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1969-11-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
7 • • • /~ . , . . I , ,, I . • I ' . . . . \ • ;• ' <If -~· • ~ t • • 14 ' ... ..Jl.1.. _, • Heroin '' .:Yi~1110 ... :~ ~ .. · ; I ! • 1• • ,t) .J -----•· ~:. . I ·t..j,~·•-~.., :~··· J-'~~ .~' • 'll: C~tai ' / ~ • ' • I ·•' ·. I· ,I . ' , '. ;j ' .. ,< .. , . c· It.GI " ~--' ' . , . ' ':·,~· ~." ~)1".-.~, .' • :b· ;, . a . , . : '.~. ~ ({,;: 11;··;· -·~; ~f:. ); . · . ~O -·· -· •1 .D ~· ~, I; , '· :· · /;1 ~"': 'l'~i i;,~ ·, ·: h L.:~~· ', '7;livu. ~ .f::T'?'JP~ .. 11~~t11.~~ ve~1 ~~-a.:-.. A Wl/ir Pt 1l l gtf Ki: Jl'f .,. ! ~s.!~ Found . ~-· · 0~ "L;'~U , . ' :~·'7. L'' ·. " ( r · "' . , ' , • . : , , CAPE ~Y, (UPI) -An op- , ... {.. ...... ..! ': , ••. : . , • •' • bb'llinf'I ---~ ~.e19d In Oil' Gt. WASH!NGroli (UPI) -!Wdy'sbul· ~.,,.i.oi. uai~ lft ~. ~, ....... ;ef~ .h#nicen ·~ In 11• of -Cl:\'! air ClfJO pl~-,-y began on1ei: WU .~k"\•l!Y'"tbet""811c• nepm-ibi 1ApOUiJl 't\"''P"llp ~· n.. prO. airlifting more · than t,000 troops into ment abd· ~ .~ ,of ~la bla ·~ ID, ·dfllJ the. start of Wa~"'pon for· dil)y io evm• ol dllorders governm<J!t. , ' . . • , A1Jttrica'1 *'>ad -1111dini mJa1oa 'l ~r: .w. ee•-'•'s anll. w·--' demon.otra· The' J""'"'" AApartmenl l\u1 l)rimlll'Y · · · ' " , ... N •ri . • •·"''1"'r ... -""••~•'•'"' ori! ilur' .. -.Q. ~ . • .,' , '· , respolllibllilY lw ,._,_...,. er • ··Apollo 1J ~ auirles .Qinrad /jllpe-ariii<d, belmeted paratroopers, Ing the~ -to be cllmued Jr., RidlAld P'. ~ aoi!l·A! .. I. Bean .....:.·-""·II!' w'th ·-~ ... ~ ba-·, by a · '8!·Siturday. · were~ ~J-al.l :D •a.in, .,.,.-vr •~ ., ~~ •= ,.,__ '!bi Di!~~ qrwd Tl!<IUY , to P,t\T. Frldaf, But '"I lii/omlecl •-CO aald aJl«bled 'l'fI"' the f!>Ur'."'gine p~es In 1 allow a.~~vinJperhaPI>' many lliett' It a-dllonie :t11;.;;;·w111 ,not be 1llady dtlizlo at ,AJ>dren Air f'oiCe !185< as '111,llOo -~ ~-•• _..,. able ,to.t.o·to tho *llOd 1111111 ~! and .liOardaa liveiOft truck& far move-iog wllloln' 1'.blcid:'ol the White HoUM, In Tiie op1ba' apricy lllid the m.nt ol the men! to ondisclooeil standby pointa. uc!IUle laf • pled&e b yloadan o1 tho prOblem . c:OOld dot be· Immediately The Cl30s, '!hich carry llO to 40 men in protelt to t!'iP'lt nonvlolenf. asseued.. · ' additioo to .Vehicles 'aod .eq~meut, set ~ fii'al troops to, ·arrive were 1be ~ble interrupted an~ abnost down at steady 11>-JillnoM lntetvalJ, theo elemeoln of the 4111 Brigade ol ,llnd nawl<sa. s>rlt1 DI' ~lauocb pr.para, flew' back to North ,Carollna fir another Airborne Dtvltlcn lr<>m Fcrl BrlQ, N. C. !Ions. It wis dltcoverecl late In the mom- Joad. niey wtre )anded .at suburban Andrew• ing and officials iinmedtat.e1y bepn an , DJ'eued In green fatigues and carryln1 AFB, Md. · · 1nvat11~ lei ... what was """1i· knapsack•~ the ~ratroopel'I_ were the The Pentq91 uid the balance ot the The problem lnvolftd ·ooe of two 28- !irst troops to arrlVe. The first of a con--brigade· -~~Uy about J,IOI men 7 g-tloa~ liqUld ;b)V~' tapts In Apol!O Ungent of marines was due early tonight. · plu~ .tJ:!e 2nd Regiment ot the 2nd Marlnt 12'• aertice module, the unit that 'Jbe vehicles unJolded from the'Ptanes DfmiOn ffom Camp. Lejeune, N.C., also· ·lS. APOUO, Pap I) were mostly jeeps. A't least one had a 1011ld be flOWn to Wubingtoru 1ign reading "explosives." • . A Marine regiment nOlinally ·would A Defense Department spokesman, have I rtren,th of about 5,olib: men. H . v· tim' ' Jerry w. Friedhcim, said 111 of th• troops Frledhetrn 'esumatec1 that •.ooo other Cf()lll IC S are ''thoroughly trained in ~iv i I troops would je on bind by late,,today, disturban~ operations." and sakt tilt remainder would, be 1Jrou&hi B !:-...L.-. . L..!IOO He said they would remain on federal U'I 11Hll'~~~ ~.. '. --1~P-lf.J'~ , -" t-) ,-r-., .. ~ • 1 . . ' ..... ----------..-----.....,. .......................... .,..~_, "" j ,,. J . ... t' l ' . . . .. : ,,. .,; . fmi~~g ·Jliarge . I tond Flad .,.,T_o.~.u: · ~A~~t:.~.~=1 · e e -. · wjlh • ·...;.ai.. Tunclty, ' tf'-) I'. L I " 1 ~' "'•""~ •• , •• , .. t• ~-·I ~'·1_ .... · . . ,, . r ·~p ~ I Ii ". • ' . ,. - . ~~ r -. • -~... . l i t U .• ) ~ -<~ J, 'i: 3 S , I -. .. .. . ·-... . . . • . '. • ' ' ·-' . ' ' • ' . . -. •. . ' ' • . I ' . . 1 • '"•· • •• 'wijh .. dlpd $200-per-r ' ·'llutM_<J.Y,Or Faces CouF.t'~~tio'nN-Oif ·~•ii·· ~•Mesa•nd . G~n'-Fishin' ... · ·';·,":"' 1. ~-.-, ,_ t ~ ' ~ ·.,.;. booked .Wlillr<*t'il>r ,,.,..lefins,Day stroll on the Huntington. ~ch Pier , SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74-year,old ~"Y" ol'llill';,..u,.;,,~fJ.;i.-· 'f6r l · iJl .,,lbe .State Bureiu of ' ;ru~sdai'.;our intrepid photographer sJ)<itted G.arf. '!!,and Tamm,r>Rip. t C....tal ·""goes .Into court toUy !'! ,.,. . ., c;r;ol ......_,.lnl. thlfl and N~'"tnfor<tmeat. -·,..,..,,..t. pey,·,, IJ</wney, hea~<l! for·a few.houri of fi shing. Oilr P.b1!10g~ber, · -·, IUed ..... ~tor dow 1 11 st'l\Vief C-0-"""'""" itle.~lnla·lf'!ml 1111"1 todoy. w,bo-dOM nOt yet.llave children,.asked them to hOld'handa for •a Tom 1 It 'll he .......... d•.Y.' to .. write-l•>1no destroying prupnty .,,.. •• • . n ., • ~ • ~ • ...., , ·, ;att l!. -~··,it. at lfll w. Botboa , ·sai:vyer _>'lit.Ry 'J'hatcher-type p~oto, Oitr ~togtaphernl,.nijfs'-11""'. . abotlt Th~;;;. wlili aunny •kl•• in fronlAsokfecla ~;,.Ji · .:..~. lllyor R!d.ani,:w.:..r llld ~. : ~' ~l!a\d01nd David B. 1r.S1ght into I.he reactipns o( a sJx-year--0id""9Y bent on fishing wl)o I•• , and •orm tern-•'"-,-wt11lout . ...-· · ·r · -11, ol ·Ultl !l<llMI Ave., Costa asked to tto1•·hfs little sister's hand. · · · ' ......;:t o1 •-~'.:'"..:"-.'" __ "guilty!" , ' • , ,I __ ..,,.....:C;MYon Road and · " ., ' · ~~" --~• r •. , THE·MGllS _.Died by ~ E-1=· It; a ••p Vlolmia Slr4ot Io ~''.liesa. . . < , , . , 11 · .•. valllng ovn tho~ Caut~Look '.,.,who-~-.• --'• --ol .. ,..-In -,cl· • - . be ll!ftlllll-~II'*' of the Cost• . • ' • . • . '. . . . . ' ' . tfor • mercury readlill-ol a .. •. ~·~.veteran of boll! WC{ld W• 1 '!111111 •• =:i l:'.%~w1"J:Bl.lri:: G. a· ·'Q_:.;.1:.:.:_"e" Spill·. s·· fu.' 'to·-Bav···.· I '"'iNsin.·E TQDAY '-had r~~~~m~-:.:~~-t'..i.~· c-. :a•-.... · .... l)illlli'"'.·-·i.f.i:naf ... tukihlang cvJJ.1..1... . ' ' 11' ' . ' . covering )<,at·~· federal Ian aplnll 11," w-,~ '1 .i.tt'w,,i .-. l." 1 '· ' , ,. 1 ~ \ • I . ---r..1 r ' . ' ' ; TIJ< UA lloa pcted lo curb· • _.._ J dedllecl 11111Hare ol 11-.,,,.7?'.-~ • 7 ' · , p ioiu of filn ito loU,olf !IM land- to iellhemlll..,....... J r,. l I ·.,, '. T ~a .. d a quan-B' .. '"· f.'•: 'H L.:1. P"' '"!1 :..,.:.].; illf11;·11<1rti1111.wllh •4• ;.,,.bo, . tike~~aVW.~g1~111J~f:w~~:~laS:a::itJ ~~-Nool!~~u/°!1°:! oa~lll:"" aruur.I .. er~:'"°:~f:; .'1j~~:.f.·,::J··-;;~.;,..i-. we don't ever likt it.. Will you pleue t$e It · . ~ .. · 1L 1 ~ 'o«lctr At~"1nal1y apot· • ~ .... ~ , •· 1 ... , • ,1 i i"' 11 t ·1 .' 1 • , i "(, .. J • ) r t. ~, c.,.. ~"" .n ....... ;..... w\ "Shesaid 'Wewlllnot.'Sol!' ,l'lltut-•·doiimior)'oa""'. teif·1111nw1t11Ree.Tuttdey. ,\ .,,..1. ~ ," ... '_.!.ri r f''". ~• i> '-t··~f!''f •l 1••''.;!.''' ·~.r ;"·1111 ;:,:-;=.~· aHI 'l'IMJ·-liblct aciJsalcl,' lc:aa1 .... ,..,d"liback!pl ~· •• -...... llary, died in r. llylOHNVAl,TERU;l .. ;Tlla'ftl<t,ipUU1gfne~~plpe., ""-"'· •·"' ca,n g~---~·l<inl"·~•iytor~~:'...~ 1,,,.~"" !:r~~..i-~ * -Z:. ~1_,8°'!~ 11 Co!f!t -wlter lllfo ,..,. and Orange '. , ., ,,, ...,,.;., ...i. , , coaled water along a ie,_:IOlll" -II', ,:.;'.~"!-r. • ::q,;;;; ·..,; 1 ,,..,_, ,.-~~ ~·· lndla ~ 00iil!l1-'• inYWlllPlen"oalil•he r • ., .. ' l'.f -' dbcldo,_ndlbe.ltland'1•(...,lll¢irir;'" 1~-':L';",Z ~ youdotlils. "!!""'iloolledhlm 111a.,,.,....,,_ •• • .. • -be(ioa..,,....,._alterto'x· I -~,acllo!!,lly 1work~i:> at a Bllboa . <lllrll<il",patnilmen ind city:~-· ;;:z;: ".'/:l:·=. ... -~J ·IAVll .---llylac toc1w.1.ln,UlJlll of,a RiJ!c!!!.-1COlollc:al 4eltl -~. • · llllnd ,bayslde . 1aaollaa doct.i li-!!>or tllmed lligb-.--re'J fllo -.. Iii& · ~, .: --' "":, \ . -a ""'dy., a little blUe dye, a IOOe,..., a,.-..-.. U•pooplt want to 'l°""t111itor .~ ·aa~ t ye µotalmt1t and •flremto avort..i ~ --blell!o'411C14itperaed.lhe.--;l ='= ll' • 11 I •'-• ' pujllls wera )Jbledl-'.M..thouP lit had 'l'u<adoy, ofler _. ICddentAI •Jiili ol I ! _ol ••litiow ol f,..i: I J ' • " . • -n - -~ ... ea 1 Viet COnc ag guea ..... ~ca · •r · "" • ... 1 taken dnap, but lhe IUlptCt reportedly lartt tmounl cl 11.soJinc Into Ntwport ;'llH! (iro dlnp:r was subNnUal,l}iut no ~ " · refulecl to~ 'the l!llller. Harbor. I , 1 blaze !)CCurrecl, ·ilarbOr·)lltroi-""11.. · L.,;I'-~---.,..------' .. . .. --~------------,------~--,---------- . ., ( • I I . • • • • ' • • ' , • • • I I ' 2 DULY Pn.af ~ t ·~-~t ,,~ l~, l~ :ra~~ifQ~m ' . By JANICE BERMAN Of .... Dllft """ ttefl' ~!Olia lo . IQCal' chl'.ritlil 1", ~. tivlne Fowidation may lit amu.ed a .....,.,..., federal ta;< refom> bill with the approval al a joint . -mltte,O, a Fouqdallon opoknmaa todiy. ~ f • • ·'. Under proposed leglalalian,:the-Irvlne ,_!bl -'Ill nqa11,.i._ -ilileU ol Ill Irvine .Compeny hokl!niL . Tiie !nine Foundation·...,.. 4S9 aharea, or 54.4 percent, of the Irvbie C<mpany'a stock. At ita last sale, in November, lt&B, the atock '°id al $250,000 per .share. · 'l1te bill carries an amendment by.sen. Harry·F. Byrd Jr. (0.Va.), that . ...., up an accelerated achedule Ior the Irvine foundaUon '° dlvt8t ilself al Irvine Com· Finch A~c,epts R u· . e~ft -~~ ... • .. • > ~ Ban on DDT WASHINGTON (UPl)-HEW' 8ecreJar1 Robirt H. Finch has acceJited anij 8.nt to 111e-White .H..... • report ur11n1 111a1 najOr use oi.DilT he ended In the United sjaiea over a two-year pert~. !"11 aov .. unmenl offipal& uld 19<1ay. '••:White HOOJe Pr"5 8eCrelary Ronlld Ziegler said 'Finell 1bad hot yet made a Specific recQntmendaUon on the findings al !he study on harmful efreci. oUhe pesticide. But John G, Veneman, 111\deroecrellrJ ill th• -Health,:EdueaUoo mid WeHate Department, said Finch had discussed the proposal with two cabinet colleagu.., AlrJculture Secretary cli!tor4 M. l!Mdin '!Id Interior 5ecrtlary Walter' J, llfckel, and both were 11receptlve to~'tbe 'idea.'' Jnckel aaid he favored banniD1 • DIJI'. pany hollil!!Ja exceedlnJ IO perctnl of OUtalNJdl11i ltock.. ' '!be ' amendment woukl r·e q u 1 )' e dlveotiture lo be&ln within two l'.'11''· , ,.,p~ the .~)· lr\'iDI . . '"""""lion Atlon>v· ff.owll'd J. Pti•elt aald, • .,,,. sllnlflca'nce ii wbal·the'effect tlle bUI ·will be on the future ibllil)' of ' 'lniDt '""""""* to ~· to· c es.11 • , If bJ!I ~ ~se<! " !l:lt.ten, lhe Byrd endment would require · the ·Irvine Fliilodallon lo divest, HuU ·al 10 .. piiciiit ol llil~Jio'. exl:eod;J;i1lllO plr· cent In ltae · COmpaDy .. wlUlln ~two years, at least ~ wlthhi· nve years, 50 pen:tnt In JO ye in 'Md !oil per- . "ff1 r~'t'~veit iii~ ~ io i>ef<ept Ziegler ,sald the report rrom . Finch , ma ·been -1'fe·r1ta to Qr. ·ue ·A •. nu. -Bridle, President Nixon's scientific ad-·· ·viser, :and that it would be ~ lurtbu • by the Envll'ODJDO!ltal Qbality Council wblcll Dullrldge beads. . • A hiih A¢culture Department' oource Aid .the department-upect. to announce soo·n a ban on most-but not an-uses of the widely used pesticide. A bltter family quarrel ~a police matter early today in Newport Beach after a Costa Mesa w9man allegedly ' -went f'1r a two-block ride on the hood of her son-fn.law'a car, then fell oil. She went,to ~ )tospilll. ., t~1 , • He went t6 jlll. ~ .... .' ¥= '· Police allege the incident went Uke this: Raymond Lee Anderson, 22, an Ill Toro Marine, and hiJ wife beg1111 qlllmilnr ., a hoyse at l'5 Jo Ann SL, Colta ,Mtfll. · Anderson toOK custody of hla two-year-old son and the two drove to a west Newport apartment. The wife and her motber1 ,Mn. Eileen From P8fle 1 ' ZODIAC HUNT GOES 0~1 1,.,·.z;·· .. dlca,~ he was displeased by a dwindling p~evious cryp~,..'tf '· ·~of of public attention since he Included a his victims would l'fJis ~ the piece 'of a slain cab.driver's blood-stained af~~orld .. m· ;;i._i,;.tf~\ ~ -~ ~ t,. ll1irt in a letter one month ago. :t the ~to~!Ml ., , \ ~'j;J;. "Cquid you prln• this new cipher on r.;~,Oct equals 7" • ' . Veneman said Finch had signed an order for an outright ban since author- ity to cµrb 1!'! of DDT on crope:· 18 und'1 Hardin ralber then the HEW _,1.uy, Stariing on a High Note your front page?" he ask~. "I get He previously had cf a I rft.e d awfully · lonely when 1 am ignored, so rc&i;onsibillty for the killings ofBeUy LtJu lonely I could do my thing!!!!!!" Jensen, 16, and her bt'.>yfriend, David Then in a large, scrawled handwriting Farady, 17, near Vallejo tut Dee. 20; -which contrasted with hls usual small Darlene Ferrin, 22, near Vallejo. JUiy 5; prir.Ung -Zodiac added, "and-I can't do Cecilia Ann Shepard, 2Z, ln Napa County, a thing with it.'' Sept. rt, .and San.-Franclaco cab driver . "Whal be did WU .apcepl & _report wblgh conclUde., that • UJO <'bi DDT be .pbued out ovor a perloel ·al" two ·ytars,~ Veneman told .aewamm on Capitol Hill. Reh~rsi~g for S~ay's debut pedormance of L)rric OperalleJ>Ortol'l' ComP@lly are (•~from .Jefl) Nlta.,ila Yule, J!ruce 'l'tlthlll, Franz Br! · tbW. 'Cim· •lance Crain and James Charman, th muslclil consultant James Low o! use music faculty .. ..,. companist. Excerpts from three operas, ~omplete with costumes and orcbeafra, will. be pre~ented in two free-· at 3 p.lftl and •:4' p.m. ill Laguna Moulton Playhouse. , The ·Calist correepoodence Included "j Paul Stein,' 29, Oct. It. pa,. 1)11•·..itl\ •-<iplltlt; ii rllnbl-The leUen did not specify the two 'ado ing letter, a· Dalet On a 6:milc K!'etthlg dittol\il kllllbp but the "Au&" rtftrence 'card ..: ind "inotJ>er 'ploOi lb! the cab correspgnded wltll the ciMlhi ol lw9.Bon driv.!N shirt.' • ~ · 1 " Joo;e teenage girl!' Aug. S. They dled,of Hickel tQkJ a news con!ertnce he .felt npr "abould be abolished" for Ult tn the Unite11' State& ucept fort •gen. cles· where the Inl<rl"f. Agrl....,_;111<1 HEW -~iPartment.i' qrMd-It' aiiciWd be used: !Uckel sald "hirmlul li<lt Ille.ts ootwei&h , the usefuln.,." of the 'pesti- cide, '. ·~ I ., "Fat'her of ·¥ oung· K;{ller Air Calif Orm• ft "I tiiOo!lht )\Oii would need a good ia!llh muirple sta~ wounds, '!'be, Agriculture Departmlljl oource . -thal . "we 'baJe l!een -tOOl<ina at"llOO' uies 'on 1a·Use-by.U.,ba,lla:'.Wi ' c1p .anUclpa\e some action "lltl"iY-on .• use-~ balls~" ' .. '11le sow""" added he could not tpei:-A rorm.rl0rtnie County civic leader alltf at this time · as' to wlµch or bow and· fclenUst whole latter yaari were. ~ uses would be affected. · marred by. I teenaged son'a Texu .. '" . ft~.t':" ~ ::~ bnrled quleliy Mill·. 'tary'. Buil·ding · . 0 ~ ... ..,., • ... • , Pr•..-...;.;.,, ~.·18, ..... bnrled ~ TP~ v~ Memorial Park. . .,._ . . '· .. _. · · . coroo. dei> Jiar, .d'nllowl!ir · '1111 '*alb · U.ea'· sure 0'1~ay· ed· . nnir.,iay u the·~"'. icing'\ltnetl. ir.1• ID< The one11me Oro\ige County Ptanillnt: :WASHINGTON (AP) -A li.45 lillli<>n =::i00 1:::.":t ~~"\!Ti:!:'. J1i,llltary constniction bill contalnlng seed 666 w. 19th St., Costa Meaa, where be liv- mc,.,ey -for President Nb:on's Stfeguard ed wUh hia. second wife, Grace. ABM system wu: approved by the House The naUy~m German who wu com- .Appropriations Committee today and sent · m!uloned a C'.(llonel in th-e iU.S. Anny bJ 10 tbe floor for expected action Thursday. 'The measure Includes $16.8 mWlon le> Jiott1n Safeguard deployment, 12.5 mfillon ' tot an underground command' center in the.Rocky Mountains and ·IH.t million •o dfvelop Kwajaleln Isl&OO in the Pacific fQr full scale tests: next year of the an· ttbalJlstic missile system. <. OJ\IL• ~1LOI eaAHta COASl l'\.lauSMOtO COMNHY ll:oMrt H. W"4 .. ,.,... ............ n ... 1e ... 11 .... n • .,.., A. M•'911r... _, ... Front Page 1 APOLLO 12. • • services·the Apono c:omrtand module. Li· quid hydfoien must be kept at 423 degrees below zero and each or the t.anka has a vacuum .jac&et to lnsulate it. The trouble wu detected when technl· clans -bfiiif'flowin( the lrl&ld hydro1en Into the tank. The Ji1dro(en. Uled to fuel the spacecraft's fuel ceU po w e r £f'nerBiors; wu dri.itied fmh the tank in the early attemoon ·after the vacuum leak was dlKOVered. 't! Apollo , IZ canoot be readied tor , launcfi, Friday •. the next -and final - 1auncb oppottunlty this month would come Sunday. - Becauae of a comple1 rtlaUOnshlp between the Apollo ll londinl alte, the earth and the sun, the next launch op. portunlty will not. come before Dec. 14. The informed source said the nature or be!Dre 'I"' bNr tile ~ new1," be wri>!!.i!' He began~ IJVo I~ with file u.oial;l I ' , Rejects PSA Bid "i:!'#pi:. th~ ~~~~i;: .. killed, Israeli Troops people," he said. "l have grown rather The Board of ·n~ectors or Air angry with the police for the~ telling u.. H1't m' Jordan California has rejec~ a proposal from about me. So I Will change the way the Pacific Southwest Airlines {PSA) to ac· collecUon of slaves.•• ' quire the assets of Air Califomla. The passage abt'.>ut collecting slaves, : .1. • .11_.. l Carl A. Benscoter, president and chief which was followed bv his statement I li tr ed · to th J~ specl-1 act of Congrt11 1.&IUW¥ .world Wir executive officer af Air ca11·ronu·a, head· " srae oops crOS8 m sou UJuan · · there would no future announcements, t....iu d · d d Jord I _..,,er tn IJ su---.t•ed the ""·11"1 ..... «Jf the fin,' t quartered in Newport Beacb, said Tues. r hJ ~ an '{oun e I: an an ~ .-.... .,....._.. apparently was a rerere~e. \o ane a s a cla9h near the · Port'1_of Aqaba a .u-•c w•-• tunnel, ' day directors have voted agilnst the PSA _'i • .--• UN rr he flourishing !hollday resort ~ Jordan'• He Was • natur .... ~ ci'"•-'and c•me o er cause "they believe It would not . :' 1 ti t ·th orth " of the &IUCIU .,_,\ -., have served the best interests of Air H I p b on Y sea ou e • on e n up to America at the age of ZO, r,lllni to' pro-Ca!Uornla's 4,000 shareholders." Sahara ote ro es Aqaba Gull, a mlllt.uy •pokemian minence ln the sclenUflc world IDd later B:enscoter did not disclose terms of the reported in ·Amman. leacblng at Cal Tecll. .. proposal. · Missing $300,000 Israel aaid one of ill soidler1 "" He-ind hil firJt wife. Ednl, .lived in a No further negotiations with PSA are wounded in the border duh but Jordan planned, an Alr California spokesman LAS VEGAS (UPJ)-Offlcial! af the indicated the lsraeli casualties-were plush home a~ ~l Avenlda Vaquero, San said today. Sahara Hotel confirmed today they were heavier. A spokesman said the invaders Clemente, in 11165, when their 17·year-old Both airlines are scheduled inb'astate investigating the disappearanc:t of about left behind ••a number of mine.a ~ son Paul and a buddy ran away wttb the carriers, operating largely within the $300,000 from the cashier's cage In the blood-stained military unlforma." intention of be«lmin& eoldien of fortune. "commuter corridor" between Southern casino. Israeli and Jordanian troops allo ·tx· • and northern California. The invesUgaUon, conducted by hotel changed machine gun and heavy artillery Youni KrU9cer'.•·P&l w1' picked up by Air CalifornJa currently serves Orange and law officials, has been going on for fire, ground-to-ground rockell and autborlUes · Jrivestl&atlni ·the b tut al County, Ontario, Hollywood-Burbank, San about one week since the suicide of a tankfire in the south Esh.shuna and Wadi abootiftg murders · af three "Te x a s Francisco, Oakland and San Jose cage casino employe. It was reported El-Shualr arees near the King Huutin I. h and amed the ur~ lll aJrports, and has recent route awards to that three cashed checks totaliq $50,000 (Allenby) Bridge, Amman reported. The 19 ermen n q "~• po e flY from San Diego and Palm Springs to were found near the body of the man who announcement said one Israeli tank wu Oranae County boy u the tllltr. the Bay Area. shot himself to death Nov. I. knocked out. Krueaer was captured in Mexico where ir====================================. he wu workinc an a Mormon fann col- ony, returned to Teuo, pleadeil guilty•• ·the murders and ·was sentenced, in May, lllM, to Ille In priloli. · HIJ ~ls teparated Nov. 1, 1986 and Mrs. ~ wu 1ater granted a Iuae property settlement including monthly ezpdlles to visit young Paul, who re- malni ln a Texu penitentiary. Belidea bJa second wile Grace, Dr, Krueger leaves two other sons, 'Ibomaa, or S111 Morino, ind Richard, stationed at Vandenberg AFB near Lompoc. Pasadena Coed Gets Rose Crown TO the girl ¥.·ho knows wh1.tshe wants but not where to find iL Match your style with our miny distinctive: de,isns. And ask us about our fam0'01 Orange BkJssom guara~ • \' . \ ' -. the problem means that a lime-ci>n· • PASAD!NA (UPI) -A brown .. yed ....;.,..c.te-.cA~li:r'~'..'1!... ':n... au.ming repair process would be ' blonde Paaedena City College aophomOre .....,,. ~ ~ • necessary. This, he said, would mean the was choten today to reJgn as queen of the ......_ ....u • •..,. · tank could not be fi1ed in time (or a • I launch Sunday, · 1970 TOurnarnent af Roses on New Year's ,. I The space agency said an tnvesUa:atlon Day. ~ was under way "to dftermlne tbe extent Nlneteen·ytar-<>ld Pamela Dee Tedesco aC the dlfflculty and Jts effect on launch of Arcadia was &e]ected from seven operaUons." MIL¥· Pn.01, wllll -.. " ....,... .. The wtathtr and all other 1$pects or finalists, who had )ee.n cuµoo from a !;';'!::-~ .. ~ ~ .;::r,.::. , , . pre-launch preparations' were reported fJeld of 474 applicant.I . ...,, ,_ ...., -. ., 11llsfact-. the Otller six IJoalllil , who become _. '-'9111 Vtt11r: ........ -._ • .,..,, , 'I • ......, .. ..._ ~ C... ,........ Ee!Ore the dlfnculty trQPPed up, tht prii)cesses in the queen'& court, include ~ .:::'1..=r ~ '::. ~ : thrte astronauts worked aut ln lf)lcecrart _..._ .--. <•• .... . t~ brulhlna' up on crlUCll portions . Vicki L)ln Tsujlmoto, 1 student at .Wtl•:• •114• MM1J1 d -their lo.day tPtceftiCht. . Temple City HiJb Scboo!,; DebOrah Jean -··-• Mwu t,1 ...,..,. Earlltr, u,. only 111n1 of• problem had C.mn. P-a City en_Ilip: Chrlatitia ~ I:" =-:.r:i =--'= ~ In a radiation report !ram Uie Mar~ Nurdlet, Pllldena City Colltte; =""~ ·:::~·"~,., ~. ='""t'1apacedllturbencecen10rat J'atr~ Laine w,Mowar, al La canada -....... __ , , Colo. A. lpobtman; Jn llfCh school ; Dlllt Ann WhaUey. ·~of ~ !'W".:.:te . McXJaoon, Nid the1' wm ,.... In-La C•• l!lgh SchOol : and IlebOcca COIMNIENT TERMS IANl<AMIR\CMD J.IASTIA CHARISE J. C. J!~"!l',~rie:,~ J~w~fe~ . 1121 ~EW,PQ~T .i,VENU,E '!' . COSTA MESA ' 22 YIARS '' .; "' SAME LOCA " .. :;:.-..::.i::=t' r,_ ... •• dleatloqa a radlatloo ""tbunt called a · Palrlcta Gonsalea, al Pasadena City ,_ _______ •• _ ... _. __ "' eolu flmmlrhlclevolop Ii> a lewcla,Ys.' Collea.. .._ __________________________ ..:_ __ ..:_....:.J I • ' • ~ • I I I I ' I I Ii I I I 'I :! I . ' , , yo· ·-' . " ·~ pare sul .. the bjeul t\11< asn A~ J.r .. -: 'I'" llS'.I' theri abl' The piob '!' .. - Al chu tinr ing rron w ICh< afte~ f.jur cbu or a 11• Utit atte N" p, Gioe or • t4.r, N D u D ... nee Joh rep Le1 E Lei O,· leg he• A Tu• Coo I dir all veo ag ... i h~ If nu Ill .. yl; ar •• C1 I j y f1 .. v • ' • • " ' :t •• Apollo .. Theatened , ,. Apparent Leak Dis<;o11ere,d ,in Hyd rogen Tank -CAPE KENNE:Ii~. (UPI) -An ap- parem ~ 1e8.k wk' discovered in the in· • • sulf:Dw· vacumn of a hydrogen tank in the Apollo 12 pioonshlp todaf '!!le J><O- ~em "threatened to delay the start o{ Apleljca's second moo~ lanc:l}Dg miisioo u much as a month. · APollo 12 astronauts Qiarles Cdnrad -"·•Richard F. Clonlon and Alan L. ·o~n were targeted for blastoff at 8:22 a.m. · P.ST,li'rtday. But an informed source said there is a chance they now will not be able to go to the moon until DeCember. 'Ibe space ag~ncy said lhe extent .ol the problem could not be imm¥ately .. ......,. Tht! trouble interrupted an almost flawless &er'8 of pre-launch . ")?repara- tions. It wu tt)scdv.ei'ed late ia the morn- ing and.~ tmmedifli!y. begaq au investigaUon to see wh'at was wrong. The problem involved one of lwo 28- galloo • liquid' hydrof!en tanks. in Apollo 12's semce module, the . uiijt that serVicea th~ AJJ0\19 ~ m,ocJ(lle. Li· quid · hyd"'tl•~ ;!)lust ~ kept ' at 423 degil.es. beloW zero ·'1!'1 ·~.qi the lanb has a vacuum. ja.cket to ioSullte it. The trouble was detected when techni- cians began flowing the fti&id hydrogen into the tank. The hydrogen,, used to fuel the spacecraft's fuel cell p o w e r gf-nerators, was drained from the tank in Out -,.n. $31,200 Bail the early afternoon after. the ·vacuum leak was discovered. ' If Apollo II cannot be· readied for launch Friday, the next :--and final - launch o~portunily this month would c:ome Sunda)'. Because of a complex relatioruhip between the Apollo 12 landing ~te, the earth and the sun, the; Qelt' launch op- portunity WIQ not·cOme bejore Dec. 14. The info~ed shttrce said the .nature ot the problem means ' that a · lltne-con- swning repair pr()c;fss . would b e necessary . This, he said, would mean the tank could not be fixed in ttme for a launch Sunday. The space agenc)'. said a'o inveStigation .. . ' , ' ~ ,• w_as under way "to determine the uteftl.~ or the dirficulty and lta erfeel on tallnch operaUons.". The walher and all oQier aspects of pre--launc1t preparatiom wert rep>rted satisfactory. · · Before the d~ricully cropped up, the three utronaut. worked out in spacecraft lralnus, bruahlng up on cr!Ucal Por\ljlDa or their le.day spacefil1ht. , ~Iler, the only hllll of a P<Oblem bad ~ in a radiation report from the govµnment's _ _,.ce -~ center at Boulder, . Colo. A-.. spokesman, John McKinnon, said there ·were some ln- dlcaUnns a radiation outburst called a solar .flare might develop 1n a lew days . -· .. R aniey Help ' Bribe By _ Medi-Cal • Now , in Sight Suspect Relea~ed An rArizona man arrested Monday on help gain a zone change for 20 aCres of charges of attempting to bribe Hun-land near Stater Avenue and Gothard ting\on.Beach Mayor Jack Green for zon-Street. ing favors . was released Tuesday night New was arrested In the parking lot of from Orange County Jail on $31,200 bail. the Fisherman Restaurant Monday mom-. Wilflam New; 66, of Phoenix, Ariz., is ing, after he allegedly repeated his finan- tcheduled • for arraignment Thursday cial offer to Green. afternoon in West Ornnge County The land in question ls ·owned by Dave Municipal c.ourt, Westminster, on two and Goldie Meredith who say they never cbargeS of suspij:lon of attempted bribery heard of New, who claims lo be a of 1 ptiblic offtcial. representative of a Phoenix mortgage lll1ntlngt_on Beach police said today company. tbAt invelettgation into the alleged bribery The Meredith property is currently zon- attempt should be completed before ed for ind~trial use but there is an ap.. Nel'l''8 arraignment. plication before the city plann.iJli com- Pollce lbaVe been working with Mayor miuion to change its Use to a mob)le Green siftce NoV. 4 when hie notified them borne aite. of allegi!dl.Y baying received. an offer of · The ~t for gioblle homes bu bffn $4,'IOD or camPalln runc1s il be would · made 1by Cactillor Corporatioa-~ far•· .. mount, rtprelented by HunUngton Beacb attorney ~ge Shibata. No one waa avail.t>le for conun.ent al Cactifior ¢'.flees this morning and Shibata was not JR his Huntington Beach office. Tuesday, .Shibata repoc:tedly aaid he had been conu.cted by New and . would 1·cpresent the Arizona man at his ·ar· raigrunent, but a ~y in ShJbata 's office ~id this morning she did not think that was true. - New claims he r:epr~ents Consultant; Fi~ncing and Mortgagi11g Company of Phoenix, but that has not yet been \•erifled by police. "There may ~ other persons in· \'Olved," said Oeleetive' Sgt. Robe.it Rhlnehart today, "but we have no further infonnation at the· m?ment." . I Financial 'asjstanc:• .through Medl-Ciil may. be on tbe way to Huntington Beach mail carrier' Monte Ramey, who faces heavy medical expenses as his wife Cara prepares fOf" a kidney transplant. "l've s.ubmiuect·an application and they said it would be four lo six weeks before I'd know if Medi.Cal can helP me," said Ramey this morning. ' Medical expenses Ior his wife'i'aUment alreadY. total nearly $6,000 and threaten to rtae"much higher when she undergoes her kidney transplant in the near future. I , ;.@ 1::j' ' _. ~r· ere~-f ,qlee jlil, V ncertain Desalt Pla11;~ ;.. : , . • , • When Ramey 's problems began to pile up about • month ago, more th@g 200 or his · rellow Hunllnglon Beach po&lal worken · ptecige,t . to help hilll. and ell!ablllhlll:ilia ullanley ~.~ T\il• far they have )laced'nearly .$1,llO In 1 bank account for nhn-iri the Security Pacific Nalional Bank qi Huntington Harbour, the aru Ramey itertes aa 1 letter car4 rier. Urged by ·Bnggs~ .. About Capturing Zodiac Postal empk)yes plan lllOlher garage sale ·all day Thursd11 1t 172111 Avalon Laoe, to earn lllort·i;noney for the Ramey Fund. Thf: first &arilCe AJe 'mlde about $500 lor the rund.' "We have Joli or clothing, some utensils and other ltenu available for sale," said Peter Barauu, the mailman directing I.be drive. Development of nuclear p o W e re d !tawater ,conversion plants are clearly needed fnd inevitable, Assemblyman John V. Brigg11 (R-Fullertan) has reported to member• o.f the State Legtalat\ltt. Brtas, chairman o{ _the J' o I n t Legislative Committee on A t o m i c t)tvelopment and Space, 'informed ~e legislators of the r~t of two public hearing$. A third public hearing is scheOWed for Tuesday and Wednesday in the Orange· County Coorthowe· _ Briggs rtported these additional fin- dings to members of the lt&l§Jatuu: · ..t.Smogless nuclear power is a logical alternative to smog producing con- ventional power plants. ·-Statewide pre-planning for nuclear deTelopmeot sites is indicated. -Beller coordination among state qencie! dealing with ·power plants is essential. ·-The development of nuclear power is hampered by a lack of pub~c acceptance. ·-An improved public education pn> 1ram on the bene£its and need for nUclear power development in California must be accomplished. -Bfiggs reported that a meeting with f«leral officials oin Washington, D.C. con· vlnced him that several federal agencl~s are stlH very much Interested In eatabll!hlng a nucelar desalting plant in eanrorn11. . 1He met with the Atomic Energy Com· mluion, the Office or Saline Wa~er, and tl)e Joint CongreRSlooal Coouru.ltee on A'tomlc Development. It's Community f Day Thursday The 1969 edlli«I al ~OUR COM· MUNITY. the m ..... whieh c-res tbe progress and promise « lhe com· g-iunities of HunUngton Beach and Foun-t;In Valley, will be Inserted in Thursday's eilitlon or the DAILY PILOT. -.Thi• special publication, presented thl5 year for the third consccuUve year, of4 rcr1 residents. would-be residents and ••relaUvea back home" a comprehensive view of the communny. its government, ~hoob, recreation programs and job ~ WtunttJes. Add!Uonal copies or the ma11dne will be a~ailable at 25 cents uctl trorn the Huntington B.eacb office oC the DAILY PILOT. SAN J"RANCISCO (UPI) -Police said today ..,,. bad "considerable evidence of many dlff~Dl tin~" in the search for the Zodiac killer 'of five peraoru:, but could give no "wOrd of reaaaurance" about ~ Imminent 11Test. "One w \re wtli eateh him and he will bt tried," said Sau Franclsco Chief of lnspecton Maritn Lee. Lee told a news conference he ga:ve "no credenc;e," de$lte hints in letters Tues.- day to 1the .San Fran9*o Chronicle, to theories Zodiac ab<> .was responsible for the stabbing al two San Jaae teenaged girls lut August. _ ~~ !s a~utely no evidence link· Jng!jliil witli lhe (San JoseT muntm," Lee Yid. ZOdiac, tn two rambling Tellers ac4 C1'.lmpanied by one of his characteristic cryptograms, boasted he had committed seven murders instead of the five wilh which police have linked him. ''We are learning more and more about him all the time," Lee said. "He has been called insane and 1 screwball but I don 't believe it. 1 think he is legally sane. He has a knowledge or the difference between right and wrong. "I don't ·plct.ure him as a man who works with bis hands. I ,thlDk he has a small job and possibly one where he does work with paper, pouibly at his desk ." In the letters to the Cbroolcle Tuesday, Zodiac aaid be l,nlended to . dilgulse his future murders as "routine robberies, killings o(ianger, & a few fake accidents, etc." A postscript to one · of-lils--JeUefs ili- dic1ted he waa displeased by a dwindling of public at&eulion since he included a piece of 1 slain cab driver's blood-stained shirt in a letter one month ago . "Could you .Print this new cipher on your front pq:e?'' he aUed. "I get awfully lonely when I am ignored, so lonely I bould ~my thfug!!.!I!!" '1'hen in a larp, JCnw}ed handwriting -which cmtrasted 1(ith his usu1l small prirting -1.od:lac added, 0 and, I can't do a thing wfth it." '!!le latat .aarrespoodence Included • ~age fll led-with 1trange Clpliei'l,i'tatnbi· Ing letter, a nO&e on 1 coruic ' er-Ung card -.,.. another piece of 1he ca6 driver'• shirt. "l tli""ht you woold need a~ laugh before you hear the bad ne.ws,1 he wrote. He began the tw'o letters ... with the, usual, fire Kills 6 Yo ulbs CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) -Fire swept 1hroiWI a 211 .. 1o11 tram. l!Ouse on tho city•a East Skle today, claiming the li ve• of a1x children -tio girls and four boys. The victlma. 1ge1 J throulh 9, were Jdentlfled u children of Mr. and Mra. Herman Jackson. I 1"I'his is the Zodiac speaking." "Up to the end al Oct. I have killed 7 people," he said. "l have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. So I will cbana:e the way the collection or slaves." The passage about cdllecting slaves, which was followed by his slltement there would no futnre announcements, apparently was a reference lo one of hls previous cryptograms which sald souls of his victims would be his slaves in the afterworld. . Postal efn'ployes are asking for help from Huntingt'oit Beach resklents who might add to Uie fund by sending dona· lions to: Ramey Fund, NALC Branch· 2135, c/o· P.O. ·Box 1015, Huntington Beach, C&lifornia, 92647. An· California Al ,the bottom of bis message on the • PSA B'd 1',~~~Z.::~7~~-.. "O... Ju~ R~J CCls I He previously had c 1 a l m e d The Board of Director• of Air responsibility for the ldlllncs of Betty Lou California has rejected a proposal from Jensen, 16, and her boyfriend, David Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) lo ac- Farady, 17, near Villejo "last Dec. 20; quire1he assets ot Air CalUomia. Darlene Ferrin. 22, near Vallejo, July 5; Carl A. Benscoter, president and chief Cecilia Ann Shepard, 22, in Napa County, execuUve officer R_f Air California, head· Sept. 27, and San Francisco cab driver quartered in 'NeWport Beach, said Tue~ Paul Stein, 29, Oct. 11:" day directors have voted against the PSA The letters did not specify the two ad4 offer. becauae to•they believe it would not dltional k1111ngs bu.t the "Aug" reference have· aerved the best interests of Air corresponded with the deaths or two San California's 4,0Q!)' sh11reholders." Jose teenage girls Aug. 3. They died of ·Benscoter did not disclose. terms of the ntOlllple 1tab wounds. propo<al. Cong-Flag · Torg, ' '. . '/ ·But Mayor Fa ces Court Actio1i Now SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74-year-old mayor or Utis northern California coastal city goes into court today to answer charges of lresp&ssing, theft and destroying propert~fed after he tore down a replica of a Viet Cong flag from in front of a residence. r Asked how .he would plead, Mayor Richard Werner said proudly : "guillyJ" , -~· Tll! etlARGES·were filed by Larry Eugene Bell, 27, a subsUtute teach- er, who made a citizea'1 arTest of Werner in front of Bell'sllome Tuesday. ~1'le mayor, a .veteran or both World War J and World War 11, 11id he bad'"tectl~ five ~ne calls about the flag Tuesday morning. ' "l called Ule police department and they told' me there was no ordinance· oovCring t~ no state or federal lawa against it," Werner said. "J didn't want. to &et tbtm in trouble 10 l decided take care Of It myself. "'f WENT Olrl' there and a lady came tO the door and I said, 'We doo't like the look of a Viet Cong.flag flying on ·ArmlsUce.Day,.as • maUO! of fad we don't ever like It. Will you please t&ke It d0wn1' "She said, 'We will not .' So I slid; 'OK, I'll take it down. for you. SO I did. They wanted it back, so l sakl, 'Well T c'an't give you all ot I~ back but I can give rou !Kime of it back,' and 1 tore off a piece and gave it to them." Bel said the mayor "Looked me rig'.ht in the eye arid said, '1'11 klU you lf you do this again,' and I looked hlm.richt In tHe eye and dJdn'l say 11 thihg. "Btrr I l!AVE-anolher ..,.. fljiag liiday: I dYed It out Of 1 plllow aaae- -a little red dye, 1 little blue dye, 11 lltUt lllt"ln the ctntcr. U people want to call that 1 Viel Cong na, l gueu tliey c111. • .. . '. , ., . -- Tr~ste~'~· Bedch·~~u··sc ... ''• .:.<-· . /~:.-... -,: . , Matthew Weyuker •. c!1alnnin....~· the down ·on .paper,•t,aaXI Wl)'uW'. •IunUngton Beach Union Hiib-· School )Jffut evidently he has not devoted a pat Dlatrlct Board or Trustee., WI!~ deal ol lime to the unique and ,.~ that another high school· will deftnltet Situation Which extsta in thit distrlcL" ' llfJOded deapite sugeattoria. ·Iha "He la 'speaking In broad. _.alllloC dlstrtct could 'make better uae m . ' His document ·W'OUld be...mtt:e_cred!bll 11 raclliUes. 1 " / ,? he had spenl • gr~a.t d~I of pme ~- He addr.ealfid hia-remarka to ¥rt M~ lnto the things the diitdct hu lftldy Gordon,. a-·. Westmlnaler , ~ who looked lnto." ~entiy sUbmltted a pro~) to the Weyuker said tru1Jtee-appointed ciUzena trustees indicating Qlal 'a'f truste&-ap. c:ommltteea during the past Uiree ~ proved $8.~ 'mi11¥>n· ~ection ntJt 11ad alre•I' Conducted 'half · • r .. Febnjary wlll "ll· ~· ssa.ry •• T!Je ,llludi .. on,_ Jiie altmi.-, >fi, vb..·,,;,..,_.-....... ~ •• moll"Y ~Id go for "'l!O!>I ~' , ~ .... -r GOtdon1 described ...Vtra1 alteinatfvm _ suggest,a: , . 1 _1 • • • • .-. ' to ·coneti:uctlon of ~r scfeaol, whic? "In every case the ·c.itizeJIS'. who-:C!'Olt- lnclude4, ~ four-<:l~~school. o,yeek,;flexi~I~· .tlude1.·Ulele !studies SaiCl• theft reCOm· scheduling, a s,Win ;!.ft aDd uae ol ·mentla~.orttheclfai\gesWo'uldbe '•jto;,:, schobl facllities ·UQt . _,i vp.m. ' . ·weyuker1sild. , '\, \. f "I've read ~iaUtrnJtJ.ves and, •1 ap-' •lpeople' often accuse ttie board--at:aet. preciaJe . the; ~ "he Dai ~ken · 19 put tlrig up a{lvisofY Commttltts ·and· 1~~ . • '--tf_. I {:i • * . them. TbJ9 ta l!OI true. The b\JIM•aniy , . • . , makes -vatue-" judgmctJts • orr tbelr-<fin.. T".l.hi8t~!' t0:-·~fl-· ~~;;,~,·~"' ~:.U..-boaril;-c-~ . wheu the tniltliea are upei:ted lo Rt ta 8 • d, 1.T · D' . date !or ·~ bond election, Gonloit 1rtll · OD · . T'Ote ', ate • an•lhem 1o.nac1nct lheir -ll1d ti- • 1 \lestignte bia1a~ru~p~es.m!Jre fuUY .. ~ · Tn!s~s oi . th> 1luniin!Wn Beac~ He hai lridlcat.d lje will ._ Ille UnJon tligh School otsir!Ct Bl:e expicteil boilJ meutlre_ U ,~, l~it to ~ to le~ the 'date ror a '9:5· inlllion ' bond I el«i"ctlon · dUring a SP.«i~I . tl)eeilni scheduled for 7.:~' P·111· 'MltlrstJay ; at distriCt11ieadQuatten, t90217ttfst-~ -- The' bond m'e&sure, If passed 1by the voters In FebruaTy, 1970: will be used l6 finance~tne construction of an addllionlt high schOOI and to briiig old buildings Otl the HunUngton ,Beach High Scl:!ool lcam- pus up to earthquake safely s!andafda1. Subcommittee reports rrom h ft Citizens Advisory CommJttee On' the Max4 imum UAe of &;hool Facllitie1 wlll alto be P<-ted to the boinl Of trust ..... the meeting. ' Also on' the agenda Is ai\ inspeckr'I report on the con1tructlon progreu at Edi"I" Jlleh ~llo0l wh1ch-h11 been OJ>On since September but ""11lcli Ii :not yet IUlly lcbmj>leleil. I 't _. . ' ' '. NEW YORK (AP) -Slo<;i<a wander«! deeper' Into btng leilitory In 1ilOW 'tr1do lng thls '1ftetnoon, a declines "led , Mf. vance.-.by better than• 100 issues •. (8" quolatl'!i1 •• Ppg<t .111-,17) · ' • • Ahelyita -u111t In the way el dev•~ oprnt~ta to mimulate a jaln bot note<! that seUlng pressure was not • great. Given theae condlUona,. the marktl lalll! al Ill own WelghL • ~--- • 11 . ·WealJoer I .. It'll be another dai lo write ""- about 'Thur.dv,; ·y111h,awiiiy 'i'ki;; ! ljnd wan:n temperatons -.wlthqul j benefit of. Sant.a An1 wlnda -~ vaillag over the Or•nge Coast: Look for a mercury 'readln& ol a. . I . ' - - . ·~·=-~·:Y~Pll~OT~==~"~~=-~W'.!:·~· 2,•~·1.r~·~u1~1~1~U.!:_!~-!!! . • ~-Jfax Reforni 'Bill Mai Slash Irvine Donatio . . . s By JANICE BERMAN ............... Dalllia "' local dllll llloi .., °"' .!nine Foondaliao may be reduced K a propooat lederal tax ,..rorm bill m .. ts with the a,pprovaJ of a joint Houle-Senate commltlee, a Foundalion spOtcsman aaid .today. · Under proposed leglslalloD, the Irvine Foundation would. be requir~"to CUvest. Jti<U of Ii> Irvine Company boldlnp. The Irvine Foundation owns .ut lhart1, or SU percezi~ ol lhe Jrvlne Coalpany'• atoc<. -• . • . Al II> Jut aale, In November, 1118, lhe llock oold al $250,000 per lbore, , Tbe bW carries an amendment by Sen. Hllrl)' F. Byrd Jr. (!).Va.), the! oela up ari accelerated achtdule for the Irvine FoundalioD lo dlvul ILlell of Irvine Com-. .. ·Finch Accepts Report Urging , Ban on DDT . -.. . ' ... WABHINGT01'° (uPI~ lle!rtllrJ" Robert H. Flnc:h bu 1ccepted ud aeol .·to the While Houae a ,..port ...P,, that major use of DDT be ended In lhe United Slates 'OVtt 'a two-year period, lop IOY. ernioeol olilci.i. aald today. · WliliO Ji..,.. Pren 5ecret.1ry l!onald Ziqkr-aald Flnch had DOI 7el IUlde a spedllc rec:ommendalloo oo tbO IIlldlnp ol the · otildy .. harmlul elledl ol tho pellic:id•· .. Bui Jobn G. Veneman. unc1,,_.111y · ' 'ot the Hea1tb. EducaUon and _Welfare ·Deportment. u1d Finch had dJlc:uued ~.-' with two cabinet c:o11-. ~ -.ry CIW'!i! M. Hardin Ind lalerlor Semllly Willer J, IDckel, • and_ both W!l'e· "rkeptive to the Idea." · !Dckel uld·he l•v°""' bonning DDT. Zjqler aald the .. report from Finch had .,,..., referred lo Dr. Lee A., Du· Bridge; Presldnt Nixon's ld.enllflc ad- viser, 8A<f thil II would • ~· dl"'11'1ed further by the Environmental Quality . Council which DuBrlclge heada .. --boldlllp exceedio( SO ptrctDI ol -~ . ' --~--~ . . 1" arntndmenl 1'0uMS r e q u I r • dlvtlllktrt lo bellD wllblo two ,..n. Dl""lll!!>& Ille -en~ Irrlne FOUbdlUoo Altllmey~ard J:PrlV<ll 1ald, ''The significance is what the effect of the blU Will be OD the future ability pl the Irvine Foundation to donate to charitles." If ~e bill ls passed as wrltlen, lhe Byrd amendment would require the Irvine Fcundation to divest Uae1f of 10 perct11I ol lts holdings eaceedlng 500 per- cent in the Irvine Company wilhln two yean, at least 25 percent within five years, 50 percent in 10 yeara and 100 per. cent in is yean. I( required to dived itaeU cA. 10 percent ' " of 111 Jllaru ol llock, wlthlo.lbe next two yaan, doln!ld>Pilvtl!o ........... ~ -· coiidJtl!m Illa .... Would bo aold al dlpr 1 uid prte./ ~,.., ol high .,_ rata ud..,tiCbl -coo- dltions." Privett rou1d offer no estimate of the ainount such a stock ule would bring. "I'm just a lawyer, not a buainessman or economist," he ski. "About all you can say ls that we ~ldn't be ready to i:eceive full tnarket value." , U lhe Fouodalloo oeU. Its Jt)'lne Com· pany stock at a lowered market price, Privett said, the resulting decrease in Foondation income would "have an adverse affect on future ability lo donate . A blsh Agncul\ur& Deparbnenl aource aa:id the department' eJpecta to announce IO:Of1 a bin on mQSt-but not ~ of - the Widely used, _pesticide. l ,ENAt.llNG,.Jl.S. HISTORY AT WAROLOW SCHOOL Oavld McCullOUllh (loft), Si ndy Pock, Kirk W1tarmon Veneman aald"frinch had signed an order for an outrlj:ht ban sine~ author- jty to curb use of DDT on cropa ls under Hardin ra~ than the HEW 1eeretaey. · "What he dld wu· accept a report which concludes that major use of DDT be pba.st.d out over a period of two years," Veneman told newsmen on Capitol Hill. Hickel told a MWI confettnce. he felt llDr "ahould be abolished" for use In the Unlt.ed Slates ucept. for · emergen- cies where the Inte.rior, Agriculture and HEW departments agreed It should be t1~ed. lllckel said "harmful side dfect.s O\'l'!!'lib . ~ J,ll!!fuln,..'.' ol llie pelli,. c1de. The Agrlctillure. Department source commented that "we have been looking at DOT uses on a use-by-use basil. We ... :·~,..:me~.F~~, .... ~." The source added he could not s~ 111late at this time as to which or how .;JDllny uses would be affected. Patriotism Theme Marks -Valley's Education Week American Education week In the Foun- tain Valley School DisLrict thls week has a.patriotic air about It. 1 It was kicked off Monday with a hootenanny-style r e e n a c t m e n t o[ American hislory through folk music at "f~~~ whli:h loc)udecl studeots, leachert and Invited 'gue9b. "We wanted to give the students a chance to focus in on the fact that America's unique system Of education for everyone ls closely tied to our heritage. and accompllahmei:i,ll," said Pat Taylor, a Fountain Valley learning coordinator who helped organize the program. Beginning with the Revolutionary War period, 8th grade singer and guitarist Debbie Fulcher led students in folk eongs ·telling · that early part of American history. ·.1;Jeach YMCA:~.Managers -,, The ''spirit of '76" was re-enacted by atudenl!i David McCullough. Sandy Peck and Kirk Watennan who marcbed across the mu\U.purpose room!s stage playin& fife and drums. Spotllghl3 played alternately on dif· ferent musical units set up all around the toom, which included groups presenting the Civil War Period, the l920's, current American history, and the story of the country's martyr.heroes. 'Hold 1st Me et'f.J:iursda y The newly reorganized Board of ).fanagers of the Huntington fleach YM· CA will hold its first meeting at noon Thursday at the Flshennan Restaurant. near the Huntington Beach Pier. ettairman of the board is Dr. J. R. LiDdqulst, director of intemaUonal &tu- , dent affairs at cat State Long Beach. He ls a fonn er YMCA secretary and vice president of the YMCA of West Orange County. ~A I LY PILOT OJtANG• COAST PUl\,ltHIMO (OMl'AN'r 1teli•rf N. W••' p,..,lftflt ,,.. ~lllllr Jee.I. ''-Curley vu Praldetlt .,. GeNrel Mlflllff Thoflllet K11¥i1 l:Chlor Thom•• A. MYrr,hl11e #Mnql~e E•I Ill' """"'' w .•• ,., AIMlff ... l tHtor H111tl11tt-hNll Office l09 II~ S!1ttl )111Ui~j Aiir•n: P.O. 101 190, 9264t . . ............. " N'""'I ltfdl! ,111 WHI MRIM lalltVe,. (ot!e Non11 :!JO Weit la., Sll~I UI-lt.cJ11 2U Fwttl A...,.111 Board members are George BarMs, Philco Ford engineer ; Don Bonfa, Hu~ tington Befich 'City attorney; Lee ·CArnah~ .. MITtna High School Counselor; Alvin Coen, Huntlng\on Beach city coun· cilman; Dr. Ethan l'ullmer, assistant superintendent, Huntln~on Beach Union lllgh School District. Also, Mlckey Lawson, Fountain Valley fire chier; Pat McVay,:.realtor; Vincent ~toorhou.se,,Huntington Beach dlre<:tor of har bors and beaches; Capt. G. L. Payne, Hunt!.r_.gton Beach Police Depart~nt; l>av1GPfilllips,""'McDOnne ·Douglas data processing: George Read, HunUngton Beach Plumbing; Pastor ·C. Rose of the Community Melbodlst Church . And Dan Smitha, student.teenage re.presentaUve; C. ,E. "Bill" Woods, Signal OU communlly relaUons dlrec:tor, and William A. Wt:tn, Huntington Beach Co. ueaJtive. · Richard Coll~l.Q, executive director of tJ1e -YMtA laid regular meetings of the Board of Managers win be held on the se- cood Thursday of each month. American EducaUon Week continued today with classrOOm al most of the distrld'a IChools. SF CRA B CA TCH 'WORST YET' SAN FRANCISCO (UPij -th.,.. was no joy on Fisherman's Wharf Tueaday where-the first day's-catch-of-the crab season was describeQ as "the worst yet." "I never seen it so bad," said Tommy ?\.1anzalll, skipper of the Pttarla Anna. He had a haul of 300 pounds of dungeneM crab. Several boaLs had loads as low as 26 pounds. Some years ago a nonnal catch wa s 3,000 pounds. One veteran of the wharf bl amed "all that pollution and chemJcals in the _wa:ter." WiLh \ties~ catch, thfl cost •t the steam -pots along t.he wharf was as much as fl a pound. Reports Hint Blackfin. Out of La Paz Boat Rac e 'l11eto .,.,. UllCOD!lnned reporu today that Blackfin, Ken DeMeuae'1 7J foot ketch was out of the Long Beach to La Paz race. 14 the poslUon reports received today by C&mlU Hudson of Newport Beach, monltorirlg reporU from tbl Vtctor., Blacld'ui dld not .......,. tho morn1na roll call but WU belleved bYded . iJllo Mqdalena Bay. ·Latltndo·•nd 1ona1tuc1e1 or 11ie nett: · Aileron 26 ION 117 OOW, Al Viento 17 14N !ll lSW, Aquarlut 26 llN I t5 l7W, Arlana If .UN llf 46W, Aveowra 116 SIN n• 47W. Bohemia If SIN lit !OW, Chulsma I! 18 OON llS 29W, Concerto 2l 31N 114 llW, Deblnda 26 llN 116 21W, Doona J. I! 47N 115' 35W. · Doroll1y 0. 26 lllN IH llW. Irl1h Miii 26 llN 115 t5W, Isobar 31 JIN Ill IOW, Alltgn> IS 17N 111 IOW, La Prenso 27 i8N UI fflW. Malobl l7'0SN 115 !!OW. .Mlslrlll 211~ l ll 45W, Ponter a II JIN 115 llW, po,.do M1nana 11 OON 1!711 W, Pl!rlcut IS ION lll r/fW. Raacal If HN 115 S7W, 1loboft JI! II 17N Ill ltW, Seroplt II !ION Ill l•W, Scverl'l 27 OON 115 31W, Tenqueray 28 S3N 115 mv. Vector 26 JIN 114 46W, Wlod- ward P.,,age 25 llN 113 25W. lo cbarltlH." when 1--~ lbe fOUDJl&U,,. U a J.r)'il& for .)2-fWI lo Durlllltholllcol-lllllllllMln*'n, publle-lnlll. ~ • ....,.codlnl .... -. tho lrvliil Foundldea pve araoto Iola!-BIPI -. tho ............. , copllal II wlildi' m1c1!1 lolvo Iba ln( 11,!0l,OIJ lo llalo Ind local llJ'GllJ>I. ii.I '51 obom. II nqutr.d lo dlvul ttael! !or more r1pld dml-•nl1 - '!be Or1111e Coast ,..,.lved cloaallom · ol -oliam; the in-r '""" Illa 8'Ie Slid Privett, "PtoPle woo buy th• ~ m.,.. than• 1295,000. Heciplenls ', of the lled< would be "'UIVellecl by tlle , stock OUJhl lo be -"·who will have included: Harbor Area Boys Club, F~UQn ln 1 "dlversl.Oed porUoUo." U1e same sound inle motivation $80,000;. sooth Coast Commuiilly Prlveit'(ald, Ind profit> wiOild cOritlriUe in cleveloplog the.I 'h." He did Hospital, $75,000; Oraoge Cout YM9A,_'· lo tit ~te.d lo charllab)!,.!"J&hlu· not meoUon Mrs. tjy. , . $50,000; Laguna BeacJ'l c omm u n1 t y Uons. . J,lke 8'nltor By . Si ·1 ~ a1n- of Orange County, *2$,000: Orange Coun-"w6uld Jii"· t;o find '~a very PriYeU iatd.the ~d aqi t.'ap- ly Pariilets lor. Progreu, ltl,000; maf!>r~~,Ja. lhe lull pJl., ,to llJ!llldaliolW • .'I"!. . . es Asslstuce ~wtue ot Laguna Beach, faJl: Y.. not allo'fl , ~ ~-Of -J1nc1 a In 110,000; °'-.county Association foe oudtcilnt ., . lo , •. ~;people of 1111 ~ . dlvill>lt . ~· , led Het.rded .Cl!lldr!f!, 1\0,000, aud the Boys c.Jlloi)ll4. . , • ' L . .Stite*: . ltit:G Jlle.J lne Club of Sm Clemente, 15,000. Paaaage of the bill ,...id "" a victory Foundallon · allon lo FoundaUon grants are administered by for heiress "1's. Joan ~lne Sinith, who which tBe Jfj · appl!eS. an 11-man board of directors, under con· owns or .cootrols 21 .1: pereeDt1 61 lrvjne The h:v!M0 ~&;.::·.11.15 petcent ditlona set up by James Irvine in 1932, Company stock. Mrs, ~Ub \.bas bMn of ~e h,OOI} ~ cif ·\ e C!ounty: 'I 1 ~ I~ I Awaiting War Protests \ 1 • • Arri viii~ , 1 ~; i}~ ;) Troops WASHING TON (UPI) -A steady shut· tle of Ct)O air c.,rgo plane1 today began alrllftln& more' than· 9,000 troops into Wublnaton for duty In event of dllorders In this weekend's antiwar demonstra· Uons. Rlne-atmed, helmeted paratroopers, aome of them with sheathed bayonets, alla:bted from the four-engine planes ln a •teady drlule at Az!di:ewa "Alt Force Bue and boarded five-ton' trucu· for move- ment to undisclo8ed at.and.by point1. The Cl30s, which carry 20 to 40 men in addition to vehicles and equlpment, aet down at l!ttady IO-minute Jntervala, then new back to North Carolina ror another load. • ' Dressed in grttn fatigues and carrying knapsacks, the paratroopers were the first troops lo arrive. The first of a con- tingent of marines wu d,ue early tonight. The vehicles unloaded from 'the planes ' I ·j,,1' . ... 'I ' • . l • ' 'IOr• moolly jeeps. Al ~·-had a sign reading "txploaives. • '.;· · · · A Delenae 'Deparlm l h pollelman. Jerry W. Frledhelin, said 11 cl the'ti'oops are "tborouchly trained in c iv i 1 diaturbaQCe operation•." He said they would remain on federal property unleM assistance in keeping onler .... asked by·Uj Jr· Pll>arl· ment and the . Didct '. COluinhla governn)fnt. ·. t The Justice ~t bas primary responsibility for · •· order dur· ing the demonstrationl ~.. ellp1ued by a mass march on SatJ.ll¥.y. Milk Bowl Set Youngsters to Play in Valle y The Depaitmenl' agr.ed ~ tn allGw a march involving per~· .~~many u 7tl,OOO on Pennsylvarua A , pass- ing within a bloct of the lthtte , in What promi&e.& to ~ a. te ffllon game featuring quarl..Ued players\wlll be held Saturday al the Fountain Valley High School playln1 11.td as the ~·1· lhree youth football teams meet CJU1'n from the Loi An1e1 .. .,... In the "'Mil~' I." nie non~· battle', whi wiU featurt'three aepaiaie gaiDe.11; beg at 10 a.'m. 'lbere ls no admlsslOn charae. JiepraenUJig Fountalo Valley will be the Eqlls, lhe <:ouiim lrld the Fikoru. H~IPln& to ~t the pla)'ers apiriti will be four quesis, fmttly a'1etj.ed two weUa ago trom the teams• cheerleading Publi.C Sc hools Actually Do Go to Publ ic ~ Hundreds o( afternoon shoppers were surpriled Mooday as the Hunt.ington Center mall was turned into a gigantic classroom, fea turing busy students and a vast array of teclmlcal equipment. It was the flrst Ume that the five schools of the Huntington Beach Union High School District took the classroom tG the people to let them see for thermelvea whit wail being accomplished in Amerlcan education tod ay. Durin1 the remainder of AmericRn Education Week, which continues throuV,b Friday, the dlsplaya will be on view with teachers and students present to answer questions. 1'1onday featured classes In foreign language, business machine operation. chemistry experiments, auto shop, art and even a band practice. "Some or the people thought the band played badly," sald Dist. Supt. Max l''orney. "But these are demonstrations of actual lnslruct.lon going on. We presented the band in Its rehearsing period and were able lo show them how they get as good as they do when they play for foot· ball games." ~uada. They are Julie Cassar of the Falcons; Dara Paul and Tammy Lehman of the Cougars, and Terry Vaughan Of the t;agtes. Youth Football Is a community organlzatioo formed three years ago for boys between eight and 13 who can me.el speclfic weight ! equiremenl!i. The Fountain Valley group Is a· member of the oraani~tion's Orange County Confereoce, which includes about JOO teams. exchange for a pledge b yleadef . o( the protest to keep it nohviolent. · '· The first troops 1o arrive 'were r:temenl3 of the 4th Brigade"~ 12nd Airborne Divlslm from Fort Br'' :N. C. They were landed at suburban ~ews AFB, Md. . I ,. :· The Penlagoo said the, balanie ol-lhe brigade -OOnnally abollM,500 mill - plus the 2nd Regbnent of the,~ Marine Divlslon from Camp ~j~ ~C., -alAo '.muld·be nown lo Wafulllol!..-j . A Marine regiment -nOimilly md have a strength of about 5,000 men. ' DAILY Pll.OT SJl!t p~ TAKING PUBLIC EDUCATION TO THE PUBLI C Cecil Warbrick (left ), l1n Anderson An1ly.ze Auto Parts Tei the girl who knows what she wants but not where to find it Match your style with our many distinctive designs. And 1 ask us about ou r famous Orange Bk>ssom guarantte. \ .. \ ' \ ' CONvtNIENT TE~MS .. UNKAMUl¢ARD llASTU CHA~6E .J. C. J./ump hrieJ '~we~': r · .· , , . 22 Y£ARS '. SAME (~Tl . [ '['' ' 1121 NEWPORT AVENUE '• COSTA MESA . PHbNE I r 14•·1 ,~1 II I • .. I . . I J I --,. ------.... ~ DAil V PU.Or fl TonSoviet rQUEENl!~------~•~v_,~_i_~~~onc1~1 Hijacker To Fight Return No :\ntldote Seen U.N. Denift! Ger m Weapo n Study Halts No velist ~ · Ostracized .. MOSOOW (UPI) -'Ille Soviet Writon Union today of. ficlally fnnounced the ex. pWsion of -~ Aleunder I.~. one of Russia's greak.t living novelists, 'Ille union lll110UDC<d Jn • s. word "chronicle" in late edi· tiOM of the literary week1y Lit<nturnaya Gazeta t b a t Solzhenllsyn wu expelled for I failing lo repudlate "hostile bourgeois propaganda" that grew up around his works. . It said be "promoled lbe fanning up d this anlJ.Soviet clamor around his name.'! t. The pre\>~lyal reported .~'.:'t .~=.=-==;;:;:,;=..;;;;;,;;=,;:;.;;;;;;;.1 ion, now uu1c1 , means uui "Appear overttmftdent and let him l!'hittlit 70U down Solzhenlt.syn Js no longer a to .._ Be WV. that.,. professional writer and has no----------------- right to have his work publish- Cliina .Agam- lJNrrm NA'l'llltis (UPI)- . ~ ; " ~Cbm'Clmedollr WASHINGTON (UPI) --lladooOdbelrlngd frMbn ~lnltclle>u•s but 11111 IGit lila ,..r's - 'Ille Peotagou, citing "growing a ilotJJe A~ auf>. cllJwe." .., cuoUq K-alllt Odna crlllclam" ol.lta dJemlcal and committee, the tranocrlpt of Mac•nhw" lald the m-lrom U... l111ited N.-m4 ROM!!: !UPI) -knerlcan bloJoalcal Warfl!f& (CBW), bu 1lillch wu made publlc toc!&y. clloc:uaaOd -Ibo N • brbl&llfll lu PeilJni repr_,. lawyer Marvin Mlldlebon aid poned •u . · • ~ ...,., pool plans to It Ir I In a staleulent laler lnseried UOllll ~ of -The .-' _,_ -tocl,py be will flgbl -adltlon developmtnt ol a germ ~ th · --., ' to lbe United States fer' Raf· weapon for whl<b there would mlo e transcript, Macarthur (NAS) and 111 _.lfnc -•· •ote; to tho ComnWiilsl faele Mlnlolllello becauM the be no antidote. """! Info eome cletall He cy, the · Natlooal ~ = ~ .J::.:;: legal climate Jn Italy IJ more A Oefeme Depart me n t noted tha! all biological agenls Cooncll (NBC), -11 ·-Pe{ti& aysmpatbeUc toward the hi-witness told Congres! on June now UQder considerliUon stem "Tentative plam were made would bave Meded a two. J k t that eminent blologista · from natural diseases. But to ln!Uate , the __ • thJrds maJ«ll1 for memo ac er. bellevM that within five to ten a(ter a five•.year, $10 millioll r-r-.... benhip. Miniclllello, a U.S. Marine xears1 it woUld be ·possible 1to flfltal'Cb,pfOll"am, be said, it M~ Aid. '4HC)lllNftf', Thia wu four more af .. Corps veteran of Vietnam, p~ ·• syit1¥f< blolOgieaL pc<>bably would be fll'llfble ·lo docreUJng fullda In CBW, llrmallve .-!or Peking laces a possible deat1' ,... 11gent "for wbldl no natural mate a ™>W, I n I e ct Ive growing crilldsln of tho. CBW Ihm ii oblolnOd !Jot l'W'· Tile tence in the United state. for' immunity could have been ac--~amsm that would be progam, and our rehll;taftce Itel resohJUon 'favoring the forcing a. Tram World Alr!Jnei quired." resistant "to t h e im-·to , involve the N~tme in r.ommuntst.s over the Na. Dr. D. D. Macarthur, the munoJogical and therapeuUc aucb a controYenlal endeavor donallltt reoelwd 44 voter. crew to fly him 8,702 mJJes Pentagon's deputy director of processes up:>n which we de-have lied us to postpone it for with 51 oppoeed and Z3 ablteoo from Cali!ornla to Rome Oct. .resem:ch lllld e,nlfneerl.ng;ba~ pend to maintain our relative the past two years." tions. 31 Jn lbe world's loogeat hi·l-----"---"-7-'--'----------..:....-......;; __________ _, __ jack. In Italy, he could be impris- oned for 30 years on eight charges including abduction and violence. limited fime urrer ed in the Soviet Union. For several years, Russian publishers have ostracized Solzhenitsyn, who has done all his recent writing "far the drawer" -po sth umous . publication. Northwest PCISsage Breaker Back Home A Brooklyn, N. Y., grand jury last week 'lndlcl<d Mini' ' chlello, 20, for kldnaping, alf piracy and usault arii:r re. quested that ltallan officials extradite him to atand trial. Mitcbelsoo aaid the cllmate Jn llaly "i> "'°"' aympothellc toward Raffaele" because the 11allan-born )'OO!h ''ta also a countryman ~ and the mlJ. slon of returning home ls a ver.y feeling thing." .-· Solzhenitsyn became famous during the era of former Premier Nikita Khrushchev -with his novel "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovicb," an account of life in a Stalinist prison. After the fall of Khrushchev, Solz.benltsyn fell into disfavor. B.ut several of his books were published in the west, where they caused literary sensa- tions. Among them were °Cancer Ward," about Solzhenitsyn's struggle against the disease, ' and "The First Circle ,•• another story of prison life. NEW YORK (UPI) -Tho lceb-SS Manhat- tan returned bol.ne today from her ' historic cooquest of the Arctic through the frozen Northwest Passage to a gala harbor celebration. Fireboat1, lugs and merchant &hipll, under the watchful eyes of the Coast Guard, escorted the 121,00IM<lo giant inlo the harbor. 'Ille Manhattan is the large.st merchant &hip llyiDg lbe U.S. flag. 'Ille voyage, begun from Costa Mesa Only Big Clearance of Women's Sportswear Group I Group II 2.99 3.99 Group 111 4.99 Choice of comfortable fops, Jamacias, skirts 1nd ankle pants stylishly dona in neat looking f.1shion1. Hurry in! Smart Selection of Women's Dresses In ri9hf.for•now 1tvl•1 •!Id fabric• for th• hol idav1 ah•ad. A f•w Juniort and P•til•• ..... 7.0G/1l.H reduced too, NOW 4.88AND6e88 It's a Jewelry Riot Clearance Etrrin91, br1c•l•t1, pint ind 111ckl•c;•1 to clr111 up '"" fa1• hio n. A 9r1tt lcl1t for 1lockin9 5 FOR 1.00 fil1•r1. Our Own Closeout ·of Sheets Chester, PL, in early August, fulmied . a 500-year dream to find ·a · Nortbwelt Passage from the Atlztic to the Pacific Ocean. The "$30 millr'on gamble" was s]lOll!Ol'ed by the Humble Oil and refining Co. The ex· ped!Uon was triggered by the dlscovery of an oil field in tbe Prudhoe Bay ..... of Alaska'• nortb slope. Tanker transport or the crude oil would be 1ese: expensive t.han by pipeline but first the feasibility of the water route had to be proven. He said that Minichiello, who was arrested in the ~ man countryside after taking an Italian policoman hostage in an airport escape, bas a better chance ol 8'tl!ng off wllb only one trial If be stays Jn Italy. "If he were tried flrat Jn lbe Unlled Slates, be would still ·be liable far crimes be al· legedly coounitted In Italy," Mitchel.son aaid. HARIOR SHOPPINfi CINTIR C:OSTA MISA PRE·HOLIDAY 819 Reduction! Women's Pretty Practical Uniforms w;::c,~::'1Now 5.99 TO 9.,99 Tailored in the latest feminine sfyl•s. Comfortable feeling, quick drying f1bric1. In en always ne•t polyester knit. · Seamless Sheer Nylon H- Styli1h nud1 h11I 9011 with all f11hlo111. 111 t+t1 t1ic11t you-p11t1I 1h1d11. Hurry f11 11owl Men's Dress or Casual Slacks • 15 Som1 with P1'"' Pr11~ w1ar1bility. Som• •rft. with 11,..Rol~ wai1tb111d. loth 9r11t for 1 1.91}7.91 n11t.1ppt1rt11c1. NOW 3. '' Men's and Women's Shoes ~ -Twi11 -;!Id fun 1ii11, P'fll0Wc1111 i11 colon !tit! 1r1 di1continu1d. &r11t for 9ifti119 or k11pin9. ----.For--Gr ... 1r-c11111l-11r. V1rioin--.tyl1r of-llrif. -- 88 8 88 1lip.01t 1r l1c1. 111 l••lti1r, 1u1d1, ,, pig. J.tt/10.n • • • skin. NOW 4~88 40 ONLY ! filRL'S IETTIR DRESSES In th• 1tylu •IHI t•bria punt ,..,._ •re wre .te llk1. Orlg.,fUl NOW 1.88 TO 3.88 COLORFUL AND FASHION.AIU HAIR IOWS Yeu t:•n •fford re ltt theM ,. h your hNd. 66 OrMt tlft ldHI Ori• $1. NOW e HDUCEDI FASHION COLOHD PANTT HOSI P'Mturfnt nYCI• ,,.., •fJllnt In • .....,., ....... 99 1 ... ttnft:h nylon. Orig. 1.6t NOW e IOY'S IELTID DRISS·UP PANTS TO CLEAR With • dlttlnctlwe yoke llet:k 1tyll,..,.Nut 3 99 1 .. klng Pnn Pr11~. Orft. 5.tl NOW • CUARANCI OF CURTAINS AND VALANCIS · lty1-aM fat.tic• that ,..., te • .., the ..._ lwttht llMI ,...,,. °'"· I.OW.,. I 22 2 88 NOW • 'TO e REDUCI D TO Cl.EARi YARDAfiE l o ... ,. to t:ut eut, MW, •M MY• to m•k• I 77 yevr ewn fnfllena. Ori• 1.tl/2.At NOW e YI. Shop Mon.-Sat. 'Iii 9 p.m. 40 ONLY! IOY'S IUSH JACKm •-. •-• potch pockm. 1tylllhly hi..., 11 99 Durable, w•tw npell•t. OW. 11.tl. NOW • 30 . ONL YI IOY'S SPORT SHIRTS Mat:hlne wa1hfll:ll1 pol.,.ter knit. Latett fu fdon celen. Orig. i.50/1.tl. NOW 120 ONLY! IOY'S SWIAT SHIRTS M•t:hlne wuhMle t:.ff.en'/Mrylk lthM. W•n:n f1eec1 llnl"1· •I.._ neck. 2.99 1.77 21 ONLY! MI N'S POPULAR PLAID JACKITS Ha ... _ly styled wllh,,.,,n --•· 6 98 aWIJtp: NMt '-kl... Orff. 10.H NOW • CLIARANCll MIN'S IETTIR 5'0RT SHll.TS c,,...."' ..,,. .. ,.,., "'14~ "" - -2 88 , .... WMr•WTlty. °'11· J.tl/4.tl NOW • 31 ONLY! Mllf'S LAMINA YID JACKITS In • ...... _ hl,..i,..lh style !hot It llght-•. 99 weftht yet w1rm. Orlf. 10.tl. NOW • Use Your Penney, Charge Card by ma·king a decision that's right either way! Choose a ' Frigidaire "Goof·Proor Washer _ Jor a!Jtomatic;ight-for- the-fabric washing. The -Goof-Proof' &-position Fabrics Seleclor Dial gives you washing con- trol over today's modern fabrics. Au- tomatically selects the ag itation, spin f;ibliC so\\eil8f tt,,d~1£ oispell~~ .... ~...... .,,~ltll'l ........... l'lf spe ed ·and water t empera- ture that's just right for the fabric you 're washing. .--.~~~ ~. ~.':COi Choose a Frigidaire Rapidry-1000 Washer for a faster spin that leaves your wash drier by far • Rapidry-1000 spins your laundry fasl-but-gentle to extract the drip from you r laundry. Many pieces are ready for ironing right from the washer. · BOTH have these. Jet Action i ~._,.,,__f.eatures 1n common 1 ..-Jet Action Ag itation for deep. down cleaning•Jef:.Away Rin ~e & Lint Rem.oval• Autom atic Soak Cycle •Solid Tub• Roller-matic Mechanism -no belts, gears or pulleys-tQ wear, wobble or break. , 0 "Goof-Pfool'' pair eit~er ~&o washer wilil or Rap1dry~ oryer this matchl09 •· - oa>A" """ -~~t\58" pertod·~-~ 6\Ql\11 • ,__.--.- Dtcrotl Unl • ' ....... ( f pp A Giii/i/ · the Price is the· same for either one! $228 88 only ~ bothora lo bulld In ..... help . 411 E. 17th St. C.osta Mesa -646-1684 Dally ,.9, Sat~ 9~· e ~l!VCE 1947 e -....... .,, --· s .. . . . . ' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAi. PAGE Good Education's Value • • ' Quality education iJ a direct llnanclaJ benefit to the community. That II the theme of American Educa- llon Week now being obsO?Ved by opr local schools. !J a youth iJ unemployed because he la lrilulllde¢ly educated, he and his family w!U ~ave to subsist et pub- lic cos~ school officials point out Tha President's Commission en Crime found that onlY 14 percent of all eonvlcted off<lnden had finished high school and 46 percent had DO education beyond the etgl>th grade. The commission's figures •bow that It costs '3,613 a year to support a young person In a cornctional ln- rtitution, wlille the average annual expendlture pe< pupil In the public schools In this area ls down In the '600 to f100 range .. 1be more education a person receives, the hJgber bis income Is likely to be. A community whose young people have completed their high schoof education will undoubtedly have a greater l?"r capita Income than one In which many do not finish high school. Time to Disc1188 Specifics Emotional pursuit of the "Communist Plot" argu- ment against se• education In the schools iJ u.ing up valuable time that could, and should, be devoted to ra- llDnAI discussion of the need for lllCh cla11es and, ii they ara neelled, of the type of curriculum that would be most desirable. l The "plot" theory was aired once mm' recenUy by a speaker addre111Dg a group of l!eoubllcan women In the Saddleback Valley area; but wltliout any new argu- men<a to ·baclc up Its valldlty. With 'the l:urrent deluge of se1-oriented fllma, books and mapzlnea showering down on their young (along with out-and-out parnography from that burgeoning business field) maey parents are genuinely concerned about the problem of provldlng adequate, sensible In- struction In se1 matters to counteract the product. of minds that sometimes appear to be a liWe sick . Without such Instruction, Whether It be fn>m home, church, school, there iJ no way for the Immature to navigate through this maze and sort out reality, from fantasy. Knowing that their children are being expased to serious emotional, and sometime1 physical damage, many parents would like, with the cooperation ot those engaged ln the education of young people, to do som .. thing constructive to help. It would appear that some of the se1 education pro- grams are qwte effective, some Jess acceptable. It would be useful ii parents and teachera could sit down quietly and discuss specifics instead of. being r~ peatedly detoured by persons who apparenUy have made up their minds that all sex courses are part of a "plot," and with whom rational discussion is virtually Impassible. Good fo r Fountain Valley Fountain Valley City Attorney Thomas Woodruff has proved to be quite an asset to his city since be took over the post in early October. He has already helped revise -to a shorter version -the city council agenda, clarified e few cloudy issues and suggested a otrong massage parlor ordinance. His pleuant personality and clear answers to coun· • ci1 questions have greaUy up~aded the Image of the city attorney's office In Fountain Valley. He approaches his work with a young, fresh view. but also carries the experience of hi1 work as assistant city attorney in New~ part Beach. His appalnt:ment has been good for Founlaln Valley. H Congress: No Pride, No Leadership Compassion Nixon Reforms Are Blocked CalW for in WASHINGTON -"l'be old·tlmer In Congms shakes his head sadly. He hss never .een anything like the present -fir notgetttng anylhinf done. 1'be l.adenhlp; he (Oe!J, lacks 111 sense d dlrectlon and drive. There Is no 'pride In leglslalive aC«lmpllshmenL '!'be did timer gives a dozen re8..90nl for the lelhargy Into which the Demo<ntlcal~-. controlled ninety.first .~ hu, fallen. , . Senators are lnta'elt<il mostly iri'eelf- i-notlon. 'J'be De!nocratlc leader, Mike Mansfield, hss no lalent for cracking the whip. 'J'be ~ of the House, John McCormack, II old and dlsorganhled. 'J'be old-timer thinks back .to opeaker Sam Rayburn who laid out a program, l<Mcked beads ... -aM aot action. He thinks of Lynden Johnson as Senate msj<l'lty · lesder and the wheeler-<lealer .. Johnson treatment" that cmi.plemetrted BIJburn'• l>eod-crlc:klq. FOR TBB Of.D.TIMEll, wbo la .. ap- ~-conunJU.. wbcbalnnan. the lqilnl ntnety.flnl c.nrresa II a cHssr-· By mid-October only one 1p- pvpriation1 blll had b e e n enac· ted. GovtrmDent department.I a n d Coolrea 11 .. 11 are aperating and poying ulariel without c:on,rea. b a v i n g autbortled or appropriated money for thll purpoee, but only by common con- Id tblt Congress will act sometime before the fiscal year 1970 ii over nut Jely. '!'be Wblte H""' II trying to wuk up a budf!t tor the 1971 flscaJ year, due In JlllU&t)'. '!ltllout ~ what Congress will ~le for the pruent fiscal year. NIJoa.pl'Opoeed rotomu of the most nMJJ1Di kind In the welfare l)'stem, the draft, the tautloo oywtmn, the postal syrtem., the manpower programs, grants. bi-aid to the slates, reform of the paverty prdgam, refonn of fonlp aid -·111 -langullli In Jelhariy. IT IS AS IF CONGRl:llll -bad been fell- ed by a poralyUc stroke or by some poychologlcal trauma lnhlblltnc acUon. C4ogresa 11 oow only borely IUrrlng In Ill leglalatlve coma three week.I after Pnlident Nixon.'1 long and plaintive mesaqe sharing oome of the blame but begging for action. If Nllon got a 1low start, Ccmgreaa II apparaiUy del<nnlned to show h1m it can even go alOW"er. Hear· lnp bave been held on only ball the sd- rnlnlslratlon 's propoaall. 1bm are only a few weeks left before Congreu goes home for Chrlstmu vacaUon and little opportunity to gtve the Nixon reforms IOrlous attention. Nil:on'1 aides are promising that new, creative proposat.-not merely reforms -will be submitted to the second oesslon of the ninety-first C.ngre5S beginning next January. Creative proposals will thus be piled on top of reform to create a greater log jam than ever. THE OLD-TIMER THINKS be la being trapped. How can be go back to his dlalitct at Olrlltmu and begin to organize a campa!Jn. for ~on on the record or Con;ress ao f4f? He views with alarm the prospect that a pollUcalty· mlndtd Republican President cm make Congreu the 1slue in the elections of Jl70. "Let ua resolve," Nilon told Congreu, "to make the legislative Jssue of the 1970 campaign the question of who deserves credit for tbe ninety.first Congrus' record of accomplishment, nol whlcb of us !hould be he1d accolllltable because It did nothing. t1l.ls should be notice enough that a P'rt¥fdent aceused of doing notJllng or too little may be building a ttcord to tum the chanze oo Congress as did Harry S Truman wftb great succe.s.s. How mUch the public cares k, of course, a perUnenl question. Many legislatil't leod<rs sensed esrlY this year that peqple had tired ol new programa, new Jawt, new lnltlaUves. Nlzon aenaed this h!mlelf, delaying bis _.is to Congresa because he recognized thal he wu not el~ to pUe new nlOUf'Cel and manpower on top cl old programs. 11WE WERE ELECTED," Nixon said, "to lnlUate an era of change. We intend to begin a decade of goventQlent reform sucb aa this nation hu not wltnesaed 1ri half a century. That ts the watchword of this administration. Reform .'' But reforms cannot be made without the c:omenttnc partnership of Congress. which yawns over Nixon's decade of government reform. The essence of the problem ls that Qingrea II controlled by a party not much Interested In seeing the Republican President make a good record ot refonn· in& programs the Democrats passed. 'Ibe President does have an Issue and if Congress does itot arouse from Its coma he will have a better one when the elec· UOn.s of 1970 come around. A Fiendish Commie Plot Fidel Cutro, ln u fieadiab a plot to destroy America u any in years. bas postponed O>rlstlnas unW nexl July. Is nothing sacred?. Mr. Cutro'• avowed purpose wu to allow the Cubans to enjoy the Cbrtstmas holidays by getting in the rugar crop. But the real intent of this .alnl&ter. devious mastermind is obv10Ully to wreck our economy, &hatter our unity and &et Amerlcan ailalml American. For he has ~everly put his finger on the ooe w • a k a. e 1 s in our American heritage: No one tn his right mind. ,.i.otutely no one, likes celebraUJll Cllrlllnw on December 25. AND JUOll'Jl,Y SO •. 'lbe storet are jammed that seaaon of the year, park· fnC'1 lmpouible, the weathtt'a miserable and prices are at their sky-highest. No wane date for celebrating Christmas can be imagined -except perhaps New Year'• Eve when everyone'• drunk. Conaequemq, when Wll<d of '!'be Fidel ----- Wedneoclay, Nov. 12, 1eeg T1lc <ditorial poo• of th• Dally Pilot 1eeb to inform and 1tfm- tila:k f'eaderl bu prt1tnUng thb uwlpape:r'• opiJdom and com- mtn«arr on topb of lntt1't1t Gnd 1ifl'llflconct, by J>TOvidtng 0 forttm for U.. •'JlT•uion of -"°"'"' °"'""""· and by pr<l<!lfing U.. di111ru '"""' ~ o/ ln-fMTMd obsenier.s _, ipokt1m,. on lopiCI of th• dov. Robert N. Weed, Publisher -· l Castro Movable Christmas Plan gets around, a lot of supposedly loyal Americans are going to fall into his in· tricste trap. "II President ltooseV1!lt could switch Thanksgiving around to sult th • merchants," they 'll say thtJu&bUully, "why can't President NiJOn nit.ch Christmas around to suit us shoppers?" SO WE CAN EXPF.c'l' a grass roots drlve to transfer Christmas to a more convenient Ume of year. Welt and good. But -and here's the Commie fly ln the American applesauce -no t w o Americans can agree OD which day would be besl . Take my friend , Haversh&w, who's a bit of a 1klnfllnt. He wanb to celebrate Christmu In mld~anusry IO that M can take advantage of lhe after.chrlstmu Alea at that lime of year. He flgurts he'd 1avt ZZ.2 percent on hLI ChristmaJ lhoppilll. But Miu Pance, who nms the local gift lboppo, II boldlnf firm lot late Augusl uwe have more h111!rw9 than we cart handle in December," lbe says, "but la ta August Is a dng." PROFESSOR GBOMMl.T, a Uber1l thlnktt at Skarewe Unlvenlty, hi• alrudy produced a lenglhy paper 1111- 1..Uni staggered Chrlllm..... ThOl9 whole last names begin with A would celebrate during the first two -ks of January, and lbose wllll the lnlUal Z dur- ing the. last two wee.kl ol. Oec::ember. Not only would the Zmlths and Zllche1 problbly ttvolL but so would our youlh. "No racist, fa~lst government," cried MJs.s Carmen Sutra, angrily painting a placard, "la going to tell me w h en lo celebrate Christmas." But Christmas is, of coune, for the lit· Ue tykes. So I asked a little tyke when he'd like to celebrate Clristmas. "Every· day," said the little tyke greedily. THIS OBVIOUSLY ls impracUcaJ. \Ve must somehow "select a single day each year to ctJebrate lhe blrth of the Prince of Peace by filling oor hearts With love and brolhttbood. A single day is enougfl to e.st or anyone. But U "e can't agree ••• Hold It! The econOfW'S saved, ne Conservative Cunnudgeont Club has just 1Ssued a presa release caJling on "all patriotic Americans to reject this Red plot and suUer through Christmas on December 2S likt> our forefathers at Valley Forge." And, knowing the reaction of my fellow Americans to Communist ideas, good or bad, I hive faith that we will. Dear Gloomy Gus: Supenllor BID Phillipa v o t e d qatnll a county ban on foall-burn- lng power and development plants? The old fuel ! J, L. T. Tlllll ........ ,..,.... .....,. ........ ... MU ... rttr ftlOM 9' ................. .... r-1"'t "'"" N ....... , O-. O•ll)' Plitt. Loss of Cat Tb the Editor: I want to complain about the lack ot compassion that some people have towards animals. I am referring, In my lnstanoe, to Halloween nigbl We have a iialf.Slamese black cal that gels quite ex- cited when there'a a 1ot go1Pg m. Anyway, he toot off Friday night. Not thinking anything of IL my chUdnon and I waited f~ him to come back. He didn't come back. that m&bt and we haven't seen hlm alnce. MY POINT IS, there were tome teen- agers out that night that thought they would do some mi5Chlevous things. I have heard there were eome teen-agers on another dreet close to ours that were teasing a black. cat. the descrlpUon of which fitted our cal \Vhat these kids don't realize Is that the cat they were teasing is a children's pet that h11s meant mlny hours of com· panionshlp and playing for us. SINCE THAT night I have done everything humanly passlble to find him. I have been to both animal shelters two 2nd three days this week. I have put ads 1n two different newspapers, but to no avail. I hope whoever found h1m or knows where he Is has just a little compaaslon and thoughtfulness when they reallie that cat is very much missed. I get sick In thought when l think ol that fateful night because some kids wanted to have fun . MRS. LYNN EV ANS New1wort h11!' To Uie Editor.: Do you really consider these two articles on your second page ('Mrur9day) newsworthy? Just to aay 1·-do not Is an understatement! Surtly you can find toplcs of a hl.gber caliber whlch might contribute, rather than detract, from our society, especially if IO little merit la re. quired to make the !eeend page. MRS. W. A-DELMER TM re/ertnct· ta to wire 1emce storit1 frarn Honolulu and Atlanta about, respectively, the problems of a stripper with a 48·inch bust and tht non·problems o/ one with a 44-inch measurtmtnt. -Editor Change t he Law To the Editor: Please change the law for me. U you do I will be prood of you. Please cbange the law to be lighter at niahl. Mate 11 li&hter In !he night. . ROBIN GrrrELMAN Age I · • The DAILY PIWT hopc1 U.. do~ t.oiU come wihm. wt wfU hat.le Da11Hoht So.uinga Tbnt ell t1tor round. for mort light at the tnd of tho do1 for iaf., driving at1d more recreation time. -Editor Lettcr1 from nadtf'• art wlcome. NormoU~ uwfte-r1 1ho1dd conoq thtfr mtssage• In }00 wordl or ttu. T~ tigh& to condan&t lttkn to /it 1p4ce or 1Uminatl Ubcl U r11erwd. AU In- ters mutt fncludt rignaturt cmd mtti£. tno addre11, but names mav bt IDith.-held on rcqvul ii 1Ul!i.U..I ,...,.~ II appar<nL. ____ _ Truncated Lives Of the Reading an essay on Mozart the other evenlng, I ran across the familiar plaint that "he died before his time." I wonder if this Js true in Mozart's case, or in the case of other great creative geniuse. whose livesJiave been cut abort. I wonder if a personality whlch generates so much force does not have a pattern and a rhythm of its own. Mozarl's whole life reminds us of a apeeded.up --he accomplished In a year what took decades for les.s talented meJL HIS DEATH AT II, S<hubert's at 29, !teats' at 26, and scores of others-there seems !Omet.hing inevitable in these trun· cated lives, as if these men worked feveriJbly to produce supreme work eat· ly, because 10mehow they knew that lime was working against them. It la ntremely doubtful whether Keal! could have written any ~at.er poetry, oi; Mozart any greater music, than they had already given the world. In a sense, the most important part of the.Ir llves waa: finished : Keala' "Ode· to a NlgbUngale" and Mozart's G Minor Quintet touched the ultimate of their power!. EINSTEIN TELLS us that "tlme" ls a relative matttr 1n the universe: perhaps it la also • relative matter within the personality. I 1USpect that more men Geniuses have outlived their time than have beea cut down before it. A genius, of cwne, can die by ac- cident, like Shelley in a sailboat, or Marlowe in a tavern brawl -but, even then, U one examines the tempestuous characters of these men, their dramatic deaths were almost by Invitation. Byron caught a fever and died at 36 while fighting In th'e Greek war af in- dependence; but his contemporary. Wordsworth, lived unW 80 -because he would not go to fight anywhere. . - IT IS POSSmLE -even probable - that Mozart and Schubert would have liv· ed looger if they had no.t had to struggle so bitterly for subsistence; and society cannot escape a sense of guilt for Its harsh treatment or Jt.s finest talents. .In mlilgaUon of our callousness, however, it must be sugge.ned that even under the most favorable circumstances, such men tend to burn themselves out at an early age. It may not be lrue that an artist thrives under hardshlp (many have been crushed by U), but tt Is at least true that a youthful genius may be ready tor death long before we dull plodders have begun to live. Our Sclwols in Chaos More than 50 million young Americans returned to tchool this !all. At alt levels, kindergarten to callege, they found the schools in the most chaotic state of our experience. Part of this chaos Is due to Inflation, which pinches teaching and facilities re· quired by the vertical....-rlse cf school populaUon. Part is due to racial bias, which reflects the general, non·school racial t.ensk>n. Part is due to a chronic conflict about what the schools purport to te.ach the young, in a theory they need this education to take their places in a free society. TlllS LAST JS a subject educators are loath to analyze, lest it reveal realities tending to d,iscourage the young in their quest far educaUon. Yet this is the very 1ubject which has underlain much or the recent unrest. and outright disorder in the schools in recent years, parUcularly at the rollege level. For out of It may arise a SUJplcion that the high school! and collegts are only doing half a job In preparing studenl! for Ufe, as the cliche goe;i. U this suspicion bu 90me foundation, 1t leads to another, darker one: that a considerable share of than now In callege, at least, ahooldn't be · there at all. To voice sud! a suspicion Is perhaps like doubting Motherhood or the Flag. but whaL briefly, ts the history or our educs· tJonaJ assmnpllons? FIFTY YEARS AGO the educators devl.Jed tablet to prove that a College tducaUon was worth X thousand! of dollars In tuture inc1Xl\e over a high IChool education, and IO-on down the C"•des. The 1taU1Ucs were valid enough in a money sense, but they told only half of Ute eoclal story, because earning power is not the IOl.e criterion of social well.t.c.lng. But the statlallca csupt on with the young and thelr proud perenta; bringing a surge of aspiration for C'.'Ollege educaUon, whether or not the lndlv1dual bad an AJ>' ijtude for higher learning. IT IS BtrBMJ'ITED here that a larg! ,eiJ!ltnt oL~•I' otudcnts qon't have this aptitude. They may or may not earn mo~ Income alter plowing through a four.year curriculum, but earning power is only one side of the coin. The other side deals with the contentment of fitting learning into post-educatlonal life, A great many young people doo't see the point of this contentment, or un· derstand how it works. They go to college because it Is socially fashionable, or becauso It fills in IOMe prttarious years In a distraught and confusing world. (For males, Vietnam is also a factor, but a temporary one.) YOUNG PEOPLE who &!'fl indifferent students, being interested only in rock, or being beautiful like Raquel Welch, shouldn't go to C'.'Ollege, because even the future income magic may fail them. Yl!t we, the elders, fondly egg fhem on, then mope about wondering wbat the hell ha~ pened to them. Whet has happened is ihey are being forced into a false situa- tion, one beyond their cap a c It y , whereupon they lnev1tably exlu'blt the biological symptoms or frustration. .----B11 6f!Of'9e--..., Dear George: . I've betn dating this beautiful showgirl, a real dish, believe me. She has a wondrrfUJ figure, ii fun to go out with, hu a new car and ts even highly intellittent. And she's crazy about me. What gets me ls she doesn't seem to ha ve the s!Jghte:st bit of will power. What do you think about that? CONFUSED Dear Confused: Boyl This titUe dish rt.Uy DOES have you confustd, doe!n't she? You wrote the whole letter withoUt even menUoniJl& what your problem was. r' 1 i I ' I ' ·---------· ------ J2 PILOT·AOVE•TISU H Wtd nesd11, NOVtmbtr 12, 1969 WtdMsdq, Novtmbff 12, 1%9 H DAILY PILOT J.IJ • . All • -MGLIDAY -STARTS THUR~DAY, 10:00 A.M • COME EARLY, LIMITED SIZES, (j)UANTITIES AND . COLORS ' HUNTINGTON CENTER ONLY .. ---------FIRST FLOOR-----....-.---··_ .. ___,....- MEN'S KNIT DRESS SHIRTS Pf1t11pr•1t, 100 % 1Jlly,1ler. 4.88 ..... -6.tl ....... .._.. ... .!.-·~·····-··· .......................... NOW MIN'S SWIA11RS ' ~c: a:.~· -~.:~~'.-~'.~~~: .. :~'.~.' ... ~~-~-'. .. ~.~-~~: .............. NOW 7 .88 WOMEN'S JEWELRY f•~if• rintl, e l•t••~'I -tyled. 1· OQ ..... t " •······-··~·i-·······-····-·············· ... -········ NOW . • ! WOMEN'S SLi El'WU.R •\ ll1ift lt111ffri t•w111. 2.88 ..... 4.M ................... -............................................ NOW WOMEN'S SH6ES f11hi•11 lt11l1;, fi ll riyl;.. ,; .. , <I 'It t1 I 0. 6 88 q . 11.tt .. --·-··-·..-··-··--········-· .. · .. -·-·····-···-NOW • MEN'S llTT!R DRESS SHOES \ 8.88 1lip•11 •-' l1e1 •rf•r' .tyl••, 1it•1 11 1/J I• 12. -.-.. ·--··-·r···························-·········· Jl,INIOR ANKLE PANTS MEN'S GIFT DEPARTMENT lm porl•d i•welry bo1:es, men's belts, cuff links. or ig. 5.00 to 25.00 ············-··· NOW 3.88 , orig. 3.0 0 to 10.00 ............... NOW 2 .• 8 orig. 5.00 lo 12.50 ·-···-···-···· NOW 2 ... WOMEN'S SLEEfiWEAR i1l•ct fr om l:.•by dolls, c.ulott e's"•nd l:.•d i•c'kets. ori9. l .00 to 6.00 Now 1.88 ro 4.88, ' . ' . ' . ' . \' . WOMEN'.S-'F~SHIQN HEELS ' f•~· col;rs .0 ·s+).l11. or•!J · a.tt +o'~S.t•. . , _, NqW : -4,8·8 . ' WOMEN'S F\IR TRIM COATS . . . full.l1n9th co•f1, +_rimmed in Afcjh•nist~n P•rsi•n l•tr\b or linl+•d' St11te1 mink, limiftii 'qu•nfiti 1s. eri9, I 19 .00 ' Now 88 ~00 f11r• lit. r•Y•• 1..i c•H••· pl•i'1 •1td 111li,d1, 2.88 .... 7.N ·····--··-···--.. -·····-· .. ··•-··-·-···-···· N~ • ' . . . WOMEN 'S FULL LINGTH COATS ~1i9• •1141 llr•w1 •ftl.,; 49 00 o/}t. ii.I~ __ : .. :.·-·········· ... NOW • · WOMEN'S DRESSES "'i111t. i11ni•r and lri1lf 1i111 . 6.88 9rlt. t .11 t• 12.tt ............................... -................ __ , MOW MEN 'S SUITS lw• ~uHo11, •'.d• ~~l'lfi, Doc r•11• p•lv•1l•r I w••l ,ll.l'1...l1. 6t,OO llri1. II.II ··----······-···· ....................... -............. _. MOW - - - AMERICAN TOURISTElt LUGGAGE W•Mf ft01 11" b1 ,, fl llttfill t, ,.1,, 1111111 ft ••• 32.88 .rif. 11.tl ·······-··········-····-................................... NOW . HAIR . PIECES 101)% Du,011t• 11yl•11 wi1l1h. • .... ~ llri1. 21.H ••••-••••••••••••••H••••n•.-••••••••--••••••••"•"•••••-••• NOW ' MEN 'S SLACKS 581.. 1crylic, 50'X.° r1y•11. Rt1llll1 •• ir•11i111. ] " ' iN'11. 7.tl ................... _ ... , ...................................... , .. lltOW · TOILETRIES 'hi1•h···· , • •1. 1i11. 1 99 •rl1. 2.l t ..... -···············-······--················-·:-······· .. ·· N,OW ' ---------SECOND FLOOR--------- GIRL'S GARTER ~ANTIES GIRL'S ANKLE PANTS IOY'S PENNPREST* SHIRTS IOY'S conoN PAJAMAS ,,111 ,,,,,. '"''' 11,1,,,, '"'" 1,,,, 99c ....... , ~ ______ .,.,, ... , ................. , ...................... NOW IO)IER JEANS 111ferD4 · ....... tl1ttic Wt iaiM 11tl, ' 4/l ''"' 617. --·--·----···-··------·········-···········-·····--1.00 INFANTS PLA YWU.R :.'!.ti.;~ :;~~~· .. ~~.~:..~:-.~~~: .. ~-~~.-~-~ .................... JIOW 1. 99 GIRL'S PANTY HOUSE I 00 %. t+Nkh •'fl•~. c ............ + ••• ...i.;;. ··-·-··-···-················· .. ··· .. •·· ........ . BOY'S SLEEPWEAR 100 ,-. cotton fl•nn•l ·1Mi•m•s, ·~•chin e w•,h· •ble, 1i111 I to 16. IOY'S RANCHCRAFT* JEANS , 50 % poly•1ter, SO·~ cotton t'11nnpre1t•, ·r19· ul11r1 end 1lim1 . 2 ~99' GIRL'S DRESSES · ·. r1duced t o .cle•r. cotfo11 c.i1µ1ls, dre11y 1fyl e,, jump1rs, 1izes 4 to 6ir •nd 1 ·to 14. ori9. l .99 ~o 5.99 ' Now. 2-:88·3188 . DELUXE PARTY URN lO c~p. <:hrom• f.inish. bl1c.k b•ke lit1 t rim, no GHp sp'out, 1i9n•I li9ht . GIRL'S KNEE HIGH SOCKS ::;.ft :~''~: .. ~.~-'-~~ .. ~.~~ .. ~.~.'.~.:~: ... ~: .. :: .. '.:............... .. ~ scr oriij. ~3'4 .99 FAIRIC CLEARANCE Now 23,88 ' CHINA SNACK SETS Fl'.l"NITURE THROWS ~ •11orted c.ol~r$ •nli .f•l:.ric1, J 1lyl11 t• 1.h•o1• fr•l'll· 11 •111y, -"•· 6.11 .• , ................. ----··---·--······ ............ . •ow 4.88 0 60x 70 ori"g. 8.5 0 ···········-·······~·· NO_W 4.00 9,0x70 or;g . 9.50 ....................... NOW 5.00 . 108 X"70 orig. ·11..00 ·····-··-·-········ NOW -7,00 ·I 20x70 orig . 1 7.~8 ·····-···:····--·· 11ow '9,oo . -. ~ HOSTESS GLASSWARE ' . "\olut ti'1•1.'' 1•+ ~f I ,111111. ..... J,lt ..................................................... . !~· ' . NOW 1.88 TAILECLOTHS . . . SHEET BLANKETS . - 100 •;. cotton, w•shabte: white •nd ori g. ],)9 to 3,;4 9 ' ' colors. . Now2.88 ' l SPEED ILENDER I 11w1h !JuH0111, iRlif 11I •R l.uH•~. I ! •I· i•r. 12.a eftt. 17.tt ............................................................. lfOW -----------·THIRD FLOOR-------------,. GOLF rumRs ~·~: ... ~.::.~--~~.~-~: .. ~.~ .. ~'.:.~.·-···-·····-.. ···-· ·-Now.2.00 CARRY AU GOLF IAG li,hfw•ighl ~l .1k •• whit1. t •~ly. ... ," ................. : ................................. . . •ow2.00 MEN'S GOLF SHOES C.rf.111, liMill' 1it11. ..... 11.11 ···-··-.. ·---···-----........ _ .......... .. . NOW 5.00 GOl.F CART :!i!.'~f:1i~'.'.~: .. ~'.~~: .. ~ .. ~-~~~~ .................................. NOW 19.88 LEAN· TO TENT ~-;~~4:.~ ... ~:~·~:---·-···--·---·--·····-···-··--....... NOW 11.88 IUCTRIC IELT MASSAGER !t .. "-!.1i~~-~~ .. :~~.' ... ~ .. ':~.i·~-~: .. ~ .. ~~-~-· ....... NOW 34.88 JIM TURNESSA STARTER SET !..;~04~':.! :~-~.:.~-·········:-....... ·-· ..................... NOW 30.00 AMMUNITION 11 • ., .22 1Mrt, ~ -4 te. ......... 1.11 ................. . . ...... NOW 51w 1.00 PISTOL CASI ~.l: ;,;;'-..~_.••1.~-·--· .. -·-···· .. ··-····-·--········-NOW 2.00 1 SPOT UGHTS , u' 1pef1, I! volt, plu91 111 li9hf1r. e ri9. 2.tl Now 1.88 l e USTOM-STERING-WHEELS f•r Yollt1w•9•n. ori9. 19.95 Now 29.88 CUSTOM AIR CLIANERS •H chre"'•~ fih ••,... 4 lwirrel c•rhu,•tor1. .,i, .•.• 5 Now4.88 CABINET HARDWARE . LIGHT FIXTURES discontinued pulls, hin9 •1 .;,d k11ob1. orig. 45c-lo 59 c .................. NOW 3 for 1.00 c.ei /in9, w•ll •nG •nfry fixtUre1." orig. 4.98 ....................... : .............. NOW "L66 orig. 29c lo 35c .................. NOW 4 for 1.00 orig. 19e lo 25c ................. NOW 5 for 1.00 orig. 8.88 to I 0.~4 ............... :."NOW :6.66 oiig. 12 .98 to 13.98 .. NOW 8.88 ' HALL RUNNERS BRAIDED RUGS . twe•d •nd solid colors. 17" wicle . 9olcl,brown, 241:54 , )4xS'4 . ori9. •4c orig. 4.98 to 7.98 Now 25!. Now3.,44 TO 6.44 ELECTRIC GUITARS LUNAR GLOBE AND STAND glob• •nd logbook. ho llow body, 1cousfic. 19.88 6 only. orig. 2.99 Now l ,66 BICYCLE EXERCISER -PRESIDENTIAL GOLF CLUBS ¥•ria l:.I• 1•ttin9s, 1turcly 1t•el con1truction , l only. ori9. 19.81 light w•ight sh•I+, •luminum. 16 •11ly. -cr~:--7 6.-8 I-------'- Now 14.88 Now 60.00 • DEMONSTRATOR MODEL 4 PLY NYLON . .· ' TOYS int1r111fioMI f•r,. 1q11tjtl'!ll lll, WttOl'I lo•tl•r. ,,,.•llllilr, 25• h•"•"'· ..&t-lk ._ .............................................. lfOW · Sl'RAYIT 300 f.or Ho~ttho.ICI' s,r•yi119 ,.,. 4.11 ...... '. ................... : .. ' . . ..... NOW 188 REEL WALKER tr1w1li11t •Prinltl•r. ' ol'lly. '.tt.11.11 ............................ . ' 11.18 .......... wow 1ROUT ER 'Ai H.,, 4 •nly. ..-1,. s•.t t ........... -.. .. ....w 39.88 SOLDERING GUN 100 w1Hf. t •nly. ... 1,. '·'' ·---··-··-···-·····················. -... NOW 5.77 POllTAILE 'DISHWASHER l•O '•tr•• w•ilt'cy,I •• J: l•w.I w11h. 2 •111., .................... -······---··-·· .. ······················ 108.00 ' . ' ' FLOOR C.ONDITIONER " ,,,.111 llo•r c•n,iti•••r.· 1h1111,••· ll11H, ,,,u... J2.18 or~. 44.tl . ·--·--·-"--··-········-................ , .. _. NOW REFRIGElt,t. TOii / 4' fr•1ll•11, •11 wh•1h. ..-i,. t it.ti -....................... : ..... .. ELECTRIC ltANGE pw1h button. JO" wl'•· •~•. i nly ...................................... . ····· ~ 233.00 .. 148.00 CUSTOM STEERING 'WHHL white, hlue~-9old. m•t•I II•~•. orig. "4.11 --M!N I_ I I .KE~··_ PREMIUM TIR=E=S-1---;W=O=OD~P"'"T"AN.=EL;~D'-'-"AS'-'-H~-=ICl~TS r••• up c•r n •r1or. ' . .,.;,, 111.tt . Now t5.88 16 Mon th ro•d· ~lz•rd 9u•t•nt1e, I 7lS•1 s ---ori9. i I.I, Now . •I ._, _,, > ' • ' I ' • Shop P~nneys-Sundciy Afternoons l2, tp 5 • t ' I ori9. I .It NOISE SUl'l!llESSOR tcm Ford, Chry1 l•r, &en•'•' Motors preduct1 . ori9. 9.11 No~6.88 .. • f I •' • •• " . ' • , . . " j\ ' ,., •' ;. •' ,. ' ... .. • • .. l ha High Gear .. , ' Firm Says I . . Thanks for • Deliver y .. ;. New Brake ... ;. Center Set A 1'eW che.in of automotiv' ~ters, The Big Brake Safety Center, has opened its first Orange County centers vl'ilh ribbon cutting ceren1onies at the Huntington Beach and Garden Grove locat ions. ,. The Bic Brake Safety Center of Huntlngton Beach is located at 10091 Beach Blvd., while the Garden Grove faci Uty i~ located at 13388 Brookhurst SL , ~ Huntington Beach Big , • B'rake is owned by John r.ur- ren, a Costa Mesa resident ' Wershow REAL ESTATE AUCTION COIJ'OUTIOll LIQUIDATIOM 10,000 ~ ft. BLDGS. on 12,SCll sq. ft. C.5 LAND OUJSTAllDING COMMERCIAL CORNER ln tkt hurt~ bf:111tih1I · LAGUNA BEACH, CALIF. JiUC1 ION ON TH!. C.ITCi lln Gl!llN~lll ST. :S.W. comw G191t11t1)'r• St. 6 C.ltlolle SL 'IAGUNA S-EACH, CAL THUllSDAI, MOV.13 1111 ..... ~--.. ;tfil!lllllllJ ....... ::.. "'.::'.;"" "i"::" .. = C4iMi:..: a... '° -.... IMld ~ to "" M: CMtw.n..-1 .......... = =-=.::; '!.. ..... __ lli. .. , .. r.r.:: 't nlMlf Cfi~ Kl 21V 0 ii p..i t:....,· =: :--11 i. _ ..... r • .... 1Wm1Jaw r.o. I ~ AUCT10NIDI • MM.Tftf n1.1 mMM M.. lOt ...a .... 01• UMMI uu .. "'"ltl;'l'lrl:I "'· ..... 1 . ,.., NOW BELL BOTIOM AND FLARE BOTIOM PANTS R19. 11.00 NOW ·s7aa .... n .ts • NOW Open Monday thru Fn.lay: 10 1.m. • 9:30 Sot. 10 ,,..,. to 6 p.m. Sun4ay 12 i. J HOWARD'S MENS SHOP No. 42 '"hlon lolond (Oppoollo lrdwoyl Nowporl looch 644-2175 T Complete.=..New • p " ti b A \: • f ti • t p ' • u II b • • ~ c 0 ti • ~ ( 0 $ I 1 ' \ I ' ......... 'I •. ,..,_ I ---~ ' • . . . ' . I Vqt:l 62, NO. 271 , 5 SECTIONS, .102 PAGES , . ~ I ORANGE COUNTY' CALlFO~NIA WEONESDAY, NOVEMBER '12 1969 1 t '· ' ' ir''11·. • ' Delay Theatened . Apparent Leak Discovered in Hydrogeri Tank Tlh: troUble interrupted an almost flawiess serieli: oC pre-launch prepara. tiooa. It't'U· ~ late lh ilje morn- ing lllCI Glftclala Immediately begah an investi1a'ti0h ·to see what Was Wrong. the early arternoon after t~ vacuum leak was discovered. , If APollo · 12 .cannot be readied for launch Friday, the next :--.arid final - launch opportunity this month would come Sunday . was under way "to determine the extent or the difficulty and Its effect on lalUICb operations." • The weather and ·all other aspects of pre-launch preparations were reported satlst"actory. , CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -An ap. pare,pt leak was dllcovered In the in- 1tilatiJlg .vacwm,or a hydrogtn tank in the .Apollo 12 moonihip today. 'Ibe pro- blem threa~d to delay the start of Anjerica's ~rul l)lOOn landing mission ,'\ u m\lch as a i;nonth. · d ApolSo 12 astronauts Ch'ar Jes Conra Jr;1rRichard F. Gordon and Alan L. Bean wt1re targeted for blastoff at 8:2Z· a.m. ~ Frideyl nut an informed source said '!be problem involved one of two 23- ga!Lori liquid hydrogen ~nks in ,\polio l~'s service module, the unit that services ttae· APoJ]o command module. Li· quid ' bydi-ogen 'ml.I.rt be kept ' at 423 degrees below zero and each of the tanks has a vkuum jacket to tn!Ulate it. Because of a complex relatloflstiip between the Apollo 12 landing site, the earth and the sun, 1the next laurich op- portunity will not·~me J>efore. Dec,. 14. Ee.lore the dilfleulty cropped up, the three astronauts worked out in spacecr,t\ trainers, brushing up on critical portions of their lo-day spaceflight. " I . I •' thtrt ls a chance they ·oow will oot , be ablito·go to the moon unlit December. i1ie space agency said the extent of. the pnil:tlelp could not. be immediakly llSteaed. ' 1be ~le was detected when techni- ci~' began flowing the frigid hy.drogen inil? 1he tapk. The hydrogen, used tO fuel the spacecraft's fuel cell powe r ,,_nerators, was diained from the tank in Out. oa $31,200 Bail The infonned source said the nature of the problem means that a time-con- swning repair process.. would b e neeessary. This, he said, would mean the tank could not be rixea in time ror a launch Sunday. , The space agency said an investlgalion Earlier, the ooly hint of a problem bad ' com' in a radiation report· from the. government's spa~ disturbance center.at Boulder, ·Colo. A spoi<etman, John ~lcKinnoo, Said there were some Jn. dlcallons a •radiation, outburst called a solar flirt m6ght develop lh a few days. , -•• ,· Bribe ' Suspect Rele.ased Runiey Help By Me.di-Cal JY01v. in Sight An Ariz9na man atTelled Monday on charges of attempting to bribe Hun- lingt.On Beach Mayor Jack Green for zon.. Ing faVJ>rs was released Tuesday night from Orange County Jail on $31,200 bail. 'WiIHam New, 66, of Phoenix, Ariz., is scheduled -for arraignment Thursday alt.emoOn in West Or:mge County Municipal C.ourl, Westminster, on. two chaz&e.s of suspicion of attempted bribery of a public official. HunUngt.oo Be:ach police said today tha"t invesUgation into the alleged bribery auempt should be completed before NeW's arnlijnmenl. P.olice have been working with Mayor Gretn llnoe J.(av. 4 when he nottfied them of·alleledtY baring received an oiler of $4,llJll lor campaign funds il he WO!llrl help &ain" a uine change for 20 acres of land near Stater AVeQ!:!.e and Gothard Street. New was arrested in the parking lot of the Fisherman Resta1:1rant Monda)' morn- ing, after be allegedly repeated his fin an· cial offer to· Green. The land in question is owned by ·Dave' and Goldie. Meredith who say they never heard of New, who clatma to be a representative of a PhoenLI mortgage company. The Meredith property i! currently mn- ed for industrial use but there is an ap. pl.tcatioo before the city planning com- mlssion to m&n,e its use to a mobUe home.lite. .•. The reQUeSrfor mobile homes has been made by Cactif1or Gorporatloo of Para- • •• n1ount, represented by HunUngton ~ch attorney-Georfe Shibata. . - No. one Was available for comment at Cactinor offices this morning and Shibata 'o\'as not in his Huntington Beach office. Tuesday, Shibata reportedly sald he had been cont.&cted by New and would represent the Arizona man at hi! ar- raigrunenl, but a secretary in Sbibata's offi ce said this morning she did not think that was true. New claims he represents Consultant- Financing and Mortgaging Company. of Phoenix, but that has not yet been \'erif!ed by police. "There may be other persons in- \•olved," said Detective Sgt. Robert Rhinehart today. "but we have no further infonnation at the moment." ~µclear-powered 'Police "S·tilt Uncertain • Financial aaaistance through Medi-Cal may be on the way to Huntington Beach mall carrier Monte Ramey, who faces heavy medical expenses as his wife Cara preparee for 1 kidney transplant. "1've submitted an application and they said it w'ould be four to six weeks befMe I'd know if Medi-Cal can help me,", said Ramey this morning. Medical expenses for .his wife's ailment already 10tal· nearly• M,000 and threaten to rise much hlgher when she undergoes her kidney -transplant in the near future. When Ramey'• problems began, to pile up about a month ago, more than 200 of his ftllow HunUngton ,. Beach postal workers pledged lo help blln lllCI establisbed tbe "Ba,ney1';wid." ~far U>ty--illarly~~benk aecounl fof hlm bJ the SeCur.tfy Pacific National B8rlk oC HunUngton Harbour• t~e art.a, RatOef . RTVll as a letter car· Desalt Plant . -, .. Urg~d by ·Biiggs 4bout Capturi~g Ztidm(I r1er. 1 Poot¥! employu w ~ garage .W. all day/1'1111f1ii&I' al llll!t.Avalon Lane, to ¥l'_!l incft l'DOae1 for.the Ramey Fund. 'nle llrs\ .pri:p sale mlde about • for Ule ltlnd. ' r>eve~t cf nucl~ar e 0 ,.. e r ea uawater CC111version pt.ants are clear'1 needed and ~vitable, AMembl)'mlft John v. Briggs (R·Fullei:tonJ has reported to mtmbers of ~ ~ state Leslll•lure·· Briggs, chaihnan cC .. the J o i ~ t ~gislative fomnt!Ufe on A tom~ Development ·. and Space, lnfcrmed . 1egislator1 ol the result ·or two public. heartna;s. A third public hearing ii scheduled for TUesday and Wednesday 1u the Orange Counly Courthouse· . . . Briggs reported these addttional fan· dings to members or the leg~slature: . -Smogless nuclear power Is a logical alternative to smog producing con- ventional power plants. -Statewide pre-planning for nuclear developme.ni sites Is indicated. · -Belter coordination among state agencies dealing -with power plants is tssenUal. . -The development of nuclear power is hampered by a lack or public acceptance. -A"J/ improved public education pro- grJJn on the benefits 'and need for nuclear pQWer developme~t in California must be accomplished. Briggs reported that a meeUng with federal oU1ciall oin Washington, D.C. con. ylnced hlin that several f~eral agencl~s Ire· stnr very much interested m eatabliahlng a nucelart desalUng plant tn California. He met with the Atomic Energy Com- mission, the Office or Saline Wa.ter, and tilt Join! Congreulonal Committee on ~ioinlc Deveiop.,.nl. • ' SAN FRANCISCO·cuPI) -Polle< said today \beJ had "considerable evidence of many differ• kinds" in the search for the Zodiac tiler or five persons, but couJd jye no "word at.' reassurance" about oo 1mmlneat arrest. '''Ont 1111 we will cmtcll him and he will be tried;• uld Sin ll'rancl,co Chief of ~ Martin Lee. Lee tc11if· aM. eontefena he gave "no credence," despite hints in JeUirs Tues-- day to t&be , Sin Francisco Chronicle, to theories Zodiac also was responsjble for the stabbing of two San Jose teenaged girls last AQIUSI. "There ls absolutely no evidence link- ing him with the (San Jose) murders," Lee said. _ Zodiac, in two rambling letters ac- companied by one of his characteristic cryptograms, boasted he had committed seven murders instead of the five with whlcb police have linked hlm. ''We are learning more and more about him all the Ume," Lee said. "He has been called insane and a screwball but I don't believe il I think he is legally sane. He has a knowledge or the difference between right and wrong. · "I don' .picture him as a man ""ho works with bis handl. I think be has a small job and ~ one where he does work with paper •. p0gslbty at his desk." In the Wters to h Qronk:le Tuesday, Zodiac laid.he intended to diqui!M! his future murders as "routlne ~ries, i.illinp ot aoaer. ' a few rate accidents, etc." A postlcrlpl lo one of his letters In- dicated be wu dlsplused by a dwindling o! publlc attention since he inchtded a piet'e of a slain cab drlver11 blood-stained shirt in a letter one month ago. "Could you print, this new cipher· on your front pq:et" he asked, ''I get awfully Jonlly whea I am Ignored, so lonely t qould"do my tbinlll!!I!" • Then 'in a 1~ ecrawJect handwriting l"'s· Com· muntty -which contraRed w{dl his usual small f,. ' · • prirtin(.:.. Zodlae added, "Md I can't do a thing ylth IL" . •. - "'.rbis ts the ZodlaC speaking.'' "Up lo the end ol Oct. I have killed 7 people," he said. "I have grown rather angry with the pollce for their telling lies about me. So J will change the way the collection or slaves." The pasiage about collecUng slaves, which was followed by his statement there would no · future annouocemenl.3, apparently was a reference to one of his previous cryptograms which said souls ol his victims .would be his slaves in the afterv.-orld. At the bottom of his message en the greeting card Zodiac printed, "Des July Aug Sept Oct equals 7." He previously had c I a I m e d responsibility for the killings of Betty Lou Jensen, 16, and her boyfriend, David Farady, 17, near Vallejo last Dec. 20; Darlene Ferrin, 22, near Vallejo, July 5; Cecilia Ann Shepard, 2'l, in Napa County, Sept. 27. and San Francisco cab driver Paul Stein, 29, Oct. II . The letters did not specify the two ad- ditional killings but the "Aug " reference corresponded with the deaths of two San Joc;e teenage girls Aug. 3. They died of multiple stab wounds. "We have ,lots of clothinl, some utensils and other items avaifable for .sale," said ~eter Barazsu, the ~ailman dlrecUng the drive. Postal employes are asking for help from Huntington Beach residents :who might add lo the fund by aendlng dona· tions to: Ramey Fund, NALC Branch· 2135. cio P.O. Box 1015, Huntington Beach, California, 92647. Air California Rejects PSA Bid The Board of Directors of Air California has rejeeled a proposal from Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA} to ac· quire the assets of Air California. Carl A. Benscoter, president ~nd chie~ ex.eeull ve ofriccr of Air Californ ia, head- quartered in Newport Beach, said Tu~ ds y directors have voted against the PSA offer bec1;1use "they believe it would not have served the ~t interests of Air California's 4,000; shareholders." Btnscoter did not disclose terms of the proposal. Cong Flag But Mayor Faces Court Action No ·w SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74-year-old mayor or this northern California coastal city goes into court today to answer charges of trespassing. theft and destroying prilpf!rty filed after he tore down a replica or a 'Vfet COng flag from in front of a resideoee. • Asted how he would plead , Mayor Richard· Werner said proudly: "guilty!" 'nl:E~CHARGES were filed by Larry Eugece Bell, %7,,a-supstitute t?ch- er, who made a dtlzen's arrest or Werner in front or Bell 's home Tµeeday. n,.,., Thursda The 1atest miaeapondence included • ~--.,_~,-l>li• llll!i!IJ1!1!u!rJl!a..c!J!!>e~ramb!:_ __ 1_ ~.,,_ ol YOUR COM-Ing letter, a -on a <lldllc l""Ung Tht! mayor, a veteran of both World War I and World War JJ, said be bad received five telephone ca!IB about the nag Tuesday morning. --''"' called..tbe..police...deparl.mt:nt_and they told me there was no ordinance covf.l'.Ylg ft, no state ot'federal laws against it," W1rner ·said:-"f7diWt't wanr to get them in trtiuble ao I decided take care of it myaell.' • • • .. ~ w• --· eard -.... -pleft ol the cab M\1N1TY, the Jl'lllllllDe which ~ driver's abtrl the progr.., lllCI prGIDllO ol the corn-"I tbooghl ,.., looulrl need a .sood laugh mw\H.ies of Huntlngton Beach and Foun--before you hear the bad news," he wrote. ta.In Vallty, win be Inserted.Jn Thursday'• He began the lwo letten with the UJUAI, editloo of the DAILY PILOT. This special publication, pre8ented lhis ,_.for the"lhird consecutive year,·of. rn midtnlt, would-be residents and ea blck home" a comprehenaive GI Ute community, It• government, \I recteaUan profams and job ~ ilea. Addition• copies oC the ne wJU, bl available at 25 cents from the Huntlngton lleach o!Oce of AILY PILOT. Fire Kills 6 Youths CLf;VEl.AND, Ohio (AP) -.F~• swepl th""'lh a 111..iory frame hoo>e on the city11 Elst .Side today, claiming the llvu of six chUdren -two Jirll Ind four boys. The vk:Ums. aa;e1 3 Uuwgh 9, were Identified 11 d!Odren of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jack.son. - "I WEN'l'.otn' Lhere and a lady came tO the door· and -I said, "We don.'t like the look of a Viet Cong flag fiyln& on Armlst'ce Day. as a matter of fact we.don't e\•er like it. wpt you please take it dOwn?' "She said, 'We will not.' So l aaJd, 'OK, I'll take it down for you. So I did. They wanted it back, so r said. 