely to ad· ministration diplomatic moves the United States ohoµld re- sume bombing North Vietnam -including Hanoi and the port of Haiphong. Tower'a fellow hardliners greeled his call with a deafeninc ailence. What has ha~ to moot of the hawks? ·Why haven't they been heard from very much recently. Rep. F. Ed- ward Hebert, (D-La. ), a proud member 'or the fraternity, u:· plains it this way: "1 gave up hope a long time ago. The war bas been Jost. It was Jost by Mr. McNamara"-: referring to fonner Defen11e Secretary Ro bert S. Mc- Namara. ' ' ' " olil'J;~W, .t~6 . JnJ.gi;J/e6 ·, 6hape tj~u ~ith . 6.upreme 'CQIJt'A~t and . po6ilitie control THll n ~·u MAalC IN U.S. Flag Still Fl ying in Libya Hebert said the 14 signers of the letter seeking an escalaUon of the war were just waitinj:' their lime: 0 They knew damn Well that ·it's not going to LIL Tnrrs NIW . - By PHIL NEWSOM Uf'I P'orwllll Ntwt.AMIY•t Dee: 24, 1970. Three thousand American The American £lag sUll flies serviceme n and 2,000 of their over -only one military base dependents Jive on the base among the Arab nations, and which long sinct!: has lost its apparently not even there for importa~ as a l>IJmber base long. but retalns its U&efuJness u a · 11lat base is Wheelus Air training ·center .. Sharing it Base in Libya, a $100 'million with the" Americans is ·the installation obtained by the small Libyan air for:ce. Uni~ States in 1951 as a Its lmpol'.tance .to the UNted Strategic· Air Command ·bQl!l~ States iii less than the use 'to bing base and a "live firiil"g" which it might be placed by r~ for training of U.S. Air the young new rulers who Force groups attached to overthrew 79-year-old King NATO in Europe. Idris in an almost-bloodless A dispatCh from the Cair<r coup Sept.-1. They iteclared based Middle Ea.st News Libya to be a socialist Agency (MENA). said the republic. United States has b e e n The revoJuUooary A r a b notified its lease on the states and the Soviet Union Wheelus bale will not be quickly ~ the new ~ed. when It expires on regime. ~~=~~I a ·w ' c PLA ,TES ' ~P.AllS....A. lWN~...WHJLE.U ... W~'J.---..._______ WY CRmlT nRMS COMPLETE DENTAL SERVICE IN OUR OFFICE ALWAYS LOW PRIW PENTOTHA,L . (for Sleep) For ,&fractions and Fillings WELCOME UNION · e DIFflCULT CASES WELCOMED The Soviet Union tried and failed to obtain a mandate over Tripolitan.ia, now a part or Libya, while the Allies were slicing · up the former Italian and German territories after World War II. It would have been: their first foothold in the Mediterranean. The privileges it sought 30 years ago now, conceivably, could be obla.ined from a regime which bas declared its enmity toward Israel and has demon.mated its friendship tow~rd Egypt and Syria, the freedom or whose ports-the Soviets already enjoy. A! is not unusual I n deteriorating U.S. relations with the Arab slates, the present situaUon has 1 t s ironies. W~tem oil companies, most -of them Amerlqn. have in- vested more than SI billion in the developmert of Libyan oil. U.S. aid over the years -totals more than $200 million. Britain trained · lhe Libyan army anti the. United States has helj>ed to build its air force with transports and Fl05 righler-;bombers. First spokesman for the new government was a lieutenant colonel named Saadudin Abu Shwirrib, a 36·year·old graduate of the tr~s. command and general staff school at Ft. Leavenworth. Its new premier is a 36;-year· old lawyer, Mahmoud Soliman Al-Maghreby, who also studied in the United States and serv· ed as an adviser to ES.SO. The U.S. presence ·in Libya already is declining with the departure or the first 143 Peace Corpsmen from their English language teaching jobs. But oil remains the key. IJbya takes in· more than •t billion annually in oil revenues abd wants more. But it has neither the markets nor the know·how to go it alone. Overland Route Map Brings Good Price in the ship whJch IUstori8!JS believe later saUed<to Uie new NEW YORK (UPI) - A map drawn during an expe. dition into the Rockies to dis-cover an overland route to world, . went to ·Arthur Free- happen." To many hawks, the only course lelt was to back the Presjdent in his quest for an "honorable" peact and recog- nize, in the words of Hebert, that some "bitter pills will have to be swallowed." Rep. George Andrews, (0. Ala.), has been tellin& the Acrobatics Oass Set Tiny tots will have a ~ to learn bow to twist and tumble from the experts in the Fountain Valley Paro and Recreation Department's tumbling and acro b atics course starting Monday, NQ)'. 17. 'Mle course is directed at tots aged 4_:6, · eleinentary sehool cbililreii and youtl\ in the · more advanced grades. Classes win· be held Monday and Wednesdiay ev~$gs in the Fountain .V811ey Hl&iJ School ' gymnasiwn. Parents can regiiter their Younsster"s. in the COUT9e at d· ty ball, 10200 Slater Ave. Final Stocks In All Homo Editions IS AN --INCll.IDllLI NIW •llDU ,. It 1h•P•• you n1lu,111y, corn• forl1bly with •olf-t d]111ti"t l1ct .t lo1tic tritnglo• •t wtltl •IHI • thighs. {Yo11 woii't find tktrn in •nv olhtr gir"dlt.I F.~nt••i• it. tho ono 9irdlo !ht.I .. nowi wlit (t lo 1tr1tck i nd wh1n to 1+.p. • , And •lwoy1 1t1y1 ltclf,•IY fn · p1 1c•. In c.olon to 111f.tch ltrt1. "COMJOIT w11r IO~DIAU ....... ptrft c.t ••P•,•tioit with ht t•t i.ly· cOmftrt. ·l:Jlyt tt.'1 ft ttht,·lf1ht 0fl•t uHtr•wir t 11•t e11ly ,,,1ft1 littutlful yo11119 vplik t rHI ••p•r1tion, liiut iiott •• with tht mo1t woH•rful frt.clom af 111otion. Po1iti.,.)y ct 1111ot pl11c.li, poi• of r11lii. 'fh:t t11Ch1•l•o. d~•i911 foim1 • tOft cr•11llo •,rovtwl ·~Mi clrcu111fo,onct tf th t ltv1t. h •utlfully mad• in ·woightl•u.. •••Y·••r• nYI°"' l•c.e lll•lic•t.lv 1ct llopM •••r nylon "''"'11lt• t tlo with-d•cl'Ofl 'oltiiflc ill4 ltfliJ."circultP 1titl.htd c11p1. A••lltbl .. i" n..dt , ·pin .. , bl11t, ytllow, whl tt, or bltcJr. 12 to 31. C cup, 6.11 D •nd DD c11p, 7.11,, A••r•t • Let: Si1M S.M.L., 11.11 FAsHIPN ISLAl!ID -NEWPORT IEACH · STONEWOOD CINTE.R -_DOWNEY ' . . ' ' ' · DENTAL PATIENTS e PENSIQNERS WELCOME . 8 NO APPOINJMENT NEtESSAll'I" . Northern California brought :;an, • Loodon rare bOok deal- $16,000 and a document con--•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ceming the Ml!}'fl.Wer c1rewrr $5,000 Tuesday night in an auc· ' . : ' . • . • . ' . p ~ • ,~~=tE:~~:.:. T,ry K-Mac Dr~g & Dl$.CC>unt s,.ore PHONE ' ,§e 36 MOS. TO PAY .• ....,:"lclnl e OPEN EVES. I SAT. . ~ e SEHABLA 842-6625 Utah and northern Arif.Ona, . · · 1 • , • wasbouglltbyEberstadl's ol YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO LE~VE .TOWN TO. GET 'L0W"DISC0UNT ·PllCE$'1 . ESPANOL NeW Yor-k. ,. 16123 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAil EDINGER -GROUND FLOOR -MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE MEMBER AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTIST- AMElllCAN CREDIT DENTIST ASSN. . The map was dated 1778 and thought to be the original copy, done by • Spanish Franciscan priest, who obtained pennis- sion· from the gOvernor of New Mexieo for tile trip, 'and ·set out from Santa Fe in 1776. The Mayflower document, actually ·a transfer c:>f a share •••••••••••••••• THE HARLQW ·PUMP , Rog'. I .I I ••• Baby doll Is backl Black; rod •or navy patent. Black, red, n~vy, camel or ~"c.:•:._.-:ca::l:.:f·_~-I YICS YAPO RUB REG. $1.09 3 or. Med ium Slzo ST. JOSEPH ASPIRI" FOR CHILDREN REG, 39c 29c ASPIRIN NEO SYNEPHRINE 100 REG. 21c 9( ' . ' . --' .. , NO$E, DROPS . . ' 1/4%· .1 os. Slzo REG. 9k TRI AMI AC IN 79' 12 REG. 79c 59'' .-~,_ • VICS. FORMULA ··44·· ' ' ' VITAMIN. C Ema Strwngth ·couih ~·""'• 1 RiG. !1'~29 IDD MG TDD REG. 49c 33' DRUG,~ and 6 ... Siio ... • DISCOUNT STORE · ' ' !ACROSS 'Pl!OM NI WPORT CITY HALLI I • _ 1 ;___333_3 ..... ~_ew_po_rt_Bl_.vd_., N_e_WP_ort_B ....... e~-.~~-~ 6_75-_66~~1~~.J • I .. ~ ' .. -.. . . .. •• Q DAl\.V PllOT -~ --------·----. . . L . . .. . . . . . . -nlii'Money' Wort II _O_VE_R-TH_E_' _CO_U_N_T_E_R __ --:;;4.o:::.:m~pd;le~te::~:;;ew ...... -YorJC -s ock Lis1~- Work Miles Out .r:wy~·U'"t~Pr~ J:r ... Lawcw.C: '1:1,,..Laa..d:. NASO Lllll091 for Wednesday, November S, 1'69 Theri Rent a Car .......................... """ • Wal .... ' A.M. ·-MNt. ~ I ~jiil~~~ ~~ti:i:m·:~ ".~· ~.i11 I~ .! 1 .. -1.: i _ 1 r:/11 ~ llll t~~ lly SYLVIA PORTER Wllat la the -Important th Ina to look ror when you rtnt • a car -a low, flat dally charge or a '9w mileage cbarp? Shooild you pay t h I l HllOmilal'' $LIO a day charge to Wll\le the first ,100 in dlmaae to the c1t you rent? AT WllAT POINT -it be.come more tCOllOmlcal to rent OD a weekly versw a dal· Jy basi1? To answer these: IJ}d olher queeUons mlWOM of you may • have, I've drawn up I he followtn1 list of rules for eom- oarlson shopping. JI yoll follow iheae ruin, the likelihood ls that yoo'll save hundreds or dollars just in the nut few times you ttnt a car. (I) Estimate. in advance, how many miles you realistically think you'll drive during the rental period. You 're 1yp1c11.I if you usually tind1re11timate the mileage, so don't just count the number of miles between where you are and your destination, Add at least one third as many more. miles to make up for getting Jost, making u n exp et t e d detours and side-trips, etc. If you plan to travel any signlfi· cant distance; shop for the car with the lowest per-mile charge. (2) ALSO FIGURE OUT. in advance, just how many days )'tlU'll need lhe car. Jf you'll need It five days or less, the daily rate probably is the best de a I. But if you'll need il tonger, the weekly (or even monthly) r a t e. i11 probably btUer. Typical weekly rental rites for standard size cars are $65 to i7s, plus 12-lSc a mile. For compacts, typical rates are '35 to S50 a week, f,lus 6 cents lo JO cents a mile. n some cities, a special rate of $1 a day, gm Included. plus II cerN11 a mile. is offered -a real bargain if you don't do too much driving and don't mind drivi ng a Votuwagen. If you drive only 100 miles a day, the dally cost of this deal is $12: but if you drive 250 miles a day. it's $28.50 -or more than $6 a day, 6 cents a mile deal, without gas. · (3) Make up your mind how tmportant are the comforts of big, fa ncy limousines vs. relalively spartan compact cars. To show you the. .dif~ ferences in costs, a Cadillac costing $17 a day and 17 cents a mile. wh ich you rent for five days and drive an average or 200 miles a day, will cosl you a total or $255 -an average of $51 a day. But an economy car costing $8 a day and 8 cents a mile over the same period will cost you a total of $UO -an average of $24 a day, Note : If you decide on an economy car, reserve. it well ahead of time ; ~I too fre- quently, companie s ad· vertising special prcies on economy cars don't have any gn hand when you apply. Millar Picked California ~1edical Centeri;. a Lo6 Angeles-based growth company in the health care 1nd medical services field, an- nounced the promotion or M, Stuart MllLv or Newport Beach to e~eeutive vice pres!· dent. . GOOD HEALTH SPOKEN HERE! ~ TIRRY OltANT, R.Ph lft ph1rm•CY •thoel, one of lh• lint lmport•ftl ltno111 • ph1rm•citl·le•ltt lt•rn1 i1 lh1 ••rlau1 h1rm that Ctft t••ulf whtll ,.eplt fry lo di191111t1 •ft.I ,,.,1 th•lr owft lll"•u••· w, 1r• w1r11ed that It h oft•n •••Y to 1111 tP ••~•4 for honi• •tm•· 4v. 11p1tl1lly wli11t TV k11 d1oul1d out ih cl1lm1. • • • Wh•• vo11 k1v1 • 11cu1ti119 p1obltm or P•rti1t1nl 1vpn'llOMf, it ii r•tomm1nd1d lktl you ft PI t•1t1 ch1ftC•I b11! q11ickly 111 VIII' phy1iti•n. H• wfll Ulu•tlv b• ,bl• lo •••clly d1t11mln1 ye11r probl1111 1ftd pr•1c ribt ' 1pe(lflc prt1c.ripl lon m1dici111 t• he lp you. • • • ~YOU OR Y.OUR DOCTOR CAN PHONl US wh•ft yo11 11114 • c1.u~11rv. w. ...111 e.11.,,, pro111ptly witkoul t:tlr1 di•111, A tr••f m•ft• p•tplt r•lv oft ff for their he•ll~ 11tH1. W1 w•lco1r1• r~1e1lt r., dtli11ery 1etvlc• •""' c.1l•f'9• •tt•u"!1· , 'AltK LIDO ~ACV UI tl .... af loM "-·-_,,.. ,,.....,i..y (Cl ABX ABoUT special deal1 °"""\ such as Jow-cost "weekend 1Jltclals'1 which are u1u11.lly available from. Friday noon to-Monday noon. "dnve all you want for tM, ·• X number of "Cree'' miles, • • B usinessman'1 sptclall,'~ ''ove.rni5hl specials." (5) Find outi if you intend ta leave the car in another ci ty, whether there ls 1 drepo{{ ch11rge. Between major ckies you u1uaJly can find a cltaJ in which you pay only a mini· mwn--or no dropoff charge at all. 161 Althou1h the ad> say there is only a "nominal" charge for waiving the ren- ter's re$ponsibllity for damage up lo SHIO, this cbar1e uiually js $1 .50 a day -which amounts to an annual rate of $517.50. And this is not for full collision coverage. but just to eliminate the SIOO deductible which m08l people couJd If. ford lo pay if necessary. I personally suggest . rejecting this extra coverage on the basis or its cost. Just be sure to inspttl the ear you rent and point out any obvious dents or scratches to the agent so they can be noted on the rental con· tract before you inJtlal the waiver. . BIG SAVINGS are possible on car rentals lf you 11hop for them, if you carefully com~ pare bas.is daily coets on a per mile basis as well as a per· day basis -and if you weigh "fringe benefits" as well. Sky Pirate Spotter Now in Use ~£~ ~!ii ~"'t'" .... i •Ill! ·:5 1~!li~~::•tl;• 9 I ~i~ i '"'~ ~ .. ~ .. 1~-t 5:,:J:l!e.'._~ ,:,::; r1•:ll l" j'" ~l ~ ~ !• .Vr ,1 ii :a', M ~ lit: ~-~ + llbl " w: II; + w i:;mjr...::il:.~ ~ ~::.~ ·~ m l· .. ·11,~. lil·J". 't''4!. ·:11.:i· ·l\[~ .. ll !~ I' ·'· !, .. ~: ... ·l ,~ i! ~r:.J 1~ IEiii' ff"~ .• ~::-.... .,,. l''r.i~· Ill la ~.ta 'I~ 1m • ~.~ ll~ 1m ~ • r... ' 1ff• -.r I • + .. •• .... II ••• ltlC•J ·;lr.i l1~ ·~.·~~lw '!~ ff~P"'i. ~t 1~r,.·l~h:.~1; ' 111 . ~-~ ..,J·~1"11 '.H ~~ !1,~~7'7t ifi u· .:! ;;::•n: r,.:w·,$ =r .. ~ q:ij\11 ,_,Sf'J i::t1\ll 1:r..~V l !i~~~!;;l~r.J I :.: ~~ .. t1' ~ h:i;~f!;ti~!' 'ft:, I !'j:.: '"!!! .... ~nu; .. ~,• !!1t !1"" '~t lbl'?t i7=f.r 5ll')~~ 1:11 1~,j ~ -+···Mo ",..., ' ;•• • ~;1:jJFTI~1! 1~ 11Y1 .R:; I~::.~,.. =~ft :lfl: ~.~~~~'"~ts .. t,r•: lli!ntl ~~;. ,~oi.ri;:~!t] 'ij 11~ lfl+5 =r·= ~ u +u ~a-m(: fl m; rn: -:: .. .-~, ,,_, -, -··-<:rr. lb.~ "-~-Jl<j .. !'1' .,.._, AIH• I ff 4 11 ~ YI-I :U 11 IJ!B 4 I nuliit,.h 1 .J ~ 3"' -"'°· ~(1''~ lm tt~ llril.'lt m m ~~ ·,~ ,~ 1 iE:: w lP ~: ~~~·i ' ~ ~ ! . I '\I U• 'j ~ a ff= I .. ~K ~'!: "l Im Im ll. I ~ ~J ~-*~ llfl.11· '1!·'111' i:il;;0~ Ii~ Im !iii:;.~~ .i~ 11U ~!:ii'~~.. " l·· • =1 I~ '4 r.· !Ill l!'ll = 1=~;11-ri !ml'" Im ~ .'.~-~l~b~lld., 1~! l~ ~JR fn; Y~ 1~ ~~;ir. ,. 1~ ll~ ;!!!~Ji' ~1 ll~ =~~· -1.~ ~ ~1~ YI 4 1 ·l .t P.l F ~ ~ ~ ~1t"Cf:1;.• 2~ L\ 1~1'1 -_;::J AIW. H 1f\l ij F1j'ittJ1U 4 ~\Ii Pwr~ T ~ 2~i; Trnc"' I .~ 1~\11 M'\Ktu":6i "',·~· Im • .. ~~~ -·~·?\'.· .. "';:: 'I 3't 41 41\\ +\Ii I01fLew .;,,• 1t ltlfl 111't l +--· W ••ffINQTQM (AP) -~-i[''l!ICI 1 ~ ~ ~f1e11":1n Ju jf~ '1,n '1!; l't ~ Tr'=t " \.I. Arnt:tf f,!1 p " 17' ~ !!~ a~ '.'.0 '.' =1.i 1 ~: = fl:: :l\lo -: l\ol . 1~ A ~ fil Fltfll s I 2'm 1V. t 'Jill 1_: t~~~~ \lo n.,. ~~Nlfft . jjl: "' Im +1• ~Aldtn II lOYI 101'1 101'1-Mt While it Jsn't foolproof, the Al 1: \\ m l<oed I"~ a\'J ,-;:M 'Jlc IO~ I j!..... Ir 4lfl n "_!~W .t,I:, M ' > ! -.. 50.i lfl 111 'oll -It llAlol! Pl l J 11 11 71 +1 Adm! 1st U thinks its A ro f"' if.#011 1 11\4 ~~ ~E ,.. lli° ,_ 1' 1~ """'fi~~ 16 I lil 1 t ~ Miiis 1 • l\li .\Ii 6V. ,.... I ::l·H l • • • +Wt, ,yste~ rt~ on catch pote:J:1 ~1 ~.'.!! '!~ •, .... ,r _ °'"' 'J, ~ .... ~,·, .,:=,Iii, iri~~ ~~ 1 YI ;;a/~ilt 11~ ffr,~ !.~ -1 ~~ ,11: 1lt ~ :t n~ :.~ &~.: ,~" fi ff1t> ti~ ff . +·~. airplane h1i·ackers •·Jore they :r.,.!'I~~ t .. ~ t,m ..... , 7"s., l!lZ it"A, " " '4WI ~ rtr~ !i ~YI A"C...,-,J lfs 1 f v. ml ···· ., tm: 'J' ,~ ~ i!t: li~ :.:.·" 5~:ir :ll 1a mt ff" ?t~ +?: ll'IC ,,,...,.. '"" l'tNr.1.,CP Ml ., .. ~ •1 ~" Mc;Glol 1Wi YI Air\ Cwm AO S3 Im ~ n= :t ~~ 11tc°4. 1'" ti ., -\II !YA .24 1• 21\l 11~ 311il + \4o get off the ground is going to MPi a11.,, 12"' l~ Frnt E tt · · ti l't!H ~ n flefl 1t\fi ~ A C11e11> IM I .~ •• P.!_,. _ ., re' .,,JJ: ~ ""-""" -:i. 11111tt 1.A a .u '41't '41'1 _ "'" work ~of:i" !~ .J" ~~~~1 11~ 1~~ E\tlr l ~ 'm '4 Ml(nctlt ·'° 2 2~ ' ~ t \Ii Fl.io.!r. 1 u 1b 1~\1 1iit =1 \0i 8~1~ 11: = ~~ Jn::.:·~ "'" time we are going lo n.1:'1 Fo1:: ri: ~ .. -"/~~ 1a 1 : ~~~ ~It H1 ~ ~\'I flYt ~' :~ 11°i = . +·\\ H_,~ P.n 1~ ~!i* .. n~ ?!~ = ~ r::'~ 5~ ff ~ ~Vi nv. :':.~ catch without quesUon lhe~~\: r, .... ~~gR~rr:ic I\~~ .. "~Gf"" =1· H .. ~ ~r~ ~~:~f.,~,.:.. lt ll~ ~ \'J!:tt ;:r,, • ., ,~ nu u =~g~~·1~:: ~ = r~ p~-+~ pt!rson with characterUitics of :sf' G~ f;~ m &m'.~ I~ l~'AI =uo ~Jl 21 uri .. ~ • \It As:M .Uo .S6 11\li t -« Pw itl•. 1111 6"" H + ~ G11vO~ 1.20 llO " ID! ~ _,. hlj k nd who . Am Telv 1~ ,,"' ~lllO'I M 41 p NC ft 1 ~~I· ~D ir~~ ~mE1P:1·r4:.i u~ k~ 1ft? W! :.:·~ Ol'lfA'Trt'~;l,' i .. n ll1,• H,. r..,., = . g~.::.r '~ 1: mt r~ 1 _+t: a ac er a IS carrying A.n1>1v1 e 10 ~ 1111111 1•'°' ~ PuDt111r 111 ,,.,. "!11C1 s1 2• ,~ Am E1tk• ·1 11 !1v. n n _ .,. l°"', C•n 2.20 "° 7J -GtNof'•P 1 6G • 51114 5114 • v. a W •• pon... sa1'd ' Dr. H. L. •',"',.!,', '• • .. ::~. w, M,,, ,,, !:"'','!! ' ,,·~ ' v 11ron .u, ,•,.,_ Am litxp Ind ii :19V. ... ~ ""' -'Ii I (In pf4.1S i.O ............ ~ ...... + •• GINOfP .... <40 l """' 161'1 16'11 :: v. ~ lei/I )tY, u r ···llf .. XII/I v ~ Wad • ... A&Xll'l(I PIA' J2)0 •m '~ il1! . ~ICOl!P .22CI )II 1) .. n-. -... GI Nor •"" I 31 4'" 45111 4W. +\~ Reighard, FAA 's d e p u l vl'•'>ta" '"'M nv, ,, ~ CY~ it'o') ,It" ell'"•lv St 11 llYI W•d~w .. i~ ti. A •nlm .50 au '' 25 + ~ Ol'll Cll l •,1, ... v. ::1 2'" -1 ~ Gt Well !'I~ I] ,.\'Ji 2•Vi 2~ .•••• , "~111'1 ll OllO Cp ftlo ~w R...O. \Ii OL A nln{"l.llO 21 31 :1' 111+"' I COlltA .~ '.-. ,,· ,-, -_,,.,.,.Ulll!.tO 70 61t .. "WI uv.-·~ federal air surgeon A n 111 1~ :w.v. r•Pll ~ 211,11 i l'utnmt 1~ 1At. w1n11w ~ l'" AmHo11 .10 " 1sv, ll\lo jll') 1 C1 01& so .. G pft• • nu. 22411 mil v. Th . Ari: MoP ' ljlV. 1•.,. ~== M ~!\lo • '~ ::11 f;".iJ 1¥~ ll111 :::t :2 ~~ ... 11~ ~ H'!::' -~·1 2311 67 UV. 1 !f '" I Mi<! 1.tt lt2 ff= !l,li'f~ ~~ i· ··~ O~~I" .50 ~. 16V. l~ 1W. = Va e system combines an:~,--.. " •• U ,.,.1 1u l~ I:~ R•n~ i1 ~ ""w11 Tr ,, .... 1iv. ·-•-· -s "\lo " ...... n 14 -+~ :ll"'°'1J·1,t ,7 ""' "' ,.~ tt GfHrtGnl ·" JO 11\i ifil 31\li + ~ J tr nl --· ·-· u .. '' ' n l' "'" -... f3t ~ -.. ... OI I ·-· ... GrH'ftSll I.to 21 2l . :n'4 .... e e c 0 c mll''-«1-UCU::C OD A,•,c,,c .'!'4 21..., ,,.. rl-1 I \'ol{Jl'I IYCll II 24 241 Wllbtl R• Am•rr111 1 01. to ltl'o lf"" 1"" + "' '°"I"'' _1. •• v.-~ n •• -· --·--I ll I~ 11 lllli -... .><I 1iV. Ulli ~ l'r 11 .... •111 R1ym II 21 'U\11 Weldtrn ..., '\! ArnMFOV '° 11 m ~ 22\11 \ii Coto -Yt " ~ •• .. "' '" ... device vdth a screent .... of A~ I"" ~ 111 lt '° ll:KOa a H 611 W•llrl!I M J7\lt 21 AM1rc111 1...o 13' n\; l1 n +1 Conlr91 oi1• .u l l nol'I 121'-:.:·94 Groll•r ·'° 14 :ur. 3''0 ~1 +I.lo ... 1•1>11111 '4 ~ ., Ch 6 , .... lte M•ci I~'°"' W1!11R G 11\ii II A Me!Clll ,, ,, .,.,. '°" 12V. +11111110.1 of4.SO lW 40 st 60 'la G ... m.....c11 I ll ~ 211\ 21n -... passengers for personality and •1n1 At 1 av; uH 1111 '"' 10Y1 1tt1 Cr.er «ii'! ~1..., w11ar P '"' 101.r. Am Moton 157 11t; 11.., 1214 .. . .oo1t Ufth .~ -11 ~ o\.\ 41 \'J = ..., c;11L1Hotd .olO 1 :UVa ,,..~ 3' -:z Phy'' .• ") chara-·ristics ·om· 1,",',,,, :n 32"' Yrodn ~ •• •:it1 Ski 26,,., 21 W.tn NA IOI'! 1 n~ AmN•l(;q 2 11 Jollt :w~ 34"" _" _,1,. l.«I 11 vv. Jm l'" ti~ Gull Oii 1.JO :m ll\\ ~ !l~ -_ ...., <,;i.c;: ~ N !l'I H-r S \'i 21•~ R E~ 21 27>,1o ..,.,n Mtll ,.., IV, ' ,_ .••• 1•• ,,,. ,,,. ' C-r Tit 1 SO 1~ 1' ... •~ UH ltsrcn (2 U~ l•\'t 4.,. -l6o mon to past h ,. i· a c •• r •• ,•,nl1tr c tiQ 1 "" HIYlll In "' 3.\t R In M 1J 7t Wi1" PUO 1•:ia ""' A'il'n~'° lilh 117 u • 12~ .~-+2 . c-T 1111 25 s lt\41 II llllo \\ Gvlllttl pf.XI I ~ 20" 20YI -.... .. rwdl 11\lt 12\'i H!lh MtK 1• lll"o ROlllOl'I llllo I I~ Wll'llll Wh 11 II Iii Am Sit!.' I IS 2•'6 20ll :M" + '!lo C-1•1111 1 'JO t 41 1l1a ~ + 5 GU Ru l>fl.JP 11 21.\fi j1'4 !1'°" -"° Re' ... "rd told a ff~-. -· l"'",,P 7\~ 1"' He11rllCI I"-34 iSYI Rav C11I 5"" ti> W!nbett )11 \to 'I .\m Sl'llll '° n ~ 'JO 20 _\II COOaltof Jllb 210 '™ W\lo -1 Gulfjl•Ut .ff 51 25 4 ,,,,~ -Ii ,.,_ v.._....,.,, lll!fl 5CI 5a-'1,Hldoo:ln! r-1~\lt R111STov 3Jliolll'lllWlmtwT' JV.As.n11!1i90 2.,11\ltH"''l"'i"CooWISl120 '""°111tl,.....+ GulfUpU . .012'0tl\o't llO •1 1'1+1"'° me.rte $Ubcommiltee ~·--••y •VllH U .. 13\\ Hlllllv1> j 'rl 7VJ llvlft Ho 32~ U\11 WIK PL 2l~ 21 AmkoA r ]Q 50 ~ a; >• 1•lnlh8 30o 16 U~ 25¥1 2J\'J -1 OulfWI~ . .io. 161 2JY,. 2'1'111 71 -~ ~ 'u~ • "thlll 3.5\lt ld\'J Hotm E~ 10 S1dllt• I t wrcu ... IE j •14 Am Std 1· '' 15\'J ,,. "' • orGW 2-'0e 1~ H1 245 m -G~trw oll.75 1 77lt 11l'-1N _, •• H aid Ith bee . •Ill Ille U'Ao 1Ht aoovtr J,S :Ul.< Sc1n!n I! ~i 7'111 rlalll w 1 1"' J..MS!d ol4.15 6 10j I .. Ol'OMll" n :lt 21111 '"" 271t + .... Gull'H pfl.17 1 ., 51 \lt al ... -'Iii e 11 Ill n ll1 opera-letm Jlld 10 11 0.1 Enr 11:i1i 1311 5,11au 1ft lJV.1' Yrdnv E 71't 1 ArnJterl! __.1 Jr 3 !'I ~114 1 •••· awlt1 ..z· u 14\li l•V. U"41 + v. ou1rw Df5.7S J 6"1!'11 "'" ~ ••• tlon in a number or airports 11tco1 •~i 1* ou11 Fl• 2 ... 2~ A Svtttr '·'° 1 2!S ;; YI····· a.ldttt so t s,,., s1v. 'I"' -""Gu11D11 11'1d • 101 14.\io 24 14141 -~ ... b h.. k 81rk "H• 3f ~I ttuck Mt ·~ ,. A""SIHl_PI .61 • '" Mil , ••• ~c In" 179 ,,0 ""' ,.. J .... +I -H·l-u~ y IJ8C ed-plagued 11111 l'.,t ':~ 1~ Ht:: ~:. n~ F.Hi'.; !~~. ':tt 1042 f' 'I SI*' + .... ,:;::r,Jn•IO J ;:,,. tt~ ;:'4 !. ~ HICkW1I 2.10 11 ~ 31"-,.,.. +1 Eastern Air Lines, but so far 11:~"'Pls.,,. ,. .n 11v•S' P 11 AWWJo1 1•25 11~ l~~ I ~ :m ·· ... rou1e~11'1d 1 11 21 ''"" 77 + v. H111Pr1 1.40e , ~k .oi.:. .eo:i1i -\\ hasn•t turned up any in-l~'H, J 33~r.:i·1~.~, ~~ ,.. MUTUAL ~='llfif.•11::n ~!ii: ~1it~11t~~~~~~c~' 1~ F-! ~~ f:(Zt~~:~~ JMO$ 1u1N"1,ft"m~=~ dlvldu•'-" h •~t thi k gociue 1!1 '" •ri Ind NIKI JI~ :rl "'" z f 2.R~ 22~~ l" _.,. ~fWl'lj•H 1.60 1°'1 ~ loll(o SI\~+ \Oi H1mm Pip 1 • 1 29"° ~ o ... • 11.U1 w o we ml&" n on 111• IJ'T 1•'4 1,.~1tc 1 1'4 A'"'r 60 114 ?JY) 7:11\ :n ~ 1114.lO 1110 a.1111 631/0 '3'\.'J -v. H111C1m1" .60 ,.., :lftO 3'111 t• +~ is a potentJaJ· hii·acker.'' a,!.!"'' ,c ''" l"' tn1r1rd ru. 1 "" Amr1c1..n( IO :a £ i~ -"\<! +2"-TS eono .c 15' 211.li '°"' """ + \ii H•llCI "'' .12 JI l111o 11 31 ..... -<1 12\t l \.Q lnl Conl lt\~ l'llYI A.MK co .lO 211 1 301'1 30"" _ '4 udllw Co 32 U\lr 1l\olo 14" -"" lill>HCP ,fQ 1 lt'oll 1""" If\~ • lrtd YI •11'1 41\/i Inell STJ l •llo Ii AN.Fi Int .41 t ~ J.l\oli 5'1't t' !lltllv afl H i lf 11\ii "" -'l litMIM 1.30 11 l~~ :1'\:o 371't. +H'> '*....., G 11 1t l"t"" " 12~ l\'J FUNDS A.._,; eor. 1\t 4 41111 .,. ullklln .2' IS 2• ""' 2• + ~ ttl•ca;rl 1 ,, ti !lt"i 5t\lo -1~ Ii:$ k1 2j'ol 23"" lftl 8tf;t11 ~ f M'llltlcl '·"' JI .JI J1Vr 311.... a WMllln .IOb 2t :JfYI »1' Sf'' -,. H1rr11 In! 1 · ti 1t l'l"i 111'1 .... 50 C H ~.'1. ~~ I \.'I 1•1~ in: ~ p 'tt11o 71\.'I Amlll .:n Il I~ u I' -~70'~17f 16 n ~ 21111 -~ Hll'ICO Co I JI Jl."" J? '.ff .. -'l't -acre enter as 11;,,cf•y tru n,,.,.~ry'.' ""'!~~ :!c-=.1.: 1!,n .. r~~+:i"'"·~A, ·i,1"''°"==~=:~r1 :r: sts~"ttnii;::.-14 umup S 1•• !! 1~1 Sv pf ,\?i ..,~ AIKQl"ONSv I 41 21\41 21 21'6 + u11e..,' N ,•.,.~ >5 :1'7~ '1v.· J7 .. + \It H1l Corp .40 10 11'4 l<N. Mio -V• ur""" ~ I" '"' "' T1111 ... ... Alld CllY 1.10 22 ~· ~I '2t\ +1 .. I'( ' ,,."" Xl'lli ,,. .... +"' H1vn A!b I u lf ,..... tv. -\'t • w Sf !411o •"' j"lf~ y .... ~.... l.HdWC11 .20 60 2~ 1:Ni l'I-~ _" .-ulM 1 . .co t D-Jnli 31v. s111t ..... H11,11111t 41 19~ !' 1t .... " imc:o 1l\'i 25V. 1:"..:u111 31 31" N..,. I Inv llldh; l!·n \\" Aoc.oOlt 1A2f 220 ~ ~ ;;i + --l+t<l•M:oJ .10 t• 32\t I..., 32\11 +~. Sh D . H l =~M ~ 1$ n j«"' • j'h 614 NEW YOll:K (Al') 1,nvt•, 80$ G .60 .. 11 :rA· $v~ff :: uo 1::~ llW. -i ~ ~fllti'I 115" !! ·a l'l'I u + "' u:1:i~ 11cu~r fl f'm ~ llim i ... " Oppers Olng U a 1nrad •14 ""' fC!Wfl c , IU• -The follow-lilt -""" Otl tOl,lp. ,t..rcl'I011> 1 60 •7 ~ ~ '°"' '"' ... c. l 2J ' 23 tll4 + "' Hiii Colt .IO 11 !! • .. • 10 So.. 1J u" 1m wit 1ov. 11'-' 1a1i-, 1u:rn111 by ~~ n111 11·42ft •!·"r. A.r11P1vc 1'0. 11s nv; 22" 2N v. 1r1 j!ICI .)Ob n J 52\41 111.1o •• . Hflltr 1n1 .60 ,,. ,.. 1 *'" 11 l111A 1:1.t 1'4 Je'"'' "'4 2""' 1111 Ntllan• -'"Ocl· ,. • Arians 0$ 20 '° tt'i. tt' ,.--.,. rt !Id (II t 11 I S7 714 + '\II Htlllr 1114 O' 2J f7Ult ! Vo f2 t'i) 111Tch 5'!.li ,,,., J1m1b¥ ll'-h~ illon of $KUrlllll .'!.!. . it".# t"""aSt 1.4,o 11S »Ill ~ :IO -!f!'SP I.I• 11 """' ~ -~Met'"' p·· I J 20\i "' 20 \1' HONOLULU (up I ) . :~:~ .g~ ~~ ,~i· ~!~,F~~ ,f'" I~ ,.:•1:,"ie •• l:i"wrii !e~\.v ",·ll ;·tt "'~~ 1tfs ,1 :: :""" :" ±11:: o:~~pr,.: ''f 7,,., :11' 2714 ±\lo ~=~:: clo, 1. 21~ l~ 11:: I(? such center IS' sales per square :..'f •• Hll 1J14 ~~ ic:~.~ 111 1!,1 11: l':i'i: ll•v~,,,~ 111v ••ll•ll ·,, slt "''"'~ itti'fl 11~ 14lfl') »v. 14»11& J'-0tl ::: ~}J 11: It,,., I?v. #,,., ±1"' H~\~nc1 .6JQ ,~ 1!t; t..'1' J~ = ~· Women can go pleasantly foot. Jn 1963 merchants at the ~!",,,•,•,s lt'4 :iov. "•It Gtn 1"' 614 '!Old (bid) or bovfhl '1""1 1:·g1 t~ n ~ub 1:60 ,, lfYt ~ ,,.... :: ~ p!0 1 4 150 ,i\ 101 101 .. ~•ntlFll ·f'f'o 11 27'4 it\i 21~ -, .. " 7l~ RO IC•Ylnl I/lo j~ <•111.ldl WtdrndY. ""' to 1:0 Aro Cflrp .to li 'JO 1•1,1, lt\4 -" t ~ 2 105 0 >"1 "" '2U -1\4 HMl1l11 .IO 't 411' ~ 4 + "" berserk -and .some of their Ala ti-1oana sold $76 0 f ~~, l~• 1"" 1111 ICt•r r 1~, 1 :~ •141 ..,.., J''vHncoct ,·., :u ""111 IM i » ''" ,... Wot. -1 ~~;11 ~f: ~ ~~ ~ U .. -1o1i !:!f!tP•c• .20 11 ljl'AI 110'1'1 ll"N -11~ ' •• ~,, husban•· have 1;U 1~:1 ~:I~ 3,,,U, •, "• :~::,n, Jfi i.ll k~!.11-r!?-~~·•s :::ri!!..:..10 1/J rr:,,'f~ rl~ ::.-~'&li~!-"",,,'° ,1!! ,"..," ,"" .. ,'!. ++·14 ti~n~:l~1°~ ~ 1m If" l;tt .!. a ""''' u.:. merchandise per square foot. Z~:!"~l>d 1·~ • ~l\IH Fe 11 AHlll•ld 1,n 1.17 C'ut.~ii if[:io°' ANdOG 120 10 .uv. 4,>z "'"' _ 1111 'Ii .. ,,.. v. Hll(o .u 11 r11o ~ 71 •••. buym· g ••e,·r wa y ••rough the "We think that l•·gure w1·11 be i~r •'n"•' Is"' 161-li IC,.,. c11> Y"' Jl4' Aflu•• n .11 n .11 c,. at :JO 2f • AlllSll9 i.20ti • ui. ™' »4t. -._ ""~I"'/: '31 ,.'t ,.1~~ ,.u ..... H11eo ot A .ti l ,, 2• '~ -t;, \.II I.II " 1 """ ~ UI \'J AHAmF .. 107 c 84 t.w10'31Aod'rf1".«1 lO U 1,..1~-"'~" •. ... ... HoOlrll.30 ... ,.. ... 4 -''< ., Al M h . l109per~uarefootbyyear's ',,,'._".,',!. 11)4 107 !5r!11,',c 1!:~ •• , ..... 111t11I'd1i'51J l3 c: ICI •. Cit ·nAllC!vEI 1311 31 24V. ,,Vo 24\11+14 n .. 'J:r.",',.,·" •• ~ .~ 11.~ tt'S'J.+V.KOtr"W•I .12 10 ,, .. 271'1 J"'+" o1\l""acre a oana s opp1ng ..,, 11 "' 100 102 " .... n, " Amc•P •.i1 , n ~~ ., I"~ A1 .. 11 ... E1 p1 1so •2\li ,~ 41" "111: • ,., ...... v. -"" Hon e1ec1•n .s1 1w. 12\lo 2'-_ ~, I ·~~1~· ' ..... ~•Am 811, l3113S7 1•1 115 . Al!ll:lchlld2 "6101 .. 1~1~::.: " 110 'Ullo lit.I• lV.-VIM&lldllM .'JO lot~ ... 4"1t+'A center near Waikiki, one of the end," sa id Reilly. 'nlal's about Ill', 'u •, 2.1v. ''" .. CP 1,•,• ',',,~ Am ov1,r 10t• 11,. ~ l 'I.ff 1 ·n A111tc11 Pn.1s ,.'\',1..?' a., ,. '" ... ' "",. •. ..,._ ++ '•\ Holld 1.111b 1 "" ...... '6\lt -Vt 26 :KV. .... n1r, VIII ,. Alix IP 10.ll . 1; . 11060 $l'lo '™ .n~ -Vt ·-• • .. HoltvS~ 1.20 20 ~· jj• !!"" + I,\ largest in the world. double the national average of I',~,,_"' :t 26 ~c'1'in1 f4 ~llo Am on11 '.u 1.01 :: S4 s' 1·u All lll:ltll of ' 2 170'h 110.,., 110v. + ,,., El~' .1f-~ 2,.•, j"', '•"•)) -"' HOM.st • AO 11s 1i.. 'Iii Vi -Ioli -· J" •· \4 Am Inv Ill lol6 Palir 4.6ol 'ot Allll:cll Pit to )10 t P."o '' •11.t-• "' ""' ' 71/o '1• +1 H--.. 1.20 171 "'ljj ISJ . -2"'1 Jn I" 22 restaurant' and o<< 'Int Mir l \lo ~net In 21 27"' Arn M~t iJI 10,-s t "ltkO lllllv•ll Atlas Chem 1 .u is 2•li 2•.i. • lj!;!15rtet .. ~ 1,0, nr. 12'• lt~ t Vo Hoov 81 1.:ina 12 \Ii ..,_ 3,114 -1111 ..,.,. I ftlon 0 10 Linda 111 4 (\Ii AmH Giii l 19 l... Id!; GI All•• Corp l• J" •l'I J + V. l)~~tl!r ·"" XAli l'llli 320\ \Ii Hotl Inn ,)(I It ~ 4\'o n .... + ~ food 'hops and !,. stores, ,·n-Al . tow co " ?• L•nt ~ 1i~ '!~Am P1e 1.tl 1.11 :~ Grth 10 ~0~~ ATO Jnt ·°" "° 1~ 15 1si• _ v. 81:~\:r 1.: 14 ~,,. ~~"J. 11..~-...• Hott1 c: A,,i; u, '•"m" 1• u,~ -i . w 0_!1~ lime Hawaiian tour 0 1,.. ~ J 'A ' t:zi"°"eo.1 SJ ·~ Arw:llor Grouo: l'-1! l1ml lf!1 ll o .\urar• PIH 11 11 1:; lR\t .... 115,.. lo lt, mi: 2~ 22; -=:I In :.0 l~~ 1m + ~ eluding Sears R o e b u c k ' s guides pointed out Ala l\toana ~,,str ljV. J~ Uilsu• G ~ " t~11 1;~ l~.~ lri• llKll ' I 1': ~ \'1o li ~ JR ~ .:!: ,: Rl•Sh ';.a 1 :io•.11 '°"'-.,Jl '!. J.\ Houa MWl .• fl l l.w. ;41' :: llll. ~ ~'~ 3 .... Jt lr1ln Tn 1:i?,J .... lncmt •.IJ tnt11:"1111 1·'9 l..oA'<'CG PIJ.20 16 51 SW. $1\'l-\.\'61~1 -01.70 11 ~ 1.~ \o,....-~HOUSlllF 1-;,o '°ii°"•-t•" •-··· largest. arc items from as the world's largest shop-°"' cir ':,,. ~ t~T' e~r 'l~ '1\0 ..J~!""' 1fji 1J:!: t=. r;.... Jis!:-l!: A=~ ~ ,A t1~ = ~ +_ 111~'7'-"£ 1~ t\ 1~ '~~+\'I :t::::iLl'\.12 1s ~ :~ " :t;1,.. Virtually e_very-llation_or the_ ping _center. llut several 1= b~:l 11v. u~ J::&"'(4., ! 1111 :!Z~wt11~1 1"' Ltom1:'"'" "11~' n·:!l !;'~ "811'~ n: 1n~ 'n 13:;:: +l\li llllM!i:: A u *"" 2t 71\i +·1 .... uz~,:: 1i ~ ~ :"" + ~· om Ttl """ 14 loo E"lr11 2 1 YI F !Id A ,,M 7A6 1 • --····· lllftit IOfll7 1 SIYt $11'1 Sl.,.,1..,MOW__,.,,,rr-;2C 74 70!il-1N ~ ;.:·· world. The variety renges centers have came al Hrth ov. 14\lo L'lflCh c .ul'l 151-\ Fu,., , , .. ,,. 011 1 5 lllDl>C• .5611 • 11 "'' 11 'Al t+twmti .10 71 30 19,,. Yo_~ ong P ., t4 i, 1f"I "'ild GEi 1)'111 llfl siO<;X , ;; 1.,_1 M ~ 11· s:n 8111c~ w '" ns !?"" n\41 1,..,c1u1> .JO ,. n """ 22 "' uc111ta l...ot 1 w... ~ 'Iii + 14 from inexpensive muumuus to recently to dispute that claim . ~· c~ ..:~ 1491. ~1cR1~~ 11.vi ll~ 111~c1 sfM~li~ ==~ 'l,i l;·r.1'~ R:~:f~1t1.iM 3~ ~~ ~;: D~; ~ \~1'.20 ·~ 'i+a',v. 1 ~l"' '~f"' = \\ H~H':,1·~ ~ ~ :;.,.. Jg +·~ II 000 Bale · -" r-No thl d c 1 · Ch. • m, 11>d 21 " M:l1k11 •2 '11-'1 I''" 1e~• 101• 10 26 • T ii ,1 l''G 111a• so 160 " 66 " + ..... 1,s.. 1~1.20 l so.... '°"" . ldllloPw 1.40 u .P'AI » .u" ..... . • nc1agag ......... , •vm r an enerm 1cago1s mo 111s1 11141?'"' Mo"'' As 1•J. J\li 1,1, F.:t 13 ,1•·0 =:;:.' 11 ,. •llGPK4 uo J4\ll 5'\'J 56.... l~•llld .3' .en 21 111\ 10v,+2"1l1=:1a.11, 1 JI u11o 11~ 11v.+·~·· aspirin lo Chinese ducks ooz. one. South Center in Seattle is i~= tt: ~"" :J.l? ~:~ ~ 1J\l 1~'h B=~ltSI ~·ft '~ Mellllrl lilS 1• 1=~~:: ,60 ~ n~ if111 Pitt ·:·~ a;:~ ·: i. f,;l ~~ ~n + ~ 111 t~,.,111,~ll ~ ll.,.. n~ Il"'. 1. : ing with spices, from Hong °"''" tl\ ttt M arowr 34L._ ~"-ffii Fd,. 12 u 13 21 ~fc&°"Mu ~:~I 9:"g ''*Tr 2.... " 6iVi !JN ="' ~Ff~·,,,.,. !.~ i3w. tr"• ~~-. -v. 1 c'" 1113.so • s'Ni ~ s™ :&. ~. Kong Silk to Levis for the mil),·on~uarefeel. _,,!Jll 4V. 6l4 MC UY 2'\'J211'1t rOld SI 1512\6lJMDCldy•s u·2115. lltffiClll '.2$ lf Jl!\ ra +Ht I( Cp .:n 'lH'o f.'\1' '4 ..... 11 Pwof2.21 71 tt'lil tt-Vi ~-• anolher. It covers about t.5-r.r:t"-:io ll\lt Mil~IT 0 ,..., ~··· Oii I " 'n Mood'# C11 15 14 16 •rbOll t J6f 21 " 14' ~ +iv. t -· "" :111111 .... ,~ "" ..... 11 Powtr 2 11 17~ j"'" J7'• + I teens. A k d to I · A I ontr•n 311& ~ Mtdtrn :>lilt Sol~ CG -,ti i 6' 10..u G 1~ 10 1j 111, 8•• P1 150 i60 •1* 4u, 4 ".:.:.f · tr Co .IM ' ""' .u "' ..... I"" 11 Am tt'J 1 151111 1 -..,, -·"' 11-9 t \lo Ml/Jc H 1"'419~ ullOck 160011.53Mort111> !'undl· 1111 I~ Ml II l~'o ltU. _. 'OllY9r 5 Ullo 4 { -'.41 Pl111'2.ll VO~""~-• s e expa1n a -1.10" MtlP1r 114i1•J.c1ftac1" ,,1110.11 1,,'.c':r,, 1 15 ~55 a11nM19· 201 n,11-..11'ii +'\loOowChm 2M 111~1111111""··· l"'A 111.«1 JOJ >,i:it'AI "\+ Moving from -. store to l\loana' h t orp ' tt 34 Mich c;.... !"" 11i c-mr 1 , t.lll 1 1. 'I 112 a1ttt Mf p1 1 to 1s04o 1~~ lft + "' Dr•vot11 1 .~ 10 ,,..... ~ 2t1' -"' "'n?! C1p1t i l "" 1Sl4 lf"' - -Co • Mid 2 '» ~tnt Shr 11lt1J a Mu OmG 5.50 sil l•l1rL1b 10 '' 311 29'• >II + ~ reur 11'1 It 1 !1ft nf 32'11 ..... lftdlll•"l 1.50 11 ~ 7WI 24~ -\I another in the f~r~evel com· l~ bigg:r s~~:s~:Ve e~i~~,!~s. .~.~dMll~ !'1~ ~~,,.. ~=l"•"•"T '!Yo 11~ c::ll !f; 1:,r jj ~I=...,~~ :~ ,:~ 8:/:Jiic'e m ~ u.'.t ff~ ~ = ~ ~··:~nd ~ ~ 'i m; Utoi Wt + \t l:'.cil;.:'l!kt ·~= l: j'""' 21"' b: !: :1;~ plex covering 1.365--million Reilly said he thought it was nitdl 15 1 M~• G•s »~ jl"" cri..n .. 111111 Ful'ld1· Mu omin 1o.15 11"15 1wu11c" ·so • 11v. 11 .. 1104o _ ~ •ytulC11 lti '.t ~ ffi: ~ -ft!"IMt• .no 1 ,.,.. •~ 1\o\ + "' square feet ol leas able space .. foresight." Dillingham of· ~~. ·.s. ll l~ :0 • -~~ 1~ Ii: ~:,i:n SI 11:il 1l·M ~~ ~~~t 1,··u n,·u :::1ira: l J :t~ 1,~ :T" :.: 'I r.: 1~1:: ll 5' ll:t """ +: Blfll:~d ·~ J it: ~Ill ~~ + a":: · h • h 1· · ] f I I 19 1Poi 15\~ Moh-Ml; R ~. ls'~ Grwlll '·" 7 'IO NEA Mui 1 :r.1 ;'° !!!I l<ctt. Pl • 3 IOW. 101 .... 101 ""' _ \It tn C11 n '6111 161.\ ,_.,.. -1112.ll 10 nllo :16 :W.\lo + \ IS a appen1n.g. s oppers pass 1c1a s oresaw, at least five IVll ~d 1'1\! ll\lt Monm p~ ,, •. ,.. ~ l.?t .... NII ws~ ,,, I' l' -,..!•o•,,." .JO ll4,, "•"· .. ~ 1111, ... "'"°"' l.7511 111120 111"" 1!!.'1 + Stt 2 ji • ll m-l be l'f Mir ~3\'J 2{\11 Moott P ,. .,. ' >"' >" •0 -· • IE --•• 1 .. duPont 111•.Jll I UV U\'t -D .1• II,\ N I _ •-o Mo ~ M 7'4 I• (lllSf GrOllO. NII lftvlt I.ff f • l«l'IAr 151> '° . 1'?'0 ~ "1 \I l.... #ii '""" 2 ~ \lo ....,~ • •• ponds teemi"" with colorfu years fore boom times h,., ''"' lft v. 11 Moor• s 1)';, ,..,.. ... ·-Hit tnd 1 • • 1 , • ""' ...... .. ~Ollt Pl3.JO ' l~ sJ +.,. ,_, 11'4.Ja I~ 1~~ 1 • •••• carp, Japanese rock gardens, Hawaii in 1954, that Honolulu .l~Tnc:AP .~ 1:l; ::f c11.111 1,•," '•'• ~~;:' 1Jl.Jf1 H:fl N\'.1,s~ur 11~\1.H l,:~..:.r . .: ': ~ ~ g.: 1 \lo I ~ .. 2 ~ 21\.'o ff v. Ju.+ v. l:J~ .,#Ai'.u ': ?"" WJ: !fu f :t P lms d I t-of orchl... would have a population and •hi): Ch 54\/o Sj14 Mueller • StnM 11.11 u .31 lONI .u ,, 5 1u "" ,40 '" 63"" ,, ''"' _1"' .1oor:1.1cr uo 10v. ~ >111'1 + ¥t !ntOl•t"eoo J 11 i.iYt i •• , a an C US,.,., u.:.. •I c;nr 111111 \lo M~tRr Et '"' j"' SPKI t.'2 10.1' Otvld • ,, 4 lltll fnt..-ce11 11 •ii '" "4 + v. molnd .vi 2L ,.. ! II---'A. lnterc:o 1 1• 29\lo 1i "\Ii ... \Ii hula shows, art exhibits and tourist explosion. :~ ~i::i 21:\0i f~!ll ~~f,1IL'C 2~"" """" c'"'m(1 1t.11 21.SJ Grw111 ,:,, 1o: a R!..~r, c" ,1' 24 ""' !m + ., M Am . .c • ~ 1 111.1o --1;~1~s1 1.• 11J: ~~ :z J?.~ +1-· .. tu b. gb f chi) "Wh Ith d A "'1 . H11 rnd '"" ., co.,~!'1," '·" s.n t.!..~k •1· ... " ',·'° ,.;;:;;,: k'°1 2f lm .,s., .. •• +.. -•r-n•Fl•F, .-» fil!' • J +1~: s es 1g enou or • en appe.ne , we were :!r, "l t\i ,,.. "''ic.r R 11"" 12 F""' ....... ,.. .n l!&netF l )ll ~ ,. -. . 1111tPt11 .to ,, II;., 11 31 -Vi in• JI~•"' 1.tt n · .. . dren to climb on. And they do. thcpre," said Reilly. . I:~.~ ~\' 21"4 ~~l"'ecr~~ ~li J14 ~~ 'i:il 1!~ ,.,:,~, 1:~l :~:ti=:::; 1::i:# 1: 1~.,.. ,~,,., ,~ .... ~ ::rA~" .ln ~-~ ,,: t"l! R~ + t: 1~1"Y~!i1°" 1oI !, flv. l, +;~: ponds teeming With colorful erhaps even as Important !vM ~., ,_ .. 27111 a I'd I'd l/"3!\li l,,'~ ~Grlll 14.11 u.n ~:!-i_rth i~:fl n·. •,.t111' .son.I 1110 34\.'o :u~ ,..,,. .. ~"' ltlGI' 1.UI '2 2JVI --"' nt 11>11 Dfl.70 \) 'l \lo U +I • · •• f th ocvt• 2• l' 'I Ga.o ... ,, • ,, ,. '""' ~ I nu 11 1 , .. 111 u111 1 . .:. 12 jllli 2 2 -"' 1"IM'""' .2J11 Jlt I •• 1 .,.. ,..,., _ ,.,. Seventeen bus routes con-IS w1e act at it is a family ~Y °" 1!J'111~" N!t1 ~ ~1 ~" l:~u~·'ids~:;; ~~:~ Jlfl }!·._ =~'t '."rn '~f ::~ l~~ ii==·= :J:n~°M.J 'i1 J,,., ~ ll t ~ /~1 rt1~ 1~ ~ aJt = ~.,...: :r: verge on the center which the center, a fun place as we.JI as C•P Fii 10,,31,.., Nor•••' 1J:6311:..a ",.,,._, ,cll'P 1n, , 1{\ ,.,., _ 1.11 ~hllr.MI .n '' 2s14 , 24'111 -1 1n1 ... ~ l.50 ll• .,~ 4111to 4214 _ ""'' Dill. h r . tarted I a shopping mecca. lt has 1ncom 10.o.i 10.n ~11111111 1,,2 '·• ...... 1 l.IO 21 ,... ,.,. ""_ --c11.n1F11 .IO Ill U '"" '' + ·~ 1n1 P111 111 -4 T2ll iM u u ... Ing am ....urp, S p M· ln...,.ol 10,09 11.0l -• o•> 0 '' llHM Ind l.l'O Jt ~ n~ ttt• _ .,_ dltolllret I lt 311"11 tt'l'I 2'\I -~Intl 111:11('1!1 llf 11111 1'1.~ li•_, +1" • • · 1...16 something !or every mem•·r s ~ · · "'1:,r. ~ 11 ,. ,. .... G&G .11 s2 )J'lo :12 371-.-+ 14 1rt1 s..H '·"' 4 :. jE '"' ... rung 1n 1941 and uau com-IA: 1oa •.41 lf.3' 100 Fd 1s.011'.'I ,1• ,.-· • • !...~ •1'4 + v; IMin'-,.., ,,. .,,. ~ ... _ v. 1n1 T1. r .•s •:JI ~• ml. + ...,,. pleted ten Years ago. For th. w1e ami y. ay areas or 1'1· T1·a 1·c II~ co 1 n 1 n 8 w-· 11"1111·1· II ~llJ<ll'ln ·"' ,. ,A .... '~ 7A + ~ IMUI ln,ll'g 11 , .... I 1~ ····· lnt ... T .. , • .. .... l .... 1 .... + V.1' ' · ' · 'I' "'"' · • .,,,,, L•·-, , '''' --Id AHOO: '' 1• 1 I -io frT ltll ~.50 U ICMll 1o.1V. 1o:n.-,~· t rJ t th 7 800 fr the kJds, Art shows. Carved oni• As t.•7 •.G 'N•11 11.N 11. 4 ..... ·~ J"' -... ~1 Mtm MH u 1~ '' ,,"' -n~ !MT.\ T 1t1J 4 1 1110 100 lOO _1 , of •• f ·1 Pl f A ff ~1111 Aft 1.$1 1.66 101 Fd ••1 lOfll !.:JO ' ,,,... "' 7'1"1i ... ... .... • ·- mo 0 s ere are ' ee likls. As a result it also has ::::-'lld ::~it!~ ~"~nd l~:ff ,;:n =~·8~1' ,.~ r; ~\lo ~:"" ? +,ll t::i~Ni'1 ~!J ri 21~ l1\l ft:1 ~-~ :~Tf.rT :::., ~ r 111 ;~ U"" ~ ''" parking spaces spread over an omp Fd •.11 10 n Pen" so I" 1 4' 11vbb11 11n1 '' ""1\ 20 ,•, ... + ~ ,1,,,,.0 1 1116 J.., 18~ 1m; _ "" l~TT pit 5 .. 'IO a.~ ~~. n·~ ,_., + •'· •• th •· I th become a louri!t attraction. M • oni11~ 5.51 ,:ro Pa Mut :st ;·,. 11oe1 .... '·"" Alt :n 31.. -. ., 20 1 1 >II ... ...,-acre area an~ 0 e am' tams OllCClrd l•.111 411 PM1e 15 !f I ·1 "Ol•C•~ ·"" 1'16 17l6 77 ·.~ + ~ :,•, 4iP1ec1.' :; u Im llv. ~.~ l~I H!1I ;.• " l'~ lOU~ ,1:1-+ ,_ .•• It.I J J · TodayAlaMoanaranks~-,th anoo1 1n n.50n·.,,,,,,,,,. ,,._,,,,,_ 110lld stri 1 ''~'~ 1•1\ ... ... , u• '"" , , " mu I· eve p ann1ng. .. fOf'iu -~ 5 09 SJ! ,1101 1 r, I "-*Miii 1,,1 1 !ti ,, Im + "' f'l>l•vAlr .• 11 .. a! " ..... 111 11 • \.\ " i' D·,amond Head as a "must" , 0-,,.,, 1,, · · "onl•• 1 -1-'" ,,1•, ,, mt11•t 1.:iot> -. •l 4 \'Ji a t v. inttro•e• 1 11 ,~,.. 75 7.~111 ""'' But they don't bu1°ld sho"'-an "' .. ,.,,. SI 11.11. ·""' " mt -mpOI!' 1.ti 11 lil! 21 XIII 1,'llnlt•ltt PIS '11 ., !' ' • ) I I th f llrP ld I'~ 1' IS Pla1> ;nt I U t ~or1W1r 1.25 '7 30 ,...,,.. ''' -+ ~ moor .M j 30~ 30\.\ -Vi 111! 8r1llll .wt 16 UV, II I'll 'I Pl.ng centers to d•·splay fish or pace o see. n e process, o Ris LA n!Y '"" ..; u :1J Pion 1'111 i1:H u : -~ni >'" l~t UVI ... llCIJolln .1211 ' •14 14 l"' + ,,. nt!'f"OS1• ·'° " " ""' " .. course, the little woman t rnwg1v 7.11.t$P11n Inv lt,47 13.13 ~°'Edl1 .OI 31 3'111 JS\t f;t ···Vi llllJolln 1114 1100 !1"" !!-Ir 'i'l ln11<"1Pw1 ,7l 13 "'' ,l"i lt +l\~ ]ll'GV]de. handy parking SpBCf:. Ji·ngerS )ovt'ng)y OVer the e a ;~~ t,.1 ~: I llll:~ Pr~~!~4~'·'l ''·'f "~~WAr:"':50 1~ i~'Z 1!"" 11 -,, t111111Mlft .e 11 e\Alo ...... law-8194' lJ ))>\ 32111 3.1•'o _.. 1.fo The payoff is how much Shor. ti 1111; \I l .7• N Erl 10.0 10.01 &tlgo!l t . .i-lf SIV. s•, .. !!Vi =\· 1:=1~e.!14:l~ 1' l l't 1311v. 1.,, +.:~ J: ~la~ t~ 1~ i~a J~ ~ ::+:'1~.1 d Ad th A center's many e'(otic Items IWTI 4.'71 11 N Hor tt112'f1 11r1•IMy 110 7PO " n .• '' ··v; lllllG•• 2.20 1 111 w.. )IVt-1owa1>t11.111 '11JA ''"' 2111 ... pers spen · n e a ond ,.1 gets r·•cher and ri'cher The first three quarters at r,;• ~ •·•"1 t.45 ,.,,,~unc1 1o:•i 10:" ld!!!..'1r :' ~ :tl4 •"' ~ :!:r'"' 58 lllC 1.10 211 ,.,, 2~ :u\41 t v. 1ew1Psv 1 . .., ,4 ""' "'"' ,, .+ ,, " .. na pa•ofJ has •··n a"'n to j· •.14 Pro nf I.II 5.n BW'IM 1111 A> 1, 41 ~12: ., + ••11>1 1,'9 JI ~ )Mio; ~ u, 1...,~ Hmo .~ 11 :u :l.,1l,I, :n\li _ 14 .. "1 ,, ut:t: a..i and richer. Los Ange 1 es lnlematlonal 1 '; ,:Li ~:n ~;~::;. ,~3:', 1'-» .. _,,,ft~G 1.12 11 ,,.... V..Z ;;., "I"' j; .n n ~"' '"' 2111o +,,. rre 1"'' .u ~' ~ :wl"4I W\ -,,., the Alaskan oil strike. A . _ • ed ,.,.et 11.14 11 st io11u11 11.n 12 27 a"""' co 1i u 1,2~·, 17~ -\Ii ltltl .40 111 1 Yt ..,.. ~'" + ,,., ,...._ cir• 1tt ,. 1~!\ 7Uli ... 1,,., 1rpo11regtsler apassengerli!r•vFl"d l\·'°15:11 Gtoro 1.:S16: .. "w"1>h•••• l• 11 ... t 1r -11l'llfNI ·'" Jt 1"' :JO ••••• 1nsv•u.'° 1 •~· 1:11 111 .+1' Sales in 1963 hit $SJ.million . . r"l'i L'I I .1414.01 Gf"lll lt. u.11llwl\Sllof1.50 n 34 .. ~14 :J.1•.t •••• urfd lftl.309 • '"" 1r11o 11:i. ~·· -J~k- and last year they jumped to traffic gain or 5.6 percent over \':r:~~l~ci.1!.11 l:'l f:h :·~-:~'T."1:~°' ~ ~1~ ,20~ ~;\\ ::;:: e::~.,p'°" 1~ 1r.: ;:~ 1r' -~ ~~ft~'!t·?: ~ inu 1r4 "'• -'-' : 1127 ·11 · "W • r . ti Midea Has the same period in 1961. In the fl'Wlll 13.711 ·°' V/111 11.1012. =udd Co ~. .!! ,",!'!' ... 11 -\' ~·C•llO 1.1.S ll ,~ 241\ """ -,,. J, .. t1 20' 1 l''l' 17\a ~~' -14 •ml IOft. ere p OjeC ng l'IC0"1 •·S: .Ill VO~CI • . .U 10. 8~~0 J' 6 ''j i" 6f'11 •:l'I ..... :~A·"\a nt !.~ ~~ ff~ =ll:t jlPll>F '1."-r: ,p 11 •1 \'o -f "Vt about Sl50-million this year,"' corresponding period of 1967· I':~ ll:4tll:C =::.,tlth 1j:ff 1j: a in :SS '' 16•~ 1J>' ,, ::::· ~alrC!IC .!Ot 211 "'' t6~ ' +.,. J=~~p'1':,!t""11111 ,. ~~~ ~r~ ~:.:f · Sal.d Howard Re1·11y. bu s1·nes1 1968 there was a rise of J33 EMr.i 1401 1j~ ~C!l•~•h :}J!' liu ""'1·10 • """ :i.i•r. :n·~ -•• l'•lrdl Hllltt '' 11~ 11~ 1 " ... J!"'""'A ·~ n ,1·~ ,1 ,,. 11..,_ ,, , N F 'Ii · Eeret 14:111 Al th...,lr Ii. 11" 8U IW .ff t..I 3''6 :!Ill.I 31'~ -1 Ftlrmorit 1 10 11" I 'A lflll + U. J.,.CPl •. , llM ... YI Y.lfi \Ii manager. ew ac1 ty percent. 1~~1 Sc 11·1: 11·~ .~~~.,'' 16 ,~: 1• a :::"r111r,~::t°M ~a: ~t ~'It !:!t _;,,;_ .. ~:!:.''r."111 f.. ~ ~ ~ ~~ t :: 1r.;'t...~1, l.~ l~~ ~.,_ ~!~ U-. ±.'\f --real pro11·t Jes! for snv Durln" the lint nine months ~'.P,,•,M ,!:U ,!:.~,. •~. 1 3!::02 :M1 •·. ",'-' "',,.1 . .to 1s.i "'"' ll'i• llll'I t " '•ns .. 1 •...c: lo! ul"o uv; 11" -v. 111nw "" "'° ,. ..,1, 1~ 41\4 '1.m , . ~ ·~ ~ ... 881 ll.2flt I 21 2S 1• 2S I\,\ FarWHI Ft11 I 1,.,.. 111/o l l'I + .. JlmW•ll oil 1 tlll 11 1i u •"'tli of 1969, Los Angeles lntema-~ut Giii 1•. 20.1s Com sr n.oo l'·ft ~[~ i"w na uo•~ H•1' 1.-.ci'1 11' l'1ttl\Mf .lllb '' ill.Ii ,.,,., 5JYI -•I'll "'~~M•~, 10 ,.1 :u•\ ,.111 :i"'=""' Mtdea, Inc., Indus Ir ii I . 1 h d 1 d 16 "I~ •""• 11,u Sec 01v 12.!j J. ..,u""" · 3 lO"o ~ 20•; -\Ii l'AS '"' 1.a '4 ''"' 2111o 2 111-"" 1-eflnJ"" .fl"• u 1•1~ ,~, 153 _ ~ Builders Honored Lloyd P.tassey, president of Oranae Coast Concrete , Ne~ Beach, hos been pl"CHDLid the Kap KeMelh Annual 'Award for his con- t r I but Ion 1 to the ap. prentletshlp training program by the Building Industry Assoclatlon. Mauey b chairm1n of the .Joint Cement Ma90ns Ap- prenticeship Committee of Oriol'-County, a member of lhe Cement Maaon's Statewide -Apprentioelhip-Commlttee.-and a member of the JI Southern Counties CCl'tlent Mason's Ap- p11!11U-lp trust. Merrill Butler, Jr., Prell· dtnl or Butl~r H a r b o r Construction C o m p 1 n y • Anaheim won the P a 1 t Praldentt: Award 5lven for long ranae and top level ltl!rv lca In the construction In· dustry. Butle.r ti a past pre,i· dent or U'tt Home BuUder1 AsaoclatJon. I tiDna an e .w ,wv,¥ttll lftU.101l..!limEcrult j• '· .......C-Fldlltrs ,«t n» J1"ll +~ttth,...SYC .IO "'"111'1"'1 30'4I• man1gemenl consu tant and com •• 1 'f,"' 'j·"21Jt 1nv ' • ...... '"Ma9 1.• 2• 2"4 2"' j''"" tt 1fll'i<lsvc 11~ A ~ ~ ,,, + passengers, paroru 0 •ti<! 1 .t1 11·n lie A,,, 1e:ff 11:.. '""' Cl .60 1' »:I.I »V• l'I'\ -~· l'lldP1t Elf<: t 21" 21" 1\t -V. •••t ..,." .., J 'II"' _.,, 51''' _ -. desllJler, manufacturer and 15,490,479 in the same months~·""' !!! l,,·.ll ,.·, !'-!..D!<,' lj·.! • .. u •11~~.~,.. :Al 1&'-•'•'"• 10.,..,., ., ,.IK r.'·" t U!t l1 1 _,.. JOML•• 1" 1 "' ,.~ ,,"'+Qi dJSt.rlbulor of commercial Md of 11168 l'r: liP" 11.• 11•; lid•._... I Jifl1f !!,!!Pill:L , .... , 1~ 1~ 1~l~ ~::~l~~Sd .Jo 1~ ~ ~ ~!~ = ~ ~=-~ 'r~ 1~ ;-'~ ~I.lo ffit-~ lndustrl·a1 dlsplaw has moved · ·~ \uncl l .• .si klmt 10,,. JLM .... iu. · 0 ll ,.._ g~ 1'* \\ FKIDID!Slr 1 1n "" ,. ~ t \1 JKte"' ·'° 11 "'"' ~'"' :M..., i'.f~ , .. , Domestic rul.:.Uonger volume " rnd >r.n "·" sto lft11 n.21 s.41 lfl0 "' •.v i rlll .n ,. !' 1 ~tct Mtl 1nv H n ... 1~ 12111 2 ,.,.,, Mia 1.., ~1 '"'-"lo! :mi._ ti Into 8 6000-cnuart-foot f&Clilty r-F ~llKltl ,.,..,._: Sllim1 Tr f.1211·n 1111f:: · 1 !2 114 I<\ 1141 -I\ Ftrrt CP 10 10 M 25111 jn'I ---,,\ lf:•lstr Al 1 71 '~'·1 ~ '.\ol't • ~ gained 3.9 percent, while In-o~-1.02 1A1 !:1"' 11 10.n .:n ",","«, .• •,..20 '" ,,1~· "'" 1:1~v. -1'AI FID<tt1rd .Jo Jt ,,,,. 21 ,,,.. +Vi IC•k ""'"'-~ • ,. 1...,. n .:..'1'i in the Irvine Industrial Com· . . llM!us' 1.._~ 4,76 wn '"" 1.t0 'i 1111 ..... : I~ H"" • "'~r l'ltldt•M 1... t ~ ,." ,."' + ~ .-.1.1-• ''"·" • 111,,., 1fll'I 111\'J .?!ll-ternalional travel ]Umped 37.1 1><11m '·"' 1.ll tnv 01 1.u •. :.."'~d8~T •··1 1~" t -.,, "1"1'0! 2 ' , a..w. ""' "4 i,,., 11:~1tc1m N >4 ~ :t'ltit '~ + '-' pl~:r · percent. F1Yi"'v• 1t:;: 1!1' tr;~:., 1a\ 'l1: 11: •1fu•" '"'° ': ~:? ~\Ii E .!. = ~,~ft ~~·: ~ L"' !j'';t ll.,. ~ ~:~f ~o::t11, .J. ;r.~ ~ ~-: t;t' The facility will i;erve as Al f . ht 1 t ~ -· F11 1 ~Grto 10.s. 1HJ !l•tt s1 ~1.1s 5l.7S •ri11 .60 71 f,u~ Im"'" 1 •L -t ~ P'lt n 2.ttt .+1 SS .,.. •S\4 _ • •,•, •,'t '•'•'·", """,. ~'4 ~,'" ffl'l "11'· h d t f h r re1a vo ume a "'1ll F'' 1"s111. '·" 10. H11rn&11 vnd1: •roPLt 1.11 • • ... ,.. .. .. i ,_ 2-'' ~ 1 • ~ "" llVj + ~~ E xqup~ :~i 0 ~r ~a: Angeles International, with a ~:I ';l~1° 'll?' . ~m..,Jnd 1:1: 11:~! ~!~p 1 '.~ ,i: ri~ _ 1' .J!li ·?i 11 ~ hu ~ = ~ :~ ;:~1~ l ~ ~-~ ::t 1~-; :%:-total of 527 519 ._ p 0 Un d II ~t! Siert 41." 52.6' ;f.,. 4,•s i.& l~PrtlJ flO !~ a· •• .:!:_ ~ fllr ll"d .OM .51 ,,_ nv. ff\; -'4 Kalt OE 1,U 4 mt 2Sl1t ttW t ... necessitated by lhe recent ac· • .-it' CeP 1 . .0 ••. , s ~ 1110c dt: • ft 1·919 xiJ 1 .. +" tflf•Sd .1• 111 11 '"' 111111 +1-.. '"'" b ~lid ! H h processed through the airport, ~1.' J:' /Jf ~·.33 J:., OP n:ttn:~ :~~·rn ·'°• " -5"' lllt .so ' Ul' 14\t ll .... , .... qui;» on Y ea 0 ers gained IS 9 percent over the l<l>d 0111 ':N t·§ S~ 1J·H 11·13 "f . .Jlt A*·" ~ ~ !ii" t ~11tO::a~.u 11 W: J:.,. r,~ .:.:·"' ir•phlCI firm. fi rst nine .months of 1961. Air ~::;ti• 1T" u'OJ 15=1id'f1 io:B u:r. ·,·1~"f~;, '1.201.0 1H -l'llftllil • 4 aUD J4 SI + v, Barket l'••llll H" Grovo: v1ttr Gt lJ·ji 1 J arP ~'' lt"' -._ I'll e Coe!I I JM 21 7 -"' mall volume rose 7.7 percent ~mes' ,:·lf 1f-= 1M~ A11 7. ·! :c1:nuo:l•'f ·~ a:ht +I: =~ i:! fj, H ~ ll"" U" + 1\ General Energy and air upre$5 wa.s up &.2 y~· fH l·,. !:t:t :·~ ';:;; t:," ~:4.50 :J 11 +1~ ~\:"}1-~11:tl fl ml ~ltt 111\-·H S•mbols percenl. ,.:::;; 1. 11 ::...,: /;/! Ut _,.., .ill I' lit\ .,\t .... , """" ',. '" "" "" JI., t • fl '· " 0 • Fii 1rM11I I 1 :2 TMICI &I 21jg Mii t11Hud I.Ml ~ l1 ~ '' _ .. 'Z1 .. 93 J •II\ 4 4 lo In Int;: meanume, ntar10 Fulld Am I .ao 11.U !"""'" Mil 1,,, 1'11 .., Hill 1.12 1 414 "" ""' +"Ii.. ~ .lf ., '"~ ''"'• ""' -., "",..,....,,.. "' I 11;..,"' _... .. -G •' Twy1 J I II I A!rport~Stt MUM r1nc11111'111 lllll ~rt 6' """ +'°"l'~C•·f "'ri~•1• ~--•. aJDS 11an n er n I on a 1>r.irr u .... 11 . .,. Tr•v e"-,1:, 1 .1:., tt11t1.. · " &'j 1,,.. -~, 1tr.1.J • , 1111' t• "" .ioct: '"'r11;11 '"'°'"" .... "' regl.stered 1'n Jmp-"ve •ain rooP Seot · 11111or Fd 1 1 1 111 ""L• 1 • "' 2'\t .•• ,. " '•Ir ... '' J ~ "'• 1t ,... ...., • '""'~ _, Atl'G k •. Uttl ~C GI '~ ,. t11M .. .,,l.I' I"'*" 1""+.,.FeeltCl .IO 'J>iij"\•-11 • In ....... -,.-· volume. for the com s111.M1.a.'i T inc •·! .41•n11w 1.e.1 '' « 13'111 4~t l'"wt. Mlrt _ I 'µ' s1.-11 t'--1o1111n.wn 1rt \lflfftltt1~ General Entr~ Systems ,,..____....... ,..,1 Ad '"!l"~S Mut 10 •t 11 tnt $0Y1 '° •s G:" 7tVi 201' -.Foote 11t.111 2J\la 1•:; '"'+\• ~1119 1r1 r -rporatlon a .. , ton ".J.. first thr~uarter& or 1969 i'."':.l!'.l jj·» 1 .... ft H '·" 10'.ttl tftTalU .m II .... J:~ -"' I' ORI Mot t.40 ,,. 1•\~ s~· ""' -" In 1 .~ ~~r.•i. """"'"f111•• .!!!! . ""' ..---,....... :i:=.: --_,. 1 ;r.;;\l'\'l:,n ... 6' i.-F""r;" wr1 l.JOll "Ulol ··-~iM'"iilf.io Ill ~\o\ ~ 1\\-+-\t, _ "ftr " v tlld•, -Dtc::'l:' has 1grttd to a c q u t r e ~Ith a f8v1. pen."l::nt J~_ov~r ~';\ : u-•~1 t;;. 1i!l 111:n ~~":', ·~. ll 11. !I'' r.• = ~ ~"f-11" j», 11 \:ii 'I~ \'" "'\\ ~' · .;lr,:;,.;,';4•",., Twyman Engineering c.om-u1e pre OUI year. I Im! . ::v. If!! ' u~c n :.q '! ~~ -~ 1a mi l\.t l~ t . ~ .,m:: ..., I ~1 Jt, ~·.. !' ! " . . • ~'r.'tr~ D . Pany or Orin"f. crease wu due mainly to llMI ~••bOt , 11.11 V• f'1,.. id: mPS 1~ ,. tt H" ti:+ v. l'r•M.s1r,.~ JI ' tt ,. ":i~0tt1.i-t11 1Jt •I ·~ ddl" of ••-· ·'-Jin H1rlwll l'· 1 .n r: L1n 1.:111 t '! r!HNY 1 t1 I"' -111 1rMllSu'I ~ 1 . -~ • • ~ Ot •Ill -.• The Twyman firm 11 mede a uon w..--ni new eu es ~oe L .... I· 'f·n ricon-S4 !·ft ...,wMft '·'° 2>1 't •• -Ui. "~· i .~ tt .,u. u ... 1• •a 11111h1~, ... '\: - up of engineers and non-at Ontario: Air Wut in mid· H::I:. Gor 11:• 1 ::i VIK4S 5;~ I.fl ,;U :::,':,., "';l! ri u. ,,~ .:..1•4 ~'*'· ,,.. ~ S1'I ,. -"' $l=--.,:,1, ~·· d111 t!MJl!i. strucUon man1gtrs l'ng11cd In IMI, Air California in ,late ~H«Jl:,.,, 11:lf lt.I: ~::=c..-i 1:n ;:it~=... 2:'!: R ~·i:: t:~ 161" =: i"' C• 1.to .. ~ v~ .,:,-\lo ~,'7i .. ,._"6:i.:~e;, ~.1o11'i:. ,.. •. the dt1l gn and construction of 1968. and Contintntal Airlines 1 u~~ 'It ·t. Wi Ind,. :ff J:t! M• 6: '"f0 ua ~ ~ "'+ .. "'I\~ c:,~,. .. ·~ 'l;t. ',• 1~ _ ·~ .,.,,, . .=1J-f,:~~l\..."" er*'Cll Industrial plants, ind c:htmlcal In fi1ay of 111&9. ~J~ I" ~ ... ~ 10 u =~.ii-om It HI r~~1:t\rr l! I 11 fl i :-.:· ~ri..11. 1~ ~ "i; \'"~=.';~ks.-:r.,J"-=~tlrlu ... dill. -rt P-s.<ln., and th c rm• I Ontario passenger traffic '"' c,. i!Jl 'j·~ WA•ft Mu I'·' 1•.11 ~111MstPI' (' '' --"' r-.. m, ;in. • • • .,. '"l .. -s.r.. II\""" · '""'" 9 mo Ct11 . , Wtflo!" t.U j·lll SMS•11 ,1s ':i· I _..., ~-!' I t '91 -U ' t'neru systc.ms. The Urm both rose from 371,720 in J1nuary II( ., 'j w ll>d r·n ra ?.hi Mufi( I ,, I :t ~ ~~n1s.-10 .f 1'\ ,,, -I\ CW-ClllH. •lf-ltl d1v1-..,_f:I! d I I t d throu gh September of 1968 to =i"Tr'lld l~:!l U:11 w l~l~d 1 ·~6' I r:~:'l'l.~~ .~" '~ 1:a ,\i ' -.. r;.~ ft io.. ;; ;.·:: ~I·'\,:,~' •i.frlbUllM. .,_,II rltMa. ·-•mi.ii cs gnssept1rat sys ems "n 2188 I h fit I tl>datri ""'f:/{l ~1ot ,_,,,, r.11t1P l•NW '°' " -" ei...,.1,._.u. ,i. ' '-~lll'tff•nlt. --.w•111 .,.,,r••t dcs/~ns aod constructs entire .64 , OT t .e 1rs n ne 1:•5,.S.,!k 1,•t .u 1.711~ lfllj~ S:'-f~wfl .60 n lit \~ S;} !, tt ~·{~tnce.:_ 1 \~ \~~ \~ ! 'o, ..,_,,,.,~ """"" w •lldl. ,,._,.,';.· fac.il1tie'5. nionthl or tlns year. Alr Inv ~d '11' I :n WOrlll l:ti ,(4 ~~n1<VPf.m ) 11 I ,. -T~ '"" '·* 1 -~ tt~ 2~ -\\""""" dl1trlbuteo. Wl-Wtlll! lhut& """. -- \ L -,--------lliuiiii. r-sday's-tlosi~rioos--Complete-New_,..fork-Stoek-Exchange LisL-~--~-1 J1~4~-~DAll:~-~:v~Pll~ .. o~r~·====~~,,_.,~~~~NM~·~-~6.~1~'16~'~--·-- Creating F-ertile iel St orm Oasis of Drabness 0 DUGWAY, Ullh (AP) -ll 1111 ou\ lbtre alone, • llllode llllo<klrecl oull ol drabneai In -Utlh'• Ufelea --,.... ~ than 15 )'tlJ'S, Dopay Provlnl Grollnd bu been a Vf!r'J lethal plaoe. Here the Army develc>ped I h t flam<-and wted ln- cmllary bombs. Here technl- dana wort on senn 1and 1u wariare agents. Uolil March, 11111, Dugway ftm&lned In S«Urlly-lnaplred oecrecy lhal llllted I t s m~ But tlien an errant cloud of nerve ps spray pushed by a thiinderctll spilled acro511 the Dupay border and pulled the lnatallaUon out of t b e anonymity tt bad enjoyed for :ZS years. Within a rew days m-O!'e than 5,000 sheep in nearby Skull Valley were dead. CAUSE TROUBLE The accident brought In vest.lgallons, p u b 11 c ln· dignalion and congressional 8Ufgery which could !trike at the heart of the nation'1 nsearch into chemical and bloktgjcal warfare. The Pentagon is trying to gel reinstated f16 ·million In funds for cbemical a n d biological testing, amputated recently by the Senate Armed Services Committee. 1£ the funds aren't restored, the Army &aYJ it will hive to lay off many of the civilian technicians at Ougway. Whatever happens to 1he research funds, things can never be the same at Ougway. Ougway contains two small villages, one where about 2,400 worftn, · wives and children Jive, the otner where he technicians test war machines. SinCe the sheep incident, life hasn't changed much at EngUsh Village. Housewives &hqp at the commissary. Their chJldren go to school, play football and grumble at the ltick of things to do on a desert outpost. The big change is 11 miles to the west-in the technical area. Out there they still fire mortar shells and test other conventional w a r f a r e In· struments as they have ilnce 1H2. Put limply !hat ·means fin- ding the best way to use chemlcol •nd blolollcal agents designed to temporarlly diNble or eve11' kill meum oJ people. TFSr AREA Qeyond the building•. In the uninhabited test area, huge grids have been marked off, some 15 ml1es long. Some resemble glganUc foot b a 11 fields striped acros.s th e de9ert. flat and barren from the receding waters of the G~at Salt Lake thousand• of yeon qo. Samplera on Ibo .grids check the effectlYeneu ot aeritl testt of ..nerve pa, o r 1lmulanll. Dupay Provin( . Gniiiild was developed ln the wly days ot Wor1d War U when the Army needed an Isolated,. wid~a area to work on new chemJcaJ munlllons. Western Utah flt the bUI. Few ani.mab and even fewer people live there. The permanent a n I m a 1 populaUon on the ' reserve 111111 la llmlted to amaU rodentl and rabbltf, 1e1ttered about ane per square mile. TraD&Jent animals, l i t e coyolel, aotelope and llllall baadl. ol wild .bones -muslanp wboM: ancestors came fO America wJth the conquistadors -occasionally cross the testing area. PRE8SURE LARGE The static flltness of the preserve, now expanded to 850,000 acres, an· arta slightly lal'Jer !ban Rhode l!laz\d, II Interrupted only occaalonally • CHUCK ROAST Prices a re DiKOUt1f9Ci Eacapt on Foir·Trcded oncf Go'Mm1Mnt Controllltd llel& CHUCK ROAST ~.'.'.'.., ___ ,.47• l lADI 39c :i; , la. by Uf""'• rock hUla and ,ravlnet:. The Wendover bombing and gunnery range lmmediately to .the northwest prov Ides another million acreJ o f federal preserYe, and just beyond that is the famed Bon- neville Sall Flats where land speed• records are set. Dugway was re•ctlv8ted during the Korean .War and the me le orologkal and biological divisiom were ad- ded i.n..1953. Many of the men and women who work at Dupay -the name describes wheel rut.a: made by emigrants' wagons _. do so because they like it there. Civlllan crattsmeii are paid on a par with similar jobs in Utah. Tecluiiclarw are pald ac· cording to civil s er v l c e classifications, but they feel working in Utah beats other parts ·ci the country because the cost of livJng Is lower. Utah also orfers better op- portunity for recreaUon, huu- tlng and fishing, they .. ,.- And the ln.staU.Uon baa a big. impact 00 U t I b ' I economy. Tho military i• the biggest employer, hH the larges! payroU and ils employ .. blll more goods in Utah ·than any other Industry. Dugway i~If has a monthly civilian payroll of a b o u t !100,000 a military payroll of $150,000 a month and annual expendllures of about •ts milli6n. Aboul foOO ol Dupay'• employet commute fro 11 T°Ooele, 40 mlit1 to the ait.' Anol.her 5QO or IO live al miles away In the Sah Lake ..uey; 'Ibey don't d I 1 CU I I 'thetr jobs becauae much al Utt work at Dugway is classltied:-- And people ol U t a b generally suppress any fears ever· haVing an installaticii where lethal weapoo.1 are tested . Fifteen million dollars a year meana ioo much to a state wilh only a million· peo- ple. YOU PAY THE SAME. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES AT ALL LUCKY STORES IN SO. CALIFORNIA RUMP ROAST ......... .:... ••• -.... 77' ROUND STEAK ~ ............. 87' RIB ROAST t::::: 7lc T-B.ONE STEAK RIB STEAK W:hile many Supermarket Chains vary pr~ces according to competition, Lucky's prices are the same whether you live in Orange County, San Fernando Valle or wherever a Lucky Store is located * y . STEWING BEEf ~~---·-·--·"' 79' SIRLOIN STEAK ..................... 93' E·Z·CUT CUBE STEAK ...... -.•• 98' PORTERHOUSE :'.:l.'1-11 ........ 'I" LUCKY ........ , .. TlllOUIUI LB. RATH, HORMEL, SWIFT, 1AllS ........ I OllMD ... ruvot $1 11·~a9c LI. ru.vot LL ~.~.~~--~~-~~-~-'"-"" 73c ~~,!~.1.~~-~--~~~~! ... 79c •o • -"''""' CCll'lfrol/ed ond foir T,.,d. ''•• (~c•pt.M. But they've changed pro-- cedures in testing killer germs ' BACON FARMER JOHN BACON 71 c LEGO' LAMB ...................... 89' · . . •••• ............................ o.i•ra. LOIN°LAMB CHOPS ~-~"-'I'' FRYERS :t:....::,".:., ____ ,_ ....... 31' FRESH SPARE RIBS:::'.._ .... 69" ···-~J!~·~ofui-fliili:·~ ··-···: ishecf safety image. · T~NG G~ "We've been testing VX (the nerve agent responsible for the sheep deaths) for more than JO years." says Lt. Col. Dwight M. Sheldon, acting post commander. "Our aafety record is excellent.'' "We have a better safety record than most industries," says Lothar Salomon , biological division chief. "All our procedures here are more strict than most co 11 e g e laboratories." Operations ch t e f Mel Bushnell add.I: "In 19 years there buo't be~n one off-post exposure to biological agents. There have been no fatalilies on post." All tesling, says Bushnell, now Is done according to recommendaticns and restric- tions set down by an ad hoc committee formed to in· vestigate the sheep Incident and safety procedures at Dugway. · Procedures for aerial nerve gas tests are more stringent, he says, and aerial testing of germ agents has been stopped. "In recent history all aerial tests (of germs) are done with aimulanll," says Salomon. .. All testing of pathogens is restricted to the laboratory .'' Pathogens, ln layman's talk, are germs. Recent history, to D r . Salomoo, started ln March, 1968. New radar equipment has been added to the . meteorological branch, already blessed with some of the most sophisticated weather detecting d e v 1 c e s around. -QllJ!FP·ROUD- Paul Carlson, division head, II proud of tile equipmen t and claims the problem before wun'l knowing too llUle about weather or nerve gas. "We juJt didn't know enough about sheep," he says. The head of the chemical divfsion, Kenneth Brauner, says sheep have been added to the '.list of test animals. And the lnsta.llation has slarled tests ·to determine the 1ong-nnae ruu.11.a of contaminated rang~ -n.. t«ftnlcll aru contain• non<tMrlpl frame and block bulldlnp ftlll ol sophisticated equl-t, computm and other pdfell dealgned to tes~ track and man1tor war tools. Many docn are cloeed ta outa:lden; many qutstlons are not ..... ....a. For Instance, Clrlton gayg one iuncUon ol bis branch Is ''appUtd rt1e1rch for P">" duc:Uon t-echn l,ue1 for dtfenslve and o f e n 1 I v e drploymenl al CBW l)'lttllll." 2!E'!,~~:~~~~ 35c·-R11i i.AMB (HOP$·=:.~ .. ::;;,1r.,···· clff~iii•rRYEllS ~ ...... ::: ... 35•·-CROSSRIB"ROAST ~::~.i.Tr GERBER'S BABY FOOD lll~. 9' GERBER'S COOKIES ::: • ...._ .. 23' JUNIOR FOOD ll:~~~~ .......... 12' MAXWELL HOUSE COFfEE '"•""·-------13' ll:~.--1" :::~ 1" YUBAN l:':rw ... -77' Yu.AN "'"' 1" n OLCU,_._ YU.AN '""'''"''" 1" IOL IU .... _ LIPTON :"'..l'.!.~----1" CRANBERRY SAUa ::':~1:~~-25' FRUIT COCKTAIL =~~---.38' ... kl(B.jt--. YDROX COOKIES SUNSHINE 2:1-0LPlG. 59c HARVEST DAY PEARS .,,.,...._33• MOTT'S APPLESAUCE uoLtu •• 36' GLORlm A PEACHES l\':".'.t.._.27' DOLE PINEAPPLE ::::i.w .. --.25' MOTI'S APPLE JUICE .,,.,,._37• PRUNE JUla ::'~--··--···--·· 59• BAKED BEANS =~~ .. 30' ... kl(B.ji-.... RINCEllA YAMS GOLDEN 29-0Z. CAN 27c HARVEST DAY CORN ::':"w-17' GREEN GIANT PEAS 110•"'·-22' GREEN BEANS ::'.~-~---2~· LIBBY SAUERKRAUT UOLWl.-20' PILLSBURY'POTATOES =:._55• HUNT'S TOMATOES """-"'-22' CHILI BEANS :::j'.'!.~-------17' TOMATO JUICE l.":~'u~ .... ---··33' DEVILED HAM :~":~~~--·--47' LIBBY CORNED BEEF uor.w._.59' STAR KIST TUNA :l:~w-.32' WISHBONE DRESSING ~:l'.~n... .. 36' LUCKY MAYONNAISE .,,,.. .... __ 47• Our LOW EYcl)day Price! MINCE MEAT NONESUCH 21-0Z.JAI 53c (~ tDW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES e BEAU TY AIDS BRECK SHAMPOO rr,!l!!_!!l.!1 1 .. , •• tt·np11r,.., • •11 """'" ·--illalll li&a. I u ou11C11111"""""" 49c 1.01111C1 srn ••••••••••• 86c : . $147 ti OlllCI SID••••••"•• · BRECK CREME RINSE flt ult ...... 1111( .__ .,lr-41'&. C1~1til1 ,_ '* d nM n-. FOR BLONDES,REGUlAR and WITH BODY 79c a.o1.11ma. '""~ REGUW lilNSE :?R .. !~~!.... $1 3' lh""11 EXCEDRIN TABLETS flt' rt81I If tilts. hfr IClllS. JllU ... hlhcks. httlt 11 11 ""'"' 66c DUI UW MIYDAY PllCE KING SID TUii VOTH OOTl:IPASTE · lllll UW•-PllC! 12c f"El"'i9!·"09!j!l~::=il-~ GARLIC SPREAD ~---·--.:.33• DEL MONTE PICKW :r::~: .. 47' CHB Dill PICKLES '!"·'"·--·······37' PlmD OLIVES ::::a·~r:.~~-~43' ---K.t B.tt-....... IENNA SAUSAGE SWIFT'S 4-01. CAN 26c ~I~ • CREAM PIES l:t.W....:. .. : ....... _.27' •fl IITT. l&IAllA. CllOC'OUTI. LUIOll C'O<OHT BANQUET DINNERS .,.,.._ ___ ,37• BAGGED STEAKS :::L~~•-........ 89' BEEF STEW :-::,::. ............. _ .• ...35' SHRIMP NIWBERG W.:.':::'.'-.92' FISHSTICKS ::':1':' .. _ ....... -65' BREADED SHRIMP l':r~--13' BANQUET SUPPERS noun ...... I" aurnr ·MKD -•IU&YT, CMCllll a DllMPUOS SLICED TURKEY :::r'~.:~.~"!'..'.1" ROSARITA DINNERS ;o;r.'.':.._44• lllfOI mlll l.c:.& •fM, C...TIOlf PU ft tNCHILADASl:a':l:."°oi::'.".~40' CHEESE PIE l:0:\: ................ -65' STEW VEGETABLES :.-w.:r ...... 49' ORE IDA POTATOES t~.::.'.~28' ONION RINGS l':r~-39' ORANGE JUICE :':..~ ............. 27• • . ·klftkt!.--. HUNT'S CATSUP SAVORY 29C 20-0Z. BOTTLE tt!'..:.1Jllml_" ..... ·~~ SHELLED WALNUTS ~~..__agc JIFFY POP CORN~~~:..._27• NESnEs· QUIK ""'w .. ~---47' SPRECKELS SUGAR::::":::~_54• BEAN S.PROUTS ~c":.. 19' PINTO BEANS=~ 31' LONG GRAIN Rta ::0-~"'-··-··41 ' Our LOW Evcl)dayPrice! TOMATO SAUCE HARVEST DAY 15-0LCAN 14c LUCKY SALAD OIL .. u.om.-69' SANITARY NAPKINS=..:.. .. _ 77' CHIFFON MARGARINE ".._..._42• VETS DOG FOOD "'"'""·-·-8' KAL KAN DOG FOOD \':",,_,.. _ _25• GAINES DOG MEAL ""-,..-1" PURINA CAT FOOD :~":'.w.-16• JONNY CAT l:l..U: __ ,,,,,_,_57• ' Our LOW EYCT)day Pricc! CIGARITTES KING SIZl 10 PACK CTN. $3~' f"'-.\i -----.,~ DASH DETERGENT ..,.._.,_ J" WHITE KING "D" ='=---68• WHITE KING SOAP=°".3.'~73' WATtR SOFTENER :':::.!...... 1" DRAIN OPENER ::'i:.~---15' GOODWIN.AMMONIA •••"'-·· 27' DUPONT SPONGES .............. _35'. AU STORES QOSED VETERANS' DAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th SHOP EARLYI IVORY SOAP FLAKES .. ez.w-82" SALVO PELLETS::= 74• CHEER DETERGENT,...__ a2e DREFTDmRGENT ..... ,.. 82" TOP JOB DETERGENTio=m-66• SAFEGUARD SOAP ""'"' .20" . ···k'.t!kt/.-- PERFORMSTARCH SPRAY 22-0Z. CAii 39c ~DICllB.IHlllll SUNSHINE CRACKERS:::.',.._35• PACIFIC CRACKERS:r:.'.... 38• BREAD """'"''....,__ 3 .. nm:t1WMAJMOl.lOAf •••• _ ol- ROLLS ~,.:a!.~.~-~~~-33· GINGERBREAD MIX ::ll~~37" DUNCAN HINES MIX :::, • ..._35• BETTY CROCKER MIX :l'.~-.27.• CORN BREAD MIX m:_ .... _25•_ U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS GLADLY ACCEPTED Bananas , .. ..::""I I c ., .. ':.T u. Ttl11 Ml" Jll .... Nt ....... ""i* a.~"'"· nrr .,, cklf.1, stlHIM llm ••• ,.. tiMJ n fbUlll: """ •.. """" .., ••• UJ. 110. l IUSSlT POTATOES 10 '¥!1 39c 7 VO ] A •PF ol c d•l enri 1 in I spe "':i l l ' • l r ( I 1 ... _ ·, \ VOC. 62, NO. 266, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ' '. • By TOM jlARLEY Of ~.pelly •1 .. 1 Steff An Orange County Jtarbor District that · appeared to be fioundering on the brink of dissolution is,going full speed ~ad t ()o day with a ntWly charted route that may end with its expansion and re-naming. Tha bele11ueredidistrict got a 4-t shot in the arm Tuesday fro11) Orarige Cobnty sperv1sors following · the bearing 'of argwnents that have plagued it for the . . . .:;, ... . pall two·yur•·-theJclaim ~its fuhc- tions ~d jU&t Is well be performed · by CQUnty .a:ovemni~(, lhe ~'iWeruon tha,t it St:rVes only ~ · i;ounty rl,!s.iden~s of coastal areas apd Uje argument, I.bat It , fftlltrates streamlining or county govern· ment by Its existence .as a separate tax· lng-logency.· . ' • 1t. ~ its stron,est support · from a supervi80r represen\ine'an iftlJnd'divisJon -• ltobert Battia of tbt ~Slot.a Ana-ce,n- tmd •Finl Diltriot.t • j ' .' '. . .. ORANGE coum. CALIFORNIA • • THURSDAY, NQ~BER'. 6,' .1.69 ~· May Get N~w .-:Name, . . ~ ..,. ... .... -. Battin lashed ~ arguments of pro- di~oluUon speakers -particularly the Orange County chapter of the Calllornia League or Cities-as "subterfuge, mask· ing the real reason for. their desire to kill the Harbor District. "It doesn't seem to ha ve occurred to anyone to ask why we have had this sud· den recent attack on. a district that has existed since 1934 and which had never been challenged before this action by the League ol Cities," Battin said. < • ' "' • • J I ~ ' Battin 1Ubmitted that 'a 4'penonatltY ~er ~ betwetn.,the couDty and ill clash between (Clly Adtnlnlalralor) ·' dlle;, lo Ulla pmenM1earing." Doyle Miller .o/ l!unllqlon-S..:~ anti. Battin "'Jed<d lhe Le•IU•'• suUfftlon Kennelh Sampoon (Horbor llillrld dine· . tor) is one or the reel teUODI behind thil that the cUaeoluUaa, IS!Ue be put t.o,, aUempt lo tlll lhe 41Jtrk:(. · · • coupty.w/de vote 11 "l!>e euy V(ay out" "It all goe1 back,'" he said, 4'tora time for the .:ipervlaor,. when Huntington Beach wanted to pro-"Why were we elected!" he a!iked. vlde a poUce , force for t~ Hwiu,ngton "Beµuse th,e public J>l;ltl in office Uae it Harbour arta and also wanted the county believes to have supttt'or knowledge, ex· to· ply for ll It didn't get its way and so perience ·and eduCation and it also -ex- we have: -this long, devious path. this pects thOSe ·elected 1>ffldals to make · • ' .. '• TEN· CENTS I ' ·nu ties declllons -like tbe oni'we have before us .today.'' .He • also challenged as "mllleading" fla:ure5 submitted to the bOlrd by 'Hun· tinitoo Beach Mayor Jack Green. du'· ~nUy president of the Leaiue of Cities chapter. •·· · Green argued in a long statement to the board that JS of the aiunty'a 25 cities had indicated to Lei&ue sufveyon. that they¥ woUtd prefer • ~198Qlution of the. (See HARBOR, Pip'll --. ' • .. Arab Vows l;lorizon Lit by Fire From Wire Services CAIRO -.President Gamal Abdel Nasser vowed today to tum the Middle East into a "sea of blood and a.. horizon blazing with fire" in a drive to liberate Paielitine fi'om Israeli control. Speaking only hours after two separate commando raids 'against Israel in the Sinai, Nasser told the Egyptian parlia- ment . the Arabs had no choice but to liberate Palestine by means of violence and force. Nasser said Egypt had tried to im· plement ·the U.N. Security Council resolu· lion on ending the Middle East war, but that it and the big four powers had failed to find a solution. "The definite conclusion ·we ·must lake from thls, is that there is no longer a·way out of our present situation excepl by forging a road towards our objective violently and by force, over a tea of blood and ~r a~ b-'wiUl'llre," Nuaer iaid .• / · \t 7 :"" :The··~&YPUan .feader ~a.m•ki~g his Hf'l•~··..,..i.. Ja·W~· He has been 1repqrleil Ul wllli' the nu ainoe and from aircraft that .carry the Star of David." The· Egyptian President said Russia was Egypt's friend and the United States w'aS "adopting the &land of an enemy." "The arms of the Soviet UnJon are in our hands," Nasse r aa·Jd. !'The arms of the USA are in Israel's hands." Egypt said It sent commandos across the canal in two raids and that they killed "all" the troops in two JsraeH' -:mored columns. l!rael u.id five men were woun. ded 'and sent its air force into actloo in a retaliatory raid. Cairo said one I.sraeij plane was sld down and aootber dam"ag~. The Israeli announcement" said, an Israeli planes returned safely to Dase. In another con· flicUM re:port Israel . said five Il!rae:U 90ldiers were ·wOunded lad none killed in lhe lwo EgypllB!! oommando allaclm, lbe 5e<oOO and lhlnf In bro days. DAILi°PILOT ....i. M' .ldlwc ~ NEWPORl FIREMAN JIM BROOKS DOUSES LAST, EMBER QF BALBOA ISLAND GARAGE BLAZE The Floor Felt Hot, Seid O. ...... ter, Th.n~F.