HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 • FRIDAY AFTERNOON, !NOYEMBER 7,. il969· YOL.. '2.. NO. MJ', 4 ••CTM*I. .. , .... • • ew .rea 0 a1:n ' .. • \ . • . . • s.noking in •in ' . . Be.ach Murder for Hir • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • Suspect Declared G-P .. -• •• ... • • ·.{, • / '-,; ..... " ... ·'!" "¥_ , •• 71•l~~~~r . '~"I ,, f1:;a~ '·" " :.,¥,. :ti:--,4¥. • .. "" • . • .. ' .. 3 .. .. ..~ ' ,,.,..,_.....,. ,. ro '-" • ~~ Ousf __ Dooglas Move House GOP Eyes Action, Reviewing Facts WASHINGTON (AP) .- A number of Republican Hause members are con- skterlng . bringing ¥rtpeachment pro- Ceedl!>i• qolnlt Supreme Court Justice Wiiliam q. ~.,, ll<p. Gerald R. Ford (Jl.MiclL),said today. Ford, lwl<r of his party In the H<we. said no decision has ye\, been reached whether to offer an impeachment resolu- tion. "It would be premature," Ford said, replying to qU..Uoos relayed tbrouih his office. "At this stage tt is a preliminary staff operatkin ••• We are reviewing all \he facts .in the case.'' A spokeaman for Douilu said he would have no comment It all. FC)fd llid that, IO far, u he 11 con-, cerned, the decillon llhoWd oot depend on whethe!' the Senate confi.rrQI or rejects Presldtol Nixon'• nomination of Judge Clement F. l!.lynlwortb to \Ile supreme Coorl But he odded that li Haynsworth la re- jected on ethical standards, "then the same standards should be applied to all members of the Supreme Court.'' Douglas has been under fire because of his Rrvice, wblch he ended this year, as' salaried officer ol the. Parvln Foundal•. lon of Los Angeles, wh.fcb received some funds from gambling Interests. Ford said recent addiUonal dlllclosures about · tbe Foundation and bUllneases uooclated with II lnlpired tbe new RepubUcin effort. · "Recent revelatlons are .what touched It off,"'ht aaJd. "Jt 11 a raearCh oPera-, tion related to thae new revelatioos. We have not made· any--dedlion-wtiether to proceed with lmpoaclunenl pt<1eetdlngll." Ford 11ld 11 la lnacaJrate to delcrtbe hlm u the prime nlOYF, but that a number al Republican members whom he described as ,aertous and .responsible, but declined lo name, hod conihilted: him about tbe-ellort and that ~e Ii leeplng in touch with !hem. Pipe ·collector Joel Schwarz of Costa·Mesa demonstrates how all you Sherlock }lolmes types can keep the fire burning in your favorite pipe ·during a rainstorm, Schwarz often pufJ.s up a storm of his own while laboring over a hot typewriter in the DAILY PILOT sports department. Arson Suspected In $2 0,_000 Fire On Balboa Isle .Valley r een Discover$ Bodies. of Mom, Stepdad ; Rt;iiny. S~ason Drops In; . . . tlle f~e whlcb swept through a Balboa Island. Pf!" W'ly Thunday destroying 1n experwlte car and a boat was the work ol arsoniits, investigators alleged today. Fire and police investiga\or1 sald all evidence points ti anon in the fire which rau*<I at l8&$l $20,eOo damage to the i•l'IC' ~ b e IOit g In g 1 of Robert ,W1clllter, hlmlell a 11remo. of 1101> Agate Avenue. Or(lnge Comt FloOded ' ' . . ' '•. . . ' 'lbe ~Y season~ S;Out~m. California's subsUt.ute '[Or winter, came in 'like 8n enraged lion Tl\u.rsday, bringing With it danger, destruction and damp . discom- fort. ""''"'ALL T.t.•L• Wachtler, a firefighter at the Marine co~i',' Miu ·~ '"-11 L';!! Yr Corps 1'.Jr Facility at Et Toro, aald a Ne-rt llet<~ 2:0 2:e1 ;ii n11ise awakened him shortly after mid~ ~:~r~t!"t'nc1t · ~·: ~·: ·U night. It came from his.unlocked prage. Foun111n ·v111" 1:,, ~" :. Two minutes later, he said, he heard ~:,1m~!ct :1 ~:: :: another noise and noticed the• garage In While .the Orange Coast managed lo u.un• Lellllrt WOrld t .1 ,,.. .tJ flames. , ct1me t.brough the first stonn of the 1rv1M 1t1nd'I 2., 2., .. , Ith I ,_.,. bo t LqlJIM Hlvuel 1:t 1'... .n He awakened his wife and daughter and 5eaaon w Ls 1..:~a ve wa er -more AlllM!m 1.N '·" .-they ran from their home. than two inches of tt --otlttr areas of G1n1en Gfllfif. '·' 1.n ·• Orange County and\ Southern California r;,,c~i.· ff, ~ 11.,:. Firt Department probedanon .~_veltlscbarratored were not ao.1ortun.ale. ·~ Cif.!'?'!!~ 111--~ '""" .JJ!h 1 Capt. Joe Peebles ..,~ • • , . • -• mbble ti Wachtel's t• Tbunderblnl and ed~n,.,juri:~~r;~~ =1k:ucd!it i ·liTiDiOh-=b,,ftfer·..,.;..tfitd d~.JAl : _speed1Joat ttiroug!l l;lle predawn ~ Jeut two ~~-" died .In •onn -'ated Tueaday and determined ihal the ftri 1 may be a record for the county's .. ..._,_ 0' ,...,. at lclw DOlDtl in the prace Calilomil Higflway -Pilrol;-'Auto ~r-lilentl11011"0Carlllrmiol VIOdprl;whlJe-'9W<I WU Olin bills 'or motorbts are expected to IOiat 1\llllhlldea cloled D1111J -hllb•IYI and 11 wu ......i by an unknown • I ~-~· ·ma!Je liquid. · ily TERRY COVIlLE Of .... Dellr , ... lt9H Surprbel! at her teacher mother's ovenleeptng, a FountaJn Valley teenager today found the woman flh9t. to death and her estranged Brltllh stepfather sprawl~' dead over a rare, Japanese military rifle. Authorities tentative.Jy listed the tragic case as a murder-suktlde, the aecond homk:kle caoe In Fountain Valley hll1Dry. Mn. BarUara E. Good, 32, of 10710 El Plano Ave., in the new Green Valley· planned community development, was lying on .her bed in the u~tair.s bedroom •. Howard F. CJaY:lon, 39, Who maintained a Long Belch apartment att.e.r"the separa-· tlon, was face down on the floor, a 6.5 mlttlm.W boll-action" rifle beneath. hi• body. • Investigators said it appeared each had been 1hol ooce, but Orange Coul1\y Coroner'• deputle1 were atlll minutely ex· aminlng the tcene wlth the bodies not yet removfd ahortly before. noon. Julie to Dedicate . . E~senhower Bridg~ mor'e Ilion $10,000, although moil of the 0 --"'" Detedtfel joining In the J1111esllplton ~llislonl were of a minor nawre. '~ W-~ re~\.;11 • l!C+ had DO IUspect as of early today. WASHING'roN (AP) J u·l I e · Along the"'6rar11e Coast, rainfall Up to cidei!Ls over ~ ~ Pflj>d, not 111 One aspect of the cue, reporll of a Ellenhower, prealdenl Nlzon'a ~er 2.4 i.nchel inundated the area. ct1ntrast.ing related to ·the ntn.11Mnt1t flOodlng was thin, blond man showing unusual cudosl-dauab*', and her 1later+in-P.1W, Suaan sharply to last year's precipitation total reported In the norlhem port of the city, ly about lhO lire and who helped rtfhl I~ Ellenhower, wlU take port In ceremonies of less thin .3 inchel at this juncture. particularly at Fairview Road ""6cb was btlng lnvetlllated. dedk:ldni the Dw1cht Et 1 en ho w e r Heaviest hit. wete the Newport Beach, became a vb1ual river 1'ul'ldq alPt-Wachtler told firemen the man tn hl!I Memorial Bridie . in Andenon, Ind., Laguna ,Beach and Irvine areas with well .How much rain fell dow~own could not mid 20s helped fight the fire and uid he ISallU'day. over two Inches. be detennined"-weather watchen tedliy bad bumt his hands Slightly in his efforts. JuUe alto wlll visit the Vet.erw Three m~ blackouts In Santa Ana found the rain gaup at the city haD an--Offlclals said the man could be a Admlnl.st.raUon h<.plt81 In Northampton. cut off Power to 2,900 Mes and tom• an on N~ard ;t llttl atrwt 1t1:ipect or ust a good net bor wlshln MUI .. on _Veteran1 Day next week, _tht '"l'Ollllly""leUpMtii:I were ]liil Qilro!Cbiii· (Sli · , ,,., tOlielp. --; Whlll llWoe llalQTlijjflldl • - I • \ Mrs. Good was a teacher at Eastwood School and had apparenUy ovmlept, ao her· daUghter Sue, 13, went to her bedroom about a a.m. and found a 11eene of horror. She dashed to a telephone and called Westminster police -apparently lhockeH ind confused -and they In turn notttled Fountain Valley omcm who raced to -the death scene: · Fountain Valley Police . '<!· Marvin Fortin said the 1ppro1lmate time of death wa1 placed at 12:30 a.m .. when a neighbOr sald he heard a sound llke a large board being· dropped. O!"a..-eaunty corcner'• cteputlta, who dkl not aay 'where Mrs.·Good and Claytor were wounded, dkl not offer a 'precise estimate of the Ume each shooting victim died.· U. Fortin, chief of the clelecllve bilreau, uld Mn. Good had moYed Into the new development about alx month• qo and dilcloled there had been one report cl 1 lllDllJ dlaWrblnc< there. No detllll were 1vallable •bout Claytor,« tlle Enctllbm111'1 occupelloe. In...Up!On llld Sue Good. bor brothm Rldllrd; JO,·and-. 7, ...... In the home but 1.-...U. uloop when . the double tltUPI OC<umd. · They denJocl hurlnc 1nylhtnc durlOg the night" boun. · All three were released io thttr father •• Wiltt1m Good. repc>rledly 1 General • T~epllone Compony omptoye 1fho llva In · Loni Beach. U. Fortin Aid there wu no 1lpl of a , •truate In the upo\aln bedroom where Mrs. Good and Clayter were shot to death. \ · II look a Superior Court Jary,Jeos than two hours '.J'hUJ'l\)ay lo-,tllum a 1Wtt1 ven11ct 1n .111e "'nilinlet' W 1iJre• tr1110t Richard Davis Re9ct · The -~-woman, -.iMian po/ieI qulclllY agreed with the~~ Y'° ff. year~ld. 'Garden f -..er Of. tered a .11)8Jl 119 1,.to be a "murder's no Pl a •t,s lnduceme111 to klll llold'1 plfllood. . The drifter pl'M!I · lo ba ..,ttnctMt Beach undercover olli<er a-Pool aid his lesllmony ptaylt,a mojor'paort Iii Ilia four-day trial' of Reilil 'o1i"two c&ar1e1.,... soliciting . to ~ ,_)r.. ~I soliciting to commlt~4, ~ ... Reed must return Nov. 28 to the or Judge Haymond Thompoon !or - k'nclng on the two counts. He I~ • posalbJe one to 10 years in state ~ Officer Poot . teattfled 'Iii&~~· J4o1! hlm'Ott tbe macw·.peyroll·illid-~ him 1!> st.age_ a. hit~-··~ .-·1'iql ... Katl'lleen Duckett, 24, 1i the vlCUnf-:on a deserted secloll-ot: Bullard Street• .tn' Fouritain -va11ey, ' · ·.: . • .;-'. Pool l&ld be 'wiS ofl.r.11 Jhtl· 1,i!OO:;,r the pioceeds al an lnoursnce pollcy Reed.' held on h1s be'au and1a ~'basbed Jn skall and a bullet In the ~t'.' !fhO llulh!d iu. assignment. . The jury alao _, __ ..... ., to llit •lfecl that Reed --1ltempll'.10 d~pose of lhe Garden Greve. "°"'an·~-. golng out into tJie Bt-azillln bulb tD J:itc. poisonoos snakes "1th tbl •Uetld' tenlloe ol allowtnc !he .. p111es to tiltio her. • i ... Oruge •• ., • • 1 • (;eut-:' ". . -. Old Man Weetliir'• J111t elllchinc his ·~ wind lod,. a,'11 sock; II to .the Ora ... C.. lalunlly•, with aqother ..,..i atorm; po11J... • ing the temperatures down a few notches. • .. J ; .. • s . ' Two Saigon Police Stations ·Hit .by Guerrillas SAIGON ~UPI) -Communbt troopl Qlreatening 1 string of AWed bases a.Jong ter gunships to support them in scenes alacked two police ••Uoos inside Saigon -tht-eam'bodian border. rem1.n.lacent..of the Salgon fighllna oUhe WI, . qiornllll,and ,abe.lled 68 Allied targeta "Some of lhe tnemy'a attack& this 1908 Tet oUensive and the May olfensive · -1... three monthl ·tater: The conim&ntlos -Ille war .,.,. ln th'.".elr=i'wi~'tron~g~Nl~·~-~~hliici;ive~-~· ~so~r .. ~blo;·t' ~·"""i'iil~'l;--:;llod-"'"""'-loutpeeien-ler-tlle-·poli<ee---liit~UiBl'1n o wete1t¥111 meut to bt men to surrender . • The U.S. and SGolb Vielnamue= allacks uni.. '1"' bMt learneil """4 Tbe 88 ov.rnlght mortar and rocket -COllll!Wldint Ille ddense m 'tllem In lnlell"*' ...,.U," Ewell ~-. alacka ...,, the most since 84 on Sept. 5. aald II WU pari m the winte gu A! lllllt 100 lll>J>0?1 -•k!'! illto Ille L!Pt OJl<Nll dam .. e was rtpcrud, -v• wlllcll. t11or said, began -f~I durtq Ille nllbl fw IJillr alt.cu wjth most pl the ciiuallies lllflettd In ; .t., Jllsl ·before Pre.id en\ Nlion's speecb · "' ' the two autlylnl pollce llalionl, lhe MekOlll Ddta south of Sap Tllo , ' oa Vlelnam.' to&tcb1DI oft 'the bHviflt flgbtlnc inside Amtricans were kJiled ud six woundeit. LI. .G.nt. J ulian bell.and Do Cao Tri tlie !'I~ since May, lta 1 Headquarters said other Viet Cons ail:I they expect.ed"'the offensive to last Orie of' the'' thrusts penetrated one and North Vid.namese troops atlacked 60 days and be less intense than previous sta.Uon but both were thrown back, with a South Vietnamese unit 31 miles north- drives whose eventual target was Saigon. military spokesmen report.Ing three guer-west of the capital early today but were The commanders of the U provincea rillu slain. One policeman wu killed beaten back with 84 killed. One govern- around lhe capital, Ewell and Tri ~ and ei,ht were wounded. ment trooper died and nine were dieted !allure for the of!enslve, currenU1 '!be policemen called ln U.S. helicop-wow>led. '-"... -~ • ~ DAIL'I' Pl;f.,OT ...... t1r ._...111 tv.llllcll ••MESA WOMAN'S CAR HAULED AWAY Al'TER ROLLING OVER IN EL MORRO CURVE 'F • • • -$Iott Hltliw•y Author It tu Visit Doafh.DMllng Bend Shol'tty Aft tr Crosh · .. ·-· I ' :Mom, 5 Kids Cheat Death -..-. . . . . Haynsworth Foe Readies • • :, ... •+' ~. ., · ,ftJ,mily Escapes Injury _Critical Paper in El Morro Smashup ... •' .. . . .. py B~ ,!R!l,MCH -a:i-;1.~·~ ~ ·". Only houri before state highway enilneetl arrMd al El Morro School to entnine~ hatlrdws traffic situation on:·toast ffiihway near the school, a young .COO• Meaa_~r ind her five- pre-scbool children miraculously escaped serious Injury in a frightening acciednt on l'lirHlld: El Morro curve. Swerving e ·a. vehicle diiabled in an earlier , Mrs. Sharon · Louise S7 Albeit Place, lost control -~she drove north on the high ~.•.m. The vehicle rolled over grade, coming to rest on tlte center north· bound Jane Mrs. Donald James, 3, months,w vehicl< by ficers and taken to it was found · Jacer3tions said. ''They were unbelievably lucky." On Thursday aftemooo, G. L. Rusaell, traffic engineer from Sacramento and A. K. Goldin, traffic engineer for District 7, with offices in Loa Angeles, met with Laguna Beach Superintendent of Schools Dr. William Ullom, school board presi· dent Larry Taylor, El ~1orro principal William Allen and two parents, Mrs. James Penney and Mrs. Bruce Carson. After riding a 1ehool bus in and out or the school's highway entrance, Russell $aid, 1'1 can't bind the slate, but I can almost. guarantee that we can do several things. It must be kept in mind tbat we must represent both the ·users of the highway and the safety of school children." Rt.issell said be had discussed the El Morro traffic problem with Allemblyman Robert Ba~m,. who visited the scbooI·Jast montti to examine the aituatJon. On the basis of these discussions and his own inspection or the area, Russell said he would make the following recom· mendation: -Installation of a cantilevered overhead tra!Cic alert sign with a double, ••bouncing 'ball" 7ellow fLuhe.r on each ment rate, 1.1 nu1Uon women for a 4 per4 amt rate and 836,000 teen-agers for a 13 percent rate. Goldstein said the signlfic.ance or t!ie figures was the incr~se of 525,000 unemployed since. last December, when the jobless rate was at a post·Korean war low of 3.3 percent The jobless rate Jumped from 3.5 per- cent to 4 percent in September forthe bigest s!nKle monthly increase since the Eisenhower administration in the early 1950s. Some question about the accuracy of Ul06e figures was raised because the survey was. made by 'mklSeptember, before many college students had retunl-' ed to their clas.ses. Although ·the October rate fell slightly, Goldstein said: "What we are getting is a confirmation that unemployment bas in· deed gone up substantially." side of the school entrance, at a distance of about 1,000 feet. The sign could be WASHINGTON (UPI) -The leading marked "School Bus Crossing" and could Senate opponent of Clement F • be ·activated by a time clock, switch, or Haynsworth Jr. as a Supreme Court treadle trip, as needed by the school dur-judge prepared a report today charging ing school hours and evening programs. the South Carolina judge with violating . -Provision of an acceleration . lane federal law and judicial ethics. (cent.er highway) for the school bus A preliminary draft or a Senate entering traffic lanes, either by re-Judiciary Committee minority report by paintlng existing lanes or widening the Sen. Birch Bayh, ([).Ind.,) contended road. Haynsworth "failed to romply with --checking and, if possible raising the federal law In administering a profit. grade where the bus stops before en· sharing trust and he displayed a lack of tering the highway. candor in testimony before this com· -Consideration of a further reduction mittee." of the speed limit to 45 miles an hour. The draft also said of President Nixon's Limi t recently was cut from $S to so nominee: miles an hour. "He sat on cases involving litigates in :-Moving existing O~sher signs, .which whi~h -he had a financial interest; he are located too close to the school en-purChased stock In corporatiom apt to trance. appear before his court; he sat on cases AU of lhfs work would be done at the lnvolYinl' cultomirs of a corporation in expense or the atate, schoOl officials were which· ))e wu a major Stockholder and . told. Completion time for all .the recom~ , for which be served a• a direct.or and mendations would be about four months, vice pre.ident; he sat on cases involving f.oldin said, though some of it - a traffic fonner clients." check and repainting an acceleration lane A majority report by judiciary com- -could be done right a.way, mitlee members favoring Haynsworth The state d9'a not want to put in a -stop also was being prepared, challenging the algnal at this time, the engineers said. charges made by· critics of · the federal Possibility of a mutual entrance for the appeals court ju<f&e .. 'nle commlttee ap- . school and El Morro Trailer Park also proved Haynsworth 10 to 7. Senate debate was di!CUSSed, Russell said the combined on the nomination is expected to begin trarn~ volume from such a concentration Wednesday or Thursday of next week. might justify a. signal. Bayh's reP;ort' was submlUed to sit: Taylor said he woo.id contact the park other~ cormnlttee members, who owner and initiate-discussions-wiUrstate-·voted·agalnst Hayr{rwurth's Confirmation. and county repre.itatives. ~ In u Bayh a.ckpowW!nd t b a t 8.1pressing his thanks to tbe eqgineers. Jfaynswri•s fa.UFe to ltlt'rrequired Ullom~."Naturallywewoukl°llope!or reports an ;lile profi~ trust was a traffic .signal. ~ we_ appreciate 704Jr "not an Intentional violation.' pr9blems. You are the experts." "However, we cite the 'facb to rein· Al~ there bas-been m accldenl In· force the · Obvious concliiSlon ·tbat com- v<ivlng a .school bus at El Morro School, pllcated' financial relationships a n d thtre ~ave ~n a number ~r. "near judicial responslblllty ~n become a ml~ according to school o!f1c1als. On dang¢.rous mixture " it said. the dangerous El Morro curve, just south ' of the school, six persons have lost their lives in the past !our years. 2,000 Expected To Attend Youth Meet in Anaheim Abandoned Car Fire Planted With Bomb WOODLAND !IlLLS (AP) -Arson in- vestigators confirm ~t a bomb was Urn- ed to explode under a burning car as firemen fought to put out the blaz.e on a lonely section of Mulholland Drive in Los Anti<les County. Five f.imnen, laying hose 30 feet away, nam;iwJy escaped injury Wednesday night The Investigators said Thursday the bomb bad a timing devtct ·aoo was pl aced out of .sight under the abandoned car. • ' < . ?'~ ... From Page 1 Califomja'a Stat.e House Conference on Children and Youth Sunday through Tues. day at the Anaheim Convention Center will go just where it's at for youth prt> blems -to the young themselves. The conference will draw an estimated 2,000 delegates and feature everything from rock music and psychodrama to an address by Dr. Roger Egeberg, assistant secretary of Health, Education and \Velfare. RAINS'.fORM .•• . ·ti •;./' broken by .. _..,. .lbe Instrument was repaired. ··~ In Newport Beach, police were kept hopping by .• dozen minor accidents, six ci them rrunutes apart early Thursday aft.emoon. There was no flooding of DAIL\ ~1 LO I ........................ --c..--'""' CAUJOIJH4 .... COo\11 '""'""'"0 (QMMQ l •Nrt N. w ... ~~ ....... , ....... ~ Vici ,_..., -.... ....., n.....11:...a .... 1\•"'"' A. M1tt,hl111 .._....&flw .. -Clllte Mllilr m ... , ..., JlfMt .....,, ..a! Dll W91!1 ..... toll ....... ........ ::=m.~·­..... ~ .... , ......... homes and the Harbor Department reported all boats were secure. Ooe casualty of the storm was the West Newp<Jrt sand haul, which was !l.alled for three days by the hard-pounding rain. But flood control officials declared the proj- ect would continue Monday whether or not the coast suffered another-stonn over the weekend. Huntington Beach police were called out on ·14 traflic ~ccidents during the stonn, none of which were reported serious. Jn Westminster, high water clos- ed Magnolia Street between Bolsa and Hazard avenues between 11 :30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday . Th~ water found its way inlo Laguna Beach's new $500,000 Laguna·h1oulton Playhouse, rising up to rour Inches before It was contained. The flooding was blam·, The Southland production of two such slate# conferences will c;over 11 counties and concentrate on problems in five areas, edu cation, health, justice, cconomlc.s and changing values. Special programs include "Bread, Beans and Things," presented by 50 WaUs tee nagers, an Afro-American fashion i;hov,-and a rap session between teenagers and state legislators. The Ana.helm conference and a similar production io Sacramento during the same period will serve as preludes to California's participation in the 1970 Wt.Ile House Conlerence on Children and Youth. cd on a roof drain clogged with acorns. B d £ Seal Elsewhere. in Laguna, rain delayed con-Oll Or e struction of the city's major storm drain channel in the downtown art.a. At the S D • d p d' curve in Laguna Canyon Road, water Cfile ell m g flooded over 150 feet , halting travel tern· porarily. No major accidents ~·ere Co A } reported in the city. ntempt ppea OuU:ide the Orange Coast area, wet pavement was blamed for the deaths bC CHICAGO (AP) -Judge Julius J . Hof. County W o11Uln Hunted , . In Mountains of~Utah Teams in a 50-man posse today scoured the rugged Cedar Mountal.M of Utah for a Santa Ana physician's wife missing for t¥.'O freezing nights at the 8,000-foot level and feared dead Afrs. Katherine Shapiro, 42, appartnlly became lost on a hike from the couple's wi.iter trailer lodgings 10 miles east of Nav~jo Lake in Kane County, Utah. "l'm afraid there's just no way she could survive the nights out here," said Kane County Sheriff Lanard Johnson, "s.ie just couldn't make lt. '' Dr. Marvin R. Shapiro, who has offices at 567 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, has joined Greeley Heeded: Levittown Goes West to County Along with the westward migration ot Howard Johnaon'a and other nationally known names, Orange County ls about to get its veff own Levtttown, it was discloeed Thunday. A $13 milllon development named - yes, Levtttown -will be conatructed in a c«n and tomato field 1t M1cArthur Boulevard and Brillo! Street in Santa Ana. Several mbre Levittowm will follow and lb• ...U-known Levitt and Sons firm expecta to be lhe largest bullden In California by 1'751 a company official said.Thursday. Carl A. Rudnick, director ot apartment development for Levitt and 5005 of CallfomJa, made the announcement at a meeting of the Oran1e County Committee cf the Mortgage Bankers AsaociatJon. He said the 291 single family home and 3 0 4 rec r ea t ion-oriented garden apartments will try to architecturally avoid some of the controversial upects the prntolypes boa!ted .. Levlltown'a commun1Ues of 93,000 In New York and "10,000 In Pennsylvania have been likened to the San FranclJco Bay area'• Oily City. The Santa Ana development, to be localed on 80 1cres at the northeast cor- ner of the lntenectlon, is small by Levit- town standards, but the eastern Levtt. towns hive rapidly grown. The original parent company is now 1 subsidiary m ln~aUonal Telephone and Tele11aph. -- the pcsse hunting in the primitive Utah area, which baa been powdered with light £1\0W for the past two nights. Dr. Shapiro contacted Utah authorities T1wsday when his wife failed to retum to CalifoJmia on schedule after flying to \he Ced:ir City area last Saturday. Sheriffs deputies checked the trailer home 30 mUes east of town, where Mrs. Shapiro was to prepare for winter v.-eekend trips and found her absent., but belolgings such as her purse were left behind. "We know she planned to return.'' 1ald Sheriff Johnson. ''That's wben we realized she'd gntteq Jost," added the lawmen, who sald the first search'ers followed her footprints in- to a little meadow but lost them ;.n high grass. , The hunt for the missing woman -wh<i would have endured sub-freezing tem- per;itures the past two nights -is being conducted on foot. on horseback and 1n iour·l\'heel drive vehicles. Leary, Physicist Trade Barbs at Seminar on Drugs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Dr. Thomas Leary, on&-time high priest ot the drug cullure, exchanged lnlulli with University m California physicist Dr, Hardin B. Jones during a teenagers' drug seminar Thursday. Hardin told the meeting that he thought the American drug culture has caused aa many casualties as the Vietnam war. "And the man most responsible for thi s ls the man to my left," the prominent scien- Ust said, indicating Leary. Leary retorted, "Dr. Jones says he b a scientist l'd like to see the evidence for that." When one youngster asked Jones how he could validly judge drugs if be has never experimented with them, the physicist said, "You don't have to be hit by a railroad train to know they are dangerous." , During the seminar, attended by 500 high school journalism students and their advisers, Leary was the target of most of. the quesUoos. Asked what be would do as U.S. attorney general, he said vi1?lence was the one crime for which he'd jail anyone. ~ --- It's Portuguese. Est orada, the furniture of romantic influ1nc111 ,q ui1t el191nc1 and subtle b11uty , • , by Drtxel. William Tolliver, SJ . of Paramount, killed rman denied bond today to Bobby G. in a collision in Carson, and Fred H. ~ale, chairm an of the Black Panther YOUR LOCAL DIAWS FOR DUXIL . HINUDON . HIRITAIH Montank, 33, of San Luis Obispo, who part~·, pending his appeal of a contempt =., ""°'• .-"'*II • _.... ... dled In a skid crash on Highway 101 north judgment. .:ii: ........ ~ =,:;:. ol Ventura. The judge described Seale as a 1 • -~-!'~":"': Leroy W. Allen . 56. of htlra Loma, a "d:ingerous man," and said It would be ...., ....,.. °""" ~ ............. passenger 1n a car C&UJ!:ht In a rockslide "gr(lSs error lo permit him to be tree on ~ ::-r.=: wn .. "11 ...,. and knocked down a 300-foot incline in bill." C\i.r-=-. cw.:=.--• San Bernardino County near Ruruiln,.:! Judge Hoffman sentenced Seale to four a' ·4·; • •'"11 ~ .. ..., ... ':n Springs, was killed. Driver Pa u 1 years In prison Wednesday on 16 separate v a Thurston, 34, of Rlverside, escaped with Instances of contempt. He also declared a .. , • ...., ::"' ,::-.,..'::" ..:..~~ wious lnjurit:s. mistrial on Seale 's riot compiracy -• ..... -.... ,..... Southern Californians today were af· char0 e. Seale's trial was severed rrom ... '=............. " ..._ • --.-. forded a respite from the weather'• that of seven other men in U.S. Di•lrict t "0.,.;JC.: ·if•~ wrath. but weatf\enneo said a. new front Court charged with conspiring to incite • . L,,,,. .....:; advancing front the northwest might rioUng 111t the lime of the Democratic NI· NIWPO~T llACH 1727 Wtskllff Dr., 642-2050 °"" ,. ••• , Tit ' ----------...----~-d~p~a\ly rain again Saturday. ____ t~io_n11,l Convention in 1968. ---------- • INTDIOIS P'"'-lon1I Interior Doti ...... Avsll1bl.-.AID-.Nl lD LAGUNA llACH 345 North Cotst Hwy. °"" Plll AT 'I'll ' 494-6$51 1 • • ~ ~--r;:;.~_::::!;:::=::;:::c?:':.".~,~~-.;::;.~.;:::::::::::~::::t:::::::::::::: .. untiuflt!fn-Beaeh ED.IT ION • * .. * -~ VO(. 62, NO. 267, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES CAii. Y ,ti.OT "Mt. ~ lltkftW11 k .... ler CL EARL 'f, TAMMY McCLEARY, 7, IS READY FOR RAIN K••p Umbrell• Handy, S11y1 th• :Weatherman Rainy Season-DrQp_s ,Jn,;, ' ... -. ' ' . . . Orange Coast Flooded The rainy season, Southern California's substitute for winter. came in like an eriraged li<>n Thursday, bringing with it danger, destruction and damp dlscom- fort. While the Orange Coast managed to c01ne througll the first stonn of the &eason with its head above water -more th{ll1 two inches of it -other areas of Orange County aad Southern Californil were not soJortunate. Over 100 storm-related accidents caus- ed 45 injuries 'in a 24-bOur lraffic toll that may be a record for the county's California Highway Patrol. Auto repair bills for motorists are expected to total more 1than $10,000, although most .or the co'llision#s were or a minor nature. ' Along the Orange Coast, rainfall up to 2.4 inches inundated the area, contrasting .sharply to last year's precipitation total or less than .3 inches at this juncture. Heaviest hit were the Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Irvine area! with well over two inches. Three major blackouts In Santa Ana cut otf power to 2,600 homes and some county telephones were put out of com- mission by water seeping into cables. At least two molorisl5 died in stonn-rtlated accid ents near Carson and Ventura, while mud51ide5 closed many coastal highw ays to the .north. Costa Mesa police reported 11 ac· cidents over the 24-hour period, not all related to the rain. Heavte:it Oooding was reported ·in the northern pe.rt of the city, particularly at Fairview Road which became a virtual river Thursday night. How much rain fell downtown could not be determined -weather watchers today iound the rain gauge at the city hall a~ nex on Newport Boulevard at 18th Street broken by vandals. The instrument wa! repaired. Jn Newport Beach, police were kept •AtN,All TAtll" Cltf Si.rll'I s.e-Litt Yr Cos.It Mt11 l .J 1.1 .J~ Nr<>"PO•I llttcfl 7.D J.N ,71 L1111n• 8utl'I 1.1 1.4 .lJ H11n11.,._ Bea.;ti 1.6 '·' .311 F-taln V1ller l.tJ 1.,, .l6 Wntmln1tt-r 1.•· 1.6 .lit $ell hKll 1.6 1.• .lG 1..-.un• Lt!111re World !.! 2.• .H lrvlne R1r>ell !.4 J.'7 .01 L1oun1 Nftllll 2.1 1.• .15 An•llllm 1.9• 1.ff ,..i Gtrdtn Gi"'OV11 1.1 1.n .ll San Cltm111tt• 2.35 22 .. I 15.10 hnll ,.,,. 1.t1 I." .Mi "-$In Cle!Mntr !ilium MllOI\ lrern Jll'I. 1 hopping by a dozen minor accidents, .si:t of them minutes apart early Thursday afternoon. There was no flooding of homes and the Harbor Department reported all boats were secure. One 'casualty of the stonn was the West Newpwt sand haul, which was ~lied for three days by the hard-pounding rain. But flood control officials declared the proj· ect would continue Monday whether or not the coast suffered another storm over the weekend. Huntington Beach police were called out on 14 traffic accidents during the storm, none of which were reported serious. In Westminster, high water clos- ed Magnolia Stree L between Bolsa and Hazard avenues between 11 :30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday. Tht water found i\s way into Laguna Beach's new $500,000 Laguna-Moulton Playhouse, rising up to four inches before it was contained. The flooding 'wu· blam· ed oo a roof drain cioded with acorns. -Elttwllere in Latuoi."'lilii dilliyeil con- struction of the city's major storm drain channel in the downtown area. At the S curve, ln Laguna Canyon Road, water flooded over 150 feet, halting travel tern· porarlly. No major accidents were reported in the city. , Outilde the Orange Coast area. wet paverrient was blamed for . the deaths of !See RAINSTORM, Pap I) Too Many .Congressmen, Huntington Mayor Says Jiunlington Beach s h o u I d be representeCI by one congressman, aol thret a5 at present, Mayor Jack Green today told the Msembly Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amend- ment!. • The moyor -lold commill .. m<mben, tnei!ling In· Los Angola, that the IHI reapporUorlnent left the city served by three congressmen, two !tale senators and two assemblymen. "When a city as large as Huntington te::ich (112.000 population) Is carved Into three congressklnal distrcts It really loses its polltical prestige.'' Grffit told the committee members. ' "How, for Instance, can the slice of the city in the same: di strict with L<lng Beach gel much attention from the con· greuman who mu.at klok aft.er that large ell>:?" tbe m.,....-.~. "' He utaed.lhe c:omrniltee lo glve·lleriou• CO!lsiderall6n lo includlof~lllildl 1j tilt city In a 1ingle . ...,......,,..! dlstticl as possi ble. "Confusion over who lives in whos~ c'list.rict is very evklenL in the minds of the people of the clly," Green said. "Sot a day goes b1 but there are a. dour. or so calll to city hall from citizen! t.sklng about what district they live in and who represent! them." \ .-.. ,. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' -FRIDAY, NO~IER, 7, '1969_, . . a e om us Teen Girl ·Finds Pair Shot Dead lly 1-ERRY COVILLE Of tM 0.llY , .... Sid Surprised at her teacher mother'• oversleeping, a Fountain Valley tttnqer today fouod the woman shot to death and her estranged British stepfather sprawled dead over a rare, Japaliese military rifle. Authorities tentailvdy 'Usled the tragic case as a murder-suicide, the second homicide case in Fountain Valley hl.st«y. Mrs. Barbara E. Good, S2, of la780 El Plano Ave., in the new Green Valley planned community development, was lying on her bed in the upstairs bedroom. Hov.•arct F. Clayto;", 39, who maintained a Long Beach apartment afttr the separ• tion. was fllCe down on the Jloor, a 6.S millimeter bolt·actkm rifle beneath his body. lnvestlgaton aaid it a~ each had been &hot once, but , 0tan1e County eoroner:1.deprties ...,.,st\ii mlmzte)J es· aminlng II*-wllh Oii! ~ *"" · remoV!d abortly beldre noon. ~ . ·. · 'Mn.. Good ~WU a teach« at -e.twood School and load appamill7 01enlept, oo. h~ ~ Sue, 13,. w~ lo ~r . bedrQOlft ibout I a.m. and l«tld, I _. of hotror. · She dashed lo a tolephono lllld Called Westmlilsler police-apparenUy liloc:ked and confused -and they in turn noUfled Fountain Valley officers who raced to the death scene. Fountaln Valley Police Lt Marvin Fortin said the . approlimate time of death was placed at 12:30 a.m., when a neighbor 5aJd he beard a sound like a large board being dropped. Orange County coroner's deputies, who did not say !fhere Mrs. Good and <!:laytor \Vere woundtd, did not offer a precise estimate of the ume each shooting victim died. Uv Lt. Fortin, chier of the detec e bureau, said Mrs. Good had moved into the new development about six monUu1 ago and disclosed there had been one report of a family disturbance there. No details were available about Claytor, or the·Engllsbman's occupaUon: Investigators sald Sue Good, her brothers Richard, 10, and Robert, 7, were in the home but appareOUy uleep when the double killing occurred. They denied bearing anything during the night hours. All three were released to their father, \Villiam Good, reportedly a General Telephone Company employe who Uves in Long Beach. Lt. Fortin said there was no algn or a struggle In the upttain bedroom where ~trs. Good and Claytor were ahot to death. Russ Leacler to Visit Cuba in Next Week MOSCOW (AP) -Sovie! Delense ,_1inister Andrei A. Grechko will visit Cuba within the next week, it wu an- nounced officially today. The announcement Aid an Invitation for the "official friendly vialt" wu made by Armed Forces Minilttr Raul Castro. . ·• • • Murder Hire Suspect Found G!tilty_ bxJu.ry . ' It took a Superior Court Jury Jess than two boun Thursday to return a gu.ilty verdict In the "murder for hire" trial of Richard Davis Reed. The 1is·woman, sis-man panel quickly Trash Collector Takes All Refuse . Rubbish -whatever .shape,. whatever fonn -will nOw be picked up at no ~r• charge •by your friendly nelghbcrhood trash collector in Huntington Beach. The announcement was made by Paul Lomena cl. Ralnbow Dlllposal through the city. Trash collectors" will now pick up aln1osl any item discarded from i;he Mme at no more cost than currently paid. .Ptlor arranaement for ·pickup,or 15\lth llems u J water-M.laters, qld maJlre,uea, or furniture should be ·made by calliJia: Rainbow Disposal al 147-3581. · ' Larger Jtems will . be handJed' by the company for-1 slight charge~ uplalned ' ass\sblnt city admlnlstrator Brander Cas· tie. The total tral!lh pickup Is ,aimed at hal Ung the Illegal dumping of such ltiems or. streelll and vacant land ln the dty. agreed wllh ihe prooecution lhat·th< 28- year-old Garden G~ve halrdreteer of- fered a man he believed to be a "murder's no problem" drifter a •1,500 inducement to kill Reed's girlfriend. Tho driller proved to be.Hunllngton ~~h. undercover of Heer ~ Pool and hi• tosUmony.'pl•Y«\ a major pirl· In the four-day trial of Reed on-two chargri ..:... · sbl.icilhtg ·to · corrimit ~ murder a n·d sollclilng lo c:Ontmit burglary. . Reed rriust return Nov. ·28 to the <court of Judge ·Rayrilond ThompeOn· for sen- tencing on the ·two co1U1Ls. He faces a poasible one to 10 years in state priBOn. · Ofllcer Pool teirtilied lhat Read took him on tl'ie .macabre payroll and ordered him to It.age a hit-run accident -with Kathleen Duckett, 24, as the vtcwn -on a deaerted sector of Bushard · Street in Fountain Valley. Pool' did lit was offered lhe $t;51JO•of lhe ~ of an lnlurance polle)O Reed hew on;bis beau· and' •:«•bashed 1n skull ·aild a lioDet ln·lhe btCk'"Hhe Oal!ed hil ... 1gmneri~ ' ·; ' ; . ·i'he jury · also heard leit!J1l0!1)' lo the e!lect µiat Reed made eerller attompll to d sp:>ee of the Garden Grove woman by going out into the BrazlllaR'bu1h to catch poisonous snakes with the al~ged in· tenUoa of. allowing the repUle5 to bite her.· • $3,500 Drug Program OK'd A comprehenSive educaUonal program lo head off potential narcotk:a ex# perimentera will be instituted by the Fountain Valley ·School District. · District trustees voted 11turad11. night to apend P ,500 on lhe project. ~ they have Ileen told by -admlnillratoro that the' drug problem Is Ml]lgtble. The new education 'program, 'j be ln- 3tituted nm 'Pflng, II caBed Impact Plus 11" and rill designed 11 a sup. plement to alrudy edst.lng. drug educa- tion at each of the acbools. Created by the community service of· lice of Cerrit08 College, U tdentlllell drugs, polntt ou~ their dancm and prepares childreri for future tJtuallons in which they might be offeted"drql1 • Tiie Impact program calla for a· parent's night. during which the drug ~ blem is approached from the l!IChool and home viewpoint. , Paret)ta w\11 be taQghL to ""'°"'"° lhe l'arloul drugs, their a~ names, "7m• or·adillciliin ·an11· IJiM ·com· . I nlOll quetil"'* ralled'"1 chl-'l!ld hoW ' to ~answer them ... ..: J "" f' 1 During the lolkrwlng dll'· Ille -· ~.will jlorticl(io14! In Oa'"lmpo(t _ Day" which canllnuQ Wjlh an -ol In-• atructton a daj ror the nert tWo weeks. ·'f'he · inlUal dly0lon1 · drug llt5lkH1 is desJsn«i lo · male a 1"I Impact on · students ind to let thtm know Its Im· portance, acconling to llcl!ool"llltrid 1<1-'. · mlnlatrators. ' II lleginl witlu lllide-tape pre...taUon and also includes a fjl{n and dlllCUS5ion &tsskinl!I. · Durlns ·the two wtell period, atud<nta wil~·l!e:-1mt 'Uli! opifotlun!ty •1t·.~ quelltlonl'l.llh ·their~ ,.&ch .. how lo avol<l,dnlc ~; · .. : 1 ' . Teaehefs.-ai'°<~~.;i.wilh.suicks · con&alninc &etching .... , u 11 • t "t lo n • • diacuislon:loplca and ~arch reporll for students. 'hie tmpact ptogram will bl ~ on dlffmnt dates for each bl Ult 1Chdo11 during lho''Pflng oemester. Pal'tlltl may -Ive addltlonal lnlonnatlon .about tt by oa1Un1 'lhe di!trkt at 8U-G611. ' I • . ' • r ~ .. ; ... : 2;000 Expected.ii': ' . . -~ To Attend Youth -.. M . A he'.=.:::: ~eel 1n ~na 1lii; : ~~ Cali!omla's·Slate Houae Confereneie:bit Children lllld Youlh Sunday.lhrough 1\iM; day at ·me Anaheim Conyention ~ will go just where It's at .for youth pro- blem5 -: to the young themselve.s. . •· ' 'l.'he conference :will draw.an aUmatid 2,009 d.ele~tos and fealure . ev~ from rock 111111ic·and J>lychodrama ., .. _,. addl'!'!i bj, Dr, Roes' EgOberJ;:,IM_ill'!"· aecretary of Health, EducaUou ·aod WeUitt.. · The Soulhland production of two sucli state conferencts will cover 11 c:ounUel and concentrate on · probleMs in· fi~e areas, educaUon, health, ju 1 t J·C.t , economica and changing valu~ · · Speelal programs include "Brod. Beans and Things," presented bJ ,lllWitll teenagers, an Afro-America.ii •--faihlOn sOO\t and a rap aeaion7 betwfta teenagers and state legialatah, . The Anaheim conference'r'and • almilar producUon In Sacramento durina tM- same period will serve as ~ea ' to Cfllfornla'a participation in UJe 101:D Wt.ite House .Qinierence on...~ldren ahd - Youth. Oraage Wea~er Old Man'Wealher'• ju>t catchi .. hi! second wind tod1y. He'll sock ~ it 'to lhe Orange coast Saturda, ~ with another seuonal storm, puJh.. • lng the temperatures down a feW ' notches. INSIDE· TODAY The ·big flap over ''FlapplNV' Eagle '.' led lo lndlaM getting ''red ~tr" tn Hollywood. Su · t.llt 1UutTa.tcd feature jn todo~'I Wce~tndtr. -" -....i ··· ~t · r¢. l ~:;: .. ""· E•ee.r , · c...-. ,. l'IMI """" tt c~ • ••--M DMftii ~ t """ . 1"'1 Dftoel'C" • ltecll ..,..... .. ,,., ...., ... , .... ,.....,.... " ,,_ 1•11 ,,...,.,.... ,,.. A•L .... n U ....... ,.._. • ...,_.... ,. ....., :cl ......... . ............. ,,.. .,,_. Li-t t ..... .,.. l 'j • • I . ·-... ,..,. ,. .. . . .. ... •• !wo Saigon . :Pol~fe Stati.om Hit by Guerrillas WOOR CIJllll -Communl1t ·troops thttetenina a string of Allied bases along ter gunships ·to support them In llC<Jll!• • alldlod two~ nations Inside ~ file CIJ!lbodlnn tionler; reminiscent of the Saigon .11.f,hti~ of !h• l__::_~µD(l!Dil~:.a-' .... "Ill. " •111 .... •·· • .,.___,"So e the"": 'S atllcks thi• . •·Tet ·otfellllve .and the ay ~ve _,,..._.,. ~.,,......,,,_ ~~~:,..:~~;.,.;~=:;,.,,1 ~~t•r. '.f'be.-.comlll.Olldos ttTOU the war zone ln lbelr· strongest week have been so ee. e, ~ on t. · catted through JoU&peakers for the pollce-~:i.::'". :;., - WASHINGTON (AP) -A number of Jtfplfl>llciii\ · House-, members are con. siaM:ni brfuging impeachment pl9- ceedints egainSt Supreme Court ·Just!ce wllllit.m o. DougJas, llOp. Geral<I JI, Yori! <R·Mich.), aaid today. · ·• Ford, leader of bis party hUhe House; ~aid no deci sion has yet bffn reached whether to offer an impeachment l'tl01u.- tion. "It .'9.ould be prema ture.''· Ford said, replying to.1questiorus: relayed .through hi&. office. Douglas us -under in because ol ltll service, whJch ~ended thil year,,11 salaried officer of U.. Puvln FOW>da~ Jon of Loi Angelu, which received aome funds ~ g•mbllng i!ltemta. Ford said recent addltloaal dllclolurea about the Foundation ud bUllnaM NSOCialed with it Inspired Ille .... Republican effort. 0 Recent revelations are what touched Jt off," he said. ~·11 ls a research opera. lion '?elated to these new revelatli>ns. We , have not made any decision whether to proceed !!llli jmpe,.hment proceedinp." To· Speak ••Al this !i.age it is a prtlimlnary staff n~ ••• :. We ~e reviewing all the fa~ tlle•µse.'" · · · ·k-n for Doug! .. said he would h•no·comment at .ii. Ford said that, so far . as he ii ccn· c~ ~ decision should not depend on 'vij~ the Senate confirms or rejects Pi.1dent Nix6n's nomination or Judge: c1~meut, F. Hayruworth tQ the Supreme ~~t .. ·. . . Ford said lt la Inaccurate to delcrfbe him as the prlme mover, but that a 1111111ber ol RepuJ>llcu memben '!flonrbe .. described u serious 'ucl respooJlble, but declined to riame, had COflllllted him a~t the effort and that he is keeping in touch with them. Maj. Donald M. Babilz, a Viel· nam veteran currently station· ed at the Marine Corps Air Sta· Uon, Santa Ana, will be the principal speaker Sunday dur· ing Veterans Day ceremonies ~cheduJed for 11 a.m. in Hunt~ lngton Beach High School Aud· itorium. i ·he· idded that i£ Haynsworth fa re- je . on ethical standards, "then the s $.ndards should be applied to all m ~ s>I the Supreme 'Court." ~· 541.'rinui · Posse · ·--~ . Hunts for Wife H~yn~worth Foe Readies . Critical Pape~ Leary, Physicist Trade Barbs at Seminar Qll Drugs Of C.O:u.nty Doctor WASll.INGTON (UPI) -Th, leldlnr Senate ,opponent o! Clemeel F • SAN FllANCISCO (UPI) -br. Team• Jn a ·IO-m•q poeae toctay IClOll1'ed Haynswort!r Jr. u • S•lll'-Cwrt 'l1motll• • -·~, one -time ......... ~ of d · judge pr<plred a report loctaY. <:fW'(llng ' _, ....., .--• tloe rugged · ed>r Mountains of Utah for the SoUth Carollna JUdse with vlol•llng the drug ""111ft, uclwiJed flllulla with a Santa Ana ·pby!lclan"s ~· mlulng for , feder!l law an<f judicial elhlct. Untvenity of Calllornl• physicist Dr. two freezing nights at the 8,000.!oot level A preliminary draft of a Senate Hardin B. Jones during a teenagers' drug and feared dead. Judiciary Committee minority report by z;eminar Thursday. Mrs. Kathor1ne Shaplro,,4%, appmnlly"' :"~ ~~od (0.~ndc!..:te= Jlanl!D told the meeting th>t he thought became lost on a hike from the c:oople"• federal law Jn •dri1lnlllerinl a pro11t. tho American dnJi cu1111re hu cauaed u winter trailer lodgings 10 mllet -of abirlng tru11 and be displayed a.lack .of ~ ml!lYJ aaualties u the Vietnam war. Nav'ajo Lake in Kane County, Utah. cindor in teatJmony before thll CQmo "And the man moat mponalble for tbla la "I'm afraid there's Just no way lhe mittee." the man to my left," the prominellt Jclen- could survive the ~IJhta oul here," said The droft >ljo 1ald of President Nlxoo'1 list said, lndlcaU., Leary. Kane County Sherll! Lanard Jorui.on, n~nee: Jn 1.,.._ ll"• •-Jn Leary retorted, "Dr. Jones 11)'1 be (J a " h just fdn'I k It " He sat on cues vo • ..... .._,""' 5• e cou ma e · which he had a financial tnterut; he llCl~lat. I'd like to see the evidence for Dr. Marvin. R. Suplro, who hu olllces pirch...,I llock Jn corporaUona ·apt to th>t at 567 W. 17th St., Saota Ana, hu joined bet bis court· be ul on r>u• When one youngster asked Jones how the posse btJl!lln( Jn the primlUve Utah •ppeor ore • -;:i . area which has be<O powdered with llgbl lnvolvfnl customers of • corpontkio m he could valldly judge drugs K be bes sno~ for the. pa· st blt.m""ts which he was a major stockholder and never eiperlmented with them the . -....,_. . for wblch be StTVed u • dlrtctor and _._._..,.id-" . ·. ' Dr. Shaplro!conllcled Ut>h_authorflleo vlce·praident· be Al on cu" liiVOI~..,!~~· , You don1 hav<101iehlt 1\"'.'d•Y. when_ hi! wll~ failed to. mum ~ . ornier clliil~" . . by a .raUrood train-lo lmow Ibey are Cahfomia on·~Ofterfti>ipf to till, '"' tftll6rJty ret>oll by•j1illciaey, ....... ~c!W!!9'!1·~ _ . J . .. · Cedor City ar,e;;Jalt lurctay. . ' lnltfee memben favoring Haynsworth Durlnl the temlnar attended by sro Sucriff's depuU.. checked the trailer also belnJ._.i <11"""""11 th• ''"h -·•-• ' home 30 mllea e"4to! town, w~ ~--~mide fi7:dlti~-of the 1ed<ral ... r"""' joumallam lltudenla and·thdr Sh•plro was: to. '.J>l"P&l't · for • 1~, ~ C:ilarl lll!IPi 'Ille committee Ip. ...i~ Leary wu.jbe tarpt.of !pl of ~'i"kend tr~flli'~ ~~r~·IW!,. w.i ~ 1o to.7: Sena11 ile~•ll • .. 111e ......,.. Aat•fwut 11111"'114 do u e!l!jgl_ng, J!M1'u.liir; .. :'life. •1 <lr'thi -.lkln·la·eapeCted <o bq1n u.s. ~ ,..,.,a1, be aald violence b<;!'fwned.inow ............ lo ..... ..:· .. __ ;, Wednesday or Tbursday o1·next weelv . · wu the one crfnle !0< which he'd Jail • -~ic r-· _.., ·-.,.Bayfi'i rtport ·wu submltted to six anyone. · S~~Thrdft~oh~n. allzed sh 'd t•· other judiciary committee members, who a s wu~n we re e go 1.1:n ted · st Haynsworth's confirmation lost," added .the, lawmen; wlio ~the· v~ ~rams h acknowledged thai fir~t seercher1 followed her foeqrints .in-n J • , •Y • file u.lred to a litUe meadi:iw but lost them in high Haynsworth s failure to ttq . · , . roports on the proflwhuh,. trust was grass. _ ''not an intentional vtob~·,,. The bunt for the missing womau-who ''H ·t the facts to rein4 would have endured su~freezing tem· owever, ~e ct e , th . h 1 beln force the obvlOUI coqclutlon that com--perr.tures e ll~S~ two rug ls -s c· li ted f anclaLnlaUonshlps and conducted-on-foot,--00..Jloneback-and-ln-. '1 i:a. m lblllt become a iour·Vi·heel drive vehicles. )Udic1al res~na ,, Y c~ dangerous nuxture, It said. Mrs. Nic~n Services slaiecl 1''uneral services will be held Saturday fru' ?--'.rs. Roxie D. NlchoJ90n .of 1233 Alabama St., Huntington Beach, who di~ Thursday at the age of 81. tllrs. Nicholson had been a resident lof 1-funtington Beach area for 28 years. She is survived by a son, Alva Nicholson, of . J!unUngt.on Beach. Services will be held al 3 p.m. Saturday at the Peek Family Colonial Funeral IIome in Westm.IMer with intennent in 'Ve.o:tmin.ster Memcrial Park. DAllY PllOT OAANGf. COAST l"Ulll$HING COMll'AN'I' llob11f N , W104 P~iklrnt ol'ld Pul>lli.l>t' J1<k R. Curl•r Vlc.t 1'1n1Goenl 1n.S Gentr1 Ml /la3'' Tho1111t Kt1¥il 'EOltor Thorn•• A. M1irphi"• ~..atin, Eo11or }llbol:t W. l ol1t Anoci." lll!lw Htllflllft•11 leMt OHie. l09 5th Stro1t Ma lli11t Add11n1 P.O. 101 790, f2641 °""' OffkH N""'rf tw<ll : 2211 Wn t """"'' t 1111i.v1rd (H10 M~U: U0 wtil i&e)I' l.!rtfl t.atuna l1ott1; J11 l"ort1t Av1"11e ~· DAR.Y PILOT, ""1m ¥oll~ II "°"'lll"'f lll• tlewt•PrftJ. It 1111111!1"" Olllt ''Ct PI "'"" 411'/ Ill NPtrllO H <fillU tor HUl'llirltlfll lltf<l'I, FOUl'll•lol Valley, '°'" Mew, Ht ... .,.... 9oKll ond L..ttlln• INdt. •""" wl!ll '"""' ....,lol'lll ,(111111" .. O•t!IQI COhl Pu&lll"" ll'lf OW'llpio"Y ,...,,,..._ 111a1111 0'1 OI ~11 Wttl .. ttlo llvll~ Ntwl'O<I l!ff(ll, ono JlO ..... , Arr St1""1, ,COi!• Mo•. Jat.p•••• 17141 Mt·4JJ:1 ., .... .........., c.11 s40.1211 ~ Cl•.,,.. ........,., 642·S671 C.VrW!I, ffff, OfltMI .CN11 PuOih.111119 CO'NIO"' Ht -1101 111. """''"'*' .. HJtori.1 ma1tH • oMrlht-.W"!\ rwr.111 f!llf t1f r-OCll/tM trtl!Moil NtCl•l ,.rll'lltlllft o1 u11•11t111 ,..,,_..,. ft« ... fllU Jtt'"" .. '4 II Ml'lo""" k«lll aflll CUii. Mc••· c111161~to. ""tic• .i.ui t..• ,.,r1tr s'.bll -1111y1 tl'I -11 t1 IO "*"lflt)I f1111ll1.., clillll"flte.11, U.fO mo.~1~1~. ·-- Junior C.Ollege Teachers Slate Meeting at GWC About 500 junior college teachers from Bakersfield to San Diego will meet at Golden west College Nov. 19 to discuss curriculum development and instructor evaluation. ·one of the main quesli?rui they, will seek to answer Is the validity of popular student publtcailolll that evaluate faculty members. The conference, sponsored by the catifornia JwUor College Assocl1Uon, it a soulhem regional meeting. Dr. James Fitzgerald, dean oflmtruction at Oranae Crost College, will act as chainnan. 'feachen to attend the conference will firs t vitlt classes at Golden West COlleae to listen to siudent opinions on the mat. ter, then hear a new idea on stud,ent evaluation from Dr. Alden W. SmUh of Cal.State Fullerton. ·i:imall group c&cu•ion sessions are •cheduled ofter bis address, C.Ouncil Meeting Agenda Shown Seat Beach city councilmen Wednesday ordered that a det.liled copy ot the coun· cil agenda be made available for public inspeetion on Fridays before the mffttna. The lft'nd• will be displayed at the Orange County Branch Llbr1ry at Ith Street and Central Avenue. Councilmen decided to make the qen· da public after receivine several com· plaint• that no one knew what wu aotng on at city hall. , UnUI Wednellf•Y orily council membm were supplied with a dMiled •send• while clU&ens visiting the aesaions Wf:ft supplied with only a 1 k e t c h y mlmeosraphed sheet. Only confldtntlal items relating to penonntl matters and actual or Pottntt.1 llUgation will be omltled from the public agenda, accordlnc to City Atty. J•me• Can1es. Rossmoor Water lnc~se . Okayed A-I.I percent rate-increase over the 15 percent interim emergency increase authorised last March has been granted to th,e Rossmoor Water Comp.any by the Callfornia Public Utilities Commission. For customers in Seal Beach Leisure World tbe· increase will be 1.8 percent, for those outside the retirement community, 21.8 percent. The PUC eiplained that customers outside Leilure World bore no part of the . 15 percent interim increase, while those inside have been paying, 20 percent more than the pre-March rates. r.1e company had sought a 27 .2 percent il)ttease_ and received 21.8 percent in- cluJing the Interim relief. The com. mission said the relief granted should aJJO\v the company a 7.2 percent return on its investment. From P.,,e l RAINSTORM. •• 'Vllliam Tolliver, SI, of Paramount, killed in a collision in Carson, and Fred H. Montank, 33, of San Luis Obispo, who died In a skid crash on Highway 101 north of Ventura. Leroy w. Allen, 56. or Mira Loma, a passenger In a car caught In 1 rocksllde and knocked down a 30!).foot incline Jn San Bernardino County near Running Springs, was killed. .Driver P au I Thurston, 34, or Riverside, escaped wltb serious Injuries. Southern Californians today were ar. !orded a respite from the weather's wralt\ but weathennen said a new front atlvarking from the northwest mlgbl dump heavy rain again Saturday. Donald Mitchell Named to Board Donald F. Mitchell has been •ppolnled to rtpla~ Mn. Lynn Hotte111ttln on the Huntington Beach Library Board of 'I'nlstees. ~rs. H«tenstein resigned from the board because she Is l~avlng the area. MltcbeU la a blolo1lst with Systems Dt:velopl'fltnt COrp. He Is manqer of elt4 vlroruntntal &')'ltttna studies. His appointment was made flnal-by~the ·lfuntlngton Beach City-COUnCll Monday nlsht. mortat and rocket atlacka In two monihl.' have known they were.eveo.mt1nt-to be-men to sumnder. · The U.S. and South Vletnames=· en· attaCks unleas you had learned about The U overnight mortar and rocket eats COllUIWldl~g the deleqse ,pl , them !n·IJde!Jigencereparts," Ewell said. allcks were the most since '4 on-Sept. 5. said it was ))art of the winter guerr At. )east 100 sappers IDUked into tbe Ulltt oveNll damage was reported. offensive which, ther said, bef!&n Mon· capita! during the nlgbl for tbelr attecu with mcist of the caauaJUes IUffered in ctarJull before PrtsidenJ Nlxon:s speech on the twn ouUyblg polftt • Jtat19Aa, the MekonJ Delta .south ·of Sai&oit. Two on Vletaam. '· ' touching off the hnviest flghtlng 1nildi Americans were killed and m wOWMied. U. Gw. Julian Ewell •nd Do Cao Tri the c•pltal since May, 11•. Headquarters said other Viet 'Cong Wei they expected the offensive to last One of the thrusts penetrated one and North Vietnamese troopt attacked IO da,ya and.6e lea intense'than prevlous staUon but both were thrown ~ck, wllh · a South Vietnal!leae unit 31 m!les 'north- drivei whose eventual target was Saigon. military spokeimen rePGrthi4 three guer-we11t of the capital ear~y today· but.were The commanders of the 11 provinces rillas slain. One policeman wa.s · killed beaten back with ,. killed. One aovern- around the capital, Ewell and Tri pre. and eight :were Wounded: ' ment trooper died and nine Wtrt dieted failure for the offensive, currenUy The policemen called ln U.S. 'bell~ wouoded. U~S. Employment Creeps Forward But Wages Dip· W ASHJNGTON (AP) -The nation's total employment edged up In October to an all·time high of 70.6 ·million, on a seasonally adjusted basis, and unemploy- ment declined ~lightly following the big jump of a month before, the government said today. But th·e average work week, overtime work -cfnd average pay all declined, signaling a possible economic turndown later, said Asst. COmmlssioner Harold Goldstein of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 'I1le tot"I number of unemployed last month dropped aboUf 119,000 and the na- tional jobless rate dropped from 4 per- cent to 3:9 percent of the civilian labor force. The bureau adjusta: the figures in line with UIU&l seasonal employment changes. The jobless tolal In october Included 906,000 men for a 2.f percent unemploy· , ' ment rate, t.1 million wcmen for a 4 per· cent rat.e and 836,000 teen-agers for a 13 percent rate. Gold.stein l&l'd tl)e slenlflcance of the figures waa tbe increase of 525,000 unemployed since last December, when the jo&Jess rate was at i post.Korean war low ol 3.3 percent. The jobleu rate jumped from 3.S per- cent to 4 percent iri September for the biggest single monthly Increase since the Eilienhower admlnlslratlon in the early 19508. . Some question about the -accuracy of those figures was raised because the survey Was made by mkt-5eptember. before many college· students bad.,retum- ed to theil clisses. · Although the October rate fell slightly; Goldstein said; "What we are getUng is a confirmation that 1unemployment bas in· deed gone up subitantially." Coiinty Trustees Oppose Social Science Course O_nposJU_on. to_a p~.Rew' social s¢ence. curriculum for_ California public ~1 ,.,u ~.v~ ~ .. bY; Orange County Board of EducaUon trustees. The new state framJWOrkr for social ~·n~ teaching is deslg<\ed ·~ put more '!II~ on 1tud'!'I Joqujfyi on in· terdii<lpllnary study and on t h e ----..... -behavioral sciences. Board members Clay MltcMll or South Laguna, Dr. Dile Rallison and Dr. Doris Araujo, all political conservatives, voted f.>r a resolution suggesting th"e proposed curriculum be rewritten. ' · Trustee Don J:ordan, who jias clashed orten with the conservative board ma· jority, said be bu looked into the pro-- posed cu:rrlculum and found nothing mysterlOWJ about It. He abstained from voting. ftfikbell, on sever.al occasions, has spokfn against the proposed' curriculum ouUine, saying it ippears to be sensitivity trnlning. The State Board of Education still Ls reviewing the proposed curri'culum for gr3Q_eL_kind~rgarten lhrgugh 12 th~~ could go into effect_next fall._ The resolution idopted bt the ·<OllJlty board waS prepfil-ed by Carron Creighton. former coordinator o( social sden~_llld . TIO\f' research direct.or for the county srhools o(fice, with the endorsement of County Supt-. D.r. Robert Peterson. 'fhe resolution will be sent to school boards within the county for ratification and to the state board. It states: -The need for instruction in the tradi· tional disciplines of history, pollUcal science, econcimics and geography be re· affirmed while giving proper emphasis to the behavioral sciences or sociology, pSyr.hology and anth ropology. --Concentration on basic skills within a subject di~ipline be given high priority and concern with teaching the social sciences from an Interdisciplinary ap- pro.'lch be re-evaluated. -Emphasis be placed on a variety or tearhing methods rather than over· emphasiiing: the inquiry or discovery method. .· Police Sliut Case · On $986 Thefi At High School Huntington Beach police today .hav~. stopped trying to find the money bog with $811 missing from Westminster: High School since Sept. 25. "There just isn't enough lnformaUon to give us any indic.Uon where it miltit be," said a spokesman for tlie ~v• bureau. The money bag has simply been termed 1'lost property" by the Hunting4 ton Beach Union High School District and will be covered by insurance funds. It was reported nusslng on Od.. 29 when auditors at Southern Califorriia First National Bank in Hunlin1t9n Beach told district 9fficials the money; had never been brought to the bank. A campus patrolman at Westmlilster lUgh School said be had taken the money -receipts from the school Cafeterla-to tile bank but had received no receipt for it. Bank 9fflcials told investigators that such deposits were often made without requests for a reeeiPt by district per- sonnel. The dlrlrict hu thus far de- cllned to comment on it. Police, tiowever, ~d they can IO no further with the investigation because of the lack of information and length· of time before the bag was discovered missing. Crash Victim Remains Critical One of two women seriously injured Thursday In a Newport Freeway traffic accident remained in critical condition today at Costa Mesa Memotial Hospitat . A hospital spokesman said there hid been little improvement in the condition of Maria Segovia, 29. The Tustin woman, a passenger in a car driven by Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, also of Tustin, auf· fei:ed multiple injuries when the auto sk idded off the freeway and smashed into a lamp standard . Mrs. Blair's condition today was listed ~s fairly good "with a definite oyernl1ht improvement." Both women have undergone surgery at the Costa Mesa hospital. Reelected by Liberals CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -Prime t.1inlster John Gorton overcame two challengers today to win re~lectlon as leader of the Liberal party and assurance that he will remain head of the govern- ment. > -••••• It's Portuguese. £..for.Cl•, jh• furniture" of romentic influences, ,q"iet elegence and tul:rlle b..uty • • , by D,.••L YOUl LOCAL DIALIRS FOi DllXR. HINUDON. HUITA•I NEWPORT ll"CH 1117 W11tcllfl Dr., 642-20!0 OPIN PllOAY ,.tL i IN11R10RS Pror ... 1onal Interior Dttl1nert "vtilt~l-.t.ID-NSID LAGUNA llACH 3~S t•:-rth Coatf Hwy. Of'lt. llllA Y 11l t "-, .. ·-.... llf .... c...., M .. IJ6J 49~!1 ' I I I I • r b r c t I ti h a le p I In e• "' a. c. ro • ... Ir. Tl ... Fare:well, Old Friend DAil V I'll.OT I £an~-0n_ Are ' ~ , ' . -f • l Scars. Stilt Remain . "' s . \ i ' Eroni Ravaging FIOOiU , . • The rallio ·.,. coming. when the roar ol Mlrin< Corj>e hellcop-Bob · COebraa, a .. ,... ...-~-. Tbr~ •are golnc •. 1• • ten evacuating thim;tl.;n,U..eeld, wet C8Jl)'llll.tat aa ~ ..,_...,,... -·~~'!r.~·~1tl\•_: hell el ~--.!"'~-:-=~-:l!!t.;--ha;.•·~-=~~:~qii:--:~-;,~"':---= chwe.,aLwme, aM Lbe IC&l'l..Jtft-M-.c®StanLdrumming _Gf_comtanl inontba. ~ t he rab>raped landscape llnce last win-"A lot of peopje are dilCOUfaged," For Sale lflm ter aiid-l!fl1Jli tmnain: · s.ays the :Rev. Roocoe 'Biirt,'put« ol structed •-.-. ;:· ~ltntr cl<f!m'the na.rr .... anal<e-thll.Sllvtrado Comniunlly Churdl, "omie "A flood lib that ...,.. ClllC8 It!.' I! like canyfm'Jn ·the .Santa ?iM. Mouriains, llave 1eft and''wl!l neVer· retUrn.., ,.-centary,u 1111 Mr1; CoclnD. .,Jt-...1&: the wont deluge m '31years drove out , . . ha ··-•· ~ N ••-••d• the peop1;; af1o the • !?all construcUons Silverado canyon baa one optimlat, ppen _. -~ OI -"!"" ... , they hacl maife. wllose modem borne ataoda hf&h on a Ma!Q' .._ -_,. rtit,W The ..me oceurred In adjacent Mod--rote foundaUon and.atayod dry la!t prophecy' ·' leska Can~ iqd it was a Jnonth before winter: the only' ~· 1bt rains are comtn& .. he\ flood and mudslld,e mugees could "We were very f<irtunate," saya Mn. They an goinc. -• · return to all )pat was left ol. their homts. Fi•~ mOft than a score . .!lhel- tend ' In· tho • Sllverado • Canyon Fire Statl«> ·-an alinost-sllent ·mudalld• cascaded· down tbe1 bill behind-had · beell' lald'·to rest. Alioto Backs State Strike ~-: Two-year-old Andy Foster of Ellensburg, Wub., held oo .to . his Jack-0-Lantern just as long as .he c;:ould, but, after an all·night bum on Halloween and several more days in a warm.hQuse, the pum~ kin was showing hia wrinkles and.just had to go. There wu only work and litUe rut for those wbo did return. "We're all as nervoua u cats on a hot tin.roof what .with winter coming On and· maybe-more rain," say,s Claude Couey, who 'found 18 inches of mud in his home last year. f RESNO (UPI) -San · Fruclloo· Mayor Joseph Alioto today advocated tranth11 molt public anploye11bie. rl«bt to strike and. accused. Gcw. Rooald' Reagan of trylnl to introduce, a "tcab" system to 1late government. rollctmto, firemen, aanitalloa _..., lr811!it employ<s and boopllaf _..,.,, · This .WI -.Id grant llrfb .mu.. to the bulk of Calllomla'• Dion • Ilion 1001000 atate·worters. ' ! Hippo Gets Ho111e Next Stop Bakersfield _Zoo A very happy.hippo waa getting hia last hosing this morning from equally delighltd Orange Coonty Animal Shelter workers. Sam, the l,780·pound pet or the county pound, has found a permanent home. A truck will conVey him today lo the Kern County Zoological Gardens in Bakersfield where a special pen, complete with pool, l!I being prepared for the huge anlmaL Animal shelter workers said a Bakersfield auto dealer who prefers to remain anonymoui will pay t h • transportation fees for Sam. Sam's surrender to the Kern zoo ends the saga that began three weeka ago when an unemployed construction worker bought Sam for $400 at an aaetion of Jungleland animals in Thousand Oaks. But a shattered -Ronnie Hochleutner quickly found a big factor to frustrate hi. money-making plans for showing Sam at carnJvals, swap-meets and fun fain-an appetite that demands five bushels of vegetables a day topped by 3S poun&i of al!'alra. Hochleutntt took his hippo to the coun- ty poond and was ... that Sam could only be kepi on the coonty feed llne unW 4 p.m. today. ~ "He'll be very Nippy up In Kem Coun- ty," an animal shelter spokesman said. ''We'd have loved to have kept him here, but with an appetite llke that, what could we be expected to do?" Orange District Seeking Ruling on Flag Pledge Hayakawa Says Meet Hurt by Intimidation SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Dr. S. J . Hayiliwa says a planned ~ with members·of the black studies faculty at San Franellco State College didn't materialize Thursday because of "in- UmidatJon by a handful of re'voJU- tionaries.'' "We've .done all we can, but feel it's. not eDOUgb." · . "If it rains real hard it will bring•the same mis:erY' and destrueUon," says Carl Nelson, 1operatlons engineer for the Orange County Flopd Control District. The county spent more than $400,000. on road repairs and the job ls barely begun as the dart clouds or winter loom over the one-lime. silver mining region. For 250 families, those clouds have no 1llver lining. They bitterly recall · last February, Orange Unified School District trustees 'lbursd,ay night declared tbey_will.do everything in their power to require stu- dent of!lcen to p1ed1e alleglabce to . the-r belif!fs. Students of Villa PatJr'Hlgh-_f--- Scbool-in effect &aid the same~(l!\t;- 28 when they voted J,212 to 812 to retain Flag. . . And then they passed the buck to the County Counsel's Office to determine if they in fact have the authority to require Villa Park StUdent Body President Robert Gumpertz to pl~ge h i s allegiance. As a result of Gumpertz' not leading student Flag salutes -because he is an agncstic and objects to the phrase "under God" and because he doesn't know whether he might rather live in other countries -.. an overflow audience or 350 persons showed up for the school board meeting. One faction, led by a delegation from the Citizens CommiUee of California fresh from an overthrow of sex education ' in Anaheim, demanded Gumpertz be thrown out of office and that his school's principal Maury Ross be fired . But spea'kers who defended Ross were applauded by the larger part of the au- dience. No one said they · agreed with Gum- pertz' view but several spea~ers defend- ed his right to express his personal 'Trust Buster' Arnold, 78, Dies WASIUNGTON (AP) -Thurman w. Arnold famed trust bu~ of the New Deal ~a, died today at his borne in nearby Alexandria, Va. He was 78. Arnold was a partner in one of Washington's prestigious law firms - Arnold and Porter. An earlier partner was Abe Fortas who severed his con- nection wilh lhe firm when he waa named to the Supreme Court. Fortas later resI&ned from the tribunal under r .... As an assistant attorney general Jn charge of the Justice Department's an- titrust division from March 1938 to March 1943, Arnold Instituted 230 suits -more than the total in the previous ~year history of lhe Sherman AnUtrust Act. Earlier, Arnold resigned a lifetime job as a judge ol the U.S. Court o( Appeals for the District of C.Olumbla because it provided nb competiUve activity. Ike's Estate Value Set al $278,363 GE'ITYSBURG, Pa. (AP) -A partial Jnventory of Dwight D. Eisenhower's estate has listed assets valued at $278,313, consisting .mainly of stock Investments and 243 head o( catUe. The inventory filtd in Adams County Court did noC Include an appraisal Of royalties from the late president's boob, a 5 percent interest in six Louisiana gas wells and a one-eighteenth interest ln a tract of land in Jeffenon County, Colo. The largest single:' Item In the Inventory was 1,473 shares of Marriott Corp. com· 17-year-old Gumpertz u rtudenl body preoident. Bond for Seale ' Denied Pending Contempt Appeal CHICAGO (AP) -Judge Julius' J. HO!- rman denied bond-today to Bobby G. Seale, chainnan of the Black Panther party, pending his appeal of a contempt judgmenl The judge described Seale as • "dangerous man ," and said it would be "gross error to pennit him to be free on bail." Judge Hoffman sentenced Seale to four years in prison Wednesday on 16 separate instances of contempt. He also declared a mistrial on Seale's riot conspiracy charge. Seale's trial was severed from that of seven other men in U.S. District Court charged with ,qonspirlng to incite rioting at the time ot the DemocraUc Na· tional Convention in 1988. Cranston Says Nixon Failing FRESNO (AP) -·Sen. Alan Cl'an!ton says ·President Nixon's JDOVeJ to curb in. flation "90 far have produced the wont of .ali (>OSlibte economic -Id& -bJgh prices and high unemployment." "In my book, that ia not succtS!; that ts the road to. failure•• the California Democrat told an AFlrCIO 'conferenoe on taxes and the economy Tbuiaday night. Nixon's anU-inflaUon policies, the senator said, may be driving the nat.ion "toward the worst buainesa downturn 11ince lhe Eisenhower-Nixon recession of 1958." President Asks· More Controllers KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) -Presi- dent Nixon asked Congress today to authorize the hiring of an additional 1,000 air ttiillc coolro!Ien, aaylng they're needed to speed flights and help prevent mid-air collislons. The J,000 WOllld be Jn lddltl«> to 2,800 new controllers NiJ:on had a 1 k e d Congress to authorize earUer in the year. About D,IOO JIUIOOI 1lrtldy are employ<d In the air tralllc control system. NllOfl made bis rtquest Iii a letter to Republican and Democratic leaders of Congre11, saying the added controllers could be paid out ol funds already In- cluded In the 111111 million budget request 10< the Department of TranaportaUon. ·' . ....... • ·I -©ii-.jia.111. .... ·:.:-~m,.. . Ill ttan.. dard 2'0-bp VI makes the 1970 Impala move with all the mdrt usu.ranee. On good ol' rqlllar Pl· • , ai---locli A lockin1 1yatem U built riaht into the steering col· umn. When you t•ke your key with you, you lock not only your ianition, but your 1tei:rin1 wbed as welL <»--.. -.1.,.-lt al111JSly mean• that, your oriJinal muffler, · tailpipe and exhaust are aolna to Jut longer ' than you'd probably expu:t tbem to. Fair enouah? • Reagin last week ' told ••· Rtpobllcan convtntion in Anaheim . that be" wOWd : r~plaee striking state Workers' with new, emµioyes . · • "Anybody who suggests we should have scabs in this s~te simply woul,d .e:t·b;ack California 50 years," Alioto iold ~a nen cvn!erence prior to the Start of ·tbe big- gP.S1:'Califomla Democratic convention of the year (See earlier story, Page 7) · A cooventm· of -the· Calll«lla flllle Employeo Aaooctatlcin .-tr ......... delete the "no rtrlb" d8ule ~'Ii , .... utuUOll. Thll bar llOI -ntfllod'l!t U!e US6ciatlon'1 full membenhtp. · :: "Under the present law/' ,Aid ~ who bu his; eye on the 11vaDGltlJtp, ~ "·pobllc employeo ·c1o llOI haft II;, machinery to air their snev-. - Alioto said all public employes should have ·the right to . strike except teadlera, "My view is thft Pllblic emploJes GUlltt to be gjven colltctlve barptn1nr ~­ with the right to strike" -acopl !tr~ , eacluded catqwles. '" - • -• ' ' @llWt pri ~<(I)~~ S _ _. *1 '\711111:'!! I a p 1111 They look 11,e Up iD1Jc&. We build Hu,-coll highway pud every feodtr the cw. ao apnnp at all rails. &11d is another that run four wbedl 1t1 thcf1re built • fender to and wuh four bi~ into both sidet protect· water can why a of the car for .aph11C tlwb run down Impala ridel extra protec-.and mqd lhrouah the smoother and' tion lo we of and help inside or the quieter thu a ~ .. impact. -keep r,our rocktr . Jow~pricll4 car -lmpa I panel~ 'bu 1111 rflbt IA Not too many look.ins the!I out. CUI have lbom. YO\IDI-AJr foDOtrt -~:a."" . . f I : • -•• ... ' .. •, ... -: . :~ ... ···~ . " ' • - . " :·: . • • r . -' .. • '""'· N-7, 1969 Moratorium Marelt " ·Ban on i!----f'-~1ire-Se..tee1 l~llH loy tM O•UY f'lltl SMnJ 1 Butl• John Lennon and his Japa· nese wife Yoko Ono bad a .slight difference of opinion -over John's beard. Yoko \von. A beardless Len· non emerged in London and told newsmen he had bowed to pres· Sures maily husbands face. "She's ~een niggling about the beard I o r months," the still-longhaired. Beat· le said. "Anyway, it feels good to See my chin again and to get some fr esh air on my face." ' . For only $9, f;•nk Moeller met 8 thief with ho nor. Moeller, an in- surance man in St. Louis, was rid- ing alone in an elevator at a hous- ing project when the elevator stop- ped between fl oors and a voice came up the shaft, saying: t•oroi> your wallet down the shaft or you'll be her~ a while." Moeller dropped bi s wallet, containing $9, down th e ~haft -and the elevator carried him to the 11th floor. IIONOWLU -Republican Nallooal Cl,,~rman Rogen M0<1Ga today ondoned the Justice Department ban on a mllS! parade In Waslllngtoo to protest the VleO nam w•. "Il ,.. ... going to lllMI ""11ng pennlts to anybody coming up Pennsylvania Avtnue, we'd be infringing on the rights of tbe citizens of the city," Morton said. '!'he Maryland congressman. i n Honolul to address the Western Republk:an CMference, made the coip- ment following a JusUce Deparlment prohibition on a mass march on Nov. 15, the Dell scheduled Vietnam Moratorlwn d.'ly. .. Wubington ls a busy, bustling city," MOiton said. "If everybody with a cawe or lslue wanted to march, we'd have to close down the avenue every day. 'l11at's not the kind of precedent you want to aet." , Government officials who ret'U.!ed to issue a permit for the march admit they orses Parade hl\le not 1ead-a~tiiialiii"'1.-­ '1mllar "Jecllon helped lliqer violence durlni the 11111 DemocroUc conventfon. Deputy Alty: Gen. Richard G. Kle111o dl""t IAi<I ~gain 1burodoy the 1ovem- r..1ent would not allow a march or thouJands aloog Pennsylvllllla Avenue and around the Wblte Hewe Nov. 15 because of "a subltantil.1 likelihood ol &eriOUI violence." Mayor Rlc:hard J. Daley also ralJed the specitr ol. pot.enUal violence to bar a march during the Democratic NaUooal Cconvention in Chicago last year. AJL~ough the NaUonal Violence Com· rrusslon reported earlier thil year Daley' a petrnU refusal was a key factor in con- frontations that followed, both Kle1!lo dlensf and a key aide, John W. lltan 111, said they were unfamiliar witb the ftn. ding•. "I'll be honest with you," Dean told a· news conference Thursday. "I dld not go t:1ver "'that material, no." With a DOd, h'!elndlenst indicated be bad not read the report either. . . To Senate Chiefs Urge Cease-fire --... ASllINGTON (UPI) -sm ·te leaders ol botll parties joined today In In· troducing a resolution urtina' President · Nllon to try to get a ceale-tire by both sides In Vielnam. Sen. Hugh Scott (R· Pa.), said the White House "Iound no fault'' with the language. Scott, the GOP leader, and Sen. Mike Ma.fl!field, the Demoa'atic Jeader1 pro- posed the resoluUon which abo would ex· prtss support for efforts by Nixon to achieve a negotiated settlement ot the Will' and would urge free elections in South Vietnam. Scott said 26 Republican senators were sunporting the resolution aod said he boi>ed to get as many Democrats to join in. Sen. J. William Fulbrighl (O.Ark.), a Jor.gtime \Var criUc, said extensive hear· ings should be held on the measure firs t, leoit the "wrong impression" be conveyed -that a "great deal of unity and support for the President" exists on Vietnam, whereas he said he and others have great reservations about his policy. The House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee approved Thursday a resolution expressing general approval of Nixon's effo rts to end the war. It did not mention a cease-fire. • • Week-long Count,down For Apollo 12 Begins Posters Dominate ·Parade U,I T ... llotl ~lansfield blocked an attempt to In· rodL>ee a House-type r*luUon in the Senate by insisting on amendments call· Against backdrop of a giant Soviet poster, a contingent of Russian .ing for a cease-lire and free electiom. troops gives eyes right as they pass in review during parade mark· 1hio; removed the pro-adminl!tration ing 52nd anniversary of the Soviet Union in Moscow Friday. Cere-flavrr of a resolution that Scott, ap- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Eleo-lricll pnm surged Into • glint Solum 5 n>ctet todoy u the launch tum begon .the -·Jooc countdown fir Apollo IJ, DW>'I ......i moon-ludlng mllslon. rnonial speeches gave routine criticisms of U.S. policy, but were far parently at the request of &he Whlte Lat.er Conrad and Bean are· to ~ less aggressive than in previous years. House, wanted to submit. the~ li!nulator topractlce delcent ;-------~'--~---------------------­to the moon and llftolf for return to the Tile ·~ clock llu1ed rlght on ICbedule at t a.m. PST, 161 hours 3S minutes from llCheduled liftoff at a::a a.m. nest Friday. In addition to ti hours of countdoWll, four aUkmatic holdl totaling more than II' hours ,.... proarammed for rest by the launch tum and for dealln1 wlth poulble prd>leml. orbiting command crall. 66 Feared Dead In South Africa Mine Explosion Ju the «!UJ1ld<rwn slarled, Jauch dlrec-. tor Waller Kapryllll repirted all launch JOHANNESBURG, SOuth Africa (AP) • ~---...1 ..... amoodlt -Sixty·alx miners were feared killed preparltiona were ,...__...... y. today when cases of. e....nloslves went off ·it's o changt of habit for Ronda 'l1le three utronauta, Charle&~ i '12 miles underground-in one of South Co,.eland, 22, in a.ssuming a roll! GI a Jr., ~ F. Gordon Jt. U¥S Alln L. Africa's richest sold mines, autboritiea 1eu'.n" after cavorting nigihtl11 cm atcge Bean, planned aeveral boura today in itl "Oh Calcutta !" ~he and an actor ccmunand lhip and lunar 1 and e r U:,~ miners were conflrmed de.ad, four ~'form in the nud< on stage In a aim~ rebelrllng key Rps In the at the bottom ol the devulated mlne '1anner which San Fnmcisco police lo.day flitbL shaft and two of thole who were rtlCUed. cp1z.sider letod -the pair have ben Alla on h!r ICbedulur_a(_~_M__SiJ.ty men •ere..trapped, at:ruted-seoe1'-if?M1..-F-ro1'n-tM--lftod liiiiir·topolraphy. ••Anyone down 111ere' ... at~the~~llme~-ol~the-l-----------te the ethereal, Ronda pla11s a bit part . ~ a.don and Bean nnt climb blut bun't a hope in hell,'" uid a co1on1.e brilliant-co/or at a nun i~ MGM'a "The Strmoberrv lntotbeo:mmandlhlptralnertopractice apotesman for General Mining and Fi-rnodt1 84t4 Statement. procedures for the rocket bum tblt will nance COrp. which owns the rich Buffell-• 267 so..11.SCREEN ! • • pr•peMbem out at' eor1b orbit and onto fonleln min;. "it la highly willkely that : A bellor with a Lindsay hUllch lbe -qu~ tron>lunor trail. anybody colJlbl in • blut lllle that could cpuld have bad quile!!I' parlay !!lv . Tblt'llnlloft-. over the Pacific lllll'Vlve." l\(ew York this week Dapper LfniJ. ~ Ocean after_ the utronautl have circled '1Tbey were alnkinl a shaft and at the ••Y a 9-1 shot won° the ftr•t race -the P>be one aM a half times to make bottom of a shaft, ibere iJ nowhere to aj. Yonkers Rac'eway Tuesd_, night certain the lplCfllblp'• l)'ltanl are hide. The chances or ~ being sealed alld paid $20.60, $8.00 and $7.00. The . working. up but otll1 allve ore nil. race was off an hour before the • pi>lls closed on John V. Dlnd11y'1 rt-election as mayor of New York Clty. • { A Britiih ft r m introduced a '" new bathtub fOT young ma~ called tht "Conversation Bath." · The jumbo tub measures five : feet wide end nearly aeven feet : long, is de signed for two per· 1: sons, and boasts a center bar f: rack for cocktails. ' • ~rt. LoulM Nlect.rhofer'• finger· n¥Js a re worth $3,000 each. That's ttie amount she was awarded by a cdurt -a total of $30,000 -1n her stiit against Helena Rubenstein, N~w York cosmetics firm. Mrs • Niederhoper of Cincinnati h a d ct!arged a preparation advertised. bj the firm as a nail hardener caused her to lose all her fi nger- n;ji!s. Cahhie No Driver FigureS-in 6 W reeks in 23 Days SAN DIEGO (AP) -In 1tla flrst 23 days u a CJb driver, Jacques 1. Bllkslpan bad six accldents and damaaed 11 vehicles. His pennlt to drive was revoked. and now bis appeal bas been turned down. The final blow came Thursday when the City Council ruled police ecled wlth good cause ln revoking Buk!zpan'a tem- porary driving permit. Bubipan, 31, worked for seven dlf· ferent companies since he got his first driver's ,license Sept. 2S, the council was told. . On bis very firat day as a cabble, he Jorf two jobs -one becaUle he couldn't operate a manual gearshift and the other for falllni to pus a company driving test On 1lls seventh day, be left four Ill· !cabs and two olber autoa damaged. On 1lls 131h day, w.rklng for sllll another company, be was in a wreck 11aln. Then, two days and another employer 1ater, he found himself in two collisions -both on the company parltln& lot '!bat dld It. Pollet took 1lls license. "I'm not a bad driver," Bukszpan lo- a"1ed bef0tt the city council. "I am capable of driving a cab safely ln the streets of San Diego or any com· muntty In the state." Ju spokeaman for the city said alter the council rejtcled Bukszpan's pleo that police may reconsider 1tla driving abllily ii be takes a special c:oune. fog Closes O'Hare Airport Flights Diverted to 4 Other Midwest Cities •.. for life-llke realism! • CHROMATONE ••• edds thrilling depth to color; wermth to black and white I automatic • COLOR PURIFIER • •• keeps 111 pictures pure- even If set Is moved I •AUTOMATIC Picture-Sound Stabilizers for optimum performance t •LASTING RELIABILITY NEW COLOR PORTABLE TV Enjoy blg-1.t fea.tur•s •nd ~rform•ne•-1nd 102 gq , in. brilli•nt-color picturts on this suJ19rb- perfonning Maonavox model 6224 that hu Chroma- 1on11, Quick-On, Bond9d Citcuitry Chamis. plus tela· scoping dipole antenna and cany;ng handle. P.t'ect k'I any room or off~·~ 1 gr1at gift. iool Mobil• C11t ••• i• nsured by famous Magnavox 31.F. Stage Bonded Circuitry Chants Choo se from over 40 beautiful Magnavo x Color TV models ... from only s259 90 Callfo...,la ' SOUTHE"N CAl.IFOftNIA -Con•ld- "'blt! clOudlness ll'lfw9h h tvrcltY. A .... J/WWefl ,, .. ,.. 11:•1~ l llt'Mdlt\9 fWthward -..ill i nd we1t POT• t on• &1!11,.,,1'1'. Snow l1vtl 6000 Itel. i tlthllY (ool_. I~ toUlllUll ln!trio<' •rlday, 11·1 .... Temperat11ru -----· $299 90 Complttewith ~LOS ANG!iLl!S AREA-Con1ldlr1b!e dol.HllM H 1hrou•h S1IU'11IY. A few f-•ra Frl!l1Y. Rain bet!nnlnt 1t1ln .., '1turd1Y. Conllfll.ltd cool. Low• llo!h nl~hh "''' n. H!•h Frld•r ~. Jtel" orobabHUy • Pll'C.,,I Frld1Y, lO Wc.,,1 Frld1Y 11l1hl. l po1NT CONCEPTION TO MExt. CAN 80RD£R-SOUll!lrly wlr.dt S lo 9 '""" thlllllth Frl!llr 11l1ht bft'""'" 1111 M1Ulhff1terlt 10 lo 11 1111>11 Situ•· dtY. Nmllr cloud'lr. A ,.... lflclwe'1 f;rldlY. 11:11" llPl'Hdl1tt 0...... f fff S.l\lnl,Y. L1Ml1 llnlOll'tllll'I d\l,,.t, 1SOUTHERN NEVADA -V11lebl1 6ouc11 th...,.it Slt11nl1r. Clllnc. of kW .._..,. Friday. A llttlt (oolef' Frldey. Lowl k!rtl nl1hl1 In 0. HltM Fr~Y U lo 7S. COASTAL .AND INTEJt.MEOIATE VALL2YI -COnlldert~ll cloudlnn1 t"'-fl S.l\lnllY. A ~ ~ l'tl- dlY ... Lit ...-Int toUll!w•<tl OWtl' • , ... S1hlrdlY. L.ft'I both ni.tlll 4j lo •· HllN frlcln • lo ~- MOUNTAIN A"EAS-Mc\llY clou<tr tt1foutft J.ltvrd&Y. Si'low'f.fl Frldtr. Rein f1f ll'IOW 1t1ln S..lvrdey, Sr.ow i..,.i il:IDf IHI, S~thffY cooler Mtllllt "°"'°" l"rldn. INTlRIO" AND DESEJlT REGIONS -v1rlaMI clolld• tll-'! St111rd1Y. ,...., lhowwl 1"rld.t•1'. "'tn PIOl'th "°'" tlon on htvtdn. Coolet' llO\lfll po<llcn • Frlft'I'. L.Owt bo•~ nt1hl1 21 10 4 llP. Hf ,,.Hn'i. If lo Q ·-WllfYl. H1eh1 l"rldlt SS lo .. UPI*' '11111..,1. fJ to 1$ lower 'lll llh'I. c-t.i COMllttr1Me cloud!--.ltfl eec.. tlorMI WNlllfll. l.lthl "lr\ttQ Wlfldl nl9flt f#f'tf '"'"1ffl9 hclvr1 blCOn'!lnll to11t11wn 1w1Y • to 11 tnor. t11l1 1t11ro ,_, H19'11 Ill lew .0.. eo.1111 '-""'1itvrl'I ,..... '""" !4 to f,f. lnltlld *"'-'''"" tt "'9 t~ H to u. w11er ""'"'•IVrl a . Sun, Jlloon. Tide• •JtlOAY Stc:lll'lll hl•h .......... 7:'1 1.m , c,c SleOlld low . 1:,. 1.m. 1.2 SATURDAY f lnt hlth .............. 71'' •·'"· '·' "'"' low ............... 1:06 t .111. 1.1 Sttond hltll ............. 1:11 I ·"'· I.I '"onf tow ............. 2:u 1.m. o.a SYll a l ... t :l t l ,fft, ktt l tU 1,m, M .. n Jtl.., J:SJ ,,,.,, 1111Jin111.m. --------- v.s. s .... _.,, T"-l lufa rehMd ,,_ • te JI! d9ll'MI •bow l'IOnl'lll ,..,. ft'Wll 11or!llM1l•n1 Mol\11111 to -Mldt- llt n 11 • rldt• llf hltll -lllfl """' """" lf•lloNol"I' ...,., "" '"'°"· HMY)' toe fon;td 1119 dOllnt of Cl'!I. U90'1 O'Mere lnlto'lflloncl AlrfloM 10 1H tr>eomlnt llNf wll'OIM lr•llk: ihor'l1Y ll!et' m .... lt~I todh', "111MI W"'I tll'f'tr11d hi l lrMrll Ill KIMll City, IM.. Ot1 M9111ft. 1-1, 0.. t n>ll I ncl Mllwlll-M, WI .. ...... -... 1 ... low ,....,wr. ctll .... , Lotlt l1l1nd, N. Y., C.nUrwfd IO ~ .... d"'11 some U1hl r1h1 I~ fM twfltr1I t«:tlont of N ..... York lfld Pt'!!nlY1Y .. 1111 111lw1r~ le "" All1ntlc. 1!1rlr' morr\1111 19"\llltfl fVl'll ''llltld ,._, '6 11 Or111d a11klt. Mkll,. .. 12 1! k lntt•lllt, Tf:ll. AlllulwAue U " llo1t11r1 erowiuvllr. """' CIMl11111tl -w Dis Molnh Otlrtll 1<1!..Uftk1 ,_ H•- K1,..1 City L11 V"*l LO$ Annles Ml"" Ml-...e!;. ,. ..... <>r•- NIW Yorll; ....... <llll1hcm9 City ...... P1lm $t>tl"'1 P1tc1 a oblls ·-· Pllllttltr"' ...., ... "•Pld Clf'I' -~ llllltl ·-S1c•1mtnte $.It! Li ke City .S11t Oleto Sin Fr1nc:IK• Se•1tt1 !.••ne ,.,,.,. .... ,, we"'t~•• .. " " " • Jt .o ,, "' ,,. .... " .. .... .. " 72 ., " " 11 10 .01 ~ ; ~,I. II ft ,01 ~ :!~"[ " " n " .. " ... " .52 .10! " .. " .. " .. .... " " .. " ll ,, '°' n " .w " 11J ,, 11 #J .. " .... .. " .. " " .. .... n " .... KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX Magnavox Home Etatertainnient Center Factory Direct Dealer 2666 Harbor llvd. 6855 Westminster 12116 S. Brookhurst 12891 Chapman Costa Mesa, Calif. Westminster, Calif. Garden Grove, Calif. Garden Grove, Calif. EXPl!RT FACTORY SERVICE 546-1691 894-2350 53M360 636-1250 I I . . . ' . .. . . ~ ·--. . ... .:--. -- - Ne AneaJ• Left ' Huge-Integration Job Vnd,e.r Way' ........... . ' -----~ . . Consumer BilfPaSSed' In Senate ,.,...,, •• ,..., 7, 1969 '" little boude knits, ribbed and pcilbly in The American Way With Wool l . OllUAllS (UPI) -a Olllll."OO<'e wllb die~ -,...--._ onecaroppear-1 aupertnlOililOiili: llolll:J'~ offldall ~ Tbe decllloo ;, l l alltcl :io 111Nm1pp1 ldiool clllitrlell . 1~: ;,:~ .. -::=1 the~ t~ ·the cour\ ordln.t thO -ol WASHINGTON (AP) -'Ille Senate baa pa....s -df-t a bm-io~ con-_1 ____ __,Ac:.'_,,dmi=_,,tlii..,,_1-_..!Jcjlf= curres liti sJciiul • Nolr, lo di 1-1---.imierrQilililli ary and -boude. A knit that'• nubby and tmwed. loilg em>o""" credit ._is. slems and Wrt> mra tbort. And )'Oil ICllow the I I ldiool d ... _atlon projoct pllDI pnpored by the Deporl- ID the nation'• hlalory menl of llealtb, Education and In • ~ ....... _....;_ the Welfare to brtllf alloul the -................. ......,. t.rl.Dlftion.' • 1411 U.S. Clr<uit Courl ol Ap-u-·er !be j·"'-lt>-poala -the offldall to.. ~~ • ........ bePI mHlnl ---~'!I of the lmmedlalely to have. ~ ochool dlliricts to continue -qo1em1 fully operaUve formulatlne pllol ol their own, by Dec. IL • wtilch, li ccepllllle, m!pt be Sen. William Pronnlte ([). ••• m Am<ricu Way With 'Woo17,wool nwk IJbd ls"°"' Wll.),chlef_ol_b , ballad Ila po•11• 1'und1J as l&IUtlnCe of quality·talN products knit in America "the blgm......n.r vldor): of pure wool to sivt style, quality and perfontWICL this year" In eo.ir.u. Get )'Ollt'Olf a quick little bou£lc. In red, J>Wple, or Tbe meuuns now '°" to L.....: • M "" the Houle ......, ""'""' of ng .,.;gc, sizes }-IJ, By Jonathan Logan. _ '"111on hal ... ., been any-pit Into effect In September. thine ol lllla mqnl1udo lnvolv-lt'IV, rtplaclq the HEW ~ Ina dlUdien ' in 1Cboo1," aa1d • ~tboda. ' ' • Jl1: Gltllln Btll, • member ~ ·~ cour1 erlllnal·· __ , ••J ly pnted a Nllroil -I of -Judie .... ~ -• tratlon requnt to 'delay llie 'It{,, bonded do!rn the order. u ... , __ ,_, ....._ •-Bui -~· ==========~::::::==~ similar Jerlalatlon llld the 111bjtct would be comldend In the Banklq C<mmltlae -tbla year or early ID lt'IV. /my HOUie floor action will not come before nert year, they said. 1'Wbln we .r you bavO. to -w-..._..auw.. on aet ollrtad m;....uaw,, dial:, OcL 29, the U.S. Supr-... la -........ .:. lo\DO'·-' Coult ..... oec1 the . dec:\11• Proamlre said credit ratlnp now are maintained on 110 million Americana and that tha llll1 would for_ !be lint tlme lfve individuals a federally parantaed rl&ht to correct faJae, lnformatlon In their fllea. ....... !be Jli!P,"-~'..r =~~~ Mets Seore Bit Kin'. . Tbe cour\ llild 17 of file .,.. T11nney terns inut ~ .. rby ' ' what It called .. _ atep ' plans." It ex<eJOl'd the achoo! Recovered 'l'stema of Hindi and Holmes counUes and !be dty of Mer- MAl.SEILLES, F r ance (UPI) -1111. Joan Wilkinson, 30, dlugbter of former world Jieavywdlbt bolling champion Geoe 'l'wu>ey, has left a balpltal where she w a s treated for shock and am- netla, doctors said today. idian; which were allowed two Mn. WilkiMon was found at a camp aite near Marseilles Oct. 2t after &he waa reported mlMlnl:. for aever&l weds. -llAld ilhe left -ldtflll"'lte HOlp!W "a few 4aJS aco" completel y licovered. step plans. Prince Philip T o 'Meet Press' Prince PhlUp will be the guest on "Meet The Press" Sunday on KFI Radio at 8:30 p.m. and on KNDC, Channel 4 •t·• p.m. • Prince Phlllp l.s In the United States to receive an award of the Pilgrims Society. THESE PENNEY STORES --WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA -- Seven Open Vegas Show LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - S..en pinning, tu1edc><:lad New Yort Meta turned song~ and-gag mtn before •· resort hotel audience -and scored a hit Not that baseball'• world ch&mplona made a home run In their ""°" butineu deblrt Thursday nigh!. Their singing, loud and in unison, had hardly any hannony. Some punch 1lnea go! nged delivery, C'ultomers' co ,m m e n ts af. tel-ward ranged' horn "great" to "comlcal''1 and "you can't exped toO much of them." But ""'1111 of app~ came from a capacity cllimer audience of J,100 eqer to .,..t the. Mela for what they are --le. come-ftom- behlnd haaebaD he-. Out!lde their names shown In marquee lllhla a!Olli the resort.iwtel otrip, and In the casino Met fever extended to New Yort bueball cap:s on the dealers. The seven -Tom Seaver, Jerry Koosman, Donn Clendenon, E d Kranepool, Tommie Agee, Cleon Jones and Art Slwnllky -opened a tw~week stand at Caesars Palace at $10,000 apiece. The a~etes were oa a bill stai:rn. singer J i m m te ROOg1rs and comedian Jorry Van Dyke. The Mela app'eared in a 27-mlnute act with comic Phil Foster, who lntn>duced them. A ocr... delcended and col- o~Olm clipo lbowed some of !be Mela wont and best m-.la the put ....., - Infield bobbles, outfield col- 11.slons and brllllant play• jlke catcbea by Acee and J-. 1 Samsonite Silhouette !Jandi-Tote savings The mtuute lbould "pre. vent coosumen from bt1na unjustly damqad· becauao tl ·tn.acatrate or arbitrary 1Q. formaUon," the ,..tor llld. Chinese, BurmaOash RANGOOtl ( U P I) - Fonner Bunneae Prtmltr U Nu stood with Comnuml1t Cbfna'a Mao Tae-lwlr before p~·· a:ate ol :Aeavenly Peace ID IMO and proclalnlad lasting friend&hlp. Ni>w he Burmese government rtPona fightlq recently oo Cblna'a border. Premier Ne Win told !be BllnMM IOdalflt part 1 Thunday 8-wtlll "COlft. munilt forcft" bad left lSI e..,,_ .,._ dead, ilO wounded and a m1111n1. For limited time, 20% savings on Sansonitt's SiJ. houcUe Haftdi-Tott>. Over-um handles of molded vinyl, full-opening top, zippered exterior and in- terior pockets, open ~de pocket. Select from bisctyne blue, c!Dver white, ozford grer or willow green. n:g. 24.9l 19.95 may "' luwge l6 Skimpy IJttle body dresses, in misty-dusty atti c colors Liltle dressea arc what's big now. Cu"Y little skimps that ICtO in c!OJe, !hen £Lip out at the hem. Willi all kinds of atarning and details. And iou'U km die mlon. Tones your grandmother wore , • , like c1u11r- pink. purple and na..,: Plus tlie newes~. bit-siJod Art D«o prinla. Tliey're all pure "'-. junior aim 7·1l. )Ult one from a collection by Anastasias. V-=lc dress witli cumd 1ean1ing, 15.00 may m campua shop 43 ----··-·------------------·-- may co south coast pleze, sen 'di19 0 fwy et bristo l, cod• m•••: 546-9321' 1hop mondey through 1etu rday I 0 •.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' - . ··' .- --~- "· I .. .. . ' ., .- . . • •• ;;-::=:::::::: .. ~:::-:.-----------~~-• • • ... . .. .......... __ ,..... ....... •, 1", ., ... • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • .. . ' • I_ -., ' Boundary Realignment?·~-·· FOWl!ain Valley residents who want their chltdren In Fountain Valley's highly-rated school system have a problem -tba~d generate considerable community and inter.communlly_~. Garden Grove Unified School~Dlsfiict aerves-llie northeastern portion of Fountain Valley. Many residenti· have exp~sed a desire to withdraw fro~ tbe Parden. Grove district and .enter-the Founlaln Valltyelemen· tary district and the Huntington Beach Union High School District. -. • Founlain Valley Supt. Mike ll'riCk fully suppom that idea if it's wl1at the people want. 'City Man1iger James Neal has indicated the city would 1Jrefer to see one district contiguous with city boundaries. A few resi· dents have even achieved the switch. The primary hangup, of course, is the Garden Grove di strict, which has a sizeable inve•lment with a high school, an intermediate school f:rid elementary school in the area. District officials say they see no reason 'for a change. However, if enough -Yountaln 'Villey-residents show interest in such a change -particuiarly, of course, those residing within the Garden G!'.-Qve district -dis. cussions between district& !or an exchange of bound· aries and facilities might result. Such a move should help give the community added Identity and unity beneficial bC>th to schools and the city. Hamey's Good Neighbors . .. Postal employes In HunU~ BeaCia have united behind a drive to help a fellow mall carrier pay off heavy medical expenses incurTed ·~ a serious kidney His Wife Manufactures. Unhappiness ~..t "'"/':•;t,,, .. :, l ' Everyday ' ,. L~~,.' ... Pr ........ o...;..bt":~, ... ..:..~ _ ....... J By·f!WIWORTH L JUCHARDSON Miabttr NeiP,borbood CongregatlonaJ Cburcb Laguna Beach Norman Vincent Peale once told how he was riding on a train and became in· volved in a conversation with a man and his: wife in the dining car. The. two men exchanged their business cards and in order to include the man's wife in the conversation, Dr. Peale asked, "What do you do?" She was smartly dfes,sed and gave-the tmpressjon that she was a business woman. Her bu.sband didn't give her any opportunity to answer the question. He spoke up sharply, "She's ia the manufac· turing business !" Oft. PEALE ASKED pleasanUy, "And what do you manufacture?" The husband again was the spokesman: ''She manufactures unhappiness!'' Allbough these "business men and women" are not Usted in a business directory their phones are busy dispensing unhappiness. lt is true that "Happy people are never wicked." (An old Dutch proverb!) It has now been scientifically proven to be so! The majority of criminals come from unhappy homes. At Yale, a JO-year study af frustratian has been completed whlch indicates thal immorality and hastility to others is brought about by unhappy people. ''TIIE SOLE CAUSE of all psycho.."<>matic ills i.s due to unhappiness .md that happiness is the only cure," says ])ear Gloomy Gus: It would be Interesting to lmow how much time the Alerldges of Foontain Valley (who withdrew their daughters from the h lg h ' sChool, cllarging drug abuse on campus) have spent in the past three years to help shape the school system 's destiny for their daughters. ' -V. J, B. TMJ fMIWW rtllKh ,.....,,.. 'Iii.wt. 1111 --.r11r ,,_ "' tr. _..,1r. ,..., .-"' ,.... • oi.nr .... Diiiy """· Dr. Schindler. Another recent survey showed by and Jarge that oplim1stic, cheerful businessmen who "looked on the bright side of things" were more suc· cessful than pessimistic businessmen. I have on my desk a letter received last week from the superjntendenC of a home for retired people. He was bringing me up to date·an-a-penort"whom I had helped to get into that q,,me. He wrote : "We call her 'Sunshine'. SM bas been hue Jess than • year, but-ft is so cheerful and has never complained once. Everything is '0,K.' with her, even a four·minute egg that has .been bolled two minutes! I wish that there were mbre like her! The staff, the infirmary staff and tbe hired help all love her." WELL, I KNOW the woman well. t know that she had read her New Testa· menl, particularly that passage by Paul, "I have learned to be content in what·s«r ever state 1 find myself." We can manufacture happiness or unhappiness! Dr. Matthew Chappell, a psychologist say•: "Happiness is purely internal. It is produced, not by objects, but by ideas, thoughts, and attltudei: which can be developed and constructed by the io· divldua1'1 own acUvttlts, irrespective of cnvirooment." And what did you 1q you manu!ac· ture? ' A Good New Dictionary One of the most frequent requests I get from readers over the years - presumably because they khow my deep interest in words and usage -is to recommend a good dictionary. Few persons. apparently, are satisfied with t!le dictionaries they have at home or work. Until now. I had not been able to make an unqualified recommendation, because aJthough thert are dozens of dictionaries on the market, not one of them in- corporated everything I thought was needed by the average reader. What roost people want is not merely a book that will tell them the meanings or words, but one that will also suggest pro- per usage. It should not be necessary to consult Fowler or Partrid~e or Copperud or any such other auxiliary works in order to learn the most appropriate, ef- fective, and unambiguous usage of words aod phrases. THE NEW "American Heritage Die· Uonary or the English Language," con- Al1Ung ol t,eoo pages, wjUt 155,000 entries (ioc:luding 10,000 biographical and 1eosropjlic:al nfereow), ought to satisfy __ anyone es<ept the moot scholarly and recondUe. Aid at the extraordinary price of f7.tli,: JI.'• a far better buy than some Quotes Ka...._ Farmer, Berkeley -"for the equiv.tent of ten months' cost of thr war In Vlttitlnl we _,... a look at ourselves "'e have IOttl)' needed: and we know now th•t we have no problems we cannot aoJve.'' • ' dictionaries costing more than twice as much. The type and format are a pleasure to look at, the 4,000 drawings and photographs art truly illustrative of the topics, and: the int.roduotory essays are themselves a short.course in grammar, spelling and pronunciation. But. the uni· quely use.Cul part ol the book la: the hun· dreds: of "usage" notes that help the reader steer a sensible middle course between wild permissiveness and con· 11tricted purl.Im. TO OBTAIN THE.SE notes. American •leritage enlisted some 100 writers, editors and scholars to serve es a "Usage Panel" for difficult ar disputed words and phrases. J happen lo have been one of the members of this panel, but I hasten to add that-this was w!iolly a labor of lovt, and the ,,....1 reeelved OOUlinl for Ila -rt but 1 -ol-saUsfacllon In help- ing put together a dictionary that meeb a real need. OkUonaT)'·miking ls a delicate art. TM: biggest ire not always the best (olthoogh th( smallest are always ln· 11dequate). and all af tht>m are 11ubject to the vicissitudes of Ume. since Eng ish is a living, growing, and thus changing languagt>. But the Amerk:an lltrjll~ tn my prejudiced view, wlll withstand the ltrain of UM! years more sturdily than any of Its current rivals in the popular rield. ' I ailmeut suffered by bis wile. The man In need is !l!C11te , Ramey, who wit) o\ve thousands of dollars in mecltcal : ·••pe•fts by the time a kidney-transplant Is ellictecl to .. · ....... ~,....,...,...,., his wife, Cara. ''· \ .-- • Mpre--ihan 200 ·1oc.al postal--workers. have41lre•~r--,..,,.,.l:-'"-"""~-" pltche,l In to raise ,ID!ire than $1,000 for him 11n4 .tllt1. ~· , aren't stopp)qg _now .. '1'h•Y .h~l4 a gar~ge saje, wljli the',__ posslb1H!y of lribre In th• liiltire .and ' they've clilecl •on · the ctµzen~ of ,l!untlngton Beach to give a.)>anc! to ·the· ' Rameir;Fund'they,esta'blished.. . Mo~te llfmty can be yery proud to have ·so m~ny lriend,il '\'ho hav~ rallied ,to his aid. And ~untlngton ' Beach can g.Io"'. 'with a li\-Oe pride, t09, in bawmc that such spirit exist& wllhln ita . .houndar!e&, I C $ibuUons to thia-conpnunity •4g0od-neighbors'' ettort;can be.sent.to: Ramey Fund, NALC Branch-2135, c/o PiO. B;o> 1015, Htll)tingtQO Beach, California 92647. ~ . Emliarras.sing Lapse ' ' ' Rec~Uy . almost $1,000 in Huntington Beach High Schoo\ District funds .were losl. · DiStrict officials said the money was delivered to a local 'i8nk 1n the usu.al maMer by a hlgh school campua patrolman. ·But the h'ank reported that their records do no£ show receipt of the funds. And the school office apparenU:fhad not been In the habit of obtainitig a bank recei~ for such deposits. · · AJth911gb the loss ia: covered by insurance this em· barrasslng· lapse in handllnJi d public funds should promP,t1 s'choOI~offlcials to oriJ:er a review of their sys. terns. H Got Vptight Over Halloween Pra1aJ,s She Apologizes to t·he. Teen-agers To the Editor: I found myself frowning with disap- proval Friday • night · when o u r neighborhood became . a playground for egg·lhro'!ing, toi"'t~ paper 'decqrating, a n d old vegetablt dumpine. The older kids were having a great time, and l wa.s automatically getting up tight about it. Later, my husband came along and remarked how almost festive the sur- roundings looked, with the streamers draped around. One man seemed to be .smiling almost in spite of himself a.s he hosed eggs off his car. WITH DIFFICULTY (righteous in· dignatiCll is so hard to let go of} J reluc- tantly admitted to myself that it was really all in fun -no harm had been done, no maliciousness intended. Finally, \i:e were laughing, recalling our own Hallo"'een day,s. So now, I'd like to apologize to those teen--agers for feellng criibbY. and being so quick to condemn before thinking, and to say how deeply glall I am u.ey were having fun this w~y rBthei' than: toailn1 • molotov cockt.alb br taking bad trips. MRS. SAM IVRAY,'JR. Silent Jtlajorlt11 To the Editor: During President Nixon's speech to the nation J kept asking him mentally a wag- gish question you hear everywhere: "Well, why don't we win the war, stupid?" And alter running a few or his statemenls through my semantic trans- lator I came up with a few plausible answers: We are shackled by the Geneva · Conventions; we are handcuffed by the United Nations: we stand to lose face, shirttail. prestige and more billions af dollars if the great silent ma}orlty does not assert itself -and soon! A POLITICIAN came on the air last week to predict that the South Viet· namese will turn on us if we try to pull cut a great amount or troops and money. They will join the Viet Cong to attack our lroops while they are leaving. Thia i.! quite probable, as tbe Vietnamese want w there only for our money, our food, oor soldiers and guns to perpetuate the no-win stalemate. If Mr. Nixon should order eyery American out ol Vietnam w1lhln. a year, including the do-gooders · wfto are lavishing money on an ungr1tefW people, it won't be too soon, although th11f move woufJ not assuage the gutn of Ute. idiots who got us there in the firit plaee! TO THE GREAT silent majori\y tir. Nixon tried to reach in hill speech It can .---By Geo..,e ---1 Dear George: My husband and I ~ lo have great fun . He dldn't work rtgul~t and we had 1 great aid time laying around the house and drinking beer and watching TV. Then be got 1 job and now he's aome sort of fool ex· ecutive, nagging me about cleaning the hou se up and all. He's even quit drinking and he's a big nagging bore. Do you think I should see a divorce counselor? , DISILLUSIONED ll .. f DlslllUltoned : I Ac(ually, I never heard or a dlvorre codnselor but, after reading your letter, t agree : If there's no such thing, it would be necessary to invent one. Meantime, bowevtr, take one more stab at getting along with your h.s:uband -perhapS he will outgrow this phase of trying to put tilt mag}c. lato.your marrla~ and thlnp can be good and crum! my Uk• the1 used to bt. Letters frqm rcGderJ are welcome. Normallr·wnten ahould convtt1 thtir meaadge1 in 300 word.s or less. The right to condenu litters to fit space or eliminate.libel is reserved. All ltt.. krs must include dgnatt,ire and mail- ing addrest, but Mmes ma11 be with- ~tld on request if tuf/icitnt reason ts apparent. now be said :· "The doom is spoken. Spot oul the United Nations, .iepUdiate tbe Geneva; ConvenUoru;, pull back American money that Is being indirtctly Ul!ied by. Communist countrles, cut, off their-wheit ~od aiLand yoo wln witness the biggest colla)>le o! enemy countries.the world has ever seen." MILT BASHAM Lft a Small •omb To the Edltor: The present Angela Davis controversy ha! gotten me "uptight" as it has many other ·people, but I take an ,oppo6ing stand from most or the other people. Angela Davit would not be such a coo- troveraial figure had the board of rE:gents not fired her. By tiring her they expanded and have blown up a situaUon which could have been kept small and relatively insignificant. Furthermore, the board of regents had no rtght to fire her. Jt is her con· stltutional privilege to belong to the pollUcal party or her choice. The Bill of Rights ,st.ates that very clearly and very simply. By denying her that freedom the board or regents have abused our awn Constitutipn and have acted in a very Communlstic manner. The very thing everybody is so frightened or. . IT IS TRULY SAO that Angela. Davis, beJng black, feels a need to belong to a Communist party. nu. could become a trend With the N~groes. It has been such a hell for the Negro to live ln our society. No wOD!fer Ancela Davis i!1 1 Com- munist! Among other prtnciples of tl16 Com- munist doctrine; one of the fnain prin- ciple!· is equality for alt. 1n the United States tbe Negro does not get equality. "The situation ls •definitely getting bet- ter, bu&. ask a Negro -ls It enough? I wooder. alao, would there be such a furor if Angela Davis were white and Com· munlsl? · THE D£c1SJON OF the regents to fire Angell Davts would have been much more feasible had she been teaching a class In communism, but that was ncit the case. She wa• teaching an AfrcrAmeri· can h~tory claas. But what if she were teaching• class In communism? Would it be so w.ron,? Would it be a threat to our present form of government? The judge who ruled that Miss Davis v.·as fired unconstitutionally is to be com· mended for his decision. It's a shame that the board of regents didn 't consider the aspect of jwtice while making their decision. They have quite unintentionally Ut a anall bomb. , MARY HOLLINGSWORTH Comm11nbt Goals To the Editor! Th<'re are two basic typts of Com· munlst parties In the world. They are the Communist partie11 that are in power In ~mmunist nations and the Communist parties that exist In the n11Uons of the free world. Have you ever wondtted Y.'hat art the goals of the Communist parties in the free world and especially the Com- munist Party of the United States? Since the Supreme Court is!Ued the principle of 0 Clear and Present Danger'' the CPUSA ha1 refused to spell cut its goals. So all one can do is lo use deduc- tion to detennine the goals of the CPUSA . THE CPUSA is a political organization and the only function of a political , organization is to gain political .power. The two most logical ways thaf the CPUSA can gain power is to take over control or OW' government after the U.S.A. has been defeated in a war Wlth Russia or the party can arganize a na· tional liberation force that woold oust our present form of government. Jn either case the CPUSA must have enough members so that it can assume and maintclin control over all the re· malning citizens ofJfhe U:S.A. Since the CPUSA at presentJs_comprised of onl__y _..a. very small percentage of our total ~lation, their main job at this time is to· recritit dedicated members. 1 with the problem of wha~ is going· to hap- pen to our fairgrounds. A committee ii speculating on a change and it is up to~ to let them know wbat we want. The problem i.s that so" niany people don't know about it or how to ~ubmit t h e i r ideas. 'l'hill is the purpose of this letter. I feel this issue should be more publicized. It: anyone has aizy-·ideas or suggestio •• please contalt•Mr. Allred G. LuljelDS, Secretary.Manager, Orange County Fair Grounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California, 92626, or call 54f>.1131. ANN PERCIFIELD COM Student Live In the Present To the Editor : It is a fairly obvious fact that an in. dividu<J.I who doesn't live Tn the-preseilt tends to be tense and preoccupied. When 'carried to a national extent, a failure to be present-<irie nted 'may account in part for increasing alienation and , i n nwMrous caies, ph y sic a J (en- viro°"1'0tal) danger for the United States. A DEDICATED member of the CPUSA who is also a university professor is in ·an extremely advantageous position to recruit members or at the I e a s t recommend promising sludents for further indoctrination. Now any universi· PE!UL\PS ONE of the main reasons ty professor that is a member .of the ._ , the mass of Arqer:tcaa society doesn 't live CPUSA who claims that he or she is not in the future is that to most Americans interested in recruiting or indoctrinating the future mea,is ,ooe . thing : "rocket stuC:ents must be using the propaganda sbip.". We seem to hold a fantastic faith tool that ill called "The Big Lie." ~ that we will survive.Jong enough to reach HARRY B. McDONALD JR. <in age of absolute technology. ApparenUy conditioned to this image by mass media, Let Then• K11om To the Editor : The people of Orange County are faced Wl1at's Wrong ~· Prjs.'