'Well t can't give you a11 ol it beck but J • can give you some,ot·it back,' and I lore of( a piece and gave it to t!Jem.'' Bell said Ole mayor "Looked me right in the .eye and said, 'I'll klll_.fOU lf you do this again,• and 1 looked him right ~n the eye and dkln't say a thing. "BIIT I HAVE anolher. "!'<,flying todly, I dyed JI q,,1 or · a Pi~ ..... -• little red dye, a llttle ·blue dye, a Utt!~ 11W·ln lb< e<nler. U peoplo .w'"11 to call thal a Vlei CongOa11-\h01~·· .. -----9••" • ' .... ,, . ' ' ~ r • i' • • . DAILT '"-OT ...... _.'T,..;y ~ Goin' Fisl,Jin' , · • . ' r " I"~''•• I f(I rl While out-for a Velerana 'Itay stroll . on the. 'Hwillngkin; Beach Pier, Tuesday, our intrepid photogril!fher spottell Gar)'. 6 'and 1'all)riiy !\IP. pey, 5, Downey, headed for .a few hi>Ur> .Ol lishlnii. Our p~pher w,h.o ~oe! not yet hav,e cliilllreii,<1sked lhem'to hold tiaJiaa :llit a .To.,; . sa ... yer j ~fy:J:\IB~e~:~hofo! Oilr phq\'ographer11.W Jw . ..W .foli1ht mlo tbe\f~~'.ej,~~~<boy ilFJll PD (iahing, '!'ho ii il~'?JOld~~f~;,· r, h l .,.. r.: ,ii• -·r,. • • • -. <.. r • ' , • r • ' •• •' J ' .. ',frustee · ~~ef Sa;~ Sixth · J, I .,'ff 1 )t t.ll .i :,,·i. • ,. ,'•(" 1• • . . . . ., '.. . . , .. , I B, , L · u.:· . ·••: ~ L. °j.; _,;,,IN . d d · eac1i:i~.g1l' ~~1wci : · ~e · ·~ . ' ' ' t. r' I ' Matthew Weyuker, ~haihna~ 'of the HWltington Beach Ufuorl High· Schocit District Board of Trusteea, said today that aJlOlhj!r high school wlli defhlileJy1be' needed despite "'"'"tidno ;ihai lho . . . district could make•better use of preaent faeilitie1. He addressed his remarks io· Roblrt M. Gordon·; a ·westirtln.ste;. · resident W,ho recentJr ' submitled. a pro~I' to the trostees lndlcatlng that a trustee-ap- proved . f?.5 mijll9n . t19nd electi9n next February will not ·be hecessaey. The m~J would.go for school 'eonstfuctlon. GOrdon-described several 11temauv~ to constrdct!On of another school, whlcb included :a 1four-<1 tiy ~hool wee~. _fleJ?bfe scheduling; a swing spUt ·and use of schOOI faciltties up to 5 j>:m. · . "J've read his alternatives and· 1 ap- preciate the tline he hUs t.ak.en .to pu~ * * * '. Trustees to Set Bond Vote D.ate , • . , . Trustee'.! of· the Huntington Beach Union High Sc~ooi ·Dtstrict an e"Jl"'led to set the dilte for a 'ft.5 million bOnd election during a specia l metUn1 sche~fuled for · 7:30 p..ifi. 'Illunda)" .•t· district.headquarters, um 17th·St. • t '.('11e. bond measure. I! pasSed. b)". the \'Olets In F.ebruary, 1170,. will .be used to finance the constru$!tlon of 'an addlUonal high school and to bring old bWldlnga on the Huntln&tOn Beach HJgh School e&Dfo pu11 'tip.lO eaft.hq\lllke safet:Y'sta:ndirda. SubcommJUee ·reports · ·from t!h e CiUzens Advisory Committee on.the Max- imum U&e of School Facilitlea wlll al!O be preserited to the board of lru~leea I\ the meeting, ' t 'I. • ..., ' I A110 .oo. the .agenda is ' an iOB;tc(~s report • on the construction progreg at EdiJon High School which has been ropen sinte: S,ptelY!tier =but Wb~-ii. QOt .. yet full~ .~pleted. . ' . : . . . ., ( • • • , I • Sleek Market ; ' . ' ~ NE\\'. yO)IK (AP) .,-Stocka;w~ de<Wdoto l<JO!ng terfil_oey .In slow \'»: Ing tltla· alterooon, M decllnq .led. ad' v-by b!>I~ ,11\an.'(Qtf ~ C;;o.; quol1tloni, Page1d&-t1 l . • . " . AnliYt:ll saw1 UtUe•in~way,ot ct,vel· ~"' lo stlmulat', • 1•1n IJ!rt• noted that · Rilil\8 prioauro, WU no\•~ Gly~ ·•-: eondlU,....' the m••Ret .f of 1i1':Welg)IL '" ' .. .,.., . theni dQwn , OD pap;ef/1 si.Jd' W~. "But evidently be bU hot devOted a great deal of Ume to the unique and eeparaie sitaation wru&. eiistii n thia dlltr'idt" · "lie .Ii.~~""'~~ .......... His documei>t would be . more credlble' K he Had spent-a 8rQt deal.of Ume looking inlo· lho things Ille ·distiict 111! duly looked into.''. ' '" ' .' • • WOyuker said tru.tee.appolni.c£ cfliiens committees during the past three Jura had ' allead,y conducted hill ,. doRn ·studies ·on: the altemattvfs GorOOa. hai suggeS,fed. · ' ' " ' · : . · "In e~ery' eas,e ~ C1µ~nii .who .cori du~ .. these stud~s said . thilr Rcom· -mendaUon on tbe. changes wbuld'be1'no"" WP.yuter __ said. ' "People· often accuse the board· of, aet• ,ting up l!fvlsory <ornfillttm and lgOOrlng tfiem. a'h.ls is not true. The board , only l)UOkes_ value.. judgmenll on "1alr • lln- dings." . At Thuridoy'1 ..U.g~ol 'the boml, wbeu the ·trustees me u]lOCt<d lo oet a date for the band election, Gordon will aek.1Uoem,tp.~.lhejr a.;tlon mj·ln· vesugnte his alternalives more fully . , H~ h" indlcat.a ·he wiH oppo<e ti, DOOJ meatUte·if trustees faiJ1lo respond. ' .. 0r.., •..... I • - • ., • DAILY PltOT ff Wtt11 J19, •• • 12. lM •• .,. . r Tax Reform Qill May ·stash-Irvine Donations B1 JANICE llEllMAN ........... p ..... Dll 1'11• to -9lrlllta by the _,_uanma1beroductdH1 ~ ftderal tax relonn bill meets wllh tbe approval of a joinl House-Senate •• commlUee, a Foundation spokesman said 'Jl1r~ ~ le&JslaUoo, the Irvine FDUDdaUoo would be req1llred to divest lLseH ol lta ltvlno Company holdings. The lrvlne-OWlll 1511 allart•, or 14,t -~ of the lnlnt Company'• lllOct. 'At Ila lat Ille, in Novemtier, 1118, the 'lllOct 'aold al lll0.000 per lhan. . The bill carries an amendment by Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (ll-VL). lhat Mia up an acctleratad ocbedulo f« the Irvine F-tloa lo dlvlll ltlell al lrVIDe Com- • Finch Accepts ReJ]Orl Urging Ban on DDT WAd!NCITON (UPli-Hl!:W Secrotary l!obert Jj. Fincb haa accepted and aenl lo the Wblle llouae I report uralni lhat :. major uae al DDT be ended ID U.,Unlted . Blalia over a tw .. year period,. lop gov· . ~ -llld today. . wM. llouae Preaa Secretary Ronold 7.ifllar llld FlDcb had not yet made I . ajiecJllc recommendlUon on the l1ndln(I al the llud7 on hlnnlul dlecta ol the pesticide. But John G. Veneman, undenecretary : Of the Health, F.due1tlon and WeUare Deparilpen~ llld F!Jlcb hid dlacuJled the-piojioaal wtth two cabinet colleeguea, Ali'fcullan Secretary CIHlon! M. Hardin ' and lnt<rlor Secretary Walttr J. Hlckd, * and both were ··~ve to the Idea." •. Jllctd llld be favored bannlni DDT. Zit1ler 1114 the . report from Finch · had been referred to Dr. Lee A. IJu. · Bridge; 'President Nl:1on'1 IClentlfJc 1d· : vlier, aDd 'thlt It would be dlacusa:ed • luflher by the Envlri>nmental Quality C®ncll whlcb lluBridi• headl. . -;. bli!i AiJ'lcUllure Department IOW'C• ' llld the department expecta to announce aoon a blD on most-but not all--usea of · the Widely used pesUclde. • ·veneman said Finch had signed an ! order for an outrlght ban since author· ity to curb use of DDT on crops is under ·Hardin rather than the HEW aecretary. • "What he did wu accept a nport ' "blcb concludes that major uae of DDT . be phased out over a period of two years," Veneman told newsmen on • Clpltol lllU. Hlc~el told 1 newa conference he felt . DOT "lhould be abollahed" for \JM ln the United States except for emergen· ' cles where the Interior, Agriculture and . HEW <kpartmenta agreed it should be used. Hickel aald "harmful rlide ·effects -Olllwelp the uadulneas" of tbe pest!· cide. The Agrlcu1b.lre Department l!lource commented that "we have been looking 1t DDT uaet on a uae-by-u11, baala. We • ~ tome actJon relatively IOOD in a. u»tiy-use blsta.11' • , ~e source added he could not spec- uie at thiJ time as to whlch or how liiany ...., would be allected. .. P'"l' boldloli ucaedlDc 10 pal<tlli of. al Ill all1N,of 1toci within tbe nut two °""""""""' ~ · ,..ra; clabriod Prtvtlt, ''lllllo( ,._. · 'Ille . ......t-t WOOld • 1 q u Ir• ·-ni. ....Utlooa tbe -would be dJ""*!lm't to />'Ila wltbln two ,..,._ ao14 al • .,..,,. ptjcM, iiacaa al hi&b -.. the -~ 'lrvlna --_,..; -~ ...... F«mdaU.O A"'--lloftid J. Prtvall· · •-~ _.. --...,.-IAi di lions." said, •"'Jbe s:laniflcance 1' what the effect of the bJll will be qn the future· ability of 1 Privett could offer no eaUmate of tbe the Irvine foundation to donate to amount such a stock sale would bring. charitlu." "I'm just a lawyer, not a businessman If the bill is passed as written, the or economist," he sid. Byrd -amendment would require the 0 About all you can say is that we Irvine Faund1Uon to dlveat llaelf of IO wouldn't be reil.dy to receive fUll market percent of its holdings n.c1edin1 500 per· value." cent ID the Irvine Company wtlhlD two I! the Foundation sella !ta JrvhJe Com- yeara, at leist 2S percent within five pe.ny stock at a Jowtred market price, years, IO ~rcent 1n 10 years and 100 ptr· Prlvett sai d, the resulting decrease in cent in 15 yean. Fou.ndaUon income would "have an If required to divest it.sell of 10 pereent adverse affect on future ability to donate RE·INACTING \l.S. HiSTORY AT WARDLOW SCHOOL David McCullough (ltft), Sandy Ptck, Kirk Waterman Patriotism Theme Marks Valley's, Education Week American Education Week In lhe Foun- tain Valley School District lhls week has a patriotic air about Jt. i It was kicked off P..ionday with a hootenanny-style r e e n a c t m e n t of American hlsto~y through folk mu1lc et Wardlow School, which included studenlll, teaeheii"ind invite(! guests. "We wanted to give the students a chance to focus Jn on tbe fact that America's unique system of edttcallon for everyone ls closely tied to our heritaae and accompliahmentl," said Pali Taylor, a Fountain Valley learning Coordinator who helped organlze lhe }>rogram. Beginning with lhe ~voluUonary War period, Blh grade singer and guitarist Debbie Fulcher led students in folk aonp telling tb'at early part of American history. ·~each YMCA's .Managers The "SPirit of '76" was re-enacted by students David McCullough, Sandy Peck and Kirk :Waterman who marched acroas the mulU·purpose room's stage playing fife and drums. SpoUlghts played alternately on dif· ferenl musical units set up all around the room, which included groups presenting the Civil War Period, the· 1920'1, cUrrent American history, and the story of the country 's martyr·heroes. ,,. . .lfold 1st Meet Thursday The newly reorganized Board of M$1aa:en of the Huntington Beach YM~ CA will hold its first meeting at noon -'l'l!W'sday-at ·the-Fishennan-Restaurant near the Huntington Beach Pier. 'Qlalrman ol the board Is Dr. J. R. Libdqub:t, director of international stu- dent affairs at Cal State Long Beach. He ii a fonner YMCA secretary and vice praldent of the YMCA of West Orange C-ty. DAllY PllOT I.Mott N. Wt•• ~ Miii l>uMllMr J1c\ •· Curl:r VICI JttnlfiHll tllCI Gener ...... !lll"r Tht••1 K11"il .I.flt« Tkem11 A. tr.fwrp~l111 MtMll~• l41lltf .AllM1f w ••••• , Aued1M1 l!.itor H•lltl1'fffll lffcll Office ·, JOt $111 St111t t.f.Wllf .AM!~" P.O. It• 7f0, •?Mt °"" Offk:• : -.,.,.,. ..,du 2111 W.11 "'""' •~11\'d (!NII Meti l »0 Wu! l1y l!rtt! t.a1..,... Mld\1 m F~•• .,_..,. I Board members are George Barnes, Philco Ford engineer; Don Bonfa, Hun- tington Beach .clly att~ey; L ee Cornahan.~Marina High-School cotmSelor; Alvin Coen, Huntington Beach clty coun· cilmsn: Dr. Ethan Fullmer, assist.ant superintendent, Huntington Beach UnJon }ligh School District. Also, Mickey Lawson, Fountain Valley fire chief; Pat McVay, realtor; Vincent ~1oorhouse', Huntington Beach dire ctor of harbors and beaches : Capt. G. L. Payne, Huntington Beach Police Department ; David Phillips, McDonnell-Douglas data processing; George Read, Huntington Beach Plumbing; Fastor ·c. Rose of the Commun.It., Methodist Church . • And Dan Smilha, student-leenaS;e npresent.aLive; c; E. "Bill" Woods, Signal Oil community relaUOO! director, and William A. Wrtn, Huntington Beach Co. executive. Richard Collato, executive director o( U1e Y~tCA said regular meeUngs of the Board oI Managers will be held on the se- cond Thursday of each month. American EducaUon Week continued today with classroom at most of the distrii:t's 4choo1L · SF CRAB CATCH 'WORST YET' SAN FRANCISCO (U PI) -there wu no joy on Fishennan's Wharf Tuesday where the first day 's catch of the crab season was describeO as "the worst yeL" "1 never seen it so bad," said Tommy Manzalli, skipper of the fl.faria Anna. He. had a haul of 300 pounds of dungeness crab. Several boats had loads as low as 28 pounds. Some years ago a normal catch was 3,000 pounds. One veteran of the wharf blamed "all that pollution and ·chemicals In the water." With the sparse catch, the cost at the steam pots along the wharf was as much as SI a pound • Reports Hint Blackfii1 Out of La Paz Boat Race There were unconllrmed reporta today that Blackfln. Ken DeMeuse'1 '71 foot ketch wu out ol the Looi Beach lo La Pu rice. Th the poolUon reporta received toda1 by Clmlll Hudson of NeWport Beach, monl!odnl repor<s from !he Vector, . Blactlln did nol ...-the moml111 roll call but WU believed headed Into Ma(dalena Bay. Lautude Ind Jonalludet ol lhe fiaat: Aileron• IOll 117 oow. Al Vlonto IT !IN 111 llW, Aquaiiqi •MN lt517W, Arlana B 1211 Ill f6W, Aventura 26 MN II' f1W. . ' Bohemia IS llN 114 fOW. Charioma n K llON 1t5 29W. Concerto U MN 114 17W, Deblnda :II 21N 116 ZIW, Donna J. U f7N 111 llW. Dorothy O. 26 06N HI llW, lrtlh Misl K llN 115 t5W, Isobar :II !ON !II :MIW, Allegro 28 17N 116 50W,..La PNNa 27 !IN na 07W, Malobl IT Olli It! JIW. P..11straJ JS 51N tlt QW, Panttta 28 21N 115 17W, Poaado Man.an.a 28 OON 117 22 W, Porlcus 26 ION !11118\\'. R1ac1f II !IN Ill !TW, Robon m • 41N 115 llW, Serapls • ION 111· 1•w, Sevrrn 27 OUN 115 a1w, Tanqueray 2C 33N' 115 24\V, Vector 26 ltN llf f&W, WlDd· ward Puaage II 31N llJ llW. to diarlU...'! lluNf tbe lllrll )'ilar ~ Mlrdl It, U.lnlna,..........._snnta~ 1111 .. 2'1,1111 to llala and local ,,_, 'l'ba <nqo °"" ,...1ved donltiana ' tOtaJUq ..... than, 1195,llllO. Redpleflla included: Barbo< Area Boys Club. MO,llllO; ~th Coat CoidmuOlty Hospital, $75,000 ; Orange Cout YMCA, $50,000; Laguna Beaeh Comm un It y Players, $25,000; Symphooy Association of Oran&e County, '25,000; Orange Coun- ty Partners for. PrOtreu, $15,000; Aulataoce · Leque al Laguna B<acb. $10,llllO; ~· CouulJ Assoclatlon lo< Retarded .CillitreQ. ltO,GOq, and the Boys Club Gf San Clemente, '5,000. · Foundation grants are administered by an 11-man board .of dlrecton, under con- ditlons set up by James Irvine in 1932, ""'° be -Uobed the fwndlU.0 u I publlc~~ .• !UPI-•• -· capllal la !ta 1!11 shares. II req1llred to divest ltaeU of those shatti, tbe miney lrvm the Alo of the 8to<I: woold be reinvested by tl>a Foundation in a "cHversifl~. porUoUo,"~ Privett 18.id, and profits wOuld co6tl.mlt to be dlStrlbuttd to charitable oraan!Ja· tions. • ~ , Privett said the lrvlnt Company "would hl,ve to llnd a IMlytr ~Or a very mllio< equt(y wbo It wlll!nl _11,paY the lull '!>!};;~ v.alU<f'nal ~not allow __. llnl• to ~the people of cautorn1i .. ., . ' .. -1 . Pass11e ol the bin woold be a victory for heiress Mn. Joan Jrvlne Smith, who owns or cootrob: 21.1 pdci!nt o( Irvine Company stock. Mrs. Smith has been . . ' ' I I trying ror'.11 y•m to=~foun· dal!oa'• c<ililnl -"r lhi ny, wlllall ~ leaW tbe epen for more r1pla dlvtlop~nt. Said PrlveU, "People 1 who buy the stock ought to be MOJlle wbo will have the same ' IOWld interest and m(flVJition In devaloplng the Irvine Jlancli.'' Ila did not mtnttpn Mrs. Smith 41tlCPY, ~ I.Ike Senator Byrd. Mr S"mlth main. tains a home in Virginia. • Privett llld the Byr4 ameQll$ "ap. plies to 1"""1ationa~· t qw~ '!'1"11 lea owniDI Im ~ the Ja:z:;'tn!a In any J>Oll\l?I di ol lb · United Statts." kid he cbirJed 1111( • lrvlDe Foundatiob is the only r.oiail•tlon to which the Byrd amendment> ~!es. The Irvine C.Ompany owns 11~ percent of the 5001900 acres in Orange °'unty. Awaitlag War P.rote•t• J I Troops Arri'vj~g ' I \ ' • Ill WASHING TON (UPI) - A ~y ahut· tie ol C!IO air car10 planes leday tie1an airlifting more than 9,000 troops into Washlngton for duty in event of disorders tn this weekend's antiwar demonslra· tlons. Rifle-armed, helmeted paratroopers, aome of them with sheathed bay onets, alighted from the four-engine Planes in a Jtteady driule i.t·Andrew1 Air Force Base and boarded five-ton trucks for move- ' ment to undllclOlled 1tandby points. 'I11e C130s, which carry 20 to 40 men in add!Uon to vehicles and equJpment, set down at steady 10-mlnutfl lntervall, then fle!if back to Noith Carolina for apother load. Drewd in green fatlgue1 and carrying knapsacks, the paratrooper• were the first troops to arrive. "n>e first of a con- tingenJ of·marines was due early tonight. The vehicles unloaded from the planes ' were mQfily jeeps. At leut ~ ~ a / sign reading uexplosivea." • , A Defense Departm ipokesman, Jerry W. Frledheim, aaid all or the troops are "lhoroughly trained in c I v i I disturbance operations." He said they would remain on federal property unless assistance in keeping order was asked .by. the Justice ,~rt meat 1lnd the ~ of Colutnbla government. Milk Bowl Set The JusUce Department has primary reJPOlllfbllity for malntalnlni.order dur- ing the demonstrations -to be cllma1ed by a mass march m Saturday. Youngsters to Play in Valley The Department agreed Tuesdef tn allow a march involving perhaps as ma ny as 70,000 on Pennsylvania Avenue, pass- ing within a bk>cr' of the White HoUse, in exchange for a pledge b yleaden of the protest to keep it nonviolent. Wbat promiser to be a ten gallon game ~aturing quart-siled players will be held Slturday at the Fountain Valley JUgh SChool playing field as the city's thtee youth football teams meet others from the Los Angeles area in the "Milk Bowl." The noD-conference battle, whlcb will feature three separate games, begin! at tO·a.m. There la no admission charge. RepraenUng Fountain Valley will be the Eagles, th6Cougars and the Falcons. Helping to boo!t the players spirits will be four queens, freshly selected two week! ago from the teams' c:heerleading Public Schools Actually Do Gow Public ... ~Hundreds of afternoon shoppers wue prised Monday as the HunUngton .,ter mall was turned into a glgantie classroom, featuring busy students and a vast array of technical equipment. It was the first time that llie five schools of the HunUngton Beach Union High School Dlstrlct took the classroom to the people to let them see for thermelves what was being aceompli!hed In American education today. During the remainder of American Education Week, which continues throuP,.b Friday, the displays will be on view with teachers and students present to answer questions. M.:mday featured classes ln foreign language, business machine operation, chemistry e:rperiments, auto shop, art and even a band practice. "Some of the people thought the band played badly," said Dist. Supt. Max Forney. ·~But theH are.demonstrationu actual instruction going on. We presented the band in it.. rehearsing period and were able to show them how they get as good 1u1 they do when they play for fool· ball games." 5quads .. They are Julie Cassar of the falcons, Dara Paul and Tammy Lehman of the Cougars, and Terry Vaughan of the Eagles. Youth Football is a communlty organlia~ion formed three years ago .for boys between eight aQd 13 who can meet specWc weiaht ?·equirementl. The Fountain Valley group is a member of the orgarrlzaUon's ·Orange County Conference, whlCh includea about 100 teams. The first _trOOps to arrive · were elements of .•the' 4th Brigade of 112nd Airborne Divl!ion from Fort Braggj N. C. TileY· wete andaJ at 111burban Andrews AFB, Md.-t . The Pealalon jaid the balance of the brigade ....... n~y about 3~ men - pl111 the 2nd ~ent of the.2nd Marine Division from C~p Lejeuneo N.C .. also 11ould be fiO!l'n to WashlnKton. A Marine regiment normally would have a ifrengtb ol about 5,000 men. DAILY ,.ILOT Siii! l"~tlt TAKING PUBLIC EDUCATION TO THE PUBLIC Cecil Warbrlck (left), Ian Anderson Analy11 Auto Parts. • • t TO the girl who knows what she Wints but not where lo find it. Match your style with our many distinctive designs. And ask tl5 about our famous Orange Blossom guarant~. ., I • ' CONVENIENT TUMS IANKAM!RICARD WASTER CHARGI J. c. JJ_U!flphn~, J~u:,~I.,. . . ' 21 YIARf . ~AME~~ IUi NEWKlRT A'ltNlJE COSTA MEsA ' PHONE S 1-HOI t I voe -' -. I w: wh~ Tl nlng Bl In S "I Cod• Poli F• lod• Clul Nill UI &6.~ Ii ""' -"• I' can '1 ~ "-- '1 l I I °"' SOI La pr• Co mi ~ be he i. "' .. ] 1 J ( n • lo ~ ( , f ·1 .. ~. • vor. 62, NO. 271, 5 SECTIONS, ·102 P.4~~~ !'\.' : ' ' . ' ' BJ lllCRARD P. !!ALL Of .. .,.., "" ..,. ~. ~ .trilenla~onally f a m • d Pi~ of t1ie Master1 wilt Taise its cur-~ ti!_ a rather spe(;Jal everrt next year, a·'pralta.Jll' cel~bri~ _,the "living pic--tull:lir 35tlr anmversa~. J Thi · ~ogram . will reflect the an- niVeru!Y. It ' Will be 1 command perfmill~·of the bes£ works presented durlnl 1be 35 .yeals; \fith some reprodilc· td lrciln each year's show except last. ·on , " ,.., ... '. ' ' ' With quiet enthlllium, poi. , William-. '°"• producer-dl{e<lor of the aelloul aoec-~. aaid ~ ~·~ program '1wW be o~ of the most . amblUous , un- t:e:rtakings we bave ,ever ~!' Williamaoa . estimatecl 'that IOO works o.f · art have been reproduced by the pageanl . since 1915. • • ' f , • ! I The program will bav.e Me subject maler\11 than ·In ffi:enl _y_ ... bably 35 selections ahown in JO diffeienl pruen- tations. However, it ls exped,ed to .move ' ' . Veg~s? No D .-iee·· Tax · Reform !' ' Clemente .Bans Charity Gambling Bill May Cut Irvine Gifts· ' .. ~ . ·• ' -By PAMEIIA HALLAN • .. ~ • Ot .. °""' .... ..,, ~ Is a roulette-wheel not a ·roulette Whtf:J? I • ' • nie.a,ilwer u~ .to be when it's sp~n-- nlng for chanly. ·' · 'But iambllng even for charity is over In San1Clemente. · ' "~ pmbling is i~violation of Penal Code Sectk>n 830," sa,id San CJemente Polic,e'Qf•H:llllml-M\uray. • - Fe,etUtg in the effeel;& of this .altftude tnd~ :WU the San Clemente Exclianp club !Tl<'! had IChedb)ed a "Las Vegao Nlghl".'ill_San C_lemenle lM lastSatunlay as a beritnt. 1 · · -POiiet iote"ened after two· people caJl.. e11 • ~ to ftpOrt . that ·Illegal gambling would d:CCUr at the charity ~Uon. -_··~call "!IS C!nonym~e; the other camertOm iSantl. Aqa netnp1per.,ii ·mt f '' ''!I. the story. ''The 1¥wspaper. report.er ask- e<I. the police "Wbat' they ~ire goins to do about it." The central crmty paper, 'Ji9we':'tr, has denied 'that' one ·of I~ reporters mldt sucb a call. , Chief. Murray ..,tat"1 that when learnihg about the. ~poaed pmblllig, the pOllce contacted the organization and Informed them about the illegality•' Cf their ac- Uvitiesf: _ .. II• 'd' theffll'Ol)lptly g,e<d not to sJ.lte · again 1ttpough they' had'staa:ed it ,Uk lait;fatir ya'rs; ~ ' ,. ; Ttle ;Las Vqis 'n1 ~~' 1iecarrie a P!irfy with · -· . 'I'•~lni'rais <lr any:way_ f;i: f " "" the' Boys Clab, Glr! ~; ~'i"f't!>O"Wiiilth .. ,_,_., a.1er ... ~. t, , ' · -r.=~ .......... -lltllef'l of ' ~?;, ...... ,...,-" • .. , • I a -r"'-·'.1~-,.·•1 . ':. • , ,, -·, .. ~ •.1, ' ir • • • ..... --. ' ~: . ' ' By JANICE BEllMAN Of .... ,,.,,, '"ll•t "'" Donitions· to local c}l.ariUes by the Irvine FOWMlation Jnl~,be reditced if a ptoposed federal lax "~form· bill meeta ~th the ippro'val oJ a ;o~nt' HouSe-;senaf:.e c:Ommlttee, a FoundaUon spokemil,n Mid t9da " ' · u:ae•'Jlnlpooed 1~1~. U.. ~ine FofuMfation·would tie tequired,tO dlvest: iJ~~,ofill'~~" . , 1~1n0 F · "-" 1ii1 ,, • :"'TT' . : j ' ., or'M.I ~nl, of . , , 'I, r• _ .' -l'fft •• tj.J,.'r;• ~· ~ South Coa,1 i(MUfuie ·. ;' ) ,(, ....... stoCif~~ -: ' Al ita '1ast ult, In !jo"°"bet, ~the aiOc~ .Old al 11511,1111 ,.-'.titer<. • ,,.. bill~ ..... ~-~dmtJtt l>7 Sen. ~.I"•,.....,. ,J:.· l, that liti Op , --" ' ' '• , J • • I I • • U~der· Study for ·H,o~p~tat· . .,ct;·_~-~ ~·lbO -1n accesermen ,..,_ P«ttillatlon W dlvat.itlolt oflrvfne Com· P..,. h01dln'g1 '~ ·IO percienl of l(lltatandbjS _, ., .:,..._______ -• f • • ' • 'l /. • The amendnient ',~. req·u·lre dlv..Ulut. to beiln W!dtii !We yean. ' A ~ty-sp6nsored clinic to serye the <\!'.,., c-i orea may be'ei;lablillted fl SOuth eo..t Communlly HooP!tot in.South La~ next year, ~Mrs. HtleD lteeley, P.r"'ldenl of the Laguna Coordinating Cot,ibcil, told.members Monday; night. 11location ~lfiit tlJQ ~"-~sald:~h. Keeley.· .. ~ O:tut• C-Om.m•u'n It y Hoqltol hii1~ •availablO fnr sudt a cUJ!lcl tt ~rl!Oaid..of ~Vtoon a tO it. Wt r:Ondnue to ~i tee: cllnlc~ltr-~ .. :ltfuth Comlty.1'~ · , . Mn. (:arl Manus, rOpreaenllnll U,, Junior Wofiian:1-Club, said her ~ IJ"OOP l1 iriterestod hi hOlpiq to "l up a well-baby cllnlc In the ·Lquna".area 1and would pro. vide volunteers to help doctors and llUtltS ""1firit it. "l'(e .Aa\I! lound ~ µiere a"-' M>me ex- tremetr,nee(ly famllir:a here," said Mrs. · -biscUS!lng the a~t. Irvine FOundation Attorney, Howard J. Privett slict{"'lbe ,efgnlfkiance' 11 wh.t ttie eUect DI t1te bill will be on the f1!lure abllllJ' of the Irvine Foundailbn· ·t.o . dOnate to charities." If the bill Is passed1 • written. the B>:rd amenM'!ent woul4 require the Irvine FotindatiOn to' dlvtit tiaeU of 10 p;cent of lls holdings exceeding 500 per- Cent 'In the Irvine Company within two years, at lea.st 25 percent within five years, 50 pirctnt In IO yurs and 100 per .. cent tn ts y·eara. • 1 Mrs. Ketley said the executive com- tnittee had discussed the question of apenlng a clinic ito serve young ,people ln the iiito 25 lllt group, along wlth a welJ.. baby Clink, with Dr. John Philp, cOanty healu1 officer, who agreed sucb ·a fJCWty II~:, --..~hllp sltjd no funds now-are available, but we could hope to &et an M ''whoae babla . . ~ an~-,are_ooi.ae.ll!ns tit<_ Check-ups, :~ and· othe:r routlne. care Jf required to divest Mell ol 10 percent " Richard Krueger, f'ather of Young killer, Succumbs A foriner Orange County civic leader ~d scientist whose latter years we~e m•rrtd by a teenaged son's Texas murder spree has been buried quieUy following his recent death. • Dr. Richard Krueger, II, was buried M:Onday in Eaciflc .vtew Memorial Park, Corona del Mar, follOWing hia death Thur!lday as the result of a long,illness. Tbt onetime Orange County Planning Commission member dled in his modest TCtiremait apartment 1t Bethel Towers, '66 vi.. 19th St., .COSta Mesa, wher! he llv.~ "eel with his seccol wife, SJrace. . . The native.t>oril German who w11 com-'" misslooed a colonel In Ute U.S. AmJJ. ,by tpecia! act al ~ durlnl w..-ld W11r il supervised the building of Ute !ital rupeno11k wind· tunnel. He wu a n1tur1Uzed citizen and came to -a al llll &1• of 211, rtslnl, to pro- minence In Ute IClenWlc world ...i lil<r toachlnC al Cal Tech. ' 1 [ Hi 1rxl his finl wife, Ednl, lived in..• plush jtorne at •t Av«tlda Vaquero, San CIOlllllll<. In 1911, wbelt the~ l7-year-01d Ion Paur 1nd a buddy ran IWIY with the tnten«bn of becoming IOldier1 of fortune. Youltl ~er's pol wu picked up by 111thorities investlpting the b r u t a I •hoolin& murders of. three Te :rla 1 lisl>erm<n and nam<d the quiet, fll'llte Or-Counly boy u llie killer. ' Kru.,-wai eap{ured in Mellco Where he wU worklhc on • Mormon farm col· .my relunlOd to Taas, pleaded pllly to thl 'munttn ind wu senl.ence<I in May, (SM lllUEGlll, Pqt 11 --=~--- they need." ' Mrs. ~Jey .suggelted she confer with the. PubdC Health nurse now on duty three afternoons 1 Week 1t the Laguna YMCA to ,.. tt a well.baby cllnlc might be· HI up In the neat' fulure. The nurse, Mrs. Keeley advised ' repi:esentaUve1 ol clvk: groups, is available ·for consultation at the Y 4§ Forea .Ave., from noon to 4 p.m. Mon- day, WedneldAJ·llJ!d Friday.- '• ' ' of if.I shares of stock wltbin the eat two year&; el aimed Privett,· "under preaent- ecoDomlc conditions the stock would be sold at depresaed prices, because of high lnterM rates and tight-money con- dltlo'ns." Privett could offer no estimate of the amount such a stock sale would bring. "I'm just a lawyer, not a bu&ineuman or eeonomist," he sld. "About all you can say Is that we ·•(Seo IRf!NK,-Pqo ti • ' .f. " l' t;.tt.l'• '·~·~~---· 10~~ ButMayor::F aces Court ,(ction N oiv ' P ' f A ,_ I t• . ' . \;.. SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -11le 74-year~ld mayor of lhJe ncrthern California coutal.clt7 goes into troqrt today lo answer chars• al. trapuling, theft and ~._ .-ftlittiilllf fie lore ~ a;repllca of a Vie/'~ Oar from mfnmtrli~ . . ~ · ~..r.:JtO.. lie ·~ plead, Ma1W iu,itanl Weraer Aid proudly: "-•llfujt• , ~ ' 4 ~· ·~ ' , TRI! ~a·w.. fjled by Larry ~Bell, fl, ~ IUballlule l .. ch· er, wlto>llll!(le' a -·· .... of Weenoi' In irt 8etl'1 bome Tuesday. ,_ 1 'l'be .,_, a ....... el both 'll'wld a I md W!'l'ld War II, aald be ... noil•'llv• lOlepboaa calla •bout ... a., ,_. mnmltll. •0 1Cllile ~ldlDll'~apwtauient Dd ..,aid mi~W'll"'no ordinance com1'!111, J]li lllate. • lfjleral laws .... II." Werner Ult!. "l dldn'l wanl to--· troubli• l~ lake'tarall lt..,..it .•• 1 -• I ' "l-"91T OlJTl.tltere and a lady ...le to the ..... Ind I Hid\ 'We don 'l like tho; look of • Vlot Con( liq flyfn1 Oil Armiatfco Day, as a m1tter of fact' we don't ever like It. WtD you plelae take it down?' "She Aid, 'We will not.' So I said, 'OK, I'll take It down for you. So J did. They wanud1U back, to l ,.id, 'Well I can'l give you all of U back but I Cf" give you ....e of U back.' and I tore of! a piece and gave ll to·lhem." ' llell aald the .mayor "Looked pte right in the eye and Uld, '!'fl kill yoo ~ ~do 11t11 aca1tt.' .and I !ooked,ltlm risf!l ,la the eye and dldn' u1 •thine. · "ll1ll' I 11A VII """"" Ollt f1yinf today. I dyed ll ool of •· pt11ow. c--a hUle rod dye, a1 IHUe.bb dye, a llUle llar In Ute conler. lf pei>ple want to call lhll a Vlei Cons 0q faum they<an." ' "• ------ I ' J ' . ' ,• . ' ·~ . .. I ,,.. I • : • ' l l , • • . .. .. ' ... .. o; .. ,,_,: . __ : ' ' . ' ' . : .·. .. . ' Leak F ... -d . oun ., ' ' ' May Peril · IK®nTrip 'l'h• r .Lt Ital llCl<d lo curb noise of jrll,in tokeofl awd fan6- ingr, tlllf1i!19 10ilh lh•-i-bo jets, s .. ~· 4. .. . S DIQl Y PILOT L Man Held In Bribe I • • ri .. Ou~ o~'Ball An Ar1lona man arrested ?iionday on charges ol attempting to bribe lfun- tlngton Beach Mayor Jack Green. for zon- ing favora wu rt.leased -Tullclq: night lrom Orone• Coan!J Jail oo 131.iao bail. WUllam New, II, of Phoenix, Ariz., is ocheduled for arra!Jnmtnl Thuraday afternoon in West Orange County Municipal Court, Westmjn!t.er, oq two charge.a bf .suspicion of tttempted bribery of a public ofilclal. Huntington Beach police aald !odlY that investigation into the aDtctd bribery attempt lhculd bl -completed before New's arralgnmenL Police have. been working with Mayor Or«n alnce Nov. 4 when he notified them ol allegedly having received an offer ol 14,000 !or campallJ1 luitds If be would llelp gain a r.one chanp for 20 ecres of land near Stater Avenue and Gothard Street. New was am.sled ln the parking lot of the rtahlhnan Restaurant Monday mom· lng,.afler he allegedly repeated hi• Iman· cial ofter to Green. - SU.rting on a High No°ie • I The. land in quesUon 11 owned by Dave and Goldie Meredith who aay they never beard ol New, who claiml to be a rtpreaenlative of a Phoenix mortpp company. The 1'1'.eredith pl1'.IPE!riY Is currently zon- ed for industrial use but there ls an &])- plication before the city plaMlng com- mission to change ita ~ to a mobile home lite. Rehearsing for Sunday's debut performance oi Lyric Opera Repertory Company are (rtandlngJrom left) Natasha Yule, Bruce Tuthill, Franz Brightbill, Con· stance Crain and James Channan, with musical consultant James Low of use mtisk faculty as ac- Companist. Excerpt!! from three operas, complete with costumes and orchestra. will be presented in two free concerts at 3 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. in Laguna Moulton Playhouse. 'lbe rtquest for mobile homes has been made by Cactiflor Corporation of Para- mount, represented by Huntington Beach Blackfin ··Out attorney George Shibata. No one wu available. for commepl at • .-~~~~~~~~~-. Mission cactillor ollloo this momtng and Shibata Of La pn,., Raco,.?. was not 1n his Huntington Beach office. UN ~ Tuesday, Shibata ttportedly aald he .,,,_ w·-._:._._ed......__, .... '" had been contacted by New and would •t--"' ~., w""VUU&"' •WV"ia ;rr"Y ~ ttpreotll\ Ille Arlaona mil at h~ ar· that Blockl!n, lt.0 De!leuae"a 73 .loot' raignment but a secretary in Shtbata's ketch wu out of· the Lona Buch to.La office sakl1 this morning she did not think Pu nee. that was true. . lo the poolUoo reports recelnd · todoy N.., clabna he represents ConrUltanl· by Carroll Hudaon of Newport Buch, Financing and Morl!!1811111 (;ompany ol monitoring nporia lrom Ille Vector, Pboenlx, but that · has not yet been Blacklin did not an&ftr tbe momins roll verified by poUce. ·call but wu belleved headed Jato ·~ may he other peraooa In-. Mqdalena Boy. volved." uid Detective Sgt. Robert Latl1"da and longltudn of the llaet: Rhinehart todsy, ''but we have no further AQeroa JS 20N 117 OOW, Al Vien\o 27 14N information at the moment." 111 lSW, Aquarius 21aeN1tl 67W.,,~lana ~ UN 111 taW, Aventura JS 118!1 11' 47W,. Leisure World Driving Course For Elderly Set · A defomln driving cour11 d~ •1peclally for older dr!Vm will beilb Thuriday 1t Lel!W'e World. Ucented driven 55 years of ap and .4Wf . .,. ~ 1A> autna· 111e '.dasHI "'l!lfdi -Will beiln at lo i.ai. lo Ille' Deo-" lall' Library at the Medical Centlr. ·The course ls tpODtored 11 a publlc aervict tif ·the National Ralrod Teacbm AJ. ~Hon and the Amirlcan -'-11Uon 'fj. Reuted Persons. The program, aimed at Improving llilbnY · 111..,. by tffducatlng older ~sta: to enable them to meet the MeUlnl de.minds of today'• more eoiilp1n 'lutomobUe1 and highway .,.,.· t.m. is a special adapUon of the N• tlonal Safety Cooncil's standard deftn!-t'Ve driving course. Jt Is not intended for btfinning driven:, but la designed to 1tich lic111sed operator• how to drivt and· rtay alive. Instructors at Leisure World, certified. by the National Safety Council. will he Mr. and Mrs. Ed Searle, 257-A Calle Angon, Laguna Hills, and Mr. and ~.frs. L. E. Morrison, 218 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. For information and merva· ~n. interested persons may call the SWl<s, 837-4721. OA l lY P11o r ~ COAlt PUil ... INO '*""""""' ltMrt N. W..4 ~ ............. J ••• l. c.,,.., Y1c:t,,.....,. .... Oenel'il ...... fli.111•1 ""'' .... / Tllo-• A. M•rp~t110 .............. l1.M'4 r. Nd .._,_ "' ----221 ..,,,, "'"'· M·•· M41flt1 P.O ........ t2612: --""""'cafl..::-m':° = .. -c:=" ..... ~ ... ...,. .... """ Bobemla II lllN ll4 law, Cbartano ll 2S OllN lll llW, Concerto 11llliIll17W, Dablnda-11 JIN UI llW, Domia J .. 15 47N JIS"llW.. : . Dorotliy 0. 11 t11N Ill llW, Irish Mtat 26 CN 111 llW, llobar 31 ttN 111 2lW, Alloero. 1117"_ 1!1 _~,"~ i'm>K..fl 50N Ill 117'11', Malobl fl t11N HI. l/JW. ' Mlatrat II UN Ill llW, Paqtera :II~ Jll'l7\1 •. ~o.Mwna,!t lllJN 117 ~ W,. "Porfc.ii II.ION 111 orw.. • i!Ucat lS HN lll ITW, ~ Ul 'II 47N Ill J!!1, lltlnpla II ION UI, l'W, Sevsn l'l wn lll SIW, "-" :11 llN ·1t1 MW, V-.M.tIN •nl ii\\', Wind·· • w~rd P-• :Ill 3311 UI llW, I .Toro Federal Funds Okayed \re}l1cle maintenance facilities 1492,IM».l!Oflh.-111ay he conatructed at El To!O Marino Carpi Air St&llon, Banta Ana, If ·a blU approved TUt&day by the Hoo.se Appropriations Committee is sign· ed by the President. The appropriation Is part of a plan to Spend .lt!0,190,000 for mllliaty CCII· struCtlon Jn California 1n fiscal 1970 ap- proved today Jn Washlfl&lon. But a ~equest for mopey .141 build new barracks.for El Toro'a erilitted men at a coil of fl,720,000 wu euller out from a Houae·paued authorization bill However, an additional fl,088,ooo ror comtructlon at El Toro MCAS was ap- proved br the House Appropriations Comm!UM. · El Toro spokesmen declined to speculate on whether lhat money would he used to build barracil, Frolii• Page J HOTEL .... , downlOwn aru. .. , "Hnmr, ttSbictions, which are In· evtlable, and a land Ieue from the city peqed at ev~n 1even or eight percent an. nually oL the front-foot price or ap- Jl"'llaiately 13,000 (per foot) !or this very shallow frontage just doestl't add to any real inducement for development. "Landscaped parking, or grass, may be the only anawer. The re'port, un. fortunotety, hun't helped thi dec~lon process," Councilman Roy Holm 'recently criticized the report aa unsoplU~caled and full of 1rror1, even in arlthmet\C:.The cwnrfl has scheduled the matter'lor a December 10 1tudy ip<lon. ' Fro• P .. e J :KRUEGER .• , •• .Trail Speed l.imit ,Cut Asked in Capo SAN JUAN CAPllTRANO -A 1pi!ld llmlt Aductlon ta beJnc comldared ~Y tha C.ptllrano CllJ Coundl. City qi.-Jld ltuliot.a Nqlluted that tha council red1'Ct tha llmlt,fiom 15 to 15 mllea -por boui oo tlio IOUUI· ond of Camino Caplltrmo oa tha stretch · that pr<eeda lllteril!C c.pllti'ano Bead>. Kubota Elld that -of lncrlllld !raffle at the T-o1 Aeropuorta Slrlll dut \o the opening of a ntW'tnoblle bomo .park and.Jncroued ocllvlty tn Ille indultrtal park;. iedllted llmtt would he advisable tn Ille lnteroat ol llftly. City Admllllllrator Ern!a Thompoon nportod that there had been two accl· dent& ca tlW stretclt IA the Jut 10 days • . . , . ·e ll•ltir Week 01»•-e• CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A re a mideots are celebratm, Viii week al a Week'<JI N1Uonal Unlty. At Monday night's meeting of the San Juan .C.plstrano City Council, Mayor Ed Chermak proclaimed the week in this ci· ty. Led by San Clemente committee cha1nn111 M1N: Cynthia Johnson varloul citb:llna and buaiftesaes are flylnJ their flags and driving with headlights on dur· ing daylight h<Nrs the entire week. MlSI John3on sakl. that this is a bipartllan tflort to ahow appreciation for Ula rlll!t& aild lttedom enjoyed In thta nation. e Da•ce Set Sat11rday MISSION VIEJO -Frldoy LI the 1'.eter\•aUona deadline .for the adu1t dance and brealdut for Mission Viejo resldenll to be staged Saturday. Bob Cassen's quartet will provide music for dancing at the Mi.salon Viejo Inn. The event w1ll take: place from a p.m. till midnight wltll lirtakfut heina served in the Salon de Fiestas. The dance and breakfast will be $8 per couple. Dancers only will pay $4. FOr rcservaUon.s caJI the recreaUon center at 837-. e R11mmage Sale Slatell SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A nzm. mflge sale hu bte_n ldleduled for ThUrt- day, Friday and Satunlay, Houn for Thul'lday and Friday are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and for Saturday, t a.m. to noon. . Spon!ored by the San Juon Caplllrano Women's Club the event will be 1taged ·1t their clubhouse, StffJ El Homo St A drawing for a turkey ,will' be a•hlahlJght. e Bettdlt S,._, €11Nfe• SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO - Professional rnuslclat11 tnd entertainers wUI 1t.ar ln a 0 famlly fun" benefit show ot Morco Forster Junior Hl1h ScllOoJ Fr~ day1 Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. Doaations wUl go tn the San Clemente lnterfa!th Sen1temen'1 Cen•. l'ret11 P .. e 1 IRVINE ••. wouldni be ready to receive Ml market value." U the Foundation sells lt.s Irvine Com· pany stock at a lowered market price, Privett nld; the resulting decrease 1n· FouiadaUon 'income would "have an adverae,affect on future abillty to donate to charities." During the; fiscal year eoding March 31, the Irvine P<iimdlUon aava srants total· lni '2,703,Dlf to 1tate and ~ii groups. . , 'Ibe Orange Coat rece!Ved donations totalling more than 129$,000. Recipients includ<d: llarlior Area Beys Club, $801000: South Cout Commun i t y lfospltal, 175,000; Orqe Coast YMCA, $50,000; Laguna· Beach Commun It y Players, $25,000; Symphony Association of Orange County, '35,000; Orange Coun- ty Partnera for Progma, $15,000; Assistance Learue of Laguna Beach, $10,000; ·Orange County Auoclatlon for Retarded Children, 110,000, and the Boys Clult of San Clemente, $5,000. Foundation grants are administered by an ll·m&n board of dlrector1, under con- ditions aet up by Jamea Irvine in 1132, when be utabl!lbed Ille foundation U I public charitable ·trult. JUsht now, the Foundation's .. pita! LI IL! 451 lharu. U requited to diveat ltaeU of those shares, the money from the aa1e of the stock would be reinvested by the Foundation in a "diversified porlfollo," Privett said, and profits would cooUnue lo be distributed to charitable or1anlza- Uons. Privett nld the Irvine Company "would have to find a buyer-for a very major equity who la wiJUng to pay Ille full fair markel vaJue. That would not allow sufficient time to protect the people of Calllomia." Papage or the bill would be 1 victory for heirtSI Mrs. Joan Irvine Smith, wbo owns or controb 21.1 percent of Irvine Company atock. Mn. Smith has been trying for 11 years to break the foun- dation's control over the Irvine Company, wtuch might leave the Irvine area open for more rapid development. Said Privett, "People who buy the .stock ought to be people who wUl have the same aound intemt and motivation in developing: tbe Irvine Ranch." He did not mtntlon hirs. Smith directly. ". ---- Zflfliftt! Killer • 'We ~11· Get ~j~, '' ·SF . Ch~ief .. v . .J · . ' ' .. '-.. . ' l ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI). -Noe aald aeven munlm tna\lld cl the llN. r·th 'today they·htd4'COlllldw .. '1 erl1JIC9 of which police have llnktd blm.. r ,~ many different kinds" in the.. aearch for w 1 Ing and -t t'be 1.odlac killer of ftvt. •..:.i..-ns, but " e are earn more '1ort.,u-,-u could ~ve no "word of ~&nee" him alfthe time/'~ Mid. "Hl'lfll)i;en about ... -., . ... ' coiled Insane~ 1 ocmrball~=~' ''One dof .._ wDIU!<!> Jiaad.he will' belleye II. I thlU be if ~~ t Ila he tHed •' 11111 ·Ban~$bltf'.il hu .. i<noWtedllt ol Iha ennce 1nspectol. Martin r.ee. '·1 • \. ~1w... 1•ht .... ·-ng 1. \ 'Lee told a news coofereoc:e he'gove "no ~ r • T ••• · credence,'." despite hints Jn le~tm Tues-"I don't picture hioi as · lman';who day to the Bin Frincliao Cbi"onlcle, to works will)· hif ~ I ~IJil · bis a theories Zodiac atao wu'~ble for small Job and ~ti\l'.one .w!IN9• ._Claes the atitbblnC of tWo s.ii Joae· teena;tc1 work with·paperj pq.;ibJy a& fds.1 ." girls 111!1 AUSUJI. • . lo the letlerl i.:11!4 ~ y, "There· ta ah!Olutely no evidence Jtnk. ' ~c -he ~ 1" dta • bls mi! him w!Ui the (San J.,.)"1munler1, • fulure munlero ·~ "routine f1'b Lee said. . • • kllll,~gs of anger, '1:, 1 fe;w ,_ ,a1~~. Zodiac,' In two rambtlng Jetlers ao-etc. · . 1 , \ companied by cue iii his cbarad4rllt!e A poalacrlpt to ·~..: hla. ltt,....· ln-cryptogratnl, !>outed bl bid .....,.,,tied dlcatad he waa dtapl , by a c1·~!!ns ot public attenlloa jlinoa he tnci• piece ol a slain cab ~Ver's lllcodiitPoed shirt fn a Jetter one P.!onth agO. Arts Festival To Split Cost Of .4ir .Survey Wilh $250,000 banked and future capital expenditures to decide, the Festival o( Arts board Tuesday agreed to pay half the cost of an aerial and topograptuc survey of iU environs. Director Stuart Durkee suggested the precision mapping project. Said Durkef, "One reason I'm In- terested in a survey, I think one of the moot serious needs is parking and that's going to take hundreds of thousands ol dollars. I'd like to see a surplus (In Festival funds )." At Durkee's .suggest.ion, the board aJ!'ed to pay hall the cost of the l2SOO mapptn; project of Irvine fark. Mayor Glenn Vedder said Joseph Sweahy,.clty public works director, plans to recommend that the city foot the other hall ol the bill. "We've got a lot of little plects of maps (ol the 1re1)1" slid Vedder, "and we can't put thtm tofetber because they're to dillerent scalt1." Durkee said there 1bould~ a study of the pouibillty of relociUng the FuUval ofllce building; e%pandtng Ille ezblbltor atta; \Jllnll the properly noir oc:cupl!d by Lquna Beach SCbeOl cl Art Dealp . whan II relocates; and llli ol Ille taulla courta·w~ q.ey are moved.. · . Durkee laid later the : ttnnil ..,court referenco,wu linked~ 'fC'nl propooal by Bernahl Syfan, -and Boy1' Club~'f'Orktr\ that the i!stlval cooslder helping the c\ty acquire land parcels in the area of Woodland Drlv,. The bligblfl area -often ilaocloted with dru.p -ii near tbe new Boys' Club ficllllles and not far from the Festival irounds. · Syfan had suggested that purchase of about llh: ,cres could improve the con- dition far the youth facility; help the Festival by providing space for riew ten· nis courts; add park .space lo the city; and p<iSS!bly help the art achoo) find I better locaUon for larlfl' q~ .. · Durkee Nid after the boirdrmeeUq that past subjecll of dl11CU1idon'have i~ eluded a doub Meck parklq facility with present tennis COW'ts located atop the structure. He ukl there was al&o a atudy six or 1even years ago aho'Wlng 1 way to park about 200 cara up the canyon above the Feltlval grounds. Durkee said the topographic map wou1d al&o ahow where underp-ound uWltles and sewer lines are located. FeaUval of. ficiall don't know presently. Plictment ol footings for the new Irvine Bowl en- trance and stage enlargement came with- in a foot or 10 of main power lines, Dur· kee said. The Festiva1 aJao has 1 maze of old sewer lines i01oate and repair. "~d you print this new on your front page?" be asked get awfully lonely wheb. I am · -; to lonely I .cou1d do my thingflll f,!''~\.\ '11ten m a large, scrawled• b~ng -which contrasted with his usual smaJl prir_ting ~ Zodiac added, "~ I can't cb a thing with It." The latest cornspondenct Included a page filled wilh str1Dge ciphers.if rambl- ir.g letter, a note on a comicrgreeting card -and another piece .ci{"the cab driva·'s shirt. f "I thought you would need a ~ laugh before you hear the bad news,' Jie wrote. He began the two letters with the usua1, •".rhls la the ZJ>dlac speakin&.'' "Up to the end of Oct. I have llllled 7 people," he said. "1 have groWn rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. So l will change the wq the collection of slaves.'' The passage abQut collecting slaves, which was follo~ by ~ if¥tement there would no f\iture aonimctments, apparently was l irdfUDCI to GM:~ hi• prevloua cryptognma'whicb'lold loi!!li ol his victims would be his ~ves1 1Jil the after¥.·orld. · . , At the bottom of bis ....... ~ the greeting card Zodlle prin~/ "Del, July Alli! Sept Oct equala• 7" . I , . \ From Pagel \ PAGEANT natural amphitheater that is packed uch night during six weeks of pageant created by two volunteer casts totaling about 300 persons and the paid full·tlme pro- leaalonala. The pageant by now haa become an art form in itself, able to change thret dimensions to two by Ule studied illusions · of lighting, costwning and set ctn· strUc:lion. Each productNlirector over the years, said William.son, has added innovalions of his own th at have Improved 'the-show. Still a comrnun.ity effort, the ahow by its very succtll! bu entered the realm of big show bustneu. ' , - "It won't be a dusted off progrmb. out or the warehouse," said Williamson. "We don't hkve the old sets and the iechniques have chan1ed.ov.er lbe years. "To most' ol the audience it will be a new ahow. To some it will be IOOle of their old favorites and to a few old timers it will be a nostalgic experience." From Page l APOLLO 12. • • of their to.day spacenlght. Earlier, the only hlnt or a problem had com~ in a radiation report from the government's space dLsturbance center at Boulder, Colo. A spokesman, Johil McKinnon, said there were some in- dlcaUons a radiation outburst called 1 solar nare might develop in a few days. ' ' •• • TO the girl who knaw5 wh.at she wants but not where to find iL Match. your style with our mlf'l'f distinctive desil(IS. And ask us about our famou1 Or·· .. ,,"' Blossom guarantee. Entertainment will he proY!ded by th• Jean Londonitroupe, which baa betll 1p. peorln1 monfhly for tht past three yean at the San Onofre Theatar at Cao\p Pendleton. Miss London. who hu en· t"11lntd troop< In Vietnam and the Orltnt, wu ~oted the "Everythlnc Girl'.' I at Camp Pendleton... fnd rteelnd on .,..rd for her "rvlcu In building troop man le. ' CONYtNIENT TIRMS WitAMUic:ARD M1'STER CHARGE . . J ... C. .. Jf~r~~~ 'JF.e~, 1n1 ~r AVWll 1 I _ • • Har variety ""'" tncludta 7-yaar-old Vlc'!>rl• Mej><rlnl<, who haa 1ppe1red Willi Danny ltaye, I rock tlJ'OUP and a magician. • CO$TA MESA I l I 7 r I I • . . VC J L P11 tair a.p llln .T ni~J J>Olj dur "'J - I wh , l!in I In ' • Co Po I ~ Nl1 .. l .,i, ... cm ~ .... ' Or So Li ' "" Co m op th• ba he is Iv I I I II n: rn lo Ill c 'I\ e " 81 .. " ;1 " Ii 11 h p c • b • • fl ( h ' t I I • - ' . •• ·'<, .. ' vo.i;.;2. ~~· :2?1 ; 5 .~ECTIONS, 102 PA'?E~. " is . , , , 19,to · P ·~g· e:·ant .-! ., • ~ "\ ...... , t \ • ' ' t ' -: ( ' •l'y ~ P. NALL ·WI~'"'· ~. Willi.Im-., """"" -.... ' . ' "' 'the . llOlit' ' .\ ~ i~ . H spec-. ~'• lnternaUonally famed tacillaT. akl nen ·~·1 -~~am "will . P:ageant of lhe Maaters:'.lflll ral.!t its cur-0e one 'of ~' tbtilt ambtUous un· lain•·• rather tpeeial:.everit nm year,' C:ertaklnp ·wt ,'l8ye' evet ~~11 L ~am celebr>tlng : the "living pie-· Wlllianuon· ~ that IGO works of . tuns' lillt ·annlvmpy, ;, . art have bien ~by .the JIOleant . The program WW reflect the ·an-since 1m. · · . . · · · - ... ...,., .. 1~:!11:.,_ bet.:.! •• -p,. .... .:.. 1)ie ~·will.-.bf•e ....... .Ubject, ~ UL WllC Ulll» •-... ._ Jnatei'ial_ ;U]lp_Jn J'eCent' ~. rrobabJy durlllg u\e•JS•jOtpl, with,.... reproduc-3li seJectlclria'ohOwn 'Iii~ dllleren prmn- Od !i:°'!'·eadi yei.'1 -etc.pt laat. • . tallGl>L However,. It W-upoc:ted ta move t . ,r. r ·.«·,: 1· " . " . ' ... ., .. ., .. ' ~ ·i I " ~~" 'O;U (. 1 ' • ' . ,; . . ea ·ve·g~s?. N~ Qiiee. ' . ' Tax · Reform . . ' . . ' " s~rrie~~. Bans Char.ity ~ambling Bill May Cut ·llJ PAMELA. HALLAN tlje 81ciry • ..,;,./new-. reporter w- ot .. MW r"" 51... ed 'the pollee ·~\1 tbey Wirt IOin& to When is a rouJette wheel not a· roulette do about it," · w~.?-. : ~ · : ''Ibecenll'af''countypaper,bowever,llas ...-~. . G~' ' Hv1ne . lfts The answer used tO' be when .ft_'•• denied ·thltlone of itl reporters made . rtlng,for ctiarily. , llK!h a-.eall. · J!ut 111111bljng·even· lor, C!(wity la DYer Chlef_Murroy stated that when leaminc By JANICE~· AN In fian Clemente. ;J about the"pro~ gi.rriblin1, the police or ,._ .,..,., ,. 1..,. ' Any pinbUng Is ).n violation of Penal contacted· the orga'nizitlori and infonned Donati to 1 .., charities by the Code '&.'laid San ,Clemente · them -dout the ·megallty ol tlleir ac-· "!" ~.. ed. ,. P~ · · d ,~UU~ ;,,,__ .,.. _ uvl.tlet;' .. ·. .. Irvine Foanda~ may .be.red'!" a •I Free~ _ effect! O(Wi attllilde H! siild'lbey promplly aireed not to p._d•!Jderal tax refl!"ll bil) meets loclitt. . . ·Qle.~• •cfftnenw llscha"ll• stii< k.llfliin aJ11MM1P tMy,had lt&Jed il w\tlr tM<a'pproval o1 1 jolntllouae-Senata Club., 1had echedu)td.-~ '.'Las vegu. ~·list four yml-::1, 1 ;··. , ~-'tee"I FoundatiOn'spokelmin said Nlghl~SaaCleme~·!nn la•t Saturday .. 1lie ~· :.;'u.n'-beCome 1 , · .. ·' · · · · .. · • : 11~1 i.t;...,i,;~j;i,:.0,~..i~ ~.,;· .... ~ .. ~"'= -~!l'•P1•~!P"1J\~· ~·~ t4 •'m>!*l ll>0!'11JoPI pimllUil ·tlub, Sooutl;ll!l'.t:..,ttio'-i\trlalth , ~ would becnq11lre•Mo divell ".. """"'at th' ClWJl~~llon ·~'•·CeeteO\~ · ·: ~ -·., ,,· itae!M!lilll lntrie~-boldlnp. · CJne. ~an. wu . ~noaf!?>Us. lhe .~ Tbe jknationl came ·w~~t ~LA>! tbe ~ FouDdatioa-WU tie lblm, I' '"!"~~S~~~per .. Aid ~:~wbeelolfor)!'. · .. ·--m:5l!!~tof.·the, 1rv!Jil.c0ii>p.n~~ " ',.\ --• J' ' ........... . f ~· ' • . . I . -~-· ....., ---n. th· ·C·ba · 4'. 1 ___ . . ·At.111 ·~ .... tnN~.1•.the . , ~ / 81. lll~a . c . -..... ·~~---. , ' • ' • ~ • ' j ' • -• lJbe bill ~ft. 111•jdn1ent "' sen. , • .1 ' · ' · . Harry F. 8yrll i/l';eVL)1 tMI -·up ' ,, • ·~ • .l a'ri i.cttle-affid t~~I for the .lmne f!D.t!er~tudy fo~,.Ho~pitiil ~i~~;:::: . A ~y·l(IOnlOred ·clinic IO serve 'the aB~..:.i In ·tho '19~ budaet," Njd ~in. ell~~· '!:"...:J~7.:vine Orinae~Coast aru mly b .. atabliahed a\ Ketley •. "South. Coal· Com·m • n I ty Foundation Attorney HoWerd J. Prl.vett ... 1:·· · · · · Hoiplljll il11i1 ·11p11ce;1~allable lo: auch a said ·'1bt~'la11hattheefleot s..ith Coast COl!!iJiunity;Hoopltal in South cl., If~ Jlol,rd. el ·fqWVllGn . .,,..., o! the bill wlil be an th(!Ulute ability ol Lallf!la "'X! yui,."".'· Helen K\ie!ey, to, lll•W. irill -•to preaa lot a the ·Irvine Fou ... Uoo . to · donata to P.~t·. of tbe };ll!'l"" Coofdina\i!!B .. cUttif,f!!!:<the ll<!oth CQoooty." charities." · '.•. Couni:il, lold membera Motic!ay night. Mn. C'l'I 'Mllllll, representing tbe lf .lllt. ~IU JIC ~nejl.u· written, the ftfrs. Keeley '!id th! executive com-Junior Woma'n's ,Club, .nid·her llf'OUP Is Byrd amenc1men0t wOuld' · requitt the mlttee had discussed · the question of interested In helplnc to-Mt up 1 well-baby Irvine· Foundation to .dJvest tllelf of 10 opeain~-cUn.ic ~~e yOWJg peopJe in clinic in th!e ·Laguna ~ea and would pro-percent ol its hoktings exc~ing 500 pef· the 1,1, l .,. a8'.Jri;ll.ip,_a1~g 'wilh a well· vlde volunteers to btlp dQctors and cent in tbe.Irvine .C!:ompany within two bab)' J)lc,rcilt.h ·nr. John Philp, county nuT~·6taf1Jng · it. · years, .at least 15 perce:nt wlthl~ live health officer, who a~ such a facility "We JU.ve found there are some ex-year., 50per.centiln10 YeJl'S ,and l{IO per· ia needtd:. tMremely. neect.,,i...! fha~et here,t" ~ .. !'tilers. clnt ~~~earsd. I . _. u~A·lf ol IO -t "Dr.' Philp said no funds now are anus, """"" -8!Z no get ... ,. If,~ .... ~ .. to VtD• •-= pe ... ~u •v~ble, ·but we could ~ to ~et an ~k~: .. ~ and other routint care · ;~~~.~~=~ ·~~~;!~~ _';rx;.!:~ Mrs" KeeJey IUQe&ted she .confer witk econolnlc· conditions the rtock would be Richard · Krueger -' ·, • • ' -t ... •• Fathei.; of Young Killer, . Succumbs ~ former Orange Count1 civi c leader •nd scie~tlst wliose latttt ,.earl were mirred by a teenaged son's Texas murder spree has been buried quietly following his recent death. _Dr. Rt cbard Krueger, 61, was :burled Monday in. P'Cifiq Vie"'. M~mori!il Pirk, Corona de! Mar, following his deapi Thursday as lhe resU1tof a 'Iona Uhiess. Tho one(ime 'Orange Coonty Planning Commislion member died In bis modest reu""1<1lg '!ient at Betlltl Towers . 1f16 ~ 1J9ttL&li4 ta Mesa. whtr~ he llv· td 1ivtth his :'1flle., Grace:"' -· . · The n1llve-bol:n.,Girtnan .who wu ,com- m is~oned 'cojlilel ln'jM'U.S,~y ·lof special act OI COqrelli illirt111 World ·W-ar II superyised ti.> buildlrii of the ftnt IUpertonfC -.Vind 1111Del. , 1. He We· atnarurallzed cittzen lhd came to Ahttriea 'Ir the a1e bl 20, rlsing to 'pep. ~ mintmce in the edenttOewworld and later teaclrini at Cal Tech. • fle'and hi~ fin! wde, F.4M, lived in a plolh OOme i t tOI Aven~ Vaquero, San ciemente, In t9, w.hen tbetr 17·year-okt abo Paul and 'buddy ran away wltll the tntentlon of l/iP>minl IOldlm ol fortune. Youns KzVejer's pa was picked up by autborltlet· ,1n ... t111ling the b r u t 1 I •hootln1 l)lunlef1 o1 lhl'ff T e • a • 115hcrm1· 'named· thj! quiet, J>Olite" OranP, ~·as.the klllerl... t .. ,:, · 19· Mex w rere· tte ~cw he 'an ta Ormon ·rum-col· ony ~ to Tms, pltaded guilty to the 'a\ai:cft'ri ·ind 'Was ientenced In May, ' lileo KllUSGDI. P ... Ii r- ' \ . I the Public Heallh nurse now oa dul\' sold at depreued prices, beca• ol ~gh three aftemooos a week: 1t the l.iagan8 interest rates and tight money con- YMCA to aee Jf a weU-baby clinic mJght ditloos."_ . _ . __.-i' .1 of ••• be ~ Up in the near. future. Privett could offer no -.ima e i.u.:: The nune, Mrs. Keeley advised amount such a stoCk sale would &ring. reprelentativea of civic groaps, is "I'm just 1 lawy~, not a buslneuman available ,far consultation at the Y, f65 or economist," he akl . Forest Ave., from nom .to 4 p.m. Mon· "About all you can say Is that we day, W-oy 11111.Jl)iday. -Illes mVINE, fll• II ' • <' ~ I ... ''·,:1.! ~1 I €onw· Flag . To~n . . •/ '•" } . BUf MQ:yOt FacetrCo~rt.Aciion Now • l • ·.1 • ' ' SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74-year-old mliyor ol this northern California coastal city· gifet into court today to answer char1es of tres~lna:, theft and desU-0,1111 flied after be lore down ,I replica ol I Vltt Cof1i fla1 from in Iron • ol felidmce. . · ' • · ' bow be '!oald plead, Mlfor <llldwcf· Weruu llid proudly : "suiti I . , . . 1 · ' 1 Cll.Ullla . ..ii. flied by u..r;. s1eni 11eU, tr: 1 ·-ait• teach· · I or. . ..... a d~'I er"" ol W'"""' iii· front ol Bell'i -1'1itaday. 1'11ia ~.a \'el<!'• GI.both Wotllf.Wat l olllld W<rld ·War ,IJ, nld he 1 haw Aeelved i!Ve tdepbeiit coUli about the ,Ila( -mornlnl. , . ~ I calfail the,,.... dapmli-...s .d>O; told-me then •U.DO_ordlnance ,, cover;lll ft, no Mte...cr 1ldenl Ins qaillt it,"~ W9"De1' IMS. 0 1,dldn't want to &<ii ,U-ii -ao I dectdOd take""'" H .,y.el. . t "I ~ OllT ...;.. and a lad)I....., 'to .the·-,.ii I Iii!!, 'W• don't like the look ol. a Vitt Cong flag flJtnc on AnnlltJct Day, u a matter of fact we don't ever like It. Mii you Peue take It donT' "She said, 'We will not! So I llid, 'OK, 111 take It down for you. So I did. They wanted k beck, so I llid, 'Well I Clll' pve you all of It beck but I ctn give JOI tome of tt back/ and I ~ off a ptece and 1aye.Jt to. them.~ .... ' Bell '+1 l~mayor "Looked IM rtthl 11 the eye and lald. 'I'll klll )'OU if 1 ~do ,~ ll'!~.'411d 1. ~ klm.'!.11>! I~-~ eye and didn't "11• lJ'lnr .. • ~-· ; lsOr t' IL(Vil:~-.~ llJ!ng fod,Y. I 'dyeil It ~ ol f pjllpw Cll" -"" 1!ttlo•red ""'· • ftltle ~(ye, •• llttle ltar in.tilt-· If ptOplc """' le> call that I Viet Coos ltq I i-they Clll." l • • • • .. _ .. ___ _ ' .,, I ·--~ --·- / ) ' . ·ffii/' '>' ~ I ~ , ·" ' . TEN CENTS ' -· :ears _, >; • ' . _.. html on ,_ -· There w11 music 11111 dancing,, RO)! fy>pp added • .,,,. Lu! Supper" In 11311, clolln·g the show each year lo "Tbt Lord's f!rayer. "' · In 1141, a ccmmtttee of .five. P.'eatlv1I board members le.ad by Prelldenl i...Joyd Stllaet took tbe story ol their ll>ow and need to the late James lrY1ne Jr. and were gtyen ltCl'elp In· Lquna Clnyon. That ·siJe'. now lnciudel. ·•· 1,1100 .... t (See PAGEAN'l',.P ... ·1) ' . ' Leak Fonnd, . ' ·May Pe ril . Moon Trip cAJ'E KEl'jNEDY IUPJJ -An ~ parent 1Uk .wu discovered ,ln Ute ln- 111lallng V!l!WJD 1of a.hydrOt1en tank ln the. Apollo ii moonslrtp toaay. Tl)e pro- b.lem · ilir'efliped tO del~y Ille start ol AmeriC'a's' eeCoiid moon l~oding. ~- 11 miJch II ·a· mon1h. AJ>!lllo 11 listrooautl Charles' C4lnd Jr:, Richuff'. Gordon and Alan L. Bean were tal'8etld r .. l>llll!!(l at l :D ~!"· PST J'ridly. ~·an llit..,ned l<lln:e llid there la · 1 chanco thOy now will not be able to 10 10 the -until ~ber. The -_,.Mid tlio~ tho prall!em ~ not ~-inqi!edlalely .. -. Tb< ~bla, -.Upled ~ !lJna!I nawieu • ..n" fll ·~ pnpono l\ol\L,A~11 dllcovored lale In the morn- ing -Gllldiil' immelllately beiu In in,....,...... • .ee:wbat wu wrena. Tbo pnl>leijl bl.cl•~ .... or two 21- pllta .Ujpiid .~n tanks In Apollo U'i ·.emc. I the anlt that · ~ ~.~·· . .-~·.,·' · •,. lr ' · ..:o.t-i l~t ... Wf~ ~theA commandmoduJe:LJ. B eta._.,.. id · otlke · · • · · -: ,J ·~ f1ii";. quid ~ · ·il!Ust be 'kept .1 m ~ ·-' ' • · ' t I dtgrfft-mu and each ol the llnlia '.·wruiaii\'·p:t .;;;_"t ... ,. \,J..;,;~en!:' Mrs. 'Helen Jte~ey, '',a,,.1'ell11;¥,~ hM:a •ICUUJll Jacket ta 1nou1a1e I~ "Vm>eef l!eC~. pf~ld~' {~ lei!)., ])l(ddle' fOlloWln'r Uielr<;,ri-. Tbe ·-bk wu detected when lechnl-"~ ~· . ·, s 'Ol1Lii;uil~:1 Festlvil i>h\rta ~· ~· ~~l~t-, clanl bqan (lowing the frigid bydroeen :·!'i'i!l"•b~. . .JP.ail! <;ljlep;~suret: ,. , , , . ~ . 1 . lnlO·the la!l-,·Tbe hydlogen, used IO luel ·.'t.I~ ,j _ . ~ ·I .. ,t ~ ;: the .. ip¥.ect''1\'a, fUel . cell . po" 1 r to.' ., • • , , gf.Defa~. wu drained tram fhe lank tn ,., 1 • • • -~ .' • , ... • , • ~ • • • • • f.l\e',.f:arJY Afternoon after the viCllUDi T:T~~1~.i ~~e· !.Nfi· M-ils:--Blc4'1'$fS" i.,-• -IMk.iMIJ!lacpVereil:, .Obin;;: :t\:aiou! f il 'U J:I. Illa 11 Ap0110 12 ~annot be readied 1or . . , . • 1 · ·• ...-· • · • · launch Friday, the next -and final - · ' " · . , Jau~h opportunity this moalh would fteport ;oln Malli:B.eae)l·~il~ ;~~~~coi~~'f~tr:; · .. . • ~· .. 1 · • ', portunltywillnotcomelieforeDet.14.1. , · · · , "I'be btforined source Se.Id the naturt1 of A· l•asablllty ftpoit ror 'a holel.oo.;. ~d cllle «>pinloo hod ... anan!alous·U · the problim m .. ns that a U- fttence' factllty -toft.-tht: dty'-Owned Matn dlrect.ora!dilcuaedi tlJe:report .dOfie• for sumlnC ripalr proCe11 . would b·e seact1.l toot its tecorid br01dslde today, Bud Holscher-•·AllOdateS, .Inc. -the nec&iHryi Thla, he s1ld, would mean th· this Ume lrom 'the Laguiia Beach Hole!-frrm Cooductllii 'the $10,000 'P"!i<ct. tank eould· nol be filled in time for I MOtel A.acicJaµon. , · ·.S.ld ule iasoc:l86ori: ' ' ' ' · . 1a;: ~fg·ency said an lnves"•ollon 'Ibe firat blast hfd come Jast week "The report ~Id 'a disServke \GJ ~ taI: was u.;d;;';r..8y "to determine the ... from. ttie ·City Counc:U which ·h~ ao.ur piJer tihO WOUid haYe· pte(erred a part of of the difficulty ind its effect On laUDCb commenla about t11e · ade<julC1 ol the thll,ere1'Uled'c0mm•~to~the opersU-." report ;t had aulborl.ed. . . cost o1 a very apeilmv.• piece lit ~ Th< weather 11111 aU. ·other aspecb at ·"The. ·.taxpayer . qaln . p (d for In· (13 mllllon ). pre-launch preparillom ...,. reported • • I· • salisJilctory. • • ' fol)11fllon.hl>th ~ura~ and WIU&i~le." "The repon, oo lar'_ oil!"': mlldng,ac-~ the dilflculty, C1"'11\td lip{ ,the said an -.elation ~wa ~leue 1oflow.. ceptable. Tholft On the ~ hand_ l!'p:t . three astronauts worked out Jn spacecraft Ing "Tyet4ay mee"•• of ltodh....t~s. !eel that tbe taxpyet'. ·can 1 allord< tralnen, brualih1f up on cnflcal ~ 1( Uk! the builly ;;;nco01i1"j;i'y; been anylliing wUJ.lll\l 1l>e'report lo j11aa!y·an llleli APOLLO, Pqe' Ii f , co~ t!> about ·four ,•pqel a~'. wa~ atUtude oC 'forget U; we .don't want any available from Jmowledgeable ·membera:. developmct there .nnll'·' .. · of the eoinmunity wlthoqt delay or i:oet. Th. uodatioh r.~· ti> the Holacber Clty.,M...,.r' Jari>ea D, Wbeaton tiad re)IOrt notld the 'llome ·feel· lliat· 1 ' ..U11111od that about $$500 ar '8,000 ~ •lender tower llilJa<tnt tl> ;tl\t· •H!ilef afr;.ady be<n •perit · ol the ft0,000 Laguna Jlnd to Ila •l'Pn!xlmale beJP\, a~lhor~-the counctl. wool ,._p11sh· qulle a btl for the The ,rj!porl.ha<l aupted financlni of . ' ·Illes HOTEL, P• ll lhll ' lll9;roo,m .botal Wiii\: tu ... •1)1111 ' nfunicfpal ~. '. , ' •1 • "l'ltnibet'I · ol our' lhl>tel) -iatlon ' certalniJ !loo.'t -the olty lillJlng a-park and then enltrinl into" a venture with a hotm 1c~; ~· ,.u;e , c1'7'• bondine: c-'lli even fUrthet 'IO" accompilsb l<inlethlil& tt 'ha• beanlenytnf' pitvale r.~. No( <on ~thb' or ' aay other ~.~-,...,._,.,,. Lapna -.f'(Mg). ' . .. .,, ' Loron Haneline, U!OCl•!len prOlkltnl, . l. . . ' l • ~ '· ·~ .( .... ... - • Pr'egnant..\Y~~aQ. · Esca~ Car Fire· ... t .. ~ •• .,,,..._ ... _._ • r ... ,-# • ~ .J ---·----~..-· lt'IJ be another day to wrl1e home aljout ):'buradifl with sunny ~ .. • and warm ttmperattire:s-==--wfthoat benefit. of _Santa Ana --~ \rallln& over the Orange Coat. Look for a merairy readinj: ol a . INSmE TODAY The FAA · ~ ac1..i to, cur& nqia• of J<.ti In tokeolf and land. I-11arlini1 wilh th• jumbo Jell, S•t Page 4. J • • . . I • OAILV I'll.OT l w""'!1!'· .. uJli"' 1'M _._ Miu\ Held .. ·., ,~. . In Brlhery- Out o~Baii")I .-An ArlJona man lheslocl Mooday on charaea of attempting to brlbo Hun- • tlngton Beach Mayor Jack GrHp for IOO· Ing favors was re)easecl TD<ldly !!lght from Onoti• County Jail on 131Joo b&IJ. Wlllllm Nt'tt', '61 of P~ Ariz., ii 1choduled far arraignment Thursday aftemooo in West Orange County Munlclpal Court, WestmlnJter, J>f'l two oharges ol auaplclon of alt<mpled bribery of a public official. Hunt!Dgt«I S.ach polk:o said today that investigation Into th< all.,..t bribery · atwnpl should be completed befatt New'• arraigunenL ' Police have been working with Mayor Green since Nov. 4 when he noUfied tbem of allegedly having received an offer of $4,000 for campajgn funds U be would · help gain. a zone change for 20 acres of land near Stater Avenue and Gothard Street. New,wu arrested In µ.. parking lot of the'l'Jlbennan Restaurant Monday mom· Ing. lfitt-he alleaedly repeated his finan· cial offer to Green. The JIM in question ts owned by Dave t.nd Goldie Meredith who 1ay tbey'M\'er heard ri New, wbo clilmo lo be a repruentative of a Phoenix mortcqe company. , The Meredith property Is currently zon- ed for industrial use but there ls an ap- plication before the city planning com-ntlJFn to change itr use _to a qiobile hon!e alte. The request fOT' mobile homes has been made by Cactl!lor Corporation of Para· mount, repreiiented by Huntington Beach atlorn<y George Sbibata. No one was avalllble for comm.ent at Cactiflor offices this mOmlng and Shibata "'is not in his Huntington Beach office. Tuesday, Shibata reported1y said he had been contact~ by New a1'd ,would re.present the Arizona man. at hit ar4 rajgnment. but a secretary In Shibata '1 office said this morning she did not think that WU true. , New cl.iimJ he reprere11ts Con!ullant· Fln1oclng· and Mortgagfng Company of Phoenix, but that bu not yet · been verified by police. . '"Ibere may be o*her pe:~ m·, volved " uid Detective Sgt. ~rt Rhinehart today, "but we have no further information al the moment." Leisure World Driving Course For Elderly S~t_ . ' ! · . .'-.. ~-~~Ive d[ivtna _course ~ erpeclally for older drM!n Will bqln •Thursday at Leisure World. 'LI~~-drivers 115 years .of age rnd ..,.. 1are Invited to ·~ Ult cla-"""'1 wlll becfn at 10 a.m. In Uie JlOc. left• Library at the Medical Center, Thi ~se is apomored as a publlt ser:Vice tf U.. National lletlrtd Teachen · >,,. IOclatlon and the Amtrlcan AaloclaUon of lletlred Pel'30llS. ;Jhe J>fOITIDI, aimed at lmpr<ivlng Mitnr•Y safety by re-educatinc older mob1st.s: to enable -them to meet the ~ demands of today's -. OOOlpln fttOmobiles and ·highway eyt-tem, ts a q,eclal adaption of the Na· tiopal Safety Council's standard dtfen~ lte driving course. It Is not Intended for bqtno.lni drivers, but 11 designed to teach licensed operators how to drive and .stay alive. Jl'lstructors at Leisure World, certU1ed ~l.r tbe National Safety Council, wUI be 1 ~r and Mrs. F..d Searle, 2.57·A Calle Aragon, Laguna Hll11, and Mr. and Mn:. t.., E. Morrisoo, 218 Heliotrope, Corona de1 Mar. For information and reserva- ticm, interested persons may call the Sarles, 137.ml. I (11\,jY i'll/1 f ~ Qlrit.n "* ....... CIDINWl't ..... H.. w ... ---JMl t. c.ri.., V'lcil """-"' Ml4I OlnerM _...., TllM•• K-..il .... Tiit-A. M1,,liltt -·-.... "' P. N1fl .__ "" ----221 ftrftt A"' ....,. __ P.O ........ tllll --' c....-. ...... ,..., ... -...n ~ ,,,. ""' ............. , .... _...,.l __ __ Starting on a High Note -__ 'We'll ·Get fli ' • f · sF.::' __ enf~r ··~~,.· ...... . · ' -l ··' I SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -"Police, sild seven m/irden -·oe ""' jllth today they bad~'conalderibf<· ~ of· which police hive llllM<I h • -> many different ~ds" ~0 1the ~ for ··we are·learnlna more a .ort.iut lhe ZOO!ac l<lller of five """'"'· but ' him u· "-llm ... --'·-""~~ ..... i.1. could 1glve no "word ·~ ruuurance'' 1 ~~ ~· 4'C'Cll-~ '.<r ~n aboitt an lmiilli*il~. ' called .inaaite and a 'oo\w fJ olllit"t "bllt. day ft WtD co~ blin Indite irfll) bel!O.e II. I ti Iii U,llPl!l',_.,.-,'lle be lriOcJ,"·sald San Flucltpdllief ol hU a koowle<IP ' of Gie1;''i'illiler!'llC< Inspectors Martin Lee. '· .-bet lgtlt nd · ~-Lee told a news coQferenoe he jave "no .. ween r a , . W~~ credence " despite,lUnta.Jn letters Tue1-1 don't tP.ict~re. hhn , ,-llltn;_Whc> day to the ' s8n ·~ 1Chronicle to works with..bis blblk' :1)8 ~s a theories Zodiac ablO:.., r'8JX11tsi~ie'. fl!r ' small Job ~ ~1 "*:!!· · ~. he ~s the stabbing of two Sa• Jose ~nagejl Work wltll paw, ~ 1 ~ girls last Auiu;t. , , In the letlett ~Ille' ~- "There is absolutely no ' evidence linl!:· ~c .aatd be UJ to· dtaCWiil: his tng him with the "<San J~J murders;'' tuture murders ; u . ·muune ~· Let said. . kllllRgs of anger, &1a few. fake aFtdeots, Zodiac in two rambling letters 4C' etc.. · ·. . . r ~ • · · companl;d by one of his 'chitract<nst!C dlA loclpostaobe npt dlrto ~=-: hla let ~In· · · • • mmt' ed ca wu b1actao · cryptograms, boaste4 he had co «, o! public" atteutktl ~rt.~~ a pi~. of a slain cab drlvet.1 blOod-ltalz)e(I shirt in a letter a:"' month ,ag&.. "Could you P!'Jlt thia new dl'ller on your front page!" be ~). '1 let awfully lonely wh4o 1·am ~ '° lonely I could do my thin&! lt!ftl'~--l. Then ill a. large, scrawled haD~g -which contruted with his usual amall prirling -Zodiac added, "and I can't do a thing with it'' ' . Arts Festival To Split Cost Ot .4 ir .S iirvey The latest coherpondence inCluded a page filled wiib s.U:~ge cipl_leljl, J: r'~bl· ing letter, a note on a c~f~g · card -and another· piece .... ihe \cab companist. Excezyts from three operas, complete with costumes an~. orchestra, will be presented in two free concerts at 3 p.m. and 4:'15 p.m. in Laguna J4oulton Playhouse. Rehearsing for Sunday's debut perfonnance of Lyric Opera nepertory Company are (standing from left) Natasha Yufe, Bruce Tuthill , Franz Bri~htbill, Con- stance. Crain ,and James Charman,. wttb musical consultant James Low of use music facuJty as 3C4 ,--~-'-~~...,.~~~~~ With $250,000 banked and future capital expenditures to' decide, the Festival of Arts boatd TUesday agreed to pay·hlll the cost of an aerial and topographic survey of its environs. drive\·'s shirt. ~f . "I thought you would Deed ~good laugfi before you hear the bad newa, • he wrote. He began the two letters wKb the usual, ''"J'his is the Zodiac' ~1·' Blackfin· Out Freti& Pflfle l Director Stuart Durkee suggesLed lhe precisioh mappi~ project. Of La Paz Rac~r.-Mission 'llNre were 1111cx111finned reporta toda1 - IRVINE ..• Said Durkee, •(one reason I'm in· terested In a survey, I think one or the most serious needs is parking and that's going to take ttundreds~of thousands or wOuldn't be ready to "'receive full market dollars. I'd Uke to tee a surplus value." ··Up to the eod of Oct. I have killed 7 people." he said. "I have grown rather angry with the police for Lheir telling Des about me. So l will1 cbanr the wv the collection of slavesJ' , , ) The passage about collectlng slaves.- which was followed by his statement there would no futiire annciuoCements, appai:ently was a reference to one ol'bi1 prevt01.11.cryptograD;s whiebtlald idi;a. or his victims would be his slaves iii 'tht thal Black!in. Ken lleM«ule'r 73 Ioctl ketch wai out of lbt.Loag B<ech lo LI Pai: race. In the poeitlon reporll nceJved today by carrou Hutlaoo of Newport Beach, monllorlng reportl fn>m the Vector, Blacklln did nol -the nioming roll call but wu believed beadtd Into Mqdalena Bay. LliUtude and Jongltuda of Ult Diet: Alleroa IUON 117 lli!\:'!, Al Vl"11o 17 llN 11e;i1sw, AQuartua • ""'·1J157W, Ariana 25 lZN 111 41\V, A?entura 11 MN U' 47". .... ' !loJ!emla • NN Uf --Clwih II 21 llllN jll llW, IJanclrio •• 114l7W, Pit=-ll-21N 111 22W, llallpa·I . II f'TN Dorotby O. • DIN 114 llW, lrla)t Mist 21 Gii 115 liW, laobar II ltN ltl IOW, All-II 17N 111 IOW, Le Pnnaa 17 s8N 111 rrw, M111>1>1 17 OIN 111 m .: lllll!wl 11:5211111 •w. ~ ··~ 11117"1 lloaeCIO M11111112l lllUll ii W, l'ertc!m II ION Ill 11111'-' .,. · RucaI 11 14N Ill 17W, lloboO UI IS 47N 111 llW, Straplr IS 30N 111 l'W, Severn 17 llON ILi llW, Tanqueroy IS JIN 11! )!W, ,V-.IS,~IN 114 41W, Wind· Wlril P•• II 13N l.ll 15W, .Toro Federal '• Fund~ Okayed Vehicle_ .tN,lntenance facilities - "81.00I! ·!"'!l!>.-!11111 be conrtruclocl II El 'l'oro llaitWI Corpt Alt station; s,inta Ana ; ii a blll'oppro"v<d Ttiesday by the House Approprllitions Committee is sign· ed by the Presidf:nt. ~ approprlatloR ls par1. of a plan le> •fltlld f!J0,!90,000 for ntWtary -...,. stnlctlon in California in fiscal 1970 ap. proved today in Washington. , But a r~uest for money to. build new barrackl tor:EJ Torc>'a tnlilted men 'at a · cost of "1,720,000 was earlier cut from 1 Houee-pa_saed authorlzatkln. bill. However, an add!Uonal Sl,Oll,000 for construction at El Toro MCAS was ap. proved , by. the House Apprc>prlatiorui Committee. - El Toro apokesmen decliiied to 11peculate on whether that money would be used to build barracks. ,,,.... p_,,. l ' ' HOTEL •.. downtOwn atta. . , ' "However, ·restrkUons, whic;tl are ln-- evllabte, and a land leue fnft the clly peaed at even uven or e14!:"* "pireent an- 11\'ally of the lronl-foot' price of ap- proxlmrtely $3,000 (f>'r lool) fa< this very shallow frctttap juR doesn't add to any real inducement for development. Trail Speed Limit Cut Asked in .Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A speed llmit reducllon Jr beJnc considered by the Caplrtrano Clly Council , City ....... Ject Jl!ibota roqioale4 that the COUDcll -lllll 11mit fnm 115 lo 35 mil• par h9<n' lf!l lbt IO\llh 'end pl Camino Cip!Jtrano Iii the •tmd>y precedea enlerlng,Caplatrimo Beach. Kubota aaJd thatJ>ocauae of In trifllc at the T!lilteneciJip ol A . ~dije ··"'!:--,'! ~ ..... mOl>iJe •fllrk .Id'-lcllvlty In the lod1lilrlal pirk, a reduCed JJnilt would &e advluble In the btlertsl of alfety. etty· Adntlnlatrator Ern!e Thompson ,_i.d that there hid been two accl· dents on that stretch in the last 10 days . • 'V•"• wee• o••-• CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A re a nsldent.s: are .celebrattnCthla week a1:a ,w .. k·of NaUonal Unity: . At Monday night's meeting of the Sin Juan Caplrtrano City Coundb Mayor Ed Chermat proclaimed the week in this ci- ty. Led by 8an Clemente committee · , chrJrman Mira Cynlltla Johmon vorloctl cltliens and bulinesaes are flying their . flags and drivtng wilh headlight.! on dur- ing daylight hours the entire week. Miss Johnson said that this ls a bipartisan effort to show app~atloo for th• rlghis aJ!d fftedom . enjoyed In thir nation. (in Festival funds )." Jf the Foundation sells its Irvine Com· At Durkee's suggeaUon, the board ~ ~ at a lowered market price,, agreed to pay,,haU the cost of lhe $2500 , Prl~tt said. the resulting decrease bi mapping project of Irvine Park. F~on income , wou1d. "have · an ;Mayor Gleµi Vedder said Joseph adverSe '(fed on future ability to donate Sweany, city pibllc works diJ'ector, plans to charitlel." tc> recommend' that the city foot the other During ~year eDCling 1.1arch 31, half of the bill the Irvine F~tion gave grants tot.al· "We've got a lot of Uttle pieces of maps : iog $2,7G3,PU to ~te and local groups. Col the arta)," said Vedder, "and we , The Orange Cp~"{~elv'ed donations can't put them ~getber becalJSe Uiey're tota1Jing. more · Lhan fl9',000. Recipients to different scales." . iilcluded: Harbor· · >.iea''i·J3oys Clu b, Durkee sal4-there :shou14 _be: a· study of $M>,OOO; SoUth· CQast 1 Community the possibllltY. ~f ,relocatidi lbe Festival Hospital, l~.OOI!: O[ang«Co;ist YMCA. office buildinc; erpendlnc the ¢ibllor: afteO'"orld. · · · ' At ~ bottom; of his menale op the gr .. 11ng card ~ printed, "~ July Au• Sept Oct equals 7" I . . l'ro111 r.,e 1 PAGEANT fSQ,000; Laguna S.ticb Community area; uainC lhl'prOP<lty Df' JlCCUlllecl by 1:1.tyers, '25,000; Symphony Assoctadon ~F-·~~=,.5cbool•'.,--' ~ An11 ,1.. =·· · · natural amphitheater lhat Is packed eaeli odlranp Counly, $15,000; Oranp Coon-·---- --night durlng six weeks ri pageant crealed, ty Partners for Progress:, ·$15,000; courta · <are "*"<l.-11..:.. L'f.~ , by two volunteer casts totaling lbout 300 Assistance League of Laguna Beach, Durkee said' later the tenra11 ~ · persqn.!I and the paid fuD-tlme pro-- $10,liOO; Orange County Aaaoclltion for reference wa. Uiiked to •.recent propoSll fesslonals. Retarded Children, 110,000, and the Boys by [ii Syff", ~ ,olllW'lfs' ·The pag .. nt by now has becOme an 1rt Club of San Clemente, $5,000. Club w -~val 'tooSfder ~in 'il&eU, able lo change three Found~llon grants "are administered by ~ng . Jand parcels Jn . ons to tWo by the studied illuilons an 11-mtn board of directors, under con-the vea lve. ~ · \bf ,1Ughling, costuming and set n- dilions aet up by James Irvine In 1932, The blllbted~ -often assoclatid 111tnictlon. when he establlahed the foundation as a with drugs -Js near the new Boys' Club · Each producer-director over the years, public charitable trust.. facilities and not far from the Festival said Williamson, has added innovalions o( Right now, the Foundation's capital h grounds. , . his own that have Improved the show. its 4.59 shares. U required to divest itself Syfan had suggested 1hat purchase of Still a community effort, the show by ill of those .!bares, the money from the sale about 2~S: acres could improve the con-very success bas entered the realm of big of the stock would be reinvested by the dition for ihe youth facility; help the show business. Foundation in a "diversified portfolio," Festival by providing space for new ten· "Jt won't be a dusted off f!rog'ram out Privett said, and profits would contiaue nis courts: add park space lo the City; or the warehouse," said Williamson. ''We le> be distributed to charitable organlza. and poMibly help the art school find a don't have the Old sets and the techniques tions. better location for larger quarters. have changed ,.over tJ!e. Yf:41'S. Privett said the Irvine Company Durkee said afier lhe board ·meeUng "To m06t ofrthe audleoce it will be a "would have. to find a buyei' for a very that past i ubjtcts tf di1cilss1on:have,~· riew show. To some Jt will be some or major equity who ls willing to pay the full eluded a double--deck parking facility Mth their old favorites and to a few old timers fair market value. Thal would not allow present teMis courts located atop the it will be a nostalgic experience." sufficient time to protect the people of structure. California." He said there was also a study six or Passage of the bill would be a victory seven years ago showing a way to park for belres.!I Mrs. Joan Irvine Smith, who about 200 cars up the canyon above the own.! or controls 21.l percent of Irvine Festival grounds. Company stock. Mrs. Smith has been Durkee said the topographic map would trying for 12 years to break the foun-also show where underground utilities From Pflfle l APOLLO 12 ... dation's control over the Irvine Company, and sewer lines are located, Festival of-or their JO-day spacefiighl. \Vhich mi1ht leave the Irvine area open ficlal s don't Jtnow presently. Placement Earlier, the only hint of a problem had • D S t Sat d fc>r more rapid development. of footings for the new Irvine Bowl err-cam~ in a radiation report from the, •nee e: ur ay Said PriveU, "People who buy the trance and stage enlargement came with-government's space disturbance center at MISSION VIEJO -Friday is lhe stock ought to be people who will have in a foot or so of main power lines, Dur-Boulder, Colo. A spokesman, John reser\'aUons deadline for Jhe ·adult dance the same sound interest and motivation kee sald. McKinnon, said there were some in. and breakfut' for Mlulon VlejO residents in developing the Irvine Ranch.'' He did The Festival also has a maze of old dlcaUons a radiaUan ootburst called a to be staged Saturday. not mention Mrs. Smith directly. sewer lines to locate and repair. solar flare might develop in a few days. Bob Cassen's quartet will l>l'OV!de 11:;;;====================================="'=:;;;; music for dancing at the Mission Viejo Inn. The event will take place from 8 p.m. till mkfnlght with breakfast belng 8erved in the Salon de Fiestas. The dance and brtakfut will be $6 per couple. Dancers only will pay $4. For reservations call the rtereation center at· 837-4084. e Rum••1e s.Je si.ted SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A rum- muge sale has been scheduled for Thurs· day, Friday and Saturday. Hours for Thursday and Friday are 9:$:1 a.m. to I p.m. and for Saturday, t a.m. to noon . Sponsored by the San Juan Capistrano Women 's Club the event will be stqed at their clubhouse, 3144.2 Et Homo Sl A drawina for a turkey wW be 1, hlghll1hl. ·e Betoetlt s1MHD :c.rt1e• SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO - ProfessionaF muslclans and entertainers TO 1he girl who knows wh1tshe wa.nts but not where to flnd it Ma.tch your style with our m1ny distinctive designs. And ask us about our fantous Or ·-~ .. Blo~som guaranttt. . ' ' ' ' . ' I ' • ' _Ji·. "Landscaped parking, or gr~, may be the only annrtr. The report, un· fort&m1tely, hun1 helped Ult declfton process." Councilman Roy Holm reoent1)' criticized the rtport as unsophisticated and fu lJ·of errors, even In arithmetic. The council bas _scheduled the matter for a 1lecenilier JO atudy ,.,.Ion. _will_. in a 11famlly_fun" benefit show at Marco rorsttr Junior High School Fri- day, Nov. Jt. at 7:30 pim. Donations will ~o to the San Clemtnte Interfaith Strvlcmen'1 Cent.w . - ...... ., Pfl.Ol .. ~ Ii ....., .. .....,,,,_ ...... ...,. ......... .... _... ......... ,_ ...... .,.,,, 7 .... .._. ..... ~ --."8:1WC .. .__~ '= .tih'i"Wiit ........ --. ........ .., -'' T .... I C7'1CI 4f ...... • $111 t [ 1 ... ..win. ar: • .. -.... c... ,....... -~ , ..... •:u•-~ ·. ·=,~-=~ -· -· -l:l'::.:.' C::::.':'C .. ,... .. _.., . ---· ,from P .. e l KllUEGER ••• 111111, to Ille In prlron. Hlr pennis eeperaled Nov. I. 1111 and Mn. Krueaer was later granted a lars• ~ ..Wailent lncludlnt monlhf1 .._ lo vlrlt young Pauf,,.ho-re- mains In a Tnar f>'nllontlary. Btlk!• J>Jt ltcood wife Gract, Dr. Kfuqtr leavts two other 11>n11 ntomu, ol·S111 Marino, and Richard, ataUoned at Vandenberg AFB near Lompoc. Ent•rtalitm<nt wlll be provided by th• Jean London lrovpe, whl(:b-bar been •P- peerlnc ml>othly lot tho pert -years at tho San OllC>fTe 'lbelW 1t Camp Pendleton. Mias London. Wlto bar "'' terWntd 1100!J11 In VI-Ind the omnt. WU 'voted the ••lvtryttitnr Olrl" at Camp Pendleton and rtttlved an •••rd for hor-R\-vlct1 In bulk!lnc troop morale. Her vul•ty show ln<ludts 7-year-old Victoria Meyerlnk, who has opp .. red with Danny Jtaye, 'I met ll"OUP and I magician. • CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE • J. C. J./umpht:i~ 'Jeweler ! 12l N,EWPORT A VENUE" • ' COSTA MESA ' -· ' 22 YEARS E 141-l40J • • • ' ! ' rr-=-=-: •2-•P•IL•OTa·•AO•VaEa!TelaSE'"R-•l -•t•l •W•!<l-.,.·,,,·,,·.·ll·.,.·,·,,r.-r ·1!·.·1•%•9------"!'!------------------..,..,...-----.,----------W-!<1-llfsdor--, :bw-l~, ~969-~ ~ -ti DAIL V PILOT ] r. ELEGANCE IN FURS 1-Mlnk J•ck1t 319 00 .... 42'.00 NOW • 1-Mlnk Stole 129 00 .... 10.00 NOW • 1-Mlnk C.tipt 129 00 Reg. 249.00 NOW • ELEC~lc D·opR CHIMES ! )I " 4 ttyl11 to m1tch your home. ' 2.88 .. MEN'S DRESS SLACKS AcrUan/rayon Pitnn Prnt ht fcnhion colors. Most sizes. Ori9. 7.98 NOW ·3.99 ···~ f • ' . . . PRE STYLED SJRETCH WIG 100'/• humon hair. I• 12 thctdn. lltchHln carrylat case . Orit. 19.81 NOW 15.88· 1.00 2.00 ' 3.00 GROUI' I GROUP II BOY'S FIREHOSE JEANS W••t•r:n 1tylln1. ChOOH "'om •xcltlnt 10lid color1. S•ll r1ln••· Slzn 6·11. Stock up n•w for wlnt1r r1pl•c•m1nt. 2.99 -qPEN" EVERY, tllG:fr TILL .9;30 12 TO 5 S!Jt4DAY FOR voor . ' . SKO;PING CONVENIENCE NEWPORT IEACH f.ASHION ISLANDI ' ... ' . ' . - ! I : S"EED & CUSTOM VALVE COVERS . ' ' ·. KODAK PROGRAMMER ' ' ' r 'l. '. C••t Aluminum fer F1rd1 & Ch1vyt. ' ' 15~44 " ....... ''"' ........ "01"''"'· 77.18 L'9ftitweltht.' Orl1. ,,,,st NOW -. ' . '' . ' MEN'S BETTER SPORT SHIRTs 'Asst, styles and faWlu, foPl011 colon. S·M·L. Orlt. S.H to 7.fl NOW 4.88 . . . 31;,-H.P. ROTARY MOWER P1nncraft-G111r clrlv1, lnclud" c1tcher. 119' 88 On• ••• ,. o.i,. ...... NOW .• ' ' . } ' . . WOMEN•s l'OUNDATIONS ASST. BRAS AND GIRDW · GROUP I 66¢ Most 1l1:n. IOROUP II 1.22 GROUP ·Ill ' J.88 ELECTRIC SCISSORS Touch-•·m•tlc c•trel. Cuts •II w1lght m•terl•I. Comp•ct 1nd .ll9htw•l1ht. Orig. 4.99 NOW 2 •• 8 .._I _M_A_IN_F_Lo_o_R_· _.I l..___u_.PP_ER_LE_vE_L___ 11 LOWER LEVEL I ' I 1L..._Lo_w_E_R _LE_V_EL_I. JUNIOR DRESSES Solldt & prints. W•1h•bl1 f•llrlu. MISSES DRESSIS Wool1, cotton• •nd blends. Orig. 10.00 Ml1H1 & h•lf 1lz11. Orig. 12.00 NOW 6.88 NOW 7.88 DISCONTINUED WOMENS UNIFORMS Slightly sollecl . W•1h•bl1 f•brics. Orig. 6.00 WOMEN 'S IMPORTED SUITS Doubl1 knits. thrff pl1c1 styli. Orig. 12s.oo NOW FULL CORAIN CALF Ul'ffRS NOW 3.88 100.00 Fully lnth•r llnld. L•1th•r C•rvld hffl. 12.99 N•w round t01 NOW MEN'S COWIOY BOOTS 1mlt1tlon al\.Jg•tor plu1. Custom nMCll• toe. 18.·88 . Fully luthlf linff, Orlt. 2:4.tS NOW MENS SWU,..S Acryljc·llnk.stltch c•rclig1n1.:_ S-M•L-XL-F11hlon color1. • MENS SPORT SHIRTS A11ortM styl•s and colors. lrok•n siz••· NOW NOW 7.88 2.88 TALL MAN ROIES 100% cotton t1rry. lrok•n slzH & colo'r1. Orig. I.ti NOW S.88 MENS SUIT CLEARANCE A11ortld 1tyl11 and fabrics. Mott m•n• slz11. NOW ·s8.oo LADIES FASHION SWEATERS Allortld slipov•r ind c•rdlg•n styles. SizH S-M-L Ind 16-40. 4 88 6 88 Odg. 6.00•t.U NOW • • • WOMENS FASHION BLOUSES A11ort1d prints and solidi in •••Y C•r• 2 88 f•brlcs. Sizes 30-H. Orig. 4.00-6.N NOW • WOMENS CASUAL SPORT TOPS Easy car• f•bric1 In l•t11t colors. s1z11 s-M-L. Orig. 2.11-s.oo MISSES AND JUNIOR SKIRTS NOW W;a1h •nd w1ar, bondlcl' & fur look f11brics. Sizes 1-11 •nd S-15. Orig. t .11-9.0G NOW FASHIONABLE WOMENS ANKLE PANTS 1.88 4.88 Pl•lds. prints •nd solids. Sliu 1·11 3 88 S 88 •nd i-15 Orig, 5.N-11 .U NOW • • • WOMENS CASUAL ANKLE PANTS Assorted fDbrics, prints & solids. Mllus •n4 junior sizes. NOW 66¢ WOMENS SLIP CLEARANCE Full & h•lr slips In f•shlon color1. Popul1r fabriu and sl:ru. NOW 1.88=2.88 QUILTED LOUNGINCO JUMPER Culott• Jumper w/m•tchlng bloust. Bright colorfwl print. Orig. 16.(;..i NOW 9.88 TWO·PIECE IRUSHED LOUNIOINIO SET Wnr top •Ion• or with m•tchl"I SNnt. 13 88 Soft lux1i1rlou1 t••I. Orig. 20.0G NOW • WOMENS COSTUME JEWELRY 1'in1, ••rrl"9S, ntckl1c1t1 & br•celets. 3 / 1 .OO Group 1 Orig. 1.00 NOW Group 2 Odg. 2.00 NOW 66c NYLON PAJA/olAS AND GOWNS Nylon trlcot full l1"1th gown• or f•ncy trim pDj•m•s. Orl1. 4.00 CALF CORAIN CLUTCH HANDIACOS GrHt for •v1nlnt .,. d•ytlm• w••r. Vlnyl-f11ttlon colors. Orl9. 4.00 FUI HAND-MUFFS Genuine rnovten fur. l'•rfKt for winter. Orft, 10.00 WOMENS IOROOVY COHILL£ NOW 2.88 NOW 2.44 NOW 7.88 New 1'"1dt l1eth1r look. 3 33 Compo1ltlon solo & h•I. Orl9. 6.n t lCW • WOMENS TAILORED OXFORDS Soft cru1h uppers. Comfort•bl• un·llntd lt•th:r. Orl9. '·" NOW 4 .88 IATHROOM SPACE SAVER Mlrror9d c•ltln1t'-tw• shtl'll•. White •n•m•l-1 only. NOW IONDED WOOL PLAID PIECE GOODS 11% wool-20% nylon. landed to 1ooy. •cet•t• trlcot. Orig 4.SO NOW PENCALE® SOLID COLOR SHEETS 7.00 3.22 • t" '.TILT AUOI SAW lncluUI moter. 2 oftlj. ASSOIRD HAND TOOLS Drills. HCkota. flnlitllng Hits. WA~L MURAL5-l Sins 88.oo 88¢ 4 41ffcr•nt 1c1n•1 44C for your hom1. ANTIQUE KITS-Sourol Colors Dt<or•tor 1h•d11 or ,.stelt. Lwxurlous cotton psrc•l1. Orl1 2.H-J.2t NOW 2/S.00 Fer th• lll•lt-yeur-11lf 2 49 hom• owntr. Orlt• 4." NOW • WESTERN PRINT CAFE CURTAINS Moch• brown or coHlt blu1. 24 or lO'.' length. ..... so INTERIOR LATEX ONE COAT -PAINT T•k• 1dv1nt•1• of low 5 99 COIRLS KNEE HICOH STRETC.H SOCKS prlCll ,., ,.1. Orlt. 7.4t NOW • Ito% 1tr•tch nylon. A~aortld f11hlon colors. NOW 4/1.00 WOOD TURNINCO CHISEL SETS for th• hem• work shop. 1 0 88 5 P<. St!. Orlt• 22.H NOW • .COIR.LS DRESSES lrt-ttason f•shlon1. Sfzn 7-14. GIRLS FASHION ANKLE PANTS AssortM solidi or prints. .Slz1s 7 te 14. IOIRLS GIFT COSMETICS Choou Nth 1up, ltwbltlt Nth. dusting powd•r & mitt, PENN PREST )VALK SHORTS ANort9d pl•ld1 •n4 1tyl ... '•ly••t•r •nd cotton ltlends. EXCITING FLOWERED PANTS Th• wlld•st colors. Straight l19s. 511•1 10-11. PRE SCHOOL PAJAMAS Short 1lMv1 short 1191. 100% cotton. Orig. 2.29 FLY ME TO THE MOON Apollo 11 T-Shlrts, Ponn Prest Sl1e1 1-20. Orlt. 1.29 BASEBALL CAPS Solld color •nortm•nt. Sires sm•ll to 1-l1r1•· Orlt. 1.00 IOYS CASUAL WALK SHORTS Boxer or Convtntlon•I wal1t. Sb:11-6·11. BOYS KNIT SHIRTS 100 % polyester 1hort s/Hvt. Sizes 2 to 11. IOYS PENN PREST SUITS Soll~ color1. Tr.•dltlonal 1tylln1. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW Sizu 12 t• 16. Orl9. 12.91 NOW IOYS DACRON AND WOOL ILAZIRS Slng le br••••H hops•ck w••v•. 2ltutten 1tylln9. Slxlf 14-11. Orlt. 17.H , NOW DOUILE DUO SUITS ' 3.88 1.99 .66 2.99 1.99 .99 .99 .so .25 1.99 9.99 9.99 PENNCREST Imm EDITOR 22 Mi· ·in .• 19wlng scr1on. . 19 88 lullt·ln dry 1pllc•r. Orlt. 26..tt_ NOW • PENNCREST SUPER I IDITOI II 111 In. vl•wln1 1cr1en. .,, S 2:1 1••rtd rewind. Orig. It.ts NOW 1S.88 IELL & HOWELL MOVIE CAMIRA 3:1 pow1r J.ffm R•tltx vl•wlng. Orl9. 159.95 Nowf39,88 POLAROID TYPE 48 FILM Color roll fllm. Short d•tld. Oflg. 4.29 NO\'/ 2.99 POLAROID SWINGER FILM Typo 20 for Li"I• Swinger. llDCk & whit• r•ll. Ori;. 1.6f TASCO TELESCOPE 2)4 pew•r. Sturdy tri,od lnclwdH. Orig. 54.95 TASCO lDOX TELESCOPE lncludn thr•' eytpl•c•s. NOW T•bl1-top tripod. Orl9. 44.fS NOW TASC0 .15 I• 40 POWER ZOOM Adju1t•ble room 1yepf1c• with Sl;>•r•t• trl,od. Orl9. 2t.ts NOW TASCO IX20 llNOCULARS Llghtw•l1ht 1nd compact. C•nter focu1ln1. Orig. 19.95 NOW TOWNCRAPT" DESICONER LUCOGAGE 21" wHk•nd. llod only. Stren1 •ncl llghtwtltht Orig. 29.st NOW AMERICAN TOURISTEl-Ftoor Samplts Dr•stlcally r1ducld. Cosm•tlc c••••· Orig. 35.00 NOW NORTHWESTERN PUTIER NOW .99 '41.88 3~.88 ' 19.88 1S.88 20.88 19.88 'r o-tl•x mod•' 100. "St•pped" 1tetl 1h•ft. Orl1. 1.99 NOW 6.88 GARY PLAYER WONDERSHAFT GOLF SET . , ;,i;,,,,, ........ ' 62 88 Set: l wood ........ lron1. Orig. 79.11 NOW , • GARY PLAYER WONDERSHAFT WOODS SET .......... •••••. 1 8 88 Sot: J woods. Orig. 27 .II NOW • WILSON "GENE SARAZIN" GOLF SET Dtlux• st••I 1h1ft. 62 81 J wotldt-l·lron•. Orig. 74.U NO.W • CHANDLE~ HARPER PRESIDENTIALS Coortl ln•tMl 1Nnt1 to m•tch. The lat11t 1tyllng. Orlt. 24,95 NOW 19.99 PRE SCHOOL SUITS 2 bwtton 1tyllng Solid color1. Sl:r•s J to 7. Orl1. ,.ti NOW GIRLS PANT SET Scrnn print top. Corclwroy ,.nt. Slz•1 J·6J:, GIRLS PAJAMAS Choo11 lightw1l1ht cotten1 er 100% c•tton fl•nncl. IONDED ACETATE NYLON .SUITINCO Solld1 & f•ncy pl•ld1. tct" wldt. Orl1. J.91 NOW fLUFFY FEA THH FL-OWHS O.Cwator coterL latra lon1 sffm. Orft. 1.00 NOW VINYL EXPANDINCO DOORS ThrH wood te1t11 tt chooa•. ......... 11 °"'r· TERRY CLOTH APRON · 100% cotton prlnt1. ldNI gift, Orlt . 1.00 NdW lt•I sh•ft c•nstr11Ctl•n. ' 7.99 l wooclt-1 Irons. Orl1. It.It "'OW llFLE SCOPE-C Power x llmm T•Ko r•n99r sco,.....Nltrot•n proc11sed. Co•tM L1ns-C1tnt1rlnt retlcl1. 2,77 RIFLE RACK5-4 l'toee NOW 1.99 2.66 Am1tlt1n h•rcl~Md-felt lll\ICI cr•dlea. l•lt arMI ... ~,..,tnt hol41r1. Orig. 4.91 NOW HANDGUN NOLSRRS Jy IUCHllMH HNvy l~1M fnold94. Deu~le tna~l .. 9d W . Orl1. J.tl NOW SHAKESPEARE' HUN'rtNCO ARROWS Dfflile ltrNilltMde. - ' . ~ ~M•t_c......,.. ~_.ix. -.--OrJt. t.H_ NOW 25 SRMMUl,AICHlll' SET • flntor )~rill tHN-ttulv•r-fllllr1l11 45 llJ. ~flt. lrr•wa. Orl1. 14.91 HOW • • • ,_PAIKEI HALI RIFLE . 44.18 7.88 3.66 1.11 6.88_, 9,.18 5 00 C•llbtr JO-°' hit •<lien. • fltW um,1.. Orlt. 149.95 HOW 109.11 , . WlljCHISTH MDL 70 soc C•llbtr"J0.16 hit 1ctleft M•nt• . . . C•rlo chnk pl1ce. Orl9. 149.95 NOW . 129.18 ALFllDO MENDOZA SINIOLI SLALOM SKI CyprHI O•rdon1 m9d1I L1mln•t9d c•natrwctlon Orlt• 24.91 NOW 19 •• ~' NADCO ELECTRIC llLT MASSAIOEl y, H.P.-3 1pte4 Nttlntt. l Inch wd ltelt. CUP 'N PLATE CAROUSELS Sp11c• ••v•r• for 11f• •t•r•••· MAIL 'N MEMO CADDIES In f•1hlon pink or wood flnl1h. 71NY TONKA TRUCKS C•ment mlx•r .,. tlum• truck. MAJOR MATI MASON SPACE TOYS S,.ct t.,-1. Choo•• fr•m t tllfftr•nt lt1m1. 39.81 1.66 NOW .99 1.44 NOW 21.88 ' 1.22 , Color winter INlg ... ben•. Sl:r•s 6Y2 thru I Y,. Orlt. ,,II NOW MENS TOWNCRAFT IOWLINCO SHOES Belg• and ltone. Sl1H 6 thru 16 Y,. Orff. t .M NOW 5.18 I AUTO CENTER I CONVERTllLE TOP$ D•luxit styling. l it ltack wlMow. Vlnyl CMti d. MOTOR CYCLE TACHOMETER 2·cyllndor, 2 cycle, 1hock r11i1t•nt. D•lux•, Dh1on ciuallty. 1 D' ANTENNA MAST C•d. pl•tod. for TV •r Cl. 4 SKtlon1 only. ' 2 ONLY SEAT COVERS Old1rftolill1. R9!11 col1tt. .W• don't want thoml DELUXE VINYL· HµD RESTS 20.00 8.oo 1.00 2.00 Th•se would m•k• w•nclerfwl 1 25 Chrlstrn•1 11ft1. NOW • " LIGHTER RIPLACEMENT ELEMENTS ' ' " VINYL FLOOR MATS. full fronta. ltl;d col1r only. Whllo they la1tl ODDS·N·ENDS AUTOMOTIVE G•d1•t1, pti'.,ga, Swftchtt, Suction CujN, Chrom1. covert. PAISLEY' CAI MATS Vlnyl ov•r f~llrlcs. Twin ~I•• only. Nie• t lft. CHROME VALVE COVER IOLTS Dtlu11 chrome. Wing bolts. °""' vp ;eu~ car. Sot tf 4. CHROME LOCKINCO GAS CAPS F•r most Am•rlc•n c1r1. S•ve ti.en. Whll• they l•st. • MICKEY llKE DEMOS leme ,.ns mlssln11 clutch, ch•ln. Ge..i 9lft. 2 only. SHORTY IELL HILMITS DeluKe 'IU811ty. Sift lftlltt. hod 1lft ftf': lttyl. - MACONETIC DASH TIA YS Cl .... Outtl Give tMnl f•r tiffs. WOOD GRAIN DASH PANELS_ Drtu u' your car. Chftk this ont. CLOSE OUT TIRES 4-ply flrtt 11utlity. 1.1t.w . ll•ckwa111: Clttck •ur 111•" 4/1.00 .2s 4/1.00 1.00 99.00 12.00 4/1.00 ' . -=-·=-2/1.00 16.11 . PENNEYS NEWPORT BEACH ONLY ••• Like It ••• Cha~e l_t! ' • .. - ....... Jf UD.Y Pll.OT L ' . ' • ·' ' ' h 'Blgh Gear ) -Complete-New York 1Stook List • I l = ..... t ... ; e a Wednesday's Closing I J ~'~•• om_, a ' ¥ •+ ~. . It•, ,, '1-:>'.--... • 1 " I Market 5oftens In Active Trading Wtdnotdq; -U, 1969 Stock -Exchange List L DAILY 'ILOT Jt ' I -- I l ' 'I I ,,, I ' l.;t: •' ... , .. • r.::· ~· ~·. ~·ii ~ ,, •I ·" •. .. . I .. I w e : c iii4;i;;... . es: t t a a .... y,...c 11 • ca ; >cc :.,; .. ,.•. as;us: cs as w e ; .. J¥\1 ••• ~, ... ~ . . . • I ' ' . - -..._ ·= -~ .. ., . • .,. ·----~ ---. • • .. _......__··~ .. , ~.· ---· • IM ,, • O.ur quarterback system would rock the Rams . Jolt the Jets. And make the Packers . ' • green. That's because Union Bank 's special style of busin ess banking demands the :best. For us. For you. So we 've developed a whole new breed of professional banker -the Account Manager. Your quarterback. A superstar, backed by a whole team of other pros. He knows what plays to call to put you on top. He starts with an MBA or equivalent. He has been through the most rigid training program in banking .. He 's • . part of top management. If you 'd like this kind of banking on your team , call the Regional Vice President. At any Regional Head Office. • UNION. BANK · W A Unionamerica Company . ' ORANGE COUNTY REGIONAL HEAD OFFICE : MA IN AT LA VETA, ORANGE I ALSO: HARBOR AT ORANGETHDRPE. l'LI LLERTON ·EAST COAST HWY. AT GOLDENROD, CORONA 'DEL MAR . I IL------___ \. DAILY I'll.el' l • ' ,. I I VO~. I . ' 1 Newp winning votes b• QlU)a t! quiet. a Meeti •are¢ to gain ~ lli.9 rear. }: CAPI parent 1ulalin1 the Ap blem I Amerlt 1s muc Apoll Jr., R1 1vere I PST F there ! 11ble h The 111 prob lei osses> F~ 3{ Al I ,Qui1 tslanc palrol Tuesc" la.rge llarbo Th< coate doc~~ H81 lurne tlam1 or gs ,,,, blau We riock riledi at 3: Th help He l\8rb hose Th near E1 galh \VCrl "I into Tha· muc harl R> fuel rem B 0 T lba kf:l1 Pai ii br m• B11 caf Ma l ! 111 25 471 I II 0. )I! I II All iii! I 1 t: Pe • l Newpo:rt Bar or EDITION VOL'. 62, NO. 271, 6 SECTIONS, 116 PAGES . ' O!UiNGE COUNTY, CALIFORl<nA r• • . TEN · CENTS Keep ·Quiet Ca~paign for Bond~ By THOMAS FORTUNE Ot 1'11 Dtll'f Plllt St1" Newport-Mesa trustees in their try far winning Feb. 10 school tax and bond votes have decided to stick with the for- mula that won for them last time-.a quiet, stltctive campaign. Meeting . this week. board members •&reed on I.he same strategy they usfl:I to gain a 75 percent favorable voit: on t $15.9 million bond issue earlier this year. The vote P'eb. 10 will be on an lkent override tax 'incttase Over thfff yells and re-autborluUon · ol M million of the bond issue at ·a higher seven percent interest rate. . A limple ma]OrnY Lii needed to pau the override; -tiilnls to pus the bond issue. . "Thls i1 '101ng to. be •• toulh .election because of resistance frankly to'the large amount of money~" sa1d School Bqard President Mrs. Mirian B«lesc>IJ· VFor us to go all out on a loud ·campaign would speU disaster." Dilltrlct supt. Willlam Cunningham said, "Il is going to be tougher to ex- plain tllls one. We're not oo double ses- sions 'and we have two elecUons going at once." What the school board means by a quiet campaign is being selecUve with its publicity. PrlmsrUY parents, teach- ers and community !eiders are informed. Scattershot, get-out-the-vote tactics are not used. There are no bumper 1Ucten, newspaper advrisemeat.I, prua releate!S 0< door·lc><loor campalcning. ''We doo't want to give the impression that we are teyin& • to sneak this through," said Mn. Berg.-. "If -pie feel excluded it causes resistance. The information ahauld be available." "Well, we certa.inJ)': made ourselves av.allable lut Ume:" said Qr. CUnnlng- ham, an active speaker in the campaign. Tbe .Ute9ry is I.bat if ger~.bear an Apollo Delay Theatened Apparent Leak Discovered in Hydrogen Tank· CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -An ap- parent leak was discovered in the in- 1ulating vacuum qf a hydrogen lank in the Apollo 12 rnoonship today. The pro- blem threatened to delay the st.art or America's second moon landing mission ss much as a month. • Apollo 12 astronauts Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Be.an l'iere targeted for blastoff at 8:22 a.m . PST Friday. But an informed s~rce said there is a chance they now will not be able to go to the· moon until Oecwlber. The space agency said the extent of the problem could not. be immediately ass~. Fire111en Spray 300-foot Slick At Gas Dock By JOHN VALTERZA Of 1M Dt!IJ "U•f SW! Quick action by workers at a Balboa tSland bayside gasoli ne dock, harbor patrolmen and firemen averted disa ster Tuesday afler an accidental spill of a large amount or gasoline into Newport llarbor. The fuel, spilling from a ruptured pipe. coated water along a 300-foot section of docks around the island's ferry landing. Hifbor patrolmen and city firemen turned high-pressure fire hoses on the flammable slick ~nd dispersed ·~e scores of gallons of fuel. The Ure danger was substantial, but no blaze occurred, harbor patrolmen said. \Yorkers at the Union Oil Company docks shut off electrical power im- rilediately after the leak was discovered at 3:S2 p.m. . They also played hoses on the fuel until help arrived. . Harbor patrolmen kept boats 111 tht narbor away from the area while the hoses sprayed the slicks. The leak, spokesmen said, occurred near a safety shut oH valve a~ the docks. Earlier reports or an ts1.1maled 400 gallons of gasoline spilling into the bay \Vere diSCt1unted today· "We don 't know how much actually fell into the water, but it \vasn't 400 gallons. Thal much gasoline \vould have cov~red much more ·waler than 300 feet , a harbor patrolman s~id lod~y . Repairs started unmediately on the fuel leak Tuesday afternoon. The st~tion remained closed today, patrolmen said. Black fin Out Of La Paz Race? n1ere were unconfirmed reports today that Blacklin, Ken DeMeuse's 73 foot kttch was out or the Lqng Beach to La Paz race . . In the position reports received today by Carroll Hudson of Newport Beach, monitoring reports from the Vector, Blackfin did nae answer the morning roll call but was believed headed into Magdalena Bay. Lalitud< and longitudes ol the fleet : Aileron 26 20N 117 llOW. Ai VJ...to 27 14fi 116 lSW, Aquarius 29 SIN 115 57W, Ariana 25 12N 116 46W, Aventura 2t 56N 11• ow. Bohemia 26 SSN 11-4 40\V, Charisma It ti OOfi m 29W. Concerto 25 38N 114 57W, Debinda 26 21N ll6 22W, Donn> J. 25 41N US !.IW. Dorothy 0 . 26 O!N 114 16W, Irish Misl 26 42N 115 ISW, Jsobar 11 19N 116 20W, Allegro 26 11N 116 50W, La Prensa 27 lilN 115 07W. Malobl 27 0!N Ill 30W. 1'ti!lral 26 S1N 116 ow. Pantera 2128N 11S t7W, Poaado Manana 28 OON 117 22 W, Pericus a& 20N '116 OBW, Tno:: trouble interrupted an almost [lawless series of ~launch prtpara~ tions. It was discovered lat.e In the mom· ing and officials immediately began an Investigation to see' what was wrong. · '1'11e p"roblem involired Me ·of two :8- gallon liquid hydl'Ogen lanb ·in Apollo 12's service · module, the unit that services-UW A"pollo CMtmand module. Li· quid h1drogen must be kept at 423 degrees beJow zirri and e'acti of the tanks has a vacuum jacket lo' insulate il The tr.ouble was detected when techni- cians began flowing the frigid hydrogen into the tank. The hydrogen, used to fuel lhe spacecraft's fuel cell p o w e r &fnerators, was drained from the tank in the early aftemO(ln after the vacuum leak was discovered. If Apollo 12 cannot be read~ for launch Friday, the next·-· and final ~ launch opportunity this month would t.'Orrie Sunday. . Because of •· complei relationship betWeen the Apollo 12 landina: site, the e8rth and the sun, the .ne11:t launch op- portunity will not come before Dec. 14. . The informed source said the nature of the problem means that a time-con- su1ning rep<j.ir process would b e necessary. Tllis, he said. Would mean the tank could not ~ fixed in time for a launch Sunday. Tbe space agency said an Investigation was under way "to detennlne the extent of the difficulty and its effect on launch operations." The weather atMl all other ~ of pre-launch prepar8tiona were reported satisfactory. Before the difficulty cropped up, the three astronauts worked out in spacecraft· ti'alnUs, brushing-tip on critical port.ions of their 11).day spaceflight. Earlier, the ooly hint of a problem had com~ In a radiation report from the government's space disturbance center at Boulder, Colo. A spokesman, John McKinnon, said· there were some in- dications a radiation outburst ·called a EOlar flare might develop in·· few days. Some Car Ride Drug Victim's Brother Faces Herofu-Charge_ A bitter fa,mlly quarrel became~a police 1oatler early loday in. Newport Beach after a Costa Mesa woman allegedly went for a two-block ride on the hood of · her aon·ln-law's car, then fell off. She went \o'the: hospital. He went to jail. Police allege the incideht went like this: Raymond Lee Anderson, 22. an El Toro P.1arine, and his lvife began quarreling at a house at 735 Jo· Ann St.. Costa Mesa. Anderson took custody of his t"l4'o-year-old son and the two drove lo a west Newport apartment. . ·The wife anCI her mother, Mrs. Eileen Harrison, 3133 Bray J,.ane, Costa Mesa~ l'ollowed the Marine (o the Newport apartment. At 4709 River S~ the ~rgumenl resum· ed and when Anderson and the child stetted to drive off again Mrs. HarriJOn hbpped onto the 'hood of the car. Anderson ·allegedly drow two blocks to 47th and ruver streets before his mother· in·law fell off the car. Police were called soon atterward. fl.frs. Harrisoli was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment of a two-inch head cul. Anderson was arrested. and booked on charges or assault with a deadly weapon. A Newport Beach youtti w~. brother died of an overdo5' earlier this year waa jailed along Wilh a componion Tu>adaJI, in connection with an alltged $200-per- d~y heroin dealenbip. The pair picked up by Costa Mesa and Newport Beach detectlvea were booked for agents of the Stale Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, who were seek· ing complaints against them today. Congress Actio11 May Cut lrVine Foundation Gifts . Jack H. Hahn Jr., 19, of 1811 W. Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, and David B. Rees~ 21, of 1300 Belfast Ave., Costa Mesa, were arrested at Canyon Road and Victoria Street in Costa Mesa. -• Investigator Norm Kutch, of the Costa Mesa Vice and Intelligence detail, said Reese was also charged with drivtng under the influence of drags arter his sports car was pulled over. State narcotics agents had been seeking Hahn since an agent purchased a quan· tity or heroin Oct. 30 and Kutch and Newport Beach Police D e p a r t m e n t narcotics officer Al Epstein finally &pot· ted him with Reese Tuesday . By JANICE BERMAN or ""' DllllJ Pllft lt1ft Donations to 1oca1 Charitl:es by the lrvlne Foundation 'may be reduced if a proposed federal tai: reform bill meets with the approval or a joint House-Sena~e committee, a Foundation spokesman s11d today . . Under proposed tegislati~n, the 1~v1ne Foundatron would be required to divest itse\£ of its Irvine Company hOktings. The Irvine FoundaUon owns 459 shares. or M.4 percent, of the Irvine eomp&by'1 1tock. At ils last sale, In November, 1961, the stock sold at $250,0llO per lhare. The blll carries an amendment by Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (D-Va.), ·that aets up an accelerated schedule for the lrvine Foundation to divest Jtaelf of Irvine Com- pany holdlnp oceedin1 50 percent of outstanding aloct. The amendment would ·re q u·i re divestiture to besln within two ·yeara. Discussing the amendment, Irvine Foundallon Attorney Howard J. Privett said. "The signUicance is what the ~ffect of the bill will be on the future ability of the Irvlne Foundation to donate to charities.i. tr the bill b pu.sed as written, tM Byrd amendment would require the Jrvine Foundation to dJ¥11t UHlf of 10 perwil ol lie boldtnp uceeding 50 per· cent in the trvtne ComplllJ' wtthln two years, at Jeut 25 percent within rive years, 50 percont in IO )'Nl'I and 100 per· cent In 15 ,_... If required to divest iuelf of IO percent of Its shares of Jtoct within. the next two ' yetrr.:'l:lalmed Privett, "under prcaent· tc000mic conditions the stock would be sold at depressed prices, becallle of high interest rates and tlght money con- ditions!' Privttt ~dd offer no estimate of the amount such a·iMct sale would brln1. "I'm Just. a lawyer, not a businessman• or ecooomi1t/' he aid. "About all yoo can ' 111 is that we wouldn't be read,y to receive full market value." . -.. Jf the Foundallon·sells it.s Irvine Com· pany stock at a lowered market price, Privett said,. the resulting decrease in t'oundation income would "have an adverse affect on future ability to donate to charilies." During the fiscal year ending March 31. the Irvine Foundation gave grants tolal- ing S2,703,012 to state and local groups. 1'he Orange Coast received donations (Se<I IRVINE, Pare II Hahn's older brother, Gary. died in Costa Mesa earlier this yea r and Orange County coroner's investigators said he suceumbed to a drug overdose after tox· icological tests were completed. lnvesligatOr Kutch said Reese 's eye pupils were pinpointed as though he had takea drugs, but tbe suspect reportedly refused to discuss the matter. f Cong Flag Torn But Mayor Faces Court Actioli No ·w . . Si\NTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74-year-old mayor of this nOrthern California coasta l city goes into court today to anawer cha rges or trespassing, theft and destroying prope:rty filed after he tore down a replica of a Viet Cong flag from In front of a reSidenct. · , Asked how he would plead, ~tayor Richard Werner said proudly : "guUty!" THE CllAl\GES were filed by Larry Eugene Bell, 27,.a substitute teach- er, who made a citizen'• arrest of Werner in front of Bell's home Tuesday. The mayor, a veteran or both World War I and World War II, aald he had received ftvt telephone calls about the flag Tueaday m<ntlni. ' . "I called the police department and they told me there was no ordinance covering it, no stale or federal laws against it.'~ Werner .said .. "I didn 't .want to get them in trouble so J decided take care of It mY.sett • ••1 WENT OUT there and a lady came to. t~ door and: t faid , 'We don't like the look of a Viet Cong flag flying <ftl Armistice Day, as a matter of fact we don't ever like it. Will you please take It down?' "She said. 'We will not.' So I said, 'OK, l'JI take it down for you. So r did. They wanted it back, so I said. ·w~u I can 't glve you all ol ft back' but 1 can give you some of it back',' and f tore Off• piece and gave tt to them .~' Be.II said the mayor "Looked me right In the eye aOO said, 'I'll kill )'OU It you1 do this again,' and I look«! him right In lhe eye end didn't !BY a thing. "BVT I HAVE another one nying t.oday. I dyed It mrt of 1 pillow case -a little red dye, a llttle blue dye, a little star In the center. If people want to call that a Viet Cong Oas I rueu they can." • I • appeal for ·the· tu .• onrrldl ..i - Issue backed up with a factual pre.n- laUon !hey can be ponuaded. But tt the appeal l°' .a "yes" -la made without um. lallen lo uj)\ain the ottuatlon li ·ii not :apt to work, .tru.teu beUeve. s,sJdel alJ'Mlng Oii the OYt<aD type ol camplign they w\li !'1ID tn'*'8 d .. clded Mondoy nlgllt on . ..-al JPIClflca. 