•ther Heerd the Fir• •nd Mother Smelled Smoke the second wee1 in Septenifier. . ·He called for-.an-Arib ... aummil-cmh_ fe rence to discuss the MJ(leaat problem, declaring lhc sltua4on, U far as EaYPt ii concerned, is "to be, or not to be." Midnight Blaze Sweeps Garage . ' On Bal Island A midnight rire swept through a Balboa Islind garage early today destroying a nearly. new car and a speedboat and. causing at Jeast,$20,000 in total damage. The blaze at 11014 -Agate Avenue · broke out shortly after midnight,· firemen sa~. By the time three trucks and a rescue unit arrived at the scene, Robert \\'achtler's garage Was totally in names. Firemen quickly · extinguished the blaze, but not in time to save Wachtler's 1968 Thunderbird and an expensive, 11- foot speedboat. The rest or the contents of the garage were also destroyed, except for a Volkswagen. It had several hundred dollars worth of charring, firemen said, but could be repaired. Firemen said spread of the blaze to the rest or t.he hou se was blocked by a fire· door in the garage. A bedroom abOve the garage could have caught fire hcid firemen arrived a short time later lha"n they did, according to fire fighters. Eastbluf f School Not Easthluff? Surprise. The new Easlbluff e.lemen· l.iV)' scho0l. being built for next Sept.em· ber is not called EastbJuff Elementary School. Anyway the nanle hasn't officially been g:lven lo the school yet. lt almost was by NewPort·Mesa '5chool trµstees this week but then board Jl'lfm- ber Selim "Bud" Franklin suggested the pubtlc be given an opportunity to voice objections or suggest another name. Naming of the school was tabled until the next school board meeting at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Costa ?i-1esa High School Lyceum. Site grading for -Utc.$1.1 mil1ion schQol at Visla del Oro and Vista del Sol began two months ago. Work on the 'fOundaUon hts followed. tn the past. elementary schools Jn New· port Beach ~·ere named after areas and in Colla P.fcsa after streets. Board mem· l)ers of the now unified School -district ''ondercd for a moment if they should establish a policy. "We haven 't had a new !Chool to name in a long lime," noted ~trs. Marian Bergeson. The board decided against ad opting a policy, lnvlng the choice ol names wide opeo. l Dover Slwres Opposing Any Nor~h Star Beach sl.:lted earlier this fall. Israel is fighting with its back to lhe sea, while Egypt had spent 500 millioo EJgyplian pouods in three ye a r s r~builcting ill army, and could now put 500,000 men in the field, he said. Ht ~gain denoul)Ced the United States on charges or supporting Israel. Na!Set said that "U.S. mililarists" are fighti ng agalnst Egypl "from behind 11Jn1 DAILY flll.OT St.If,_. Dover Shores resident! this week are cOllectlnl 1ipatu~1 "on ~th.ions op. posir."'g development of North Slar Beach . "We're trying to d e v e 1 o p a neighborhood beach for use by the residents there. Ra inf all Brings Traf fie Snarls, Fender Benders WITH MILLION~ 'l'ROIEN, SHE NEEDS COLD CASH Corona "d1t Mir's Mr.s. Isabel. C?eth The petitipne.rs clalm the small, yet-un· tou<ihed st.retCb of 1sand on Uie west side ol the Upper Bay should remain as it is. Its. Unprovement as a -city public beach would caust•neighborhood .problems with patking,ary:l .crpwds,.they say. "We don 't have plans for an elaborate area with. expensive improvements. That would attract outside crowds and create . tbe problems. The whole idea is still very Poor Ri~h Girl preliminary," he said. The group also protests the absence of Today's heavy rain produced a crop of t~affic accidentS and kept the California Highway Patrol and , police in several Orange County cities on constant traffic investigation duty until. mid-morn ing. CdM Heiress Faces Welfare Rofls ' plan.!! for parting lotr, sanitary facilities, . police and li!eguard protection. Rainy Season Bows on Coast "We haven't been as busy as this in a By JOHN VAL TERZA Of· flll Dfllr Pllll ltlff long time,'' a CHP officer commented. Poor little rich girl. ••we've been running from one. accident That description mi11ht well apply to Plans', for · the beach are still in preliminary stages and the idea is "going through the standard channels or ap- proval," says city Parks Director Cal Stewart. We lcome to the rainy season Southern California. to another until about 10 a.m. when Corona de! Mar divorcee Mrs. Isabel in Oeth. thin11s began to slacken off." She ls 30, the molher of an ll·)'ear'<lld ~ ~ach is on county tidelands in Up. per· Newport Bay and county approval for Us te'mporary use as a neighborhood fa cili\y wip be sought, he said. One communication -the first, he -says, dealing with the beach protests - reached his office this week. . Dover Shores area resident Theodore Erb a:sked Stewart to comment on the statements on ~e petition protesting the beach improvement . Erb said he had been asked to sign the petition,, but Wqt,ed to hear the city's side of the Issue before he dtd IQ. StcWart said hls reply wbtild be one It arrived o!ficlally along the Orange eo..si early this monling and, acCordlng to weather forecasters,' wJll be with us al least through Saturday. A cool weather front off the Gulf of Alask a was reported responsible for the drittles which dampened the coastal area today. Forecasters predicted the light rain would conUnue tonight, turning to scattered showers Friday and probably Saturday. Gusty winds will accompany the precipitation while snow levels in the mountains will be at ~.ooo feet tonight, descending to 7,000 feet on Friday. Get That Tru~k 'Number 49, Wlier,e Are . You?' · With one e-iceptJon -the crasll al daughter, can'f work because of a rare, Newport Freew8y and M a c A rt h~ r crippling hip disease and Is heiress ·to '8 Boulevard -accident.s investigated by fortune which bank statements show is the CHP were described as the "minor worth at least $3.5 million. fender bender variety with only cuts and But to make ends met, she says, she will proabaly have to go on wi lfare .. bruises suffered by th ose injured." . And all the while the millloos in cash Santa' Ana police had the same report lie frozen in an escrow account at Union to offer -many minor accidents, some Bank because of leni:thy and sometim~ caused by stalled cars, but no serloUs bitter family disputes which have been mishaps and no injUries 1 ' w o r t h fought In three superior courta in • Los reporting." Angeles. It was the same story in Orange where Because of the court battles , no one is police had to go to the aid of motorists able to touch the money now, and to stranded by deep water in several areas. make milters worse, income tax pro- But there were no major accidents and blims have cropped up, too. no injuries reported. The fortune is one lefl In trust to ?.trs. Anaheim police were called to more Oeth's mother by the late Dr. Gergor lo than 20 rain-connected accidents but de Del ·Amo. milrlonaire developer of the r_eported "nothing major and the rain and Los Angeles Harbor area. the traffic congestion has just about It Was , 5,000 shar\!S 1n Del Amo cleared up now." Corporation·stoc:k which was comerted to Rush hoor traffic produced a cash apd oow is valued at '3.5 mllllon. bottleneck near Anlhe!m Stadium when In 1•. lhe money held ln Crust 'IJiS l!le an overflowing culvert delayed work· subj ect of a Superior Court suit In which '1 bound motorists but the situation was ti·trs. Oeth Contended that some of the N1Unber 49 out of San Diego smashed The driver of the olive-<lrab garba11e ·!fed ftl · ·d money should ·go ID.. her 'and 'her lntu a IAIWla Beach man's car in wagl'n, he said , was "obviously drunk." soon rect 1 ' 0 ceri sai ·· grandmother. , Newpart Beach this morning. The initial crash betwecr. the behemoth Fullerton, Slanton, Bue~• pa! k • Judge Dooald Praeger· ruled . against -But-it-wasn't-a-train'"O"T"Tor--even-an~r~ -and~llartwell '1. car coccun:cd.-on F1ciflc--i';:ientn'1:!~~:.., Tustin ,.~,..o~l llda7" 1 ,_< .-'-!l'"h•'!l"'.~"'l"C.~·1 ptM.apd, tfi'~de~Pl~ \Ml~~~ the rant football pla~r. Coast Highway at Cameo Shores. It was ther let a wet, ""--' ~w in JnoOey to n;, a a ason ilrri ' It was a garbage truck. minor. wea P ure s ~1 1 -11:1-ings Mr.~ Oeth's n'IOU'ler The. lumb!rlng r\i wltll .A11 apP.an::n,tly Then Hartwell gave chase to the fleejnt ~ case o~motorlsts .who 1'ft'e late fpr ,µt 1*a;~ of f~ Htl&iU!)n ."':""' ari drunken drtver at the wheel and 4'Help ·machfiie. 1 1· W?fk" due tralftc_cOneeStkln . ._ Pl:l\tt •Pi;>N1 tiy Mrs., Oeth 1w1tdng ·schedullnl Keep San ~ego Clean'' on i tJ side led the "l chased the dumb guy all over ' win.dy, in a District Court Of Appeals t... the Laguna man OR a long,. po&t·accldent Corona del. Mar, up Mac Art h n r mOneY 'was froztn 11.0lld. chase through wet streets of Newport BoUl('vard. th en down JambQree toward s~~elc M.ket•• . ' . Only -the :mterest1 ll draw! .can be Beach. CO&st H.ighway then I lost him," he sa\d. dl~sed. · 1 Then it disappeared. The truck, \lfhlch had no 11cense plates, • NEW YORK ("Pl ...,. AdvanceJ ,dr.wl in an/ out-of-couH setllement, ftfrsl ~telvin C. Hartweel of 3043 Mountain wa$ marked only wltn the slogan on one al)reast of decllnts in, mode.rate tradtn1 M3son r.l3 il au, satdMn. Otlh's lawytr View Drive, walked into the Newpart si{IB and Number 49 on the back. this afternoon as a ilU,uls~ 'stock mar· Ard~.G•ry o( LOI Anaelts. ' pollct department this morning 1t 8:30 to And as of latest reports t.odaf, Number tel continued to mai'lt ti.me. .(~t qQOla-'· 1'tiat amount, he said JI flift.~ a year. report !he hll-run and en&ulng chase. · 41 oul of San Diego was still a luge. u...; P11ea IW.'I). ' · • And ·lhl money hu been paid out for !he ., ' ,, . . past five years. It is that swn -the afUJual interest ))llyment -which attracted t be revenooers. It has· placed liens on that money because. according to revenu e agents in. Riverside, no one has paid the tax oo the annual plum for the past two year&. . The IRS alleges that-'104,800 is owed by Mrs. Oelh'&molber ~Palm Springs. To press ,1bl --paint,· the federal agency has {ri>zen ,b .enly tocome Mrs. Oetb and her grandmother receive -monthly allotments of U for the disabled Mrs. Oeth and $285 for the aged grandmother. With the money cut ofl, grandma, Mr1. (See RICH Glf!L, Plge ZI ' Orange Ceaaa Weedtfll' Keep U.... falncoall on, folks. as there's ' more ~pltatlon on the way, incrtaaing Friday and probably continuing over the week· end. Coastal temperaturea: are down in the mid-60's. INSWE TODAY Ssparated at birth, twin.t identital in qll re1pec~-found I.Jach other ot 091 ..24 and v~no the11'U niver be parte a n .. Pf}Qe 16.· • ~· ... ' ' t: 2 DAILY PO.OT • ·=Big Canyon ·.Project Goe s ' ·To €onlieil The first In will! promise> to be • IOlll series of pubii< bearillp and city actions on the Irvine Company's huge Big Can· yon planned comm~nlty will come before Newport Beach planning commissiooer toniJbt. ., The bearing on the pneral land use map for the private, 5,000-population community near Newport Center is listed ·at the end of the commission's advance q-enda. The meeting st.arts al 7:30 p.m. · City planning aides said today they ex· pect tori.l&bt's hearlngs to continue through Ille Dtll plannini commi"1oD meeting because of the scope of tbe developmenl. OAIL Y PILOT Iliff , ..... Huntington Gefs Big Hash Haul By TERRY COVILLE Of n.. PlllY l'lltt Sl•ff The largest seliure or hashish in Southerii California history -20 pounds of it -was made WedneJday night In Huntington Beach by narcotics officers from Downey, Long Beach, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and local police. Five men were arrested on charges of sale and possession of narcotics at 9351 Tahiti Circle, Huntington Beach. Police claim they reeovered the hashish, five pounds of marijuana, 95 LSD tablets, a quart.er ounce of heroin, 400 seconal tablets and four marijuana plants grow'· ing in the rear yard. coming to the Pol party!" acconlinll to Long Beach narcotics officers. 0 We went to 57*> Campo Wallt In Long Buch," Aid Long Beach Police Lt. Jim Miller, "in the course of trying to buy huhlsh thue we were told that the 'real actJan' wu ln Hun!lf!gt.on Beach, so wlthoof t•llin& who Y•e were we left." * * * Youth Hehl Members of the city'o Parks, Beachel and RecreaUon Commission took action on proposals for the goll-coune-orlented development last Tuesday approving ~ posais to build four acre.5 of parks in the A GRIM WRECK SCENE ~ .. CAR.Y.lllSUS.J!OLE...THLS MORNING ON NEWPORT FREEWAY Smeoth Tl,.1 anti Wot Strffh Add Up to 'S..lcldo' Says CHP Offlcor . Total market value of the illicit narcotics was erUmated at $100,000 by Los Angeles sheriff's deputies. For Drugs Hangs Self - ~~~~~~~~~~~ community .. CommWioners agreed that four acres . of city parks along with other private recreation facillUes would be 1Ufficlent. Fro1ia Page 1 . RICH GIRL • ~ . Two Women in Collision Arrested in the huge hashish roundup In an affluent residenUal section of southeast Huntington Beach were Elder Lon Hocker, 28, of the Tahiti Circle ad· dress; Michael R. Gray, 20, .of Santa Ana; John A. Thomu. 21, and Tommie Mike Thomas, 20, !Jol.h of Long Beach, and Phillip Horton, 19, of Bellflower. An apparently dnJ&ged saddltback High School stude~t hanged htm.elr Wednesday while bejng held far ~ . vestigation in the Santa Ana police bud· quarters. The large, private ~mmunlty !!iimllar In theory to Laguna Beach's Emerald Loulaa Marlin or · Santa ~Monica, Is Bay, will be bounded by MacArthur already on the welfare rolls. Boulevard, Ford Road , San Joaquin Hills And t.frs. Oelh will soon go on them, Road and Jamboree Road. A 2'i·hole golf course will fonn an in-too, unless the money starts again, she OnFreeway"F ace Surgery Eight men and two women were later arrested in Long Beach on charges of ~sesslni: a pound and a half of ha.!!hish, presumably from Hocker's home, saJd sherUf's deputies. None of the Long JSeach arreats involved Orange County residenl..s. · Officers said they left Raymond Ttr· rence Dunphy, 17, of 1225 Ca rlton Place, Sant~ Ana, in the juvenile waiUng room "until we could get around to fillin& tn the booking forms." . tegral part of the deveolpmenL • aaid. Two Tustin women were seriously in- Preliminary planning maps indicate Both those allotments were awarded by jurcd this momiq' when their southbound . residential •reas with a center cloister of Superior Court judges in Los Angeles in :single-family residences surrOunded by separate legal actions. the links. Entwined among the fairways of the Both the actions, lawyer GiJla:ery said, COW'Se will be cluster developmenta. were contested by Mn. Otth's mother. Apartment-type residences wm form From a couch In her modest Jasmine the perimeter of the 160-acrt &Olf cour1t. Avenue apartment Mrs. Oeth steadfuUy Private streets and a private entrance declared that greed isn't the motivation are planned, according to Irvine Com· behind the court actions. · .pany spokesmen. "First of all, I think that some of the When the general land we map wins fWlda are righUully mine and grandma'11. accord from comm!Sliontrs, t h e ''Neither of us wants a fortune, we just developer will file specific zoning maps feel that we are entitled to living ex· for hearings and commi&!ion COD· penses because we are both disabled. 1ideration. "And what is happening now is that The Irvine Company already has be;un both of us are being threatened by the grading for the golf coune under an JRS to pay taxes which we don't owe. lily agreement with city, councilmen, even mother owes those taxes. She should pay thouaJ> specifics ol the entln develop-them." rnent are still unapprcived. .. IRS revenooen are reluctant to talk To hasten constructlon and seeding of about the case. the links, the company reported, •rly -E. E. Walde, colledJona agent for tht earth-moving work would need to · ltafi: IRS Riverside office said it has no case car skidded on the rain·slicked Newport Freeway near Mac.Art.bur Boulevard and wrapped ltaell around a lamp standard. Both were taken to COila Mesa lllemorial Hospital whtre they were reported to be In serious condlUon and awaiting IUl'lery for mulUple injuries. Their car was written off as a total Joss. A hospital spokesman said Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, of 15532 S. B St., suf· fered multiple fractures a n d un- determined spinal and hip Injuries. Granite lmmtdlately. against Mrs. Oeth, but against. her ,Counclimen ._d.. ' . ol mother. By JEROME F. COLLINS .\'1 tttwill; lmbeal«U<nled UiOD1 -~-~ y_lf.dl; ---·-·-·~!CNF--0111e ·ls..wlth. ~fra.--Mason-.and_.no__ .... ·····-······ o1 . .., o.11r Pl"1.""'· ·--earth mov to orm -coune. one else and we have put liens on the • 1, • • -1 froztn money. The sand nawers will remam, but the Tate Case Fi~~ Found by rolice LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The maid who dilcovtred the bodies of actnu Sharon Tate and four other victiml of a mus murder hu been located after diuppwina: 17 days 1101 police reported today. Winifred Chapman, 55, waa reported miulng Oct. 10 but a police 11pokeaman saJd lht wu fowld alive and well at an undilcloeed location in S o u th e r n California Wednesday night. The spokesman declined to say where the "''oman was or how she was found. f\trs. Chapthan told officers whe wanted only to be left alone and did not want any more publicity about her part in the discovery of the bodies. "ACtualW, opt ·of it hu been ~doff. rock haulers are about to leave West --O!>JY-a-lfliia .iljt-ll-lefl-owlJ>g-......about.-Newport!1-beacllftontmilioii baWefleld. 1104,000," he Aid. A 1· Id of -' · and I ' Th li he dmitted · '""t "· . le :tiX &raJUte stet gl'OIOS, e ens, a , m1a-i• , .. ve d . ed to Ir ,_ , h"t' d caused· the cut.Ung off of the suballtence es1gn ap .,,e area s 1 " mg 1an s, payment.I to the two women. is only a week from completion, city Mra. Oeth baa asked for help from Rep. Tidelands Administrator George Dawes James B. Utt Iii the matter. . reported today. He bu qreed to intervene and give 1t Th 'ett Ilk lruct k I to personal ittention. e J Y· e s urea po e ou Meanwhile,· attempts to contact 1'-1rs. sea from 56tb, ~2nd. 48th, 44th, 40th and Ma!OO In Palm Springs proved futile. · 36lh Streets. "I can't reach htr/' Mra. Oelh said. Two (at 44tb and 40lh Streel..s) .are Marshall trying to. 1erve a document . for the next court bout can't either, they made of Btetl. They were built In 1~7. ·said in Palm Sprlrigs. The oth!rs are constructed of giant Attempt& to contact Mr1. Mason's at-boulders, hauled in from quarries and torney, Wixon Stevens, of Los Angeles, mountain road building sites in ruverside proved fru itless. Coiinty. work on them began last June. . •• And µie Orang~ County weUare The $630,000 project, financed by the rolls might soon contain the ~ame of a U.S. Army Corps o( Engineers, was woman ~n crulche~ ~ho .has hved for 30 delayed 47 days by lhe constroction strike years with $3.5 m1lhon JUSt beyond her la~t summer. reach. It resumed in early September. L. S. Hawley and Company of lrwiD-" Fron• Page I dale, job contractor, has finishtd piling and pushing thousands or tons of boulders at all the rock groin sites, excluding 36th Street. That ta1k should be finished a week from Friday, said Dawes. HARBOR DI STRICT ... district or an election to determine its fate. The North Vietnamese spokesman ~aid the agreement for secret talks was made at the first private meeting be- tween U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and Thuy on March 6. 111ore than 64-0,000 county residents. Op- posed. he said, were five communities - Costa l!Iesa, Newport Beach, Seal Beach, La Palma and Garden Grove -totalling just under 285,000 residenl..s. Hawley workers during the next week will also make Borne repairs on the two steel groins, some of whose plates have become unbolted In recent months. , Statistics prepared by Green indicated ·that the response reflected the desires of Three cities, the League survey claims, have taken no stand on the Issue. Laguna Beach, Orange and Anaheim represent 245,300 county residents, according to the Dawes explained that the Corps of En- ginem: decided to make the switch from steel to rock groins for three reasons. ···No maintenance Is Involved in the rock groins, they're more durable than steel and certainly more aesthetic," he said. • . , •• • 1' •' DAil Y PllOT MANOI ('Ool.n N it llttfW COM_..urr 1t•Mrl N, W•ff ---J•ell I . C1rl•'f Viet ,,_.,_. .... 0...• .._.,, T••-• IC1nil .... n., .... , A. "'"''"'"• ~r.iw . J,,..., F. C.lli11t --(ll"r E•lltr ---1111 W"t ltllio•• ki!l..,•ttl M•1"111 M*tMi P.O. h • 1 •11. t ZWJ, -- Green dossier. .. Speaking just for my own district." Rattin said, "I know that two cities belh:ve they made a mistake when they y;er.t on retord as favoring dissolution. And in another city three councilmen Jiave betn replaced and we might get an e.nl\rely different reacUon t.o this pro- po.1al today." Ballin argued. that "many cities ha,·e not been given the true picture of the overall situitlon and we .should not ac- cept these figures at their race value." Battin got 4 to I backing for his arguments and he Immediately advanced a suggestion that had been earllefoffered to the board by Carl Kymla of Newport Beach, representing the Orange County Coast. Association. Ky'rnla ru~sted. and Battin used the wording in his resolution, that the Orange County Harbor District be renamed the Ora111e County Recreation , Parks and Harbors District. County counsel Adrian Xu,yper was named chairman of a com· mittee which will rtpor\ back to the DAIL" •11.ot. w1111 •ICJI • ..,...--;:---60anri pu iCmeeUn,-NOV:-U. - - ~ .. ~~,:-~._:: Battin supporltd Kymla's arguinent c.... ~· ""°"' .............. that the name cba111e would htlp to cor· =:..::.,,..,.. 0.::....,c..,.._,:"..,."': reel the "erfontous impre1slon" that the ::::"' ="\.~:': -;:.::_ '::, W: district'• actJvitles and tn~sts only ~ .... """'· CM .... benented ruktentl of the coinal arta. He said eventually the COrps hopes to cover up the steeJ structures wilh gran- ite, so the field will have a uniform ap- pearance. The groins stretch out to aea for dis- tances ranging from 570 feel (56th Street) to 190 feet (44th Street). About one-third of each groin will be covered up by saM now being hauled in from the Santa Ana River. The sand hauling project -on another contract -is expected lo continue. through mid-December. TrUck!I are now carting material to the beach from the river on both day and night shifbl . The night shHt began Wednesday. But spreading equipment broke down, forc- ing a halt at 7 p.m. Tonlaht. the after· dusk lhift will reaume, luting until 2 a.m. That schedule will be maintained week days until tJ\e job Is finished, said Dawes • He noted that a total of 800,000 cubic yard! or material will be brought in from the river and sprud on the beach. "We expect the groins will Impound about 865.000 yards \If tblt. The rtst wilt just erode *'jAY·" Harbor Boys Club Sets Holiday Hours r \ :• u 1n41 .Uo4m . "It ctttalnly benef.ILI mldentl ot my Special houri have been announctd by 0 1 • "'*1 .... • 141 "" own Jnltnd district" BaUln pointed out the Boys Club of the Harbor Atta ror the S :·:::--:::" .. ~ 4'And it might heip many of thtm t~ twobranchtsonVettransDaynextTuts-• ~.-::.:.,• ~-= realize lt when they see the tu fund~d . --!,cl--=.u-• .._ . evottd'"lcrtlnr !f1rbor-Ol1trlct-ctmln ciubiloules will be open fromJ ~--~i~' .r....:e back to thtm In the fonn of parks a a.m. to 5 p.m. to serve youngsten on :,'1;-11 1 ... 1:,.-:.,.:.....,. recreaUon facJlitits in thelt own com· holiday from achool. • munlllM." They wiU be cioo<d all d111 Mood~. Her passenger, Maria Segovia, 29, of 15572 B St., suffered almost similar in- juries but the extent had not beea determined after pre 11 m Jn a r y ex- aminaUoo. California Highway Patrol officers at/. tributed the accident to the smooth lirH on Mr3. Blair's car. A CHP officer com· mented: "It was suicldll driving on a freeway with tires like that in this kind of weather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic in the IOllthbound lanes of the freeway for about one hour. The five men arrested In Huntington Beach are currently in Lakewood sheriff staUon jail awaiting arraignment on the narcot.lcs charges ip West Orange County Municipal Cwrt. Westminster. Seventeen narcotics officer• were involved in the armts. The arrests ended a three-month narcotics investigation conducted by Downey police and Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies . "We started about ti p.m., Wednesday, on a trip to make a narcotics arrest in Long Beach,'' said Los Angeles Sherill's Sgt. Jack Boberg. "We never expected to end up in Huntington Beach." It became a game of "gues.s who's During their al>senct, they said, Dunphy pulled the waiting room bench over to the door, looped his belt ammd the alarm device affiled to the back or the door, fastened it around his neck ad stepped from the bench. A coroner's autopsy today confumtd the evidence on which police hued their arrest of the student: that Dunphy wU under the influence of drugs when be wu arrested. No investigation into the suickie is plan· ned by the police department. A spokesman today described the death as "absolutely unavoidable, IOITI.ethlnl that can't be foreseen by any police Gb'ioer and which could happen at pretty well any time." Groins Nearly Completed DAILY PILOT 1'9ff 1'1111t ALL QUIET ON THE GROIN FRONT IN WEST NEWPORT AS ROCKHAUL NEARS COMPLETION November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS l'our foooriU frttlrior designer will be hapP11 to ~rist VoU ••• Immediate Delivery H.J.GARRETf fURN111JRE JJIS HAllOk llvtl. COSTA MtSA, CALIF-, •46·027S I ' I I I I --~~~ ..... ~ .... ..,,. .... ~ .............. ~~---~~~ ..... ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~·~~~~~~~---------·~~~--~-~--·~·~-.~~~~~~--~~~~~~.~ . . ' ·' -- BEA AHDl·RSON, l dlhM' Tlltlrtlll•1• ....... fi, 1.. • 'P ... 1P ' • 'A· C:·'· •I ft\~t.a1r ~ Fu .. . .. ~d~-:> . . •• • \ ' • " • ' • ' • 1 ·The talents of UCI Town and Gow n Art Interest Group members ~ave been J>Ot>ping· Clut all oVer and the result is a gallery of intrigwng art works and craft items. • · All· of ~he objects-d'a.it will be gathered together in the home of Mrs. Robert Malinoff of Newport Beach Thu rsday, Nov. 13, for an Art Fair, which promises to be a highlight of the Town and Gown year. Proceeds from the fair, which is the third such ev· enl, will help provide scholarships for UCI students ma· joring in art. Three scholarships have been provided by the pa st twp art fairs and members are hoping to con• tinue their record of·success next Thursday. DoOrs of the ugallery" .will open for browsers at 10 :80 a.m. and close.at 2 p.m. A small donation will be asked .at the ·door and refreshments will be served as shoJipeis· leisurely view tlie arts and..,c::rafts and make their purchases. h'Irs. Malinoff has been hosting the group studying canva s paiDting and sketching an d Mrs. E d w a r d Steinhaus has ope_netf her home to the papier mache group. 1 ' A gene ral craft· group has been meeting In the South S~ore Sailing Club under the leadership <;Jf Mrs. Jack Sinnett, and stitchery workshops are·be1ng conducted in the home of Mrs. Arthur Baughey. · · Mrs. Robert Scholler is hosting a group making felt totes: Mrs. E. Clo\ves Jones is hosting the wood flo w- ers group. and Mrs. William Aslicroft has oPened· her home to . t he· women making collages. . .· ; • ··-···---• ..i._ - • ON CAMERA -To ad"')ualely compete in today's advertising- ooented 1;ooety, m~mbers ,of the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach decided to go ''on camei'a". and advertise their upcoming boutique in the Newport Home of Mrs. Fr~ Kendrick. Rehearsing • ~NY-HUED PALETTE -Talented in many ways are members of the-. OCI Town and Gown Att Inte"rest Group who have -been creati)lg~ar.t.s &Qd .crafts fo,r an Art, F3i.r'Thursda y, Nov. 13, in the ·Newport. Beach .home of Mrs. Robert Malinoff. Putting the finish· --~----·- their lines lo publicize the Weifnesd8y, Nov.-12, event are (left to right) the Mmes. ·Edward Whitehouse,·· Harlow Richardson and Carl MHchell. • . . . . . . • • . DAILY PILOT alclltff KMNr ing tou~hcs on the palette .of .art w.orks for the scholarsbiP. ben~lt : are (left to right) the Mmes . Robert Scholler, Ernest Verre a~d Phillip D. Shipp. Fourth Boutique · ~ ' . Junior.s Te·nd Unusual Shop · An unusual shop will open in Newport Beach !or a day Tuesday, Nov. 12 The shopkeepers will be mem- bers of the Junior Ebell aub of Newport Beach and the metcha{ldise will be boUtique items the Clubwomen have been !fashioning throughout lbe year. . For'tbe fourth year the club has sponso red the bou· tique to benefit its many philanthropic interests, includ· ing Youth Employment Service, scholarships and a chil· dren's art show. The boutique this year, called La Boutique Unique, will oiler myriad objects for gift-giving or use in the home1 Displayed will be batik-dyed pillows, sLraw and dried· flower arraqgements, Cbristm·as decorations in· eluding felt 'and egg ornaments for tile tree, wreaths ol (ruit, pi~e.cone trees, paintings and miniatures framed and r~ady for hanging, children's cl othing and gourmet item s. ' A tea table will be set featuring unusua l pastries, and Shoppers will be ·invited to stop for, coffee or tea. Items not sold by 1 p.m . will be put up for a silent auction at that hour. The doors of the shor will open at JO a.m. and close at 2 p_.m. in the home o Mrs. Frank Kendrick of New- port Beach. Admission tickets, al $1.50, may be purcha~ ed at the door or from a club member. According to the co-chairmen, Mrs. Harlow Rich- ardson and' lilts. Edward Whitehouse, shopping will be- gin at 10: 15 a.m. after guests have browsed. Those purchasing ticket& may re-enter the boutique at 1 for tpe silent auctlOn . Anyone, wishing additional information on the bou- tique m3y call Mrs . Rondell Hanson, 644-17671 or either of the cpainnen . Battle Not :Worth .Fighting '·,If Love, • I Patience No All.ies DEAR oANN ·L>,NDERS: I am fed up wilh your advice to wives of alcoholics that goes like UUs: "Have a little com· passion. The man is sick. Alcobollsm is an illness. Etc., etc .• etc." ~~ .· cowiseUD1 tr mecMo*MMt lhoald be -lt'.s...apparenLlhal-you..bav.e....had..no...ex--------''---------.C''---";;;.'°--- perlence with alcoholism. Well, t have, so please listen. Alter S8 years or hauling my drunken bum out of hotels, motel s, .jaill!I, hospitals and other women's bedrooms. t resent being told I lack com· passion. If you think I'm hard·hearted, wail until you read the rest of lhia letter. . tlln>n out. n.,. --.0 tut ...,. ctru1b will str••&•tc.• .iemielves oat •· ly wben It ls m8de 1bvndaallj de1r thal lltey ire m:ponslble lor lllealHlvtt - -t111t bO one ~...-.1~ room attend a med ical meetinJ Ed just about THI> HORNS OF A DILEMMA: 'lbll:~ takes over. He ls on his feet challtn&in&, the original Do-It.Y<Knelf project.· Ni . presenting his views, and he askl more one can decide for you. My pmonaI opl~ questions than l nybody. The chairmen nlon, however, is that you'd be bttter Oft always have a problem shutting him up. to pass up \he one with "that cert.am: When-we-have-company,-Ed-talbi-a-bltte-som:ethtng· .... and-tat.e-the--one-who-h,.,;·-- streak. Yet, when the two of us are alone, something certain. : Thret weeks ago I received a call' from the police. They asked me· to come~ the morgue and Identify a man they believed to be my husband. I recognlicd him ·im· mediately slnce he was in a prone. pom- tion, which is the way I saw him most of his 1Ue. I had tried ltindncu and compassion, It didn] work. I begged him to go lo AA and even offe.rqt to go with him . He refused. He wouldn't ate a counselor or a clergyman because they wert all "fakes." He .was no faU1er, no husband, no provider, no human being. It took 38' yi!ars to figure out that compassion was not the answer. tf I had it to do over L'd have thrown him out and let the sot sink . incl board, coddle dtesn., clua •P 1fter or &wun. -TELLING IT LIKE IT IS them or make excam lor &hem to r1ml· AND WISH YOU'.D DO 11lE SMtE. ly, lrlead& ind the boss. So, the advlCe 11 DEAR TELLING JT: Yoo b1vc 1 valid nuw u re11ows : When love and com- point ind l weald noc deny It. Nol 111 ap-passion fall, throw lM bum Oil. prt11ches work .for all people. Aulhorltles DEAR ANN [ANDERS: There must be have been relhlnklng Uie Wc:hnlqucs ror other women who gel the s!lenl treal- treatlng alcobollcs since alcoholl1m his merit from their husbands. ·Why7 DOn't ass umed epidemic proportion tn· lltls tell me some men are just . nat~tany cnuatry. 'Many dl1llnguiahed autborltiet quiet. P.ty husband, who is a j>hysiclan, is •ow.Pf &bat. wbel love 11C1 .co ... llon considered brilliant and outgoing .... by fall, tbt 1lcollollc wbo rtfusc• to accf1)& evcryOne who knows him. When,ver we • he can't think or a single thing lo talk about. tr he didn't enjoy my company, why did he marry mc7 -IGNORED WlfE. DEAR wwg: Obvioasly he dld1'l mar· ry you bec1usc you were • 1reat con· ver1allon1llst. It m11•t have been 1omethln1 el1e. Se1rcll yo.r memory 1111d m1ybe you'll aont' p with the 1nswe_r. -. CONFIDENTIAL TO IMPALED OM Is 1lcoboll1m 1 di1e11e? How en <t': 1lcoi191lc be ll'Clltd! ls Lbere a aan?: ~ Ute booklet '." Alcoho&Um -Htpt: 1od Hetp," •1 Ana Luden, E.clole as:. cents la coli whtl y~ ,rtqMlt m a: long, stamped, selr-acktrttied ett•~· : A•• Landen wm lie g1o11 to loeW 1'": wfUI , .. , , .,,wems. Send u.em le -.r\lil;. CINI ol the DAILY PU.GT, ....... • ..u .. d~, stamped nftlope, • '. • I OAlL~ ~!LOT- . . , .. FASHIONABLE ADDRESS -OU Broadway West will be the setting for a !ash· . , jon extravaganza sponsored by Dusty Wings, fonner airline stewardesses, Sat-urday, Nov. 8, at 11 a.m. Ensembles similar to those worn by the Mmes. Jerry . Juergens, Rnbert Bealy and L. Douglas McBride (left to right) will be shown in the Grand Hotel, Anaheim. . Avoid Water Fashions to ·Parade ! When Clean ing i Wood Floo rs Off Broadway West I ! ·-Avoid using water or water- based p-r o d-u-c t s whenever pos!lible in cll!!aning wood noors. Experls say that water can Seep-down into the tight boards. causing warping or swelling. Over a period of time, this Off Broadway West will be the scene Saturday:, _ _Nov. 8, when Dusty Wings members Swing Into Fashion. The Grand Hotel, Anaheirii, will be the location of the fashion extravaganza which will begin with .cocktails at 11 a.m. and luncheon at noon. .1 can mar the appearance of the floor and reqWre cost 1 y Fash.ioiis, presented b y Orbach's. ol La Mirada._will include original designs, ra11 i. refinl!hing. . I . . . • •: . •• •• . e a. NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN 2621 I. Cffft Hwy,. Coret1e 4el M• 675·7,21 ; 25% OF'F' SALE Magni ficence 1n Sterling,. , _lor ___ lht flMlt tn IGlkl .uwr flltw.,., ,...,. blfor'l llK:h SIVlnQI on Mt&, °' .._., p*-. or one Of Arnertc•'• grn~l ll•rtlng patterns. 32·"-"'lenlc-4or .... I ~ Pleoe litttlnt9 ensembl es and the newest of party clothes for the holiday season. Mrs. William Agee o r Mission Viejo is serving as fashion show chainnan and she is being assisted by other former stewardesses, t h e Mmes. Robert Smith, Foun· tain V a 11 e y , decoraUon1; Robert Kunkle, Huntington Beach, door prizes; Leonard Spielman, Huntington Beach, programs and printing and Donald Anderson, Santa Ana, music. others helping with plans are the Mmes. Ruth Jacoblen, Mission Viejo, publicity; L. Douglas McBride, Newport Beach, drawing and James Moroney, Huntington Beach, tickets and reservations. The fa shion showing marks the ninth year the club has sponsored such an event and turned the proceeds over to the Underprivileged Children's Fund of the Salvation Army. Last year's profits financed camperships for 25 children. Tic kets may be p.irchased from any Dusty W 1 n g s member or by calling Mrs. Moroney, 846-9592, ~ Mrs. Frank Arena, 838-2090. Furn iture Can 't In these days of assorted hemline Ieng th 1 • even furniture has problems. Upholstered funUture, that Is. Skirts on upholstered sofas and chairs usually are cut to standard lengths. But placed on a deep pile carpet like some of lhe currently popular shags, the skirt falls in· correctly. To correct the maUer, one manufacturer of upholstered --.--~~~::-~-:--~~~-~~~ uppor er!f ·-------------Tomorrow's Antiques ·Build Nest Egg - In . the Closet ,. N~(lll'_I) -Jiyt_,. L-.llllllil. -lo bold -tndude con'~ ""' money, oqulrrd noe.s of pralae !run ICl>ool 1way things ,-cblld'1 finger teacben, eertlftcatet of merit .palallnp, UJUllUli pleallc bot· and report carda -"peclally UM, oewspapet1 wltb mimen. the Iatler since 1 o m e tout headlines aod maybe educators are • trytui· t o even flJlclful juJIJ< mall. eradicale report cards, gclng Tbue thtnga. a few decades. on a simple 'l>u.flil" l)'lte:m hence, probablJ wlll have an-of moving child from one ttque value. If you clouht tha4 srade lo -r. • ' )'.OU j111t haftn't been to an an-··T II e old· fa 1 h I o ne d 11q,. lbow lolely. • . cerliflcat.. ol merit ,_ lhe Al the • prdllcloul N~Uooal ochoolday1 of the lllh c. .. Arts and Antiques Festival 1o tury, on display at the show, New York, for example, of~n were coupled w l th mqazlnea that aold for ftve preachments. Samples: cenil in the 1920s .were going -"All that you do, do wlth for $5 apiece. your mlibt; thlqs dooe by The artist's copy of a tum-halves are never done right." of-the-century ad for men's The merit certificates ap- clothlng bore a '65 pricelag. peared to have been issued Old jars, botUe11 tin tobacco weekly and looked like checks cans, penny Valentines and but were 'decorated with family album photos were fio'lfers and doves. priced from $1 up. "'nley look like money," one In the picture department, observer said. "Maybe the apparently those 1 b ow i n g children did get money from humans in lovable stance are their partnts for a stack of more valuable than others. A them." photo of a man sitting on a 'Ibat'1 doubUul. Yesterday's front perch was 50 cents; of a parents, less pennisslve than girl on a beach, $1; of a male today's, weren't the type to and female swooning into one pay their children for doing another'• anns, $2. well in school Donation to Festival Susp~nse Builds Over First Lady's Package A mystery gift donated by Airs. Richard M. Ni:s:on will be given u a highlight of the annual Holi~y Festival spon. sored by the Woman's Cam- pus Club of Chapman College. per. Serving on the deocrations committee are members of Beta Chi, a student service or· ganizaUon at the college . Featured during the festival will be delicatessen items, spe- cialty . foods, ~e.d goods, sweets, handcrafted Christmas items and gifta. Salegoers may purchase a ROBYN LEE KNUDSON D ... mbor Nuptl1l1 Knudsons Reveal Daughter's Troth The engagement of Robyn Lee Knudson and Jack Keith Hamilton Jr. was announced by the bride.elect's parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Guy Roy Knudson of Pasadena during a par· ly in the Lake Arrowhead Yacht Club. ~'liss Knudson is a graduate of Pasadena High School and the University of Southern California where she affiliated with D e 1 t a Gamma sorority. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harn· ilton of Linda Isle, is an alumnus of Pasadena High and is enrolled in USC's School of Busi· ness. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fra .. ternity. The couple have selected Dec. 27 for their wedding date. This year'a sale will take place in the main diirlng room of the college ne:rt Saturday from 11 a .m. to 4 p.m. Donations for the F Ir s t Lady's gift will be accepted at the door and will, with other proceeds, provide schol- arships for Chapman stu- dents. light lunch in the tea room ,'---------------------' new to the sale this year. The club was organized in 1947 to promote student wel- fare and currently provides scholarships and a revolving loan fund, along with sponsor· ing special projects. Saddleback College Tradition Beginning At Califia Ta ~te Wine Laguna Beach B r a n c h , Americm A.uociatlon o f U vers Women, -rtlS:e fellowship funds with a Callfia Wlne-t111tlng Party , celebrat.lng Callforni•'• 20Qth vintage year. in Mission Viejo Rec:reation Center neit Mo& day night from 7:30 to 10. Art displays and decoration• stressing an early California theme will add a festive at.. m05Phere to the affair which is being chaired by Mrs. George E. Goodall. Assistin1 her are lhe Mmes. Robert E. Lawson, Donald F. Tanney and Harry J. Kipps. All AAUW members and theit friends are invited to 11.ttend. Reservations may be obtained by calllng Mrs. Goodall, 494- 4703. The association spomorl scholarships for university women on all levels or educ&• tion and also on national and Urtemational levels. Associates Dine Out Members of Upper Bly Associates of the Orange County Philllarmonic Socl~ along with their husba~s w.1U partake in a progrewve din- ner next Sunday. Cocktails at S p.m. will be served in the Corona del Mat, home of the Bill Masons. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hen- derson Jr. and Mr 1., Christopher Kitching w 111 present a program by Gustav: Holst and a selection of folla melodies by the American Negro composer W i I Ii am Grant Still. Carpets Take To Home Walls "Wallscaping" with carpet i.s a new trend in home decor. Assisting with the festival will be the current scholafship recipients, Sue Ryder, Marilyn Stewart, Fred Ma, Rita Brock, Kathie Perkins and Susan Coo- Anyone interested in mem- ·benhip-may-contact the-mtrQ-- bership chairman, Mrs. How- ard Kelly of Orange. One manufacturer is making a tufted wall -covering -o( Saddleback C o 11 e g e will The school opened in 1168 f I ame-resi.slant modacrylic have its first Presiiient's with only a freshman cur-fibers backed with latex. It Reception-1or _itu_deats. •n ricultnn. Thia year, J u 1 t has_ been _eDjineered f or event which will become an under way Oct. 13, a twc>year acoustics and comes in five. annual affair, oo the college'• curriculum ii offered. About foot widths to be applied with new campus In Mlsaion Viejo 2,500 students attend the adhesive. Crusade for Change Thunday, Nov. 13. IChool which Is one of th< few Carpet on walla also pn> ~ H. Bremer, colle~ community colleges operating vides a good backdrop for pic- president, wUl meet ltudenta. on the quarter system in the tures or can lel'Ve 8.!I a tack Guests Invited Admllllstraton and I he Ir atale. board. wives aLto will be In at·:I;;;=================::; tendance to w e I c o m e Members of the Huntington educate the public to the need freshmen a n d sophomores Beach Junior Woman's Club for uoderltandlng and action from 7:30 to I p.m. in the will host an open house at in the field ol merU.J. retarda· music building. Falrview State Hospital, Costa tion, and to illustrate the need Hostesses for the event, Mesa, during Crusade for for volunteer services. which marks the first social Change week. There will be conducted affair on the new campu.o, will In support of the National tours of the hospital facilities. be studenb of the airlines AMoclatlon for R e ta rd e d and exhibita and demon.ma· stewardeu prog1m . Children, the Juniors will lions by the patients on Last year the college was welcome visitors between 1 display in the auditorium. located on 1n Interim campus and 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9. Comprising the committee in Minion Viejo, near, but not Mn. John Flanagan, the from the HunUngton Beach contiguous, to Its new loca· club'• mental health chair-club are the Mmes. Robert lion in the rolling hills of man. and ber committee will Farah, 'Thomas Fisher, Wayne Orange County. serve refreehments. Monlu and Alfred Riuo. -;:;;;=-=======;;;;,! In addition, the club con· Donating coffee is Donut FAIR ~ tacted Norman Ginsburg, Delite, Huntington Beach, and ''''· ,,,·,, '''''''· ~,,, I Ocean View School District, cockles wlll be provided by +n who made district faculty Albertson's Markets In Hun-three word• t11m 11p f•tlor. i11 ' -•--a--o[ "e o-oper•tieo 011 !tie DAILY ,ILOT : ..~.~a .... ., u1 r-· tlngton Beach, F o u n t a I n h~ur?oae of the event Is to Valley and Westminster. edlteri•I peg• •very lf•y. • . .•................... , Skirt Issues : S-T-R-E-T-C·H : • plecee hat produced a p,ackage : • of ail "skirt adjuaten ' which & SEW • It will alllp wtlh uch tlem • IT .M.) leaving Ils faclory o r • • showrooms. • Kn't f b ' • The adjusten aup under I I r1cs • legs of sofa or chair, ln effect • • raising •lll!iUy lhe height o1 • 1• ft Ora ft ge· _ the furnlblre from the !IOor. • • • • • ., • Reed TV WEEK • 724 East Katella • ,.. ........ ~~ ........ ~ ........................... ""I Every Saturdoy • WE EA H YOU H W 0 E ==:\I WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS • •: PEG DINSMOU. IALI .CONSULTANT, WILL II IN OUR STOU MONDAY AND TUISDAY, NOYll\llll 10 AND 11 • The perfect bra Uor today's pretty, l~ed neckDnes ••. SA'li $123.00 .,c.....,.._.for-1" Introducin g El eano re Chapman FEE $15.00 • • 1.,..,..._. ......................... ._. .................... ~ • When your neclc:nne Is more boring, this is the bra to wear I The beautiful, curve-giving secret: the gentle addition of Bali's own exclusive Fiber FluffM in the bra-cup. Main-. toins shapeliness lhrough countless washings and wea rings. Nylon lace and Lycra& sporr- dex. White, block. A cup, sizes 32 lo 36; Bond C cup, sizes 32 lo 38. $7.00. I .... ,,...,..,,,., SAYE $154.00 n.h. ....... ,.,r 12 ~,. ,_ ...,.,. SA'li $2IUO Ad JIOW' ••• 01er•11'knmW lll6 SLA..VICK'S 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644·1310 "-Clltr .. 4«-l W•lcbn'le -~lurd, M•1ttr Qlem, -. 01"" Mellll•y, Ftl41y ll'ltll t rJO p.111. .• JlOI NEWPORT ILVD, 1•crou from '*"""°" '"di City Htt11 673-4116 : NEW CLASSES START • • IU111ited .l11re'INt1t •1 • NOVEMBER 10th·thru 14th : • I Me ..... & l'"l11t1J • • • • IMAGINE! • • Learn to mi lt Stretch Pints in ont hour, • i• balhin.g suit for $5.00, tvtn girdles! I 1: • • TEE'N CLASSES· TOO! ··I THRIAD IARGAIN I Wll.L YOU SPEND FIVE MINUTES lN OUI. rtnlHG IOOM fOI A una P1GUll POI Ll'lt 'W E11ery 8oli bas a bow : Me rc•rlt•iil •"' •11•1 '"to,, Ill • tpoel. •. v t ' SKI PANT FABRICS & • ALPACA SWEAT ER MATE RIAL • e a s • NOW INI • PHONE • • llTl•An AIPAllL • HRS. DAY f.S; NITE 719:30 P.M. 642.1197 ___ .,.,_ • • .......... I : Parkinr In Rear -Phone: 633·2842 :11 ---~~~~~=--J . ..................... ,·~ -·' J , ·-----·----~---·--·-----• TUldly, N...e.r 6, lM L OAll.Y-p . Thursday'~osing .Prices-C.Omplete New -York-Stock -Exehan·ge-bist -----------------------------------------·---------~--~ ·-------·--- ! DAll.Y l'ILOT 1 • • r • ----;-r r--t-R~em_e_____,_m~&er-· .. ,hemr • -- • • . . ~ " .. . By:· Fl ·ing· YOur-Colors -.. . . 8uy . ' .. .ew Flag, For • • • ' ' ' ·veterans Nov. 11 • Help Yourself Help The Boys!) Clubs Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save moriey and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in this public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boy's Club of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all delivered to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use . . Order Now At Any of FoQr Boys' Club Headquarters HARBOR AREA !CENTRAL BRANCH! 594 Center Street Cltsta Mftci, Calif. --- Phone 548·9387 HUNTINGTON BEACH llOYS' CLUI 319 Yorktown Huntlntton leach, Calif. Phone 536-9415 HARBOR AREA !UPPER BAYI 2131 Tustin Avenue C.osta~.esa, .J;alif. Phone 642-8372 LAGUNA BEACH BOYS' 'CLUB 175 Nortfl Coast Highway Laguna Beach, Calif. Phone 494·2535 50-STAR UNITID STATES FLAG 3ts Comploo.,,., s.t ... wm 3 by 5 fOOI n. 6-loot staff, Mtyard, 11Mlal 1110111"ifta black· .:t Ind 1m1:ws ••• .n ii• bcn1 Clfdbolfd ..,, __ . ·······························-• Just clip out this mail order coupon and fill it out. Send, elon9 with check or • · • money order, to the Boys' Club headquarters nearest you. Mtka checks p1y1ble • • to "Boys' Club." • ____ ,._• ~--~ in• ........................ Am.V-ft!ot .kfll ot p ,H POf kit. I '"" • • ....,,_. I wll rocme as o loolldory boon o Collonlo -· !lot wflll -• kit. •· Use mail order coupon below and sand it directly to c I u b lieadqu~rters nearest you. Your flag kit and bonus state flag will be delivered or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you can pick them up in parson et the Boys' Club headquarters in your area. • Nam•······································-·······································-·-···-····················· • • • • Street Addr1 11 ........................................................... ·-······-····································· • • City ........................................................................ Zip ... ·-·-··-·························· • : Phone ......... , .......................................... Enclosed i1 $ ................................................ • • Th is special holiday offer is 1 public ser¥ice of the DAILY PILOT and the Boys' • • Clubs of the Ha rbor Ar11, Huntln9ton Beech and Leguna Baich. • • ~······ ························~ , ) 7 J • • . .. ' - Teday'' FIMI ' ' . N.Y ....... . . ., v.oi:, 6i,. NO. 266, 3 SECT.IONS, 40 ,PAGES , ~· . ,····* . ' .:· ··' ·ORANGE COUNTY,.CALlf,ORNIA .. ~ ' .TEN CfNTS '. COSTA MESA'S ELIZABETH WATSoN. 7; OFFERS SANCTUARY TO LfNQBERGH SCHOOLMATES .. · For This Group of Peanuts,.H..,Plne11· l1 a -Frltnd.wlth an Umbrella Rainfall Brings . J . ' . . . T:;,~fJic Snarls, Ftmd~'t. 'Benders • ' ' I •' ' TOday's heavy ra{n ·pf~ a-~rop ~C tr a We.. accidents and kept the Cahfonna Hjglm~atrol and police in aevera_l orlnge County clt"s on constant traffic jrrvesligation duty until mid-morning. "We haven't bttn as .bUBY as this in a 10ng :tiine," a CHP· officer commented. "We've-been runhing from one accident ' -' ' to anOther until •about 10 a.m. when ~~ .. bega~ lo !lacktn off." With one exception -the crash at Ne\vpi:>rt Freeway and MacArthur Boulevard -accidents invel'ltigat.cd by the. CHP .were described as the "minor ferlder· bender variety with only cuts ·and brttlses,suffered by those injured." s8nta Ana police had the same report l3 offer -many minor accidents, some caused by stalled cars, but no serious milshaps and no inj\lries 1 ' w o r l h rePort.ing." , .. tt was lhe same slory in Orange where pol ice had to go to ,the ai? o.f motoris1 s stranded by deep water in several areas. But there were no major accidents and no1 injuries reported .. Anaheim police were called to more than 20 rain-connected accidents but reported "nothini major and the rarn and the traffic congestion · has just .about cleared up now." Rush hour traffic produced ·a bottleneck near Anaheim Stadium when an' overflowing culvert delayed wor~· boUnd motorists but the situation was soon rectified, officers said. Fullerton, Stanton, Buena P a r k • Garden Grove and Tustin po 1 i c e departments con firmed the Thursday weather picture as wet, busy and -in the case of motorist& who were late for work due to traffic congespon -pretty windy. Rainy Semon Bows ~n Coast DAil Y PILOT l"btfl .,. I.• PIY"" LINDBERGH SCHOOL'S HELEN SHENG, 7, READY FOR RAIN Cest• Mau Girl Won't h Out1tickered by Wffth•r":'1n Russ President Reaffirms Readiness fQr. Arms Talks MoSCOW (AP)-------P.-l~str1te1H:---~Bul be ·atresscd that Nikolii 'v. PodlomY ·ICC'!"'I U, Nlaon the Important thing is not simply talking Welcome .to the rainy season In admbUstration .t.oday of. takiic"~"aon-but "the Rsia<OI\ whic~ talks are carried Southern Ca11£ornla. constructive" standl on prftb.1ein<I out." It arrived officially along the Orange discussed between tbt Soviet Unklo Ind . • P«lgomy gald' lht Soviet government Coat early thi s morning and, according the United Sta~es. • WUI seek posiUve results frow'l .. Qle talks lo wutHer forecasters, will be with us at Podgorny allo told a KremliP-metUDc: •• ''Whlch . would favor the improvement of that "mlll1 acttvtUa al the United'~ Soviet-;Amerlcan relaUons, as Well' as Iellst through Saturday. in the intemaUOnal arena contt.trtt U.S. atrencthening peace throughout -the A cool weather front off the Gulf of official 8'atemfntl," . ., ' : , world ." He Implied it was up to Alaska was reported responsible for the The president ~eafilryn'.ed ~ S,o'vle ( Yfaahington to match the Soviet attitude drizzles which dampened the coaslal area readiness to 1iart ti.lks in, Hel~ 1'f.w. in ordF for the talks toisucceed .. tol:Jay. Forecasters predicted the light 17 with the United states ·on .iLrnitlni The president warned that the Soviet rain "·oukl continue tonight. turning tG goveniment "will never ~llow anybOdy ~ scet~&howers Er.iday_and probably speak .. Jo it from t..J>QSltJOTJ of strength. Saturday~ -Girl-Stabbed-lo Death-1his indicated.JhatJ.!L~eJoliato" In \he Custy-winds will accompally the-_ __ ...., • ;. • strategic arms t:ITl~f Will dcmaOO some- precipitation while snow levels In !he OAKLAND (UPJ)-A high school rlrl form of U.~ . ..SOv1et par.lty. mountains will be at 9,000 feet tonight, Wa.$1.S\¥:9,bed tq d~alh W~Qe§4&Y . after Podgom>:_ 1 .speech, given on the eve ?f descending to 7,000 feet on Friday. an arg\Jment '!Yith another ifl In F.,aSt the 5lnd anrilversary of the Bolshevik • • Oa~land'a caatJemont. Bilti School. 1p~ RevoluUon, was the toughest attack by a S•toc'· Merk••• !let Bet, Earl Uptom · jdeD(llled l'.e , SOvl•I \ .. der Oil the Nixon admlnlslratl<>n ft "°'-..;, victim as Lollta Johnaoo. since it took orflce. The speech sterned to NEW YORK . <AP.) -Advances drew abreast or declliies. In moderate trading this aJternoon 111 a slug&)sh stock mar· ket continued to mark tin1e. (See quota· tions, p-D-13)", ' I •ter .&ehoolmalt1 Shlren Bowans, was reflect crowing Kremlin . bitterness at taken Into police cuatod}'. Both gir11 U.S. policy, particultlrly .in Vietnam~ were aboµt 15. Uptom ~14. tht two girls Podgorny said l:'rtaldent NI x o ti..• 1 argued and LoUla st.ruck Shlroa. Sharon apcech Monday showed that a "ftOber ap. then borrowed • knUe and stabbed proach to this problem" docs not prevail Lolita. In Wllfillllton. . • . . .. Bloodbath? ' • r .. ' • • • I ' ! . ' Says Force Qi:ily .Mid:e~t .Splu~wn . • • " • • •11 ' ( ~ "' . From Wire Servlcff CAIRO -President Gamal Abdel Na.!ser vowed 'today tO t4f11 lbe Middle Ea.o;t into a "sea or·blQOtl and .a horizon blaz.lnb with fire" in a drive to liberate Palestine from Israeli control. .- plement u..·u .. N. Security COuncil mom. hu been ..P.,rted Iii. w1111 >uk nu olnce Uon oP ending the Middle ·EaSt war, tiut ' the second week in st?ptember. that lt ·and lbe big fotlr powera had failed He called for an Arab 5\lmmlt con· lo·llnd 1•10luli<io.· • ference lo dilcull the·¥Jd-problem, "The ddlnil< ~luslon, we m\ISI l<ke declar\ng the ll~llon, u far as Egypl Is from 'this, is ~t lhere ls no longer a Way concerned Ls "to be or not to be." out of our present sJfuaUon except by Israel i; figbUng"1wtth. Jts back to the Speaking only houn after two separate commando raids 'igainst Israel in the Siqai, Nuier told the 'Eoptian parlia· ment the Arabs· had no choice but to liberate PaJestine by means of violence forging ·a road towards our objective aea, while Egypt bad spent 500 million violenUy an·d by forCe, oVer a sea of blood E87ptlan poundl iJl. · three ye a r s an~ under 1 bOriion blazing with fire,'" ·r~lng its army, and colild now put Nuser sal~. • 500;000 mtn in the field, he aald. The Egyptia·n le:ade:r wu making his He again denouncecl' the United States and force . · Nasier said Egypl had tried to im· first public speech lD three months. He on charges of supporting Israel. s A~ested . ' ' Yo1tth Held For Drugs Hangs Self ' An apparently drugged Saddleback High &boo! •ludent hanged himself ~ednesday while be ing. held for in-- Huntington Gets Big Hash Haul vestigation In the Santa Ana police head· By TERRY COVILLE quarters. 01 t11t 01111 Pr111 '"" Officers :said they le.ft Raymond Ter· The largest se'lzure of hashish in rence Dunphy, 17, of 1225 CarltOn Place, Southern California history -20 poUnds Santa Ana, in the juvenile waitli!.g room of it -wa:s made Wednesday night in "until we could get around to rilling in Hun tington Beach by narcotics officers the boOking fonna.". . from Downey, L9ng Beach, Los Angel ea Duriaa: their absence, they said, County Sheriff'a DepaJlmcnt and , local OuJW~Y pu}led the waiting rooip .bench police . over to the door~ looped his belt around . Five· men were arrested on charge1 of the alarm ldevice. affixed to \he back of sale and' ~l'tn of narCotiCS at .SST the -· fasle!)ed it around his lieck' •nd Tahiti Ciro!! •. l!untinll<>a , ~ch. }'ollce st1p~ ·!f'\ro the J>enc!i,' . · c)&im t~y ' recover;.t. 1,..-h~. live 'A :~r'f .. !a'!tOpsy l~ ~c,.tfirfned poundi of martfu4nA\ ~ f.SD tableW, I the evidence rut which pallet baaed their c{\larter ' oUnce r of l'lerolp,, • 400 ~I . ta~ an1Mour niar)Ju1111 planta ~· arrest ot thie'student: "that Dunphj: was ing In the rear yard.1 '1 • ' und..-the lnlluence of drap when he· wu ')'olal market voltie ot · th• llUCtl arrested. narcolic,I was estlmate:i at $100,000 bY -~-u.'i!iples 11ierlll'nl<!iHIU-.---No lnvC.!tigation into tbe suicide is plan· Arte.lid In the buge "ba9htah ioUndlip ned by the pollcii department. A In an affluent residentil.I section of spokesman today de.scribt.d the death as southeast Huntington Beach were Eld er "absolutely unavoidable, something that Lon Hocker 28, of the Tahiti Circle ad· can't be tore.seen by any police ott:icer dress; "MIChiiel R. Gray, JO.' of Santa and wh1ch could hap-al pretty well Ana ; John A. Thomas, 21;·and Tommie any time.'' r"' Mike Thorli8:s. 20, both of Lona Beach, I ed st and Phillip Horton, 19, of Bellflower. Young ~nphy was Pac . under arre Eight men and 'two women were later early Wednesd.Q' when he arrived ,at Sa4· arrested-in Long Beach on char,es of dleback High apparently under the ln--fl uence of drugs. Offlceis took Uie bOy in· pdlaesSJng a pound and I half of hashish, to custody from the vice prlncipal's office presumably from Hocker 's home, said and escorted him to their Santa Ana sheriff'11 deputies. None of the Long headquarters. , · Beach aire11ta involved Orange County Police report s inaicate that the boy '• parents told officers lhat their son - described as a "fine student" at Sad· dleback and listed in the top 20 percent of the scholastic ratings -had been taking drugS since he was 14. Reports state that the boy told officers he had taken three "reds" that morning -seconal capsules. Four more of the an· ti-depressant pills were confiscated at pollce headquarters. Officers said the boy appeared to be perfectly calm and rational "and cer· tainly not belligerent or anguished," when left In the waiting TOOm. They quoted the boy's ~ather as stating that "drugs put him in despair of his future life." Mesa Christmas Contest Dropped Christmas in Cuba hu been postponed this year due to a poor crop of ·sucar. Chrlatmas in Coata Mesa -contest· wise -has been' postponed due lo a poor crop of entrants .. After 12 ~ears, the Costa Mesa Colh· munlt.y Projects Committee bu dropped its formal yuletide decoraUon contest, due to lack·of response lait. year. But families, finns and chur.chea~wtth display1 will be cl~ an · individual area buls by ttie or&aniilnon,-----•poied ot members of ·service clubs and 'civic · ' groups. Jf , you .decorate and wish .to. have the hal)dtwork v~ .. the oraan!Jllioo may be contacted through the Cotta Mesa , Chamber ol Commm:e. Qhio'sRhodes'Sooking " ' I ' , ~• Seat in 1).S. Senate COLUMBUS, Olllo (AP) -do-r. "- A. Rhodes announced as a ~bliCatl candidate for the .U.S. Senate today en~ ding ""' sP.culalion about· hit polllical futur't'. Even ahead qr the ex~ted an- nouncement there wu speculation be would try lo '1e*I or! Rep. Robtrl Tall, 1 Republican from Clneln111U ""' h11.betn. monllontd promlnently•as 1 ()Ol6ible.,.,,. dldatt tither for the Senate or aowrnor •l Funeral Friday For Crasl1 Victim Linda Albertson Funeral services will be held Friday for a Costa Mesa woman sherifrs deputy klllcd Monday night in a car·traln crash while driving home alone from a police science class field trip. Rltea for· Deputy Linda J . Albertson, 22, of 9'K Congress St., will ~ at 11 a.m. ln St. John lhe Divine Episcopal Church, with Interment to follow in Forest Lawn MerTiorial Park, Cypress. Mrs. Albertson was returning from the Orange -County Sheriff's Department a,hooUng,ra'ng~ in Yorba Linda at 9:15 p.m., when her car crashed through a railroad crossing gate in Anaheim. The vehicle slammed into the lea d engtne of .a Santa Fe frel&ht train and burst into flames, kJlllng the vivJC:ious young Orange County Sherlfrs Depart· ment matron. Tho Sa~dleback Coll!'&~ ni1hl po!lce scl.ince 1Uldent leave1 her-husbiild Mark, son Thomas, 2. her mother, Mn. Gloria Dflley. of Costa Me:sa and brothers Timothy, Dilley, of Colil Mesa ud-l!ol> Diiiey, of Florida. The Rev. John Donald!on will 01tict1te 11l the ·Friday rites, directed by Bell' £roadway Mortuary. . ' · Crows RomanC,e . . In Vwwnt Encl: • ' t ' 't>'O. "'°"' bllll!>g and witn& aboml,. hl&h-voltacfoiire' al °"' ~hor 'llaller Port WoUna-ug;J: ronnmce'-'ft'ftb a violenl hum or 1 ~I)'. They cawed a short whicli ~Je:w .oul, lbree , i,~nslonnen, C)l!llng off .IJOl!er In ilie .1'!'rtbundlna ,area and ellm~nir lraru<, .olellll ·service on N~ and l!ariior bcialeVuds lor IO 11\lnut ... , ~-for the Southern Cillfoml• ~I'°" P9flTllln)' fi~•lly lound jllst whit c1U!Wd the1.f:lt a.m. short, lylf'I dead behind Ille ~ port Af 1527 N8"porl ' Blvd., ICC9'1"dinl to Owrier John· M(l'••·'-Ptd. l .. · •. · 'Whal o ·WIJ IO IV· · • ~ residents. The five men arrested In Runtlneton Beach are. curreqtly in Lakewood eheriff station jail a}'laiUng arraignment Oft \be narcotics charges In West Orange County Municipal COutt, Westminsler. Seventetn narcotie11 officers were involved in· lhe arrests. The arrests ended a three-month n:arcolic.!i inve5tigation conducted 1'y Downey police and Loa Angelea Count,y shetiff~a depuUes. · . "We started, about 6 p.m., Wednesd11, on a trtp to make a urcot~ arrest In LaOi ~ell.'.', lljd I,oj )!!lel .. , Slletjff'1 Sgt. Jack Bober1. "We'never ...,ecled lo end up in Huntington Beach." ' , It ·became a gami" of "gue11 ~:S '1911'1~1_ 10 th~ ,pot ""/!?:' acco<dlng 'to t.ml Beach narcotlca owcm. "We Wttii io lllt campo Walk·ln-Loft,-Beach.''llid Loni Beach Polloe Lt. Jim Miller, ''in the COUISe or trying lo buy-hashish there we: we:re: told that the 'real acUon' was In Huntington Beach, llO without telling who we were we left." * * * Mesa Police Nab 4 on Drugs After Near. Collision A quartet of weit Orange County m<.11 woumfup in jall early t.oday.after a Costa Mesa policeman who stopped their car after a near-collision alleged he counted eight bleary ~yes and one hot haahish pipe. Driver Charles H. Weeks, 18, of 3332 Druia Lane, .Rcssmoor, was booked on charges of poSsesslon of ha11hish, narcotic!! parapfternaJia and driving und t?r the influence of drugs. Stephen E. O'Leary, · ti, of 12t00 Montecito Drive, Rossmoor, Ronald L~ French, 19, of 11512 Donovan Road. Rossmoor, and Jack A. Lowen.min, ti, of Cypress were booked OD possession counts. Offlcer Ron Palmer said he pulled Weeks' car · 9ver in lhe 21()0 block of Newpc.rt BoUlevard li.J!pectin1 a drunken driver after the incident and saw the ~pe on the floor. He said a smalf amount of tarry substance believed to be hashish, the refined sap of Ule marijuana planl, war In the bowl of the inatrument. Orange . Keep thole ralncGall Olh folka, aa tbere'a more precipitation on the way, tneteaJiai Friday and probably continuing over the wetk· ~. C9astal temperatures are down in the mld-eG'a. ' • • I" . . • .. . ----·-----::::::=::::;:::::-. . .-. ~--. . • DAILY PILOT ltatf ...... A GRIM WRECI( SCENE -CAR VERSUS POLI! THIS MORNING ON NIWl'ORT FREIWAY Sm"°"' Tlrot and Wei Stl'Nll u;, Up to 'Suloldo' Soys CHP Officer ----------- Two Women in Collision House Committee Support8 Nixon Vietnam Policy :OnFreeway Face Surgery Two Tustin women \Vere seriously in- )ured this morning when their southbound Car ekjdded Oii tbe rain-slicked Newport. Freeway near 1t1acArthur Boulevard and . \vrapped itself around a tamp standard. Both were taken to Costa ?tfesa ?.1emorial Hospital where they were nported. to be , la serious condi~ion ~d Av.·aiting sur1ery for multlple injunes. Easthluf f School Not Eastbluff? Surprise. The new Eastbluff elemen· t.ary scho0l being built for next Septem· ber is not called Eastblurt Elementary School. -Anyway the name hasn't officially been given to the school yet. It almost was by Newport-Mesa School trustees this week but then board mem· ber Selim "Bud" Franklin suggested~ }iubllc be given an apportunit'y to VOice objecUons or suggest another name. Naming of the schpol was tabled unb1 the next. school board meetlng at 7:• p.m. Nov. 18 in the Costa Mesa Kilb School Lyceum . Site grading for the $1.1 million school at Vista del Oro and Vista del Sol began two months ago. Work on tbe foundaUoo has followed. 1n the past, elementary schools In New- port Beach were named after areas and in Costa Mesa after streets. Board mem- bers of the now unified school district wondered for a moment if they should establish a policy. "We haven't had a new school to name in a long time," nottd. Mrs. 1'-1arlan Bergeson. The board decided against adopting a policy, leaving the choice of names Wide opeo. Traf fie W reeks Plague Polioo The first rain of the fall-winter season kept Costa ~1esa police busy today vdth a rash of traffic accidents occurring -0n slick pavements. No severe injuries had been reporte:.i shortly belore 1 p.m., although one wcn1- an was hurt in a collision at Newpor~ Boulevard and Del ~1ar Avenue, just be· ing cleared up. Summer's coating of motor oil and ex- haust residue is usually soaked loose by 'the first heavy rain, making conditions (Ven more hazardous than in frequent showers later. " • , . ' Ph.Ii 1 PHOI OL'MQI CGl-~I" •Ull liHIHQ COMP.4H"I leMlrt N. Weff •r•..., eN l'l*blltr Jee• I . C!ir'tY va ..,....... •1111 °""'ti N.1111.., TliM•• KH¥ll .. ., Thofl'l•t A. MYrll'hi~• ,,._..,.. ldller c ........... )JO We,t 11,-St,..f M1 ll111t A44tttti 11'.0 . It• 1160, f2621 ..... -... ,..,led: ffll *'"' ......... ,...,.,. ,.......,. hfCll: m ,_, ""'- H""""'"" llt<ll: .. llfl lltlft J Their car was writttn off as a total loss. A hospital spokesman aald Mrs. An1elli>& Blair, 311, of 15532 s. B Sl, SUI· lered multiple fractures and un- determined spinal and hip injuries. Her passenger, t.faria Se&ovia, 29, of 15572 B St., suffered almost similar in- juries but the extent had not been determined after pre 11 m In a r y ei- amination. Galifornia Highway Patrol o!fletrs at- tributed the accident to the smooth tires on Mrs. Blair's car. A CHP officer com· menttd: "It was suicidal driving on a freeway with tirtll like that in this kind or weather." The crash delayed rush hour traffic ii\ the 60Uthbound lanes of the freeway for about one hour. Lewd Conduct Convict Dies of Prison Beating FOLSOM (AP) -David Joseiih Danker, 49, ae.rving a life tmn on multi- ple convictions for lewd conduct, died to- day at Folsom Pri.lon as the result of a beating IUffered in the prison's Industrial area e>ci ... 2'. , . ' TraC«!!tl by Notes WASHINGTON (AP) -The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved to- day a resolution aupportin& President Nllon "in his efforts to ne&otiate a just peace in VJetnam." The vote wu 21-1. The re!Olutioo, which oriJinally had the sponsorship or 100 Houae members evenly divldtd betWffft Democrats a n d Republicans, was introduced Tuesday. Abou! IO others had joined In bacldnc the propo!al !Ince then. The committee's action was taken at a closed~oor aeuion. Prior to final action, the conunittu defeated a series of amendments calllna: for ~bllc or closed heartna;s and to su~ port Nixon "in his elprused detennina- tion to withdraw our remalnin,;" ground combat forces from Vietnam. "at the ear lie.st pracUcable date." Chairman Tbomu E. Morgan (0-Pa.), said the committee tentaUvely agreed to seek three hours ol debate on the pro- posal when it is oonsldertd. by the House. He said that date is not certahl, and depends on later talks with the House Leader1hip. "We plan to get it to the floor u 50QD u poeatble," Morpn llid. TwoHuntington Youths Held in Terror Bombing Traced through comparison of language patterns used in a revenge note, two 15- ycar-old Huntington Beactt boys have bte.1 charged with the Halloween terror bombing of a family's home. In \'e.stigators disclosed the i.rrests of lhe two Edison High School students t~ day, but did not identify them due to their ages. They were booked into Orange County .Juvenile Hall Wednesday afternoon on charges of juvenile delinquency, with neighbors and fellow students con- lrllutirig lo the case against them. No one was injured last Friday nigh' \Yhen the incendiary device elploded h. tlte Surfside C1>ndomlniums home of P.1r . and P.lrs. Eugene Tod.sen, of 20242 Lan- tana St.. but heavy damage was caused. A hallway window was 1mashed, cur- tains \\'ere shrtdded and a revenae note cor.tainlng what police described as col· orful language was left behind as a call- ing card. Using the langua ge contained in the note and questioning neighbors. In· ve:rtigators singled out one probable :suspect known to use thole terms, ac- cording to Detective Bruce Young. lnterrogaUon of Edison High SChool students ltd to revelation that two boys had talked about bombing some homes Halloween rllght. During the process of contacting the le swpecta:, pollce discovered 24 carbon dicxide gas capsules, a quanUty of black powtler and about 50 cardboard cylinders capable of holding an explosive charee. A second revenge note wu al!O found, "imilar to that left for tbe Todsen family, :dlcatlng plans to hit another residence .