~~~ni~ ;,1 f,. j'. '{ Marengo, n1., RtpubUcan-New1: "I can tell you y;hai's wrong with the country, if you want to )mow. And it WCll't take me more than a teW'imes to do it. Practic1Uy e\1erybody ~~ts a jOb that. RIY,S a great deal more tflan •lhe aver:age man or woman is worth, ~ it has got to be a job that has ~ebody elte around to do the work , * tha't somebody has got to take the bl e whtn things are fouled up because the first; somebody didn 't do what he W81 1rured lo ;et done." I Btlton, Te~·, JPu,raal: "The average person forms an opinion by adding to a small meastire of ;information a dash of imagination jlnd lti large quantity of pre- judice, sha~ well wJUt emotion." ' ' Bartow, Fla., nem.at: "Probably no one else in the world geta u much free advice as the President or the United States. And ij!e more complex a problem is, the. more free advice the Pmident gets on how. to solve it ... There Is one tremendous difference betwo:ep the ad- ''lce-givers and the President~ "Mtey have no respoosibili~y arid can speak freely ; he ftu a~the responsibility and mu.st both move and speak with caution." Goodlud, Kaas., Ne:w1: "We kind of chuckled to ourselves at we opened an armed forcea dlspitch here at the office the other day. The contents of the: tl)- velope weren•t of the kind to bring smiles. But what did ignite a chuckle "'ere these words printed where you and 1 would normally place a stamp: 'Postage and fea paid, Department or the Navy.' Wouldn't it be better if it read: 'Postage ind fees paid for by the taxpaytrs ol the United Stales.' " the public has little thought devoted to the years between that time and ours. IT SEEMS LOOI(:AL that any in-- telligent person Hvtng in the present couldn't P9SSibly ignore such vilal con- . <.'er~, 45 . ·overpopulat)ori, conservation, and pollution. The shocking apathy on the part oC the public would lead one to believe ,that Americans are either un· intelligent, iguorant, or living elsewhere than ~ preSent. How many Americans know {or care) tbatwpraenl our oatioll8l)'iid, lhe bakl eagle, is already 'extinct In some areas and nearing extinction in others, .thanks to ~es\Qlyed neaUng "grounds and wllCerness as well as a DOO' -c.on- tamjoaled food supply. " . . AtifEJU~ANS HAVE an idea passed down from~ arro~ant filrefathers, who were busily conquering the frontiers, that naturel iS a phenomeoon ... separate Irom man, to be fought and controlled. Unfortunately, as we Jose space, this unrealistic ide!I is ra,pi,dly lighttning the noose around our necks. I am young, and would •like to rest asaured }his country will still ·be habitable in ·10 years, that I'll live to the age of 30, Wake up, Americans. 'vOu'rt living-in the past. (MISS! ANDREA FAHY High School Studeot -----,. Friday, November 7, 1969 Tht tditoriol pa,oC 61 the DailLf Pilot aee k1 to Inform and ttlm- tdott rtadn1 by prt&enting thit nttofP(lper'1 opfnlo1is ond com- menta~ on top'ici of i11ttrt1t a11d iignificanct, bu providtno d fo rum for the t.rprtsrion of aur readt11' opftMottt. and b11 pre1entma tht diverse vitw. poi11'1 of i11/ormtd observer• ond spoke11ncn on topics o/ tht dau. Rob<rt N. Weed, Publi sher ( ( ' ( r < • ~ h I f t ! < I p ......... -. ,4 ...... i ...... ----·. ·-· •• • • ' ' OFFICIAL PROCLAMATION -Mrs. Richard Davies (left) and Mrs.,' ChJ1rles Heller, cCM?h~rman·and cho,im)an ... of the seventh annual Mer- maid B8ll, are announcing this xear's King Neptune Dennis Jam9s, TV master of ceremonies, who will reigq~over the black.tie spectacular 'l which benefits Children's Hospital of Orange County. · ' . . . . . ROYAL WELCOME _PREPARED -Members and guests attend-guests at the opule~t affair will be'(left to right) th~ _Mmes. A. mg.the Little Menruud Ball.will be regally welcomed-pyihe·board Allan Dowers, preSidenl; _Thomas W. Welch and \Yilliam Buss, I . I of the Huntmgton Beacbrguild wh~n the semiannual benefit beg~s secretanes. and James Ridenour, second vice president. at-~:30 p.m..~ll!'IR. Nov.~, in the.Newpor!er Inn. Qree!mg .•. ~,. , .. .. • •' , • .-... JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4311 ·'''.'' ~J.:, 1·~ ,··-~.·~ ",,:.,_, will be selected, and deciding what to wear are (left to right) Jean Wardell, Valerie· Arkle and Jan Alvarez. '!'lie ruligg member of the court will be picked on the basis of · her grades, actfvities and all-around support to the hospital. ' . . .. ,.,_....,. ~ -·~·· ' . Alt FOR CHOC -Other members of tbO Mermaid ' Court who will anxioU!ly ·aw&it the an~ouncemenl o~ this yeatJs Lthle-Mermaid are Diana Barrilt (left) and 1Sharon Anderson. The juni~r 8~)1.liacy provides assistance to the Lltile Mermild Guild throu~ xotunteer ser\iices in the hospital and funding events duri?' the year. t / ·Husband ~wife ·:. Relationship Not as Thick as His . wa·l·le.t ./ •DEAR•ANN 1'ANDERS:,My husband'• , carry-home ,ey is $188 a ;week -no(. cooritlhg overUme. He glves me $50 a weet to buy srocerles, 1?'-Y ill.< dry cluollfl, buy whatever gilll the family mdl give. We have five cbUdren and two ti. 'ttiem are old enough to receive a11 alliiwance. l give them $2.50 a week. •J·tnow my husband has to POJionl, IMltest on a loan, mortgage: pe;ment.. lniilrance, clothing and drug biDs and ~ the car up, but he never accoonts far •here his money goes and I am sure tbere must be ioinething left over. ·we have had several arguments"aboot ttm and I always lo!t. ls I.he.re any Jaw I cohld point tG that makes it mandatory tor a husband to ,give his wife a set percenlac< of hil earnlniJ l \ __ • ' ... -nGlll'll'AD'l ,wiFz • DEAR ·T,: A -eu0bo lloOle4 to. lo coart !or ~~ Bal yoor h.,. blDd: 11 suppOrUng· )'OU 10 'forget tt. Tbe wife who lw lrouble geUlng money oat Gt a baobond wbo 11 plafuDy employed almftl bi•arlallly hU oilier martial ....,. hlem1. U ,.. will ...n al lm,...Ug IN total rel1do111dp •ad beeome friend• h1- 1teacl of -all, J111111 ftlld Old 1l1btwld leu rdaclul lo porl wllb a terest.ed ln serving humanity and the friend 1"ho Is 110rt of boy crazy. Her thought occurred to me that I might con-mother will not let her call up boys ao she Unue 1o eerve mankind, ·even after death, comes here and uses our phone to do It. U l coolcU~ve 111YJemaina to medical Ye1tttdiy, !he called a certain ooy Md ldence. Incidentally, I always wanted to go to Harvard but never could. Dael ihla hiJ mother tald he wu out playing balL ---auggegt..anythlng-to..you·?'------:She-left-our_,,,tel~ernumberl~ !tirD to -GHOULISH BUT NOf FOOLISH call her hack. She allO left my name. I DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a man ln my mid 60s in exceUent heallh and J hope I have many good years ahead of me. 1 re- read my la.st will and testament yester- day and am having second thoughts about my instructions that I be cremated. The will was written 5i.J: years ago, before there was 80 much publicity about organ traqsplantallon. l always_ have been in· DEAR FRIEND: y,. mlPI 10 lo really had heart !allure when I heard her Rarvonl •lier all. Wrlle lo Ille DWI Gt do IL Harvard Medk:al Scbool. Hl:l aame-11 Dr. Rtbert Ebert. ~' Mas., •11s. Thls girl Is my best frle1.i and I like In my opinion, ,.. .,, ,eJlbtt 1boal.11b her very much. I also want to tell you nor fooUIJI. Yoa are a •• wttll a real-that I would a lot rather have her fllr a llUc approeell le We ud·delltb-ud J ad-friend than aft enemy. pJ,ase tell me mlrt you. for It. what to do. -USED DEAR ANN LANDERS ; I om 1 IS-DEAR V8ED : Y-alpllltro tellt me )'ear-old girl wllh a big problem, J have a u macb 11 yoar letter. You feel lha.t yoa ore betq loken ,ld•llllipl Gt. Alld you are. Uliq yav pbooe t• ~_,ii, bat to leav,e. JOQr 1ame ad~ ~r n1 downrlpt dldMaNL Telf ,..... fdnd Pe ca•'l•ae ·;iwr pilooe i.•..a _,. 181 more ud JI llM .getl Jlllld. Md1 y:oa Iola ~ lrleaUJllp.-1 .. lli;""'MClll mad. What Is Fr<rx:Jt .tlsolng? 11 ti wrona1 Who should "' the necking llmlll -the boy or the girl? Can a shotgun wedding succeedT Read AM Landera' booklet1 "Teenage Sci -Ten Ways to Cool It.'' Send &O cents In coin and a long, aelf-ado dr~, stamped envelope. AM Landon 1'lll be •1114 to help you with your problems. Send them to her tft care of tt1e· DAILY PILO'l',· encloaing a self-addressed, ltlrnped envtlope. • • . - ·'. • ' • • ' I -• ~· ., , . . ' , .. .. , ... , . . ' . ' ' ) ( , : . I • ... • --------·----::----::--:~~:-=;-,~=-:-:-===~~~~!'".'"':'":'!':'"~~~---.._---------~ ~ ... ..-.. -. ~ . .... . .. .. ... -;-•, .---. ", .. --=-~-.-.-..., ·.· ... ;"'!, '• 1.' ....... -... ' ' ...... ' ~ .... ..,.,,~-• • • • . .. ' ........ · . . . . ' . " .. -· .. ' . . . . Horoscope Leo: Be Observa~t SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 circumstances turn Jn your ject with aid of bsDuenUal favor. Realize .tills -and ad -Exude co¢Jilenc:I. · accordingly. Fine for new con-AQUAIUUIS (Jan. zo.Feb. By SYDNEY OMAllR lacta. Emphasize orlaJnal ap-tll: Spotlight on ambitions, _ _ _ proach. bµllneu-ac:)lvlt1. S t.u d y TEEN DATING HINTS: SAGITl"ARIUS (Nov. 22· T..... m .... ge.' Those in E~otlOllf •~d be beld tn --1>tc---21): ~ve--wilhin-autharit)'-wW..appreclate-YOllr c~member, you WUI organization. grt)up fonned to 11uggestion,s. Be confident. bave to face younelf la mom-aid thoee who a r e •i"" Shake off 1n7 tendency to be lq. Appttes 1pedflcally to capacltated. Excelienfror yoa lethargic. · ~r. BllDd date could prove il engaged fn motion picture PISCES (Feb. 19-March JO): lavtpdag for SaJIU.rtu1. or TV activity. Accent roman· You could ~eive message Born· aader U.btl, bad.get r~ Uc aura which h . • I t f quire• co:n1lder1Uois. Taurus . c anges genera one o conllden idea of permaaeot CAPRI~ (Dec. 22.Jan. day. Be receptive. Realize the iype of relaUontklp. Many 19): A fnen~p could be world Is smaller. Dist.a~ &olllgbt give way to panlou. tested. Realize it Is a two-way should no longer be a maior street. You could finish a pro-consideration. ARIES (Mmh 21-April 19): Interest in what makes other people react the way they do is actented. Don't be satisfied with superficial answen:. Get at truth, especially in financial area. TAURUS .( April lQ.May 20); Be wary with regard to public relations. You require a new, dilferent presentation. Many who were drawn to you may need &hot in ann. Modernize. Dress up product. ·GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Work, health and methods of recreatJon are spolllghted. Cooperate with associates, co- workers. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Good lunar aspect today coin· tides with emphasis: on deal· ings with young persons. Penonal .magnetism rating rises. S o c 1 a I opportunities multiply. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Out Youngsters Try For Theater Group . Tryout.a for lheir iecond children's production are being arranged by the newly- formed Fountain Valley Com- munity Theater, which also is presenting intr~ductory dramatic c I a 's s e s for youngsters between 7 and 11 years of age. Tryouts are scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 15, between 10 a.m. and noon, and SatW'day, Nov. 22, between 1 and 3 p.m. In the Fountain Valley com· munity center, ror "Aladdin and the_ Wonderful Lamp." has been affiliated with the drama department, L o n g Beach Parks and Recreation Dept. Mrs. Krµkenberg also is a member of Dance Masters oI America and has taught all types of dancing · to children for more than is years. Directing "Aladdin'' will be Mrs. Betty Haynes, a drama and speech teacher in tl'le Tulsa school mtem. She has appeared in '!'Fhe Trials of Tears," a Cherokee Indian pageant performed yearly al Tsa-La-Gi, Okla• . . • .. USC Alumni Club ' < • Hosts Cocktail Fete ~- The tluilllD( com .. from-behind wills . o! the .University Of Southern Call!ornla football t~d the lorthcomin__g showdown game · .w Ct h VCLA ynd9ullle<lly .v·rn oe the-main . lol)lcs•of .oonveraation at the Newport Harbor~_ use· Almunf Club's cocktail party. .. ... Tbe annu&l event will take place in the 1 ~: Newporte(lnn on Sundey, Nov. 16 from "6 to : 9p;m. • · The party ·Is open to all alumni, gu .. ts and suPJ)ort.ers of the university. Repres.ent· atlves Of SC!1 academic faculty and coaching staff .will lie present. Tickets are $1 per person 11nd will in· elude snacks and priz,s. Reservations may be made; with Mr1. Frank Ande~son 540-7106 or Mrs. Robert· B8smajlan et,.-2. San Juan Capi$frano Three-day Sale Told ··. Woman's Club of San Juan Drum.moo, co-chainnen of the Capistrano members are get-bake sale which will feature ting ready to open clubhouse homemade cakes, pastries. doors for the annual three-day Mexican food, cookies and rummage ~ale Thursday to bread. Saturday, Noy. 13-15. Anyone wishing to donate Hours for the fund-raising items may take them to lhe event which dales back to the clubhouse from Mo n d a y early 1940s are from 9:30 a.m. through Wednesday, Nov. JI). to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday 12, when women are preparing and from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the event. Saturday. 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mrs. Melba Hanson, general ll NO WAY TO GOI -Caring for and amusing youngsters without resorting to mayhem will be learned during a baby-sitting clinic sponsored by the Fountain Valley Woman's Club tomorrow . Facing a minor crisis is Sandra Carroll, 12, · who is sitting for Terri, 6, and Shawn Sullivan, 16 months. Check delalls. Be observant. Especially good for locating Jost articles. You are able to dig up information of value. Look in out-of-way places. VIRGO (Aug. J3.Sept. 22): Short trips, dialings with brothers, sistets in spollight. Be versa.tile. Communicate ideas. Many will agree if you apply charm. otherwise, there is opposlUon. Classes for the first 20 children began today and will continue for six w e e k s . Instructing will be Mrs. Al Krukenberg, who previously "Ai.ddin" will be presented in late Januap, and additional information is available by calling Mrs. John H. Peck, chairman, 847-9821. Chairman Named chairman, has named Mrs. Alfred Mata as her assistant for the s8.le which features good usuable clothes, furniture and appliances. Other workers include the Mmes. Ann Hancock and Leon SPECIAL -89~ APPLE CUSTARD PIE IN5TANT CAii.i IN 20 MINUTIS • Sitters in Training Youngsters Welcomed IJBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 221: Accent on money, possessions. Be alert for bargain which . enhances home surroundings. Excellent for starting bank ac- count Build for future securi- ty. BoY* and girls in the Foun-Serving as chairman er the tain Valley area wlll be more clinic is Mrs. Robert Sulllvain. a cc o mpllshed baby..altte.rs and aMlsting are the Mmes. after attending a clinic tomor· Don Edlund, Richard White row between 10 a.m. and 2 and Ed Goldade. Mrs. Sullivan p.m. in the civic center. may be contacted for ad· Brochures regarding the ditionat' informaUon at 847· cliftJc have been sent to all &:ll9. HVeath and eighth grade 'The club's general meeting, claues in the citY's schools, a Fine Arts Festival, will take and there Is no preregistraUon place at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. required. Youn& peop~ 12 and 10, in the community center. ovtr are requested to brinl a All area women are invited sack lunch, ~ dol~ _dla~'-'---1o attend the festival meeting, pinl, paper and penclls. PUriCli and any women residing in will be eerved by the club Fountain Valley are eligible members. for membership in the club. SpeUerl will include nune Special guesta will be !he Mn. Tbomu Hwnphrey, who Madrigal Singers of Golden will ilemooslrate diapering West COiiege led by Warren and feeding a baby. Dt. Hyde Peterkin, music instructor. Leland, pediatrlciiri, will show The group of 15 young singers, how to admln.lster medicine, attired in formal dress, will how to dltect illnea and bow perform around a traditional, to rteop.lze poisons. decorat.ed madrigal table. t>tve Heifner of the fire Arn and craltl created by department will show a film. members also will be on ''to a Baby.cltter," and de-display. matrate mouth· to. mouth Mrs. Clarence Stewmon is resuacltatlon and emergency program chairman a n d proceduret, and a tepreleflt&-hO!teases will be the Mmes. tlve from the police depart-Bert Kjellln, ch airman ; ment will speak on 58fety Joseph Mortimore, B r y c e practices, we of. the lele-. Arenson, Edward Chow, Ren· phone, emergency numbers neth Esterline, Wayne Hanlon, and acawering the door safe-Robert Reeves, C. E . Jy. Stansfield and Kenneth Wells. 1 PILOTS PREFER IT The Rotex GMT·Master for men who fly. Automatic 30·jewel chronometer movement gives the exact time in any two time zones. Tilltod 1nd guaranteed to a depth of 165 feet underwater•. Wit h stainless steel case · llid lirac:elet. $255. In 18 karat gold, $1, 125. •WJth ce•, crown end crystal Intact. SLA.VICK'S J•w•l•11 Sl11ce ltl7 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -.644.1310 VM Clllttt Ac~ Wtk'Mle -.. nkAmtrlc1~, Mfft.r C.IM111•• I• 01Mtt Mcu141v. Friley 1111fif t :JO 91.M. Mrs. Elmer Maisio Is volunteering her piano for the program .. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Lunar cycle Ls h I g b ; Yule Corner Stocked With Holiday Presents The holidays are just around the corner, and to make sure they will be ready, members of St. Bonaventure's Wom- en's Council or Huntington Beach are stocking a Christ- mas Corner of boutique items. Under the direction of Mrs. Albert Sileski, chairman, and Mrs. Donald Hayden, co- chairman, there will be an ample selection for home dec- orating or giving to family and friends. All of the variety of mer- ..chandlse which now js avail- able is being dlaplayed during neighborhood teas and follow- ing each Sunday Mass in the church. objects delivered to Mrs. Sj.. Jeski. The complete collectJon of holiday items also will be dis- played when the council meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the Meadow View School, and also offered wlll be the supplies necessary to fashion Advent wreaths. Anyone wishing to donate materials, sh~ ideas, help wilh the gifts or bost a tea is invited to call either Mrs. Sileski, 847-8352, or Mrs. Hay. den, 892·1572. Dads Invited Among ' the assortment are 1'-lembers of B'nal B'rith draped nativity · sets, wreaths Gir\11, L'Chaim Chapter are of natural pine cones and taking their fathers out for acorns, m Irr ors, dressing brunch next Sunday. gowns, tree ornaments, draped Josef's restaurant, Corona clowns and angels, madonnas, del Mar will be the destination felt stockings, stocking stuff. of the group at 11 a.m. ers and Spanish candle bold· The group consists of Jewtsh ers. girls 16-1! who participate in Mrs. Sileski, former arts social and philantbroplc ae> and crafts teacher, has been tivities, including support for conducting workshops each the Foundation for the Junior 1'.fonday evening and Wednes· Blind. day afternoon for women who Anyone wishing further in· enjoy using their hands and formaUon may call Miss imaginations to create th e Diane Matcha, 673-1603. unique articles. -----'--'---'---'--- Women who are unable to participate Jn the workshops have been working at home and having their completed Top Sports Coverage in The Daily P•ot D·Y·~·T·T·S·T·~ ·Y·F? Foreign language? Gibberish? NO! ft means: DO YOU r.iEED TO TAKE STEPS TO lf:'IPROUE YOUR 1'UTURE? It M>, at no cost to you, you ctn bl tuted to s11 wttethtr you qutltfy for • ctrter In tht Computtr Fltld-tht thlrd·ltrpst but f1st11t-trowln1 lncluttry In th• world tod~. Don 't tie 1.tlsfled with s1eond btstl Tnt your quehflettlons FREE at Th• Ae11demy of Computer TechnotoSY. Phone or Writt: 547-9471 U11ion l•n• Squ•r• -Su! .. 40 South Tower, Or.ii~92661), J'Olt ,1trr IH,OltMAYJON llND nlrt COUflO# , ...•.................•.........••..•••..• • : Nam•--------Phone---- : Address City . ----: County ____ State ---Zip __ _ • • Eduettlon: Hlah School O Colle .. O '·······································-~ -· Benefit Ball Rolling TURN ON TV WEEK ll••P• you tune.I to wh1t'1 h1pp111i11g l.1ki11cf th• tub• -E11trv S1t11rcf1y 111 th• 01n1.ii P&1!ry -PMlle hurt - "'" -Dofluh -•• DANICA PASTRY SHOP S14 W. IALIOA ILVO. '7).Ull c •• ,.. , .. , ..... , DAILY PILOT. ?.tr1. George W. Wolf has Others are the Mmes. Ro1>-1i;:=;:;;;;;;;:=1;~~~~~~~~~~ been. named lo chair South ert K. de Ford, decoraUons; ;;;:: Coast Communlty Haspital Bertrand Kampert., door priz· AuxiUary's major fund-rail-es; Ray Marsh Fox, pro- ing' effort, the 11th Amwal Val-gramg; Thomae J. Fletcher, entine Ball to take place Feb. publicity, and MJss Fem Ran- 14 in the Newporter Inn. dolph, liaison chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Wolf is vice pre-.ident Wolf said she and commi~tee of the auilliary. Her app>lnl· members wtll meet in her La· ment was announced by Mrs. guna Beach home at 10 a.m. ~lPQf\LL~? . STRICTLY JUNIORS Jack ltf. Lyons, president. Tuesday Nov. JI NOW OPEN •.• In The Alley Of Committee members named Name; of hoste!Ses and by Mr:i. Wolf Include the others assisting in the pre- r-.·Jmes. Mont E. McMillen, pa-spring party will be disclosed Irons; Harold Ekman, invita-.. at a later date. lions: Violet Adams, treasur-Benefit fesUvilics. beginning er; Gertrude Carroll, hostess-with a 7 p.m. cocktail hour, es; E. M. Jollnston, secretary; will Include dinner at 8:30. Open Fri. Evu. 3424 YIA LIDO ALL CIEDIT and William E. Imhoff, Danclng will be to Ray Noval's 'tll 9 others are the Mn.es. Rober..__or.chestr.a.-_ __ ___ __ NIWPOIT llACH CAIDS WILCOMI ~weisfields JEWE~RS/ Wit.re Pr~ ol Pomuion la Patf of YOAN Purcba .. Special Showing Of ~­ Saturday, Nov. 8th 1e • Finest Timepkces Noon to 6 p.m • We are pleased to announce we have arranged with the Universal Geneve factory in Switzerland to have available a representative of that firm with a very large selection of the finest timepieces available in the world today. Ninety percent of these goods ere produced in I SK gold and quality is the ultimate in these fine timepieces. For over 200 years jewelers Ind watchmakers have looked to Universal Geneve with great respect. We hope you will take adv1ntage of this fine opportunity to envision the largest display of 14K and I SK gold witches that you will probably ever see in one iewelry store. See th1 world 1s thinne1t self winding time- piece set in I SK gold. From $135 to $12,000 511 tho world's first 11! Swiss tuning fork w1tch11. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW -LAYAWAY FOR CHRISTMAS eweisfields JEWELERS W,,.,_ P1H/o ol f'o-•"'n 11 f'ort 01 y.., "1rclta• SOUTH COAST PlAZA urr .. MALL-• COSTA MESA ,,,,... ,, .. w.......... . BRISTOL AT TH! SAN DIEGO ·FREEWAY, 540-7111 j r t t I r n ' ti a B LI It CJ ...... F . .i..:....•. 1 V II r-. Oon.,.a1,11 .' . a ey EDI T.I ON • . . .. • • ' J DAILY PILOT ,...,. _, •kllln kMtlltr CLEARLY, TAMMY McCLEARY, 7, IS READY FOR "RAIN Keep Umbr_elle Hendy, S.ya the Weathermen Rainy Se<Mon Dro~s: f.n; .. • .. I •, /I. . f I • .. . • '~ :tt·' .l ,.· ~ ._• , , J • ~ • • 1 • i. ,.., > ~J "')'\;'JI • I i>""f ~~'i ~ •• Orange C~t·:Fk,:oded : ~~ , The -1 ..... 1eason, Southem.Californla's·--tt'tt.'"~ALL tM11 .. .. ._.._. CltY I-...... '"'911 Yr 1ubstitirte •for winter, came in like an cont. Ml'.. 1.1 ,;, ,,. enraged Hon 1ll~sday, bringing .:i~!~t ~=:.e:tt ~'.; ~·.:i :~ danger> de'structlon and . damp w,:,o.V&u· H1111111111• a .. c11 '·' 1A • -• r FIM!hln Vtller l.t7 1.n . .3' ort. w..wntnmr 1.• 1.t .• . \Vhile the Orange Coast managed to t:.,!'~1.u,.. work! ~J t: :: come lhrough the first , storm of the ,,.,,.,. 1t1lldl l.4 2.a .c1 " h d bo •'-IZlll-Nll~I 2.2 1.• .1J season.with its ea a ve .wa .... , -more AlleM!rn LH '·" ..a than two iDches of it -other areas_ of t,.~~e. ~:~ ~f n:~ Oiange· cOOnty and SoU;tbem California. s.n11 Aria '·'' '·" ,,. were not so fortunate. •-s-. c1em1n11 . t!allf'e& --"-J•n. l Over 100 storm-related accidents caus.- ed··~ injuries in a li-hour traffic toll Uwt may be a record for tbt county'.s California Higt)way Patrol.. Auto repaU' 6iili 'foi motOrists ·a·re expected to· total rhore than $10,000, although most of the colll!ions were of a minor nature. Alonl the Orange Coast, rainfall up to 2:4~inches inundated the area, contrasting s)1_arply_ to last year's prt;ei~itation ·total of less than .3 inches at thts 1uncture. Heaviest hit were the Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Irvine areas wi!}I well over two inches. Three major blackouts in Santa Ana cut off power to 2,600 homes and some county telephones were put out of com- mission by water seeping into cables. At least two motorists died in storm-related accldentS near canon and Ventura, while mudslides closed many coastal highways to the north. Costa Mesa police reported 18 ac- cidents over the 24-hour period, not all r!!iated to the rain. Heaviest Oooding '!as reported in lhe northern part of the CJly, particularly at Fairview Road which became a virtual river Thursday nigh~ How much rain fell downtown could not be determined -weather watchers today found the rain gaugt at the city ~I an- nex on Newport Boulevard at lath Street broken by vandals •. The instrument was repaired. . In Newpo<I . Beaoh; police were kepi hopping by· 8: dozen mJnor iccidents, six o1 them nbutes apart .early ''11tursday afternoon. There . wer no · ·ndoding of homn and the · Harbor Departmenl reporttid~a1Jt boats were secure. · One cUuAlty of ille lt.onn WU the West Newport sand-haul, which was stalled for three days by·UJe·hi'rd-pounding rai~ But flood control. officials declared the. proj· ect would conUnue Monday whether or Mt the coUt mifrered ·another storm over the ,weekena.- Hunthigton Beach police were ca11ed out on It traffic accidents during the storm, none of which were reported serious. In Westminster, high water c}os.. ed Magnolia Street between Bolsa and Hazard avenues between 11 :30 a.m. and Z p.m. Thursday. ~ water found its way Into Laguna Beach's new $500,000 Laguna-Moulton Playhouse, ri.slng up to four inches before it waa cogtaiped. 'nle flooding wu blam· ed on a roof drain cJotpd with acorns. EJwwllore.ia Lqla, rain del.,..t - ·-" the~·· major lfmn drain chaimel In tbe -.... Al the s Clll'ft in IA.pna ~ Road, water flooded Ovtl'" ll0 !eel, bllllnl travel lern· pararlly. NO' major accidents were roporled in the dly. OWide the Or.. Cout area, wet pavement wu blamed for the _,deaths of (See RAINSTORM, Pqe I) Teen Girl Finds Pair ShQt Dead By TERRY . COVRLE Olftll DellY , ......... Surprised at her teacher mother's oversleeping, a Fountain Valley teenqer today found the womait lhot to deatli And her estranged Britilh stepfatJ)er aPrawled dead over a rare, Japanete mllltary rifle. AuthorJtiea tentatively lilted the tragic case u a murdeMUk:ide, the second homicide case in Fountain Valley history. Mrs. Barbara E. Good, 32, of 1078ll El Plano Ave., In the new Green Valley planned community developmtnt, was lying on her bed In the upstairs bedroom. Howard F. Claytor, 39, who maintained a Long Beach apartment aftet the separ• tion. was face daw.n m the flobt; a t .5 mllllmeter boll-action rllle benea1h hil body. · lnvestigalon uld tt a~ uch ~d been...: shot~once.--but'--Or&rige-Oounty CorOner's'depattes were . .un ititnately a ... amlnlni lbe ,.ene wl!hitbe bodlel not.ye\. """'"" llllor:IO>'~Jr'1' J··:· .. , . · Mrs. Good ·wu a 1\. Ea.t,r.Od School and had 1pparenUy overslept, '° her daughter Su.; 11, went to her bedroom about I a.ro. IDll found a .cene " horror. . She dulled Iii I l(leplpoiie . and called Wlltminll<r pollc< -~pparently obock.i and --and tliey In tuirt notified Fountmn Va11ey oUiceil who raced to the death· acene. 1 Fountain Valley Pollce LL Marvln Fortin said the approximate time of death wu placed ai-12:30 a.m., when a neighbor said he beard • sound Uke-'a large board being dropped. Orange County coroner'• depuUest who dkl not say where Mrs. Good IDll Claytor were wounded,. did not offer a precise estimate of the time each shooUng victim died. . c I , Lt. ·Fortin, chief of the CietecUve bureau, said Mn. Good hid movest into the new development about all: .months ago and disclosed there bad betll CJlf: report ol a lamlly disturbance !here. No details were available about Claytor, or the Engllsbman's occupaUon. Investigators said Sue Good, her brothers Richard, 10,·and Robert, 7, were In the home but apparently asleep when the double killing occurred. They denied hearing anything • during the night hours. All three were released to their'father, William Good, reportedly a General Telephone Company esnploye who lives in Long Beach. Lt. Fortin aaid there was no sign of a struggle in lhe upstairs bedroom where f\.frs. Good and Claytor were shot to death. Russ Leader to Visit Cuba in Next Week MOSCOW (AP) -·SOVJet De!enoe Mlni9ter Andrei A. Grechko will vlllit CUba wtthln the nnt week, it WU ID• no1,,1ced olfld11ly today. ~ announcement laid an tn'fitaUon for the "official friendlf visit" was made by Armed Forces Mlnilter lllul Cutro. -om • ' ' . .. • .. • t • ' ' t !i . I/ ·' ·s • '. ,t' I ,·-:; "(·1',-.. ,J,'/• ' -.Today'•'ft..l ~- . '' I • ) 11 . e ... " .. ' . : • . . . • • '. A~T 'IL.Ot·....t·,... : ' • J . . . , . ' 'c ~~~,·.,,~ ... , . I One of tbue ten final!Jta will be crowned Marina Hlgb Scbdcil'l· ll9"'11omecomlng ·Queen aurtng fes.. t jvilies tdni t when . Viking, grldders clash with crou,town ~ Jlle_JilJ!ttiDlloD Beacli-Oilers at-W~ -·. er _Hlgl! Sladhlql.: n1r1s are "(tbp ph oto ' ( f I , • p ~·.l·' from left) Carol Lamb, Sharon Frlclle, Cyndi JaJin. son, Ctierl Clark and Melanie Bronn, and (bottPm pholD from Jell) Barbara Gibb•, Rhonda MaltJD, -Klm-W~;Karla ,Dui:bam rmd :NBl)CY JWJ.r •. ....,- M~·rder Hire Suspect 2,000 ·Expected · To AttendYouth Meet ·in Anaheiln . ' ~ . FouniIGuilty by Juty ' lt·toot a SupertOr Court jury Ieu·than two bOun 'ONndlT to return a guilty verdict in the !'murder for hire" trial of RJChard Davis Reed. Th91sli..woman. -sil·mao. panel qu1ckly Trasli . Colleetor .. ' Takes All Refuse . Rubbish -whatever ahape, whatever · form -will now be picked up at no extra charge by your. frieiidly neighborhood : trash collector in Hunti•n Beac~. Tbe announcement was made by Paul Lomena of Rainbow Disposal through the city. Trash cOUectOn will now pick up almost any ·item discarded ,fromi the home at no more cost than . currently paid. . . Ptior arrangement' for pickup of such Items as wa~r heaters, old mattresses, or funilture should be made by calling Rainbow Disposal at 147-3581. Larger1it.ems will · be handled by the company -for·• 1li1bt charge, explained as11isblnt.city admlnlatralor Brander Cqs- 11<. The tolal lruh pickup ii aimed at halting the Illegal 4umping ol sucti u.m.s or; ltteetl and vacant. land in the city. agreed with the prosecution that the ~ year-old Garden Grove hairdresser or· fereJ a man he ~eved to be a "mllrner'a no problem" drifter a ·•t,500 Inducement to kill Reed 's glrl!rleod. The diill<r; proved! to be Hunllngton · Beach undercover officer Gene Pool and hi! IUJimOnY·~lay~ a m~Jor •p"'1 in the foilr-day trial of ·Reed on two,cbarge11- 59liciUng to . commit murder an d 19ijcjUng, lo conµiiil bU!l!lary. ' : Reed'must:retum Nov. JI to'~ court of Judge R.a~ Thompa0n for · 1en· ~nclng OJl the .two counts. He faces 1 possible one to 10 years In state prison. .Ofltcer Pool tesfified that Reed took · him on the macabre payroll and ordered him to stage a ltjt-run acc ident'-!fllh · Kathleen Duckett, 24, at the victim .... on a deserted sector of Bushard Street in. FoUntaiD Valley. Pool said he was offered the $1,500 of the' proceeds ol an insurance policy Reed held on his· beau and a "bashed in skull and a bullet in the back" if he nUffed bis assignrll(!nt. The jury . also hear~ testimony to lhe effect that Reed made earlier attempts to dispose oI the Gardel\_ Groye woman by going out Into' the Brazilian buah to'catch potsooous snak" with the alleged ln- tenUon of allowing the reptiles to bite her •• . ' . ' California's Slite RctUJe r.onference ·Ol'I Children and Youth SWjllay through Tuel· day at the Anlhtim Convention .Center wlll go 'just where lt'a at for )'Oath p blems -to the yqung ~rn1elvea:. The cooterence wlll draw an· estimated 2,000 delegates and feature eVeeyihtng from•rock> music and psychodrania1to;an addrul·by. Dr. Roger .Egebttg, aisllia,nt secretliry1 '<>I Health, Educa'!'!ft 'l"J'! . Wellare.. , · The. ~thland producJJon o1 t ...... K !late: conferences wiU cover·lt counties and concentra~ on . probJema: tn • five a~as, education, health, j u 1 t Ic e , eConomics and cbanling vllue!. · ~ Special progt.,., include ··•Bnoct ~s and Thlnp," prt1ented byrJO•WattJ teenagera, an Afro-American ruhMn 1hoV' and . a rap session . between teenagers and state legj11aton. The Anaheim conference and a similar production Jn Sacramento durln, the same period wlll serve u preludu to Calif°"11a's p&rtlclpatlon in the lt'To Wt.ite House Conference· on· Children and Youth. Weatber $3,500 Drug Pr~gram OK'~ Old Man We1ther's jllst.ca\cbJat:. his aecohd wind today. He'll' IOCk' ii Jo the Cirange 'Coat Sltunla1. with another aeuonal atonn, pU&h! ing tJfe temperaba'es down a 'few -n<Kches. ' Too ·Many · Congressmen, Huntington Mayor Says I . , . -.. . Hunlqton Beach 1hou1 d be · "'How, f<r tmt.race, can:.the tlice of the A compr<henlive-educoliollal -am to ...... oil poteotlal narcoilr:a ... perimenlm 11W be inltlluted by the Founlaln Valley School District. The,. Impact 'J)l'Olram calls for a ~·1 nialll during which !lie ·c1ru1 pro. btem 11 1ppro11ched ffom \he achciol anO home viewpoint. It begins with a slide-tape presentaUon ' aod , ~lso includes,•· film and diocuaalort INSmE TODAY The bii/ _Jjap ~r · "F!oppin~ I repre~ Dy one congressman, not city in the Amt district wlth Long Beach three as at present, Mayor Jack Gnen &~ much attenUon from the con· tod•Y told the A&lembly Commihee on greaamsn who 1111111 look Iller Ul>l lsrge _ ElectJons-and Constitutional Amend-clty!u tbi 1Dil)Or 'qu11ti1nld. menu. He uraed tbe .c.unndUee to give lerious The mayor told committee members, conJldtratlon to indudlnl 11 much ol the meeting in Loo Angel,., Iha! the last city in 1 •Ingle ~ diatrict u reapp<rtlonment left the city served by possible. • three corwessmen, two pt&~ seneton: "Confusion over'·whO 119'8 Jn ~1'hose and two auernblymen. · dlltrict l1~ve:ry evident. tn the lnlndl of "When 1 city as large u Huntlncton the peoplt: of ttit d\y,'' Orem Aki. Beach (1~000 populaUon) ia carved into ~•'Not a day '°"' by but tbtre are a three congressional dirtrcts it really lOle'I dozer:'of so caJla: tO clty ball from cltlzens lls pol!Ucal pr .. uge," Green told lbe lllkiq llloul wbal diltrict 1q;ey liH In c9mmltlee member:s. ind wbo repte1ents them." r Diltrict -voted lbund11 nl&i>I to ..,..i P,IOO on the project, although they bin been told by -lnlarator• that the dnlg problem Is negligible. The new educaUon program, to be in- !tituted next spring, is called "Impact Plus II" and WU deslped II a lbp- plemerrt to •lludy ei:J!llil>I druf «luca- llon •t each ol lhe ld!oOla. • Creited by the communlly aenice ol· lice ol Cerrito& College, It ldentlft .. drugs, points out their ~ ind -chlldm !Gr -llltulU-in which they ml&t>t he olff<ld ~rugs. r· Pamll will he ta!lllht to recofD)Je• the various drugs; their slang names, sympWml ol ad.diction .and ,...e coro· , moo qu~ rallid, by chUd,.. and bow , to inswU them~ Oufln& tbi, ~ihg 'day, 'the children . !Mils<lve1 wUI 1"fllclpate In an "Impact Dl)i•• Wbk:b ormilnu.-with 1n.boar,ol hi-· ' atruCllon a,rl_lllor the lieXI two weeu. • Th< Jriulal day·loag dru( ....ton Is desfped to create a · reaf Impact on studenta and lo let them ~-Ill Im· portanco, acc<nlinl Jo school district ad· • mlnlstratora. • l:Qfllc" led to lndlo111. gellina. During the . two week period, lludents ' "r,ed power" iii HotlVfDOO(L SiC! will be ·given lhe opportunJty to dlacun 1 the UlU1trated· /ectu.re in todov!a. qµest~n• wj\.h th;eir teachers, such u l Weekender. ~ ~ : how lo avoid drug contacta:. <~• ", -.-·--, 1, ·,-e.icheri :are aleo i>rt>vlded "'· "th .gulde1 --· : . ..._ , ' c:,.""' .......... " .... ,, ~.-"'",::.;;•~ " cbnlairunr teachfni_ 1 uj ,. .~ 1·ti 0 n.· 1 • : I diJcue8Jon. tbpic~.arld rqea~ ftpOr'tl for : 1 =~ ~ ;· ·=.:;~ !{f . atlldent'.s. · • . • I ·~ ,_. . ,......... . ,. r , Tht lmptet proerain wlll be tcJlecluled ' . =::.. "';: ::zi . ».e: on diUerent dete1 lor each of the scboota . .t..wi L .... ,. 11 ...,. """ .,. during the -lnl ~t,.r':Pa~ts may I Mft!MJ ' .,._... .... ,,. .. !"' "'" r _.!_. .... 1 ,..,. .... Llclnll t w r SJ .. recelve additional !!'formation aJMJt it .,, ~· 11·• callin1'the dblrlcl 11"MUlll. , • • , ..._ ________ ...._ _ _, seos!OOI. • I .; l • ~· • <' • " • • ' • t I WI • . . . . -...... • • I ' 2 DAll.V PILOT H a ... e GOP• Claeeld!f Reds Open New Raids: I Impeach :pouglas ' . -Tw_o Saigon Police· Stations Hit by .Guerrillas . ~Move Prepar_ed~·. · ~ (UPI) -Communist troops tbre1teolng a string of Allied bases alq tu ~Pl to suiil>ol:t them In ~es a•acMifliitJOllCi ililforu Inside saJidcl-lli< 'Cam1'llf11d harder;--remliilscent-ol th.-fafiM llghlinJ-ol tht tllla~ and lbell!d II Allied llrgelJ "Some of the ·enemy•• otlacu tbJ.s l!lel Tel olfenaive and the May lenaive "WAS GTON (I,!>) -A nwnbtr of Repobllcan HOUl8. membera are con- si1terlnl bringing Impeachment pro-. ceectlngs against ~UJftl!lO Court Jualice William 0. Douglas, Rep. Geald R. Ferd (lt·Mlch.), Aler today, · Ford, leader of his party In the HOUIO, Aid no declslon hu ,.1 -rachod \\'hethtt to olfer 'an lmpeaduntnt reaotu-. ti an. "It would be prema1ure," Ford said, replying to questions relayed·tllrouih his office. ·~Al.this llage ~is a preliminary •taff inperation ••• We are reviewing all the faets 1tn ·the case." A lpOll<lman ior DoiiaJ¥ aaJd be woold bave·no CClllUQent at all. - .Fml aaid that. .ao far u he ii con- cerned, -Ole declslon llbould DOI depend OD wjtether the Senate confinns or rejects Pfesident NiJ:on'• nomination of Judge CJement F. Haynawortb to the Supreme Court. But be added that Kllaynsworth is re- jected on etrucal standards, "then the siine staildarda lboold be a)>l>lled to all nlrmbftn ol. the Supreme CoW'L" $o~man Pos8e Hunts for Wife Of U,unty Doctor Te&llll ID a »man PJll" today l!OIJUl'ed U" ruged Cedar Mouotalna ol Utah lot a Santa Ana pllylldan's w!le mlsllng lot two freezing nJghls at the 8,000-foot level and feared dead. Mn. Katherine Shapiro, 12, apparently became lost on a hl.ke from the couple'• winter trailer lodglnp 10 miles east ol Navajo Lake In Kane County, Vtab. •:1•m afrald there'• just no w•y ahe could IUfVive the nlglita out here,'' Aid Kane County Sherill Lananl Jolmlon, ••.s.tw: just couldn't make it.'' Dr. Marvin R. Shapiro, who bu ol.lloet at 561 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, bu joined the 'poase huntlni In the prhn!Uve Utah area, Wh!Ch bUbeeo powilmd With llibl mow for the put two pights. Dr. Shapiro contacted utah-authoriUes Tut>sday when ~ ..,Ue failed to return to California on schedule after fiying to the Ced:ir City arta Jut Saturday, SIJerlfra depuUes checked the trailer home 30 mlles east of town, where Mrs. Shapiro was to· prepare for winter w..t•od.trlps~--.her.obmJl,_b<JI_ befotglngs rruch· .. ·her-purae ...,. left behind. .. we know ihe p1a·nned to return." said Sherill JohMon. "That's when we _reatiJed she'd iotten Jost," added the Jiwmen. who said the first searchers followed her footprints In- to a liWe meadow .but Jost them in high Bl""· The hunt for the m1sslng woman -who woold have endured . suf>..f~g tem- peratures the pa.st-two nights -is belna; oonducted on foot, on horseback and in iour·\\'heel drive vehicles. Mrs. Nicholson Services Slated Funeral servtcts will be held Saturday fnr ~...rs. Roxie D. Nicho]!IOn of 1233 Alabama SL, Huntington Beach, who died Thursday at the ag~ or 81. - f.1rs. Nicholson .had been a resident lot Jtuntlngton Beich area for 28 year!. She is survived by a son, Alva Nicholson, of Huntington Beach. Services will be held at 3 p.m. Sslurday at the Peek Family Colonial Funeral lfome in Westminster with intennent in \Vertminster Memorial Park. OAllY PILOT OlAHCla COA5T PVlll$HINO COM,Alf'Y loMrf N. Wtt4 Pn:tlHlll anf Pvbll'1!tr Jock R. Curl•r Vitt '""ldtnl al'ld Gtnrr1 Mt n•ttr n,,,.,, K•t•il l•!tor The"''' A. M111phln1 M9111tlnt Efuor AllMrt W. 11111 Auocltlt E~ltw H•ittl,..._ ..... Office 109 ith Sfrttl fltili1't Addr1u1 P.O. lei 790, 92641 OtWOfftuo .....,.,., lttllo: llll w .. 1 .. lllot aeu11Y1111I C01l1 Mc-H: JM Wnl 111' S!rttt Let11n. luUli :U ,,,.51 ""'""' DAl\.'I' PILOT, "llft tofll(PI It (otnbl!IH tt.t NfM·"""• i. ll\lbl+i.llfll O U• 11Ct~I IUll' e1r If\ t t1N•ll1 t d!!loM tor Hl,l!lllntl'-t a.EKll. Flllnl•HI VIiify, CO.It M-. Nt., ""' lttt ll '"' L1g111>1 a .. c11. al0!\9 wl!PI ""' r..illlo\tl tdollon\, Ott..,. (Mt! f'IJ~l'll­.... ee,,..,.v P1W>t1111 ,i.1111 ,,,11 n u Wftt •11te1 ll..C·. N•wt-otl llNd'I, -)JI tlrtM 111'1' &rr..,i, (Ot!I MrM. fa .. ,..111 tft41 64Z-4lZ1 Pr•• w .. .i .,,, c.u 140.1 zzt CNMHlff .....w .. '4J·l&ll f:.':• ~"!;..!''~I f~I .~~.~ .... ~ Hli.tltl .... u., ... ...,..,,.._111' """"' IN1' II r .... Mllc .. •llllOuf .. <foll rtrllllll- 11 '"'Wlti'it l•tlf, lfcl'f'l(I Cltll -·· .... If H1-rr ltK• elld t ell• Mc11. Ct1 Uc.tn!1. a~to!ll•JHCJI tor r•rtltr ~.06 -••r1 w ~It •>.Y -thlfl mlll!•'1 lllllltWll......, 1:;116 -t111r. DouiJas bu been under fire bacauat ol his servJce, which be ended ·thlJ year, as saltrled officer ol tht Parvin Foundat- ion of_ Loi Angeles, which received .aomt !unds lrocn gamhllo&. lnlarells. , i th Ir ........ k ha been I bl :.....~~·1 Ihm montbl later. The commllldos acroa_ Wlt..tooen e '=·-.!'IL ~ ~ SO ee e, )'OU w~wc_ <lll~ lll@sl! loUIJ!04WS for the pii!lct- rnorilr and rocket 1ttacks in two months. have known they were even iiiiiiiflo 1>i ,men to -aurrtiiaef. • · =~--.. The U.S. and South Vietnamese Jen-allackl unlesa you ~ learnecLabout 'l'&e_lf OYLl'Ili&IY morLar and rocket erala c:ommaad1ng the dtfe.oae of Saiaon. them ln lotelUcence rei>crts," Ewell Mid. alacks were the molt lloce Mon Sept. $, Aid II WU ll&rl ol the winter guurlllo At lout JOO sappers ...uad IDIO tho Light over.aJI damq• WU ,..ported, Ferd Aid recent aild!Uoaal dfickioureo about the Foundation and -. U!OC!ated with lt Inspired tbt - Republican effort. ol!ensfve wlllch, they said, ht~an Mon· <&pita! during tht nlgbl !orr tbalr ·-with -ol the ca•11111,. IAl!lererl in day lull before Praldtol Nisoo s speech on the two CM1UJ!ol ']IOllee ltallolll, tbt M..., Delta IOlltb o1 Salp. Two 111 Vietnam. t<Mlchlnl off tbt hievleaf ftCblllii lnilde Amortcaos were killed ond sis wounded. LI. Gens. Jalian l!:wtll .and Do Cao Tri tbt <1pltal since May, 1118. Headqulrtan said othtr Vitt CGng aaJd lhly eipe<ted tht offensive to lasl One ol the tbnrall • ponetratad one and North Vletnem... troops attacked to d111 ond•he leaa lnlenle than prevlOU> staUon bul both-. thrown bacli:, ~ a South Vietnam"' ~ 31 lnlla nartb- "Recent revelations are what touched It off," he saJd. "lt Js a rese.arch opera- tion related to these new revelatku. We have not made any decllton whether tO proceed ~ !mpoochm111t proceedlnp." drlvea whose eventual tarset was Saigon. military 1potemen repartlna Uirte suer-west rA the capital early todaJ &ut wtrt The commanders of the 11 provinces rillu tl&ln. One policeman Wll klllld belte:a back with IC killed. One. &ovtrn-- 1round the capital. EweU and Tri pre-and el&ht were wounded. ment trooper died and n1DO were dieted faJlure for the o!fenalve, currenUy The pollctmen called la U.S. btllco~ wounded. Ford said It is lnaccur1te lo deacrlbe him u ~ prime mover, but that a number ii Republlcao memben whom be described u S<rioul and .._.ible, bul declined to name, bad consulted him about the effort and that he is keeping in touch with them. Haynsworth I Foe Readies Critical Paper To Speak Maj. Donald M. Babitz, a Viet- nam veteran CWT111Uy atatlon- ed at lht Maline Corps Air sta· tton1 Santa Ana, will be the principal speaker Swtday dur· ing Veterans Day ceremonies scheduled for 11 a .m. lo Hunt· logion Beach High School Aud· itorium. Leary, Physicist Trade Barbs at Seminar on Drugs WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe ludlng Senate -I o! ~ . F. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Dr. Hayoswortb Jr. u a Supnme Court n-by '-·-, one -..,.., _._ of judge pr<pared 1 report today charllnB _, ..... .--• the South CarcUna judge with vlolallng the druc culture, .nr:banpd lnriol!J with federal law ond judicial ethics, University of Calllorn11 phyalctst Dr. A preliminary draft of a Senate Hardin B. Jones during a teenagers' dnlg Judiciary Committee minority report by ---1---Tburad lrch ~--•-• -·~. ay. Sm. B Bayh. ([).Ind.,) •~•~ Hl!1dlo told the--•·· that be "-··•t Haynsworth "failed to comply with ·--• """""' federal Jaw in admlnllterlng a pl'Qfl~ the Amerlcen dnJI culture bu caUled 111 aharlng trust and he displl)'ed a lack of many cuualuet aa the Vietnam war. candor ID leatlmony before this com-"And tho man IDOll raaponelbte for tbl1 II mlttee." the man to my Wt." the pnxnh>tat lclen- The draft allo said ol Pruldenl Nl.soa'• 1111.aald, lodlcatlng Leary. nomJnee: 11He sat on cue1 involving lltfcata in Leary retorted, "Dr. Jooea 11)'1 be It • which be bed a llnaoclal lntorell; ho aclenttst. I'd ll);e to ,.. Ifie evldenco !0< thlL" purthued llock In corporaUona apt to appear bdore his court; be Al on caaea When one younptei: uked Jonee how Involving C1111omer1 of a corporratlon·ln ho-could v111dly iildfiO driljl II ho has which he wu a major ttockboldtr and never experimented with them th U.S. Employment Creeps Forward But Wages Dip WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation's total employment edged up In October to an all-time high or 70.6 million, on a seasonally ldjuated buts, and' unemploy· men! declined aligbUy following the big jump of a mcnth before, the government said today. But the average work week, overtime work and average pay all declined, aignaUnc a possible economic tumdown later, said Asst. Conunissloner Harold Goldstein of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total number of unemployed last month dropped about 111,CXX> and tfle na· ~ jobleu raft dropped from 4 per-cent to 3.9 percent of the clvllJan labor force. 1be burtail adjusta the figures in llne with usual aealOl'lal employment changes. The job!.., total fn October Included toe,000 men for a 2.4 percent unemploy· ment ra.le, 1.1 million women for 1 4 per· cent nte end 1311,000 tea-aprs for a 13 percent rate. , Goldstein said Ibo ~ of the ligum WH the . -ol !15,000 unemoeis:~ alnce Jut .December, when lbt j rate wu 1t 1 pOlt-K<rean war low ot 3.3 percent. The Jobl"' rata jumped !tom I.I per· cent to ~ percent in September for the biggest 1lngle monthly lilcreue alnce the Else.Mower admlnlltraUon 1n the early 19'\0I. Some qutltion about the accuracy of those flgurea was railed 1>ecauae the sutVf1 WU rnade by mid-September, before many colle1e studenll hid retum-. ed to their clauea. AfthOOgh the October -fell sllghily, Goldstein said: "What"' are setting IJ. ""1flrmatloo lhlt .,..l\yloyment bu ID· deed 1one up aubltan ,'' County T1·ustees Oppose Social Science Course Police Sliut Case · On $986 Theft At High School Huntington Beach police today have stopped trying to llnd the money bag with '898 missing from Westmln.stu High School alnce Sept. 15. 1"nlere just Isn't enough fnformaUon to give us any indicaUon where It might be," Jaid a spokesman for the detectfve bureau. 'The money bag has 41mpJy been termed "lost property" by the Hunting- ton Beach Union High School District and will be covered by insurance fUndt. lt was reported missing on Oct. 29 when auditors at Southern California First .National Bank in HunUniton Beach told district officials the money, hid never been brought to lhe bank. A campus patrolman at WestmlnM HJgh School said he had taken the money -receipta from the school cafeteria-to the bank but hid rece.lved oo receipt for il · Bank officials told Investigator• that auch deposita were often made without requests for a receipt by district 'per. sonnet. The dlatrlct has thua far de- clined to comment on it. Pollet, however, :Wd they can So nn further with the investlgaUon becluae or the lack of information and length of tlme before the bag was discovered mlssing. Crash Victim J._o_r__whlch he served as ~-director ~ alcdlt-aald .!~ou 't ' _e Opposition lo a proposed new social t:rat:les kindergarten through 12 that vice president; ht sat on Cl.HI IDVoTvliij r all d train-~-~ve-~be..hiL -ICience-CUJTicutunr·for-CaWornia public -couJd-go-tuto~effect next·fau.-----R-~.--Cri .~ ~ lonner clij ·~n1'." b .ud. . d!.:..:,. ~· W they are rrchools WU Voted Tburaday by Orange The te!Olutlon edopted by the county emams ticaI A ma onty report y ] 1c1ary eom--.. -.. -· Ed ti miUee members favoring Haynsworth During the 1tminar attended by 500 County Board of UCI on lruatees. board was prepared by Carroll Creighton, l.llo wu being prepared, d:lallenglng the hJgh ICbool joomallnn, ltudenta and the.I The new state framework for ~oclal former coordinator or social scleocea and ~ maila by crltica o! the federal advtsm Leary WU the target of !llOll; lcltnce teaching is ~d to put more now research director for the county appeall court Judie. The ~ •P-the ' ......... -""·"-oa ~-d~ ~"-· on m. srhoola office, •Ith ,._ e·'--meot o! proved Ha)'!1"fri JO to 7. Senate.debate qullll1111. ....... _whal be woold do.. WUI"~-·~ ~· ...,_,, " "~ -~ on ih'i notninatlon is e~ &o ~ U.S. ittorney lfiqaal. he llld violence terdl!ciplinary study and on t be Counly Supt. Dr. Robert Peterson. Wedneaday or Tburlday of next weet. wu the one crime for which he'd jail tiehavioial · Bclences. 'l'he resoluUon will be sent to school Bayh's report was submitted to six anyone. Board members Cliey Mitcbell of South board! within the county far raUflcatlon olher judiciary committee members, who Laguna, Dr. Dale Rallison and Dr. Doria and to the 1tate board. It states: voted against Haynswort.h's conflrmaUon. Jn it,· Bay ti acknowledged t b a t R Araujo, all political conservatives, voted -The need for instruction in the lradl- Haynsworth's failure to file required OSSfilOOr water for e resolution suggesting the propooed tional disciplines of history, poltUcal reports on the profit-sharing trU!t was curriculwn be rewritten. science, economics and geography be re- ''nol an intentional violaUon." I Ok. OO ':'rust.et Don Jordan, who bas clashed affirmed while giving proper emphasis to "However, we cite the facts tn rtin-DCre88e ay the behavioral sciences of IOcioJnav, force the cbvk>us conclusion 'that com~ often with the conservative board ma· w....,- plicated financial rtlatlon1hlps • n d A a.a percent rate lncrtait over the 15 Jority, aaid he hu looked into tbe pro-psyrhology and anthropology. judicial responsibility can become a poeed currlculwn and found nothing --ConctntraUon on basic skills within a dangerous mliture,'' it said. percent interim emergency increase mysterious: about it. He abstained from subject discipline be a:iven high priority authorized lut March bu been granted Vl)hng. · and concern with teaching lhe social to the Romnoor Water Company by the M1•-•-•f 1 · h sciences from an interdisclplln~"' an. One of two women serioualy Injured Thursday in a Newport Freeway traffic accident remained in crllial condition today at Colla Mesa Memorial Hospital. · A hospital spokesman said there had been little improvement in the condiUon of Marla Segovia, 29. The Tustin woman, a passenger in a car driven by Mrs. Angelina Blair, 33, also of Tustin, auf~ fere.d multiple injuries when the auto skidded off the freeway and smashed inlc> a lamp standard. hlr1. Blair's condition today was lisW as fairly &ood "with a de!inJte overnight improvement." Both 11.-omen have undergone surgery at the Costa Atesa hospital. Reelected by Liberals Junior College California Public uuuues Com-'--lon. iu1c.i, on severa oceas1om, as -,, ,. 111 11~ _,,._ -1 .. I ,._ --d cu~culum proach be re-evaluated. CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -Prime Jo·or customers m· Seal Beech • -•-u-'"l""Nrn •a•• .. s \.I.., p.,,,........ ''' Ml . J hn ~~ " E h ts be laced · l f n1ster o Gorton overcame two .Teachers Slate Meeting at GWC About 500 jU1'1ior college teacher! from Baker.;field to San Diego will meet at Golden West College Nov. 19 to di.sCUM curriculum development and instructor evaluaUon. One of the main quest.ions they will seek to answer ls the validity of popular ~tudult publicatiom that evaluate [acuity members. The conference, sponsored by the California Junior College Auoclation, ls a soulhem regional metllng. Dr. James Fitzgerald, dean of instruction at Orana:e Co:lst College, will act as chairman. ,'feachel'3 to attend the conference will fii'st visit classes at Golden West Colle&• to listen to student opinions on the mat. ter then hear a new idea on lludent ev~uatlon from Dr. Alden W. Smith of Cal.State Fullerton. Small group discusslon :teSSlons are 1cheduled Iller his 1ddreas. Council Meeting Agenda Shown Seal Beach city councilmen Wednesday ordered that a delalled copy or the coon· ('ll agenda be made available for publlc Inspect.ion on Fridays before the metUn1. The agtllda wlll be dl'!'layed at the Orange County Branch Library 1l Ith Street and Central Avenue. Councilmen decided to make the agtn· da public after recelvlnc several com· plaint• that no one knew what wu iolnc on at city hall. UnUt Wednetday only council members were supplied with a datalled •l'nd• while cltiJtnl viliUna: the KSsiON wtte supplied wtth only a 1 k e I c by mfcneographed sheet. Only conlfdenUal Items rtlallng to pmomeJ matt.en and aclul1 or pottnUal l1U11t!on ylll be omitted from the public ag•ode, according lo Cl\y Atty. Jam., Carnes. • ' World tbe increue wtll be 1.1--t, for outline, •• ..1 .... Jt appean to be semlUvlty -· mp 85 P on a vane Y o h 11 ..-•~• -.r"-'6 c a engera today to win re-election as those outstde the reUttment community, training. learhlng melhods rather than over· leader of the Liberal party and wurance 21.8 percent. The State Board of EducaUon still Is emphasWng the Inquiry or discovery that he will remain head of the govern- The PUC eiplalned that customers reviewinc the proposed curriculum for method. ment. out.side Ltil\lre W«ld bore no part of the --~--'--'---------------~----.,--------------JS percent Interim increase, while those inside have been paying 20 perctnt more than the pre·M•rch rate!. T!1e company had sought a 27.2 percent increase and received 31.1 percent In-. clutling the interim relief. The com· 1ntsslon .aaid the relltf rranted should sllow the company 1 7.2 percent return on its lnveatment. ,, ...... p .. ., l RAINSTORM ••• William Tolliver, 51, of Paramount, killed in a collision Jn Carson, and Fred H. Mont.3nk, SS, of San Luis Obispo, who died In 1 lktd cruh on lDgbway 101 north of Ventura. Leroy W. Allen, 56, of Mlra Loma, a pauenpr In a car cau1ht In 1 rocksUde and knocked down a 300-loot lncUoe tn San Bernardino County near Running Springa, WU tilled. Driver P a u I Thurston, S4, of Riverside, escaped with serious injuries. Southern Callfornians today were af- !orded a mplte from the weather 's wrath, but weatbermen aald a new front advancln1 !tom the northwut rnJsht dump heavy rain again Saturday. Donald Mitchell Named to Board Donald F. Mitchell hu been appointed to repl1c, Mrs. LYM l:totteniteln on the Huotlnglon Beach Library Boonl of Trulteu. Mn. Hottenatoln rulgned from the beard bec•UM she lJ leaving the ma. Mitchell ts a bloforllll with Systems Development ())rp. He Is manaitr of en· vlronmental l)'.stems studies. H!s appolnb'.nent wu made fln1I by the HunUngtoo Belch Clty Council MOodly night. Ir ]).,., I ' ~ ·--- It 's Portuguese. Esfortf:le, th• furniture of romantic Tnllu•nees, ,qvi•t 1l•91nC:• ind subtl• heauty • , • by Dr•x•I. TOUI LOCAL DIALllS l'Ol DUX11. • HINUDOll. HUITAM 'NIWl'OIT llACH 1727 Waetchff Dr, '42-20JO °"" ,.,, .. , ,,, ' INTDIOAS Pror..111111 lntorl.. LAGUNA llACH A•1lla:l:'f~"1'~NS!D 14l 'ffrlll C..st Hwy. • ' ......... , '111. t ,... , .......... " 0..,. c.., .... , ... ~ .. -.... ....... _ ~ . . . • ·~-*-'--. ' ' . Ted'!'~• n.af f; ' J;..: N.Y. Ste±•'::! • vo i:. ~2. NO. "267, ;i SECTIONS, .44 PAGES: • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEl\.llER]7, 1969 .TEN C~ '' '+ ' ·----..__ ~ ; ' Si~ Escape El Morro ' Crash · Death .. .. DAILY l"ILDT ....... 11¥ ..,...,, ICftftldl MESA WOMAN'S CAR HAULED AWAY AF1 ER ROLLING OVER IN EL MORRO CURVE State Hl9hw•y Authorities Visit o..th-0.•lina Bend Shortly After Cr••h Sparse CPOwd Gathers Local Controls Cited For City of Dana-Capo Trustees Vote Against New Curriculu1n Opr10sition to a proposed new social By PAMELA HAU..\N in decisklo making bodies of govern-science curriculwn for California public C~r Flips; Mom, 5 Kids Bruised .. . :.-' By BARBARA IUllWllCU Of "' Dllb , .... lteff Only 1ioura be!... state bigbway • engineers arrlVed at El Motto School to · ei:amlne the 1huardou8 traffic si(uaUon on Coast H.Jab"ay near the school, a youna Costa Mesa mother and her five. pre-school children miraculously aeaped serious Injury in a frightenln'g 'acciednt on raJn·alick El Morro curve. Swerving to avoid a vehicle disabled ln an earlier minor collialon, Mrs. Sharon Looioe Gooclmao, 13, of 117 Albert Place, lost controL Of her car u she drove rtQrth on the highway at 7:50 1.m. The vehicle rolled over on &he downhill &ride, coming to rest on Its side in the center north- bound lane of Cout Hilbway. Mra. Goodman and her children, Donald and !lo!iald, f.year-old lwlna. James, 3, JlusleU, 19 months and Gary, I months, were removed rrom the wrecked vehicle by California Hichway Patrol of- ficers and ambulance atteodant.a Ind Laguna Playhouse Leaks taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital, whett: it was loond they had aullered only mJnor lacerations and brui.Bes. "We were able to aend them 111 home after treatment," a hospital f!pokitmUl said. "They were tinbeUeV1bly lucky." • • On Thursday afternoon, G. L. Rullidf traffic engineer from Sacr1 mento and 'A. K. GQ!din, traffic engineer for"District f; with offices in Loe Angeles, ~ wMH Laguna Beach Superintendent of 8cbc:ds (See WRECK, Pace I) <: . . . -.. ' . • • First Sto,rm of Season .. ... Lashes Orange Coast The rainy season, Southern California's 11.t.IHllALL TAILI cut Off power to 2,f:KIO, homes and iome b tilute f lnt ' ilk Cit, llti'lll lu-L11t YI + su s or w er, came 1n e an eos11 M.. 1.1 1.1 .20 county telephone1 were RUt out of coM- enraged Uon Thur15day, bringing with it ~::'!' ,8:::: i; ~:~J :~~ mission by water seeptna into cables. At di artnger • destrucUon and damp dilicom. ~=~:::"' ... :ir::~ t:7 /::, :: least two motorists died In storm-re~ 0 • Wntmlnllff 1.1 1.1 .XI While the Orange Coast managed to !111 a..t11 1.1 '·' .XI accidents near Canon and Ventura, whUI L111,1111 Ltlwrt World 2.J 2.1 .1J ...!).,, a11ne through the first stonn of lhe 1rv1,,. "'l'Cll 2.d 1.0 ,11 mudslides closed many coutal hlch•~ :!:eason with its head above water - more L•11.1111 N11~1 2.2 2.• .1s to the north. • ......... 1111 I.ti 1.M ,«I than two inches of it -other areas af G1rdtn c;,.. 1.1 1.n .ll . Costa Mesa police re--' 11· ..}._ Or Count d South Calil mi s..n ci.me111f' 2..U n.t 2J.11 ....,._ -· ange Y an em o a 5.n11 ,.,,., 1.t1 '·" .M cidenls over the 24-hour perlod, ~ Wt were · not so fortunate. ·4•n c*'*"i. t1t11r11 , .. _ trom J111.. 1 related :to the raln . .-Hea'(lell floadihl·'fli.t Over 100 storm-related accidents caus-reported In tbe northern put of .the dtJ. or ""' D111r f'ntt '11tff r.ieoi .~· schools was voted Thursday by Orange --11l4.~t):~~~=-·*%~~. _ __.,~ .. ni~ftrSt-eveat~·W4S-lhe-fOf!"a. -~V~9' .~ij'~Oll-ttlUAMJ 1 Dana jJotnt.Capbtrlno Be a ch m-tlcri of priva~ .~Ual eommunit\ts · The oew state rr.apiework ... fer 1eopat c:orpOra_Uoo in Thursd;>y n!IJ>I'• public like ~ Afd)_Jlai_.M\11 . Monarc!J. Bay ici;lr.ce tcachjn& iJJltligJ!ed to put more ed 45 injurie1 in a 24-bour ~aflic toll that 2.4. inche• Inundated the area, conlluting parUcularl at Fatrv\ew Road wbiela may,~-o~recorcl-l~~l"•~iharply-~last-y•r~liiil,--~~~ai]~~·!fv!!er~~~Jiilf!it~l C.Ulomla ID&hway Patlol Adlo rtpalr oltess,thlill~~•tthla,_ .. ' Howmud!railllellclow-• llll bills for motodsls are ~ to total · llc•vlelt hit -were Ille 'Newport llUchi be detmnloed ..:. weaU... .,.-. loll.IJ meeti1i1 at Richard Henry .Dana.Elemen-=-re:a~:-al and ~ical .. fmpha~ia on• lludent inquicy, on In· mor'e tbao •to,l!IO, alt!>ough -oC Ult .Laguna Beach and Irville ueb-wlth well IOUlll! the rain -at the dty·llall • colli&lons were ff 1 JnlDor ~Wrt. · over two Inches. ne1 cm Newport Booln1111 It 1• Streit Al""i tho Otqe ~' rlllllall_, _•_.P _Jo . Tbret miJor blackoull la 8lllt& ADI (Seo ~.Pip•/.-, ' tar:Y. SChoOI. · · · • .c'lbe· nm. tl'lng we knew, out.Siden te~pl~. study and on t b 1 , Only 80. P.eQPle braved the nip to hear "Wtre'" uying let'i sacrifice our tieldles be""ha~ ~· irgum~ ror ina:JrP-Oratloo ~~by ancf7--.g -and donate Jt to J,000 boat . &ant membeTs ctay·MJtchell or-south Ales l.Qe· and Dr. Richard Sindenon. ............, "I'd like to de5aibe·a series of events owners for a barbor," continued Lake. LajUna, Dr.,.Dale Rallison and Dr. Doris affecting our area over which we have nO ''We have no say about the size, shape or Araujo all political conservaUves voted I " Id Lak exils. We have no say about ocean 1 ' 1 . . ' contro • sa e. beaches for our children and fur us. .ll" it reso ution suggesting the proposed ' "The reason we have no control i! curr:culum be rewritten. became we are not properly represerited "Through pressure, we finally were ':'rustce Don J ordan,· who has cla·"ed siven a Uny beach, a swimming hole in ~· Committee Asks Direction on Lagunil Library r&ltt.y. It will probably ~ cont.am-oflen with the conservative board ma· i.Dated.'' jority, said he has looked into" the pro- lmpoochment Studied Against Justice .Douglas Members ·of the "action committee" appointed •by the City Council to speed plans for a new Laguna Beach library are not sure just whit "action'' ts n:pec· te dof them, chainnan Clifton Nichols told the council Wednesday. To fonnall.ze appointment of the JI. member committee, made following a library study session last week, coon·. cilman Oiarlton Boyd introduced a mo- tion at the regular council meeting <;ullinlng funct.ions of the committee as : · -To compare sites on which the library may be built, includin& user, ih· formational, ztructural, Urning and ecooomic feasibility, and to determine the optimum location. -To establish the feasibility of forming a separate library district. u cooipared to continuing with the pre3ent counti libr!ifY program. -To present a report dn lh~se findings to the City Council within 30 days. "Many of us wonder," Nichols told the council, "lf you serkMtsly expect us to do this sort of a. job In 30 days. It took . the county a whole year to complete its sfte study. You tell us tq 'ao to work' .but 10 to work to do what? How can we possibJy put t.dgether a report like this with no staff Ind no bud_get? 1 w~ dluppoi~ in the motion' you adopted tonlghL 1 thought '!'e would get some instructions. Ma,ybe l just don't understand what it means." Vedder Slid the council did not expect' &. voluminoiu report from the conunJtttt. "Maybe we can choose somethln1 that already has be,.en 1nveaUgaled and move on it," he 1t1ggested. Councilman Rlcllard Goldberg ·addi<!, "we dlOlt you people because )'OU &eem~ ed most concerned and most dlsbtutd by the fad that you're not getUnc any tclion. We felt you people wb> ""th to deeply iatoreJt<d might find a -Like wbert there's a will tMre•a 1 ...,, .. ··Then ,,. coukt m ol IM!'t our own goats?" "'loaied Nichols. "And maybe maie 1 very abort report!" Vedder said a short ~ would be fine if it contained a feasible IOlution. Members of the commltttt, in addition to Nicholt:, ire Wlllltm Wllcoi:en, Clifford cave, v'"'°" BPtaol.-1, Fred Brtua. James Dilley, Donne Demetrladel, Diet Clark, Ctiarlton Boyd and Al Autry, Jle dtea.a two-year drive (or a traffic posed curriculum and found nolh.ing :signaJ af _the comer af Coast Highway mysterious about it. He abslained from and Del Obbpo Road as another example of neatect by county government. voting. He ·Mid that mothers and children. had ?1-Utchell, on several occasions, has to iiieket. the intersection before the spoktn against the Proposed curriculum 1igml wu installed so that it would· be outline, saying it appears to be sensitivity tale to cross the street. But he alleged ttmt the only reason that the signal was lruining. theo' provkled was because a corporatian The State Board of Education still ls needed the signal to protect its trucks revie'A1ng the proposed curriculum for during a construction project at that site. grades kindergarten through 1Z that He listed the fight against the Coast could go Into effect next fall. Freeway, which area residents had to . The resolution adopted by the county leave: up to the incorporated .areas and board was prepared by Carroll Creighton, the kn ot Salt Creek as two more events former coordinator of sodal lclences an d which• directly affect the people of his no'A· research director for the county area. srhools offlct, with the endorsement af Lake nei:t focused his attack on the County Supt. Dr. Robert Peterson. ·Souttf'Coast Scenic Improvement Project 'fhe resolution will be se nt to school saying that their decision to widen boards within the county for ratlflcaUon Golden Lantern Street would obliterate and to the state board. It states: (See CITIES, Page 21 -The need for instruction in the tradl- tion11I disciplines of history, political science , economics and geographJ be re· affirmed while giving proper emphasis to Russ Leader to Visit Cuba in Next Week MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet Defense Miniller' Andrei A. Grecbko wUI visit Cubl within the next week , tt was an· llOUllCOCI ollldilly lo!lay. Tbt announcement said an invitation f• tbe "officiaJ friendJ)' visit" was made by Armed Forcea Miniater Raul Castro. · the behavioral sciences of sociology, psyrhology and anthropok>gy. --Concentration on basic skills within a subject discipline be given. high priority and concern with teaching the social sciences from an interdisciplinary ap- pro.1ch be re-evaluated. -Emphasis be placed on a variety of tkal'hlng methods rather than over. emphasizing the Inquiry or diocovery melhod. WASHINGTON (AP) -A number of Republican House members are con. side.ring bringing impeachment pro- ceedings 1galnlt Supreme Court Justice William 0. Ooo1las, Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R·Mlcb.), said today. Ford, 1eader of hi.a party in the House, said no decision has yet been reached whetber to offer an impeachment resolu- tion . \ "It would be premature," Ford said, replying to quest.Ions relayed through hi.a office. "At this fit.age it ts a preliminary staff operation ••• We are reviewing an the facb ln the case." A spokesman for Douglas said he would have no comment at all. Ford said that, so rar as he Is con .. cerned, the decision should not depend on whether the Senate confinn.s or rejects President Nixon's nomination of Judge Clement.F. Haynsworth to the Supreme Court. But he added that if Haynsworth is re- jected on ethical standards, "then ~ same standards should be applied to all members of lhe Supreme Court." Douglas has been under lire because of his service, which he ended thla year, as . salaried officer of the Parvin Foundat: ion of Los Angeles, which received some funds from gambling interests. Fard said recent additional disclosures about the Foundatlon and businesses Rains Emptying Ca~yon Residents Fear Repeat of Lmt Year's F'looding The rains are com!ng. The ~le are go!ni. The oak IOO qcamore leaves In 511- verado Canyon are turning with the UW.,. of...,..., and the ICIJ'I Jell on the flittt•ped ll~lpe since last wln- ter and'..., reltn. lilmolltnl~ don. the narrow, snate- liko ca.,.. Jn the.~11 ~ Mountains, the worst deila(e' Jn 'it )'&lltl drove out the people, allo the ftall constructions they bad made. The ume occurred In -.djaeenl Mod· JeRa. Canyon, and It ••• • month before tbt flood and .mudllide .refueee.s couJd r eturn to .an lhlt wa1 left ol their homes. Five-amocac more than • acore ahel· ttt'!d In the Sllverado Clnyon Fir• &atloo when an almost-silent mudslide cascaded down the NU behind-hid been For 250 families, those clouds haYe no laid to rest. silver lining. There was only work and little rest They bitterly recall last February. for those who did ret.um. when the roar or Marine Corps helicop. "We're all-11 nervous as cats on a hot ters evacuating them trom the cold, wet lln roof whit with winter coming..on. and hell .,CI( canyon lithe dro~ OJ.It. the maybe more rain," says Claude Couey, corutant drummklt of coostant 1rain. , wbo !oond II incbea of mud In 1111 home ·"A' lot· ol people are · dllcour•aecl," last year. aays lhe rRev .. Rolcoe Bork, _pa.ssor of "W•'vi done all we can,, but (eel Ii'• tho ,Sllverodo ComllNll\!y ChurcJI, :·.,..~ not enough." have left -and j-lli never return." • ~ , , "Jr tt rainl real hard it wJJl bring the snVerado Can&:e ~ ooe~ ;oj>Un\ist._ same mJsery and deltruettoft.'!'JIYI Cart , -whose modern . afandt: tup ~·a Nelson, opmUono onglneer !or th• concre\e .!ound1Uon ""'! ltlyecl-dry ~ Orange County Flood Control Dlltrict. wlnttt, the only one. · , The county aptnt mon ihan· '400.000 l "We were vuy fortunate, .. says Mrs. on rood repaln and tho:)ob f1 barely Bob e<>chran, a ...,,.,, ml~enl· -• btgun 11 the dark <louda ot.wlater loom> -<anyon.'rat 11 they ~-wl!Oie· nel(hlion· over the one-lime •liver lfllzll~ · (See IJLV£til>O,. Pace.It ' ·' " ( ~. ' aS&1Ciated with It Jnsplred the new Jtepu~llcan effort. "Recent revelations are what touched tt off," he said. "It ls a rese.lrch opera- tion related to these new revelations. We have not made any declslon · w,hetl)er to procted with impeachment proceedings.'' FQfd said it is inaccurate to describe him u the prime mover, but that a number of Republican members whom he described as serious and responsible, but declined to name, had consulted him about the efrort and that he is keeping in touch with lhem. Services Slated For Dr. Hoffman, 39-year Lagunan 1''uneral services will be held Saturday for Dr. David Ripley Hoffman , 71, reUred denUst who had been a rtsldent of Laguna Beach for 39 years. f)r. Hoffman, 5.17 Legion St., died at Soul~ Coast Communi ty H o s p i t a 1 Wednesday after a prolonged Ulness. Service"a 'will be conducted at ll a.m. by Dr. Dallas Turner ln the chapel ol P1tclflc View Mortuary ln Corona del Mar. There will also be aervlces con- ducted by the Laguna Beach M&!Ollic Lodge. Dr. Hollman belonged Jnil~lly to the Masonic Lodge" of Denning, New Mei:~ lco. 'J'he family has suggested that friends mny make eontrlbuUons to the American Cancer Society or their favorite charity. Survivors 'include the wldaw, Dorothy W. of the family home and a brother, Sluart S. of Pueblo, Colo. Moderate Quake Jars H,homBed Aleutian . . . . ' ANoHORAllE' •. Alls)la ·(UPI) -..., ''modcal•IY. • •trona" el(tbqliaka , ""'> cumd11'iuroday1abiiut !O. mllta lroni lbe AleuUan l!lafl{ where the U.S. C!Jlpjoded a1 ~·megaton .. •hydroaen ·b9mb a. month. ago. J '1 • , It wu fell·Ol'IY 1llghtly a'! the nearett. populafed llJ''• Mak Naval StaUon, Where i. NaVJ spoketman old they were. concerned atwut heayy winds ~t)jch have. bOf(eted thti. l1larid . ,thl•_ ,-k .. u, reglstcrod s.a·on the Rlcht<r seal~. · Haynsworth Foe Oaims Violation Of Federal Law . W ASIUNGTON (UPI) -'Ille leadJnt Stnate opponent of CJre.nent T 1 Haynsworth Jr. as a Suprae CoUl1 judge prepared a report _, charPia the South Carolina judge with Ylolatftl( fedl!ral law and judicial ethic&. 1 ~ • A preliminary draft of a &!uli Judiciary <;ommi~ mb>rity r-t:!!l Sen. Birch Bayh, (0.lnd.,) .,.,.nd4i'j Haynsworth "lalled Jo . compl7 with fedi:ral Jaw in admh;1istertng a -profit~ sharing trust and he displayed a lick ol candor in testimony before tbla ~ mittee." Tile draft alao said of President N.11•! Mminee: -· "He sat on cases involving UUgatfft whi<'h he had a financial intemt; I purchased stock in· corporaUons apt· appear before his court; he sat on cut. involvJng CUllomers of a corporaUon In which he was a major 1tockholder aq:t for which he served as a director •l,\d vice president; he sat on cues invoMtia former clients.'' A majority r-1 by Judiciary ....,. mitfee members f1vortn1 Hl)'Jl!warth also was beiilg prepered, challengtn1 Ute charges made by critics of the fecferal appeals court judge. The committee JP. proved Haynsworth .IO to 7. Senate debate on the nomination is expected to begia Wednesday or Thursday of nen week._: Oraage Weatlter " Old Man Weather's just catchlrig .; his second wind today. He'll sock .~ it to ·the Orange Coast Saturday • wlth another aeuonal storm, push- ing the temperaturea down a ftw · notches. INSmE TODAY . The big /lap owr "Flapphfg ~ Eagle" led to Indiana gcrtlng t ~·red-power" iti HoU~ .Stt - ~ iU11.1trated /rature in tod4t1'1 .. I \VHt...dm • ' ' . ' . . . .. 1 =:.· ·1; :::=. "2J ; c....... ,,~ .,.. c-, •• c-la ... '""' ,.,.., ,. ~ ,. .......... ' :::... ........ ; 15:_:. .... :n ... '"""" ,... ' 1 ". ~ ,I_. 1•11 """"" .... ,, """""" 14 ....... • 4"". ~-.._, '•' .... ..... ~ -~-u.., ~ ..... itil,.K ..... Jt .. , I • ' ' I J., ~~~llOT i1~is .~~9• 1 pr~r1y oa ooa side: that their Idea lo reroute . Coast Hlgbw,ay -isolate ' Dana Point's commer.ctal area; and that ' =•klng an exprossway of Lquna ' • ~dell Ll"'"'1I • *"*'Ula . • ol l"-11 _... ba ·-' > ... J,.ake was answered by James O'C.On· 'ifbr, citainnan-of-the-,,roj~ho-atreSS" .'1)! the fact that the committee only .J¥kes sua;eitions. Any action would' be • t tbec ounty and the state and would )naidtd h1' po . • • • . . Roger $!nderaoa pmenUng !acts _.od figures relaUng lo incorporaUoa said d.!jat ae<or<iint lo the llean Evana Reporj, :4:\lf"incorpinlioo studi made two yem • lfJb. tllll -. wooJ.1 ba abJa lo collect .~.cm from bos1nea licensa:,. sales tax-~~-cigarette taJ:es and other such ~~s of cit,y revenues. e sald that not every city needs a pro- ty tax but.if their area needed Jt the !Zens would 'still be paying lea than Q!ey .are now. 'f.!.f:>The. hlghel!t expenses usually are f~~. fire and city facility and salary ~nse.s," said Sanderson. "According to ~ ttporta. as a city we would take in •.ooo ~ than we would pay oat .lMthciut • proper1y tu. Tbeae figurea are two years old, I'm sure it would be more ......... :l":;· .,., J"..He said •VB'/ (ew cities can 8tart out , "t!lb $20 Jrilllion auessed valuation and wged his audiCince .fo aUmulate people'• Jnterest in·irw:orporaUon. DAILY 'IL.OT '""' W , .. 0''*'-11 ;+!Jn~ worpan asked U maps had been jlilW'ed since ·the last incorporaUon try -.0 y~r11.aeo a_t which~ a few large P.rope.rty owners defeated the attempt. ~decson replied that they had not but ~ he,believed they could still get the 50 . .Mcent of ·assessed valuation required ror incorporation. · Sanderson, said, "If we're going to U.. corporate it must be done now or the op. portunity will be lost for all time." Where The.-e's Smoke Leary, Physicist Trade · Baths at ,...~ -~- ' ' Pipe collector Joel Schwarz of Costa Mesa demonstrates how all you Sherlock Holmes types can keep the fire burning in your favorite pi~ dtµing. a rainstorm. Schwarz ~ftef! puffs up a storm of his own while labormg over a hot cypewnter lll !be DML Y PILOT sports department. From Page I RAINSTORM •.• Seinihar-o~ Di·ugs . SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) _ Dr. broken by vandab. The instrument was ~lontank, 33, of San lAlis Obispo, who Thomas ~'" Rn&Lime high _ PJ'iest. of repaired. died in a skid crash on Highway 101 north the drug Cllltute, fxchanged insults with . In. N~ Beach, police were .kept Of Ventura. University 'of 'CBllfarriia physicist Dr! hopping by 8 doz.eh minor accidents, Iii: Leroy W. Allen, S6, of Mira Loma, a Hardin B. Jones during a teenaiers' drug of them· minutes apart early ~unday pauenger in a car caught in a rocksllde seminar Thursd,ay. afternoon. Th~e was no fl.,iJng of and knocked down a 300-foot incUne Jn Hardin told the meeting that he thoua:ht hom~s and the Harbor Department San_ Bernardino County near Running the Amerlc!an' ~g culture h~ caused aS replrted all boats were secure. Springs, was killed. Dfiver Pa u I many casualties as the Vietnam war. Orie c&!Ullty of the stonn wu. the West Thurston, 34, of Riverside, escaped with "And the man most responsible for thil ls Newpol't aind haul, which wal stalled for serloua: injuries. the man to 'my.Wt," tlwfpromlnent acle.,.. tlu'.ee days ~Y the hard·poundi•·rain. But Southern Calilornlans today were ar- Wt aald, .incUcJ.ting Leary •. · flood control officials declared the proJ· !orded a respite from the weather's Leary retotted, ••or .. Jones aay1 be is a ect would continue ·Monday whether or wrath, but weathermen said a new front acientisl l"d like to aee the evidence for not the coast suffered another storm over advancing from the northwest might that." · 1 ~ the weekend. 1', ~=~ dump heavy rain ag.m Satwday. he C::.l.i0~~n~~· '~~f~~tt;;l~Ja . f never e.xperim&ited with them, 1tbe storm, .none ol · wtdc:h were.., reported Co cil S physicist aold,."You doo't·hir:9 lo!;, hit 1aeiiouL In:Westmlnlter, high waler clOO' Ull upports by a raJJ~tralll lo laloj lbaf, 119 ed ~ Street between Bolia and , danserous1tJ1 ::,.;,, ,, :,t,.~'. :. l , !H!<lintninui!s.Wtweeii>n:ao,a.111.an<11 Festi· •u.roJ _or Arts During_ ·~!:J.~ .. _b1'!1JO ~e,nj. T)n!f.!day.~ · ~-·•-" hi~ sch lourilallsm awd'1 and'lheir TM water found its way mio Laguna advisen •. ~1}1 .. ~as.~.ta.rido~mQltof Beach's tieW taoo,ooio ~~Moulton La A the queslionL.Aakod wbat bo.....Wd do U Playhouse, riaing up lo lour lnclloS belore nd cqms• ition ~.S. attorney g~eraT, he ~d vi~lei:ic.e it was contained.u"lhe flooding wp blam· \\Is the one ·crime for ~hich he d Jail ed on a roof drain clogged with acorns. anyone. Elsewhert in Laguna, rain deliyed con- ,,. strui=tion. of the cib''s major atorm drain · "' p l channel la the downtown area. At the S .. ~·~ · · 98 curve· In Laguna Canyon Road, water SILV,ERADO • flooded over 150 feet, halting trayel tern· po~rt!>'. No major accideata were · • • • reported In the city. have been saJing ·r~ewens over the outside &he Orange Coast aria, wet months. · pavement wu blamed for the deaths of For Sale aliris dot the winding, recon-William Tolliver, 51, of Paramount, killed structed canyon road. in a colli.slon In Carson, and :Jr.red H. "A flood like that c·omes onee in a century," says ·Mrs •. Cochran. "It won't happen agafu llire: Not .like' that."· · Many canyon ' Citiiens won't risk her prophecy, ' · The rai& are coming. They are 1olng; Reelected by Liberals CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -Prim• Minister John Gorton overcame two challenge.rs today to win re-election as leader of the Liberal party and assurance that he will remain head of the govern- ment. OAllY !'11()! CllWfG~ COoU1 PUS\ llMlffa ~ l•Mtf H. W•.I ,.,. ........ l'UMlltllt J.,. I. Cwtley Yk9,,.... ..... 0-.lil ......, Tli•n1ts IC9"il • l:flltw tfio-• A. M11r,lifu ,,,......,,,ftr l idi1ri P. N•ll ..__ CllY M• ,_ __ 211 F1,•it A••· M1ID111 A.14••u; l.O. I•• 6'1. t2t52. --c.t.-..:ut ... M .... ......... k.uil tnl ....... , ......... ..... ffl.IMINMll ..W.i -.,. ... Laguna Druggist Captured Afw 70 MPH-Pursuit 11ie owner or a Laguna Beach phannacy was arrested on reckless driv· ing ch~rges in Corona del Mar ealy today after a Police chase reaching 70 p.m.h. on min-slick streets. Ronald William Pickard, 33, driving a small foreign sedan reiistered to one of his employes, was taken into custody at i03 Orchid Avenue at 1:25 a.m. · Pickard ~s the o\\'ner of Park Forest Pttarmacy, 202 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach. Police said Pickard was first setn by patrolman at Pacific Coast lUghway and Cameo Shores. Offlces gave chase. The auto reached 75 mph at Coast Highway at Poppy Avenue and ran a red light officers said. Then Jt tum~ right on Poinsettia Avenue and sped toward residential areas at speeds ol 50 mph. Pursuing officera: flnaUy caught up with the vehicle at a driveway on Orchid Avenue after the driver stopped the car and turned the u,hts out. Pickard was released rrom custody Mortty after hls arrest after posting S186 ball. Laguna Beach city rouncilmen voted \Vednesday_ to go on record as supporting builder Bemard Syfan's,proposal that the Festival of Aria: assist' the city tn the purchase of 40 parcels of land fronUng on Woodland Drive for use as a recreation area. Syfan suggested the property would be ilultitble for tennis courts, thereby releas· ing the present Irvine Bowl Park courts for Festival use, and possibly allO could be us~ for the new School of Art and Design facility. . Respoiidlng t.o a Jetter from Frederick I. Richman who urged the city to suppor~ the proposal, councllman R i c h a rd Goldberg proposed that the council "take a position on the matter" and urge the Festival to do everything possible to ac· quire the land. Mayor Glenn Vedder noted, .. There ·is quite a bit of low-cost housing in UU1 area and the city should con.sider what could be done to accommodate these people.'' Councilmen agreed to send a letter sup. porting the Syran proposal to the Festival board in Ume for its Tuesday meeung. Curb Your Dog Or Go 'Pick Up Your Own Mail Neither 1leet, nor snow nor hall shill stop the U.S. Mall but an Wlleashed doe can . Dogs b!Ung postmen, whether nipping ur a full-scale assault, automatically cs.ncels mail dellvery to the dog owner unUI he files a letter with the Post Office stating the animal will be confined during reaular delivery ours: this was the word today from E. Jackson Bryant, officer in charge of the Laguna Beach postal system which in· eludes South Laguna and Laeuna Hills. ln addition, sa.Jd Bryant. the owner mu11t pay the medical bill for the bitten postman. · Ike's Estate value Carri•rs for the Laguna Beach pootal system have been bitten in 24 incident.II in Set at $278,363_ the pai!I 12 month.!, said BryMt. Debbie Muir, a petlte ·mail clrrier, was GE1TYSBURG, Pa. (AP) -A partial bitten on the bicep Jn one Instance. Inventory of Dwight D. Eisenhower'• Bryant said a large dog jumped over a esUlte has listed auets valued at '278,3". ftnce to get at the victim. con1!1tin1 mainly of stock lnvaatments Bryant said more than 2,000 employes and 2'3 head of cattle. Jn the San Francisco (postal) Region The lnvtntory fiJtd In Adams County reported anlma1 attacks, primarily dog Court did not Include an appraisal . of bite, last year. This includes Callfornia, royaJUes from the late presJdent's b«>kl,-Nevada and Hawaii. --. -- ne4s Open N:ew Raids· ' ' . . · ·'Jlwo $aigon·f.~lice St.a~~w Hit ·'?J Giwrril~ • • ' SAIOO!f (lJPJ) ~ Communist troops a -;~ jliliona ln!fde~Sall'ir this marn!JIJ llnd'ilie1Jed 61 Allied targels: 1Cro$1 the War sone ln ibeJl' strongest ortar lllin'®tcet"ittlcb"lif!Wo monlbi. ., The U.S.~ and South Vietnamese Jfll- erals~co~qg the defense of Sai&on 1aid ft -:u Ptrt of the winter~ offenah'e wbleh, they said, ~Id MOft .. dl!I' JUll before Presideni Nlxoo a speech ·on VIet:nam. . · · , Lt Gem .. Julian Ewell and Do Clo Tri said they expected the offensive lo last 60 days and be Jess intense than previous drives whose eventual target was Saigon. The commanders of the 1 t provinces iround the capit.a1, Ewell and Tri pre- dicted failure for the offensive, currently Robin Oliver, Tom Murphine May Go Abroad l.quna Beach Higb School studerts Robin D. Oliver, 17, and Thomas H Murphine, 15, have been aelected locauf !or the Americans Abroad Program of the American Field Service (AFS), The two, picked from 18 outatandlng finalla:ts, will now enter a nationwide compeUtlon for study in one :or the partlclpaUng countries, according lo Mrs Milan Chiba, Americana A b r o a .d coordinator. Students 'etlosen live with a family in a foreign country and continue their adlOOI· ing Iii th4t couiltry. Mn. Chiba said finalllts Jn the 1970 .~. tionwide comj>eutlon are selected in the sprtng 'Md must ibide by the placement decision of AFS -IntemaUonal in New York. Swnmer and year.Jong study pro- i:rarns are offered in boih the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Last ye.ar's Laguna nominees, Kathleen Collins and Joan McMahon, are on year· Jong study programs in New 1.ealand and Gennany. Miss Oliver, an attractive blonde senior and outstanding student, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blair Oliver, 505 Anita St. She is chairman of the AFS Student Club and is a member of the ~jerra Club and California Scholarship Federation. . Proficient in Spanish and French, her hobbies include hiking and playing the guitar. She has applied for the school pro- grams in either the Northern or ~uthern Hemisphere,. · --, : ' Mufliblne-a iul!lor, Ii 'the ion of Mr. and Mrs. ThQml! A. Murphlne o! %'.! St. Ann's Drive. He I~~ excellent student and athlete. He b atudled Spanish and French. " ~ ; Active 1n football, l>ueball. track and' surfing, he is a member of~\he Key Club, Auto Club and Medical Explorers. He has applied for the Americans Abroad sum· mer program and' in both year-long school programs of the two hemispheres. Mrs. Chiba said students are placed ac· cording to family compatibility rather than choice of country ~ knowledge of language. Poll Shows Most threatening a •ltiDC of Allied bases ·•IOnl .ler . ps ta "*"""' them ,In "'t'!'" UieCiffitiOdJanboraer. ro~~~fightin..-of4he~---v "Some of the enemy's attacks lh1i • • 19'8 Tet olfemiY~ tnd the May <lfemlve ek ba bee f bl • .. •~· thr,. ·lllOnlhs taltf. The commandos we ve n_so ee •~Xll!LTl~mn.l_Uj1<d.-P-loulpeaken-for1he poU...--1- ve known they were even..meant ta. be men to~ surrender . attacks wileu you had learned about The et oVunigbt mortar and rocket them bl intelligence rtpotta/1 Ewell uld. ftacb w.-e the most ab:lce 1J on $t:pt. 5. At least 100 sappers aneiked into the Light over.all damage. w11 reported, capital during the oilhl !or:thelr attacU wllh moll of the caaualllta l\JUered In on the· ~ ouU;Jng 1 poUee atitlona, the Mekong Delta· south of SaJ&On. Two touchll'( off the bioviest'flc!>Ung !nalde 'Americans were killed and "1 wounded. the capital since Miy,~1-· ' ._.. ,. . Headquarters AJd other Vjet. Cong One of the thrusts penetrated one and North Vletna.mese troops attacked station but both were thrown back, with a South Vietnamese unit 31 miles norlh- military spokesmen reporting t.Qree guer--west of the capital early today but were rillas slain. One policeman wu killed beaten back with 84 killed. One govern- and eigbt were wounded. ment trooper dled and nine were The policemen called in U.S. beUcop-wounded. Fnm Page' I Et MORRO WRECK • •• Dr. William Ullom, achoo! board pres!· dent Larey Taylor, El Morro principal William Allen and tWo partnt.11, Mra. J amu Penney and 1rfrs. Bruee Cai'lon. Alter rldlng a achoo! but In and out of the school'• highway 'entrance, ~ said, -.. I can't bind the state, but I can almost guarantee that we can do several lhinp. It must be kept In mind that we must represent both the users of the highway and the ulety of school children." Russell said he had discussed the El Morro traffic problem with As.u:mblyman Robert Badham, who visited the school last nionUi to examine the situ.aUon. On the basis of th... dlscusaiona and his own lnspecUon d. the area, Russell said he would make the following recom- mendation : -Installation of a cantllevered ovei"head traffic alert sign with a double, "bouncing ball" yellow flll!her on each side of the school entrance, at a distance of about t,000 feet. The sign could be marked "School Bus Crossing" and could be activa~ed by a time clock, switch, or treadle trip, {lS needed by the school dur· ing school hours and evening p?Qgrams. -Provision of an aceeleraUon lane (cer.ter highway) for the school bus entering traffic lanes, either by re- painting existing lanes or widening the 'Trust Buster' Arnold, 78, Dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Thurman W. Arnold, famed trust buster of thd-.New Deal era, died today at his home in nearby Ale1andria, Va. He wu 78. Arnold was a partner in one of Washington's prestigious law firms - Arnold · and Porter. An earlier partner was Abe Fortas who severed his con- nection with the firm when he was named to the Supreme Court. Fort.as later resigned from the tribunal under fire. As an assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department's an-· titrust dlvisi.on from March 1938 to March 194.1, Arnold instituted 230 suits -more road. --checklng and, U pollllble ralalnr the grad9 where the bWI stops before en· tering the highway. -C.OnsideraUon of a further reduction of the !peed limit ta 45 miles an bour. Llmtt recenUy WU cut from &5 to IO mJlell an boor. , -Moving existing fla!her algnl, which are located too close to the echool en· tranCJ. AU of this work would be done at the l!xpense of :the state, sc}\ool offldala were tole!. Completlon time for all the recom .. mendaUons would'be about four months, Goldin said, though some of it-: a traffic check and repainting an acceleraUon lane -could be done right away. The state daea .nol want lo put Iii a slop 1Jgnal II th)$ t)rne, the engineers said. Possibility of a mutual entrance for the school and El MorTO Trailer Park also was discussed. Russell said the combined traffi:: volume from such a concentration might justify a signal. Taylor ~d he would contact the par!( owner and lniUate diacussiom with state and coonty representatives. Expressing his thanks to the engineers, Ullom said, "Naturally we would hope for a traffic signal, but we appreciate your problems. You are the expert!." Although there bas been no accident in- \'Oiving a school bus at El Morro School, there have been a number of 11nnr misses" according to school officials. On the dangerous El Morro curve, just south of the school, six persons have lost their livf<') in the past four years. Dorothy Parker Funeral Monday Funeral services will be held Mmlday for . Dorothy Katherine Parker, 21).year Laguna Beach residen~ who died Thurs· day at her home, 1963 Catalina St., at the age of 74. Dr. Ellsworth Richardson will officiate at the 2 p.m. rites in the Community Congregational Church. ' Mrs. Parker, a native of Iowa, has no surviving relatives. She was the widow of Roher1 Parker, a photograpby lnstruct0< who died in 1944. Britons 'Need' Queen than the total in the previous so.year history of the Shennan AnUtrus:t Act. A writer of short stories and Jijht verse, l\IIrs. Parker was.active in civic af. fairs in Laguna and was a member of the Supreme Chapter PEO, the Republican Woman's Club, C.ongregational Church. Garden Club, Laguna Beach Art Alsoda. lion, Laguna Beach Woman's Club, Friends of tbf! Library and the Soulb Coast Community Hospital Association. LONDON (AP) -Queen Elizabeth 11 Earlier, Arnold resigned a lifetime job has rectlved a one-sided vote of con-as a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals fldence from subjeels who took part in ac for the District of Colwnbla because it n~tional opinion poll asking whether~ri· lded no compeUtive activity. ta1n needs her. . ·Ma trust buster, Arnold grappled with The Dally Mall published the giant business interests the medical pro- which was in the queen's favor by 84 per· fession, labor unions, rOOd producers, and cent to 16 percent. even other government agencies. l .. f)., .• "1 I Burial will be private, Sheffer Laguna Beach mortuary directors. It's Portuguese. ElfonCJ~, th• furniture' af romenttc influences1 quiet •l•ne• 1.d 1vbll1 i....,1y .• , by 0r ••• 1. YOUl LOCAL DIA1llS llOl DUXIL • MINUDON • HWTl •• E NEWPORT 1'1-CH 1727 Wllfc!Jff D•, 642-205<1 OPIH MIDAY 'Tll t INTDIOU Proltnlo111l lotorlor Doll1Mro Avolltbh>-'AID-NSID LAOU~ llACH a.IS Hor1h Cooot Hwy. .,,... ,. •• ,'Tit' ..... '"' .............. c..., Ml•JJQ . ...... , a S percent interest in six LOui&iana aas All local attteks are reported to the wells and a onHichleenth intertat in a Orange County Animal Shelter for ln- ttact of land in Jefferton County, Colo. vesUgation, hn·ant said. He asked The largest &Ingle Item In the l'nventory coo1>4raUon of dog owners for the sake· o( was 1,473 lharea of Marriott Corp. COM-postal employes and txpediUon of· mail mon stock valued at ftl,793. delivery. •---------------------------------~------ I ' I I 7 ' 7 ~·..i ..... • • .. • • ' ;r-.-.... -.. • .. .... . ... - I I ! To4a)"'• l'Dal • • N.Y. 'Steeb • yqc. 6;,.NO, 2 . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI ' 1· • ·" . ' ·-. . Morro • • l . Car Flips; Mom,. 5 !(ids Bruised , DAILY PILOl ...... k ....,, ,_,.!Ilk. MESA WOMAN'S CAR HAU~ED AWAY AFTER ROLLING OVE R: IN EL MORRO CURVE Stet• Hl9hwey Au!flor~ln Visit Duth-0.ellnti lend Shor:tl y.Altor CrHh S ji&rse Crowd Gat'8.ers . Local Contro"ls Cited For City of Dana-Capo By PAMELA HAUAN h1 decision ·makina .bodie3 of govem~ Of ... DlllY .... Slaff ~Jent ."'~ ~ -"-l-J ollaln Wal the . 11je °';i."%1~·w~1h41 ....... ~· llllill * sd ·!IJr•M;o•es of tlt!I or 'mldajtlol -Dana '!'Oint.captdnno • Be o • h In-_ like;,,,.. .~Ji Bay ond vonri Illy "*'*"-·In ~night's pub)ic Which "p,...oted a visual\\ad phyalcBI -~JlonJ-tilirrier to the·--·· ' .• ... I'.. "The ·next Uilng •• \"'" ..... oiltdders -le JJrom Die""~ to heJr ,..,.... 'NYing 1e1'1 ~i-°"' l>Mcllh •tlmii-kl!' !ncorpo'rOllon pml!nted by .ncl .... Ill< and _ .. It ... l,000 boat Ali:r Lab and Dr. Rk:hard 6anderl0fl. oWners. ·fOl' a harbor'," continued Lake. ·"l'ct Uke tb deSttibe a series of events "We have DO saY about the lize, shape or lffedtng our area aver which we have no ~Xits. We have no aay about ocean control," said Lake. '''The i'!aaon we have no control is beaches for our children and for us. beoaD11 we are not properly represented :"Through pressure, we flna11y · were Committee Asks • Direction on Lag una Library :Memberl of the "action committee'' oppointed by the City Council to speed pl1n1 for a new LaKUna Beach library ai:e.JK* sure just what "action" is expec. te do{ them, chairman Clifton Nichois told the council Wednesday. To fonnallze appointment of the ll· member committee, made following a library study session last week, coun· cilman Otarlton Boyd introduced a mo-- tion at the regular council meeting outlinlna: functiO!W of the committee as : -To compare sltes on which the library may be built, Including user, in· formatk>nal, structural, timing and economic feuibllity, and to determine lhe optimum JocaUon. -To establl!h the feasibility ol forming a separate library district. as compared to contlnulnc with the present coonty libl"3I)' program. -To preient a report on~ findings to the Clfy Council within 3(1·days, "Man)'. of ,Lll wonder," Nichols told the council, "if you seriously expect us to do this sort al a job in 30 days. It took &he counly a whole year to· complete Its site study. You ~II.us to,'go .to work' but go t:iven-a tiny beach, a 1wimmlng hole In reality. It will probably be contam· ioated." .Ile cites a tw~year drive for a traffic signal ~t the comer of Coast Highway and Del Obi.po Road u ll10Cher ewnplo of neglect by county government. He ·said !hot m<ithers Ind children hod to s-id.et the iDtersec:tion betore the s~I WU inslalted so ihat It """1d be we to cross the street. But he alleged that tbe only reason that the signal wu then provkled was beca'uae a corporation needed u..· signal to proi.ct tt5 trucks during a·coostrucUon project at that site. Re listed tl)e fight against the Coast Freeway, which area residents ftad to 1eave up to the incorporated· &l'UI and t.'te lO!s of Salt Crtek as two more' event.,: whtctr dlrectly affect the people of his area. Lake next focused hb attack on the South Coast Scenic Improvement Project 11aving that their decision to widen GOiden Lantern Street would obliterate (See CITIES, P op Z) R'uss Leader to Visit Cuba in Next Week MOSCOW (AP) ~ Sorie\ Deleme M1ni11er AndrOI A. G-ko wlU via~ Cube within the next ...U, it WU llll- nou!JOed olllda1I)' today. ne ~ aakl an lnvitation for the "official frilnd1y visit" wu mlde by Armed For<es MJnlater Raul Cutro. Trustees V Qte Against Ne w Curriculu111 Opposition to a proposed new social science curricu1um for California public schools wu voted Thursday by Oraoge (:o\IUty ~ o( ~Uon trusleel. ·'The ..... stat• lnlin.....t lot ...iii acience tea~ is designed lo put more ero?:hula on student inquiry, on in- ttnllaoipllnory study and on I b t b'w:viOrel ldenctj:." ·eoa;cf riiembers Cl--_y Mitchell of South Laguna, Dr. Da1e Rallison and Dr. Doris Araujo, all political conservaUves, voted f~r 11 resolution suggesting the proposed curr,culwn be reWritten. ':'rustee Don Jordan, who ha! clashed often with the comervative board ma· jority, said he has looked into the pro- posed curriculum and found nothing mysteri01.U about it. He abstained rrom \.·-it1ng. Mit.chell, on several occasions, has •JlOlo'n opinst the proposed cwriculum cutllne, NYiDa:·it appears to be senai.Uvity b'abting, Tne Stale Board of Education still Is reviewing the proposed cun1l:u1Um for gr!des kindergarten through ·11 that could go Into effect next fall. The resolution adopted by the county .. board was prepared by Carroll Creighton, f1rmer coordinator of soClal scteoces and now research director for th! county srhools office, with the endorsement of County Supt. Dr. Robert Peterson. 'the resolution will be sent to 'school board! within the county for raliOcation and to the state board. It states: -T~ need fq_r instruction in the tradl· tlonal dlsdplllies of hiJtory, political !clence, economics and geography be re· afflnned whlle giving pf9per emphasis to the behavioral sdencts of sociology, p.!ycholoCY and anthropology. _--Concentralion on basic .skills within a iubjed. discipline be given high Priority and concern with teaching the 'IOcial sciences from an lnterdiaclplinary ap- proach be rt-eValuated. -Emphasis be placed on a variety oC tea<-hing methods rather · than over· emphasizing the inquiry or discovery method. • .. 87 8ARIAllA-1IJIEIBICll_ Oftltil DllW ........... OnJ1 boun before state hichway e~ on1ved ot El M'orro School to e.flllllne ,the lwanloul b'~ liWolioJI on Coast Highway near the schooJ, a young Cotti Mesa mother and her five-- pre-school children mlroculoualy escaped serious Injury in a frightening acciednt on rain-aUck El Morro curve. Swervin( to ovold o-vehlcle dl .. bled ·in an earlier m1oor colliaion, Mra. Sharon Loulae Goodmon, 13, ol llt.Albort P!e<t, lost control ol her car Ii I.be 'drove north m1 tbe highway at 7:50 a:m. 1be vehlc~ rolled ..,., on the downblll pwle, coming to ~ on Its olde In the cinW' nortb- bound lane ol Coat Hlgbwoy •• - Mrt. Goodmon • ond her chlldren, Donald and Ronald, 4-yeor-old twinl. James, 3, Ruuell, tt montha and, Gary, 6 months, were removed from tbe 1'1"Cked vehlcle by C1llfl>rnla Hlghwoy Patrol of. .licers Ind ambulance olteodanla Ind Laguna Play house . Leaks taken to Hoeg MemorJal-HOspitaJ, where it was found Ibey had Sllflered onl)"mlpor laceraUons and bruises. . "We-were able to send-them all home {lofter treatment.~. a ho§Plta1 swte.man safd. "They were un!Sellevably lucky." On Thursday aftem<ion. G. L. ltulleD, traffic englneer from Sacramento and A. K. Goldlri, traffJc engineer for D11lrict 7, Wtth offices In Los ,Angelea, tnt:t with Laguna Beach Superintendent of Schools (See WRECK, P ... II' First S·torm of Season Lashes. .Orange Coast The rainy season, Southern Callfomla"a 1ubstttute for winter, came in like an enraged lion Thursday, bringing with it danger, destrucUon and damp discom· lort. While the Orange Coast managed to co1ne through lhe first storm of the !ieason with its head above water -more than two inches of It -other areas of Orange County_ and Southern Caillornia were not so fortunate. Ov~ · 1.00 storm-related actjdeints ca1J&.. ed 45 tnJ111i .. tn o u.boor 1r.r11c toll !hot 11ll¥ be ·a . record for the county's COlllomla 'fll&liway Potiol, AIM ropalr bills for motorist5 ore upecled I!' total more tliln fll,llllll, ~ l1lOI\ of the et1lll1l<n W'Wt of a minor nature .... Alon&, the ~ eo.t, riinloll up J.o IAIN~ALL lAILa CllW Co111 AMtl 1+ew11on BeKll L•UM le1th HIJl'lllA!llon 811cl'I F01.1n!1l11 VlllQ' Wntmln•h!r $HI Illich L .. Uflt L-1iUr1 World lrvl.W l:lndl Lqune Nlluel ; Anlhelm G•nltn G11M1 S.n Cltmentt.• s.n11 M9 . ..,"' ..... 1.1 1.1 2.0 J ,OJ 1.1 '·' 1.• '·' 1.tJ '·" '·' "' 1.6 IA 2.J 2.4 2.U 2.•I J.J J,.I '·'' I.ff I.I 1,1J 1.U 22.1 1.f7 I.ft L11I Yr ·" "' "' •• •• .~ •• "' ·" "' .c ... J5,1G ... Impeachment Studied Agaimt Justice Douglas WASHINGTON (AP) - A number of Republican House members are con- sidering bringing impeaclunent pro-, cffdlnp against Supreme Court Justice Wiiiiam 0. Douglas, Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R·Mlch.), said today. Ford, leader oC hll party In the House.. said no declslon has yet been reached whethtt to offer an impeachment reaolu· tion. "It would be premature," Ford said, replying to quesUons relayed through bis office. "At this stage It Is a preliminary staff nperatk>n ••• We are reviewing all the facts In the case." A !!pokesman for Douglas said he would have no comment at all. Ford said that, so far as he Is con-- cerned, the declAlon should not depend on whether the Senate conflnns or rejects President Nixon's nomination of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth to the Supreme Court. Bu t he added that If Haynsworth is r~ jected on ethical standards, "then the same standards should be applied to all members oC the Supreme Court." Douglai has been under fire because of his service, which he ended this year, as salaried officer of the Parvin Foundat- ion of Loe An1e1e1 , which received aome funds from 1ambllng Interests. Ford said recent additional disclosures about the FoundaUon and bu5ineues associated with Jt Inspired the new Republican effort. "Recent revelaUon1 are what touched it oU," he said. "It Js a research opera. tion related to these new, revelaUons. We have not made any decision whether to proceed wfth impeachment proceedings." Ford said it ls Inaccurate to dtlcrfbe him as the prime mover, but that a number of Republican members whom he described as serious and responsible, but declined to name, had consulted bim about the effort and that he Is keeping in touch with them. • Services Slated For Dr. Hoffman, 39-year Lagunan l"uneral services will be held Saturday for Dr. David Ripley Hoffman, 71, retired dentist who had been a resident of t.acuna Belch for 31 years. Dr. Hoffman, 537 Legion St., died at South Coast Community H o s p I ta I .Wed.'lesday after a p-olonged lllness. cut' off power t.o 2,800 homes and aome qounty telephones were pu' out ol com· tnission by water seeping 1nto cables. At least two motorists died in storm-related accidents near Carson and Ventura, while mudslides closed many coutal hlghway1 to the north. . Costa Mesa police repm1.ed 11 ac- cidents over the i4otiour period, not. aU retaled to the rain .. HavlOot lloodlng wu reported In tho -.port ol tbe dty, porticlllar)Y at Falrvtow Rbod wbiali beWnt ¥frtu81'rlvtr ~ ~L • How Jlich ?abs loll doWiMwri c:oolihot be detmnlned -we.thor ""~ lodOJ foapd .lha __ , ....... t the dty hall - .. ., NeWpoil Boulovonl ·ol lltb ilnoet ,111,ee, ~ .P ... I) Haynsworth Foe Claims Violation Of Federal Law WASHINGTON (UPI) -The ""41lng Senate opponent of Cl=· F . Haynsworth Jr. as a Supr ""Court judge prepared a report today . the South Carolina judge wl~ federal law and judicial ethlci.-.1 · · .. A · prtliminar, drift of o S...te Judiciary Committee. minorllf,r...,,t by Sen. Birch Bayh. ([).Ind.,) COallnded Haynsworth "'failed to compij! with federal law In admlnlsterlnj .,. prol\t- sharlng trust and he dJsp!.ayed~~\Dcll: of candor in testimony before tills com· mittee.'' The draft also said of President Nllon'a nominee: "He sat on cases Involving lltJgatef In which he had a financial interest; he purchased stock in corporations ' apt to appear before his court; he sat on cases involving CllStomera of a corporatlOn Jn which he was a major stockholder and for wblch he served as a director. and {~~::~l~e:~'. .~e sat on cases iDvolviD& A majority ,.port by Judlclary com- mittee members favoring Haynsworth also was being prepared, challen1lng the charges mlde by criUcs of the f~erat appeals court ·Ju!lce' The ·c:ommltt.e ap. proved Haynnorth 10 to 7. Seoate debate on the nomination Js expected to begin Wednesday or Th.ursday. of next week. or .. ge 1--to work to do what?.How .can we possij>ly put toptbel" a ~ 1!ke ·t11~ with no staff and no budget?. I WU· disappointed Jn the motkln 'ybol odopled tonlghL i thought we would get. tome Instructions. Mayh 1 just don't understand what it Rai·ns ;Emptying Canyon SerVlces will be conducted at 11 a.m. by Dr. Dallas Turner lD the chapel of Pacific . View Mortuary in Corona del Mar. 'Ibere will al10 be aervittea con- ducted by the Laguna Beach Masonic Lodge. Dr. Hollman belonged lnlUally to Lbe Masonic Lodge of. Denning, New Mex. lco. 'l'he family has suggated that friends ~ may make contribution• to· lhe American c:ancer Society or lhelr fav<rlte charity. ' Weatll,er Old Min" Weather'• just catching his second wind today. He'll aock it , to the · Orange Coast' Saturday with another ....... 1 storm, push- ing the temperatures down a few notches •. means." Vedder llOld the council did not erped L vo1umlaoJu report from the commlttte. "Maybe we can dMK9e something. that alrtldy ha been mvestigated and move OD It," be suggested. Councllmln Richard Goklberg added. •iwe chca-)'OU ~ because you ieem· ed tno1t c:onctmed and most dlstreaed by the foci !hot yoo•,. not getting .., actm. W• felt you people who are to deeply lnlerested mlght fmd a IGlullon. Uke where there'• a wUI there'• a way." '"Rlen We could llOl't of tel our own goals!" ~ Nlcbot!. "And. maybe make a Vflr/ short report?" Y eddel' said o short report would be (1ne If It .contained a feasible solution. Memberi Of the committee, in addition to Nlchi)ll, are Wtlllam Wilcoien, Clifford cave. \lemon S(lltulert, Fred Brtqo, Jomes Dilley, Donne llemetrlad .. , Dick Clark, Qllrlton Boyd and Al Autry. Resident,s Fear R epeat of Last Yea r's Flooding The fains are cominc. The people are golq. The omk -ay<omoN· loavn In Si~ verodo C8n)'lft-an. ~ wllh-the dlan(e ol ......,., ..i tile _, left on ti. ram:nped ~ lllnce lut win-ter> ... ~ .,main. . ~linl dol£n tlle"zwrow, IMO. like cany0n 1n the Sollli ,Ana M~mlol .... the wont clel.P lsf.-,..-.•-• out the people, 1llo the !tall COft51t11Ctlona they had mode. The ame occurred In odj_,t Mod· jnka canyon. and tt ..., o month before tl)e flood and mudslide refug.., could return to an thlt w11 left of their homes. Fl~ more than • S<Ore obeJ. tered in the $Uverado Canyon Fire -StaUon· when an almotHUent mudslide -:> cascaded down the hill behind-had been laid lo reiL • - Thtte was only work and little rest for thole wbo dJd return. ' "We're all a1 nervOtll u ca.ta OI a hot th\ rool wbll with winter comtnr .., and ma,M D1Cft rain," says Claude Couey, •lso fomld 18 lncbtt of mud in lzla.· hclno 1111 year. · ~ . ~1We:"ve done all we can, but Itel It'• not enough." "U it rains real han\ It will bring the ume mlttry and dfftn1Ction1" SOJi C..rl Nelson, operatJons erlgineer fC?r. the Orange County Flood Control Dlilrlct. The C9Unty spent more than ffll>,000 on rood repoirs and the ji>b 11 borely begun as tpe dark clouds of winter loom over the one-time silver m1nln& re;tou. I For 250 families, those clouds have no a11ver lining. They bitterly reeall last February. when tht ·roar of Marine 'COips bellcop. ten evacuaUnt them Crom the cold .. wet h<ll of. CllJ>YOll . living cir-<odt' tk comtant c1rwnm1nc o1 COllltasJt rain. "A lot .of P"'ole ore -.ged," ..y. the Jlev. a-Burk,•pulOr of • tho Sllvorodo Co{nmunlly Chl1rels, ··-~ve left aJl!I will never i:etupi.'' · Sllvendo Canyon .bat one oPtimist, w1-•modern home stands 'fii1h on I -loundaUon •nd steyod dry ll$t winter._ lhe only pne. "We were .vtry fc;iitunate.'' 'says Mrs. Bob Cochran, a 40-yea r. resldeiit -a canyon rat a1 tht?y 11ay-whose neighbors (Sec SILYERADO, Pt10 II Survivors Include the widow, Dorothy W. or the family home and a brother, Stuart S. of Pueblo, Colo. • Mo derate Quake Jars H-bonibed Aleutian . . . ' 'ANCHORAGE, Alt1ka (UPI) ~ A , "moderately atron&" earthquake oo--. curred 'l'hursd07 ot>out 80 miles from the Aleutian Island when Ule U.S. exploded a • one-megatm hydrogel\ bomb o montll , ago. .r. . It was felt onl7 sllgilUy at !lie -populated. aN!a,· AdU Naval Statioft. where a N~vy spo~esman aal<l the)' were co~med aboul heavy wlnda wh"" have t b<Jffei.d the . lsla11(1 this .w~, ,11 : rt&Jslercd 5.8 on tho l!tchtu icale. ! . INSmE TODAY -Thi big flap over · "Flopping E~le.. led to lndlani oeitino ";td power" in HoUf/lbOOd. See tM iUu.atratcd feature in tod411'1 I W "ktndtt, -" .-. ' CltMI~ ft ... •-n ·-" --' =: .... l "111'1« 1•11 "41mCHt 14 """ ......... ! 1J Mii... • .. .,. .... l.ic-i ' .,. J, .• ......~ ,, ".-.& -w --' --" . ............ .....,.. tl-11 , .... ~ •n ·-" ,.....,, 11·• .. _ . ....... w ............ ,,,,, ••••111t1F IWf ' -. ----\ \ . f DAllY PllOT C • . -Ft••• Pep I ~ -~-,.. .emES~ .. propoiV .. -alae: that their Idea lo ,_,,.. Coul HIChwoy wwld bolale Dana Point's cmunerclal aru: and that by mllJDJ. "1 t:1prasw1y of Laauna Nipol't IJoldOll Lanl<m I --al~ywwldbe•- ·Reds Q ep· New Raids· T~. $aigan Palic.: Statia1:1.$~llit by G~rr-il~ l•b wu_un_ered by J~ O.!Q!m. nor. chalrman of the project, who stress. WOOi! 11,D'll -~wllal_ troopo . l!!m~ ~ •l!'if'I of Allied ~ a10!!1 ........ "'8-11141lt· 111tloa1 ln1Mt. 6'""' ~Gll!lbodlan-billdlr~ - ter l\lftlbipe to. suliPort them In 1ce110S eq,hilscfilt ~ filbtllW .ol Ille . 1911 Tet offensive ind the flay Olfenatvo Une monthli Jattt. Tbt I commudol ·called Umocb lciulpeaken !or Ille pollc:o- .men to surrender. - -ed-lho-lact--that-the commlU..-ooly l'Dlkes 1L1&1estions. Ally act1on would be up ot 1bec ounty and the state and would be pnctded by public heorinp. Dr. Roger Sanderson pr:esenUng £acts aod figures relating to incorporat.loo said that acamllng to the Dean Evans RepOrt, a pre-incorporation atudy mllde two yean ago. the area would be able to collect mo,ooo 1rom busi-1~ sales Ill· es, cl&areU.e tuts and 'other such &OUl"CeS of city revenues. He said that not every city needs a pro-- perty tu but if their area needed it the cilli.ens would still bt paying lea than they are now. "The bllbell •zpenses U!Ually are pGliee, Ore and city facility and salary expense!, .. said Sanderson. "According to our reports as a tjty we woukl. take ln Sl0,000 mere than we would pay out without a property tax. These figures are two ye.an: old, I'm sure it would be more now.