1'he board will invite the.ji>lnl Newpll'I ltarbor and Costa Mesa· chambers of commerce to make a study of the school . . . r \1 , I ~ • tax and bond ne«la .a1 'they cllcl _._ The board Is hoplrlg fOr v.erfficatlop ~ a neutral source that ib Feb • .JlO•Jequeitl are jUsUfiecl , · · , 1 · Trustees agreed soon· ~ ·appoint 1· clt-l~ens ~let.ring con:ipii~~e that wDl;hold a meetlng with servtce ckttl1 1Q111 women'• clubs presidents. · · · Five c or six f>reakfJSts,: two ·or three luncheons an~· a dianer ,will' w. beld to pre.!ellt lnlormaUoo i oo .the. llCbool c1)$. IS.. ·llONJ)I!, , .... II · ' I .,. '' ~ • J ' ' ~' • , DA"-y, P'K#T """' W 1'lrit' c.i.lli Goin'; l'isliflJ'. · ' ' . \ white out r~r a vete~ans 'riay st.:On ·on the, 1:111nttiigton aeac11· Pier Tuesday, 'our intrepid photographer spotl~ Ga,Y, 6, and Tamm~ Rip. pey, 5, Downey, h~e<Uor a few hours of fishing. Our,phQ\ographer, who does not yet have children, asked them to hold hands for a Tom Sawye r .. Becky Thatcher-!yJ10 ·Photo. Our pholographer·now.has ~ew Insight inlo lhe relfl!ions'el .. ;J:i.year-ole boy bent.on.fishing who ii as ked to hold his lj!tle sister's Iiand. Newport t~ Try New Tac~ . . .. . . . In Plugging ~P ~oa~eak~ By JERQME F. COLUNS Ot t1tt Dllb' ,.ltlt Slllf Newport Be'a'ch city ofUol:Rls have de- cJded to try a new approach to plugging an oil leak that has bubbled up to &ix gallons of crude into a Newport Harbor channel every day sh)ce last July. Public Works Dlredor Joseph T. Devlin said today workers will go to the seep hole ita:elf, located. off a1 city lot at the· channel, end of 43rd Stree( opposite Newport Island. Orii:(1nally; city councilmen · h a d1 authorlud $4,000 t.O riCap a.n i bandoned well on private property. The old well Is in a privele yard at 207 43rd Sl1ect. ·The oil is believed to be leaking· through fissures In the well's casing. The. oil ls presumed lo be oozing Underground to the water's edge al the city Jot. ~vlin safd the kiea of recapping the. old well has . been r:ejected for three reasons : -Contractors said the cost of the pr<>- ject will be much more than $4;000. -Thei:e Is a high rtak ractor·involved In the reabandonment wort, includlni a· possible blowout. -The wprk would have to take place on rrlvate property'. "We're pmty, uneasy about that." said D;evlll). ·The new approach _. plugging thf!" leak from the other end -will coat r an estimated $2,000.. : Workers will clear away oil·soaked muck at 1he seep hole and then pile on sandbags a~ fresh cement, just inside a chhnnel bullille;td. Councilmln ·Donald.A. lt_tclnnis of West Newport. was firsd to propose the alternative !iOlution. ' lie pointed oul that the . method had (See OIL LEAK, Pare Zj . • • Orange , ' I C0U&J ., I --1 \Veather " It'll be another.day to writ'e home about 'Thursday, with sunri( ikiea aod wirm (emperatures -)titbolrt bcnellt of Santa An• ~ -. pre- vaiUng over the Orange Coat. Loot for a inerairy re~lnf 'f."'·· INSWE :rqDA Y . The FAA llqr 0 a*'1 ~o ....;- noi&e of jet1 iM i ll dad lane£. i11(11, 1tartb1g tCi • the' jambo jetl. Ste Page . ~ C.er-C-ti _,..... ,...... f M s•oeft Market IN'" • 1-- NE:N VQR~ (AP)-:-Stocks wandered :.i.. •1 ·: ::=c: ..: d~r 11nto 1otln{I; Certttory tn ''°" trttd· ~'"~":.c rJ ,.,.. ' • tnr: tlrtt 1fternoon1· u declines , led •d· · oi:W~.. • ~·· := ...., ..1: varlces by better than 100 la1ues. (5et :::,..-:...::-..,. ~~ tt" quolat!ON, P-J&-11) • ,~ •• -. ~ Analysts saw litt e ln lbe wa.Y'Q( devtl·, ~ : • :: " oprMnt9 to aliMulll• 1 .pin but noted _ -+ M•l"'• _ , . ._j,_ • = ..,,... a that aelllng prtssurt was not grrat.1 :C":.",...,.. ~ .....,:-" ..... d Oivm CbCK cordhlore. the market falb ..,,... j " o( Its own weight. u.---+----------• I _, .J • . ·-,. . ... . . a ,nrtna· d • le DAil V I'll.OT N -·Mau Held I In Bribery . ' .Out .on 'Bail . ~ An Atllona man ormted Monday on , cbar(a ol lltempttng to bribe Hill> ·' ~gtOn Buf!J Mayor J~ck Green for ion- • Ing lavon waa released Tuesdaf· nlibt • from ,0rL,.. County Jaf~,JOO 'bAu. ' William Mew, -. of , Aria., is ·' ~ed "for arraignment 11\unday , altemoo_n in West Ornnce County . Munklpal Court, Westminster, on two charges ill suspicion of attempteii brtbery · ol • publ)c olllclaL HUnUngton Stach poUce Wei today that invutlgatlon into th< alleged bribery attempt ahould ~ completed belont New's arra\gnibent. I ;; s_ ¥_§£§ .,._ti -• DAl(Y PILOT, .... ,._ .• Ci~S 0 secseeaz es so ZoCliac Kiiier -· 'We'll Get ·llim,_" . . . -SF Cbief ·Vows I ' . " -( ' .· ~. ;. . SAN.Fl\!>I:iP~ (UPI) -l'Oll!>t Nld. oday lliey-had • collllderable eVld<iico of many qilf•rbt kinds" ill the llOlrdl lor the 1.odiac killer or '"fJW ·~r:sons. but ~Id: gJve no ••wr:Jel ·of nauurance'» iboul In l!lurihll;,t itnil.. . "One day we Wiii C.ttlh blm Ind he will he tried," said San Trandsa> Chief o1 Inspectors Martin Lee. Lee \ol~1a ,news conC~nct be 1ave "no creden<;e, -de.spi~ hi/I~ "' lettua Tue.. ~?-to the San Francrlp) ,Clif91J)cle, to 1 """rJe. Zodiac~. WU -lblo for . the stabbiog of two San Joae .&eellqed · girls lait Augilsl. · .. • "There Js abaolutely ·no evidence link~· log hirtt •. wJtb Ibo <Saa J.,.) ·-der~ •• Lee said. • ~ "I ·~•t lctu . I . . I uvu R r\ him u a mNI who worts wl!!! his hands. tblnl< he h 6 1 small j~b and possibly ene where,he does work with paper, poasltbly at hla deitJ' In th4'1itten to~ bu-On!ck •·••· . · I T"!S<l<Y, ......... d be ~.to .diaiu!!e hi• future lflrders as :t'froutine robberies, killinp of anger, & a few fake accidents, etc." 1. . . A J)Olticript lo one of hil letters Jn- dlcated:hf ...... difPl<aaed by 1 c!w\ncirillg o! publle att..aoa lilloe he.~ a piece ol a.lfaln.caltdriver'1 bloocktained stl};r la. • letter·~ moatlr aeo. 1 1 Could )'O\I print thia new cipher on your ·~ .~?"· he aSbd .. 'II, get awlullf. looe!y when · 1 am lpi>reil, '° 16no)YJ.c0Uld do my th\i\g!I!!!!'" i 'Police have been working with Mayor Green slnce Nov. f wben be notilled them of allqeoll" bavina received an oiler ol $1,000 for campafin ~unds U he would help gain a zone change for 20 acus or land near Stater Avenue and Gothard SI.net. CITY SAYS CYCLISTS LIKE BILL GOODING WILL HAVE TO BLAZE NEW TRAILS · · ZodUic, 1n ,two rambltng le&!r• · ac- companied by one of his cbaridertStic · Cl')'llloirlms, boasted he bad committed seven' murde:rs instead of . the'. five Wlth which police have linked him. The~ tn a ·lara:e i-scnwled h8nclwfiUng -.wJ.liclt contrasted .. wtlh his· usual small prrrting -Zodiac added, "and I can't do Land Along River on Cost• M11a'1 West Side H11 Been Decla red Off Limits "\\'e ai'e teaming more aDd. more about him all the Ume," Lee 18.id. "He has been called jnsane and a screwball but I don't believe jt. I thl!lk he Is legally sane. He has a tnowled&e of the dllierenc.e 'between rltbt and wrong. a. thing with it." . Now :wu """led in tho parking lot ol · the F11:btrrnln.Reataurant Monday morn- ing, after he allegedly ,.P..ted his finan· . ciil offer to Green. : 11\e·iand In question is owned by Dave · and Goldie lllotedltb who aay they never ;. heard or New, who clalma: to be a , ; representative of 1 Pboin\Z mortgage company. , The Meredith property.ls currently zon- Richard Krueger, Father of Young Killer, Succumbs ed 19" ~ ule bUt there ls an a-p. plit1tkln before tlae city planning com· A former Orana:e County civic leader • mi&slan to cbanct ill use to a mobile anct· scientist whose latter years were home aite. marred by a t.eenqed aon's Texas : 111< .requesHor mobile horn., has be<n munler spree lw been burled quleUy made by Cactlllor Corporajlon of Para-following his recent death. : mOQn~ repmented.by uimlingion Beach Dr. Richard Krueger, 61, was burled attomey Geor&e Shibata. Monday in Pacific View Memorial Park. ,, --:No-.-'....,avallable-for-cemment-at-Corona del Mir, following his death • Cactlllof olfka lbil mo~ and Shibata 'l'liiiriill,Y u IM"mU!roh·long·ill-. WU qot In hls.Hllnttnglon Beach olflce. 11le -Orange Cowity PWlh!ng ' · Tufldoy, Shibata reportedl,y aald he Commission member died In his mod..t had been contacted by New and would retirement apartment at Bethel Towers, · r-eprtient the Arllona man &t hla ar· 696 W~ ltth Sl., Q:ista Meas, where he liv· • ralgnmen~ but a teen!lary in Sldbat,.'s ed with his lleCOl1d Wile, Grace. : office aakl· thfa ,~,Me did not think '!ht naUve-bom Gennan who ~II com· that ·was true. · / 11\!.Uloned a colonel tn the U.S. 1'6nny by , New. claiml he represenll eoMuJtint· specl&1 act of Congress during. World War . FinaM!lll on4 .Mor!P&tna _Company of ll supervised the building ol the flrll Phoenix, but that bu not yet been aupersonic wind tuMel. . .·. verifiM. by police. He was a naturalized clUzen and came : "There may be. otber pel'IOl\S · Ina to ~erica at the age of 20, rising to pro- : volvtd.'' laid DetecUve Sit. Robert mlilence in the scientific world and later 1thinebart today, ••but we have no fUrther t'8chinl at ~ Tedt. ··lnformatioa at the moment!' , He and Ida:, first wife, Edna, lived In a plush home at ;401 Avenlda Vaquero, S•n I Clemenle, ill 1116, when tbe1r 17-year .. ld IOft .Paul tod-a buddy-nn,away -wllh the jntentlcn. of '*""""8 ooldltn of fortune. ; Burglar Steals • · Y-Knltler'• f11f wu1plcked up by Car Transmission :=,_w.am:~·~,~ b{.",t:~ · fisbmn.en and named the quiet, polite · The tranll!liJllon went ..rt oii a Dover Orange <;ounty f!oy aa the killer. 'Shcl'u · youth'i Corvette Stlnlr•Y Tu.u-Krueger was (:aptured in Mexico where day aftemoan,Jn Newport B!Nch·t . be wu porkinfon a Mormon farm col· · 1lut tbe IWbOx loa ·1111111 11Ut to tilJY,·rilumed ID lfeau, pleadad:INltty to mechanical problems. Someane ltOli the the Dturdtn and waa sentenced id' May, ~ Item while the car wu plited In 1961, to We in prison. II.I _owner'• prage. ~ Hi.a parents separated Nov. t, 11166 and r.Bc:qt,._Plll! 11>i>mp/on, 11, ,Jill North Mra. /(rueger "!" later gr•nted 1 large •rllr .;..,,., told poll<e -aneat· property settltrilent lncludlnf monthly fld into hil 1ar~ whlle he·waa «it Tues· e1penaes to vi!ll young Pau , who re· ·• aftunoon. lifted the car up on jacks mains in a Teus penitentiary. lH unhooked the transmisllon. Besides hia tieeond wife Grace, Dr. : .t-!Plice said the thieves' worked throuah· Krueger Iuves two other !Ons, Thomas, ; ,.., the afternoon on lh<lr Job. using ill< f S M . -~ RI~ rd eel :~·~ own !•cU to lift lbe. car, then o an anno. •nu ... ua , station at J-~ own tools to do the unhook1nl Vandenber& AFB near Lompoc. •..,.t. ·~· . I . Ibey ,and the npemlve . were a:cme. • I ... f'rona Pllflfl I ;BONDS ... · trict's n~ to invited persons. A speakers bureau also will be formed 'to talk to any group interested in the tax a~ bond vote. Meanwhile, conetrted efforts will be made lo reghiter all parents to vote and , to1 repeatedly furnish them vo'ith infor- mltiOh. An elecUon day committee for Jat& minute telephone calls. babysitting tr1?1Sport.ation and poll watchlng also will be fanned. OM IY PllOI OltAHOI COU1 "Vil tlHI ... COIAPAHY 1l•Mff N. Wff4 ---J.c\ I. C.rlrt Vlfa ,,,._, .... 0-11 ~ Th•-• IHYil .... T!l.111H 4 M•r-'il111 -·-. J·-'· c.111 ... _, .... °" ''"" ---' 21~-:::..•·11, ..... , ... " JM., r.o . ._ 11r1.t2••1. --c.lt ....... : -#ttt ..... ,... '-"""' ..-: m ,.,... ,,......,. ......... aNOl:JllfJlflS1'ftl Boat Scuttled ·' In ·Newport Bay A Cypress man Tuelday round hla boat nearly scuWed in Us Bayside Drive slip in Newport Beach by vandals who caused more than $2,200 in damage. Dale Rhodes. 44, an engineer, found his. 3t)-foot cruiser nearly under water Tuesda.1 afternoon alter someone had pounded out a through-the-hull fitting. The craft's two engines had major damage from sea water and its wiring and paint was ruined, Rhodes told officers. The ~tling ~curr~ at the slip at 1021 BaySlde Drl\'e, police said. Rhodes at first believed the near sink· Ing was cau!led by recent rain11;, but in- \·estigation showed the fitting had been pounde<I through lb• hull. Posh Restaurant Tells Rug Tlieft Patrons of I posh Fashion Island restauranl took more than A napkin and matchbook as souvenirs near cloising time this morning. Pittrlce O'Daly. 39, Lid o Isle, ma nager of Bob Bums Restaurant. told police some-one walked off wllh a memento "'Orth $205. It was a &-foot·k>ng red Persian rug kept i1_1 the doorway of the restaurant. It disappeared at 1:15 a.m. while the lobby waa unattended. From Page I OIL LEAK ... been tried before on othtr Jeaka and It had worked. Mcinnis conceded that If "'OUld be a ramble, but 10 would be rtcapplna: of the oJd weU. "Thi11 should cosl us less. and lt could stof. the leak for perhaps as long a1 JO years, '·he said. pevun aQeed. "What It 11110Unll to ii Jhal we're bu7ln1 time." Councilmen apptov:td ~tclnnls' plan unanimously. Noise, Bast ~omplalnts Mesa Jlills Off Limits To Harbor Area Cyclists A sprawling sect.ion of west.side Costa "'ill be no warnings for first-lime of· Mesa -a. Harbor Area motorcyclists' f nd Gls Airlifted Into Capital To Stand By heaven ol. h1l11 and dales -is now forbid-e eh .. den turit«)' for all such men and their Th11 ii due toihe No Treipas.sing signs machines. now up, and Issuance of a ticket requires WASHING TON (UPI) -A study shut-Compl~lnta from surtounding-resident.s~ appearance. . Ue of C130 air cargo ~a today be&an about no11e 8!X1 du.st hav~ Jed authorities The officers detailed this ·wffk d ·n .airlilting__more....Jhan i,6o0 ir90PI in19 to poat no trespassing rugns, finally ap-not be . . • en WI Washinglon far duty in event of dlaoiders proved after contacUng the various land· ~ormed, Lt. Fischer added, and in thil weekend'• anUwar demonatra- owners involved. ~e maeh.ines will be their own, slnce the Uon1. . Beginning this weekend, molorcycli61s Crista Me11a force does not have motUrc:Y-Rifle-anned, helmeted paratroopers using the old dirt and gravel pil area for cle officers. ' · · some of them with sheathed bayonets: recreational riding . will be cited for Known a! th Id D G ;d· 1 alla:bted from the four-engine planes in a trespassing, according to Costa hfesa e 0 · • l 11' and steady drizzle at Andrews Alr Force BlMi Police Lt. Hal Fischer. gravel) pits, the onetime dump property and boarded five·ton .trucks tor move.. "It's a beauUful area for motorcycle '"hose varioµs owners have agreed to ment to undlsclosed siandby points. ri~ing ... it's just too. bad" said Lt. forbid motorcycling generally lies west of The Cl30s,.whlcll carry ZO to tO men in Fische r, head of t~e traf!1c ~u_reau. . Placentia Avenue between I9th and Vic. addition to vehicles and equipment, set · , Enforcement will ,begm 1n1Ually with loria streets down at steady IO.minute intervals, then cyc le owners from the police department . · . flew back lo North Carolina for another on the scene to issue tickets and there The situaUon that led to the motorcycl-load. ing ba6 1a essentlallf the same that led to Dressed in green falicuea and carrying po~in_g of state-ownfd prOperty behind knapsacks, the paratroopen Were· the Fairview State Hospital and adjacent to first troop1 to arrive. The flrst d a con- the Mesa Verde ••ea. :i' nt·<i marlnt8 wu.cfue --~tQnlghL· -....._,,_~ 'lilNae Off-~ail motorcycling is a popular miitJy fttps. At !fti\ Illa ~i \ sport 1? Orange County, but is rarely sign reidlng "explosives." one 1 1 totallln& more than $195,000. Recipients compatible with surrounding suburbia A Defense Dtparlment rpoteamah, Included: Harbor Area Boys Club. ~nd conunercial riding areas are ·'arply Jerry W~friedheim,=ld af theJrooPI r. limited. i)tl are " in CI v l 1 ,000; Squtb, ,Coast;_ Coqimun ity dllllrba 1~-'"·u .· , ospflal, flS,000; Orange. Coast YMCA, Motorcyclist.! are generally confined to 'Bl ~ am. ~.000: Laguna Beach C o m mun i t y private property if they have the written -sai :iWu01d remain OD fedlril 1 Players, $25,000; Symphony Association consent of the !•ndowner, while countY pror)erty unless assistance in kMpiD1' t of Orange County, ps,000; Orange Coun-la~ prohibits riding in the Santa Ana order was asked by the Justice Depart- ty Partners for Progress, fl5,000; River flood chaMel bed too. merit and the District of Columbia Assistance League-of -Laguna Beach, government. $10,000: Or1ngp count)'• Association for The ~u~tlce Department has primary Retarded Children, $10,000. and the BO:;s BB-gun Sm'pel' ~espons1b1Uty for maintain ing order dur-Club of San Cl&mente, f,!,000. · 1ng the demonstrations -to be climaxed Foundation grants are administered by by a mass march on Saturday. an 11-ni.an board of diredi>fs, under con-H' W The Department agreed Tuesday to muon• set up by James lrline in 1932, Its -om an anow a march involving perhaps 11 many h ~ -~·bli hed .-. f-·-" · as 70,00Q on Pennsylvania Avenue pus-" en 1io:: ea"" s un::: uuuuation U ii lng within a bk>ck of the White Ho.'.ise, In public charitable trust. A sniper with a BB gun shot a Newport u::ehange for a pledge b yleaders of ~ Rl.ght now, the Foundation's.capital ls Beach woman in the fotehead Tuesday protest to keep it nonviolent. Us 459 shares. If required to divest itself afte rnoon as she drove home from work The first troops to arri"v• were ol th01e shares, the money from· the sale on Balboa Boulevard. elements of the 4th Brigade ol aznd of the stock ·would be retavtsted by the ~oan Marie Morgan, 39. 3609 Seashore Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, N. c. Foundation iD a "diversified portfollo.'' r>r1 ve, was hit in the fore-head by the cop-They were landed at suburban Andrews :._r1\'e.ttdl5ald 1 bu, andd profits woub 1 ld continue ~r~~atedd BB as she stopped at 36th AFB, ~ld. "' be str te to charita e orgahlia· rec an west Balboa Boulevard at 5:50 The Pentagon aaid the balance of the tions. p.m. brigade -normally about 3,500 men - Privett said the Irvine Company The woman was taken lo Hoag plus the 2nd Regiment of the 2nd Marine From Pqe I IRVINE •.. ne lateat . correspondence included a page flDed with sti;ange cip~rl,.a roinbl· Ing letter, a note 'On a comic er.ting card -and anotlaer piece of tht cab driver'• shirt. - "I thought you would need a good laugh before you hear the bad news," he wrote. He began the two letters wlOt the usua1 ... ~ is the Zodiac speaking." ' 'Up to the end of Oct. l baVf: killed 1 people," be said. "I have ~ rather angry with the police for their telliilg lies about me. So I will change the way th~ collection of slaves." · 'J'.he passage about eollecting slaves, which was followed by h1a statement there would no future annowicfmtnta apparently wu a rtlerence to ooe of hl~ prevloos cryptograms which Nlif M"15 of his victims would be his ·staves ~ the afterv;or1d. At .the bottom of his mesgjge c,.. the greeting; cam 1.odlae· printed; "Des \July Aug Sefil Oct equals 7." He · prevlou.!ly had c I a I m e d responsibility for the kllllngs·ol Betty Lou .lensen, 16, and her 'boyfrif:nd, Divid F'i!rady~ 17,' 1>Car Vallejo lait Dec. 20; Darlene FeJ::ri.n, Jt nea'r Vallejo, July 5; Cecilia Ann Shepard, :, In Nrpa County Sept, 27, and Siln Francisco cab drive; Paul Stein, 29, Oct. 11. 1 . The letlers did not specify the two ad- ditional killings but the "Aug" reference corresponded with the dealhs of two' San Jo.e teenage glrl.s Aug. 3. They died or multiple stab wounds. Bal Isle Blaze " Arson Disclaimed .. • theory that arson llUIY have c~ \bi--blaze which destroyed a Balb!>t, t5• ~ garag~ and . its contents last· 'Week 111 waning, mvesUgalOrs said today. The fire, which destroyed a new car and boat along with the garage belonging to Robert Wachtler, 110 Agate Avenue v.:as caused by inflammable liquid ig: ruUng on the garage floor, fire investi· gators reported. But investigation of the $20 000 fire ~~ed no other firm evidence th~t it wa!I intentionally set wliile Wachtler and his famUy slept upstain. The ~quid could have been fuel leaking from either the car or the boat, investi- gators said. Wachtler, a fireman himself was awakened at midnight Thur!ldaf and saw amoke coming from the dowrutalrs garage. Fire Kills 6 Youths "would have to nnd a buyer for a very f\1emoria l Hospital for cmergencv treat-Division from camp Lejeune, N.C., also major equity who is willing to pay the full ntent .for the small puncture wound. '·'''1 \d be flown to Waahington. fair markel vaJue. That would not allow Polle~ said she was drivi ng home from A r-.1arine regiment normally would CLEVELAND, Ohio IAP) -Fire swept sufrtclent time to protect the people o{ \\'Ork with the driver's side windo\v down have a strength of about 5,000 men. t~r~gh 8 21?-story frame house on the California." "'hen she was hit by the BB. Friedheim esUmaled that f,OOO other city s E~st Side today, claiming the !Jves Passage of the bill would be a victory The projectile \\'83 found on the troops would be on hand by late todiy of six children -two girls and four boys for heiress Mrs. Joan Irvine Smith, who driver's seat. and said the remainder would be broughf The victims, ages 3 through 9 wer~ owns or controls 21.l percent of Irvine JJ=Th='='n=i'=pe=r='g'=o=t ='w~a~y=. ======;:in~Th~u~r~sd~ay~·=========~ld~e~nti~·1~ied~a~s~ch~ildr=en=of=Mr=.=an:d=~:l~rs. Company stock. ~1rs. Smith has been Herman Jackson. trying for 1% years to break the foun- daUon'1 control over the Irvine Company, \Vhich might leave the Irvine area open for more rapid development. Said Privett,. "People 1vho buy the stock ought to be people who \\'iii have the same sound interest and mo1ivation in developing lhe lr;,•ine Ranch." I-le did not men lion Mrs. Smith direct.ly. Like Senator Byrd, Mrs. Smith main- tains a home in Vlrgtnia. .Privett said ~e Byrd amendment ''ap- phe~ to foundations that own companies owning ten percent of lhe land area in any political division of the United Stales." And he charged that the Irvine Foundation is lhe only foundation to which the Byrd amendment applies. The Irvine Company owns 18.6 percent of the 500,000 acres in Orange County. CdM High Sets Music f.oncert corona dtl Ptfar High School's music department will present its annual fall concert at 7:30 p.m. Tbundq in the achoo! c1feterta . The concert perfonners will be tht Srmphonic Band and Orchestra, ibe cOn. cert Choir and Madrigals. Harry Corea ll'lll direct Instrumental numbers and Donald Haneke will direct the choral 1roops. AdmlssSon will cost SO cents for &I~ dents, fl for 1dultJ. Procffda will ~o to the! hfuslc Department Scholarship 'Jo'und for summer muslcianshlp camps a n d private music instruction. CONVEN IENT TERMS IANKAMERICA RD . IAASTER CHARGE . - ~p~ ·-'·-~ .. ,= TO the girl who knows what she wantl but not where to find iL Match your style with our many distinctive designs. And ask us about our famou s Oran1e B'°»Om giunntff. J. C. .JlumphritM 'Jeweler . ll 'YtARS SAME LOCAT IClN I Ill NEWPORT · AVENUE . COSTA MESA PHONE 548-340 1 I I t I t I • Top~ Soviet .,...a_UIENl! _____ ,_v_Ph ..... n '-""-"cm_c11_, Nov~list Ostracized ' Hijacker To Fight Return WedM!di1, NMmbtr 12.1969 DAil v Pll.01' I --u.N.-·~ntes -Ge~m Weapon Study Halts -. ' China-Again 11Nhm'1iATIOfts (UPl)To ~t:lllaa...,. ,,_. MOSCOW (\JPl) -The Soviet W?itm Union loday of. · fidally annoonced · the ex- ;·. pulsion of novelist Alexander J. SolJhe!litsyn, one of Ruasla's greatest living novelists. WASHINGTON ~(UPI) -leltlfiedata~heoringol fNedeol fnJvl lnftctlo·o£1 litil lllll kiot .llils ,_., - nieemtac20;citlnc"Jr0Wfnc a -~ aui.. di-." ..--., N-lilt ClllDa c~llclsm" GI Ill dw!mlcal and committee, Ille in-1pl ol llfa~ &aid the matt>et ,_ 11\e ·U-Na-jad laROMEM (UP!ln Ml) :::.~lcanld blolotlfcal nrfant (CBW),.has \rblcb WU .... publlc.lodq. .... -1111d with the N .. ' ~in:'.:""" ,_ wyer "" ~~ 11 pootponed plaoa to •I a r I In a ltaienMm later i-rted tional •~ ol 1'M """ today he will fight extrldJUon ·d•,..iotlm<al of a 11 r m ~, Sci...,.. """"'-"" - •to the Untied Slates for Raf· weapon for which tbere would 1nto:t11e tramcrlpl, Macarthur (NAS) and.Ila _..uiw -43 -lo tho Communtal laela Mlnicblello heclUIO the be no antidote. · wenl into ...., delalL lie cy, Ibo Natloaal _, = t!..:n: ~· legal climate In Italy 15 more A Deleilse D •part m en t noted !hit all hlc>lcigical agent. Cooncll (NRC). with l1 ~ ~ oysmpa~ toward tlie hi-wJWsa told Coo-on Juno now Wlder CO!llldera!lon otetn 'TmtalJft.pllno ,.... made • wGUld haft Meded a two. Jacker. l,.i;~ tha~~ fi~ = a~ear~ to Initiate Ibo _.,am,• thirds maj<lrtty for m<m· 1be union anoounced in a 5- wcrd "chronicle" In late edi- tions of the literary weekly: Llleratumaya Gazeta I h at Solzhenitsyn was eipelled for I failing to npudiate "hostile bourgeois propaganda" that grew up aroUnd his .Jorks. , · MintchleJ1o, a U.S. Marine years it would be pooolble to ~ program, he aaid, It Macatthur &aid. ·~er, ·~p • ..., !cur _,_ al· Corps •eleran ol. Vietnam,, produce •·,,,_.'bloJ9ilea! 'plobably would he pooslble to decreufD8 ~ lrf CBW, llrmatlve votes for Peking faces a pouible death sen-agent "for which no natural ~a new, Infective. growlngc:!itidsniottheCBW thanJtobtalnecflaetyear.Tlie tence In the Untied state! for 1mmunlty could hive been !IC-mlcroorl(anlsm lllat would be program, and our reluctance llMll molutton ffforlng the quired." millanl "to I b e lnr to Involve the NAS-NRC In Communlata over tho 'N• It said he "promoted the · ' fanning up ol thi& anti·Soviet clamor around his name." forcing a Trans World Alrlind Dr. D. D. ·Macarthur, Ibo ll1UllOloclcal and therapeutlo IUCh a contn>....W endea"" ttonanits rooeiftd 44 - <erew to llY hiln· 1,791 mllea Pentqon's depaty direct« of procoow upon which ..., do-lillve led ua to•pootpone tt for with 18 ~·and :ra- rrom Califomta to Rome Oct. -and eqineerlng. l\Od' pOncl to maintain our relative the past two yean." ttons. 31 In the world'• longest bJ.f-----'-:-..,.-"-''--'"~---------'--_:.------------- jack. The previously reported ac· In Italy, he could be Impris- llon, """' olfklal, means that •Appear o1&oon .... O..S lot him wttlttlA JOG clo!rD Solzhenitayn b \10 longer a . , .to·llllt & ION tb&t."'' oned for SI year• on eight charges including abduction .and violence.. professional writer and bas no-----~.,..;.··...-·_. __ -'''------ right to have his work publish· A Brooklyn, N.Y., grand jury last week Indicted Mini· chiello, 20,· for kidnaping. air piracy and usault and ~ quested that ltellan olliclala extradite him to stand trial ed in the Soviet Union. For several years, Russian publishei;-s have ostracized · Solzhefrltayn, who has done all his recent writing "for the drawer" -po s thumous publicatJon. Northwe8t. ]!~~ge · ' - Breliker Bite'I' 1lome Mitchel50ll said the climate In Italy "b more ll}'IDp&thetlC toward Raffaele" because the Jtalian-born youth "is also a countryman here and the mb- sion of returning hOJne ~ a very feeling thing." · " • SOlzhenilsyn became famous during·. the era of fonner Premier Niklta Khrushchev With his novel "A Day. in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," an account of life in a Stalinist prison. NEW YORK (UPI) -The Chester, P1'.;'ln early August, Icebreaker~ SS Manha~ fllllllled a SOO.year dream to tan returned bome t!Jday' from ·find " a' NoHhwiill Passage her hlstortc' conqUest of the rrO,n the 1At!EJtic to the Aft~ the fall of Khrushchev, Solzhenitsyn fell into disfavor. B.ut several ol his books were . published in the west, where they caused lllerary -a- Arctic through the ·frozen PacUic ot:ean .. Northwest Pasaage to a gala The ''$30 m.Ulion gamble" He S&id tl)at Mlrrlchiello, who was arrested in the Ro- man counlrystde after taking an Italian policeman hostage in an airport escape, has a belier chance of getting of! with only one trial II he stays In Italy. harbor celebration. wu sponsored by the Humble tions. • ·Among them were "Cancer Ward,'' aboot Solzhenitsyn's struggle against the disease, . and "The First Circle,'' F ire b o at s • -tugs and Oil and refining Co. 1be ex- mercllanl ships, under th~ pediUon waa lriq<;ed by the . watchful eyes of the Coast discOvery Of an oil' field in the Guard. """'1ed the 125,ooo.lon Prudlloe Bay area ol Alaska's giant into the harbor. The_ north slope. Tanker transport Manhattan is the largest of the crude oil would be less merchant ship Dying the U.S. expellllive than by pipeline b<it Dag. 6nl ·the feasibility ol the The voyage, beg111r lrom """' nJllle,hld-to-be proven. "II he were tried fint In the . Untied Stites, he would still be liable !or crimes he al- legedly committed in Italy," Milchelson &aid. · -another slory-of-prbo1rlife. Costa Me. Only A£S~!!~lfJ Big Clearance of WOIMtl's Sportswear Group I _, .. 2.99 3.99 -Ill 4.99 Choic• of comEortabl• tops, ,Jamacias, skirts and ankl• pent1 1tyi11hly don• in ntat looking fashions. Hurry in! Sriniil Selec:tlon of Women's Dresses Ii. ri9ht.for·11ow atyl11 •nd f•bti1a for tli• edt· holid1y1 1h11d. A f1w Juniors •nd P1tit11 7.00/11,lt reduced too. NOW 4.88AND6e88 It's a Jewelry Riot Clearanc:e Our Own Closeout of Sheets Twin •nd fu ll 1i111, plllowcfftl ht colors thet 1t1 di1coriti11v1d. 6r11t for 9if+i"f or k11pi119. .88-8.88 40 ONLY! GIRL'S HTTIR DllSSIS In th• lfyltt •nd bltriCI JOVnt IMiM IN IUN t• Ilk .. Ort• ""'' itow 1.88>To 3.88 ' COLOll'UL AND FASHIONAll.I HAil toWS y09 un affer4 tti let thtM tt N 1*" ...... 66 Grett Ifft WNI Ori• SI. NOW· • HDUCIDl FASHION COl.OllD PANTY HOSI FN1htrln1 nVllll• fltll stJllnt fn • lheer, ...,._ 99 1 ... atNtclt nJIGft. Or ... 1.ff NOW · • tors IEI. TID DUSS-UP PANTS TO c:Ll.t.l -........ ~:r ... k lltyiiftt. -3 99 leeklnl ,_ Orlf. Lfll NOW • _ c:Ll.t.l.t.NCI OI' CURTAINS AND YALANCU ,.,,.. ... 1ow1u Ilia• .... , ... ., "'" -..... 111 ... -y'~ O.if. t.-~OW 1.22 TO 2.88 llOUCID TO CLWI YA~DAH .. _, ......... -.... _ .. _ ... 1 77 yeur .... fl.tl}ou. Or .. 1.N/JM NOW • YI. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~/ HAltol SHOPl'ING CINTll COSTA MISA PRE·HOLIDAY Big Reduction! Women's Pntty Practlc:al ~!'ifonns wr.-oo.":t:"'Now 5.99 TO 9.99 Teilor•cf in th• let•st f•minine styl••· Comfortable feelini~t.· quick drying f1&rics. In •n efway1 neat polyester knit. Seamless Sheer Nyloft Hose Styli1h 11ud• h•1I fo11 with 111 f11Mort1. 111 the 111ic11t you0p•1t1f 1hM11. HYPTY. 111 11ow l Men's Dl'ftS or Casual Slac:ks • 15 Some with P1111t Pre•~ w1•r1blllty. Some Mft, with 1111.Rol> w1i1tb1M.1. loth treet for • i.tl/7.M n11t 1pp11r111c1. 3 99 NOW e Men's and Women's Shoes For tlret• or c11u1I weer. V1riov1 1tyl11 •f 1llp·on •r l1e1. In l•tfh•r, u1ec:l1, or pJ9. ··"·· NOW 40 ONLTI tors IUSH JACQTS ..... 7.ff/11.ft 4.88 ·--l'Okh ........ lltyilthly ...... 11 99 DWiM-. "w.fw npeltem. Olr .. II.fl. NOW • JO ONLTl 1ors SPOIT SHIRTS MMhlM wuMW. IMlt•lw kftlt. Lafttt fuftl.,. c.-.. Or)f. J.SO/S.tt. NOW 120 ON~Yr toY'S SWIAT SHIRTS MM:hlM wMMble cottM'/ac:ryUc lllend. W•rm fl-llnll'll. ltflthd neck. 2.99 1.77 H ONLTI MIN'S l'Ol'ULAl PLAID JACKm IM-•-ly...,... wllh ,_ -_,.. 6 98 • •Mlftf. NMt leekl.... ~ JUI NOW. • !=LIAlANCll MIN'S llTTll SPOllT SHIRTS cw .. fl IOIWI or ptticy ... 141. An wflh·,_ 2 88 . ........ ..niMltfy. Orff. J.fl/4.11 NOW • . JI 0111. Tl MIN'S LAMINA TID JACOTS ht 1 hel111h1me hl,....th ttyl• thlt It Utht· 8 99 welfht J9t wa""" Ort,. 10.fl. NOW • Shop Mon.-Sat. 'Iii 9 p.m. · Use Your Penney, Charge Card Limited time urrer 0 by making a decision that's right either way! ·, I , I I Chaose a ' . ..... ·Frigidaire-·~ "Goof·Proor Washer for automatic right-for~ the-fabric washing. • The "Goof-Proof" 6-posltion Fabrics Selector.Dial gives you washing con- trol over today's modern fabrics. Air tomatlcally selects the agitation; spin · · speed and water tempera-_---:£= f·"n"cL..:--_.. .• -""' ture that's Just right for the .,., ::.0'"'"'--fabric· you're washing. tt,~£ oispen~, ... ... ~ ~~-- Choose a ~~..:"~· '.~ ;i.ij~. Frigidaire Rapidry-1000 Washer for a fa~ter spin that leaves your wash drier by far • Rapidry-1000 spins your laundry fast-but-gentle to extract the drip from your laundry.· Many pieces are ready for lr_oning right from the washer. ITH have these Jet Action g features in common 1 _.Jet Action Agitation for deep. down cleaning•Jet-Away -Rin~e & Lint Removal• Automatic Soak Cycle •Solid Tub• Roller-matic Mechanism -no belts, .gears or pulleys to wear, wobble or break. , 0 . I" th "GoOf·Proo pair eltl:~-1&o washer wiUI or.Rapatcning oiyer. thtS tn .,.,.. _ .... ;~t\5811 'pet\od•~~-a-.. j -·-.,.. ....... - Tl!L•Vl8ION•APPLIANC•8 ( f ppAllll/11/ the Price is the . - ·same for either one!. $22888 only Ftlgltsh flotllltol to bulldln _ ... 411 L 17th St. Costa Mesa -646-1684 DaDy 9.9, Sat. 9-6 e SINCE 1941 e -. I I -· •• I • D A ILY PILOT mtITOBIAL PAGE - Usefulnes s -=Has "Ended .. ' . I • P""'!\ years ago, Newport Beech city. government Imposed a $3 per board annual licensing lee against Ille town's sU.rflng legtons, who were then a, frequently rowc!Y lot. ' 'j'imes have changed. So have the IUlfel'I!. The TOW· dy element apparently bu gone from the sport gener- ally, not just in Newport. City Councilmen Donald Mcinnis and Howard 'l!>I· ens, who represent the oceanfront districta, are pressing for abandonment o! the surfboard licensing program by · Jan. I . In theory, the income from the fees was lo pay for enforcement of the licensing ordinance. But that in· come has plunged from $15,000 ltJ first year lo barely $51000 currenUy. More often than not. the surfers don't buy the lic- ense decals until they receive citations for not having them. Ther are then given the choice o! paying a $10 fine or buying the $3 license. Police no longer need patrol the beachfront when surfers show up. The behavior problem has so dimin· !shed that lifeguards can now handle that job. The surfboard. licensing program has served its purpose abd outlived its usefulness. It can be dropped. Time to Discuss Specifics Emotional pursuit of the "Communist Plot'' argu· ment against sex education in the schools is using up valuable time that could, and should, be devoted lo ra· tional discussion of the need for such classes and, if they are needed, of the type of curriculum that would be most desirable. and magazines ebawering dawn on their young (alOllJ with out-and-out pornography from that bur1eoalnl buslne11 field) IJUU\Y parents are llenuinely concemeCl about the problem of providing ad"equata, senstble in· 1trucUon In sex matters to counteract the products of minds that sometimes appear lo be a litUe sick. Without such instrucUon, whether it be from home, .church, school, tllere Is no way lor the Immature to nav1gal4 through this maze and sort 0111 reality from fanl4sy. Knowing that their children are being exposed to serious emotional, and sometimes physical damage, many parents w.ould. like, with the cooPeratlon of those engaged in the education of young people, to do some- thing constructive to help. It would appear Iha! some of Ille su: educaUon p~ grams are quite effective, some less acceptable. It would be useful ii parents and teachers could sit down quietly and discuss specifics instead o! being re- peatedly detoured by persons who apparently have made tip their mlnds that all sex courses are part of a ••ptot,11 and with whom rational discussion is virtually impossible. Spoil the Theory Prophets of gloom say people are selfish these day.Si that they don't give of themselves ·to help their neigh· bor. They will cite ~lories of stabbings where neighbors don't call police or lend a helping hand. • 'nle '1plol'' theory was aired once more recently by a speaker addressing a group of Republican women in Ille 8addleback Valley area, but without any.new argu· ments lo back up its-validity. But in spite of these tales there ate many who still eare, and among them are the volunteer workers for the cornmunityservice organizations supported by the United, Fund. When you give· to·!Jle United Fund , you ate giving. to help your neighbor. . ' -·-~---·---···-~~.;~ ~ Aff AioY, ~ICK. YA "10TIA SHOW "EM 'l·iHo'.S' Bos~! ''6EE, Tl-IAN\'.5, b1<K." With the current deluge of sex-oriented films, books Spoil the theory, and give a little-to help a lot. (N) Congress: No Pride, No Leadership Compassion Nixon Reforms ~re Blocked Called for in WASHINGTON -The old-tinier In Cool"" shskes Ju. head sadly. He bas never seen anything like the present IWkm for not getting anythinc done. The leaderlhlp; he feels, lacks ill ..,,.. of direction and drive. 'Ibere is m pride in legislative aecompllahmenL The 'Old timer gives a dozen reasons for the lethargy into which the ,Democratically .. controlled ninety-first . COn~f:R b8;i !lllen. • Senators are lntenilted mostly tD lelf. promotion. The I>emot;ratlc leader, .J.llke Mansfield, bas no talent for cracking the wh1p. The speaker of the House, John McCormack, ii old and dl5organiad. The old-timer thinks back lo speaker Sim Rayburn -laid out I program. lr:nocked heads !Of!Other ond got aCtlOn. He thinks of Lyndon Johnson as Senate majority leader and the wheeler-dealer "Johnson treatment" that complemenled ~·1 healkracldng. FOB TRI! QLD.TIMER, who ls ID IP' ]lrlllll'lllllom committee !Ubchainnan, the fqjud nJMl)'.flnt Cocgms ls I .nacr-. By mid-October only one ap- propdatlona bW bad b e e n enac~ · ted. Gcwtrmnent departments a n d eoa,r.. lloeU are operating and paying uJarltl without Congress b I V i n g autbtc bed or appropriated money for this purpose, but only by common con- Mnt that Congress wlll act soOJ.etime before the fiscal year 19'1n is OVtr next July. Tbe White House Is trying to work up a budlOt !or the IQ'll fiscal year, -due in JIDUll')', without knowing what Congress. wU1 appropriate for the present fiscal year. Nlmn-proposed reformsOf the l'DOlt neeplnc i.iDd in the wellare S)'&tem, the draft, the . luaUon ..,. the postal system, the manpower JW'91'&m1, grant.s- ln-ald to the states, reform of Ole p:1verty program, refonn of flrilgn aid -all lheoe langulsb in lelhlr(y. IT JS AS IF CONGRas had been fell- ed ·by a paraJytle ~ r.-by some psychological trauma bihlblllna action. Congreaa ls now only blrely llitting In Ila legislative coma three fttkl after President · NIXon'1 Jong and plalnUve message sharing tome ol the blmne but begging for action. If Nixon got a slow start, Congress ls apparenUy determined lo show him U can even go slower. Hear· lnp have been held oo only hall the ad· m!nlllraUon!a proposals. There are only a few ween left before Congreu goes home for Christmu vacatioo and little opportunJty to give the NiJ:on reforms mi.OUI attention. Nll'on'1 aidel are promising that new, crealive proposall-not merely reforms -wW be submitted to the second aesaloo of the ninety-first Congress beginning nelt January. Creative propoaals will thus be piled on top of reform to create a greater log jam thin ever. TH! OL[).TIMEll TlllNK!·he la being trapped. How can .he 10 bact to his dUitlcl at Olrlltmas '\I'd ·1ieg1n lo organize a cam paip. for rHlectJon on the record of Congress so rar? He views with alarm the (l'OIPed-thllt a poliUcally· mlnded RepubUcan President can make Congress the issue in the elections of Jl70. ••.tet us resolve," NilOn told Congress, "to make the legislative issue or the 1970 campaign the question of who deserves credit for the ninety-first Congress' record of accomplishment, not which of us should be held accountable because it did nothing. This should be noUce enough that a President accused of doing noUJ.mg or too little may be building a record to tum the charge on Congress aa did Harry S Truman with great success. • How much the public cares ts, of course, a pertinent qUestlon. Many legis1ative leaden sensed early this year that people had 'tired o! ... prograpi•. new laws. -new lnltiatives. 1Nlloo sefised this himself, delaying bis propoaa1s to CocgrelS becauJe he recoinJzecl that he ,,,_. not elected I<> pile new r.....,.,., and ,manpower oil top of old programa. 1'WE WERE ELECTED," Nllon said, 11to initiate an era of change. We intend to begin a decade of government reform such as this nation has not witnessed in half a century. That Is the watchword of this administration. Refonn." But reforms cannot be made without the conaentlng ~hip of Congress, which yaWns over Nt:ron's decade of government reform . The essence of the }:lroblem is that Congress is controlled by a party not much interested in seeing the Republican President make a good reccrd of reforn;i· Ing programs the Democrats passed. The Presid!nt does have an Issue and if Congress d0es not arouse from its coma he will have a better one wben the elec· UonS or 1970 come around. Loss of Cat . l I ·1 . . _, •. .j. .. -...---1 To the Editor: J want to complain about the lack of compassion that · 9oriie people have towards animals. I am referring, In my instance, to Halloween night We have a half.Siamese black cat that gets quite ex· cited when there'• a Jot 101DJ on. Anywsy, he tool: oil Friday night. Not · lhinlcin( acything of I~ my dilld"'1 and I waited for him to come back. He didn't come back that night and we haven't seen him since. MY POJ,NT IS, there were some teen- agers out that night that thought they would do some rrllschievoo.s things. I have heard there were some teer>oagers on anoUler street close to ours that were teasing a black cat, the description of which fitted our cat. \Vhat these kids don't realize Is that the cat they were teasing is a cblldrtn'• pet that has meant many hours of com· paruonship and playing for us. SINCE THAT night I have done everything hwnanly Possible to find him. I have been to both animal shelters two and three days t.bls week. I have put ads in l\vO different newspapers, but to no avail. A Fiendish Commie Plot I hope whoever found him or knows where he is has ju!t a little compassion and thoughtfulness when they realize that cat Is very much missed J get sick in thought when I think of that fa teful night because some kids wanted to have fun. MRS. LYNN EV ANS Fidel C&stro, tn as fiendish a plot to deatroy America as any In years, has po1tponed Christmas unlil next July. ls DOlbillg ucred! Mr. Catro'• avowed ,purpose was to allow the Cubans t• enjoy the Christmas holidays by getting in the sugar crop. But the real intent of this sinister, devious mastermind 11 obviously to wreck our economy, ~ our unity ond set American ap1nst American. For he has cleverly put his finger on the one w e a t n e s s In our American heritage: No one in ' his right mind. absolutely no one, likes celebrating CbriJtmas (II December 25. AND RIGHTLY SO. The stores are Jammed that season of the year, park· lng's impossible, the weather's mblerable and prices are at their sky·hlghe!t. No wone date for celebrating Christmas can be imagined -except perhaps New Yur'a Eve when everyone's drunl.... Consequently, when word of The Fidel •s--W- Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1969 TM edltorlo! page of the Dcllw PUot 1cekl to in/(mn and stfmr ulate Ttadtrt by prttrnting t.1t.i. MtDipape1'1 opinionl and com- mcn&Of"ll on topk1 of in~r11t and Jfgnf/icance, 1>11 protridtng o f orum for th• t%J)rt1rion of our 1'tocUrs' opinionl, and bt1 prcu-nting the dlversl' Wtaa poflltr of informed observtr.r and. 1pokt.rmtn on topfa of ihe doJ. Robert N. Weed, Publisher . . . .. Castro Movable Christmas Plan gets around. a lot of supposedly loyal Aintricans are going to fall into his In· trlcete trap. "If President Roosevelt could switch Thanksgiving around to aWt t h e merchants," they'll say thoughtfully, "why can't Prtsident Nls:on nit.ch Christmas around to suit us shoppers?" SO WE CAN EXPECI' a grass roots drive to transfer Chrllt.mas to a more convenient Ume or year. Well and good. But -and here's the Commie fly in the American applesauce -no t w o Americans can agree on·whlch day would he best. Take my friend, JJavet!haw. who's a bit of a skinflint. He want.! to celebrate Chrlltrnu in mid.January ao that he can take advant.agc of the after-Christmas &ales at that time fl year. He figurts hl'd aaw 12.2 perc~t on his Chrtstm.as lhopplnJ; But-iM!a Pooce, w~ runa the local gift ~. la holding firm foe late August. ••we We more bua1nea than we cen haodJe 1n December.'' abe says, "but late Auguat; ts 1 dr1g." PROFESSOR GROllMllT, • liberal thinker at Skarewe llnlvcnlty, bas already produced I le"ltlly paper SUB• geatlni staggered ~ Th.,. whOst last namea besln wllh A would celebrate during the fiNJt two weeks of January, and those w1th lhe inlUal Z dur· lng the last two weeks of Detember. Nol only would the Zmltitt and Zilchn problbly revolt, but IO would our youth. "No racist, fascist 1ove:rnment," cried Mil& Cannen Sulra, angrily pilnting 8 pl..:ard, "Is 11oin( lo tell me w be n to I J _ celebrate Christmas.'' But Christmas is, of course, for the lit.. tie tykes. So I asked a little tyke when he'd like to celebrate Christmas. "Every· day," saia the litOe tyke greedily. TJUS OBVIOUSLY Js impractical. We must somehow select a single day each year to celebrate the birth' of the Prince of Peace bf filling · oar hearts with love and brotherhood. A single day is enough to esk of ahyone. But If. !"e can't agree . , • Hold ll! The economy 11 saved. The Conservative Curmudgeons Club ha! just issued a press release calling on "all patrioUc American! to reject th1s Red plot and suffer through Christmas on December 25 llkf' our forefathers at Valley Forge." And, knowing the reaction of my fellow Americans to Communist idee, good or bad, I have faith that we will. lllolce It Permanent To the Editor: Once again the magnificent corrugated Iron pipe/dirt fill brldie on the north- bound lanes of MacArthur Blvd. at University Drive has failed ln handling the run-off of water and debris from a rainfall. This morning, as has been the case before; an anny of men and equip- ment was on duty in an attempt to clean up the mess created by an inadequate drainage facility. LOOKING BACK, It stems as if enough tax payers' money bu been spent in emergency repairs and temporary con- strucilon to have built a aubstanUal permanent brJd(e at.this site. ·Looking to the future, cannot the ap- propriate county or state highway of. ficials for this area initiate a program to build a pennanent faclllty instead of the 6topgap measures that have been taken and appear to be continuing to be taken? '1110MAS C. MOORE Letter1 from rtadtrs aH w rcome. Normoll11 writtr1 should convru thlfr messaat• in 300 wordl or &t11. TM right to condrnie ltttfrt to fit tJ>OC• br tlimtnotc librl b rcttrWd. A.U ltt- Dear Gloomy Gus: -.~tt! must·(ncluck rignatvrrond fnoa. lnp addrtss, but "'1!MI may bt witho- held on rtquut '1 IUf[fcWnt t'MIO" t.s appartnt. N-rt Beach tree crews, while bathl.ng the trtta on the h!lhway In Corona del Mar J Jn early morn- lq hours, alJO btthe the mer- ch.Nit.a' wlndow1 with dirty water. Jt the city pn:putd to wuh win· dows? 1 hope not. -Mr. L. 11111 Mtlrt ""*"' ,.....,,. ._...,,,., .. •-atllY na. 9'I t11i1 nW8"1'. s.tlll rew .., ...,... ta.GltMlf Qvt, 0.llf Pl,._ Quotes o. L. Brunanaa, Slclo -"Genius thrives on a eelt-e:lueatiOn. Billion& have been wested stufflng young heads with lnf(lrmaUon valuable only to a few." G. L Holli•, Cuop Part -0 TM.a)''• youth ls ltu apathetic: than my ienera· Uon, and that'• a giant step In the rlgllt direct.ion foe OW' eotmtty.11 Truncated Lives Of the. Reading an essay on Mozart the other evening, I ran across the familiar plaint that "he died before his time." J wonder if this is true in Mozart'! case, or in the case of other great creative geniuses whose lives have been cut short. I wonder if a personality which generates so much force does not have a pattern and a rhythm o! its own. Mozart's whole lie reminds us of a speeded-up c8mera -he accomplished in a year what took decades for less talented men. IDS DEATH AT IS, Schubert's at 29, Keats' ~ Jl. and acores of others -~ seems sbmethlng Inevitable in these trun· cated lives, as If these. men worked feveriably Jo produce supreme work eaf .. ly, becaUJe somehow they knew that lime w1s working against them. It la ~l\lely doubtful whether Keats could have written any greater poetry, or Mozart any greater music, than they had already given the world. In v: sense, the most important part, of their lives wu finished : Keats' "Ode to a Nighlinple" and Mozart's G Minor Quintet touched the ultimate of their powers. EINSTEIN TELLS U1 that "time" ls a relaUve matte.r ln the universe ; perhaps it ls allo a relative matter within the personallty: l suspect that more men Geniuses have outlived their time than have been cut down before it A genius, of course, can die by ac- cident, like Shelley in a Wlboat. or Marlowe in a tavern brawl -but,' even then, if one examines tbe tempfstaous characters of these me n, their drarniatic deaths were almost by invitation. Byron caught a fever and died at 36 while fighting in the Greek war of in- dependence; but his contemporary, Wordsworth, lived until 80 -because he would not go to .fight anywhere. IT IS POSSIBLE -even probable - that Mozart and Schubert would have liv· ed longer if they had not had to struggle so bltter)y for subsistence; and society cannot escape a sense of guilt for its harsh treatmen t of its finest talents. . In mitlga~on. of out callousnel!, however, it must be suggested ·that even under the mo'st favorable citcumltances, such men tend to burn themSelYes out at an early age. It may not be true that an artlit thrives under hardship (many have been crushed by it), but it ia at least trot that, a youthful ge.niUs ·,nay be ready for death long before we dull plodders have begun to live. Our Schools in Chaos More than 50 million young Americans retumtd to school this fall. At all levels. kindergarten to· college, they found the schools in the most chaotic state of our experience. Part of this chaos fs due to Inflation, which pinches teaching and facilities .re- quired by the vertica1 rl&e of .school population. Part is due to racial bias, which refl~ts the general, non-school racial tenalon. Part is due to a chronic conflict about what the schools purport to teach the youilg, in a theory they need this education to take their places in a free society. TJUS LAST 18 a subject educators are loath to analyze, lest It reveal realities tending to diicourage the young In their quest for education. Yet th.ls ls the very .subject which has underlain much of the recent unrest and outright disorder in the schools In ncent years, particularly at the college level. For out or it may arise a susplclon that the high .schools and colleges are only doing hall a job in preparing students for life, as the cliche goes. If th is suspicion hu some foundation, it leads to another, darker one: that a conaiderable share of thole· now In college, at least, shouldn't be there at all. To voice such a suspicion Ir perhaps Ilk• doubUng Motherhood or the Flag, but what, briefly, ii the blatory of our educa- ~onal ~mnpt~ons? FIFTY YEARS AGO the educators devlJed tables to prove that • coUq:e fdUCaUon. •as worth X thousands of dollara In IUture Income over a blltl IChool education, 'nd IO oa down tlie grades. t1Je Al.UsUc1 were valid enough In a nt0ney tente, but they told only hall or the IOClal story. because earning power ls not the aole criterion of 80cial wtll-belng. But the 1taUstlcs eau,ht on with the young iind the.Ir proud parents, brlngtng a surge of ,upiratlon for college educatlon, whether w not the individual bad en ·~ lltude for hlllter learning. ' IT 18 llllBM1TrED here that a large aesment of cutrtnt coUt&e studenta dOQ't have this aptitude. They may or may nol earn more 1ncome after plowing through a four.year curriculum, but earning power is only one side of the coin. The other slde deals with the con tentment ol filling learning in\,o post-educational life. A great many young people don't see the poinl -of . this contentment, or un- derstand ~ow. 1t works. They go to rollege because 1t is soC/ally fash ionable or ~u~e ·it lill:s in some precarious y~ar! in a d1slraug~t and confusing world . l Fnr males, Vietnam Js also a factor, but J temporary one.) YOUNG i:'E~PLE who are indiJferenl students, being interested only in rock or being beautiful like Raquel \Veich shouldn't go to college, because even th~ future income magic may fail them. Yel we, the elders, fondly egg them on. lhen mope about wondering what the hell hap- pened to them . What haS happened i~ lhey are being forced into a fal se sJ1ua:. lion, one beyond their c a p a c i t y whereupon they inevitably exhibit th~ blologtcal symptoms of frustration. .---Bg George ----Dur George: I've been dating this beauti rul showgirl, a ~I dish, believe me SM has a '.*ondttful flgore, Is fui; to go out with, has a new car and is even highly inlelHJ!:ent. And sh(''~ craey about m,. What gets me is llhe doesn't seem to havt ltl& sUahtest ·bit of will power. \Vhal do you think Bbout that? Dc>r Confused: CONFUSED Boy! This little dish really ooi::s have you confused, doesn'I she' You wrote the •hole l~Utr without even meul.lon.ing what your problem wu. 'I . I '1 t I I ·1 I t I t I Wtd....tay, N°""'btr 12, 1%9 OAll V PllOT <f:J -. ' Two Divorcees Combinrng ·, Efforts to · Wr~ck Third Home ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am a 11· ,,.,. .. Id glrhO<I my r'Otller IA 15, Please -- help ... Our two older slStel'li both~got divorces last yoar. First, Luella ·call)• home with the J.year-<ild boy. Susan moved in the following month with her year .. ld daugbfu, The home ii big and , there ;.. an awful Jot or work, especially with the two kids. Luella and Susan. always have ~n. ~ couple of slo& and marriage dkin t unprove them any. My mother h·as given up on getting them to' do anything. She says it Is easier to do it herself. Dur· ing tbe surhmer, my brother and I trle(l i to give Mom a hand but ~ school baa started, we can't help bet much.. Thil morning Dad got mad and an- nounced tll! is putting the house up for 1ale. He says we are moving into an . ' apartment and the di-will hsve lo make it on their own. He:,.Y1 he will not ~ ~ !" ~ • allow ~ to be worked; to death any longer. Thia nieans ray brother and I will have to change' scboQJs and leave the kid• we grew up. with. We think it is unlair. PleaJe come to the rescue. -~nsin1 an11 MR. 15. DEAR MlllS AND MR.: 1111-... fair ~ l ltope your Ded recon11der1. You·~uct C: brother doakl DOt be penalilecl UIMI of JOV Jaiy aillen. Selllag the 1toue to .. , rid of the olobl II like 11ln1 an a&om bomb l.o &et rid .r moaqultoe1. There •re Aler and uner , m:etbod1 -like insbtlna that tbe girls · 1bape up or ship oul DEAR ANN LANDERS: CMr brilliant, hand!Ome son now is enrolled in a small town, nlldwestern college, thanks lo his falher's buftheadedness. ·Sr. was determined that Jr. would go to Harvard or Yale and he asked everyone he ·knew --/. to write letters to the presidents and , dew . Sr. boasted t\e ha~ carbon! of 37 letters. ., . • Jr. didn't mike eltl'or Harvard or Yale because his puahy faUier overdid it. Pririt this please 'ais a w.,rtng to other dads lo lay oil. , -STAMFORD DEAR STA!lf: The kind of pre11are you dncrtbe II · Uy, lpored, so lt'i Gn'flir to 111ame t':alyour bulbaad na~ tbe boy's chaltefl. And cheer up, Njem. Jr. might be MU.er off In tbat small t01¥11 ..r1ege ~ lie ,...id ·ba .. bee• 1a .an lhat Ivy. · DEAR ANN •\,ANDERS : When J read the letter from the man who said all wives lihould kif shot when they reach 40 ' years of age, I got M> mad l actually bfoke--out .. in-a~ra11h. I-could have kissed you when your 1uggeated Lbat he save the !all( bullet f hi .. u. . q1 RM< .•. . • • Please tell that rot•·headed babooi1 there's 'nothing wrong ,wlth a ~year-old woman that a 31,year~ld man can't cure. I know because I am H and I~ve been · bli&Sfi.4Jfy · married ror five years to a .beeutJful gny who is 13 years my junior. ' --O~E·LA·HOMA DEAk 'OKE: Tbanks for lhe assist. Take Iha& ud that •nd that you rock~ beaded baboon ! I! l ! ! And do read qa ! DEAR ANN. LANDERS: What are the chance! for' happlneu when the woman Is 54 and the mu ii 3tl? I am a young 54 , In excellent health and In love for lhe very first Unie. We ·are ol the same na· Uonallty, same rellglow background and share-lhe same interata. But lbe qa dif. ferenc~ bothers me. What do you say? -M.C.G. DEAR M.: FrGm Ille Wll)'· aoy mllll Ion beea 1nmnl11, dMI man mJp& be CM 11d lot yoa. 1 uy good luck. Too many couples go lrom matrimony to acrimony. Don't let your marriage flop before it get! 1tarted. , Send. for Ann Landers' booklet, "Marriage -What t.o Expect." Send your request to Ann Ltlnders in care of this newspaper enclos- ing SO centa in coin and a long, staniped, self-addressed envek>pe. Ann Landera will be glad lo help you wilh your problems. Send them to her In care•of the DAILY PlLOT, enclosing a self·addressed, stamped envelope. Home in New York I I '#' j •• ... HEAP BIG'MEETING -Y Indian Maidens are hosting the Fallirlg Leafi~duc' tion next Friday amidst a background· village of teepees. Pounding out the mes· liage for the Pocahontas Nation is Susan Bechtel while Mrs. George Rodda and Melanie Rodda listen to the beat. Tri'bes Inducted . t ·ndia~n Lore Abounds ' . Inside a colorful 'toresL ·of teepees new members will be lnd~cted into the Pocahontas Natioa of Y Indian Maiden11. • The ~rls have circled Fri- daj, Nov . 14, for the 7:30 p .111. Falling Leaf induction at Estancia High School. Ap- proximately 133 new members will swell the ranks and bring the total membership to 320 in 23 tribes. Newcomers "·ill r e c e i v e headbands and eagle feathers as symbols of their ac· ceptance. Youngsters com- asslstlng ·are Mak.ah, set up ; Chickasaw, hO&tesses ; Chi~ pewa, posters; AP!1-che, clean up; Nu Perce.. orga~tion, and Sioux, pictures. 1 The next nation activlly. will pitting their first year will be awarded pins while pennants v"ill go to those ending their second year. Making their debut during the evening will be the Tom Tom Bealers and be Christmas cat01ing in con- Bell Ringers Band under the valescent homes and a party direction of Mrs. George Rod· in December. The Sioux tribe da. under the direction or Mrs. C. A special honor, the Gold R. Miller, princess, will be in Feather award, will be charge. bestowed durlng the end of the Indian Maidens i.o; an ceremony. organization sponsored by the Mrs. Warren Clo\oen or the · YMCA for girls in grades one Nez Perc:e tribe i~ induction through three, with mothers chainnan. Committee tribes participating in each activity. THE BASICS OF MARFilAGE Wedding gets In I variety ot flavors: Clockwise from 1 o'clock: Sl,250. $850. $1.100. $675. $1,500. SLAVICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 ' Harborite Says V qws . ' New Y.ork will be home f:>r Thomas MllrPH.Y. Sr. ol Sc:ran- Charles Thomas Murphy Jr. and his bride, the former Reinita Golenor of Corona del Mar, after thf:ir honeymoon in the Bahamall. Th"e. couple e·xchanged wed- ding pledges in an afternoon ceremony in SL Malachy's Calholic Church, New York City. Parents of lhe newlyweds are Mr. and M;·s. Ray Goleoor of Corona de\ Mar and Charles ton, Pa. Given in n1arriage by her father, the bride wore an lee blue It.a.Han ~ilk gown hand embroidered With seed pearlll. Her maid of:honor·was Miss Diane Cooke.,. who wore a peacock blue velvet gown, and fklwer girl, in ""matching blue gown, was Maureen McGrath. John Gavin served as best 111an and guests were seated by Michael Murphy, brother of the bridegroom. Ring bearer was Michael McGrath. A ~ion in the Pierre .Hotel followed the cer~niopy, where· Mlsa Connie Towers assisteil, · \ The bride attended the .University or Arizqna and Orange <:oast College and, was graduated fro111 New York University and Sandy Meisner School of Drama, New York. Her ,husband was graduatetl from Notre Dame University. Sn eak-a -Pee4 SN WHAT'S 'NEW at & HUNTINGTON 1i~~ CENTJR U~o:'sHALF-SIZE SHOP ~ 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH (0ext lo Barker Bros.) ' Remember the rich dinner rolls Mother baked for a party, and how you hung around the. kitclien;trying to sneak a few? Pepperidge Farm remembers. • -,. I I I I I I I I I J ~ r w •-.. • .---. -. • Sf IWl.V ~ILGT ww.f.i11. N,;1m1>1r 12, 1116• S.L-SS-N-C . . • • SJ!>ecial -~Vents Ma .r.kea ·.· .f Or P~ T Pr«~;r ams .-.t-...... -"Y. ...... _,,..._.. --L..:.. --~ ..... -~ tt•ltlr'I ,..1 ,. ' ••:!::: ~ 1?~ information ~tetlM .. vitioa acreeQtna. 1: ~...... at 1:30 1.m. and •call at . r =·:w. ~~ ... ~";.::-.1:111 p.m. r.-tay, Nov. 11, ~•'lit• Vi~te PTA -!l In . the miillipurpJ!lt room: · 1 Mn. l\larl'.Morrla " ,.~· Rll!dlnl procnm in founh '. l1resldoni :::,;..,...,.. · .., ~-~ throulh sixth &r•des 1'111' l?e COMING UP: Bldicle sifety "*k " · ~vd~b~~ ~ .members procram at 9 a.th. Monday, Bey!l~~l.}'l,~-' ? ; REPOl\tS: ilieyclt oafety.cla). , ~~ 1~f~~Ud:~~ UtU~ "db I '• ~ .,. a . ·-m,.,J ..Jo wa1 canceled d~ ! '° rat!'. . Board ,meetlA" at 9 a.m. COMI'" • ~ ""''-<-"'Yl'o'c Ens"ign PTA ~· ScientHl c "' · ··119nu.. Ad'(IDCea IA Prevent.Jon of pn>jec:l .•IU bt..i 'llft dona' ' Mn. Harold llsaw BiHh ''Defects" will be for " Mole "°"'ital. President l'""''~il IOra.m. by Miss tlonot··-ts ~ ''"ed'lo'iirll!ll COMING UP : Annual •Family lloniel1 B"m"" from the q. tir-ra.-..... •-to .......... ''. laht Spaghetti Dinner has March Of Dimes f'oundation. ~ ~ ..,, 4!¥"'f""-blen changed· to 5:30-t p.m. c+ '8nd donu ts will be .~·-:_Y ncl~ '1f~~r· <l'r!dlo1· .a.:. J, in 11]1 , .wvod by . board members Nov.""' a • · · · ""'' rarm 5 cafetorium . -, i:, •• 11.Fathe_rs work day for -.. Theater Guild will present a ·litil'arf; shelving will take ~~ . .:a~1:; Kaiser PTA place at 9 a.m. Saturday. N 2 ·N • Mn. Joh.ny MiCUv Nov. 15. Molhers are needed on Fr:lday, ov. L ~. l ·O , for paintinu. 1eneral meet.in& ~·month. Prelident . --e A • • COMlNG UP: General Rear PFO meeUng II 7:30 p. m .. 1f Mn. Jolin Hacker Wednesday, Nov. 19, in the ' President multipurpose room. COMING UP : Jl'ir1l rrade , Program will consilit of art, open house tomom>w from ' Spanlah, speech and ·space ' -•• ~•1 p •~ IC.ience demonstrations by :-a.m. w•w noon. areni.. art invtted io attend and studtntl and t e a ch e r 1 . observe c I a s s r o o m pro-Music and IOrtl featured. cedum, activities and have REPORTS: Due to illness lunch with 'their Mn. Frank Multer,'ptt:sl· c h i 1 d r e n . . . Board dent had to resign and Mrs. nieding at 7:3CI p.m. tomor-Johnny Mackey was elected. row at school . Activities for-' l h p November ond Decembe' logunll Hig . T>6. Newport Ele. PTA · r.1r1. John 1Franco PreskleJ1t will be discussed. COMING UP: Special parent infonnation meeting Sclen· tiflc-Advances in Prevention of Birth Defects will lake place a_t 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Nov. 19, in the Cafttorlum. Miss Harriet Beemwi of the March of Dimes will speak ... lnnoc- ulations wm be given to aft- ernoon kindergarten stu- dents at 1:45 a.m. Thurs· Mn. Mark SmiUI Jr. day, Nov. 20. Other grades President will follow at 9 a.m. California PT A COMING UP : Homecoming l\1rs. Ted Bri111 football feast from 6 to 7:30 Paularino PTA President p.m. Frid~, Nov. 14, in the Mrs. Nigel Ba'!ley COMJNG up : Association cafeteria. J>arents of senior Presidenl meeting at 7:30 P · m • students will be flipping COMING UP: Unlt meeting Tut.day, ·~OT. 11, in ·the hamburgers and ·serving will take place Tuesday, '11\Ultipurpic:.e r o'om . or: bak~fbearul, green and jello Nov. 18, in tbe mulUpu'rpose ~Nolan Jl'rlaelle, chatnnan or salad, ice cream, corjte,an<f.-f the Newport H a r b o r milk, all for $1.25 for adults room. Mrs. Fred Palmer• t ctwntlll' ti. Commerce and $1 fer students afK:! program chalnnan extends , cwuaifl"-(=ng a 11 chlldren. Procttds will go to an invitation to atl parents -lo hear Sister Lucille from i ~, of . Uon con-the senior class. St. JOseph's College in • ceniiq..ilte C001munlty, will l" db h PTA'· Orange lecture on the new .,..k on the propmed "" • in erg . thod 1 o c t t cducaUon coune that will Mn. John Hefty. me o pen o u r l soon be preanted to the President rtadinf:. Attendance contest 1 Newport-Mesa Uni!Je d COMING UP : Bicycle safety -'"cl'~~·~~ i:~mt:s~ School Dl!triet. Questionalre program at 9 a.m. tomor· ~rents attending w i 11 • Rao PTA Mn. Doaabl J1<ksoo Prestdent . COPtilNG UP: Candy salt will conUnue throua:h Friday, Nov. 21. , REPORTS : 160 students at. tended the skating party ... 1'1n. Donald J.ackson and Grant Belnap attended 'the r.rinclpal and -p r·e side n t uncheon. • St. John Aux. Mrs. Dennis WaJz P~ident COMING UP: Gener a I · meeting tomorrow In the school hall ,1 Mrs. Reno Pierotti, prog"ram chairman announces Confraternity of Christian Doctrine will be moderated by Bud Moore, director. '. REPORTS : Mrs. R'ogcr Gib- bons . reporls 98 percent passed the 'bicycle safety test sponsored by the Costa f>.fesa Po I' ice Depart- ment . . , Mrs. Clarence Clarke, art chairman and Mad Hatler awarded prizes at Mad Hatter Halloween costume parade .... Christmas bazaar w o r k parties are ln1progress. Mrs. Charles Morgan at ~2018 may be cootacted ror further in formation .. , , Orders for Christmas c'indy will be ac- cepted until Saturday. Nov . 15. TeWinkle PTA flfr&. Robert Sorenaen President COMING UP: W a f fl• breakfast from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23, in Boswell Hall,. Tickets at $1 for adults and 75 centa for students Jn eighth grade and under-may be purchased from board members or at the door. Mrs. Lloyd Baker at 545-1567 or Mrs. Joseph Meng at 549-4147 may be called ror (urther in· rormation . will be sent home for row. Studeota in th l rd f rac_,ivt Jee cream treats .. . p1rents .to write out •.nY through 'mth erade will ' Preseritifto'n by J f'rth ·Victoria PTA d q u e it J 0 n th·ey wish 1>1rUclpate ••• BooU being grade 1 t u d e n t s will Mn. Fred Woodwortti ftij;anawered. contributed for the acbool f II M P I D p ·d I 0 TS Mr M I Ehl o ow. , . . . rs. au u-res1 en R : s. ~ _era, library may be 1ent to ~· safety and juvenile COli11NG UP: Rooin 'mothers 1 ~~ pMft~ ~":: school. -.i. ~ "'ehairman an-· meeting wUI take place at I L th PTL. rimnces bicycle1aarety cHiiiC P':30 a.m. ,Tuesday, Nov. 'ti, .. cleared 1t Ille carnival. ' U eren ~ take place •t 9 i.m. in the multlpurpose room:\, College ·Pk. PTA, J.ock Weboter :r&aday, Nov. 11; In th• REPORTS :.'sweatshlit sale President • ICttool parking lot. Students now Is in progret91filh Mrs. Mn. Jamei StUfer ·~ COMING UP: Gener a I in Qtlrd tbroulhJltlh grades John Op h e·r man in Pr!.&~ meeUnc at 7:30 p.m. Mon-will be required to take a charge .. ~ Volunteers COMING UP: V9hmteera ta; _ day, P{ov. 17. Parents' Gulde wr itten ~ln .. tion in their assisting in t he im- assist Mrs. Glenn Gl:aham. ' to !'11!1ilY . Life and Sex . ~ prklr, t&-.the sa!e. mu~ization clinic were the health and welfare chairman • ~on will be presented ~.$ty ·~m nd o~c~ Mmet~ F r e d WCJ94worth. Jn the immunization pro-by tl;ie board d. education. coUl'af~ AUlating are ttt& .J a IC"a NeuFeld. a_ Ob e r t gram are the ,Mmes, 'Duane REPqars': Birthday book-. M~Les Chapman, A. J. , CJtrke, Ken Adarflll. Tom Piper, Robert K r .. -i & er , plan lnder the dlrtctlon o! ~ Spr.IOe~J ~iU:I ~If.: e e 1 s, Paul Peterson, Wlllldall Vt.n Atta,___.~ a r I Mri. Rich Hamll hu been i\O ~. i : ' · " ' • ,, Antho{JY Angotti and Ted Nauman, Waliir .i Gfeule. idi:uq -bOOta -to the REPO ;,'''Parent-teacher Argall .... rt.on duty aides James Crest,..~ W.a I te r llbraryJ . • . Mrs. Roy cont~·~ place this are the Mme!!'James Glenn, Sta-mts, Buri~lanhem McCardle, health chairman lost ~·~ents in all <: c''l'o r !1\ ~erman, and' Jame1 , •. _ 1. • • • ia ill" char&• of ~· up arades. ~·..,·. ;,.. -· "r . }4.iif1111' +Mal . l\do.1:~urton -. " ' "'" ~ ~ ... . ., ,... ... Washburn , Robert McGowen. Phillip Buibee, Gary Gist, K~t 'Spencer, S. D. Roas, Cof'ne&hJs .Perez, Richard Hiser and William Boise. Stanabys 11;re the Mmes. 1\.dams, Jay Foster, Peterson and Lawrance Alverez. Whittier PTA lt1r1. John Reidling President COMING UP: Meetina al 1 tonight. ¥ark H a 1\ s o n , s pe c ial education coordinator wi ll speak .•. Annual carnival from 10 i .m~ to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. IS. Booths and games featured will be surrey rides, cake walks, toss for gnld fish. makeup and cut~ out silhouettes. Foo d available will be hot dogs, punch, coffee and coUon candy. Prizes will be awarded. REPORTS : ,_1ovie "So Dea r to li1y Heart" was enjoyed by Whittlerites .... Paper drive was succe&Sful. Wilson PTA Mr1. Wlillam OuUaw Pre!ldent COli1ING UP: Smallpox and DPT innoculation will take place tomorrow, at school. REPORTS : Proceeds for the carnival were $600 ..•. 32 t members joined in the PTA drive .... New members to lhe executive board are the Mmes. Bill P oll oc k, 1 e achers' represen tative: Michael Evinger, .social and hospitality ; George Kothe, art and posters: Jay Him· melheber, health well are and magazine ; W 11 J l am Arndt. telephone ; Robert Murray, safety, and Stanley Skurzynski, co-ways and means . Woodland PFO Mrs. Fr~ert:ck Elll1 Pre!!ldent COMING UP: General meeting at 7:30 p.m . Tuesday, No\-., 18, In the multipurpose room. Mrs. David Brant, sj:>ecial reading teacher wiq diiCUU the new state a~ reQing and l!l!:ralur~ books. PaP'!d(ock OOoU, also will be ava~le • for pcirchase for gm~·, hornt libraries or Clpis&mas Jid•ing. Students may visit , the book 1tore ·Monday through Friday, Nov. 17 to 21. Lady Bird Relaxes · In Texas WASffiNGTON (UPI) 11Her dark hair hangs loose ,and casual around her face. .Her · ltep ·ts brisk a n d unstudied. She hums a tune as ahe goes about her business. HW!n'Ule ts more relaxed than when she lived in the White House." Marie Smith of t h e Washington Post was writing about Mrs. Lyndon B . Johnson, who, as she has done seven! times since Jan. 20, came back to the city where she lived so many years. "She looks 'back with love' •. -.~ ...... ··~ •-...,.f ...Lt ' Karate; A,rryone? ... Plenty of excitement Is being generated by (at left) Jake Sabori. second degree Black Belt karate instructor, and Tadashi Hiraoka, third degree Black Belt owner, fourth degree judo, collegiate judo champion in Japan and AAU judo cha1npion for the past (wo years. They will be part of a Newport J~eig~ts PTA Father and Son Night karate and judo exhibition Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafetorium. on her years in the White n~ House but is not sorry she is no longer there," Miss Smith said. · 1 " '[had a marvelous tirbe - a good, strong, happy time, ~ but you always had the reeling of the fragility of time-h ow ~ quickly it goes -and you L: · . want to liye' it· ill,• " Miss 'W"t Smith ·quoted Mrs i, Jobnsdn as J saying. -· -'., · " 'Fot the first six--< months t jusl ,soAked up dqi'ng thllJl!s f ,wanted to do ..... like IPoking for whooping cranes on the Texas ooitst -going wil11 Lyn- doa. k> Florida and Visiting the Hoover Library in Iowa ,' .. she told Miss Smith. "At the rancll. t swim a lot, walk a Jot and I've ridden a g~deal -a very good Ten• •ne6See walking horse," :Mrs. Johnson said. · Mrs. ·Johnson is looking (O(Yt·ard to completing her book; which v"ill be wenUa\ly c~cerpl!'i from the 11 \2" million wol'd diary she kept as first lady .. _$1~eg Like A Log? forget It ' ~ .,., . . ~. f!Oa#ing .the 'Ne vrs for '. Co,' i~ttlifion ,. ~ 'lbt'...-btrok lair comlnii: to LinC'llln .Junior r '1 chool of the fair is to stin1ulate interest ,ln bbo 1 Putting Nov. 24 and 2j \r ill be \\'Cll-p~l>lic;zcd, £ '1e nc'i''S up \\1hat th ey hope \Viii be the. w1n:afhg, poster are is being •prcad by posters made by «he s' ·ents for (left 10 right) Mark Pryor, Cindy Steinhaus and a poster conl4ot Nov. 14. Book s for the d ilay will Molly Keen. lla&i:il/lded bv Dalton's Fashion Island. an purDo•• -. •ff a person slept like a log. ,lthe.y..say, he'd wake up slilf 1$ a bberd. . .tfQl'O'lally, 1 pcMIOn turns over betwecn .45.and 60 t!meg dJ rlng • att ,etiht·hour sleep • porlo<I.· 1Thi1 is ·nature'S' woy ol BSMirlng that proper clrrula· lion hi maintained lll n d n1uscles arc kcpl limber. \ •. v Step ill' Right., D!r,ection • '.'/.~. This lunic jlUl1pec .ind soil blouse, '''llh Or ,\;fl11out matching pants. can Ji,. found in U1c Ma)'. Co. slores. Beaul iltilly 'delailed by Country Sel , lhis lli h1. \\'CiSht \\'001 plaid in" pale peach and tobaccb tones 1s an eye catcher, as Is lht bowed silky Polyesler and cotton blouse: -· - •• ~ Vq( ). . ...,....., I 1 ., . ' N" Winni votes mu la qu'iet, , Me agre< to &< a $1! year. -" • -D B 0 A diec jail• iii ' day T Nev lor Nai ing J Bot Re< Mr Vic II Me R~ unc •po s Ila till N'e- nai led I Co: Co' SU< ice I pu <al rel ( O< SI yo al in d h v q 0 ' ( ' --• Qt:. 62, NO. 27 f, 6 SECTIONS, ·11~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESQAY, NOVMU '12,l 1'6t •• ,.TEN .~ ' ·• • I' ' ., • "' ' I j I Trustee·s I • • l(eep Quiet Camprugn f Pr tfOlldS '-. ,. . ' By THOMAS FORTUNE •ot ttlt Dell'I ,lltt Sti ff Newpoct-Mesa trusf.ees in their try for winning Feb. IO school ,tu: and bond vot.es ~Ye decided ito stick with lh e for· mula thfl won for them last time-a quiet, se1ecuve camP:Bign. MeeUng . this week, board members agreed on t.he same strategy they used to gain ta ~5 ·percenl favorable vote on a $lfl.·•: million bond issue earlier this year.; · The vote Feb. 10 will be on an 86-<:ent override tax· increlse over three years and re·alPbO.rizatiorl of $9 million of the bond issue at a higher ' seven percent interest rate. A $imp le. majority ls needed to pas!' the override; two-thirds to pass· lhe bond issue. "This is going to be a tough election because of resistance frankly to lhe large amount of moriey," silid Scqoor Board President Mis. Marian BergesO'n. ''For ' . us to go all out on a loud campajij:n would spell disasler .. , ' District ~pt.' William Cunningham said, "It is going to be laugher to ex· plain this one. We're not on double ses- sions apd we have two elections going at once." What the school board means by a quiet campalgn is beiitg selecUve with its publicity. Primar:ily parents, teach· ers and community leaders ai-e ln!ormed. Scatlershot, get-0ut-the-vote tactics are not used. Th~e are no bumper sUckera, new.spaper advertisements, preu releases or door·t.o-door campaigning.. • .. We don't wanl to give the Impression that we are trying to sneak this lhrough," 38.id Mrs •• ~ra:e~on. "U ~ Pie feel excluded ll causes resistance. The intormatibn. should be available." "'Vell, we Certa1r11y nlade oune.lves available last time,' said Dr. Cunning· ham, an active speaker in the camPa,ign. The theory is thar if persons hear In ·~ ... , •; .· , ~ ' " . · ... t '"'-'"-';ii :; Apollo 12 ·1)~lEty~ . . CAPE KENN ED Y (UP!) - An •P' parent leak was discovered in the in· sulating vacuum of a hydrogen tank in the Apollo 12 mbOnship today. The pro- blem threatened to delay the start tDf America's second moon landing missioo as much as a month. • Apollo 12 astronauls Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Bean were targeted for blastoff at 11 :22 a.m. PST Friday. But an informed source said Ulere is a chance they now will not be' ab:e lo go to the moon w til Decemtkr• The space agency said the extent ot~;the· problem could nol be immedli\ely, usessed. · CIJY SAYS ·C:YCLISTS LIKE •ILL GOODING WILL HAVE· TO BLAZE N.EW T.RAl.LS L.1nd Ahfl't ~i~;.r ~ Gnt1~fM~1'1~'1t -Sida H•,.s B••n: .P•.~l!lr•~, Of~ ~imiti · .· ·~-· ,. - Tnt: trouble interrupte<J: an Jt,lmosf flawless series of pre-laUnch prepafl""I lions. lt"was discovered late in the, ll)Om- ing and ollicialJ immedla\lly bealn -an invesUgqtloo to see whit wll w~ Tile .j>rOblah in•9IYM -· of :S-plloii llqul4 ..,.. ...... .,,.., ... i)lollo. l2'o iorvlce ~le,. llMi 'W!ll ' Ul1t ¢'\'!C.s lbe•ApoJIO~ oomll.m.i1rnillile. Ill' quid .bydJiJieo DlU8I be kept· It 41J' degrees below zen and each of tht tanks has a vacu um jackeJ to insuJate il • D:ritg. Victim?s :; \ B:vother Jailed On Heroin RaP, A Newport Beach youth whose brother died or an overdose earlier this yeaf was jailed along-with a companion Tuesday, in connectio n with an alleged $200-per· day heroin dealership. The pair pjcked up by Costa Mesa and Newport Beacl\ detectives WC(e booked ror agents-of the-Stele-a-Bureau-of. Narcotii:s Enforcement, Who were seek· ing conlplaintJ against them today. Jack H. Hahn.Jr .. 19, of 1811 W. Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, and David B. Reese, 21. of 1300-Belfast Ave., ·Costa :r.1~sa, were arresled et Canyon Road and Victoria Streel in Costa Mesa. trlvestlgator Norm Kutch. of the Costa :P.1csa' Vice and lntelligence deLail, said H.eese· 'Vas also charged with driving und6· the· innuence or drugs aftu his iporls car \Vas pulled over. . Slate narcotics agents had been seeking· l!ahn since an agent purchased a quan· lily of heroin Oct~ 30 and Ku\ch and Nt"'POri Beach Police D e p a r t m e n t narcotics officer Al Epstein finally spot· ted him with Reese Tuesday. Hahn's· older brother, Gary; died in Costa Mesa earlier this year aod Orange County coroner's investigators said he succumbed to a drug overdose after tox- ico\ogicel1 tests were completed. lnvi!stigator Kutch said Reese's eye pupils were pinpointed as though he had tal\en drugs, but t.he suspect reportedly refused to discuss the matter. 'Flag· lo,veri:hg' Ceremo11y Held An impromptu nag-raisin~ ceremony occurred today at South Coast Plaza Shopping CeALer, ~La Mesa. Old plot)' was stolen, not hoisted. A, group .of fast ... ,.orkini;, long-hatred youtht lowered the Bel. White and Blue , aboul 8 a.m. and Oed unmo'testcd, accord· ing Jo police. •·And the kooks ran up an old bedsheet •ltlra--blg: dollar sign. and-some peace symbols on tt," said Lt. Les-Harrison.· ''Everybody called us a little too lete,'' J1 added. "one store n1anager saw the ' v.·hole thing and di<i.'t even get their license nu1nber." Noi.~, Dust Complaints Mesa Hills Off Limits To Harbo1· Area Cycl~ts A sprawling Section· of westside Costa ~1esa -a Harbor Area motorcyclists' heaven of hills and dales -is now forbid· den terrffory for an such men and their machines. Compl aints from surrounding residents about noise and dust have led authorities to posl no trespassi ng signs. finally ap- proved after contacting the various land· owners involved. Beginning this weekend, 1nolorcyclists using the old dirt and gravel pit area for recreational rid ing v.•ill be cited for trespassing. accor:ding to Costa ~·lesa Police.Lt. -Hal Fischer . "It's a beautiful area for motorcycle tiding •.. , it's just too bad" said Lt. Fischer. head of the ITaHic bureau. Enforcement will begin inilially with 'cycle owne rs from the police department on the scene to issue tickets and there will be no warnings for rirst·timc of· fenders. ·This is due to the No Trespassing signs now up, and issuance of a ticket requires court appearance. The officers detailed this wetkend v.'ill not be uniformed, LI. Fischer added, and lhe machines will be their own, si nce the Cosla Mesa force doe11 not have motorcy· cle officers. Known as the old D.G. (dirt and gravel) pits. the onetime dump property whose various owners have agreed to forbid motorcycli ng generally lies west of Placentia Avenue between 19th and Vic· toria slreets. The situation that led lo the motorcycl· ing ban is essentially the same.that led. tG posting of state-owned properly behind fairvicw Sta te Hospital and adjacent to the ~tcsa Verde 2rea . Off-trail molorcycli ng is a popular sporl in Orange Cdunty, bul ls rare!y com patible vdth surroundlng suburj1a ;ind con1mercial riding areas are sharply . limited. _,,· •• t1ol-orcyc:lists are general!)' confin~ lo privale properly ii lhJY ·have lhe written con!,Cnl or the landowner. while county law prohibil.S· rid ing in the Sanla Ana River nood channel bed too. -· Cong Flag Tor11 But·Mayor Faces Court .A(!tion Now The trouble wU dttec~:--w~ technl- cians began D~iJlg thl frlsid li1df'olen into the tank. The hydrogen, Uled to fuel the spacecraft's fuel cell _pow e r grnerators, was dr~intd fmn the J.ank in the early afternoon arter the vacuum 1€ak \vas discovered. Jr Apollo 11 cannot be readted for launch Friday, the next -and fmal - l.l.unch opportunity . this m~th would con1e Sunday.. . Because of a comp lex elalionshlp between the Apollo 12 landliig" s1te, ·the earth and the !lln, the next·11aui>ch op- porlUJtity will not come before Def.:14. The infonned-source aid the'llature-ot the problem means that ,~ .. tlme-coo- suming repair process would b e necessary. This, he said, WOl.lld mean the Richard Krueger, Father of Young Killer, Succumbs A former Orange County civic leader and scientist whose latter years were marred by a tecnaged son 's Texas murde r spree has been buried quietly following his recent dealh. Dr. Richard Kru~, 68, was buried f\.1onday· in Paciric View Memorial Park, Corona de! Mar, !ollowlng . his death Thursday as the result of a Jong illness. The onetime Oraoae Coupt,y Planntng Commission member died In his modest retire1ncnt apartment at Bethel Towers, 666 \V. 19th St., Costa t.tesa, wher e he liv· ed with his second w\fe, Grace. The native-born Gennan who was com· m!:;sioncd a colonel in the U.S. Army by :6pecial act of Congress during World War 11 supervised thl! build ing O( tbe iirst supersonic wind tunnel. He was a naturaUzcd citizen and came SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The 74.year-0ld mayor of lhis north~rn Califoroia to America at the ege_ of 20_. rising to pro- coastal city goes into court today to answer charges of trespassing. the(t and minenct In the sc;1enllfic world and lilir destroying property flied afl.er he tore down a replica of a· Viet Cong flag from teachlng at Cal Tech. in front of a ]'tSktence. . . . . ~le and his fir!t wi fe., EdnBt lived in a Asked oow he would plead. Mayor Richard Werner said proodly: plush. home at..JOt .Avenlda Vaquero, San ''guilty!" Clemente, in 1$66, )Vhen their 19-y,ear-old . son P.aul aod. a btdd.Y ran away wltP the TOE CHARGES were filed by Larry Eugene Bell , 27, a subMllute teach· intenlidn of becoming soldiers or fortll('e. er who made ·a ciUzen'a arrest of \Verner in front of Bell's borne Tuesday. Young Krueger's pal was picked up by ' · yor veWan-oLbotb Wor W 1 and World War II, sak! he utboriUes......ln.Y..cstl&aling_ the b rut a I had ri!celVCd nve telephone. calls about the ·nag TUeilfay momi · . shooting murders o! t ree ex as "I called the police departn1cnl and·thcy ~d me there .wa~. no .0~1nance fishermen 8.nd naincd the ·quiet ;polite covering it, no state or fed~al laws against .it. Werner satd. I d1dn t u·ant Orange County boY as the killCi'. . to get lhem in trouble so l decided take care o£ it myself. Krueger i!'.as captured in Nexlco w~rt "t WENT Olrr there and a lady came to the door and I said. '\Ve don 't he wall wo~ng on a Motmon 1&nn col- like the look of a Viet Cong Oag flying on Armistice Day, as a matter of fad Qny, returned to Texas, pJeaded guilty to siocl-: Market ~'Cl don't ever like il. Will you please take ii. do .... ·n?' the murders' and """ 1ifttenced in...lfl.y, "She said 'We will nol.' So I said, 'OK, I'll take It down for you~ So I 1966.'to Ufe in prl!oil.' • ' NEW YO'RK (AP) -Stocks wandered did. They want~ it back. so [ said, 'Well t can't give you all~! it back,,but J Hii partrlts Rparaltd Nov. 1, 'L• and deeper Into bing \Srritory in slGw tred-can give you some of it back.' anti l tore oU a piece and galle 1t to,them. • ~rrs. Krueger'ltu later grlnted a large Ing thi! illlfte.moon. 1\S decli nes led 11d· Bdl Aid the mayor "Looked me right In lhc eye and said, 'l'TI kill you If property ' stttlement lncludlng monthly vances b,Y bettcf than 100 issues. (See you do 'thls llgain,' and 1 looked him righl ,in Lhe eye and didn 't.say• a.thing. cipe~SC$ .to vLo;it. young Pau l, w"4> ·re· quota tiooi!. Pages 16-17) main11 In a Texas penitentiary. · , AnalyslA 53" UtOc In the way or devel· ''BUT t llA VE another ()ffc (lying totley. 1 dyed it out of a pUlow case , Besid¢s ' Ns second wife Grace, Dr~ npment,, lo sUmulate a gain but noted -a little red dye. a llllle blue dye, a little &tar In the ce.ntcr. U people want to K111e.ger leaves two other sOns, Thomas, t.h,~t acl)ing pressure was not great call that a Viet Cong flag I guesa they can." ot San Marino. end Richard, gtatloned at · r:Jven thc.'i0.0C0!1dlgblc._i1_io_ns_._th_•_m_•r_k_•l_1_•_1b_..L.. ____ ..,,=,,_===--================:'...._v~an=d=cnbcra AFB near Lompoc. • r o(..Jta-own..w _ • J I ' r I. "' -. .. r,. ' ·•· . .. ' . 2 :Gro.a·p, $~Re~1v ·:1(., rf tiliii ' l ~.VF ~ ~ • 11f " '", \,. ... ··.:. ~ .. \, .. ,, .... , · .. ·. S-hots at. f;g_lf ·:C~o1tf:S:~,:._1 ,, · • ~ > ·t • o• J ·.I. , • .: •· 1 I• . / . . ' . ... .. ... Necoliatjona for tat\.:&m~tlon ml-·ronova~o0 .. ·j,Ia111: far 11\e llepnt ol the problem~ ~,J\IOJO ·q.u_ cltiblioust 11-liol ilolflCaurie'P!'l'°tbat and Country Club. -all ar ·poi:t of II --1loog villh ·1n ~ !Ji~lejoeil .- has led to narrowing the' field of · ap-wa s crlUCal or its opd'l,Uon. , plicants from three ·tO tw~. ·~ · , · · · ''The Ptice Is run lol?le u 1 P*1~ be . . j ' . fB ld. ' . , . City Attorney Roy UIJe said .. 1tter· an The 18itest ~~aton/PftO'tptfrpiiaee, adjourned City Cloundl' ~t'MOnday ~r-~l~°'talp' ~ln"'·~~·"'n-...,.......,111\'.1~ that he would discuss tbe matter (uith.er. ""'" ·~ ilU w 15'~ 'U. .. .,~,, ..... and councUmen hope 10 ,rucb a djcjsliHI reloree l'et.r M: EJllOU la'to ~cm. next week. • . trol In the intalitlme.' 1 • · • ' ' The package, proposal lncludts, 11.'ll'l" .Costa Mesa . Fln1~ ""'i!ctor· Bob Ing operallon of the clubhouse arii( bar ~· notelf"diiif 1iid;°10n· of !he section, or posllbly"lhe•ent.Jre aou C'OUl'lt s~ :;r .. Of , ..... !lft(feei itself, depending on the particular •P-: f!W: •. two-xear period_ that ~<lf ~·tors plicant. · tiave done:far .wane .. ' ·f : · . John springer ·and Sylvtllter Schmitt, · Novf:O.!.Jlmee, 'wbO i op1e'ftl.1d~~the Phoenls, Ariz., want to i:onttld wJth rthe ._ICJp.!1 ehlb; .... ·~~If.; iin city for fS0111tlO lor the llnt'two·yun ·OI· cp:jll!lll.Rl'!l!dPV In fl\O En!e~, ... apply lag ·thelrmana,.men1 ~lo lid'mon lhan ·f!llO.-~acn :m 12'.Jnd'I the club portion alone.• • . · ' • . month Porlada1 -lilld ~ COUllC!l. A· gi<iup lntlodlh~ Lol "#Jlgelel ·in-A vole oirflidb*.talb·'!~ lwo of,.llie . vestor.-DJck •Bogil and. Harry tlreen, tltrtt 1ppllcmt' pq.·wu.approved C to pluithe~ i •neral•111111agetdioi:<,'Bteve f Monilly·,JJ!abl,:•1'llll M1Jor ,.\l_vl1 L. Porte!', 'of Rllamoor, wantJ 1o '.,.-e Pllikley .dl...,ilng.._1!!!;11110 b4i II· Im- the golf co.Urie potentlal11a'Welli.. ; ' · · (Bee txJlllUIB{bjt I f ~ Boggi, an txeciiUvt Of ~.Profealon•l r'-.,.-;-.;..,,........,.-.,.... .... -~-....., Golfen1.USOCllUol1,'sakl the~t!0\11'11 bu ' •' the potential · to. ~l the.1 1fiaat Or~e ·"' mOney-m1ker·brtbe SOatMlnd;lt..nsaMc· , f , '°" .• , ed COA'eclly·. . , ·. ·,. r' r I ~,.... • ' Undot clly plans, the ven""' could1be a purely ~-ae10p 1 ln wblch1.lbe management team wwld llrV't ·11 dtJ enilo)'ea. -;"';" · :...... . r · . Boggs and Green, howe.,.,., . ._.,. lndl· oatad•lnlereal ln actually ln.etlllli ii Ult operaUon, i• did tile.third &ppllcllil; Sari Atkbiioh· of lll4 Colorado ~Lmr,-.Coota M:-idn.on · di~~·.~~~ I ' (' ' ' : . ' -:x...-=esa n.;;::~ect~t ~.~:.'.-!; · ~UD~. :n.•~~;-·; lf.l~ J.J.t::• :lV!Lp . r, P.,.rAA· ""' aelcd lo nr~ P d 1 O~~ T .. ,h, . 'l' " . ~·1if,\'.c\" =°!l-.~ on ei: uia e t 1111r11 .. 'l'illl• ;1. , ... .. • -.. , ~ I ; .. ., ·-_, -.,,. ~ • • J ' I ~~~~= hm·of i IJ.yOIM!d ~ l'oolld It rll1Nd<ed T\ieldl1, Wttli J..,, :two Items sfuten. • , • · Mra. Marie C. ·Wei~, 01.J.W~ St ., said htr blrtb' ""1lncata iiid riiir- rlage lictnse ,..,. llolen lri>m qniler her bed. • . .". Olli<er Johil t. Wlltt• ·dee-tO ..Umare \he IOOI'• mooew'r· valui •• ... o.fW,I ... ..... ...... ;,. l ...... --= .... I :r.:· :~:.-r , ! 1 11~·A IF·:n '' . it:if .•. :..:: ' ';. ~ ·,.s:.;... ~ ............. ,, ......... , " ... ......... _.. ... .. .._. 11 • • " • • • - , .. . 2 OAllY P1lOT c Wtd~ ....... , 12, 1969 By J.4NICE Bt:RMAN .& N.t percent, cl the Irvine Campally'a Dtlc1llllq U.. amendmeel, lrvlno yean, SO~ In 10 years an• too per· or economist," he •Id. Ing Sl,703,0il ~ ~~ ......... ~ 'L;., ~\ llr !» la, lall sale, la ~. -~ ail, !"Ille otcnWcuce ii what Ille effect . U roqulred lo <Uveat ltleU of 10 Jll«eOI -1dn~ be rudy lo -1•• ID1l -w.nq · °' -.,. "'"' 3 F-111'11 AtlorneJ ·Howard J. Prlvelt cent Jo Ii y..,.. "About all you can NY la tlll1 we 11ie ~ . ' J~-Y~ ~ bO nclUcoil It" IO}d al Jll0,000' per lbate. al 111111111 wiJl bo oa ta ,,,__ abl1ltj cl cl Ill ohartl OI aloct within the next two value." Included: r Aiea proposed federal las reform bill meel!J "111111111oon1eoan~111 Ion. 1111 lnlno F-tlaa to doaate lo yeen, e)almed PrtvFI~ "under pr..¢· 11 the foundation s.ells Us frvloe Com-w 000. South · Coll! c omm wltb the aeproval cl a joln1 House-Senste ~ Jr. (0.VLt, 11111, °"'·"' clllrlll._" ~ c:ondfUON the stock would be pany stoc1: 11 a lowered markdt ~ Ho;plW m,ooo· Orange Coast Committee, a Foundation spokesman said u .. · -teCI ldMKha1t for IM ~ If tbl bill Ja passed u written, the isold at depttsled prices, because of hlgb Privett said, lhe resulting decrease 1R • $$0 000. '1.aguna 'Beacb co.mm u toda1. 1 r Foundattori to divfli U.aelf of. trvtnd Com--Byrd amendment would require the interett rates and tight money co~ Foundation income would "have ·a · PJ~ye~ $25 000 . sym~ Aa!i!'dl•~ Under pro~ legislation, the Irvine pany 'holdings exceeding 50 }>erCent or Irvine Foundation to divest tiseU of 11> dlUona." adverse affect on future ability to donate of 0ranie ~ '25 OOB· ,.Oranl Foundation would be ttquired to divest OUtitanding stock. percent of Jts holdings eiceedJng 50 per· Privett could offer no-estimate or the' to charities':'' .. " • ty Partners fo~ i>f08rt54. itseU of its Irvine Company holdings. The amendment would re q u Ire cent 1n the Irvine Company wlt~ln two amount such a &tock 1ale would bring. · During the fiscal ~ear ending March 31, As&stance League of Laauna The Jrvine,FoundaUon owns 459 shares, divestiture to beCiD withi n two years. years, at leaat ZS perceot within five "l'm just a lawyer, nol a businessman the Irvine Foundation save cranta· tow. tt?,(IOO; Orangi ~ty . , ~ ----'--------------~------Retarded Chlldre~IO,OOO;lild " Club ol'Sail y~ , ~id,Gi>oi.Ji"~ . DAILY PILOT,_"°,.,..,. c..i!At Goin' Fislaln' ';'While ~ut. !or a'veterans D~ stroll on the Hlll)tington Beach Pier Tuesday, our intrepld'pbotograpber spotted Gary, 6. and Tammy Rip- pey. 5, Downey, beaded for a few hours of fishing. Our photographer.! wtfo-do:es not ;tet have chilaten, askla tHem tOliold-h&nas for a Tom Sawyer -Becky Thatcher-type photo. Our photographer no\v has new insight into !be reactions of a ait-yeaMld boy bent on fishing who is asked· to hold hi•. li!I!• slstji<'•,band. · • t • I . , Police Still Uncertain ' I ; • , ' '• ' f ' • ' / . :4.b'O.ut1Capturing Zodiac ' SA.~ FRANCISCO (UPI) -~oUce Yid ~ seven murder.I instead or the five with today they had "considerable evidenct of whl'ch police have linked him. ltl¥Jl1 different kinds" In the search for . ''\Ve are learning more and more about the 7.odfac killer of five persons, but bim all.J¥ ti!J\•," r... said. "lie bu bee! could'. give -no .. .,ord bl reassuraDce" caned iJlsane.aQd a scrman but l don't ab61,it an imminent a vest. believe iL · f_ think he ls leplly sane. He "Oile d~y W~ will cat.ch~ and h.e wlll h..s a knowledge 'or the dlUere.nce be tried, s81d San Frlll<1Sco Chief of •-~ lght d InSpf:ct.ors 1.tarUn Lee. ""'~""·een .r an wrong. IM told a news conference he gave "nG "l don't picture him as a man who crede.nce," despite hints In letters Tues-l''Drks with his hands. I think he hU a day ~ the ~n FrancisCG Co/On.tcle, to small job and possibly one where he' doe:a l.l:Jep.nes ~1ac also was rup<>ns1bte for wofk' with paper, ·possibly at hit deik .,, · the stabbmg of twD San Jose teenag~d 1 ,.. 1 tte 1 th Chr 11 Tu d girls last August. ~.w~e . e rs ? . e once ea ay, ••There is absolutely no evidence link· Zodiac sald he intended to disguise hla ing him wilh the (San Jose) murders," future murders as "rouUne robberies, Lee ~d. killings of anger, & a few fake accidents, Zodiac. in two rambling leUer.1 ac· etc." cdrnpanied by one of his characteristic A postscript tG one of bis letters ln· ~. boasted h.e had comm1tted dicated he was displeased by a dwlndlinc ' : .. o! public attenUon since he Included a tll:AHGI CO.Ur t>Ull l'"lN• CCIMP'AH"f lt11"rt N. W1ttl ~,........ .... """lefltf J1tk It. Cwrlrt VIOt ,,,...._. 111111 CilMl'll MIM• Tttu.et K1nil .... n.at A. Mlft'11•t111 ~ ... , .. . 330 Wett l e't St,11t M•ill111 Mt111u: r.o. 1 .. 11.0, tJ6J6 ·--· ......,. . ._.., ,.,. """ ..... ...,...,.,. .._ ..... 9-+11 -, .... , .,,.._ M.;;Aiill• ~ -Ml"'"" •, piece of a slain cab driver's b~lned sliirt In a letter one month qo. "Could y0u print this new cipher on your front pap?" be asked. ''l 1et awfully lonely when I am ignored, so lonc~v I could do my thina ! ! I ! ! ! " Then in a lart1e, scrawled handwriting -which contrasted with his usual small prlr Uni -1.odiac added. "and J can't do • thin& with it." The late.St correspondence: included a page filled with strange clphen, a rambl· ing Jetter, a note on a comic greeUng card -and another piece or the cab driver's shirt . "I thought you would need a ¥ood lauah before you hear the bad new1,' he wrote. He began the two leiters with the Ulllll, "This i1 the Zodiac speakin,." "Up lo lhe end ol Oct. I have killed 7 people," he said., HJ have grown ntber angry with the police for thelr telll.ni. lies about me. So I will change the way the ... coltectlon'1>f slaves." 1 The paila&e abOut collecting slavas, which was followed by his statlmtnt there. would no f\lturc annoonctmenta. apparenUt wq· a reftrence to one of hl1 previous cryplograms which aid llOllll ol hia victims would be hil slaves in the afltn<orkl.~ . . At the bollom cl 1111 meuap oa tllo llfeottna Clrd ZOdloc printed, "llel JWy AU( Sept Oct equall 7." He previously had c 1 a I m e d noi;omlblJity for lhe kllllnp cl BeUy LOu J,,_, IS. and her boylrlond, DaVld FarldJ, 17, near Valltjo last Dec. 20i Darlene Ftrrln, 22. near Vallejo, July I; C.ciU. Ana~ 21, In Napa County, Sept.. 21, and San 1rranciaco cab driver Paul Slein, 29, Oct. ll . • Out on $31,200 Bai l .[~~~U:~":~on;_,,.~ .. d1hons set up by fl!Qes I~ Bribe Suspect ·Released ;~:!), b~~~Jl~ .. lfi ... ~;~I~ .Riehl oow, tbe,FJ>linifaUOri'a' 11!459-ll~lo of lb"' sham, /he ~ ' An Arilona man arrested Mo(M:fay on chlrcea of attempting lo . bribe Hun- t!ngtoA Beach Mayor Jack Green for zon.. Jng favors wu released Tue.lday nJght from Orange County Jail oo 131,200 ball. William New, 16, of Phoenix, Atii., is 1cheduled for arraignment Thursday afttmoan in We'.st Or:inge County Municipal Court, Westminster, on two charges of suspicion of attempted bribery of a publlc official HunUngtm Beach police said today that .tnveitigation into the alleged bribery attempt lhould be completed before New'a arrai&nment. Police have been working with Mayor Green aince Nov. 4. when he notified them ol alle1edly having rectlved an offer of $4,000 for campaign fund> If be would help gain a zone change for 20 acres of JaDd near Sliter Avenue and Gothard. Street New was arrested in the pBrking lot of the Fisherman Restaurant Monday morn- ing, after he allegedly rept!ated his finan· clal offer to Green. The land in question Is owned by Dave and Goldie Meredith who uy they never heard of New, who claim.a to be a representative of a Phoenl% mortgage company. The Meredith property is currently zon.. ed for industrial use but there Is an ap- pllc.tUon before the city planning com· miaalon to chan&e lts use to a mobile home aite. The request for mobile hopies haS betn made by CactUlor Corporation of 'Para~ mount, represented by HuritlngtOn Bu'c~ attorney George Shibata. , No one waa .available for comment af Cacliflor offlces this morning and Shibata was not in his Huntington Bea.ch offlce. Tuesday, Shibata reportedly said he had been contacted by New and would represent the Ariwna man at hi s ar· ralgnment, but a secretary in Shlbata's 9ffice said ttus morning she did not ihlnk tbat was true. New claims he represents Consultant· Financing and Mortgaging Company of Phoenix, but that has not yet been verified by police. of lhe slocl< wOt)kl !>e r<lo Foundation in a' "dfveralOed P'rlvett said, add P.,fita ' lo lie dl!trlbuted ' t<j. charibi tions. 1 • • Privett said '!ht . Irvine i,i, ~!P.n "would ha\re ·to fln):l i •buyer major equity who 1! willing lo fair market value. "l'hat sulficlent time to J>rOtecl Calilornia." Pa588ge of the bill would slock wght lo be p )!i!o ·~ve Finch Endorses Report Urging Ban on DDT Use "There may be other persons in· volved," said Detective Sgt. Robert Rhinehart today. "but we have nG further information at the moment." • Balley Computer Finally Cracks Stolen Car Case for heiress Mn. Joo~}.V:::rntn.'li,~11\ owns or controls 21.1 perafR ci e Company . stock. Mrs. Smith has been trying for 12 years to break the foun- dation's conlrol over the Irvine Company, \vbicb might leave the Irvine area open for more rapid ~Yl1R!>m L 5aid Privett," ' •i!o it! the U1e same sound in ~ tp fttion in developing the Raui:h." He did not m,nuon Mrs. Smit.ti'~ .... Uke Senator Byfd,.Mn. Smiih' mat.. tains a home in viigtnla. l \ Privett said the •Byrd ~ •ap. plies to foundatio~ that own'ccrnRRUies owning ten per~of· the ~ area in any political · !sic>• cl lhe lf~d Slates." And be ged that the ~e Foundation is tfte only foondltian to which the Byrd anendment ~~iies.1 WASHINGTON (UPl)-HEW Secretary Robert H. Finch hu aceepted and sent to the Whitt Home a report urging that major use of DDT be ended ln the United St.ates over a two-year period, top gov· e;rnment offlclals said today. White HouMi Preu Secretary Ronald Zle1ler said Finch had not yet made a apectflc recommendaUon on the findings ol the atudy on barrnlW effects of the pe1Uclde. But John G. Veneman, undersecretary of the Health, Education and WeUare Department, said Finch had dlscussed the J>l'O\*al with two cabinet colleagues, A&rlcullure Secretary CIJUord M. Hardin and Interior Secretary Walter J. Hlckel. and both were "recepUve to the idea." Hickel llld he· favored baoning DDT. Ziegler said the report from Finch bad been referred lo Dr. Lee A. Du· Bridie, President Nllon•s sclenlilic ad· viler, and that it would be discussed further by the Environmental Quality Council which DuBridge heads. . A balky eJeclronlc computer Ued into a A hiJh Agriculture Department source vast data bank of information on stolen said the department expects to 8llllOUIJCe cars finally uncroased tts circuits early soon a ban on moat-but not all-uaea of today, leading to the. delayed arrest of the widely wed pesUcide. three men. Venmi.an aald Finch had signed an Costa Mesa police stopped the car and order f<r an outrilht bin since author· ran a record check on It shortly before ity to CW'b use of DDT on crops is under midnight, but lhe driver and two Hardin rather than the HEW secretary. passengers were finally sent on their "What be dJd was accept a report way. The Irvine Corppany OWDI J!.~ptl t of tbe 500,000 acres Jo. Orange qoynty, Pkinn~rs Se~~~g More Studie~' ~~ Downtown Zo 1te· which concludes lhat major use of DDT One hour later, however, the machine be phased out over a period of two coughed, clicked and spat out the allega. Further study and additional legal opi· year.s," Veneman told newsmen on tion the automobile, last seen at a tavern nions will be required before the Costa Capitol IIlll. in tbe 17IO .l>loclr of jiewport Blvd., bad Hickel told a news conference he felt originally been reported stolen. · Mesa Planning Commission takes action DDT "should be abolished" for use in Officer -Jim Blaylock, who requested on a ~acre conditional permit zone en. cies where the Interior, Agriculture and tavern several times and . ound The maltier was held over Monday the United States except for emergerr the first r~ check, ret~m lhe comp<issing ~the downtown area. llEW department!: agreed· it should be the suspct auto ~ ..... then night afterl1-engthy discussion generated C,'=i]ean Plane used. Hickel said 0 harmful .side eff,cls staked "'1 · by acom of property owners who showed .....dJ__ outweigh the usefulness" of the pestl· ShoriJ1·before "! a.m., the trio originally up hr a hearing on the matter. 1 clde. questioried got into the car, drove oU and ~e landowners involved in the pro. Hi]• acked, Runs The Agriculture Department source were pulled over by officers Blaylock, ject aimed at protecling the downtown commented that "we have been looking Pat Rodgers and Sgt. Bob Goode. sectlon until a special redevelopment pro. at DDT uses on a use-by-use basis. We Driver James M. Peterson, 24., of Long ject is orranized suggested it covers too I D'ff' J do anticipate some action relatively soon Beach. plus passengers Timothy E. Rau, much area. nto.~ .1 ICU ty on a use-by-use ha.sis." 21, of 2017 Centella Place, Newport During the same meeting, tY.'0 zone CX• The source added he could not spec· B h d J h ru··k 2 f a. d t · ulate at thls time as to which or how eac . an o n M. Mars , I, o 590 ceptlon penn1 ... an wo rezoning pro. ANTOFAGASTA, Chile (AP) -Two many uses would be affected. W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, were placed jects were al!O recommended for ap- young men hijacked 8 .Chilean jelllner under arrest. prov al by the City Council. 1'hey include : All three were booked on cha rges or -Rezoning of land on both sides of with 82 persons on board today and· grand theft of an auto and were to be Valley Road 400 feet north of Victoria ordered it to fly to Cuba. But the plane Str icken D1·iver questioned today about Qieir copnectlon street, from industrial to single family tandett here from Santiago for refueling with the vehicle allegedly stolen from homes development. . and was unable tD take off again because Santa Ana Leasing Inc., police iaid. -Rezonh1g of a ~lot' tract west or of mechanical difficulties. Hm·t in Accident A large dog also riding in the car was Club House Road adjacent to the ~lesa turned over to the Orange County Anlm.al Verde Country Club goU course from It could notfbe determined lm~edlaltly Shelter. duplex to single family homes devclop-whethtt the malfunction reported in one A Lake Tahoe man was injured Tues· ment. of the Cfravelle'a twin, rear-mounted day when he suffered a seizure and his -Allowance of 24 parking spaces in· englnu could be corrected. car collided with two other parked From P age 1 stead of 30 required by city ordinance for f th · vehicles on a Costa Mesa street. p<>lice a wholesale bakery at 2970 Grace Lane, The hlj.ickera allowed 12 o e 56 COURSE requested by William Cronacher. passena:ers to dlse~ark. They \vere said today. ;. • • -Construction of a bachelor apartment seven adults Ud ove clilldren. One was Charles A. J\forrow, 52, \\'as treated at In a garage at 647 w. Plumer st., g!v· the manaier tn;Chlle of Weit'Ge(many's Co.sta M'sa J\femorial Hospital after the r.~nent lo reach a choice. ing JOse Saucedo, of that address, three airJI-Luf•t.·-:O-<1ccldent on Lenwood Drive at Tustin Dealings on the golf course issue have units and a garage, carport and open .... .. .... ~ Avenue, according to investigators. been conducted below council level by a parking sp<>t in a duplex zone. n ie plane was hijacked shortly alter It Morrow sa id he was h'eaded west on special committee Including City At~ Under city ordinan ce, he would took off on a filght from SanUaco, Chile's Le.nwood Drive at 1:40 p.m .. when he torney June, Finance Director Oman, ordinarily be limited to two dwelling capital, to the Chilean south. suddenly blacked out, leading to the Assistant City Manager Fred Sorsabal units, plus a full garage for each of the The plane landed at Anlofaiasta at 11:;c;:ra;:s;:h·============a;:nd=Co;:u;:n;:ci;:lm;:a;:n;:W;:l;:ll;:Jo;:r;:da;:n;:. =====u;:ni;:ts;:•;:ll;:ow;:ed=on=th;:e;:l;:ol;:. ====:::; 10:35 a.m. I;: wu on the nmway to take off afttr refueling wheo the pilot 'dilcovered lhe malfunction and brought the plane lo a halt. He returned to the loading area . LIJi la Cblle"a national atrlioe. F rom P .. e 1 BO NDS ••. trlct'a needs to lnvittd persons. A ispeaken bureau al10 will be formed to talk to any group interested in the tax and bond vote. 1'feanwhllt, concerted efforts 'Will be made to realister all pirents to vote and to repeatedly turnith them with infor· mtllon. An eltcdon day comm!Uee for 1111 minute telephone calls, babygiltin(, trampottaUon and poll watchiag also will be fonned. U.S. Pilots Praise Huge Concorde Jet TOULOUSE, nance (UPI) -111e fll'St American arllne pllota lo tell fly Ute Ancbhtnch aupenbnlc Con cord e jtlllner aakl 'l\ltaday the plane handled blaullfully, even during 1lmul1t•d mechanleal fillures. Paul llollacll, Chit! ltlt pilot for Pia American Alrwaya, Ind Vemon Laursen, 'rr•ns World Alrllnts test pilot, uld the plane "aid not lntrtue the du!Jea of the pilot eve11 durtna me ch an j ca I CONYENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD llASTER CHARGE 1 · . • • ' I ~: e~~ -1 ~ • • Tei the a;irl who knows what she w.ints but not where to find it. Match your style with our m.it1y distinctive desig.ti"s. And . ask us about our famous o,ange BIOJSOm gu.irmtee. -. J. C. J!ump~_rieJ 'Jewe4r 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION f I ~HONE 1121 NEW~RT AVENUE COSTA MESA 50-HOI I \ breakdowns." IL _____________________ __;=========~===:=: _ _/ I I 1 •• '' " ' • ' l-l I -·n • ' < r I " " , ; ' .. ' • • t , ' ., ' • ; ' • ' ' I I j , Wolnetdiy, N-bft 12, 1969 DAit y PILOf I ., Top SoVl• t N_.. By Phll lnttrlcmdl ·• e .,...;~:......---___ ......_ _ _, Hijacker To Fight Return No Antidote Seen ~ U.N. Denies -t--~ -~- ' Germ Weapon Study· Halt,s' · Ch.ina .Again UN!TEll NA Tlj)NS (UPI)- ~ovelist -_('<nnwm ... Qoln& Cll1ll dolor ; :· Ostracized ·' ' ' ' MosCow (UPI) -The Soviet Writen Union today of- ' flclally &IUlllWlCed the ... ~ 'pillioro of llOfelist Alennder r l. ~ ooe o1 Ruala's WASIUNGTON (UPI). -testlfledat &clotedbearlng'ol fleedim fnlm l n hcHoa-;. but atlll:J;iii tldl year'1 vot. The PentaBOO, citing "growing a H....., ApprojiriaU... sub-di.Mase." on lllldnJI HAllanallll Cldna criUclJm" ol lta di<mi<al and coounlttee, the trwcript of . Macarthur said Ille maUer. Irmo Ibo Wied Nl\l<N md ROME (UPI) -American blologleol warfare (CBW), hall wblcb was made public today. ' was dilcusoed with tho Naf ~va c.:;!dekiJJI, ,._. lawyer Marvin Mltchelson said t__. la •~ t ..u --· poo ..--P ns w s a r I lo a statement later Inserted tional Academy. ol Sci-· '~.Moi _.bly P" today he will fight u!rad!Uon· de~ent ol a germ Into the tran.<eript, Macarthur (NAS) and !bl operallnc IC• 41 •'*' to Ibo Communill to the United States for Raf· ·wbeea00ponanf~dowtehl.ch there would went Into IOtne detail. He cy, the NaUooal R tllIF*· 19ghne ·and 19 to the N• \ faele Minicblello becauae the w ~ tlonalist Gonrament Tuetda legal cllmote In Italy is more A Del..,. De par t me n t noted that all b1ologlcal agenta Couocll (NRC), with .11 • -p...J' .. , ' . greateo\ living novellsta. 'Ihe union .announced in a ~ word ''chronicle" in late edi· tioos ol the lltl;fary weekly Uliratumay~ GHeta t hat s.liti.ni1.s111 .... •IP'lled for I lallinf to repudiate "bootlle bour8'<li> p!'Opqallda" thal grew up aroond .hJs works. witness' tbld Congress on June now under consideration stem "Tentative plam wse nufde would ~.. ~· a ' ~1 sysmpathetic "toward the hi~ th In --••~ 9 at em ent biologists frcm natural diseases. But to tnfUate the " thirds· majority for meal• Jacker. believed that within five to ten after a fiv&-year, $10 .million M arthur laid. ~H •, berahJp. • · Minichiello, a U.S. Marine years it would be possible to research program, he said, It ac owner. 'l'bll waa roor ~ af· Corps veteran of Vietnam, prodlJCfl a .synthetic blolQglcal ' p'robabiy would be possible to decreulng funds In CDW. flrmatlte Votes ror Peking races a possible death aen· agent , .. for which no natural make a new, Jn rec t l v e growing crlUdam. of the CBW than tt.~ lut year. The tence in the United States for immlDltty could have been 8:0: microorganism that woukl be program, and our reluctance 11811 ~uticn favoring . the quired." resistant "to t h e Jm.. to involve tbe NAS-NRC in Cornmtu11sm over the Na. forcing a Trans World Airlines Dr. O. D. Macarthur, the munological and ther~tic guch a ccftroversial endeavor t1onall9ts received 44 votes. crew to Dy him. 6,702 mlles Pentagon's deputy director of processes upon which we de-have led Us to postpone it for with 51 oppoeed and 23 abeteito from California to Rome Oct. research ind engineering, had pend to ~lain our relative the past two years." tloas. It said be "promoted the r~ ue o( thta 1111!