•Ith a bomb. Authorities said the only apparent motive for revenge agalnit the family hJt Halloween night was an argument one of the suspects had with Todsen over use of the swimming pool al the Surfside con- dorr.iniums. The two suspect.a Uve in the same general neighborhood, both of them near Edbon H11h Schoool. Alexandra's Great Sleepless Nights Witli 48-incli Bust HONOLULU (UPI) -Aleundr1 !he Great has a big problem. It's her 41-lnch' bustllne, and it's. getting to be a pain in \he back. The redheaded stripper appearing at the DuMs night club complalntd, "I can"t lead a norm1l 1lfe:• "Because my breasta: are 10 Jarge t ha\'e trouble sleepina; comfortably and they make my back hurt." It wu because of Alexandra·, busUlnt. that 3,000 persons, mostly men, jammed \he Financial Plaza of the Pacific -the \Vall Slr"I of Honolulu -last year to look at her. A lw wi th a 43·1nch bus! ,.., stopplllJl traff!r. on Wall Street. in New York and Ale,.,.ndra hoped to llnd a sponsor who would pay her exptMes to New York 11c. $he could compete in the battle of the booom. But Aleundra (whose re•l name l11 Misa C'.eraldlne Paredts), nevtr went to Wiii Street and Is now planni11& to marry Army Capt. Bill San Hamel. "The life of a 1ttlpper has alven me a areal !i<•I as !ar al IDODeWy ...,_, •• Uoo ia concerned, but it hu al.so taken a lot out of me,'' she said. Althou.gh 1he has been stripping for JO years, Alexandra said she dislikes nudity. "rm a big sex symbol, yes. but i·m also a person. It's atartlna: lo bother me, hav. ing to bare my body in front of au- diences." , Alei.:andra . 21, is 5-feet·IO Inches tan, ha.a brown eye!, and a 25-inch waist and Ii-Inch hips to go wl!h her Cf.Inch busl ''My bua! 1tarted devtloplng at 14 or II . . . people started m.aktng fdn of me when I was 11." "All I wal concerned with wu coverini up. It madt me an lntrovtrt, made me \·ery •hY and aelt-comcloua which rei- malns lo this day. "If I wa nt to aet some aun .•. if l want lo go to the beach It's rldlculoua. J've nover been to a public beach here" ahe said. "I lead t"'O llvts," AltJ:andra 11ld1 "one 11 \ht image the people In lhe club expect.of me. They eii:pect me to be• se:r 1rmool. In my other life l am kind of ally, kind ol ret~ln1 end ... k oul re!irlnl people.'' • Reprieve orltar or District May Get New Name, More Duties --BY TOM BARLEY --... °'"' ,., fl•ff An Oranp County Harbor Dialrict that appeared to be Ooonclerllli on the brink of dWoluU~n la 1<>ln& lull speed ahead to- day with a newlJ charted route that may end with Ila exponalon end re-namll!i. • Tti. belequend dlatrlct got • 4-1 lhot In the ann Tullday !rpm Oranae County llpen'llOl'I followlna: the hearing of araumenla tbat have plaRUed It !or the put two ~ -the claim that It.. !unc- tions could julll as wtU be performed by county a:ovunment, the userUon that it serves only those county residepts of coastal areas and the argument that it lrustrata aJrwnl!n!ng ol C0011tr gov.,.. men! by Ila emtance u a ,.para!< tu• ll1i qency. It got its lllronaest 1upport from a supm1aor ropresentlnc an ill1ond division -Robert BaWn of the Santa Ana-cen- !ued Flrat District. 8atUn lubed the areuments of pro- diuolutlon 1peakers -parUcularly the Orana:t County chapter of the California League of CiUes -as .. subterfuge, mask- ing the rul reuon for their desire to kill the Harbor District. "It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone to ask why we have had this gud- den rt«nt attack on a d1atrtct that has existed slnc:e 1'934 and which had never been challenled .before thla ac:!lon by the Lea,ue of C!Ues," Battin said. Battin submilled tJiill a "personality clash between ( Clfy Admlnistralnr) Doyle Miller ol Hunt!nglnn B<ach end Kenneth Sampaon (Harbor Dlatrlct dire<> tor) ,, -ol the real """"" behind thla attempt to kJll the dlatrict. · "It all goea back," he: said, "to a time when Huntington Beach wanted to pro- vide a pillce force ' for the Huntington Harbour area and alao wanted the county to pay for it. It didn't get its way and so we have thls long, devious path, this power battle between the county and its cities, to lhlJ present hearing." Battin njecled the League's suggestion that the dissolution iS!Ue be put to a county-wide vote as "the easy way out" !or the supervbors. "Why were we elected?" he asked. "Because the public puts in office those it believes to havt superior knowledge, ex· perience and educaUon and lt ailo ex· pecta UKlH elected officials to mate declslOOJ -like the one we have before us today." He alao-cltallenged as "misleading" figures submftted to the board by Hun- ttntton Beach Mayor Jack Green, cur- renUy president of the League of Cities chapter. Green ar,ued ln a long 1tatement to the board that-ti ol-the-(!OUJlty's 26 cities had tndlcated to League surveyors that they '""'1d prefer diJoolutlon ol the dlatrlct or an electJon to determine Its fate. The North Vietnamese spokesman $aid the agreemerit for secret talks was made at the !lrst private meeUng be- tween U.S. Ambauador Henry Cabot Lodi• and Thuy .., March 6. Statistics prepared by Green indicated that the rupon1e reflected the dealrea of more than 640,000 county residents. Op- posed, he saJd, wtre five cammunltles - Costa. Me$&, Newport Beach, Seal Beach, La Palma and Garden Grove -totalling just under 215,000 residents. . Three cities, the League survey claims, have taken no stand on the issue. Laguna Beach, Orange and Anaheim represent 245,300 county residents, according to the Green dossier. "Speaking just ror my own dislrk:t." Rattin said, "t know that two dtles beUeve they made a mlslai:e when they wer.t on record as favoring dissolution . -And In another city three councilmen have been replaced end we rnllht 1tt an entirtly different reaction to th1I pro- posal today." Ballin argued that .. many cities have not been given the true picture of the overall situation and we should not ac- cept tbeae flllU'es at Uteir !ace value." Battin got 4 to 1 backin1 for his arguments and he immediately advanced a sugge&lion that had been earlier oflered lo the board by Carl Kymla of Newport Beach, representtnc the Ora"ie County Coast A&sociatioo. Kymla suggested., and Battin uaed the wording in his reaoluUon, that the Orana• County Harbor Dirlrict be renamed the Orange County RecreaUon, Parks and Harbors District. County CotmNI Adrian Kuyper ftl named chairman ol a Clln\- mll!ee which will report back IO th• board at Jta public meelin& Nov. it. Battin supported Kymla's arlll!DOllt that the name change would help to cor- rect the "erroneoui lmprea:ion" that the diatrlct's acUvitin and JntereN only benefited rWdents of the coastal area. ' Poor Bi~h Girl CdM Heiress F~es Welfare Rolls By JOHN VALTEllU Of t11e O.llt' Pl .. t lletl' Poor lltlle rich Kiri. That description might well apply to Corona del ~ divorcee Mrs. Isabel Oe!h. She Is JO, the. mother of an ll·year-old daughter, can't work because of a rare, crippliog hip disease and is heiress to a fortune which bank statements show is worth at least $3.5 million. But to make ends met. she says, she will proabaly have to go on wellare. And all the while tbe mllllons in cash Ue frozen in an escrow account at Union BanJt because of lengthy and someUmes bitter family disputes which have been fought In three superior courts in Lo.s .Anaela. Because of the court battles, no one Is able t.o touch the money now, and to make matters worse, income tax pro- blems have cropped up, too. The fortune Is one left in tnl!t to Mrs. Otth's mother by the late Dr. Gergorio de Del Amo, millionaire developer of the Los Angeles Harbor area. It was 5,000 shares in Del Amo Corporation stock which was C1>nverted to cash and now is valued at f3.5 million'. In 1965, the money held in trust was the subject ol a Superior Court suit In which Mrs. Oeth contended that BOme of the monty should go to her and her grandmother. Judge Donald Praeger ruled against that CQncept and awarded the bulk of the money to Mn:. Marla ?wjalQD of Palm Springs, Mn. Oeth's mother. . But because of further lttia:ation -an appeal by Mrs. OetJ:i awaiting 1ebedu1ing In a Dls!rict Court . of Appeals -the money-was--f rozen-solld.-- Only the interest it draws can be dispensed. ln an out.of.court 1eUlement, Mrs. Mason cets it all, said Mr15. Oeth's lawyer Arden Gingery of Los An1eles. That amount, he said Is $140,000 a year. And the money has been paid out for the past five yurs. lt is that sum -the annual interest payment -whictt attracted t h e revenooers. It has placed liens on that J11()ney because, according to revenue agents in Rlver1lde, no one has paid the tax on the annual plum for the part two years. The IRS alleges that $104,000 is owed by Mrs. Oeth's mother in Palm Springs. To press its point, the ftderal apncy has frozen the only income Mrs. Oetb and her grandmother receive -moothly allotment.. of !860 for the dlaablad Mn. Oeth and $285 for the aced grandmother. With the money cut off, grandma, Mrs. Louiaa Martin of Santa Monica, is already on the welfare rolb. And Mrs. Oeth. will soon go on them. too, unless the money starts aa:ain, lhe said. Both those aUotmerrts were awarded by Superior Court judges in Los Anlf:lel in separate legal acUofll!. Both the actions, lawyer Ginlery aald, were contested by Mrs. Oeth's mother. From a couch in her modest Jumlne Avenue aparbnent Mrs. Ottb m.d{utly declared that greed isn't the motivation behind the court actions. "Flrl!it of all, I think that aome ol the funds are rightfully mine and grandma's. "Netther of us wants a fortune , we jµat reel that we are enUtled to llvin& ex- penses because we are both disabled. "And whit is happening ·now .U that both of us are being threatened by the lRS to pay taxes which we don't owe. My mother owes those taxes. She should pa.y them." IRS revenooers are reluctant to talk about the case. E. E. Walde, collections agent for the IRS Riverside office said it ·bu no cue against P.trs. oqh, but against her mother. "Our case is with Mrs. Muon and no one else and we ha ve put liefll! on Che fr ozen money. , "Actually, most -0f it has betn pakl off. Only a little bit is left owing -about $104,000." he said. · The liens, he admitted, might have caused the cutting off of the mbsistenct payments to the two women. P.1f's. o eth bas liked fOr help from Rep. James B. Utt in the matter. }le has agreed to intervene and give it ptrsonal attention. Meanwhile, attempts to contact Mrs. Mason in Palm Springs proved flltile. "I can't reach her," Mrs. Oeth uid. 1ifarsha ls trying to serve a docwnent for the next court bout can't either, they said in Palm Springs. Attempts to contact Mrs. Mason's at· lorney, Wixon Stevens, of !As An&eles, proved fruitless. .•. And the Orange County weUare rolls might soon contain the name fl a \Yoman on crutches who baa lived for 30 vears with $3.5 million just beyond her feach. November is Dining Room Month at Garretts' We are offering SPECIAL · REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS Immediate Delivery Your JaooriU f1't.erlor cUriancr will bt 11G?1'11 to o.uist ¥0U ••• H.J .. GAl\l\ETf fURNrJURE ~SS ION AL INfHIO• DISl•NtRS ' 2211 HARIOR ILVC. COSTA MESA. CALIF. 646·0211 I ' ··' • t • ' I ' r ' ( . ( I ' l r I • I I ' ' I ' ( I I I ' ' I I I t •• .. • -llJe ·Queen Can't Make EndsM~t ~(UPll -~n -.... bem·Dllldec'<lo wttb tho ume '1 million a ',,..,. ta1'r1, since she r was dOWood 17 YWI qo. !nfla· tteD boo aottea oo bad ohe has M+ farced to 41p ,lnto hlr own -lo l"Y 1he ie(Vanta at -•&fwn Palace. ••My . heart bleeda!" said . Wllllam Rim1Uton, a Labor -it the Hoose of C\lm• -· "I cannot beu ... 11>ey (Parltament) -Od try to In- . C'Nrlle it. The governinent bu ... trouble <in Its han<ll -· looklq for men.'' -.. Is $HJ,ODO ·a y-fnllD tlle British goyern. mml for hcuaahold aatart•, '211,1111 for houaebold -•: Siii.ODO· for expenoes ol """1 r.latlves and $144,00Q . for her own expe111es. .N~tMoonS To Air in Ci>'lor ' CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - Apollo ll's astronauts will tele.vise ·their walks on the t· moon in color. lt will· mean a clearer and more ~ show for mllliOM on eai11>. · The !fr:ision to carry the 11ewly modified color camera · on the Nov. lf flight Wu made Wednesday 1tter a three-hour test .sholred · no algM of the black .interference that Ifiar· red earuet 'leltlng. Mission Commander Charlet "Pete" Conrad Jr., sald the color televilioo camera abould reduce the "ghosta and pllaa- loms" tbat·apptared from tbe Apollo . 11 astronauts' bl.a afKf white camera durin« thelr moonwalk in July. . "We didn't pick the color because it looted pretty," C:OO. rad said recently. "We picked the color because it gives tbe 1 best motion resoluUQll.,. Comprom.ise, Over. ·nr~fr . • WASH!NGTOM' (UPI) - Sen. Edward M. 'Kannedy (0. Maas.), b11 ~ hbnaeU ..., pnimtaed to help ..... J>raldenl Niian'• draft tolltty hW through the Senale Ill IX· chani• for CllClllderatlol ol more thor"""1 draft r.f<lrm out year. Tbe comprcml!le Cot • •arm ""'ptton from Seo. .John c. Stennis (!>.Miss.), who sought Rlpport !or it today lo private d!ICuaslons with collequaa oa bll senate Armed IServlcea Committee. The agreement broke a Ken- 'lld.:J Jledlterr•ne•• SiN111bla· ,..,...,,,...~ om 1100,000 INVINTORY TO CHOOSI PIOM , '. : r DICOllATOlll ~·Ll.ATION! oN. · . ltlTUltNS l'rtOM MDDIL ltOMIS ; · · , DECOllATOllS DltlAM ltOUSI ON DISPLAY . . ' ' . 'Items •• follows: Gorgaous, ~tpm qulltad-sofi·witirHPir.+e p,illows with heovy ... k trim decor tnd ·.me~ lov,e seat,·~ initchlng .,.k OC• ce1ion1I t~bl11, 58" t1N ~~tor ""'Pi h1n9ln9 ~h1ln swag· limp, an 8-f!iece king 1i,. mast.; bedroom: iuita, ponalecl Medi.terranNn style wifh top quality 15 years w,..ranly king .WO metreu and -box s.prin91. Sponish dining 10t, ate. " '· ... COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS a..-ULAILY . $1528.® ANY PIECE CAN Ii PUllCHAsiD MUST INDIVIDUALLY At IQUAL SAVINGS SACRIFICE 1111 l'111·r1il111·1· 18<+4 Newport Blvd . Co ,ta MP 'o I only I AT HARBOR Boulevard • $568 NO' MONEY . DOWN fl NO PAYMENT TILL 1970 But the «Jiii of living has spiraled -hor -lie>! : and palace '~'" said the 1ku1Uon wu severe even lhouib ohe has cut .._ ... , the yeara. For Instance, the ""1al:e stall bu ~ 1111 Conrad and Alan ·L. Bean are. to land on the moan's Ocean of Storms Nov. 19~wh1le ·Rkbard F. Gonion nmalns in lunar orbit. The two {lurfJl.Cfl nedy.stennl1 lmpaue whlch1l~!!!!;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::::::::::::;:~~I had threatened to preventr Senate COlllkleraUon thta yeaz: • b d h k by Jli. percenL ''With the rlalng scale of alllclal entertalnlng and. the acale ~ •lite ceremony. ••· . 'l**I rpU!t be reviewed," a . pOJai:e .spobaman said. . · The spokesman said an<>ther . tl>lng that hod lncrmed ..... : WU an increasing involve- . _ menl ln p.iblic Ufe by Prince ' Professor Weeps Tears of fruP'tration run down cheeks of Pro{. Jerome Lettvin of MIT aftfr he watched .police move in on militant demonstrators a.t Cambridge, M~ss. ·Wedn-.Iay after they tul'l\ed deal ear ·lo his pie"!!, .''Leave, you have won your poi.at. Leave now, be- fore you .get hu rt."·"My-God, they won't listen," be ~ said as he turned his back on scene. "" Olarles and Prlnctn Ann. ,,,. palace leaMcl t!ie wor:d , 1he Queen bas been 1llln( her -mm money t6 pay the staff's .salaries, perhaps In an indi· rect appeal to Parliament, ----------~------- • wbJdr would hive io apprqve any mcr.Oae In the royal aJ. -· Bank Holding Companies Hit Pentagon · Preparing · For Antiwar March , .. WASHINGTON (AP) -The ·unlike the Oct. 15 Vietnam •· WMHINGTON (UPI) -Pentagon sa:ys it h:a.s started Moratorium, government· -1be Houle baa sent the Senate "precauUOnary planning'' to leaders believe more militants far-reacbtng legblalkm that will be Involved this time amt woaJd vtrtually dlvon:e all deal wilh possible disorders may . attempt" confrontations baMa tram tncilrect control of when anUwar ·groups st.age 'a with authcriUes. outl1de bn•l0 "'ts. "march against , de a i h" How ever, demonstration ~ a iurprlae move Wed· . through the capital next week. }eaders · have said ripeate(llf nqday, the bouJe approved It reported a total of 28,1l1Xt" the protest.. will be peacef\fl. ltrq ameodmenta: to an soldiers and Marines . are Earlier this wttk. protest otberwill m1ld bill what wquld available in the-g e n e r a l organizers disavowed an,y con:: krce IOUle l30 bant holding Washington ar~ ·if nee;dtd:. neclion with a p rd'P~•e-4 c:ernpanies, formed In the last About 10,000 of these · troop$· demonstration . by the :You~ JS yun, to 1ell either their • are in · crganlt.ed . un1t1 ::111d . hlternational Party -"XJPSiie. bmb er tbelr WH'!lated many ki\ie tiot: c o n1· r~ I One · of the lTlore nldlcat .... IEE -.:..__ ~. training: ~ '·~ -.-groupa.---1 - When vou krrow -•.·•.• .. it's forever •• ANTIQlll DD.... · MA ?CHlD WIDDINI IANDS Avelloble In I• Karat "flllow oold •lttl "*· ...,,...., opol • ~. _____ .. ... _ .... 7.10 -SATIN nHrsH CINTU. WITH DIAMOND' 'CUT 1ACITID IDGL T_.._'" 1• KOtOt .,..n_ oold, .+!If• and ,..11ow oold. "'" ....:_ __ ...... ,: .. "" ., . "-'° W• of'ftl' you tM lirQftt ce!Ktton In Orcrioe COUtll'f or hll I. ML'I rnclchecl I ~:!!';t,:,,nd:~::..:-n 'iculphjr.i 901d, ,c:IL1monds ml1ted w!ltl genuin. rubles, uppl\1~, opel1 Md _,.11d1. Prlcn flirt If . CLASSIC . IETRotHAt .. ·'•-I""'' Ko•ot yellow j oTd. · ' n.. •~le~ rir)Q of,gold. "'" -·-··-·-'J.J:So . Hil ·"---.tla.·Oo . ' . . . ' ~· . . ... ' ·' •RIDES -ro •B ... " REGISTER NOW FOR FREE GIFT ··-... _. Clll111 COITA Mg.\ 14"'411 1 •••• HUNTINaTOM· CINnl . HUNTl•TON .tu.CH ., .... 01 · • STARS SydntY. 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' ........ ..... ~w. rth•..-r•--..._....., ................... Wllll - . TOY . & HQIBY· LAY·A·WAY • • IOOI TAPI UCO-_.,....., __ ,_ , ................. .... .,,... 0•'1 $12.97 SUDIDDLI llDDLU ............. _ ......... .............................. -· O•lr $1.47 PAN AM JIT COCKPIT .... ...................... .... ........... •;•• .... J.t -r:::. = .::t. ,;"::. 'Ji -· .......... $13 cAlioM OAMI IOAaD n.-...-.-:IMNMl-.... ~ti .......... 1iM ..... w.. ...... ~-- 14 "' 11t. $4.99 . .... ......... .,_,C....-....... ........ ...... L&-. ................... fl .. PO-IDIX·l llCHAIMAILI .... ,. ......... ~ ..... . • ••. .,.... $8.88 MATIIL HOT WHllLS .................. -.......... ... __ , .... .,.... $9.99 TASCO 4m ASTDOID llRAc:TOI IOx40 "'"" 'or the No tinner IMklnl for flllt,. thl• eoonom1 n'IOdll ti .... ,. •••. 12.97 \1'8\UI. WD'WHmDI ,_ ....... •1111 ..... ..................... Onl1 $4.97 "'1 , ''. •• ...,_,, "'_,-..,.r ... .., .... .. .... :a .............. , ........ _ .. .. _ ... $11.67 l'UY • lioH. ....... ...... .., ..... rc -. .... 4 c ,,..,, -Tiii l'llllMIT HUSntr IY TYCO . # ..... .:!':. ""M _ ...... ~ .... , •••. ""'" $16.87 smCH·A·TUNI --.... ~ ......... .... ~~ ............. ....... -·· .... f!_.00 $4. 9 • 50 FASHION ISWID NIWPORT RACH 644-0fll !°"°"" ... _,, .. ' . Othir s-WISTCHISTlll ...._ LOS ANOILIS CANOGA PARK ILICTllC CAI =--=:w= ,, .. ';.."'•'., ............ =' ;:;. • ' 0 ••• ~ ... ...................... ,_ ... :.:::.· -:"::".:-..=.::-.:I ="!;&'i' = :'.. ...... -· ..... .tl:..i"t:'.:.a:!' .~ .. ' IALI ••ICI $26,p STIAM INO!NI '---.. 't .,..., '-I c-,w. ""' ,.. _,, •••1assk4 ""°"'·-········ PHANTOM HUIY 4..,.. ..... TIA.NS> MUNT .... 9f -•Hoti ................. ._ ..................... ~ ..................... •t• ............ ... ·-... •""-·...,.., ---........ MtNry ..... ...................... ......... H.88 11.0. IOAD IACllfO . srr 1Y nco °'"""'9 ... ......_ I .... .,_ . -··· ...... ........ ---0•'1 $1U7 ·SM oAMa . ....................... .. ... ._ . $7.95 --~---... _..., ....... AMAa.A-MATICS ..,.,.; -~c}1 =-=-·:i\~= -:-... -""" 96 ' , . SALE! .. .. -. COUICT·A-CAi ' • ' IACIWAY ,.._ ................... .. .................... la .... ................. ................. u ... .. .. -.. --~ ' ...... ':" .......... . • ••• 20.00 $13.87 RUSTaATiO!l . IALL aAta'.J!•ICI $2.67 SHOW'N TIU. -.-................ u.e. ...,.. ............. ,. .... ..... -. IALI ••IC~ $29;99 ftlCIY IUIY SCHOOL IUI .............. ,,...::. ...... _ .... ........ ..................... .. ...,, .., ................ --•••• !17.00 $11.97 ALL-PIO HOCllY ,.. ..... 19!'1'1 .... """ ...,_ MR~" ........ ::. 1:;,.1 = :: ,'!,:;:·~-:.. ... ~ ..... ......... $17.94 •~::Hiii. Wcrlof't ""' -4 _., "'" ......... ..... .,.... 1.-•'Y·· $9.99 - ftll ....... -.,ct' I t.i.:: .. ....... .. ..,, ........... ~·-•l l"fll!;•........ ... ~-............... ONLY '6.87 UNITID 727 JIY MA!llUllD , • --.:::"'ei "t::"a ~..ft".t;t. ~ = ............. ' ......... $14.71 SOMA OAMI ............... Nol .......... . .. ......... , $1 ... . ' I a -- • iXo~Ple-adHor-U-nit-y- Pr1114"'!•Ntsoa'• ...,... to ait m111m ..,~ 11!a '\'lei. ' ..in War Mopday evalJI& wai t l ftll -•~_,_~ , " fu11Y ~ UpoeltloD, ~ 1111 -for a snmllll wtnlllJll down Of the· war~. •111111 -' ID4 for wlth-}lrawof of U •. S. trooj>I u r8pldlr u WI eaa be.daae with aalety b!>lh for our OWD men and the Soutll Vlet-• -~-namese. people. ~- The President'• meHa(e clearly· wu not aimed at persuading the minority, wlloee' mtndleaa demands for peace at any price baa oaJy encouraged tbe Communlata lo believe \hat their lntrllDliglllCt at the, peace table Will eventually .gain them what"tliey cennorwln onthe battlefield. I " .TheBeach Fee Problem • Beacll(oen nwnberinl Into Ibo mllllopa along the Orani• Co11t, and tncreellnc. In llUD1ber every, year, reprasent a mountln(·bead-for c:outal cltlea. Maln-tenanca COl!f have. fieen going up and paitln( II w ... fully lmdoquato 1n·D101t areu. One of the Prea!deat'• y::~·· has been lo win public recogniUoo ol the facl that ii America'• war -not Kennedy's or Johnaon'a or Nixon's. Tb.La he hu appar- enUy achieved. • Anesslng fees for beach wehave Iona been consid- ered and .a~ .under .study again. They're corppared lo greens fees at municipal C~lf COl!)"IOI. . The GaUup · ~U 'Involving scleaUflc 1ampllnf· by phone in 1811 IOf!lll!* nationwide lltowecl Tl pen:eof'<ll· tboo• who beam the Preatdent'a apeech (seven ou.t <If 10 in tbe 11UDple) support .ids posiUon. Only 8 percenl expreased outrl~t opposition. The renaimnc 17 l'll'- cent . were UDdeClded. Laguna Beach trtecl to cbarge non-realdentl a fee In 11162 CIC1 the strength of a.slate Attorney Genenl'a ruJ. ing it would be l_tfal. Il)rt Aa1emli1Yman 'J111 Unr'uh (0. Inglewood) qulaly put a ne>dllctfininatlon bill throu(h tha Legillatura mating It Woeal. · Tbe pred<mlnanl vl.W ii that the President is pu,.._ IUINt Ille only course open lo him -and the idea of "V)Olnun!z!n(.~ the war bu~ •-1-. .llepubJ!~an vlclorlu•ln ~· el"ecUona the" day after tlie lpeecb ~ e1io bave Nllected voter ap- . Newport Beacll ii curronUy studying Its beach perk· Ing needs. Cceta are ao high that'the City CouncU 11 comldeting aeetlng fedenl help. Presumably the fee in Newport's cue would be for parking, not for.beach lift. provaL .. -, . ' . . · In '31'1 cile, Nixon has conflnnatioil qt hil belief that,. on Ille Vietnam Issue at lout; ll• hat Ille eoaf!· Huotln1rton Beach usessea a 75 c~tl per day fee in Ill beach IOis for the summer months only. · dence of the "llilent majorlt)": and·diat much dllcul1ed grouK!u'::'eed a large one. tlon of thll fact on the part·ot Sen. William Fulbrlglit and other members Of the-Senate Foreign Re- lations Comml!t<:e IJ reO~ jn· their' decision· yester· San Clemente, concluding \hat, the date code allows a be8ch-uae charge IO !orig u it IJ applied equally lo all persons, will have a -'straw vote" on the ballot at i ·t 1 next regular election In April. U cltlzen1 vote for ·a •1 annual charge, a city ordlnlnce wouJd implement it. ' Perhaps parking fees instead of beacb use charges will, in the end,. I/rove Co be the only .workable apProecb· lo provtdin1 the JDCreued funds needed to meet mouni. · day·Co ·ladeCinitely pootpooe 8111.JlllblJc. hearjJ1gs on the Vietnam war.policy:. Fulbright said they wanted.to avoid Ing cos!J. _ · any Inflammatory ·action in tlie face of 1the forthcoming anti-war demonstrations. • No.Presldeat could ~eve"1he total unity which he San 1 Clemente•s ·election may serve 11 a weather-· vane-for ·the other beacll cities. They'll all be watching. Each .lVew €1os 1'fore Radkal How About the Class of ·'73? lt hU !ie<ciiw • ")ruilm that each·- dua ol coUlile lresltlnen is more rad- kaJ, mn tuned in, turned on·and drop- ped out than tha lut. How aboot the clue ot tm? Last week Time corre- ·it:t~if~l!r'"~,~~~~~ .. eel dlllmnc.. In mood liom <lle'Clmpul to .-. The frelbmeo at Southern Schooll-Alabama Tens and Dukf, for ~to 1111pport the Vletoam war, wbDt the crldca: were concentrated at Berkelt)', Harvard, MlchJtan, Wayoe Statt and Oberlin. A· revolution wu . deenl!!!l -·ry bf a 'maj«t!)'·at Ber· keley and at predomlnlnt!y blllclr M,..... houae, but time were few web extmne radJcall: to·~ found at Alabam~ Mlaml- Dade Junior College or-surprisln1ly- Harvard. spondent. soulht the answer .Jn random Judging from the attitude ol. these iatervift'I .with 130 freshmen on 14 rep-freltmen ta.Ward educaticm, college id- -Uve ...,,.,.... • If thel< viewl inlmeatora had better .locl< up the ad- acourataly nllect the general freshmllt mlnlltration building ema-tlght -or ;'.'"' this fall, the truism bold& firm for speed up geattr lludent partldpetion One out ol .V.n• lbree !rethmm uld In university-(OVernment.. Almoet hall that ho belleve1 the U.S. needa ...,. of the new colleglam plan to·takt an ..,. .ort al revaiutton. and one 'tKJt.of five de-tive part in campua pollUps; a.clear m1- acrlbed hlmMH as either a radlal « a jority bell"e that studelitl abould have ----•-·-.,More than half \ believe the power 'to affect 1111 unlvenlt;y de--ft ••• 'J'llE fr··'-... w•-.-, ·•J-•· More than '"% '"·' that their ...... " An.c. ~nen's hetots? that U.S:, fcnign policy IJ Im~: ~ -uw~ M than half ,.._ '!'!lo out of three think 'that bO.U-,,. schoola .have ·• ·ctui, to take offlciaf pub-ore say ·~, have none .. too coocemed with profit, three out •of lie poolllom "'·the nation'• politlcal and . Amonc tha polltlcal _ltadon o1 the 'llO&. four that U.S. IOClely ia· racllt, four out -al lsluts. · . they moot admire Jolin F. Kennedy, )lob. ·of·ftvnmt-polltlts-ls-<lonilnated-by~-lN-TllEli LIFE ~ -of tha -erl.L..Kennedf, M.irtln.l<•""" Kini and atrhlffu11lni .,,.clal-ln1-·-, A . "" ._,.lllln)I . · ElllO!IO McCarthy. Amoq leaden "°" n¥qlll !"inodly· belltva· that U.S.. lroibrne!lc"11ulall hippie •--active-they approve ol•Mc:Carthy Sen--1eti•li·.P>!i:t;ftpmsive today than It than a flfl!1 ·ha•e trled .pot."and·"*9• 1tor Edmund Mmlde Cleveland Ma)'OI" """' toil 1"aii qo, and a majority think than hall llellev< that· H shoGld bt lepL Carl Stol:a, EldrldP Cleavor and-«· that 1 peii\ld of ,ptll" repression Del A third -Bald that tb<y would .!JM. lo try all fi<opfe-Rlchard Nlxoo. AJIPll'<llll1 ahucL .. • . livln& In a commune. Both premarital convinced that ht 11-11nctre1y tryt., to aex~and iqlU!ed abcrUon were approved end the war and reform the draft.· two ~'.UIOlll''PEACE. On·tha by larse majoritlea, tncludlnr moot ol out or three frellunen .. praoec1 rtspee1 No. 1 .. mnpua~aue, Vletnam,.'more'than U. frolhmen lnttrvewed 11Jloinan Cati>-for the Preslderit. But given the capoclty haH re)ec!e\f "'" the poalblllty that the Giie Notre Dame.. ol smlll 1ludent mlnor!Ues to disrupt ~role Ji' 0~..:.'f..i ~ ~=~ m~: :~en~ !~ ~ 1Zi '= •::-~vii presidents, that unilateral withdr8Wal of American forces. the freshmen at1ll believe In the tnsdtu-v 0 In Na:on t1 unlltely M a eroup, the ~ ~ extremely tion of maniqe, and a JD1jorlty contl.nut to cause euphoria in the White House. -...-1.+lc about the charices of an early to view religion .as an Importa:nt part cl ~-....., • ......... ""'"""' ., c..,_.. ...-·-..... ll •. f I tha hall • ......,,, a..... ......... " T......, ..... pe:act: 949' aaid that they e:1pect the war ~ ves. n.. or ,careen, ea n u11"""4ty, ... '",... u111Nn1ty" •-· MMMJ. •· conUn" ueJor '"'""'ther year or more. On admitted tbat inaklng money wu an hn-°'" '-*' c:. ..... U•""'*Y ., MkllltMo Mw. w -, A Ian """ ~ Utl'"""1 " .,..,.. Dll-. ...,_ the r•lo.ted .issue or the dralt. three-port.ant goai. m1jority P to enter c....., s...a ~ u111¥en1ty ., 1 ... 1•• ~ 'of1 the. studenta: said that the the professims; almost half said that they '"'' "" w.,_ ....,. Ullt¥wnlrJ. presenl·system'<>f conicripUon Is unfair; intend to ti"•h. Repd11tt<I !rm TIME, Qe WetU, a majority wOU!d like' to ,.. the draft Even tl><ilgh the students have barely N ........... ; CopJ1rpt 'lllne Ille. aboUlbed in .favor .of. a volunteer army. unpacked, their aentimtnta oftell reflect.. JM. CIA Pressured About Laos WASHINGTON~ Rlclulrd He Im 1, director of central intelligenct, carefully obtained .WbJte House and congressional ciearances before he gave secret testimony to a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on U.S. involvement 1n i-. Sped.al House and S e n a t e 1ub- committees regularly ride herd on CTA budgets and ·ru operaUoru. In the past those watcbdog subcommittees, oom- posod fat tho moot port of "hawldsll" .enior lawmakers, have insisted that detailed Information on CIA operaUons be pcestated oaly to them. Faced~·• request for a Laos brlef-lne from tbe newly "doveish" Sen. Stuart Symington. D-Mo., Helms lirst con111lt.d the cognJzant subcommittee chairmen. 'l'bojr advice; Check the request with the 'Wbllo ~'act' 1ccoidingly. . ( . llE1Ma . EN requested, an d ~-a presidenUal clearance. J{j1 tw**-Y.-MDl""MIDC9d, though tile ' - --·--' Thursday, ·November 6, 1969 Tu 1cWorial "°"' of th< Dallv PUot ueb to inform and 1tim- 1'la:U r1oder1 b11 prf1tntino thil 'WJPCIPf"• opinion. and com-mnlar'J cm toptc1 of b1tere1t and alQ!tfflco"", bv providing a fMwo flw Ult c:iprcuion of O"" noden' "'"""""' and b~ ~ At dtacrse vie• pcriftf.i of in/ornttd ob1erver1 > Gfld 1po/u ...... Oii toplCI of th< tfar. 1lobeJt N. Weed, Publisher aesslon was later publlched. wu presented to Sym!ngtoo's Fomp Reis· tiona subcomm!U.. last net. In advance of the session, the sub- committee had also indicated an interest in questionlnc oUier CIA witneasts about ageoncy-l!lponsortd operaUons in Laos. Subcommittee clislaff munbers, wbo had mllde on-tllNpot Inquiries, ...uld have liked to take firsthand testimony f!Un iJ>. dlvlduals who Were dirtctly invOlved. in Laotlan operaUons. Thole overtures were re J e e t e d , however, and11t was finally agreed that Helms would' oe the spoktSmaJI for CIA, with whatevar backup lie desired from a1eney experts. 'lbat coukl come to be eomething of a prtctilent for future con-lresidonal appearucas by a-CIA boos. SYMlNGt1lll_AND IOmt ol his ·col· , lequel aro cooc:mied lhat U.S. openl· tiOlll In LAOI could ed(e the United Stalel, 1'11lY nilly, Into a ntw Vietnam - 1 -commltmenl ol U.ll. t._ to .-1.11anwar. While tha CIA dlrtc:tor'a tiitlmony will be kept ...,.I by the socurlty-.clou1 -the broad outlines of CIA oparallom In I.a ll<'pn!Q> well kncnm. '1'11ey an clolely n!laled to the U.S. com·· mltment lo the old ,war, the one In Viet- um. • Aftor It beclme apparent to o!Ocl•la hero that North VltlJ\am woold not bonor the Ila neulnilty 111-with ttSpect to Laoe, the CIA wu dJredld to 1lep up Ill operations 1pinlt the In· ffltratlnt North Vletn..-and the local Communist Pathet Lao. I organize anU.COmmunist tor c e 1 , particularly among the Meo trfbamea from the hilly northern portion of Lio!. 'Ibe result la jlll underground anny, catt- ed the Annet ClandesUnt, which Is, to a large m.nt, trained and supported by CIA. That mollly Meo army, led by a forlntr Fr"""'1 --~ Maj. Gell. Gang Pao, lw been a major factor In stalling the eUorta of ID estimaWd 50,000 North Vletnamae w1>o ere pr.....Uy In Lao<. The undergnlund army hu -r.ed clO!ely with U.S. lfr unlla, which provido transport and aupport -aptdally 1lnco the halting ol bombln& In North Vietnam has focused anU-infiltnUon efforts on the Ho OU Minh Tndl -the -k ol in- filtration routes whlcll mtander tlroaP southern LAOI and Into SOuth Vlatuam. IT IS SOME'mING of an lronr tha~ with the _..,.. ol the CIA._-ed •fforll ln Lloo, tha spy qilncy 1w cmie under lncreulnr ,,......,. '""" Ill -.,.-J watchclop to 1'1thclraW fmn Ila c:ommltments there. By -·II. .llfea aafJ ... A.-... k~'~ )l''l~ ·" Dear ~. '! ~'I -Gloomy Gus: 11 t1iero " ..,, _ that eomm .... 1st t .. c11en .,,.,.. Co1111mmlit 110-· denll, just remember that An(ela Davis stllllled under Communist Proleseor· Mll"'t'Ule' of· caJ Stale, San Die(O. • -B.D.W. , .............................. .. .... ,.., ... fll tllle WIAlll•I' ..... ............. _ .... ....,,. 'Make Love, Not War' Is 'An OM Truth "Make Love.~Not War" ·s. tbt belt. ol the galflU that today's yOUJllllerl have ~ aJoar to UL It is a new· pbrue ~ttoc an old truth -the ancient G....U coupled the god of war with the 1oddtss of looe, to symbolize the atrange relaUoJlllJlp --the two. MID Ii Nii! to be aitnUally Hco-m-pooed-' of an "trotlc" and an "aggrUslve" drive. I believe It, and I ·allo ·believe <bal ID U· C<SI ol the ..,. Indicates • delldenc:y ol th,e other. Undue aui:mtv.n.ss, In my vle!, la the result ol-1 lack ti. the ability In IOve et be loved:~-- D' TBEJ(E 'fERE aome way we could ~amine the ~ lives ol poblic men -with a 10rt ol )llY<hlc X ray-I think we would discover that the 1ov1ig faculty In them had been dlllllllled "" and diverted into channels that ran toward power and pooitlon ad conquest. k was ta.By enouP to see without IUCh • device in the cue of a IDUer, who bad no personal emotive We, ud ln whom the excitement ot Mte evtde:atly gave the aame thrill that love livea to normal people. I ausPect much the. same wu true ol Napoleon, despite his amoroos ad- ve-lnp; lie lacked tha gift ol tn. timaey, and while be could "possess" women. it wu only as pos!eSSionl, not u persons. IT IS NO ID81'0RICAL accident that leaden are·almolt always wone than the people they lead,· or that they bavt a power to summon their IUbjecta' worst irutlnctr for crueHy th.at la far gruter than tbe1r power to call upon the people's vu! capacity f0< 1ood will and a-roaJty. We find the same tendency among children, where good or at leut averaae boys will follow the ...m ol their number --wl>o a"'*-f to their suppruaed and forbidden feelhlp -but will rarely follow ·the bat ol their nugi,ber. Virtue seems ind.IViduaJ, wblle vtCe II collective. SINCE POLITICAL power goos to those who crave tt and combat for it, and since thole who crave it (In my opinion) are enjoying II u a subatltute for the ero_tic pleuure t1ley cannot achieve, it is hanfly irurprllllJI that 1-1 leaden llave plunged their netiom Into blood ballls with dismaying recuJarlly throughout the centurle1. 'l'l11s Is doubUetl what Socrates meant when lie obeerved that "P.,... lhoold be lnJStelr only to U-who do not want It." A man wt.c.e -areaive and erotic drlYes are Jn balance will no more abule hit office than be would abwie hi• love- objtcl: but such• lllllJ lw to be drafted f« publle life. 1boH" who volunteer to Jead UI too often want. to lead UI Into maldn( -. and a•ay from making low. Quotes Chrttotoa.Mo.,~•· "'1'111s II the ..-a11on ol Instant OY<l")'lhliic ••• Even lnltant diplomas •llhouP they aro \Named .... Many ~ the fanaUc mWtanta are not collqt _ material MOD1 ol them wvt 'lhoved -"'· hlCb -whGlly ""'"*'eel for college or unl'l'tnltJ wcrt. M1ny llave dlfflcul!)' In reading, and that spell6 TIO end of trouble. llewaver, H Is not too df!llcult 19 juatlly the danandt for no Go ams -or even no cl•n attendance, and an indlfferent atUtude tow a r d aasipmentl. A diploma srantacf under llUch clrcuf-mat .. a mockery ol aduCIUon. .. . . ''Sex Education· Is No . Red Plot~ To the Edit.or: , That Mr: Bruce GltM abou1d .call 1ex education a Commuolat plot 1et1n1 com· . pletely ridiculous. Suol\ ~,aocuaaUon im- plies lhal he has information demonstratinc aome plot _ to "subvert _a generaUon of American ytUh .•• "Yet he did not revul any · such information, but did ramble on with lao&e statement.9 which did not explain anything, nor .did lhe'y say much except to reveal emo- tiQnallam on his ~ To caU the aa. ecfucaUon pro£ram a Commun!Jt plot ~.use a memJ>er of t}\e . SIECUS ii an avowed Comnlunist. is as abourd u ca!Unl the University ol Calllornfa a Communist . C0111Plracy ·-~~ J!lelllber ol t b • .fa!ul!Y is a Comm • TO BOLD THAT ' the tampering with present day dopia. in rqard to .... 111- ual standards u . neCalary• foe lftt&IJ. moraUiy, Js only conjecture, Such a point of view ii queationable, for sexual morality II lite IDY other ·morality ;.It is concerned with 1-an individual acts responsibly toward another lnnnan being. TO' bold sensJUvity tralntn1i as being • form of brainwashing ls also ques. tJonable. It promotes communicatJon between lndlvlduall, aometblng groosly lacking in today'• complex society. Of particular Interest wu Mr. GleM's perlKIDll belief that an education dJd not belong In the schools. In view ol his oot substantiating h11 accusations, t am Jed to 8Ulpect lie lw an lnlierent ·beMel rather than a nttonal arcument aa:timt .... educallcio In the lchoob. HE STATES THAT pannll should be the admln1stratcn of sex education which presenUy 11 impoalble becaUS< of the absence of such knowledge by the ma· jorlty ol par<!U. Evon ii they knew all about sexuality, could partntl give an honest. true-to-lite SR education to their children? i ·eittT1 from rtciaen 'ar. IDlltMM. Normdllv IDrll<TI should cO!ll>Oll th<ll · niet.sagei in 800 toordl-or less. Tiu right to condens• i.tten to· fit apa<11 OT . t liminaU libel is T"tseri.lfll AU w ters must include lignatvrei and rrid- ing· addttSI, but Mmtl tnar be tOiOt ~~ on request if 1ufficient rtCJIO)t 11 apparent. ' · · parenta don't have. the: limojo do IL -lllhm 1acr the tntemt.~aiitlnc thiy'll learn about sex from their friend&. BJ . ~ I mean tbe.ir cbildren~a friendJ. SOI eduCation·1 feel LI a necesury cfais !0< high ICl1ool uppetcla-. II tauglit In lower grades In deptll,-tlle IUD mean1n, ol se1 educaUon mlcf>I not llilll In. . . BRUCE BLACK Senlpr Corona .de! Mar High School .Planes AU Llte Sp"''- To the Editor: ~ My wile and [ live in the city or SaDll Ana, ·dlrecuy under what has for aoln• time been.the airline Jandtng 'approacb1'u , Oran,e Coorrty Airport. We bave neftt consldere<f these planes a mdP-l!! a problem ill any way. In fact, they add ·spice and lnterest to our llvea. , Whenever we hear • _plane aPJl-oadt. Ing, we look up to admlfe,111 be&Uty et grace. It does not constitute • n)eDIC4 to oor living, but ooly ldds •an bite- Ing dimension to ll~ bad upon the abort Umes we hive ourselm enjoyed flying. Until May ot this year, we never hid been on a modem airplane,, perllapo "' even feared to do ao. But then came tM opportunity to fly to Hawaii, which w• found to be an uhllarating, lboroupty enjoyable experience. • I awwne the two pamphlets he mtn- lions have some tangible material jn them to give credit to the implication of their tlUes that leJ: education and senal.tivity training are.a plot qailJat our society, But if they only eipound ac. TIE LONG Jl"I..JGHTI overseas, made cusationa as does Mr. Glenn'• message, by the Douglas· OC II and Boelq 7fffs, then tho qu<allon poRS llaelf, "Are the lntrilUed and dellghtad UI, and the sbort, opponents of sex education in the schools inter-lsJ1nd hopl by Douglai DC 911 md thiemlelves, • devious, c o n 1 pi r i a i . Boeing 70'7s, gave us so much pleasure. group?" that we think back many times upon the' JOHN c. BRI'IT enjoyment of that vacatJoo. To the Editor: I recently nad an article from your paper on aex education. bel:ng a Com· JtJUnllt-irmpired ideL I wou1d love "to comment on thia idea. ~ we u Amerlcw, when tfiln&s are con!Ullng or 'millnttrpreted by us,' tend to SIY or blame H "1 the Com- munists. Wiien thlnp I" bad, willi> ldeu are brouaht up that ~ u~uauaf, no ma~ ter '-beneficial they may lntend'to be, ""' labeled Communlat H they ere·out ol the onilnuy. In lhls ca., H II 1e1 oduca- tlon. THE ·TEAClllll from M-Viejo had """"' sound Idell; but bf and •large, the basic ldeat ....,,.., not to be totally and thonlll(hly tbouaJ>t t!vuup. J.- with· him that 1t1 edU11ati911 balonp In tho home ·IF the pattntl taich 11. · Some .Partnla, If not·afi, are willing to take this task. But you muat realllt that not' all the parttftl ta>ow' llow to teac!t It -t forming evil 1deu about 1e1. By evll, I meao miswlcltntood rOllOlllng. AND IMlME porenta don't nnt to tal<a tile Ume 'to teach their chlfdrtn f,.. mon than -.. -. One could be that many Now, when we see. an airplane ~ overhead, we always hope for Jta: safety up there, and oura down below, and w1ah that we could excha~e places "1th tbt fortll!"tt .,.Opie wlio are enjoyin& - selves as they view the metropolis U.1 Js Orange County as they prepare to Jarid at modem, convenient Orange r ... -Alrport. -v. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE D~ ! .----Bs Geerwe ---. Dear Georae: .My wife Is alwa11 nanin& 1!11 1 jull bee..,. I .happon occaslonally to live a good.Jookina Womu a ~ing glance. "Yeah/' sbt aay1, "but I know wllat you're thinking." Whal makOI I • woman act like that? Sacb thougtu never enter my mind. 1 NEVER tliffiilhblji ~J!Jil How can I <onvinCe ber that I'm not J thlnkt., anything llh-lhat wbea I loot at an attractive wonrant ROVER , De•r Rover : Gtt, I don'& know -my wife'• the aame· way tnd I never MLlnk that either. Uh. •hakver it la, lei 1!11 hutm·to add. it { en Wh lhi Pol Wt / I ,tbt to111 w h q! '!e ~ w~ lb< I .1 ' ,, I . '11 J \.' ] , I ~o !),, no by Ju :m Jn •• -pe le1 pr th· A! ce m al it' OU th '' ... .. • " ' ' ,, .. • ,, • • ' • • • " i ! I I -4: • • -_.._ • • • •• • • • ' .-• • • .-, ' • • • •'' •• • -'·• • ,..._ .... _.., •.-•• r--o .. ~ .. .,.. • • ,.. ••• ..... • .. LOS ANGELES (A,P)-Mi· , horit~ leader Jesse Unr~ of ·(he state Assembly llays he ls riOt satidied with the apology by· ·san Jose Superior Cotirt Judge Gerald S. Ch!l!gin for :i.nti-Mexican remarks made Jrom the bench. T1le • Inglewood Democrat says he 'plans to start hn· -peachment proceedings in t1)e legislature unless the Su- preme Court fire1 Cbaragin or the judge resigrui. Jn Readin· g· As he-sentenctd a Mu:ican-• .. Ameri.Cftii yoUth Sept. i on lit. --~ _, · · - cest charge. aiargin re-Revealed marked : "Mexlcan people, .. · .· after 17 years or age, think it's .perfectly all right to go out and act like ari animal. " "Maybe Hiller waa right;"' the judge conUnued. "The animals in our society probr ;ebJy ought to be destroyed be- LOS ANGELES it1PJ) - ,Slgnilica.nt t improv~~t in re~ skills of clilldren in the firs! three grades of California schools has been recorded and lhould move up to hiiJier levds ln:lbe tchoolo, State Superintendent of Public Jn.tructioo Mu Rafferty ·1Sllid Wednesday. Survivor Relives Jump Go"lden Gate Dive 'Like Flying' \-cause they have no· right to ,Jive." , ~=;;;;;; 32 Gal. Plastic TRASH .CAN Dentproof, noi1•l•11. A $5.99 v•lu•. SALE PllCf · $399 Rafferty, making what he tel-med the "most important aMOOncement" of his ad· ministration, said he thought It was vital to give parents 50:me good news about the performance of y o u n g e r children in readipg. , Rafferty said although skills among children in ·the lower gz:ades have aignific,mly -irn- proved, tests in the sixth and tenth grade "'°" reading •kills are. declining. ,. ' .. ' . SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Hosplial. Thomas C. Baker U, who jum-Baker, a Chicago native who ped from the Golden, Gal!' prefers t9. be called by his Bridge Friday Jn a suicide a.f· "poetic pame" o( Arua Jester, tempt, said "it was like et.emi-discussed his. e ~per i enc e · ty,' flying through the air like Wedi>esday. an angel" · "Getting mY foot OVllf the Baker, the fifth perscin to rails ·was the hardesf Wng," survive the 230-foot phmge·, he s~d. · , said "I felt as if It would last "Sl!ryivi.J1g was easy •.• .tt forever." i dqesn't .seem _ too tµe,h when Minute.. after his' jUtiip, ~'re failing ." · Baker was picked up ~ ~a ·"The water was nice when I fishing boat. His In furies · if!" . · hit it · It 'fl! cool, . ~. eluded a ruptured spleen.Md a testtuI ..:.. almost frlend!y. fractured ·rt~ arm. He 'ts In When I spla!tted, I "asn't con. San Franc11eo G e n e r a 1 scious until I was swfmmlng. • ·™n It was -fun; "Uritil t~n. mY eya were cl<ised. Then I opened them. l wasn't surprised to be alive." , He said although career disappointments and t h e . disappearance of a poodle and a pfaY manuaCript. led to his drastic actfon, he was not dJsappolnted to stay alive. "Wlien l 09eneCl· my eyes, tt ' WIS lie the dlnnoi put bod : vanished and· ~ WU .Dt · oetd to wo~ any ~.'' ff, . Did ht'waS 111fOW 19b'1 tO'tr, and enJOY life for a ~ .. and allo rettart bli ~. '. ' . "' SPRINO~ALE HARDWARE I ' ' ' . ' "; ~ ' I ' GORN POPPER . 1969. HARDWARE HOU.,lWARIS . . It'• conr po!Jplllf tl111•. s ..... 1 •• 1.ctric r.11 .... co•tH COaN POPPll. . RENT ··CARPET SHAMPQOER: $1f.. Spri11gclale Hardware #FG11 ., IGllff FIBERGLAS HAN/)lED HAMMER • DY,,.,,,,lc.A ••I.nett/ dltilv .. -• NM>. --- ,116, PRJCI S7.tl ·SA'• r1ic1 · • H#twl..,,, Mtt l.ortl~~ . ,. ~ $2.49 15·1b. OVAL ROASTa .. Will help yo1.1 h.Jp yo1.1rself. seve money )65 d1y1 • .~eer. lf_w• don't h•v• whet yoiJ we~t we will .get if. A Special 11 EY"J Dtpt, Green up thiit lawn now with Scott'1 fertili zer. •11d .,., 25°/o 01 d Scott's . BORG· ... • ' • • •• . • •J· , · ~in our. Plum"bi1u11 Dept. ft 11 GWterinq time. A . 10ft.L ..... oo1Jtfc. . ' ' . . ' " Pa int up-fix up-with Treeiure T•n••' "Pe intJ. Buy : . . .;., 6•·1.--'• .P• 0 & Rolltr FRU. .. SA.LI PllCI ' ~ v 1'11.9' ., . -~ - "PRICES '.tFFECTIVE, "BEGINNING TODAY" flve-tirn• World'1 Poe.le• et l illi1rd Ch~1111Pio11,. •ill-, •PP••r p•non1llv f~oira '12 Noon to 2:l0 P·P!\~ 6:l0 p.m. to 1.:lD p.m. i11 th• follow i119 S.•rt Stor•• on the' fol"- lowM19 '•v1: • s...c""' ,....,_ ........ , .. ,. . ,...,_,_.,_ f;t\:111 •sr 7 -4, I .•99.95 ~~~r 8 Movie Cam~r~-, -\. . ·, : • u .. , 5().fc Saper"8 filin In p!Uticeutri* 111, deluxe folding pi1tol grip •Manual 3-1 zoom. ll to 35 MM. Reflex riewing with adju1table eye piece • Eleelrie drive and eye, powered for 4 batteries . . -- 5988 . ' .. " ··camera Clearance 20.% . 4-0% . : .,. ' TO · OFF .• Regular _Low Prices Aok About Se- ·eonvealent Credit Plans c - e ·Add., 111btrac1a and maldplieo; adda up , to a· col_amna. totale t .1 •Separate clear, total, euhtotal. re- peat 1Yd 1uhtra~ ban SAVE •9·0n , Portable Adder e Add., •uhincu, Replor $68.11 mahipliee •Add.7<0laam., 5983 toW.8 ·ltep)ar A9. 88 1124.99 .., • Big 12-in. carriage, (our color ribbn. epeed group! •Pll.11paee W e 88 Cb.,..ton, fall 1abalallon, n .. finder, line retained, Uue 1pest:ve. Pica or Elite. '· &tisfcu:ticl). Guaranteed ~ or Your Money Back ~ s.., ..... 1 iu. !retna7 9:30 A.II. te 9:SO P ~ S..U7112 N"9 .. $ ' IOUVC:C An CO. • I ' 4 4 -'-"-·• ,..~ ................ . • ~ f DAllY, PILOT Thursd'1, tl9Yt~~ &, 1969 . ' ' . l • • . • . • ' • • • , . l • I • • • • ·' EF-enva~w~--. . ' Revealing of. JF~ .. MZll&IMAN SM1Tll '"" -....... ..,.. WASHINGTON (UPI) -In this inte.nse1y imaguonscious ~«• h -k ~teresting W_see how latter-day person a I momoln about Presldent Jahn F. Kennedy Im! I<> show him In ...,ewhat sharper, yet friendly focus than the first round of largely worshipful bookl by his intimates shortly after biJ death. A curnot euniple is an in- 16..tlng boolc by Jahn Ken- neth Galbraith-Ambassador's . Jouf-..1 : A Penonal Account tJ the K'ennedy Years" (H<MJlbtqn MlfOln). The public tnowa Galbraith geoe:raO, as Kiannedy'1 am- bassador to India, Harvard pr'9fessor, liberal ,f i g u r e •. ~tied ecooainilt and pr<r llfic author. But Galbraith was more than that. He was on cliiee personal tenns wi(b Kennedy aDd his wife, Jac- quellne, not only during the While House years, but during the lMO campaign. Gal~tb arrived In India to take up his am~ial duties ii\ early ~pril, 19lll, but returned lo Washington for consultation lesS . than . two months lat.er. A3 he prepared to leave the nation's capital and return. to New Delhi, his ' journal entry '"" J-.. Jiil, lncludel·thll -"I saw the Pruident on three oceaalons. Once .he was in the bathtub; once in bed; once we-rode•to:the ShOrebam (hotel) together lot.a speech. I thlnk be Is sulJuing ' great deal from biJ back. C«talnlY it is more seriow:-than"hl ld- m?~ i~b: .;i1~ was in his ba~:)Vhlle sitting on a stool, I. 1(Mll bbn about some iniquitous loln .. on. Every· ooce in a while, the conversaUon was -interrupted as he turned.on' the bot water "th his loot. Bob .x.n ....... WI • "'-Z came · in with· ooe of his younpters ••• 1 ·wondered H the bof were cleared by the FBI for we. were talk:IM about some Vf'.r'/ secret f9~S." This pusage W!S imest.IDJ in tbat •U ¥1~: ~ period when Ken~y. indeed,iwas in much pain because of a chronic back ailment 'Jbe pain put biin on cru~ for ·a time, and' also led to long hours in hot baths and the heated White House nlmming pool whet< be sometimes swam in the nude while carry- ing on basinesa conversations with men ... ranglng _from Cab- inet olfi'Cers to correspondents. Yet, during the same period COYefed in Galbraith's journal, (See MEMOIRS, Page I) 'A M~1'1CA"S ~ LAlltG ~ST FAMILY CLOTHINl9 . CHAIN f. '. ,, ' ' • 1: i ' ' , O,IN 9:11 'Tll f :JI MEN'S i ALL·LEAT-HER . BUCK TAN WORK BOOTS 99 comp. value $14 • Design Id for ttuly comfoflable ftt • li9htwei9ht and extremely ftexible • Fully cushioned with built·in arch • Oil-resistant rubber solOI and heels • FuU Goodyear-It con1truction ~ P.mct for ovtdoer M.kGf.all kind• Op•n 11 to 5 Sunday .II • COSTA EA, 1601 Newport Blvd., al 16th • eAJtDIN OROVE -12372 Garden Grove Blvd, .. ' ' See ~.Sears Broad Selection .of 'F.o -' . ~ ~ remotccoo- uolbaa<ry holdor. •· Hedatrom 10..U.eh Tricycle 697 All Hedstiom Toys at -Lowest !J.iDCh Tricy<IUl.97 Prices Mattel's Hot Wheels Hazard Hill Set Sears Low, Low Price! 994 • Two-lane spiral track •Cara are released from 11tarl gate and by gravity, traYel downhill _ •Buy ~ow for Christmas giving u ... ·Se • .,; Revolving Charge Fun-Filled Wagon; . . I ~~ed! 49~ I •For all ages up to 4 ~ • Dnnble ouel pirb . e Fin engine red color For Ageo 3 to 1 · Low Pric•d 7.41 .For Ageo 4 to 8 .Great Valn<-.-9.79 Ideal's 6-inch High Zeroid Robo,1..,,•~------U3,96 ·Remco's Frustration Ball, 61/rinch 1.96 Parker Brother's Monopoly 3.44 Topper's Bags and Thing 9.94 Kenner's Spirograp 78 Remco's Dutch Kitche 6.96 . Kenner's ·Easy Bake Oven 8.48 Fisher Price Chatter Teleph<in _ ---~ 7_8 Playsk;;;l Tyke Bile -4.88 Super E 7.91 ' ',• .. I I .( ' . I ' . ' ' ·~ ' ' ~ ,. ' . ' • • • . I • I : ·I '• .. .. " " . . ,. •' •I '"' . ' All Mme Toys at lowest Prices . All Ideal Toys at Lowest Prices. Tonb V:W1ri1h RaeeTiret 174 Al!Toob Toys at Lowest Prices. TolldnC . ·Barbie Doll $494 Al!Mattcl Toysu lowest Prices u.e Sii Conveni liAY-A\l lPOO 1 \'r1<'''1n f ,,.,n' \ """ t"·' •l\r Hedstrom.'• 13'' Sidewalk Bike 1994 ,All Hcdstnim Toys at Lowest Prices. Mattel Hot Wheel Cars All Mattcl ToYS at Lowest Prices. New Model! Anilable Fun! All Star Hocke7 Delayed•« 1ioo puck dropper. Gttat fun! 1 Murray Ohio Finii Chief Automobile! Sean Low, 149~ Low Price! 11 • Heavily embossed body •• ·~ with white trim t • Flashing light; molded • 1 • 31Hncb length, 17~ inebwidth ' ,j -I •' 1; " .,, . " ; .. " " :l " .; " • As Aliout ~ -... - - ------- - - -... -iiiiiiiimm ----------Im'--- 1 IUINA PIJIC. TA 8·4400, 521-4530 ll MONll GI 3·3911 , IONG 11EACM HE 5.0121 · ,. «:." .:l<lllOll Sears Convenient Credit Plans CANOGA PIJIC 340--066 1 GlENDAt< Oi 5-1004, 0 4-461 1 OIYMPIC A SOTO AN 11-5211 I COMPTOI< NE 6-2581, NE 2-5761 HOltYWOOD HO 9-5941 OUNG< 637-2100 COVINA 966-0611 INGllWOOO OR 8·2521 PA>AOl'l/\ 681 ·3211, 35~4211 ... -----------.-----~ -----_ __.._... Shop Nights Monday lhrqugh $aturday 9'.3d A.M. to 9:30 P .,_., Sunday 12 NM! to 5 P Jt; l. - . • ' • • • • l • ---.... .. . . ..... .... ., -• • • • ,l • • • . UllY I'll.OT f , C..U111ed !roe P... I ~--i-MEMOIRS~ ... ~.' ~---'--.. -o--i.- ., ' ' ... ' ' ' ' ' I r. '" I .; • • • i §f.71/z.in. Crissy Dolls < 894 • "~1.ow.· , 3-ow. l'rice! ~· L#urious hair ·eili he combed, _ •et and made to grow • Ex~site hand _painted beauty ~· .. ' ~ .. Baby Giggles Doll Sean Low 'Pricel 499 ·•Sloe ligleo "'-""'..,...her left haiid up or dowa •Rolling .,. motion, rooted hair ~ LOW EST TOY PRICES IN TOWN! <l•'lAiwe's Yahtzee:....-____________ ..1,l.76 c~~Ohio Art's Etch-A-Sketch 2,48 ~.!ldeal's Ker Plunk 2,44 2-t::'l'opper Baby Catch A Ball 12.94 .,~,.~~·s Bang Bo .97 .~lisher Price Chubby Cub Bear 3.34 Haahto's Lite-Brit .64 ~··~)ddtl's Battling Top 2.18 '~~TiJ;iy...Tonka Fun Buggy 68• ·J·~x Motorway 6.61 i'lg'Whee 10.97 ,._ - ! Siars 23.Inch Hop pity ' " ~· Dancerin• Hop • 1vement Doll Ball . 1388 594. ~W4\7 ADMmel With easy- 'll\N" Toys at grip ring lowest handle. '~·~ Prices. Jnflates! .. . •N :. LOWEST TOY PRICES IN TOWN! ' 1. " '· ,, " ' " ., . ; " ;j 'r " " ;, " • :, " ' ; ' • • 20" Coaster Brake Converta Bicycle Buy Now! 2488 • Coil otiring ..idle, -hnb, aemi-p-• tireo •Seat ro pedal ~ from 21 to%4ineheo e Mlllallio ncl wllla white lrilll Boys' 20.inch JUJlior Bicycles Terrifie2988 Valuel •Cm lie eou;aOMI •lull Ii .. Spyder BiCJOI• •Jr. bucket banana teat • Coa•ter brake, training wbeele,ZO.U.:h mo • FWuho,ut .....,., color The Big TOY BOX. at Sears Come in and ae•- our wide and mar- velou. selection of toys! Waikie Talkie ,.;th Strop 11~?. Super seosi4 rive cn:mmit· ll..ol"""" ~Mr. • HUnim• Woad,.. Hone 1694 AVAILABLE Only at Sears' ReYell'• Speed Challenge Banked Roeeway Set Low Priced! 29921', • Straight and curved track • • Day.glo crash fence on all curves • Decorated 1/32 scale F"ire· bird and Cougar c~ 'IV alkle Tlllde Attache Case 199 Raogeup ro 1/4-milc, With code book. Talldq G.LJoe """' ...... 4" .~.,,.,. mandswbeo , _ his. dog "II -is pulle:I. LOWEST TOY PRICES IN TOWN ' • Candy etrlpecl :!-in. frame • Plutic seat llWiop and fly- i111 trapeze in ceo&er an• e 4-pmmeoger J2wn IWi.ng • S.11. attached olide Toub Mlsfity Looder 684 Copy .t ... NII -1 build- ing equipment. -..uo· ........ Seto 2492 ' ' - • I ------------------------, --urice~Effectt"ve -Sears ~'f<lj~ a> 2.1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 PICO WI! 11-4262 SOUTH COAST l'lAl.\ 540.3333 I c ' 0 ' ..... SANTA AHA Kl 7.n71 1llllANCI! S42·1511 , SANTA" -9ua111 vAllfY ro :J.,11461, 994.2220 1 Beginning Today SANTA MONICA EX <l-6711 WIMONf Pl 9-1911 -~----------------' ••n.ww..u.U.ca . "Satisfaction GuaranteedorYourMoneyBack" Shop Today 'til 9:30 P .M • --" ·-~r- ~ ~· • Ille While. Houle WU mllinl bed lo cOpe lid.loont lo llYt ,,.,,, 1111!<!, lo mllilmlze 1be WI~ ..... -poJn -al'~y"' ailment. whlcll 1111-. dolcrlbed u Tho Ont otory about hll belog a low·erede type -ablo oa crutdtea a~ at tbe to a dull toothlcbe. end" Vt hlo ltlumphanl trip K 1 n n 1 d y • 1 ertt ind (!run a crowd standpoint), ....oorcetWM#, plus the with hlo wHe lo Paris, Vienna dedication al Ills Ila.II, pn> and London. Actually, thf w.c..t an eallrely dlllerenl lm- llmli.d lacta did not becorn;;;'-"'•g• JO< the (!ll_bllc -tllal al f-----1-a'vallabl< m~111.--w111 • n ln.spuatkiliil;etiinill'"y __,,_ Hou.le was faced with IOllle youlhtul, phy11caDY a c t I v e rather hard-DOied o e tr • chief eiecuUYe "whole name ltoriel. was 1ynonomoua With ~h I ' · Many ~erlcana simply loothall (which he had nol retuHd to accept tbe fad tl\at played for •1• before becom- Kennedy !or a Ume wu on the Ing P...tdent, althoqh hll YerJe Of invalJdlstn because of two brothers a n, d .c lo 1 e bis back.' In fact, llurlng most associate& were arut ad· · Lof bit White Hooae days, he vocates of backy~d football.) AM!:NICA'S t.All(CJl!ST J"AMILY CLOT'11HC$ CHAIN Repeµ,t of a Sellout! NEW FALL 3-PIECE "WEEKENDER" c ' tA vest plw; pants plus skirt ; l• all · for 9.9 • omy A tmsmph in fa.Sbion,-vcrsatiltty and · price! You·get gently fla""1 slacks plru a gracoful little skirt-both elasticized Waistlines-plu.r the current·n.gc vest aocentt!d With gilt buttoru:, ready to . wear'with a blouse or without. All in • fancy pottemcd Colony nyooi Ml&ses' SiUs 8 to 16. . " . Open 11 to 5 ~SJnclay •• COSTA MESA, 16P1 Newport BIYd., at 16111 GARDEN GROVE -12372 Gardon Grow IMI. I I. • ' • • •• -1-~~ .... ~~ • .,.. .,: • I - • ·- -·~-:-,.-,----------------~---------~----.::.~--· . ' DAil y' P'll.D? , •. r Statid #~~r· t~~ ii,==="'-'='~-="'"""""'a:;""'mi:m:""'=:r..:=13 Superior Judge Saintiel Dreizen· (in judiciaf robes, For the R~cQrd • Jell foreg!"Ol\fl4) j!J>ed up ;for·\lj\11.'Photo .. with 147 Or- ange County residents who became U.S. c1tizen.S in naturalization ceremonies in his court Oct. 15. As presidiog judge ot..Orange County's Superior Court sys tem, Oteizen''·preslded ·over swearing in of new citizens. The total of 147 new citizens included 56 Arr1~1fi:i"e!-:t~"~~.,,'f~~ ~~1t,_l_r_o_m __ o_r_.an--:g_e_'eo_a~•-t_co_mm_.-,.-un_1_·17ie_s_. ---,-----.,.. CIVIC Ctftlw,, H11~llllllOll llfKh, I 1 ~1on :e~~·s~~. (k,o, HI/ ... "W~~l:!o,~·tit~~~u~ W .. ·a ... 7t. ~Ii · fo.r · t'h--e .. f--11 gton S.acUtt Coun!rv Club, 3000 Hunflr111lon ~~Adi 11rr-.:k1 N~. 71)0, ,\_;, WJ Im Allf:., Huntlnjlllori Beaeh. •:JO Vetir111S 6' Wlll'lcl Wer 1, 11.F.W. "1c L(ld09. IOOF' HI 11 , Hill, 31' Y«klilwn A ...... H11nt/119ton . • ~ lmln,!er .... Wf)UI, Wntmlnstin:.. r:~m-n ~!'11:Ymlctw.n11 Club. F••• we'ek's ·T ·v listin' gs 1'n·· ·~:!!·~cp"'Ci>ast ArdlMOlallV Socit,Y,~ w 11•, Ill~\ Bl.eh BIYd .• Huntliro!WI · . •' e · e , :_, '!?n ~m. Sal!l1 AM. 1:311 Nt•e.::;, 1~":'j11n1or Ch'"1ber ;d ·~ ""' To.•lml•lff' Olllb, Mete C~a,_ !Jl7 Weotc;liff Or_,_. s d ' . di f ' ~J·.~' Country Cll;b, Cml1 Mesi,1:» ~'eilcilh o",.~~ ... ~~:h~ 7,~~J.~· atur ay· s .. e • tion 0 the 'l"E"lm. 111~·~~~"°"-Elkil_e~:.1ei ,JllDAY • Hunlfntlon 811~ It Ir I r v Club, rle111 L"lon l"ott No. 45, Amer!-Sh1rllon llffCtl Inn. . Hunt1n11ori DAILY p· ILOT ..... •n Ltlllon Hill, 5'S W. 1111! St., c-M:r1:'1ri 1(~Pfkib, Stull Slolrf, '1'141 • . _,,, ·-· • ·-~ w. ""' .... ~ •• ..,,,., """· • . • ~ 12:11 !4!" • & ATH NlfflC~s ' Biw1' _hs . ALBERTSON •11"', ~. J1i. .fJbertson. A.-!t. ef '" HOA9 MIMOl:IAL HOSl"ITAt. ;.:liiirm. SI., Coste MeM. O.te f., oCtlMr U ,~ NCM'll'fber :L Sul"'IYM br flll.'o Mr. • Ml'L O.vlll LMrntd, IOIXI Los • Mlrt.1 ton. Thomei1 """"*'"• .Hrdir.. !alt, '-l•ln V1lley, tlrl d • Glotl• om..... Coat•~ ,._ M,. • _.._ ll:lllwld LlckJe ... , s. ~lnfhen, 8olJ DU~. FloriMi, Timi>-' ........ , · ' ,,.. ...;.._~ Diiiey, CDl!e MtM. $--wlll . llnO,ft., C• Meli. DOI' held Frlclly, 11 AM, SI.~ J«!tt\ !tie • Mr. &. •Mrs. W~l'-0 : Hff!h, 1657 Cor· ne E"'-1 Qlurd'I, with 1Jtt¥ Ila Pt., Col!IP""'-• t lrl Dorla~ offlcl1trnir. 1~: Mr. 4 Mtlol JtObwt Alh-111. %11 t L•Wft tlw ... Dlr.ded ~ Lt~ A¥• •• re.on. CS.I Mir, bay Bf"CllldWIY MM!uerv, C0.11 Mk • . OCtlhr 21 · DA.WSON · Mr. lo Mra. Wllll•ITI Rtltw, 1710 Mis. ~ D.J.~~~~' ~~:~1~ ._ ._ Mel'it/rii, C01tt , ba; '· , .~ ber 4. 11 flit •M of 74. Sur· Mr. 1o Mn. Derren Cl1rt., 4522 Bllflop bY '°"' KoW1n:li trend-dau• or .. H11nt1t111oion BMch. 11r1 Clllre ll:othchllll1 lel'W1 •nd • . 11 Olwtar11 tree!~ Jdln '~ If hlld, Stf'Vklt pr!Ylll, Shtffw Mr. lo Mn. Da¥id MlOdlffl\11, 2'601 ......_uliil 8etch N«t11ery, Ohelorl. Viii• "ltn Dr .. L11vne Nl11111!, 11lrl -~ ·~ KOEHLER Mr. a.~ Sttl>llm 5~1CQl'l'lbe, 1115111 •• • enneqt ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY ' .... ' .. ·, . THESE-- . H .. · ·. I Mlrltold Ave .• COl'!lfl,I dd Ma•" t lr1 , • 'IOI' KodilU. ftO L.t1 Robles ll.. Mr. lo Mr1. Allin Htrr/119, ti;u W1ter· ,.. l eech. O.lt..Df <IN!h, Novem· trorit Dr.;H1111llneton 811ch, DOI' •· S. SU1"'1¥ed by twe tonl, Wlllllll'I Mr. &. Ml'L J11n111 1Cllk1P1rklr, :!Ill '" othltr-. Le1111111 llffdl1 Artl'lllr 5. cane Dorldl. s.n Clemtnt., 9111 • PENNEY STORES .... Soul!! America~ 1l111r. H«· Dt ... Mn. HlllO' Jti.., • MWlfOld, LI 51rlltll , Montc11lr. Servlc•• COrON def ·Mir, ilr1 l!!t_•l sr...tler L.11une B••clt DcNMr • •rv. -Mr:-j Mrs. Pi Uf' 'itfiiltch...i fftt-s: . . LENKE B1Jtn11 v 1111, Duerte, t lrl It-:. Lrie., AN 7l. of U7~ C.rit-Mr. &. MrL 'Gery Alldlo:-. _nt• ~· Or., Cotti MIH. $trvk11 will ••rio Pl.,!lrvln .. ,boY ~-;' ' 1, held Ill c.._. P1rll, Pr1l..w1ter Mr. lo Mr1. llewl• l!wlnt, 3005 Hird· ·,ry, 1111 a.,..,,..,. Mor11.11rv, h'I• w ...... Cdi11 Mal, 1!r1 1rdlnl dlrec1on: Oclolllr 11 TULL y • ·. Mr. I. Mr1. G-A. ,I tell. Wl W . .,.-.._~. 1 . 2nd 51., S.n1• A1111. t lrl• ~ .,_...,n1 F. Tllttv. "" ff, Df no 11-Mr. a. Mrs. ·s11ven L '""'la, 210 F!r.f f Aw .. i.-8"cll. Olft OI dellfl. SI Apt I $t1J .J!Mh, l!S"I' • .. lit!' .._ SOrvlftd &Y •ti.. Rv1tl1 Mr, "·a. Mii.'· fin<efrw,,.,,..,:,-Nn · , 1001, D1nlel J.., Palrkk J. 1nd 11e111r Fo~ Dr Huntll'lllon Buch U1m S, Tull'1'1 foll, tl111th!.,.., M,.. t lrl ~., ' ' al OPrl. Mn. L.'l'nlf Petlli1 Mllloel Mr. • Mrt. p...;, Prlnile, 1$2 TOW'lll n "'1CI Anll1 J . Tul1'1'1 f1l'O brvtn-51., Cotti MIH, bOf' J05~ end Wlllllm TUll'l'I thrft Mr. lo Mr•. Mlch1tl J. Grund'y, '6:t5 , , MB. M1rv JIM Mllcfwll, Mn, Florklll Ave., JllD, H11ntrnt1on 8t1ch, orle LH, Mr$. II. J1ckmen1 moth-bC¥ n . Mvrllt Tllll¥. •oury, Fno.1.. Mr. .. Mra. Michail "'-"•· •11 s. , PHii F1mllv Col011l1I F11ner11 f1lr¥llW'. Apf. \/4. Sent• AM, t lrl R1<1vl1m M11s, 51turd4!'1', t St. M1tthew C11110llc Church, Do ~ a..c11. ol•Kl..:I b., Pm F•,,,.. ·a .. •orne·s • ' Colonlll Funeral Home. ..,. 11,.. WESTSTEYN CIYO•Cl!S FILED !Im G. Wnflfeyn.. lm MOlltovll O'OOnntll, Pl!r\d<. Lil' ¥S Elsi J1n1 .. C0511 Mtsl. 0111 ol dt1th, N&< Phllllos, l(ettwr Ill L. ¥1 l!!rM1! ... blr '· S111"'1Ytd b¥ wtt1, L111: g:c111t. ~er•ldlne n Roclnev Ge<>. Mer, Je•'I Hld<len, of Cos11 M1u1 ":ffllim •rot Vlnilnl1 VJ Roblr1 her, Jolln, Sen G1brlel1 sl1!er1, Cost1, Mlf"y Lcw.i!M n l!!d.,.lrd Frenc:lt rll Wnllltvn end WUtwlmln.. st.. ~rle, M1ri:iertt L. ¥s Roblrt w. H, ba!h ol New Yorio ,four tr.nd-HI/Cine., M•rcttrY E. "' H ..... 1~ ... F. 11dren en<I thrM tr11...,.ndchlldre.1. Oevtldl, Victor Tiber ¥11 Cllarltne leis, Friday, l PM, ~aclllc View ChL~~::'io B1rblr1 J Nn vs Rlch•rd l>el. Interment, Pec!lic VI-Me-WIWJ.lns, Lvnne M. ¥s 01vld o. lat Pm;k..Dirtcteo tlr Pe<.{llc., Vjew ,.Fr e. 5111•1eY J .. n W!Mflm Eart El :Ktllh Jewpn 'llS J1111e MaurHn- ARBUCKLE & SON Westdilf Ptlortu.ary E. 17lh St., Cosia Mesa 646--'1181 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Oorolhv Ge"91d Je111t~ w L"I" Mcc1eil.n. SI • G. VS G-•e • Hollrf', Dollnl lltH vt. R°"r H0....1rd 81r1<1r, G-1 L. n llk 1nrd E. ., .. ,1 Pllt'ICI• Htlln ¥1 OoN!.11 LH Arlll: ltle M, n Jo.I> o . Htm!le , Wlllllm C. "' Ru!h V Thonlt1. Cklrln Emt1rd vs DDrolllv Allen, Riie 5. YI Rll"•ld E. FIYnn, PllrlCll Btm1" ¥S t'llrold M111r1c1 f nmo1ir, Jllne Rob!'rl• ¥1 Ron1ld lid•41rd Eldrr.a", Ctiartn Thorn11 ¥1 K1thtrlne .... R=d Chen'! Olrltnl VI ll:on11d a del Ptlar OR S-9451 fjlii; M... HI 6-MM ... .'•' ,,. '<. BELL BROADWAY M~ARY .. I Bnlol""7, a..-Mesa UM433 ' • DILDAY BROTllEAS''·"' Huntington VaUey Mortuary 17111 Beacb Blvd. Hanttngion Beach W-7771 • MCCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 715 Laguna Canyon ROMl Lapna Beldl fff.HIS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemekry e MorluarJ Chapel City Nanies .,Tl'.eii\SW'e.i:, . . ' . LOS ALAMITOS -James Jeffreys has been named city treasurer of Los Alamitos by actio n of the city council. Cit.y Manager \Vil\iam Kraus has filled the post since hi s ap- pbintment last July. lte ad- vised· councilmen th at the two 1 posts should be separated because a treasurer "should ·be more of a legislative con. trol ()f .municipal finances, rather than an admini strative position." Jeffreys Is as s istant manager of a local bank. w :1L·L 'ee ··o·PEN · .. . . ···SUNDAY ,.- , . . ~PiE'RNOONS "}. . ·.~ . . : ,\t: • l ? : ~ .... ~ ·:: . ~ . .• , · 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA .. ' •. BUENA PAJtK • CANOGA PARK .; . •DOWNEY • ElMONi'E .,, ~ . ~ .. '. . •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE , . • HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ ING.LEWOOD • • LAKEwOOD .• 1·· ~ l 'N_Tl'Q.91,, . ·' ·~·~' ••. • LpJ'iq BEACH . ' •.LOS ALTOS . .. ·•MONTCLAIR .• NEwPORT BEACH •. •NORWALK ~NORTH HOLLYWOOD fl ... • •,SA~ f.J;~r,J.\ND.S,) '"' SIOI Peclfic Vkw Drive liewp.n -. Cllllenla 144-%111 Bike Auction • SANJA ·MOfl!ICA • . • •TORRANCE co&i~J:~k Set Saturday VEN. TURA HOME SEAL BEACH -Hundreds e · . 11 7111 Bolla Ave. of blcycleJ, IU?'fboards and t a• Wl!llmlmCeT lt3-35Z5 oilier unclaimed Items will be • vvESTCHESTER • • auctioned olf at 10:30 a.m. •,..,.;.,.,,....Ff"'E"'R MORTUARY Saturday by the Seal Beach • WEST COVINA ...... Buell "4·113 Police Department. Ila Clem.... OWIOI The 1"°1l wtn be displayed a W' t.nwooD • for Inspection for 30 minutes Ml SMITRS' MORTUARY before ttte.auctlon at the Seal -·~=~ .. ~ l ~/;..~ ~ ~~:i::. :~, ... ---.. ~"'-... w_.H.,J .. n .... •E._R,;.' .. DO;.;p.;.W,;.N;.;.;S;....._ .... ..1 .... ~ .. ~ ~haw• MIDr· .... •nd · ~ilJiT t( Street•. ·f · 'darltqns; c;:osta Mesa's Finest .Men•J ;s tore, must close Its door forever, due to l j • ' • ' • • -• ' lite passing of Mr. Carlton. We musf..'.s·ell all our fine stock of nationally ad·- . "vertised !>rands in i:nen's clotlilng, ~ttoats, slacks; and in fine furnishings . . .. . ' .• of shirts, sweaters .,. kftlts. In order, to,· clear all our obligations, all our prices ' hav_e , b~n slaiilie4 drastically from 30°/o to 70°/o. Come pre.Pared to buy, , > • i this Is Orange County's biggest goiilg out of business sale. MRS. CARLTON Our Reg. Our Reg •. :·' Our Reg. Our Reg. $55.00 $69.00 ., $79.00 $150,00 ·,: • • ' ' , . SUITS SUITS SUITS ~---suits .; Now 5 29 NOWs39 NOWs49 No.w589 MEN'S SPORTCOATS Our Reg. Our 'Reg. Our Reg. Our Reg. --$49.00 $59.00 ,. $69.00 $95.00 •• "' COATS COATS COATS COATS NOw-'29. , · 535 'NOW , Now 5 42 NOWs59 Perm. Press Flares Nat. Adv. Imported ·Nat. Adv. & Bells Custom Fabric Hand Tailor Slacks Vat; to $16.00 Slacks Val. to $35.00 $650 ssoo s1400 s2000 SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS e KNITS e SWEATERS . Cardigan Naf. Adv. Nat. Adv. Nat. Adv. -.Sweaters l.Oiic~r Sleevtt Short Sleeve Suede Front Our Reg~ Sweater Dress Shirts .. Dress Shirts $16.00 Reg. $28.00 . . · s12so NOW _ s56o s4oo . s21 oo NOW ' ·cARLTONS ' 270 •· 17th St., Hllgren Square, Costa Mesa OPEN DAILY . 10-9 IANKA~ERICARD • -' .f • - ' ' OPEN S NDAY 12 to 5 fOI YOUI ~COf!YINllNCI SATURDAY 10·6 MASTER CHARGE. I ·• "'ILY I'll.Of II :..-.. ------PNkbl1t-lt'•-1Jp .. to Dim ~~~~~::!?;Plill~ ~ -....,.... Where's Lindsay's Futu~e-r W·itlii~ GOO . . ' ~ . • .,. BROOKS JACUON i ..... left_ Ibo -open' for he hadmmaltd Vko Prtsf. "~ • lbal., N... Yori: but did no\ campaign for the enrtlled JIApahllcan aD mfl'ff NEW YORK (AP) _ Hu Llnciaay. 'dent llpjro T. Apw at Jul pollllcs•'ll">Wd f~lerrilln• '•Jlopubllcan ~date, state and I have no p1lna to~ Mayor Ja v. Llndaay'• ..., But Lindool'-whe ,.,.. bf 'Y~• ~ nalfonaI Wbethel-Undliy ...,. lied:' s... John J, Marth!, -' lhatlotatus." . . , • elocll<>n • an indet>endeal lorgq a ...UUon GI l1lonJ •ccoil.U.., Uod!aY quipped. Joto 11fa par1y•1 !old. LIDduy "belt wllheo and con-Lt.may•, ..-at~ far T · ~ him bio -·• In Ibo Democrats and Republl~, "It wai the i*ica I had lo 1111 'II ht'1 a llepubllcan lllire; ' pttulotlcm.", · . the . lutun , ore . ~·i " l!tpubllcan party, pema~·•••U.lberallJm· .1,..llllifl loll' tll. lbe.Ht*"'I a!. . .e P 11.)Jj c~ think Lindsay m1gbt aueu.. Yet -..mflll& !lad,••--- • ~ al ••· While H-·-ly memben-lw promlled ID tlckel." •·-" "~-.... "U ~ They cite elite •-1111 .._,_ ....... -•• ~ tabafour.yarvocationtn.D .