-" I He· Wei very few clUea can start out wl!b IZ mllllon ..... ....i valuation and urged hil audience to stimulate people'• In,._ In lncorpo<aUon. One woman uked ll maps had been altored since the Wt lncorporaUcn 111 two years ~o at which time a few large property owners defeated the attempt. Sanderson replied that they had not but that he believed they could sWI get the 50 pircent of ·.-ssed valuation required for tnc«p0riUon. Sanderspn, &aid, "If we're going to in- corporate It must be done now or the op- portunity will be lost for all Ume." Leary, Physicist Trade Barbs at --• I Semiiuir-0ri-Dtugs DAILY.PILOT '"'9 WP• O'DMMI Where There's Snuike Pipe collector Joel Schw.arz of Costa Mesa demonstrates how .all yOu Sherlock Holmes types can ~eep the fire burning in your favorite pipe during a rainstorm. Schwarz often puffs up a storm of. his own .while laboring over a hot typewriter in tha 1JAJLY .PILOT sports department. From Page. I RAINSTORM · •.. 11111 "'°"""' and abelled 61 Allied targtll ....,.. tb< wlr .... In ' tllelr .strongest mortar and rocket attacks In. two months. The U.S. and South Vietnamese gen- erals oomm1qdin1 Ille dere ... of Sa14m 11ld Jt w11 ~ of the wint.r guerrilla pUenslve ,hlcl!, tlley said, began 'Mon-day'Ju~ btfOn J>tesident NilOD's .~ ·on VJetilm. · r-:- LI. Gem. Jullu Ewell and Do Cao Tri , sakt they expected the offensive to 1ut eo days and be Jess intense than previons drives whose eventual target was Saigon. The commanders of the 11 provinces •round the capital, Ewell and Tri JX'e- dic:ted failure for the offensive, currently Robin Oliver, • Tum _Murp_hine May Go Abroad Laauna BeociJ Hip School studenll Robin D. Oliver, 17, and 'lbomas Jl Murphlno, 15, bave beio oelecled locally for the Amerteans Abroad Protram of th• Amulcan Fl•ld Service (AFS). Th< two, picked lrom 10 oulllandlng fi~. will now enter a nationwide competition !er study In ..,. of the partlclj>alllle cowrtrles, -g to Mn. Milan Ollba, Americans A bro ad coonllnator. Studenll fllOllll lln witll a family In a rore1p coui1li'y Ind coallnue tb<lr ICbooJ. Jng In that countey. Mn. Clllba Mid llnallals In the 19'111 ... tlonwlde competition are seleded In the :spring and must abide by the placement decision of' AFS International in New York. Summer and year-long ltudy pro- gi'e:rris ate-offered In both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) _ Dr. brbken by vandals. The instrument wa1 Montank, 33, or San Luis Obispo, who Last ye.o.r's Laguna nominees, Kathletn ~---'-·--u h'·' 'est • repaired. died in a skid crash on Highway 101 north Collins and' Joan McMahon, are on yw. u;'cb;g ~~;ch:ged'A'~~ wtf~ .ln {'fewpod ·Beach',· police were ~ept of Ventlµ'a. ' long study programa in New Zealand and Univenlif ~r Cillfomla physicist Dr.' hoppjrig by a dozen minor accidenta, aiz Leroy w. Allen, 56, of M\ra Loma, a Gennany. Hardin B. Jonea during a teenagm' drug of them niinutes apart early Thursday' pasaenger in a cal' caught in a rocklllde Miss Oliver, an attractive blonde senior aeminlr 1bund8f. · afternoon. There was no flooding or and knocked down a 300-foot incline In and outstandlng ltudent, is the daughter Hardin told the meetjng that be Uiought horn~ and the. Harbor Department San Bernardino County near Running of Mr. and Mrs. Bl8.ir Oliver, 505 Anita the Amerl~ drug culture has caused as" reported all boats \Vere secure. Springs, was k!Ded. Driver P a u I St. many cuuaijJel· Is· jhe Vietnam war. bhe casualty of the stonn·was the West nturston, 34, of Riverside, escape(! with She is chairman of the AFS Student ''And the man most responsJble for this Is Newport .saDd haul,,whicb was'stalled for serious injuries. Club and is a member of the Sierra Club the man to tn:J left,'-' the pramiDent Iden-three 4ay1 by tl)e ~ard-pounding raln. But Southern Califomiam: today were af. and California Scholarship Federation. tilt Aid, indlCftlng Lury. . flOO!d. control officials declared the pro} !orded a respite from the weather's Proflclenl in Spanish and French, her Lury reUrtfd. ••or. Jooer llyt: be ii a ect would. continue Monday whether or wrath, but wea~tn said a new front hobbles jnc1ude biking and playing the aclentilt. l'G llbilo aee U.·tvldence fer. not lbe coast mffered another storm over advancing from the northwest might iultor. She has applied fer the school pro- lhaL" Iha 'f«l\end.-. . dump heavy ralll •la!D SaWUy. l1'UI!' In ·either the Northern or Southern When_,...,.'-hitr~ "fillilllilllcs..·Bildl llOls. .. .,,, •callld. . · • ... · : . . Henuaphcru. he could ....,,_,...r-dl'llP'IPhe lilt' dil"ill""!\/~~ chftll' lliti '1 · .v ... r{ lii,¥<,t.'· '' ·-~ .-111Dkt; ls\fbl loo ol Mr. ...., -bboalal wltll tl\em, the· stonn.' none of '1!1fcb were r<ported Co j} (;! · •nd Mn. Thomu A. Muiphl .. ol lQ SI. pbyidclat aald, "YCl!I don't bav~to.l!ofl ·lllrioul4,ln ~ hlih water do&-UllC . k'llp~ . Ann'a Drive. He ts an ""' .. ' studonl ~~=;~·~--·,~~= E' ... ~.,8 . £·'\>''~'. , ~~~ha:~~nlsh and During the· , au.Ddod •r --;1'l'4 '7!1ursc!ar. ..,, , J:'·t21U\t . ...:.O -ArLS AcUv< In lootball, *" . track and high school joUrnallsm ltudeots Ind their Tht watet found Its way into LI "'' surfin&; be 11 a member of Uw: Kty Club, advi&en, Leary was the target of most ot Beach's new $500;000 Laguna·MiJuJtao. La d A • . • Auto Club and Medical Explorers. Ht has the qu.,Uoos."AQed wl\ill he would ao u Playhouse, r!iJni'ap \o !our lncbea beloie • fi f'ITl11 ~lti0ll opplled' lor the Am<rlc0111 Abroad sum- U.S. attorney gentfal, ·ht s8.1d violerice It was contalned.-The flooding was blarD-·~ . :-~-mer program and ' in bo\h year·long was the one crime for which be'd jail ed on 8 roof drain clogged with acorn~. LagMa Beach clty couocllm"en voted sCbool programs of the two hemispheres. anyone. Elsewherf: ;.n Laguna, rain del.ayed con-Wedneiday to go on record as suppo~ng Mrs. Chiba said atudents a,e placed ac· From Pege I SILVERADO. • • Poll Shows Most structiop of ~city'& maJar storm drain "' buQder Bernard s~·s ~al that the cordin& to family compatibility rather chann<I In Ille downto!m ·ma.· At'-llii S F<ativil o1 Aria ailiet tb< City ln tho than cholc< or couiltry or lm<>wledge ol curve in 'Laguna Canyon Road, ·\Taler purchase of fO ParCets of land fronting on language. flooded over 150 feet, halting travel te.m· Woodland Drive for use as a recreation porar:ily.. Jlfo . major accidents were a,rea. reported In th< city. S)'lan 11Jggested th< property would be have been aaYini farewells over moolhl. t.he . Outside the. 9f'!Ulge Coast area, wet suitable for tennis courts, thereby releas- ~vement was blamed tor the deaths of. ing the present Irvine Bowl Pirk· courta Willlam Tolliver, 51, of Paramount, killed for Festival use, and pouib1y also could Britons 'Need' Queen LONDON (AP) -Qu ... Elizabeth II hu received a ont-&ided vote of con- fidence from iubjtctl who toot .part in a national opinion poll asking whether Bri· lain needl her •. For Sale a1inJ dot the winding, .r<con- 1tructed OID)'Un road. " "A flood like that comes once In a century," a&)'I Mr10 Cochran. "It won't happen apla bore.-Not like lhaL" M.llly ~ .cltlttnl won't risk her ~ai~ are coming. Tbey ... , ..... Reelected hy Liberals CANBERRA; Allltralla (AP) -Prime· Minlater John Gorton overcame two challenprs today to win rHlection as leader of the J,iberal pert)' and assurance that he will remain head of lbe govern- ment. ~ eo.t.n PUallH .... CCIMMlllY ••..,N.W•N _ ... _ JKk l. C..fey Vb ........ __ .. ..._ n ... , K•ntl ..... TfitfMI A. M•rp~fM _ ..... arclM '· Nill .__ "' -'---2lJ ft,,.1t A•., ""'""" IM1•11a l.O, hi '"9 t211J --e.111 Mlle1 -..., 19Ylf"" _. ING! m1 WW' .............. ..... 111 e.ctl1 --Mr"llll in a collision in canon, and Fred H. be uled for the new School of Art and Laguna Druggist Captured After 70 MPH Pursuit The owner or a Laguna at:ach phannacy \vas arrested on reckless driv- ing charges in Corona del Mar ealy today after a police chase reachlhg 70 p.m.h. on rain·slick streets. Ronald William Pickard, 33, driving a small foreign sedan registered to one of his employes, was taken into custody at 603-0rcbid·Avenue al 1:25 a.m. Pickard is the owner of Park Foreal Pharmacy, 202 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach. Police said Pickard was flnit seen by patrolman at Pacific Coast Highway and Cameo Shores. Offices gave chase. The auto reached 75 mph at Coast Jlighway at Poppy Avenllf: and ran 1 red Jlght officer& said. Then it turned right on PoinsetUa Avenue and sped toward residential area1 at speeds of IO mph. Pursuing officers finally caught up with the vehicle at a driveway on Orchid Avenue after the driver stopped the car and turned th< lilhll out Design· facility. · Respond.Ing ·to a Jetter from Frederick I. Richman who urged the city to support tbe proposal, councilman R i c b a r d Goldberg proposed that the council "lake a posltloo on the matt.er" and urge the Festival to do everything posllible to ac· quire the land. MayOl' Glenn Vedder noted, "There Is quite a bit of low-cost housing in Uilil arta and the city should consider What could be done to accommodate these people." Councilmen agreed to 1end a letter 1up- porting the Syfan prowsal to the Fe&Uval board in Ume for its Tuesday meeting. Curb Your Dog Or Go Pick Up Your Own Mail Nelther sleet, nor snow nor hail shall stop the U.S. Mall but an unleashed dog can . Dogs biting postmen. whether nipping ur a full·!lcale assault, automatically cancels ma.ii delivery to the dog owner until he files a letter with the Post Office stating the animal will be confined during regular delivery oura. This was the word today from E. Jackson Bryant, officer in charge of the Laguna Beach postal system which in· cludt:!s South Laguna and Laguna Hills. Pickard was released from custody shortly after his arrest after posting $188 bail. In addition, said Bryant, the owner must pay !he medical bill for the bitten .., postman. The Dally Man published the poll, "!'hich wu In the queen'a favor by 84 per· cent to 16 pei:cent. ''Some of lhe tntmy11 attacU thll week have been ao fttblt, yiu 'WOUldn·t baye know1Ubey wer.e "'"' mwit lo be attacks unless you hid learned about them in intelll&ence reporu,11 Ewell Aid. At least 100 sappen lll<ated Into the capital duri!ll tl)e nlPt for \beJr altacu on the two .Gltlytnc polkSe ltldons, toucbi!IJ oil.~ hHYleal ftl!llllPI lnllde the caPJlal aln<I 11a7, · 1111. Ono ol the tllrulll )Jf11<1;•1ed ... stailon but both were .thrown back, with military spokesmen repotting three guer· rillas ~aln. Ono policeman .,.., killed and eight were wounded. 1 • Tile polJcemen called Jn U.S. h<licop- The a overnight mo.rtar and rocket ·~ Wife the most since IM on &epL 5. Llibl OV<i'..U damago was ,.,poNd, wlfll -ol Ille -· ""'-lD ' the Mela>ng Delta soutb ol Sllioo. TWo Amlricans w"" kilted and sllFwilonded, il<adquartetl said -• Viet ' <;oi>r and North Vietnamese troopa attacked a .South Vletnameu unit 31 miles nOrtho west of the capital early today but were beaten back with 84 killed. One govern· ment trooper died· andl nine were WOWICled. I' ..... P .. e I • EL MORRO WRECK • • • DC "Wllllanf Ulliin, acbool board pnosl· dent Larry Toyloc, El Morro principal Wllliam•rADen, and two parenbl, Mn. James Penney and Mn. Bruce Canon. Alter rldliit I acbool bul Jn and OUI of the tcbo91'1 billnfay -.nee, -I .aald, "~ caa't bind the state, bUt I cu almool lllWanl« that ,.. can do several th!JliS. It muat ~-kept In mind that we mllll ,.,_I both Ille _, al the bipway ..a lhO lll•ly ·o1 ICbool chlldren." . Rullell said "" bad dilcuaed Ille El Morro traffic problem with Ala<mblyman Robert Badham, ""' Yls!led tb< ICbool la.st month lo ewnin< the situation. .. Ontb<bulsolU-dllcusalonaand his own inlp<ctlon ol Ille area, Ruslell aald hi would Jlllke the lollowlnl ncom- mendation: -lnstallaUon of 1 can l 11 eve r e d overhead tra!flc alert lign with a double, "bouncing ball" yellow flasher on each Eide of the school entrance, at a diltance of about 1,000 feet. The sign could be marked "School Bw Crossing" and could be activated by a tlme clock, IWitch, or treadle trip, as needed by the school dur- ing school hours and evening progranls. -Provision of an acceleration lane (cer,ter highway) for the schoof bus entering traffic lanes, either by re- painting existing lanes or widening the 'Trust Buster' Arnold, 78, Dies W~GTON (AP) -Tburman W . Arnold, famed truJt buster Of the N<W Deal ert, died today al hil home In nearby Ak1andrl1, Va. He was 78. Arnold was a partner In one of Was~gton's prestigious law flrrm - Arnold and Porttr. An earlier partner was Abe Fortas who severed his con· nection with the firm wbeo he was named to the Supreme Court. Fortu later resigned Crom the tribunal under fire. AJ an uatstant attorney general In charge of the Justice Department'• ans titruat division from March 1931 to March IH3, Arnold in.utuled 230 •ul ll -more · than the total in the previous SO.year history of the Sherman AnUtrust Act. Earlier, Arnold restped a llldlme job aa a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Dialrkt of Columbia ·because It provided no compeUtlve activity. Aa 1 trust buster, Arnold grappled with giant business interest!, the medical pro- feulon, labor unlona:, food productn, and even other government agencies. road. -Checking and, U poalbl• ralllni the grade where the bus stops before eo- terlni the highway. · -CollJlddation ol a lurther rodUcllon ol th< epeed limit lo 45 mllo• . .. hour. Lhnlt recently wu cut from 55 to IO miles an hour. .- -Moving exlltlng flasbei "111ps, which are located too cloae to the ICbool en· trance. All of lhil work would be done 1t the upenee m the state, ICbool officiall were tok!. CompleUoo limo !or all Ille ,_... mtndationl would be about four months, Goldin aaid, though some of It -a traffic check and iepalnUng an acceleralloo lane -could be don< rfibt a"ay. Tbe 1tate does not want to put in a stop aignal at this limo, the .. g1nom aald. Possibility of a mutual entrance for the school and El MOrro Trailer Park also was dlscuased. Russe.II said the combined traffl:: volume from such a concentration might justify a signal. Taylor said he would contact the pai:1' owner and inJUate di5cusalona with itate and county representatives. Expressing his thanks to the engineers, Ullom said, "Naturally we would hope for -a traffic signal, but we appreciate your problems. You are the experts." Although there has been no accident in· volving a school bus at El Morro School, there have been a number of "near misaes" according to achoo! oWciall. On the dangerous El Morro curve, just !OUth of the 11ehool, 11ix persons have lost their lives in the past four years. Dorothy Parker Funeral Monday Funeral aervices -.an be held MobdaY for porothy Katherine Parker, 20-year. Laguna Beach resident, who died 1burs· day at her home, 1963 Catalina St., at the age of 74. Dr. Ellaworth Richardson will officia te at the 2 p.m. rites in the Community CongregaUonaJ Church. · Mrs. Parker, a native of Iowa, has nO surviving relatives. She was the widow ot Robert Parker, a photography instructor who died in 1944. A writer of short stories and llght verse, Mrs. Parker was active in civic af .. fair!! in Laguna and was a member of the Supreme Chapter PEO, the Republicall Woman's Club, Congrega.Uo11al Church, Garden Club, Laguna Beach Art Auod• tion, Laguna Beach Woman's Club, Fri<nds of the Library and Ille South Cout Community Hoapital Asaoclation. Burial will be private, Sheffer Laguna Beach mortuary directors. ~ -- It's Portututst. EatorH11 th• fumitvre of romentic lnflu•nc", ~i.+ •l•nc• ind subtl1 IMawty • , • by Drexel. Ike's Estate Value Set at $278,363 Carriers for the Laguna BeTth postal system have been bitten in 24 lncidtaLS in the put 12 month!, said Bryant. TOUl LOCAL DUIQS-DUDI. • ...._. HlllTAH -~.ii '· =•Pl.D't .... ~ .......... .... '11Wi ........... ~ .... -- --· ...... --, __ "-f\o ~:-=~-=---~· ........... .,. ......... v ... ...... ._.,.. 1:'777"¥·~ ............... .,, ... ..... .... .....,. ...., ...... ,,..., ... Cllll.... . . . T JP • t""' ........ ca~. ta· ..... ....,,. ~.-.--c;.-~ :_,,. ................... . ---"' ..... . .......... ..... GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) -A partial lnvenloiy ·o1 Dwlgbt D. Eisenhower's esl.lte has listed as.w:ts valued at $271,'63, cot1&l!ling malllly of stock lnvutments and 143 h<ad ol catUe . Debbie Pl!uir, a petite mall carrier, was bitten on the bicep In one Instance. Bryant said a large dog jumped over a fence to get at the vicUm. • Bryant said m..-. than 1,000 <mployes In the San F;:andoco (postal) Region "'ported anlmai 1ttacks. primarily doe bite, last year. This Includes California, Nevada and Hawaii. "'" ... , ............. -....... ...,..-. ---~~ ............ :.:-:.~-.·c-.r, The Inventory llled In Adams County Courl did not Include an approlHI ol royalUes from the late pmldent'1 boob, a 5 puctnt Interest In six Louisiana gas wells and 1 one-eighteenth Interest in a tract al land In Jefferson County, Colo. The. largest sinc;lt Item in thf: Inventory .was t,473 lharM of -Marriott Corp. com- mon stock valued at '49/193. All local attec.ks are reported to the Orange County Animal Shelter !or Jn- vr:sUgatlon, Bryant said. He asked cooperation of dog ownen for the sake of poolal employes and espedlUon of mail delivery. , NIWPO•T HACH 1727 W-1111 Dr, '42-2050 ONN NJM't' 'Tll. t LAGUNA llACH KS Norfll C:..11 Hwy. °"" ..... , 11t ' "'-, ................ c...., .... 11" _, llJ ........... l\l~ETINGS HOFFMAN Dowld tltlple'/' Hoffnwon. Sl1 U.lol! St,. 1-:;t':,,::,"~'h.w~~ ..,.._, Stutrt s. Heftinan. ~s.r.~u...,,...y, L 11 ~ Pacific Yin nu,_t, Ptdlk vi.. ~ fr'k. FMlllJ' M199nh ttloM ,.. mall• -1a1 GNl"1W- -.. corm1bute' to rM Amff-.... Cane« loc:let'I' er I 11\IVlll cMtv. P1cNk Vllw Mllrfvl t"I', ~ '!'l"'-~ KOEHLER KNiii«. 4JO U.1 RDlll" 11 .. , .. di. 0.1• llf ··"" .. 5. SUMvtcll W Mtlio WIU)lnl .... u-... di. •fld ,,,,.. .--·' \ 400 Million Gallons a Da11 frldl1, Novtmbtr 7, 1%9 Retlaee.t-'rerm8 3~esa Bandits Sent to Prison SANTA ANA-Tbttt )'Olll1I sept. II and ldenltrled u the -Coola-lleu men are.todoy oo lhne .,.. who tooll-llO-at tbelr W~Y..19 • llale_J)Liljll\_guopolnl..f-.lba Latller-Otl term •l WP considertbly Co. tervk:e stltlori at 2JeO commuted because of their Newport Blvd. Wltneues pro- youth. · vlded police wllll a description Superior Court Judge Robert of the •••Y car and the Gardner invoked a Penal Code bandits wen mested at the cllUlf! reserved for youlbfUI Albert Place addreu. offencJers: Thunday when he Dnlc chargea found the sentenced Richard H. Curtin, 1llepd dilcovery by •rrettin.I Ill. one! Danas M. Hensley, u, orrtcon ci ....,.al mall both of 131 Albert Place, ana p1an1i -"" in a corlee WI Raymond'D. Smith, IO, cl 411 . O&le SL to state prison. BAHA'ISI I DAILY PILOT \I JJ NJ'J'ED STATES l\'ATl•NAL BAJ\'K SOUTH COAST PLAZA I RANCH NOW ONN -SATUlllAYS-1 ... 1 MON .. THUIS. NIDAYI ..... 1 .. 1 P.M. IM P.M. 1714J 14M11t ........... t s..--c:..-Allf, \llct Pnl.oM111111r E. H. LEVAN OF COSTA MISA l'lUINT The clause' specl{lea 1 six month& to five years tenn for the.Jr con.victJoa on armed rob- bery cbarps. The prosecuUon dropped charges of culUvaUon of marijuana. Tbe trio was arrested last SPEAKER-OR. JOHN H. STROSSLER THEME-"This Wond•rous D•y" TIME-Nov•mber I 0, 8:00 p.m. BOAT BUFFS PLACE-915 Vlctorie Almon loclr:1Hy 11 th1 only full.t11111 bottl11~ H itor wor•ln9 ·~ Ill'( ntwfp-•r,•r In Or•nt• Co1111fy. Hl1 1xc u1ivt c1v1r•1• of bo11tln9 •ncl y1chtln9 11tw1 It 1 dtlly f11turt of tt.1 DAILY PILOT. ''The prophetic cycle hath, vtril11. ended. The eternal truth b now come , •• " ! s. kllW., S0\1111 A.mtrk•! , Hort-le Sir••· Menl-Serlk"' Mon09y, t PM, ,,,.. ' lt1wn-01nic1111. SMff•t 1..1t1i111ot Mort\11ry, OlrKltra. i KORLIE The Robert B. Diemer filtration plant of the Metr.r ange County distribution lines. The plant was named 0,=:.:.,:.~·~~.=..~ :"21: politan400Wateil!ir. Distric1t of Southern California c an ~ter a former MWD general manager and chief en· , 1<towm11er" survtwd.,. "'°""' treat m on gal ons of water daily, sending gmeer. ':\,.~~ A,:__~·1~11.;:r•=:: __ 1re __ a_te<1 __ w_a_,ter __ 1ro_m_t_h_e_Y:_::.or:.:b:.:•:..::L:::in:::d:::•:..::l•::ci=·=u::tY:..::lo::....:O::r~----------------------­ MC11i. SWVk-.hNrda'f,2 PM. k k llllUNI Bndt (lie,.., ,,_,, IEI T-Dlltrlct Cem-, , D!redtd br Mceomlkk l19UM MMtuery, ... ~ KORLIE 11111\.tm ODii l(orlleo. 2~ W. Ori,,... f ull-11111. 01N ol dMlll, Hi> 4. $vrvl-..f by WIN. Mn. "" l(orllti •lllfV, Mf1. ~ of C)rlnd9, Cllll.1 Nrfi!ll, Mn. Wlllllm Kor119, ol ~:=~E · bY McCornllc:k l.19UNI IHCft 3 Sentenced For Mesa Store Heist SANTA ANA -Three men .. ~; KRUEGER accused of the $190 armed ~. ~"' Krww. "' w. 1ttll s1.. robbery cl a r--ia Mesa a.ti IMM • .-,.,. •1 dttt of •fll. ~ Niwi••• '· 1e..v1ca1 HMIN tt ~' market were c om m it t e d ~ Mortue,.,., C"1• Mew. Thunday to Indefinite terms •1. !.~ ........ -,, -~ tn the California , '!to 'Mm.... 133i12 woecn.11c1 Dr.. Rehabilitation Center at Norco I~ SU..vlvtd 11\1' IMI, J1dt,. of 111M BMClu fr11'1k. 1ndla1 111v. with a Superior Court judge's UM lllKhl Cl'lwllf'. S•n Cle-ru11· g that the dd' led • 1nd Al•n Miii••· t.NC111l•i n Y were a 1c • Ml"l. tonnl• .v.cciu,., ru.. to heroin. f 11r11111tru 1• 1r1Nlct!lhlr1n1 Judg Robert G d " 1r11l-11r1nckhlldr1n. Slnlcn. e a r n e r v. 10 AM, st..tt ... l.lll.lllf 111c11 suspended criminal 11 c t i o n ,,,,, again.It James W a t 1 a c e ~l MCHOLSON Baldwin, 20, ol 15621 Begonia o. Nkllo!IOll. 1m A11NINI st., St., Westmin.ster, Robert B. lt'tn:=, :.-:::i,1:;,1~:. ~111::; McClintock, 24, of Anaheim ~11•och11t1rM, s...vlQ:., "'""'" and David L. Hess, 25, of ·~~:~;~·".: .. : ~~:u.:~~::::: . "*--"• H11111i...ton BMdl. 0.11 "' 50 days or l may see you hick • "'· ,..,_,,_. 1• a.rYk9 ,....,. here in five years," Jodge ·a~:~· : 1 •''r{ PARKER Gardner commented. "You've • • c.,,,.,11n1tt ,_, ... ,~, Sherifrs deputies arrested Bids Slawd For Airport SANT A ANA -Orange County supervisors have set Dec. 1 as the date on which they will a~pt bids-for a 1213,537 airport project. Mental Retardation Month Rites Slated SANTA ANA -November is Nalionat Mental Retardation Month and is being observed by 20 different agencies in Orange County serving a special group of people with special problems. 'Ille largtst is Fairview State Hospital, where a special program is scheduled Sunday, Nov. 9, from 1 to 4 p.m., with open house and guided tours. Regular tours are offered Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. throughout the year. A number of other facilities serve the mentally retarded too, according lo the Oran1e County Council on Mental Retardation, with various pr~ grams. 140 handicapped persona 11 and older is all<l sponsored at lhe organlzaUon'a Santa Anl headquarter•. Educationally and n e urologically handicapped children also receive help at the Michael Kent School, 2650 Orange Ave., Anaheim. A work experience program for older chlldrtn and adult! is also provided by the Kenwood Scllool, 555 S. Walnut St., Anaheim, with claues for I• and 9-year-old a p h a s I c children. School Names Cheerleaders SEAL BEACH -Five girh have been named cheerleaders at M c G a u g h lntennediate School here. They are CapL Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DECORATORS CANCELLATION and RETURNS FROM MODEL HOMES DECORATORS DREAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorgeous custom quiJted sofa .with wpar1te pillows with haevy oak trim decor end matching k>ve seat, 3 matching oa~ oc- ces'.onel t_ebles: 58" tall decorator lamp, hanging chain s.w•g lamp, an 8-.p1ece king ~11e master btdroom suite, paneled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 years warranty king site matress and box springs. Spanish dinin9 set, etc. COMPLETE HOUSEFUL ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY At EQUAL SAVINGS WAS Rl•UU.ILT $1528.00 MUST SACRIFICE NO MONEY DOWNeNO PAYMENT TILL 1970 , • ·IC. P1i11 .... ''" c.1111111 st .. ·"M!Oftvinced me you're hooked, '& .. '"'· S1tY1ctt. NtoNWr, 2 DOW convince the doctors." • rel!. L1911M kid!. Tl'ml wlllll,.. •\.-' _ -n11 c.,,1r1butloM INIJ' utt: armed trio on the Newport ·£E.bvl!,. '°,n;"' c~:!:" c~~ Freeway last Sept, 17, shortly 1r Lltllfll ... ,11 Mortu1ry, 01-after the holdup of the Tic Toe Contractors have been in.- vited lo compete for a con- tract which will specify the spreadinc or an a 11 ph a It overlay on taxiways and apron at the county facility. Completion of the project will increase the weight-bear~ ing capacity of the runways to 95,000 pounds, airport officials said. It Is expected that the cost of the work will be shared by the county and the federal government. Tbe Orange County Assocla· lion for Retarded Children, 2002 W. Chestnut St., Santa Ana, spomors Hope Haven Schools, for toddlers and older youngiters. Tbey are located at JGl Monrovia Ave., Costa Mesa , 11832 Euclid St., Garden Grove, and Z050 Youth Way, Fullerton, where public visits are offered Nov. ltth during morning hours. Vicki Chaffee, Andrea Lower,l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!d Unda Green, Tracy MillhOUSl:I'"' ·:-fc:ton. market, 20042 Acacia Ave., SCHULTZ Santa Ana Helghta. Two of the • SCl\u111 . .., .. "'-t1 M• men were idenUfied as the ' AVI., SNCI 701, H11ntr111-b dJ h I th , . 0.11 or c111111. NO¥tmlllt' an ts w o orced e clerk , h<..t tw 1111~nd. Ted 1e111111u at gunpoint to hand over the JI"'" Ind ll°"rt P1lrnlf'r ~, R-L. P1rk1ri 1111..-, EY. night's takings of $190. ft • IWllh •lld llX tr•nddllld,.n. ' ic.. wll1 M llell S1turdtv, I PM. ' lltil ClliPll. l!'if1nn1nt, W11lmln-:r,_~1 P1rk. Smllllt Mor'tlllrr, 14 Named ~ . TUUY ..._ 1<. TullJ'. AP n. e1 1:zt ,..,.. ,.,,. .. ~ ... (". °''' °' "''"'· Members ..... 4. 5Uf'Vi¥1d bV wlf11, llvlftl 91n1, O.~lel J., P1trldl J., S. Tullr1 four dlv.ht.n. Mr1. Oft:!, Mr1. lVM P1tllt, MllMI f;n lftd A111!1 J. T111tr1 twD IN'DI~ Of p JdHOfi 1nd Wlllltm T11llr1 ttirM osse ' "'"· Mn. Mll'Y JIM MllcMU, Mrt. IDrll Lft, Mn. II. J1ekm1111 E Mrs. Mvrlll Tunr. 11-rr. frldlJ', I PM. Ptft F1mll'I P'11ntrll Homl. lltQUllm ....... turd••· ' AM. 51. Mlllhlw"• Ciitllollc Cllurc.11, lllllt 8Mcll. Olrtcl- lid br Ptllt f1mllr Co10nl1t f Unlf'll LAGUNA NIGUEL -Four- teen chart.er members have been sworn into the South County's new Marsh a I ' a Mounted Posse in ceremonies -4: ARBUCKLE a SON C~u~e Laguna Niguel Riding ~~ WeskWI Mortuarf "Our organization is off the tJ ~ 17tb St., Colta Mes• ground and ready for action," ;1 ·• MMIA said Marshal Don Rhea of the ·.; • South Coast County Judicial .::.\04TZ MORTVARIES District. def Mar OR J.M5t The volunteer mounted poa- esa Ml t-i.tM se will be trained in first aid, • firearms use, search and ~~BROADWAY rescue procedures, crowd con· ~-•~ MOR'J'llAJ\Y trol and other disaster work, ~.~ltrNdwlJ, c.oaa Mm Including transportation, com-~ munications and g r o u n d ·f.:;::: · U Mm operaUom. '<4 ~''!.'. • Weekly rides are planned : ~AY BllOTllERS from the Niguel headquarters '! -llutllgtoa Vallq to fam iliarize members with f Mor&urJ each other, their mounts and , • .. 1'7111 Beadl Blvd. the back country where as- : fluUqt.ol Betcb tlgnments may arise. ;; • te'1T11 Barry Snyder has been ~ . -• elected captain by t h e w; MCIOORMICI LAGUNA members and will direct the 11 BEACH MORnJARY activities of the volunteers. ~lllJ.ara• CuJOD RMtl Del JohDJOn aod Phil Bower " i ·• LtpDI Be9Cll were selected lieutenants and .....us C1p Crowl will serve as first -; • 1ergeanL . ) PACIFIC VIEW Sworn in by Marshal Rhea ,~:.·•-·oJUAL PARK as the first contingent of the ~ !II.Ml poue were these four and ~'1 1 eatr1 • Mwta117 Jack Haines, Larry Sun- . s;r Clauel derland, Tom Simcox, Don <Siii Paetlk 'view DrfTe Kennedy, Ken Hogan, Steve ~WPart -· callfonto ).!ddy, Bill Flowers Clem IU-1711 KnOx iDd ce. - e Rhea sald he expects to ! f""PEllC FAMILY near in a similar-number at , COLONIAL nJNDAL the next bameeting alter ap- .• • BOMI plication& ve been approved • BM An. and tbe oral re~lew board bas • Wm' ... IW • 181 completed Its investig1tiona. • AppUcations to join the " ' • be .. po11e may obtained at the -IH&FtlCll MOR11JARY folarlhll'• ciflee, llT'llllrd St., ~= :=::!!! Laguna Beoch. For rurther i.. Iii.QI -fonnaUon call ff4.3035. SMITHS' :oRTVARY ll,::::;;::::;;;;;::::;;;;;::=::::;;;;;:=::;=:;ll f . 111 Milos.. Weary, Doarie? UnllnJ:.Beodl Reocl Bin L .. ry ' and Linda Hauth. The glrll have led the cheer· Ing while the McGaugh foot· A wort training center for ball team compiled an un· defeated aeuon with five stral,tit wins. AD\llllTIS•M•NT We, the under1l9ned ••• many of whom have met together over the last few months to. examine and discuss the problem of race relations, have come to recognize and deplore discrepancy between our convictions and the reallies of our essentially all-while community . We believe that all persons, particularly Blacks and Mexican·Americans, shoul~ h~ve. equal opportunity and freedom-to work, reside, and partici- pate m life ID this area. We fmd, however, that such opportunity doe s not now exist, and that there are reasons for this fact above and beyond the matter of some simply not having the money to live here. As a result, we feel compelled to speak out about some of the 'vays in which we think that the situation can be changed for the better. \Ve strongly urge, for example, that: I. Subdivlders, l•rg• landowners, builders, homeowner a110Cl•tlon•, and re•ltor1 announce pub1tc1y ·and seek to insure that m~mbers of minority groups are invited to obtain housing in tbi& area, and are \Velcome as residents. '. Local business ••t•blfshments, individuaJly and through Chambers of Commerce and Associations, announce publicly that they are resolved both to hire minority employees at all levels and to service minority customers on an equaJ basis . ·. Public bodi•t •nd their admlnlstr•tlve •1tncie1, including police and law enforcement agencies, take steps to implement present laws in the spirit of tolerance, and show courtesy and provide normal assistance to members of minority group:; as they travel \vork, or live in this area. ' 1. ~chool •nd college faculty •nd admlnistr•tlon develop prorams to include Afro-American and Mexican-American history an culture in the curriculum, and to make members of Minority groups wel· come as student! and faculty, giving encouragement as needed to achieve balanced representation. S. Churches, nrvice groupt, and clYb1 endeavor to bring members of minority groups into their organizations and activities and concern them~elves with speci1ic projects designed to improve'racial under- standing. 6. All cltlz.ens strive in these and .oUter ways to see that ell persons, regardless of race or cultural background, are treated with candor, respect, and tolerance, and with appreciation of differing exper· iences which they bring to the enrichment of Ute community. We submit that any conduct short of these standards perpetuates an un- just, immoral, and destructive situation. The tlmes demand that we do better than we have in the past. The conduct of every one of us is on.trial • Edword Al ... Alke Alf" MeNtflfti ....... c ... 1 Attil• w.11 ... a. .... --°""" .... ......... ....._ ........ , ... 1 ... 1 .. H.lf ... ....... ---..... ._ '-C-. H.rry •• CetH MeM CllMllM .._ca, --c,. ..... ll.et.ri... ID.-... -............... w1111 ... ,...... ..... -Dr. l Mrs. J, l. ,_... J•ll• ,.,. h ... ,. ..... J .. hrhtfl; J •• .., J1dy • .., ..... 11 ... J•ll Hell J1lle Hell Mr. & Mr&. D .L Hl...._4 ..,..,_ .. J .. s. Jeyce a .. 11r1t -..., MW.., ...... ........... --M--,._,,._ .... c.._ ......... Mn. Jellll C. Uttle Mefty: lyw .,.,.. J. M1Cln l. A. McCI.,. A• M1Clwt S...McClltedi ~Mee...._. ...... _ , __ llc1*4N...tl Lp1 N1..i1 httt1 NitM1 J•OIMtl uw.,o .... M•'Y"-A. k. n.1,. ·--.. Mf, I Mn. 14 l""'J.rll ,Mr, & Mn. ...... '-""s Mr. & Mn. Al• SI•...._ M-M.---·------"-D.S..W.. ---·--·-......, ........ .. Mr. I Mrt. 11leiMI W ... 1'4 M..,heMWMte Mr. I Mn., ... Wlffef J .. '"""' ..,._ New, breathtaking 8x10 LIVING S days only! COLOR PORTRAIT ·~~-, Your money back if this isn't the mo5t Ufelike portrait of your child ever. Not just on old- foshioned tinted or colored picture, but "living Color"I The complete porlrait comet olive--coptured in oma1ing full·color realism with Eastman Profe11ional Ektacolor film. Entire porh'oit ' photograph•~ i" . ) living Color br )Cl(lt B. N!mble, Inc, • Choo•• from odual finished 'POrtraita-not proofiJ. • Extra. printiJ ovoiloble ot reoson- cble prices. No obligation lo buy. • Groups token ot 991 per child. • Age limit: S Weeki to 12 years. • limlh one per cfhld-- two per fomily. Wednesday, November S through Sunday, November 9 HUNTINGTON BEACH edinCJ•r at beach boulevard phone 892°6611 I • • . , Going Down Tube · Your Money's Worth Courts Strike Job Bars for Jf1 omen By SYLVIA PORT)>R Across the land, U.S. courts flnally have begun to put teeth into the job discrimination Provisions of the 1965 Civil Rights law. If an employe r cannot prove that sex is a '·bona·fldeo cc u p a t ion a l qualification" for a given job, the courts are ruling in favor of the girls in landmark case after case. Where state laws say that women may not take j()bs In which they may be re- quired to lilt as llule as 30-40 pounds, state legislatures are starting to wipe out the Jaws. To illusirate with examples compiled by Prentice-Hall. In Las Vegas, the State Labor Commissioner is plan. ning a court action to compel ttie casinos to comply with Nevada's new law banning job disci'l mioaUon because of sex -and to hire women as bartenders and card dealers. IN ALAB.\MA, a Federal Dlstrlct court receaUy ri.iJed lhat a major telephone com- pan y wa s ill-e-g'llly discriminating against women by refusing to hire a woman as a commercial represen· talive -on the grounds that she might have to change a car tire or might be subjected to harassment while collecting overdue bills. In the opinion or the court, Title VII of the 1965 act bans "this type of roman~ tic paternalism as unduly Vic· torian and instead vests in# dividual \\'Omen with the power to decide ll'hether or not to take on unromantic tasks," In Indiana another Federal district court ruled that a labor union could sue for back pay for all of lhe women it represented -if a company discriminated against them and viol ated provisions of the Federal Equal Pay Law - whether or not the women fil· cd charges with the Equal E m p 1 o yment Opportunity Commission. ln Ohio. the Dept. or lndustrlal R e I a t i o n s an- nouneed that it \\'on·t prcr secute employers v.·hen they violate Ohio laws imposing weight lifti ng restrictions on female employes as well as rizing their m a,,_ i m u m numbers or hours or days <1( pennisslble employment O,l'O.TUNITV-SHA•E EX,eNSeS .. ACA,ULCO •f (AIUllEAN ,..,._ ,, .. 20. LWIC. t.a!am.r.n, S~pt 10, l ulC. S.IDn, f M, C.bln" l lill1., 2 ~ 8111" Teak Ot<1t1, THk C•blM -S.I! SPHCI XI ~nol1. ,.o. ••• nu "-"" IHCll, CA. nu1 , __ , tlU) "2·t:tt1 because these la,vs confl ict with Federal anti-discrimina- tion laws. IN NEW TttEXICO, a ruling in June cancelled out a state law saying women couldn't \\-'Ork more than 48 hours a week or eight hOufs a day. In South Dakota. the Attorney Genera l ruled that women may work the same number or hours a week as men at ·any given establishment. In North and South Dakota, women now are permitted by law to be jockeys at horse races. And elsewhere, courts and the FEOC have ruled that operators or tru c ks transporting c o m m e r c l a 1 paper between banks may not refuse lo hire women driVer1 ; that ships may not refuse to titre women as pursers. So it goes .•. STATE LAWS -and rules set by employers -sup- ~dly to protect women workers have for years been working against Vi<·omen . As the Commerce Clearing Hou.se in Chicago points out. no £ewer lhan 43 states, the District ol Columbia and Puerto Rico have "protection" laws which actually are disguised severe job restrictions. In some cases, the weight lifting limlts are as low as 25 pounds - about the weight, of many a \\'Oman's purse. The average pay for a full· time year-round w o m a n worker in this country is less lhan 60 percent of a man1s pay : for saleswomen, the average is 42 percent of salesmen's pay. Women hold a ridiculously small percentage of high paying status jobs - and the fault is scarcely en- tirely the woman's. It always has been In- defensibl e discrimination and at last, the courts are backing the Federal Jaw in- making this official. Varian Elects Stover as VP Varian Data Machinea an· nounctd the appointment of HenrY S. Stover Jr. as vice president of marketing. Stover joined Varian Data l\!achines in 1967 as director o 'f markeUng . He was formerly associated with Beckman Instruments as sales manager and manager or marketing develop~ent. His 12 years at Beckman wert tall in the data processing field. WE SALUTE OUR UllT ADAMS LEADER OF THE MONTH Congratulations to Lllrry Adams !or leading lhe Orange Agency in new life insurance protection placed during the month ol October. Mr. Adams +5pecializes in business and personal financial plan· ;ning. C•rroll D. Bry•nl, CLU G ... rol Agent Su it• 310, Un ion Ba nk Squ•r• 92661 Architect Of -............. .. ... -- OVER THE=OOlJN-TER I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • Nnt too latt .•. !ht ralra 11·\ll bt 11·tloome on thlll bc1.utiful 33' Riverboat, just ta.kt> along a la.rat umbrtl11.. · • \V&JI • to • v.-aU Onialmu, men")' cM.rry red eylon t"lli'., like new 12x14 for $-lO. • ?i1lnl • toy ror mini • to11. yoUr chUd needs • pet poodlff' kwe .•. black, Ms shOts. $50. AKC. T\e a red ri hbon on one for y o u know l'l'hen. ...... -• - York Stock List I I I I I I .. -. ~ ~· . ; . . . j '"Friday's Prices-C.Omplete l I New York Stoeli Exchange List L .. DAILY I'll.OT II , .. • .. / JI' oAll.Yl'l(OT Black Militancy Prov~kes Dangero~s White Reaction , ~ a, LOUIS ~ELS resort to tactics of disruption racial conflict. teaction" that· black mili~ncy white America forgets about unipoken, ·which Americana to asite(t and to exercise. those lems" are talled when black to dramatize their demands, Does it follow that . black ls·~~ in the white. com· the Negro ·Ute moment that · have for peraons who do not rights iooferred on him by militants in ~ of thtit . WASlllJllGTON (UPol<il). many wbi1e people ,grow a bit Arnoricans should ease up • on munlty.' protests and demaodl .f0< '1tandup 1 ... tllelr. ri&bll·" . . . aociety and by the Jaw. demands vlolala the Jaw or 11 •. Black milUanCY is prov DI a more irritated and a bit more ip a r ch e s , demon~ations, "But militancy / Is tht only equality cease." "il'inilitancy on :U. part ~ Jn other words, · Drinan danpraUS white reactlon. anxious i about. where it's all 'boycotts~ and 'other tacUcs of techn~ue by which bla~k I n h J s n e. w b o o k , Negroes offends some 'white seems to be' saying ·~t white nore the fights of ~era. Tbil ii evident ~o a~yone leading. .. • · . contention? ~ Americans can plead their · "Democracy, Dissent · a nd people it may, on· the other people may ~·N~groes Jess But he says Amertcan have~ ~~~-~ ~·~or: 1n re-Some r~~ible obeer~ers No sa s a leading white case and hope. to . get a Disorder" .!§ea~ ,~}. band, blot ·oot lrom the minds but respect them mOre when always had an unwritten code cent monlliSto illielm race~teve ·H .ja onlf. matte of Tulis . ' ----favnble Ttsp9n1e-l01t-mthe---Dean lklniii afeuea t.hlt White o r others tlaeP'. iiiiijiOien suspi--~Uley-fljlit~ vJ&ottiiiilffOf'il&lf -.yhidt hold.1_ ~t-Ua-minoritt""' relations w1lh uptight urban Ume-perhaps not very much Dean Robert F. Drinan oI 1 court of pUblic opinion," he resentment of touglJ' Jiegro cion tb.at ~ pak of the Negro's shake .. · can be justilted ln stretching -,rhltes:--·me-befote--whit. feu..~e law tchool is , says. . .,,. tacticJ "must be measured tragedy is 'due to. his apathy Dean Drinan concede! that and even ~reating I a"• i~ -, Each time black people black rage. collide in bloody .keenly aware o t e . IrJs appaDl{if1IDrtronh~ apiust• •that SCOJu, often-alMf-Ml.Jae~el-deW-mln1Uon 11coapp&u Jagal·mo,-.aJ-.~hriog.about..jUIUce Sears ~ Girls' Nylon Ski Jackets :.:;,\tllrllay ()nly~ 1-1 l (>ll r -. 011ly~ 791 Nyloia csff.U she!~ hood .and body.lined w;th />.crjlan icijlic pile--:-Mieliine~~h.-Blu~;-Piolc·priat.-7:1'4-, - Girls' WM' Dt}I. One-Size Stretch Women'• HOiiier~' 3-Hoor Only! 2 Pr.$1 .Gtac fic_for better wear. la smuet_ here beige and '®Cha colors. Stock: up now!. . Htsi~Dept. 3 for ~7.95 .Kapok P"illows 3.Hoan Onl~·! 1!!3 (9f '5 2 ao1id c:oJor pillows co- ordiaared with 1 floral priAt pillOY1_Jn colors. Dr1Ptry Dtpt. Women'• Cotton Flannel Pajamas l-Houn Only! 197 J 00%.conpn flannel, wash- able. In choice of l.\SOrted PilStclS. Siz.es 32 to 40. Li11geril Dept. Son, Double 1,'hick Blankets 3-Houn Only'. 297 Rayon andeottoo,machine wash.able and dryahle. In ~soned colors. Buy now! · Dlm1sfirs Dept. • Boys' '2.99 Sweatshirts Saturday Only! 3-Huurs 0111 y ! 10()%acrylic full fashion ski pullover sweaters. Colors. Sizes 4 to 7. ·lnfa nts'-Chi/Jrtn's Dept. 3-Houn Only: 1388 'With earphone, AC adap- tcr1 display type gift-box. Built~n carrying .strap. 1V Dtpi. ' h1 '2. 79 and 12.99 Sport Shirts Little boys' long sleeve ~port shirts, solid color~.­ s1ripes. Sizes 3 to 6X. I fffa'1f$1·Childrtn's Dept . Were '15.99 Elec. Knife with Tray 3-Houl"I Only! 888 Corded electric knife, t2·in. length. Blade tf> lease button. ivory bot· com. Ho•11w11m Dtpt...- '59.95 Mattress or Foundation -3988 Quilt top inners ri.08 matlless or po~_(O'.UQd._ at1on 1n twtn or u lliza Terrific buy! F11r11it•rt DtfJt. Boy•' 'Woven Sport : Shirts 3-Hoon Only! 3 (or $5 ' Dutalon,. polyester and cotton PERMA-PRf_ST.t. Shott sleeves. 6 to 12. Ba;•s' Wt.ir Dept. ABSorted Blades 3-Houn Only! 29c Cnfumansabresawbltdes • .. pick the blade you need for your Craftsman saw! Hlfniw.:rr D1p1. Men'• Ban-Lon• Nylon Shirts 3.Hours Only! 333 100% Ban-Lon,. oylon '-in mock-tunle or collac and placket. Men's si'Zes. - ftfm's F•rnishin!) Dtpt. , COtKiiin .. \ JlllX / 85•, 60-lb:Bag of Concrete Mix 3-Honn•Only! 53c Easy to mix with water! Cavers. ,.\1. sq. lt.,_l•in. deep. Outstandi113 value! 8Mi!Jin_g, 1!f.:~f! l]tpt. _ -. Choice of Kitchen Needs 697. Men'• Long Sleeve Men's Assorted Sweat Shirts Crew Soeks 3-Houn OnJy! 4 (or·$5 3·Hoan Only! 3 pr. $1 With rib kn it waist, neck Koci.el• pofyettet<OlfOfto> and cuffs. Io assoned col~ St!_etch Df.l.QD ~Ocks ia. ors, small-to ext!allirge. many colors. and·wbite. Mm's Furnishings Dept. Mtn's F1tNwhings Dept. Boys' 20-in. Spyder Bike Saturday Only! 3·Hotlt"! Only! 2497 Hi·rise handlebars, whire b1,1.cket bana,oa seat widt reflector. Metallic ted, S!»rli•& GHlis Dqr:· 5.-Gallon .Aquarium Sets ' -· ~I • ., •. < ' , I ~~ ... b- :..:;' ... ' .. .. ,._ . .. ;;:1 -~ Sa1onlay Only! 3-Houn Onty! 397 #-- - - - - - -----·.-- - - - - - --- - ----- - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - ----.. -._, -• I BUENA PARK EL M0NTE LONG BEAOf PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH_COAST PlAZA I ' CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANf'. TORRANa j ·• COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA VERMONT at·Slouson '---------~-------~---------~----------------' Sliop ~ Monday through· Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 I' .M.. Sunday· 1 :Z. Noon to 51' .M. -"Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" •• T \ I . • 17 • -• • · Newp~:d Jla;rhur EDlTl ·O N Tetlay'11 Fin•'-·. -N.Y •. S ...... VOL. 62, NO. 267, 4 SECTIONS 44 ·PAGES . . ~-4r.-' 1 • • ' • ' • • • Who Gets Top Billing on City Entrance Sign? Jly JEROME F. COLLINS Of .... DallY l"lltt Steff Newport Beach city government and th• Corona del Mar Chamber of Com· nlCrcc are locked ln"deadly combat over what a new city entrance sign should look hke. City olficlals insist the Sign at the eastern end of town on Irvine Company land should have "Newport Beach" in large letters and ''COfOOa del Mar" in a:naller lettera. Sand Haul Held.Up By Storm The rainy season, Southern California's substitute for winter, came In like an enraged lion Thursday, bringing with it danger, destruclion and damp discom· Cort. While the Orange Coast managed to co1ne through the first stonn of the season with its head above water -mOre than two inches of it -other areas of JlAINl'ALL TAaLE Cllr Shinn Stl seil L11t Yr CDltl M-\_J 1.1 .HI Ntwoart B11cll 2.0 :l.01 .11 l "Ulll Btlc.11 i.1 . 1.• .1i HUftll"'ton 8Hdl 1.6 1., .Jll FOU11!1ln V•llu 1.97 '·" .» w .. 1m11111er 1.6 1.6 .lll Se.I lie.cl> 1.6 1.6 .JO L1gu~ l •l•u .. World 2.1 2.• .?:S lrvlf'HI ll:endl 1.•2 l.•7 .OJ L1;1111111 N19uel l.l l.• .n Anlllelm l.t, 1.N .«i G1rden Grev• 1.1 1.7l .lll ,.,, Cllmente• J.15 '2.1 :u.10 cbrona del -Mar leadeN insist the sign should have .. Corona del Mari' in large Jet~rs and "Newport Beach" in smaller Jettt'J'S. Cjty Manager Han:ey L. Hurlburt in- dica~ tbday an alternative may be in th!>.ol!illg: two signs. "The city staff just can't ~m lo reach accord wilb the chamber of commerce people,,. said Hmlburt. "So we 're going to·bave to p ,to lhe city...,couocil .wilh this~ . ' . . The council wim have to, take the bull by the horns." The chamber already has built the sign it ,1·ants. "We've got lhe site picked out. right off the highway, and the sign is reai:ty for installation," said chamber of- ficial Cart Kegley. Kei;ley described it as a rusUc sip, built or ~heavy IUJ'fl~r. It . reatu,u "Co1"0na del Mar" in large, bo1d letters. ''It's al.!o got 'Newport Beach' on it, in ' str.l.Uer letters, eithef' at the 'top or bot· tmn, I c1oni reell1 wbldl,"'he said. "Tho chamber~ 1lp Ille -Ju•t The city tlafl lm't happy about It. And oulllde of town -· 1a a1ruc1y -.,, 50 several rneeUnp with chamber officials we would probably hf.ve the officlat...clty haven't made them any happier. Plan-sJgn farther down the cout. As the city nllli DITe<tor Lln-y Wlbon oMwed up 1t grows, this -be a complelely loglcal tl'le meetings with abtches of various altmtative." deslgnst the dty had In mind, but the Hurlburt aplalned that the d\y 1n the charnber representatives remained W"" near future would be 1matng Irvine moved. ·--lands downoout. ••So our stin. which "'111< Irvine Company has Indicated It would be portable, would move u the Is willinl to permit ttro signs on its pro-city's boundlriel are eJtended. The petty," said ll\lrlburt. eor.aa de! Mu' clwnber'• lip would . I . stay where Jt ill, because Corona def Mar is going to stay where it ts." Kegley. former presldtnt of the chamber, said it isn't just the size of the letters spelling oot Co'°"' de! Mar that concerns his group. "Wt alao don't think' the city should be spending tupeyen- moiiey designlog or bullding 1 sign that Isn't needed." He said the chambtr'a sign. .coo- (See CdM'Slp, Pl(l I) Isle Fire Arson? Fireman Heard NoiSe Before Blaze The fire which swept through a Balboa Island gar11e early Thursday destroying .an expensiv~ .car ~ a bOat was the work ol arsonists, inveatqators alle1ed today. Fire and police inve.U,ators said all evidence points to anon in the fire which c-ansed at least PJ,OOD dama1e to the garage and b e I o n., t n g 1 of Robert Wachtler, himself a ireman, of 110112 Agate Avenue. _ Wachtler, a fif!flghter at ~ Marine Corps Air FICIJlty at El Toro, &aid a Haynswor th ·Foe Readies n11i~e awakened him shortly after mid-- night. It came from his W1locked aarage. Two minutes later, he aaild, be helrd lilot.ber noise ana· noticed tbe sarq:e in flame.a. 1 He awakened hia wife and dau&hter 'and they ran from their home. Fire Department anon lnvesUaator Capt. Joe Peeblea ~ the charred rubble ol Wadltel'a 1119 Tllunderlllrd and speedboat through the predawn boun Tuesday ·and detennined lhat the flre 'a source WU at low J)01nta in the prq:t · and it waa caused by an unknown flaril. maLle liquid. Detectives Joining In the lnveatigatl .. had no suspect as of early l.oday. One aspect· of the case, reports ef a thin, blond man showing unOSWll cuticiol- ty 1bout the fin and who helped fiil>l U, was being investigated. Wachtler told firemen the man in his . mid IOs helped light Iha fire and aild he bad burnt his hands slf&htly In bis efforts:. Officials said the man could be a auspect o< Just a IOOci neighbor wishing to help. Noise., Streets, 'Bridge 3 Issues Hringi J!g ()ver -S.ntr.M9 ~ft....-...M---j . · · Criiical Piper --1 ~-.-:---\ ' .....--. . ·~,II Cllmlnl• llgurll Hl50ll """" Jen. l Oranae County and Southern California wen: not so fortunate. •• Over 100 storm-related accldeot.s caus.- ed 45 injuries in a U-bour traffic toll that may be a record for lhe county's California Higbway PatrpL Auto rep_1ir bills for motorists are ezpeded to total more than $10,000, although most of the collisions were of a minor nature. Along the Orange Coast, rainfall up to 2.4· inches inundated the area, contrasting .sharply to last year's precipitation total or less than .3 inches at this juncture. Heaviest hit were the Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Irvine areas with well ov.er two inches. Three major blackouts In Santa Ana cut o·ff power to %,600 homes and some county telephones were put out of com- mission by water seeping into cables. At least two motorists died in storm•related acciden ts near Carson and Ventura, while mudslides closed many coastal highways to the north. Costa Mesa police .reported JS ac· r.idents over the 24-hour period •. not all related to the rain . Heaviest flooding ~as reportt.d in the northern part of the c1.ty, particularly at Fairview Road which (See RAINSTORM, Page Z) 50-man Posse Hunts for Wife Of County Doctor Teams In a 50-man posse today scoured U1e rugged Cedar Mountains or Utah for a. Santa Ana physician's wife missing for two freezing nights at t.he 8,000..foot level and feared dead. Mrs. Katherine Shapiro, 42, apparently became lost on a hike from the couple'fi wiiller trailer lodgings 10 miles east of Navajo Lake in Kane County, Utah. •·J'm afraid there's just no way she coo\0 surviYe the nights out here," said Kane Cowl{ Sheriff Lanard Johnson, "she just couldn't make it." Dr. Martin R. Shepiro, who has offices at 56'1 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, he.s joined the pcsse huntlng in the primitive Utah area whi ch has been powdered with light sno~ for the. past two nights. Dr. Shapiro contacted Utah authorities Tt~~y when his wife failed to return to cafft'arnia on schedule aft.er flying to the Ctd:i;r City area last Saturday. Sheriff's deputies checked the trailer home 30 miles east ol town, where Mrs. Sllapiro w~"I to prepare for winter weekend trips and found her a~ &.it belo!Cln!i>. 111ch as her pllnO ...... left behind. "Wt know she planned to return," said ~h•rllf Johnron. "That's when we realized she'd gotten l~t. '' added the lawmen, who SI.Id the nm searthers followed het footprints in-- tn A litUe meadow but lost them In htgh ar.:i~. The hunt for the misslng women -who v.OtJld have endured 1ub-ft"eez!fli tern· perrtures the past two nights -Is being contl11tted on foot. on h<rseback and in iour-v.ltetl drive vehicles. • • • DAIL PILOT ,.... ..,,,. .. O'-.wtl Wlaer.e There's Smoke · I I ~ . Pipe ,::ollector JC?~l SFhwarz of Costa M~sa dFmo~str~t~s. how all, yo~. Sherlock Holmes types can keep the fire tiurnlng-m your favorite ¢.Pe·dtiring a iainstorm. Schwarz ottin puffs up· a stor:pi of his own W6ile laboring 'over a bot typewriter in the DAILY PILOT sports departmevt. · · · ' . . Impeachment Studied Against Justic e Douglas WASKINGTON (AP) -A numh<r or Republican House members are con- sidering bringing impeachment pro- ceedin'gs against Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R·Mlch.), said today. Fl>rd, leader of his party in the House, &aid no decision has yet been reached "'heµttt to offer an impeachment resolu- tiori. .. It would be premature," Fofd said, replying to "questions relayed through his office. "At this stage It Is a preliminary staff operation ••• We are reviewing all the facts in the case." A. apOkeaman for Dougtas said he would ba,ve no comment at all. # Ford• said' that, so' far as he is con-- e<rn«l, the declaion ahoold not depend on whether the· Senate confirms or rej~ts Pmident Nix-on's nominaUon or Judge Clement F. Haynsworth to 'the Supmne Coor!. But he added that i! Haynswcrtb ls re- jeded on ethical standards, 0 then the same standards should be applied to all members o! the Supreme Court." Douglas has been under fire because of his service, Which he ended this year, a1 salaried officer of the Parvin Foundat· ion of Los Angeles, which received aome funds from gambling interest.a. Ford said rect:nt addiUonal dilcl011ures about . the FoundaUon and bu1lnease1 aSM1Clated with it .inspired the -new Republican effort. "Recent revelationa ·are what touched It oft/' he said. "It is a r~earcb opera- tion related to these new revelaUons:'We have not made any decisiOn whether. to proceed with lmPeacbment proceedings." Ford said it is Inaccurate to describe him as the prime mover, but that a number of Republican member1 whom he described u seriowi: and r~ible, but declined to name, had con.suited him about the effort and that he is keeping in toueh with them. W ASHINQT(/N (UPI). -.'Ille leadf!i£ --• " Clement r . ' llayomirth J~-.. .I ,..,. ... o.mt j~-.. report-!Odardlarllnl the Soutll Carolina judge with violating federal Jaw a'nd judlclii ethics. A preliminary draft of a Senate Judiciary Committee minority report by -!llrch ll111h, (J>.lnd.,) contended Haynsworth "failed to comply with federal Jaw In administering a profit· •haring trust and be dbplayed a lack or c"andor in testbnony btfOre this comp mitt~." The draft alllO said o! President Nixon's nomin~: "'He sat on cases lnvolvina: litigates in which he bad a financial intere1t; he purchased stock In mrporaUons apt to appear before his court; ht aat on cues involving customers of a corporaUon ln which he waa a major atockholder and for whkh he served 11 a director and vice president; he sat on cases involving Conner clients." A majority report by judiciary com· mitlee members . fa voring Haynsworth also was~being prepared, challenging the charges made by critics of the federal appeals court judj;e. The committee: ap- proved Haynsworth 10 to 7. Senate debate on the nomination is expected to becin Wedne9d1y or Thursday of ne1t Wffli. · Bayh'• report was submitted to 1ix other judk:iary committee members, who voted against Haynswortll's confirmaUon. .In 1t, Bayh acknowleds:ed that Hayn$Worth '11 fa ilure to fi le required reports on the prol'Jt .. harlng trust was "not an ·intentional violation." '"However, we cite the facts to rein- forct the obvioua conclusion that com· pllcated financial relatlonsh!ps a n d judicial rtspomiblllty can become a d•natroua: iplzture,'' it said. New · Curriculum Rejected T rustees Want Social Sci.e nce R evis ions • Opposition to a proposed new !Odal w~ curriculum and found, f!Othing sctence curriodum for California public i:n.Jsterious about it. He abstamed from i;cbooht was voted 'ftllmdiy by Orange \-.ofing. " 11-fitchell, -on seve ral occulOM. has ·Cou,nt,y Boon! ol f!<!uca(ion trustees-. , , "6!\!'•· qalnst the proposed.1'1'"1<.'!lum 11lc bow 11&16 ll'amework lor IOdat 'Outline, saying it appears "' be aenauVlty "'""1ce teaching is designed to put more training. em;>tu&is oa atudent . inquiry, on in--The Slate Board or Education still 11 terd.is<'iplinary study ind on t h e reviewing the proposed curriculum for benavioral scfencm. gr:wles kindergarten through ll that Board membe:n Clay Mitchell or South CO(.•ld go into e!fect nexl fall . Lagi.•na, Dr. Dale Rllllaon and Dr. Doris The molution a~ by the county• Araujo, all political conservatives. voted board was prepared by Carroll Creighton, f.Jr 8 molution sugestlng the propoted for1ne.r coordinator of social ldtDCf;I and curriculum be rewritten. no\\· research direct.or for the cwnty ~ee Don Jord111, who has clashed M"hool~ ofllce. With 1he endorttment of aften with tht conservative boa rd ma· Cou nty Supt. Or. &be.rt Peterson. jority, Nid he hu looked into the pro-'l'he resolution will be aent to school I ( l>Qards. >dthln tho COUOO-l<r rllllicaUon and to the state boml. It lllales:· ' -Tilt need lor ~ Ill the lrac\1- ;Jional; -1in. .,. biltoey nolitleaJ • , -;--.,.-I ' l'f - ICte.nct; ecdlm>ICI and ~ be ... alfirmed while 'glvln1 pn>per ...,....., lo the behavtor1I ·ldtnc:el ot IOciology, psyohology one! anthropology, ·-c.nctntr'atlon an basic attllr•lthln a 1ubjtct c!iacli>llne be llfven hip ,priority aod eoncun with teacblng &bl llcial -lram an lotonllldpliury •Po prORCh be rt•v1lu1ted, -Emphuis·be plaCed' on a vlriety o! teartiinc mithoda nther than over· emphaalzlng the Inquiry or cllacovery method. \ -~ .. ··Plan,· f6r B.ig Ca nyon 1.-81 JOIN VALTQ14 • Of .. ..., ,. ... ""' ) ~ vexlnf p~ --Utl. 'PiCe letting noJJe, theorl" on private streets and a posgtble tirfdge acroN BaCk Bay -emerged Thurlday with Irvine Company plana to build 1 huge reiiden- Ual complex in Big , CtnyoP. . _1jiooe three lacton mlhclecl with the development firm's request for Newport Beach planning commiuioneri to dea:ig· nate the .. acre canym area as 1 plan- ned community district instead of "uir clualllecl" II It -atando. Conimlssloners Tllunda7 night began tangling with the extenllve plans and is- 11ues, and continued dlacuulon ind ac· tJon until the Nov. 20 mtetlng. · The f1ctor11 arose Jn a report by PrlnCi· Former Ne wpo rt Manager Coop Given HEW Pos t Robert Coop, former dty manager or Newport Beac h who wU fired by Uie Phoenix, Ariz,. City Council from a simllar post last July, has received a top. level appointment in the Department of Health, Education and WeUare, it was announced today. HEW Secr!tary llobert. Flncb ap- pointed the SS.year~ld Coop to the post of regional HEW Director-for the weitem 1lates. Coop'1 job becomes effective im· mediately, Finch said. He will head project• for HEW In California, Arizona , Hawaii, Nevada, Guam and American Satnoa. Coop will work out of the San Francisco HEW office. Coop lost his Phoenix job last July after five years of. service. Reports from that clty indlcatloc his firing was the result of political flereups between hll of. fice and cJty.councUmen. Finch pralsed Co0p as a leader In the field of community admlnislration. "Mr. Coop will play an tmporlf.nt role tn our department's rolJ In his region durina: coming months. His office will be lhe focal point of many important pro- gran11 ol the future whlCb will touch on 1houaands of clUJens," he said. ' Coop, wtlo. aerved as a COlllltJltant an . local .~-lor..JIEW J>el'!~~ll)! apPoii>1ment and. hjJ · !qY.lfll .or ., . PhoeOl• l'O't,'~a ,..Uve ol'Sali'lliiao. He f!a1 aervell 1u clty .. manqer· ,qr , IDttewood, NO!'(lOR-JlelcCh..(be-ltlt Ill ·11114) Fremont·and PJ-,.nlx. ,___.,~ , He oJto has--~ d.,..,.... !Or ' hercllY ol P.u~ ,.;,d, • memb<T ol the C.lllornla SI.lie p.,.....,.1 lloard In Smamento. ' c · l · The NevaJ RiMrv• vt•an s«Ved ... ....., In Yugoolovll Jrom 1911 to 1161 lor the U.S .. .qency 10( International Development. 1 Ht, bl1 wife, ind four children will live oal Planner Damn Groth, Who adviaed lha .Commlulon to dlacoaa and evaluate tbeni along with spedllc plans lo< the goll.....-ae-<d!nt..i 'ttlldentlaf complex. Groth said It haa been IU(lesled that there may be a future need for an Upper Bay brlds:e con~ng San Joaquin Hills l!oad with the road.! on the wetterl,y ,llde or the bay •. · ''If this were to come -lo pass. ruJlgn- . ment.s would have to be mack to San Joaquin Hills Road and oculd ldvenely affect lhe Irvine Company prapoul," be said. San Joequin Hills Road wouJd ·be one .of four major roads forming .the pert!: meter of lilt de~opment. ' The others which would surround the Bis Canyon complex would bt Jamboree and' Ford roads and MacArthur Boule· vard. - Another unu11Ual factor affeding the developmrmt is noise. Philco--Ford Aeronutroftie ha 1 a teat.- Ing area which would be almost dlrtctly opposite a pArt of the development ear· marked for medium-higb-den.slty howine areas. "This testing laclllty could produce a level of noise wblch may be inconsistent with a residential envlronment," Groth advised . He said representatives of the aero- space firm have told his department of their concttn, but no conclll5ion& have yet been found. The third major issue, he said, Involves theory of private alreets. and whether they are acceptable in the city. ~ The Big C"anyon development would have all-private roadways, 1rvlne spoke> men say. Officials ·Of the deve lopment finn and city planning staff are presently working on an analysts of private streets, and:the (See BIG CANYON, Pap I) ' Oraage Weatlte r Old Man Weather'• Just catching hia aecond wind today. He'll IOCk it to the Orange Coast Saturdl)' with llllOther ""'°""! otomi, push- ing the temperatures down a few notchel. INSm E TODAY Tile-big /lap ""fr "'Flapping- Eagl<" 'l<d 'to /Mlani" getUng : Mm "°'"''" l• Hali1/Uid<i<t Ste the ilhutrattd feature m todav'• Weekender. ..... ,, ,........ ...... ti ·-· 1 --.. (.......... If... °" .... ~ • c-tc• ,. Srl'N '°""" 1• (_,., ,. ,........ ,,.,. Dlettl ~ ' ....,. '"" ~ ' .,.. ........ "''1 •MllNf .... ' ,.......... ,. ,l_t -.11 ,,_..,.. ,,, • .......... lf...... • AM LM6trt 11 ""'• ..... .., ...... . ...._._ ..... ,.,. M9'*1t u."'11• ....... ..,, .,.... ., .• In Lafayette. ----IL---~---====;;;;;;1--1 ' I . ·--. --. ' • . ' • Teen~Girl Finds Pair. ,. . Re.~s~ Qpen N~w Raids· Tw_a S.aig~n Police Stt,itio~ Hit by GilerrilJ,q,s _,. '. ~ f t ' WOON (UPI) -Communist troops Jhreatenlng a.alrq oum.,i·buei alOll8 !er aunahiPl -lo-IUJll>Orl U..m In ~ .. Shot'iltia«f · ·1llcbd lwo polloo otaUons Inside S.)lllD • Ille Cambodlan' llonler. '1emlnlocenl'of the l'alson fishtins al th• · ~w.--~abllled-6l.Allled la(geta. ~ID of the 1 'a aLtacka this , 1988 Tet olfensiv.e llld the MaY\ofterwive aetou tf\e war zone ip Uieit strongest w,ek have been so feeble; yau WOWdn't called ~.-Tbe · oomm•rvtoa '. ly TEllltY COVW.E Of""' IMIW f'IW ..... • Surpi\ied al her teacher mother'• ~.a Fountain Valley i....,.. todJy riml ihe ........ lbot lo death nd her~ Brillah st.plather aprawltd dead CNer a rare, Japanese mllltary rifle. Authorities tentatively listed the tragic case as a murder-suicide, the second homlclde ease in Fountain Valley history. Mrs, l\!fblr• E. GOod, 32, of 10780 El Plano Ave., 1n the pew Gretn Valley planned -·community aevelb(trhent, was lylnl ... her bed In the upolalrs bedroom. HoWard '·Claytor, 39, who Pllllnl•lned I Li>ni·lleach apartmeill ofter the 1epara- ticri, w.U~t,Sce down OD ' the floor, a 6.5 mJ1Jllmeter · boll·action rine beneath bis body. ' Investigaton aaid it appeared each had been shot· once, but Orana:e County Coroi:ier'a deputies were !lilt minutely ex, aminlq: the scene With the bodJes not y~t nn~· .nortly before noon. Mrs. Good WU a teachlr It E.,.tw"ood School' and bad appmnlly ovenlepl, IO her dauahler. Sue, 13, welll lo her bedroom aboUt I a.m. and found a scene of horror. ShO dulled to a telephone and called Westminster police -1pparently sboctecl and cdlfa9te .-and they in .turn nolifled Fountain Valley officen who raced to \he death scene. Fountain Valley Police Lt. Marvin Fortin said the approximate time of death wu piKed ·at 12:30 a.m., when a neighbor said he heard a 50Wld like • Jars• board belni dj'opped. Oranie ~ly Coro.er;• depuUea, wl)o ~Id not say w~eno l>jrs. Good and Cl!Jylor were wounded, dJd not offer a precile estimate al the lime each aboolllli victim dled. DAILY 1'/LOT ...... 11t Ln 1'11ne Foll.ow That Arrow Newi>:ort. traffic engin~rs apparently were leaving nothing to chance ··On this half,block section of Westrnlnster Avenue, which intersects wilh Newport Boulevard acN>ss from Hoag·-Memorial Hospilal. Jn any event, there seems to be no shortage of paint in public works buckets. U.S. Employment Creeps Forward But Wages Dip U. Fortin, chief cf Iha detective bureau, aald MrL Good had moved lnlo the new develofment about sit: months 1go Ind dllcloled there had been one WASHINGTON (AP) -The natlon'1 ment rate, 1.1 million women for 1 4 per· report of a family disturbance there. total employment ~ged up in October to cent rate and 136,000 tem-ager1 for a tl No details were available about _a,n all:time high or 70.6 riilllion, on a percent rate. mortar and rocket attacks in ty.'o months. have known th!Y were ev~-m~ tO .... ~ men to..1=~crs tor lhe Jlb~ce- The U.S. and South Vietnamese Jen-attacks unless you had learned • aboi.lt The ea overnight mortar and rocket er~ls . commanding the def~nse of Saigoo them in intelligence reports," Ewell said. atacU pere the most siDce 84 on Sept. s. said 1~ was part ol the ~let guerrilla At least .100 A!ppet1 sneaked ~ the Ugbt over.all damage was , reported. offe.iwve wbicll, they u.id, began Mon· capital durmg the -tor tbdr ~ •;itb iDOlt of the cuualtles suftertd in day just before President Nixon's speech m Ute J two oUtljlng polke } ·~ the. Metong Delta aoutb of Sallo11-Two on Vietnam. , tau~ off .the heaviest flgbtlM 'lnalde Americans were tilled and six wounded. Lt. Gea.s. Julian Ewell and DO Cao Tri the c1p1tiP'sioce Mty, 1968. ~ Headquarti:l'a said other Viet • Cong said they expected the offensive to .last Ont' of the thrusts penetrated ope and North Vietnamese troops allacked 60. days and be Jess intense than previous station but both were thrown back; with a South Vietnamese unit 31 milea north- dr1ves who5e eventual target was Saigon. m_jlit.ary spokesmen reporting three guer-west of the capital e1rlY today but were The commanders of the 11 provinces r!Uu slain.' Ont p01icenwr wu killed beaten baCi with ·14 kiUtd. One govern- arou¢ the capJtal, Ewell .and Tri pre-and eight we* wounded.. ' , ment trooper died and nllie were dieted failure 1or the ofieM1ve, currently The pollcemeh called in U.S. helico~ wounded. · From Page 1 CDM SIGN •.. Murder Hire Suspect . . ' - structed at no cost to the tupayers, should be !Ufflcient. He sald the city already.baa spent an estimated $600 on proposed designs. Found Guilty by Jury The original c\ty sign sketches included a belmlman'a whee), aimllar lo one in-.11 took a $u)ltllor _Cqort JUO' le&s. than lilalled on Ille dtlalgn rec<nlly erected 1w ho In Weal Newport. But that d.,Jgn ·hu 0 ura Thursday lo r<lum a llUiJty been abandoned. CJty aides explained too verd}ct in the "murder for hire" trial of many people bad been trying to steal tbe RJchard Davis Reed. West ?{ewp<rt sign'• wheel. Thi!: six-woman, alx·man panel quickly . "I llilnk/' concJuded Kegley,."lhal Iha agreed with Ille iu-ulion thal Ille zg. ctty teemt .to be makin;I •.mountain out --year-old Garden .Grove liairdresser or· of a moleJllll on this 11gD uaue. We all . . know Corona del Mar la a part of fered a man he. bellev~ to ?>&.. a Newport: Beach, but some people ' ap-"murder's no Problem" drifter a ,1,500 ~ don't think we're important. Inducement to kill Reed's girlfriend. '11lat Ii quite well shown in this instance. Tha driller proved to be HunUngton l'm ptUnt tired of the wbol~ thing." Beach undercover officer Gene Pool and "]'ts thlngl like this," said City Man2 • • .g. Hurlburt. "that makes our job in· his testimony p~ecl a maJor part in the terntin'&." ., four-day trial of Reed o~ two charges - He added that the problem will be turn-aolie!Ung to commit murder a n d ed over to the city council fer some kind 10tielUng to commit burg~. of declslon Monday. Reed must return Nov. 2s to the court Beth Harwood Of CdM Succumbs of Judge Raymond Thompson for aen· trneing on the two eount3. He facu a P<l'Slble one to IO years In state prison. Officer Pool testilled thal Reed took him on the macabre payroll and ordered him to stare a hft-run aecldent -with Kathleen Duckett, 24, as the victim -on a deserted Hdor of Buahard Slreel ·In Founlain Valley. Pool said he was offered the ,1,SOO of the proceeds of an insurance policy Reed held on his beau and a "bashed in skull and a bullet in the back" if he fluHed bis assignment. · The jury also heard testimony to the effect that Reed made earlier attempts to dispose of the Garden Grove woman by going out into the Brazilian bush to catch poisonous snakes with the alleged in- tentioo of allowing the repUJes to bite her. Greeley Heeded: Levittown Goes West to County Claytor, or the Englishman's occupation. seasonally adjusted basis, and unemploy, Goldstein !aid the significance of the Investigators said Sue .Good, her ment· dtcllned slightly followin1-tlle big figures was the. increase of 525,000 M-. Beth Harwood, 1 Shorecllffs resl- brothers Richard, 10, and Rcilerl, 7, were jump of a month before; the government unemployed since last December, when "" in the home but apparently asleep when said today. the joble5ll rate was at a post·Korean war dent 1n corona del Mar, died early today 2,000 Expected To Attend Youth Meet .in Anaheim Along with the westward mieration of 1-foward Johnson's and other nationally known names, Orange County is about to get its very O\\'n Leviltown, lt 1'a.t disclosed Thursday. the double kllHn& OC'CUtted. But the average Y.'ork week, •overllme low of 3.3 percent. in Hoq: Memorial H~ital. She was 60. They denled hearl.bf'" anything during work and average pay all declined, The jobless rate jumped from 3.5 per-Mn. Harwood, who lived wlth her hus- the night houri. c • signaling a possible economic turndown cent to 4 percent in September for tbe band, Donald. at 120 ShorecliU Road, was All three were releaaed to their father, later, said Asst. Commissioner Harold biggest single mcnthly increase since the ac:Uve 1n >~ Harbor Area's .Aasllltance William Good, reportedly a General Goldstein of the Bureau of Labor Ejaenhower administration jn the early ~ .ano the c.opa De Oro organiza- Telephooe ~-......,,.bo~al& llatiP:o.'!\.,. , • i:.. .. -~ ' · · -4 , Lons Beacll. · ,,. '.?":""'~ • "'l\e·!iltll-OI wo<111PloJei1 IUI ' ~ aool.t !M~ .,,. · ••··J""er'f!llM'nd ollo~s a.son, Lt. J'crlin aid thtte wu DO •ten ol a month d:tupped about 119,00D an4 the nae· those figures was raised because the Dennis, 1'llsbc:lr Area. attorney; 1 sister, struggle in Ute upstairs bedroom ,,-here , tional joblw: ra,\f dropped .r~!l' 4 per· 11UrVey was. 1f14de by mid-&_eptember. E!Jelle Minh of. Bem,Jey, and three Mrs. Good ~ CaJ\Of w e Uit to ·, -~WV perconl or.the c1y11ta'l. lab!!J' bel91'• m~.!ts• ·-'""'retilfll" srPrl~dtell=. ~ .. ~Frien•-·. death; ' ," • ..,,,,, ! ' • • • -"'""'~" (bO ·~Fk~Jh!lt , ~l ~ -> " WW ~ I· i • wl uaual tealOllll ea4W11!11 <;;"AJU1111i1ill'lli0 <klober ·rilte ren sllgillly, "1!9 nil ~-. , al con-~es. ~ ,,,,. ·Goldstein saJd: 61What we are a:etUng is a trRKrt1on1 to the Orance CClalCt Chapter Cr h V• tim., ni.e jobless total tn October ~~ed . confirmation that unemployment h:a• m. of the American. Cancer Society or to as IC IOll,000 mon for a u percent unomi>J•Y· deed gone up aubllanlially.'' Hoas Memorial HOlpllal. • Remains Critical One of two .....,,.,. aerloualy lnlu?td Thurldl,)' in I Ji"'ROrl Freeway lralflc acddent remlined In crillcal condlllon today al Cost& Mt1a Memorial Hospital. A hospital apokesf!l&n said there had been llllle lmjiromntnl 1n· Ille coadlllon of Maria Segovia, 21. Tbe· Tultln woman, a passenger tn a car driven by Mr1. Ancellna Blair, 33, al5o of Tustin, 1uf· ftred multiple injuries when the autO skidded off the freew_, and smuhed into a lamp standard. Mn. Blair's condition· today·wl! listed 11 fairly good "with a definJte ove:ml&ht lmprovemenl" Both women have undergone aura:ery at Ille Colla Maa bolpllal. Gorton Reelected CANBERRA, Amlralla (AP) -Prime 1-tlnlster John Gorton overeame tWo challeDll!fl today to win re-election as leader of the Liberal party and usurance that he will remain head of the govern- ment. OhllY PllO T CIUJIH COWi "'611. ..... CCMIWt'f l.MffH.Wff4 ................... J•c.• .. Carley v• ""'*"' .,.. GIMl'll Mllltl9r n. .... 1e .... q ..... 'nt,... 4 M..,.t.e --. ,,.._. •• C.lli• --CIW----ttll w ..... ~ ........ ,. -.--.P.o.a.1m.tnn. --CWtl..,..r•#llt...,......, .__,,,,_._ ............... , .. llil ...... · Repossessors Take Rough ·Ride on Costa Mesa Truck Gather 'round, readers, and you ahaJl hear of the mid-day ride of plwnblfti o>n• tractor Lawrence G. Klein. The ~Iission Viejo businessman clung le the windshield wlpers of a truck wrongruJly belnS r>-ed from his Costa Mesa finn Thursday, before jump.. ing of( Lo escape a Lrip to Huntington Belich. From Page 1 Police reporls told It like Utis: About noon Thur&day, two suspicious men ff'turntd to Bredehoft Plumbing Co., 744 Baker St., for the third time and em· ploye William M. Jackson, 45, went out to lnveeUgate. Ont of the men hired by a Los Angeles rtpOPe!slng !inn roared off in a com· pany truck however, and Jackson -con- valescing from a heart attack -stepped into Lhe path of the second man 's car lo try to stop him . RAINSTORM • • • Instead, the vteUm told police, the driv. er kept coming and Jackson was knocked became a virtual river Thursday nJ1ht. to the ground when he couldn't get out How much rain fell downtown could not of the way in time. be determined -weather watchers today Jacksoo shaken but unhurt jumped found the nln gauge at tHe city hall an-into his own vehicle arid puraued the ne:1: on Newport Boulevard at lftijt street truck and auto Into Huntington Beach. broken by vandals. The Instrument was The chase ended at the SOuthern CaJ-repaired. Uornia First National Bank, 17122 Beach In Newport Belch, police were kept Blvd., shortly before 1 p.m., where, Hunt- hopping by a dozen minor accidents, six ington Beach police said, registered own- Th d er Klein was on the scene. of them minutes apart early urs a:y Beach city police renovt" said an im' • afternoon, There was no flooding of F' ... homes and the Harbor Department promptu busines,, conference began at reported all boats were secure. an adjacent taco stand, during whleh one One casually of the storm was the West nposstssor allegedly found words not 1 hi h !ltd f 1trong enough to express himself. Newpcrrt sand hau • w c was ata or Physical exertion allegedly followed. three days by the hard-poundlt1g rain. But In which Klein '1 chin was narrowly flood cantrol officials deelartd the proj, missed by a kick. and the renn.sessors eel would continue Monday whether or r-not the co1at suffered another atorm over arrellted on the spot for disturbing the the weekend. ~acc. Huntington Beach police wert called Thty were released without being out on 14 traffic accident.I during the 1j:~~~ritles gajd at that JIO!nt the plumb- stonn, none of which were reported lnl contractor apparently Nltlled hit serious. In Westminster, high water clos-businc5s dealings with the bank, also ed Magnolia Strtet between Bolaa and concerning a second vehic le at the Coe:ta Hatard a.venu.es between 11 :30 a.m. and 2 ?iltsa plant. p.m. Thursday. . Unbeknownst, they added, to the repos- Tht water found Ill way into l.oguna session team , which was soon Costa From P,..e 1 BlG CANYON •• problems they pose. The study was spurrtd, in part, by Im· provement and jurisdiction problems arising in The Bluffs. Commissioners discu ssed ge_neral con- cepts about the planned ~mmunity in an informa~a~ ill.!tead of acllon-oriented, seSllion. ' Public hearings on the Irvine request for the planned community area desig2 nation will conUnue throu&h the next corns mission meeting. Specific plans for the dev·elopment Ile self will come up for discussion late r. l .. p.,,, "l I CaJifomfa's State House Conference on. Children and •Youth' Sunday thrOugh Tues- day at the Anaheim COnvenUon Center will go just where it's at for youth pro- blems -to the young themaelves. The conference will draw an estimated 2,000 delegates and feature everythlng from rock music and psychodrama tO an address by Dr. Roger Egeberr, usiltant secretary of liea1th, Education ind Well are. The Southland product.ion of two such state conferences wW cover 11 counties and concentrate on problems In five areas, education, health, j u s t 1 c e , economies and changing values. Special programs include "Bread, Beans and Things," presented by SO Watts teenagers, an Afro-American fa.ablon sho.:· and , a rap . aellslon between teenagers and state legislators. TOO Anaheim conference and a similar production in Sacramenlo during the same period will serve as preludes to California's participation in the 1970 Wt.Ile House Conference on Children and Youth. -- A $13 million development named _, yes, Leviltown -wlll be coll!tructed In a corn and tomato field at MacArthur, Boulevard 81ld Bristol Street in Santa: Ana. Severa) more Levittowm will foUml and the well-known Levltt and Sons firm expects 1 to be the largest bullder1 fu California by 1975, a company oU1clal said Thursday. Carl A. Rudnick, director of apartment development for Levitt and Sons or California. made the announcement at a meeting of the Orange County Commlttee of the Mortgage Bankers Association. He &aid Ille 291 tingle famlty home and 3 0 4 rec re a tio n-orienled garden apartmenls will try to arehiteeturaJly avoid some of the controversial upects the prototypes boasted. Levlttown's COmOJunlties of 63,000 In New York and 70,000 in Pennsylvania have been likened to the San Francisco Bay area's Daly City. The Santa Ana development, to be located on 80 acres at the northeast cor- ner of the intersection, is small by Levit· town standards, but the eastern Levit· town.i have rapidly grown. The original parent company ts now a subsidiary of International Telephone and Telegraph .. It's Porf"911"e, EstoNCl11 th• furn itvr• of f'H'tantic tnflue11c•s, ,qul•t •l.f•tte. and 1ubtJ. boavty , , , by Dr•r•I. Beach's new $500,000 Laguna·Moulton ~feu-bound again to retreive the second Playhouse, Msina up to four Inches be.fore plumbing truck. TOUl L~ DUWI POl DUXIL •HIN-. HllllTA .. ·-=u1 ................. .. .................... ............................ Ql9 .... U9llM ......... ,. .... ................................ ........ ....... °"""' °"' ,........ ~.,.....911 ___ 1'11 ... .............................. .......... (Mlt ... . . T - ' 1n•t ..... Ill .4 .... '°""" , I -:s:I I ........ -o,_. c.... ........ ~ ......... , ... "= ....,... ____ fl I "'". '™ .............. ....._. _.. ' =~~.:---. .. --. ···-·-....... ---If· Jt wu cootalned. The Ooodinr w11 blam· Costa i\fesa police said when they were ed on a roof drain clogged with acorna. discovered the second Utne, lhe Irate Ellewhert ln Laguna, rain dtlayed con, Klein jumped onto the hood and clung ltructlon of the city's major storm drain to lM windshield wlpel'I for a short ride channel ln the downtown area. At the S before jumping off. curve in Llguna Canyon Road, w1ter He suffered a cut hand, accordina: to the Dooded over Ito f•t. halting tr1vel tern· police report.. porarUy. No major accidents wtre ArTivlna at the bank ln HunUngton reported In the city. Beach, the chaarined reposseulon tean1 Out!lde the Oran;:c Coast arta, wet dl3covtred their services had not bee.n plVtmtnl "WU blamed for the dealhs of nqulred after aU and promptty returned. Wllllam Tolliver, 51 . of Paramount. killed the truck. In 1 collision In Carson, and F'rtd H. They did not. however. risk anothtr Mont;nk , 33 of San Luis Obispo, who confrontation, but parked the vl!lhJclt i:lted"tn 1;kJd·cr11h on Hi1bway 101 nortb -eome-dh1lanct away -Ind telephoned __ of Ventura. Klein to tell him '''here to fi fld IL NlWPOlT BEACH 1727 W~lcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPIM PllDA J ,.ll t .· INTDIORS Prof111lon1l lnttr'9r °"''"'" AvaHa•lo-.t.ID-NllD LAGUNA llACH SO North C-Hwy • ... ,.., ... , 'nl ' ,.... ,., ................ c...,, .... ,,., -· , ,, I Ne Afp!!'• IAft -, Huge Integration ' Job Vrider Way NBW ORLEANS (UPI) -a coolereoce will> tbe dilllicl f---'lllolr. ·~-.ppia!--··-llllt . _._ ~ ••• J~ Ouiclall of The decWon w 111 al!ect UI~ ~V.WUI 100 000 chlldrtn.. o i • ljllllalppi scboot dlslrlcta will> • ,.,. -UC<pliOlll ::.Uy°"~ "!'iu1!: °" court -°" Ille oi . -iltoesre1allon project plans prepared "1 tbe nepor1-1n ll>e nallon'a hlat«y menl of Healtb, F,ducatkllt ud In • ~-"'-· ---'-ll>e Welfare to brlal aboul ll>e --·-....... -lrlllllUon. llh U.S. Circuit c..at d Ap.. Howwer Ille •~--ln- paala -Ille ollldall to ' • ·-becln makinC .... ,.._.. alrucled ........,;iauvea d ll>e inunodlalll7 to have unlllf)' ICllool dlalrtcta to ClOllllnue odlool l)'llems IUD)' ·nperaUve for!ll!lilllq plaol al their own,· "1 Doc 31 wblcb, if ~. milbl be ·~ ~ never -any-Pli lDto <fleet In September. lhinc d lllil inap!tude lnTOlv-ll70, . replacln( ll>e HEW •·• eblJdreo In ochooi • Aid . •methOds. .... ' The •appeall ...,,( orlPlll- __ ...., . ' .. Consumer ' BiµP,.d In· Senate WAS~(AP)~TIM - Senalt baa pulld wtlbDut -• blD lo protect -...-. apinll arbllrary ud erronooua ....Ut reporU. Sen. Wllllaro Pnmnlre ([). Wis.), chief -ol ll>e bill, hallect.lta pa1111e Thurada)' u ''lhe blalll CODIUlller v1ctory this yeart' in Coo&reu. The m lllm'e now• I * to ll>e HOUie where •-• of limJlar l'flllalloa Aid ll>e subj~ would~ In ll>e Banl<inC OOmmlllae later this year or early In ll70. • " . -little bouc!e knits, ribbed and pebbly ip The American Way with_ Wool A dma that body cutVes, fits &lcinny. Now, io IOft boudt. A knit llial'a nubby aad tcortuied. Looi 11 ..... and alcirts -· abort. And 1°" !mow Ibo American Way Witb Woolf.wool mark lahel ii ,.,.. lllUllDCO of '1'!"1il!'·tesi.d p.00-lcnit U. A-a of I""" ""°I ID 8"J: llylc, quality ind pcrf-. Get JOGll':lf • quick little bouclc. In ...i, pwple. • atriag 1"iB-· sizea l · O. By jonatlian J:.osan. 28JIO • ~'1: = ~ ;.::m~; 1Y If~ a Nixao 'Unini. binded dawn ll>e order lraUon "'I..._ ,to delay tbe._~::e===============~ "Wheo we AY you have' to Mlialuippl inlqratloo. Bui on ael llarled lrnnwli"'IJ, ll>al Ocl. •• tbe U.S. Supmne is what we mean -tomof.. Court' i:t••• the ~on ""' .. tbe ...... added ........ ud ord-tbe ~ COllll Any HOUie floor acllon wUI not CC'.llM ~en nm year, lhey uld. Proxmire uld mdll rallnp now are mabltalntd Clll: 110 million Amerlcam ud lhel lhe bill would fr.< ll>e flnl Ume give indlvlfllala a ledenlly .-.-rlpt to comet !Ille lnl«mall<>o in lhelr ru... I ·---.... to lee to. ft thlt the llC:boola .be~-y. Kin The -Aid 27 of tbe IYI" Tunney tem. mult d•11sreiite. "1 what It c: a 11 e d ''one step ' plans." II excepe.d ll>e acbool Recovered l)'sle!nl o1 lllndJ uc1 Holme• counUe• and tbe city d Mer- idian, wblch were allowed two step plana. MARSEILLES, F r a n c e (UPI) -Mrs. Joan Willdnson, 30, dluchttr of former world heavyweight bo"1ng cbampioo Gene Twmey, has left a hospital where she w a s tr!aled for shock and am- nesia, doctors said today. Prince Philip To 'Meet Press' Mrs. Wilklnson was found at a camp site near Marseilles Oct. 24 alter she was reported nUaal!)& jor sev~ral weeks. llodlli-I iald !be left Sainte- Mquerlle HOl(>llll "a few dl)'I aco" coril pletely recowred. Prince Philip will be th~ gued on "Meet The ~" SUnday on KFI Rad.lo at B::JJ p.m. and on KNBC, Channel 4 at I p.m, Prince Philip Is in tbe United States to receive an award of the Pilgrims Society. ': enne••J N.JNAY8 FIRST QUALITY .. THESE . PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK · • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FUUERTON •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORtH HOLLYWOOD • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER ' -Mets s~ore Bit Seven Open Vegas Show LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -resort-hold slrlp, ud ln ·ll>e ,Seven (rinning, tuxedo-clad casino Met re~r extended to N9'1 York Mets turned song-New York bueball caps on the &OOcag men befort a resort dealers. hotel audience -and scored a Tbe seven -Tom Seaver. hlt Jerry Koosm a n, Donn Not that baseball's world Clendenon, Ed Kranepool , champkml made a home run 1 Tommie Agee, Cleon Jones In their ahow business clebul and Ari Slwnaky -opened a 'Ibursday night. Their singing, twG-week stand at Cat:sars loud and in unison, had hard ly Palace at $10,000 apiece. any bannooy. SOIJlt punch The athletes were on a bill llne1 a:ot ragged delivery. starring singer J l m fl! I e eustomers' c omme nt a af. Rodgen and mntdian Jerry -terward nnged from-"great" Van Dyke. The Mets appeared to "comical" end ''you can't in a 27·mlnute act with comic ezpect too much of them." Phil Foster, who introduced But otorma of app-ll>em. came frun a capaclly dinner A ocreen delcended ud col- audience ()( J,100 eacer to or.film clips ahowed eome ()f .,.et ll>e Meis fr.< what Ibey ll>e ,Meta wont ud be>I are -incredible, come-l'rom· momenta the past HUOD - behind baseball heroes. lnfll!:ld bobbles, outfield col· Outatde their names shown lilions and brilliant playa llke In marq,.. lll!hls along ll>e calche5 by Agee and Jonea. • Samsonite Silhouette Handi·Tote savings ' The meuure lbouJd "pn- veol COOIUllMl's !nm beinl W!Jullly --aged --ol tnaccurat< or arbllnr)r ln- formatlc:m," tbe MDl&or l&ld. Chinese, Bunna Clash HANGOON (UPI) - Former Burmese Premier U Nu stood with Communllt O.lna'a Mao T ........ before Peklng'i sate of HtavtnJy Peace ID ltlO ud proclaimed iasllng friendship. Now he Bunnese 1ovmunent "port.I fighting recenlly on Cblna'a border. ' Premier Ne Win told ll>e Burmese IOClalllt p a r t 1 Thunday fiplln1 will> "Com- munilt forcea" bad · left 113 eurn-• troopl dead, llO wounded and G mlllin1. For limited time, 20% savings on Sarnaoaite'a Sil- houdk Handi-Totes. Over-ann handles of molded viny~ lull-opening top, zippered exterior and in- terior pockea, open side poclccl. Select from biacainc blue, dover wbii.1 oxford grey or will"" 81""'· reg, 24.9l 19:95 may co luggage l 6 -. - Skimpy little body dresses, in misty-dusty attic colors Little drcsse& arc wh at's big now. Curvy little akimf'I that ...., ia cl0t<, tb<n flip out at the 1-. Willi all lcinda of seaming and details. And you·u km die colon. Tones JOIU grandmother "°"' ... like dlllly pink, pwple .and navy. Plus the newat, bit-tiaod ' Art Deco prints, They're all pure cottoa, jUftior \ sizes 7-U. Just one flllOl 4 collection by Arwtuiu : V-ncdc dma willi curml ICll!ling, 15.00 ~J-CO ""'P"' ~ 4t -----------. -----------· , • • DAll.Y -0 ,. ' • • ' 1 --·---, I { I . I • WEST COVINA may co soutli coast plate, san diego fwy at ls ristol , costa m•11; 546-9!2 I shop monday through satu rd ay I 0 1.m. to 9: 30 p.m. ( MAVCO . ' fl , - • • ------~ . ....:=::==--------------- I r ... -. -- . . , . ' . ... "DAILY -PILOT EDJTOBIAL PAGE . -· r • The Override ~Increa:s e- -'"' -• I j -. ' Thr"I'. yea11 aJq Harbor Aru voten approved a ts $4.63 per •iOe of' usessed ·V91uation for'Costa Men thl'ef'olep ~rr14~· t.u·1t1creese:-.Tlie tot.I tax rate properl}"owners and '4.25 ·for those in N~Beach~ build-up was fl cenls -24 cents th• 1:[:il lceer, IS cents (The*il ty belw-cijles dates from llldtbledneH more ·the second-year and-an addltio ,,.,......, ... ._......_ ___ vo=ted . or to un ·cation: l .- third year. , e y ere ls a rong p ~ ac case The override tax was without tlme limit, so the 41 bi& chijnk of. th~ propo'sed override. Schi\01 ollieials cents continue• to •be levied each year. Bui, as they now fah a ·bllf1obofstiowlllf that the sliiO of·th~"" warned then, <acliool officials now report that 41 cents vestment in our schol1 tb'ey recommend I~ eS.1ebtial' to override is no longer enoogb. the social and economic well being of the commumty .. Not bavtng the numey the~ thooghl they needed, I ' ·:. trustees in their last budget a~"l'lion dipped deeply ,, Into reserves. The school distric~ IS !jperatlng at .a JS · II~, -TJ,"ain, Retain percent deficit this year. . . . . . > ta:u"" Thal mean& the Newporl·Mesa·Unified; likrthe·U.~. "Yoor action may keep the smok~ out of Orange government, · Js a: pending more than its income -15 County,'' ., , ., 1 , .:. '!, • pert e_n t more. Unlike the· federal 'overnment the E tt w1nt f 'd I of th nt • &ebool distiict cannot continue .to deficit finance since vere •t .er,s,' orm,r.,pr••1• en e.,CO!J .Y • It cannot legally go Into debt ljnd thar~ isn't much more NAl\CP, chapter and '" wsonal relallona specialist for left in the reserves to hit. , Phllco-FOM in Newwrt Beach, gaye that messaje last week to, the ·Gosta MeSa Chamber of Commerce's indus· The ''cOst of llvtng" ~ntinues tO rise for schools. trial c6mmitt:ee. 1 • just as it does for businesses and for indivitluals. A n d •• He urged "hiring, uaining a n d retaining" disad· the phenomenal "knowledge explosion" of the past doz.. vantaa:ed and minority workers.. . en years meap.s much more ·to be taught -and more From a purely operati$)11a). standpoint, a pr~ram expensive -equipme.nt Mecied per pupil to do the job. such ast that praposed by Mrs. Winters would mi.De an Further, the Newl>ort-Mesa distriof faces the situs· untap~ reSQW"Ce of workers fo.r , the Harbor Area's ti oh where as local auessed valuation per pupil ·g o e s burgeo~ · tndu. .. tx:y. · ,, up, stale financial aid pa down. And legislators admit Bu~ mo~ lb~~ t,bat,. ii WO'!ld decrease the d r a i n that 1970, being a_~~eteetlon year, 1s not the year to ex-.o_f taxpayers ;-wellare:doftars into the vicious whirlpool pect much help from Sacramento.ori:.Wtaool finances or that has swept uP~ many m~mbers of dis8dvantaget1 tax refonn. l ~L .; and rrtj,nority grot.ips. .1 ~ So the school boaid bas ~ anollier tax override They have no jobs liacause of no skills, no skills be-election. The Feb. 1o·'OrOPOlittCJ1tfWin be for-a 60-cent in· cause of no tralri.ing, lt9 training because of no mon~y. crease the first year-. 11 Cints inore the second year no money becauae·o~ jobi. And' they are there .. just and ·en additional 15 Cent.s...tli~y_ur -a total of freeway minutes away, in the steaming ghettos and bar• 86 cents. ~ \ .. .: rios of Santa ' Ana. -· Like t~ earlier 4l~erit over 'de. the 86 cents, once Hiring them, and working with them to keep them, tl ts built up to, would eontt{lue ibdlfi.n.itely from year \VOuJd not be a gesture of charity. It is a system in ac- to year. cord with the classic business principle of converting The present tax rate lo whlcll··lhil would be added loss into profit. r , • ' . " • • His W·ife '• Dea r Got llptight Over Hall.oween Pranks ~. ~ { ' Gloo!lly Manufactures .r· ·' . Gus: Unhappiness . """ ..... ·~·:·.-.::::-:~''.~~')'I ' ;..,~.E-recy--1ay, 1 "' Problen1s • B;'~ORTR L. RICHARDSON Minlater Nel&bborbol'ld Congregational Cburcb Llpaa Beach Norman Vincent Peale once told bow be was riding on a train and became in- volM in a conversation with a man and his wife in the dining car. The two men exchanged their business cards aod in order to include the man's wife In the conv~rsalion, Dr. Peale asked, "What do you do?" ,,. She was smartly dressed and gave the impression that she was a business v.•Oman. Her husband didn't give _}rer any opportuttity to answer the question. He 15poke up sharply, "She's in the manufac- turing bu!iness ! " DR.. PEALE ASKED pleasantly, "And what do you manufacture?" The husband again was the spokesman: ''She manufactures unhappiness !" Although these "business men and women" are ll<lt listed in a business directory their phones ale bu.sy dispensing unhappint51. It is true that "Happy people are never wicked." (An pld Dutch proverb!) It has now been scientifically proven lo be sO! The majority of criminals come from unhappy homes. At Yale, a IG-year study of (rust.ration has been completed which indicates that immorality and hostility to others is Drought about b1 unhappy people:- •"J"HE SOLE CAUSE 'of al l psychoo"omaUc ills is due to unhappiness d.Qd that happine!s is tbe only cure," says . .. AJ avid OCC . football fan11, we think the pep band is great. But why, oh why, does the band dirfrc- tor insist on playing during impor· tanl plays on the field ? It's bush! -M. H. R. and W. D. R. Tllll-fMlllt9 nti.chl ,........ v-.. ... "-'"' tit-. .. ,... llfttHHI', hMI ,,_ .... '"" " •1-, OVt. Dl llJ Plltt. Dr. Schindler. Another recent survey showed by-and lar,&e that <>plimistic, cbetrful businessmen who "looked on the bright 1idit or things" were more suc· cesslJd ·than pessimisUc businessmer. l tiave-mrmy-dest-1 letter receivetfj&st- week from the superintendent of a Hime for retired people. }{e was brlnging'.itne up to date on a perscm whom I had helped to get into that home. He wrote: "We call her 'Sunshine'. She has been here leSJ than a year, but she Is so cheerful~lnd has never complained <>nee. EverythinC is 'O.K.' wilh Iler, even a four-minute-egg that has been beiled two minutes! I wish that lbere were m<>re like her! The staff. th! iI}firmary atalf and the hired help all love her.0 • WEU.,.I KNOW the woman well. l know that she 'had read her New Testa- ment, particularly that passage by Paul, "I have learned to be content in what·SO-- ever state l find myself." We can manufacture happiness or unhappiness! · Dr. Matthew. Chappell, a psychol<>gist says: "Happiness is purely internal. It is produced, not by objects, bul by ideas, thoughts, and atUtudes which can be -developed and-constructed by ta..Jn~ dlvJdu.1111 ow'n acUvttl•, irre~peclive of environment." And wha t did yOu say you manufac- ture ? 4 Good New Dictionary One of the most frequent requests 1 get frotii readers over the years - presumably because they know my deep interest in words and usage -is to rte0mmend a good dictionary. Few persons, apparently, are satisfied with ;~ctionaries they have at home <>r UNil now, I had not been able to make an l61Quallfied recommendation, becaDSe although there are dozens ol diclio~ies on the market, not one of them In· coh:aated everythink J thought was needed by the average reader. lVhat most people want is not merely a boOk that will tell them the meanlnp ol words, but one that will 3tso suggest p~ per,.usage. It should not be •nece8Sary to couull Fowler or Partridge or Copperud or any such other auxiliary worka In ordtt W leam the mo.51.appropriate,_ef. fcctiVe, and unambiguous usage of words and phr ..... -~~ TBE NEW •• Ainerican~Heritage Dic- tlODlr)' of the English Language," con-sistlnC of 1,IOO,paiges, with J5$,000 entries (includi=lO.Cm biographical a n d _. -·.-: •>...,.tit la aatlaly -the ...,. scholarly and recoodlfa. AlsZI II tbe...r.oroJnary price ol ff .9' l'I a lar -r buy thao ooaie Quot es lonill r..-, llerllelef -"For the "'lulnlllll ol ten mcntlll' -ol the wa~ II) Vletilql • bc1oc1z1 i looll Ill ..,..Iv" we hive iOre:IJ oeeded 1 and we tnow no"" that we hive no problem& we cannOI. tolve." dictionaries costing more than twiee as much. .. The type and format are a pleasure to look at, the 4,000 drawiJ11s and photographs are truly illustrative of the topics., and the Introductory essays are themselves a short course in grammar, spelling and pronunciation. But lbe uni• quely ueeful part ot the book ls the tiun· dreds of "usage" notes that help the reader . steer a sensible middle course between wild permissiveness and con· stricted purism. TO OBTAIN THESE notes. American lleritage enlisted 10me 1" writers. editors ifi<hchola:r1 to serve as a "U~ge­ Ponel" for dilfi<ult or dllpo~wonla and phrases. I happen lo have been one of the n1embers or this panel, but J hasten to add that thl1 was wholly a labor of Jove, anc1. the ·pon<t received no111u11i: foz:~u. work bul·•·lente of utlsracUon m tie~ jnc put together a dictionary that meet& a real need. Dk:Uonary-maklng Is a delicate art. The biggest are not alway1 the best (although the smallest are always in- adcquatt), and all of tlW:m are aubject to the vicissitudes of tJme, since English is a living. growing, ind thus changing language. But the American 'Herlt.agt1 1n my prejudiced .view, will wllhsland the glrain of the year• mort &t.un:llly than any or ill current rivals In the popular rJeld. · Sh·e Apologizes · to the To t!MO IEdilar : ' . I foqnd myself fro~ wiUt di!ap- proval 1 Pr)diy night · when o u r nelghborhQod . ~ame a playground for egg-throwing, ;;ioi~t ,p~per .decorating, a n d old vegetable dwnping. The <>lder kids were having a great time, and I was automaUcaUy getUng up tight about it. Later, my husband came along and remarked how almost festive the :sur· rounding• looked, with the streamers draped around . One man-seemed lo be smlllnf almost in spite of himself as he hosed eggs off his car. WITH DIFnCULTY (righteous in· Lettn's from readers are welcome. Normally writn's Jhould conveu the ir mes.sages in 300 won:ia or less. The right to co·ndt11se letters to fit spac'e or eliminate libe l is reserved. AU Lt~ ters must include dgnature and mai_L- ;ng a.ddress,-but names mau be with.. held on request if sufficient reason is apparent. dignalion is so hard lo let go of) I rcluc-board of regents ha\'e .aVused our oivn tantly admitted to myself that it was ·Constitution and baVe acted-Jn a very ~aJJy_JJI_ ln ·tun_ -rK! birm had been Conununistic manner.-Tbe-very-thing done, no malicloumess intended. Finally, everybody is so frightened or. • we were laughing, recalling our ov.·n , Hallo1''een days. IT IS TRULY SAO that Angela Davis, So now, I'd like to apologize to th<>se being black, feels a need to belong to a teen-agers for feeling crabby, and being Communist party. Thls ·could become a so quick to condemn before. thinking, and _ trend with the Negroes. If has been su-ch to say how deeply glad J am they were a hell for the Negro to live in our society. bavine fun .~ way i:_alber than tossing No wonder Angela Davis is a Com· mol<1tov cocktails or taking bid trips. munlst ! MRS. SAM '.WRAY, JR. Among other principles of the Ccim· Silent 1Uajor1tu To the Editor: During President Nixon's sptteh to the nati<>n 1 kept asking him mentally a wag- gish question you hear everywhere: "Well, why don't we win the war, stupid?" And after running a few of his statvnents through my semantic trans- lator I came up with a few plausible ~en: We are shackled by the Geneva Conventions: v.·e are handcuffed by lhe United Nations ; we stand lo lose race. shlrtllilOrtstlge and more tiillions of dollars if the great silent majority·does not assert itseU -and soon! A POUTJCIAN came on the air last '''eek to predict that the S<>uth Viet· namese will turn on us if we try to pull out a great amount of troops and money. They will join the Viet Cong to attack our troops while they are leaving. This is quite probable, as the Vietnamese want us thert only for our money, our food, our soldiers and guns to perpetuate the nc>-win stalemate. -• If Mr. Nixon should order evuy American oot of Vietnam within 1 year, including the dc>-gooders who are lavishing money on an ungrateful peOple, It won't be too soon. although lbat move v.·oultl not assuage the guut,Gf UM! idiots who got us there in the ftr&t pklce. TO THE GREAT silent. majority Mr. Nixon lrled lo reach in hia-tpeetb It can now be said: "The doom ij11poktt1. Boot out the United Nations, repudiate the Geneve. Conventions, pull back American money that is being indirectly-. med by Communist countries, cut off lhtlr wheat and .oU,1and you will witnesl ttie-blggest collapsei<>f enemy coon tries' the world bu ever seen." MILT BASHAM Lit o Small .B11m1J To the F.ditor : The present Angela Davi1 Conlrover11y hu ~ 10• "uptiahl"' as H. bu many other -lo, llirt I tan an oppootng 1land from most of the other pt<>ple. An&ela Davis would not bes~ a oon- trov~rslal figure had the board 'of regents not fi:.d h<r. By firing her they npanded and ha ve blown up a slluaUon ""hlch could have been kept imall and relatively lnslgn\Ocant. Furthermore. the board of regents had .no right to Ure her. Jt k her con·· slilutlonal privilege to beloag to the ' Political porty o1 her cholce .. Tht But :of hight! atate!I that \·ery clearly aitd very lllmply. By denying her lhat f"'edom the munlsl doctrine , one of the main. prin- ciples is equality for all. In the United States the Negro does not get equality .. The siluati<>n is definitely getting bet· ter, but ask a Negro -is It enough? I v.·onder. also. would there be such a fiJror if Angela Davis were white and Com- munist? THE DECISION OF the regents to fire Angela Davis would have been much more feasible had she been teaching a class in communism, but that was oot the case. She was teaching an Afro-Ameri- can his_tory class._But what if she were' teaching a class in communism? Would ii be so wrong? Would it be a threat to our present l<>rm of government? The judge who ruled that Miss Davis was fired unconstltu.Uonally ls to be com· mended for his decision. It's a shame that the bciard of regents dkln't consider the aspect of justice whUe making ·their decision. They have quite unioteoti<>nally lit a small bomb. MARY HOLLINGSWORTH Comm11nlat Ganis To the Editor : There are two basic types of Con1· munist parties in the world. They are the Communist parties. that are in power in Communist nations and the Communist partieJ that u1st Jn the naUons of the free World. Ha:ve you ever Wqiidered what art the goals ol lbe Qmununlst parties in the fret world and.especially the Com· munist Party o(.the United States? Since the Suj)reme CoUrt Issued the principle of "Clear and Present Danger" the CPUSA has refmed lo apell out its goals. So all one ·can do is l<> use deduc· tion to determine the goals of the CPUSA. THE CPUSA is a POiiticai organizali<>n and the only function of a political organi:r.alion is to gain political pov.·er. The two most logical Y.'ays that . lhe CPUSA can gain power is to take <>ver control ol our government after the U.S.A. has been defeated in a war with Russia or the party can organize a na· tlonal liberation force that would 'oust our present fonn or governn1ent. Tn either case the CPUSA m~t have enough membera so that It can assume and maintain control ovtr all the re· nlalnlng citizens of the U.S.A. Sinct the CPUSA at prtsent is comprised of only a very small ptrctntage of our tota l population. thelr main job at this time ta to recruit dedicated members. A DEDICATED member of the CPUSA who Is also a unlvtrslcy professor la in an txtrcmely advant.arcOus · position to recruit members or at the I ea s t recommerid pr<>mislng students for further indoetrlnallon. Now any universi· ty 'pr<>fessor that is a member of the CPUSA Who claims that he or she is not interested in recruiting or indoctrinating t tuLe.nts must be using the propaganda tool that is called "The Big Lie." HARRY B. McDONALD JR. • '.l\'k e to Be Donae' To the Editor : We started our sec<>nd month as new residents here in Newport Beach Nov. 1. \Ve !)ave just returned from touring Eur- rope for one year in our motor home. v.·lth the problem of what·ts &oing tcr hap- pen to our fairgrounds. A committee ii spc~ulaling on a change and it is up to u~ lo let them know what we want. Th8 problem is that so many people don't know about it or how lo submit th e i r jdeas. This is the pUfP9Se of this Jetter. I reel this. issue should be mo;re publicized. If anyone has any ideaa or suggesUom__ please conta:ct ' Mr: Allred· G. Lutjeans, Secrelarf·Manager, Orange County Fair Grounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. California. 92626, or call 54>1131. ANN PERClFIEL!i CDM Studem Lice ita the Present . ' In all our travels in Western Europe we did not have one unpleasa_nt JnciQ_ent. \Ve traveled in complete safety with no damage occtlrring to our motor home. To tile Editor: Even throughout .Morocco, where you It is a fairly obVious fact that an In- might hesit.ite if you believe some dlvidunl who doesn't live in the present travelers' stories about d4Jnages Rnd tends to be tense and preoccupied. When thefts to tourists' property, we had a carried ro a national extent, a failure to marvelous time, again without any dif• be present-ariented may account in part ficulty. 1, for increasing alienation and, in SINCE BEING HOME again -31 days -our new neightp"s have called the police six times regarding oyr ,legally· parked motor home (none of whom bothered checking with us first to. find out <>ur intentions regarding the motor h<>me ). A police <>fficer actually had a tow truck out here lo tow away tbe same legally.parked vehicle, eggs have .. been thrown on it, and a window has been shot out. Gee, il's nice to be home! MRS. J. W. ARNOLD 1424 Irvine Court P l'o l!edure To the Ed Ii tor : This is in regard to an article you had in the October 24 edition concerning overcrowded condllions at the Costa Mesa MuniciJi,al Courts. I was given a parking ticket at Orange Coast College by a Costa hfesa polk:eman saying I backed into a parking space - which I had not done. It "'as under a vehicl~ code section that gives the police the prerogative to assume you have done soriie£hing wrong. - • ~efore going to court, t looked into the matter and it ls not against the law at OCC to back Uito a space. t APPEARED in Division 1 before Judge J. E. T. Rutter and pleaded not guilty, e.x plainirig tht circumstances. I am an adult and expected the judge to use his ability lo make a decision. He dld rot even hesitate, but sent me on to Division 3 at a different date. I had waited for ohe and a hall hours in Judge Rutter's cJ:iambers and heard over and over agilip the same thing going on. ''Go to Division 3." No wonder Judge Dungan is f~ with an overcrowded situation. When I did appear in Division 3, Judge Dungan dismissed the case. MRS. WILLIAM_JJA/IEN I .4 traffic C.totimi i8 tlke any other cliorge. Under th• .«uo, the ;~oe pre· • sidi1117 at arrclgnment cannot dimdsi a crue. B11 pleadinQ innocent, the writ· er aiked for trial, which was set for anoth.er date befure Judge Do1wld Dungon. After weighing the evidence ot hand. the case wo1 dismissed witli· out trial. Tiie rtadcr's obove-dcscrlbe.d experience f.s rout1nt procedllrt under Califorllia la w, oltl1ouglt the w o it for other& tip for &rial 011 tlJCh traffic ci !atio11s is ~zot olwa.ul so loug. Editor Let '.l'lle m Knoac To the Editor : • The people of Or¥1ge County are factd numerous cases, physic a I (en· vlronmeotal) -danger for the United States. ' PERHAPS ONE of the main reasons the mass ol American society doesn 't live in the future is that to most Americans the future means one thing : "rocket shlp."1 We seem lo hold a fa ntastic faith that we will survive long enough to reach CJ.n age of ab.c;olute technology. Apparently conditioned to this image by mass media, the public has little thought devoted to the years between that time and O)lr$. IT SEEMS WGICAL that any in- telligent person living · in the present cou14n'.t possibly igOOre sucli vital con- cerns ·as overpoplilatlon, ·conservation and pollution. The shocking apathy on th; part of the public would· lead one to be\leVe thlil Anierica'ns are ~lther un· intellig~nt, ignorant, or living elsewhere than t!>e ptesenl. ~ow .Jl!B!lY Americans know (or care) that -'·.PffHel <>ur national'binl the bald eagle. ·1s already ex(inct in me areu and .n~aring. extinction in others. thanks to ·dtstioyed nesting grounds and wllc.ernes.s as well as a DDT-con- tamina'ted food supply. Aft.tERJCANS llA VE an idea paslled down rrom our arrogant forefathers who v.·ere.busily conquering the frontiers: that nature is a phenomenon separate from man, lo be fought and controlled. Unfortunately, as we lose space, this unn!alistic idea is rapidly tightening the noos,: around our necks. I am young, and would 1\ke to rest assured this country v.·ilJ stfD·be habitable in 10 year11, that I'll live lo the age of 30. Wake up, Americans. Yoo'~ living in the pa.st. (MISS) ANDREA FAHY l!iih School Student ------"t -- Friday, November 7, 1969 . ~ T1u editorial paoe of 'the Daily Pilot seeks to inform and siim- uf.ate rtbde11 bY pri1tnting thfs 'nCl'W&poper's opinions and com- m1111toru Oil topic.. of htterest and 1ignifkance, b11 providi11g a forum for t1ta ezprtuion of our readers' ophli11tt1, and by prestuting iha dlv1rse tnew- poitlt.t of h~forni.cd ob.rtrvf'!ra and 1pokt.smtll on topici of the doy. ·nofiCi'!-N. Weed;'PlllSUsB ·-·- 7 \IOC. 62, NO. 267, 4 MayorA•s More Meets For Council By AR111UR R. VINSEL Of .... °"" .. ,. ""' 1 irtd of unlinished business, Mjlyor Alvin L. Pinkley announced today he will attempt a staggering pew •Jl91icy of· , holding eight Costa ~Mesa City Council n1eetings each .. month. The mayor plans to bring up the matter Monday at ·a special adjourned council session which has three 1oog-dlscussed items on the agenda for further action, plus a handful of r006ne work. "'We find that too many of our big pro- jects are ·simply gt>ing by the boards," Mayor Pinkley declared in oulllning bis new burn-the-midnight cil proposal. Under his plan, councilmen will hold a business se!sion every Monday night lo hash out the various matters, but no formal action could be taken. The following Trlght, a legislative ~essioo wouJd be held to actually vote on the matters discussed in depth before, \\'ith the public invited to all such rrieet:ngs. Talks would be limited to the five coun- cilmen and city staff members on Mon- day1, wbile Tuesday night meetings v:ould include putilic hearings and parUcipation from the Ooor. Councilmen will disCIJSS at the Monday. Nov. 10 meeting whether to approve P.tayor Pinkley 's eight meetings per, month schedule, modify it, or keep it to the routine two sessions. · •·The st.au · is taking too much time to prer-are special reports and that sort o( thing," the mayor said today, refeITlng to requests by councilmen William L. st. C,1air and George A. Tucker. Major issues facing council action in the future include drainage, st~t plans and development, several new autr divisions proposed for the city and com· merclal e.nterp{ises an4 iWful!triea. 1-le Said · another matter is TOPICS, a 5pecial new federal aid program for bn· prtvtmenL of existing ~ and traffic patterns, possibly of benllt ID engi.oetr· ing city thoroughfares arodnd the Where Tlaere's S11aoke -Pipe collector Joel Schwarz of Costa i1esa demonstrates how all you Sherlock Holmes types can keep the fire burning in your favorite pipe during a rainstorm. Sch,varz often puffs up-a storm of his own while laboring over a bot typewriter in the DAILY PILOT sports department. ·. B•uflh ~ · ·BitJ-e . . . . -. ' Owner Hop6 Truck, RepoBBessors . ' l'ie'Vport Freeway~ d -'""!-'""!~•-The agenda Mon ay n15.. u"" uue!I' discuss.ion of TOPICS, plus narrowing OO\Vn a rield of planning consultants In· .tercsted in the city's Impending downtown redevelopment projec.1. --'round;"retiden,.W..y""""'11t. hear of the mtd-day ride of plumbing con-. tractor Lawrence G .. Klein. ·Authorities said at thal point the plwnb- ing contractor aJ!'parently setUed hls busines.<i ·deali11gs with the . bank; also concerning a.second vehicle at the Costa Consi~eration of operators wlio would like to take over management of the Costa Mesa GoU and Country Club's clubhouse restaurant and bar setup is al.SO scheduled. fl.ionday's meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. In the conference room behind city coun- cil chambers, which will be occupied dur· ing the regular planning commission meeting. 