-Sovlet . c:i;;J; around hlJ name." M~ The previously reported •c- 31 in the world's longest hi-1------------"'----------------------- jack. ' tlon, Do.. O!!icial, means that · • .ApPeu> 91aOOlltklollt 111111 l•l him. whittle JOG don In Italy, he could be impris- oned for 30 years on eight charges including abduction and violence. :. Soldllllitayn ls no longer a to .;..: Be jq'9 tloat. • • profeselonal writer and has no ---------~~--.,----, ·-right to have his work publish-, . .t: _ ed in the Soviet uruoo. ~ " '... • · '"' ' · . ,. ; J;~':~a~:"'.;.::r.::: N (>.rthU<,~t P '¥_sqge •. Solzhenitsyn, who has done all · i • • A Brooklyn, N.Y., grand jury last week Indicted Mini: chiello, 20,· for kidnaplng, air piracy and assault and re- quested that Italian officials extradite him to stand trial. his recent writing ··ror the B . k ·· B. k · u· ' drawer" -posthumous .... ea-er ac '. ·ome· ,. _ publicati<n. I ' .. · Solzhenitsyn became famous "" ·~ ··~ • Mitehelson said the climate In Italy "is more sympathetic· klward Raffaele" because the ltalian·bom youth "is also a countryman here ·anc1 the mis- sion of returning home ls a very feeling thing." during 0.:. era of former NEW YORK (UPl) -The' Chesier,'Pa., In early August, Premier Nikita. Khrushchev lceb~ ~ Manhai. fUlfilled. a 500-year dream to ; -bis .....t "A Day In the , Life d Ivan Denisovicb," an tan returned home tQda! from find · 'a · Nottbwe!t, Pas.sage , account of life m a Stalinist her historic coOqueSt of. the frorp the 'Atl&itiC to the He said that Mlnichlello, who was arrested in the Ro- man countryside after taking an Italian pollcem'.an hostage in an airport escape, has a better chance ol getting off with only one trial if be stays in Ita1y. prison. Arctic through the frozen Pa~ic Ocean. AfterthefallofKhrusttcbev, North'We3t Passage to a gala The "$30 million gamble" ~ fell into disfavcr. harbor ce.Iebration. was sponsored by the Humble }' ~( sever8.I of his books were F ire bo a t a: , tugs and Oil and refining Co. The ex- ,i published in the west, where merchant ships, under the pedition was triggered by the they caused Uterary sema~ watchllll eyes ot the Coast discovery of an oil fiel d in the tions. Goard, escorted the 125,(ro.ton Prudboe Bay area of Alaska's Among them were "Cancer giant into ~ harbor. The north slope. Tanker transport Ward," about Solzhenitsyn's Manhattan 11 the largest of the crude oil would be Jess ,. struggle against the disease, merchant abip Dying the U.S. expensive than by pipeline but "U he were tried first in the United States, he would 1Ull be liable for crim~ he a1- tered.Jy committed in Italy,'' Mftcbelson said. and "The First Ci r c I e , ' • flag. first the feasibility of the ,. another story of pr~ life. The voyage. begun from water route bad to be proven. ; • r ' , • Costa Mesa Only 119 C'-'ance of " . · Womet1's Sportswear ' ' ! , ; ' -·· 2.99 -·" 3.99 ....,, Ill 4.99 Choice of comfort1bl• top11 J1m1ci11, 1ki rt1 ind ankl• pants stylishly don• in n•at looking fa1hion1. Hurry in ! . . ' ' 1smc.rt· Selection of'Women's Dmses .f11 right-for-11ow ,tyle1 a11d f•bric1 for tha -'t• holicl•v• •h••cl. A faw Junior1 •11cl P•fit•• 7.00/12.00 r.duc•cl too. NOW 4.88AND6e88 It's a Jtwtlry Riot Clearance E•r•ing1, bracal•h, pi111 •11d fl•ckl•c•• to cir••• up •11'1 f••· hio11. A 1r••t icl•• for 1tocki119 fill.ti. 5 FOi 1.00 Our Own CloMout of She•ts • Twin and full tira1, pillowc•••• In coloN: th1t ••• cl i1c.oatl11vod. Gto•f for 1iftin1 •r k .. pillf. .88·8.88 4D ONLYI GllL'S llTTll DllSSD In the atyl• end hillrla JOUnt 114 .. are 1VN t• Ilk .. °''~a ... 1' ~ ~ow 1.88 To 3.88 COLORFUL AND FASHIONAILI HAii IOWS Y.u Cf(t •rt.rd t• let ttMM ... te pur hM4. 66 'o.-t ~ ldMI O<lf. 11-· HOW • lll!IUqDI fASHION COLOUD PANTY HOSI P'•turlnt ""'" heel ltyllnt "' .............. . ._ atntch nyktn. ' Or ... I.ff NOW tors RI.TED DRESS.UP PANTS TtO CWI • 99 WI"' • ~lttloctl" yolii .... &lyllof. Noot 3 ff i..klnt ,..... ,,_t'J', Orlt• I.fl NOW • CUAIANCI Of CURTAINS AND YAU.NCO • ., ....... 1.tirl .. ""'' .............. -...... ··"' 1-lr. Orlf, l .IW.':ow l .22 TO 2.88 llDUCID TO 'CLIWlf YAIDAH 1e-.,t9 cvt ~ .... ,_. .... ,..,..1c. 1 77 your -!.....,... O<lf. M0/2M NOW • YL , Shop Mon.-Sat. 'til 9 p.m. HARIOI SHOPPING CINTll COSTA MISA PRE·HOLIDAY 119 Rtductionl Women's Pretty Practical Uniforms w~D-~~:"'Now 5.99 TO 9.99 Tailor•d in the latest f•minina styles. Comfortabla faelin9, quic k drying fabrics, In an always neat poly•star knit. Secmtless ShHr Nylon Hose Styli1h nucl• h"••I ;011 with •II f•1hion1. In th• nic•1t you·p•slal d1•cl 11. Hu rry In now ! • 15 Men's Dms or Casual Slacks So""• with P1n11 Pr••~ w11r•bility, So""' with B111·Rolll w1i1tb•nd, Both gr••+ for e n••t •PP••r•nc•. NOW Men's and Women's Shoes For dr•11 or c•1;1I W••r. Y•riou• 1tvl•1 of 1lip•011 •• l•ca. In l••fh•r, 1u•cl•, or pig• tkin. NOW 40 ONLYI IOY'S IUSH JAClllTS ori1. '·''f7·'' 3.99 ..... 7.t,/10.tt 4.88 ·-,_, ............. '""""'' ..... 11 99 DU,..., water ,.,.nent. 0 1,,. 1S.M. NOW • 30 ONLYI IOY'S SPOIT SHllTS M.chtne w•thalll• ,.,,......, knit. L•tnt f•lhlGn c .. tn. Ori• UO/J.ft, NOW 120 ONLY! BOY'S SWIAT SHllTS MKhlM wMhHI• cotton•/acrytlc WaM. Warm fltece llnlnr. RlllW neck. 1.77 ZS ONLYI MIN'S, POPULAR PLAID JACKns ... ..,_,, "''" ••tti -,_ -·-6 98 aWllty, Nut Meklnt• OrS,. 10.tl NOW • ' CLIAU.NCll MEN'S 1m11 SPORT SHllTS Cholco of ..... , tr porltr ol•hlL All wllh ..... 2 88 ~ wearaWllty. Ori• J.M/4.tl NOW • H ONLY! MIN'S LAMINATED JACKm ••• --""""""" ,.,,, "'"' " ,.,.... 8 99 ...._..t yet warm. Ori• 11.M. NOW • Use Your Penney, Charge Card ' , Limited· time urrer ON by making a decision that's right eith.er way!: Choose a F~igidaire Rapidry-1000 Washer for a faster spin that leaves your wash drier by far • Rapidry-1000 spins your laundry fast-but-gentle to extract the drip fro m your laundry. Many pieces are ready for ironing right from the washer. Bo-JH have these. Jet Action i features 1n common 1 ..-Jet },.ct ion Agit'ation for deep· down clean ing•Jet-Away Rinse & Lint Removal• Autom ati c Soak Cycle •Solid Tub• Roller-matic Mechanism -no belts, gears or pulleys to wear, wobble or break. , . "GoOt-Proot'.'. ( pair e1t~er ~8oo wasner w1to1 or RapidJY: oryer this matching • ,,,...,. 0 DG"'°'""" -, ... ~~-··"'~ 50• ~~:ra $\ u o.uonUnt _ .,,, ... ,-- TEL•VtSION •A .... LIANCES ,, . -Choose a • • ,. ' Frigidaire · "Goof·Proor Washer for automatic right-for- t~e-fabric washing. The "Goof-Proof" 6-p<isition Fabri.cs Sel.ector·Dial gives you washing con- trol over today 's modern fabrics. Air tomatlcally selects the agitation, spin speed and water tempera- ture that's Just right fo.r th~· fabric you 're washing, ., f PP A 11111/1/ . the Price is the same for either oneJ $22888 only .......... liotltorl "' ~ liild1ii lllOl911o!p 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa -646-1684 Daly 9.9, Sat. 9-6 e ~INCE lH'T e • --. D:ui;v-PILOT 'EDITORIAL Pi\GE +alking, N-0t Listening All Important part ol a clly ~uncllman's job is a•k· Ing questions, but it Is just as important that he listen for the answers. .Costa Mesa City Councilman William L. St. Clair's ~otinual baira~e of memos and ·position papers and quortes and criUcisms appears· to be more of a bid for atUntion than an honest attempt to find out what's right and what's wrong with Costa Mesa's municipal eovemment. St. Clair fired oU a flv .. page, 1,700 word critique of 1 study on the city treasurer's post on October 20. _'I'll• .c!tY ~I, qtlilt properly, analyzed the report in iletiW and on Nov. 3 had prepared a point·by·poinl an- swer. On that same date. Councilman St. Clair was tead,Y with a new 12-page critique -before he had even recetved and read the answers on bis previous memo. No one--least of all St. Clair-<:an find out much about city government without listening now and then. Before one situation can be explained and discussed he is firing away in a new. direction. , Whatever it is St. Clair is after, it isn't answtrs. Tim~ to Discuss Specifics Emotional pursuit ol the "Communist Plot" argu· ment against sex education in the schools is using up valuable timettbat could, and should, be devoted to ra· tional1diacussi6n o1 the need for such classes and, if they are •eedliil, of the type oi curriculum that would be most desirable. with out.and-out pornography from that burgeoning business field) many· parents are genuinely con,cerned about the problem af providing adequate, sensible in- struction in sex matters to counteract the products of minds that sometimes appear to be a little sick. Without such instruction, whether it be from home, church, school, there is no way fqr the immature to navigate through this maze and sort out reality from fantasy. Knowing that their children are being exposed to serious emotional, and sometimes physical damage, many parents would like, with the cooperation of those engaged in the education of young people, to do some- thing constructive to help. It would appear that so.me of the sex education pro. grams are qwte effective, some less acceptable. It would be useful if parents and teachers could sit down quietly and discuss specifics instead of being re- peatedly detoured by persons who apparently have made up their minds that all sex courses are >art of a "plot,'' and with whom rational discussion is virtually impossible. Spoil the Theory Prophets of gloom say peopl e are selfish these days ; that they don't give of themselves to help their neigh· bor. They will cite ,stories of stabbings where neighbors don't call police or lend a helping harid. · But in spite of these tales there•are many who still care, and amons: them are ~he volunteer \Yorkers for the com.munityservice organizations supported by the United. Fund. " , The 11pJot" theory was aired once more recently by a ~aker addressing a grbup of Republican women in tbeS.ddleback Valley area, but without any new argu· meats to back up its validity. Witb·the current deluge of sex~riented film11, books and magazines showering down on their young (along When you ·give to the United Fund, you are giving to help your neighbor. Spoil the theory, and give a little-to help a loL !Cl ... . --~ ~~~ ''AfTA~O~ l>ICK. YA r£>l1A SHOW 'EM WHo}' BoS5.• ''6EE, Tl-IAN\<.5, t>1<1<.." Congress: No Pride, No Leadership Compassion Nixon Reforms Are Blocked Called for in WASHINGTON -, .Tb• okl.tlnler In Congress Ohal<el hll head aadly. Ho hu .....r seen anything like the present -·for not 1ellinlr ,anything done. The lelderlblp, be Jeell, lacta all senM al dln!clloo and drive. Tbere ii no pride tn Jegillative 8CC9!'1plilhmea~ The ald timer givts • doien reUOlll rot the lelhara Into which the Democratlcall)>- controlled ninety~lrat 'Coogre11 hu flllen. draft, the tauUon aystem, the postal system, the manpower program.,, grants· h>ald to the slal<!s, reform of the poverty program, refonn of foreign aid -all these languisb In letblrgy. Senators are lntoreoted mootly In eell· promoUon. The Deri'lOcraUc J,eader, Mike Mansfkld, bu no lalent for cracidng the IT IS AS IF CONGRElis bad been fell· whip. The ~ el the Houoe, John ad by a paralytic stroke ar by some M<Cormack, is Old arid Cllscirganlzed. 1>9cbolos!£a! trauma lnhibl\ll!r~. The old'Umer'lhliiaback to ijiea!ier Congr"'il now OiiJj barey•lllrrfug In Sam_ !WbumJrhoJ akLout a program, ~ltl legillaUve coma $-ee~weeb after bocked· headl toP,tber aod got a#fon. Prqident· ·Nixon's Jong and plalntive He th1nts of Lyndoo Johnson as Senate message sharing some of the blame but mijorUy leader and the wheeler-dealer J?egging for action. If Nixon got a 111ow "Johlllon treatment" that complemented i lart, Congress is apparently determined Ba,yburn'1 bead<:z:acking. to show hlm·lt can even go slDWer. Hear. JOB TIE OW.TIMER, who ii an ap. --l'J111D11ttee IUbchalrmlD, the i_..i nlnely.ftnt Congress Is a ._. JI)' mid-October only one ap. proprtltlonl bfil had b e e n enac· l.ed. Go9tnunent departments a n d ~ lleelf are operating and paying u1aries WUbout Congress h a v 1 n g autbariled or appropriated money for this purpoee, but only by common COii~ ~ that Congrtl!ls will act aomeUme before the fiscal year 1970 is over nest July. inp have been held on only half the a<f.. minlstratlon 's proposals. There are 'only a few weeks left befare Congress goes home for Chriltmu vacation and little opportunity to give the Nixon reforms aerious attention. Nixon's aides are promising that new, creative proposals-not merely reforms -will be submitted to the second seuton ()f the ninety.first Congress beginning next January. Creative proposals will thus be piled on top of reform to create a greater Jog jam than ever. 'Ibo White HOOBO Is trying to work up a THE OW.TIMER THINK8 he Is being budget for the 1971 flacal year, due in tra~. How can he go back to his January, witboul knowmg what Congress district al Christmas and 'begin to wm appropriate for the present fi8cal organi7.e a campaign for re-election on year. Nixon-proposed reforms of the'tn0$t , , the record o'f C:Ongress so far? He views .-pin& illJld In the welfare ayslem, the with alarm the prospect that a poliUcally· mlnded Republican President can make Congress the issue in the elections o! 1971!. 11Let us resolve," Nixon told Congress, "to make the legislative issue of the 1970 campaign the question of who deserves credit for the. ninety-first Congress' r«ord of accomplishment, not which of us should be held accountable• because it did nothing. This should be notice enough that • President accused of doing nothing or too little may be building a record to I urn tl".e charge on Congress as did Harry S Truman with great success. How much the public cares is, or course, a pertinent question. Many JegislaUveteiders sensed early tlils year tllat people_had_ti.red.Jl:f...JU!.W. pr_ograms._ new laws, new initiatives. Nixon sensed this himsell, delaying his proposals to Congreli because he recognlied that he was not elected to pile new resources and manpower on top of old programs. "WE WERE ELECTED," Nixon said, "to initiate an era of change, We intend to begin a decade of government reform such as tQis nation has. not witnessed in half a century. That is the watchword of this administration. Reform.'' But reforms cannot be made without the consenting partnership of Congress, which yawns over Nixon's decade of government reform. The essence of the problem is that Congress is, controlled by a party not much interested in seeing the Republican President make a good record of reform· ing programs the Democrats passed. The President does have an issue and if Congress dOes 'llot arouse from its coma he will have a better one when the elec- tions of 1970 come around . A Fiendish -Commie Plot Fidel Castro, in as fiendish a plot to destroy America aa any in years, has postponed Chri!lmas until next July. ls nothing sacred? Mr. Castro's avowed purpose was to allow the Cubanl!I to enjoy the Chrtstmu holidays by getting in the sugar crop. But the real intent of this sinister, devious mastermind is obviou:sly to wreck our economy, shatter our unity and set American against 'American. For he bas cleverly put his finger on the one w e a k n e s s in our American herlt.lge: No one in hi.a right mind, ab&oluiely no one. likes celebrating Chriltmu on December 25. AND RIGllTL Y SO. The stores are jammed that aeuon of the year, park· tnc'• impossible, the weatber'a mlserable and prices are at their sky.Jtlghest. No worse date for celebrating Christmas can be imagined -except perhaps New Year's Eve when everyone's drunk. CoosequtDt.Jy, when word of The Fidel l l l _/ Caatro Movable Christmas Plan geU around, a lot of supposedly loyal Americans are going to fall lnto his in· trlcate trap. "lf President Roosevelt could switch Thanksgiving around to suit t h e merchants," they'll say thoughtfully, "why can't President Nixon switch Christmas around to suit us shoppers?" SO WE CAN EXPECT a grass roots drive to transfer Chri9lmas to a more convenient time or year. Well and good. But -and here's the Commie fly in the American applesauce -no two Americans can agree on which day would be besL Take my' friend, Havershaw, who's a bit of a skinflint. He want.. to celebrate Christmas in mid.January 60 that be can. take advant.tge of lhe alter.Christmas ~ at that -time of year. He figures he1d save 2:2.2 percent on his Christmas -.bopping. - . But Mill Ponce. who runs the local gift ofloppe, IJ holdinc firm for late August. "We hlVfl more business than we can handle in Dectmber," she says, "but late AIJ8Ufl la a drag." Pl\OFESSOR Gl\OMM!T, a liberal thinker at Skarewe University, h11 alr<ldy produced a lengtl\y paper sug. 1eallnil staggered Cl>riltmue1, Tbooe whoce last names begin with A would et.Jebrate during the first two weeks of January, and those with the lnlUal Z dur· Ing the last two weeks of Dectmber. Not only would the Zmilhs and Zilches probably revolt, but ao would our youth. "No racist, fa scist government/' cried P.tiu Carmen Sutra.-angrily painting a placard, "is going to tell me w h e o lo celebrate Christmas." But Christmas is, of course, for the lit- tle tykes. So I osked a little tyke \\'hen he'd like to celebrate Christmas. "Every- day," said the little tyke greedily. THIS OBVIOUSLY Is impractical. We must somehow select a single day each year to cele brate the birth of the Prince of Peace by filling our hearts with Jove and brotherhood. A single day is enough to 2sk of anyone. But if we can't agree ..• Hold it! The economy's saved. ·The Conservative Curmudgeona Club has Just issued a pl'i!SB release calling on "all patriotic ~mericans to reject ·this Red plot and suffer through Christmas on December 25 likt" our forefathers at Valley Forge." And, knowing the reaction of my fellow Arr..erlcans .to Communist ideas, good or bad, l have faith that we will. Dear ·-Gloomy Gus: Our moribund South Coast TrAnslt Corporation' eliminates several more.runs and tells us the changes are "designed to improve bus con· necUons.H Plty anyone gauche enough to want publlc transporta· lion In thls best of all possible worlds! -.J. F. It Tlllf. ,_..~t• 11flfth rufVt' vttwa. lltl nt«mrll1 lllow ef flot nlWSPt•er. StN ,..,, ....i -v• It OltemJ C~t. Otily l"UM, Loss of Cat To lhe Editor: j ' ...., 1 want to complalD about the lack of compassion that some people have towards animals. J am referring, in my instance, to Halloween night. We have a half.Siamese black cat that gets quite el· cited when there)s a lot going on. Anyway1 he-took-off,..Friday night. Not thinking anything otit, lJl1 children and 1 wtiited for him to come back. He didn't come back that night and we haven't seen him since. MY POINT JS, there were some teen- agers out that night that thought they ~·ould do some mischievous things. I have heard there were some teen-agers on another street close to ours that were teasing a black cat, the description of which fitted our cat. \\'hat these kids don't realize is that the cat they were teasing is a children's pet that has meant many hours of com· pan1onship and playing for us. SINCE THAT nigh t I have done everything humanly possible to find him. I have been to both animal shelters two 2nd three days this week. I have put ads in two different newspapers, but to no dVaiJ. I hope whoever found him or knows \vhere he is has just a little compassion and thoughtfulness when they realize that cat is very much missed. I get sick in fhoughfWhen T think or that fateful nlghr because some kids wanted to have fun . MRS. LYNN EVANS Homes for Cau To the Editor : Many people In the past have written to you to praise various organizations for their contributions lo the community. Tile one I am wriUng about is known as '·Pet Assistance Foundation." It is a non~ profit organization solely interested in the welfare and humane treatment of cats and kittens. These fine, hard-working people deserve a lot of praise for the many hours they donate to the cause of finding good hontes for cats and kittens. They take in stray cats, get any medical attention oeeded,. including "cat fever " shots, neutering and spaying. THEY TRY TO alleviate the problem of the thousands of kittens put to death every year due to lack of good homes. These human e people never tLUD down any feline in distress. 1 hfl\'e l)e()n helping them shelter homeless cats for the past few months and have never met such a great group cf people dedicated to helping stop lhe over-abundance of unwanted kittens in our community. Anyone~wanting informaUon aboot~an their numerous services can feel free to call me _and I will help them get In con· tact \vith the numerous people waiUng to help with any problem. K~Y HUSTED Sle-9068 or DOROTHY SMITH 548-0813 Letter• from rtadtrt art uic!come. Normall11 wri ters should conoeu their messaae1. fn 300 tDOf'dl or ltss. Tht right to condeme leltef'I to /it apace or eliminate libel U f't1erved. AU Jet- tert must includt rlgn<Jturc and mait- f 11g address, but nomet may be with.- held-on 1'tiiwt1t i/ IV/fil:Wnt reGIO"' is apparent. -------· ' Truncated Lives ' Of the Geniuses, Reading an essay on Mozart the other evening, I ran across the familiar plaint that "he died before his time." I wonder if this is lrue in Mow't's case, or in the case of other great creative geniuses whose Jives have been cut short. I wonder il a personality whicb generates so much force does not have a pattern and a rhythm of its own. Mozart's whole life reminds us of a speeded-up camera -he accomplished in a year What took decades for Jess talented men. lllJ DEATH AT IS, ·Schubert's at 29, Keats' at 2', and scores of othen -there seenu: something inevitable in these trun- cated lives, as iI these men worked feverishly to produce supreme work ear. ly, because aomehow they knew that time was working against them. It is extremely doubtful whether Keats could have written any grt?ater poetry, or Mozart any greater music, than they had already given the world. In a. sense, the most important part of their lives was finished: Ke-ats' "Ode to a NighUngale" and Mozart's G Minor Quintet touched the ultimate of their powers. EINSTEIN TEW us that "time" is a relative matter in the universe; perhaps it is also a relative matter within the personality. I suspect that more men have outlived their time than have beea cut down before it. · A genius, of course, can die by ac- ciden_!, like Shelley in a ~!boat, or Marlowe in a tavern brawl -but, even then, if one examines the tempestuoua characters of-these m:e11i-theii-drlmatic deaths were almost by invitation. Byron caught a _fever and died at 36 while fighting in the Greek war of in- depeitdtnc'9 but his contemporary. Wordsworth, lived unlll 80 -because be would not go to fight anywhere. IT JS POSSIBLE -even probable - that 1.tozart and Schubert would have liv· ed longer if they had not had to struggle so bitterly for subsistence; and society cannot escape a sense of guilt for its harsh treatment of its finest talents. . In mitlg!!-U~ of our cal~ss, however, it must be suggested tiiat even under the most favorable dr:cumstances. such men tend to burn thetnieives out at an early age. It may not be ·true that an artist thrives under hari!Bhlji (flliny have been crushed by it}, but it ii at least .true that a youthful genius "nay be·ready for death long before we dull plodders have begun t.o live. Our Schools in Chaos More than 50 million young Americans returned 19 school this fall. At all levels, kindergarten to college, they found the schools in the most chaotic state of our experience. Part of this chaos is due to inflation, which pinches teaching and facilities re· quired by the vertical rise of school population. Part is due to racial bias, which reflect.. the general, ·noo·school racial tension. Part is due to a chronic conflict about what lhe schools purport to teach the young, in ·a theory they need this education to take their places in a free societ~-. THIS LAST IS a subject educators are loath to analyze, !eat it reveal realttles tending to diacourage the young in their quest for education. Yet this is the very !Ubject which has underlain much of lite have this aptitude. They may or may not earn more income after plowing through a four-year curriculum, but earn ing power is only one side of the coin. The other side deals with the contentment of fit ting learning into post.educational life. A great many young people don't see the point of Ulis cont.entment, or un. derstand.Jlow it works. They go to college because it is socially fashiooable or !>«=au~ it fills in some precarious y~ar! in a distraught and confusing world. (For males, Vietnam is also a factor, but a temporary one.) recent unrest and outright disorder ln the 1VOUNG PEOPLE who are indifferrn! schools in recent years, partJcularly at st~ents, bein.g interested only in rock, or the college level. bemg beautiful like Raquel Welch For out of H may arise a SlµJplclon that shoutd~'t go to college, because even th; the high schools and colleges are only future income magic may fail them. Yet dGing half a job in preparing students for th Jd f di th life, as the cUche goes. If this suspicion we. e e ers, 00 . Y egg em on, then has some foundation, it leads to another, mope about wondenng what the hell hap. I pened to l'!em. What . has happened i.~ darker one : that a considerab e share of f!1ey are bemg forced into a false situa. these now In college, at Jeut, shouldn't be lion, one beyond their cap a c i 1 v there at all. · whereupoo they inevitably exhibit lh~ To voice such a suspicion ls perhaps biolog'ical symptoms or rrustratiOn. like doubting Motherhood or the F~g:~ll -..tiat;-biliffy~slhe hiifOiii OI our <duca·'--- Uoaal ••swnpll~? .---Bt1 Geo1'1Je---. ' FIFTY YEARS AGO the educators devised tables to prove tbat a college education was worth X thousands or dollars in fUture income over a high• achoo1 eaucatlon, and so on down the grades. Dear George : I've been d•Ung lhis beauUful showgirl, a real dish, believe me. She has a wondcrf\it figure, is fun to go out wlth, has a new car and 13 even ltlghly Jntelligenl. And sh~'s crazy about me._ Whal gets me is she doesn't seem to have ~ 11Jgh1Ml blt of will power. What do YOO lhlnk about th>l? The staUsUcs were valid enough In a money sense, but they told only half or the social story, because earning power Is not the sole criterion or soclaJ well·bel:ng. , But the staUst.lcs caught on with the CONFUSED young and lhe1r proud partn1&, bringing a Dear Contused: surge of aspiration for college education, Boyt This UUle dish renll)· DOES whether or not the Individual had an ap-have you confused, doesn't she ? .. titude for hl&her 1,arnJng, You wrote ~ whole fetter IT 18 SUBMmm ~-thd 1 __ without even me!1Uonlns what ;our il'Cl·e-•l a arie problem wu. segment of currtnt c:oUcge students don't -------------' I ·-. ' ' ' '' '! ' I ' < • Wtdnnl1J1 ,..,.,., 12, 1969 DAit.v-~':i: • - By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "" o.llY ~-.. .., ' ' •• • Just like In the military, llOUDd' 'and rhythm are be.ing used lo ddvekip mote uniform, nme ot;>edicTit beMviOr IJ'llOl'.lg patlenu at Fairview State H09PltaL · · : ' . ' Unlike the mUltary, the concept 1lled physical. ·' here ll·JlOW and novel. • "They Cljd'1it!W-,Jn1~ lhe'olher The Orff'Schulwerk Method .l' a s kids, the. ritia'11Htitl0\i ~ .clilel ·pld developed bylhe petite wife ol a,!lerman eollmir...ucitli. "I feel like It's magic." composer. It is based. on an Italian unit of "We can IJSU~ly <irilY Lake i couple of musical meuurtment, the fpodo. the diUlcUJt ·onu, ~•>'fir wa. haVen't Madame Orff's syst.em of ~tion ·-rea~y found ooe wlio .. cm't. fit: ID." abe Schuiw.rk !• German for ac!lil9Jwqrl<-i• \:QnU~ue<I. . .. based on three beal.s, wtille Anny Scrneone began a chant. cadence has t.be familiar four COUD'5: "The time bu come to go ••• the time hut; two, thr9, four.~' . ;t ... · hu.~'4o fO . • .~· .... ' The Orff r&lhoct ~· ct!·"""" i11111 L. up· ilbedlenl]J, ·boys ·who woold . pne4en)ieat.,~·1 ,..7 :r • · · . ...,.,!i14tbd!Jndlheplano:topln·qtra ~!di the multl·purp.olO ,......., r<r t11ei. JIU!. activity. "We'te r'ea1b!111 hotr WY It , Is to .mouvate the group," 1ald Mtt Bltcon. N<it only edueailon. but rell&ion II to he lmj>rmd. throolh' oppllcatlon of the' Orff· SchulWer.k 'Metbdd~ ' ' ' '"Thts··is not! new· to rellgion,0 ' says ProlUtant C!Japlain, Francia 1Mc0laah, meptloninl ~fy CljrisUan llyl)ula. and the che1ll of pre-ll~ate peopfas. • .. •.•Reupn, at Fairview is !~Una'. more · than a.;gtc, or, hl~llect." We. teach :'¥" thaL GOd .Tove1 . them." "For example." said Rev. McOl1sh, t•Jesus used the simple-in parables-to express ·the ve.ry profound." <Tomorrow: FaJrvlew patient& a I l .! . ~chool, too.) . ' Orff groupl ~ ume. •'net. . . '. . ·". : ; \ ·~:~=~~£?~~: Yeierd_;,;.~;llav:·solemn tehalill\ll!Uon 1erv1ces. • · • · . . .ll W • . .J · . ·l ~Sitting ~a.ring of patients. she held a '·, .-_ · ": . ·: · , : , ~"' , · l l'~~~e.:m~ii! '·n: ·.··i:.l·t ·Zec. · · · :;,;·~:-...... • c · 1· ·1 ·· .• ·· · :J: ~it--~. ,. ~)•' '·,,,. ( ... ' ',• ~"./. .:.,..1.a · ,i ~ ""'\ ~, ... • • -e"·· · · ·tw· n ··i ·n · a l ornw ".';'BJ~"·~·,..,'. )i!J1e llOIJ\111,"·lllO•ll!I· · . · t · ...... · · •-. . . · . · mlta11irll!le9tljo al•ooe bot·iuidboldllli-lt • : ,.,.. . ' .•• ,, : ' • ' • .,J •.• ~ PSYCHIATRIC TECHNICIAN RAY BARKMEYER ALSO LEARNS llY JUMPING With F._t llow PT (far left ), He Joins Pati•n t1 to Study New· Method • . ' ' ' J 'I Anah.eini C~ference · 3,000 Youths Give Views About 3,000 Southmi Calilornla youths att!ndlng the governor's state house con- 1ft'eJ1ce on children and youth in Anaheim .passed 12 recommendaOOns, including one calling for a substitute for the draft so the end of a three-day conference. The conference approved a resolution call in~. ftr a substitute for the draft so that ,pezsons who did not want to go into combat,couJd be assigned a peaceful job, like the Peace Corps, inslead of belns ar- rested. They also recommended that u·hen a youttl Is placed on probation for a criminal of fense his parents also should be ·placeq on probation so the problem P>Uld be worked out together "'ilhin the , .. .. ' family. The conference was held in mnjunction with. the White House conference on children and youth planried for 1970. Other recommendations included: -Closer cooperation between police anrf the community, especially young persons. -The 1,;oting age in slate and federal ejections should be lowered to 18. -Studeots should be voting members on an equal ·basis on boards of educaliQn and other governing bodies that affect thei:-lives. -Full constitutional rights should be granl ed in respect to the ppblicalio11 .of newspapers, freedom of speech in and out Ltberer Term1 A¥1 il,1ble .. . ' ' . J ( of the classrooms, and to prevent the search of lockers. -A network of teen centers should be established lo expose youth groups to the problems of otbc r centers, provide Jeader&hi p training for youth. and leadershi p training for adult workers at th ~ centers. Other proposals introduced but not acled on included the legalization or abor· lions, liberalized divorce. laws, the voiding of all laws concerning sexual· pra1:tices between consentin_s: indiV!duals, and comprfhensive medical studies to find if there are any harmful affect., from Ule 'use o'i marijuana, Lso and 'other drugs. · . . -4 -_____,__ - ' , Here et Atte's our que lifiecl i"· .fe(iP.r des igne ~s offe~ fresh 11i~. f:lrt"~, idee1 -to enh.e~ce · your horrie. Open Dany 9·5:30 p.m., Monday anCI Fri.;tm 9 p.m •. t ou'i. for hill) to try. , ' .. : '.,.,,,;. 1111 Milt1P,... mUitary units •. high IChool bandl .artcl "Can,.ft!l' make that 11!MJl\d!,",'lh< Vel,Orll!f olJOt 'II\ iOalllllmla ovolte<I ~ans· ~· 11· drew upward· o! asked~ ' · ' ~ · > "·' . · polgnlftt memorief fir.lrilay and rpirk· 100;0® spectatota., ~ike Long Beach. He oopted her perlectfy, 'and dg'fr U• . ectarlUwar: dernonltratkm1among.others. Alameda County wa! among _,reglorµl l cl~ applaiile from his ward~. · But 1zcejll lor a'm(~'lneldents, o)>iiervance sites dellgnated by a ljlotjal Nol .nty llOUnd, but movement ii in-it turjled .out to he·a·l!a1 ,ol•IOlemn ttllec. <OfDJl1)ttee ol Pi:esldenl Nixon. 1 volVeJ In tbe Orff-Schulwerlr; Method of. tlon·.-.reprdle11d.1vle'Wp>lnl .PoliC'e eattmated 40,lllO J)eraons ~ teaching the r<larded, · • ?A. ai;,, B<njamlri·QrhvJi ~···then•· . Ille niute, of the l~I pahld~· in '1<0!>g Anolher:'(ll)'Cbologlst 1lled a ~ .'tioiJ•t .lil;tieitf: flrilf!iii' '"""°' ollicer. 11eac11 • .FOrly pickets protested but~ drum to bang out a loud' ~--tben unlike some .. eu.r-":;puiml :tic1Jd not were no arrests. : switched ~ a aofter beat u tbi ~ts crttlcite Ute · vvk:ts d: 'dliaeftr In ..... ad-The·picketl, identUying tbemae• JI? ~ the room bl' tum, )umtil!ii, c1m1 in 1r11111.al the Cclliiiiton Oilf.!!llu:' memborl of the campus feace' ailG gyrallre and dallCU!I to what the!'"'°" ~'· Dirlii; cleOatf · aijl)' ··m· ~ ol ~ party at Cal State Loog Bach, they were. leamlng 1hin4'. .! / .._ u.s.·lt&i:~""'""'aiid'(.\ieiim ·Alr held signs which read : "Stop the-. Mrs. Bil.con beamed at one lloy)i: ; Fo.& ·Bue·'-111 ~!; · ·~ _ ~ i bath" and "Unconditional Withdrawll." rhythmic performance. 1 • ~,~~ ..ff tmiterfectkiris~ Hi oUr 'I1le Committee of Concerned Allan ".He's llUppooed to he d<af," she 'eoel<fX·~-.q;.,..-Upmi' bnp0Uenct. Scholars conUnued a vigil at Grace whispered. They 11e leekJnl 1 Cause to ·wbtch,.\hey Cathedral in San Franci1CO exam1nii1g •What _is Intended fo[ ~tients ~h~ 1~, dedlnaf~ -them.!ivnr-" fte• fm. U.S. poqcy. in ,Vletnim. -- .dance around to music and copy drum perfectlool~.eeMOtd :abf•ljirtiky ·Aa~ the bay at .UC 1Berkeley,'a l!Ouhds, or march 'to and from class to the . htl-e'}as wu:u fit\~h V~:'" ' . group .of science teachers and shadent rhythm of a chant? ·, At ·t....i..'A ·~ :.ft;·em~~Co~. or1an1tations sporuiol'ed a d.a1t:oJJg A, lot or things. Gt r Om~ ~~111 ~<J• . 't""' , u_t • 1 · ··~ach-,in" against chemical ·a.n.C · C.,fncre....i fraeclOm in '8if'<xpre'8ion. , . n.. . " N', . "°' • ""'' =.1-on Y blologi~al warfare. · . ' • -:::-Deyelop'!lent Of respect f~. others Wing fWe-~ar a:~er~J, ~~ ' ~parse au-Students at Cal State. Dominguez Hll1s whO art l.ryUlg the same self-expression. dlence ti;iat lf.AinertcW llclt the belief read the na'mes of Califorilians kilted in -More·•ware!1"8 of one's own body in we are p!edged lo uphold, then we do not Vietnam. terms o1 Ct\ordln,uon/and movement deserve_ the herlt.ace whlch ta. ours."· ' In San Diego, 'veterans marching as·the 1 ·-Underst.andidsv relationships to Im-The mayor of Sa!Jb. Cr111 ~ .. down a Committee for Lasting Peace used a medl!tf.e surrouflcli:ng. space and ob}ecta. Viet Cong flag in the front-Jard ~ a "thumbs up" gesture to indicate their · -!.fore ability 1 to " Osten, .understand. ireh~ t~~ber1s tiome. IJ? San Ga~I. support.. of U.S. policy In Vietnam. follow directions and take tuma in group Louis Sakienburg of American· teglon Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, speaking. al activities. Post 442 helped place 350 U.S. flags -Oh Forest Lawn Memorial Park, terin,ed qie -How to function individually in a street standards. daf a ilay of "memory and devotion;" He group. Actor James Stewart, a World ·war Tt said it was a time to tell our fighting men "This summer we did extensive work bomber pilot. was ~on1 ctlebl'Wn who iq. VJfinam, 'fwi'(e behJnd'J9'f." 1 and were abl~ l.o document tbe: result&," vlsl~ ¥-Gl_s In the warde of the Rep. John V. Tunney (0.Callf.), urged says Mrs. llltron, ''we found it ex· Sawtelle V e t e r 1 ri a Adminlstratlon a "11stemaUc · withdrawal of an :our ceptionally good-p¢ect in !act." Hosp!tal. troops -not' just oor combat troops :. The Orff group in proJ!WS~Wadrouca In Hayward. Bl2 Jet bQm_berdl•'< !ll1Y fmnt,&uth Vietnam." The consre.uman ward for lhooe .patients who aro a five-boor parade wlllch, inqhjded J,000 .fl)Jlll !lmrsJde tpoltt lo abou\.i.: ~~~~~~ ~~ ~n ha;: . "'~~ c~ p.,J, 1~1~ ~~ '"'°"'" at Loma .•• ... D•• ••••.•• ... . . --- '' e SHERWOOD S8M>Oa • 125-watt FM RECEIVER , ' J-M!Jd.Efltct T•.tn!.ls!oriHd flF ¥-d Mi•tl' ~t.u1 o<ldlor Rf>'l'IOI• S,:iuktt Swi1ttoing , Front·P.Mel Swea l-ludpllo.,. .Htlr; Trt""5!0tll'9d lh1.1¥1t v-tOid Protec:tlotl s.p.r11a MOO\Oor E:rt"""°" ~· T~morwl~ Frqnt·oenel V•~or FM 1..i.er- d11nne! Hush Nofle.Gul'fded Al1100Nli:: FM Monaf s,.,._. Swhc:hiflg Foofpoot FM S1...9o l'ICllQ1or Llgttt· v..i,,.1.1ouch 1,....ti. Tunl"') T-o. Mor.hor Swlte+i;Higl> Fittw Swftch F<onl·P9NI Pl'lono PrNmll t.vt1 Conirof ••• P!I'• $31.9.50! 1w.r •• 1 ; .... ..i;-u It .. l'ri~ $ 39.50! HGULAR PRICI . r....._ ~ Nlt.11 "''' +.• .._NJM ~ , ..... ~ ....... SAVE $179. .e. S~RAFTSM~ :LANCERS · · · A fulJ.nnie 45 to 15.000 CJC1e ~-port ....-. .,..mu,.~ ...... nmt •rid c~ dlmped. to provide ~Uoriai bell ftllpome In a ~ 11~ book11Jtlf ~~· Tht "'all:y4"1ineil I'' full.ranee .,.._ 11 J«fldl7 m1tct\ed to the docted_.port; llltl!t'l n · Hand-crafted In ............. W•lndt ,. .. JI.rd~--M ee ' o• . ' . . . " ' 1 ·"TP • • ' -.. ~ { . • ' . I I - 1 c w\ -N l 5 pr le 0 .. at lb .. I>! JI ; " " ' p • :· " • " 0 h • c ... --._~---------------- - J ~... -·~ lilfO . ' ·. -.' • ttiltan b'all8rina' Gl0vailria Lisa · ' WASHINGTON (UPI) --Tbe . .....,.. ment IOdli iuutd new ~ otan- ·~for tbe · Dell ,_.uon ol jumbo jet airliners in an eflort to cut airport noise levtls In half. · The1'ederll Aviation AdminlltraQon's -nil~ do not 09"0r ~ ~all · 'althoucfi Ille qency is coi>li4erlri('llilcb rules: . 'l'be lirlll of tbe jumbo jeWnora -tbe ' Gina .. to Wed . :Mirlaril .filed an"assault and injury chai'g~ a'galilft, Rliclo!f,,NuroiJ,ov; IJ!• · _.lluss.iah l>all•t,star, saying fie •,\aP-, . . .Y-,,;.. ·her eluting a perfol'lll!'<ll~. ~! . A • "" 'f·Gise11e,~" Mllly of the &udlence _ mencan -w'f10 ·aaw ' MiSs 'Mariani rtitl back . . -lronH!er--pulner-tbought.the.slap. B • was a part ¢ the show. Nureyev US1R€SSma-n-available for comment. • Sally Flald, television's "Flying ROME (UPI) -Italian movie actress Gina LoJ<ibriglda announced today she Nun," is the, 'niotb,n ·of a '1·poupd, will Soon marry an America 11 4-ounce boy. 'rhe"~by,.bOrn at Ce-bllalnessman si\e met tbrte rnontbs ~go :dars of t.eliaiiOa l!ospttat, was 'In New York. · ' ,named Peter Joshua Craig. His The busty actress disclosed her plans fattter.---steven, is a· -wrilet~pbot&o _ to newsmen as ahe left !or New York grapher. Miss Field will resume with her fi'ance, George Kaufman. She her rol<! pi the "A!l'G. telpvision ser• .. id Ibey !!ould·be m~"'shorUy" hut '1es in J~ :a'•~~ said .. ' 'hid ri06di_Cld0d erietly'wbere and when. ·• • · .., • ~ Mi.A Lollobilifda '.Slid ahe met 1<:auf •. man at the ·hOme of friends and "fell in love withJlim Yfrf qulck17." _,\Uulman r At~ bef i14e, smiling broadly. ' ' ·eotb Mias LollobrJilda, 41, and Kauf- man. 36, have been married once before. This ..old craale· !qi! l>Tobiema !or the adress In Jleiy which does not mognlre civil divorce and cwld charge her with bill~' I, ! u_~ ~en ~l'Ul 'lte·t.o this," she said.' _••rhave ao many ·taWye.rs." 40()..passenger-Boaing 74:7-would ·al80 be ex em pt from the new rtgulatlons although it would be expected to comply at an unspecified later dat.e. The new rules, effective Dec. 1, are expected to cost the airlines '665,000 to fl.2 million per plane. The noise Um.Its would be measured by so-called "effective preceived noise dee· ibels (EPNDB)." for example, the top The actreu baa aaked the Roman Ca~_eh'.f Sact!d Romon Rota to grant her an ann~ but:t,hil·usually• , " is a long and uncetlahi·-.,_-. " lllowable-EPNDB·il IOI. Lar1e altpianea !maiO halvin( ol-tbe oolaO 11round air- toda,y reach-. ,..1e ill IIO to 120. In Jay partl." ,.._ tpms a man -•tll!i a four cycle Federal A~laUon AdmlDllllratGr, _Joh!t ' . . H. llhafer said he would like to ,.. fur-lawn mower could ••peneoce up to !OJI , . lber ~ in noise Ie114! ., "'*' aa it EPNDB. · , ·becamO tecllnlcaUy ~. , "We have taken the Important liJll .. ~ Jll'l'il'UI•• wOulj) a1'1f).I the alant 1tep in revenins the escafalion ol ~ ~ buae11'"6ch as<theP.¢1!~ the L~I. craft nolae around ~." ~ , 1\11!<:11--cted io be'i!i,airline aa:v• por!ltlon Seer~ Jolla "-Volpe .!lfd.·L.-~'!ii llle...-!Y 19'0!;,,:'1> ~ ''The new !egulatioa wjD mull i!UPIJOI• • ~·JO !!I• """'°'-all· J!l&O";, • , " " -• .., • l ';:x...~ .l"' ".t ,. '· t6urt :Den.res· ' '. _I • •·r"f'~r.< ·J:ury :Trta~'-~·:; ... • ... • ' J { t .For .Jiive~i~s -..... •. . .. .,. 1 W~SH~GTON . CAP) -.;·~ej; /~he dissent 91 its t_wO' ~nlor J!berat .JtJlt!ces, the Supreme bOUrt'tiecllned todaYil!l1 give . juveniles 1accuSeiff Of· 'ht~ ··d1fries the right to_ a jury,trial. " , ~. ' -«!ft" The 6-2 acUon; aJlllCIWICl!d-lnillfl Wllign· ed opinion, d~. tb.e &ppe.l'l~f a Nebraska•boy.wh09e cue once<ieemfid to be tbe lik!i,i vehicle for Ibis civiliillorlies extension. ! · _ t · The court's ··rW.l.ng was 'baaed ""dti the data on which the case ·liDdef ; tnlew started. 1be case began two m011tM 00- fw:e the colirt, on MaY 20, 1968. ~b Jished jury trials as a consUtutiOnal right even f<lr adults. The presep.t rullng left open the possibility the ·CoUrt would at ~me time 1n ~th~ tub.Ire CoM:id• a similar plea in a juvenile ~ :that started that date; ' : "'· -· JusUces 'HugQ L. Bia.ck and'W-dllittj" 0. Douglas, Wh<> for more tbdn 30 years have been· Jn Uie forefront Of' extending Bill of Rigbts protections to' .gt.ate defen- dants, dissent~d sharply. · "There is, _as I see .. )t; · rio : con- stitutiona11y Sl\tfl~ent rea~ to ·~~ive the juvenile of WS right," Doyglal .~d. Actru1 .Gllia LOUo~ •"'! Ne!" Mias LolOOrlg!da ;.ai"-..,-ll<d In 1186 ·from her .. first husbirid;'~Olfav born denUst Mllko Skol~,.l>y wJi<iin si\e bas" U.)'ear-old IOD. He received an Austrian .divorce last year 100-c--marrled an :AUairtait opera alnger. . ' Kau!Q)an, who alld·lie was in !be coo- atruclion industry : 81ld ~ had ~·oc· callonal IXICltacts wltb the film world," wq dlvori!ed four yeara ago and baa two children by bis former wile. Black, in a sepafate OP.inion: scored~the court !or-giving certain_" coosUtutiOnal ---'rights -only--pmp.c11.t· ·toppUCitlOn, thereby cutting off[ticitizens wbo were tried or accused of · before t.he THIS-YOUNGST-ER-'f.AKliS-HlS PA.TJUQl'ISM_LYJ.NG__DOWN_,~ Toi Was at FreedOIJI Rally on Waahington MMument GrOuni:l1 Tuesday ~~~~-'-~~~~~-Y 011' real eBtate man George '8-. Kuw.f· man are p'lanning to get manied. But Gina,' 41, b,....ht.JI off .11<•1'me11'i quu~-upon, arripal at Pi.• Rome airport from La.u.sanne, Swltur~M. where Jht had visited ,M t &on .Miklo, .JJ. She chased ont· photpQtaJ)her, thouting "ba.sta" Italiafi /pr "enouQ"h.11 -. S~ial ~orces ' Bases Attacked . Tricia Nl~ will be .. presi!ntM a ~ sheet o! 1969-Chrlstma.-Seats today .that were ·takeri to· the moon on the /\pollo 11 missiop and brought back .B. Y. Red GI _'11n. ners to earth, alicording J,o a , Wjule -, 'House spokeaili.an. The'.l'\residen'L's SAIGON-(UP!J -.~ IUJllll!" 23-year-oid daugbter will· accept 'dug Into rldgelln" along the Cambodian the seals from Mar]!: J!;opage and herder toc1a,y bit. tbe·B•-Prang-and Due-·~chae.t. Li~~ two young co-stars Lap1 specia1:f~ bases !U miles north ' of the . Julia TV show at a cere-of Salto,n . .,Ith, .fO m6rtlr and re&iiltess· moay 111,th.1>Jled Jl!>oQl. ·~ 1-•; i -= rouna8:butfailed to !allow up wllb a ;Nf>W~th8t slje .. ~-a.-graridfu~Urer;-~ .' Fu:' t!t1::i~k.north U.S. troops aboard comeclleMe Phyllis D i I I • r says ·•nnored personnel carriers caught a alie's ~olng· to dress accoidingly. CGmpany of North Vietnamese by 1'l'm· go ib.rilled ,, she says "l'm surprise below the demilitariled zone ._, .Ii electric sl!awl to go with (DllZ) ~ lllll chaaed them aero .. riJf miiiiaklrt':" Her daughter Suz. thtee ·bllis' ln'on 1T-hour battle, killing 12 ~ Mills, 22 gave birth to an g.. of them, ~en rtported. =. \8ii1Unce boy at st. ,John's Corrtspolidenis reported frorn Due Lap · · M · -that "the early mommg bombardment oap ~1; m, nearby San.ta oruca. came 'ju.st aa the camp defenders were ~pule~ _s,_son·in·law is a labora-beginning tc emerge from their bunkers 191'! . le<:b01c1an al Goleta Valley -for tbe 4'1 ~11\11 casualties were Ughl l)olp1tat n'ar Santa Barbl!f!l. 1witb no.fall!!llU-• -~,_ . • '"lbty'wiie'lja,up in a hurry today," t does Dr. Richard P. Flyll' aald cl.pi: -'l!ioinaa Qutok, 31, of a Nobel prize.winning pbysi· e>ranaeburl,r$:C., the commander at Due ~ in a bar full ot bollomlesa Lap, "IM111i ,...my is hurllllg. Our ~s? Equations, mostly, Feyn-artillery Ind l!lr .lllritea are gelling to •:-11, called as a witness in a hJm." Piiliideiia Municipal Court hearing, lf!ll4 hei'Often went to a bottomless ~ fn .... Gianone's Steak House. He Vijlted~tbe Pl&ce to work on mathe- iilallcat figures, he explained, and lu!nect' llrfemate figures. f9r diver-llR.~'Wbeu'mY. calculati6ns (lidn't wert:i>ul,"l' would·watcb the girls," he sald. '1 ·1lke th.• place to work in. It'• not essential, it re a 11 y d-n·t help me with my mathe- matic\;· but it tell! me:come back to the equations fresh." Retired Liner Called Fire Hazard, Closed --PORT EVERGLADES, Fla. (AP) -The;~· liner Queen Elizabeth, now a tourist attraction, has been labeled a fire hazard and closed to the public. HoQywood Fire Chief John Gerkin said the liner couJa not be reopened until the owners cbltnte ltrlcter safety standards, and then only for guided tours. .. Protesters Chided 'Silent Majority' (Jut , For Vets' Day Parade " ' .c:' • f ~ 01 'lliO sodifiijfPTilf -. -, ' ' Hun~eds of-Ve~~~~ ceremo~~· .many aimed al glv_ing, Pi't;ifHenfNlxon s ~·'silen~ majorit~"' a'"..c~ o(, pl~~g u~, · drew thousand~ of !Jag-waYlng.cltizens 1n cities and hamlets across America. Some of the larger crowds -estimaled by police at more than J0,000 each - were in Washington, Boston an d Tallahassee, Fla. Massachuse.tts Gov. Francis W. Sargent - declaring "Veterans are being produced the hard way in Vietnam at tjlis very moment" -led 11,000 marchers in Boston. The Tallahassee parade featured traditioOal floats and civic displays. In the nation's capital, organizers o[ the Veterans Day Freedom Rally at the Washington l\.1onument could claim sue· cess as the eslimaled turnout on a cool but clear autumn day matched their predict.Ions. The mostly white, neat.\y dressed galherlng in WashJngton applauded and shouted approval during lhe 21h hours as speaker after speaker·attacked leaders of the war protest movement. They beard Rep. Donald Lukens (R- Ohio ), call the war protesters "Spocket. tes" after the well-known baby doctor and outspoken war critic, Benjamin Spock. "They've had their day, they're begin- ning to make daddy and big brother mad," Lultens said. They cheered agreement when Ed Buller, 34, who calls himflelf a ••conflict minager," said of Saturday'S war protest march: "Parading with these people is like marching with tbe Mafia rot better law enforcement." At one· point a man shouted "We want Spiro" and the signs ·iaid "Judas Willhiin Fool bright," "America, love it, or leave it," "We stand for Nixon," and "Dr. Spock has CoUc." · -· Some 35,000 were on the same ground Oct. 15 for music, speeches and the beginning of a candlelight march the night of the Vietnam Day Moratorium. And it was as an answer to this war pro- test an dot.hers tha t the "freedom rally" Tuesday w<1.s declared to make something extra of the Veterans Day observance. Emotional Pleas Heard in Senate F~r Haynswo11h \V ASHINGTON (UPl) -Supporten; of J udge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr., said tod11y U the Senate refuses to confinn him &3 a Supreme Q:iurt justice hi& life will be destroyed and his judicial career finished . Sens. Gordon All ott {R-Colo.), and George Murphy (R·-Calif.), delivered tmotlonal and impassioned appeals for support. of Haynsworth on the Senate floo:. Fonnal debate on the nomination by President Nixon begins Thursday. Cooler Wea th er for East Allott said that if Haynsworth is re- jected, he probably would resign "out of his own pride" as chief judge of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He asked senators to consider Hayn 1 worth ' s "children and his children's children." &mate Republican whip Robert Griffin, f\.tich ., told the Senate he was "very much disturbed1t by the Murphy and Allott statements and regretted they had raised the possibility of Haynsworth retlrln£ from the bench. •• Fi~e .. Apove Zero Temperatures• Due in Montana • I '.J'emperat11res Albuo-ve A11<110r•oe ,t.,1111111 •• t .. llleld •l•l'rl••<~ ... M I0$1on 111'0WrtSYflll Cllk1tt0 Clnclnn1tl Ornv1r Ott Molrou Otl~I Felt'!Hnkl 1"ret110 ~el~~~ 1(1m1• C!lv L11 V"'' LO. A~llU Ml""°I Mll1llM9Gllt Ntw OrlMnl Ntw Vol'k ....... Ollllf'lonie City ...... 1"11111 SfrlMll P•ao Robin ...... l"UtMOl't'fl ~rfl•nlll llltold Chy lll:td l kllf .... SKrln'WlllO $tit .... '"" ''" °""° sin Francltco S..1!Ht , ..... """"'"''' W1llllno1011 Hll h Low ""' " " " . 1! !1 ..u 11 .~1 u 11 " " Ml ,. .a• 11 ~' lt .'lfi Tr " . !1 !" " " J1 ll .n . -· ,. 4} ~ " .. ~ n ., tl ~) ., 6~ ~· '' .ot " .. ll " n "' " .. . " .._ .. .. " n ., ., .. " .. " u ..... 11 4S .. " " .. .... n " " .. " .. 41 ~1 " .. 64 44 'fr "He is not on trial for any crime •.. ," he said. Griffin. who opposes the nomination. added : "l don't believe the Senate Is limited to accepted apointment_, to the Supreme Court merely because It hasn't bee.n proved the nominee is beating hls wife." Allott asid rejection of Haynsworth would be tantamount to finding: him unfit. "The stigma of having been rejected by the Senate will never leave him," he told his colleagu es. "I can find no basis for destroying him and I will not destroy him.'' Seu. l\1uskie to Speak At Denio Funcl Raiser SACRAMENTO (UPI) -U.S. S.n Ed· mtUid S. Muskie will be the featured speaker at a $100·a·plate dlMer Sunday in Los ,\ngeleii tq .r~ money for DemocraUc legislative candidates • flj'uskie, the party's 1968 vice presiden· llal candidate. will Speak at the event In the Jntcrnatlonal Hotel. Assembly minori· ty caucus chalrman George 1.enovicb of Fmho announced. Priest Appeals For Integration· Of £emeteries date of the high court• · The majority cons· · ·or ' ief Justiee • Warrep E. Burger., te Justi~ John lljartball· Har i J. Bren- -nan Jr., Potter slewa , B n R. White and.:rhilrgood Millihil!! C--_ --f The appeal had been made for Clarence J . lJeBacker, a Fremont, Neb., boy who was .. committed !fo the Boys Training School at K~, Nfb., fist year at the BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -A white age of 17 on a charge that he.forged a~ priest says, ~·l will ask every black check on his father's bank -a~ soldier to refuse to go into combat, rtfus· . Forgery is an adult crime in Nebraska:, i'!g ~o ri!~ ~ llf~~r ~ ~ntry, until DeBaCker'S juvenile hearing was hti!d t.ne Preslilent can profnlie-t~ any.,t Ca. Matar28, 1_~. -~ American ~ be buried in _the cemetery ' . ·'Ille """11, onjl>l!Y 20, 1968, ~dulls he chQ.qJes. _ _ _,l_,,. .. _ accused of_majCK-.<.a-imes !(rl~~'to Tbe)!ev. Eugene,.Farrel~--an .ajury,trJa!Jl~y~.one. ~ hour-long prayer vigil TUesday at the However, the jury_ trllt"decision wU gates oLEimlj'ood Cemetery; wbich.ba4.., Jlmi1¢ ~y lb<.c<>Qr:I on }~)1._,1161~ refused a burial plot for a blackVietn.am caSes whiCh Degan no earlier ihaa ~ 'var. veteran, pre Bill Terry of Birm-20, 1961.·Thtas}ail adults wh9 bad betn ingham. · tried before ~1flY 20, 1968, without a iUO' Terry, 20, Was killed last summer. His c~Jd not:~'t&e··decisibn !O demand n~w· mother a.nd widow filed a federal court trials, this time before a Jiµ)'. , suit July 25 in an effort to force cemetery officia ls to cease "maintaining a pOlicy of discrimination again st Negroes." The suit has not been heard . An Elmwood spokesman, H. W. Miller, said the cemetery had clauses. in many of its lot deeds which re·sti'ict-burial" privileges. Because of the ,cJausea, he. said, E\n1wood could not legally deviate from its policy. Terry's mother can see the cemetery from the porch of her horile, where T«ry grew up. Father Farrel, pastor of Our ,Lady of Fatim a Catholic Church, ·and fli.'.t other churchmen -most of them Negroes - led the group to the cemetery from a nearby church. They read the Bible and led singing, Wallace Winds Up Visit in Vietna1u SAIGON (AP) -George C. Wallace wound up a final day of sight.seeing, camp inspections and briefings today and prepared to leave Vietnam without seeing President Nguyen Van Thieu. The former Alabama g ov e·r n or • scheduled to depart for Singapore on i Thursday morning, apparently was disap- pointed that he had not been received by the president. 2 Airlines Okay Merger; Now CAB -· ,., ' •. . Action A lvaited ': NEW YORK (~Pl) -Norlhwest ajld Northeast Airlines have rea~~d tentatlfe agreement to merge in a deal that would lin k a we.a.lthy carrier with one of the t " poores. .• __ -· The proposed merger is subject to ap. prova l'of'the Civil Aeronautics Board and stockholcjers of both airlines. Donald W. Nyrop, NOrthv.•est president, and George B. Storer, Northeast chairman , &Jl'" nounced the plahs Tuesdaj. Storer is chairniarf Of . Stqfer BroadcaSting Co. which owns 86 percent of Northeast. There. was speculation that 'if this IC· tion was approved, seVeral -other major airlines would be .involved in mergers in the near future. Terms of the.JenlaU~ agr~ent qll for an exchange of one share of Northwest cmnmon stock for five sham of Northeast. .common ·flock.. NotthweSt closed on the New York 5Lpck Ex~ TUesday at 35, while Northeast clOled the day on-<the American Stock •chanae at lJ~I. i . ·'(- Not Ours~ ... , Parents Won't Accept Gl's Body RICHWOOD, Ohio (UPI) -A week ago WaAhington, were ·verified as~looginl,to the body or a Vietnam war victim iden. 5gt. Johg W~en. · . . tifie4 by the Army as Sgt. John Warren Welb said Army officials ln V.ietnam .arl'ived for burial. are trying to find medical and dental Warren 's parents have insisted e\'er records to. m.-t¢h them wjth the~ since that the body w~s not that or their "WP. ha.vi! ~fused to actept hiht as our son and have refused to ·aCCept il. 'nie son," said Mrs. Warren·. "We know ~is Anny-insists it--is-Warrtn and says not our son. Tiie're ls no te9embhd!ce_._.e 1mgerprint records verified it. \von't accept him as our son-and his wUe .\\'On~t accept him as be1' hU6band.". • "1 don't know what the Army is going stite Re, · p_. L<iy,d G. Kerns, reprj?senUng to do about it," Roy Warren, the boy's th w f u id lb -•-fat.he: said . "I've lived wit&"him for 26 e arren am y, sa ere~ ,...,.oe; bee11 a mixup of records in Washiiigton,. years and t should know my sort when I "If the fingerprint$ are correct tJity see him and that's not my son." \\•ill continue to jibe· with the~ tn the Warren reportedly was kiUed Oct. 30 -<"askel,'' K'etns saiCI. "ThCre ni"a1 be a whUe on guard duty at a base in Sooth , John Warren in that casket buf not h \'ietnam. His body was shipped here:' and one we are talk1ng about." · ; • the funeral was schedule~ !0t SUn~a~. _,. Ke~_.s,Wl the .body ft-to ~ The Warrens said ttielr son had a large 11bout eii!lt Or nfne yean ;;it:., occ on his lf1ll and tbe body had no llich heavier and lwo India laller Wv· t1car. Both pa.rent.sibave vit'fed the bodY 1 ren. • , : several Umcs. But LI. Col Roy D. Wells, -"I f>ersonally knew John an lhl1 Ital pool information olfictr at Fort Knox, Isn't their boy," ill~ Ke~1wllylllo Ky., said the !lilgerprlnta, lland cartledio +lewtd the body.-•• • ' ~ Top Soviet 1Novelist :i Ostracized .. ' · I. MOSCOW (UPI) -The 1Savlet Wrll«I Union today of· ' ~flcillly announced the ... ~ lp .Jl1ioo of novelist Alexander ·1. So!Jhenilryn, one of Rusala'• •.; grulest llvtna llOV~ The union IMOUDCed ID I S. word "cbronicle" In late edl- tiOlll of the llterary weekly Lileratw'illya Gazeia t h a I Soblienillyn WU expelled f ... , fatting lo repudiate "hostile bour&eois propaganda" that grew Up around bis W<r.kl. It said be "pnanoted lhe ,fanolng up of this llltl-Sovlet ~darner around bis name." The previously reported' ao- • ~ tlon, now orticial, means that Sobhmitsyn Jr no longer a By Phil lnterlandl -.professional writer and has no----------------- right to have hit work publish- Hijacker To Fight Return . DAILY PILOf f ·u .N; Denies No Antidote Seea ' -.. . ' Germ W eaponStliily Hafis-Wna A-gain-. l ~'-"MWIB (UPI)-• • • .. ~ ... Qpq ... ~-cber WASIUNGTON (UPI) -:-teotlfled1t1clooedheor!Jlllof -from lnhcth • ~ IWI loll 1111a ,.., •• - The P~tagon, cltlnc "growing • HoUse A-llllono IUI> cllleue." • oulllD'\, ~4°"'1iat Clllna critlcbm" ol lta chemlcal ll1d Coountl'-the lrlDlcript o1 ;._ •• --" ~ -..... i-. No-ICICI ROME (UPI) -American -~ ....,..,.,.. --M !!'I lll Peklnl -lawyer Marvin Mltcbelson said blologlcal warfare (CBW), 1111 which wu mllde publlc today. was --the ~ 1o1tV::.i.,.i. r today he will light utraditlon poolpanod ptw to 't • r I In a slalemeDl lator lDlerted llooal Academy of 8dlDcto ·. '.ftt .-II u m•bly pvo developmut of a I• rm lnto·tlle tramcrlpl, lflclrlllur (NAS) and Ill Ot>«llb!I -4i ._, to the Communlat lo the United st.tea f..-Raf. weopon for which. there woul<! wmt· Into IOQlO detail He cy·, the Natlooal Rm~ ..,ime llld •· to · tho N• faele Mlnlcblello hecauae the , be no antidote. •'-•-~ -·-'l'llesdoy legal climate ID Italy 11 more A Def..,.. !?'.!.~-~ t m • • t noted that all .....,..cal qenll Councll (NllCJ, ~. w1111 ·u u 1f ala. Pelkli ll]'smpathetlc toward the hi· wltnea lold """"""" 00 JWle "°" Wider conalderatloo •""1 ''Tmtatm plom _,,.,., -.Id --a - j ker 9 that eminent biologlsll from natural dlae-. But to lnltlito · Ille . propom;" thtrdo llllJorlly for .,..,. IC · believed that wllhln live lo ten after I flv .. yeor, 110 mllllon beri111p. Minichiello, I U.S. Marine years It would be -1ble lo , ,...arc1i prognm, be Nld, It Mawtlmr Nici. .. ,_, l)il -lour . .,... of. Cprpe veteran of Vietnam. .produce 1 l)'lllhellc btdtotrtcot probably would be poulble lo ~utng lundl In • CBW, flrmollve · ..._ fir Peking faCt.S a pouible 4ealh aen. qetit "for whlcb no natural make a new. infec t ive iniwinacrtUdam oftbeCBW ,&ban.Uobtalneclfastyear The ttn<:e In the United Statea for hnmunlly could have been ... microorganism that """1d be pro&ram, and our reluc:taDce 1111 r...iuu.. faVcrini tho . · . ~uired." ...tstant "lo th e Im· lo . Involve the NAS-NllC Iii Coinniilnlatl over tho Na. forcing a Trans World Atrli~ Dr. D. D. Macarthur, the munologlcal and thera~Uc IUCb a comtoYental'endeavoe tio6allltt received " 44 votes. crew lo Oy· him 1,7!JI ml~ Pentagon's deputy dtr.ctor of processes upon which.,..; de-·hove lel!-UJ to postpone tt for with• oppc...i mid D obote,. from California to Rome Oct.' research and engineering, hid pend to maintain cur re.Iz,Uve the put two years." tiOm. 31 in the world's longest hi· · j1ck. In Italy, be could be impri&. · oned for 30 years on etgl)t charges including abduction and violence. . . ·LilTiited time orfer -1;ed in the Soviet Union. f For severa I years, Russian ~ publishen: have ostracized . ' SolJbenlllyn, who has done all his recent writing "for the ·drawer" -posthum ous I publication. No~thwest Passage Breaker Back Home A Brooklyn, N.Y., grand jury last week lndlct..i 'Mini- chiello, 20, for kidnaplng, air piracy ll1d waull ll1d re' queated that llallan of!lclals extradite him to atand triaL.r Mitchelson said the climate . Jn Italy "is more sympathetic toward Raffaele'' because the llalian·born youth "is also · a countryman here and the mts.. sion ol returning Home is a very feeling thing." ' a SWhenit.syn became famous durlna. the era of fonner Prtmler Nikita Khrushchev 1 with his novel "A DaJ in the . Life' of Ivan Deni.9ov:lcb, t• an account of life in a Stalinist pri9on. Allor the fall of Khnllhchev, Solzhenltayn fell Into dlsll\'<r. ait several of his books were published in the west, where they caused ijterary ...,.._ lions. Among them were ''Cancer Ward," about Solzhenitsyn's otruggle against the disease, and '"111e First CI r e I e,'' "'10lher llory of iDoo life. NEW YORK (UPI) -The -~ SS Manhai,. Ian r<lurnei! '-today from her hlstoric conquest of the Arctic through the frozen Northwest Passage to a gala harbor celebration. Fireboat1 , tugs and mm:hant ahips, under the watchful eyes of the Coast Guard, escorted the "5,lm-"'° giant into the harbor. The Manhattan is the largest merchant ship Oying lhe U.S. flag. The voyag<, begun from Costa Mesa Only AL!s~!~!tlfl 119 Clemwnce of ,1 .Women's Sportswear ......,., _,,, °""' Ill 2.99 3.99 4.99 Choice af comfortable tops, J1m1ci1s, 1kirt1 and enk'le panh 1tyli1hly done in neat looking fashions. Hurry in! 'SfnWI S.rectlon of Women's Dresses 111 ri9ht-for-• 1tyl•t t lld f•brict for th• 9"1. ho lid•y• t h11d, A f•• Ju11ior1 •Ml P1tit•• 7.00/12.11 r"1uced too. NOW 4.88AND6e88 It's a Jewelry Riot Clearance E1n !1t9't llr1c1lei1, 111irtt tlld JIMkJI CM f• Jrth Yfll l ll'f f•t~ hT011. A 9r••f idt• for 1tocki119 5 I 00 •II••· l'OR • Ow Own Closeollt of Shffls 40 ONL'l'I •IRL'S llTTIR DRISSIS In the,:?;'-anil hiwta .,., ... JM• an aure t• like. ~ . ' !'OW 1.88 TO 3.88 COLOIFUL AND FASHIONAIU HAii IOWS Yeu •" aflfeN .. 9lt ~ .. hi ,..... ..... _..,. _1 Oflo. $1. NOW • 66 UDUCIDI FASHION COl.OllD PANT'f HOSE .99 iOn Ml.TIO DUSS.UP PANTS TO CLW Chester, Pa., In early August, fulfilled a 500-year dream to find . ·a Northw;es& PasSage rroM · the ' Atfa.1tic to the P.adllc Ocean. 'Ille '''30 m.Jllion gamble" was sponsored by the Humble Oil and refining Co. The ex· pediUon was triggered by the di!covery of an oU field in the Prudhoe Bay area of Alaska's north slope. Tanker transport of the crude oil would be less expensive than by pipeline but first the feasibility of the water route had to be provtn. He said that Mlnlchlello, who WU arrested In the Ro- man COl.Dltryside alter taking an Italian poUctman hostage in an airport escape, bas a better chance of getting off with only. one trial U be stays in Italy. "If he were tried first in the United States, he would sUU be liable for crimes he al- legedly commJUed in Italy;" Mitchelaon said. HAHOR SHOPPING. CINTD COSTA MISA PRE·HOLIDAY Big Reduction! Women's Pretty Practic~ Uniforms w ... orkJloally 5 99 9 99 7.00-14.00 NOW • TO e T•ilo...d in the latest fem·inin1 styles, Comforteble f•elin91 quick drying fabrics. In en •lweys neet polyester kn it. Seamless ShHr Nylon How Styli1h 1111cl• ht•I 9ct11 lo'ith •II f11hion1. 111 th• 11ie•1f you·p11!1I 1h1cl1t. Hurry 111 11owl • 15 Men's Dress or Casual Slacks Som• wltlt P1n11 Pr11tfl w11 r1bility, Som• with l111°Rol~ ""'i1tb•MI. loth 9r11f for 1 11111 t pp•1r111c•. NOW Men's and Women's Shoes For cit••• or c11u1I 'W•tr. V1riou1 1tyl11 of 1li p0 011 or 1111. 111 l1tth•r, 1u.d•, or pl9· 1ki11. NOW 40 ONLY! 1ors IUSH JACKITS .r1,_ 6.91/7.tl 3.99 ..... J,ff/IO.ff 4.88 .... ,_, ......... k .... ...,. .... ,, -11 99 Dvi8Me, .. tw ,..,.,lent. 0 1,,. 1J.M. NOW • 10 ONL 'fl IOY'S SPOIT SHllTS Mechlne •••hlllll• pely•ter knit. Latnt f•lhlon colera. Ori• UO/J.tt. NOW 120 ONL'l'I IO'l''S SWIAT SHIRTS Mechl'M ........ Cett.ft'/HryUc W.W. W•nw fl"1Cll llnlnt. llw.M nec k. 2.99 1.77 by ·making a decisi.on that's right either way!-" Choose .a · . Frigidlire "Goof·Proor Washer for automatic right-for- the-fabrtc Washing. The "Goof-Proof" 6-posltlon Fabr)cs Selector Dial gives you washing con- trol over today's modem fabrics. Au- tomatical fy selects the agitation, spin speed ancl. water tempera- -. ~sol\enef lure that's Just right for the ~'£ fabric r v fabric you 're washing. llii 015~~= . =,.2"....,,. ., ::;:'.;...,r~ . Choose a Frigidaire Rapidry-1000 Washer for a faster spin that leave5 ... your wash drier by far • Rapidry-1 000 spins your laundry fast-but-gentle to extract the drip from your laundry. Many pieces are ready for Iron ing right from the washer. ~'~ ...... BOTH have these_ Jet Action t f ea tu res 1n common 1 ,..Jet Acti on Ag itati on for deep- qown cieaning•Jet-Away Rinse & Linf Removal •Automatic Soak Cycle •Solid Tub• Roller-matic Mechanism -no belts, gears or pulleys to wear, L._,.;.w~o~b~b~le~o:r~b=r~e:ak:·~~-:-----~·~'-,,{ ... th "GoOt·Proo• pair ett~er 18oo·Vlashef wilil or p.ap1drY·. o-r. this matcn1~--"'!' . ~$\58" -0 f ppAlll!/11/ . the Price is the · same for either one! $22888 only -· With a .. -:.::.r.--...,. .... Hoot 3 99 .L ~ "'-'"' , Orif. S.tl NOW • ZS ONL 'fl MIN'S POPULAR PLAID JACKITS HaM-ly otylo4 wlttl '°"" .... p .,..,... 6 98 eltfllty. Nut leokl"I-0 .... ti.ti NOW • -.......... 11 ....... lilllol .. ' I • CUAUNCI OP CURTAINS AND YALANCIS r::r ... --""' .. ka•• .... -......... j. Orif. ··-~W 1.22 TO 2.88 amucu TO CWll TARD.AM .............. -.--.. -1 77 ,_. ..,.. ,_.,,,.. Grit-l.tl/2.M NOW • YI. Shop Mon.-Sat. 'Iii 9 p.m. CLIAllANCll MIN'S llTTIR SPORT SHIRTS Cheko of ooll4o or ,.,kr ..... ~ All wlttl '°"" 2 88 ,,_. ...,.ltfflty. Orlf. 1.M/4.tl NOW • 35 ONLY I MIN'S LAMINATID JACKITS ............. "" '·""" ...,.. tMt .. ,..,.,.. 8 99 _,.._ Orif. to.ti. NOW • . ..._., . Use Your Penne~ Charge Card I Tl!LaYISION •A .... 1.IANCaS . - -- 411 L 17th St. Costa Mesa -646-1684 Daily 9.9, Sat. 9-6 e l lNCE 1147 e I -...... :.. ; -~------. -·--- DAil..Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ,~,, Mpre Policing Needed '!'bl burieonbll Saddle ... d< Valley -..rs to be de¥91opillg ~ of the growln1 painl t11>lcil of "popu- '.laUon uplOllOD" veu. ·• ' One ~. accOidlng to the Saddleback Republi- can ~HlpbJy'; ls lncreai!Dcly biadequate police pro-199Uon. . With 30,000 people•pourlng Into the new valley com- munllle1 In the put live years ud the Shertff'1 De- )l1!111nent 1UU malnt&inlrul Ille· IO-Called "rural" level o! protection provided alf·untncorporated areu, the flltlo of protection to. populaUoo bu noceuar!ly de- crea:aed. -. ' ~ Whlle In 'c1ce'5l•ual cur1ory checlt .bv· a patrol car -W8.i 'iiln'°'p!i fu ·the di;;i iiihei»tlie villey ·'was large1y:-a farming area, an lncreue In crime la Inevitable as the population grows. For some reason the crime rate Hems to go up even more rapidly than the head count. Sheriff's Departmant figures for the pest two years reveal a 38 percent Increase In patrol acUvlt!es (Calls) while population bas gojle up only 711. percen~ To keep pace with au this, says the aherlU, more pa~ol can ., more men are needed. But county s~, ·~unable to locate the nectssary funds. . ft ls Pl"!ll.>I• for residents .of unincorporated areas to form ~I Mmce d!Jtrlcta and, by paying an addi· tional tax, to be provided with whatever level of lle?V· Ice they desire. But people who atrudy are contribuUng to the county tax coffers are understandably dublou1 about paying evm !!ION to obtain a level of pollce protection they iinlltn!illd · w11 llVallabl• to colljlly ras!dlllla In · past years.:. · : • · It looks u If tlie rapidly url>enlzlng Saddleback area · hu outa""'1 the basic county police service It was re-'*"!!'C· SU~lsor1 should gjve this attention now. A Wry Twist by Vedder When people want somelhln1 done, they often troop to city hall to build 11\Ue fires under the City Councll. Coµncllmen generally are good conductors of th!J energy form. They murmur the appropriate worda and puslhe torch to (or under) the city staff. The greater the heat, the greate'r the scamper to accomplish the electorate's solemn bidding, the lheory 1oe1. Perhaps.you C8l1 apply too much heat, particularly ln a tlaminable town lll(e Laguna. Perhaps too mJi,y BTUs have gone Into Laguna's long-slnunerlng library stew. Mayor Glenn Vedder, at any rate, pitched the Issue back to the bonfire builders at a recet1t nag session. The hard-working mayor appointed a cit!una' library committee, urged them to get busy and report hack In 30 days with solutions. The committee now ts perplex· ed at Ila tut. . It could be that Vedder views their quandary with mixed feelings. It does seem a wry twist on the old squeeze play. . · . Not All Bad, After ' All Proving once more that money isn't everything, a 'long-hairecf Lal'll'a youth happily acceJ>ted a peanut butler {lie u his 'only reward for retuming '90 th cash to· jls ngbtful owne~, a local cafe .operator. ' · . Riidd'!Jla\ot th~ re1,uvely llghUY. policed ~· may, i,. the ~•want to e:wnlne the -lb!llty Of bll,)'illg an· urliln level bl ciwlraie througb the ujaUng ipeclaJ s.mce district. ' One might like to surm!ae thafhis · eiljeymenf of the pie was deepened by the knowledge that, in returning the money box be found on the highway without touching a .Penny< of Its con ten ta, he not only had brightened said ' owner's !laYi but pel'.baps bad set a few _people to think• Ing that m~ those much-maligned "hippie-type" kids are not au bad, after au. s COIJflre••: No Pride, No Leadership Nixon Reforms Ar--e ·Blocked IT IS AS D' OONGs;· been !el~ ed by · a · pwaJyllc or' by IOll1e PfYeholocl<* trauma ctlon. OJmP.. ii""" onlJ ~·-.ic In Ila leilllaUve eoma --alter Praideot NillJn'1 101J1 and plalntlve -lhlriDll IQIDe of the blame bul liiutnl !or IClion-U Nboo got a llow staJt. ~ii apparently detmmlned to' -hln»K c111 aveo go alower. Hear- INil 1'ave -held on only blJI the ld-infnllltaUon's propoula. There .-e only a mr wea left-before cangrea sees -!er Clhrlllmu vocation IJJci little opportunlty to atve the Nixon reforxna Mrioql. atlenUon. Nball~1 Ulll are promialng that new, cmUve _.i.-.,ot merely r.ranm -will be iubmltkd to the --o! the ninety-lint COngresi bepmlng neit January. Creative propoaali will tlUll be piled on top of rerorm to tttate a lfUitr Ioe Jll!l ~;ever. ' . . THI!: 01:.1!-'!'fllD TlllMll be la being traP!*I. HW Cia !JO go back to his ciiliilct 11 Otlolmu anil liegin to orpftlse a ~!or rHlocllon on 10..' record lfu { IO fat? He vlew1 ilttlJ 1tanntM ....,.,.Ct tbat'lpollUcally· · minded Republican President can make C.....,. the blue In the e)ectlons of llllO. "Let us resolve, 11 Nixon told Congress, 11f0 make the legislative issue of the 1970 · Cllllpaign the questlon of who deserves credlt for the ninety-first Congesa' record of accomplishment, not which of us should be held accountable because It did nothing. Thl.s "sbould be noUce eoougb that a.President accused"of doing nothing or too little may be building a record to tum ttie charge on_epngress as did Harry $ Truman Wtth creat IUCCe&s. How much tbe , pUbllc cam . ts, of courae, ai ·pertinent question:· Many lqWative INdtn.-earJt'tbil year that people, lla!I -of ..., Jllotraml, new laws, MW' lnltlat!vn. NllGn Mnlid ' this iJiniselt, ~ Ida ~ to Coqress0becaUH be~ tliil be ..... not elected to" pile --and manpower on•top of old. Jlftlil'~7:- " • '1WE WERE ELECTED," Nixon said, "to initiate an era of change. We intend to begin a decade of government reform such as this nation bu not :trltneued in half a century. That 111 the watchword ot this administration. Refonn." But refonns cannot be made without the COOJtJJtlng partner"'1p of Congress, which yawns over Nixon's decade of government reform. The essence of the problem is that Congress ii controlled . by a party not much lnterelted in seeing the Republican President make a good record of reform· Ing programs the Democrats pasaed. The President does have an issue and If Congress dot!a not 8l"OU:5e from its coma he will have a better one when the elec· tloM ·of 1970 come around. I ' A ~Fiendish Commie Plot Fidel Culro, In U ftandilh a plot to destroy America u any In ytan, bu pmtJ>On*d Christlnas unW next July. la nolhlni llOCled! Mr. Cutro'1 avewtd P'VJ>O" wu to allow Ille CUb1111 to' enjOy llie Cbtlstmu holidays bY getting In the 1u1ar crop. But the real Intent of this sinlster, devious mutermlnd ii olmOUllJ> •to WftCk our economy, ~ our unity and 1et American aplhlt Alne!'l<an. For be bu deverly· ]Mii Illa fblpr "' the one we at n e 11 in cur Ameritan herilqe: No one In his right mind, ablolutely no -. llkea ·celebr•tlne CluiJtmu on Doi:amber ». , Af'ID lll<llm. Y IO. no lllorta are jlllMle<I that -of the '""'· ,.,.,. iftl'• Impossible, the weather'• mlaerable and prlce1 are at their sky·hlgbest. No wont date for ctlebraUng Chrlstmu can be tmuined -except perhaps Ne• Yeer'• tve wbep everyone's drunk. Cenleq1l0dl7, whew wont o! 'Ille Fidel CallnJ Movable Chfillmlf Plan geil UU!!14, a lot . of llllppooe<l!y loyal Alne!!canr ... going to fall Into hil ID- &rl~•.te trap. . "U Presldenl ROosevett C9111d "'lioh 'n>onl<sgl\llng around to oull I h I merchants," they'll uy thou&btfully, "why can't Prtsldent Nlxoo .nltcb Oristmas around to suit us sbopper1?" IO WE CAN EXPECT a grass roots drive to transfer Chriltmu to a more coovenient time of yaar. Well and good. But -and here's the Commie Dy ln the American applesauce -no two Amerlcilns can -oa whlcb d"1 would be beot. ~e 7,:Ciend, HaYmbaw, wM'1 a bit of a · , nf He Wanta to celebrate Cbrtitin41 In mid-Juuary,oo.li\Ol-ht can ta~ adYllJ .. e of the ~ oalel al tllat tlml of ylar. He ~ .he'd "" IU per<llll on his Cl!rla-. ~ ~ '!_1"1111111 the local sJlt I --~ii baldbi(°lb1n lor late Aqmt; ' ~ .. baYe mote ballnta &Un "' an Wednf•• Nov. 12, 1J119 bandle lo Deemlllf, • Ibo 11ya, "but ta ta TM Nltorld ~· of °"' Dallv A .... ii a drq, .. Piiot HIM j,, IAJom '""' 1li ... lllak ~bf-priint11111 this PJQf'EllSOR GllOM!QT, a l!Nroi !l'N4IJOi!or'I opl!llOftl and ...., ll>lnk*' at Skaroft tJ-ly, boo ... ...; .,. ·"""°' of Inter.,! .ittad1 produced a ~ paper IUI· .,a rigftl~ .... provicllnf 4 £ llaQOHd -'l1Jaat (pn m for 1111 upnuion of , w Jut nomes Wflh A would {.;' ttadm' "''"""""· ond bv ebrote durlnr tho~ two Wffb ol .,.(fllllng lllo ~""'" view-Janusry, and those with tho lniUaJ Z dul' J'Rfnl-r of ltiformed ob1trvtr1 in& the list two wetb or DtcembU. Md 1pOkt1mni on topic1 of tll1 Noi only' would the Zmfthl Ind Zfld!M dav. pr.Mbly revott. bul oo would eur J'Ollth. "No racist,· fascist 1ovmunent," cried ~belt N. Weed, Publilher ~ISi Clnnen Sutra, angrily painting a ptawd. "ii 101D1 to tall .. who a to celebrate Christmas." But Christmu is, o( course; for the lit- tle tykes. So I asked a litlle tyke when he'd like to celebrate Christmas. "Every• day," said the little tyke greedily. THIS OBVIOUSLY Is bnpractlcal We must isomehow aelect a aingle day each year to celebrate the ·birth of the Prince of Pea~: bf. J\lllng" Out !MW with love and brotherhood, 4 single day ls enough to u k of anyone. But If we can't agree • , • Hold It! The economy'i lived. The Cooservatlva Curmadpcm 1 Club has just issued a press release calling on "all patriotic Americans to reject this Red plot and • suffer tbroo&h Chritbnaa on December 2S lik!' our forefathers at Valley Forge." And, knowing the reaction of my fellow American,, to Communist ideas. good or bad, I have faith t.hlt we will. Dear Gloomy Gus: II Mu Rafferty thlnka that people who dea~ lll:e loothall are "Com- mlu," whit about people who don't care tor apple ple? Thtn, they mull be dle-l!anl Maoist.. -P. B. O. "'", .....,. ..ntdlt ,....,.. vi.-.. Mil ......,.,, ._ " ,.., .....,. .... r • ...., ..... llM" ........... Dlolfr ,Ille. Eighth Grader Defends Thurston To the Editor: In regard to Barbara Krtlblch'.1 article published Nov. 5 titled, ''Llguna Praise, Condemn Thurston School," I have a few comments to make. The flM thing 11, we are not a bunch ot hippies and we are not a boncb ol Corn- munlJll. That d"1 Mr. Lerr came In the history cl.us m:t~ .. heard" that eo-called bop record and NW a fiJnl,Btrtp of a ·~eld trip." He started to Complaln about it. B~ that .. bop re<xrd" and t.hlt "film gtrlp" V!ert tryin1 to tell us something. But Mr. IAJrr got the wrong idea. IF HE HAD asked a student or one of the history teachers, he would know what It was about. But he just wouldn't ask anybody. So all he got was a result of "tunnel vision." The faculty team at Thurston school are well~ducated people. They are not a bunch of Communists and they are not turning us kids into a bunch of hippies. 1, myself, like Thurston because they are teaching me somethhl& new every day. Thurston is a great scboot And probably all the students that go to school there think so too, and the tupayer11 who pay for the school should be proud of It, too, becauae lt'a: the only school of its kind in the naUon. So, I myseH and 450 other ltudentl don't like our school chopped down unless you have seen It and communicated with it. PATl'Y SLOWSKY 8th Grade Pupil l\'et.,aworlhu? To Uie Editor: Do you ttalty consider lhete two articles on your second page (Thursday) new sworthy? Just to aay I do not Is an understatement! Svel)' you can find topJcs of a higher caliber which might contribute, rather than detract, from our society, especlally"U so UUle merit is rt· quired to make the secOnd pq:e. lliils. W. A. DELMER Tl1e reference t..· to wire se"'ice storle1 from HaMhdu and AUanta about, reqectivel111 the problem.! of a stripper with a 48·inch bu.st and the non-problems of one with a 44-inch rneasurement. -Editor Chan1e lhe La"' To the Editor : Pleue change the law for me. U you do I will be proud of you. Please chance the law to be lighter at night. Make It Uehter in lM. night. ROBIN GITl'ELMAN Alt I Tht DAILY PILOT hopes the d4y wUt conu: wheft we wiU have DavUght Savings Time all uear round, for more ·light at the end of the' dat1 for 1aftr driving and mor1 recreation time:. -Editor L•lt<ra ,..,,,,. nadm .,.. toelco1!!t. NonnaUt1 1Drltlr1 11tould conwu th.fir tMUO:Qtl tn 300 toordl or lt1" TM right to condt71$t Jerter1 to fir 1pact or e:Umlna:te ·utiel ts re1erved. AU tee. ten mm& fnchtde dgnatur1 and moii.. fng odlfret.t, but name1 m.w be ~lh lacld .. r<quul if .. f/iei<nl ""'°" II opparnL I Truncated Lives Of the Geniuses Readlng an essay on Mozart the other evening, I ran across the familiar plaint that "be died before his time." I wonder If this is true in Moiart;a case, or in the case of other great creative geniuses whose lives have been CUL short. I wonder if a personality which generates so much force does not have a pattern and a rhythm of its own. Mozart's whole life remind!: us of a speeded-up camera -be accomplished in a year what took decades for less talented men. ' HIS DEAm AT 31, Schubert's at 29~ Keats' at 21, and llCOl'eS of·otben-there aeerru: something inevitable in these tnJn.. cated lives, as if thue men worked feverilbly to Jll'Oduce supreme rwark ear. ly, becauae· 90mehow they knew that time was working against them. It Ls ·eiltemely doubUul whether Keats could haVe wriUtn any greater poetry, or Mozart any greater music, than they had already given the world. . . In a sense, the moat important part of .their li"ves was.finished: Keala' 140dt tt·a Nightingale" and -Mozarl'a G, l\linOr- Qul.Dtet touched the ulUmate or· their powers. EINSTEIN TELLS us that "lime" is a relative matter in the universe; perhaps it ls also a relative matter wilhin the personality. I suspect that more men have outlived their time than have ~ cut down berore it. A genius, of course, can die b1 ao- cident, like Shelley in a sailboat, .or Marlowe in a tavern bra"'l -but, even then, H one examines the-tem::: characters of these men, their deaths were aimoal by lrivitattoa. llynia cal!lbl a ~" and died at II whlll figJrtliig In l G"'!k war of Jn. depmience; t hla contemporary. Wordsworth, · anlil ·1111 ·-because bl would not ib to 1Jib1 aeywbere. -IT is P~IJ!-~ probable - that Mozart and Schubert would have llY. ed longer II the> bad oot bad to struqlt " bitterly for lubeistenc<; and llOCiety cannot escape ·a seJl.!e 6f guilt for ltl harsh treatment of its.finest talents. In mitip$ .of. "'I{ r callaup. hb~ever,·it: ~~J*'. ven under the avora · .h =·· """"~'~ .. sue men to DUIU ~at an early ag Jt may not be tiile.:ttiit an artist thr" lnder lllrdahlti;"-'liavo been.cruslled.J!!: Ith l!ul U ~ 1.~. true that a yonthfUI genlilf ·.nay lilJ fUd7 for deatb long be.tare we dull1pkidde;n have berun to live. · i, · "' · .. Our Schools in ChaOs : . . . More than 50 million young Americans returned to achool thjs faU . At all levels, kindergarten-to college, they found the sdlools ln the most chaotic state of our experience. · Part of this chaos Is (!Ue to ltiflaU911,_ which pinches teaching and facllllies re-. quired by ~e vertical rise cf •school population. Part is due to racial bias, which reflects the genera1, non-school .racial ten1k>n. Part 11 due lo a chronic· cOnnlct about what the schools purport"to teach the )'OW>ll, in a theory they need thJs educaUoo to take their· places in a free society. THIS UST IS a subject ~ucators are loath to an1lyze, lest It reveal realiUes tending to discourage the young in their quest for edttcalion. Yet this is the very subject which has underlain much of the rece11t unrest and outright disorder in the schools In ret'tnt years, particularly at. the college level. For out of it may arise a suspicion that the high schools: and colleges are only dolng half a job in preparing students for life, as the cliche goes. If this suspicion has some foundation, it leads lo another, darker one: that a considerable sha re of these now in college, at least, shouldn't~ there at all. To voice such a suspicion Is perhaps like doubling Motherhood or the Flag, but what; brieny, ls the history of our educa· tional usumpUons? FIFTY.YEW AGO the e<lucaton devised tables to prove that a college eduratlon was worth X thousands of dollars in future Income over a htgh ecbool education, and so on down the grades. The statisticl were valid enough in a money sense, but they told only half or the IOdal story, because earn.Ing power ii not the IDie criterion of IOcial wtU..belng. But the ste.liatlts ca~t on wtt.h the~ young and their proudoparenll, brlng!ng·a surge of aspiration for college education, whether or not the lndlvldl.lll bad an ap- Utude for hl1ber leorninB- IT IS SUBMllTED here that a large ....... 1 al cumat colltge ltoAdenb don't • . ' have this.aptitude. They may· or may not earn more income after Plowina.thr.vullh a four-~ curriculum, but earning power Is 'only otie side of the · COJrU The other side deals with the contentment of fitting le$mlng Into poat-educaUOnat•Ufe. A great many young people. don't '" the point of Urls contentm~ or un- dentand how U Wli'lis. ~~ c<llece because it Is IOdally · t)Jt, or because U !ilia In lome pr · 1ear1 1n ~ di.strauiht and CordUJlftg ... kl. (For males, Vletnmn ii alao a lactdr bUt a temporary one.) · ' ¥0UNG PEOPLE who are lndl/lert11t students, being lnteTeste<l cnly In rock, or being beautiful .like Raquel Welch. shouldn't go to coDege, ~ause even tbe future income magic maf fail them. Yet we, the eldera, foridly ·egg tbem on, then mope about wond~ng what the bell h-i>- pene<I to them. Wbal bu boppeoed ii they are being forced into a falte situ. lion, one beyond ~1.J.~ a pa c It y, whereupon Iller· me......,. ~II tile bl0Iot11ca1 'YlllP"'i>• of fn1'1ralidn. · ~--B11 Geo,..e---. Dear coori=e::------ l've been dating thla buuti/ul showgirl, a re.I di.ah, believe me. She hu a wonderful flpre, 14 fun to go out with, hu • new car 'P.d ls even hJghly lnieOlgent. And 1he'1 craey about ~. What sets die 11 she d-'t ·seem to hi~"tho •llchl<sl bk ol wUI power. ~·llo" you think about that? "' .· .) • .. . cotdUUD1· Dear Confined: '•-_,. Boyl This Utile dlah realty.DO!!:sl have fOU Confused, doesn't •t.• '' You wme tho wlloltl.~ without even meotlonlns _.,..... problem WU. •• CH NG .- • Expelled 67 Die in Campaign -· ... .. ·-~ •·· -·-• DAILV I'll.OT f v ,( •• --;---, -. . . ' ... ~Wife~eHs .Qf .~dling Marco~ .. ~e-elected .,by F1lip1nos --By-P a~ty-MANILA (UPI) -President All!' Tueldly. The defealtd lhe Nlllooallsl pll'ly appeared Ramon M1&NY11Y Jr,. 31--Ille flrlll ~ In tlitl3- Ferdlnand E. Manm aha!· prnldeotill 'eandldate, Sin. to havt """B of.the elcht yeaN>ld 1011 ol lhe llle,presi. __ pootwarblil«y «the NEW DELHI (UPI) -The ler<d tredllion today as he Sergio Otmena Jr., caned It stats at stake. In lhe house -den~ was fighting a nedt-and-l'hillpplnn,to be ...i.cted. -··-~Ive. ~ guard of .. ____ •"'-n "lef "''-dlrti I lion In el • ·•-N ti list neck race wilh a cousln, eo-1.1 n.-... -... "'It •-••-"v11-·• ..... . ~ ~e WJIC rat "'' eJ:· ""' est e ec our ectiorul ~ft; a ona can-. Antonio Magsaysay Dtu for ._..,. v.ua., a ws lndla's rullnjr'~greis party ecuUve ol the Phlllppioes lo history." dldates were w!Mtng or lhe lone "°"""'IOllll .. ~of bel&ht oI prwnpl-to today· expelled Prime Minister win re-election. Hi! NaUonallst Countinc in the election pve leadlnc' their ilberal opponents Zambales Province. claim Mr. Man:Oa hu won the .J.. Indira Gandhi' from party party also appeared assured Marcos li444,S7'1 votes and in 14 o( 110 districts. Television projectlans Hid tlection." memberlhfpt in ·a. move lhat of a clear majority in both Omlena 937,155. Marcoe' run· Congressloaal wlnnen In.-Marcos would carry all 10 Marcos aa1d mny engtneen · ' • threatenecftiet'fob 15 premier houses of the congress. ning mate, Vice President eluded House Speaker Jose B. rtgiorui of the ll'Chlpelas:o~ · i and ~ty lrnQpl brought · · · It was i bitter a n d Fernando Lopez, was leading Laurel Jr., of the ~aUonali!t After watching returns come • beck from• Vietnlm would be : ·By J::i'M."BOYD Governcn are !Aller' <than and plun~ the country Into tiardlought election campaign Genaro },jqsaysay 1,<M,207 party and son ol lhe warllme • .fn •lowly during the nlibt, the ·uted in· cm.al Lmoo to LOVE 1JfD WAR sru mayon.· Gener~y. How do political crisl.I.. • , in which ft persOOs died since votes to ns;MJ. president. In another coolest 52-year-old war hero this count.er re:sura:ent Communist thlnk u ftn'il.rbble that° wlv~s · )'OU account ~ lt? · Hundreds of demorutrators July, 2t of them on election ln 'the race for the 1m1.te, involving popular ca~tes. . rpomlng l'(OClalmed him9'lf Hut. actlvtt)'. who hit their lwaban<\s out-· CUSTOMER SEl\YICE:. Q. began converging on Mn.1...;;=:...:::...:;..::::::::.===:;__:;..;;;;;..;=..:.::c.::.;..:;=;::..:...:;==..:;.;.=c.-=='--'-"'==-"'==.;.;;...;;;:."-"':;......;.;.;;;.;.;;;;_;.::.;;. ____ _ number husbands who hit .. What happened in London on Gapdhl's headqqartets in sup- their wives. RemarU,ble, if Sept. JO, 170, my friend1" A. port of t!fe 51-year-old prime true, at any rate. Such lS what . ifult ipfJf( two 'hours flndln&, minister and a demonstration ,the . pollsters claim .. outthltt~asn.'tSept.J0,'1751. leader &aid it was "just lhe Spec1fically, they say exactly in Londoll."'~u-, you tricked . . ,._ . . 11 percent of the husbands ad· me. Please don't dO it again .1. beg1nn111g of a natlOllwide mil at GJ1e .&lriie or another Q.. .,JSlf:l' tJtE, WOllLD'S struggle against h e r op. they have struck t h e l r feet of It Jtft. Longest bar to-ponents, known as '"lbe Syn· mairimonlal males. ,Our Love A. Used tQ be. Years ago dicate." and War pl~ questions these Er i c,k.(o n.' 1 bar there . ''1be expul&ion ·WU·ordered flndiag1. He contends pollsters mealured 648 feet. Think of 'by 11 of the 21 meritben ot the can't get honest answers on that! But•there'1 lfls· 111an eo Coo&Tess-wQrtini cunmltteee lsucb matters. ~tis .a !are wife, feet Of ttieft.·Loitgegt' INtr to-"-tm · CpJlgna parfy at a . be says, who 1s willing to tell day is a ll$-fooC specimen Jn thref.hoUr'meeting. Mrs. Gan- anybody, anybody at all, that the W,orkingm~'s Club at · dhi and nine of~ supporters her husband manhandles her. Mlldui:a, V'~ AU!tfalia. ~. boy~ .. meeti~g and THE JEWELERS now WRITES Jl?Jles.D. Fi!hef: .'~ ~n.ced ~~~ reeult as report the average engage· "Old brtdg'ea were covered unconstt~ut~I. ment diamond costs $228 because a horse wouldn't cross To main~~. her ~le as without tbe mounting ••• AP-an open {bridge', and the oi. premier,. Mrs. Gandhi pro. PROXIMATELY 250,00J cakes covered bridge made him bably. will . have to form . a of aoap m med trp every year think he was going back to the coalition with the ~mmun1sl to mart x's O!l windows to bam " AM ASKED IF party and other leflist groups. show construction workers that · W. ·Fish who teaches She is sti1J t~t to have a that glass is there ••• THE swimming at tbe Oregon City, small ma1onty m the lower AGRICULTURISTS have Ore., municipal pool i 1 house of !he people _(Lok devel~ an onion that can be qualified for membership in Sabha) but ~f members desert peeled Without tears, I'm told the Proper Job Club. He Is.. • her she mig_ht bave to call ••• ALMOST INVARIABLY, EIGHT OUT OF EVERY 20 general elections. the old Otinese herb doctors people get seasick. And one of The Con~s party ~as ~! prescribe the tops of plaiits for these eight gets so seasick ed India smc~ Indian tn· heada~ the' stf.m1 for,1pains that recovery takes a couple d.ependence and 1S ~e only na· in the chest, and the roOtl for ol days bedrest ashore. tional par~. The~e JS no other Sale on Penncrest® ComPol1ent System-s! ·- ~ party to fill a void left by Its foot trouble. Even ........,ay ·' • RAPID REPLY: Yes, sir, if disintegration which has been STUDI~ at Columbia University pwwn t~ J>!'OVe you can drive a goU ball 300 slow but steady in recent the aver!'l:ge. woman loses her yards hereabouts, you could years. T h a t disintegratl~ temper 'JuSt three Umes a drive it a mile on tht moon. speeded up a!terMrs. Gandhi week. Your questions 'and com-became premier four years HEIGHT AND HEFT - Prtsldents of big. universities are.taller than the Pf'Sidents of anall colleJel.• City school supednt.nd"'ta art taller than small-town prid.clpals. ago. ment.s are welcomed and The old guard Is made up of will be used wherever pot· the aging and po we r f u I lib le in "Checking Up." Ad· political barons: of the ciUes dress mail to L. M. Boyd, in and towns·who were leaders in care of DAILY PIWT. Box India's struggle for in- 1875, Newport Beach, 92663 dependence from Br i t a In . Save 30.951 Penncrest® 4 pc.. stereo component ::_ Reg. 199.95 NOW . ! ' ' ·~ •I $169 ' .-. enn.r:H•J _..w~-:O.~O:: ~--.· .... :1'!.. •• -"""""'""' system rec..-. aold -.,. -:~31>A Y SALE! --. Penncresr'C:ares for -4o.i. --yoq~ rugs and floor! " THIU SAJUIDAYI ',_. 54VE J.07 SAVE 5.07 SAVE 7.07 ~ ..._ PINNCUST 10 PC. PINNcllST UPaJGHT lilllLn SPiii) CAlllSlll( STYLI TllPll ACl10N llWIPOOJPciuslla auJID' VACUUM , Reg. 66.95 Ref.44.95 Reg.54.95 NOW 41.88 Now49.88 NOW 59.88 Solid ifot• control with lli: .. IROfW with~ Beats 01 it IWMpl 01 .lt _..~...,.o · -•lector '"'- -.. 620-llPM i......i..-~~$!on!llJ!1_ ond. Int-~ the•••• for -r ....,._deolitne .... Int. potlo!Unt .... ,buflint ckldoo YilHo boot noizte, operaMon. 200 woft l!KlfOr, floor and wall brwh, auto- .. bto " OL Uqulcl ....... !"Oil< ........ L . 14pc.oc;JT'll"'1'• .. • ' q.ans. Hm conslallt ten-- ..... ,.. heodllgltt for McW.n di.t, iippwM vinyl · .. .., bog and lvll wn>p orouncl furnltvreguord. NJ. , ...... Iona and "'"" Jll!o; Attachment tool1 '9 SANTA MClllCA TO!IMHCE. 'VA'H NUYS VENT\IAA WUTCCMNA WHTCHUTEll WHITT1E WH ' Save •so on our Pemcrest•Delvxe . . ·3 piece stereo.component .system ••• . $349 Reg .. •399 ••• l(OW ••• Our 3 p;ece ~ ~ solid -cl.mis, AM/ffli/fM stereo Mier, 4 speed 11' tJiotable. di<waaMf IP and 78 """ sapphire neecles, 2 walnttt wkwe speal1en. JncJ.des dist a>"lel' and couaectlon cm!., 45 rpM ............... Save 6.95 on Penneys Penncrest• 8 track stereo cartridge tape deck ... Reg. 59.95 ••• NOW ••• $53 8 i-k stereo tape deck in handscme wa1nu1·-wooc1 cpbi.· net. deck leatwes 8 transistcn, cons1ao~ copotan driw,, indicator tights for oodi selecJ9r. Accessories include ""' patdi ccnls. • BUENA PARK BURBANK CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA COLLEGE GROVE COMPTON CULVER CITY DOWNEY FUUERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK IHGLEWOOO • tuner/amplifier, FM storoo loodicator 't light,-~ iacl<.·hpood 11" !: -ble, walnut flmll. •td.d. d-• ·ifust-. 45 Rl'Mo:k'f*o. two ...... ii 51..:' ~"'--=~-~90Ch cu"'1in ane 7' "*'• '" I aid-2v.·ipeo1 •. ewc1og_. 'l lndirded. Save 12.95 on our great Pennci-eli'" 4 piece stereo component system ..... $' Reg.134.95 ••• NOW ••• 122 . SliNo ......... solid ·-<Mais, AM/FiA/FM _...., ompllfier, 6 coo11rcb, BSR UASChini du11Jii,4.-!f,._ table, 2 _...., 1112 walnot ...ia.ur.s, FM..,............,, right, m"""" ainimic aa h ...,..oords lnduded. · "' • LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOSALTOS ·" MOHTa.NR :-. NEWPORT BEACH NORll! HOLL YWOOO SAN FERNANDO SNITAAHA • ·- TOllllANCE VANNUYS . • llEHT\IRA WESTatE8-l"'&1•· WEST COYINlf ' ' .. ., -' < l , . I • t ' I • ' ' • > ! • • l l .i ' >Will l-nd1:1stries- GOOD WILLY SIZ: Hive you ever mlde I GoOdwlll hMlr? Thou- 11nd1 do each year, and are aatonilhed at the ocopo of Goodwltl Ind trin operation. Come any WMkday for • guided tour of Goodwill'• tr1ln° l"I Center. C1ll 547-6301 590 w. 191~ 'si. ----.C.Mlt ... Opon Mon. thru-1Frl. 9-9 511. 9 till 5:30 6i6 2479 • ' ' ' Your ·oonar Buys _Mor~· at 111e - GOODWILL SJ.Clll SPICIAtS - THIS WEEK! NEW·· . . . - Hotel Special!· MATTRESSES 'SS500 :: Twin or cFUll $9t;. $69.9.~lue l Extra fb:m 11 MATTRESSES ·-• •.••• .' • • • 3 • ' · · S-L1995 -se.--v ····· Baby Beds 9,95 .. 1295· . ·- .Speeial! BOX SPJ@fl & MATltlS$ .. $31.90:·1~· Bowling ·~~, 2.19 .. 4.19: Xmas -· Decorations C1ll 646-Wf F0< Pickup· hnlee . w~. -i,, 1969 • ...... .. . -Cwrfew Works ... .. -· ··-. ---· 'Disaster Cal le d You\h CODie tenct'f ~·~~~· Anahe i m-session-Ppacef ul. But ~rtli Mtet Dur~pr:ed -- In-Berdoo Riots --.--:-' -. . ..._.. ~·(Ufll-A Awhlle,...ibdN!roppllilse give.1 to -~WhitO lloUH\ c\ldl!d'-'7 ~j- 1111111..,.... af mlnorliy when be lbl,la1ld,to the pr .. Confe....,.. .., Yciulh ~-.· -Cloir co•ptJ;t:llon Peace lfetlled upon Ille P""' Tu.,11ay•, 30COlld tlra1Pt youdll . lllnw the Narlllern telten, 'iY•'ve lull proved year. bet-• police and the com- domlnantly N-WU! aide of nlghJ of lrouhle. Pollot' tUI • Calllonla Governor'• Coo-why -doft't lili.ti to' UI. The 3,000 youthl attending munlly, .especially you n I lhe city early today after po-few paltolmen bod -.upi. lei-m Youlll:Jato turmoil We'D .. .., aol uywbere ac--· f>'l'SOll' lice broke up 1 disturbance by ly injured but tbty lnew al _ !')!HJ l>Y. to.~ thelhe ting Jib thl&.'' _ Ille sauth lllate _,..nee •J> • · ' : .. · .: ·'-' 300 persons and tile mayor no civilian Injuries. , ~ ..--""'CJ Pfoved 't"MIOIUtloii a1linl toi: ' ; -'rhe-v<*ic ,age1 1' Nte prnclalmlld a sta~al dl111ter. Oflll'O'• said lhef dkfo't conlenoce. Membenblp_ ~ the panel a ...-· ftr ibe •dnlt .0 ! IDd fe'1erol .iectton11bouJa be Pollet ~ the 11ileqt know ttlf: reasoiia .·biblnd the. 1--1 'in eoatrllt, deleptel to the ch.an&ld but tbl percentage~ _that ptl'IOftS~who did n<K want -Iower~d tO ~·a. 1 ·J streets Dried iltl1 brollen win-outbum.. 'llley'sald omc.,, . , ,. • ,., Sout11aJa ~ ~h =:!~ tht group ~IO . combal could be.--Studeota Should be voting -· said 1. ulJilh enforced ·In patnil can llod oo foOthod , w:m Jilil" ed .Ooa!tnnce pOoce!"'1 a The 'mlbority • ·"'-did , '-~ )ob; like membeiJ on lft ~boils on cur!" bod 1iiiii a.fcceosfut In ·hem -•ta!''"' --,a•bol· · •' • ,.. ·~--~ In . Y-w the elCe "~, lnltud of boa~-~·~.-~-•-·· ~•-r '"'""' '--,... "' '~ " ---' · an ... the merence'• final beln -~-::;"' ·~ w ~~·-· --~ clearing UJllli' crow~ away. . ·) Ues-,::When 'lKey tried to Dre;t .... ~ --..,. "" ' A•MI• bf -· 12 k Well ~..-.. _, I a11ai~ , govemtrc ·bodies that· affect At ll.1.P·m. Tueidar, night, up disturbances or mate ·traf. T._ M' recommendations, inc uding spea er, are ._..,_,, Otber-recOmmendaUim W tbeit Uw.. · · ~ · ·Mayor A.I Ballard dee ared t<a fie arrests in the troubled tw9-in. · ·order one calling for a aubeUtute for ~ncer Wllllaml, to deliver a · · · state of civil disaster" over squaft mile area, wtllch cm-the di'aft. (See complete story, rt taOC But many of the ~ . , the entire city of 100,000 per-sist.s milinJy of residences PASADEN Page S.) you~hs in the audience left M ' 'w .. k Aid. ·r· d: sons, located SO miles easl of mixed with nelghbothood bus-A (Ul'I) -.A The black i"'d Mexican-dur•ng Wllll1m1' speech. ~ C . fniI Loo Angeles. The community's ine'1'5. . . . :'".m:":..i ~~~~ !'.": :American youthS.at·tlie oorlh About U0 minority youths · c . e , le .. black population is about · At one. point manned ban¢ J band near the Role Bowl ~';; state meeting, a~ 1 e r e d walked out of the conference-~ • , :i · · 17,000. cades were thrown' up on the -the coopit was tidn1.....: .•• r becaUle they feltv.they were Monday to protest the aame ,' T c ::.1!.t . • ' B !L ...:. But lnJuri .... arrests and streets to block police can -Tue!daj ... =.:......! .. not adeq\Ulf"ly ~ .i&lue. 0 illl.l.Orma . rwe . ' dar,t!~e figures were all .fl"P.!I! _ente_riqg, Qffi~ _saj__d. of -.-.-• MlOlll pinel 1paat.er 1, The panel member1 were .-. pra·cect ·rowi,y-·oflicialS ·arter Some m officers cleared the · p~~!~e~ _Mn ... 1.,,._ ~1=· ~hl'··~ .... ll!he !ChedUled to meet wilh Gov. (:rowds from the streets. n .. _.....__ 11 f • -,--.,.~ -w ic1 °""'"'nee RooaJd Reagan Dec. 4 to LOS ~G~ (UPI) -A said Tuesday he a:ave Dotie of Police said they made fewer ;.,wi.; ~or ~~ m~der made up of t 2,000 youths. present him the conferencf!'!-union official .says h e lhe mOney to fqrmer QOv. Ed-'The Pill' than 10·8rrests for curtew vt~ . Robertalfl 25 : ;a r e 1 Their action . blocked the -n;cpmmend~Uon1 for solviD~ delivered $10i000 'to Nalhan mund G. Brown'• poliUcal talion, and made no ~r ar-After ctrf ,_,:. tO 1· "' -""' reading of rec<>mmended solu· f09lh prob~. However, it· . Voloshai' a close friend of campaign. . .. -re!ts. "There wU no report · Vu•· po toe ne-..-Uonl to the problems of youth. was 1.L1Clear after lhe con-.' · , TJ:le convict, John .William La I whether the ovemlght curfew quarters wllh her dylnc bua-Only a few m:ommendatlons ference whethtr such a H o U.,1 e S P e a t e r J o h n Hagenson· claims.be agieed to test SSUe would be extended tonight ~~told olflcon Ille ipd wert adopted before lhe oUt· meeUng would tab place· M~ck; Jn t• after ob-a suggestion fnim '(o{~n, Fl Id fir da · .. __ ,wen ~Ill>' 1 bunt. because only a few ~-taininl . the money from . a 71 , a Washlngton at&otney, A S -; . : 'f I ·d~ .. • ~'Ibey e slid mo: auaman Wde a.JM· ·AllP&a 0 n· e Mt x Jean-American. mendallona were 'acted upon .. woman Identified . .pl. the Wlfe that he . give Brow'l'l.'i cam· l tail ·or "!!" tWo antOn·. fires at bousts 'parttnc ~ ~ ~th tolil the aud.ie-.ice, "We'll and the panel membership had of a convict. paign $10,000 u a ·"~ in- turned out to cauae no dlmaie The wcman said lhe . man f1niah up pretty quick, then the been changed; Eugene J. Bufalino. 54, in-vestment." Hq:enion laid the STANP'oRD (UPI) _ sian:-lDld. ·lhat:Jhe Te!lldt!ncfl 1*I fon:ed lw lauabaqf to drive &o Boy . Scouts and_ F u t u re Recommendations adoptl;d ternatJoilal repreSenlative of money was aUppoilid to. have ford University p re 1 l d e n t , beeii v@carlt. A few fireborqb1 ~ ~-~ atta wbeN he l~ °!, Amenca can take by Northern and Southern . the AFlrCIO wine a n d gone 1o Brown t II t • u I h KenneUt Pilzer is conaldering•. and blaies' .lnslde trashcanl,,. --~----'·..:....._....,;Cl.... __ ov:..:er;::._. _______ _.:C.O=lil:..:onua=· :..:c:..:o=nf="='!'C'!e::i~:...w:..:i::.ll:..:be:.....:d':::.'sti::.t::.l•ry::._w:..:or::.k=e:..:rs:...un=inn.:.Che:::.re:::..., :..:B:...u::.fa:..:ltno=·----' _. _ a propbsal that the university also caused no appreciable _ ~ . 1 provide birth ca.itrol pill s upOn damage, they said. .-------------.... ------------------------------.. ·. request to unmarried girl . 1 . students, according to the campus newspaper. The Stanford Daily said in Family Dog an arUcle Tuesday that Pitzer !"ill ~ake_ his_ dec is ion . Started ·Fi're sometune 1n wmter quarter. · . rJ>• declined comment On . . "lbe report. . ESCONDIIJO' CIJP!)• -Fire Under present P.Olicy · doc· lnve~gaton: ·sUt today a ' tors" &t tlie un.lvt!rilt;r. health :blUe that toot &be lives d. :center. camot pracm,e con-four children appll'tlltly was .traCeptives (or aqy coed wJ:io __ started w~ clOthtna:, ... whlch. ·Is nof married or pl8.nning to may }lave ~ ~ed" there marry within 80 days. by the ~ !!ol.;~u ignited The _school physicians now , byodlOlll"/~. ' .1J]Uit refet students to doctors ~: or the Tkth1it of the In the area ocJa the:J'lanned ftre ~Y were chUdren of :Par'enthood Center in nearby Marine Staff stlr. aod Mn. · .Palo Alto. Roberto G~ 'abi! l;lmged In . 'Ibe Daily aaid doctors at ag~Jrdin t;to. 11. Jlie".fourth the healtli ""''" would be victim, Jolm· Smith, IJ,}was 1 ~ed.1 to use. t.Peir own vlslktr •. ~ • · &Sqetion ·on Whether to Garcia and his wife~eecaped ·"pnscribe contraceptives. with five ~ tf ~ thtir . • --t•""-.·.· ' ·#.oUicifl _al lJ\e.Planned childftft ·'1'¥> .Jhe . Dames Parerrtbood -Centtt said more sw~P,t-tiu'tUlb their two-story than 100 Stanford girl s had' hoOae. "' . ,._. · t , , ... ·.IOUl!1'_,~l#lceptJves .at the A ~'child, Rosen d o ,.· .; center w1thtn · the past two Oa~a, f~ was severtly burn-~ " -. :months IO ~t 1the .Joad is gtt. ed but was In satisfactory con--.. ~ . -tiH'f'toOl'i:WCli'tOh'"an'dre. ditlon _at Palomar HoepitaJ. --"I ... ·~nne••• ALWAYS FIRST ouALITV., ' . ·;..,, • " ' .. Come in now, before the rush, and save! HOLIDAY SPECIAL! ' Beautiful 11x14" Christmas ,. ' • . ' ' .• r ... . ' '• ., ORLON* IS SQ CUDDLY," when winter winds blow and the thermometer gets _, down. Wrap up In one ol our toasty warm, fuzzy tokes and you're ready for outdoor lile, be It on the s1:i lift or in the cor poon And all those plush pretenders. are of Orlan~ aciylic, pile. A. Double breasted jacket of Orlon acrylicNorer" modaayHc frosly pile in ash or black, sizes 8-16, '23. B. Groo'"' cut pile in oysler or beige, ~zes 8-16, •23. C. Shawl collar pile with vinyl trim tn ash, brown, or oyator, ~ 8-16, $26. D. Zip front pile in brown, nude, 8-1 6, s30, " • . . " ORLON. +· _..,. ~ ,. AWPONTF&R . , _ 1 -· --.hrtrait-of . Your family . ' ' . i • • ••flt, illff lllrd lc..,. on giving :.~·~· 95 l\nne.,1 - _......, N . , . ··-:. ~ . ·' ~ '" II-~ _. .......... ...,. ..... ""*r'flr • .. ,_.,.pl .. YOl'I ___ _. ...... • • .,-;.7""_,-.... o,.re. .... .,..1,, llir:S,.. .. ,.. ..... .:..-i...'••Jolf'• ... _,_.-.,.io •W.:h :•Al)a fl'µi.litfw .......... , I 'w,,.,_...,. •• ....,.,, Oiac• l c:..- M fleer, '"-M ' --.. ......,-.ua-·--,,.. ...... ......,. THE i;ASHION PLACE • • ·- -- D . A . ' .. I ' - I I ' I Not::.J .. st P llatlon -' 4 • -~Man Overhea:ting ' ' Planet as Well WASHINGTON (UPI) -the Qallara Depression ol Mo !ln1 just po 11 u t In g Egypt which ls 440 led below his planet. be ls well on the sea level In places, and other way to °'~Un it as well. enclosed basins in hot areas of 'lbil la the warning of two Africa and Eurasia. Soviet oclenll!ts, Profs. G. p. '!lie wata thus Introduced Kalinln and V. D. Bykov, of MO!IODW UDiverslly. into these now 1 t a an a n t Jn generaUng power for bis regions wouJd evaporate and lndustrial and mu n l c i P a I then return to earth u cooling needs, man also generates rain. heat. A ume may come, ac--Jn another impact article, J. cording lo Kallilln"aod Bykov, 0. Flelchor ol lhe Rand-~ .. when this heating may con-Sanb .. -~. M9ctiomcaYI· ues' acallllr--:0 .. m'a•yYs 1Ututt "a ?HI danger." ............ "'°""" 1be Russians' warning is set be changing climate In unan· I·' ticlpated ways damaging lo forth in Impact. a quarter r mankind. He, too, noted that publication cf the United Na· ..-.il··Ji-bec<m • tiona f.d.ucaUonal, Scientific, beat t" uu\l\;uuu may ea and CUltural Organization. menace. Wise management of earth's According to Fletcher, 11man water resources appears to be already has the technological the only way to prevent capability to carry out many mankind from stifling itself. climale·influencing schemes." Water is the indispensable As oQ'ters have pointed oul coolaDL often, the total consequences Accordlna: to the Moscow · o( aueb tchemes cannot now lcienUBb· be foretold. Some m I g ht · ' -te disasters lnslead o( "Power ls now 1enerated ~· ._ . and consumed by lodustry at blessmgs. Anr"'ay, here are l!UCh an accelerating rate that, !Omfl of, them. even in the near future, this -Removal d. lee from the will seriously affect t be .Arctic Ocean; earth's heat budget. _Damming Bering Strait to "U' power generaled in-slop or reverse the northward creases annually by 10 per-flow of cold Pacific water cent, in 100 years it will have through it; an effect ~mpar~~le to that _ Deflecting the G. u) r of solar rad1aUon. St and its p a c i f 1 c !. t ream One way more coo 1ng wa er counterpart, the Kuroshio Cur· could be made available for rent. heat generatln~ man, the • Russian scienUsts suggest, -Damming the Congo to would be to divert ocean water create. with the help of the into low-lying regions of the Ubangi Ri.ver, or a couple, of continents. enonnous inland ~eas covertng These inclupe the Dead Sea, 10 percent of Africa . THESE PENNEY STORES • WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 1210 5 P.M. •AZUSA ' •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FUUERTON • GARDEN GROVE . •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON · BEACH •INGLEWOOD ' • LAKEWbOD •LONG BEACH l '•LOS ALTOS l . \ . • MONTa.AIR • NEWPORT BIACH ' -•NOR~~ • NORTH HOUYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO ' • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA •.WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA • WHITIWOOD . - • WHITTIER DOWNS 1 W~ -'"!!!" U, IM . ·- I • I ••• • ' I i • I ' • • . . ' ' ! (A TOY FROM PENNEYS) • l l 3· versions of · Hot Wheels® fu-n~ and toys to please e.veryone·! ' l ' ' ' . ·: ~ ' . UICE IT, •• CHARGE IT! . . • . . ' . t.t • -· Hot Wheels• Super Charger race set for thrills, fun! 14.88 ~ ' . • ~ ~ ~ . ' . i The set features 2 Hot Wheels9 an,2 $uplr Chargers, 2 lap c:ounlm's, ..C.180"-. 2' • and 3' track sections, bridge. Coqielilianl i I l . . A Hot Wheels4' Super Charger Sprint Race Set.,. for boys 7.97 . -. ,,,. exdtmMnt °'speed anc1 thrills that ii. I lov .. This set has brid~)olnen, curv.,. trade, car, morel Choon several of his very favorite Hot Whee ... cars • 66c each l 1 Beat the aowds ••• come In -tywhllt llOcb l ::.._ __ :.__Clr9__;_· h....::igh.:.._O-_..,;.· _frcic..,;,l!l_a_:gr:_eat_cmc;_a;_•l_11•_d.;_I j Dolls to make any little girl's eyes light up a lot ••• f Beautiful Crissy91 ! Her hair grows ••• : 8.94 i \ . Pull herhoiranditgrows .... allthe way to the floor. Then It can be styleil, rewound for a short flip. 3 pc. kitchen appliance set! 7.99 Mini steel sink, rwfrige. ator and CMlil. 42 plastic accessories ••• a little girl's dream come truel Talking Barbie• doll sa'ys 6 phrases ••• I 4.94 She's 11'1•" tan, has bendable legs, -1 eyelashes, rooled hair ••• her hwol 119 fashion moclell Swlngy9-a moving doll ••• sensational! 12.94 A little gal on the gal She turns her head from side ta side and ,_,. lllCMS her arms· as she walb. .,.,..;;.__J • J I . I I l ,------------------! Cuddly pup by Pluih Pal~ •• 2.99 i c1111om·lllade far '°" or .. i-••• a cutt, IClll .,.t · hound stuffed with cill i ,_ mllulciet fbw. • j AVAILABLE AT YOU~ LOCAL PENNEY STORE l c ' I • -~-..,_,. •• 4 ; ' I • • I SERVING IT HOT -Volunte.r UC Irvine •tudent Linda Oliver .•erves bot Jund!., to girls (left to nght) Demetrius .llai;rls, Patricia Glaspie and Rosa- DAILY PILOT l'Mtt ., J:kfllnl ~ lyn Syk ... Linda II one of 22 UC! volunteers help- ing Veterans Charitable Foundation feed 250 dis- advantaged Santa Ana school children daily. MEETINGS , TODAY Warm Heart~ Stomaeh UCI Students Help Kids Get Lunches MtMnlc S..t1rlnl Lodt'I' Ho. 10f. Mttonlc Templa,. 1J:h Sh"ffl 1nd SI. AnG'W• P~. NfW'POl'f llNdl, , B1 THOMAS PORt:tJNE work each day or the week out The children have to be . c1:i:'1'•1r '"''"'' ku.c1n111t n :IO'lll °',... O.Jtf' '"1191 Staff of the list of 22. transported from six ICbools At-ci. s1 .. G11111 Meu, 1 """· SANTA ANA -Twenty.two For lhe children they help · to the Veterans Foundation H~i:.'1':' H:,~·~ C-:": ...... ~ volunteer UC Irvine students feed, It'• like party Ume, said hall because Santa Ana "'"''°" &Nell. 1:J1 •m. . are beJping to feed disad· Mrs. Shirley Cohen. n:ecuUve elementary schools do not NIWl'Ott &each ....,_..n Li9ttDn. '"°" hool f th n1• 215 u111 st .. ....._, IMctl. , vantaged Santa Ana sc secretary o e foundaUon, have cafeterias, Mrs. Cobeu •.m. chlldren hot lunch~ each located in Santa Ana. said. k.wu .i Columbua Julllltt COUnc11, ''Th bl *' · ,... v . Jolldllm H111, '"' school day. e ggest problem we The head cook· is the er-.__ e.1, Mew, • p.m. Working wHh the Veterarui have is they want to bring Veterans Foundation's custo-ar-~ lie.I Oub, Elu Club. th ' (~ends W ' •"• th JU& n 0poi1o, H-1 ewc;11,. 1:30 Charitable F o u n d at I o n e1r 11 • e re a.a-o-ey dian and he hi aatsted by ,... (fonnerly Disabled American like It so much, but not all disabled veterans and their At!:f~~IM5 ~=O~tv't. w~~~ Veterans), the UCI students their frienda are ellglble." dependents. ktdl. ,,,, p,m. drive the children to lunch, The 250 studenta fed hot They and the uct atudenta. oc...t SJ,..-. YMCA. JrilDO univ.,..llY serve them and then wash the lunches each day come from aren't paid anuf1.i ..... On •·yo OrM. ......, hedl. 7:• •.m. J'""""6 ... R....._.., -~ ~''-"" eem Hltfl dLshes aft.er they are gone. famlliea with less than $3,000 when schools were closed for kflool. --IA Ill» Mlln $!... The UCI voluntee.n do this annual Income. The lunches, parent conferences many of H•.lhll!r.c.n a.ct\. I •.m. Chfu ctu.b o1 c.t• Mll1.1, ComnwnllY when they don't have midday costing 30 cents each, are paid the students came over Rect11•llon c.nier. Oral'IM Cou111V f b th fed aJ F•lritrounc1 .. CO:lt• Me11. 