• everyw_., ---lbe mQ<I'.'• ablllly.to attract w -'"""". .._: " • .. . .. ~ Republicans Capitalize ~ ' . ~On Governor Victori~·· • :;. By WALTER·R. MEARS AP PeHtltal' Writfr . . . :" "nle Americans' Preslde'nt ,;Nixon calls "'the great silent "'majorlty".have come Uirough ~for the Republican pa~ in w-two feature races' of 'Ute o(f~ ~,ye a r electJPns; piompUng -.OOP cla·lm1 bf 'a •Vietnam : policy mdol;'lement at 1he ••polls. ~ ~ .. , W h J J e Rtpublicans ca"n't ~prove their case from t b e ,. Virginia and New Jersey • govemarship races, simply by ~ makinc the claim they may N[Wl ANALYlll war to end. Denied the: RepUblican nomination, .Lindsay ran as an In.de p. en dent-Liberal and challenged the Nixon course. While Nil:on'a campaign in- tervention, and the problem of war in Viethamn undoubtecDy iofhlenced ' the electicms, DO . one hi ·claiming they were a dkis!Ve• factor. RepubHcan.s are s i m pl y lollowtng the ru1 .. ol politick- ing, just as the Democrats did in claiming a repudiation of the administration was signal- ed by their capture o f previously GOP H~ seats in special congreS.!.ional elections earlier in the year. Nixon's assistance may have had Its greatest impact in ,. nfluence the course or the war Virginia, where Republican ... policy debate certain to erupt Holt<in once remarked he :_In the days 2nd weeks ahead. would just as soon see the elec- • 1be mesaage they want"read tion decided. on the issue of ~Into the outcome: A man run-alliance or oppooition to the ,. ning for office, or planning a President who carried the ~palen 1n next year's batUe sta.te by more than 147,000 :-tor ~Concreu. would do w,ell to votes a year ago. :_:1taJid by the President. Democrats were surprised ' ?(ot IO, said a Denlocralic . ·at the Vlrgh>:ia outcome; they !:JPQkesman. "We don't look bad ex~ to win with w:upcit this as a test of Nixon's William C. BaWe. Certaloly • donal strength." ' the divisive t w o -r o u n d ... · 'lbat. ·reaeUort in defeat wu ·primary in which Battle won !""~~le g_the ~pµbli~ his nomioaUon left 'hangovtr : argmnent In vi~ry. ·probleins for,tbe Democrat. GOP naUOnal C n a i r m a n He faced def~ons ·among ~ Roter C. B. Mor.ton claimed labor and Neero leaders who . ·the voting results showed a sought to purge with defeat ~ btlriy endorsement of the ·the last vestiges of the once .-·Vietnam posture N i x 0 n dominant organization founded ''diaeussed h\_ an election eve by the . late Sen. Harry F. , .report lo lhe ~lion. . Byrd. ~ Nbop campaigned . per-Indeed, there were rumors • sonally for Linwood Holton that Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. ~~in Virginia ~d William T. ~gh.t drop his Democratic al- abill :a ,,. e·w Jerse-f. "The-f1Uati~ an~ switch : ~ ~ • President's gene r a I en-Republican side U Holton won. ~do~ bylthe public bad a Democrats had lingering • marked effect on the elections, · organization trouble in New ' M -question at>Out it" said JtrR.y, • too, where the 1 r ?tforton. ' nominee, Robert B. Meyner, : Tile Pmidert did not men-encountered · pc;ilillcal f o e s " tloa, the war .from his cam-dating from htS. two _earlier :-P&Jen. plaUorms, a Ith o ugh terms 15 ~ernor.. . ' Hott.on and Cahill made clear · The ma1or ,surpnse .for : as -campaigners that they str~gista of both national "were NiJ:on men on lhat ·and parties in the New Jersey out. -. °* iauea. • ' come: the landslide pro- : Nixon addressed his na-porUom of the Cahill victory. ~ tloaally televised Vt et n a·m But one of the f e "!" • report to "lbe great silent ma-Democrats willing to talk iD ~ jodty of my fellow Americans. defeat, and UJ:en o n l ,Y • ,,1 k f rt," h anonymously, said Nixon 1 • as or your suppo e night cf New . Jersey cam- ~ said. • . . paigning couldn't· have fa.sh- ... Marton maintained Nixon ioned a landslide. ' ':'bad;recelved wtuit he 8:(1Ught. "That's relating him to • But in New York, Mayor Superman," 1be Democrat ·c John v. Ltndsey won re-elec--aatd. "He wun't evtn in New ~ loo and aald it showed the Jemy long enough lo cbanp : ... people of that city want the clothes lD a telephone booth." ' ' ' ....J. '°" MUIWOMIAnofif' ... TMIOOUf'Oflf , ....................................... .... : N~ Phone : r I . : ! I Addma City , ' ! Coui!IY · ~ Zip ! • • )-•' lducttlorr. Hlt'h School 0 ColM-.. 0 t , ............................................. . ;-Dime-A-Lines -Mean $$$ -day? .. GOP luden oay' l!tpublk:ao pollUca. ' ~. 17,wu,lorced in1o be clooan't '-·to .joln, k°' -.iic votes. Bu< "It's-Ole licood ~ ... the choice m staying with the ~·1 can't afford tbe buDe.ss • rWaac'u'tbe Cl8dldlte:Ol his very dlftleult 'fer • at a ~ Llndlly' says, "I've been aa1 Jn. America!' -t 4 GOP ls up to him. of partlaamhlp," be said Oct. ~ porty and the Ulllal le'lei lo 'do ..,;ll*i . . . Natiooal pony chairman 21. H• aald be wOllld ""' •• IDlaD \,lllertl porty al!w mqcll ~'JC', -For "'op~ Spo',rts. . . vernge~, . "coalltlnn" ldmlnlstratloo and l!tpubllcan voten narrowly Lanllan said of Llndaay, .l 1 ,. Racers c: B. M o rt on ' not campalp or raise fUnds rejected him in tbe June "UnlNI be lbould lndlcatl1 . , . , l!tpublican Gov. Nellon A. f 0 r Repulllican candldalel primary. • ' olbenrioe, ... would antldpo1'1 Read the DAILY .·PILOT : Rockefeller and state party during bis term. After 1Jrm11 wu ~ wort1ftl with him. u dlllrman CharleJ Lanlian all When crilll:I ~him why Tueaday; ·MGnllo .... 1! llocMleliei, wbo eiwlmed ' 1 • · • ~ 2666 HARBOR· ·BLVD. 546,;,7080 COsTA MESA: . . WUDAYS 9to9 SAIWDAY 9 to 5t30 , su •• , 10 .. 5100 ; ' .. D Hf.W •tvl• riltM1' ! c•llllle1.: ...... ,. ' ' . , loet1n1 dirt •• it cleei.1. ' •. ~~~:..'=oO...:-c ... b1 .1tt11' • .,,, '-.·,.. 111' • .,.roy..,r erMt-- ·... · win Weer' out .,,for• it di. ••• 1.fc 0 . Cut in cui111.· u,;·for crouto111. , ' - 0 A11ertet1' tp•nt•I. •-~~ p1cke1111' i11 r11111eil• pl_11tic l:.,11ck11t wl!h htn4'1" h<rt''·· •• 0 H111dv pric• rn1k11 it ell worthwhil • .' OV,ER A DO~EN . 99' ' . 0 D1cor1tive "''' c.111 b1 u1,J in kjtch111 or •·•h. 0 C~mfort1ltl1, oiluro'bl1, ' 11•v.•r c11rl1. 0 k11tf11I to th1 feet, w111hebl1, choic1 of t•vor1I clever p1tt1r111. DAP CAULKING TUii' 0 A llt+lo 40(11 wlll1'o vo11 Clf yollt li1tht11lt'1 t•t h1ir tit.it ii.I . [] 511! wlll 11ot w11h out, crick or cru111.,1o, • ' ARNO . CARPnAK lw• 1IC1cl,t1(119 fir 4111ick c1r1t•f i111tell1tlo11, K•1p1 erii11 r111• frlM fTippi .. +M.., .... t. D Co11 b. ,..1e411 '.I' 1r the -;iHowt ..;..,.M~yo• .. w11t th•IPI t• fell fo r yeu. l '/a~'114 y• 2 49 · IOU .. FA·NCY . :.ElBTSAM ~. I . ' <Or, It's Am~"' What Can le CCIUCJht )Vith the 'Right llaltJ . . . RAM '!." .V AltJA.LI .. . SPEED DRILL . . . ' . ' ' . a~ Frbierti(ll 1p11•1' c1111trel, . . 0 f•.1000 lPM. 0 Drill h•I•• In in•t•I 1 Wlth•ut ••nt~r pu11chl111._ · CJ .Ut• •• a111t•11111Hc 1cr•wtlri••r Irr ch•!ltlitt , 1'rill ltlt te 1'rl••r ltit. > ·r1599 ' I ICE na GUlllS 0 If tel i1 yeur b11. rfi: ~.,.~. o •••'· IJ 0 . Gr1clo111 11 • ·01. 1i1' , · ~ · for ent•ri1i11J111 1r for l the f1m ily. ~ 0 Se wh11t'1 wro119 with •11tortel11l11t tti1 f111'1ity1 .. , OP • '. FRIEzlR ;f ~mit ' ' D ~s.11.1tltkt~ +•1t• ' 11111li'fr••••t p111:k•t•• 11111tly '""' I t11•ickly. O Wrl.,.011 •tvl• in C•11V•11l•11f OllY to UIO 'h p .• 11iier. 0 Heelthy l/l .. •400" rill. PUTTY i<NIPI ' ' 0 Hor1'1 • k11if1 th1t'1 p11tty 111 vo.ir hoH1. 0 Get .,.o ltofofe yo.i 1.t1H, y~.ir w!Je wlll tlrow a flt If VOii 1110 tho 1llwor. 0 AM wh• 11••"'• '" •111rv r'lf'>-: •• 12x12 DARK CORK SQUARE P~NIU O E11ch p1ck•t• ce11t1i111 f~11r'll1IJ·.t1rk . cork •t111•r111, • D Th••• h•"• • ""'"'' •f4'1•1.,fir1t ~f .11. you c111lcl rn•k• • 111yrlecl. · D Or 1111k1 • bull1tl11 b'•r' th11 '1i1• ''' w111t it, u11 te 1ouff1tr.Of i r•11n •Co110111lcel1y •IHI t111lckly, 1t•1111l • will, '•cor11t• Hie ouhloil1 of,•.,, lv111'Jl. 11lw11y1 h1 v1 o p1•c• for th• ••II ope111r, ri9ht11 , , ' D Ot 1t1•ko • cliffero11t kiMI of pMl~Uelto•nil •nd fO to fflo P1'f'lllo11 f•r oill1111er i• •t{le. 4 P-AK H,AWAllAN 1 M.OCHA . PA NII.ING FULL 4xl FT • Q ,Hew c•l•r te11•· · th1t vll.fot1 .. "r.i=,-.,0 Pr1fl11i1hM, . V-tf11:0¥1J, ' irn1t111Ci1t• . . . i111teU11Mit11. 0 Ju1t 1t•rt the 1111/0 r11c•rcl1 •114 t.., . M~.29 ' " PAllB. . . ' SANQPAPER . PAK. J111t on• "'''' o••tn1tlo th•t 1hDw1 Kerrn a."itn1 ho1 truo trl~. I'!. h111cl,y t1k• he'tne· p1ck&te1 110 11111 •. ' E••n Joh11 W11y1111 c111't rn1ke ydu 1 cl111l llk• thot. · 100 CT. PAPIR .PLAftS or 25 HOT /COl;D .. CUPS . . 0 Fer hDlioil1'1 '11f1ck1•e11tl 1tortle1. Cl L1t1 work, "'''"' inor• ,.,. ti.ii• fer M9111. . . • IVIRCLAD CHROMI ' . 7 PllCI ftFLON COOKWARI sn • 0 S11p01 1crotch r•1llto11t tofto11 l11t.rior •M hff"! 1teef c•itttrucH111 ""''"' 111p•r cl11r•ltlllty. 1 ' C L.w rlco, Wjli t1.••lltv, t•fo fer tll1hW•1h.n, l1111h1tl" IO"·try,1111. I 1114 t itt. 11ov1r..! 1011c11 p1R1 oH 4 , .. -Dutch 0•011 II+. li1' fltt th•-ftyf11f ,,11,I 0 Ye1 ln4111clv. wo'll ,a tMt •ve•••• trl•I• .._ 11t1ri•r 11t 191l111t 1111y 111 th1 11111r\~. 1488. .. - ( ' . ---~ ·-,..,· .,-,.--..,.-..,.,,..,..·, ..,.-.,.,-;--. ----·-·-----·----· . '-;;;;;;;r;.,;,..;;;;;;;;.>;;;:;; • .-....... • --·,.-;,-;,;:;, :::;c,:;,:;: •.• ;: .• ;:,;::;;. ;;;;;;:--;v;:-;-;.:;,,c;,;-•• "J·•';•""ii!01"R"""ll Ph•i•,•. , , • l"' •• . 111••1•"1•1 • •r• .• ·'"'"'J•c•.• - 'fllindl:p, NM • t f..' 1'69 Merge ... ..__-1 -- Ruining Business? WASHJNGTQ!f (UPI) -A .....,..eo1,·,lludy warned le> di)'~_ ... f0fllkmer1tian -WIS l'Ulbiftl the United Statu toward ••1 cloled economic ·myltlm"f run by 1Dd !or the m.,..ia ,ol ~ few huge companies. · ll called for a crackdown under . tJw: anUlrust )lw1, tU relorml 111o remove incenUvt1 for merger activity," and strict ruJes to chana:e ac- countln( pro<tfces the r"1'9'i said wtre ued to cou: money from innocent investors under lilii! Jifftd*. GIVEN TO SENATE The .,,,.._ report WU prepared by the .taJl ol the Federal Trade CommWlon (FTC) under the l(Uldance o/ Willard F. Mueller I w II 0 prtsented It tO the' Senate an- titrust monopoly ~ committee. Mueller resigned receo'uy u the Fl'C'a cltie( economist and NAT idd H'rK Conglomerateo now teaches at tht University of. Wbconsin. ''In unprecedented fashion, the current merger moveJDent i! centraUzlng a nd con- solidating· .corporate control and dec•maklng among a relaUvely few v a a t Cilf· poraUons," Mueller uid In prepared tesUmony. He said mergers "rt:acbed dizzy height& during the lul three years • . • in 1968, the mergu movement re1cbed such 1 magnitude thlt ln a aingle yur nearly 10 percent (If all lndtpendent manufac- turing corporation! of ayer •to million were acquired. " .•. The share of manufac- turing assets htJd by the 100 Jargeat corporations in 1911 was greater than the share • • • held by the 200 lar corporations in 1950," he u ld, meaning that big f l r m 1 swallowed up the huge U.S. in- dustrial growth ol the Jut two decades and then some. NOT EFFICIENT Muller WI conglomeratu do not enhance efficiency, as their bUJW.. backen pro- claim. He Slkf'tbty leta•to a 11)'8\em "' roclprocal bolylng In wblch "cloeed c I r c u I t marteta'' are cttated. push- ing out compet!Uon and ellmlnaUng the . COOIUl!ltt'I paw..-over pricing and choice. ''Ill ult.Qnate tt_sult Is a closed economk system in which price and other business decl&lons become lar'ely Im- mune from the.dllcipbning in- fluence of the mar ket,'' Mueller said, run by "a small indllltrial elltt ... The conglomerate move- ment. he said, "runs count.er to the basic auumpUons of a free competitive enterprise system relying on the market to discipline the use ol private economic power." Mueller said o a 1 y the government could reverse the trtod, and if nothJng Is done "the ecooomy may become cart.eliud alJ(I centralized in a fa.shioo that cannot be revers- ed." NOT TRUSTED ''l du at r I a I experience teaches that holders of private economic power cannot be trusted to use it tn the public interest," he aald. Mueller proposed that the FI'C and the Justice Depart- ment crack down "on large conctomerate m e r g e r 1 in· volvlng the acqulsltlon ol flnns that already h o I d !wing poolU... I n .,..,. cenlrated industries." He also aid tu: law and IC· counting proctlces actually make il profitable lot !Inns to merge, whether or not they in· creue-production or ef. lldency. Both should b. changed, he said. ••Accounting practices ... hive granted merger-minded companles broad opportunitiel lo mislead investors and to ob- tain unwarranted support in the securities market for their llllf'lllv• "pl'O(NIDI o/ ... pansion." he said. We1ry, Oearit? RHd Sitt L...ry 247 lroodway 1...-..... _ • ...,,,. Houn:t1 ...... 1e10 .,. ... . • cardigan sweaters, . basici or novelties " 3. 99 rtg • .5.99 Make your aelections now and savef A great collection of car~ digon sweaters in boaic and novelty styles. Neat wo rm«t for. the cool days and nlg_hts ohtad, perfect for gihif!g. WOlhoblt Orlon® acylic. Long 11-_. neck or ,,_ neck atyloa. While, block. pink. bl.., btigo. mini or ~h. s1-34:-40 1n group. · spottr sue IOI> -eaapt Wire . '· ···\ • . special purchase of famous maker robes 3 99 volut• ... • 5.99· 8.99 .. ;.,, exciting 'l'«lol purdlmo offer of famous ...,.., oyloa quik robes. An array of llyfla in waltz or lofto length ••• prwtty polllol aolido . or ""* Nylon tricol wllh d, -Dacron~ ~ m.ML Shown. full two &a. aw colleo lion, both ""' """"" for ""' •• ; for holldoy gifting ioo. Sl•s 10.18. ~· sfetpweor 821 -e~.c ept Wildoiro: women's shoe~ ~ comfort shoes Dorette brogues men's Fortune shoes miues' car coats 4.99 .... 7.99 5.99 reg.8.99 7.99 reg.9.99 12.99 Ng.15.99 . 13.99 .... 17.99 0.-ps and ....,1. oil right Solt co;.,lortablo Village Queen j Handsome now fashion brog uta Bue~• atrop Cl.Uk~a·· .boot lit ~blM>reoated with bo • look -ln-atop-wllh-.falLfOlhlon.. Hurr.i'T _sandal• for women on the go. 'If fo r women. Stock·look heels. Ii.and.some ontlq\lt blqwn._ cA .buttons. Cotto• cordurey. lo In for btlt atlectionsl ~ Reg. 9.99 Cloudsfer> ••• 7.99 Antique brown. Hurry inl great look with btll pant&. gold, lodon or g,...., 6-16. ... -.bu~~~ ....... _. ... •.12._ .• · ............. budiiiil••M•"°'";;;;;;•••1-. ...... · .... --i .... "" .. d••'•'"°' .. " .. s•12~ ............... bud_.ll<f .. ""•~.·.s.n ............ "'1""'""";;;, 1torffl2I plush pile coats Dorette sleepgowns zip-front dusters mini sleepahirts , bikini panties I • ' -, 18,99,...24.99 2.99,.g .3.50 3.99,6.99voluo 3.99re9.5;so 3 for 2.00..i .. 1.00 .. ~ : Smart double·brtasted whlf9 Cozy. warm cOtton ftoi'lnel in Pretty cotton sateen duste1:i. with Cotton flan nel aleepshlrts ht acrylic pile. Soft, wide rib Sfyl11. two pretty styles: walt z or long zip-front, flare sleeves. Colors. three darling mint 'ltyl~ Array Whtta only, sizes 6-1 6. lengt~s. In si~es 34-40. ~ Sizes small, medium or large • .,) of colors. _Small, mediu m, IOrge. ..... iiiliioii""'iii;.,iii·mlii211m ............... buiii et itorn 82.1 budget lf'Or• 820 bud ttoret 802 bandeau bras 1.59 .... 2.00 A collection of bandeau · bras. many atyles. White only. Sins 32-40 8,C,0 cups, I budg91 sto.-.s 819' mesh panly hose 99c reg. 1.59 pr. Your favorite 01l0in-o nes. Can- trece 11@ or Agllon® In oil nyl on HOmlesa demJ..toi . Suntan or spk•· budg<t ...... 807 crochet-knit vests 4.99 Ng. 6.99 Crochet.look Orlon® .ccrylic knit vests. White, navy, block, blue, bone, .brown. S,m,I. budget stores 800 opaque knee highs 99c reg. 1.25 Fashion's fo ll favo rites of opaque nylon in black.. white, brown or navy. In sizes 9·11. budge! storel 807 Misses' shirts 2.99 .... 3.99 Neat · Dacron® polyester-cot· ton, perma nent press. In solids, prints, pastels, 32.38. bud el $lores 86o glitter stockings 3 for 2.60 rog. 1.75 pr. Shining beauties for the holi .. days. All nylon demi-toe. Gold or silver, 81h·11 . each 89c budget stores 807 jersey dresses 6.99 voluo J3.99 . Chovo-di>uble.knl!s In red. white.blue, deoplQnes. 3 styles. Sizo1 10.20; 14\;-241'.!. budget •to,.., 810 • panty girdles 2, 99 reg. 3.99 to 5.99 A collection of boy legt, lo~ don and long legs tn on ortav. of colors. S,m,l,x-1. budg.t stom 81 9 Your favorite little bikini pents in a wido colltdlon of atyln. colon. S, "!• I. each 69c budgo1 ...... 1io stretch hosiery 3 for 2.00....21or2.39 All nylon seoml-atocklng1 In Suntan or spice. One aln fits oil. Sold by tho box ooly. budget itom ~7 fall handbags 3.99 .... 4.99·5.99• _Handsome fashion bags big. and 1moll. Assorted vinyl groins plus shiny ~Mooks. budgt't stoies '8~6" fashion scarves jr.s' crochet vests jr.s'. wide leg pants juniors' blouses junior dresses 1.99 rog. 2.99-3.99 4.99 Ng.6.99 6.99 .... 9.99 3 ~99 rog.4.99 6.99 ..,: ll .99 Popular 1quom and long sash Crochet.look acrylic knit vests in Handsome .Plold wide leg pants Smart dog collar atYf• wit~ 101!9 A collection of Orton~ acrylic styles in o wriety of prints end white, purple, brown, beige. Tie ·of acetate crepe or cotton twi ll. sleeves. Permanent press tolton. bonded lo acetate. Many ttylis gay solids. Hurry In and save) fron t. Small, medium or large. Many colors. Sizes S..13. Sizes S.13. Hurry In ond Save. and color-. Iii• .S..131 7 .. fS. ~"°"'iiim8~26;;. .............. bud~~M·*"•~"'~80·1~ ................ bu.dmg~~ ......... I0.1~ ............... bud;;;;;i~"°;;;;,;;"m'I0::::,;.1 ....... .., ........ bud. ~··29~ .......... .. jr. boys' sweaters infants' play sets girls' cardigans girls' flare pants men's loafers 2.99 'rog.4.99 2.99 IOI reg.3.99 1.99 reg.2.99 1.59 rog.1.99 12.99 Ng.15.99 Bulky acrylic kn~ ski sweaters Two.pice fl eece lined nyfon knit Handsome acrylic fla t kni1s in Corto.11 denims with flare htgs. Famous folfunn 1tnartly 1tyted with mock turtle neck, long hooded Jacket with pull.On box· pretty pastel colo rs. Sizes 4-6x. Novy, yellow,.pink, lizu "'6x. and feoturl'?" new fash ion toe. sleeves. Exciting colors. Sizes 3-7. er pants. Sizes 12-1 B monlhs. Reg. 3.50 7-I 4 IW90ters 2.59 Reg. 2.99 sizes 7.14 •• , 1. 99 Brown only. Hurry In and -1 budget stores 808 bud et .torn • budget store1 824 atom.824· ~ ~ 823 men's work boots 9.99 rog.12.99 The popular 8" work boot with lh.lrdy construclion, comfortable IH. Great volue, hurry lnl 6udgot ..... 123 jr. boys' slacks 2. 99 Ng. 3,99 Permanent press stove pipes and flares. Solids, plaids. West. ern style, swing pockets. 4.7. budgot ..... 808 jr. boys' jeans 2 for 4.49 ..... 2.99 .. Permanent press, ~eavywefght and durable. Fobrilok® double knees. 4 colors. Sizes 4-7. budget ''°"" 808 mey co so uth coast pl1111 sen 'diego fwy. et bristol, coste mesa; shop monday thru saturdey ,I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. 546-9321 : • . . • . girls' knit tops 1.69 rog. 1.99 Scoop nec.k cotton k"it lops in four pretty colors, alzes 4:-6x. Reg. 2.29 sizes 7. 14 ... 1.89 budgol~l24 girls' dresses 2. 99 reg. J.99 A collection of d'910y -hi prints or sollds, slzft 4-dx. reg. 4.99 SiZOI 7•14 . , , 3.9'i bodgof ..... 12' MAY CO BUDGET· STORES ' • ,, • . . ' • · · nut·_--.. _··--,.-..---·-·_·-_·-_··_· --~---~fu-1~970 ======~~~~~· Certain?. WASHJllGTON (UPI) • shop for gifts ·while the values are the greatest · big savin11s on fa shions for you ..• your home . Thursday, Nowmbff 6, 1964 DAIL'( PILOT 'If ' I .. President Nixon appears to have bound -ff tigbter tbJn before lo a ~ ---pulloot-o1-a11 u,s~1----•-~ bat troops from V-by tho end ol 1970. This conclusion grOWI out of an ana113i.s of Nixon's report Monday night placed against the bacqtound ol -Mi sta~. on l)\e questioo Jut JiiD<~ •• • While refuling lo annoonce a withdrawal tlinetabte, Nlmn told the nation progress in training South Vietnamese forces and an easing of enemy batUefield activity "has been greater than we anUcipated when we started" the pullout program. "As a result, our timetable for withdrawal Is more op- tim.Jstic now than· when we made our first estimates. in June," the •Preaident aald.~. At a news conference last June 19, .Nixon said· "J~would hope that · we Could beat~ a timetable proposed at the Ume by former Secretary o f Ddenae Clark M. Clifford. Cliiford had urged a jiulloo( of 100,000 American troops 'by the. end of 1969 and withdrawal of all U.S. ground fighting forces by lhe,-end ~ next·year. . While Nixon expressed only 4 hope, such worda iq the mou of a presJdent tends to becorrte regarded as a goal. The Pretldeat's Mo n d a y night reference· to being more optimistic now than in .June suggests possibly a speedup in the pullout which e o u I d achieve the hoped-for . of> jeclive of bringing .bacl\. all ground combat men ·by the November 1970 congressional elections -a development which could yield a political bonus. Nixon left himself an escape batch in warning that if the level of enemy activity significantly Jncreases, "we m1ght have to adjust our Umetable accordingly." A total or 60,000 Amtrican servicemen will be out of Viet- nam by mid-December, under plans already in Ql()tion. Pentagon sources indicated another withdrawal an- nouncement may be expected in December. ,,_ -c .. hint that, u Nixc:n approves, the next withdrawal slice could rJn ammd 4'1,250. ~h an additional wlthClrawal would extend over pertiape'-a couple of months, but. ita announcement. I n DeCiniber woord-]jfjjjg ·u;e Nixon administration up to, and possibly beyond, the 100,006 man mark. A full withdrawal of ground eooibat forees probably would total about 250,000 men, leav- ing .another roughly 275,000 to 300,CllO tactical air, ~Ulery and 'other support elements to back up the South Vietn&mese army. wblch would have taken over the ground battle role. Nixon claimed enemy fn. filtration over the past three months has dropped more than 80 percert from the level over .a similar period a year ago. The Pentagon refused to provide hard figures o n grounds this information is classified. However, it is known 1bat infiltration over the last -1i:1 months of 1968 was esUmated to average close to 8,500 a month. Using Nixon's percen- tage, this would indicate in- filtration of enemy troops into South Vietnam has falten below 2,000 a month. · If also, and many military men are dubious of infiltration figures., the enemy has been failing by a considerable margin to replace combat Jones which, according to U.S. estimates, have been running about 10,000 men per month. DAR Unit Mails Gifu To . Soldiers Over SO "Ditty Bags" have been mailed for serviceman serving in Vietnam for delivery on Chrillmu Day. Memben ol the William Cabell Chapter, Daupten ol the American Revolution, stuf!ed each bag with gaily wrapped gifts. some for fun and l(lllle UJJch D e e d e d necessities. Among the articles the aervlcemen will unwrap are IOCU, fool powders, writing materloll, <plo:lnr c a r d 1 , games, nail trhmoos, lhavlnl articles and transistor radiOI. The memben ol , I h • organization met at the home qi the regent, • Mrs. Selah Reber Iii Corooa del Mar lo make the bags, wrap the arlkles and prepare tht gU for Christmas m at 1 i n g overseas. ' . save now on men's famed-:n'~me jackets . : o· u-"rfect : _, 11.0 16.99-19.99 look at the ""riely y0u11 flnd. Bunon-fronto. 11<! Jo<kelo. zip-out linor m<><!-b. C.P.O. or doublo b'reosted Jackets. Short end niedium lengtfiL See them in Cotton, corduioy, perm press polyeS!er/-nylon, '"°'°' All warmly lined. 3&46. sporbWeelt817-aceptWilshire ·boys' no-iron jeans 3,99 ~fuo4.99 Floro-jeans of polyoor«/conon. Solids and llrfpeL Colors. 8-18 rolivlar, 8-16 alim. . our boys' ki;t shirts 1.00 •• , •• 2/5.00 Great value. Cotton ktiit shirts in your choice of zingy stripes or solids. Size 8-18. boys' flannel shirts l, 99 volue 2/5.00 Permanent press cotton flannel sport shirts. E:olorlul plold com-bos. Size 8-18. ....... budg<t--822 · -budget stores 822 men.s no-iron pants 3.99 ..... 6.99 Ivy casual pants, cuffed or hemmed. Solids, checks, ploidS: Polyesler/c-n. 29-38. b<xlgot ...... 117 short sfeeve shirts 2 for 5.00 ~;;· Men's ahort sleeve dress shirts~ Pennonent press polyester/cat- ion. Whtte,cclors. 14'h-17. budg•~-806 save on men s suits 17. 99 Woro 21.00-25.00 Single·breasted 2, · 3-button. Side or center vent. 36-46 regu~ lor, 38-42 long. budget llores 814 all weather cocit buys 19, 99 rogularly 22.99 'M!!'n's all-weather cool s, perma- nent press, with zip-out liner. Regulars, short, IQng in group. .budget stores 814 Dacron• mattress pa 3,00 K porlect 5.99 s save! down bed pillows 8. 99 regularly 10.99 Twin flat style, llllad with Ooc- ron®-pofyester, cotton cover. 6.99 ff per!. lull size ... 4.00 b<xlgot -803 9x12' nylon pile rugs 30.00 lfporfact49.99 Continuous filament nylon pile. Emboued solid colon or infor- mal twoads. MClflY colors. b<xlgot -811 Filled with white waterfowl down, downproof tick. 16.99 qvoenl.4.99;19.99 king 16.99 ·budgei atom. 803 wall to wall bath rug 8.00 ifporfoct 15.99 Site 5'x6'.. Plush nylon pile, easily cut to size. Non-skid bock. lovely co.lors i" group. ~storn811 -sport coats for fall · 34. 99 rogulorly 40.00 Handsome collecti on . Men 's year-round sp ort coots, 2 a nd 3-button. 36-46 reg ., sh., long. budget slores 814 men's year-round suits 29 • 99 W9'0 32.00-45.00 Fine oll wool s, long-wearing fabric ·blends. 2..-and 3·button. 36-46 regular, short, long. budg e( 1tores0 8 l4 electric blanket buys 10.99 ;f pedoct 19.99 Wiri ng and conlr ols first quolily. Twin, oil ocrylici single control. Other s;zes 13. 99-29. 99 budget stores 875 rayon shag rug 24. 99 •olo• 34.99 Ripple-.tu ft royon pile shag. fringed ends. Tweed-s in topaz, blue/green, red, more 81hx11 V2. budget stores 8 1 I 5 1/2' round area rugs double-knee jeans 2 5 00 •• , •• for • 2.99 ea. For longer weor. Oouble-lnee jeon-s Of permonen~ !Press polyester/cotton. 6.12 reg., slim. men's sport shirts,~ new longer collar 3-10.QQ ... 999~. All perma.nent ·preu polyestet/ cotton-no ironing ever. Short -sleeve tapered .sport ahlrts ~ the .new longer collar .. Choote from cleon<Ut vertical, ltrfpn or ·muted plaids. Find them in blues, greens, golds, browtt. Smell, l)'ledlum, forge, x-large. men's nylon jackets 9 ,99 roguiorlr 12.99 Zip-front nylo~ jockets \"!Iii oaylic pile lining. Navy, II""'-' green, brown. Size 36-46. "budget-stores 827 ----.---budgo1·--ai Long s!eeve cotton cord uroy sport shirt s, gold, blue or, greeA.. S-M-L·Xl sizes. budget stores 805 save! men's sweaters 8. 99 regulcirly 11.99 Go-everywhere cardigans of wool/mohair. Wide. choi ce of colors. Sm-M-l-XL sizes. budget stores 805 Lucerne bedsprea s 9 .00 <~mp. lloiue 14.99 Twin or ful l. Dra matic solid col- ors. Acetate top, cotton bock. 19.99 vol. k;ng size 15.00 budget stores 875 insulated draperies 5.99 p•. volu• 9.99 Cotton-rayon brocade. 48"x84", white and colors. 22.99 96x84. 13.99; 32.99 144x84 1.9.99 'bud9~1 storej 818 ' Fiberglas"' draperies long sleeve. shirts 2 for 5.00 woluo 3.99 Men"s long sleeve dres~ lhirts. No-iron polyester/cotton. Button· down collar. 1411.2-17 budgllt lfores 806 men's acrylic knits 3.~9 regularty 3.99 Full fashione:d acrylic knit shirts -crew neck With ri ng controSt collar. S-M-L·Xl .sizes. budget store• 805 Fiberglas• panels 2.29 oo. volua 3.75 Extra wide, 62"x81 " long. Fi~ berglos® glass, no-iron. White. Hurry in for best selection. budget llores 818 · Beta Fiberglas '*pane · 2.79 ea. volue4.49 Fiberglas® .gloss, wash and drip-dry, no-iron. 60'1x81 " Gold, white, olive and beige. ' budgtit ltores 8 f 8 ' CQntoured bed rests 3. 99 ... , •• 5.99 6x9' nylon pile rugs 10,00 valuo 19.95 4.00 p<. 7.99 regulorly9.0~ volue6.99 ·perm press tablecloth 2, 99 reg. 3.99 .. .. •• Cotton corduroy filled with •hroddod foam. Rod, gold, -or IMloo In the group. long-wearing, aoiJ...resistent ny- lon pile. Ideal for bedroom, den. lovely colorS. · Ripple-tufted rayon shag pile. White lextured Fiberglas® Three -bold-aol;ds, o• tw•ed• gl oss. 50"x54". No iron. 8.99 , Reg. 15.00 6x9' ova l 12.99 vol. 50"x84" length 5.00 . Colo~ul patterns. Soii.releose f cotton. Gold, grwen, _blue, · , ': budget sloNt 811 bvd9et 1tores 8ll 'budget store;818 ., , ~~--~-------1--------------..... -.---~--------+--------------1~"'!"9'--'!"'!"' __ ....,__, Martex bath towels Crown chenille rugs Martex bath sheets .sheared bath ~<'wels bunk cord bedspreads 1. 79 "'SI· 2.69-3'.69 3.49 !Oll•Jarlr 3,99 . 4. 99 if porleot 10.99 2 for 3.00, rogulo •iv. 2.49 J, 99 if potioc:t9.99 Heavy cottoft ..,,.. '°"1 dy~ Lowly both rug~ nyton/royon in Solid colo rs. Famed make , Velvety soft, sheared both towi:: Ribbed cotton corduroy, bunk nomic potternt, and_IOlkfs. 1..69 fwo.tOnea. Size 2.f"x36". Other Schiffli embroidery. 3S"x68" & els, Jacquor~ patterns. Heayy jj~e bedspreads in manY colors. hand 1.19;.79r; wosh S9c siz~ 4.99~.99 J 6"x72''. -Hurry in ond-sovef ~ quoli!Y corton te rry. eac;:h 1.69 . Durable. Pre..shrunk. ~.., 131 budget"""-831 budget Mores 831 budget 1rores 831 ~ ffQfes 82$. 52x52" Other sizes 3.99-6.99 budget ttorei 83 I l • . .. .. . - -- may co south coast pleze, sen die90 fwy at bristol, costa mesa; shop monday: through . saturdey I 0 e.m. to 9: 30 P•m• 546 -9321 ' ' ..!YIAY C9; BUDGE"T . STORES • • J4 n~tlV PILOT Th'ursdlf, November 6, l~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -lo the month slnce bl! eleetion, Senate Jtepubllcan I e a d e r ltugh Scott his managed 10 upset the Whlte House , rile the right, and ditch the ad- 1ni[tistrati0rt on some key points. He loves the job. ing on his Vietnam address ror N°'. 3, Scott jumped the gun and called ror a unilaterally Initiated cease-fire w h I c h threw the White House into a frenzy. ~lt .HesaidtheGOPleader, may only be the first 1n-Monday read from a t.bree-the Unive rsit)' or Pittsburgh.· ''''''''''''''''"''''''"'""''"11••••••• Jn making a n y recom· dicaUon that the conservatives paragraph prepared statt> After )&e proposed the cease-~ ::;,d::1d~~~~ni~gc1~:r~ ~~u~ ~~~ ~tbe~lr~tt ~~r~:n~:~(j~ep,! ~:~m~~::=;::: MERCURY SAVINGS i is not 11peaking for all Senate ~~ ~~~ril}mco:ep~~~ rx:l ::t ~~ ~wn~y he hoped ed"~ttahayedlleh Cpedollechis•· I N o ondwloan "'osociaptioEn N it Jlepublicans. their views -either on Nixon's addresf could lead to .,..,o , 0 proposa After ha ving learned to live with lhe independent waver- ·i!:t&s of the late Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen, Ute White House hoped for better from Scott. For hli part, Scott is known to feel the White House is some\\•hat unaware of a !coder's role. Sources said he wants to help President Nix. on's legislative missions but does not consider himself bound to be a puppet. And the White Hou J e Haynsworth or Vielnam. a "mutua lly observed" cease would provoke some signal descended on him with 1lUee -lire but repeated lie was not from-rranOi, thus. makli'!g U \...EVERrv-r-A""9uR-DAY '" phone calls _: from one SEEK ALTERNATIVE talking for the administration easier rCl' Nixon to achieve a 'I ~RI -! cabinet member and two They are looking for an· or launching trail .balloons. -mutual cease-firt.· 10 .: White House aides -who alternative way to make their tr the cease.fire proposal a m 4 p m • views known to Nixon and.are Irked the While House, it did There was no signal from • • • • • reared the public mi ght in· ·de · 1 · s 11 · b 1 bell rt d • coos1 nng ass grung e n • wonders for s c 0 t t in ano1 ut I 1e s sta e • terprct his !ltatement a! an Howard H. Baker Jr., {R· Pennsylvania. ringing from the White House. BUENA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH t'" administration position. T ) ffi · I 1· · enn. as an uno 1c1a 1aison CM1PUS HERO Despite everything he has : ltfereury Savings Bldg. Mercury Savings Btd1• c:i~~le~;s .. ~~u= ::. lo the White House. told Nixon he likes ~he i·ob he i Valley View at Uncolu Edinger at BeacllJ In.stead of getting 1:1 n amenable and art i c u I ate ~kesman for administration iiositions, the White House has lound the 68-year-ol d fe.nn.sylvania senator quite in- lfependent, too candid, and tomewhat unrepentant. The Senate GOP leader feels his primary job is leade r of 43 Republican colleagues. The posl of the P r es id e nt 's representative comes second ; ;,y=..... Scott did , however. succumb Before he made the sug-;: tually feels that any and all _t:lo~Wh~i~le~H~ouse~~e~nt~re~a~tie~s~a~nd~~g,.~l~io~n.~Sco~t=_t ~w~as~p~ic~k~e1;:e<1~a~t__'.l".'.""':gh~t_o;so<>_':ha'..'.rd~lo'._'.g~cl'.:_. --~·~·~·~·~·~• ~· ·~·~·~·~• ~· ·~·~·~**~·~·~·~·~·~·~• ·~·~·~·~•;• ·~·~·~·~•;• ·~·~·~·~ attacks from the conservaUvel- "' \~ling of the party will help his re-election, sources said. But Goldwater's statement and the role of a senator up1p;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;01 for re-election third. .WSAPPOINTED NIXON ""'~tt has alrtaay disap- Pointec:t the admi.nlstralion on ·ft'o of the major issues. He has had difficulty so far separating the three roles in his.speeches and comments to reporters, PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET MADE AS SOLON .. He ha~ refused, so far, to The proposal for a case.fire on a fixed date was made as the senator from Pennsylvania -not the spokesman for the administration nor as the Senate Republi can leader. Sell unwanted Items with a DAILY PILOT a a.sslned Ad. ~ ,1ndorse the nomination of ~·udge Clement F. llaynsworlh ·3r., lo the Supreme Court, 1although . Prcsid~nt Nixon is 1\Jaking an all-oot fight to have him confirmed. A day later, Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), attacked PHONE 642-5678 • " , 'J ' , " .. .. • . And, while Nixon was Jabor· -: PUBLIC NOTICE A L'ELEGANT MENS SHOPPE , I I '\ I SPORT COATS ALL SIZES $b5 Sale $44.88 Reg· Sale $29 ,88 ~:!'. ~~ ~ .. ~~ Sale $27 .88 ' I I T SHIRTS loth Strip~s and Pkrid1 Reg. $4,95 SALE $2.so ALL SWEATERS 30°/o OFF ALPACAS ITALIAN IMPORTS I t \ I ' Walk Shorts 30°/o OFF Bell Bottom & Flair Slacks ·OVERSTOCKED MUST CONVERT TO CASH -DRASTIC SAVINGS-BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE Men's Jewelry 30°/o OFF TIE TACKS -CUFF LINKS COLOGNE -WALLETS BELTS Tie Sets !TIE & HANDKERCHIEF! Reg. $7.50 NOW $5-88 Reg. $5.00 NOW $3.88 Reg_ $4.00 NOW $Z.88 Reg. Sl -50 NOW $1.88 Dress & Sport Shirts {Loni and Short Sl1•v1) IODY SHIRTS 30°70 OFF · Men's Underwear 25°/o OFF Verde Shoes 1/2 PRICE ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS I I l I soc KS Reg . $1.00 - Reg. $1 .50 · Reg . $1 .75 : Reg. $1.00 ' I I 51.ACKS Now 68c NoW $\.OO Now $l.2!i Now $\.l!i -. 30°/g OFF NEW STYLES Robes • Pajamas Reg. $28 .SO Sale $20 88 Ou, Reg, $1 0.00 Olld $11 00 G • • roup Now $6.88 Reg . $3 i .SO Safe $24.88 - 30°/o OFF Jackets IOATIHG0 GOLFING0 SKllNG 30°/o OFF Mod Shirts 300/o OFF Ascots :11 SALE s2.aa IMPORTED SUEDE SWEATERS REG. $55.00 SALE $34.88 A L'ELEGANT MENS SHOPPE 3355 VIA LIDO • • . . • . NEWPORT BEACH !BEHIN D BLUi! OOLPHIH RESTAURANTI King or Queen padded vinyl HEADBOARD (not as ilfustrated) and QUILTED BEDSPREAD with purchase ot any King or Queen-Size Sleep Set. Full or Twin plastic HEADBOARD (not as illustrated) and METAL FRAME with CASTERS with the purchase of any Twin or Full-Size set .. BOTH PIECES Lulurlous dHp.down quilting, cholc• of Twin or Full·si:r.1 d•IUl• mattress and box spring. A super ula special! FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. (Next to Zody'1) Phone: 839-4570 $55 $08 80TH P'l!CES $11 $158 LAKEWOOD ' 4433 Candlewood Dr. (Acro1s from Lakewood Center) Phone: 634-4134 Richlr<JUilt.d, BO'' long, 60" wide mattress and spring, plus the famous ORTl-10.PAK listed above! Lavish •II-over quiltinp on 1 ft. Iona. 6 tt. Wide mattress With matchlne du11 box sprints. Plus the completli ORTHO-PAK listed at>cMll ANAHEIM 1811 W. Lincoln Ave. (Opposltt FtdMa.I) Phone: 776-2590 OPEN DAILY 10 -9 ·SAT. 10-6 ·SUN. 12-6 ·IMMEDIATE DELIVERY· EASY CREDIT TERMS· BANKAMERICARD -MASTER CHAP.CE • • • ., • • ' • • , • • • • .. • • • • •• • -~ .. • • .. _Solons Asks_lVliy -_ . Some Drugs OK'd I ""----• MR •. MUM • Peace }.foves by U.S. Easing f!.N. Pressure STA· STA- PREST® PREST® TRIM CUTS MR. LEVI'S SLACKS SLACKS 58.50 Fl OM 58.50 _to 511.00 ••• 513.00 Solids & Plaids By MAX HARRELSON UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -DlplomaUc pressure on U.S. policy in Vietnam has eased substantially as a result of U.S. peace moves over the past two years, beglMing with the 1968 bombing halt. As one U.N. diplomat put it: 'lltere seems to be an un· declared moratorium o n criticl!:m ex.cept from the Soviet bloc and the Arab coun- tries. The flmous Original Pendleton SHIRTS large vorielY. of colors n TOltO DAILY 10-6' FRl.10to9 SUN.llto.t .... -DAILY 10ta9 SUN. 10 lo 4 This trend la apparent at the current session of the U.N. Genera) Aswnbly. M any 1 delegates have ignored the Vletna...rn problem or confined themxlves to ~~ing hope for success of the Paris puce talks. A survey by Tbe Aaoclated Press found wldessnac:I reluc- tance amciog d!plonma to dl!CUSS Vietnam. Some point<d out that Ille quettloo was not oo the assembly's agenda; some aald they didn't want to comment on U.S. policy in the midst of naUonal conlroveny. Two·yean qo this WU not the cue. Forty.(liree coun- trle!, a third cl. the U.N. mem- bers, urged Ille Unlt<d Slates to otop bombing North Viet- nam. Secretary-General U '!bani e%presaed belle! thal a majority ol the memben would v ... IOI' ._lion GI Ille bombing ti Ille luue .... pre,,ented. CriUcism ot the United States fin! .showed a decline al the 1111 -Y -· f<lllowlng the bombing halt and Ille beginning of Preliminary pea<:< talks. Also d/!Mbuthig to the change wu the Soviet military intervention in Czechoslovakia, which bluot<d Communist criUcilm I D d diverted other countries' al· tentioo. -u.s·. -iila-nar SecretaJy of Stat. Wll!Wn P. Rogers, in his, recent private talks with II foreign mlnlst.en at the United Nations, was pleased with lbe general reac- tion to U.S. Vittnem policies this year. In their opening policy declaratkma be r ore the ' asl<lnbly, the diplomata d,.lt with Vietnam bneOy or -in IOlllt: cues -not at all.I MICHELSON AT MACARTHUR -···-1 the new home of Newport National Bank's Airport Office This is an extremely convenient location !or those who use MacArthur Blvd. frequently. Michelson is near the San Diego Freeway, Newport Freeway and across from the Orange Cou nty Airport. Open your account at this convenient location and enjoy AMPLE PARKING ••• SPEED WINDOWS FOR PEAK 'PERIODS ... BUILT-IN CUSTOMER ADDING MACHINES ..• COFFEE AND COOKIES •• , SIT-DOWN TELLERS .•. UNIQUE WELCOME CENTER ..• PATIO BA NKING .•• BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. EVERYONE JS INVITED TO OUR OPEN HOUSE ••• REFRESHMENT AND GIFJ'S S.rvinl tie n11d1 of the induslri•I compl•t -' DAILY PILOf J5 Eainti-ngs Goiag~ w ]JJpan Fair - ed a collecUOn reprettntlng Then you ao and pick out the-'IWe tried to Get a broad Americmrrtallsm lii palnUng. t>Ht plcturee:." apectrum of subject matter," "There ls 1\0 abstract," he e:i:-Does Howatt have a favor· said llowau. '"The eJh.ibltiOI pleined. Ila? "( like them all," he is really a mlnl,survey ol The only other restriction In said. American painting." the selection or palntillgs, How-The pictures, said Howatt, l1ow;itt said he could not att said, was size. Several include portraiture -such as give an estimate of the total painters had to be eliminated John Trumbull's painting or value or the collection. He said because their wo.rks were too George Waahington; hlstory-large to fit into the allotted dis-Grant Wood's painting or "The it wa! against. museum ~y play space. Mldnlght Ride of Paul Re-to give such informallon. The pictures were selected vere"; landscape -Winslow They will, however, be care. by Howatt and Henry Gold· Homer's sea scene; and genre fully guarded all the way to zahler, lhe Melropolltan's cu· such as•Andrew \Yyeth's por-Japan. A museum representa· rator of contemporary art.1 _tr_a_IJ_o_f_a_n_e_ld_er_ly;_N..,;eg:.r_o. ___ u::,,· v_,•::.w::.11::.1 .:i•::.::w::..llb::.::th::•..:•::""'=bl::..t._ Goldiabler alilO assembled the larger, better-publicized cur· rent museum exhibit tlU ed "New Y or k Painting and Sculpture: 1940 to 1970." How did tbe two men choose the Metropolitan's vast collec· tlon? "You base it on quality," said Howatt. "The two re stric- tions are size and realism . The Bookstall 333 E. 17th St., Costa ~le•a 548-4811 1/2 BAL. SALE s9aa IMhlnd Tiit P•nc1k1 HO...st) .. ' ' • ' HOME ~ ' • IMPROVEMENT • , . • • IDEAS • : • : Why Dishmaster? • ~. ' ' ' • ' . .. hecat1se it is the inost practical 'vay of <loing dishes MAKES IT I ~ FITS ANY SINK One step d is hwoshing, less waa(, less repair, savings on'" detergent, hot Water savings, hygienically cle~n, no awkward handling, no " need for scrub pads. ( ~-SL .. ~ .. ; A~ DISHMASTER® yo.ur kitchen's finest feature FOR 'ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS WATER HEATERS NOVEMBER WHITE SALE SPECIAi, • REPUBLIC "GEMINI'' 20 Gal. • • $42.88 30 Gal~ • • $44.88 40 Gal. • • $49.88 50 Gal. • • $64.88 Thlt qu1lity 9utr•nf•td tl•tt lintel wtftr httftr ;, 1q11ipp•d with 1•f1ty t1m,. 11 r1qulr1d by l•w. W1 h•v• 11m1 d1y ilnt1ll•tion 1v•il1b1•, if vou wi1h. All norm tl in1t1U1tion p1rh includ•d. Ctll by noon -in1t•ll th1t city. Al10 1mt r9tn• C'f in1t1ll1tion 1v11l•bl1. All work don• by m11• ltr plumbtrt. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE GARBAGE DISPOSALS IN-SINK.ERA TOR MODEL NO. 333 s3195 REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE ......... . Motltl lll -I Yr. 611••1t1ltt MODEL NO. SSS S46'' RIG. $69.95 OUR PRICE ......... . Modtl SSS "": l Yr. G111r1nltt MODEL NO. 77 s5495 REG. $79.95 OUR PRICE .......... Model 77 -I Yr, Gu•r1nl1t INSTALLATION AVAILABLE $7.99 ·@ENTIJRA, "' """"" • Rec. $9.95. SAVE $1.96 LIMITED TIME OFFER NOV.3-NOV.29, 1969 CORNINI WELCOMES YOU TO IERYINI IN THE 70'1 EASY TO ADD A HOME STUDY AREA ... Aod 1 desll. boo~shelves, storaE• space. Do 11 yourself. Everythlni 1ou need Is her1 1t the Luslra Shelving Center -sta~ ;irds, brackets, shelving, in 1 widt choice ol colors lo compleme nt y1MJr d~or. Ask for full color idea boo~lel. It's free! Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! A quality system you In· stall yourself , .. 1n min- utes, with complete safety. No permits, conduit or Gl111n1 nec:esNry •.• Just plua Int • Ul. 1p. P!'O'ltd 12 volt u111m tbtoluttly 1noc:kpraol', cl'IUd saftl •These low voltaae Mii •N compltlt with ltrp suled *'" llcllts, colOr ten-(1mt>tr, green, cl•r, pink Ind bhll), ... thell)roof, lhockproof "'bit, tian11ormw wlVI on-off switch or •vtornt.llc tlmw, crl)Und stakes ind will bnektls • Use tl'llt ueit!n1 n.w IJ&fl1Jn1 ffO'll Llttlt Qlent In dol-of wll)'I tl'lrouatiout tnt ye•r for ucurltr tncl outdoor bllut)'. four 1eptl'l!to Mtl to GhOOM from, 6 Light with Tlfltfr $59.95 ' ' , ' ' ' , .. ' • , ' • ' , • • r • .. ' • • • • . • . !· • • ' ~ " ' " ' ' ' • ' • ' . • • • . • • • • . ' ' • • . • • • . • • ' ' ' l ' '· , . ~· ··-=-r-------·· 1 ~!~kill! ' . . . , • • ........................................................... ...___ • I I I l I ' I I l ' I I I ' I . • • DAILY PILOT ThursdaY, NMmbff Ii, 1'6'1 ' LOSE WEIG'iif'~THIS WEEK Oilri11t r ctn h,/p yo11 btcome the trim 1lim p1no11 you went to be. O'.rri11 t l it • tiny f1bl1t e11d ••1ily 1wttlowtd. Contein1 110 d111,trou1 ~9'· No 1t1N;,;9. No 1peiiel •••rci1t~ Giif rid of i1ce11 ftf 1iid li..-t r-,.,. Odri11tl{ h11 bttll uttd tl!CCtl1fulJy by tho1111ncl1 tll ov9r fht c!1111lry for over 10 yt1n. Odri111x co1h $).25 end th1 l1r9e tconomy 1iw t S.25. You "uni leo1t ugly f1f or your money will be rt fundtd by ~r dr1199ilf. No q1101tien1 e1k.d. Sollll with tki1 gutrtllftt by: CIAWfOID'S ltlXALL PHAlMACT-1"4.· NIWPORT IOULIYAID : v -MAIL OlDllS FILUD Here is bow: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 ='25~ Free sale deposit box for aa long as you maintain $500.00 savings account = •6: , ............ '""' COii IO""" .... llilftk) PLUS: Free servlca charge on $750.00 of Travelers Checks = · 97~ OR Service charge Ir• on purchMe of up to 10 tickets to the Forum, Dodger-Stadium or othet •porting and theater event• throilgh TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $&00.00 savings account ='3•!! Stop by and -us to open your account. Wt fi.opt tn u.t ¥1Wi •· ,. ~ . T odoy's News T odoy in ·Tho D•ily Pilot • TWELVE omcES TO SERVE YOU • Ddllil£Y.UUWODD Wf LOI AllUUS Ill.AID. CBll'E1I lllUT1I caur PWA -lllhllfllfil. 5481---s.. ....... ---1:19. OOWll£Y.flRESTDME TOPAllU P1AZA MlllTEll£Y PARK WHITITER ll"'1IS 1111 E. Ficek • BW. ~ Piotr, Coll. 2111.--1'25E.W ,, ....... JA CllUCEITA ARCADIA --IBL IAllDllS ZIZl,_M. Cl LI.loo Olli Ave. ····--illO E. -·· acific ~vings ........ ·• . All LOU ASSICIATIU llMI ....c:li.l401WHll16 IOUUYMD •LOI ANUl.ll, CALW'OflfftA • ,. ·fi..st time in SoUthern Canfornia! Shop ailcl $8ve During J: • Gloclil'8 new 28 atoni buying Power brings Y!>U gt,eaf,$8Yihgs " NOW on~ Fall Fashions and HolldaY Gifts! ~ ," ' -MEN'S FURNISHINGS Deep Tone Dres$Shirts 1ti11!I .. ••" .. 3JS17.SO Permarert PfW1 Oact'on• polyester & cotton. F rench-culfs. Short Sleeve DrlJ$Slil,rts"' tu -14.4.!""'3/S13.00 MkMonn, J*N presa Dacfon9 & cotton. Better Neckwear "'"'° •"" ... Ne'#Mt wkle looks, patterns and slripes. Men's Pajamas ~ ............... . , . "-~'·-· ''·"u<h 3/511.50 $5.99 No in:Hhg ~. perrNI ~ Dacf'on-& cotton. Stock·ap on Socks .,.11." .. Nybt, "'1on acrylic stretclt ~· • Men's Underwear. , '' 1 ., 3/S3.25 C.... neck ... ahiitt.' .... J.-..1 ........................... --•• .-, conon briofo. l!JlLsi.,;. .. ::.:.. .• :--··• -· -·--···· .-l/S2S9 -....... '1i3/M.it~ .. ..!...-..•..••...• _ ........... 3,/'2.S9 ~' \ ~ ,_. MEM'S SPORTSWEAR spert Shirt·Scoo;l .. Short.-lti""'°.' .. -....... -......................... ,,_ ...... S3,99 . Long--. llJSI• ............................... -· .................. 54.99 ~ potyester~ori fabrics, perma-presa, 9Clids and p1ttem&. All Weather Jackets .,.11 ............................... $7.99 oacrone-cotton poplin gotf Jacket or nylon sail clotti ski-lype Jacket wi!h snap cioeure. Lambswool Sweaters ... 11•• ....... V-MCk pulifWr ll'yle, h•ndmome heather tones. . " s 90 Wool Melton Sptc:tator Coats "'""'·· ..... 45. Hlndeome pl aids, warm Kt)'ttc ~ liNn; and COiiar. OPEN·A NEW GRODINS CHARGE-AND SAVE or uH your BankAmericard or Master Charge ' .. • u. 1 & 2 8'lllcll da1atcworsteds-e49ofamous rnaher·a..tJll-1 ton--•· "-.,... .·-;;.,· .. .,,. Hondaome -pents "'*5 plus newest shopad ~ -' . slyfes l>f a famous maker. . '. $ ""· $125 -oults~superb woal fabrics. Slll!ll• and double.. brOloled styles-also b,ttertwo-!)ants·111J1ts. ·' -· ...,. . SPORT cOAT SAVINGS "-II· $51.16 • $85.00 s4 9 •. OIMl"tpOrt coats reg. $69.9S to $100. Now $E4.00 k) $71.00. Sl.ll'd . ~bJe bre•teda-bold or neat patterns and solid colora.. ;-SAVE NOW-BffiER SLACKS "-II· $23.95 S17. 90 2 pr1. $J4.00 Other alaekl reg. '25.00 to $55.0D now $11.ta to S3UO. Beu loop and tibo'niet stytM-.U popular fabrics. WOMEN'S FASHIONS Knit Dresses. & Jumpers Rolr. $23 & S28 ............ SlS.90 Pofyest&r knit-dresses with se8(f1:, jompers with coordinated blouse,~ ta. Wool Knit Suits Rog. S56 to si'o s39,90.54~.90 Fabulous b-uys, eleg:int 3-pieee styles. Wann Fleece Robes short s1.oo Long 59.00 Entbroidery appfiqw trim, ~oldtN'blue, 10-18. 30%to40%0Ff Fam011s •ker Sportswear Separates _Rog. S11 to $31 -' ss,97 to s15,97 Coordinated swealer1, blouses: vests, -Panll. skitta-N.CilinQ tall styles and colors, 10.te. . 1 SOUTH COAST PrAZA;tostr1~esa=-ANAHEIM;-Broatlway=Anahelm-Cente1-i:AKEYfOOD;-h~ewoolf Center ~· --+ • " • ' . ' ' -=-~-=-=--::..-==== ------- JEAN COX, 4,_;-n.r.-.,, .......... ,. ' ... 11 . ' .. ~ . The talents of U.Cf Town and, Gowi>-Ari I~teiest Group members have been J>Ot>Pin&. out all over ~nd the result 'is a gallery of intrig~g art work's and craft items. All of the objects d'art will-be gathered together in tho home of Mrs. Robert Malinofi of Newport Beach Thursday: Nov. 13, for an Art Fair, which promises to be a.higb)ight of the Town. and Gow,11.year.0 · .' Proceeds from the fair, which is the third .such ev· ent, will help provide scholarships for UCI stude~ts ma· joring in art. Three scholarships have been provided by the past two 'art fairs and~tnembers are.:thoping· to corr 'tinue their record of. success next Thursday.« . 1 -. ; . . .. DoorS· of the "gallery" Will open fqr: bfPWsers at 10 :30 a.m. and close at 2 p.lil. f. small d!Jfllltlo!t will be asked at the · door and refreshmeets wUI be served as shoppers leisurely view the· arts apd ctafts ~ make theU" purchases. ~ Mrs. Malinoff has been hosting the group studying canvas pa,inting and &ketching and Mrs. E d w a rd Steinhaus has opened her home to the papier mache group. · A ge neral craft group has been meeting in the South Shore Sailing Club under the leadership of Mrs. Jack Sinnett, and Stitchery -Workshops are beinf:conducted in . the home o( l\lrs. Arthur ~ughey. . Mrs. Robert Schotler is hosting a group making felt totes ; Mrs. E. Clowes Jones is hosting the wood flow-· ers group. and Mrs. William Ashcroft bas opened her home to the women, making collages. , At Your Service Oven -0-eim ed , . ' I Car Tuned · Up Need someone to clean your oven, care for your dog or tune up your car? ,..., How about a free ride on a sailboat or airplane, a case of champagne or a hom~made dress? These are all available to those who bid during the At-your-service Auction and Party· given 'by La- guna Niguel Woman's Club Sa!w'day, Nov. 22, at 8 · p:m. in El Niguel Country-Club. To make sure buyers feel relaxed and cheerful, , the women are working up to the auCtion With a · cocktail party whl~_will irn;_lude_music provided by Ron Keboe's band and dancing until midnight. Dress for the unusual party will be semi-formal. The cocktail party and " silent auction will take place between 8 to 11 p.m. and a sandwich ·buffet will be laid out at 10 p.m. The live auction . will feature Robert P. Mc- Dowell as auctioneer and will begin at midnight. The services are being offered by members of the club and include such useful gestures as baby-sitting with someone's children for 24 hours. Some area ~ merchants are donating gifts for the event. Mrs. McDowell, Ways and means chair· man, is in charge of the event. Committee· mem- bers assisting her include the Mmes. Phil .Brabyn. I Frank Robinson, Ramon Strauch, John Reed, Lynne Atkinson, Michael Baum , George Bryant and Du-' wayne Bahr. ' I ' • • ·' • . ' .. -. MANY-HUED PALEnE ,..... Tatenfectriii many ways are members . of the· 'UCI Town. and Gown Art Interest Grolip who have been creating arts and·cranS for an Art'Falr Thursday, Nov. 13, in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Robert Malinofl. Putting the fini sh- , . I II.OT W RkMr11 1(......, ing touches on the palette of art works for the scholarship benefit are (left to ri~hl)' the Mmes. Robert Scholler, Emesl Verre and Phillip D. Shipp. ' . Agenda Reveale.d ~ .. ~-z )(.,J " ._ j ":fl -.. .I. • j~y .M6~day Club ' Monday , Morning Club wiU lea~ o;t a varied calendar of events for November with the regular ·meeting in Hotel Laguna wbere Miss Ginny TyJer, -a former Mouseketeer .will be ,the f"!t~ attraction next Monday .. ·Miss Tyler was ~spomibJ.e, for teaching Dr. Doolittle to talk to the animals,' according to Mrs. H. A. Pickens, press chairman for the club. She said the entertainer will re~eal the technique o( ~t.Bting voices of birda and arr imals for television, radio and moV:i'es. Reservations for the 11:30 a.m. luncheon may be oblained by calling Mrs. Ruth Hat- field, chairman, 494-4650. An open house featuring the participation of three artists is next on the agenda and will .be hosted by Mrs. Robert Carr in her'Studio Gallery;LagIDta Beach from 3 to 5 p,m. Mon- day, Nov. 17. Artists on hand to discuss their works \Vill include the hostess , who specializes in portraits of people and animals. Others will be .Fred Falkner, a. ship and.sea painter, and Bnsgaloff, who paints flowers with a decor-· ative flair. Those \vishing to attend the artistic ses· sion may obtain reservations by calling Mrs. C. A. Blean , 494-8744. Mrs. R-ichard Orchard , an interior~ dec- orator, will give fellow clubwomen .tips on materials and .home decorations · dunng a meeting in the Monarch Bay home of Mrs . Clyde Kilbride at 2:30 p.m. Thursday,,Nov.13. • Tickets and further information may· ~e ·ob- tained by calling Mrs. lo!cDowell, 495-Ml4. The woman's club, a newly fonned nonprofit 1 organization, is a member of Calilornia ,Federation of Women'• Clubs, Orange District. Ll VING EASY -Mrs .. l\obfrl Mcl/OWell applies-.el- bow grease while Mrs. Lynne Atk'inson demonstrates: bow easy the llvtDg mar. be for people who bid ·•t the At.your-servlc~ ,\uc.tiim .and Part~ which ).aglll)a Nlgi.tel Woi'n3D's Club Is plaMinlt'.: r 'The ·event will talte place al s·p.m. Saturdat,1'fov. 22, in El Niguel Country Club. • · · '" " • • Also planned is a ch~rtered bu's trip to Tijuana .foi:. luncheon and sho'Pping Wednes- day, NQv. l .9. Mrs. Robert Roper, Vagabond chairman, is in charge of this trip. Further information and reservations may be ob- tained by calling her at 49'-11368, Battle Not Worth DEAR 'ANN· LAllDERS~-1·-lm led up with your advice to lrives of ak:oboUca that toes like this : "Hive a Uttie com- panion. The man is 1k:k. AlcoboUsm is an Illness. Etc., etc., etc." ll'! apparent that you have had no ex- perience wtth alcoboliin. Well, I have, JO ple11e listen. After ~ years of haulina: my dniriken bum olll of hotels, l!loleli, jails, holpttals and other wdmen'• bedroom>, I .....rt being 't<ilcfl l1<k com· PIS31on. U you lhlnk I'm hard-hearted, wait unUJ you read the rest of this letter. Three weeka ago I received a call from the police. They asked me to come to the morgue and klen&ll.t 1 man they believed _ t !1!J!!yj)usband. I recoll!'!!,ed him lm- medJately s was a prone posl- timi.. whidl b: tbi WIY l bW klJh ~ rJ his lite. I bad tried kindnea and compassion. It didn't work. J beged him to go to AA and even olfll"!d to go wllh him. He refused. He wouldn't eee a cmmselor or a clergyman because they were 111 "(ali:is." He was no father, no husband, no provider 1 no human being. It took 31 yea rs lo fl~ out that COfns>'"S&iOft• WIS not llie ariiwer-:-lfT'liiiflrlO dO O\ier I'd have tb.rOwn h1m ~ a:nd let tht JOt tint Fighting • . ' If , Love, Patien.ce No Allies ....... w .-medlcaUoll , aboakl 1te atlend 1 medical meeting F.d ju11t abotlt THE HORNS OF A DILEMMA: Th1s ls lbron 1111t. Tbey now belleve flhat IO'IDe lakes over. He is on his feet challenging, the' original Do-lt..Yourself project. No .. . drvnb wtU 1tr11111t"'" .hemaielwa out ... , pre5enting his views, and he asks more one can decide for you. My penonal opi- . ' .1, "#flu It 11 mlie 1buda1111:J dear lhlt . questions than anybody. The chalnnen nion, however, is that you'd be better off t.ltey •I'll · retpom&ble fGr &lleln.ldve1 -always have a problem ahulU!l.I him up. lO pass up the one with "that certain tbat • oee wlll provide tltejia wh.b roOn:a, ... WHen we have company.., Ed li.lks a ~I11e something" and take Lbt one who hai ud bowd; coddle diem, cku •P after streak. Yet, when tHe twb rJ. mare alone, aomethlna certain. ' or swim. -TELLING IT LIKE IT IS AND WISH YOU'D DO THE SAME. them .or make e1:cuae1 for them te f1ml-he can't think of a sin1le lhlnl to talt ly, frlndi nd dM bou. So, 'tlrle: •dvlcc 11 abou t. lf he didn't enjoy my com~ny, f1 1lcoltoll1m • dlseue1 How cea th DEAR 'l'EIJ.ING IT: Yoo bave a v•Ud nuw is foUtwt: When Irie •nd cem· \vhy di~ he marrf__._ me! -IGNORED. alcolMIJc be lftMed! It tllere a cure? point Ud 1 wauld DOI deny It. Nol au •P-pa1aloll r.a, llmnr Ute Wm ·-I wJFt. RelMI .. blokle;f, "AJcoWllm -Hopt proocliet work for all people. AotlloriUea DEAR ANN LANDERS: Tliere muo i'be DEAR WIFE' ~l,."1-loe dld1't mor-and 8olp," by AA1 ..-.,, -1,1 ti•ve been retblnking Ute iedmlq11e1 for other women who get the silent treat· rj yoo becaurte ,ou were • put COD• ctntl m cola wltb )'9U' .n.ilfft end ~ ttt1dng alcobollcs tlnce 1lcoltoll1m h11 ment from their husband!.; Why? Don 't venatlonall1L It m11l bve been loq, samped, self-addreaed av •. amndl epidemic proportions In Ulla tell me SOflle men are just , naturally some\hlng elK. Seardl yoar tnemtl')' alKI Aaa IADden wUI lie Pd tt llelii )'til CMatry. Ml"J' dtstlngutabed · autltorl1ie1 quiet. MY husband, who I! a physlcl.an, is m1ybe you'll come up wit.al tbe answer. • •It.al )'09r prfflema. S""1 them • ~ .. iOi1 11y-.---.-11ve-.D11-..,,,poulon---<:or1'ikl<r.d • brilH..,._.and ,.;ng---· ------~~lfL~DAll. Y PILOT <act I fill. tM ~-de refaes to ~ everyone wbo-knowa him. Whenever we CONFIDENTIAL TO l)tPALED OH aeU-tddru.Hd.ltam f:avelope. ' • • I ' l I I I \ I -- omouOw'.1-Antiqu•·-~-~-r====::::::::::::=~====i -Suppoiter.s Bui Id Nest .Egg ., n the Closet -NEW YORK (UJ!I) -.U )'OU can't 11.ve money. equlrrel ·awl)' Wop -diild11 ftnitt palntlnp, llDUllial plaltlc: bot, tles, newtpapera with momeo- toos be1dllnes and maybe even flnclful junk mall. 'lbw! things, I )ew decades hence, probablJ wUl halve an- tique value. II you -thot, )'.0'1 just hlveo't been to an an- tique show lately. At !be pwtigirus Nlllonal Arts and Antiques Festival In New York., for example. magazl.oes that sold for five ceqts In the 1920s were &oln& for $5 apiece. 'l'be artl..st's copy of a tum- of..the-oentury ad for men's clothing bore a '65 pricetag. Old Jan, botUes, tin tobaoco can.s, penny Valentines and family album photos wue priced from $1 up. In the picture department, apparently those s h ow I n g humans in lovable stance are mcre valuable than others. A photo or a man sitting on a front porch was 50 cents; of a girl on a beach, $1 ; of a male and female swooning into one another's arms, $2. '1'hlnp to bold -lnch.te -al .,..... from -lelchlrt, -al merit IDd roport --_..uy the latter llace I 0 m I educoton ore lr}'lng · I o erldlclto """"' cudo, IOlnc ,,,.=: -,rPliHou" IYllom al . dllld from """ era•to-. The old ·fl1·hlone d certll!catoo al merit from Ille ochooldays al Ille JJlh Cen- tury, "' c!JsplaJ al !be lbow, often Wert coupled W J & b pruduneots. Slmplea: -"All thol you do, do with your might; lhlngs done by halves are never done rl&bt.'' The merit cerUficatM ap- peared to bave been ilaiecl weekly and looked Uko dlecb but were decorated w i t h flowers and do\tea:. "They loot like money," one 00.rver said. "Maybe the children did get mcoey from their parents for a stack oI them." That's doubUul. Yesterday'• parent.I, less permtujve thap today's, weren't the type to pay their children for doing well in scbooL Donation to Festival Suspense Builds Over First Lady's Package ROBYN LEE KNUDSON 0.Combor N!'P'lal1 Knudsons Reveal Daughter's Troth The engagement of Robyn Lee Knudson and Jack Keith Hamilton Jr. was announced by the' bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roy Knudson of Pasadena during a par·· ty in the Lake Arrowhead Yacht Club. Miss Knudson is a graduate of Pasadena High School and the University of Southern California where she affiliated with D e l t a Gamma sorority. At Califia ' Taste Win.e Lquna Beach Branch, American AsaoclaUon o f UniYenlty Women, wlil r•IM. !ellowililfluOi!JWlth-a Calllla-- W in e · t •1tln1 Party, Celebratina Callfornia's ~ vintage year, in Mission Vle,)o Recreat.ion Center next Mon- day nighl from 7,:M1lo10. Art displays and decoraUonl stressing an early California the.me will add a fe!Uve at- mosphere to the affair which. is being chaired by Mrs. George E. Goodall. Assisting her are the Mmes. Robert E. Lawson, Donald P'. Tanney and Harry J. Kipps. All AAUW members and their friends are invited to atterwl. RtservaU0111 may be obtained by calling Mrs. Goodall, 4M- 1703. The association sponsor• scholarships for wtiversity women on all levels of educ,. tion and also on national and international leveb. Associates Dine Out Members of Upper Bay, Associates of the Orance County Philhannonlc Society along with their husbands will partake in a progressive dln- ner next Sunday. FASHIONABLE ADDRESS ·-Off Broadway West will be the setting for a !ash· ion extravaganza sponsored by Dusty Win$,s. former airline stewardesses, Sat- ·urday, Nov. 8, at 11 a.m. Ensembles similar to those worn by the Mmes. Jerry Juergens, Robert Beaty and L. Douglas McBride (left to right) will tie shown in the Grand Hotel, Anaheim. A mystery gift donated by Mrs. Richard M. Nixon will be given as a hlgblight • of the annual Holiday Festival spon- sored by the Woman 's Cam- pus Club of Chapman College. This year's sale will take place in the main dining room of the college next Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. per. Serving on the deocration.s committee are manbera of Bet.a Chi, a student suvlce or- ii:anlz.aUon at the college. Featured during the festival will be delicateuen.Jtema, spe- cialty foods, baked goods, sweet.!, haodcrlfted Ou-iltmas items and gifts. Her fi.ance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ham- ilton of Linda Isle, is an alumnus of Pasadena High and is enrolled in USC's School of Busi- ness. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fra· ternity. The couple have selected Dec. 27 for their \Vedding date. Cocktails at 5 p.m. will be served in the Corona del Mar, home of the Bill Masons. Mr4 and Mrs. Thomas W. Hen- derson Jr. and M r 1 • Christopher Kitch1ng w 111 present a program by Gustav, Holst and a selection of folio melodies by the American Negro composer \V i 11 i am Grant Still. Avoid Water . When Cleaning Wood Floors Parade Fashions to Off Broadway West Donations for the F i r s t Lady's gift will be accepted at the door and wiil, with other proceeds, provide schol- arshi ps for Chapman stu- dents. Salegoers may purchase a light lunch in the tea room , 1--------------------' new to the sa1e this year. The clJ.lb was organized in 1947 to promote student we~ fare and currently provide! scholarships and a revolving loan fund, along with sponsor· ing special projects. Saddleback College Carpets Take To Home Walls "Wallscaping" with carpet is a new trend in home decor •. ; ! Av'oid using water or water- :; based products whenever ~ possible in cleaning' wood ' Doors. ~ Experts say that water can ! ' seep down into the tight • boardll, causing warping or ;-r swelling. T Over a period of time, this 1 can mar the appearance of the floor and require c o s t I y refinishing. •• •• .e Off Broadway \Vest will be the scene Saturday, Nov. 8, when Dusty "Wings members Swing Into Fashion. The Grand Hotel, Anaheim, Will be the location of the fashion extravaganza which will begin with cocktails at 11 a.m. and luncheon at noon. Fashions, presented b y Orbach's of La Mirada, will jnclude original designs, fa ll ii NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN 2621 L c ... Hwy,. Co,.M ct.I Mer 675-7121 25% OFF SALE STmtUNll aY LUNT Magnificence in Sterling ••• created fOt tho.. who want lhe fl*t ln IO!kl allwrflatware. Nftlf before IUCh SIYfn;a on teta. Of t/Ylf'f piece, of one of America's s:1r•l•t ltlrllng patterns. er:isembles and the newest or party clothes !or the holiday season. Mrs. William Agee o I Mission Viejo is serving as fashion show chairman and she is being assisted by other former stewardesses, t h e Mmes. Robert Smith, Foun- tain Va 11 e y, decoratklns: Robert Kunkle, Huntington Beach, ·door prizes ; Leonard Spielman, Huntington Beach, programs and printing and Donald Anderson, Santa Ana, music. Others helping with plans are the Mmes. Ruth Jacobsen, Mission Viejo, publicity; L. Douglas McBride, Newport Beach, drawing and James Moroney, Huntington Beach, tickets and reservations. The fashion showing marks . the ninth year the club has sponsored such an event and tumed the proceeds over ttl the Underprivileged Children's Fund of the Salvatioo Army. Last year's profits financed campershlps for 25 children. Tickets may be purchased from any Dusty W i n g s member or by calling Mrs. Moroney, 846-9592, or :P..Jrs. Frank Arena, 838-2090. Furniture Can't In these days of assorted hemline lengths , even furniture has problems. Upholstered furniture, that Is. Skirts on upholstered sofas and chairs usually are cut to standard lengths. But placed on a deep pile carpet like some of the currently popular Tradition Beginning Assisting with the festival will be the current scholarship recipients, Sue Ryder, Marilyn Stewart. Fred Ma, Rlto Brock, Kathie Perkins and Susan Coo- Anyone interested in mem- bership may contact the mem- bership chairman, Mrs. How- ard Kelly of Orange. One manufacturer is making a tufted wall coverin1 of Saddlebaci: C o 11 e g e will The school opened in 1968 f J ame-resistant modacrylie Crusade for Change have its first President's with on1y a freshman cur-fibers backed with latex. It Reception for '*'Wnh, an riculum. This year, just has been engineered f o t event which will become an under way Oct. 13, a tw~year acoustics and comes in five- annual affair, m the collett'• curriculum. li0fftted:-Ab6Ut foot widths to be applied with new cmnpus-in-ltilliaa-Vlejo 2,500 students attend the adhesive. Thursday, Nov. I!. school which Is one of the few Carpet on walls also ~ Guests Invited Fred H. Bremer, college community colleges operating vides a good backdrop for pi~ president, will meet liudent.I. on the quarter system in the lures or can serve 83 a tack Administrators and the i r state. board. wives also will be in at-_!;===================;::;; tendance to welcome Member1 of the Huntington educate the public to the need freshmen an d sophomores Beach Junior Woman's Club for understanding and action from 7:30 to t p.m. in the will h011t an open house at in the field of mental retarda-music building. Fairview State Hospital, Coata tlon, and to illustrate the need Hostesses for the event, Mesa, during Crusade for for volunteer servicu. which marks the nm social Change wttk. There will be conducted affair on the new campus, will In support of the National tours of the hospital facll!Ues, be students of the airllne.s AssoclaUon for R et a r de d and exhibltl and demOMtra· stewardess program. Children, the Juniors will tlons by the patients on Last year the college was welcome vi.sitOrs between 1 display in I.he auditorium. located on an interim campus and 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9. Comprising the committee in Mission Viejo, near, but not Mrs. John Flanagan, the from the Huntington Beach cotXiguous, to its new loca· club's mental health chair-club are the Mmes. Robert tion in the rolling hllll of man, and her committee will Farah, Thomas Fisher, Wayne Orange County. serve refreshments. 1t1onks and Alfred Rizzo. ;::;:;===='====:: In addition. the club con· Donating cofftt is Donut FAIR ~ tacted Norman G i n s b u r g, Del't H 1· ~-Be ch d Ocean View School District, 1 e, un tne""" a ' an cookies will be provided by Fe•t, fo ir, foctu1!. Th••• · who made district faculty Albertson's Markets in Hun-thr•• worcl1 '""' up f1ct•t1, h1 I members aware of the open tlnf/: Beach F 0 unta 1 n oporetlon oft tho DAILY PILOT house I 'tmin Mitot1 111I P•t• •••ry cf1y. ,· P.; of ... 1 . lo Va ey and Wes ster. ... pose wrc: even is •..................... , : S-T .. R-E-T-C-H : Skirt Issues pieces has produced a package • of sli: "skirt adjusters" which • & SEW it will ship with each item • .. {T .M.) leaving its factory o r • showrooms. • The adjusters sUp under less of. sofa or chair, in effect • rats1ng sllghUy the hellht ol • the furniture from the ffoor. • Knit Fabrics in Orange • • • • • • • i PEG DINSMORE, IALI CONSULTANT, WILL H IN OUR STORE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOYEMHR 10 AND 11 . /t. I I ' .. ' Tho perfect bra I for today's pretty, lowered neci<lines ••• • shags, the skirt falls in-Road TV WEEK • correctly. 724 East Katella • • • •, To correct the matter, one • •--~~~~~"O'!'~~~!"!!'~~ .,...,_..,. 12-Pc. "llrYlcl.for.r I 4-Jlc, Plf,c. Sitting• manufacturer of upholstered Every Saturday • E &ACH OU H w O Ii 111.~====~==========~I· WITH ALL KNIT FABRICS SAVE $123.00 •• ·----....;.Fl.;,,E;;....;$,;,.15 ....... oo._ ___ .-( • •' • Vv1ien your neckline ts more baring, this is the bra to wear I Tho beautiful, curve-giving se<:ro1, the gontio addition of Boll's own exclusive Fiber AuffTM in the bra-cup. Mai,.. to ins shapeliness through countless washings and wearings. Nylon lace and lycra9 spon-- dex. White, black. A cvp, sizes 32 to 361 Be nd C cup, sizes 32 to 38. $7.00 . • .tO-Pe. "sense.tor"" I 5.Pc. Pl101 Stttlngt n~~r·ll" SAVE $154.00 121-Po. P11ee s.tun;t SAVE $212.50 SLi\YICK'S J1wel1t1 Sll1to It 17 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1 ltO Yow 011191 Acc-t Wtl(omt -eon11Arnerk.1ri1, M••tl!r Cl'llrtt, loo. Optft Moltfloy, f rillllf'f ""'*'' 1)0-,11'11'•~--- ' \ Introducing Eleanore Chapman ~ ..JJair . 