50-man Posse Hunts for Wife Of County Doctor Teams in a SO.man posse today scoured tl1e r:ifged Cedar Mountains of Utah for R Santa Ana physician's wife missing for ll'.'O freezing nights at the 8,000..foot level and feared dead. Mri:. Katherine Shapiro, 42, apparently became lost on' a hike from the couple's \\•i;i1er trailer lodgirigs 10 miles east or Navl\jo Lake in Kane County, Utah . "I'm afraid there's just no way she coulO survive the nights out here," said Kane County -Shertff Lanard Johnson, "s!le just couldn't make it." Dr. Marvin R. Shapiro, who has offices al 567 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, ha~jolned the pcsse hunting in the primitive Utah area, which has been powdered with light snow for the past two nights. Oruge Weather Old Man Weather's just catching his second wind today. He 'll sock il to the Orange Coast Saturday with another seasonal stonn, push· ing the temperatures down a few notches. INSW~ _TODAY_ Tilt big flop ove r "Flappina Eagle" Led to 1ndla 11s getting . "red power" ht Hollywood. See the illustrated feature in todo~'• \Veckendcr. M<llWll ,.,..., It Nellellll M.W. .. , °''"' ('"""' ' S'l'rll ""'1w It •.. ,...... , .... '""' 1•n St9Cll fiMl'tlttl l•n .,,........, " .,.. ... " ,,.. WH!lltl 4 WNllf """ .... '!be Misalon Viejo businessman clung • to lbe windshield wipers of a truck wrongfully being reJ>05sesaed from h1s Costa Mesa nnn Thursday. before jump. ing off to escape a trip to Huntington Beach.! Pollce,reports told it like this: Atiout noon Thursday, two &USpicious meri returned to Bredehoft Plumbing Co., 744 Baker. St., for the third time and em· ploye WIUiam M. Jacbon, 45, went out to inVesUgate. One of the men hired by a Los Angele.<i rtpossesiling firm roared off in a Cilffi· pany truck however, and Jackson -con· valescing from a heart attack -stepped into the path of the second man's car to try to stop him. Instead, the victim told police, the driv· er kept coming and Jackson was knocked to the ground when he couldn't get out of the way in time. Jack.son shaken but unhurt jumped into his own vehicle and pursued the tnick and auto into Huntington Beach. The chase ended at the Southern Cal. ifornia First National Bank, 17122 Beach Blvd .. shortly before 1 p.m., where, Hunt· inglon Beach police said, registered pwn· er Klein was on the scene. BeaCh city police reports said an im· promptu business conference began at an adjacent taco stand, during which one repossessm; allegedly found word,: hot strong enough to eipress him.self, Physica) exertion alle,£edly followed, in which Klein's chin was n8rrowly miJ:aed by a.klck, and the repossesson amsted oq the' spot for' disturbing the peace. . r.1esa plant. • Unbeknownst, they added, tO the repos. session team, which was soon Costa !ilesa-bourid again to retreive the second plumbing truck. Costa Mesa police said when they were discovered the ·ste0nd time, the Irate Klein jumped onto the hOQd and clung to the wlndshif!ld wipers (or a short ride be£ore jllmplng off. I-le suffered a cut hand , according to the police report . Arriving ~t the bank In Huntington Beach, the chagrined itpiossession team discovered their services had notr been required arter all and promptly rtlumed the ttuck. · They did not, however, risk another confrontation. but pa.rke<I the vehicle some distance away and telephoned Klein to tell hlm where to find It. Russ Leade1· to' Visit Cuba in Next Week MOSCOW (~P) -Sovie! Dtfe°'e f\1inilller Andrei A. Grechko will visit Cuba within the next week, it wu an- nounced officially today . The announcement said an Invitation for the "official friendly visit" was made by Armed Forces MirPatet Raul Cutro. Mesa Mom, 5 ChiUlren Escape Death in Crash ·By BARBARA KREIBICH ficers and ambulance altendantl and °' -. o.tlY '"'' "'" taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital, where Only hours befcn stale highway it was found they had S\l!fered only m1nor engineers arrived at El•Morro·School 1to lacerations and bruises. examine· the lwardous lraffic:'iitualion "We were 11:ileto seOcflti"em all home o._n C6ait J{llfiway"~ar t~ school, ·a .. ·8:!.te.r treatment,"··a~bospUaJ 'fPOkesman young .ea.ta_ Maea JOOtlter'..!lic(her Jjve: · aaid: ~~ were...mbtllevably luc"1 ." pre-school children miraculously escaped On Thursday: afternoon, G. L. &well, serious injury in a ·rrl1htenin& acclednl traffic engineef lrom Sacramento and A. on raln·sllck El Morro.curve. K. Goldin, traffic engineer for District 7, Swerv!n& to ,avoid a vehicle disabled.in ~ with olficu in Loa Angeles, met with an earlier minor coillsicn, P.1rs. Sharon Lal\Jna Beach Superintendent of Schools Louise Goodman, %.1, of 267 Albert Place, Or. William UllC1m, school board presi· lost. C\1iltrol ol her car 11 she drove not:th dent Larey Taylor, El Morro principal on the highway at 7:50 1.m. The vehicle William Allen and two parents, ~1r1. rollerl over on the downhill grade, coming James Penney and Mra. Bruce Carson. to rest on it.s side In the center noi1.h-Aflcr riding a school bus in and out of bou.od lane of Coaal Highway. the school's hlghytay entrance, Rus&ell Mn. Goodman ind her children, said, "1 can't bind the state, but I can D.mald and Ronald ,, 4-yur.dd twlna, almost guarantee that we can do several Jame::, 3, Ruaael~ 11 months and Gary, 6 things. It mUA be kepl in mind that we : months, were removtd from the wrecked must represent both the users of the L.:======:.:::==t·-vt111~ll1""11rHl1ihw11"PatrQ""1 '11erW11Eet>rP11< II .,......., """' 1•11 ....... , Ji.2f \ . 18' Mesa CrasheB .. - . . ' • • ' • • 1· ... ' '. "JEN CENTS ' . I ' ' l I . ' ,~ • ·L.~Shes Orange Coast "" , ' T!lf, rainy IOUOoi, ~ Calllornla's aubetitute for w~~.came ln like an enraged lion "l'hut¥iy, brincJng ·with It daJlier, destriic~ and damp c1JS<0111- fort. While M the Orance Coast managed to cou.e throu&h the first stonn or the tieuon with its head above water ~ more than two inchea: of it -other areas of •AIMl"ALL TAILI SMJlll S.-1.1 1.1 2.1 2.0l 2.2 2.• ,,, ,,, ,,,, '·" . ,.. 1.• 1.1 1 .• f.1 1.4 I.a '·•r .2 t.4 1.t4 l.'6 1.1 1.11 t .U n .I 1.t1 I.ft Oran,e County and Southern California were not so fortunate. Over 100 storm-related accident! caus- ed 45 injuries in a 24-hour traffic toll that 1nay be a record for the •county's California Highway Patrol. Auto repair bills for motorists are expected to total more than •10,000, although most or the collisions were of a minor nature. Along the Orange Coast, rainfall up to * * * Rash of Crashes '. I , : ' &l~.fl··i"y 1Sit[r.m; One Jlo8pitalized ~ One woman rtmlim bolpllaJized aDd · three --are recoV.rlna lroilt injuries suffered Jn a wave of nearly 20 Costa Meaa traffic tcddents during the first winter aeason storm. Mrs. ,Mlqa Thom1<>:11,· 65, of 457 Westminster Ave., Newport Beach .Is in satisfactory 1condlUon at. Costa Mesa Memorial HoaplLll with a h'actured left ankle and a bead laceration. tnVestigatora said her car skidded, possibly due to wet brakes, and crashed into two other can: Thuraday afternoon on Del Mar Avenue at Newport Boulevard. The Th0m1011. car atruci: one · driven north on the bo.ulevard by Larry R. Bryant, 25. of the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Station, then collided with one dri·1en west on Del Mar Avenue. Neither the Marine nor the other driver, Herbert W. Ward, 53, of 212 Rochester St., Costa Mesa, was injured, Leroy W. Carson, S8, and Evelyn Huss, ••. bqth ol 176 Del Mar Ave., Costa Mesa, suffered cuts and bruises Thursday night v.·hen lbeir car crashed into a light stan- dard. Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Bob GO!)de said he was driving north on Fairview' Road at the San Diego Freeway with one car between his and Carson's when he saw the light standard ahead waving back and fourth. Qllrson's auto had slammed almost headon, into it, but the ty,·o occupants were able to be sent home after treat- 1nent at Costa Meaa Memorial Hospital. A third crash on the South Coa5t Plaza parking lot. not necessarily rai~aused, left one motorist with a cut hand, police said. . 2.l lnd>es lnundated'tlle~ar• .. contrutin& sharply to Jut ,ear's precipitation to!tl of lw than .3 1ncbes al this juncturt. Heaviest hit were the 'Newport' Beach, Lquna Beach and Irvine areas with well over two Inches. , Three major blackoul.5 ht s&nta Alla cut off power to 2,800 homes and some county telephones were put out of coin~ mission by water setpinl into cablq. At " ' • ' • I ,• ' I ~ ' leut two mW>ri!l.5 di«l In ~ a«lllfnts llNr'Conon and V-o;·wllile m!!'lslides dooed many·eoulll !Jll!rny• to the ·-h. • , . . . ·Coola Meaa · pollce re~ .18 11<:· cldehts over the .~-h9ur ·per!Od, -no;t ·all related to 'tbe rain. ijeav,ie:ot OOOjl"' ."'I reported in the northern part of the city, puticularly: at ·Fairview , Road WJUch (See RAINSTORM, Pip 2) . lmpeachme.nt Studie~ - " M ... o• Against Jmtiee :Douglm . WASHINGTON (AP) -A nwnlJF of jected ·on ethical ·standards,"lbeli the Republican House members are con-game standards should be appliedr to· all ~iderlng bringing bnpeachment pro-members of the Supreme Court." • · ceedlngs against Supreme Court Justice · • · William o. Douglas, Rep. Gerald R. Ford Douglas has been ander fire beca~ of CR-Mich.), said today. his service, which he ended U\JJ'fear, u Ford, leader of his party in the House, · salaried officer of the Parvin Foundat.. said no decisiqn has yet been reached ion of Los An1eles, Wh.lch received a&me whether to offer an impeachment resolu· funfls from gambling Interests. ' tlon. • -Ford ·said recent ·addlUonal dllclosures "It would be premature," Ford uid, about the Foundation and busln'5aes replying to questions ttlayed throuah his aSsociated . with Jt inspired the new,_ office. RepubHcan effort. . . "At this stage It. la a preliminary ata(f "Recent revelations are what 'touched operation •• , We are reviewln& all the It off," he said. "It is a rtlearch aper.... fact.a in the caae." Uon related to theae new revelationa. W1 A spokeiman for lloullu uld lie would have not made any declllon "'°Iller I!' have-111-"°""""'t-fl..U. . · . · · · _l>!'oc;eed witb im~11toC)!~dll111o:'' _ '·""°tNid·lhal. 'll'··l•nn lie ta ,...,. -· Fard •aald II I• liil-atelO~ cm...t;• ..:lllc>lj lbciwd >?DI~-hirn..as tb,e, pr'1!1t mover but that .• whether !he Senatl <OllllJ:nis or~ 1 -Gf~iinmp111n-.bo Praideat Niml'• .nomlnltlor\. Of' Judie dwrlbld ll'Wliilil Ind rHpolll!blt,'bai C1toi<nt F. Haynsworlh ti the ........ ......... ID -, '1ld _,1tec1 him Coor!. -. . ' •!lolit Ille elfir\ Ind ihat be Ii 11eepm, in But be added lhat.U ljaynswortll II r• tQlc:b Wlllf them. County Trustees Opp~s~ ' . . . ' •, ' ( . ' Social Science '. Course · • • I ' Opposition lo a proposed ·ntw 10Cial ttience curriculwn for Californii• pUblic schools was voted Thursdaf by 6ra11&e Counly Board of Educatiqn trustees. The new state framework for social tcicr.ce teaching is designed to put more cm?hlsls on student inquiry, on in· terdisclplinary study and on t h e behavioral sciences. Board members Clay Mitchell of South Lagi11Ja, Dr, Dale J\11llison a~d. Dr. Doris Araujo, all paijticat conservatives, voted f.>r a resolution suggesting the proposed curr:culum be rewritten. 7n1stee Don Jordan. who ha11 clashed often 'with the conservative board ma· jorlty, said he has looked into the pro- posed curriculum and found nothing mysterious about it. He abstained from \''lfing. r.titchell, on several occasions, ha s spok¥n against the proposed curriculum outline, saying it appears to be sensitivity training. The Slate Board of Education still Is reviewing ·the proposed curriculum for gr.1dt1 kiliclt11ar!A!n ~gh 12· that could 10 Into effect next fall. The resolution idop'ted by the ~tY. board was prepared bf Carroll Creighton. former coordinator of social sdencta·a6d no\\' research director for the· county SC'hools office, with the endorsement , of C'.ounty Supt .. Dr. Robert Petenon. 'rhe resolution will be sent to IChool boards within the county for raufication and~toihe:state board. It etatU: -The. need for instruction in the. tradl-ti~nal d~plines or. his~ry. i>ouUcal sci.er.ice, economics and geograpby:·be.,re- affirmed while givlng proper ~m'ph~s.tG the behavioral sciences of ·SOcio!ogy, psyrhology and anthropology. -.Concentration on basic skills W\thin a subject. cliscipllne be given high pribr.ity and concern with teaching the~ social . sctences from an Interdisciplinary ap- pro.1ch be re-evaluated. -Emphasil be placed on a variety of tearhil)i . methods rather than ov~r· en1phaslzing tl}e Inquiry or discovery method. I .... • t I • • . ... ... ., ""'" ,,... ............. l r,.llSA •WOM~N't CAlt'-HAULED AWAY APTER f!OLLING OViR IN EL MORRO CURVE St.111 Highway Auth<lrlt111 'Vl11t DHlh·DHl!ng lon4 Slfortly Alter Crash " I i • ·~ --· .. -'"'------·-~ ·--Frld<f, iro;,m'lioi 7, 1969 ~een ·Grn-·--. --. Finds , Pair . ' _...,notllea.......____ . lly TERRY l;OVILLE. Of t11e DllW '"" lltll . ' ' ' . 'sutj>rised al her teacher mother'• oversleeping; i. Fountain Valley teenager t~y found the woman shot to death and h~ estraflged British stepfather sprawled dead over a rare, Japanese milllary rifle. Authorities tenli:lively listed tbc tra&ic case 1s a murder-aulckle., the aecCIDd bomlclde cue in Fountain Valley hllt«y. Mn. Barblra E. Good, n, of l.G'7IO El· Plano ~Vt., in the new Green Valley lanned -community developmtnl, was en her bed in the upmin bedroom. anf F. Claytor, 39, who maintained a Lani lleaeh aportmenl aft<r the oepara-tiont wu face dmm on the floor, a 6.1 mlllJmllet bol\.lctlon rifle -.th hl1 body. tnvesllgators said.it appeared each bad been 1. 1bot once, ·but Orange , County eor.nen deputies nre still mlnut41J eso· aminlllg Iha,.... with the bodiu·not 7e1 · remc!Vld lilarUY before noon.· Mrs. Good was a teacher at Eutwood Schi>ol 'and had apputntly ovenlopl. oo . her-ftu&l\l<r Sue, U, went lo ha' · bedroom ·1bol.d I a.m. and found a m of-. Sbe 'ciWed 1o a tel•Jibont and called w~ p;>llce -apParenUy ltiocked" and ""11uied .:.. and they in tum notllied Fountajp._Y,~ey_ offl!;er1 who rac~~ ~e death scene. ., -. -~. ... . . DA ILY' 'ILOT l'IWt9 ~ l.lcflft KMlllw ... ----..-..-....... . • Re s-op,~n :-New-1taiclS Two Saigon Police Stati.9ns Hit by Guerrl.llas 5,UGON (UPI) -Communisl iroopa tiuvltning a tlrllJC of AJU..t bua •JOoc ' fer aunshipa to "'~ th~m .in ,...., -~l<k<.Un.ipollcuolali1J111JDiille:·ss.a11il'J'llll,oo-!Jl• lhe-Cambodian.-· emliiiacail ;<>!.tho Slip ~oWJ>e th1I m-1•• and shelled 68 Allied ....... eta "Some of the . enemy's attacks thl1 1* Ttt offensive ud the ay ena1ve ...... ,. --• , three months tater. The comma(ldos 8m?'' the war zont' in ~ atr~t Weck have been so feeble. you •OJ!ldn t C.:Ued, UriUib Jou.speaker• for the poljce- mortar and rocket attacks m two months. havt known they were even meant to be • men to IUl'Ttnder. ' , ""nte U.S. and South Vietnamese gen: citlicks unless you llad' 1Urned about . the II oVehtiaht riiOrtar and rocket eral1 commanding the defense of Saigon them .in lntelli&ence r~P9[tl." Ewe.ll qld. aticki were the most since 6f on Sept. 5. ,.Id It wu Plrl ol the wiJlla 111errllla -Al leaol 11111 uppen snqbd Jnlo tllt; Lighl ov!Nll !\IJnage waa 1'por1ed, offensive which, they ~ ~ Man-oapilai•durlp( the niiht for their attaCU with lllOll ol tlie CllUllliu IU!lored in day !ual-belore PrtaldeaiNi1E001 apMcJr oa the two ouUJlna pollce llltlooii. the Mekaiic 1*ie.south ol s.i;a. Two on \'Jetnam. . ~Df o_f1 Uiie hNviut filhl1nl inlide Americans were ~ed and six wounded. Lt. Gena. Juliaa t:...U ~ Do Ciao Tri" -Ille olpllll mce May. 1a Headquarters l&ld other Vlei Coni said they expecled Ille ollilllalve to 1ut . OM ol tllt' 1bn11t1 paoelrlied one and North YittnaJntae troops allaoked 60 daya 11111 6e lau ._.than jlrevloua ' llaUon b¢·bolll -. llltowD ~ ''lrilll a Soulh Vletnamae ODii i1 mil111 nori1> drivea --tarp! -Satpi.' mllilerJ opok-r .... llui un. ,..,.. w .. 1 ·" the otPl\11. wlY tod&y ~ ...... Tho comma-. « tbt 11 provlnceo • r!1laa •alaln. One ]IOllCanan ·WU ldlled beaten back with 14 killed. 0.. govern- around tbl capltaJ, Ewlll Ind Tri p-e-llld et,ht wtrt. wounded. ment trooper died aDd nine were dicied ,taJJuro (If: the olltllllve, cumnil:l' Tbe !"'ii<emen oallec! In U.S. helicop-wOllllded. Former Newport. Manager Coop Given 'HEW Post .Robert Coop, former city manqer of Newport Beacll who waa flrec;I i;,y the Phoenix, Aris., City Council 1-a similar po1t lut July, hu received a topr level 1ppointment Jn the Department of llealtb, EducaUon and· Welfare, it wu announced today. Murder .. Hire Suspect Found Guilty by Jury · 11 look ti SUpertor Court jury laa than lwo houn Thunciay lo return a iuttty verdict in the "murder for blre" trlal ol Richard Davil n.ed. · a dewied sector ol Bulilard SIJ'eel In Founiein Valley. Pool said ht was offered the ,1,500 of the. proceeds of an insurance policy Reed hel<l on his beau and a "~ in skull and a bullet in the back" U he fluffed his assignment. Fountain Valley Police LL Marvin Fortin said the approximate time of death was plKed at 12:30 a.m., when a neighbor .aid 'II< heard a f""'1 lil« a , 1>r1e bolrd lioilil ilropped.' CLEARLY, TAMMY McCLEARY, 7, IS READY FOR RAIN KHp Umbrt.111 Haiidy, S.y1 tho W11thorm1n HEW. SecretMy · riobtri FtOcb ap. poinltd the U.year-old Coop lo the poet of regional HEW Director !or the -· •latea. Coop'• job beoomt1 effective Jm. : medlataly, Finch Aid. ~ slx•ornan, 1lx·man panel quickly agreed with the proaecuUon that doe :l&- year~S" Gaft\en Grove bairdraaer of- fereJ a man be believed to be a •1murdfr•1 no problem" drifter a •1,500 ~nt t9 fllll Reed'a (lirllriend. Th> dilliei proved lo be HunUngton lieach 1Uldeii:o,.,. ollktr GenO Pool and .hll tulimoey played I major pit! In the loiit-day trW ol Reed on two dlaria - 10lloillllf to· commil murder 1 n d sollclllnl lo commit burglary. The Jury also heard lestimony lo the efiect that Reed made earlier attempts to dispose of the Garden Grove woman by, goinl out into the BmilWI buah lo calcb poilooou$ ll18ilea with the llkied In· teniioo of allowlllf the repliles lo bile her. ~ cOaaty -·· depuliea, """ did not say where )jrl. Good and Clly1or were wounded,· did not offer a predle mtmaie ol the tlme llCh lboollnl,vidlm · From Pqe l Ila iilll l>eed projectl 1.. irew In •. Callfornlf:, Arizonl, Haw.U, ~evada. Guam and Amertcan Semoo.' . died. . . ' Lt. Fortin, chlel · ol . the d~e bureau, Aid Mn. Good had mbved Into the new developnenl about ·1ix Ji1onths 110 utd di...i-1 thera bad been ... repcrl ol a family dilturbance there. · No detaill were available about Claytor,« the Enel~'! occupaUon. Jnvestijaton Aki Sue Good, her brothen R1cbu'd. lJ, and Robert, 7, were in the home . bat apparently uleep wbe:Jl the double ldlllng occurred. 'Ibey deniod l>eariJli aqythinf durlnl the J!llhl bcllrl. RAINSTORM ••• became a virtual river. 11luJ'lday night. How much rain fell downtown could not be·determlned -weather watchers today found the ralnpuge al ihe cUy hail an- nes on Newport Boulevard at lath Street broken by vandals. The in!lnlrnent was repaired. In Newport -· ]IOllCI ...,. kept hopping by a dozen minor accidents. 1lx oi them minutel aplt! early ThundaY afternoon. There wu no floodinc of er 4 v·· · -1~"~:.:-i:.,~1 as )Ctiln One ca= ft tbe ilonli WU tha Weal . ~'lTT f .-· '11...pW(' . liliiT,'wtthwiaM!Wlcr R , Critii line=thehard-=raln. But emai,,~ . , ·. · . , ,~· ~· ~,~.I; 1\'-.1.·1 /'-ii. ~,=-.1"1li. '' t" a.. '' motbtr.ton.OYW One of IWo _,_ -. Thuiiday in 11',;wpi>ff'Fnlw-.y ~t11e -tend. • · accidenl r~ In ciiJlcal' ca.ilitlciil 111mtlngtiln Beach police were. oaiied today at Costa Mesa Memorlal Hoiplt1I. out on t• traffic accidents dur1n1 the A hoJpital lpoke1man aald there had 1tonn, none of which were reported been little improvement bi tbt conditloD AriOU5. In Weatmlnater, high waler clos- ol Maria fle&ovla, a, Tbe Tultln woman,. ed .Ma&nolla S!r .. t between Boiaa and a passenger in a car driven by Mrs. Haz.arcfavenuesbetween11:30a.m.and1 Angelina Blair, 33, abo or Tustin, sur.. p.m. Thursday. fered mu1liple injuries when lha auto Th~ water found Jts way iQto Laguna skidded on the frMWI)' and llllllbed Joto a lamp standard. . • Mrs. Blair's condition today wu llsta1 as fairly good "with a definite overnight improvement" . BolJ1 women have undtraont surlerY it !lie Costa !,leu i..p!tal Doll Collection Stolen in Mesa Thieves looted 1 Costa M e 1 a stewardesa' laract of. $380 worth of valuables includfnc a footlocker con-- lalnlna II dol!a collected in her lri1111c011- tinental travel1, 1he told polJce Thufaday. Jeri P. Coler, of IOOO l>al'IOll1 St., said the other stolen ltema included a feotlocke.r full of varlow Chrtstmu decor.11Uon11 and a belt vibrator exercise machine. 1.'ht trunks were plastered with Air W~t travel dectls, she added. D/\l\ 1 PllOT Narcotics Film For Youngsters Slated in Mesa A special program featuring a 45- mlnute film on the current problems of narcotics abu11e and personal drug ex- periences related by Orange County yoanpier1 Is ICheduled MCll1day in Cotto Mesa. "House of Miracle•" la the UUe of the m,ovlc to be shown durfna: the 7:30 p.m. affair 1poitaored by Mooee Lodge 1467 at their newly remodeled bulldlna at 4S5 E. l!Uo SI.. Coela Mesa; The public meeting wlll feature talks by current members of a Sant.a Ana Christian fellowship organbaUon who were once Involved with. drugs. <'Alt.a Mesa Police Lt. AUIUn Smith wUI be present to answer que stions from the law enforcement standpoint., accord1nl to Howard Way. pu~llc re!aUons chalnnan for the Moose Lod&e. Coop will work oul « the San FranctJco HE\1' ollice. Coop Josi hll Phoenix job 1ut July Beach'• new fSQ0,000 Laguna-Moulton after five yeara of aervtce. Reporta from Playhoute, ritlng up to four inches before that city Indicating h1a firing was the it wu contained. The nooding was blam· result of polltlcal flareups 'betwe'en his of· ed on a roof drain clogged with acorns. !ice and city councilmtn. Elaewhere in Laguna, rain delayed con· Finch praised Coop as a leader in the structlon of the city'• major atorm drain field of community administration. channel Jn lhe downtown area. At the S "Mr. Coqp will play an Important role curve in Laguna Canyon Road, water jn our department'• role 1n hil: region floOded over 150 feet , baiting travel tem-during comlnc monthl. HiJ office will be porarily. No major accidents were the focal point of many important pro- reported in the city. grams of the future ·which w1ll touch on Reed mun return Nov. JS to tht court of Judae Raymond Thompeon for aen- tenctng on the tw~ counte:. JJe . faces a ·po11sible one to JO years fn slate prison. Ollictr Pool iesU!itd lhal Reed look him on the macabre payroll and ordered him to stage a hit-run accident -with Kathleen DuckeU, 24, u the victim -on 2,000 Expected Oullidt the Orange Qiaat area. wet thousands ol citizem," he said.· 'T'o--Att ..l_'1: uth pavemenhoas-biemed-lor'1hnleaths-of--Coop;--who servedcu -r.COftlullant<>n--y . enu .10 - Willlam Tolliver, 51, of Paramotmt, killed local government for HEW between the In a -In C-0. ·and l'red H. appointm<ul and illl ~ ol ih~ M. . '. 'An h. • Montank. 33. ol San Luis Obispo, who Phoenix poot. is a native of San Diego. eet JD a ellll R!ed In a skid crash on Higbw~ 101 north He has 6erved as city manager of lf ~Ul'L ...-~ ~ ~~e>~';:~.?'t left in "Calllorlua•s State Houle Confere~ on . Children and Youth Sunday through Tue_s- Barmaid Routs .Three Burglars A bannaJd who returned to a c1osed tavern In Costa Mesa early today flushed thr.. young l>urgien who ·had just s1nuhed thelr:Way down through a vent and false ceiling, police said. Doreen J. Wellt satd 1he walked lnto the Three Wheels, 1830 Newport Blvd., then turned and saw the three youths ~·heel out the front door and disappear in the darkness. Officer Dean Howard said owner Beverly A. Saladee was notified and c1JT1e to the scene. but could find nothln1 r,1l~atng fn:m the tavern aft.er the 1 a.m. breakin. Moderate Quake Jars H-bomhed Aleutian ANCHORAGE, Alaska !UPI) -A ''moderately atrong" earthquake oc- curred Thursday about eo miles from the AleuUan Ialand where the U.S. exploded a one.megaton hydroa:en bomb a month a10. It was felt only 11tlghtly at the nearest populated area, Adak Naval Station, where a Navy apokmnan $aid they were concerned about heavy wind' which have buffeted the island this week. · It registered 5.1 on the Richter IC&le. He also has been -pertonnel director for day at the Anaheim Convention Center the city of Pasadena and a' member of will go ju't where lt '1 at for )'OUth ~ the California Stat.e Personiiel ·Board in bl ems -to the younf themselvei: - Sacramento. The conference'. wU draw an estimated The Naval Reserve veteran served 2,000 delegates and feature everything overseas ln Yugoalavla from ltM to 1961 from rock music and psychodrama to an for the U.S. Aaency for International addreu b'y Dr. Roger Egeberg, ilalltant Development. secretary of Health, EducaUon and He. his wife, and four children will live .Welfare. in Lafayette. The South1and production or two such Poll Shows Most Britons 'Need' Queen LONDON (AP) -Qu ... Eiizabelh U has received a one.gided vote of con· f\dence fro m 1ubjects who took part in a national opinion poll asking whether Bri· taln need.1 her. The Dally Mall published the poll, which was in the queen'• favor by 84 per· cent to 18 percent. state conferencea will cover 11 countles and concentrate on problem.a In five areas, educatlon, health, j u 1 ti c e , economics and chanlinl: value1. Special programi lncfude "Bread, Beans and Things," presented by SO Watta teenagers,. an Afro-American fashion shoV' and a rap seulon between teenagers and rta1e Jegtslatoni. The Anaheim conference and a similar production in Sacramento durln1 the same period will serve aa: preludes to California'• parUcip1Uon in the 1970 wt.ite Houae Confe rence on Children and Youth. Greeley Heeded: Levittown Goes West to County Along with the westward migration of Howard Johnson'• and other nationally, koown names, Orange County 11 about te get if.I very own Levtttown, ti wu ~disc~ __ _ A $11 milllon development named - yt3. Leviltown -will be conttrucied In I corn and tomato field -af MacArthur Boulevard and Bristol Street in Siiola AnL ·Several more Levtttowm: w1ll follow and the well-known Levitt and Soni firm -erpects to betl!rl1rge;r-buJldm· In Ca!Hornia by 1975, a company official said -Thursday. Carl A. Rudnick, director of apartment development for Levitt and Sons of California, made the announcement at a meeting of the Orange County Committee of the Mortgage Bankers AssoclaUon. He aald the 191 llngie lamiiy home and 3 04 rec re at I on-oriented 1arden apartments will try to arehltecturally .avoid tome of the conlroverslal upects the prototypes boasted. Levittown'1 communJtln a( 831000 In New York and 70,000 in Pennsylvania have been likened to the San Franclsco Bay area's Daly City. The Santa Ana development, to be located on 80 acres at the northeast cor· ner of the intt.necUon, is small by Levit.- town standards, but the eastern Levi\. towru have rapidly grown. The orislnal parent company la now a 6ubsldlary of International Telephone and Telegraph. ~ cout """""-..... .... ,. N, w,,, Fro11t P-.e l .. ,.... ... ~..., Jack I . C.,W, .... ,,. ....... co.. ....... ,. .. .- ' -1""'" A. M.,,W11t --·---Jll w ... hf .. ,... w.111.,·~ t.O ......... t1116 -·---.:.i::.·:r .. "' .. "'%.l::'' .. =. ..... I ....... ' EL MORRO WRECK ... hl1hway and lhe safety ol school children." . Ru11eii 11id he had dil<usaed the El t.Jorro traffic problem with Assemblyman Robert Bldham, who visited the achoo! latt month to e1amine the situation. On the basis of thtse dlscua11iona and hia own Inspection of the area, Ruuell aald he would make the followtns recom· mendatlon: -lnlt&D1Uon of a cantilevered overhQi!Jflllic alert min with a double, "bounctnl ball" yeJJOW fllsher on e1ch al4a « tllt ochool enlnnce, 11 a - ol about 1,000 IHI. The 11111 could be marked "School Bui CroN:tnc" and could be acUvaied by 1 lime clock, nitch, or treadle trip, u needed by the achoo! - Inf IChool hour• and evenl111 procrams. -Provlllon of an occeler1Uon lane (oer.ier hl1hway) !or the achool bua tntarinl traffic lanu, either by re- painllnl exlatini lane1 or wldenlJll llle road . --Oleckinf end, ii poaslble ralatn1 th• 1T1d• where tbt bua 11opa before •n- ltl1ng the hifhwl)'. -Consideration of a further reduction ol the speed iimil lo 41 miie1 1n .hour. lJmli reccnUy was cut from 55 to 60 • mllu an hour. · -Moving mlting fl11her li1111, which are located too cloae to the school en· trance. All of this work would bt done at the c~nse of the slate, school officials were tolt!. CompletJon time for all the recom- mendations would be about four month•, Goldin eald, though aome of It -a traffic check and repainting an acceleraUori lane -could be done right away. The 1tate does not want to put in a stop allnai at lhla lime, the engineen uid. Posaiblllty ol a mulual 111irance for the achoo! utd El Morro Traner Park aloo waa diaculiid. !Wloell laid the combined lraffio volume lntm ouch I -Ilion milhl juatily a •lcNI· 1'11ior 11id ht would ooniect the part< owner and inlUate dilC\111ion.e with state and county rtp~aentaUve1. ErprtHi"I hll thank> lo the engineers. tJllom Hid, "Naturally we would hope for a ttafUc signal, but we apprtciate your problem.a. You are the e1pert.s." , Allhouth there haa been no accident In· volvlna a IChool bus at Et Morro School, there have bttn a nuinber of "near mi..., .. according lo IChool ofliciail. On the dangtrou1 El Morro curve, iju1t south ol ihe school, siJ perions h1vo lost ih<lr !iv .. in the past lour years. NEWPORT HACH 1727 WHlclllf Dr., 642.2050 Of'IN JllllAT 'TlL f -- INTDIORS Prof..,lcinal Interior Deaf9n1r1 -A~ilabf....cAID-NSID It's , .... .,.ti,. Eatotail1,~ the furniture of romtntic influences, ,quiet el991nc:• end subtle betltfy •.1 • by Drexel, LAGUNA IEACH i.s North c .. 11 Hwy. onlf PlflA f "m If 494-4551 ,._ Ttl "9t .._ ef 0Mtt c...., '*11U . ' 1 No AQNI! Left --'-. ff "!lge lntegratinn · J ---• .. ~ -·Consumer · Bill ·Passed In Senate Job Under ·JY ay. ~ •, .. __ ., --_.,...~--·-WASJllNGTO!I (,\Pj_..:.nt Scnaie l!u puiOd -' -a-blB-1o-pn1oct .... -- ...... aplntt arllllnrJ and enC.-. credll ~ NIW ORLEANS (UPI) -,;, i!onfennce wllll the dlltrl<t ~ ,,_ of I ·ap 'lup;!llii~ llolD;J --· ollJdail ol The -"111 affect 30 -•ppi ---100,111111 cblldren. ' ' - nluetanll.Y bepn l!'Cl*1 lo Ufi --oictPUona, --tho moot ........ Ille ~ -Ille -ol -==llGa ..... plw ~..,Ibo Depon. , pro,_,.. inenllil H"'"""...._.._ and In ll!e 1!111oat ' ~ . Welfare ~ tl!e In • heor1lll Tllundlj, the ~ . Ill! U.S. Cln:ull C<ut ol Ap. llowev • the ~ ln- pe&11 -11!e ·olfldalt to -·-~~"'·-of the beCln maklnC ~ -~ ... bmnodlalely to have 'aaltaiy l!Chool lo - -1111-fully operaUve formnlotlnC pllm ol their own, bJ Doc. SI ·• ..wl!ldi, II .xeplable, mllbl be "There JiU -been 1111)<-: 'pUt 1111!> el!fCI In S.plcmber. tl!lns o1au~1nvo1v-1179,: .npl!i<;lng ·111e HEW Ing d!l1dion In ilchool," Mid m<ll!Ods. -· ~Wllllsm ~ (0. - Wis.), chief -ol lllt bill, balled 111 J>Ul&P T!Nndl)' .. '"the blapll WIM Yk:IGrj lllll yw• In c.acr-. The ~e DOW Coll &o the HOUie when! ._. of lllmllar lefltlab uJil Ult tuhject ...wd be-ldend II the llantlns ComnOOM 1alsr U!l• year or early In 1179. Judge Grlflln Bell a member The appo_U court arlclnal- of tho -JadP panel thal ly cranl<d•a Nixon a&nlnlO. --ll!eonlci'. ,trallon ....... lo ~,the ~~====±=========-"Whoo ... .., you haV9 lo -Mlstllalppl tnt.crallon· -"" ~ pt.at ...... lmmedlalely, thal OcL 19, tl!e U.S, Supreme Aey -floor acllon will OOI .COlllO befon DUI JW, 1liey ulil. Prom\lre Aid cndll raUnp now are maintained on 110 million Amerlcua and Iba! the blB would lot the llnl ,_ -~~..,.,,. -· ...._._ C<ut n••IOCI Ille decision .•. . --........ ilnd~11!e~court ""'·" tho judp addecl during to ... to If -"Iha - Tunney Kin Recovered MARSEILLES, F r a n c e ' (UPI) -Mfs. Joan Wilkinson, 30, dau;hter of fonner world huvyweighl bo<ing champion Gene Tunney, has ltll a holpltal where she w a s treated for shock and am· DMta. doctors sa1d today. Mrs. WllkiMon was found at a camp lite near Marseilles OCt. M: after she was reported ~ for several weeka. llQdorW uJil llbe left' Salnle-Marcuertte Holpltal "• few days qo" cotnpletely ...... ...i. be bMlf--.,..iy. The court uld ,, of•U.. 111"" tern& mllll ~ . bJ wbal II callea .. _ !!lep plane." It excepted the IChool syMnl of Hinda and Holmes counlict and the dly of Mer- idian, which were allowed two step plans. Prince Philip To 'Meet Press' Prince Philip will be the guest on "Meet The Press" SUnday on KFI Radio at 8:30 p.m. and oa KNBC, Channel 4 at I p.m. Prince Philip Is In the United States to receive an award of the Pilgrims Society. 'enn~J N.JNAV9 FIAllT GUAUTY THESE PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. Met~ Seore Hit Seven Open Y egas Show LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - SeYen, grinnine, tuxedo-clad New Yort Met& turned song· and-gag men before a resort hotel audience -and scored a hl4 Not that butbell's world champions made a home run In lhelr !!bow l!utiMa debul Tbunday nigh!. Their alnglng, loud and In unison, had hanlly IDY hannoay. Some punch u... lot raged cleli•en"· Cuatcmers' comments af. terwaid nnged from ''great" to "canlcal" and '1you can't expect too much of them ." 'But s1orml of applauae came from a capacity dim!!r audJerw:e of 1,100 eqer to greel the Mell le< whal they ""' -Incredible, comc-lrom-behlnd bueb&ll beroes. OUtslde their names !!bown In marquee u,!>ts aloag the naort-hotel llrip, and In the casino Met fevu eitended to New York butball caps on the dealers. The seven -Tom Seaver, Jerry Kooaman, Donn Clendenon, E d Kranepool, TOJ'fll'Oiie Agee, Cl~ Jones and Ari Sbalnaky -~ a two-week Rand at Caeaars Palace at $10,000 apiece. The athletes were on a blll slarrlnll tln&•r J Imm I• Rodlm and comedian Jerry Van Dyke. The Mets sppcar<d in a 27-mlnute act with comic Phil Fost.r, who Introduced them. A acreen delceDded and cnl· or-lllm clips !!bowed ..,.. ol the Mela wont and besl moments the put seuon - Infield bobbles, outfield col- lillonl and brllllanl plays like cald!es by ·Alee and J-. Sainsonite Silhouette Handi-Tote savings · time give -• federally --· rlcbl to e<necl lalte lllormaUon Ill their w... ' ,,,. __ ..... ---belns unJulll1 damapd bee•• ol Inaccurate or arbitrary In- formation ... the sena&or Aid. Chinese, Burma Clash RANGOON (UPI) - Fomer ~ Promler U Nu llood !!Ith Communist Clilna'a Mao -be!ww Peldn&'• pie ,of ilea..tf Pesce In 111!1 and proc1almltl lasUng lrlendthip. Now be Burmese government reportai fighting reccotly on Cblna'1 border. ' Pmnler Ne Win lold the Bunnote aocla1llt parl7 Tbunday 'fill>llnl with "Com- munist farc!er' bad Wt lU Bur.--dead, llO wounded and d mltalq. For limii.d lime, 20% aavia&a oo Samtcoiite'1 Sil- liouett< Htndi-T-. O=·tm1 lwu!J,. of molded viny~ full~g top, zippcml exterior aod Jn. tcrior pocke13, open ~de pocht. Select f""'1 bioca!ftt blue, cioYer white, oxford g~ or willow green. reg. 24.9l 19.95 may en luggage ~6 -----------~· --~ ~ -----... --. ' Fr14lf, -!Mr 7, 1969 o-11\Y -I I ,• I little boudc knits, ribbed and pebbly ' in The 4!neri~an Way With Wool . . A dialtliit-l>Ody curv.,, fi!Ssk1noy. Now, .io ...,.,.------1t-- boacle. A Jmlt tbal't nubby tnd testund-l.ooa .11 ........ ~ lhort.-Ancl ,... ...... thl1-- American way Wjth Wooll wool ....rlt Jtl>el it,..., __,, tl quality-tm<d prod-Jmlt in Amnb ol ,.... wool lo 8"< ityl<, quality aod pcm•- Get ,.....it • qW<k little boaclc. In Jed, paifl., er .......... W... '·U. By Jonatlian l.cpl. 2UI Skimpy little body dresses, in misty-dusty attic colors Little cir...., ue what"s big oow. Cuny littlc alcimpa that mo Jn clo<c, then flip out at the lian. Willi all lcinda of actmiog and detail<. And iou'U km die colon. Toocs your gn.oclmothet wore.,. lilce dUy pink, purple and navy. Plus the newest, bit.a.I Art O.C,, prints. 'Ilicy' re all pure cottoo, juoiot sizes 7·U. ]...t oae from a collcction by Ana ... 1i11. V-nedi ilma witli cumd ~ing, 15.00 may CD campus iliop 4~ • • • I ' "' I • ---------~----. --. ---------· may co I south" coast plaza, sen die90 fwy et bristol •. coste mt11: 5'46-9)2 I" shop monday through 111tu rdey I 0 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. \ • J • • ' ,_-.....:D=:=i\~ll:;:;~~P~U~.U~~JID~~~O;B~~li\~l~;~p~J\~Gg;E~l*' ---. .. .:--. ~~~ .. -=--~~-==:::::;:'".,,,i .. 1_. The Override Increase ' . I ' < • J • '. Tbree'yurs -ieo Hal'bor Area voters approved a three-I\~ • overr1da ~ increaser Tht ~· 1.. ~le : 'Oulld-up was 41 ceilts -24 centflhe-nrst year,• IS cents --t---mii.T.ore<Hth;;;•;, second year and an addiUonal four cents the yeal"'. - The override tax Wu without time limit., so the 41 cents conUnUes to be JeviOd each yeai. But, as ·tbey warned t.tum,~ school officials now report tliet u. cents override ii no Jonger enough •. Not having the money , they . thought Ibey needed , trustees tri their last budget adoj>Uon' dlp!>Od deeply into reserves. The school district · ta 09'r•tin1 at 1a f5 1 percent deficit lhis year. . .· ' . . . . That means the Newport-Mesa Unified.' like the U.S. ' governmea.t, ·is spenQing more than· its income -15 p e r c e n t more. Unlike the federal JOvernment the school district cannot. continue to deficit finance since il cannot legally go into debt and there isn't much more left in the reserves to bit. J The "cost of livinJ" continues to rise for schools. just as it does for businesses and for individuals. A n d the phenom..enal "knowledge expJo,ion" of the past doz. en years means much more to b~ taught -and more expensive -equipment needed per pupil to do the job. Further, the Newport-Mesa diatrict faces' the situa· lion where as local assessed val1111ti'on per pupil goes up; state financial aid goea down. And leglsli.tors admit that 1970, being an '1"!'UOD year, ,!a mot the year to· ex- pect much help from Sacramento 1111;achool finances or tax reform. 1 '" So the school boei'd ha · called anotller ta;< override election. The Feb. 10 llt'OPolltlon'will be f°' a 60-cenl.iri· crease the first year: ti centa m.gr,e lhe' second year and an addi'tional 15 ~cenu the third~ year - a total of 86 cents. • · Like the earlie,r 41-cent override lhe St). cents, once it is built up to, woul d continue lndmiiitely from year to year. ~ '"-' The present tax rate to which .thi~ would be added • l ' • ts $4,113 per $loo of 111esse<I valuation lor•eoOta M .. a - property owner• end $4.25 !or th0<e In Ne~rt Bee~. (Tbe-'dispari!y between cities dates fronrbi4eb\edMu • . . "" voted prior to l\Jllllcation.) · • ' • • -eert,tnly there-la-a-ftroftg-prima fad-,caae for · ic-· big chuDt of the proposed override. SCll®I olllcials ' now face a big job of showing that the siutoof the In-. ~ veStro.ent in our achOls they .recommend is essential lo 1.rr.- the socw and economic well being of the CO!JUDwilly. . 1 ,• ' -I • Hire, Train, Retain ' irvour action may keep the smoke out of Orange County.•; ,1 • • Everett 1Wlnters111orm'1" president of th~ coUJtty's · NAACP 1chapter ana a ·personal relations specialist for Philco-t;<>l'.d in Newport Beach, g~ve that me&aage last week to 1~e ,Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce's indus- trial corruruttee. . ' ~ He urged :.'hiring, training and retaining'' disad· vantaged and nilnortty.workers .. ·From a purely OJ>!rational standpoint, a program auch as that p~ by .Mn. l';inlers would mine an untapped resouici of worken for-·tbe HaFbor-Area!a burgeoning industry. " , , l!ut nip(&. lban ·that, it would. decrease the d r a i n of taxpaye rs' 11felfare dollars into tbe vicjous whirlpool that...Jlas sw.ept ~ many members of disadvantaged and minority groups.. ' · • · They have no jobs because1 of no skills, no skills b& cause of no tr~.iblng,mo. training ,because ,of no inoney. no money ~ause of no"jobs.>Arid \hey are there. just. freeway minutes away, il'I the 'steaming ghettos sod bar· rios of Santa Ail.a. r Hiring them, and ·Workirig with them to keep them, would not be a gestull'e of charily. It is a system in ac· cord with tbe classic business principle of converting loss into profit. .. , -·l>t . ' (C) ·- ' His Wife ' 'Dear Got llptfgltt Over Bair.ween Pranks '. ' Manufactures Unhappiness B; ELUWORTHL:111CBARD60N Minister Nel&l>borllood Collgre&atloual Cburcb -____.. ---tqm-Bncll- Norman Vmcent Peale once told how he was riding on a train and became in- volved in a converaaUon with a man and his wife in the dining car. The ,two t.,n ezi:hanged their buajnesa cards and in order to include the man's wife iD the conv~rsaUon, Dr. Peale aliked, "What do yw do?" She was smarUy dr.eased and pve the lrqpresgion that she was a' buslneas \\·Oman. Her husband didn't give her any <1pf>orttinlty to answer the question. He spoke up sharply. "She's in the manufac- turing business!" DR. PEALE ASKED pleasantly, "And ,whal do you manufacture~" The busband again was the spokesman: ''She manufactures unhappiness!" Although these "business men and women" are not listed in a business directory their phones are busy dispensing unhappiness. It is true that "Happy people are never wicke4." (An old Dutch proverb!) lt has now been scientiffcaJly proven lo be 50! The majority of criminals come [rom unhappy homes. At Yale, a IO.year study o[ frustration haa been completed which indicates that immorality and hostility to others is brought about by unhappy people. "ntE SOLE CAUSE of all psychosomatic ills is due to unhappiness •nd that happiness ls the only cure," says Gloo~y Gos: As avid OCC football fam, we think "the pep bind is gre1t. But why, oh why, doe.'! the band direc-- lor insist on ~ing during impof- tant plays on the field? Jt's bush! -M. H. R. and W. D. R. Tiii!; •. ..-nflMtt ,....,., ...... Mt -..... , .. ., "'-"' .,.. "........ , .... ,_,. "' _.,. • •'-r hi. .,.tlJ l'iltt. Dr. Schindler. Another recent survey ehc.iwed by . and large that optimistic, cheerful bulinessmen who "looked on the bright' 'skit of thlnp'' were more suc· cessful &hall pessiml;Uc businessmer •• \ I hive on my desk • letter received laSt week frC1J1 the supaintendent-of-1-tmme for rtured people. &-was bring!Jll me dp to date Oii a pmon whom I had helped to 1et into that home. He wrote: "We call her 'Sunahine'. She bu been here le§ than • ')I ear, but &be .ia 50 cheerful and has never complain6.1 once. Everylhina: is '0.K.' with her, even I four-minute egg that bas been boiled two minutes! I wish thal ·thert were more like her! The staff, the infirmary staff 1.nd the hired help all love her.'' WELL. I KNOW the woman well. t know that she had read her New Testa- ment. particularly that passage by Paul, "I have learned to be content in what-s1> ever state J find myself." We can manufacture llappiness or unhappiness! Dr. Matthew Chappell, a psychologist says: "Happiness 11 -purely internal. It is produced, not by objecla, ~t by ideas, theugbls, and atlitudea which can be developed and constructed by the In· dlvtda•l'a OW11 .ctivldea, ~tive of environment." And what did you say you manufac· ture? A Good New Dictionary One of the most frequent requests I get from readers over the years .,.. presumably bee.use they know my deep intemt in words and usage -is lo recommend a good dictionary. Few persons. apparently. are satisfied with L':c dictionaries they have al home or work. Until now, I had not been able to make an unqualified recommendation, because although tbere are dozens of dictionaries <1n the market, not one <1£ them in· corporated everything I thought was needed by the average re8der. What most people want la not merely a book that will tell them the meani1l£S of words, but one that will also suggest pro- per usage. Jt should not be neces!ary to conllllt Fowler or Partridge or Copperud or uy 1uch other auxiliary works in order to leam the most •ppropriate, ef· r~ve, and Wlamblguous usage of words and phrases. TllE ...NEW "American Heritage DIC· tiOf\11')' of the English Language," con- iistlng ol l,600 pages, with IOS,"CiOO entries -(Including 10,000-biographical and 1...,....-n1-1, O\llbl·to oallsly aO)'OllO ui:epl ihe moot !diobfly a~ recondilo. Aid al the eitraordlnal'J price ol f7.ft. M'• a far -bey than iome ' Quotes K Ct F.,_, ltrteleJ-!.Tor the equtvoleit ofjml momhs' -ol lbe war In ~we boqht • klot at 01r1elve1 we have llOl"'tlJ needed; and we know now that we have no problems we c1mot solve." dictionaries costing mort than twice as much. The type and format are a pleasure to look al, the 4,000 drawings and photographs are truly illustraUve of the topics, and the Introductory essays are themselves a short course in grammar, spellin4 and pronunciation. But the uni· quely Useful part of the book is the hun· dreds of "usage" notes that help the reader steer • sensible middle course between· wild permissive:riess and con· stricted .purism. TO OBTAIN THESE notes. American llerll.age..-enlisted some lOO writers, editors and scholars to aerveal a "Usage Panel '' for difficult QT c:HsputM words and. phrases. I happen to have been one of the members of this panel, but t hasten to add that this waa wholly a 'tabor ol love, and !be paotl recelvtd noUllllc for Ila work hul a """' of satlslacllol1 In htlp-lng put together • dlctlonJJ")' that meets a real need. Dlct.iona'r)'·maklng Is a delicate art. 111e biggest are not alway& the · beat (although the smallest are alway1 In- adequate), and 111 of them art subject to the vicissitudes of Ume, 1ince Ena lsh Is •a livlna. growing, and thUI chl.naing language. But the Amtr1can Htrllqe, In my prejudiced view, wlll withs\Jnd lho 1traln or the year1 more 1turdlly than any of j{s current rlvals in the popular Ueld> She ·Ap·ologizes to the To t!le Editor: I fourli:t f!!Y~ell trow~ with disa~ proval fJ'~y ni1ht wtiep . 0 u r neighborbOod 'became -a playground .-for egg-,t111·01vl111, ,toilet paper decorating, a n d old vegetable dumPing. The older kids were'.baving a irut dme, and.I was auloou:ltically getting up Ught about il Later, my husband came •long and remarked how almost festive the &ur- roundings looked, with the streamers draped around. One man seemed to be stnilingtalmost in spite of himsell as be bo.sf!d eus oU hl.l!i car. WITH DIFFICULTY (righteous in- dignation is so hard lo Jet go of) I rtluc- tantJy admitted to mySelf that it was really all in fun -no harm had been done ... no mallciousness...iniended. Einally. we were laughing, recalling our own Hallot\·een days. So now, l 'd like to apologize to those teen-agers for feeling crabby, and being so quick to condemn before .thlttking·, and lo 3ay how d~ly glad I am they were having fun this' way rather" Uian tosiing molJtov cocktails or taking bad trips. MRS. SAM WRAY, JR. Siient Majorlt11 To the Editor : During Preaident Nixon's speech to the nation I kept asking hlm mentally a wag· gish question you hear everywhere: "Well, why don'L we win the war, stupid?" And alter running a few of his statements through my semantic trans· Jator I came up with a few plausible answers: We are shackled by the Geneva Conventions; we are handcuffed by the United Nations; we stand to lose face. shirttail, prestige and more billions of dollars if the great silent majority does not assert itseU -and soon ! A POUTICIAN came on the air last u·eek to predict that the South Viet- namese will turn OJI us if we try to pull <1ut a grut amount or troops and money. They wiD join the Viet Cong to attack our troops while they are leavin&. This is quite probable, a.a the Vielnamese want us there only for our money, our food, our sold~ afld suns to perpetuate the no-win stalemate. If 1'1r. Nixon shouJd order every American out of Vietnam within a year, including the do-gooders wt.> are lavishing mOney on an ungr•lt:ful people, it won't be too soon, although that mo~ wouhl not assuage the guilt of the idiots who got us there in the first place. TO THE GREAT silent majority 1'1r. Nixon tried lo reach in hJs speech U can now be said: "The doom is spoken. Boot out. the Unittd Nations, rtpudiate tht Gene\/& Conventions, puli back American money that is being indirectly Uled by Communist countries, cut off their wheat 11nd oil, and you will witness...tbe biqest collapse of eoemy countries the world hll ever seen.'' MILT BASHAM Letttr1 from rtaden art tctfl:omt. Normalztl 'IDrlkr~ sMuld conveu their mtsaagt1 fn 300 wordi Or ltss. The right to condeme Zttteri to fjt space or elimlnate libel ii r e1tn1td.' All let- ters must include signature and mait- ing address, but Mmes mau bt with.- ~tld on requtst if sufficient rea.sori is ppparent. board_ of_ regents hav_e pbused1 our own Constitution and have actetl ! in a very Communistic manner. The very thing e . ...:erybody Js so frightened of. IT IS TRULY SAD that Angela Davis, being black, feels a need to belong to -a Communist party. This could become a trend with the Negroes. 'It has been such a hell for the Negro to live in our society. · No : wonder Aneela Davis is a. Com- munist! Among other principles cf ~ Com- m.unist doctrine, one of the main prin· ciples is equality for all. In the United States the Negro does not get equality. The situation is definitely getting bet- ter, but ask a Negro -is it enough? 1 wonder, also, would there be such a furor if Angela Davis were white and Com· munist? THE DECISION OF the regents to fire • Angela Davia wou1d have been much more feasible had she been teaching a class in communism, but that was nerl the case. She Was teaching an Afro.Anieri- can history class. But what if she were teaching a class in communism! \Vould it be so wrong? Would it be a threat to our present fonn of government? The judge who ruled that Miss Davis was fired qnconstituUonally Is to be com· mended fat his decision. It's. a shame that the board of regents didn't consider the aapect of jusUce while making· their decision. They hive quite unintentionally lit a small bomb. ' MARY HOLLINGSWORTH Cotnmssnut _Goal• To the Editor: There are two basic tYPes ol Com- munist ~es in the world. They are the Communist parties that are in power in Communist nations and the Communist parUe3 that exist in the nations of the free world. Hive you ever Wondered whal are the goa.ls of the CommunJst part.its in the free world and especially the Com· munist Party <1C the United Stites? Sinct the Supreme Court Wued the principle or "Clear and Present Danger" the CPUSA has refused to spell out its goala, So all one can do is to use deduc· lion lo determine the goals of the CPUSA. extremely advantageous position to recruit members or at the I e a s t rreo,mmend promising students for further indoctrination. Now any universi· ty professor that is a member of the CPUS..\ who claims that he or she is not iiltefe!ted in recruiting or indoctrinating stUC:ent!: must be. using the propaganda tool that Is called 'Th"l Big Lie.''. · HARRY 'B. McDONALD JR. Halloween Lo•• To the Editor : 'Vl are lhe Evans children. \Ve would ha\'e had a happier Halloween el:cept for cne _th!og.~Our, hall-Siamese ca t got very excited that night and ran away from all the confusion. We Jive on Damll Street·, close-to Wilson Street and hope that our cal hasn't gone very far. We hope that some nice person has found our cat arid Is tak- ing care of ttim . MY BROTHER and I raised out cat from a Uny kitten and he is now seven months old . We really love him and hope he will be fouod. Our cat's name is Yumo. be has yellowish-green eyes and has patches on his chest. He is very friendly. Since we cannot write yet. our mother has helped us write this. We would a~ predate any information about OU{ 111t. TERRI and REESE EV ANS !M3 Darrell Street Cost.a Mesa 543-3153 Court Procedure T.o lhe Ed ii tor :, This is in regard to an article you had in the Ck~r 24 edition concerning O\'ercrowded conditions at the Costa Mesa Municipfl Coutts. I was given a parking ticket at Orange Coast College 6y a C.Osta Mesa policeman saying I back~ into' a parking space - which I had qot done. It was under ~ \'ehicle code section that give.s the police the prerogaUve to assume you have done something wrOJlg. Before going1to court, I looked into the matter and It ~s no\ again.st the law at OCC to back into a space. -' ... , . ' I APPEARED in Division 1 before Judgt= J. E. T. Rutter and pleaded not guilty, eiplai.ning the clrcumstuces. I am an adult and -tipeeted the judge to use his ability to ma~e a decision. He did not even hesitate, but sent me on to 'Division 3 al a.different date. : had waited for one and a half houn In Judg~ Rutter's chambers and heard over and over again the same thlng going on. "Go to Divisl+n 3." No wonder Judge Dungan is fa~ with an overcrowded situatk>n. I When I did appear in Division 3, Judge Dungan disniissed the case. '1.lRS: WILLlAM HANEN ' A traffic citation t.t likt ony other ' ' pen to our fairgrounds. A committee Is speculating on a change and it is up to us to let them ki:iow "".hat we ~anL Th• problem is that so many people ·dc!n't. know about it or how .to.submit their ideas. This is the purpoie of this letter. l fee.I this iasue should' b< more pub-. U anyone has "11" ideu er. stiggesUona. ·please contacl "Mr~ Alfred 'G. Lutjeana,' Secretary-Manager, ·Orahie'Counly Fair ' Grounds, 88 Fair Drive, Coeta Meal, California, 92626, or call 545-1131. ANN PERCIFIELD CDM Stud.en! LI ve ha the Prese1d To IJ1c Editor: It i~ a fi irly obviOus fie( tl1if" an I.ft.. dividucl ~·ho doesn't live in the present t~nds to be tense and .preoccupied. When carried lo a national extent, a failure to be pr'esent-oriented niay account in part for 1ncrea$ing alienation and, l n numerous cases, p h y 11ica:1 (en· vlronmental) danger for the United State.!i. PERHAPS ONE of the main reasons the mass of American society'doesn't liv• in the future is that to most Americana the future means One thing: "rocket ship." We seem to hold a fanlaslic faith that we will. survive long enough tD reach . .on age of absolute technology. Apparently conditioned to this image by mass media, lhe. public bas little thought devoted to the years betweer:i that Ume and ours. IT SEEM$ LOGl~AL that any in- telligent person living ·in the present · couldn'.t possibly ignore such vital con. • cerns as overpopulation, · conservation, and pollution. The shocking apathy <1n the. part of the · l>Qblic .,,.ould . lead one to believe that A'meMcans are either un-. intelligent, ignorant, or living el sewhere" than the present. How many Americans know {or care) that at-pttH•t our na(iorial'bird, the bald eagle, is already e:itinct in some areaa and nearing eninclionr in others, thanks lo deltroyed neslhl& .. irounds and \Vil<.erness as weli as a DDT-con- taminated food supply ... · : AMERICANS,.HA V& an, idea ·passed down rrom our ·am>gmit:forefalhers, V.'ho wer-e busily CQOClotring the rrooti:ers, that nature is a prinommori: ~te from man, lo 'be ·,,i.;i.ht· W ~~led.· Unfortunately, .as ~we. loae •;iPace, ttlia unrealistic idea ii rapidly tightening the noc.se around our necks. 1 am young, 1mt· \\'OUld Jlke to .test liiu(ed~this country · .,,·ill still be habitable ln 'IO years. that VU live to the . age p_f .30., w,ake -upy.~ Amerk:ans. You're ti~ in·tbe past. - . ' !~11SSJ ANDREA FAHY HIS\ SchoOI Slud«Jt ' . Lit c Small Bomb To lht Editor: The present Angela Davia conlrover5y has &QU'n mt "uptlpt" as it hN many other -le. hut I take an oppootnc lland from most of the other peo)>le. THE CPUSA is a political organization and the only function of a political organizaUon is to gain political power. The two most logical ways that -the. CPUSA can gain power Is to take over control of our government after the U.S.A. bu been defeated In a war With Rtmla or the p~y can organize a na · Uonal llberation force that woold oust our present. form cf aovernment. ciiarge. Under tht law, the judge prt· 3idi11g at an:aigument canno; dilnliaa a cart. BUl'Jled:dtng-fnnOCfl'nt, <tlle-wr.it--- er miked for trlar. which. tcas,att for onotltcr date before Judge Donald D101ga11. A.fttr weiQl1i11g tile evide11ce ot lto11d, tht cast waa dianU.std with- out trio!. Tha reader's obout-descrlbtd ezpertenct is routine proctdure under Californ ia law. olthougll the w a i t for oth.t r.i up for trial on !ltCll traffic cit11ho111 Is not alwou.s so long. __ ,.., __ . ~-'L Friday, November 7, 1969 i. - '1"11t editoriat padt of the Daily , Pilot see~ to i t1fcmfl en.ct stim- ulate rtader1 bu prrsewUng thir" 'news paper'& opinlo11s and com- mtntory or' topic1 of intere1s and 1igrtificonct, bu providing G forum for tilt exprt&sion of · our readers' ophtfons, and bu presenting the diverse vit10o poinU of informed obaervtrs and.spokltrnn. on topiCs of &lit do~. Angela Davis would not be such 1 con· trovtrslal figure had the board ·of regents not fli'ed htr. By firing her they expanded and have blown up a i;ituatlon which could have been kept small IJ'ld te11t1vel)' • insignificant. Furthermore, tho boar<! ol tel"'la had no rllht to' fire her. Jt ts lier oon-• aUtulional jN'Mlege lo belonc' lo . th< pol!Ucal pally or her choice, The Si11 ol RJghts 1t1tes that very cltarly and vt.ry &imply. By dfnying her J.hat freedom the In ell.her case the CPUSA must have enough members so that It can assume and maintain control over 1\1 the re- maining cill:tens of the U.S.A. Since the CPUSA 1t present is comprised or only a very small percentage or our total popul•Uon, thllr maln job •t this time is .,. to recruit dedic•ted members. To the Editor : Editor A !>EDfCA1'ED memher pf !be CPUSA. 1Yho 1s alM: • university profeMOr Is In an The people or Orange County are faced with the problem -0f ~hat Is aotna to hap- •• Robert N. Weed , Publioher ' _/ t ----------~--------------------------------- Farewell, Old Friend • s ' ( Samls £otes s Shoats . ;~ t ... • .. . ..~ Public Access i~ . ' \· . Gets Slide Sliow: of A.pl:tlelllaUilo of colored 11ideu1t Vl<!i· ncoclal(,f , Ci ~ · mee 11av! Lall!fl8 ~cb counciI,men a grap!Uc pic· ture ol a 40-foot public rigtt-of·way, use of which now la being disputed by neighbOrina: apartment and ll)otel owners. ' . . 'l'tle sUdel were sl)own by represen· tatlvea OJ 32 QWJ!er• 91 _ tbt sands, cooper.alive apartment at 1585 S. Coast lilgbway, wbo are appealing .a Planning Commission. variance granted the nmgbboring_Shoala: Motel, to add 32 unib lo its exlaUng eight apartments. • Don ~seaJ, ' pfeaident of the Sands , cooperaUve, arid Dick Grant, vice presl· derit, told cOuncilmen they have no ob· jectlon1to-the 'Shoals expansion plan as such, but'feel the math!'r•of vehicular and pedestrian traUic circulation bas not been satisfactorily resolved. . :-<. . .,.., '\ :-~!U u,: •. _,d : .. i J;<!!IJ!9!man_.toomi Q:Su v~· won· ~'Y9f .Ol~ .,.,., ~ ~alrth~~-=,~~.~!-.!!!!i, ... l~t'.;'!1bj~uot~too;;.o;;;r..!::~:;z.~;m:::-;;l.;._~· -with tralfic and this bad not'yet back in lfll ~ illlj. ..... a pi1~ patj!, . resolved, the BlloaJs, ~~ (..c or~ r1gi!: C<>uncllplan !loY }191jn w111ted to know oiway. 'lben !l!J,;tti>da""""' !)Blng:1111o how it had ~•Pl"lflod .that public right-of· other hall ' and *""• .. "l'i!WUcli lefl :,.,. way hasi 6een ~vmi. away hl_imth a f?lan· the pubUc.'' _ ~! ~, • . :.--:. ner, and how much had been gtyen aw~y. J~ answer . w._ a counc111 query, c(ty The slides sliowed ,tbat ooe,.bal( of the engineer J06ep!J i~Weln)' Nki be did .Dot public right of way, an extension of regard the propOIM solutions to the trlt- Bluebif4 Ca!')'on Drive l<l!dlilg to \h• lie tengle "'! "pe~ k~," hilt poinlid beach, is tn use as a raised· driveway, out that the ulUQ'late ~ -·"' ..., ,_ supp;orted by a'20.foot ret41ning wall, ip'to to the appucam~ • ..,~~~ ~""' the ShOals' parking; area~ 1'his was done strict coOtroJ!~~~ !.*!t;' '· ··• uPder a· 1949 variarice, Autry said. ·Highways, he ad&i(l; Will iDltiD a The ' other half provides 1 a~ to signal 'at. the Jn ·~ ~ ' \..,Udi, • subterran~an garagts .at the ,Sands and ·help. ' 'i1v\,~ "···!4: • extends to the, beach {or use Of lifeguard Speaking for the Sands, attome~ and other emergency· and .service Joseph E!)rlght, wbO bad flied the appe&l . Tw~year-old Andy· Foster of Ellensburg, Wash., , held on to his Jack-0-La~tern just as, long as he could, but, after an all-night bum on HSlloween and several more days iit a wanri house, t.be pwnp- kin was showilig his wrinkles and just h"'!•to go •• ' .. After lengthy. discussion, councilmen· decided .to postpone iictlon unill Dec. 3, pending receipt of further information. City Plano~ At Autry explained that the. Plilnnlng COmmfssion, &t:ter lengthy study of the problem, including a visit to 'the site, had granted the variance, at· taching 15 c'ondition.S which they felt would solve the traffic· problem.' vehicles. Between the 'two, a~ andalsolsaSandtco-owner,.requesteda walkway also leads to ·the beach. ' delay in action so that he could review The Sa.pd~ spokesmen sald a variance with the city attorney ~ l~t granted them in 1980 for use ol'lh~ right, aspects ol lhe variance issued\ by !'f"' D,,wn the Mission Trail 'Hansel, Gretel' Drama Delayed MISSION. VIEJO - A delay In in- stallation or stage lighting at the new Saddleback College campus has made it neCessary to postpone the college dramatization of "Hansel and Gretel" &ebeduled for Saturday. The morning program, to be staged for children in' the area, will be presented later this month, on a date to be an· nounced. Doyle 1McKinney, chair'man of Sacldlebilck's fine arts division, is direc· tor ol lhe play. e Chicas Gets !Ve"' Post CAPISTRANO VALLEY-Sam Chicas, formerly . assistant superintendent of pel'SOnnel in the Capistrano Unified School .Oistrict, has been appointed to a new post. Chicas will become the assistant superintendent in charge of business services, maintenance, operations and transportation and food services. Superintendent Truman Bendict stated that the district will advertise for a director of personnel. e ¥ Campalg1& La11nrhed LAGUNA HILLS -Sixty Leisure World citizens have launched a fund rais· ing campaign for YMCA programs in the Saddleback Valley. The group calling itself the Century Club will be calling on people and organizations for contributions with a $21,000 goal. Genera l chairman of the project is Dr. Hubert T. Wilken who has stated that the funds will assist Gra-Y and Indian Guide groups already formed and will begin a building fund for a YMCA headquarters. e Sports f'11nds Okayed SADDLEBACK VALLEY -The board of trustees of the San Joaquin Elemen- tary School District have voted an ad· dit1onal $1,125 for after school sports pro.. grams at Irvine and La Paz Intennediate schools. They had previously voted a like amount for the program which included flag footbaU, basketball and track and field. The· money is spent to pay coaches $125 each for lheir particiMUon in the year round program. The increase was re- quested to allow for additional coaches.so that there wlll now be three coaches for each sport at each school. There are between 160 and 17$ boys partlclpating in ~ program at La Paz School ·while Irvini with a smaller enroll· men\ has between 70 and so: e 1Vf!1.,.,.....,,rs to L11m!h SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Women who have recently moved to the Sad· dleback Valley are invited to the New- comer's Club luncheon, Wed., Nov. 12. Inslallatin of new officers will be featured a& the 12:30 p.m. event which Will be staged at Ben Brown's Restaurant in South Laguna. Reservations and information can be obtaifled by calling Mrs. Marshall Bloom, 83().6507 or Mrs. Daniel Greco, lm-4389. Eleanor Koehler Funeral Mp11da:y- craveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale_. for Ele~nor Koehler of 490 Las Robles, Laguna Beach, who died Nav. 5 Jn the Laguna Beach Nuning Home. She was 86. Survivors include two sons, Wiiiiam L. Koehler of Laguna Beach and Arthur L. Schuler who lives in South America and is Oying to California for the services. Also surviving is a sister, Hortense Le Strange, of Montclair. Mrs. Koehler, an Orange County resi- dent for 16 years, was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star of Casper. Wyo. t .. , of-:ivay required them t0 in.!tlll..,paviqg Planning ~ --~· 4lf.. , -: ~unam' Parking J:?la'n W:ins Council's Favo r In addition, he said, the variance re- quires that a precise plan for pedestrian and traffic ingress and egress, prepared by a civil engineer at the expense of the iippllcant, be submitted for approVal before issuance of a building permit. and a protected pedeatri8)1 w,llk, wtitch "I ma'tntain it ..u;gJ1ntid.t$'1SatuM- they did. ly, )Vithoul sufficient protecUon of tlie Now, they complain, Shoals developer public interest and ·11 vo1d Upon Ill face," Richard Buri atso wants to install su~r· said Enright. He ~ fl/tt .In hll view ranean garages .to serve his Mw units only three of fjve requirements for a and seeks to remoVe part oC the retaining variance bad ~ answered and sug- wall to permit joint use of the exit to S. gested that the ~"'S&;i:d;')heinatter Coast Highway. This, they told t.b:e couil~ back to the Planiiliig -cOOUnlssion "and cil, will wipe out part of the Pfld~trian let them do their wort.'' • ·· .": walkway, and create a traffic haiaid by City -attorney Jact Rimel·said be,w<Xf:14.-. Proposal bY. an anonymous group of Lagunans to help ease 'the cit)''s parking problem by assisting in the purchase of a valuable downtown property was viewed with favor by city councilmen Wednesday night.. "I'm quite pleased," said Mayor Glenn Vedder, "that people are willing to use their funds to help the city. This would be a very good temporary solution until we get our parking structures." The group offered to purchase a !60,000 . pro))C,!rly Immediately to the rear of the ~an Avenue Playhouse, with a 60-foot frontage on Forest Avenue, and tum it over to the city on a five-year lease- pQrchase plan to permit expansion or the proposed parking lot oo lhe old Playhouse site. · Noting that the five-year plan would add $15,300 in interest to the purch~ price, councilman Richard Goldberg ~k­ ed if it would not be possible to arrange a cash purchue. The city budget, Vedder said, is "pretty Vght." City Manager James Wheaton, who had worked out a plan whereby lease payment.a on the purchase could be covered largely from parking meter revenue, said it probably would be possi~ ble to negotiate directly with the owner if desired, but the proposal had just been received and had not been studied in detail. ' Councilmen voted unanimously to go on record as favoring acquisjtion~of the pro. Freeway Tragedy Dad, Daughter Funeral Slated Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in McCormick M o r t u a r y Chapel, 1795 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, for William D. Korli, 39, and his 2-year-old daughter, Diane, who were killed Tuesday in an accident on the Sanld Ana Freeway. - Korli died when he was struck by a car as he attempted to reach his daughter who had fallen out of the Korli vehicle onto the freeway near Slauson Avenue. 'The child was run over by the same car. Survivors include Mrs . Mary Anne Korli, who was uninjured in lhe accident, Korli's sister, Mrs. Helen Humble of Orlinda and his parenls, Mr. and Mrs. \\'illiam Korli of Canada , The Korli family recently moved to Fullerton from Laguna Beach, where they made their home at 1232 Mom- ingsidE: Drive. Interment will be at El Toro cemetery. Petitions Seek Buried Utilities PetitlOM will be circulated to the 367 property owners or Dana Knolls in an ef. fort lo put overhead utility wires un- derground. • Jim Dunne, treasurer of Dana Knolls Homeowners Association, said aboul to homeowners favored the move during a meeting this week with John Killefer, aide to fifth district supervisor Alton Allen. A brochure is to be prepared lo furnish homeowners information. Cost to lots for the work is estimated at $1,300. If a ma- jority ol property owners sign It will bring about a public hearing ~ore coun· ty supervisors to form an assessment districL Dorothy· Dawson Rites Private Private services were held for Dorothy D. Dawson of 2661 Vldorla Drive, Laguna Beach, who died Nov. 4 at her home. She is survived by a son, Howard, ol' Laguna Beach, granddaugbt'" Claire Rothschild and Barbara and Susan Dawson and a great grandson, John C. Rothschlld. Interment wu at the Cha~ of the Pines in Los Angeles. Sheffer Laguna B<lldi Mortuary, -.. perty and Instructed the city manager to look into lbe most favorable method of financing. Architect RJcbard Dodd, speaking for the Shoals, said the conditions were all acceptable and would be carried out. . ' .· Impala~ hid <!l_.fo. ....... A DCW4llOl'C powerful stan· d&nl.:1,10.bp VB makes the 1970 Impala move with \JI tlie -~·auurance. IZl---·locll A.lockina system is built riaht into the ltccri.og cpJ.. umn. When you take your key with yOU, you Jock not only your ignition, but you.r atccrina wheel 11 well. QIAlumlnlzed ....... ,.. Jt aimply mc1n1 that your original muffter, tailpipe and exhaust are goina to laat longer than you'd probably expect them to. Fair coough? mingling vehicular Ingress and egreri' of need time to .~plor~, .: ttiese · lqa!_. the two establishments. ' ramifications and ~ that itte "This. ls still a · public right-of-way," hearing: be contiQUed. · ••. -•. • .~.; ' . "' , I~·: " . ~ . •111>.: ·• -:: . ~ il a·: !OU ... .'!~ .. :.1.:.ii~ . "' .. . ,,_ ~ . .. ,. .,-·. ' .. :-~ Wr.. I"-,. . : ,. . . ~ ' . ' . @sr•~IMIJll ®1nwf.....,. ll)nut11..idrJ @Fllll Ctllr .•••t~ They look like ' Up inaide We build Huae cOll , . highway aua.rd every fender lbe car IO sprinp at All rail!., and , is another that r¥n four w.becla ~ .,. lhcy're built fender to and ,wash four b11 rcaaot11 t into both sides protect water can why a Chevrolet ' of thc'cat for ; apln~,tlush run-down Impala ri~;_ extta.protcc-. and-mu throu&h the smoother"'pq ~- tion in CQC or and help inside of the quieter than. impact. -kt@ your rocktt low-·pnccd Cit ' ,. . . . "' .;1:.., • •'.;· ~ ..... ,. • ~ ... '1', --··~ ·:tr.t .. • " . .. . .. - 1'• ~. . . • ,• . .. , ·~. •'.I.". •"':• .. . " .'I''' ~ .. ,: . , .. ; ·.~·Jt, . f' ,, ... . -. ~ ' ' i • \ ' • ~ ' .. t On ao0cr or resutar s•s. Impala panels. has.Uy iiabt to. t----ill..Not too..many -lookins-' -lhen out.--t g,rs bavo Ulem. ... Onthemcwe. youoa. /Air follows ' to do tlw dryloa. • ' ~ ..... . .. . , . '" '" ·"'· ., . ... •• : . '' • .. " .. . '"" . • .. ~ ' ''{ U• ' . ,. • t • •• .. • . . • • • • .... • . .. - ----------~------ t~ ... ..,-~ ........ , .. BHllo John Lon!'!!" and bis Japa- ese wife Yoko Ono bad a slight iUerence of opinion-·-over John's ard. Yoko won. A beardless Len- o emerged in I,oodon and told wsmen be had bowed to pres- res many husbands face. "She's en niggling about the beard f o r onths," the.still·longhaired Beat· 1 said. "Anyway, it !eels good to f: my chin agai n and to get some sh air on my face." For only $9, F~nk Moeller met lhief with honor. Moeller, an in- rance mao in St. Louis, was rid· g alone in an elevator at a hou5'- g project when the elevator stop- between floor s and a voice e up the shaft, saying : t 1Drop ur wallet down the shaft or you'll here a while." Moeller dropped s wallet, containing '9. down t b e aft -and the elevator carried m to the 11th floor. • Moratoriuna March_· Morton· Endorses Ban on Fnm WIH Servlct1 UONOLIJLU -RepubUcan National Ol:drman Rocen Mor1oo today endorted the JUIUce Depirtment ban on a mus parade In WubiJ>&loo to protest the Vie~ nam war. "II we're going to start boulng pennlts to anybody com1nc up Pennsylvania Avtnue, we'd be lnfrtnging on the rights of the cltilens of the city," Morlorl said. ':be Macyland coogresaman, 1 n Honolul to address the Western Republlcan (:onlereDCt, made the com- ment ,f<illowing a • Ju.atlce Department ptohibltlDn on a mus march on Nov. 15, the nut scheduled Vietnam Moratorium ~ny. . "Wuhincton Is a busy, busUing clly," Mo1ton aaid.. "U everybody with a caute or inue wanted to mardi, we 'd have to close down the avenue every day. That's not the kind or pre<:edent you want to set." Governmeat officials who reftlled to blllli a pennlt !or the mardt admit they Parade have not re1d a report contendlng a '1mllar rejection helped triaer vlotonce during the 1161 Democratic convention. Deputy Atty. Gen. IUcbard G. KleJn. dlenst said a1aln Thursday the 1ovem- r.1ent would not allow a m.rcb of thousands along Penosylvanla Avenue and around the 1White House Nov. 15 because of "a subelantial likelihood of aerioui1 violence." Mayor IUcbard J, Diley allo ra!Jed the specttt of potenUal violence to bar a mardt during the Democratic NaUooal Ccinvention in Chlcq:o last year. A!lhough the National Violence Con\. m;sslon reported earlier thla year Daley's pet Wt refusal wu a key factor in con- frontatiOJll that followed, both Klei.Jl.. diemt and a key aide, John W. Dean III, said they were unfamiliar wtth the fin- ding<. "I'll be honelt with you," Dean told a news conference Thursday. "I did not go CJVEr that material, no." With a nod, J;!elndienst lndlcated he had not read the report either. Week-long Countdown For Apollo12 Begins UPIT ....... 11 Posters Dominate Parade Top Senate Chiefs Urg~ -cease-fire WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen a If Jelden ol both partle1 joined today In In· trodudnc a resolutloll urging Presldenl Nlsoll to try to get a .,._!II' by both llldta In Vietnam. Sen. Hu&h Scott (R· Pa.), said the White House 0 found no fault" with the laniuage. Scott, the GOP loader, and Sen. !,!il<e Mansfield, the Democratic leader, pro- posed the resoluUon w~ich abo would ex- press support for efforts by Nls<n to achle•e a netoUat.ed tetUemeot rA the war and woukl Ufle free electiofu in South Vietnam. Scott said 26 Republican senators were supporting the resolution and said he hoped to get as many Democrats to join In. Sen. J. WUllam Fulbright (J>.Ark.), a longtime war ttiUc, said uterWve hear· inp should be held on the measure first, lest the "wrong lmpreuloq" be conveyed -that a .,great deal of unity and support for the President" exists on Vietnam , whereas be said he and others have great reservations about biJ policy. The House Foreign Affairs Com· mlllee approved Thursday a resoJut k>n expressing general approval of. Ni.ton's effort!! to end the war. It did not mention a 1.:ease-fire. Atansfield blocked an attempt to tn· roduce a House-type resolution in th~ Senale by insisting on amendment.. call· Against back drop of a giant Soviet poster, a contingent of Russian inj! for a cease-fire and free elections. troops gives eyes r ight as they pass in review during parade mark-1hic; removed the pro-administratio.i ing 52nd anniversary of the Soviet Union in Moscow Friday. Cereo. navrr of a resolution that Scott, ap· CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -El..,. likai power IUl'pd Into a giant Saturn 5 rocket today u the launch taam began the week·lool count.down for Apollo 12, man'1 seccmd mooo-landing mission. monial speeches gave routine criticisms of U.S. policy, but were far parently at the request of the WhiU Later, Conrad 'Ind Bean are to enter less aggressive than in previous years. House, wanted to submit. the landing almulitor to praclk:t deecent ---=------'C.....---''------------------------- , 1 It's a change of habit for Ronda Copland, 22, in aa:aumtnq a rol.e a.a a ?¥.in after caoor«ng_ ntohtir on stage i··,·ont:ciltiittar~e and an actor pf?rform in the nude on stage in a Ttantter which San Franeilco poUce cf 11sider lewd -the pcir have bee" atrested seven time1. From the i.wd [ the ethereal, Ronda pla111 a bit port a nun fn_MGM'1 1'TM StratoblrrJI tement:" ' . ;A bettor with a Lindsay hun<h could have bad quite a parlay in ~w York this week. Dappor Lind- y, a 9-1 shot, won the Arst race Ybnken Raceway Tuesday nilbt ahd paid $1.0.llO, '8.llO and fl.00. The ri ce was off an hour before the pblls closed on John V. Dlndsay'• r6-election as mayor of New York q ty. • • A British f i rm introduc.d a ~ new bathtub for 11oung marrltdl • called Che "Conversation Bath.., ~The ;umbo tub mta.1Ure1 five ~feet wide and nearlll .seven feet ~long, is designed for two per• ! sons, and bOOltl a center b a r ~rack for cocktail.I. • L • . :Mrs. LoulM Nlederhofer'a finger· nails are worth $3,000 each. That's ute amounf"Slie was awafded tiy a cdurt -a total of '30,000 -in her sliit against Helena Rubenstein, New York cosrneti~s firm. M r s . N~ederhoper of Cincinnati had c arged a preparation advertised b the firm as a nail hardener ClfUSed her to Jose all her fin ger· "fls. 'llM! COllJl1down clock started rlllrt on ICbedule it t a.m. PST, 187 boun S8 mlnulel fmn ICbeduled Dftoll at 1:23 a.m. nm Frlo)ar· · In' addition to • bow'I of countdown, lour aufGlllatlc bolda toWJng more Ulan II bow'I were pro1nmmed for rat by the Iaunalleani and !tr -a.allng with poatble pnibt-. "' the countdown lllrled, laucb dlrec· tor Walter Kapryan repon.d all launch prep1raUona were proceeding smoothly. The three utronauts, Charles Conrad Jr., Ri<:hard F. Gordon Jr. and Alan L. Bean, planned oeveral bow'I today In command ship and lunar I and er aimulaton, nhelrllng key stepe In the lG-<lay IUpt. A1lo C1G their IChedule wu a brieftn& on lunar '-•ltY-Coond, -and Bean llnl cl!mb I "*'Ibo-and .p trainer to pndlce ....-.. !tr the 10eket bUm that wUI propol a-out ol earth orbit and onto the quarter-mllllcJa.mlJe transhmar trail. That llnlt1on occun over the Pacific Ocean Uler the uttunautl bave circled the globe tae and a half times to make certain the spaceslllp'1 oyllteml ara worktnl. to the moon and ll!lofl for rtturn to the orbiting commapd craft. 66 Feared Dead In South Africa Mfue Explosion JOHANNESBURG, Soutb Africa (AP) -Sixty-lb: mfntra were feared killed today when · calf.II of explosives went off 1 \\ milts underground in .21le.._Of South Africa's richest. a:okt mines, ilrtborlUes said. Six miners were confirmed d .. d, lour at the bottom of the devutat.ed mine shaft and two of those who were rescued. Si%ty m .. were trapped. "Anyone down there at the Uroe of the blut hlln't a hope In bell," Aki a IJIOkeRIW1 !tr ~al Mining and_FJ. nance Cori> .. which owna the rich Bulle!" foot.in mint. "II Is bichJy unllkely that anybody caUlhl In a blaat like thal could survive." ''They Wert llnldni a shaft and at,the bottom of a shaft. there la nowhere to hlde. The chances of them being sealed up but stlll a!lve are nil.'• f;abhie No Driver Figures in 6 W reeks in 23 Days SAN DIEGO (AP) -In hll ftnt 23 day1 u a cab driver, J1cques I. Butszpln hid Iii accidents and dam1ged 11 vehicles. His permit to drive wu revoked, and now his appeal bu been turned down . The flnal blow came Thuraday when the City CoW>Cil ruled police acted with good c1uae in revoking Buts:zpan's tem- poney_drtvJna .permil, Bub:lpan, SI, worked for aeven dif- ferent companies 1lnce be got hi• first driver's license Sept. 23, the council wu told. On hlJ vtr)' first d1y 81 a Cabble, he IOI! two jobs -one because he couldn't operate a manual gelrlhlft and \be other for falling to pass a ~pany driving test. On hi!: 11tventh d1y, he Jeft four tu- Jcab& and two other autos: dama1ed. On hlJ lSth day, working for 1Ull another company, he wu in a wreck again. Then, two d->'.s and another employer later, he found h1m9elf in two collblons -both on the company parkinl; Iol That did it. Police took h15 licmJt. "I'm not a bad driver,'' Bukupan ln- llsted before the city council. "I am capable of driving a cab safely 1n the streets of San Diego or any com-munity ln the atate." AJ 1J10kmnan for the city said alter the COW1cil reje<ted Buk11pan'1 plea that polic. may reconsider hll driving ability U he takes 1 apecla1 coorse. fog Closes O'Hare Airport Flights Diverted to 4 Other Mi.d:west Cities 'l'en1perat11res Colonl•I model 6414 brilliant-co/or • 267 Sii.Ji. SCREEN ••• for lif.ilb ruliun I • CHROMATONE ••• add• thrilling depth to color; w1rmth to black and white l automatic • COLOR PURIFIER • •• keeps 111 pictures pure- even If Mt Is moved I •AUTOMATIC Picture-Sound StablliZ9TI for optimum perfonftllncl r Contempor1ry-mod1I 6"12 •LASTING RELIABILITY NEW COLOR PORTABLE TV Enjoy b ig-set feetur" and perform•ncti-1nd 102 sq. in. brilliant-color plcturas on this supe1b- performing Magnavox model 6224 that has Chtom1- tone, Quick-On. Bonded CiteUitrY Chassis. pl1,11 tel•· scoping dipole 1ntenn1 aod carrying hendle, r.rlect In any room or ollice..:.;n'd I great gilt. tool $299 90 Completewith Mobile Cart ••• 11 assured by famous Magnavox 3 l.F. St1ge Bonded Circuitry Ch .. '9 Choose from over 40 beautiful Magnavox Color TV models ... from only s 259 ~o Hllll '--l"rMo .. _ • .. .. Coutcl e.n.•Mott c1euc11 .... , wltll ec:c .. •'-1 1111\11'11,.., 1.ltllt v•l111b11 wll!d• """'' M'lll fnlH'ft1fll '*'I'll blmmlM MIUTl'l-tlrly t to II 'no" ffll• t ft1r• ,_, Hltlll In low '°'' Cottltl t«nHft!\ll'ft rfl!M fl'Vlft 5' to .,., lfllt iW ,.,,.,..,.1tur11 r•l't• frtnl 5' It 61. Wl lef" tfmj11tr11W1 61. S11n, /llnon, Tides ll•IDA'f I KOl\d 1'11111 .... ... ,. T:t2 I.fl\. 4.6 l«Oflll Jew • l :::N '·'"· 0.2 U.TU•D•Y "11'111 ~1•11 .............. 7:1t '·"'· '·' 1111'111 tow .............. 1:M t .1'11. 1.4 SfQllld Ill~ ............. t:U '·'"· t .i Mn low ............. 2:11 '·'"· o..a • v.s. s .... -... T~tlvrn rl llf ... fn1" to fl XI d"rMS 1~ llOfmfl !Odil' fnl1" Mrl11N1t1rn M011!1n1 ta """"' Ml~ lf•ri 11 • rldlt ot llttll P'ftlllf'I Mllll "••rl't' 11111-no 0¥1f' 1~1 rfflon, HHVY fot fol'CICI llM clfth'l'I ot Clll- c1'°'' O'H1re ll'llWT1tll9ntl Al~ fl 111 lnnoml"' .,.. """"'"' trtfflc alltrttr tnff 1"i«lltflt Md•'f', Ftltllt1 ....,.. d"""'" t. •1~ In Ktn111 (Irr, Me., On Mtlllfl, kwl, ~ !roll •lld Mll'Wt\111:11. w1., A Wf!tltlllt"' ..... tinlwr. CIJ!I -LA"' hl•fld,, N. Y.. conUl'IUtd ti .re- duce -u,hl r1lri lr«n tl'll "'°''"' I K l\Oftl ot Ntw Ytl'lt tl!d PINU'f'hr~ 1111 ff•lw•nl to fllt All•ntlc. !:Ir!~ morntn1 ltl'llfltfltllrtt r"""' ll"Oltl H II Ot1M ll:11ld .. Midi .... n ,, 1<1.,,,,,1110. r., . All1nt1 8lun1rck '"" ...... 8rownwllt1 C!!lu" Clftclllftlll -~ ... --··-Hftt M KlftNI City l •• \1'1H1 l• """'''" Ml""'I Mlll<M1POll1 H-Ort11ftt New Yon Olkl•lld Ol<l11'1o1'111 City o~"" f'lll'll SP!'!,.., PIM llDbltl ·-· PIH1bv,..,. hf'll•l'lf ••~kl City •ed 811/fl ·-S.t<rll'l\lnlO Sill l l kl Cit)' S1ri OlttO S1fl Fr1n<;IK1 Se11ti. s..-.... T...,,,..11 W1.ll'!ll'lftwi .. " " ,. ... ,. ·'' II .. .II M M " M -"' .. " KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX n . ••--'II--- • " Magnavox Ho11ae Entertainment Center Factory Dirttt Dealer 2666 Harbor Blvd. 6855 Westminster 12116 S. Brookhurst 12891 Chapman Costa Mesa, Calif. Westminster, Calif. Garden Grove, Calif. Garden Grove, Calif. EXPERT FACTORY SERVICE 546-1691 894-2350 530-4360 636-1250 No Appeals ,Left ' . . -IJ~ge Integration -Job Viider Way Tunney Kin Recovered , MARSEILLES, F r a n c e (UPI) -Mrs. Joan Wilkinson. 30, daughter or former world heavyweight boxing champion Gene Tunney, has left a hospilal where she w a s treated for shock and am- nesia, doctors said today. Mrs. Wilki nson was found at a camp site near I\-1arseilles Oct 24 after she was reported missing for several weeks. Doctors said she left Sainte-- Marguerite HOl!pital "a few days ago" completely recovered. • . ' Prince Philip To 'Meet Press' Prince Philip will be the guest on "Meet The Press" Sunday on KF1 Radio at 8:30 p.m. anc! on KNBC, Cbaruiel 4 et 6 p.m. Prince Philip is In the United States to receive an award of the Pilgrims Society. THESE PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON •GLENDALE e HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH • LOS ALTos· •MONTCLAIR ,,.,,._ .... • ML MUM Consumer Bill P.assed In Senate WASHINGTON <-"'> -'Ille S...le bu pwod - -a bill lo protect -swner1 · qalnlt arbitrary and -·credit reporlL Sen. Wllllam Pro...u. (0. Wil.), cblel -"'tho blU, hailed "'-Thunday u ''the blJplt c:Onaumer vtclory lhl1 year•• In Coniren. The measure now a:• to the "--·-· ol olmllar legl!latlon Nici the !Uhject·would be ...,.kkted ID the Banking COmmltlee later lhJ1 year or early in 1171. Any HOllH lloor action will not come before nest year, they Nld. Mets s~ore Hit Seven Open Vegas Show Prosmlre l&ld credit rallnp now are malat.alned oa 110 mllllon Americana and that the bill would for the flrtt ume. &Ive indivlduala a federally suaranleed rilbt lo comet lalae lnlonnaUon ID theJr m ... 1be me.aaure ahoukl ••pr. vent consumen fnm be1n.I unjullly damapd bac:a""' OI inaccurate or arbttrary In- formation."' the 1enator Mid. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Seven grinning, tu1edo-elad New York Mets turned song- .and-gag men before a resort hotel audience -and scored a hit. Not that baseball's world champions made a home run in their show business debut Thursday n1ght. Their singing, loud "and in unison, had hardly any hannony. Some punch lines got raa:ed delivery. CU5t.omers' co mm e n t s af. terward ranged from "great" to "comical" and "you can't expect too much of them ." But atonns o( applause came from a capacity dinner audience of 1,100 eager to greet the Meis [or wbat they are -lncredl.ble, come-from- bebind baseball heroes. OUtslde their names shown tn marquee lights along the resort-hotel strip, and tn the caslno Met fever utended to New York baeeball capa on the dea1ers. 'Ibe seven -Tom Seaver. Jerry Koosman, Doon Clendenon, E d Kranepool, Tommie Agee, Cleon Jones and Art; Shamaky -opened a Chinese, Burma Clash two-week stand al Caesars RANGOON ( U P I ) - Palace at $10,000 apiece. Fonner Burmese Premier U The athletes were on a bill Nu stood with Communist starring alnger J t mm 1 e China'• Mao Tie-tun.I belora Rodcers and comedian Jerry Peking'• 1ate of ilaa-17 Van Dyke. The Meis appeared Peaee ID IMO and proclaimed In a 27-mlnute act wlth comic lasttn.g friendship. Now he Phil Foster, who introduced Burmese government rePl'Jl't,I them. -rlghtin& recently on Chlna'a A screen descended and col-border. or-film c1tpo allowed """' of Pr<mler Ne Win lol<I the the Mets· wont and best Burmeae 1oclaUst p a rt y moments the put ,...... -Thunday fl-with "Ccrn- lnfleld bobbles, outfield col-munllt forcit" bad left 113 Jl~ons and brilliant plays like Burmese i,_ dead, ZIG caldlea by A&ee and Jones. wounded and a mlaatn1. Samsonite Silhouette Handi-Tote savings .. , For limited time, 20Cf0 .savings on S.mMX1ite'1 Sil· houette Hancli-Totcs. Over-arm handl .. of molded vinyl, full-opening top, zippered n:tcrior and in- terior poclcets, open side pocktt. Select from biJCayn• blue, dover white, oxford grey or willow green. reg. 24.9l 19.95 may co luggage 36 l Friday, N mbtr 1%9 • DAllV 1'11.w-I I little boude knits, ribbed and pcbbf f •. ' ., . in-The Am ican Wa With W0pl ,. ' /!. dms that body auvcs, fits slciMy. N.,.,, in .oft boucle. A lcnit that's nubby and tctul<d. Loni 11 ... }S and akirta atra short. And 1"" ia-!ht Amerian Way With Woolf.wool mul: label ia 'f®' uautaDCO of quality-tested products knit in America of pure wool to sive Jtyle, quality and performaDCI<. Get yoo.raelf a quiclc little boucle. In red, purple, or llring beisc. sizes 3-13. By Jonathan Logan. 2S.OO Skimpy little body dresses, in misty-du sty attic colors ' 1 ' • • I ' • ., .. . I . ' . '' ·: ·' -· ' . . , : j ' . ' . . " . ' .. . ' . " " ' " :1 l ' ., . . ' ·,: . .. . ·-----·-----•-NEW~ORT::BEACH Little dr...,.. ue what's big now. Curvy little akimJ>I tMI mo in clOS<, then flip out at the hem. Willi all l:incls of seaming and det ails. And you'll IOYe die colon. Tones your grandmother wore , • , like dusty pink, purple and nuy. Plus the o.,,..~ bit-sized Art Deco prints. They' re all pure cotton. junior sizes 7.1,, ust one from a «Jllection Anaswiu. •NORWALK , • NORTH HOUYWOOD • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA V·nedc·dtaa·willi curved ...,.ing, 15,.00_ tray co campus shop 43 ---·--· ------~---------~- . ' • • • • • .. ., . . ' . .. " . • . ' .• may co south coast plaza, sen die90 fwy et bristol, cost• m•s•: 546 -932 r . shop monday through satu rday I 0 •. m. to 9:30 p.m. .M~OO :i ' . ' 1 Specif·ics ·-Time for • ' :.. E;.lll0ti9Jl81 pursuit of the "Communist Pl ot". argu• meat agaJ.ost aex education in .the schools is using up •a)uePle &le-thaf cou1a, and sbotild, be devoted to ratt.oQ:al ~Ussion of the need for such classes and. il ~ey are~ .. of the type of curriculum 'that \VOuld --.,---=-!iif'.fil"1n1mrabtt~" .:-----------__ _ \. .. ~ !\'p~t" theorr was aired once more last week , by a 'speak'e,r addressing a group of Re~ublican \Vomen . lh th·e Saddl ebac'k. Valley area, bQt \VJthout any new arguinenti_f.o back up its validity. . . ·With the current deluge of sex-oriented f1hns, books and mari!fttes shoWering down .on their young {along with ou1-and-0ut pornography from that burgeoning bu&lulk.~) many. parents are ~enuinely concerned abour· tb-e pr~oblem of . providing adequat e, sensi ble in· struction in sex matters to counteract the products o( minds that sometimes appear lo be ·a ·little sick. _ \\'ithout such instruction. whether it be from home, church. or school, th ere is no way for the immature to _p,_~te through this maze and sort out reality from fiatesy •• ' r!·.~g that their children are being exposed to eertbtls emofional, a nd someti_mes physical damage, ~.p~rents would like , with the cooperation of .those entagOd In 1he educati on ol young people. to do some-"pnni t9nStrui:tive to help. lt.wo,.pd appear th at some of the sex education pro- ..... .gi;ama ate -quite effective, some less acceptable. ' .;,r.;Jt~ 1be useful · if parents and teachers could sit ~..!.qµj;tJ.1 and 1fiscuss specifics instead of bein~ re· ·~ -oured by persons who apparently ha ve ·~B&b11.p ·l'.Jfetr minds that aU sex courses are part of a ;.,-' ·eJo\~t'!l-~·'With whom rational discussion is virtually ' Jriipoisilile1 _, ..... , 1~ • .. ~ D'¢v.eloping the Hillside _..,. ·, \. .· . . \ w-" "Die. Jilll11de development p18.t) ~ubmitted. to the La· t gun8'1'Uch Planning Conunis$i0n for stndy thi.s week I' cOu!t\tbe ~ first step toward intelligent development of •;.;_flDd-th~city's finest building sites. ' · y years planners 4'nd deve1opers have been I .... JiwaM 'the only safe way to ;.develop hillsides is • ;-.., -Yt1... I ' • I • '• with the minimum possible disturbance of ~t.;;.aJ.'t&l' rrun. -· ..... The old "gridiron'.' approach with its 1nJIJlfnl"' • ,__ upan hewing out building slle1 of mo re or les~ ln:lllar ,, si ze and shape, arranged along roadways of:~·~~N\ilidi(""~':C:-~...;.++~ ci:.e by_cily-OL.>tale.ordina...,, an-be-eo. as Lagunans know only too well. ; ,. B~ cutting into billsidei, ripping oU grounckl>ve~.' 1 .. and piling up building,pads, developers in this'"antf•ri1aJ)t 'I'~~""' other areas have created near-disastrous floOdiifc situ.. ~ ations along with ruination of nat·ural beaut)'. tti.at c&n ,. . ., ~, be restored o~y aner years of tedi~us re-plant.i)lg~ 1 . • Much of this was brought out dunng tbe beavx rains • of a lew winters ago, wben vast amounts of ~ .ol the ' " .. - World \YOund up in Canyon backyards. More accei>table w~s ol ~~eloping hillsides were reviewed at. length durmg stad1es O:f 1.he Diamo_nd-Crestvi~w improvement · di~t~lct, when. the city at. last seemedJ persuaded that nun1mum SO.foot ~treets . are not absolutely essential everywhere, especially if ,their construction, involves deep hillside cirts: · • · Thel Gum~ii:ier.9stfinder plan m y be far from perfect -studies will 1reveal its Daws -1-but it could be a step in 'the right direction. , • · The,.argument that-the laDd in Question "should not be developed at al1" is fallacious, Of course it will be developed, eventually, by someQne. Equally absurd is the suggestion that there is· som·e fault in presentation of a plan that will "make money." Land development can hardly be expected to be a philanthropic enterprise any more than any other bus- iness. The hope js that.Laguna'& lovely hillsides cttn be de-velo~ed for the enjoyment of mapy future residents and 1n a manner that will not disrupt the Jiving patterns of those already established' below. The city's strict grading ordinance, put intp effect after. s.ome of ~e earlier hilltop disasters to prevent a !epetition o{ senous abuses. is not sufficient in itseU to insure _the best possible use of the hillsides. This cannot be decreed by ordinance. But ordin- ances can ~e. devel~ped to pennit a freer hand to those lvho are wtllu~g to i ,n. v es t·the time, imagination and money to achieve a higher planning goal s H~W:-if~ Dear Gloom v Got Vptiglat Over Halloween Pranks Ml ' \, • • Ma1fi Y,Ja ctures u~li~:P:ni ness , ·. -~,. . .-.-.rl!I"'' . I I ll:.~~t-·---'-"''"-:t..::... ¥-~ B, l!U3WORTH L. IUCHARDSON ' Mlnis\er ~elg~rhood Congregational Church I Lagoa Bea.Cb . Jfonnan Vincent Peale once told how he was riding on a train and became in- volved ln.a,.emtv_e.rsation wilh a man and his wife in the dining car. The two men exchanged their ~iness cards and in order to include the man's wife in the convi:!ruUon, Dr. Peale asked, "\Vhat do )'OU do j'" She wa1 smarUy dressed and gave the lmpress1oo that she was a business \\1oman.i Her husband didn't give her any opportlI(ti(y to answer the question. He sPQke up sharply. "She's in the manufac· turtag ~usiness!" DR. PEALE ASKED pleasanlly, "And ·what do you manufacture?" The husband again 1was the spokesman : •'She manufacture! unhf.ppiness!" Although . Gus: We Laguuans liked U1ose a ppro- pi-iate B)ble quotes on Jong hair. This• one goes along with that same . type; "For even when we were With you, this we commanded you , that if any would not work, neither should he eat." -II Thes- salonians, Chap. 3, 10. -Mrs. E. W. F. T~~ f+llUA ... flt(.. n•••l'l' v1ewi; ftl(IUtrHr th-ol ti. ft.W.Pl.Ptr. , ... , Ml PHVI It Gltomr Gvi, Dtl Dr. Schindler. Anothe ecent survey showed by and lar that optimistic. .cheerful businessmen who "looked on the bright side of things" were more sue· t.-eWul than pessimistic businessmer:. I have on my desk a letter received last week fr:<>m the superintendent of a home for retired people. He was bringing me up to date on a person whom I had helped to get inf,o that home. He.wrote : "We call her 'Sunshine'. She" has been here Jess than a year, but she hi so cheerful and has never complained once. Everything is '0.K.' \\'ilh her, j!Ven a four·minute egg that has been boiled two minutes! I wish that there were more like her ! The starf. the infirmary staff and the hired help all Jove her." these "business men and women" are not WELL, I KNO W th e v.·oma n y,·ell. t listed in a business directory their phones know that she had· read her New Tesla· oire busy dispen!ing unhappiness. ment, particularly that pa ssage by Paul . It is true that "Happy'J)e<lple are never "I have learned to be cont ent in what-so. \vickcd." {An old Dutcli proverb!) It has ever state l find myself." now been scientifically proven to be so ! We can manufacture happiness or The maj ority of criminals come from unhappiness ! unhappy"bomes. Dr. Matthew Chappell, a psycbologist At Yale, a 10.year study of frustration says: "Happiness is purely internal. It is has been-completOO-whlch lndicates-that-produced, not by objects, but by ideas, immorality and hostility to others is thoughts , and attitudes which can be brought about by unhap~y people. developed and constructed by the in· dlvldua1'1 own activlUes, irrespective of •"J'HE SOLE CAUSE of all psychosomatic ills is due to unhappiness dnd that happiness is the only cure," says environment." • And what did you say you manufac· ture? A Good New Dictionary One of the most frequent requests L get from reader! over the years - presumably because they know my deep interest in words and usage - is to recommend a good di ctionary. Few persons, apparently, are satisfied with C:e dictionaries they have at home or work. Until now, I had not been able to make an unqualified recommendation, because although tbeN are doaeos ·or dictionaries on the market, not one or them in· corporated everything I thought was needed by the average 11!ader. Wbait most people want is not merely a book lhat will tell them the mea~i!Jg$ of \VOl'ds, but one that will also suggest. pre.- per usage. It sbould not be necessary to com:ulL Fowler or Partridge or Copperud or ·any such other auxiliary works tn -"""'-to..Jcarn ~ moiLapproprlate, ef- fective, and unambiguous usa11e of words """ p11tues. • -< THE NEW ' A.mfrioan Heritage Die· tlomry of the English Language," con- sisting of J,600 pages, with ISS.000 entries (indludlng , l~graphlcal • n d geogr~~ ),ougbttosatlsfy anyoot ,...,. aw iDolt tcholarly and .-octile. Mo! ol t~ Qlraordinary price of fl.95, I&'• 1 far bltiitr buy lban some Quotes · -Ka~ l'...,er, lller"1ey -'"For the equiv1Jeal of ten mOPlhl' .,O>lt of lhc war in VlctMID " bought a JOot at 0t1~lvr1 we hive IOttJ1 needed: and we know now tha t we ba,·e no problem& we cannot MJl\e." ,. ........ . .,., ; Sydpey J. H~is dictionaries costing more than twice as much. The type and fbrmat are a pleasure to look at , the 4,000 drawings and photographs are truly i\lustraUve o( the topics, and the Introductory essays are themselves a short course in grammar, spelling and pronunciation. But the uni· quely Useful part of the book is the hun· dreds of "usage'' notes that help the reader steer a sensible middle course between wild permissiveness and C1:1n· stricted purism. TO ORT AJN TID:SE note!, America n Heritage enlisted some-100 writers, editors and scholars to serve as a "Usage Panel" for difficult or disputed words and phrases. 1 happen to have been one of the members of this panel, but l hasten to add that this was wholly a labor of love, and the pat1el received nottWig for 'll& WMk but a sen8e of saUs.facOon ln http. ing put together a dictionary that meets a real need. Oictionary-mak lng is a deUcate art. The biggesl are not always the best tallhough the smallest are always in· adequate), and.all of lht:m are subject to the vicissitudes of time. since English Is a li vine, gro.wh1g, -and thus.-.cNnging Jan.guagr. But the American Heritage, in n1y prejudlced view, will withsta nd the rtrain of the years n1ore &turdily· than any of Its current rive.ls In the popular field. Sh·e Apologizes to the Teen-ag~rs To the Editor: I found mysell frowning with disap- proval Frid<u' night ·wben o u r neighborhood became a playground for egg·throwi.ng, ' toilet paper decorating, a n d old vegetable dumping. The older kids were having a great time, and I was autom.o.tically getting up tight about it. Later, my husband came along and remarked how almost festive the sur· roundings looked, with the strea1ners draped around. One man -seemed to be smiling almost in spite of himself as he hoseJ eggs off his· car. wml DIFFICULTY (righteous in· dign~tion is so hard to let go of) I reluc· lantly admitted to myself that it was really all in fun -no harm had been done. no maliciousness intended. Finally, \l'e were lau ghing, recalling uur ow n Hallo\\·een days. So now, I'd like to apologize to those teen-agers for feeling crabby. and being so qu irk to condemn before thinking. and to say how deeply glad I am they were having fun this way rather than toSsing mol.itov cocktaili or taking bad· trips. MRS. SAM WRAY, JR. S lle 11t iUajor lty To the Ed itor : During Preside nt Nixon's speech to the nalion 1 kept asking him mentally a \vag· gish question you hear everywhere: "Well, \\'hy don't we win the war, stupid?" And after runn ing a rew or his !iltatements through my semantic trans. lator [ came up "ith a few plausible answers: We are shackled by the Geneva Conventions: we are handcuffed b)". the United Nations : We stan<l lOlOse face. shirttail, prestige and more billions of dollars if the great silent majority does not assert itself -and soon! A POlJTIClAN came on the air last \\'Cek tO predict that the South Viet· namese will turn on us if we try to pull · out a great amowit of troops and money . They will join the Viet Cong to attack our troops while they are leaving. This is quite probable, as the Vietnamese want us there only for our money, our food, ou r soldiers and guns to perpetuate the no-win stalemate. If Mr. Nixon should order every \merican out of Vietnam within a year, including the do-goodeT:B who are lavishing money on an ungrateful people, it won"t be too soon. although that move woul11 not assuage the guilt of the idiots ~·ho got us there in the first' place. TO THE GREAT silent majority Mr. Nixon tried to reach in hil speech it can ..----By Geol'9e ___ , De Ar George : ~1y husband and 1 used lo have great fun. I-le didn't "''Ork regular and we had a great old lime laying around the house and drinking beer and watching TV. Then he got a job and now he's some sort of fool ex• ec:utlve, nagging me about cleaning the house up and all. He's even qult drinking and he's a big nagging bore. Do you think I should Sl'!e: a divorce counselor'! DISILLUSIONED Oenr-Olslllu!iontd: Actually. I ne,·er h(ard or 11. divorce counselor but, aftt:r rc 111ding. your le tter, I agree : If We's no sucll thing. it would be necessary 10 Invent one. ~teantime. however, lake One! mort lilab at tttllng along with your hsuband -perhaps he wUI outgro.w thlt_phasc of.trying to .put the magic into your manJtige and things can be good and crum- D'I)' like they used to be. • Mailb'ox ·• ' . Letters from readers aTe welcome. Normally writers should convey their messages in 300 words or less. The right to co-ndense lettefs to fit space or eliminate Libel is reserved. All let- ters mus t inclttde signature and mail- t11g address. but 11ames may be wi th· held on re quest if suffic~n t reason is apparent. , 1 1 now be said: "The doom ls spch"en. Boot out tl1e United Nations, repudiate the Genevz Conventions, pull back American money that is being indirectly used by Communist countries, cut Orf their wheat ~nd oil, and you will Witness the biggest <.'Ollapse of enemy counlries the world has ever seen." MILT BASHAM f,;, a Small Bomb To the Editor: ·The present Angela Davis controversy has gotten me "uptight" as it has many oth er people, but I take an opposing stand frorh most of the olher people. Angela Davis would not be such a ·con· troversial figure had the board of regents nol fi red her. By firing her they expanded and have blown up a situation which could have been kept small and relatively insignificant. Furthermore, the boartl of regent s hild munlst Part)' or the United States? ~ince the ' Supreme Court issued the principie of "Clear and Present Danger" the CPUSA has refused to spell out its gtials. So all one can do is to use deduc- tion to determine the goals or the CPUSA. TJIE CPUSA is a political organization and the only function of a p<ilitlcal organization is to gain political power. The two most logical ways that the CPUSA can gain power is lo take 01'cr con trol of our government after the U.S.A. has been defeated in a war with Rus9ia or !he party can organize a na· tional liberation force that would oust out -present form of govemrrient. In either case the CPUSA must have enough members so that it can assume and maintain control over all Lhe re- maining citizens of the U.S.A. Since the CPUSA at present is comprised of only a very small percentage of our total population. their main job at this time is to recrui t dedicated members. A DEDICATED member of the CPUSA \1'ho is also a university professor is ln an extren1ely advantageous position to recruit members or at the I e a s t recommend promlsing students for fu rther indoctrination. Now any i:inJversi· ty professor that is a member ot the CPUSA who claims tha l he or she is nol interested in recruiting or indoctrinating stuLenti: must be using the propaganda tool that is called "The Big Lie." HARRY B. McOONALD JR. 0 Le t T /1 e 111 K11011l no righH o-fire her. It-is her con---• . stitutional privilege to belong to the To the Ed1lor. political party of her choice. The Bill or The people of Orange Count y are raced R1ghts states that very clearly and ve ry simply. By denying her that freedom the board or regents have abused our own Constitution and have acted in a vr.rv Communistic manner. The very thini: everybody is so [rlghtened of. ~ JS TRULY SAD that Angela Davis, being black, feels a need to belong to a Communist party. This could become a trend with the Negroes. lt has been such a hell for' the Negro to live in cur society. No wonder Angela Davis is a Con1- munisl! • Among other principles ~r the Com· munist doctrine, one ·of the main prin- ciples is eguality for all. In th e United States the Negro does not get equality. The s.itualion is definitely getting bet· ter, but ask a Negro -is it enough ? I wonder. also, would there be such a furor if Angela Davis were white and Con1- munist? THE DECISION OF the regents to firt: Angela Davis would hav e been much more feasible had she been teaching a class in communism, but that was nc.·t the case. She was teaching an Afro-Ameri · can history class. But what ir she y,·ere teaching a class in communism? Would il be so \li'rong? \\'ou ld il be a threat to our y resent form of-government? The jl1dgc who ruled th at l\.liss Davis was fired unconstitu tionall y is to be com- mended for his decision. It's a shame tha t the board of regents did n't consider the aspect of fustice while. making th eir decision. They have quile unintentionally lit a small . bomb. MARY HOL LINGSWORTll Con11111111 bt Goals ro the Editor: There art two basic types oL Con1· niunist parties In the world. They are the Communist parties lhat arc In power in Communist nations and thu Comtnun isL parties lh::it exist ln lhe nations or the free world. Hnve you ever wondered what arc the g~l5 of lht Communist partits in I.be !rec world and C!peclally the Conl· Wl1at's Wrong ' I ~1nments I • l\larengo, Ill., Republlcan-New1: "1 can tell you what's wrong w~th the country, if you want to know. And .it won't take me 1nore than a few lines to do it. Practically everybody wants a job that pays a great deal more than the average man or woman· Is worth. and it has got to be a job that ha s somebody else around to do the work. and that ,somebody bas gut to take the blame when things are fouled up because the first. somebody didn't do what he was hired to gel done." Belton , Texas; Jeurnal: "The average person form s 1an opin~on by adding to a sma ll measure· of information a dash or imagi na tion &Md a large quantity of pre- judice, shakhlg well with emoUon." Bartow, Fla., Oe.rpocrilt: "Probably no one else in the woljld gels as much free advice as the President of Lhe United States. And the mor:e complex a-problem is, the more free advice the President gels on how to solve it .•. There Is on& tremendous difference between the 16- vice·givers and the President: They have no responsibll(ty and can speak rreely; he has all the responsibility and must both move and speak with caution." Goodland, ·Kans., News: "We kind of chuckled to ourSelves as we opened an armed rorces dispatch here at the office the other day. The contents of the en- velope weren 't o( the kind lo bring smiles.' But what did ignite a chuckle v.•crc these words prlnted where you and t would normally -p1ace a aramp: 'Postage and fees paid, Otpartment o( lhe Novy.' Wouldn't It be belttf If 'It read: 'Postage and fets paid for by lht taxpa.yer' or the Unlled Stal.ts.' " with the problem"Of what is going to ha~ pen to our fa irground s. A committee is speculating on a change and it is up to us lo let them know what we want. The problem is that so many people don't know about it or how to submit t h e i r ideas. Thl11 is...the-purpose o[ thl.sJetter . .J feel this issue should be more publicized. 11 anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please contact ~fr. Alfred· G. Lutjeans, Secretary.Manager. Orange County Fair Grounds. 88 Fair Dri ve, Costa Mesa. California, 92626, or call M&-1131. ANN PERCIFIELD· COM Student Ll"e h• the Prese11t To ti"l t:? Editor: It is a fairly obvious fact that an in· divldur:I who doesn 't live In the present lends to be tense and preoccupied. When carried to a national extent, a failure to be present-oriented may account in part for increasing alienation and, in numerous cases, p h y 5 i ca I {en· vironmental) danger for the United States. · PERHAPS ONE of the main reasons Lhe mass of American society doesn't live in the fulure is that to most Americans ihe future means one thing: "rocket ship." We seem to hold a fantastic faith that we will survive long enough to reactl .11n age of absolute technology. Apparently conditioned to this image by mass media, the public has little thought devoted to !he years between that time and ours. IT SEEMS ·LOGICAL that any in· tclligcnl person living. in the present couldn't possibly ignore such vital con· cems as overpopulation, conservation, <ind pollution. The shocking apathy on the part, of the public would lead one ~ believe that Americans are either ~ intelligent, ignorant., or living elsewhere than the present. How Dlany Americans know {or care) 1 that at prtaeat ouf natldnal bird, the bald 1 eagle, is already exlinct in some areas and oearing extinction in 9thera, thanks • 10 destroyed nesting grounds an4 ' wilr.erness as well as a DDT .con- taminated food supply. M1ER1CANS BA VE an idea passed down from our arrogant forefathers, who \Ve~ busily conq~lng the frontiers, that nature is a phenomenon separate from man, to be fought and controlled. Unfortunately, as we Joae. space, thil .....Ustic idea i5 rapidly UR)rtening tho noose around our necks. I am young, and would like to mr uiured thi! C(lllntry will sllU be habitable in 10 years, that I'll Jive lo the age of 30. Wake up, Atnericans. You're living tn the past. (MISS) ANDREA FAHY High School Student --WWW-· Friday, November 7. 1969 The edUorial page ·Of tht Dailp Pilot t eek$ to ~njorm and 1tim- ul.ate rtadetl bv J)'ftscnttn11 th(i t1.twspa pe r'1 opiniOns and com.-- f'lttntory on topia of fftter11t nnd llgnlfjccnce, bv prooldtng • forum I"' the eipreuion of our readtn' opinihnl, an~. bt1 pre1tnt1na the dh.1tr1e view- pohtts of injormtd obstrvtrt cntd 1poktmltn on tofricTOf the day. Robert N. Weed, Pu~lisber , -.. ' ' -• • ) ' •:CMa:taNG ·~;::;;. •·UP• ----a;.;.· ~-......J ~Meet Due_::_ . . t;'. -1n Scand iaa\lii ' .. . • Don't Toa st ·Host . . -. , Asaen)l!!Yman Jm UlllUh and ~ Francilco May<ir JOMpb AJloto la Hpected lo hlghl1aht Calffornia 'I bliiell Doniocr1~ le convenUon of the year ~ 11nnln( toi!ay. " ' · Party Mder1 hope the week-~ , • ~ . ' .