7 •.m. classes. Six to eight students or y e er government. anyway for their lunch. ~~~~~~~ vtl:i<i 7 D"YS .A WEEK CARPET & RUG VALUES .. , . { • .I WAREHOUSE ~CLEARANCEI \,AS1 c.•"''' 969 pa'ftlll'S au. 'c1.0S1•out•Ott Ill: 1970 pr.n£RllS NYLON . KODEL SHAG ACRILAN SHAG t.Rl t.RRIVlllG ' V11 llllD Co"""'rcl1I i r I I 1 t y , .. ly Mohawk .... , 2" thick. Ml4I for h11yY tr1fflc· °"' OM Inch tftlck. Very ...,, ridt Clr,ef _. hr ftll So~~.~~; .. 1rt11. Ne•'+'Y douM1 ILJt• ~huh-for tht modern fem-IMllY )'Nn tf .. My I Met. ••• & lllKk. llhl1 & ,. '"''· A~• ... 4,. ft'tgo '"''" twffd. SOLD AT LEADING ... RIG. PRICE 6.95 STORES FDR RIG. 10.95 , -,;.~ tant••"' ,nce1. 1.95 Piii SQ, YARD CLOSE OUT SPECIAL I 11>"' "'\"'I I'"' CLOSI OllT 3 39 SPICIAL • OUl 695 ••. NOW 492 la. ex1rn11\1s. PllCI ..... ..... us All ontRI DuPONT 501 MA Kl ll'ICIAL NYLON SHAG This 11 Oft a-hoU'' of out w«• ROLL ENDS llt•'+'Y duty tlrptf •ith ...... ly W""da WMYe pMfo .tock JO TO IO SQ. YAIDS lilt lute back. l11utifvl Vtry tltht twfltt4, II.at ut, O<d" r\ghl ,,... KHll'-Nrto ... Acrif-. hlth low paftml, 1thl. n.,to"~· •• fw the W..ILAN ........ SIBC AT 11'11 ....., trlfflc. o .... VAIUl.S TO 14.95 OTHER STORES FOR t•lor only, """" '"""' 1111SJ ~~ ~:~v=l't.IS nOM 2f' ~ Twttd. 1.95 l'llt SO. YARD ONlT 673 YDS. lm VAIUI 7.95 Pll YD. , ........ ...., .. -4n , .. .._....,_, ..... llnl ..... , .. OUll 4n::; c-.. ftm ""' """ -"'Oo!;~IN--11~,il: ':S~"J'r;:~:_§~:;::.;;;;:._;.'-"'_.. SAVE NOW( ONl.11.0CK IOUTH OF WARNIR 2406 S. MAIN SANTAANA ) TO SHOP AT HOME CAU •549-3349 OPEN: MON. THROUGH FRI. 9 AM TO 1:30 PM SUNDAY 11-4 • New NAB Progrant --:. • ' .. Collins Trains Workers Collins Radio of Newport Beocb hu been awarded funds by tho U.S. Llbor Deportment to train dt11dvanta1ed unemployed penons h I re d under the NatlobaJ Alliance of BuaJnessmen 'a Job~ portunllla _.... Announcing the award, John P. C<iadon, Orqe Counly Viejo High Gets Gifts MISSION VIEJO -Three companies and an individual have given gifts to Mission Viejo High School: They are: -Electronic equipment valued al $1,654 for matheJMtlcs and etectra.ilcs f~ lrom Varlsn Dala Machinel. , -A aJx.foo( bY ll • f o o t ocortboard for. the bueball diamond from Coca Cola Bot· tllng Company. -A llw'col Grind.().M!x lo the qriculture department BOAT BUFFS from Miiiion Viejo Ranch Alll'IOll locli1ky It th• only Company. J..ll.t11110 M•ti119 Mlfor wor•1119 __. to tbe library from 1111 011y "'""'P'P'' i11 Or•11t• Mn. Shirl! Reithard. County. Hit •xcl111ive cover•t• The gifts were accepted with of •••tint •11d y1chti119 n•w. thanks Monday ·night by I h • ti ally f••fur• of tho DAILY '!'Ullin Unlo.1 High Schoof PILOT. District trualeel. !INTUIY' ~ Conto111~r11r~' ~al nut - Cl·fll 21" V -'lfS tq in. Color TV Picturo. Cu1tom h!9ll t.4',lity fro11t f•cint tp••••r. Allv•11cM circ.iltry, u11co111pro• ll'li1i111 q11•lity, th• 11"101f·w•11f•4 i111ilf·i1t f•1tut•• -cu1tom a11•mbl1d with th• 11101t·c1r•ful ••114 cr•fhm•111hlp. Th1l'1 why you a.lw1yt 111 a. pictur1 th1t It cl••r ind ''''"· • Carol Eyqns• • does her vest thing in <?rf9n • 1 Brighi little knils lhat do 00 much . to perk up a girl's wardrobe ••• with slacks or skirls. Choose the popcom-knit or nifty little rib·hugger, both with belts in ttght or brig hi colors. And every girl ~ how Orlon• acrylic washes like a "'-n, nffds no pamperiftg at on. Sizes 3 to 6X, 4.59 Sizes 7to 16, •s AVAIL.ASl..E AT YOUR l.OCAl.,PENNEY STORE .... TllU.U .tVAIL.AaLI No Payment tll t.'-rch '70 -• (. L_ '- WtlMsda,J, Nowtr1bft 12, 1969 DAILY Pl.OT J j! ~~1;· Statisties ,for the Orange Coast Area " ,1 r' arriage Divorces Hew To Hold FAJ,.SETEETH Firmef, Lon9er i'''''''''''''' ....... ! YOUR PROBLEM: : You want to Mii tome item : that you no longer nMd but : someone else can use ~ for : NOT OYER $50 i ? ? ? 7 ? ? i YOUR ANSWER: · ! You call TH! DAil Y PILOT, a1k for i Classified Advertising, ind place 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFllD AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE ! ~ 3 UNIS a. AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I 2 TIMES 2 DOLi.AU DIAL NOW DIRECT! ; a 642-5678 : i IToll fr• Nort• Co•11ty J40.1221t i ~ ..................... "'*************•*•••••••· I I 20%off -REGULAR PRICES ON ALL MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S PARKAS!-PANTS! PARKAS-cut a dash;ng figure on the 1lopes In styles that range from wo;st length ta Hit length. The colon are wild I PANTS-You get that '2nd skin' lypo of f;t. Outf;t the whole lam;ly and sovel But shop early for tho best selec1;on1 LUND IMPERIAL SKI SET WITH SKI POLES REG. 39.99 NOW 34. 99 Multi-laminated wood aid has a polytex bottom, interlocking 1t11I edge1. Step in bindings and tapered alum!'""" poles. LUND FIBER GLASS SKI SET WITH STEP-IN BINDINGS REG.59.99NOW 49.99 Sid features cbil layors of glau, polytu bottom 01tt11ocklng si.ol edgoo, plaslic tap odges and pla:. tic tap sheet. Step-in bindings. :sOPIN' DOWNEY ' ' i ·, '1< SALE ... ' ' AT PENNEY'S SKI SHOP - FULLERTON This is it, skiers! The big sale yoilve been waiting for I Penneys has taken 20% off Qll all parkas and pants in the Ski Shop. Come in and see aur corrlplete selection of ski accessories today and get in on the savings! -·· • 20%oFF. Come sff our big . selection of ski boots for the whole family! They buckle or lace, eithet way Insur.es comfortable footwlar. Black In all sizes. HUIT)' In tadayl 5 buckle plastic lkrboet for men or woman ••• ltot· 19.tt , NOW '32 5 budde leather std boet for men or women ••• Rog. 29.91 , NOW'24 4 loudcle Ir. ski boot In llnl 4, 5., and 6 •• i. ~.21.tt ,NOW17.50 Youth's loco rvWior old boot In 1i1n 4, 5, 6, 7, L 1to9.7.9I ,Nowf6 HUNTINGTON BEACH l I 'J I • • I • " SUNDAY 1001 t 12-SP.M..~~~~N-eN_PO~R-T_s_E_A_c_H~~~v-E_NT_u_RA __ ~~-LA~KE_w_o_o_o~~~M-O_N_T_c_LA~IR~~_.·~ .. - Apollo Crew-Reaily~for~to-day 'Tripi t . . ·, .·.. Here's Schedule From Lift to Moon Landing to Splmh &PACE CENTER. Hbulton • ,jyl'l)_-Apollo 12, llle -.econd ~ ---landing i>~lll10n, la acheduled to blast ~ 1rom cape Kennedy 111.-. It on a fllsht that will ,,,!Ill JI AaYa· -.1a c;Mrles H . " ·~.. Conrad and Alan L. ol ~·will apmd _:IS hours on ~iht iDooa, mat1o1 two walks 'fhai w;Jl IDtal up to eight "'"1L llJcbord F, (lordoo will 16~ In the Apollo 12 com· ,. ;ii\aild lhlp, orliltlns Ille moon, ''"'whtle they land. for 10 seconds. shifting spacecraft to a patch that would miss the earth if the ship coasted all the way around the moon and started back wit hout 'fltbg any of its engines· again. Thb departure from a "free return" patch, an Apollo first, ia needed to reach the Apollo 12 lunar lan- ding site. SuodAy, Nov. 16 3:22 A.~l -Astronats begin sleep period. I :%2 P .M. -Crew awakens and performs navigation dil· ties. ~ Tiit lollowlni la the Apollo U fUaht plan, all times PST. based a:i: an on-lime ll!toff and tubject to change: 11 :52 P.~t. -Television show from inside command ship, lasting 50 minutes, show- Frtday Nov. 14 -Lamarll l>liy ing Conrad and Bean visiting 8:2Z A.M. _Saturn 5 rocket moon lander far first time in hlMI away from Cape Ken-flighL nedy, placing Apollo 12 In Monday, Nov. 17 earth orbit 12 minutes later. 11:09 A.M. -Top stage of 4:2Z A.M. -Crew goes to rocket rdgrdtes, ha r Ii n g sleep. spacecraft out o( earth orbit U:22 P.M. -Crew awakens. toward moon. 2:47 P.f..l. -Final op- 11:45 A.M. -Command ship portunlty to adjust course separates from rocket, turns be£ore reaching moon. 1..,dlng craft -•Ill engine and brakes into , an orbit swooping within S0,000 feel of the moon. 10:42 P.M. -al 50,000 foot altitude, Conrad fires a aecond rocket bunt with the Jancfin.q enlgne @>nd starts. descent toward moon's surface. 10:53 P.M. -Touchdown on the ht.1ar Ocean of Stonns. Tbundoy, Nov •. II liaU7, "Noor. ta 12:111 A.M. -Back at Apollo 11:30 .A.M. -As!rnnauta U landing cnl, Bean climbs awaken. blcl< l:llide. Conrad follows 2:44 P.M. -Secoocf 01>: him 25 minutes later. alter portunlty to . come\. atm J>U&inl · uP rock bo1es and toward earth,; parts from Surveyor . 3 "P" ---•te1-• · Moonwalk 1 may be extended 30 : .. , .-.., r ''.tµa.l 11:vision minutes U au -· well. show of llllhl. allowi:)g earth •-and ln¢i·Gio1pacecraft. Luts 3:38 A.M. -Lunar surface 30 minutes. TV camera turned off before 4:;30 P.'.M. _ Cnw goes to liftoff from the moon. sleep. Wednesday, Nov. tt 6:23 A.M: -Astronauts fire 12:17 A.M. -Conrad and big ascent engine, climbing Mioda7, N ... H--ntry B •-gin their !Int at away from lunar surface to ean ""' me on rejoin command ship in orbil 2:30 A.M. -Astronauts moon. awaken and prepare for re-en- 2:55 A.At. -Astronauts 9:37 A.M. -Nblh television try to earth'• atmosphere. show of flight, UliJ one from open landing craft hatch in command ship and lasting 30 9:44 A.M. -Three hours. preparation for their first minutes, showing approach of friim home, Apollo lZ has last moonwalk. lunar landing crafL chance to trim up its course. 3:WA.f\.t. -Conrad steps on lO :OZ A.M. _Landing craft 12:22 P.M. -Command ship moon ltlder gaze of television docks wilb nose of command cabin separates from &ervice cameru he turned on three ship, and lunar explorers re-module, which contains main In •· II hll · rdon roc ket engine, and hits upper m u...::s ear er w e conung join Go • frtiges of e~J atrnos'pbere down lan<Hng craft ladder. 12:19 P.M. -Empty landb& over South Pacillc 12 mfnates 3:36 A.M. -Bean joins craft jettiaoned. later. Conrad on surface. 1 ·.47 P.K -Radio ~gnal 12:53 P.M. -Splashdown Jn ~. _. Old World Medi terrane an. - Spanf.lla Fu"'iture OYER $100,000 INVENTORJ TO CHOOSE FROM DECORATORS CANC ELLATION and RETU RNS FROM MOOEL HOMES DECORATORS'DREAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY . . Item's 11 follows: Gorgnous custom qu ilted solo with separate pillows with hHvy oak trim decor and Matching• '9ve "!4t, ] matching Oak OC-I casional tables, 5811 tall decorator lamp, hanging chain swo9 lomp, 1an B·piece king size mister bedroom suite, paneled Mediterranean style _ with top quality IS years warranty king size mat ress and box springs. Sf!Onish_dining sot, etc. COMPLETE HOUSEFUL ~~· ..... " $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED MUST SACRIFI CE INDIVIDUALLY At EQUAL SAVINGS $568 N_O MONiY DOWN9NO PAYMEN'I; ' Till 191') around and docks nose-~nose 5:52 P.A1. -Fouth color with lwar landing craft s~ll telecast of f1iibt shows crewF attached to rocket. preparing to ~ter moon orb~t. 3:47 A.M. -Astronau ts from earth fires landing the Pacific Ocean, about 460 plant American fla~. unpack a craft's engine, sending it into miles southeast of Pago Pago, self-powered s c 1 e n t i f i c a dive toward .the moon. It and st.art Of q u a r a n ti n e research st.aticr.i and set &ta-hits at 2:15, and the impact Is schedule to end Dec. 10 in tion up on lunar surface. They registered on ~ moonquake Houston. also gather moop. rock meter.the astronauts aet up on . _::_:__:::::_ _____ ..'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=! samples. the surface. 1- 11 :50 A.M. -Color. Lasts 20 mimites. television from command ship. 7:36 P.M. -Apollo 12 goes showing moon lander out of behind moon, out or contact window with earth i n with the earth, and fires its ~Show lasts 1 hour big main engt.1e at 7:47 P.A1. 2 minutes and l n c I u d e s to slow down and drop into a spacttraft pulling away from 6"J·19'-mile high lunar orbit. rocket which later will be ~ a-- p M Color tel v1s· f. ed by emote -tr I Into' ·-. . -e ion II" • r "'""' 0 show of lunar surface · from solar orbit. moOn orbl~ ~ling 30 minutes. Sa&llrday, Nov. Iii 2:22 A.M. -Astronauts go to sleep for first time since launch. 12:23 P.M. -Astra.1auts awaken. 2:47 P.M. -Second televl&ion show, with views in- side command ship, lasting 35 minutes. 3:15 P.M. -Conrad fires main eommand ship engine U.S. Eas e In., Ease Ou t Of War? Tuesday, Nov. 11 -Moon Orbit 12 :06 A.M. -Apollo 12, behind moon,' fires ma in englnt agat.1 · and trims up orbital altitude to 61 by 73 ·mil.es •. 4:52 A.l\1. -Crew goes lo sleep. 1 : 2 2 P .M. Astronauts awaken and begin prepara· tions for lunar landing. •:22 P.M. -Conrad and Bean get ready to enter Ian. ding craft, leaving Gorda;i alone in command ship. 8: I 2P.M. -Televisin from command ship, showing moon lander pulling free from com- mand craft's nose at 11 :46 P.l\1. and flying fonnat.ion. 9:45 AM. -Conrad fire1 5:55 A.M. -Bean re-enters 2:22 P.M .. -Astronauts landing craft, followed 20 start sleep period. minutes11ater by Conrad. They 9:52 P.M. -Astronauts turn. off TV camera, left wake up. outside on a tripod, at 6:27 tl:24 P.M. _ Mai.t' com- A.M. and then. eaL Moonwal_k mand ship engine fires to ad- may last 30 mrnutes longer if . just course ft>r photocrapby all goes well. future Apollo landing sites. 8:09 A.M.--Gordon. orbiting mOOi'l alone, fires main engine for a course adjustment. 9: 17 A.A-1. -Moonwalkers siring hammocks in landing craft and go to sleep. 6:17 P.M. -Conrad and Bean awaJren for second moonwalk. 9:32 P.M. - Astronauts tum on lunar surface TV. 9:40 P.M. -Conrad steps a.1 moon for second time, joined by Bean &even minutes late;r. Friday, Nev. Zl 12:43 P.M. -Main Apollo 12 engine fires again, blast1ng spacecraft out of moon orbit and driving it back toward earth. 1:17 P.M. -Astronauts aim television camera at lhe recedin~ moon. Space· agency says this TV show may be taped for later replay~_ 2:30 P.M. -Crew' goes to sleep. · 9:47 P .M. -Astronauts Saturday, Nov. 2:z start "geology traverse" toward spot where Surveyor 3 robot craft landed in 1967. picking up carefully selected rock and soil samples on the way. 11 :30 P.M. -Moonwalkers reach Surveyor, where they remove some parts to return them to earth. 12:30 A.M. -Conrad , Gordon and Bean wake up. 3:43 A.M. -Altronaut8 have ftrit chance to c:Orrect homeward bound coune if necessary, then · perform navigation tasks. 2:30 P.M. -Crew beJlina sleep period. WASHINGTON (UPI) -KmU 11u1Grr llOUllOIWllrsm 111 PRoor. armuu mlOTnu rtTKE ~AMOUS o.o cmr DISTtUDTC:O~RmfOllT. (f. 'Ille Unlted Stales eased Into the Vietnam war and, u .some believe, it might simplf 1ase out. For years the AmeriC.aJ\11 maintained a small military advisory group operating out of Saigon that numbered less than 1,000 men. Even as the U.S. mission espanded to In- clude training and advisory duties, American casualties as late as. 1961 totaled only II men dead of 3,100 troops there. Delore former · President Lyndon B. Jolwon ordered a mau buildup of U.S. forces In the war in early 1965, to Bpending on Vietnaip since early 1955 when the United stat.es formally a s s u m e d training responslbUl\y I or South Vietnamese forces, WU 11.5 billlon. In 1914, tt wu;ooly Jl03 million. Ai -u;,-·p.u Or U.S. hi· lve:rntnt. the war ha1 Ct>St .2 billloD for a single year the 12 months ended lut uty 1 -and involved at one · t In 1968 a total olol143,500 Now, President Nixon's ef. ~fort! to disengage 'the country · the war promise to &how gradual re~sal in the Unless I.here is a Oare-up tn ibtlns. the >,merican d .. !h tn combat .thlJ year ts ex· il>ecled to <leclin< to 10,000 '""'· spendinJ is . •'P!"ted to to llU bqUoo by next uly I and the tOtal U,S. troop mlt.mS is steadily wlndling. Deleue oft.iciets be 11 e v·e even l/ the llpting con· ' u .s. troop strengOi .., eventually be cut from latest estimate of 497,300 tu -200,000 \brough Vletnaridzatlon program of bolilutlns South Vietnamese or U.S. cornbal units. 11 lht llc)<tinc • to P s ~""""""· by mutual agr ... mena. « otherwise. these of. ;ficta1s plan to leave ooly a $Ill" force d 'about Americans In Vietnam lralnlnl and advisory • ~Jdlll .. tHe 21,000 l!lmt---belote the big arl Of the cutback In Save $1.40! Now the Crow t/2 gallon is ·easier to get hold of. now$11.49 (was s12.89) Now California's most popular half gallon comes to you at an easy.to-pick-up price. Samesmooth,modern Crow. • Grip-jur handle. Perfect grip for balanced pouring from first pour to last. • Compact size. No taller than a fifth, but holds a !ull 64 ounces. •Built-in pourer. Perfect pouring control , •. s.mooth , dripleu flow every time. t~-up. l\leo 11 due to the Ni>on Old c ...,.._!loo pnUcy o I ~reaction,''• row r.:uu;y lllralqy clooely aktn ·. lb the "llre only l/ !l!'ed upon" Huge savings on shag or sheared pile earpeting fo r a limited time only ! 'Penval' Our name for our wond erfully versatile Kodel9 polyester high· low random sheared texture car· peting_ Available in 7 decorator colors. - REG~ 7.99 sq. yd. NOW 6.99 sq.yd . 'Shagtastic' Our marvelous polyester shag pile, of extra heavy yarns, 2 inch pile height. Colors go wild in l 0 smashing shades. REG. 9.99 sq. yd. NOW 1.·99 sq.yd . .. Pad and l11stallatlo11 avollablt at regular low Penney prices. . .. ,: .~ ,: ...... ~ For Shop at Home convenience, Phone the store in your local area • We bring samples. • frH estimate. CANOGA PARK (883·3660) fUUfRTON (871~'3) • frff consultotion. • No obliga!!On. l.AlCEWOOD NEWPOKT IEAot (63+7000) (833°0783) DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH MON!CLAIR VEM!UlA <869"'41l (892·mn (621o:111 1 • 915-72·1n (6'2·7592> ~ ~~ :J':; Taste made it the ll'orld's most popular Bourbon. ~~~....... ~-1...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.,.~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~ ) . I ------------------------------------~----------- By DOUG WILLIB MllCittM ,.. .. Wrllw • NEW ARK (AP) -''Big Brother, we're w~g you:" That is the raUying_ ery of·a 700-member volunteer organi,zoticll founded here two years ago by a 47-year-<>ld · electrician who said h e ' . became i_rked by the official cars he kept finding in unaf- ficial appearing circumstan- ces .. But 11Watch ·0.1 Big Brother;" the official name of Bruce Paul's . ci.Uzen spy ... system, does rn.ore I.hen just handtut of ·printed .report· !1A~.member . ln &an Fran-· . .aupermarkeL.at .·nJght or an and.-aeteral ·Jiaile$~0Cl.-O>unt watch. · fonns, ~then. they. are sent cisc6-he's a Slate·emeJoYe, weekends.· frOm·a ~· ,trlp~frjm 1 It also reports JnCl~¢nt1 it niore if iher. !ile report!j. so J can't name him,-counted H~ said one nle.niber spotted training school .to a plafte.bicll belie_ves to be misu,ses ~f "'Member"_J'eports go to Paul, , about 2$0 sta~ c1111 leave one a young couple jn casual to hJs home· n.e .. 1 ···:;, •• publicly owned yehJcles, ""d 1t who files complaints under the garage at quitting t.1.mt one ' . · · ""'.·1 te ... 1...,,, ~-~ turn ;,.."' ~o~ow~ up_ ·askin' repott,s of organlzatJon's name in what night,"'P~lljd: cl~thes in a federal ear at a . ~ _ ._ investigations. ·looks like ·the · more serious "If it's just lO'miles-per car, wmKy tasting~ back in different than qpiar1iMu, "What we 're ,rUlly con-cases. All ·complaints •go into 'that's stiU a lot of money that August. '11'8 car was sifned· Paul said •. For: el&inp)f, oat cerned with is lrY,ing to cut files On the agencies reported. is being misspent over. a year. from a Sa.1 Francisco motor shopping '11~: fumed ·~ to 'dawn· on taxes," Paul' s·ald. Paul believes tbe most com-. Who k.10ws how many cars it1,. pool 50 miles· away on a1tthori· be training (Or nlettb!J.~tal "Actually we fin_d v~ little mon abuse of pub Uc vehicles might, add u'p to 'throughout ty of the commander or· an patienb about' .to -pe· rel~~ misuse; ·but these things_ add is by officials who take them the state.'' · " • Alabama anny post. as did ,l.·~ater P.lm';. •· ) up. If we ca.1 make .~pie .. l!o~ p.t night when ~e is no He said the n1oSt frequent He . saJd the, invUtigaUon "There's ·a lot of ·.~al awar~ Uta~ ~e .are watc,~1ng, chance the official might need •.complaint is of an official -still ls not -~ed to. Jlis cars ~ Jegitlmatet)' .. ;after we win save a great deal. a par before returning to .. v.ehl~I~ belrig. used by a family satisfaction, since the offieer hours; we-rot.tna ~t · .. ow. b NeW members · receive a work. · shopping ·at a neighborhood involved wu se~eral bOIU'I sure,".?aµl aild; ' '.~ ' .. ' ' TV Repair· Panel To Help 'Image'? • • ... ,e.nne•;•J · WAYS <FIAsT GUALIT~. · ... . , . -By JACK V. FOX " frankiy · tired ot ·an image'"af shady practitioners brought on by the few gypsters. NO FAVORS LOS ANGELES (UPI) You r color television set is on· ly 14 months old but it's on the blink, literally. You haven't Fritz says the panel o~ the foggii!st idea wh at is viously would have to be wrong with it except that the chosen in such a way that it screen is just one great favored neither th e scramble ol moving a1anted businessman nor the COMUmer line but had representatives of '· th Yoo look up a TV repair out-bo groups. lit in the yellow pages, choos· It would require ~rt ing one affiliated with the technici'inS'tlitb'DIYU to gl'tDl:I · company fr~m which you and a workshop where TV ~ bought the set. . The repair that had, been· repaired could be examiBed. '· · shop tells you at the !)Utset it wUl cost $15 to send a man no The .con\plainant would be matter what the trouble is anonymous Jmd so Would U>e with the set. repairman so far as the panel This seems Pretty stiff was concerned. They would because it might be just one have to put in wr!Ung ~ir teeny-weeny part. loose or even willingness to accept the fin. the set not properly tuned. But ding of the panel so that a yoo really have no choice. You whole horde or people wOuld are almost as helpless as if a not be bringing u~ubstan child were sick and you need· tiated complain~. ed a doctor, fast. Your family Fritz says a lot of wrinkles wants that TV working again would have to be ironed aut and 50 do you. but he points out that a similar operation has worked WHAT'S WRONG? successfully for years in· the Tht repair man comes and dry cleaning industry over fiddles around in the back of damage to garments and other the set and says he will have -;;com:;· ;p::laints.:;'==::::·::::·====;f to take i~ down to the shop ,. · "'. ,·, ... and fix it. Wbail'I wtoogt He's' not sure b.ul he_lhlm maybe the main ogl"!li>I'l"'t has fl!sed into the quasi-canter and the }he J>AJl Y PILOT- l'he On! J hat. Cares chromolantic tube has blown. f~~~~~~~:::-1 Two dayS later the TV is I ' ' . . ' • • • ow prices ew • •· Oii: '.Penncra t® . . -·· -. . ·-. ' . '. - int.erior , ' 'l ..: PfMllChfT •. PltlllUll PAllfT CU8RAllT!E ale SAVE 1.50! PENNCRAFr PREMIUM INTERIOR LATEX PAJNT • . '" . -· ' ·-·· , ; • • • \ ·. , > J ' ' l ' • ; :.1 ·-· ' ·-- , . ' back in your Jiving room. It works fine. Then you look at the bill Yoo owe $t1'8.43 for ' fixing • set that you poid $700 ,,,; I ·e;--r..ar ca.-... illtees t11al f!li• Pl'Olhlet wltl proiilte o~e -cm coferqi •hell ~ltd ower • pcopmy prtparld surfo a eesalbed ht llltcl:iola 1111'1 W. ,llppfot:lt1ori fllUSt llOI. 111:Ceff pl. ... _,..shied below'°" .acti ~ (If-'-· t( tflls ptoduct dOIS JIOl P.t• fOl'rl ts st31:M. the J. C. Plllftl1 Co. Wifl SIJllPIJ, frM of Cllll'lt, r.11111&11 addl!loul ci.tllt W ·~le toterat•; « Wfllnd• • REG. 7.49 A GALLON t for a little more than a year ago. Y OtJ · start yelling bloody murder but it's not going to get you any place. The repainnan has it all written down -the replaced1 parts, the cost of labor, tran,.porta. tion, taxes, The curtain descendl on another apoplectic head · of a household convinced that all TV repairmen are robbers. And on a harassed repair shop owner who is beginning to feel that most TV owners are deadbeats. A solution to that all loo familiar scene may be on ttle horizon, according lo William Fritz, head of the Los Angeles Better Business Bureau. MOST HONEST Fritz says at the outset that the e:tperience of the BBB is that well over 90 percent o! the TV repair outfits are honest and leg4\illlale con- cerns making only a moderate profit in an enterprise that en- tails high overhead and con- stantly rising wages. Frit:Z also feels that the $15 minbmnn charge is . a I s o reasonable. Without it eve,ry household with a curious in- f ant twirling the dials and a housewife pulling out the plug with her mop would have repairmen in a sta.te ol chaos. It also discourages dishonesty in appraising what is wrong with the set. But Fritz concedes there are maily cases in which an honest difference exists on whether there has been an overcharge and cases in which repair shops a,rt definitely gouging the customer. During the past few months l<'rib: has been talking with 'l'V repair businessmen -and it is still only on I.ht talk stage -about set.ting up an arbitra- Uon panel to' adjddge com· plaints from individ&ials aboUt overcharging. YOU WILL GO FROM SIZE 14"'10ifl300on l6t.l:lit13'0oyt 11lo14 i~ 310o,.. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER SHAPE SHOPPES IS OFFERING A . 12 WEEK CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. EVERYONE ·PAYS THE SAME LOW PRiCE OfflR LIMITED CALL NOW cor.w1 EH 49so 12 '.'H K CHR IS r MAS 'P" PR JG RA~i '~"1 NO<OfnUCTI SHAPE SHOPPES llDUCINO INT. IUTU 111111•1C& 477·1122 °39J.G064 _1112..... 711 ltbliifl --lltS1'1111W MM711 361-1714· •n •-• 1m21"""" CISTlllSI ....... 642·7'32 142 ... 77 - 1M1 IJD -"" ···-· .... Definite 1niertSt. has .been shown by an employe group called the C&lifornia State Electronics Association which represents most of the slightly · more than 6,000 TV and radio .~~~~~~~~~I repair busin esses in the state. The honest businessmen feel they would come out of such a procedure well and they are • ' tllW pordlne price of tire pa!~t. andtrot COYDASE: Hot to £wtld '1'1"1111111 ~Jltlted SYrftce-«lD $q. ft. per pllo~ ... ,°"'" l'l'llSOJry-100 to 2'0 5q. R. .,.._ ; . •I I Diaphragm air compressor •.. a real handyman's sprayer ••• for shop and hobby work ••• 36.98 Th.• fasi.ancl effective. way 10. apply paint as well as garden and ~ousehold liquids. You ge[quiet. lubrication fiee operation. - THESE STORES OP!N SUNDAY TOOi . 1 2 to 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD 2" premium nylon Ash brush 2.49 3" nylon W1P brush , •• 4.'18 't ~ :,J DOWNEY • MONTCLAIR- A pointthat's easy lo apply and dries !o'CI ~ tiful finish in just 20 minutes! And it's gooranteecl lo cover in just one application over most proi>:- erly prepared surfoce.s. Won't drip •• , it flows smooth ly with• brush or roller. It's odorlesi, toOl ' , .. ' . ·' ,'• Penn,rafr!l 3 pc. .9" rolloraot 99c ,.,,~.,,. 6.,c 9"ro!lor• 3.49 ,....,.,,., 10 pc. 9" rofltr •t 4.99 FULLERTON Hi-strength heat Nmpet.d aluminum step ladders · .· · .. I' . ,.9.88 s·8.88'.!'·4.9.9;: Th..0 afumli)um step iaclc!On foaiuri;.ixfij,cW'. "· on•pl0<6' top. 50 lb. eapaclty pall ~. sfiJ- proof molded plaslic Jett. · '. HUNTINGTON ,BEAC!'f .: . :. J' ~ M 0 . . NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ,· -. " . . ' ' .... _, -. . I~ ' • : ·. . -. I ·,~·=,~~i~~ , PO ·Field Irrof" table · ••• 1 . ~~ ~.r;... :'. ... f ~ WASHINGfON CAP) l·!.. JJ· rivol!O poolll' IQ'•l•rn ;t411od: ,lwbJdi, haodles '1lllrd- a11 mall.& lower;l:OISt thah : the U.S. POlt Office, now Is atlll( In S7 c1u.., making 000)'. l\"!1· upaodicg. ' ' On . paf.cei ~Post biuls, bit ~iv1tel,y operated Un l t e d ar\iel S<Nic!e is' p,I y l ~ g, tmls and highways with ,000 of Its own shiny vehicles n4 charging Iw oo.maey Jn.'. ertlty deliveries than Uncle < 'wednt.di,, N..;.,l><r 22, 2969 ' QPS Is aWaiting a final gov,ernment go-ahead to ex· ,te¥. lts inters?~ service in~ nine more states, for a tolal of I ·.,ll is !Jl'OWing·becallse -iL. clajms -many,.OOJi,ness flmu. pr~er it to U1e µ.s. mails (or. "'*1~'Y and pr.diclabillly of q.een's I Check Alr fttlght iS a booming en· try In tha,pad<Ag~haullng Jn. ,.Sparkling under the spotlights i~ ~thhampton, du!lry and ·ma, tet cheaper .England, the Cunard liner Queeh Elltabeth 11 rests s )llgger jets come .. itJQna:. in dry dock. She is having her first checkup and Greyhound buses haul bundles overhaul sinCe 'entiBrfDg North Atlantic service last as ·well 'l!ls p e op I e ... ""!be ·Mliy. - t-venerable REA E" p r e 1 s --'--------"---------- ?survives and thri~s despite r.he decline or the railroads, h to 2$0,000 such pieces a year, and the yellow pages s ow a an<t . '40 fol" each additional Jlonier liit each year or ~-thousand. IPSA charges f,'.13 tpetlng ~vate local, .reg10na[. 1 000 for the saturation· ~an~ nationa1 express haule rs ~ ~ailln&s. ~ ev~o though tba.U.S. parC<L-. ·~·· ·11 •-f "~ld~-· b" I lposl 1tsell 1S growing. Swee ~ or ~ 3 aw The • priv.ate carriers are to uae re~nUal mallbo~es. h>eing watched with keen in-IPSA hanp 1ts deUverlts on Ile ' b rter' f h .1 doorlmol>•1iJl,.~lasllc bags. II res Y. suppo :s.L~ ~res --vs the edit of th.e bags by <lent Nixon's JJ'topo!IBl ..,. to -~ · . ·. 1" reorganize the postal system selling adv~Utg on them .. jnl.o a business • type cor· Sch~! children ~arding iporation. bu.&es 1n Oklahoma City are ! That plan was blocked for 'likely to be carrying their pen-f~his session by a 13 to ta ells and. erases lD IPSA bags: :deadlock in the House Post Of-IPSA hu f ran c h I 1 e d fice Committee, but will operators operation in St. etum with. .greater urgency Louls and Kansai City, Mo., Jlext year. SUit pending, mean-Buffalo, N.Y., Jackson, Miss., time, is a proposed postal rate Little Jl9ck, .Ark.. Toledo, increase to .help avert a $1 Ohlu, Dallas and Forth Worth , 1bililon postal deficit. Texas, and some 30 other \' "We'll all be under one big cities and towns. lt has open~ rporation some d a y , • ' ings sOheduled ,before ·the end re.d)ct s C. Wa ll ace of this year in Des Moines, McPherson of Oklahoma City, Iowa, Phoenix, Ariz.,1liOUJton, an e x e c u t I v e of the Texas, and e!_sewhere. , ndependent Postal System or The U.S. Post Office scoffs Amert~. called JPSA. at IPSA as being a mere What is IPSA? It is a com-dlnributor of handbills. "'A pany established lit months · •ery1 • "'TY · iMignlficant~ m1t- o in Oklahoma City which ter," '1ijid .~ Pc>&t, O.fli~ mpl°'5 uftiformed, bonded, spokesman. t ~, • . . . full-time carriers to deliver _ 4Pother dtpartment official third.class matter -ad-commented:-""ConsldtrinC the rtl!ilg, ar .-ailed "junk shortlp ol lobar, I frankly all" -at a cost below the · doe't think It .Js iolna to •be ost Office trurd..class rate. around too lORI, 1: ~~l unlo_n ~U.S. ~08t Office charges leaders have attacKed'IPSA qi '38 per l,OOI ror mailings o( up grounds that oa1y O\e govern. ' l I , Jnent can legally carry mail, a·nd· tiaYe denounced the wear· Ing or Official-looking uniforms b: IPSA 's delivery men. To a u c h .bflltUing IPSA replies that it has in hand ap- plications !or· francbi.lt&. frorn about 2,000 more towns and cities. And .that it ls .now prepared -in Oklahoma ·city only, ·so far -: to deliver ad· dressed mall on a selective list basis. U: 8. ~Oil post exeQIUVfltl are ri\.ore &anscious of the Jrivate compttilion. They are required by law to keep their rates high enough to recover all costs. The rat.es exceed those of United Parcel Service on many hauls. A 10-pound package from New York to J acksonville, Fla ., for in- st.avce, costs $1.65 by mail and IL~S by UPS. From New York to Washington the charge is $1.15 bY 1.J:S. parcel post, $1.0S by UPS. From New York to Pblladelphia a 2 0 • p o u n d pickage goes by mail for $1.~ and by UPS for 90 cents. The Post Office points out ho,rever that UPS has a great advantage: It deals ordinarily with bui;iness firms, not wiUJ millions of. itdividual mailers. Typically-it operates by charg: (See POSTAL, Page U) l DIAMOND DELIGHT ~ .,.. """""·"' dmling ••• dlsttnctt. ••• dtll&Mflll·to netfwrtt &cb llllflllflcetll autl• 1' tfll rmlt .of &mq111llfttd irtisby llld a.Im. Sflft't fl'Orl oar -W /,..itJ $IJla-adl ,. ~ -llmont to yoar pl - .................... ..._..,.tn .... W..._ _. -......._ r. T•ln ,.., wtddltil rl!il t .. 1~1nr 10 '"""" =-:i... ........ dJ1mortds In putt l 4K pld. \.\ t.1ral 1 In 1U\~DO .. CHMo"rn-Ar YOUll PINNIY'J llNr JI WILAY DIPARTMINr . -CANOGAPAAK COWNEY FULLERTON HUITTJNGTON BEACH ---..... ,fOOI 1.AKEWOOD ' MONTCl.Alfl IJ •I P.M. NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ·-. ... .... ~ ....1.. -..... .-• U.S. to Test Soviets on S A~~h~, t , \J • ! , ' l 'l\'ASl!lNGTON (AP) -U.S. halting tMn~ar race. • ,. ~ Moocow's ~ !'~r IL boriaJnlng thoR missiles ·It reach 1~~· ia mat~ 'llOCotlatan ·plan, to oouod out Nlmn mot atltingth wlth·W.• eiiiiople, do Soviet atrillllloI1 _, nonatrat•glc -not ol '!!!'14' 'ii Her old oo ~ Sov~t rept~!tt1ves at NaUonal SectJr.l!Y co q q c 11 rata:rMlRV1 -multlPtlf 'it-l4ilf.dJ,ltanced enough for an deflrilij<fl . and ~ ~ am fdr l!elsinkl be!,.. pffetl~ any · ,M{llday In lhopjn ~ U.S. . de""1doDtlY fAirttlfl>Ie '~-~ta! J1rlk•. "I•, lull· iJCne 0ti>lms, specific propouls t.,curb the •Plll'Ol<h to the loni\Ol!:altod· ·~od-AB!lla .;. ianUballlf-1\iU would l!!Jv'e·~.ol !!''-..( · ,;,"; lw• ~;)/r1i' not tn superpower mlaajl• ~ac•. ntllO\!llUOOI. .,, " : Jlc J1\li'lllu ~· u pll1 of' lj)e I n.,U.Uons tJiO 8, , . V.$. ey I w " ;<;er hlcr 1the United SMitai ,biua "ill · Tbe .piellmlnal'l' dtsc>llil"l'I ....,. 'Wtapqll!"probl'!'.'I and wartoe..u H}IOl'lell-I oiled , .. e 8 ,, • w ij, , not'.-the u.i;;~let lalb stari In Holllnk! -M"""'°1 :ilJaut !av~. -wi!J>,bo!lll In W~, Europo' to,•olelend 1¥7 leel, would ,. flei· · Jlllth ,, ~~;.m«atorlam and ~he chief ).1.5.J..aotlWI!, iit>lho • ll°"'l ·, " \ f!ATOl""Ptrlts ~~et ~"'b'. in comp· d~- ., M · the;, :clOvolopment o (, Gerard Z. Smltb.· ~:·to .;, lU aoundlng out ;lbe~Sov~l i' ~Jlel~.~ Eul\iPe~ slqill '),lnvolviJl¢; I , Ialdl mulUwarhead mil&lles -aq It.op 'off at Jlnlll(ela Friday to U.S. negoUators iie preparea '" WS-Eu.an QttVi.; Uems.1 1 \u:.. "' ~ j Jdea which has had con-brief NATO allies. to give MO!COW e n v o y s U.S. negotlaton 1180 want to nus would set the stage f(J' 1iderabte support ln Congress. 'lbe Americans hope during nonaecret informaUon about exclude fnm the dlscuuions the nerl round, whleh U.S. But President Nixon may the preliminary round to find U.S. weapons and strategy and the weapons ol other countries n~iators hope will start oe n d a 1-•llY·l"9"fe<1 out about the Sovie\ -'~ , ~pe to get e qui va 1'e n t . w J>oth of th• west !uropean ~ . yt""'aft,e(OiJ!f'~lf message to the op e n I n g to strategic dllannament and material from the SOvlelS. '1.M East ~an, sa~t~ i e1 iqlO . ey Jsauei sudt as Strategic Arms LhnUaUon to stake out. the boundar,ies for AJ. for. the , ecope of . the states and .of Cdmmunist ""What -• · do about MIRY. Talks -_,SALT -: ~·week, -the future ne,ot.latlonl. negotlatJona, the United state• .china. • ,_ Meanwhile, beth . aid~ are stressing American interest in Washington now-tnowa JIU le want.a to exclude from , Utt \ 'J.'be .; Am&icana ··hope • to testing mulUwarhead rofbt1. . f ,· •1 • , :c e 1 1 -. .. . ~ .,/ ·: I ' ' ·• l'rM tlN ""•lion •vert 5,000 mlf•I '.: "'" puJ\CfUre ..,.1, for Ille of ,......_ ' e AllP..,.,.Ya ,.. ............ I " .. ~· ·~·· ' } .. ~ ' . I ' r i ' "' .. . . ~· . ' ' o · 18·····:·. ' • ''' l .. .. J ' .. I ' • freel ' plti1 Federal tax and tld,.ff,., lloc!c tvbeleu I ~ ' " ANY SIZE.ONE LOW PRICE!::~ . l ' • . • . . . • Strong full 4 ply nylon cord is moisture resistant to withstand road impact and protect againit blowouts SIZE 650-13'' ,_,,,:. Fii>. T~~ ,'t 79 • Wrap-around tread extends from · sftorder.te>Sholder for better traction 715;.;14 • Supple poly~utadiene rubber adds extra mileage to every Reliant tire 825-14 775-15 Port.able AM/FM "Lift Out" auhmobU• radio ••• 44.95 feaflnl push button tone/bcntd •lrdlon. lndant PON• Witt. 10 transllfen. " Great gi.fts for his car~ THISE SUl:NA PARK l'ei,11y'1 9re~ ml11l .8 track tape d'ecli ••• 69.95 AVC1llabf1 •Ith 1lth1r 2 lllfant lflouu _......,4..,_ _ _.,_Co!M> In """ --.......... iolocllon of"'*' DOWN EY .. '•I - ' " 2.20 " '. 2.36 2.21 " . , !. .. ,\ , . EitJoy the 1otindc of FM · with ourMlnl FM Convertw 24,95, " Smoll lize oil! flto ......... Ila!~ lots of ltt room. . · , I ' • Pe11n1y'1 1t1reCH11atlc tan1abl.-reverb. ~~. · ,. • ' ,. ' 24~95 " ' ' . , . . , ·' Stpc1101t co-I to ocll,,. ,.-ef·•·" ·-otlott cltoitocf • ' . STORIS OPEN c1 ... c1 '""" SUNDAY TOO i CA NOGA.1PA4tK FULLERTON , , • _ HUNTING 1G>N• BEACH MONTCLAIR-·-' ·1'' NEWPO RT BEACH VENTURA 12 to 5 P.M. CHU LA VISTA ............. ii.L... _______________ _J __ • \ ( • \ r-------,.-..-·-::----"":""-----------------------------------..,----------------~----- l l PILOT-AOVERTISE~ L t~ Wednesday, NOYembtr 1~. 1969 • N DAILY PILOT J /; --~------------------~n ... ~i · ALWAYS FIRST QU~~ ·-J • •' ' • . ! ··' ~ • . OPEN EVERY NlGHT"TILL 9: ---"" ' ' 12 TO 5 SUNDAY FOR YOUR • ' . SJ-fQPPrNG CONVENIENCE ,J " • NEWPOR:r BEACH f.ASHION ISLAND! ,,. . ' r , ELEGANCE IN FUltS ., , 1"-Mlnk Jackot 319 00 ' ' IM. 42'.lt NOW • 1--Mlnk Stole • 129 Aft .... 111,N ' NOW "'l"~ l~lnk Cipe 129 oo· ..... 24t.OI NOW • _ • ~,, •ELECmtlc· DOOR CHIMES'.. " 'i..,.cJ; , .. , ·,· • •tr1,:~~ mahh ' ' ' 2 '1· -,. y.Vr · • I' . , ~ r • < " :-: .. ,,.,, . . _·· ' MEN'S DRESS SLACKS. · AcrfkM/ray;;. P~~ ,;"' 11 hnlll• colOn. Malit m ... NOW 3.99 •' ' PRE STYLED STRETCH WIG 100% ......... 1 .. lo u "'""' l..W" • ..,, ... cne . Ori<J, It.II · NOW 15e(8 CURTAIN CLEARA~CE -. Ch .... f,..,. tifr. or caf• 1tyl.._ SoH4 celwt or f.,-Cf 1 ,,.lftta. ' . 1~00 2.oOO ~-0~ ,OR.OU, II OROUl'·lfl • ' ' •' r I , . •! '.. ;' ., ~ . • . : ' I . . ~ IOY.'S ,FIREHOSE .JEANS 2.99 SPEED & custOM v.~LYE COYEIS ' ' . Cast eluinlnwm fer Pordl & CtlllYYI. ,, ' ' ' " i •. ,) '" ' ·~' ' . ·" 15.'4 ,. ' • l . . •• , ~ ~~~:·S lri:tER SPORT SHIRTS - ,, AUt:-,...,.. ""4;-..., ........ colon. S·M·L . Orlt. 5.tl ,. 7.tl NOW 4.88 . . ' ~ . ' ' ' l'/2 H.P. ROTARY MOWER ''.""..;.·.·~·~·-·-"!''•'·~··~··.· .... --· .. ·· •. ..., ... ·•· ............... ,'L.-----~··..;.·.;... ___________ ~-.... r ' ' . . : ' : ~ ' ,· 'r :' :..: • ' 11 ' -. . KODAK PROGRAMMER klNI hrt1l5'e .r mewle Jr~~ter. 77 81 L11htwal1h1. ' Otlt-M.SI NOW ' • ,, ' ' ' : ~ ' ' WOMEN'S-FoUNDATIONS ASST. IRAS' AND GIRDW lilOUP I 66C Meotsbn. &lOUP II 1.22 ELECTRIC SCISSORS T04.Kh .. ·matlc control. "'.!: . - ... ' ,• ,.·, Cuts all w•ltht m•t•rlal. com,.ct oM llthtw•ltht. Orlt. 4." NOW 2.18 ._I _·M .... ,.A_IN_ ... __ FL_Q_O_~_-.· _,· ll ... ;....;_•.-.:'U ...... ·,, .... ~E_R_L .... EV_E_I. __,· 1 1 ·1:" ---~OWER LEVEL II ...... _Lo_w_E_R_LE_v_EL_I JUNIOR DRESSES· SolW1 & prints.' . Wo1heltl• faltria. MISSES DRESSES . Orlt · 10.00 Woelt, <•tt•M ~NI ltl.fMls. , Ml11n & half 1lzh. Orl1. 12.DI NOW NOW DISCONTINUED WOMENS UNIFORMS 6.a1 7.88 "' , IA THl~QM $PACE ~Vil· . Mirr.--· ciilii,..,_'*• lhllvu. White •a~'°"''· ,. NOW iON.DED WOOL PU.ID PIECE liOODS 11% :,, .. ...;inv.: nY1eft. l..wled to 1.,% acetat• trlc.,. Orlt 4.SO NOW ·PENCALE® souD COLOR sit•ns 7.00 3.22 lll1htly .. 11111. Waihliltl• tabrlu. °''•· '·" NOW 3.88 Decerator thoclH ~ ,.,tels. Luavrl.U. 2 / 5 oo· cottH . ,wcale. Or'9 2."4.2' HOW • WOMEN'S IMPOlTID SUITS Doultlo knits. thf'M ,1.u style. Orl1. 125.lt' NOW 100.00 WESTllN. PRINT CAfE CURTAINS Moch• ltr••n er Colwilt !tit.re. 24 If' lO"'· len1th. ,ali .so ' FULL GRAIN CALF UPPERS '"II' IMther llnMI. LMther cart"1 hHI. H .. roun4 fH NOW 12~99 Gilll,S KNEE Hl~H STRETCH SOCKS MIN'S COWIOY IOOTS 1M% ttrotch l'lylo11. ,~tl4 fathloft ,.,., .. ' ' ' ·Sli•· 7-14. · MENl,J _ ----~ · -·-.• NOW Imitation alJl,.tw ,..,. Cu•..., -la tOO: .: 18· ;8·8" l>~s· DlESSiS 'ully '""ii~' :,. . Ori• .... 1+."_~ ~ !"OW . r -.~ •· ., i '.(",."" fuhlWIS. A"'"'"~ ~'!li1a"" ~l No'w 7 18 lillLS FASHION ANKLE PAN~ S-M·L·X&.:~Uh " Colers. .. ,. • ., .1 ./ .., Al!orfM ffll41 er,,, nta.. MENS SPORT SHIRTS • "'" 7 to 14. · AIMrtMI 1tyl• aM c .. ors. lroken 1lzu. TALL MAN ROiiis 100% cotton terry. lrokan 1l1n & colors. Orlt. Ltl MINS SUI( 'CLEARANCE ANertN •tyln ~1111 faltrlu. NOW 2.88 NOW 5.88 GIRLS lilFT COSMETICS ChHH Nth ... ,, ltubltlo Nth, 4utt!nt powder & mitt, PENN PREST WALK SHORTS ·Auort"1 l'l•l4t .anti ttyl ... P•ly•t•r aM cotton llilWs. • ' ' 4/1.00 NOW 3.18 NOW 1.99 NOW .66 2.99 ' . . . t~ ~ILT Al~Ol SAW lnc.l\MI• IMtw. 2 Only. I 4$SO~l1D. HAND TOOH ' Drlllft. ~ket1, : flnkfl!nt, htta. WALL MUlALS--l Sl1n 4· 1Uffertnt seen• ,., your heme. 81.00 aac 44¢ ANTUjlUI KITS-Several Colon ,., ftt4I tl•lt·your-1elf 2 49 ~Mn• ewn.,. Ori• 4." NOW • INTlllOl LATEX ONE COAT PAINT T•ke. alllwantat• .., lew 5 99 ,,ku ,_, 111. Orig. 7.4t NOW • WOOD TUlNINli CHISEL sm Per the h9Me~W9f'k 1hop. 5 'c. Set. ' Orlt. 22.tl NOW PINNCREST llMI EDITOR 10.11 22 14 In. wl•wlnt icrten. 19 18 1uf1Nn 4ry .,uc.,.. Orlt. 2'.tS_ ~OW _• __ nNNCRUT suna 1 EDITOR~ 11 Ml In. Yl•wlnf ICr .. n. ·t 2:1 1ur-4 r .. 1n11. or11. 1t.ts "ow 15.18 IELL I. HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA J;I ltOWfl' ZHftt 139 88 R.t'l•x vlewlnt. Orl1. ISt.tS NOW • · POLAROID TTPI 41 FILM C•l•r roll fllm. ShlH't 4atecf. Orff . 4.2' POLAROID SWINliH FILM Ty,.. 20 for Llttl1 Swln11r, llack & whit• roll. Orig. 1.6f NOW 2.99 NOW .99 ALFREDO MENDOZA SINliLE SLALOM SKI Cypr ... Oanlena mMlel Lamlnat14 constrvc:tlon Orlt. 24.N NOW 19.88 NADCO ELECTRIC IELT MASSAGER y, H.P.-3 •'"'1 sattlnwa. J Inch wH Hit, 39.,. CUP 'N PLATE Ct.ROUS.LS s,.,. UV•NI for ••f• •t•r•t•· 1.66 MAIL 'N MEMO CADDIES 111 fashion ,ink ., w..i flnl1h. NOW .66 :INY TONKA TlUCKS Cem9"t "'l•er ., 4um' truck. MAJOR MATT MASON SPACI TOYS s,aco ,..,.. ChooM ttW.. 6 4ttttrent lt~s. .99 1.44 C_Q!iQUEST IOOM SIZI lUGS 111% n_y l0tt ...._., & ltluo. Sl~a 1%' • 11 %'• Orft. ft." NOW 21.11 12" PIZZA PAN Teflon CNh4. 1 22 lty fa1hl•11 M1n1r .. --·. _ • _ · WOMENS TOWNClAF.T IOWLINli SHO!S C•l•r winter 1te11 .. Mn•. · 51111 6'/1 thru 1 %. Orlt. 6.11 NOW MENS TOWNClAFT IOWLING SHOES 1•11• anti ltH1. SIJH 6 thru 16'/,. Ot lt. t .11 NOW ' 4.88 ' l .. •, .... ': ' M"t "'°"' 1l1K '•·. ' LADIES FASHION 1SWEATHS AnortM 111,..,.r aft#',:•rdl .. ., 1tylea. NOW 51.00 Sl•H S·M·L and ,._,._ 4 88 6 81 Orit.,6.00-t.,I NOW • • • EXCITING fLOWERED PANTS The wlklut colars. ltral1ht l .. s. Siz• 10-11. PRE SCHOOL PAJAMAS Shlf'f tl .. v• short 1.,1. 100-;. cotton. NOW 41.88 .... I _._4_U_T_o_c_EN_T_E_R_I TASCO TELESCOPE 1.99 2l4 '91W•r. Stur4y tri,... htclu4H. Orlt · S4.95 TASCO IOOX TELESCOPE NOW WOMENS FASHIOlf ILOUSES Allorted ,rlnt1 and 1elltl1 111 •••J ~are fabrics. SI••• JOrA. Orl1. 4-""'·" '' WOMENS CASUAL SPORT TOPS luy c•,. fabrlp In latest co4ora. 111" l·M·L. , Orltt 2.U·J.11 MISSES AND .JUNloi SKIRTS NOW NOW W••h •nd wur, ltoMMI & fur l"k faltrlcs. Sl1e1 1·11 and 5-IS. Orig. 6.11-9.11 NOW FASHIONAILE WOMENS ANKLE PANTS 2.11 1.11 4.88 "'aid•,.,;.;, a1• ..lld• 111·" l ·ll 3 · 88 5 88 aM ••s Orff; S:lf..11.. NOW • • • w9ilui~ c~su~ ~l.ru PANTS AIMrtOill faltrfcp, fl!!nb & fflhlL Mluoli: 'Ind Junltr tl1 ... • l WOMENS S(• CLEAlA"CE NOW· 66C '"II & half tHJll In_ fo ... lort nlort. ,opular falJrlcs •"41 1l.11L NOW 1.11-2.11 ' ' 9UlkRD LOUNGING JUMPER Culotta Jumper w/rnatchlnt Mouse. art1ht colorful ,,int. pr19. 16.li .. NOW 9.88 TWO-l'IECE HUSHED LOUN•ING SET WNr .., alone ..-with matchlLltl ,.11t. 13 •• 8 loft lu•utlllVt fool. Orft. 2t.OI NOW WOMENS COSTUME JEWELRY 'ln1, earrl"I•• MCklac• & ltt•cei'et,. Gr..,, I • Ori• 1M HOW Orl1. 2.ot • NYLON PAJl,MAS AND GOWNS Nylon trlc~ fud JMtth '°""' er fancy trim ,afM'lu. Orft. "" CALF GRAIN, CLUTCH HANDIAGS Onlit hf wenl~., llloytltn1 wtar. YlftyJ-fufllon (flor1. Orlt-4.N FUl . HAND MUFFS Chnuln• '""'°" fv r. Pitrftct for •Inter. Orlt · 10.00 WOMENS GROOVY Gl:llLLE Htw avocftr' INthor look. com,..ltl• Mio a hMt. Orlt-'·" WOMINS TAILORED OXFORDS .S.tt rrv•fi u,,.,.._ Comforttllia. Ifft-II,,.. IHthtt'. Orl1. '·" 3/1.00 NOW 66c NOW 2.11 NOW 2.44 NOW 7.81 NOW 3.33 NOW 4.11 Orlt. 2.29 FLY ME TO THE MOON Apollo 11 T-Shlrt1, l'enn 'rut Sl1n 1·20. Orl1. 1.29 It.SHALL CAPS Solltl col•r a11orttn1nt. Sl1n •m•ll to a·l•rt•· Orlt . 1.M IOYS CASUAL WALK SHORTS' •••Ir or C1nv1ntlonal wel1t. Sl1n 6-11. IOYS KNIT SHIRTS 100% polyrtter 1hort elnve. Sl1n 2 to 11. IOYS PENN PREST SUITS SllW celon. TrMltlonal tfyllllf. NOW NOW NOW NOW Iii• 12 t• 16. Orlf. 12.tl NOW IOYS DACilON AND WOOL ILAZHS flnti• 1trN1f"1 hop1&ck WHYI. Jlivtton 1r,'Un9. 111• 14·11. Or.I• 17.tl NOW DOUltE Dua SUITS .99 a99 .50 .25 1.99 9.;99 9.99 Goonllnat .. 1t1nh to Match. Tho l•t.t ttyllnf. °'"· 24.tS NOW 1,.99 P.U ,SCHOOL SUITS 2 lliutton ttyllnt l .. hl colors. SI•• J te 7. 0r'9. t.t~· GIRLS PANT SET ScfMn print to,. Cor4uroy pant. II••• ML NOW 7.99 2.·7·7 lncludn thr11 ey1,lece1. Tabl .. top trlpH. Orl1. 44.tS NOW T ASCO 15 tu 40 POWER ZOOM Ad justable 1oom •J•,IH• with 1111arato trlpMI. Orl1. lt.tS NOW TASCO IX20 llNOCULARS Llthtwlltht oM com,.ct. COl'ltor foc:wlnt. Orl1. 1t.t5 NOW TOWNCRAfT DISIGNEl LUliGAGI 21H w.okOf]14 •• ., only. ltran1 •M ll11tfwel1ht Orl1. 2t.st NOW AMERICAN TOUllSTEl-Floor Samples Dr•1tlcally rlduct4. · coln11tlc ,.,... o ri,. Js.oo NOW 31.88 19.88 15.88 20.88 19.88 NORTHWESTERN PUTTI~ ,, .. fl•• me4ol 100. ... ,...,... .. 1tMI ltMtt. Orl1. 1.99 NOW 6.88 GARY l'LA YH WONDER5HAFT GOLF SET l'lltartlau ...... ' 62 88 let: J w...i.-. Irons. Or'9. 7t.U NOW • GARY PLATER WONDElSHAFT WOODS SIT FIHrolaH ...... 18 88 ,Sot: J wootls. Orlt· 27.11 NO,W • WILSON '"GENE SAlAZEN" GOLF SET D91uxe 1t"I shaft. 62 88 I wHd....a lnM. Orl1-74.11 NOW • CHANDLER HARPEi PllSIDENTIALS Stool Wft cOMtrvctfon. 44 88 J weM.-.' lr•ne. Ori• 69.lt NOW • llFLI SCOPl-4 Pewer • 32ntm TaK• ran1.,. K~Hltrot•n ,roce1t H . CNtM Len.-Center)nt reticle.' · RIFLE lACKS-4 Place NOW 7.88 GIRLS PAJAMAS I Aniirlctft ttanlw•9111 felt llMll cr•41... 3 66 lalt ...t ... l_t holda"' Orff. 4.91 NOW • Cf'toeto Uthtw ... ht c.tttftl .,. IH% cott.n flannel. , , 1.99 HAND~N HOUTEH ly IUCHllMEl ' ···"--"'°'............. 111 IONDED ACETAR NYLON SUITIN•· DoWla ·.Ni~-·..... a.;,. 2.tl NOW a NO~ 2 ,.66 SHA,KaMlH•HUHnN• AllOWS lolNN & faMy iti•W.. W whl .. Otlf, J.tl '" , ..... ltr1atl'41atl1 -6 88 PlUFFY FIA THn~ FLOWllS . ' ' l. ,,,.,~hMI "',of ti~. .f" '!_>rl1. t .tl NOW ~ __ • ~ sliMML .. ,~C:~lJ SIT Decorator colors. b:tr• lent ttem. orfi, .... NOW ,,.5c ·-,I-lot , ... r•-<o•l•w-flHrtla• 9 •• • • 1 .,S n.. ~~flt. arrewt. Orl1. 14.tl NOW • · VINYL EXPANDIN• ·DOORS' ' ' PAlkH MAU lfFlE Thrao'woad '-tochMia. 5 00 C.llW.-lloffactlon. 109~ 88 4t''aM". 11 only. : • "-'""'''"' " a.;,, 14US NOW • TlllY ClOTH APRON WINCH11$Tll MQL · 70 Orit i , ... NOW $0C C•llW ...... ltott ac•Nft Monta 129 88 Carla t haok ""a. Offt. 1f9.ts · NOW ' • '' .. CONVHTllLE TOPS D~u11• ttylln1. 111 !tack wh\llew. Ylnyl coat,4. MOTOR CYCLE TACHOM!TER ~-cylll'WI.,., 2 cycl•, dtock _ _re1l1tant. O.lux• Dl11on ~u1llty. 1 O' ANTENNA MAST Cd. ,1atH. fer TY or Cl. 4 S1etlen1 011ly. 2 ONLY SEAT COVERS Old1moblle. RH cOlor. We 4on't Want theml ·. DELUXE VINYL HEAD USTS Th ... w91114 maka wltftllerful ' • 20.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 ' " • (hrl1tma1 tifta. NOW 1.25 LlliHTH REPLACEMENT ELEMENTS 'er OoMral Mot.,.• U ,rL VINYL FLOOR MATS· '"II fr0ttt1 • ._._. colar 011ly. V'hllli they la1tt ODDS·N·ENDS AUTOMOTIVE • Ga4f0f•, Plutt. iw1tchea; SuctJori cu,a. Chront11 cov1rs. PAISLEY CAI MATS Ylnyl ""' t•ka. Twll'I 141• only. Nlca tiff. ' CHROME VALVE COVEi IOLTS D-lux• chrom1. Wl"I "-'••· Drn• "'your car. Sot llf 4. CHROME LOCKINli li,AS CAPS 'or "'•t American c1rs. l•Yt thttt. Whlla th.., last. MICKEY llKE DEMOS IOf'IM ,.rt• mluln1. clutch, chalft. .... 11tt. 2 .... 1,. SHORTT IELL HELMETS Otluae ~uallty. Saft lltftt. .. 1lftforltey1. MAGNETIC DASH TIA YS CIOSFOVht Olve ttt.m hr t lfts. WOOD •RAIN DASH PANELS Drou up ~our car. Chtck thlt on.. CLOSI OUT TIRES ~ ftnt ..Wllty. 1.111:.w . llleckwatt.. Chtck ..,. 111• .. 4/1 .• 10 '• .25 4/1.~ 1.00 .1.00 2·11 ~00 " 12.00 4/1.00 2/1.00 16:88 • PENNEYS NEWPQRT BEACH ONLY •• ~ Like It ••• Charge Ill ' ---- • 'I • • ... ? ff DAILY .iLOT s ' , • lly, ~Y~VIA PORTER • · _Delive1·y • • • ; ' • • • . • • ' • • • • • --~ • " ... ~~ ..... ----............................................................................... ~~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~--~-~~ -------- • • " . . .. • • • • . I I • • • 1969 -.. ' -\· • t ' • --- • , DAILY PILOT J1 -1 In All Home Editions • I • I . ~· • • • ' I " • ,. - " ' .. ••• . , ,, " ; . • ' .• " ' l· ' ' ' ' . ' • • • • •' . ' I ' ' " .. • . r · r . '"\ --·---' T • ... .. .. ; r •. I .. • • i r •' ; I -"-.,. • ...... l • .. ' --·H!ll-' . ' ' I I " .. . ·~ ~ ....... , . '1 •\{':.. Qur quarterback system would rock the Rams . Jolt the Jets. And make the Pac k$,~ ' • ,l.J.f ,. (I green. That's because Un ion Bank's special style of busin ess banking demands ~ ' ' b·est. For us. For you . So we 've developed a whole new breed of professional ban·ker _:the Account Manager. Your quarterback. A superstar, backed by a whole team of other pros. He knows what ·plays to call to put you on top. He starts witb an MBA . • ' • " L or equivalent. He has been through the most rigid training program in banking. He'.s . I f '' ... ... I part of top management. If you'd like this kind of banking on your team , call 1~~ • · Regional Vice President. At any Regional , Head Office . ' . ,,:, . ' ~ • . t . • U ·NION BANK W A Unlonamerica Company ' .. t ORANGE COUNTY REGIONAL HEAD OFFICE : MAIN AT LA VETA. ORANGE/ ALSO : HARBOR AT ORANGETHORPE. FULLERTON· EAST COAST HWY.AT GOLDENROD, CORONA llEl'MAR . . ' , --.,., ' 1 i , ' _, I .. '#-'~"I ·1 ! . '-~ .. •• • .' .. . r . .. , . . , • • I ' . • '""--------r---------------... ---~~---------.... ----~-~~---~ .... ,....,....,..,,..........,,_ _ _,________ -·-~-......--. --~-.-. -. . ' Pl~O ADVERTISER Wednesday, Novembtr 12, 1%<1 • • ·Adams at Brookhurst is Third Huntington Beach · Location for Chain ~ .. Thrifty Drug Stores . ' THRIFTY QRUG L and · Discount Store• lbird : Huntington Beach location·. ·at Btookhtifst '.,and .Adams ·in the Grant Plaza. Grand Ope¢ng time set for i ·. a.m., Thursday, November 13. . ' ' t ' Managemt~t,Team f~ Thrifty Drug At , a Ola nee ' ' LOCATION: New Hunti·ngion '. Beaih ' .Grant. Plaza in l:funtlngton Beach (Adams & Brookhurit Avenues) MERCllANDISE: More than 25,000 drug, variety. and department store items. . . • I Store Named· by Thrifty . DAVID RICHARD WILLIAMS Manager of Thrifty Drug llnd Discount Store, local· · ed at Brookhursl Md Adam!, J-luntington Beach. STORE ·AREA : 18,265 Square Feet SPECW.5: David ·Ricban:\ Williams ha! been nameC:l as manager of • Thrifty Drug and Discount Stores neW location at Adams Avenue· and• Brookhurst in Hllnt(flgton Beach. Th,e announcement, made by. officials of, Thrifty, also in- cluded naming or George Skeith III as Assistant Manager and Claude .Asfiby as Second Assistant. Williams· comes to the brand new-store-from-a-position-as- manager of lhe flrm's store at Firestone-BOU I e var a at Lakewood in Downey, Since he -.~ joined the firm in 19f>.1, he has served in Thriftys i n Bellflower , Lynwood, Westminster and Los Angeles .. He served with the U.S. Army for: three years. _ Williams is married. has , four children and lives in Westminster. He is a graduate of Bellflower High School. Reduced prices specially • matked in nearly e v er y department pRIZE DRAWING: Free prize drawing for Hil.aChi Vacuum C 1 ea n er, Panasonic Television and Huf· fy l•Dragster" Blke GRAND OPENING GIFTS: Li!eli~e orchid corsages for the 1laides, balloooa for the kids . Prize Drawing: Highlights Big Thrifty Opening Sports Department Is Headquarters For Sports Fans Whether it's fishing, base- ball, football, tennis, volley- ball, badminton, ping pong or any sport, you name it, and Thrlfty's Sporting Goods De- partment has it. Skeith joined Thrifty as a Manager Trainee in 1966 and served in the chain's' store in Girden Grove at Brookhurst and Westminster before com· ing to the new store. He is a graduate of Santa Ana High School and attended Santa Ana College. He is rqarrled, has two children and lives in / Mi~ion Viejo. 1 . Vast Cosmetic :section •!,, '' Is Popular Attraetion ' .... ~- At Thrifty .Dr~~ ~tore • l The manager of t11e new store has announced that a HITACHI vacuum cleaner will head the list of prizes to be given away al the conclusion of the ten-day Grand Opening Celebration. Other prizes on the list Include a Panason ic "Clear- view" portable television set and a bicycle. The drawing is set for Saturday, November 22nd at 8 p.m. in the main concourse of the store, To enter, a customer need only sign a cash register re ceipt and deposit It in the entry box-at the front of the store. WEARING APPAREL .,,-Tly:tfty,'1 wearing apparel department showcases a huge display ·of ready-t6-Wear-clolhlng' of suc h popular items as ladles' capri pants and blouse sets, shift dresses. and a tren1endous sel.ectio11 of leisure clothes designed for casaa living. Men 's and hQys' items arc also featured. . . /J . The HITACHI vacuum cleaner is designed to go one better t h a n conventional cleaners, So quiet it won't disturb a sleeping baby, the machine is from the top or Hitachi's fine line. It features all accessories, an automatic cord reel, dust indicator and low.speed exhaust w h I ch eliminates dust being blown about. Most important is the high-speed dust re m o v e r which eJJminates the need for messy paper bags and allows the user to empty lhe machine in one simple action. The Huffy "Dragster" bike has 20" chrome wheels, safe coaster brakes and all of the features o( the new breed of bikes that are the rage of the young set today. Such is the case in the new Huntington 8 e a c h Thrifty Drug and Discount Store. In fact, it is one of the most pop- ular and largest sections in the store. All equipment for the sports- men is available from fishing gear and table tennis to base- ball and golf, all at Thrifly's low discount prices. Custom· ers will be gratified with the huge variety offer~ In regu- la.tlon and nationally adver· tisf'ld brand me.rchandise. as well as "Junior" equipment. In sports, recreation mind· ed Southern California, Thrifty placu heavy emphasis on this department and k e e p s it stocked with the very latest in sporting goods. Ashby came to , Thrifty inj 1967 and has been assJgned to· stores in Costa M es a , Anaheim and Santa Ana. A Westminster resident, he join- f'd the company as a Manager Trainee shorUy after his graduation from Idaho Stale University. He is married and li ves with his wife and two children in \Vestminst er. The three ex per l e need management personnel bring combinr.d Thrifty experiepce of more than twenty·three years to the new store. All are outstanding examples of lhe company's policy of promoting top-notch employes f r o m within the company. When Thrifty Drug Storei :' :SUCCeeded in securing special management planned t h e 'krir prices on man'y Items. - departments for the new Hun-,A~ special attraction is the tington Beach store, special 1ttpiltick Bar, which afford• attention was directed to the every customer th e op- Cosmetic Department port unity td view all national This very important seg-lipstick brands and select tha merit of the store has in· particular shade sUitable to corporated the very latest in the individual. showcase design as well as a A Thirfty·mlnded Cosmetl- complcte inventory of na-clan will be on duty to advise lionaliy advertised brands of and consult the ladies in thl'I Revlon. Max Factor, DuBarry, proper use of make-up and Dorothy Gray, Jfaiel Bishop, wisest selection in all cos- flelena Rubenstein, p I u s metics. "fragrance lines" from Coty, In an adjacen t area are the Dana, Lanvin and m a n y latest in masculine scents as others . well as a complete llne of new In celebration of the Grand toiletry products for the well Openini), Thrifty buyers have groomed man. ' . FISH OR FOUL-cBALL) -Fl'om fishin{gear to 1andlot baseball with golf or you·name-it in be- tween, Thrifty Drug 's Sporting Goods section is as • complete as you'll find anywll•re as seen in the NOW 15 THE TIME -When smart shoppers liar! checking their Chrl•t. two photos above. With Thrifty's regular low prices mas gilt list; anct. \Vhat better place to start than in the specially·1tocked the sportsman or sportswoman will find it an ideal toy department at the new Thrifty. The new Huntington' Beach store is certain bro,vsing spot as \Yill tho se looking !or the unusual to have the latest in parlor gatnes in addition to toys (or kids of all ages. ift idea. ----"B:::ik:.:::es l too! -- .r ' ,, • • ltk DAll,V ~lLOT --· .. -·- ' . I •' ' . r • t -• '''1c••••A: ... -.-... ... -o,_,.~ ...... -... ...... • ' e ~I. 17111 It. -C.... M .. s.,,,1 .. C....,, c .... M ... • 11142 ........... ·~ -....... SNJPI .. c....-..... ,.,. • 1c~ow . .....,_...-.1t.-.....,c....s-r.Me • ·-~St.91•-..... e UDOH~ 8"4. H.._ ~ ~· ~ • ·· lmJI IYDUA'f. Lo"' PlllCI ON \ ' COi.OR PlllNli .• PHOTOflNllHING • RCA G'AMDEN & • • 1.01 STRING ~ $119 Top artWU, cu,...~ rent ,hit.I. l\A:B, """'· """" Euy Li.ltenillg, Coun- try, l4ovte Sound Tracks 11\ •tueo a.lbuma a t a Thrifty· Discount Price! Keep up 1 our .collection-• DDY for gltta 1n lilnited Ume of• fer! · 0 SJ.It'"'"._, . •121 ...... c:.1.,.. -~ . .. .,, - ,. ' Rubber. Gloves First tlJn• ever at :the price! Gay colots.1or gra y chores! Non-&kit~ ,;oftne11s, longe~l c uffs, heavier duty! E a lli y on and o.ft. •'i•• to s321 Values!· , .. @ti!) Rubber Goods ~ W, • $'1.91 Value! HOt Water httles • $2.l9 Value! Fountain Syrilges • $3.25 Y•lue! 'FolcllftCJ Travel .Syringes1 • 2. 91 Vaf.! Combhtatlon lot~e & Sf"lnge >:.Ch ... .,..,.,.,. $]'2 2 yta.r11. Compltle 3 \vlth a tt"a c h- ni,nt~. . I ' ··11991 Value! Men's Vinyl Flight Bags Compact 22x12" Size Looks Like Fine Le:ither $10.98 3 Lb. Acryllc Fiii Sleeping Bags Cl.n'lp!)\t.ster steeping bat ot ra)·on or nylon ln mOd colors. Tie ropea for le.ay rolll:ftt, storage, $711 • 36110" . • w ......... ,,,... • 1 OO·l•clo Zlpptr s1991 Value! GP40 Diesel Jt Gauge R•llroad Set- $1) 86 ''.N" gauge R.R. ut Includes 6 ca.rt -/Power Pack, MC.lions of track,. a11sorted road namu. Lots oC play and tun for UtU• engineers. uv- ln,4'ti for ])a~I I $1.50 Value! Old World Map &Desk Accessories Men••· ,.!Acrylic Nat1-11y Advertised . 17•Jewel. Wrist Wcltches ·Swe•ters For Mn and 'women ' 'R epe•·t ot a sellout I .. Sa,..• 9 over %i . on An-7 ii·:~oGI;!:: . c Cigarette · Box, Pencil Caddy, Baaket. ' H~fuJl DIH1111t P~11ll fublnnecl car. -fop•il· oveni m cabl a dealgn, ne\V $499 t •'II """'"· rdZ!M S·M-L- .. ~amt.... : ':t'.'::l"' $19' 9' 9 Jl'Mnou. t1.am•1 . :J1'll'll know on Jlicht. Aukllna~ i C I , ...JeoMrs. · ' · ultr&-th~ wa.t-· · ' · · Salt $249 ~~;f~5iur look - !11.ttst fa shion · rage. Bla{'k, Silver, \Vhlte, ·Belge1pon1pon ties, Fashion Sweaters $299 XY, Men's Cotton Corduroy Jackets Jiand:som• · c'.Jtt.>n corduroy jack~ts 31 Inches Jong with knit frame pock. cts, .zipper front. Warm acrylic pile and quilted rayon lining. S·M·L-XL. Boys' Quilted Nylon Coats Di~ount $498 P.r1cacl . er-Jl!'OOfS: fteep· aecond dlali. :Pa~ .. 2" F,HJet Paper or ·Typing Pa~r lou Cklte Ji\111 size a·~~x11", 3. 43c ho~. Wide line or ool- Jetie rule or while ~ping paper. "Ro om :Mate" mini&ture b e d • :room alerm fin· ished in Antique Whit~. Bulky. acrylic, full fashion. Cho1c2 o: ~)ff\ many atyles in lal. est !all fashion col· \Vattr r tpellent, ny· lon quilted to poly· lf!!ii;.o t slcr ~ibera. Zipper· ~~if.-.. .front. ::? Jl()Ckets. S-i'ri 1;- J.·l·L in Blue, Green, · ora. Bikini 2 ·tone \\'eekday embroidered In Pastels on Wbit,. Red, Saturday on Black. S-1.f·L. B1·ov>'n, Br'I!!.!. 6·16. Tuff 'n T!tty cot.ton twill• styltd w 1th yoke ba.ck, 2 front scoop poeket11. Brown, Green. Gold, g.1a. omen's Long Sleeve Tops • 98c Carter's Typewriter Ribbon 66c For popular and 11tandard t y p • - \\rritera. Wrap• ANund • :;::•Knit Solid .Color $2 98 . ·. • StTipecl Nyloo & Paly•mr lleod Solid color top '"1th raglan sleeves, foldover ·turtle· II Cuff Links y-$197. Choice Glamorous atyling in attra.ctive GolC tone or sliver fin.· lllhts. neck .•• striped ;itylf) with mock turtleneck or ete\Y' neck. Sizes S·?>t-!. In latest Fall fashion ahades. At this lo\V price you'll want them all! · $ l 99• Hot Wheels _ uper Ch•rge-r attel Race Set ' • Jr. edition ot Air ·Blaster shoots In· Visible air 15 feet, Uneeda Debteen Wt1lkln9 . Doll , o; .. ..;.. s39s h :;wtl l'rlcod • . l 3 doll!! -with rooted hair you can waah a.nd .et. Eye• <>pen le shut. DI!· fer'¥~· halt ahades. •1•0GrosseH& Dunlap · Chllcl's Books Yw Cllofce 9f Buy for Chl'i8t.mu stvinf..:..buUd your child's library, H0111'$ of r.d· ing fun w:llh popular boolJ.e., :Uafdl- Boyg. NMcy Drew, Tom swtft, ma.nt other f&vorltea at aavl.np Reg~ $1 f .98' . HtHlsladm- 1 O'' Trfqcle Chrome aemJ: ·hl---- rl" handloban. $744 Lemon • Lime oo-ordina~ c olor. : Streamers 'on han-· . dle bars., Betty L9u 4.Plece Cosmetic filu..Se Kits •• 2.1 •• , ,,..,, •• let In GIB loxes Each ensemble la at- ""'""'" gilt box· $189 ed f o t Christnia s gifting. A 2 pc. tra· · vel bag .is al!K> in the 11et. $1.3 ·casseH.- Au · lo Tape .,. ca ridges ,, • 68c I 98 Value! ybut~I · lliultlple c ,Vitamins, -. ' Wucap~. 4 FWI y_.•, (•If ;Supply. of JU . ~ '•· '£: ApotheCary bot.t.1• containa full year'• aupply.I - ' • .. -... .: ' '• ' Alm m'!1 --~ -~~---------._,...,,_...,..., -- ~ ·-.. ,. ,., ·~ ... ..: • PTLOT·AOVERTlSER 8 •Wtdnesd y, Noyembff 12, 1%9 1 \Ytd11t5Cf11, Novtmbfr 12, 1961J _ DAILY P,U.PT IJ 'J ·~=:::===::::=::;:j::::::;::::::::::::::...__..........--..........,.----.:.,· ,....... -'------,----=----~--=========::::;::::~== -.. , ' ;; ........_...._..__,._...,,. 'st1rr'n1~.H•,...••ie.a • 11na ... , ..... .;\.;..., • ir • ..:.w.-....e.e..•••,..,:. • 6117Wwt ·' 1ar t1t..W.w.t-W•A1•1r . • 1 e 11f61Y ..... Y&9w•CbtJ __ .....,......,....._..,._ 111 ............... H.J.• •• 1 • . ~ ' I ' I _J,_~---- I -•9;99 ~alue!. ·.Quitted 1..-of a: S.M11tl 98~ Qu-.llty Rug Remnant s13.97 va1ue1 Made 111 spar ,..,,,..,,., Ema-...d . , Bed ·-spreads hll la.;hll $699' !;:'"...:= 69' Long w.earlng •1 I ~::'':..'t.~ ::r want bl•~ ( al Dl&terlall. J'or .... .......... '?II!. . glass ·desil'•· > area a. 8irpid. · ......... .._ .. , ~Peacock Blue, Gold or _\vocado, ~ 90~109" •. ~. •, . .r• ' I . .,\. ~ .. 98cRonson Kl~ Size : Butane Reflll ' Best fuel for any 59 flint lig~r. 'Keep C one on band at heome-ln· -the of. fice. Save in Sale! ' $2.7,5 R•"1on ColorGlo Sha111p0o s·b amrioo. ~:i:r gi hf,'li! s 11s 1tchts In.to your hair. ' . ........ 18d1" •. 81.i'• tq! •12•• Porcelain 1 O·Pi•c• Ewaiel CookWare-w - ''Coatifftltel" .. ·on.,. er A~ 1 • 2 q_t. saµ.cepan/ cover, 3 qt. covered $ I 99 , casserole, 6 qt. . Dutch Oven. 8" Ii: 10" ekllleb. White Wide! . $.1 .54) Stalnle11. . Serving Pieces . 99c TeakWo o d . Butter ......... er, Butt er · ael'\l'er I knife, . Jam or re1ilb. lel'Vel'l/IJIOOll. Slainlessateelf <:alortully dec- orated plutic handle11. D:lah- wuher aafe, lifetime guar- antee. $3.95 Chee .. Board & Tray with cover $299 Ju-12 x 11" tray at yellow . ptul:ic, hardwood cut.Ung block & hf:-<tom• see-thru , plutic oov~. f 1 '' va1ue1 ·Pair of Iron Peacocks ~ .. !!.u . ~ hammered 1tOn -.-.... .. Blue I Gl'Mb. gOldtona &C• cen 9x14".: $1.39 Thlnah.Pd All Fiiied Candles }I 2 1'.0UND J,AR s11• ' .,._. m •9"Yaluel Y•i·O·Mililc Kitchen Sll•r Sllcel u4 dLct9 ... t••t ... u electric mvbJM! Produoea 1JO ~ mato alloea. '1'00 French F rte • , 11.50 tibrJeibtnp in 1 11l11LU te I ........... ........ Enamel Roa.tten $1 .H ,. SI 44 7-tU..hwl . • 12,. 11 ... ,.... _sut • 16 .. ·11 .. hwl •. $.I.It e II flt 22 .. -........ "' He&tproot' IH· lhru dome. T.ef· lon9 Un.1111'• With ' 1erYiftC --..cfpe booklot. SecUona!Laq SUl&IL I dip bowl, RMnr handle t.n Aw. cado or Ta'rt·. ,._ -·~ .... -Sdver Cabinet I s222 Hl·lmp&ct plutlc ••• UM ........... or );ltellen. Hus "" wall or •t m flat tur:fact, ·2Po•dlctX Miik· Choco1..e1 . s11•, @ fl!) a WINillN• . vsilCJAI. OCCMIOM Haff Gallon ' lce:Crea111 :.·~~·:-59c llsccNnY • • •II ..... 11 •1ld1• ........ _ .... _ .................. "·· ' • $2.19 Yaluesl Colored Enamel Cookware · Tea ket.Ue,-15 • w "y oooker, 8 qL oouP $.151 pot. 2 pc. 8'\leepan - let in1Avoct.do or Per9inuriorl.' H e & t 11 • •· 1 nenly, cteana u s- Uy, colorful . •2••Woocl Spfce Rack $J99 Hanging rack / 12 labeled J1plce bottlee: ot. clear ·colored g I a a s, "Mn•·t" tor ~!lwmet coon. s1-.. Box of 8 i oz.M~9'. . 99' Heat • reaiatant milk while Glasbakdl cof- fee m u,g1 by Jeannette: -t $ l 4' PitlY·lac Cutlery Tray aac Space aaver aUde top, per-' forated bottom for euy clean- ing. Pl&litic in kitcb.m colors. 98c Ilg Rubber Welcome Mat 67< Durable brl&• lie style lilL Red, A Vt>ea\iO, BJ&Ck •• 13J.a x 21%" · l!ize. Yor 'Yi'et w-.. ther Mud 1· •1·•·a 'vtirletles 'Cuppetl ~ookles 2 Pound lox ~ I. ·99c Tce~typt .cookies wt th Uu old ?uh· ~ ravor. .. 9 .lc R .. dytoFICI••• . 16x20'' Brush Stroke · '_Reprod~tlons . : . ' I ' I ... ff Val••I 16x20'' WoodFnunes · Wlde decorator frames in Spani1h1 Spanilh Claaalcal, Baroque. Driftwood modern etyW. $3~· - t7•• Lifelike Ylnyl Giant Plants In Pladlc TUbi • ·~~~ao~~~-'$499 alze, lllellke 8 p 11 t · Lo&!--· . Giant Pothoa, ~f'&-o Ua. or Dubl& now at aavlngs of $2.16 each! A Thrifty 11o1per-apeclal! s7.9s vci1u812:.Qutir1 .. .. . . . Fondue Sets """ ................. $)'99 on alumfm.lm tou- dae ·..t finllbed il1 · Oranp or Avoe&do . . . . «namel. !'tin. ...,.. to:prepareatthet&~ ' ble. JCven heatincl , • s1.tt.6-Pc. _ ,.,..w . wl ........... H..,.. .. $1.H e ... Va!••I ""'"" . ·.-·-· -...... 4tc 68' ••,'Screwdrivers or Wrenches "'z ........ 17& Drop ,:;t .. 2~99c triple · .chrome R ' plated . . wrenches / box' or open end or combinatlon ••• Phllllp11 or regul&l' head ICl'eWdrinra • in choice of-ahapee, ai&ea. ~ WY'll:I lctlt !or Sm0oth amokiJIC plea.sure! Kade 1D Tampa. Quart 8oHle . · · Harkoff'Yodka '$6.9S'Yiiluel .Ronson Co••• . Butane i.11 t.1•r · Lt f k t and com.pact ~~.r~.;,':" ~ $·4· 99· Gou lot montha on ' .r t11n(le fUl!n(I Guuan-1 ' teed. 8~ atrumUn·· , eel mod'1I • Black, Ora)', Red, . ' I I • ,-_. • l • ,. • l I H-1-+ .,....."''t"--,;,,.-;,;,,,,""'-==== I ' ' ' ' ' NOVEMBER DISCOUNT DAYS! THURSDAY, NIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY! I' ' ' Bejeweled Queen Regally decked out in her jewels,' Queen Elizalieth arrives at London Palladium ,for a Royal Vanety Performance. Palace spokesmen have quashed 'ru· mo rs that she might abdlcate in ' favor of her son, the Prince of Wales. Meanwhije, Prince Philip's comments on the Palace's finanqial problems, hate taken over in the rumor department. I • Conrad Now to Have KODAK 124 INSTAMAl'I~ I Encore Life Hinted CAMERA ou:re.rr · CAPE KENNEDY, FI a. Andrew, 10, and Christopher, Includes 12 ex. color film. Batteries, flashcubes and carrying straps. :1 '2 ~88 · (AP) -When Charles Conrad who will be 9 later lhi_s month.1~.z==3=--"=======-=·-"'?!""':Z!""im•• Jr. landed safely In the "~e've all ~living with the 1 1 0'!""'""'== · · . .J ·, Gemini 11 spaceship after a program sine I became anJ'-i ~-i.;;'.,.:.;,:!!Oi£ill:im1Jtll!"'1:1"il==t:"':'.'.:::~~~~!::=~~ c three-day orbit trip in 1966, astronaut sev years ago," fOOT Jane Conrad was asked what Conrad ·~aid. "When \Ve her husband could do £or an started, that was quite a dream, to go to the moon. LO C encore. · We've talked about the ' KERS; "1 guess ~e'll have to go to possibility of going many · 4 ' ' the mOO!I," she replied with a times. And 1 think they're all ~l • - smUe. looking forward to my trip -' 5 8 8 Now Conrad ls to command but it's. really f.lO longer a :~~;~,aecbe~ngd ~~;!:"d~~~ dr~;~t~s~;:~~:·boys look • r at it probably with not as , R19., 1.88 blastoff Friday. Mrs. Conrad much awe as some older peo-, , . and the four Conrad Children pie do because to them it's· 1 , Sturdy rein.forced ~ers. departure of the Saturn 5 part of their father 's job." . or travel'need' •· plan to watch the blazing very reasonable thing to do, ~· In colors. ldeaL-for storage rocket from Cape Kennedy. Also here will be Alan t . Gordon, who will be maklng l~===::sw.i'~-ii· ~:===~;;;~~~ Bean's wife Sue and their twet his second space voyage, saJd1r:n----•, •• tz 9F~Q~4i 3·~ hb wife Barbara "will worry · children: clay, 13, and Amy · d'd 1 t ,. " H '"P=""-=zil'Ji'il· l!!::=====•z::====m:=r.:i sue, &. ~~i!';e a~t .~;ubj:T~, m;1ri1=:: .x vw . , \iii "!'r ;u. i:-:;:&i •.• ,._ '"'! STAY HOME family to the grind or prepar· _ Charge The third member ot. ·the lng far a fligh t ind the qlght J Z Apollo !2 crew, Richan! F. it.ell" and said lie may~declde t Gor-don Jr., said his wife after Apollo lZ never to fly Barbara and six children will again. watch the launch on television ORBIT ~!OON" j al home in Texas. All three Gordon b to orbit the moon \ families live In communities while ' COnrad and Bean make r, near the Manned Spacecraft the landing. He said ~e Center in Houston. dertnilelY would not fly aga\n Bean said he wanted his if he felt he did not have a family at the Cape for the chance to land on the moon on launching '' beca u se I .a later mission. e6pecially want my; son and As for. his six children daughter to see It. We don't go Gordon said "I don't thin to the moon too often and it they've expressed any mor might be ~mething t 0 fetllnp than a natural innate remember.'' 'CUriosity about what's hnp- For Coorad, it will be his peniq .. I lhlnk they are thrill- third trip into space. How doei ec1· thar their father has this his wife feel about it? t · k ,,1 lb.ink that all the wlv-particu)lr oppor uruty to ma e T-a aign!Ocant contribution to worry when we are about to this country, and hopefully to make a space flight," he the worl,d." replied. "Aad I'm sure that 'nle children are Carleen, l$, my wife is probably as wor-ried about this flight as abe RiChard, 14, Lawrence, 11. was on the previous ones. , Thomas, 10. James, 9 ahd "Althouih I don't think l5be Diane, 8• worries as much about me in Qea.n~ rqaking his first !pace a spacecraft u she doe6 when trip, said, "My kids are pretty I fly airplanes,· for some exclted .. My daughter ,Js pro- reason,'' he added. "Sh'e batily m05l excited of all. thinks there are a 'lot more. She's looklng forward to . it people looking J,fter -~my with great enlhuslasm.,My son welfare when t· lfy. a asks a lot of questions about spac«raft than whla l.Jbo an the rlighl. My wife is en· 45 P'C. MELMAC DINNERWARE SET Big selection to choose from. Roymac Mayfair, Andover or Dorsel Dura Lile or Appolo-- ware. 7.88 Reg. 19.81 airplane." -~.. f thuslfstlc, too, but with the .... ...... typical reservatlortJ of a wifelll,,....., .. ._="""=""'rllfi!i:i::3:!Z!Ql=...,===C1111o:.c.t.I CONRAD CRILDflPi -' wtieo her husband's getting ' • • • METRECAL OR SEGO 5 FOR 97¢ ·· •r"• .Reg. 25c ea. .BOYS JEANS REG. 1.66 96¢ Authentic \Vestern styling. Rein- forced at all points of strain. In Indigo blue. Sizess 6-14. SAVE NOW! r -· FR EE! AUTO LUBE AND SAF.ETY INSPECTION I Molt A..nc. t..J ly Appointment Only . PHONE 548-2082 TM Conrad ~-· Ire ready. to go quite a long WIYliJllC.L.~lli..·"'""'""'"' P•Jlri ~<"""""''-.II , for qulle a long time." TRIPL ' , DECKER FOOD CARRIER . , ..... ,_,.,,.. ·' • l HUMAN HAIR RIG. 24.H WIG FALLS 15.88 ~ PIXIE Wl~S SIJ.f7 • -- L .... $'700 &* *& •• IWWiiii Yffi\:.tm.:::•,· :ra!O!!!l!:Zl!J"""""'.,.,""',lj BAR STQ.PLS ' ... 7.97 ' ' !' v )~ I '\ ,.;, ,, ',: ' ··\"?' Rtg. IO.ff ' I ' '!'-~ Floral patterns, sturdy black ; metal legs. I Charge 'i i 11I' . . "' lt1 ' y r r • : ' ' . ., j ·" -· VJSIT OUR GRILL FOR .,, ' ~ THIS S~ECIALI · 2 _ ALL · Y OU ., ~ CAN E AT BEANS . ' & F'A;Nl(S I 57¢ .. ,:: l • ' ·~·· . 4 TRACK STEREO TAPES . ~' ; .,. atch for the full * Ma rga ret Whiti ng " . .. l.'-t.;:if~"s T.V. listings in • St~rdy Plastic Containe rs keep fo od hot for hou rs. In de cci;ator cpl?ts• 1.56 . Rtgul1r 2.M · * Boots Randolph . 1 1 98' *,The McCoy• AND MANY MORE i ·~ '' .. 1 • • · Satmday's edition of the ' -~DAILY P-JL()T. ~ ... l \ \, . • I . 1t Tellfcusis-Set -· ' ' ' I 0 I ~ " Key to Earthquakes.? .:;,~ Chang~s M~Yi _P~~dict Temblor~·, • ZLDON ~ or reaaon out Of swch plottings, 1949 q~. whicb wu ~u.e .:JCA'ft'U (upr) •' _ A . "A?! JOu ::&et' ~ ,.~.mess of largest in tbe'"state's _history., · , ~\ -of Washington dots, Ratnui~sen ~lalneq. . Th~ •.~ c OIJI d •:,earthquake a ma~ ~have ~.he ~ded to take a dif-. Junction was bet wee il lbe kf:y (gr ao-.... fe:riid, approach. First ne · Tacoma and Sea.We at the • proc11i:lin& earth-· ·.lisU!ll andi -bored the hui>-epi~tu rl. tte -.Sfugesl ~ < . ~ rl.\. ~ke1 tbat quake, which occurred. m 1916, H Rasmussen ex· have been strong enough to be The third '"'"' at a wide Sppt t ;1ipanese ICientlsts felt. -~ recorded -·in this i~ the Olympic Peninsul~ loop haY9: · ltaroed. tbai 1 Ii g ht regioq_llDte 1840. On.a map he highway known as• Bnnnon. ~.bJ~~ationoften plot~ each nwnber at· tb_e This place !In Hood Canal at ~ ~ major earthquake. location of the earthquake tt lh;e m~th ol the Oucka~ Thty;., have. placed in various represented. . , Ri.,.:er is, under. Rasm~ s parts of.thelr blands delicate Then Rasmussen p1cked ·o11t the<1ry, a most likely plact; r~r; instruments ca p a b I e of groups of. temblors ~at have a tremor. . . meuurJnc an eJ e , a t i 0 0 occurred m spurts of two or And so he figures this is the cbanai U small as one-tenth three yea rs and he drew lines best ~lace to set up o~ of of,.~ 1Dcb. between them. those instruments to measure As his pencil moved from elevation changes. ~·The ~ has been the nUmber to number, Rasmµs-Ir he can prove that Brinnon '.~n of. where to place sec realir.ed it was following Ls indeed an '·earthquake junc->1beiil ~ta to do the kno f9iil li 7 1 • · -sood.~ The 0 b vi 0 u 8 wn ~r.;...~ ·~ Then, mid· lion," then seismo ogists can would be to set the denly, he saw the lines had be pretty sure that Rasmussen alGa& faulti. ~ ~three. p!J!ces. has hil upon a method plot· ~~clb~ _j'a~ at, a ;>nint ting the most effective spots ~epi plot· , halfn°y bl'h.eeli Tacoma and to j>lace their "earthquake ;:. mapr ~ot areas Olympia, the epicenter of the barometers." ~ ~,...-diquakes J----~----~--------1 1 &all• into" patterns ~ ll>Ose•fault lines. =ID the. PUg;t Sound for efamplt,, It is • to Icy lo make rhyme ' ·/ • l t , 'P,oir WeJ, . ' . ' '· -'I • .,, . ' f I Support Hose ~· . and Panty Hose . ~'\ Sale of Mesh Stretch Thi-Top Hose Regular $1.49 •EI.tie top 1tay1 up with e••• ind com• fort · • S.unset, ~foch01, Bare Beige e PeL, A,·e., T•ll SALE SAVE 29o/q ! Support l{ose Regular '3.4-9 prs •. • 84% nylon and 16'.i Lycra• spandex in rel'd~ k.Ur with reinforce4 heel. Available in iuasec. ~ bti-., white. Sizes 8,-€ aod XL Pia 9~ thro 12~. $-1.99 SbeorSupportHOH 21'!1, 7.50 I ~ . Regular 4.99 Panty Hose 2pn.7so • 811'e Bei1e and Sunse1 • Run-re1isl meab kn il • PeL, Ate., Tall, ind X-tr. CHARGE IT On Sears Revolving Chorge ~ ' ' ~ . I ·' I • · ADVENTUB · I _ _.J .;,;1 l:U"UCl".l"UAIJ.:l· . . PREVIEW . "· . . 1N'!'Rqoucr10N Qr~ . THREE NEW •• I • II" ' ·RECORDINGS ., •) ' ' ·' AT"tHIS SPECW.~ SUNDAY. SERVICI!:' • .. RIU'RESHM.ENTS WILL 1SI: S£a'VID ' , • ' -'·. - • • • ~ ·.~---.-~------.----------------·------ -____ !111111 _________ ..... .. I MMA ,. TA 1-4-._529.45)() fl "'°"" Of~lfll 'ONG IUIOI Hf J.0121 toMOHA.. ••1U,.M. •·Sl•t. YU •-t751 ..... ..,,., ifMlfClllUIW ..... I OfilOGA P• 340-0661 CllND.W CH S-1004, Cl.4-4611 CXTMl'IC I SOfO AH 1·5211 &AHIA AMl D 7.lJ71 .-a<S4J.Ull ~ I COWlot4Nf:6·2511,_Nf2·.S76l HOU'l'WOOO HO,.J94J 00HGt637-J100 ~ Stfff&lll .... ,....,,, -:-"~~-.. I tamA .. "'°'11 1Mouwooo01t'"J\a1 J. .fASM11HAM1~11,~Ml·.'21 1 · ~~~-..,.A.-:AD4..,11' '-----·--·-·---·---.. -.m----· .. ---~~ -~ _____ .. _____ _.. ___ , I . p MliiNsMinolor.....,.S-.!of 9,30A.M. .. ;,MP.M.,~ 12-to SP.M. ----"Scllitla:ilonGuorani;eaorv.u.IMnef....,.. , I I • • :· " I I I I I I 1 r ......... ~~"""~r...--... .... ~, ...... ~....,...., ..... ,,,.~ ..... -•T><-~'•nk~•~•~4....,\>•oo-.+~•••~·•~•~•·~~~•~~~~.~·~...,.--~~~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~·-.....----~~' CALORIC . (@_ rr., ~ Self-Clei1 Oven ~~ and Broiler! AS -FEATUltlD.AT THI lllh ANNUAL OllANOI COAST_COLL.IU COOKING -SCHOOL!. """" ..... 12th & 20th -,,,. ..... .. tho Mell ,..,...,. 30' OOUI~< DlCl<lR e Ov•n •"' llreil1r .,, ,,,,. ltnly clttll 111 twe Jievn. e Reqvire1 e111ly twe ,1111,le rltp1 t• .,., •••. e Fu11, mv11 elli effert er• 1U111l111te4. e Ph11 tll ._ '~'' trttt .,1.,1 ... ! •• , ••... Ultrt·RtyS l11frt·tff ~rtlltr , •• Cfflr: 1"411 •••Ill ••rift • .,.,. ••• tfMI "''"' ,...,., Tiiey . W11 le Th •NIHI Ptb11 Te le W11 ly S..... LMlly H1•1•1kan AttelMIRt Th Pepulll' Cook1111 11111111 IEE THEM ON DISPLAY 1t: 41 ..i,M,s.t.M • 1-. --, • • -I ' ·,, . ,. • .. ' ·-I' g-.deal OIL ~ I ·; , ' • •, ._ . . -. Youtfis Try ' " To linprove Sears ' • SAVE •2! •'.. , ... Auortm.~t of Women's Brass Heel Shoes Rtpler '6:99 • llllls. 'W ...., llJllai. wilh o<ljuW>le in"'p ...,. ,.,....Pt-_., .... ,..itlon .. 1. • Trlfp•d ... I with a0ld tip, io hlkk, wblto, llone, plok, ,.n.,, aod gold ••Ion 497 SAVE •s to '10 On Wom~n's Featherlites ...... 115 10 Sl7 y..,, Choice • '~·-la ...... 1 r .. bionoble .. ,1 .. ond · •••rwd eolbft • ...., ~ .. s.ail , .. _ "l-n 11 lhh r.-. ' ... ;)Mr ;riee While qu1ntities l1s1. SAVE •2! 697 p,.;.., 11r.ei; .. , llqi..,io1 Ttcl.iy Uoe S.... hfoltiaa ClwJ• ' . ' • r- I l -· Little Boye'-Girls' School Shoe1 Men'1-Boys' Chukka1, Caeuals ll ....... $6.99 s .. n Low, Low Price! • Unlo "°"' tl..,ic ehkka d.,ert boot wilh • Men'•-•nd hoY''. 2..,.elet cbal<ka deeert boott -ool• •od heeb, braabod l .. tltor appon 49 7 with bruohed .. " 1 .. t1tor appon I Lllllo ""9' T-willt elmllo ~ .. • M•n'•-•.U wilh leother trha, bnahed leother -f: iillltl"' relier hackle, 1 .. t1ter .,..,. •ppen and°""' eoleo .. d & .. lo. Ten or olive • io,t• •Ji.. In htewn; pm' ah-in bla<k OalA .. ftdlnc Yllae! -, 'Cuda/ ) \ 597 --=~a.·--·----=---------------------------------------.. I -• IL MONT. LONG HACH PICO it.._ ~ IOUIH CC>.uf PIAt\ -. CANQOA PAllC GllHDAll O\Y.wotC I SOIO SANTA""" 'lOlwla I I COi\IPTON HO~YWOOO OMHOI ~ SANTA Pl SHIHGS VAlllY I COVINA INOLIWOOD PASAOtHA e!l 'l"s SANTA MONICA VDMOHT ........ '·--~-~----------~--------' Q.J.1 ----~-----~~-~----' ...,...,.....,...,..,r••Nll""Nll'....,...,1, ......... ,... ---, -"Salblae11o11oun~or..., ... ,...,. 1 ' • ' ----·----------------------------·-------------------- -Sears .. . .. ' ' " [/;; .. I' .•. ::·'1 ii' .f '· " I(.~ ...; :t,.-,,., .•. · ftY I • < I~ Wheelchair Safety ·~ IJJv~e ,D ~~elop~~ . [ t M~~"--The state ber of •ccidtnb hive OC· ;:.. ' r~..,R~ib'ilita~art t cumd,' pulc:illar }o en;. • to! ·~I' ~•!Y deYi<e . pied chilaren rld!n1 In scl"'"J ~ wlll!efuhaifs ,buses ant Vans. tl~ed!Penons · "Wlllf~ "use· of oui ~ · CM.,.ltdµnd . ln va'ns devlCe." Hotmd SJid, "tbi* ' ~''*'~ '~t~s· announced ""sltuatioli oo longer ~'I 11,llW· i · P.Jr e QJ.:o t pf isl!' ..,, . , · ~ _or,Jl!lllcrt, E . Repre Uves OI <1Cboof ·HirNJr' "'··~ ~ 1 • distri~. eccupa.tional The, ·derice was developed therap1s~ and c r 1 pp I e d by ./tlG.i.:~rris of the state persons confined lo DePirbneat ef Rehabllllation, wheek:hairs may ob~in a fr.ee and 0.X)es.,.ckles, a private ske~ of the deVIce: with COP,lul1il:l8" en~r. details o~ construdioa ~A. TbJ device ':Clamps the G. Garns,, s~te Department fr~ of fM 't' t.-e .. l ~ h-'8 i r or Rehablhtatioa,. ~ Angeles secu.M ~io 'u\ei;,r.t'>f the West Bran~ Office at 14H movt.lVlhlcte.~ · ·develop-South Robert.son Blvd., Loe ment .~ r Ule Deed Angeles 90035. of a ~lien~;f the departrneat· who li~.ed..,ft the end o! a F' M roiwi. il\rt toad.' ... Irlll oves . ,ijf)"ard pointed out that'. 1 :i. disa~ persons are ,. • . • wheelclloirs in ~··· ''Io .£.omple . -~. they 4re In a ""' . '-~*l e d i c a m_e n t A 'l i..-~.,;.; ;,,~.1 ~ np~dable scifety ma,.... . ..,,.rt" I'~ )U'~· . sly been hardware -~· -.n 1... -. . · ie: · · -!ch · V,,f!ve ~.catheters ...s;;-is -.-1 '· CoruiNu ms moving flanl. leUih Santa Ana -<lr.~-:T.f a nwn-to the lribae,.Industrlal com-~ . ·1.. .~ ~ 1 f plex near-~e County «• r ~,~> ·~ 1 Airport. : ' ._;i .. ~-·i .~· .Edwar..d4 LabOr.tories , ,i. ~ 1 • ~l)\viskln o( Amfrican H~ I d us '. ;~ply ~ and its . ... .. cago."""!· pmat . ...,. ~ • papy will.--Pl: a --"', / .site,~~~·' acru· 'for Jligh School ~~--or1•~ "'~ '°" .. ni .. ~ _...,.,in. ;,vw • Huntington B e a c h midd1e of n1it .Jr~r., wttboat o(~1 • and one f r o m appreciably e xpanding i t.s .t, · · . : B.ea¢.h.~e among a '\:"Or~ force, .fCCOr~ to ~m- ;5;i (l'OUP' ·~ '3>tcompleting pany spokesintn .. _tt&fi!·-&e#>'t ·Y.,~ .. ·or tqgh Construe~ ·of .• 7',000 · sclJo!;ll• by attertilh}j lJnl,v sity, square foot building 11 alread1 ,;o1l0'1Ulefn«;i:lifOPbJI). . under way, designed b,. l 1atud·..._ w"" Ire lt.i; ; Nel!loo~ qstrom. B a 1 k In , 't · .1.ft~-, .'."'! '•111'-:eertn1n a(ld .Associates and a · '~.· ca 1 arl i , :is · •• 's l\eaitet.Li tijillt ~1 Ollmlll!I Construction H 'I: ' .. The < ~ Conlfllll!Y; Monterey Part. , . •· a~. Y. '· Alp)ouncfm~,t of the im· ~~ reqwreme~ts fat .~ move wu made by lh"~r , , school diplomas wfij R. Plerie, vice preskle:nt while regular college and 1eneral manager of the f ~~courses and a finn and-'Everett Davis IIC special ~e in "Great Ideas4 s~les man11er. ' of the'WliStem World." ' · Dr. Thomas Lasswell, direc-&· tor the program, said the ~_) b T H youngsters were s e I e c t t d' \'1• Op 000fS because they are •·extrem•Jy '._ - bright and highly motivatf , ~ 'B ' by the will to learn ." ; .. '.i ·o eacon Five 9f .J.be students ate. t 1 from Hiiti~• fle ach H1fl!-• ',N#wport Hllll>or Hlift Sehoof*''l\'JJ!nifre'd Cafey,'of 'l6ch0ol•1 • otudent -' · 83$2 S frd' 'Ddve ; .Donna "~" wu preeented the 1 Cesare; 20092·uws0n La~e; ~-,._ Dlcbon award far Donna Oirham. or 10182 EdJe ctUe:Dce in edltortal wrtung Drive; Nuta Ruud , of -' t week at UCLA Joumalllm Gosha'lilt):Lazi<. and • N•c y. Weber:/of.9352 Tidewater.) Ear.lier, the student peper Also~ · yepresentlng th e ~ved NaLional PMs A .. Ora~· -Jetne1 Doi. of · sbclati<"f• "AD Amerkan 26592 1' C. 1 t.fO·T n I a St.. Honor" hling for illUel pub. Capis • ~ !nm San . f;,iie<t'lat IP'lnl under editor- Cfem-.-gh-~, :---i'i'chief.-hn-Sclnran. •• ' Two Lang~ages V alle.y Has Special Course A course in English for 12 roreign born students now is being laught at Fountain Valley High School by Miss Vi· vian Fowler. For :P.J_e :ib.KleJtLI in lt1iss Fowler ,-.14-., Engfisli is a se- cond l1r1guaa:e -one thty vitally need to sP91k, tead and write well to get 'alggg. The student! speak various ,;111aftVe. 'lantµa ·ses so all com- muntCatidri In the clau Is In \ English, rudimf:ntary English ~ though It la ror some. ' ~ Milf FoWler tCaches• the -cl durln&: ~het COUt1!elin1 -periOO iii lild(tlon to her nonnal teaching uslirments. She bas a lillf,llatlc and speech' therapy background. Seior studenl.!I Robin Myers, Pam Ekstrom and Gathy Son· ney assist Miss Fowler. The intemaUonal clus in- cludes Branko Dujanovic, ol Yugoslava; Masanoa Kato, of Japan ; Ula Nomnl, o( Iran; Oanb NIU}' en, of Vietnam ; ~doHo Ramas, of Boll via; Asolele Talllele, of Samoa ; Praslt Tonaaavai , of Thailand, and Luis Aguilar, Herbert Berrera, M. Luiia Fernandez, Maria Pantoja, and JOit Sak:odo, all-of-Meslco. . ,. ------------------ . ) ·• "·. ,•, ' . . f ,l ! i : . ' 1 .. ' ' . , ... , ·; . ' ,;, t •• fi· ~. ' 1' ''. •'{ ... ,.. ;- ; • I ;. ' I.'• f f ' • /I '• .!• 11 • ,. . . . ' ~· •j ,, I • . ( •.•• ., • ! .• ' ,.~, • ' '..... ,,. . . .. I ' ••••••• ' I . . . •\ 'i .~ ( ~ , .... . ' . -.. •\ . " 1' ~c<t ~ ·• ... \I• •• ' ' I i·' • ''! : l",t '\l'I\ . • ,, • • . 1 ·~·· •. .. , ... £ 4 •• .t.;~\ ... t sAVE "'" .0. J.;ale Girla' ·:PERMA-PltEs'I-Tops 1 ·o.. Ccmluroy Pants . • .. YOUR CHOICE Regular $%.99 ~ 16.J p- fooliioellislita..s-T- •.U.U....bil-..-1..,.....,inr whea -tailable dried · < • R.ib ult nn-.. tu1l.....k •Gay llripoo. S.M-1. (2 te 6X) I c.oo-1'11 ... Pl..-ilDHmOJ +. • is... ;....,, ....i.; .. -i.. llUllblo,cbi • Band ,;,, ..... "1alliedod beek wail& • EneplioMllJ 1.., ,...,.._ TnMftt solid t:o)on. 5iHt 2 thnr 6X "m '3.69! PERMA-PREST" Western Style Jeans CUT 25'*i! 2;.5so -.--_..4 ... • Coabed -· Hil'V,..........pol,_.. .. .. •"T .... SIOlrtfei'i--.DoUI· k...,.. R•• •a;-'. ·,tfm ti-6 t. 1% • I !Jortj N-;~ lfextured Nylon Knit Shirts Great Vaine! , I '•' .f ' • . ' ' /''• I • • • DAILY P'lllll' J/S . ~, " M . -.--:. -· --! . _: . - •,-' • j •O • "t ;r ' r "' ..• ... u ·'•. I' '• '-I/ ): 1 : ..... ' ....... , l ' • ! . ,, ., .. '"':'! :-l" .• ~ . ~· .\ ,.., , . . . " . -~ ... ., ... . ' • .. • I ! ' : • I ff DAILY PILOT (c.t. from P•1e ltl --i;>OSTAL ... ~us.ti~e Solv.es ~Problem of' Cat :_:_ . '-. ' ' IQla-.orbuliow hOulO 1 flat ~ feo to make dally tt-~=-pldiipo Olatr • u t g o Ing pmoll. The fee Is in addlUon ~---:to !be recuJar UPS ra e. 1.0llDOll (j\P) -·'Brtloln'• --called Ko-at. trom octor T-e llanD\ng MlilninC wa>J ,toJalf)or two law had ~ the· J1i.b 'Ceu!'t <ii Juallce wOuad R• aloo 'lllm<f 16 1 for li,llO. Mup\q .,..ec1 weqs lat year -'ter he rtlus-riase ~- .up tbne da7I of dellber1Uam ' dlpkmlUc drama last )'ear, they had only rented Arthur; .ed {court ofdef to rutrender He did, ltowevtr, procbll ""1"rklly-orwbo-0Wftl Artbur, -wlala bt.wa.u::e · se went court. A to Sers. The beard-documeot of an <1.t.l!tllt.eots-'<ltlrllll f11t. O!ll. l!!...tbe ~Ian Ell\.ba@'.. Justice Str~Nigel Bridge actor ho had hlddea bet.... aD.r ~ ·Ila wM liffD la !be cat food Soviet olficials, evldlntly in-called Manning Frldlf "tile Artl>ur in the Soviet Embassy, conee"'iiiini Arthur. J • d I '! compuy that lll!llloY• llinl. difpwlt at tile , thclugo( of moot b-• and unxrupulous bu his t.l"'jJlon agent later B<iqe lald it wu fo...... " I I Morooftr, UPS does not ~Ide complete n at i o ri a I coverage, because af the several states for which it l•cb operating certificates. But where it does operate, It ~as a freedom th at the Post Office envies. A Post Orfice si)okesman said: "We'd like to have their flexibility -to make a con- tract with a truck line, if that b the cheapest or quickest way to haul something -or \ile railroads. or jumbo air ftoeighters. We're trying to get that kind of freedom." A cauromta editor noted one result of such ne.x..ibility. He received a pareel from New Jersey which rost the sender 75 cepts to send by UPS. When returning the package as unwanted mei-chandise} the editor said, the parcel post ~ W iti cost was 11.2s. Staper ~at a n9 A UPS official ln New York Faster than a poodle's paw, able to leap tall f!re explained the probable cause plugs at a single bound. Look on top ot that tall fire of the big difference: Allbough plug; it's Sidney Super Cat and ~he has taken. dead UPS has no overland service aim at Allie, who remembers it's always nice to coast to coast, it operatet b if h' what tt calls the "Bfue Label stand up to a lady when you meet er, even s e Air Service" for some types of _t_en_d_s_to_be_c_a_tt;..y_. -------------- shipment. UPS acted as a freight forwarder; it picked up the scader's packages ln New Jersey, packed them in cs 'con- tainer designed to fit t h e fuselage of a regular airline plane, shipped tfiem t o California, picked them up at San Diego airport, t h e n delivered them by truck to the addresses. By this technique, shipment by air cost much less than the parcel post charges. But the UPS spokesman noted that this was not a typical incident. He said : "As a general Nie our r ates are competitive, with the post office; the differences if any are likely tp be ooly a nickel dime ar so per package. farm or ·in a small town where the post office does not make paf'Cf;) deliveries; th e ad- dressee's signature for every parcel delivered; three at· tempts to deliver the package !f the addressee isn't home, in- stead of one attempt; and automatic protectio n up to $100 on every parcel against loss or damage. UPS has moved to fill In some major gaps in its service. The nine states fo~ which an Jnterstate Com· merce Commrssion ruling is awaited .are North Dakota, South Dakota. Neb raska, Kansas, Oklahoma. , Texas. Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Fear Told Of Disease WASHINGTON (AP) 'noctors expressed fear today a newly discovered "mystery disease" found only in the Philippines may be spread to other' countries by visiting .>allors il a planned in- ternational seaport is opened in the hardest.hit area. More than 100 of the 1,388 persons afflicted wtth the disease since 1967 have died, the American Society o f Tropical Medicine was told. The dlseiise is caused by a hair-thin intestinal w o rm which is somehow implanted in man in a manner unknown even to doctors who have studied it since ~n epidem ic on Tbe out.or-wort' actor who b a r b o l n c a c..,ualiltic liar I hnc_ ewr heard teatify turned the cat 'ver" to lhe And as to Mannbl&'• 11...C claimed bim Wu dtpnlteed by tell'lilloa. star, retorted they from any witness box·," and companv. • . • tioD that the caUood • the """11 M mi WllCrUJ>Uklwl hid oearchtd lbc chancer)' awarded Arthur to SpJ!lers. ' Uar. v ~ and there waa no cat of Tbe cm, ~bu 'been in Manning also argueil that he l>~d Arthur'• Leeth f.IUlltdi' Al tbe only ~ known • 'in · Arthur'• delcrlpUon «!II ~ Ind out of court for twa years, wu mar~ied aboard, ship to to f(ll'Oe ~ tiO '91 .,"'-1 Britain who shoves hi! food in-pl'fmlees. Arthur i! pure white lt1volved the diPlomatlc in· aetr'esa June' C4yne, from pawli: Ute ~utd &be to his mouth with his . front al)d so distinguished looking be ci~ent, a prison sentence, tales whom S9illers orlgii)ally Jot =.tr~·~lller paws, Arth1,1r is the: king of would be hard to miss. of a marriage aboard ship on the cat. The arguflleot pVer '"ti..;;;:,;;;·"~~ilttlMO.~nilh~ 1 catlood commercials. He ap-Arthur wound up in coort the Irish Sea accusations or ownership Brose after Miss · the G&l -· pears frequently b e f o r e after Splllers, the C1>mpany forgery and Charges by Man-Clyne died. But rM•nninl" becime • ~ millions at television viewers, that makes Xattomeat, ·clairrf. ning that the catfood company couldn't pnwe*' tlw; Jlllpboar~ M•ntR« uiil bl 4 extolling the taste al a ed they had ~t the cat had pulled out Arthur's teeth. wedilllng, uyinf his mother-in-appeal to the -~ oftLcwU.4 •• Sears i • I ~;·i ces Effectiv~, Beginning Today! . . u •• Sean Revolving Charge • "But ,re believe that many busineaat. prder us for a generallf beUer reliability and predictability of delivery, and for Sfllle services that the post offlcts does not provide." The company now operates in 41 states, but only locally in some·of them. When and if all pending applications to ICC and state regulatory bodies are granted, it wi ll function in 46 states. !he Phil ippine·ii land of Luz.on }Jll"/; two years ago. . i-.f/ · The latter services, he said, lnclude the automatic daily pickup at a flat charge; delivery -to tl)e addressee in persc>Q, ,..,...~if ht lives on a Salil(adion Guaranteed ' or l'Our Money Back .. ) l The doctors suspect it may :' //.!,fi' /~ .i· pass from native to native irt • a.._~· f. .. /'. food, .muc~of '«!li.....fh is served ~ .. :; raw oe partiall~ked. ., ..; • PERMA-PRES'r brushed co tton and gowns • Bruahed Perm a· Pre~tll polye1ter •nd cot10n thuesome • M11ke11 your walking and 1leeping houn neat and coiy. B~ue, maize, pink. Regular S6 Shift 3 99 Sm., !\fed,. LL«ll--- S7 Long Gown_ 499 SS Long P-.jima 599 3:? to 4~---- Use Sean Revolvint Charge. Regular !4.25 for '"Deanville" or "Sheared Solid" Towels • 70% conon and 30o/'o n yon, mon: ab~orbent than cotton t r.r~, hca\')"\\'cight, luxury feel. puckl'r-pronr borders that h11nJ: l!traight. • '"Deau\•ille"" has jacquard \\'O\'en dr.~i;;n . rc\Cr1»ible. large 1;itr. e .. Solid Color" "'ilh doJ:>by "A·oven bordcn; for an added touch or fa shion, both etyle1 ia aold, blue, avocado and pink. • $2.30 Ha nd Towel!.,. l..80 90c Wa!hclolh.,.,., •• 301.: "Kitten: Soft" Bath Rugs and Accessories • ·r hr ~oft plt1 ~h ne1;, nf ll11rron'-rnJ,-. l'«lrr and 1u·r~li<' r ile, ~i...;,J .. rr ~i·l lnl. ~t ac hinl' "''11~fu1hte •Colon: Ou ,.,und,·.GolJ . Dlur,Awoc::.do ,• Sij.49, 2·ix36 in. Q, al_4.4 7 • s;;.49. 24x24-in. t:ontour "· 11: • S:!.99. !!1 ndrd. Lid Co,·cr 2.•'I • S8.9CJ. 27x48;in. Oval_6 ,97 • 6.1'l, 2-pc. Tank Set..__5.4,7 -.. •• • , ' • • • ' • • • • • • • . -------------------------------------, ,------------'' ·-... ·-°'''''' \C»IG llM;ll H!-'·0111 _.,RIJ·l1 'J,M4f-5111,\'U •·V51 PICOwt t•• tolffl\(0411'1\Al4--JI ' I Ml>I• , ... f.\ 1·4~, .Sll ·4-"-lllONtl ' • lNft.\ ~(I 7,))11 ~ ,,1,IUI L ("""°°" ,....,. J400MI (111-1 04 s.1001. a , ... 11 OUWIC I XI~...,. •·SUI ~ W>t!A l'I WIMG$ , .... II 'IMl.ft"PO J-1411. "'·l:nl ~ I '°""""",.., 1.J)ll, NI 2·1711 llO(\l'WOOll HO •••• ,. CW•NOI 637-J 00 s -· ~ ()[ '"'" \.,...,....."' •·lfll I • C:OWINA "''°'I' _rwoo.Clt •·:U ll ,_ •11·3'11, ),,,,,1, ears . _________________ ,. ,__________________________ . Sh..-Nflhtli ....,...,.., S• ., f:•A.M..lfttlO , .... s..-., 11""" .. J r.M. ----· "Soti1factionG1101"0Me•cf orll9urMonerloclr.• ! ·- \ • • • ' . -·~-~-----·--------------------------------·---------------------·-----• -1 -~~ ~ )Vtdl'fsday, Noiiember 12, 1969 Wtdntsday, Novtmbtr 12, 1%11 DAIL V PILOT fr7 ' ~ Service Around the· -worl·a. . !';' • ' . . ' . .. ~ ~ "' -~ r ,,p 'i>~i·"t r> -, 'Talk' of ,Cells AidS · In Beating Disease ' --D1iia.viiTl!.~iiNOnl--TJ;ogu;;;na;:o"tr.arMov~liOr111111 Melboltme--wlpd-WKllkna A1t,-."""OM!rr.Clor1• . '"' Beach and JoU L. MOiier of Drive, lfuDtincton Beach, bu Okinawa, for dc~y with the of 1008 Georp:St.i Huntina:ton Costa Mesa , were t-Wo of 57 been assigned to a un1t or the Military Airlift Command. Be'ath, . eQmpleted b a 1 I c new members of the Third Alr Force Systems Command, Tbe ·airman, trained, as a training ·at LackJ,,pd , AFB. Battalion, 160th Infantry , Eglin AFB, Fla., for training speclalilt for achedulbg air Te~.~ana has beecf,a.Ssi~ to CaWomla Nallonal Guard lo in the transpcrtaUon field. puaenaers and cargo, Is a Ch&,nute.'>J'B, lJl. , -' · , take the oath or 8.llegiance ad-The ainnan is a graduate o( graduate of M a r i n a High The airman,',, p_duait of ministered by Lt. Col. Clyde S. Marina Hip School School and allended Golden Huntiqlon )letltl lllgll Scliool,, Harris, commanding officer. · West College be(ott entering is 'beinr tnlined' 111 ·an· air. Families and frieods at-the service. craft maintenance. man. tended the ceremonies held at Alnaaa Ronald L Hein, son the battalion headquarters in of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Helo of Sat. John Pattenon, USAF, Inglewood. 1 ~ 5 7 O Cann a W 1 Y • son of Mr. and Mrs. James' 0, Westminster, is remaining at Patterton of 701 Lido Park Airmaa 1.C. John G. La Lackland AFB for trainln& as Drive, Newport Beach, has Hoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 8 security policeman. been assigned to Luke AFB, C. La Hue of 18 Linda Isle Airman Hein Is a agraduate ArlJ:. Drive, Newport Beach, has of La Quinta High School and The sergeant, a medical been assigned to Phu Cat AB, attended Fullerton J u n Io r specialist with the 4510!.h Vietnam. . College before entering the USAF Hospital, previoUsly l 'lbe 1.1.rman, a corn-service. . served in Vietnam at Cam ll)Ull1caUons tech n I e"1.a o, • -: J 'xa:lb Jl'.ay.,AB. ~ ; • ' , , . t~ weviomly WV~ in Taiwa~ AiJ'ma9 Jtllli' B. ,SL Amour~ ' He .b • gradulte of, Arroy.o i . .......;: , son of .Mr. • Mts. JohJi L, High S<h"'!I, El J\l""!'· , : ~ Airman R ~ y In op d G. St. Amoor of."5732 Mlddlecoff' , -.---. ,' ~arlovl~h, son,of ~ J. Drive, Huntington~~~· ?ias , · Al('ml" Je.,rrf, ~· H1or;vat1, Pfc. Howard L. .Thomas, 20, son of Howard Thomas of 136 Melody Lane, Costa Mesa, has been isslgoed tO the 1st Infan- try' Division, Vietnam, as a mortannan. Star( S1t. Walter R. BaUt)\ ..son of Mrs. B. J. Blankenship of 19791 Keswick, Huntington Beach, is on duly at Da Nang AB, Vietnam, · The stair sergeant, an aircraft mechanic, is with the 4th Ta<:µClil fjghter Squadcy>n, Clues to ~lp science con- quer can~r arid, o t h e r diseases l'li@t be hj~den in the mysterious '\-aysl cells "talk" to each other, a University of Southern Cillfornla scientists sold. ficult lo use or obtain at the . present Lime. "We must develop tech- niques and micro.e<luiPment aswe go. Cellulcy" W'f.e~tia Uon ultimately m u s t be studied on 'lndividual cells." The inter -cellular com-Although his studies arc munication appears to operate considered 1 to be b a s i c much like a telephone sysl4!m. research :'1 "exploring basic, according to Dr. Haro 1 d normal pi:oc£sses" -Dr. Slavkin, USC assistant pro-Slavkln hopes his research and Cessor of biochemistry. that Of others in tfle field may One cell "~a·ials in" on be useful steps in defeating another ant P·P a rent I y diseases, i.Zluding cance r. transmit!;-Ji!forfuaiton. The "Ir biologists can un- cell recieVlnt the in!onqa:Uon derstand on a molecular level evalua~ Ait and• 11'~,.. take presiiely how lhe cellular some ~or chqe ttseU in comritunlcation process takes sOlnt,~•Jt, · Dr. SlaYldrt' ex-placf:, the JX>SSibility exists plaintilUD ,an lntell)ew. that ' these same processes S~y, it Ii( assu111ed could be manipulated in that"{~ 001 in an embryo positive way to enhance life."• tr~ 'a geneUc mess~e That is, durlltg human em· to ~er, mediated Uirongh bryonic. d e v e I o p m e n t . ' ' 411.orm'alional mo1~1es." researchers may be able to in- for.-ample, RNA (dbbnucleic tervene in the cellular com- acltl), The cell recefving the rrlunication to prevent. genetic melecular message Ulan may aberrations that ca u 'i e c~e itSeU by producing a subsequent phys1cBI defects in ---~in and eventually by children or render the in-dlirt(~ i1-!£ into a dividual susceptible to specific hW.if>eci4lized cell engaged diseases. in ·iibi. ~nctlon. "SµGh ii:se~rch can enl~rge . .lmowp for §Orne the -possibiUdes of ~ ye may be in· intelligence, . pre~ e n.t 11) II vol · ltllat;, corri-g e n et i cally-caused birth m our, research defects. and .el i m i o· a t i n g h~ ..t~ · US louJl)d ad· diabetes and diseases of the di •' -"' · -Jnforma~on 'DJ nervou s system," he decl8rtd. su~ -· ~coin~on.4' Dt. "This is poieJy spectllaUVe SJ~ W · ~i~ , ·· ' at this point,-tiili the evidence • . ,, 'I • ' .... d • -,611\ikkl fi .J'.IDC of the is convincing Ul,at 1.11e sprea nm ~~~~late and ofcancer,atthe cellularlevel, ~~an RN.~ is analogous to lhe transfer of ~"" .~ i 1 .. specific in!Ormatlon between cells in e~ •location. :niat normal geneticaily-controlled is..,~,.JiU l••t·able 19 s••j.n. developlnent -within the em· leri:ipC'.{-l ma.ige enroute," bryo. 1 as ~ telepliMe man could. in. .. There are dillerences, of tere!Pt a message by tapping course, In nofinal develop- intb a wire. ment, RNA molecules car- ...... tbat is only the begin-rying genetic information are ~ -transmitted in a controlled ning, aca:ir:ding to the USC situation; in malignancy, a sc*'lt.. virus is trall;Smitted, and the ~asiC ob~c9):Ei. ~\to process is a ra¢.a, virally-cqn- Sears As Indispensable ... As They Are FashionahJe Mature. Elegance in Sears All Worsted I. r, 1 " • " I ' ' 'lle~~~-for-el~•-Afaml100-Hlgh-SchGol.,_---'f--.I tiornt 1n ·SoUihea.st Asia. · Garden Grove r.1d ol WhltUu '·11. 'f9&6 ·greduitte of Hun-College, 1969· · ' ' ' ir.iatoo J!igh ~hool. h o ' previously . served at1 .ceqrge. AFB. Cati!. ' WO Jobn C. Apple1ale, ZI, of 568 W. Wilson, Costa lt1esa, bas been assigned to the 282nd Aviation Company near Dt1 Nal}J, ViCt1lam. 'Xile warrant officl!r is a helicopter pilot. Lt. James W. Roach, US~1C, 22, son of )trs. Wanda Roach of 11735 Port Royal, Circle, Huntington Beach, has aim· plet.ed his first solo, flight in a T-34 la1entor plane at Naval Alr Sta.lion, Pensacola, Fla. The lieutenant, wh o s e father, James R°'ch, livei; in Long Bead\, ·is a graduate of ' ' Airman Stephen E. Bucltt: USN, 90n of Mr, and 'Mrt Harold M. Buckey of 45.11 Tret mont Lane, Corona del Mar, ll • serving aboard the Bon Haffi· me Richard. The shJp recently returned from its fifth deployment ult the coast of Vietnam. Airman Rei S. WhUe, IOn o~ J\1r. and Mrs. Sturmer W. White of 9735 Villa 'pacinC Drive, HunUnglon Beach, ~aif oeen au igned to Sheppard AFB, Tei:., after completing basic training at Lackl•nd.' AFB. Tex. The airman is in training 11' a civil engineer In t h c. mechanic and electrical field : . .. '" ' -·. • ' • • • • de , . , w h e l h' e r: · die trolled, bizar11 sort · OI. ac-i~te.<I. ertracellu~ /lljA livity. , . . moleojlle_ entets ~'f_~ceiv~ \, ''An understanding of cell ~~flDd Olt wJ:iere. il; comm!ffiication during nonnal i'!"' •Ill .'lie; C!!ll.· ilelenn"'!' developmenl may be the key p~' ~tt~s In~ ·to understanding the cell.\;~" f {'~ ~s ~ , transmi8sion of the virus in SUITS I ·,;;· . ' - 5 ' • -, '·t r~·tj-c a 1.J.y .. the, disea sed state. ev • eons4qriehces ~( "It makes the future its ·--: nf . .,:~ \ tbe ·cells "possibility of RNA intervention deve opme · as a counter-measure against Dr. Slavkin estimates such cancer appear conceivable," ambitious undlrtakings will Dr. Slavkin said. require at least ten years. His research, he said, uses "Eac'h of these questions chicken embryos, embryontc q U:,i r e s u 1 tra-microscopic skins cells of mice, rats and techniques . and equipment, r~bblts, and cellular material which, for the most part, are' from the animals' embryonic unavailable or extremely dif· central nervous'i -systems. r iolii''ii'oi'imI····· • • : You_, te lill ..... li.m ~ tho!. you no 1...,.. """l>ut J Mn_.. .._ can UM fot i ~· •·NOT OVER $50 : ? ? ? ? ? ? l YOUR ANSWEI: I You ull THE DAILY PILOT, uk for Cloallhd A-1111"9, 11111 pl-1 PILOT • PENNY PINCHER l Cl.ASSll'I~ AD i AT OUll Sl'ICIAL LOW RA1£ i 3 ~ 2 TIMIS 2 DOLLARS . Nil> YOUll ClllOIT IS GOOD I ' . -.DLAL NOW DllllCTI 'I r ., 6 4 2 .· 5 6 7. CM,.,.. Md c....., '*'1Utl % ••••••••• , .......... i 1. ' Assortmenl Of Men's SLACKS •Choose .from ivy or continental style•. Available in an arny of ghades for men of'tlisctim)nat· ing taste 397 e All wool wonted fea tured in this •euon'a,popular fall colors of grey, bJ ue and brown tones in 2 and 3 button sty)es • Makes all the big difference in keeping a just·presscd appearance all day e Come in and select your style, you'll like the ide1 of wearing-one that reflect. you·r .. individuality '69 "· Use Sears Revolving Charge • ' . ,-------------------------------~-----------------, BUENA P.UK EL MONTE LONG MAOI PICO ot 16mpau POMONA SOUTH COAST l'IAlA · • I CANOGA P.UK GIEND4lf OIYMPIC .. SOTO SANTA ANA TOltANCE . I COMl'TON HOUYWOOD OWIGf ~· SANTA fE Sn!NGS VAUEY I COVINA INOIEWOOO PASADENA ears SANTA MGNICA VUMONT ot Slau10n , , ______ --------~-----.---------------·---------- Sho, Nlgh11 MoM•y thr•119h Sotvrdor 9:30 A.M. tt 9:30 P.M., Svnday 12 N-.n t• S PM. w••1i •ot11ii:1-NDco.. ''Sat1sfactionGuarante1d orYOurM6neyS-otk" --- ' I ) .. ------------------- _, Q,· I l ' ,. DAI~ V PI LOT Wtdntsday, Novtmbet 12, 1%9 Sears Save'5_0 Coluhination 18 Ineh ;Portable · ' COLOR TV with AM/FM Radio , Prices ECU.Ctivr. Begirm;.ng Tod H ~ Three-Year Color P>cture Tube Guarantee, One-Veal" Parts-Guarantee, 90-Thiy J<'REE Service }'"" ptcwtt 1ube ir origiNI ~ • · doffdive wilhin J y~n fnr1111 date or ... 1". Oilier tubes vr p.rtll (rt:e if .npoall 1~·e deledi\'r: withia om: -· t 'rff: kt'Viot ef 90 .dry. (in·. it.-9P:l"Viee on •II bl•,.k and'•hfle- •ltd ffllf.r coneole1 •nd cnl&r 1ab1 ~ Jtlode~i in11ore H~r¥ire 11n alt 01h~r -itliii. MAJOR APPLIANCES ALSO AVAILABLE AT SEARS APPIJANCE SfORES! Boy Now at This .Great Savini(% Regular •399.95 \ 34983 ·~w11y Wajt'' Bu,. NllfA' o• Sear: D~ferred Ea1y Pa,.,..~nt Plon. Your monthl.r pn,ynunu Mgi.a i1'FeWuory. • JS..incl1 diagonal n1casure picture. Inslant sound lran· eistor FM/AM radio. AFC for no-drift FM e TV l1a s simple !'!lide • l ~·pe rolor and l in l. conlrol5 • .4..ntomalic color purifier. Auton1atic t·ron1a control •Built-in dipole VH~~ antenna and .loop type UHF an .. tenna. Handle included, weighs only 66 lbs. lolodel '4158 ' -------------------------------------------------, ~ _,.._ f\MC!Wff • IONGltACH PICO•..... POMONA KMHCOMT"-"A I I OIOM'* GtaCWf Ol'W.Claotc) $ANt ... ANA 1'0llNCl I CCW'IQlf HOUTWOOb OIAHGf ~ $ANJA ff~ \'Aliff I N3llWOCJO ~ASADefA $ANT A MONIC.l VflMONf .i ,.__ '~------------------------Sears-----------------' .., • .....,...;..p~tiJOA.M.•9~P.Jl,~12~oo .. rel',M, ._ __ ,_ -S.ilf~G-.... ffd•.,._~ .... l \ ----.....----·-··· ·-· ·-o-~----,=~~ ' • -~ ' • _MEN'S FULL 9•1NCH•BO,OTS·; -' SIZES 9 TO 3 Hanclsom-t bl.cit 1moot'h IHt}ier., Buclde instep 1trep. FuR' insicle ziP'7er, Pofti~ toe 1fyle, GRAIN ~ BOOTS 1191 ft., .. .' -------\· ........ -...... ·sn RILL INSID£ ZJPPER Thi1 honey of a boot you'U want to pull on!!· Two ins + e p buckl• strap1. Fully lined . Bl11ck imoofh 8'' ' ' ' TnJs. 11 ~nc:h }fuR -~i:r:.e zipper ·boot. He.s in.step.; b a c It I e decoration.· Softly li.-.d. 'Brown only. · · ·5a3 MISSIS SIZES"• TO J 491 Slack•---. WOMEN'S - . See our-9fl;l<mtlc stoc;k. of boots ••• 111 1....,, c.oll ond la lh • k~•t len;ths. • • • sur• ta mole• ' ler;n loO\: leoner \ •• "'""1• WGl'I! IG klck hl9h- er. !VSI IG stiow thtV'rt I~ stvlel .16 INCH ,. ' . OD BOOT Blae\: grain onlY. This 16, ' _____ _. __ .p i~clt stylish mod' boot has •f11ll sid• 2i~r.-'4 'decor•- liH side b 11 c k) • s. FUllJ lir(ed. 1111 inch he el. HUNTINGTON ·BEACH 5898 EDINGER at SPRINGDALE 847-9125 . ,,1_ SIZES S TO 10 HUNTINGTON BEACH 1005f ADAMS at BROO.KHURST INEXC-TO SAV-ON DRUG) 962-9178 . STORE HOURS--WEEK 0 DA YS 9 TO 9 •• suNDA YS 10 TO 7 • t I , ' I • • ' l l ! l ' ' I I • •• ,, J8 PILOT-ADVERTISER !Clipping I Svvice I jE · pensive • .. b~·JOYCE. WN . . ' Asleady~ continue to c.iOm, oveJ": desk from ho111emakenniitlni how Lo start h ""1'a . bureau at home ... ,JieN · some A·M:'1 I obtalned'fiod[ Arthur Lleben, liltbor ol "How to Slarl a Profit.Ible Retirement Busloea." ,......, 'JOU "'":.i-i•than the a!>fllli> Lo rOOdT.pi 'clip new~and~-~be able• Uf ~'lell V40Ur ·. ' add es tab · a pro- fitabl ~uen~. rs could include lllY i.ndJVidual or group whose acUvitiea appear in peiil, ·•):l<t. u polltk1-, I autfuill. ~l:lllhen:. Ip 0 r t I I 'celeblllitl,' ~ and ' rOrJ8lillat10na:) • , I } 8'J'..,.. SIULL. Lieber, 1 ilpopltJ out tAat )'OU can bejtn I on' a ~1,.#llle\or regional basis. Th.e Nlpa! clipping services fiay~· 1~ in- 1 vestments of ovwi a 'million I • ! I ' -~ dollarl aod subscr.lptions to ! pubil~tions alone add up to •1 /P"flr• lbln 11'1J,llOll ~ year. , • Pflll!BS,,J'repatt,1 prin~ •!iroolii!r. ~bill you r :-serv~ ~ "1&JI Jt to pro- , spectlft • ,-eqstomers f r o m .items yoa llnd,;in the publica-· lions you'-propose to clip. ,Servi<!t! charges for l'Ocal, 1 tate '"and regiona\ coverage 1"1ary, but Tange from about $5 ~o $26.per month, plus about 1U cenl.,1 'per cllpping. Big na- tional •bureaus rarely let out 1 subcoDtracts for l~al clipping any~. TWO CAUTION!. (I) Ydu shoold iP)t' caretully survey the ana;tft whlch )oo 'Plan to operaWi ·t(). evaluate th e num~ Qf~ potential client.a: and the. ~t of source material aVillable. For ex· 11rrqMe, in a· small iown you may find a prospective flienlele limited to 25 or 30, ond •1"''.;i oource ol supply Umtted "ibf!le\tlfat daily and a half dO.tln.w~y newspapers. (Z) 't!<-1ll!O no1es that Na.Uoaal ~ Bu1inea s Burq1· ~ that many or the 1 ~ ads q(fering empl~t Or ~elp In Setting up Yi¥.r oWtt clipping bureau are gypt; :antt ~erely alt.empt lo sell wor"11ess literature at inflated ·prif.6!1,1A few readers have also wrft~ me that they have been \.: . ¥ in this regard. • . ..~ r . A TWIST. · :Rall\er. lhan service clienl:l ~ ~-~ract basis, some. small c11pPlng services sn1~eins and then · send postcatrls to pettof\.' named in ·these items <lffer ing to provide the clipping for a small fee, often in a laminated C<lver. · ·• Liebera book1 which oulliftes ~ variety _Of small business • ven~, if availal1)e frltm l Pilot B<ibka, 347 Fifih Avf·., 1 New fork, N.Y. 10,016, for , $2. ~ l ' .( i.· \ PAR'l-TlllE FARMING. A ! rarWi;ne a trn er is one : who ~ a ~part of hll in· l come~llMn"Ces-other than 1 his tann.Attilt.Jive near big l cities, and inaTiy have jobs 1 that ara lieason.il or take Jess ,. I than a', full ~Working day . •1 Reti red:, or 1boR who . 1 , partly dilabled 111"1 be abje' ' plan a fatm ?r91T8.rn that fits their heaJtb:~ abi~ , tJ ' BOOKLllT.. Tlli• U . S , : 1Departmeinl or'AP?';unw:t M:s 1 1. I recent publication on the · .r snbjett, and it's interesting , that it lists the disadvantages, : of wtVch there are plenty, 1 before the advantages. The : booklet also•corirs the land, 1 labor hours and equipment : needed, tells "how to select and , buy a fann, and describes • rar1iculars oC va rious crops : ;:ind livestock. One item which t caught my eye is t h a t ; Christmas trees caii be p~ ; duced in 10 years or less. lf ~ you want~ copy of "Part-Ume • ~·rmJng, ·-.am.