3305 N~WPOll.T ILVD. 1-.cros1 Iron> Nt¥fPDl"I lllfol(~ Cit~ Hiit) • • • • • • • • • 1: • • • • • • • • NEW CLASSES START IUl!tltM.IM'all1N11t NOVEMBER 10th· thru 14th IMAGINE! Learn to make Stretch Pinta in one bathing suit for $5.00, even 9irdl11! hour, TEEN CLASSES· TOO! THllAD UlGAINI M•rcorl10• oftcf llllutl duty, 1S. • 1poo1. SKI PANT FABRICS & ALPACA SWEATER MATERIAL NOW INI HRS. DAY 9-5; NITE 719:30 P.M . • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • WILL YOU SPENO FIVE MINUTES JN OUl fITTING lOOM FOi A IET1ll flGUIE FOi LI'!? PHONE 642-1197 w Every Ball hos o bow Veta's lllTllllAn AnAllL ........... .,. ...... ... ...... Jt 673. 4116 ~======= • Parki!!IJ! Rear -Phone: 633-2842 • : • • • • •-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , 'IL ______ _::~~~~~~~:_ ___ J •I . ' ' . NEWE ST KNI T -This coat dress of polyester knit has the look of an expensive wool knit but can be made for as little as $16 by the woma n who sews her ow n fashions. It has a double breasted look but is immune to the annoyance of bulging buttons and flying open at the hem because it zips in back.. Large Sizes Mmm, lt'1 delicicxis to slip into a w'arm robe .j ~:r~i~:!'.ly lo1g robes or short, in washable fleeces, quiltt and flannel1. ,_, $10.00 1105 Newport Blvd., c .. ta Mo1• '"'!2 ltl.Q """ ., '"" ltl'Mf .. Ho•rs: 9:JO te 1:10, Prlffy te 9:00 SizH 38-52 I SHO S;eil • ~SIDE . (ARD 'N PARTY SHOP • ~HALLMARK CARDS~ CANDLES ~PARTY ooons,,, BEAUTIFUL c1rrs . - 1008 BAYSIDE DR.. NEWPORT BEACH BAYSIDE CENTER AN EXCITING ADDITION TO BAYSIDE PHARMACY .• Easy-care Polyester - Wardrobes t ove Knits Never before. have _knits been ao fuhlonable or ao • pojJular. Jl'uhiooista eotbute th&t more lbao ball ol the fuhlooa belog shown lllld bought today ... lmlta. Tlvsday, Nowmbtr 6. 196' Marines --- Hosting LA Ball lntemaUona.l Orphans Inc. wW lie ~ed lfUdtl during the !~th IDllual Marine corps Birthday (!all Saturday, Nov. DAILY I'll.Of ll Krew e Ha $ Di-. ctaoclna. cockloils and an everUnc at the thtlltr all are in store for members or the M)'ltlct Krewe of Komus ne:.:t 5aturday at 7 p.m. ,,,. newest -around ll't the polyeMrl, -venallle Xiills' thit loot llki woor,iC! like' wool but thet the mabrs inliat can be toued In the . wuhing machine with the. famUy wuh. --a, cilebrating the tMth birth- day ol the U.S. Marine Corps. The ball, which Is ICbeduled Ill' the Los Angeles Athletic 'Club at 1:10 p.m., la sponsored by the Greater W Angeles Council, Marine C o r p s Reserve Officers Association. The Fullerlon Ebtll Clubbouae will, be de<ked wllh lelt.i,ve ~mameots for the mer· riment1 which will be hosted by MT. and M'iS-:-'IllCl!...,--H Luther aQd Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane. Thele are the-lmita with a · knack for fashion . • .they come in all sorts or pa&ttrns: • ottoman stripes, chevrons, herringbones, "bumpy" tu· tures, petitpoints! Presumably they are immune to sagging and stretching and lake to cot:. or beautifully. They "dreu-ti.p" or "dJ'ess.. down" as one wills, are seen . in everything , from sportif . separates to afte-dart 1-. The knit atltdl In tbeae new polyesters iJ IO firm th&t thQfe who know' say they sew like a woven fabric. For those who want to 9eW them, Singer sewing experts bave a few tipa to offer for ,sewing these and ether klls. For slraiiJ!tening before cutflnC, 1 v!Jual guide for the crouwise grain can be worked out by tracing the yarn run-' nlng crosswl5e and / t h e lengthwise rib ahould be ""'" sidered as the Jengthwise grain. Streng thread shcu.J.d be · used (si lk, synthetic or merceril:ed with a polyester core; and a medium stitch and tension on the machine. Important, lo allow "give" and .Prevent a drawn look en lengtllwiJe seams, the sewer should hold the fabric in front and back of th e presser foot w h 11 e stitching. Crosswise seams should be stabilized wi th straight seam binding and natural waistline fashions given the righ't set by % inch elastic stitched to t h e waistline seam. Singer e.1perts suggest that a French hem be used for knits and that buttonholes be stitched through a woven fabric stay. INCREDIBLE-A Rudi Gernreich design for less than $22? The woman who sews can fashion this design with polyester knit fabric. Among association members from thJs area are Lt. Col. F. L. Williams Jr. of Newport Beach, Col. Ed A. Galiskis of Newport Beach and Maj. William J. Geiger of Hun- tington Beach and their wives. ' A branch ol lnl«nltionat Orphans Inc. is planned for the Orange County Arei with Mrs. Gene Mil ot Newport Beach servtng as charter member. Cou rt Stelle Members of Court; Stella Maris lf48, Cathol i c Daughters or America meet each second and fourth Mon- day at 8 p.m. in SL Joachim's parish hall, CO!ta Mesa, Fellowing the !•30 dinner the Komua Players w i 11 present "The Drunlard," and dancing to the music of the Moonlighters will concludt the evening. Festiv ity Calendared . .. Two 'days of festivity b1Ve been planned by the California Nltiooal Fuchsia . Scciety In the form ol a Harvest Festini and Holiday Hou1e. ~ Mrs. Herb Logue will ~n her Long ~ach bor:ne next Saturday and Sunday for lhe 9 a.m. to 9 p.m» ways 811d means event which will In- clude a buaar and dinqe•· each day. Dinner will be s e r v e d Fanners Market style and gif!. items for the holidays and baked good!: will be effered during the bua~r- How's Your HearinCJ MODEL OF NEW HEARING AID GIVEN A most unique free ofrer of It Weighs leu than ooe quarte:- speclal interest to thcae w h o ounce; and It's all at ear levil; he a r but do n o t lmdentand in tilt uniL No wlra lead fJ't!1'1 words has just been annowx:td. body to bead. llere ii truly DfW. A true-JUe, actual size replica hope fer Ute hard oi hearing. • Cf the smallest aid ever made Tbeae models are free while will be 1iven absolulely free to the limited supply lasts, so we anyone answering t h I s adver· sugaest y o u write f o r your;: tisement. Try it to see bow it now. Again, we repeat, there i£ ls worn Jn the privacy of your no cost a n d certainly no obli- awn home without cost or obli· gallon. SMASHING LOOK -The young, fresh look of the suit with the small, close jacket and dirndl skirt is very much uin" now. This white pettipoint knit look s like wool but can be washed like cotton. galion of any kind. It's yours to Write for yours today to Heal'o keep free. The size of this aid ing Aids, c/o Box M-432, Daily is enJy one of many features. Pllot, Costa Mesa. MAKE THAT SPECIAL GIFT! Laguna High Grads Recite Nuptial Vows Jo in One 0/ Our ':Ju n Cla:1:1e:1 no w . . . Steve n Wayne Eddens and bis bride, the former Kim liart Dunlap, who w,ere mar- ried ill SL Catherine's CaOi- olic Church, Laguna Beach, have-returned from a Mam- moth honeymoon and are making Laguna Beach thelr home. Tbe Rev. Patrick J . Calla- nan performed the weddlnj: during a noon nuptial mass for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olan F. Dunlap ,of La-euna Beach and the son of MrL Marilyn F..ddena of La- guna Beach and Frank Ed- dens cf Santa An·a. Given in marriage by. her father, the bride wore a silk erganza and lace gown and. a mantilla veil captured by a beaded crown. Her bouquet was daisies and baby's breath. 1 Miss Cathy Behrendt was i maid o( honor, and brides- maids were the Misses Cindy Boyd and Shannon Kennedy, all of Laguni Beach. They Jewel s Outline Glo ss Frames Jewelled sunglass frames are the latest thing for the woman who has everything else. Christian Dior does them in diamonds, s apphires, amethysts and rubies for $22,000. The price includes plain or prescription lenses. Similar models wtlh fake jewels are $250. wore Ueep p u r p I e velvet gowns. Chris O'Keefe was b e s t man, while ushers wer.e ..Rob- ert McDcnald and Kurt Oun· lap, the bride's brother. . Follcwtng Ute w e d d I n g, where gladioli, chrysanlhe· mums, r o s e s ·and daisies adorned the church, 1 recq. tioo toot place in I.hf Old Btuuels restaurant with ac- cordion music Iendlq' an old world atmosphere. Draping-Decoupage Repousse Art-Statues Gold Leafing -Resin -Paper Tole- Christmas Decorations • Special 1Utsta included Mn~ W. J·. Runser of Girard, Pa. and Mr•. Ralph Maurer ol San Diego, the bride's grandmotber and aunt, and Joseph ltfaurer of San Diego. l"oNl! s~ DAYS Ti11 XMAS I . t The newlyweds are grad. uates of Laguna Beach IDgh School. She also was grad· uated from Sawyer Bualnes1 College, Santa Ana, and he is attending 0r""3• Coast Col· lege and Saddleback College. HARBOR HOBBY CRAFTS 1926 Hwbot, Costa Mesa -645-2460 Laguna Health C)uh 870 Glenneyre Laguna Beach • 494-9314 3rd SUCCESSFUL YEAR -NO CONTRACTS- • SAUNA • SUN ROOM • MODERN EQUIPMENT • INDIVIDUALIZED PROGRAM • CHILD GUIDANCE • GROUP THERAPY • MARRIAGE collsRING • CHESS PLAYERS DISCOUNT • CURRENT REICPE EXCHANGE • ALL HANG-UPS GIVEN . SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDUIG -HOURS - MIN • WOMI N Mlt . All , • , h:.-rtl11111.J frt111 Lon4011 ,114 ,,,1, with tll tJ1, l1lt1I 1tylh1g ind c.uffirig tec.li11iq111t. C1ll fer cont11h1tlo11 111d 1pp0Jnlmtnl, Mt. All. Ruu lliomp1on'1, ]545 E. Co11t Hw)'., Co10"1 de! Mir, 673 ·•96 1 Of' 67 3-6966 M.., 4ttl P.M,•IO:OI P.M. llJll µ,.. lrtt P.M. ,..., 10:to A.M.-2:to P.M. J1H P.M ... 11• P,M, Wed. 4:00 ,,M.•10tl0 P.111. 11tN ~M.• J1tl P.M. flil•r. 10iM A.M •• 2:00 P.M, J:OI P.M.0ll1H P.M. Pr'I. 4!00 P.M.·10ito P.M. 11:11 A,M.• J:M P.M. kt. ll:Of A.M •• 2:t0 P.M, ll10I A.M.• l :tl P.M. -' " l \ 1 5522 3222 M DAILY l'ILO~ -ll-il!. • ;:h_~ets-pjt~~~-Rii _Placed Out cbrlsl Cl!ul'<I/ by !\'< Ilea Engin Kepenek wu but \111•ee al AUanUc -.rcb 1Employes will galber Tburs- tday, Nov. 13, at ll:*t a.m. ior '• lwd Jn tbt Meu Verde 1 <:ountrY c1ub. Speakin& will be R. C. 1Vandt Vredt.. vice president and general ~er o I 1Misslle Systems Div!ST;;;-or ,Atlaatic Research , Corpora- tion. 1 lleaervaUoM may be-made with Mrs. J1m Hall_, Mf.1448 or Mn. Edward Sweet, 5'M165. ~~- wu lhe MtUac for tbe lln&le man, and ushers were Joaepb ring nujldola IJnlllnt'Katb!Oen Poslto, Lee Siems and Dovld Marie Riley and Gregory E. Riley. PJtcbu. , Mrs. Leon a rd Riley p.,_ al the brldiI couple circullted the gueet book - .,. Mr. and Mn. Herbert E. •·• tbe rece~•-in the bome Riley al Newport Beacb and "'6 """'' Donald F. fitcber and Mrs. al the bride's parents. Donald Taylor of Redlandl. The newlyweds, both Olficlant was the Rev. David .,.. .......... ..oLNe-... u .. ..._ DI ProliO ---·-~-~ Given iD rn1rriqe by her H!cb School, will Tellde in father, the bride wore a whlte Newport ~ach. They al5o at.. velvet g!JWD trimmed ,with tended Orange COast College. veni.se · lace. A gold · wlvel gown was wom by the honor attendant, Vicky Oberg. Fa5hions Featured Mesa·Harbor C I 11 b Is fashion show fPOOIOrlng Who's the Fairest of Them All fashion show in the New porter Inn Thursday, Nov. 13. BenefltUng will be the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. I.:/ ' /..JJ .. ~\~~ pre·holidat1 showin g 12 noon Saturday Nov. 8 S.t11rd1y i1 tli11 l>it d1y for fuft: f11h· io11 ind 11•i119t duri119 H1111ti119to11 .C111lor't ltd A1111i¥tr.1ry S·1lo colol>r1• tio11. 011 boh11f of tlii1 y11t'1 ChrJ1tm11 Sool comp1i911, KWII 1odio 1lon 11111. dy I Fr111 will oppo1r .i1 9uo1I cOtl'I• moftl1tor1. Chri1trn1i Soil 0110111 T1r1 lor111 111d her bo1uly court will modol holid1y fo1hio11t. New members were honored during an orientation coffee in the Newport Beach home ot Mrs. William Holmes, pres!· dent. Welcomed were the Mmes. a a -. . f..01 1dmi11io11 i11 tho mill. lo1ch ~ ·Edi119or ot the S111 Di190 fr11w1y. Phllfp Donohue, Fred Sbep. phird, James Jones, William Scholes, Richard Moeller, Carl D'Ambrosi, Mildred Wtde, Kenneth Galligan, Blanche ·Manning, Richard Anderson, Robert &ttnsen, B.r i a D · Gallagher and Don814j Lyke. MRS. GREGORY PITCHER ·N•wport &eiich Hom• COMMUN!TY EVENTS ., COST A MESA .UNITED FUND Mn, J oclc .Smitli, lltO Sh11111011 U ., Co1t1 Mot'., ·who it ch1ir~oi. thit yo1r ~f tho Good N1:i9hl>or d i•i1io11 of tho Co.ti Mot1 Uriitod Fm"', will l>o 1111mbli119 hor •oluftfoor worlcl ra tho w11k of No•. t of tho tSirl1 Club 111'1 tfie G irl Scouh f1cili· t;,, i11 J"r•p1r1lio11 for 1 m1ili119 to .1lj ho.m1m,•1r1 in tho city, ARTIST OF THE MONTH A 0111-m111 Croft Potpourri f:driibit l>y 0011111 Fri1borhh11111r will 1>1 held for the montli of NovH1b1r ot Celifer11i1 S1•i1191 I Lo111 A11n:--V1r;;-d ciift 111ocli1 di1· pl•y.d will i11cl'"'e br114 1culpfuro, h•ok~ eel will h1119iflfl. corn hu1k f1'urt1115. l>1tik1, ''"· M~ DOUIN ClonA T•LU:• O" TMI MONTH A f1vorli. Wlllt the Cosl1 Miii ti• , pi1ltors la llllncl Otr-Clolll. t11r IPlrt:llng IYft Ind werm 1m!la m.k1 c111romor1 11111 c•werk..-1 M""y 1111r IM la ... tlll !M. Dorft<I Intl hvs-blnd TDllY IWft tMlr l'loml kl t1unt-klgloll BIKft wn.,, tllfr .,, lolnod Illy 1111 )'Olll'lllltl ll'lrll If tllelr llVlll Cl'llldr9'1. 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit $1 ,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each year all your principal and Interest remain, we'll guar- •ntee a 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded daily·. It adds up to 5 :39'Yo a Year. · . .. FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ..am CALIFORNIA FEDERAL IAVINlll --- 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1 ,000 or more for 36 to 60 months. We'll guarantee you a 5.25'Yo annual rate, compounded daily, with interest paid out to you each quarter. In case of hardship or emergency, you can withdraw at any -· •. time with full interest paid to the end of the previous quarter. 3.:lhe Bonus Plan. ~(ii a bonus of y, 0/o a year when your account is held to ~-year maturity. This is in addition to the regular So/o currJntannua1 rate. Regular interest is compounded daily and may be c(ediled quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrilwals before maturity earn at the regular passt>'oo k rate •. Any·amount of $1 ,OOO·or more opens and maintains your bonus account. All funds held to maturity earn an "effective annual rate of 5.25%. 4. The Basic Plan. The most flexible plan. You can invest any amount of money and withdraw it wh~never you wish. If you leave all your money and interest in your account for a year at our current 5°/o annual rate with interest compounded dally, you'll receive an annual yield of 5.13%. You earn interest from the day you deposit your money 'til the day you withdraw it. Plus ••• the money you deposit by the 10th of any monlh earns interest from the 1st, when It remains until quarter's end. ·~~!!f Q!!!!!BIJ;~~4~!~!.w~!!Y!gS ' t NA110N'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd: near Ada~a • 548•2300 CLIFFORD M. WESDORF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER ... Hor0tc0pe ' • Gemini: Start ~roiect FR!DAY c,cte hllb; fOU can ulelY a1 !l1nment , added NO.,.,.••••• .7 lab lalllall•e. Coopente with reePoaoll>IUIY. Saperion are ,....._,. -lndiYl<Ul. A.....,.-lmpnaaed. You set a chanco II)' IYDNn Oii.iii. rel•-., could develop. lo ,.... you know -11·1 all On. yau ~ pay 1 aboat. Do II>. • -*'lfld -'""eol. Be 1 AQUAlllUll (JllL » · Feb. .,-wlmer, 11): Good hmar' alpecl today llQllU'IO.(Od. ~,JI)· coincldet wlllbl!D*.wbea..JOU 'Dllr la kind al d.aJ Didi In-can SUCCIOlfllUJ p u b 11 s h , ~ you. 'llllre are. aec-adverllle. Tbe 1bllrlcl cao 1reta, cmfldmriel. You draw become IOUd. You Ca 1 n ~1oy ... -opecia1 ~-al~ - -loqe, ho~6J. Be Pi8CD(F.it.lt'lfardlJI):' dmltlhJe -and paUent. Accent on mcimy ·wblch is IAGnTARIUS (~OY. 22· -ed by IJlale. parb>er. Be Dec. 21):. D1acard rumon. Gel dynamic. ExtftSI vtews with. in touch _-ooe who can coofldence. Onl1 ptlfllll la lac~ verily facia, llalne-Whit you ol undentondlnr. Dig d«p -may ho a a dlslance. and apply what you !<am. Ff>e for · cettlDI thoughts on To find out rnor• Mout -"'" '"' palper, preparing format. 01trololly, orlllf' SfdM'f O!Mrr'• » N DD~-~ ,......_ .. 1 PHO loaklel, TM Trvtlt AlllMlt . ~.-~ ..-;, -an. Allf'DlotY. SIM .,.,..... Mii A cwii. lt): c.eer.atfvancemem CWI• lo OmllT llooldlf, IM OAtLY P'ILOT. ARIEi (Man:b. 21·AprU..1t): ~·;.'";"';;;;;;lniii;;~·fPOllllhiiiiiiiii;l;;;.~ACC9jltiii;i~;;;;i~~ ... ~-~·~·Y~ ...... ~,.,~,i;i'';;-;;;;;";;;;;"';;;;;_;;;;;_iiiij ACaml _,u.. -, be 11 apec1aJJy attentive tto Uln m -. lndlvldual. Y.U could Jann · ~~·!~ MA:_ .. lTAJ.. -_.G wllh special n18ht on town.• • TAURUS (Aoril 20-Mav'JI): , Important \o llniah what you ., •• , GAS start. Milly consume your lime wllh their probleme. Be l)'lllp&lheUc, but hold Oii lo . • E RS your cash. Fellow worker DRY deserves a favor. GEMINI (May 21.June JI)' • E<preu destr... Find out where you It.and tn romance artL Fulfill promlaes lo youog penons. Be ready fer change, travel and plenty of variety. Start a project. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Don't veer too far from familiar coone. Means sUck to home base. Aecent on home, property, future securi- ty, Older individual offers con- structive advice. LEO (July ZS.Aug. 22)' Ac- cent on movement, versaWlty. YOU CIJ!!]d be gralifled by message which proves yoo .... re rigbt. Short trip appean to be on agenda. Take care in traffic. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl, 22)' Money is emphaaiz.ed .. You could find genuine bargain il obeervant. Key is to watdl: for k><>Jh>les. Be aware of details. Protect possessions. T a k e nolhlnc for granted. LIBRA (iiflJI. 23 • Oct. 22): The Tee Tattler (Etllllr'I NIM: A Olll.lrM ti_., It ""' JCWH will -• Mell Wffk Tiii OAILY "ILOT. T, ,_, llC\lf'n 11'11 "°* ....... -II t'-' .. P'.O. 8oJf 15'0. Tllrt mult be recolwd br Mondll,·} .. CMO SAM IOMllUIM OCT0.Ta 11 -LD'# Mii Ille ""'-· lllchlnl V11'1«1. Tll F, W. ;8;;rioii; 711 t1. It. ~ 1'1 l"lllN11 Jotw.lwl, a.mon1 --u'IU.•v11H ·••AT TM• fill"• INTIMO•MT -A Fllehl, tl'lt Mf!lfti P'IUI Sl1rdlmi.11, 191 DOn 0ou91e .. W lll1m Efltrlklfl. 7'h O<jlf Moller1~7'1 I F11911t, Tiii Mma. W .. ,. ,...._ •1 i.t.Mftl. Clllrltt lloftnlfl, n1 Ln !Mr, ''' c " , Mnws. 1rwr ... Er""t Gj~,1~-1 imll!I, IC. WHH1t111. 11. if' ANo~7-s -A F 11111, "" Mmtfl. Jim C1l1Hllln, UYJ1 Fra11k l'lddock, '"1 Erttrlkl~llH1m Neth, :N\111 I Fllllhli_l,M Joo M1r1a, ll. R. Kl'!', ~"' DH11 '-i. Jim Sutton. >61 C Fll1ht, the Miiiet. Joh11 lrwl11o 15~1 M11"1lll o,ltlel1, 3'\IJ1 N.it Rotlblfll. »1 W, S. ltONldMn. Jlt'J. lllVIN• COAST IUP'llll IOWL. -Tllo Mn'*. Al\111 111'1111. 741 t1orry ·-JSr T. W. ~•"Ito, G«M 111-111, Thorn I I cMIFTIKh, H. B·~wm1.. M. J. ""'°"' J, Rn ln1, T1t T. W. Wrtolla. Eltoll M1llert, Erk1110111 J, I!: ltlckllR, Mkl'lffl Br'-Cln Kll .. ;en, It°"" Tu..-, 91:0'1 Klo11be111, 71Um•I _ DA'!, 'TWO 91llT ULLI ~ .,OQISOM• -The Mma John Jlalttl, H-v Jdl~ W1rrt11 Glb- blM, Mllf ON Off Wl'tltt, 1l71 rlle MmW. Mi..,.,., Olde 81Cft'11r!:t1. Jti;ti llllrf, °''" Llt•ll". 1•1. _ w._ L ~ llce.M ,.,..,.w,. ._.., M. Gr.,.!, lb A~"-o lJI: ll-J"-.. lltbtft GlnlMr, Slll't K-Hllllrlt\. ue. ' Boutiques On Parade A boutique fashion show with modeling being done by daughters of members will """priae the &econd meeUng of the newly organized Orange County We3t Chapter o f Women's American Organiia· tlon for Reba bi 11 tat I on Through Training. HALO·OF-HEA 1'" For Fast Drying at Low T emjis. -"""" "'"--nu.. in tf11· -··-·· ~elt.Cl11n Matchln1:1 Bi1:1 Fanilly Capacity WASijERS ) . ' . The meeting will take place at I p.m. Tuesday, Nov. II, in the home of Mrs. Vera Spr· Inger. 1 E1clling fash.loru: a n d Jewelry will be displayed dur· ing the show, and the public is Invited to attend. Additional infonnalion may be obtained by calling Mrs. Henry Gothelf, IJMUO. Women Sponsor Night at Show A benefit periormance of "That'• M.J Bql" will be ._ed bJ 1he Sislerbood of Temple Beth Sholom, Santa Ana nelt Sunday at 1:30 p.m. In the Grand Hotel's Off Broadway We.st. Directed by Gene Casey, !he ebow ls a saUrt of various facets ol life In lht current era . e F1mily Size Tub Gr••t for 9rowin9 f1mili11s e Two spHcl opera~ion e no non1ens11 .cl111nin9 power for n~rmel washing e G•.ntl11 wa1h, r1ns11 I: spin for sp•· c1al 9•rments I: fabrics e Autometic Weter L11v11I Control • Pow•r fin agitator e Safety l id e F•bric Softener disp11n111r. SEE THEM-TODAY AT: GAS CRYE RS LESS TC llllSTALL .. LESS TC OPC~ATC . ccs• ro~ ~C•MANCNT ""rs~ . DAVIS· BROWN Since 1947 411 E. 171tt St., D•lly t-f, S.t. f-' 6*1'14 Anyone wishing reservations may call Mr1. Mumy Cho-ban, 131-Qa. , ..... _________________ ~--------' ' Li Jn ri< I 1 OV< am •Pl Ion 1 B• ins Un Str . bin rar Fo NA I ba: Ag Un not Wh "" ( [ [ ' •' :~ ... ' 'i j ( I . ' Tanks Cire,J.rag JI~ Like the s~ttlers' covered··wagons·in a cowboys and Indians thriller, tanks and armo~ ,persOD.QeJ car· riers form a circle .in a cleared area near Quan Loi. . . ' But Not for Loag The modern-day settlers are meinbers of ttie ·u.s. ' 11th Armored Cavalry.. '· : . · · ' U.S. Flag Still Flying in Libya By PHIL NEWSOM UPI l'-19'1 ,.,_. Maly1t Dec. 24,. 1970. Three·. thousand American 'Ille American Oag'stlll rues servicemen and 2,000 of ·their over only one military base dependents 1ive an the base among tbe Arab nations, and which long since has lost its appareilUy :not even there for importance as a bomber base long. but retains its usefulness as a The Soviet Union tried and Britain trained the Libyan failed to obtain a mandate army and the United States over Tripolitania, now a part . has helped to build its air force with transports and FIOS of_ ~ya, while the Allies v.·~re fighter~rs. sh~1ng up the f!)rmer ftalian . First spokesman for the new and German 1.erritories after ' government was a lieutenant World War II. It would have · colonel named Saaductin Abu been their first foothold in, the Shwirrib, a 3 6 -y e a r • o I d Mediterranean., graduate of the U.S. command The privileges it sought 30 and general staff school at Ft. years ago now,-con~ivably, Leavenworth. • Th...J1y, Nowmb<r 6, 1969 • I • DAf~Y Jl!l.Of pi ~~~~wks" No Longer. Flying WASHINGTON-(UP ) -H"""1duringtheputlour1n-I;=================;; Hawla are no ...,.., t1)itlla f11 nual Deleue DtJ_>Ulmont ap- formaUon over Capitol , HUL proprlitton debates that there 'Th,.., are alive and -D, --wal Mly one "'" to 91ht 1 ~o1 .... 6 .,.. war-4o win. · ports CJlle, but thoy have gWen This ,.ar he boomedo "Now up hope on Vietnam.' let ua act Uke men. Ltt us figbt Hl.st.ory may record as their lh!s war to win or, u was Akt last fllgbt an ill-starred sortie in the Navy when I waa in the 1 few days .11oo in which lC Navy, 'get the ,hell out or -I.here.' " · House members urged Pre!--Tal.kfns with 1 rtcent visitor ent Nixon..Jo.. Ql'.der "a lU'"'--¥1"""''-'. olfic;e, ~ aruff YOiced :f.tlpQ, f1LLV:?; STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN ••• In The ,Alley· Of ' . ' dea and major escalaUon'' of but usually genial Andrews ~ Uie war. Orglna]Jy IS signed a obwved sadly that perhapa a ..II , ./ >A '' letter l9 the President but Rep. the time had come to admit -"'J.lfv, • RoQ:ers C. B. Morton. (R-Md.), that the war would not be withdre,w his name. fought to vlctory, and that may-Open Prf. Ifft. . J4-4 WIA UDO ALL cuon Morton, who doubles as Re-be "we out to get out lock, 'tll · 9 -NIWH)U HACH CAIDI wl&.COMI - publican national chairman, . .,;';:'°';;,k~an~d~barr;;;el;·="===~===================~ aald he signed the letttr with-Ir out realizing it was something less· than a complete endorse. ment or Nil'.on's peace efforts. About a week prevlous!Y,, Sen. John G. Tower, (R·Te:r.), sald that if tbe other side dtd not respond posltively to ad- ministration diplomatic mov~s the United St1ttes should re- sume bom.blni North Vletnam -Including Hanoi and the port of Haiphong. Tower's fellow , hardliners greeted hls call with · a deafening " silence. What has happened lo most of the hawks? Why haven't they been heard from very much recently. Rep. F. Ed- ward Hebert, (l)..La,), a proud member of ,the fratemlty, ex· plains it this way: "I gave up hope a long time ago. The war has ·been. Josl It was lost by Mr. McNamara"- r'efeITiilg to former Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc· Namara. Hebert said the lt signers of the letter seeking an escalation of the war were just wasting their time: "They knew damn well that It's not going to happen." To many hawks, the only course left was to back the President in hls quest for an "honorable" peace and recog- nize, in the words of Hebert, that some "bitter pills will have to be swallowed." Rep. George Andrews, (0. Ala.), has been telling the .ILYml'S "'FANTASIA." IS AN Jl/'!elle tra& anJ girdle& &~ape ''lou with .&upreme com/ort and ' po&ifi11.e control I. THlll'S DOUILI MA•tc IN LILYmR NIW ! That ba.9-ts Wheelus Air training center. Sharing it Base in .Libya, a $-100 million with the Americans is the installation obtained by the small Libyan air for~. United States in 1954 as a --Its imQ.Ortance to ilie United S~ateglc Air_ Command·~-., -States is 1eSs thJlll the use to · bmg base and a-••uve 1irmg' which it might be placed by range for training of U.S. Air the young new· rulers wtio Force . groups attached to ~~ribrew 79-year-old · King NA'It> m Europe. , Jdris in an alm~t-bloodless could be obtained from .a Its new premier is a 36-year- regime which has declared its . old lawyer. Mahmoud Soliman enmity toward Israel and .has . Al·Maghreby, who aJso studied demonstrated its friendship in the United Slates and serv· toward Egypt and Syria, the ed as an adviser to ESSO. Acrobatics Class Set • INCRlElllLl NlW CJIRDLI It 1h1p•1 yo11 n•lurally, com·· fortebly with 11lf-edj111iil'lt l•c1 1l11fic lri1ngle1 1t weilf end th ight. !You won't fi11d th,111 in 1ny oth1r girdl,.1 Fenle1i1 11 "COMPOn Wiil" ~ONDIAU IRA •• • p1rf1ct ••P•t•tio11 wfth he•¥911ly cotl'lfort. Ul.,.tt.'1 f•1iher·litht flit urMler·wire 111t only cre1i•1 be1utlf11I you119 uplift e!ld ••p•retion, but do•• 10 witti tho 11101t wol'Hlerful fr1edo111 of 1t1etlo11, PoJifJ.;1ly c:•11noi pi11eh, poli1 "or rub, Th .. 1.Clu.iM ~11ij11 for1111 1 !oft. fr•.d,le •rouN !h• c:ircu111f1r1nc1 ,f t~.• butt. l1e11t_if11llv 111ed1 h1 wei9htl1U, 1e1y0cer1 l!'l'IOfl 1110 d1lic•t1ly 1c1llopH OY9r 11yl111 m•r111lri1• otte wifti cl1crori el11tic 111d ·1t'1t1i·circurar 1titchad c11p1. AY1 1l1b/1 i11 11Ude, pl11li, bl111, yellow, ~it1, or Llecli. J2 to JI. C cup, 6.51 D i nd DO cup, 7)1. ' ' l I ; ' • I . • A,4ispatch from the Cairo--coup Sept. J. They declared based Middle East News Libya to be a socialist Age_ncy <MENA). said the republic. United St.ates has b e e n The revoluUonary' A r a b notified its lease On the states and the Soviet Union Wheelus base will not be quickly recognized the new r"°"'ed when It e;q>ires on regime~ DENTAL PLATES • · REPAIR$ l REUNlS WHILE-U0WAJT • ' .. -' -....... -' COMPLETE ' -WY ALWAYS CREDIT -DENTAL SER~ICE . LOW TERMS JN OUR OFFICE -.PRICES ' ·-- PENTOTHAL· ' ' (For Sleep) For &tractions and Fillings WEL,COME e DIFFICULT CASES WELCOMED freedom of whose ports I.be The U.S. presence in Libya Soviets already enjoy. already is declining with the ~ is not unusual in departure of the first 143 deteriorating U.S. relations ' Peace Corpsmen from their with the Arab st.ates, the ' English language teaching present situation has i t s , jobs. ironies. . But oil remains the key. Western oil companies, most Libya takes in more than $1 of them American, have in-. billion annually in oil revenues vested more than $1 billion in and wants more. the development of Libyan oil. But it has neither the U.S. aid over the years markets nor the know-how to totals more than $200 million. go it alone. Overland Rou,te Map Brings GoQd Price . ' ' NEW YORK (UPI) -A in the ship which hi.slorians map drawn during an expe-be.lieve later sailed to the new dition into the Rockies to dis-World, went to Arthur Free-cover an overland' route to No~hcrn California brought ~· a Loodon rare book deal- Tiny tots will have a chance to learn how to twist and tumble from the experts in the Fountain Valley Parks and R e c re alion Department's tumbling and acrobatic s course starUng Monday, Ney. 17. The course is directed at tots aged · t-3, elementary · schoot cbnare,n al!d. youth In the more advanced grades. Classes will be held Monday and Wednesday ·evenings in the Fountain Valley HJih School gymnasium. ' Parents can register their young1ters in the course at cl· ty hall, 10200 Slater Ave. Final Stocks In All Home Editiom the on1 girdle th1! linow1 whi r• lo 1tr•lch end wh111 fo 1fop. And elwey1 1teys 1•curely 111 pl1c1. 11'1 colon to milch '-r11. A~•r19e Leg : Si111 S-M·L, 11.00 fashions for ; • ' FASHION 'iStAND -NEWPORT BEACH :sroNliwoop OENTl;R .,. DOWNEY .... A .... lcar4, Mattw Chcif91',, t.. ,,._...a.,.' · I i .I I 1 I .1 :• ~ • )' ' ' • . e PENSIONERS e Nit~~;g~~ENT UN10N DENTAL PATIENTS er . $16,000 and a document con· ----------iiiiii cerning the Mayflower drewl• C~~:~~f1fi:~.~·: Try K-Mac Drug & Disc. ount Sto.re ~ ,, ' ..... merlcl .. NECESSARY e 36 MOS. TO PAY s .. a SAT. e OPEN ~VE PHONE The map, showing Colorado, " --... e SE HA!LA UZ-6625 Utah and northern Arizona , -~ was bought by Eberstadl's ol YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO LEAVE TOWN TO GET LOW 'DISCOUNT PRICES I ESPANOL ' ' New York. · DR. JEPSON ~~'.~'.',': -'16123 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAR EDINGER -Cl-ROUND FLOOR -MODERN AIR CONPITl()NED OFFICE The map was dated 1778 an,d though t to be tbe origlnal copy done by a Spanish FrancUcan prjest, · who obtai\led perm_is- sion from the governor -of New Mexico for the trip, and set 1 out from Santa Fe in lT/6. MEMBER AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTIST- AMERICAN CRE DIT DEHTIST ASS~. The Mayflower document, actually a trans.fer or a strare •••••••••••••••• TH~_HA'RL9W. PUM.P . . -· ~ .. " Rog. 9.91 ••• Baby doll is bockl Black, (ad or navy potent: Black, re d , navy; camel or bone calf. • VICS VAPO RUB REG. $1 .09 ...... -3 OL VICKS.; Medium Size VapoRu ---79' --·-- ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN \ 29' FOR CHILDREN REG. 39c ASPIRIN NEO SYNEPHRINE 9c NOSE DROPS 100 REG. 2lc ·:79c 1/4% 1 oz. Sin REG. 98c TRIAMIACIN 12 1 59' VICS' FORMULA REG. 79c 44 Ext;• Stro"lfh VITAMIN C c....., Mlxlur• _,!129 33:' 100 MG 100 REG. 49c ".6oz. i_ ' SIM · ' ' "' DRUG . and · DISCOUNT STORE • !ACROSS FROM NEWpORT CITY HALLI I ' ' I• > 1 ; t l ~ } . • -' ! J ! , ' l • , • ( "' ' r 3333 Newport Blvd., Newport · Beach~· 675-6611 1 liiiiiiiiil_._.:..ci:.;_· _....;.......;.'....;...--------~-·":"", ----· ~~~~.-. ~~ + I ••••••••••1t••••••••lll&lllllllll•••••'"'1110111s•:•a&10010J11'"'&•&111•~'~.J••:•:•====••••••=:..,s:=••:•s.,;.,;"';""""""'"'•·""'"''·•ts•c••11""•""'•'•'•'•'*"'"'""''"''·""'"''·"'"-"'"·""'·•""·'~·-..... -,,...,__ .-... W o?k Mi'les Out Then Rent a Car Millar Picked California Medical Centers, a Los Angeles-based growth company in the health care and medical services field, an-• nounced the promotion of M. Stuart. Millar of Newport Beach to executive vice presi- dent. GQOD HEALTH ' SPOKEN ,HERE! tiy TERIY GIANT. R.Ph 111 ph1r1111c.y 1c.ho1I, on• of 1h1 flnt lmport111I 11110111 1 ph11t1111c.ilt•IO•bt l11r111 It th1 J1tio111 h1 tlfl lh1t c.111 r1111lt wh111 ,1opl1 tty to di1911011 111d treat #11lr own ill1111n1. W1 ,,, w1111M th11 It 11 0~111 •••v to 1tU 111 •• ~,d fer hol'll• 111111- 4.,, 11peci1llv wh111 TV ht1 1hovl1d 0111 ih c:l1in11. • • • Wh•ll 'JOV h1•1 • r•t1,1rrin9 probl1"' or p1nill•l'lt typf!'ltorru, a I• 1•COITUl'lllld1G th•! you 1101 t•lt• c.I""''' b1,1t quickly ''' your phy5lc.i111. H• wtll 11tu1lly b1 obi• te •••ctly d1f•H!'li111 your probl'"' ind pr11•rib1 • •P••iflc pr1tcript;o• "'"lic.111• fO h1lp 'JOU. • • YOll Cit YOUR DOCTOR CAN ,.HONE US wh,n you n114 • d.Ji,,.ry. W1 wlll Gtll.,.r prol!'lplly witho1,1f 1.olr• c.h1rg1. A 9r••' rl'ltl'IY ptopl• r•ly 011 '" fOt'-lfltir h11lth 1111d1 . W1 w1ftt1"I Hqu•1+t for d1 ll•1ty ••r¥ic1 11td chert• 1c.c1u11h. P.UK LIDO PHARMACY "1H ..... l- Ntw .... -.... 1111 ,,., po11...., Builders Honored Lloyd Mwey, prelidtn! oi Orange Coast Concre t e, Newport Beach, has been premrt:ed the Kap Ktnnelh Annual Award for his con-- tr i but ions to the ap- prenticeship training program by the Building lndusJJy Asaoci1Uon. Mosaoy I! chalnnan ol tile Jolnt Cement Ma90ns Ap- prenticeship Committee of Ort1nge County, a member of the Ctmcnt M1900's Statewide ApprenUc:oship Commlttff and a member of the 11 Southern Counties Cement Mason's Ap- preoUctshlp tnost. Merrili BuUtr, Jr .. ProsJ. dent of Buller Harbor Consb'Udlan C o m p • n J • Anahflm won the P a s t Pnsldenl! Award given fer Joni fan(t """ '"" :.v.: ervfce in the constructlon in-- dmtry. Butler ta a past pres!· dent of Lhe Home Builder• AuodaUoa. - Ml.dea, lnc., indu stria l management con:sultant and designer, manufacturer and distributor of commercial and industrial diJplays, has moved into a 6()00.square-!oot facility in lht Jrvine Jndustrtal Com- plex . The facility will serve as new headquarters for lhe firm. Expan s ion was necessitated by the recent ac- quisition by Midea or llersh graphlcs llnn. General Energy -Gairls TwyJnan Generol Energy Systems Corporation, Burllnglon, N.J .. has agN!e<I to acquire Twyman Enaloeerina Com· pany or Or1111<- The hyt\'lao nrm Is made up of enP,em: and ,rn- strucUon man11tr1 engaged tn the design and construction or lndusttJal plant&, and chemical processing and t h e r ma 1 energy systems. The fim botb d~sJgrui separate s)'stem5 and des.i~ _and constructs entir• f.aci_pdcs. .. • '· MarJ~et • • ' - -- Electronics Lead Market Upward • NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock market weath· ered a surge of profit taking toward the cloae Wed· nesday to finish higher on moderately active !rad· Ing. Minutes belore lhe final bell the UPI stock mar· ket indicator was up 0.44 percent with l ,&'3 isauea traded . There were 785 advances against 543 de- clines. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial blue chips was down from earlier levels but sUU on the plus side. Volume was around 11,500,000 shares. The market turned up at the start despite a predlctlon that the country faced an economic llow· down next year by William S. Renchard, chairman or the Chemical Bank or New York. Traders were heartened by one parilcular anal· ~sis of Nixon's speech on Vietnam lndlcaUnf that 1t committed him a little more slrbngly to a poasl· ble withdrawal of all U.S. troops next year. Electronics were the market leade rs, with par· ticularly good gains recorded by Texas Instruments, Fairchild Camera, Honeywell and Control Data. Tho comparatively few losers were oU fractionally. Glamors, Including Polaroid and Xe:or, also gave the market support. Airlines continued their upsurge with most ma· jor carriers sporting gains, mostly in fractions. Afr.. crafts were firm. Prices on the American Stock Excltange Im- proved in moderately active trading. ' ' DAILY "1.W Editions • I I -~-...,.---------~---~----------:-------.---------- If llAILY PILOT 0 ;.._ _._...rahn~,ss-:-7€1-eati!Jg~ f:etii=~e~ ~1ellt=of==8t~m ~: t I ; -' DUGWAY, Ulih (AP) -11 Put-simply u.it meansrin'.· yeotl ago. . ltatit ls limlled .to small ·by Illelm rock "hillo ,Ind women wlMfwork al!>UgwaY . A'nd 'lh•olnstallailon hai a alt.a out there alone, a Rhode ding the be!t waY to use Sampieri on the grids check rodents aad rabbits, scahet!d r1vlnel. -tbt name describes wheel bJg impact on U ta b ' a employes commute fr 0 m Tooele, 40 miles to the east. Another 500orao-uve1:1 miles away Jn the Salt Laft valley! )-•·-' •ized I of dr ~--· ~em1~·1 and'bio1,....1cal agents the effecUveness of a.erlal about on& per 1quare mile. -. "wendo bomb d aa-.a...-OU s auu-u~ W&" l) testl of gaa or Transient anhnal8, 11,k e .ine ver Ing 1;11 ruts made by emigrants' . etOn9ffi?·. , . , ~fllttm ·ll!&h'• Ufelesl ~l~&e;arto~!:n'k~0~J· simUI.nta.' :erve .'" · coyotes, antelo~:afld small gwmeryrange ,lmmediatel~~ w..,~-.dosobecauM!they nieml~ ts the bigeat F-more than -ye-~. -pte." n.u .... ~v , .n...oving Ground bands of wild. borset: ~ the north.w~ i pto?"lde·a Uke1tthere. employer has the lirgest ... .w iui r-v-ue...... ~· lana;s whole. estor another million actea: of Civili8n craft.amen are paid 1 --"'""· ay.:.EwliJJ_Groond-1ba•"-• -·"'tEB .. ST"'.~AllEA: wao -deYelot>ed-Jn-tbe+early ~a':::enerreh~-lbe-ndal.,!.""°'1 -tbe.~I an_d, ~~ i>o.L l>IJ'_wlQkslmll•tJ<>l>Li!I par:!.:;:.lii1i.u~-~~!,.~ but '11\ef don't d I SC u sa' thefil. job3 because much of lbe wot1< at Dugwaf is classified. ' " been 1-very lethal place. Here Be ooctlile ~ lo 'the days•of. World War ·II when the conquistadors _ occasionally yo u .. t s'. anh:u vurt-·(Jtah. Technicians are paldic· more g wu1 ~uw any the · Army · developed-1.h e -Y · ·' h -Army needed ' an isolated, cross the tesUng area nevJlle Salt· Fiats where Janel cording to civil s er v Jc e other industry. peop e Ol .U't I ~ generally suppress any feat! over having an installiU<wi where lethal weapons If' teated. -' flamethrower and tested i"" un.1n¥~teq tell ~ea, uge wide<iPen area to wOrk on new . • speed records. are JeL elaSsifications, but they feel "'--·ay j• .... tf has a monthly ~-·.u bombs H techni grids have been inarked. of(, chemical muniUons. ...116.. ...,.. """llUary · ere • some JS miles · Jap,g. Some Utah fi' tbe b.11 PRF.SSURE LARGE Dupay wil teactlvated working in Utah beats· ~othtt civilj,an ·payroll of a b o u t clans work Qn germ and gu resemblegiganUcl~oj,b.all . Weste~ ~ 1 • ·The staU~ rialneu of the dliring the K«ein War'. and -parls Of~ country becaUle $1081000 a military payroll of warf_art agents. (ieidS striped' a'1'05S, t b e Few it?JMaLs and even fewer pre!trve, now expa0$fed ~-lo th e: m e t.e otolo;lcfll -~ the~. of living is lower. _ $150,000 a month and annual Fifteen million dollars I'. year means too much -to-~ state with only a millioo peG- ple. Un!il-Mll.¢i, 1968, ])ug\!ay desert nat~·and; barrtn~m people live· there-. 850,000 acrea, an area 8J!Dtly biological divllloni . were · a(I;!., ·µ_tab_ abo offers-better ap. e~s of about $15 remained in security-inspired ttie" r0ceding Watefs . of· the: The permari~ot a n i m a t larger than Rhod~. ~slaild,. f'S d~ in. 1~. .. . . . ~tµilty for recr~tlon, huo-mll~on. :;:iz. that suited l ts Great Salt We thousands of population on the reserve interrupted oril)r· occuiMlllly -Many of the ~ nien and ·Ung and fishing, they say. About S<IO of Dugway•s But then an errant cloud of nerve gas spray pushed by a thWKlei:cen 1pilled across the DugWay IJorder,and pulled the Installation-out of· the anonymity it had enjoyed for 26 yearo. Within a few days more than &,000 sheep in nearby Skull Valley were dead. . CAUSE TROUBLE The accident brought in vestigations, p u b I i c in- dignation and congreuional surgery which could strike at the heart · of the nation's research into chemical and biological warfare. The ·Pentagon is trying to get reinstated $16 ·million in funds for chemJcal a n d biological testing, amputated recently by Uit Senate Armed Services Committee. If the funds aren't restored, the Army says it will have to Jay off many of the civilian technlclans at Dugway. Whatever happens to the nsearCh funds, things can never be the same at Dugway. Dugway contains two small villages, one wbere about 2,400 wotkeri, Wives and children live, the other where he technicians test war machines. Since the sheep incidf!tlt, life hun't changed much a t English Village. Housewives Mop at the commissary. Their chUdrm · go to school, play football and grumble at the lack of things to do on·a desert outpost. The big change is 11 miles lo the west-in the technical area. Out there they stlll fire mortar shells and test other conventional w a r fa r e in· $1.ruments as they have since 194%. But they've changed pro- cedures in testing killer germs and le.that nerve gases. And they worry about their tarn. ished safety image. TE5TING GAS "We've been testing VX (the ner:Ye aaent · responsillile foi- the · &beep dbths) for more than 10 years," say!! Lt. Col. Dwight M. Sheldon, acilng poi! commailder. "OiJr safety rec(tnf is· excellent!• "We have a better salety record than m0&t industries,,. saya Lothar Sa l omon, biological division chief. "All our procedures here are more strict than most co 1) e I e laboratories." Operations c h I e f Mel Bushnell adds: "In 19 years there hasn't been Ol'Je off-post e.xpolW't to biological agents. There have .beeq no fatalities on pOst." All testing, .says Bushnell, now' is done according to recommendations and restric· tions set down by an ad hoc committee formed to in- vestigate the sheep incident and safety procedures at Dugway. Procedures for aerial nerve gas tests are more stringent, he says, and aerial testing or genn, agents bas been stopped. "In recent history_ all aerial tests (of germs) are done with siinW.ant.s," says Salomon. "All ~ng of pathogens is restricte<t to . the. laboratory." Pathogens. in layman's talk, are germs. Recerit history, to D r . Salomori, started in March, 1968,. New radar equipment has been added t o the met e or o I Of!: ica1 branch . already blessed with some of the most !Ophisttcated weather detecting de v i c e s around. CHIEF PROUD Paul Carlson, division head, Is proud of the equipment and claims the problem· before wasn't knowing too little about •-eathe:r or nerve 'eas. "We jUSt didn't ._ enoUgh aboul $bMp," he says. The head of the chemical division, Kenneth Brauner, aaya ~ have been added to the list of test animals. And the inlt.allaUon has started tdta: tO determine the long. ,.,.. ttsulll of contaminated rangeland. · 'I1le technical area contain& non,tdcrlpt fr.ne and block liulldlnp full of' 8'p0lsilcaled eqWpmenl, compulers and olhtr pdgell designed to 1 .. 1. traclt and -wu tools. Many doOn att clooed lo Oltllld<n; llllJI)' qu~ are iiot-. For -nee, ca.rtoon aaya ..,. f.,,.,t.lon of hi• bronch Is "applied r-b for ~ doc:tl911 tecbp )Ru•• for " Prices a re Di~~nted &u'pt 0 11 fair-Traded and GoverMlent Controll.d Items. 1 J.Uf CHUCK ROAST ~~.'.".'. .... -11.47' RUMP ROAST ............. : ............ 77' ROUND STEAK~.~ ............... 87' 'MEWING BEEF ~~: ............... 79' SIRLOIN snAK ....................... 93' . E-Z·CUT CUBE snAK ............. 98' PORnRHOUSE m-.: ............... •1 21 LUCKY BACON s.uaD 65C 1-ll. PJ G. • I CHU CK ROAST lll DI CUT • IOMOll , .. ...... 39~ RIB ROAST ::::::: Jlc ......... TI•DllllW LB. RATH, HORMEL, SWIFT, ,, ·! :"t -' .~ ' . ' ':'t" I ' . " . " . ' ' .. YOU PAY THE SAME llDw &W• LOW DISCOU · .-. ... . '" tuaun 48~ -77 ~ IN SO. CALIFORNIA RIB STEAK T ~BONE · STEAK ~.=., $·111 =a··9c I ONDID , ' . NI fot LI. fUYOI ·, t • PLAYOI , .... W.hile many Supermarket ·chains vary pr~ces according to competition, Lucky's prices are the sa11;1e whether you live in Orange County, San Fernando Valley or wherever. a lucky Store is located.* ~rPlrMllt Coritrolled alNI foir f tGd• It-~ ~.~.'!f!!!!~ .. ~~.~.o.~ ....... ~ 73c THIN SLICED BACON eKMMATU ................... TMl.n.lo FARMER JOHN ~ACON 71 c UGO' LAMB ......... -. ........ :11.89' oscii .. MAYEii.iiicoi""' 85 LOIN LAMB CHOPS :.tt':.~ ... '1" nms ::-.:...:::.".:... ....... ~-· ... 31• FRESH SPARE RIBs=. .... _ ..... ,,. , ........ ca .................... 1........ c RIB LAMB CHOPS =:-........... 'I " CUT-UP FRYERS ~ ............ 3S' CROSS RIB ROAST ~ ...... 11.77' --====-=~~~-====-~=-:i::-,---:====·· .~~· ... k:I(&/--. ... k:l(R.v/.-- -GERSEr s.BAIY.FOOD ll:~. 9', RINCELLA-YAMS GARuc sPREAD :-.::.._ ...... .33· HUNT'S CATSUP GERBER'S COOKIES :!.°!Lna.-23' GOLDIN 2 7' DEL MONTE PICKLE$ l:~~: .. 47' SAVORY 29' JUNIOR FOOD l:.'l'l:.:~~ ..... -... 12' 29.oz. CAN ' CHI Dllt PICKlES ......... ~ ...... 37• 20.0Z. BOffiE MAXWELL HOUSE _ PITIED OLIVES ;,::a~:L~43' coFFu ... L ....... -...... 13· fl~~ IENN .. A.KltSA&vi.:u"s-A-GE""' g:~ ......... :1" =~ ....... 1" YUBA., '"m 77' HARVEST DAY CORN ::'.'2" ... -11' ~ ........... -... -26 YUBAN :::r .............. 111 GREEN GIANT PEAS trOL"'-22' ::~~N C YU BAN ~·~t"11:.~~.·.~ .. :_ 111 GREEN BEANS ~.~:~-· 25' CRANl'R~:!~~r~~~:;;: ~11~~:B~~~E:~~!~~ES~~:;J~: ----~ FRUIT COCKTAIL :'::'..'.: .. _ .. 38' HUNT'S TOMATOES """'"'-22< CREAM PIES :::...:... ........... -27' ' v..:r:>. ... f......,-""l CHILI BEANS ~::?.~-.. -17' ntan.•uw.oeocauttw.cocom ... ....,..,..,, -'"" .33 BANQUET DINNERs, ........ _ .. 37' YDROX'COOKIES TOMATO JUICE .. "·'"·-··-· ' BAGGED snAKs ::-:.-::. .. _,_. 89' . DEVILED HAM r,::~ .. --47' ,,..,., . SUNSHINE . 5 9 C. LIBBY CORNED BEEF S... BEEF snw ....................... _-3S' ......... _ 7 2:J.OZ.PK5. STAR KIST TUNA "''"' •2• SHRIMP N~ERG :l':'z.'::::'. .. -.92' o•<LCAI .. ,._...... . ......... . . WISHBONE DRESSING ""'" 36' FISHSTICKS .. ~ ........... : ...... : .. .:..6S• HARVEST DAY PEARS ........... 33' MOTT'S APPLES4UCE " ... ,.._36' GLORlm A PEACHES mr:..._.27' DOLE PINEAPPLE :;:::_...,_ ... 2S' MOTT'fAPPLE JUICE a oun. ... 37' PRUNE JUICE :'.~ ............ 59' BAKED BEANS :~:'i~.~~ .. 30' n un. .... LUCKY MAYONNAISE !''Ll"-·A7' BREADED SHRIMP l'.~~--73' BANQUET SUPPERS ,, .............. 111 Our. LOW EYCrjday Price! MINCE MEAT . NONESUCH 2&.0LJAR 53~ MnrT ~AKO -W/MAYT, OICICll & ....-.1, SLICED fURKEY'~.:.~.~~ 111 ROSARITA DINNERS :m"°-44· llllf ti C9llll llKllUNI. <o.ulATIOI N n ENCHllADAS:::::;:~~40' CHEESE PIE r.':'r0:. ............... -65' 7«" 1,,,. LOW DISCOUN T PRICES ON HOUSEWARES £ BEAUTY AIDS STEW VEGETABLES r.= ... -49' ORE IDA POTATOES =-=.~28· ONION RINGS :':r~-.-39' ORANGE JUICI ::r;::: .... -•. -27' '4'I BRECK SHAMPOO Ir~ , .. Utiet If nr.W, *1 • •llJ ltnn!as ii IU 3 SIM. J.S OUNCE Sill •••••••••• 49c 70IRIC1Slll.,, •••••••• ,, 86' ' $J47 1sou11as,n •••••••••• · EXCEDRIN TABLETS fll' ttlitl If ctllk.'Wr Ida. P•l1s 11~ .,,~1elles; a.tt11 If 31i11•1eu. 66c· 81,11 l!W Ml!Ul PllCE KING SIZI TUH VOTE TOOTHPASTE DUI lOW DISeDlllT PllC'E 72c m"I: lilll:ij .. jllllpE-.91~ 1-~llfD'i'llit""f,f~ ~1UJIRitsCIJl!a~ SHELLED WALNUTs::=....:....a8• JIFFY POI! COllN::::l.~~ ....... 27' NESnES' QUIK ....... _ .... --.47' SPRECKELS SUGAR :::.0::~_54• BEAN SPROUTS ~=. 19' 'PINTO BEANS :.~::~ 31 ' LONG GRAIN Rla::'J.,.._41' Our I.OW fYCr)day Price! TOMATO SAUCE HARVEST DAY 15-0LCAN 14' LUCKY SALAD OIL .. a.an.-69' SANITARY NAPKINS ~.._ 77' CHIFFON MARGARINE '"'·"'-42' VETS DOG FOOD , .......... _ 8' KAL KAN DOG FOOD ~ .......... 25' GAINES DOG MEAL ........ _ 1,, PURINA CAT FOOD~~"' ... -.16' JONNY CAT l::O.~ ..... ,_,,_ .. S7' Our WW EYCr)llay Price! CIGARITTES KING SIZE lOPACKCTN. $3~..:' ':illilmD... . lllllni·-, . ~~ .· •· ' ! ' t ·~ J "" ---. ;; DASHDmRGENT l':.'::.'.':!-1" WHln KING "D" ==·-···· 68' WHln KING SOAP=~73' WAnR SOFTENER 1':.".::'_ 1" DRAIN OPENO ~~---·· as• GOODWIN AMMONIA .... n ... 27' .DUPONT SPONG£S, ........... -.3S' ALLSTOliES aosm VETERANS' DAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th SHOP EARLY! '.ill IVORYSOAP FLAKESnu..,_82" SALVO PELLETS:= 74• CHEER DETERGENT".... a!z- DREFT DmRGENT "" .. 82" - TOP JOB Dm.RGENT~.._66• SAFEGUARD SOAP """'-.20' -... k:l(B.vf.-.,., PERFORM STARCH· SPRAY 22.0LCAN 39c SUNSHINE CKERS,';;;: .. _3$• ; PACIFIC CRACKIRSl~.. 38' - BREAD ............... _... • ... lrlm.Ol.-AfM U.l.W .. -,,.-· ROLLS rt~!~~-~~.~3Jtl GINGERBREAD MIX ::W.~37!' DUNCAN HINES MIX i::OL .... 3$• BETTY CROCKER MIX r.'.".T-.27• CORH BREAD MIX r.~... .... . 25~ U.S.D.A. FOOD .STAMP COUPONS GLADLY ACCEmD Bananas l•:r-10' t11tKll 111'C LL -· Yw'll .... 11•._,....tl ... ,,. ... "''"""""" ...... nitr .. ............... s1nr ..... ""' .. MIClllt trkH .•. '"' ........ . U.S. NO. 1 IUSSIT POTATOES 10-~ 39c ' • ~~. Ind ofl ens l•• ~~c1ep~'ioYDi'eitort11W~iliiiil~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-"'-~· . , • l . - .. ~ t • F "' getl par WOI hag lon1 ... w~ wit< :r will the hea wor 1\ c hig bin tior 196 ~ al~ .I L An; tha No Ml1 ll!I ( .. , vii Dt I ha! Ra "' !I l •• 'lllWsdlr, -6, 1969 DAILY "I.OT • ... ~~~~~~o~· u~.n:;:.....-:-g-Awal"i , -: -+-111 illn1 Met.all will be ,Ja Careoa del Jtll Amlrlcon;,....,,. CY Y-Awltd.1 'aword ;In 1111 whon ·~...., II pmea.. wlien a Ji-man commlliee ravt' Bob · wit.:,. -!iU... ..i.i 111J. -:-no a IH record and ~ J.il ;:J; fin .The Ocbet'Y<i!il .of•the :14-man c:<>m· J!oi. Glbion ·aloo ~a IM lhutoot Jn Turley of 'llle New York Y-five UHnaldol provlllono. 'Ille-ballot avera1e. McNaqy wu. JD.~ wJtfi. the Mflr' s.tardly for a 1 p.m •. ·~·a& CJrru SllldlOI, llU E. ·Coatl Tiie IO tbe·f!lbllc--M~-llii "'KM ..... ,-. ' n\lu.e, two from each leap dlJ, went the Nallooal In Jiii. · VOid, w ..... Spola of Nl~a fCllll' <11 -by.mall with Giiiy nplar Orlolta'aod had a UJ eomed illn Jlllfk. to Jim l'mJ -ol .N•"-"<-wllo 'p '1'm surprlled," oald McLain Jn· Sao and !Aw· Burdette ol Mllwaµk and Bob :.':.:"" tUen~lnlo=:'"~"'=""~"=r~allon.~:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· -:--W~ u.r., and Din McNall)' or BallJ.-, , .J-, Calif. "I Jhoo«bt . ..,. they'd IO -P'i1eDil Ii!. Pltuburib, each . -. -ioollo-••'locl betz ,,. When the wrltm yoted for Ille ' who -1V<d '""· , with .the penout winner." , · , McLain, ti!iarilll the la11n!b, wu the clllao ol lhe ncuJar -and the lforl of the yur J . !JiEW YORK CAP) -For lhe flrol Ume tfi the hhtory of baDoUo1 by the Bo!<ball W)'iters ASIOdaUoo. of ~erica a m~ afrard wound up ln a tie tOday when Mike cieDAl of: ~al~ aod l)ermy MCLain ofDetrloit each received 10 votes for the • The Cf 'iOUlll -· In the Nallooal Thi awan!,.coac:eJV<d I>!· Fon! Frick,. !irlt Americon Lequu to repeat. 8andy ol the ~ with a Ue. JohMy Bench ol Cl..,...q 1.eque;. &11110W!C'd" lait.-i., wu Tom former buebaD commlaaloner, orjjjnally Xooi..x ol c!ho. I"!!' AqeJa Doc11en won Cuellar, a left.hander wtlh ,a darting won It with IOI\ lo the ti\ !or Jerry . Seavor ol lbe. New ·York )loll, l!llO top.,~ went .to. the oulltaodll!« pltclier Jn the . U Uno Umea. McLain had a :11-1..,..lolt acrewbell pllch. came to the Orloleo !l'om K~manof othel the20.Newwr1,'!.."', k(theMe~.;..,:.., peel bcMh 'majon wlt!l 11 vldorteo. Sea,.. 'major.lea-. In 1117 lhe-wrfl<n voled ..-.! !or"the ·Tlien and a 1.10 earned HOUJ!on In a trade last wtoter. 8" helped ~~ -·~·~~ received 21 of llleM...., io theNatlorial !O pl"toenl m awpd lo the oulltandlnc l'\IJI lV~. Hll nine ohutoull led the pitch Baltlm«t to the_..,. wllh a 23-was eipanded lo M thl,t yur with tllO' ad, League.· · . .·' pll<flerln"tadi-1eque. . . lequeo ,·-, --1 ,.-11..-Uaodal .. earaodnil•-•· dlUonoftwonewclUea).wuUIJllJlo.t4 McLain w41 •·1!riinlmoui. wlnnOr o!lbe· Tilt ·~·lbln&:14 a Ile came Jn 1111 J"4 Lanjr, ~ of Ibo P..,.Y wu ~· ,blc 'w-with dedde and gave each a hall·vole. ----······--1 ' ·-----· • ---·-.,.._ -- --• -.· J\~~g~, R~ng~s,, ~olliµg .Stones Not . in Tune j ' .. • NO DOUBT ABOUT IT -Ro,<;s Loosberry·(B).ol the Los Angeles Kings scores over Toronto goalie Bruce Gamble in the first pe_ijod at the Forum Wednesday night. The Kings won, 6-2, bot may lo,se without Date , Sit,e Unsettled At Last: Ellis vs. UPI T..,..;. playing on Saturday ._A ichedu!Od game wi_th_th_e"'N"'e-w~Y-o_r_k Range~ conflicls , with another Jack "Kent Cooke · extravaganza) The Rolling Stones, that ni}ht. ,. ., ' Frazier Hoosiers Drop 10 Negroes . From Team For Heavyweight Crown &LOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) -Cooch John Pont Qf Indiana Unlvenity dlmllu~ ed 10 Neiro v'arstty playera Wednesday wlien they boyootted football c1rui. a ... MIAMI BE/iCH (AP) -Jimmy Eli~ is getting', itcbY now tllat the money is ap- par.,,Uy se!U'!f and han<\len ol the world's two heavyweight dlamplons are hagglina: over a date and s.it.e to settle the long<louded Utle. "The money's right," Ellis said Wednesday night. ''I 4on't care when or where -I just want the fight ." ,The right is with Joe Fraizer and along with a ,profuised purse of $250,000 each, the stakes ins:lude sole ownership o( the heavyweight UUe -something the boxing world basa't seen since 1987 when the crown was stripped from Cuslua Clay. "I'm tuned up and l'll fight him anywhere," Ellia said. "I haven't fought for more ·than a year, but the layoff isn't going to 1hurt me. I got ready for fights that were called Off and I'm &UIJ ready." Ellis' comments came after Miami Beach promoter Chris Dandee announcfl:I he would guarantee eJCh champion S2i0,000 for a fight here at the peak of the touri&t season next February or-Mai'ch. He said he expeded: an aMwer from the Fraz;er camp loday. MadilOD Square Garden in New York Seven NL Teams .Surpass Million Mark for 1969. CINCINNATI (AP) -1livisional~ay hlghlJPted by the Ughl race in the w .. 1 -plus the addition of' two teams com· bined to draw l.3911,588 more fans lo N..- tlonal Lea(llf )ani!arks in 1969 than In 1968. credited the Eut race with helping buoy attendance. New York, which topped the teams in attendance with 2,175,373,.broke" lnlo a convin<!ng'ltljd only In the clolln1 weeks. has also made I firm offer to Fraz1er And coOO straight day. Ellis. The othtr four Negroes on the vanlty "But they wouldn't do u well in New squad returned to practice and Pont II.id York u in Miami, moneywtse," Dundee they WOUid play Saturday against Iowa. said, "beca~ of tf1:e abclllary revenue. . All 14 black player1 mJ.ased. Tuellday's New York is one oC the blggffl television practice. markeis, probably the blgest Jn the .Pont oaid his longtime penonal policy w_orid. They would loH money on the is to dl.smils any player wilh two W'leX· Cllled ablenceir Jrom practice. televisiOn income by hokllng the Dght in While reports circulated thaf several New York." boycottir.g pla)'trl were upseJ because Frazier is rec(llJliRd u champion In they think they have not gotten enough New York, Pmmylvania, llilnoil, Teaas. playing time, Pont aafd he received no • • lit! of :lemlftda or grievanc:es. Reaaon !or Masuchuaella aod Maine. EUii holdl the llie boycott Is DOI cloar, the coach added. World Boxing Aaeodation crown. · Those dismWed are punt relw11 Win or.~, EW1,,.Y1 il>e.Frazl<r fight speclalisl· Larry . HJghbaogh and wtll be rood for~ the...-9'>0rt. "Some linebacker Mike Adams, both ·ll.arters; recocnire me, iome' ldm :(Frazier) and. .llOb P•r..iI · '1llld Greg Th a• I 0'11, """" still aay Clay LI the champ. We had. halfbacb; f\lllbodt Greg H a r v • 1 : to gel~; It'll h<lp boJln&." _: 'llnebecker Don Silas; defeMlve end Bui, Elli.I a11 lie'• DOI thinking nNcif Clanoce Price; (llard Gordon May; about losing. "Frultt'1 1 py U\lt Uta~ . defensive halfback Ben Norman, and lo come and'!hrow punchee. bul J'm !Ut tac:kle Charley Mutphty. aod too l1ll01I lot him.' I'm lookl"l lo win n--retliinln1 lo tlie team were it." . .. · 'starU"I Ughl end John Andrew!, Frazier couldn't be·JUChed for com:. defenalve"·ha1fbact Steve Port.er and ment at b1I hom'e In Pbflade1phja. He. ~enslve1 tactJea .Tim Rober9Dn ·and Bob slopped J&n>' .. Qoiarry Jul lllll1IJMr ti> 'Jorie .. boost hi8 record to 2M wUb 21 winl com· l'htre w11 no statement from the ing on knockoull. boycolten. .'LA Team · May 'Forfeit . ' . 1st Loop Hocliey Match. LOS ANGELES (AP) -A con-sy lnvotvq the New York llanpn.11'1 Loe All("IU Kings and a Br!Uab rod<"!' '"" group developed· Wedntada~ t!lal may lead lo the f1nt pre-game forfeit 111 Na- Uonal Hockey Lel(lle hlllory. , The oltuallon bolb down lo lhls: .. The ffaDlel'I thoulhl Ibey were scheduled lo play the Kings at the Loa Angelee Forum, home o! the Wool Coasl team, at 1:05 Saturday nigh~. . · · But, aome month! qo, U\e Forum wu rented ti> the Rolling -· a roc;t group, !or two,evenq pert.....-the ..... night, and the Klnp .-heduled the NHL match !or the an.r-. Emile Francis, Ranger co.ch and l(eneral manager, aakl in Chicago he wasn't informed of the switch but Larry Regan, general manager of the Xlnp, !aid in Los Anj:eles, "There's no truth to it. ThJs was all arranged before hand "·Ith the Rangers ." Francis said that "Reg~ had better read the league's bylaws whereby . a rescheduled game mll8l be by mutual con.wnt or can be forfeited." "Several Umea alnce Sunday, when. 1 flrsl heard a rumor of the change, we have sent teletype meuage1 to the Kings Not a Fun 'Game asking U it were true," said Francll.. . "We didn't receive any reply unUI Tuesday when we were tWd the 1ame had bieo shilled lo afternoon. , ,-tiWe play in .Oakland _F.riday ntpt, le1\'lng alter tlie game aod anivlnc tn .J.:ol Angeles around 3 a.m. · "As It stands now, we will make· our PWIP.Carance for the game at I p.m. We hive not consented to have it chlDpcl to ' afternoon." · Clarence C8mpbell, NHL prealdtnt, iiald in Montreal the sltuaUon rested with Francls. U Francls doel. not a&r'N lo the · earlier start and the Rolling Stones IO (>Tl at night, the Kings would f°""it, Campbell said. Tlie Kings remained tn the W .. l Dlvlalon cellar delplle Wedoelday n!Jlhl'• wild S.2 victory over the Toronto Maple Leab at the Forum. The Kinp' victory over Toronto, which snapped a lhrtt-game losing streU: ind put their record at M, wu tbenault oi five consecutive goal.I ln the first· two periods aft.er the Maple Lelfl' Dave Keon gave Toronto a brief 1-0 lead. "I'm not that excited about the win;" Coach Hal Laycoe said. "I know we can play· beUer." V·iking'Football Player • Was Near Death ·Fridtix Marina High football coach Jim Coon reveaJs that one of his players apparent· ty wu near d ea t h for several hairy moments Friday night after auatainlng an injury in the Anaheim game. . Coon says that Unebacker Dave Teti had a head injury and 1Ubsequenlly Jolt eL.ln W"ITI ... .........•. :••••••: WHITE WASH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. consclousne111, wasn't breathing and had no ·pulse. He was turning blue, as the Marina boss recalls. However, Teel recovered, although · there'll be no more football rOr him this aeuon. The Huntington Beach High School District suffued a fatality the aame night Teel was hurt when Mark Naylon succumbed after suffering injuries in an F.dison High jayvee game. Football on the high school level ls no longer a kids' fun game. It'a combat between physically mature young meO:-kids who spend· much of thtlr sf>are time working on welghta and who usually sport a couple of hundred pounds of beef and muscle. · The)' pack more wallop than a bazooka. The Orange Coast area hJgh echools have llllfere<I 10 many injuries thla foot· ball aeaaon that their casualty rollers look like aomethlng out or Saigon. Cuts are cmore in demand than t~eta to the USC.UCLA game. It's gettlnc 10 the sport must nearly be unlnrurable. Obviously, it's hazardous duty. Keepl119 '.I'••• Checking out area athletes nOw making good on the college level : Sta Alllrld, ti::Newport Har~ trick and food>all ltUtrmam, ii OI lite U11Jvenlty Clf Colorado freUma &ea& He'• w, welglu: m aH'play1 Hne~. Jack Wlgmore of Washington State· ia 'flfth in Pacific-I COnference pa,ulng statisUcs with a 8'7S yards. 1'te Caupr sophomore prepped .at Mater Del. . . Dive Peaball, f• rm e r I y · If Westminster, 11 tw• D01clte1 ....,.. Wlgmore ht the confertaCe wltll ·111 )'atds and a ii.I perctat compkdH' ~ ocd. Ranlly Valah.a ol Stanford, who itamd at Golden West Coll~ge, . ~ 1eventh. in Pac-I receiving with 22 rectptionl f~ .. yards and three touchdowns. ' Up at Su JGMl State, u-Marlaa od OCC whl1 Fraak .Wtlr1lll ii. averqb& 7.7 yardl p t! r CIJTf aDd, Jw Clillll*° -palses. · Shawn McKinney has coRneded on ta o( 100 pasaes for l30 yan!s aod f'lvt touchdowns at Cal state (Long BucJ!). He played 1t Westminstu and Goldtll West. l!Cl . Seed e d No. 1 UC! 1w beei-"°"ed No. 1 · i. ., .. Dec:ember ~lbal! -b)' Tim ntl (wllo ~J~to lllo ,_. If ,.. top rated eatry). Tiii'~ ~"?-~ draw Tabot Paradlte Ill the fin& ~...., 11me. la other flnt rouc1 lab: it'1 Cal Mite (FulJertoe) VI Cbap111a1; Saa Fttulildt Valley Stale vi . OccldUlal; N~ Arbona v1' Cal Poly Jp__.). , Tbe Anteaten have·beetl nnfttlll' t. their tourumnt for &M: put two J'~ Arec Tri• Borl•ricl'-. Thiee area resldenb art servlnt ~ U.S. Olympic Committee In variOd fuhlon. ·'· I .. -, Balboa resident J. KennethF1C1raand H\Jllllngton Beach'• Mcny .Nllskowold are on tho Olympic, ·water polo coin- miltee. . • , • ;;.j And Lal\ln& Beach ~ocathJon chaoiini-J Bill Toomey has betn aPl'Ointed lo the board ol dlr<cloro for the U.S. ~ Comm II tee. . . The·le~gue office here, in announcing 1tt.e~ filures Wedneaday, also Another Sellout Severi of the 12 teams surpaased the one million mark and Cinclnnatl missed by only U,009. . The .12 teams ·tofether drew 11.oM,M In 1961 while the 10-ellabllshed lellllW ac· . coun~ Jar 11,)lt,ai'ot thet. Walkout Halts Meeting ; RAMOS J:ilLEI) ON DOPE ·CHA RGE : . I LOS ANGELES (AP) -T~ Los Ang•les Raml, who,1lnnOUll<ed Lui week that their game with the Dalla!: Cowboys No • 23 is a aellout,. Wednesday added t.be Mi ' Vikings contest Dec. 7 lo Iii< UIL a limited number of 1eats-·are ble !0< the San Fraoc:llCO 4ters' v "''J'i~ and the Ballinlilt. Coils . J1. 8 Jtlnf IJ)OkNmlO said. - _...,._,,M,,em,,_,on,,._·a1 Coli8Ctlm site of lhe amt! has a fapaclty of about 79,000 under lhe Rams' stating arrangeme.nL Of tbe tevea clutw over. a nillllon, st, Louil ahowed 1 dtop ht atl.e.ndance; /totri · 2,011,167 in 1961 when the Cardinali won the p<Manlto 1,1112,783 In lillt. Philadelphia was the only other club ..-l>ome alteoc!ance fell of!, from llM,541.ln' 11118 lo ilt,111 In )911. Tho Chlcap Cuba,' who led In the East modi ol the year, drew Jlt,[11 more lana than ln 1111 Ill like the bonoro 10< the club -the blgm -· ' One OI thO ,~panlion ....,,., Montreol, f,212,!0I which hclpedOlliefllle dilap- "-"'qirlslng .. lUodancLIJgur. potnUng SIZ,970 mark at tM home of the 1 other new team, San Diego. . DENVER (AP) Tile Wffltm A !ew hoors aftf'r lht lnlrualon, con- AlhleUc Conference Councl~ Cut lhort Ill ference COmmisrtoner .Wiles Hallock 1r>-1 r 50 bl ck nouoced tenitly that the council -made meeting W~ a ter a up of faculty-~aentaUvea and aUUttic l!Udellts· waI.lal Into the -1on and directors -had recused. dlal!fllled the-leqlle IO, otop tnlo radal' \lie iald "MUdi P"'fll'U baa beee mp <Ootlov•ll\el ..i. +"8· ol !ti mell)ber ~od lht!" iJ no lnclina\loll lo 'take.eltlier' acb0ol1.. • , • · hut)1,.dl' '9rllUc action." '. _ • 'l)IO •°"""• i-'m a oel'I!' of Halloc:k ~there would.be "no·fllrdle~ que':sUoAI, CMM • the confeftnoa • ltltllrfentP. • I . at this• time .tnce DO. Jdilerl wm = _,,I blad< ~def1n1Uve conclustGns . o r recom· aCJ>W..' """"' , __ alieCallonl of. meodatlooa were mad<." I!• 111d the Clbcriinliu!UGll --l"BllClliln ' Yo" n g· -. cwncn ·wm· t<sllm.-Jli ineetlilg "In the lll)lvwJJ,y.allllthe dllmlMIL.0 I ~log AU~IWLll a!!Q!her Ume and lace." membm of the Unlveflit7 ol Wyoming He was not mort specif c. 1 CO"' loolbaU tum. lercuce spOlieaman oaid it wiiilld be .. ,. belore a meellnl ocheduled In February ln Phoenix, Ariz. . Thf 1tudeatl identified thtm.Selves as memben of the Black Student· Alllance arid ...,. annbaodo carT}'l!lc ,lht ounaral "14.tl . ' ' . • . " It was two wttkl aiq the 14 Wyo"1_1nr !oOtball players were IUIJlll!ded 'Ile'· wk"!'!! black almbmd! ... '"'!ch LiOy1I Ealon'1 otnce tn a protest om an u~ comln& 1ame with BYU. ·-. · • Lllttr, the.black 1tudentrcatttd a-news oOnfer<nce and • apolc..,.an. Chuck 'l:'impbel , 1 tr1iill1'0<"-lllelrl tenllOo lo bmk up Ibo -uni. • LONG BEACH (AP) "-Mando -: world Jtghiwelght boi:kla champlont :W.s armted early today atid booted !<if ill' veaUgatlon of _..... o! .'!"rli.; pollee 11td. -~ ....... · Tbe Ma:'ican-bom Rlmoe, It, whO ltfti 'ln ~Beach, Wll liek\ h\ city jail~ Jt. n,,,.. s.td, No ball bid bee;! atl a111 iii, Deen' aald he would be ·brooictil ~·a j..ip,'f a charp wen pmsed, bJ'trl; day lllllnll!)1. ~ilifd RllhOI. denied po11U11nc lnai'IJUMi, and Aid lie had no k~ of a cleor plastic boa Jn his car wbldl llctn ----jllio& ' ' - •llll'"&••·---~~2!"2!"'!'!"9"'!"'"'!2!'.!'4P!,L!J!'.'!"'"'!".~"•~.':'.':'!":.~~':'.'~lt:.~.0~.':"!'.'l,':'.JJ:o:,"~-"~•:o""':' ... 1,t:.:'!'':'"•~.':l:f".,.,-P,,.,-:,.,.=.,.,7'.•,....,.-'"•·'°'•,_,'°"·~·-".""'•"""::""""""'"·"'"·'"'""l:-.,.,..,,.,.,,,l\""'''"'-:.-,.,•.,.x,...-,,.,,,.,.,.,....,..,,-, .• ,,.,,...,'":;l<'""'"'.'0-~""'·<'\1<=:":'0":·"·'~'c:'Tl"-.-~•".•.;0 ""''*"~---~-------·-~. ". ..... ...~ -.. . . . .. ~ ":'"\•i ··~··· •• DAILY Pl!.. -_ -. '. -~ Monarcli's Struggle , -Tu-Survive-I B1 ROGER CAIU.'ION OI .... Deltr , .. It.rt Mater Del and 'St.· Paul, · lon&·limt riiaM In the ruaed Ana"elua Le~, lock hems tonisht in a clrcu1t crucial at Santa Ana Bowt: · Kickoff is slated for I o'clock and the ...,.U. will J¥Ybab(y decide Mata !lei's futare tortunei in le&ards to CIF playoff ~tlm. 1be lamt will be aired on KE%Y (1110). . Tbt Monarchs or coach Bob Woods have missed making tbe playoffs for the put two year• .and in ~ch cue the chief rtaon can bt tnctd to one oppooent - St. Paul. Tbe SWordsmtn tripped Mater Del In· t9fl, takihg a 7..J decision and came back .a year later to deal the Monarchs a 15-7 dtfeaL 1 In facl; eVen when Mater Del won the CJF championship in 1965, the best the Moaarcm could do against t h e Swordamen wu a 20-20· tie, ind lheY had to Come up wllh two touchdowns fn the clmlnJ: minutes to do that. St. Paul, behind the iUnnlng ol fullback Pat McPartland, has chalked up a 7-0 ·recarc1, it was the 1111 Angelus League chmDpion and ClF co<hampion with ~ Rlncho. M'atu De.i, mellJWhile, ls struggling with 1 5-2 overall mark that includes a 1.1-7 loop Jou to BJahot> Amat Wt wee~. Another reversal and Woods' outfit can ldu off lllY hopes lo< a berth in the playGllL However, victory could turn it com· pletely around. SL Paul aWI hu Bishop Amat ·cxf"it.s ichedule'and victory in that oae would mate it a t.brte·way Ue for lhe lequeaftn. And; if St. Paul wel-e to lose to Mater Det and Amat, it would probably Insure a aecond-place finish ~ iri· the circuit for Mater Del and )>OIEiible entry into the playoffs. MON.ARCH' OFFENSE -Mater lJei High1s Mark 0 u n n (45) moves through tht! line behind Pal Hernandez (73). Dunn leads the Monarchs' running game. with 5.3 yards per carry alter 114 rushes and bas scored DAI~ 'Y PILOl Sll fl , ...... ei~ht touchdowns. He'll be hampered in tonight's crucial with St. Paul High because oC a recect bout with the Ou. Mater Dei's starting backfield ts .Ull up in the air with the uncertainty of halfback Marl< Dunn. Dunn hu been out of school with the flu"·and if he does perform, lt't not ex· peeled that he'll be playing at full speed. st. Paul enters the· game at full strength and will be using. "t w o quarterbacks. Starter Mark Paredes, an arobidtstrous senior, will be spelled if ne.ciesaacy bi SOjlllom<n Jamie Quirk.: in hll only start ol the year qalmt Pius X, Quirk threw t w o TD _puses to auJrnent the Swordsmen's awe.some run· nine 1ame. Gaucho Boss . ' .Levels Blasl -- At Officials By JAY DAVll) 01 t11e 01111 il'llol Sl11f ·The best thing about Sadd lehack College's return to its home field at Pt1ission Viejo High School Sa turday night Isn't the weak caliber of the opposition, IT. PAUL 1'1 Dive Me'ftf 211 tut •••11 MATl!t Dll IE .lli'll l ladllu,, 1 Jtek Glntl .. • too but an ,dcape from San Diego Couniy of· U'D G. Prwdfflllllrt "' a.or.• l"flMCltle Ill SHI! Md)e11rty 1'5 Jim O..U•1'1 111 ....,_ IC•I" G. 1te11 Oldr.11111 110 ficials. C Miile l l1Ulllrll G '!II H1n11Mlt1 T Shl'll KtmHr "' 111 Gaucho coach George Hartman. \\"ho • Jim N111ry ~!~ was worried about the quality of official.~ '" "'61'11: p, ...... 111 T111r llflltll 1tS'. Pet Me~1rtl..i 11J .i.tf Deml111HI • tell H1~rt · • Sllll JedtMn .. Tom Ornckt I 1t1111 Munl1 :;: hil team would see on Lhe road, had hi!'I 11'' .. wofst ·fears ~onfirmed Saturday night In "' LB POLOISTS RIP OCC SQUAD, 19-11 Oran&e Coast return! to Sooth CG1sl Conference wa\tr polo play today aft.er taldq it on the chin fn>m Cal Stat. Long 1'elch'1 vanity team, lt-11, in tht Pirates pool. 11.e Plrat.el tanile with conference foe, Ml San AntDnlo at 3:30 on the Walnut 1..·ampus. Pat Yelovich, former star al Los Anplel Harbor, tossed in 10 1oals for Cal Stat. L<oa.Buch. The 4k:n took .11 4--2 first half ad- vantqe and never looked back. However, Orange Coast performed well agaimt the more seasoned college varsi- ty. 'Ibe Pirates matched them for three goal1 1n the final period and were only outeCored T-6 in the. th1Jil 1tanza. Mike Allbright and Steve Wagner paced the Pirate offeme wtth flve goals each. Lannie Keefover added the other Oranie eoUt point. UCI Do.wns __ _ Trojans., 8-5, · - In Polo Clash ~o\JrUelllng tournament tchedule looms far \JC Irvine's A,ntetten after they outlCOl'ed the Unlverslty of Southern Cllitamla'1 vanity, 1-5, in Wedneada~ w~ polo hoot!Utiff at UCI. lt was the ICCOrid' Win In three duels with the Trojans thU: season for coach ~ Newland.