~ • . : ~-meeUog will provide ~lit: t\~~· ' \• By L. M. BQYD ·~a19P . Springs, N.Y .• A stbilulus for a major Demo-~~~~~~~~ AT A PARTY in Scan. di...,-.tate diner kept sen-craUc resurgence in 1'10, AJ. dinavla, il'1 bad fonn to pro-ding back bis br<aklut fries, t11ouF· they still enjoy-1 S.I poae a tOlfl to -~ oo.t. cl;limiDg_ they .Wert too thick. voc,r ~aUon ldvanlqe. Theory la ll evoryliody dld it, So ilt. Crunr s6a..d 1 potato . llomocnll bolitfewer .- the thing would d!aaofve ililo I .;,fr, ~ deeP • fol,· to bis of!kes. Iha'!, at Ill)' pomt m I . ., • " _,l, d~. • quick. binge • • • l>eH'T PuT c~17;~• cn:at lleliiht, and "Thil'weekend will &ive us SAND in the ·c)iildren 's the,'hjou;q: lintlll'td on... a chance to flnd out wbicll• 11ndbox, Y~I lady. They'll • .. ~ ·=CE~ wa,y Ille wind la ~Ing," pre. track it all over the house. Uae ltaiUm'',.A. Cerwru d .. 1 dieted State Democratic Cbalr- aquarium efavel .• •• THE tact¥:'tbat'15 all tbe 'l~k~~ =Roser Bou of,San Fran. PECULIARITY of Aries gir~ :he~ a11out 5 '. • • Q. "YOU .AJJiito ond·UlllUh, who are says our PJanet !1W1•' ts Uiet ~st'WONCV 1tn ~e ~ campaigning for the Demo- tend to be faicin8iecf :'ith So what~·~?" ~w~ati c!auc · gubernatorial ~·­ what's new. Not only In cOF-, •• q.,f'WJIAT sONG has-sold lion but,have .not officially an- tumes, but In genUemen' . the most phonograph r«ord&? nounced thelr~dacies, will · G. .\ Isn't that "SL 'Lciuil' be questklrie(l together at friends • . • A _. 0 N 8 1• ,., Q 110 •" • length by p a r t y leeders CITIZENS "~-• . I h ues · · " • -THERE ~ '10 • r e EVER been a female circus Saturday. . Manhattan telephone direc-clown?" A. Only ·one 1 ever AJso . to be. querl~ during tory reports ow' Name Game heard oC was Ringling's Rose a public session are two con- • 11 ..tA.:......,, Kl --• Hanlon Q "CAN A ~essmen who plan to run for man are •MW~ Sii -.u • · • • rty• t · ti ' . . COCKROACH live .un-e pa s sena e nonuna on It-named Tell. Pm ol these derwater?" A. For about 20 -:-John V. Tunney of River- would mate an interesting law minutes. side and George W. Brown of firm, what? •• -. n IS THE DEATH....,, That more or our ¥onterey Part. CONVICJ'ION~ of most opera citizens die in car wrecks than · ,Spe~ke;s during the week· stars that a male singer in wars is common knowledge. end will mchxle U.S. ~~s should not involve himself in But how manY. more citizens Alan Cranston of Cali!orrua, so die is not..'often re~ed. Fred Harris of Oklahoma and amon.. acUrity during the 24 Remember, When you \alt .George McGovern of South hours · jUlt b e f or e"'" a about military fatalities don't Dakota. performance. stop with the combat killings. " Th~ con~~~ -:-entitled POTATO CIDPS -Knew Count the servicemen who ProJect 70 -IS billed as a the first p<Uto chips were succumbed to diseases and ac-huge strategy session for the created l llS yei~ ago, but cideots, too. Ok<!-y. since 1715, 1,0!!0 ~legates to discuss key didn 't know the riame of the stteh casualties have totaled a Je1isla:t.ive races. RepubJlcans genius who crtated them. Jittle more than 1.1 million . now control the Assembly, 41- George Crum was the fellow, That's somewhaj. lower than 39, and the Senate, 21-19. I'm now Informed. It was at the near 1.6 miUion who died Moon's Lake House in in auto smashups since 1900, is ll not? Mighty fancy, these figures. What a way to talk Unit to Over see Pair to Siie '. . .'If ·Protest Uses Name SAN BERNARDINO (Al>.) - A San Bernardino couple has promiJed to sue tr .the name of their son - a Marine ' killed in Vietnam -Js used in connection with a planned an- tiwar demonstration Nov. 14 in nearby .Redlands. A committee at t he University of Redlands has an· riounced plans to read a list of the war dead as part of its pl'Olest. Mr. and Mn. Harlie Bohner tokt newsmen Thursday : "Reading these names is not solving a damed thing. It's just. another stab in a parent's heart." Their 9011, Pfc. Leonard A. Bohner, was killed 1 May· 12, 19f7. The Bohners said their al· toriley told them even though the names of war dead are a matter of public record, their use for what be called "penonal gain" was a viola- tion of individual rights. Elections? Pliony Check about the passing of people! LOS ANGELES (AP) -Millas, a Rl!publican from Death is an empty bed, a lot Gilro •·-'d h ·11 k Pmser Shot By Officer of old clothes and Sl·lence ,·n Assemblyman George Milias y, ·~ sa1 e wi see · he ill the GOP nomination f o r the bact of the house. said today w set up a secretary or state if the ln-WEIGllT -Jn the last 100 special unit to oversee critical cumbent, . Republican Frank yhaean.beenthe menet1-~trustall· .COIJllAtryd elections throughout CaWomia 1'1. Jordan, does not run. ve g mg er· n if he is elected secretary of J9fd!"l is bed-ridden from a heavier, too. Much heavier. state in 1970. · ilroke. Proportionately, they've been ----------~--------- SAN FRANCISCO (AP) gaining a lot more weight than An oU-duty policeman. mooo-he.igbL Incidentally, it's a fact lighting in 8 bank, shot and the women from generation to killed a young man who fled generation aren't putting on as · Watch for the full while a check be offered wu many pounds a8 the men, but k' T V }' being veruled. I dony 'I know w,hy. nd wee s . . IStings in Killed, iD the shooting amonr our ques ions a com· pedestrians oulside the Bank m"mts are tDflcomed and of America Branch at Geary ~~:.17~~;.~~~~i'!~~.pX~: Saturday's edit.ion of tl1c and Market streets Thursday dTess mail to L. M. Boyd, in was Robert· JOSf:ph Johnson, h l DAILY PILOT 24, on probation after being care of t e Dai y Pilot, Box . . •• convicted of robbery in 1875, NewpoTt Beach, Calif. ~ Oaklaod and peUy theft in San. _9_26_6_3_· ----..,-----------~----------­Francisco. Police Yid they found on the victim'• body a stolen wallet with a driver's license and a Selective Service card belong- ipg to William Price af Redwooil Oily. Ken Manley, a homicide in· spector who is investigating the case, aaid the one fatal shot was fired by officer William D. Taylor, 33, a three.- year veteran of the force. Tayklr called three times for the fleeing inan to halt, then !ired, 1ak1 Manley and in· apector Jack Rajewsky. Trouble started wben the man tried to cash a $150 check and teUer Kathy Budd became suspicious. As she started to \rerify the check by telephone, the man started out of the bank. Law Suits Greet Dad SAN FRANCISCO '@'> - Daniel P; A&WoaJdo was groeted by 114 mlllioo In lllits filed by hla ... and lfauihle•· Jn.law when the Phllipplna mulUmllllonalre amved at San Frandlco IntemaUbnal Airport Thursday. Mrs. Julie Aguinaldo, 22, charged slander and demand- ed IZ-rnllllon saying Agutoaldo faltely called her a call Fl and 1 dope addict. The son, Nonnan, 23, asked 112 million, charging his father wltb conspiracy and takift& back a\ocks a n d pe:l'IODll property be gave the 11011 btfon the maniqe. State W'orkers Hint 'Strike' SACRAMENTO (UPl)-The California S l 1 t e Employes Al'llCilltlon bu hlDted ill m,. 000 membm ml&bt strike W>- \ Now! Buy . Seagram's 7 Crown half -gallons-- and 5ave $1.10. I From Oct 1 through Nov. 30,1 969 ~ pay only $11.ill for • ·each M:·gllon of 7 Crown lnot.nd of .'12.48. Don't i'iMlhil big saving on America'• laYCN'iW wht.key. ......... _._, Say Seagram~• and'Se Sure. • ---• fr!Qy, N-7. 196• 00AILV "L°' 7 N-0 .:P.1osec 1 tttion in :Qrug Raid D.~tli LOS ANGELES (UPI) -. A Frank Swttney because of SwetnJ u well u other or.·,.----~~--- poliCeman wbo accldealally r' inlilfficlent evidence, h11 of. flcen admitted they bad been abot and killed He1'ard Hftl../ Oce would not file criminal drinking before tbe raid but rf l)ytr, D, WhiUier ,1-during --chargts. . denied they Wert intosicated. a narcol.Jct rakf\wW not 'be Swee~y was . making an The inquest jury ru1ed Dyer's , arrest 1n a WhJttier apartment d e a th wu "occasioned by prosecuted by the dbtrict house Oct. 3 when his rlfie crlmlnaJ means." Jtorne)'"rotftCi . ·' 1 Cleiitally s a r 1 e ounger Ille s ng Diatrlct Atlome.y Evtlle J: through the floor as he was . wu a "terrible tragedy'' and Younger 'said. Thursday that trying to engage the safety. added that Swe,eney "exer- in view o,r the ·~ty Gra~ · The bullet smashed through ciied very poor ju~nt and , Jury's deeis!On nbt to 1 indict the'" ceiling o1-the apartment conducted hlmself in an un- Vernon Police t*~ure., Sgt below and killed Dyer. · professional manner." • • • , with WhlrlPDOI cfJ Whirlpool Autom11lc Wathor kYFI~ 2 .. (IHd New1're•soak setting fornew enzyme products, plus Permanent ~ress cycle! Features 2 water selections, 5 water lemps, Magic-Mix lint filter. An extra big' deal value -see it now! M1fchlno Whl~pool Dryer Avallabl1 Virtually ends your pressing problems -5 drying cycles, special Permanent Press timed c)'cle. Gas or electric. c:m>: •. ti 4¢- -=== =·-·-= ... 1m0tN ======= A~~P*'?.~., e .. r ~.!!!P22!:.:· • Jo • ' - Famll)'·lta15.1 cu. tt. with gl1nt_135-lb. •. "zero degree" frMzer. Features 11id&-0ltt $27ft9& Je~ld Meet Pan, Twin Critpe1'1,-Super '7 Stort.ge Door. A ayper "big deal" value! No more dishpan handll 2-tpetd wnhl,,g and rinsing, big once+day ~Ing capacity. Features 2 autometlc cycltl, . • du•! detergent dis~,, ' · • ! l•minatid W1iriUt.grain-$11~·15 -worktop. -~ • ' .. ' ... • • FREE IN~TALLATION ON ALL WHl.RLPOOL ICE MAKERS • T OVATT'S ' ' . " . ' Dlr«!ct Factory Dealer. " 4 C!l • f'9' "" ..... B l:~O"Hl.IRST-& WARNER 401 MA1,N ST. · 1 "'°" Fountain Valley Downtawn Huntln!JH111' ... ·;~ "Ji 1'1 ·.i1J1,-: l•lr'.01• ........ ' .'~J''· . -.:11~ ' ';i •; " . ·' ·O .:·J • "'"•"": .:J •• Q·~ I . ,. . ... '~ ..... • • l!.- 'll' . ,t •• •••• r.i . r I" I • ... ~ lea lltlte emplO)'f.I are grant· ed 1111 mlDton In pay raises. ·csEA . olficlall Thurlday l&ked t b • llllle penonnel board to •ndone the 11lary proposal whjch CllJJ lot ln- crelles Jn one te four 8'epa for occupational ll'(IUPI to malch whit CSEA Ill'' are prevalttnc rales Jn pri vate lndtmry. TONY Tonn 962-2456 5·36-7561 1-----------------------.-----------·--,.1, -' ..... . .. ..: . . .. . . ... ·-. ..... -.. ·-...... .... ---:-.· . . . f OAll.V Pll.OT Frid11, -mi.. 7, 1169 , Ehrlichman Emerg:es· ·as Kev Nixon Domestic Advisor I ._....,. :W i ' -WA!lllMGTON (AP) -Ill WW>&.over ._....iblllly In the White --now UUe.he already had evolv· became a -to the Cowlcil u well as all oiher ad· each weekday "*"1111 at hJs JtlaD.Z!lrlldlmac,theDlln lot coordinating ad· Including Nbm. Ajior!""liiiiil eddo:.'!.Ucthe-~ poclcq~fol Pnlldenl. a11lpocl lo "tblolc nWWitrallon eUorta and....ac,_n-"IOnlalhome.onawooded wtiro tll)lrJed fn1b tb1I wetk'a mtnl!tratlon approaches to all Kissinger, the other~ is .,.,_ .....-1 argumenwo or tbrou&h the ~ of tl•iliea lJ ttie domestic arena. acre in nearby: GrttrFalls, -1flllll .. ffmll' u« idufflL~ domestic problems, Ehrlich· H. R. Haldeman, Nl:w'• dl:ief ~tlon to the' President. cumnt treodl, to qulltlon Fo,_ the moat part, however, Va. tbe Prllldimt' cbie{ doiiieiUc man -mes the homefront-of staff. Haldeman it tile ad· The 1taff reorganlr.atlon and < coaveotional wl--'-to * Ehrµcbm • u... ' Arri · at .. 1 .. ..1~k, he h ...... :0 ;;t;:, uys ••--• equlv·•-n1 ol Dr. Henry A. miniltrator who"bas .-ai.v ehiiffU#.., ol iittes Goes broaden dNiN fundam~ii" and to an 1 roul.WG won 1 Vllll ..,... u= 11 -· •~ --~ ·• change much. For the past abcut 15 minutes to cooler mlalltratian'I lJ70 legialatJ.ve Kissinger, Nixon's assistant about what peop)e set Nlan's Ehrllcbmen's sphere a bJt. .umutate I on I· r a n I e in· nine . moolhl, lhls 1 eoer,eUc wjth hil lnMM:ll•t• staff ~ . .w abif\ from for n1tloaal .ecurtty affairs. ear and what pltceJ ot ,..,er Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan, novdpn." • . father of three boys and two befo"' &ofng to a 1 : so reform to. traUbtnlng. . He clearly ranks as one of come lo hls attentioo. who had headed Nixon's Ebrtichman now· becomes girls has been p6cked up by a breakfast with other Nizon When 1he Pnaldeot appear• In his Oval Olllce, )IOl1Jlall1 belort"t -L1l1., Ebrllcllman ll there to c:Uscuss the problema of the day . Ehrlicbman likes to keep much i>I the mt of ihe morn- ing free so be can wrestle with paperwork and staff con- ferences . EhrUcl:aman. named 'l'Uadly the foui--moll important men Before Ehrlichman got his Urban Affairs Co u n ct l, ovenet!r of the Uiba ~rs Wbtte H<KJM tecJan at I:~ aides. aal'relldenlNIJon~aailtantl~~~~~--'~~-~---~~-~~~~~-~~~~~-~~-:--~~~-:-,--~~~~~~.;.....~~~-~~~~~~-~-~~------- for domelUc affairs, said in an ,, 1 Interview the Im empbaals wUI be on ''Dlowinl new • • llJ I. 1M It. -Celt9-~ a 111ll; ~. C.... .._ ,. · ground" In deaftng with the • nation's internal ills. • 11MJ ....._Aw. llf WW-•••• '•f l••PP ... C.....-..,._Gren "''a ............ IS •-0..-..C.., ......... .... The Jong-time N i x o ~ • .... w.-... --.--c:..o..-- assOciale also indicated the Pruidenl wW submit hia new- Ideal leglllation lltSt year oven K c.ngr..a doem't maloe mucll headway In actill(".Oll the ~'• lttl recmnnmdaUom. · 11r~~·· -lllOll I• -Uke-to IYerlsau1 the -.. -• llllD the POii Ollk;o lata • l!"bllc corporatlm -are r'eform ldeu. • Tho ff.yur.dd J>wyer imi. Seatlle, who fornierly held the lltle " White House ...-!, .fN1:'.S= ri-lT•= <,J!lq ..-in ·hll State 1 I iii Ill J lllllll'Y. . . , , A Plans • ,, ''foCounter M~Day WASlllllQTON (AP) -The V-Admlnlstralion hu • -IGO,lllO. eclucaton and • ~ Jelden a detailed , acemrlo, w I t h appropriate · -for hand maatc. I« Nov. 11 -·-delllned : lnporttoOoiint<rulhnrpro- : .... pl 'Pri.two days later. • Tho ~ Day packet • 1lgnod 'h y Admlnlltrator ! Donald E. Johnson includes • complete apeeehes, program ~ farma&I. atemenll for the • ~ 'and radkJ ... :--· ' Women's l•lted Cardl9an1 and Pullowers YOUR CHOICI $f '7 Pall fahiooed c 1blc Kid rib 11'11111: 1tyla ,.;a. collat1 or V• ad... Fahim. ri,ht nit~ blue; nd oc blip. 'Si&- a M to*- • I -tit~ dutf Ul to the inUllona • ol our ~ who portldpate ioys' Pullower ~ in lhtte ceremoaJes on Notll • 11, • i:ompari11,.,.._,,.,,_ ... ~_,~~sweattn : dl_...a are able to drad ' tho -ol tho -'2" ; world," J-uld Ill an ,..,. . :. • ._c_<ll'DP¥1inl Jetter, "giving thole ·we seek to honor on the boUl!flelds and at home a 1o1JJ11 diltorted picture of oor •l ppreela t ion of their · aacriftca." JobPlan is chairman of the Preaideat'1 Veterans Day N• Uonal foliuait!ee. Johdion .also sent a memorandum to head! of all VA holpit.all, ollictl, centen 1 and homes' nrglng employea to attend Vele.rans Day cetemon!S and aUill( them • to report by Nov. 30 oo "partidpotlon of )'OU and your staUon employta: in Veterans Day 1981." The ldt provides speech outjlnel; one propooed for delivery ht tlle llChoola Nov. II, ·!:=!!:-~ men ln. arm11." It UJI, pupils •hoold be glvan )etUn !ltp>ed by the princlpel, lnvltmg t b e I r pamU lb oltend. Girl's Acetate Quilted Robes s399 ' . ·ladles' Helanca•· t • I ·· lfylon ·Shells =..2:s5 Jrwd~•himw-t ~i~N.=Wc~~ eo 40 ia emu, :f" WOMIN'S Sweater Jackets F111! fashioned ... ,i;, """ $, •• with v, ~· neck: or Kurt colllt Girls' Nylon Panty lites ·99c "II ~ be ihoughtrul lo Include a light breakfast or ' lunch In the IChool cafeteria," the outline notes. The scenario even 11.1ggests a startinc Ume: 10 1.m. Then, Gift Boxed Fashion Jewelry .• wjth blank 1pacea to be filled In with the names-o f particlpanll, It carries the pt(ll'.iia from lnvocaUon to ben<dlctlal!. A t J<tu1c*r r<pre,.nUn1 tl)e al!l!lml bnd1 should speak for abaut five minutes, "and 1hoold alao be requlr<d to wrttt hb own material,'' the kit notes. • Then comes the m a t n , apuket, "a well-tnown in- • divt.dual from the local com- ~ muntty ,'' who Is not under In- \ atntctlona 11 to who wrtta his .1~. 1 'nle script goea on : : "Narrator: announces that • the band will render a selec-, tlon. "Bind: band rtndtl"I a -L electJon 11 annouoctd by the aarra&ar-1• f-There · ls • · sample J>ITll I -w!ill a 11J11Ple !tale-ment from the local Veterans Day chalnn1n, one M r . "By honorlog ~ who hlva served, we hope to en-courate adherence to -·· prlnctpl• of truth, lo7lllJ and -t 0 counter agreMSon. •• Tho or1anllm' Ut mentions Vlotoam only br1elly, and a spokesman 11kl lbe committee began Ill wort on l h • . ..,...,.. plom before the November antiwar ~f--ttl~ -•nilaue. But he •iao aald th. a•11l"Y'lnm appeared to bi 1• I • In' llUflPOrt ·-Am¢cana oppoled to !he •at l prolal -lltlatloal. ~ \ • 17'14 ............. , •• ' "' ' Cllll*, '·'· • e 2JOO H...._ lhf. ....... ....... ce.t.r, C.M. e 111n •• •U: • 1t .... ..,....., -w...:.. ... c.ter, ..... ,.". e .._.-4 ......... -H ...... 1,_ ..... A 1ppl .. C.....,.......,..~ e 6117 w .. a1.1w at ..... Welt -Wwt ln1t1t • 21111 ........ Att.N. H.I. L ,,,,, .....,,,...c • ., __ ..,,........_ .... ...,. . 4r· to 7f Metal Bakeware ·10% --· ~' •er Tne Comfort Recliner Chairs ""=·-s5411 {Oft '1 • dUl;noat prier ! Po~ 111aM $e&I' and !Md: an 11pholtkm! ;,. dllnhlc ai-W_ 'finfl. Oioice of · Md or ._. 'ltmdf ~ '-·~. 1.10........-......... ........ ~ ....... ~ ......... ·-• t i.ts n• Mllr T'* ·····•••••· 871 661 119. '2" Zestalis CliewHle Yltlml1s $1.49 to $1.98 Valuol lnusTOM ·Accessories e>o•~ ~ ..,.., 99c 1tand.~ot record album ho(~. Dilco11ot .. ,l.llp. $3.91 Valwl Dacron• led Piiiows •m.i .;~ n. s2•• Po1:1t~ F.n.':fibcp I. «*lie .u. ........ ....... f7tl Valle! Hassock Inell ........... "'"'$ 77 CO 'l't.r in it0ry, 5 ~"'·.,,_,,· DiSCOUQt priaJ! Acltltl Salli Pillow Cases ..... $1.59 .,.., .... ~ '' -h1 i1-.do lfhilc rou slcqi. c.1~ lri9kt "Flllfll" lltdiel Towels tDllt Ill pp cols O ,. .. ~,,-~ 2 · s1 ~--t Ragular 9k Trash Can Unen '"""'" 77c ~o!.'° o,.,. :, .... , .... Sw19Lllnps Au•-:I~ s1996 ~olblllll ,,_ • lla:lt/ J"ilor . Hoob & r.balo ird,.Q. 'ol . '29" VII.Le ' ._. Caltliiet ............ ~'22 .. 1r· w,ti.16"' •1• '''"' 4-Pc. SIMk Knife Set 1tai11lc•• tlllel C SWfddU,W77 ~=/~ 'l" Pack of 4 ... lllO M•1s A_.,,blu, '' Jdlotr Of nd. '2" All Metal Porta-File P 1 • tr I /iniahea s1sa w• "' 10 100 me-is . .Al- pbibdica!IJ iii-ilaoL 22:. Dowe lath Soap ..,2 .......... tc 2i3Sc .,,.., .. , SelWSt119 .Ntnllrhllos ''"tiff ...... ....... •• _ ... __ $)44 ill.lul.nm~ ...... •11 ,.1Sk •.....• SUt • ,, ... , ... . . ... :s1tt •la: .. u ... o,.. a.. fh fJ lM Jlecirlc DrhlkMlz .. =·~ $9" lifni•• hk --Yili~v> ...... ''"'""' """"··-y--bcrnl. othen in bot mloa/Dais1 dalp. ,44 Lltly Y.ity H•dlllx• ''Wri ... ,_Ihm. $, .. .2 lbt. Bt1ttr ejector. ·Wllillr ot ........ U.lw1n1I G.I. Teuten $tl.IOY- • JOIL Ii~· 1t ~-.. .., s1r ""7' t1mrl ur-1. Gerber's STIAINID Baby Food Yevr CMke 12:s1 It ' Bot1le .,i 60. !ft:triallr $ J 31 . pril'td ill. fualtt.i time 'oiler. ~~·1411 ~·1·Htl• .... ~ $3" Value! Angelique BLACK SATIN ~Spray Cologne bd!ffttlna lrqmice iD ll!lllt bl•ck ClllftlCkd mntUntt •• , botcd lot ,li.;,.g. Srw 0¥a half in 1bi1 lf"".i•I alt at Th1ilty. $129 $1.HVolvof """"° Ur. lrlte $5M Cir. l111t Ull .OUI toec! U.TAWAT M• •p , .......... & Poli Sets $23.91 Valuol Eldon .... , 100 ....... ., ... Lua.,,. .. .. .,_ ttt.4-... $1M Voluol W... .freHle I I si• ·n. ........ 'Wt"•··· ... 1111,., ........ .. ' ' -- ·~ ,. JI -. . " •. N. .. . "' ... ,... " Cl '' Cl "' M .. "' • " ~ m •• "' Cl m • .. k " " • L ~ L • " " • • D • • • • • N " • I • • • • ' • c • " c • c c • I • ' L L • • " • • ' • • • • • ' ' • • • I I ' • I I ' • ' I • ·---==:-:=~----------~------~~----~-------......... ..._ .. ME~TINGS Bedaeed Terms 3 Mesa Bandits Sent .to -Prison VNl'.l'rit srAt_r.s!' ·r. NA'.l'IONAL BANK • J •• ;, DEA'.1'& NO'.l'ICES -SANTA ANA -Tliree Y"""i Sept. l$ Ind ldenllfled .. lhe Colt.I Meta aitn are today on three men who took NO at their way to 1 llllte prllon ~point from lhe Lerner otl SOUTH CO .... STi P1'AZA I RANCH HOW MIN 1 , -. SATURDAYS ... ,rMdt ,, C..W.W, AM SI, 91' 111' ... ~. Huflllneton ~ O.te of OHtll, HWMllMr L SVntw.11 11Y -WUl!t"'I two ...... fhltrt. Palrltlt ,,.,.,., Sr..., 11-1 -1i.t.r, ,,,.,., A. Carri elld nl"' .,.ndd!Udr911. •• '''" •llM. ,.,w,.y, 7:*° PM. lmllht ou.I, ll-lefn M-. S.twNr, t :IS AM. U Simon I. J""'9 Cl"*lc CIMlrdl. Smiths ~ry, DI,...,., term • .J ~ coos!derlhe1bliry . llO'l<e~tltU_QILat lllO ' COmmUIC\I fJ'C';auae Newport Blvd. Witnesses pro----, .. f P . .C llANVELT •vutll A. "911'14111. •no F..iitr11. c.11 .v.. ........... Diiie "' 4"11'1. ..... ..,,.. .., 1. SW\lkn "911111111 11 .. 11 lrvM-_., ~rv. CMl1 MtM. HOWMAN Orlkf ltlalW HoflTllWI. 531 L•lon St .. Lfflll'le a.ti. Dalt of $tft. '""· S. solrv!Yed llY wtt.. , Oorottry w. Hltf. mllll bl'lllller, &iv.rt. 5. Hoffln111, l'llfllllilo. ~. -~kn. "'"'""~" N~ I, 11 AM. ,.IClflc View C'*"'-ll'IUl'IVNl!t, "&<Hie View JM. morl.. Patt. l'.,,llY ""'"'" t111oM wbhl1111 to m.U !MmOrltl ainlf'IW- tlllnl ofHM CIDlltrllluft 'ID 11'19 ..._,_ kan C.J'IUr Sor.ltl'Y or 1 t1wrll1 clMftty. P1<Hlc VllW Mortv1ry, D~ r«tan. ' KOEHLER KOIUJE The Robert B. Diemer filtration plant of the Melter DIMW K....., 1tor1i.. "" 1. 111 2n1 politan Water District of Southern California c an W. Or•~• l""'lltr!On, Otte et ange County distribution lines. The plant was named a!ter a former MWD general manager and chief en· gmeer . w.ttt. Nowmi.r "· """'1v.d llY mot~ treat 400 million gallons of water daily, sending .,., Mn. IMr'I Ann Kor1i.1 or1nc111r-treated water from the Yorba Lin' da faCI'Uty to Or-.ma. Mr. •lld Mn. Wllll•m Korll1, _____________ _:....:..::__:::::::.::_.::_.:: _____________________ _ of Ctllldl. S.rvlcn. S..~"1'. 2 PM. Mc(ormldt L"11n1 1.-dl '"""'' lntwmtfll, fl r-Dlltrld Ctm· ''"". Dltlded bJ MCCOrmkk Ui911n1 9"cll ~,.,. KORIJE Wllll•m Don Korllot, 2136 W. Or1"'~ tl'Mlrll• FullortOl'I. 0.le' of dHlll, Ni» vtmbtr 4. survl\IH by wife, Mra. M1"1 AM Kotlll1 1ltttr, Mn. lffl.,. HUl'lltlle. of C>Mnde, C..llf.1 Hrenh, Mr. aM Mn. WIUlacn 1Cor111. of Cl....... Strvkft. $1!\ll'dly, 2 PM. M<Connk:k" ......--teKfl c,...1, lnterrnlnt, •1 Two DIHrlcl CWMllrv. DlrK!ld tw McCormick L.111.1111 191Ch ,.,,,,,.,,, KllVEGER Dr. IUt!11rct """-• "' W. lfTh St,, Cosll Mell. AM .. l Ate of dl1t'tl, Hovtmlltr '-"""~ PllldlM 11 ltll Br"OldwtY Morlwr'/', COl!t Mtu. MILLER MlrY Mllllr. 1:Qi6t Woedllncll Dr .. Tu•lln. lu,...IYM tw -· JKk. of LI-.. all Fr.,., 11111i.1 Illy, t.etu111 .. t<h, a..1w, sin ci.- 1'1\""9. tnd Alen Mllltr, LIUtltlltr di,....., Ml"I. aonni. MeOu,.., Tu1- tln1 rwo llrottltru 11 11r1lldd'llWrln1 ind 2J ,,..11r1!'leklll1dren. $tf'V1c", Mondly, IG AM, Slltffer La111111 letdt Mortutr'I'. NICHOLSON !11:0>rl9 D. Hkhlll_,_ 12lJ .t.i.t11m.1 St., HunllntHifl BMCll. SIJr¥1¥9d W -. Al¥1J 1!tftt .,.1noktlltdm1 Wiii t~l"-1rHl"lrtt'llkhlld,..n. S1rv1c .. , 111.,... dlY. I PM. Plfk F1mll"1' c:.lonltl Fur'llBI Homt. NICHOl.'ION W1111tlfl Hldtol..,., A" T7, ti ~ Frankfllt1, HuntlnllOll BH<tl. Diii II ........ ,._. 1. krvfcn ..,,.1,. 11 $mllfl1 Mortuerv. • • PARKER 3 Sentenced For Mesa Store Heist SANTA ANA -Three men aceuaed of the $190 armed robbery o( a Costa Mesa market were committed Thursday to indefinite terms in th e California Rehabilitation Center at Norco with a Superior Court judfe's ruUng that they were addicted to heroin. Judge Robert G a r d n e r suspended criminal a c t I o n against James W a 11 ace Baldwin, 20, of 15621 Begonia st., Westminster, Robert B. McCllntock, 24, or Anaheim and David L. Hess, 25, of Fullerton, pending the findings of Norco therapists. · "I may see you back hert in 60 days or I may see you back here in five years," Judae Gardner commented. ''You've convinced me you're hooked, now convince the doctors ," Bids Slated For Airport SANTA ANA -Orange County supervisors have set Dec. 1 as the dale on which they will accept bids for a $213,537 airport project. Mental Retardation Month . Rites Slated SANTA ANA -November Is National Mental Retardation Month and is being observed by 20 dilferent agenc ies in Orange County serving a special group of people wUh special problems. Th.e laraest is Fairview State Hospital, where a special program is scheduled Sunday, Nov. 9, from I to 4 p.m ... with open house and guided toors. Regular tours are offered Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. throughout the year. A number of other facillties serve the mentally retardtd too, accOrdlng to the Oranae County Council on Mental Retqiation, with various pro- grams. 140 handlcappld perSOlll II and older i.! allo spon90l'ed at the or1aniia.Uon'1 Santa Ana headquarters. Educationally and n e urologlcally handicapped children alllO receive help at the Michael Kent School, WO Orange Ave., Anaheim. A work experience proeram for older children inll adult.I ii also provided by the Kenwood School, SSS S. Walnut St., Anaheim, with classes for I and t-year~ld a p h a s I c children. School Names Cheerleaders· SEAL BEACH -Five Jirll haVf: been named cheerleadtn at M c G a u g h Intermediate School here. 'Ibey are Capt. youth. vided police with 1 deacrlpUon MON.-THUU. 10.1 P.M. SuperlorCourtJudgeRobert of the p&.aw1y car and the PllDAYI ,. , ~ 1w P.M. Gvdner il'lvoked 1 Penal Code bandit• were lrreatad at tbe 17141 Mf.1111 • ....,.. t.1 cl-rt11rved for youthful Alben Plllce ldcb'ea. s.. .,_ riw: c.l'M.0' offeoden Thunday when he Oruc cborg., round the v ' - sentenced· Rlchard H. ·Curtln, alJeaed dlacovery by arrestlna ...... .,... ",...·*"'''' 211, and D11111 M. Hensley, It, olftcen of ,. .. ta! smatl E. H. I.EVAN'"''°' both ol lll ~rl Ptac., and: ~~pll~n~ta~-~~lnl~ln~•~-co~ff,.~c~1n~.~~~~~~5:~ RI~ D:' Smllli, 211, of 413jj 01 SL to lllte prilon. BAHA'IS I ,. ' The cliuae apeclflea, a six maotha to five years term for OF COSTA MlllA tbelr convjc:Uon on mned rob-PllSINT bery chlr .... The prosecuUon dropped charga of culUvaUoo ol mari)UIDI. The trio was arrested last SPEAKER-DR. JOHN H. STROSSLER THEME-"This Wonderou1 Dey" TIME-N1v1mbar 10, 1:00 p.m. BOAT BUFFS PLACE'-911 Vlctori1 Al-111 Lec••Mv i1 HI• •11ly f11ll·tl•• k1tl11t M ltor w•rlllfMI IJI • .., ,,...,_,_, 11 Otlfltl C11111ty, Hlt ••itlwtlv• c1'1'1r•1• 11 bo1tl119 '"<Ill y11httn9 1111w1 h • de!ly f11fv~ of th1 DAILY PILOT. "The prophetic cycle haih, verll11, ended. The eternal tncth is '1ow come \ .. " Old World Mediterranean Spanish .Furniture OYER $100,000 INYENTOllY TO CHOOSE FROM DECORATORS CANCELLATION ind RETURNS FROM MODEL HOMIES DECORATORS DREAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY . ' ' 1 Items •s follows: Gorgeous custom quilted sofa with separ.1'1• pffl0.ts with hoavy ook trim decor' and matching love seat, 3 molchln9' oak oc- ca1'.onel t~bles, 58'' tall decorator lamp, hanging ch1in swag lamp, an 8-pt•c• •1ng si:r.e master bedroom suite, ~neled Mediterran9an styi. .. with top quelity 15 yeers warranty •ing size matre1s end boi sprin91; Spanish dining set, etc. COMPLETE HOUSEFUL :'~~ ...... , $1521.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASID MUST INDIVIDUALLY At EQUAL SAVINGS SACRlflCE. ' -; ' NO MOl,IEY iX>WI(. NO _.PAYMINT TILL 1970 Dor«ll'r It P1rt1r. 11"2 C1t1llft1 St., L"uM lkkh. Ser\'lcH, MOnPY, 2 PM. cammun1tv c-,_11,..11 Oturch. _l,.1911111 IHdl. Tl'loM wlllllltll ti mlkl ,_..,.,n11 centrlbutlonl IM't' C'Ol'ltrlllul• to 1111 Amwlc1n Cl- SoelitY or •nr Cl'llldr-Cllerlf¥. Shel'l1r L~ 1um MartulrY, QI- Sheriff's deputies arrested the armed tr'° on the Newport Freeway last Sept. 17, shortly after the holdup of the Tlc Toe 'market;-20042 Acacia Ave., Sanla Ana Hilglils. Two Of the men were Identified as the bandils who forced the clerk at gunpoint to hand over the nijhl's taklngi; of 11911. Contractors have been in- vited to compete for a con- tract which will specify the spreading .of an a Ii p h a I l overlay on taxiways and apron at the county facility. Completion of the project will increase the weight-bear- ing capacity of the runways to 95,000 poonds, ajrport officials said. It is expected that fhl! cost of lhe work will be shared by the county and the federal government. The Orange County AsBOCia· tion for Retarded Children, 2002 W. Chestnut St., Santa Ana, sl>DJ190rs Hope Haven Schools, for toddlers and older youngsters. They are located at 1821 Monrovia Ave., Cosla Mesa, 11'32 Euclid St., Garden Grove, and 2060 Youth Way, Fullerton;-where public vialt.s are offered Nov. 11th during morning hours. Vicki Chaffee, Andrea Lower,l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d Unda Green, Tracy MlllhoUlel" and Linda Hauth. ~·~ scmJLTZ PhYllll W. khlllll ...... Q.. ef MIO HuntlntNifl Avt., SNCt 701, Hu111Tn1- tln Bl«fl, Dll• of dlltll. ,...,.'".,... S. Sllr¥1¥111 bY ltUdlend, Ted kftlltllt11 two -·· Jtmft 1nd Robert PtlnMri 0.utl'll9". "°'' l . P111110 1h!1r. t:v· tlvn l11wtll; 11'd 1b! 1r1ncN:lllldf'ln. Slr>lka will bl Mid $1tl,inlh', I PM. Smlflls C,..pe1. lnMrmtill, W11tmln- 1lw Memorlel P1rk. Smllll1 #MIUlr'I', ·-· TllILY llkl'ltrd ll. Tull'f'. "'" 52, of 12t •-...n ........ loc>I '""'· Diii• cf dttlfl. N-lltr <I.. Survived b'I' wlle, llul~; Ihm son., Dtlnltl J .. Ptlrkk J., W111 .. m s. TullYI ,_ .s-111111111. Mr1. Ctrol °"'' Mr1, Lynn Pttll .. M1tlH Suun Ind Anll• J. Tully; twl bl'OI~ ...., ~ 11'111 w mi..m Tul1Y 1 ,~,.. lhltef"I, Mni. IMr'I' J11'1oe Mltclllll, Mn , /Mrlorle L"' M!'1. I . JICklnln1 1MlllW, Ml"I. Mvrtll Tu!IY: Jlounr, hlnlt~I, FrlUY, I PM, P• 1'1mllY Colonlll Fune,.I Hamt. 11.equl1m Ml'••· Slturd1y, f AM, St, M11flMw'1 Cllholk Chlll'd'I, Loni h1al. OlrlCI· ed bY P9tlk P1m1IY Collnlll f11ner1I - 14 Named Members Of Po~ LAGUNA NIGUEL -Four- teen charter members have been sworn into the South County's new Mar sh a I's Mounted Posse In ceremonies ARBUCKLE 6 SON C\u~e Laguna Niguel Riding Westclllf Mortaal1 "Our organization ls of! the Q1 E. 11ill St., Cotta Meu ground and ready for action," ...__ said hfarshal Don Rhea of the • South Coast County Judicial BALTZ MORTUARIES ' District. eoro.· dll Mar oR I-NM The volunteer mounted pos- CO&ta Meu Ml t-1Q4 se will be trained in flrat aid, • firearms use, search and ·-• BROADWAY rescue procedures, crowd con-~ trol and other disaster work, MORTUARY - ,, __ M including transportation , com· lll .,, '--tll munlcations and ground u um operations. • Weekly rides are planned DILDAY BJWTRER5 from the Niguel headquarters Budilta Vlllq to familiarize members with Mortur"J each other, their mounts and 1'7111 S-Cll Blvd. the back country where as- Baadqtea BtaO slgMlents may arise. au-ml Barry Snyder has been elected captain by t h e • members and will direct the MtCOllMICI. LAGUNA activities of the volunteers. BEACH MORTUARY Del JohnlOO and Phil Bower 1711 Lqm• CUIJ'Oll RM were selected lieutenants and Llpll Beacll Cap Crowl will serve as first 4M-M1S sergeant -worn In by--Mlr$hal Rhea PACD'IC VIEW at the first coitUngent of the MEMORIAL PAU posse were these four and Oell:c•J • M...._, Jack Haines, La?TY Sun· a..el derland, Tom Simcox, Don • Jiii P8dftc \ttew Drh't KeMedy, Ken Hogan,. Steve : Ne,,.,.,t lt*l, c.mona. FA<fy, Bill Flowers, 'Clem Mf..me Knox and Al JustM:e. e Rhea said he expects to PEEK FAMILY swear In a similar number at COLONIAL ruNERAL the next meet ing after ap. llOMI plication!!! have been approved ml .,.._ An. and the oral review bolrd has Wiit • tier ...... completed its investigations. Applications to join the ___ • posse may be obtained 1t the BUHil:R MORTUART Marlhal'1 office, 327 Third St., ~ -jM.IJIS Laguna Beach. Foe furlhf< iJ>o SU Otmelltl • .... ~~~l~onn~1~U~on~call~~lll~~~35;·=~ll eary 8lllT8S' MORTUARY r ~-__,w..llllL-"'.:'.~~~--;;..!~~~~~~I _.,.. ..... - -- ' , The girll have Jed the cheer· .r • Ing )!hit!_ Ille McGaugh foOI· r-------------------------...;....., A work training center for ADVlllTlllMIMT ball team compiled an un- defeated aeuon with Dvt 1tra1ght wl.na. We, the under1i9ned ••• many of whor'n have met together over the last few months to examine and discuss the problem of race relation•, have come to recognize and deplore discrepancy Qetween our convictions and the realties of our essentially all-white community. \Ve believe that all persons, particularly Blacks and Mexican-Americans, should have equal opportunity and freedom to work, reside, and partici- pate in life in this area. We fmd, bowever, that such opportunity does not now exist, and that there are reasons for this fact above and beyond the matter of some simrly not having the money to live here. As a result. we fee comP.elled to speak out about some or the ways in whi ch we think that the situation can be changed for the better. \Ve strongly urge, for example, that: I. Subdivid•rs. large landowner•, bulld1rs, homeowner esaoci1tlon1, and realtors announce publicly ~nd seek to insure that members or minority groups are invited to obtain housing in this area, and are welcome as residents. '. Local business establishments, individually and through Chambers of Commerce and Associations, announce publicly that they are re~olv~d both to hire minority employees at all levels and to service m1nor1ty customers on an equal basts. Public bodies and their administrative agencies, including police and law enforcement agencies, take steps to implement present laws in the spirit of tolerance, and show courtesy and provide normal assistance to members of minority groups as they travel, work, or live in th.ls area. 1. ~chool and college f•culty and •dmlnistratlon develop proarams to include Afro-American and Mexican-American history and culture in the curriculum, and to make members of Minority group1 wel- come as students and faculty, giving encouragement as needed to achieve balanced representation. S. Churches, service groups, and clubs endeavor to bring members or minority groups into their organizations and activities, and concern themselves with specific projects designed to improve racial under- standing. 6. All citi:r.en1 strive 1n these and other ways to see that all persons, regardless of race or cultural background, are treated with candor, respect, and tolerance, and with appreciation o( differing exper- iences which they bring to the enrichment of the community. \Ve submit that any conduct short of these standards perpetuates an un- just, immoral, and destructive situation. The times demand that we do better than we have in the past. The conduct of every one of us ls on trial. ' New, breathtaking 8~10 LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT Your money back if this isn't tM mo1t lifelike pertroit of-your ctlild9Yer. Nq,t just on old· fashioned tinted or c:olored picture, b41t "Living Color"J The c:omplete portrait com•• -cili~......coptured In amazing full -color realism with Eastman Professional Ektacolor film. Sdays only! • Choose from actuof fl~l1htd po rtraits-not prooh, • Extra prints avoiloble ol recuOfl.- abi. price•. NoAblla•!l~o. t_g M~ • Grovps token at 991 per chftd~11 ... • Agt limih 'S Wetk' to 12.yton.'i • Umih one per diil • twC?_. p•r family. Wednesday, November 5 through Sunday, November 9 ' HUNTINGTON BEACH · . ' •• edlnver at beach boulevard phone 892-6611 , ., ' . .~ i ,. • -· - }8 0"1lV PllOT OVER THE COUNTER ••••••••••••••••••••••m•l:JWv~1tftaW~""\.~"'' ~-.... a.a:: ' =,.,..._c .... c~ ... AmOfl Mii fl ~ Utj, 4' +Uti r.:, _.. 1.w c• (Q, .,II' .L i M~ !t~ lt=-=·~ ~f~" .Ji72 fl :nl'I r' lt =•t --I~-" H= J!!! fl~ t • .s-i.;; ~ \\'I! 1h ~ :n; ...... , ........... ......-. • _. SS,, , &.M, ...,_ ... "'.:tJ1 L r r ;·<i; , c1 , , ;; 21 .. u-!! ,,.. ........ ,.... • ..._ _ W ~··Tu : \'I .... + I 11 ~~!'~!!=; ·1 11 ~m:~+\1 ~-_;'!~_IA:J =tft 0 I~ I . Nttol t 1\1 kit ~ ~· .:,~"' ~~ im =t~:.t il ff. E , =n r. • .. ~~ I= ~· J., tt ~-+ , a:::, •. &mt • .... +II'• !~,..,~-' ~!*'-f'!I u~',l~ "• .u~~ c-~1 ~lll•;•J I U: ~ l!S +1t ~,f?"H~ 'Ill 1.1! 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I, ltff :~ J~ ttv.tm3:"t!e lf~l.~;ro1•cJ:111l~f'.~8 E:::. rl\lljlllll~. 111·~ • t':il ·~ ,i:+~ :: ... ,,:JI ~1~1tfi1~=1'"~ ::: 1ft ~., n..tt ~1U -:-:.~ \mGrf!.ld 4N •'4 G Alrcllf 1\'t I t"roa ,.,.. f'.\4 514 u1 SllQl't .et\.'i 1... i 11~ ~ + \'I Fretiifll I 5' 1't'I ffilo 1'14 -\Ir Granb'I l,101 6 ~ l!\.11 35\oll -'o't " lll!o 311/t » G Kl""tl e 11'r • PllbS NH 2111/t 1J1Mo U Tl'llL U CS A ~ f.SO JIO '°*' ~ L.Msllllll lU lSl'r 1•!'1 l<ffi -Vt Gr•ndUn .• 51 'H'lo 2t 1' + V. A M•I~ I 1014 IO"llo l'l~f-Est I~ 9\lo p~ NM. U\11 '61 Uo l'HIP 2'YI :aw l.U 21~ J't'11 :f ·~ jl.76 '5 :N:i.. :M~ 2'~ -l'o Granllet Sri fl UY. U\Q 14'~ .. S F . ill g ·t' h ce Sund to see 1'ns1'de of Bay Area Rap'd A Mfdlco " 3~ ~t ~ f!Ai Pvtl NC 1'" l'l't Ullh ~ • •• :w. ~Ill 1 il ' "~ + l'I Wf ·'°r ... l!'h 35 3S -1'1 Granuev '·'° 30 ll\t 20 20\ro -\\ an ranc1scans w e a c an ay 1 A,,, PJt>t ,,.. •• ,,,, ,, •• ,, .. , , 'l" 'I u••• 1 -,. ·• , ,,., , ~ n .• _ • °" off.st ·1111 u u u · --. ,.,,,,w , • -~ "" +•, A st GOii ~ " o"' •" Pvrt"i:.: '4 \i•I LO ii~ 11-. A~t\11 .lta l2 "=..., on:w •::i% rl= M 67fl M + lt Gr1,.or11 i.20 60 7t ,.11, -l• Transit District's 3.~mile underwater Tra1!5·Bay Tube during public open ~SI G o1~,111t-J<l1/t" " ,......... ,,..,. "II VllllC• S• 21\lt 21\Ao ,. I..,!',,~ 2 _I w:-1 "-··.u ,.,, ... jo ,, ,,.i tt\Q "· r . -·~ GI A&P 1.lCI " -l'I ,... +v. house. Residents will be allowed to walk one fifth of a mile inward from either "'" 1•1v :;r, 1 .. ,,. "' P\lr '" ·s1 i1 11~ v111ro11 •'YI> 41\\ ~ i ...... i:u '" Jm 3 ~ l'f -.,. on1C.n 2.20 u 1m '~i }r'....._;t crtNll1• 1.u. • ~ 1-"" 1~ ~ v. ~~ • 711¥> 7 5'4 6\~ "Ouo CP 6?0 1~ VIY Wod 21 ti .. m En l 17 "~ -\(I I c '2S -• G•NoP•Pr.·'° ' 511'1 51!\(o -"' the Oakland or San Francisco shore-lines. ,.~~:~ C,. J\'J £\c ll~ if--P111""'' 14'14 ",,,. W•d'w P 24V. 2' A"" ~ Ind ~1 '9V. 21~~ 21~ -" C•n PM. 1«> UVi "'°"' U'Ao + ..,. GtNorP .eo , '"' 1"" 1614 -"' -----------------------------------------·1Are1 ll'ld 1/\.\ f Gr1Dh (II 11"1 '1V. ~:ti fi..'\ ~V. 1~\lio ~lf~~!dt l:\lo ~~~~Ins pf~ im ffm t?-!fl' +,'\i n~og .pa 1~ ~\.'I u:a ~= =l~.~: :.:.1 i1n~ ~ [~ mt :m .~"': A~ll M 11 r. GrlP~ k ~1·.1. ~""' AINI! £1 3'\lo l1 Wtsll NG UV. 11\\ AGnln 1>11.IO ,. 1 31 U\? +Ito Co otAJ.SO 2] 5Mlo ~ $0 -"!twnUnll .90 10 4"1~ """ ~ -.... ..,,,..,. l'I " rttll Ml 11 11\.\ ll'IYch CP ''' 2..'111 Wtih RE 11v. lUi AmHelsl .70 4' jl'I U'lo l:W. ..... I Co ore~.50 2 51 Sl 51 -"'IGwU11 l)fl.• 1• n~ n'iil ~ -V. 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" 'MW 2m 2Sl'I -1 G111tw1n .«II 161 ' .. 1 =, ~~le ~11o~v.:::!1 £Wi. 1~-1~ 1r111 '"' mYrd"" e 1'-' ""::::s,sdldl,1~,s ':1jk""'ffM\lr1!i\ll -:11~~ ':,.~""2;J,,2r""+',,.&:!~ '£.~\ ~~mt JJ7:-~ S D. 8tlm llld 10 11 Hudt Ml P1i 9\11 AmSlffl A ,1 \II "" ••••• In .:IO U lf!do 141'1 14,,. +" Gulf'W PU.II l Wi ~ ~lo ·· · eal·s 1es BtlKOI llllll\~H""PP 33 ·3s A$110trl60 I,, 27v;·····~Bdctt.SO 2$31'o53V.$l~-'itGUtl1111lnd ·101M~2• 1•141-"' 11111(11 w ~i;z ™ HYtn Ctl rm 31~ "'"WWltl ·"° ...... f1\0 51 51"'° ... YI rornoK;, ... 7 1'\.li 16\'I 1'1Jr. -\~ HKllW1t 2.20 11 JN ""' ,,... +1 'l:'.OilJ" Money's Wort~ Architect Courts Strike Job Bars for W ome1i I';?, ... "', .!,, ~~' ,"~n.••,• ~ ,''",.. ~~ .. ~., .. ,· ....... .! IM w. Mi:;::: !r•~n\IJi,70 1~ ~,,.. ~"' ~\"' !'\t -H-l- 1.AAause these laws conflict '"' Son ., a Ind G•• 2l'4 ''"" MUTUAL ~51>1 1# u~ ,~~ :i~ lm ····· '°"'~'H1rw:r 1 11 21 uv. ,, + " H111Pr1 1 . .io. 2 ~'Ill ~ 4t\~ -~" By SYLVIA PORTER ua.: LAKE FOREST, Ill. (AP)_ i::'•~'•"'•I .J.'4 .Ut ,•~-Nuc:I :12,Vi 33\lr AW .....t in 1uo lAll 1•v. ltl'r ••·•· rowtol 1.011 · :It J'Ho 1114 111\-+ \It H•lllburl 1.05 IN 60\li ~ 5'-~ 'th Fede al t• ..t: • • ., .... ........ 1¥i AWi.JO 11:4 ;rJOO 2u. """' 21111o::·ili ~DWI! C«lt 1n1 IPi IN II"'+ \It H•,,.W•t .w 5 1J"" 1J','t l)\.'i -\11. A~ss the land, U.S. courts WI r an 1 ...... scr1m1na-G d ue £1 ~ """wr••• Ni 1 Am zinc 5 ~~ 21i,. 'Ml -\'I rwnt)u l.60 im :i1v. lll'llo J1'1• +\.Ii H1mm P•P 1. 1 29~ 2"11 ~ ... ,, lion Jaws en. Robert E. W o O Bon Ber 15\lr 16'' flit Cont 1tv. :ni•~ Amrtelt "° 1u 23\IJ nto 2l -\lo rn Pl(.70 1110 u"' 6314 6.lV> -\Ii M1fll!mln ·*' 1«1 m.. 3'\~ 3th +.,, ' •· IN N-M~co r architect of the modern dav Bos c .. , n 1 "' mtrm " ll\4 4 .v.\K co :io 211 1 30\.'i Vi v. c. l2 1011 1•1to 1'\li -v. H1....C11 ·'° 1 1t11o """' "" .. • floaJJv tJaVe begun to nut teeth • • &oo!lle C 21'1J '!\It lnc:ll sr. 11 \S\lt A111ltelnc: .IO H l' "" s" +2141 S o AO 156 211-\ ,.,. 21i.. + ~ Htlld Htr .1'1 31 31111 31 31 .... ~ I t th ·00 do' 1m· 1· n , c." z:.h.I • a ru 1ng " B•8d svs "'"' 50\.'i I"' aw..h 1 • FUNDS AMP inc·,... ,, 561'1 uv. "'-11 ll<lhv 011 .2s ! " ,,,. ll'lol -'4 M""n•M 1.:111 11 in• ~ :Jrn +1'-'I n D e J scr ina 10 in June cancelled out a state mull1'b '1ll'1on "ollar Se a rs ll•kwv G ll .,. "' Mm 21"' 711'r Al'nl>t• Coro u• .. ~ .. "' " uio.11 ·" is 2o1 2~• 2• -+-. H•rcourt 1 n ,, 5'~ '914 -1~ . . . r he 96S Cl 'I "\,I Br1<1 Sea li\.'i ''\Ir Int Heir lJ .... u AmiltO 2A !i -~ 31\.'i 31\:1 "' ~ltrM!ln .IOb 2J 39\.'i 311"' :nv. -·-~ Horr!$ lnl I -" 1' 11'ho 11\lt: •.... prov1s1ons o t I VI Jaw saving women couldn't R b k & C h d' · Brwn Ar 1~ 111'\ 1n1 sn 22"' 2o1l\ Amtel .32 1m. 11 16 _ -U11110tw 170 16 29 """ ,.I'll -"" Her1ca CP 1 35 _nVi n 21 -"• la I " oe UC o. mere an 1s1ng !lrwh 1!11 f™ 11tl' 1111 \': Pl 'fU 11 Anaconcr 1.90 l' 29i• 2"o't 29~ _ v, c::•;t1~wr:, ~ '11l~ = 21111o -v. ~1r1SM•~ .M t f'~-fi\~ l2~ ..... Rights w. Ir an emp oyer work more than 48 hours a empire. died Thursday at the g~~~ s 1:~ ~~I~~.,·-l, lJ"' ~~~-m~·'f !~ ~~~ fl'a ~ .. tu svr~. ~ 1.20 s J7~ 3111; 33f:.l + ~ H:rc::.ip 1;~ tt1 'I~ 11il r~ = ll cannot prove that sex is a week or eight hours: a day. In Bus!IK F 1uo ,, .... 1°"113 24 2' AndCi'if 1.20 n 'fl "~ ,21~ ,.1~ ~ ... ,1-l .IO 14 .u•1t 31,,. J.O"'-+ \~ HaYH Alb 1 1 1 '""' ,,.,, _,... .. _ f'd . t South Dak~a. tile Atlorney age or 90. Cil w Sv 21'.lo :tS'llo (1 SoUtll 31 11'1(, N9w.' '"" lndlc 13.90 U.90 A11tc p .10 '° J 2:'A~ 2f\4 -" Vlll'USM 1 . ..0 t Sl'llo 51\lt: Sl'lli ••··· H•r11t111e ,, "" lf lt ...... 0111.N-18 I e 0 CCU pat I 0 n a II\ ~lmco 2( 16 Jt.:obs I' 5\'t II'.' NEW YORK fAP 1nvH 1o1 12..5' 13.16 ApeoO I 1..t21' :nfl • "1\1 4olV + 'llo -0-HedtM., ,70 ~ SlW& 3 \It: 22\.'i +~1 qualification" for a given job, General ruled that women The retired board chairman ~:~ ~ ~t n j:~v~~~ l~~ lJ~ ii~~ '°~:!'.!tredciu:, "~in'~1 G~:j·'• :f'A6 s~~M : ,r 1i1~ 1::~ + ~ &:~~ 'i'tt tt ~~ 14>,• It + •to ~:/;~~ t-lcur~ f' tt~ l1; ~ ·1··~ the courts are ruling in favor may work the same number or of Sears, who is credited with :''tow 1t\'t 1;~ ~·:=.,. F 1~ fl!1 ~on"•rf.c'i~1fft'i ~::C, 1g:J: 1,-~ ::fi"Ji~ l:t: 1fI mt ~ = ;4~ ~~ Id -~, il .sm .s,"jl.> ~l~ + v. ~~l.f1~, ·~ ,J JJ.,. mt lf~ !1 of the girls in landmark case hours a week as men at any building the firm from a P •nt.t. n• rn Jr11Y Fd1 1 1\( ou1.,. i11t ir• s1oc1< 2'0 u 22'ot Arian, os .10 '° 2"' ,. -YI " ~ , ii 5,{". 'i•',~~ .:,···"A, •. , 1-1111er o1~.01 :n ni-. t\\4 """' 211i · . . • CtPTch ~·.t. 6 K1f'!r St 61 I™ !ht 11rJ(as ,(' wll ch S.llCI t'.01 t:6t MmcoSt 1.'41 115 ~ :n~ "J/J .. . 1~fnHeci · ~ 11 ,3,~ ~\It t-le1me Pds I I 20\ro lf'11 20 ~ after case. Where state Jaws given establishment. strictly mall order business in-C1r11 er ~ 6h Kais 1 "' 20 21 "*'' i1ev•lllt• var P'I 1.u ,_,1 Armour i.60 2 •"'-"li "'" + l'I 0,,111PL l.Jo 37• 27;;; 27''· Ht mr~P .10 136 20 11,,.. 19~ 1 to the world's largest retail Z:~c' :i rm Ra ::l:''Grn 150 1.51 could tllvt bHn I"" ll:nh 5.16 5.i4 Artrv' llf· f.75 1~ '°"~ St 60 -1th OPL olA 3.7S 110:. !ol ti'" 27\ioo -\~ Html11111 C.o • It• J~ '" I ·say that women may not take In North and South Dakota, di I 'but f tenttx u 4 l(ivsrn i~ ta 11:",.,.","f,',~:r'°, ht ~~:, J::= ff:~ :::::~~Ckp1l.~ 11i:' .w3'Vt ~""" 5611~-~ o,';.~ p•"o',.'~~ i,~. ,•,•,Vi 51..., #v. ,:!:1 '111 ~~\~11t1.~ ,! 3!1; ~IZ ~t\; = ~· ,jobs in which they may be re· women now are permitted by s: r1 or o consumer pr~ c~ .. VPS 1el4 2'!" Kt•r T 1.""' 14 aw '..t..it 1v,. 9 ,.. 9.,. Armll:vb 1.60 24 39\.'i l'li... 39,,., oft; ;-101 1a1 .. H..-.h Fd 1.10 1J 21•n. 21\li ri,. - , quired to lift as JittJe 3S 30-40 Jaw tO be jockeys at horse dUCts, died in his home at rr.:~ ~A ~!? m ~~\::. /,"' ~lio AWrd~ 2.,1 '.1• 111\~~lt ~:ll 2f~ ~TnC":'~ ·~ ~ ~Vt ID\ ~~ ::;--ri 0e1rJ..,)0 l.llf l~ ~~ ~~ fr~ =11&. ~.,..fi!'il~rlt ·~ ilt 111~ 1~ 1:~ !ti(! pounds' ~·•-legi'statures a<e Lake Forest §:m Le• 1Ai, 1sy, Kwrt i: 11•.~ 1~ Mwi.,.. 7-• •.n KtY•'-FuA:!s· · A.nld on 120 115 xroo XI" 30,,., _"" 0e1 Mrltt 1.10 ~ " 21'11 " . . H h voll&ge .s11 2~ 24'4 uv. + \t IJMlllC races. · lflld 2'4 ~Kt¥• Fib 17 11U Afflllald 7.12 l.4' C 11 lt.21 2o.Cl6 And 8rO"W· JO n•· 11" 11' OeM1A1r ·'° 161 l!'A '.M\w l! + ~ HI tonHoltl I 14 61'4 ti __ j7;\ -~ •' "r\1'ng to w1'pe out the laws. And elsewhere, coorls and A d t f w st p -t 1 ,,,. ,,... 1 K1Yt C111. 2<1"'.J 211 . ~fr~~ ,. 11·r, 1l·.. ct: 12 20.06 21.a Aud oG i.70 1D .. .,:. .~ ••1~ :..:· i.\ 0911,~ ,"f , 1"' 1s>:• 15"' 15111 + \!i Hllco .1.s 11 21111 ~ 1 •• ·~ ... gra uae 0 e 01n,ChH Vtfl ''lll.11•~K!¥11 PC , •• ,"" ..... . ·°' CVS 14 '"'O '• A.sd5Pll IJClb I~ .. 35foll 3~-'111 Delrt~ n " 2 15 U>ia 15 t-111,0PIA .'1 1" ,, 24 -'To Illustrate w1'th examples the FEOC have ruled Ihat Wood 'o eds f ICM Br&i 61 611\'l lCna 1nr 1o1v.1 Alpll• Fd u.uu.1o1 cus Kl 1<11.-nAn<1Tre11 «1 10 1• u~ 13\lo _ .. o-Mtt.tO 43 JO""'""' lll •·· Mobllrt 1.10 • ~ • a -' en) y u cc: es s u Chti•I s ln7 llD Kinas El !"" '"Ame.ti> 6.21 ,,,. Cvs K2 it.i 1'21 AllCll'Et 1'.:io 31 ,, ..... 2''"' 241./o + ,. °""''Rlt JU lf 2S"4 2'>.i ll'/4 + \~ HoernWal .12 ID 21~ 211.'t 21\.'i + 'Ill compiled by Prentice-Hall. operators o l trucks careers in the military as well,','!!.!!', Pl ioo 101 Kirk Co 1 H>.< Am 1"" J.:l'I 3.5' cus s1 u ·u 70'to AlClrvE• Pl z50 62~ •2•· 61'-< Dnti.olY 1·709 111 51'-'t 56'4 si<:. -\!i Hotr Elect•n 57 11i.. 11\i 12-t< -::. . ,....,, • 1•.i. Knte Vot 21 21!-) Am Dvlri 'D.H 11.n C111 St 10"60 ,,· .. All llllt~lld ' '"' 101'111 I~ lao<ol ..... OeftlllGr I.ID ( II"• 1114 1114 -\~ Holldylnn .20 lilt o14'1i u U\o\ .. ·~ In Las Vegas, 1he Stale tr .................. g c 0 mm er c j a I as business field He retlred c,11!z lJ A ?I\~ 26'i K•elstr 6'i ,,, Af~ •DI ID.lo! .... Cus SJ 1'01 I~' AllRth ptt.15 .... 0...co of !I ~Y.. ~. \!!' '+ ~l HolldA 1.1Qb l 6'Vlr '6\11 "" -,, G.I................ . . . c hf u II M U \lt \.MC Dfll m ]~~ """ Grlh ........ $.. c .. $( s'12 1'iJ zlaaa SJ'{, 6''' 57\0 -..,, De~tolric .'Cl " ....., "" -..... H011y5uq 1.20 20 2]\'t l!" 11• + • Labor Commissioner Is plan-paper between banks may not from the Army as a brigadier ,c1.n. Mf 2''4 n 1.1nc:e 111 n~~ 2111r :m J.n'i ,\:1D~ Poll• 4'63 Jo1 Ari Rich "" 3 11111\'t 11'!11'> 17Glll + I'> ~ :~' !.·t\, s• 24 ~ 2.v.. -1~ HOmesr~t .• 115 21i11 :i. lo\ -'• . rt u t t f t hi d . t l~Vlooll , l\'t Undl In 4 4'l'o m u . . Knlcltb ,.,, •'H Allltdl P12IO 110 67"• 67 67'~ ... . .J 18V. 11\lo u i.;, .. , H-vwt 1.20 17 ls.A4 153 lSJ -Ji.t nine a COi.i ac on o rompe re use o re women rivers: genera . \. cu111 M~~ 1'1~ ll\lo u1111 wd 11"" 111' AmN G!h l.1• l . .ft Kllkk Gt u ·st 1,.11 All•• er.em 1 4S· is 2410 20i ·· DetS•ttt ·'°" •w 12\\o n .. 11w + v. HOOv e1 1.:io. u ll'lt :a:i~ 2314 -\lo ·the lno I I 'th that hi t f t C!1ntono ~~la Urwn 6 '"-'"PK 1.'61.711Le~GrlhlD'oeu'02 Ati.,coro 14 S''t 411 $ +·,.;DeJ'l.,.,t, 21mil2lllH,.+\lo Hosr1n11 .>0 Jl.aieav.a...,+l.i cas s o comp Y WI s ps may no re use o He served as ch I e ,c .. , '"• " ,, 1.~ eoa1 • 1v. Ancha!' Grall!'· le~ '""" 1a·cw 10·'7 ATO 1nc 1111 90 1~ u 15v. _ 1, 0111F1n11n .so 14 1:i n ... 12"' ... Hatti co "''" 1~ 14 u -i. Nevada's new la banningJ·ob h' rser So 't oem 1 •ttLtbur c 32 l2 C•oll t.1110.15 1.e~ Rtch u ·u 11·.,.....,, .. , Pi.• 11 11 1,,.0 17,._ g11m1n111.• l• •s~ u'lll U\4 -\;, Horel Ill' 1.2s 2 ,,,,., 11v. 11v.+1i W !Te women as pu S. I quartermaster With the Army Collins F V 71JV.Uvlri T11 61't IV. Grwlh 1i·ftli.0;5Llberll' ii! 1·JIAutomln Ind 51 ll•~ l<R;o 14\,:.{l~81,1S11tm,.1.D 15 ?!."', tt,~ fftll+l;t Houcl Ind .ID $$ 16\i 1~• 1$llo-~1 discrimination because of sex 8.., . p d . build' f Colon sir v ,. L"11 'f 1~ 1114 t-· · Llf s11< s'v .-1 Avco CP , 20 n 27\~ ~ ~ .., •Sh C1 11 ...,. ...,. 30v, -"" M-Mlf1 «1 11 21-!1. 2No 2'1.lo -~ • • • Jn anama ur1ng mg o Come:•• :1t 1'\lr 1.rn,. El n11o nv.,. Fd 1 inv 1?·.H 1J.4 t1i! •nv 1·"' 1·1s AYCO ,.n.,O 16 st sw. 51v. = "" 01~~'1 11 1™ 1ra 1cr"" -~ HOIMllF 1:11 10 •11a .-. '' •. 1 .. -and to hire women as STATE .LAWS -and rules the Panama Canal and was ~ ~~' "'•141 ti•~ t:W·~... :v. : ,,.:;:r:,,• i:u 1:v 11111 ,:a 1;03 ,.._.,Pd .n 6 61.,. 60lili ~ + "" ~lrbold Ab '~ ·r :T~ '1" +Yi t::::::fLf~~2 1! i~~ i:~ 1~ 114 _bartenders and card dealers. set by employers -sup. acti'ng q"•rtermuter general c~ J.n,•, ,',• ,',l'i ~,£''" '' 24V. AAe Houoi111a11: Looml(,iJ'i'rs .s."":;_au :::P1;<,,: 1~51J{l;\1ri•~,~~ .. +llt'v. 1G1or11a "° '' 2i 1~ 2.A:o .. HOut1NG1 :. J1 "''"° ti>,i ..w. + 111 • .... c~..... ... .. ,._ c 3.l1tl 36 Furd A 6.16 7, All 011 Gs .. U\41 1, 1. llln•hm _..., .cs ,. .. 21 2Pi +l\lr 1-!CIYGS pfl.50 9 4\11 ~n• ....... W'" IN-·ALABAMA , a Federal ~dly to protect -women for the·-0 tlr-us •-y dur c""" 111 n¥r'' MM oEt 1w. Im Fund • us '· P t_ j}'.H-j2.36 ........!'--' -11 ' ••••• mn1-tot • 2 ' So1v. .s.1\.'I .s.1111 +1v. !E Jlllll'I .2• 1, 20:i;o 1~ 20 -"" D. le I I d 1... , n e • • ru 111 -C11r11 t-lllh 13 ll•\ Maile c~ 11 11,1, !h)[k '·" 7. ..~, ·fl S.:2J -go-Oll!onCo ..5611 • 11 16ll< 11 + u. owrNI .10 21 30 m4 mo1 -"' 1slr t court recent Y rue workers have for years u=n Jng world War I s:om Psl' u 1s""M•I 11:11v 9•~ 1ol'r '' c11 s.• s. :11 nFd 1f·J 1J·tt 1tbc1<w 1 36 11s 11111 ,21• "'~ _ 1~ g1~..-c1ub .to 21 n 1111i n + •:. IHlln& 3."°' , 13\.li r,~ 'J'' + \• th t · t I b k' · st •· · • omp A 4l~ ~ M1llk•I 61\IJ 64 g111$on '·l' !· · · e krO!IT f.s 31t 2$~ 23._ 1 "II · v. ltnn .30b 11 111 115\.li 11~ -·~ Hdu8 fn3 c. 1 79 1t • a a major e er one com-wor 1ng again women. .NI He i'oined Sears Roebuck in c .... D Cm '""' -11.'j om! A' 3•'• p~ ''0 K~I lD. 5 1 11·1: 1:·fi 1:11GE I .7(1 3f 3Jl.: :n'" ~v. + h 0!1•S••g 1.20 I S1 •• 51 51 -v. HIJl)h Hit .. .fO ,. 211 ·~ '° + ... ·pan y wa s i I e g a 11 y the Commerce Clearing House • fmP tnd " n Mlnln M ~~ su 11,1r Fd ll.11 lj· 6·31 6·3 111G 111a~ 50 ilMI 66 '6 u + .,., 01ss.u 1n1.10 l 50~~ 50'1t 50111 . 1u11oPw 1 '° » 3J'N. " ""' 1924 as a vice president and mp 1,.,,1 111~ n1~ ...... ,.,,, c 11•11 1• aormtk 1.01 . 1,-,1 11·9/ eenG ore.I 140 ~i~ s.v. .w11i orv"1lnd .3' '°' 11'1:o 11" :10..., -+1~ 1"4101 11.rc· 1 36 u•:. u•,) ff\\:::;; discriminating against y.·omen in Chicago points out no fewer .mo Mth >V. ~v.. M &row~ 33 ll B"t°" s1 1.11 •· · · B11111Pun! ..., 29 21"' n l!\\ ····· OrPeo11er .90 , »'·• soi~ 501.;o -1~ 1o:1ea1e off 1s ' n'll 71%0 YI +1.,.. . . '. . later rose to president and cmo TK 151a 3'•~ Mayer o :it;~ lf\~ Bost F<1n 11.u 11. "Mu ;·&! 1'·~ l!le11<1P Pl; 4 32,,, 31 ,_,, .,.. ···v; Ooml'M111 ·'° ,.. '7't. 4.~ ... 0 1• +'!Ii ru cen1 1:u ' lS ~4iil ... by refusing lo hire a woman than 43 states, the D1str1ct o{ h . 1 th bo d H c,orn•~ • "'' M'Qu~ ,. 29 '"ton 1.Sl t. MOOCI c 15·1, 1 · Bank Tr 1 u a 68~ 67~1 " -'"' DomFd 1.1., i> 131~ 1~ n1.;o -v. 111 Ctn Pll 50 • S1'~ g " + J,i t . . c airman () e ar . e on 11oc1< 30 Jl'lt Medic H 22 23V. Brotd St 1s.u 16.:M MOOCI~., P 1,-1, 11·~ ll•rbOll 2.3'.r 2.i SJ !''"' JI?_. -tlv. Donnelley .M> 25 39") lll";l Jtl'I .•... 111 Powtl' ·1 •j J1'11 1'N. 31~ + V. as a commercla represen-Columbia and Puerto Rico III ha' ns11· . c1 Sl•~IO 6v, •t• Mldlrn u )I l\lltod< 1•.oi 1i..w Morlaft Fund's • ""' c11: ! ft f.''i 7 sn-. 1" Da-Jc 8C .n \ 321,• ~ mt .... 11 ..Pw 1112.n 11 29'111 ~~ 29>4 -'"' 'tli.llV _ t"e ""'"nd-s ·~at-ha-ve ""=o=•-on'.,aws which~ gave up e c ll'. ma IPJ?l cor10,•,•,',',--t,.__ '"' M•f!._oa•,,,· 1"' v.. ~G Fd '·t! 1 -"' Gtwt~ 1g ,ii 11 13 Ba,1c In( · 11 ,,. 16..., 1.m DorT '"" H'4 ' '' -"" 111 Pw Pf2.ll JSO 291/f 29\.'i 29111 -'A 11 fl''"" u1 l'ruu:1.:u 1954 h h t d b t l ... :ru ,..,, lh t\!o 1Md11 lt.1'.20.tl lncem 4is iss &.sic of f JM 41~~ ,1ij'• Al'lll .:..:,--· Oovvc-.u 2, -Ul;-61-_,.,. ••.• ~ lmo-C..-Am 2'J lift I~ lJ\li -~ Sh. ml'ght have to change a actually are d1'sgu1'sed severe . • w en e_ re ire • ~ con-,-,,, 's L ~.L ,•,1,. • •• •,•,,c• u lj"' 1111mr 1· •.:it 1n111r .-u i1• B•!a Ml• :10 ll''i n:w. ll"lo + :w. oowchm 2·60 171 n'i 11Vi 71"4 ... · IN" Co 1.-1) l05 ltV. .xu. jF .,,, t ed d lo 11 M ..,,., ., 7141 v. 1111• !"" •.n i·P. Mlf Fd .. ,. .... D1!1e1 Ml "'1 211 lS~ 11¥1 15~ +\lo DrtvoC11 l.40 10 31\.'i 32,. ~ -'1o ~ Ca11ft l 16~ IW. -"" Car tire ... might be Subl.ected ,·ob restri'cti'ons In some 1nu as a irec r Wl I ay C•wfrd u u v. Mldw GT 21 22 101 hr J.IO ..... 1 0 , · · B•lh Ind ,, ,, .. ,, .. ,,,,. ., D•tnlfld 1.1)1 65 32"11 l2 nv. + u, 111 vrn .74't 12 10 1m o + ·~ . 1968 Creal Mh U\lt l'"' Molt G•• 31 31•~ nl $hf 12.31 U.(5 M r •.as •-1• fl•VK~Lb IO 35 10~ 71~ ,.; -~ Ortsrr 1)'12 70 ' l6\'t 36\lt .16'/t + \lo Incl en Hd .60 1& 21:W. ' 21 -\lo to harassment While C:OJlecting cases the weight Jiftina limits • Crou Co 41 ''t 4] Miu VIG 111"1 lf'llo tann!llCI Fundl: M~ 8:f 1i·~ 1f·Jt &edrl.tb 'ID 61 30 tti: 30 + \~ Drn~r pl li2 1 3?'4 'J"l/ ~ •••.• lndol1PL I.ill 11 :t..\li 24\.'t 24"' -\,. , ' -~ Wood · tM• f Crutth R 11"• 1~; Mo 11:,cll ~· V. Btltn 11.17 U.30 MUI Sh n lf°1o ,,.,., Bll'llkCI• 'so f 1?11; IHt 11~ V. OrtvllliCP 1b 2 33>/o 33'1* 31~ -'!lo lnE'IMe~ .J2a I 1\11 llt l\.'t + 14 overdue bills. In the opinion o£ are as: low as 25 pounds -tn 11", oresaw a c""'" c i'~~ 1~ M011w1i: R "° 21 com st 1.13 2,00 M " · · 1e.,.1,,.,1 i 1 4I ·~ 4 -ou1o:1Pw 1.«i 11 n'19 31"' ~ • v. 1nd&•ncP .10 3 23..., 2Jl'r 2M -~ , d I' · II d t OlnlvM JS,.16 MOllmPlt 1''~1~ Grwth '1.S1-"HutTrll 1.672.61BNIFdi1 ~4nlot'l,.,'1•~+.lfl OVnlrdl.10.. \BS6 SS.\'o5~>+V.!notrll:lnd2 32fO~•O «1'1o+Vo • the court, Title VII of the 1965 about the weight of many a ec 1ne in ma or er .sa es as °"!~ •. °'•'• •,•,1.-l 1ru Moart " 10·~ i~• 1ncom .120 1.t6 w:rAw~ut \k::! 1,J-~l 11"' Fds 111 , 3 iM1~ ID'V. 101,,. Vi 0uor111 co 21 ?6>M '6t't uv. -v, 1naRd 1112.35 10 ""' u 36~ -+ '' b • h' t of tile bala ce f rn•tauo mov o... v, 1314 Moor• s IJl;o 1~ SoKI 3.M 1.22 «= -~· · 4 e.o:m111 so 1~ ,,..., 611.., ,1 .. -<1uPor>t 3.7Scl 111 120 11ra 110 +1~ 1n11rw:r sir 2 .u 21•~ 11 211,1, -•• act ans ' t IS ype roman-woman's: purse. n o pot"_ n • o.,. Mir 13i,, ,,,,., Mo•'h M 1~ II\ c1w11t Gr0110: ~·J 11rw:r 1 1l~t l~.1' Bec1 Dkk · 30 ,, sl•a .Y1' St\/;+ v. <111Por>1 P14.50 11 "'"' ""' "''" -1~ 1nmon1C11 .16 to ltVi 11'" 1r• _ • tic paternall·sm as unduly v1·,. The average pay for a full· ed from the cduntry to urban ~.,,~tn '•"'•• •,•, •.~1,c,,11111 14 u Flll'lll · 12.uu.• •'•• ~ •·· .G &eec:hAr m. 60 )fl~ ,~i 20t< +'Ii. ouPont otJ.50 • SJli " j>'l. +:ii. IM'lllnl ofa.so i70 ,,"' •1v. 611o ..... """·-D'' -Ul~U Frnl ID1.1"11t..,. .-.YI'_, llelcoPt"!.o 711 '7'0 ?7 111• Oll'Qll l.U "''''"' 2~ ''ll -O.Ol11$llco .70b 70 27\lo 2' .. 27 t" torian and instead vestl in~ time year-"""•nd woman cent.ers and be stee. r.ed Sears, 0e1~,1 •,•, .~., ,t~. ,,•,1111, !'! ""' !'4 !'"lld u .11 u .:111 t:::," 10,·'2 11·.., 1e11tnt.: '°" • 20'1o '° ,...4 t ,14 ouq1.1 .tpl 2 r31D 21•1 "'11 :t''> • •;, 1..,11c 11rA1.:5 6 21"" 11•Ao 27>-1 ~ '""" Oeu ~ ·~ ~ 7\i7YI PKI •.ts1a.it Olvkl ..... 6.1411,ftHow.60 lUiU"''' 6"'-1'.lo 0a1.101112.10 r50MrV,JO\'J JOl.}-+Vi tMP!rl..C:oal nS.1'15' s.~ ..... dividual women with the wtirker in this country is less unl1l then a $200.million·a-year 0e,",'a"T ~\Ir ,11!'! N•rrMi c 21 " O>tmcl lt.11 21.ai G "~ #·"' •.11 Ben 1n1erciin 11 •!~ ,,, ..,. t v. OVmot"" .471 2> 11"4 ltv,, 1~ -'4 111i.rc:o 1 74 2'\11 11~ 2'\li + t\ ·1 rd f · t th 0e r ·~ 3-.. NII Brlld 4~ Art Co11>nl1I' pfwSllt .11 10.12 Btmls Co 1 1~ ?4 ?~ 14 ,, l>Ynt """ A 17 1~ 13141 l:Jl/4 -~ tnte.-lkSt 1.IO 23 :JD1.lo 7tV. 2t1Ji -~ • power to decide ~·bether ~r than 60 percent or a man's mat ·10 er obpe~a ion, tn 0 e ~ :: l~ lli: ~t:;.:r c! I~~ 1r1< ~:~· lls.-: ,~:ff ~~or ~.:l.,', •,':tt ==r~ l,:,'°, 11~ mt n\.'t ~ +" -E-r-:~~11'..r .«lb •1~ 3tl~ ~~ :ir,n !l1to ·not to take on unromantic pay· for saleswomen, the r eta1 store us1ness. Dew•• e ru 1v.H11 EPVI st 60 Grwtlt 6.tt1S1 oc · .•111.,,,.,-F1n1.60 130 s.1, 5,~ .. 131,1o.:..:,.\ E.alePch .eo 14 """ ~1 31-·~1n1H1"'1.10 n""' 11 71'-.... t '·-,, ' • 42 f , , DI•'" Cr 21\~ 22 N I'd Pd 31YI 321\ Vtllt 7.SI l,?l ~:f "ft:t•,I ,',·'·' ,·,~ &rritlF Pl5.50 2 1~ llloli 154. -114 EtKll Cp .90 11 21'11 71l>i :Ill'~ -"II lrilHOld 3.1111 1 1'°" 111'1 11\.'i -~ t I d, lh Fed I I • \V h Id OlvM Inv 211' tt'Mo NII lib :J9'\ll «1\.'i llK O "'11.0 ~"''" ••·-•• .ot 8enF 511'2.50 1110 3'1"' .... '"' £111GF 1.151 22 25 \.'t 25 15 -Int Ind Pll.10 ll U 67\~ u +I aslUI. average JS percent o The flrsl store, opened 1n Oise •nc 11' n1o Har Ga.o u1~ u fu°'" j'·" ,.·" •-~ ···-.. ·•· ~ .,.,.JI 1o """ 11 " -i1Jo E111 Air .2111 324 ~ 2~11. 20•.;, + v. 1111 1nc11n1 10' " ... "' +1 n n 1ana ano er era sa es men s pay. omen o a 1925, was a success. Under 0ac:urt1 2• 26 N•" M~ -«R.:o •1~ omS u . 5:Js' 5.12 =~vWld 1o1.11 15 . .+ l'leM\lff V<o1 1~ •• Gi! 1~' :: ..... E•st u111 1.«1 12 11v. 21 jl -\'< 1n1M111er .tt<> ,,,, U'" u •1 10'° _ .., disb"ict rt led th t "d'cul I all t Wood h 'I · Ooll• Md n11 11•• N•J Ptr "" 4\4 ommo11Wllh Fdt : N 11>11""' J•.t221.11 11-"''' '" 111 1414 1,,~ 1,14 Ea11 KOd~~ 1 ,_. 11 1S"loo 6 + v, tnt Mna .»o •• n,,. uv. 161'1-_'"' coo ru a a n 1 ous y sm percen age I e rela1 operation was oaw Jg; 1>1 1'.11H" N1 sec• 111~ ,1,:? f~ Fd lt:fi U:t? N~•Jt it:~ l!~ =:~~c:!! 1~~ iri 1:.~ ::z ::·:-z ~:~n~• i._~ f{, 1tt, ~~lo> i4~• ~' l::f ~~~1.k10 3~t .;o~"' 1n: :, : : labor union could sue for back ()f high paying status jobs -expanded throughout the ~::; "IE '~ ~ N~~ \'i'tr~ 1 l"v"' 10 at 11 02 1'0llll 1.611 t.411 ,..rh SI! , ~o 211 '"41 ,...,. ,.... "" £c1<rc1Fia .:10 ,3 35 u.... 35 + v, 1ni P•P "' • zJO 4"I •• .. pay for all of the women it and the fault is scarcely en· United Stales and Lat in tock tM 1a:1"4 R;'1~ i.11 t.7' ._H,.. Ind f.:io l~ ,...,,, ,,,;, ,,.,~ ="" Edi""'''.,, ' " ~ ,..Vi 2f1< -"" 11111 Rect11 111 ,,111 u 1• ,,,,, .+ni !wllh All I.Sol l .i ! 101 ,, 15.0I 16,~-.1· Tl>rtt ~ 1J •f'lo '"\ .,,,, + 1A EG&G .10 S1 33\4 32 .121' + \~ Int S•tt l.fO 4 :JI 3N 3N .. represented -If a rompany tirely the woman's. America. wnh co 111 '·" •.•! 'j· ,.1,.u0tc i"'° ,, JI~ ,,,,;, 7fl?'o E1M'"1c .Ofv 2n ~ ·~ 6 .. -I'll '"' T&T .•5 110 w1o Jli.li Ml& + "' disc ted I he I h be I ornoA1":"1t.120reW,,.SU,lt1 .1111141rJ'l1111 : .... ,~"'''"'~ +·"" EIMusfn.Ota 11 ,.._' il'o ..... ln!T&Tll10 f J20lHV1 1fll'l lPl \lr+i., rimlna aganst t m It aways as en n-Today,Searshas morethan om111r 1.'2•.'lflSl~~!11 11.1,u.~ ... 1tro1.,..,.1 ~ ,..,, ,.. ,. -·~ e1.cr "'soc '',. 11 11 -!iolTTPll •.50 u1o01o1o:1Y11~lY1 -l\'t nd 't led I' Ith def 'bl dl · · t' PML Pl omp Id t.01aqpr,-:!1'! .lt9,l11tlodfHllt '' ~l ~·~ '' '' ..., EIM•rn Meo $l 71'\ 11111:it.-11~1n1TA.T11IJ • 1100 100 100 -1 8 VIOa pTOVSIOnSO e enSI e SCr1m1na10n 8QOrelai!OUtlCISWithannual ans 11Fd .:.10)4p1Ct ~nd11.16U,'lt11t,.,.8eflf50 i151 5,,,,5, +2•~ EMM"1111>11 2'2SV.?nloD"'i +~lft!TA.TPllC• }('1\ t5 f!l'r , Federal "'•uat Pay Law _ and at last, the courts are omit!! s s2 ! 0.1 •nn Q 1.'1 1.o12 lobb!• an;1 u 111•..., 7fl :in -+ "v. ElolnN~t Ind 41 1~ 1011 101 ...... In' TT 01icw1 JI •S•'> ••'11 '5 + '-'\• ~ sales in excess of $7 billi:ln. oncord 15'1s 1 ·,, P~ Mir! •-~ •.s. •°"1~0 1,.,, •1• :n ,u, ~,..., 111 l'H!'aiONG 1 106 1.,,, 1~·a I•\• -"" nTT "'L 5 .. 'IO 1\11 n~ n·~ "" -+ l\ whether or not the women fil-backing the Federal law in-omPI I" 'un11v•11 Phft• 15·6211·11 Ao1Sca• :2sb lM 'm-1 7• h•i + 11 1"'1 Co 1·'° ,,. ll ~ 31 + i> In' Uti t 1·• '~ :in•~ ,,.,,,., 311v. -Vt Wood alt lb le J th e -v n S.13 5.61 Pllcrrt,,. 10.1 i 11 .ot "'Ol'(t Sirs l ~ 111., ''l~ ,.,.., _,.., mer El« 1 a5 SI 51\4 51'~ .... n1 Ulll A 1 lll.4 ~1·~ ll:\4 i •1 ed charges with the Equal making th•'• otr1·,1·a1 r u c e succ ss Maj' Or Qffi'ce .,,,, Gth 10.1110.12 P11a1 1.20 '·" Boo1tMrh 1_11 1 ,,~. n•·· ,,,~-+ 14 mervA1r .to 2s u 1s as ···-· 1nrv111 p11 n 1 31 :1111~ " 1 ' fS 't 'I (' d orpLd S.:tt11.at PntSt 11 .:1311.lJ"'Otd~nl.:OU l:M,\Y.,?nt?Al'-'~ mh,.rll,20b ' ••2 ~1·1t~t +1,ln•~rpacei 1171\lo?.I ?••;,+\) Em p I 0 yment Opportunity () ears re a1 opera ion an ntv cao 14 6~ 1j '°Pl.,,, Ent 1 . .u e.3~ ll«•W•• 1 ?s ,, !Ill '°" ,.,., "'° em11o111 1.n 11 21v. ,. ?Iv. + 1~ 1n1e•0<e pf s • 11 wr 11 ,., Comml'sslon. t. the transrormation of the na· '" wo1v f31 :"Pion Fn11 lj.6114.•5 1 .. m~n1 "' 1ri uv. ,,,.., '"" +" Emoor .'IOb s :icr~~ 30') JO"--'" 1nr &•8"" ·"" 1~ 1ov.. 1A 1Av, + ,,. •II WO.I 12:i11 .52 Plan I"" I .56 ll.7l !161 Edf1 io• 31 ll\1,\ 3q,i 3""'1 EndJol>" .12p 4 2•~• ,.. 2~ .. 'I ln!~rO.\lr .6tr ,.. ,.. ,. .. 29 ... I Oh, h De I •f V • El tion 's shopping patterns lo the p ·1· M I L'f 1Vah M untw~ll Pr!c• Fun111: llourno 11\C 'Ill ?M~ 75\~ 2('h ... Vi EndJohn pt 4 1100 511'r 51 51 Vt + v. 1"1e•1Pw 1.?4 u ,.1,. u•-1 1t ..t. '' n JO, I e p . " a1·1au eels ac1 IC. uta I e Insur-DKlll Inc 11.6lll·'i Grwth 16.61li.67 ... ~~UA!r ~ 1~7 '"'• " 14 = 1•, EnalhM!n ·:t n J6vt ff"" 25~ ..... tow• Ber 15 ~:P\ 3'•~ :\11~ ..... Industrial Relatio ns an-· automobile. ance Co. will establish its8:1'iw'fr ':·~ ~-~ ~ ~~ ~:ro~:roR~!::'~,.2i«o,: ,~ ~v. ~··~ ~,,.,-i, E~1~1U:1':~. l 1~1~1~~1~i·.+~!:l!~lh~l:~ 1~ ;~~ ;;" i;it:+1~~ noo-• that il \\'on 'I pro-"It created a revolution. and principal operali""" off'i-in 01 ... : snr j)• .:u Pro Flllld 10.t110.9111r111MY "'' 10 •1' 4o11, .ii'"'+·;~ EovtG•s 2.10 l~ ,.~ l.l•,\ "'"' -~-' tow!Pl.1 1.o111 • 11·~ t.1•~ '~~ ~· ·~~ s VP '""' .. .,. OoWT In 1( 1 ID Pr1vd111 •·" '·34 l'ldwv H•lf> 1 41 •• 4•l) '' .1.1v, ESB tnc 1.20 10 16\• 2l>~ ~ + \, •..woP~• 1.:?I ,. '11/t ""' '1 .,. i' 5e<:Ute employers when they tove1· as WC were the first to take ad· Newport Financial Center Dawn! F 1:S) t'.1' Pvrlt•ft IO,J2 n.a llwrHa "'A! " 46 45l\ ... +I EHtKlnl 1.10 )I J6lll ~ ~ t ~-,.,,.~ t-IOSD ·"' " ~ Xl"'1 ,.,~ -"1 ed • • Drt••I 17 5417 5' Plllnlm Funds: llktvnUO 1 n 11 21" '""' '"~ -"' Ertoyl Cp .71 t2 21'\ 21>-!o ?llJi 1~ ITF. 1..,. .$5 •1 ~ "'>t :!Mio -t' violate Ohio. Jaws imposing vantage of it," he reminisc Pacific Mutual Life has ac-0revr Fd 11:12 u:1~ ~111111 11.1t 12.21 Brawn co · 1J n ni. ,,i0 _ v. £11rrt Pn.ci 111 ~1v. -~~ '1"' + Vl •::;,r...., 19" ,. lqo 111u •1•\ f · t • · Orevl Lv 12.n 14.U ~ 14.7'16,U l'IWll Slllr• 1 14 ,,,~ 11 11 £urofftd 1.JOt S5 111 1.-;, 211 •.•. , 1, • 'tf4.J.O 11'" l.U Ill + u · weight lifting restrictions on Varian Data Macltinet1 an· nan in erv1ew a year ago. quired 10 acres of land on the E~ton&How•~i nh 12.oi11.1s a-Shol 1.~ 21 l-lv. J.O•t 34•t ::::: Eurfd 1n1.:10t • ,,,. 1111o 11111 .. --J-k- f I I t Wood t k d t r r N c 811t11 ll.111 lj.09 lni;om ·-~ .OS l'IMI~ .10. Ml ,, .. I• 1~ Ev1n1P .60ll :10 41"• .. ,~ ~ + .... emae empoyes as wel as nounced the appointment o r oo a van age o comer o ewport enter Grwth ls.111 .0ol v'-, • "',.621'\UC'!'E• '·'° 21 2141 '°~ 21 .... Eversl'l1r11 14• 21~ 21 21 -1~1:=~~~··.!: .,, 1""' 1•1~ 1'1~-:i fixing their max i mum Henry s. Stover Jr. as vice 5pact as well as limes. He Drive and Sa t c Ori 1neorn 6.'2 1.01 "' i1.n 1 ·1' l'lllCld co .1111 •• 17\\ 1 !• 11 :..:·..., E•C1110 1.2s 11 2™ l4'i 25'i -1~ .. ~ l~V; 1~ 111 -1 ed Se i4 Ii n a ruz ve. So«:I 11.11 n .•l II: VllYr h t.311D.2S 8\ldd Co Pl s 120 63\.'i •IV. l.IV1 • ' •. F1Nrte .• "' 3~ JU& JI -"' ~=:;'°F ·r..... 'M •l t.; !~ !fl! ... numbers of hours or days of president of marketing. Stover ocat ars 1 orehs gene~a Y • Pacific A1utual Life will con-£:_~1k ~tff It:~ 1t!:.r,ec 1f:l~ 11:~ =:J1.."':~ tt 1:111 1~ 1: : : : .. ~:f::.c "',,,: ~:l ~~ ~:; gv. +1~ J:tr~i':.4"" ~ ~"" ~"' s11.1o • ~ permissible employment J'oined Varian Data Machines outside ti!nlra s o PP Ing linue to maintain separate e11111 u.21 11.u ~=:h 1;-~ 1•,.~ .. B1111F0tQ 1.10 ' l.'ll'> l.'l\~ ,,,,~ -"" F•ltth Hni.r " '"' 16~ IM:i .... 1...!n.,. ·: q r,~ .~ f,f: ='v. .Ol'1'0llTUNITY-IHAlt• 'E>IPl!NIES .. ACAl'ULCO ., CAltlBIEAN New n'll'l'D' Utll. C1l~,,..rtn, Slftill 10. L..,,,, S.lon. ' M, Ctbl..,. 2 HC11 .. ,1 Ouelll h• .• l•tk 0Kk1. Tull • CtbllU -~ll SPHd let knoll. P.O. I•• ltU Htw,.rl lkto;ll, CA, t?u:J .. -.: {1141 "1·tJ27 in 1967 as director 0 f districts, where land was corporate headquarters in Los i:~ 5': 1iJ~ 1ff1 Sc:~{( Fr.11: ,·u !t::r;R~.. ~ ID: rn't n:~ -:-:-' ~:.~1.J ~ IR: {Jt~ l~ t !to ~~"-;' ~ 11;: ~'-'\ ;;"" ~Vi+~. marketing. cheaper and parking lots could Angeles, but will establish its l::r.=• 1o:ii 10::1 ~1 "" u:oa !::1111 -.:'1"11111 1 ·Z: 1•~ M' ~Ii ;:: ~ ~ ~=,~~ I: ~ rn: ~ ~ ! t? j~ww:J;-;: '" , ... ;.t~ 3-U\ -t~ He was formerly associated be built. · perations facility in Newport ~:S':~ Glh 1ii .• ~: ~ s1 lt:n lt:n R:~ '.~ ~ 1?:<\ 1~, ti~ ~:~~~ -~ ,: L~ b~ b~ :::,: i.,~,:;",!'ft .;r~ t.!: t;l'l ~~ ~" .:..:-t, With Beckman Instruments as lie gave this formula for Center. Construction is slated "'"' 1 "i"!·ij1~ ~·I·~ i: j'~11 'J-~ 1~·~ ISllUllV 1.•tt l ~ io.i -" FA5 1n1 '·'°' 4ol 11111 ''\' 21v. -"' '.tot1nJM ...... ~ 1 :~:~ 1~"" 1;:•• = ~ f I II. "A I •-nd E•oler · , ·,, Inv 1·" Lfl Ffdd•n . ..o 12 33 Jnit :n + u, ,..,.,.. svc: I'll •1 :1111,t -i\ ,.._ + u, sales manager and manager success u ma&S se ing: o !-"' u er way by 1971 and ,~•lr1d , ,· , · 'lee Am 10·61 11 • c·-• , _ ,, -.. ,,,, _,.. ... FedMotr 1.• 24 11~ '""' 21Y1 + ~• ,,,,,.,,sve DI~ ~ .'Ioli ·"" ~ + 1' t hand! r I th ••m u j • j·TJ., •~ S' · · ...., "·-~•...., ....... -... FtdPK £lee I '1"-21" tl'lt-\t J...-1...,~~.,. ~ 'f"" 51'"' SI'"'-,,. of marketing development. Hl.s grea mere se orce pus e company plans to occupy Fed G••" 4,? , • Sh O:C: ~·l2, l!·~ c11 Fl~n1 •1 1"' 1014 1•~ t ., l'K P11•1, l 11v. 21 21 _ 14 J-L••i 1 ·~ 1 "' ,,,, ,,~ + ., I man.g t force th . bou •• ~·· 12.ol613.62 " . ~.. CtlltllM .731 ,.~ ,,.., ?I.I.lo ~.. 1'\ FtdPtpld 1 ""' 25 25'A .,. I-AL ,., ~ "" ""'~ AA\li """" "' t2 years at Beckman were all a grea emen e premises a t two years Fief !Ind 1t.t01• ..... 1~ 1,or ll"' c ..... p11:L .ollt 'l '"" 11•. 1~ "' ,e1151..,5 .60 1 n,.. n~ n:ii. =" Jor"",,,n 1,Jit ~ '"" 14 1,,, -:: ..• I rank and Ille Wllh ~••o'l " J t Flcl rnd '1.ll 2t.17 ~me · 4 ·" C.tmoSP 1.10 43 ~ 34141 '"\~ \\ Flld0ttl$1r I 132 :itVI Jt 39\lr + h JO!llt-&II ,, "''~ ,A\ '.lot\~ ,, 1 intbedatanmressingfleld. PUii uru. aer. Fln111tlt1 Proo: ff!'"" 12.:J01J .... C1nSeu R¥ 3 13'IJ 51 " 51 +1 Fed Mtt tl\V "12'111 1oi, 121'tf2 ........ Ml• .. 1«1 .. ~..-• ,... oiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiim;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i·;;;;;;;;;;;;;J °"""' J.D2 7.61 IGmt Tr t,12 10,ll Cdlrew .Ga IO \r, I\\ ll'o -~ Ftrf11 c11 10 11I ,. 2™ 25~ t~ ir .. 1,1, A• l ~ r.~: ~"'1 :::;:-~ fnduil •.)i •:1• 1mflh • I0.32 IG.32 Cdll PIC J.70 ... 7•\~ 131.~ 7:1"' -11.• l'!brebr!I 7fl "' '"" 27 211.'o + t ... i, u~·· 7( \ 10 , ..... ' .:..:ut l!ICO'll 6.71 7.31 Wft Inv ... f .60 ~•PIC lfll.211 ( ~ 61\~ •tl!!i • . . • .. I A• , ,. I 1'!1)\ -~ ~:l"1n~1h 11J:l1 lf:ll tF:~ 'al 1t.# 1l~ :~II Br;: ': it~ ~It ~~ ! ::: ~l~i.'..i'1r1t11 5, ~:it n~: i:t11 + ~ ~-:::;a:~ >; ~, ~ ;,1 _!: :: • Vrnl l.'2 t.7 ~Inv Gt 1.6' f.3' anelqd 1.10 • ?~!i 24'~ 24\l ...:. Vt Fl9kk!M 1.40 1 ~ 291.6 1'M;o ± "" :1• C n '· "'i? \~ -1\ ill 11'15111 t :M '! u lilt St 1t11two11 !ernsi. tO 11 17\~ 16\1 17 ~-l'lrt•lnt 1.60 35 Y SS•• S6 + i.i; ~ , !'II ,,~ .. '""' ~·-. ··1·1' 11 Mulll 1o:n 1 :)II tetd"'•" Furicr1: aro"LI 0 1.n .io 31o;, 3H"• :1211; +: 1~ "'f·'~~r.!. 'i·"'• ',' c•• .s,i• '5,~ + "" :~PPL "i.f·' ..,,,.., ;!' ~t ~"" + t 1' NII J Oj ."1t l't>m Incl 11.,.113,4? •<PTdl 1.60 U )IV. 1tl4 31 + .... F1,., II', . 6 6111 f I 6 -'l'I 11,.: ~ r,..i l ,., · 5'1' 56 + 11 SI••• :o n.•~ ftld11C 1.n !·5' arrierCa .60 1q .:t\.'t mo ~i -\lo Fti N " . 59 1 l61• 311'9 311•i.-I.lo ll'C 5,.:: 01 rt0o ~:~ f::i ~u 7 :t WE SALUTE OUR I SEE BY TODAYS U.UT A.DAMS LEADER OF THE MONTH Coogrolulations lo Larry Adams for leading the Orange Agency In new life insurance pfote~lon p-during the month of October. Mr. Adams specializes ln business and persona! financial plan- olng. Carroll D. Bryant, CLU General Agent Sullo JIO, Union B•nk Squtr• Orange, C1IHornl1 92661 WANT ADS e Not too latr .•. tilt! rains \Vil! be \Ytlcomc on !his beautiful l1' Riverboat, just take along a ~ umbreUa. • \\fall -!ti • ll.'all Olrlstmu. merry cherry red nylon rug, liJ<t l'ICW l.2xl4 for 141>, • ~Uni . loy for m.tnl • tots. your child nced1 a pet poodles' lo\'f, .. bl!'ck, Ms shol1, $50. AKC. T\e a red ribOOn (IM one for you know v.•hen. F.. C~ll '42 ... . Sd111 '·91 .46 Ctrr PIJ.21 llO 36 :lit 36 + ~ l'llCllbc~ .IO ll 33\i 33U 31 -\Jo K GE ' -, 22,, ,,. 22 + f'ltt Fnd ·01 1 ... 5!1!11 llOI Fds: CarrGn l.'1tl j 3H~ 311\ 3111 -\'I Fllhr Fd .05d .'1.1 .. U'l'I ni.o. ""' -'-I •n .... lit ~ Fla Gtll 1:11 .it Ill 21 .u 21.U C1rttrW .«11 x2~ jl't JO !1'1•"" It ,11M•Sd .16 111 II 161. )IU +u1o Fnd GTl'I ,.0 .II f•• Oo l!·" U.9' Ctst JI 11 61~ 16 ' -"°' f""111111 50 Ullo 1'~ 14\' •••· ~5· , ::: ,I:~i tp~~, 1:lf 1t:n 1:~1~k:1::: ~ yu }t!: ~~ t ~ ~n~lk~B:.25 ,~ i:~ u" u"...:. .. ; "3·~1"s.0~:,.~,y~i;s1Gt 1~11:~; ~c:r~·'° ';l ~ I~ :m =U ~~""'J ~$: •15z ~ rr ~ :!:;': NTC 10.H lj.01 MR AP n.•5 j'-" fCO Cor~ .90 10 tS\l 2S § -"' , .. G•1 ·'° .u ,,.,.. 19\\ lf\'i •• Ill 1.8' .:JD Tttch., 10,M 1.4 CtS-'tC~ 2 7J 65\.'i U \.'i \'I + I\ !tit Pow 1..!) 11 50\t 50 ~ + \• ,~,... /.21 !.41 jtehllCI \·'° 1.5' te1at1 P1A'·" l Ml ,. -,,., fltl'wt.1 l.tt 5l n•.o n" n ... '!'!'!~. .1• '·" ldWsl .... ' .. CHICO In. ..JO ' .. \~ ~) 46\\ +1"' Fi. SIMI .to n jl\~ ,_,~ I•\\ -It Mui 10 ... !G,44 jKllnOI 7.il 1.4 Clft!FdV .»:t lS IS\.'t l \"' Ii: ... FluorCP .),o.11 1i1 '"' »'>0~'9 +--. AmlO.:lt l.2StmoGLJ.Y]~~er1Ml.llll.oll 1,.,,. 1 '-1\l'luorllf&l SHiit • 11 -+" Sie 11.U 1-fl!owr-Mll 1. 4 ""ll!Ltt.J:I 151 .. \lo Hl't +1it f-llr -T1-{.lf t1 2116""' ~~ 1'M-• -Ir IS.11 lS. rift Ceo I.IS .N 1/JLI oU.Jo 1210 66 6iVI 66 + \. FMC Ce 1S 194 IP~ 24~ J$\4o -\.l • t kn "°..,..,.... ...... J!C: Trtv EQ ~0.t1 I ·~ ~l!tlHIPS l.lt :l'I ltl.i l"-i lfl.'i -'Iii FMC ~-U o1 :1'1 3111~ Jt •1 IM 11oct ""rtitf ,_ ... -"' ~if ,;:~1::nl~ ~f ~:I!'!:'° c~~Ei'_1~ ; fit nit 'f2~ +·111 ::::~. :: Jl ffl: 1'1f: ~~~ - f'lll Ad I.II '·'' T~ Inc 4,;; .• (en! SW I.JO 'l 61 •No ,,., + \It: iOOlt Ml" ' I~ I!\• 1m -41 "'" fJl'lftl .... """'k11L Ind ,, .. 1 "·r. lflll! Miit lD.N 1 .. ! CM!! Sol'I .• ts ~\'I n 1\ 3IS'Ao +"' OOlt p!J,20 I 2SU. ,, •• 2!',' .. \t .... _ ' ft 11.Ull. U111ft .. *'-IMltJ: Ct11Tt1U .Nb 56 20 In. 1m-" .,_,Mm t4 J.11 4"1'41 ~' . .ui..-\;.-, -.,'!'"'«""-s.~ .. i! n 1s.n 2s.11 unr._ ,. . Cerro 1.t«o N ~ H1.I " • .. • wM.c:K' -~ ''' 2tVt 29 ,.u, + 14 f6t ,•-. ~ .,....,,.,.,., .- Htr;llltoll: Accm 1.17 L11 Ctrlolted .ID u 11 r.~ ~· -14 fM~ .n.• " "" ••'I '4\l -u Cit Mid 1111 '·~-II \'f'lf'. ~!!t."' ... a~' 1:::J 1f:H't ~"t:" 1i·TI 't:R ~:1.-• ti ,f~ ri ~·· -t ~ ~:1 w:i I' 41 \:~ l~\4 \:" t'\t :g d1~wl ll'lt .' ~:o:~~r~ .. · ~= H1110Wr l.t' I. VFd C.11 ""wt"f Chadllt'ft Inc:: ltf lfl\ jS"lo 'i Yi i"md)orj M " »" 11v. ;\IM -Iii tit ..... l or P"" 'llllllltll ftl!f, H1rw 1·~ ,a.' V•h"' l.ll'lt I'd: 5DS 1.20 .. ,, '~ v. F ..... "' ·"' 16 l) :n ~ +1 ... • c.!f.~DK It!' Nlof ·~ 1 , 1.n v11 Un l:lf f.11 r!ffH'i' 1 '' W• JI -11' """''°'t t.IO 1•' ¥-' t•l.i ''':II+• lfttr • °' .. m aa. fV I . '·'1 !llCQr'!l11 j'' j·tt hllttMn l.IO 211 SJ" J;J•\ »'i -\6 l'rll'lllC1 1,10 ., J'9 •11• ~ , , ~-Dec! 1er •• 11'111 .,_, .,. ... t . t.M S-4 11 .14 . h«;11tr MM f tt '"' ti ~\ , ltllCl\lt INI 11 .JI XN >4 --CV"'Vltl ._ d~·'iit 'j· 'tn V11CtS •DI .IO I· c11tmt1r11 1h n "°" ml 21~ -1111 -v--. :i:f.~,_:-atd •hll "'''" i' ~t'l'llCI• . • d Vtndrbt l .S6 ' ChernNY '·'° 10 w~ '" 6,~ -II.lo -... "° kiri IJOk"' ., ~ j'\~A"r." 11:ll 1 :'r,'' v1~1111, j~! t:fl ~='~l f.: it, ml \~" = ~ :~ cC:.~1'.I ~r 1'1. ,ts\' 1rJi-." =: :t::.:'1·,. -1 rf#a:'°tfl': 1 .-; Ollt .f15 ,. klriD :ii .t1 Cr>ft OMD • 'I •• ft" + " Alt tl'I. J9 j~ into Ullo -,,._ d\lthlt tN . MHm• "' ..,.1119 .,, ti!< Inc ~.fi .12 /11\0tl \\·llD I .st t'.""lbnl f) l \i $J1' It -1ri m Sito .lD 1• ... l' !' -1'lo dfvtdtlld t!' _ U·dllll'I clll'a, .......... 1 11'\MCI " 1· I ,IO • 151 lft .n ,1.a Chit: .,, Ill It • 13l.I .... , •·"1S p/1 ,11 ' "'' 'l\ n. -11111111kf1ir...t ......,..,.,. IM Glh ·• i·jJ tlloln 2.JI J...• cas" 1 r;1 J . 'il '~s :.ii .I~ 1 ~ :it\I 2't' -\'I ri •v•-. nc Pdl ·/i 'ti •• II" 'l''f •''ll::I r M11uc 1 1 + ., 111:11 lt ru 71 • 11.'1-'-' c:lf-C'tilH. Q-h ••'¥117tM. Mia-•• ndtll!ld tO. 1, f Mith .l t.'4 ~ P.....,"r, 1 u·~ + lrd n I.JO '9 J~"I ~ " + ~ .. - llCl•trv .12 . ·2'? ~. l'hll; ' e1HW ''-4141 -._ •'~·/" ,.olJ:t I I~ t -I' wur•rits -llfl Market mo (•# 1 . I ·" W•lh Mv l'·'f ,,,, l"f!IM$1Pr. « rl II'' ~\<) ., _,. •l!d llfl.iO ' 2'1'1 S', :Sl\ ~· t-Sltft' ..... I"" Trllll lj·"' I • :!i:!,'d 1 ,t I'~ "'IP cLUP d •h II) 4\.\ -\i •leek ..IO 'l 'I 2\\6 2\1' +1"1 "'"""°"' •r-1• rl9rlft. .-w-Wttf\iolilf ~·~:.!• 1'~11J:lJ /nf ~~ t:i: J: ft:f,~v11 ·• .. l~i ~~ ~U !. ~ ~~."c•:., 1 '~ '~\ '~t !: ~ ~'""' .,.""" ~:;,: ~~;; ------------------------..:I nv ~uld f:i,i .li ~ i.11 CCII cvt!'.~ l Jt -1U llA nw tlii 1 H'~ ml! mt, -Ii "'*' dlstrlll\lt.d, Wl-Wf\M INutd. llillfll ' • I < r I l 1 l Thursddy's Closing ----------------- NMmbtr l~ I• ' DA!lV Pl\OT -'-- ' Pri-ces-Complete New York: Stoek Exchange List Complete Closing Prices -American Stoel{ Exch~e Li~t ' . I I • I . -------~------"---~ r " 1i' I·. " I'• 1:1 ' !1 :r I ' ( " " !!:· 11 ,I ·r /1; " I' I 111 ' ... ... ... I'! '" q: I: I · ' :l· 11~ " l:· !·: ,I• •ij, ' ' "• 1:1 ... " I;' ' I• " 11 : I ' "' " " '.1 1\1: I" ., •:11 "I I•'. :ii 11. ... " .,; :: r " f I· 1;! I' ' jl!i " 1:;1 1 .. :1: Ii " .:• l!i Iii ii: ;.1 1!' .1 ' 11· I! ~ -·-------------;-----,------------------------ J % DAILY l'!LOT Frid~, Nowmblr 7, 1961 Black Militancy Provo~es Dange~ou~_ Wh.i~-R-=e-a-ct1on By LOUIS CASSELS WASHINGTON" (UPI) - Black milllanCY is provoking a dlnprous wblte reaction . 11\i§ ii evident ~ a~yone who hu had occasion 10 re- cent mOnths to discuss race relations with uptight urbari whites. Each lime black people resort to tactics of di!ruption to dramatiae their demands, many white people grow a bit more irritated and a b1t more anxious about where it's all leading. Some responsible observers believe it is only a matter or time-perhaps not very much time -before white fear and black rage collide in bloody ,... ............. ....,~~-:::""\-....,.._"':"""~·-~. __ """'.....,. . ~· ' Girls' N Ion Ski Jackets . . 797 , Nyloft taffeia shell, hood .tmd body.lined with Acrilan acrylic pilc.~ne.wu.IJ.,BJu~ Pjnk prin~ 1-14. · ·' · Gir/1' w"a,. D"pr. · .. , " ' One-Size Stretch Women'• Cotton Women'e:Hosier~· Flannel Pajamas 3-Hoa.r~nJy! 3-Houn 0111)! 2 Pr.$1 197 Great fit '1r bettrr wear. I 00% c~on flannel, wash- In •unset.. bare beige and able. In choice of assoned mocha colofs. Stock ur pastels. Sizes· 32 to 40. now!. ·".' · L;11gtrie Dep1. Ht1Ji"'1 Drpr. . "< 3 for *7.95 s;,n. Double KaJM!l,< Pillows 'Thick Blankets J:Houn Only! 3-Houn Only'. ~r.:$5 297 racial conflict Doel it follow that black Americans ihould ease up on m a r c h e 1 , demomtraUons, boycotlJ and other tactics of contepllon? No, saya a leading ·White jurist. Dean Robert F. Drinin of Boston College law school is keenly aware ol the "hostile reacUOf1" that black milllancy white America forgets about unspoken, which Americans is produclq in the white com-lbe Negro the moment Uta\ have for penons who do not. munity. pn;..u and dl!lll>nds for ........ for IWr nPll-" ... "But milillncy !.< the only <quality cease-" "U militancy on thii port ol technique by which black Ill h l s n e w b o o k , Negroes offenda: eome whUe Americana can plead their ··~'!!CY. Pissent an ( l!f:OP_Je. It may, on the othef case and hope to i•\ a Dborder" (Seabury f,rm), hand. blot out from u.. minds favor~ .... r:.esponaerto lf.i:n ·the Dean Drinao argues that wbJte _ of otJlers their UQSpoll:en su11pl· coufj; .. :or publjc .opinion," he resentment of tough -~~er~-.~~ that a part of the Negro's says . ., . 1 J tactics "must be measUred trajMy ls due to his apethy "J1's appailll)g :but true that against that scorn, often and hia lack of dete.rminalkm ' • • ! , .• ·' to assert arid to exercise those righll conlerrod on him by society aDd by the law. In other words, Drinan seema to be saying Uiat white people may like Negroe&, less but respect t.hem more When lhey right vigorously ror a fair shake. Dean Drinan concedes that "complex legal -moral prob- terns" are raised when black mllilantJ in pursuit of lheit demands violate the law « II' nore the rights of olhen. But he says American have always had an unwritten code which holds that ''a minority can be jusUflll(I.. in J1tretching and even breaking I a w 1 In order to ~ring about jlUilUce." Boys' '2.99 Sweatshirts '59.95 Mattress or Foundation Choice of Kitchen Needs Sa<urday Only' :~-Hours Only! 3988 Sofr, comforlable Orlon_. swcatshiru. Assorted colon. Sizes 6 to 12. Outstaoding at this low pric~~- .. • Boy1' Wt•r Drpr. Quilt top inncrspritii:rDafuessorpostUrr-mste found- ·ari on in twin or full sizes. Terrific buy! #'"'1>~· . FNN1it•rt Dtpt. . . I •• ''':U . ' . • ' : P.1 .. ' . ' h11 Boys' and Girls' '2.79 and '2.99 Ski Sweater. Sport Shirts 3-Houn Onl , '. 3·Houn; 0111~: 297 $1 too% acrylic fullf~h ion l ittle boys• long sleeve sk:i pullover sweaters. sport shins, solid colon, Colon. Sizes 4 to 7. stripes. Sizes ~to 6X.; '.l11fa1rt1'-Chi/Jn,,'s Dt/1f. J nfll11ts'·Chi/Jrr '.S D1p1. ' Were 115.99 Elee.: Knife with Tray 3·Hour5 Only! l·Houn Only! .13~. 888 • t,-. . Boy•' Woven · Sport ·Shirts :\-Hours Onl,·! 3 for s5 Dutalon., polyester and canon PERM.A-PR.ESP. Shon: slyev~ <i to 12. B~•s W".,. Dt/Jt. 3·Honn Only! 29c Men's Ban-Lon" Nylon Shirt• 3-Hours Only! 333 100% Ban-Lon• nylon 'in mock.-turtJe or collar and placket. Mc~·s size5. Mm's FNrn;shin"gs D1p1. .cOflCRm " lltx } 85', 60-lb." Bag of Concrete Mix 3·Hoan Only! 53c Saturday Only! 3-Hours Only! 697. Choose !Jl.cup coffeem.ker, "eao><lry iron. ~d band mlz.er or twt>Slicc toaster. Grui:! Ho111tu'tJrts Dtpt. Men's Long Slee•·e Men'• Assorted Sweat Shirts Crew Soeb 3-Houn OnlJ! 3-Bours Only! 4 r•r·$5 3 pr. $1 With rib knit waist, neck Kadel,. polyester<tX'tnn- aod cuffs. Jn assorted col· stretch nylon socks ia .. ors~ small. to extra large. many colors, and white. Mtn'.r F•rni1binp Dept. J\1t1.1's fa,.ni1hings Dtpr. Boys' 20-in. Spyder Bike I\ ~~turday Only! J..Hou" Only! 2497 Hi·rise handlebars, white bucket banana seat with reflector. Metallic tcd. Spt1rtingGooJs 0"'11: 5-Gallon Aquarium Sets :-iatunlay Ooly! 3·Houn Only! 397 ~. ~·--·---l-4..U." 1.-«~':f'illcnrs co---R:.yon andcotton;m·:achin-e.. 'Witlf earphone.ACaclap-CordedCJectric kiife, we, · «diit&ted:tffitb 1 floral w~hahlc and dryablc. Jn ter,di&playtfP.C'gifi.b:ox. 12-in. length. Blade re. Crtf~mansabreuwbtadcs ... pick the blade you need for your Crafcsm1n saw! Easy to mix with water! €overs . ~V.Z sq. ft., I-in. Jeep. Outstanding value! B11i/Ji ,,,g AWlfWs Pt/JI.~ I-pc. tOP fnomc. Mode of heavy gauge stainJ.eSssted. Pump, filter. Nhing_J..99 tr ~~I~ colors. a.ssorced ~tors. Buy now! Builc·in carrying strap. lc·asc bu*1:. ivory bot- aJ t.~-a:-r: IAtl/Jrtf1 Dtpt. Domt1tia Drpt. TV Dt"pt. tom. H1111tu•nes D1pt. t t' Jit1~ tU.''( II!. ~. -. . Hl#Ju·11n Dtpt. G.,J,,, Sliop '(f'l ··1 ih@-' ---------·-----·--·----------------~------------, " · f ~r -~PARK El MONTE LON(; IEAot PICO ot Rimpou POMONA SOUTH COAST Pl.AZA I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE r-. OLYMPIC l ~to SANTA ANA TORRANCE !~ ~:i ~f l"t.fP.TON H9UYWOOD ORANGE .. SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I ~ ~ ,~·;.:;.-. VINA llQGLEWOOO . I PASAD.ENA .. . Sears SANTA MONICA VERMONT ot Slauson ~:.. ·:~:~1 -·~-~ - - - - - --- - - - ----... - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, .i.· « ·l· i: ~~ Mondoy duough Satwday 9:30 AM. to 9,:30 P~, Sunday ·t2 No011 to 5 P.M. ......, ...... .,..!'I' "Satislciction Guaranteed orYourMoneyBaclt" t'C' , "'" °" t',;i·• .....; :n· · • • -. • • • ' . ' 13 • • • • • I ' • .. ''*'• ........ J, ~ IM , ... -,, 21st Ball ' ' Sugarplums I -"·-~ ' . ' ' • , .. I . . r __/ '. ·Forgotten '-,.1-, -·-'" . " ' ' f -. . • • . - ! ~ r 'Ti• the month before Christmas, &Jid. ajl t" ., through the Harbor Area, visions of ~ Candy canr. ~;"'·" .~; Ball dance through Juniors' heads. · ~ ~ ._ 7i tiJ,e visions are not unusual, however, as ~ , l ~ Is the 2bt year the AHistance League of Newport ' · Beach Junior Auxiliary has sponsored the fonnal ' &Ila wjJlch/il(IUil1 tho l\art of Christmas fe1Uvitles. · D~am o1 success dance through their heads as well, for the eveDIJI one of their maJor fulld-~~~,, ent11111vors, Pl'Ovidln& ~· for the 111guo 1 ~ ~\al'· heellli center, s0clal.1ervice office, IOllolar- . <ahlj> loen grant.fund and ~r community charttln. ·-· • The BalbOBBay Club·wll!-be the -party •ettinf " where f<1tlviUes will begin at. 8. A sumptuous bullet -. ·- dinner will be served at 9 and dancing to the muuc .1 of !he Society for the Preservation of Big Banda wlll l round out the evening. During Intermission, Ed Grille end his group will provide enterteinment, keeping the pace of the perty alive. TABLES l'OR 10 . , , · Forty teblea for 10 ·will be set and decorated-. with ornamented 1iand1 of wood turnings, enhanceil with ruttly Boston fem. · The club will be decorated with Cbristmu trees, ornaments· and other holiday gutter, further adding to ,the atmosphere, and the Jeweled and sequined gowns ot the Harbor Area women attending will complete the sparkling picture. . ., Mrs. Wallace Gerrie is serving as ball chair-- rnan, and lending their talents are the Mmes. Thom· aa Rousselot, invitatioris; Jay D. Buchanan, decora- tiona; Michael Helin, muaic; William DuBois, cour- tesy; Byion Tarnutzer, hostesses: Ernest Sc.bag and Roll Engen, reservations, and Schuyler C. Joyner, publicity. PROVISIONALS ASSIST Also offering their assistance are-seven· neW members who were welcomed as provisionals dur- ing a recent luncheon. For their first assignment, they have malled 1000 invitetions to league Juniors and tlielr guests. New provisionals are the Mmes. Wllllam Don- ovan, Robert Ewing, Richard Fenla, Castle Newell, Lawrerr· Rittenhouse Jr., Kent Snyder and Gene Sullivan. They are working with Mrs. Theodore Robins Jr., (froviaional chalnnan, and are beginning the orlenteUon sessions planned to familiarize them wjth the-numerous Assistance League projects. ' '·., . ,j. ' VISIONS OF CANDY CANES -.Alth'!!!Jth tradition would have it that Mrs. Wallaee -Gerrie lras ·v11tons of sugarplums dancing lhl""!ih 'hef head, she finds that her dreams are full of candy canes. It's no won- Alt W9'tl -a...... u.r- der, however, as abe iJ dlalrman of the 2bt annual Candy Cane Ball sponsored by the Aasiltance League of Newport Beach Junior Auxiliary, lhl•fYear plan- ned for Friday, Dec. 5, m lbe:Balboalljlf Club. ·. During their first year 11 memt>en they will wvrk with every community service project spGl>o sored by the league. . . . , And, catching the spirit of the Juniors, they too have visions of the Candy Cane Ball. " I ' . Husband-wife. Relat.ions .hi ·p .No~t as Thic.k as His ·wa·llet DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hualiOn(t carry-home pay II 11111 a week -not counting overtime. He gives me $50 a week to buy groceries, pay the dry clunlng, buy whatever gills the famlly must give. We have five children and two ot them are old enough t o receive an allowance. I give them $2.50 a week. , I k-my huoband has to pay tam, lnlettsl on a loan, mortgage paymenta, lmurance, clothing and drug biDa ~ keep the car up, but be never 1ccountl for where bis money goes and I am IW'I Ulere must be amnelhing left aver. We have had several arguments about ~-:-..... -:~---' . ---'· . " ANN LANDERS ~ --1n oervi• lllluinlly uo1 tho inmr -fl ocirl c1 boy cruy. Her ~ "u-,...'"' ~"'.~~'•, .. "'•• · ~ ,..--; thouchl oa:aned to me that I mlPI con-moll:erwlU not-lei hOr call up boyuo lhe --,_ 'lillll -... { tlnue to oerve manldnd, .,.. Iller death, comH here and ..., our phone to do It. lo ..... JOV -...-, -- tf I could leave trl1 rema1u· to llldicll Y-'-'-, llie called 1 certain bor and donrtalat dJlll1111t, Ttl ,...,..._. • -loddlolollJ,'l alwoJI ·-... -·-_, -,... it:G!" .. .. .., .. to lla'vUll 11::1 --w. Dool tllia bfl ""Ill*' Aid lie -oat pllytns boll. ...... w .... ' ,. .,.,,_ - """" ...,uitas to ,,..! , Siie lell-telepilooe -for blm to ... irl:, I·-·"'-, .. •• ...... -TIGlll'W.lll'll win: DEAllT.:A•t f .. boliiolOollo-; lo .-! for -U>Pf orl. 11111 ,_, n. -11 ....... y8 If I ... ! IL Tiie riewbol:a tn.l:le .... ...., ... flf It I .. m JI..,.., ti )ed -GllOllLISJI BUT Nar' 1'00LIBJI call her back. Siie allo left my name_. I Wbit fl -lilollatl D· It' ? ~= =-.::.:.: .. -:'~ : reolly had btart flllanl -~ I l:eord her Who llJould Ill lhl'dod!Dr ~ DEAll ANN LANDERS: I ID\ I mon la ---• -lo Dr. do It. boy or the prll can i ............... 1111 mid IOI: In ucellent l:eallh and 11-. --, -. -, 11111. Tbll prl I& Al1 bat friend and I Ul:e IU<Ceed! Read Am> ~ ""'*lo£ I havt liWl1 pod Yurt ahead of me. I re-• Ill 111....._ ,.. .. -.,,_, • .,,.,.. her ""'I iDllCh. I' oloo want to -tell ,.. "Te.nap s.. -Teo w.;. It ciiiiih.• rud Iii)' lul wlU ad -y-. -,.,._ ,.. .. 1 -,... 1 .-. llllt I would 'a lot. rotller have ber for a Sonif IO C<nll in ooln 11111 a loal. oall-ad- day and mt bovlifC-ll:oughto-Ille ii .... lo ..... •ll ... • ... friend Ulla •II( toemy. Plwe lell me drwRd, otampod -·· ~---Uils-and-l-alway1.klle..J1.tbere..an)'~law: could point to that makrs It mandatory for a husband to .gtve h11 wife a let percentage ol bfl earnlnpl -llYllW:IJ ... --,.. ... ,.,_llJ!I! will wort: 11 lminW:& Ille tGlal ftllilliiiift iiif'liiCiiiiii"'fil<iiili'li: ...... ti· "''''"'· ,.. .. fimd ~ Tl&Mw14 let• -lo poll wlll I 1111 lnltrudlOlll that I be cmnatad. Tao mire ,.. ltr It. what lo do. Ann Lamm will be Pd to help :rou w11111ir't1l'ltten idx yem1""111ii;,-1><ron:--,::-:-.--:-:-:::-:-=-:------~-,..-::-r-~:---lJSl:D-wllb.,......problomo. __ -toolwca..-...; there .... ., much publicity about.,,,.. DEAR ANN ~ERi: I ... I 11> ' DIAll IJIEll1 Y• 111 ....... lolll iDI cm cl the DAILY PILOT, ........ I lr11111plamatloo. 1 o1 .. ay1 have been ... ,_ Pt wtlll a ... jlroblom. I haft I ...... ,_ -· v .. feel ao1,.. teU-addmsed, lllmpod ......,., ' ' . . • =· • • • • • t • ' --I -~--·-··--------- Horoscope USC Alumni Club Hosts Cocktail Fete ·Leo: Be Observant SATURPAY, ~ .. tum Jn your leot with lid of tnnuenUal raVOC'. 1lN1lJe W. -and Kt pirson. Exude cONiClence. . , NOVEMBER 8 __ acconlloily. fille for new -AQUARIUS (Jan. ZO.Feb. The thrilling come-from-behind wins of •Y IYllNBY O!ll4P ~-Emplwlzo"or1ginal·l!>'-ISJ: PCJl!icttt-~tie' no,.Ji---thW!nlY.et•i1Y ot Sl!u a ·1ornia football proich. business · acUv~y. s ·1 u d y team and the fOrthcoming s ow own ga T&91 D4TINll ~! BAGmAllIUS (Nov. 2%-T., ... ; mel'sagc. Thoee in w i th UCLA undoubtedly w i 11 be th• main ~~~::~·. ~ J; ~· 21): Be active within authority will appreciate your topics of conversation at the Newport Harbor 1-.'*'&anliatlon, group formed to suggestions. Be confident. USC Almuni Club's cocktail party. UYI *:l'J?. Joanelf IJ ..,... aW thOle # who a r e ln-Shake off an; tendency to be The annual event will take place in the tn1. ~ ~Y .. clJNldtlited: Excellent for you lethargic. Newport.er Inn on Sunday, Nov. 16 from 6 to ~ ,,et,Jt ~~ .. •• K ..omritn PM>A lion picture PISCES (Feb. JM!arch IO): 9 p.m. ;:;. ... ~ b:;;:i'N.. or 1V .c&11 ty. cceqt roman· You could receive mdlqt The party i.5 open to all alumni, guests lllrtl ~ '--Uc aqra. which changes pneral tone·of and supporters of the university. Represent-:..U..en-..,. ·" _e'rqoalM!ll ~Ill'!· (Dec. 22-Jan. day. Be nc.,.Uve. Relllie the atlves Ol SC's academic faculty and coaclling type of ~ .... p. 11ia11J 11): A · frMndlldp could be •ll!'td ii •fnalltr. D!slanct st.aft will l>e present. tomPl at" ftJ' t.o p••tl•• &lltld. Rta11lt k ls a two-wtiy should no Jon1er be a major Tickets are '1 per person and will in· lhit..Yeu. cOuld f1nilh a pro-consideration. elude snacks and prizes. ReservaUons may ARIES (March 21-April Ii): be made with Mrs. Frank Anderson 540-7106 Jnterest in what makes other or Mrs. ;Robert Basmajian at 64&-0482. peopl• ... c1 Ibo ·W•Y th•y d• Youngsters Try Out Is accented .• l;)oo'l be sallalied . with superficial ..,awers. Get ::.1!'.'lh.•speelallytn•1nancill For Theater G. 'roup TAURUS (April JO.jKIY 28); Be wary with reprd to public relaUona:. You refNre a new, different preaen\ilQq. Many . who were drawn '8 ypu may need shot in arm Modernize. Drea1 yp product.· GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Work, htalth and mtlhods of recreaUon are spotlighted. Cooperate with usoclate1, co- workers. CANCER (June 21.July JI): Good lunar aspect today coin· cides with empha!iJ on deal- ings with young persons. PerlOllal magneUsm rating rises. s o c i a I opportuniUes multiply. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Tryool& fO< thtir - children's pttlductlan a r e being arranged by the newty- formed Fountain Valley Com- munity Theater, which also is i:re.eotJ:ncintroductory dram.allc cl a 1 i e s for younpter1 between 7 and 11 years of agt. Tryouts 4re scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 15, between 10 a .m. and noon, and Saturday, Nov. 22. between I and .S p.m. in the Fotp1tain Valley com- munJty center, for "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp." bu been affiliated with the drama department, L o n g Beach Parks and Recreation Dtpl. Mra. Kruken.berg also is a member or Dance Muters of America and has taught all types of dancina ·to children ror more than 25 years . Directing "Aladdin" will be Mrs. Betty Haynes, a drama and speech teacher in the Tulsa school system. She has appeared in "The Trials of Tears," a Cherokee Indian pageant. performed yearly at Tsa-La-GI, Okla. San Juan Capistrano Three-day Woman's Club of San Juan Capistrano members are get- ting ready to open clubhouse doon for the annual three-day rummage sale Thursday to Saturday, Nov. 13-15. Hours for the fund-raising event which dates back to the early 1940s are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday and from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. ll-1rs. Melba Hanson, general chairman, has named Mrs. Alfred Mata as her assistant. for the sale which features good usuable clothes:fumiturt Sale Told Drummon, co-chairmen of the bake sale which will feature homemade cakes. pa.stcies. Mexican food, cookies and bread. Anyone wishing to donate items may take them to the clubhouse from 'Mo n d a y through \Yednesday, Nov. 10· 12, when women are preparing for the event. NO WAY TO GOI -Caring for and amusing youngsters wilbout resorting to mayhem will be learned during a1 babr-sitting clinic sponsored. by the Fountain Valley Woman's Club torqorrow. Facmg a minor crisis is Sandra Carroll, 12, who is sitting for Terri, 6, and Shawn Sullivan, 16 months. Check details. Be ob1ervant. Especially good for locating lost articles. You al'ei able to dig up infonnatloD of value. Look in out~f-way places. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Stpl 22): Short trips, dealirlgs wtth brothers, 11t1ttrs: tn spotli1ht. Be versatile. Communicate Ideas. Many will agree if you apply charm. Otherwise, there Clapes for the first 20 chlldren ·began today and will conUnue ror six w e e k s . l!lltrucUng will be Mrs. Al Krukenber11 who previou11ly "..\!addbt" will be presented in lite January, and additional inrormation is available by calllna: Mrs. John H. Peck, cha:iffilan, 847·9121. Chairman Named and appliances. • Other workers include the1 P.1mes. Ann Hancock and Leoni TURN ON SPECIAL -89¢ APPLE CUSTARD PIE INSTANT CA.Kl I N 20 MINUTIS • ~nllft l'Hlrt -....... ""'' - "~ -DMIJll -t'fC. Sitters in Training is opposition. Youngsters Welcomed LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Act;flll on mOQey,,posaessioiu. Be alert for bargain which enhances: home surroundings. Exttll~t for lta(Ung bank ac- COl&flt. Build roe future 1eeuri· Boys and girls in the Foun- tain Valley area will be more a c co mplished baby-sitters alter attending a clinic tomor- row between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the civic center. Brochures regarding the clinic have been sent to all seventh and eighth grade classes in the city's schools, ar,d there is no preregistration required. Young people 12 and over are requested to bring a sack lunch, a doll, diaper, pins, paper and pencils. Punch will be served by the club members. Speakers will include nurse Mrs. 11\omas Humphrey, \\'ho will demonstrate diapering and feeding a baby. Dr. Hyde Leland, pediatrician, will show how to administer medicine, how-to detect illness and how to recognize poisons. Dave Heffner of the fire department will show a film, "To a Baby-sitter-," and de- monstrate mouth -lo • mouth resuscitation and emergency procedures, and a representa- tive from the police depart. merit will speak on safety practices. use or the tele- phone. emergency numbers and {lflSWering the door safe- ly. Serving as chairman of the clinic is Mrs. Robert Sullivan, and assisting are the Mmes. Don Edlund, Richard WhHe and Ed Goldade. Mrs. Sullivan may be contacted for ad· d.itional information at 847· 6239. 'I1le club's general meeting, a Fine Arts Festival, will take place at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. IO, in the community center. All area women are invited to attend the festival meeting, and any women residing in Fountain Valley are eligible for membership in the club. Special guests will be the ~ladrigal Singers of Golden \Yest College led by \Yarren Peterkin, music instructor. The group of 15 young singers, attlred in formal dress, will perform around a traditional, decorated madrigal table. Arts and crafts created by members also will be on display. f.1rs. Clarence Stewmon is program chainnan and hosletses will be the Mmes. Bert Kjellin. chairman; J oseph Mortimore, Bryce Arenson, Edward Chow, Ken - neth Esterline, Wayne Hanlon, Robert Reeves, C. E • Stansfield and Kenneth Wells. PILOTS PREFER lT The Rolex GMT-Master for men who fly. Automatic 30·jewel chronomete r movement gives the exact time in any two time zones. Tested end guaranteed to a depth of 165 feet underwater•. With stainless steel case end bracelet, $255. In 18 karat gold, $1,125. •With case, crown and crystal intact. SLAVICK'S Jewt1ett Since lttJ ----lt-~AsHION-ISLAtlD•---­ NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 'fwt 01M9t ~I Wlloo!N -.. nlc.ll"*"'9r~, M11tw (M'"--. Optft Mo"'•Y• Frhlev until t 1l O P·"'· ~1rs. Elmer ll-1aislo I s volunteeri111 her piano for the program. ly. SCOl\PIO (Oct. 23-liov. 21): Lunar cycle la h i I h ; Yule Corner Stocked With Holiday Presents The holidays are just a.round the corner, and to make sure they will be ready, members of St. Bonaventure's Wom- en's Council or Huntington Beach are stocking a Christ· mas Corner of bouUque items. objects delivered lo Mrs: Si- lesltl. Under the direction of Mrs. Albe.rt Sileski, chairman, and Mrs. Donald Hayden, co- chalrrnan, there will be an ample selection for home dee· orating or giving to family The complete collecUon cl hoUday items also will be di• played when the council rn«ta at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the Meadow View SChool, and also offered will be the .15Upplies necessary to fubioa Adveot wreaths. and friends . All of the variety o! mer- chandise which now is avail- able Is being di1played during Anyone wlshina: to donate materials, share idU1, htlp with the gUtl or bolt a tea f1 invited to can eJthtr Mn. Silesld, 847"'312, ot Mrs. Hay- den, 892-l~n. neighborhood teas and rollow· ing each Sunday Mass in the church. Dads Invited Among tbe assortment are f\.1embers or B'nal B'rlth draped naUvity set11, wreaths Girls, L'Chatm Cht,pter are of natural pine cones and taking their fathers out for acorns, m l r r o r s, dressing brunch next Sunday. gowns, tree ornaments, draped J~f's restaurant, Corona clowns and angels, madonnas, del Mar will be the dtltinatl<m felt stockings. stocking stuff. of the group at 11 a.m. ers and Spanish candle hold· The aroup conalata of Jewllh ers. girls 15-18 who parUclpite ill Mrs. Sileski, former arts social and philanthropic ae- and crarts tea cher. has been tlvities, including IUPPofl for conducting workshops each tl1e Foundation for the Jurd.- Monday evening and Wednes-Blind. ' day afternoon for women who Anyone wishlnc turtber t~ enjoy using their hands and formaUon may call J.U11 imaginations to create the Diane Malcha, 113-UIO.s. unique articles. ---------- Women who are unable to T 5 Co participate In lhe workshops op ports va••9• have been working at home in The Daily PTiot and having their completed D·Y·f;i·T·T·E·T·~ ·Y·f? Foreign Langua1e? Gibberish? NO! 11 me1na: Ila YaU ~EEll TO TAKE STEPS TO lf:IPil(JUE YaUil fUTUilE? If so, It no COit to )"OV, )'OU ctr'! bl tllltld to ... "'*"'9r you ci•llfy for• Career Jn the CMl,ottr f'lttd-the 1h1n:1.i.,....t but 1ntt1t'f;r0Wlnc ffMfvlltfY '" ~ """ tod1y. Don"t t>. Ntl1fled with MCOnd beftl Tnt your qu_.!Uflcatlont FREE et Tn• Academy of CimPVUr Tedlnol~. _ l'llono 0<Wrllr. 547-9471 IOlt ''N:l IJtrDltMA'nDfif llft TMI Oi1!1UNN , ........................................ . : N1me Phone • ! : Addl"llS : • : Counly Stat• ---Zip--· • • ' Cduatlon: Mich Scllool 0 0oa. 0 '········· .. ....... ... . ... . • I • •• Benefit Ball · Rolling TV WEEK k11p1 Y"" h1n1d t• wh1t'1 lt•pptnin9 b•hil\CI th• tub• -e .. ery S•turcl1v in th• DAILY PILOT. DANICA PASTRY SHOP I 114 W. •AL•OA ILVD, 0Hla , ...... ,..... .. Mrs. Gtorge W. Wolf bu Othen an'the ll-lmes. Rob-1:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:;~ betn named to chair South ert K. de Ford, decorations ; Coast Community Hoapll&I Bertrand Kampert, door pri•· AuxUiary'a major fund.rail-es; Ray Marsh Fox, pro- ing effort, the 11th Annual Val· grams; Thomas J . Fletcher, enUne Ball to take place Feb. publicfty, ind Mila· Fern Ran- 14 in the Newporttr Inn. dolph, llalaofi chairman. ~Irs. Mrs. WoH ia vict prtlident Wolf II.Id abe and committee of the auxiliary. Her appoint-members will meet in her La- ment was aMOtUlCed by Mn. guna Beach home at 10 a.m. Jack M. Lyona, pres:ldent. Tuesday, Nov. 11 COmmlUte membln named Names ol hoatesses and by Mn. WoU ino)ud• 'the others aulstina In the pre- -· Mont I!. McMllltn; pa-llj)ring party will be disclosed troOI; H&n.ld !:Qnan, invita· at a later date. U...: Vlolot Aaaml, treuur-Btntfll ltsUvlU••, beginning •: Gertrude ClrroD, boatea-with a 7 p.m. cocktail hour, }.IDQ {)ttt.? STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN ..• In The Alley Of a; E. M. Johnston. atcrttary; will include dinner at 8:30. Open Frf· EvP. l4J4 VIA LIDO ALL CUDIT ud WlW.m E. Imholl. Dandng will be to Ray Noval's •t• 9 Others are the Mn.el. Rober iiorchestriiiii'ii' jjiiiiiiiiiijjiiiiiililillaliiliil NlWftOllT IU.CH CAlDS WILCOMI eweisfields JEWELER~ Where ''~ of POllUlion 11 'orl of-'Your '"rcha• Special Showing Of '.. Finest Timepieces Noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8th • • We are pleastd to announce we htve arranged with the Universal Geneva factory in Switierland to have available a representative of that firm with a very ltrge selection of the finest timepieces available in the world tod1y. Ninety percent of tho" goods are produced in I SK gold and quellty i1 the ultimete in these line timepi~11. For over 200 years jewelers end wetchmekers hev1 lookod lo Universal .Geneve with greet respect. We hope you wiU tako advantage of this fine-opportunity to envision thi ltr9tst dlspl.y ol 14K end 18K.9old w1tch11 that y.U will probably over ~ in one jewelry store .. See the world's thinnelf 1111 "!inding time- pl•ce set in llK gold. From $135 to $12,000 See tho world's first ell Swiss tuning fork wetches. MAKE YOUR SEUCTION NOW -LAYAWAY FOR _CHRISlMAS eweisfields JEWE~RS WMre '1W. ol h 1 'aa 11 ,atf ol Yow flurclKnt SOUTH COAST PLUA A<.!'"..!. M.;~--. COST A MESA STOCAT"TRrSAN"D"I EOO'l'REEWAY;-S40.7117 12 It Henlbt.ek-lekeweM Sh•'''"' Cenler-Ukeweecl -...------------------------------------------------~------------. ---.. r . I Popcorn Puppets Before the Boards Two pe.rformances of the . Popco~ T~eater :narionettes will take place in the Fountain Valley community center ar 1:30 and 3 p.m. tomorrow, and proceeds will benefit Hilltop Cooperative Nursery School. Trying their skill in puppetry for Mrs. Sara Scott are Matthew Reynolds and Matthew Turetsky {left to nght). Additional information regarding the shows may be obtairied. by calling Mrs. Robert Nichols, 968-1632. ,. •' .. • OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 12·7 c:m • ·'""t- ·Friday and Saturday Specials! . I .. BLOUSES DD SLACKS TOI' a ... 2.11-2 Dayt 2.33 "Wei Look" b-w!ilo ta- -er elastic cuf~1 abir-red elutic neck Ol' V·oeck. lt-38. S..M-L. SLACKS a ... 3.71-2 DaY' 300 l(mf acrylic bonded to lOOS"o acetate ! Wide leg1 fly front style with 2 bacic: pocket... Fashion colors. ..18. • SANTA ANA ORANGE COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER I' I< • • I ! I • II>• ~'>~ ' W • ff.,' Ml1d •"I.If ,~~" r 11•'1l4'.' J'l Nfl , ll~VH1'"P,1 l~~Jl)Q,,,, H~nry Bowen Society I n,vited to · a Party Peerrng Friday, NMmbtr 7, l~ Ar~und dent aod Mra. -llrwlo D. SOIJTllERN C a.I U.o.r.a.l.a THE COMBINED guilds.and. ~ DAIL V Plj.Of J 5 Senior 1Citiuns . -Co-mm up It 1 ReeruUon .Center a\ Orqt Cowtt Falrgroundl ii lbi """"' ol acU•ity """"' CClola Meia Senior Cltl>enl mOei at U a.m. evrn Tuelilay. j Havy Bowen-&ochtJ. Chlldr"1 ol the -Rmalutlon, will plber for a procram and relrOobm'!lls next Monday at ·s ,~ p.m. In the .Colja Meoa home ol Mn. Norman la .enlor IX'tlidenL members of Job'• Daughters au1Ularte1 ot St. A n n e 1 a Mr. and MrJ. N~ and 'Wlll be feted tomorro~ at an Maternily Rospital is sponsor-· Mr. and --.rra. Donald W. all-day outing at Knott-a Berr.y -Jng the 30th annual Christmas MacLeod wW attend the adult F-arm, sponS91'ed by Al Malai· Bazaar' In the Biltmore Hotel CAR benefit AlrU!t to ~ SbrlniTemple of Loa Aft. on Dec. 1. Committee m~ber Washington on Saturday, Nov. g~Jes.-A feature ol the day wlll ls Mrs. William L. Bar)(er of 29, ·in· the Ambusadcr Hotel. -be a square daoce contest wJtb Newport Beach UNniD NAnotll ASIOCIATIOM .. " SHOf' ' l111JlortM, Gi~11!Cef Y•rcfl j . ' 2204 N. M•h1, S111f• An• 1542-974) I ' MoM1v .th,,.,S1tu~11 .4 • Francl! Glmral. .... On Fo:ldll)', NOY •. 21,, ·at ·a ·~ p.m. MJss Nancy Buecola, vice president of \lie Society wUI hOet a patly for the hl&h school an~ college mmnben In her Corona del Mar borne. Mrs. George ~ Buccola ls Daugh~ of. U.e American Revolution~ califcnrla 1 tlale assistantr secrttary and put regent of the Col. WUfiam eaben Chapter which •JIOOIO'• :Airlift-affairs, will financially 'daughters and fa t b er 1 · enable CAR members to participating. ,, the CAR group. . John Petersen is CAR presi- travel to Washington next April for the 75tb anniversary of Ule founding ol national CAR. • Valley TOPS Leltuc& B TOPS convene at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday for programs In Fountain Valley t;;lemmary School. ---- • • • 1s going BEFORE the use. Wuhington State f o o t b a I I game tomorrow, Dr. Norman ToPplng, use. president Wiii host a buffet luncheon on cun- piia for ~ to lrulteea. Also attending will. be JeTT)' Hornbeak of Newport Beach, one of.38 trustee scholars who also are invited. out of the . -, .fouth Coast Reper/< 1r_y "Funnitst Show offered bv O. c: Theatre thi.s vear •.• " Tom Titw, D. P, "A FUNNY TM!Nti HAPl'INID ON THI WAY TO THE fOIUM" 1tt7 N~l'O•T •LVI).., -• N•r11or •ISl•VATIOMS • INFO~TIGN _...,_\JQ ................ -DILIOMTlfUL sc• CNILO•aws TMIATkl 5'MIYI at l :M •111111 2•• llolft. CAii ttr ._...._. MEXIC.AN FURNITURE· . ' BUSINESS •••. Have 1 ·FIESTA on us ••• To enable us to expand our already large Spanish and Mediterranean import furniture invenlory .we are closing out our entire Mexican Furniture departmeryts in all 3 stores. This is the finest Mexican import furniture ever assembled •.• all regular first quality merchandise at "once-in·a·liletime" irresistible· priceslll 48" wide Wall Shelves, 7 h. high. Reg. 39.95 .• , •••••...•..•... 48'' free standing Candelabra .. Reg. 19.95 ...............••••...•... Decorative fan shaped Fire Screen, 29" high x 63" wide. Reg. 39.95 , ••...... All utility Wall Shelf, l 8"x36". Reg. 14.95 .................. . 38"x72" hand carved Coffee Table. Reg. 199.50 ................ , , •...... Escarafara Wlne/Starage Chest. 72" high. Reg, 179.95 ................. . 66" raund Curio Cabinet with 4 glass shelves. Reg. 49.95 ............. . Triple Pot Planters, 50" high In verdl flnlsh..-«eg. 59.95 .......••........ Wraught Iron Wine Racks, 19" high x 26" long. Holds 6 bottles. Reg. 19.95 ..... . 48" Dlctlanary/Muslc Stand. Reg. 19~95 ..... : , •..•..•....... · ..... 84" Spiral Stalrcaie. Reg. 79.95 ......................•... 29'5 14'5 24'5 9'5 15995 13995 3995 4995 1495 1495 5995 6 ft." wide x 7' tall Wall Units. . 95 Reg. 9:9r.-... -:-:-:-:-.. , ;-:-=:' •••••• ; •••••. 36" high decorative 3-Step Staircase. 995 Reg. 14.95 ..• 67" tall 4 shelf Pyramid Curio Cabinet in green finish. Reg. 69.95 •••• 499s 72" hand carved Bar with doors on back. 19995 Reg. 259. 95 • • · 30"x64" hand carved Desk. Reg. 199.50 •• 14995 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Many items one of a kind' & subject to prior . 5ale. All sales final. "' ~ SP-'libII' a' FULLERTON, 225 No. Harbor Blvd., downtown~ Phone (714) 871 ·5720 __ -l-1--1~ _ _ .:..._ ' _ · HUNTINGTON8EACH, 18582BeachBlvd.•Phone(714) _ RIVERSIDE, 4343 Market (near 14th on Market)• Phone (714) 682·7950 STORE HOURS, MON. & FRI. 9 AM TO 9 PM I WEEKD~YS & SAT. 9 AM TO 5:30 PM TERMS? CERTAINLY! ., ' ' 1 I 1 • ' I I • -- LEGAL NOTICE -- •• Frld.ly, N-*r 7, 1969 LEGAL NOl'ICE LEGAL NOTICE PUT CASH IN YOUR PO(lfT PHONI 642-5671 . . . . ·--... -.... .. ------------.-• • • --------- Heavy Duty Work , In Sp11ee ' Giant fixed.wing shuttle carries satellite lei space, sends it on its way to another planet, then docks with space station to pic:k. up cargo or men for return to Earth. Reusable space shuttle shown here ia one. of 1~veral concepts being studied by North "A!P-'rican Rockwell COl])Oration's (NR) Space.Divi.sioo·in Seal Beach for NASA's Manned Spacecraft· Center, Houston. France, U.S. ·Roles 1Cited Man y Similarities, Differ..ences • in Vietnam mediate problems they faced in daily life. To t b e Americans, Vieblam is pro-- bably the most unpopular war in their history, w i t b thousands or draftees dying £or a counlry 10,000 miles away. -In the war against tht.> French and against the United States, the North VietnameEe mounted a sublle_, intens.ive propaganda campaign aimed at undermining popular sup- port for the war and • en- couraging pressures in favor of the Communist cause. In France, the Hanoi goVernmcnt was aided by the powerful French Communist party as Y.'ell as by North Vietnamese f?~ / ! ' I he perfect bra for today's pretty, lowered necklines ..• Nhen your neckline is more baring, this is :ho bra to weatl The beautiful, CUTV"1Jlvlng .;ecrnt, the gentle addition of Bali's .own >Xclusive Fiber Fluff™ in the bro-cup. Main- lains shapel iness through countless washings and wearings . Nyl,on lace and Lycra& span- dex. While, black. A cup, sizes 32 to 36; Band C cup, sizes 32 lo 38. $7.Q(l. WILL YOU SPEND FIVE MINUTES IN CUI •lnlNG ROOM '°W flGUl! '°' Llf!t f'lery BoJJ bas o bow representatives .. In the United massive 852 bombing raids. Stale.\ IW!oi bu sooght la -France's economy ln 1914 stimulate American p e a .c e was still recovering from the groups and give them a vital destruction of World War It role to perform by arranging and was seriously affected bf pri!oner releases t b r o u g h the drain caused by the Viet.- them. namese war. The U.S. There are importanl dil· economy. sufiering from an ferences. inflationary s-p i r a I , ls -France was plagued by nevertheless more ·resilient political Instability. and dynamic than that of Governmenta came and wenl pootwar France. And when Mendez-France an--France sought to fight the nounced his deadline, he made Vietnam war with professional it clear be wouJd resign if he army men, without calling on failed to. end the war within conscripts. The United Statel one month. In the United senl draftees to Vietham and States, President Lyndon 8, with rising death lolls, became Johnson chose to leave office involved in pres 1ure1 because ol Vietnam at the end generated by thousands o! or his term, and Nixon is grieving American families. as.sured ol lhe presidency for °'1• of the greatest dJf. four yean:. fereflces which ls boWld to af. The military situation in feet Nixon's decisions is that Vietnam is far more favorable the United Stat.es intervened to the-United-States than-it-in Vietnam In the name of was to France tn 1954. The stopping aggression a n d United states i8 ~efending a rallied a number of Southeast considerably smaller territory Asian allies to the cause. and · us war machine Is in-Where France was fighting to comparably more fonnidable. save a far-0ff· colony, the The Communist ·victory at United State& asserts it has no Dlenbienpbu in May, 1954, colonial arilbllions in mind. In displayed-·Erend\ weakness . disengaging nowJ]iixon b aid- and delivered a demoralb:lng ed to some extent by the ex· blow. A similar Communist of-istence of a South Vietnamese fensive at Khe Sanh early la.st goyemment and army which year resulted in an eventual is committed to carry on the Communist .withdrawal under. fight. Students Have Own Foreign Aid Program WASHINGTON (AP) -For the past. five years, ~lean children have been working on a foreign aid program of their own -helping build schools In developing nations. Today the program reached a landmark w Ith an· nouncement that the t,OOOth school to be constructed under the -School--E.a rtn er sh ip Program will be in Matrincha, Brazil. The funds were raised by MemoriaJ High School in St. Mary's, Ohio, a titY of '1,800 in the we.stern part of the state. Under the unique program, S')>Ol'\&lred by the Peace Corps, more than 700 schools -most with only one room -have been built already in 44 coun- tries with funds raised by 1,300 U.S. schools in f1 states. 