--- . --·--~-------~---~ --~ ~~·------- w~. N""'blt iz. 1969 .. Vibrator-Heater Recliner I • • . ·' Yo1ir Choice •• .uk AhoatSean Com-eaient Credit P1•n• ·--------------·----·-----·----·------""."om Sears ( - ... : . " .. • ' ' 'If, ; ,,. ... SAVE •so Now on Regular '279.95 C9ntempor~ry-style . 8-:Foot Sofa • Shaped channel hack, heavy den•ity, reveroible poly-$ 2 2 9 .urethane'foam seal cushions ... LOng we~ring Vectra~ (Otefi n Fiber) tweed with built· . ' ' • ·, in soil resistance, locked-in color • Brass finish ball-type caster" well trim S229.95 Demi Sof $199 Sl39.95 Club Cbair ___ _,,,$129 . . Conf-eJnporary;;styled Oceasional Tables . . ' •In warm walnut fini sh with textured pla•tie • SA' VE 'lO ·", lop!. Attractive symmetrical d.e.tailing $:Afl •Cocktail table, 1quare or hcx~gon commode Regular $59.95 · · . ~;'":!'! Matching Console.Tab19 1 ~ ... 59 .. .. .. .; '· ' ·' ' ' Luxurious Contemporary-design Mr. and Mrs. Chairs E>!ceptional tow, Low Prirt _,, i IP ~·1 . .,..ntOcS· ..... :IJ.1aiJi~ label it ·the 'Su~liiloodent ... ~. : W119ington, 'Jl.C. iolQ;. . .' Bui.lt·in •i~r-.mfss,P.· .Jtou..· ffme:r~in .i ·· ·bo<k. l)e,IP$<aoorhe'acltiaspimclea. Leather-, } ' sofr..easy..o<lean''riayl'<:bftr. • , 99 ' °SAVE $30! Regular SI29.9s "' ·' $99 ' • Ariother g o • e_r\.p )n i n t I publi<aUiln ;;/ I n tore • t , 1 available from the same source, is "Commercial Grow-~ irig of Watercress~ Bulletin ' 2233 " which also costs 10 ' . 1 cents. I -, "' . 1-tiss Lain welcomes your :career topic ~ for 111se In this column, but the l volume of mail m a k e 1 •personal replies imJ)OS!lble. Mo•• • Shorp 'lriid•; u.t. -mm..A'-ll••• ·' .. . . Adjustable 3-W ay Recliiter .Deep button-rufccd back, cushioned seat Reclines in 3 comfortoble positions. !lx· ~ed. 1Uppotted-bock \'inyl ' . cmeripgforeasycare. $99 • SA VE $501 Regalar $149.95 ' . -• Designed for luuriou• lounging with -,haped, lint• ton-tufted, pillow-type back. • • Reveni~la .P;Olynretbane cuebions. Leatber-lik e ,ex· pended; 111pported-back \'inyl covering . Matcbin1 Otioiaan $~9 ,------------------------~--------------------~---, I MMA P'Atc TA •·••oo. $21·•530 n MONJE Gt 3.3911 · -loHd RM:tt'Hf 5.0121 toMONA m 2.1145. NA 9.5161, vu 6-6751 nco wr t.4262 50UTH coAST rtAtA 5~1).33» I CAHOOA PAK.3•0·0661 GtrNlWE Qi• 5·1004, 0 4·~611 OlYMnC l 5010 AN 8-5211 SANl'A AHA ICI 7..JJ71 ; TObAl«:E .542·1.511 1 I C.QMP10H NE 6-1581. NE 7-.5761 HOllTWOOO HO f .,5941 OIAHOl 637·2100 SANl"A "SPllNC$ 'U801t VAUIY '° 3-1461, pU.2220 I COVINA 966-~,, tGJWOOD o. a.2.s21 ,ASAOIM4 ,.,.J211, 3.51-'2'' Sears SANTA MONICA a ... .,,. vwan ..... ,,,, '------·-----------·-~-----~I -~---------------' . '·~~' S11op Nights MonclaY through ~ 9-.30 i.M. to 9-.30 P .M.; ~ 12 Noon lo S P .M. I ' ,, -·--~~~ "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" . - . - 11 • f I I I I I l 'llf DAILY ,itOT Support Of Nixon Sought WMHINGTON (AP) Republicans are trying to coax more words, wires and letters of Vi,tnam policy support from President Nixon'& "sileill majority" -with a form let- ler u par\•ol the campaign. sen. Kll:I E, Mundt took (he form letter approach In urging hil loath .Dakota constituents lo njillet' lhek •upporl for Ille President. Jtll weekly newsletter aup- pllel a clip-and-mall coupon to be aiped and aent back to Wa1hlngtoo declaring : "Count me as a member of the silent majority no longer so silent. Pleue WI Praldent Nixon 1 nqipor\ bll'plans for peace." '. SPIA][ our Mandt ai.id Ntxoo supporters are bellimiUI to speak out now1 fofloWinc: the Presidtnt's jNOv. I sp<ech on Vi.tnam with U. appell for ,support. .. HoWeVer, Jl' lelml to me monc tucb e:sprealk>ns and evidenct of lhe support for the President are required to demonstrate to the North Viet- namese Communists t h a t Hanoi's hopes for wiMing the American publ ic to its side will never occur," the South Pakot.a Republican said. The Republica n National Committee, meanwhile , said the response to Nixon's Nov. 3 r;peech swamped the White Haus<. •·ey week's end he had received more than 70,0'Xl wires and they're stlll com· ing," the committee's newr;Jel· I.er uJd. GOP Chainnan Rogers C. B. Morton urged Nixon sup- porters to keep the messages coming. "1£ you support the Pmi· dent, then let your voice be heard," be said. "1£ you believe In its time to stand up and be counted, let him know -let me know ." NEW PROOESTS \Vilh a new round or antiwar protests planned in Washington later this week, Nixon supporters urged participation in t o d a y ' s Veler~ Day observances. But Sen.-George Murphy; JL. Call£., 1aJd those observances were not a counter-demonstra· tion, "but rather a way for the- sllent major ity to articulate and be heard in its support of the President." Vice President Spiro T. Agnew urged the nation to recognit.e "a young silent ma· jority who go to achoo!, and to Work, and to war i r necessary." tie said they are bt!ng avershadowed by "the strident minority" of dissidents. Agnew also urged the silent to speak. "Let us not be afraid to taise our voices in spirited defeme or the most successful society the world has yet known ••• 1"1 for one will not lower my voice until the restoration of sanity and civil order allow a quid voice to be heard once again," Agnew said i n Philadelphia. BAD EFFECT But in Washington, Sen. J . W. Fulbright (I).Ark.), cbarg· ed that Agnew wu arousing • ' e x t re m e emotionallsm" which was havlr.g a bad effect on the nation. Fulbright, a leading critic of the government's Vietnam policy, !'laid ~ has been receiving "the most threatening and meanest letters" that he has rec:eived In 15 years. "I blame this on the ac - cuution that those w h o disagree \l!•ith t h e alt· ministration's Vietnam poli cy) are traitors and the direct charge by Agnew that we (senators critic al of the ad· mici1tratlon'1 Vietnam policy) a~ responMble for tht con- tinuation or+ the war and ln· crea&ed blt'tle d e a th s , ' ' Fulbright .. id. I Rent Paid I By Ouh Boys Club of th• Hsrbor An.a Upper Bsy branch members will have a roof over their heads for another year. Miu Sk•tch. II, Boy of Ille Veer ror the organization, has ~ Ille C411a M.,. City Ctwdl wllh a fl cl>eok for the 1mf .... .. ~6111 we haven 't had one of (,.,.. bounce ye~~. observed MIYQI' Alvin L. Pinky. Tho clubbou,. ii bullt on city-owned land at 2tSI TuaUn Ave., a portion of a part. and Ii per·Y"' ls tlle f .. asretd upoo belween lhe puli'!:.____ v • • ' -., HOUIS: DAILY 10 TO 10, SUN. 10 TO 7 . • • ~. • DPIRIS: NOY. 15, '6t c:::m =~·--... • . ·- ' ' . I -- • ,r " , OUR FIRST LINE* T RE • ·r 1 ..,/ FULL 4-PLY NYLON CORD BODY •TUBELESS., ..,/ LONG WEARING 12/32" TREAD DEP'Tlf ..,/ WRAP·AROUND TREAD DESIGN BRAKE OVERHAUL 2788 Self·adJ. braktt s.a .oo rxtra • it.place 'll ilh a-linlnii: • N-•Mel cyllnd• Irita i11Jt.11leil • Tura all dtarm IJld 1'911.0'f-linifir • Mular cyl!Dder uol P"'" cylind« l111p.:tlo11 • Wb.l burillf:• ,..,keel • Bl..! and !uth liydn11lie .,..i..m • II* t.t. (or br11r.a pufanna- • FTH l,OOO·mil• huiptttiari ui -· -..,/ S.RIB .. .4-GROOVE TREAD DESIGN FOR BETTER TRACTIQN AMBASSADOR '·'° .. ,. l lACICWAW, ""' 1.79·,....,.. b <i1• '·~. . WHEEL ALIGNMENT HERE'S 'll'HAT 'll'E DO: • Adjust caster .. Set toe-in • Adjust camber • Set toe-out • Inspect ateering • .VLL ULT NTlON CotD IODY • TUllLlll 27 MOlfT1I IUAUNTll ... " ......... •tD. tl . .... TAii U.CH 6.S0-11 1.7P 7.U -14 2.0~ 7.75-14 2.20 7.75-15 .2.21 1.25 -14_ 7.36 1.25-15-(1.15) 2.38 1.55-14 :Z.17 ,ll prloon 11 ..... lbclM ••• Whll..,.,allo s.),OQ M.t. I.do 88- ~~= WI SllVI 'fNI l fONt TO UMlr OU . ~ . STANDARD DUTY 'MUFFLER "~""'I<> 12.... ,., C•rtridlf', F.uy kl k"'P ~ cl11n. AvaU.bll jn u.ort1d colors. 4l·'l060 FI TS MOST' , ... a.r.... 711 ,...._.y ...... ~-·MtrwfT• I.ti Qlda: 1•M• • D:fe l11l:llt•·'enti• '·" ............................ fAL.CONI .... DAJlll1 IUI OriliNll eqlli~ ''i*t"""• 1~111' Muflkr (at.n dwblc w1H •hrM ind tlrclnlllle•llY w.Wed ''''"'" FISK BATTERIES -YOUR BEST BATTERY BUY! Fisk depend•ble blltterin ••. quick If.In 1t:utin1 pDWt!'I'. FISK CUSTOM FISll PREMIER 11 .... 1 ..... .,. r.1t 111111n!l'n1 ·~·Ausn:• 11"""--.... (;!ti • .111...,,. GtlAU#IT.I 11.95 ·GOOD r4.t5 1n111 · FISK PREMIER PLUS l'.:::0---., ,...,.. •:l'i\IA:om:,; ''·'' !lr--irm;;;ml'l!llvmim:N'll!r-1 1111 __ ,_,~ ..... ,.,_ ......... -.. ....... _ _......,.....,.. __ _...,. ONI eMl.OM Pro•ts .n -itns .,.ltlr9 met.Iii• IMloadinr 1lu111i1111111. f'lonmtl Jlllt 11'1(( COfl'Ollion, wilt Mil naponll « lool\ .,,.,. 22-1000 ILACKWAl.L TUIRISS · Siii OUR PllCI 16 17 $19 $21 ' . • .,~ PLUS>flD. IX.TU" IACH Tiii " •. ~~ . , ' .. I .• " 8-TRACK S-nREO .. TDEPiAYER 49-'7 -MOMl.I ....... o •\U1 i•u.11C111 Pl.UI •tTM.UnDN N-miniaturs deifp Permit.I almpff in1tallation In' •n1 nlliclr·nm •.Mn 1paeei11t a pmnium.Full7auton11tk with el.:tnMdc ch&nMI chanpr. All tr.Mil lot lolid •tall' unit haa 8 watta ormu&ie f'O"IT per chnnnrl. CAITRIDGE FM RADIO J$17 J u1t 1lip into.•ny t•Pt ' Pl•Ytr for ·INautiful FM Muoic played . ' thr ou1h your 1ttreo •s>e•kers. THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 -11w4. ot M.,_ 192-2088 BUENA PARK UIS Uaeolo Av. ot Vlliloy Vltw 826-5800 BUENA PARK 5301 1-h llYd. ot Lulrwleltr 523-3040 • COSTA MESA 2200 H-llMI. ot - 548-2082 ' . SANTAANA 1400 ldltottr "' - 562-7132 1, I , ' - -~ " 1 ' '·~ , ., •• ., • ' ' . .. ' , . . ' "' ' : ,, ' . ~: 4 ,:. !; '" ". •· , ., ' " •. ,l! ,, . ' ' . . • , " " d • • • • , . : ·3 ··•/ . . . . ; -• ' " • • .... -<-0 ,,_ "' ,;, •• 1 " ·; " 1 ,_, .! ; . ·-" • • ' ' • ; • ~ 0 '! , , 1 • l ' • ' ' , • ··-····-.. I \ I - I "' t• 0 It " n I' II II el b M I fl Is ci 111 in ft fr Y• bl y1 0 "' w ni b• I .. h; al h• •! w th w !. d • pl ,, "' UI .. B lG Ill M dl 'I "' I! Jy b1 pl w b ;r m .. u h• cl AJ q1 8( pl bt lo th m te II'. Pl .. It ti: .. Pl II " It It ti n y PILDT·Al>VERTISU 3 WtdnHdq, NOVtmber 12, 1969 DAILY PILOT 3J Ex-lJbl--Student-Comes Up-With Bouney--Idea Patient's Opinion The call the laboratory nicent fod) <llllo the ....crete lng the bClUnc1ng ball Idea In profeuoo· for the American phUafophy ·-In pll)'llca """'" majors. Ptll -ejeclld with •uch C "y'-clo)olt." Door. q11antum mechanlca, or the Journal of Pliyalcs. It ttlls sJ•on by UC lrvlne, a young Ho stuck a mew ball point lorce tllat K bit Ille 12-fool Q-ect • • It 1 ,. cluttered balement Whot they have dooe In the study of bow a milll atom II other lllldqradu&te physics (be'1 IS) ll8lltlnl p!Ofeuor cl ,... Into, "Superball" 1 little cell•·· In the room. 'I I .. room in Science Hill at the wf3 of orij:lnal reaea:rdi, repelled J>y a laratr one. Jaboratorill• bow they can .,,,_,., at QSC, started. the , . .... , , t . t)nlvwstty of Southern ~· however, has impressed a An article entitled ~·velocity dupllcaie the experiments whQle , boUDcJ.,.-14• a • • ..r ~ than a handlfall and 'nte dtmonatratlon quickly 111 l'lfor-J. -· MD -. lornlt whert ~-In .. lln-Nobel laureate in theortUcll AmpllllcaUon In Collision Ex· ... uy and malle physics f\ln ~-Rt·•u ~ ~ · *-" the combln11lon onto beCID\e a lllU<ly of forte, mo- , troductory p!IY11cs co u r s e phyaics at Caltech. p, e r Im • n I• Involving ~ad of dull. · oii , txperlmtall that Wauld'. , \11< ~ncnle f\oot With I lflil>-lion/ v0Jocltits1 n\ISf, and tho Door Jlr •• llllDCIOlm: I: 111b )lave lun dNPJlnl bard rubl>er And other, Jll>l'•ics ,prol....,.. SUperballs' " his ;been writ-Dr. Wlllilm G.' Harter, who dlniooatrate ~ a-"*" of. ·~ ""4!nn. • C01111iv11loa of momentum :':~=:::"r~~i:.~1-~_&ipna111.._" __ ,,_,_<a_we1_1._1cnown _ _,-•c..t_u_sc_ . ...;•r_e_thlnldng_...;;._•bout __ ... __ 1e_n_b-'-y-the_•_tude_..;.•_tc'-lnd--lhe-i_r·_W11td....:..· _the __ nrst __ c1oct_w_r_o1_1tc1.._~to-hls-'cllil~-of-111_a'_non-___ H..:•_ir-'-u-""..:lirc..laad __ ,._he_n_lhe..;.'_and..;..._•..,_,fY:..·..;... ___ _ ~ MY.qUOllk!t 11 lhll: ls it 'W'lJili C.W a ttd'n'dan tO smol<e 1rhlle Jle (or, obe) II !'lllllllnl· and latlll& ~ ... ~ .• paUentl . · < " . ' And !low allout .! Wh<n •• opec\m;D of \blood . ( talion. no al~ or ,: • else is rubbtd on my arm before the Medi• is l,,,.rted, My husband lays forget it. But I ean'l Am I being .too finlcty? '.f' · •Jo ' ..'..)Id; c. COMMEN'.f•: •11: t..,j '' labor•IM'Y tecbnleilla !liod • . cipr.U. danglfnr f f 4" 1111 ' lipe,andtrledto~'.·~ .. into m)r ann t. . '16 fedlng the ak!n,tJ'ol. ,IJP. I i' \~1. DOCTOR I N THE HOUSE Dear 0r:'stefn<iohn: I used , Jhe birth all1frit pj1I for two monthS: We,,have 1*n !eying • to have -ba!>f, for obt J mori~ now, but 'I am nol prtgnant. We have oae bab)j now. We wint another-·.very ~· much. I ean't help worrying that the pills have aomelhinl to do with the fact that I can't got pr"81Wlt qlln. My doctor tells me there II nothing to • worry about; that the pllb might even !lave made me more fertile. and that taking lham for two montha -Id not 11o .. """ ..,. blrm. Do you ..... wllb my dnctor! ' -Im. L. COMMINT?lqree. ~ Dear Dr. Stolnmlm: 16 ... been laid my·......,._,, and dizziness II due lo low blood "'I"· But I k ... .., amoldng two Pod<• of c:IPmi.. i day and drinking at leaat 10 cupt ol ..Uee. Are they hlnnllll! -Mn. L. OOMMENT: I'm sure )'OU'ft been told lo ...... high protein dltt and eUmlnate moot .,...II. Well, I believe that ~ jjji!Clrtnilng col' ,.. aur•v•te hl>m-11 (low blood qar). llJl11111 l'l' e11m1na~ them? r t111nt ,.. wtllnotlceu~ BOAT BUFFS Al... t...••¥J ft .._' •"'1 fllll·thft• ....... e4tht .... , .. ... .., ....... ,... .. °"• c.....,.Hh_..., ... ........ .. Mefl., •• ,.aMt .. .... It • 4.n, ftttvt. .t tM DAl\.Y PILOT. !1 ' • ' .. .,~,, forNASAtHJG1n.i . Oelim 99.9~ humidity for :~ o1'=1:t.nl:"t.': 19 95 to colds.# 1400 , Yajllrlzar ~ITIHK "•-f-Sprov" 1 plloo ""''' -., ••• 8 boo• opO•· IUMJDmH "' NDITllEIN ••• tion wilh aubl-e 8-10 holJ op. Nie slltt-ofl. eratiM... 1 # 1.129 ........ .. ' 3.29 . 7.98 I. . 1· "Geritol" ll•h-11111 llelps ~ .i.;~ "" .. illOI 2 59 .... Cllb ... ricll "" bbid . "Samcells. !Zoz.~ir40Tlb~-~ •• GI , 1nex 1111111 1Effdft lid tD llitlrit..ii~e slleP 1 69 .... f!lal1Shted.l11-l•l2'• • . -"Anahist" ~111111 I llasal 1"11 fir •oof of slna "°' BBC . g~tion. 1.111kc Sile -, "Dristan" ltASll 1111 · .. • . • for '11iel ~ si•• C..psoo• . • • ·98C I' • 1.21 lkl Sill · "~" TllllllS "Allcl1"TllllllS $!•"""""' ... , "' f"1 hla Re-=-= = gac 11• .. ; noc UU4l 1.SllWs iJU-• "Usllri•" • .,.... ... fir._. 4gt ,., relief " mi• IOft · ilnll 1111r1 "Cln Kahrs'' LlllOll for-· . :-, ... 1121 7gc ' ---.. -.. --.... ·JMUApollo Im' Mllllle 1/43 scale ' •• "" , to osamblt plnUc ~L 1.19 Astronaut ~~ICI IHILL - :=:*1.59 Af.OllO ~-raft tnu.ll/96 saielll ·~ 119 ~ Astro:.'ut APOUO frptlS. • Ulnar Spacecraft •mu. -1143 scsll ...... 20· hlJll "'*' ISSlmbfed. 5 Astrouut fipres 1n-,_ 4.49 Hairsitter "Bike" Accessories ~ ffad.ligllt i11-1.71 ~ =r.~~-~~1 -59 -~ (not 11IClllW). • Air Hn • .a 0 &nc Wilfl brackat for nmitiog, II(. lk DI- : Mlmr -•gvJM sbipe 77c with "" milclms " back. II(. lie CUi1 lick 3 ft. .. , litl ..,, COYerina ii assorted 1 29 """-~i IA~ • ~!?-~ any load Mil se-Aftc curtly. ·11J. He if\1- • Basbtsw1t1Str ...... Large size of tq. 1.H wovlfl pllStlc ill 1 39 11$$0!Ud COior• "''1!1es. • AIPllCUPIOllL, ~ .... lltl llr• l • ""· t• ··-~~ • FARlllW4RE· Cilffee Maker "l1J11·fnr·i~'12 cet size nt01n1tic" per- colator of sllinless steel With hlack han- dli" arid base. 114Z IOllD one color per box. ~~!8~ e Cbaosef1omassorttd 211 00 ''fondue'' forks =s~mrtching • · =r::;.; 1 29 ....... ~ .... · .. · .... .,...~-----~-t -,.-----·--VllW•~Tll (124501 -· . ~·a S!'f·llll Tlle Silcfpan .•1<ov11 Uaime" .... ~···2 "-111~4 99 Sd:coatliMl·DViewer,10 ~~,. .;:"' ~l · fllll·colof, . 3 dime~stonal · • noO, 1" LP "'°'d wrth 1 95 • \'Okes' flf Apollo J l Astro· 8" Fry Pan '"'" and '""'· Ul Kit • !"'911 06M1 •• , ODO!, -!Ill ...... "'' 3 99 ~ -.i..Aft. • . ' 10" Fry. Pin •ICl'IH WUl•mt • , • wi81 SR-l 6 99 lltlOn COlliftr. ti;rt fitliti fAVW{Jab 1 fqtl' :;.! • 101/2" Griddle "01Ai-1" 10UQl.O.MATIC Tooth-Gum Brush witlt Recllaraeable Uoit ; • , starts: brushin111p and down the instant it ""i'<s "' "'". '· 1& 95 stops when lifted away! 21J5 U.lt • . . ........ IH•lr "Br~k" CDNCEllTIA!E llllMllO ••• ""1s your hair Cookie Sheet . ~ .. :"~1~~DiJ ':.i ":~ 6nc ~ £.~ ;;..!:~~: 77c lormu!as. 1.M 4 er. T••• \I-_...;~:;..,.! ._. Opln Riiiiir :;;:"E.t:;,., ,:, a.1:: .... =-;=~= ... ;;; .. ,.,,,,,.,_, "lo-r ""'a 22•·1 no IWllAIE 1· =,~, 2~ "'f.Js~~· ·• Qil -Q AHCHOI HDCIUN& .. I DZ. Pllchll l 2 99 - , "YITALIS" SlxllaL6l11111 • • IWI 111US111 77 ~ 8-Pc. Sack Set 2 99 1.11 4li 11• Slit C ~ Fu 10" plates and fotr ~ 6~-. I .... -'"' ...... "EXCmRIN" •. ·wit~ f•w 10 "· "'" tAIU1's ••• thf£x ... 1 09 1 41"9' ~Z:!,!~w! 3 39. tr1 strlllltll Ptln flt. 5\4 bowls and 2 •limi! JJI 1M'I a a asbbays. • . . . ~:~nkets 11111 latoutic lf•~•l •llllPI 11P1 Mtchint nsftatlt a:d d.,iblt palyes' 41· ter ~nd rayon. A$. • ' sorttd colors with . ! l11xuri0Ds nylon bindings. --SU:t -.... ,.Silt .. ,. si.--1"'11-si.1111..,. ...,_ 1288 . 1388 1&49 Stack Mugs lllSlllDllflHR•"lllU'"'"WWW-llamflllllllQllMl~mn1 TUSSY a-es 3 Persailar Skl1 Cn Prlpa A Haw C•lnbtC traalmt11t lint of ski!! -beautifiers fer tbtet mrjor skin tyrJe$: • 1kJ • Norul • Olly Cl•illl 2 crm 11>... .J5.--..1r~-- Fm11t1er , ... 1.75 llllstarlzer ... 3. 75 <OUllTIH MAllTZA "Eeva ; Lynne" blr Spray .. 21' 11-Sin 3.50 wltl 1n1111n 111111a1 -. Col ........ '""' " ---of -ll1r of IDJ OPlltAlltalt .. -7DA11Awm NEWPORT llACH lft~l-lo_Jff_ HUNTINGTON BIACH ................ ·- --~ IAU DI lOtllnl :. "Intimate" NIW llnllS'8 .SpnJ 11J 1111.111 ••• "11, ilpered, 11~11 . -wli:.::1"""" C1P "" aotf.b1111 rin1. 1ll ILlln 4.25 IJlt.f«-3 flt. 15.88 HUNTINGTON llACH .,.._ .... _ ....,_..,.. --· 2f88C \ • • • • J I I l I I • \1 ' ' . Wod-......... 12, 1969 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! • LEVI'S ® CORDS $650 CAREFREE Cordurox 1h1t 1IWl'f' looks '"'' bec1u11 irs Levi's • Pick your fovorilt cojpr of Gold, lelg1, Chocolott S..own, Olive, Polt Blue. Sizes 26 to 28. BOYS' SIZES (Slims 1t1d Regulus) .••..•. $4. 98 *All Siies! *Ml Colors! *All ~ Strles! LEVI'S ® for Gals! BUSH JACKETS UNIQll( Mf•lll"t tff I dtfl"ite "With.It'" f11ir 4i1tilt9ul1h thi1 am.rt ntw lu1h J1(ktt. Scokh11r•tl9 finl1h inllk.11 It w111r rtptlltftf. 520 NYLON BLOUSES SUPEILTOUGH LEYl'S(ll llEANS uvrs-i ... , ... tht worW'o most ct,ltd pa11tt. Wori4'1 ""'h"t lltnhn, relnfor<ff wftfo copper rlwh incl ttltchtd to 1t1y. Shril'lk·t•flt ••• 1 ntw ,.1, 4rH If thoy rip. ::·2~~,:~.·~···· s5•• tc~·il:~ :.o.::~~~2 ~~.~.. . . ~ 4 •• -oon• SUM'"' $369 wNrtl uvr1• ,,_ 4.12 ••••••••• Sllm1 and Regulars • .. OVER 20,000 ·PAIR LEVI'S ® IN STOCK! TKE CLASSIC Lm's9 IHk i11 1 1re1t r1tw 1hlrt of 100% ,.,..,., Pick your ' f1voril1 from 1 whit Mltctio11 tf f11hion color•. omau. COLUUll · REPAIR STATION FOi 1 ''FLARES'' The Originol BELL BOTTOM JEANS s7· uvrs• ST n 1 D long 1n4 Ion with a "ff1r1" for fashion . Rugged all· cotton pr1-1hrunk denim for lasting comfort. l'r• ahrvnk , • , buy your IIICf siJtl •All ~Hfllal .. ,, ,,_,. ' Acme and Durango WESTERN BOOTS -_.'.'"' $18 '\! lATEST styles Wtstem I oo ts with NnOClth luther uppers and rougHut low1rs. Sitts 6 to 12 , •• 1t Gr1nt'sl ORANGE · coum1 FAMOUS BRANDS CASUAL SLACKS SALE!- SOllYI Wt ""'' mtntiGo "'° n1m1 IUT -tfl11e 1r1 thOH f1movs pants thlt always ltlJ'"' pr11ud -"'"' ..... lnnlntl All first qNHtyl ·o.uR MOST FAMOUS BRANDS!" 2 PAIR s10 Regularly $7 -$12 . !One Pair $5.881 --.... 1-------l P'ACll'IC Hey, ~ ~G-:U:-::Ys=-=-=-:&"'G""A""LS-=I~. 1_s_e_•_G_r'!'a_n_f'_s-i•'l!•i-'-o.r_J_a_c_l<_et.s .. f., COWHIDE ~ ~ JACKETS $45 SMARn y 1tyltd folly lintd q"'llty rougfH>ut l11thtr. Full fringed slnvts, bottom and 1cro11 chut, AH sizu. ''Windsor" by Pocifit Troill "Charger" by Pocifit Troill -,.,, .. , e111i1., . \ s27so s22so ' ' . SPOll'TT .,... lie•,.,.._ i.,.nH WM! "'14 hllf U•ri •11' .. ,. AcrllM tUJllc, U % Ylf•I t1t4 .. ...,tic. Sl1• :M It "6 Iii lt• •~4 ,,...., "Fite Ultlmafe" HANG· TEN T-SHIRTS '6 SEE GRANT'S tremendous 11l1er1on of 111 of fttt new- est wide 1nd n1rrow 1trfpe styles ••• inti soUd colors, tool flnttt 100% mnbffl cotton thlt won't wrinkle, shrink or '"" need irtr1lng. Slzu $-M-1,.XL. ------ "CHARBE IT" 11 GRANT'S SURPLUS GllANT'S I CHAIGl ACCOUNTS J • 8El ' "Cimarron" by· P1cific Traill ' ''Ranger'' by Pocifit Troll I --- J c ( ( ( ( ( r ( • r r ' h v 1 I I l t p TI • 0 " ,, b ,, h w F T p: a TI• le rt rr OI .[ " h. g • ol ... pl rr ,, l I> ir g: i; ti II -----. ----------·--------,._-- ''-----<=-~ -·.,..: . . ; --f: -1< ' ~i~~ ;. ...... toiJcbdo\m.. • c•~ Jfave ~""'""" if~ -'F..-tJiil"<•-= ,lfiaw-r -=• -· t\J •. ~, _.., rf •. -w"!' I , ••UU•f·,-• ......: WU """eat; foot,.. Rer-l!fl!ll~thio> tale, Arch(e ~'1 bll'"':.ilock Ii the Week by Tbe of Mi~, Jim P~ lf~oni " A-lated ~· ' • . or any 1~ other ~ oo~ege ·~W ls better than Plunkett and quFid , , . .i:.. ..... ·..,l,.,, 'the Pllihkett's a iood OQe," said Murphy, a O ':1'-9"Y It..; .,,._.,., u ICOUl for the Beiift. , , · Chlcago -ww lake Depil ·&haw· "! ~, ~ lie'' better lhan of Saa . 'ftale.. • ~: . · Pbippo.*'!!;··· -~lhan'Don1 • Of-.. ''d -'enyone -1d H • '. ' be ' ' ,_. . ~ ,,, re. take Sbfiw · the perlormance be put , • (le~llJ<•• • Gall!!il of'the 11am1:· on in a .. " rout o( Pacilio Saturday '> !Soi' iiltuer,< ni.. ;ii 'a h!;m..,. tough night. 'l'llo II, 205.j>oond ~ tr-f; lliil>•'1ill'.~tliti -~quarlor· Clinm<Wjl pktod l5 ol a ·a • ~ · llJl:l.I;, ~· 1 ' -~ 463 y......... . ... -' ._,;; ., 'k "ff'.:. ·..is;.; .... 'Staie ;,_ ...... , ~ " ~ .,,_ ~.,,.' ·"I T.'°""'. ;"!l •O :"T"~ -"1 y , "I ~ · ... .,.,.,,. .. . " r • · . ) ~ 'Jf~\ \t~ .I'd And·'· ... g;~~'}{;. .. ~~ ~ I' . . "f, •. In I ,(_'. , ~fl'"• . i..yng ~m~ ·.-' Of ~jp~· ~' :. . Kl'jOXVf~0 TJi.. (AP) -Tbe~~~ .J; reason why BObby "8jors wears Jtthlti·.. ' No. 44 on TellM§See'I football ~,; 1r:t: . "J asked for '#,Jat ~ber ~, I~as ~ still in high school," Major8/y~ ""Evii11- ~:=:~~:~::~~1~~~::~~:: ~ Tennestee's mast lam!!£ football family. And"Bilt was 6ne f~older brothers. BIH al~ ~IstaOt coach af the time1 w~s~ in ~ car-train collision here in ·l965. ' -: "! .Lfi.<Jc Bill' I ber f .. "'i~ (_ s num _or a purpose," ~bby say!:··~ Wfllted it in his memor}'. 'I want to be* gOCHt team player and tw""'-.~~o well ~ mjoelf and 11\J: o_wn ~~tur,:~ut(_want.~ d_o ~~11 for Bill, too. His meftlorY JS an ~U'ation to me." Bobby's father, Shirl Majors, ii Mad football coach at Sew • · BOb'.s olde« .; brother, Johnny, was alt AD!Airilrici tail~ack at 1eaness1~· I.AA l!Dd -ii hD*4 ... ::'i:..cti: ·~,,ii_-~!\ I .. ,"".l • ..}' ·' •' ; "':!'t".:.~ !ijvwa. ~,·~, "~' , . In~~ tt'!;~;~ thert ,· were· .. ·Joe, ·11 • 't ......... ._.. ....... al f lor:id;\' s_~t' a~ .f?W 8:D. ~t~y r at Tullahhina: ,....., -Jllld i.ohj, ,1'\io. pl~edi. II ~-~alher at ~anee and is a hJit coach,· A.ao __ ocJ:,/!J:o •. Is. perhaps Tel\'! nessee's most versatile athlete, a df>it.all1 foot6all player. Re's aYki.ckoff and ;..i retilnf rpecialitt 8nd !i .. also lo ~P. m41t'for Oanter Lester:fllcClain. · t,i "'Bobby is-making a real conbibutio~10 ~ our football team.••, says coach Dou1 /r Dickey. "He is a player." · W!o~.c!lid'!'Y 1'1Y!<l•)ln•mber Gt .his ~ squad ,1s a. '.'ptayer,~ 1t 1s about the di· AIRES (AP) -'llofendllc . • • Hoy Em<rion "' Ni' . " hight!i\t1'«i '~hands out. ·> -. ~>'~tat' e~ 28 punts1 iot 299 yril, an .. age of 111.~l Per q;,, His longtlt fet. ·was a 71-yard gallof~r a louc~ a 'nst Alabama. 11...,....., ·"' Father .Shirley, says Bobby can be as good a footbaltphfyer 8.Slte•Wlnt.4 to be. " ( ~ BeadliaiJvancod lo lhe'r'IUllrla"Dnofl'"' I ', lhe.'~Ihe' IalernaUolial Tennis ·c;i.am. p1nlJ!blp1 Tuesday by 'llif~ Chile'• i Jaime Pinto Bravp, U , .. 2, S-Z, 6-4.' . "He has more natural a~lllty than any of the others, .. the e1der·Majors says. "He can be an out.standing fqotbaQ pl.lyer •. H!!'~~a. n_*"aL ~*· ~~ Before ~0;1.lby _Jl}av:es Te~, be may make 44~ Of the Volunteers'-moist famous Jersl!7'ilUmbers: ""! ' .. . ,, Jn women's linglea, Gen!ianY'a Helga Nieaen moved Into the llimifinals by defeating Argentinli'a ee.trli Araujo,.M, M,, lhl, while Billie ~~ King of Long Beach. ,was winnJng over·,Kora Scbedewy 0t ~any, M .. 1-2. Won'(~ RetnpVe The . :. -r ~, ,. , . - Ram,s ~sing, $2~0,000 ~'I.)._. ... .,,' -- By.ft&ta~ing -Jeachers .. .. . ~I ~ CaU9el rw die Role Bowl, blnin1 tile oallllefJ ..... ped ol I l'1mllle .tclory .ver ~ State II WI week'• TV pme. . ' * * * GOING DOWN, PLEASE -John Egan (21 ) of th e . Los Angeles Lake rs Jal Is. Ip. the ,fl oil" aft~r being .hil . .by ,llelrolt's1fuward K~tpiyes (~) ih th'e 1ltstperiQd ' · ''l\resd!y,Ugbt. K!>!Jlives:wlu·i;Jrarged, 1<:ith .an off en· . ' • ' t • • UPIT•IWM .. sive !out. Elgin Baylor o! the Lakers is at the left . w.ith. McCDy McLemore o! .th,e,. Piltoos . behind Kom1ves. · . • ' ' ; ' . • ,, ! ' • .. • ''f . • -·Irish Bowl:·- ; . \ .. . Resist~ee~ :Wears a'hin ·,J · sOuTH BEND, Ind. (AP) -Noire .,. Dl1ne '• ban on post season football ga,mes Is beginning to wear thin qndet ,rumor and speculation and univenlty of· ficials '1'e not comple,tely ruliag oot' the posaibllity or a bowl garile. The Rev. Theodore·M. H~urgli, "· dent of Notre Dame.. aaJd Tuealay, :'There is nothing on tt yet ·tn any way ,_.,,,,. our tld PQliey Jipldll; .u we aet ~to It, 'Wt.'Jl annormGe it... . Notre Dame's polley has betn no bowl -"' $ce 1125 wljea .j]e Irllh made t'1elt clily posl Jeaaoll'appe.rance. Notre Dame wen~ to 'the ·Rose ·SOWi that year and def-.i ~f/.l,t. • lrilll· football· coocii Arlt~ Is .,Ju f..-Notre.~~j· bowl bid bul·a&ls, :1.iia\o, ~i#l !iitlre Dome'• policy .pMii&OiJc~J!d have en· dor9ed Jt." >. r ~ Farseghian h·as stated, "Everybody ~ my position ori'{*t 1gamec. It would create great lnce'nUM*ld It would be great for recruiting ~-'' Parseghian agabi. w¥".',albf Tuesday about Noire Dame:~· its policy and he said. "I hav~~·wormaUon than befocerl'111·aure~if· Qie policy cban1~ eel, I'd be one of the flnt,tO know." A w,ee~ ago P.~ revealed Notre D~ bu receiv&f ! bid in each of the five seasons he' has coached at Notre Dame-· and lhat each year the athletic board ri.views lhe bid and tunw it down. "I'm.wk )Ye'll J'!!(:eive another bid UU. year and aoin.1.he"board wru review it," Parse~ Hid Tuelday, ''and the board " meets ardqn.j ll!Is lbpe of the year, At lhis stage tllere is no agreement to my · knowledge.'" • Reasons tor a possibld change In Irish policy ag~..!_ boWl.1f'-'!itl...Ve flnaociaL Not~e-name teceriP.Y!~ted a multi- milltOn 4follar sports· ;iii/ convocallon ~'-~tel' and wOuld like to covet its football fleldo 'wllh· ~c \lJrl. ·. · ' I W~st Deptu-ts Fo~ io Stitches, Returns. to Play . ' INGLEWOOD -Star guard Jerry West ol the Los Angeles Lakers was severely cut Over the left eye TlJesday night dur· Ing a game with the Detroit Pislool here and needed 10 stitches to close the wound before returning to the' contest. West was guarding Qetrolt's Dave Bing In· the first period when he tumbled over Bing's back and landed on his head and arms, causing the bloody gash. West left the gail'fi' at the 8:05 mark" and .went to the dt-essing room for the ·stitches. He was ~ck before the period was over and 1ank a shot from mid-aiurt as the· buzzer sounded. Like the sun, the Lakers are sinking l!TOwly in the ·west . ; Tbt 'Lakers, after taking a couple of days Off to licki their wounds and brace for action, must face the Suns from · P~nix twfce 'this weekend in a home· 'and·home'serie!. ,....!'Tbe· two' Nitlonal Basketball AssoCi1· fion clubS are tied for fourth in the We8!ern DiviSlon today with 5-& records a!(er 1':111 AilgelH· dropped its fourth , straight bonle game -a Forum first - JtP.102 'to U'te Deiroit Pistons Tuesday, night. . "I jllst thought we were hurrying our Bhots'too much tonight," Laker coach Joe Mullaney. Said after the defeat. "We were too '~ioua and we didn't go to our ·~ ltr~hl as well as Detroit did." o,Tll:.OIT LOI ANO•u's ,T l1•T MM,!!;"__. ,1 M 24 West _ 11 i-} 24 .. ,...,...,. 0-0 6 Eg&n I 1·1 l ', MOOtt ..) 1 t t-0 16 ll:obotrtlon 6 ~7 ti llll'IO 'A 1·1 • Erldl•on l 0-0 ' Komlvn' 1 1·1 16 l•vlor t 44 22 W.lr"on •1 M 1 ~rrell 2 2..J 6 ltllal'lly' -' .. , I L)'llfl 0 CMI O WI~ 6 1·2 1l COu<!t1 6 2-2 14 Db.thlnttr 1 2-2 ,, MtCltNr J 1·2 7 "9wllt I M 1 Tot11l a l•lJ Ill TOilli .41 •2' 1'2 Ottr111t '' ~ ···~~-tt-110 LOI Anf.tlft ' " '•-.,°'U •~~tt -102 Ftultll ovt -Ho!)e. • ' ~ , Tet9t ••Ill• -Di"'91t.ii \M~ rt. A~ -10"°'' • t~~ "~ . ._.. , • . .• ~t Olymp~cs S4aky ... : Fqtu.re;.f of" '·Winte.r ~ ~ .. l 1 ~ :.. . // t· t • -----~~.--.-~ ••L.---- . I,PNDON .(AP) -, The whol' future of .<tloe Wlnls;ol)'lllplco 1Jiij '!' 41~ at a meeting ol the International· Olympic CommlUee in AmsterdarJl in May, Avery Brundage, president of the JOC, said )n London Tueoday, . · , 11We're tryhlg to lteep commercialism out of the Winter Olympics." lttunclage told a meeting of British· sports writers. ' ' "Now we have the problem of ice , hockey 'added lo Iha! ol alpine skllrig •. "l'he .ice Hackey Federation plallj Jo allo:i'' PfOI to compete. Th.is i& a ·new pro- blem'' • He said that the lnlcrnaUonal Ski ·Federation had promised· ce rt a in rcforma. including a cut-back on the "circus," and a sharper look at contracts 1. • • t .. between .skit?r1 aM manulactOrtrs. · ;•TliJ.,, la apolher 1"11e . tbal · will be ttirasbed out in AmSt.erdam," Brundige said. Brundage m'ade it clear that the whole future of the Winter Olympics would, be discussed before any re90rt was awarded lhe Games for 1971. . I Th: 10C CongreM '!'!'ill decide the 11ites for the 1971 Summ~ ~ W._ Games In Amlterdam -and the cltilia who win the nomlnaUon • clli bank e making millions ol poanda In publlctln Brundage aareed lhaL the Gtmel ,,_,. . bccominl loa lwge and loa-nalva and 'added: l • • • ' · "We -I .simplify and tluo .,._ some ellminatiot'IS." He refused t0 u.y whfch ellminaUons be bad tn mind. rr I - I Wednt<dq, -12, 1'16• ' • ., A Word .or Two o~ Fatherly Advice~ Orang~ Comt. Foe San ·Diego Shows STRATEGY SESSION -Marina High football coach Jim Co0n and bis quarterback Rick Saeman hudd~e f~r copfer_ence ~n vi~tory ~ver 1 Huntington Beach last week. The pair will be at it aga1n Fnday night . ' ' ?PER ATIO N KEEPS f l .G1,fORE BENCHED I PULLMAN. \I.' ash. -:-Washington J~te football coach Jim. Sweeney said ~t \Vigmore, the Cougars No. 1 itcrback. had an operation [or a torn cartilage l\fonday and will not play inst Oregon State Saturda y. \ Jgmore prepped at Maler Dei . -e Cougars scri1Jlmaged agc.!nst the r~an team using Oregon State plays 'ftft"1ay in preparing for their Pacific-8 q<Werence game. J Swceney said fullback Ken Lyd~, who ¥aine<i an ankle against Southern ¢allfornia. probably would play Saturday lit that flanker Johnny Davis may re~ zt,.~n on ~ bench because of a shoulder "JUl'Y· I t'agies Suffer I f rustrati11g . ' Grid Season ! t Bv GLENN WIDTE Of l~t C.llJ "li.t 51111 I 1t was to ha ve bee n a new look year lor ' Estancia High's football team. • Th'.! Eagles had a rresh start wi~h new [ oach Phil Brown stepping in. And they reme..t lo have enough talent for a pro· 1ising campaign. • But instead it's been a season of frustration since they shut out lheir first f,v0 foes. Arter that they won. only once, JS-12 over Santa Ana Valley.. . . • An1 they yielded 122 points tn SLX inatches-an average of 20 per till. f Y"'l they could have won three of those lon~ts . League co-leader Fountain Edi son Goal: Winning Season In First Year A winning season Is at.stake.:.Friday • r.ight for Edison High School's Chargers · as lllit :prepare lor their confrontation \\•Ith lr•ine League co-leader Fountain Valley .a\ Huntington Beach, High.· Coach' Bill Vail's younfOutfit (J..3..2) \\'ill go 1nto the game with only one change in1he ·starting lineup, al fullback. Sam Fu~a. who's still in the intensive care unit al 'Hoag Memorial Hospital wilh a occk injpry sustained in the Estancia g8me, will be replaced by Rocky Whan. \Vhan, a 165-pound sophomore, will be cou.nta,I on to supply a major sl\are of the blocking power for the running of the Chargers' all-league halfback candidate, Jim Moxley. lt1ol.1ey continued his 1()0..plus yards 3verage per game in the Estancia affair, \Yith 101 yards on 20 carries and he 'll be trying to do the same in the Fountain Valle.v clash. Coach Bill Vail says his team faces an opponE:nt with few weaknesses . "Fountain Va!ley presents a real prob- lem because it seems to have a little bit of everything -depth , speedy backs that run right al you and now they seem to have found a passing attack." he says. "'Offensively Fountain Valley lines up a great deal like Corona del Mar.. with all the backs home and straight across the line with a split end/' says Vail. Vail will be counting on the usual group of outstanding defensive players of his to coritain Fountain Valley. Leading the Chargers' defensive corps are tackle Brian Bayless, guards Jeff Carter and Mike Balch and linebacker Ross Jennings. 4 Gridders Die E Uey edged them with a fourth quarter uchdown. 6-0. ~ Surprising Edison ~r?ke a tie· in the last riod for a 27-20 vellhct. And, Magnolia l'dged lhe Eagles. 20-19. when Estancia , tumbled al the Sentinel four 'with I: 13 left · n the game. { Now, Estancia goe3, against reeling or.a de! Mar, a team that has dropped ROBBINS (UPI) -Four members o( Richtnoncf's DeAnza High School football leaO) died Tuesday after their car skid· fled o([ California 113 and slammed into a tree about four miles north of this Sutter County town. • . ' I Weak S·ec~n·dary when the Vikes try for the ir second upset in 8 row at W~trninster High in a Sunset League enCounter. ... When a defensive .coach admits biJ team is"Yeak In Pass second'ary, it Couid mean one of two thingp to the oPposing coach. Charlie Davis, defe 've ~ch of tlle· San Diego Cily Colleg football i<ain did . 13 much this week whika asked about the· Knight squad coac111' Dick Tucker's " Orange Coast College team win~ pl~)' Saturday night in 1he border.pty. '°""' .. Flrlif, it coukl 1meanl the cOfclY ls Put-' ~ • f \ \ ... ______ ..... ting up " front to wa.vurae,e "-= ~ pos1Uon. -. l• Second, it cou1a mean he·ls fe¢u} of a otrong ~ing aUack by ~ ,oppc..111pn. Davis says the l!1CC9'1d 'is true ~ his • tean1 and he ls fearful or a strq.P{LS!iing game by Pirate quWrback Mlk~ T . . ' am1yasu. : . ~ , "That boy can lbro* and he ii an ex-, . cellent scrambler," DiVJS says. "We have a Jot f iespect for the coaching staff it Or!f!ge. Coast. and we know that losing (Ray) Ricardo has hurt them a greJt deal. B!Ut lheY1 are' still .a line football team." The San Diego defenSive spe$.list who &poke for head coach Harry West feels the Knights -should hive beatep circuit 'leading San Diego ~esa. ' . "W~, 2~21 '!!) tlte.)asJ.li9..secornls of the game. We sJeiinitety Should have won. Our team lw playf<l well for parts of . games but we haven't been able to.pt.It everything together for an entire _game." The Knights will be without their t"op running back, just like the Pirates. Greg Day Is. the leading· i'unner for the Border City eleven ti_u~'been sidelined for two \\•eeks with an injury and is a doubtful participant. , Bob Matthle, a 1110-pounder, has taken over the funntnt brick position and laat \Yeek ga~ ovef 100 'yards. "He is daing a good job"ol 'fµIing in for Day," Davis says. · l • ART ISTS TALK IT OVER. -Laguna Beach coach J{al Akins is seen \vith one of his key linemen, 11ike McMurray, in recent victory over Mission Viejo. The Artists close out their 1969 football campaign with El Modena Friday night at Laguna .Beacli, Tbe"game will mark the end of the Une · ror Orange Coast • Alter JOiin< to San Diego Mesa last week, t~ Pirates ltre out of the SouUi c.oasr COl\ference-tiUe picture. -. GLENN WHITE ' -Sports_ Editor , ' Have to Contain . ' •' ' Bane to St~ Lion s-Coon Ever improving Marina High, recent winner over Huntington Beach, closes out its football campaign Friday night at Westminster High. ·' Coach Jim Coon's •team has looked . good in its last three outings, falling to Newport Harbor by .~~~·]scaring Sunset League leader Anaheim before bowing, 22-6, and then the upset over Huntington Beach, 6-3. Coon says his gridders are in the best ' pfiysiCal Shape of lhe season and th.al they'll be ready f~('We,stminster. He'll have his' quarte"rback, senior Rfck Saeman, back a1 fWJ ·s~ along with the strong running or Henry Lazcano 1nd fullback Steve O'Hare. , Lazcano has nlshed for 364 yards a,pcl O'Hare has a~ted foi; _83. 'l'be ustlal pattern is for Lazcano to folldW O'Hare's ~locking over guard ·apd tackle. In fact, the· Marina attack Is very 1imilal' to We&W}inster's _wtth empha,is on the power-t With a slotback. "The main tiling about Westminster's game is the qtfarterback1~o\Jout," says Coon. ~ "We· havC 'to conlain· (Eddie) Bane on his keeper pl~y1 more than p.eything e!sC!. "And their running backs (John Bahe and Monte Downing) run very hard and have the ability to hit and spin a'way,'' says Coon.. · , · Coon says Vleslnllnster Presents a prob- lem defensively with iLs ~ jlefe~e with four deep baCks. • . '.'T.hey use the inside -safeties. almost like linebackers at times -and it makes it a little confusing because you don't know whether to ~Include them into our of· fensive blocking rules," says the coach who knocked Huntington Beach out of the Sunset League title race last week. • · ·Sailor Coach ' In Mal Hu1nor After Defeat Coacti 'Vade Watts of Newpor t Harbor P.igh School isn't in very good humor these days, and understandably so. ~ best-ever football team at Newport has apparently lost its golden opportunity for a share of the Sunset League cha pionship after failing dismally agaln.5t , Western lasl week in • shock.ing upscl The loss gives the Sailon two league defeats and puts them into a lie with Huntington Beach and Westminster. Anaheim leads the circuit by a full ga_me witJ! ~ly \Vestern standing in its \vay 1lf ·W'ldisputed first place in the circuit. ~-. .., straighl, including a 14-6 deciston 'to Valley. I BrO\\'tl has jumped on thr latter resull . A-iuildin,e his team's confidence over ~ancia's overwhelming bulge in com· flar£.livc JCOrtS. Freshmen Dominate LACC Team So Saturday nighl's tussle with Hun- tington Beach figures to be only another game instead of a possible title showdown with the Oilers, who were also bitten by the upset bug last week. Wotl!. says he'll be going with essen· tial\y the same lineup against-HW1tington and that he expects the hosts to present formidable opposition. After seeing Corona (all lo Valley. rown believes the Eagles can throw in iday night's Ufr ·at Newport Ha rbor igh. "Our passer and receivers are bet· er than Valley's so I have Lo think we·n able to pass succasrully, ·• he ~ys .. "Corona impre•s me with 1Ls ullback, Stev~ ~udllh and Rick Pelros. fensively Lhey come at you haril and heir inside men read you so we 'IJ have to rind the openings to run.,. Eslincla will lhrow nifty Dave Johnton lilt the Etcles. He's averaging 5.5. yard.a )l>e!_ cart')' and har !M!Ven touchdowns. • Eagle back Jim Schultz has suffered a 'oot Injury and will probably move lrom 1taJlback to fullback. if he plays. Dana =le replacd him in the starting •• By HOWARD L. HANDY Of 1M Otilr "11•1 11111 Two learns with a similarity in purpose as well as in the record book will meet in a h~ltle of survival Friday night when Golden West College travels to Los 1 Angeles City College for a Southern 'California Conference ouUng. Purpo&e of the two squads is simple-to ff':lain an outside chanc!',for a conference title. Each b one game off the pace of ' le&8'.1C leading Harbor and each must win to remain in contention. 1n the record book, both tea1ns sport 5- 2 records for the season t1nd 2·1 rnarks in ipguc play. One LACC Cub Joa w .. al the hands of East Los Angeles, a team the Rusllers defeated, 17-14. J>!Jil Lotano. offensive coach of the Culls. points out the Vermonl Avenue team is con1posed largely of freshmen. Nine of 11 l)tarters on both offense and defense arc fir st year men. "\Ve are young and have made a Jot or mi stakes thi s season," Loza no points oul. "But v.•c are improving every game. "Golden \\1est is a solid team and has an outstanding of(ensive line. They are very c1uick but arc smaller than our tea1n." The Cubs will operate behind the run. ning of haUback Mike Vickers, one of two seniors in the offensive starling lineup. They use a balanced attack but depend primarily on their running game to ad· van~e the ball. This could be good news to Rustler c.oach Ray Shackleford who ,SOlW his team blitzed by an unerring pa55in g <1ltack at the ha nds of Harbor last week. The Cubs may be planning a similar blitz of the owe secondary with John Bryan directing the attack a l quarterback. With speedy bac kfield help. Bryan could be the key lo the Cub of- fense. The entire LACC coaching staff "'atch· ed u llarbor'• Jimmy ,Sander compleled 26 of 36 pas.s attempta against the Ru.s!lcrs with only one interception. One thing the Cubs cannot aftord to do Rgalnst Golden West Is to look ahead to next week. After the Rustler outing, thl!:y must fact conterence leadtr Harbor in the season finale. But victory must come in both games to assure the Cubs of at least a £hare of the confereOOe cha,m.. pionshlp. Lozano, speaking In the absence of hcaJ coach Ron Botchln, praised• lhe Cub defen sive team as well. "They have done \\'ell this season and are a solid group qi kids. J think they can bold their owrt age.in.st the Golden West ollen.ote." I "After such a poor effort last week I'm sure we are. aoi.na to do something about it. The Western loss was one of the worst games one of 'my teams has ever played. "We had opportunities to win it four or five times but just couldn't come through. ,. • Walls saya his club mil.st' "cona!ntrate on Huntington's quarterback rollout series with Gaith Wise at tile helm. "Huntington presents a problem a littla different than usual because of the way n ~plits both ends and uses two slot backs at times. • "With Wisf's ability to Nn wide or throw with equal effectiveness ll makes It difficult to defense," says Watts. ''I think' both teams will\ be 'tryin~1 to redeem themselves for the poor effort .lasl week." ( I I ~ilot-~~,~g~~in ·l ~l(f<.EltOO DAILY PllOT ---II A PIOPHO FOR PROFIT vol(: Is lar otlier SM•• ... r,m...t> _.. .... ••• pit•k;. ,,.,i.\t. Ploy tho DAILY PILOT r .. k .... 9•m• for ~ Mif'I'· Whtfl• H.ch WMlr NC•I••• ''10 co1h ood' '"Volf Collogloto -bol l11199Htod , ... H price, •11.tll or prit• piclctli \rom lid of other ".olt quollty'1porllo9 tood1 loo pti&e uod., '10.r•· tall valu•J. ~ Watch f!( thi1 pl1y,r'1 form eilch weelc (Tu11d1y1 ond Wodno1doy1J lo tho 'bAILY PILOT Sport. Sec- tion. Clrcle the f11m1 you think will win iri the li1t of 20 91m11 ~nd send ~Ji the player's for"' or r111on-1~!• f4tc1imil1. Then ~etch t~e DAILY PILOT sports P.lt•• for 11ch w11k 1 list of I 0 winners. , 'BtJLES • 1, ~It tlllt entry bl-* w 1 r1111 1•11 ~ tit . ..itw tM ..... t. I. S.... tll: l"ILOT "ltllUfll P'ICKl•OO CONTl!IT, '-" Dlfe"tt11111t;, P, 0, IOX I~ COii.> M .. , GI. tMll. .. Onl't ,.,l4111~ ... ,..._ t4cR ..... I. l!ntr• ...... 8t •Hver9d ('Y 11'1111ti'11'1 ...,._) .. MILY P'ILOT effktl ..., • """ Tllllrwda'f. I. W. J. Y9lt llllbllef' CW.. 9Nll DAILY PILOT emp.,._ en11 tlMlr n. .,....... ,,_,_ "" ........... .. Tll •UAklll -Ql)KI" 0/1 PtllU iw.-. .... M flllllf 111 W ..,.-.. ,,--. 1•··················· '• ENTRY BLANK • • e1rc1e .... .,.. ..................... ,_ • • c.._.._ .. ....,_...._., • ••• •• . ~. • '• • • •• ,. • •• ·• • • "• • •• • • •• • ' Rams vs Phladelphlo hrcllle vs Oltla State ' . use "' WashllllJIOI! UCLA vs ONCJOn Air Perce vs Stanfard Aubwn YS Geat'fJia Narre Dame Yi GeanJIG Tlcli Michigan Yi la-. Jenness• n Ml~ssfepl~. OrantJ• Caast Yi San !!leta Golden West Yi LA City Imperial ~aQey n SaddNbacli • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • Marin• vs Westminster • • • Mater Del ,vs St. Anthany • • • • Ecllsan n Faunttiln Valey • . : San Clemente vs Mlsslan Viejo : • El Modena .Yi LalJllllCI leach • , : Estwcla Yi Carona del Mar : • Costa Mela 'n SA Valley • • • • Newport vs HuntlllfJ'°n leach • . ' . • Tll! •1ttAkfll -My tUIM en 1l!e tot•! numb9r ., "°'"" tC!lf'MI • • 111 •II 21 PIT* 111111111 •WW II ............................. -• • llAMI' ' • • • • A.Dllnl • • I I • • CITY . . .. • , : PHONI Sil • • • CHOICI OP nm cca.t-. &INlt•wl•••I • •o-,._ D-llt D-• • IM ML L n 01..._.. Dirts.... • ~ .....•.............• SOFT SEU SAM / 1 -------~- c> -- ---J!'"'~ -...... MD Boss Fighting Letdown Tllo JNa-1 problem facll!g cooclt Bob W-ol Maler Del lllch Schoof lo -·!Joo of Ille M-.chs' final Angelus I.eaaue football game of 1Nf, lln't IO much 1n who hla: teaqi ts racing 11 much u hil own team's lttltude. The Moaar<hs hove lo'it their last two Ang<tua •tarts to CIF ponn st. Paul and Bishop Amat and hive no chance of gllnlng lhe lcogue u11e or nn1m1ng nmnerup. I So more than anythlq' else, Wood! is llgbliJ18 • poaalble letdown by his pden. ' '"We want to end thll thing on a good note," says Woods. I Ills -t Thursday )ll&bt at Santa Ana Bowl is SI. Anlhooy lllgb, and lhe SahU · are conslder<d primarily a pua1ng twn. I The only l'1lllnlng ptwe or lbe Saint attack th a t especially """1es Wood! Is the quarterback's acrambllng style on pasa patterns. . ---------- ·- • RESTORE lllYTHM TO YOUI SWING A good _, "' '°'"'" rhr.tl"! . ft to pr•cttceldltl"I,.. ihotl wHh your drl-, whllo awfnglnv this club as If 1t ww. • f .. Jron. Don't gfw Jt a full d1i'nr iwing, but rather talceanuchthorter l\llng (iH ill .. ratlon)C.. 11~ .,.,. -1119 a Jhot of ciDcut IOOyri. . , You wHI flod it "'ii• sl111plo, using thi1 tedmique, to ll'IMt th• ball acr-iarely. Oncethis isdone, thon procffd logrodually l.,.ih- en your swing urltJI It becomes o[ r09Ulatlon longth ,lcir a ~rlWr. This li111pl• pnsctlcetedini"'' will holp)'O<! rovaln fool and con· trol of the c'lubhead, aid .your . nonnol awf119 mythm will retum . • • Wtdnnd'11 Nowmbtr 12, 1969 DAIU ,.LOT ~IJ . Yanguards Find Def~nse _, I \ I ' El Modeu bolo......, bt-Dtlemlvely. lhe v .. ipltdl each sport 1..1 rec:Qrl!a In , WflUJI& Buch In nnlly foot-came Into !heir own lasl league pLoy. ball. week with Orqe, co-leader Les:ter ls concerned abouL H. , · .... -•~ ., •"-, oMho loop. . , stoppln& tailback MIU.~ °"""'• ..... .., ~ ·~ · Aulnlt Or-lut week , "He lo• lhreol rter'f UIDli )'tar for-U.-~ to....., lbO '1~ IOlti M1 '"llWy-carrlOltliO bill llDd ·11o cl!an19 all that llDd C:dlcll Bob put togithet onlJ Oll6 drive live UI .ll!i. -~ ;3J 't,emr. ts -· abeod to -llflllml' Ul" llDd bad ....,uitng lin't .. bid • !ood>all team day '1!ihl to OCC91Djillsb that 1 llQ, lfl 1ardl. nel ,&lln."" 11\<ir re<ord incllcotu ....=: ~ ID ~ ~ IAlltr ..,., ' ~ .. will hon our ' teuue ~ · , · · "OUr clef-hu come liito full with Utl Aklnt j Whl1' Ille rl~ lol>'t one of · Ill own tile ,put two w .. ts However, Injuries may boll the oldell in· the .... (they · illld 'I am. proud of lhe way Abbey out ol adl°"' . ' hove~t1!'ce),,t'llooeol tl\01.plal'l'Jl,qal;iit-Orup." The EL MGdena •4 the llrwlgesl;. ·Lu~ ~ . ,,.. v_..d montor adds. doesn't plan any _... when -the --ArtUta-w er·~~ bilo lo•llll out-Ol--llle-Arlllto. He bolo klnli>lns of lhe .t...U., ti 'lhe ~·cellar bu! Ille a-r ieveral 1WitcheiJ In bll . Moi!tna come In oocoild al· • ol ~ pme ·will clellnllely be during Ille -· Ille Lo · ter losing to the betdi eleven, en'trenched tn that pos!Uon." being Dave Frtida:man at ~ 28-0. Lasuna Beach and El Modena back. ' YOUR SAFETY' IS OUR BUSINESS at ••• l Drive In today. Let our sldfted meclianlcs tJet your car ready for SAFE holiday trove!. I ' ' Junier Jerry Summerfelt Of St. Anthony Js from the same mold as Bishop Amat's Pat.:,,======""'"""===------l.J Haden and the latter 5ave Brake & Front End Mater Del all it could handle, and m..., defensively with his F h B he F . , _ ~=.00:bt~ _ renc rot r inaw SE.RVICE Off ER· with their usual o•two paDCb ol quarterback Bob· llaapert and halfback Mark Dunn. Dunn, who played under wraps in the Bishop Amat and St. Paul loaes, is fully ncover<d mm Ille Du. He's lhe Orange Cooll area's second JeadillC rusher with 670 yards on m carrie. and a 5.3 average. He's tallied nine touchdowns. Haupert's rollout style of play has garnered m yards <ln the ground and another Sil through Ille air to mab blm equally dangerous rwmlDI or pualng . The Mooan:bl 11111 bt at nurly full m<qtlo with only Don 1lo)' llDd Jobll Braden out. Roy brob bll wrlat In the Long Beodl Wlbon vlctoey and B-...talned a knee 1nJ111Y In the same Wt to -bolb Olli l<r the ....... Falcons On Way Back Up Costa Mesa Htch School may very well have a tleer by the tall Sllurday nlaht when the Mustancs clote out their dl.<appolnliJ18 foolboll ye1<. The opposlUcn, Santa Ana Valley Hi&h, found out what It's like to win and coach Bill Milli uy1 his club II ready to put two winnlNI'. a a m e 1 toplher back to back. "When our klda put It all together we reel Ute we're not as bad as <lW' record in- di(!f tes," says Mills. 'nle Falcons are 1.a.1 overall and 1-5 in Irvine Leacue ac> tion . "The thing that had really hurt was our inability to field our best team at any time th1.s year. "But we have end Don Na1lund back now and Keith Denson, our belt running back, seems to be at run speed for the first time In weeks. "Both of these boys are e~· tranely lnstrumeotal in the success of our ol!erue and defense," says Mills. The Falcons upset Corooa del Mar Saturday, 14..I. "If we play as well dehn$tvely as we did against Corona del Mar J think we can beat Mesa," said the Falcon mentor. Standools for Valley in the- CdM victory were detensive guards Bob Chan<y and Randy Kelly, linebacker Randy Pa~ tenon and defensive backs Joe Gillespie and Denson. · Offensively the Falcons like to go with Den,,on and con- verted quarterback. Phil Bland running aJoog with tbt aerial thrusll of Rudy Munoz. Munoz, a senior with no prior varalty eiperlence, bas come along fast at quarlttback f<r Santa Ana Valley, enabling Mills to utilize Bland In lhe running glltle. Munoz's key receiver has boon apllt end N 15lund. The Falcons U!le t I v e sophomores on defense. JV Football ....,, K«tllf • ' 14 , ....... Wt1Nf11 I 6 0 0-" korll'll: TD-MGM (21,' PtrUnt, IWkll en. Diii!. ,AT-Moed (l '-"""""'' OW.II 0 fwo.•lf'lftrl. ,.,,,. An• v.u.., ' ...... ,. Ctr*I• O.I Mtr • • t 0-11 l~i Wl'lltt1 Fttrtni Looms in SACC Play , Possibllily of the Fro:ich -=f<rthelligb< Low cb• Ip at Santa Ano 'Country Club looms bright u both made the sernlflllll round of play. Fred French and teammate Dr. John Wehrly will meet Jim Gianulias and Rupe Hen- dricks in one semis match with brother Coleman French and Bill Baker facbg Clem Lour and Neil Foster in the other half of the bracket. Footer II one of the wtnnen from last year wben be ploJOd with Homer Kerley and Coleman's chances ol a finah berth will hinge on Foster'• IUCCOll In defending bl• till .. CompeUlion is based on two 1.,. balls of Ille foursomes ploybg oaatnst each other. T h e r e la no comola.tlon -llfa• Vertie lnclanmt weather cUcelled. • neepe event at Meu Verde Cowltry Club last weekend. BI1 event on. the November calendar is set n"t Wed- 11«1day when • men's chib member·ruut. ooe day best ball of team-event will be staged. It II a shotg\El affair alarllng at 11 ,15 w Ith owardlng of prizes and dinner to follow. Seaclltt Ladi<s club actiYIU" al Hllllllngton Seacliff Country Club have lncreued in tem- po. w-. lo • -tour-nament Included Cay Durn- ham, Liz Brandenburg, Bar· hara Pond, Olah Morgan, Pol· ly Browmng and CUba Curl. Winnen <l£ the 'Ringer' award for October lncluded June Fittin, Liz Brandenburg, Polly Br<lwning, Bess Petersm, Barbara Pond and Olah Morgan. In a men's club low net sweeps, Bill Roa came in with a io for flnt place !oll~ ed by Jim Fisk (7!), Sll!v•, Hogan (73) and a Ue for fourth between Al Bauer and Bud Wrlghl (77). ftllttt!he SJ Preatdent'1 CUp play btpn last .... tend wltll ..,,. than 911 playon competing In five filghla. 1.-ra of flnt round matcbts move to the ~ solaUcn bracket this week whm _...round ocilon takes piece. Co-1!Uon I s match play . The monthly men's club meetlnl wlll be held on 'nlurs· day, !l"ov. 211/ with the 11189 Master's fllni being shown at lhe au-oflalr. lm.e Coat Aaliltant pro Rusty Bums wu mmied ~ ~tend and II apo;idlng his moneymoon In Acapulco. • •J:-." ..ALL$ FOR ONLY lncllid1s all this: . I• Fi'oat End Ailim•• l. ; c....ctcuter,....i..;,toe-1:tm!f < toe-oul . 4 Repack Outer • Front Wheel B•rinp • A lf!l"f'ica that eboald t. dm9 nwy ,: 10,000milet . Molt Amlricln Cira •nd light 1rUdt1 . Part• extra If n .. ded. Extrm ch•r11• for c•rs with torsion bars or air conditlonlng.f · .Arabs Attack by Land, Just say ''Charge It" . Menace Gauchos' Mark Buy on convenient term• , Saddleback: College's !ix· game wlmlng streak could be In jeopardy Saturday nllht when the Arabs of tmper1al Valley invade Mission Viejo High lo< a Desort Conference clash with the Gauchos. Coach Stan Crouch and his Arab contingent boasts a 5-3 mark plus good size and &peed In Its gl'OWMklriented attack. .However, tijurles have cut down the e(fecUveness of the rushing game with George Hoyt and Larry Hockaday, the Arabs' first two tailbacks out with injuries. Hoyt. leading gainer with '°' yards, is suffering from a &boulder injury. • He'll be rep!~ by Javar Heymore, a freshman who started al that. posJtion for the first time last week and led Imperial Valley to a 41.fl shell· ing of Victor Va1ley. The invaders appear sound at quarterback where aophomc.-e Cal Armlttong is back after mlsslng several ,.,,, .. with • dlsloglted wrist. Last week's win was the first acti on for Ann.strong since the third week ol the :season. n. Arabs are 3-1 fn conference acUon but pve rugged Mt San Jacinto all it could bandle btf<re tailing, fr 21. Imperial Valley trailed In lhe third period, Jt.21, and SC<lred again but the apparent touchdown wu nullllled by a penally and Mt. J AC went on lo Victory with two TDs In the final p<riod. Ctouch 11)"1 h<'• Rell Sid· dlebacl< In actlon and II lm- prtaed with tht overall balan- ce coacll G<orge Hartman's crew PoSSfSStS. "We Ute a multiple type def-with a lot ol atupllJ18. But we can't work <>n •.1y phue ol their attack bec1t11e they are to wtll balanced.'' HJ'I Crouch. The Arab Institution 15 located Ill mllee from El Qm. tro and draws talent from Brawley, El Centro, Imperial, Calipatria, Holtville and Calulco high ocboola. New Combo Sparks SC Sin Clemente High School wiU be ~king its seeond straight victory to conclude the 190 football season Friday n~t and• the oddl favor the Tr1tons by 14 po!nta over host Jdlsslon Viejo. Coach Tom Each utilized a new backfield combination to defeat Laguna Beach last week and figures to go with lhe wne lineup apl;ut the Dlablos wlth junior quarterback &b McNamara calUng 1lgnals. McNaffiara ·had • big nllht agalnlt the Artists, pwfng and numing with' equal ability. 'Iltls left Conner quarterback Rick Geddes available for du- ty at split end. Geddu , a I.II sprinter, WIS McNamara'• favorite tarset and hauled ln the flnt rrve puoea lnjrled, one going for a Jl.yardtochdowo. DeMy Reese at fullback and Rlck Brown at halfback, alon1 with &lotback Steve Divel, give' McNamara backfield support. "We have to atop that hallbac~ (Aundre Holmes) li we are loin& to win." Eod5 Uyl. Brake Adjustment FIRESTONE STORES "'They 1100 have • gooc1 COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH passing game and we'll have NEWPORT BEACH to go oil out. They beat us last 16171 B~ACH llLVD. year and we flnlsbed In the 475 E. 171h St. e 646.2444 1474081 cellar In the Crest v I e w Open Mon •• Fri. t to 7; Open Mon.· Fri. a to I; League. We would Ute to Sot. 'tll 5 Sat. 'Ill 5 return the favor Ulla: eeuon." '1.---~------------------':""----" t_ ' ' - • l M D,Yj.Y PIL01: W~, NM••et 12. 1969 IA Pe% ·.n.ee Mf •t erfl t •y T -.,1 ,,..,, -Ri~~l~: flay ~~ani~s~ • ; -... , f ~ ~ , , f" I 11 , • • • ,. • 'I, • I LQ!!G BEACH (AP) -Race low ,pn11ure· weather aystel>l lulu lhip croaed the fWah .,. -....., ,...., • "" 11,11 ~· CalJfon!ja 'line .. -ahead. ' . W,_ Ibo ..... IUooi lllt<j>-couk · , . t • [ t1><t P~ WU denied, bol e~W l. Gl:Uj:ti. : •: 'a'JiUOa •lalliAt.)o 'B~ wu · awudeil fti1t. ~ . • _,.;.... -· · -· -·""-.....:.,, .. "-••~ _ ,,,. E· ll9oora anyway, 1Vhen va_, _. ..., .. ~ """; < -•-•..,• ,_.,... ; W J'Ula(e WU penli· eado oilier or !filly In ~ , cal~ bul anetbel' veioel lattr· · · lbr' a llartlnl ~t, haU"'.ar throulh the 160..ule ,....n,.r .tt b<ri. L prblad • , l40I -Yacbl Cllib's La Pu yacbt race, down-the tranim.WloO from 'the'. SU , Tanquerq· W, Ul-"1 by Baja Callfornil cout. · P:raDclico'cfew • .'1 · ~· '~ Milltr, wu believed to Blac.klln. owned and ski~ T\ltldaY .. Wlndwm P·a •· ·be l<adtDi the handicap cate- -perodby-Ken·DeM.,.. ol San -wbicll llad ,-."tile JO')''fot ~ Umi '1'Uea- Frandlco'ii St. Francll Yecbt &PP.M'f:llt luder \. m IJ •.• r lay, jblJt Ut1l!I WU one· o( the Club. and Wlndwm Pwage, down the coul, failed to an-boats falUn1 to answer HI skippered by Mark John9011 of swer the radk> roll call, alon1 radlo. call. Lahlna Yacht Club of Hono-.with two otber members of the Concern for the safety of the lulu, were still believed lead· fleet. ' crew of Malobl, co-aklppered ing in the th1rd day out from It was last July, in the pres· by Sam Berman and Skip Long Beach. tlgious transpacific race, that Jordan"'-the-California Yacht But each had been out of Blackfin accused Windward C~ at 'Marina del Ray, was rad.Jo touch at least once, caus· Passage of rad.loin& false poet· 'erased Tuesday when they Ing some concern among of-lion ttports, caul!llng the for· answered their radio for the ficials monitoring a stonny mer to relu while the Horio-flr&t time-in three days. . ' Soling Race Regatta·· .. DonAro11ow Slated for Weekend ·. i .. .· I E,xec Picked _N~w ~~-.Ti111 ~ fo~_ (jru_~-s ~!~c · B°.aii ng ~roup Te~ .Exp 1 qsio~~ve ,af:,e .. ·f~. ·~ .- NEw ..YORK (UPI) -Some heating units ~1,r lncorJ!O-Burners •ball be ct Ille meo part ct a. air 1ly ~!cal • ol the most pleuanJ cruising rate the foUowJnc fe1tures : chanie11 atomlzlnlwmechan-procts111 IA CXlt&tQllecl •quan- 41Y• or the year are in tl1' (a) A mounting frame which ical vaporil::lna type. (Mfoc:ban. tides for eomtmtlan. Mtcban-. lau ' • · . !cal alomlltng --reltd' lei! .. p/lffzlflg'·-·;rtf"' , when the,ait Js crJsp and , w!ll provide me~ of aecurely to a burner that prepares and to a burner that~" -,cl~, the shofer ~ ablaze fastening the unit to secure it dellv'era the fuel and all or vaporU..1109 ~ the ~I b1 : With_ color from the changing agalnst pitch and roll e:rper-means Of .'Wick type material• .leaves and the almolrt-deserted 'ienced'ln marine. use or by cot1trolled_fflerinf-4UCh , "'.altrwaya provide a rare and (b) Th ts'>· urf• •• Sounder·s !bat DO OpilJue .,, fueJ'ioe to J comforting solitude. e ou 1~ 8 ace ""m-boat motion \Cah occur when . A good anchorage for the ·perature ot ·tfte enclosure or 1 the.npbiac rtlll'Yoiril tilt.. ··night, a hearty meal, th• 'jacket 1hall not exceed ISO '.• AvaiJ -1'..le ed Jn *1 poolU"') 1 beauty of !he ..W.g •un cdegrees (F). aDI I. IJll& ll>llllli ~at slipping below the hOrizon-(c) Electrical wirlng aSJOCi-~ least one foch frOrit · m-:f1' perfect end of a re"~ -~ed with ~trot and opera-Until recenUy, depth IOUnd· burtlble material and · be B B '\{~ ·-, . lion of the urut ~JJ be.or ade--ers were instruments fottnd : a~uately 11UPflried. D.tcta Y ertra m • U uc• American Boat quate Size and Jn!UiaUon. I . and thtif" IUpptrtl all be . and Ya~ht Council poin"! out, · (d) The heating unit shall be <>nly on expemlve yachts. • ~ entlrol:r *"""' Paul Schaffer has L.--n U1ere .111 every possibility provided with an exhaust ·or ~ow, tedmologl~l prt?gress ~bu~lm material .-Unt ~ ~ag~y could citmax such. an flue ·outl,t. which enables a 1 has" reduced ' the9I imJ>9rtant · to ~aUon ~ ~ named acting president oC idyllic day and ofte~ has, s.im· gas-Ught connection to be . boau · tnimeRll J be Ubrt tram · hlgb ·~s Bertram Yacht Corp. a 'Whit-ply because a .cabin healing made for ven?fig to t b'e · and ~t 'to"'p•·--themn .1'h· iaOd:coOOiilom1.of arqi.'linkf.1 '_. .. . sy~ .w.asn't mstalle:d prop-·weather. · ...... -.;-.. WI m . 1 · , .-.1 n. taker Corpora~lon .su~i.diary ;. erly 'or· wasn't , desl8ned for a. Combustion type heatin8 1 reach of the average smalJ .:·tJ moisture, mil~"~ headquartered tn Miami, -Fla. marine use ·ts shall be in 1 boatman. ·a <ta.. , tyJi.~ Schaffer ttplaces. Pete~ Rit-· Too mani times the. haiards ~rupermanent n~e ~1 ~~~r ~e Bemn'ar DI~ depth tR~ -. u~ S:.ti' ~1 ~ 8~ :aster ;hf:> has. re;i1~ • oe·exploaion, fire and gas.leak-The weather teniUnatlon shall dk:ator, for ~pie, cost.a .~ there ia -at least~ ct ~use mcre~~1~g aml!Y qe !H'1'e when the ~abin heat-· be FOVided with a device to -'(Inly f99,95, enabling almost clear s cin a en- busr.1ess r~pons1~1litles. R1t-·er ;s.tumed on to talce the Chill pasdively prevent downdraft any boatman to own one. De-tir;tt unit g . . tma.s 1 rerbl w1U 8 continue to be out of· the cool night air before in the flu1e and pre<:lude en-·~signed SpecificaJlj: for stnaU · · · " ava1 a e to ertram Yacht as turning In. ·trance of spray or rain! 1boala:, it il·compact and accu:; · a consultant. . With an eye . towards the . 3. Where µquid fuel is used, '.rate for soundinc In shallow · · COMPA~"' A member of lhe ~ram . ~ter's safety 1n such situa-, bumen sha!J be of the me-wa.ter. TI!• DAILY PILOT y-. Yacht board of directora. Oom; the ABYC outlines these chanical draft· type which em-The iost;rumen~ ls produced -• -'-r • ..., ~·r, · Schaffer ~as served as safety standards for heating, ploy a power 'drive forei!, ,by the Benmar Divls1on of "'•1 ·•b~t 'Yo11r co•· ' fH• Be~am ':'xecutlve Vice systems: blower, or other mechanism JComputer EqulpJnent Co. of •11Y oth•' 11•••P•,... ....... tho Enihu1iaam -.. the· So11nc Maleh Race Regatta, sp<mared by Bahia Corlnthlae Yacht ChJb and set !of Fri-. day, Saturday and Sunday begins to take final shape. shown tile nfllht ct tile dhmer. Such bot opots 11 the atarts, weather mark aod the finish will be covered phptogaph- ically. President since 1967. 1. Enclosures or jackets of su.pplying air for combusUon. •Santa '.~na. ' ·; , 1 1 6'~f Or•111t • 9~.'~ ~£ KEY WESr, Fla. (AP) --:-;;:;;:;:;;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;;:~~~~;;;;;~;;:.;:;;;;:~;;;;;~;;;~~~;;~~~;;:~:;:;;i;;~~~~~~~~ The Miami-to-Key West • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • ••• •• • • • • • • 11 • • • • ~· • • • • • ~ • • • • • ~·•••it•••'••'''••' ee;" • Forced Out In Big Race Announcement by general chairman of the event, Bob Eutman of BCYC, that the two hottest skippers in this field ln the USA are entered, promises stiff competition. These two sll:Jppers are Don Bever and Elton Ballas ol San Diego. Entered from Alamitos Bay are Barney Flam and JJmmey Jonea. From Newport Be:ach winners in the eliminations art Pettr Parker and Terry Cicero. The host club haa ask- ed BCYC member Allan Kelly and his crew Jim Kerrigan to participate; from Santa _Bar· bara, dillrict champion, Stan- ley Darrow will be at the starting line. ~ There will be a dinner tor skippers, crews, guests and olficlaJs on Nov. 15, Saturday night, at the Oran1e County Airport Reubens restaurant. Reservations are llm1ted. Commodore T. Patrick Dou- gan of BCYC will cover the event in video tape to be Boats may be launched at the BCYC· faclllty, !IOI Bay· side Drive, Corona del Mar. BCYC ' bu increaeed their hoist capacity for th1a repJta to hlbd.le 4,000 lbs., instead ol the former 2,000 lbs. Trophy presentaUons will be' held at I p.m. on November 16, Sunday, at the BCYC club- house. The WALTER POIJO. LAK 1'JEMORIAL TROPHY perpetual bu been rededicat- ed to th1a evenl There will be take home tropldel. Further eicitement on tlle,e ljatea of November 14, 15, IS will be the Coronado 25 Fleet participating Jn their own match race regatta under the sponsonhip of BCYC. Every Southern California Coronado 25 fleet will be re~ resented, five in all, from· San Diego, -Newport, Alam1tos Bay, Redondo Beach and Ma.. rina del Rey. There wlll be two participanb from tbe 5 entered and these partici- pants are the match racers of the~ particulsr fleet. Havasu Race to Provide Biggest Cash Purse Ever Sweetened by a $20,000 should receive more recognl· personal 1ift from outboard lion and compensation for manufacturer Ralph Evinrude, participating· and winning in the 1969 World Champiooshtp their sport. outboard races at L a k e The Lake Havasu race is Havasu City , Ariz., Nov. 2S-30, unique;· there are only two will offer the largest cash others like it in this country, ptlrse in outboard racing's and ~ e into be' . t history. . cam 1111 JUS A total m $50,000 will be within ~ past few months. lt awarded winners this year, is endurance racing, patterned with the top driver taking after similar· type racina now llome $15,000. The total purse stated in Europe and South and the first place individual Africa. At Havasu, there are prize both exceed cash pay-two days of racing, four hours offs at any other boat race, a day, with the driver totaling either inboard or outboard. the most laps over a five mile Evinrude, son of outboard course within the eight hours pioneef Ole EvtnruOe, and declared-winner. chairman of the board of Out· Another feature that makes board Marine Corp., takes an this race different is that lntmse interest in the com· there is only one participating pany's products and their class, regardless of t he perfonnance. number o{ engines used per After witnessing his first boat. Drivers will be buu.lg Lake Havasu race last season, the rugged course in slnale and noting the outstanding engine, twin engine, and mulU- physical performance 0 f engine (three or more} rigged drivers coupled with the con· bulls, but will all be con· vincin1 stamina and durability side:red as racing in one class. of the boats and motors in· volved. Evinrude decided on Last year, wbeD separate classes raced, Cesare Scotti his personal prize donation to of Ib.ly placed first Jn the help ~ease the stature. of single engine class, running an the Anzona . event. Ha.vmg • Evtnrude powered Molinari ~!ways been 1nterested in rac-_ tmll. Ht finished just 45 mg, he also feels that driven second• behind a twin engine * * * 119 Enter Havasu Race LAD HAVASU Ct'l'Y, Ar!L- (AP) -Entrieo cloJed Thurt- day for the ~.ooo Outboml World Qwnpiooshlp boa t races Nov. »30 wtth the list tolaliDi JI I drivers. Robert P. McCulloch Jr., tile race director, aaJd he expecled the winner to averap about 75 miles per hour, or 10 _. tlwl In U8'. ••Engines are much W'1er and the ad-ol nwnmtlll -bulls ,sbould plact the top apeod it many boots at rDlft Iba 1• mph.,'' McQdlo<li aid. . •lie added tlMre wlU be rr -llulll iD the Ha-nce. TMre •lso ire 11 -SWiiier Hydrocata entmd, -to be driven by Kenny wtni bull Scotti l,s racing at Hava111 again this year, and aglin with 11n&le E'rinrude power. powerboat race Friday almost went in lJ\e wrong direcUon, but -after a restart -was won by Miaml a.kipper BUI Wlshnlc.k In his Boos 'O' Novi. Strong 1a .... 1te Don Aronow ·blew an engine tn Cigarette shortly after the event began in Biscayne Bay, forcing the world record holder to the doc kl. Wlshnick aVeraged 6 3 . 4 miles an hour for the 184-mlle chase down lhe Florida keys. His elapeed time was two hours, 54. minutes. The race, sponsored by a French distillery, was pointed north instead of sooth by the starting boat but, after a hall and regrouping, was finally started toward Key West. Robert Magoon finished e- cond"tn Amirea, a longshot en- try powered by four outboard · engines. Fino was awarded thlrd place with Robert Raut. bord at the controls. Dexter Coffin 111 actually wound up third, but his Miss Dexter was disqualified as the craft was not made available for prerace inspection. Ray Garra To Head 25s Group Ray G,arra of B a b I a Corinthian Yacht Club bas been elected to bead the· na- tional Coroad~25 Association for the roming year. Garra bu betn eervinl•OD the association board fl direc- tors since its Inception In 19111 and is a former fleet captain of the Newport Fleet. As a fonner member of Voyagers Yacht Club he was fleet champion two years in a row and bolder ct the VYC Lloyd Massey Trophy and the Pinky Learer trophy. Garra has parUclpated In every Coronado championship and this year placed third ln the national regatta. At present there are over 1,800 Coronado-25s in the water, making it the largest Midget Ocean Raoe Fleet clua. 1be class Is expected to pass the 2,000 mark in lt70. There are 13 active Oeetl!I throu1hout the country and four more will be added soon, Including ooe' lrom the Virgin Islands. The Coronado ~t s Is manufactured by Columbia Yachts ol Costa Mesa in two plants, one in North Hollywood and the other at Portsmouth, Va. Future Plans call foe manufacturln& faciliUe1 in Csnacla and Spoln. I SEE BY TODA Y'S WANT ADS • Ahno&t drivtt by itself: ':ii -Catalina, .... candl~ equip- ped for manuol ...... <ion by- • Old saltJ and )'OVl'll tars ••• Lend a hand , •. Mod. em 20) T yacht needs ,tuU crew ••• •klpPfr, engi- nett, cook, deckhands. tor a home on the rollin& .... • Hll home would be I CM· ti~. tor your king-Loden rreen dub chair and olto. man with down and featb- trs, like new, about hall the ortitnal COit. Kbm ct Brldc<ton. Mo., !he 1• •-who aver•pd 14 mi* atVUlld a low»mlle Clllll'll dllflalaa~pertod. -------------- • 3 DAYS ONLY ••• SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • FRf E MOUNTING/ ' . ''l .·.' I ,4. ~ '· ; \ J. : Now .•. get the tf a~~ll/JI ·,you need to start-" ~sttJp~1'ain7'r s,h.~nl! -. I . • IJ.7ply nylon curd ·· 11Maratboti'''tire ... round ·sbou/deti~i 7. x 4 8 x 4, 8. x 4 7. Sx 1 xi . ' 9. JI; 1 BLACKWALL sin l(I) x lJ' tubeless pllJI Fod. Ex. Tax $1.59. No trade needed. GOOD/fEAll "MOTR-SPINR"BAmRY Flta mNt FOfde.'ll!M, GM.Chry91er,Amerl-Moton, "11!11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIF~RNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ' . YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. I U H NIWl'O•T -541,fJIJ 01 OCEAN AYI. -494-6666 ' COSTA MESA LAGUNA BEACH 1 ' ' • ' • 1 ' • ' • ' , ' ' • f t • • • • • • ' • ' • ' ' • • • • • ' • • ' • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • < • ' • • • • • c • • • • • •• ' • " • • ' J J ! 1 • • ~ .. e .ars -----------------------------·----r - .. ·; : ' . :-· . ' ' ' ' '' ' • WtdntldaY; N"""btr· 12,-1"69·- Guaranteed 30 MQntlls' Nationwide '\ • ,II " ' • ' '• •• ·•~\·i . . .. I Full 4 PLY ·" ·-·-.. , .. ,, . .:. . ~ \ . ' Regular '19.95 Trade-in. Price ' ' ;· T . . " . . .' , ! ·,It f l .•. . 9 ' -. . . ' ~ " ,, t.1 ~,, .. 6.50x13 . ' Tulieleo! · 1 Blacll.w~l4 , , , • ,. " ,I Plu s 1.79 Fed. Exe. Tait . And Old .'l'i'rii .. · . . . . ' e Features patented contour shoulder for safer, more positi ~e cornering control , .. ,. ,' " e Patented interlocking tread' produces thousands of biting · edges for ni~~ sta~tin~. and stopping power . ' ALI.STATE Pa11enser · : ·nre Guarantee· 'i . ·7reaa Lil~ t u,1ran1ce G••••"'". •'huu AU f,,1""'' <i rt.. ,,,. ,;,.it.., r-.,....i ~ "*"'' • •r•«• ·~ ,."'"..i"' -~•h••·. f.oir..Wo• ........ •.fot ibt hf• J * «•JWI m:i£ • • • I ' • ..W ... ;!leon 'lfln D91~11if Mil t~.,.. ruro. at 9D C~·\a ·•-"'ft,~, t• ,.,,h,.,, 'lo(o•~e n ... ttPI""' II di111i ... Ol>IY •he pr(>JIOniOlt of «M•••ttP l•"•ll· ; ... ,..m p)l,if~.um-x_,. 111,. ttl><f' ... ,..ttt.lJli.l:d. ' ' ' · ri~·~ ~~~~o.ul · ' G1urru1tee C•.ir'oli'i•••~l\T~.~.....r. 'r.,; ..,.,.. Loai• l1oe •vllllllr ol -• ap«.ur..i. A O • ST'J';E R111ul•r S•le t"ed; . lZI Trade-111 PriceTriidt·ht PriceExc:Tu · " TUBELESS BLACKWALL ,: '. 6,50xl3 ·'19.95 12.93 1.79 (.35xl4 12.2..95 . 15.93 2.07 . 7.75xl4 . S24.95 17 .. 93 2.20 8.,25xl4 827.9,5 : 2o:<J3· 2.36 7.75xl5 · S24.9> .17.9$, 2.21 TUBELESS WHITEWALL 6.50xl3 · 322.95 15.9.3 . 79 7.35x14 '$25\9 " '-18;93 2'.07 - 7.75'14 827,95 20.93 2.20 8.25x14,. t30.95 23,9 '2;36 .. • ·• I Aok ·~ Ahoulr 11ilu1 5 • .,. ~°''I• e1d1inp (6o die ti1~. -,.pi~ •i:•Mr,i•i""' .,.,,~ .. ..,u, ..,11,01 Pl"i<e '"" fe&nl. bu# T• i.. .. __ulo• folloor!q 1110w_!~ • ' .8.55x14 S33:95 . '26.93 ' 2.57 20.93 2.21 Mo•tlu Co ...... I••• AlWo••u • l!Ol>l~ t«'li • 21 .. 1~ :.:.09i 7.75xl5· S27.95 8.ISx!S "83Q.95 23.95 2.38 • Sears , J Convenie1!5 . ~ \• _ ·1 Credit Pliuia · . Effective W ~d., 11/12 thri.t S.at.~ .ilfl5 8.45x!S S33.95 26. s 2;57 • .. > • • " -• .. • " ' • • • " , .. • " ·' ' ., .. > " • '. ' ' • L )(• ,, ~. • > • . ' SEARS HEAVY-DUTY MUFFLERS • Guaran,tecd for As Lo .. ng As You Own Your Car! Fits These. Cars: 60-67 Pont iac, except Gran Prix 60·67 Ford 61--65 Mercury 61-68 Chevrolet; 60-67 Chrysler 62-67 Plymouth 64-07 Chevelle 60·65 Comet 60·68 Dodge 6'4·66 Mwtang 62-66 Dodge, Dart 61-02 Dodge, Lanc<r 60-06 Valiant 60·63 Falcon, Comet 62-67 Chevy II 61.67 C:Orvair 62-65 'Fairlane 63-66 Runbler . 61·~3 Tc~pes~ . ' .. 5-Way Heavy Duty MUFFLER GUARANTEE lf m~r fail s due to defe(t in mater· ials or worlcmanship or blowotir, ril.sc· oµr or wearo ur, while Original pur- chaSer owns the car, it will be replacc,d upon i-ctufn, free of cltarge. If the de- fective m'uffler was installed by Sears. we will install the new muffler charg·' ing only for -brackets and bolts, if needed. 87 INST ALJ,~ D i . -. .. ' I .-.. .lit<~ ... ·, ' " ' ., " r ". 6-c~t~ ,J 5.· S8 .ac •• cry•ti. 788 ;:.t~~; , Cari \ . . ) .. I·, . I . ' 11 ; • • Pinpointol!'iin vinyl tep1 1vith clear pla1ti1 ; · " Tu 1 Q rear windOW• . . " ~, '· ..... ·l:l~":I '· r ~.~~~-•1 C d ~ • 1teinfOrted;on inli<le with wlterprqof, cOtton · , I • ....:. J ',,, ro1n 8 • on eneer • Heavy duly ruat.tt•iltant zipper e Rotor • Spark Plugo _ . _ • For·A."?.:rfc~~·m•a\ ~·" ,onlr!. • e ·~or to in.tall above parta . .. . • E.,.."fillr1auation avail•blo! . , " " - -~ --~--- -~ - - - - - - - - - --.. - - - - - - - - -:- - -... --- --l.,-r-- - --- -~''l --." ltll!U';.UKfA 8'4400, 521·4530 llMONIE GI 3.3911 --lONG lfACH HE 5.0121 11co 'WE 8-4262 . ' SAHTAANA Kl 7.3371 ,, TOl!"!'Cf~'2·151,1 " • ".t·' ' •C~ ,.!K 340.0661 GlENDAll Of 5· 1004, Cl 4·4611 OlYMPIC & SOTO AN 8·521'1 f>OMONl ED 2· 1145, NA 9·5161 , YU 6·675 1 SANTA FE Sl'llNGS 944-8011 u•lAHD 9U· 19l7· L .~NE'6·2581, NE 2·5761 HOllYWOODHO 9-59'1 ·OUNG£637-2100 • • ; '· ........ S•~AMONfCAEX '·67•11'.·.l -VAll!Y•P0.3·8'61. 984·2'120 "I' .l!..'-.'9"6.o6U---INOllWOOO OR .8·2521 PASADENA 681·3211, 351.421 1 " • !>PUTH COAST l'lAV.-'40·33l3 " VIU\QNI Pl 9.1911 • , ~-------------------~--~ ---------------~~~~-~ s~,;J Nl9hb Mondoy thr~ugh Saturday 9:30 AH.. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M. mu.a01111CK A1111 co. , "Sati;facti~n Guaranteed or Your MoneyB~c~" ·• • • .. -• • ' ~ "'" ' ' .. ___ __.. ___ _:........_ ' •• t ;,:. ) --' \ \1 1 1 1.' I· ---------------~-·-... --~---·. I r ---. t I • \ .. ' : I I • p DAILY I'll.OT la':T•..,',~ , .· ' -. • . . . -PlayhO~~:·RollS a'Seven -' r , W.ith 1/;is~ l'~g~ Comedy I • q. DltJL Y PILOT 11111• ...... .'HAPPY.TIME -John Ferzacca s~s Joan·WUlr· · ""sobn off her feet, literally, in ttiis scene frot,n the Laguna Playhouse's.icomed)r '''t;lf~On1y Giune: in ,f' Town." ·' Serious Far~e . " That's OCC's New Show "The trick is to pla1 farce the show will be 1 "refreshing ~o that it comes off hilarious change of pace," after a aeries only to the audience -to the of heavier showa whkh .in- actors. it is deadly serious. If eluded ''The Devfls," "The you can play it that way, yoo Devil's Advocate" tind "After will have very funny farce in-the Fall." . · 1 deed." "You need especially iood Orange Coast College drama actors to play farce," Hofland instructor Jack Holland was fiaid. "This show·was,dilficult discussing the OCC production to cast." of ''The Chemmy Circle" by The lead Win be ptayJ! by Georges Feydeau. The French Kermit Christman, a veteran bedroom farce will be staged of many OCC shows who last Nov. 19-22 at 8:15 p.m. tn the look the lead in the Holland OCC Juditorium. product.ion or "_The De~U~." The play, being presented "Kermit finished a scene the for only Ille second time in the other night and he was drlp- U.S., has been entered by ping wet," Holland .aaid, "jwt Holland in the American from the movement demanded College Theater Festival. and the necWity to thirik IO Holland said the show puts fast." great demands upon the casl. ln spite ~ these . dem'nds, "The play goes with the speed. •tolland • said the play is of lightning. 'There· is great strictly for ~njoyment. physical demand upon the "There is "9 messagt," be cast, and they need tremen-said. ''It poses no problems, doos vitall13'. There is never a there are no .modern .. ·~ letdown." . . situations.' .;l'he only menage Holland said that for him , is 'come atiead.aild laugh.' " ACROSS 1 Footwear 6 Clothing accessory 10 Make co111pl!tt '!4 l!xtr 15 F'aclual 1& A111trTc1n nov11Jst 17 Modify 18 Lore of tht USA 20 "Vive It _, .. 2:1 One on the same side 23 Famed sports cup 24 Disciple 26 Brll evablt 28 Reductd ln intensity 311 Demonsb'I· tivt n rd 31 Worked for an arli st 3Z Ballplayer 36 Timttabl!' abbrtvlaUo• 37 Kind of fruit 38 Mllil!fJ 1111ldress: Abbr. 39 Reduced In length ~Z Gtoup of • plotters ,. .. 4 Rt•OVI' .... t it:islmct • • 450ntht · cool side 46 Occupy place of authority 49 Cathedral · fea.lurt SO Se l bounds lo 51 llr. Mikita ~Z Man's nickname 55 Pl ainly 58 English· born actor &O Bundle bl Wickedness b2 For the reason th at 6] Ice vehicl t 64 Diminish 65 Finished OOWH 1 Symbol on 11ottd fla g Z Sport 3 l1ors d'oeuvre 4 A.scot 5 Grattd lrafshl)' atalnst l Thtalrt seal 7 111ultl\ude ,B Take lO COL!fl 9 Possessh•f word lG Par ts ,, buildings ' " ' !~11 ...... ~+--+-- lh;;-t-t- ' " -. ' ' , . 11'112/49 11 "· -at tt11r JS· Many:, Gfflc"t": · · f!refir 2 ward$ 1 11 Gl6bult 12 Fornier 40 Owfll Cammlf 41 Sternlype~ grtal 42 Ce1t1ln , 13 S111allrst Asians quantity f l 'T»nie: 19 Thal Is: 4S Prol1sslon1I LaUn: 111an: Abbr, 2 words 4& Freshman 22 Coal stav1 cadet' fe1ture 47 Strive 25 Amerlcll'I ta egual Indian 4 M1n's name 2" Comblnat10l1 49 lrlllnt ol tonn kls1nillltnl Z1 Actor 5i 0Pt"nlitg Calhoun 51 Formtrly 21 Dot's lh~ 54 Secondhand sa .. e 56 State: Ahbr, 29 "ftubb ish!,.. st US govt. JO Number carporale 32 Feet agency: 33 P\ateao Abbr. 34 Valuiblt 5t -bl11tt slOi.e • or rouge II BY '!OM ;rrrvl ... ..., .......... can , h1ppy-1c.1oc1cy p1 ... pJoJOr' lll!d hjlppinW wllh· • oldllilh ·cliorlne In the cnen • &11 lWl&I• "' the . ~ v .... Slrlpt Appamttly, but they have to work al it. 1bey work at it with ham· mer ·and· toni• In. "The Only Game in Town," an interim production of the Laguna· ''TMI OMLT•e.t.MI IN TOWM". A eon'lltdY 11Y Fr•'* Gii.of, dlndetl llr .1ot1n Fitruc.u. del""9d by J1met WtJ;on, lletlllM llY L.,ry Old«, Mlllnd ..., Joe D.t lllono. ,,.ntrlted !Oflltl!t ttllWlll l•fllnliW 11 tl'te L•1u11to-Moul- tW'I 1"11rllou~ • t..Hune C1n~on 1119". IA-BMdl. • • "TNI UIT Fr111 W111!tr ............. J01n Wul!IJ9M Joe Grtdr .............. Jolwl fffllCCI lhal'nlt J, ladr..cl ...... o.oll lllllff Moulton Playhouse which runs thla week only and deserves a kingtr engagement. The script by Frank ("Sub- ject Was Roses") Gllroy is a strange but heartwarmJng mixture of comedy a n d drama ,·often played ~Ultaneously. With the ex· ~ptton of one .Jfl!ne, it is a two. character play and lt proves an ·attracUve showcase for the talents of Joan Wulf- sotm and John Ferzacca, who """ directod. They •re a mismatched set -he ls filp, casual and disanningly honest; she is morose, retice nt and dishonest, even with herself. These char1ct.erisUcs change but liWe ·between begiMing and end, yet somehow a workable union. is achieved. TWO.LOSERS They beifn as a couple of losers in the mecea of all losers. "We're both hard up for affection," he observes on the way to the bedroom, and though his candor infuriates her, she yields to the truth of the situation. She has an infrequent lover from San Francisco, but in· vitts the piano player to stay with her -"for immoral sup- port." be observes. When the third member of the triangle arrives and forces her to make a choice, it is an emo- tionally agonizing moment - wealth and security balanced again.rt a "no strings"· ar- rangement with a probable l0&er: Miss Wulfsohn, who gives a fine performance throughout, is at her best ir1 this sequence with the brutally pompous businessman, well played by Geoff .Jilker .. lgdeclsion, a dif. ficuJt emOtion to convey, is rendmd poign&1Uy a n d tnllhfully "'"' and I I omptoyfd .u the keystone of her character witll insight lll!d skill. FLIPPANT Poundin& on that wall of self pity is · Fenacca's fiippant, easy going . character, who makes IJWe headway in bring- ing her over to the sunny side. of the street, but wl!\! the day -nevertheless. Fen.acca plays the·role with 'a bl'ffiy noncha1ance • w h i c h oc- casionally approaches delach- ml!nt but which zeroes in dramatically at the right moments. To&elher they create a curious paradox -the girl dreamtnc of. security, y~t frightened ol commttmenl; lhe man eschewing i. casual relationship, yet growing roqts just When be sprouts wings. Strance bedfellows, to be sure, but 1;be rapport between them is gtnulne and empathetic. "Only Game" ls fresh, w,rfn and appealing, Ind will ring 1J110 to anyone who baa ever pm.bled wltb money or emotiaos. It plays for four more performances only, clos· ing S.lurday, at the new Laguna • Moulton Playhouse, sos Laguna Canyon Road, Lasum Beach. Soµgfest At Forest Sing-Out Y ""'I 0-.tlon of Orqp Counly, • local llJ1linl lfllllP illll appear<d .. the t.levlled/ ":I'ribote to EioeMo!rer" speolll, w 111 pteH:nt a ffH concert at Lake iiomt 5unclay 1n1m i to ~ p.m. Tllo Sil\l-Out group, with over a members. is SU(.>P?rted solely by dooatloos. They have hJ"11Jl!hted li>c:al PT A pro- grams. u well as numerou.! Scout-Q.Rama11; and have given performantes at Knott's Berry Fann and the American Legion. The group also save • con- cert 1t Lake Fomt a (elf wMb ago. Sunday's program WHl"bt: held It the Like Forest llllll•t Btach and rennts Club. I - ·~--------- . t . I 'lienr~' Goes \_} -~ Modern :_ for Broadway By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK (Al') -A freaked-out "Heney •V'' mer~ energetic than effective open- e4 Mond~y 1 t;tlght at B"roadway's ANTA '11:1eater. All sorta of stunts are used to gloss old Shakefpeare with right.riow t,heatrlcallty. 'ft)e work-shirted cast romps in pre-sbo\J stage w,1 r m v. p , scrambles around the scaffold setting and tosses kiddie-discs. The drama then unfolds with the kind of cheeky anachronisms upon w h i c h Tyrone Guthrie dotes. The em- battled forces of France and England clash t.1 a mishmash melange of medieval and modern military garb. Princes parade rorth on steel·.spring l!ililt.s. Every scene la an- nolinced wllh slogan_ a la Brecht. Just so the groond1inp won't miss the 1969 signifi- cance of it all. Agincourt s preceded by a stageful of Brit- ons flapping their arms .with hawkish shrieks. So where are we with all this? Lost m~t of the way "in a boggy. tiresome void. Direc- tor Michael Kahn ~ only developed his concept in sheerly visual terms without sustained Inner significance. The text has been tampered with in. minor degree: only. Historic events aren't disguis- ed or re-Ilium.bated by such zonky hubbub. -6hiUJrew~.B~ Slated i11 f:l4&ttnti Youngsters fhm the ages of • p.m. • ~· .. '1"' ri ·' 8 to 18 have been Invited to Min 1tllan ' ~141""; and auditions Sunday for an teenagers. will ,be-DMidld for BClb Hope will be ~ original children's Christmas the play which 'W"ljwdltlp by In I.Ong 1'tadt TJ\undar .. • play, ''Goldilow . and' the Rarriel Bruter M~U . KJ111 d ' ComeflY,I~ Three Bean;" to be pre>en~ The lij!hlheaited fai!W, will 11n alil· wortci' ~-adorlo( by !he First'Nlghters ... mary be ·dltded by !ti"· .ll<Con· ·Good • Wlll at. Ji-· iii.ttlncmal of t h e La g una·Motilton nell, uslsted , ,by ~a c y banquet In the Ititernatlanal' Playhouse. S.rtorl~. · • · ~ , ::rnt Ba"-m -Ln •• 7 • .:.f'y•• u... . Audi Lions will be held in the Although the audiUcm ,sµn.. Ult.IV w -u..: ...,. • ._ ~ Festival Forum Theater OD day wil.f be held in the F-6va1 tel. • , • • ., Ibo Festival ol Ads groUndl, fonun, ~ will p The •ld-nootd comic, a KING· PF COMEDY llO Laguna Canyoo Rood, ably be held l1>'11!e-ialt&nal -of•pi,land, will be the Bob Hope Laguna Beach, from t p.m. IO n>001 of the Play-.' first-.,._ to have a suite---------!;::;:::,=====""=======:;:::===;;; aboard the Queen· Mary na.m- ed ln bhi honor. other ac- colades will comi f r o m C6ri.1ress, the .State 1'<sblall\IO; !he City of Loni Beach ind .. the •polll!Jl'ing Downtown !Ang Be 'a ch Aasoclate&... • Tile-Ceieniony. titar.111\1 .. 7 p.m., comea\durin.g a·typically busy wee~ 'for • HQPe &mid televiskit.1, 1 p e c.l 'a Is and p--1..-• Jiii . 28th Christtna'1 treK ·lo entertain Gls, this lime. in 'BerUn and ' South Vietnam. Sen. George1 Murphy (R., Calif.) wW present Hape with a bronze plaque mounted on wood from the Queen Mary. The inscription In raised let· ters -The Bob Hope Suite - will adorn the passageway to d e I u x e a c commodations aboard the retired Cunard liner w~ the ship Is opened as a hotel, convention center and Museum of the. Sea nut year. Other suites are expect. ed to be named for Winston Churchill and English royalty. A Congressional citation will be presented to Hope by Rep. Craig Hosmer (R., Long Beach); a State Legislature commendation by Sen. George Deubnejian and ~mbJy •. mart Jamei Hayes ; a key to the City of Long Beach by .Mayor Edwin W. Wade, and the Delba Award from Perry Maxson, president o{ l!iOClates. Anne to Guest ~--..RarP"Hd SntE~tl TONIOHT AT llCIO ,-,M.: HELD • • J ~ eNewlm.T_..,,~ 1 ¥'-. , .. ., ... c.iw . •~• !-\'" -a a.. "HOW· 'J"01'dD1Sei~ •-4 PLAYBOY" .-, •. . ,, ~ '"· "'" ~ '1"1• ·t::-:::. ':";." . FREJ PARKING OVER -· . r · .. · WINNER OF 3 ACADIMY. A\IV~S"'. .. "A BKILIJANT FILM.NOT TO BE MISSED!", -- ' ,, Compared to some recent makeovers of . the b a r d , "Henry V" Is a half·way, hesi· tant venture thal hints what HOLLYWOOD (UPf)-An,nel;==========.11 more daring might have Baxter will P I a Y a gues£- achleved ln one strangely sur-star rOle in an episode of Ray. realistic war scene and a mond Burr's "Ironside" disturbing pageant of death,_teJ~ev!s~-io_n_ae_ries. masks. The company settles for uniform competence.. Le n Cariou as Hal ls Kirk Douglas. G. Wood's Ezettt, lhe herald by Tom KlwiJ, Joseph Maher's Welsh captain and Robert Jackson's Burgundy are interesting. while Roberta :h-1axwell is a most pert princess. The production by t h e American Festival Company was. done last summer at stratlord, Conn. The two-woe!< repriae now ts part of. the regional company series being 1taged under ,auspices of the Amertc&1 NaUonaJ Theater and Academy. Ringo Turns Soloist on· New Recbrd LONDON (AP) -Ringo Starr, tfie Beatles' drummer, is turning singer on a solo record or his favorite stan- dards. including suchlold hits u "Night and Day." John Lennon, Paul McC.,rtne.y. and George Har- rison also plan individual albums, or are thinking about it: :But Mavis Smith of Apple1 the · BeatlM' company, gave this assurance to any anxious fans: · "It doesn't-mean the Beatles art breaking up or ·anything llke 'that. Its just that they like to do some things on their own." rungo said the songs he's recording ".are songs that 1 associate with nice thlngs, and that is why I chose them ." Among his selectlons are "Autumn Leaves," "I'll Be Seeing You,'' and "Love is the Swtttest Thing." The arrangements are by lop American leaders, in· cludl!tg Count Buie and Billy May. Whether Ringo will join in on the drums as well as doing the vocals was not clear. An album by Georg~ Har· riaon is st.ill In the early idea stage. "I thought of doing an album of 'my own mainly just ot get rid of all the sings I've got stack~ up,'' he saJd. "I've got such a backlog, and at the rate or doing two or three on a Beatles album where Lennon- McCart~y songs are much more numerous, I'm not even going to get the ones I've: done out for three or four year.!l." Lennon and McCartney have alto stockpiled 1011g1 Ill recent months. ~se will be featured on one of two aJl.Bfatle1 albums pl1nncd for 1 t '1 0 release. r T odoy's Final Stocki T odoy MTHB CHRISTMJIS TREE" -·-·-~• PLUS THE GREATEST ClASSIC EVER MADE f~.!..~=t DAVID LEANS F1M .!1;"'!-DOCl'OR ZH1mGO • HM'nSIOJt MD WTllXCUll JULll CtjlllSTll -OMA.It SHAltF 2ND HOLDOVER WllK 2nd TOP FEATURE Ni,l'ONAl GfNlllAl P1(1'u;1s .... ... MA;~ QO~so .. Pll('DU(TIO"I 'D~D'DYS Go"NE ~-HUl\l"T.l\l"'G EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING IN THI WW:STMINSTIUt Cf:NTl!'f • Starts Wed., Nov. 1·9th ....... ..,__.edi ....... "The Unci.feotecl'' .,_ ""' ,._ , .. " .., Now Thru Tuesday ......-ltfttrlftftr Hlfftllt ••• ,.. '°""'1111•,-la• 1-. ri•," "Me· · · ' ... ;" ........ Natalie"' rm:G!I . . ' . ' ALSO THIS GREAT f.!1'1'1~~; .,. ~ 4 • •• --PAC~ib·~ ll'i'T;l!IC! Ir II :t#!~ . ' . 1't1 1ut10, wlil1..S .... 'ff--~,_ "MACKENNA'S GOt D" CM> I ,.. • •' _....,.._,_,..._..,.. __ ~'GUNS' Of 'ffte1 MAONIFtCENT SEVIN" ~ . \ C.....,._,.._.,. -J .. let1 Wolter ' • ·•11UMBER ONE" (Ml ~ .,ip , . • ..... Mite----..,.,llMI' · "YOUNG -BILLY• YOUNG'' CG) • ............. ~ .. ~··~· ' ,.._ -l!E9 .. ,, ,' . . \ ........ ~ c.,.... ., ..... , . . ' l11totltfM!lt , .. . l it1 Mi""1lli Wtnd1.N h1to" ''THE STERILE CUCKOO" CM> '"·-llt 1:41<p.91 ... _J "" J1c;k \.•'"man W11!.r._ M11th111 ''THE ODD COUPLE" ~.,..w· ,... A411ts r J • .... • ._ ..... , ....... . S... CM.try~ ...... M..,. "DARBY O'CIL' AND THE LITT~E PEOPLE"' (G)' . ~Ill If •'-" ,..,,.,,vt ' "SMITH" , \G) " r ................ -·~"LAST SUMME"'' (It) ' ... "' ' ...... c....i -~lit 'l.\-4 "si11 trro" IR> ~ ., " ... I• '., .... , :b11:io\.~ ~lw111: "PARANOIA" !XI .... . JlllCNA.111. liAlllAUIN OAYLI NVMNICUTT "E'Qi OF THE CAT" (M) 1"11llf'ftl'f "' t.111 ..,,.., " wm-..,. MIMJtil, ( ' . ' ' t I I I I I I c t c ( ' • I I .< I l c • ' ' • ' • I L -' • • • • • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • • ' ·-------_____ ....,,....._ ____ _ W......,, Novtmbe!, 12, 1969 DAILY ~!LOT 3f, Biii ~•Y ~speelal "!' c:::: -- NEW YORK (UPI) -:'lbt , :of• the cut. of 11111 ;•en- ·-1''6 ~euttB'· Cast ~'--, By BOB_ ~:.. and I don't koo~ what It's all · H"" YWGOD (AP) J "about. I hope they are deliver· 'h f v~ .._ • ~ • lna-a lot. of problems on that tr "Hey,,ffey, Hey\-It's Pa& ahow'i I'd like them lo take · 'F'1:c~ Albert' Rides Toriig~t • ., n\ldtet oi: OO• -tUJOn'a off · tertainmt.nt" with mu 1 I c·'' Brto<lwty · ~ hu dool wear an)'lii\I at all much about the bUS!ett wordrobe of the time. ' ~ in town. Wilh a hit on their hands, the .cast throws itaelf en. Albert" .. televlaloll ·~· car< <I the problems about T U aod b1a ad\'ent'JlW'D another 1 ~· 1 1,::~~~l:J':...:' ~".:!~·~'.::.~·~' ::"~~ -in '~ rimarkale -'11t·~14ike 1ay, '9ombal' and I. It la ijl!ch. and ir<o, mend tlllelaltically lllfo .111 work, 11111 lau!iller: fUltllb ond •!Id ·11111 , ldlvlly la mlected . ,.furbilh for Jou t.ucu; Wbo· baekatai•. · · .... 1n:tt 11191'tlle .. ai ''Ob Mii4,Luclf. a bthlnd-t.i•f" It !be ) i •I. ap. , l<eJ!OI·. ••t«an wl[O ha 1 ,~, ,_, . In . wtijbtea clown Trb-with --.,." ~ wm«' and tpean and boldd . "I .<I/'~/ lot pOtple p J ID . With lfia. and. '°""'""""" 11.,o fooldni ·.llckJ • aid dootor fot the M-ll1an Mlis Lucaj, uncll-bJ Opera eonipany and helped · thi r .. t lhit 11>1' 10 D\eiilhen =rr~= ' • • ~· --In bejlalf ill her 'Ml>il"l·ah' ·, ,r.:;:.1o ~. than : ever ...,..., • '~ The prtliclpOI -of ) dothllal In -..-In . Set n~ :1 . "Ob! .. Calcutta!" · is tO bO ~?"" .. , ,; removed.,. Soq.itti~ ~be l " . "• • , I ~~ l!liel Gfl'llieir...,, In ~ d, · ...,....,nt lllilf•Coit Jt illaOt. Oli ·' r ye , 1 , '"'••'5loo ~rip~ o11. • ' " .... ai>Otlllr. lfl: ,their' ""1«>us 'l1M ann , c o ~'ll. t,. ~·1 de • ~roacbeo IO 'llmulalell (ape presenel!On· of '16i"M' ... iah" or [leduCtJ6n,1 • -· by Hmt.T baa ~n id>eduifi4i• . M!atever Ille t~~d career of.BW Coolly_. 1•otmer Pyle.' lloth concerned ~ of Army ... or Marine Oo an NBC s~ lon!pt, ,,.. We, but each Ms a dK· Colby· ,will. l'ICOWll 1ho •JIOC' ferllll polJit (If view .. Nol Iha! • tao111r • ,i-.a~oL.hia..:.~.,..,....,.-myiea~to ' cblli!Mod pal, Fat ~·in . . Pyle.• . , aalmitod form, ThUI COiby "C<llb)i'• approach to the "''" f!;u ,&QDI. &oln JiilhtclQ~ com-l·leriel conf\Jsed some of the eldiu to television cuat · .tetevblon critics, who couldn't ~ lo dramatic jefli!a aadentand wily the first show •tar-'"} .Spy"'-to Comedy didn't -putJ hlm iit the 1eriM and D!>W animation. · clauromD ~ com e d i a n Nm, feall!ro pldures; ~ ~ NBc's selec- Altbough ht .semll to be UOD' ti the first episode, not lobW ht all directJona -he becaule it failed to portray also plays Las Veg~ and con-him u" a teacher but because cert datea -ColJ>y Claims he be felt it was not one of the ii atrlvlng lo almpWy hisl!·~besl;~·~sho~lf~'~· ~~3!'ifi~ll caner. Earlier t!lla ~ he divuted hlmloll of partner• who hlii establlahe;d • ,cor· poraUon lnwJved· Ill all klndl of entertainment ventwv. ~-...-:a; "I've done away, with tbe,bll· office in Beverly Hilb, and the oAJLV PILOT s11ft '""" branch offlcia in. New York and ,Amsterdam and Rome," '°' A\',., W'o1; ~ 1.,,1 ;i;.,,~ '-.j>g~l_ Uf.e of -tlae Part11? 4 p.lll;; ae die ~ fl'Ol\I ' the · """'!Inf ma I I ' , • . .. ,' • , Drl..-1!' CllllJ'cb II ~· ·~..=:~:~~~·Z\IQ!tn Moran turns a dinner date into a wake with teary reminiscing of his wife Gf'O\le; . . .. ., ' the ptrfortntri Ire m colored. (~ cpUd,-en in this scene from the Westminster' Community Theater's produc .. he mused. "I don't need all Iha!. ~ I waiit.f• dO 1a,1aw , this teleVi.ilon series, and a couple .. ·o1 ·,D>OVies We are · committed''·· for. and some speeialS, including Fat AlQert. The' '}lerformane< · llf lhe liu!r •II ovor.' . . ; tlon of ''The Odd C<>U~le," opening Friday. Comollng ·him are Coreen Taylor Chrlttmls . >ll<ttoll • of tJie ¥lal µ.w not oo)y. reoain 7 ~'"-(l_eft_):_an_d_C_a_r_o1_· Q'-w_nl_an:"..-· ------------------. ' oratmio Js ·~ lD' the lht :ri to the coslUmes ->r Choral OoodUClOri .. GUUd .i btlt" : • . . hwra at the · , .! Oran;e County ..a , will .be n u g bo'1100d laundromat 'Ad ' x R • E undo ••-d' "--of D . domg up the welhables, in-VOC8tC 'at"ngs ncourage· r ..,II!; 1rec~1 , . , r. eluding 1hetts and towtll used ... • " ."And I'm overseeing th* ' · things myself. My bluest mistake in'-tbe put wu·in let· li111· other. -I• dO llllngs that pertained lo me. It iJISI doesn't work that .way. You may think 'that yOiJ'.re' a~ttlng Warren M~, ~Of In playfUI 1tetche1 in a 1 . , ., ' ·, • m .. 1c .i lb!~"" CG\llllt bedrogm and a .......... cb · Audit1onrng p h · F ·z ? :r11oo1~~denathe#=· la~tory~ is very dif· ' . ornograp ic l: ms. a manager, but later you find out that he really wants to be ,. CMcna~1£11un:i. !etetll," sbe explained u she •At La · G: W~· 'Blldtt, who tjdJt<t ·up alter a iocent, ,/:. . guna WASHINGTON (AP) -The 011an1Md M=1....,.. performanno. "With a sljow. '. . . !Jim industry's 5eU·imposed tywlde " · • ·JI ·years with only to people, tt ts com. · -T be L 1 g u n a • Moulton rating system has resulted In ' ap ~· , · ~ · -· ~. ii tbe paratlv'tly ~-on C06tumes: PlayboUse 'Yill bold auditions a rash of p 0 r n 0 g r 1 p h i c 1e11eral , , , ' Oliuibt When ~,. belt about the Sunday night !or 11$ !orthcom· Kori Hun~. ·ot O.pman nudUyt m ~.show, they a a y .1ng production Dor• Sc"'•ry•s movies, says the president of Collqe ·d 1 lll4 °""'111· U!il we "90'l need any coo-' ' -the 75-lhealer Walter Reade ~ .. ~ --• J · · ~but ·~"11 not '-"Th• D • v i I ' s ••vocate " '-"Wi!Ul. . ..., a t,e e e:.t • d . 1.11t1~ -~· pu , • Organiiatlon. chamber iif c-·"It' a llJU-tlma Job keeping director . John Fenacca 1 an· "This porOolll'•PhY has not cam_, ly ~'JY}hlnr clean and.mended. llOUnced today. two bWlc54 ·· ·-tO tie -1.-.-uay ii my bid day. 1 ar· A 1 . , • t gone begging," said Walter drawn .'f#\ ~ ira • r r{9-: at 10 ot 11' in the morning cast 0 rune men and wo Reade Jr. "Exhibitors all over Chon.I' CO:DduetorS G u l r°d and don't Juve· until 11 : 15 ·or women is requi~ for the I.he country, hiding behind the merRberi.i"' r t,it . ;1 ll:IO, a(ter ·t!Je show. Thi! is drama, based oR the best implied shield of the X rating Tbe AdVent program of the . the ~y I 'run tWo or thfte seller by Morris L. West. have renounced· their personal •1Meuiah" draws lts 'ltngera loadl throdlh-the washing which tells of a priest sent to responsibility or the films tram a Cl'OSI ,Mdlolt<'·lrf all machine and check evef)'thing investigate a de.ad man's they choose and play." ~-~ and C t h 1 . that ...,.. back from the .. ,__ . a o I c cleaners.'' ' claims to sainthood. Reade told the NaUonll a .producer. Jt's hard to fin,d tensor.ship based on the rating those who want to oontintie of a film. doing the· same work 'they're h1Md to do ... , ' t . " . "Newspapers all over the Cosby came to this rtallia· country -San Diego, Reno, lion last April, when be ;~u Okl&boma Cily, Phoenix, In· schedul!C\ to begin p,oduCtlon dianapolis, Miami,. tn .Several pn his NBC weekly aeries. He Illinois towns .to llanfe a few -discovered that others were have decided that X·rated -dolni: tblnga that pertained to. I films . can no longer be ad. him and, ht UlOught, 4oipg · I vertlsed on their pages. In them badly. He ended bls some. cases they have also partnership and · took over reflised any editorial space to ''The Bill Cosby Show" as tX· these films. · ecutive productt. "Now in the past we've run His concept or.the Show:· Into cases where apeeific ads "Chet K l n c a I d (his or tiUea were unaccer,table character) Is first o[ all a but never before this Ii anket human' being. The fact that ,he blackball and·never before bas makes hia living as a - CHARI.TOK ' HESJOll . .WAIJ'E ... ~ '':@llllaill-=i-tUlbi'll!!lii U.111•tr1••. • , .cburtbu an~ ~ ~ ~ual out. The cleaning bill for the 10 Tryquts ~ scheduled for Association of Tb e a t e r ; pourln( of feOOwlhlp throuah Jong white hethrobes thal are 7.-. .-. ,~-,._ ~~--L-• ="•·•a r ((If ,,_._ =ullc ~eatcal ... Jllll_._,,.... .. ......,..... · · · -. · ..... ,--• • . • -• r "'' " ' 1btd,ln tbo,opt1111l1 number .. room • or ·ui• p{.· iXli ' 'OS 'that .,..., old code ... ',r;,.;,.,, i~ . !So Y "• Jailure. , ; ~ ~-=w 11'ral-fnasi--.;~1__1tii-m~riient a aid ~a Canyon Road, Laguna He --Aid, newSpePlfl! ad the ban been e1~ed t{» scboolteaCber la. strlcUy Irr ,. ..,_;,,...~11..,.Jib,jft:Kh cover · the newt coluJllDll as cidefttai: He could ht a truck J ' ~ w~~l as the·advertlsiug ~-dr!Ver or a garba(e collector; . This, l suggest, 1.t the it wouldn't matter. • ; doni, lrl>m , \Ill ~•;tSJJi!i IM eltanllfg bills!' btJt I Beach. '!'¥ play will°"'° Jen. .iedltt-lalcf 'televllloa sietfOilJ • lild 1'111 'II' ~ a,t a con'~ •eftd the company .on Slot a,two-weel< run.Tuesday~J~avi . Imposed a Joi:m or ~t result of. the COde end . ~·tblr 11· nOt1 i 1hoW about a J-. ' ;. c _..J_I ...., . rating system that was to save school 'and aome of the · Uii:3JvVn3t•V\e"IJBI &xbl·TmNdlie. ll1 from censorship;" Reade 'tad •t' h ·him · trnocL ""'....., _...~,....;,.p.,,lit ~....r<:lm<lf<f ,.._..,..,.i., • Iaterrdate. •,: ·'' ' '_]. ~ • • ,ataal•dfrty/' .Miss Lucas' said. throu1n Saturday. adVerti.!ing and e d 1 tori a I said. "It should also be noted ' ~egmen on even s ow ·.,.Jd:" Nid'ds (kMdLonge: AlvinSorgent IJ,AlonJ. Pokulo Fred Karlin that this bin ... ·i!r pracUced m ~ cluaroom .. One show ~e -"9'~Soo..-,,.,...,..'*"".-1,1~~:.o.&M.,..........., ... ....; !Al by a growing number of TV ~ant ,to ·~•Y away, from 11 ~ti&.:~~· 119 =~-=-: and radio stations across the Room •. I haven t 1ttn it, . . , .... -ti .. .. l ,, ------~-----_ ... ,,. it is 1'cut'1 with IUpr or in fact uy 'Wllito powdel to mike tht 111ppJi ~andthu&makelheulo -irofttoble to 1he ...... When nwle by am*"" imdet aoaanitary conditiom, c:ontamina- tioll ii--~ thoC<lllllllOD. side dfecb bf:iDa able Clll'I, blood ~ ud hopatitis -.... *'lie '"'"""' So tllf-'lcll JllO-f-11 f-with halh llhY*-1 aodfi1 li..x...-1a.--i,. lllO """"11 lieok. • .__,.. .. _•r Aoooldlllcto_...,._.. ""° , are wortia1 with cllmeot -to holp addica -tH babi~ there ore tbne bolic ..,. -can tab la copillc with !loo -mi dnlJ ,__, -Gd tile,..,,"" """' ...,. "" mlly Milll IO 1""Ple· F-. Not-,. .. El t COlllltltr !lw·"'1dcll ,,,_ ...... T ..... -a.-huoilOll it_,, __ __ 'nMl ,_,,,,, •••. <ht ... """" -(Ol/WI Iii ~ -_,,. __ ..., ..... 1 ..... ,.. ..... ~ .. jLtz ~Q ... ns'I Sf."'* IO .. ,... ,.,,.. .,, --·· ---.. " I >c ,..,.Hitt •• • . . 1 . ' -... I country." The X rating means youngsters -the age limit varies from 16 to JS ~pendi"ll on the community -are not to be admitted to see a film. But, said Reade, "we all know how few youngsters get turned away from X pictures. We all know how many times the X has been used to add to, rather than to reatrict the potential audience. " .. ~, ' ... ftMft Jl --r. r;X ": • Wllft-H.el .. -Yl1ni• 'Usl #'Th• Chrl1tma1 Trn" . .. ''If lt':1 Tuesday, It Mu1t Bo Belgium" wntt , ....... PltKh.rt. C•"-...,., 1:• P.M. FD•••ji'iliol.!TH SoasT l'!LAZA THllA'l'lm ""Dlip f-11-• 546-2711 HELD OVER IOI OfflCI OPlllS 6•41 tHOW STARn 1 P.M. A toldl O'lllnley ... I •eap O'llatlc ·-. I For Top Spom Cov~l'Age ~ 1 -Read the DAILY F!i1,0T ,. Dlcll Y• DP• .lack t.wt .... & Weltw "'""""' 2H 9t HUNTINITON ., ' 2 ... et HAllOI "SOME KIND OP NUT" "THE ODD COUPLE". lUE,HONE 541,,)5_~2..fil, IN!'OIMATI~ . TWIN SOUND SHOW . "THE FILM PULLS . NO PUNCHES! AS ENIGMATIC, CONTROVERS~ AND HONEST AS ITS SUBJECT!". -rr,,O,,,,,,.s-M•"" l ___ _..;..;;;; . ' DONT-LOOK BACK ,,., '""' ·~ D. A. ........... .. -•. --ALSO-. ALL STAI INTllTAINlltS ' "MO....,"""' POI"' ' i• "'~' 1 " M. SHOW ITAl1S 7 P.M, CONT. SAT. & SUN. Plto• IP.Mo , " ., " • • I ~ ' I \ l I / ' T-. H E s .H A. R p . • • :E s ·r · ' p E ' • N-·c .. ,. ·L I N t • . .. , . ' ' , . ~ , ~ . I See ·Them J U At Orcinge ·Co ii,nty'1 Volume Ford Dealer! ·FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS-· ' ON ~U: :19·69 ;:1 MODE·LS · LAR~~~EttldN 1 : OP ',IOTH ' NEW ~ DIMONSTRATOR :CARS ·;,,'~·:., .. "(··. ' • .. ' .OVER 70> :EN~~: 1F09'1i»S IN~ STOCKI: .. E"!GLAND'S NO.' I Sl~LIR •'-'' •• AMERICA'S NO. I IMPORT· BUYI CUSTOMS . • G'ts: : .• : "STATION WAGONi' LARG~ SELECTION DI' FULLY ~~,TOM~TIC.& FOUR SPEED TRAN~ISSION$ -COLOllS -TRIMO •. ,Sl\'.EN.~IC MODELS TO . . CHOOSl .. llRC»O\ .• • · . . , , . , ~f ~'iii iifsiie ! ' -. . ... . ' U.SED • GE1'. VOLUME SAVINGS :rHAT COU~T • I ,, .AT THE HOME ·OF THE SHARPESf ·p~~CIL IN THE WJ$t .. ;.• 1 I I • • , l • • -' ~EASE A NEW 1170! ALL POPULAR ' . MAKES AND MODELS We Are A Member Of The · Ford, Authoriied Leasing , System· :' . ' . '\ I " j fl .1 • '11 ~· ' . ·- ,y .H '64. CHEVY WA.OH . ' : ;· . '$9.95 I ' Automatic, v..S. Tadio, heater, \Ill with tan . ,-. , 1 vinyl interior. (JlliC665J f .; ,. ... ~ · , ~-UY: Of the Week! · '•S 'lulck. Eledra 222- ' 4-~·.sedan. V-8, FACTORY AIR, au\ mii.Uc,"' '65 CHIYROLn.IMPALA , E w· E s· T --~ .. . . ' .... . ... , I • • •• I ~ ? ..... ff •• , ,64 PONTIAC nMNkr-sTA. •";o;;: 31 ll'B' 95 . Factocy air condlticml.na, automatic, iadio, ' ·.P' , heater, PCl\\'er steerlna:. <TNA646) • i '66 CHEVY WAliOll • V-8, automatic, radio, he&ter, power ' steering. IYCP300) . '64 RAMILIR 220 WAGCjlN Automatic, radio, heater. (KAN-45,4) . '67 VOLVO 1445 . -4 Dr. Sedan. Automatic, radio, heat.tr, white w/black int 18,979 actual miles. {UNA498l . , .4 D•. H.T. Aut~ .. P'5 .. PiB, P window•, FACTORY Al~ CONDITION- ING H.1olo• t-!• Z4lU41 $1295 $2895 ' '69 ,CQlllA · Sport Roof, P.S., Power disc brake!, · end.somatic, 428 VS, polyglas wide oval ~ ·tires.· CZLH883) '64 JAGUAR !I.I MAIK II . ~Dr. Sedan. Automatic. radio, healer. \Vi~ .. wheela. Excellent condition, (Qr,1J336J 1-69' FORD .CUSTOM $1 795. 4 Dr. Scd. 429 VS, auto., power steering It disc brakes, heater. City of Costa l\'le~a Pollce car. · · • Completely malntalnC'd at Thoodore Robins. Remainder of fact. "'arr. avail. C9J51Kll4089) (Stk. No. 98413} '68:PORD CUSTOM , 390 VB-engine, po\ver stecrlni;, cruison1atlc tranunission, radio and heater. Police Car. (115540) radio, h~t~~ {XEV776l ' \ f • I ~ ' '66 ~:~u~::i~::..\~~ ..;.., heate<, ~ ' . power stecrirlg. (SLW865) 1 · ,,.. • ' --_· t '65 FORD ftALAXll sot1HARDTOP 4·Door. V-8, Crui&omatlc', FACTORY AIJt CONDITIONING, full.power, radio, beater. ·_ I. CPJX33.7l f ! '64' coaVETir' ~iDTOP • , . Removable top.' 4 speed, radio, heater, wwc · windows, AM~ radlo. (RHC901) ' _ '68 DODGJ CORONn 4-DOOR SI~ V-8, power.steering, power brakes, beater. Detective ear. (3158711 : •. · '6. 9 LTD SQUIRE·-· ' ¥ Wagon. 390 VS, auto .. 'P.S., P-disc bi-akH, radio, heater. IYCM221 ) '64 THUNDERBIRD . , . Hard.top. faclofY ajr, aulon1atic, Ji&µ. • . P.S., P.B .. f.wJndO'lll'S. (OT\V7781 ~-> -_; 4 OPEN llVIN DAYS A WEEK (ALL IALI PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH NEXT SUHDAY'UHLHS PIEVIOUSL.Y SOLD.~ \ . f I i • ... [. 13 I .. ,1 ' ' •• I/. " •' 't-i' I ~ . I • . . " • ' . < .. •.' ••• I• ' l. ~~ • . ' • f' ' ' ~" ' ~! ·, --_._..___! • • • .. ' . ,? :..--:".' .. ,. ,. .. ··-,.... ~ ' ' •• '-' . • ' • I ·., T - f; y ~ '";~"·.. ~o~o,d · ~~J$... -«. :~~.~ .. ~:~· _..:~:-·"" ': .. :·::.~ .. : ... ·'>!;-, .•. : ... -': c!,. .iji'ID~•;hckajes 'f _/ • • _,,, 1....--I . o.....L · • :: and · at1the Gtmidest Mal l of and the small thought£ul oneii, Ji. / AU we:~.*~tto.\mt on our win -too. All South Coast Plaza .. stores J'f,. " · t81--roat lind ready ourselves for make it possible to use tpeit·eon- ., _. ' .. . 1 .: .. ~ . . . -. '\ . • . . :•·· . . ' ~r' ... lo>• • I' /: ... . f. h . . . . - ... ' ~ .. i ' ' < ' • ... , . • • ,:~ ·.•- . , .. ' .. • \ : ' •' • . tlie· ~hristmas sea$0n. All of our venient 1 a y a w a y. Sn9p .. this · · / st6res .. ~:an~:the~are86!oh!;ex--Ch:cistmas._itLthe helteied .com-~0. 11· I'-' ·· ·~ .. 1· • .. :; ' ' ' .. I .;,·.. :itct , .... haveJ,ustwiiatyeurelook-fort of our enclosed mall . Alwa¥s-. 0 0--lair--•~YI • "· · ing for·-the big important gifts open nightly 'til 9:30. .. . · · · · · · · ~ .. •, • ~ ~· I • ~MAlt OF 'A'"".'. . .. (' ... . . • , · W ICL AT,..,. ~:il !Lf4'AY, -FA ~ ' ·: ~ , ~ I Su,,Pr~n~t ·to Orange ..,~ont De'~We-t,':'!'cley, ~blw 1~ t• • • ~-~ • r . : ~-.. -~ 11) nNI STOIB A/II SllYICQ ••• A 'It (Mi . ·-· lfo1ltry ......... (. "· ........... of ......... '""''"' CaMio1 ........ Tap Fnltl"" ...... ~·· .. "'""' -......... 'c.llot'1 CMWrto'1 -t .. .. J t 1 •/c.,t.:1 Shoes ·• Clp11ct. Co1ffvrw • Clr1Y-1·•·Chllhr1 • Chef Y • Chic Acu11"i" e. Chda' fuhlons. ~ Cll"41'•~ St1tlcner,y .• C111ck1r Clllzeiu N'Ufnal ~-• Dccor1rNlJfti,i'r.rJ~\ tolllo'U.O, • ~ • ,.,..,,.... 1 •,1,.;:, t.::;;v1 • J/nt )Valor!· .. ,.. ._ fex S..111 Ctn! Pina Thaatro·• n. Gana•• ·o 'Gt"'• • G1ntry lid~• Gto11t·Murny o Gal .. •.NHdla ·• G.rod!n'1 ~·8uJl.,..•"!'H •~~,1J:11q¥.!i'~~· ""':"' I f •. 111.C. "·"'""'·, 1) • , 1 11 • • tY,.<Cif•te~I\.' ~ '"'"'·•H-a If faSla •.,....of ~na " "°°"al Tallitlllt • lfolnt of lll!TY o .., ........ Hun1ln1tan Smnp & loan •1-••Sltoos o lawt • iij JiOi91i !~!"Pl •llfloii • . no..• W • •· 'f •' " ' · . 1. (iilt\ota Qf\iliilrhf• ...,., DtUui,-l lllllWltit • ~nlt·Wll • KOYIM Jtwcltri o 11 .. lryaot o (ohti!* o Lo;Soo;cao ..,._..,. o '•SM.ti,• i.llJ!!s'! • ··_,tlio • ...,,_ ···=I•·-,. . 1 • H•tiili -. Qll,.. t.;Tr'll!lo ;w stttw • Poclllc'1lifllll.A· .,_. •,Pic1cwlc k loobftop o·Tll~Pnp Sftop·• Qw-~om '&,~ ,0,1111 ii •-Ii(~·~· ~' · • 'l'f!n. ~ II l!!fo ... ·-·• r -··~·...._,_,...,_~_.,.., •. .,._.._. ............ ,•T1o..aadr .. •r-1U1•1or-ww.o:,Uiii.f.,...,.,. -~u;s;~"~"'(-· ·~11/fJ.• • !11l • 1 ' ' WatStll •.W..--1C-.•W1boo' ....... 1~a,f,W '......._.•• ... •......._0~(1--..o...._ • • •, •1 " t ' ~••'~ t,•' t1' ... ' ' .. 'f. • f ,. _,.."''I ' _.......,....,-." .,-t ~ I • • ., .-. ·' ·1 , olf ) . ' ! r . • I I.. I I I ' • . --• ' '· --\ ' • I l ' . ". I I • . i _Soulfl C-l'lm Section, Wed., Hoo. 12, 1'69 . - The Deacon All 6 feet, S inches <>f UO.peqnd deleuaive end' Deacon J-of Ille !lllClefeatld Los Angeles Rams will be coming to COiia Mua MOD!lli1; ~ov. 2f, to belp Larry Deti, (!Wiler of !lie Prep Shop, celebrate the firm l111Ditier11ry of the Soulh Coast Plaza store. Jone• ii scbeduled to be at the Prep.Shop from 7 to 9 p .m. on Nov. 2f to visit with football fll!IS 1111d to aiisw..