·. · Oceanside. Saddleback is a member of the DcsC'rl Conference, and officials from four dif. ferent associations work circuit g:imcs, !hereby not insuring co"nsistent referee· ir.g, according to Hartman. '"The call nullif.ying Rod Graves' la lc S7·yard touctidown run was lhc worst I \·c ever seen. "After Graves scored, their lincbackrr Junior PaoPao bumped into our gu:ird Bob Urell and knoc ked him down. An nf· ricial \\'ho wasn't within 20 yards of the play called Urell for clipping. "Our films c!f:arly show it wus f'aol'an who hl1 Ur ell after the play was over. t can only guess the officia l was trying to make sure Mira Costa \\'asn 't out of the game. "\Ve aren't simon-pure," llarl1nan arl- mits, "bul,calls like that gall me. I gucs:; you have to be ready for anything when you play in San Diego County." Bad ·calls don 't figure ta slow dovrn lhr Gauchos this week, because their op - ponent, Barstow College, c u r r c n t I y resides in the conference cellar. Even so, Hartman is a litUe concerned . "0 ur k1ds haven't seemed to be in- terested in playing football so far thi s week in pncti~. They se em lo be a l1Ule overconfident after the win O\lcr M\r;i Costa. "Barstow gave us 11. real batlle la~t year when we scored with JO seconds ti1 go and won 26-25, . ~·1 think they'll be spoiling for revc11g1· and they' hav e the best individual playt·r in ~ conference· in· Pat Welding. "I don't know if he'll play (Weld ing ha , a sli'ght concuss ion}, but he hurt us lu~t ;year by catching two touchdown passes . "W~ have to snap out of our currenl ut· titude. I guess it's natural for the kid s 10 feel satisfied, it's a normal reaction. bul it's gol to stop by Saturday night," Ji.adman says. CHIEF TARGET -One of quarterback Bob J.lau- pcrt's leading aerial targets is ,rim Nanry. 11 e r e he pulls in a pass against Bishop Amat. Ma ter Dci plays host to old rival SL Paul tonight at Santa Ana Sladjum. Now the Anteaten head for UC Santa Barllora ond a lln>dal' toumey ~hie!> beilM Frid<y. UCI JSl.Y. Clattmont and c.1 ~y of Pomona the lint day. """ lour pmtl ai< on tap &Junlof for tbe Antuten. · Pn:sumably they'll dnlw UCSB ill the rmato. Nawlaad'• crouP rallied f""1\ a. LO dllliit to trim tllo Trojans. Air Force's Halftimes Are for Birds MIU llartln'a ~ty ~ ev-.i the C1111J1t at !..all late ill the fl!>I quarter. '111'11 the holtl erupted for f011r 1oaJa in 11\0 -atanu I! ,.1 the , ...... Jee. -. Fanner, DOt llalin -.,.f"Jim McDonald (2), l>lljald USC's goal to five UCI 11 S-1 lad. 'llit Yllllon_got -taJJ,y • bt(GN lnt«11111akin lo tr111;>i. However, llinlle JOiia bf Jin! Bradburn ond Hahn in the Uilrd quarter put the -...... 4'11.All ,.... MartlJ41>Uhe.Jillal -Ld..tllt.doJj tbtJIGlll:. ~ ~ Ant ht played" a tolid defenal ve game. ltealinl the ball on 11veral ~ons. ' NEW YORK (AP) -?\iosl college loot· ball teams consider halfUmt for t b e b~, ·but at lhe Air Force ifs for the bitch. ·- WJ\h Jta Dying falcon act. ·the Air Force hat" proYidld perhaps ¢e most excilinp: hlthlme ihow in football with the cro"''d always wondering: ';WUI tbe Falcons get back \Jielr falcon !:.!..-----:..'.°'il!ll..•tn.W...!i• set l bon al a foof- tian halftime." exj;larnctr Cadet Second Class Steve Bristo"'·l one of lhe 12 11n· ftrrrlM SSITICn \\ho lr<iln lhC SChool rne1scots. ··But y.·e give the crowd :.omething riiUerent .'' · Ever sioce the Air 'Foree Academy .startctl playing football shortly alter its c.rcation 14 yenrs ago, these trained f;ilcons hllVC been let · Joosc during hnlfti1ne for a flight around the stadium. dlvil)g al a sponge rtlbber Jure held by a trainer,,. Scve_tal brouglll,!1_ J.!iµgh from_ the cro\vd by flvh~g rls:ht otAl of the stadium. llul lhe tnifc<1s "have a mosr a perr&t rrcorrf of rl'CO~~ry· In JO ~·curs. They hrn•e only lost two birds, and they know where one of those Is. He can be found eating pigeons in the Sant.a Fe railroad yard nea r Soldier Field In Chicago. "Last year al the Navy game, one flew out of Soldier Field," said Cadet Second Class Paul Ring. "We found him the following Tuesday in the yard. They aren't trained to hunt, so we were wor· rlcd he might starve to death. But he 1Carncd 1n 11 hurry. li e tiiUld knoclt a pigeon rfgh l oul or fhe lili'"-llkc a -guldct! n11s~i!r .. C<ll. James C. ~1clntyre. the officer in charge of the falcon training program, looked back sadly on the other loss. "Thal was Batman-that's the name we gave him-two years ago," recalled the colonel. "lie was flying around lhe stadium at home during halftime when our demonstration team or Thunderbird tishter planes kicked In their art er· b.urners. He heard l h a l and declricd hc'CI had cnough. And away he 1\·ent. \Ve nc1~r heard from him again." ' OnSuspens . . By JOEt SCRW AltZ .., ; Of tM Dell'r PllM Jltft l If you're: nervous, subject to f~· spells or have a weak heart, do near Orange Coast College's f stadium Saturday night. • ~ The weekly perils of Dick Tue~ team have been documented fr -almost .every week. And now to Costa Mesa U: a tum that has ·• it way out of nearly u many scrapea.. ...: "At home they call us lhe ~ kids," says San Diego Me.sa college ?I' Tom Carter. wbose team currenUy ~ the South Coast ConfemJC< with I • record. . ~ ''All of our games have been ~ ing," be says, and with aood reaaon. ""'4'-'" Mesa's biggest win of the d was a 24--21 stunner over Cerrttoa:' weeks ago and the Olympianl pulled • one out with a 76-yard touchdown ~ tbe last 14 seconds ot play. i . ·· Last week Mesa downed San Dieao·; ..,.: College for the nrst time, again by 1 • 21 count, and it took a touchdown in GI! final three minutes to w~ Jt. • ~~ The Olympians a1JO t r l p p e d m Angeles Valley, 9-7, with a lut ~ field goal and in a 21-14 victory over~ ta Ana, Carter says hia ~ 11...,. holding on f o r dear life In thl c~ minutes." • On the season Mesa is ~I. while~ Bucs are 6--1, but the San Oiegans a~ to be much more exp10sive. .. ...... Fr<Shman Anthony OUombrino, aft.eiY. slow start baa passed for 774 yards •:. has one of the cmference'1 ~ dangerous receivers on band in Rotler:t'- West. :~ West holds all Mesa career recel~ marks with 39 catches good for 719 yaid(; and nine louchdowns in 15 games. -~ -~ ,. -'l..--On the ground Carter can call on either..·' Robert Johnson or Gerald Sawyer, a ~ of rangy, fast backs who rant a1xth -8'Mf ii. aeventh in the conference. ' 1:_ : Like Orange Coast, Mesa plays ~ defense. Joe Radovich, Leo CUlu Aaart Gerald Williams head a leCOOd~ tl!lt_!i has picked off 19 passel. ~; Mike Lee, is rated by Cart<r u ~ IChool's best ever. · ..... ~ However, Carter insists his team!"tt° rolling along at the top of the conferace: because it doesn't have any lndlvktql-_; stars. -'fl "We don't have a Marvelous M a ... Owens. Our strength all aeuon~OIJI • been a team effort and fo. desire." -::- Won't Settle For a Tie- Shacl<leford · By HOWARD L. HANDY Of r1!t Del" f'lltt Sl9ff Once or twi~ each year, an enUre feoi. ball season is wrapped up in one game. Thal 's the case. Friday night for Golden West wt:ien it plays host to LA Harb;or College ·in a Southern California Con· ference game on the Orange Coat. College field. A victory for Golden West would mein the inside track to the state junior collea. playoffs. A Harbor "win will leave tie Seaha,vks as the only unbeaten (in Jeque act.ion) team in the circuit. Golden West has played the role ·~r gianl·killer once before by defeatin& East Los Angeles, 17·14, Harbor must play ~. Huskies next week and a win over UW Rustlers would intensify'tbe magnitude or that one. A loss would reduce it to jillt another game. Jn preparing for such a battle, coach Ray Shackleford at Golden West j., catm In his approach. "I think it will be a low scoring game and that it will be very close. lt wm ~ just like the East Los Angeles game." Asked if· he would settle for a tte, Shackleford shuMed the ide"a. "We haven't ever gone into a game looking for a tie. "If it ends lhat way and we each win the remaining games on our 1Chedult1t ll. flip of a coin will determine who coea Into the state playoffs." : .... The Rustler mentor will make Ohe change in his offensive lineup. Andy Vorono will replace Gary Goelitz at kit tackle. Goelitz has a knee injury but may see limited action. · Shackleford doesn't expect any moi-e passing from Harbor than the Rustl~1 faced last week. "They have a balanced attack w l lb (Jimmy) Sander passing and two good running backs (George Lumpkin and ~ Saluone). They have thrown when lbey needed to," the Rustler mentor adds. ~ . In mald.ng a comparison between his own top running back, Charlie Buckllnd'. and Lumpkin, he says: "Charlie is ...- stronger runner but Lumpkin is very last and is a jilt.erbu& type." \\'hen informed that listed weigtU ol the two offensive units are about oa-i par, Shackleford said : "They are a lot bigger than we Ill, Those weights must be wrong but .• never worry about site. We try to ketp our kids in top physics) cond.iUon &nil GUI' assistant coaches have done a creat jOI) in keeping the kids in shape with the' a · t.rgene. ~ "When_ you are tired YoU ve more susceptible to Injury and I lhink coi:" rlitionlng has· helped us a great deal In this respect this year." RE and inv. Ma o! f ( s ' ·' "'' -"' ;!II llBa Slin i ~jui c wi.~ !l jtt·j ~ A c;rc CP\t big! ~ '"' .T JS,! !; . " J '( ~ ·r the cur tt Ma :l;l ma ;~ !lo. ~· 2118 by Iha 1{• I chi .. 5 ~ tin ~ •1.ilJI• ~ . DAILY rlLOT Slltf 1'111t1i Key to Tar Success 1bere ire two 1ame1 re-mal..,, Oii Newport Harbor 111ilfSChilOl'1·100lblll·.-at and the Nov. 15 date ai· Hun- Unglon Beach loob like the big one. r But doo 't !ell that In Sailor coach Wade Watt.s, whose learn 11 currently tied !or the league lead with HunUngton Beach IDd Anaheim. "We've got two big games le!~ slarling with Western thJs Friday," he inlisls. "U we don't win this one the next won't mean m,uch. ''.lJe'l!lle their leque reoonl (I-!) they are patenUally a llOOd le"11. The SWllel League has. a lot of good quarterbacks , aad w .. 1ern·1 Bob Miller Is eoe ol them. "We hav_e to mount a good pass rush against him because that's the ,only lime we , are tough defensively. We did a !IO!>' job rushing (George) Fraser in the Anaheim game and he hurt us. Against Westminster, we got to (Ed- die) Bane and stopped them " J8YS Watts. ' 'n'le Newport boss describes his foe as a team that does Iota or things and makes you prepare your team. . · "They execute d r a w s , 1 screens and reverses very'well and you always have to be alert for onside kicks and fakes of placements for tw~ point conversions." Watts figures there Is a chance Western may catch his team looking ahead to HUl}o tingt<>n Beach. "Th ' I ere s a ways a pcwibili- ty we may have a letdown We didn't have any pressure o~ us last week against Fallbrook and I think we can come back and play well Friday. "We played pritty good of- fensively against Fallbrook but I don't think we were ablti to get the ball enough .. They didn't score, but they kept the ball a long tbne and our defeMe wasn't that sharp," says Watts. REACHING FOR THE MOON _ N rt . , and Marina's Bob Witt fi•ht for M .ewpo Harbor Highs Jeff Blanchard (12) invades Western Hi h Frqd . arma !f~al m a recent struggle. N~_rt Marina plays host fa Hu~~~g~ se~g its fourth Sunset League win wqiJe o! the circuit championship rac~ ac m an attempt to knock the Oilers out State JCs Drop Again In Ratings The joke of the week club otherwise known as the week1f national junior college football r~kings released by the J.C. • Midget Cars Gnd-Wlre, Is al it again and this time the enUre state of California is the butt of the T Co joke. 0 mpete For the first time In the history of the Grid-Wire no A S d California team 15 ranked In best team in the league. t pee way the top Uve and only four Oilers Best in Loop ~ays Marina Coach ' .-.. By GLENN wmTE ";_~ Of llM Diiiy Piiot S11ff ;Sot only is Huntington ~ the best team in the SUn.set League, but the Oilers ~$t-.90 gOQ!i that Marina coach ~:.. Coon would like to join ~lr boosters club just to 'ljl!ch them play. Coon will get to see the ()ijer5 Friday n i g h t at W~tminster High as his in· h16-battered Vikin gs gird for ilieir first vi ctory since early ~ the season when they to~ ped Dos Pueblos, 6-0. Although mired in th e cjrcuit basement, Marina has CP\'oe up with at least one highly impressive effort. That i two weeks ago when ,i's corps had Sunset co- der Newport on the ropes. • 'Fhe Vikings finally bowed,· 18;15, after once leading 15-8. · .c;oon calls Hunlingtoo the "They are much quickfr than made the elite 10. Newport. In fact, I think Duane Sears, D a n n y Orange Coast and Golden th 'II de! C a r u t h e rs and Duane West each moved up two ey eat Newport next notch~s to 12th and 14th, but week and go to the CIF play. Carter, Jr. will head a fie1d or remamed behind a pair of offs. more than 40 drivers com-teams they have beaten Los ''Their quarterback cGarth peting ln a USRC midget race Angeles Harbor and Easl Los · progr t Orang Angele!. WJSe) ls the best in the league. g am 8 e County Harbor, wh1'ch faces Golden H I • th peedway Sunday afternoon . e sn ~ e best passer but he c th West Friday night in the · a:ii ers will be shooting certainly can run. When he for his third win in four USRC showdown for the Southern turns up field he ·really moves starts. He won the last main Callfocnia Conferen ce title is and his cuts are beautiful. at El Toro and two weeks the state's leading entry this oAnd HunUn ......... ':; def-"ive later won on the asphalt at week, holding down sixth 6'"" ...... San Bernardino. place. East LA Is 11th. backs are the best<0ached in 0th 1. Nl>f'lh•••'.,,., ()l(J11iom1 11.01 771 er top point drivers ?. Aruan1 watem (7.o 763 the league." dy f l . Pe1r1 Jllvtr, Mli$. c1-111 ,41 rea to ace the starting flag 4. Hutchinson. K111. t7-lll J.f.4 COOfl bas a bit or bright here Sunday include Roy Cook. 5. T~llr. Tr•. (7.0) 742 ' Le Leo '· L. A. H1rbllr (S.1) 7~1 news to go with an the lnjurie! e nard, Jim Devitt and 1. P111c1en1 1s.t.n 1411 th Jim Morrison. 1. ee1t1r111e1c1 t'-11 m at have decimated his .team. t. wrt1 v111n c1.01 730 Qu A ... A• Time trials get under way at 10. Hrndfflon, Tn. C7·11 nt 1111i.aback Rick Saeman will 1 w.lth the trophy d'"h at 2 .. 30. 11. E•it LOI ""''1" cs.11 7211 be back to guide the team. .... ~~-· ,°'...,'~ c,,~'11 1 '-ll E! Mam event will be for 30 laJ>5 ...,. .., ,,,. AllboUgh Oller coach Ken around the one.quarter mUe 14 ' 1l!~l. ";:.,1~1~1~1 1 ~1 Moats has *"id he e•pects oval. ''· s1" 01.,0 -cs-n 719 ,,..... A 17. JOMI, Miu. C'-11 111 Marina to come oot throwi·ng Tbe track ls located just off 11. GcklM wa1 1s.11 717 the San o· 1'. Clllbol f'-U 11 if Saeman pla c 1ego Freeway, one 20. 1T1e1. °" ""u 1'"11 11: ~~ T _ _ ys, oon 15ays mile north of Leisure World. Collmbll ••''"· w1111. <J.11 114 .·..,,, occer J.AIUP the Vike5 will slay with their\r=========='"":·:"":':":' ':'":"~=-!}"' usual game plan of running ool I 'I" ti Til or 70 percent of the time. i.1:1 C t Mar i na lost three '{·• . .,, linebacken In the 2U Joss to' At Newpor t Anaheim last week and none is · expected to play against Hun- · nie Coast Rangers face t.ington. MIMlng are Dave thtir stiffest challenge of the Teel, Steve Abbott and Tim current soccer campaign when Jennings. U!tY take on Temple City Sun· Further, If anything happens d4'1 at Newport Be a ch 's t Sa C I ·rt I Marlners Para. Game time Is o eman. oon s vi ual y U ' without a field general. i. : w:ith a U:30 prelim He has been working with matching reserve forces. end Steve Monahan. practicing ;Qoa,ch Brian McCaughey'5 handoffs and laking sna1>5 in ~nge~ won the Pacific the event an emergency sltua- *ague in 1968-69 but are trall· lion should arise. lag pacesetting Temple. City Commenting on M o a t s • by three points this season remark! that HunUngton 111 a thanks to a tie and a bye Jasi small team, Coon retorts '{et.It.. "that's true, they're not much Ranger reserves, also '68 bi er than ua." ~amps, face an unbeaten toe r==~~---1 ... The Ranger subs tuned uP fOl"'hostililies by mop ping up ._ field. with Arte s it -rday, 7-G. · save$2~~· RW §IPPIN'WlllMY ~ INXMUDN§ ;,bndre Cousin scored thrte times while John Ford hit two. ll•u W_eyer and St e wa r t ·• ·~ .,. ~ Burg"'........,. in one ea"~. ~.,·~~_... •• -..~-.. ~n-v u •, ~~~~~~~~"--~-:..=~~~~~....,...~=-~~.,.~""'~~~~=-~·-=·= ... :... ~ • • • • • l95 Sleeping Bags • ,• • • • Tbnos .sin Kit • Partable Heater • • • Faler Camp Ax • • '~.95 ' 19.81 • • • • 4.29 Sterno Stove ' , • • • > 1.35 Ponchas • • • • • • • 195 Swim r111S . l*k Feet • . . .. ; 8~95 Cressi Fins • • Life Vests • Kick Boards • Skim Boards Skate Boards • • • • Special 5.~ ' • J • • I 1.19 to 6:95 . . .4.~ : ·8.95 • 16.95 • t I f I 1, ; I 4.1 4.95 • 5.95 • 1 o.95 • • • • 5.95 • ·7.95 • '5.95 • 7.95 • 9.95 • Beach Flotes Frisbees • • • • • 95c • 1.50 . 2.95 Snow Saucers • • • • 3.95' • 5.95 Back Packs & Bags • • 5.95 • 7.95 • 24.95 • 29.95 • 39.95 Pack Bags • • • • • • • 5.95 • 7.95 S.now caps -Gloves • Mittens Space Blankets Stadium Seats • • • • • • • 7.95 6.50 • • • • 4.89 • Iron Dumbells 1 lb. to 20 lbs. 40 lb. Dumbell Sets • • • • • 12.50 • Basketballs • • • • • 4.95 to 12.95 • • • • • 28.95 Leather Basketballs . Baseball Mitts • • • • • 4.95 to 40.00 Baseball Shoes • • • • 9.95 to 21.95 Basketball Shoes -Converse • • Baseball & SoftbaH Bats • 8.95 Letterman Sweaters & Jackets Tennis Dresses • • • • 13.95 to 19.95 Men's Tennis Shorts • • 4.95 to 12.95 Boy's Tennis Shorts • • • • 4.50 & up -Men's Tennis Shirts 4.95 -6.00 • 7.00 Wilson -Dunlop -Bancroft -Davis- Slazenger -Cragin Tennis Rackets Pennsylvania Xtra Duty Temis Bans • • Doz. 7.50 Wilson Tennis Balls · • , • • Gym Shorts & Shirts Doz. 8.35 Sweat Sox • 59c -79c • 95c • 1.25 • 1.50 Tennis Shoes Men's Converse • ~lies Converse T emis Shoes • Men's lack PurceR Temis Slioes 7.75 7.25 8.95 • 12.95 Men's Leather Tennis Shoes • . 11 o lb. BarbeH & Dumben Sets • • 21.95 Chest Puffs • • • • • • 3.95 to 5.95 • • • • 75c ' 2.80 Jump ~opes • • 1.25 • 100 • 4.95 Pool Cues • • • • • • 3.95 ta 29.95 .' Slllfnaatil CUes • • • • 175 ' 3.95 ~ Sllafflelllanf Sets • • Faatflalf Nemets • • • Faelflal Jnys • • • • • 3.95 l 5.50 Bey's Rallt l Packers FaotbaA Saits •. 12.95 Tllbe T111l5 . . . . • . 150 to 9.95 6 . VQlt 'Batterlis • • • • • • • t.49 Wet Suits • Farmer John Style • • 19.95 camaflage Jackets Punching Bags l Platl111111s BoxinE Glom ' ' ./ Leath111 Soccer BaDs • • Leatller Villeyballs • • • 10.95 l 12.95 Rilbber VolleybaOs • • 2.95 to 8!15 , TetherbaD Sets • • • Special 3.95 Playground Ballt • • • • 3.25 l 5.95 4 Square Bans • • • • • • • 3.25 FootbaUs • Volt • • • Leather Foatbals • • • 18.95 l 21.95 Wrestling Shoes -Saccer Shoes loggi111 Shoes -Wark oat Siiias White Stag Wann Up Suits • N1YJ • , • .. 12.95 ' 19.95 White Stag Wann Up Suits • White Orlon Sweaters l Sweat Shirts Champion Hallfbal Glaves • 3.95 ta 6.95 HandbaOs Outdoors • • • • • • • 95c Hallfball Indoors • • • • • • • 1.1 o Bows -Arrows -GlaYes -QuiYers Badminton Nets -Valeybal Nets Ping Ponc Nets -Sets -Baas -Paddles Amunifion -Pellets -Bi's Gun Cleanq Kits Hand Warmers -Baat "'1SSinl • Cross Bows -Arcllery Tqets Buck Knim -Flash~ Golf Shi1s -Gott Bals -P1ttliit Clp C111111et Sets -Dart Bens Basellall l Faitbal hsters TlllirS -Stap Watclles P~111tars Swin Goates -llilOClfars • Speedo SWill Sits ' lTnb Sleds-Talllpl Jilclll's -Bm11tlrs lfanesHes -Flslllnll Rids Bike lllpai's -llacket Sb i1P1 lJJ Any llDW Fl' L'llrlsbiilSI ' ' I • . • & ....... £3 J ! ?.J .: -.. ;!~!'~ .... 1 ~1 --------- q DAILY PILOT .,,._,_ tll? ,, " lWJ ,_.....,, 2 11111' 1'14!Word Sa1• ' • -Beebe Brothers ' Barons Can Stay --· Team Up Again ... With Tough Loara _,.., __ ..:nt.__,.. __l!!l!!!!!n are Don HamplGo of lllllllolM. -lof!other Blain and thls Hiunpto1rll a Jo11,.r dnpler· _a:pelll troubta·for mo1e than iO driver wbo dtdded to nitdl fl.lllnY car entrants in lhe rather than figbt the aoarinl manufacturers' runny c a r popularity of the funny can. cbalnphXllhips . at. O r a • g • Hampton'• Corvette wU1 be Ccwlty lntemaUonal Raceway one with a supercharger hana- \,! _ 1111111"""' and.doo~ ge~ex dled. blby. 'lllat's the word beloC ~ out by coach Bruce Plc~«d of Fountam Valley lllglt School lheoe days u bis grldden pNpare fOl' the J('Vlne t.eaaue showdown Saturday night w I t h un- defeated Loara. The SUon1 ent.t.in P'oun- laio Valley at Anahelm'1 LI Palma Stadlwn In a came that break.a a tlt. for the league lead. thls weekand. lng out or each wlodow. Tim Beebe, partner of the The Manufacturer'a dwn-Jaie JohJI Mulligan, renews pionships will resolve: 1-w.bo racio& alliance with brother is the quickest among each Dave after a separation .. of m,te, 2-wbicb ta tbe .moll thrft years. The brothers flMit competitive tnarqUe, a n d gained national prornioence ln 3--who is currently the tap 111'1 wlJeo Ila~ dlqYe Tim's luney car drtftr lo tbe nalioo. t<ip fuOI diogster to a new Clasalfl>d'u the ilcltal 1od /JlllA rec«<! ol <.M aecoods. largest funny car ch..,. EOdl Wiii lbtlr separate piomhip 1o.q noa biatory, wail 1bolial1'1' 'li!lh Mulligan the · wllque ··-actutt..- fll;rtbering T I m ' s notoriety race is eoosideted to be the wllll 'bla -lnance of the only Coolat tca)llblt! of pn> drwpter ·ranks · IJld ·Date "Viding the valid· aasweti to achieving acclaim at the these questions. wheel of several top funny Ford, Chrysler, Ge n er a I can . Moton and Wacky Racer The brothers have rented (cars with dissimilar engines ftle Sall Lake City based and bodies) funnies w 111 !'Dodi• Fever" ool D e'a a qualify Frlda,y night belween 7 Holhelnz and Dallu Fergu>on and 11. rrr their attempt in the JSt,000 The maoufadta'ers' a n d contest ~ driver's titles will be decided Also enleftd fn the com-after ft separate raoes Satur· pet.it.ion which gets under way day from 7 to 11. Gates open Friday night with qualif'ying ii ror wannups at I on Fridq • twin engined car fielded by and 1:30 Oil salurday. At Best, ·Only 23 l\lesa Players Will Be Ready eo.to M"' High School bU had a Jot o{ disappointing foot- ball atB!Ol1I in Ha 10 years of competition. · The Mustangs have never had a winning year -but the ltu edition has to be the most disappointing and frustrating of all Co.ch Max MiHer moved in after leading his Cordova High team la Sacramento to three •lraigj>t titles. ' New uniforms. new systems and the nuclear-ol an out- IWldlng tum ...... prtoeql and p e o p I e "·tte saying. ••watcb out fot Costa M.esa." H..,.v.;;k,....'t to be. An night at Newport Harbor lo their Irvine Lague game. He's bopelul Of gelliog halfback John Manti: (p1nclled nerve In nec k) and tackle Jim Miller (two lojured im-· and a hypere.xttnded e Ibo w ) released for Sturday's game. And down with the flu presently are G a r y Coburn, Robin Seni.k: and Greg Jordan. Howeve.r, out for good are Dave. Davis,· Kent Paul. Tom Vigil, Dave Spielberger, Kim Wolf, ~ Naylorr Joe }'iialca, Brod Gilbert, Benito Ricardo, D an Splelberger. ftanPy Fox, Alan Bowman, Daft l>Ios, John Marcbiorlalti and lilcltanl DleJzel. So, it's with this in mind that Mesa airda for the Magnolia invasion, a learn led by all·round quarterback Ken Panique. .. POINT. MAKER -C0rona de! M•r High School's Jeff Goelltz (88) will be one of quarterback Keith Samuels' chief targets Saturday afternoon when the For Football D•ll Y •llOt , .... W Ill~ KMMlr Sea Kings meet Santa Ana Valley at Santa Ana Bowl. Here he hauls in a touchdown pass against Loara in an 1rvine League encounter. College Standings· Prep. Standings Sea Kings Have Fear Ski Clubs Waiting For Snow Skiing Clubs on the Orange Cout are making r l n a I preparations (or lhe opening of the i-.10 ski season. Meetings have been held, trips are planned and en- lhu.msm is high. Now aU that is needed is heavy snow fall befOte 111.anksglving. h Balboa Ski Club, the Comet Ski Club and the Orange Coast College Ski Club are all planning their first ml\ jor tr:lp of the year. Balboa Ski Club president William Schuler said his club will be traveling to Mammoth. Mountstn In the High Sierra to open the season on Nov. 22. For the past two Saturdays and again this Saturday the club will hold its Dry band Ski School Beginning skiers will be at califomia School, the comer of Harbor Blvd. and Geisler Sl, Saturday at 3 p.m. for the fmal pre-season skiing lesson. , ~chuler said the club hll! 119 members so rar this year and expects it to be over 150 by the atart ol the season. Eleven trlps ·have been plan- ned by the Balboa Ski Club for the 1•10 season. 11te Comet Ski Club, und.er the leadership of. Don Irvine, ii in the process of organiiing a trip to Mammoth Mountain 1.1 .. 1111c c...i c.....,_, 0£ Le d 'J'banks..!viNJ weekend. w L T '911 01" """*"" Wlllllitr 1 1 1 l3 !~ t own .. ~ h I Soufll C•AllM • • 0 n a AHOlLUS LEAGUE Ploriffr 0 2 1 21 ... Forty members of t 5 ~:;;.,C',ro11 ... ,,,,, ~ ; ~ 1r, : •""-"""'' ~ ; ~ 1~t1 o~. .srirrr• .. .,,, .... ' 1 I " '1 Newport Buch skiing club are Norllo CtrollM 2 2 I u 11 :!.!, P•lll l 0 0 15 t.J CAMI~ Ill.Al LE•GUE expect.eel to make the trip. ,,.....,11nc1 2 ' o 4' i01 """'' 011 2 1 o 10 o11 l•~n 1 o o ,, •• Biggest cooctrn or coach The n-...-Coast College Clllllt I 3 1 7' \&'! $1rvlft 1 1 O ~ •1 Murp/!1 • I o 14 :n D H lland · · h. _,..,.. v1,.1n11 1 ' o ~· .. P1111 x o l o » 111 s.rr• , 1 o 101 :u ave o in preparmg is Ski Club, with more than 400 W•k• f'orHt 1 ' • n 111 .sr. 1.n111oroy o 1 o 40 'J cr-1 J 2 o " 60 Corona de.I Mar High football member. this year, is still in •1to '"~' c...,~, IAY L!AGUI!! ''· ett~1re1 ' 3 0 61 u team 1-an lrv1·ne League I "'-"''' MlllO\lrl w L T Ph ol" S.ftt• Monlt • J o o i.1 "' M«it1111111V1 1 • o .511 112 "' the organizaUonal stages, but s I• HJ 11 MlriCesl• J 1 o '2 4 .lil.Monl'' O J O lt 108 SI d -~ Is ~ Both teams 1p0<t M loop records. FounLaln Valley has already won more games thNt any other Baron oulfll (IH) and lls defens1ve record rteently b about as flawless as poaible. Four slrilght leapt foe~ have gone down without scor· ing on Fountaln Valley ••. the longest such it.ring In Ora"'e County this year. Pickford fijlys his team can stay with Loara's defending CIF AAA champlons and posstSS(l'S of 20 straight wins. "We just want to go out Saturday ind play well. We don't want to bLtoo excited and blow the whole thing. "We know we have to play our best game of the season but we don't want to get too tight over it," .says Pickford . Pickford says there is no key in beating Loera. "They aren't any average team . It's impossible to load up against any phue of the ir attack. You just can't stop this or that. With Loara you hav e to stop everything and that's no easy task. "I just hope our kids arc ready for them. "But the real secret to thelr whole team is their defense. Nobody has moved the ball on them. "If we're going to be sue· cessful we'll have to.maintain the ball our share of the time. We can't play defense all night ," says Pickford. Pickford was high on the prowess of Loara's defensive interior, pointing out Bob Eukovich (205), Mike ~anna (205) and Ken McGuire (195). AOYIRTISIMllfT EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS AYAIU.lll NOW. 14 YU.U DPllllNCI -WJU TIA.IN PURCHASER. H15M U.ININ•I llCOlD -St,750 U9UIUD. WRITE IOI M·J44 THIS · HIWSPAPlll. lrPUIS HILD mien T CONPIDINTIAL • tmbelievible serifs of key in- jlaies his c:µt the Pt1u!Jlangs clown iJrnpld onlor and only • amaD ·~iage .of the atrength of Mesa rematns. ~filler had only II players In unilbmt for proetlce Tuesd1y but bis eve.r-opUm1Jtic aWtude cl<clans that perhaps the Mesans will field 23 bodies for the Magnolia tilt Saturday "Ponfque puts a lot of pressure on the corners and secondary. He &e.rambles well. If he rucceeds, so "ill Magnolia," 1urmises t.1iller. Nt0r11k1 ()lo;l•llom• '""'"' C«ll~ S!~I J 1 o 111 " H1wt11Drrie l 2 o n St ""'· C1rm1r 1 • o 30 101 battle with Santa Ana Valley 1·, plannini:r a lrip as soon as~ l 1 o •1 u So. Torr1nc1 l 1 o 101 M OAROEN G1tov1: LEAGUE a ur ay-m Lernoon a-men-the local mountain USortS : ~ : 1: 1~ :-,~~''"'' ; ; : ~ : i:;:, ~;:"r:i1os ~ : : ~ : tal letdown. ~o~pe~n~f~Ol'~s~kii~ .. ng"!:· _____ _i:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:: ! 2 • Jt " No. Torrtl\Ce l ' o •1 1s1 eo1w or1f!Cle 1 1 o 11 11 The Sea Kings lo:st to highly 1• 3 t •s 105 Jltlfondo o s o lt 1S1 Pae!lk• ' 1 o 10 '' ded •. 1 k 0 ' • " 11t CHANNEL Ll!AGUI! s.nt11110 1 l 0 " l"l regar l.Alara ast wee •It T"' Ctftftn!ICI Hutn-t J o o 1>' u L• Qu1n11 o 3 o o 69 even though they scored more low1 Shll """'' Junior Flash -Paces Attack for Chargers W LT 1"19 01" Tllou11/ICI 01ka I 1 0 141 J7 MONTV19W lEJ..GU e · I th th •· Olllll 11111 , o o 1._. 1, c1m1r111o 1 , 1 51 " Norttwlew , 0 0 ,1 1~ po1n s an any o er i..eam lr•1111... J 1 o 101 '3 S•n" B1rbar1 , 1 o HO s1 Ann.1 , o o 101 !1 against the Sa1'ons . "I just ~~~:!'" ~ ~ : l~ 1: ~10:~. ~ ! : g ~ ~':~1: 0•k ~ ~ : :: ~! hope we can put everythinf! Norlllw•rtrn 2 2 o '3 n Oli11erd ' ' o '' 117 1towl1nd 1 J o 3t QJ together after the kids played Wl1nn1l11 ' ' 0 71 11] Vtn!Url • $ D 52 111 Bt k!wln P1rk 0 3 l 67 a• lowt l l 0 7S 111 CITRUS lll!'LT Ll!AGUI! BIUtH 0 • l 17 110 a good gam e aa;airu:t Loara,'" Ml~ltan 51119 l J 0 '' 101 ll.t'd11n6s ' a 1 1t .. PIOHt:Ell. LEAGUE Holland says. Mlnnnot1 l ) • ,,. f4 ,..,_ l ' ' n )6 .t.vl1!1011 3 0 ~ 5' 11 1mno11 o • o • u 1 c 111tt.., 1 2 o " " L1w...,11o 1 o·o n •s ''It's just a matter of l it lok1 Allfl1911c C...,.,_ Fon11111 2 1 1 6' $4 El Sttlllncle I 7 O 41 71 w LT Ph OI" Elst11ho"' 1 1 o !t .. Ltnno• i 2 o lll 11 lightening our bells and com- !Jdjlon lftgb s c 1> 0 0 I ' I surprising Chargers will be try.ins to even their initial footMll record at 3-3-2 Friday night' when coaCh Bill Vail's elven hosts Estancia at Hun· tinilOll Beach. It's a · shocking ·turn of event.a for a first-year team that owns only one pla)'lng senior. ~ . ne most recent success was a 34-14 thrashing of Costa Meaa, a team which was sup- posed to be a prime contender to the Irvine League crown. Key to the Chargers' of· fetWn success baa been the McNamara New Triton Quarterback tipeclacular efforts of tailback c;:"~";,,te ~ ~ : I~ : ~~~m1o1re1lno ~ ~ ~ !! 1:: ~~~trMH's ! ~ : ;~ :; ing back against a team that Jun' Moxley. • .. ho .s1111 t 7 • l:lt ltJ S.n Gorg/,ll'llo 1 • 0 JJ llS RIO HONDO Ll!•GUE coold explode offensively at !<If"° 1 ! t ll 101 COAST LEAGUE !.o. 1"1w"'°111 J o 0 " lJ • J\loxley, a jwtior, leads the Mon•-s1111 o • o '' 111 como1ot1 3 o o " u .sa" ,,..,1,,., 1 1 o n ~1 any Ume. Orange Coul area tn ruJbing ,...., L.U9ll9 ~· Pts o'" ~:;:-~ ~ : ~ ~ ~:ii'~:,~~:, i ; : :: ~ .. Santa Ana Va11ey was abl e D•t1Tltoulfl ' o a til u c ..... i.....111 1 1 11 w .w L• c1111a• i 2 o u !o6 to run against Loara and statiitics with 710 yards on 131 ~:1:="1111 3' 1° 0° 11: ,~ ~:!,.'";"'"' : ~ : :: 1;; ov.rie,AN A/lltONIO 0LE3.,:uE12 16 J\1agnolia and its record of o+ carries for a 5.f average. c-11 2 t o " " DEL •l!'f L11.ou• eon111 s o a nJ 11 t is no indication of its H1rv1rd 1 t O lOS 71 LO't'Olt J o o lt 15 Clert'mOnl 3 2 Cl 160 O? K .th He 's scored s e Ven '"'""''"''"11 l l e " 1ts s1. Frino:i1 J a a s1 ' c~n•1h• 3 1 o uo no strength. That No. 22 ( e1 th Cha e...-o • o :u 111 ai.m1..., 1 1 o is :w ,,.,..,,c111, l ? o 1ot 11 1 Denson) is as good a runner touchdowns for e rger1 c11urnt1t1 o ' o 1i Ill NOtre cim1 1 , o •1 41 Pomon• ' 1 o 111 1n includlng a 60-yard game -..~. ~;'" •tt 0~ c1!tlldr11 o 1 o • 11 ~:!~~<1 ~ ! g !~ ,~: as v"e'I\ have fa~d and (Phil) I To1e0o s o o tJ6 11 $.llKl•n FOOTHILL L:A~u~ 70 11 Cl'llno a s o if 1•• Bland is a top passer." breaker last week aga nst 11..w11n1 G'"" J 1 o 51 31 111•1• l o o 2.M •2 tAN cA11t11L v•LLE'f Ll!J..GUE Loss of Jeff Cumming1 for Mltm~ Ofllt J 7 0 SI SI lll.lf'bl"ll; 3 2 o 104 f1 B•lllowtr J 0 0 t~ 1~ h ltJesa. Olll• 2 ' o 11 rs C•-'-J 2 o 1M ,o lYnWOC'd l o o s1 1) the season will hurt t e Sea N .. E~-nct·a looms on the ?,','1'•'" Mlcl'l!11n ,' •• •• ',.' ',',', Mu!r J 1 0 '9 15 Ei;cebln• 1 1 0 63 l• King running game. Cum-!IWI " p111den1 J 1 a 171 ll Norw•lk I 1 0 1~ 41 agenda and Vail says his Ml•-rl v111tr w'""',-, ·,. 0 , Hoover 1 l a 10 111 c1111or~11 o J o u 51 ruings was the top blocking •• Cltndlll l'G "!116 S.tn!~Fa. n10 l " bk th d d f t k th omen-1.wm11111t 3 o o 109 .:. eur•-hl o s o 34 131 s•NT• 11A1tllA1tA couNtY Ll!o\GUE ac · on e squa an was orces mus eep e m """'~ T•x•1 s1111 1 1 o 1s 51 11tv1NE LEAGUE t•b1111G J o o 101 11 losl vo'ilh a knee injury in the tum built up in the Mesa vie-. ~r~:"nlll ~ ~ : :: 1~ r:~~•ln v11!!1 ~ g : 1 ~ ,: ~::;;~,•·IA ~ ~ : li! !~ Loara game. tory to stay with the Eagles. Loul•vlllt o 1 o u J I c-• i:ttl ,,.,,, J ' e st u Df:t Pu!biot o 1 1 u to The knee was operated on be lol WICl'llhl Sit~ 0 1 f 11 71 Edit.on 1 1 1 14 6' RIOll~lll 0 l 1 26 1'J "Estancia seems to a OMt v1n.., c.....,_• M•~non1 2 1 1 u ., .sin Marc... o J o 11 M this week and he wUI be like us in JOme ways. It's Ina East T-...i _,. ~ ~ ~ :;'' ~~ ~!;:~~-l ! : ~ ~ Damit~ s•NTJ.. l'E L~A:u: · ,, 10 sidelined for the final two con- good, scrappy team. Founts Et•' K.rtvc.1<' , t t 111 " 59n11 An1 v111to¥ • s o JJ 112 st. J°'1n Bo•co J a o n Js tests. I I h d ··-h d• Wal ICfftn.otkv , ' • no n MOCllll LEAGUE VetDum Off 1 1 0 126 11 Valley certa n Y a i... an Avs11r1 Pe1N:1r ' ' o ,, 1~ w uwi 3 o o 100 ,.. Ctniwt'I 1 1 o Jl. !t Jefll'bomas. a J~pounder. full and 80 will we," says van. ,.__. Tldl ' t o » ,. El lllnche ' 1 e '' 10 P1te• N111tt-r o J o • 111 replaces Cununings jn the · •th Its _...,... Sllll 2 J 0 7' • l &-twOOd 2 I I .&S lJ s. G. Mli1I°" o l 0 12 '° Edison wlll be going VI'! Mv•r•Y s11tt 1 , 1 11 no ,,.,11nun 1 ' o ~, S4 Sk'I' Ll!AGUI! starting lineup on offense and usual >2 defense with stunting Ml.,... T•,":!',"',.. ','~!!..!..-' • " " Poly 1 , 0 511 u 11.0111"' Miii. J 0 0 11' .48 Greg Stevens will talte over al · • ·1b i. .... _,.,. Jorc11n o l O JS ti Cuhre< Cllv ' 1 o 77 JI to stop Estancia s ta1 ~ca w LT Pho'" •1.c1,1c Ll!•ou1 P11o1. v.,d., ' ' o 11 1• a linebacker spot on defense. Dave Johnson, a lad who m\15-~ ei lltwftll ~ : ~ 1~ !; !~. • ! ~ : i~ !: tt;,~z;1e1e : ~ : !~ :! One thing the t~·o foes have ed the last two games because .s11"""• 1 1 1 1J4 " "-' ' , 1 •G 1llli L.u11n1"r o J o 11 14 in common Ibis season is in · j °""" 7 I I 47 5' Sin C1brltl 1 l 1 .:. 4' StEllllA LEAOUI! niere·1 a rew more changes of a back in ury. ailtar"'-' 2 o 10 $1 N.OMo<ol• 2 ' 1 01 1" c 1-io•• l 1 o ·~ •s the matter of scoring agatost tn the San Clemente High Vail's defense ts keyed by e:lf,,.~111 ~ ! : !: ~~ :~::" -: ! ~ : ~; ~·"~~'I~. ~ : : ,~: ~ the potenl Loara team. Santa linebacktri. They are Ken WtW'llftr!Ool s1a111 e ' • ll 1J1 Rottmt..t 1 • o s~ 1u cevi111 J t o " ~ Ana Valley had the ·ooly School baclfleld but l he Jl'unke and Rocky Wban, eacb Mwf._,tfl C;:tT;" •h 01" HU11111'191o"s~:,~T LE;O~EO SJ 34 i...°"~ r ~ : ll ;! touchdown against the Saxons quarterback position appears picking off a pass against Tenr-.-' e • 1~ » NtwHrt Harw 1 l o u 61 w Atl'D'l o ' o '3 101 until last week in losing , fO.I. to be sllble for the balance of Mesa ~t. week. . r~ld· ; : : 1~ : :::~;:$!fr ~ ~ : l~ = "''" JUIUlllA.N l :Agu,a " 1J The Sea Kings not only toi> ~= for coach Tom F.ads' full'uill"~~C fworu TrJe.._ Natrtilhong ~ ~ ~ : '1:.' i: ~~',~,!"' : ~ : :: ::; ~'.::';'.1, ~ : : ~ ~ ped the Falcon output but ...... ~· Gtort1• 1 2 • '° ~ M4 r1n1 o ' o " t1 "''"'11 , 1 o '' 11 scored more than six prtvioos Junior Bib McNamara took nu•-o( the Campaign but M:!J!!i!f:Pi 1 l I '2 IS WHITMONT LEAGUE L• Mlr1dl 1 2 O l• Sl b. d •'-A t I st k d -~--· ..,, 11 l 2 o .a ti Monl• v1111 l o o ,, 31 c1hr o J o 1f e1 opponents com 1ne . over ~l'C re gns a wee an was shlfled to UnebackerlrJ'~'"~'""~'~==~'~'~'~"~'~M!::~'~'~"~~§::==~'~'~'~ll~•~·l'f==:~~;:~==lEJi~k~fl~~~h~==ii bJt seven of 2l (or ll8 yards. duUes when an injury in the MlfllHi"' ''''' o ' • u :ia. Manfebttio , l 1 ,. u 1 Tha t's the moot yordoge •San HuntinglQn Beach game cut Bible Thoughts Clemi:t~ qut~erb:c~ ha~ a7· -off h.ls running speed. ·fl YJNG fUN! Bods1idi11t: "No "''"· h1,1n1 put hi• h.11d (OWJ or oug e air m · Vall was ple.aaed with bol.b ~ to the plow, and loo~i"g b1c•, i1 f;i for the putt.,,., yeara and H WU "of hll linebackers' efforts and ')ii?" 1111 Kingdo"' of G od", Ur. 9:62. Sot11• McNamara's first effort Crom defensive tackle Sam Fuga, by WAYNE CHASE 'lollow1n of Moi11 LOOKED I.ACK •• tltaSot "°'it ,.L_; Ead• •·s."••lly. who dilbkt at fullback. th1y fl1 d Egypt. Tl.1y hid lo"d 11111110,;,, "-".. ,.,. '""' 01 111111y wo'"'" fly tod1y1 0\1y, w1'1! go 110119 with of th1 "lle•lr poh·• the,• •nd lo1191d to found a quarterback who Cln the trend. w0111111 ,,. wel· 11turn lo lh111, E~. I O:l. Nu111, 11 ~s. :JI.••· Tri-••---•ry Th1y tlll't lie. Th1 '"111fol~1 Though tofl'lt tod1v t111y t11ch Iii••• • wrc uri; ,._...._ • ...._ ftte lat co1111 i11 ovr flitht 1choof. Bui Ch "' I "O ; I enslve ... ......,;San Clemeule _ ..... ,. • J••I c111't k••P thtrri tvl of ri1tl1" c•nnot 10 1in •1 lo · otl, 11yi119 11c1 ''"' , •"'•'I" ,__,, DE£P SEA . ....&. wo loibld l1c1 curt1in1 in •ur 11...G", J,,,,., t1u1h~ olh1rwi1•. Sorn• ''' loll 1!1r111 ll, wh1 fol • ..i ... .-.t Jts best game Of the ••""119. TI1111 w11 wh11 flylllf ,....~.,., pl11111 ! low Ch,111 for 1 •••,•n. th 111 lon1li1 hi111. H1b. •:'·'· Gil. l r4, behind McNsmara. but SPORTflSH. ING ·•• • '"'"•'' 10111•· ~;rl'f ..,,,, ., _ .,,, 1_ ,, •••••• 2 '''· 1?20.22. Thi "'"'•Pe"''"' BACKSLIDER ;, 10111 -• In ••• J-'ng mJ '" Y••tl 191 I yet Wll I Dtrll• w• .. """ """' C"""' nu • • _.. ' _.,,_ AY1A7tOH I YA I• IJ ._..,.,. llr Did •o• one• 1 ..... Chri1t, but h1•• fo,1ett111 hr111 111 th!• f••I • • t .dtv · ..t 1f1r11'1lnt re-:ynMC • Anv •• ;• llt 1..-., 0 •1 v __ { tmprov""' IOCI COO SPICIAL tti ll Ii•• te fliit• wi 'rt 1 •P•• ='J1~::o;"u:".,!11 c~A~:' lfl 111ovi"9 world1 Hawe yo11 b1111 • ''"'"' of lh1 lord, but 11rtw Turtin outf t. c!il briW. lat tli1 t irli 1,1 or1..,. c-rr. Pllitr•ct•n wM c•'• 11rv1 S1t1111 Do yo• 1119l1cl Hie Bibl1, th1 chu'c~ •1111 thl1191 Eada is movtn1.lranlplanted 1 A.M. DAILY 11 .. 1111 111 11111,1h;119 1. th;,,. ,...,., ..,.......,.,111m 11111 '"tlflut Holy, 9iW'h19 vo11r time to worldly pl111ur11 ind thi1191 t111t•ri•11 CtJIQf SteYt l}IYd . from tl.iut. Ttit ,'rt ,tiewiflt 111 th1t ~:'mn"":.: :~•;::;, i~~ ':: If 10. REPENT •IMI roturn to God btfore 1ic ~n111 or f1t1I 1c:i· I 11'-A-i. ----.....1. and 11'1 1111 Ill th1t h1r4. AIMI lfll¥ U.W'. Kt.•IDll AVi'I'T'toH, cl111t '"'~' r•lur" if1'1poulbl1, or btfore yevr co111cit 11c• hlco11111 u~,. to ..,. .... .,..... ,..,.1,11 c1,111111 11t.n "'"' 11,,.. JUI Wtl'T!« ,. .... l4'o1IN. o,.1t h1rct1n1d to th1 poi"! of ""o return", Hob, t :•, 10:23-27. Th1r• brincing In n.iny R-. al t., toch"iq•., ,,.. h1lp111, th1m. trom "'"t111 11 _.., •••tr. i1 1110•• foy 111 H11ve11 ov•r on• ''""'' wllo r1penh "''" ... ,r fUJlbaclt. , • W1111111 h1 ... t1kt n I• tho 11l111ty.11l111 f111t P•rto1n who flt ld 110 r1p111!1nc1, lk. 1111. 9'ocl RJc1t Brown .nmatns at .:, ~" ... o, 111cr1ot1119 ""'"b.... Watch Next win 1ec1 1 .... ,.111. ch:ic1 ot h•• who .1.,, •n' ,, p11t1t•"'· •••1111 haUback. • Tllty fly for ploott.t,. a11d fo, w _,_ fo fot9i .. t n111 in r••v••· lhrou9h J 11u1, his 11 .. io r. REMfMIEk tho Jl'I been the dlfeote thlt l1111i11111. Artd t t o hi t 11othl"9 ... r hi ppy r1tt.t1n o !ht Prodl91I Son, who w1• lo•I but r1p1ntecl e11cl ha1 been tJte key to Safi to l o with II. A troncl111oth1r "LEARNING l•iu1111cl to th1 1ptn •''"' of hi1 f1ih•r, Lt I Sll I 0)2. Vi1!t !tit eJiateate-.ndED-ilcoantJ:Da . &11 pilot • 11l11te •• will •• TO fLY1' Church of Chrt1t, 217 w. W iho11 St., Co1t1 M11,, Co. ind let , ... NSW, ..... 11) 111vliM1. ut h•lp you 11lu1" to Chrl1!, ., . J : Next to you I like Green Stripe best s599 FlrlK USHER'S GREEN SfRIPE Since 1853, the 2.rl&im!! li ght Scotch • ' I ' I ' -- -· • ' ·" ,• , -. ., . .. " ' ' ' " ' -- ,_ ' , ·' •· ; , . : ·~ \ '-; ·~ .,. "' .. • • .. i • ,, ' f ~ , ) ' , l ·' ' . " .. • . • " " ... " " -•' ·, ., . ' ' . . " ' ; .. ... .• . ; , l ) • ... • ·- • f -~ ~· )" • ' ' ' i • • J'.lu Hits f)lablos MV Tests Huge Villa Park V.AN.GVA RDS SEEK TITLE Viking, Lion Poloists Win· Mission Viejo High will make an all-out attempt to escape the Crestview League cellar Friday night when t!)o Diablos h~t Villa Park. In fact, coach Ray Dodge's squad could move ahead of at least three teams with a victory. CUrrent standings show five team& with one win. San Clemente and Villa Park played to a tie and each is playing another team with one victory. El Modena goes against undefeated (in league play} Orange with 11 t t I e chance or victory. as one ·or the biggat te~ms Dodge is worrying about the the Diablos have faced Both O~ bug in addition to injuries tackles are over 200 ~nds this week. "Ev~ da1 we · have had at leaSffwo or tJ\ree-Dodge-:is conctrned......-abou ·kids out of school with the flu. stopping Spartan quarterback "We also lost another Pat Mcinally. "He's a tough, linebacker in the 1.ame last tall noy and he's only a week. Ray Johnson 1s out for junior," Dodge says. the season." "We have to stop him, along Starting quarterback Ed with lheir ruMing game." Gray has been moved lo BiggeSt concern of Dodge , defense with junior Jim Davis however, Is not the opposition taking over the signal calling but how well bl" kids will berth. recover from lheir bout with Villa Park poses a problem the flu. Sears Southern Calllornla College's soccer team· will be lrylng to clinch the Golden State Athletic associatioo tiUe today 'trlte_o V ngu~ icwJle Newhall for a mi'tch with LA Baptist College . Game time is 3 p.m. The Vanguards, ~in con· rerence play, defeated µ Baptist in the Llr&t round, J.. O. It's the only loss for the hosts in five games. Ken Backman I e a d s Southern Caiilomia College with 20 goals in the five vic- tories. Marina knocked ·Off llun. Tht spunky net m Ind er lington Be11.cb1 10-9, an d blocked 15 Oller 1tt.empls tn- \Veslminster dumped Western, eluding three penalty ahots. 9-3, lo hlgbli&ht Sunset League The last pelll)ty !brow came water polo acllon Wednesd!!'.._jnjboJjnail~ n a non-eague encounter score lN, Marini. Ed.iS9fl sunk Long Beach Steve McConoaughey played Jordan, JJ.JO, and Laguna a fine game for the Viklnp, Beach los~ to Sonora. I~. In wbo are now 2•2. McCoD- lhe day's only Crestview naughey led the Marini attack sltinniBh. wltb four goals ud .wu 'trail- • Hunlinl!lon Beach, now 3-1 ed by Chuck Holloway, with In loop play, wu tied with three. Dean Jacobs. Art host Marina, S-5, at hall time , Herbon and Howie Johnaon, but couldn't figu re out a way potted one each. to put its shots past the Vik-Bob Rice put five polnta into' ing's goalie, Charlie Sbiosaka. the nets for the Oilers. Full 4 Ply.Nylon ALI.STA.TE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread Lile Guaranlee ~ .-All f.;Jutts cl 1he titt rnaltinc ~ -' l'Oldhawohorde:frru in "*"'ials ot 1'0l'kmamlup. For How l..o1¥' for the life of 1"'1 urigiml cr-'. "Whtt S.,.n "'ill Uo: ~ lt&il pllllltJllrn • t10chaqe. I• the ~ of fail..u. iri ~ fordletire,ttplKt if.cha,.. . ins oal7 th<-p.oponioo of turttnt ttgular sellina priu plus FrMral j!ai~ T.u: 1h:.f rcp<ncnts rrnd 1LKd. Tread Wear-Out Guaranlee G••nrlleed AA•i11.e.: Tre..J .,,..,...,..,. }'or tlow l.vnJ• Tbe flUmbttcf lftO!l'lbs fpe('ificd. 'Wb.t S..an Will Do; In om.ll&e for rhe 1in::0 r~l.::e ft. c lmq:i"" rhc: OU!ftll. n::gul .. .,Ulf18p.11tepha Fed.end.~ "Iu: k.s d,,, lollowin.& •llowmce; MOili.ht C•....ie. All .... anes .. l2 10 24 ~7 m 39 .-,. ...... ~. ~ ?· ' • ' ~ .. A. L'l·;·~, ·, ~.. .·.•· .. ' ::WEATHER ,:: , ... 'lOW·30 ,.:, ;. M9TQR.Oll . • -. " SAVE 16c Regular 49c Qt. Can • Year'ronnd protec'lion and quick e·asy 111.rt, u111"J for both 1u mmer and \\'inter driving • Hel.-prevent rusl, corro- 11ion. protecl• IS it Jubri• ralcs • A_dditi\lc:f 1tor ti ludg:e h11 i1d-up. neutralit e d11m- a~in1 acid1 and inhibit vat· nish depo1i1s 21 Month Guaranteed Priee11 Effective 'lliursday, Nov, 6 thru Saturday, Nov. 8 6.SOxl3 Tabeleu Blaekwalls f>lui I.79 F.E.T. And Old Tire • 4 actual plies of nylon for extra W'ellglh • Greater resistance to impacts, mo.iltllft, flexing and heal • Palented contour safety shoulders for ..helter cornering control, fut recovery from pavement drop-offs •Excellent high speed performan.:e. Safety in reserve when you. need it "SIZE Tll ~0£.T!' F.E.T. SIZE f11AD!;.IN •.E.T. "'"'' l'llCE T11bele1111 Blackwall ' Tubelet11 Whitewall W0.13 9.99 1.79 650xl3 12.99 1.79 7J:ixl4 12.99 Z.07 735xH 15.99· 2.07 - 775i:f4 14.99 2.20 775xJ4 17.99 2.20 8251.14 16.99 2.36 B25x14 19.99 :!.36 775xl5 14.99 2.21 855xl4 21.99 2.57 775.!5 17.99 2.21 ALL4 $ WHEELS ONLY 88 * ... •-X-•V""-' c.n When You Pay Too Little For A Brake .T ob ••• You Get TOO LITILE! Scu5 "'111 nor sivc f')u a 'iooLiu1c~ Bnkc Job •t ...,, rut·c! Yow driving SAFETY u I()(} imron•ot. Scars .,;11 r61.e your Br Uc Job as re&'IOfl1blr as p<miblc .•. con1n• 1cot wi1b SAPETY. Scan titakc Jobs provide wb.t you ~ltould ltaYot ro mab your br..Ut ..wk btM. aod la<11 loo.gier. Under nocooditiom will Scan do Jn, 1han a •first Qual· i1y" Brake Job. If you 111lnt "ciur.s" thcfrc •••ilablc at f ll.111 (()!f. You N.vc ~.r,-·~~U nlO(C or·s11i.sfat1inn Gua.r. .an1ttd or You.r Money Bx k." Don'r wait! Let ~an 10• \pcct yoUr We~ for 1afcry ••• It no charge, .,,, I ngpee't 1t1a6ter -f.ylinder ,,,, ln6pecl ind Adjust P1rkinr; ltrake1 "'Bonded Linin~ In· •lltlled on "Wheel• Jll' Bleed All Llne1 ind Add t"Juid "'Rebuild All Whul Cylinders Y' I "'peel Cre11se Seat. Y' Arc C.rind Br•kc Shoeir Y' R~p11c.k li"ront Wheel Bcarinp ..,.. Resurface All 4 Bl'ake Drum• ~ ln1pect Brake H.,., 1" I n1pe<ll All Brake Hardware .,,, Free Adjuatment ror Lire o( Lininp 11"' Rold TM for 8Nkt Reli1bility 'Chrydcr produus havios: 6 whc!cl cylillden Pd c1r1 with di.w: bnket tliabdf .hiJber. WNtmlnlter never w a 1 behind in tt.a mat.ch with Watern 11) the PlonMn pool. The Uons, who upped their ~ lol-Z, WeitltilbyChris Ohre, with four goals and Ken Davis, with three. Dean Henningsen and Bruce · 8aroo fired in one apiece. Ed1scm won its sec«ld game In I row· with the defeat' of Long Beach Jordan in Panther waters. It was the second time Eric Emery's fcrc:ts haw: 'ac- complilhed that feat Edison posted back·lo-llack wlnl ovtl- La Quinta earlier in the cam-' palp. The Char&ers face I moft formidable _..s in qunt of wlo number three in+row, Edlaoo travels to COlta Mesa neJt Wednesday to clole out Irvine League play qalnst the s-.1 place Mustanp. The Panthers ICOl'ed Ont In the game but the Char1ers grabbed the lead 11 1-1 11111 never let go. Mitt Kroo111. paced the IC'Of· See VIKING, P ... •I \,J... ·\l)t)lll '.'-it·,1r' ( 111l>• r\H nl l'rvll11 Pl 1n .. Carburetor Air Filters Low Priced! • n-r.11en tnp harm-r.1 dirt and du1t par- liele• before they reach the carburetor }97 Auto Tune-Up Kit • Jnclude11 : Condenaer. Rotor, Vented Points. Cam. Lube. eitbtt' Gap Gauge or L Wrench • Ran cooler, Jaat longer, "holda tetting longer 167 Allstate Super Spark Plugs Save 16c Each Regular 59e • M•kes the car run the _way..it 1bould.<un,.a.t_4 1 3-maximum power with f1~le1' acceleration. ""·. qnaeker 1hlrt1 .c.h Sears O.E.R.* Shocks Expert , ......... t1o. Avalllble At Sean Regular '3.99 SAVE $1! • Bailt to ••t ped'onaofte. i nal eqaip• ment •boeb •You 1et la• creaeed Ja.d,. ling control. i m.pro't'ed ride •on.p .. 1 £ci•ipMelll Rlpl""9ftll ,--------------------------------~----------------, I. IUEN• .... TA 8·H OO, .l21-4530 " MONIE GI J-3911 LONG """ HE 5-0121 POMONA EO 2· 110, NA 9-5 161. YU 6-67.ll "co WE 8-4262 SOUIH COASf ..,.,. 540-3333 A11y nuessary ldditional pera llOd Wu 1M11able 11 Scm low. low pritt. ln11i1alJa1ion Available 1'1ondar lhnl Saturday CANOGA ,..,.11:: 340.0661 cLENDAlf CH 5.100.f, c1 "·•611 0Lv1i1P1c ... soro AN s.s211 SANTA ANA Kl 7.3371 JC*ANCE s42.1s11 I I COMflON NE 6-2581, NE 2-.l761 HOUYWOOO HO 9-5941 OIANGE 637-2100 >'NTA F£ sntNGS 944-8011 VAUET PO :J.8.161. 914-2110 I COVIN• 966-061! INGllWOOD OR 8-2521 . .. •• DIN• 681 -3211, J.ll-4211 Sears .. N,. MONICA EX 4-6711 VUMOllf rt. ,_1,11 ,__________________________ _ ________________ , Shop Nights Monday through Salu(day 9:30 A.i.,. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Nqon to SP.M. SIAas, l OllUCX AND co. ' "Satisfactl,n Guaranteed ar Yaur~oneylack" Jf DAILY PILOT T'I IN• OUTDOORS? ltfJoclIAlllllMJ Thundly, Novtrnbet 6, 1969 Thi. weekend marts the end-of the·fate-•.••oon-for California deer bunlen. Even tbdu&h moat ~· o! Cal• uomia cl01ed 10 bunUng last -~· there " a par· running down the middle o! the state s!W·open.for for - ed horn bucks or better. . · . The northern boundary for the open area Is. north·. western Plumas County, and then runs south to include. the six big counties surrounding Oranje County: The ouUook is r ated fair at best for the closmg,. as, tie deer. have not .started to move down from .th• high. cllllntry, . ' ' hi b ... ; ; The few sinall· storms w~ bad in ~e I coun.Jo~,. .ter~ not large enough, lb start·• dee~migrat!°"'to 111,elr Winter grazing grounds. ---- : The best counties lo hunt the final weekend, could be tho caes north o! FtUDO •. u those,counlles o~ 1n lforthim Ca!Uornla wW mott likely pz:oduce the m°'t buck1. . f ~ ' TbiJo writer wW be .hunl!Dg with a 1roup o v.ange county buntars m the area ,,_ Ookburat, a nt11e eut qi Fritano. Hunten, are advlsed:IJI ejllck ~ b u n t i·D g i;egulations to make suno,the)r ~re hUnllng In open areas. i MARLIN VERY SLOW ; Helen Smith ol Balbo~ Angling Club reports th a t the action for marlin has been very slow this past week, p~arily due to the dense fog along the coast. On1y a ff.\\' boets managed 1~~~et Giii and they found only a ~pie cooeeraUve b . . ;:, W w. AnclerllDll Of N~ Beach, while fiahing JOoani the boat "Lucia"; ianded a 267-pound broadbili over the wlf/kend. _A!!dlll'S9D_l><!!lled tjte swordfish near the isi mark; and balled the !IJb ·With a "flyer." , Gil Smith, owner of 'the charter boat "El Lobo", ~ooked a spikeblll for bia charter party on •.jig below the 209 spot. . ;-The bite this weekend will be down toward San D1e-gO as the fish have moved away from Catalina lsland- lf fog lifts and weather conditions stay falrly calm, then this weekend could be a good fish producer. LAGUNA HILLS S~TS LADIES.ONLY SHOOT LEGAL N<mCI!! LEGAL N<mCE V·IKING ... ...... ....... JfOTtc.1 ,°' PUil~ MUii ... (11,ll"ICATI OP •Utl•U&. ClllTl•KATI OP IUll•ld NOTICf II M•ll!IY OIVIN "'*9 • 111.1bllc ""rllll' wtll M Mid i;, 01i (1ty fll(TITtout. NAMI ,ICTtTt9111 ,,._ NAIM CIU~I .t ... (tty • C... Mes. en (C.Uaed tnm P.ace zt> ~ ~.= :-:.:.: ,~~ =. .:ec.=:::nr~.:-t ::':1-."': :::::;n~~· ~.M1.7:; !:".O:: • M-. C10fol'NI, ~ t11e fktt!U ft"!' Cll""1'119, C-" et Ot.,.._ IQJl Gtfllry ~If 1t!e fNtttr 1111'1' lllt'IMtl'd. llt· log for Edt.SOn wilh fiVt! goals ,..,,_ °' SllUlOO INOUITtUES .,,. ""' UM. """'"""'" 8HCtl ma vnltr "" .,.. Cwncll ai.mt.r ., trlf (lty 14fill • .,, • MN ft"" Ir'~ of ni. folloWllll fklltlou1 tlfltl llfll!W ti ''IUN~Alltl Fil, Drlw, CM!• Mesi, C.llfotnt., t11 • and Tom Liodu followed up..,..... ....... MIM Ill fl.Ill ..., plf(.m ., PHONE SllllVicl-IN O•ANOE COUf+. p,_. SPtclflc Pllll for Sltfflt A, •• with three. Others scoring '"~:! ·~ ":=t.: 1,,. M1t1o111t ~ .... ~i:=,1,:~•:;:.: ::::::4 tu~ ~ ~~".l:m .:'~ M··-Mood>ou' Bob I.JI •• Hul'IHllffotl •MCti. "'"·,,... and Pi.c.t ti"'""'"., ... ,........, .. ""S.ntm ""' lltlv.r. were '"' se, Dl1'd OCf'Otl9I' lS. 1,.. Wiii NO'flCI II PUlllTMIJt GIVEN tllel ., W""'• -~ D 'll"..l.lu Uh Tllam" M. Derril S.-r alfrt .. llf, ~ L1nktnlllm .,,,. tlnieo 111111 pi.cit 1\loYt """'""""' -.iy .., .. -r ---111~-lf_uq STATl!·Ofi' (Al;ll'Oll:N IAt --'aiw .. Ho: ""'" ...... C.I. tuM _end 111 ~-l!dttttltll __ ., _,. ooe each. 0~~Nls."'; 1,.. Wor. 111t. • M:: ~c.~~ CktltFY L-. !": :: c"::t': ,r.. ~ ~: =::i.~~ Charley Watt bit the neta Nttl,., P111111c 111 ·~ ,.. Mid St•'" w1tntM ..,, 1111'1" t111t Viti MY " Oc· c. "'· P11t1EsT · ~ll'f .......,.. T'*""" M. Cltrrlt ,.._, IM, (ll'f Cltttt of Ille five Um .. ·for Laguna· Be'ach k-,., "t9 M tM Mnon ..,.,... ntrrl9 ll'fmour """"""' Cit'( "' eo.11 Mttm ' " "*""" .. t!Mo··Wltflln """"""*" .,.., L°""''' •~n Publllllld °'"" eo..r 01ll'f Plfvt, but It wasn't enough in the tck-.IMeMI M .. '°'*"" Ml'M. STATI!: OP CALliJO•NtA ) ~-.. !Ht '6lHt (Olfklll &t1l) COUNTY OI' LOI ANOt:Ll.l lft bettle against hosUng Sonora. Ml"' K • ....,,., °" ftll• ~ ,.., .. ~· ,,., '*-LEGAL NOTICE . NOt•tY Publk • C1Utorn11 ITll; llllit a.to • Nllt•ry Public ... fflcl '-------------Tbe Arti!ts trailed a.5 at the ...-111C1P11 Off\Clt •n CountJ .,. ''"" ctul'f c.mm•ulellllll n 1- , • . ~· COUl'lf\' ·-,.,...n.i,, .......... ~-IUP•••ot couaT °'" Tflll lnlenrusslon but gave up !our Mr c-l••r.! & .. 1ra1 11m11nc1 ..,. ~ F....,,,.11 kMwl'I tt sT•T• o" c1L1JJ011tN1A PM . . • · · Nov. U. It~ =-~ trae ..,_ ~ llllM ,,... •HI COUH•V o• o••-o goals lR the Wrd period P~,b,1.twcl °"°'' CO.•! Otll'f Pllol. "' !tie wlthlll ,....,_,, Incl .......... Wl"-·t -~--the-·•] OdoMr ,.. 22. .. tlld Nolitmbtt .. ~-.. lnl ..., IXw;u!IMI ttll °'*l' ......... .......... ....,.., ves. lNt ltlHt ...,.,.. SUMMONS . Bill Brown added the other LEG'L w-cE IN WITHfU WHEAeOF •• l'l•w DOltOTPfl' '!', CA PLAN P11111n!llf v .. ft l'n'JI IWtllnlo Ml"'' l'll<Ml IMI aHlxlllll 11'11' of. HOwAlllO CAPLAN o.fltldfllt goal (or t '""""a Beach. 1-------------J"cl•I ... , "" OJ' •l'ld rNr In 111• PIEOPL!" OF TMll! sT.1Tf . °' ---&-· -...... ,,.. c.rt1nu11 flnt ..... wrHltn. CALll'OlltfflA " lhl •llltff II. rn • cl o .. ' Two games are slated for 1101•··· !SEAL)~"IG GOTO """"nt: , ,.,_ •--d E~---la "'~ lrtOTICI TO c .._ ;;;,,,., Plfllollc "'"' ,,. fllfWr llltl(fm to ftlli • wrlf!tll \Ila w eeJU:.11 • .,.......... ......ts SUP1a1oa COUllT ~ ,.... S"fl of C11!1Wnl1 ,tfffdln11 In rH,tOllM lo tlMj "9<'11/tcl CCll'QO Rancho AlamJ'-· I 3 15 ITAT• OP CAL!HUiMtl ,... c.untr Of LOI Al'lleles pl1lnt of Ille •bow !lltnlll ,ti.JrttlH wtth ~ a : on '"' COUMTY OP OtAMtl Mr COnvTllHlon f.JcplrH Th• clerk of ff\t 1bov1 •l'lfltlfd ~rt "' Frid and Anah · tr la to ' o-tier 1 1tn Ill• '"°"' en11ttl'd ldloil "'-"' H•I.,. ay eun ave "':'-A ...n. PubKll'Nid °"'"'; c .. $, oany Plklt . .,,..... In "'-' court. wrt11111 ''"' dm fiN" Newport Harbor to battle the Estttt ot ouon llllOOKS oct111tr • 11111 N~ " u. a , ttltl Hf'v1c• on '°" " this 1UMmons, If Tan at -10 a.m. on Sat,urday. =~=~~~: o!!!Pc1~111s. Gu•ooN w. ,,., .. MWt =~ ~·~::.~r .=.~~~ The Tara will be out to clinch NOTICE 1s HElllEIV c1veN te "" LEGAL N011CI Vw •re Mrftot ""'""" lflat u""'* rea . crldltort 0 of "" 111ieW flll'IWCI llllnde!it M fill • written r~ve 11tH l1'11. Mil at least a tie for the SUnaet ..,,1 1n ~ 111v1111 <Jiiin• •lillt ""' ,t1•lntllf w1t1 .._, ludl1Nt1t '°' •n'f "'°"'" League crown 111d ~' lte '""1"' 10 flit ""'"-,.,.. .. ''"'"" ...,_,.,., !ft 11111 verified ' wltll tht IMIUUlr'f voudltn, In tht off!« c•aTIPICAT• OP IUSIMl$I, COl'l"llslnl 11 ttltl"I u"°" c.eriltld, OI' will of !IW c..,k of lfll ~ 911tlllllll '°""'er •Pll'f to ~ court for "" otti.r rtll• NEW. •• · Continued from Page ZI) lo itrfMft1 1hem, wtltl ftltl ntmMrY PICTITIOUI MIMI cltm.1Mtd In_ fhe vednlld_cl!nPlllnt. _,..ni, 19-fllt uncll!'llPM 11t·trae l/lfkl TtMI Ulldwft.llld .,.. arlll'f 111f II .,._ Vw ""' -* fllt ldYIC'll of 111 """'*" ot Hfftl, a ... n A O•vldWn. Mii Nertfl lluctlrll • tMI-•I Hod W. °*""'"' 1111 9ftJ' ""lllr c:onn.ci.d wl1fl ""' coin-IMln Slrffl. ttnlt Ant, (lltfer11l1, ..tlld'I 0r.,.... C.llfwMt. ""*"" 1111 fll:lltloul lllllrlt .,. l h I 1 .-luch •lt•rntv fl tl'te Ill.IC• of butl-Ill trae \Hllftflllnld firrJ, MllW t11 •AT llAUllLLE'I IH-llloould M -ltecll wllllln llM 111111 1111'111 Ill 111 """-'• PlrtllnlN to tllt eallt. tll TElllHATIONAL YAl\PAGI! STOlllE INI t111t1 In llllt ~·,... flltltt • Wtllltn 11ld ct.c.dtl\t, wllllln ,_. -.1111 tfttr 11111 11N Hrm b comMIMcl Ill llM fo\llw-11Mdl111 Ill the ~lnl. It'll !Int PUbl!gi!kHI of tttll f!Ottgi, int Hf'IOll ,.._ """' In ti.Ill _,.. 11IM:I D•fld .... 24. IM 01lld Oct11blr 17, lfft. of rnlMncl It M fol ..... : IS IEAL) on his Okie oriented outfit to IUdl•r• Wiik!-~-Plttld• o ........ ,It. 211• VIII 111,... w. E. IT JOHN, Clttk , Eaecvtor tll tlMI wlU ol fM Co.II MtM, C.lllornll nat IV E11"11 E. lolfm put the clamps on tailback 111ove llM'ltcl lllcMttlt Ctltct Oct*r is. l,.. . ~IO!lf'f cr.rk Mike Abbey of Laguna Beach ~t::;.::111.':.::"1''°" STATE°' ~~O.f;,,,t-1111111t: :r "'9c c:--=-.. ~-when they host the Artists Fri-SMtl Alllt Cl""* Olll ANOE COUNTY: ....... C•llf. ,.,., . . . Tl:LI cno '47.uh Oii oetaMr IS. ..... blfer• IM, I fnQ ,.,., ... day night in a Crestview Attwwrn .., ••wvtw Not•rr Pvllllc 111 • 1111 fir • • 111 siei., """""" fir ,. • ..,,., League encounter Publllhld Or1nt1 Cot1t O•ll"t ~llM . .,.,_11y , ..... , .. Pllrkt• o. •••u•11e ..,.. :m • Oclllblr n. ao •nll N°"""""' •• IS. ~ le !'I'll ... ""' """' --Plllil!t..., N""rt Hll'bor NIWI Pr~SI "De£ensively we'll try to 1Hf lHwt 111nw i. IMllDKl'lbld 1o "" w11111n ~ nmblntct w1111 D•tlr P110t, !lewPOn stay with our basic S.2 wilH a LEG., NOTICE 1tlWMllf 1r111 •dtnlW1...,. s111 ••IQltecl tNcfl. c1111ornr1, Oc"*" "' n. JiO 1nd ~ tM" 1111'11 NWW!lber ,, Ifft lnl419 rover. Abbey will probably bei----~=:::-----JCOffidll h111 going away from our strong •A••211t ~.J:"'K. =~ side and we have to contain "s0uT~~:1J: ~~~:~T:,• c1111om11 h. with ~-u THI ITATI OP CALll'OJtNll 110• Prl~ ... otrlc1 In .... 1111 1m our I \l\Cll on sys-THI COUNTY 0111 OltAlfOI °''"'' '-" NOTICI TO CllllOIT'Olltl tem" says Eads "" A"41M M'f Commlukwt flcplr• IUPlllOllt COVlllT OP TNI E ' ds d' t , th Ari:"' • Etltl1 at HAROLD K IE H N ET N Nov. 2" 1tn a 1.scoun s e ...,~s WILLSEY OecNMCI. . Publl$111d o,.,.... ,_, DlhJ' Pltot. STATI OP CllLIPOtlNI• POiit lack of depth. "We can only NOTICE IS HEllllEIY GIVIN '° "" °"'*' It. 22. • Intl Nowtmblr " TNI (OVNTr OP OllAIM• I · U CAdJr.n of the 1bov1 !Wltnld H1:1Hnt 1Nt 1f».6t ,.., A">94 use 11 payers at a me and IMf •II Pfr'IOl11 IMIVll'll (llllN H•lnll..,. £1!1le "' EDNA TOMKINS •UTI..IER. w~ know (coach Hal) Akins :i: ~:':.';'!.!~~ :':..'fn 1:::. = LEGAL NOTICE Dec11tet1. LEGAL NOTICE Larry Coffing, owner of the'. LagUna Hill$ Gun Club, has come up ,with a unique trap shQOt. Sunday, Nov. 16, the club will stage the first ladies-only, non-registered (rap shoot, sponsored by· the La Senorites. The shoot '*ill feature competition from 16 yards and at handicaps, MIXED BAG .-Bill White, p resident of the. Orange 1-id is· open to· all women. -al R · ii ·1 h will have plenty of tricks up of 1111 c1.1rt. o1 1t1t1 •beft ",on.ct _,,., er:?.~~& flf••,,:1.-:,:.Y ~N_:eclftt;: hls sleeve he always does or lo prn•nt 111em. w1111 "" 11tc-rY •AA *' !Ml •ti ",_ l'l•vll'll c111m1 _.,.., "" ' . ' 'iCM1d11u. to The ul'lderJll""' •l tile ofllcl fllOT!CI TO ClllOtTOlltl Mid dKMlflt •rt '"ulrwd Ill flit tllem, "We're I 0 0 k Ing for"' hll AllorneY• WALi.ACE, IAOWlrt & IUPllllOlll couaT OJI ""' wlltl ""lltUfMr'f _..... ..... 111 lhl offl~ ( This week the club will have a turkey shoot. fol-County I nternation acew11y,. is a sm1 es as e fowed by a second turkey shoot the weekend prior to aboWs off a mixed limit of ducks ta ken last week- 'J'hanksgiving. Anyone interested in the shoots and need-end. \Vbite enjoys hunting on his off days from t.he . ihg more information should call (714) ~1003. _t_ra_c_k_. ________________ _ tbi f th hot Cl .lllrt, 12:1 Dever DflYt, MIWPOrf &Itch. If ll'le clttll of 11'111bow lfltlllM QIUrt, or every ng rom e s gun c,111 .. nuo w11ic11111111 pl.a" Dii••-ITAta OP c1L11JOaN1A POiit 1o •rn.111 ll'llrn. wl"' "" '*" .. "' to the Straight-I formation. It! 1111 VlldtrtlWlld In ' •ll rn.tlltn ""' THI COUNTY OP OIUlttl vlllldMlr" 11 llMI uno.,_llecl 11 !tit oll!cs "And they 've moved the ball ~11~;: t!::r ":onit::1!11':, ~ ,=':'~ N1. A..-~ •• ':!':.ii.A=~ • .!~.~_:; much better than we have this II lklfl GI !hi• notlcl. E111t1 of EDMOND Of:LANEV. •U lllCll. Clllfornll. wllld! II "" fl•c• of • • ' FRESH WATER FISHING REMAINS GOOD : Many Orange County anglers are fishing Vail Lake 4_nd are bringing borne good catches of bass, bluegill and crappies. A 7-pound. 1-ounce bass. largest of the year out o! the lake, highlighted the week's fishing. Doug Gibson of Downey nailed the large bronze- back near &cky Point on a purple bandit ••• (a worm and spinner combination). Earl Mathews of Santa Ana. and a regular on Vail Lake, is consistenUy returning to the docks with 5-fish limits of bass taken on his own "Bass-Trap" jig. In San Diego County, Lake Henshaw and the San Diego lakes are producing some fine fishing and duck hunting. Bass fishing is good for anglers fishing in about 20-25 feet of water. 'The best enticers are rubber wonns and deep run- ning plugs. Catfish are fairly cooperative, with som e nice stringers to 20 pounds being weighed in by fisher- men using cheese for bait. Cfi.lppie and bluegill are rated as slow. Duck hunting on the lakes is picking up as hunters are averaging about three birds apiece. The bagged ducks are mostly sprig, teal and ruddies with an occas- ional Mexican mallard being shot. DUCK AND QUAIL HUNTERS ENCOURAGED . Cl Ht IDMUHO OfLAffl!V, 1111 IOMU"IO J. IM!tlnqt Ill 11M1 undt!rslt!IM lft 111 ""ll!rf year, even against Foolhill O•ledEOC~~E~it~1N DEi.ANEY, •U IEOMUlrtO ILAIZAK. l'ffl•lnll'll "'11\1 """,,, llolld dt<edPn!.· and Orange, .. says Eads. Ad11'111111lrll11" of !Ill Hlllt , -:c:mi IS Hl!lllEIY GIVIN lo !Ill ~:·:. ':i~ =-llflr 11\1 ft'11 jH,lbll~ flf fllt '"°'" Nmed die...,. c•Mllor1 of !Ill 1bov1 111"""' dlc:edent O.i.ct Oclobt 24 Ifft LEGAL NOTICE ::~·~:.OWN a C•A tN Th•t ill HrHnt Nv1111 cJ1lrn1 ffllnfl IMI 1-111111 t,'.,,~IM But11ir 1-------------1 NNplrT l.-dt. Cll nMI $11d ffCtdelll '" ,.,.ulrtct ta f!ll """"' E1KVlrhc of !hi Wiii <1.,1,1<•'' 0 , IUJIHlll with ttll n«fSllrY 'IOl.IClllrt. In the ltlllu of 111t 1l>O'll 111mecl etcto11en1 .. • T.i: 014) """77 r:i1 !Ill cle111 of 11'11 ....... ffllllllll Q11,1rt, II' • ......._. ......... 1 ....... , PICTITIOUl NAMtr lrllll'M'rt ,... lfll Alll'llJ.l'llttn• IO pl'lllfll fllltn, wllll "" MmUr'I' UM c-DrfW T B 0 f P hi • Thi ul'ldtnlRned don certlfY lie it eon-Publlillld orinte CMtl Dilly Pltot, vouchln tfl tlMI underll9,,.. 11 ""' Clfflce NIWPll't '-" Cilltlnlll 0 e l)en 01• U IC cluctl119 • buslrten II 2001 E. ~Th St .. S111-OCtober *' •!Id NOYtmbll' " I), •·of hit At..,,111'1' Jtofllrt p lllMfll 07., Tlf (n4l ........ . t1 Ana, C1lllo...,l1, ulldet lh1 flclll11M11 ~ I ' s N' "' H ' • ' llrm n~me or ROYAL TV ENG & OEV lfff S. Norw11k Ml .. II. o. • llfWll.., llftrMYt,.... •J11ta11rlr . ~ · CO. OF O~ANGE COUHTV 1,,,j 11111 u fd C.ilfo...,1• fOUD. wltldl It 1111 11llc• or Publlthed Otll'llt Cont 0111r Piiot, l!rm 11 coml'Clled of ltltl tol'" .... I LEGAL N011CE tlll11111u of lfll unMl'•lltlllf 111 '" ll'lltllf'l OCtobet » •rid NeYtmblr '-13. 10, ,.,. n• PltlOll, Hf'll1111tll hi llll 11tlll tll Miii llKldenl, 1Ht I 202+49 Thirteen slate and federal pheasant hunting to t he "'~ ni~ .111 tuH •lld "111;1 of resldtM• •·-w1111111 tour ~ '"" the first•-----,.,----,,-,,----" 11 tollow1. 11/bllcatlon of ltlls notlu ,-areas will offer public shooting \Vaterfowl shoot days of Satur-0 E111011 T. Pllcll•rd, nn H•rriWoot c•An,1cAT• OI' 011coNT1NuAMC• o.• Oct. 1, 1Ht. • LEGAL NOTICE rive, Hunl1119tM l!ltlch, C1llfwnl1. OJI' Ultr IHCl/Ollt AIANOONM•HT L• Lovlt DlllMV, Mmlnlalr1lor 1------::-::::::------during the 1969 genera I day, Sunday, and Wednesday. Deltd NOYemtier 5• 1™· OP ,1CT1T1ou1 NAMI t111111e11ei.of1tot '"*"' El!loll T. Pllch1rd IE UHOEl.SIOHEO doff tt1rlby lllo'tl JIM'lld llKMmlt C•"TIPJCATI OP COllPO•A110N lllotll pheasant season, Nov. 22-Dec. Gray Lodge, Los Banos, and 51:J: 0~ C•111g:1·~ 0••111• eoumv: ci~~'' 11111 t'ffKttv• 0tto1i1r 1s. ,,.. hi 1-.n •· '--" TllAN5ACT10N op 1u•1w111 u•o•• h D rim I I F. h d •1 d ( hed I d t be oYtm ., Ifft, blfott !'I'll, I lid to io llv1lnnt under 11>1 nctlllclU'I 117.ft S. ,..,_II 11¥1. ltL ltt PICTITIOUI NIM• 7. t e· epa en 0 IS an .. en o a are SC ue o. No!•rr Public 111 .11111 toir $11d '""· ::'m ... m."' RALPHS FUlltN1Tu•• If ......... c.............. THI UHOl!lllS1GNl!O COllll"OlllATIOl't Game arioounced klday. open (or pheasant hu nting :'~~':!' ·-:• ... E,~""' T. Ptldltord 1,31 Newport. cnt1 MtN, carlfornll. TM• UTJI 1M-1m dOff lllrtbr '111ttv 11111 i. • CllflfUCfl,,. • h DFG h. d ' ped h N 22 26 " '" d De 3 6 mt ,.,..,,, ""°" Wlltlkll blnlnttt w•• lotmertv com,.,..r tll Allettllr lllr Allfll.trlrltlr blll l-5 loc.ITM If Ult7 A~lrt SI,, T e as rop I e ov. • I w:"CN, an c. ' ' n~ma 1• •ublcrlbld to !hi Wllhl" ·~ tlll f011o'WI"• 11trM11 ........ llllTMI Ill fllll Pulllltflld Or-CMtt D•llY Piiot, SI.Iii. G. HU11111'111'1111 lffch. C.llfornf• Tyler and Staten Is I and 7 it.e"':.'"' •rid •cknowlldfte1 hi 111tcul!cl •ncl Piie• ,,, mllltn« I• •• totltwl; 1o-OclOlllr 2:1. » •nll H .... 1mw •· 1i. unct.r ""flctttklllt 11rm """'t11 A.111.E.A. . · · be jOFF mt. It· 1Nt I""" WIEST 11111 tlllt Mid flrl'll t. '°"""'" '6 cooperative hunting a r e.a s Grizzly Island will open 1 ICJ:L_se,AL,1 w ·A•lttt't Frinc:ls M.trtln. 21t D1hn1. llll 1011ow1,,. ~111ori, whDll prl11Cl,tlt •--·1 bi I d d t rf I ~ d t •·' . tnl"I ... ,, LEG" NOTICE "'" of bli•l11111 '* •• 11111owt· ~ause ava1a e un s an .on wa e ow Savu• ays pus Not1rvftub11c-c11110<'nl1 c1ron1de1M1t ...... · ,,, 11utln.• ""' A.rt.EA 1Ai111cy R .. reunttti{.9 manpo1ver cnn be utilized special pheasant-Only hunts on 6~~11CIP•~ °"i;,• In u~'11i:1:~ :r'~=10:.rn1, 1nc1 If· 1!111.,..,1"' AHoc11111) u1n AltOf!Cluln more effectively t>lsewhere. 3,GOO acrt'S of unfl oodcd land My nt":mm'%~1on Expiret no1Y1t of Publlc•1'°!_111e,reot~·~:,'k 11:, NOTica':o•ff.0 ,,01111 :;;.N~rs ~ ~~~119:! ';;~hd.;••~ · C J N 21 25 d 28 Nove...b•• 74, Jtn tn !hi crfllCt of ""' oun .. The Grimes area 1n ousa on ov . , . an . r>ubUlhe11 0,1~"• Cotst 011,., ,.1101 er1119, coun!Y. und•r ""prov1sron. et SUl'lllttoa cou:i OP'"' ~0~1i:TI! Sl!..ILJ County, previously operated as Fi ve national w i Id I i re November '· !3, 10. 17, 1.., 20.IM,: Sectl'T" ~-::of lh•~~I ::,,~··15th cl•'f ., ·::~·c:NC.:J''oP :•::.-AlllMY ""'"""''"'Vft ~ w1'tl be ""n as a -m •el"ges open in coope ration wi ,,. 1,.."w Ne .• ,...., Ent."'''"' M11Cllln, lne. a Cv·vl'• • u \.V • • • u . • . LEGAL NOTICE Ocloblr.RllPli F MtrTln IE•l•te of JANE l'ANCHON WILL.!IY G111ri1a W11Utmf, Pret. munity area this year and With the U.S. Fish and W1ldlt£e Publllhed o;.,... Co••f Dtll'f Pl)OI, Dtctllld. STATE 01" CALIFOlllNIA. patrolled by the DFG. The Service will be open only on ~411• Ottablr ' 16, ll. 30 •Ml Nov1mblr •• NOTICE IS MEllll!IY GlVIN to "" COUNTY OF OAANG!', .. Grimes area will be open to waterfowl shoot days. Th ey tl•T~~~~~l.iuf N•,..uJ~"111• 1"' inut g:ii1:irs~:tiat=•ci:ri:"!.:="i:; ,..°:,:11~::111~~~ ~·r:i.."k!d':~ the public as in the past. are Colusa Delevan Merced Ttie und"'•"llld • c•rtlf\' t!Mll' ,,. LEGAL NOTICE uild tllttdlnt '" rnulrM 10 111e """'· •-11• _._11, •-••• O.Ort• Pheasant Shoot Areas ' ' ' cond11Ctlnt I blltlnel.I It! 1240 Login Ave wlltl 1111 lllCtHlr'f VOllCt'len, In the Clfflc1 Wllll1rns k-to nw to bl 1111 Pl'ftldtrrt E th h th h t. f I d d l Five state wildlife are es -• Sutter, and Sacramento. ~0$11 Mea1, c11Hor1111, under •he 11c."' °' 11\it cltrll or 1~e above e1111t111d ceurt. " of 1111 «<PO••llorl t11t1 1xecu1e<1 t111 w1111o v en oug e unt1ng or up an game an wa. H Lak G Lod Tule Lake and L·o we r lltlous firm n•m• Of OltANGE COUNTY ........ TC::,2iT OP TMI IO "'-' llltm, wlrh tlMI lllCffMl"I 111 INfrvment Oii bfhllf of lllt m""ra!lon erfowl has not been as good as expected, t he forecasts oney e. ray ge, . . HOSE COMllANY '"" .11191 s•ld 11rm 1s "°' llWCl!e,... to The ~rodt•Jltned 11 111e olftu 111.,.t111 ,..1119c1, 1nl:r mnow*'tfcl 10 n\I for thlS• weekend and the remam· der of the season are Griu.ly Island, Los Banos and , Klamath national w 1ldJ1 re com'°'""' th• 1o11ow1"' .. ''°"" Wl'lcl11 STAT1•,•0•,,~'•'•°'o"r::.. flf 1111 Attomev1 WALLACE. aRow N & llllt •uch coriooritia. uKllled ""Mme. I I ill h ' • n•m11 In full •l!d PlotCH of "lldtnCI lrt TM 1' ClllAIN, bl Dover Orlw, N1_,i l11ch, In Wit-Wll•"°'• I P,,..,. tllteunlo r.et II t Mendota -will provide pub ic re uges w ave cer a1n If klll•w•: Ne .... .