'l1le school partnership prt> gram began in 1963 when Gene Bradley, then editor o £ General Electric's public af- fairs magazine, Forum. was elected president of the ~en­ dale Elementary S c ti o o 1 Parent-Teacher Association in Niskayuna, N.Y. on other projects which not ooly bought the materials re- quired to build Casablanca'11 La Esc.uela Rosendale but also permitted the adoption of another Colombian village. During the past five years, the Peace Corps' S c h o o 1 Partnership Program ha 1 changed little -as typified by the Memorial High School pro- jeCt at St. ~1ary's, Ohio. Paul Mack, a volunteer working In a 4-H program in Brazil , became in terested in the school-tirschool program and began to gain local sup- port for a project in U1is area. In a Jetter to the program headquarters in Washington, Mack wrote: "There are suf· ficienl number of students to war . • a new school building, the fa • are all 0£ long· standing i " region, and there Is a de .. •i;ated en- Ulusiasm ror the ~I. as well as a guarant on- tinuance." WILLING PARTNER After receiving Mack's let· ter, the Peace ·Corps looked WELL EQUIPPED for an American school to 'l1le ichoOI was ao well adopt the Brazilian com· equipped Uwt Bradley, was munity . It found a willing warned by his predecesaor his partner In the little Ohio city. biggest problem would be fin· St. Mary's Mernotial Wah ding uaeful things to do for it. had an interest in Lalin Sevtral . weeks later, on a America, chase. the project business trip to Washington. and held a fund raising1"Pride Bradley asked a friend who and Project Week" -a bake had headed Ii U.S. foreigM.ld sale, • student-faculty buket· ml•lon In the Near East what bill game, a cake raffle, and a he would do with a thousand &tudent counc il danCe. dollars. The school raised SJ,150 in TJie !fiend rtpijed he would six days. -• build 1_ schgipl. ~ The Peace Corps f!ZlCOlrl&U Ii -tbe·schoolr ln1he-two.......,_ Bradley rtlumed o m e , tri ch discussed the idea wlth bis es to ex ange ideas and PTA board and was given material~ so that th • solid backing. youngaters get ·10 -oach 8'ck in Washington, he other better. With Mtmoiill't sought advice and learned check went a copy or lta from Sargent Shriver, then yearbook. . ht11d of the Peace Ccrpl. that Jn one J>r'OJCCt durl"g the lbe Idea was IU!ted for the Slimmer ol 1968, studenta frcm volunteer agency's self·belp Somerville, N.J .. wen\ lo Paa progra:n. la help with the bulldlnr "' Ibo S<Jec:ted as the site ror lh• ochool. • -·- first school w11s "CNlbllnca The Peace Corps alto tries CO!~t I ••"·-~th to get hosl country cJUr.ena to • '"'"' .Q. U!lr! """"'-·-mit11lo-l/;S;-wcliocil~fll)tJln'r----~.qe chlldrtn 00 rtised money !or C0111111unftla ) • • In their own nation. Thia yeor, RA.J!ED~~t llo.1blo ¥!i':'."!:i ml~~~,' n llltd NOO ot • ~ ...r tllt school& In Iowa. -• • r • • ' • • ~ 1 • ' • , • • • r ' ~ . th lk ii' IO lh bt St m II: II! V! D CJ • b< ~ .. C( gl .. tl1 m fh •1 do n H Ir ol " fi It p I> c a b R w d • c B ' ' ' • • • • • -----------.· -· ___ .._ ___ _ -----------------.. -------·-----=---iAiLy~pj~Dl TZ--~-·1 -~ set-lor .~Aiile~lfti's· ~up Try _ -._ .. ::. §1 - I • 1 ,. ~· ~~ J.l ·NIJYC's Ficker at Helin of Intrepid~-:;~' Bill F1~m ·;;,~ t'tw~ '. c;iwn~·by M.cNer ~ '('it-t;~ .tmcertaln ~he.be ID·C9D~·~ ~ * ;;; """boc..¥acbl cM, will be.a\ J(kkn.and c ... ~ nj.ll'l·l>o; --be· oblrto 1ldppe,1 oftr1-~endl!11.,, s'!'!:.i'fWor. c . ~ -aboard. · · lnllookf opln this .rear. .-~· • ~·· u,.,.,.,,.. ., t BOa.t Gives ,N.ef;'-"' ?.,.Days in Ui_Pa:; • •,, . .,i11f·1 I ' ), ' . '1 " • .·, ~ • Windwird Passage wUI ·bO Hli1ici"Yai:lli Club,"ont. di)'; Ille elaiir 'tbniofo!°~OI II ~.the ICi'atCb bolt en Uie 1pt1' ee . -' one minute and t$ : aa_ss rea w . bao- • the J:ie~ of . the ~meler, ::~A~t lha~t~tlme~;M;0112;1>1<;dlef;;;;· oold;;;;~'~"'~ AA~ll least ~~two~n~ew~y~ac~bta~wi=lll-;J~u~o~• ;';' iiiii•;·--·-·~·i-..1.iiii " Intrepid . out iummer· wben1:· · _ . trials (iii-'the Amtrial's Cup ..,,. • "'-' . . competition get, Upder way·. Beach to La Pu race and will ,1ecorid1,\ and JN !Hall"s fp:!I .). I ,..... ·, • jive aw~ one d8y,lfl'~,.~Colu#ibtal1.concetw 1!ffY~,.~·r•,r= [i_~ry n ~i·=""· • fiO midtJlel an'd '05 ~ lli ·•one ,\.,.daf, "'ztro, boors, '%7 M~LAeKl'IH. ~ tt. ~1~11~· ~°!i 33-I le d 04 d ..,...,L"·sl"M" vt. 'il''M'M· lhelowtst rated J>oat In the m Qij s an , ... _ s ~c 0 n ~. s.~l~~rD.i ·~c. ro'1:4o:11~· w 1111' boat fleet . ' ·. . ' , ' Concerto was u.ie CJur Aiwm-r-oo!t_~!HY av eol~ ... )7, lllllllrt The 960 mile raCe .-tarts · ner in the Transpac race.. ~1Ci.!f'f .. ~~:J::4l0tin ~n., Satur~at.OWlrom off '~1-_ 1,Cl.Us Bi bu the iareest· :~~~~~~::Jack 111m111an. mont Pier in J,.oog Beach ' • ' ' ' _ ... i.: T . • ClaM •• TemilP.st o~ Harbor. · n'1"1m:r ef efttf~ "'!'~·l~·· ~ ~ .~~-9:?~~~~ 11:~:111.H•r ~ • ~r-rn_ 'lbe lowest rated boat in the boat ¥1 ti?' c~ 11.-,~ ~i~·.!~:W.:· ,.,... s.it. 11oet i. the Alberg-35 a1..., Al' J00nson· .. ~,v~ · , ·,ir'::"" '"' -:-~· -.As New Boat Viento lkippered by· Bl I I from Oceanside 1 Y~, 'Club • "Gr 'v1~ M£-5CI. ll*'1 · • Daleesi of. Long Beach Yacht with a handicap of 11 hOura; » A ~ , , .. '"'· h "•· Club. minutes and 02 seconds, and y1e~U't\v9· 11!':."11·'°-o•cf. · Jn (}·Jympics The .antici pated r a c.e the lowest rated are three Cal· .1 Lil~H11~Fk -a. Jtck H01llf111• , . • ; between Windward ·Passage 40swtthidenticalbandkapsof 1tw($l",~~v!1?.141• 11· K•111111• o.i "LONOON CAP) _ The and Blackfm will amount to " 14 · ~s, ·49 minutes ,and 4.1 ·, ::m•ili~51F.· cai-e, K•n c~,.. Tempest,· a British ra cing ilmiast a boat-for-boat battle seconds -Ken Croan 1 Hoh· · PANTE!L': c.1-«1, Arel! "111 ,,,,_, ht with a retractable keel 85 far as handicap Umes are day Too, L.U'C; Arch Van :;:~;.~~~·~1..0, G'°"" Ttionon, !:d manned by a two-man concerned. Wtmward Passage Palmer's Pantera, LBYC, and c. 1':49:''·c .... c '" crew narrowly received the gives only 25·-minutes -and 33 Gem:ge Thonoo's·->. r I an a·, H·.~~~~; Jt~loo.ft, \r:n~\1. bon vote 'agairutt three rival craft seconds to Blackfin. Manna del Rey. 3EVEAM Al tt. 11ooc>. F••Mt. s-. Friday and was named as a h T -~boat . Cla c . S.n Fr1r<IKO ye, 13:11:21. • .. r h 1972 01 These are the two yac ts op rat= ut ss . UI PElltcu~. e-r1~1~1. w11111m •· new class or t e ym· that battled across the 2,250 .-tm ts-foot sloop;: Isoba r owned w!:~1tl"~vc\J?·1lt~i1not·l1 •. ":11t1•rt pies. miles of the .Transpac race, and · ski~ by the 5'".>-J:l'1~~~ ~~~~. v5~111.~iil11i.r, The permanent committee finishing le.!& than one hour Harlander Drother~ of, ·San .. sFLA ·~~fN~ K-..11, "' Loc.k•beY. of the International Yacht apart. Francl&:o. She carries ~ ban· '"-l.N~UJ~~Y !"rlnon-'1 s 1," Racing Union made the 'Ihe La Pu neet is broken dicap of 13 hours, 25 minutes wrn11m1.t1Yi:', t :21:U. decision after an hour.long down into four clasaes. Lowest and· ~2 seconds .. Lowest !ated .~L09l1 K·~,11C1: llrm111, eve, af~ment aQd a complicated rated boat in Class A ls Jack boat m Clas.s _C, lS, the Er1c&0n-1· fr!A J, c.1-». John Roblrts. cYc. vohng procedure: HamiltoD's Cal-48 J8carol II 41 Tanqueray, skippered by •:Ji~11"Lr ~~~~ 1ruc1 lllmhlrd, It was another move in the from NHYC .with a handicap Sf:an Mill~. of · ~g Beach 51t;Ll°eirtf.' ~·~·'i· 11od9rlc P•rk, trend towards cheaper· boats of 20 hours 30 minutes and 39 with~ handicap of nine hours, "~"TC" Y • ~'"ti" ·11, ,, tt. k•kll, which will open up Olympic seconds. This means she can 31 mmutes, 23 seconds, w~1im_11E~ ':"e:~~il'.°l~ Holld•r. yachting to more o( the futisb two hours less than a The K..fO Malobi, skippered L~i~,,'\:u~t ••rrrll.ldHO, L.H. Prlc• world's Bll1:a_leur yachts.men. full .day behind Windward by Stan Berman, ·s ant a Jr A R~fet:~~A!11tro.JJ. 1111 o.iu.r, 1'be 1972 saibng ~yen~ are to Passage and Blackfin and still Monica, and the Cal-36 ~ L1:fc. oo:oo:a tie held at Kiel, . We s t beat the 73-foot.ers. J, John Roberts, Beverly Hil.ls, Germany. But there are three other are top rated in Class D w1lh R King Constantine of Greece ctus A boats which will be in ldentlcal handic'ap1rot-s days, Cal-34 ace and l(jng Olav and Crown tJght battle for handicap 19 hours. At the bottom of the Prince Harald or Norway are ~. They are Bill Wilson's claSB is Al Viento with no han· members of the .committc.e Raual from Santa Barbara dicap. Slated an.d have ?een ~ak1ng p~rt ~n with a lime handicap of one l..<mg Beach Y.ac?t Club .has private d1scuss1ons all Uus d thr hours 40 minutes listed the fleet in order or time week at the headquarters of a: 28 :oms: Dorothy o, a handicap rather than tiriie On Weekend !he Royal Thames Yacht Club Columbia 57 owned by Robert allowance. This. means that in London. Beauchamp of Ne w p o r t the handicaps will be added to The Tempest became the =jii;iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliijiiiii'ii The ftrst· Cal-34 Class na-sixth rai:;ing class for the 1972 • tional sailing races will be Olympics. BLACK, BLACK & BLACK held on Santa Monica Bay The five other classes, Saturday and Sunday . which• had been a d o p t e d A large percentage or the previously, are FiMS, Flying Dutchmen, DragOllS, Sta.rs and 300 owners from San Fran-Solinp. 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL &l11mf119 J1t-lltclt with 1'1eclt Yinyl t•p 111d bl•el<: ltt fll•r i11!1tior. 0111 lo<•I ow111r. Still u11d1r ori9-" in1I F1etory w1rr1nly. All H.1 1quipm•nt •xp1rlld by 1 c1,:,crimin11i119 buy1r. l ie. WXN 11 1, Thi1 1trilti119ly b1tutifu1 moforc1r r1f11cl1 9ood ft1t1 tM ,.11111rlttbl1 c•r1. It is typic1l of whitt our 111w · eomp11iy will 1triY• to off1r th• Or11191 County Community. Try to ••• it whil1 w1 1titl h1wo it. GARDEN R 0 y E "Tht J.fost Unique Automobile AgenctJ" . GARDEN GROVE AT BROOKHURST . SALES e SEllVICE e LEASE 636·2980 o,_. Mlll.·~rl. l :JI lo t f'.M. ·hi. & Sill. I A.M, lo f. P.M. . ' . . cisco to San Diego are ex-.,-'-....:.- pected to be on hand for the &eries. The association is endeavoring to main tain a true class competition by ruJ .. ing that· orily ovroer-skippers ma y participate. "We are striving to ma"ke this one of the best one-design -I' acing events or _the season." said . James Vasilion, regatta chainnan. The Cal-34 ls ooe of the Cal line from Jensen Marine of Costa Mesa and is a contender In mhny offshore races. This will be the fir st of what is hoped will become an annual class competition, Vasilion said. Spom<>r of the seriee ls Pacific lttariner:i Yacht Club. Missile Fired VANDENBERG AFB (UPI! -A Minuteman I Intercon- tinental ballistic missile was successfully launched at, 11 p.m. Thursday In an opera· tional test, Air Force officials said. The missile was launched by crews of the 394th Strategic Missile Squadron stationed here. AMEJUtAN BILLIARD PARLOR 145 E. 19th St., C:..sta Mesa Presents Satunlav, Nov. 8, 1969 Bi,lliards in . the Atmosph~re . of the ll!90s on the Finest Tables Available 11 GOLD CROWN BRUNSWICK TABLES GENERAL TIRE Ficker, a, fQr'?Tfer world champion. Stai sailor' ai:ict•com- modore of NHYC, wlµ replace Emil (8uS} Mosbicl\er. at the helm of the yaclli ~hich 'tfl:I the success1ul defendtr ol. the CUp In 19&7. • Ficli:er wa!' .a competitor .of · M~bachef · In the 1 SI 6 7 America,'• Cup trials wbeti:~ shared. the helmsma n duties or Pat .Dc1i11an1s Columbia w.ith Briggs Cun·nlng11am .of Newport Beach. Colwpbia was' the last boar deftited ··by_ *' * . BEACH Bl: Q. AT ELLiS . * ~: HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847-9808 ' . TONIGHT · ONLY! -1n1repid 1p !ll•.1r1a1s. • · . , Import.ant.·-Mosbacher was the skli:iper • or Weatherly whiCh"-cte!eated the ;...;1;alian ·challenger In MAJOR STUDIO PR·EVIEW' 1962. and repeated his defeat , of Jock Stu.rrock and 'the ,., ______ .,. ;.;'·,;;·· Aussie crew in Intrepid in ·.-• 1967. ·:· The surprise announcement or the . change in lntrepid's helmsman was made by F. Briggs Dall.all. co-manager of the Intrepid Sy!ldicate. The announcement means t h a t Atosbacher Will not be able to . be relieved of h.is chores as President Richard M. Nixori'1 : chief of prOtocol for the ''long hard summer'' of the 1970 America'i Cup trials. Before President Nixon len the Summer White · House at San Clemente. he. was taken for a short cruise aboard the AOVlllTll•MIN'T I .. MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW AJ 9:00 p.m: This Preview is 1 1peci1I, pr•rele11• showing for· audience 'r11c,tlon ••• It 11 1 m1ior f11tur1 production IOOn. to be r1l11Hd In Hollywood. Pcipu.lar -c.•lf. ·color by De Luxe. RATED G . ' EXCLUSIVE · BUSINESS AYAILAILE NOW, 14 YIARS lXPllliNCI -WILL TRAIJr( ru1tCHAHl.,HIGH U.lNINGS llCOID -St,7H llQUlllD.· . WllR IOI M..a44•THIS NIWSPAPIL llPLID ·HILD STllc;TLf CONflDINTiAL • Will Show at 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. $al• ~ strvl~• R•n'1 MlrH..Cycle-..C.~t • 4-l'L v-'NYl.ON CORD • DEEP QU.RAGEN • RUBS.ER Ti!EAD •FAMOUS DUAL TREAD DESIGN :95 Sill! ~.50 l 13 lubilless. plus .$1.7~ Fed. E ... Tax. LARGiR StiES AVAIU.IL! SIZE PllCE FU. EX. TAI 7.75 ~14 $19.95 $2:20 7.75x IS.· $19.9i ·$2.2l 8.25 x 14. $20.95 $2.36 8.2S' 15 $20.95 $2.46 8.55' 14 $21.91 12.57 Price• as shown 8\ General Tire stores. Competitively priced at Ge11eral Tlrl.de11er1 dlaplayins the ~11er11 ~ian. •• ~1 i;. ,. 17211 Inch Blvd. · °" ' ' (7141 ~241 tt Comp!ete . Brake Reline Our spocialilits reline all 4 wheels, rebuild cylinders, turn brake drum~. adju~r br~J.r,, rc~tore fluid. For Sa fe, Sure Stops/ Front End . Alignment Our ~peci•li~ts correct caster, camber, toc·in, toe-out to . manuf1cturer J 1pocificationi, •nd uft~y-chec~ )our cai i; Jtccnns. 4·PLY RAYON WHITEWAUS · $29.95 F.E.T. 2.H • CADILLAC e LINCOLN . 9 CHRYSLIR .e IUICk ALSO An antique blHlard table available for private play. 4-PLY NYLO,N WHITE'Q~LLS $16.95 F.E.T. 1.H !D 0 AL N LON TIHS $25.00 .... t . 2J4 4·PL Y NYLON WHIRW ALL~ · $25.00.F.E.T. 2.54 IUX14 • 151114 e ,ONTIAC, CHIY .. e OLDS ' ' •Clubs • Civic Groups •Schools e VW e POlSCHI e 't'OLYO e TRIUMPH OR Hr.-19 IPMENr-WHIRWA $21.95 F.E.T. 2.71 111111 • 141111 , .... , -. e IUIC!C • CHRYSLlll e PLTMOUTHS '7h14 • I 70114 .... u .... White.':'• --.-LOW MILIAil USED TIR•S . YOUR $5.~5 CHOICI ... Don Swedlund CARE· Sine• 1959 H ... : 7:30 .. 6:00 'Dally ; I . . l '. ' "'I .. • ' I ' ' ... ,,.. .... .. " "' • .. ' ~ . ' . ' - .,. '" ... ·'"'. n :le.· .. , • .. -- .r .. ' ,.. " " .. . " .:.,., • ' .. " .. " ' -, .., .. ' ' . ·- • " . . . ' - •. .. " ····· "' '• . .. ,., .. • ... '· ... .. .. " . . ,, " • ... , .. ··1 .. . . ... ' ... • >k .. ) ! I ' r --JS DAILY PILDT F~day, N'!"mbtr 7, 1'169 . Rustlers, Harbor Battle for Conferen~e Title , ' • l ' I ~- • • ' • ' ' • • ' • ,, .. .. .. w d ,, ~ " • " • • • • • • • • • t. " • ~ • Co Co " • a N ~ " .. .. •• " .. "' " ' "' " ' " " " ~ '" •• " •• n .. ~ ,. u " .. .. "' •• .. .. " " n " "' .. 0 0 • • M .. "' ... -· " ~ M 0 ' • o. .. " .. ~ M .. a 0 c L ·~ ~STLER OPTION PLAY -Golden West College's B-Boys success· Gilly execute the option play in preparation for a crucial meeting with M Harbor tonight at Orange Coast College. Tony Bonwell (14) laterals CD ball to tail back Charlie Buckland (22) fot a sizeable gain against -• Sports ita Brief :Pro Officials Blow Call; ~~ .. ~lacl<:s Rebel at Portland - cHYcAGO -It's small comfort lo lhe snake-b iUftl Chicago Bears, but they were deprived of a two-point safely on a controversial play in last Sunday's 31-14 los.s to the Minnesota Vik ings. The Bears now are winless in seven ~tarts, persistently victims of weird plays. ~ P.tark Duncan, National Foo l b a 11 League personnel di reclor and former :-upcrvi sor of officials, lold the Chicago Tribune Thursday lha t offic ials erred on a Bear ltickoff play with the score tied 7- 'i in the seoond quarter of the Bear-Vik· ing game in ,.1inncsota Sunday. • PORTLAND. Ore. -The Black Student L'nicn at Portland State University Thursday issued a set of demands to the :;ch001's athletic department. S'Cl'IOOI officials invited the 14 black athletes at the university to a late af· trrnoon meeting to discuss their com· plaints bill sa id none showed up . The dean of students office, which has nif'ffiinislraLivc l'esponsibilily for -the .1th.lelic program , said it was asking the BSU .. to make its complaints more specific so they could be investigated. Jn .a public statement the school said it v:ould "take such corrective action as maY be indicated ." In,•·a list of six grievances the BSU C'Qmpla ined that PSU has no black coaches. that clasM?S for black athletes are,.cbose.n by coaches "to insure eligibili· ty and not graduation," that blacks are disCtlrninaled against in rt'<!ruiti ng and Lakers Face Ha,vkins, Suns 'Ionight iI1 LA housing and that aLLiludes of white coaches hurl black athletes. The BSU made five Cemands -ln· elud ing immediate hiring of black coaches and provision for scholarships for the extra quarters an attilete must at- tend school in order to graduate. • LOS ANGELES -The undelealed Los Angeles Rams , casting aboul for a top offensive guard to replace Jae Sclbelli, are tal kin g to Jerry Kramer, the book· writing former Green Bay all·pro . "\Vhen we lost Scibelli, the first man I thought of y;as Jerry Kramer," Ram coach George Allen said of the 33-year· (lid ex-Packer, who retired before the r-urrent season after wriLing the best· seller "Instant Replay." "I'd lik e to get an experienced cf· fensive guard ." Allen added In an in.. terview with The Associated Press, "but I doubt very much that it will be Jerry Kramer. I got permission to talk with him from Phil Bengtson," the Green Bay coach, he sata. . "Jerry ind icated he'd like to play for the Rams but that's as far as it's gone," Allen went on. "l ju.st can't say any more." • OAKLAND -A decision Is still hang· ing lire on whether the New York Rangers will meet the Los Angeles Kings in a rescheduled game Saturday af- ternoon. says Ranger coach and general manager Emile Francis. Denying a published report he had said his team might play for "the good of the game," Francis said Thursday night, "It's not my decision." • ~ANGELES (AP} -Van Arsdalc is " 'Warne that bothers the Los Angeles i.akers and. although one just left, 1 an«her one is here. 'tOm Van Arsdele or the Cincinnati 1Wyals scored a pro career high last Sun· rlay:nlght of <II poinU and ~he Royals beat tht!'•l!lakers 124·116. SEATILE ....;. Coach J im Owens hoped to meet today with the four black athletes he suspended, but his ex- planation of the events leading lo the suspensions raised the possibility or deep dissaUsfacUon among some blacks on the 'Vashington football team. Owens announced at a news conference Thursday night that after having met v.·ith Athletic Director Joe Kearney, black assistant coach Carver Gayton and a11 plcyers involved, he would review the suspensions because of a possible misunderstanding. DAILY r1LOT l"hotco' bt ltlcflar4 KNlll•r East Los Angeles. The Rustlers hope for similar success against the Seahawks tonight with the 'vinn er having the inside track to the con-ference titl e. UP'I T11t1>1Mfto Capturing TJae Gorilla Ernie Ladd (left) former pro football star. put s a headlock on Gorilla l\1onsoon during con1ba t in the nation's capital. Lad d stands 6-9 and lips the scales al 297. · Golden West's RJJnners BJ HOWARD L. BANDY ot .. °"" .......... !ta -time In Southern CalllOIJ!la Coofer;tnce football -ilnd lhe prlilclpl• will •lop .. -'!IAJ• ~t to do bollle tor the' chlmlliCllllhlP • Gold<si Wiit Co1Je&e'1 llulllen bolt LA Harbor .... lhe 0...,.. Coat . Coll<I• grld1"ln with lilckalf 11 I o'clock. Both teams sport 2.0 conference ~ and tbe winner ~" Into the driver's sut in the final run to the Utle. Both mut face a common foe In Lot Allples City Collep wlule the S.allawks draw East Los Anceles next week ilnd the Rw:Uers end regular 11t&IOD play with eyp....,, Tonl&ht's Id.ion looms u ont between two . very almllar teams. Weight of of • tensive ttarUna Jineupa is within one pound al each oUier. An oft-tract, or muddy field, would tend to give Golden wen a •Ught edge. Rain Is not conducive to a consistent passing attack ilnd stral&ht·ahe•d run- ners are morj_ apt to keep their feet than &be jitterbug type Jn 1loppy IOlni. Harbor depends on 1 passing game and the jlUerbug running of hallback Geor(e Lumpkin. Charlie Buckland at Golden Weat Is a lllrli(hl ahead 1'1llUlef ilnd Tony Bonwell hu shown HUle incllnattc:m. to pass ff the ground game iJ working """· Each squad hu an C1Utalandlng quarterback to direct the attack. Bonwell at Golden West and Jimmy Sander at Harbor move their ttam,, with authority. Both signal callers like to run with the ball and each Js capable of passing for considerable yardage at any Ume. Bonwell came into his own u a passer last week and this added aerial weapon could be the difference tonight. Sander is an outstanding passer and a letdown by the Rwtler defetWve aecon- dary could tum the Ude of battle In faYW of the Hawks. His favorite receivers J.n. elude left end George Crosby and plnt-siJ.. eel halfback Rodney Huntµ, a M 1peedster. Sander has broken abnost every Harbor passing record and is well oo the way to setting a single season mark this year. The slmilarlty between the two teams conilnues at tailback. Buckland, the Rustlers' ltacling ground gainer, has scored in each of the past four games. He has gained sn yardl and bas tcored 54 pcintl. His but sing!< game effort wu against Santa Barbara when be canled 32 um.. for 220 yards. 1'le Seabawts will counter with Lumpkin, I oecond year starter, ilnd Pele Saluone. Lumpkin is a speedster who jit· terbugs hh way around the opposiUOn and Saluone carries up the middle. Golden West 's defensive unit could be the key to the entire situation. the Rustlers have had lllUe trouble scoring this season and the defense has kept I* *: OOl.DIN WIST 100 Mlkt Cotr111~ 205 ..,,.,.,., vorono 11'11 Cti111H Meverttt 10I Pt1'9 Mlnndf lt4 IC11rt IC1"1111'ef :nJ Jfff J0t9tnlft! 110 Mlkt PrlddY 180 TOllY '-ell 175 C1!1rllt B11ekl~ 1111 II•• Srwdtr 175 flDHr P1rkrMn HAltlOlll E Geor11e C~IW T Tony $ol;lulln., G Cr1l9 H.3wlll C D1v10 Elkdtl G J1ma f'llllnger T Dia. ltuPef'f E hb Ti'IMll!llft 8 JI"'""' S.nder 8 P.it s.1uon1 8 G-te Lum1>klt'I I 11111111'11'1' Hunltr '" ... "' "' '" "' "' '" "' '" ·~ a1mo<t eY1ry game hanging In tho balance unUI the final gun. Shackleford looks at the game as s1mllaf to the East Los Angeles affair in which an early field goal was the ultimate dUfenmce, 1M4. "It will be fairly low scoring and very cw,,e," the Rustler mentor predicts. Coach Scrappy Rhea of Harbor says, "I don't know how they can get any toug~r .. Y,~ will have our hands full against an aggreaaive team that plays with a lot of • entbuslasm.'' Gary Goelltz has been replaced at left tackle in the Rustler offensive lineup because of a knee injury and Mirk Wbit.- lield is a doubtful parUcipant at C!IKf. Nicklaus (63) Bucks Winds, Zips to Lead HONOLULU (AP) -Jack Nicklaus, threatening to make the fall lour his personal showcase, carried a whopping four-stroke lead into the second round of the $125,000 Hawaiian Open Golf touma• ment today. Big Jack, who has won both of the fall tournaments he bas entered, established a course record with a btistering 63 on the 7,020-yard, par 72 WaJalae Country Club layout Thursday. It was accomplished In the face of blUBtery trade winds that reached gusts of more than 40 mil.ea an hour and sent moet of the rest of first round scores i;oaring . His leading margin was the' biggest of the seuon after 18 holes and had hia· fellow prol talking to ttlemlelves. "If he keeps on putting like that, you Just can't beat him ," said Billy Casper;· one of the pre-tourney favorites who bad an opening 73, 10 shots back. Ken Still and Dave Stockton were tied . "for second with 67s, while Jack McGowan · and John Schroeder had 68.s. The group at 69 included Bill Johnson, Grier Jones,' Randy Wolff and Larry Ziegler. Arnold Palmer was in a large group 1t 70. Leading money whmer Frank Beard and masters champion George Archer · each had a 71. · Lee Trevino and U.S: Open champiOft..!.- Orville Moody posted 74s and PGA title-. holder Ray Floyd had a 75. NicklaWI, who has won . $411,000 ln ru1· 1ast two starb, the Sahara and the' Kaiser, wlis grim-faced tight-lipped and in deep concentraLion on his mornini. round. , "Yoo concentrate more in the wind," Nlt:klaus sakl. "If the wind hadn't blown;- J'd have been closer to the ):lole. But from where I was, I couldn't possibly have 1cored better." Aftet' each 1hot, however. he was 1 relaxed and smiling man, talking with the galleries, gesturing and joking: "Unbelievable," be said after ruMing In a 45 foot putt on his 15th hole. On the ntxt one, he sank a SO·footer and looked positively embarrassed. "Isn 't Utis fun?" he asked the gallery. Teran Helps Others Ex-Champ Fights Back From Grass, Heroin LOS ANGELES (AP) -Keeny Teran, once American fiywtlght champloo, ad- mits that marijuana and heroin knocked him out of the ring and turned him into a convict, but now he'• fighting back. Teran, who says he was smoking marl· Juana when he w11 11 and went to heroin at 13 as he grew up Jn Los Angeles, got nut of Northern California's Folaom Prison on parole sll months ago and now \vorks for the U>s AnJelea Pollet Oepart- menL Hla: Job Is to speak on narcoUcs at ochoofs, civic luncheons, dinners -and even on strtet comen. His message, hued on his own ex· perlenct, Is that the dfUI habit -and the 15 yean he spent In prison, jails ilnd reronn11torles cost him a great deal. He hides nothing, standing at the microphone and rolling up h1' 1leev,. to show the scan from the night in county jail when he tried to kill himself. "My hope ls to reach the children born tomorrow and !he nex t year," he declared in an interview. "I don't know what effect I'm having on ki'ds who are already hooked , but my message may stay with them and It might be something they'll tell their own children." "The thing is terrifying," says the ex- fight.er, who relates he was so hooked on a $100-May heroin habit that "I don't really recall much about my career." '.'I fixed before almost every fight." he said. "I waa In a cloud. It's lucky I didn 't get kiUed in the ring." "This thing Ii terrifying,'' he says or the drug scene. "The problem isn't being made bigger than it is. It's enormous. It's on every campus -pot, pills, heroin." TOO sloppy pl ay or lhe Lakers marle --.-. fint;.year-coach-Joe ~1ullaney mad ;-..he -r--s-ald-his Netlonal-Bask.etball..As~lation sqhtld was lazy. ?, Tbm ls gone but here comes twi n He said he didn't believe marijuana -Everything -I-Do Is Wron-g--Hayes --;·-a~~~,i:~~Ti:ii~- heroln there is no tw-nlng back. You're booked.'' bl"Vlther Oi ckt along with a hornet's nest known ts the Phoenix Suns, who play the LalMfl tonight. nie Sun., paced by guard Gail Gotdrlcb and forward Connie l~awkins haven't met the Lakcrs yet this year and ~1uUanC:y 13 hoping his Lakers can get batt fif1 the track. And the Suns. after a poor.Start, art due for a victory. San Diego Basketball Flash Asks to Be Traded "Sure, drugs a.re fun for a while" he stated. ''1ben It gets so that yoo·~ tak· Ing thern just to feel normal. Imagine, • • PhocnJx , 3-6 thl11 season. has had the appearances of being a fine team but ''ll's just a quesUon ol learning how to la together " Cooclrich said. lfawkl~ mCrR!an Dollietba·n Auod1Uon's most valuable player last. ·car before jumping to the NBA, mlght lbe kty min to wHEb In tonight'• c. But Van Arsda.lc-Dl~k. that Is ~ around, too. SAN DIEGO (AP) -Elvin Hayes l1a1 asked to be traded by the San Diego Rockets becaust "I'm always ti.kin& the blame and I'm Ured .'1 flayes , arttr the team returned from a ri ve.game road trip that stretched a 109· Ing streak to srvm g1me1, said Thunday: "If thty're thinking trade. 11nd they are, I w1nt to bt placed on another ttam. J•m tired. H The M l\ HayOI. w~ led the NaUonol Basketball Association in scoring lasl year as a rookie. would not deny that his blame. teammates are the cause. ''Elvin sometimes gets emotionatly "Everyt.imc I take the floor. ynu upset. ~laybe he feels he's hurting the kno,., J play to win. And rm going 10 club. but he's plnyinx back to last year, play to win from now on. I'm not .saying I playing \1·cJI, ·• want glory, lhat's not it. Personal glory \Vould Ne"·elJ trade the team's leading Jsnl JL scorl'r, averaging ,26.3 points1 "I went to win. "W .! feel Elvin is our key man.'' Newell :1Everythlng I do I• Wf01"1g..-lf thoy·-=-.. don't llkt thtl job I'm doing. and they answrrcd. "TIC has p(lff'M'rneif .-en;-m want othtr players, I'll go. I told Pete let's leave it al that.'1 Newell that today." ·"Elvin is owr-11t:nslth't. We speak with General m1u"a;er Newell o ld he t.motl('ln artd 24 hours later we don't fttl couldn'l undu iland llaycs' !cc.4ng of ihc ssinc ~'ay,'' Newell said. "Alter fJve etral&ht JOS!es on the road, SIOO a day Just to feel normal, and all the everybody ii depreued. He1l feel better lime you're ruining your We." after awhile at home." "It's hard to btlleve that tt wasn't until thll year that l learned how to dance Hayes told ClnclMaU writers afttr I've never been to Dodger Stadium 0;. Wednetd1y nlght'I k>ll to the Roy&ll that Dianeyland. The Iii W83 the only thh'f'· he wanted to be traded, and he reltuited that mattered." later Thursday afttr the team came Is his mesuge getttni across? "For the most part, the kids are nt- home. tenUve. They listen. I've found that th , " verybodj'l down, Aid 1lewe0. kids can re ate to me. 1 talk the ir "B<lng the key man, Elvin takes U language. My 11o!y gels through to harder Ulan mOll. Someum .. playm 11y Ulem." thin~ that wouldn't mean much It other { "It'• something I've got to do. (,od Umes.'' knows. I koow what I'm Lalking aboul." I 1 • I 1 " the 1 Ile' Ok: A the JiUi loo ~ ron ma 80< In chf Bm 1 Ka, ma on! .. ""' tin: jus I rip vie w~ tin: rec fou lo• F "'° he leg We J abo Mi: qu: las to I It.. tiOI ,., in I Ok IDf hol 1 Ok Ne Sil I T~ ne: w. Ca Pil , tie Sot wh yie mi wh slH an Is W1 5-1 E co di Pl al th ----~~---:-----::--------------------------~~---~~-·--,-...... ----.... - GLENN WHITE Sports Editor ~igers, Owens Duel in Day's Top Attraction By A1soclated Preas "I've ~ver seen anyone like.him. He's the beSt I've seen." The speaker was Missouri coach Dan Devine and the subject was Steve Owens, Oklahoma's slashJng tailback. And, there's a reason why the coach of the No. kanked Tigers was cringing a litUe whan he spoke of the Sooners' 6- foot-2, 215-pound ooe-man battering ram. MWourl has to stop Owens - gomething that no other team bas managed this year -and the No. 20 ~ocmers at Columbia Saturday to remain In serious contention for the Big Eight championship and a trip to the Orange Bowl. The Tigers are tied with surprising Kansas State and Nebraska, an with 3-1 m!.rks, for first place while Oklahoma is only a haU·game off the pace at 2-1. "[ would hope we could stop Owens," &a.id Devine. "Kansas State did a few times. We'll go with what we have and just h<>pe we can stop him." But the odds are against it. Owens, who ripped Missouri for 176 yards in a 28-14 victory last year, wanned up for this week's game by carrying the ball 53 times. one shy of the major college record, for a league record 248 yards and foul-touchdowns in a 37-14 coast past Iowa State last week. He already has gained 881 yards and fCQl"ed 17 touchdowns in six games, and he needs just 164 yards te> break the col- lege career mark or 3,388 set in 1968 by \Ve,,t Texas State's Mercury Morris. And, the Tigers aren't blessed with an abundance · of talent to stop him. Missouri's defense was far from ade- quate it1 a 41-38 squeaker over K-state last week, yielding a whopping 394 yards ~ to passer Lynn Dickey. Missouri, however, tias a fine runner of IL! own -Joe Moore, who ranks third na· tiooally with 184 rushes for 904 yards in seven games -and a dandy quarterback in Terry McMillan. Kansas Slate and Nebraska, tied with Oklahoma as the No. 20 t e a m , meanwhile, shouldn't have much trouble holding on to their share cl finl The Wildcats, 5-2 over-all, travel to Oklahoma State, 1·2 and 3-3, while Nebraska, 5-2 over-all, plays host to Iowa Stat., l.J and 1-4. Jn other games, it's Baylor at No. 2 Texas, South Carolina at No. 3 Ten- nessee, No. 4 Arkansas at RiCe, Washington State at No. S Southern California, and No. 8 Notre Dame at Pitt.burgh. Tex.as and Arkansas, each 6-0, face lit- tle threat to their co-leadership in the Southwest Conference. The Razorbacks, who }\ave rolled up 226 point! while yielding only 40, !ace .a team that has managed only one victory in six games, while Te:xu' crunching running backs &hould pulver11.e wlnl<ss Baylor. Southern Cal, unbeaten in sir games and leading the Pacific-8 with a 3-0 mark, Is an overwhelming favorite against Washington State, 1-8, as is Notre Dame, ~1-1. agalnsl Pitlsburgh, 34. Mater Dei Statistics Sctrt lly Q111rttr1 Mllfl'Def 1 It 0 0 -1 St. Ptul O f I I -14 GAME STATISTICS ,mt 11,,.,,... rvtl'llilll MD SP ' " • • ' . . " Fl,..t ~· 111u 1119 Flr11 do"'"' 111n1UI" Totll first dov.m Ytl'dl ru1ll!119 Y11'd1 111111119 Y1nls lost Net y1l"dl 01lned Punb/Awr .... dlt""'' ,._lll"!Ylrdt l*llnled Fllll\blu/Fu"1b.. i.t •USMINO M-Do< 159 '" . " ,, ll 10 250 )'1.u.1 2/40.G _.,,. •to. .Ill 4/1 TCI YO YI. A't. H1wiert " " " ... -" " ' u Gntd.• • " • ... , .... _ ' n • 11.0 ToUolt p '" " u If. PHI Mcl"•rlltnd .. "' • ... tmlfll " " • J.1 ... ""'-"" n ' • • • • .. _ ' " • "·' quir;otlls"-' • ' • •• ... ... " ••• PAlllM• M_ .. .. ... ... YO '"· Htuptrl • • • • ... Sf, PM fMrtl' P1r«I• • ' • " .ns ...... • l • • ... Tot1ll • • " ... Ex-CdM Coach Dies Fred Cook, fonner trick ond f,.ld «>&eh al Corona dtl Mor High School, died Thursday ol lung c:aneer, the DAILY PILOT learned tod1y. Mr. Cook's son Ron was a former star.. athlete at the Sea King insUtullon before tbe family moved to Colorado. Frid<\>', Novtmbff 7, 1%11 DAILY PILOT JS Monarclis lip, Fall --'·-··~· . Ill By ROGER CAIWION Of tllll o.llY Plitt II&" Mater Del Jligh School's dreams o! an Angelus.J.eagu.e Utle~and a berth in...the CrIF. •. AAAA " football plaYf>US wei;e obWer1tec1 Thursday nll!hl as rival St. &111-High-came-f_rom..hehlrv! withJ.wo second·hall touchdowns to down the Monarchs, 14.7. , A ·rain~nchecl crowd or""4,500 at Santa Ana Bowl Watched the Monarcbi of coach Bob Woods collapse In the oecond hall under the power of St. Paul's running game and its OWQ inability to hold on to the ball oa the slippery fJeld. control game and completely dominated the hall, :P.fater Dei's quarterback Bob tronlcally, if Mater Del had won, it the last two quarters. Haupert fumbled twice on second and would probably have clinc~ no worse The Monarchs could manqe only one thjrct__d.Q_wn situations. than • ti. !or the niiieil AD&•lua uue. first ilown lil the IOCOiiil-liiU and had the · - Servile abocked highly touted and ball !or only 14 offensive plays compared ~hen St. Paul took o~er on the Mater P<oYl~~oJ!ilbQp.Aml!,.U,JL to the wlnnen~ Det 23 when the cooler s 1111p to punier l.a -Pilffia StliUUJtr.-"wtth-onJy-ce -PauJ•ICQttd US-second tou chdOwn-Ron MUnintlt blocker Tom Grziletii or dw.eller St Anthony remain.IDg oo the with 1:51to10 ln the game and it-follow-another loose ball. schedule it Would have eeeme4 certain ed a series of Mater Qel fumbles 'that There was 4:14 left and that was the that the Monarchs would l;lave made -the seemed to W111trate the frustration the ball game. • p!ayolls. Monarchs IUffereG during the decisive The SWordsmen had moved In front In But it wun't to be. SL PaW ~ up final 24: miootes of acUon. the third period when they marched 54 in the secood hall wlUt • devutaUng bill-Aller gelUng their only fin! down ol yards in 13 plays behind tbe brulllll( nm. I Lt~7-~:::_ -~-. • : ~ I ,,,~ .... ' . ~ . • .'!. ning of fullbaCk Pat McPartlaod. Quarterback Mark Paredes went oc;; from t~e one-foot line and followed it Wiil!,. a pass to lack!Hlislble Btll Bain ~ !Ir· tw~polnta to mate it 1-7 with S:J7 lir:ft:a:."' •I ,) • • llH>-UtW------'--' Mater Del had opened up the _...-C;' remlnl""'"t of laol -·· loll to~-Amat with a flrat'4t\W'ler ecore. -.. · Mark Dunn, who carried lJ thnel ,......._,. yards, went over from the..,.~; 31-yard drive with 1:f7 to go. Jack C..· tile licked the PAT. .-.,, -· , ' DAILY PILOT......_ ~y Pt! O'D911111a '· • I. .I ST. PAUL'S PAT ·McPARTLAND ADVANCES THE HARD WAY AS MONARCHS•RON DICKSON (bO) AND STEVE KEMPER (78) CLOSE IN. FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS -These Mater Dei High football fans show they are hardly !air weather friend s as they sit through a steady rain Weather -- By JOEL SCHWARZ Of tlll• Dlll'I' Pl• Stitt Bob Woods' spirits were about as soggy as the rain soaked football field at Santa Ana Bowl Tbursda,y night after his J\1ater Dei football team was eliminated from the Angelus League race by St. Paul, 14- 7. For the second straight week Mater Del had taken a 7-4 lead into the dressing room at halfUme, only to be blanked in the secood half, but Woods offered no tx· cuscs or.-alibis. . "They just held on to the bill tn the se- cond hJU •nd thal'1 the.kind ol footb•ll Didn't you have to play in this kind of 'Weather,'' he said. "The weather wasn't a factor 1n the oulcome, we just couldn't slop their follback." Thal fullback was Pat McPartland, a rugged 195-paunder who took 3o ahols at the ~1ater Dei line and wound up with 146 yards , quite a performance on a 1Uppery, sUck field. Woods admitted the wet condiUont did hamper the play of his quarterback Bob ll8UJ)El:rt. _ ·~we had a screen pass all get up late tn the fourth quart.er, bul Haupert couldn't while watching their Monarchs fall lo St. Paul in a key Angelus League game Thursday nil(ht. Hurt Us.-Woods grip the ball properly and -1et-lt to-our and a te...up_lhe clocLbefore.....!umbling receiver. He told me the ball just slipped 1away the ball at . the Mater Del 4. out of his hand when he thrtw it." In a Howover, Maler De1 was f~rccd to punt from deep in its own territory and the game devoid of any major turning point, , snap from center hit blocker Tom Woods said a third down.play at Ule start Orieeka to set up St. Paul 's insuranCe of the fourth quarter hurt the Monarch!. · touchdown. It was a Utlrd and nine play a_t the Woods al so thought a missed 26-yard Mater Del 48 and St. Paul quarterback field goal in the first period by Jack Gen. Mark Parades was trapped for an ap-Ule mlght have changed the game. parent seven-yard loss. But Instead of "lf we made that we would have had a being dropped and forced to punt, 10-0 lead and the monkey would have Parades, slithered away from the Mater been on their back." Del tacklers and scrambled for a seven-St. Paul coach MarlJon Anclc.h, yard ga n. ... however, tllsagreed. 'It only would hli.ve St. Paul proceeded to get the fi rst down cut our flnil margin of victory." . • Help Wanted Sign Raised By Pirates By JAY DAVID 01 fM DlllY Plitt sti ff Despite the rash of injuries It has sdf- fered Jn the last three weeks, Oran.o. Coast College's South Coast Conference championship hopes are still alive and well . However, the Pirates have hung u1f' help wanted sign. Even iI Orange Coast wins Its remaining two contests, it ~l'li ·- need l!. little bit or help to earn the tiUe outright. · ·~ Right now a two-way or three-way tie involving the Dues along with Fuller~~~·? ~an Diego Mesa and Cerritos is a strong possibility. : ,. If the Bucs knock off San Diego M~ ' and San Diego City College the next two "" weeks, they'll need some help againlt Cerritos, the only team they'Ve lost to.· ... tr there is a two-way tie for the tJtle, the winner of the game between tlie deadlocked schools would advance to tM ~ state playoffs. That means the Dues need a bit of • cooperation from Fullerton or San DleG)" City. San Diego, which has deleated on1f ~ winless Santa Ana, doesn't Ugw-e to ht able to handle Cerritos. __ So that leaves it up . to alw!)'( dangerous Fullerton, which i& dill nurturing its own title hopes. Two key games Saturday night should go a long way in clearing up the traffic jam at the top of the standings. , .... While the Pirates (~1) are at home· •galn•l Mesa (3-0), Fullerton (:1-1) will.be al Ceniloo (~!), • ·o'< Obviously Orange Coast has to wia. Saturday to stay in contention. Whil&1 they're on the field the Duca will be pull: ing for Fullerton against Cerrliol, ~« .. even better yet, a tie. · ... ~ Orange Coast could knock Mesa outd , the race and the FJCCerrilol tie Wo\l,ld give the Bucs a half-game lead over \h& . Falcons lnd Hornets by se_aSQ!l'!.-end. _ In the event of a three-way tie !or the conference championship, one t e a m would be selected for the playoffs in • .a vote by each member Of the circuit. ... The various possible finishes with three. weeks sWI left in the season are · numerous, but ~ere's what the scbedute_ looks like for all the contenders. '"' " . "' ... ) I • -! • • • • I ' - i. • I \ '• l • "'"----~.-------,----------.---.-.-.-,-.-.-.-•. -,,-.-.-.-.. -.. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.c,--:.~.-----.-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.-_--.-.--: .. -.·~ .. --:.-.--:~.-.~.--~ .• :-.-•. -.;_,-,._--.-...;:;;=-.-:. __ -.-----.-.-.-,-.------.... -.-: . ..-" ·---.. -·---------.:""'~-•·· zf'.l' , .... t ·.1 .:··•.'!,'t'.:···~"·''·:·.:· ,., . ..• . ..... ..• . ... . . ........... ~. • ... . .. . • ... .. 1' ....... -.......... ' ' r !! l\f.IL 'I' P)LOT Frldty, Nowmbtr 1, 1969 San Clemente~s Multiple Threat Laguna Gunning For 2nd Straight .... .. • I i ' .. ~ .• . ' r· .. I: • •[ .. ~ • • . ' t -,, 1 • D1Hr l"llel l"Mlt '1 o.lt S.l'Mlltf By ROGER ~ARI.SON Of .... o.llY ,. ,,.,. Laguna Beach Hi&h's Artists will be trying to make it two in a, row tonight when coach Hal Akins and his foOtbaJI team treks to San Clemente for a Crestview League en-- coon(er. Action begins at I. Laguna scored its first win of the year last week against Mission Viejo, but the victory came expensive. Out for the remainder oC the year is quarterback Brian Ot- bner with a torn ligament. Re was the on1y Artist with experience at quarterback and the situation sent Akins into a frantic race to find a replace· ment for him before meeting San Clemente's Tritons. He's come up with Denny Schmitz, the Artists' regular right end. I Lagunans Drop Net Match, 9-0 Laguna Beach l e n n I s association combined A -B team dropped a 9--0 decision to Whittier while the Cee team lost to Fountain Valley, 7-2, in weekend act.ion. Whittier is the early favorite to win the winter league and swept all nine matches. Neil Dissent of Whittier (a ranking college player from USC) defeated Art Wahl of Laguna, 6-4, 6-4, in the feature match. Cee team winners included John Ohslund in singles, 6-4, 6- 2, and a team composed of August Goetz and Roman Castrole.on in doubles , 9-11 , 6-4, M . The complete A-B team results; Schmlls ahowed he w_u capable of ~C t h • Artists In prlC!lce this -k and he'll he hacked up by Ceo quart•rbacll: Gary Fissell. Meanwhile, coach Tom Eads and San Clemem.e seem to have found the right player for the all·lmporWit quarterback posiUon. Eads tried juni~r B ob McNamara lut week_ and be palled for more yards than any other Triton in one game since 1967. So it W0"11 appear that it'll be the r· ling ol Laguna Beach's Ujilback Mike f.bbey along with tbt Artists' makeshift backfield. challeng- ing the Triton&' tough defen11e. San Clemente has .given Uie oPpo&ltlon fit,s trying 'to score against itl Okie setup. To Jllulltrate San Clemente's defe~ive prowess, high-scor- ing Orange, which whipped Laguna Beach, 56-6, Wu bard preued to score a 41-0 decision over San Clemente. Jn fact, Eads' o.u t f i t threatened a S.O Orange lead before .falling short on the one- yard line. From there the Panthers put together a 99- yard march for their final TD. In an effort to boost the Triton offensive punch, Eads has inserted Rick Brown and Denny Reese-at fullback and halfback and moved Steve Divel to flanker. Laguna's big scoring threat ts tailback Mike Abbey, who's scored seven touchdowns. Akins has hinted that he might utilize Abbey at tailback in a shotgun formation if lJis offense break& down. Stewart To Switch Cars in '70 LONDON (AP)-Jackl• Stewart, Scotland's runaway winner of this year's Grand Prix drivers championship. wiU switch to a coinpletely un- tried British car for the 1970 series. He will race a March Monc>- coque powered by· the same Ford VB engine that brouiht him the title OW: year. Ste'i\·art was left without a car when the French Matr.a racing divisiOn declded that next year they will use new French V-12 engines and drop the Ford power packs. The Scot drove a Mitra Ford entered by a private British patron of the spm:t- Ken Tyrrell, a wealthy timber merchant Stewart's sponsors, Dun1oP. announced he is now wllUna to pin hls colors to the new March racer built by Marth Engineering of Bicester. Pro Hockey Standings SAN CLEMENTE'S VERSATILE RICK GEDDES CAN DO ALMOST EVERYTHING WITH THE BALL. " r .. • I : I' : . • i •• . ,, ---... ·--~ • • : ·" Tbe gokJc.n age of football at .... ~Newport Harbor High School i11 a ,brief. flitting peri od 27 .,wmna ago. :· ::~1\,waa back in J!M2 t.hal 1he "'-fir• won their only varsll y ··,~~14-pe ch11mpi011~hip. __ r ' Now after 27 sea.son~ Rdrifl on the rough waters or tha Sunact League, the Tars are < • ~ • ' makilig another championship run. Cocich Wade \Valls' team currently is knotted in a three· way lie for first place with A n a h e i m and Huntington ll~a<11 and_ba1La.•MI al lYIDlf ror the title if it can win it.s final two games. The Tars will bt!gin their • Vikings Menace HB Title Hopes By GLENN WHITE Of lfll ~llY ,Ht! SllH Huntington Beach High's championship-bound football express makes what ordinarily might be considered a whistle stop tonight at Westminster High School when the once- beaten Oilers take on oft. beaten Marina. However, in v:iew of the in- tense rivalry and the fact Marina came within a whisker of upending Sunset League co-leader Newport on thi s same field two weeks ago, the Oilers may f I n d themselves fighting for their with quarterback Garth Wise, the double threat junior who stands out particularly as a runner. ~tarina counters with Rick Saeman, a nifty passer "'ith 42 completions in 911 atlempt:s. He's aCC1>unted for 617 yards through the air wilh end Steve Monahan the prime receiver . . Tailback Henry Lazcano has proved to be the Vikings' top runnJng back, garnering 33 yards in 91 carries 'for 3.6 yards per try since taking over starting duties f i v e games back. Marina, with a 1-S..1 season record, is called a tough team that simply hasn't put everything together yet by A1oat.s. Moats also says the Oilers are still building and have yet to reach their potcotial. Huntington 's only loss was to Anaheim, 14-7, w hi I e Marina's k>ne win was 6-0 over Dos Pueblos. The Vikings also tied La Puente, 15-all, but have since been smothered by a lengthy injury list. In fact, Coon says it's gotten so bad that he's afraid to hold live practices any more.· If he loses Saeman, Monahan will have to step In after being given a crash course this week on laking snaps and making handoffs. lives. ' Hostilities open at 8. Coach Ken Moats' OUers are fresh from a 7-6 upset win ove r 1968 league champion Westminster and v i ct or y Pro Cage Standings ... l•tf•nl tonight would set up their Nov. IS game with Newport as a ti-~:i~'!i11 tie decider. MltwN<ew DIVllllll WL,.CIGa 12 1 .m· - J •• w J ,J ,5.US Huntington is a to u 1 h ::!'~ defensive outfit that makes up ~ Diti'iilt for \ack or Size with great Cltoc.l!wl11l mobllity and quickness. • 5 .SU j l S .l1S ,,~ ) ,-.m iVt • I .:W 1'~ ~tarina coach Jim Coon calls the -Orange and Black the quickest te.am in the loop. fie also tabs the Oilers as the best team in Sunset circles.- He's particularly impressed HUNTINGTON MAlllHA 141 Stulllllnt E Mon1h1n 16' IN Tw1111 T Wrlthl lt:IO llM 0 111111..., G Abbo!I 1.0 1711 Ollvirt C •1111,.,, 175 lllCI Cml>Y G Jt""I"'' 110 17' SIOlne T 111 Lklol'd E JKkJon 11~ Wilt 10!I lU Witt 8 SIM1111 HS 1.U C1"'9 8 O'H41rt 1'0 111 Ht1I 8 LllC.N Ill 1Q: Cl11tlll I .... ~ .U.efl ,,,. Al!1nl1 Wnl1n Dl¥1slH . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LOI "'1Mlet Safi Fr111tiKO Chlc.l9C> ·-· '""" $1n Ol-lto ' . ' • .m .613 ,, ' .623 ,., .3~1l 2 , ·"' ' .2n s .111 ' S111 Fr1nc.IS(o 130, Clncln111ll 10' ,A.1111111 12'-Chk-oo 122 THIY'I 01n"t Sutlll 11 81lllmott S..11 Fr111C!K'll 11 lklt10ll Pl\111d•llll'lll I! Oe!rolt Pl'Otfll• 1! Lew. .lnttln Ntw York 11 5111 Olfto S1tur•f't G-n lllt!mort 11 ClflCl11nt!I flttri:ll 11 MIOOU1t11 INllll 11 'llll1deltthl1 S111 ''r'llKltCO 1t A119nll h!llon 11 Cl'llc:1911 lrodllnl Plt11bllr1ll l(enfl.ckr C1rllllfll Mtw Ycri Mllml 01111s ... llllfl'll DIVll!eft W L 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' . l 1 Wn111'11 DIYl11eft ' . ' ' ' . ' . ' . Len A""ln W1slllntton M~ Orlllns Otn .. tr Tl\11,,.d1y'1 1t...,tt1 P.llr.bufih !.». M11mt U7 ll:ff!tuckr l.U, 0111Ytr lit TH1r'1 G1mn N•w York II IMllllll p lthb<lr111 11 Loi -"'"111 '"' .. 17J -:n1 ,,,.. .7tcl 1 ... ' . m 1>1z .... ' "" .SOD 1V. ·"' ' ,dS 2 • 112 s Denv1r "'· C1rollne 1t Gre-boro. N.C. Dllll f 1! N-Otlffnt S1lvrt1J'I Glll!fl Ml1ml ti W1sfol'ISlklfl Plll'lburt~ 11 Dlllt! D\llytr ~I-1M1l11>1 11 Al!dt!ttOfl, lrod llllMkY'• o-• t<entuck., 11 111 .... van Mii ..... 11 LCM> AllRlff PUhlM'"' t i N...., Orluns stretch drive tonight at Western High School. Kickoff will be at 8 o"clock. to hls regular position after four capable runners and the sitting out last wee.k's non· passing of quarterback Bill league game with Fallbrook. Shedd against Western. WllTllN NIW,OllT He had banged up !be knee uo w1u°" E etoo11 slightly, but Watts didn 't want m ~~~=~°" ~ .;;_~~" "' '" ,. ,. Iis an Old Forester kind of \Vhen rou lose one match bur win anorher. \V'hac's ahead ? A gala celebra1ion topped off wich che good flavor 0£ a great Kentucky Bourbon. 86ptoof. $6.19' fifth •P1111t1c Newport will enter the game ln 1 excellent physical shape and Walts plans to make only one change.Jn hls starting lineup. to take any chances of ha ving ,••,, sm1111 c lle•n Sh1'1!11 <"> TrlP!I tb injury aggravated-last _,.,, Tu111:~ r Gtlk•, week. ,'~ Em11t r:. $!tlll11 •• '"i----l:i ·"""' Savc!O%whai <."'1... ~ . . -youbuybyihcC3><. Right tackle Grant Gelker. a hefty 210-pounder, will re tum ... Mlltl!r e ShedCI Newport will rely on ils usual 200 W!llOll • w.1 .. c1 balanced offense thll features :;: :':1~r' · : ~:i,°" Ar 86 or 100 proof 'Thfrt It nothif\$; bcutr in thf' tNrkt1.'" us , :~ RlllU(•t ll~l~~I •~ltGll '1"1$lt•ll HOOr •IOI HOM IOntll Ill IOllO• llGn J DIMM OlltlU.flU '°llll'OlAflOll •ll \O~ll'flUJ !M Wll\ltll'f t l--.. . - "' ~ -~ ~ b I I ' b t c l r c ( ' t ,, J i: v ) I t I ) , l • l ' I 1 t l I I I t ' I I ( • ' I " " " " " " " " " " .. ' .. ,., ~ .~ ·------~..,.---------------------------------·-·---__.......~.~··-·~-~·--·------~----·-- -------' • ~:d:fSon, Esumcia Collide While It Bains Mesa Runners Win 6th M.eet .• ' DUNTON FOID4-u• SO. MAIN • SANTA AHA '• ~ : . -Rains and mudd)'..-lcow:.se.s_con:i_who,..haxe...losLb.ut_one - played 'havbc' with cross coun· meet, at 3:00 on Valley's -~ JOI. HAlllllS'S Football ForecastS· · Eljjaon's <:harpn Inv~' Newport 11mor Hl&h Sehool tonight to battle Ellanlca In an Irvine Leacue lcotbaU aame. Kickoff i1 ICbeduled for I o'clock ind the,.,.. llanda to be an indiVidual b a t t 1 e betw~ two All-Irvine waue candidate tailbacks. E4ilon boaJt,s Jim Moxley, .the OrlJllO COtsl .,..., No. 1 ruaheT with 710 yarda. on 131 carria: fqrl' • 5.1 8Y«qt. His hard nu.Ung ·hu been the chief reuon coach BUI Vall'• lirst-yur outfit bu been defeated oob' three Umes in seven starts. CoUntertng that for Estancia is l4ilback Dave Johnson. Johnson has outdone Moxle)' in the average department with 5.7 yards per carry. Ht:'• run 9 tlnlts for 544 yards but he misled the Eqles' llli two 1ame1 --ol a ~adly -back that qgravated · lut year'1 vertebrae injury. Moxley has scored seven Tt>a, while Johmon bu tallied £ivt touchdowns. Without JohMOn, Estancia , -vtry Jillie in the of· fensive department, 101ing shutout& to Irvine League's co- leadtrs Loara and Founlaill Valley. The game fiiures to be a tossup if comparaUve scores me~ anything. ~ta Ana" Valley 108l to Edllon 33.-0 and to Estancia 31-"'ap4ure"' 12. 't.oara defeated both outfits ...,, &o " Rltlil ....... ,.,..,. by the identical scort_. 2f..G. Joe Phillips, 65, of Corona del Mar (right) accepts the winner's trophY from Magnolia nipped tancia, seniors association president Urban Beb after capturing the 6th Annual ltawson ZO.il, and tied Edison, 7•7· w. Foote Memorial seniors championship at Irvine Coast Country Club. :fbe Iha~ ~J.;:"""" .;:; new senior champion fired a gross 92·24 (net 68) to top a field of 130 contest· w• Cbsta Mtsa. Mba rlpptd _:•:::n:::t'=·---------------------------Estancia, 31-7, but felt to Edison last -k, 3-14. However, Meta lffml to be only a shell ol. the early seuon edition after sustaining .sevtral major injuries to key pla)Ws. Diablos, Spartans Vie To Escape Base~nt * * * an A MC IA •OllOM lU "'"rur1 • Fli.htr '" 1.0 Mlllfr T '"'' "' 111 """*'" G Ctrttr '" in Flortl ' J-11\fl "' 115 Ft tt G DeHllff '~ lfO F•ltl T #Ml'Mnltll "' '" '""..:twf • ..... "' 16' TllDrf>•• • HIM!osl '~ 150 S.rlultt • •w• '~ Ht J""nfO!! · a Mo•i.1 "' HO llMutllneuY I KIHff' '~ Gfid Standings loath Coast ?tua FOOTBlLL PLAYER OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTElllER WINNflS BELOW VOTED BY POPULAR ACCLAIM Of THE STUDENT B0oY ANO fACUlTY Rick Petros .......... Corona del Mar High School John Manix ....•.... Cos!a Mesa High School Jim Moxley ......... Edison High School Reel Felts ........... Estancia High School Robertson Tops County Ring Ace try meel.s Thursday. course. Three new routes were plot-The Muslangs swept places ted by coa.~hes to compensate one through four with. Doug for the slosh and two 11chools MacLean getting the top spot went to an all pavement with a 10:33 clocking for tounre. Mesa. Second .was J o h n Tbe E!Jt.ancia-Edison Irvine OJswang, 10:38, Ri c hard Luiue tussle that wu to have Priest, 10:39 was third and been contested on the Eagles' Tom Obwang, IO:U was ' . . I• A Wl1 .... Wltll DUNTON'POltD ' turf, was all let to JO except fourth. the Char1ers never showed Steve Dendinger came in • t..m• '"m ·up. seventh for Costa Mesa in lllltAT, Nt't'IMltl t, tM 'IDIAILI WIMMIU t ICOllS PIOaAlJ,.a 1.0SIU & Kffat Eagle ec..:.ch Tom Fish.er 11 :10, .Tom Stovall flniahed was :ill set but apl!renUy the ninth in 11:2.8 and Bill Murphy, Edbon administrators tola tenth ·m 11 :30. •1111AM1 1, ... , ...•... ..-..... 17 NAvY ,., ............................ 1 coach Barry 1*.&b not to go TRJTONS-ARTISTS and they would have the league officials figure out what should be done. The meet · can't feasibly be rescheduled so lt is very much up in the air at the moment. ln meels that were held, Corona de! Ma r lost to Santa Ana Valley, 20-41, Loara down- ed Fountain Valley, 26-32 and Costa Mesa clubbed Magnolia, 17-42. San Clemente s I a p p e d Laguna Beach with a 15-43 Crutivew League defeat and Vllla Park stopped Mission Viejo, 21-36. SEA KINGS.SANTA AN A VALLEY IATUltO.i.'t', Nt'llMaal ...... San Clemente used its rain course for the meel with ~na. The course Is a gruelling two miles. of hard pavement. •Allt FOftCE ACADfMY ..... ,. ... 7& UT.AH STATf0 , ....... , ...... : .. ; •••• 1 •Ak._n .............................. Ml YOUOlll&lllft ........................ 11 Albion .............................. , 2t -'Mrltn .• ,., .............. ., .• ,. •• f •A .. ltht ......................... ,. 10 lire.non V1tfey .....•..•• , .. , ........ U •Ar'"' ............................. XI union , ... v.1 ........................ ,, The Tritons grabbed the top five slots with four of the run· ners winding up Wlder 10 minW,es. Craig Sterling was first In 9:36 ·and was followed by teammaW Brad \Vinton, 9:47, Bob Lineback, 9:48, Gary Brashear, 9:48 and BUI Ayer, 10:46. Rounding out I.he top 12 were Dave Huslwick (LB)1 10:19, Sandy Beach {LB), 10:34, John Milligan (SC), 10:35, Chris Lambert (LB J, 10:36, Dale Wilson (LB ), 10:43, ~iark Reaig (LB ), 10:46 and Ray Garcia (SC). !O:;;o. DIABLOS-VlLL~ PARK Mission Viejo had a tough lime on it.s pavement coune. The Diablos only had lhree men in the top nine places. . Ray Perez: finished in third place wllh Mlke Rattray following in fourth and Steve Given in siil:}t. . Jim Van Coll wound up 1n the tenth position and Carlos Mondaca 12th. Southland Trout Plant Following , by county, are the Southern California trout waters being restoc~ed ~Is week with catchable-size ram· bows from Department of Fish and Game hatcheries : LOS ANGELES -Legg Lake, Puddingstone Reservoir, Upper Big Tujunga Creek. RIVERSIDE -Fu Imo r . Lake, Heinel Lake. SAN BERNARDINO Deep Creek upper section. SAN DIEGO -Doane Lake. SANTA BARBARA - Cachuma Lake. •Ami ........•....•..•••••..•.... 10 t..ke ForeH ..•...••.•••. , ... ,. .... n Amll'"ICI" lflffr1111llONI .............. '7 •So. COMtd!t\11 .................... U •Amh•nl .. . ................ 'Ml Trlnlt1 (Clftfl.) ............. , .. ,,.. •. , 11 AIUZON" ST ... TE .....•..........•.. 14 •NEW Mexico ............... 1 .... 11 •Arklrl'llS Stiff , ....... , ........ ,. 3' Drlk~" ... . ................... .'., U ARKANSAS .......................... 14 •ltlCE ........ , •......••.... 1 ARMY .................•..••......• · 17 oOREGON ........................ 1• •Atlllll>lf ................ ,.. ··n•··· 11 SUHtlor St1te ..................... t •AUIURN ................ , ..•...•. ,. MtSSISS\,.,I $TATE ................ 1 l11dwl,..Wllllt1t ..................... XI •Ceplltl ....................... , .... U 1;1iT ····· "'EGe'···"'" ....... ~ •ColbV ........................ , •••• 13 •1o' ON COLL ·•· · • ·· · •.. ·• · •• BUFFALO ........• , ........... , .•• , U I OS Ol'I U ...................... , ... ,..., Rl\Odt llllnd ........................ 7 lr~PMI •· ....................... !I 001aebor• 51111 .................... II •BRIGHAM YOUNG ................ 11 SAN JOSE SYATE ................... U tCALll'Oll:NIA ..................... " Oll:EGON 'TAYE .................... 14 •C1Utotnl1 Cl"1.I ,I ................ 11 Edlnboto Shft ...................... 1 •Cllldtl (Tlltl , ..................... 7& M•I ............................. r •••• 11 ~ro'i.':l't ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~! =~~I ::::::::::::::::::::::::'.:::: :! COLORADO ...... · ·· •·. · ·. · · •· · · · • ·• II •K ... NSAS ......... , ...•...• , ........ 1i <JCOll:NELL ........................ '4 lll:OWN ........................... t4 •Corlllnd St1l1 , .......... · · •..•..• 11 Nor1'1N1ftrn . , ..••... , . , ....•••.•... U DAll:TMOUTH .••.....•.............• 11 •COWMllA ................... ., ••. 1 •01law1re .......................... lS Lofllfl! •......•..•.••....••..•• , ••.• 14 0.llWIA V1lln •• .............. ··• 14 I Orenl Tedi ....................... ll ~ri:r...;.;··:::::·:::::::::::::.::·:::: ~~=: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: •EAST CAll:Ol1NA ••·······•······· 711 DAVIOSON .•..........•.•..•.•• , .... U •E11ttrn Kt11luct1 .....•.•.......... 71 TltMISSft Tedi ••..••..•.....••••. ,. I' •E11!-Mkhltt" •........•....... , 11 Monltnf St1• ............ , •..••• \ ... 7 E11t Sl!'ll\ld1bur• ..... , .•. ,, •ll!OfM\lbl/f• $11ft •••·••···P·••,_. •• 1( f;•1! Ttn11111H llllt ................ :II iMOrt11e1cl tt1tt .• ;, ......... -.. ... 11 •E1u Ct1lr1 $!tit ................... '° ll CrOIM llllt ............... {;o., .• ll Ertubltll Cl!v Sti ll ................. '6 •0t!tW1A-$tlft ...... , .. ,. .. -... 14 Ev1n•Yl1lt ....................... 11 •SI. ,lolHlh'I Ol'ICl.l · ~ 1) f'lndllY .•... ············•·········· 11 •JOit/i Ctr,..11 .............. - ... lt l'lORIOA $TATE .............. · ··• 11 •Ylll:GINIA··TECH , .......... ..,_ .. ,. l:i 1'r11\1Clt11 & Mtrolltlt ................. ?T •H•--rcl ............... , •• ..,... .. , ' 0.EOfl:GIA TECH ··· ................ 11 •TULANE ........................ 11 Gl!ORCllA ... , ... ········• ····•·· '' FLOll:IDA ...................... ,-., •. '1 •Orovt Clh' ............... ····?I Ol'l!o Nflorlhern ... , ...... , ••••• ;!.&'"" 13 •HtmMt1,,.S1dn11 . . . ....•• : Cantre .............. t. . ., ...... '.i\ .... 11 •Hol»rt . ... . . . . . . . .. · • t ll:od>etltr .............. , •. ,.,;1"/ ... , 1J HOUITON ················•· ........ ' oTULSA ............. , .... 1'f,..,. 7 •lndltrll ll•M ·· .. , .............. " c~n1r11 Mlch!t111 ........... !.*\,., 11 tlND1ANA .......................... 71 IOWA .............. ,'.!.., .... ., ..... :.?! •lndl-(l"I.) ................. ····fl C. W. Pont ........................ ,i' 7 l!llte:I ............................... 10 •C..,,,.11 Co/IMCflco,lt ~; •••• ,, ..... ,. '3 •JClllM HoPll!M ........... ·•··•···• .0 Swtrlhmllfl ········•o···"J';..lt;.,, 11 •JIFl'l1t1 ., •........•...•..••...... ,. wni.rn ,,.,...,.la"cl '·· ..... r, .. .i,i.t.'.{o 11 KANSAS S7ATE •··•••···••·••······· '1 •OKLAHOMA STATE ~ ...... .,.:, ... II •Kl!NT STAT~ •.•.•..•••.......•... ~ MAll:SMALL ..•...... :........ • ••. 11 KtnJOn ......... , •.•...••............ XI •H1mlllorl .................. ,r; ... , 13 •K.11111 l"olllt ........................ U Hot.ir1 •..•....•.•.••. ,....... • .•• 11 l.llt¥ttlt .. ··•······················..,. OVf!'m-................... •., •. 11 tLtm1r Ttch .. . .... , •• ···· • . !0 Tr!nih' 1T1i11) ................ '1!11 ... , 1• t LOUl51A~A STATE ·•··•· ·•· ···· 1 ALABAMA ...................... U L°"l1l1n1 TKl'I ·••·••··•······ ...... ?I •S. E Lou11llM ••.•.. : ... ~ ••••• , 1 I LOVISVILL£ ...................... XI CINCIMN .. TI .............. :i'W.1 .. ~· ,,,,_rltHI ..................... • ····• 11 OWnl Vlr1J~l1 Wnitl't ll ····-··· 1 1MEMl"H1S STATE ................ lt •.oMRYLANO ............... 1 .. \-r·• 11 MIA.Ml (OfflOI •··••••···•···· ·· ·· 11 •ILLINOtS ......................... It MICHIGAN ............ , •..••. ···•• l l u. S.·C. G. AttclMI' .] ..••••••••• 11 •Mktflttlul"f' ········•····•···· ·••·• ?t NOllTHWESTEIN • ., ............. 11 t MINNEM>TA ., ................. ··?I u. TIM. ICHATTANfioG'.AI ., ••. ' ... -,. •MllSISlll",.I •.••..•.••............ 3' OKLAHOMA .••..• , ••••.•••..••.. , 11 •MISSOURI ·•················· ·•··· '' C1Ut ,Olt ISLOI .................... 1• •Mon"M "· ·• • · ·•• · ·••· ·• ·· ·• · · ··• · 'lt U• .la & •Mor1vl•n ·····•· .................. U wi:1,..hM'ii:Hl~i ·:::::::::::::::::;: 14 •Mount Unifi~•············· .. ···•··· 7'I Ll'GMl'llne •..................... : ... 11 •Muhllrlbllrt • •· ·• · ·" •· ·•• · · · · · · ·• .. U Al.tllln ,e1v Sl1M •...•....•.. , ...... U •MUffl' 11•1• ••. ,., ................ '° •Helllt lbf•• ••• ,, .................... 1 Muskl"'\lm .......................... 7l IO'tYA STATE 1• •Nl!lRAIKA ·•····· ............... 7t Fl kl A & M ............... , ..•.•. , 14 •Norlll C1rolln1 A. & T ............. 'O llf 1 • · ................. , .•• 1 •NOll:TM CAllOLINA ....•. J5 V. M. I. ··· · · ................. ,, .• Nortll 01kot1 Siii• ............... , •. l.~ "•""•' •.•kot1MS",!! · · · · ·• · .. · · · · ·•· :; •NOl'1/Mrn Atltonl H IS rn tw e• ~" ............... . ~Norlfltrn IOWI .. . ........ ····· ?0 NoMh01kola . ·····•·••• .. ;·:···'"' I• Northern Mlcl\gan . . •............. 'O •E1s!~rn llllMI• .................... ! NORTH TEXAS 'TAT! .•.......... •1 WICHIT" STATE ,,,,( •.• ,.,,. ....... 1 •Norw ich ....................... 71 worcP1ter Po1¥ ..................... 1~ NOTJtE DAME n ""1TTSllUllGH ....•. .,, .......... . OH•O ,,.,, .... , .. , ............. •! WISCONSIN ........ ., •..•. ,.,.,. .... 7 ~ " .....• ·····•········· 80WLING Gll:EEN ................ U •OHIO U ........... ····•··· •······ !~ 00"11tn ................ .' .. ! ........ I Ohl0Wt1lev1n .•.•....•. ,............ Hfrom ...................... ,~ .. 11 •Oltefblln .......................... r: •HAll:VARD ........... '.,~ll~ ... 1 .• 11 Pll:INCETON ........................ DtP . • 11 •P•l1Klo!1 ......................... '' Mlc~':G .... N:· ST.•."rf· ............. ;;·· ,, oPUIDUE .••......••.• : ............ 71 FURMAN ,. ..••.•• , .. ,t_.j ~·· 7 ->RICHMOND .,.......... · 41 .••.........• , ..••• .,. • •· U ll:uterr• • .....•...•..•....... 71 t>Cennldlcul ................ ,. ..... , 1 oSt LtWr""e ..................... " 11:1111..elltr 'olY ................ \,1 .• 1: 15it, DltDI Siii• ................... ?Cl Ptclflc IC1llt.I ············•···•··~·· S.W 11 Wl lll. !51. Lo11!1l .. . ............ , •. ti :so. 1~1.1Fi:>1tNI;,··· ·····::.::: ::: '1 WASHINGTON STATf ·•·····v-··· ~ t So. IU1Ml1 ....••.••..••.•....•.. u 8111 5111t ·· .....•...•..••..••....•. :, •5.Prl ... fltld ·······················•·,. Ntw H&mMll!r• .................. , •• I STAN'°ll:O .............. . ••..• JI "WAs.llNGTON, .................... ,: •Slnl\llf'llflnl ................ · ·· 1t W"M' ·····················•··•···•· 11 t$VRACUSE ...................... 11 AlllONA ................... , ...• ; •• • T ,,, Gtl'M!IU•• .. ·········-······· ·••·•·• , • ""'11 ....................... n SOUYH CAll:OLIN.i. ••......•...•• : .• I• •TENNESSEE ··•··•··••········ ··· 50 -HOO ST ' " •T!XAIA.&M. ...•....•.....•. 11 ·"'"'' 1 ·············•······ • t Tl!XAS CHRIST1AN .•••...•..•. , 17 Tf)lAS TECH , ...................... 11 •TIXAS ............................ 4! llAYLOll: ............................ U Toledo ............................... ::u North9fn lllll'IOll ..................... 1, tTufh ••..•..•.....•......•..•• 11 Bowdoin ......................... , .• •U T1x•i.iArlln1lo~I .............. 77 Abllent Chrl1"K1~ •• ·············••·• 71 ou: T!.XAI fiL l"AMl l •.•......•.. U NEW MEXICO STATE ••····•·• .. 1·· ~~ •U Wit( (MllW I • . . . . , . , 17 llrldlt1 · • · · · · · · · ·· "·" .. · · · · ·• ,. •· • U Vll .... rll ....... .' ..•• : ..•..•.......•.. 7t1 Ol ulltr ••. ,.,.,,,,, ................. U YANDl!ll:llL'f ••.......•..••...•..... U KENTUCKV ........................ . •VILLANOVA ...................... 'U OA't'TON ········'""'"'"'"""···! .. ~: tVIROINIA .... , ............... U WAKE FOREST ······· ........... ! .. ll •WeihlntlOfl i." L•i .... , . , ........ , U Soll-.. ttrn !Tfnfl.) •• .. "...... •• . . .i W11nnburt .• . . . , .............. , 71 •Lodi HI...., Sllll •· · · · • .. · · · ·•• •· • ~ I W11111 llett (Ottroltl ........... ,., 2D •K1lll'!lll,. ....... ·············•·• ,~ .. wtbtr s1111 ............... · ··• ?1 lcl•llO .............................. 11 tW"lt~tn · ··· ........... ?t Wl11llfl\I ........................ , .. 7 wut Chnll'··s11te ." · .......... , .• ll "L-lr ll:h.Yn• ················~·· 11 'l'Wt•llNI 1!11M11 .. . lO llllntll Siii! .................. _ •. Wnttrn Ktnl~tk1 ..... , ........... ?D "Mlddte TtnlltUftt .......... ~·· 1: •WISTl!:ll:N MICHIGAN ........... !7 wesT T!XAS STAT!!: ......... ,..,.,.....', Wl;IT VIRGINIA •......•........... 31 •Wlt.l;IAM l.·MAIY ••······~· 1 w 1111.. . ................... " •PM c Coll .................. ~ .. II WIHtim Jt .... 11 ...................... 10 "'SlmlllMI .................... f'im • 7 ".¥'"'""''' ...... , ................ n Woo1!9f ...................... • •· 1, VO ING .. 11 t UTAH .......... , ••..•••.... .....,., .. W ALM! "" .. ··• ·•··•· .. • :» ~iNNIYLYAN IA ....... ., ··~· U ~ tY •• ....... ................. --; -· -IUNOAT, NO"IMll!lt ,, 1Nt -...... fllATIONAL ll OOTIAl.L L&A•Ua ~ t lALTIMOll:E ••.•. ·········• ··· 11 S CHICAOO , ........................ U •D,ILLAS .•..•...•• ·····•···· ·•·· !I •DETROIT ..... ,., ................ 1: tl,,011,NGELEI ·• ................ 1 •MIHNf:SOTA ..... ·•····• ... ··• 11 •IT. t.OUll ..................... ·• l'll •WAIN\NOTOM .............. · 1J .. ,. GREEli lAY ................. v.H«.1f ,.IT.TJlU!GH_...,,..,U>ll···•··~·· 2t NEW OltlEANI ....... , ......... ..11..·• 11 ATLA,,.TA ...................... r;,,, 11 SAN ,llANCISCO ............. r.'W' •. ll CLlVELAND ·•· •..•..•.•••• lf/#I .. ?t NEW YOltK GIANTS .,,,,.,.,~. 11 ~HllAOIL'HIA •... , ......... -. 11 --~ --AMlll:ICAM '"TIAt.l t.IA~UI • I = .... do tic ... lb· led la· ,do ,., ~n i• ler '" ·ay ys. in "· he ng llU •ai; !nl :m in 'he ell .. JC• .nd "· n's I a in 'ee I,'' ng on XI I,'' he nd he en 'or mt 1ta ,,. . • ?.S, Dan Shaw .... , ..... Foun!ain Valley High School Mike McCord •.. , ••. Hun!ington Beach High School •IOl"rQN .......................... 17 MIAMI •· ....•• , .. ,,._,.,,t.,11"_.." ll •HOUSTON .. ,. .................... t7 CllrtC1NNATI ·····•·•f'.o(.•···1~·· ': ., tKANIA5 CITY ..... , ............. 11 IAN 011" ·1··-'··•·••\•\···u -1• 17 • Mike Abbey ........ Laguna Beach High School Dilv• lacy .......•.. Marina High School 89b Haupert ........ Mater Dei High School Bill Shedd .......... Newport Harbor High School Devan Trahan ....... Saddleback _High School Keith Gil>son ........ San Clemente High Sc)lool °'Vici Rahtig •.....•. Santa Ana.Valley High School J~ Mumford . , ..••. Tustin High School Etldie Ban• ....... , .. Westmins!er High School PIA YHS Of THI MONTH fOI OCTOIH WIU II A!1NOUNCID THll WUK VOTE NOW! ,,. THE CAROUSEL COURT •l\~tTOL AT THa IAN Dll&O l'Ra,.WA'I' COSTA MltA Trim and Com(ortabla. A clU1tc casual tie from a wt e ranp of Puppl•• cuuals. Steel !bank 1upj)ort plua the soft brushed or smooth l•ther uppers ~ure comfort. Comfortably priced too. $13.95. Tie or Slip On. Gray, Tan, Light Greon. RAYS MENS SHOES MlrMr '"'"""' Clllltlf' CMm .. TllfltlY ONll 2300 "ARIOR ILVD. IANKAMIRICAllD 546-6775 COSTA MISA MASTlll CHAllOI •NfW YOllK JETS ....... ,. ....•.• n lUl'l'41,0 ............ 1 ....... mon .. 1 ,,, •OAK.I.ANO ................... ···" 3' OIMVllt ... .,, •• , .... , •• , •••• =. • = -on DUNriH be 1 .. FORD lid 'er 'm S ...... Aler r. ~c·-·•• PwotwlO'I ... he O...•r 400 New anti •• Ust4 C4r• anti TNcks In. to C11M10·· ,., ....... ne la4 C.,., S•nlu" Ill .,... -14 .. 1'1• """Con 141!7'1' he , ' ~ I I ' . • ... ,..,. .. .,. . . ... . · . .,,,., • . ~lflt.t,llY~OT --·~ Tap ' Coverup Begins Monday. 1 But Fight Pro~is~Jd !~ .. " ... . " .. es$. AU the ardinances adopted Bill llolllman says, "we have type of thing" falls Into two almolt surtly be leeted Ont-la lawt .M they edit that we resting bottomless .d11qn:at. (e,ul&tlng t& IJ!lllif1'ol cafe or discussed 50 far would af· a pretty good idea will stand possible types o!Jaw.1 -those Loe: Angelel court&. can't pt a convictl.on." bis bar. 'llie cw.rt refuaed ~ ~1t::mr,em~ , J feet on I y establishments up." which license an establish· And they're right. Tbe Loi. Milterly referred lo a recent request. but Ute Pft~ 1l_ t-fbe;~'IW._ ~gned. . Holliman expla ined that the ment or a performer, and Angeles County law coes into muaK;ipll .-COlp't trial before alive. "'1 1o . 11eH?ru-niie-any condition ,Jlioe':lh!-ex· '!'!'here fOod QLJ!rmks are serv· .state law, ."did nothing about -tJl~bidt P'rohlbit such ef!ect Mooday_._Bul befar• udge~I ·Warren Jr _Jn More rec~ ·T~ce _conduciv_e. tQ SJK-~ad ohl.lseage "-.a.p:· ,ftate ed. 'Ibeaters and concert halls.• solving . the ·'Firit Amendment performances. · then~ a hearing JI tcbemled Ja wtUcb twd bottomleu dancers judge acquitted a " , and -cr~tPI Of ·eatltl1iiurd! :;:i"aiifd...._!Jot-"&'•. _ -1-.h e~problemWl.-jusl ~larlfied lhe Los~l~_.County .. :seUbe.. $1.1:R.er!_or Cour\on a .a1t g,Ja-Ke..JISQuitted ~(et or of indecent exposure · ~ ..tdch.msypri 111'1 result ot m -ieMir:ti<.-.fttt=s onf1nppc:es wou.ld..uo& prohibH pr.e-emptlon-qucJU " ..,p_cu;.,IJx.;JMiORUn an ordinance ar-O]d Jean.Chanel Ud..Mt Jewd .. IDd-diuOl~oDduc · bot '' •. _ -tbLhuman - ·the ~e. ' such ' nudity.filled plays as Daoccrst arre!ted' for ;golng• Oct;~-,bagning .. eta a DQt1: , er . ~ ta and~. waitress service-· bl c.-a body while in clole proximity . ._ tare "made lt "Hair," 1 ,';Geese" and 0 0h! top!esS ·I or : bottomless · have· tomless .e,.i g ht·c·l1u b s ·anct-~ the couqty from:, ~~.1 ~ ~d~s· bou, ta•em bars. An Od~t 121 ,•s· of food or bevcrqes.') c'-' 1n a Jaw that toes into Calcutta.. . claimed their dances are an res~urants. _ !Orelng ~ ord~nce. 0Wnef1 LdJriard Glilnq, bu are scheduled .rc>r trlal in · Becau~ of corripllcltlons In ·• Moadly that the state Some cities and counties are art form protect.cd by the Kern County fhen adopted Tn Sacr~nto, _Sheriff John asked federal dlatrlct ceui1 for Soolh Bay Municipal COUrt. the law's language, the council ltMlfhu • h*nUon of trying waiting for l~wy~ f.O!' the First Amendment's ~arantee an ide_ntical ordinance, Misterly appealed successfully an inj1:'f'CUon to keep Mist.er1y ln Seaside in ·Mooterey decided to wail unlil tho fO 'Wl!Jllte tbt apparel of w:al League o( California Cities to or lr~-of-express10n.~Super_vJSOrs...figw: tW,y_w_on.1-1o--1Upery1S0CS_~~an and nist . .AUy.:.Jobn_M. frlce-Olul,ll>: lhe city counCU1'ran League or California Cities .ilitlJnen. . ·~ come yp with a model Jlolliman sa id lhe "very 'dif· have to worry about legal ac-.«dinaoc.e because 1 there ar:e from foll9wina: .. tb'°""1 on lnto teamt~ trying comes up with the model pro-~I sLlte, tltfOOP. the ordinance Which, the league's fiCUlt last Of regulating this lion because the Jaw Will 10 many interpretations of their 'promise io keep Ar• to draft an ; 0} d'<i Q 8 DC e posal, ·i"""5Jng pnw:er of ' t h e AtcOboUc Beverage Control ,Dtparlment, has 80me say ~ topless and bottomless enkrtalners and waJtresses. - 'JIU Supr<me Court by ouUawin' 'the state pre- ~ed local irovemment con- .tr~ol" over such areas of public l e: Th~ law pm«! this reSIOred local control in Qe .ne1a • . slate's concern, ac· ~ . . . . .. ~ I<> Edward J. Kirby, ~ of the ABC depart- ,in'Jtl, cent~rs on "the sale of ·~lo ptomote the sale of Ji- ONCE-A-YEAR" ;CARPET Ci..EA·RARCHAL:E . '• . •• I •• . . m, told a legislative com- ~ th1S week that "topless ,.nd·-~.less and the show- bl):';pt' dirtY' movies and the ,like &rt serious problems." . ~ added, "Prostitutes and homosexuals also are In· vOlved.-We'ie doing all we can to·eliminate th.ls abuse." ~~-\>rdioinces have been ~ _l{i J.os Angeles at both tbe.dtY .and county level, and ffi'" Allrrledi, Sacramento, Sant.I Clara, Kem and TUiare C«mties, among others. One: lawyer ·experienced Jn luCli.cases, Melvin Belli of San 1-..J~>:is· <11..-,!ll'edicls lawsuits C)jinenging the ordinances will reeeil the U.S. Supreme Court. 11Jt"laws violate freedom of expression, he said, and .do not "al!Jtw equal protection because '\%~.will not outlaw t ~.fou can't have local option on ~fr.eedom . of expression," t \ ~1 ~eltl\ i who was i n · ~men!O lo argue a topless cue before the Slate Supreme Coorl. .; .~\ ..• San11 Franci1co , , , '~~ ~William C. Blake • . 1" ~ ,prdinance b e i n g . · diBM.'tsed..1 there would affect .. ,,Jeattioia\e ban and night • •.>~· •. repl,problems are the br ast clubs and t h e ,,,~ -.P,ut ls really aimed at .. ~ng)arget. l j . :f~l<iin DIBlrict.'' Blake S ~ 0 nol ~ poor, alarving i . .Jqpl~ b~s on Broadway i '!Jvhli :')O oo"e would go to see ·· ·· lµin;ay." ,He lost a bid !or re· :: eleaion t&'ia week. f \ .. : ..... ': ~v.s. Stuck ·.jffb Fair's Pavilion : .. f· .' .. l !' .-. I : ! 1 ., [ . , ·w#mNaroN <APJ -The gov.tfnment claims It 's a marvelous building, des pite a sael{ng, leaking roof, but they can!t give away the $10 million U.S. pavilion al the New York World's Fair. So, an appropriations bill is before the Senate to provide I. $350,000 •tG tear It down and · -cleer the site where little r . nicte· than four years ago If fW(IOers 1tood in line lo ride a -· -... rnliltJIWre-lrain through scenes lnlii!1American History. .Ytcant lince the spring or 1.IM.: the . pavjlion has now 'tireen'dncially spumed by the cit,.,in whtcti it stands, an~ ~ tJOOn V. Lindsay wants it1-""mf •away. When Larry A. Jobe, an Ulilt&nt secretary or com- ~ brought the word to · 1ttae.)61e n a.t e Appropriations ,ecmnJu.e,·-Sen. John L. ;likCle)lan (D-Ark.), was In· -·· " _ ::U . .ls a kind of structure of a permanent nature," he said. •:1 ,1eetn1 to be they could tinlt 'IOITle UBe for it. a··~ they are demanding u,t,lt be removed, they ,_.me.-il?" 4', ilr,"'sald Jobe, !illng .i.,"ltlltr r rom Lindsay. The m'l_O'.f wrote the Commerce DIQli1o>eot on July IO that .,H.-9~Ji doesn't want the "and no private peo. et. •• forth" to take __....., Clfl lforld's Fair ft 1bfn entered Jnto ona with the city .~it ll • marvelous . can't yi)Q UH it?" ~ ' '1•we dftw up •n NEW 3PIECE SHELF UNIT . Thi com.pie!• d.W for 1lt1d1r e: fin. Unit lo.cillde1 thr" 8 by 31 Inch 1h1l¥eL adju1toble traclr bracket• aad tow•! bar. Go.ts gr.at In den or behind bat, In hon-•11 gold or a•ocado. 449 28.000 BTU WALL FURNACE' Sh.inf ri•w fumcr<:• gl¥•• 90Jt, •••a b..t. Tent.d. r1ee11.d. FHA appro'fff. P•rfec:t tor un\11 or a room oddltlon. (BTU 11 British Therrnol Units. 1omton1 told m•l 3777 FURIACE 39 c FILTERS EA. MEDITERRANEAN JUMBO PULLS l'Y• hMrd ol peopl• who always want<ld a 11111• pull. but lhl1 11 r<ldlcul0\11. Gkml 7¥. Inch anllqu• brau Medlt•rranean 11 ju11 right tor tb• Spanish hunllur. Cll1d cabla•try. REG. 79c MODEL .600 SPRAY A KIT a-·· tb• compl•I• kit rar th• thrllly homto•n•r. Sa-N hf-ead 3 ways. when you bl.If II. wJMa you '" It and wh•n you nat It to JGlll' n•lghbor bec:GllH h• was eo lmpre1Hd with tb• .-u did iDr fOW- 2999 CUSTOM MOUNT FIRESCREJ;N Now. fO\I COD ban tlw . llM fOU a..d. •KOcilf• \IP ta 40" width. lfk• 11CTM11 wttb block bar. !iloclt mffb Gild-a llttl• .OD that _,. '".\.a..ili" •bft JOU liglal tla• iu.. 1277 25 LITE OUTDOOR SET Light th• way !or your Thc111li1gl•lng turli:•Y· Buy DOW belor• prlc•a go down. mod•m de1lgn.1f on• goea Oll l th• re1t atay Ill. 257 6 FT. WHITE FLOCKED CHRISTMAS TREE Liii:• a winl•r W1)nderland lanl what w• wonder 11 bow th•r con ••II It Ml cb.ap.l 0..lga.d for .air a•••mbly ond 1torag•, '"ml Ilk• •• got them )\&at la tim•, hat• lo be lat•- 8'7 CHRISTMAS CARDS Avoid la1t CllJnut• •rtl•r'acramp. 4a It now and you1l ID"'ll'• 1D011ey (Hnd them all 8tb cla11,J H•w alyl•• and bright colol'll. ClAJI 't w• 1uppoeed ta do thi• all•r Chrl1lrna1. not lM6oN1 50%0•• 10 LBS •. AlllUAL ltYE Erodff wnli.ed 01r1t O'NO'I ce M filled Ja fat! with lhl• 1tuU 11'1 llw wtnt., 9f'lllL Ja1t growing: ry• Mt• up O' root baa wh•re n..ded. (A11.d l111't logging wond•rtlll. e1peckrllf -Jor th8 gup •ho mob 1•1111.la aJICN111) 127 COAL BUCKET DEALGOQU ALL S19RES. . . TONS FOR SELECTION .. Thll I• nlc• and wh•n lb• bo1• g•t• back from vacation he'll !1ll J.Oll all abolll It, lt'1 for doing you.r cav• ftaayh•? · , ALL BELOW REG. PRICE · ., , ~ ;Mote r-at cGr]Mt at ct prlc• tP.ut :..w l•1nt1 Yoll •no~gh M'Ori.tf ' for a i•w plec" of fvmlhl.~ but blltrf. qt th'M pric•• w• •:irJ)Kt ta .be mobb.d. colors. ob ?••· · . "'-, .• Ad••rtl.ted 1peclal1 goad thto: No••mber.12. 1969 (mid m1 seqetary"1 hu.1ba1'1i J• ald-fo:1bi.oned. thhlb ct wommi'• plae. ll lD lb• ho-. GJJd. M ·~• h•r th-right cdter .,,ork.) BLACK & DECKER ~ 3t8 IK.CB DRI."".'LL':::---tfil'. G.a:rlng cmd chaclr: to hand.I• btg drilling job1. Fllll torqu• actlo11. w•ll bala11.cld. comfortabl• to hold, a·pat gih. With aec•110rl•1 ll"a_th• hcmdl••l tool yoll can own. --... 999 ' BLACK 'Ii DECKER SANDER Quality by Black Ir Decker. lhl1 .O•Y on• bond C011trol JCJnd1r doe• great 011 all mot1rlal1 •W:h 01 wood. iii.Mal. pla1tlc1. nll1h 1G11d1 on 3 1ideL 1999 -~--- 7 1/2 INCH SKILSAW Cut wood. ph11ttc. coznpo1ltioll. ..-allboard. •••n m•tol Cllld maMJnry. ltllgg.d h•llcol ll'llOl'l inaure power lo 1pcu• • .5ZOOO RPM. 110 load 1peed. 29ee 25.000 BTU AGA LOG SET aioo.r Jot Mt tnclad .. tU grate, tJui AGJl~rn• and S Ju.ttm. recJl!etk: loga. Ma •••L ao c:-..... 11;p. )last llgbt cmd . e]oy. 11ee "~-- ·-~ .. E, hlDd.1111 Jt over to free.'' No deal. ': .l I on ·SW IN pevlllon wu made .r;M<!·~--.... ie;~Jobe ,.Jd, the roof )Ql!l!•ii illnble. "It war not ., intllll let' ,....,.,,..t Use Ind 11 ........ "' !oat and aag." • ~•illorl 11 oo city own- W llftd, -Ille World'• Fair j oit;:-·11! eut bf bWJineas, and ~--Depaltment !--­ ..,,.._ demolltlon la now . • • I~ ra[>OllllbUlty • •• ·~ • ~ ·' -· -~ --~-----· ·-----_,,,.............._. ___ ---.--.---.--~·----·~-·~·-·~~-~---~ .. ~•r--r-r---·-..----.. ,......_.__. ·-.. •• •• •• •• -·--··-· .. -----·· .. -----· ·---• - .. friday, N"'mb<r 7, 1%9 .EE ' .E DER A Complete ·Guitle ••• Where to go 'Flapping Eag~e' Flap Gives Indians Red Power In a period when demonstrations are asAugusl on the Santa Clara reservation 23 rife as mini-skirts and pot, and protesting miles north o! Santa Fe, N.M., when the is the stylish thing to do, the strangest film company was . shooting locaUon demonstration of all took place on the seer.es there. It was continued on the Warner Bros. backlot this week. The mOtir was feathers and blankets. It• was Rtd Power Day in Burbank. SeveraJ hundred Indian~at least 150 at them ,the real thing-marched in a raggedy-ann parade to clalrri a modern city of the American southwest as their a·~-They were on horseback, on foot, in wagans and in dilapid ated pickup trucks. The city is unidentified. It could be an,,where from Phoenix to Tucumcari. This was the Last Great Indian Upris~ ing and the climactic scene for "Nobody Loves Flapping Eagle," the Jerry Adler prOductic;in originally called "Nobody Lf'Ves a Drunken Indian." The director is Sir Carol Reed, the distinguished English film•maker and last year's Acadeniy Award winner. Anthony Quinn, Jn an old World War 11 battlejacket and a military cap with a fealher in it, led the parade astride a scroungy old horse called H Bomb. At hi!! i;ide were Tony Bill,-' in he~dband as Et-even Snowflake; Claude Akins as Lobo, and Victor Jory, without his front teeth aod riding a mule, in the role o( Wounded Bear. , highway entering the New Mexican capital city, and then again in the streets of Albuquen:iue. Now the sc.ene is being brcught to a smashing conclusion with the marchers and 400 onlookers on the v..·amer backlot. Ten cf the Indians in the vanguard of the parade were brought to Hollywood from Santa Fe. They belong to the Santa Clara, Tesuque, San Ildefooso, San Juan and Santo Domingo tribes, and e1cept for the principa l actors, they are the only ones in the show who started the protest march and are here to finish it. Their· squad leader is Charles Little Bird, a bright young Red Man front Santo Dom- ingo who got back to his.pueblo from. the Woodstock Musical Festival just in time to join the picture company. The other Indians were recruited from Hollywood's Central Casting (where fewer than 50 of th em are registered) and from Los Angeles' Indian colony, which is hardly a colony at aU. \ CONDITION OF MODERN INDIAN EXPLORED IN MOVIE. • •• Mat to • "' ' -. .. ,, ,1-.- Weekend Highlig~t,s·· FOR THE CHILDREN -The children haveiiofJ>een for: gotten in the activities of the Orange Coast this ~l}g~w~k. A Petting Zoo is set up on the park:ing lot of Wesl:cl,iU t>Iaza, Irvine Ave. at Westclill in Newport Beach, where"th._e-young ones may watch or pet domestic and exotic animal$ ibis' Fri. and Sat. A children's theater production of "Winni'e t~e ,P_oqh': may be seen Sun at 1 and 2:30 P-i:rt· at South Coast ~epertory Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, and on.,,Tues. a puppet..•how will be ..staJed at 11 a.m ., I, 2 and 3 p.ii\: in the Mall at Fashion Island, ewport Beach. ---. , ."1 FOR YOUNG ADULTS -A concert by folkslnger.Don<>- van is scheduled for Anaheim Convention Center' Arena: to- night only at 8:30 and tomorrow night brings the Roliia'g Stones to the Forum in Inglewood for .J,wo performances at 'l arl"iJ"-1.1 p.m. Football games schedulciJ include Golden West Vs LA Harbor at OCC field tonight, and OCC at home Sat. night.play· ing San Diego Mesa. Saddleback vs Barstow at home, Sat. at 8 p.m. STUTTGART BALLET -The Stuttgart Ballel Coinpapy ~ will be performing through Nov. 12 in the Pavilion of the.Mµsic l Center in Los Angeles. Three ballets are being prfsehted: HEugene Onegin," "Taming of the Shrew" and "Romeo and Juliet;" · · ii. ........ ..,,..,.Sg•.•.G .. u.id•e•t•o•F•"•"•'•P•••s•••2•4 .. ,..,...,..,..,..,_..il Intermission Nielsen 'Stopping World' l . ,~-, . Again, Tliis Time in ,Mesa By TOl\I TITUS 4'PATI HAD SEEN THE Anaheim pro- ot .... D11U1 •11tt s11ff ducUon and she wrote 'ana asked if I'd do You can't keep a good Littlechap down. it in Costa Mesa," the s1endtr, ·energetic Four years ago, the biggest theatrical Nielsen explains. ''At thaf time I was sucepss story of the year in Orangt. Coun· doing 'Finian 's Rainbow'· aila f8c1ng ab- ly was the Anaheim Playhouse pro-dominal ·surgery just before .we opened duction of "Stop the World-I Want to the show -in fact, 1 o~fted,wlder seda~ Get Off" with Thor Niel.sen in the pivotal tion. My doctor to1d me IJu.s't couldn't do role oJ Anthony Newle}''s cheeky hero.--ll· .c•:..• ----- The show pl ayed over 50 performances, But. with Pati's prodding 'incl Nielsen's an unofficial r~ord tor county afferil}gs, awn fondness for the show,· he soon and attracted more coastal theatergoers changed his mind, and Costa Mesa js northward than any production in about to enter the field Of jnUStcil theater memory, with the possible exception of with the most succeSsful nluslcal ever Mary Eastman 's "little man in search or staged in Orange County:-·. -· his serious side" at the Orange Studio "lt won't be done exactly the same way Theater. When it finally closed in \Ye did it in Anaheim," Nielsen says. Anaheim, Nielsen took it •·on the road" tn "The show will be uodaled 'both in other theaters and clubs, running the dialogu..,; and in modi "or clistumes. performance total well over the 125 Instead of tights, the ~anc~i:~-~lU ,k mark. dre·ssed in mod pants, ~d. we,'re making THERE HAVE BEEN other pro-some alterations ~n the-ictlpt Which will duct!ons of "Stop the World" since thtn, bring lt up tn 1969." but the Anaheim ver-The show will be played -11s it was sion with Neilsen and originally intended -Jn a( cirCus tent Ellie Swindell, under format with ramps and bleachers, a form the direction of ,Kent of staging which proved prohibitive in Johnson, rem a ins Anaheim's small horseshoe arena. The somewhat of a local barnlike Civic Playhouse lends itself classic in county thea· more to full-fledged production. ter annals. A1USICAL THEATER HAS long been Two weeks from to-Nielsen's particular "bag."·After his suc-cess in Anaheim, he directed and night, Orange Coast performed in a number of lyrical shows, theatergoers who including "The Fantastieks," ''Finian's missed that auspici· THa• NIEUEN Rainbow " and "Oliver.1• He established 1 ous moment Jn history may be treated to summer musical repertory theater in something approximating a not-so-instant Anaheim in 1967 and starred in aU three replay. "Stop the World" will be back, cf the group's productlons.;...l'Camival/' with Thor Nielsen as Littlechap. but thi3 "Ollver" and "110 in the .Shade\." time around the scene will be the Costa Earlier this year Nlelsen, playtd King Mesa Civic Playhouse. Henry in a fine production of "The Lian In the Costa Mesa production , Nielsen in \Vinter" for Long Beach's Fofum XI doubles as director with Francesc:r -Tbeater. Following . "Stop the World," L'hoir -who played the female lead role he'll play leads in "The Roar &f the of Evie in a San Clemente staging -fill· Greasepaint, the Smell of the CroWd" and ing the shoes worn ror so many "Man of La Mancha" for th.eaten in the performances by Ellie Swindell, who's U>s Angeles area. now living in Pennsylvania. Originally an Anaheim-resident. Nielsen Why is Nielsen, a professional actor now lives "uptown" where he '!otks for and singer, returning to perform again in the Los Angeles Recreation Department community the ater? Primarily, it's while awaiting the br.eak that . coUld because of the persistence of Pati catapult him into a profeaional career. Tambelllni, resident director of the Civic It's something he's been reaching for a Playhouse, finds it difficult to accept long time, and when it finally ·comes, "no" for an answer. he'll be ready. The protest march actually started in wEEKENuER ' .. . . ' . INS WE FEATURES As a m~tter ·of fact, 17 or the working Indians were given weeklong.jobs in the picture when Jerry AdJer. the prod.ucer, disoovered them picketing the stuato a few days ago, protesting that the com- pany was using non-Indians in Indian roles. Said Adler, "We only use non-In· dians when we can't find the real ones." whereupon he invited them all back to participate in the Panavislon march, ind ·most of them showed up. Hollywood Bash Raises .ACLU Funas The Arl Interest Group of UCI Town and Gown is holding an art lair tG raise m00ey for UCI art major scholarships. The date is 1~v. 13. See pictures on Page 24. Tr1vel · P1ge !4 • Gulde to Fun Page ~ ~ Live Theater Page li Out 'N' About Pages %5-%t bl tbe Gallerle1 Page !7 Wat.il' Color SboWI Page l1 uSe11me Slftt:I'' Pre,Iew P•ce !7 GaldO to· Movie•. ' Pogo II 11Mtll~r1-Stan G'arntr Page II ' . Crouword Puzzle Page II Qoeenle Page !t Comtc1 Pagt %1 1V Views Pqe 11- Telovtmo Lo( Pap II Jn the scene, Quinn's speech· to the ?.1ayor·-representative· as the lndiina ar~ rive to take Q_ver the cit)'. drew~tm._Si!_On~ ·bi>eous lf>plaUSe or the participating·J,n. diar.s-especially that part where he was cautioned by the official to "stop ques. tioning the honor of the United States government," and -Quinn replies. after a beat: "How could uy Indi an ever qlle'S- Uon the honor of the United States government?" ~ • "Nobody i.o. .. Flapping Eqle" Is the fir~ motion picture to come 1" piJ>l<wlth tile smoldering Igdian protest mo'le_inent. or 1111 the minorlties, the lndians lire pro- bably, numerically at' Ieait, Che most mloor. The picture 1s run. <of humor, drama, --toughness and tenderness, and it Is as touchlng Q the Red Man's plight lt!tlf. And it Is as contemporary as tomorrow. By BOB THOMAS AtlfCleltlll .,,..,, Wrll1r HOLLYWOOD -They used to give Hollywood parUes like It all the time. N,owad11ys it's anly for charity, Significantly, the chari~was a social· ~iousone, Wlllch~hws You hOW- 1er1ous-minded the -film community is these days. The cause was the Roger B11.ldwin Foundation of the American Civil Liberties Union~ and 200 persons paid $1 ,000 a couple ' for a modest dinner and «, superior .show. The dinner. roast beef, burritos, Mex· ican tldbill wrapped in a lortJ11a, paella, redsbes and pastry. T-h~ entertainers: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Diahann Car· roll, Eblll -Jcosby,.._ ___ _ comle Patric Henry. 01AHAHM <A••o1.1. The party last weekend raised '200,000 for the ACLU work. It also raised ·.the caliber of local charity bashes several notches. Th'! place: 'the sprawling• mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Dean ~1artin in Oee__pest B<vtrJr!Wls, -. • It was • stellar evening aJl'the 'W41Y· The orticial hosts were Sinatra and Burt Lancaster. The arrangements 'Were handled by Mrs. Milton · Berle' and Mrs. Kirk DousJ'!· The hostol<es were1'01ly Bergen ind Tina Sinatra. Guests included Yul Brynner, Hugh O'Brlan, opefa 's:tar George London, Wtn and Ariel Durant, Playboy publtaher Hugh Hefner. Sen. Alan Cranston, DCallt., and Councilman Tom Brad1ey, defeated candidate for mayhr of Lot Angeles. They gathered under a tent which had btt>.n raised oVet the Mar.Un tennis court and decoralecLwlth tree boughs to make It appear Uke a forest scene. eon· versation was at full shout betause of a .. rock band. During a lull l introduced defeDM: or pickets of p{esident ;fohMon Durant and llefner. at Century Clty. FutUre attil nUlht be "I have read your works, and I find the right of clllztns tin:{eart:U-and un- them intere!ling;" said Durant. author of polluted 1treams, he added/, "The Story of Phl!Qsopby," "Bµt w¥_Tben..came the show. CotnlC Henry did are you going to do when you win a funny act. Diahann Cai-roll doffed ht!r evt!ryone over to your waI. of thinking?" "Julia" guise and sang, a medley from "I don't see much sign of that hap-"flat:'.'' ,su1--cosby~ ~v.Yl~d 'the 1u· pC11lng," replied the modest author1 of dlcnce with his roulines.1ia1d he : ·~1 like "1'0.J'laybQy Philosophy." <l<>in&• benefit for tho,peoplo.'i•lOat tht After the buffet had been unburdened, heavies." .• · ·~ . tl1e lights In the tent dimmed and Lan-Sinatra sang, and that's, always an c11.ster. chairman of Oie t.ax-U~mpt event. He wq jolned-~y bi1 pl Martin. Roger Baldwin Foundation Baldwin was Thet sang a cba~!f . helter.ak.elter a founder of the ACLU .. thanked the medley, and Martln ·•r.:.ed: /'I come guests for their donations. He conceded home once 11..year ·for _~~1. and it coats fh:it the ACLU was not always a popular me a thousand bucks!'' ; . organlution, but it provided "a sense <1! Lancaster c;I~ the '1liOw wltb the conscience" to the nation. comml'nt: "I hope you will-.*-~ oil the "The American dream 111 hot captured firing lint with me for clvtl ¥beOia." by success alone," Lancaster remarked.-Then.he·na~.tbe E~ ~and.'6- lle c_lted the local group's work in the ded with menace: •11r .vou'·re ~ -watch right of women to abortion and ln the out!" , , r ~ ' . I I ' I l I ! I I I j I I ~ . r· • • I ·1 I I . 1 I:""'""':'--~~-------~---------......... ----.... ----------------------··-·--·-~-~ . ' '· Live Theater ' ••AU My Sons" Arthur M111er··s r a m l t y drama, on stage at Fullerton Footllghters, 119 Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton, Fri. and Sat. through Nov. 8. Reservations : 827'jlJ9 .• " . " "A 'tuany Thing . JlappenOcl on Uie , ':W~Y Jo the Forum" MUsJcal comedy on stage at South Coast ll<perlory' 1827 Nowporl . Blvd, Costa M,.., ~;'Sun. ·lllrt>ijgjl Nov. 15. lflous'!" ~1363. Friday, NO'ftmbfr 7, 1969 Tlie Art Interest Group of UCI's Town and Gown is staging an art fa i r • Tllursday, Nov. 13 at 1438 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach, to raise scholar- ahip funds for UCI a r t majors. Refreshments unu be served and all art item.r may be purchased. .A donation of 50 ce'lts will be asked ot the door. Papier mache, wastebask- ets, mirrors, stitchery, collages, painttngs, felt bags and wood flowers will be aooilable 08 well as drawings and pottery by artist members . Above: wastebasket and bookends; at right, a pix- ie painting of Mr. Mouse. lfour1 of fa ir are 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. GJJIDE TO fi'l!N I Mesa Histo r y.· on Display ·~ . NOV. 7·NOV. M Mf.3A WSTORY -The M!18<1U1l..al ~ ln- 1'0 Stale Dr!YO, ~!loo Park. Loi Aqelel. -ii -Ibo liJifOry or eoaia y-,.. uran •lhlblt o1 photo- graphs. 'lbe ahow wU1 nm throu&b the month of Nov., daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 ' NOV. 7 •• ' DONOVAN CONCERT -EiJ111and'1 lolkalostr, Dono•an, will porlorm In "'nCl!rl,,-Nov, 8 In Ille Arana ol the Anlllelm ConvenUon center, Anaheim. tt l t30 p.m. TickeUJ, f3.50 • $6.50, at the bOJ office and most ticket agencies. NOV. 7·1 DEA'.1'11 VALLEY TREK -The "1th IMual Dtalh VJ!ley Encampment wlll be held Nov. 7-1 iri Death "Valey N1Uonal Monumt11L Exhibits, campflte mottlngs, &Uldtd toura, spe- cial events and entert.alhml!nt art all part of the no admb- slon ch¥&1 four-daf-celebration. The event ii sponsor«I by the Death Valley 'tlen. For lnformatloo pboot William Newbro, (211) 74M{JO. NOV. 7-1 PE'mNG ZOO -Westcllff ~lua, Westcllff Drive at Irvine Ave., Newport Beach will 1t.q:e a petUnc soo in an enclolore on the Plua parking lot, from JO a.m.. to 7 p.m. Nov. 7-1. YOlllljJll<n may Wandtr and pel tile dOllltllic Uc! .. otlc animals In the zoo.. Chlldrtn may bring their parents. Adinls- alon .25 cents. NOV. 7-1 ' HOME AWARDS -1bt Wtaltrn Homes Award• Exhibits, a display of 41 homta In Ute Wtaltrn Statei -td by Surilet Magazine and American Institute of Arcbltecta. wlll ho shown In the Car-I Court 'of South· Cout Piasa.-3113 Brlslol, Coola M,.. through, Nov. 8. Pllotocfapbs, p!ani and architects are 1pot·llghted. Architects Ron Yoo of Corona de! Mar and J. Lamont Llllgwortby of Laguna Btacb 1te Jocal winners. NOV. 7 . AFT~OON CONCERTS -Prtlented by lludonts and faculty ol the Deparlmont ol Mualo, UC Irvlnt, Fridaya at 1 p.m. In room 178 of the Fine Arts Bli!J. Admlalon fret. R<- cltals acheduled includes Dutta for Voice, Nov. 7; Chamber Music, Nov. 14. NOV. 7·ZI GOWEN WEST COILEGE FOOTBALL -All homo gamoa at OCC LeBard stadium, off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, Costa Mesa ; all games at t p.m.; L.A. Harbor, Nov. 7. Cypress, Nov. 22. · NOV. 7·U STU'ITGART BAU.ET. -S, Hurok ts pmt11tlng tbe Slut~ gart Ballet 'Nov. 7-IS In the Dorothy Cbandltr Pavilion ol the Music Center In Loa Angeles. Tickets, $3.9549.25, are avail- able at the box Qff.lce of the Muaie Ctnter, 135 N. G~ Ave., Los Angeles or at So. Calif. Auto Club and all Ucket agencies. NOV.I ROWNG STONF.'I CONCERT -1bt RolJ!ng Slones will be heard in concert on Nov. 8 In tbe F0tum in Inclewood (Manchester Blvd. It Prairie). A previOUlly set-hockey game bu been rttcheduled. Two performances, 1 and 11 p.m. have Ucket prices of $5.50 to $8.50, available at ticket al!<nclea and box offlce. NQV, I ' TEEN CLUB D~CB~ Thi W•ml·d= a.11&lar and Patka Dtpartmont.wlJLbald L'fia QM l!l)IGt la 1111 ...,..__ munlty Center, 82llO w"""'"*' ·""'· '(lac: "'-"""' teens) each SaL from I P.lllo to ltlldttllbl Mml.-. •t. foe mornben, ll.50 lot ~ Tiit "11Unowll FfoD. tier" will play for danclnc: Nov. l r- NOV. I ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FO<n'BAL,L -Home games at LtBard Stadlwn, off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, Colla Mesa; all sames at 8 p.m.; San Diego Mesa, Nov. 8. NOV. 1-li SADDLEBACK COUEGE -All bomt gamt1 at Miaaioo Vie- jo lli&h School, 25025 Chrlsanta Drive, Mission Viejo; all games at 8 p.m.; Barstow, Nov. 8; Imperial Valley, Nov. 15 at home. NOV. 1-11 ClllLDREN'S 111EATRE -"Winnie-the-Pooh" by South Coaat Repertory Children'• 'Mleatre, 1827 Newport Blvd., Colla M .... Adml!alcxt: childrtn, 75 cenls; adults, .1.00. ReaervaUon1: "M&-1315 from 0000 to 6 p.m. daily. The A. A. Milne chlldrtn'a oWalo will be prwnled Sll!ldaya throql! Nov. 11 at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. NOV. 11 PUPPET SHOW -A puppot show will ho lli>Jtd at 11 1.m., i, 2 and J p.m. in tbe Mall at Fashion Island, Newport Beach on Nov. II. No charge for admission. NOV.U COOKING SCHOOL -1be So. Calli. Edison Co. will hold a "Holiday ldus" cooking school In tho Wand nou.. on the Mall at·Fuhion Illand, Newport Beach from 10 a.m. to noon, Nov. 14-No charge for admission. NOV. 11· If RODEO -The Rodeo Cowboys Association wlll 1tqe a · Rodeo Nov. ts-11 ltarting at 2· p.m. on the ahowlfOUDdl at Rancho Calllornta. It is the laat rodeo lo be beld In Calllor- nia lh1I year. 150 cowboys will compete for '5,000 in priJel for saddl• bronc rldtng, lliffr wrestling, bull riding, calf ropln& and bar•back bronc riding. Tickets, 12 for adults; It children under I!. Rancho Calli. ls on Highway 395 midway between Riverside and San Diego. · NOV. 11 CHAMBER MUIIC CONCERT -Th• Chamber Mualc So- ciety of Laguna ·Beach will present the Berlin PhUharmonlc Ootot, Nov. It at 8:30 p.m. In Ibo Laguna Beach IDlh School auditorium, 625 Park Ave. Works by Rossinl, Hindemith and Schubert will ho porfonntd. Tickets, $3.75 for adults; •1.10 for students, available at the door. NOV. 2% OC PllllJIARMONIC -The Orango County Philhannonlo Society will present the Los Angeles PhilhannonJc Orchestra under the baton of Rafael Frubbeck De BurgO.!I in Crawford Hall on the UCI campus, Nov. 2Z at 8 :~ p.m. TicketJ, $4, available at the door or from the Society's office, 201 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Phone ~11. ~, 'Mim8'e Go Round" Al"Jnarital comedy presented In . th e Mission Viejo High ~I auditoripp\ on Chris-tfaa Ave., Miliim Vl•jo, by ~Rancho Community pW ... 1bun.-Sun. through Noto : 22. Reservations, 837· 11;; Following: the 4.~ei;-~ . ·11tuirq STARTS S~TURDA'!°t NO,VEMBER 8th PHONE ORDERS INYITEQ-675-62ll_ t. · 'j0rl1tmu Eve 1t . '111r8awmt.U" A ~ ~-ama pr<· oent"1 by Old lamest>layors cf N~~~ and South c;.11\-rllJll-opo!nl Aaaocia· tton,oa ltq'e at San Clemente lllih~ 1'<W. 7 and 8. Jteiervatlons -675-0210 or 57~.l l\I!' . tV.t.:.!til*bet11" · Shakeapeare'a tragedy :West College ybax co~ '· X>n Campus, Frl..S.C,, Nov, 7-U. Tickets at bootJtore: .. .. '"l)e Odd Couple" Neil Simon's comedy of two newly divorced men, staged by Westminster Community Thea!«· -al.-Filllty School, 13521 Edwards Ave., Westminster, Nov. 14, 15 and 22.-..a:-. 0 daJy Game in Ton" ,A . comedy with only thrte ~haracters. set in Las Vegas, will be on stage a\ the Laguna· Moulton Pl8yhouse, 6 6 O Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, Nov. 11·15. Reserva - lion~94-1550. "Roar of the Grea1palnt Smell of the Crowd" A musical fantasy will be :Jtaged in lhe Studio Theater 9n the UCI Campus, Tues. - S a t • , Nov. ll throogh 22. ·Resuvations-83U617. By STAN l;JELAPLANE SUTTER CREEK, California ~ ·The wonderful Mother Lode country is m -golden-tau now. The up- and-Oown foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The rivers and cteeks the miners panned to bed.rock in the glit· tering Gol.d Rush. The ghost town foundations of towns once name Whiskey Slide and Roaring Camp. Yankee Jim's, Squabbletown_and Murderer's Gulch. * . In 1850 our great grandfather had a claim a mile fro1n here on French Float. He wrote: "We had prQY.lsiQQ~ t9 Jas.t. :us.lour .or. ii\'.~ months, .rich dig· gings, warm days and pleasant nights and no fear of Indians. I was the happiest man in California." * HIGHWAY 49 (!or lbe Days of '49) runs the length of the Mother Lode. It's a quiet land, and we come here to recharge our souls. Some fine little five to ten room hotels: Sutter Creek Inn in SU'lter Creek was once the grand home ·of a U.S. Senator. Fireplaces and sherry and apples in your room. Mine House at Amador is redone from the super- intendent's rooms of early days. At Coloma (where Marshall discovered gold) the Sierra Nevada House has been rebuilt exactly as it looks in a photo taken in 1852. The old-fashioned ice cream parlor-serves a Gold Strike S\Jndae -2500 calories! No ~ree~ay .traffic rushes through this country. On placid, winding back roads you see an occasion· al deer hunter~& car alongside abandoned orchards gone wild. And you can rent a gold pan and wa sh out a liUe creek gravel and see the "color" -the fine pencil line of gold dusl * ''Re your statement that a ship's Captain ca"" not m•rry persons at sea, t he Captain of th• Prln· cess Carla (Prine••• Cruises) t ells u1 there is one situation whe,. he can. . "How would w• go allout getting m•rrled In MeXlco?'" Civil marriage by a judge is the only thing recognized by Mexico. A license. A pair of photos. A blood test. The judge reads the Republic's in· struclions as to what marriage involves. 1\1 Mexican Catholics get married in the CbU!Ch after the civil ceremony. But other rellg:lons,,are not permitted to perform marri,age ceremonies tri Mex· ico. (In the civil ceremony, the judge doesn't charge a fee but you shouJd give him a present -like a hundred to two hundred pesos; $8 !o $16.) ' ''Could you sugg•st :me nic• pl•c• ·In H1wall for our honeymoon?" I've had many thanks for recommending Hanalei Plantation House on Kauai. That's the little green missionary village at the end of the island. A great curve of. beach ; a taro and rice valley; grey-treen mouhtains with lacy waterfalls ; and go!den showers pf sunset. Grand coUage style rooms. Excellent food. ~ * ''W• hive hearCI of bra11 rubblngs in Engli1h churches. How do you find Out about It?'' The book you want is "Monumental Brasses." (I Iorgo! the author) Get It at the London Times book store or Foyle's enonnous book stOre in Char.'· ing Cross . * WHAT'S BETIER 'THAN A LEISUR!L Y CRUISE? Let Us Plan a Christmas cruise to the Caribbean Coll T.U,I CORONA DEL MAR TRAVEL Th J41t f , C..t Hwy. 671 .. JN Sh '1-~-":::;~•~peop~:'•~m:;;:•rryi~~·n~gl:h~a~ve~lo~b~e~'~in~e~n~r~e~nu~·s~'.~'·-'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 'Brass ow 1 - 'Gets Smith •• Sin';lr. 0: C. Smith will ap- pear as special guest star on This Christmas• Cruise the Caribbean on Oriana with flamlng ~uddl119s, ~ sun, stars, ptmm'scups ••• and ll1as.·Brltlsh. the Herb Alpert·Tijuana Brass . :st..;" .t..iFI • t· l'orum i n • J-.:22. .. ~ tl · ~ji!leOamenal ~t. , .. AO:~,~~ DESEBT .~ ror ih"Count Basoe , "QT SP"ING ~ ¥~11.~~1:.P.~: ,g, ,g, s ·!\! ~IOf.T' "1!1ch sold --CALll<OR NtA. •1.4 · copies, then im· tu any .. flllllJ.llaO r111rt ' · ·~ it With We h1V9 enough blue Uy, ~~:. ' .·."'.·.· "iiid~ ur~~u:.... ~,irll•=~r :=: Ol'll • , , plus deans of hot , . m1ner11 pools:, mocHrn mo. · 1'ie secret oC 0. C. 's INC· 1t11, and excellent mobile :ct11, according to nptrts, ii hOme ftcllhles, c Come to . ~ h# sings any type melody our he1Jthful city, Oeaett a.::~. to mutlcal comedy Hot Sorlngt-fOf' a w"k, r-... for 1 (llellme-OYtrlOOklng , to • rountry.westerD ~ Pilm Sptlng1 , tt11 golf c1pl· roi*, lllQal· Uff aDd bll tal of 11'11 wotld (on!)' 10 . lt~dlnary. --·-· ~ 0. C., 'Hlrb Alpert and 'n1t Jt'tir. ,_ ,,,,_.,,_ 1 ~ Bran are cut-rent.ly toceU.er a-t-rel Ceoua1-, ' on a haUan·W~ tour of one-o.,t. GN •i«hten. -. -.... -Cdl. . SeaUJ for ' the Novtmber tS Ofl'itlfleflt: °" '"""''i. ,0, ,,.., • muslcal ,J~Uv~J jre now on hllft.,,....... 90 1101111 °" on• flf sale al .,.. Fct-tfnl' bos office •~, •• 111111 .. t11 to D1111t "'' , _,. 1"t.411-lioulbland Ucket.,.__""-""-------'' outlets. . .. • --~--~- -' HGJTJ! Orlau....., la Alltlel Dlc. a1'i.houllhYoU'ftltnvtlfn&w1thJOW'OW'D. n 'l1ne ,... e-a&a Her dellioa-British buUer. tioft-8 suoey port&; Aruba, st. Tbomu, See )Wr tn~ q;enl Or contact BarbM1os. eunc.o, Trlnl4ad. Criatobal, P.M>, '1tie British line. Balboo, AoapWco. Come olMI on aa abool.i.iy llnl -·-Oriona.-fn nte bolldQ". You11 celebrate a British Gt'Mt Britain. 1UbltanUalb' IMetl ln-amstma at eea. Dance away the old termtional Saf'ebr S&andardl far new yeu'tllilh • bost.otoewfnend"'A.nd be =r~~aod. meets the KMd tq--mWJOU :.:t-!l • 1 ............... ~ ......... ,_ ......... ,,,,, ., •• , ••• .. . Our New Flower Shop - "FLOWERS BY DEBRA" A Division of Newport Produce YOU'VE READ ABOUT OR SEEN THE FLOWER STALLS OF PARIS & SAN FRANCISCO • • • JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE OUR FLOWER SHOP RIGHT HERE IN NEWPORT BEACH! THOUSANDS OF FRESH CUT FLOWERS IN EXCmNG FALL SHADES! COME SEE! (OME SAVE ! COME CELEBRATE ! FRO FLOWERS e FREE CAKE FREE DRINKS e FREE DRAWING (WIN A f LOWll AllANOI MI NT 01 FRUIT I A.SKIT} CLIP THESE COUPONS FOR OUR CELEBRATION! PRODUCE DEPT. FLOWER SHO P FLOWER SHOP . ·~ ........................... • ... . • ·•IAND ON NUt• • •IAND OPINING • GU.ND OPININe • • C.ILlllATIONI • C.ILllU.TIONI • C.IUIU.TIONI • :w1'r1 Ctloloootl .. Too l • • GORGliOUS : • GREEN PEPPERS : ALL COLORS : FRESH. CUT • :-Or • • MARIGOLDS : • FRESH CUCUMBERS : CARNATIONS : • : 5 ... 10' ·: z D& 99' : 39Jluft<h : • ' I • • U.ttlOf.... • u.tt-20... • U•lr-l l MC.• • • _With n11 c.,_ • With Thi• ceu,.,. • wttti ni. c..,.. • .•........ , .........•......... ' COUPONS IXP'lll NOYIMl ll 12 "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" ~ :. EWPORT PRODUCE £::1J:: 261' Now,.. ....._.. ao TIM P•l-1o "32 Year• of·Prod uce Know H OUI,. "Where Qualily I• The Order of the Hou.st'' lish is g, tor pori Ave den· 1he of t we of ( kidr vea. tie I Of S vi ct day sarr trisl sucl stuf kip1 lad£ the~ of r+ cd ; 16l - D vu CH SHI s - :: ii .. .. I '·~• .. WEEKENDER -OUT Frldl1. November 7, 1%CJ NOR!tl DAILY PIL01 25 By STANLE'l' ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AN.o· ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Two Oherhansli's Costa Mesa's superb shop specializing in Eng· lish qi.eat pies to go -Oberhansli's of London - is going to have a twin. A second edition of proprie· tor Basil Oberhansli's heretofore one-of·a·kind em· porium is just geeting under way at 1724 N. Tustin Ave., Orange . That's certainly good new~ for the north resi· dents of Orange County. Because Basil's product, to •lhe best of our knowledge, can't be topped this side of the Atlantic. As a daytime snack or main course for dinner, \Ve can't think of anything more tempting than one of Oberhansli's beef steak and mushroom or beef kidney pies. Unless it's one of ·his other pies like veal ham and egg, beef steak, pork, a Cornish pas· tie or sausage roll. CATERING, TOO In addition. Oberhansli 's offers a wide variety ol' sandwiches, cold meat pla·tes and a catering ser· vice for all occasions. For any event from a birth· day to a cocktail party. The ne'v Orange establi shment will carry the same fine line of i1nported British, Scottish and !Tish foods as is found in Costa Mesa. Including such items as tea , porridge; parsley and thyme stuffing, Yorkshire pudding mix , chutney,~smoked kippered herrings, plum puddings, cheeses, marma- lade and jams, shortbread and bi scuits. ' Blimey matey , take it from us. Partaking of these wares prompts one to advance the suggestion of returning •to the mother country. In Costa Mesa Oberhansli's of London is local· ed at 270 E. 17th St., Hillgren Square . · Open to the Public . ~ Newly Enlarged ~~~·~ Popular ... LARK ROOM Enterl<11inment Nightly Tuesday through-SalUrJIY THE FA BULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS. CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co-Own1r1 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINCHON HACH Fcir Reservations Call 846-1186 or 846-1416 Dean & Frank's Favorite Chef TONY SIRAMARCO For1T.1rlv of th1 Viii• Capri, 81v1rlv Hill, Brin91 Hii s~m• F1mou1 ITALIAN ANO AMERICAN DISHES TO ORANGE COUNTY TRY TONY'S SPECIALTIES SUCH AS VEAL AU PARMIGIANA 1n CASSl!ltOLE with M1r11l1 wi111 ••• cooked i11 I very 1p1ci1I ilUCI, loll of ch1111 , , . 11rv1d with Sp19h1Hi. CHICKEN AU CACCIATORE A bi9 di11ne r for big 11t1u. A tru1 lt1li111 tr11t. SHRIMP "SCAMPI" AU ITALIANO Jum~o pr11wn1 with Limon C11h1w bult1r 11uc1. ·AND • STEAKS e LOBSTER e PRIME RIB NOW : TONIG-HT • EVERY Nl~HT AT THE CASPIAN 1670 Newport Blvd., -Costa Mes• 642-1293 Mr,iitt 11 A.M. -11 P.M. M .... ffl. -2·12 Set. -J-t I••· Ii!! " 11 " Truly .. .. == 11 == Distinctive Dining .. " ~ " .. .. .. .. .. ' F11tudn9 Ovr Se_1ci1I Enlr11 BEEF, BOTTLE & BIRO ...... $S.SO Oinn1r -Nl9hlly 5 to l I P.~. LYnc h1on Froll'I 11 :JO A.M. -Mo;;: ihrw Fri, AFTERNOON COCKTAIL HOUR ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT WITH MIKE & JUDY MOW Af'PUllHG Pll .. SAT. & SUN. NITIS JACK KING ·HYPNOTIST RA1'1A DA I NN'S ROYAL PAGE RESTAUflANT 1010 WHT KATILU, ANAHllM • ....,. .. 1 ... 