-que.tlom of yowig football players. · · GrooyY Clothft For GrooyY People -At Hubbtib • South Coast Pier• -lower L•v•I -Costa Mesa -Phone 540.1615 GORHAM STERLING .bolit>~y speCIALS 1111 BUY A COMPLETE SBR.VICB This $120 pair of Gorham Sterling Cande1abri is youn· when you buy a 32- p!ece Service-for- Eight• in Gorham Sterling. ' I tellpoom. I place k.nit-es, I place forb, t iniividlnl alad {orb. OR. ADD TO YOUR. SBR.VICB Save 253 when you pur- chase any of the following selection of "Add-On" place or"Se?Ving-pieccs in Gorham Sterling. lctd lt•tra11 Speoa1 • s..., Sp!!OD • Caeboil fodl·la----- ~. <:old llfat fort USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY CHAl•I ACCOUNll INYrrQ • llANl!AllQICAU -11.uTll CMAl•I : •In WlAP • NO CHA•el MllAL .. may ·'GEORGE MURRAY -'"'!\---• ' . ' ' ~-~·LA:;~~nd9.n BOOKS- All Stores Open Sundays :·[~~;,;-]~~ BOOKS 5UDday .,,ms for all of South Coast Plaia lhoppera thou&h we will allow each of .riin.,wu set Nov. 1 when lhe BOOKS the ltcnl, lhopl1 aervlcel and and is intended to take care of our II hxUvidUll ltorel to .Pan Am jet "Paul Jones" -of Sooth· COu1 their needt during lhe busy detennjne U they desire to an.....i ·the 5,580 statute miles From -Nov. 30 Plua wtll bqln on Nov. 30, hollday huying ·aeaaon," open or ·no~ lndlcatlona.,.. d•l1.;c. kl.I houn and 44 BOOKS the Suadl7 f o 11 owl n ~ Robena said. ''The m.U.'' he clear that the vut majority ol 'ml••tlt . . . ~~~al lidded, will be ·0pen lrom noon ·the..,.,_ ator.. wtJJ be open·" . ~ bel!"'·ll1 14 ~~-• "'*"""...,. ""'' , '"'* v • m.._. . wrtll 5 p.m. on the lour con-He emplwhod lhal the Sun-.privlolll l'OCO,. Ml. ID Mardi PIJCKWICK c· Theiliiii!h-COeilPlaiilSiir'i Sealtlve Sundaya prior to dayOpenlngachedµlelsrlllllo .00 -P~ Am~ ~,. and W-llor• inllllled O!rlalmas Dsy." be coilUnued, lnaofar al~. ·!i'e· cllitaJ)ce, In 1· Jioors ' 18 BOOKSHOPS : 8\llldlY openlnp on Nov. %. "All Plaia ltores," he con-as the Plua atorea and ahopa minuli3 .. Scheduled rupt~ ..,.._,...,..., ·" M4y Co. wtU be open Nov. 30. tinued, "have been notilied of are conctrned, arter the busy ;o1 ~e daily l'lOMklp .. •ii•• ' Mnt . '"lbeNn.JOopeninglaer• theC:lrllµnasseasonSundly ~buying leUOD ii •fli&ht..ls 10 h<K4n I.ad JO l70MIM!JW*IN. .... preuly f• the convtnlence of opening policy amt, even eo11cluded. "mfniMs. , '. ...,.... CJl:Q MD uttJ ~ , ' .. First time in Southern C&llfomlal Stipp and.eev. During • ' GN<D ti MW288llDrebuyingpowerbrinoaJOU11111t lfi'n-,... NOW on Jiiii a i1"9d F8il Faelllona and Hoilday Olflal $ ' 1 &2--ll~WOllhido~IMRAWI I 9l£1· ton Wltld modols. $ • r . Batter· 1ui18-supertl :wool fabrics. ~e ..i .... -.... ,breastecl styloe ..-0 bettertwi>-pants ouita. • " :,. . ' ... . ' " .. .. "' .. " ' .. • . MEN'S .FURNlstllNQS .. · D11pTonelh ... ~11J"t:.:•'-, JfS17.50 . PlnMnlntprw,0.-pOIJ Uilll a.oceor. rdli. ,., · SP!)lt:r q)AT SAVINGS ..... ..... ~·i···· .$49 . . \ . • ~ # ' ' > • ShortSlen11h11$•lS•""*..,_31513.liO -.... ---·-.. lettir NeckllUI' ._ .. , .. _ ........ 11,, .. 3/$11.50 ____ ,.OlidolJ1ROL Men's Pajamas-....... _....... . ........ $5.99 No Ironing Nedld. pwmap,.. ~ aootton. Stock ap OD Socks llJiul ............. -iw ... 6/$6.29 """"'°""" 00.,UC-IQllo. . Mell'sllndiiww ei.---.. ,_ .. .., ... 3/$3.25 COtton brtole. llJl/$1JS..-_ ... 3 /$2.99 --llJJ/MM .---········~-, .. "' ... 3/$2.99 . ' ' . MEN'S SPORTSWEAR I f '. \. r Sport Shirt Scoop! . . ~ >, ', " .. ,. •3.99 si.on.--IUI------..::. • . Lona iieevw. a.c.sr•·····---······---... : ... :..t..; • ..:.. ... s.t.99 Oecrort' pot; 11111~on fabflcl. p11·n,-a-preis. 90ltda .iid patttrns. • • " • I All Weather Jackets-$WI ........ : ................ s1.99 DICrOf'l'collOn popNn ,gott jac'.fc~ or n)1on Nil ctoth lkl·lype Jtebt wtth --. Lambswo(ll SwNtll'I -11111..... .... . ........ S!Q.90 V~pU!Jowl'llr"ll& • .,...._.D-. Wool Mitton 51!9Ctllor Colli --........ s.ts.90 H_plaldo....,_plo_andcolllr. . " --Mea'sShoes$18.ll TanClll,atraplbuelde..,..orbrowngralnlongwtnd~ •• OPEN A NEW GRODINS CljARGE-NID ~~ or U11 your Bank/\merlcard or Maotor Chuge " Olhlr..,;.I...;.; Ng. ... ;. $100. tiq,,-11>-S :11 - ~br1&'1>bcild'Ornieplllllm91111ldcl'cakn. -. ' SAVE NOW-BE 11 Elt· S~CKS Jll9.$aa.15 $17 .90 2pre.134.00 """'-..... $26.00 to ... ..,,_ t1 ... to ..... Ilia..., ... L --llyleo-d--. . WoMEN'S FASHIONS . " Knit Dresses & Jamp11 s . . s15.90 ....................... Pot;1111rlml-dfeisw~--. jumpers with coonffnated bfOute, S.1L Wool Knit Salts ,.... • 1o m •39.90·'49.90 Ftbuloua burs. elegant 3-pitcre lllytll. . '.. W1i,n ~ R*9 Shott $7,00 '-$9.00 EP!ilx'oldefyopp-b1no, .\ _ • gald.11rOlue, 10.1L 30" to 40% OFF F11110111 Miker Sportswur Seplntes flel.$111o .. . $8.97 to S!S.97 COOldinaled ......... , __ _ lklltll_....IUnt fall 11riU Md colon, 10-~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Costa Mesa-ANAHEIM,. Broadway·Anallelm CQnter -WEWOOD, lakewaad Center I . .. .... .j ..---------~-- I f1ofe Tel)ants -open . . ./ . . I Storc;s-:in Coast PlaZ.a .. :,,J • ~ -th Coast Plaza shoppen 8'-eady have ·the conveOieace cl: a new QuMte;back Sport& aAd !,elsure •tore.:whlch .01><11-el for business several weeb •to~_·_ ·-- ..Another . stcre, Winsleads ~mera, will open about Nov. ». Both of the new tenanta will occnpy stores on the lower J~vel~ in the Ma;y Co. wlng. Grand opening an- nouncements are expeded to be made within the next 10 da ys. A third new tenant in the Adams Heads Mutual Fund Co.llfpanies LOS ANGELES -Thomu 1.f. Adams, 34, has been nam- ed president and director · of the Transamerica M u tu a I Fund companies, according to Edward Scarff, president of Transamerica Corp. Adams was eled.t.d presi- dent of Transamerica Capital fu nd and Transamerica ~ vestors fund by the boards Of · directors of the funds al their regular board meeting. These funds are managed and distnDuted by Transamer· lea Fund Management Co .. and Transamerica Fund Sales, lnc. Adams also has usumed the presidency or both of these companies. He previously senred as vice president of the funds and senior vice president and direct.or of the management and sales companies. Adams was fonnerly with the Investment Banters Association of America and the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Plut will opm to· -t:r Decanber. . Lindbet1 Nvlillloo, ··-. 1ooc1 min m1 lood ''"' • open .. 111e -· -- to Ille ea......i -· Lollipop ~=I ... _ --· THE HOUSE OF South ~.. Pf.p ....................... J.~11.L ........... Costa -546-20N silver special · for-the· holidays Mako II momorobl• 1114 haufllul ,1 Complete SO.pc. s15000 Service for 12 et.t:SM.oo-.. _ ,_..,.__DO DEEPSILVER" TM_,. ....... ~ Wfth IDlld 11W1r a.Mlf ....... =-"'-..... r-- ./ -FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SET ~,.. .......... fllrrl.,.d.,_.......... ,, ........... 12....-nt ,, __ ,, __ ,, __ Ullli9dbb ,, u Jclcl*tnk ... ·--1 ..-19Nle ~· lO*IMllllflrt ·--1 -}......, ........... ·-- MAii YOlfl CHlllTMAS .. n llUCTIONS MO'W- Ull OUI LAT AWAY CHINA e CRYSTAL e SILVER e &lfTS -SOU?H COAST PLAZA e nu llllTOI. COSTA MllA e .,,.. Mir " I • • ;. • .. ' • .. ,. • • • .. , . • • • ...... C-Pim S.Ctlotl. Wed .. Nov. 12, ltff 3 long line · pleats t!i.y're Nsy-care polyester lni!t long, lean, pleoted • • • by Act Ill Knits to weor everywhere. Comlorteble. Unmussoble. T oilored with right-now styling. A newly long, lean torso. A skirt pleated to swirl. All topped off with • braid bended collar. Brightly colored dresses cris ped with white. In oxford stitch Docron9 polyester ~nit. Neelly textured. Easy-core. The long line pl.,,ts, now el Moy Co. Sizes 8 to 16. e. long sleeve dress, brown or tangerine with white, '44.00 b. sleeveless dress with tie, nevy 01" '" yellow with white, 40.00 ' . .. : ' 111ey co : 1 • south coe1t pleie, sen di~go fwy et bristol, coste !'(!•••: 546. 9321 shop mondey through sefurdey_ _!_Q_e.m. to ~:.30 p.m. I . I may co town end +revel shop '49 1 MAVCQ ·-4 -..,,,,.--.....,..,------~~-----------.,_--,---,---.-------------------, , ---- Intricate Carving Features ;E1torado' In Mtdlterrar1ee.n M"lf By Dro:tl Fleecy Ouster finds fake fur A pretty wild coverup to wear e.m. or p.m.I Acetate/nylon fleece in orange, grun or blue. special sizes 38 to 52 • .-· ------ ' .. ASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS ' GIFTS ti loath Coast~::·; -,.~IY KAPLAN'S RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN & BAKERY • Brea.kfasl • Lunch •1 Dinner BANQUET FACILITIES FOR UP TO 150 For Any Occasion Our Famous Meat Platter $ 75 PER PERSON ' • ' , 'Ver1aill11' Collection 11 Rt}'roductfon of 17th arid 18th Century-Forms OUR FAMOUS MEAT PLATTER INCLUOES e Corned Beef e Roa~t Beef e Turkey e Baked Ham e Pepper Beef e ... Plus, Gobs of Poteto Salad & Cole Slaw ••• Assorted ChHMI ••• Rel· ishes ... All Beautifully Garnished and Decorated ••. Also Included Are Bread and Dinner Rolls ••• Plus Complimentary Order of ~lnlatU~ Danish. OPEN l A.M. TO ,10 P.M. FISH-PLATTERS $2.75 PER PERSON Here is bow: Snlng1 account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 ='Z52 Free safe depoalf box for as long aa you maintain $500.00 savings account = *6!! ,(Jfptca:drtwte,..,, COii to mil box .. blnk) . PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of Travelers Checks = *7!!. '-'~,,, OR Servica charge free on purchasa of up to 10 tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater events through TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 savings account =•39!! Stop by and see us to open your accounL t. to W, UOU. &DOit· W,, iwP,, , • TWELVE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU • . • - DOWWEY.UKEWOOO 1DIOG ..-ood B"11. EAST LOS ANGELES INLAND CENTU SOUTH COAST PLAZA . DOWIEY-FIRESTON E 1211 E. -Blvd. IA CllESCDTA ZIZl-IM. 6401 WMllior Bhd. Soo S.-. Call. Com Moa. Cail. TOPANGA PLAZA MONTEREY PARK WHITTlER OOWllS C-Piii!. Call. ZOt N. Gl!liell AYL 11211 E. W-g1111 Bhd. ARCADIA MOUNT VEllllO• Bill BARO!NS 41 E. U.. Dolr Aw. 400 N. Vorioont Aft. 5740 E. -A ... WE DELIVER Phone 540•9022 SOUTH COAST PLAZA -BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FWY. LOWER LEVEL -NEXT TO MAY CO. COSTA MESA- May Co. Stores Set Focus on Furniture The May Co. stores•:.-===~=:.~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thro ughoutSouthe rn1 1 ~;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:=:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~ California, including the outlet I· at South Coast Plaza, are focusing on fu rniture fashions for fall-from the floor up. Here's a quick tour of a typical May Co. store and just what the home furnishings customer can expect to find. Start with new broadlooms, shags and area rugs for the flor. Next stop is the home furnishings sections of the newly r e v a m p e d furniture department where there are new di.tnensions in bright col· ers, comfortable designs and new, bolder patterns in wood and upholstery. lnnovaUOn and development have brought to the fore new shapes, and the use of con- trasting materials -steel, bronze, g I as s , plexiglass, chrome, leather, cane and a wide am.y of fabrics. ln fabric choice~ tutures formerly B!SOdated only with contemporary styling are now belng accepted in traditionally oriented lloes. Plulh velvet, chenilles and corduroyz, bold stripes, bright con~porary . florals and printa are olten used side-by-side. Whites and "no colors continue in hn- porlan'I'. Stroll through the gallery of rooms and display settings and you'll ·• exclUng new furniture collections, many ex- clusive lo May Co. in ""'ih<rn California. Among some of the newest groupings are Meyer-Ounther- 1.JarUnl's antique French reproductions; Founders' new dining and bedrooms, in· eluding mozambtque, an at- tractively g r at n e d and versatile African hardwood. Drexel has gone to Portugal for Estorado, the I at e a t Mediterranean group th a t mixes wood finish with &Uver gilt and antique pewter. French styling has gained new impetus. Now the classic 1 designs bring emphasis . to more courtly styles and a revi val of I.he Directoire and Em pire innuences. de~orator line ... SECTIONAL AND WALL FURNITURE · SHOP EARLY -USE OUR LAY-A-WAY Make your selection now while our stocks are cdmplete. You will find a wide range of unique item• that will become a treasured gilt at Christmas time. CONTEMPORARY ACCE~T LAMP ,.~ Oubtonding selection of origina l designs -mush- rooms, acorns, and round globes of Swedish gloss that casts light evenly but indirect!'(" over a large oreo. Three·way switches a llo w you lo choose the brightnl'HS you cMsire. Prices start at • • . • . . . • • . . . . . . • . • • . S%3.li0 UNIQUE COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES .. A• IUu•trated ••• Jac:qu1.Ut1 1nlm11 1oulptu,.... by 611cll& Bta1toff -a eolk!ctor's Item , •• Manr. humorou1 cer&mle &nlm1t1 b}I l'lob1rt Mll(Wll, Oroupln111 on block• of walnut with w itty pllr•••• , , , Tiny gll"I figurine• w ltll b•1ket1 •f colorful 1tr1w tlower1 •• , Art!1l lc metal 1eulptu ... 1 and tlle n1w Kinetic sculpture• , . , Art obJ•et1 to corn • pl1m•t1t &"Y d1eor tor y1l.lerdty, tod•y, and t1• ,J>-..,l. morrow •• Item.. as shown start al . ······-110.00 IANICAMHICARO MASTlll CH.UOI Following in this tradltiionnJ veln, new to southern California and exclusively at May Co.. is the luxury and arace or aulhcnllc French !SefiFOCtJS, Pap I) l!;;:===*==================:;i,_,========:;!J., • --- . . iHE COOK SHOP -As much for looking as !or i:ooking, these are some of the items featured in "The Cooksbop, new department recently opened· in ·16 May Co. department stores. One of the Cookshops is in May Co. 's South Coast Plaza store. • • • , ' . . .. ·. And for l\1om ... tltB P~ RliK{J Here is a very spe~ial gift, one that will be even more precious as the years pass. As e.1ch child is born, his birthstone is added. 25 00 tine pl~I Of>! SIOl>I Jicld1tion111tone$ 3.00each -G .. £' ,/j' we1s1?e1t1s Jl:WSLaM SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER MALL-AU'Oll l'r-.n WMl_.ltls Phone S.0-1111 3 DAY SPECIAL! $7 20 Reg. 8.99 Tintable ;,• trahJr .. hoped pump ..;,h a IOft roanded toe and a pert 1m.aD. htt1, in rich wh ite fabric. Save on a fuhion favorite; ret FREE TINTING! SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPP!R LEVEL -Bristol Street at the Sin Diego Freeway .. COST A Mt'SA South C011t · "•u Sodlon, Wod. NC;v. 12.-!Ht J... _,.. Opens Cookshop MAY · CO. GOES TO POTS 'l1>e Soulh Coatl Plau May Co. ll«e 11,oaa of II oullels In lhe May Co! group oeledod aa tnltiAl locaUona ol a new department c a II e d lite CooiWlop. The stores'~ carry a co'mplete une-otjOU1 pans, cookers, steamers and unusual it.emJ froin the import market. Concenlratlng on lmporll I I I available from such aourmet crockery In every shape and c1pltala u France and ltlily, size are only a few of the May Co. has heaped the larder available items. with lleml wucb as carved And. the cooking equipment wooden butter pr e 1 s t 1 , In the Coobhop ls not meant selected-antique tea kettles to be conalgned to a dark Ind decorative kitchen ac· drawer or shelf in the kitchen; ceilOrles fOUnit ~OUl:.ot':---tht OOlleCUOi!Wu cari fUDY the-way anUque market.a . of selected for ill decorative as the world. well u uUlltari1n value. Butcher blocks, uparagua 'nie utenaill have retained and fish ateamen and their ba&Jc, centuries old design, Jwil as !hey m lo be found In lhe kllcheol of Europe, hunc on the walls, suspended from !too kitchen chandeliers. They are meant to be viewed as weH·as used. Californians art In the midst of • cookiiig renaissance. The kitchen has now become a decoraUve center of the home as well aa a food preparaUon center. PSA Offers New Service Bettveen SF, Sacrarnento SAN DIEGO -New low air be offered between Burblnt tares wtll be available· to air travelers commuting between San Francisco and Sacrameo- IO beginning Nov. 11 when Paclflc Southwest AirUnet: (P S A) inaugura tes Its new daily jet servi« between these two cities. New flight servlct is aJao be.Ing added from the state capital to Burbank a n d Ontario. Five fllghta a day will WINKIN HEIDI DOLL lei. S.IB and Sacramenlo, vla SID Franci~ with no chanp fl. alrcra!l. Four nlghls will ., offered between 0 n ta rt • IntemaUonal A1rport and Sacramento, via sacramenco; via San Frandsco, wllb lh"" oJ !hem requlrlnl I quid< almaft" trUsfer. The rai. between Burbank « Ontario and SacramenlO 11119.115. • • ... .•. • • _-,..WONDER PONY 899 SOUT·H COAST PLAZA .. SANTA ANA HONEll PlAtA COSTA MESA HAlllOll CElfml IUlllA PMK IHOl'PINQ CIHTiR COSTA MESA IOU,T1I COAST l'\AZA HUNTillG'ION cun Ell • WDT COVINA l'WA AUWllllA YAW\' COIT!ll ~A ~ LA CUMlllE l'LAZA LMIWllOD CiNIEll SAN IERIWIDIHO INLAND CENT!ll OXIWID ClNTEll YINTllllA IUWVlllTUllA C:liO Ell IAKElltflnD YAl.llY l'\AZA SAN DllGO fASHION YALLIY SAN PllGO COLLIGI OIOYI MONTCLAIR PLAZA . TOllAllCI DEL AMO a11n1 llOIWA SQUAii OY GiA • , . \ .. • 6,. Sovth Coaot Pl.,1 Soclloi\, Woe!., Nov. 12, 1949 -- We take in Losers Approximately $1 per pound TUBULAfl GEOMETRIC SHAPES IN BRIGHT COLORS MAKE IT MODERN TAST:f TRIO $9.98 Here lllt' three glft favorites. Four pound BEEF STICK. S?noky (Smoked Cheese Bar) and a 8 oz. jar of Sweet-Hot Must ard. FOCUS ON FURNITURE. • • Officers · Installed ,. ~ ~ ... • ~ • • . <· w • ~ " • ~ ~ w • n w .• .. ·-. ··-. • ' , • ' ' , Ona af The Gmat Gift Paks fram (Continued from Page 41 designs from Meyer-Gunther- Martini. The precise detailing of the "Versailles" collection is a treasure trove of French reproductions inspired by 17th and 18th century furniture. f(ctt,t1 t•!!!Sa There are custom-painted and conventional w o o d finishes, and fabrics galore for custom covering. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Low.., Core-I Moll lrittwl et S.1 Diet• FrNWay, Coit• Mesa SPARKLING JERSEYS In the modern collections. fluid scupltural seating shapes are strong entries along with occasional tables suspended or floated on chrome, lucite,1 "SEW" What's New For The Holidays? ~~ffi~ HAS THE ANSWERS tubular steel and wooden bases; furniture pieces rest on hidden plinth bases. 'J'hayer-C!oggin goes along with this look With a segmented seating sofa of straight and convex sections for indivJdual freedom of design. •. highlighted with live ash longwood from France. Here's custom seating in an infinite variety of fini she.;, fab rics, colors, styles and sizes. Jn occasional tables of all periods the medium, clearly, is glass. All shapes and sizes of glass tops based on gleam· ing chrome, tubular steel and various wood finishes are used for a look that is sleek, smooth and understated. Upholstery spans both con- temporary a n d traditional 'vilh emphasis on massive curvilinear shapes, thick tuf- ting and deeper seating con- struction. The Selig modern sealing group is an unusual ar· rangement moving in fluid directions. The curved lines roll over the back and seat of a sofa and matching chairs. Another ·grouping, by Gulf, is tubular with geometric planes and angled seating f o r ultimate comfort. It is finished briihlly in lacquer yellow, royal, avocado, white and black. Black lucite tops all cocktail, lamp and end tables. Wander inta another depart-The Orange Coast Chapter, ment for some of the finishing Order of DeMolay, Newport touches. This is May Co. Pos· Beach, sponSored by Seafarbg ter Gallery. Here, a truly un-Lodge 708, held its semi·an- usuat collection of limited edi-nual ~on of officers. tions by renowed American Elected officers are master and European artists, includ- ~¥J~ Quality Alterations and Custom T ~iloring f or Men end Women · 45'4 S. Main, Union Bink: Squire, Orange. 538-7722 847 S. Euclld at Ball Road, Anaheim. n6-0371 Brl&tcl et San Diego frwy., South Co11t P1111, Costa Mesa. 540-8491 58fKl Edinger at Springdale, M1rln1 C•nter, HunUng1on B11ch. 846-001 1 2460 E. Chipman, Full1rton, 870-4790 9719 Chipman, Orange County PIUI, Gerdan Grove. 53().5130 Master Charge end BankAmerlcard accepted ing Pi casso, Lautrec, Chagall. councilor, Mark Mischke of Lichtenstein, Shahn, aw,its Newport Harbor High School; the shopper. Today, the im· senior councilor, Richard pact of posters is seen June; junior councilor, Dan e v e r Y w h e r e from Davidson. Chapter sweetheart. psychedelic circles to art Kathy Mc?i.fillan of Cal State museums and private col· Fullerton, and ch apt e rl...':::==================== lections. princess, Cindy Tuz. Discover, too, May Co. The girls are J 0 b • s Collector's C or n e r • · • a Daughters of Be"·i 157 gathering m anUques, firie sec-...... . ond hand pieces, and Euro-'I11e instaJlatio.1 of officers pe6n reproductions. You'll find will take place Saturday at the fine porcelain; old English Seafaring Lodge, 1401 15th St., silver, nPWler, crystal, brass Newport Beach. The ·pbulic is Somebody Fights Bock Who fights city hall? Tilt DAILY PILOT does. That's who. And whtf• tlsr can you find cogent commentary on your community? Check th! !dltorlal page of YOUR community's dally ntmpaprr, the DAILY PILOT, of coursr • r~ invited. · · and decorative wood pieces. _::::.:::::::__ ______ _!!====================::! Today, furnishings and ac· cessories are approaching a total environmental m o v e m ent. .. mixing and combining modern reproduc- tions, adaptions, m o d i f i e d traditional and contemporary. The currents and directions are varied and abundant. i\Iany designs are b el o g oriented to space-pressed apartment d'vellers and the )'QUng married . .• .· -• -•. -.• ---•. -- Perfect for 1011 ... wMI' 11t1cl cocktoll dreun $4 50 54 lMhes wide, • ..._ .. , ••• , , •••• , , , ••• , •. , . • • yd PANNE' VELVET "'-f*k: ,_ ... Mff -'ii1t1 for -$5 98 50 l1tehft wide -dry d-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •" , , ,follow Customs Rules : In Bringing Film Back FABRICS One of the real pleasures o( travel is taking pictures, It is a way of reliving your trip in later year..s. SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL • CAROUSEL LEVEL But what about cameras, film , and equipment when you visit another country and • ' ' ' ' • . , ' • • • • • • • ' ' ; • ' . ~ • ., i • ; • • ; • • • i • • ! • • • • • -.. . '. ·-· • • • , I : . SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA .MESA ' ......... s.. ..... '"' 1~1·151, PLAIDS 'N SOLIDS toOrdinoted colON for his and her shirts, wuna. robet for Christmas g ift sewing. COMPARE AT 89c YAJD BONDED Suittttqs • Plaids • Novelties • Fancies wools. woof blends oncl ocrylic.s bonded to acetate trimt. Outstanding selection of colors and combos for svitl, d res~ . VAWES TO $4.91 Y.UO SKIRT LENGTHS 7 /8 YD. LONG 54"/60" WIDE wools wool b~nds • Plaids • Cheeks • Solids No vtlfy wt•Yft t11d ftntits in • wld• color tt119t VALUF,S TO $3.98 EACH TREMENDOUS ,SELECTIONS HCh _ .... , ... _ •... ~. . . _ _.,~..; I HUNTINGTON CENTER -HUNTINGTON BEACH '''"'" .. IMCh ltwd. lf7·101 l return to the United States? Does U.S. Customs make it difficult to bring back the films and cameras? Will your films be opened a.1d perhaps spoiled if you send them back to the United States for proc. essing? Can you bring back foreign film or equipment? The rules are not aJI that complicated. Film that you purchase in the United States and bring back with you is not dutiable. Foreign film and prints may be included b your exemption, and you may also include any equipment you purchase. \Vhile all photographic film being brought into the United States is subject to Customs e~amination. it is usually released without examination unless the officer has reason to believe it · contains ob- jectionable matter. If you decide to mail your film from overseas to have it processed in the United States, enclose it in the mailing device or prepaid mailer and mark the outside wrapper as follows: ''U nde v eloped photographic film of U.S. manufacture. Examine with care." By using a prepaid mailer, you need make no advance ar. rangemenls. Othel"\.\•ise. ar- range \Vilh the laboratory or dealer to accept and enter the filn1. If th e llim is bei'.1g returned lo the manufacturer for processing, he w 111 automatically take care of the Cystoms procmlures. _ _ If you .do have to pay duty on foreign fiim . the rate is very low. For 1969, the duty is only 6'hi percent of the . value on exposed or exposed-and· developed film, and 'i~ths of a cent per linear foot on movie film. Of course, there would be no duty to-PIY if you bring you exceed your $100 Customs _ __ti _ -~,.-r-o £.~.~ ~ the film with you .•• unless ~ exemption. J . ~//111.VC{UfAU t:'Ml'k •qulpmen l can be ~IU,z~I) jooo ~ • .Pb . II -1. Fortlgn·made carnel'a$ &'ld /. -/ ~ • tro'1blesome. If you are taking tfe A :/'0 • / f"""eti('-6,,Ar/{, .. It .. i;uch items with you on the -·?f:...:-n.r.· -JI I 111 "' JJ.d ;-·· trip, II is.wise to .ngtster Uie -~~ ~rt ,:P;me. ~~ /S-•• /}/' items with Uruled States ¥4 -7--"•• -l{ 'V- Customs before you leave. ~ • ..1/ .• /J ~ •• I~ ,,1 _!f,t-, ~crwise. take with you the (Ui,, M#f. tl ~ 4 q,e Z~ •.• /S'"" ,u,,/ .44:;(,.f. -tutnc_ 1nvolce that shows you bought ~: !.. • ....L -d / / ~ the equlpmenl In the United ~ ... /]•• ..cJh.u 'J-13 /'/), .. ;# fl..t. States. CJ -.... j::Zml V4J<,. 14-u.a ~1ovie camer1s over $50 • each have a duty rate of 9.5 percent: and SllU cameras Tensf.'S take the rate of 20 per-" CO!llng over 110 each have 1 .P Al llA A rate of -11 perc~nt. Camera1Jl~~~ cent. ,' -------+---:---:-------!''----~~------ . ' -' -s Mts Coron Barna Unlve; who decon Paris, vising · reside decori She : head • Decor Studio - l ·-Headed bJ ~ Woman Sears Has Design Snldio . ... J\frs. Nancy Lenney or and Co. store 1n Soulh Coast "ln 4ddi~ to home Corona del Mar, a graduate of Plaza. fashions mtr'Chlndlle in the Barnard College and Colwnbia J. R. M~tcaU, store store, Se..ara hu an almosL University in New York City manager, said ~e n e '!' unllmited selection of styles . . Decorator and Oes1p StudM> and desigm •• colora and fab::lcs ~·ho studied J n t e r 1 o. r is to be located on the first avlilaWe Jo our custorumr deC?ratlng it the Louvre in floor in the F u r n l tu r e Lhr'OUJh special-order a n ~arl!, Prance, !OOP wlll be acb Department, and will feature custoni programs," _said 'f4e - Vllilng Orange Coast· area the full·time Services of Mr&. calr. · residents on design and Lenney. "OUr ~aton· w~'ll id 1n . decorating. She will provide ·help in the se1ectton " ol ' ·ture, . She has been ~elected to choosing colors and fabrics , carpetinc, wall cove and . head a new department-the styles of furulture and ac· acctssories from . a of these Decoralor and D e s l g n cessories, as well as making programs. And tbE sil'\lice b Studio-in the Sears, Roebuck floor plans. free of. charge,'j1ie added. r 'Ud~f~~ ' -HOLIDAY SALE- Window Treatments for your · home! GORGEOUS DECORATOR FABRICS IN :4N 'EXCmNG SELECTION: ..... 1.95 to 6.95 per~ NOW s1 so 10 $399 ONLY yd. yd. A fatatfc ullectfH If .... flHlt I• ..... ,.. t-t. ......... ••tt<11• ...... -pin ncltt .. _, c.i.,._, H..a.I AU ., MIU.LOW ,,.._, ...._ t. c•len. _. .....,.. fw ....,,. .. .,. Whtffw "tn•••" ..... ,..., ... .,. -- ..... lllDriHI .. t"9M .... rJcell Swa95 and Cascaclts lnclucl•1 •II ltltor •rid ll'lt· ,,.. tttl tl. l it1 cut for PllFICT s49so ch•pint -fit wi11dow1 hi 10 f•tf wicl•! C••ptet. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • Ally~ 511 ltM .. ." ................... ,. e full H•bltl '-IK -41 ~ e HMldetl •••• s ... -'tllfs., . ,,..... ..... ,..., .. ....,._ ...... , .. , .... ,.,,.....,, ChoM fr•• •Y If ....... , ... ,_ ......... .....,, M•t.Y••rn_. .......... bp«t l_,..l.tl11 ebe c• IM Y"" et ... ••ltylewMltl~ c •• ,, ... n .. .,,....,......_ SlteHI ........ ,,..._ SYROCO . MIRRORS at more th.an 300/o off • Tr1clltlo111I Mll'ffl m11· IUlll ))"1.ll " tllcl 1:011'111 i11 popul1r ll'l tf1ltelcl fl11· ish. F-or 111• tnywhor•. 1.,. SJS.00. S,-nl•ll Cere119'e Mlrrer c:ombin11. ook finish i ncl iro11 trillwor .. l lond1 with oil dtc:ott. llf. SlD.OD. M!Mllterr•HOll M Ir r 1 r 11'1-'IUlrtl 11'/i" x, II". c;::crn11 in A11ti411u• Gold oncl Groiriodo F-ini1h. hf. SSD.00. NOW )C)lli NOW 1995 NOW 2996 " Sne 113 and More on Fully 9,ullted·Washable DECORATOR SPREADS VALUES TO $25 TWIN SIU s1499 V•lun ta $29 '"" SiK• -..... V•lun to $39 Kh1g Size ..... from our regular stock of b.tttof' quality spreads -c0lorful prints In many pottem• ond strlpeL Colors for every room - •ome washables -limited te 1totk on hand. • 'USTOM MADf DIAPlllES OUR SPE<:IALTYI -Alt our fo&l"lc. ,,.. ot tow "''" IW'•"· D1••r•ll¥1 w1,.•ow tre•t•'""t' '"d rOlll1 11r ••I• 11rl•1•. •l'ln11 )'lur m11111rt"'t"t1 fir utl,.,1111 Ud~f~~ South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Bristol at !lie Son Diego frHwoy PHONE: 546-6812 . - ' South Cout 1'1111 Section, WIL Nov. 12. IHt _7' Mrs. Nancy Lenney Argentine Exchange Meet Set The Argentine e 1ch a nge proeram Cadie of California, Jnc., which promotes lhe ex- change of language a n d culture by the travel between Argentina and the United Slates, will hold a meeUng at Mari'.1er's Library, 2005 Dover DriYe on Monday, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. The meeting is open to students and parents in the Newport-Mesa area interested I in· hosting an Argentine stu-1 dent during February. I This will be the fourlh direct exchange between. Arge.1lina and Harbor area families, and the officers of this non-profit organlz.aUon . Irvine Plant Being Bttilt . ' For Synergistic Prodtt cts A Jl,ll0·1quare-rock manu.facturlnc facility f 0 rr SynergbUc Products, Inc., is under con.structlo.1 in the Irvine industrial c o m p I e x , Alan McMlllen, president of Synergistic Products, and Everett Davis, vice president of IIC, announced. The International · firm, II ' subsidiary of Cavltro.t Co(p., 11\ a n ufachaes iwmerically c o ntro)ltd, . serot-automlted 'w1ring syitems·for high densi: ly eletcronic panels.. . Thtr llC facility wlll serve I? headquarters for the com~ny, founded in 1959 In California. · SYlllerghUc Prnduct1, 1nc:, I> presently loicted In Sfnt& An«. ' MEET-THE DEA'CON IN PERSON MONDAY EVENING NOV. 24th, 7 to 9 P.M. C.l1br1lint our I 11 A1111i¥•rJtry -0•01:011 Jon•l will bo 1t tho Jlr1p Shop lo 1n1w•r q1111t ioni oncl ¥i1il with you! Pl111 lo bo h1r• lo rn11l thi1 f•mout dor of tho L. A. lt1t111 f'REE AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS Exclusively For Young Me11 ·SOUTH COAST PLAZA LOWll LIYli,.....cA.OUSIL COUil lJJJ RISTOL AT SAN DlleG 'fWY,, COSTA MIU Phono: ~9521 President Woody Lane, vicei..z::=::==: president Don Smallwooct,1~ secretary, Barbara Hansen, and treasurer Cheree Peterson 1 are planni.1g to line up lhe1 homes as soon as possible in order that a correspondence bet.v.·een the Argentine and American families can take place a few months before travel time. For further information call 645-3731 or 546-5902. MONMIAMMINa ,., o• CH.I.HI ROLFS "Fit-All" travel Kits 1 from $6 Next most important thing to your ticket. Com~t convenience for essential IJ'OOm·' i~g aids. Here are first clus aCcommoda·, f.1ons for a man's travel needs. Crafted in 60ft leather or fine man·m&de mat.riab • lined in washable viny1 \Rolrs "'Fit.-All!}".,. made in eight basic styles to handsomely organize any man. ' OPEN IYllY IYININ6 UNTIL t :JD IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE SOUTH COAST PLAZA -PHONE MWllt • • • • • •• .. • Apply Nou; To Maritime Academy s~!!~.~!~!!.~~· OPEi SUNDAYS . 12 Noon to s p.in. Young men seeking a~ poC.1tment to the California MariUme Academy with the class entering in August 1970 should r e q u e s t application forms now. The California f\.1aritime Academy is operated by the state to prepare young men Ior service as o(ficei's o( U1e American Merchant Marine. The course o( instruction is currently three years in length and th e graduate receives a federal license as a merchr.1l marine officer. I (;_,.., ...... ___ SUZY HllEIWI Fiil lllll . -5.99 A uf1 littla 1tov1 for~ h.......,_apemdup.' COob anythlnr. the way youlove.Evenmubl J • ' 4 , } • • ' ' • ' ' • ' • • ' • • ' . • ' l!e also receives a bachelor of science degree in either nautical i;cience or marine e n g i n eering. Additionally, those graduates who qualify receive commissi o ns as ensigns in the U.S. Naval Reserve (Inactive). Costs of the program are borne by the state, the Federal Govern- me.lf., and the student. N••I Cll!le•r ~r : IUYlll sm111m • • • • • ' Requirements for admission are : Be an unmarried male Bake• with% eleetrlc light ftulft• , •• EASY·BAIE OVEN@ 5.94 ~l citizen of the United States; Safel Quiel:! Makes food ! be at least 17 years of agt and I 48 Rollen, cli!U', wuawr for not. have redthed the age of 22 a$ good I.! Mom's,·Simply rollers Cthenrto1t&tlcflly at time of admlsaion; be a add 'vater to the 12 bake controlled, ~tea on oo high school graduate : and :miles .included cadt set. watt bulb), atylmg book. meet prescribed mental and .U.-.i •-...... ''' ... u11t1 wr..., ~ physical requirementa. II ~:::;;:,::;:;::::::::-:::;;;:::;:::;::::;:;:7"iiimiiiiiiii;;'.:;;:;;:;=:;~======~:iii: Admission to the academy ls II ~'iUlout regard to race, cclor, creed or natlo.1al origin. All candidates must take College Entrance Ei:aminaUon Bofird tests not later than the J\.tarch administration of the test.. The tests required are:.- ScholasUc aptitude tt1t • verbal ; scholastic apUtude ·lest--.mathematic•:-~chlev• ment test in Etfglilh com· po1ltion ; and achievement test in mathematics, either Level 1 (standard) or leYel 11 (i.1- tensive). JllUlr."• ....... lit, ..... lllHTY llAIEI 7.99 1 mt like Tet 1 ~ butldi:! ~ufpmetitl The~ bUo:ket .............. AU·•Uel lllPTICI 3.83 ' !ack lf:atlon raius Md lowm ll•s ttalistic dcttibl V1luef ' ---.•••e•,ae~•e• .. .._JI._-~ SAllTATlll TICI IAPnllllEI 5.33 2.·39 : f.l:'r.":!f a.c.JW""""' ll>ft Qmiiod 1ri•n rid• hit .. = re uso throu1h retr tractor,• i>olllns c:art ~ • .All JDOVlblc J)ltU. Driver aways iod i...a 1Jbii. . • ' • • i • • I • • I • • l • • I • • With regard to the. Achie ve- merit Test in J\.1alhematics, for the student who has not done advanced work In math1m1tlcs it wlll generally be to his advantage Io lab llMi Level t (Standard) tat. I ~ ' 1 SHOP EVlilY·fVINl"llf MON. THl!"u Fl!l.llLt 9:30: SATURDAYS TILL 9 P.M.; SUN~YS 12 TO S P.M. l For full information write to the director o( admlS&.lon.11 California Maritime Academy, P. 0, Bo.1 1392, Vallejo, Callf., . . ' . ' . ,+, SATISFACTION GUARANTEEO·REPlACEMENT OR MONEY REFUNDED ~~. IL..----------------..... ----------------------------------... ~ \ • ' ..,. . • -+ ··, ' ' I• I I I I • I • -~l • l • • . f • l l ( • • l l J ( ! j • ' .. I • • • I • • I • • ! • • • j • • • • ' .• • • • ' ' ' ' ; i i I • • • i I • • I I \ I I t ,_ I ~ I ' ----~--...... ~-----·----------~·---------------..,.----·---------· .,. •t•• ..... ----......,.----·- •• \ I t ,.leuth. c-i Pl-S.Cllon~od.,_~".'·_ 12, 1969 CIVIi., ENGINEER R•ymond Vlnconll Vinc enti • " Joins PRC · Newport Beach resident Raymond O. VincenU, 42$ Via Lido Nord, has joined Proper. Credit ·Card Can Be Used t? Pay Tax Bills Nearly t!ireo million Calllor- niana will be able·to pay their property taxes by credil card. The new &ervlce is oflered by BaokAmerlcord. It is being touted as a way of helping tax colkctors get their money fut.er, with Jeu ~and teer on-the-taxpayer; This month BantAmericard holdtts wili"'feeeive a special check In tJie mail. To pay lheir property taxes, Ibey fill In lhe <l/Otk !or amount. up to llOO and ,.nd k tn•to Ille tu col· lector, The amount II added to lhe cardholder's accoun~ and the service ls free to the county. Under the new prngram, ef- fective throughout the state, tfie tax ciiliector Is patd directly by the credit card firm, which then allUfllell ruu responsibllily !or collecting the .Check11. THE KNIT WIT ty Reaearch Corp., national in-1 __ vestment management firm, as chief civil eJglneer. A regilltered Callfornla civil engineer,~ be was formerly dlroctor of ef18f~ng at S & ~ Conslrut'tion Co. in Beverly Hills, and vice presJdent of S1gnature Homes, Inc., of West Los Angeles. •· • Vincentiwasgr adua t e d t.rom East Los Angeles College, and is a member of the Lido Jsla.1d Homeowners Association. Property Researhc Corp. !Jleclallies I n P-"'ar?ill8• managill(Tlil<I ~ , .. , eslalo '>Ill •b<llalf or lb ........ It ~,,.. ~""!. In ·1.os Angeles;• ,san, '•iimasco and New York. Marvel· Twis~.5~.~: 1249 INDY ZOLSkM• .... fOc • 59' MONA 2 OL s•J~ .... 1.30 1.09 VEST KIT No 374 $4 ' The. KNIT WIT· ~ru:~•r l -Md ~,... ,,_ •l'lilN "' .. .a. ~ ,· ,•MOtt• " ........... ~ COITA ~IA, ~ MJ.Jllll ' • 'Sepr.s. K.enm_ore App1ian~s ;j., _______ , \ ' I I .,. . --r · :g'irikis:ween.. · ,1\i I• • ·~ , £7 ; 1 , 1p~.~ ·· ~·Polisher.-or ... " .. "· 1~·1!-l' . 1 ;caDister Va~uutti / ~ - ... ) t.: • ' • .. -• '''""' ..., ....... ' • Ask Ai... S-. Cua: ••• CNdll Flom • • • - / ,;.,' . V..-Sf!lln Rnolflillj Cltarre • r ., . -·. ., •• I .:.i. ~ . ,, .. ~ . . ; ' ..... ~ .... 1 ... -·/·;· '": r ._' I • . ~ ' ' - f ~ . ' ........ ' ' ' . ; . . ~ · l • 1 ..... ,.. • •.•.. • • . • ' ~,,1 ,; .. . .... ' .... . ' . . ·--, . · y·:.~,. · "·e· · ·:ar· · s :~·:·;r.~;' :·Q; .. ; : .... '. .. . ' ' . ' , -. .. , • • -/ Men's PE.RMA.-PREST ® t {I·. . . \ ' Spor~. Sliirts Selll'll Low, Low Price ' . '·.$ • n--~ dmiled ehirtt m•ke great~-•Styled.In.~ and couon•they ntied no ironing . . •Short 1leeftl withitapered and fnll tail design e. Chooee clulic U.d traditional button-down collar 1tyleo -e .IJ1PWch:and.oolid.. Men't lizea 141/s to 17 . .. ..~---- ' .-. "'1--"~! ' ' ,.. ) , ) ·"'' .. · ... ... •• ., Jimmy 'Ctra. rr.e- time Worl.d't\Pockec Billiard Cll,&i!lpioo, will!'l!l!Olr~J fto_m 1·2 111>011;to 2:3.0 PM, 6:l0 PM.ID s:;cr PM. ib,tbi '.fol- loWiii& atom --~°"i!JIM~~ . . NoY. l<ra.J ~ Sean·Coftm-' Nov.12.Qiitt· -. . I ) ( . I I \; ' --------~-----------------------------------------, t. ~ • _,_ .. _. lONOlfAOt • llCO....... POMONA SOUlMCXMITPWA I ·~ ---o------~·------f-9--<ANDfM MIK =·--01.Y1111'1C-&IOTO IANl'A#fHA-=-10MMC1 §il~Guaranteed ~-SMp•..ay&Ms.tu.la7 I ~ _: ~ !Sears! =~::.::1°' :.,._ I a_r~ll-.Back ~ 9:SOA. .... 9-.JOPJL_, l '•••••-••-••••••••••,•••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ~ s 1,.u•-1esr ... , ..,....,....., .... ....,,.Aa1a..-,1'.....,12-•s•a ------Sr"'••••••••s••ii1111'"••••••*" . ~ ~· :ca£1mca .,... • -: (" r : I I -:!'I 3"' ~!'-• ~~ £) ~'1" • w.J.{ ,.; . , . .. r ;· ' ·~ I j i J·, • ·" .• .• ' I : ... • . • ...... ., .... ~-.......... ~,. .. -.,_.. .. ,_,_,~.o ... +-w~•-•~••-••~•~•"'""'~•-•n•~~~·-·---n-·--~·---·-------·--~------~---...--..,.....---...._-._.,,,...---,,..-.-------'-·-··-~....-...-.. ..-.... --.-.-.-·~·· ' " I ' • ·, . , . r '. • ! PQP.EVE'S !'AVORITE, ORIENTAL 'STYL.E,. Mrs. Ellffn Coyne Oemon1trete1 •.' . . " •" >' ' ' • , ... 0 ,. .. . ,Hom e Ne,w~· and Vi ews ··.-.,~·.;~ec.¢>nd-rate ·Quality ·-· / 1 Des erved by Buyers . By OOROTllY WENCK of the motheri; c·omplained -·even,wben Orlnlt (Ol/lltf HGme .lldv!;o:r th f II '-A-LI ~Janufactu;·cr:> sp~::rt p1illio11s or dollar3 ere was a u money-uai.;11. guarantee. lesting th e pcrfrrn1~::r:c and the care re-Forll;ls gave this as an illustration of t;uircn1~nti; of f:i.h:-irs and gannents, and the apathy of American consumers. th dc\'clopinr: i·1f;1rn1ative labels. Yet 'jAmerican consumers are getting the very littl e care L1ic;·malion reaches the kind of quality and . performance in . c9n$Umcr -n1oslly because lhe con-garments th8t they deserve, because they sun1cr' isift interested . don't do anything when they 're This is U1c contention of Fred Fortas, dissatisfied," he said. rese.:ircl:cr :ind consumer re 1 a ii on s "Business and industry does care about' ::;peci~list \l"ilh Celanese Corporation of t~e consumer ....-very much. They will New York. "'ho :-:poke al the October ~1ve you anything you want -if you'll mc~ting of 1::c Or11 nge Di str ict, Just let them know what it is that you do Ca':lr.;·nia !Ion''' E:Dnon1ics Association . want," he pointed out. Accorl:ii1; l1 l\1rlas. more than 50 per· He suggested these steps in com· cent of th:! lime consumers don 't kno\v plaining effectively: \vhat they arc bu ying in perforn1ance 1. Register your initial complaint at the \11h>:11 lh:.!y buy garments or yardage. retail level, but if possible. complain to 'fhr.v <!re more cpncemed with style, col· the department manager, not the retail or. fit and becorajngness than they are clerk. · \'. ilh m~intenance and performance. As a 2. If you don't receive satisfaction, rcstd(\bey often don't get the best.value don't give up. Write the customer service for !heir dollar . department of the manufacturer and tell CONSCIOl:JSL Y SELECTIVE them exactly what the problem is. Consumers netd to learn to be mort • 3. If you don't hear anyfr.ing from the cootci0111ly, st!ecUve of the brands they company or are dlssatisfied with its baY.; Said· Fortas. Some brahds art response, then go right to the top -write 'reliable because ihe manufacturer or th e president of the company. This is - rel.ailer. sets standards, cOrnmcts ex-sure to bring action. tensive use tests and is wl!Ung to stand "You do a socially useful thing when bet.ind bis product if it fails. Oibtr you complain effectively to company brands have none of this built-in nliabUI· presidents,~· Fortas emphasized. ty. How do you find out the name and ad· ' If consumers will choose the brands dress of a ctmpany and its president? Go which they ha ve learned are reliable, and to your public library . and l1k the. If they complain' ·when garments fail to librarian to show you the references perform 'sa~actorily, then the retailers which list all the compaotes in the . U.S., and :appar;el manufacturers will start along with. their officers, their addresses ~yin more attenUon to the quality ~o,_[ _ _,a,,nd"-"other=,_,,ln£,,orm=,,a,,,ti"on,,,. __ _ -fa.Dries an too a~l , ' buttons and zippers. . : ·-:. Fort.as cited the example ol. the "un- "'=$!rilll~' garment manufacturer WOO uses a irpper that shrinks 8 percent in a fabric I.hat shrinks 1 percent The result, after the first waMQng, is a puckered "snake." "But the consumer doesn't complain, eo nothing happens," be emphasized. EXAMPLE CITED In 1988 bia ctmpaay made Ott mistake of offering a one-year money-back guarantee cif;.. boys' slacks made from tbtir polytster-cotton permanent puss fabric. The mistake wu In not Un· dtrstandiq tht American boy, aged I to 12, explained Fortas. The guaranteed fabric definitely_ did not have the durability to stand up under the wear · rnUirements of this ag!_group.-ln- fact, in use tests every type of. boy? pants-failed to wear for a full year. \. Dver .12 million of these slacks were 1olcl..and the..COmt>!'DY_antic!21ted having · t treltlentlous number returned. But only 10,250 were brought back. Far more must hal'e failed, but only 1110 ol one percent • QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. I acddttttally allowed a UpiQck to get brto-my wablng mllj:lllne" md ·11 1tainedi a whole load ·of clothes. 11te ttaln,ed clolbt1 went throug!I tbe drytr before I nodced tbtm. - The dry cleaner 1q:1est.ed I apply laundry de&ergtn& to eacll spot wlUI a brush, but llais will take fortver. Isa't there some easier way to rtmove tlatte t.:t.alns? A. You might try soaking the garments overn ight in one of the enzymt presoak product.s. Then try rewashing and see if the stains diaappear. If lhey don 't, you have no alternaUve but to scrub each spot separately with detergent, or sponge each spot with dry cleaning solvent. Q. -is linlclla t c eat Jower In calories than ttplar cream cheat? A .• Yes, neufchatel cheese has about 22 percent fat instead of the 35 percent fat foundl n cream clleese, so it has about 75 calories per ounce instead of the 100 in an ounc:e of cream cheese. --· ' . -capacity crowd ln the Mesa Scoop up about 2 tablespoons By JO 01.!ION', Of .. Dtlfr Plitt , .. " -Theater, beginning will\ Pearl mixture and shape into a ball I cup sliced green onion ~i cup sliced radishes almOnds for.100 )'eBrs. The an· ciei:it Chinese ~saw the almond lree blOSIQm first aod,called it f the ''fathec of life" l.r.te. The , Moslems called it °" "tl'f!e of I I. Confucius might well have aaid, ••ro be happy •. Ut eood food, 11 for he him.self was a IOvei' orgooa-100c1 ma-me Oriental people to whom he gave his advice were lovers of good cuisine. Chineat dishes· have become popular· in tht United States, both in the original form and in adapted versions. and &0 the aecond. ·class in the current Orange Coast College Cookihg SChooI was dedicated to th.at cublne. Appearance and contrast ate tlie two key· words in Cbinele' cooking. A sense of balance and hannony are icl)Jeved through cOntrasts in the cuts ol vegetables and · meats ~ the contrast of flavors, such as sweet and --. Chinese cooking, then, is an art of mixture. A Im o g t everything is cut small apd mixed, and it is the way that the ingredients are mixed and arranged t h at Characterizes the cuisine. I Mrs. Pat Mogan or Orange Coast College and Mrs. Eileen -Coyne of Southetn Counties Gas Co. demonstrated 12 recipes before an almost I" Balls. 1 inch in diameter. Repeal Ginger is the surprise tn-wi~ the remaining mixture, greditnt in tbe pork and. rice using water to moisten bandll di.sh which serves 4. occasiopally. Roll eJCh pork -balt-in-rice-and steam-lor30 PEARL BAUS minutes. If using regular rice, l cup cold water steam for 40 to 45 minutes. 1Ar: cup warm water Note : Suggested method fOr 1/3 cup .. glutinous rice sleam ing: arrange Py rex cups 4 dried Chinest mushrooins in large pan ol bo1ling water. IM.md lean ground pork Pearl1 balls can be placed In r--"" cake .pan and set on top ot 1 egg, SlighUy beaten cups, allowing free circulation l tablespoon soy sauce of steam. Proceed to ·cook 2 ~aapoons salt with pan covered. / 1n, teaspoon sugar Orange juice is the surprise iftgredient in 11iousand Piece 1 teasPoon fine ly chopped Chicken, which serves 4-6. ginger root , ,1 6 ~anned yrater chestnuts, finely chopped I scallion, fll1ely chopped Cov,er g\uttnoua i:ice wilh 1 cup cold water 'and' soak two hours.. .DnWl; ·spread on a cloth t<rftl' and let dry. Cover mushrooms with 1iii cup warm ~water and soak 30 minutes. Drain and Cut off ~ms. Chop the capg fine. · Combine pork; • egg, soy sauce. salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix together thoroughly. Add ginger, chop- ,ped mushroom caps, water chestnuts and scallions and · mi x thoroughly again. THOUSAND .PIECE ~ CHICKEN. 2 Whole-chicken breasts 1 cup orange juice 2 chicken bbuiUOn cubes, crushed 2 ~~lespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons catsup 2 tablesP-OOfts bottled steak sauce. 1 tablespoon vinega r 4 teaspoons sugar 1 teasi>oon salt 2 tablespoons peanut oil Jh teaspoon \ monosodium glutamale · \i cup slivered almonds S ounL-e can water chestnuts , sliced 8 ounce can cut green beans, _ drained. ...:... S ounce can chow meih noodles Remove chicken meat from bones and discard skin. cUt chicken into l/J inch cubes. Mix orange juice, bouillon cl.b,es, cornstarch, c a t s u p • steak . sa'uce, vinegar, sugar · and ¥.i: teaspoon salt aild set asi!fe. Heat oil In skl llet until a plece of the skin sizzles when added. Add chicken, sprjnkle with remaining 'h teaspoon 'salt and msgc . Cook and stir over medium heat 10 minutes. or until chicken is coOked and golden. Add almonds and cook and stir one minule. Mix in onion until coated with oil, then add orange juice mixture and cook. sti rring gently. until mixture comes to a boil and is thickened. Add . radishes, w a t e r chestnuts and beans and cook just until heated through . Serve immediately over chow meln noodles. r-.1rs. Coyne pointed out that the Chinese have u s e d he3venly hope.'' ' -rrpe;ct'acu1ar aeuert or ap;+ petizer dish demonltrated was I Oriental FrulL cup, which 1 serves 12--14. • " ~ ' 1 , I ORIENTAL I FRUIT CUP j' 1 box fresh straWberrles or JO-ounce paCkage fl-ozen berries, thawed1 11 ounce ' can mandarin . o~ange segments· J l pound·l3 <>'ilnce can pear ~ slices, cut into ci\unk!. ) 1 pound-13 ounce Can peach ~ slices, cut int chbnks ~ 2 tablespoons Cr)stallhed ginger, finely cut ~ 2 tablespoons lime juice ~1 ~·4 teaspoon· finely lf'OUnd , coriander seeds 1/a teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/3· cup honey 2 teasibms grated·lime peel Combine all fruits and juices. Mix together lime juice, ground coriander seeds, nutmeg, honey and lime· peel. Btend with fruits, cover and chill. Fruit may be served as an appetizer or as a dellghUul ending to an Oriental meal. • - . i Save 'ftr on'. new Hormel E~tra.Hot ~ltili . . . Some like ii hot, so that's how Hormel makes it. Hot and hearty with lean beef and beans in bubb ling juices. Plus an extra helping of rich chili spices that put real frre 1n the flavor. Recommended for · mature chill-lovers only. Fire-eaters clip this coupon nowl ' " .--r=•·----· =:--= = ===.=·-~---~----:~~-'°"'...,!'!'!!"'" STORE COO~ON ' ' ... I" -" • l ' l I • ' l l I ! ' J l l • ' ' ' • ' ! • I ' • • l • • • I • • ! ' • I ' • I ' • l • i ! ' • I ' • l t I l ! -Lt • I r -·. ' . I ------------------,=--~---------,,--,,-------------------- 4J DAILY PILOT Children's De7ight Writings Any Reader By PAftlCIA McCOl\MARCK N~ YORK !UPI) -What .comes out on paper when dilldren write about life covera the gamut of emotion -from joy to ftar, from c.'Om- ttb' to tragedy. What-comes out-alao gives .lb< ,...ier a deUgbUul look at a child's view. Consider: ·-"I know bow daytime chan.~es to nighttlme," a child, S, wntes. "Daytime melts." -A boy, 10, pula down - "When 1 get angry I feel so mad I feel like I am running barefoot up a rock road." Richard Lewis, teacher al Manbaltan Country School and the'ffew School for Socia I .Research in New York, has 'f,500 examples of jottings Jrom children, 4 to 14. He gathered them during a 'round 'the world trip. Those quoted above are ,from "Journeys" (Simon and &buster) -a collection from '1is stockpile. , Lewis believes that i f children are allowed to write in whatever form they wish. they have much to say about themselves alld. their world. 1But don't stand Over their abouldm., Leave them alone with Ill< wri1lng tools. \Vtiting on creation a boy, a, noted : ''The earth voomed out like a baseball." In the fantasy department the children wrote about lopics ranging from gbosta to "t~~ ~Y fungus too.t__~ur: world." In between were such pieces as "the dragOf'! that could not breathe fire" and "thoughts on being a hot water boUle." "I just wonder how it feels to be filled and emptied to be hot and go slowly cold so many, tim~." wrote the New Zealand girl, s. Girls, according to a girl, 7: "U there 'veren't any girls there would onJy be one generation, and after a while they would die. And there wouldn 't be any life on earth. But keep your fingers cross. ed." Interestingly, the children don't seem preoccupied with the bomb. Most of their wriUngs cover topics as old as time itself: family, nature, pets, feelings. And if you're worried about the world ending, a Canadian ·girl, 6, wants you to to know: ••Life is life and no one can break it cause the wor ld never ends." • - OCC Homecornir>g ' Queen Future Bride·.- Janet Augusta Coontz and Michael Fred-• -. erick Kuhn have selected Sa~y. Dec. 13 as Ibo date for their weddinf in St. Andrew '• · Presbyterian Church. Tlleir engagement was announced by Army Col. (ret.) and Mrs. John B. Coontz ol Newport Belich, lfarents of the bride-elect.-The prospective liridegroom is the son of Dr, and Mrs. Richard F. Kuhn of Grosse Ile, Mich. . Ml.ls Coontz, 1969 Orange Coast Colle1e homecoming queen. is an alumna of N~jM>r\ Harbor High School and a liberal arts major' at OCC. , Her !lance lJ a graduate of Groase Ile High School and i4 a buJiness economic• major at OCC and a member of the football teem. VIRGflVJA'S SNIP 'N' ·STITCH SHOPPE 3JJ4 East Coat! Hwy. • CoronO dol Mar Phone 673-1010 THE 61FTS THEY LOVE •••• YOU SEW YOURSELFI Te1ri1ttn •11 .,.,, li1t7 Ne 91u11tlM t•lt if, y111 c.h H11 1 ''1r10¥y" p1th,11 ·~ febrfc. 111clt 11: ' I fl Srmplic.fty 1177, 1,111_ Afric.111111 ''"''' 11\d m11t1 111i11i' illr1•1 '-' ,"ll1r'' 1INI ·-1111klli111 thirt ,,, "hi111". • " •. 121 Ttt1 i-ly 1hlrt is ffi1 ''thint .. !~ yeur m111, U11 1h11r ¥1il1 111 w11h 1111111 Wlat 1Crffi1. Sim,liclty IZlf, I ' . .. Halls Echo With Sounds of Christmas (JI T1n 191n w,uld love you fM f.r11r1tt If yo11 "1r11t." 1 ti~ froM f1k1 f vr 'er iml~•· ti11n l11tfi1r.1r 1uff1. $1199 .. tM p1H1rt11: ' SPECIAL OF: THE WEEK! , Nov. 12 to 19 onlyl FALLS 11,,ULAI TO S70.00 •••• levish lont 14 to 18 inch, .100 %; lw"ten heir fells. A wid• var~ of natural shed•I to ohoo•• from, Wear, t iid ·beck or loos• a"d nl• lvrel for that lovely c11ual look. ,,_ NOW .•52'5 You'll also +>.VE on iha 'F,1~ul1u1 TRAVEL WIGS· ~ • • , I. l ,. :i1.• n.w ·scientific fiben of 160 % K1n•k1lon ih1t is M IY .. ure for: Tht truly miracle wr,. NOW ONLY 117'5 m. J7fi. f WIG & BEAUTY allie j SALON 1' 'E. ; 7th ST. . COST A MESA blii.'v~TILL -5,,.;. 548~3446. THiilt J. P~. TILL 1:00 ' ,, The Sounds of Christmas will be heard throughout Marywood High School when the Pa rents' Clu b hosts its annual Christmas bazaar Sunday, Nov. 16, from noon to 2 p.m. In addition to the .booths featuring _art• and cratta, iewing, sweets, and white elephants, " .. Horos(:ope Capricorn: Advance Toward Goal Indicated THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 8y SYDNEY OMARR BUSINESS SllAKEUP DUE. Ont fto WIS In power takea I t lep down or I• pa1bed .,.1a1r •. IDT BUYI: G ama, '111111111' elliD!ll_, llilob wblcb deal wtdl flllrble.Iegal_q...,_ -. ' . ARIES (Mareh 21-April 19): You 881n cooperatLon from uoerpect.ed area. Unorthodox methods succeed. Don't rely on Matus quo. There are m.onerous changes. Ride with the·llde. Don't battlt progress. TAURUS (April »-May :ZO): u ..... a1 qccurreaces affect assoelates, co-workers. Many "will lOot , to you to provide steady 'course. Don't com· pow:ad error by acting in ee- ~trlc manner, Stay with wha t you know. GIMINI (May 21-J une :ZOJ: You get arfect1.on, satisfac· tion-but it coUld prove costly. Means avoid extravagance: You can have quality without forgetting common sense or budget. l'Je analytical. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You r,an com plete important tranuctlon. Key is to be respom:ible and remember lesscm from put. Maintain steady pace. Don't go 'too far afield. SUc.t with the familiar. LEO (July :Q-Aug. 22): Finish rather than begin; avoid pressure tactics. What you want comes to you. Main- tain poise. Innate sense of showmanship worka in your !;>ehalr. "l;blJ are a winner if confldtn(. VIRGO Aug. 13-Sept. 22): You spend, but you get much in return. Impulses prove cor- rect. Hunches pay dividends. But avoid being reckless. Follow throqh, but Mop bule goal in •l&ht. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0el. 22): .... ~ .. -------·------. , \, ~ LUi-..1 I Luck rides with you. Mean1 you can bl at rtlht place, at right time. Fun 'fndlclted, but witch diet. Moderation can be your grealnt aUJ today. Short trlp·may not be neceuary. I I I I I I I I I 675-.1510 ~ ~ DECORATOR FABRICS R•gular 1.95 to 6.95 1.49 ro 2.95 yd. Dt.cron and Antron Sheers-De· corative Antlque Satins in all qUalities and colon-Open weave & Closed Weave Boucles -Heavy weight Cottons & Durable Linens -Tweedy Casements or Self Lined Fabrics -All at low sale prices-Have our fine custom workman- ahip at low sale prices! SAVE 1/3 on t e V1l1n< .. e 10\lcl•a e. Sh"r1 ~· CaMmdtl • Satlna • 1wa1• • L•"'llr1t1vln1 le AVttrl1"' ' "e Actavle "I" I I -·RCADE CARPET & DRAPERY 8 OF CORONA DEL MAR L _:a~ E.:..C~!!_ '!_W~ - - -~'!!.. 62!·~'!._ ( ' ' .. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. II): You aacceed in workllll with group , organization. Patience <Pds cause. Someone works quietly in your behalf, Realize this and reipond accordln&ly. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21- Dec. 21): Money decisions are accented. Not wise to mix .business and pleasure. Some friends are Jn mood to celebrate. But )'OU oould get stuck wilh cbeck. Take it easy. CAP RICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cycle conlinues high. Team up with Libra individual today. Advancement toward goal indicated. Key is to con- centrate on what you want to attain. It is available. AQUARIUS '(Jan. 21).Feb. 18): Avoid superfluous action. Tfme your move1. You should alao lry to c1tch up on cor· respondence. Messages today may contain infonnation or value . Rem1tn optlmiltlc. PISCES C'eb. l .. Maroh 20): Accent on friends, hopes 'and -1-:w11t111. Permit m1te1 partner to 1hare spotllaht. This will do much to avold n e edles s dispute. lteact accordtngly. IF TOD AY 18 YOUR BlRTHDA Y greater freedom is on horizon . You will meet stimulating people. Welcome chance to express true feel· ings. Joining special group will prove of benefit. ' -·- an old-fashioned Santa's Kitclien buffet will be senr· ed from 2 to 8 p.m. Readying their contribution's ar:e Mrs. George L. Doubledee and Mrs. James W. Tem- ple Jr. (left lo right ). ·No Tradition With Handbags The tradltiOnal distinction or what g?fl for day and for ~veni~g in, handbags is gone out the window, as it were. Now, it's anything goes, l reports the National }landbag Association. Team shag with calf, or velvet banded in patent, for instance. · * Ju'"I"" or 1T1n1ic-Sl1111pllclty 1414 * s1 .. .,1ln1 J1clt1t-Slmpliclty Ml 6 ..i * C1p1 or. f?•nc.ho-lutt1riclt 5444 !11 yo11 soot1, VIRlllNIA ,,S. J111! 1rrlWd, lll'llllllo!I Aleelllnl In •n '"'" of ulor1. ldMI !•bric fer fl:lrm11f• f/lf llrld .. !Mld ''"Ml· Trim rt wltll 1-" er l'"""1M "'tndt ~1111111. .~ • Dime-A-Lines Mean $$$, Choice of Bras Narural or contour cup bras that shape and uplift. Nylon and spandex frame, adjustable stretch straps. In famed cross- over styling. Natural cup bras in white, 32 to 36A, 32 to 36B, C; Contour cup bras in white, 32 to 36A, 32 to 40B,C Regular $4.50 297 natural cap 32 to 40D, eon- ioar cap 32 to 42D ••••• 3.97 Hose Hugger Panty Keeps your panty hose or stretch hose in shape. Stays in place without hose too. P.IOtlt and baciC p anels slim you. White, small through enra large sizes. Regular$7 497 Hooe Hugger Brief Regular S4 297 No sq fi< Nyloo·lycn ""'"""'" io •mal4 medium aod 1-sizes. l ~-------------------------------------------------..-• IUINAP.U~ fLMONTt tOMO'lfAOC l'ICO...... IOMOM4 • IOUnt(IC)AlrfUM I CM«>CA,All Olrt«>Alf OlYWIC &tolO MHfA#M wmAHC1 I COIWTOH HOtlYWOOO OlANGf I ~t.lrHJA" llW40& VA&UT • I COVINA -.c;trwooo P.t.S40fNA l#ft'A M0NCA \'t..:JNt' ·-'• --------------------------Sears _______________ _, '"'M'"'" ... """""•r•>o A.M .... f,JO P.M, .. _11 _1oJP,M. ---• 'l••ot le I el•-"1 1tsii" - ' I ' y ' .b -lo ~ ~ ~ • ~ M d I s i • ' n • Wtdntsd.r, Nowmbtr 12, 1969 ::c;;;'t,>JW C :!. ',C '..'••• DAIL V PllOT 4.'I 't• • Two-Divorcees _.-Comb1-n1 ·ng -Efforts to -w11eck Thira~-Rom-~ ., DEAR, ANN LANDERS: I am a )6· )liar .. lil girl and my brother ~ 15. Ploase il!lp 118. . <All' two older sisters both got divorces · l~t year. First, Luella came home wittl the 2-year-old boy. Susaq moved In the #lllowing month with her year.old daughter. The~house is big and there is ~ awful lot of work , especially :wllh the ~ kids. Luella and Sus~n alway.$ tmve Veen a couple of slobs and marriage didn't improve them any. My mother has etven up on getting them to do anything. Sbe says it is easier to do it herself. Dur· ing the summer, my brother and I tried tb gtVe Mom ~ hand but since school ha"s ltarted, we can't help her much. ~This morning Dad got mad and an· nbUnced he Js putting lhe house up for aale. He says we are moving into an '. ANN LANDERS ~ apartment and the divorcees will'have to make it on their own. ~e says he will not. allow Mom to be v.·orked lo ~deaUt any longer. This means my brother and I will have to change sctiools and leave the kids we grew up with. We ijlinlt it is unfair. Please come to the rescue. -:MISS 16 and MR . 15. DEAR !\USS AND J\IR.: It Is lDdeed un• fair and I hope your Dad reconsiders. You and your brother •bootd not bo penalized because of )'1Mll' lazy 1ia&en. Selling tbt bouse to gel rid of the slobs is llke uslng an atom btlmb to gel rid or mosqnltoes. There are pfer and saner melbods -like insisting that the girls ahape up or ship ouL DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our brilliant, handsome son now is enrolled In a small town, midwestern college, thanks to his father 's bullheadedness. Sr. was determined that-Jr. would go to Harvard or Yale and he asked everyone he knew \ ' tn write letters to the presidents and deans. Sr. boasted he ~aq qrbons of 37 letters . Jr; didn't make either Htlrvard or Yale because his pushy father overdid It. Print this please as a warnb1g to other dads to years of age, I got so mad I actually broke-out in a rash. I could have kissed you when your suggested that he save the last bullet 1(or himself. Please tell that rock-headed baboon there's nothing wrong with a 40-year-old woman that a 31-year-old man can't cure. J know because I am 44 and I've been -STAMFORD bliss(ull_y ,marri~· for five years t~ a DEAR St AM: The kJnd of pre1sure you beauUfUl y·whO is 13 years my junior. lay off. deacr;l.00 11 uwally Ignored, 110 1t1' untarr----.---.:::OKE-LA~HOM'A- to aasame tb•! Your baabanCI ruined the DEAR OKE: Thanks for the assist. ·boyl1 chances. And cheer up, Mom. ;Jr. Take tb1t1and that and that you rock· inigbt be better off In that small town beaded b:abooa!ll ! !! And do read on! "ollege than be would have been lo .all that ivy. DEAF<. ANN LANDERS : \Vhen I read the letter from the man wm said all wives should be shot when they reach 40 DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whal are the chances for happiness \Vhen the woman is 54 and the man il!I 39? I am a you ng 54, in excellent health and in love for the very first lime. We are of the same na· , tionality, sa me rellgiou3 background and share the same interest.!. But the age dif. fercnce bothers me. What do you aay? ' -M.C.G. DEAR 1\1.: From tbe way my mall has been running, lhe man mJgllt be too tkl for you. I I.say good luck. , TOO many couples go from matrimopy to acrimony. Don't let IQUr marriage flop before it gets started:-Send · for· Ann Landers' booklet, "Marriage -·What lo Expect." Send your request to Ann Landers in care of th.ls newSpaper enclos- ing 50 cents in coln and a long, stamped, self-addressed eovelope. Ann Landers win be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a seU-addrt'ssed, stamped envelope. Home in New York ,-·~.-. • • ~.,.. ... • • • 7'. • ·~· • ·~··· .. } •.. _,· '-liE~p'_a_tO 'll\E_Etil'lG ·-_Y' I:ndi;m M~dens are Hosting' th~·.nrnng Leal inauc' tion next Friday' amidst ·a background village of teepees. Pounding-o~t the mes· sage for the Pocahontas N~tion is Susan Bechtel \Vhile Mrs. George Rodda ;!!ld)•lela!lie Rodda list.en to the bea~ , " ' •. 1 ~~· :-: ,,_.. . ;' '-. 'Tribes /nCfuctkJ ·, '· r• " .: -tndif i). ~pre · Abounds lMide a l 1orful ::}Orest'· of-' pl~ting their first year will be assisting are Makah, set up ; teepees new lnel'hber-s wilt be awarded pins whlle pennants Chickasaw, hostesses; Chip. Inducted intG .the PocahOJllas will go to thOse ending theif pewa, posters; Apache! cl~an NatioD. of y Indian Maidens. second year. Making their up; ~ez Pe~ce, organization, ~, .. 1. 'h · Id F · db 1 d · u.~ . .11 and .Sioux, p1ctl,lJ"CS .. , / 1n" r;•r s ave CU'C e r1-e u urmg 1.111c: eve,n~g ~1 The next nation activity will daj, Nov. 14, for the 7:30 p.m. . be the Tom Tom ~eaters and be Christmas caroling 'in con- Faning' Lear ' induction at Bell Ringers Band under the valescent homes' and a party Estancia Higlt .School. Ap.. direclion of Mrs. George Roel-in December. The Sioux tribe proximately 133 new members da. under the direction of Mrs. C. will swell the. ranks and bring A special honor, the Gold R. Miller, princess, will be in the total membership·to 320 in Feather award, will be charge. 23 tribes. bestowed during the end of the Indian Maidens is _a _n Newcomers will receive ceremony. organization Sponsored by the headbands and eagle featherS Mrs. Warren Cloven of the YMCA for girls in grades one as symbols of their ac-Nez Perce tribe is induction through three, with mothers ceptance_ Yoongslers com-chairman. Cornmiltee tribes participating.in each activity. ·~·r, ......... "c~. \ Harborite Say·s Vows New .York will be home for Charles Thomas-Murphy Jr. and hls bride, the former Reirµta Go\enor oC Corona del Mar, after. their honeyinoon in the Bahantas. the couple exchanged wed- ding pledges in an a£1ernoon ceremony In St. Malachy's Catholic Church, Ne'w York City. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and M;s. Ra:y·Golenor of Corona del Mar and Charles ' Thomas Murptiy Sr .. of Scran- ton, Pa. Given In matriage by her ' father, the bride wore an !ce 'blUe· Italian silk gown hand embroidered with seed pearls. Her maid of J1onor was Miss Diane Co0ke. who wore u peacock blue velvet gown, and no ..... er girl,' iil a matching blue gown, was Maurrien ri.lcGrath . John Gavin served as best man and guests were seated by ri.1ichael Murphy, brother of the bridegroom. Ring bearer was Michael McGrath. A· reception in the Pierre Hotel followed th.e Ceremony, where Miss Connie Towers assisted. The · bi'ide attended the Universi~y of Ariiona and Orange Coast College and was gradualcd fro111 New York University and Sandy Meisner School of Drama, New York. tier husband \vas graduated from Notre Dame University. Sneak-a~/Jeek See WHAT'S 'NEW at HUNTINGTON 'v rr CENTER 1 E a ~Nor'sHALF. SIZE SHOP ' I~ 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER 1:1,UNTINGTON BEACH (next to Barker Bros;) Remember the rich dinner rolls Mother baked for a p;.fy; ~ and how you hung around th~~ki~hen, tiyffig to sneak a-few?-t ' THE BASICS OF MARRIAGE Wedding sets in a .variety of flavors. Clockwise from 1 o~clock: Sl.250, $850. Sl.100, $675. Sl.500. SLAVICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644 -1380 , ,)I.Ir Ch1r;e A(,ount Wtlcome -ll~nkAmtr1t1rcl, M.111,r C~1rgt, 100 Ope11 MoMley, Frldcsy 111ntll f 1JO ,.,.. , Pepperidge Farm remembers. 1 I \ ). I I i t I I I I j \ ! ' I l l I ---..--• -----~-T --....--·----- ff DAILY PILOT 'special .,__ ' tw•it.r"• Mll•t ........ ~-( .. •• ,..,..., N_tw!I0\1 tMch, ! l•tuM •f«fl .... t+¥ion vici. wlfll·~ ........... wl• •Hffl' lflfM OAILY l'tlOt '*11• ... ll'ltot"""911 4'11191 llt Fl( ...... J. .. \flll' •lf-tf ... ,,_,, .. ~ ,,..lllllt""' ~1Wtl'IM fCll'I' N Mrs. OlfM "'111111, ~ GIJIH119 ,t9f'.,, .. __. ...... ~ J •·"'-kid9f ... tubllcllllM w~,1 B1y Yitw:,PtA , Mri. ·WIJUlm Frot~ ~·n\ COMlNG "UP : 'Thanksgiving pio)<d will be ~ 1~1 dona- tion or Chrfsfmas prese nts for Fairvis Sfale Ho5pital. Students are asked to brinJ( an unwrapped toy to ~hool Tuesday and Wednesday. Nov. 25 and 26-. .. Children's Thtater Guild "''ill present a skit to promote the.ir pro-, ctuction of "Puss and Boots" on Friday .. Nov. 21. •. No geDeral meeting this-nlonth . Beer PFO Mh. J9'n Hacker President COMING UP: First grade open house tomorrow fron\ 1:30 a.m. until noon. P~ts are invited to attend and observeclas sroo m pro- cedures, activities and have lunch with their children Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor· row at school. Activities for Novem~r and December will be discus.std. Celifornia PT A l\trs. Ted Brl.1118 President C0~1lNG UP : Association mee~ at 7:30 p . m . Tuesdaj', NOY. 18, in the multipitpoee room . Or. Nolan Frizzelle, chairman of the Newport Harbor thamber-of Commer ce comniittee· · lludJlng a II phues of ech>calion con-cernin& the community, will ~ .. 1he propooed ... educaUon course that wlU soon be presented to the Newport.Mesa Uni f I e d School Dlltricl Questionaire wlD be sent home [or }:IU'enls lo write out any question they wish 1nawertd. REPORTS: Mrs. Mel Ehlen. .ways and means chairman reports a profit of 1700 wag cleared at the carnival. Partol information meeting al I :~ a,m. and again at • 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, in the multipur(>Ole room. Reading pf'Olram in h>urth through sixth gradea wilt be e'lalualed., Board memberg will host. • REPORTS: Bicyclenf«y"laf , was canceled due to 1aln. ~ 'Ensign PTA Mn. Haro1d st.aw President COMING UP: Armual Family · ~ight. Spaghetti Dinner has been ctlanged to 5:3().3 p.m. Friday, .Dec. 5, in the caretorium. Kaiser PTA J\.1n. Johnny Mackey President COP.11NG UP: General meeting al 7:30 p. m. \Vedneaday, Nov. 19, in the multipurpose room. Program will consist oI art, Spanl!h, speecil and space science demonstrations by student.. and teachers . Music and song featured. REPORTS : Due to illness Mrs. Frank Mutter, presi· dent had lo resign and Mrs. Jphnny 1i1ackey was elected. Leguna High PTA J\.tr1. Mark Smilb Jr. President COt-.1ING UP : Homecom ing football fcail from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14, in the cafeteria. Parents <ii senior student.I_ will be. flipping hamburgers and serving baked beans, green and jello salad, ice cream, coffee and milk, all for $1.25 for adults and $1 for students and children. Proceeds will go Lo the seruor class. Lindbergh PTA Mrt. John Hefty President COMING UP : Bicycle safety program at 9 a.m. tomor- row. Students in th Ir d through sixth grade wlll participate ... Books being contributed for the school library may be sent to school. Lutheran PTL College Pk. PTA JIC~ .. ~;!'i:~' Mn. JllDltl -ldaafer COMING UP : Gener a I PresideQl ... _ meetina at 7:30 p.m. Mon· COMING UP : Volunteers to ·day, Nov. 17. Parents' Guide assist Mrs. GI~ Gr~,., to,: Family Life and Sex health and welfare chalrman EducatJon will be presented ln the immuniution pro-by Ult board of education. tP'IDI are 1he Mna l)ua.. REPORTS: Birthday book Piper, Robert Kr e I g er , plan under the direction of Wendall Van Atta, Car I Mrs. Rich Harms has been Nauman, Walter Greule. adding books \o the James Crest, W i It e r library. . . . Mrs. Ro· y Stevens, BurleiP .B}U'shem McCardle, health chairman and .James CUi'r'an. • • • • is in charge of setting up f• . villon acreerdn1. Monte Vi.ta · PTA .Atn. Mark MOf'dl Pmldent COMING \JP : Bicycle safety program at I a.m. Monday, · Nov. 17, for lludai" fn1hird throogh lifth tir--... Board ..meet.tng at 9 a.m. tornoqow, S °'i en t If i c Advances In Prevention of Birth , DdecJa . will b e pretented at 10 a.m. by Miss Kan;et 'Beemus from the March of Dimes Foundation. Coffee and donuts will be ·~~. by board members •••• Fathers work day for library shelving will _!.a ke place at 9 a.m. Saturday. Nov. 15. Mothers are needed for painting. Newport Ele. PTA Mn. Jolln Franco President COMING UP : Special parent. inronnation meeting Scien· tiflc Advances In Prevention of Birth Derects will take place at 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Nov. 19, in the caretorium. Miss Harriet Bttmus of the March of Dimes will speak ... _Jnnoc- ulations will be given to aft· emooo kindergarten stu- dents at 1:45 a.m. Thurs- day, Nov. 20. Other grades will follow at 9 a.m. Paularino PTA Mrs. Nigel Balley President COMrNG UP: ·Unit meeting will take place Tuesday, Nov. II, in the multipurpose room. Mrs. 1'"'red Palmer, program chairman extend 5 an invitation to all parents to hear Sister Lucille from St. Joseph's College in Orange lecture on the new method of Open . C o u r t reading. Attendanct: contest will 1 take p,lace and the classroom with the most parents attending w i 11 receive Ice crean\ treats. PresentaUon by f i f t h grade students ~ill follow •.. , . Mrs . Paul Du· main, safety and juvenile pr,otectioti chairman an-, riou.DCes bicycle safety clinic , Will take place aL 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the olhool parking lot. Studen" In third through fifth grades will be required to take a written ~ in their , Cl8SSl'OOOlf.,..,.,, to f.he safe- ly euaµOllbl •ii! ol>ttac!• coww.} Ail!llltlng _art the Mm!a:Les Chapman, A. J. Sprque, Jawn-Qleeleman and ·L. D. Birch, R E·'PORTS : · Parent-teacher conferenct11l'took place this last "eek focr students in all grades. 'Posting · the . 'New$ for Competition Ree PTA· l\1n. Do1ald Jaeklon President COMING UP: Candy sale will continue through Friday, Nov. 21. REPORTS: 160 students at- tended the skating party .•• Mrs. Donald Jac~n and Grant Belnap attehded 1the principal and president luncheon. St. John Aux. Mr1. Dennis Wab President COf\.11NG UP: Gener'al meeting tomOrTOw in the school 'hall. Mrs. Reno Pierotti, program chairman announces Confraternity of Christian Doctrine will be moderated by Bud Moore, director. REPORTS: Mrs, Roger Gib- bons reports 98 percent pas'.sed the bicycle aafety test sponsored by the Cost8 Mesa P o 1 I c e Depart· ment ••. Mrs. Clarence Clarke, art chairman and Mad Hatter 3.warded prizes at Mad Hatter Halloween costume parade. . . Christmas bazaar ·work parties are in ~ogress. Mrs. Cha rles Morgan at fM.2018 may be cootacted for further information .... Orders for Christmas candy-will be ac- cepted until Saturday, Nov . JS. TeWinkle PTA 1\trs. Robert Sortnsea President COMING UP : Waffl e breakf11st trom 8 a.m. to t p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23, in Boswell Hall,. Tickets at .$1 for adulla; and 75 cents for students in eighth grade and under mat be purchased from board. members or at the door. Mrs. Lloyd Baker at 545-1567 or Mrs. Jo.1epb Meng at 549-4147 may· 1:te called for further in- formation . Victoria PT!'. Mr1. Fred Woodworth P~dent COMING UP: Rooln mothers me¢.lng wili take Place at 9;30 a.m. 1'\lesdaf; Nov. II, in the multipurpose room. REPORTS: Sweallhlrt s a I e now is in progress with Mrs. John Opb e rman 'In charge ..• Volunteers assisting in I h e im· muniu\tion~Cttme-r,Wft the t.\mea. ,Fred Wooilworth. J·a k ~ 'NeuFeld, R?-b tr t Clarke;. 1Ken Adam!~ Tom F rei~ s;-Paul PetersOl'l, Anthony ,ADgotU and Ted Argott ... ~ duty oldes are the Mmes. ~ Glenn, c ri o r dinat«;""~ ~nnan, ~ ·M.00'1~ ~al~~t~urton ' • TI!e book f3ir coming to Lineoln Jtm.ior Hlgb ·School or the fair is lo stimulate interest in books. Pullin~ Nov. 24 and 25 \Vill be well -publicized, as the ne"'' up what they hope \Viii be the "'Lnnlng postc"r are. Is being spread by posters made by the students for (left lo right) Mark Pryor, Cindy Steinhaus and a poster contest Nov. 14. Books for the disp lay will Molly Keen. • · "" bv Dalton'• ~ashion Island, and purpooe . I' ' Wa s hbu.rn , Robert McGowen, P,bUUp.1 Butt-, Gary Gill, Kent 8~, S. D. R..,, Coniel1"'' P!ru, Richard Hlaer and WUUam Boise. Standbys are the Mmes. Adams, Jay Foster, Peterson and LaWTance AJvem. Whittier PTA Mn. Jobn Reldlil1 President · COMING \JP: Meeting at 1 tonighL Mark H a n I 0 ft • special eOucation coordinator will speak •.•• Annual carnival fi:om JO a.m .. to 3 p.m. ·Saturday, Nov. 15. /IOOihJ and gomea featured will be surny · Tides, cake "alb, toss for gold fish, makeup and cut· out silhouettes. F o o d available will be hot dop, punch, eolfee and <olton candy. Prizes will be awartled. REPORTS: Movie "So Dear to My Heart" was enjoyed by Whtttlerites. . . . Paper drive was successful. Wilson PTA Mn, WllUun Oulla" President COMING \JP: Smllllpox •nd DPT nu-it.u.a will au place tomorrow, at school. RE1'9R:rs : Proceed. !or 1he carnival were MOO •••• 321 meJllbers joined in the PTA drive .... New members t,o the executive board are the Mmes. Bill Pollock, teachers' representaUve ; Michael Evinger, social and hospitality ; Ceorge Kothe, art and posters: Jay Him- melheber, heakh w1lfare and magazine; W 1l11 am Arndt, telephone : Robert Murray, safety, and Stanley Skunynski, co-ways and means. Woodlend PFO ·Mn. F~rkk Eltlo President • Karate, Anyone? COMING UP : General meeting at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, No,-. II, in the mu!Upurpose room. Mn. David Brant, s~aJ. rt.adinc teacher will; dfSCUst tbe new stale ·~ re1d!iij fnd liteiMure' books. Pa~rblck ~ ;i.tso will be a~allal>le for tJiu'chue for c~'s home lllxarles or Christmas Ii~. ~ lZiar '•bit ihf. book ltore Monday -through Friday, Nov. 17 to 2t. Lady Bird Relaxes Plenty o! excitement is being generated by (at 1eft) Jake Sabori, second degree Black Belt karate instructor, and Tadashi Hiraoka, third degree Ble.ck Belt owner, fourth degree judo, collegiate judo champion in Japan and AAU judo champion for the past tl\'O years. They will be part of a Newport Heights PTA Father and Son Night karate and judo exhibition Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafelorium. In Texas WASlllNGTON (UPI) - ''Her dart hair hangs Joose and casual around her face. Her step Ls brisk a n d unstudied . She bums a tune IS she goeg about her business. Her smile is more reined than when she lived in the White House." "'·"'~"' Marie Smith of t h e Washington Post was wrltlne •bout Mrs. Lyndon B . Johnson, who, IS she has done several times since Jan. 20, came back to the city where she lived so many yean. "She looks 'back with love' on her years In the White House but Is not !Orry she Is no longer there," Miss Smith said. " 'I Klei-a marvelous time -"' t a good, strt>ng, happy time, '· ,....; l>ut you always haa the feeling ' v.. ol tlie fragility of time--h 0 w ' • quick!)' it goes -and yau .want to Jive it' all,' " Miss Smith quoted Mn;l"JOlmson u u}'ing. . t• 'For the' first six months I jU3t aoaked up doing thlnp I wanted to do -l~Jooklng for whooping cranes on the Ttia> coast -l)Oing wttb Lyn- doo to Florida and vis\~ the · Hoover Library in Iowa.' ' she told Miss Smith. -"At the ranch t swim a lot, ,, walk a lot and I've ridden a good deal -a very iood Ten• neaee walking hone," Mrs. Johnson said. Mrs. Johnson is looking forward to ·completing.-' her book, which will be.essenUally excerpts from the t \i, million word diary she kept as first lady. .. _ -51ee . ..._,,..Like A Log? Forget It If • P"""" ol•pt like a tog, u •lhey say, he'd wake -up stlrt as, a board. Normally, • person turns ,_. ___ .., O\'fr bt?tw~ 4S and 60 times St . R' ht D' t' dUrini .. eight-hoor sleep ep If.I .1g rrec ion ~~· Is nature's way of This tunic jumper and 1 soft blouse, \\'\tl1 or '"ithoul nlntching pant~. ean be asmJring lhnt proper clrculR· found in the May Co. stores. Beautifully detailed b¥ Country SeL, 'lhis light- Uon Is maintained and weight \VOOI pl aid in pale peach and tobacco tones 1s en eye catcher, as is the m....clea are kept limber. bowed silky Polyester and collon blouse. ' t ' \ I I I ' f I ' < ( I I ' , I I t l \ EASY CARE TOUCHES -Soft waves flo\v down easily then bounce away free- ly at the sides into loose and airy curls. Note the oU-centcr parting, a subtle touch th i!.f 8.dd s to the natural appeal of this coiffure. The open brow gives an un co1nplic.ated look . BRUSHED UP AND AWAY -Very Uttle wav'e can be seen. in the hair \vhere it is brushed gently from the high parting on .tfle right. Thi s gives an easy but "definite contrast to the more spirited action in Jhe softly textured curls. Students Welcomed About 3 0 int~rnational students attending California Sta te College al Long Beach. and an equal number or An1erican families will gather al 7 p.111 . Frida y, Nov. 14, for a get·acquainted potluck In the Huntingta.1 1-rarbour home of ~Int Dean Hill . The young people will be . gues ts of area Friendship fan1ilics who have indicated a desire to b<zcomc better ac- quainted with the foreign $ludents. This semester there are 425 I ntern atio nal students represe nting 50 countl'ics in · 1he world altendi·.•g CSCLB. :c1ccording to f\frs. Hill of the Jnlernati<lnal Student Affairs Center ar the ro llege. Sororitv ' Dancing Delicious food. gOOd en- tcrtainn1ent and f r i e n d I y socialliation . await members and guests of Beta Gam111a ChaPter. Epsikin Sigma Alpha sorority . The Fountain Valley group is planniilg a dinr.er dance al 7:15 p.m. F'riday, Nov. 14, in \Vindsor Sq~a re as its prin· cipal fund·raising project of lhe year. Following dinner there \\'ill be prizes and entertainment provided by f\1iss Irene Buser who plays guitar and sings. Serving as chairman of the project is Mrs. Louis Bac..'Ca. ,-~ Variety Provided Jrs a Small World has been selected fJS the theme t1f a bazaar sponsored by the Relief Society of Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, \Vestminster. 111e bazaar, featuring nap qu ills, novelty and gift items. and many homemade baked goods, also will offer a com. plete turkey dlnner. It will open at 5:30 p.m. Fri- day, Nov. I~, in lhe church. and dinner will be ·served between 6 and 7:30 p.ni. Tickets for the dinner may be purchased indivldu B;lly o r family tickets will be·available for a $9 donation . Arnericun families \V ho would · like !o v o I u n 11' er .,. parliCli}iOon In !he 00~1 pro- gr~n1 arc in vilr:J lo contact ~trs. Hill , 528·24il. Don ' I Brush Off Unfinished Job Regardless of ¥:ha t ll'i>e of pail1L you have u~cd. rinse and coin b' brush bristles Into shape, let dry and wrap in heavy paper. Also featured "'ill be fun and game booths ~ith many Prizes lo be given away. The public i:s Invited to attend the event. Emblem Club , O vereaters Guests arc welcome to at· tend O\'erealcrs Anonymous everv Monday at 8 p.m. in Store bru sh in either a suspended or a nat posllion lo keep bristles straight. Gathering .for bus I ne s s sessions and : projrams are mernbers or Newport Harbor Emblem Club every second Tuesday at I p.m. In the Elks LCldge, ·Ne,_1port Beach. And er so n Schoo l ,I Wcstn1in~ter. ;======================.! • ' :"i"~··')··:l :; . • • 1 ., af . . . ,,,:·<%f.;v.4lttfl: .. a'll day and J' . stal !ose · ·"'· · · weight? · . WEIGHT ®.. WATCHERS • Same t•lkinq, som• tis!enirig 1nd • progr•m tn11 works. t• s flll llOCHUill-CAll 13S·SSOS f.IDQbLtEY STRICTLY JUNIORS . NOW OPEN •.. 'In The Alley Of Open Fri. Ewes. J424 VIA LIDO All CllDJT 'tll f NIW,Of:T llACH CAllDI WllCOMI • Crown in Glory_ -----_ • Soft ... , n Free ' --._ - Look · for H'air There Is a soft and free iook tn the new hair styles designed lor lhe hollda)1 ahead by the O!Ucial Hair Fashion Com- mitt ee or the Nat\t1na1 cosme- tologists Association. The sof~ in the new look ls more tQan one of touch, although the hair shpply must feel soft and silky. It must look solt..as "'ell as feel Sort. The free part or the new look is one ol plrit. lt is in harmony wllh trends . that haVe bee.n influenc'ing clothing fashions, as well as h a i r 'tyles. In hair styles, this feeling of freedom makes a definite brtakaway from the now dreary concept of a single 190k being "in" for all \l'Omen, and the even more mlsguided idea that there ls only one best look lor anydne. porlioned lo your o w n particular requirements, tak· tng into ..:on.side.ration the shape of you r head, lace and body. The actual length~or the hair appears tO range from short to medium. This requires superbly cut hair, and a ~ soft permanent wave that has ~n carefully prescribe'd 'for Your· hair. ltt o s t of the neW styles f~aturcd an open forehead. \Vhere special brow treatment -was needed,· wave formatior\s \vere brought over t h e hairli~e. Baogs were seldom seen. Some of the new styles had a soft rise at the crown area. This was a natur al lift from \vhich hair usually flowed dO\VR in easy waves and then burst away· at the sides in soft curls. In other styles, clusters of transparent curls crowned the top of the head, while .soft waves framed the face and defined the nape. DAil Y I'll.OT If waves are better for you at sometime, waves let ,it be. If curls are your best friends at another Ume, enjoy· them. If you 're like most women, you'll gain t h e most using bolh , waves and curls, in dif- ferent degrees and com- binations at different times. ' Choral Group BUOYANT CURLS -Designed for the holiday season ahead is this son coif· Every Monda y at 7:30 p.nl. fure whi ch frames the face but leaves most of the brow free and open . The curls mcmb~r., ot the Prospective orfer a soft and airy height at the top, a happy touch when additional height is Aliso Valley Chapter of Swcet-:::n=e=e=ded~·=in=lh=e=c=ro=w=n=a=r=ea=.=====================: But, know what each change needs. Be sure that whichever style you choose it is prt> Adelines convene in ?.1ission _ Vie.jo High School. Have the best cook·out on the. block and I Here's how: use Kraft Barbecue sauce-the sauce i11at doesn't just sit t11ere. II simmers real cook -out flawor all through the mea t. The fl avor of t9 herbs and spices all througl1 th e meat. Take your choice: Regular. Hot. Garlic or Hickory Smoke flavored. Send us the neckband from the bot!le along with the coupon above. We 'II send you 25c. Good deal! •· • i--;'i7iN"'.'L;-----------------, I MA IL IN OFFER FOR.M .. . I I Hey, hey. Mall today% I I I I I I I I use lhls mall·ln offer form 1ci get yoUr 2se. t-·1ail 10: Krafl Barbecue Sauce offe,,_ ~· --.... P.O. Box 6~54 (i ~ Chicago, ll llnols 00677 K""FT.I' 1-lcre·s the neckband from nny size boule of Krar1 Barbecue Sauce. Please send my 25' cash 10: I NAMl------,.-..,.--~-.,...---1 I I ~1~1 t 1 ______________ _ I I I (tl\' TAT ZIP CODl-I I Only one refund ll"' f•m•ly, Vood wh~•e p•oli•b•led, rr•troc,f'ti 01 J I i.•l'd. Ohe1 .,,1.,;1onlr1n U.S.A. Ofitr '•plies OKtmbet J1, 19&'1 I .--'"-'"-~ _ _. L------- .. ' - .. I I I ~~, ............... ~.........., ......... --, . ..--~~....--. ... -.--··-··~-.. ~.-·....,-............. ---·.-·-~~··-·----....,~---..----~---------------------------- ' , • ·-Aroma ' • • .. • • > • • -.· • • ' • .. • l ~ L • •• • • I • . • ~ j Gtacer'bNld1 w a r m •nd inoii """1 the oveo, 11.ooe ol ... deJJPU o/ ddlclbo6ct'lts mellow, spiq flavor is -wtth milk ... and tile ,.........,. o/ glocw~ '*kine II pure pl- Now -t bvlter cl.mbl!les 'flth the linlleli>r<ad batter to pro• Id e the classic with ~O<J!-pac< II ••.~!'111ncl ~ nutrition. -.;: .., .,.... ~-...,.,bread is based ot1 molasaes. 'Peanut Butt.er Ging~bread offers variety of form,, too. Qd it into small. obloogs and )'OIJ have litUe ·bar cookies. Cut it in larger squares to ll!l'Ve It topped with vanilla ice tilt with youngsters • • • and • cream, whipped cream, or whipped topping. Larger yet, the llQlllll'tl may be lllced 111d arranged ice-cream sandwich fashion wtt.b a layer of ice crum between the slices. Peanut Butter Gingerbread offers quah1y nourlshmenL Peanut butter is a IOW'Ct of protein and B vitamins. Molasses offers yj.tamln Bl and calcfum"} .. : arid it's a rich- sborce of iron, tb€ mineral that helps prevent anemia and aids in building red blood. Authorities consider molasses nature's most nutritious sweetener. Molasses Oatmeal Funny Faces will be another sure-flre ping into the cookie jar for lhtse cooklea ore nutriUonal )Jeavywelgbll, t q 0. 'llle mow.es . c:omtitnll w I t h OltmW, chopped pelllllll and ralslm and they're crisp and deUciOlll. MW' the eooJda, arrango, tile ralllns In lun- nyface pa11ems .., top. Both the ging<rbread and cooklea are real mil for the alter -teboOI '1D111t mil(-;' : • and mo11SR5' lnay bi added to the milk it.sell. Just add a tableaPoOft or more to a glus of milk 'and stir 'btlstb' for a fine tally flavor. Grownups will enjoy the molasses trtats, too • . . they're wooderful wilh coffee and you'll find yourself dip- ~J..EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIVING CENTER "Plan Ahead for the Holidays" . ' .You •r• invited to a program filled wi~h cookie i•r treats and cendy d~ll9.ht1; holiday ·ti'ps and plen.1h11d fric~s. using your clean 1!1cfric ra nge •nd frost- free freezer. Edi1on Home Economist, Mrs. Carol Heinz will pfesent "Plan Ahead for the Holi- deys" programs et the Edison Electric Living Center, 538 Mein Streif, Hunt- ' ington Be•ch. The daytime demonstrations ere on eithe~ November 18, 19, 21 t or 25 end December 3 or~ et 10 :00 e.m. The evening programs ere et 7:00 p.m. on either November 17, 20, or 24 i1nd December 2 or 4 • .The 9u1sts attending will receive a recipe book. Another ~omman;ty serv;ce of ......,-S:: . .::::»~ r • ¥ ..... ' ' • ., -Southem c.lilomJa EdlM>n c._, • • IS nat '· There 111,'e DO artifidal sweeteners in.COOi Whip~ All we use is sugar and dextrose. Enough to make it taSte good, But not enough to give it more than 16caloriesper tablespoon. Which means you can continue to enjoy all the Cool Whi_p non-daiJy whipped , ' topping you want. Right now,and during tl1e holidays. l!I • • ' ., ------ yoor own mJcl.momlq colleo break. J!IWllJT •tmER GINGllRlllllWl ll cuplbor1enln1 11 cup peanut butler 14 cup sugar · II cup--. i •u Ill cups sifted all-purpose flour ' I II teiapo&I lllt I II teupoon bUJi1g powder 11 teaspoon baldng IOda I teaspoon ctruwnon 11 -p.v .. I), cup bot .~t.er Crtam together ahortening, peanut butter and qar. Blend lo mola.slts ~ ~P· SUI tOfOlher flour, salt, bUJng powder. O«ta and spkes. SUr mto molassei mfxture, alternaUng with bot water. Turn into greased 13 x t x 2· Inch baking pan. Bake in 350 degree F. oven 25 · mlnutu. Cool; cut in approxlmat.ly 2Y,·lnch squares. Serve with scoop of ice cream, U desired. Yield: 15 aquarea. MOLASSES OATMEAL FUNNY FACES 1 cup shortening 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups quiet cookies oatmeal l cup finely chopped peanull 3 cupa sifted aD-purpoee flour 2 teaapoons baking soda Raisins Cream shortening until fluf· Cy. Stir in molasses, sugar and eggs. Beat until well blended. stir in vanilla, oat me a I, peanuts, flour and baking soda. Drop mlxture by tea- spoonsful onto greased cookie sheet. Place raisins on cookies to make faces. Place them apart a.!11 cookies will spread during baking. Bate in 375 degree F. oven for 15 minutes or unUI cookies are brown around the edaer. Cool cookies on a ract. Yield: About I dozen cootlel. Man-pleaser· Top touted spilt Engl~h muffins wJth sliced bolled cor· nod bee! and slices ol !rub Callfornil Bartlett pears. Top with a hot cream 11uce prtpared from cream of muabroom IOllp, dry mustard, marjoram and p r e p a r e d horseradish. ' f r .. A. ·whets Appe1ites ,, NUTRITIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS , •• k~~ Home Cf Gi~ Siq:> THERE IS A MAGIC IN CANDLELIGHT IT SETS A MOOD OF CHARM AND ROMANCE. We have hand dipped .. ndles,. imported ones, whimsical ones, bold, vibrant ones, holders and rings too! A. VOTIVE CANDELABRA soft 9reen finish. 17.50 CANDLE RINGS 2.50 -~ B. SPANISH CANDLE, wro,ght iron and amber glass. 4.50 C. 14" HURRINCANE CHIMNEY 15.00 c. PINE SCENTED CANDLE 4.50 HOLLY RINGS J.00 -~ D. MONDRIAN CANDLE 9.00 WROUGHT IRON CANDLE STAND 15.00 0. E. FRUIT CANDLE, life-like fru it, • delightful Th1nks9ivin9 centerpiece. 13.00 •• RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER Hll Via Lido, Newport Beach 673-4360 , MRYTHJNG FROM lNSTANT TIFFANY TO NUTS IA>ve this awareness limi ? "• . • thil, "'l feel Ute I ; be doing IOlllOtbin& .. don't I, but. I've plenty tune. « have I?" around you. It'a all here. l.l>VE THE RAIN, IT DRIVES ,! EVERYBODY JN ~ ... and happily they m.Ui. discovertes • • Some~: 111 vow, nobody baa 8', yet • a mini tlaue boll' • • the decorator tind hold the little purse to ; packages of tl~. Mi. beauties •• shades of a· or jade oeyx, tres posh w:i · gold filigree • • • to , perfect company with tJif love of Florentine •• sbetJ llll111Y ol llny chesll ; drawers, the g~ut of b' cbesbl and llt!W-llactl boxes. Why not a bundle ii. different shapes and sizes ' llacl: cria cross on top ct eacb other to h o I - '~ from bal~. curlers to cull links. lj. FlorellUne lsn 't yoar dJsii !or puttng thlnp in, at mamdWare In dolninoa cil • blact aod tobHo. DIU.,.li look, aame eod, to .llsli ' away. THE BlG DISCOVERY PLACE • ' ' ' ' . ' Gilt Shop, where all ~. levels borrow the g i. togetbers from each otMf: to show you what goes wt1' whaL Tb• bath lhop, t1* most aware place of aJ!.1 Doing th• decorator a<il with towels, rugs, w~ basketa and typically batlij, lbings, you'll fmd wall plj, quea and high standing .;,!l1;' ron ••• Hooks far the w~ ~el raekJ standing on thl( noor, stools to· sit ont shower curtains anti' bedspreads, m a t c h I n I · clocks and ashtrays. Got •: Wine rack you don't uU;1 stuff it with towels, or bet;.1 ler yet buy a towel stutruc rack that loots like a winit' rack ••• Fun, fun, fun •• ,; Decorating is fun • • Uii: barriers are down .. · ;t everything goe s w i t JI· anything it you know how. If you Utink you don 't knaW how, come in and give ,a look •• Ask, take something home and try it. Still a lit- tle , I don 't know. We'll come out and assure you. We'll do the looking, and ac.. cessorlze your living room with the right things in the right places, or your k1t- chen or your boaL Perhaps right there, what you need ls a basket or beefsteak tomatoes, so rea1, you11 want to sllce one and put It in a hamburger • THE BIG WRAP ANO MAIL GO IS ON Pick It out •• , A C~ egg pan from Denmark to make .fi perfect fried edl. ••. or up to the Yachl Shop . , . Men 's Lily Oache shlrt!. Spinnaker wool shirts or Hang Ten T Shirts . , • The best of Jack Winter or Horgan 100 percent polyester and wash ab l"e girls pants suits, dreSHi, lops and bottoms • • • or down in the lobby ... Ster- Ung's California Sun Dried fruits • • • the love· of Knoll's, Fanners lttartet, Dickinson's and Grabers ... or some new gourmet pa cks from Denmark with whole canned hams, canned salami: sardines, chees.; and big wllol• rouod rory Edam!I ••• all doing the giving act on cheese boarib and chopping block! , , • mske the pick .•• -.r 'Where ••• we'll do .•• . . . Instant Tiffany ,ts •hat keeps you from nzn. Ding through your own sliding glass doors ••• hire at Richard's, tbe ~11 store where you11 abo find the jumboest bulk nuts tn town. -. ------·-----~~-~---~--~----------~~--~-----------~~~-~---·---·· PHONE 673-6360 FOR.HOME'oELrvERY ' IN OUR DELIVERY A~EA PRICES EFFECTIVE ~ov. 13, 14;"" IS -·· ··. .............. , ; ...... \ •• ,.. .. • •• 1 • , . ' , ' '· I : , ..... \ \ \ . I •. • • ' . l • ! \ • • .. ' I ', , 1 I . . \' ... .. \ ...... -.. ,,,, ............. •\ • .... )I. . .·· ··. ~ . . . .. . . . .. .. . . " . .. __ . . . ' . •• • ••.. j -----------------~ • • • .. · ' .. . . . O!g•n ~-- Serenade For Your LIDO MARKET CENTER Pleasure by NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Bernico Fay • W.sdlJ, NMmbtr 12, 1CJr6' • RICHARD'S TOP OF THE GRADE U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF · ROUND STEAK Mokt A Hu ... rl1n Pot Roni, Serve With ,_y Seed Noodl11 SWISS STEAK lt1l11 with herbs In V-1 juice BONELESS RUMP ROAST To your pot tOlll add 3 1.llcod onions, IV• C. chill 11uca, 'A C. thoppod dill pickle BONE.IN RUMP ROAST A really flawrlul '"'' OUR OWN LEAN GROUND BEEF How about Hembvrger Strot•noff • FROM, THE LAND OF CORN, Rath Blackhawk BACON • 89PLI. 79~LI. 98~LI . 8,LI. sa~L .. 79~LI. . ' • PltDDUEE .. • • ' ' "Mnnf-1, V/lbw&.;. SERVE WITH CAMEMBERT FOR DESSERT LARGE, THICK MEAT Cantaloupe 4 FOR $1 JUICY, NICE FOR SALADS. IN DIAN RIVER, PINK Grapefruit PLEASANT SERVED RAW WITH A TANGY DIP c~~Iul;;~;WRAPPEDEACH 2s~ VERY VERSATILE, TAKES WELL TO A VARIETY OF SAUCES AND SEASONINGS EGGPLANT EACH 2s~ DELIEITEllEH ARDEN COUNTRY STYLE COTTAGE CHEESE PINT 29¢ GEORMAE DRESSINGS 1000 Island or Ble·u Cheese,.., 59¢ LAND O'FROST SLICED SMOKED BEEF J oz. 3 ,..51 DORMAN'S IMPORTED DANISH PORT SALUT or TILSITER, oz. 55' YOUNG'S CHERRY WOOD SMOKED OYSTERS IN GLASS 4V2 ••• 49~ TYNE BRAND IMPORTED ENGLISH PIES 1Sl/i OZ. Beef Steik & Kidney, Minced Beef Steak and O nion, Beef Steak and Mu1hroom, Curried Beef Steak. PltOZEH POOD! DOLE PINEAPPLE CHUNKS u '!.o •. 4 ,,.51 SUNKIST ORANGE JUICE 5 '" 51 WAKEFIELD KING CRAB MEAT ' oz. 1.29 VAN DE KAMPS, BEEF, CHEESE , CHICKEN ENCHILADAS ,.1, o •. 3 ,,. 51 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN in butter sauce 10 oz. 4 ,,.51 , GREEN GIANT LEAF SPINACH in butter sauce 4 ,.,51 GREEN GIANT SHOE PEG-10 oz. White Corn in butter sauce 4 ,.,'1 GREEN GIANT ONIONS in cream sauce 10 oz.3 ,.,51 BAKERY NO SUGAR OR SHORTENING Buckwheat N' Honey Bread BUTTERM ILK, CHEESE AND ONION BUNS FRUIT FILLED VARIETY BUNS FRUIT PAN DOWDY 45¢ 6 ... 31¢ 6 ... 41¢ 69¢ . 1 • EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAIL FROM COUNTY CORK, YOU'LL FIND I OUR HEARTY !RISH Iii 1· BUFFET A WARM I~ • INFORMAL WAY TO ENTERTAIN. . U" A RUSTIC, TWEEDY CLOTH AND A BOWL OF BELLS OF IRELAND FLOWERS COMPLETE THE MOOD. P.S. Our Deli h11 Stew in a can, Oat. meal, Irish Whi1key Par1di1e Cake, Ra1pherry and Custard Biscuit1, Tea, all from the Emerald l1lel IRISH BEEF STEW with MASHED POTATOES TOSSED GREEN SALAD BISCUITS KILLARNEY PEACHES !RISH COFFEE IRISH BEEF STEW I Cut I ¥.i lb. round steak into· cubes. Heat llz C •. oil in dutch' oven. Add 'f4 C. minced onions, I clove minced 9arUc. Saute till tender. Stir in lf4 C. flour, l/4 tsp. pepper, llz tsp. celery salt. Slowly stir in 3¥.i C. boiling waler in which you've dissolved 4 bouillon cubes, add llz tsp. silt and lfi tsp. Worces!ershire. Add meot & simmer 2 hrs. Then add 12 sm. onions, 12 sm. carrots, halved, simmer IS min. Add 1/2 pk9. frozen peas, simmer 5 min. Heap mashed p6tatoes in ring on top of stew. Serves o4.6. KILLARNEY PEACHES Drain 16 to 18 canned cling peaches halves. Arrange on their sides in shallow bowl and sprink:e with 2 T. Irish Whiskey. Whip I C. heavy cream, flavor with I T. sugar and I T. Irish Whiskey. Beat till stiff. Pipe cream thru pastry tube around edge of bowl. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve very cold. ElHDY Allen Wertz candies , new in our Candy Shop! BRIDGE MIX PLBIEll !HBP Wh ite or Sunny Yellow DAISIES Full bunch of 25 da isies R99. 1.25 98¢ IUNCH Com• In and See Our Luscious Holid•y A11ortment1. ' CHICKEN A LA KIEV 11.391A. A mertelou1 1>1rty cli1h. lonele11 chicken bree1t1 with butter I chives . Long Island Duckling Delicetely fl1vor1d with en orang• wine 11uc1. Country Stile Spareribs Alf11dy 9la11d with Sweet end Sour S1uc1, in th1ir own foil pan. BEEF ROULADES Th111 1r1 stuffed with our own •lmond and p1r1l1y dr111ing. U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF, TOO. • 98cLa. Gntkt~f~7f~~ 1~11W! UltDEEitY · LAURA SCUDDERS MAYONNAISE 32 OL 39¢ ARDEN AA BUTTER 1 LI. Ile SUNSHINE SCOTTIE 9V• oz. SHORTBREAD COOKIES 2 ,.,69¢ HILLS BROS. COFFEE 1 LI. HILLS BROS. COFFE~ J LI. TREESWEET· Pink-Grapefr.uit Juice IMPERIAL MARGARINE •• oz. 3 '°' 11 1 LI. 37( STAR PIMIENT9 STUFFED OLIVES Jl/1 oz. GERBER'S STRAINED BABY FOOD·~ OL 12 FOR $1 ANDERSON 'S SPLIT PEA SOUP 11 oz. 5 '°' 11 NESTLES SEMI-SWEET MORSELS ,. oz. CHIPPERS, WITH BUTTER TOFFEE PEANUTS MIXED NUTS 12 oz. CHIPPERS BUTTER 49c 69¢ Toffee Peanuts l20L 4' BLUE RIHON APPLESAUCE UOL 5 ... •1 LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE qUAIT 4 1w $1 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 14 OL 2FOR 39¢ DIAMOND DINNER PLATES •CT. OVEN SPRAY EASY OFF 1• oz. OUR HOME & GIFT SHOP IS BURSTING WITH UNUSUAL GIFT IDEAS! 29¢ 98c · --' z ' • .. z· • r:J1&77ZOOUZJ!tlUYt1h556f'SALZJ:suu• db LOURISAUSJ!dt •:n •sauzaaPaua:u:asJtilb YA ------• ;s -JCS 6 $55J a rt -"£,tJw,....£s-MARKET OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 HOME & GIFT SAOP LIDO YACHT SHPP ANTHONY'S SHOE'-REPAIR i;L.OWER SHOP-. ~ .DAILY 9-5:30, SAT. 9.5 CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9·6, SUN. I O.J OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY l :30-6, SAT. 1:30-5 I· .. I ' . \ . 1 . -48 DAll.V""'1' WtdntldlY, N-,12, 1969 J , PILOT-ADVERTISER ' Bicentennia-1 Cbol<book l\low on · Sale Lunchbox Surprises · California BlcenteMial S P e c fa I nleal-plannlng Celebration Commillioa an-menus preface each recipe in ~. lhat. an off 1 c i a I the meats, ~ltry, and California B ac eat e nn I a}" seafoods ti 1 \. Cookbook now is on sale. ~ 0':18 o sa.~e DUsy Barbecuin(. with r~lpes ror poultry, meal.I, fish a n·d s~Ilsh, p I U I de(octable marinades and sauces. . Celd>ralion CommWIOn. 1000 Theoe cookies are l1ile !« Wilshire Blvd., Los ADg<les, · the lundlboz and oll««hool California 9001!. -~iir.rnJN cooa£S Persons wishing to order the 2 cups lifted Dour .. II pound (1 sUck) huller or powder, soda, salt and spic-. marearine Cream buUer 'lid sugars ; belt I cup ftnnly packod light or in egg, then pu~. dirt brown sugar Add flour mixture; blend l.i cup aranulat.ed, sugar well. Stir in oats and nuts. .IL.. hostesses time m planrung and .\Proceeds. from UJ111 sale of shopping. Every menu is l!" book will be ~t~ ~Ip carefully planned t.o ensure finance Bicentennial actlvlt1es variety in meals. Goodspeed noted that the Comm ission planned to otrer the book for sale by rnatl-Qrder and possibly through various department and book stores. local Bicentennial Committees will also be olfering the book for sale, he added. In such cases the loc81 Comm.lttees will also rectiVe a portion of the proceeds from the sales. For more information about the cookbook and o t h e r Bicentennial activities, write C a I J f' o,,r n i a Bicentennial co:>kbooks are invited to 3 teupoclll bii;inl powder forward their payment, plus Y. t.easpoon bakiD& IOd& tu, to Official California * &eupoon salt I ea Drop by teaspoonfuls, a few tVa CUPI canned pumpkin inches apart, onto greaaed t 1 cup quick-cooklng or -cookie sheets. Bake in regular·style oats preheated 375-degree oven JI throughout ~ state. Another feature of the book "California s foods ha Y e is a section on Calilornia Bicentennial cOOkbook, P. 0. ~ teaspoon cinnamon Boii ·236&, San FranciJCO, 14 teaspocm liDMf' Callfomia940~t %~aspoonc~~ 1/:1 cup chopped· nuts to 15 minutes. Makes about 7 Silt togetller flour, _.)&king dozen. always ·been a ~ive ------- aspect of life in the Golden Jn some counties and cilies, State. not only because o( the unique food products available here, but also II • con- 1equeoee ot the varild. tradi· tions in preparatit>n of foods found here", commented C. F. Good speed, executive teeretary ol the commislion. "This was one of ~ rt1asons the commission decided to authorize the preparation of a cookbook. That it reaches the public at this time will, we hope, eoable many people t.o utililt it as a gift for' friends and ~lalives out-or.st.ate as well as for their personal use at home." The 448-paa:e volume is being olfered in·two idiuons a limited edilioa at '7:t5 and a deluxe edition at $10.95, in- cluding pottage and handling. Sales tu, 5 percent in California, ~-additional. The California Bicentennial Cookbook contains more than 1 thousand. recipes in 13 sec- tions from appetizers t o vegetables, including a special section of regional favorites. 'l'be publication has been awarded a four-star rating by the Cookbook Society o r America. Published in loose-leaI form the cookbook comes in a five- ring binder with a durable, washable cover. Included are an herb chart, l.able of equivalents, table or azbsUtutes, table of weights, measures and servings and a timetable for .o v e a te:m- ~ralures. Breakfast Beneficial For Teens Beaut)'" \nd health speciali.!lts as well as nutri- tionists agree that b~akfast is the most be.ne:ricial meal of the day, especially for the teen-age Jirt 'llfiss Teen' who js worried about her complexion, her figure and her disposition will do well to give breakfast a fair trial. Breakfast will help her resist the temptation to eat too many hith caloried•foods at lunch or for snacks. It will also provide enou~h nutrients to keep that precious vitality even in the forenoon. The tee!Hlged girl needs fuel lo carry ber through the morning hours just as the heavy construction worker, the office \\'Ork er, t h e housewife or the school child . This morning meal is essential to ketp _the body functloning proper I~ all day. If Miss Teen is a confinned breakfast skipper, D a i r y Council of California nutri- tionists urge her to mend her ways and eat that all im- portant bre.akrast. The Dairy Council nutri· tionists rirfi1nd the breakfast skipper that "breakfast d-oesn't llave to be tlie conventional ens and bacon and cereal. To &tart off a breakfast habit gradually, have a glass of milk which provides most of tht nutriertU needed to start off the day·wlth vitality. Or, take a few extra &ee<>nds and stir some instant breakfast p;>wder into that taJI glass of cold (or hOt) nillk. A toaited cheese sandwich, 1 hot dog, cold piua, an ice cream-cereal sundae, instant podding, lalt night's cuserole, or a hot bowl of soup are just a few of the things that can replenish your energy supply · for a busy dllJ'. Within two •or three weeks after starting a b e t t e r breaklall routine, the teen· aeer -or· anyone else who wants to feel better and look better,-toO --shOOld keep in -mind thlt for maximum vitali- ty, you ahould include In the 1 ~breakfast plans foods from the tFour Basic Food Groups: 1) ,.Milk and other dairy foods ; 2) Meats -includes r i s h , poullr')', eggs, nuts, bean!, etc.; 3) Fruits and Veaetables: and 4) Breads and Cereals. ·Mi nt Relish Mell .mt )t;U7 In 11ucepan.1 • -mill In dktd !n1IHl1tlllornla Bartlett pean, cMpped onion and a little Whlte wine . vtnepr. -• 1111111 peir It lender and mllture 11 consistency of canned c r u I h e d pineapple. S.C.e with limb or ham. ' STILL OFFER YOU BLUE CHIP STAMPS · Jlus Advertised Specials ANOTHER BIG ' . LOCKER BEEF SAU .Al Nl Cl.ice Mith YieU "" .... , .... ,., ...... TtMn l fff With lH• ...... IEEF SIDES _..,. J ;': 544 _......2.0lti. .••••••• l ... ·HIND QUARTERS , -.. ., 6'1f w..,,, 120u.... •••••• ,lli. BEEF FRONTS --4a..· w......., 120u... •••••• lb. 7"'" BEEF· ROUNDS -·· " 67i 'Wt>ght 5S Li...., , , , , o, lb. BEEF LOINS -· 921 W ..... "lM. ,,,,,,lb. 5( Peulllll t.r c1ti;.;, .,,,. Jli"I , ... frtt1i111. All _, (It _, ,.,u,.4 "" _, JMI -· ii. 0111« ...W 1..i ... ., witlli111 J .... • • LONG • GREEN CRISP SLICES -'.1o:A. TURKEYS =;~.:'i'.".:::.. .............. u..43< TURKEYS ~::~i~':l"-.......... , ...... 39< TOP ROUND STEAK-.w .............. 1" SPENCEi STEAK """'"" ., ........... .,u..1" NEW YORK STEAK °""'""··-·--"'2" CUIE s.nAK == .......... ____ _.. 1" . O.OC.s-;.. RUMP ROAST . ....._ .................... u..16c IUF STEW ~UIES =:.-: ..... _ ........ lie GROUND CHUCK , ... ._ .............. u..73c ROU1'1D STEAK ~"=::c,;.;.:· .. ····"'-7.1• TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...................... 1" Rll SRAK °""'"'"""""""""""'""--·"" 1" 7 BONE SHLDR STEAK a.ow ......... 69< GROUND IEEF ::t\':.": .............. 49c CORNED iEEF !"'.Z:.::~ ........... .1.b. tic ·PORTERHOUSE STEAK , .... ...,,. .. -u..1" POT ROAST "'°"'"""""'"""'"""'"""""'·41' POT ROAST """'"""'·"""""""·"""""'.73< PRIME RIB & ROAST SEASONING .• .11< SllGD BA,CON ....... ., ................ u..71• . SIRLOIN TIP STEAK """'"" ............. 1" SOLE FILLETS ::'.:'~::::':' ........... It< • Rll STEAK ....... w.or-.. .................. 1" HALIBUT FILLETS •• .,....., ............. SSc SWISS STEAK """'""""" .................. 16<. CROSS Rll ROAST =-"" ······-··"'19< HORMEL WIENERS "-............ uo..55c GRADE 'A'· FRESH · U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CORN KING· 5 LBS. Whole Fryers T·Bone Steak Canned Ham ·••· WELL TRIMMED ALL MEAT FRESH CRISP 2 l·lB. PKGS. 25 4 19 LB. DINNER ROLLS ri""'"'""'.n~i.. ... 39• CHEESE k<alts..u.aa ....... w•, ...... 1.1>. 1°' CHEESE ~~~~~ ............ , •. 11s CHIPPED MEATS ~~=:::.":"3/1. CHAMPAGNE ~.~::::: .. ""h 17' PINK CHABLIS :,~:;:,::· ...... 95• BOURBON s-1.11 Hot10.n.. lO's ' Bovrttoa ~pr ........ . BRANDY ;::~;~.~-~'.:: .... -. 1147 BOURBON Albomon'•BO,_, 449 Aluminum Roaster b~.~tl.b<.--· 89c Holiday Cookie Pan ~~1s" ....... 80• '~,:~0;.~; In-Store Bakery i ,. ~, ... ~: ,JI ---.:.: .. ,.,.~. ~ f t I • ' . • 1·· . I • . ,_ , ~ . ...,. . . '· . , ... .:-· ... \ •. ·-- ASSORTED Danish Pastries JO:. Dutch APPlE PIES ""'h ............. 69, Butterflake Dinner Rolls o. ....... 39c lottled in K•ntvdy ,... Qt. RUM & BRANDY ,.,..,c .... "' 4" farm Style Wlite Bread 160.. 5/1. P DATES 1.\/1ll.8AG 49 < FRESH NEW CRO .. :···· ······· . ... , NEW CROP LARGE WALNUTS .............. ······"·°':' SWUT .fUll ••• 6 llS. 1. NAVEL ORANGES °''""'···················· ············· Huntington Beach -1551 1 So. Edward5 Laguna Beach-700 So. Coast Hwy. ' " ' Fountain Valley-16042 Magnoffa ------. \ DETERGENT for DISHES • 22 OZ. Huntington leach-8911 Adamt Carona dt l Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. • • 0 $ 4 as secuwssu;scsc a es.:ezJtA•JJ•SMJW ¥.a 14510: Ct ;u ;;;µ; 4NS4•4> ; :_; r : s cs 31••.>l •t••H.•:;t".>'•t••>M ••••• ,,, ,..., , ,,., t•--~T·c•, ........ , • ....,.......-.---,--....,,., __ .....,. ... _,, ___ ... ·~-,..,""'!