-, PITITIOM c11 ~. which 11 1111 Pl•n of 11ut1-. m' Mr111 '""' ,111~td nor o111c1ai 1111 ,,.,. exce en • · pheasant hunting. Honey Lake, areas ope n to pheasant hun-Jttvln G. Ctow~v. :m c1t1o11 An., MOTICI OP1 .',',"01,"'°w1~~ ANO POil flf th• ull(l1,,19roe<1 in 111 rt'l1tttr1 11er· N'f '"" ,.,;. '" 1111s crrt111un first 111ov1 More and more ducks and geese are wi'n~1·0g thei·r . . cos11 MQ.t, c1r11. nm Port 1>1to ,. .. 111111n1 io r11e 111111 of Mid o.ctc1en1. wr11111r1 in Lassen County, \viii Jim;;. ting on Sundays only. For•fll s. Ctowler. I03n Nl1hflr!f11r, LITTl11t1 T•ITM',!-N1•e:~MAH '"' w11111n four months 11i.r thl llt•t ...,. (OP',1C1A1.. •EALI \Vay doWn from the north and quail are provi ing some -------------------------1 Fou1111rn v111ey, c1111. moe. Est•t• of ""'""' ELMA Nl!WMAH 11c11klll of t1111 notk1. JACQUELINE J. oENsoH good Shooting in the drier }OW mountains Of Southern Otl!CI Ocl. 22• Ifft. known 11 MA1tY ' D1ltcl Ocllllllf' 21. 1Ht Nol1ry Pub!lc Clllloml.I J'"''" G. Crcrwter Dtc11•td. I EM ""' E. GENE Cl.llN Prlncl111 Office tn California, Fct..-11 S. Crowlrv NOTICE IS HEAEIY 0 V I AGmlnlirral!;>r of Jiii tl!llt Or....,t (OUlll'f If th ed, t /l 1 ) , • Stale OI C1lllcml1, Or111911 Cou"1Y'~ JAMES NFNMAff IMll fifed l\lrlln 1 lllt~ of Ille 1bovt "'""' clt«dflll MY Comml11I011 1Eulrl'$ e pr IC ed Storm for thtS Weekend hits US lo-' • On Oclcbtr 22, IHt, befo..-mf, 1 lion foir problll of wllt •llCI ~ lfl .. ~=.r WILLA(I, 11t0WN &. CllAIN Mll'Ch t, 1'1l ca~ then d ck h j 'II d ll b t th il d Notary Publle In •l'ld fOf' 11td Slttt, Ltlle•• Tffl1rnenl1tY '° I • 1111 Orter Oflft JOMN YllllTUI U un ers WI o we , u e qua an I Pe._,a11w •PH••td J1"'1" 6 • crowlev rfft.-.nce 10 w11rc1i ii ... ~•r• tor11111u11i:: "~ ._11,.c11""' 1617 Wfltclltt 0,., ,... • Ch ar hunters Will find the bifdS SC3ttered. " ".'. ~ llld Forrest S. Cr-ltY known Ill me lo p1rtlwl1rt, 1nd lllll .,,.. I ml I I tor T1h tnt) w.n;n NIWlllll't llMI!, C.111. tUM J 0 bf lh• wrsons whotl !WI"'" 1rt1 1ublcrlb-flf h11tlnt !Ill """ IMll blln •If Ati.nNn ,... "" Allll'lll'llstntll' .,......, ohn .sterc~mp of Newport Beach and Brawley 1-eda to the hw11111n 1nt1r-..1 •!Id No~bf, !:'J~r~~t3"N:·'1 .. iJ":l: PubU111M or•no• co.11 011"' P11e1, Pu1111111ec1 or1"" ,.,.,, oauy •uot. tnforms this wnter that the waterfowl population is (oF~1~~·~~At1, ••lltllltd ""' 11m•. ~~~o:;' 70D civ1c ,1111.,,. Or1v1 wut, OCtoblr '° '"" Novernoer " u, 10. 0cto11er 14 23. » 1ncr Howemlller '· currenUy as good as it has been in years near the Salton Mi ry "· Henrv 1to•""'" W•1t tth s1r1tt1 111 111e c1" o1 1• 20'IU • im 1~ S 0 k ' Not1ry Public • C•lifornl• Sonr1 An1. C1llfomti. LEG NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ea. ster amp looks to a good goose season as soon as Pr1nc1p1r oi11c1 '" 011ec1 Nowm11tr s, 1Nt. AL th f. t ' ~ bj th So th! l Or1n1e Count¥ W. E. ST JOHN, Ccun!V Clerk. e 1rs ma1or .-.~onns t e u and. M'f Commlulon E~Plre' KUlllLAMD••· SOLOMON. "•lllT OFFICIAL PlllOCEl!OINGS OF THE 110.IRO OF SUPERVISORS Hunting al. Big Bear and Baldwin Lake in the s a n Nov. 1~. itn Jios w .. 1 •-" t1M1. OF OllANGE ·couNTv. CALIFOANIA B rdln Pub1!1htd Oran~ Coa1t 01flw lllkll Mlnltlltlll, C1lllOl'1ll1 ""* Sanll .ln1, C1!1fornl1 erna. O mountains has been very slow and very ,I october 2l, JO 1nd Novem~· '· 13.' Tll: ou1 1U-6Jll oeioblr H. 19'\t !ew birds ha · ed t I · h th b 'rd h 1'6t lt""'9 Atto•M'I'• 1" Prilllllllf' A •IOultr mll9llf\O ot 1~1 Botrd ot supetviJOr• 01 Ot•r191 county, c1111ornlt. 11.._ Ve 3ITJV 0 Tep enJS 0Se I 5 S Ol Put1!11~'1:1 Or1n9e COltl OlllY ll lkll, 111tlnt 11 fll1 Glwtnlntf lotrd of Ille O!J!rl1:1J iOV .. n..:I by ll'lt &Gird (If SUPI" over the opening. LEGAL NOTICE NctvtmM• '· 7, IJ, lfft 204.2.ff wttor1. Wlf tlltd OCtobll' •• lNt, II t ::ID AM . TIM IOllOwlng Mmtd -moers R rt f LEGAL NOTICE 11111111 pr•1nt: Wm. Hlrsttln, Chtlr-n1 ltlllltl W. 11111111. Dlvld L. Biker, epo s · rom the Kern National Wildlife Refuge w1ui.m J. PhlU1J11t, A•tvn 1 . 1111111nc1"" clOl'll.. and W'ste al fi th t th b'rd I · IAll UIJ Mwte•ffl *' 1111 Col.Int'( 1r1 '"'"'""' 11111 A11M1n 1uttiortzt11. C.ncrll.ltlM I r so con nn a e I popu ation is tak-MOTICI TO C••CltTO•S IA• !111 of "'"· ptlllltln .,,. IU .. rnfnl ~II dllnv-t .,. 9r11111C1. C1rtlln Ttlcl , ... Ing its time in rebu1'ld1'ng SU Pl!lltlOI( COUIT OP ™' •••1t• TO Clltl!OITOllll llolldl .,. U-t•i.d. PlnOIWMll Miiiers .,. •PPf'OVllll. Pllf'dllM of '" ac:counu.., • ITATI OP CILIP01tNll PO• tUP•lll•o• COUlllT-ff THI lllldllftt~fl.-a~;-Ml""'"11 ·of-tlle-Trlf11c-c-i11w "'"'lnl-hltd 1111 October Jerry Stevenson of Santa-Ana, manager of some of.. --TMe COVNTY Off ORANG• ITITI OP CALll'OIMIA POil 17, lfft, ,,.. ·~tct. c.naln Mldk-11 Cll'lllr chi,.. ,,, tteluced. """''' °" Orange COQllty's fineSt pn'vate clubs, says that the wa-.. ~ " 1 , tit c"H';..,•,-,, ,-0 0 0 L, H TH• couNTY OP 01111.,..• !Ill ucMlft t•rlc.lb 1•rvk1 •I lh• •Ir..,. 11 ,..1 ..... p1,11111c.11on 01"" '""°,,,. ' 1 1 e ,.. A"'411t In Ille Orlntt C-tr EWl'IJnl H:IWl ll 1ulhorl1!111. tteportt 1r1 1ulllorl1te1 on tetiowl are moving in, in increasing numbers and that • :tg~g· ~=··::~"CHARLES•. e1111e of Avis G. GltSON, o-.i. "" ~11 t11 "" Cypr .. P•rk 1r111 11t1UM11or1 oi.1r1e1 i. borrow mOl'I,,. •nf be looks for !bi's season to be the best i·n many' years. NOTrCE' iS H;~ee·y GIVEN .._ ,.,,., NOTICE 1s HE.11t1Eav 01veN to tM "' "" r11m1iurstfl'llflt e1 11111111 •rttc11i1. E.ll'motlon of 11,,,. tor • r•POr• on '" c,...11orf or 1111 1bov1 "'""" fttlftllt Cf\1'911'111 ,...m11 •NI l'ffll•I ,_ 1111' llOll •I.,. la frlni.il. lltlgllt M Wty conrracts =r:11H~n!~111~t::9c~~mM d~ .. I lllil •11 Pef'<ll\I hlVl"I cl1lm• "'!NI !Ill for N.wport Ave,. Slftti.,. Cln)"ll ft.d, Incl lllll Miii Aft. Ire lllPfO\'ld. Con-Y!ll0WTAIL ADD SPICE TO LOCAL FISHING m• -.... 111d dfc:tc11111 •••requited 1o tt11 tllln'I. •trvd1o11 bonc11 •re ·~· Tiii ..,.....1 '°' erotectlw 1l'Ollc in.1111111M tor llld dtctdll'lf ,,. r!Clulred to 1111 1t11m, wllll IM rttc11MIY 'fOl,ICl\ers, Ill the .ma Slrltl"° Crwll: ChlNlll It ,_,,. ..... L1fuM llldt f\111 t1r11k """"'"'' I• A good run of yellowtail is currenUy on band I o r anglers drivin_g down to Oceanside reports Bob Hemp of Oceanside SportfisWng. ' • Area landings are fishing for bass. bonit6 and bar- rqcuda, but most anglers are filling their sacks with rock cod. • tFunny Car Busine~ ~100,000 Job for Racer , ; 'LONG BEACH -Thea, ~ays,~"11eft ba,.bsll sluggers end football behtmoUu mall• :i.eadllnn algnlnc $100,JIJIO COii• , it seems 1trang.e a man make that kind o! -money drivlnl a i•tunn1 car." ;! But that1s Just what Danny o(Jnpll has a chance to do this )<u, says Mld!17 Tllompson; •ho ,....,.... Ille llltUtanp Jyhlcb he drtvu -or, mbre ~ly, alms -down the !';~.., .. Id Hawlllan la 'llu'-1 and calm ., be lit& In iie cockpit of Ille j>UltoUlll l!>adltne, 441 yanfl ol ~ gtretcbea out bef1m them and ~ chllenger In uot.her ruru;r car betide thtm. About seven seconds lat~r nun and machine, seemingly fuHd Into one, blur across the finish line -with Ongai.s and the blue beast almost Jn. vsrlibly the winners. The name funny cars .ls a holdover from the days when tbey looted tl>al way, with lbelr ttsr wbetls pushed quite a bit forward for better tr11,c- lion and speed. - Now they lend lo looll much like the averase · YQUrt'*r's cir -except up clo.se. Then ·lh•ir potential fttr7 becomt1 obvtous ; the f•t, flat, soft rear llrts and the bellowlng englnt. PRIZE WINNER Milford Dohl ol Tustin walked oi! \\'ith a ne'v fi shing rod after catching of this 7·1b. yellowtaii durlng lh• benefit derby !or the Orange County Association for Retarded Children. Action took place on the Clem ente, from San l(l•mente Sportflshing. ~ with !Ml llKWlr'I' YOUC!\er&, 111 ltltl Clffl" ot ""' Cllrli: of Thi llloYt tlllllleCI t'(lllr'I, II' tpptOYtcl. Plfl S!lllon flcltttllt ..... •1111 ..,. (llJ' ot L• Pllfl'll II 1pptoved. of lfll cl trtl of llll 1bclvt entltllcl COl.lrt, ., to prfllflf lhtrn, wtll'I 111t neen11o11"1 Trtcl M•PS ire rtctlvtd ind 111Ptollff, Afr'lll'l'*ll for l1tr11t Line lrTlpto,,.. lo Pn!fenl llitm, , wlrh !he llKflllf'f vNChtrt, to 1111 un1tnl1/\ld 11 lM olllct• mtnll Is lpjll'O~ld. ROid 1trNrntnll tor SIM Cln"ttn Av1. Ind 111111 HU1 Avf. ':a~~~; ~-~ &"t:':i'.i:"A~! c/CI of MITCN&LL, HART & lllUSCO, au ire IPP""'ld; l'lvlng of The dflOllr •f O!!w Hltl Ad. ll •lllhorl1M, A ttudy 11 ' • ""'""''• Civic C111llt Orlw wnt. $11111 22S. $1nll 1vltlorf1td on llll POtflb!t conw1nlorl of countr tlllvy tllll!Pfnlr!I lo vtr or 04° CampuJ Drive, ff._rt l!INch, Ana. Ctlllof'l'lll, '2701, whlth ts Ille ,tltc• netura1 91t. C-ld•••llOl'I of 1 mor1torlum mil tM pvrc:hi$1 ot ,_ vllllclfl 1• Cellf:'nla, whlcll 11 llll •l•u of hu$1ft111 of butll'llH of '"' u!IClf'ilen.cJ In •ti m•t· ,...,.hid. ·N--1 OVnn sla!efl'ltfll ot ,,... rH;1lptt It rac:1lwed. lttort "" flf 1 • ulldert ltMd ln •ti ll'llllet1 "'" l«• -l•lrtlnl IO thl 111119 o1 ••llll dtc• l!lulldlnv Ptrmlt 1nd Plln Ch11<1i; 'en b r1«IYlll. •ffllll1 1111 th• u•• of Th• :i'~r: ~0.j~e ~'';.... 111 .;:.Id ~~ d111t, w11111n fOlll' mon111s 1tttr the 11r11 •~1$11119 Mlfllc1I Centtr Aclll• u111t ll n<elWlll. Cit'( 11 Nrwpen lltdl lllegutra fl'\lll llclllon of !hi' n"ot1c11. ' ,v111ullon Of !lllt l'IOllce. Htvlcn •9t•nwnt 11 1pp.1'1Wd. Amllldmtlll lo 111-lullorl No. ,._,,, I• 1uthor• 01tte1 Od i1 •H• 01hld Octoblr ~1. !Ht. IHid, LHM '"""""'"'' w(!h c. l'l'llttr tor fbllll -.. 9"f'lllln •t "" •ltpOrt Vlrt1ir11i'L FiorG C. CHl!STIEA IRISCO 11 •PPtOwld. At,...,.....! wllll Plclltlll ldlllC• tor ""°""'-Irle lln'ktl Ofl .1dmlnfirr8trb of' 11\t I t I Admllllll"lo!' (TA of Ille Will OIO Crttl II 1ppt0Wtt. Ult ti! llOrld h.!Mt fw llrr111t1 Chi-I Is IUl!llrlUd . 01 ""' eboYe •med d •e: 11 OI !hi ...... 111mfd dktdtnt F .. 111111111 lludT of I wlltrlllld ptOteetlol'I ..,.Itel II 111111or111id. Tttcl No. ms IOll!lltTSCIN MOWS•• • OA'iu~o MITCHILL. MAlltT. llllSCO POl'fOrm•nc:• bonlls ,,, ••11111111. Cfflf11t! w!'ttt S.tllll'I l'fllirlMrll'll eor,. '°' 1241 eem ..... '0,iv1 "'""""'" 11 Law .1o111111 ••lld! '""'"""'".,.," l• ll!llroved. •-' 111 .,,_.., ''"1111s11nwn1 11 1n· N-rt tll(ll CIKllrflli 611 Cl'tle c.-r Drift Wnt undlratouncl Utllltr llrll mil llll Ctplftr-9-11 OC•n f!Wl'lf i. llffhOrlttd. C-Tlf· 0 1') 54 .. 5... Suitt m •ln.ICllDn Of I pnpoitcl pllOf Ctltlllllll, '""'"'"' V1lley ~I. It ·~! •ltft111r1 ,., Adll'l lnl•l•••tlJ SI~!• Aft .. Cllttflli• n tt1 FOWier Eq\itpnwnl COl\'lfllnv .. l llfl'lorlllill pfi'lfl*ll ,.,. 111--c .... Stor'" Publ!sllld Or•ll9 t COll'l OillY Pllol Tll: 111() UW20t dll'l'lllf ttPl lr. IOI''"""° of fl#llh fier llll Llo\llll ~ U11Htlll Scheol Ofttrlc'f Ocloblr 23. 30 •l!d N ~ , 13 ' A"'""'" lw "*"'lelJ!r•llr 11 111lhorl1..:I. Pn>PQ1e0 cor>fln.lcllllll contrtcll ''' '"'"*'Ind. Clrtll" <*'IJlrvd lon IHt °" t 1;.7'4f Publl11\1d Or11111 COISI Olll'f Piiot, COflfl"IC:ll Ira l .... rded, An ttellllect .. s.eltc'*I ,... lllt Df!Mr!111111t If l!lllVCllfon ---7;;;;;;;:--;;;;:;;;;;;;;-==1'."~·=-~"~'c't·1·:·~~~·~·~"-'I~ ... ~~~"'~'·~' lultd"". Ctrllol'I C:r'llll: CM-I IE~ °'" .. •lltl'!etlltd, Sll\ttfldl Clll)'Glf LEG ., NOTICE " · Rd. •1111 Ollft Mlll ••· lrlillllef contrlC't blat .,.. "ttctM. Orft,._. No&. n n. ~ LEGAL NOTICE 7112 ,,,. JUJ' ''' .._..,, Mlllullollt to '""' Lfltlllnt MllrlleMnc• Dlstrld No, 11, Vertie Llnll• •ncl PllCMtlfi l llftlllll orurkll .,, 111 tor helrlf'll. CHl•ln -T-.nn ------::-:=:-----·IVt1tr1nt Admlnl1t11ftoti .... f!ltolil .,.. ctttlenll •• ..,.,~1t1o11 •rid tr .. tl'!ltlrtl SUP•11tro1 COU•T 01"' TM• ,... (tll!trs. The lfttl!'lll'I °"''· (I ... 4111ertntt """ II ~llllld. A C••h Olff .... ITATa. 0, CALIPOlllPUI P.01t Cl"TIPICATll OF tUSIN ISS. tnct Fu,,. II 11t.•U11111f fW 1111 Plllltlc Mm]fllt"•IW'I Ollf. A•llclt11n 10 !Ill TNI COUNTY OP OlltANOll PICTITIOUS NAM I 1.Al'C tfOlrdlf\O jll'Olllltllf -111111 II lhl M•nchlflt!' C"'llr com,1111 to llllo Me. A"'4MI The unclersll'rtld lloff terllf'f $ht 1J '°"' City of Ofll'IM ll 111'1"~· 1119tMllll rtOlrdll'll nltmiol'I 11 ~1111 Hmli•llCl!I HOTICa OP Ml!AllNG OP PITITION ducllnt I 1Mln1» II , •• Ne""'°'! llvd .. Wllllln R.,llnll .P1rto.1 19 ...... P:lrt llflll Lk_, """""'"' wllll N. F11ml111 ,0. PllOIATI! 01' WILi.. INCi ,.o. CC•I• Mtu. CtlllorM•. Ui'Wlef' !'If! 11':· It c11K•11•. C1rrr.,owr Of ,--1111111 "'"" fOr rtt'Kel'!lel'll of l'ltTt\ffcl wr111 Ll!TTI•• T•ITIMINTA1tY llllout firm n-"' MARGAllll!T Miit· lllldtf11row.d l•dl!t 1$ IUlllDrh. ... OlrlK!tn .,. '*'""" .. 1111 Svrfsldt CO!Onr Est1l1 Of HENlllT HE AM .IN TON't .INTIQUll 11!d 11111 111111 lltm 11 SJOrm W1!1r l'totloellen. Surlf1" ~ny hrlrktt 11111 T11111r! W1'-t' Olstrkts. WINKLl!lto O!nlffd. ~ of llW toll1Wl11t ·--WheM H'"""1 A~·· limll'*'!I oem.111 "-.....,....,.., ........ "-.. Alltltrnl Sult NOTICE 1$ l'IElll EIV GtVEN ,.,.,,, ANN lllnw. In tun fllf 1111<• ol .... -.u II ... 11111 «"'•'" 1vlllfn0bllt !N"'111dllfln i. llfl'*b:lll, ... 1111 ... of c~ M, WIHKl f 1t I'll' 1111'11 htreln 1 Pflillotl II lollowl: dlllell Incl A.WKlfilltll tr• .. tell'. Trtlltlw• ti! flllllt fir ,,... OllnOI .lJ!llU~ for ~®-It Of wllt 11111 tor lllu•nc:• t1f Mlrgar tl ll1rton. ;430 HeWHrf l lv'lll .. khetl Ol1trk! Is 1ulhorl1M. K. l'r11'1k Is """"""" 1'1111 W 0.-. Cill'lmll1loNriot L•lllr$ Tei11,,,.,,11..., to 11tt Htltlonlt (OJI-Melft. C111t. Tl>t •Ofnl ldle..11'1111111. ,. •Pltfllll(f lo Wll\dl Is l'lllldl lcr fUtlhtf 01111111 Oct. 11. Ifft w. (. IT JOHN Hrllcubtr1, tnll 11\1! "" tlmt 1nc1·1111c-. M01'11~1 61rto11 CIOl'tl: .i-4111 llOl'9 OI &u~llon of hMtln1 lilt 1ll'!MI 1'1•$ bffll ttt 1or ll~!t ol C~tftornl~. O•tllllf Cnuntw~ OFFICIAL PllOCEE01NGS 0,. TH! 101~0 Qt' SU,llllVllO U. N-ovtmber ,l, IHt, II •:xr '·"'·· '" "" On 10-U"t btlort mt, I Nbl•ry l"llbUt OF o•ANGli. 'OUNTY, CALIPOfi.Nl.f. ceurtrwm (If OIM tllt\lnl No. 1 8' Mllll Ill •llCI fol' Mid "•"· ....-11., ..... red Stnt• ""'· Cllrtl),... CWr!, ~I ~ Civic C111ttt Ot!W WPS!, M1r1artt l •r!Oll k!IOWll lo mt IO Ill 11\t OCl'etter tt. 1Ht llOfl!lfT!'/' WUI Elfl'llll $1rtt!I Ill !Ill (ll'f ""°" wlll:h.• "'"" •• •vblc:rlbed " "" " l'llUllt ""'''"' " ttta ... ,. .. h PtrV!WI f/f Or#lle COllllY, (lllflr11l1, ,, .. r:i1 $1nt1 A~I. C1llfe<rtll. wltM1> lnl!t•-ftl 11111 ltk-ltCltM llll 11111111 1$ !hi OOv•t~lnt IMrd If lllil Dlslrltlt 90,;.,rn.o tty !Ill '""' of s-,.. 01!!Cf O(tt)bfor ,ta. lfft. ...CIA J the Sll'lll. ' Vfltff, w•t lltllll OCICIOlt ~. !Mt, 11 ftllll AM, Th• follllwlt'lf Nl'lllll ~' w. E. ST JOHN, Cou111'f Cllrk. rSIALl kll'lf ""'"': W.,,. Hlnltlfl, Clltlt1Mn1 ..... w. lllflrl. Dl\'111 L. l•kt r. I OWAlll CI WACMlllT Jol•Ph •. Div!, wtn11111 J. ftllut .... Allon IE. Alltn""' ""Cte111., M16 Cl-llllft Aft-N1••tv l'ub' ~ Terrlttr' I• 111nt1ecl '-fhl TWlll'I L!IMll'll Ottlrl«. Thi ,,_.., Oii llfllflllll'llf'lt H11fttln1ll" Ptrll. CIMeflll' ttUf (1llfotttll ffrlntlNI Olf!'Ct 19 COl'lllllt ..... 1 ""'!I'll! No. C·lMf II ....... Tiit rlQ\lell fOI" lmiMlll OllMll'I !ft Ttl: nnl M>flM °''"'' COvl\lr i... ,,,, C!'fflt K Mll .... It -1e11. Orllltl c-" """'"ll fllll\ N•. HA • Allwnn,.... ~1111ie-Mr. ~t""_''..<'lfl _EJCPlt!L -IJ!Pr!:t!!i. ''" l otl'll llltu•~fll, , Ptib!lt~td °"'"'' Cott'! o.rrv Pllol, ""Jli'if"11.l~ w. '· IT JOt-Ot Odlllltt JO. J1 '"" Hovemblr 6, IMt JO'V· Publlttwd Ot1nol Cot1t 01U1 f"l1ct. _ Clt1l II 1111 lo1rl 11 S~tl~ ff OCI, 11. ,,. II), 11!d Nov, .. ltff 11,.,., l'u1111thtd Ortl\fl (Ot$f 0.!IJ' ,llol, NO'ttll'lblr '· IN' 204Mf • ·. ' ,_ " " ' . ' " " I ,, ' ' • 7:1 1., " .. ' " .. -it 1' I t~C ' ,. . . ... . . .... ' \. .. ... . .... ·, . . 1UMBLEWEEDs-----'-""-By Tom K. Ryan SALLY I ANANAS "THEN HOW IN IJLAtES '00 VOO EXPECT1tl LEAD US 'THERE?! 11 ., lj ~~-----~----.. • TV -DAILY LOG TH UR S D AY NOVEMBER' I ', I ", I \ (. i:OOI ~News (C) (60) Jmy Dunphy. ~ , m Hw1111it-lrl11kltJ (C) (60) • st.I Alltn Show (Cl (90) P&t ' • Henry, 811f Weeden, David finkle, 1 BUI Dal!J arid Mary Poma 1uest. . . . D PHILIP CAREY-"THE * TIME TRAVELERS"! 0 Sl1 O'CIKk Movie: (C) "'The tr .. Trnlllltf1" (sd·li) '64-Phitip Clrsy, Praston foster, Mtrry An!Ws. Scientist de11elop np1riment1I equip· mini lo help them ob~e thl! pa~ 1111! future, and tbey 11e IC· cidenl•llY lraruoorted 107 yean lnlo lhe future, wfle1e they art it· tac ked by the mutated survivors ol 1n atomic war. I Ok~ Yu Dyke (JO) Peyto11 Pllu (30) stir Tm CCI (60) (}) Mlt.1 Oout1n (C) (90) W!l.lt'a New? (30) "And Na111 Mia:url." l mw ""' 1t1 !lOI fliM111 dt P11don (30) lhn (C) (60) Jtc k Hickey, i:JOI MIC Nnsmica (CJ (60) · • Thi '''" ;1111e (C) (30) , T1 Tell tlM Trvtll (C) {JOI • Offlu of Ille Pmkltnt (30) 00 HunU.,.Brtn•lef (t) (JO) : Thi Praldlnt'1 Mtn, 1969 (C) (JO) I (JJ Thi Mul!lfm (30) Notidtro 34 (C} (60) News (C) (lO) 7:CID 1J CBS Ewenin1 Nen (C) (30) W1lttr Cronki\f. I Wbaf1 My l int! (C) (3il) I Law lllCI' (30) .. I t1i1 Clock (C) (30) Co1111nodity/Slotk R1port (JO) (i) Tiit A111trit111 West (C) (301 ft:)liin! (30) 19 (i) Trutll 11r Cclnwquenus (C) -(JO) in Tn11 Mftntw1 (C) {30) (D TUI l lrl (Cl (30) 1:JO II Qt (I) F1111ilf Atf•lr (C) (30) Buffy brt1ks her leg i nd misses a ni&flt 1t the circus. bul the OaY1s ' family 1nd Fandl bring the tlrtus to h•ri ~ MUSICAL SPECIAL! -Jr "Debbie Reynolds And The Sound of Children" '• A Delightful Treat! 9:00 ' tr, Irene Hervey, Clifford David, l1ur1 Miller 111d Ew McVeagh co- slar. Les Angeles Rams quartt1· back" Joh n Kent (Davlitson) ena:aaed lo 1 wealthy Ameri<an airt (Miu Miller), mnts an o iled Ruuian p1111tesli (MtU lee) when he ln· herits a Parisien tas11ion salon. Hi1hli(hti ng 1he program Is a tom· plete fashion show of designs bf rrench coutu11er Hubert de Gi· Vt.rtt;hy. 0 Bo•ina: (C) (90) o ClJJ rn m aew11ehtd (CJ (30) "A Bunny for Tabitha." Sa m1 nth1 and Dairin celebrate Tabitha's birth· d~J wllti a few unwelcomt and 11ninv1tcd auell$-a rul donkey and an ersatz Pla)'bny bunny. The uninvited 1uests are "brousht by Un,la Arthur {Paul Lynde) when his warliKk powen a:o awry, juY before the arrival of two more un· invited iuesb-Dmin·s boss and 1 client m Oi,id rrott (C} (90} Singer. tttor George Jessel: comic-singer Ro'f Har11s, eeto.r Ro.bert Forster, ;ctrei.s Verna Bloom and director Ha1kelt Wexlt1 of "Medium Coal"; ;:nd ~nger Richie Hivens gue~L m The Big VaUt)' (C) (60) Ft) SlgebrllSh Thea!•e (60) Eil NET P11yllous1 (C) 190) "!Heim. s~11ng!~! Of, Th~ Stoned Angels.~ T~e d'scovery or Nc:rlh America bv Leif Ericson ~s envisioned by P.iul foster. The prngram makes 11-;i or 1 new television techni11u1 c'lltd "videospate." Tom O'Hot· g~n (or "Hen") di1'tls and !ht periormers are liom Elle n Stewart's l a "b ma Troupe. €rl Mu~!t1 y Utrt l!as (C) (30) 0 Frank Sinatra * Dea n Marti n "4 FOR TEXAS " CBS THURSDAY MOVIE 0 ~@ CBS Thursday Movit: (C) "four tor Texas~ (comedy} '63 -Fran~ Sln~tra, Deen Marti n. An!!a O!>eig. Urtul a Andreu. An a111uslng talt nf ri~alry between a p'ir of rowd1 Rambl1?1"1 in t~ft Did Wes1 who 111 tonlsant1y at odds wi!h each other over money and women. O @r:a) CD Tom Jones tC) 1601 Conn11 Stevens, She<:.ky Green, M~tt Monro and The ModdJ Blues rod sirouo cuest. (D Elitometro (JO) 9:10 Cl News (C) (30) 6~11~r Ward. ffi Ht Slid, Shi ~id (t)-(30) f.E Rawhide Roundup {60) al Musltat Osslrt (30) 10:00 0 @ (6) m Defn Martin IC) (60) Guests ar& Bin g Crosby, [va Gabor, Jack Gilford and Oom D•· turse. O @ @ m IJ!ICllC! Dtbbl• OIDHews (CJ (601 ll1J1101ds 111d the Sound of aiildr111 0 (f1J CIJ ffi It J"•k.n a Thiel (CJ (C) (60) A musical and visual (60) '1he lhree Virgins cl Rome.~ ad1pl1lion of the lamillar rtryme Alexander Mundy, assigned lo PIO· wflich slaris ··Monday's child is fair tect f~rte priceless paintings beina: •, of lxe/Tuesday'a child Is lull or shipped from Rom1 as a donation • r tract ... " afld continllel lo iden· 10 th• UN in New York, discovu1 ' tify ch ildhood qualities c.onnecled that his h ther Alistair end also on1 111ith thl sewen days of Ult week. of the donors. Oliwer Kent plan to Dt'bbit is joined by chUdren ran& ~teal them. Edmund Purdom, Karin i~ from toddttts lo tetn11ers. I Dor and V-IC!or Buono rues1. The ~ U stulllJ tilt stars (C) (3011 telepley was l1lmed ·in Rome. , Geo1ge Lindsey. Ailene Goll!flka •nd, (;)Della! (C) (60) Tentatinly Jack Dadson cuert. • sc..~eduled 1utsls include Eileen 0 @ (}) ffi TlL1 Ghost ind Mil. 1 ronlana 11111 Or. Juliu1 Sumner Mil· Muir (C) (JO) "Medium Well Done." le1. Shirley Booth llJHts as 1 medium m Pttry Mason (60} w111oc:lai~s sh~ ca~it Gull Cottage ffi The Adwut~s (C) (&0) (R) 0 M~°;onr$uM~~: s(C) "A Tidlish EE C11cel de Mujel"es (JO) Afta W-(romance) '63 -Shirley1 11o:JO EE C1istin1 Guzma~ (JO) Jones. Gia: Young. I Tnrth OI' Con»qutl!Cn (C) (JO) 11:00 § 0 0 fl] News (C) Judd lor the Dd1nst (C) (60) AUnd Hflthtoc~ Tecllnlcll: Cornll' (30) • NFL Gamt of lh1 WHt (C) Ttie1trl Bui (C) (JO) "A OJ Dul!r Limits WhlS?lf ln God"s Ear." Samuel Birn· [17) (Y1 ~ (6] QJ, flJ N1w1 (C) lr1nt'1 pt1r is pftfiOfmed by thCl e?J W ct) Hews (C) Stage Sodely Tl\1alr1. fII Chucho rl Rolo (JO) (:DO 0 ~ (j) Jim Nabors flour (t) , (60) Opera ster Mary Cos1a end l comedy stir Tim Conway guest . IJ JK' B1nnf (30) Dorl Wilso n • and Dennis Day 1uest. ll;JOO ®r&lMert Griffin (C) Pro- cram orl~·nate~ frti!Jl the lnttrna· l•ona1 Hotd in las Vegas, Nev. Gle n Campbell. Marty Allan. Rlth· 11d Dawson and Ooroth~ Mortison a1e schedultd gues1i. 0 1_1 00 al Johnnr Carson CCI rrt;f!am· l)l"iein.1l!s in B~rbank. Cal. G THAT GIRL writes? Sdltduleitrguub include Carol Wayne, Genrse Raft. Rebert Slraus.s. * funniest Show tonite I 0 M°'ie: ''J~ MacBeth" 1111,,.. ' Stars MARLO THOMAS terrJ ·~ -P1u1 0ovg1n, Ruth . 0 @ (l) aJ Thal ;1r1 (C) (JO) Roman. "Write Is Wrona." A.nn 1pprcves or 0 'f?J £3"' CD Joty Bisllop (C) Oon Hollinau's lelevi~on script. 11 Danny Tho"las guests in 1 special sta1Tfog Vlhld1 IM llef about her! two.ma n .V.ll'W with ffly. Illini snowed in al Ktnnedy A11 0 MOYit: (C) "Ail Allah" Ta Rt. port, until It is rewf itlen br !ht/ membtt" (d11ma) '57-tar); Grant, Jhow's Miler. William Sch11ltt1 Debo11h Kerr. 1ues1s IS Harry Cook, TV producer. (!) Mo~ie: "Ills Uetlltncy'" (dra· I Qvten for a Day (C) (30) ma) '56-Erit Portman, Cecil Park· Georp .lttM4 ~r. Wtlhinpn Wee\ in Rwltw (C) 130) 12:00 m Movit: "Rinp 1n HH flna:tr'" Oi) f.rlclal!OI (t) (30) l;Omedy) '42-HeO'J Fonda, Gena tlerner • .,,. Ct Chrysler Presents Bob * Hope in ROBERTA with .John Davidson -Janis Paige -Michele Lee 0 @ ~et! I I JI Ult I Bolt Hope Sllow tc) (90) Bob HttPfl, Jan~ P1ige. Midtelt let ind .lohn 01~\d ton star ln 1 new wt15lon of the Jerome Kel"n·Dlto Hartladl musical comtdJ, "Robtrl1." Alm Shotm••· FRIDAY , . ....;D:::A;:;YT~I M;::E:..::M::O'°'Y::IE;;;S_ l:GQ D 'tiirl Cr11J" (ccmedYl '4C - Mltkry Rooney, Judy li11l•nd. t:io 0 "AhrtMI Ill 1111 l lYtl" {lllU• 11~1) '40-91111 Crosby, Mirr Mir· ''· lO:OD 0 (Q "A lhl 1.ror1 DJ(n&'' (m)'l J;OO E1 t.!ovit; IC) "Ri1 t , tonuame" (wfslern) '59 -R1ndolph Stott, Karen Steele. ao•-(C) 0 Cornrnunltf Ban1t!n Bot1d rt) Q) M°'lr. "Rlol ln Jimnl11 Prison" !dum1) '$9 -Mucla Henderaon, Dor~thy Provln!, Scott Marlow•. 1:30 m A"·Nl1hl Sllo'llf! '1ht CQ1 ~ Gold," "the lnvuion ot tlll Vamp. lrn.'" i nd "Pott's Pub." lerf) '56 -Jlob11t-w1rnef, JOaiii\e: Woodw1rif, m "S"ll'am(J Waler" (mystery) '41 -D1n1 Andrews, Anne B&dar, lZ:DO 0 "lflt Ttt1n Mtth Ca1uni!J Jane" (we$lcn1) ·~.i.'llu Elliwn, tvttrn Anklrs. 2:30 D (C} "Lind If "" Ptl1110fts" (111vtnt11re) '55-J1c1I H1wk!na, Join Collins. 4:30 Q "/AttMI" (td1•r.i!,,tt1) •bZ-l?ob· tr! ~dlum, Jtnt Rlmfil. ~ PERKINS JUDGE PARKER l l ·t.. STEVE ROPER YOU MUST WEVER. FORGET, RODNEY. THAT YOUR G~NO· FATHER'S LAST THOUGHTS WERE OF YOO/ MUTT AND YES, WHEN J TOOK HIM JJ.OME LAST Nl6MT, ME SAID HE WAS GOtlo/G 10 DEPOSIT ~ 7000 IM YOUR t-IAME, FIRST TMIJ.16 TOr>A'Y.' JEFF WAITER, WHAT ARE S11:lNES? 'THESE STONES t>OIN ' IN MY OYSTERS? GORDO • MISS PEACH IN CASE-UH SOME• l"HJMG HAPPENED TO HlM .. ·HE OION'T WAHT 'OJ TO PUT OFF STARTING TO COLLEGE Wlft.E HJS \W.L By Saunden and Overgard )"KNow, ROO HOWEY/•hWITH ALL N'-T MOWEY-N<NI WE COULD•·• I KNOW I SllOIJLDH'T BRING IT UP~T A ME LIKE THIS- 8UTH• ....,,..S SEIMG PROBATED/ M"~<' By Al Smith WMO ORDEIUD PEAR.LS? I'M LOOKING FOR o~ By Gus Anlola Iv Charles la"°!" .i . : ~ i .. • J ' PUZZLED PRINCESS -Bob Hope tries to instruct :'. a Russian Princess, played by Michele ~e, in the•;1 techni~e of. "talking like a Dutch uncle" 1n a sceno from the musical "Roberta" tonight on Channel 4 at 8:30. The new production of a 1933 movie also features John Davidson and Janis Paige. TELEVISION VIEWS What Is Too Much? By CYNTHIA ·LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Rowan and Martin, seen• · every week in their own show, soon will be seen in a TV special. Johnny Carson, v~ible, .most of ~e'"" time, six nights a week, soon will be m a speetal ..... Aren't weekly or daily exposures, plus guest shots, • enough? ::-;: "I don't know about the other:;," said Portia Nelson ''but Debbie Reynolds has a special because.• 1, it was itiade before she was involved with her week-.... Jy comedy !eries.'' '"" "DEBBIE REYNOLDS and the Sound ol Chil- dren" was shot last January and. Miss Nelson s~id,:,;; turns up on NBC tonight because the sponsor waited until it could be broadcast in a felicitous time period: •· And felicitous it should be, since it comes just before Bob Hope's ~minute adaptation of the musical ... comedy 'jRoberta." .. ~. Miss Nelson -actress, composer, singer, writ~··. er, nightclub performer -is an authority on the show since she wrote it -dialogue, words and music. It is pegged on the familiar rhyme that starts "Monday's child is fair of face," and con..·~ tains more children than "The Sound ol Music" an<t "The King and I" combined. ,., ''A COUPLE of years ago'a friend gave me a. .... bracelet chann for my day, Thursday •. . . works . hard for a living' and that gave me an idea for a:~ musical show/' explained Miss Nelson. HThen another friend read it and said it was·:·· lust the thing for Debbie Reynolds who was looking .. or a soecial. Debbie read it, Jilted it -and that was it.'i ::· IN AN extraordinary expression of intermural"" amity, NBC will help launch a rival series SaturdaY ~ afternoon. The series is called "Sesame Street" and .... is a foundation -and government·underwritten project. lt will be seen on almost 200 educational .. ~ TV stations starting Monday. The NBC' show, mostly for parents, \vill be a preview of the cartoons, puppets, film and other .. segments which, it is hoped, will entertain and edu;·· cate very young viewers. By using television's most common selling device -commercials Jong have"' fascinated the youngest viewers -it is expected~"· that preschool children will learn numbers, letters .. and get ideas of their own. Dennis the Menace i 'JTiCAUiDT!llMIS'. MR.Wll.$OIJ ~010 PQ.Y IT 1 ""-Allli II' eor OIO .llf ~. • ' ··- • -------------~----------- ft DAILY Pl\.OT ~.-•.t"' ! I " t 0 ••w•1.e-B••11iar1u1"---------. Z8a Zsa Showing '.~pirif.. • In Noel Coward Comedy_ . . By~ ----~or ... "'"' ,..,.. .,... , That blithe spirit Zsa Zea Gabor LID't going to wln any aCt!n& hclnofa for her sultry , role In Ille Noel Coward play . of lhe aame name but she does ' Import to Ille Ume1es1 Coward ... clalllc what abe wu, we atroall1 I U I p e C ~ bind to ' deliver -Ille dluy but ddidoul femlnlnllY thal b IO much her )lallmark. ' Superbly pwnec!, dmllllgly ' bejenled and <1readl\llly prompted. Zia Zia talcea on a role In lbla HlllllinllOD Harl- . ford -procluclloo thal mlal>l wen have been written ·lo< lier. u Coward liad put bfl ;_...able ocrlpl togelber In , recent yean he would have · had a hard llme convincing today'• pbygoera thal be didn~ have1 the bugable IDJnprbn In mind when be penned lbla entertalnln( vebl- d~ ' He actually wrQle "B!Jllie Spiril" In 1941 and, to lbla Writer'• astonltbment, i t d-'1 ohow. Much of Ille crtdlt for that goes to an Ideally chosen and aplendldly RAISES SPIRITS z .. Zia Gabor dlroded cut and to -e 11pdoua updallng In key ...,. ton. Bui the magnlficenl Zia Zia u that rltsy wraith. Elvira, upotages the Joi with 1 perionnance that b cra!Wy Crossword Puzzle ACRO!S l Apply the b11k11· l --'-' metabolism . • 10 Wags : 14 Pttlod J of time , JS Ntwspapet : edition ·16 Thought ;11 --freeze ·ll Smallest : amount •19 Encircled :20 rantrd ; 22 Det1y1 .1 ?4 o .. 1sh ~ "'"''" ~25 Des' Moines • n1ttve ·27 Rtporttrs '29 VIit 54 Sugar guanllty: Z words ' SB Souvtnlr 59 -·Abner 60 Attack 62. 8tc0me mate compassionate 65 Populace: Pr eflx 67 Embrace 69 Righi to pass over another's property 70 Maple genus n North or South ·-n American cl~ 7l Spanish artist 11 Form of artistic express ion 12-- Hautt 13 Blbllc1! characttr • ep1the-ts: , 2 wofds ;l2 Operate-d •3l Exist 74 Shlp·sectlon ~S Insect · . 21 Welshman's ;l4 Mort tKe-11t ·36 NQ,v1mbtr ; blrthstbne ·40 Esne • 42 F:orm or ' : punishment ,44 Cheese '45 M1dt ltSJ rlgoiou·s ::.t7.lrcn: Ccmb. fcnn ,49 Miss Lupino ;50 Spanish' • _ 1rtlc:le DOWN 1 Fake , 2 Girl's name 3 Those who don't belong 4 Sing Sing, ' S ~·?d· wO~en 6 Tool 1 Play the top part 8 Serious ~1ime. 9 Coming afler someth ing else ;,52 The "N" of "NHL" or "NFL" 10 Peruke ...-~~~ : ' • : 7 ' 'lor-H'-+- • 121 - • , • • ~ • ' • • I ; '' • nall)t 23 Hit 26' Elts 28Stlf· Important person 29 Kind of metal 30 Region 31 European bird 35 EltcJronlc device-· 37 Noted university ll Opera 39 Enthusiasm 41 Lost . altltwde 11/6/69 43 8arrlt ch•r~cter; 2 words 46 Of solmn visage 48 lrrlt1tt 51 Fishing ·vt•sels 53 Lubricating ·54 --· th• hills: 2 WOidt 55 Rel1tlv1 5& llr. Rict 57 AlrcrfW' 1111111ber 61 CKallengt •l Thrt1d: Prefh: 64 Wright altowlnce b6 Ltflovtr 68 rrtoht un1l of Asia 11 II 1116119 -lalim:tcLJll--11!1! bloulhl lo lbla writer 1 a perlordllllca.:..:::l years ... by Kay. llsat Jl1'Ul · BriUth --d.u.ti'y ol Elvfra oo-llnkad her to lhe role-~ - 'Doll' get -· Zll Zoo, we're not talktnr about -• now. wi.t "' havt ID mind ta Ute overatl aPDtOICh of, l:loth you ladle• to -tho cballln&e• of Elvlra, that •arnplnl mllluri ol luazlnea and Jemlnlnfty that h11 .. .., male Iii the ... dlencie !Urti\.oly obecklnl bfl five o'cloct~thadow. Mill Hammond'I 1J I I maplllceot &dine-y Olll'I ta natural. And that'• . one b&cidlanded. comJ>11!1>...t we're ...,..you·woa1...i. Mate no mlltake, Mill Gabor owes a great deal to a c&1t whlch extracts every (llJnct of humor from thll .......... Coward play. Sile bu 1plendid 1~pport parll®larly·lrun M icb ae Evam as Cbarlel, the harua. ed husband ,,_ YCMll mor- riafe to his aecond wilt takd ot1 the hilortooa .... pneatiolll created by Zia' ZM'a muaaJ t• acotPI the foci that death endtd her m1rttal reaponalblUllN. c.barlet, ol coune, blama Madam ArcaU (llel>le illallO) far lbla •Ince bar card table aunce ·aclually broullll the volupluoua Eivlra back Into the . boulehold. Bui let'• not apoll Ille play for )'OU by revealing the result• ol ·the st<ond llWICO, lnabted upon by Cbu'lll' 1econd IJX'Uff, J\ulh (Dolor• Quinlan). Miu ll!allO, let UI qulcldy add, b Jnlilllll<enl Tbert will never. of courae, be .- llk• Margaret J\utberford far lbla Umt-honorad role bat Miu lUano .... In Olli boot U I superb llCOlld belt. II b to the -t credit of Miu Gabor that the CID CGftl. pete in Ille acUnc dtparlmtnt with aucb • cflatlnlulahed•\:&11- Bul compete ahe doea and the stampo her --1Jly on the role of EJvlra ln a m~ that would have broUlht the alway• ebullJent eoward to bis feet with •·~led roar. She did a that for UI. But then we ve a little secnl that doa not, perhlpo, truly btloq lo the thaater review. Zia Zia .l)'I dld-And llll1 d!'tl. ' Zsa Zsa, on or off atai•. is 1Wi Zia Zsa. HOLLYWOOD (uPI) -No . .,.. hu had bfl flnllen _. !rmty cl>mped to t h e American pulse In the 20th --entwy than 1rtllt Normlh '.lockwell "ho will appear In 1 ·,le•ilion special !uturln1 hi ·alnlblp Nov. 12. l\ockwell In HollYWOD<I la 1· 'Ill of killer u Dute Wayne in a ballet clau • But the 'lloyear-old painter appears and thlnu young for his qe. His choice of themes are contemporary, jull u were the J80.plua coven be painted fur the Saturdey Evening Poat and the M Boy Scout calanclaro durill& the yean. STEREO SENSATION! ' • Tie colorful sound of _ .l-.. .Oran1•. CO.n~ Music .. ~ ·RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion lsland,.Newport Beach ----------·--------------...... -------···-·-----·--------=--,...--.-• • • • N~wion Star~eil-Way toTop~ BY GENB HANDSAKER "JI tool< :n yean bulldinl lo ...,etarieo and hip young When he was ts, the brothers began a two-week' engagement that turned into a five-year stay at a Las Vepa lounge at $600 a week. I HOI;.J.YWOOD tAP) -He that," he reflects, .. wltb a 191 malet itlvolved ln ta i'e n t wu born aal.bmatic, the ,son of of slAtYlng -~~ heart.aches repreeentaUoa, music publish· a Mk'·week auto mechanic. al0f1g the WAY.· Ing and the management and H1I ate.em-whistle voice has The "heartaches" have Ur promoUon of Wayne Newton. ~e<Lu_dtll$h.Jl.u.t ~Jud~. _beilll . turned down for Other members of the firm Wayne had quit high school ln his-junior year but-Jater-got~ his. dip loma by Cot• respondence. 1mger wayne Newton has TV ibow~ ·~-ause h1s voice-1naooeli1SD?otlitt, Terry, 29; become 1 qilllionalre. was <:0ns1dered too high. It gullarilt and comedy foil in l,-.Jl<•l-'l'o.Jiear_tbll•,Jlacll-""'--.itookk ~ars, :-_nd hilf ~rom his nightclub act, and Tommy di.an es.fatty tell it, by prac-ac -nny,-w..gra 11 0 Jam Amato » Wa~&41m• BoJ>.l>Y Darin si the Newtons or reco com- pany .• Wayne recorded "Danie Schoen." tJcingtheold'timevirtues. Las Vegas lounges to main mualcal conductor and "Our: parents always told us, rooms. manager. 'Whatever ·you do, ·do it to the Worse were the e a r 1 Y Newton waa born APril 3 N best of your ability.'" rema~ks· Of ptople felg~ing 1942,, in Norfolk, · Va.o h~ "The soog was meant for Bobby to rtcord," Wayne says, "but he gave it to me. He said, 'You need jt worse than I do.' We're ·awfully grateful to a lot ot people who helped us." ~W. Theater The smlle is guileless, the· surpnse to;leai;n he wasn.t a reJatea, and_ ~J)e!!t_ his wly freckled, baby face sincere. girl. And .theU' suggestions years in RoanoJie. His aDd F He often uses a more modest that h~ m1.ght be all right Jerry's father is h a 1 f • inally '.'we". instead of "I." U the when h1s voice changed. Powhatan . Indian nnd half· quotes seem cliche. he seems ''FIG NEWTON" . Irish, their mother h a 1 f .. to mean them. This fed tO "nerves," and Cherokee and baU-Oennan. Under way lUs success is "due to a Jot Newton salved his wounded ASTBMAnC of hard work, a lot of nice peo-feelings by. overeating. He • ~N· (AP) -·w·-•·; "'"""' pie and the grace· of the Man swelled to . 260 pounds, and When he was 10 the family .._,,wv ur. ,..., Upttairs." , reviewers , called him chubby, moved to Arizona; on a dc::ic--btaun 'l!1 Brltaln'J NaUonal The combil'laUon has worked cherubic, fat and ' ' F J g tor's advice, because or the Tbeater bulldinl -about 200 well for Newton, 27, one of the Newton." asthmatic condition Wayne yean alter the project wu hottest flgµres · in 8 b 0 w ''One day 1 took a good look had had since birth. In junior first proposed, • business. lUs ncord sales at myself, decided nobody wa's high s~I. Wayne discovered ?jewton lives on a ranch because "it is the antithesis of show business. It's getting your feet back on the ground, literally." The great Shakespearean total some 15 million, in-goi,ng to do it for me and he could sing, and became a ·actor, David Garrick, first eluding Ilk million for "Danke began trying different diets,'' paid performer on local TV. urged the bu.lldtng of a Na-Schoen." To rafter-shaking ap-he said. Jn 31h years he has Jackie Gleason paused ln tlonal Theiter ln the 18th cen-pluase in crowded night clubs starved his 6-foot·2 figure Phoenix on a train trip, and blry. he belts with equal ease a fast-down to 170. "The secret of the Newton brothers en- Playwrtaht George Bernard moving "Swannee" or a ballad losing weight and keeping it tertalned at a ciVic luncheon Shaw laid tbe flnt sod -on like "Red Roses for a Blue off is making up your miod." for the Great One. Gleason His pretty wife is the formet Elaine Okamura, 25,. a Hawaii· born Japa·nese form'er airline stewardess he met-Q.n a com· Jl?.erclal fligh t returning him from enlertaining troops in Vietnam. ' •!J went with her 21h yea•: it took me that long to find 4 she's r~al," said Wayrt' 1'She's sinCere, warm, awfull:J,' bright, and knows nothing' about show business. I want to · k~P it .that way." another site --ln 1938, and Lady." · Meanwhile, ·Newton bas was enthusiastic, put the Queen Mother Ellubetb laid a TWO SPEClAUi become Big Business, with Newt.ans on five of his shows foundaUon stone on yet He stars on television -live automobiles, twa ranches, "and that," says Wayne, "WaS anOther lite tn ttU, while she others' shows and so far two 35 Arabian brood mares and the start of the whole thing." ltill was quetn. specials of his own -and stallions, and,. in partnership, Five more lites and 18 years recenily completed his first 300 head of purebred Winrock later, the mlnllter of arts, movie, "IO Steps to Jonah." ·Herford cattle. Miss Jenny IM, today sbovel4 Predictably it has a family He also owns assorted real ed four spades of cement Into rating and he plays a nice guy, es lite and, in Beverly Hills, a a foundation in an· unused car befriending blind children. handsome business suite ~k~tbe:River'l'bamea: In Las Vegas, where he teeming with pret ty in Luuuuu. holds two house attendance The theater, an ultra· records and iS billed as '."Mr. modeni creation in concrete, Excitement," his salary is will -Ill.It milllon and now reported to be $150,000 a abouJd be ready by ltn, week. From all sources in· It ls a memorial to William eluding Investments, his gross Shakupeare and ·ll within a income thls year will be abo~t mUo of the aite of the Globe, 13 milllon. IOiiiiiiiiiiii where m a n y Shakespeare j-;;::==-======::; 1 pll)'l were IJrat performed. The project ran lnlo con- ,_ """"1 and .land pr<> blll!ll down 1116 yean. 'Dolly' Due On Screens _ HoLL YWOOD (UPI) After more than a yiar's deity, the filtn versioo of "Hello, Dolly!" will be releu-. ed thb December, 20th den- tu r y. Fox studios have an-' nounced. · The motion· picture, ltarrlng Barbra Sb'elland, WU cotn- ~ ln Aquil, 111681 but was bock due to contract diopula -·tbeaiudio and Broa&ir11 prnclucer D a v I d Metrkk- ---~-PEIEROTOOLE lOOHARINE HEPBURN ~ lHE UON INWINTER ------ 2901 hit Coed H19'wor eo..... ............. 673-6260 THE NEW SIZZLER -SO GRAPHIC, THE SCREEN ALMOST SMOKES II IT'S NEW IXCLUSIYE All.IA SHOWING FOii: ADULTS ONLY la Wo I ,, .. ,....,~a.,.~ manpart . @.;.:;.., ---:ALSO PLAYINIGG-- .. ._W TO SIDUGI A PUtYIOl" -WOR~D l"JtEMIERE ENGAGEMENT POSITIVELY: ENDS TUES., NOV. 11 The Plft.DWOlllff.0 of GHllJbLOT The motion picture designed to save the world from sanity. (!ifi!Jllfl!!"t!!liiljMu' GI WINI!'• 8l!OS l'mlft!I,.. tlY l,i/jlJo'U·"""lill Rlll8ll "- kAT~ARINE HEPllUl!ff n "THE MADWOMAN ff CflAlltOr" tHAAUS W!'t~. Cl.AU« OMJN~ IDrlh £¥AllS 'J0>1J1 ~ • P~ M.1111(10 • OS(M HOWO\U • ~l L!'""10lo • "'"'-lllA 11A$1'"' -.-:E Ni:-..,..,PIAMI ~n0!.4" yut BA'fflNlR l).c-•CONAltl PLEASlNCE r,. ,,,_,. , ...,[)ANNY KAYE,.,,._··-'"• "°'"';n,., 11'/LUI Gl,...,,,tOJX...: ~ ritll.~lor ~ YAt!llCY • ~f!'WfOWAllO~I •fat:_,,_ lllNllY T.YotlliSn111 • i--"'°'-"'"""'I PWIO 11,-_!.lY WiW./ • °"'"" bt'""-'illJOlllU · T~ Starts Wednesday, Nov. 12 1st ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING "The Christmas Tree" ·w1Lu•M . . HOLDIN "Kracliatoa, East of Starts Nov. 19 Java" PACIFIC -' ~io1~lill¥,B Bill Mumy El11 l1nc.1sl1t 111 Walt DIN1ey'1 "RASCAL" (G) ,, .. P1!1r U1!in ov Su11nn1 Pl11h11!1 "BLACKBEARD'S GHOST" (G) J1p1nt1t Movitt Every Tuesday Nl9ht • ' ' . . .. ......... ~ Two af W111h Dh11ey'1 htr "DARBY O'GILL AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE" (G) "" "PETER PAN (G) ............. ._...., ...... .... IHlnlM o • .,... Ceullty Dm..111 ......... , li11 Minn1lli Windell Burton "THE STERILE CUCKOO" (M) Shew• ctt 1;41 P·•· -Ph1a J1 ~k lerrimon Welth1r M1th1u "THE ODD COUPLE" lteomme1tdff hor Ad•ll'I . ........... ~ .................... .. lnlelM Of\lllllf• C..,.ty Drlft•l11 ... , ... !Mitt • M!c.h1•I C1in• l1ur•nc.• Olivier "THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN" CG) Sltaw11 ., 1110 I'·"'--Pin Joh11 w • .,,.. D•vlcl J11n11n "THE .GREEN BERETS" (G) , ..... ,,,, ..... 11 :00 p.111 • .... ~~·····~·~ ............ . • ~Dick v.-11 cy~, Ml<h•ll• t..• "THE COMIC" (M) ''8E~0~ENYifNTERA'(£0M'E;$:. (M) ............. ._.. ............ .. fl!llll!l$175 ~ , .. CAILOA.D LM Mlr'!'fll ,..,.., 1•-lftt "TH& DIRTY DOZEN" "w ,._ Gl,.. ... "GRAND PRIX• • • • ! • . ' • ' • . ... . .. ·-. . .. . " .. . .. . . . ..... DAILY 1'1LOT . 3#;; £''=-===:• _ ......... amp1on -sporis o••• Does TV . , Rams' Bms .Latest Athletic Actor As Favor NE W YORK (UPI) - Gower Champion, noted dlrec· ~_,oc;:1>.....,"aphet_.w~oo'-'.lh~u•-J~...- tumed away from t h e Broadw ay th15ater for the time being, Interrupted his wr!Ung of a movie script to stage a television special as a favor to a friend. "Julie Andrews was .com· mitted lo doing a show for the NaUonal Broadcasting Com-pany," <;ham pion ·explained, "and she Simply asked me to do her a fivor and direct It. "If she hadn't been such a dear friend, and if I lwin't been struck by the idea for the show, I probably would have turned her down. Producing and directing a television. special was not on my calen- dar of events this year." . "An evening with Julie And re w s an d Harry , ~. })elafonte" is the tiUe of the ..,.._. ;.A.T. & T. one-hour program A Breath of Fresh Air ,.tha t NBC will broadcast at 9 p.m._. Sunday. "The first problem was to develop the right format,'' John Moran applies air freshener to the smoke-fill-Brandon in this scene from the Westminster Com- Champion continued. "I didn 't ed room created by poker players (Crom left) Dick munity Theater production of 11The Odd Couple" -want Julie to star in a variety Taylor, Rotter McBride, Don Sommers and Sam which opena a three-day run Nov. 14 at Finley School. show with 12 additional act&, -~~~'.:'.·~_:::;::.::::::....::.:::..=;:::.::::;_==-:=c.....:;_==.;.:..-----"-~------'----- and all that nonsense. 'They do \..,,,. that on television every week and brilliantly, too. ,;I've always been inlri&ued ' by the two-character specials. There was the one Julie did : with Carol Burnett a t Camegie Hall and the Ethel Peck Blasts Sexy Films : Merm an-Mary Martin special. SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Both were simply marvelous Film star-Gregory Peck says . shows. "fourth-rate" artists a r e "\Ve cast abou t for some responsible for most of the sex time for the one person w~ and nudity in today'a movies. · could bring out the best .in Speaking of nudity and sex J ulie, who would cha llenge her In films, Peck said, "Tlle and who would also add public ta going to react against something special or his own. this sort of thing and although "We talked with many men, I'm in favor of :ielf-regulaUon, including Yves Montand, Topol it is posalble the government and Bob Preston. Belafonte may be called in to regulate w·as on the list. and finally. films ilod that brings up all : realizing the i n c r e d I b le sorts of quesUons a b o u t background he has in music, I arUstic freedom and so forth. decided on him. I phoned him I'd rather not see that." Jong distance and before I wu ---------- • hal rway through my pitch, he ' said 'I'll do it.' A great deal of . the musica l material on tbe • show came from Harry." Top Sports Covor•9• in Tho Daily Pi~ol ;.':: J'outh (, J<I ,; Rf°11 r·rf1lrJ' lf'indom Feels Comfortable In Wacky Thurber World By VERNON srorr terms with bis former wife, Windom sees the three Uttle HOLLYWOOD (UPl) girls often. They live about a William Windom, w ho plays mile from him at Mallbu riaht James Thurber in "My World on the ocean. and Welcome to It," is as ec-Windom and his bride, Jac- centric and in many ways as qulyne, bought a home on the the late humorist. hills overlooking the aea, but Windom rolls hls o w n close enough for Bill to get to cigarettes, shaves with a his If.foot Malibu outrljger, straight rawr and collects an-the anceator of the catamaran. cient $2 bUls. He spends weekends sailln& The latter beeau1t his great and puffing blJplpe, grandfather, William Windom, Jacqulyne has dec«ated appeared on the bills in the their two-bedroom home with late 19th century when he was modern furniture to blend with Secrttary of the Treasury "'"''" l' f w· under President Garfield and such aeafa • ..,. re ics o ur Harrison. dom 's as barpooM, rudders, Windom has about 30 of the Ullers, oars and other ocean- bUls. A few (In good condiUonl going paraphernalia. can command u much u Win doin's preoccupation n es' s Ji 11 pxi. wlth the ocean doubtless stems . ' ~ D p Windom was remsrried· last from his childhood when he this year ... " Tom '1hu, • • rossed th AU ti I ti "A FU~NY THING-HAPPINID Auaust after divorcing his c e an c s x mes _ r.u::ioul wife. He js a 1tep.-befor.e qe_t . .JllsJa.ther was.a "I just -b one of-mv-own -. --.. --ON TH WAT TO THI FORUM"--1111 archl'~ with •·-' ~ a er of two daughters, su....... ,u --~ lorn sweater1, a pair of beat-":r.' 1.. · 11:1:11::.7v:;rc,~~~1 .. ~'ov11:':.i ... ~0,."!'::1.u Margie, 13, and Debbie, 11, business on both sides of the upshoeaandreportforwo.rk," r~·· :'Y:f 1 ,..,, ''Winni• Ill• """" -OILICJMT,UL. SCJt CHILDJt•N'1 THU.Tl• and father of Rachel, 5. ocean. Windom s a 1 d . "Evidently BaaT ~=~~':"":':":':' :1'"~'"'~":•:•:~::::~":":"'~·-~~"~'"':·~~~::=Bec=a:u:se::he::l:•:o:n=fn:·a:n:dl:J=:I:n:::•d:d:illo=n=to=•:al:l:ln:g,~th:;:-el Thurber waan't loo particular PICTUM OP THa • about his wardrobe and Y•Aftl neither am I." · • t . Speed -methampbetamiae-ia • 1pced uer becomes more re11tle11 very dangerous dnJ&. It ii named and diooriented. H• may become for th• speed with wbidl 111.--.ollllfo and ham himM!f rides to aupemomlll levdl cl. a:-md. othcn. Hia brain, heart ID4 ci t.ability and wabf\llnal. liwr are an under heavy strain. Spoedi1dmroyiiiamoro,_. If lie cm1 take this punishment, miods ioCalifornlath11uayotbu '1. may die from o~-o< drug. E•perts leu tho illicit me ol ,_ illl]>liritia ill the dnJ itlelf this and similar drap will tadi -« ,,_ >loltace noultlijfiom epidemic proportiolll this JIOI'· !lit pl)l:llolic COODdllioa. If you an: a wolriod ponal wlllt At m anpndid-polat, ho qo<ttiom about tho dnJ lllhcul-otopa -,_ Tbll may bo boo tun, or • --·••-lad --ol fltip, paaie, 0t limply -taking -loot at tho -... Ilia """"1 nm .... Tho !ICU, read on,.. "Cllllh" -•he drops npldly It is such a d...,uw ctn& dllt the medical prof-1imiU Ill we to ernujCDCiel Nth u con- trolling blood p1we darin& Ar• gay. When Speed is u,ocl indisalml· nately, it over-.c:tin.tes the physi- cal and nervous 1y1tem -with dtutic and Ullptcdi<tahle resulll. --llpM-? The hadcoed Si-f.,.. W• hiod1U1the ..... -1•theboroil>- uwr-by injection. H• iben upo- rimc:a a "'tlllh'" up to a ""hith'"- "" ...phor!c oondition that eon be maintained for • kJlll • a wwt by ..,,._ mailllinill- 0. a "speed 'biafo" the ..., olteo mys awab for da:is. Hi• _ ... lat food"' -ii -prm .. t His..,..,.. to tho .i,,. boilds npldly, IO -m lollioDr 1111111 -he .., - -1000 IO 5000 millsrum doil)'- far ......,, than a -wlll al--.; air ie tha ...,....,.. JICJOm . .>.. ~ .. ,_. J'NIP 11, tk -a hypaacitable ltata to- ol -Hhallltion. It he'• a ---addlcthemay-te Jlis cnob with ·11ownen· -mully batl>iturata whidi are aloo 1 .... qaently addictinr, H• may sleep for 24 to 48 hours, eat ravenously on awakening. then go into a state of extreme depretlion. Th.is c1n be !IO severe and intolenbte th1t he may take off on. anotbu nm.. 'lfty--.. _ .... .,..! stieed 22£21 ,....ny flll -two .... .,..., _ ...... al ... """'l'"hi""- An al...,.._ ol :r-1 eapwk:z1•I I ...... to the :,.r.:;.;.~-.::.:: who --ii llDll LSD fer •ereatl,. llld ..up..~ .... " Ee&allii&IJ 1116; 11p1112f --pdca ... , -to ...... .,_he• llpoadioW..; 1 ...... Illy in -----_, la he<• 1 C ,.,... .-iy ., Jllt .... -a. it i1 "cut" with supt or in fact uy white powder to make the 111pply atretch, and tltua make the sale moro profitable to the dealer. When mado by amalnrl undet -..ituycoaditiou, eon- tiOll ii-~ the_ aide decu bliaC abecr1112, blood ]iOlooaiq DI tiipillti• lri>m 1111· --Sothomodicolpro- f-11 !-with -pllyalco1 llld ,.,..._ ..-•-· be tliii "lplld ;;a;.:.: .. ...... -,.. .. -k? Aooordhii to !Climer .i,.,-. who are wortlas with clinical toama to help oddlcta klet the 'habi~ u.. ... -bllic: llepl -<U1 tab ht c:opiac with the llOlrinc 11"'1 problem: Pini: G<t tlw f«ll"" wltat d,.,. "'~ ,~auy dobtt IO 1*Jpk. FoctJ. NOi Jwonoy. 5"1•• COfUfJ,rr IM dlnkal mi. U-. T,,.,, -• IUN ""'"'"" ~----1'»6 1.....i.. -""'· Gd ,,,. "'"" ,.,,~ °'""' ill ,_ -_,""" --·-.,_, tlw ...., JlfJIMIL Gf'Ofl(l8 ~ 1°"'*1 •• o'• tlw "'1ff to ::...-...--ltdp -- HJ,_.,$fifM IMll: t 1 Col .... HJ01 Clearly, Windom enjoys hla current show more than "'The Farmer's Daughter" in which he ~starred with Inger Stevens for three yearr. ln that series he was fetted to wear suits, ve.sta and neckties in the role of a congreuman. "Daddy's Goll• A HuntllHJ" H• ' K'd I • .., •• , ..... -D•'t ....... ,,., .. I . I s. ... -'""••Hr Nff. 11 -1J:JI , ... $TAltl.!f lUlltlCK ,,_ 2001 . ....... ., CINIMA SCUIN 'ME'I'ROCOLOR Cltrk C.1bl-VIYl111 l•lt~ H ... ""' ,.. ...,.... ,lw1 • ,.,,_. ,.., t.c .. SllerW" with Jill\ Ci1 r11•r Co11tl111.1oui Swit-1 :)0 '·"4· ' . __ _,,_ __ ,,__ ' .... .·:fie• I 1· ·~ ·---1 -~Cl""•••· 1!1--111 UUUW-2!£Y 1/on~, l'7JW ·-· q,i.God?' ...., ... -'V•lf·•• 1naw EXCWSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS ..... ''G'' '-w:;;;;..r...1--11!! .... ,,, __ .. r:.. .. ""'""' ---......... -.• ...... ,....,.. .... "* _....,Slli._, .... nm: -------·"'-m·1• · 1 I .. ~.T...,..._oPwW I~ I GI For All General Audiences 2nd Feature 1t HI.Way 39 ''THE GREEN BERETS" FOX CINEMALAND HI-WAY 39 IP OMM 0,.. 6141 ht. & S--1111 h• Offlc1 OpeM 1:41 ·-,"u.mr-7111. f :41 "IAnLr OP ll1TAIN"-f:11 ........ 114 ........ tJ0-7111-11 P.M. "•lllN Hlnt"4 :J0.11:41 AIAc.n':L..__u ---r . u. ........ 1'-r • 11 ·• uu I u.-._, .. ,,,. .,. _ ..... i::· 'llMr nua ...,. .. -.... ,.._ .. __ _ JIMI • HUNTIN•TON I JiM • KAllOI ... f• Dyl. hell: r....... • W.,_ M...._ "SOMI KIND OF NUT" ''THE ODD COUPLE" WEST COAST PREMIOE RUN NOW AT BOTH THEATRIS I I j !~!!l!!!.'l')'P!l~'!l!'!lrl!'!"!:·"\':"!'r.''.'!'"!"'!'"''7!'~~!1'!'r,!""',.., .. """~'·W"J'" .. ""'"'""'·-," ..... *"i<"'l"f"$1'"'"''"'¥"<"'f"fln0"'0"'+"<•-~••1cnon1t"""'"*V~'•i"ICno~••w,.w••~•~~"'•>n>-•-••F-•~•~•-•-~•~·•~··---~-------------• ~ --. .. . .... L TC RE · NO MATTER WHAT tliey're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY IIB-OT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they 'do it with the some gusto as the gourmet here. showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don't hove to travel so for to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, now appliances at bargain prices, a real car buy-or even a chun~ of ch eese. Just shop the "armchair market,." the one our o d~e rti•e" deliver to you r door every dey. . Jr ' ,, . ~ ... i> *""'t 1 Iv . ' '.;~ ' ~ DAILY PILOT ----'-• '. J . ' ' -.. • • " • • • • • • ·-"' -' • . ~ t m In f: ·, l~ ·r1 ' l ' • . -... [ Be ,. c< Ii • .. la "' d; pl I! ..... ' ... - . )-IOUSES FOR SALE H OUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL!-HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE , HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS·l'OR SALE l\IQUS1f$-l'O~,!ALI.:; "'. HOUSES FOR SALi , G r.o.I IOOOGonorol 1000 Gonor•I 1000 Ganoral 1000 :0-rol J_OjlO .. CO.to.Mou 1.100 ,_J,lunllngton 'IMcl>..14QPKunt.......,~·'""'1• J400; ~ ..... Nr..,.I 17a/ Carlsbad Lagoon Property I 'la Acr~ + Luxurious Home (featured In L.A. Times) Zoned for units or·motel. Near • Freeway·+ Clear Oceah vJew. All utilities in new street. Could develop luxury units now or hold for capital gain. • ' , Owner 757-5038 Eves • College Park Bargain $23,750 CHEAPI~ CLOSE IN Gorreoua 3 BR 2 bath home on quil!t treel1ned cul-de-sac. New w/w carpets, all bu.llt- ina:, brick !lreplac", family room &: huge oversized lot. Outdoor BBQ & room for boat~ trailer. Auume 5"-% loan • $20,400, $174 P.I.T.1. Priced tor lmmedlatl!' sale at $Z7,500. Call 545-8424 South Coast Real E1tate MESA · DEL MAR Lowest priced horn" in Mesa del fifar. All appealirfg 3 bed. room 2 bath shingled roof beauty. Home newly painted <1n outside. Carpets and drapes in exccllent condition, Call no\\/ for a showing. \tO THE REAL ~ESTATERS t •• • '"~ r'l.;ST M'OVE 'IN .,. , . i;eun.oEas OWN noME r" . 1 ye&r ·oid, 3500 sq. 1t.. 2 story Spanlah. Til• roof. 3 car prqe, 4 BR'1, 4 BA'' 2 trplCI, ~ room, hu;p ac1ivtty room, wet bu. ~ted on .a larse 1cul • de -; 11&e lot. F.xcellent view. lS x 38 euatom heated Tpaol. Lighted ti.dmlnton court. Dog run. Should tell for $80,000-SaerH!ee f or $69,500. (TI4) 495-44.14 New homes, ready to move -In. 2 to s bed· rooms, 2 to 3 baths .. in mile from beach. First payment up to liO days ~r move qi., VA/FHA Torms. From $23,f90 ' T-he Beach . (on Brookhural 1 mllo South of Adom1) 962 -1353 ---------- Genonl 1000 This home b priood to sell, it has 3 SOOd sited bed· roo1ns, 2 baths tcrrillc liv· ing room 'vlth rlreplace. Thcr yard is completely !enced, and ha! a double garage, plus forced air heat- ing and a large family area. This one y,·on't last. ONLY $JJ,9.:i0. Don't let the priee tool you. Th.ls 1 w o bl!'droom -elegantly car- P"tid. over wood floocs bu been mnodeled recently and offers a BEAUTIFUL BUILT-IN Kfl'CHEN \VITH ASli CABINETS, brcakla..st bar, dinette area and sep. arate P?rvice porch.. Live iii comfort and shop only two blocks away at E. 17th Street Sbopplng Center. R-2 LOT • ADO ANOTHER UN· IT LATER.' 546-231! -.. -· Condominium !'950 A STEAL FOR 4 ::===:=---=::=:!=University Park . 1237 Huntington Booch 1400 -------,.1 UNIVERSITY PARK ! JUST A LITI'LE FOREST E. rm.,t ... • 4 bodrnom ' bclh Owner Desperate SI, SE.NORA 2 br., 'ba. Ex"'" concL Cub hmtie f" only m.500. w,,e NEED MORE ROOM? to owner. Bll-'319 enjoyable back ;yard with Absolutely must sell this 4 U you want only the best 1n Could you use a large 5 bdrm ----'"'------ l PAINT 0 LS 0 N ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST family alte patio. Assume bdnn &: family, Nicer Ulan a smaller home, let us show 2 story with 2 tlreplacea, . existing financing at J 0 w new with gardep. kitchen, it to you. 2 + den and great laz1:e kitchen, 2~ c:ar pr.: RENTALS · ~ yard wurk needed on .this 6-ye&N>ld ~ to make U into a heart·wann- ,ng home. Excellent 3-bed· room. 1 % batti: plan with Jireplace, built-ins and pa· \io on a 70' x 100' \Vl"ll· Jandscaped lot. \Va.Uring dis- tance to l!Chools &. shopping. t'lexlble fenns. "TRY $2-1,500! 5!4 % interest rate. Owner shake root, brick fireplace, location, Mkf..S30s, aae •. block wall, spake rw1 will allo RIJ FHA or VA. ::nu:;~% ~~~~~~~r :iri • red h.,,, te~I~ ~"Z ~750; HouH1 Furnished G9ne'r1I 2000 2629 HARBOR BLVD. --Inc. Realtors EAST SIDE PRIME AREA OP EN EVES TILL 8:30 $21;500' EAST COSTA MESA $1.SOO price reduction makes this the best bargain on to- days market! HARDWOOD FLOORs, sparklln: clean inside and out, Extra deep lot fur garden or play area and QUIE'T, TREE LINED street. Many c.'!lras still in· eluded at just $2'l,500, SEE TODAY!' 'd:::> THE REAL ''.""\. F.STA TERS ' '•, • I r< 546-2313 carry 2nd TD. Sµbmit your dO\\ln p.nyment &. temu1 · A lff.M4fllijl4 1 ~· ~~ Bf: must acll situation • J00k ·REALTY -·-·---~ into it. CAlJ.. 54().1151 Hcri-18068 CUIVl!'r Dr., Irvine , RENTAL flNDlRI .....__. .. _.. $17,500 BARGAIN COLLEGE PARK 'BROKERS WANTED tage Rea,! Estate (op(.n eves.I OPEN 9 At.I-8 PM ~20 'Believe It Or Not ---. APT.--lllB'llCl ' ' • • A ~al Chris1mas bargain! You couldn't buy the lot for this price! A real cfoll house. Immaculate throughout. Wall to wall caf"(X'ting:. F~sh.ly painted. Beautiful paneling. Hii.il!' 20 ft. living room. Shake 'roof found only in more expensive homes. Sub. mit down payment. Call now! &1>-030.l WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES · Walker & Lee 21)1.l. Wca.tclill Dr. . WITH POOL G~nd piano size living iT.iom, huge family room & 3 bd- 1ms, 2 baths, ready for your family. New shag C&rP"ting & decorator lnt~rior1 Low maintenarice yard with a Bll!e lfaven Pool .• a cover. cd patio. to relax uixler. Call ~w to see. $29,950 (5* % loan @ $16Vmo avail) Why not' wOrk o~ yo'ur: own! Space 11 avafl .. •ble. Confect J a yrte Davidso:n . l Bdrm 2 Bath crpLd, drp, c d I M lrplc, blt·ips, d.isbwasher, orona e •r 1250 Dwrsizcd gar..-w/cl.ec ~pen--· Lrve 1N· ei·, ~ new, \V!&de C.\l "STORYBOOK'' LAND ' 548-0 alt 3 ·• Only a coup!!!' of blocks from 3 BR, 1% ba, ney,• cpr. 6% Corona BeaCh thla charmer loan flmnt $148 PlTl. QuJck with peggM hardwood floors, poss.· Rltr, 642-9730 eve modern kitchen .and 3 bed· ·548-07'20 rootn.'I~ ·2 ~ths and family DAVIDSON Realty Nawport BHch 1200 . 2"150 Harbor Ave.. C.M. 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Sl6-5460 "'"· .,._1008 SUBORDINATION room -$47,SOO. 67!1-1550 f% Loan on beaut.. lctlsttim bit. corner in. "*1\i:slve Laki l~ •.:_ ..... C.... ...... 6'Nflr .Puk area, wjthJamily rm., ;-n;< G£ e sa , , · d.e$1red . bill.It • jns, ral8&!d hl!'arth frplc ... 1: hui:e cov.' Renrals to $hi re 'lOOli patlo. 111.000 Full """' • check attractlve'terma. B/\CHELOR School !Mtr. · Paollic ShOrn R:ealtY . ,looking for 1 or ·2, early to SJ6.88M or ·~7-8586 ;mlli 20's, to aha..>-e 2 BR apt "Agent" : Colesworthy & Co. b ON I LOT PAY S $9,900 &16-mt 6 beautitql lath and plaste.rl ii.,iiiiiii.O. ... i..iiiiiiO EXCLUSIVE WITH in new Hu ntington Granada P.OTENTIAL UNLIMI'l'ED-Apta on Golden· Weat, H~ Elegant 4 br. 2% be.. condo. dngton Beach.· Call 828-{)140, 2 ifWim. pool1, tennfa · crt; !Anaheim betweeR 8-3 P .M wllc to 1hops &i schools 5 ' • rnfn. tn ,bcb. Lo a.uwnahle 1'IILL ahare my 2 Br apl FHA loan make11 It ~ pool w/etrl 25 to 35 w/IOO(! o( $9000 on th.la R·2 lot t35.'! for family Jooking ta future. morals, Reta. 645-2969 aft, 4 ·DIVORCE SALE o:;> IQC. 6 doono """' tho DUPLEx So of Hwy. 2 Inwsto" DrWnl IJ68..<J6\ "For A \Vise Bliy" s42-7m homes on I huge 120 x 140 Baycrest SIHper ft. lot. Avl!'rage are 5 years This is a hard-to-find 3 bdrm young. Fantastic value ! 3 hoinc on quiet cul-Oe.-sac. ~room and 2 bedroorTI Space f.o1· children • no tral- unfts. Ample clo6ed garages tic. Excellent for entertain. and parking. Patios and ing. Huge dining room &: manicured grounds. Submit fabulous masrer bQrm suite. ·on dn J19Yment. Impossible IT'S \\IORTIJ HUNTING to replaec at $76,CXXJ. To see FOR! Especially \1•hcn it's Newport 432 MAGNOLIA ·PROPERTIES WEST oou.e,.155,000,.13,000 down. WILL 'PAY POINTS! 'Th&t'o C~~ 2100 Attorney sa.Yt. aeU 3 bdnn 675-4130 . 67S.l'42 1~50 nto, 642-364..:_ blg news&: here It ts·wtth-a 2 BR, gar patio, Quiet ·trop. East.side, C.M. Va c ant. ""'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!!PI Bilb9a Ptnlni uli 1300, -fine 3. aR llOme ·&· ~ lcal setting for adults only. Bar Harbor •• Victoria '$23,500 FAMILY. LIVING enclb"'! & h«ted•ROtlo &. l ·Blk to ohopo $175. 544-0ISl Large 4 bedroot:l, 2',S baths, Developer's Duplex Dough~ POl?ir· F,KA 4. VA RENTAL SERVICE Location Vinyl slate entry, separate non-walk thru living room. Slate hearth and marble front fireplace in spacious family room, FIVE BED- ROOMS, 'IWO BATHS. All ceramic tile electric built-in kitchen with breakfast area. Shake roof, all interior and exterior trim freshly paint· ed. HEATED AND FILTER- ED POOL. low maintenance yard. Priced at $36,950, 646-8811 (anytime) .... .2 community pools, twni& Three , bedroom. upper two terms are OK· here~ Big GOLDEN wEsr RENT . home for jl.IJt ~5'0. Rex & dub. Cose to ocean. bedroom lower, 1n very good L. Hod8ei Rltrs.·&47-25.25 ll930 qarden 9rove 530-$iOO - today! Call 645-0300. priced at $$,500. PERRON CO" • • • ..... Great area for children. rental area Now fully leas-, ' ' · SMAIJ,. 2 BR lUrnished ;,lS,950 ed. Goo<t irowttt potential. PRESTIGE FHA 5~•.4 house. 'Adwta only. $120. 645-0303 ~!'.!~ci~e:!.'.'N8 \. LOWEST PRICED. t 642.1n1 Anytime t WATERFRONT · _ Graham Rlty. 646-2414 $49,500. Lovely 4 ~ ~· vttraa, 548-::iI.34 Nuc·N"'POrt Po•i O!flce· BURR WHITE '!'"''-H\:8<hool· t".f========I at Hitbor Center 22ro 1-farbor Blvd., C.Jl.T. 642·5200 ~ ln exclusive, private ·com· FANTASTIC VIEWS n1unity. Slip for large boat, Of ocean, jetty & harbor lijl.l'ldy beach, covered patio, llghts: Steps \o beach. Grae. large, living room. 6% Loan, lowr home w/2 frplcs., den, Douglu, 'E.,..,, -"""" '' Bo h 2200 BL u Fr s w EEK END REALTOR $33,900. Owner 847.-4072 newport IC SPECIAL Open house 2115 2901 NC\vport Blvd., N.B. ~-~~~·~;;;~·~=,..1;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;:;::-;;::;-;-;:;;::-,1 Vista Entrada Sat & Sun 675-4630 64.2-2253 Eves,. f, ou'1tiin Vi1_1ey 14\0 FbalREPLAloCE,adPool 1, 2 bdr.,d2 lG-3. 3 Br, 2~;. Ba, split ·• pat • u ti. Bays! e level .\vl lh bay vie\v & Lido ltle 1351 6%%, $1~5 mo. Sp6c1oua 5 ~~Jul)' hl ·$?lJ. Ole WOW I and all for only $M,500. formal din,· Walled garden. \val 'I Strl!'s!ed for addt'J. nns. 51 ~0/o LOAN !er .-aa.se 'I' Xlnt finance. $liil,500. Mucho Casa greenbelt. T-pliln CUiiom --Br, 3 Ba; ·lge lot. Top d~r.Jmmedoceup.O..vnt>r LOWEST PRICE n to l·g h borboo d vie . LOVELY 2 BR home 1n a.y. sbores. Pri bea.Ch, nr Ba)' Club. $325. mo. 642-3863 . Spanish ia the mood wi1h the ~!Swne $2T,300 loan at. no ..,.,,. Walker Rlty. · 675-5200 high arched entry way and mrlnteres.t change S2:U mvo "'"• 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. i75-2221 or 547-.1641 . Holnl!' on Lido 2 Br 1 ba. Brookhunt A:, Ellla. Drpe:, PRICED Bciow f.Iarket, Ad· Street•to-antti lot . xtl'a· <.Tptlng, 2 l r P I c , interior de c or. Beautiful p ., int . laxes, ins. ac . step down living room with BR. Echlicr home. 2 baths. Coldwell, Banker &-Co. 1 3Jo:rn ~x1;,th.1::e,5 ~= massive rock fireplace that's Ext ra Jg_ lot. Lots. of. ~s 550 Newport Center Dr. unit.!!. 'Drive by 1645 ·santa eparate from ttie rest -of well .lancl3C::. ~ kiLblkms. Newport S.ach.-Galif. Ana AVe. then call ditionally 11ave fi>\l'er um in . $42,500 • C?vered paUo, aprtnlders Reat Esta te Comm. FOR LIDO REALTY INC. front &: ~ck. fruit treet, :4 Balboa 2300 SALE . BY OWNER. Ex· 33n Via Lido 573.73Q'.). yrs old. ~.'rnfl .. E-Z· terms. 2 . BR. '1arr. bayfront, 'uw. ecutlve Ne,vport Be a ch · .--Leaving 1tate .. 962--M Ji([ Sl~ Avail 'ill Jun11 15:-the house. Big big family Fam roam. FUle_ ~a. Near 133--0700 644.2430 nn. that also ha, a lire-"h0o!,.On<y132,ooo.Orange '""'""'""'""'""'!!!!"""!!!!' ~Bllfa lttalfy 1-tome. 2soo sq. fl. Playroom A TT R A CT I V E 2 BR. . · . 673-5805 &. pool rm. . . Remodeled. Owner will cat· Seel Be1ch . 1450 =:;::=·=;===='I Cn~ . 61Z.:S150 ry lge loan. No points. OCEAN ·vw. Like New, Ya· Huritingion-8e1ch 2400 ~EED P.artncr with small $45,500 PhU Su 111 van . cant 3 bdr.1 2 b&., ·aun deck, place, Plus 4 master sized ~-C E ASTS I DE -$21,950 ;;~~o·ne~.c:i d::S~?: <1111 C::~raV:e~tly0~~ ~~!~ ~B~A~Y~.~FR=~-=~":0"-=T~.-A~PT=; Eveningl! Call 548-3265 MESA VERDE 4 ~"' .,,~ ,_______ Large lot with. several fl'\lit Vlst8.. Del Lido. Pier &: .slip 1nvestmenr: to com~lete 548-6761. 80. x 2.05' lot, $42,800. Owner COTI'AGE, furnished, clean. purchase of . lncome prop. , :6:;:·6:,;o/.;,• ,::l•;;I:,· call;:;;~<;;TI:<::>;:Sl::;l;-4239;;. Near beach. Gentleman: $75 Thi.!! ch.arming 4 lxlm1 home ia really sharp. I-laster ra zz o entry, stone plant!?l' &. n i c e yard. Close to Jl.1esa Verde School. 10% dow n will get you in on this bargain. $24,950. 1093 Baker, C.l\1. 546-5440 trees and room for a ganJ. available. &il or lease/op. l!'n. 10% down to qualified · n..o -b tion . .-•• ce ...... soo. :~.tax 68.~ings. M272752. Hunr1ng_ton_ .~~ch 1400 ~ __ I ~'""=·=A=fl=6=p0:m=''=S3G-=· =18711===-, PRESTIGE North Tuatln 1645 L~gu~• Boac~ ~705 <X>ATS . " WALLACE -REALTORS -S-16-414!- (0pen Evenings) LINDA ISLE "~nn • 516-2313 Georgo Willi•mson ORANL<;.i~~~~TY'S BA YFRONT LOT 6'3-"350 REAL~~-613-1564 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 5 Bedrm. Pool OPEN ~ILL 8:3& DOYER SHORES $26•950 . That's not all . a lovely swim *il@lil:P Brand n" YI Ivan Wells' 4 pool too! j baths. Jtich wood ,,-... -,.111 bdrm 3 bath + powder panellng, breakfast bar, fire· room. Formal dining room• place. 540-1120 Spic N' SPAN fam. rm/wet bar&. frple. TARBELL 2955 karbor COMfltANY Luxuriously carpeted. su. R 3 Here·s a beaut. 4 Bdrm. 2 REAL TORS perb view. Pool in landSt'8p. 5 B . BATHS . bath home th.at is immacu· Priced under market al 6 73 4400 ed court yard. Roy J. \Vard late. ·Many culc dl'.'COralor • 1430 Garaxy Dr. &*l550. $43,500, EastbluU. choice lo. DOYER SHORES ideas; spaciOU.s single sto"ry•I!!!!'!""'""'""'""""'"""" cation! floor plan; clever rear yard Beach Cottage I I Rt ( CORBIN-MA·RTIN VIEW land-'~f· ~o If'" d at Thi' old" 1-bdcm. oottago, nves me ncome REALTORS 675-1662 Beautifully landscaped court. $34,$0, ( ~ ~ Loan avail. near park & tenn is courls 3006 E. O.St I.fwy., CdM l\10BILE . Home. -\V{full cabana, Lux. park. Bayfront No. 2100 ~Ian. 4 •Lee Bed· peninsula. Adults Call rooms + 20 x 30 game room 673-8100. · · + 3 bath.. Near golf course. DECORATOR'S DREAM 3 & horses. ·BR, 3 BA condo \\l/frplc, ~.Eat , ~!'~1::~r::er L. , MCl/'llj 4BR .. +2Br.unlt.Walkto "J If~ Vt shops. $39,500. Agent 642-3850 or 833--1077 ·17097 MagnO!la, FV "BLUFFS" 2 Bdrm, so: d"k 545•0458 v.• / prime Bay V 1 e w ·;I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO sas,soo. can 6 41 -"s 9 eves/wlmd11. yard leads to ·thl:o1 magnifi· with suqstanual downJ. on Balboa ,viii go for only 7 UNITS, lari::e lot l32x3C6'; 4 BR 1%. baths, lanai, 24 HOU~ POSSESSION hom · B 1~ ·~ 500 Ow room to build 5 more. S00.000 oe--t· o"'"'d• workroom NE\V 2 BR, 2 BA, din· cent e. r ,,. .. t, sunny ,, ""'" . ner may carry ...-M" ...,. " I · h · f ,_ 1 O" ner will carry 1st TD. tree house, 'pleasant y-~. Ing /play area. $ 3 0 , 5 O 0 . Payments like rent. Tcy iving room \VII view 0 ...,,t oan . Renls for SlOO Wells-McC1rdle, RJtrs. .u-. Ov.•ner 431 R l v c rs Ide . $1500 down Assume GI Joan l!'ntire back: be.y; den, 4 month, \VlntC'r; SUl ,veek, Near Wt1tcllH PI a z a . ,. .,""" la ~·-4 d 8 1810 Ne11>·port Blvd., C.l\1. 127 ooo ••---~ RE Ml 64_,.,,-.,., of $23,185 at $2<?i month. rge ua.1.n .... ms, spa ous summe r. uy no1v • a\!Okl • · ..... ,. ..... u • • ba all ·' ...: ..... A B~CREST LnT s.;g.7729 644--0684 eves. Z.:2222 Nearly new 3 bdnn near lhl, eiectric "'"''""n; ?!" tht! rush. o======== W t 1111 1230 hooil k -~1 • l'll,000 t"· sacrl"" pn·-1..:.:.•:.:•:.:.•::::c:__ ____ ~ sc & par . dining room; m ..... e dre· !IC U\."I: '-"' mm l'JOllEI' •• I Ove .._... ft for this hu•e (nearly 'ii acre) DO You want a home close Coste Mesa 1100 pace. r ,),O<N sq. · toagreatElem~lnan. . _ FAIRLY .REDUCED K tll R 11y••7•••1 $39,500. Call for app't. ~~~~ ~~d~ty ~~s; R E A L T y ~-are"i ]uS r!jiht fat kid!? 2 SI'ORY 3 BR, 2 BA, crpts, Chvncr bit. & occupied fof"61/J. -• e a !!.. ...!'.!-.:.-9 '1ohn mGcnali dream home in this apprecj. 20Zi \V, Balboa, NB 6/a-6000 That's where you will find drps, bllnl. Newly painted )TS. 4 Bd, 3 ba. Pan. den, Owner Tra·nsferred this 3 bdrm home pymnts tnll!'rior. 1 -lam rm. \Vell Bl kit., brklSt rin. Iniulated. (7141 642 8235 a\ln.. area. Owner wiU fin· 2449 E. Coa!t, CdM 675-6060 """"' •r.n """ • ··!> less lhan rent. Full price lndscpd; patio. $ 31, 9 50 . Very aur. ~·iJ\111 901 Dover Drive, Suite l:lO a;~ SELL A HOME FIXE'R UPPER-$22,500-VA/1'.HA OK. Bkr. 549-2286 wkdays, 540-5844 R. C. GREER ReaJty Auume FHA loan, Pymnt1 Newport Beach 546--0814 eves & wlmd11. Bkr. 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 under $175 month. 4 BR 2 EV~RY 31 MINUTES 3 Bdrms 1 bath., garai:e. on -====='=====:.,;.;==:=.,-.. =====o.!.=========I bath Prestige Home .. No MOORISH DELIGHTS Come to mind in thil all Walker & Lee R-2 Jot on Eas!side, Vacant. Generel 1000Generel 1000General . 1000 qualifying, Th• Reil Estate Mart 847-8531 rtew 2 Br. home w/sunken 20t3 Westclilt Dr. t ub In mltr. b:hm, or walk , 64&-7Tll ~ne block 10 ocean for a --.G"R"E""A"'T'°'B"'U=Y"l - aalty dip. Seller will take $26,950 µ>\V, LO\V dm\/Jl, OUcred Price slashed· il.55o for im· 1860 Newport Blvd., CM at $39,500. ~· al K CALL 646-3921 'Hal P lnchin & A1soc. m .. .,,iate Ii c. "ing sized Eveii 644-1655 -E ...