77~7fl. ' Petite Auberge It was Sbalteapearo who· J>Oled the queaUon : "What's ln a naine?", and answered lt by saylne: "That which we call a rose by any other name· would ·Smell a.s sweet." · Which means one doesn't have to get bogged down in 'semantics to distinguish between a .rose and a lilac. While simultaneousl7 recognizing that .the two share a number of admtrable cbaracteris· .ti.cs. And so it ts with the name change that's been made by one of the area's very finest restaurants. The , former Gerard . in Costa Mesa now known as Petile Auberge, There is still much of what \Vas under the previous name. But to think of it as being the same 1s to confuse one good thing with another -and miss the point of our analogy with the flowers. OWNS IT ALL A shift in ownership leaves essential manage- ment and kitchen supervision unchanged. Georges Duperroy, who operated the Costa Mesa Gerard on a partnership basis with Gerard Thery; has taken over sole proprie'torship of Petite Auberge. Thery, meanwhile, continues to operate his original Chez Gera rd Restauraant in Laguna Beach. • ~ Duperroy's choice for the new name -which n1e ans Srnall Inn in French -is singularly apprcr priate. The diminutive establishment has a maxi· n1um. seati~g capacity of just over 50, and exudes the kind of warmth and fnendliness gerierally aSs1>- ciated with the wayside inns of Europe. Interior changes have bOOn ff\\' but the most noticeable have considerably enhanced the overall coziness and intimacy. Especially the addition of white tablecloths and windo \v curiain s. OBERHANSLl'S OF LONOON .EN6LISB 1UEAT PIES Sieak • Steek & Kidney ii S+.ek end Mu1hrooms e Pork -• Veel & Hem e Corn is h Pesties e Seusege Rolls ··:·· IMPORTED lllTllH POODI • ALL POOD TO eo As1or t1d C1111pt s For Coekt1il P•rli11, Etc , HOURS: 10 A.M .·7 P.M. e s.t.1 0-6 • CLOSED SUNOA . 1724 N. Tntl• A.,., 271 I. 17tt. St. . Ch..,. 617·1144 C•1N Mese 641·2252 DON JOSE' Now Appearing The Sensational VIC GARCIA LTD. with vocals by GERMAINE IN THE FIESTA ROOM FROM 8:30 P.M. to 1:30.A.M. flNIST MIXICAN FOOb AT llASONAILI PllCIS e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1m1 (1t Mlgnoll•) Hunt. lleoch 962-7911 BEAUTIFUL Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE Dancing Nig1itly T uesday tllru Sunday The Naturals I ·a'"..,""" Spocl1I Sund1y Brunch -I 0:30 • 2:30 31106 COAST HIGHWAY, SOUTH -LAGUNA R•Mrv•tlons ·499-2663 "Ll'1 foo4 ii hithlr r1ciorn• rJ1111d1d." N•rrn St111l1y -o,a., .t.ilot • Lunch & Dinner ' 968°5050 I .GALL IC CHARM . Tho la~g• brick fireplace .continues to highlight the prevailing Gallic charm, as ·do the French prO' vinclal furnishh!gs .and decor: Completing .the aura of total reJax.~on are the warm.colot lccents of orange; gold .and brown. ~ l!:EI ' MMt Items from the former bill of fare have been retained on the Petite Auberge menu, but din· ners also are offered a number of new entrees. Prominent · among th es" 'are . tourned9s of beef, sauce bearnaise, '5.75;. medallion of veal, $4.75; filet o.f sole, White wine sauce, tomatoes and mush-rooms , $4.25. It is to the house s~ialty, however, that any first time visitors 'should turn their uildivided at- tention. Namely: roast duckling, sauce a l'orange, $4.95. . Having savored tWs culinary triwnph, we felt ~ouble rew~rded when Duperroy later exphiined its preparation. And gave us a true apprecfation of the pams-taking effort involved. HOW IT IS PREPARED The duck is roasted for two and one-half to three hours and regularly basted with only the na· tural juices. When cooked it is cut in half, ha s sher· ry poured over it and is then returned briefly to the oven . When taken from the oven again, the orange sauce is added. This cbnsists of a mixture of carmel sugar and water base, vinegar, condiments. sherry, lemon, orange, cons()mme and Grand Marinier. The completed disli -as flavo rsome as you'll fi~d an}'\vh~re-is served with ric~ pilaf. And. as \vith all Petite Auberge entrees, comes with a choice of soup or sa1ad and a fresh vegetable mix com· prised of peas, carrots and Brussels sprouts. 1raMois' CONTINENTAL CUIS INE Femous for FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -CJ01ed Mond•y HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 11151 BEf,C.H JLVO. 142-1919 ARCADIA ' SINCE 1931 -AIRPORT F"'"''"' s1 .. k • c•1o11 ... 1 ... 11 •• c.1.1 .. Serving Late Dinners MIR .. Tllvr. 11 AM.·llJt A,M. 1262 PALISAOl!S RO. COSTA _NIE!A ....... ll'tl, • Sii. IJ1 ... hlt A.M. 2~ £. HUNTINGTON OR. ARCADIA '47-111l THE OCEAN AT YOllK TABLE! SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET EllTREES DINE AND DANCE , WITH JESS PARKER AT THI HAMMOND X-66 IANQUIT fACILITlll OPIN SIVIN DATI II te 2 A.M. 536-2555 11'011: ltlSlltVATIOHI 117 PMlfk CHlt Hwy. H1o1tlllfh1 IHc• 'R..efreshment ..Means a ·i:.orof 'l'hi11gs A long laok at the rolling Seil The nostalgic cry or , wheeling gull The floral artistry of• French Carden And, good food and drink in such a setting! The VICTOR HUGO INN hils bef:n·rtfreshipg$1iners .lnd making mcmori~ for over a quar1er of a century: Open Daily Luncheon-Dinner- Cockta.ils Champagne Brunch- Sunday from 11 :30 a.m. to l p.m. Cliff Drive at coast -Hl8fi~uni'8e.ach" 494-94- A 51/bsldl•ryol A111FAC, lr>.'C. I -• OTHER ENTREIS · Other entrees to tempt the diner lnc:lude chick: : en in wine and mushroom sauce. '4.~; cb,i.~k4ft ' · diplomat, ~rerun sherry sauce, ~.25 ; .~ tQtdon ' :· bleu, ham• and cheese, $4.25; veal Olcai' (ail'l~er . , house specialty), $4.50 ; shrimp ProvfmClle ' -lb l and garlic, $4.25 ; halibut s t ea k , ,.;.i., aux. '• champignons, $3. 75. , 1) .,, ., ·: ~ . · .. . . ' ,~ ' .. ' . And : trout stuffed with crab meat, $4.50r.s;•I'/ el-." breads saule chasseur, $4.50; frog's leg'a: la' · -. cale, '$4:75;. ground sirloin, mushroorn.sauc' *jflf , : New York steak, mushrooms, '5.50; pipper ~ , flambe, $5 .50 ; double entrecote, gal'lllJ? (l<>rtw'o). : $14.50. ' During o u r posl...ctinner conversation ' wrth ~ Duperroy about his method of prepering roast duckhng, \Ve also gleaned a few personal facts about his background 'and training.· WbiCb made Us realize tQe boyisli appearance belies the y,eats ... experience leadin g up to the recent es.tablisbmenf of his own restauraµt. • • EUROPEAN BORN ', ; Born in Brussels of a Belgian restaurateur fa~ · er and an English mother, he attended M:hool-tbe"N · until , at the age of 15. his father sent him to Wales .. to l~arn Er:tglish. To obtain further grounding in the ~am1Ir business, he also \vorked in a restaurant dur- ing his one-year stay . Returning to Belgium he '''orked for six months at the family place before his lather sent him to Hanover, Germany. Again he \vas assigned to learn the language and the art of the national cookery. When the year expired he returned to Brussel!" once mo:e and eventually signed on wJth the res· tau_rant in the Argentine Pavilion at the World's Fair. Later positions in the Belgian capitol included Continued on Page 26 ~~~~~~~tint ~ {8'1:\€Z e'ti:'.6}? i "IYi .. ., Ho lodoy Mog~m• Awo,0" l ~~~;;·.;;-»!!kl'-· JAN DENEAU TR I 0 , ~t:' Excitingly different. A delightful selling to· meet e\lery mood ind taste. Well prel)<lred sourmet Menu-well served. Strolllna musician) add an atfnosphere of charm and romance. Enjoy ttiis enchinting ~tmosphere for luncb, cocktails, dinner. And, opening soon, the most exdtlnil: wine cellar in Southvn C'.alifomia. Reservations suggested. 644·1700 ExLSS2. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ARLENE SKILES and the DICK POWELL TRIO SUNDAY I 3TfASlllON IStlle NEWPOIT CBml --& ............. 1111-••tlw ....... I \ r ---·------------.--··---·----I -- fC OAl~Y P.ILOT r:'r!day, Novtmbtr 7, 1969 ' I'. -lfft"\504,ltM 1:9AST MIGMWAY •' .. ' ,• ! ,. ' " r Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home. STA'G CHINESE WINO lli '2hf'p1.; 'Newport BHch OR0 iolo 3·9560 l.a O,.. Y .. ire11MI Delly 11-12 -Fri. aMI Sot. 'tll 3 e.-. '• ' MASCO LAS STEAKS • SEA FOODS • PRIME RIB !o!EDITERllANEAN SPECIALTIES ~-. Llvtly -Entart•lnmant TUffd•y thru S•turd•y Nl9ht1 THE. TAFOLLA BROS. JOHN .,d NOAH 1'15 EAST 17th STREET -SANTA ANA i RHtrV•tlon1 547·9511 \• •'. ~·~~.~~~~~~~~~I , 1 'ALL YOU CAN EAT .... ,. ~ • Regular $1.45 Buffet Luncheon _ .$1.20 ~ti.• Re9ular 2.99 Buffet Dinner .... --···· 2.45 -,. 'e Regular 3.29 Champagne B~unch ................ 2.65 With Thl1 Coupon • Authentic Chinese Dinner •............... 1.89 and up Children Under 12-$1.00 TEMPLE GARDENS C:HINESE RESTAURANT -WEEKENDER Continued from P19e 25 tfill y:earJ1_as_mai!rJO _d' at th~ well·knoll'!! Canter- bury ]testaurant. THEN THE U;S. Duperroy came to the United States In 1964 and, heading directly to Southern Caltfornla, landed the maitre d' post at Lonr Beach's Lafayette Hotel. This was followed by empfoyment· at the Arches and Stull Shirt in Newport Beach before joining Thery in the Gerard partnership. Suffice to say-one major undertaking in a year apparently isnt quite enough for this personable young man. Another such venture took . place in June with his marriage to a charming European girl who only recently immigrated to this country. The new Mrs. Duperroy and· former Karin Nehring is a native of Essen, Germany. She spent some time in Vermont· before moving to Laguna Beach where the couple met and now reside. In sum total they represent the kind of newJy. annexed residents who give the area its youthful enthusiasm and know-how. And Petite Auberge de- livers prime testimony. '® The restaurant is a bit oU the beaten path at 758 St. Clair St., Costa Mesa. You can't afford to miss it so Jook sharply off Bristol and Randolph, just South of Baker. New Dishes at Li's Moved by the spirit of Confucius or some like sage, we set off the O'l:ber evening for further adven- tures in Chinese cuisine at Li's Restaurant in Hunt- ington Beach. A wise undertaking, as it turned out, ·~ 4 ;i;' N ABOUT shrimp with China green, and pea pods mixed in a delictous sauce. More a la carte di shes merttln~. certificates. of ap~roval include.chow ming yung, ~!l'ed •.!..eak with Chinese mushrooms, !)Us bamboo shoots, !Ojjped with Jong rice, $2.75 ; lobster chow don, lobste.r scrambled with bean sprouts, beaten eggs and Ch1- nete ric e Vermicelli noodles, $2.50; goo low yok, cubed tetidertoin ol pork dipped in light batter and sauteed \\jth pineapple and sweet.sour sauce, pep- per and onions. And the superb sweet and sour Mandarin duck. Long Island duckling, boned and pressed, cooked with pineapple, green pepper, celery, sweet and .sour sauce, $2.65. Our most recent visit also provided the firS'f. op- portunity to sample an offering from Li's broiler en- trees. This was a flavorsome and tender steak and lobster combo, $0.50. And past experience has taught us diners won't go wrong by ordering any of the Oriental style fam- ily dinners. These range from the Mandarin at $3.35 per person to the Chef's Masterpiece for $5.95 per person. We also learned that the restaurant is currently offering a 20 per cent di scount on all food to go . And the take-out menu contains most of the palat- able dishes served to sit-down customers. open seven days a week from 11:30 a.rn. for luncheon and dinner. Li's Restaurant is located at 8961 Adams Ave., corner of Magnolia, Huntington Beach. The cocktail lounge is open to midnlBht, Sun· day through Thursday, and until 2 a.m. Fnday and Saturday. De Santo Trio on all counts. ~.&v ... " ... ·, ~ 1soo Adom• IAt Harbo,) Co11a M"°' -Ph••• 540.1937 Aside from having one of the most strikingly · •#IJ!i:ti~+i ---Faod·tou•o-=-ionc1un-&-M&m..9·eot.m.,-·-·---beaut!l'u1··dining--ro:o:m:s ·111-uiese,-parts··=---thanks·to .. ··-·-11h-1• .;-e · 8 -·e "S' p.,.,,___. _,. Pietro's. the colorful Italian s~ialty house lo- cated at 2500 Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach, is presently featuring entertainment by the lively Phil De Santo Trio. With their music provid- ing the perfect follow up to dinner. - tor SllLOIH SPECIAL s12' MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT I Witt! lkdted Po,ata or Fre11ch Frle1 ......••.• , ....• Clllldre11 U11der 12 011e·HC1lf rrice '.''MUNTINCHON BEACH~ COSTA MESA TOWN & COUNTRY HILLGREN SQUARE 1hSI INdl llvlll. fil·l'U BEl·HNO TEXACO STATION E. 11th a S•~t• A~• .u,.74n: CHILD'S PORTION HALF PRICE (ChiWren under 12) PHONE IN ... All ITEMS AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUT the intricate and detailed handicraft of Hong Kong "' •• 'ae-••UV artisans -the restaurant also offers food to match its sumptuous decor. NEW OFFERINGS . And three new items that have been added to , the menu since our last visit are particularly note- worthy. With two oi specific interest to budget-con- scious families . -Leadlng off the latter is a special family dinner for $2.25 per person. The amazing quantity of food served for the comparatively low tab includes appe- tizers, beef soo chow, fried shrimp, egg flower-soup. Toki Beale is shown standing in front of one of the magnificent pillars inside Li 's Chinese Restaurant in Huntington Beach where she is hostess. The in- tricate ceiling and Chinese astrological calendar are not visible, but Miss Beale's charm more than compensate. shrimp egg loo young, chicken mushroom chow mein, fried rice, tea, almond cakes and fortune cookies. Three or more people in a group brings the ad- ditional dish of sweet and sour pork. CHILDREN 'S PLATE A new special children's platter; for youngsters under 12 who might not care to go along with the Chinese bill of fare, consists of a hamburger S'teak with French fries, lettuce and tomato for $1.25. · .............. Trus·15·fo "aiiili6oir16·tbe .. $1.95 children's delight on the regular menu, which offers a choice of fried shrimp, bar-b-q ribs or chicken sticks, and is served with soup or salad, baked potato, cookies and milk or coke. ftMEftA ftE&TAUUNf Cantinent1I Cuisine Cockt1il1 Serving Luncheon and Dinner M011day through Saturday. Closed Sundays Oprn for Private Partiei Only We ire locat1d next to the May Co. in South Coast Pla:r:a. 3JJJ S. lrbtal Coatti w... 540.3140 'Whed: Exciting ~in1s ~di Happenin1! f'heft1mel. .,Three'• COM~ in tit• SefliJle i...u.,. D"'lnt in·tlte beeutifrd MatUor Roo• Blllfet L 1U1the011 GRAND HOTEL 7 FREEDMAN WAY ANAltEfM, CALJr. 772· 77'77 The other ne\v item that has been added to the menu is a special a la carte dish. deluxe sizzling go ba, for $2.95. Which rates out 'n' abouter's highest recommendation, HERE 'S HOW To come up 'vith this culinary gem the chef places a bed of dry rice on a fire-hot steel plate. Over thi"5'he pours a combination of sliced barbe- cued pork 'W'ith mushrooms, bamboo shoots and (Js~~f!!~~~ n•1 wnr co-n MIOHWAT tHW,Olf llACll 171'1 "'4011 Before giving full attention to the trio,· however, there is an appetizing array of entrees to consider. Like veal scaloppini Marsala, sh rimp fra Diavolo and polio alla Parmigiana (chicken sauteed in but· ter with white wine and Parmesan cheese). Also, this intimate spat with authentic nautical decor of a small Italian sea-port, recently .instituted some changes in policy, including dancing nightly, except Monday when the restaurant is closed. Sauce Jolie Fille Under the general title. o!-sauces come ahy and all liquids that acco1npany foods . Because they are such an indispensable part of all cookery today, we have been reviewing the various sauces diners tnighl come across without having a full knowledge of \vhat is 'involved in making them. This time out let's bone up on sauce jolie fille, or pretty girl sauce "as we are more prone to say in this country. It is quite pOssible you may have had the sauce and never kn own because it is rather rarely listed on the menu. And chances are you have encountered it on broiled fish or boiled meats of every variety. The ingredients are butter, flour, breadcrumbs, ~0~1so1nme, heavy cream, chopped tiarsley, onion JUtce, hard-cooked egg yolks, lemon Juice, salt and pepper. HOW IT'S MADE In its preparation the butter is melted in a saucepan after which the flour is added and mixed well. As soon as it is pale golden in color, it.he bread- crumbs are added and stirred for a minute before the consomme is poured in. With continued stirring, the cream salt and pep- per are added next, followed by the chopped pars- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · ley and onion juice. All of this is stirred well again • • n THE d and as soon as it reaches the boiling point the mix-• ®. Cari'be Room • O! OU ture is removed from the fire and the egg yolks and S ~~ ~ ~ • Jll ! lemon juice are added. • -. PRESENTS : 11 ilr======="'No=w=o"'P"'EN=== ENTERTAINMENT -3 SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING Monday thru S1turd1y JACK COSTANZO Featuring Q GERRIE WOO CONTINENTAL CUISINE 21112 OCEAN AVI. IC:..t Hwy.J -HUNTIN•TON BEACH -536-1421 Newport le1ch, C"ta Mell end Huntin9ton INch 1re1• - Newport Beach 1nd Co1t1 Meu Ctll 646-7136, 17th & Tustin For Huntin9ton 8e1ch C1U 147°1214, BHch & Hell ::',, The Party .Bar I 515 S. MAIN SANTA ANA : 1~-:;:;;-~_;_~~-;_;;;;_~-~-;-~~-;-~_;~-~11 • • • • "Buon mangiare, romanze 1; ~,.AJ,,,.e dolet: vita." fte"w (11 4) 642-9711 2500 Pldftc: Cout Hwy., Newport 8t1dl ENTERTAINMENT BY THE PHIL DE SANTO TRIO YOU 'LL ENJOY OtJR- M f D DAY FAER SUNDAY 12 P. M. TO 4 P.M. !FM~ f htc Dh1i11,t1 Sinre l9ti5 o,.... Cou1tty'1 New lotl_,o oocl Ool19htful FRENCH RESTAURANT (Formerly Gerard's) Olooor S:J0-10:00 p.m • Tuttdoy 111ni S-y Cer"'' .t ••M91ph •M lrl•tel Celta MeN 5404461 ~iiiiiiii DELANIY'S k~~}r Feataring Oraage C:oaaty•s Flne~t OYSTER BAR ()pin Dally-II A:M. -2 A.M. 630 E. Udo Park Dr., N.I. -675·0100 I~. FLING INTDTAINMINT • f Nl•NTS A W1U D4•C:ING * HA, HALL DUO wm. Jtfl11 ...,.,. • ... -......... MON.-Tun..wn. * Larry L1ko SlngQr Guitarist lte1r-MH1 The1ftr s~J::, Costa Mltll 1-=:..;==-::;__-=-~~~~""'--~~~~~-' ......... - 3801 WT O>MT li l<iM\VAY CoRON/\. t>liL ~{AR, CAUPOANIA l111osc: (71-4) 675--137-4 • •. 141 tlttto ... -... ~ .... I '· ! --=------ • • ... . H \\ N \\ b• le in S1 v. B: 0 or M th p, W; ftt B< nc Cc St Ho WO Sil No ex Al NE .. Di HL thJ Or. pa Bo p.1 }J lot bh E• thJ de hOI UC th• COi Ne to gr; ViE ' 1 na ba Ne Ar. • sis m1 an of Ju ol Cit 0 I • [ --Tn -tlae Gallerle• John Powell Exh-ihit Set -llOWERS-ilUSEUM -2002N. Main St., :ioiita Ana. Hours: 10 a.m .• 4:30 p.m. Tuea .• Sit.; 1 to S p.m. Sun.; Wed. and Thurs. eve. 7·9 p.m. No charge. On exhloit lhrougn Nov. 30, special photographic sbow commemorattnc the John Wesley Powell Centennial It ii part of a naUon-.,lde cel.e- bratlon of the h!Jtorlc Colorado River Expedition of 18G9, led by Powell. HUNTINGTON BEACH UBllARY -~ Main St., Hunt· ington Beach. On exhibit during regular library hours and Sundays 1-5 p.m. through Nov., oil palntinp bf Joyce Clari, Vincent Farrell, Nonie Higgins, Frank Taur1eUo and Ora Brimer. COSTA MESA COUNTRY CLUB -1701 Country Club Drive, Costa Mesa. Oil paintings by Shirley Howard will be on exhJbit on the club's second floor during the month of Nov. CALIF. SAVINGS .GALLERY -2700 Harbor Blvd., Costa 1.fesa, during regular businw hours, a diversified exhibit of the arts and crafts by Donna Friebe.rts.llauaer, t1Ued "Crafts Potpourri " MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN -21117 E. Coast Hi&h- way, Corona de! Mar. On exhibit during regu~ busir>.ess ftours through Nov., portraits, landscapes by Sy I Via Mooruer. LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 ClifC Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission $1. Members and one guest free. Hours: noon to 5 p.m. On exhibit through Nov., Calif. National W~ter Color Society Show and the America Wa(ercolor Society Show. MESA ART LEAGUE -513 Center St., Colta Mesa. Hours: Sat. and Sun. I to 5 p.m. ConUnuoua eihlbit of ~t work In various media by Art Lea&Ue members. No admis· sion charge. CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 West Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. On exhibit through Nov ., oil and watercolor painUngs by Hal Akins. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. currently on exhibit through Nov., during regular business hours, needle point wall banging_s by Paul Ditzenbarger. so. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK _· 17122 Beaca Blvd., Huntington Beach. On ei:hibit during regular business hOW"s, through Nov. 14, paintings by Charlotte Dunn. COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours through Nov., oil paintings by Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Ries. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM -400 Main St., Balboa. Hours : Wed through Sun. 1 p.m.-S p.m.; Mon. 6 p.m.·9 p.m. On exhibit through Nov. 9, "The New Art of Vancouver," a survey of seven young painters, sculp.. tors and object makers working in Vancouver, 'British Colum· bla. MDA VERDE LIBRARY -2968 Mesa Verde Dr i v e East, Costa Mesa. On ei:hi blt during regular library· hours through the month of Nov., oil palnUngs by Ferne Miller. CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY -420 Marigold, Corona del Mar. On exhibit through Nov. during.regular library hours, oil paintings by Zoe Smith. UCI ART GAIJ.ERY -Tblrd floor, Fine Arts Bldg., UC Irvine. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m., Tues . .Sun. On exhibit through Nov. 30, "An L.A. Eslhetic," varied media by four contemporary artists. 1 CAMERA WORK GALLERY -2400 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Hours : Thurs. and Fri. 5 to 9 p.m.: Sat. 12 lo 9 p.m.: Sun. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Gallery limited to photo-- graphy, opening Nov. 6 with "little bit of everything" on view through Nov. 30. 'Blood, s,veat, Tears' Playing Anaheim Center Blood, Sweat and Tears , the nation's newest rock-blues bind has been signed for a November 22 playdate at Anaheim Convention Center. The group is unique con- sisting of nine solid young musicians who studied point and counterpoint at such seats of higher learning as t h e Julllard and Eastman Schools cf Music, Carnegie Tech and City College of New York. Credited with developing a new dimension in rock music, their professional experience .runs the gamut from jau, to rock, to blues, and even cla ssical muslc. Blood, Sweat and Tears ad- ditionally features a ave-piece horn section a~nd even a rhythm section . ..__ "Child Is }'ather To The 'Man," thelr debut record made for Colum- bia, is currenUy a best-seller. NOW PLAYING EXCWSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS "Battle"--·. . .... otuFftain" \.. "G" ~.., __ ~ M;;j=~C. TIM'Wf c.t ... ---~' Wiii ~-_., ... _____ . ...... $11n ,_ w,ut $tallllll Y«t _ _..., s.n;..t . Fe --------.. -11=11 I _.1.....--,_.... . . I G) For All General Atrcllences 2nd FaaluN at HI.Way 39 "THE GREEN BElllTS" FOX CINEMALAND HI-WAY lf ... Offl•• 0,... 6141 s.." htl.-1111 .... OMc.0,..1:41 W ... cleyt ."UftLl"-7111 & 9:41 "IAnU OP lllTAIN"-t1ll s.e. a .... f~4 ....... 1Jt-71tl-11 P.M, -.1aN Hlm"-6:)1·11141 • ,rfday, Nowmbtr 1, 1%9 ' -P-reschool -PreView 'Sesame Street' Special Set Saturday IQ an unprecendtnted move are the prime audience for the caster and Carol 8ufnett In to create the largeat possible new entertainment and learn. roles done especially for audlmce for a fortbcomln( Ing ptOCrlllll. "~ Slreel" will also. :,0 educauonaJ television seriei, uEauCiUonal 1 t a t i on s" seen on the apeclal. NBC-TV will telecut "This daytime Pl'Oll'ammlng ls -~ Street" ban ex-Way -To S.....e SU..t~· I uaUlll limited lo inatrui:tloiiai ~ . Ibo .,.__,_. ~ ornse.... ma ~ am .. tO icli601 te!evlsJon and lta tectmlqUn to Street,"· the new pub IT c systems, while the majority of help prtpare young children televiaion pro cram for preschoolers are at home wilh for fonnal schooling. It is preschool chlldreu In a their mothers whose diallng being lpouortd by Carnegie network color SPedal Satur· hablll are fixed on the usual Corporatloo, Ford Foundation, day, November latl p.m. day Ume entertainment and us O!Oce cil EduclUon Head 'lbe 31J..minute procram, to dramaljc fart," Day NJd. siart., \he 1 CorpGrltloit. for be ,... locally on Channel 4, HOits for the 11).mJnute . PubUc ~ an d •· ~•-· made -··'ble by 1 ch11111el 4 special will be the otben • Y ~.. ,...... =ti, de 11 g • e d ·-• . -""'==::; grant from Xerox corporaUon .. ..iu ~ to National E d u c at i on a 1 Culated by Puppeter Jim Televbion, the national pro-HelllOfl.. They will introduce duction center of non<om-the show's regular live bostl, mercial lelevision. take viewers on a bacbtagt "Sesame Strett" begins Its tour of the street and preview some of the cartoon and live 29-week first seuon on the action elementa that will be following Monday, Noyember standard educaUonal (and IO and will be seen for at least entertainment) feature3 of the one hour each day on more aeries. than 170 public televiaion sta-Guest appearances b y tlons. mO!t of them affiliates James Earl Jones, Burt Lan. Cl•tk &•hl_Vi.,.1•111 ~Ith ··ca. ... Wttti Tiie WW" pl111 "$•,,... , ........ 5'iwttr' with Jim G;•t111•r Co11ti111101;11 Su-t:JO P.M. AMERICANA. PAINTING BY EDWIN L. DAHLIERG, IN9 Ont in th1 American Wetercolor Society's Traveling Exhibit of N.E.T., from co3st to coast.--~~~~#.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some 80 stations are planning I to show it twlct a day -firat Water C·olors Shown Laguna Gallery Mounts New Exhibit in the morning and again the late afternoon. The program will be carried In Los Angeles by ChaMel 28, which will telecast It three dmes daily during weekdays, at 7 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. All of the weekday shows will be repeated on the follow- ing Sunday, starting at 10 a.m. ('INI<:DOMF. '---~ ~T"MW _.. "-· ~ ···~ . . . . . . . Novemb e r has been designated as Water Color Month at the Laguna Beach Art AssociaUon Gallery. In the Main Gallery the California National Water Color Society has mounted its 49th annual exhibition, while in the Lower Gallery the 102nd traveling m a t t e d exhibition of the American Watercolor Society is on display. based on the West Coast, should both be showing at the same place. the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery. This creates for the art student and art viewer a national scope cf what is being done in the media. c:..;ein and polymar (opaque watercolors ), as well a s pigments that are waterproof after they dry. This expanded wea1th of old and new materials gives thts mounting It& variety and strength, showing the high order of craftsmanship it stimulaled in the artist. James Day, president of N.E.T., said "I don't remember any occasion tn the lr~ii~ii~~~~~~~::::~~~l history of television wben one network has described the programming plans of another he. SW. It.ti 1 ,. ll is unique thal these two societies , AWS based int he East Coast and the CNWCS 50 Compete In Rodeo At Ranclio The art Jover who visill this edlibition of watercolor must keep in mind that the term "watercolor" no longer means strictly transparent aquarelle. Artists now speak ol water· media whi ch include gouache, This has spurre d ex- perimentation and Invention in the form of new techniques, making this exhibit brilliant and provocative. Dinner Dance Recalls Big Band Era of l 940's network, but in the case of 'Sesame Street' the precedent is worth setting. "We're very pleased-that the unusual nature of this new series has been recognized by a large corporation and com- mercial network and I hope this is only the tint of a number of opportunities that will allow commercial and non-commerclnl broadcasters to join forces in Introducing Worthwhile new projects." Winter Horton, vice presi- dent for development of N. E. T., was credited by Day with making inlUal arrangements An Unu'u.l dlnner-dan-ls tal . Ith J ck H t for the network special. "~ nos g1a w a amp on, The reason for a com- scheduled for the Jamboree piano; Sid Bulkin, drums; Bob mercial network special, Day Cowboys will battle animals Room of the Newport Inn, C b Robb I . ed . t boost th . and time with thrills, spills assen s. ass; Y exp a1n , ts o e size and chills for spectators dur-Newport Beach on November Robinson, George Faye and of the audience of public, or ing the Ran cho California Fall a. It is a function arranged by Barney o I s 0 n, trombones; educational, television stations Id Sa d -especially among the na-Rodeo, to be he tur ay the Saint Joseph Hospital of Pinky Savitt, Doh Dennis, Sam lion's l2 million three-four· and Sunday, November 11-16, Orange and its senior Conti and Chuck Conti on and five-year old children who at the Rancho California volunteers. Showgrounds i n southwest The event, c3lled the trumpets and Ryland Weston, ~a•11• COo\IT •'"'"' Riverside County. 1"e rodeo, "GalaJy Gala," will feature Emmett Fri z e 11, Fran the last one to be held in the top musical hits and Polifroni, Richard Strimple . .& - c ........ .... s.t ..... Su. ,,.. J ,. BARGAIN MATINEI EVERY WED. I P.M, TWO BIG HITS I I California this year, is in ap. artists of the 1940s. The 16-and George Smith on sax:-•_1111"."'•I proved Rodeo C 0 w b 0 Y s piece orchestra which has aphones. T•lte ot ':ti -' 1o:ot COOKING SCHOOL THURSDAY Association event. been assembl ed has more than ... ._,. .. -a ..... ...,..•m 50 b Some of the orchestras they f FREE ADMITTANCE 9:30 A.M. An expected cow oys 30 big-band names included in -'71--T...,.,ff• will compete for more than the backgrounds al the have played with Include such .llUll Aft...,.,_ ll';;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; $5,000 in prize money. Events orchestra members. Many of w e 11-k n o w n names as ·. """-• • II scheduled to test a cowboy's the musicians are providing Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnett, Tn~:"LLJ~ abilities and at the same time 0 r 1 g i n a I arrangements of Benny Goodman, Woo d y qvw DVV r • ....,,,,.,=-,,,,.,,.,..,,.,,.,,.... provide outstanding spectator World War Il era songs for the Herman, Buddy Morrow, Billy .AJH•-•• .. 1."r.:-·~~·nc••ld&.W -PACIFIC -inlerest include saddle bronc band 's use during the evening. J\.fay, Harry James and Red ..i • 1:01 o.ty riding, steer wrestlin g. bull Leader or the orchestra will Nichols. ...:,:;:::___ ~\ C I~ I • j. I !f :~ briding, c8:U ropidngb, barleback be Bernie Bernard, w c 11 Others are Stsn Kenton, Ray ~ -· -• •• -• • • -·- ;;,.nc riding an arre rac-k~own musical Went of the Noble, Ray Conilf, Jimmy and j ta;" , 1 Children attending the event big-band d~ys. The program of Tommy Dorsey, Sldnnay En- wiU be thrilled with the • the Gala w1 ~l follow thi:, format ~~sPr::o:'g~a:,o, :J; ~~~yr; &';;".; perfonnance' of the clowns _ cf old radio .shov.:s and the Ill both comedians and life savers featured vocalist will be an old Ted Fiorito and many othen. (!,_. ...... _and the spectacular opening Kay Keyser. band member -Tickets for the Galaxy Gala, ; HiY'''"ic0jC'"st * ~ ceremonies along with a Harry Babbitt -who will be $30 per couple which includes number of specialty acts. performing many of the tunes dinner and dancing, may be lft , .. Shew, s.t_,.,, 1 :to Daily performances start at heard on radio 25 years ago . purchased through t h e Saint 2 p.m. Tickets are $2 for those Big Band buffs will find the Joseph Hospital Volunteer of· over 16 years of age and $1 for names of the or chest r a ~f~ic~·~· ~P~ho~n~e~633~-~91~1~1.;;;;;;;;;;;;.l;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;;::ii:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;~ "THE CAT" those und~r 16. members a real exercise in!i EXCLUSIVE! RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEME NT TONIGHT AT 8 ·ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WALKtO ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF U~ "2001 " IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE L/Kcl Y TO GET. 20Qk. a space -1-flY. CINERAMA '""--· i1 .. •1"' KE lll DULi.iA • OAPIV LOCKWOOD i«U•"-'' tYSTANL(Y KUllPl!CK-AlllMUll C.Cl.ARKI SUM:ll H.llAYISIOll'"!"I MiTJIOOOlOll KEEP YOUR SUMMER TAN ALL WINTER! THE MONKEY TREE HOTEL e 40' HEATED POOL e SHUFFLEBOARD e PING PONG e GOLF e BICYCLES e BABYSITTERS JUST CALL BARBARA (7141 327-1504 ..... 'KllH• 11 lllllPllDNI' llllllJlll IRrlllUD." Wal.a II man part IT'S NEW IXCLUSIYI AlJA SHOWIN• POI AliULn ONLY ............ D .. UI ....,.,_ (!l"i'.0:" I --.\UO PLATINN••-- "HOW TO SIDIJCI A PLATIOY" l ill Mumy El11 l111c.•lf1r ht Weft D....,., "RASCAL" (G) "" . P•t1r Ustinov S111•ftll• Pl•1h11t1 "BLACKBEARD'S GHOST" (GI Jep•nese Movies Ewry Tuelcfey Nl1ht • . .................. ~ 1n1..i..o.__..._,. • ... •• llf l l•1 Ml11n•lll W.,..f.tl lutfOA ''THE STERILE CUCKOO'' (Ml r ...... ., lt41 p.a;-..:r .... • · · • J.ck ltrn111011 Welth•r M•tli•• ''THE ODD COUPLI" ........... ,., AMt ...................................... ..., ___ _ bt ..... , • M1ch•1I C•ln1 l•1.1r•1t•• 011,1,, ''THE BATTl.E OF BRITAIN"(GJ DowaMl:)lp.-.-,._ Joh11 W •'I"• D•"'44 JttnHll ''THE GREEN BIRITS" (OJ ......... :11 ... 11111,... ............. ~·······••1111 • ,, Dlck V•11 Dvk• Ml ...... Lae ''THE COMIC" <Ml D••id Niv111 A1111e K•~u "llFORE WINTIR COMIS" <Ml • ·············~·············· I I • -,.~.--,~-~~--~-~ ·---------- ---·-----•. --- - -........ - ----------..-"f"'" .. • w ,_..,.... ,... .............. ; JAMES GARNER AND SHARON FARREL DO SOME TIGHT HANDHOLDING ! ''M•rlowe," Story of Private Investigator, Now Showing at Mesa Theater • · Garner Likes Work l 'Maverick' Private Eye in 'Marlowe' "[ dOn't have an image," spot for the underdog. shrugs James Gamer. "There Perhaps that's why he never ! isn't any niche I want to put made money. "Be's a man oC ~ myseU In. 'l1le .criucs say I'm h?nor," is the way Garner I a 'personalit{' but what I'm sees Marlowe. He· also likes aiming f9'°' is the day they tab · the words Chandler uses to me .an ,"actor.'" · have Marlowe describe Garner is that rare breed himself: who · admltS: .. "l'm in mDvies because I enjoy the work.,1 enjoy being there on the set, acting in front of the camera and all the things that go with it." j, His 13.teSt screen role puts him in tJte.exclusive company of-a group whose members t can be distihguished by their l old cars, shabby o f C Lc...,e , ? tendency 'to get• beat up '?a I fights and U\eir preference for bad Scotch. Garner has joined J the select circle of actors whG j have p~ii!._P!Jl)ip Marlowe. l Until ''Mar'7.fe," the new ~ Katzka-Beckennan production • at MOM 'in-which Garner plays Marlowe,1 only three men have .pjaxed Raymond Chandler's (~ private eye on screen Robert Montgomery, Dick Powell and Humphrey Boglrt. Marlmf~'s--a gen u 1 n e human being, a· bit of a cynic and a tough guy with a soft WDID911! ltEWl"OllT 11!:.llCM • Oll.3-&35b' "The name·s Marlowe. Peo- ple call me the hardest-boiled, tougbest·talking private in· vestlgator in the business. But when that shy little sister walked into my office, I was feeling like a crumpled page out of yesterday's calendar " ... As Mar1owe, Gamer drives an ancient convertible, works out of a dusty, forlorn office, gets beaten up the usual number of times, ls hangover prone and worries over bill collectors. Garner as Gamer, is a d o wn-to-earth, no.nonsense, straight-forward, honest in· dividual, but he's no off.screen Marlowe. Much· Of his 1e\sure time Is spent tinkering with his eleven race cars. On set, his office is hlsluxurious-eondor-trailer equipped w i th telephones, radios .atid television. His I••· SHw Stwts 7 p• co.m ..... ,...,,. ""'"' fro• 2 "" FREE PARKING WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS ~u .. A BRILLIAN; FILM.NOT TO BE MISSEDl"u~ fif/.rJ!. PE"iER'crrooI.E ~ IMlARINE HEPBURN ,,,-0 lH~~~~~ER I ~ ALSO THIS GREAT FEATURE Fo-:'wsouTH COAST !A PLAZA THKATRK San D"&o Fretw1y It 81tttol e 546-2711 A loucb O'Blamey ud a !leap O'Maglc Hi . Kids! ... _ .... it's• RINll A DING LAUQfl AFFAIRI- ----· l•r GctfdH • -DM"t 1-.pt lpecl.t u..-..,..., ""· 11-12~0 , ... S..teet-three-inch 190 po u n d frame, rugged physique and Indian cast to his handsome face, discourages any would· be aSiaiJant, He doesn't drink, and the new Gamer home in Beverly Hills where he lives with his wife Lois and two daughters, Kimberly and Gre- ta Scott, is luxurious and liv- able. Garner describes it as "Early Garner -a kind of Spanish-California-Modern." He hasn't dodged a bill col· Jector in years. He has always had a healthy respect for business acumen and financial security_ · is a primary .con- sideration of his c a r e e r • Involved in a number of business ventures, he has his own production c o m p a n y which recenUy comp I et e d ''Support Your Local Sheriff." a highly successful comedy brought in on a relatively modest budget according to modern standards. "Financial security is a responsibility I feel a man mu st assume to his family and to himself. I would hate to think that if l failed as an ac- tor. I'd starve. "Before I came to Hollywood I held approximately fifty jobs ove r the years. Some of ~hem as a wait.er, oil well worker, lifeguard, janitor, chauffeur', hod carrier, dishwasher, truck driver, window decorator, grocery clerk, go l.f b·a 11 retriever, pool room maNlger, .-insurance-salesma11,-;-model and ga.$ station attendant. "When I returned to college, after Korea, I majored In business. Jobs, unless backed by good .solid training and knowledge of· business, can be precarious even at six-figure salaries," Garner said. Since he Jett tlie television series "Maverick" -eight years ago -and gambled on a motion picture career, he has played every type role from hero to huckster and has maintained,his popularity with the public. He is now con- sidered among the top-ranking stars, and certainly among its most financially secure. His image is unimpaired in both categories. "If you can call it an 'image,' " he smiles, recalling an incident during the filming of night sequences for "Marlowe." The setting was the ex.terior of The Largo, a nightclub on Hollywood's Sunset St r i p where Paul Bogart was direc· ting the actors and the traffic jam. Tourists stopped to watch movies and movie stars. A carload of young adults jammed on the brakes when Garner walked to the curb. "Hey. look .'' they screamed, "There's Maverick!" So much for image. TROPICAL FISH SOUT~ SUS Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. N•w t Loc9'1eu 111 W, WILSON, COSTA MllA IOfl Fllr~ltw ltd., $47'HI ln-G, lt~ts:dii Or. -N~ Madi tblt!ll'ld lht l'Oll Offlall ~ SEE ONE OR • SEE BOTH Now T099th1r Thru T.,.clay '-Sexy ~ys' on €oast 'Inga,' 'Woman' Rated for Ad!tlts . Only Edftor11 NoU: Th ja" mDvie gufds _ia_prepa.Ted bt1 the fl lms committee of Harbor Council PTA. Mri. oh.....Cl4rlc-il 1"'0.tdeftt and Mra. Hart Sweeney is committee chairman. It is intended a1 a reference in determining tuitabte. films for certain a g t groupa and wilt appear weekly. Your views are solicited. Mail them to Mo- vie Guide, care of . the DAILY PILOT. * * * ADULTS 12th century history. Peter Oliver ( G ) : Spect&cular ~»roolt~ Katbarine.,,.,""'~H""~'"~:us~;';lc~aJ version Of 'Dickens's burn. c ass c atiOiit an orptlane<i waif cast into the teeming $qualor -(M): :.._J a ..... _\l!_Jhe )OW<:LJlaJA~He finally .G"'-,...,.....,,,p,hJ.I." esca]>erto'lll&et<g11<c.-on1r• -Marlowe, the fai:oous private-upper class Mark Lest r eye. Gayle Humucutt co-1tars. Jack Wild and Oliver Reed. e ' Odd C o a p I e : UproariOU:s comedy in which two Ill ma~, ex-marrieds decide to room together. Walter Mat· thau, Jack ~mmon. SomeKlDdGINul(M): Dick van Dyke, Angie Dickinson, Rosemary Forsyth star in a comedy about the pros and cons of beards. Plltllt Trap: Re-issue · of Walt Disney film about twins and their parent problems. Hayley Mills. · Pet.er Pan : Walt Disney's animated version or James Barrie's classic story of the boy who never grows up. Features the voices of Bobby Driscoll, Kathryn Beaumont and Hans Conried. 1-i."\IO°A NOW7ENDS""TUl!"SDAY~ - 6734041 . THE NEW SIZZLER OPDI -SO GRAPHIC, TH E m 1. 1a1i..!'41 SCREEN ALMOST lllk. ~ll\1ula SMOKES! I • CUOe Keep (R): Art·filled castle occupied by wounded men is a symbol of resistance against the enemy on the eve of the ~attle of the Bulge. The setUng is the ~es Forest in the winter of 1944. Burt Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, Jean-Pierre Aumont. Popi (G): Tender comedy about a Puerto Ric an widower, played by Alan Arkin, who toils at three dif- ferent jobs in order to support his two sons. He schemes frantically to lift them out of their slum environment. Rucal (GI: Appealing wau l=:=:::=:=:;=:;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::;=:;::;=::= Disney comedy about a mOtherle5s and lonely boy and his pet racoon which he tries to civilize. Steve Forest and Daddy's Gone a-Hu.nlillg (M): Contemporary suspense film set in San Francisco. It concerns .a happily married woman whose former lover reappears to terrify her with dema_nds of her child's murder as atonement for a previous abortion. Carol White, Scott Hylands, Paul Burke. I, A Woman (X): A movie mostly about nudity. Inga IX): Swedish film about a 17 year old girl as she awakens to sensuality. KiJ1 the Otber Sheik: Italian sex comedy about a bank clerk who tri'es to sell his yourig wife to a wealthy sheik. Marcello MastroiaMi a n d Pamela Tiffin. The Love God? (M): Satire concerning sei, hypacrJsy, and freedom of expression about a publisher of pornography who loses ~s m'ailing permit. He purchases a magazine facing bankruptcy, and continues to publish pornography. Don Knotts and Anne Francis. Medium Cool (X) ~ Robert Forster, a television cameraman whose credo is non-violence, is assigned to cover the 1968 Democratic convention. The Sterile Cuckoo (M): Llza Minnelli gives a warm and sensitive performance in this story of twti lonely college kids who find love for the first time. Wendell Burton. (This rating-h8SDefin chaiiged from R to Mi. MATURE TEENS AND TEENS Before Winter. Comes (M): TEENS AND ADUtTS The Battle o( Britain (G): Story of heroic pilots of the R.A.F. who held off the Luftwaffe in World War II, and saved Britain from in- vasion. Michael Caine, Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer. Michael Redgrave. Gooe With Tbe W I n d : Margaret Mitchell 's brilliant story of the old South during the Civil War era returns to the screen. Clark Gable, Vi- vien Leigh star. Grand Prix: The lives and loves of four international racing drivers are contrasted in this Cinerama film with an exciting climax. J a m e s Garner, Eva Marie Saint, Bill Mumy. Support Your Local Sheriff (G): Hilarious tongue-in-cheek almost non""Ylolent western with James Garner, Joan Hackett and Walter Brennan. The . Unsinkable M o 11 y Brown : Wife, whose husband strikes gold , is rejected by Denver society ·but becomes the toast of Europe. Musical starring Debbie Reynolds. * * * I The letter immediately after th.e title indicates thel rating given the picture by1 the Motion Picture Code. The Motion Pi cture Code And Rating Program may be found on tht n1olio11 pi<;ture page. * * * Yves Montand. ,;========== Madwoman of Cahlllot (G): THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING PROGRAM Paramount Pictures pre!.tnt ~ medium cool 1.. ' ~--~---. ··-·· poodu<Olll>f ..,~,.,-.... ..r•t<:l t>r TULLY fllEDIWI & HASJl£Ll WEXLEl/HASKELL WEXLPI. l?XCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING A satire in which Katharine Hepburn plots dovmfall of ruthless men scheming to in· cinerate Europe. Also stars Yul ·Brynner, Charles Boyer, Tli• Motion Piehrr• Code •nd II====================== Paul Henreid. 2001: A Space Odessey (G): Fascinating film about the history of formation of Earth through the d'evelopment of man to travel In space. Spec- tacular visual effects. Kier Dullea, Gary Lockwood. FAMILY Blackbeard's Ghost: Peter Ustinov stars in Walt Disney's adventures of the famous pirate. Dean Jones and Sw- anne Pleshette. Darby O'Gfll and lhe Little People (G): ATeissue of-wilt Disney's fantasy about. a com· pulsive old Irish story teller \\1ho gets into a battle of wits with leprechauns and their 5,000-yeat-old king. A I b e r t Sharpe, Sean Connery, Janet R•tin9 Ad1T1inillr•tion •pplie1 th• followin9 r11lin91 to f;r,.,,, ditfrib11ted in t~1 U.S.A. Pie· t111•1 r•l1d G, M oi-R qu•lify for th• Cod• S•1I. ~ Pictur•t r•l•d X do no! 11c1iv• • Se•1. The r•lin91 1pply io pict11r•1 11111t•11d •ft1r Nove,.,,. b•r I, 1961, Pictur11 11le111d 'b1fore th•f d•I• 111 de1c1ib. •d 11 pr1viou1ly I ~ •nd/or SMAL (g}-S11g9•1f•d for GENEIAL •11di•nc11. IJ-S1199•1t•d for MATURE •11di•nc•1 IP•r•ni•I di1. cr•fion •dvi11d I. @-ll!STllCTED -P111on1 11nd1r 16 not •dmitl•d, unl111 •ceo,.,,p•n;ed by p1r1nf or •dull g111rd· i1n. @ -Pffl0n1 11itfft 16 not otilmltted. Th is •9• r•· 1trietion m•y b• higher in c•rl1i~ •••••· Ch•c• I WORLD PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT POSITIVELY ENDS TUES., NOV. 11 The LYlllD\VOMl\n of CHa.ILLOT The n1otion picture designed 10 save the world from sanity. y, ''~! • ••:> P1t1•"" Ao !t • l""Ul.l·~•l'll IQ'ilf.S "'""""' ... I Munro. A compassionate and spirited film about a British major of World War IJ who helped by ----------.....!:==========~!! Crossword Puzzle K~HfARINE tj£f'BURll " "Hil MAOWOMA~ OF CHAILlOI t"".I~ !iilYl~. a •!IDE !I.Ith• '"''" tV•~ • JQltll r,µ,"' • ,.\L l<f~(I • OSCAA ltO..W.~• • ~..011C.J;•;r n ""10• • i:.w1rri.. w.!M~' iw.tr' ~,,..ou~""'"'l""i1(·~~·~•t"'~ 'fl!l B~YNNlR : .. ~···• · ~(1'1.l.tt PUASHICl 1\,"-• .-h!OANNY KAYE "''"""'<'~ • s .. ,~"" • .~,, "''""' •1 A•• !il•~.;i..J\--< ..:'"'" ""' t"""'"bo --°'~~tHoP1'1'oy !Ol'iA~J .,....l! • l<t<>'-• P'"""'" ~l~< T IO!!~Slt ~ • l __ ...,.k...,,..,,_,,.,_,dbl'hY~•Ol.l,I · °'"·l•l~!,A1A~IC"6L~··:~t~ll" .. IF IT'.5 T&li5iiJI' ftliS MUST BE • niultilingual refuge, Topal, creates· order out of chaos in displaced persons camp in Austria. David Niven stars. The Comic (M): The triumphs and failures of a comedy star who was an early Hollywood ''King '' is portrayed by Dick. van Dyke. The Dirty Deieo: Shortly before 0-Day a d o z e n American military prisoners, condemned to death or life im· prisonment, are o f f e r e d clemency if they accomplish a brutal, suicidal mission for the Army. Lee marvin, Ernest Borgnine. Dr. Zhivago: Story ot young Russian doctor and poet caught in his country's revolu· tlonary upheavel. 0 ma r Sharif. Green Berets: Action-pack· ed fUm which attempts to show conflict of Vietnam through the eyes of the fabulous Green Berets. John Wayne. If It's Tuesday, This Must be Belgium (M): A busload of American touri sts whiu.ing hilarously through Europe in search of instant culture are shepherded by a jad81. youn• .Englishman. Jan McShane, Suzvine Pleshetle. Lion Jn Winter: Clash of two strong-willed monarchs, King Henry 11 of England and his queen, Eleanor or Aquitaine, makes a brillant, explosive drama out of fragmenls of HOllYWOOO UKf IT WASI ·-•eTt1E c~ur -00<VAN DYKE t.\ICHHf lEE "'°'"' ROONEY ~Color i!'d ACROSS l German territory 5 ~maton IO Amtrlcan Indian 14 ··-Boleyn 15 Separation from home 16 Poet of old I 7 Resident of continental USA 19 Water source 20 Grasshopper 21 Well arranged 23 Quiz show cast 25 Tanker's cargo 26 Entertain· men! lorm 29 Stopped 34 Amongst 35 Vetch 37 Lachrymose 38 Rodent 39 Big bus!· ness dea ls 41 Color 42 Have the same opin ion 44 Ancient Asian 45 Wholesalff'S · unit 46 Stttltd fot ... a S111alltf a111ount: 2 words 48 Reproductive bod Its ' . 50 Fish 51 Member of a Dakota people 53 Unsu itable for making a silk purse: 2 words S7 P!alform bl ··-chamber 6.2 Engllsh Royal family: 2 words b'4 Chinese dynasty Yes terday's Puzzle Solved: 11 /7/69 LOWOJ>OS NEW~..Q..RT Bel.GIU/11 . ' [!lo -m~ .. , . ll•ll•dArl!<lt ~llo!Ulll ; .11 Starts Wednesday, Nov. 12 1st 9RANGE COUNTY SHOWING "The Christmas ·Tree" ~~~~~~ "Krackatoa, East of Java" Starts Nov. 19 b5 Musical compos ition b6 Bon e l:i7 Klnd or sound 8 011: Carb. ram 33 Foret units '======================= 9 Panic Jl:i ·~·-·and 1: b8 Was furious l:i9 Give a pub· lie rec ital DOVIN l Canadian province: Abbr. 2 R.ectangular pilaster 3 Anatomy· Abbr. 1 Did an offlce job over again 5 Impregnate with an organic materl1! · 6'Chen11c81 compound 7 Bridge players' .... 10 In what tht Man" other way?: 39 Jumble 2 words .CO Gave back 11 Finishe d 43 ..... ·-a 12 Un it of living: medicine 2 words ll In a ~5 Outl ine futile 47 Kind of manner beetle 18 Cheese 49 Very elegant· 22 Cuts down Slang calorle 52 Wear away intake 53 Religious 24 Most vast group 26 Weight 54 -··Rios 1 unit Jamaica ' I 27 Insect 55 Exclamation stage 56 Herb genus 28 Chemical 58 Govffn prefix 59 Annapolfs 30 R.11sUc institution: 111uslcal Abbr. pipe l:iO Artificial 31 Turkic lakt in USA language l:iJ Did garden 32: Rub out work .....,,,...., .. , ..,.,,,....,.,., ~ • -~ .. ---..---- . "A TRIUMPH! ONE OF i THE MOST APPEALING i l'EIFlllMANCES OF THE ; SEASOIJ'' -~ltt~•nt C•nby, ; "'•• rift 11m1,. <''IHOUlD WIN ;:.ti AH ACAOEMV i'w~~~.NELU , . -T.lr-nt•r Tit • U ""'P•o11, 1..11• "'••••hie O.FFIUr All EIDU111m lllA roau 11 llllJ11.r --" IT'S Tllf Kl#b lif .. .. n-fUI! lllAT llfAla H PEIFllfllAlrci lllCAll 1,. fAl1I AID irra • -11 ... """ • H.ild., M•••~llN ,_,.,,;"'r"""" ,_.,.,,., .Ab-i jftkb "'hJlerile (udi;;i v l.iZO Mnreiti · Wn:lel &Jb:i ·Tm l'v'd-ne. ~._,.,.'°""" ..... ..-~ ,,,_,).ayi., ~Wood&i..1td ~ •. ,,_. .. n., t,,.John Nid'd~ Dow:! Longe Alvin Sargent \>fA!on J Pokulo ~red Karlin .,.,,-c.-~""'~·""""'"'"°l>rl"'~'(MM"'~·"'""'',..., ..... ' ! ftj fedwoo<d<t""""'-=-. _ .. """"'__ : .. --···'-·-· .. ~-----\ ,~_: ····- JM., HUNflNllTON Dltl! Yem 1¥:• "SOME KIND OF NUT" I 211d crt HA'llO• J.ck L•1r1mon & Wolttf Mottho11 "T HE ODD COUPLE" WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW AT BOTH THEATRES • • I I I It It 11: II: TUMBLEWEEDS -- '." (1 r~ ~ I :--. I, l:tlu~~ ~ ... ~~., 7:00 g~·:: ~-(C) L"'"'.=o (C) J2 Nonit • ilf. \U'..:i PERKINS , SU.. RIW, Clllr and '* • Cl&. '(Q M-ud Roy"°'"'",_ 7115 ... Uo 1'11,.., (C) • 8JAMES GARNER, LEE ~ .. ~~~""(C) * REMICK -"The Wheeler -"' -(C) no. n.a.1i.. W T•;i.. .. ,,,_ J ,(')i,IM ,,., • Doolen" -IN COLOR! ~OO.lllHIJ 1"o _,. !Cl II• rCllct Mowie· (C) "'1\t @@@?:) Hn et.. Ill -.... .-1".;.,)-hmn .. 1 ..... ~!!l....,ooc• c.• (C) Gafl'llr, lee Remick. Phil Harris, lJ:.u (tf IM Yat1 1Pt (30) TllM ff ... r111t ~!ic, (~) ..... (C) -·law! (30) •w Now l :IOl)ilt(l)I"' _,,,,., .... atMI " n• Hoar (CJ . noOoo .. -(30) I! II) lllll "'' ··-(C) .... (C) (60) Jack Hickey, • M=(C)Prtf~ ,.,_ .. lie ll:JI '"°' -(C) (60) . ' B •-n. a-la•• (C) (30) C..... (1dventure) 61-Lex arr.si, '' '""'''"'IC> 1301 11!::0.'~,, ""'!Cl JUDGE PARKER ::: : ::. 7ci''i:ri1 (30) 9:00 0 lill II) l!.l H. L _,,, (C) -·---iiiiii ,...,. 34 (C) (60) U lilivli: "fowtli of T1hltl" (•d· 'I ._ (CJ (30) ~enture) ''l-8fia" Oonlt'V)'. Ja CIS EMln1 ll1n (C) (30) MUSR_Htt=:?iv..-WW1 My lhlt? (C) (30) ' ,4• , •. I J LM Liq (30) Cm1stery) '1"-1'\U 1n rMr, .... a. CllCl <C> <30> m Rutt 'ri hdcly CC) c ••• .,,Stlld: 11port (30) t'EI Cw1oMt 1 111.ica =:.:... (C) (30) '''"191~ """""!lE"",: =:-rC)(C) "" ·~ (C) (30) ~ "" -.... (C) 7=11 AM nt . Cu.nles J S11itafm 8 GET SMART 1•001Qt(I)--IQ * 1V'S FUNNIEST SHOW 1!7HDE!I Sir -(C) ' 1• ill"' ,_,rt(C)(30) -(C) .,._ Lodi • lflCli Clllplrnl (C} (50) ...,,. (drl!M) '55-Grtll' Slt1011. ., tllt stars (C) (31'.1) llMwll: ._.. ,...,..., ......,. !HJ (I) EE Llt's .. • hi (mysltry) ·~John HlllhOft, (!O) -..,.,. Hiii holb. e E ... • U... lllHNM $ 11w1c (C) ..... lt:JllUl111IJO. (C) Zlllir*" (ldwmrt) '62 -@fD ... -.. CC) . s.1 "'"'· •~ """"· . """ • 11ot ••• MOON MULLINS Tmll • C.11 .. 11111 (C) (30) (dra1111) '56--f•llfa Domerlllt. "" "' ... ..._ (C) 160> 111'1 mm•-· !C> T-C.-130) ilft: (CJ --MI> n. Frm CW (30) i...-(hon') '64--Rock StlYllll. • a.• " .. (30) ll:OOl Im--(C) .. ta (]) 11lt ..... ,.,.. (C) (30) . • 11111 FlllbtMa (C) CJ!II!mStlltl II l.,c:I I O)Fam.ticY.,.,.tc) (C) (60) Wi~ .... I ..... l1:3Dm~ ........ (C) Th• four lids, Th• 8•U1rriltt (]) ..._ ....... Hounds ind ThrH Doi fli(ht rock a..... lnclMt" lfllllP. (Westn) '-43-ffl!llJ fond1, 1>1111 fJ ml (ll ED TH lrldJ llMh Andrwws, Marr Beth ffuchts. CC) (30') .. Kitty KlrT)'-All Is Mia-Q) Mwlt:: "r1lll ..... 11 loell" .. (myslefJ) '56 -Jotepll Cotteq, ... fw a DIJ ('C) (JO} Rhond1 F1tmi111. ......... _ (30) " -... (C) (30) ~' ,_ (C) (30) y. ' '"' 'ly Charles M. Schull By John Miles By Harold Le Dou rM. SUJE som F()J{ OKAY.~. 't'Oll CAN MOW I HUrT YOU IEFOR'E, MAKE IT AU. UP TD Mlt ""1Vl!R ••• l'/,\ SU<E M& 5'( ANSWHING 50KrY! ,..__.-.-( SOME OllffflONS! By Ferd Johnson MAKE iHOSE MINIJTe ill STE'AK5·· EVEl<YTHIN<i eLSE IS READY .. •• ~..-l frlUy, NMmblf' 7, 1969 ' TELEVISION VIEWS Period Piece Still Likeable ' ··'· B CYNTHIA LOWRY ' --'' NEW vorul (AP) ~ Musical comedies.' unJjl\e wine, do not improve with age. The· book of. a lt$3 Broadway hit, 11Roberta,11 had the look of ~ p:e.pqd piece when presented in a 90-minu.te !ldae~~~?. Thursday night on NBC as a Bob Hope sp~cUU,., The program was made by puttipg c~~r1a,s DP, a stage play with a theater. audience;-;.a proc~ which does not help the TV VIewer. -· ---- WHAT STOOD up beautifully werilli~ieioveTy ! J erome Kern·Ollo Harbach songs. Wilh Ml!'liei:'!.:J'.I• : and John Davidson singing number.! ·~ike .''S"mp~e • Gets in Your Eyes" and "The Touch Ol~Your H_d~' there were some fine moments. And there wn· a1so ~mm•· ......... 11 ..... ., ...... ,, .. (C) ... •rv.=. ~ ... ~ -11.~'=':"..:(C) -(C)\30) ,_, ..... ---(CJ a great fashion -show somehow .connected-wlth~f6e f story of an American boy inheritlnfl f ., 41tjs dress 1 _ designer '.s..salo1umd a house_ and havlli ·a ~tonnJ-\-'---==-----,. romance with hls new partner, Miss~~_,~.~ '""'· I Hope played the part that made 'blm a ·star ..., I •-'"" (C) <90l c,.., "' ,_ ,_ STEVE ROPER lln1W·KtDr and formtr l..o$ An-• M~ 111111 Ult CMMI ,.ies R•ms Roosewtit Gritr, IOIJlll-lUO 119 Cil WaclJ •--<C> ri .. ••••1111:"'-o;>Y<iii'iooW'Al sinl'f Mahalll Jtckawl. polltiall 1J Movie: -Mr. ..lb SOii " atlrist Marl Russell, author Des-WlllllR&fOI" (CO!Tlldy) '39-J•"* 1 ll'IOtld Moms. slnaer John Set:i1,. stewart, Jun Arthur. ' tiln •nd C.9111' Chevu, lle1d of D II .,._ (C) "B•nPok. Und "'la C.ust." Gr Prtot." I Iii Y1H17 (C) (60) at Movfe: ...... tt C~ (drama) SqlbnU n.trt (60) •R-fred1ic M•teh. Uonel Barrp. Cmls ...... ca.. (30) /TIOfl. --•-<30) m ............ ~, m• ..... NI l"°f.¥.lll-(C) e Annette funicello · (})OJ ICM footblR CC) * Frankie Avalon • anford IJNlians vs. th• Wubo . "A WILD BIKINI" 111"1>11 HLIKln at Wasblnston. CBS FRIDAY MOVIES L"°: ~~M:;r ~11.llll) i /l•ll f)Ql(l)CIS '""' -(C) 1-ID"""•l-d(C) . .,... T• 1111 • Wiid lllnr (mu· en.i • Ma)trel G I) '65 -AnMtlt Funlctllo, Sports Wlllll (C) Wfl'>: SURE/ .. HE'S MY GRAND• FATHE'f.' DwaJn• Hlf.trn111. Midi;., Roon.,., 1·!01-rn -Q ... (C) m--... (C) (IO) • .,,, ~ ----B Al s I IT/Jmlill•"• c .. , "' · -_, "Th• ""'' MUn AND JEFF y m th (C) (~ "Th• ROid ID the Sauce(' and "'Onlr One Nw York." .-----:-....,...,.---.,....--., -.------<""'1 ~---..,....-----,===""'' ':'":=-'I C'ndlt. ... lottle and .1«11111 •rt· m Wredlrt1 (C) r. -• -r MR M' -W' I A ... se&MS TO BE '°'"'"., """ .,,;..., po1•• lllllfll• •-o K.GO'OM!MY MUTT, I MOOING YEH, BRING · "' '• ~~· ... ,. '""" ''"tm. 2"° I""' " '-1•1 IC) MOUTI1PIECE: 11:> •oWN! DO ME BACK A YOUR. "TROUBLE? A~£ ' :•..:•=..flt~~~ ,,..IJJ,':.,~ .. ':.':~ ;,~",'!'. BR.CKE! YOU WAN'J; MOUTHPIECE! ~ ~~~~~~ t:lt -(C) (30) 9a1w Wud. "°dft." l'NYT~ING . ............ (C)(Ol) WI""' .. _ (C) - -(60) 2:30 f)"""' U• Hd a., (C) p,.. ,..,_ (30) ftuor Su»11 ,_l'IOll II Ille ift. b=i ll:tl ID Ill !Ill-'• -(C) -· ,'!f>i ...... ,,.,. Cl>ria lo•· • ·-, ... (C) 11111 (lobtlt' RIM) ,_ his fatbtr' ClllHw (Gi•IY Colll111) actlnr ima11 cnnn· Tiit ...._ Ml "'*' M flltds out his flttt11 J:OO 8 Tiit ...., SldltJ (C) Paul Ude ft. -. ~·t :..h~){;O)ttunts. l"La;~'I&.:: v.t!n1 Aae." mm .... -"" -(C) -,_ _ (C) (60) -·-Fta hrlltr, John 9""' and Hlnn, 1111 a.r ftcllrt "'"'"""',.... '''°1-(C)''""""'.,.. GORDO I ft (60) ,.., Dllll ,.,.... c..q. ..,., .... ('C) ( AnnJ Arthlfd is on hand 4:oo II M*. <C> ..._ ror 1 CIMrd" -----.. wtt!I hit mlcleptlanl at lh• .Pfl,; ' (w!Stern) ··57 -frltd Mtt~imr. flliltt of "Goo6byt. Mr. ChlPll ' J1riii:t 'Rlilt. ' . Cenel" .. Mlli .. (30) ICll1•tMn*if ..... (C) .• llt:JI Crl6a ..... (30} I 1tiJ (C) 11• U, m ..... (C) Man Fron1 UJllCll (t) .... .::;:.. (C) lllcffllt'1 ""' IJllllll t.ip O'fM ;::-,_ ..,. <Rl '"°a,.,. .., "" ...., (C) '111-IE, (C) S::"" """"" ll:Jt --(C) "" ;r. ·-""' ._ -lftllll from tflt Intern•· ( ) tioMI Hotel in lit Vq1s. Hev1d1. "" II M ... (C) "Orltntal Ell.Pf• Glltlb tdlecluled 1r1 J1ck C.rltr 01. flit M....,. llllCI Sllldllf la Yaun1. .__ • u (I)."""' ..... (C) ' M"" flirlri111 ~u Jn 8ulblnk, Tiit Wtrfd If ...._ (C) c:.w: SCWlltd 111111s lneluM (d.. 1;e D Cl!BllD -rMI ..., "..._ ....... ""' ~ """""' -----icll -" ... -~ .., r.. ""'· "'-,._ , • .,,., • MISS PEACH ly Mel liodi. .. I -""""'" _,,,, "" !A'-... ---~::..;;;;· ;;:;;;;;;;;:=. __ ====::=:::=::~_;:-:;.;;-;;:.· .,,. __ _;;;_;;;;;;__.;.;;,.:;::;_-_~ ' ) ~ MontpllfY, Mtlonwldl Ofl tdllCfttoNll TY tlto ' r --·-~ m l!l Juy "'"' (C) """ --10· -,t,l'<D l•W i\IOTMER ANO f,t,TMER MAO THIS • A1"fl.IUI< r TMlllllC \WllilSUoe, iilJ ll*b llldudt J6tk lam· '11111 W.. II "° fotW «'.)I TE.Rll18U:: .A"6UMENT 'r'E.Sl'&llOA"r" ABOUT ·! ~· l~~E£N TM V •• MlltDn 8tt1t. Arthur PJJ-k a!WCI AIC'a WMt llftiW ev r-p M ,, .. ., ~t : ~.... ~ na••..., , ,... ...... _ T · ":'°Conrtlt Francis. ..... (CJ l11 An111e1 Tlmu A'.ON""'1• rA'TMElltSAI or.,..._s~DS ,,..,o r~.._.. Sf.IOU....., .._...I tr"' ~I ..... o.-· """ .... . .... Ida ""' • ... 'MU<.M I AND MOTHliR ~o SHE HASN'T SOUGHT K llePT STl'!CTL.Y IN ) '$7-.IClltPh Cotten, World Filllft•Sblifil c"h1mpJOn.i.1pa; It f'/EW ORESS' LN MONTHS. "(MIN FAT'MIR PR.NAT'S. PRNA1'W- ... :(C) ......,.. (drtlTll) · from ~do Sf(l(I)' Coto. GOT MAD Al'ID SO DID ~ -,-..J.1~-' -e.:r.\;se'(:: ~1=,1· i.•-(C) -Aon Ml/' - -i~.:. ~""" -' :...:""' {CJ '' ! '. ( ".J ... .,---(C) ... , = .... (C) i -" . ... "Cat ... _... (""" ....... '1:·: !.UO_......... --I 1111 ...... fQ-11ttte " ........ -... .,., .. "'Dnlrt. lbildlTI" ''"' """"' .. ...,..(C) ~ ''Wftdub on thti Buch." • ~rtur• USA <t?- By Gus Arrlola a wise-cracking band leader. . 1.1 I AIL sorts of updating was under!akt!! Ho~'• lines included jokes about Jackie OnasslJ1\in.;y · ' and marijuana. The hero was supposea'10 be quarterback on th e Leis Angeles Rams. f ~ II It was, in spite of its shortcomings, fnl~ting to watch. "' "DEBBIE REYNOLDS and the SO;Ulld ot--:tiuI~ dren," the preceding NBC special, was a light qiusi• cal romp and a pleasant if hardly memorable hour'.41 It teemed with cute children acting _out ,a sertel of original songs based on the old rhyme sta~ ''Monday's child is fair of face.'' . The kids swarmed over playgrounds, s8.ng songs, fed/ets. Debbie was a combination Pied Piper, fie! marshal and star -singing, dancing and troop-leading. , • ' . '-• ABC HAS announced a major ovethatillni of its schedule starting Jan. 19. It wHI d"" ~ ~·· add four and relocate a )lumber of others . ., {. · Canceled are "MP: Deeds Goea to T~l'f "Music Scene," and "The New People' ~ all new shows -plus "Hollywood Palace" and, "Dating Game." It will move Its Wednesday nfght-lilOV!e:.fo'Moit- day nights and fill the two-hour period wilh vartety hours starring Johnny Cas h and Enge!bfFf-H umper- dlnck. Earlier on Wedn esday it will have.a qew·Sit .. uation comedy. "The Nanny and the PrOfessor.·"~' "THE PAT Paulsen Show" will start the Thurs- day ni11:ht schedule and the "Survivors" will be mov .. ed to that night. ''Love, American Style" will re- place Jimmy Durante and the Lennon Sisters Fr[ .. day nights and they .will move to Satun!ay nights, following Lawrence Welk. ., --, ·, I l ' I, ' ' .ATLASL I ' D_Hlf.¥SLER .. , ~ · PL¥11101JTH! lttrPEIJIJIL Costa Mesa. tRAND NEW 1t10 . BELVEDERE Serial No. RL21CO~1153'40 ' . ' FANTASTIC . ;···usED CAR ~·· SAVINGS 3 DAYS ONLY Atlas Service Department Where ef+ Mikes Tht Difference. ~pend~ Wt •nd Economical Repair an . c k For Your on· Maintenance Wor • ·-'1 We honor • Cart• Blanche, ven ence, • " . En1Mat---Dlners Club, American xpr , B kArnerlcird, Gasolln• ter Charge, an Cj(,l!llit Cards. ''·- l · '65 Chrysler 300 · 2 door hardtop. V.1, •ulomalic radio "••l•r, pow,, •'••ring o ' '. ' I ~ t ' '1 ''· w111dows N• .',u ... op, factory t ir co11ditio11in9 l ie' o, ""' 117. . . 51295 . WeL-· I , , . nave thein all fo • r ''"llledli»e one Of the la . delivery •• rgest s9fei:tio ns of all bo" styfes/inode& · . ""y · and . c-'--• · "'°• • •O cfioo froin: Chrysfers . . se • larrac""--u Fu , -. •afionts ry s l'IYffto ' • ' , lltfis. and lelvecferes ~ the saine &;9· • ' la\'lng1 oL-t , •.nu Wt were · stU/ng Clllr '69 . lftodtls for . . ' . • 1 1 1, •• • ~ .. •' • ''4· ·~~racuda . ve, •ufolft•fic f . tr. fOST l19J '''llll'li11io11, redio & ' .. .., .. •a95 ·-~. ,. I ' -· ... ' • tl .. . ' ' ' '·. ,. . . . . -. •. . . , . .. ... ·.-. . . ' •• .. ,. : •. ~=. • • .. ' ' < '· ,. 1. ,r1· '·. '.. . . " .. •1 .. . ' • " .. ·1 , , • ' (' ' '. .. i " ' •• • ~ . " .~ ' • ·fl. . ' i~ .. ... k' .. . ~· ,. ' ·' " .,. ' . . " ·' • . -.. ,, • . • , ,. • :,•. '~~ • . ' ... • '< " ' . . , < .. , ., ' " • ' ,~: ' .... .•. " ·~· ; . • , .. -\_; . - ' .. •l .,, .. · f;y 1: • • • • f • • . . l j ·• ·; ..,. ~ I' I ' • ;,. ·~ :. .. •• " ----·----------. ----------------·---~~~= -. EW ·; ~--. .. ... ~ . I • • 1 ,. ' . . see .TOTAL . DOY#ll · 55921 Per Mo. For 38 Mos. ' .. . ... '--,-) 164 !:.81~~~-v~:~~to , P · Steer., P. Brakes, air cond. OHY 901. . . J 66 ~~~!,~!radio, heater. ·-Very clean. 'fJ:.A1757 • • ' •• q 0 .~888 . '· , .. • "!; · ...... ,· '-' . ' ' ·. ;'.~888 " '6 7 r~~,~~~,~'~-!!!g. ~13 . _ : . P. brakeS, faet •. ·K•t cond.,. . . · • waranty"avajl,.TSM 952. · '68 'FoRifFlqo,f .U. . ! Beige finis~; ~Usf~ Ca'b·. • . 13104A. ·~ . ' ···~ f,.: . . . I ,, ... - r • , ·, , tlOUS&S 0 l'OR ·SALE -HOUSES ~ SALE) HOUSll l'OltSAl:I!-MOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSIS·POR SALE Gwr•i' 1000-r•I lQOO G•nor•I 1000 Gwrol 1000 1------~- ;. ... ..• " .. .. ' "'•.!~ . ... ~FINER HOMES DOYER SHORES ESTATE Ultimale in jraclOU> faintly livilig & •enter- taining' in tb1s 5 bedroom home with large living room, richly paneled family room with brick fireplace. View from all· nru. '144,500. OpenJlaL & Sun._ 1536 Galaxy Dr. HOUSE aEAUTIFUL \Ve painted it •white~ you col. or it yellow or whatever; Met 1.n a amall garden faclna South view or ocean I: cily. )'fear town· It hlib school, Lacuna Stach, 2 BR. plu.s den, 2 balhs, sep. din, nn., Jc. llv. rm.; att'd dbl. a:ar. On\Y 13l500, CATCH A FISH , "" LINDA ISLE ·~ • , ·~·~l'Jler.n• S Bedroom('.&~ .,.tbs, 2-llo w11erf~t ''"*" "°"' "" , "' • . ' Carllbad' &:agoon Prvperty 1 lf.I Aero +·Luxurious Home (featured in L.A. Times) 'Zoned fqr \IDila or motel. Near Fr~eway + Clear OCean View. All utilities in new street COuld' develop luxury units now or. bold for capital g~Ui. Owner 757·5038_ Ev.s. ------------------ COWGE PARK WITH POOL Grand piano me llvizlc room, h11&e !amlly room &: 3 bd- mu, 2 t.ths, ~ for your famUy. New shq carpeµnc &: decorator interior. Low maintenance yard wilb a Blue Haven Pool .• a cover- ed patio to rela.i: WKler, Call raw to aee.• . $29,950 ' <~"-~ loan @ $16110'!0 ava.ilJ liomeil\i· 11~ for eniertai•lbg ll'fiiiiilY.~· · a....,, ),.i J ' . i:.,1 ing. ge · f8mi1y rootn accomodatu 'hilllafd. f" ~ Bir RUdio Ca.lit on table, master suite \Yith fireplace. Formal Hwy. TI·79. Keep your -"Geo=,.,.;;.;.;.'...;' ____ 1...;0-.;.;00 Generi1I 1000 EXCLUSIVE WITH din~ roo,n & separate maid's quarters. horses In their own lnia:al~ FOREST E Fo •-··· ~g $135,000. Open daily. l~ Linda hie. P'""'"'"' past•"· Dbl. • ' rec-re • ' , BAYFRONT. ~:'~·,.;• ."':'.'J 0 l $ 0 N Elllin111t-.. J 1 ' noaie,.or fcamper park. Just ,t'Wer't DH La Jt: Jormal ·3 bedroom borne with paneled $1550 per acre • 264 acrc!i. N ·.J- den, dining room & your own \vine cellar. ~ Inc. Realtors eces~1. r· ' "" . ' Newport at Decorated in exquisite taste. Owner must ~IVI: lN THE MTS. Is YO!lr Victoria '646-1811 '<•nytime) •• ,, stWrNOW! 1leduced $15,000. 011 e r e d at Beti!•• ~ Joao cap. • EAST SIDE Opportunlfy $13!11,'°. ?,!ner will consider $30,000 down. .Elll!J:iore1fn .Cl.cveland Nat'!. PRIME AREA Any i.1~_, or tc ....... s will 1::ieiSmmll:m-=-=-=~~=-c ·-,, Open Sat. krSun. 301 Evenin g Star Lane. F'Orert, ~ min. or le~ to '\ '"' ...... DIVORCE SALE ocean, bcachci;: & lake. 2 All $17 ,500 BARGAIN considered ..!.'It's l.n 1ood LINDA. ISLE BA YFRONT A. laptastic bayfront buy. 3 Large bedrooms, 3 t;>ratbi,,separate dining room. 55 Ft; of bay-lrolll •itb pier & slip. New. Asking '105,000. Open•SaL •Sun. 106 Linda Isle Drive. (Will trade for larger bayfront). .. , . year homes, hui::e lobi; from conWfion and it's ln Mesa 432 MAGNOLIA $li,5QO.. , A real Christmu bargain! Ver-de. 3 big bedrooms,, 2 Attorney says, sell 3 bdrm You couldn't buy the lOt tor · baths ·&: family room with Ea.stsidc, C.f.1. va c ant. thi.! price! A real doll house. cozy fireplace. M o d c r n $23 500 Immaculate throughoul. WaJJ ]!itchcn with bullt-U.. $25,500 1 to 'val! carpeting. F~sbly . ..:::::; . ... bod .. -PERRON f. . .~ ., ... GOOD HDUsE LOW PAYMENT :i bdrm 2 bath home 1ieu lftode ~ It new Edison Hfth. Com- pletely carpeted, l'lloely ~. beautilul condition. Payments of S153 pays all. • co,.n & . WALLACI RIAL TORS 5464141-'°-1 ... 1 .. 1 DGver Sharea -View 3700 !CJ ft or custom ele- gance, delightful family plan: 3 bdrms, 31' baths, dining room + maid's room, v.·alnut panelled adult fam· ily room 1v 1 th wet bar. Oiildren's recreation cent- er adjacent to pool & pa. tio, $ll5,0CO. Barrett Reilly 1600 \VestcliU Dr. N.B. '42-5200 , ,,. -~~11john rnacnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-1235 N, O>aiit llil\ay. La.gune. Beach 4M-7511 painted, Beautiful pancling. • flu,ge 20 ft. living room. ShaJle roor found only ln n1ore expensi\'e homes. SUb. mit down paynlenl. ca.II now! ()G.-0303 6 ON I LOT PAYS $9.900 Oenerat " • THE LAST WORD loOo Enjoy etfortle!s livin; In this l ~~~~~~~~;j ablDlutcly spo(leq ·4 bdim· -----·--------cpllffe' Park Barg•in H)e""'•I JI 1000 G I 1000 ' $23,750 II -~ study-+ custoni heated I" _ ener1 This horrie 'ts pri~d 10 sell, -·------1---------lt has 3 iOOd :;ized bed· .. 6 beauti!ul lath and plaster homes on 1 huge 120 x 140 ft. lot, Average are 5 years J}jll.\\ ,\ Ill U II Ill: 111\ I\('. 0, 0 K Spaciou1nns -........ 2 ba""· ton-me 11"' inc. NOlll 1wtth fireplace . Thriftiness 111e , .....,. " <...,.,,.,,., fen»h, and has a double young. Fama.ho valoo? 3 Coleswortlly & Co. bedroom and 2 bedroom • TWO ' units. Ample closed garaaes "Agent" "F'or A \Vise Buy" "? . :·. AT Tl:IESE. BUYS T\VO STORY, FJVE BED· 9'U ROOMS, 2 BATHS 1n Upper gari&e. Plus forced air heal· 8aj'. SLIGHTLY SPANISH, inc· and a~ family area. sla~ entry, brick L.R. Ooor, ~ ThfJ one wont la.st. and par~. Patio! and 642·71'17 ·1i OFFICES manicured grounds. Subnilt , .............. ., ....... ~ .,. f'I \ ' .. Death valley RoJ:..Jt..Bark:" - oo dn payment. Im,.,,;bl• DOYER SHORES ·. TO SERVE YOU lo replace at $76,0CO. To ate AST&IU&. -Larsr~ lot with ~ W fruitf~y'l bedrooms on .. ·, cl1I dt: sac· 121.960. fireplace. l\fexican tile In _,.,.-c.u·64""303c----. -'*-Brand oc1v Ivan \Vcll1' plan, E. 1'1'H ST .• 3 Bedrooms. :-; ; ~ ·ki:lchen .• Larte lol With alley access. SJj,950 bath.'!. COSTA MESA'S BESTBIG-FAMILYBUY. ORANGE COUNTY'S Nestled at the end or prl· LARGEST vate cul~N&c Larae yard 645-0303 at I !arbor Center 229'3 Harbor Blvd .• C.t.f. Luxury livlnc: at iis best. CORONA DEL MAR Terrific view cl upper Bay. OFFICE 615-3000 4 bdnns 3 batM + powder 1407 E. Coast Hwy. room, i;cparatc dining room, family room wit!l 1vc1 bar & sttond lircplact. 19 x 32' :i:parkting pool in landscap. ed, lihelter«l patio. $108,400 illf.1~11 Juxurious carpeting, haiXh1omc wallpapeni I rron t l11rxbcaping, Immediate oc- cupancy, Call today. •1 WES1MINSI'ER AVE. • 2 ...;; Bed!tiom_.. ntW kitchen with ·;'i diabaahn. large Jiving ,.,,,_ niom. -$2:>.IXO. 10% down. •. , , -Jmnlediate possession. -wo'k"'°" .. pt•nly ,,..... Wf'.HAJIBOR BL VD. ing space. NEAR Y .?.t.C.A. . St6 1640 "Ye Okie Homestead" $24,900! -e. ohannod. s., tlm. OPE~li'YES TILL 1:30 Onl,y $26,500. SI TOTAL DOWN .• VESTSIOE • J Bedroom • e~ !anal -$71,950. Low ' --!'!IA ........ • ..... 71!1 , • 546-2313 ,. '- NO CLOSING COSTS &114 you , Vct.!I J\IOVE IN NOW!! 3'spacious bedroon1~ and l'l.'O bjllhs. H UC E SUNKEN J'A.J.IIL Y ROOlt1 4 Baths And 4 Bedrooms Plus 32 FOOT LIVING ROO?if . Big 7;; x 133 lot on quiet Ivan Wells & Sons with romantic m a I ~ i v e street ot nice homcs. Even BRICK FIREPLACE! Beau-JNCI..UDES A CELL AR, tifU1 area of towering shade built _ in ref~tor and .. '!' Eveninp Call fi73.6U6 trtta. ~9-' corner lot with free:zer, AND FORMAL DIN-1-.::-i=#~iF;!i=':=============I ¥ ldrl boat or trailer. ING ROOM. Owner Will pay Roy J. W1rd Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1430 Galaxy Drive 64G-15jQ i . . . ·,Open Houses THIS WEEKERD (2 Bedroom) ~3 Vista Caudal (BluUs) NB 144>2259 , (Sat & Sun 1·5) , ·(2 Bedroom & Family or Don) 4UR1verside Ave. (Newport Heights) NB • 642-8099 (Sat & Sun) (J Bedroom) • 5S5 Fiillerton Ave., Newport Beach '67$.li:llll (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2\41 Vista Enlrada (The Blul!s) NB .J17;.s930 (Sat & Sun 1-4:30) **2216 Wale<front Drive, CdM 183S-0700 : 644-2430 (Sot & Sun) **108 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 'IMl-8235 (Sat & Sun) (J Bedroom & Famil y or Denj *:~I E~ening Star (Dover Shores) NB .~ <Sat&Sun) l8t9 Trade,Yinds ( Baycrest) NB 83$-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) ,. ,, , . (4 Bedroom) ,i'3G WCJ04,slock (Prestige Tract\ NB ' 84'1-4072· (Sat & Sun 11-6) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) Sl:ID Lincoln Way, Costa Mesa (714)· 521-ti012 '*1807 S&nliago (Baycrest) NB 64U:IOO (Sun I~) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Dail ) -·2llOl ·Bal~ic..Dcive (Mesa...'l'erde) C (Sun) ~ b.µ:y this ycar al a LOW points ·for Your V.A. or i.:E~ETL A HOME r~·~· ~El.~'~2~~~E EVERY 3\ MINUTES EVERY 31 MINUTES •a.Iker & Lee Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adams ~9491 Open til. 9 PM lRYINE COVE 1'futiJw~3 bedroom home deroraled in a lovely Oriental thcJM Jn private Irvine Cove ' Ex)>t!il.i\.~ &;ardens Swimming pool L&rie fonnal dining room $83,700 · ' ' , I . ' !~ . , . ' . ~ \VestcliU Dr.' 646-TTll Corona del Mar Cmtom built l bdrm -2 bathll • 12xl5' formal dining room -2 fireplaces + fam- ily room overlooki111 beauti· ful patio for entertaining, AU this & morl' in 2400 sq (I. FIXER UPPER 2 Bdrms l bath, garage, On ft..:l lot on Eastsidc. Vacant. Lachenmyer Realtor 1860 Newport Blvd., CM CALL 646-3921 Eves. 644-1655 NEWPORT BEACH Charming 3 BR. w I large lnt."l:l. yr, (.'O\'. patio. Hdwd, ~ .. lrpl., bltn. kitch. Nr. schools. church & shops. Owner w/finance. sn.ooo Walker Riiy. 675-5200 3366 Via Lido. NB Open Sun. OLE MUCHO CASA Sparrilh is ft't' mood with the h\ch arched entry way and interior decor ,Beautiful step ~,n living rOom with rnas- :J.ye rock rireplatt that '1 SCPllf&le from the rest o{ the housc. Bii;, big fam ily rm !bat &be has a fireplace. Plus .f master sized bed- rooms and a drcnm tiled kitchen. Reduced to $39,$0. See this Oflt'! ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 /' ,. ,. LOV/EST PRICE "Bluffs" 3 + BR's Starns & adobr plu11 expanse of class overlooking ;:reen belt. 2% bath &: extra room 1qr maid. Convenirn1 loca. lion. Ria'ht prict-$31.9.50. ALSO c 16-5 990 "BJ~ft~" 3 8R for ll'Rse $3:iO monthly -furnished. 4 HOMES Riddle & Ross RHltors Rt'.'prat • 4 Sharp 3 BR, 9 yr 3515 E . Coast Highway $26,500 • old home1 on 2 lots. AU rent· CdM • 675-7115 ,;. ".L TIRMS ""· Un Co<la M<'8l. Ter-$11,000 FULL PRICE • rine location, Price SG'l.000. llocik Golf Cturse 20% down. Eve1 673-5941 . R·1 LOT MeM Ven:le home with king Moore Realty 531-1631 Shck ·2 bedroom ivlt~ room · bed far another hon1e. 'our to-lll.ed rooms, fa m i I Y 2 HOUSES on 1 lot East .Jal .. Sli4 -1'00l11.-J-bethll;-Bulit in kit~h· Cosfa eaa rriA • 10&.n m=~~-~~ ~pct. en 541).1720 · · ot •llll ;ear young · Prln. only $30)000. 646-0072 Custom Horne ck>ee to 11ehool TARBELL 1955 Harbor or !2131 375-2842 &: 11lopplng. Range & oven in c l udcd and draped 'throughout! I-low • b o 1.1 1 $1.800 down payment! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee WANTED LARGE FAMILY Hav~ you wanted a sep- arate family room for t.ecnagen! -Plus 5 Big bedrooms, 3 baths! OVt>r 2500 sq. ft. -just one year old, 0;uallty all the "•ay. Best Harbor View Hills area. Offered at $65,500. Seems. so little for so much. Call now for shovring. 675-3000. Eves. 67t:t5764 IN WESTCLIFF 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, huge pool, dining room, family room, built-in Hi· Fl, over 3,000 sq. ft. l\lany custom extras that must bc seen. A fi11 c family homr in prime area. nffered at $72,500. 675-3000 Eves. 548-8868 $54,950. IT'S A BUY! So completely a homr- great Irvinl' Terrace lo- cation. 3 Bcdrooms plus family room, 21Ai baths. 100' Frontage; 2400 sq. Ct. Completely equipped for pleasurable living. Vacant -waiting for new occupant. 675-3000 Evcs. 675-2986 * ASK US * We have hundred$ of other current listing• thru our Multiple Ust-. Ing S!'rvice, large or !';mall, ln 11.ll price brack· cl, and areas. Just give U! 8 Call. -*-NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 645-2000 901 DOVER DR . CUFFHAVEN! Open House J-5 P.?tf. Sat. & Sun. 324 Snug Harbor. This house Is lonely and need!! loving care-. Three bedrooms. den and lar,i;:e living room. Reduced to $32,- 500. Mi1tht consider lease option. Absentee Owner anxlou11. 645-2000 'Eves. 54lPUJ10. WESTCLIFF! 51/2°/o LOA~! • M0-7$71 (Sat & Sun) '*!Ole Pescador Drive (Dover Shores) NB ec.l200 (Sun 1·5) DOVER SHORES -VIEW 2story dream home oiily 7 months old:-86' Bay View from ev~ry room. Custom built by Ivan ·Wells, th is luxuriously decorated 4 bdrm 3 bath & family room home bas red tile roof, pool & a unique wine cellar. Beaull!ul & well priced at $102,000. Open Sunday l..S. .1t39 Santl1go Drive. Spotless three bedroom· two bath home. Extra large living room. Btau- llfW nfw ldtchen. SmaJI dining room, coveN!d pat1o, Iarae corner lot! EXlsUnc Joan can bt u.- 2790 }lllt'bor Blvd. at AdlUlll 1umed at 5\4i 5'-. Pri!'e 54;0465 Open tU 9 PM only $48,500. Usted with *1807 Holiday (Baycrest) NB 8'U200 (Sun I~) -(5 Bedroom) ~14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach -'4U235 (Sat & Sun) • (5 Bedroom & Family or D1nj nJ5 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB MUZII (Sat & Sup) j, • • --.......... CHINA COVE -BEACH Unique custom built 4 bdrm home just 'Steps !rom the best Ocean ,Beach. AslOng ,79,000. Roy J. Ward Co. (S.ycr11t Office) 14>0,Gilexy Drive --=="""'===--II BIB exclu.slvely! OPEN SUNDAY 04s.•ooo Eves. 548•6966 170 JOANN, CM 3 bdnns l" t.thS. Room for boat A: trailer. DAVIDSON RNlly $46-5460 .Eves, !>ts-1058 S BR. 3 BATHS Priced under market at S.fl.500. EutbluU • chotce Jo. cation! CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 6'i:>-IG62 :\006 E. Co11~1 I/Ivy., Cdl\1 - • ' . -, .. FftEEWAY? FORGET IT! Downt'C)'IJ.'fl Colta ?tfeu. ii corntnc Into ita own and you can 01o11n two stores with plenty of "°'king fOI' Ju.t.$41.500. 645-2000 Evn. &T3-1355 t3Hll ,\ 111·1111 Ill. II.I\ 1\1'. .. .... ..... ,_ . . . . ·pool in prestige Ba.yttest: for the tliacriminate buyer. Many custom leatures too numerous to mention. See µus, exceptional home today. sn.!tj(). I I 1 I · \1 fl I I I ~· \tt \\II\\ I\ ~ \ I I l < • 1003 Baker. C.M. 5%,% Gorgerius 3 BR 2 bath ham~ on quirt treelined cul-de·sac. New w/w carpets, all built. Ins, brick 6ircpl11.cc, fam\ly room &:: huge oversized }ol Outdoor BBQ I: room for boat & trailer. Ast\U1\e 5%'% loan • $20,400, $174 P .I.T.I. Priced Ior immediate salt at $27,;,Q(). Call 54~ South C.oast: Ree.I Em.te · Beach Cottage This older !-bdrm. cottage, near park & tennis coul'ts on Balboa \\ill go for only $29,500. Owner may cany lst loan. Rents for $111(1 month, Winter: Sl2:> \\'~k, summer. Buy 110\\' • avoid lM rush. RllOlll' REALTY 20Zi \V, Balboa, NB 675-fiOOO 2449 E. COBlt. QU.t 675-fiOOO Extra Sharp Beautifully improved corner "Cassie'" home, lush new CBI"p(!ling: &: drapes, Owner sacririeing for personal rea· sons & most anxiou.s tor oU. er S4i·SllO , (neardMnttiMW LLEGER~TY 15(1)....... . J:,ll Investment lncami 7 UNITS, larce lot l32axi'; room to build 5 mori. SS0.000 Owner will carry Jtt ro. Well1-McC1rdle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. Sti-1129 • m.tJ68.f eves. DO You want a home, ck>se lo a IJ'Cat Elem M:hool in an area juat rta:bt tor kids! That's ~ )'OU wDl flnd this 3 bdrm home ~nta le• than rent. Full price 122.500-VAIJ)l.l OK ...... -· ' $33,900 M&SA VERDE NEAR GOLF COURSE Country Cub julf. a few aec- onds away. l i:.tha, Electric -wnr-:--111'1.okl.tchm;-~ity room. 2 fittplaces. covered patio. 540-l'r.20 TARBELL 295S Horbor 3 BR 2 bath bome, conwr lot 130x180 -add 5 more units. Drive by 15'13 ·Santa Ana Ave. th~ c.D • Bania lltalty ..,_ DUPLEX 2 BR. each -PIW&'H. Xlnl area C.M. Good oond. Cl.It of state owner m\.lft sell im. mediately. ">nmid Ex~ 646-2'29 LEA.SE I OPTION I a r r e lplit level 1 BR ltfontlce.Uo Condo. A ml beaut CALL GLEN QUEEN S<C).Ulil Herl.tap RMI Eltate Copen .... , Vacant 3 BR, hardwood fln. .lrplc, pallo. CUh to k».n. M~2200 AJ::tlovrner. General IOOO Genor•I HAPPY FUTURE 2. a-ciro0m • Den i. predicted for )'OU ii\ tbls-Ei.staldt • C.ta' Mua, hard· wood dOor, with w/w car-very attrac Income ~r-pet, drapes. covered patio, ty. _Thie is a ~perly lot: an detached double pn.ae with Investment miMed purehas-um,. 'taeilitiet Lot com-~ :=~e~~l ;eteb' feqctd. All fur $24,500 from 2 other Unl11 lo pay .:B:::lo::!'..:6<2,:,,,-9665===--=-=~1 bllh on loan, Good i..... BA YFIONT Al'T. Total price $75,000. •y Vista ~ Lido. Pier 1: slip fii ~i''fli· '911_:. Ieue/op. ~fi!jl.mson II ~ '"° <' REAL '!'OR 1003 ~r. C.M. 545-544d m-c50 • Eves. 613-1564 lOOOGeneral 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: CAMEO SHORES A·A·A VIEW A truly magnificent 6,000 ft, horn • with 5 BR's, 8 baths, huge /ool, two fa m l l y rooms. 3 wet bars an much, much more. $190,000. Waller Haase PANORAMIC VIEW OF BOATS & JETTY c ustom built & arch. designed.for present owner. Luxurious couples home . Extra large master suite, guest rm. & ~ath, pan. den w /lfpl I: wet ~ar,. Lusb/Y plaDltd pa\W. 3 car gu:age. U47;500. . .,1 Kathryn Raulston . ·-"· 'ALAlifos 'iAv-NAPW ~ On Rivo A1ta1CADat. · \vard winning arch. 'Kill ingsworth: Brady, Smith home. 3 BR. 3 Ba., 2-sty .. _.w/Jlocl< !or 40' ya01.,"'0Ut· standirJg." "•1~.oo. ; , • . , Al Fink ~:-: I-· , .... --~QRONA DEL' MAR· - ·OPEN HOUSE 2216 WATERFRONT DR. --Av o cad O South to waterfront -spacious, custom split-level home w /view of Bay &:: ocean + spacious beamed ceil. apt. as a bonus -a real pride of ownership. Open Sat. & Sun • $107,500. Cathryn Tennille BEST OCEAN VIEW f'rom this arch. designed all wood & glass 3 BR. & den home , Lagul!a Beach: Arena type liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen \Vlth B/I. ''Brand ne\v". $84,900 Al Fink UDO ISLE $79,500 Street lo street on this 60 ft. lot. 5 BR. 3 Ba. Lge. South patio. Wide street. Just steps to beacJ:t .. Mary Lou Marion CAMEO SHORES· JUST LISTED Long garden entry to spacious ,! am i 1 y home overlooking ocean:-Enclosed pllf)'· yard for children + patio & protected pool. Maxium privacy. $74,500 Mrs . Harvey OCEAN VIEW IN LAGUNA Luxurious tow nhome;,2 bedrooin & den, 3 baths· beautillillf furnisbed. Wet tiar, deck, smaJt' patio & jwt steps' to beach, pools & tennis courts. $59,500 · e arol Tatum CORONA DEL MAR View home less than 1h block from Ocean Blvd. -4 Bedrooms & family room, new kitcfien ; 'beautiful patio; tile roof, double g~r. 1irli:8'redi '5,000 .-now~1500. • Carof Tltqrb ·· ,,.• i.,. •1 ;; , 1 WATERFRONT FIXER-UPPER Excellent location, with private slip' for large boat. Closed community has ptany $125,000 homes, but Ibis is only '54,500 with 6% loan. Walter Haase EASTBLUFF-MUST SELL Lovely view home, owner forced to sell at once. 4 Bdrms .. form. din. rm., brkfst rm.; large pa,tio w/sparkling pool. Just reduced lo $47.500. Mrs. Harvey VIEWIN& SUN. 1 ·5 BAYCREST 1 1149 TRADEWINDS $46,500 Buy this little gem for Christmas . Spotless 3 Br. 2 Ba ., !amily rm., beaut. lndscpd. for minimum care. Mary Lou Marion CAMEO Hl&HLANDS 180 Degree view of Pacific ocean from liv. rm. & din. rm. and master BR. 2 Ba. Pvt., • t'ir~•t1o~l43,ooo- NEW BA YSHORES LISTING Cape Cod 2 BR. w/beam cell. I: large sun- ny paUo. Perfect for couple's home. Live in the most desirable area of Newport' tor only ~.:ioo. Joe Clarkson COLDWELL, BANKER & CO, 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., . NEWPORT BEACH ·-·· 644-Mt .................. ,; . ' • .. ::: ,., .•. ... ·=· ~= . .. ::'. ;:; .•. :=-~ ! "'. .•. ' .-. ~~ s .:-: .~. .-. ::: •:?· ·-· ~: ·:!· :-: .-. .-. ,·. ~~ .-. 1 .-. ,;, I; • •• • ' " ~~ :': ::: tr. .•. ... ••• . ·: .-. .. f ~; ::-.. -• ... -...------·--~-------·-· ---.-~-~-...-·--------·-----.---·----,-·--------·---~----:--:-,..,.,.,. ..... HOUSES•FOR SALi HOUSISl'ORSALI HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSESl'ORSALI HOUSES FOR SALi ~F 'ITALS RtNTALS RENTALS Frlday, Novtmber 7, 1969 DAILY PILOT 33 _......_ -1.UO. .a.dL la -12~ Hunlf.nelJ111. ..... cb J40fl l:h111ll!'E",-.1~ -!J.~o!'.'~llL~N!_!llll"'~-1--;;;.~7~.0:~1-*;;:::;H::;o.;;;uso=• ;:U::;n;:lu::;•n::;l;:shod:.._;-j.~H"'ol"u~saoi:::U;;:nf;.:.:_urn..:...:1•.;had;;;: 1-=-=A;:;""-.:::_-.:_'.:_u~m=-=~""'l-==:- S B--' p LOOK! BACK BAY HOME BUILDERS OWN HOM<; Costa Mota '3100 Corona d•I Mar 3250 Costa MIH sulln• ool 3BR,lBA,S14%wumablo Openho ... S..t&Sun FAST MOVE IN 1 ,. ... old, 3SflO ... II .. 21 ;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;1:::::=:-:~::.::=--=.: . $26,950 ~,\::<low":,'. ::i =~ mo SQ h, 3'Bc, 2,Bo, ' " :"~·JI!• f"~. 3 RENT LARGE HQ/<((E 2 81!· •BA. unfurn or portly. GOL~~ESTSEll~ALS Thafis nol all .. a lovely swim $215. PITl,-Skr eve.·mou 3 f.rpl. $M.SOO,, 10% dn. Ne~ horites, ready t.0 move in. 2 to,/ bed· 2 frptrs.-kmily ~, h~ Mesa Verdt, New ca.rpetl-A $2?0. ~ o~~~S ; 11930,(iarifi'it O~ ·!pl);6600 pool tOO! a bat ha. Rieb wood ======== =="'2307'°=,:Fai;';;"'::IU::=D;;rl,;"":.,,. rooms, 2 to 3 baths. t'A m ile froni bea'Ch. Fir5t activity roon1, wtt bar. drapes • ••·•• •• • -$27$/mooth11-=_:;.....:.;:.:::::....::. __ ~Ing. 54 .. b1"!!'kfa.stbar,!ire· Newport &Mch 1 1200 la~'uff payme1;1t up to 6Q d'y• atter move in. Loce.tcd on a lart..• ,546-9521 or SCCM631 4 BR. 2% Ba. duplex. 2200 2 BR, crptJ. drps, nicely ""'"""' ..,. '"" · .,.. 1242 V'/FH' T ~ p ••3 990 cul • de. sac lot. E:xee'""n Sq. tL Bltns, dlshwuher. turo. $1?i0. mo. Good • .. T 'RBELL -ss ~arbor I& .-~ ~ emu. rom .. ' -I I -M I •• * 154$-189! * "' ,., n ,.,-"'f"! JL-~ view. 18 x 3$ cu.stOm hr:atcd rp · ._,,, o. ease . .,..0-7573 --="'°'=""'=>-- l ;. 3~~~~ .. ~~~)~11ol~~i+--" ~""-~llf!...:...1-,-.. .,..J~81~Y~St·~BL .. •'--I----m=-B~ea.e · _ :°1urt.~:1a.-=~:ec:; a .. 1bo. 3300 Furn:~~;~~Io . cond. $32,500. 2138:1 Fleet J "' st uua:, unnlnt view (on Brookhur1t 1 mite South of Ad1m1) fo~ SS0.000-Sacrilice tor BN<d-"Medatnon-by-1r Lane, HB. Chvner ~ f',Altl + 3 BR. + 2"' ba. Ready 9621 • "5"11 $69.500. (714) 195-443-1 :S Bedroom. Yearly tm RIO. •NA.sSAu P.AUJ , for yuu & betil ol alJ, !he ,• I~ ~ LARGE Clean 3 bdrm with FR A·N K AtA·R S ff,A L l Ii. 2-~JC PoOii C01ta Med 1100 ~44:w : a.IJ assumable loan! Open 1..f:30 Condomlhlum • 1950 l2x27' familY, room, ne~ REALTY. 675-4600 IT'J E. 22nd St. "' &it...~3 , ~-t~a.& Sun. 21<1 Vista En· B•lboe Penlnsulo 1300 ·;c:.;__~~ carpets & drapes. Excellent t MESA ViRDE _q/ . ....CM.ol Huntington Beach 1400 UNIVERSITY PARK Ea&t.rldc location. $235/mo, lido Isle 3351 1 BR. new, beaut.> turn, ~ IOYD REALTY 2b 2ba Ex II >d ca h To Mle <:all 54 0-..1151 ·-• .JnO!llh-to-month $160. :AduJt.s . . BIG FAMILY ROOM Developer's DupleJC r.. . ce coi . s 1-Jeritage Real Estate Cl-tARMING 3 Br, 2 Ba year. only. 22'20 Elden. ~2 . plus S BEDROOMS &: 3 IUX· ./ 3629 E. C.00.St Hwy., CcL\f Three bedroom ~per two For The Big F a m ily 10 owoor. 833-23'79 Jy rental. Just remodeled & urious baths. Completely 7' ===='';75-;59;:30;;,,=="'I bedroolJ) lower. In very good 4 Queen Size bedrooms. 'f'wo RENTALS EA'TRA Sharp £ x e cut decorated, trpl • & patio. CUTE l .BR hse, pri part." AIR C'ONDJTIONED and in rental .vea.. Now Iull,y lea• very lUXurious baths. This Housel Furnished' Home, !i bdr., 3 ba., \VJ;, Avail Dec. 1 i;ns nw. Eves gar, den. S~ pool. Adults. Mesa Vei'de prime location Corona del Mir 1250 ed. GOOcl growth potential. OOn1'! features stepdown liv. crpts, drps., built ·lns, 673-7044; days 544-5121 no ~ts. Sl65. 646--3764 on quiet ~treet of towering HALF BLOCK $49,500. inkroom with romantic tire. 6-neril 2000 dish\vashcr, $215 mo. lst & LOVELY garden apt. 1 BR, 2 trees! Spacious FAM J Ly BURR WHITE place. FORMAL DINING last plus $100 deposit, Huntington Bt1ch 3400 Ba, gar. Pool: clubhouse, ROOM• F bu! Ca & TO OCEAN ROOM. <-a..ate '''" down I II I ~ ~· custom' m!.pes~~ !~~cu. •• IV REALTOR family ~~1 leads to com. 630-l5.JS TWO SfORY Abi;olutely atu 5 ony: "'"""'""" late and tasteful it's hard to HARBOR VIEW ~ing dUp!ex on bcauti· 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. pletely enclosed rear yard RENTAL ftNDEll5 \VESfSJDE klc. 3 BR. cpl. gorgeous & immaculate l BR, quiet, vet')' nlce. believe! Extra large 8000 ft. fU: Marguerite. A roomy 2 6754630 642-2253 Eves. beaut i I u I I Y landscap. INIXPlfGM "' GUUAWllD $170 mo. ht & last + $100 Large 3 bdrm •. 2 bath, fami:· -Oarage. A?ulls, no pets. lot ol unique lush landscap-~u~~~iQ':ilta:.~~. ~~ bedroom home with an ex-ed. SI'EP UP into this gor. mlDENTJAl .. tl.ISIES dep. Adults, no pe ls . ly & dining. You won't 646-2768. 2-152 Elden. ing with loiv maintenance. sunshine baths. Sep. for-Ira shan> 2 l>edrc9m garage Lido Isle 1351 tgeous All electric kitchen. APT.-IOCIMAU.n saYKI 540-3033 believe It , Lease 1 BR SUO. 2 B.R $140,~ Bach Chvner transfened and anx· maJ dining 'roOm +tam-aJ)a.rtment plus a gUest FHA loan has payments of 3 BR Freedom home. shag gardener. Available Dec. $67.60. 132 \V. \V.ilaon. ious at ONLY $48.500. For Uy room. Located in room with se~aratc bath. LOWEST PRICE $155 includei> a11, \Viii sell ..::w·t':'C•d;:--....,11 crptg, drps, stove. $170 mo. Ist. Adults only. CALL1.64;2-:126.l""'-===:;°'=~==·n the particular exeeutive. Newport's !inei;t area. Excelle:nt location for sum. Home on Lido, 2 Br. 1 ba. VA at appraisal or $29,450. 973 Governor, CM Call aft ~24 South Coast Rea.JI WE SELL A HOME ft~z5~1~e'ri1~~-~~0~'; ~1~ and ivinter rental. su-eet·to-street lot. WE SELL A HOME PROPERTIES WEST 5:30, 83£1..5769. Estate Newport Bt•~h 4200 EVERY 31 MINIDTES del Mar. ' ' $42.500 EVERY 31 MINUTES Rental Loc1ter1 3 BR Eastside·, fireplace, GLEN MAR 4 BR, .2 BA Newport Bcarh W lk & l *673-ISS!I* LIDO REALTY INC. Walker & lee Residentiot-Apts. "''""~· ""'"'· •0 m•. Attnct•veiy ·GRANO OPENING .. ; a er . ee ~ 3377 Via Lido 673-7300. . 2627 N•wport Blvd. 5404005 after 5 pm. decorated. Frplc, carpets, IMMEDIATE~ •• ;, N t Bo h drapes. Exclnt Schls. S250 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adanis J'B.OPERTIF.8 WESr 7682 Edinger ewpor ac RENTAL SERVICE mo. 96S.:&i55, 10132 For· OCCUP.t.NCY· :~.: 005-0165 Open tiJ 9 PM 675·4130 675.1642 Huntington ~•ch 1400 842-4455 Open 'tit 9 PM 675-1642 GOLDEN WESf RENTALS restal Drive. Lu."tury garden apaf'\Wln!s Believe It Or N-ot 11930 Garden Grove 53().66CXl 4 BR 2 b N ·I _ _, oUt.ring co1nplcte privacy. ;:· 0 I028BaJlideDri,.. BEST BUYS POOL PAO -·• 8· cv. Y an.e_c., bcautUul tand&eaping "& un· .. wner Desperate tletrp0rt Bu.cb,Clli!.rr.!sn' Bring YOUI' paint brush & NOWS T,HE. TIME 6b%1! Loan ti~ beaut. custom Rent•I• to Sh•re 2005 Mts1 Verde 3110 l andscped. Seek ap-paralleled recieatlonaJ tacit. :•: A"-·lut•fy mu,1 '''' t"'• 4 ,.. _ 41 ·corner in e)(cJusive Lake prec:ialive occupant. S22:>. 1·1,·., 1·n a' ,-un·.:..., ""'"b al· : ··.·.·, ~ ... "' _. save on these! $4.000 total cash down need. p k \VJLL sha--m 2 B t -" ••:1 ...... bdrm & family, Ni-• thao I::-:--::-=-=-,--.,.=~--ar area, with family rm ., '" Y r ap · POPULAR T-PLAN 3 B•, 2 !>68-6215 ....... ,pb-.• No" le·~-lo "'° NEAR BEACH ed to assume low interest d · pool w/girl 25 to 35 w/ ooct ' ""' ... ~... ........,. ••· .ne\V with garden kito"·o, BLUFF'S \VEEKEND 3BR esired built-ins, raiwd g Ba,famrm,xlnt .. ,.,..ts,h'"I 8° Townhou•o. Noa .. Newport Bcach. .... ·~ ., den, 2 balhs. R·2 Lot, V.A. loan for this sharp 5 hoarth •-J morals Refs 645-2969 ii.ft 4 ~.. ,...., • • ... shake roof, brick fireplaCt', SPECIAL Open house 2115 rm. 10 bld. s41,500 bedroom home with 36' Pool. tio s3{ ~ & hUge cov. · · · 500' patkis, lge yard, walk beach 2 pools. clubhouse. Furnished or unlurnishtd :.:~ 5prinklers & large lot. As. Vista Entrada Sat & Sun IDEAL FOR COIJPLB Lots of decking and patio. pa • • t~uu price • Costi Meu 2100 to schools, library, sOOp'g. LEASE. 536-1797 Models open 10 am ti,.8 pm •• .• !.· sume 5* % loan -owner wU.1 10-3. 3 Br, 2~a Ba. split 2 BR., nr. Post Ofc..J: stoi·es. Gorgeous carpels & Drapes. checkp,· ... ~t,.~raShoctiv,_:; 1R"'ea1"'iy· Quiel 250ne~~~!~· Avail 4 BR home. fenced yd, 2 bl.kl! Rents ·from SlOS5 to $3l0. ~: Cll.l'l')' 2nd TD, Submit your level with bay view & R·2 Jot, bid. inc. $32,750 Modern garden type kitchen. :-.36-88!J4u'" or "s 847.a586 2 BR, gar patio, Quiet trop. Dec .. S · """"""°"' from St. Francis Sehl. t:ie OAKW,' OD ;~~ ~~7 :ri'11:i~~a~o~e~~Oo~ =~~~;m~-~~p. ':"; Che~E~~~ury ~~~. a~0~7'~ay~1~~ ~PO'f=°'E~N~TIA~L"""u-N_L_IM.:.:JT::E::D:: ~c~lk~~ti~~!~r s~1s~~s~ii 3r1!1~: :n:~b1:,~ gr:1~e~! :.:1:-~:res ltL~ury 4 GARDEN ; ;;: :oe ~~~AE1;1{a~~~~~ :~~j 067="-~"'=1 ~0-•~54_7_-1_64_I~--673-6900 673-1362 Eves. just lil)e l'el'\I. ;1:~~. 4 :;1:.~~ t:~~i~':.~: RENTAL SERVICE incl".: $250 ht/last dcp. BR, 2 ba, w/~11 desired APARTMENJS .... PRICED Below Market. Ad· 4 BEDROOMS WE SELL A HOME wlk to shops & schools, 5 COI:-DEN WEST RENTALS 54~188. tt?atures. 9684062 1700 16th Sb-eet ~;; Assume V.A. Loan ~i:na:ta~ve~~~~~ Corona bel Mar EVERY 31 MINUTES min. to bch. Lo assumable 11930 Gan:len Grove 53().6600 3 Bl;l, 2 BA, S210 mo. NE\V 4 BR .. near beach &: ... 714: 642-8170 l~! ~! {~~I~F::.:: ~:~ F~I· ~e;F.~t~! s~:;1::f.~0~1~ ~~~~~~~' .~~e I§~oan.~t,0T1:h·.? .. 5 ~E~~xftur~.~.,'. se~~34 ;.w~R on:~'."·;~ Now::~::ll6' 3200 :::2::Y100 :410 i!l;T~H;E:~M~bE:s!!t U!,_ ::: be a Vet. to qualify. 14 x 21 ...,.,. boJdl ~ " N t Bo h 2200 • FAMJL Call ~150 . •O see call PRESTIGE €oncrete drive, sprinklers, ewpor ac ---------1 ;,: rwma :n:~;!:~:J~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio ~~l °wr:~i:1 ::i~~~ No. 2100 Plan. 4 l.ge Bed. <nc\v paint, iv/w AND WOK FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 heir., 2 GALAXY DRIVE 4H:d.PP~L1i ~6~~: ill N. ~:f 81 d. ;:-: WOOD FLOORS and close· Discount for C•1h BY OWNER room5 + 20 x 30 game room ll.!!:s 3 BR Weslmont is onl,y ba., paUo, adults. Bayside 4 Bdnn. 3 baths. Ivan Wells LONG TEJUI DISCOUNT. SIN"LE'l'"",_~fL u x u r y ·~ in EAS'I'SIDE location. A s~.250 on any terms. Village. Until July 1st. $200. atrium modrl homt'. Best 96Z.n16. '-' AGUJ .., ·-· ba App 1.4 Ac \Ve tcrtt ,..,. EXECUTIVE type home -+ 3 baths, Near i;oU cou1-sc Re L Hod Rlt '~======== I a.rd<li t pis , try ·-~ rgain at $24,00CJ! · re s 1 • .,,.,v. &. hp x • 91s, rs Call 642-6210 view, Pool. Xlnt coml. Out •: g COUii ; .. = WE SELL' A HOME er Shores Lot with Grant Only 1 yr new wf beautiful . rscs. 847-2525 LOVELY 2 BR home in Bay-or area o\vner desires 1 • 2 S•nt• An• 3610 cl~ atmo1phft and -000\· ,... EVERY 31 M Dttd landscpg & privacy galore! ~ fUt PR S I 750 pletc privacy. SOUTH BAY ~ INUTES cAfi NO\V • 714 _ 54,._.,,.A,, 3 BR, 2 BA, xtra 1..., fam . ,£ TIGE FHA 5%% shores. Pri beach, nr Bay year ease. S . mo. · a.UB ~· It"Vl t 16th :-: W lk & L ..,.,""" •e. Lovely 4 BR, many extras, Club. $325. mo. 642-3863 Kathryn Raulston 4 Br, 2 Ba, fain rm, range, . · • QC a , .;_4 a er ee rm, w/w .crpts,.drps, elc. m Vi oven, dishwhr, crpts, rwfed Ne\vpo11 ach. ........... -· --· NEED Partner with small $49,900;-995 Sandcastle Dr. 't -·· ·-near Marina f'Ji Scbool & -~ ,. 1--• 123' .. " '°'4 (n4) 64.5-IWO t ' ' C llAj Oouglas. Early po""•••'on. Balbo1 2300 pa 10• •11.'U. :>. ""'lr'JITI · ~· 2043 Westcliff Dr. investment, lo comple te ~1!rbo2958r View Hills. 675-7470, .,... $ •••• -. • 1 . _ 133.ooo. o"""' "'"!012 3 5 WEEK & UP fi.16-7711 pure ase o income prop. 2 BR. garg. bayfront, util. S•nt1 Ana Heights 3630 ;-_.: BIG for lax savings. 642-2752. BONE DRY pd, Sl75 Avail. 'ti] Juile 15. (olil' all IHk & (a I Br, 2 Br, Bach. Maid lll'l'· J + 2 Bier. Che k these 2 U . 17C97 Magnolia, FV Fountain V1lley 1410 613-580" W ' • •LEASE Or sell w/option to vice. TV & pool. ::: Big 3 Ddrms + '1 BR l'C'nlal c wea ier·t1ght 545 0458 :> 550 Newport Center Dr. buy. 2600 sq ft. 5 BR 3 ba.. THE BAYCLl.FF ::. : on Tlb:175' lot in excellent i\<JOBILE Home -w/tull frv!nc Terrace hon1es this • 6% r;b, $145 mo. Spacious 5 SPACIOUS 2 story 3 BR, 2 Newport Bt1ch, Ca lif. llv im., din rm., lam. rn1., nd .. cahana, Lux. park. Bayfront weckc.nd for maximum con-1 YEAR OLD Br, 3 Ba, Jge lot. Top BA. Bay View. Completely 833-0700 644-2430 dbl gar., elec kit. $350 mo. ~= ~L~uon(;L:~kini 0S3J·~ peninsula. Adults Call strucuon soundness. 3 BR. CotTler modern open beamed n c i g h b or hood vi c, furn. No students. 546-9574. 546-l713 '15;;) N, Newport BlVd. 646.326.) • :::_: 540.1151 Heritage Real Es. 673-8100. ca~h w I generous lerms. ceiling 3 bdrm 2 bath giant Brookhurst &: Ellis. Drps, ~ ta DECORATOR'S DREAM 3 Priced ~t ~.:i00 & S52,500. niaster. bdrn1, all th; mod· xtra crpting, 2 rtp\c, :;: >"<tii•>.IO:opev;n,o;;v','-;';-;;-,..---,...1 BR, j ' BA condo w/frplc, Hal P1nc:h1n & Assoc. ern conveniences. Priced rovered ptltio, sprinklers ; ... : 2 STORY~ BR, 2 BA. CJ1lls, Htd pool, $27,500. Broker 390o E. Coast Hwy, 675-4392 low at $24,950. Everything front & back, fruit trees, 4 ;::. ~rps,. bltns. Newly painted 646--0732 MOST CHOICE like new. Was ad.ult only yrs old. $32,750. E-Z terms. .... 1nter10r. ' -tam .. m. Well "avo·ng •late 962-3475 :j: lndscpd; ;a!io. $3'1 •950 . OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Broadmoor bit. 4 Br., 2\a occupied. Your do\vn pay. ""' · .. ;;,~ 549-2286 ,1.kdays, 54Cl-5844 4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. Walk to ba. Fam. rm, Lgc-. din. nn., menl will handle, llas been .-... eves & wknrts. Bkr. shops. $39,500. Agent \Vet bar. Qual. cpts., drps. vacant 6 months. S_e1I Be1ch 1450 ;:: 1-w.;;;-:rntt;;;";""°=.,.,-&12-3850 or 833-1077 Bright, bit-in kiL Vacant. . :::: \V~L~P~';:~iiu~~ ~~~L l.~ .• ~L~u~rr=s~ .. ~,~Bd~,-m-.~so""--•~eck $65.500. : .. : 3120 Lincoln Way, C!\.f ,~·t prime Bay View. Delancy Reil Estate ::: 4 BR + Jam rm. SJl,900 $39,500. Call 6 4 4 -2 2 s 9 2828 E. Coast H'vy· 67J.3no ~lfl ·~gf:I OCEAN Vw, Like New, va· r1a.: cant 3 bdr., 2 ba., sun deck. 2-4471 ...: 03 80' K 105' lot, $42,800. Owner •!;~ Trust Really (714l 521-6012 eves/wknds. CONTEMPORARY $22,~ 4 BED~~M ,.-. 3 Lovely Ddrms .• 21h baths. VACA~T 6.6% Int. Call 1714J 531-4239 North Tustin 1645 ·=~ EXTREMELY spacious in· Newport Heights 1210 Fam. & din, rms. Brk area $140 per month includes all .... • terio1·. ]deal yard for boat in elC"C. BI kit. Love!Y gar. on existing loan anyone can OWNER Translerred·Single ;:;: or children. 3 BR, 1% BA. Prime Heights Area den. 100 x 106. $54,950 ass.,umc without qualifying!! z>tory home in beaulilully • Assume 53,; ,.,, Ff". Total • ·-I' · • I il F t · 4 h •-• maintai--' noo'ghborl·--' ':~: ,. u. ...... 6 e 1v1ng rm. ,,. am y R. C. GREER Realty ca urtng uge un.iroon1s, ,,.... ......,..., Lido l•lo 2351 ---=-UDO ISLE BAYFRONT Beautifully fur ni!!hed 2 Bdrn1, 2 bath plus den home. Pier & slip. Room for 4() fl. boat, $600. mo . Kathryn Raulston .......... Coldwell, llanlcer & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, C•lif. 833-0700 644-2430 .-$23,500. 01\'Tlcr. 642 .. 232 N' 3 bd I Well layed out 4 Bd•m 3 ;: rn1. tee rm. home. 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 2 u.xurious baths. Charming • • ~~ 3 Bdrm 2 Bath crptd, drp, Stone frplc., HW floors, cpts, "-'.:......=...::::.:::;,_ __ :::.:.:::: "Queens" kitchen. Great Jiv. bath,. den, ~"~ar gar. Re1ar * t•Urn 4 BR, 3 BA. Con· .::1 fli>lc, blt·ins, dishwasher, & drps. Clean & sharp: ing room with rich panel. poo area, <N io cenient, or temp, newly dee. Blln!i. "j"' Oversized gar. \v/elec open-S28.000. BEAUTIFUL 3 bdr .• Home, ing. Ankle deep carpeting. easy living. l''ull price Avail now. Yearly. (714) ·: .. : er, Like nc\\', \V/side CM Graham Rlty. (>46.2414 plus new 1 Ddr. luxury apt. E.'<cellent cul.de-sac W i 11 $.59,500. Custom furnishings 624-7109 .. ;; 548·0137 aft 3 Near Newport Post Office Or use as 4 bdr, family rm, .51.'ll FHA and VA. also available: Sp an is h , ========= i~~ l;-o;;:-,.,.:.;:.,--.,,,--,-= Crpts., drapes, 2 tropical WE SELL A HOME Oriental, & Contemporary, • -·. 3 BR, 1 1~ ba, new cpl. 6~, NEW 2 BR, 2 BA, do·n· 1· d k uoooo Huntington Be•ch 2400 "c pa ios no y wor '""' EVERY 31 M Principals only. 13832 Glen· :;.: : loan pn1nt Sl48 PITI. Quick ingtplay area. S 3 O, 5 O O. Owne1'. _ s1s..-OJ12. ' ' · INUTES mC're Dr. 838-1066 ~T poss. Rllt. 642-9730 eve Owner 431 Riverside. w lk & l ~========';COTTAG E, fun1, clean. Near : ~: !>18-0720 '42-8099 LIVE MODERN I a er ee . beach. Util pd. Gen!lem'". -:T le;==;-;--=,,.-=-,-,-"'======== 6 Yr. old z.5ty. contemporary Lagun• H ills 1700 $73 mo. Alt 6 pm. 536-7870 I .,.' UNUSUAL 3 BR. 2 BA home. home. 4 BR., conv. den, 7682 Edinger ! .j::.; Clean. BY OWNER $23,500. University Park 1237 din. rnt, Dramatic tiled •n· 842-4455 Open 'til 9 PM :l MONTHS old Monterey L•guna B••ch 2705 : ,1; 548-8414 or 548-3300 Manor 2 bdrm1 I balh. ;;...::..;._..;_ ____ ..;,; .-.l FEE ·~·\ilpy,_~~.:nigtlt for large owner Transferred Ch~ner an.'\ioUl!. 830-5734 . •. f! Mesa def Mar 1105 • b .., \ ou can uy this •·Prince-Walker Realty 6"f5.2676 '!'; ton" and move right in. It's -----'---'-"-"'--';Assume FH~ loan. Pymnts :.: .. SALE or lsc. 4 Br. lam rm. brand nc1v. Prlced right at under Sl75 month. 4 BR '! ; ~;, XNlnt h~nd1. fhllas ~;;,~~ing. S3J.250. B1EAUT1FUL of 1h<lr., 2 ba.. batb Prestige Home No •1 t r s pg sc s '"'"""""" • am. rm., pro essional uali!y' • :~;;. Mesa Verde . 1~10 red h1•11 · ~n:::P~~~·n~~7r~s.c~~~ qTht ;:~I E1tete M1r t 1 Bay & Ocean. Owner -Call • 4 BR. 2 BA, fn1 i'Ln, exec &14-2361. 847-8531 ; .• ~ home. Bltns. good cond. Pvl REALTY ;"!'; walled frnt patio, Jge htd 18(!68 Culver Dr., Irvine • ..-_. . I / I'd & d. OPEN 9 AM.S PM · 83.1-0820 DUPLEX WITH HIGA F.H.A. LOAN L19un1 Be1ch 1705 BEAUTIFUL j!EACH HOME LOVELY 3 Br. &: deri home. Nicely furn. Beauliful ocean view. Across st. fron1 Bch. Fncd. yard, P,<ttio, frplc. Reliable Fam. iv/ref. only. S21;i mo. Yeariy. 499-3867 CarTAGE w/ocean view, nr. bch. 1 bdrm. 1 1,~ blh, frplc, patio & garage. $200. utl. incl. 4~1916 aft 4 Pt.1 RENTALS Housn Unfurnished B/B L19un• Bt1ch 3705 TOWNHOUSE New catpcting, neiv paint. 2 OCEANV,IEW 2 BR, 2 Ba, Bdrms., z baths, split-level. pvt. patio $185 mo. Walk .to Pool. Adults only, $225 beach & downtown. 494-4915 MooB>th. & B h L•guno Niguel 3707 ay eac: · Realty, Inc. 3 .B~ 2 .BA, crpts, di-ps, 901 Dover Dr NB Suite 126 view. Priv. beach & pool 645-2000 ., Eves. 548-6966 priv. $265. 495--012<1 . 2 BR Duple.x, turn, util paid. 1,~ blk from oce1111. Avail Nov 15. lsl/laet mo's rent on yel'ly ha.sis. 67~9142 all 6 pm. DUPLEX Balboa. Nov. thru May, 1 bdr. SlGO, 2 bdi-$221'.1. Nr,7 0ce8'l'.Ol/c.-1'1-a r~ ~ r .- !\'i~"2""1(.ck vw.; (21.1J .. ' .. . . SA'IL.INN Mi\tel( ... d lx' rms, singles-couples.· $1-10 Ip $120 e DOVER SHORES e Mission Viejo 3708 mo. Cont brkfst, ma.id serv. BEAUTlFU~ large ~edit.er-BEAUTIFUL view, 2 BR, 1% I ;;:Lc;;":;;';;";;';:;1ra;;;;, ;:;6·:;;"'-"-,84,-1~= rancan home .. Swimming BA. Frplc, bltn boOkcasei> W•TERFRONT 2 m1, pool, etc. Avail. Dec. L"ll. Crpts drps. 8JT-893?: apt:' BeaUtlt'ully' I U.bed . for l or 2 year lee,se. $6501 1='~"''-"""='=-"=== All ulilities paid. ,$190 Per 1nonth. 645-028.1 Dine Point 3740 Mor1.ith .• lmme iate \VATERFRONT Lux. Apt. on · posaCN:k>n. 1 , the Pcnin. New 2 bdr., 2 FOR Lease, 4 Br. 2 Bth, ~S~ho~,.,~-~-~~io~•...,.._J~~ ba., pool. Lsc. adults. &at Cpll!., Drps. Vie\v. Chld. 3 BEDROOM. 2 at h . slips avail. Caribc Balboa, o.k .. , no pets. $250, mo. Carpels, drapes, t-ins. to 310 Ferna n do Rd., (714) Point Really. 496-5323 firoplace, den. St 673-3003. beach. $235 mo. 61 BLUFFS: Lovely 3 BR &: Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 OCEANFRONT l:;:e t,i Br. den. Crpts, drps, pools. Wik SPACIOUS upper 3 BR, 2 frplc, nr. school .& ctirches. to slores, school, club, park. BA, frplc, cpts, drps. Nr \Vinter. 675-5412; ~O W. $315 mo. 675-4497 or attan. Refs. $225. mo. Oceanfront . •I; 644--0449. 4~2128 OCEANFRONT J :.! BAYCREST. Cape Cod < ;:;,E:,,N;;l:=A"'L">:------1 Baths. S300 Plus util .. C:Olonia1. 4 br. 2 ha. Child. Apt F • h d yearly pels, OK. S3SO. ca 11 s . urn•• 1 673-4724 646-3513. Gener1I 4000 8 '-A~C-H~E~LO~R"-"A-"p"t.~Pf-l-i-o, l BLUFFS, new 3 BR, 2 BA The GORGEOUS Nciv crpts., All util. pd. .., per Condo. Pool. $350, yrly. mo. Call -64;)-2808 ~lcr 5 675-7225 or 642·3&1:5 VAL O'ISERE pn1 J{_ RENTAL SERVICE Singl-1 br-2 br. Furn·unf. BACHELOR Apl f~, GOLDEN \VEST RENTALS Sauna. Act'y Rln, Billiards with garage. $ 210 11930 Garden Grove SJ0.6600 Therapy & 4j' pool, BBQs Cedar. 548-1131. 2000 Parson!! Rd 612-8670 ==~=-~~~- N H ' •• 3210 . FURN $150. J BR. ewport e a~ts $125. 1-BR., gar. apl. w/gar. drps & bltin. 11!-j B , ~ s1~1m poo \V s 1 e iv ~~~~""~""'""""" I • ~r bnl. Prof land scpng, lo ;. :;! main!. Xlnt ncighborhd. BUSIEST marketplace in I' .fr $43,950. 540-7573 !own. The DAILY PILOT TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT Assume high interest Joan with $3,cnJ Down, !Jave in. dependence and let your ten· ant · pay )'OUr way. Get smart! Total payment of $198 Includes ,all, G re a I In lovely Laguna condo. com. munity; fronting .on magnif· iccnt heated pool, 100 steps ft'Offi p1iv. bch. tennis els. etc. Conip, atra.ctive furn . include 1v/\v carpt'g, drps .. kgsz master bed: location decor. 2 BRs, 2 BAs, srp. Iv .• dn. 1·ms; Jaun. with w/d, stor., 2-car gal'. lower lev· cl. See to appreciate. Shown by owner. cal l for app't, 499-21:52, a.n1. or Wkindl'I. LRG. 3 heir., 2 ba., flrcplace, Bltinas~i~~~~ 1;,ZJ Placentia Gener ii 3000 heated pool, close to schoo.lot ---------l BR large •• Near · an. "'-'-'~------= Asking S300 Call S135. J Sr. tripleK. Jo'rplc., Upstairs. $150 y' y. , Classified section. Save , !.t TAPPAN gas range 5'18-5770 money, time & eUort. Look ; .. : 3220gleSt.C111 ll-10 now!!! 3 BeProoms. 2 Baths, Full of ** l213) 421·1634 ** W/W. Children & pets OK. Sundeck. 67. =========I Broker SJH900 Sunshine. Close to freeways. CLOSE To h, 2 WANT AD Ow11er temporarily trans/er-Newport Shores 3220 $125 SPACIOUS l·Br. 4·plcx. beani ceil, bllns. red. Lease al $195 1no. Nicely furn. Adults -· ·-1 642-3490 Sharp. VACAN'f , 3 BR. 2 ba: f.p: dbl. gar. Broker 645-0111 dr. •~20 3~Y· ~ HANDYMAN'S 1210 Huntinglon Beach location. 121D Newport He,!!ht1 Call 1210Newpor:t Heights '----t .WE SELL A HOME Special! 4 lncon1c unils 120 yds. to beach. Patios, decks w/oceS:n view. Nds, paint, W lk & l ,. ~kitchen hlt·1ns, immaculate RENTAL SERV£E, a er ee rond. $250 mo. incl. club. C t M 4100 GOLDEN WEST ~TALS S©\\~~-£G£trS" Solve • Simple Scrambled WordP:uzzle /M 4 Chuckle 0 Rearrange letters of th• ,,..-'-_,.. _four xromhi.d words b.· low to form lour Ji111pl• words, ILABMAS 111'1'1 I I I r I Teerkrger 's commenr: "She's an old moid who never mode the f irst team, but sf'it's still •1H_A_T_S_0-,----., 1n1eroept;ng-." 11·1 I I I I I' I 0 C,o,nplet~ 1t.. chuck!• quoted by filll119 In the millfno WOl'cf. you dtfflop from step No. 3 btlow. • PR~~Tf5~Q~!~~slflrERS IN I' r ,, I' I' r J I) u~~~~N~~~E LETTERS I I I I ( I I SCRllif.UTS-ANSWERS .IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 1 . . 316 Lugonia, N.B. Phonc OI 1 HI 11930 Gal"den 'Grovt D).6600 EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee etc, Should gros!I S9.llX>-yr, =--....:'.::'"""c:.:~~=---­ Pr. S69.900. Consider trad~s. $225 YEARLY Lease. 3 OR, 7682 Edinger ?.flSSION REALTY 494-0731 family rm, l~ Bath. Lrg 3424455 Open 'UI 9 Pfl.f COASTAL VIEW! lned yard. Owner/brier. Mr. Owner Tr•nsferred Terrific loan assumption! Gunderson. 673-7300. Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2~{,, Interest rate doesn't In· USE OUR HORSES. CustOm bath, On corner loL Carp. cre&He; no pOlntn Bdrms., 3 -BR (will add 4th) tam rm. els/drapes, all built.ins. For. family rm., 2 baths. S years Back Bay view. new paint mal tUning roon1, itervic.-e ol•l. Reduced to $41,500 in & out. Vacant. $3l0 lse. porch. family room. Assume PLACE REALTY $9704 Water Pd. 673--0507. 6% GI loan ~ price $35,900. •LEASE/OPTION* P1ul Jone1 Realty X1nt terms for this 5 yr. old 3 $14:1. :l BR., 1 ~ b a. 847-1266 Eve. 817-8919 Br. 2 ba.. home w/ocean townhoU$C. Range & oven, B~Ownet • .( bdr--2--ba.... view. CaU for terms. . \vfw, patio: Avail. Now. erpts., -drps., beamed ceil·. PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Bkr;-534-6980 Ings, Landscaped, fcnc:ed. 180 DEGREE VIEW LO'f or $150. 2 BR.. gar., patio, Boat gate. Near Ocean. white water &. coasUln<":, w/w, range It oven. Plieed below FHA, 10 mos. small but !Ml. fi ,950 with Children welcomt'. old. 95ll Landfall Drlvt:., $1,000 down. bal al $85 mo. ___ B_ro_ke_,_534_"900 __ _ H.B. All due 3 yra. Broker $165. 2 a·n . ne1v duplex. e BY OWNER e 494-1137 <!9'f-1021 Encl. gar., re nge &, oven, Very nice 2 Bdrm. 1% "-· BESf 2 Br. O.Y.0 . $17,250-w/w. Avail. 12/l, Broker home. Xlnt ntlEhborhood. 'l'rma. I.«. liv-din. nn. Xlnt _534_-<l!lSO _______ _ Aaume existing 6% VA co~. Vtew. Wa r r en $210. 4 BR. 2 ba., ranac & loan: bal, of $17,800 plua 1 _,;;;~:..::;:.,______ oven, frpl., w/w, (213l 282-0860 £>ves. onl y. $30.00 ' Wk. Up > BR. 2 BA. 1 bit' from Back Boy 3240 •Studio & 1 Br Apt:;. attan. Yrly. F •1n i I y ----e Kitchen &. TV incl. 1V()lcomc. b'73-245a. :4: $275 LEASE. Custom 3 Br, •Phone Service & Pool I BR & Bach avait 11/10. 2\~ ba, family, dining, new e Maid scrviee avail. Starh1 at Sl05. Incl' til le: crptg, \ntercomm, all elec • Day, week & Month gar. qean. 67:>-4304 ,; kit. Lrg Jot. J\tany xtras. 2376 Newpol't ·Btvd.-548·!l'r<l5 SPAC. 2 Br, 2 Bat"-lower 2215 Anniversary L n · * VILLA POMONA * duplex. Adults, rct(~req'd. 642-2228 Ne1v l & 2 BR furn apts. $195 mo. 642-3082 ·~ Adult.& onl y, nu pets. --'i University Perk 3237 Enclosed garagei;, tawxlry Coron• dtl Mir ~4150 2 &lrms 2 balhi;, lg livin:; ~swinuni.ng pool, 1760 cozy ground floor 2 Sr .. 1th room with frplc., blt·lns. _ na , fireplace. clOMl to 1hop'g, Avai l. Nov. 15 on 1 )'!'"lease $155 -A~RACTIVE, l bd~ ... Adults only,~f1o-li-C.t4~ --- @ $24.)/mo. pool, ut1I. paid. carden hv· Studcints ok $170 mo.,. Ing. adults, no pel.s. Also Hal Pinchln Ftealtor crs..13:'.J2 3 bdl'm'-+ lrtJGE "bonus'' ~chelor apt., elderly work· 2 BDR tu r IMP ~10 1·m. IMMAC, COND. trplc, 1ng person prefer. 1800 ·• m. ;irep 7.7 ' ,... . 2 baths &. blt•in!I. J.mmed. Wallace Aw: .. CM. a mo. Incl.· ull Call poss. $340/mo on yr leaac. $25 PER WK. & UP 673-8494 after 6 om. , Bachelor & 1 BR. htd pool, l BR. utl~ rurn. $12S. Jtt> pc~. 4 bdrn1s 2\t bath!, over 200) n1aid aervJce. Kitchens & So. ol hiih"'8>'• sq ft, 2. trplcs. Avail Nov. 1'V avAll, 450 Victoria fNr. 67.J.21S.l 15 @ $350/mo. Harborl . o-=,.:.:T::EccA:.U_LA __ P_O_f_N_T_E _a_._u ... __ ·---~"',_4300 __ , 13.~. 847-1329 TIME FOR erokor - LO/LO DOWN Cj)UICK CASH Bob Pettit & Auoc. Lowly 2 Br turn a.pl, pool CLEAN, S.Chelor .Apta. 11.00 ===,,:833-0:,;:;;":I=== carport, adultit no~"· Sl50 All t1Ul lncl $85111' Coron• del Mir 3250 + utU. 1941 Pomona. :us E. BalbOO. ei,e., Costa Mesa L1r9e Repossession ' BR, new paint k new cpts. Very deairabJe &J"l'a.- HAFrDAL FUty 842-4-103 • THROUGH A WANT AD DAILY PILOT CONOOhfiNIU1\1. 3 Br, 2 'Ba.1 .;;;.;..;;,;;;..;..;;_;_;;;;;..._"-.;;...; BACHELOR apt 1111\table !or BALBOA '13-99-G 2 car gar, ·swimming pool A JRVfNEJ Terr. 2 Br. 1 ha. 1 0 1· 2 peNJOns. Older people rtercatlon fad lllles. $210 Lge. din-lam. Tm. $·!00 n10 .. pre(. SllO. mo 21.JS El~cn mo. SS7r a.It 6 pm. lease. Agl. G~2ri03 A\-e,. C.~'I. ?lfgr .. apt 6. \ OC&ANrno.~T 2 an. $J73 'i.tarly. 11UI. lncli.iicd 6'll I • I . Lide 1,1o 4H1 YEARLY. 3 BR. 2 batbl. BQlront. $42S mooth. •'ltt!J·RMlt)' S-S3)0 . H.~""""""""""'""'"""...:a..='h ~ Falrwar Vila Apts •• * * -* ' llAL E51ATI ---·· Commorclal 1 .... 5'1. Ft. Store Bldf. Localed on W.19tb St., O»ta Me1a. lcteal fOfo ownet'-uttr, Partdow 00 -· 15.890 Cub.down.- ""1onomlcs Coro.· 6"'6100 BLDG for ltut, 11,IXXI 141. It, Property llO' .. ~'. 64>Jl33 -.. Des..1 60--1419. 91) w. l11-.• C.M. lnd•lrl1I ltoot1I 6090 ' , ... -....... ..: • >-•• When You Wont it done right-.-•• Coll one of the experts listed below!!- % Bo~.. 2 ba, Adults. No pttts' Furn.. or uni 2l20 Near Orance Co Alrport A ~· can 53&-2130: UC!. Mt:lla ....... 20l2I BEACH apts: 2 BR, 2 BA, Sa.nta Ana Ave. H>-2'191 Whaddva Want? Whacldya Got? SPICIAL CLASSIPICATION FOR NATURAL IOltN SWAPP51t5 COSTA MESA SERVICE •DIRECTORY SERVICI DlltlClORY SERVICE DIRECTORY • 1360 mq. ft. $1£5/month Spa,cial ltale • 5 LinM-5 11,..._ 5 Web • 3lll0 ... It • oUlc:et, 3 Alpholt, 0111 -6520 phaae powtr. S 31 o t mo. Carpet Cleaning crpl$, drpl, ~· Adu.Its. 2l9 DELUXE 1 bdr. Ranae I:: 6625 HouMCl"°ln1 ltULll -IJ) IM!tT INC\.UDI ........_., rev .....,. Iii • ...._ a-.WMt rM _.. "' .,...., a-'+'OUlt lllMN ,_.., ..-. ....., ii-"' llf¥erllr.Jnt, 1-ftOTHI~ 'OR &ALI' -TltADQ DHLYI l5(,h St. No. · o\oeo, dlahwuher. crpt A D •. -County 4600 drps. Elec. pd. Swim. pon1 ------ e 1750 to 15,000 Avail, Dec. SEALING A PATCHING lat, under con&tnlctiQlt. Rieaidential -Indul • Qunc1 CARPET & upholste.cy steam cleaned, alto carpet in- HOUSECLEANING 1 or 2 days week. Pre.ferred in c.osta Y..fesa. 642-9528. PHONE 642.5671 To Pl•c• Your TrHer'a P•redfM M r ··•-&: a:ar. Adil. llvtne. $140 a SINGLE adults, l u x u r y mo. 2tl W. W.llaon. 5U-074S C. Robert Nattreal Realtor Compl reu lf!rv. Currentbt ~ta Mn.a 642-1485 engaged by City <d C.M. tot !i!IOO Sq. i,L $250 per mo. lnel. street ?\lton.tlon. stallation. Resulll guar. For """==-======! ~n apta, '1f/tul1 recrea· or 675-S555 ~~ -lion fa'Cilltie• &: complete NEW 2 BR. l BA, '""'"• .-L """' Bluffl 8-)' View, cut 3 Br, . a --~,. 3 .,., apllt level on wide privacy. SOuth Bl.Y ub 0rpa, dlahwblr; patio, beam · rreenbelt su.ooo eq,, FOR Apt& 277 So-Brookhunt, celllJW, frplc. pr. Adult!, ON TEN' ACRES TD income acreap or ! ! Anaheim lil4) 772-'500 . mo pell $165. 2iO EJden, 1 1:: 2 BR. Fam A Unlum ~ ' 537-«162after1 pm I: Sun. FheplaCfl / prtv. padol ;l"c.""ro;..;;cna;.:;...d_e~l-M-ar-2-un~i-O.. Ga!1!(! G .... , 4610 1)65. NEW °""'" 3 BR. Poob. Teonb-Conbtt'lllldl1, SlNGLE Adults Luxur" Mna Verde. Frplc, 800 Sea Lue. OD( 6"-2611 ft..2 lot So. of Hwy, Ex~ .s alk -loee <MacArthur nr a...t :=) cha.111e approx. $20,00 equ1 ga.iden apts wlth countr)' dilhwuher, w ·ln c ts, • = t;y for Hawaiian property. club &tmoepht~ and com· patio, ~ pr. ~ulta. COROIJDO AP1'8. 2 Br. Call: 6754!07 pltte ,privacy. SOUTII BAY Nr ahoppmc. 546-4016 CLUB, APl'S WOO Chapman A'M'RACTIVE atudlo . 3 BR Lower levels, atudiol, pent. 12 units cloae to Harbor 8' Ave., Garden Grove (TI4l aPts. Centrally Io cat ed. ~. Frplcs.. pool, dbl. Newport, CM. V'1Ue $11),000, 5 carports, patios. $180 _ $2'10. Want home Owner will car-. fi3i.3030 Olildren welcome. $1 0 • 673-3378 ry Jln. chg1. Leon Vibert Mn. Cole, Mgr, 874 W. Rllr MS-0>88 anytime La.yn• Buch 4705 Center, Apt 1. 2 BEDRM. apt., cpll, drp•, · · IP~AN-;,;..OwRAM--1-C-v-iew--..,.---k· BRAND new 1·2 BR, oH al I elect kitch + relrlg. 72' Crui5er Twin D, auto Freeway s Coast Plua W&hr, Dryr, Le car. Yrl,y pilot, rana:e 1200 ml; recent ing' Alllo Beach. 2 bdr & 3 All bl~ ·Children OK'. tease. $165. 675-Cl!M5. survey, $40M. Will con11kler lree esl call 646-$71 Purchase qreementa. Se--f offlces. Immediate oc-NATO OORP. cured. 10% lnterut. Lut cupancy. Uth St, N.B. Ce1fl c.ontn.clor8 638>581! Dr1perln pymnt due April 1971. DI. 64Z-6210 -.:...------- count lro&I $34,000, Trade Auto Replin boat, or! Call ~n 645-m4 Lott 6100 · 6530 ATI'ENTION New Home Ownenl ""'-by Ellie. REASONABLE (1) -Atrro boa)' It Fender Trade n900 equity in Col. BUILD 43 UNrrs repain: at reu. pricel. Sabre &loop. 32', alps 4, City of Ontuio: Comer lot, VW'• a •peclallty. 548-'50.1 Xlnt concl, for,~ boat,· 210'xlll0'. all improvements. ask for 1.An)r, Eltdrlal car, or · · 67S-3nt, Ontarlolnternatlonal --------- 673-41YJS eves. Airport 5 · mlnutff away S.by1lttfng 6.S50 I'ra.de 65 Kaiser Jeep Camp. New l\1otor Speedway 10 . RENTAL llEADIER 54<).3924 er 3 cyl dielel w/+whl drive minutes. $36,000 cash or CHILD care In my home by for eqty 1n home, income submlL Owner P. 0 . Box 9, the .week. Other children, Floon units or ? Cost S6Cm new, Cucamonp., Calli. Ph <nfJ fenced yard, play room. cur. val "$200;>. ~ 9112-ZO!t I "'642-5339"""'==~~-= CARPET VINYL TILE Have $1.1,tm equit)I in sharp R-4 LOT. Cotta _ Meu. 40 BABYSI'M'ING • My CdM Free e1t. Lie~ con tr. 541)...7262, J Br Glendora ho m e units. Owner, Phil Sullivan home, u companion for _546-44:;::,,;:18"====== ($20,500) good area. Far 548-6761 mine. Ages 2 -5, dally or - bcaeh area home or units. wkly. 675-7993 Furniture Rutorlng J1nltorial 6790 SPARKLE Janitorial I: Win- do1v~ cleanJne SerY. Win- dows, rcaid., c:omcl, con1t. Cleanup. Free ·est. 968-2691 6110 LIC'D Jap.anese landscspe contractor, Lawns. sprldrs, patios, etc. 830-3037 Masonry, Bri(k 6830 RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanloh M1oonry A Spoc:lalty I Block, Brick, Concrete FrH Eot. 633-2343 Owner/qent 646-2290 Acruoe 6200 Babysitting, in my home. & Refinishing 6675 P1perhangin9 bdr. furn. All elec. apta. 546-6976. so. ot Hwy. Qulet 1 br. truft deed or smaller boat. Y..iatin adults No pets at Owner (tt4) 729-3400 child. $195 & $230. Call aft. 6 UNFURN·2 BDRM ~-.refrir· c"""'b 1 dtpOl ' Lo 1 . ~--+ S + PM 499-3'ffi5 Bltr1s., crpts/drps. Adults ._... ..... ;. pr. arm n1 ve Y ,..,.,..: acrea -ll Urlil!, Burbank; $54,500 .$15. a wee+ 615 Poppy P1intln9 6850 eQUity. Want home or du-·l......,EST ONLY Ave., Corona del Mar •. *EXPERT , maple ;.:;::.::;:;;!: ___ _:=:1 ' 65 646-4922 49f.5270 patio. Adlta. $130. M&-4739 lamlly style restaurant in NEW ocean fr. apts. Deluxe! $1 -. • BRAND New Ire lux: 2 BR. Pauma Valley. Your home n I g\ refinishing, 21 years ex-* PAINTING, lnt &: ext. plex on the wattt. Mr, Con-Speculate on thl• 16() acreil CHILD can I: Ironing My perlenoe, 2 day aervice. Call Back from Vietnam. Back rad. Riviera Realty in the hilb Eaat of Irvine Home. Exper. Fairview & 642-STlO in business again. Free 499-2800 Eve1. 494-1330 !Ake -$11'.n'.> per &ere. can Baker area. C.M. 54&-3124 ========= estimates. Will subcontract Pvt. bch. Adults only. 1&2 LOVELY lge l BR, crpta, So. ol Hwy. Vino, swxleck. or oomm'I. bldg. ? ? is bdrm S22.J. + Beach house dfllS, bltlns, 1ar. Adult!, no Aduttll. 6T~?2 down payment. M+lm on .sam $400. pets. $135 mo. ~17&2. 4%.9191 499-1064 2 BR, f)55. Crpts, drps, 2 BR duplex· Garden aettlna SU.COJ eq. in 4 Br. near NORTH end. Ocean view! 1 bltn•. Pvt paUo, encl gar. 1rplc, pr, :,,,.~r &: Pl pd: octatl & acbooh H.B. SIA% $165 mo. ~2562. F.H.A. to anyone, $227 P.l.• bdrm SJtO. mo Incl. utl. 2 Adults. Aft 6:!'.I. 549-0433 ... , •--·• ..i...i ..... rm lor hmm rm. mo ind. utl. -2 BR. 1 ba., cpta., drps. ;;.,i;U:h.;'; ~;;:?,.~ Stereo-Maranti component be split up or aoJd in 1 pieoe. LICENSED sitter, v er Y G.rdeni"I 66IO 645-1089 outfit in oonaole. First Clasa Assume 6.6% lat T .o. with re 11 a b I e • xlnt care. ..;.;;;...:.:.c;.c;::c.,_ __ ...;:..;.:.; c:.;N:,E~E~D""'"P"A"l""N"T"l""N"G"'?.-1 condition. C.ost $1800, Al!JO, no prillcipel until 1977. For Paularlno area. * 5f6.-0949 ANTHONY'S Call US! Reliable Service w/ automatic dishwaeher. Want more Information, pJease BABYSITl'ING, ... v home, el -"-~ ,146 •• .,. Quality at ttll best, at the 494-irirfi 49f.3034 5100 bltna. $175 mo., 1eaae trav UlLUt'r • ........, • call K. \Y. Small lunch furnished & yard. MON'I1ll.Y MAINTENANCE most reaaonable pricea.- Coronadel Mar . ,rlant pool, Eckhoff &. Asaoc., Inc. Mon tbru Fr!. 646-0?76 644-4860 Free estimaU!. 543:fill2 3 Br, 2 Ba, frplc, !ndr bbq. lB18 W. Olapman Ave. BABYSITI'ING, My home. Clean.Up, Remodel INT/EXTERIOR. C 1 ea n , Live in or p!tf for lea&lng. Oran&e, CalU. Fenced yard, Junch turn. neat w 0 r k • Guaranteed. RENTALS Cott• Mele semple R.E. 675-2101 HAVE: Duplex in Corona Aptt.. Unfurnished LARGE Brand new 3 BR. 2 :10~ w~iy.S.! untta BA. View. . South of ·Nancy J. Moen, Bkr. Gonertl SOOD 3 BR 11< halh !150/mo. """"'""· .,.._ ' 642-7000 ' Want: Income in Riv. or 541-2621. Eves-wknd1 538-5971 Mon.Fri. eau·548-4538 Budiet Landacaping Experienced Hortlculturiat Reas rate&, Free est. Call S.B. Cnty. 675-7lm ANTELOPE VAU.EY WilJ.. babysit any age, my AL'S Garoenq A J.awn Jack 894-3895 mllect if nee. 8 unitll near Disneyland. Owner will aell 2~S aCmi, home, 7 am-5::1>, Mon-Fri. Maintenance. Comm-•-•. SUBURBAN Painting/Dec !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: NEW 2 BR, 2 BA, i'p, dlx VrNDOME Well .. McC1rdle, Rltrs. hltnl, dw, ref, swxleclc; TOWNHOU~ 3 Br, 2~ ~· ~ adulta. $D1 mo. 673-2819. Bet.ut. appt d, Prlv. ~tiO, 1S1{J Newport Blvd., C.M. ~""'-"''==,;.;;.,""'-"":;..._,1 pool; nr bay, Val, $32,500. 548-7729 644-0684 eves, SMALL 1 BR. View S. o1 Eqty ror T.D., cu, camper Want home, "--1a Mo .. to ••• •~ or 64" -1 ~ .....a next to Pinon Hills Estates, c~=.=.:":::•c::.:.::~:..::::;___ lnduatrial .l resldential.. Expert Guaranteed Work Laguna area. $4900. E-Z term11. 548-3196 BABYSITTING, my home, * 646-3629 * Free est. No job too large DIMACULATE Al"l'S! ADULT • FAMILY 3 BR, 2 BA, Mesa del Mar dist. Walk to all achooll A mkta. 1 or 2 children over 14. $160 A: up. stS-3868, 5;15.nGS Hwy. New carpeta & or ?! Owner 64&'6654 drapea. $160. &75-6354. 34' Monterey Double Ender Pyramid646--~hangon 10 ACRES Welt Costa Mesa. Da.,ys or COMPLETE or too small. 494-3190 RANCH ·sites ,... near lake1. eves. 64Z-8728 PAINTER, Interior & Ex· SElTJONS AVAILABLE c1 ... to~· Park • Spadoua S Bt I, 2 Ba SOUTH side of hwy, 3 Br. 2 powe.r boat, si s radio, xlnt Ba. all elec. bllnl, frpl, character boat. Exchange crpts. drps. 1ar. 673-3324. for newer cadillac or R.E \Yhat do you have to trade? $25 per mo. (7J.4) 894-4743. BABYSITTING, My home, Yard Malnt. Cleanup terior. 20 yrs. quality lat! List tt here -in Orance Weekly. Arch Bch Hts. Reu. 968-1928/GtS-8247 ~stimates. CALL . County'i lantest read trad-""'°".;;.=°'.;;·,_&;;..:Doso;..:=rl-'---6;...2_10 Call 497-1416 JIM'S Cardening 1: lawn GENE •. 494-7107 1.,... ...... __ _.--•·-ad•·' maintenance. Res. & Com-*INTERIOR EXTERIOR• (1) 5.21-8766 or 544-4ol5. * 2 Bedroomt * ~ Pool, Pat/pen * F't'p1, Indlv/lndry fac'la HUGE 2 BR, 2 bath. New carpets Ir pain!. He.ated pool, no pets. Responsible a.dulill $150. 1817 Momovia. 646-5314 .. .., r-'> u .. .J ....-..,_ PALM Desert • Indian Wells Brick, M1sonry, etc. mucla.l. * 540-4837. Painting _ Paperhanging Fairway lot 70 x 120 priced 6560 L · G ttd $4000 under market. Long Japanese Gardener , 1c. Ins. uarant Beach. GA 4.J)..34 BUILD, Remodel, repair. ~pl.;~eUYard ~Z Harris Painting 642-4558 G.fteral REAL EST ATE Brick, block, concrete, r ·~ ~ mate ~ INTERIOR, I:: x t er i or : Huntl""°" loKh 5400 1\ * * 2 BDRMS. -2 BA TH co":1 =•Im ~jg,; ---------* * LIQ(> BA YFRONT API'S. 2 Bdrm&. 2 Ba.. UnL, all big roo ms, frpl c, just ~led. Swei'ping View of bay, one of uoo·s moat attractive. bufidinp. Lease al $350. * * REAL ESTATE G.neril R. E. Wanted 6240 carpentery,m jobtoosmalL CLEAN·UP SPECIALIST? Interior-average 3 bdr . QUIET, lit'. deluxe 2 Br. 1% $150/Mo. HEATE.9 ~ Lie. ·c.ontr. 962-6943 Mowing, edging, odd jobs. b:>me, $98.50 labar only. Call baths apt. G.E. Kitch., 2 fncd, cpVdrps, JPd• Rooms for Rent 5995 BusinHI R•ntal 6060 NOTICE Reasonable. 548-.fi955 1 .:.548-::.;1546~.=====-- Car cu. $160 Adults. m Dela.watt Studio Apts. 1---------""-'-" C1rpenterlft1 6590 TREE SERVICE. gen'l yard 1• CUSTOM PAINTING pell. 240 &. 16th PL 26'20 Delaware, H.B. WELL furnished room. desk, !Sc SQUARE FT. L.-~--cl s p RI N KL ER REASONABLE RATES 5'8-6432. 646-961i6 anytime 536-1816 kitchen priv., • e Par ate If YoU have a 3 or 4 ~Il CARPENTRY eanup. re~ G•--Me Retail or oWce IPflte. 60CL home for sale or for rent,. MINOR REP. ·-· No T-t. REPAIRS. 646-5848 -.,==~642-0l~;..:.41:..,-....,,,...,--1 Call Mr. Crttly 54<>29tll Mullan Really- LARGE J BR. Sharp! 2 BDRM; Cupets. drapes, 64!'~~·---~· n . ~""""A"" 14 ft. ~1 ,_ 213 ~ o1vu -:-<>-Vt"" ~,....,,.., .61 w call us today. We represent Tao Small. Cabinet 111 pr-* Expert J•P"MM * PAINTING lnterior/Exter. Drapu, Carpets, near So. ranre. dosed P1'I'! & laun-115 WK ' • ki'_ .. _ 62nd St., Newport Beach. the employee& of a ~ ..,. le 0 the r c&blnelL FINEST WORK 6f6..0384 ior. Local referen~. Im- .Cout..Pla.., .OCC • .$130 moL _dry facilit:lf.!-Qdld~ Qlcay _ • up w/ ..u ... n._ Key tor entry, N.B Travel finn moving to the Harbor .med. seivice. ~7 Agt. 835-M22 Eves aft 5 01' $135 mo. 80-3716, eves. $30. wk studio apt. 2376 Lodge. Owner (2U) 2aa.nai, Area and they must bve 54$.81'15, U no answer leave HlRBOR GREENS wlcends 545-a118 SPACIOUS 1 BR. New. Newport Blvd. Sf3.97:6. eves (2l3) 246-0700. housin&I All cash 11 deliria. nl!f: at 6'6-2312. H. O. General Services 6612 PAINTING, inter & ext, 20 -Call F~-.,.,, o.,.,, Andersoa · RA yrs it• CM and NB. Free est. 2 BR, 14e studio, crpts, Sundeck. Few steps to 997 DEOORATOR'S ATI'ENTION I ;0==-~·----~--,-,-IN Gutters 1nsta11 ed . 543-4375 BAaIELOR unfum from drps, R & O, 1% BA, 1.dults, beech. $145 I mo. 536-1459 Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5 Attractive building, 1200 sq. PRIVATE party wanta; to CARPENTRY, Cabinet & Rainy Seuon Almost Here! $110. Alao avail 1 _ 2 & 3 no pets 2885 Mendoza anytime TRAVEL trailer apacoes on ft. Located In picturesque buy 2 or 3 B¢room house. Remod. No job too small, Free esL Re a a on ab I e EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Bdnn. Heated pools, child 545-5421 DLX 2 BR stud'°-pool, Cout Hwy. Rent $50 mo. old Newport Beach near Neu downtown Huntington qua:llty work. Call &46-2576. 968-2208 & Maintenance Cal'e center, adJ to ahopplila:. 2-2BR. apll. Reaponstble adullll, m pell. $150. 2606 Call 646-9681. Lido Isle. Beach. 847-1826 QUALITY Repal.n: -. Altera· • 64&-3185 • No ~ p W adults. No pets. Delaware" 53&-2398 WEEKLY rates Sea Lark Owner-Agent 675-4747 CALL HARDESTY tion8 -New conat. by hour H1uflnp 6730 FOR Better Painting, inte.r-*""' eterson ay F 'L 546-{)684 _,. N Blvd W For Flnanci""' or ContracL ~ ior & exterior, acoustic cell. Cnlta Mesa 5'6-0370 or app · 2 It-3 BDRMS, 2 BA, pvt. Motel, .-.1 ewport ., ANTED: Bldg. in C.M. ap.. * 615-281i6 *"' REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS MOVING-TRANSFER ings. 6464077 & 541.3502 • RENT • 2 BR unturn or turn. Crpts, patio, heated pool, waaher O>lta Mesa prox 2000 gq ft. suitable lor CABINET. Any me job Local medium dl5tance, Eco- drps. $160 unfurn. Child OK. hook up. 9Q.89IH cycle shop. Write Daily BUSINESS •M nomlcal • Salvagable items RENTAL READIER 3 Rooms Furniture Pool. 642.-3645. l\!ODERN 2 BR. 1 inlant ok. Guest Hornet 5991 Pilot Box :P.f-600 FINANCIAL 2.S yrs. exper. S4s.6713 60metlmes pay far the job. 540-3924 $19.95 & UP LG 3 BR,'" ha. c.,., drps. No pelL $135. 2616 En&land GRAD. Nuno will take care sroRE I<><''"' uoo "I· 11. 1 6300 REPmode!AIR. Part!Uo"' ~ John, 536-ru6. 6890 Carport It pool. Kids OK. St. H.B. 963-31l!9. 01 !emale patient in my own in shop ctr on 17th St. Co&ta Bus. Opportun tJe1 ~·-• Call.etKENc. Ni!~ .. °!'.,..,.......,., YARD I Gu . c 1 ea nu p Mofttb..To-Month Renl&lt M Call da 494-9615 • ~ ~., 2'114 Collere No. 2. 6f&.'?tm home, 24 hr nun;ing care, ~ Y n1te FRIGIDAIRE · $1 O /Io ad . Salvageables PLUMBING REPAIR ~~'°r,~;;~~~~-2 BR, g&rage., crpll Ir drps. S1nt• An• 5620 top refs. 49S-4017 anytime. OOZ.3883 . Cement, Concrete 6600 free! Remove trees, ivy, No job too small HFRC Furniture ~ala No pets. 174 Monte Vista 1 OR 2 BR. Stove, crpts, PRIVATE room in licensed. STORE for lease, 1500 aq. It. JET ACTION '* CONCREI'E FLOORS. grade 96Z-8745 ===·=642=·=3128==·===ol 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 Av~ .• Costa ?.lesa drps, frplc, dl&pou.I. Adultl, board Ar: care home for ~=nt at Newport Pier. ~t~~n ~e :iln~~~ patios, etc. Reasonable, Call I Haul, clean up or what TILE, Cer1mlc 6974 $l60. 2,1JR. 2 ba. Encl. rar. 2 BR, crpl5, .drps, garage, no pell. 5t5-2181. e lderl y gentleman. D min washes will do the Don, 64U514 ever. Have Pickup. ;.c.;::::...;;::_~;:_-;:_;;.... 0 __ •~ -·eo w/ w enclO!lt'd patio. $150 mo. Ambulatory only. 548-5225 RETAIL or otfice space, axl _._of 45 30 I h ~--------Call 536-0074 aft 6 pm. * Verne, The Tile J\1an* '""''5" « ..... • • 673-3690 l I h 570• gq ft + 50Jrl;85' front lol 470 \V01" ' m n was es. C 0 N C RE T E Work-Block CLEAN UP .... Haullna Oilldttn & pell OK. Bkr. agun1 NC ~ Newport Blvd. fi42-5851. FRIGIDAIRE OtrrsrAND. Fences-Planters, Remodel· • . .., Cust. work. Install & repairs. 534-698;1 E-SIDE 2 Br duplex & RI E Ml R t I 5999 lNG LOCATIONS: t. Mira· Ing & Addition!!. &42-9852 Trtt• & shrubbery trimmed No job too small. Plaster g&.n.g!'. Adults, no pets $125. • .. 100 CLIFF D V IC. en 1 s ROO~t Suitable for gift shop, da major shopplnc center, or removed. 549-l359 patch. Leaking s ho we r 21ffi .. carpeh:, drapes, range LI• ---•1e 3 $180 1 BR, 1% BA. Crpts, men's shop or ladles shop. c-~en G-ve & B·-·· Cl And H I ren .. it. 847-1957/84G.-O:!o6 Clooed ga-•e &: laund'""' fa. -==~==-==~='=p=m== d bl"·-v•-· t · , ... ,... '" -Contr1cton1 6620 ean Up au ~ ·"'& ·~ _ rps. w ... , ..,-w o ocean. GARAGE, clean I: dry. Vic. · Call Jim Berkshire. 673-9405 p k ciL Oilld/pet okay. Sl35 mo. Walking di.stance to town. Atlanta & Beach, H.B. ar · • O M • $10 a load 646-2528 lltg. Bch. 842-3716. eves. Mesi Verde 5110 Abo furn Bachelor, very s16.so. Mo., 1st & last. Coin• • atlC FRED H. GERWICK 1155 LARGE 3 B• 2 ha N 41•,..-5303•, .1110. $2449 or-·::_"~::'::.·----~-_0_1_1i_••_R_•_"_'_•1 ___ 60_1_0 Equipment, Inc. Building Contractor 6735 •· · r. 2 BDRMS. cplll,, drapes, elec. -• ~ Fam. nns, bdrm11, patios gbopping. Children '11."elcom~ bllns. Prlv. guqe. Adults GARAGE for rent $20 per :!l34Y.i W. Valencia Licensed-Free estimates Broker fi4U'l111 .,.,35 Eldeo CM <-LAGUNA BEACH Fullerton n 4.: 52;>.7833 s-~i & 548--10 ~ r only, No pets. Available Dana Point 5740 mo . .<i • • ~ ,,,..,,.,.. .. i SJ "". 2 BDRMS .• blo.J,,., car-12/1. 646-4'6tl. -.;;;;.;;:..~=--_;;.;..o.: .. M"'gr"-'-'A:CP::.'·.::'·'---~ A1'r Cond"otl---• PART TIME DELIVERY C C 662" ~ --ON FOREsr A=UE SATURDAY OR SUNDAY 1rpot IHnlng , pet., drapes, pool. 2 BR, family rm, 1% BA. INDUSTRIAL units for .,..., Broker 645--0111N ·;.;•c.w.!port..;.;...;..:Bo:.:.:•..:•hc_.....;5:.:2;.;DD..: Appllancel, drpl:, cplll, pool. storage. $60. West 16th St. Desk space available in Supervlae pick up & delivery CARPET Special!! This 1-========= -Ocean view. $165. Newport Beach. ~.1724 newest oWce building at to our customers in your 'reek Only!! We vacuum, Costa MeH 5100 DELUXE 2 Ir 3 BR +PLEX 4.99-2055 or -.2409 GARAGES _ 40:ic.3(), Ne a r prime location in downtown area. $3750 Inventory invest. shampoo & lift pile. Incl . I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; APTS. $180 to $220 mo. REAL ESTATE 0 C A 1 1 140 Laguna Beach. AJr condl· n1ent, plu1 10 hrs per week soil ~tardant. 6~c '4, II. I• Adu It s. Y..fediterranean · · r P 0 r · · mo. tioned, carpe!ed, beauWul should Tetum $600 per mo 645-0298. M&'RRIMAC WOODS Village (behind Parle Lido Gener1I Palisades Rd. S4&-5044 entrance.a: Frontaa:e on pl111. Full time alao avail· :.:::.;;:::::_ _____ _ Houteelunlng BAY&: Beach Janitorial Serv. Carpets. windows, floors, etc. Res A Commc'l 646-ltOl Complete Housecleaning. Days. 839-3053 4-.!PM BUSINESS women. teachen! r11 clean your home while you '11.'0rk. Ref. 548-1627 Just completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 Bldg Hospital) 4150 Patrice Rentlfl Wentecl 5990 Forest Ave., rear leads to able. For appt, cn41 5.1&-5600 * Diamonds are meuund BA "'ith air cond , com· Rd., NB. 642-4381 ;;;::;;;:;;:....;.;.::::.:.:.:_...:.:..;..: Income Property 6000 MuncipaJ parklna: lots. $50 ext 391_ :.iy quality, to ai-. M ! House-Apt Cleaning pletely &OUndproofed, se.U DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA RENTALS WANTED per month for space. Desk A"SSOCJA==~T~E~O.-mro~~,,-,-un-,i-DlA:P.tOND CARPET Rell!Onable Prices cleaning O\~ns. wood ceil-Townhouse. Frplc, pool, *HOMES 20 RENTALS and.chain ava1lable tor $5. que real estate investment CLEANERS 645-Ul7 anytime • $4().9'201 • infS, dishwuhera, 1 us h bltns. 2 car pr. Bkr. * DUPLEXES 3 Bdrm• 2 bath&, double gar. Bus1.neu hours answering ope.ration. Beaut. new of-CARPET &: Furn. cleanlnc; • WINDOWS DffiTY! landlcaping with •tmum & 646-0132 • GUEST HOUSES -.ge:a. Ee.ch rental $190 per 6el'Vlce ~~1ilable tor $10. fices on Newport Bay. for 1 day service &: quality • Free e&t. 15 years exp. watfTfall11, elevators, BBQs, TRANSFERRED! Beaut 2 * APARTMENTS month. Waiting list. $340.000 All uUlitle1 paid except Active or \nactfve: _ small \\"Ork, Call Sterlin&: Jor Johnny Dunn 642-2364 dubhouse, saunas. jacuul & B B FREE SERVICE full price -$50,00) down. telephone. iaV1?1tment reqUlred! \Yill brightness! 64.2-8520 CARPETS, \Virdows, fir&, swim pools, priv. 1ar. w/ A~l: 12~i.bl:"~· drp& GOLDEN WEST RENTALS Seller pe,ys all costs. DAILY Pil.OT train tight party! 645-lSn RENTAL READIER etc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt ·---- Trff Service 6980 TREES pruned, topped, removed. 26 yn exper. Aeri a l !O\\'ere qu i p . 494-4505, 538-7234 Upholstery 6990 czyKOSKl'S Cust. Uphol. European Craftsmanship 100% Fin! 642-1454 1831 Ne1vport Bl., C.Y..f. Window Cleaning 6997 -\VINOOW CLEANING \Ye Promise to please! S<G-2210 DIAL direct 642-567R. Charge yoor ad, then sit back and listen to the phone ring~ Now! 1~e. Everything new. 11930 Garden Grove Blvd ~ 222 FOREST AVENUE .,~,._,.~ .--1. .. _,.1 n~ .... ~" Stutire at $140. Adults DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA Bltns. • ~·-lifililmu LAGUNA BEACJl BEAUT\' SALON for sale. OH\N>lot"I WW'll no: n.cul J'W""IJ.1.1.. ~· Just Ea.51 of 2600 CID. 3 patioe. Encl pr. ---~5~30~!!6600!!!!'..___ --rT'!!"T1111t" 494-9466 l\fesa Verde area, CM. Do- Hatbor mvd, next to Naben $185. Lse. 543--3708 WANTED To Rent-Furn.I ,.::;:,;:;,,;,::;:...1 ·:-::::;-:~::~-:~:: ing btwn $500-$600 wkly "!!!==================c""""""""="C::::::::=="r" Cadillac at '125 McnimaC 1 BR ft .... 1 .. I N Apt. Sintlt woman. Pref.I! 1000 Square 11:.-_.. gross. Renl $165· mo. \Yrite -ANNOUNCEMENTS ' w.,.Sl.>-6300 apt.~~ urn. 'CdM.~•--l.Ev"·*NEW28 UNITS'* ,........ DailfPilotBo•M·IO. BUSINESS and BUSINESS ind f;:::s:::;:::c::=c:= I•~~; <!M-91n ~615-<I085:.:,..;::,.=~=~-i on i.• acre in Huntt "Bt•• Office Space Avail. 1'F"'o"'R'=E"'m"'N;.;.,:;W.:......,.c.,..__cr"'-m-ooe-y FINANCIAL FINANCIAL ind NOTICES :2 BR •pt. cpta/drp1, blt-ill 3 BR. 2 Ba. ll33 E. Balboa e LANDLORDS e Beach by buUder. Zl.2 BR. mak~. Pan.:r with equal Mortglget,, T .D,'s 6S45p :;.;ou:;.nd~:;.(F;;r:.:: .. ;::A_d_s_) -6400- ,_. Ii: own. refri&:, freeao Blvd. on Balboa Penin. Pl FREE RENTAL SERVICE s.3 BR. Pool, vle1v, patios. 3lli 17th Sb'ftt, H.B. capl 1vant . Approx --------- 6, 4ispolal, air cond., patio,, S300 mo yrly I.e. Ms..8077 Broker 53U982 lit yr lax brtak. $GD.~ 536-l801 $10,IXXl. 714: 646--7670 aft 6 Money to Loan 6320 1ST and 2NDS LONG haired black & 1''h\te AIL uUUties pa.id. $200/m~ • l!)U Rental SerYlce • $60.VI down, 847-3957 i ~~~~'l:"!!!!~!!!!~ BEAUTY Shop, fully equl~ $15,000 cat found Halloween . Adults only _ no pets. Newaort Shores 5220 Brokers I Mars. I Owners LOW DOWN PAYlltENT D~1UX1E 250Co sq. ~L 1 ottlce ped. Est. over 10 yrt. Rent for...,.,.,.. real estate klan. So Calli. T.D'a. Int. Female, vie. ll1csa Verde. Wella-Mce4ircl'9, Rltr1. ;..;..;.,;.;.,....;;.._. ::::::::::=&.-West ~1642 NEWPORT DUPLEX, Bkr su1 e n rona ue Mar $150 per mo. Agtnt 642-t422. Vac~::"'ov Mr. ••--·. ZENiTfl 2.ax:G • Toll Frtt 54S-U18 llll Newport Blvd., C.M. 2 BR, 2 BA D\u)lex. Cr-pll, TEAOIER Desires a:mall 642-2'752 prestigt JOc. New Cat'p(ltl A .... •:... -.. -J ;;;i;i~;;---;;-:,,-.,--~ -Eve ... 939 drpi, bltns. Nr ocean.. $l8S drapes -prtv puking lnvfttment Oppor. tt1 o Brok-tr * ~ 2nd Trust Deeds for we.-\VOMENS C h a r m coin ~··-, .,...,.1 mo 548-119(1 Apt. in &aeon Bay area. C05rA Mesa home le 9 units Realonomics Cm,,. 675-6700 ~ -Low bll. on 1st. bracelet on Q)mnel Dr. • Call m-OC16 ar 5'3-nl7 plu• room to bid. SUS.COJ. OFFICES PARTNER needed for unt• Reil Estate loens 6340 w 545-2209 * 543-3463 THE VICTORIAN E1st Bluff 5242 RENTAL SERVICE 20 % dn. 0Wner 54&.8007 Reception-Answerlna que real estate vtntutt. % --·-IRlSft SE'l IER. f\tale, vie. _ _.. Ji.llC OJm 2 BR.[Qtedl\. TR.EE ro IANDLORDS Secretarial Million dollar profit ntlurn. JNVESn.lENT lfOO:P hfl• AIMav W1nt.d 6350 ot O.ta llftsa Hl&h Sehl DI-~_. • BA. e NIW OILUXE e * Blue Btacon 6'5-0111 * Bualnen property 6050 Unbelievable opportunity for S$'s for !rust deeds. \Ve ".:.:::.:.:.:L ~7000 . $1 51. Ad u I ta only .'! Br. 2\i ba ~ fOI' 1eue S345Ne\\'Jl()ft Blvd., N.B. quick Proftl. $15.000 10 make lsl & 2nd It bu.y f'.X· 8.4 to 10% on your lnvt1t· .;;,;;;;:=;,=-,,;=-:--,,,,-I ~ltnll. So u n d Incl. spac. mutr • .Wte, din Rooms for Rent 5"5 67>1001 $50,000 required. ~l5TI lstln: TDs. Bkr. Ml-1381 ment. We c~n place )'OlU' VERY Tamcl black & whit~ ~ prf pr w/rtorage. A dbl. to Blick Knight Rest. CDSrA Mesa offices. A/C, '7'::'=:~;=:=:;:::==7,;;;;,ldrl~a~y~o~'~eve~•;,· =====-1 fundt direct 10 the borrower rabbit, htna Verde are1. hDeed )'d w/PJdo. Water :;. opener ~Po!; A $25. PER WK.&. UP 330(~~7~ :id, ~M. crpta, drps. Puking. Very Money to Loan 6320 on lille Ins. real estate kill'll 1~546-"""'96."ll.;;:.~-----pt. ... a.rtltt'l('r maJnuw.t. rec. area. Nr. Cathol!C Bachelct a 1 Bit. hid pool, · nict oUicrs. 15.55 Baker, 1..;;.:.;;.:.:...;..:..:c:.::;.;.__;.;,;..; I Moriflges, T .D.'1 6345 @ no utra cost to the ltnd• WIUTE Puppy >A11h t.:horl ..,~St UM!Jl °'""" Adutls, no pelL mAld -· Kllchenl • By Own., n<' 642-6l00 ~ 2nd TD Loan •U.OOO SEASONED T.D.. .... SloP tn"' coll, 13%1 N. l&U. poodl>. male, blue ool· NBW APTS. • ONLY $20 • TV avail. Gt Vktorta (Nr ruu 54Jb eomm to ail bkn. T50 SQ fl downtown C.M. covertng 100 ocean view Broadway, SA (pa.rid~ on lar. fi46.2SM . 1'155 & $17$ 86S Amlp Way, N.B. Harbor). trantaat. Plentltul parklftl. Prompt. confidentU1) servl~ lot!l, 11elling at $8,COJ uch. our property) 5'M381 day SMALL Brown mole dQa:, 1.1:? bdr,, 2 1wtm. pools, All MRGE 1 Br 1pt, alt elec. LRG. Room. beaut I !u I ly THE SUN NEVER SETS on 1834 Newport Blvd. 642·2171 .su.G611 All dl\'l In 16 mos., pay11.ble or evea. Me.a Verde area. utll. pa. Adll .. only, no peta. crpt&, drpc. f)OOl. adulta on-'furrl, Nwly rtdec. prlv. entr. DAILY,PILOT \VANT ADS! NO matltr what It !~. )'Oii ~rvln1 Harbor area 20 rn. $600'mo': Incl. 10':4 Interest, White elephantt! DlmH.· 548·7670 hm. .If dtllf'lld. &U-SSJS ly. ne.t.r lhop'& $1 55, It U . for l quiet adulL Call For OAll,v. Piiot Wtnt Ads C':!\n ~ti It with ._ DAILY S1ttler Morft•te Co. lOi;:{i d I gc o u n t . Bkr. Urie DAil.Y PILOT WANT For Dally Pilot \VA.nt Ads ~~Avocado St., CM ~ !\.1s..&m. Dill 64z.M78 PJLOT WANT AD!! 64~.&>TS 336 E. 17th Street 4!J7 .. WO: 497-1021 eve• ADS! Dial ~"2~18 • • . . I ~ -. •· • 'l ~ . ,1A3J• Fri~, NMmbtr 7, 196' DAfLV PILOT 2lf.: ~ Pllll!~~1111-• ANNO_u~. ~l!N'rs., .:=--:::r;JOBS -&:IMl'tOYMINT -Jost a-1Ml!l.OYM1NTJOU-a-1MJ1tOYMINT Jou 1-EMl'tOYMINTI Jo1s-nMPtOYMERT:'JOlf'1 1MPC:OYMEliTiJOU"i llMPL'Ol'~~. -~ · SA \YE ind NOTICES " JollW..,hd, . ,, .. Mon. Worn. 7100Joba Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo Mon, Worn. 7100 h'.;;:::M.-.:-wom. 7100 Jolla Mon, Worn. 7100 Jobo-Mon. Wom. 71lll!>i;, Found (Fr" Ada! 6400 w-7020 - 1 ~ ' ~. ~ 11l fl' H '• -------1 :-:-==--==:-li!::=:r"~' H.!:.=.!! JI n n JI a -MACHINISTS NURSE'S Rqi""re<I • RESUURANT: Patt """' Salca ' \ 'J\,/' ~ n ~ LADIES wald! found in alley • MINICARE NllRSlNG • =*·••ru f, ' * ....... A nlahU•hll ... Ex. .,..,,._ Medcan >'<X>d Are you ear••na •. bt™·een Catalina • Ntll'INA:Aldetavailabkllor • bendltl. Apply Pertoonel W&ltrea.64J..82'T4 IN ~.~.-, H I -~ ~ u B bome con on ~~ .. ~... * Doy Shill * Dlrec10r, So. Cout c.... Re.taunnr ' , ,:.:;,,,~ ~· .... · , .... ..........:.".""~;;; · Housewives and Mothers ---mwut,rllii mn eout A 1 nt ·--=-_,-$250 per weekt."'"":'-·--•M ·-Excollent rrowth _... H s..":'!~·-· _ nc • manner ·~· ,:1 Bl.ACk ferna.lct poodleinSo. .·~~-~·11~ .~. I ~-·· tunil:ln overtime ~ ~~ .._ .... -~uu.oow ~applications tor -...e .. , -CoMt P!ua parking lot. ~ ... , .... _. •. -'T'· ' •M extr• ....,.y...,. ' benefit~. ~ -a .. -...V F'Ull & part time, da¥. & 'iotrt'tln ir you •ro-dicnt•' ~i~·-\.~ - c I. A 5 s I F I E D 847·n 69 OC o ..... Nunea Reail1; · ... • · • 111' o ER.SEAS * r.-ea ibllta. & bond11bJe, bch1~n. a oi. 64Z.3929 -"P W;'l.IJ!pn tut, ~c ...l:. cH·n-1-s T U-&-'t' * ---AUTOMATIC --we-.....i ,..., -• KITCHEN HELP -~M._aod marrlO<I, ThfS :·~ K·Mm Shop'g. Centor. Call Jolo W•nhd JI{· I\ m 1K IJJ SCREW MACHINE Call Smitty, nlo n~:1S11 e DISHWAS.HER • ..ie. oppoiiiiiilty '°' w.J ' ~GROWN orange kitten vie. .u..:..-& W:,.__ '""---Multf·•Pindl<, Brown a: e BUSBOYS you have searched, no C!ll :; ~ -·-· /,_, Al • 1y In vassing. advallL'Cment. ~· • l !'OUND )'<>Ung Calleo cat -J. c. Penney Com~ny Sha!'P'l, Taub. -p NTER -... "'"'°" '""" retlrem•nt .ploo.. :,' with clear paslic collar U/5 ~ llve-ln DomelttCI. l 2607 W. Coal!t Hwy. · b • • 21iO CataliM Dr. 642-18117 Permlnl!nt. Experienotd. '•thion lalancl -~ ech PUNCH RRESS CITY OF Newport Beach a 10 but a ciuwr. Ear ;;·..- -----Far East Aaency · ~ • NEWPORT BEACH Rataurant st.art ·Immediately, t . 2 KITI'ENS. 1black&:1 grey (2lJ) 3BT.:Sl96 H•I posltloM eplft In. Simple and procreulve Call 5.l-l-1701 for appoint..-.~ "• 11ith white spots on chnts. * Sale• dlea. ntcnt, bct...,-('(ln 10 anl·• tj;jo • Little Ba.("8 Isl· 673-4>45 * Santa's Helper $562. to $614. per mo. MAINTENANCE .i pni . -=:i i"-"', . -Jobi Mon, Worn. 7100 edi DRILL PRESS -MAN -Sales ,. , , * Cr t interviews ~ultts completion ot ~ --.... Lost c; Mii • 0'b1'l1'f1'e5 . *Gift wrapping APPLY IN P!JISON apprenUco•ltip, two yoan Waot<d For DRAPERY :•o .. , ·--Schedul as journeyman pa.inte. F•r Wett S.rvlcet SALESWOMEN .,.-..~...;. GIU:Y Stripod !•male ea~ tJDLimffel) t1 lncludln2 allemoons, evenhl&1 Olld SHUR·LOK COlltP. Appllcao", pie"" QP1y • , ' vie.) Beach Blvd. betw com, bination Of bOtli. •. to Personnel Oltlce, 3300 APPLY Experienced. preferr..t' :· , Talbert ... Stator. ,,,.. .. ' I agenCjY Finest condltions -Top ft-~· .. -·_ Ex-1300 E, -Pl., N•wport Bl,d., N........ REUIEN E LEE Excell"" b<nef"' foll""'*.,. '"IT" (coll) f.96.29!1>, 841-'1S113 Q .. -U~ ~-fo -~..-·-· ·--ta ·-· ·--ch, Calif -pL . • • Apply in pe.nlOn, ."'.!(., ·, ......i..,,-~ r cellent benefits including dllcount prlvlle1e. __,, ~-,pc-. • -... u.: Per:winct olfi---=-=...:... •. FEMALli' COLLIE Quo1Ulod Appllcaota (I b11<. N. of McFadd•n, <n<> 673-<633. " ·" 646-1191 188 E. llth St.. SUit< 221 * Apply -* II blk. W, ol (lrand.) IS~'!;;:t";.~d',"· J. w. ROBINS ___ .:~ ·-• Costa Mea W.1110 IO A.M. tot l',M., Mondoy thrv l'rld•y liiach!n"" POLICE CLERK ;-oshlon M.,.<l, N.B.c..t'. ,::(.~ Per1on1l1 -Equal opportt1nily cn1plo)1en ..-:· ... , ,<dvatlalng......,,, •• J. C. Penney Company . FORM GRINDERS $474. to$57'. per mo. RE-PRO TYPIST s.1,,,, Product s.r .. na"~" : PALMISTRY & C'RD READINGS Bring Your Problems to Me -I Will Help You Solv• Them. I give advice on all matters Qf life, such as love, court- ship, marriage, divorce, bus. incss transactions ol all kinds, ReunHe the separ- ated, cause speedy and hap. Sh•rp S..retery for or Sr. Clerk Typist Water c0 .... 11· · "'·"" ~· #24 " .... •--lalond ~ .. ShU "" ionu1.1;, ''!<Of • • f•1t---paced Newport "'" * D1iy Shift '* CITY OF (....y IJ Park Ave .. Gaf'flf"n Gro1~, ~· ·'. Beach Agonoy. TYf'I Newport ~ch, C•IW.mlo NEWPORT BEACH CONTROL DATA tmmed o,,.ning tor 2 '""'P"' ' 65-70. Shorth•nd llD, Ml 1 local an?a. No exp, nee. '~ ~ orn1inin & f 0 11 ow ~ ~ n mum 5 yn. exper. in Requires one year recent CORPORATION Ir.tin. Apply 9 Atil. ._, .~ • J!~~~·~·~l~;.~~~~n~i~l~"~~~;:,:,~.,~I~~~~ precision surfa@ grlndinc clerl.cal ........ rlence, 50 MDM Communicalions Div. ™ '-.• th r u. Under 35. · . . =..I ••-of Oat and dowtail form -r~ SALESLADY. Exp'd, .wn ~-.1 Phone: 642..JflO. 425 toola & die grindJne. wpm t:YPina, High School lime, to woi·k in L.in~ • •; N. Newport Blvd. Jobs Min, Wom. 7100 Jobi Min. Wom. 7100 diploma. 3619 W. \VarMr, S.A. store. Gd. salary, rnediCQ(. 7, , Excellent growth opportun. Apply before 5 pm Nov. 12 (n-4) 5'1fl.2S20 l-"ashiolL'> for La.Fcmn1c,•2:t .. , A~·~. ::iyinr~ ~ e:u;. CHILD ~mature wo~ G•I Frl·Peraonnel ltles, overtime, trq:e !Jene. Peraobnel Office, 3.100 New-Equal opporturuty employer 1.-Mhion Island, N •. Jt, I"' PH: 714 _ 4!M.8075 care for infant p/time:, vie to 1415. No shorthand. Beach till. port Bl:vd., Newport Bet.ch, SALES: Need sales rep. to 644--017{) ~ }p.r' py marriages-, overcome rL u...."-tJ"---118. n-•-a-•-t "'-FUN Calif. (714) 673-f633. sell cowputeri1e1 bu11iness Sa . , , __ • ACCOUNTING c.1 ... .,. AU&lllll, n.oc:...., ... a. ~u o ..... --.:a. • •-· 1 . vings · ....... n ~-· i>_ vals, lovers quarrels, evil v-~ In APPLY IN PERSON systems to .... a bu111nesses. -- habils, stumbling blocks of CLERK _546-3658 ________ 1 ""~~'::tut POLICE OFFICER Comp. train, 642-&iOJ BRANCH . ., -· •ll kind•. Thor.;, no h•arl Proc.., a=unts payablo, COASTAL AGENCY \ JASON BEST SHUR.LOK CORP. $711 to $In Por Month SALES -Eam mo"'y with'· MANAGER · . ~;· so bad or home so dreary prepare COl!it &r insurance re. Prof1s1lon•I Employment Agency no lnvestmenL Sa r ah E.xp'd • Savings & Loan.,. JI • !hat I cannot bring swishine ports, Knowledge of 10 key Employment 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana J.100 E. Nonnandy Pl., CITY OF Coventry needs full & Enjoy a rewan:ling carttr _ , int{) it. In fact, no matter adding machine l -2 years Atslst•nce Santa. Ana NEWPORT BEACH part-time help. No del; we and ;ow a highly succe~. i~-\ what may be your hope, exp. A member or LI ~IRL ~IDAY t1 hl.k-. N. ot McFadden, train. For lnt. ph. 545-6100 Savings & LoBn A&socia ,... ... fear or ambition, SYSTEMED CORP. Snelli .... & Snelll....., T-. te VlUCe ww ... Permanent 1L •• :n. w of G--" , ..... . SEE"THE ··• ... .LJa; position Good 5 Day -n..... · •·-...u.) Sewral newly created Sa1N ln lhe Newport Beach ait-'t , .... .' PALM!Sl'Ry READER Mn. llQea 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 54Q.'°5S k 0v· 21 Mpay. be ..... •itionl! avail&blt! with EXCEPTIONAL This position enl.ails rhalr. • ., M().Sm Harbor Blvd. at Ada.ms wee · er · wit neat ..-· 1,..;.. J will tell you just what you COOK • HOUSEKEEPER in appearance. lntervlew ?p'G. progressive police M.-OPPORTUNITY lenging-duOO and ill ad"'l".t i;...-"':: 1•2 •tr Ke·~· ,.., E. A prOlftllfw manufacturing pertment expanding in \Ve an expanding.our New ed for an individual wi.lfi · • wanl~~at'.10;;~ parties ACCOUNTANT Live In or out, Balboa wan;, ·s.m:~. company, wtth exce:.llent site and llCOJ>e of acliv· port Beach open.Don and imaginative and crc1t1'1A ;: • With This Card and $3.00 for Geora:e Allen B)'la.nd A&ency --,======--I worldna: conditions and ity. Requirt'ment.! in-wish to lntetv}ew young men abilitks. r:;,;ccUent !rij;"]·~ ~ 106 BE. 16th' St. HELP WANTED 1..i-e benefits has irnmedi· elude 5'9", 150 pounds who are trUly interested in benclits. SUbmit yoUr ~ -t"'~·, Rerelvc $&.00 Reading SAN CLEMENTE ••• -Open Daily 10 AM to 10 PM · Santa Ana. 541~ ate openfnp for • minimun1; 21 to 31 years determining the possibilities ume to Box M·914 D 1 F'ully Licensed COUNTERMAN -Auto SLAVICK A -Tni.ub auto. scre w of age: 20/30 uncorrect-ot a life time career ln the Pilot. • • ~ J1 ._:.: arr. (2l 31 697•9272 Requires degree plus tru-tt Parts. Experienced. A 11 JEWELERS machine operators, ed vision; high school di-financial Mies field. We SE'i ·v1ll'IE. :m i \· 210 \V, \Vhittier Blvd., years cost accounting expel" benefi ts. Call Mr. Bam!:tt. f? B -Tool room machinists ploma. have a lonz range trainina: .I IVI .·'!~ :i La Habra ience preferably in manu. 646-2464 C -General Factory program l"Ovtrin& both the 11 ___ __;__;_..;.c ___ I facturing . proce~~l'I. Per. 00.=;0,;PLE~,_w_an_tod,-,-.,-.-,.~ ... ~ I We have career openlnp for Apply at Thofie qua!Wed &hould arcM or estate creation and CAS·H IE R : "to:. ~.· * D 'ti fonns dutie11 of D1V1slon Con. tant muia.a:en for Motel =~our Fashion Ialand Sta Fast Ine. report fur the ne"t writ-estate collflCrvatlon. We will . t ,, ,. i on • :~: ~~ceke~~ ~76 Newport, C.M. -SILVER LADY -640 t~:~e St. ~~ i~.6 :~ ~~· ~:~· :~~e~t'rnbs!n~~n~t!e~ MATURE, MARRleDs~,., books, prepare financial . Our employee benefit pro-.......... Council Olamben, 3300 Ip addition to being a M· WOMAN WITH ,.: ~· • 1 Call us if ""'U still believe in DENTAL Aasl5 Previoul t dud p .:•-AUTOMOTIVE t:.• .. ' cave sty!~~ dating. stalements, fottcuta of ~ Call f gram n es: rofit lh£. Couple to manage 12 unit Newport Blvd., Newport upany·ona1. 1w;1 0 c hian.~u•ra•""'brocokemr/. BACKGROUND ·~ .• , : sales I: cost& and aeneraJ e:'l'.per. des • or .in&', paid vacation, •tock op. complex, must be e:n-'d, Beach, Calif. No appli-• U' :: ORANGE CO. 547-6668 dutiea required for a lfl\&U Int~. between 2 I: 4. pm. tion. health benefllll. For in-non-drin~. 1 tee~ cation ~suy prior to dealer outlet for Wes ol PREFERRED. 1;; '; ==",_...110.',.,"'-'°-"'-'"~·"--, I ma.nulacturirw firm, Auiat 646-2615. tervitw call Mr. Broce M~ OK. Exchange 2 BR duplex. tnt. For further lnfor-mutual fund~. If YoU haw Roy Carve ,.,,.. S\.VEET 1\-orking gal around Ge~ral Manqero(Divlsiofl DENTAL ASSISTANT 90n, <n4l 644-UBO. Write Daily Pilot Box M· maUon, mnlact the Per-college training, are })e.. '' "'~-~ SO. bro1,1•n hair. Only clean in varioua administrative Oral surgery A X·Ray exp HOUSEKEEPER. live ln.. 433. sonnet 'O If I ce, (n•I tween the ages of 25 -45 p • ...,... ,.. I Interests, looking for kind funCtiona, Mmt be 1elf..start. only need apply. 548-7719 Private apt. 2 ICboolqen. MAN~~l~CU=Rl~ST~~.~f~ull~li-m-,.-.~ .. -1 _6"73-003==·-=====o-I and are willing lo spend ont1ac ,.,. :· :: honct>I ·rcliable gent. Not a e and ~ able to work wl~ 675-0310 SCB-7191 aome time in order to 1.eam , . , • , , bar-1,Ypc, fine "''Orker. No ~t cl-e direction o au-r Dept, Slott . ply in penon, Irvine Coast PRESS OPERATORS more about our opportwiity Kl • u44 ,; ·. • pranks please. \Vrite age, . . ""'Off ~ r;---HOUSEWIVES HOUSEKEEPER & child Country Club, 1000 E. Coast Women • work for pla.sttu and )''Otlr qualifications, call lt"t't ."~ .:, , hahi1s, all particulars Box varon. nl e7 a c e,_~ COLLEGE STUDENTS cane, 5% day wk., $50 wk. Hwy .• N.B. moldini plant, 54&-3370 Mr. Brown at 675-m44, for ~ , 1\1-875 Daily Pilot. =.r:e '!oo_0~~tyl0ll Wl CAREER GIRLS ·+ nn A: board. Pd, vac. MARINE MECHANIC an appointml'nt. Pacific Mu-SERVICE Stalion, exp'd mao •' ' MEN WANTED ' $ F.arn Xtrw. Mooey tor 540-9212 w/welding exper. Top pay. Restaurant tual Life Jruiurance r.o. part time, 5 pm 10 10 rlfu. '' ~ An ongo;og Encoon"' Groop SEND OOMPLETE RESUME Ct(RISTMAS-Hotel "" cu•tom yach~, Wlllanl -NOW . _JJn!on_Q;I, 393 ~.J7lh, q1_ t- """' """ !o balanao tho TO DON TOMPKINS Enjoy 1n' .. cltins ,....,, In FOOD CHECKER/ Boat Workl, 1290 Ba!<or, INTERVIEWING FOR: Sales SERVICE Slation otlond!M'I · > n1en/1~'0men ratio. Grow in a beautiful store. Immedi-CASHIER :°"',..",.."..,'".,.,.· iOiiOiiOiiOiml• COOKS UNUSUAL Crawyard shift Apply :8J ~ seU-awarenes&. Realize your 333.1 Harbor Blvd. ate liberal discount. Full • • WAITRESSES W. Coast Jhvy, N11'Pl Sch. , potential. Ca.11 67J..7S55. Costa l\1eaa, Calif. 92626 and part time achedulea, See Betty Bruce at e BUS BOYS 0 rt 't SECRETARY. c" per. f#k ; · ~ 'VANTED: Ride from 20th & days and eves. m f1 • DISHWASHERS ppo URI y &Ura.nee ~cnry, full 11~. it~,, Santa Ana Ave., C.M. to "' APPLY PERSONNEL O"it ~~d nted i:iJ C..xec e CAR HOSTESSES O l Salary open. Call ll-12-4·M9:: "'" ; Anaheim, J blka. oU S.A. 10 TO f P.M. apA 1y' In thlft. A f "-a· •-A al 'I The Independent rder o SECRE.TAH.Y /RE:CEPTIQ.t'r,_. '-'.,·.-:. Frwy. on Broadivay. Day J W ROBINSON PP person only gency or ..... reer 1rl.3 ~ career opportun1 )' Forcsten have opened ~ ~ .shift, 5 ..i~.,,, 64&-85...., afL • • O>ntact Bob Purdy 4.10 W Coast Hwy., N.B. awaits you In the ~staurant new office in South Orange Jsr lnten?sting job in ~ ... ' 6:30 P.r.l~ "' Fuhlon llland By appoint. 646-3939 industry, now the third larg-Counly, Require intelligeol.nt :;~s ~~i~ci!°:i10:C'~tn:i~O;J' 1. : ~lls.sn.E SYSTEM$ Newport Beach TL-Newport I est indus•-in the world. man or woman 0 .... 25 c • LtCENSED DIVISION DISHWASHER ·109 er nn MR DONUT need• a woman 11 you ,,;1 bright &: llllert, lege not nece~ should TY PE\VRITJ::RI Must ha" -·-~ Spiritual Readings, advice AJlANJIC RESEARCH Hotel 21 yn: or over, eves, App. in neat appearin& &: at Jea3l J8 have experience in ' mectinc _Pleasing. apl>l'.aran1.~. :l ' . nn all matters. 312 N. El Ex-rl----..1 person 135 E. 17th, C.M. years of age or older, we publlc Dignified life time personaltly, 1v1th ab1h1y, , Cam ino ReaJ, San c:temente r-._.. · · handle ronflrll'ntial n1nl • ·192-9136. 492-0076 CORPORATION 1107 Jamboree Rd . Motor Hornes neE"'xp"'"·NOT NEC. position. Ea.ming cornmene. iaJ!. Hrs. 8:45 to s~so. 1 · : 10 Ari-1' _ 10 pri,1 A Division ol the Apply in person Nl!WJ)Ot't Beach, c.aJif. EXPLORl!R It ex• : e=:~~t;~ =· be PH : 83.H878 7~. ~ SUJquohanna Corp. SUltF & SIRLOIN HISEWRK • Woman for w, ofJer complote ,,.1n;.,. SECRETARY : Attrac tive E xpert An equal opportunity StJO P•c. Cit, Hwy. Wed. or Thun. 3:3().1:30. pAndlng, • n d we at our e:'l'.pen&e, promotion ifT YOUNG \\'OMAN employer Newport 8e1ich Every other wk. Own h ·• v e immecll11te from within &: company Telephone: 492-8700 betv.1!e_n EXPERIENCED • · ; da.ncl'r "ill .t~ch you all BABYSIITER Needed in Driver -tranap. Call before 6 PM -openings for -benefits . auch u : 9 AM. 1 PM Mon. Uu·u Fri. Pcnnancnl, 25 I-lour. 5 r/_f'f ... :: latest steps, Call Ardell ~~e~~P·.-;w;:·2395MUI. l have J, W, ROBINSON 613-8749. Life IM-Meals-9 Al\'I • 12 Noon Satunrdayi: wee k poi;ilion availa~ . -• : 213: 591-4~ 1-10 P.ti1 ..,.... .. """'"" .....,.. Jantror * 5 Finish carpenters Hospilalizatlon-for appointment. Newport Beach, hrs. 9 ~ :~·: ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 8ABYSl1TER my home, 11 J. W. ROBINSON * 3 Shellera Pa.id VaCtltions-Uniforms 1'2, & l·J pn1 . Tori sa.l&Q' .... , } Phone 542.7217 m· write to mo old girl, Mon thrn Fri. HAS OPENING FOR * 2 Cabinet &hop assemblers 5--6 d@ week.Daya or Eves Write Box P-565, Deily Pli;;i:, ·'"~ • P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. 644_1170, 645--0438 aft. 6. * 1 Glue-man (cabinet abop) lnlerviewa between 9.5 pm. • · · SALESMAN SE\VJNG: 2 wonicn 10 sew qp 7.,~: *" l!ARBOR CRUlSE * PANEL TRUCK HAS OPENING F'OR * 2 Framers, female November 4th-9th. basic patterns. Ahle lo ..,;. Daily 2 Pl'-1, Fun Zone Boat 8~~~:n-~;e'?m~i:. -DRIVER -(cabinet shop) See Mr, Skirry Part time . Men's clothing. :some cutting. Box ti-I Ji.: C(l .. BallJoa * 673-0240 HB Call 002-1682, *JANITORS* : ~~I~~ ::~:n or Miss Smith E.xperience preferred. Many Daily PiloL ., 0 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT BABYSI'ITER for :i very ac-AFPAPS!Li:ol~ IPSLAERSONDN .\.PPI..Y IN PERSON * 1 Welder, R & D dept. A & W Restaurant employee benefits. Statistical Typist .1•t. .;.,;.:• tive boys. Flexible hra. FASHION ISLAND * 2 Weld er helpers , APPLY IN PERSON $550 up. Exceptional op~~:'""": .. } NEWPORT BEACH N~"PORT BEACH 16141 &.ach Blvd,, HS. 9:30 am. 9:30 pm. NB ··-a, '"/!m•ll ,i,·blc Job Wanted, Avail. eve1. & 1vknda., Oc--;----:;===:;:--.,.-"'" * I· 12 Volt auto electrician 142 2155 ROBERT HALL ....... .. " " 7020 caalonally. Own tramp & * DRIVERS * I---.,-,.,===---*" 1 Upholsterer • Top working <'Ofltl , & ~ ::.. : _W_o_m_e_n_____ Referencts. Call • &48-36&1 ---e JANITOR *" 1 Plwnblna & heati~ Equal Opportunity Emplyr CLOTHES lits. Call Rita 546-5410 ·~ ~~":. NURSES & Aldea available after 1 PM. No ~....tence fu1l t1tne helptt. 1601 Newport Blvd. 1' for home care. 546-4570 B Sl'ITER I! hak ~' e SALESGIRLS Experienced applicant. Restaurant ~ta Mesa JASON BEST -~ -• • •Allied Nurses & Aides e ABY • le P& Necassary1 full &. part time l ain ~. SALES: Attract. girls for Employment Agency.~ • '"ll'-"• or o .c . Nurses Registry ~ 2 :.renAftNB6 -:-Muat bavt dean c.Wcm1a F.xp'd. Phone lor appl. PLEASE APPLY Night fuhion sales in Ornnee Co. 2120 So. ~fain, Santa An_. ~\.: 2729 \V. Lingan Lane:, S.A. · 675«l'l9 ' drfvttW record. Apply ~ S40-5C60 ;xt. 30 toyer -OR CAIL -IS SHER Full or pit. 842-4449 TELEPHONE an &w c r l•s:f JM,;:. ~1 ANICURIST ytants part or BABYSIITER. My home. YILLO'# CAI CO. i<:EiH C'fnP Explor er Motor Hom11 D HWA 1 ....................... ..,1 scrv operator."" S-11 ). '""\ , f II · rk · -.~ ·-E. 16th st. •-1 N• .. -Bl"d. Sales \\'C'ekcnds. il!M-14LU • • u time \\ti in "'"'l' Mon-Fri. 7:30 -3 PM. In-.-i MAGNIN """ .. _.. • --------~ "' I in N.B., Cdl\l or Balboa (ant &: 6 yr old. 54()-61(1! Costa Mesa Costa Mesa, Calif, APPl>' In penion MEN & WOMEN 1;.w :.-o • area only. &·1~ BAR MAID (n\ch.ta) DRIVER WANTED. Over 18 ~~$2.ENhr,~ezr~ .. 9,.,,::';;! !714) 546-3300 LEADS LEADS TOOL & DIE .,," ·.,..: CLEANING By the hr. $2, WANTED. tor Laguna arta. Muat have ll-10D~L. l\1uscular, wanted REUBEN (. LE£ We have more leads than 1,1·c .,..., • Ironing my home delivered, 'Ibe f1ame Room. depe:ndible tn.naport&Uon. ~~ ~O~l ;~:= by artiaL $25 hr. Contact oc· can handle. Our referral MAKERS " :::: : call beN-ccn 4-5, 962-7755 lSIJ Monrovia, Ot. ~~ Ca!lP'rl ~W .. ,';_~~ N. Santa Ana, S.A. Hts. cuDopant PC.allfo. Box 3593 151 E. P•clflc Cst Hwy plain ts __ ,~~nltlNsUc. ln~tant .;;· r:;. EXPERIENCED, ma I u r e Call ln pe:non at 2 pm. .....,. .... 15. Dell ••••auui wney, · ~ewport Beach he P ne.,...._,,, 0 cxpe:l"lencc ' \\'I ow \\'an 1'1,,A.,,m,76anage BEAUTY Oper. full time. D~RIVER""'=--'.....;."'Pl"'-k"'-'u~~. cook dinner. Hrs. J.6 PM, 5 newport Earn minimum ~AA ....... d<>v '"';\ ., ... 30 unit apt. ~ Ta~ --gd. c"·nt•I•. • c p k. CdM • r.-..,., ,.... •v "d 1 to 20-or Joe Nobles &42-43'1 LADY, Ute houaekecplng I. ;J_ , required, Complete training. * Day Shift * ! c .,;o ~ ; """ uv~ uc: DellYft7 M know Cost d1Q'8 a w area. I ,-...,staurant . Payday cvel')'day tr dCl!ir· Minimum 5 yrs. c:<perie~ J..i..•, : ~ MOTHER'S aid, Japane.e M/be ap'd. App, In pel'90ft. Mesa .l N~rt Beach. ~ 83S-362J personne * BUSBOYS ed. we advertise on 'IV s progressive and rorm dica:" :cv t Q livr in. 962-2TIT BOYS 10 -14 646-2464 Full time. Some ex p prt'f. El 8Q "J Fu11 tilne, ovt'r 18. Neat in ons lnitlng 1hc SLl~1 GYM. Excellent growlh np1MJ11W/! a-t'. ; --T ,,___. r.-ut" Open ="·===--~~-1 To--La._,,,.,. area ~3037 Profualon•I •·-loo appearance. No exp. nee. People are begging lo lt'Y !tics, overtime, frin..,. bt'fl.._.-.. ·•" ' ' 0 ~ girt 11·&nl5 job afler t11Chool, Ph. for appt. 54~ benefits. Call l\tr. Barrett. LANDSCAPE Hl'lper. BO"" *DISHWASHERS time.11 rlally. Ha ve run den1· i:fX ••t. • • TJ SJ !OW ~· car-Civ, a fair .....,.-,,er ""'1.,. ELECI'RONIC Aaaembl--,,... •--· -~" •-· .... _ .. Y M ... .., ~ for the .,.ptoy.r APPLY IN PERSON the Gallopi11g Lounge ch11.ir, cliL11. -· .:r· ~ -)-1c ~ •"; ..... o·w~:·T·~··E·· La;ww.D_~~'PILO'I' ... i-. .. 645-0770prln!S55p·~ .. Pla~""""-nlttla,•0:.....N~d.e•:. LAhandP~L ~ma·"",·lti•,,."L,.:...wlng.... •ntl llMi ·r." .. "' ._BOB'S BIG BOY. Th~ I• the c .. .,, Train ' .~ .... J ...... .,. ••• "---NB 154 t , l?th St .. C.M. All 11.boo.rd NO\V!! C11.ll APPLY IN PERSON s >;:-:: ..,. _ ... r r,, • • ~--''-----'-'---I e..., '""11 for annMntmcnt·, · • Apply in penon. 5 Polnll 6424170 Sff.2743 Restaurant .,.,.,,...,., ,...,... ·'-• , USBOY Girl DI Cl -·-•1 >lain HB. Thur1, Fli, Sat or Sun. SHUR.LOK CORP.·. ,' 1• B or • nner EXPER. Machin• n.....rators eane ... , ...,.,., ' N N -W&i It tra Banquet ""'""' ow fn ewport Bea.chi *HOSTESS* WE 1-IAVE LEADS! ... t·,• . treii, ex , needed. See la<ly designer Landscape Hollywood's youn& HairttyJ. lllOO E. NO!.·mai)(Jy Pl.t..i "°-,.•;. TIME-FOR , ~-2211tre;;e.~ c!.,ro;; ~~: ~-, 21....... Laz. C)'n. Rd., Permen1nt full time gar· isl Jon Petera Is open1ng an-21 Yttrs or Over-Sal.cs-===--:-. """ santa-Aria ~ ~ .... _ - -::,--~ tlen1t1 tteMed for mein• -other eleg&nt Night Shift GRANT'S SURPLUS Cl bik, N. ot ~lct"adrlcn; .. ~~ ! CASHIER Restaurant exper Fore'91n Car Mechanics tenettce • upkeep of HAIR CUTTING Y.1 bl.le. \V, ol. Grand.)~ .......,, QUICK CASH •~ &n.9f0i Good.,, -ta, Incl paid 9round1 for l1"1e opt. and APPLY IN PERSON N I~ • • 3-, :,: ~~~ \'&Cl.b_ arnap · tna. uni. complexes. YH,.,...nd ~:N o w n••rviewing TRAlNf.E: Attracth,, tfrl, • CEMET!:RY . -i: .... r::.o.: employmeol with 9ood Rlcllard 0oe0.., Owner ·R£UBEN'S L "EN 13-Z. lnt,....ted •• loarn»g • i· THROUGH . A COUNSEUNG ~Pb. Jtb..ilM. 1t1rtin9 salary. rn~mtn• penonnel tor ·SA ESm ~~~ i:. a;:~i,! it-.~! Two matun men needed: Cenenl: .t:xperltnced Contact haJr at)'llata, manicurists, COCO'S tor fwt , p1y·1. & lor ~ ... : • Prefer 30 to II>,..,,. or.... _.,.. man A di'!-, fUll In N...,.,.. s .. ch -.....,..., a!tl• • -. l'ull Time IB-762-63>l .,. '"' • DAILY PILOT ~~nt;';..~~~ ~'::.:::;: .w1p-lin P:,tt~ .. c":.!0110 :=:t."::6.:\U1: IW W. Aaloma, C.M. txporlmtf ·-bid TRAINEE • 0no1on,. b -· i and top eommlulon. A M 1.. .. ·J --L-tnined bJ Jon Pettn. lnttr--RESTAURANT: not necnaar)'. Many com. Arehltctlurul llC'aeh ~~. r-!~: btaullf\ll Memorial Park I •t•• •--•n views will be Monday, Nov. E:itp'd. part time WAITRESS pany blnetits. ~)' In pe.ri; tlon, Call Ann Z..J~rchlO'IJL !" WANT AD owrlooklr.; I.he Pacific DAILY PlLOl' OlME·A· 62S.lt lt 10 be~ 9 AM·2 PM. 5lo9pm. ton only bet'V.'ffn 2 &Dd 6 ~l'SOMl!I, m1 \VcstdUI ' Oatan. Piede call tor aa LINE& Yoo can' a"~ LEGAL Secrttt.ry Trainee, 'T\ltliday, New. n between Exp'd, Part time lunch P.M. Driw N.B, 64;',..2171l .,. • ~ interview, O.rttll Ward. for jult pemdn: a di¥-01-1 Mature. Must be accurale 11 AM·:! PM, l8J.O"W. o:iest CASHIER. + 2 ew1, 5-9 l'lft Plea&fl a.pply 1V S(rvictl Toch. ....;; ~:ii-.~ 1 &-l+ml2 642-5871 typist. Ca.JI -&Moot4li2 Hlw._,., N.B. Apply in pua6n, COLONIAL 11'".JI) Newport Blvd., O f Desire lop.notch to 11e I' .l : UNITED ruND-Oxnmunlty " SHOW YoU cal'-G=lv-,-.-fal,..,...r * NURSES AJOES * KlTCH.£N, 19th A: Harbor. SALESLADY 11ervi<.'I? lech. Slar. iv •. !!! " 0Je1t They att tht job PledJe ~ • Gtvt UNrrto nJND -Have EXPERIENCED ~c~.•~t.=-~-~~~-I to handlo ramou1 cosmetics. E. l'tll\ S"t.,-Oi. &ti--97~2 - _....,.~_ .. _., ___ 1 _• ___ ,_v_..,_r_·_·r_a1_,_Sh_•_re_" _ _,[.__ Yoo Contrlbuttd! • 549-3061 • GrvE Now. pn1ted FUnd • m.t~ • • ONE aJn -miu\v •oi•"' ~ _ r ~· 642-5678 ~~~~········ ' - • ' - • -----~---~ --. --------------:-------------;--~~~~ --.--..---r---c-~-.·,....---~--1 -· -·-"-.---";c ... --.... ;------- i ;M ··-· .. : '•'I: ... . ~ . ; "lf';¥1' ~ ; • . . . . ' f H: " i I~ '· • I -. . t -:Iii; '.} I.•.. • ' ' I 3t!' ._ • ' !;;;--·-ri Y ., ,., ' , I. a : :. . . . . , : . ·-r . I 4;it .t< "' t r ·;·.:i y ' I K· "1 :/' i \\ I ~ .......... ~ --1. ~. • • 1--..·~. 1-!'l • i 'IO Cl'!''!.:. •°'4¢ I • t .r ·-....... ,. ~~ ........ -.... t • .. --1·-w :-:.t l'1.--Y'} I """" ::.r.~..{_11 I ~• -·--·~ ·-' l• -~:." ' ~~"' I ~ ' ~· .~ .. ·-·--. ,., . U\.' ' --·-. r • .,.;-.#·.,-, t"' ""'.' j '~ .. ... ''-""'~ ( ~:'; t :;:r,,; 1-l~~: ~ •;~n .:""' '~" ·~I'! ·-t:'I(•'.· ~.;,h .; ... tit<~ !tr ·i' ~.· :~u w • " ::~ t~= .. ........ '"-ftf"iliJ • ~.~ 3!: ~•-c ,----, 1.~. ' . ...... :~ ::ri :·~ •S•.: ·--JP,<• ... ::.i·. 1i . ' . . _;,,:__ --- -~ . WITH Don~t just SIT there! Grab hold of ·the · BIG action today·!· Dial Direct: . 642-5-6 ·78 Just say: "CHARGE IT!'' !North County, 540·1220, tilD _frffl. . .. ... . . . .. . , . . .. ~ ' •• ' • : : ) I .•: '1 ., ;----· .. ~ -· ' .· ; ... ·-. '"' ...... ' • IT'S EASY TO PINCH .. PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS ' PENNY -Pl-NEHER WANT A~DS ' , r . . . NEW-LOW-RATE , 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITE-M . $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 . e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT .PENNY .PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' I , . l ' ' ' • ---;-I \ • - ~'f.".~::::: , -·..._-'""c__-~~~ -------------'-'------------- ' ~ .... WOMAN, NmHmoker. Hn 10 am to 5 pm. Apply Cwn- try Club Donuts Pallaadet I: Santa Ana Aft., S.A. Hts. YOl!ll9 FTy Cook or ' Kitchen Tral- p.,,,,.,,.m, tun -job. Owr 11, Neat appearanot. Owa 1or advancement. APPLY IN PERSON Bob's Big, Boy 15f, E. 171tl Street Costa Mesa • JOIN TIIE FIELD WITH A FtJTtm,E! Age/education no tif.nierl Let UI help )'OU qualify, INNKEEPERS INSTITl1l'E INTERNATIONAL Motel/Hotel/ Apt Mgmt Sehl A DMSlON OF ANTHONY SCHOOLS 1n1 S. RROOKHURST ANAHEIM, CAIJFORNIA Clu9!s form every \\.'eek PHONE FOR APPi'. Ask for Betty 'l7s..5800 Tho Newport School of Bu1ln111 Fea,~ ' weekly re.fl'tlsber courRa in the 6kfilg you -.._ get the ~· )'OU want! .. ::. ... ·' 833 Dover Dr., N.B 642-38111 GUITAR le11on1 for children. My home. * 536-2375 • '' MERCHANDISE' FOR SALE, AND TRADE MEN I COMPUTER PROGR.Al\f~ MING IS THE KEY TO YOUR PROFITABLE FUTURE! , . Fumifv,.._. · n · .. Siesti ,SALE! I ¥. I . -----·--· ·---.---' . .:1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO ESTATE SALE from old 2 story home. Oak and walnut furniture; good upholatered tum.; Limage; many per. 90Ml and household items; Nov. ~7-8, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 628 E. Chestnut, Santa Aha. =--=- 0 WANTED O Good used . furnJture, appU. ances, antiques, color 'IV'1, relrig's, stove's, washers & deyers, etc. 1 piece or houf ful. 24 hr seivice. 8U.39'Ji ~~'I· ~c. l700 FORKLIFT: 2,!XK) p n e u. ·recond., $875. 4,000 Hyzttr, good, $1250. 714: 642--8393 days; 714: 897-2433 eves. 1 FREE TO ,YOU TERRIER Poodle. 7 ma., female, !I hots, Jiweg children. AH 6 or Sat. " Sun. 13l5 Pitcairn Pl, Lag, Bch. 11/7 CUTE 8 wk. old k:ittel'll usorted sexes & cokn. iree to good home. Call ~ un , ' ' ~ I ' C.i'>~lf ORNIA CHARGER litA .. ,~¥.<'I-'-' -00(1-4R;.1. , " "a~ · '~s · ' BRANO 197:0 i· i . NEW j • ., • I' . ,. CH ARGIR/1~> .. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY hill fadory lci•1,,.c1 XH29COG 122249 $96 Toto\ $96 · P~:nt · Tottl Monthly Paym111t ·1 $ . .' ' ' ., ". ' $t 6 11 tM t<ilol....,. ...,.,...."'· ''' h the i.tol .. ~l.!y "'" , · >.::· ;1~· •... I ' The Largest Sele~•~n pf . .. . ... 1n.7· ·O :p·' OD"GE'S.,~so~~ERN ~-' . . . , . ' . ". . . .,cA~IF«;IRNIA . J.: -•I lo<llOdl,.. •••• lie••,. •n4 ell .-...,;,.. diet ... ' •• ..,_I • p<••N <tedil 1 .. 36 _,,,h,. Or, ~I -.,.h• •• ,., cN, I ·~· 1.11 , ... h .... ,. ;. •• ,, ,,.s1."4 1.<1 • ..i,; 011 ...... I . l'c•oM, 1,.;,~1 ..,d ..,,., ,...pa1 .. 1-•. •ln.:...i lo ,c.,,., • ' M• ... Nethint OIOl<I Iii pey. o.Nrred ....,.., .... .,1 .. h $3'S6J '• lo<ludln1 on <<><rJioi .~., .... ,.,., • ., 11<e.r,., fre l1h1 .... '. "' d••I•• or....,•otlon. M•thl" -'t• ""'· D.il .. ,..d lfl c...lo ' M•10. • ! All Models~ All Colo rs, All ·Equipped : . • 1 . ' • .... . ' • ' • . . -. .I'll S.ervi~•ci anil .R•ady fo~ .lmm•lllate• ·D.ilv,•ry .. · ... ' ·~!lfY' . ~Ii'-DODGE I ' #.,. • ANMIAL HICINT~GI IATl 12,12% .. ' .. ~ -::D: 1f.69 ·;·oopt1 $8'2 sa2 ' CORONET FAMILY STAllON WAGON ' ' ..... \ CO RONET 2-DOOR COUPE-Immediate Delivery Total Dtwn P1ym1nt Tot•I Mcanthly '&ym1nt S71 lo tM t•t•l .... 001-. In /1 the 1e1el ••Mr ...,,.,_, lodo<ll"'I I••, 11-apd on ,.,,,1,.. ,,._,., •II epp-uMll fer 36 .....th1. 0.," JI -...,,., le 001 °"'~• Ille lllH '°'~ ,,,1 .. It ..,1y $221•.'60 l•dodl .. ~II lo• .. , 11-M, M ith! 011d -le< .,.._otlon1, 0.· Ii-111 C..!e ....... HolhlA1 ftlO"' 11 ....,.. 0.leifed ""''"enl P'IC. I, $2592 lnd •d1nt oil <0....,1111 <hot1eo: Total MINl"'ly '•yment Tot•l·Dowa.,ayment . . $12 lo ti.. ltit•I ........ ,.._i. Sil ht• 1.,ol -•11 ~1-l"°""11t •••, U..11,. -oil <•trfi•t <hofvet .... .._.... . ..:..tit,., )6 -•ht.°'· If,. •. _ ..... pay <•oh, !he fell cosll . ..t .. ~' Mir $2SJL.t0 i11d•df111 oil Full Factory Equipped <Wl(589E1219661 ' · lmmediai. · i>.Jlvwy ' · I Full Factory Equipped <WH23B9E1442391 . . . , ., . . ~ .. ID••o, 11c..,M, fr1!1M ood deoler P"'"fltllen. Kol.llll .. .,. ,. pity. ri.11...-..i 111 Cott• """'· ANNUAL Pl&CINTAGI U.1~ l~.&2°/0 szoaa TOy AL PRICI ( +lAX&LIC. . ' • ....... 11-•. kelflt! M4 .......... PD••ll-. £1911 .. ..d lo C...• "'""· Netlth,. oie• i. .. ,.,ri.r.,, .... .--o1 ••lie It $!9Jl2 llr<l•clln1r •II ••rrfln1 ............ 1 ... ,, llc.11M, k• 1h1 011<1 <ieolff -ro11 ... Nt11hl111 ,..,. te ... , .. ri.!l~,..f \11 c..r. ....... yt,MUAL.NICllfrAOl IAQ 12.&2% $2 .388 TOTA ' •PRICE + T~ & LI(,! ··, ,,-.. ,r .... . . . ~ ... ' ) .. . \.011'.E PR·IC.E SALE ' ~ANY ' TO CHOOSE . FROM IMMEDIATE DELIVERY USED CAR I :s .. permarket ' SA.LE! I 65 'fORD WAGON , . ' . 10 PA'Ss. COUNTRY SQUIRE "' ......... "'". .... $888 ,i.o•in9. a•••• •••'•' ••dio & Mn!pf ... ~11• ..,,11 ..... '-··· ...... o:, •. l'"''"'l . I TOTAL PRICE +, ... Lie. I I ) V-8,, au toma tic tr9nsmission,1power st~ering, vinyl interior,, tinted wjnQShi.eld~ head r8sts-, seat belts·, white :side wdll tires·, outside rear view mirror 1 fender mounte'd turn signals, del uxe carpets, hiiilden '!'in"dSll-i'elCl•WiPers~ deluxe safety features. Cho~ce of cqlors. · . . . '68 PONT. G.T,O. '68.'DODGE· .. I •' . ' 2 DOOR HARDTOP SUPIR IEE '. .. ........ -.. r--.... ~1 e·a·a rod••. -le<. j • )I , , GOtD $1A• q!WX443t TOT ALt1 PRICE , ........ ._ .... -$1988-.. oi •• ,..,,.1 •. l'NM~2JI. TOTAl PRICE · ·+To •. & Lie. I -+Te•&Llc. I I 1 '., I • . '66 fORD GAL~ .. '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP S~r DOOR HAaDTpP'.:,l.},. ;~:=~~;r.~:" .;~:i: s 1"a· a· a· , 1uc2on · · . • I • TOTAL llCI· . ' " " • " ........ ,, ... ""'· $1388 ....... ..-.... •Ni• .. ' -h..,,.,, ....,111 •otl 11,..,. GOU> ITAi .[VGZ2Stl . ' TOTAL PRICE +T••&Llc., '65 PLYMOUTH . , . ' SPORTS FURY F tRLANl 500 . 11·8, evlo. 1'""'·· •odi• I. """'"· ..... ' tlff<l•1. •hl!e •oll ll<ft, D.l<kOI ...,,, lo~dow .... IYCM611 1 $688 ....... ;,.'"I" .;.,, $1·088 ln!.,le•. jYC\16-47). . TOTAL P ICE · · TOTAL PRICE +Tu~~ +~&& • • 1 , . . ... • ,. I ' '65 PLYMQIJTR . ' IARllA(UOA FASTIACJ\ ' . ' . Yi~ e ot o•otlc. •••II•, he•ef, ,. .... ' .... tlfl,f. w~it• .. all ti.to, ltocliel -"·. H~k0,21 TOT AL ' P RICE . . . ' +Tai & Llc. 166 -MUSTANG 2 DOOi HAIDTOP · ..... -~ ...... -. ·s-1a·8 hoTI\o hKl.0-•qvliiid. --lllZl90! i • • • TOTA~ PllCI + T••& 11<. '65 PLYMOUTH .. # 4 ' . . l ·s~ATION WAGON . ' ,vo. " ....... ..,,...~.;• $ 7 88 • ............ 11n•r TOTAL' i'.ic.: +'•• .. l it. . YOUR CHOICI OF ANT Of Ti!I AIOYJ Ul1ID CAU ' 1 • ' ' AT THESE LOW. , • '2·8 · ~~. ·2· 8 M1~Tf..tr LOW ·TERM~ .• ; 1 PATMEHT " PAYMENT S.21 11 THE TOTAL DOWN PAYMIH1. tJI IS lHf TOTAL MONT:t!l'I' PAYllllHT INCl\IOING T.U:\ UClNlf AHO ALL eAllYIHG O\AIGfS ON AP'PllOVEO CllDlf• l'OI OWLY 16 /ilOl-llHS, OJ., 1• YOU 'll!Pf:a 0 '"' CASH, THE llUll CASH Plltf 1S OHll IUO . .tO 1HCLUDIMO T.U: AHO lRAMSfEI. I . . . , AMNUil' "tCllffAM IAff ""M% OEfEllEO PAYMENT •t1a 11 $IOOl IMClVCllHG ALl INTllt$T, TAX A.NCI TUHSf(•. ' I ·~ ' • " ' •j-I .. • •• 'l' ' 1--'-•. , ~.~ ' • ' .. ' -• FLEXI• ' --· ... FINAllCI ·~·~ IEIM~ . . .. fast & accurdie«redU. courteous Fin-..~ on duty· af ·alh ~ • J!'LOWPl'VME.il ", Y, EITENDfP ; .. " j .... ; . • f >i. I ,,_ f -... . '\ii ... I ., I ' ·----------{"-""!-"'!'!!': BEFORE 'IOU,' Bl A USED CA11 •A~r. Show the dealer myf'""V'~ can match ii! If not tonl'in1i>.l!A home 11 !he GOUllTAg .(ijl 1oO~:; u~OfftllTIWA GulilllNT~' Look For Tht;Golit sflr In .The· . ' .. ~ . -- ' ---~ . ., :1&1 ---ICING · IUT .... _ .. ,_.,. -rrfldit;-Gpprovol,: ~1;,.ana9erS r-al l;~es. IUl:i's ~:JMMS .. ~-""!'~-;~-----·1 - OU,-BUY ~ ..... . V' I •A .. \YWHERE" . ' I -, ... ~Bran/~8 and ISk if'ht ~ . . -~ 'rintP-)t~RBOR DODGE . ..... ' ITA~Jl)JARANTEE: ~.· . ' 01'/Nll-GINE'RAL MGR. '81 ln.The'Windddeld _ : Uncon;i1roG11I G1111r11ni.. • lh11t, Hqrbor Dodge 111111•· ,..1 m1ch1111"ic11I def•ds fDr .. hi<h1•r'com11 fiut 11fllr I ine<~onle11I ,...,,,, 1lec- lflffdo11111or,.rodici, 11 ... 1er 1<0•,r1.o.H pcirh ond 19bor />«>l11tely,1~ tD you. '• • · ·• I • • l <.., , • Jo. (' J .1,•: 1As,~~~~ .. ~ ~; ~· ~'1. J;•H4~;.cJ.o~o~r·. -1tfi9· DilfiJ•···~lose~•t Sale · · , ON .4'1. ·~ ~IH EttcUJWE "&,DQlldt0TQJi>u' Cholco ·of MHol ....;. C~o.!f•)of -~•l•'fl """'.·C"'°!•• of ·lqulp~ont .,-1.,.,.c11_ Dollvorr , , -A I Red~ced Hundreds oJo $$$ · ,. ' •/ •· ,.I. ' '1 , ,·· • ' • • I ' avras11c 1 S~VINGS! -... . . . ~et~~~ ;~·'.1119 ~DO. iJdES F s0~~RN I .'· . . . • · . . • CA~IFO~NIA I · '$AN'[$ ' AU Moditls; All Colors, All' Eqt1ipped · $AVE $ I· . _,, -. t. . . I All .rvl~ and Readiy for lmm9dlate Dellve •• ·• "::.~ 258.8 $9l It.the leta1 ""'" INl,...nl, $93 It the total "'an!hly PGY• "'on! fo<lwd!o1 la•, litonM aNI oil ta•"1ln1 <hOl'IH ·~ op. pro•od c.Wlt lo• 36 ., •• ,~ •• Or, If you prelor to pay ta•~. rh• full <o•h prlco h only $284.5.•0 ln<!udl•t all to,.,, llu n•o, lrol1ht and doaler PftOPGrotl""'· c1eu .. , ... In Cooto /l\e••· Nolhln1 ,...,. ta pay, O.h1tred pa~t prl<O h $3341 lo<lud· ln1 otl <01<yln1 cha'lt" lo•••. licon ... 1re;,n1 •11d <IHltr "'°"'aUM. H•t~!n1 .,.,. re pay, O.llvored !" Co"a _.....,, ANNUAL ~ICIN1'A,Ol IATI 12.12% . BRAND ' 1969 CHAlrGERS Fully Factory Equipped-Choice of Colon r'1' Immediate Delivery· .(f2919U05.4J7 • 1111t1t1JWS4 • xr2919119J733 • x,2t1tt:ID61Jl ••• r- • • T.QTAL PRICE' TOTA L PRICE +TAX l..;llC.1 ,. ·+r.u 1.11c. .... 't'-~ .... i .• .; .. ' " NI 196.9 DOD.6£..CAMPER : .. ;, ~' ' --I ~· '._..~ • ~.__ • !_' ---•' 'v f LT.W~GON,111AVJ.1111"'TIWCK1•Q*ll'T '. . 1 Radio, H~a r, 8 Ply ~at~:T\[~ •• D.ou~li;~!fi·"~j~~. wafer S~PP.!Y· ·le• Box,. Cab1 1s, ·Louvered W1i'id0Ws, ·w~t Coast Mirror, ·curfa1ns, Wood Pah~ling. 1962164274; · • • I -•:;D ·· 1970·' DODIE . . ~ -. r • UTILITY PICKUP ' . Full Factory Equipped D· I 3ABOS I 04725 · ' AtE_.e:3. -111 .~ -. ;; . . y c. • . . . i TOTA~ PRICE . + r..X~llC. IM~EDllJt .s-2. ~-8.8 DEUVl~Y •. . .. '\ .· ... ·.. . ' . .,.... . ' ~66. FO.D. 165 CHEV~QLJT G L.uJ1. CUSrO~·:ioo IMPALA 2 DOOi HAIDTOP · .... ,,,.ifn .. _.,.~l' ·s·9· ·aa ···· ................ , ·s· 98. 8 llo•lnt, P9 r "'9f'<l~t( N• : --""'9•.t"• ~· • r 1t"rl111, _ -• _ ~ _ : _ •1• a . ;'""'1""'11 . ..~u. -11 .t1,... 11,..M rsJ an: : ·1 1vws61•1. · -l • ' I TOT I. -,it~ + T•• & lie. TOTAL PRICJ ·, • '. · _+,ta• , ~re. ~67 VOlXs ... ·. ,W,·~"lN '65-FORD a,jr), .. . 2 DooR HAIDT~ . ~~ .............. SCJ8"8" ·~·· "" ...... ,« J.988 ....... ,.w.ttti.,.•lt " ... -·~···~~"""'·b!•l<!" ' - lltto., .~!_<42)·''.·, .·~·1," ,·' , l>Hlor, •~1\11 ,,.ii llreo, · ~I'.' ~ ~Nile. l~WV.UI~ . ..-• • , , AL ~Plll(I . ~ ....___ TOTAL PilCI , r f •, 'w ~, f. _ "' "'i~Tn&~c. ·. , , , .+T••,l1~f,, youa CllOICI W t ANY Of :rtll ~OYI u~ ~u AT THESE l--.•. •35· TOT~ •3 5 . TOTAL ' . w~''. I . ' DoWN, MONTHLY ·, LOW TE~, •i , . . pAYMINT · PAYMiNT 1, $3, ts'Ttll 1'0TAl DOWN PAYMfN'f. ~s 1$ Ttlf ~mAl MONTHLY rAYMEN1" 1NC:Lil01NG TAX/~IC(Nfi AND All 'CAl~YJt«; CHAllOEl OH ,A'"°VED Cltoll 'Cl ONlf J' MOMTHS.'Ot, ·11 YOU Plffll TQ PAY CASH; TH! PUil CASH r11CE IS ONLY $UMO.'O INCLUOtNO TAX AND TIAHSPER. , , , OIPEllED •AYMEHT •llCE 1$ 112.i)!INCU.IDING All INTflfST, T.U AND TIANWEI, • · NINUAL PlaaNfMI IATI .16.24% • ' -1---. ' \ ~ . . ' ' ' • • ... . ------~- . 16-DOD.GE· ' .CHARGi l ~;~:f':-Ei.::a;i*1·9· -·s-8 .,, L ..... i.,. ' GOlD tlAt (VSW61'1 '-• !· TQt,AL 'PllCE 1·, .• +r.~al1~. "'64; O'ilD' ! GAi.AXii s~ «Nh Int, 'II .. , radio, h"'or, , .... -.. -· -· s4;a·a 1 ....... 11-1!0¥165) .... " • I • , TOT AL PlllCI . " .+Te• &,He. BRAND NEW 1970 ~DODGE - I MODEL A· 1 00 VAN Full . Factory Equipped A-12AAOUJ06355 TOTAL ·PRICE +-i~ &-i•C. _,; ' ' ' . . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $238 .. :8" . :, ~.f6j.4L • PRICE + l~ & l lC. 168 ·DODGE Dart • GTS 2 DOOR HARDTOP --~~-~.,~~,-.;~· ;:IJ9~. s 17 8 8 bw<i•t.-1 .. _ • , GOtlt SlAI fWPfl96) , . TO. TAL PRICE " +lo• & Lie, '67 MERCURY CYCLONE G.T.-2·DR . H.T: '" "'· ~"' """'"· 51488 "°-brebl, t11d!•' ' ~ooter, "'"Nlo,_wlolllo .. all tire•. GOLD $TAI, , IUV.Vf371 , , TOTAL PRICI +Tai & Uc. . . . '67 P.LYMOUTH FURY Ill HARDTOP ···· "" ""'~· ·~· .. s1388 tt~•t ... ••••• 11Mfln1, rodlo &' kat,,., 'whlto'wllill tJ,..,, 11VMK75'J , • ' 1 GOLD $1~1 TOT AL PRICE + 1,,, & uc.. ORANGE COUNTY LA. COUNTY ", USED· CAR ,, .·Supermarket .. ~· SALE!~-- 166 PONTIAC 1- GRAND PRIX ~.:!'.;''!i!;· ~~~·.·~~!:;: s1·oa·a ·:: in1, rodlil, hoaJe•. ' • , • 'fl$HS70j , , 'l I l -TOTAL PRICI ' : · , :1, ·I -r 1ex lo UCo' ' PHONE:. (714) 540·8188 ' (213) 625.,7752 . Se Habla lspanol ' . I \ • r- rriar.-- 7 '; AnON T'PllfflOITAliON -.. ~ AnON TRANSPoltTATIOi.-~IWISl'OltTATION TIAl'ISPORTATION TltANiPOITATtbN lloalt & Yachlt ~ Mobile~ 9200. ,Mol.,q..~ . !JOO Trucb 9500 linportwd Autoo HOO""'""" A.... N00 ~rtod A-MOO Im~ Aum t600 ' S ie..J'..1:&'~••..,.. '69 R1"'1122 IL llffp v o"c SPACES'. WAN'l'ED·l!lah--l..aTSUN r,tEICEHS llNZ ROW IOJ~ VOLKSWAGE1'1 l . homo&. 2 _!llaclt 3 ~ hp V-<i • Fully ---"" _.. Ill l.,.t * VA NS * . u .. ''.> ~. 545-,C:,=-· ll/IO Hite now · .4 wheel {pity ' NI W ~-PARK ndiw trim. llillt b 1 ' -~~ • ORAHOI COUNTY.'$ 1957 ·;·EDU ~ ,!; ~~'i.: YW BUGS ;., c:wrJ! .Ot'..;y.-p .. )p·1u, bunlcs -head -....ito. all VIII altlol""'1 perfic(.lo ..,. 'Ill """'°'"'" lt•e Lmll8 i SL 190 Prlv ~ au 5041 • '· 64'li!6!2:''/Jl>lo'F~d-1_ral, <qUlpmeptlTllttrall .. l8000 MOVl lN· ODA -and __ ..., 'ISV1!.llurFML118 .. $1~ 1'10.1 . . . P·~ • • FROM ; <UN11. -• ,. 11-10 -.ar,..-. must.oell·ma!o! ott" Choloo of Models -""'· --"".~ eu. SUU10 .. 118 DATSUN DIALER 1111s""' la lo mint !loo 614'C1il7. $399 ,.• 5, t · 1 !<male _will toke cu tn u.de call or Cuali>m Built 1-but wlll ,..... '61 J;i,4e ....,...... Vao DOT DATSUN A lo -wit!> AMIDI t--, t o(.~ !!l'!!f· 10 ........... LoooPre Pot>-Mo-·~ .. D~ ............. , 119!!' -·-Blvd. ~ lfttbe• Jolt,dor and _.IUI& , o1a.~· -,1111 uacme1•or-2'00 IN.sMOCFREE ~.s':i:'-!!'!.t.&n<.180...-Van ll•tt'..__ !Mt~llll>·~----.,-.,,.,,.--_ ..... -__.,,..--,.·.I OOODSI LECTION ·-v .-.:-:£--k Costa Mesa • ·-· .~ ~·.......!:-,...~ .... ~ .,_, .... -....... -aa.n,i. ~ • 't"". ec • ...... -;;;;;.;.~;;. •.. •.ooo.tnt. i:~ ' malC .;,,;,,;;;·:l""' ~ Stilkllt 9010 ~ --~ ...... v .. v .. -'lllJIO I ... -. . ..... ~~ : ' '~~· .• ~11 Ne111,;..rt.Harbor ~ a~\.N'~··~ .k.qoni Motws 'I 'PICK p· · '. rr ~ .... m -· !-<.HORSE 1ert.l.1..l.tS". 203 81 O:il:umbia 25 w/tUp , •• s5m I"" Beach. !Q;46 ....-.. ! ....... ~~ •Balllt IL. o.ta Me.a · • • • 'ii &lot H · O>nmado 25, uoed • •• • I-. -. AldlCL K o..i.r $40-'6ll N---uot mlllo! • .... · !~·;. ~··· t1;Aba ~1~ ColumblaChallerwer .$.1950 AdultJl~~Park Wion:':· ~.ne~ : .. iMC:TRUCKS . ~w!._lkl'Ulee-· 1-'"~ · • • Columbia 21. ••••••• ,., SJ.99.) , __ , __ ,__ $1-n.......;.... _ _. uuw• .. "au .,. •• _ ,..,. ~~ DIE I , . PETS 1 nCI .LIVES!~k eoron.oo 30 .. Save ., s 500 Mobile Home Siles ~mlWUJt _...,, .-... ~ Col;lnty Sales .... party. TQfllOBl.B CID Ku. 1 _ • i::ir111 -mmac. • ., """ 1750 whlttier Ave., ~ • Setvloe ·lil8dqu.lrten. -.. -°' riM' .,."_u_ Gnat. 2nd car, Chrfatmu te-1820 Sabots, comple'le , ••••••• _, MSW USED __ ,,. ~-I alfL $150o « otta' Call se--· 11tm>tayair ... '912 w. <;»ut -T~-;r.;: i.;;;Si".' -'!:u.~. 831~1311. • 1:x: g~~":11U ' INGUSR FOID -E •• •I wk. d. 19'111 llARBOR BLVD. •-"'"' .... YACHTS ROYALE ColtaMtaa '66SUZUKIX-6,250CC,SDI. · • ,. --~ I dQs. Mike Tan~ley, 5t9.30.11Ext.61~67 .. •Ritii $15. Seal Pnint $25. Drive West to Whittier Ave. Honda,350cc.!S»mi. 28:iO . &Uvd-·ti!fti''. 11 1''eclcs SW~ Blue Newport Beach 645-0810 ...... .,...,.,.. ~ ~ · SIMl5l1. , . ~ <X>srA MESA , :. 1~4. .rr:-1 .. : · · 24· Islander Yoop F. G. inb. CALL (714) 642°135o with h!liilet ·"50i ta lifna PltANGI COUNTY'S FOil Sale -196&-Triumph VW '68, Sunroof, Ski Rack. Pu! ' ~ d gall•• ·. IAY u•RBOR •~ ·-~" s.•~··· YOLUMI ENGLISH . Spltlltt. Lii• bluo. """'· chalm, chrom• Poroch• ~:-e Pun!;. 'nill~ra ~d Mobile H;. Sein ..-.-_.. ~....., iiO amv, Pickup. Rum 'ORD DIALER' ~ Call -961--l9S4. ~ :: ,,::·m:~ ctUbloM. st .. ps <. S39S6. Cua Loma Roll • ,,._., • Auto Som• """'Wen. ·4 --. -SALIS • SERVICE 60. TR-3 $350 trim. $1i50i or r. o. P. 714 • 833-1311 Ext, ;:! wk Shttaton ~ • J{omettt • It Parts 9400 ~. Hpeed trana. Ua;ly '89 MODELS ft.>~ after 6 pm 644-2785 days: Kii. p,.., .... •·•·-but pndlcBJ. $225. CtU lmmedla .. •·".-.:,.;.:,,;c..,, ____ _,,1 .......-. 133-9349 ciaJI before 3 .._.,,..,.l' '67 VW, Draltl'd, n1ust sell . ALL SIZES p.m. LARO!: S!:LJ!:CnON TOYOTA my balovoo LIOO Bug. baby NOW ON DISPUY BEACH FOR SALE. -1967 FORD Theodore blue, blk. inter. New tires 4: ~~:.~~;=.~ Auto Supply :;~0~~~'1>·~: 1~!!t'a?~~ oRANoE ~~~ 592..sos'l Ccista Mn& (nf) 540-N'io 17th, C.M. a.ta Mesa 642-00lO 1967 MERCEDES Beru n>S COAST'S ,67 .YOLKS Squareback, ex-~----~~ ·1ur Jim NIW . Wholesale 9510 ffil'RDI) auh>. P • ...., A "OLDEST' ,,.. cl•ao. Exha .. t .,.t•m, UDO 14 Nbr. 1761 2 sets sails, &las• centerboard 4: rudder, full race, cowr, tru, $1100 Call *** NEW 16" Glau Cat . $1395 SILL USll Prices to All JMpt l958 Engllat FOrd, 6 cyt, 1 bralra • ll1r concllUonlfV. RIH, stereo IPkrs. Muntz C USED TOMCAT $790 Cooper ~-'·tc llacblno Shop '"' JEEPSTER Commando, """"'· Gll,000 actuol lljll ... Sold"" by .. and .. tvlcod Toyota Dealer 10> °" -I"' • • k'Wijjjjim:;ts"-:-g;;<rlj;-..: 675-2400 Or 673-2517 · .....,.,_.. .. whl. drt•·•·, \V·-Hubo, ... "" . ....., r._.,. here. lea than 28,000 miles ' -AHUAS -Saerillc<. TRAILER SALES SPEl!:ll EQUIPMENT • _., •---~ "~ ,_ T.0.P. ~ ..,..,_. '~ •iiupples fmm ~·~Worth VENnJRE 21' Xlnt aind., 3' '11 " lte:Buu.T ENGINES Po&-i-traction; filXl> Ml. "''Y --. J""' Slemoll!l lmm.dlate Delivery : ''.'!!ill; ~· ll6'3 Dond ..U.. boad 2 outboudt Buy ,,_ • man 54&-9853 FERRARI lmporu, Inc., m W · on HARD TO GE T u... c ·,, . . slps 4, .;tru. Otte; who fives In onel'' · 1125 Vlctorla, CM ~ Warner, Sl.nta.Ana. 5AM1.M. • MODELS -call for 'M VW Camp. New eng. Brakes, Lites, FM Stereo XLNT. $850. 496-9806 or 33952 Copper Lntrn Dana Pl'. . ' -_, ~.·ill.· -WE SERVICE .,_Be·~ m d HB 8474:191 '55 JEEP WILLYS, 4 wheel : .. ,, lAt;OE 5·mo male cocker-!i4S-3955. · -~ o'P"EN ~DAYS *· drive. ExceU. cond. W/ FERRARI 1966 MERCEDES Btna 230SL informet lon ~ .~ poo'·~ ten1cr, sbols . $20. CAL 28fullfor aale .. ·bytun~' 32f ~~.::;!Ana ~~ r.':1: ;_~w prloe. Newport lmpll1I Ud. ~ p(~r:'r} ~to~tc.a~~,·· 11 . ' { }--c _ lror-PDQ ___ pups . $3~. clean, y eqp' ....... l Bick So. Of Bolaa 5.11.-lllli ...,.,....._.,,, ...,.,......... ans• Counb''• cml7 auwur . •. ., •• s , , ~ ' aux eng incl. $10,00J. 8-5, TIRE SALE ·~ CIV'LN ,. •tt mb. bed dealer. 14.73:1 miles. Sold nu byJ.11• M ' · 833-12M 371 MUST sell double wide x 55' ~ ". ...., • SAJ..ES..SERVICE.PAKTS and •lrr'Viced here. un • , ... '62 VW Van. C.Orvair eng. New clutch, gen., brim. Tape deck. spkn. $1000. 54&-1189 • _.J V,q/if_ARANER P :.i P p.1 e s ext 3 BR 1~ BA.· Set up In Unblemished • New Wide re-lin'd brkl, conv's lop, roll 3100 w. Cout Hwy. Slei:mna M~ Be"° 120 I .,.fS } ~ ftJtC; sbQts. _'Grand cham· LIDO 14. Hwy trailer, Wll, C:O.ta Mesa adult Pfll'k. Ovals bar. ·646-S.'!68. ., Newport Beach W W~ Santa Ana · ~:; ~itr\S. ?1 • '"'; -:, -?•l extras. Good cond. Must WI Move right ln, call aft l2:30 $J4.t5 EACH "2-&tm , S40.l'7M (~.No. 4J!i2) 546-U14 • So. Cat. ·Highway ) V.~·[l·*ffi4) ~2423* lhis wkndS650. M&-0058 p.m. 541-3637 Nati:onal 5·peec1 Center Recre1t'n Vehlc ... 9515 Authorized Fem.rt Dealer 1965 M~ES Benz .J7~31una*Bea~100 ·~~f. ~ :J: ~ . · pupples\12>. No CAL 25, full racl.bi par, SS '55 Spartan llxt2, alum 'avm-ZllO S, Harbor, Costa Mesa GO-CART Mac ·frame. BIS * 19Ci FERRARI. 330 GT Dfesel 4 door. Nu blue paint I'!!"'"!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!"' 1e1 I at once! Beat offer! ~ ·.~ii. 318 Esther. C.M. radio, 9~ Evhvude, many in&. located adult park CM. ~.Hours: Dally 9-9, engine. Gd cond $135 m 2 + 2 •. NtJ.r new mot.or, vinyl interior. Reduced!' ·TOYOTA ~.!4&',_,.:_18'1S=c.:°'::..:64urol=...:=-~ ':~. ··-· ·:_.-· _c;-~ $6!KXI. 646-8559 Xlnt _cond., priced low. Sat. 9-6. (Next to Mr. T's) Bests. Gary 5f9..-0759 aft 4 ·dutch'.;. brakes. Pirt1li tub-from $2'J95 ·tD only $179S. '65 VW-empi eng, ram carb, 1 \Vi-IifE P60die fUppi~, 10 TRADE Lldo 14 no. 1~ w/ 64&-8450 call after 4 or: all' FOiid 170 enrine rebuilt and.. ---.-..• ~ ber,. m~r. P\1~ , prty. (PDA336). J6n SI t: m o D s hee.der.s. 75 hp +, g1ua '-.wb.. lovc.1¥.··P~a..Wed , trlr &: glsbrds for sml J/O, day weekend&. 3 11peea trans. z. chrome> Campera 9520 $6450 «.otter. caD Sk1p Mercedes Benz, 'l3l W. , PECTACULAR fnlirs, mep, etc. -$12l0. I •: ' •t:ainl. $40. Had'..amts. e:f.47.S or ~U.. $900. 846-al61. PARAMOUNT .Elite UxSO' 2 rims and tires '710115 fits . . .. P\Ck (213) 432-1841 or (213) Warner, Santa Ana {Ser. T AR ,ENO SALE 673-2.Sf& ; ·. ~~R~ J;:lusky,· .. .'~Wht. LIDO 14, no. 61. Good cond. 2 Br, 2 Ba, new, in be~ut. Ford. Call 847-1427 bel~re 3. ·~/~b "-~ -cam~ r.es:.s5n ext 595· Np. ~ 546--41.14 LL .MODELS ,69 VW. just from Europe, • -· ·!Us.~ 9 \Vks.; "Shots, $35. sell of sail11, 0 w n er . moun~ E 1 co nd Id o SALE • Wkte Ovals $14.95 ea. Airlccnd. R/H.'.no-l&.5 aUe JAGUAR MG UR BE~ DEA.L.5 lite blue/blk int. AMIFM, i ·-'I°~-?~ ·.Mr-.~ :' trarWerred. $550. 673--2750 area. Large terraced NaUorsal Speed Center 2110 tire · jacks U tained ~ mu. AT sunroof, recln& a eat 1 , j -~SH.-SE'IT£&-'PUP-S 8' BOAT in excellent con-hillside. lot. Sl3,950. 675-m? S. Harbor, CM. ~700. tou:i 4 ~ ~n $4200.1.;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1-----:;.;;;--....;.-.I N LEWIS 673-3261:;.:.::::;:....,.-~~~~ ~ · --·AKC ..;,&~.. dition, new oars $40. '61 GREAT Lakes trlr. Ox«! .. Daily N. Sat 9-6. 962-J584 JAGUAR Sales..~. Parts ~ vw~ Sqback Red Im· • . .:V.~ * 646-7041 2 Br .. furniture, 60' awning, Porsche • Mere • v.w. 0-,66 CHEV ~ V n. · · c M 646-9303 maculate Must eell. Radio, ' SABOTS s-• ...,...m & ·-· F>mlly B .. ~ N ' ··-~ ··--·· · '" '"' Author'1•ed -... ., ~· ,M. AX. EY 5 i LABRAQOR Pups, AKC. e ,,.., Pk $4000 839·2418 ._.et. ew&;......,..,_..,... auto,·tape. ~~etc. .. Molleta -at.erto. Pri ply $159 . : -. · .•. ~~Cal·:gret :a~.-."~, hu.•.~rs, New, foam ftotatton. ~ ev;twknd. ' · ~e to.all 64Ul350. Xlnt $1600. 673-6359 eves. 0.aler 536-4517 .~ ~1.>• Power Cru1Hrl 9020 '67 FASHION Manor "12x60 2 MAGS. Mfl' Raider, 15" for % T'on pickup, deeps 2, tee Unbelleveable Savings! • 6 7 S E D A N . Rad Io • ' -7iAflGHAN ·PUPBIES .. OF, s• 2 BA I 1-·-· A Ford, 2 for .$2(1, 645-2246 box $16.5. 54S-38tO after 6 1 .. -e Stock Available• :r A PORSCHE exhaust & dlstr. ; • QUALITY'-J.KC.,REG .... • um ... ~. wn-alter6p.m: pm e _;;:•ALLNEWXJSEO.AN " Orig owner. Top -mnc1. . · ~ * 962-, 9989 .*· -~.,' RETIRED Couple Se e k I'"'" & extras. MUil aell. call £nc $1'~ • ., ~~alt 6 ·~ WANTED '" ~· '65. V\V ·-"-bl I d tra..,__ .......,, _.,...,., pm. 0 -ngjble half interest (213) 98]....7260. -: _...., on, •~AUA e or emona uu.u ·~ BODY ~ · . 6 PM D B I 9525 • ' 3lt» W. Out Hwy, N.B. Hunt Bead\ 847""555 SACRIFICE, Must sell '68 . Re • 2-partner, in :Ir Ouil Conn1e, 8 x 42 1955 Columbia • rnone after • une 11911" ~ m ($ ~l'llt • ._. o~· ~ .. t '63 ~ ..... -"pl N-at 54M52S · lktt M2-9a . SmlN. Ocsut:Hwy.onBch VW,Jomlg,orlgowner.Im· : • 1_ hid' .,250• ~.... 0R:_,·.~ Marl~ ... 838-00'3c Xlnt cond., $ml. ·· '69 Kelli!Km Sold flab, all '61 Ill ·. ·' ·~ Autboriz9d MG1 llnlU· . OO 4 , Toyo'" R&.H. In maculate. &12·1719 I.:. •:!i!:dC rn. ~ _. 't ' ~a. e na. . • * 543-0085 * Trtllor,· T; ... 1 9425 romp. Lllte oew. -. Ftnllb met -.:..1 ..... -·~ -m-'64 MG 1100:--ledan,\sd· .PAU· xlnt. nd. $ll00. Pvt. ply. '68 VW BUS l:RANIAN 7P:u1rp e I 1969 CHRYSLER 1/0 .MJWU" 6S ~-•rook 1~. Alum. , • ·--1'. 64)..(l3SO -. wbl .. • ~•··k tni ·2 '· ',.... Id ....... .., -.,-v........ . ,.,.....,. ~r ac 644-l4 Private Owner, ;2195. .reg. mos.-3' ,., Mere. Ctul.ser. 3 mos. o • awning.2Br.AdultPk,C.M. '69-Ux25Trailer $495dn$39 Du-n. ...... -"er tri Pvt""' n;..i~i.~ •• "· O'J1\ ......... • flCIWI Call '"1179 ~. • ... _._,. UlW-too So. Cat. Hl111hway • peL Pv-· "'f'P"A rrs WONDERFUL th. Call * * • 548-4001 .~.. • 0 •"'""°"111 .......,.,. .-.,,,,... • "'o """"", 64&-5480 mo, Storage shed, porch., Hing·• nm,.. _ _. -tru • "'~" 9186 ~ "" r-..... '""' Laguna e..ch .,,_.. . "'""v~ in a ppliances Ia Your AJI, in our POODLE Pup!!, tiny ,toy &: 9030 sk:irting. -One bloclc from 67J..«197 6 PM on -... S03 * ,58 ldG RllA.MTF.R.. wire ~ .. ,~· .. an--c;>tm-s. _~K'Ct top ~~-~i_Bo1t1 Birvclff 9225 sl)oppJng; 1640 Newport ,66 ""~NCO """0 • .-7 540-3100 ··---:~,.. you in the Oa.ssilied cluaj.lleds?Someonewi!Jbe · ~< s a~ =-9 ., Bl·~N ••CM O&lAJ •-o whe~J1,,,n e ,w\ top, Ms. · •k-1 .. ,b~forit.Dial6u.5611 • -'~ity.~ t ....,~ • ._,...ui 14 FT Custom inboard Sid · n•• 0-~· ' ~·-,--GU' rnectwdcall 'xnlt. $45 0 · ~ • • B~CK Poodles, · m• I e boat. 'with trailer._ $1.41Xl * BOYS Schwin blue 10 spd., 4 1969..! -~-9~._,, Al.Jo. fully ..U , .c.11.uaa .• ,.,_ 1 . '57"' JA AR' XK=-140. Ex• Y • ' .. ' . " • • ' .. ' ' ' ' .. • • ' • • • I + , ~~4 mm.·i~.o'i~~!'»'s. 673--4355 moa. old. xJnt cond. $60 or coiitiliieif;::canopy, used cit<\ ~ .,m.a>61 '11 •. __J •• Clllent 'eocditbi.'"'P.ti.o'ii . <M--™~ · " rs t!OQll~r.s-__ 9900 . ,!lo;>""t; .&12-1!162 . . l6' EVINRUDE Sporut•" best ot.. 67>-l!HO. ~:....-· Sec _$3000, 1;~~·~~~A~-~~-~Heo~;r:6~4l~"'88~~~~-~·~~Jllllliwtre~M~~~M~ldgo!~'.~,)Oc~"~~t' :Sb~·-:·P":'. •ANSl!ORTATION 1/0 !$HP •kl & pleuure. Mlnl illkH 9275 &1'•.& ROMEO . M CiHIA. __ '""'· -f,1'.ake Offer'. Call 6*1054. 1965 TRAVELEEZE 20' Twt n ,._~ ~ ==:::...=='--'-9000= 5 Hp Big Bear Scrambler bed tandem, self-contained. -· 1f6t karmun Ghia MGA • , RAM LETS Bolt Slip Mooring 9036 Jack:.shaft & drum -brake _Ex.cellent $DI. 545-7031 ~·. AU'lllOR!ZED Im~ate inside and ouU1--..,...- . . • -nciltgU'1kSEDk $50T.AC054&-1~51 .A .. LFA ROMEO °"'"""''·Se<at~Brnad '58 MGA N .. paiot i. cur-\VM'TED: Slip or mooring Truck1 9500 ... I • I ~ Colum~-f W&Y,SlJI. . ·~ G R £AT ..,,.., NSWERS ,,.,. 0' ~ ·~ 1o Good eon<1. Exco11 · DEALE•' eveeythtng """"-11av1ng , . _ Olallenger sloop. Please Xmas gift. Call 5+1--0l5C '69 ndDa~ $JU600 T & H, top "---1964 KARMANN Ghia, nu atate, must sell. 675-38Z1 ~~)<~~or Eveg: Motorcycl•1 9300 00 • ';' Mm~sia * ~· 11DftlliS .;:1?~ ~a~~ BOAT SLIP for rent. 1963 Ford. Econoline. lllltm·. ·. Teen-agcr's "c a t1111m t n I: 28. Huntington Harbour KAWASAKI, ?>1ach llI, 700 Mechanical.I)' aooct. ' •0 Old matd whO "'v-I -2652 I m11'o, aboolutoly rut. "'w. $650. I'!" ~-MERCEDES IENZ 1'164 MGB • A.\f/FM, - MGB er mad!." the finl t~ but ==='====== Sacrifice. 561318 ,62 OODGE l·,Ton Van. Ene. • 900 SO. Cat. Htghway -------,.--1 wheela, bnHpp., Michelin X. ~';;~still Jntettepting.P~ 801t·Y•cht Yamaha ·2:!0 cc. YD S-3 & trana. xlnt; frlmt end Laguna 8-•ch · 1967 250SE Mercedes 'Be:m: E111-,4: 1Pb-in very rood "'°' Ch•rter. '9039 Needs minor repair $250. damaged. 839--231.t. 494-7503 * ____,.5404100 couper-VJGCll3 air, power, shaPl!:-Cail-<(213) 61&-!41! Ylkb t Remodeling & Repair -'==;.;;... __ ....__ e 548-3627 e ,57 FORD l).r Ton Pick Up et c . Custom pa In I '63 MGB, BRIGHT RED, NU Install -whttl st~ng & in-SAJL Cal 24-$25 per day. --~.650,_'-BSA"=''--=,~.--w/leather interior on I y BLCJC TOP, TAILORED """'"'""· cleclr""1. plum-CAL 36-$60 I"' day. Sipe 6. -w/camP"'. $650. AUSTIN HEALEY lmO full prl.,,. J t m MrITEN, LO Ml, A BEAUT. hing. Paintln'g &,\!amillhing. CALI.. (n4l 846-~7 54Co miles, $450. * 847~1 * Slemons Mercedn Bettz, 13:1 CAR! swo. 673-7037 Rea1"tic p1-!· 54tl-2918; 1053.,,,..•t<Uo °"··CM ·64 CHEV \; TON PICK UP. AUSTIN AME~ICA w. Wornu, Sattla Aoa.l;:=======;:=- alflr 6 PM 673-1539 or Mobile Hornet 9200 '68 HONDA 350 Scrambler, PRICED ·RIGHT? 546-tll.4 OPEL \ ~2918. ====;;.:...___ Private owner. $495. * 646-5177 * Sales, Service, Parts 1 •---------I S E L L •• 548-4001 ** .67 SCOUT•-•, pd -..-. lmnledlale Delivery 1959 MERCEDES Befll 190Cl --------,...;-8EAUT!FtJ~ ;JJ' Riverboat. l~===~c-:=-==='° ._-wo .. a ,pe.--.;,-' All Modda (XBE10'5) rum ex-1960 OPEL STATI'O'N . Sl_tT-:iO. J "yr old Courtesy to '66% HOiWA 30S Scrambler. cond., Save! Dir:MS Balcer, ceptkmally'-good. Th t 9 WAGON BrokeB.· B. w.· Tarnutzcr Your Mobile Home Xlnt cond. Just rebuilt. EX· Costa Mesa. S>Ptll4 . weekend only S69S. Jim Runs Good -su:i 548-5419 TRAS! 540-0093 '66 CHEV. 8' Pickup. $999. Slemons Me~es Benz, l2'.11==:Cal:=l:.:646-5386.=::=:== J) rtu po rt 3l111po11s ORY bof!.t storage.Jae. to FOR CASH '66 SUZUKI 250 cc X..O. 596478, Dlr, ~ Balrer SL, W. Warner, Santa Ana.1· ,1·ork on boat: Coe.st Hwy, model T-21 $300. Costa Mesa ·, 546-4114 PEUGEOT ~N:;'B.0;:50c=fl;i;. ;,*="'-="921l:l==!..6:36-=31:9:1:, 5=36-186="=9:B:r:o:ke:r;.!..;===8'=7.-3860=======-i l!W9 Chevy, P.U. runs IO(ld, I: rebuilt car, distributor 4: ·fm'e_orteef:-A~~! ._!600 Imported Autos 9600 •mport~ Aufo1 9600 rewound gen. $225. 847...(1'!52. llOO W. Coast Hwy., N.B. ~ 540-1764 '59 MERCEDES 111 Diesel, looks good, l'Ulll' good-$39&. 1960 PEUGOT •4 646-3896 Transp. car. $150. ... Seel @ It's the etr lhtt wo11't t l•• you •nythl119 t• W•rrt •Lout. ~ . W• In•~• 1ur1 of th1t. W1 9iw1 it th1 VW l6°pol11t s1f•· 1 ty o111d p1rform1ne1 t11I. It htt to po111. So w1 9iw1 it • our IOOX. 9utrtnltt thtt w•'ll r1plee1 1111 1n1Jor tnl • c:k111ie•I p1rh• for lO dtYI or 1000 milts, w1Uch1wtt . ~m11 first. 1111'1 th1t """'' 1 n1w c:111-own1r n••i11 A --bu9 th-.f wo n't clriw1 you 11uh. ' '66 Porsche 912 Cpe. Fin• d1iwin9 · <•r. 5 1ptJ. tr•n•. ?horou9hlv rtcondi. Qon•d· Mu1t 111 to tpp11· f:t t ll lh ptr10..•f 'Clfit. Yor 20s · • $4199 '.65 vw ~,dio, heeler, 1tc:. ~· .• $999 SOG '68 VW Squor• Btck wilf\ I> I t ek iftt1rl1r . ' •xMlli"t c. • r 1. So ~~• e11.tfi1 •,...4; .l1llio I Jtt:tottr. VTU 544 . $2099 . . ' • 1967 DUNE BUGGY Rotd i nd R1lly 1q11ipp1i . Hercllop. UVR417 $1699 1963 v.w. R•dio, 1te. Sp1cl•I. uor. 1'14 .. $999 'ffVW Rtdl• & ot+i1r fo1c.tor.,-••· $1899 67;.09otl .• I 0 L EXT. II • r. lllf '66 VW Futbock Sod. fxh-1 el•o111 I 1hows p,.r• 101101 Cltt . ltQf'41J $1599 '66 Ghia Coupti The l'!nli l H y Rtdio i nd ht•l1r, SIK 739 $1699 '67 vw Sptt.i•I mtroon pt llll Ii•• 11 .. w. 1 TRH 705 l $1499 Authorized MG Dealer 536-8836 lmaorted AutOt 9600 Imported Autos · 9600 Imported Autos -PORSCHE CO.ONA 11,AN UICUTIYI ~I Full f•clo~y 1qulp. ,1.,. r•· d10. Ser. # S4 3l.W 51776 .. ' I XICUTIYI CAR COROLLA SID. Full f•c:I. 1qulp. Ser. #4171 517900° VOLVO uictm1 CAO S.r. -#7tt0 PULL l'AC10H ...... 142 z"DOOR SEDAN USED CAR SPECIALS 1 t6t TOYOTA C.... HT C,.. '-"'"··-.... -_., 5189500 YWT 071 lt•I YOLO. ,tllOS s....-._., l /M, ......_ .... .- ~.~· s1295oo 1967 POR&if:E • 912 4 speed * ll!lte grey * ' Black Interior * Radio * Cocoa Mata• NEW TIRES 3 chrome Rima. Good Condition -~ to sell Immediately. Best offer takn: ir away. Week da,ys after 4 P.M. ·all day Satur- day & Sunday 543-4070 '68 PORSCHE 9118 Cpe, one owner, low miles, sharp! Today only $5395. Bayside hfotors, 1200 W, Cst Hwy Newport Beach. 64&--5055 . 1 t•7 YOLYO 122 s.Ma. •tH, 1968 Porsche 5 spd., gd. 4 -AN ..... $149500 amd. St"'° l•P" dock. W. YOl ltZ _ II:::"""==· :-,Ph,-',.-53&-~'4,--ll __ _ '68 Porsche, slate grey, exec. tt6t POlD TOltNO •.T .. l /H, COl'kl.. 5 &pd. $4999. 4 ...... Ill -,..... -ll::;:-;,,,=-633-0329~.,,..,,,....,,= .... llttt. ..,... MIO MiMI hi '61 Porsche super 90. Oean . w••h· $249500 $'500 Privot• puty. Call s,r, # tl9J7 belott 8 p.m., alW440 or 54<.sm 1t•> YOLU • ......,, 4 ...... _ .... .--. s19500 . ... . lfU DATSUN 1611 ....... I / ............ ii _ -51 95" , ... 1111 Porsche '66 912. Oreen. Lo'ml. Xlnt cond. AM·FM • Private partf. &18-06:I> 5269860 DEAN LIWll ii!i i .... 1111 -amd. Or\d!# owner. $3!50 ' -·-0ta 11 c ~"-'""_. -M•• .. ,.,... ""'" -ltU HAR-ARD '46-!JOJ J< COSTA MESA . . ~~'~! .. ~';.5!..-'2195 G De VOie s4395 :'!!J.~~-~2,r~~--'2195 11 ........ _,. ,.,... -to-M.• ...... Piute•. WXF 07'. '.~~~~~~~~~ '1995 ~~~!·~.!~~. '1695 '~~Pl!J:~i~~.. '1895 · '68 CHEV, Impala S.S. '2495 s4395 • ... <:ovrl!.. .... ff"-., -._,.,.,-. ...... VVVf )SI. '68 GORVmt =~~!"&·!!.~ .. '2395 'E CHEY~. ~...._Wp $1395 '1595 '1895 ES 220 Wr. '995 .. ... .. . • • .. . . ' " • •• '· -· • . ... ·-.•. •.· .• .• . ' .. ·. . .. .• " .. .. .. .. .. • •. .. .. -.. .. , . .. ,. ' .. '• • .. . • •• • .. •' , . .· • ,, • .. , • • • • •·' .. • ' , . .. ··~ ··~~-.... ---~·--...... ... -------· -·· --· --· .... ---~-¥¥ -· -.~-·-~------·· ... ----. . --. . ---=~""""'",.. .. • . ~--,~~~-~~~· ~~E~~~ldll~,¥-N~""~m~bo.~-~7,~1~969~~~=f!!!i -=r --TIWllNRTATION , TIWISPORTATllN-fliJISllORTATll;lN · TUNI. . ..,.ATIOll -fu.'illfJO_HITATION ;t _ TIWISPOil.TAUOA--TIAlll'ORTA , • -.-'-md Autos 9600 lmport..i ~' 9600 I~ --Imported Autot -AUlw Wonted 9100 Ulld C1r1 9M l.looll Cira 9900 Ullld Cira "'° u..i, C.:: N; : ' · J ~oLKSWAGEN • voucsw~GEN i~LKSW~GEM · y~~W~GEN W.f PAV-~ , 11i11cK ·. CQNnNENTAL FORD , PLY_MOutt1lf ,,.,. SQUARE BACK '64 vw !RJNaoor . ru' •i,·w · FOR, y111111r .r.•a '68 BUICK-· IUU pwr w,co1rr1N~AL.'1.oadec1, . ·u foRo c0Rr1NA 1967 PLYl>loUTH <l!'P~tlr 1500 s. Good condJtlnn. Origln-8 Ownet. 42,000 Jill. UW I ! '&B :i" ~· ~J'l utm: UUl •.air, ownen peJl!)n9J. Cir. ftl'Y~t cpnd; low mileace Sport Cpe. t 1peed.~.R6dlo, ~,.(TQlAUl hlf11~~P. Call -fU4) ~~ . ?itake Qffer. 00164!>-199S t· • ~, ! ~,,_ . ....,~, n c' ,,,'N ' A6nRtAI Bea,uty!.Fac:t ... wart'· ~.Private ~18'28. heater. Muat tee to~ fll~ autp, ~ .1 ... vw CAMPER ' '65 vw squ-. !Olll.etw. '"'· cro•n, 4 ..... dlr •. See . 'r .,.... . ' "" NELL . ' ly-~)!•liq, . ' •!'-Lio lJTYSll, ~ ~ b<low LOW VALU>j, ' !'Op ... We<tp!iilla wl t .. e 5000 "''· jJnt ooild:" A'1dJ(g ~allc:.,~ ~·ir.:,~~-'VOlVO CHIYIOLn·-. -~· :C'" 'Hwy. NB ~coRYAIR At 4 • ~151>.iJ ... rXIDt. $3150, CM.. M>-;wll '11!11· 615-S]63 -1 Jll1y, VW3TlJ. QJI JOOi. --~ Blw. : 1967 RMERA. Ll, .... ft w/ ~\WR, 4 tlr, !960 lledU, $I~ ~"'"'1S:· ~ W. '. , VW CUOf[9M CAMPER. . '67 -k DiSO ·' · 4Mm3 Or ~. YOl:VO c..ta Meia 6411-ml grn:;-vlft)'I · .,., 'flt>, P/o, -.~1 nmnt.,. cond, la · ~· · Stma .IOI&. Call --.1-Fa~ilt-engi~-iil or best.. _,63-volltswagen 1.Dt-Sedan. ' • • .,. WI PAV-1'0P _ 'air, <!eater <:Otllote,,. ~000 mis. S2'J5 494-8769 ft ~ 1965 BARKACVOA. r . I warranty. Call 642...ims goocj,condJtlon. §42-282' New paint. low mileaa:e. SORRY! ~{-DOI.LAI :· ur mt.1~$!,000. ~ ' _ · "' ~~, ~-0 whlse. ~T 'ota l p~ , '" '69 V.W s.uarehacl<; auto, '65 VW Seel. Ne~ tilts• baC $750. ' tor ioifQ.• cJWi·..., * 1962 BUICK Ooitv P/S. N CQR.,.,.._ Good cond Call or , ::; ,,.,.., !unroat, AM·FM, X!nt '"~· Xlnl. cood. s..1 offer. Call -67S-2916. 'ALL .' 69'i • SOtDl an ..-. .., -HQ 'tr<et; brics, • .-.;.,,,. ~ • '" "" 646-8164. · ; rr " ,c:onok • ...._ 838,3.117. .. '67 ·vw BUG, brand • new CHECK OUR Dl'IU;· .. -~.l'onl' •wkday1 alt -6·-.~Sat. ""'"'s: CORVETTE '~ ~ '65 SPORT FUry 383.~ . '61 V\V Bus, xliit cOnd., best WANTED: '63,. '&1, '65 VW tires, 'beautiful condition. ON Model 2Q60 ~ Blvd. , 968-fl71. • _v -I! ~-ii;·, •' . ..&e!tl', pwr strs, $9(U. 1 , 11'13-1705 " 548-4525. 1 , 66 vw Top· Condition • • J... • -< Xll'as ne ti ~ oond •• W1U take fottle:n car 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 87 1S63VWSedan.Xtntcond.I 'M VWCam-r,pop10p,x1n1 R/HOrO:PYtOwnor_ , m, fAn\$ Aut•t L..st..v' ,,-9110 rl '' w ...., , '"'trade,orS!nalldOwn'wll! moHARBORBLVD. l'ONTIA,... I , '" ,. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';J"o;,;-'geaijwj(ne;i;r:;"$21&00ii,dO_tCn48'lii;jjj4.;;; ~ Pl'\'t prty: ~Call COSf4 MESA .,. ., . ,...._. Qffef 9ve!.$l800. . BODY. Phone ,affef 6 Pll, QYlck sale. $1295. MS-268l. ~1971 a l • C.M. t 642-0lllO '66 ELECTiiA . 225. f-.Clr alJ ~.._ ··~· d){.,CO~f\ Xlnt "ij#m ~ :t :s~ :::~~~orbest .or.·~·r·~3:.~ ~~050~:·red. fnag = ,ll~m ' LI ASE·RENT ·~n:~~;.1<~~ i:unning ·~hu:i:;E, ... ..i_:_R, )' . .-.S)a; i.'roN:r.lAC t.Jliitj;. :_ .. GIVE tod1;ty -. The-"United UN.ITED EJJNp -Have Jave! Dir, 845 Baker, Costa 900 So. Cst.·Hlghw•y ORDER YOUR SO.at V.'61.L-l~ P'o(d. Torina Grand Tour-• ~ hd1p Sprint. .llem~ul M.,..ZUM460 = '; owner. Hardly dr\ve n qG.;.RIH,Po .. r ,1teer· m•lalltc gold. Bt~ · 1 Way" IYOU eorttrlbuted! · • L•gun• Beech 171pTODAY " '55 BUICK Ceritury, motor $bowroom appea,ranc.e : ina. 4 llP«d, 351.enc, LitUe top and upholste . , 1_........., ·•-~-~ .. _lmpo~• ••~ .. _ ...... , .• ,, l,m~_lt __ od_" __ ·-9600 494-7~_ * 540-3109 FOR EARLl&S,T """"tly overhauled $12>. $2450. 1213) ~ •, o..., 6000 mile~ Full ta,,_ BOOK ot 11150. O·"· • !~'....,.''!"" -~ 7~ ...,_ ~ iv• ~ _,,__ DELIVERY' 9m Velardo·Dr., H.B. ' we.rr,nty, Like.new. Ser.·# Jlln Slemom Im vtm .. f2Q · ~~~~~~~~~~~mi~~~-~~iiiii ' · ¥0l;V0 All pop~ """""'· Foro COUGAR ~-w. ~amer, • • ' . . ' ' .. ' " " ' '" " .•. • -.... • '" "' ' .. -. ' •• ,•, "' .. • .. " ·' .. " ·-" " " " " •' .. ,• ,. .. .. ,• . • "' " . ~,... ... J • .. " " ... ,•, .. "' .. ' . . "' . ' -' "" .... . "" ''"" lhot _woo't 9in Vo•~•v,th;• ~ • .;.., '111>"· ·~-, ' aulhorjmd· 11astng ayst<m, CADILLAC . -DEAN "Ew1·s Call \4 w. m•k• 111r• of tli1t. w, glv• 11 ·~V.W. l~pol11t . C(IARA'NC£ NO\YI GeJ Our.E_oms>e!1°" Ra.'f.1 1968 COUGAR XL't'. Gold 119 '68 LE MANS •. 2 dr.· ·' _ -n, ··•••v •nd ptrlorm·1nc11111. H.h41 to'Jl'111:"t"S~·· glw• lot • 1heodore '65 c·Ao DE VILLE 'W/ Wk landtu rmdiac bl /bl ck or it 011, 100% t111r1ht11 th'•t w1~I r1pl.C1 ,1ll "'.•ior "'•· t · 14% .. 1 ...... 145" ,.. · ROBINS FO.RD. ~~· , . ,: cond. · Fully _ ~l.p. N __ u 1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-930.1 ue w 8 vi~l · ~ h . 1 ' 1, 1 30 d rooo <•<•• _,.,,,,., . '""t~LOWSO'<;:T .,PRICES •L1. F Icon lnct air, r/h, p/s, p/~:r .._ .. c •n•c• par l or •v• or '" • "' \ .. 1. :;-v .. -'lltCA·H-~ J!l..:.O , , -\II oriel Pollglas tires. Wv'& en-. --a Futura , Radial w/w, auto,!":~·~,: ••mo1 first, l1n't th1t. whit • new c:ar•o..,n•r 11t1d11 A , -' \ ' YOUR BESf DEALS .:;uuu ... -. ... " nal full pwr lac! Sa · '"' Full ~ ~ •. AP.E srtLL' ,AT · ,, . 1 ~ ~;.. ...w:.. ,i:.... • . • er ! Must see to apprec. y factory equipped, Dlr, mi, pvt pty. 968-47 b~9 tli1f won't driv1 you,. n11h. , · eo.tl.. Mea · • 1---.. ••• dlr, take foreign car ill 646-1250 btfr 10'8.m '695 " ~ '67 VW FASTBACK '66 SUNROOF SED. '64 VW SEOAN 'DEAN""LEWIS LEASE AN'i~KE-~ o~m~hll ~;';971~; 1968 COUGAR 'xa.1. Lime Pho!!" 64l-60'J3 ·~,~~;:c ln~."I' Whi ... 1111 ,0.,,,, .,..ith -hl1ek Biig• ·origill~I color, S.i,f M•rocin wiHi gold sh11din9. 1966 bo 'CM ,,,_ _ '••MODli.·,. .~ MS.o&.1.t. frc?st w/ blk vlo,yl Jop. ~C. MER"CURY N~w tirU; Sacrif~ •. llJll!!li, · ,,1n. 0 110 c:iwn•r tr1ile in. 4 filn•d •xh1ust. Strlkin9 . Har r, · · _.-...> Let I --..i... .. _.._, P/s. lJ,(O) mUea. $2550 qr Cill alt•·"" -"'T' 7YX 369 ll•w by 11•· Hurry. SYI f.Tf t'pp••r•nce. OTV1l l our. ease expens .., ...... 1968 CADILLAC DeVWe 4 best Ofter'. 64f>.:1464. ' -..... ~.;.-a $1499 ' ' Antiques, Cl•ulca 9615 YoU the best plan for your door -fully equipped inc. '54 &: '48 Mere. 4 doors. $50 _ '68 FIREBmD foq,.c~ $1699 ' $1299 ::al, need> ,wttboul o~ air. Low Bluo Book $4,000. DODGE $125. Good ............ 185 hydro, power, '''W· For Sale • Jaguaf 6.astc. UNIVERSITY Your price this weekend ,aft 5 Pl\f , · $2250 or best otter.~ , '63 POR~CHE CPE. Without • doubt th i• i• fh• c.l••11111t car i11 town, ZRN 647 ' ' $3.199 '66 PORSCHE Mor• ••fr•• tha" most. FM r•dio erid tonn1au covar. Coriipl1laly checkad by ui. SAi 145. $4199 '68. VW SIDAN '65 YW SEDAN 1955 XK·l40. $900. OLDSMOBILE J3895. Jim Slemons Im"ports 1968. nM .. e Dart, loaded . ~63 Pontiac, xlrlt ~~ • eai1 .-01,....1. ·t""-.. 120·w. \Varner. s.n1~ ~ · .MUSTA,NG '&.·air.· rlh, '"'""" -. Sevi your 111011,y. Drrv1 the Engin• ow•rh•ol•d bv 111, 1929 ~lode! A F.ord 2850 Harbor. Blvd. .\n&. 546-4ll4 best otter over $1500 ..., •• ·~ ~ best. Di1mond-' ,1119 end Sp1ti•I p1int. Gold with 11= Costa •Mffi. 'I"' • 534-5290 . . -· .,.,......~. • .,Jiz') • bl•ck ins idi, UT~ Jt8 dirk brown ,hiding. YPS ...., ~l).96t) ~ 66 St:OAN De Ville, ~skin _ '64 GTO 389.' Bestl;:&i- $16,99 795 ,..,_ ----.--~· --r xfnt '°'"" lull pwr, apd. FALCON ·1"5 MUSTANG CONY. -$S99 .. N,.d ·M...,,;; '68 VW SEDAN Aufo11'111it, r•dio' l J••l1r. Strikin9 y • 11 ow color. Blick l111id1. XIH 601' $1899 $1395 ===c--==== II" !'EASE II" conlrol, tilt w!>J. AM/FM, · Yellow w/black 1op and black :value. Xln'I ci,D<L · Autos Wanted 9700 1961 Gal °'· 500 ··~top tape deck $2950. 495-4644 or •65 ' ¥ i.ruenor, RIH, 289 w/ man- '65 YW SEDAN Naw ,cir +;.a, i11. Grea11 ori9in1I P'1iot-and lnt1rior. -OA 669 $1299 .=_;., _______ [ ~1e . , 111:1,n1 4g:z...7828 eves FALCON Futura 4 dr. uaJ. 3-speed • .Your eood Fltt. '69 F lrebl~d UO V&. C WE PAY . . . coupe, aJl', radio &. heater. , wagon; v~. pwr. steer., sklne Wide Ovals, Exoellenl Fully equipped, 833-:(llt CASH ·$67.00 mo. · 67·CAD de Ville, tandau top, auto., Fact. air. R&H. $950. (:Qndlt!On. $l095. ean 673M93 ,67 Gr•n p;.Jx~AitliJ SOUTH COAST leather. stereo, all pwr. 5f0...4274 alter ~ P.M. · ' teiadtdr Sl.995. -.um: 300 w. C>tc~.LJ,"J~~~ ::. ~':'pt auto In 'FORD '69 MACH I 14.000 mLFult ~-.;.# for med can .\: trucks Just call us for free estimate. GROTH CHMOlfT AJk tor Sales Manaae,r l82ll Be~b mvt1. --Bead> KI ..,,31 IMPORTS wANTfD Orange Coundel TOP $ BUYER Bil.L MAXEY TOYO'l'A 18881 Beach Blvd. FL Bea~b. Pb. 847...ss55 ~Will Buy · · CAO, '67 Brougham, , nw. · pwr. all extras. ?-.tAKE OF· ~ '. ~ Used C•n 9900 tirel. brakes, Exceptionally 60 FORD 406 Thomas F~. Days $>1239, eves , cle1U1. !!!le. Whsle -$3595. suspension, mags, tuck uph. 548-nS? ask for Al. '69 REBEL, 500IJ,IC'etial TRANSPORTATION CARS 645-0804. Roll bal', extras S 2 0-0 , miles, a Ir, lie;, 11J8il,_u. HEWPORTER MOTORS 19 •9 CAD. couPE _54s.om "!~u~~n~1~0::"'n'i~: ~~dec1ii;..~07,;,i',f.~ . . DSVIU.E stereo, air cond. 62 Ford custom Van. exceU. One owner. 546-8044 Baktr, c(!Sta Mesa . 2006 HARllOR BLVD. lo mi. mechanfcally, good looking. ,65 M -;::=:;;;===F'::O::;;;: COSTA ME. SA * Call • 675-5536 * Best oUer over $ 7 5 o • ustang, red, convt., '" $900. Call after 5:30 ' T BIR'D 541-5294 °' 541.8511 '65 SED. DV. Matador red 545-20lll . 642-1429 • FINANCING AV AlLABLE, w/ wht vinyl top. xlnt cond, 1969 Ford C.OUntry Sedan, (21) 1968 CHEVY'S & has @very t b In&. $2495. station wagon, loaded. FORD'S. available for quJck .~7573 , $2800. 53:1-5290 sale. 534-5290 '64 COUPE De Ville $1500. 1963 Fairlane Wagon, 8 cyl, ========•I Low mlle&.ie, tact air, new stick. S400 or consldtt oUer. •u1cK . ..... ... 1.,..1 . = ......... ..,,,.,,,_,,...,,......,,,,.--.,... --------'62 Cad, Sedan DeVille, full '67 Ford Cortina GT, rad., 1965 ~ SPO R T power, air, clean, to. ml., 25,700 miles. XI.NT cond . ' • • 44§ East Coast Higtiway •t IAYSIDE DRIVI NI WPORT IEACH . Your Volkswagen or Porsche & pay top dollan. Paid for or pot Call J\"1ph ' 6T.l-0900 COUPE. $1450. $985. 546-5501 or 545-7066. $1300. 499-:3187 833-2757 GIVE Now -United Fund CA MARO -- 1970's · • I. • BIG SELECTION . ' . ' ' . No better · 'prices anywhere • 'M'AKE US ,PROVE lT • POOLE'S BETTER . USED CAR VALUES ' . . NEW CAR SALES HAVE • ,BEEN FANTASTIC! _ WE ARE COMPLETELY SW AMPED WITH TRADE-INS! CHECK THESE PRICESl -.. '67 T-BIRD , '68 DOOG i '68 IMPALA '65 PONTIAC '66 CAPRICE L•11cl1u • door. Full Coron1t 400 4-dr. f1c t. 2 Dr. tt.T. fH airo ·avto 1 Gr1ttd Prix. ·Auto. trans., 2 ~, ti•nltoP: •• •ir 'ccinil. powa r, f1ctory air c.ond. air 'on cl .. auto ft111,,, tr1n•, pow1r 1t11ring, pow er ,, .. , .. radio, 1ufo ·tr,.11:_1._ pwr 1te1r, TTE 70? • P .S., ,R&H. VGB 979. WJM 189 ha1+1r •• f MON27Tl r1ill6. h••fer. SIMJ71 $2268 $2193 $2177 $993 l SJ1f5.· .; .·~,;', - '65. OLQS_WAGON •64 PONTIAC '67 DATSUN '67 MERCURY '68 PONTIAC· • c f .15, 1uto. trans., pow. ' -W•9on, lonnivil11:.fa,. 4 door. 4 •p11d, r1d te, Mo11fara11-2 Aor _hard· fo11111vlll•· 4 dffr 'hetcl- ar d11r. P8H 737. loty •ir, 111t11111tic,. pwr. h1al1r. 11ZJ294) top. Avto. fr1n•, pow1r fop, FA CT. 0 R y -.(IR i ff11f .!SLVS36 1' .... ,, RIH. UON.704. P.S., ,,I . WH-61·1 $1497 $866 $1079 $1587 $27&1 ' MANY MANY MORE AT OR NEAR . WHOLESAiE . ' ' -:--'67 EL CAMINO, V-8,---auto; air cond., loaded! Flawlets cond! Dlr, 8'S Baker, Coeta Meaa V9:U37 ' ·- ' '64 GiEV. Nova wagon. V-8, automatic, powe.,._-i(eerln&:. OOod condition. 839-2314 . '64 BELAm Sta. Wgn. New brake•, reblt 283 mtr, p/1, radio 1185. 540,1319 .. '60 IMPALA 4 dr. Worth mOre, for quick sale -$200. Pb: M8-42ll '60 4 dr IMPALA 8, r&h. lo.ts of'm11 but in A·t shape $300 or besrofr. 675-4985 '48 CHEVY .. GOOD COND. $ISO. ·Aft. 5, ~5-0593 1961.-~ c.onv. Rece'ntly oWrblluled. Excell. tires & top. Call Owner : 548-31!16' CHRYSLER . I __,...· -{. '68 CllRYSUJ"1'iew. """'r, I.Jr, ..acted! Save! Dir, 1145 ~. Costa 'Mt& WXE995 COMIT· '62"0>MET-S.22. auto-trans, neW motor, ~~L. buCket seat&. $375. * ~88 CONTiNENT~L ' BARGAINS· GALORE $99 OVER LOW BLUE BOOI< 1'66 .MIRCURY COMMUTER '$1474 • patf. we9on, v.a, RlH, powar 1t•11in9, •ir cond., •,utomatic. l lu1 look $1475 + $99 tot.I. Lie.. NO. SAS 757. 1.967 MIRCURY COUGAR 2 DR. H.T. V.t, 1ufom'atic, R&H, P.OWlf •fa1ri119 . l lu1 look $1650 + $99 total. lie. No. UNS 279. 1967 MUSTANG Z DR, H.T. • $1824_ v.1, 1 1to111~tic, powar 1t1arin9, 1!1111111, 1ir cond., vinyl top, tinttil ti•••• llua-, Boek S 1715. + -Sft total •. Lie. No. ·UQS. JJ 5.. 1. ' 1967 COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON ·1~4 · · v.1, automatic, pow1r 1t11rin9, pow•r hral-:11, tintod gl1u , 1&' cM 1111111. look $172,, +-$99 to'tal. l ie. No. ~iJ 577., ~1 , ' . . ' 1965 FORD .CUSTOM 4 DR. SEDAN $624 Y·I, 1ufo111atic, RIH, 81ua look $525 + $99 tof1I. lie, No. URA 4&2 • 1961 LI MANS 2 DR. H.T. v.1. aulo111afic,•RIH, pow1r ila1rin9, pow1r bra•••· 1lr cond., "l"y/ fop. Lie. No. VU'I' 112. llu1 l ook $2275 + $99 tot1I. 40 NIW EXICUTIVE DEMO'S & DRIVER EDUCAnON CARS AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS 1965 OLDS DYM. n 2. Dli.'H.r.' ~ • ' J ll74 Vt1;--•utom•tlc, ·RIH, power 1ta1rl119. I br1 ~'J •tt_ cend. llue look , S·IOTI. + $99, tefel. l.ic. No. ZLN 126. ¥ ' . . · I.HI CHIV. MALllU SUPIR SPOn " $1124 & cyl., 1utom1fic, RIH, pow!1r •l••ring. Lie.. No. A&R' 66 1. llue look IJ021. + $99 total, • ltH CHEV. CAPRICI 2 DR. H.T. $1374 Open Mon. thra Fri. 8 a.ln. to _9 p.~ ~-~at. 8 a.ni. to 6 p.m. -5"". 10 a.m. to 6 p.ni. AUTHORIZED BUICK . OPEL · JAGUAR $.\LES l SERVICE 196t LINCOLN Continental • IUJly «JU!pped air + •Obly 47,ooo milei. Thll ftekerid s~clal only• $1495. (HIF"633) Jim Slemona Mercedes Im&. -m w, Wa.rMr, Slihtil Aoa !~. No. 4618) ~4 !Iii -C O:N!l'-1..N E N.'t.A-L V.t, 1utom1tlc, po~1r ,1 .. rln9, power br1k.1,. L1c. No. TSM 435. 11111 lo•k 11 211 + '" tetar. 1961 PLYM. CUST. SUI. t P.ASS. WAG. $2049 • SEDAN 'toaded! "Xfn't Cond . $191(), Call • 546-1843 '65 CON1'INENTAL. full P"fT· landau tp. Excell eond. Priced $300 below lo blu book to sell fast • ..,.._, 1111 CONTINENTAL 4 DR &tdan. Full power le &ir1-. mo. ·•543-0!13. Y;t, .. t.111atlc, heetn,· power·•t.•rlttt I ~r11iit..· N1·. 6020820 l lue look $1 910. + 199 tot.I. 1967 IMPIRIA~ CROWN-2 DR H,T $2774 v.a, 1utom1ti,, RAH, power ••••ri!tf I br1k11, powar windowt, 11 cond,, .,111._1 lop, tinted 911••· whit• wall tltfk'Lfc., No. TVC OT•. llu •••k $2611 .+ $99 t.t.t. TMll SAU IN~ NOW. t, 1t6t et 6 P.M~ .. UNm UITID AIO AL· ROBERTS CBRJ'SLER • PL 1'1UO IJJ"ll r. $~ic 10010 GARDEN GROVE ILVD. .II 7•11M , .. .,., ____ _ 1 I ·-. . . ·~r; DEMO '69 GTO ~ 1) ~-·!i ~r••l\:r Tt.,is on• is 1bsolu+•ly loeded with every cone ·v1bl• power • .. si1t ind'fec. 1fr cond. Must see. f 2-4237921 18688) 1 • ' • ·" • . DEMO '69 GTO 1.1/!f· H.T. Rt4f;;Fedory eir conditioninfi!, power disc brakes, PS, turbo hy- d••· t.ans., 1!/H. (242379ZI090671 DEMO '69 LE .MANS Whit• with bleck top encl bleck bucket seet1. Fae. air, PIS, P/B, pwr. ... •nt-. hydr•• tren1. f 237379A 110174) . DEMO '69 LE MANS Sitver; feC. 1ir cond., poW•r entenne, power steer. & br1k111, hydre. +••ns., r.1diO, h1et1r, l237379ZI 101811 ~. .,. • • NEW '69 BONNEVILLE NEW '69 BONNEVILLE 4 Or. H.T. l imelicjht green. Powe~ :_indows-steering·btekes, turbo hyd., radio, heeter, etc. 1·262399CI074061 1"" NEW '69 IXECUTIVE We9on. Lim•li9ht gr••n, full pow•r, fectory eir conditionin9 , turbo ,hydre. tren1.1 redio, h•ef•r. I 256369CI 232291 NEW '69 EX~CUTIVE W1gon. Verdoro green. Full power, fectory air cond., turbo hydra- metic trens., redio, heeter, (256369Cl208521 NEW '69 CATALINA 4 Or. H.T. l ib•rty Blu•. O•cor 9rouP1 turbo hydrem•tic tr•ns., pow. 1tr., fee eir, redio, heat, etc l252399Cl2074ll ' ~- ' . NEW '69 CATALINA ' • • \ And when we say '69's . we don't mean a few left-over, picked-over, . paorly equipped cars. We mean the greatest selection of well· equipped, easy-priced Wide-Tracks In Orange County! NEW '69 CATALINA W•gon Blue. Power window1-1teer • ..disc brakes, fee. air, ride I: h1ndl· ing pkg., lu•bo hyd•a., RIH, (252369Cl233l41 NEW '69 CATALINA W19on: 6 passen9er. SINar, full power, fectory eir, turbo hydre. tren., lug, ••ck, RJH; l252369CI 1124511 DEMO '69 BONNEVILLE • 4 Or. H.T. Antiqu• gold. Fecfory eir. Full pow•r equip., turbo hycire. trens, reci io, heet•r, etc ( 262399CI 13223 I NEW '69 GTO lim•1i9ht gr••n Turbo hydrem1tic fr1n1mission, power steer., Console, r1dio .1nd h.1.1tw, etc. (242379Z 1217661 DEMO '69 GRAND PRIX 2 Or H.TI fii:pre110 brown, fu ll pot...er, f1cfory .1ir, turbo hydrem1tic 6 pess. wegon. l ight blue. F.1c • .1ir, full ~wer, roed & h1ndlin9 pkg., tr1ns .• riillo, h•.1ter, •fc. (262379CI07385 ) turbo hydr.1., RIH. (252369Cl236361 ' Midniljht 9r••n. St.rec redio, tilt wh•tl, pow•r 1t••r .• br1k•1-windows, fee. eir, turbo hydr1., •tc. 127657tP269948) . ' \ '67 CADILLAC Coup• cl1 Villi. full pow1r, f1ctory 1ir con· 1Utioning, tilt.t1l11copic 1te1rin9 whe1I, AM · FM r1d io, blu1 with whit1 p1dcletl top. fTWV6661 ''66 GRAND PRIX Airtorn1lic, r1dlo. fl11t1r. pow1r 1l11ri119• br1k11-window1, f1cfory 1ir, vinyl top. IR.TY 026 } -r, • []] • - " '68 GTO 2·Dr. H1tdtop. R1clio1 he1t•r, pewer 1t11rl119, 4 •peed, f1ctory eir, Yirtyl top. IXEl.641) $29·77·-·· '68 FIREBIRD A11tornetlc, r1dio, heifer, pow1t 1teerin9, •i11YI top. IVHA6Jll GREAT TRADES ON GREAT NEW CARS! BUY NOW AND SAYE NOW! '68 CAT ALINA 4·Door Sed111. V.f, hydr11111tic tr111tl'llit1io11, power 1teeri119, r1dio, h11ter, f1ctory 1ir co11ditio11in1J• IWFE920) '66 CHEV. IMPALA 4·Dr. S1d1n. 20,000 1pprox. 111il11. R1dio, h11f1r, outorn1tic, powor tl•ering, f1cfory oir. (lJOA! '69 DODGE DART G.T. 2 dr. H.T. VI, 1uto., RIH, pow1r lf1erinig I br1k11, vi11yt top. 9,000 1pprox. 111il11. fYQC ]9]) I '67 BONNEVILLE 4·Dr. H1rdiop,. r1tl io, h11l1r, 1utom1lic, pow1r 1f11tin9 & br1k11, f1ctory 1ir, powir wi!Mlowt. (TRH600 l 1 tJO PONTIAC iPNNmLU 4·0001 HAUTOP '65 DODGE DART 6 cylinder, 111torn1tlc, pow1r 1t11rin9, r1dio, h11ter, whit1 w1lh. IJIOU702 l '67 COUGAR VI, 4 •P.•l<f, pow1 r 1te1rl n9,, r1clio, h11 t1r, whito w1 t11. ITRH5t2 J '68 GRAND PRIX F11ll , pow1r i nd f1 elory 1ir co11dilioni119. Lo1ded. ( WOU929 ) '66 GTO VI, hydro111otic, power 1!1erJ119, r1dJo, h11t. or, whito willt. fTEZOt I) . If this is the way it's going to he, Roy Car. ver's competition has a lot of work to do just to match the great selection •.. They can never match the deals and after-sale ' service! If you want the BEST selection, BEST price and BEST car, buy now & save now at Roy Carver's. ROY . CARVER PONTIAC ~ 2925 HARBOR BLVD I CO$TA MES_A -·-- • •• -,. • .. ------~-- ' - ' • • • ' .. AND ·:a-s At;;wA:vs ·· t IS STILL AT ~·' JOH~'ON & S~N • • , OUR l.4l5T . ONE! , I . IRAND NEW 1.969 COUGAR -XR-7 3 CONTINENTAL · EXECUTIVE CAR Lijj1ht ~lue 'lplati~m I with leather sea ts, w/walls ? I Sx IS, power ve nt wi dows,·pow•r windows too, 6 way power seat,.tilt w,heel, deck lid releas auto. temp air, AM·~ ra4io, tinted 91ess, add protection 9roup, pow door locks, fl~red 'whe.•l •CO't'ers, windshield sficke.r price 7711.10. Stoc Z·DOOR HARDTOr IUND.NIW 1969 MONTEREY ,$TATION 'WAGON Here is that really herd to find modal ift bNutiful madium lime matallic fu lly equipped with •utomatic tr•ns., 155 w. walls, power br:ak•ti/ower steer .. whisper •ir cond., r•dio •nd c.:omplett tinted glass. Wiruisiti• price 4717.90 Stool No. 2302 Ser. No. 9Z72~61J726. Now o"ly $Jltll.OO Beautiful mMium 9old metall ic fin ish. Front and '''' rubber floor mets, automatic transmission, E78 x 14 white wa.J!J!tts, power steer· in9, power brakes, power side windows, Co~-~cfory air condi- tioning, tinted glass, deluxe 1e1t 1nd"front tfloulder belts, wire wheel Covers. AM:fM ster.eo, etc. Wi111d1hi•ld s~TCk•r , pric• $4158.90. Stk, No. 4517, Ser. No. 9F9lM58791 I. NOW ~JJ;Jl, No. I Ill. Ser. No. 9~12Aebl010. Now o"ly $6190,00 ~-.,.,~ '. CLOSE OUT PRICE $3890e00 SAYE $897 • 90 ' SAVE 5819-.69 11 Te Ch ... e l'rem at Similar Sawlrtp THIS CAR IS PlllCID YES, WE HAVE '1643.10 ' LESS THAN OR .. lllAL WINDS,l:IJILO l'lllCI • .. WE HAVE 3 BRAND NEW 1969 CONTINENTALS LEFT ~T SAVINGS TO WE. HAVE 3 IRAND NEW 1969 FULL SIZED MERCURYS LEFT AT SAVINGS TO JOHNSON'S HAS 9 IRAND Nl!W 1969 COUGARS IOTH 91 MODELS & XR7's AT SAVINGS TO 6 IRAND NEW 1969 MONTEGOS IN STOCK SOME ·WITH SAVINGS TO 1969 -·-·~1 EXEC. CARS 'wlth Low MQ1'•ge 2 COLONY PARK WAGONS "I 3 MARQUIS SEDANS tf I COUGAR -I MONTIGO :' s9&2.oo ss19.00 '724.00 s1200.oo SOME OF THESE CAIU PRIClb ~6 $) 12380 ~!~·; ORIGINAL WINO.SHIELD PRICll ' • ORAIGE 'COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • Here Is a sample of th9 many outstanding buys yo1t1 wlll find at Johnson & Son -\ 'Jola~on .~ 8011 .Hu The Reputation of Ottering the Finest Selection of Vsed Car~ in l~ Count91 -· .,,.-~ • ....L ----·~ ' · ~ .coNriN•liJAi MERC~RY olitER MAKES 1961 s!DAN D1 ·v1LLE ··· Maroon finish with bleck landau roof al)~ bl1ck lea+b· •r interior, Luxury equipped. Full pow•r~ f.c;t.ory •ir conditionin9, AM-FM stereo, tilt-tilt 1t,trin9 wt,-11. One' owner, be1utifully m1int•inei. '20 ,000 miles. 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE Medium turquoi1e metellic finis,h with m1tchln9 in· terior, black landau roof. luxury •quipped. Complete- ly tilt steer. wheel, f1c:fory 1ir, power door locks, etc. ZVP716 $~1'95.' ' ~/ ~1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DR. SEDAN 'iBfauliful Huron blue met1nic finish with matching lt1th1r interior. 81tck l1ndtu roof, fully luxury tquip- p .. d eod factory ' 1ir conditioning, AM-FM r1dio, 1t"'rt~• t•p• deck. On1-own1r cir. Be1utifully main· taine~. TTN020. ~ .. . 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK 9 passtnger. Popul1r c1rdin•I rtd finish with bl1ck comfort we1w• vinyl interior, auto., R&H, stereo tape deck, factory air conditionin9, P.S., P.B., d~el action t•il gate. Only 19,000 miles. ITht Contintnt~I of St~· lion W,;gons. I No. 1614. . -. . $3295 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR lime frost with mttching vinyl buckets,' •uto., 219 tngine , P.S., R&H, new car tr•dt-in, one owner •nd 11rvic1d by our compa_ny. VOR2ll. . 1967 PONTIAC GTO 2 DR. H.T. Gold mist metallic.: finish with bl•ck bucktt 1e1t1, euto. trans., radio & heeter,_powtr 1tt1ring, factory 1ir. Be1utiful condition. TRJS03. $2495 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-0oor H•rdtop Desert btige finish with m1tchin9 in· t1rior, auto. tr1n1., radio & he1t1r, powtr sf11rin9, ate. V1ry c.:l11n and well maintaintd, NCAOl 3. $1195 ~-, .. -$3395 $2175 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 ' . , -~,!"'"'--------------l·----------·-·----•l2·0oor Hardtop. Btautiful British Gr••n with black · interior end white lend•u roof, 1uto., R&H, P.S.1 1968 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEDAN . -. Attfective light chroma ytllow with black l1ath1r in- terior-end l1 ndau roof. Full powtr •.quipped, factory 1ir, etc. WXF335 1967 MONTCLAIR l ·Door H•rdtop, Arctic white with bl1ck inferior •nd Landau roof. Full powtr equipped and f1ctory air con- ditioning. One owner. Carefully maint•intd. UOF160. P.B., air conditionin9, etc. V1ry cle1n throughout. VUZ837. $1795 ' ·~'~' \7 $4395 -$2J95 1968 PONTIAC LI! MANS .. ,,.., \ f ----------------·1-----------------'12·0oor Hardtop. Firebird 9r11n, bleck buckets, fac:-/ tory air, P.S., P.I., 1t1r10 tape deck, tfc, low 25,000 1967 CONTINENTAL mHn. VCT912. 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE $2595 , Convertible bt•utiful Oct•n Turquo ist finish with matching inttr. I wftite top. Comr.l•taly luxury equiP"' ptd, fult' powtr, AM-FM. radio, act. a ir, tilt wheel, etc. 4 ntw tir••· UOA 114., · $2795 1966 CONTINENTAL CONVERTllLI! Be1utiful Catdintl red finish with blaclr. top end bleck le1th1r interior. All the luxury fte+vres, full power, ftctory eir ·conditioning, steree tape 1y1t1m, auto. m•tic.: cniis• ciontrol, etc. Excellent condition. SQA97l $~695 2-0oor Hardtop. Arctic, white with Ivy gold interior ' and black lanclau roof, auto., RIH, P.S., P.I., factoryl•.----------.. ------ 1ir conditioning. Rtal luxury at r1a1onabl1 prict. VZU202 $1995 -I 1967 VOLKSWAGEN IUG Radio, he1t1r. One owner. l ike new. 20,000 1ctu1I miles. VE:E332. 1968 JAGUAR XKE·2 COUPE Attractiwt lritish Racint Graen fin ish with bltck leather interior, wire wheels, Radial Ply tire1, etc. Beautiful condition. Wl0601 . $4695 1966 CHEVEW 2 DOOR M•dium blu• m1t1llic mist, wlth black interior. Auto- matic.:, raCUo &: heat..-. power sta.,in9. laautifully maint1in1d. One owner. 24,000 mil••· SAIS-41 . $1595-- VZT529 • " $4795 \ \' ' ,, BARGAIN'~·. CORNER In Our lortaJ• Corner we have •um«OU1 uaH cor1. Some clean, IOml not 10 clean. 'Sofnt tlMlt ore dupllcetlo11, some we've hod too lont -hi ny Hfft rhne cars are real Wtahw. LOOK 'IM OYER. '66 FORD Galaxle 500. -2·Door H.T. SVF 002. . _f:2075 $1575 ~1275 1 68 ~~!.~!UTH 12275 VEU 997. NIW CARS lobnsOD+·SOD ., USID CARS 540·5635 . . 540·5630 . ILOOO@®ILOO ©®OO'ii'OOO~OO'ifli.\IL I I 642-o981 2626 llYIOR IOULIYAD, COITA MllA ' , Mlle South of • " -~ _ ____,,__. ____ _ . . . • ~ .... --.;.. ·1 • • I • • .. ' " • . • .. -See · Them A.U A.t . . ' Orange , Co11rnty'1 Volume Ford Dealer! ' . FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL 1969 ··MODELS LARGE SELE~TION . ·p OF IOTH , NEW AND DEMO"STRATOR CARS • - f '. ' , ' • • F THE-SHARPEST-.....,a.,·J~ .,:.fHE...,.WE~T -!.. .. . ( . ' . .. • .. . ' ' ' . .. •< .. WINT R ,v;Ac . IOJrtst.· ' . S.KI . WE~KE~DS? ~:~1 t .Go' wfl'!n-~'whe're ~;wont!'.. ).itflout ~·~· . , •• on,.• faglily budget ~t .. ma1~ ,sonso. · . · J •\ • .. 'IRA1ND 'NE1/. EL.DOR-ADO: ' '· · '· iD'i1! FT:/C:AMP,ER' I I ,..., • S.,r•I No. 1512 i.._;_· ~ f .: I ~··., .... -.. ... . : N~ ••-"-·o·v-1a-7·0-E·N·G-L1·s·H-F·o·R·o·s•· ·,·N-s·,·o·c•i<·1--... -·L·:•AS·1•A•N•"·w-.. PACTOIYSUM.PllCl'Ull•.11 READY TO INSTALl oN ' Sale Price $139$00• YOUR PRESENT Tauc" • DiSCOUNT . . $6-l fi'a's ( •.~. o~ ~:.::i:q_RD ' ·· ;_ c ENGLAND'S NO. I SELLER ••• AMERICA'S ·NQ. I IMPORT BUYI · 1970! I CUSTOMS • _Grs • STATION WAGONS " -~ LAliGE SELECtlON O~ FULLY AUTOMA'tlC & FOUR SPEl!D TRANSMISSIONS · (;'.-. . .....:.·c'OLORS -TRIMS. Sl!VEif'BASIC MODELS TO . . .. CHOOSE FROM Gae. ~l:i fie~~ fie ~~ ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS . WoAroA Mombor Of Tho Font Aulhorlrod LHtlng Sy1tom ' Includes Presi~r• v#.i.: $y;f.~: s1&k, 5~ wlth.i>v.n,.' · Ice Box, Mtittr.e ... 1, Drep,s, Electric·•nd G•• Lights, · Vinyl FIOor's,.EtC: . . . OVER 40 CAMPERS IN STOCKI Rl!DUCED TO ,CLEAR I •. BUY YOUR TRUCK" CAf.'PER FROM - THEODOR!f:ROBINS'FORD · ;_i· AUTHORIZED TR~ ... ~!"~.11'111":1'. . .~!} ' w>itERE FIN4NCING J S· ... V4lli1'~1 ,.- • . ON THE ENTIRE PACKMIE. • ' < ~ T LOOK FOR THI DIAGNOSTIC CEN Tilt SEAL ON THE WJNDIHllLD. -. us-E-D CA-R -looP/o PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY-4000-MltES OR 90 DAYS c..,.. .u fMCh;enkal ,.,,. tnchMl1nt ..,..,,.. """"" ... ti r1n u..., ,..r • \nua ......,, .,..,.., w11 .~ .,.tem. All ...,elr werk '-In Mtl' .... MrYk9 H11i11t'tnMftt. ' ~ ., ·.SP~Ctats -·· j ............................................................................ . ,: 9 ·FORD CUSTOM r69 MUSTANG · ~ ·· ··. · · •68:, :FORD CUSY.Ot.i· ;' ·. 4 "· w. 4Jt , ........ ,. ............... ..,.. .. -...,, A ................................. ,............................ . . Jtl ......................... c:: ....... , Ii Ctty flf Cen ..... Pellce w . C1.,l•lelt .... 1111.-.. n... ...., ww1Wl_f ...U .. lz ~~ 7.IM .... (TCW"t!• , ......... PellceC. •. (tl~, .··· , . dof9 •.w-. .......... t.ct .............. lt.1111114019) (Sfl, • #fUlll $1895 '65 CHEYROLET IMPALA 'I-Door Sedan. V..S, FACTORY AIR, automatic, radio, heater. IXEV776) _ '68 FORD LTD 4·DOOR SEDAN One owner. 390 V--8, automatic, pov.·er steering, radio, he!'ter, new tiret. CVTP703} '6. 5 FORD GA~I~ 50j) H.A~DTOP ' 4-Door. V-8, Ct'llill!lodtauc, FACTORY AIR CONDmoNINp, f~,power, radio, heater. (PIX337) . • $895 • '69 RINAULT RU . Wagon. 4 speed, air conditioning, Appx. 4,952 miles. CXTE696) · ' . ' '63 CADILLAC COUl'E DoVILLI Full power, FACTORY AIR CONDmONING. · Superb condition. {OQ29A6) $1195 '68 DOD .. CORONET 4·DOOI SIDAN • .. . , V-8, power steering, power brakes, heater . • • ' . Detective car. (315871) . . ' . . . . . . . ' . ,. s149,5 '66. OLDSlilOllLI ~l .... DOOii SED.i,N- V-8, au'tomatic trl.nllrTI.ission, r9.dio, heaier: Detective car. (311126) Stock No. 2465A ' '69 LTD 59UIRI ' Wagon. 390 VB, aulo., P .S., P-dlitt brakes, • radto, hea~. CY~l) -• • ~ I 1 : I , '64 TH\INDiRllRD . '. . ' . Hardtop.,Factor:r alr,·automatic •. R.\H,' . P.~..,P.B.", P·wtndows. CO'I'W'.178) .. '66 CHIYIOLIT 1/1 TO){l'ICKUP Long bed, automatic trans~ion. CTil3512> • . ~ ' . . .. OPIN SEVIN DAYS A WEEK (ALL SALi PRICH • .,ICYIYI THROUGH NIXT SUN.DAY UNLllS PHYIOuS~Y-SOLD.I ·~. l -· . , ,\ • • _., .. lO .. . . . , • ! ' . '. r. s·19· 5 .'.1 .. V. ~ ,' . ~ s319s ' .< . . . . :$_.295 • • :_ • .,) I , .,. . . ... .,, ~ ! ' l . I