__~" 675=4392 bedrooms, huge~Ol .... fb -en· ................. ~..,...,.,.,.I --~O 'ecmu• Mtten of th• .-N • UHlllL 1 'WY. closed patio ofL llving room ~ . -four .crombl.d words h• f Rl·LEVEL -$35,750 · ~. drapes. BUilt·i~ Buy Of The Wffk low 10 form four tlmpl. word1. BIG BONUS ROOM kitchen. Landscape perfec· Delightful home on large R-2 I l ANH J E Jionua room with wet bar I: Oon. Mt).1720 lot "''Ith room for more unlti. • ftrivate bath, also family TARBELL 2955 Harbor S23.300 -10% and owner J j1 j j j foom, dining room. lnvtling MI SSION VIEJO will carry 11t 7~i% with no -. • • • fireplace. Afarble hall, Patio loan cost '1th decking. Near finest OPEN SUN' l·j '46.7171 111 C A N I ~S, rt40-1T20 24822 Spadra • BELL 2955 Harbor' ~=:~ Garden Honie plus 1 J, J f [ ~ Bedroom & Den 26412 O>rtlna <La Pazl Lac hen my er Realtor $©\l~lA-ltt.!rS" Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle BY Owner. 4 bdr., 2 be.., )crpt,., drpl., 'beamed cell- lng:s. Landlcaptd, fenced . Boot gate. Nem.· Ocean. Priced bclo,11 FHA. 10 mos . old. 9ru. L6ndfall Orlve., H.B. Sharp .2 story 3 bdrm 2~ bath. On corner Jot. Carp. ~ts/dra1>9, all buiil.-ins. For. mal dinln& room, service porch, family room. Auwne 6% GI loan . price $35.900. Peul Jones Re1lty 8•17·1200 Eve. 84.74919 _BDAlS/TRAl~ER? F.ast!lde C.oata Mesa, bard· Early California Ranch style.1 iiiii0iiiiii""""""""""' ·1 NECHE l ~ll for Delails <Tarbell) l• • Th I bl ~'OOd floor, 'vith w/w ca~ 837_37i6 or 837~ Extra ~•rp · i · ' j I' I e un-o ter<i e beou: "He Room for lhcm On lhls love. ~t. drapes, covered patio, 4 BEDROOM seaufilW.iy·imProved comer ._..,_ -'-'--'---'·--'' 111kllltd In one-handed drlv· ly brencway home wtth 3 tlemchcd double garage w\Ul · "Oauic'' home lush new ~.,...,_ ______ Ing williOYt skidding Into bclnns 2 baths. ?.tnny extra1o l·...,lng facili""'· Lot com-NEWPORT BEACH ..,,,.ung & dro'poi. 0wnc, IREOIUG ,-." II-~ EXTRA SHARP!! PlctelyfeTK."l'd.Allfor$24.SOO Nt,r park. !luge M'patale sacrlfici.ba for puaoMI l'E'Qo I' I 0 c-r,• ..... , -·-~1 'd >IAFFDAL Rlty. .., .. ~ ~kr. W.9555 fainily room • .,..'Ct bar. 3 ..,., " -.. •• ---'-... for oJl, ·1 J' j _,, m QT~"' quo' '"--• w-. .,.,...,..., by f Hlnj In !he mfull'lg word "'LOWE ST PRICEI btfhs. Wailed lront CQtlrt· et. , . . . . YOil deYelop r01111tep No. 3 b.low. 8 BY OWNER e 4 BR. Condo in Blu[f~ )'ltd. Larae rear pafiO. Ex· • ' •PRINT NUMaERED lf7T£1$ IN I' J'. I' I' I' r I Vecy niel!' , Bcltm. 1~ be. l.Dvely 1reen~t v;cw le near ttuu..,i area. $6,950. ~ 546·SllO .g 'THESE SOUAH:S honte, Xlnt nclghbot'hOod. fWlmmlng pools. $39,500 540-1720 (ntareiMlllllhN!lt) Aawne exl1t1ng 6% VA Delancy Ru l Ei tota TARBELL 2955 Herbor '?s\i~~~.~U 6 UNICtAMetE AIOVI L!TT!IS J J J J J J j loan: bnl. of 111,soo. P'"' 1828 £.Coast Hw;y, CdM 3 Bft, 2 BA, tamtly room,j~~~~~~~~~~----==:':O:G:!:l:A:N:SW!::l===~·==·=·==·==-=·=~-----~13~.~550. IU'T-1329 -::=:'.6~7'!.l.l~. ~==:-rorol. """'t:...lli-l'LI>l<bxlnlt; la y "'' Ad "' 0 u r '""' roncl. $32,500. 21.382 }1ecl Pledi e Dlough -Givt c illfed1 ? Somtonct will i..ne. us. f"!' 64&-<328 Yoor _·:::.·~ ......... SCRAMLm ANSWIR IN CLASSIFICATION 7900 1ook1ng tor 1L Dial '15678 SUPPORT )"OUr United F\ti:I OWNER tt.n.roired-$lhgle story ' home' 1n l>l!'autifully -LOVELY 3 Br. & den home. maintained neighborhood. !Nicely fum. Beautiful ocean weu layed Dut f wrm; 3' view, ACTQSS st. from Bch. b th d 3 .,_ tncd. yard, patio, frplc. a • en; cat ear. fi<:&r Reliable Fam. w/ref. only. pool area, 80%, cemenJ, for $275 mo. Year!)-. ol99-J867 eagy :llvtna. Full ,p,rice: · $59,500. Cu1tom furnishings t<~~TALS alao available: s £ant 1-h 0 . f'lousea Unfurnl1hecl Ori~t&J. · &: Con epiporary .. ,__naral Prlnclpals, only. lJS:rJ Gt~ '" 3000 mere Dr. 838-1006 3 Bedrooms. 3 Baths. Full o1 L•gunt Hill• . 1700 :Ownesuns~.: Cloaerllto t"'.,.'.:~ .... ~ · r ... mpora y -..er- 2 MONTHS old Monlm!f-·red. Ll!'a11e at $195 mo. 1Ill00r 2 bdnni 1 b«tb. Sharp. VACANT. Own" ""'"0 "'· ~-• Walker & Lee lagu~• Bo __ •ch · 1705 -· · """""'"'"'~8 ..... ~-~--'-.,~ BEAUTIFUL , , l'fS YEARLY t.noe. 3 BR, BEACH HOME · f&mlly rm, lll &th. Lrg tn 1ove']y 1.og.,,,. .,..., cont '"'°" yanl. Owner/brla, Mr. mu:nlty; :fronting on' macnu-: Gµndl!'raon. 673-7300. !cent ~a~ pool, 100 1tA!ps USE OUR HORSES. Custom from' pr!~. ~h. lt!M.ls ~·, 3 BR (will add 4thl tam rm. ttc.~Cdrrip. · atractive f~ l&ck a .... view neW paint ffiC!ude w1wCIJ1S't')';-'drps[.1 • ~ -~-' kgsz . nwter bed; location~· Jin &: out. Vacnnt. $310 be. decor~ 2 BRs, 2 BAI, 11.'P:' jW&ler Pd. 673--0507. Iv., dn~'tiTi1; 1~un: wU!l Wi'd. f1~5'. 2 BR., 1~ b a . stor., 2-ear g&(. towei..Jev: 'toWnhouse. Range & oven, el. Sce'-k>.appredate. ~.Jn (W/W, patio: Avail. Now. by owner,. ~ .fQt' ~pp't. Bier. 534--6980 499-2~. a.m.·or Wilen&. f~·. 2 BR.,. gar .. patio, HANDYMAN'S , iw/w, range & oven . ~!· 4· Income ·oolr. .m 1Cbildren 'IW!lcome. yds. tO beach, Patiol · decita'. , Broker 534-69lll . . . . . w/ocea.n \lkw, Nc:ls.: ~ ~ 2 BR. new 'duplex. etc. Shou1<I eroo ~.!XtO'-Y?.· !End. gar., rana:e Ii: oven, ·pt., $69,900. ConsJder tn~1. 'w/W .. Avail. 12/L Broker MISSION REALTY. 494-0731 534-6980 COAm'AL VIEW! rerrific loan aaaumpUon! lntcrtlt rate doesn't in- Cl't'aae: no polnta. 3 Bdnns., family nn., 2 be.tbs. 5 yean okl.~Red~ to $41,5m PLACE REALTY Gl'l!OI *i:EASE/OPl'ION• Xlnt trnm Jor lhil 5 yr. oJd -3 Br . .2 be, •• home w/ocu:o -view. Call 1or teimii: PLACE R~ALTY 49f.9104 180 DEGREE VIEW LOT' of \\lhlte wat(?r &: coastline, 1m11n but level. f7.9M with $1.CMXI down. bal at $85 mo. All due 3 yn. Broker 194-un m-1021 BEST 2 Br. 0.Y.O. $17,250-- 'I'rms. le. 1111-dln. nn. Xlnt cond. View. \VI r re n 4"""'68 IS YOUR AD IN CLASSt.nEt>7 Someone wUl be kioking for It. Dial 642-. !6'1 • =-,...=-...,..,---,I J210. 4 BR. 2 ba., rqe A oven,. frpl., w/w. · Broker 5J4.6980 Coal•Mno •3100 RENT LAROE HOME 14~ Verde. l'few c&I'J)ttl A drapes . •. • . • • • $275/montb 546-9521 or -• LARGE Ctan 3 bdrm wtth J.2x1I" famUy room, MW carpets .t. drapn. Excellent £amide location.· $235/mo. To let caU 540-11$1 lleritqe Real Estate EXTRA Shall> E x e c u t • lfo\ne, $ bdr., 3 'ba., W/W crptsr drl>I.. b u 11 t --1 n I , dllhwasher, $275 mo. lit • lo.!lt plus $100 depo1l t . $4a SUPPORT '°"" United Fuld GIVE the "Un(ted W""' -~ - - ! I L I I """"--~-------------------------. ----..... -· •• ... •• ' •... :.: Mesa Verde -----~--·----.. -.....---.....---..----...---·....---·--~ ---· ' ., Cood R..3 lot; want late travel trailer. Also have an. tiq,,. Puker dbl. ba""l DON'T shotgun; want outboard mo- tor. 499-Z'nO . Purchase a,rreements. Seo. cured. 10% Interest La~ pymnt due Apdl t9ri; Dis-,. count gross $34,000. Trade boat, or ? Call Allen 645-2774 Trade SI900 equit.y in Col. Sabre sloop, 32', slpS 4, Xlnt cond. for smaller boat, PINCH I· "' • < ' ' '" ' < Newport Heights 3210 1 LltG. 3 bdr .• 2 ba., ti.replace, 1 • heated pool, close to scboo.l .. • ,, ""'""1300. Call • ** (213) 4Zl-163' ** :.l'.<'l,========= • N-rt Shoros 3220 3 BR. 2 ba. f.p. dbl. gar. .,. JtitcMn blt·ins, immaculate ~, cond. S2SO mo. incl. club. 316 Lugonia, N.B. Phone C213) 282-6860 eves. only. ... I• CLEAN Bachelor Apls. $155 -A'ITRACTJVE, l bdr., AU util incl $85 up pool, util. paid, garden liv· 31S E. Balboa Blvd. ing, e.dults, no pets. Alao BALBOA 673-9945 MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. Excellent, park-like surround. ings for adults only. Near Jihopping. Pool. l,2&3BRAPTS 1777 Santa Ana, Apt 113 646-5542 or 642-146.5 Fairway Villa Apts Bachelor apt., elderly work· YEARLY 1 Br. turn. apt. Near Orange Co Airport &: 2 BEDRM. apt, cpts, drps. $15 WK & up w/ kitchen. ing . person prefer. 1800 t' . heh $1.25 UCI. Adci.ts only. ?.0:122 a 11 elect kitch + refrig. $30. \Vk studio apt. 2376 Wallace Ave .. CM. ~ i. ':rho. Blvd. a mo. Santa Ana Ave, 540-2796 WI •h>\ 1°""165. .·,!4:...~ar. Yrly Newport Blvd. 548-9'755. $25 PER WK. & UP * Call • 673..ot90 * ease. """"";i· Bachelor A: l BR, htd pool, OCEANFRONT 2 BR. Sl75 NEW APTS. 2 BR. 1 ba., cpts., drps. Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 maid service. Kitchens & -Yearly, util. included $155 & $175 bltns. $175 mo., lease TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr. 673-4724 ,Semple R.E. 67>2101 TRAVEL trailer spaces on Harbor). -==========·jl & 2 bdr., 2 awim. pool11. All LARGE Brand new 3 BR, 2 Coast Hwy. Rent $50 mo. -util. 'pd, Adlts. only, no pets. Call 646-9681 ' •' CHATEAU .LA P 0 INT E Balboa Island 4355 1'"'urn. if desired. 642-3535 BA. View. South o 1 . Back Bay 3240 Lovely 2 Br turn apt, pool 301 Avoca.do St., CM Highway. ~904 WEEIO..Y rates Sea Lark 1----'--·----carport, adults no pets, $150 BAL ISL .• Nu 2 BR, gar, SMALL l BR. View s. of Motcl, 2301 Newport Blvd., $Z75 LEASE. C\ultom 3 Br, + util. 1941 Pomona. $185. Avail immed. DELUXE 1 bdr. Range & Hwy. New carpets & Costa l.tesa 2~i ba, family, dil)ing, new ~7115 oven, dishwasher. crpt & d Sl60 675--6354 ========= crptg, intercomm, all elec BACHELOR apt itultable for drps. Elec. pd. Swim. pool rapes. · · Guest Homes 5991 c a r, (Ir ? ? 6Th-3m, 673-4028 eves. Trade m Kaiser Jeep Camp- er 3 cyJ diesel w/4-whl drive for eqty in . home, income units or ~'.Co.st $6000 new, CW'. val $2000. 6f6..464] Have $L1,IXXJ equity in sharp 3 Br Glendora b om e ($20,500) good area. For beach area hon1e or units. Owner/agent 646-2290 6060 Office Rental 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FORESf AVENUE Desk space available in newest ortice building al prime location In downtown Laguna Beach. Air condi- tioned, carpe:ed, beautiful entrances: Frontage on Forest Ave., rear leads to Muncipat parking lots. $50 per month for space, Desk and chairs available for $5. Business hours answering service available for $10. All utWties paid except telephone. DAILY PILOT kit. Lrg lot Man)'. xtras. 1 ot 21'tf'SOns. Older people H ti to a. h 4400 & gar. Adlt. living. U40 a SOUTH side of hwy, 3 Br, 2 '-----'-"'--..;..- ' 2215 Anniver&ary · L n . prel SUO, mo 2135 Elden un "9 n •c --mo. 241 \V. \Vil.son. 548-0745 Ba, all elec, bltns, frpl, GRAD. Nurse \Viii tall:e care ;~ 642-2228 Ave., C.M. Mgr., apt 6. 1 BR Meda11ion condo, all or 675-5555 crpls, drps, gar. 673-3324. of female patient in my own 222 FORESI' A VENUE LAGUNA BEACH ...__ l'=========~I ~~RENTAL-SERVICE--blt-in;-retrig;-encl.-patio,-$265. NEW Deluxe 3 Bft -- --home,-24 hr nul'l>ing care, Corona del Mar 3250 GOLDEN WESI' RENTALS pool. quiet. $130. 675-5Q3.f Mesa Verde. F rplc , Huntington Be•ch 5400 top ref's. 499-4017 anytime. IRVINE Terr. 2 Br. 2 ba. 11930 Garden Grove 530-6600 2 BORS., 2 ba. Adults. No dis~washer, walk-in closets, LEASE Or Option, 3 bdrms + PRNATE room in licenseit 1000 Square Feet Office Space Avail. . . 2 BR. crpts, drp&, nicely pets. Furn. or unf. 2320 patio, IOC:ked g~r. Adults. large unfinished r 0 0 m 2 board & care home for Lge. di~fam. rm. $400 mo., turn. ~. mo. Good loc. F1orida. Ca11 536-2730. Nr sOOpp1ng, 546!-4016 BATHS S22S/mo TERRY e Ider I y g e n t I e ~ a n , 303 lease. Agt. 67>-T;:oOJ * 646-1891 * ATTRACTIVE studio 3 BR REALTY ~1459 anyttmP. Ambulatory only. 548-52:?; 17~~:· H.B. 2BR.2BA,unfurnorpartly. SUS CMITAS Orange County 4600 apts, Centrally l ocated. 2~==~---'--$250. So of Hwy. Chi!'-cl-I l ' o BDRM; Carpets, drapes, Misc. Rentals 5999 DELUXE 250 * 642-364.5 *· Furn l BR apL 2110 Newport SINGLE adult•. I u-x u r y w""n w .. vme. ;, · range, closed g a.rage .1---------sq. ft. office 4 BR. 2\.2 Ba. duplex. 2200 Sq. fL Bltns, dishwasher, frpl. $300 Mo. lease. 540-7573 Bolboo 3300 3 Bedroom. Yearly S300 mo. FRANK MAR S HAL REALTY. 675-4600 Blvd. Medallion by llotpoint. garden apts, w/full recrca· Mrs. Cole, Mgr. 874 W. Child/pet okay, S135 mo. GARAGE, clean & dry. Vic, suite in Corona del Mar •NASSAU PALMS• tion facilities & complete Center, Apt. l . 842-3TI6, eves. Atlanta & Beach, H.B. prestige loc. New carpets & 1 k 2 BR. Pool privacy. South Bay Club 3 BR. 2 BA, Mesa del Mar DLX 2 BR studio, pool, $16.SO. J\.1o., 1st & last. drapes -priv, parking 171 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 Apts. 277 So. Brookhurst, dist. \Va1k to all schools & adults, no pets. Sl50. 2606 962-1961. Realonomics Corp. 675-6700 $165, l BR + den, beside pool, garage, very private. adults. no pets. 646-3764 Anaheim (TI4J Tn-4500 mkls. I or 2 children over Delaware. ~2398 G°"ARA""'-c=E~1-,,,.-,-,.~,~120~-,,.-r OFFICES ~5.J~OO & up. , ~>3868. 1'10DERN 2 BR. 1 infant ok. n10. 2135 Elden, CM. See Reception-Answertna 4610 HUGE 2 BR, 2 bath. New No pets. $13.'i. 2616 England .7'='"'~· =A=''~·~··--~~-334S Ne~:S~~d., N.B. SINGLE Adultll L uxury St. H.B. 968-3089. INDUSTRIAL units tor 61'--'~l carpet!'> & paint. 1-tealed 6 h « -~ ,.arrlen aptll v.'ith country 1 •-"bl stc11:agc, $60. \Vest 1 t <><-==,-,=-""'-~=I Garden Grove ·· Lklo lile • 3351 1 BR, new, beaut. turn, month-to-month $160. Adults only. zno Elden. 646-3042. ., poo • no pets. ,,..,,,pons1 e 5 I B h 5455 N · •· h 6'"l724 COST A Mesa office11. A/C, •lub a.......,,s~i..are and coin· unse eac ewport ucac . """ .. "'"' Vo"'" adults $150, 1887 Monrovia. crpts, drps, Parking. Very pleie privacy, SOUTH BAY &16-5314 1 BR apt on canal. New drps, GARAG~S -40x30. Near nice offiCt's. 1555 Baker, LOVELY g<iri:len apt. 2 BR. 2 CHARMING 3 Br, 2 Ba year-Ba, gar. Pool, clubhouse, ly rental. Just remodeled & e.dults only. 673-6464 decorated, trpl & patio. . . . CLUB API'S 13100 Chapman I '°==-,.-,-,.,-~=~ clean Same rent year 0.C. A 1 r por t. S40. mo. 546-4890 Ave., Garden Grove (7141 QUJET, lee. dclE1Lxe 2 Br. 1111 round. Sl2S. 536-1766 Palisades Rd. 548-5044 636-3030 baths apt, G .. Kitch., 2 750 SQ ft do\vntown C.M. Avail Dec. 1 $33S mo. Eves 1 BR, quiet, very nice. -67a..7044· days ~121 ....Y'!l!l.11:1!~ Adulb, • ..JP __ pc~. --========='I Cat gar. $160 Adults, no I p rty 6000 frontage. Plentiful parking, Ll gune-Beach 4705 pets. -240 E. 16tb Pl. \.aguna Beach 5705 ncome rope _ !§:!!_Newport Blvd. ' 646-2768~ 2452 Elden. -"'-----,-, 54&-6432. . 100 CLIFF DRIVE * NEW 28 UNITS * Huntington Be•ch 3400 GLEN l.lAR <I BR. 2 BA home. AttractivC!ly decorated. Jo'rplc. carpets, drapes. Exelnt Sch1s. $250 mo. ~j5, 10132 For· resl.al DrlYf'. 4 BR. To1vnhouse. Near PANORAMIC view overlook· LARGE l BR. sh a r P ! $180 1 BR, l~ BA. Crpls, on 1.4 acre in Huntington _c_o_m_m_o_n:_i•_l ___ 60l:..;c;.;5 Newport Belch 4200 jng Ali50 Be~ch. 2 bdr & 3 Drapes, carpets. near So. drps. bltins. View of ocean. Beach by builder. 2'2-2 BR.. J 088 Sq lxlr. furn. AU C!lec. apts. Coast Plaza, occ. $130 mo. Walkin d" 1 . • • Ft, Store Bldg. Newport Beach , fl.1ature adults No pet! or Agt. 83.>-4422 Eves aft 5 or :::: istance to own. S.3 BR .. Pool, view, pat105. Localed &n \V. l!tth St., Costa GRAND OPENING child. S195 & $2.3CI. Call aft. 6 "'"kends M5-0n8 Also furn Bachelor, very 1st yr tax break, $410,000, Me.~. ldea1 for o~'Jler-user. IMMEDIATE PM. 4~75,;j ' large!, ;110. 494-2449 or S&ll\1 down, 847.~7 Parking on premlse.s. $5,890 CUPANCY 2 BR. Lge studM:i, crpt11, 494-5303. LQ\V DO\VN PAYMENT Cash do\m, 0C .... ...1 ...... -... l RENTALS drps, R & O. l~J BA. adults, 5740 NEWPORT DUPLEX. Bkr Rea1onomic.s Corp. 6T""6700 Luxury ...... en __. ...... n • Aph. Unfurnished no pets 2885 !VI e n do i a Dina Point offering comp)eti-Fiv.cy, S4>-5421 -=-'-'-'-----&12-2'1".12 BLDG [or Jeue, Jl,000 sq, ft. t beach 2 pools, clubhouse. beautiful landscaplnc A un. General 5000 ~=---~--~ 2 BR, family Tm, l ~ BA. COSTA l\.lesa home & 9 units Pro~y 00' x 300'. ~ll33 --....0.11.1-'! recreatianll-facll-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2-2BR. apts. Responsible A 1' d ~·· pool I t bid I'~~ d•-E "'"14-940 W !· • LEASE. 536-1797 '" 4 BR home. fenced yd, 2'blks ":If_ from SL Francis Sehl. IM $225. 536-2375 SHARP 3 Br. 2 Ba, crpta, : • • drps, bltns. trple, fncd . $215 mo. 962-7594 .fountain Valley 3410 BR SPANISH TO\VN. HOtiSE, pO()L & REC. S~. LONG TERM DISCOUNT. 9Jil-1lli ....... ~.... I• pp 1ances, rps, ~ .. ..,, . p u., room o . ..,...,......,. ....,.~. ves. V'U""' ,.,, • ii.lies in a countrY dub I I· NDOME adu1t1. No pets. Ocean view. $165. 20% dn. Owner 5-18-8007 17th., C.M. mosphere, Now Jea11lfW ln. v E l"or app't. 5-l6-0684 "'"4~9'-~2055~~or~49&-~2409~--I~'.'::::'.:;::::;:-~~ Newport Beach. LRG. 3 bllr., 2 ba., c1'Pt., ii.EAL ESTATE Business Property 6050 Industrial Rental 6090 FumlshC"d or unJumishaf IM?.fACULATE APTS! drps., built-ins. $160 mo. Models open 10 am to 8 pm ADULT le FAMILY 1009 Vall'ncia, C.J\.1. 546-1633 General Rents from $155 to $310. SECTIONS AVAILABLE Black knight Rest. 330 E. 17th st., C.M, Cl.and & Bldg.I 2500 Sq. ti. $2fAI per nio. Incl. 4 ofrices. Immediate oc- cupancy, 16th St., N.B. 642-6210 OAKWOOD CloM to 1ho~1ne. Pork GARDEN • Spadous 3Br1, 2 Ba * 2 Bedroorns APARTMENTS • sw;m Poot, ·Pu11,,...,, 1700 16th Street * Frpl, lodlv/lndry fac:'ia 71t: &12-8170 1145 Anaheim Ave. OOST A MESA 642-2824 2 BR unfurn or furn. Crpts, drps. $lti0 unfurn. Child OK. Pool. &12--3645. $150, 2 UR uni. Nc,\·ly dC'C. Ne1v crpts & drps. Adults, no pets. 642-2.Jj(), 546-6716 Rentals Wanted 5990 RENTALS WANTED * 1-!0t-.!ES *DUPLEXES By Owner 11~: 642.0200 Lott 6100 Full 5'!'1 comm. tn all bkr!i. _______ ..;,...;:.;I * GUEST HOUSES BUILD 43 UNtTS * APARTM:ENTS City of Onlario; ComtT Jot. FREE:'SERVICE 8u1in1ss Rental 6060 210'xl80', aJ I improvement&. GOLDEN WESi RENTALS · $35 WEEK & UP1 ~~~~~ Sanfe AM 361 O l BR, 2 BR, Bach. Maid IK'I'> LIDO BA YFRONT APTS. ---------I vice, TV & Pool. % Bdrms, 2 S..i.. Unf., 1111 big LG 3 BR. l~t ba. Cpts, drflli. Carport & pool. 1\ids 01\:. 221~ College No. 2. 646-7095 11930 Garden Grove Blvd. ISc SQUARE FT. O~tarlo l flt er nation• I Airport 5 n1lnutes away UNFURN·2 BDRf\f 530-6600 Rt>lnil or orfice space. @ 2 . New Motor Speethvay 10 ' • • 4 Br', 2 8'. tam-rm, ran~. own, dtlhwtr, crptll, roofed THE MESA rooms, frp l c , just t'l?dccoraled. Swttping vie\v of bay, Ont' ot LIDO'S mo1t '41S N, Nt-Wport Blvd. 6'6-9681 ~tttacdve buildings. LcaliC Sl~N-G-LE--A-dul_IA_L_u_x_u _r_y 1 al $300. • t garden apta with cmintry Call Mr. Crctl)' club at.molPbtte and com• 540·2960 plct~ priVWicy. SOtml BAY f\tullttn Realty CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, Newport Bta<:h. Bltns, crpls/di,,s. Adul111 \\'ANTED to Rent-.t'urn. l2f.IO. 400 aqN f.~~ 211 to 2·13 rulnUtes. $36,000 co.sh or SlGS. -6644922, 494.5270 A ,1, 5,-001, ,,oman. ~i. 62nd St., e ... 1>0t1 Beach. b IL 0 p 0 •·--9 1 ·~ ':'"'' Key for entry, N:B. Travtl su m wncr. · · _.... · 2 BR, '>3J'llj..,"e, crpli'I le drps. No pcls. li4 r.tonte Vista Ave .. ~i\fl'M C~ill. C?8-Y.s -&tM'TSl. Eve!!. l...odgc. Owner ,213) 233-3!01, Cucamonga, Calif. Ph til4) 67 &-<X)Sj ewa lhl) 2-46-0700. _982-=""'=======-l e LANDLORDS e ==-="'· =-:-=---FREE RENTAL SERVICE PRIME ntail ioc., 1,000 Mt· AcrHge 6200 ft. In Ntwport Shopping --..::..------ Broker 5.14-6982 C'ntr. tlCl"06S from Balbofl ANTE1..0PE VALLEY 2 RR, crpts, drps. garage, C'nck>scd patio. $150 mo. 6'13--36ro • Free Rental Service • Jg, Prope.rtlcs \VeJ11t 67r;..4J30 Owntr will SC':ll 2~' A<:rfll, &$10£ 2 Br duplex & Broke~ I T\1ifll:. I ~neri '\TANTED: Bldg. in C.M. a~ next to Pinon Hilla Estates, patio, ·-=--- Soni• An• Holghtt U30 LEAS!: Or 1t1l w/optjon to hey. 2EQI 11q It, 5 BR. 3 ba., liv rm .. clln ~ rm., dbl pr., elec kit. m '"°' >4&-llU tn4l- rr·s Belch houlie thnc. Bit-OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 Ctst atlcctio'I ever! SN the 81.tM. $3IXI Plus util .. i:aragl1. Adults, no pct-; SlZl. Propet11e1 \Vest 67~1642 prox 2000 sq ft suitable for $4!XXI. £.Z tenns. 54&-3196 BACllELOR unfum f rom LI 8-9632eftl'r3prn -"'"' ~• · 'lUO. Ahlo avail '1 • 2 & 3 TEA ...... r ... R ~Mtel smn.11 cycle shop. \Vrlte Daily 1.0 ACRES Bdr J1cat~ pGOJ~ chlld N t B h 5200 Apt. m Beacon Bay area. Pilot Box 1'1""690 RANCH aates -nnr lakee. caN)m~nler, adj to shoppil'I&. ewpor eac C11ll 832~16 or 543-mT STORE for lease 1100 gq . ft. S2S per mo. C11'1l $M743. I DAILY PlLOl' 0111ified yearly r--ff!Ctlon NOW1 -61H724 UNJTED n.rND -Riv• You Contrtbuted? GIVE toda.7 -The "Unit"Cd W11" Na ,,e'"" --"3 "FlR. 2 SR. lll3'""E':"Tulll'i08 ~-R"E'NTAL-S'£RVlCE-lll~IOjl cfi'Ml'TJh-sT.~ ·nrAL Offiia 641-567!, ·cnarge 2iDO Petef'llOn \Vay BJ\ltf, on &!boll Pe:nin. P1. J.~EE TO LANDLORDS r..trim C311 dill' 4M·9615 n1IC! Yot1r lld, then alt back and o.lra a.tea 646-0370 S300 roo ~·rly I~ MMUi1 * BIUt Beacon n45-Ql U 11t 962-388.1 llxlefl to 1~ phone rinz! YOURSELF (You're Not Dreaming) But You Can PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 YOUR CREDIT IS GOQL__ " " ' - -· .. IUSINISI --P.J ····-~ ~·1-~~~~~~~~1 ,,, '( ~~~~~!.;-~ l W~nt 7t ck,~. Frigld&lro 11 -...... • h .. ...."" 1n ... lad...,., 30, : rig . t • • • . 11 min wuhta will 1 do tbe ,. • 1 , ( • Jallo Mon. !#-7100 workof...,.30mlnwuhlt. C If ' f FRIGIDAIR>l ·OIJTffrAND. 0 one 0 . . abflftfes ING LOCATIONS: La Mln.· fh rt' $• ~ --~·"'•; e· ex"9" aolfmfte~ ~::• G,.,. A Biii.. lisfed be1owJl ageDCCV Coln.0-Matlc Quall"' Po&lilooo 1or Equ!MnOftt, Inc. llltVICI DIUCTOllY llRV1CI DIUCTOllY SlltVICI DlltlCTOltY QualWK App&uts 2334i,i .w. Valencia 6190 t8I E. l'ltb St., SUila 224· Fullu,.. n1, 525-113! ~It, 0111 M20 Carpet Cloonl"' "2S J•nllorlol eo... ,.,,. ec.1110 ~TE~~ 1::!t. 8EA.uNG t\ PATCHING CARPET A upbolltRry ateam SPARKLE Janilarial A Win-A'rl'ENTION BOYS!. P UM! of Realdentia'.l • Indul -Comc1 cJe.ned,,. aleo carpet in. dow dunlns Strv. Win-Guan.nteed St..15 hr. Door to rue: ~!!:_. ne-w n ... : Cmnpl reu IUV. Curftn\b atallation. Results l\W'. For dowa, raJd., comcl, comt. Door Ales after IChool. 3 A~ or macti~~ .;;Ii ena:qeCI bY City.of <7M· tor trtt e1t. e&11 ~ Cleanup. n. est. 96&-at bra. Mon-Frt. , hn Sat. investment l"!CJUittd! Will ltrft~ -;:;:~JU. RINTAL RIADIER -Cal I ~'154 btwn l tmn """'party! 66-UU Geo'I Contncton • 638.5813 S4Gmt Londlupl"t 6110 pm-f:>l pm. ONLY. IJC'D Jap&lltle landscape AIDES.. N\n1J:W. ~ x: pa r • .•• ln~t-t Oppor. 6310 Aulo ltopolro '530 ~•poriM 6'30 ,.,,.,._, La-...-, l'Ht'd. -In .....,. W. 1 . . . . .. u... .... -PH: "' --}~ PAR'INER.-1ieeded-1Dr unJ. A.trro body ' A Fen.4tr ATI'ENTION New Home . ~ AfQ)iJ'NTINi i · ... rnl-Htate ""\""· % repali& at reu. prim. Ownon! o.aper1es by Ellle ........... lrldi 6UO CLIRK ~ Million do11-r prQlit retunL "\'W's a speciality 543-4503 REASONABLE (1) S3&-e66T ·~' . __ ..:__ .. .._.,....., ..... --."t... un1>e11eva1M .....,"""'"' "" • · RICH ••D •u EN ·~---·w --· quick profit. $15,00Q lo uJr: far Larr)'. "" "" prepare 00.C 61n11Unnce ft, I sso.ooo """"""· M>Un .. byslttl 6550 ElactrJc.1 6640 Cuatom & Spoohh ...,., Know!.,.. ot 10 "'Y larn 1xtr• rMMY fw * CHRIST-MAS * J. C. Penney. Com~y Pa&hi... lollnd --port .... ,..., ..... .,... In t Sllu t Sota'• Helper t Credit lntervlews t Gift wrappln1 Scllodlllt1 includin1 afternoons, oven1D1• and combination of botli. Filwt coadltlonl -Top •\IPOl'Vl•lon -EJ:., Ctlltnt bonetlta lncladln1 dlacoWtt prlvilol•· *· Appiy Now t · It A.M. to' l'.M., -.y thru PrW.y J . .C:. Penney Compny ] .. RENTAL READIER Ma-'l. A $poclaltyl ·-machine l·l ,._,. MGMY2 u· "'1i.o.0 .• L. ~ ... .:.: ~ =~ -•1t:~ 1~i;,":aroto ~ST•M•D CORI'. 1 ~~,.~-~!' ~~~~~~~~~~· ~~*~ n Ola " p1 · Mn Ha)'W •• In !1.ilu 11) 11 : . ' ~ .Y""· ay room. Floors '665 Paporfllo;,ilnt ,.;,.m . Prompt. c:onftdential wvice Bab)'littinr, in my borne. CARPET VINYL TILE P1lntlne 6l50 A.wmblers -E lectro · le• Men. WMI. 7100 J1• Men. Wttn. 7911 #ff Pa&11i...1l1tnt1 Newport Inch, Callfwnla '42·2171 545-Cl611 115. ....... (15 Poppy ..... ••l Ljc, ........ 54if-1262, mechanlcol. E><p'd only Se-" .. -Harbor area 20 ...... A Co •·1 M•"' 548-«78 * PAINnNG, . int I: at. CabJe &: harneu usembly .. ~...... .,... w ., rom """' -· v•· na-•· Cookl S•ttler Morte• Ce.. Back from ""tnam. .... Hand v.ire wrappioa technl-· ~ E. 17th Street MOTHER Of 1 wil care .fM Fu"'lture RQforint in business q:ain. Free que• 515,000 chiJd of worldna: mother. a RlflnJshine 6675 atlmatel. Will subcontract. Apply betw I am I: 4 pm J'eneed yard. SG-Qlf ~lil89 CompU.tft' Automatiort tor p>drealen.:teloan. CHILD Care&: Ironin& ?t1y *EXPERT maple NEED PAINTING? 893W.16thSt,N.B. Vacant OK. Mr. Ad1m1, Home. Exper. Fairview · A relirrlah.lrW, 21 yean ex-Call UI! Rellahle Service w/ Broker * 499.213q Baker area, C.M. 5t6-3U4 perience, 2 ~ lel"Vice. Call Quality at Its best, at the ACCOUNTANT MONEY TO LOAN UCENSED oittu, v e r y 642-6770 m01t .....,..hie pr!c.,. On Vacant Jot or acreqe re 11 a b 1 e , xlnt caft. "80 Free e1ttmatet. 54MOftl hr FRY COOKS Top Wqel, permanent, boft. ett, and lood workin1 C(lft- dttklM In aru'1 leadina ttttaunnt An!f I am to 5 pa for Interview at IV. Stuan Foat• Rltr. 6T>«IO Paularlno """· * 54&-09l9 Go....,,iftf INTIEXTER!OR. c 1, an, SAN CUMENTI Mo~ TD, ,.,5 BABYS11TING, m,y -· lllTUll1111'$ neat w" k. euan...... MANNING'S ,.,..911, • ·I _.., lunch fumisbed &: yard. MIDUnl Reas rates. FlM est Call Requires desrM plus three COl'Pll SHOP • $G,OOO SEASONED T.D., Mon thru Fli,-646-0716 Jack 894-3895 mllect if nee. Yffl'B colt accounU. e.xper-2-"'91 El Toro M covmnr ·lDQ ocean view BABYSiriJNG, -MY borne. MONTHLY MAINTENANa:: SUBURBAN Painting/Dec ience preferably in manu. Leimh Wodd l.quna HWa lots, MIU .. at 18.<ioo each: re"°* ;.,.i; lunch !um. 644•4860 Export G.......,toed Worl< tadwin< proce.,... Per. llMQH All due in 18 mos., pay&We Mon-t"rt. Call sa..45.11 Qean.Up, Remodel Free ut No job too larp forms duties ol Division 0. COUNTERMAN _ Au t 0 Factory ITT JAISCO CLIANER, DEIURI l HELPll LIAD-MAN $600 mo .. incl. 10% interest, BABYSITI'ING, my home: ., Bud&et L&ndacapl.nc ol' too amall. 494-3190 = ~~eek e ~~ P&rtll. Experienced. .A 11 10% di a count. Bkr. West Costa Mesa. Days or ExperleDCtd Horticulturist PAINTER. lntertot: 4 Ex· 'books ·prepare financial benttlls. Call Mr. Barrett. 497-mo; 497-ion eves eves. 642-8728 AL'S Garoenln&' A IAwn terior. 21 yn. qu&llty lit! 1tate~ent11 forecuts or t41-2'" Eq!W, opportunity employer ls' and' !NBS BABw .. ~SfITIN, ~.!!:. ~ .. boH~·. Maintenance. Commercl&l. ~•llmate1. CALL sales A ~ IJld pneral COUPLE wanted u aais- COOD BENEFTTS AND \\IOJUaNG CX>NDmONS .1VU1 uo;i• "" industrial &: residential. GENE 494-n duties ftqU1red for a amall tant manaatn for Motel So. wtf. T.o·~· Jbc. ; IClll . • " 497-1416 * 6*-3829 * *INTERIOR EXTERIOR* manutacturina firm. Aadlt apta. 23'11 Newport, C.M. 1415 Dale Way, Costa Me8' c.Jil. Pbooe: SGa;t ZENmf 2'4lool. Toll rr.e . ·r COMPLETE Paintlne -Pa-GeneralM....,...olDlvblon ~-;:;·,,:ms-"'::-:-::-:-.,,.-7.:u.:;:; ANNOUNCIMINTS lrlcli,-M9tenry,.tc. Llc. IM. Guaranteed in variou1 administrative CAN )'Oii. type iO. do ·lllht 6560 Yard Main!. Cleanup7 HarriJ Paintltla ~ fw>ctions. Must be 9tlt..tart.. bookkffp!JW! Youn,. boa ;:==.,.====""° 1ncf NOTICES --------Reu. 86&-1828/646.at INTERIOR. :t: x t er i or: er and be able t.i weft wllbo need• Girl J'rida1. to $G> ~ ........ C•r MHftMtfca · BUllD, Remodel, repair. JIM'S Gardenln& It lawn Interlor-averta:e 3 b d I'. out dole dlrecUon or super. to ltarf. Good eo. btnlftts, incl pet Found.•(Fl'M Ada) 6400 Brick, block, concrete, maintenance. Rn. A: Com-home, $98.50 labor only. Call vislon, Otters a ehallenclna 1nc1e,.ndent vacation, l1'WP Lu. ttnL. LONG halm'J black I: white carpenlft')', m job too~ merclaL * 540-f83'1. ~1546. opportunity tor' Pft'IOh with PertenMI Aeenc:V =. ~e~ikGfo! cat •f<>UJ1d Halloween . Lle. Contr. Japanqe Gardener INTER.&: Ext paintifla:. Lie. initiative and abilJty, 1116 Oran&e Ave., SWte C Joe Moore Ph. 561714. Feomal~, vie. Mea Verde. lull -Servkie 6N2 Complete Yard Service &: Ins .. Frtt e~t. 3t1 yn; exp. SEND COMPLETE RESUME C.M. ~. Sti-<lt7I Gel ,rJ.;PenMMI 5'>131.B ... F°rff Edimale 646-0830 Acow;Ueal. 6G--OI09 TO DON TOMPKINS dfii:b cue-rnab.lre. WO~ to $415, No lbortband. n.acb 1'0UND Bicycle In back 1SMUf'$ CLEAN-UP SPECIAUSI'! CUSI'OM PAINTING · care tw inlant p/time, vie area Beaut omc.. FUN • yanl. Vic. Santa -Avo., au· $1.111$$ smes MoWg, -· odd jobo. REASONABLE RATES ·-· u •• ~ Bl·~. Bnhnt/Adoms, RB. RW. V~ • ...,_.._·, CM MS-f13S Reasonable. 548-6955 6C2..alfl -n&l"UUJ" "" 546-J63I -..n Rlla·---·-. °"ta Mesa, c:aU!. 92621 -.&1 WOMENS Ch arm coin TREE SERVICE, sen'I yud * PAINTING Interior/E:xter. &5UPfi£~p Uld nWft. JASON lllT J-J. W. IOllNION *JANITOltl,fq, -port . PtrMNltlAe1ncy/ 113 Dover Dr., NB -· . "1"' 1'-"r:~ l IXl'L!)lllR le •~ ,. ... Int. • ft 4 "' hove hn-1 ... .,._Int• fer -~ . • * 5 J"lnish CEPlfrtert * 3 .-Uft'I . • ··~ ..... -* f Olue-nwt < .. _,&bot> ' Oontat't * , F'Nmera, ftm.alt In N-lle&cll !cabhlOI ahop) 1111 Pait•• '41-0llO * 1 Table ••·man In Garden Gnwe * 1 o.zt,.ott aw man . Ml"r•4 J1c1i.at11 * 1 Welder, R A D dept.• -~_,~...;•;:2.:.1·;,:J.:.t'-"lt * l Weld" hel-' L ... llocrot~ *l·UVottauto- S * 1 Uphobter.r • Put-time. U ~ a . • * 1 Plumbl.fW A hl!atbW ~ days a Mtk. M'lllt bt a lwlJtr aood t1Pllt "1th avcrare Exptrienc.d afPl.'eutl lhlxthand. Lt I a I ·f!XP'l'· pin JN•www. · he?ptul but not -toly. PLE..., APPLY .....:::r: -Olt CAIL -1 Al•ncr .1.;t.r1r Mehr tt111• 133 Dovtt Dr., NB 31111 --Bl"' ll2-3l10 ~'3 Ooell MHa, Clllt: ·:· LEGAL Secrltory Tralnte, '(?11) - Mature. Mull be &CCUr&tt MOD)lfL. Mule'Giar, wtD\M typbt. C&D --5' by Ull&t.115 hr. Coottct.!'O' cuff.ht P. O. Boll: 1p13 * D•y Shift t -AUTOMATIC - SClllW MACHINI M~tHplnd.)t. Brown I:: hlpt, Taub. !'UNCH 1'11111 Sinqllt an4 JC'Oiiwi\111 d~. DlllLL l'ltlSS Downey, Calif. • Nurse Ai._ • ·ALL IHIPTS " IXP'D " TRAINll CAU llDW 54M45D braeelet on On"Gnet Dr. Taxes, C P.A. bookkttpint, cleanup. SPRINKLER ior. Local rttereneei. Im-tain amall tnilel' park. Emplorment Acency ~ mutua1 funds, insurance. REPAIRS. 646-5M8 med. aerviu. 646-3657 "' Smee tnt Orana:• Oo. Mim 2120 Sa. ?6Jn. santa Ana FOUND Grty 4 whiht ~, Re'!:,EI~.= * Expert J11,.nen EXTERIOR-INTERIOR be bond.able. ~1'85 General: Experienced IHUlll·LOK CORI'. grown kitten at Matjner'1 1 quo ' ' ~ WOit.K ~ a: Mainlenan« DENTAL ADll-:-Pl'evious fUrnlture man A. dr1Vtt, A.Ill Park, NB Sun. 6t6-20l5. C. ~I "9CI e &t6-3185 e 6Jfr, desirable. Call tor time, Mllll&I')' obUptScw Al'PLY IN PEllS>N IRISH serrtai. Male, vie. !P!"~."I! Gener1I St"'* "" WALLPAPERING &: PAIN-ltllssgxm:;~s fnll!rvW. between .2" 'pm. filled.",..~ of Cott&.Mei& m1b Sehl. 'CARPENTRY HAINGuttenln•t•lled . TING, 10 YRS in """· AJLAllJIC 'ESEA-.... "15. GlllL ,.llDAY 54>7090 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Rainy Seuon Almost Here! Reasonable rates. 6f2.0f27 I\ ft~ DINTAL AISISTANT Lite otttee work. ,ermanent VERY T~ black 4 white Too Small Cabinet in &aJI-Frtt est. Re as o rt ab 1 e FUR Bt'ttl!r P~linr. tnt.r-CORPORATION Oral IW'Pr.Y &: X-Jtay exJ position. Good Pl¥. 5 Dly rabbit, Mesa Verde area. qes Ir o tbe r cabinets. ~2!08 ior A exterior, acoustlc ceJl. A Dlvillon ol. tl\e onlf need apply. 5CS-T719 Mele. Ovn' 21. Mut bt Mal WH,.._,.,.ITE Puppy "'th ...... ~ U ~lLlea~ PRAcr. Nune avail. tor nite lnp, 64M077 6 5'1.J:ial Suaquehanha Corp. * DISAWAiHll * 11·~. •PfeMr"'!"'", • ....:..a..1nttPview1,~ E ... 11 ~ shift, ~12 hrs. Box 211, San RENTAL READllR An equal opfOl"hmlty Day Shift ........ ' n' •-v,. . ...., ' tail, poodle, male, blue ebl· ::;,:,:;,,:,:,:,=-=--:-,-...,..c I Clem./f93....4UC ~ employer APPLY WatneT, Santa Ana. Jar. 646-215.f CARPENTRY, Cabinet• BASYSlTl'ER N~~ in ALLIY WIST GIJU. FRID.4Y • b,er., dk> Remod. No job too small, u .... 11 6730 ~ · --::'l:' S~ALL Brown male q , -·-•u ... wmc-Call Mrr2576;-~!I Pl11terlna, ll.,air 61IO home. C.M. &l"M. l'ifuat 1\4ve 21.0I W. Ocet.nfront ' ... ., .. 1_• Mesa Vftde area. 'I._...,, RANSFER ;..:a 5M-!Sl6 N.wport Be&ch, Calli. llCW1ty cl..ranct u., ... .,..,. QUALITY a.pain -Allon· MOVING-T • p AT c H P1.ASTERING: own ........ . DISHW •sHll" ""'""' o .... Coll -I--~-""·~....,,~.-=-Hom -New CMat. by boor Local medium dlltance, ~ AU typeL Free estimate. BABYSITI'EtlCM Netded .... ' : rn,y " Gov't.. dvll ,ervtee, wta, BLACK female poodle m So. or cemtnct. 641-3'42 nomlcal • SaJva,zable ttetn1 Call 5f0-6l25 borne , from • union, student&, dlabltd. Coast PW& park1na lot REPA:tRi ALTERATIONS somdimn PAY for the job. 5"8-lGC.I lx,erMwtl Larltimate morwy maker: 847 - 7769 CABIN!:T. Any aize job John, 536-6126. ~mblftl "90 BABYSiTI'tR my home, ll Not door-te-door alee. U WHITE Cat -rtd collar• l 25 )Tl. ex-per. Sf8.i713 y A R o I G u • e 1 e a n u' p mo okl airl Mon thna Fri. A#'ly ifll r:nen equl;im't tte U 11Ject.M yellow eye, 1 blue ~ Glen. REPAlR, Partitions Small S 1 O I J o a d . Sa1vaieable1 PLUMBING REPAIR ~Ins, 645-ou:a ·aft. I. f~U,lJI It S llLOI N MMGll, '"11, S..T ter apjL ""' & DWnond 4""'618 1 No job too mnall 5 l'oc. C&t. Hwy. Jte,modd, etc. Nite or dq, free! Remove trees, vy, e 6f2.3128 e BABYSl't'T£R -Every Fri t. teh O,_.ry Mir. T.r• ..... ll!IO E. N"'11&ftdy Pl., ' Sant.a Aft& 0 blk, N. f4 McFMeen. ,. Wk. w. el Crull.) FDUIC-.S *Doy lhlft * APPLY IN PER!ON L •• t '461 Reu! call KEN M0-4679 grade 982-174S Sat nlte I prn -2 am Vie.· pilewpet! It• Hi ICboof lf'ti. S1GO to.start, -I H uI cit • up o• what TILE c. .. mlc 6974 118 Coll .. 9e>-'16&2. oiivtt' intlotN~ IHUll·LOK CORI'. GREY Striped f~ale ~t. CMMnt, Cencrate 6600 eve~. Have ~clrup. ' BABYSiriER toi''2 vary ac-J. Yi. 1011,.SON P•rHMel Aetncy vie. Beach Blvd, bttw * CONCRETE FLOORS, Call 536--0074 aft 6 pm. * Verne, The Tile ?tlan* tlw bo)ll. Flexible hn. ln& OraJtte Avt, Si.Ute C lJQ:I E. NOrmaftlly Pt, TaJbert k Slater. Ana to patioa, etc. Reuonable, Call CLEAN UP & Haulln1 Cuit. work. ll'll:ii&: i;~· Avail. e.ve1. It wkndl., 0c-llAS OPENING FOR C.M. 6C4Cl'IS, 66<111 S&ftt& AM. "IT" (coll) 496--147·7581 Don, 6C2-1514 Treei &: lhrubbecy trimmed No job too • • uttr cuionally, Own transp k HOUstKi'EPElt'Nfedid l (1 blk, N. of McFadMn, FAilfiLY iietrl~ •. GOiC\ CONCRETE Work-Block or removed. 549-1359 patch. Leaklfli' i how er Refeunce11. Call • stS-3611 l'ANll TltUCK Eldtri¥ Mrn1 lnvalld 1.: % blk. \V. of Gl'&Dll.) watch on chain. Encraved. Fenct1-Planten. Remodel-Cle•n Up And Haul repair. 347-1957!846--0206 after 7. Pl\f. • -DltlYll -Llt• c:ookinc. I dL i :.JO.Sikl rural scene. Heutbrokenl inc &: Addltlm\s. 641-9852 SlO a load 646-25.28 Tree $ervice 6tl0 BABYsi'ri_ER • lite hakpr pm, tlO wk &: . mn11, MFG. RJi:W!JtD 41M-3946 · for 2 children, NB area. APPLY JN PERSON Hu Mini Poodle.Vie. Hoq A ~lliw ~- GERMAN· Shepherd' loat in Centr•ctwl 6620 HouMCINnlre 6731 TREES pruntd, I 0 pp ed. Own tram. Aft ' pm, FUHION lSL4ND Hosp. He .... eaµ da,i ~PM,¥. vri(h nl 1 11rvtne T~.&Jia. nmoved.. 26 yrs expe:r. 6™19» N'L'WPO"ltr BEAOI LI U2$1. Aft. g &t,._UIS. -...rid .. C!Oftdltionl ,1n4 'l,lo..-1525 FRED H. GER.WICK BAY&: Beach Janitorial Serv. A 1 r 1a1 t 0 were quip. BABYStl'TER. My home. · *., illi'iifi" * • HouSiiCil:tMiK i chUd ~ btl*ltl bas lnunedl. FEMA&.E COLLIE F~. J:.~=09 ~:;11 ~~!°m!~r;'j 4'4-t505. 638-7234 1.lon-:rrt. 7:30 - 3 PM. Ia-care,~ da)'wlc., SIOwk. + 4are_~ *:'uto. aertw Mt>ll97 Li<:ONeO-Free .......... . 6'&-1'0! u,hol&t•ry 6'90 f .. t • ')T "4· MM40l N• l!lflWllC• ~ boll'd. Pd. vac. nladllnl .,. ....... .... OVEJ\l&\S * w. need you! Call SinJfty, nt:77 .. "10 . -PAINTIR -: . CITY 0, • NIWl'OllT llACH Jtequires ccm•letlon ol appreilttotlldp, twe yqrt ... joumt7DWJ paiftttr; A~cantl, Jl}eue anl1, tG P~l Olflce, U08 N~ Blvd., Newport Btaoh. Calif. ta. Ph.~ (l'U)l7MG3. . ilali ti,,..' s.c,...,, ~-~u. ,., .. ~aui!M' O>. " .,.., _,, ....... MISS llllC AGINCY al W, Cout Hwy., N.B: • l'OLIC:I CLllUC ··-m.et>l1 • 5$-211\l Complete H ······-BAI< MAID lnllh"l I . 8 -Teti _. -PllrMft•ll ..... """"~--~· ctYKOSKJ's o..t. up001 . WANT!:D. N......., aouSElQ:EP!:lt. • .... 11wt c -a...,.;....,...,. ISTllY • Carpet Cloonr.., 6625 Day::,~ Eun>-·· c.attmnon&hlp Tue Flame Room. ~!Ult bave .._. CllJtHnlll c1ay, wit. Good pay. Muat · APJiY at PALM • · io0% Fin! 6U-l'54 ll80 MomMa, 01. *'""" nciod, APJly have oar: q.n 11!,~ St& Fut inc. ~ 00! yeor"""' CARD RIEADINGS CARPET -'"1!! Thi• Hou..-Apt Cle&nina c•f Collln-atlpm .• YILL-CAICO. ff°""' ..... '"-In llOS.SaataFeSt. -•~-·· •-~-. 51 lrfnti Your Proltlems to Wffk Only!! We vacuum, Rt&IOMble Prices ,=183~1~N~..,_~~~B;:I.,.:;· ~·;"~· =:!iiiIDiff"'i;i~"iiii(""~-v" "AC"' .u Ml-(;Wl'l\;U ...... r .... ....., $474 ... $576. ,., - CITY Of NIWPOltT ll~CH· Mo _.I Will Hol, You ......... ,"-lift ~ile. Incl. e -e BEAUfi <>Pe•. tun tliili. 111 & lllb SI. ,rM'd. I In lam.,· H.B. "f'la ,,,.. wpm 1y1;.,, HJsh Scllool Solva Them. . di .............. &lie '"· ft. WI-Cl•on.... 6"7 T... ov" 1d. dlental<. eo.ta MtA Ref'~ Box M~ 1>&'\Y I'll'! Ii!W(.,.. dl- 1 &Ive advl<:e on all,IDftttr'I 8U-0298. e ~S DIRTY? i G = 1.l/be exp'd. AW, In ptl'90I\. J31UVJ:R WliriiiS Ovtr 11 HOU8flCiiiiEli: live in. <'Auple tO manlle U unlt , Apply beiort 5 pm Nov. 12 of I,._ -·'Ah u ldVe, Court-*Diamond& are measured FrH eat. 15 )"tut exp. 'VINDOW Cl..EANINI • .Pit. for appt. 5G-020I for :·are. Must haw Private ipl:. 2 .ehool&pn. cil'ftlllelc. must be ut'4, Ptrsonntl Offict, 33GO Nn.·- ""'•-.; Johnr1y Dunn &G-2314 We Proml.9e to peue. ~.,;ptR _ Secntaty ..__ •••• : .. -·Uoft. "'n:M'l.11;5t1-T1t'J. non-driltktna. 1 tMnqtr JOrt 81¥4-. ·Nnport. Bauh, ""'•· moniap, dlvol'C:o. ""'-by""'""'· .,..,. ""' ARPriS: 5*-2210 ovum -..----~-··~ llvdlanp s Bil~ Calli. <n•> -· J:,:S. ~':~tio':e o~i:. a.~~&$~ ce'!tc ~· f ::~~ DON'T JUsr WISH for ~~;1°~ =*· lM. ~~ ~ ~00::: i* ~~l:;, ~te Dally PUtt kC ti ._ .......... ,!""dyandb&p.CARPEI' ... Funt.-: wo"IJLD Yu ••• ; __ 1 .~:. =""""~~.:::: IOYS11·14 or.roe.fi..W, .. ~.. E.t;,, ·-wit. Own ~ '·-!'!OLfCI ~!!CIR' py m.aniqt1, ovel"L'Gllle rL tor 1 day terrice ·I: quality ou Ul:'lllllVW ..... ' • • .i trea Can1ar R.ol.dtl Open DttiVb -Piek up I: tran,.t. Call bl:fon I Pl'if -r.iiiff6iiitT, fllll' thU. "T $nl te $112 rw ~ val1,' lovel'l , qUUttls, evD wuric: can ~lin& t1l1' clean your homl for Blue· WW'• 0 • lfied,A41. · -tor Dtu~. Muat know c.ta 17M1'4t. • . pl)' ~· ,_. lt¥iM Co~ habit• ""'l>bllns ., .... of br!P-! ..,...,. . ChlP ~· arl-'13511 GIVE N ... -Unlt<d FUnd Lq1lJ1a -... So. Lqwlll M-·· N•WpOrl ...... All .rANrroRIAL. M . Tu It E c-°''· 1111 E. c.... e.ITY C!P all kinds. The"' It no !iOut DAILY PILOT -I&. Coll ~. Bamtt. MALE OR aJUPLE. 2 OR ffW1., H.B. , NiWl'C!RT ~liJ.CH so bad ar hOmie $0, drearf "2-021 .....,... . , . 3 Houb per ntte., Hwto MXNtCtJIUIT· fott bul)' •Mf f ::::~ \1~a'::."-..": ANNOUNCIMINTS ANNOUNCIMINJS J~as a tMl'LQYM NT ~= :-.;!' S:.°f. :=.r:it ~=.~ -~ HJl::!ff'b¥~ = :'J'ui~".; what moy be "°"' -.. •nd NOTICIS •nd NOTICll .loll W6htoil, wailttu: Bin Bri>wn'• Lj. blntllb. lllOW "" ...-<Jive a fair iiliilif'M~IC ,_IYO '°Ket d<· fiear or ambition, 6405. Nran•ls '401 Women 7020 suna Beach Country au~. l•tl•fl•'*"t lhare WAftldlit tlPff; T., JV· putroent expa.n¢trls: 1.11 PALM~.;"~J;R '"''T"".!! ·-·-•:rzn Pff..,.;tl·MoMY J4. c,.:iliiin ne~:-wmuor •la 11"1 ...... of u:llv• •h *'' ... Attractlft ... ,.1t • MlNICAftE NURSING • CISil1tR ll<•tallhlii '"""'· lnl 0..,.. Aw, l!!ll• c 10-s THE-Boot w-um -· ~~ ~""",...:. ~ t1:11k:.~ -)'(IQ oner YOUNG WOMAN Nunes A: IJdel avallaba& fDr pi ... r1ed. Nil'ts. m-MllL . CM. 64~ ~ ft C..ta ~ · · · lninlm11m: 21 t.isi""" Avail. tar ptrtWs • • itanotr will tet.eh"" an home can on bourl)r buts, A9lr fCll' ltfn. rr.ni-. ~c ~-.. ·WWWE • .. ..,.., of ... :-'9/IO ~•kt· w:,."'i! ~ ;::~~"' YIS IT'S YOUR ~ ~ Cf.:o":M"' i 'i':....""'.::io""° -col:~.:.:rcv =r ...,-...,J·~: Tiil FOi ~ i:r.,:-~.·c:a ed .!oton: .• -dl-Opat~ l~ lO PM,.... ,_!!U~-lh&t =s'il.~1 !~°': ·~"=~· 'A':rl:.c1 ~Plleentla. N.B . QUIOI CAii i.ffi1t&ituf111 = .,..wMd .llotolj Off. (%13) 697.J272 w~~~~ ~ ig:1~ P.O. Box 1m eo.ta ...... mg W. Li._ Lane, S.A. A memhor QI . 'lti* Siitttar, '-"" , ,.,... !or tilt -- 210 w, Whlltler Blvd, 2 hour <i>rdlll( JOll & IM,[OYMINT NURSES .._ Aldol a.,.U.W. 8"ell!ns l ~.!.!".:.... '" V.P. ol -O>. · A l>~~'°"'"':t""''-ton *I l>IO p.m.; No,( 4 Habra ' " for home care. stf..41TO 2J90 111.H)or Bl, Qt~ Mut bt •'*"ttvt Cauber, THIOUIH ~I:, It., CN. it. 1•. at atr Haq I WANTED: Rld• from »th a LIC:INS!!D Jo~ Wonft!I, e Allltd Nunes a Mm e COOK • aousliiiiii& ,,,tn. I yn '"""' -'· . In. -. °""'1:11 .---. ~ Santa ~ Ave., t,M. to Spl/lblu Rad ... , advice Wom6n 7020 ot o.c. l<nnu a.atmy "'" In " ou~ tlalilo& --i. )Ill t!Wfi i -::t;t" ~~··N-w; Anaheim, 3 blko. oil s.A. on au~"· ru N. El · 2729 w. u,... Lane, !.A. a_. Alleft Brt&M Apney Miii llllC. All"NCY DAILY flLO'lll · 21rra_._,0-_ ~·in ca"'~ .,....' •_Jt~. f'l"W)'. on BMthn.y. ~ c.minl • Sin Clemente ~~':, =~ U.:.,~~r!: MANiCURJST wants: ;.rt or 1118 B i:. 11th St. ~W. ,'?P"! Kn .•• N:-. I pehea 111 E. l'f'lh. ~ ~. ~ .. ~~ '1>tn. 5 d.,... MW>7I aft. 492-'1~ 49J.OllTS •• .. ~ tull Ume wo<I< tn buol' ""'1> So!>t& A,na. 511-01!" DPiiR. ~ .. o,. .. an Pltdeo °"""' -Olvt t•t ,.., lmtfter ,,., P.M. 10 AM . lO PM !:!1' ""~ ~. 112->m •• N.B. Cd." or Balboa ~m .. lti. -· !itt.At.o!Cl!l!!&..n. -waNl.A Ytur ••hfrlbvt" -~~;.~<1111 NO "'"'L"-"""' JUi,_~ ~..,HAl\l!Ql\:C,!\.1l1SLL. ~-"1.t.lv.t~ ........ ,~ Cllt•t. They 1•t tho loll man, mal i.,. Clm. 114., ~ .... ·-L ·-·as, ....... ' ~ can l@ll ltwlth a DAILY uaiq 2 PM~ Zone ,Boat widow wanti IO fl'!t.nllf:.., . 414-.19N •• ._. '"""' i ,...~ '·-PJ1P7'W.p!T 4011 OG6671 llo., ~ * ~ 30 unlli~t. l!'-1171 ONE atft -""""~ tlonl ~ . · • .. . c . . _;. I .1 I I I Thund'7, Novtmbtr 6, l%«J a MliN I a EMPLOYMENT -;JAs ·---~nit lsk .... Wlj:L-7-1•·1<Jhl1• .. -"Mtt11M ....... Wem.JJJ Ml ltt1lANDISI l'OI MEltCHANDISI l'Oll MlltCHANDIH l'Olt Ml ltCt!ANDISI l'Olt ME ltCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISI! FOR SALi ANO TIADI IM.1-AHD-UADa , · U ll -Tllt\llll IAl.l-AHD-!!p; ~ - Ynl iii........ illOPUrduN ~-T•lll~ -aa. MilCilliftiiUI uoo -· pfu.Tlmo TillJ: -· SOltt ~VICE·-........ --USBD Admlral Oo1ir TV, '1l'lllr "' ,.._ "' °"'"" l!XCl!l'TIONAL ,... llmo, 5 pm lo JO """ ' -,...... with "'*'"'· ..._ AUCJlllll * Aw., ..... Bell. ' OPPOlll\INITY . """'°OU. 39! E. 17th. CM Ill. 'hmlL See, u... l'li lUl'I ~ MAN SUI wttk. W11 are ititpaDdirw our New· SERVICE STATION bel11 ~ .. ,.,. denon'1 .IOr Udl Ii: other F R IDAY _ NOV. Jth Genin-........ -· port lloacb .......... ..... ......... See Mike, MIKE ~ r::oi -· 1877 u,rbor 7·.00 PM 3 pmJ.D pm. 5ERVJSOFT, wtahtointerview'you.rwmen 'I1CE ., QlEyJM)N. J.1'11 Bl'ld., CM. M&-0155. "'11 SIR St NB. whoµ. e'1ly .,,.,..,,. iJI -· C.M. DECGIATOI IETS UJIClll&-1-Color 1V or 8i&Ck UNCLAIMED STORAGE PltlSS OPl ltATOIS .. ...,.lnlnr the poulbWtie1 SERVl<"' Slalton a-. ' Of ll 11,,,,_ ••••r ··-6.Whjlo ()ptlon., bey FROM RED BAu. • ll --=--rr.r -o1 • llfe tllN·caRU-la !be ·Graveyud abtlt. Apply :ltlOO Sl!ANISH MEDllEWNIAN ...,._," .... ..anna -'---,.,,. -"tc.. No ...,.sit Lots-• Partial tbt!ng-°""'' . -.. f!IAnl. -"""""" ~ '"'"'· w. w. c-• u.,., ,.... • ._; ~ 11.;m . F'-• ,. .ci..-t. s~ & M•dl.t!i•"'Dl..flnh• A-.. TV 11<nta1 eo. ~... ~~ Ba1Te11. llEAL J'S!'ATE ~. havt • ..._...,...;n1n1na -SECR>:rARYIRJ:CEPl'Eii '"--11 --~ All lllWID NEW " -·ruon.m:r -~ --- -ln s "°'"' Paul ~ol .""",-1,"'.'!..1!:'.lhn .~ isr lnt•reltlnr job ln Doc-3 ROOMS OF PURNnURI I $319. t M·'I I d s · t p ..,----...,_. "'"' Dinlni< Room ""'~ _"_ .. ..~~-uu ,., ___ .__,_, ·~· .u t1rr,n•1n • roo1n uite n ~" T USED~..... Cllina cabJ.net1, Bulfeb, ~-1 Whitt Carnahan' will be ...... , ~-w will tor'• otfkoe I.or 8CQ~·..u rn s i.:... ~.:...L .Lllc s I ' .. L _:_. • 96 IR•9 , .. , 001 • NOW ''" 00 " K .... . tt.rtinc a complete sales ~~ ()l)Mtf'Vabs .... .'::~· -~ .. •~ akllll hi~ Ii: IBM I t-•urr191 · tpan"' nn. _, G • 5,.,. ' . h ;_:-1 -8-1·1·1--5-1 I~ • Good eondHion $15 ~ $40 dar cilest.l,-8 ... _ Vacuuma, • ......... _ r....1--1 111&11..-a au ..... ~ "'""'' .. ~ ....,PEW•-• M 1 ha n. qullt9cf Mfl with 56 In. metchlnt Jove orveou1 ptn11 -• orn u o 1 w C&ll ~. O:ilor TV, stereos, Radloa, .·1 .n.,., ... ,. ~ • ....,........... vn•-·nt '· ••·men -~n. '.. iw..i.c.n. ua ve .... ' h I S Ith DI Olk I hi L S ' ~' I I '-~ I Euy '-"-" -._ .... n.. ---t... u.... w .. ., u-.-pl •·· ~ t or c 1 r e 5 pc. C -· me c n9 ovt ••--o ce o -• ITU challll, ~w.ng ma· I ,. •• -~tocnew......-a I ddlUonto~-.... ""'·~ appeorance ••u ' ' f '-• 'R ... 19951 ·Now .. ••-••-1 M'-""i!udn all the pn.ctict.I d':.n.i life int~ com· j)el'IOnalit)', .with abilltJ to taltle tep • J heew Med terrlftMfl m.echlnt •or•"· ' 19· -n • -'-· .--c.w_ D vans, ... ..,ra, I upeds o1 llltSJW, financhw. we hive 1 broker/ handle contidential mater. t 11tlft,, ... top dur•bfe ltftOUlh for Fl1menw S~n i1h Dining Stft ......... --·$Pl.Oct HI_,. & S,.,_ 010 Pictures, Lamps, Honda 55 a,praiallla A MlllrW Qf =r oUtlet tor aales of ia.15. Hrs. 8:4S to 5:30. Oancm,. Wiil aell pS.C.1 lmllvlduaUy. Solid Oak End Tables and Coffee~Tablt1...$lt.H SONY Trail Bike, Refrl&ttaton, n!!Ulentia! reaJ e •tat e. tual fund If ou have _PH_, _,838-'87=='==,,--Ti1ll Dacw1t..-Tabl• lamp• · • "Copy car• plt,yed Washers. Dryers, Gas n.n&· =""ooi """.t.: : .. :..,, ....!in.. , .... ... SECRETARY sh., First! Thon s .. °"' u.b.u ... b1. ••v•' 1a.,. ,.,.u 1 ··-·--·-... -..Now ,11... , ..,., ""-· ••w•INMUDYC[IS MAoURECn"o"N ." uactJy ;!, to ldl ml tween the: ages ol 25 • 45 for investment Co. Good 1001 other ittlm1 with terrffic NVl"lll Spani1h H1ngln9 Swa9 i.amp1 ; ntatt ....,..ufuily. ,,...., ud "'· wllllnr to.., .. <kW.. goo<11et•-ted> Bank Terms Store Charge MasterCharJe IR•9. '49.951 -----... -...... ,NOW SU.SO C1-r1S&Equ1p. i3oo uk for Dou& w h 1 11 n 1 pne time in order to .learn nique. Public contact. Bank.America.rd. An Accepted A decorator dream house on dilplay -S 5t&-M40 more about OUl' opJ)OrtUnlty M6-39.1t rooms ol gorgeom Spaniah furniture (was w -quajillcatioOJ, call MISS EXEC AGENCY reg. $1295. ~ RESTAURANT. * *LADY, "'" Brown at 67>-0344, tor -00 W. Cout Hwy., NB SACRIFICE " $398 ,,_. full. !'°.,port tlhme, an 1111pointmenl Pacilic Mu. SECRETARY • • • • r • •· mat\lft:. .-. per r • tual Uk Insurance Co I ~SG-~91163:. ................. 1~=-"'""'""'"..,;· .. Top <killa. A bsauWUI ollioo, CRI DIT AVAIL, NO MONEY DOWN I; 511n c.. pays f ... to ll'IO-lat PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL 1'70 ,::~~G FOR: UNUSUAL ·~:~c ';;;;;~bii;;n;imiiii'P':======IOOO""'' mm . FU~NITURE • cOOKs Opp~rt1nity 1844 N Bl d e WAITRESSES Tbs 1,..,.,.,..,"11 On1<r of to~~:~ Bank. 20 PC •. "MADRID" ewport , V •Hui...<:'Blvd.) • BUS BOYS Fornten have opened a U. knowledge or have worlc. MEN -WOMEN 3 R . G c st ILf... 0. I : g~~~:~:~~s ~:.,~ir:::~.= :,-;:. =~· T~ BECOME AN rnoMO:.:ELu':· O a mna n y A re&! ""'' _.. .... man .. woman ovor 25. Col. MISS EXEC AGENCY ANNOUNCER Include" Quilted ""' and Every Night 'TH '..:.;Wed., s.1 .• Sun. 'TH ' awaits you in the restaurant 1ep not neces&ar)'. Shoold 410 W. Cout Hwy., NB chalr -2 enc1 ·tab1e1 .I: cot. industry, now the third lul-have eXPerience in meeting S~CRETA~Y fee table -2 Iampa -dreu. ell induatry in the wodd. • pUbllc. Dignified lire time · .. LEARN.. er -min'Or -headboard -Chrage S.S. I022 Ant iques It YoU are brtaht .1:: aim. J109ltion. Eaminl commenc. EX E'RIE'NC D On prol'tsai<nJ ·~ent in quilted box spring .I:: matt. --=:-:--::-'.'.""'...-.-- neat ap-·•nr Ii: at leut 11 be Permanen1 25 Hour.-.5 d11" a local radio glation from re911 - 5 pc, d1nin& room; GARA~E Sale.Misc items. COLLECTOR'S r.-• el immediately. Should ., .,. . ~ table 6: 4 hl-baclc chain, Campi~ gear, patio ?tan or" qe « older, wt! in excna of szo weekJ,y. week pmltion aftilable ~ broadcasters. CX>MP13 AT $7"9.!S ~ltutt, clothe• iw. poles, DELIGHT llttd )'OU. Newport Beaclt.' hrl, 9 am. For complete wice analysis l9' wire racka, croa cut saw, Dolls and doll ilem• EXP NOT NEC. Tel<,._: 492-8700 "'""" 12• • H pm. Tqp W.ry. CALL • • om"' rum ~ equip, beauty ol every d...,;ptlonl \l'e offer complete tratnirw t AM. 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. Wri te Box P-515, DalY PUot THE INSTITUTE OF No down-hnta only $16 mo. ahop cha.In, rebig, freezer, LAY AWAY * Open 7 days at ·our eXpeTIW, promotion 9 AM • ~ Noon Satunrdayl Sec:N t•r ie1 BROADCAST ARTS WDl'S WAR£HOIJSE car top, side min'ot', lights, H!:LEN MANNING Antiquei from within 6: company far appolntmerrt. n2-ll00 elec brakea, etc. Luggage 2G8 Nwpt mvd, CM &a.S'l51 bendill . such u : Interim Pll.cem@'nt lel'Vice 600 \V, 4th st., Santa Ana trailer, boal 374 W. 19th Sl Pat Michael Antkauea Lile Jns.Meah-Personnel Service education loan Open D&lly 9-9 CM. 64f>.-0718. GRAND OPENING I Ho.pilallu.tlon-s.1H 445 E. 17th St., CM JOIN THE FIELD Sat 9-6 Sun ll-6 2 PIECE Sectiona.1, $30, 2 Fine selection ol European Pa>! Va"'tJon<.Unlloma snun•s SURPLUS '4'1-7523 WITH A FUI'URE! SACRIFICE • M ... t go! uphol. chn., 115 ••. 3 IWln • Amencan Vlclorian furn. 5-6 days week-Dtya or Eves ftMI Age/education no b?..rrier! Ivory 6: anJd French Prov . beds w/frame1 & hdbrd.s, iture. See at-• E. 111h St Stttlstlc.I Typist •-· -lnte,..,..N~~~.'!'."9th.s.s pm. Now Interviewing $5.50 up. Exceptional oppor. ~~~W~~STl'l'IJTquaJJty.E Bdnn set, perfect; drtl9f!r-$21 ea. l itudent Desk, $20. in C.M. 645-2116, 10 to s. v••""""'' u.. NB area. w/m:nall ltable Co, mirror, S drawer chest, nJte 1 bkcase, $8. 1 ?-.fatble tp PALE Green Singer + an-See Mr. SkilT)' INTERNATIONAL stand, 3 drawer chest w/ coffee tbl, $30. l fonnica or Miu Smith SALESMEN Top worldnr cond. &: bene-Motel/Hotel/Apt ~t Sehl hutch 2 twin size beds-breakfast set I:: 4 chrs., $30 tiqued cablnet w/drop leaf A & W Restaurant "141 Buch Blvilv Ill, 142-2155 Equal Opportwlfty EmplY!' Rataunnt Nltht DISHWASHER REUBEN E. LEE tit6. Call Rita 546-54lO A DIVISION OF brass headboards, complete Plus mlac. &m&ll Items. Sal ~~· Call after 8 pm, JASON BEST ANTI:IONY SCHOOLS w/ elec blnkts, spreads, Nov. 8th, 9-5. 606 Narcissua Employment ~ncy 1n1 S. BROOKHURST etc. 549-~ Ave., CdM. CORNER CUpboard5, l pine, Experienc!d preferred but 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana ~":1:~~::: DON'T Give up! You ma.y MISC Ho1.11ehold items. 9'6" ~~·64::_~t Refinlshed. not necess&J)'. J\.Iany com-Tree Trimmer. Part time. PHONE FOR APP?. find it at Amerlca'•Jariest. outboard dinghy $50. 15'' ======== panv benefits. Apply in per. Experienced SS hrly, Ask tor Betty 776-5800 most unlmllll. W1linlahed band saw $65. 1000 W. water S I ... hi ll20 90n "only between 2 and I __ ..;...._c;;..=..;';;.,.;;:';_· __ furnJture 1tore. Cor. Redhill cooled Onan generator $200. ew ng rneC nn P.M. S hooThel olNtBw~rt & S&nta Aha Fwy, Turttn. 1 sotru· loalu~~m -rnar.6 I ex-1969 -=--.-IN-G .. ER----,.-.-,-&l Please appl)I c u 11ne11 ml So. ol Newport Fwy. 1 n ..-. .w' " \11ood w ....,au w Tool & DIE Open 362 ..,.. per >"· boom $4-0. Saall $30. "'"'°le & .ig-ug. Mai<" 1750 Newport mvd., CM Featutta weekJy refresher 5"-5470 Shopgmlth $190 Sat & Sun. button holes, overcasts. S Salu MAKERS couraes in the lki.111 YoU 0c8~E~0-5~,.,-.-,....~-,-,--~~ut' 10.S. 1602 Plac-enlia O.f Year guar. Full priee $38.24 Are )au .eami111 .... to •" ... job ,.. ...... '"'· oli" ... , ... ,,,,""'....,,=',,.· .,,...,.._,.-~~ ,,0=='==ss=·'"=.,.=·=526-<i61==='== want! sofa &: chair $48. Used GARAGE Sale, stove, refrig, ·-~ $250 L? *Doy Shift* '""" '°""''' $68. The Fae-dble ll'ee=, bunk bed<. Muaiul Inst. 1125 $ WE BUY $ per ween. '33 Dowr Dr., N.B lury, 1885 H..W. ......... Ham .. ., ek", 9322 TUFTED CUrved sofa. one ol Full Time Minimum 5 yrs, exptrienc-?, 642--3870 FACTORY ordered walnut Tidewater Crcle, H.B. CORONET Sled St r I n a; o. kind, :dnt rond $175. Rnd p~ve &nd f«m dita. SAUCEnu•u SCHOOL ~21S4 gultar. $91}-new, 3 mos old. library table $35. Fr Prov $ FURNITURE $ ruTil"U'9 tonnlca dining set with 6 hl· . MAKE OFFER. 847-1679 roHee table $15. Channel APPLIANCES C.o. F&qrounds, &r. 1~ back blue haua::. chairs &: 2 OPEN Sal & Sun., Noon 'til eves. back velvet chr $20. Drexel Color TV-Pi•r1o-Star•M 151 E. PocKlc Cat Hwy You can il ,.... .,. dl&nifi<d N •·tch I:: bendable, betwftn ages ewport -36-56, and married. Thi• is =-~------I a sales opportunity for which Re:ltaurant you have aearched, no ca.n-Anclent Mariner vaulnr, advancement. ien- DO'# takinC applications tor Full & part time, day I e:\'el shills. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply tn pel"llOfl 2607 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach e:rou.1 retirement pl.an. Not a job but a career. Eaminge atart Immediately. Call 534-1701 tor appoint- ment, between.JO am~& • pm. Sales~ , 1• •\ • 'DRAPllY SALESWOMEN Where dM! Program xtra leaves $75. Maple bunk 4: 30 pm Pictures, records, LUDWIG drurru, z e 1g 1 n server $35. Misc lamps, 1 "'1ca ., ... _ M Fttt_tbe (l)ild • beda $25 w~mattn!sses. clothe1, misc. items. 2219 c -·!>8.lr.Xl t Cond Paid .ta-bl es, chain -&: e:tc. -CASH IN 10 MINUTIS Willard H. Sauc-ennan, 673-1738 Channel Rd., Balboa. $~, ,;ell ~~ $600. Mn.. 642-8.181 e 541-4531 e APPLY IN PERSON" 5tG-4000 :&I. D.Enroll now USED Spa.rriah group com· 673-0834. Peterson, 530-5910. ESTATE SALE from Qld 2 W( PAY CASH Eves. 548-l75S plele-110fa A 2 matching COUCH. baby Items, clothing ACCORDION (2) XI t 120 .story home. Oak and walnul SHUR LOK CO chn, 3 Clln!d tb111 " 2 db: aU sizes, wicktt barslls., n · tum . . • ltP. AUCTIONEERING, . lamps, all cut m $168. n1I! & much J\fisc. 8th &: 9th, Bass Lemar, 12 Bua Noble. furn.'.:~;m~ ~:O:te;:.'.lm0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii ..... J 1000 E. Normandy Pl., Santa.Ana (1 blk. N. at.McFadden, Y.1 blk. W. o1. Grand.) REGULAR 2 WEEK TERM Factory, 1885 Harbor, 9 Ai\!·5 PM 20261 Orchid St., 54().2472 sonaI and housebold."Herru * CASH * Be in busineA for yourself! 540-6842. Santa Ana Hghh1. N 6-7 • · In 30 minute• for good fu-Leam to be an auctioneer. Pianos & Organs 1130 ov. ...,, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. • ... WESI'-BEST School of Aue-MAPLE dinette, hutch, twin CLASS shower dn, lrg. ~ent, 628 E. Chegtnut, Santa Ana. i~ure: & appliances. Fast, Uoneering p 0 Box 3021 beds, 9 drwer dresser, 8mm camera &: pro,ect, FACTORY D , J COW1eoos service. I piece or A he" 'ealit 6as-5CXKI I Gnindlg Comb. player, nice chlld1 toys, games & CLEARANCE! unnlftCJ ewelry houseful. Call Janis day or TRAIN na im, chest books. Misc. 2984 Jacaran. Factory orders clearance of Going out or bu&ine.ss nite, 89'.Z·3596 or 842-3921. n-•~urant EE: Attractive rlrl, CLAVlS M •• · hi '"""... ~"<)I;. • on...,SIOl'I pre...11e • Call -548""619 da, C.?-.f. Sat & SUn, 9'til all overage, demonstntoni, SALE! Come early! * Bm&:>YS ExperiencMI preferred ...... ...., 1ntert1ted in learnJnc 2,,. • 1~· ttn R ~· N * Dl~ASHERS Excellent benefits, Full time. to train dop for schl. 1n tu~J"·!"646-· :,'~· 646-a ,·.,,,,,, eas TABLE, white. modern , dark. Door modPlanoell. itudioO& .re-....,_ eWp01t Blvd. CM e WANTED • full time, over u. Neat in Apply in person, Orr. County. Dop trained uuu. ~. •vu molded pedestal. 5' dlarn . NEIGHBOR'S Gar. Sale! turned s & ~· * • • • Good used furniture app!J. appeannoe. No~-nee. Pt:reonnel office for pvt. pty's. Ii: for TV. GUITAR lesions tor See le make offer! Dys Couch, 9' x 1T rug, chra., Real savings up to ~~ FA!\IILY 1'1ernbership 1 n ances, antiques, col~r TV'a, APPLY IN PERSON J W ROBINSON 213-76'Z-6336 children. fl.Iy home. ~7740. eves 646---3181 end tbl., Xmaa Items. 851 Everything gUaranteed Irvine Coast Country Club ref:rig's, stove'a, \\'ashers & • BOB'S llG BOY e • • * 53&--2375 * PIANO, Zimmering, blonde Domingo Rd. tEa.stbluH) new. Sale limited to specl!k: for sale. Pvt pty. ti7J..9131 dryers, etc. 1 piece or hou!lf Fuhlon Island N B Jvp1'sts 7•• !lh • 9th stock -so huny! No money , 154 E. 17th St., C.M. F.qual opportuni1y'em°pl~r I THEATRICAL 7900 spinet $300. Duncan Phyfe u., "' . down OAC 5 yean to pay. * CARPr;T• Have 2 ro11s,.1~u1!'!.~24~h,.'~"'~"'!""!'!"!"·'"8!"4>'"392,...ll Olntng nn set, table, 4 NEIGHBORHOOD Garage This great'saie.<>nly at: avocado nylon carpet, dblei;; Restaurant Sale1:. Product Sales Rayne Interim SCRAM-LETS chain le bullet. 64fr5926 Sale Frl. Sat&: 5un 10 am -WARD'S BALDWIN S7UDIO jute.backed. WUJ sacrifice WANTED: 15"-16" Weslern \Yater C.Onditloning, 7522 Per10nnel Service BRAND New C.OOch, S24D. S pm 313 Sapphire, Balboa lBl9 Ne..,...,rt C lt.f 642--8484 $2.91'.1 per yd. 54G-7245. Saddle, good cond. Reaa. * HOSTESS * Park A Gord G,.. I I I .. ~ . . . Call 6#-ll58 ve., en ve. 445 E. 17th st .. C.M. Never \16ed, De Ii v ere d !I · Open Every Nile USED PINK ==7:0co---~- 21 Y ean ar OVtt N!lht Slillt lmmed opening for 2 people 642~7523 ANSWERS ll/4169. Beautitul. Call FURN.. Dishes, clothing, & Sunday Aftemoon CONCRETE BRICK.s NEED bricks one to 1000, = •;:e--ly~ ..::f· -nee. wW TYPIST 6/>-0527. xtnt cond., Fri. & Sat., 'tll 5 4c Each. reuonably priced. 644-4687 . PP . EXPERIENCED Inhale _ Cairn _ Hence _ to.Io v 1 NG -Se I It n g p.m. 962-8205. 18972 Liater Ace Detroit Pitcher Call 549-205.3, After 3:15 PM. APPLY IN PERSON SALESLADY l\ITSTIMTSC Brogue _CHURCH everything! Furniture I Ln . H.B. & Hammond Organist Carpet layer has Hi Lo Mlchln.e'!, etc. 1700 to hana.le faffiOU8 cosmeticg. Opr. for Newport B ch. The un.aJter..able bea u; house ho Id, F I x tu re DENNY McLAIN nylons $1.99 yd. Shags FORKLIIT: 2,cro P ne u , R·EUBEN'S COCO'S * 536-4900 * Graphics firm. 1 yr, min. "He's akllled In one.handro 54&-lTIJ, eves. Appll1nces 1100 and his group from $3.50 I.IP + m,y Jaber, recond., $87S. 4.000 Hyst('J' SALESLADY, Exp'd, Ml exper. required. Pe: r m. driving wilhoul skidding into WHITE Provln. . Bedroom, Refrigerators •••• from $38. Live perfonnance In our 90c per yard. 9fi8.6910 good, $1250. 714: 642-8Jgj time, to work in Lingerie Position. fn41 S46-4670. CHURC!i." Set, 3 mo. old. White reclln. GE Portable Color TV studio, Sat., Nov. 8, 1-3 PM '69 Portable TV 18", exceU. days; 714: 897-2433 eves. ~~io~·.:i~e:~~ TV Service Tech. MERCHANDI~ FOR vibrating chr. 675-5487, aft. Uke nu .............. .'. $148 Autogra~MM OoorONDprlz.es, rond. '65. GE 21" $50. Nu.I=-"======:;=. Dntrr top.notch co Io r 6 Fligldaire elec dryer ;59.95 Zenith kitchen rad $25 FREE TO YOU 1555 W. Adtm1, C.M. =~~ Island, N • B • service: tech. Star. 1V, 275 SALE AND IADE WROUGHT IRON s pc set. RCA Console, color TV. $17S ln CORONA DEL MAR Tuxedo, az 42, $40. ~1 · -------- RESJ'AURANT: E. 17!h St., Of. "2-97'2 '18" glas11 lop I able . \\1hlrlpool auto "'-asher $50. 2S54 E. Qiast Hwy. &73-8930 MODEL'S Cloth'g Sale siles A00RABLE Kltlell!I, calico, Exp'd. part timt WAITRESS Sales Tr1ln• WAITRESS ~ture ____ IDOO \Vhite/gold. $150. 642-4977. GE 2 dr, refrlg ......•• $98 PIANOS & .,H.GANS 6, I, 10. Fri ll-6, Sat All gray, mixed colors. 8 wks 5 IO 9 prn G pportu lty .~ ..... t'--' EXPERIENCED Siesta Quality king bed.quilted. DUNLAP'S NEW •-USED day. 655 St Ann'1 Dr., Lag. old. hsbrkn, 64Hl688 2921 ~'d Part. 1· I h reat 0 n • ~ .,.,, 1815 N Blvd C >I " Bch 4"' .... Carob (Ea.,bl ll) ll/1 --~ 1~ unc 2 month& tratnUW, $450 alter Complete-unUSl!d $105, worth ~'POrt ·• · · e Yamaha Pianos &; Organ& · ;>'1-Q't't't u _ CASHIER, + 2 eYe:S, >9 pm that plut commission. Apply in PerHn E S250. Aft 5 " wkndl!i 842-6536 548-nll e Thornu Organ1 CARPET: Used, wwraJ col-MALE !ipeltle, 4 yr s . A~ ro= Independent SURF & SIRLOIN SAL f OottM!S Dryer, Bendix ., S59 e Kimball Piat'IOI on 50c per yd. New Altered, a beautiful dog. C.M. • • • Personnel Apncy 5930 p Cit H • Office Equipment I01 I Kenmore Wuher ••.•.• $79 •Kohler le Campbell p>lye.ster 2 tone: green shag Impl'l!!mive papers. Needs Rntaurant 1TI6 Orange Ave, SUlte C Ne.;!.. h.ch'' New I pc. oonle:7 arrarw-. ACCT Mach. Bunvugh't s. GE 2 Door refrig •••••• $60 COAST MUSIC $4 per yd . 34G-0336 an adUlt home. 543-7077 un c.r.f. 642-0026. 54.>0019 1--:;-;-;;===.,,--choice of clrs. res. $230, now 1400. /all bas" cetna: Terms NEWPORT • HARBOR CROSS top Re (rt r . I BEAUTUUL Kittens, ] MAINTENANCE -MAN - \Vanted For far Weit S.rvk:e1 APPLY I REUIEN E. LEE Savlna:s &: Loon BRANCH MANAGER Exp'd • Savinp • Loan Enjoy a It!wardinr career and join a hllhly 1uettutul Savings I: Loan Alllociation in the Newport Beach area. This )I05ition entaill chal· 151 E. CN1t Hwy. leng\n&' duties a.nd it!I adapt- Nlwperf Bueti ed tor an individual with -..:..:=="-'==--1 imagtnat1w &nd cttatlve R.·l'RO TYPIST abilltie& Excellent rn,,., benefitJ. Submit your res- ., Sr. Clorli Typlat wne to · Box M·91' Dally llla1 ...,, Pilot. :r..:.~J.A SERVICE MDII"""'"'"""'"-Div. CASHIER J511!~4JW~S.A. MATURI!, MAlllllD 1:4-1 -''""" .,,,...,., WOMAN WITH AUTOMOTIVE w.a, --..,_ to IACKGR°"ND :::,..:a::::.:...:.:,:,~ l'li fl!llRID. ::: ~..:, _ Roy Ciner • bn ,,,,_ ••••h PoRll0 IC C.W*' ,.... tan .I: ~ ::'.'" ph. ... ,::;..... KJ .. 14444 CllO:elft·-- * * WAJTR.Es.5ES $159.50 . New beda: King ~s. Save :n ~mcai HENDERSON'S Costa Mesa * 642-2851 automatic defrost. Exe, $65. female silver tip labby, 1 No experience necHSll)', wt $9'J,5(). Queens $89..SO. Full costs •. errors )I.Ir DI 1877 Harbor CM M3-0155 Open l().6 Fr\ 1().9 Sun 12-5 The HOU81! In Back "5 E. long haired red. male tabby. · wW train. Full time, .... $54.90, TwlN $44.95, lully • • • . s 171h 64~ "' 646-0623 appearance nee. fUIUTI· King&1epreadi$13.95 Spe:san, 515--9425 CONTEST PRIZE; New AVE ~tftA · 5 · ll/6 APPLY IN PER.!l>N n.. a. $9.9(;. Headbrd.s : TYPEWRITER. add. mach., Tappan-Gallery ps nnge:, "'1UU GE Vacuum $39, Regina GERMAN Shepherd, 1 yr e BOB'S BIG BOY e Klnga, Sl~. Queel'll $12.50. calculator, Very red'.1118ble. all deb: features. $250. 41'' Cable: Nelaon O>nsole washer/wu:er $30, box old, female, very good with 154 E. 171.h St .. C.M. Full $10.50, Twins $4.95. Xlnt cond. 89'l-2423 968--6.117 in beautiful walnut lnchld· knit~ .. ~!"' $25.. After 8 ~~d7ren. 54.8-3750 between 4 WAITRESSES & Trundle set1 (duo riser) w/ PORT. H00vtt Washer, ing bench, $695. lJmJted pm.,,.........,,,_, ..,iu pm. • 11/6 -CAR HOSTESSES inner aprlng mall 'ttl. $106, HouMhold Goods 1020 Maytaa: dryer, apt. size, no number available! FOR Sale -Diplomat Com· CUTE 8 .,...k. old kitten• Full or part lime. Attract.Ive now f19.50. K.1, tprda $13.99, spec hookup, almost nu GOULD MUSIC pus $50. Sea Klrw cUltorn assorted sexes & col.ors. 5-pc Span IP $249 K 1 veJ. AFTER 3.1 yrs, State says ~ $150 both 67S-4.\'17 bellybrd, $25. Alk for Joe -free: to good home. Call ~. ~PP&,.!:ce:r-wy:n: vet 'apre'41 i 49.50. ~PY must go. Can't take all wHh MAil-AG a\llO washer xmt:· 2IM5 N. Main. SA S.T-OIU 1D-G354 ' 675-4482 1117 •~, ""· "'9.5(), now $89.SO. us. WUI Rll all or part incl. _ __. • old• u·~OND . -·--. Y• ,1, :;;-;==-::,,.--.,--1 .i.;~:i;:--:-;:===,;;;,:I 1'-fcArthur N.B. ._. ...... Id I W"I .. """ 111 $45. -.-.,.,.....,.,....,. 9" Portable TV, works ex. DARLING ACTIVE KITI'EN Full u. tleep • aofa reg. 90me vtry 0 P ecee. ' • mah& • riew A Uled planol WAITER &: WAITRESSF.s $239.~. now SlG9.50. Christ· accept blue chip stampe. 5f6.-867'2. 147-8115 of all makea. Best bu)'a in et:Uent $3S. Glr11 bike 7 .. 12 Male, tabby 7 wks old, Over tl, fl or pt time. Din mu la.y.41.ways now~ SIESTA 107!2 Pallsedet:, S.A. lits. NICE ttfrlaerator, cross top So. earn. ri6bt here. agt $15. 646-152$ p/Siamese 675-0477 11/7 rm &: Cott. ahop. 4Zi S Cat SLEEP SHOP, 1927 H1rbor GORGEOUS Bone chi&O btt:te:r. Gat!i range, xlnl SQlMIDT MUSIC co,. BRAIDED Rgg 06xl9). JUst KITI'ENS: 2 male, 1 female · llwy. J..aa. Bch. BJvd., CM ~2780 dail,y lG-crystal stemware. Jtoeen ID4 Continental, C.M. 1907 N. Main. clffned, '50-lnclude:I $2) Jor in need of loving home. IO WOMAN, NOll-CmOktt. Kn 9 Sat-Sim lo.t. ailvn. SacrlfM:e $800 or c0n-sroV(' w~ • 6 f Santa Ana cleaning. Sf6a.tt._ wk.s old. 962--4165 11/7 10 llflr llO I pm: ApplJ 0Ju. U SE D B I u e v t I v e t aider ll!'(IVl.tt put"Chue. model $45. FREE ORGAN a.ASSES For Sale, l'ittwood. F'LUFFY Terrier 4 cocker tr)' Club DDnull Palllmdn·• Roto-Rock $68. I turquoise ~ eYtl. e:~. 644..(1276 or 546-CTOO Monday nltts '1:30 . 8:30 pm Oruwe., Eucal)'ptul blaclc male puppy. B week.°' Santa Ana Aw., S.A. Hta. A 1 lh!fn occuion&I chair, WESTINGHOUSE Refrldp. ADMmAL Ref'rilerator GOU LD MUSIC CO, ~ old. 546-3870 lt/7 ~ e:&ch 19,9;). 6 drawer wa1tlll 1 yr okl, a~ 13 at. ~itt. Almott new, 6', $100 2CM5 N, MaJn, S..\. 647.caI FL 0 WE R Arhngementa, PURE While baby angora ~ 7to0 dT'tlRt $3L 3 pc. aet walnut It. $100, 494-2359 ~ • Call-673--160'7• , OW Uprlibl Plano. lood chenille, $5 to '11 Exctlle.nt kitten, netdl loving home. ---------1 occuklnal tbll n4• The SAT. Only ·Nev. I, 9-4 21301 WASHE't\ a drytt, avocado, tone, $7$. Ouistmu atfta. 531~8 675-5787 11 /6 GDU..I ~-TTll• to be • =· 1885 H • r b 0 r • Bullthead Or.. Jl.B. off $121 1\dl'lg-Froat tree $100. 6U-W an 2 pm. SKIE~R.ent mt mobile HORSE fertilizer. 2 o 3 81 Dratel _ tanl. Lo ca I Bushard, near ltarnllton Freem-'1 $6S. ~I095 WUR1JTZER ~lne:• full home In Mammoth. Day or Cyprtu, S&nta AM. 11gts.. Jiwtruction. SponMnd b1 USED 7 pc anH....... white "'I' " w-k C N W 531 -4 ........... KENMORE auto "'asher, keyboArd, x1nt cond. '"" · · e • -.w• • 111! Adult ~ $ c hp .o L dinette w/Ooral chain $51. G1r ... Sal• I022 lat. model, xnlt cond. I •IW'I * 64J -Quality tA... bed--•'lted 6 -pie•·-.. pu-Wtite PO 8o:i I 71, Used turquotae hld&-e.-bed .,.,.,... ......,,.u .... ,. ...,..... ....., ..... "~ ,..., Palmdale, ClJH. l1:rJO $88. 9 pc. c.""Omer l">UP· GIGANTIC Gentp Salt, Fr\. cycles. $15. 546oll672, S4T..SU5 88 KEY board comole, Jlke oornptete-wiu!lled SU'.6, worth fttt to good home. !1844 LE ARN To Fly_ lilftJll 2, $17, 1be Factory, £Sal., Nov. Jill & 8th. 'fDJ Anti l llO new. $f75, Movifw. muat $250. Aft 5' wkn:!a MU536 Virgln!a Way, So. Lag. 11/6 PemM.ibed tnstnid.lon 1 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 Alhambra St., HB. __!IUll aellt fi42....f91T. 50 SllEETS or Used Steel 12 R..\im1rs -Adults Grey alao Charttr. Ret1aonable MAPLE twin beds, compiele GARAGE Sale &t. 9--1. OLD Book1 * OLD Print& PRIVATE PARTY WANTS ~ • .approx. !>x8. male. 5'16-9965 tln Rat.a.. 27 yr .. ~r. c..u-+ bedsprtadt so Mdl. 40$ Everyt.hine must IQ. 30532 BACK DOOR JM PORTS TO BUY PIANO FOR. can 673-1349 EXCEPTJONALL y c 11 I e t4T"'21T. 'E. broadway, CM. £w11. Pu4!o del Valle. Lag. Nig. 1896 Harbor al J91.h, CM CASH. -MJ..0045 It 's "FAIR SHARE" Time , Klttena ll'alned. 548--461511/1 ,_ 1· -· . ' ' • l 1~ • • I I 1 I p ., ; I ' 1 i ; • I ;, I I T 1 i I ; • c A • I t p c 1 I I B I ( w ' 1 i: I I Si I G l ' p p t H i I ., B --' --· ·- • '~. Ask for Sa!e1 Mai\arwr 1l2ll Bel.rb Blvd. Hun~lleacb JCI 9-3331 WE PAYWH FOR YOUR CAR . ' ' " ' ' ' • ' I • l I ' ' ... ~ ' l ' ., • ·: .Fll'I~ 'FLASH PHOTO.GnPHY . WITHOUT .CA~CULATIONS.· . With Honeywell's 'ilmazing new electronic flash. WHY El,ECTRONIC FLASH? ....fCONOMT-U 111ers 41:Mt el uptt .. Md! Met • ...4ne1-1~ ..... .-,.Miity. -fUALITJ.....ht • ....,..., ....,_ l"icht,.._ . ' ·~e411 JJI. a.,. Stt.10 Now $69.fS '• Ill IT TODA YI • IAKIR'S WESTCUFP CAMERAS 'for Yoir Thanksgiving Party PAPER PARTY-GOODS, CENTERPIECES, GREETING CARDS • PAPER UNLIMITED Westcliff Plozo-548•7921 (E11t of ·Market ·Basket)· . MARKET BASK£T SP .• CIA'LS. ... 'APPLE TIME ' · ·10~ , APPLE SAUCE 16 oz ... . RUSSETS 10 kB. BAG ••. ". 3~ -t'". rt--. 1: ' • ·1A'f.i1t ASP.IR'N 1 DO's ...... : .. '. • MAIKIT IASICIT WISTCLJff l'LAZA ' 1-. . • ' 32 GAL. HEAVY .DUTY TRASH CAN e 7 YIAlt GUAU.NTll e LOCKING LID e OLIYI GlllN $6.lt 'YALUI s4, 99 RION HARDWARE 642-llll Continuous· Action ''CONTAC'' Cold Capsules All DAY ••• All NIGHT RELIEF 1.49 BOX of 10s OPEN MNIN!H 'Tll 10 P.M. GlVE':A ICKORY FARMS . €HE.ESE BALL THIS CH;RISTMAS 'YOGT fam1lt er frlf!lldl 'Will lib U.".CRIEIJ.: EALL-a .peolal blend o( c:Mun, IJldlllllN 'Witl ._ ud t.,,,e4 With 1. c:herf1. Take w.ltll 1ou. oi Tl'll mall. wlSTCLIFI' PU%A ~IWl'Oll _,. 48 TOWN .• COUNTlT . . --~---------.........-_... ~---- syo Mon+CJOmery -Cleaners:.&--Laundry . "~F,N l!AILY I A.M •• 9 P.M .. SAT.I A.M.-6 P.M. . . RE'·SY.YLE NOW · . .4:~ ~=-·~ .. canqff.:liNc.H~-; .. "..., · .. . .~ '::i '1..' J 'i; .,. · .-'. · ·. r ' ... ,_{ r< 1 j .. .-• • . ;.... ~· ' . ' . • • '\ ". ,1 'I CONVINtfNT $HO.PS · ·, 1 , e CORONA DEL MAR -3401 I. C"oOlt Hlthwiry , 9"NIWPORT llACH -34ll Yla lid• • 74 FASHION ISLAND -N1wp11rt leoch e WISTCLIFf PLAZA -1101 lnl11e ....... -Newport hec• ........................ Optom~trist Or. Lou Roy Elder ' '·•·ICONT>iCTl t~NSES:" •;:-~Ef.AAC.TING -~·r ". :~~':stttl~~· •.~R\S~lt[BING ·"• · .• ••1 :·;·· ... 1 ~ ... ~- WESTCLIF.F PLAZA 1124 IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH 642-0r;IO . MEN'S" FORt:ML WEAR SPECIALISTS ~ ~ ~ ' ' · darrell's dedrick :TUX SHOP FASHION SQOARE Sent• Ant 547-6341 SALES -DELUXE RENTALS WES!CLIFF PLAZA 1130 Irvin• Newport Be1 eh . 646-8891 .. . 17 ' •