• NEW YORK CAP) -Every cup of tea you drink contains a little bit of tannle acid, the ingredient which gives tea Its strength ol body. Rats have developed cancer of the liver after hug e amounts of tannic acid were injected under their skin. Does lhat mean tea is dan. gerous Ior you to drink? Hardly. There is absolutely no evi-dence that any ptl'lon has developed cancer from drink- in& tea, even a small ocean ol tea. eUt under • strict federa l JIW, no t1nnlc acid can be ~ticl to-human food or drink, because it ha been found ca- pable of inducing at least one form of cancer in at least one 21pee:les of animal, at what· ever d09e, or by whatever means -Of administration. That same Jaw 'led to ban· nlng cyclamateS, the arUflclel sweeteners, from diet drinks and other products. Some rats had goUen bladder canc~r af· ter being given cyclamates at a dose 50 times higher than that regarded as safe for a human being. To ingest the same amount of cyclamate, a person would have to drink 300 bottles of cyclamate-sweet- ened soda pop daily. Tea is not affected under the 11-year..old Jaw because lannic acid ls a natural ingre· dient of tea-it is not added artificially. And, ta repeat, over the centuries tea drink· ing has not been linked with human cancer despite the ex· perimenls with animals in 1951 and 1959. Neither is there any evi- dence to date that cyclamates have actually praduced any cancers in humans, says Rob- ert H. Finch, secretary of health, education and welfare, but "it is imperative to follow a prudent course in all mat· ters concerning p u b I i c health." Cyclamates and tea Illus· trate in part a dilemma be· tween law and nature. Nature doesn't c bang e. Some researchers are urging that the 11-year-old law be re-examined to make it less 11lringent, and also perhaps to broaden it. 'fhe law only pinpoints cancer as a hazard . and not other possible dangers in other food addiUves. Thus th'a: law does not ap- ply in the cue of the taste- enhanclng agent, monosodium glutamate, which has been found capable of producing ,Praln damage in infants. Cig- aNWs are under jurisdiction of tbe Federal Trade Com· mmion. The problem, scientists ex· plain, is to make certain that food elements are com- pletely aafe for humans, while not banning some useful ones upon animal evidence that probably doem 'L apply to humans. These are among the com- plications nature poses in the search for the right verdict: -Practically anything, even water, given in sufficient ex· cess quan lities can kill a per- son or damage some organ. -Some chemicals adminis· tered in tremendous amounts will produce cancers in some kinds of animals, but not at the amount which ordinarily Beet Soup New Treat Make this soup well ahead of servin'g to allow flavors to blend. PllYLL'S CHILLED BEET SOUP 1 can (16 ounc es) sliced beets 2 beef boolllon cubes 1,z cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 3 tabl espoons lemon juice (l large lemon ) 2 tablespoons (packed) dark brown sugar 1,14 teaspoon salt Pepper to laite 1.11 teaspoon 1arllc powder l scallion <sreen onioo), minced and \Op included 1 container (8 ounces) com· mercial sour cream Finely diced cucumber In a strainer set over a medlum bowl, drain beets : 11ve beet juice; cut beet slices Into thin strips and reserve. Dissolve bouillon cubes In the bolling water and add to beet juice with C1lld water, lemon juice, sugar, salt, pep- per, garlic powder a o d IClllion. Gradually whisk some or thfs beet·juice mixture Into the i .cream to thin It a n d d, then rtturn to beet-Julee t.ure and whisk ~·ell; add ts. would be consumed by hu. mans. -A chemical that causes canoor In rtls frequently will not do ao in other species. -Among mice given the same chemical agent, one in- b~ strain will get cancer. while another strain won 't. -A chemical 1nay induce cancer when injected under~an animal's skin, buL not when it ls fed to him. -A. twist on mouse to man is that arsenic causes skin cancer in man, but-not in mGSt strains of mice. -Rodents frequently i. et cancer from things inject.ed under the skin, and this seems lo be a klnd or foreign body reaction. c.1 cc ••lurid• om.rt u1i1 r., t..ti.. tf S... ....... You. C.U c.1W lfT .. ••. -No test animals react to various che.mlcab, ln the same relative dose and method of .adminislratlon, as man does. -To complicate matters more. l\YO chemicals may learn up to produce cancer, whereas each alone does not ac t lo induce cancer, or does so very weakly. -And humans are 1enetic mongrtl11, not all alike. Some are sensitive to penicillin or bee 1Un11ts, some are more sensitive to cancer~inducing agents than others. Thus in testing a new sub· stance in animals, "it is aw- fully herd to draw conclusions in man," says Dr. E. Cuyler Jiammond,_fained statistician of the American Cancer Soc!· ety. "If we are dealing with aomethlng we don't real- ly need, such as a dye in or- anges, it ls slupld to take any risk." · If an agent causes cancer in just one species, "this is nol necessarily relevant to hu· n1ans.'' says Dr. Stephen Sternberg of the Sloan·Ketter· Wtdneld'a.Y, Novtmbtr 12, 1969 • 1n Ing Institute for Cancer Re- search, New York City. The present 11 w "gl ves no leeway," he adds. "We should be evaluaUng Individual sub- stances on their own. The easiest thing Lo do is not to permit anything in human food if any anbnal tes ting raises the slightest suspicion. The hardest thing would be to . D~O. Y PILOT • Tests ' allow ll lo stay ln bumau food, II it were really vatuablt." ·Sen. George S. McGovern, (0.S.D.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Nutrition and lfumin Needs, w:1ed that the government set up a fed- eral chemical test center to make safety checks on food additives, drugs and pesti· cides. THE VERY BEST IN U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEER BEEF AND U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES,, • J Juicy, T enc/er, Ffavorlul! lb. Cube Steaks c~~."::~ s111 .. Top Round Steaks 1:;<; s1 ~ Sirloia Tip · "":!,~~ ~""' s1~ Chuck Steaks ~: ~'m sa~ FloW•r of th• Weeki STOCKS "ESHCVTIN4 59c """'"'' ...... "' I ~it;;..~~~· ""' ==,..~w•• :owww Red Grapes "'~?.'u. Fresh Broccoli ~~ Grapef ruil ::: ~fi Fancy Papayas ·~~ ... 10~ 19~ 6!51 31s1 . Tomato Cocktail .~:;~"" 2:25c 55c COLGATE TOOTHPASTE llrylcreom Hoir Ortuing IMl:L .. Off, :t-oa. ....... '77c P1ell Sh11ntp00 Concentrote INCL 11 • .,,, a-.$1.0I Ml1J llr•ck Holr Spray QO. IU!tl._..,. ~Mc Porterhouse Steaks ~;r~~ .. $1~ Top Sirloin Steaks ~~~ $1~ Fresh Ground Chuck :~ 69: Peanut Butter Freeze-Dried Coffee Cut Green Beans :,., SJ69 ............ Ground Round -.~~,.~~:... 79t· -Meat Department Extra Values! lb. !Tuuor·-RED'"~ FllLETS SNAPPER :~~ 59~ ~~~~ 891~ Gortorl'1 fish S!iclo ''°" -1'-0? ........... 69c Gorta.(1 fish & ChlJI' Ha. t1.n-1MJL ......... 69c Gour~ Shrimp MU. HIDAY. 1' OL "'"° 1-0L 93c Shi.rrtendci Beef Fritters ................. LI. $1.()9 \ Shoulder Clod ~;.~ 98~ Beef Short Ribs '?,ti; 39~ Stewing Beef ~=· 85~ Boneless Ham.'~!'.:":.! .. 11~ -. __ ..... ,._ PEAR ~HALVES )learS_ ~-. PUREX BLOCH ~;:,,,,. r "'" sn. J '°""'' L... .· ., 11111 HOT DOG BUNS VONS 35' I-PK !~.!!'!.~~!!~le 73c ,_,, _ _......._ ... _. w•==••• l!}{iJlJJf§J llOUORI FEATURE\ P I &G bl Q f'I Podvd , • s1J6 Tide Detergent · . Drelt Dtttr111nt O!Ai'lf 11n ............................. 112c 1¥0ry Flcik11 l>llOl llt1 .................................. 37( ll'Ory sr.Ow !.A»l l•'l .................................. 3.5c l¥Ol'y Uquld 21« 11\. .................................. $9< $olYD Oei.tgtnt Tabs OIAllf.Mb .. , .................. 7,SC Thrill 0..Mr!J!:nl FOi Dllllll, n.OZ. tll. ............ , ..... 59c Gciln Oet.r111nl KJHO 1m1 .......................... S 1.36 Jay Uqvld O.t11oent u.ot. m ..... ., ... · ..... · ··· .. · 8.5e .E111A sav•cs WITH au! CHIP STAMPS! ----------...,.·-·· Hell'l.i: Tomato Soup11er. CAN ....................... 12c I Plot1Mr'J coc•1ci11 Ptonuts IM-OQ, ~"'°"' .... AOc ____ _... .o; ;Milonl100Q\llarldDmllng CIWJIT, t.oi. '11. .... 39Q Milolll l890f«tidlorltello11 °"-1'1; t«. ltl. • 33c M!lof11G1ttt1Godclts1Dmtlni UL~ ... , ..... 39c KletMX lolltiqut T*I• 1Jl(r. MAI. .... -........ 37c ICIMMll·D.titn«Towtlt' nut. aou. .......... , ... :1.5c Glod Foo(! Storcigt t11t• !PG. .. Of', a.cT. ,. ...... ~ 0....fllton All.Inf Ch!N JIN.liM ..................... $7c Hl.C Fruit Orlnh t~l.\\IM, 40L CAM ............ 3/t1 09nnl.-Chill Con ColM Wllll tUIU, »01. ....... 7Je, Neoll.Y. hf St1w1<4t. .ill ........... : ............ 61c $pothttll Sa\ICI (~O' IOT.11.Ml. *UM ........... 37c Vitt Doe.Food •G. )tOL UM ...................... .2/33c MlotleM Spo&Mffl Sovel tirlf.tOY ..... Dtt. ., WI ,1fc STOkf\'f ::1113 CAM 2:3tc ,,.,.-'""'-Extra Featurel 1.'i!J!Il!'..~-~~IC~~"ME3 ~s ~~:~=.-:::. llJJCJf ~ 1 ltaliaa Salame ,,,,.".'.'..':.~~ .. 11" Gi.ced Fruit Mix ~!it~ 451 ............ COlll'Uft HlftllOM OI' OTlln 111.M:lll fll~fn fO 1111 All'1'>ut llOUOAT UJlrltci NllOJ 2 u.1111 3 "· s111 CAN CAl PANTY HOSE &l.Vf WIT!! YOlll tTO VAl.UISI TO, lllAUTT' 8 8 PAltff JI05I! '" ITl'Ulll 0 ·-~~~ ... .. us uWl,.-oot: UllCll. loUr HOW A19 I.I.ft ••• ,': $1.49, VAlUE Frozen ,,.,,,,L "•::.· _,,,,.-, MIX OR MArCll •GREEN Pf;.4.$ •CUT CORN • otomo IROCCOU ;:.:...:-..-• SQUASH PllCIS lfflCTIYI TllUIS. TlllU SUI. IOY. 13·16 Rciyof l'vddlngM>t. fllO. ................ ,_, ....... 2/2.$c: Royal O.lalill "°"no. .............................. 10.: l llfgtiblh 'll'Mttt QMOl.IL ta. "°-.................. 7k flelKhmcil'll'l'•.Sofl Mcir~rint l>ll. M ............. "42c Plont.1'1 Spw.i.h ~141111111 u~ CAii ............ 6lc ' ~er and chill for several =::·.~:,.·;~~~ht Makes a 1011 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach .. Before 1ervln1. add a llLtl• 34081 Doheny Park Dri'fe &apistrano Beach A:umber to each portion. ' 5922 Eding er Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beacll , ' \ . . , • • •\ ' - .... ,DAll.Y PILOT _ Wf4M1da1, N0vtmbtt 12, 1969 . -poella, Pilaf .. Jn OJI)' lilmiUe, rte< 11, good. For &Wo:;lia a menu staple ~with little or no rooa; Y011".e rice IO f/lkn. in meall everyday and ...,.,et, lt'• hard lo believ• tt ba....,ed lnto111J! ..,.nry·~y ac:clilejit.. ~-""°"' the "oc- cident'' oceurred tn the. latf 17)h e<ntury. A foreign ship with a carp of rice waSblown off _.., and landed on the shores ot"' colonial S o u t b Caroflna. Two and a half cent~es lat«, rice is exported not m.. pcl'ted,-'and California is • leadbti,. rice Jnducu. Even the ~t marieL hll aevenl·rl« choices. ~ 'is "old fashioned" rite llb crandma used. It ·takes about half an-hour to cook and for every cup of un- cooked rice, you get three .cups of ooOked rice. Another cl)oice . is ""'verted rtce. II cd in abOut twenty minute& and one cup, uncooked, makes foor ""!"<-· Tbe.newtlt cbok:e In rice ls already cooted. ll needa only steaming in bolllag water to double in bulk and be ready for the table. Precooked rice can be purch~ plain, or as a mixture with any rumber of seaaonl-ncs. For two, unseuoned rice may have the advlfd.ale stnce you can make euctly the amau11t you netd ••• and no Jet\OYen;. RICE PL\T.DCR INlllENNE Pnparo t.io _.,.4 rice and add: IJ: tealpoon curry p>wder :y, cup allvered toasted ·-Spoon rice Into the center of a helled arrvlng plllter and aurround it with buttered peas,,.,,, the Tice with brown- ed mutballa,, veal or 1amb paWes 0.:lamb kabobs~ It's a pmilot plaller-for-two. Pudding 'Peachy' A delicious way to use the last of the fresh peaches. · P.EACll PUDDING S orr i medlum fresh peache! 1 cup umlfted floor, stir to aerate before measuring l teaspoon baking powder li--Alt . 'Ii powld (l ltlck) bulter lc:up-1 teupoori grated orange rind 2 large eggs 3 tablespoons orange juice J,~ cup slivered toasled blanched almonds Butter a .. Ulll'! cake pan - I -by ·I by 2 -inches. Peel peaches, pit and cut each into eightbs -there ahould be about S eups. On WU paper lhorooghly 1llr together the flour, baking powder and sail Jn· a medium mil.io1 bowl cream ·butter, l4 cup of the qar and orange rind. Thoroughly beat In eggs. one at •~ctme. Gently beat in Dour mixture,-then orange juice just until smooth. Tum into" prepared pan. Ar- range ~ ck>se . together in aingli-layer rows, rounded aide up, over batter. Sprinkle peachel with re- maining ~ cup sugar and the almonds. Bake In a ])reheated 350- del!:ret oven until a cake tester inserted in center comes out free of ~r -50 minute!. Peaches will sink to bottom. Serve wann. Walnuts Leed Sales A1 a bUlng ingredient nut. CaJif«nia 'walnut! accoonted for 11 percent of the Ales in 111pir1!l81Ru lat year. FJ1un1 are from ihl C'haln SIGn! ,,,. . (mid.July, Jiit) supermarket !alea: manual ma1utne. Sample Included 1968 ~ movement records ~ by chains, co.ope anil voluntarle! 1ervtng f ,711 mpenniuteta: 8Cl'O!S the cowdtJ. ' 1PICUI reprellllted .31 per- -. almonds .J3 percent. PUllllll, mixed nuta. cashews and all other mise<ll.-.s -.,... not lncludejl •Ince Ibey en/ -lly con~dered a -llem' rather th"! -1 1 bakln1 In' ...-. M11 7!'f. •D auts, walnut3 ttlil!I rod lll.J ,..._ and =llU~ulhe _ .......... For whipped ""'am topping .. COF·FEE 1 LB. TIN BEnY CROCKER CAKE MIXES ........_. ~ ~ -~ •. • EAST BAllOA BLVD. MA·RKEJ ' ':STORE Hou~s · ,· ~.M.: t~; ·6 .. r.M. . • .. . . 'PHONE: 673·8310 1 ,. . ' . WE DELIVER P.RJ~ES EFFECTIVE N9V· · 1 ~· 14, 'Is. . . FIESIJ AMl:llQAN " ~·ESH . LEAN __,....,..-.• -~ . - GROUND • • -~ CHUCK LB. U.S.D.A. CHOICE ' Che$k Our Meat Dept. for Complete Choice of Gam.e Birds! Quail· Squab -Pheasant· Guinea Hens~ Mallard Ducks• Chuckers! ·U.S. GOV'T. INSPECTED · FROM OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT DRIVE CORONET DETERGENT LB. Order Your Fresh Thanksgiving Turkeys Now,! OF THE SEA TUNA Buffet Tins GOLD MEDAL FACIAL TISSUE 49 01. Giant Size 5 Lb. Bag 66' FLOUR 49' LIBBY'S -46-ez. Tins 3~89¢ LAWRY'S -8-01. Bottle 3.~$1 · 40-ounc• Package 39:. TOMATO JUICE • • • SALAD DRESSING • • • BISQUICK • • • • • • KLl;ENEX 23:. BIRDSEYE FROZEN -10 .. ,_ Pkg. ·10:.· DINNER NAPKINS • • • PEAS & CARROTS • • • . DOVE -Bath Slzo • 10:~ LIQUID.,... Giant Sire 59¢ BAR SOAP • JOY DETERGENT •• • • • • • • • • • • ,,__.._ _ _.__ PRODUCE DEPARTMENT·-------.-, GOLDEN RIPE -CHIQUITA BANANAS c lb U.S. NO.· 1 RUS:SEn POTATOES 10 Lb. Bag 39c TEXAS . RUBY GRAPEFRUIT AUNT JEMIMA FROZEN 39:. WAFFLES •• • • • • • FAULTLESS -Giant Sire 59: . SPRAY ST ARCH • • • • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT . BALBOA MARKET ON THE PENINSULA. 608 E. BALBOA BOULEVARD PHONE 673-8310-Hours: 9 AM to 6 l'M' 10'/• DISCOUNT ON ALL CASI PURCHASI OP WINI AND . LlqUORI .. -· ' • • ' Sparkling Top 1 o C 1bot llJIOrkl... a p r I n k le ea. Of · beatf'ng 'sugar Into tht ........... 111pr on lt instead ~· -~·:;::;::;::;::;::;::;;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;:...:::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.J cream u you whip IL • I' r • ~ . • • I I t' ,. •• \ .. ,, \" i .. ' " •I " • ~I t I 1 t ~ [ i 1 1. I I I I • t I· l t ' f • '• ' \ •· " ~ i· ' .. ·.·· -.. . , l· l f I . • • • \ ! ' I ' t • . , Wrdll6day, Nmmber 12, 1969 --. . . . .. NEW ZEALAND FRESH fROZEN ' v.s.D.A. INSPECTED . . . GEJ!IUl"E SPRING LBS. s . iaiiiifiull ~:.· ...... 8~:i~o '49' LIQVOR DEPT. SPECIALS BIG HALF GAL SALE OLD CROW •11•9 BOURBON ........ . GIL8EY"S . •99s DRY. GIN ............ .. vonu ............... •a•• LAVRA SCliDDER POT~ATO CHIPS ... 12.oz. PKG. ' c REG. 73c WtdM!4q, -12 .. \,.9 ,. D~Y Q SJ . . TOl(lS II • 22 US-. · AVERAGE WT. • . SEA PREME TUNA-6-0Z. TIN ' ' I oc CAT FOOD ••..• · .••.••••...••••.••••..••• , ~ ; 1 -LB. T·IN ....:.• A~L GRrNDS • . · ' . · · 5.ftC 5.&·F ·.COFFEE ...•• ~ ..•••••..•.••••.•... ·., 7 . : ' : ' I . ' , , . WESTWOOD -CAJERING QUALITY . ICE CREAM ALL DELICIOUS flAVOll.l HALF GALLON CAii.TONS c =.$7• . o.r:.._.P'WI I ::' ••• 8URRY FIDDLE FLAKE -4 VARIETIES 2 5c COOKIES REG. llc • ••.•••• VALUE , 200 "ILUI CHIP , ~ $TAMPS WITH CO;UroN ANO ~tofASe'Of •"""" DUTCH OVEN wmt...,. llMIT I COUPON HI AOUl.T QISTOMH COtll'ON GOOD lH\!1:1. THiii ~,lllJt'. U, 1~1!, Ii ' ' Everlresh Frozen AB\fM"ERMARKET VEGETABLES ,• .. sfF ·--Delkatessen Dept. SpecUifs_ .. _ WISCONSIN MILD AMIRICAN CHllH ' PUS, CHOPPID BROCCOLI, COIN, PUS a CARROTS ClllNKU CUT Oil PRINCH PRllD POTATOU . ' ' ·s REG. SIZE PKGS . ..; . " . ' ' SUNSHINE, ST ATE GINO'S. 0 ::.:::~ .. 39c. :::~~; .59c .. I .. ' ' . . CHEDDAR , ...................... IORDON'S ECONOMY AMIRICAN _. CHllll- 3 .u.,249 · PKG. ' IMMl tll: IWlll CHIUI 6.oz. 39' PKG. ·C ............................ : . . . .. LASCCO ~ · JANE,ANDERSON 1 • ' • SHRIMP. 3 •·o" •100 i AM~-·CAN . 1.La .. ,ftc CO~KTAIL GLASSES i CHEUE ........... ~~~~ ..,, , OL' VIRGINIA ....., BEEF, HAM, TURKEY, CORNED BEEF 3 ·5',,_ . 3~ ~· 5.LICED MIA TS ..... ~~·. · : ·· . . PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., NOV.. 13, 14, 15, 16 ' -2701 .HARBOR BLVD.; COSTA MESA ,. e · · 13922 IROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e . 1'308 W. EDINGER, SANTA · ANA 5858 WAllNER ; HUNTINGTON IE~CH . -. • 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO .• -\ ·, \ . , ' \ ' WfdntSday, Nowmbfr 12, 1969 _._ -' - VALU~IJLE (:OUPON SAFEGUARD BAR SOAP COMPUJUCj>N 1111 J.I OZ. IAI rREE WITH THIS COUPON NO MINIMUM PUACHASI llfUIUD VOID AFTER SUNDAY, NOV, 16, 1969 •OOD ONLY AT Lt.AGAIN U.SKIT _ VALUABLE C_.OjJPON __ TEK 5F$1 TOOTHBRUSHES · . o Rtg. 69; ToothbrulhH R WITH THIS COUPON NO MINIMUM PURCHASE kf.QUIRED Umit I P1r Co11,.0~1 Coupo11 Por C111io"'•r VOID AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 16, 1969 500D ONLY A IAR9AIN IAll!.IT EASTERN GRAIN FED CENTER CUT RIB USDA GRADE "A" FRYING ' -VALUAJ~E .~OUPON =--I CHIP STAMPS I . II WITH THIS COUPON ONE ORDEA ONL T ANT AMOUNT YOU CHOOSE TO I UY VOID AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 16, 1969 NO MINI M.UM PURCHASE-NO MAXIMUM PURCHASE AIUllallc a-....., .,..... Mi. ...,. Cltlonfi. aui...w GOOD ONLY AT UIGAIN Lt.SKIT ~ USDA GRADE "A" FRYJNG PORK CHOPS c CHICKEN lb. LEGS c CHICKEN lb. BREASTS c lb. U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" EASTERN GRAIN FED FARMER STYLE YOUNG·N· TENDER SWORDFISH' 98~ .. 3°LEGGl!D FRYING CJllCKEN PAN. READY C PORK tb SPARE- RIBS Special MJBuys ''Only Enough for the West'' 1 lb. CAN 69' COFFEE 3 ~. c ...... 1.99 TeaNTBaas 49c 100 c:-T .. ..,. ........ tic BAR M WESTERN STYLE c BEEF lb LIVER SLICED 79' BACON s'rr"',1 1 C o'YsiE'iis 79 __________ ._"· lb IOl.JAR • ~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE IASTEAN GUIN PID EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK CHOPS CINTll CUT LOIN 98'LI. LARGE LOIN PORK ROAST EASTERN GRAIN FED FRI.SH LIAN 97 , LARGE LOIN GROUND 49' ... ' LL PORK 79' BEEF CHOPS · "· -------- . SCOT TOWELS BULK WIENERS BAR M WESTERN STYLE SKINLESS LINK SAUSAGE REGULA~ $2.79 3• I Ol. $1 PKG, AJAX Laundry Detergent ' BIG ROLLS FA·MIL Y SIZE INSTANT COFFEE .. a.. 99c JAi ANTHONY'S-l ·lb. Cello Bog 3~s100 .a~s100 ANTHONY'S-2-lb. Cello Package 39~ 49¢ LONG SPAGHETTI • • • • FOREMOST VITA-PAKT (Quart llottlt) 21 OL Loot G"'I• Rice ................................ 3'< ORANGE JUICE • • • • • • Spttial Hollday Troatlll BREAKFAST CEREAL White and WILD RICE Mix 69c TOT AL 8 01. B•• • • • • • • • e 35~ COTTAGE1 CCHEESE • • • • 29.¢ 7 Otlltr Varletln MJI Rice Mir• ...................... 3 for $1.00 HAWAIIAN STAR -La rve #2V1 Cons ... 3~s100 . . . . 69~ INSTANT RICE ·~.~ .. SLICED PINEAPPLE • • 3-LB. CAN -$1.99 14 oz. Slit lnta•t Ric• ··-·-······················· 39c FOLGER'S COFFEE 1 Lb. Can • ~.~o SPAN SH ONIONS. EXTllA FANCY VELVET YAMS CADBURY GAIN MILK CHOCOLATE DETERGENT BARS GIANT 69' BIG 1/z LB. BARS SIZE I FRESH PRODUCE U. S, NO. 1 RUSSET POTATOES 10 LB. CELLO BAG 3: 19' EXTRA FANCY LARGE ARTICHOKES YOUNG "N" TENDER BRUSSEL SPROUTS I 3~$1 c 19~. 10~ r NUCOA fh MAR.GARINE ¥ 4 '$1 IN QUARTERS 0 l·LB. CARTONS R Swiss Miss Pies e PUMPKIN e MINCE 4fs1 e APPLE e BOYSENBERRY ~ Pl!ACH •..................•.. I " SIZE . ROSARIT A • "" INCHILAU ...... 39' e COMBINATION PLATE e MUICAN DINNR , e CHIUI INCHILADA DINNER e YOUR CHOICI CERTl-FRESH SKINLESS 69¢ SOLE FILLETS .......... I-lb. Pkg. SPRINGFIELD • 212s~ FRENCH . FRIES ...... 9-oL Pkg. • I HEALTH 6. BEAUTY AIDS VO 5 HAIR SPRAY Reg. $1.SO 10 Oi. Can WILKINSON SUPER ID Pack 7 5~ SWORD Stainless Reg. $1 .4~ Steel 39¢ Blades 5 Ptck Rtg. 79c PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY PlllCES SUIJICT TO STOCK ON HAND Nov. 13, 14, 15, 16 WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FGOD COUPOf'S WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman J ' . -- .. • •• . .. ... • • ·. -~ •.· ' ~ ~ ,.. .. • .• Our pledge Is to continuously offer _our CUltc~the best l11j1!/allty, the best selection ond the best values. Save more with au~ !veryday low.price, plu1.tu117•da.Y.advertlled vai-.. ·'SLICED iltA_gN _._S~D.A. GRADE ''A'' FRESH FRYING 1 ·LB. REGULAR OR l ·LB. THICK. 69!. --· COMID 59c .... :4'h~-PKG . :~. SP~CIALi ' -~ . . ~ ' OA~K 'riJRKF.Y SALAMI ..._,: • f SLICED BE[F' SptCY BEEF 111:0, s._ EA. • COJt~fD BEEF' SI.ICED HAM 3 '1 ' CUT-UP FRYERS......:..-1.1. 33'. BREAST OF TURKEY REG.49¢ CA. , SLICED CHICKEN 2 ...,.89¢ ' USDA CHOla: OI SlA TH llOS.CHTIMD•F ' 1, 5 , -BONE STEAK _ ............................. LI. PORiiiiiousE ., .......... LI. s 1 19 ioi»'Siii:ii'N STEAK·----s I 3' 1(1*"'--~--"· II""' • .0. ... 1·.--_, GIT YOUI Vl~Y OWN CHUCK STEAK USDACHOICEOR STA TEI IROS. caTIFlml&F ' CHUCK '.'- ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR • STATER•os. CERTIFIED IEEF 3 '9! ROUND STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER.OS. ClllTIFIED IUF ,,. MAHMA'n'AltllllillCIU sftc •• C UVEI SAllSAGl -.......... -.LL 7-Bf/:E1 I U. iOa.OciC,z. ... 41c,__ 12oz.69' llONEUSs _ 11.-·WMUT wtmis __ ia.69' UIDACllOICIOllSTATll.OS.CBJllllD- ROUND BONE ROAIT -.......... -11.49' IOIBUS-SHOl&DJ . . . ROLLE ROAIT _ ........................ _w.79' iblli~lioA"ii~ ................................. LL77c FlllH •LIAN• GIOUND MOUa Y 9 G~~IJND BEEF-·-·· ...... Ll.4 · c ·; . APPLES · ~::~~ :. . , WASHINGTON RED DELICIOUS TOY. WIEIEUOllLE for $1JIO orid lab.ti ........ pod.°'" of OKar ~ w-~ 49! uv ....... EtlhlUll · GROUND ROUND LL77c ... ·. ~ • LBS. . STATER BROS. IDAHOAN • . COFFEE POTAJOFLAKES._~79c DIAMOND-A ~OR'FllENat SUCED . . ~.·61c GREEN BEANS __ sc:.•!.-1 , CARNATION INSTANT · 3-LL CAN ...... slat BREAKFAST ... --Pt<ao;, Stc :: ·GRAPIS xtt:~~y -SWEETREDEMPEROR • , CARMA TIOH NON•DAllY COffll CREAMER .. PEANUT 'CO'FFE·EMATE •m-99c BUTTER WILSHIRE COUNTRY STYLI . I • " LBS. .C llf 3 9c ~~UMBERcH111_-.:39c U.IGlX•FANCYTENDER 3 2 9c.· CORN SWEET ............ EARS 29' LAIGE FitSH TINDER CllSP 3 11.1. cucuMBERI . ..... -CllV'-CARROTS.......... PKGS. 25' u.s.iio.1 sWffTlllOWN 3 . ONIONS .................... LBS. 3 FOR~9c 12-ouNCEJAR ~ARGARINE _ ·1·LlPKa.39c KLEENEXNAPKINS iw:i:~~-29' PRESTONE PO,.,PEllAN OLIVE OIL .......... PTS. 89' ANTI-FREDE WHITE ONIONS l0o~fi:"~ ..... l.'I. 33' $199 Hl·C DRINKS :~Jo,, ............ 2 "oz 25' NUCOA MARGARINE ... OfAL HB. 27' GAL. HANOI WRAP i~~~•• ... ·--··· "~"· 33' "--....;;.... __ , RALSTON WHEAT CHEX •. 22-9• 49' WHlll 11111G 'D' 9 .9c RALSTON CORN CHEX ··-12·0Z 41' ..... "11 DrAL FRENCH DRESSING '""'----B·O< 31' ~~~~~'!!!""'- KRAFT 1000 ISLAND .............. •oz 39' r FOLGER'S MJl-DEALPACKAGE . I . ?WI" ?<IM 1/ab«~I TEA BAGS ............. a-cou1rPKa.49c SOLEFILLDS __ ,_ ·~79' Mi BUBBLE ,.,c i[{'t:!,9,!.JUICE ...... _5 ~'I • . · ...... n.oi PKa. · 1 •AT PIES _____ 5 ~' I AUTOMATIC DISHWASifa DETEIGENT · • ' t =~=-4" :!~"05 ·~3" ELECTRASOL ~4f cl _,__ ...... 98' u1UCmu , .... 37' . . -·-PKI. · " I MOn"Ol--u .... 69' W'.'~--... 79' VETS' DOG FOOD ----·-·22&-0<37' ' HAIR ~ I S:i9"witiis-~-69• Q;'o;",;(i , .... 65' KITIYKARE e<1um'-"".11.11.19 · COi.ORi iUK::l°lims 39' Rsiiiiws ..... 39' M.J.B. COFFEE ~li'~"''·""'l.45 ..--1o0uii·iA• ' l ......... -.. """' · SPRAY STARCH''"""' __ .. __ .. -01.49' · .65 ENCHILADA$ ___ 3 ••.oL 'I SPRAYSTARCH,umm _22.oz.69' AIST •• ,. """'""""'-··--· . •2•• FAIRICFINISH""""'-"--20.oz 59'. 2.0Z. I CHILI CON CARNE ~u:.'t~':. "'oz. 85' COFFEE TOr,tATOPASTE co•1•"NA .... 2o.oz 33' 1 .~. 73 C BREAD CRUMBS CON>AO,NA ----9-0Z 33' CAN SOLID "'UNA ""''" 0"""" 45' I LIGHT --····---····-HALF CAN ' 'J-ll ,(AI 'l .,S )..LI. (Al 12.09 TURKEY ROAST -·-·--'""'-· ACCENT-.1-0z 2f-,..oz 89' 10.oz 11.69 HAIR SPRAY. uoorN · · •a.. · -: HoNl'tlUCIWWITMGaAV'f' 3 • 'IENJTY ,J,,12-0Z.W-1•0Z.l.--SLICED TURUY ......... -. ~ I DEVILEDHAM >tu~:f::. g.oz.3~ SCOPEMOIJTHWASH .-'~f..197' _...,, . ..~. , . PEANUT BUTTER ""--.. ---IO·OL 61 VASELINE rn"°'""' 59' ) como. 1KOS _,. .... 39' •..Wiiiius _ ... 39' GEBHARDT'S TAMALES .. _. J..":l 33' "'."----"oz. ~-JS , .... 59' ;,\TM>-.wu _ ,...,35• FROSTED SHAKES ~~~'"~2 ~~ 39' DENTURE Cl:EANER ~=:........c_ 45'·) i:islii:s-" _ .... 39'· ;;'111olOW-• ... 59' INSTANTCOFFEE•o•~.-.~ ..... o.oz 11.39 ,.AW.. sa5;, ..,,ij. .. oo ...... .. -· 'I" .. ~ 69 CHUNK TUNA c""""0"'""' 31' ··, -· 4 ,c l'llllJ•aA'1°-..._ -llQUWAS -s-tt. C UGHTMEAT --Mi CAN \ .a.JJ ~ ...._ ******"'***"'******************** . CHUNK TUNA fm~l::'JI~~.,... 49' _.,._,, ·~:'! .. ""!"-·" ... .} NESnE OUIK srn•w•'""' ........... -... 49' VIENNA SAUSAGE SW"TS _ ..... •·OZ 29' AU.SWED 2ftc PETITE PEAS ~88I~~ .. ,,, ........ 2aoz 37'· MARGARINl .1.u. 7· CORN lllTSO'H6NEVCAEAM 303 21' OAWHOLEKERNEL.-.--CAN ------..... PEAS & CARROTS ~g~g._ ~ 23' I ASPARAGUS :!~bl'~~~·-m 57' UOUID · GRAPEFRUIT i:::i~~' ... oz. 43' .DETERGENT . . WATER CHESTNUTS •""• ...... o, 29' ~=:" • 6C DUJ. .. G. 1 1 KERN'S' CATSUP CHP5E SPIEAD :::w'_.-49' ., WHIFFSO' RICE !'l:l'.ll'~•·<iz23' 1~!',t:.~ . DINNER PLAm ,~:,'l,\f.,,. •. _4f ST4'f'.EI 1105. CHEESE =:.= DU PONT SPONGES PKG.0'4 --39' ~~H~i,A COSTAMISA f • ~· SANTAANA 2830 EDINGER AVENUE • ~ , PROTEENA b'l.'ili ____ ,~oL 6l' DINNER ROUNDS •o•• 93' , UNl'A-20-0Z. VEG EB URGER b'l.'t.~ ___ •~oz r1' l 3430 W. LINCOLN AVENUE 2584 wisr BROADWAY GARDEN GROVI 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE \ . - 2180 NEWPORT BOULEVA'RO 70.,,WEST 19TH STREET 1176 BAKER STREET- HUNJINGTON 9EA0t 6862 EDINGER A'vE. I/ 2603 WEST 17TH STR EET .,. .. WIST MINS RR 8522 WESTMINSTER BLVD. WHITTllll-14212 MINnAvt. . 0 ' ( I • : ~Thura.,Nov.13, 1969 RC * ••I \ • - , . Super;Shoppers! Lookilt11 fur~bi1T-s-avings-?t .Want to stock-up .. for fall? ' Then make a bee-line for El.Rancho!· . • FREE lURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING! • . . 10 lucly '"'""' al ""' llGn! It's Ind-I I ["'Y n · """ • p ·IO tw..,S lo 10 lllCIJ peoPI• at eadl store ••. no pll(dlm _,..., ••• iasl fill aut 1111 llflJ lllul II ,_.p -.-!rill Ill ODlilild, Mandiy, Novimber 24 • .. .. Cake Mix ..... ~~~~.!~~~~s ..... 3 i $1 ·~.Crocker'& favoritea, •• cboooe the onei; your fami!Y, prefers ••• and save at El Rancho! Orange Juice.~L~~~!~~~~~. 5 :::~ $1 Sunki11t ••• concentrate from California's finest crop! Frozen ••• 12--oz. can ••• 39c Royal Host Ice Cream ....... ~!~'.~.~ .. ~~~~ .. · .. :.:.~~ .. ~~ ....... 79' Smooth and creamy ••• tlie flavon you prefer in the easy.to-dip round carton! POit and Beans ................ 5 "' '1 Hunt'I • , •plump. beana in big No. 21/, caruo llunf s Cat sup ......................... 19' From ripe tomatoes ••• perfectly: 5easoned! 14.oz. Tea Kettle Casseroles ............ 39* Newl Freeze dried main courses! 4 kinds Pink Grapefruit Juice ............. 39* ~reeaweet ••• pure, unsweetened , •• 4&-oz. can Stuffed Bell Peppers ............. 69t Holloway House ••• frozen ••• simply heat! 14 oz. Cabbage Rolls ......................... 69' Deliciously stuffed, Hollo,vay House, froz. 14 oz. Lipton Tea Bags ............ : ......... 59* Pl!Ckalo of 48 •• , (Lipton Tea ••• V. lb .••• 79c) Heavy Duty Foil ...................... 49* R.e11tolda Aluminum ••• 18 in. wid! •• , 25 ft. roll Dash Detergent ....................... 69* • Low auds ••• high efficiency! Giant size! I MJ.B. Coffee ................... 69~ Two lb. can ••• 1.37. Three lb. can ••• l.9o Delicatessen Specials! Os M W• All MEAT 59• car ayer 1eners . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tor. "Wienennobile'~ offer available here! Cooked Hom ............................. 59•· . Lw'I ••• lliced, Jean. ! 4 dunce package Schlrmer's Chubs ........ ~~~ ..... 89• ~. Lebanolllllololna, German Salami Beef Tamales .................... 4 ,,, '1 XLNT ••• j111t heat and serve! 8 ounce Brim Chill ................................ 39* xtarl.,. I eunce ala. , • .-wlth t»nalN I . \I Angel Food Cake .................... 79' Dolly Madison • , • Cherry or Orange! 8 in. size Dow Handi Wrap ..................... 29* Big 100 ft. roll ••• locks in freshness! Johnson's Glade ...................... 49* Deodorizes • , • freshens any room! 7 oz. Northern Tissue ................ 3 "' '1 Package• of 4 rolls! Soft ••• strong! Tur/my Tim Bl As in the past. El Rancho offers you the assurance t b a t you will have exacUy the turkey you Want for your holi- day dinner. Fresh Grade A El Rancho turkeys, from our own supplier ••• or fine Grade A frozen turkeys! Be sure to m a k e y o u r reservation this week, for exactly the turkey you ''>ant! Super Liquor Specials! Vin-Rose ............. '.'.~" .............. '1.59 Chas King ••• ideal dinner wine! Grev Riesling .......... n~ ........... '1.79 Chas 'Kinr ••• light and dry wine ! Cutty Sark ......... ~~~:~~ .......... '16.49 Save 1.76 on this popular Scotch! ·Crown Russe Vodka ... ~.~: .... '8.88 Great mixer.,. and you save 4J c I Bartender's Mix ...................... 79* Be an up<rt I , , , 111 Ila vors ! Mab tz drinks. ' • SpJnach 11o. 303 ,., Kidney Beans 11o. 300 .. . Apple Sauce 11o. 303 .. . Stewed Tomatoes "'· 303 ... Medium Peas 11o. 303 ... Cut Green Beans 11o. 303 .. , . Garbanzo Beans ,;., 300 , .. oven Baked Beans !kt "' ll 81ncho61B1 ... ~:;r~ .. Lean? TenaetJ Selected pork legs ••• cured especiaJIY. for El Rancho ••• to our exacting specifieatio"Mt Whole Ham.~ ........................... 69~ Ham Slices ........................ ;lb; 'l.09 Bir enough to aatW'y a h08t of friends! Center cut ••• thick or thin • ~. as you prefer! Butt Portion .......................... 65~ Ground Round ........................ 79~ Small familiea can enjoY, the fine quality! Precision ground tender beef l Fresh! Pepper Steak ........................ ~.~!.~.~~: ................................ ~ s1.s9 El Rancho's finer beef ••• value trimmed ••• and Seasoned with fresh cracked pepper : •• just right! Ocean Ga.rden Shrimp .................... ~~.~:::~!:~~ ................ lb. s1.49 Medium size ••• to give you the utmost satisfaction when you serve up your favorite shrimp Clish! Breast of Chicken Cordon Bleu Breast of Chicken with Dressing Boneless breasts of California plump fryers ••• ready for the oven ••• and your family's delight? Super -fresh Produce ! -~ FRESH FROM HAWAII '/RBBPJJ I ....... v~A ~1~ !~E~G~! •••• Picked ripe ••• in Hawaii's fertile field ••• to offer you the finest flavor in fresh pineapple! Red Velvet Yams ............................. 2 n.. 29* Golden meat ••• so smooth ••• so sweet ••• so deliciou5 ! I Prices• in. effect Thur&. through Sun.. Nov. 1S, 1,, 15, 16. No &a.lea to dealers. Optn dailv 9 to 9 ••• St<nday 9 :30 to 7 :00 Ask the manager.about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonqu in St NEWPORT. BEA~H: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently lo.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ----- ~-. • • • ,. COOKIES , HM:·DlllD. . ~ -Aaortid Ylrioties, !I«. Pie. ~ ~ fllloo lldl ~ Vllliio Cl • j ' I ~·r·· ... II ••r. ·, '' n. l:Jn .~ .. ·' . . BUACH . CITSUP -~.llld-Tiol. c c ...... '" .. . . . • ·BABY FOODS -.iM Strinol Fruib at Veptlliles Popuio' lhnds-lllcula' " Kircs ' c UHM $ --. -06 '311 .. ... -... , ... clll. Ccimpare Our LOW Prices! . . ' I ;1111'1eoii.ltt1JlllJ-IJ11'1ilo ... Y•*""'.-i1 V llililits Corn ,=.~: ·:: 23c D Pork & Beans ~~ ·:: 25c D Fruit ~ktail -=-·::-2sc ·o 15'11«. - c . -SUGAR ~wTlllllUst. c 5-i.. .... '-nut Butter ~t' · ·-63c ... .__ jlr Cottage Chee~ 1111• .... c.I n3.1c .. _ _ .. --Lucen11f09urt ._._Ol.._•..,11• ,.. ..... ~---.... ....... ..... 16' ................. fl .. .. ce:,e IJIVP :" 99' .. "'*. ,. ........... ...., .. Peaches ·=~=~· i:: 23c O 1T•atoes =----= · -: 23c D Foil Wrap ·== ·~3t D Apple Sa!ce .=::: ·:: 171 D =-:;:;.;.~~'I" Mayon~a1se ,,.a.:_-... -:i sac D ... ~--:~ .. :-· .. " Pure Crisco = 3:; UC D '~-· , · · · · Luceme Milk v.!r."-:: ISc D · :~"" :., 1111 · CAii Baby Formula ~.: ·:: 2fc D ~~cm. .... 39' 5c Candy Bars v:::.. 6 ... 271 D =:;:~ ... r.=:. .,,-4,. ,1n1d -~~ ... 39' Blender ::"' 111.11 $1 I 88 I 111111 '"" 321111 ... , Wesson Oil · Biscuits --· ......... ,_ .. _..,,. ~ ac • ; Sour Cream :g:~ ! 4gc· ,,... .... ~:" 't:: 33' Fresh Bread :-~ ·-25c • Wllll Sllillll llllPIW l1Ji "" Tomato Soup : • rr.w.. 12c 11!1Tm1m ,. U.s.J).A. a.lco Gridod .... ' •• . . . OOKED HAM - ..., ............... ~w . lb.: ....... , lollf -=-~ ... Ground Beef= .. 49c ........ ,. ___ .__ ... Ground Chuck .. 6tc ... _..,..JO<y.-- • Sirlti1 Ti. • F11l C.ter Cit,_ e l11el111 Fiii~ ... IONILUI BEEF TEAKS c -T ·Bone Steak ::,~.:rk .. $)29 ·Top Sirloin 'Sp1nc1rS ... ,Flll1t~ .... ...... ftff -.. .. ... ..., -...,, ::.:=.. -• =:-.:..-:. .. -.. =-.::-=-. -~ Leo's Meats .=. :: 35' SDcetl 1acon Cooked Hant ~ :: 59' !:.'t" ,. Sliced Turkey = ,'.!.'I" ::::::::; :: ..,- Turkey Roast :: i-'211 Sausa111 ,__ Ste m.c 1111111 I Frllb I "" .... :=.: ~ .... -99' -...... -..... " "" ... ... .... ....... ...... .. ULIE AN and the Yuletlde Chorllfen H'9h Pfdellry -Ill l11•10illo Chrr.t .... _,.., .... -·1~ - ..... ,_ ....... •A-.. .............. -... c • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beacb • 2tMonardl Bay Plaza, So. Laguna • 636 N. Coast l!Wy., Laguna 8eac11 • Santa Ana'l1'8811ay al la Paz, Mission Y'1ejo • Wdson & Fairview, Costa Mesa ' " ' ,. DAILY I'll.OT ff I ~ ·~ . • ' •. • r '• • -~, 0Ppend on Safeway For U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Oepenri on Sol+'woy For Advertised SPECIALS D1•pend on Soh'W0¥ f or HUGE VARIETY :~ t .. ' ' --• . . . . .. -.. '' .. , ... \ ' I • • " I ·-·-r----· If OAILY PILOT Wed1ts.d11. N~mb.tr' 12, 1969 . Cla!!ls,_ _Lobsters· Povored by Actor .< ------~· ------ .Native .New Yorke ·r~·o1sco~ers :;f ab~lo.u.s Fare ~ ~ -... • ~ -I.I. • , By JOHNA BUNN ed eggs, OOi!ed potatoes, rye Normally, he by p·a s s es aog meat stew. Lamb Is ' -~ni ck;lll. '1]9wner, "Jiati ~ Add onio"" tomato i ulce . ..,br~ and sweet butter. And dishes prepared with sauces. subst.lt~~ed for the ·sake of the 1 ~Ii. r)Ce~IM tip~ PtLd 1 . 1 • 1 • (eilot.igli to ~,er chicken) N.EW YORK, ?S.Y:· -"I'm~ dither df> bis Bo at o n "The sauces are apt to be. actors! ,.__ . . , , g.}. lolthe ~ ~ ol)I 0re11aoo ·Mv Jttf marJ·or&m !~eater, but only wher;i the sj>et'lahles, jfs ·ao good It'll Food sNlms~to have played' thoee liij'-~ !.a your 'l'.ka '.r-'·a1 'd . 1 • 1t f · Is ood" """" r..eor-k ry h 1 b ked eit"'er .. specific' or •t-..eral" If -, , lh '" ..... ''I ~ nsmr1 • sa an ""PP<' · g , ~" o-mae you c : c a •• ey • · a -large part in nls movie fllOU , '"'" ·,·;a_ • .,.. ... r:-r-''f.+,1 p-~·. Sq:pl. "More than.anything in ·'beans nllitd1with blls of~ specific, it'll tic}(\e you: but. it career. "I get a lot of com-stews,_.because. m, t 9f. tht1~ • ~ef,JEH'l'UT'lell.45 fl'Ulu~es or the worltl, 1 love plams T Lit· pork. vi ... f, salt and pe~, f.cneral, )t Is only a ric~ sauce ments about the eggs used in '. are.made:Wkh grf.SUy,ineat.: .. u~il rchl~k~n IS· ,kl:k·tt~~r:; lie Neck clams, thlt'is-and per." • ac~ng ln"tlavor." the movie, People ask me how George Segal d~ his best Rem~ve chicken to a bea~ baby s__te;uned Jfmale lobsters , In 1'Slilp 'or F<lOls,'~ he was was..able_to cr.ack..and open eating a~e..:..The..lo.rmula __ platte:.: --~educ~-s~~ ~~~ _ w.ilh drawn butter." Yt EIC?HTY PROBLEM-const antly shci\vO ei tffiflli ti s an egg with on• hand all in for his (a\l'OFite dish foll ows. f~i'tti over memum---itear.s11r· · • . . 1 Weight can be a problem to r I ol the Oii I ·-"B t · I ' At ' · ring "t ' . Segal aUnbutes h!J! love ~r this hearty eater. At lunch 0 e Y ng 0 "'1 • u one operati,on All It takes is . .-. . 041 en. ' fish to.,tls place of birth (hes recently, he polished off two when you're a prisoner of war. tender loving ~arc." GEO E sE~Al:.'S Using a wire whisk,. add a. native Ne~ Yorker)_ and to dozen Little Neck clams with all you think about is food,'' Ceo~ge gets his practice Cl!ICKEN PA RIKA sa ce, slo"_Vl¥ to sour cream in his father. We used to .£cl hot sauce. "I go 'berserk when George said. cooking eggs al home. 1-fe I medium yeUow, ooiOn ~ .arg~ m1~ng bowl; blend un- miirvelous .steamed clams 1n a 1 get to New York there's In "King-Rat,'' in which he boasts, HJ'm very good ii•ith 4.Lablespoonaoliveoil 111. smooth. Relu!'" sauce to gr-.t flsb restaurant on Long such a feast of ' g 0 0 d plays the title role, the Cood eggs." Jn bartender's lingo, he J ~~ poupds frying chicken skillet, ad? chicken, h~t 11t.,.a;". the rugged-looklng restaurant& here. I've · &alned , became grue!Ome. The story prepares scrambled eggs by cut in Pieces... -: gently 5 ryi1nules. Serve with actor said. , 10 pounds '"SinCe 1 Jeff the ls aQout 'a group of Allied "beating up the eggs adding a 2 cups tomato juice steamed rice. Serves 4·S. Asked if be likes to dig for coast." ,sol.diers held in -a-Sln~apore shot of milk. salt and pepper. pinchol'f;gano Afterthoughts: Marion clams or set lobster traps, His vacation in Jamaica on· pr1so~ s;1'Jllp. s.egal Is t~e Serve it with day-old bread. large bay lf;af Segal, the creator o( her Segal said, "No .. I never d!d ly added to bis problerri. "I did ~r1can rat fink )Vho in· And that's about the extent of pinch marjOram~ .. husband's favorite dish, Sug-au of those things, but I d very well on the native g~n1ously ·paw~ off ~. rodent · my cooking repe'rtoire," he. l \l tesapoons pllprika gesis, ''Add t~e sauce to the tlk'e to. So!Oe su!11!1lCr .rd like dishes," he said_. j'I espeCially d!e~ on the officers as the admitted. 11/, teaspoons.salt £(. sour cream caref\!llY to pre-. to beach 1i ~p 1n Mame and liked the papayas _ the hind quary.ei's of baby deer. flis wife, Marion, a former V4 teaspoon lr&hly groLind vent lumping." Th.e Se~als , turn into a fJsherman. nativea ciiJJ tq,em pawpaws _ "Of course, on the set they editor with CBS, does most of pepJ)er · ' l team the piece de resistance "1tfy father hails from served· with fresh Ume juice. are actually e~ting fro g legs. the Cooking in theii-New York 2 cups sour cream · wiJh a·greep. vegetable, chilled BQ5ton and he taught me to The fried bananas were But there's a species of baby a'partment and their Beverly Cut onion into heated oil in"-green salad, s risp Italian 1 1ae broiled kippers, scrambl· delicious." , deer.called rusa~ti~~· savored tli.lls hof!le. "She docs great heavy •skillet; brown 'sligh~ly,. bre~d and .fruit for d~ert .. ,,. by Singapore cooks, the actor things with sour cream. Her-remove. an~ reserve • Q!lion." : Their choice of w 1 n e : . sald .. "ln ~noth!?r scene, the specialty is chicken paprika." Brown chicken quicklf on ill . Valpollcella. ' Merchandising starving prisoners. are served The actor who eals .!!;lmost sides ii)> onion·Jlavoled loiJ. ! 1c1 1"'· trtnM•~. inc. LUSTY EATER George Segal ' Raises Query DEAR NAN: There Is a merchandising practice i n some oC lhe local grocery stores I wish someone could do "'melhing about. Maybe a ?1)(111t.lon in'Yeur 'column wpuld al~ the unwary shopper. I rerer to the marketing of G(,jlde !8 turkeys without marking them as such. These are tbe o~s which have a broken leg, bruise, torn skin, er other b I e m i s h. Otherwise, J'm told, quality is supposed to be ·as good as any other bird. These are gov.ernment ·in- spected and so marked but th.e_ label does not give the grade. Turkeys are packaged so blemishes don't show and If the shopper doesn't know LETS ASK THE COOK by tun Wiley enough to look for a Grade A label, she is going to get stuck lli'ilh a sorry looking bird. I got educated last Than}(sgiving. After thawing and upwrapping I found a patch of skin about 4 inches in diameter missing from the breast. I took it back ·to lhe store, innocently thinking I was doing them a favor by calling their attention to this. I got the idea that "the buyer should beware '' although the manager was very nice, explained that packaging requirements do not call for labeling of a Grade B. He offered to replace the bird but it V.'as too late to thaw. A neighbor got stung this way too. Hov.•ever, we got a good laugh out of our "topless" turkey and I covered the bare place with pie crust which helped to keep it from drying out. You can bet my turkey com- es from the chain which advertises "all Grade A." MRS. L. A. BETROS, OVER- LAND PARK, KAN. • That pit crust was an In· gentous Idea! 'J'1le man was right, Grade B turke)'s do not have to be Ja. beled. as sucb, although If they are USDA or otherwise gov· emment lupected they m.ust live ap lo certain speclflca· tions. Anytime you lite turke)'• at What looks like an unusual· ly &ood price, It is best to query. Some stores will simply say ••Grade B'' in theit ads. Thert should at least be a sign over the bin at the store. Yes, a Grade B has some sort of blemish, usually slight. I have had some good ones. some lhat W~e considerabJy less lhan that, but or late I find them very much dryer than Grade A. It has Ion~ been my contentlon that prolonged freeilng causes dryness. One government man agreed with me. privately. · You should also look for anottler label -"Parts miss· ing." By governmental ruling on l~d birds, that has to be il~a wing, leg oi' anything else )t Is not amooa those preient. NAN'S Non:, Somedm., the t lmplat dl1lln. aliag Ille most erdlnay" In~, t.a1tt Mtltr lhan 1nytlalll1 more'tJabonte and expeuift. Votf ja1t lllve to fntrotfuCe tbooe 1 • .,....... to .... olber. \Vhat with one thing and . another we hadn't had stuffed peppers at our house for ever so long, much as we Jove them, untO the other day when my husband brought in a whole.sackful of peppers he'd bou&ht at a bargain. So I had to use them up, - I didn't have time to fiddle with an honest·to:gosh recipe. l just remembereif ih8t '1 have frequent requests for ;,stuffed peppers without any rice or macaroni in them !" So l dragged a chu nk of ground beef out of the freezer -about a pou nd or maybe a litUe more -put it in my big skillet with the lid on. set lhe heat on low. That way it thaws and cooks gradually without sticking or too much fa st browning and I can pour off any excess fat as l go. Then f added some chopped onion and a small can of tomato paste and a little water. (It has to be paste, not sauce or soup, or it will be too runny for pepper stuffing.) J really hadn't made ap my mind, till then, wbat other seasonings I woa.ld us.e. I seldom do a dish e:ucUy tbt aame way twice Jn a row. My eye nti on a package (about one ounce) of dry spagheiu sauce seasoning In the cup- board -it struck me that sbonld work tine •. in it went. When the ml1ture had si m- mered down·· to a good thickness, I cut the peppers in half lengthwise. ·simmered Uiem in water to cover for . just ljve minutes (This gets them soft enough to cut \Yith a fork but SUI! hold their shape nicely and nol be sloppy to lb~ taste.) Lined them up in a shallow baking pan jui::t big enough to hold them steady. Filled them with the hamburger goo, slic· ed some yellow cheese o\rer the tops, stuck the m under the broiler just till the cheese melted. By this time they \Vere smelling just great They tasted the same! Right then and there, I got my orders from the other half of this team. (Confidentially, I only take orders when I've decided I"m right anyway,) ''Don't eve r do stuffed peppers any other way. This tops them all!" That spaghelti seasoning, of course. It really is an awfully good way to stretch a Pound of hamburger. With lhe sauce and all, it did fill six large pepper ha l v es generously. There were two left and t know Pop had his eye on those for next d3y's lunch. Sorry, l beat him to them. Didn't even bother to "''arm lhem up. They tasted just as good cold. Great day in the morning! Do you know what just hap- pened? He. just walked in ~·ith another sackfu l of peppers and enough o( that spaghetti sauce ' se'asoning to last a y'ear. Oh well, I can stand an encore on those peppers myself. Nan has her own .special holida y reci pes printed in a free leaflet as her greeting to you . If you woµld like this leaflet. send a long, stamped, sclf-addttssed envelope and ask for "My Christmas Gi rt to You," malling your request to Nan Wiley in care of thi s ' newapaper. Nan WUey regrels that she cannot provlde per s on a I aMWers-to your eooking ques· tlons, but questions of general \nt~t wil_t m _!flSWefed in hot column. Address your quest.ions to Nan Wiley in care or this newspaper. PRICIS IPPICTIYllE THURS. thru su11., 11ov. 13·110Y. 16, 1969 LOlll IND PORK ROAST - CiifAlll FED 59.~ . fRlSH PORK STEAKS U.S.0.A, <;HOtCE BfEf-BONELESS LONDON BROIL 98.t,. fRESH fROZfN U.S.D.A. i~SPECTED 49 LAMB ROAST SH~~\"' lb. 891b. U.S.D.A CHOICE BfEf ROAST BONELESS RUMP U,S,0.A, C~o;.• le~! IOlllfUSS ROUND STEAK 89< -· lb . FRESH PORK SPARERIBS COUNTRY 6ftC STYLI 7'1b. fRESH PORK COUNTRY STYLE 39 C SAUSAGE lb. lUfR"OUAllTY PORK LINK SAUSAGE fRO~lN 811EA0f0 OR PLAIN • VEAL STEAKS P•E·MIXtO llEAOY 10 BAKE FRESH MEAT LOAF 3 •,,$'11 _oi:o:i~. I 79,t,. 6911,, GOLDIN CRIME FROZEN FOODS BATHROOM I CREAM OR KERNEL 8ANQUfT 'ENTRElS 3 .... 27c COQKl;.l ' BAGS _ pl;g, PE RFECT fOR OESS(RtS IMITATION ICE MILK All FLAVORS CORN or PEAS REDDl-WIP TOPPING 59c quorl '"" SOFi-WEVE TI SSUE '. BY SCOTT G•49E 5, ;~~·1 i->lg, 59c WELCH'S JUICE iARS "" 22•3c ha1·133c conJ TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE gallon _ . LIQUOR SPECIAL DELICATESSEN .. , ;, . ' " ' ' " "'"'" P~VP NET .~·.;,;;; .. RASNOFF FOOD'. GIANT. PRfMIUM QuA~lrf WISC0!'11151N MONTIRIY VODKA JACK Jftc CHEif;• . '71b. OR FINLEYS l.AICN!!.A CORN TORTILLAS :.':;I 0• fOOO GIANT DflU•E SUCfO P.ASlfURllED PROCESS AM ERICAN 49c PIMIENTO , " or SWISS pkg. . HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AQUA CREST--TOOTH NIT PASTE · HAIR !PRAT SAYE 20' ll:EGVLAR o'R MINT • Regulor • • Super c,..-c. ... ~ .. 4 family 69'· • Un5tented st sin 2~aac ere --· tube COFFEE -All GRINOS Colo Dog food, no. l co~ .................. : .............. 2 for 35c MJB _ ln slont Coffee freeze Oneel Sonka, 4-oz. 1or ............... $1 .14 N_esteo lnslont HIT a Mix, l ·oz.._12kg!..:,,.',.!. ...... ~ ..... 59c Jiffy Popcorn, Natural or Bulter F!ovor, S·oz.-pl(g ........ , . 29t 3·lb. $209 Kraft Dres$ings (French or 1000, S·oz. 4lc), S·oz. jar . .' .. 35c con Roya l A:;sarted Pudding Mixes. Incl. 2c off, lge. pkg:Zfor 27c Royal Gelotin, a!I I lovers. Incl. 2c Off, lge. pkg ........ 2 for 35c 4 '°' $1 co no toll pkg. NEW CROP EXTRA FANCY• CRIS P, TE~DER. LARGE STAlkS NUTS I CELERY •WALNUTS • FILBERTS • ALMONDS 1 PECANS ·4!9~~ 1 LEMON S - I M.t.GNOUA llRAND BREAKFAST ,PRUNES Imperial Diet Margarine. l·lb. pkg..................... .41c AH liquid laundry Detergent. 32-oz. pkg............. . . 83c -lovo Ha ndSoop.req bors ..... ,,... . ........ 2 for 79c lo Roso Spoghetti, l ·lb pkg .............................. 33c Ore·ldo Frozen Crin kle Cu t Potatoes, 4·!b. pk<J, ......... .SI 13 5onquet Pum pkin or Mince Froze n Pies. 8" p:es .. .. 3 tor ~ 1 ' ' AURA SCUDDE POTATO CHIPS REG. 7Jt 11 -01. 59c pkg. -· COi ffE-PluULAR GRI ND CHA SE & SANBORN i 11> 73 c Lill' -2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wllsoi1 st;, Harbor Sho:r-11iu g Ce11ter, ~ostu ll;iesa ( .. I , . GREii ilANS n(l;,T.!'.'o°'. .................. "-~c~J TOMATOES .................................. N?J?J Coll CRfAM STYlf N0.303 OR WHOLE ir>EltHfl _,, .... _,,,,,,_,.,..CAN swtn ms ............ -·----'-.. -~?cl'.1 :i,~ 5§ $1 ~~.~-F~R ... ... .. . . . ;~'Ft~~~t ........... ~~FPR:.~~ ........................ 10 --m~fair frozui food,.---. ORANGE ""'""'" YOU A 1:$1 GET on 1~ Jl[l(E . ~~ . IUJ.lli' . iORE FOR... , TOILET '~t'5 1'.ISSU,: YOU s·· y$ ~-GITONE IUY . . MOREFOR-... MAYnlSH GET ONE MORE.FOR ...... MAYFRESH PIACHES SLICIO AND · HALVIS N0.2\ICAN YOU 1Af $1·1 GET ONE IUY. MORE FOR .......... i. . . . ~ MAYFRESH . BRE A'D WHIATOIWHm ~ 1-Ll.LOA' You4i$1 GETOIE BUY I . MORE.FOR ....... . MA YFRESH ,~r, YOU 4b$1 '·Glr O!IE ... ~ . .MEAT PIES CHK ... BUY • '.' 1"11~0R ...... ' fREICH ,.,;.;:f"' YOU .6& $ ·1-«r ONE 1· ' ~ C' i ''FRIES PIG, BUY • ,_ MORI FOR -' . 1 ' • ' • • grm1~~tz.95c "m"'oi &Sc·. m.\'E'..: .. ___ , .. 01.,.G.61c ·~o'l'.~.1~.--....... 1u"' 69c =~-...:.. ""'"·45c =.'l:li&-'lf\'ii HAlJ 8'(. _,, U.SAGNA IAAMA1llf'IA l ·ll.SIIT._,,,,,_ - :t.':'?M. •m•eMU!UU.lllE _ 7t :l:J,;m .• zc _____ s9' . ~l.(J,PlG,, ___ Jt' • ~ •. PICNIC-STYLE SHOULDER -PORK R.OA.ST FRESH.IHC!IT SHANK WELL TRIMJAED · wmw~wmw Van de Kamps . S,ECJALS Butterhorn 39c • Collu Cakes ,.,, d 1 ' iot,, " .,In. Blueberry "1~ c Mllfllns ....... ,.1-t11·.;);J ll!r Toasted . 29C Coconut Cookies "'· , ~w•mwiww ADYlltTISID PlllCIS lfflCTIYE 1 fU~L DAYS· THURS., NOV. 13th thru WED:, NOV. 19tlr ---- MAYFAlit MARKEV-1 7!> [lJ.5'0' 17TH STREEi. COS"ll'A Nll lESA OPEN 24 HOURS \ • • • ---------. - ' • SHORT RIBS 45 . g1JJ!!c.,,,. ......... u. . ' c. FIESH SLICED !,ljfJ.00~_.,,_ .. u.59' e.ff.~~-____ u. '" ~!'.'~"!'.! ... 29'· SUCD UCOI , . 7• , iAAY,liS11 Cl. HOffMAN IETTfRIM!D -ll. _ 7" • ~mm _ .. ___ : .. .. ..... u. 79' • - p OAll.V Pll.01' -TUMIL!WIEDS·-- • TELEVISION VIEWS cBS ~tays In Middle ' ly CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK .(AP) -CBS played \he conflict in Northern Ireland down the middle in its biweekJy .. 60 Minutes" Tuesday night. Mike Wallace reported conditiom and sentiment from Iha ProleJtant side while Harry Reasoner did \he same \hlng on the ROman Calholic ground. Neither added much that was new to the story. MOST Interesting segment Of the program lho:w- ed a Los Angeles lawyer explaining to a class of UCLA students way1 to duck the draft or at least postpone induction. The attorney estimated ha had handled some 1,600 draft cases and of these one on' client was in jail, 12 were drafted -and the rest were still civilians. It is not evasion, he says, but simply using the loopholes in \he law. Many Of his clients keep out through exempt occupations while others are found to be suffering from physical disabilities overlook• ed by draft board doctors. STUDENT UNREST and demonstrations fiave been the inspiration for numerous television scripts recently and ABC's "Mod Squad" got with it Tues- day night. The young undercover agents went on campus to solve a homicide and got into a student uprising. The hour had a fresh. contemporary flavor - thf young militants vs. the puzzled college' person- nel and police. This aspect. li.i:1 a rich fCing on a plain cake, concealed the fact that the story was really a routine litUe cops-and-killer tale. 4'Movie of the Week" that followed ·oft the net- work was one of those good old act.ion stories about a apy who gave up the business but could not get away from bis past. ROBERT HORTON, once of uwagon Train" was the ex-spy who had hung onto vital papers that both sides wanted. But Sebastian Cabot, playing a stony-hearted spy-master, nearly stole the show. , The ABC censor checking "The Spy Killer" was either napping or extraordinarily permissive: In one scene, our hero and an attractive young woman. detinitely not his wife, were dJscuss.iJlg the case casually while occupying twin beds in the girl's apartment. l'OUR SPECIAL programs which will occupy NBC's entire. evening are scheduled tonight. First comes an arumated special with Bill Cosby's voice and the figu.re of his childhood buddy, Fat Albert. Then there 1s Johnny Carson's specia1, a series of comedy sketches with help from George C. Scot~ Maureen Stapleton and Marion 1'-1ercer. Diana Ross and the Supremes plus the Temptations will then mix ccm.edy with their Motown sound. Then comes "Nor· man Rockwell's Amercia," a documentary laced With music and humor. Dennis the Menace ·111u.o l!anlf1.11.1• • • ·-- ... • i I j r HOW WAS MOOY PICXEP NO •• A.NI' NOW UP? ME HASN'T A MAR· n.IAT YOU ASIC, COTI(S lECOID,'HAS t-IE? I'M NOT SURE. MOON MULLINS Mun AND JEFF ... - GORDO ,.., M•ss ct<YSTIU-, rr rs MY ruri IT 15 F"OM ow~ AS MAI• MDNITO/t TO INl'CftM ."JOHN CRYSTAL "OF YoU THAT. A ~eni;rc. 111'5 CHICA60. r Guess COM6 FOlt )OU. He IS \'DUR ~Ir. SALLY.. IANA~ - RIGMT ISTER t MANCILE THE sop .. IAENT TOMORRQV! By Ferd Johnson By Al Smith WHY? "" By Mel He APPLl•P 6 M1$5 CRVSTIU-, CENTS IN l'05TA611, IT 15 MY OljfY L!!'AVIN6 6 CENT5 TO INFORM~~~~ POSTA6e oue. 7HAT 'l'OUR r----T BROTHli'R IS A r-<-' <:.. ,.r" CH!!'AP6AATli'· I i I ' I • , • ' .......... _.. ___ . ~ WEDNE5DAY l!JO D DIC ,.._ .. CC) (60) Q"" --(CJ (30) ID t• te1 • tne (C) <30) • OflCll " ........... (30) 9 (I) H..a.; lrlnldlr (C) {30) .... , •• (30) 9 (I)"" -~O) Ill -.. (C) (60) m-t<l ·<30l '"' ........... -(Cl (30) &'J ..... ., I.loo! (CJ (30) m1 lM Lily (30) Ill .... "' -(C) (30) fl) ... _,_ -(30) QJ (!)-(CJ (30) m-(30) Cit (I) Trltlt • Came 1 c• (C) (30) m•-rCJ <30l @ ""' ... (CJ '30) D "DIANA ROSS AND -* THE SUPREMEs. AN.ii ' THE TEMPTATIONS · ON BROADWAY''. numm . ..,..1 - .... """" -... 11li('. Ti-. -tel (60) Mia .._ 11111 1tW ..._ ,... ~Int .... hltirprlt. ,.,, .... Btoadllfr lllllodlts .of ... u( . pmlnt •Id IPJ191f W. tflo ......... COlltldJ JMt?eL . ·IJ-(Cl{IO) &!i!<l:ldl MC W1l 1 I J i1ftii: (fj ....... (dfl!M) ...... 611111 {onf1 Sttll1 stmnl. A auilt· ridlhll" phylician, 111J1n1 Ill lffl W.. .• l1tld eoftltruction ump ln tht .._,., ~" dtllrt. " blttlll "' • J1ltll. Ool I"' Ills ontr 41 !tom " ~ I inldltll elllllf. ll'l·I-.·~ (IO) •'fht C)dl1ef. lil'~to111 M tt DMth." · ' 1111-' -(&O) ,..., a-·(C) (30) -... ,,.. a ra (I)'"' -<C> .(10) 111"' •·• 1o11 te1 ·(3o) • To1J hMeR: .The llonolt a...w. ...... M ... Ind lllllW WHiie •i.on 111111. . I • • t l!llDJ(!J@Ll IMCIAt ""·tt:tOlllllHll -n::..= <ef tf.r. -~, Flt Allrllfl (C) (30) ~ aeb • au.. An 1nlm1t1c1.,-., , ..... _ .. "'.,'-'-' 11tiaf ....... 11111 llD!Jalll:• f«S Cl'M by 1tN1iN tf19 rap! ,. .t Kitf wtlldl tht "TICilt DYmplomhlp ot Kl........... ,,.,._ • Wilde the Whole World" hlnp In the iuep.. . b1llllCI wll1n flt.Albert b-cks out • u !Tl m am:mJ ..._ of .1 tootbtll PIM Ntwlln .Colbf's .._fi" ~ ·ftm• 11e:&hborh0Dd •m 111d ttMi IO.foot· ·-br ~-~• UH Gr9111 StrM1 Tlr'tlft. ous . . .,.,.-.......,... g ,._, ..... CC) (30) Wtr· wdl tPOnt tt !11'1 la, CDINlilJ ml "' . l -"" SOftl ., ....... W'tl!Wti. Diel nw Ill,.., 1"1 I Srnotflerl Ind Midlllt la l oci:> Robert C1117 pat, well tfld 11fPf111 ......... tM.- U lftl (l)trJ Tio -""!Cl '""'· (30)~11dor Ind the Br111 ·1«1." llm"-IC>~ M 1ntlq1111 dtlltf-dlcidlS Sble1 Bertrill• llld th• llUlll llM plll I "W.Y. (C) (&O) hex on him blaluse " his bid m""' -)uek 1ftW Pit, tndlS tfltM I ....,. fl .............. {BO) for • nlllffll llltkJue 1114. m _........ CCt (60) • _,:; 0 M1lfilll $ MIN: (C) .,..._ uUon with lnllll Ctm .1111 Mr tt Mn ~ (adwntar1) '67-hlllblllll Mlc:hlll lallPllL . .., Hll'llJ Fcllldl. .ltnicti lull, Kllnln II) c.af • ..... (30). W)'lln, Lon ClllMJ. IDTrdl • ~r...,;.· 1•11io1•1n•11 (C) (30) lt.:JlmCrlllll .._ (30)' 1111 ... "'"' -(Cl (60) Ill'"""" -<3D> . u:aoaaam-1C1 ilil ..... -..... (30) ..,...,, ---Duckl" -11>..;... • ...,(30) a--te1-,.. m-.- 0 MONSANTO NIG!IT pro· * senta Johnny Canon. tDJ CJ) QJ (!) 9 (I) -(C) . I!> "" -(Cl (&O) (R) . eauri-ICI An emilnc of comedy with top guest ltal'I. THUF::SO/.v DAYTIME MOVIES Ill) '3t -............. ..... ._ llttO" (CJ .... --..,. (-~,--..... Mlrltllt lllltr1dt.. 12:11 ............. (""" H08(C) -.. -(-· ,,,,_ ·-"" ~ l\lrt.) '$2 _ MmM O'Mlr1. Jtft ltlt L•IOll, An &lnlw, Ct11Mllf, 2:)1 D "'Mr, ,....,. IWf • ..,: t:JO .... , ........... (CO!fl· """' (c:omtdy) ·~1111 ,o ... tdy) '6&-Jolla lllM. W1MI Ktftd. eft. Anti Blyth. .... tJOll(Q ,. __ • .,_ • "1Nt1r ti I Cll1•-11'11111' (b rl'ld MICMllf"l1', Dontf17 f11t1w. \ -- I .. ' ~ :t •• ... " -~. Cli "' •• ;:I ' .. •• •M •• ... " '" ' ., - ' I ... I ul •• •• wlj • " •• ,, .. .. ... " -"' I .. •• "' '" :1 ' ., •• ~ "' '" -... •• • I "' •• ( .. :' •• •• 10 .. ., •• . ' •• M• "'' "' ~ •• " .. • "' .. .. ~ IC •l O< l!: " "' •• •• ~ "' "' "· O• . •• .. "' "' •• " " Ill " •• .. a "' " -•· ... " ~ " " (( • " • 0 • "' " • • • • • " • " 0 " • ~· ~ ~' -• ' l,... W1ien -1s -(Jverrun ! ., •• _ 1 .... ..1 ~ t NO'l'ICa'TO.C•IOITOltl MOTICI TO ClllOITHI ~ IVPllUOtt CMtl'l'•'Oll Tilr o; IUPll:IOI ~IT Oll-TMI IT.ITI OP CAl.ll"ORNIA f'OI ITATI 0" CALl'°l:NIA 110111. fMI Co\t:fllT't'IP OllMH: TMI CoY.f" Of' Ol.ANOI ltMia" TH~i:~a:.-. ... ~-Dtai.. l1t1N of Ail.!EN°'i'Tr~Ta WINc;t~, fllt, -0.C..9". • J(OTICt: II HllE.IY=M N h NOTICf 1$ l411ll1V OIVJ" '9 tM ttHtllr"t of ttil ,._.., ~ a.di'" el 1111 Mlovt l'ltlNd ~ INI llt l!'*rMl'll lllllfllt•<ltilm. ... 111111 f11t lllet I ll ...._ ll•Yll)ll ci.1 ... llMlllll ttll NW flciidffll w1 ""'!t:td .._ ntt ft1trn. 11111 dtctOll'lt IN ""'°I"" to fllt "*"• "'"" .. "'*'4,., ~Ill tM otflCI Wll!I ttll~rv 'IOl/CMirt, In thl tll'flct or·tt1~e1111t of tllt lboilt WllMltd 01W1, or ot !bf dlrfc: ot tt1t "'°"' .n1tt1• e.ovr't, ., ~ ....... , tl!lm, Wllll ""' *"""" le· H*Mnt lllfl'!, w!l!I lilt ~II"!' VOM~ .. "" lfftdtr119Md. ,, "" .n'IU YOUdlttt. 1'11 ""' vnGtrsltftld •• fht effkl er Bll(N1'.& f'AINCf, A"°rTllYlo "'' of :iwrrv It. l::•rllon ... AHorMr. NO ,..;.., .... or lilt ·st.ii. su1i.-11*, C•llN,.., N~ Center 0r1v1. 11ir'lrt «11, ~ C!h" I.ft Antt1C1, C.Htornll 'fGOO, wlllcil 9 .. dl, Clllf(ltllll '2..0 -"Id! I• ftll '!Kl Not an Overrun? ~:::::~ ~=~ :'~'t~ ::V:!'r1!t11~ ~ :~'=-:i" = w)O O.CtdMI, wttti111 twr "'°""'* 9"" ~9!1'('W'ltllln twr JnOllflll .ntt ftll 11nil rriMlr'lt ~lc.tloll d .lbll.MllU.. _ tubltallool cf 11111 Ml!Clt 011tc1 November ,, 1fff. · 'Dt!.td ~ 11, lfft ·-··HMIM!lh ti, S.---·· . P~tr. C_l&rlt Wl11"r Execvtrlx cf lhe wlll Admf11l1lr1lor · ot 1!'11! "l'•w1 !lllMCI dfCtCMnl 01 lb• ff1'1' of 1111 llltHT 9 PRINCa •bovt named df¢tc1111t •vi Plllllll Slllttr HA•ltY •• CAll:L TOH WASKINGTON (~P) - Whtn is a ~t overrun not an ovemm? • Wheal ii'• a •COit growth, yi,t~a wb,en --so aays an .'l.i11"llllt -•-lol:Y '!Ld•ll!l!• 1be swollen costs over original eatlmates o! lbe glonl LEGAL N01'J~ • l"I A ... 11 lllit-lt.,._ Pl H1-.-t Ctnltr Orlvt Sul!• ..... " •1t11tt ., • MOTIC• TO COftTaACTOIS LM ~Clll. ...., M-' 9ffd1. CINI. nut Nolk;1 It lll<'lbV tlVtrl 11111 1119 lo.I'll ot T9'1 ,,, \U'9 Till 011) 6*Un TrVllMI OI' t111 °""~ Vlf'# $C~I 1111.,..._1.., .. l'.Matrla A~ fir Mll!l11l1lrllot DlllrlCI 11' Hun1119IOll affdl. CtllJoml1 PuWllld, Or.-. Co.st 0111'f Piiot, Publl"*I or.,... CC>ffl D•llr Piiot, wll{ flJCIJi.! Oldl UI '" ~00 P.M. P•c!lli: NowmMr" S. 12. ''' 2',. 1'• ~ Oelobtr :It Ind November 5, n. 19, 51..,c11n1 Tlfne, oirc.mbff 3, 1969 In 11\t LEGAL NOTICE 1Ht 70\Mt offltt Of Oc,an VltW kfloOI Dl1!rld. LEGAL NOTICE l«•lwd 11 nn W1rner Ave11ut. Hu,.. NOTtCll ,TO· Cl:IDITOl:I llnglCll llNCll, Cell!ornll 11 whldl 11....e 'IUf'llttoa, COUAT M Tift P.-i 11ld bids Wiii b.'f p11bllc1Y. OPft!MI Ind ftld • 'J#~aJ~::V4::~1~\R CJ.•T~l:\~;rou~' 1t!~~N••s. • '°' ~~r~T!,,~~~ .111111or. mat1r1111, 1nd • ' .... Mttn • Tiit UndlrllllMtl .. nrtlfY ttlt\ll '"' ltf'llCtl fOr COl\lffll('llo!I of totlow~no £!111ft' llf ·~LA JEJJ'A\ORlllS,,De(I ... cond11tt1111 1 bulll'lfSS If Ito Twtl" AY,., woflt I" l'OUllllln V1lle'r. C1llltfnl1, ... , Nl'WISOrl BNcll, C1!1lor"lft, ullder !he fie-VISTA VlfW ICH?°L ~011C", IS HEit.EBY' GIVE N It thl tltlou1 firm 111m1"' PEGASUI LIMITEO dOCol>ltt,,J! :i~d =~!YOfl~ =~r:!: c<ffltot• llf !hi •llOYI l'lamtll' d~"' •nd th" 111!1 firm Is cornPO~ ot 1111 C\lme 1 A hi 1 t'3 ff'ltl .n ,..._ l\tYlnt ct•I-"111111 ,,.. tollo;llfll9 •tl'Wlll, wltolt 11111'111 '" tun lrClll'I LM •. ,Klint. 11'1(.. rt !IC. 14'id dl<""1t .1r1 1'.M\11"'4 to fllt tttem, 111d pi.e. w N9lclenci 1n •• fttlows: Wttt COllflfdO 11.-.1w1rc1. ~ A!Wlln. •ltn ,... ~"' ~rl> '"th• o111c1 Clltfofd • MuWtH . P•l'111J, .1011s =~:r . ~' 1,::1, 0,1::Sr/41 ~uT:!1 of tht tfttt·-TM •bOYI ltl\lltLld COU/1, f1' Holbur11 Or., HUllHNlln .... di. ' , ' . II r Ml el ,.'. to '• ,,...,,ht"'""' wllft the MCllllrv J1mt1 11. COUii\$, 414 Atlljlli'lo Or IWWITV<tlW (Ja,OOl dO 11'!1 H I 1-'-" .. ~ .. ... I "" I ··-.. I .. 'c -• .• ll1ble UPIJl'I rtlu!'l'I ot documtn • II Ylr,IC rJ. ... ~ u n • • "" ce nt1 Ml, 11,...,.11 · Ofldl!IOll l!llln flYI (JI dlYI 1n1r 0\11 of P~I '°-; ~'"".'' 'Altorlll_r .i LIW; 41t Q.1111 Odebtr ti, Ifft. ~nlntf w -£11! ll'th Stntf! '"'' ~. Clll1or'n l1 (llfki•d ""· .-. ... iw All o1· Id WOf'k to M ~orm.tcl In IC· "'21', wllldl " 1M •llU ,,,, MlfllH of J-• It. 'C'*lll'I$ cortll'IC .. with ft Int Ind 1pecltk1ll0111 ttlt llf!W•1J91\111 1t1 •II 1111t1tt1 ."rt1lnlft0 St1tt.ot C1111oml1 · wfllt' ;. ..... ·on fill In offlct of Oce1n to'lflt Hl•ll of M14'dlcedfnl, Wl!llln fovr Otlllff (01Jnty: 4 VI -· 01 trlct · mon111a .ntr 1119 flr11 •ll<w!lon Clf lhls On Oettlber 2l, 19't, titfcrl mt. • <t:'rsvMlt"ffl :roYlilDll of !.e'cllllll 177~ of 11ot1c1. •" , ' •. ' Nol1rv Public I~ tnd for Nici 11111, l tllot" Codt 9Nl'll of T"111Ht of ttld 011td ~.%3.ilfft., P'rto111!1v IPl'tlflll Clifford Ml•wtll $CNIOI OISl;ltt ~It MCilrltlMd ,eMr~I J1net LM Morrls P•nltY ~ Jtma o, (C.ll!nt known to 11 ,Ylllllll ,1,_ ot w.tts 11 1o1t1ll1¥ In Ext(llfrb1 of !tit Est.ti mt lo be tllt lltl'tDl'll wileM 111mts ''' :,l;:1c11 tlllt -r11. I• to bt ptrforrr.~ tcr of The ~YI 111rntd dtctclent 1ubKrlbtd 11:1 1111; wlltll" 'int"'11rMnl •1'1111 u ch ITPI OI workm•~ neti!M lo titkUlt PAUL A. ti,.""""' 1cknowlec1ted ttiev. tllttultd !hi 11m1. !tilt COl'ltrict. preyel111111 llourlr WOlil 11"'9l'M1' ).IW • (OFFICIAL SEALl K1i. M 1•t•r!tlritcl It I'• IO!I-: 119 •••I lntl ltrllt /Mrv II.th ~rtell . Crift " .,..,.. Mhrl~ Wiii 11:111 c.sT• Miii. (l:llflnlll• nt.t7• NollrY Putlllt<lllfornl• llllCKl.A'l"Ell Tfl (1141 ~I"' -tli-41q Prlnclp1I Offfu In lt1cllJIYlf •!Id Sll:lrit MelO!< U..U AflwMf fw •~trl• 0>•1'1111• Covn!T Hffllli i. Welftre -11c per h01Jr P.llllllthed .Oftnt• COid 0.llY "not, MY. Commltilon Ex11!rtt vi llMI 11c w hour OcloDlr • Ind 'NoYiomblr · S.. lt. 1,, APtll '· 1'71 .,.,;:. ,.,;;,,,,,Ion -Uc: ptr tlour lfft 202Wf Publl~M 0rt"91 COili 0.lfy Piiot, llPP~11cetlllir-le lltr llOllr LE. G.". NOT!~_ Odoblr n. 2' 9Nt NO'llmblr !, 12• llrk~ltlfldl'r (L1bortrl '·'U <;""f .._ ' l96t ltn...t HMlttl .. Wtllltt -2Sc -llOUr ---· P'-UOtJ°'""____ LEGAito NOTICE Pen1!or1 Pllfl -:lk-Hr "°"'' Clll.TtPICAT• O, SU,INll.I. Vit~llOl'I Plln -4Sc 11er hour PICTITtolltS.,NANl -P·lMlll CARPeNTER S.6' TM .. u·iertlt«d do Clrflry fMY ll'I ClltTll'ICATll 01' 9USINESS, HNlttl & Wt!llrt -'le Mr flour cnnd.Ud1,.i! 1 b\isll\elr •t' 11' Mih\ St.. l'ICflTIOU5 NI.Ml P..eiulon l'l•n -SSl; H• hour Hunlll\Ofon 9Hch, Cllllforfll•. """' 11\11 Tiii 11r'ICll1'1ltned do cullfy theY ..... VK•lloll 5'YIMI -HolldtY -l5c "' ficllllou& firm n1mt of SUll:FUll HO~e: condlKlll'll 1 blJ•llltSs II 1!7$ Vk;lorli CA•'•w•" • llNOllUM LAYE• S.61 ..... I. I ' - -... StrNI, Coif• Miii. C•!lfornlt . unn.r Ille ' •rlll N f r'l?I. ~ COfl'I "' llclltlous f!rm n1me of A&ERO!l!N H•llh a. Wttltrt -21C: Hf llOIJr followlnt Jlertdl'lt_<, ""°" n""'-111 fUU PUBLISHINO COMP.t,NY •nil Thi! ttld Vt~llQll -~c lltr hour tl'ld '"'es of res10t11e• 1r1 n IOHow.· P'inlloll 20c l'IO\lr 0._ Cil~ m3 All!!IYlf""l'Y l•ne firm It c:omPOMd of the follow!111 per)on1. -"!' 1 1 1 ~ CM J•t cargo plane broustit tht term' overrun Into wide public usaae-and a House ·~ p r o prlaUona 5ubcommlttee · talked it over last J~ wJth ·penfil~n of!lclals. - 1 BUTY J . ~~· aul1tant secretary of defen&e, .l n closed-door testimony made· public \vednescfily, 11i.iggested one problem was that different people attach dlfferent m9an- lngs to the word overrun. "I would like not to refer to thls problem as overruns," Shillito told the panel, "but Uiroughout the balance of our discussions refer t.o it as 'cost growth' in -that J, believe a very small pe'rcentage of the total cost growth can be defin· ed as overruns." The actUal overrun pro· blems, he said, generally OC• cur only a.1 a fraction of the individual contracts although these Involve "a significant number of dollars." Shillito .explained c o s t growth breaks down into these groupings: Changes agreed t.o between the department and contractor; changes required by the contractor t.o meet speclficatio.1s imposed· o n him; and cases where either m a kes a poor estimate in the labor, material Or overhead required. After listening to all this, Rep. Daniel J. Flood (0.Pa.), told Shillito: N - .... c )111 .,,, • wlloP flll\'IQ Ill full Ind PIKts of ,...~~llcffhl• 'rt n "' -Pt• • "" · 1 ,.. f'ftkllrt« ,,.., 11 follow1· hour lH!rk:I C•lc· ~llf AlllllV1r•1uy o. "'"ti' H1;191n, 21f5 • 11.merl~ll CEMENT MASOH U.21 "We are U.!ing the •·nn Line, NtWPOrl ,.cit, • • AYfl,, C0tlr Mn•. tf•tltl a. Welf1rt -Uc 11er hour .., 011td oe1obtr :n.1'JHt Anti• M, Hogiri. 21'5 1 Amirla11 Ptn•lo11 -uc "'hour 'overruns' interchangeably ., . . _g~~.;·~:i:edo ·~· ... CO.II lt\111. V•ctl!Oll "''"' -& Plr "°"' 'th ' t wth • At I SlATE.OF CALll"Ol.NtA. 011..:I Oclobtr 2l, ,... lll:ON W01tl(£1l WJ cos gro . east on OllANGE co\.INTY· o. Roll.t HOIN/I ~~":':-!\'' :::: this side of the table." On OCT, il,'IHt,~bffort m1. 1 Not1rv l.nlli M. HO!illl Fe11e1 ErMIOr 4.U Sh'Wt li d "I do 'I l'ub!IC In llld for llld $!tie 01r11111•llY 5!•11 of CllJ!ornll< He1tlll a. Wtlllrt -lJC Hr tlour I O rep e : n .,,,."'41 Olt0'1 & lt~trlc1 c1lce«o known Or•1111 CounfY: pension l"IJfld -n .... c Jtel' llollr care What you call it, Mr. 11 I'll ft bl The Hrwlll """' 1111me1 ere On Oc~• 2!, 1"'' btfet! m•. 1 Vtcttlon l'llfl -2Sc "' l'lol.lr Flood." tub$trl1Jed··te 1119' wltllM 1nstrumen1 •nil Not1rv Pu,llc: 111 •nd Tor H iil &Ille, 1.AIOll:llt •~1"'9ed ti'ttf eMtcllftd the wme. Pll'tO!llllY •-•rtll' O, Ro,.r Hoo•n •nll G9ntr1I °' conljrvcllon "145 "Oh, yes, you do," FIOOd 101',ICIAL SEAL) 11111111 M. H1111n k-n 16 111t to lit thl W!ncloW Clnner 4.UJ M•rv IC Menrv oerlOl'll wllost Mm't ''' 'utisc:rl bed 16 11.JPllll! Riklf' & Iron •.U.S said. "You wanted lO call it Notll'Y ·Pllbllc • C:.tlfornl• Tht W!ttil11 lns•r~me~t •nd 1cknowltdofd Halttl • we111~ _ tSc ~· tiovr •cost growth.' 11 ~:~~:'~~1~' In :~7i:~~~~f~E~t,wme. ::_:~'1:r,P~it" __ ,gc~ ~ "I would ~tr to call .1t • .M!. eomm,,.,,!!.'loll 'E••l•tt :;,z...,l( .. ~:1'ic~1lllornll OPEj\ATING ENGINEE .... I ,,, •cost DPna1th II an!w·ere·d • •• " 0 Conc,..11 Ml•~' er• or, • -Sh"lllto•··~·bu't h 'ubl!\lled o ·.M~ Coit! D4 l1Y Pllct PrlnclP•I fflce In Tvct J,71 I ' w atever you r 1 ' · Oran91 Counry 1 ' n Cc!*"°· 22, 7t •nd November 5, 7. My Comml1tlon Ex1!rts ,',0~'!°~1~erM• ,','~l~• o-r•tor Cu• -t0 r ca\l Jt, We arc talking about a 19't • 1'7'-" Novt"'ber 24, un ""'"'' "• ·~ ,..... LEGAL NOT)CE ,,,11-~tc1 or1n91 cc11' o allr p11o1, detilli c•cacl1¥) •.n situation where we end up . .,, #,sc~lll °" Co"crele S c re Id 1 n I llh • I nlf" ti h " h ------"~""~"-----1 0c:obt• 22. 2' Ind Novtmbll• s. 11. M "ch I~ I c I I T' "'p J 11 I ", w a s g 1can y 1g er .c1•T1F1c,fi~OI' su11N111, 1'59 inut F1n11~1"' ~ •.. '·31 '!lumber than we thought it , LEGAL NOTICE HeaClh & Welfltt -Xie otr """' • ,. ,l(TJTtOUI NAMI Pm1lcn -tOc: per ,_, would be 1n!Ually' 'Th9:uftd~IO:Md llllM (trll!r. 1111 11 can-NOTIC• TO ClllDITORS Vace!IOtl & Hol\dlV Fund -30c '"r Flood : "That is right. and ll!luc:lfM • bul!nltl •I 751 st. c111r. (nit SUl'llllO• cou•T OP TH• .,.,.,, Mna, C1llfornl•• und1r lh• 11Clltlou$ fl•m ITATI OP CALl,Oll:NIA ,011. TE,t,MSTl!:R YOU don't Want to Call it 'over• ~·-OI PETITE AU9EROE anll 1111! NTY O N t Orl""° cJ Tnocll ll1vlold C~c1,i1¥: Lt11 run "' 11ld firm 11 ~ of !flt follow!~ THI (OU A...=, 011.A 0 llll1t • i.il\i 4.lS • ",n':i~n'."",..,' 1~-tun_•nd PIKI OI E!ll~ el ::::11:111Y c. SCOFIELO. Ori-ot Trvdl P1yload C1•1cl1¥: ' Shillito: "A lot of this ~ "' tonstolOTons ,.II a-.n "'·-""'· ,, .. Alt• 1.t•1111t DtcHltd. 0 1 -, ,, ••• ,, .• , ""'" ' -·-is caused •f'-r much a1Yd:. L11[,.; lffdl; C•lff. · NOT!CE II MEA!I'! !)IVaN to 1111 ~;:r "' ''"' . "" -S.OJ 6' u"'41 ~ 0,.... OCloblf 21,, 1,., cff:llfttn ot ~ •tiow. 1111MC1 11Kec1en1 0 1 _ T 11 M1' ,, ,, , yd• "' consdtnt1ous thlnklng and 'Glo!'HI e. o""""" .,, 1tt1t •H ~ "-"'"' d•r,.,. 1t1rn11 1111 ';;:1"' r•n• · u -' s:u decision makln~ on the part or STATE 0, CALIFOftNtA. "Id dtcldlnt ..... !'"'11rld hl 'fllt thtm, Htill!I & Wtlf1re -S$C Hr hour OA~GE COUNTY · wJlll """flltff .. •Y YO\ICllert, ·~ 11\11 offlCI • •• ~ .. ' many responsl le p e. p I e. • Oct tl. 1fff, blfort mt. •'tlelif'I OI tr't cl1!1( of IM •!lOY• entHIH court, or 111•"'" -'""" "' u ""~7ic 1" tn11 10, .. 111 -sim • ..,.~,,.11y 1a •rtsent lhtm. w1111 tM nte.eu1rr ~:.,c,111ro " Holld•Y Fund ·-.tk Pllf" Changes are adopted which ..,..,.,..c;w ... OWtrroy.known 10 mt ~O'f(MrJ. to t11t unden11_ned 11"" offlc• GLAZIER s.11 make sense and which appear ~.bt 1t19 perM>n wt>ott 111mt 11 1~rlb-et hit AtlarntY1. Ket!e;Y. Pe•dlll!I end H .. H~ a. Wellirt _ lk otr llour t be Th t • part ;cl to· t11t . Wffllln • IMll'Uinent •rod H~rvey, .bY C1rl I. Kelllty, 771111 E11I PMikln l'lt" _ 3k ot• l'loYr 0 !."leeesslry. a lS ·ec~rWtwled1tc1·ht t>:tCUled 1119 Mm.. Ca•1I Nl1hw1y. C~ dtl Mtr, Gll!tor· V1c1tlro & Halldt~ -1% Of thJS over-all growth.'' (OF,ICIAL SEAL) 11!1 '2125 wllld'I II lhl 111« of 1Nsl11111 Al>PttllllCt thlp Trust -2c otr tlallr Flood: "Here. is • figure. I ·• Marv IC. H'l!l"Y DI tlll 11ncltr\llned 111 •II rn•lt1t• Plf-ILl!CTll l~IAN Notan Pu1111c: -c111tom1t 111"1"' 10 t111 111111 of Nkl dlcedlnt, Get1tr1F Pottm111 1.tt .!ay-'Mr. Secrttary, that is an Prlncl,..I Office In ~ wlltl)fl four ftlOll!lil lft« ni. fll'll p11b-l'artmln t ,10 1 or1M• ~ni... _ ucatlOfl ot th•• 11C1llce. J""•MYm•~ W1rtmtn 1.o111 overrun. You say, 'oh, no, My Commlu!on E•olrd Plltcl Octobtr 71. 1tff. HH1111 & welftre -1k Ptr hour Flood, that Is no overrun; that ,:icY, 2:t. lf72 Jolin ShelllOll Scotlelll Appn11!la Tr111I Fund -$2J.Oll en-'·Publl•l'ltd er,119, coast oau., Piiot, E~ecutor 11u111v js cost growth . .' How can 1 tell °'-~r n. ~ ....i NoYembtf s, n, -of "" w111 ""' 1111 P"ule>n -,,. which hat yoo are 111earing?" 1t6t 1917.ff llbc\11 n1mtd dectdlnl LATHEll: 5.•7 "''--~L~E,;G-AL""'"N=OTl=~CE~-'"'-~licaOLl!Y, PaACMll AMO MAllVEY H•a!!tl & Wtll1re -30c: "r hol,ir Shillito: "If I am going to ay Ctrl l .·ICftll'Y Pensklll Pl1n -J>c: l'lr hour buJ!d h d 2111 '"' con1 Ml9frlm' vsc~11on "''" -50c ,.er nour a seve~room ouse an ,. ••• , _, c.,...1 "* Mir, c111ftnli• nw Tr•dt "'°"'°'Ion -k "' riou• t am going to pay $50,000 for Clfl'111tkC,.~;~~v~' ":~~~'''· :~~J ::.... ~:tnllclSlllP Tr•l~llll -Jc -it, let's assume I add anoth!r TM \lndfrtlGntd dfft (ertlfY tiht 1• con-P11bllllled Or•r111• Co.If OtllY Piiot PAINTERS • room and ..,_ It I• golns to be dllcll"9 • btlll"tP ., lt.421 INdl l lYd., Pttobf• 22. 2t Ind No~btr J. u. l\rtr... s~.7• ...... Huntlntlon a11cl'I, C1!1fornl1. 11111Mr !ht lHf THI.ff $1nllt111•ttr •.n $55,000. That is growth. But ii 111:111b11 ·11rm nanw of THE e1u11:11e LEGAL NOTICE -.,.e11tt1 & W•ll•Ai -2k.., hOIJr the SS0,000 house was ~NTIQUE5 ind IJl•I wld firm It com· P1n1!ofl -2k l>tl' llaur I -"" Of th' 101iow1no Ptnon. wt1011 suPiaio1t cou11:T °' TMI! v1c.111cn -20c "r nour origin& ly planned is now 111m1 In lull •lid Pltct ol ..-.ldtnct 11 II ITATI 0, CAl.l,Oll:NIA POii. Admlnlalr11fYt -k per l'la\Jr going to cost 1$5,000 -that is lallowl! THI COUNTY OP .ORANOI •Allo!'fl"~lp l'Unll -2c per !'lour v1r11nr1 J. "'don. 21•• SOll!h ... .....,.., Ll~ 1n1ur111C1 -10c "' tiour an overrun." Flower. Or•~·· OllDIR TO '"Ow CA,Ult ON ,.Tl• ,IPE. Tll:ADl!S Flood: "Wen, what a'--·1 Dlfld NOYtm~r ,, ltff TION FOlt CMAMOW 0, HAMI pMnbfor 6.411 UVllli vr,..1n11 J. ••""°" l.ppllc•tlon °' SAUL HA 111 111 1 s 0 N , Mtellh " we111r1 -1°"-oJ •rou that·, gentlemen!" < · Sltlt ol C1lllornll PRITTS For Chlf'191 ot Nimt PIY•Dll Ott~e CouMv . wHEltEAS. P1tttt-•1, ALllERT HAii· P~tloll """ --ti1'. of •!"&ti HYrt11I DEATH NOTICES 011 Nov~mblr· 4 ltff, befor' mt'. '· RISON l'll:ITTS end JUDITH KAY 'vK.lllOl'I &. Hotkll'fl -U% of ''°'' Not1rv Pub llc _In .Ind for n lf Sl1te. Pll:ITTS, htYI flied 1n IPllllClflll!I Oii ""Dll 1-------------0frtoritl!v 1ppe1rtcl ·v1,..1nl1 J. l~rdOn behllf ot SAUL HARRISON PlllTTS w1lfl ll""renffctthlo & Jo II r" t Y m I II known to "" TO bl TM ·-IOI! Wl'ICIN th Clll'll: of !tilt Court for 111 orde• Tr~!nl""' -1% of orou HYroll 11•"'e !s sublcrlbfd lo lllt w1111111 1,.. di• ntl uld iwlklnl'• ll'mt from PL.t,STERER 1trvmml lnil 1cknawle(lfed "" .. tclllfd SA'uL '1rA1tlltlSON PlllTTS lo OAVIO Pl11ler@r 5.ilt ll>e; .. mt. HA•RllON PRITTS! Hnlfh a Weltll'fl -:Ile otr flour 10,l'ICIAL SE.AL) ... IT IS OROElt!O llltl 11! oerson• ,,.. PH11kln -& Ptr hour J,1~ L Jobst Vtatlon -35t ur hoYr Notirv l'vtlllc:-i::•trfomll ieretled In Tiit 1boYI .rit111ell m11ter 111» T•Mle 1'-'lorl _ k oer hour P•!11Cll'll Ot'tlc. In · Pelf btlort m11 Court 11 t 'lll A.M .• on Ac11ret1flttshlP _ 4\IX ptr llwr Ortnt<l County D@ctmbtr 12. "''· In th• COIJrtr-ol Pllt~r T'nder S ''5 MY C!lrflm!Hlon EXPl(q 0HlrlrM!ll 1. II 700 C!YlC (entfr Or!Y' Hfllltl & W~lfare -25c: ptr hour ' Mtrdi't. 1973 W,sf, City of Senla Alli, Cou111Y o1 Ptflslcn _ 50c: oer hour -•' -0· ,., orantt, s1111 ot c1n1om11. 911d $1\0W ~ p.,.,lbhfd Or1no1 Cont 1llr P • • H inr wlly 1111 •wllce!k'ln for V1catlon -SOC per hour Np"'"'bolr J, 12. ,,, 14 Inf 2051.ff ~~~. ol ,;,1..;_ 'itioukl llCll be t•inted ll:OOFER "' ·•• O ' Fe~1n LEGAL NOTI_ CE " IT IS FUii.THE• llOEREP ttiat • Su~Fortm•1t .-----,==-~----cooY of 111!1 Drdtr Ta Sl!CIW Qlyie bl Jwrn1Ymt11 s.•1 S.17 5.H IP-m4' pUbllthed Ill n'll O•llr Piiot, I llew1PIHr SHEl!!:T MITAL CEl:Tl,KAT• 0 , tusntns o1 oentr11 clrcu1'tlOll prl11ted 111 1111: cou,.. S/lttt Mft•I Wlll'k•r 6 27 ,ICTITIOVI NAMC fY of Or1nte. Sl1f.1 ot Oontornle, onct I H .. nh & Welti~ _ :ltc lltf houl' • Thil ullderslontd ~ ~lfy 111 It con-Wffk for four 10 1ucttn1Yt wet:k1 erlclr Peflll~ _ .oc: ,,,., hour DAY RUMBAUGK llobtrt 11t11mbll u•h. n1n Cll'llllY L1~1. G1rdtr> Gl'IWI. SlrYICM ll!lf'Clll'll •I Sml!M Mfrl~rr. f'l.lcilnt • bulllltft'. If ... 0, ••• 2132, 10 IM dtl• tel for "''""' 1111 •PPllUllon. V1ulfen -1~ of '"'" ~t c111i. Mew, C11!1or11ll. utw:ltr Ille lie-Oiled: N~irmbtr 3iJ,"'· TEll:llAUO WOii.KEii: LEGAL NOTICE '°'!loll$ fl•rn llllllt '1f lANOSC.t,PE •A MONO T MPSDN T~no Work•r S .. "l ••OG•.l.MM!~G ,-.. tllat llld firm 11 Juclol of,,.. SUHr!Of' Court T~.,..,.,, w .. r1i:~• HllHr S.17 1 -------------,,,. WILPUTT a O«AlAKI · 1· cm1111ted of !Me fllllawl,,.-_.Oft. wtme '1J CIYIC ~ Or'IYI Wnt Hnl!li & W•ll•r• -lk "r hour~ SUPElllOll COUll:T-0, TMa 'n·~-1 ... ·fllU ~nd Pll(t ,,,,. ntldti'lal 11 •• Mllh AN, C•llfonll9 fl1'tl Vtc1llM -lk Ofr hour STA Tl o,.CAllPOANIA 'Oil .,,,...... TfLt (nO N7·H.U Pro~IM -2~ "r hour TMI COUNTY OP oaAHOI •L•rt\''J.-91rkfl., t917 J•vl ltd,, Cot!• .,..,_,, tv 1'8111i.n.-t TILE SETTEll: Mo. 11-42741 i Mt1f,~C1lltoml•, PIJbll'hed Orllllt Cot~! CllHY l'llctl, Tiie Se~r •.10 MOffCI OP MIARl"O 0, "IT'ITIOlf Oi!N Ho'ltn'lbtr I , 1Hf. No'Y'fnlblr S 17 It 7f. Hilt 10.$.Uf Tll' lllfllr•~ TIVtl -14\ltc Hr flour FOii: P•OaATI Oit 11.DOITIONAL Ltrrv J. ll1rHr ' ' ' lwllllhtld from wtH• -k) HOLOGllAl'HIC: WILL ·ll"t OJ Gllll!lrnlt; o ,1n11 Couni...: LEGAL NonCE V1tATl1111 -SOt per 110\lr £11•1• of 0011.CAS OAVIS O! JONG, 011 .NoYtmbtr 1,, 196t, blfart mt, 1 l'tMlon -1k Ptl' hotJr 01c.11'd, NOTlrv l'Wllc 111 •!Id tor 1tld $1elt, · l'·nM A1>crt1111ctthl' -1t; "' l'lo\ir NOTICI! 11 HEft!IY GIVIN TM! """""'"~ _,..,eel · L.•IT'f J, l1rttr Clll:Tl,tCATI OP' COllPORATION ,OJI Tl!e Pl'Ol'!IO!lon -lk -l!cHir SfCutll'Y' Plclflc Hll!Oll•I 911111 h11 flltcl Moli!n lO,.f!"t Jo be lhl HUOl'I whoH TRANIA(TIOlf ~ •USIHllS VHOl!ll Tiii Sell'r H•IHr IA,n hlrdl • lllllllon for problll of Mlcl11loMI n1m1 ts 1llblcrllltcl' '1o 1111 wlltll" ,,.,_ PICTITIOUS NAMI H,11111 & W•1f1r1 -14>.!K W hour HolotrlPlllc Wiii, rellm!U to Wl'lkl'I It slr\ft'l\tnt Ind 1ck.nowlt<lotd llt •MllCultd TM! , UNOEll.SIGNl!D COfltl'OllATION Vt c•llon -UC: Hr hou• midi 16r fU"lltr Mrtlcultn. •!Id ltl1! rM 't"'O•>MOmtl'A·l SE don ller•by (lr!lfY lhll It It eondUCllnt • Prllfl\ol!tn -12C oer l\ouf llrM lroll llt(I of ~Hr!~ tllt lln'lf h•t ALJ tlllltnns \Qcaled .i 'IMO E. Ocetn Dl"'b[!lty -~ Jttr ho\lr bten Ill IOI' NIYtmber 11, lfff, •I t110 Mtrv·IC. HlrWl" Bouttv11'd, NIWC'Wf St.ch, cilllom!'" Joint AHrtnncttlll1 Trull -k: tltf 1.m., 111 Thi ocoufl,_,, of 01t11rlm.tnt No. N<lluY Publlc>C1tlf0rt1l1 u•\dtr the flC'llllouf firm n•me of tlour J ot 11111 ceurt, •I 100 CIYk C...ter OrlYI "'rlric!M1 Ortic. Ill OESIGNS PACIFIC, INC •nd ll!ll wld ltt!lrHn1nt Trutl -)I)( "r hour Wnl, I~ lhl CllY of leMI• Al\I, (1rllornl•. Ort11t1 CounfY nim It c:om-.H of ·~ tollowll'IO . eor-.t,nv c11u1nc111o~ omitted n,,,1" -011..:1 N~lltr 4. IHt My Cornml11lon Explf'ft POrll1on, W1'IOll Pl"lfltlHI •l&cit of ncf less 1t1111 cu"""" w1111 kltt. W. IE. IT JOMN. NOYtmblr 14 l tn 111111-Ir 11 flll!IWI: Ona 1M Ollf-/lltl time prtylHI"' r111 ot (ou1111' Clerk. .... tlJ.hed o;,nft C:O.tt Denr 1"11o1. NEWl"OllT OESIGNS. INC,, ls.Ill E. WtOtl 11/'1111 lie ltld •nv """"1"' time In ll:Oll!ltTION. HOW,tllt • OARU.ND, ~btr J,.11, It, if. \Hf 20SUJ Oc:eln 9oultv1rd, NtWDOH letch. rxceu ol ~ltfll fll tlourt In anr ont I Y: MICHAii. OIRTNl!lt (11lloml1 tHf,l, C'llllndlr d•Y Ind ft!' $1lurdl\'I, SunlllYI U.11 (9111 ... Drlw, t:EGAL _ NOTICE • WITNl!SS lb Mnd thll "1111 d•Y °' ,,,.. .... lloll4•Y1· ll"!t11 otllt'!'W!t• l'IOltd, ,....,.... llllefl, C•llfWftll - -----. Oclobtr Ifft, Ila< Ins 1t11n etotll Ill lleun 11tr 1l11r. T•1t t110 ......,.. . l'·PJJt ((orllll/,te k•IJ "'" •~•II bll 11111 tr1c!I011 oJ forttO!"' Allll'ntr• lw Ptlltt-c1•T1itKATI °' autlNlaa. NEWPOll:T CIES10NS. INC. r111e1 11111 _...,. of hOUr• bHJ"I lo •11111 Pybt11hld O•llltl , ... , Dill\' l'lltl', l'ICTITIOUI NII.Ml ltobt.rt I!. E•ton. Prtsldlfll (I\ NoYel'l'lber 11, 12, I .. l.. ...... TY!I '!"tdtrll9ned da ctrtlf'r '""' ,,.., 1''11111 Nl"911'it. Eldl O!Odtr fTIUll 1ubmlt "'!11'1 Mt llldll~~~~--~~~~~~~~;~ Cltlllducltn. • lluslnnf " P.O .... 1.U. V!ct-Pmldlftl lllllfM""" etitc:t: urllflld 1W '""""'!ti" ' Hunlfl'IOllWI klcl'I '26'7, c111tom11. Ulldtr ltobtrt L. DIYWlon. l>ll'llt or "blddfr'I bOl\cl m..:lt PIY•~lt 16 !I'll flcffllol:ll fll"ll'I -ot SPIC a $1'Alit ttc--Tiwi. order cf Oc:t1n View ldlllol OltWlCI 111 GINE!tAL CLl!ANING 1!11.VICE " STATE 0, CALJFD~NIA.. ltl'lllllM flOt ltsi l!llfl l(Yf: U'llol 11tr«nl of llllf1,.ld firm If'~ Ill ni. fl>lleWo COUNTY Of" I.OS ANGILES, n. si.;m bid 11 owr•nlte thll blckltr win '"' "rl0fl1, wtlotl -lfl full •nd ~ lllft t'2ild Hy '1f Ottclllitr, ,..o. Ifft, ~•er Into 1cch eotllr&etr If. Mll'!ll~ll PllCIS cf mldenct .,. II tetlo'lo1: -blltlN ""-·. NoltrY P!,ltU( hi •ltd for IWlnlH "Im. '" IYetll of ftllllrf to'""" .. T....,.i. &141111. 1t1Q Coldtttlff" Lt'*' »Id "C..,,,,., Ind · l"lf< "',_11., .,. lrito wc1'1 eont/'IC"t, 11ractedt ot clllcil wn1 14uri"nttin ll1Cll, 9rltltll I Mltlt, ltl4' .... ,.. ltobtrt E. E•son. 1"1'11"1 M-bl tarft!h!d, or ln ·c•M of tNlflll, fuft •11111 •(ftfl'!llJ!lt" J.•lll• ~!lr191'M ..... Cll. tlld-lltObti-t 1.. O•vlcllOll known to ,... ta lh•rter wm IM llrltllld to .. 1c1 SCl\ocll Otlld lo--... bll fhl Pm1~nt, Vlc .. Prtskltnl •lld Ot1lrlc.I. ' lllll'lll• 11.ut Stenll!'Y'oTrNturtr OI thll (OfPO••lloll llltc:titlul MHtr ,h11ll bt '""''"' .... 9rltlfl'I 1. Miii• 11111 n.-cv..,. tflt wrttilft lftttrumtflt on tur~1sh. '' """ of •llfllnt c'"h'Kf, °"' ,..,.ef'Celfltrllll, or.,..• c..Ml'Y: • blll1ll ot lfll -r•Hon ~!'ti~~"'· n1 wretv Mind IOl!lch 111111 llT'OIK" Oii oc...-r: 11. Ifft, 1111tor1 ""' , w •ckNwlllltlCI 1o m1 11111 wm ,or. 11bcrt1r1 •!Id f!'llllrl1I tMll •M 1h11! bl Notwr ..... 11'1 •1'111 tor Mkl ·111~. -•!loo\ tllltll'ltf .1111 """· !er ·-l'llY.flYI C7J'I>! Hf"Ctn! cl ·-·n· ""4ifl1li, ......... ,,..,...., 811111 tfld IOF,ICll.L SE.\L) of (WltrM;I, I~ •cc:otdlllC'll wllll Sel;IW-9~1111t1 I, Mllll kl'lhll te 1nff9 .. ff!t :MadfllMA, til't'l'Ntldl '*Of OOYll'Mlllll COiis. •flll -'11 ..,..... ,..._ JllOl9 •JJ. MlbKTlllM ;. N011rr Pvlllk·C•tlloml1 •urely llolld In -nl of -flutld,tt 1111 "ttMli ~ n .cl!MW--itrlndNI Ollk' In Olill"I PlfQllnl of COl\trK!, 1111rt11'"l1111 lhtv ....... "l'iol ..,... "'""\-· ... lat AnM1" cwnh 1111111\rl H~~ If contrt<I. (°'PIC!Al llJr,L) My COl\'ll\'lllllon £x1trn lotnl OI Trut1'91 of lllt Otlln V11!'1'• J..n E. Dlvlt Feb, U, 1'12 khlol D!11r~ • ...,.,....,. 1111 rlttlt II Ai1tc! "°'"" 'Ublle.CIU/ornt• , .. ,,.., •~Y or I ll bldr.. .,.., '° w•r .... t l'IY In-··· ,.,...., °""" Ill ' OAVIO w. SL.I.VITT. fel'll'lfl!tv 1n blHIM " !ft •nv 1>1d rtu:IY· Or•llfl. CounlV Afl«l!tY ed. 9ldcltrt mw flOI "'llhdrtw lhll• ~ Mf QllfWl'll'I• E~Jlra mt .,.......,. ew. ror tl11V t601 d•Y• '"'r -~1111 d•lt. J-11. lm ~ 111111111, C111f • ...., llOlrd' ol Tr1111tt1 PUT WH IN YOUR POCKR Sell unwanted ttem1 'W1th a DAILY PtLOT Cl&Pltted Ad. l'HONI 642-5671 Indians _ -)'f-ltltfn-Administrntion·----.• ;.-·~· ~ ~ ·-' ---·--· ------- Pligh!- Terrihle ... • .... -. -~·· . ~ y: ,.. .. · .. 1:-:'.· .-1. ' Lower Yout!i W ~g~_figh!.·D~~- WASlllNGTON (IJ') -:A . Ho ,;Jl?'led!Y old ~e i;.-'~1~rl!f..,,,..;., .YrMlll~-~aA b I g h ·I• v e_I Ntxon ad· wu to.: 1et a special .. lower..~ lie•i\;n1nil11tfat·lq_rrcen(tm· mlnlstrallon light Is develof>o wase or 11.*l or 11-IS per how' ~-Ip th(~ ynr. , " ' WASHINGTON : (AP) -:;:: ·~~l~e p'l\':.!~1 'f!Ua~~ 1~ for J::.h•_ aad' "Alter they 'TfiO·~youth o;ll')!' ·a ta fy Fedora I etfortt to .provlde. :K!cial "youth wage~' OOl01v ~ ,t;~ ~·~~~~:e ~!t, Y'eportedly ""-' the Idea or' Am1rlC1J1 tndlan1 ..,.t\h CJUAltty federal mlnlmwn wage of •IS'4w . •-·to 1 h e f.rthur F .. Burns., ~at'.1 educatlon .. have been marked ll.eo per how-: ·10yer =t·ff ~· ~ and form111rCQl(nse1ot.&o-2r~~1 "1th,l:&r~tbtl1 fallln alld Secretary of-C 0 m m er e-oL ... ~p:e·at tor the··=:=' dent~ilM1-~rteeMly-ap.. ha .. J •• by Judi nd of Maurice H. Stana has ,. 11:" .,.1,. __ . 'Ad h" h -of ••· Wl'W pre ct 1 • dofffd the.' ldeao .._.but 1 "'· ' ~ .. a -~"'!'7 ... ~J>Ot!l!!= --un. ~ ~~1'!!1~ -·· ~ ficial Ignorance, .a ccording to spokesm1n .!Or . se-....,,_.of ul~. , , Pederal Reserve Board. a Senate subcommittee report Labor George .. p, auu. ... uld HMrever, the t.blr."~ \Labor ·Department -soltrces "We have concluded that -"he would be opJ)OIOd \',,., r ~ f.'Ollllrmed"1!!at·t-~· tll!rplfOslzed that no -loo our na,tlonal policies f 0 r ~ggesUOn. thai I • ,W11t ! till been Uftaerw11i I• torll 0(.1 Sl.25 or any lowef'bourtr,1 could be below llil. •_•,ID lllna'"' whal tm,...,lfc_llf, I · -minimum lor youth ~ educating American Indians minimum." • r. lowtt ·'flll 1 mlDlmldD· for , eoalBlned so far in the study, are a fa:Uure of major pro-Organized labor a1lo ~ ~ J:OUthl WoU1d hJve on ~ Ii wtll be several-weeks befora. portlOM," the report said. to oppose any fedltil plln to U~ and unemp)Oy-, the 'study ·is corl"!ple~d a~ ·"'111ey bave not offered Indian let youths work rot lUt 'tbaa mtnt ~· . ,. Hftl .to Shultz, a spokeamaQJ children -either tn years the federal mirtlrnufh;, '7bert ·II ~·tnter_est ft. llld. _ .. 1 # 1 "The e!fe~ wOllld bl tO '"' the !\')1111 11-•. 11)1 Labor , Ailed what pu.,,.;e.· there past or today -an educa· courage employeil 9 'nplaQ1 De~:-L~ ~-. 1 .,P.!llt', be' .in a _ $f60 ,rbutJn tional opportunity anywhere family breadwlntifl "lthikldl ulu$! P•~~t•O..-.-'1iflj the ·1ame as the ffderal1 near equal to that offered the at tbe Jower-w111 r1Ie;11 llld thott the ,_.., nte·-fir-· iftliimum, an-=aide to.'Shulta, g'reat bulk o! Americon chll-one hl&hly pllctd-· lab·or Ammclil~'ICM•U.to-lf . ouggested, "Suppoeeyoil"ralae'. dren.'' 50Ur.ce. was·. lt ~ ... ·t.t· 'moitth, t?:.: Sl..60 feder.al m.inlmQp\ .~rh The Indian educaUon sub-"There's nothing wrong with complrfd" with the:natlonal adult WQfkers and leave .1~eJ that," St.ans was quoted aa unemp(~nt rate of ~t.per-fl.69 ~.the.youth wage?~ ·,; .! commlttee's-finat report ii a saying in an interview about cent for all .workers. • He di.d.pot say this wat¥ fl:P1 diaUllaUon ol two years of the replacing of adult workers Vnemplo)'ment .• m on g ,Schult&' proposal to the Wl\lte. hearinp, staif· r1tudle1 and with youths. N~" fO!Iths and ot~e! Hous; ~ !leld lnvesllgatlons, begun by lhe late S.n. Roberl F. Ken- ned;' (0.N.Y.l, and continued by his brother, Sen.• Edward M. Kennedy (0.M .... ). SORRY STATE "The American lndlan " the report said, "llve1 ln a s~te of aevere, grinding f overt y • Ninety percent o his housing Is atrocious a nd b e y D n d rehabilitation; he aul!ers the worst health condJUons Jn the nation; his unemplO')'Mtnt l'ite is 50 percent and the average family income is ·$1,500 per year.'' Thi! situation, linked with an. educational s y 1 t em hopelessly inadequata to lift Indians from a 1 e 1 f • perpetuating poverty cycle, is a "stain on the national con· iCience," the report aaid. The subcommitttt offered 60 general and speclflc steps it aay1 will i'edirect the educ•· lion' of Indians and reform a bureaucraUC System It labels stagnant, lnefflclent an d destructively paternalistic. Educational excellence ln the school opportunities Of· fered the nation's 600,000 In· dian1 muat become an llrgent national goal, backed by ade- quate federal funding and In· volvlng Indians themselves to the fullest extent pouible, tbe report said. _ The Indians' ctirrent "con- ditions lead to feelings of anger and frustration, coupled with strong reeltngs o f personal inadequacy a n d powerlepness." • POP!JLAR PREJUDICE The report blamed much of this on popular prejudJce: "The ~nability to aee the In- dian as anything other than perpetually dirty, lazy and drunk." --But It said an official and h1storlc poliey of coercive assimilation has resulted in the destruction of Indian com· mun!ties and sense of pride, and has created a self· perpetuating poverty cycle and the growth Of a large and Ineffective federal bureaucracy which has 'wasted federal appropriations. In education. it said, the result has been • ' th I! cl8ssroom and the schoOl becoming a kind of bat· tleground ~here .the lndian child attempts to protect hi• Integrity and identity as an In· d ivldual by defeating the purposes of the school." ARBUCKLE A /ION Wetldl!! M.....,, ll'l E. 171b SI., . OOlla Me11 -• BALTZ MORTVAlllES c .... a de! Mu-OR Wiii c..11 MOii Ml Wat • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY U1 Bnldway, c..ta - IJ Miii • DILDAY BllOTllEll8 llmlllegiGo Valley MOllutJ 1!111--. HuallqlGo --NZ-7'1'11 • PACll'IC V11W MEMORIAL PAii& Cemetery•~ ·--~Drift Newport -. Colllondll -· ,. PElllt FAMILY CQLOIOAL FUNl:RAL DOME 'llOl Btlal Ave. w .. --• • SllEJiPSll MORTUARY ·1,11pu -lfl.IAI la a.me.to ... Ill • 8MITllS' MOB111AllY fl'l Miia 8• Is Your 8-.sh1ess Fl .· l 'ITIOUS.-· FIRM NAME-?· ' ,., -. IF SO IT IS MANDATORY UNDER THE LAWS OF CALI· FORNIA tHAT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS O.F THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE BE-COMPLIED WITH : LAW ON PUBL'JCATION OF CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil Code Sactlon 2461 61-69) Sec. 2466.-Except at otherwl•• provided In the next section every per t on tran1ictln9. bu1lne11 In this State under a fictitious name and evtty partnership tr1nsactln9 bu~in••• In this State under a fictitious name, or· a designation not 1howing the n•m• of ttie person intertsttd as partner in such bu1iness, mu1t flle with the cl•rk of the county in which his or Its prhtclp•I plact of butiness. Is situated, a cartlflcatt aubtcrlbad and acknowledged In -th• manner Pl'. .. vided In S~lon 2461 of the ClvJI Code, ttating the name In full and the Place of r11ldence of such peraon and 1tatin9 the name In full of .all the members of 1uch partners~lp and their places of r•sldence. , Such tubscirJHd and 1cknowledgtd c1rtlflC1t1 must be publishff 1ub1t!quent to the filing ttiereof with the county clerk pursuiitt to Government Code Section 6064, In -a newt• paper published in the county, If there be one, and If th er• be none In such county, then In ·a n1w1,,-per In an adjoining county. An affidavit ·showlhg the publication ·of 1uch certlff. cell ff In this s•ctlon ·provided shall be filed with tha county . clerk within 30,days aftar the completion Of such publlcatlon, but In no event shall such publication bl made prior to the fifing of such ct~ificate with the county clerk. 2461. -The· .certlffctite fifed .with the clerk as provldtd In 11ctlon twenty.four hundred and sixty-she must bt signed lay the person therein referred to, or by the partners, as the use may bt, and acknowlad91 before 1om1 officer, authoi-- lucf to take the ecki1owlidgement ·of cOnveyanc11 of rHI · .property ••• , Where a buslnt11 11 hereafter comm•nced.by • •. perHn· under a fle!ltlou1 nem• or a partner1hlp It hereafter lormtd, tho tortl!leato must bl liltd and tht publication designated In that eectlon must be made within one month after the commencem9nt of such business, or aftar th'• forma .. tlon of the partn1r1hlR, or within on• month fr~ the 11m• dfflgnated In the agrffmtnt of It• member•' for the com· mtncament of th• partn1rehip. Whtre tha bu1ln111 has been heretofore oonducted under • flctltktus nam• .or whir• the partnii'thlp has been h9retofore formed, tht certificate must be fllid and tht publlc11tlon made within 1lx month• after the p11sa91 of this act. ·No ,per1on doing buslnns under a fictitious n•~• or his assignee or a1sl9nH, nor any .,.,.. son doing buelne1s •• partn•rs contrary to the provl1Jon1 of this article, or their ••1l9nff or aeslgnus, shall trialntaln In~· coyrt1 of the State Of'~ellfornia. Soc:. 2469-0ti EVERY -.hinge In tho memlMrs of • part· nershlp transacting business In thl1 1tat1 unclei:-a. fi.ctltlou.• name or a designation .which does not sho.w. ~th• name of the persons lnteresttd 11 partners In Its business •.•• a new publication made as required by this article on the formation of 1uch partntr1hlp. · . . If you have Mglecttd this procedure, you 1hould r11llz1 that any action upon or °" account of any contract or contrad1 thl name of your firm Ii-not prOtlC:Hd and tfia,·yO\I· art nor entitled to maintain '1Ult1 for collectlOn, or for other purposes thtilr partnership name, In any court of this state until tti9 - cartlflcatt hH boln ffltd and tho publication has b,aofl mOdo , . • •• herein required. , T1k1 cart of this lmport1nt n'.t~t1·ar now, by having ,th• DAILY PILOT, an adludfeattcl J!'IJal newspaper for Ora~gi County and dlltrlbuttd In COSTA MESA. FOUNTAIN'- VALLEY; HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA.BEACH, SIAL· . BEACH. NEWPORT 8EA~H/ IRVINE, plibllah your . col'llff., ca ... Tht cost Is small but tho ffllnt and p u b 11 c a 11 O-f\ ii ., i . aomolhlng wfilch should not bo owrlooJctd. . .• ' ' ' '\ . l'orms for Fictitious Plrm '.Nemos and Cortlflcata of Abtndanmont _of Fh;ii., lloua Firm Ntm11 can bl.obtafntd PRE& from any of tho DAILY PILOT oHlcl1 1hftn Mlow : ·, .. . · • ;;. -..,: '\ , . , •·· • • • 330 West Bay StrHt, Coit• Mesa ft'27 .. 2211 Wost Balboa llow1'v•rd. NOWport Buch·.'2660 309 5th Stroct, Hunlll!l!lft:loich 92646 ' . ,.. ' 222 Fottl1 AYOnuo, La..,...,loaCh 92651 -- DAlLY ~_PILOT ' . Wtlll .................. ,.._,.,.. . . . 442-4321 ' . ~ • • ' -. -:---. . . • ' • '<, ----·--- -'I . -. -·· . .. --.. -. ' l'vllllfllfd OflrtM COii! D11i, Piiot, l'ullllllltd Ol"•llP cottt R•nr 'l'°',l~'!:'";!'""'~°"5'~"o.~-~-~~-~"'~"~O~~:~:\:'~r~itot~'IE~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ot!obtr "' Md Nlwlfl'lblr s. n . "· OCl*r ,, •M Novitrllbtr 'J, I~. "· N -~ ,, •• • .... -.L'~l'."1 -~ IH• '°'"" 1Nt JO)W~ o.~m...,,. ' " 2"'Hr r lllaitboctoo --_·-- .. -'"" - ....... _____ .... l ' l ' • . . :l • • ., DAl~V PI LOT Alpha Beta's 111 'in "B11M·· says: in this ad, including 42 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, save you s7 .95*'' •Tobi anlnp is computed on·a:lngl•unlt purcflase.·The fi1Urt wovtd be muth hither if Mut & l'roducl .uvilllS wtrt lncJude4. You ~ Nei ~--. .r • . (the Man in .~ Rad Aproo) Pr~y.,qffers lUTCHE'l'S PRIDE·-MBA?S MEATS YOU'U,11 PRdUDiTO IS!lllVI " • DISCOUNT PRICED • QUAllTY & SATISFACTION GUAllANTEEJ"· • U.S. GO~f#NMEHT INSPECTED BEEF @ALPHA BETA»UICHEn'S Hl~UEEF -STANDING LARGE 89c '!it~ RIB ROAST END . lb F'\Jtl CUT ROUND STEAK aa:. 80MlllSS RUMP ROAST 99:. I ONEllSS I !EU CLOD SHORT RO AST . RIIS 99:. 43:. lENO(ft 1,CEO T·BONE STEAK s12~ .. ... I QUICK MEAL FAVORITESI I , . • -1 •• GENUINE EASTERN QUALITY with the WESTERN FLAVOR ' @68 ~_ SKINNED AUD OEVEINED ~-;~69c ~llEF lb I • ~VIR_ ,l{·'t!SOHlO • OVtN RU.DY I SllllRTtltOA FRESH --59' . IEIF . -98' MUT LOAF I& fRlnERJ lb iHr st..th'DiRttW: ! • '. l20Zl'AtMGE ' ALPHA BETA!U CP.US Pl.IDIBm . , McCOY'S •. . GREA! BROILED OR Bl!Q BEEr 69¢ BONELESS BACON -tOP -SiRLO IN STEAK LB; I DUNC~ '.\CKAlil McCOY'S BEEF 29¢ UN KIES 10UR flSHERMAN tROlflt • 14 Ol. PKlt FISH-65¢ STICKS fRtSH TILET 0' PAClfle OCEAN''lB' PERCR u. AlPKOITABVTCKlrG ll!DE DEPENDABtE QUAlllY FRESl'I GROUND .. BiEF ECONQ PACK 3 lBS. OR OVER ··~- JHESE MEAT P.R.l~ES CfFECTIVE lHU~SDA!. lhrou&h WEONESD~Yt NQVEMBER 13-19 Jill'==!=: r:r &:::"~ ·· · ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I •. \<'<'.,\-.... ,. -• "'" BU1CH£1rs PRIDE Tl! RfCIPE "~R~ WErK, '"' K CHO~ ESP~NDL" " • ,,.\\:;;. ~,!!i~c::i . .·~ ~~~ '\.. : .:b:i 10~' 'I Buy 3 of lhest 4 Items r ~rlilii¥f!mlR' Cl.tANER 98< 781 : Vo j· and receive 10% off of : £li~~rfo"PAPrR1~LltE~cua11&41 I fOiAt ·DISCOUNTS ~ E°'IERY DAY ·.· SOMC Al;llA IEJ& STOil($ DISCOU/lf CllARC( PRICt : OFF . , your total* grocery blll : ·~ ~ll'riA'filNli1~f'~'ic ft'. ' I: ~Ori !<la • rroi~n • 1-lb. Pk<1. 26' : YOUs "'S0Mt1ITOR~CKA.RGE:l.2S es-= ~Crinkl1CutPotataes33c . TOTAl DISCOUNTS £VERY DAY SOME Al.111A IETA STORtS DISCOUNT CllARGE P11.1CE J.LB. CAN• DRIP, fl.J:GULAif, TINC 1.-OR tu:C. PE!U< 731 . FOL&ERS COFFEE 7!c. 1 3-t..B. CAN • ORlP, REGULAR 1 OR E!..EC •. PERK 2.09 It.II JO-OUNCE: JAR 1.39 •1.n . - -E OUNCE JAii · 981 10 OUNCE JAR' 1.39 •I.II I FOLGERS INSTAllT 1.05 · 1-UI. CAN • REGULAR GRIND HUl&INS YOUNG MOCHA JAVA COFFEE 77c 171 famous FICTION CLASSICS for Children VOLUME l Mc•VOU. 2 t!lrP 12 tl.19 IL £ACH VOt.llME IS A $4.00 YAl.UE All 12 Volumes on Sa/el 611.-0Z CANS • 3 VARIETIES 1 oi CHIC·E CAT,FOOD 15c D.lilii 15 OUNCE CAN • RtGUUJI OR DMii ~i/i~"DOG FOOD !De 8; ~8R'!'lIL'WltA CAT FOOD l&c 151 61/,-0'Z. CA!IS PURR M!NI BITS. CHICKEN • CHJCKEN/IQDNEY ..... o~_ <,:,J:!ICJQ:t:l/L!VER I&= 15c Rl,Hll 8£TA • 69~ VALut 51M HB. BAG-llRY oo; FDDD .,. JO.LB. BAO 1.29 VALUt Sl.09 . ·_' I AL~HA BETA • 79; VALUE 1i~~ Morlniue Pio 691 ALPHA BETll . • J.tJI. LOA.r ~1$1~1.9r:READ 33; vtAGINIA Ltt •lift UI. !l.9!1 VAJ.IJJ,;. FRUIT CW s111 @H'lfri' w~'iU~' 25, 21 1 . TR!PLt PACK • 1a.oi . l>K~. B'3<t 74; - RLPHR BETR POTAT9 CHIPSVAL. TRIPU: PACI:• IS-0%. Pl G. ~ 741 RI/HA BETI Dll' CHIPS VAL. NEW' 01/Y FAU FlOWERS al OISCOUNr PRICES nuwnown IOUQUlll TOTAl OISCOIJ NIS E'ilRY OAY BUNCH 49c 'SOME ALPHA 1£TA SlOllfS Dt XOIJNT CllAllGE PRICE rl.t1SCRMAHlf'6 • l·LB. TUB 43c 424 SOFT MARGARllE 0 o ·~rl·G \ 7-0UNCE PLASTIC nomE • 0 ~ • UY • VITALIS HAIR TONIC • . ·• fl!O:!:N . t -OZ • ALL VARltTltS 181 ' :. ~~;e;;. ~~c •Saine sio,..· 54; ! 0 MORTON'S MEAT PIES 23c ua cttOICf • VOTE TOOTHPA$TE R\JTCH P~!O<: • HAlf GALLON 36' 10 f & B'fl.~ : '10"•1°1 i!.oc5•0!L,!fod11ct• Pontr. or ~0 T>.ai.m . ·: IMITATION ICE MILK 39c •.'a~N & cttU.Sl • UP 0 l:t · Jlf" toMr sTORt:s CIWIGE I.~ 86" •· · e (::-.oxl:n"m rdun.:I ~-~) 1 EXCEDRIN ,. • f ROZEN • E-OZ C"N • 2X VALUE: 23' • Bllf • · • AL1HR BETA ORAHGE IUICE • ''fluid Dairy and <-OZ. ANTl -PI:RSPIAAITT ArllOSOL • 12 ou:1ct CAN. 4k VALUE Uc • Tobattc:i produ.:11 ududtd SOM& .sror" 95' • @ : rc11 '°"'P7,,, d1rail1 ;,. irOr"1J • BAH DRY CHARGE s .19 " : r/!:: ~A~"S1Gf p1f;•n ' '9siC 8Q¢ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SOME ALPllA l tTA SlOR(S DISCOUNT CHAAGE PRH;E a.oz ~o?EN · s1'iX~LE ~~iji 0~rs'""~k 33; H·OZ JIACUGE: • ?Sc VALUE ALPHA BfTR • SLICED 5n. ALL MEAT BOLOGNA g · WILSON'S • 1.1.B, l'ACL\Gt ALL MEAT FRANKS WILSON'S • l·!.$_. PA.CV.GE ALL BEEF FRANKS 75c 68; l$c 771 ~~yp~.foWP1~~R<>SOL CAN 43c 391 nrcswCT.T • 4a.01 aorru: ~Ai REAL ORANGE JUICE 13c IRI' ST0lE HOUIS MbN. thru FRI. fO :.M-l PM SAT. Cll'd SUN. 10AMto1 PM s.ATISfACTIOfll WAV./tTtlO Oii Y01.1R MOHt't IQVllO(O • CAl.[t TAI COUfCT(O ON All TWtlfJTEMS • Wt: 1Q(m Tifl l lgn' TO IU\lst IAUl lO COfl0ilUCIM. OCAl.D'S • r .- SAYE WITH ALPHA BETA'S 12,876 TOTAL P•UITS ~ s.ri. ~v.~mmwi11t ...... DOUBLlD/SCOUNTSI . . ' . ., , . ni.:r -"*' ••lza ~ 1or m. Mall. J!OAIW• b,. •peaiQI pan:hme .... wilh i;clilt ted~n1-,_.d cm lo 7011. Locit. lot ih~lli thrQ!&glioul tllil II~. f Bett1r Produce ilt DISCOUNT PR/US! FIRST OF , THE S_EASON CALIFORNIA GROWN NAVEL -ORAIGE SWEET AND JUICY FR,SH •. DWCATI FLAVOR TANGERINES PERSIMMONS THIN· SKIN s:$JOO 20-l.1. RAG All PUllPOS[ •RUSSET POT I TOES YOUR 97c CHOICE "FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PUDDINGS & CAKES" •WALNUTS •ALMONDS 5'a ~1ii~~~;.: 47! FRUIT CAKE MIX "WISE IUYS IN FltUIT1.L1.331 2.L1.75-1 RED 6·0Z. PKll.331 .,.,_· .,;E;,;<,;,ON;,;.OM;;;;,;.Y.,;.Sl;;;Z;;;E_"-1 MIX, Pt1C. PKto. CHERRIES IO!AL OISCOUNl S EVERY ()AY ioMt-ALPHA IEl.l STOlU OISCOUNT CtwC( l'ttlC( IOIAl OISCOUHIS £VERY DAY SOME AL'* iETA STORE! DtSCOUfllT CHMGE f'IUCE . ' ~ BERNSl'EINS • 11)-0'Z. lft.. 31 j ~ SHfood CoclllO SC.. 39c ~~~T~~~'F'J~= nc271 ~IS.OZ. PAC'tAGE 59a U.: ~IDAHOAN'• '1h.ot. PXG. 33; ~S<.lllopn POTATOES 41c REIN?• J& OUNCI! BOTTI.! t:)i;i;\ RtGULAR OR li!CKORT ~ BAR·B·Q SAUCE 43c 26 OUNCE: BOTTLE • REO. l3c: IOlh OUNCE CANS • CHICKEN RICC • CRtAM or CH!CICEN • CHICKEN NOOOLt 35' .,, it°iilt"z0sou'Ps 1sc 151 @ N"<1. 2 SQUAT CAI/ ORANG~!1'1NtAl'?l!: CLA<X 31 ¢ ROYAL PRINC~ YAMS 3_5c . ~~f~i~i(RRY0Jft(f 3Sc 28¢ ~ • BUCKl!tRRY JtU.Y 39e SI~ •CUl\RANT JW..Y ~lei :)Zc @lAiY'scll'ir0~~"ft. 491 U!BT'S 303 CAN ~LOCALORJE ~ FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY'S • !(ll CAN @ ~Ritb~11lfaLV£S ~ LIBBY'S • ift CAN ~ ~1Ai"~ii£s LmBY'S • NO. IV. CAN @kBetu"';/~u 2tc 24' SM1.JCKEJl'S • 11-0z. TARS • CARAMtL • BUTTERSCOTCll •CHOCOLATE • l'INU.ff~ • S•f\AWBERflY 2S' ICE CRWI TOPPIN; 35c ' iMPERrAL DETERGEIT jsi s 111 t~m·i~~·~uW·"' c"l'.2911 II I REDEEM FOOD STAMPS @~Wilt 1iw~; s3c 521 IN ANY LOS ANGELES, ORANGE OR RIVERSIDE COUN TY RI/HR lfTR COSTA MISA-241 I . 17th It. HUNTINc;,TON llACH-9041 Ad•• HIJNTIN•tON liACH-116i1 N .Mlri11 St. fOUNTAIN YALLIT-ltJI W•l'Mf SOUTH LAGUNA-JOIJZ S. COOlt Hlwey LA!;UNA HILLS-ZlS41 Coll• Iii• I• L•ls• IRYINl-11040 c.1,.,, UrU....Sty , .... . - • • • ! •• : • • . •. . • -• , -' , • ' ·" PILOT·AOVERTISER WtdntMtay, Novtmbtr .12, 1969 ' r •'~t··:l . ' .. .,. .. ' ' ·' ' • ' . . ' ' • .. , -. .. ' . .. n· . . . J . ..... ___ ..._. __ ' .. !':"J ' .. '1' (' 1 • .,. . • 1·1\.\ .. 1 ... ~1 ~. . . 'I ,, -• • • • I .. -.,..... ~~ ' ~·, , , t'' . . ~~ . 1 : •l .. ' . • 1 I ... • 'l'.'t.. • • • • ~~~-· 4_, 'i" : • CADILLAC" N l lY E1~EEN ·SE VE l\71Y ·~ ~.::. . ' . . -·~ '• ' ' I I .> • " J ' ·, . . ' . ..<.~ .. ,. " · EXCELr.ENT SELECTION 'OF 'MODELS ·a: COLORS AVAILABLE · FOR /'. . .. t... . ~. ~ ' " ·..,.' ., ''·... t ....... ·r ., -, ... -~ '• I • •,., . .._ ' ·• f ... ,.. ::--...~ . ' ' \,, '· I ' \ . -.. ,::., ,_J ........ ' t. --.. . ' -, \ .... ,._, • ' ' • : I . • f'' .~ ... ·: • • •' ' • l. • I o I • ' . ' ! . .., ii' .• LEASE . 01r . PUllCHASE ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . ' ! ' '····· ...... , ........ .., .. ~-., ...... ,~/ • , ••• ·-•.-"-· .. (. ..... 1.~ \..--"' • .. ' • ·1 ·; i • . ' ' ' < ' ·ii!,". . .J. " . . .. ,, ~ ' ' " I .. ' ... ·~1·~ -'-. i. I • •t• .... ~ . '1J. -. •_"\'• '.r ! ~- ' ' ' •. ' l~x J•t•1.·1~11t·e ~ r . < 1 -:.· ' •• ' ' ... ' ' ... ' -~ ) ... " ' USED, LOW·· MILEAGE ·f -' :1:969 CADIL LAC . EL DORADO ' 1~· (.tJ}. ' / Exquisite Sepphire Blu•; Firem1~t w7i _ white padded .top & white le1th•r ex• terior, Fecfory Air," full Pow.,, Stereo AM, Power door locks, tilt &: .t.leicoP.ic ·steering wheel, ate., eh:. IS<r. H9101792l' "' SAU $6666 PRICE . ' .__,.~~~~~-'--,..~~~~~~~~~~~..,.....~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~~~~..-~~-' 1' > . , . . .. SALi tP._~~ ~!.!~o1·~~1~0~ c s2·1o·c. Dtx. 'tia!'l'ltop, 1i: lrel1 · .ownze WI r • , . • Black pe.dded top, & gold Vinyl inter. AM· FM Radio, Full Power, Air Conditioning, tilt -.._ & telescopic w~eel, Dix Hub Caps, etc. P••CI · ~ tTFB947)}' .. ·' .. ~ ·-T • I l 966 CADILLAC sedan De Ville. Beautiful Sahara gold W/ Black Padded top, black let1.ther interior, Full Power, ~tory ·!Jr, AM-~ .. ~dlo, tilt wheel. '.}'owtr d~r locks, ·etc; '(S'lT421) 1·j63 J~GUAR. XK~ SMtlest" 4S,OOO mile Coupe. 4 l'ipeed trans., chrome wire, '!heels, stereo tape deck, etc., etc. Beautiful Burgundy finish w/full leather Int~ (HWW~lJ , 1967 . CDIWlC Sedan De Ville. Full power, factory1air con· Hl.U'onlng, AM·FM radio, power door locks, power vent wjndOWAr Bronze firemlst with black padded ~op and-bla.ck leather interior. (822~<'.i-A·) . . 1" ; ' l 1965 CADILLAC ;.Sedan De Vllle. Popular NiWport ·n1µe ·v.·1 Ullx. interior, Factory Air Cood.. Full.Power, dgJP,ll..a;eeklng Radio,' tilt&:. te'lesCoi¥:-"1heel, t1.ll'Dlx. Xlru. (l\VD2o4). . ' . . ,. .. •' SALi $2700 . ' PllCI SAU ~2 100 PllCI " SAU szooo · PllCI O\'Elt ,Ho \)l \LLTY . <~.\Ill Lt. \C:::i TO SELECT l'llO'f . . . .. . ' 1.AHCEST SEl.l·:CTIO\ l;\ ' OH .. \\(; E Cl H. 'IT)!. 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de, VOie. N~ bJue with hllick Landau and blue leather trJm. 7ull power, factory air eondlttontns. tilt·tele whttl, AM-Jl'M' radJo, etc. Local one owner. CVGZ117) 1969 CADILLAC "SEDAN DE VIW 1967 TH. UNDIR·I · R Lbw mil,... Cadillac Division Executivc C.fr 'that'• never bem IJcOn1od! , , I D ~B:reatht.aklng Palmetto green w/whlte vinyl tOp ~ Dardfnelle C'.IOlh le• . • 1 --~ • •• • leather trimmed, plush interior, Factory Alr Cond., Full Po'Wei-, Stereo ' A1pu~e white with b~a.ck vl~l· Interior.• Full AM Ff.I Radio, Cruise Control, •tilt·& teJescoplc wheel, sPllt front· seat& power. 'factory air, AM-.FM, tilt 1teerJ.ne -wfth sepat'ate ~adjUstrnent, AutomatW lfvel coritrol, rear ')VfnCloW""'dt"· --wheel. (U'ICJ87) ' , , fogger, Door guard, Power door loclul..lleadlamp dimmers, w.w· ttm, rem* trunk .opener. twil1ght' seiltinel; filstie .dl1pel'lser, etc .. etc.· Air -_____ ..._, ______ ....;.. ____ _., •oluteJy_.,,.;,.optlon on thl• Lux\niou.s Motor car (Sor. B9268009J .. .' 196'9 · c•ll'lll.IL·LAc MU&t be seen & dl::lven! · . ' , .......: SALE PRICED Coupc De Vlllc. F.u11 ~ ~pmonl ,Plus ' 'SAUi $5500 ' ' " " . " SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN ' . ' . factory aJr cond1tlontne, AM·FM·"'dio, pow. er door locks, auto seat releun. etc. Lovely Cameo beip e'Xt.erlor with a f]u: p1.dded roof and DelpldDe J'la1r cloth an4 leather lnttrlor. (141129). . 1967 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Spaniah 0 silver with black padded roof and blaCk cloth le leather inter· ior. Full power, factory ·air, AM-J'M radfo, power door locks, l 'ownet.· (TECf16)' 1965 CADILLAC Hardtop coupe. caScadft .,.,en with. matCh• fng cloth and leather. Interior. Full 'power, factory air, AM·FM · radl~ tilt~telncoplc steerlnr wheel. (RGU643) ' · 1968 CONTININTAL· . . Sedan. Glacier Creen wtth· lf"en ln.thtt-In~· · terlor.~er, fa;_~ air, AM·FM radJo. (VWK492) Pltc:J PllCI SAU . $2000 · " . "' PllCI l'lllCI ' NABERS CADii.i.Ac ·' LEASE .~Dl.RECT . lmmodlm-Hll"'Y • •· lxc:ellont Select~ C)y.,.,,_ .,.. . .,fac~ry --- Incl tatal CCMllec facllltles deslgil- ed to b411w ·Ml and nmc• new and ·8"d CGdiiac -0...0bllei. ' 8:3& AM. to ·9:00 PM ·Mon.~tfu.u..Fri.: .• 9~00 ·AM: to 6:00 ,pl\f ' Sat.. iuia Suh. • . . • ' .. -• -' ~ ... , ••• ! ••• ··-• : ' f,", • "! •. +;-... . ........z ~ .• .. ' ' All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. A~l S~~E,PRJCES, EFFEf:TIVE ,Tl"fROt'16 • • t ,T ' , r ' ---------· ,, ... . ·~. ' .... . . . • / \ . . PILOT ·ADVERTISER 1:H.:.:OU=S:=E.::.S.:..F.::.OR;;_;;;SA:;;L:.:E:_..;cH.:.:OU=S;;;.ES;;..;..FO.:..R=SA:.:;L:.:E::.....:.H:;;O:;;U:;.S;:;ES::..:..FO;:;R::.:::SA=LE=--1.:.:H:;:OU;;::;;S•:.:•:.;F.:.:O:.:lt;.;SA=L:;:l~:.:HOU=S:.:E::S~'":;;0.:;R:;;SA=L::E_.J;HOU==·=••:.:.1'0,:;:1t=SA:::L::I:...-HOUSES POR SALE I HOUSES FOR 1 SALE- Goneral 10000.ntrel lOOO<Nnerol · 1000 -r1I lOCIOOoM!'ol 1000 General 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE University Park 1237 l~~~iiijiiij;;;m:~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii;m:~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iif;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11~G~.,~-~r~ol~~~~~l000~1· COit• MtlO 1100 ~ RANC_H_O ___ LA C_U_E_S-TA----+----r.inda Ile·---. FOtaT-r:-3 ~:: N ... :~lf:'r~R~~ "'" =,.~=:o:;;'.11;;~~=,=~;;;!~;;ti-:,.~s=~~;;.ty;;\ 1 0 L S 0 N lot Carpe k.tche on a suri:kissed hill•top ,vtth .. .. _A,,._ Since 1905 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES $2J,500 ::'. w;._ _::-~ ... ,~ unoiistrnoiro viow, ~ ·"" ,.--OPEN SUNDAY 11 •5 !no:, Roal1"M< E""'· 5<>10ll ahno" •~W 4 hr with "" THE ~•o• oo Real•~ Ian1 rm. 'in Turtle Rock 1 Lindo Isla Drive ~ . wrs EAST SIDE Move in today_ Jf1 vacant, ~ ... 6 •· ,, SA Hills Loaded \vith extras. 4 Btdroom, 5 , bath home in final staaes of bu beautifut back yard with ·••u ON• ower, aeaUtHully landscaped ~ completion. Palos Verde stone entry & fire-PRIME AREA fiah pond, briek bar-b-quc. • &fi.829l • VACANT! Ip ;47,500 and GRAND OPENING I UNIT v places. Family room & billiard room. Beauti· It hu alley access, Jarie 2 BDR. 1 ba. dooble gar. worth i1. fully decorated. Priced at .. -......... $156,000 $17,500 BARGAIN covered patic>, and three ~~.~~i -~nta •red h"1ll Saturdoy Nov. 15 & Sunday Nov. 16 10 AM to Dark • 15 LinU Isle Drive AYo~:t;;; the~ ~=in exoelle11t Ne\v & beautiful 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home this price? Arealdc>Dhouse. Mesa Verde 1110 'vith large sunken living room & fam. rm., l1111N.culate throughout. Wall wet bar. Radiant electric heat. Carpeted & tu wall carpeting. Freshly REALTY ' Unlv. Park Centrr, Tivint Call AnytinlC 833-0820 landscaped. Priced ................ $155,000. painted. Beautiful paneling. Huge 20 It. living room . 16 Linda Isle Drive Shake roor found only in tNmAL OPENING DAYS SHOWN 'AT UNIT IV PRICES $SAYE$ Mesa Yarde 4 BR. 2 BA, fm rm, exec hc>me. Bltns, good cond. Pvt walled frnt pati<>, li:e hld &wim pool w/Jlide & div ~-!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~! hrd. Prof landscpna:, le> ' . Exquisitely decorated 5 Bedroom, 5 Bath more expensive homes. SUb- new home with upstairs view of Corona del mit down payment. Call -MODELS AT ATLANTA .&,,BllOOKHURST This ls a 4 ·bedroorn home localed in Meea Verde unbeo- IJevably. priced .. 124.IOO, ' blths. all built-in kitchen wttb forced air hea.tin&, ter- nao eatr.r. Tbt owner ii ~H!Jft'Y! main!. Xlnt neigbbothd. Corona def Mar 1250 ,. 968-2'29 968-1338~ . ' Refnshments Sunday Noon 'tll Dark liilar hills. 3 fireplaces & BBQ. Cantilevered oow! 645-0303 patio deck. Priced with dock at ...... $145,000. 57 Lindo tslo Drive TAKE OVER FHA Mu•t see 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home with patio LOW-LOW INTEREST eek , sittinJ room and fireplace in master Tmilic low interest loan. :s bedroom suite. Family room bas sunken con· large bedrooms. 2 bath&. De. $43,950. ~7513 toll• Porte 1115 NEWPORT MODllL 21 Ft. liv. rm., 3 Br. t..ee. lot, boat •mr,.&e. Xlnt t.ret.! mggiRBIN·MARTIN versalipn pit and fireplace. . ....... $162,000. luxe kitchen with built·inl. • _ Beautitul JlrlU'l'fuw, bookcue, .. , G_en_e_r_•_I ----"'I000_ 1·chneral Linda Isle Development Co. built-in Hi·FI system. AU o1. ORANGE COUNTi''S REALTORS .,. 1000 General 1000 1080 Boy11do Dr., N.B. Biii Grundy 675-3210 rioh'lnapla. Enormous brlok LARGEST · THE IMPOSSIBLE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ Ji,.plaoo. Many other •x-262' HARBOR BLVD, 615-1662 557-8595 Eves. 3036 E, Coast Hwy., CdM 1100 DOVER SHORES LIDO ISLE tras. $20,IXXI FHA klan at 546 1640 ~. DREAM! General 1000 General lOOO 6% annual '"'""tage rate. OPEN EV ,. Will come true when you see Lovely custc>rn. home Low monthly payments. ES Till 1 :30 2 BU<S to ocean, new J BR Newport Beach this 4 bed., 'fant. rm. en-Unusual <'.Ustc>m home on on Via Genoa with , Only $28,950. Better hurry? over'&il:e DUPLEX \Viall banced v.ith rustic hickory large, corner lot in beaull· 4 bedrooms, 3~~ baths, It * * * More People Dlal 645-0303. Open Daily 10·5 the xtra!. Best I've seen. .. paneliri'g. Modern fa.ml style rw Dover Shc>res. Superbly Se parate Family room, S22.500. Name your tenns. 3 Go Home 12'10 Dolphin, Irvine Terr $9000 will handle. Good "kitchen, lioor eating ctean. decorated. J Bedrooms, 3 Formal dining room, .txtrm, 2 bath. Now vacant • 645·0303 Custom built 3 bdrm • 2 return, ·A pa.tic> that will forc.e yc>u bathS plus powder room. Well lc>cated close lo move in tomorrow. ''Than anywhere." \Vhy not balh.! • lbl.5' formal dinina: * \Vet bar. Breakfast room & * * * get <>ne to.,....., liking? This at Harbor Center room • 1 ~epla•o + tam-URGENTLY need 2 le> 4 · tc> sit under the stars. A liv· Utivate community beach * J¥-· 2299 H be> Bl d c ?if ~.... " tng room \vith year around 1amily room. Spacic>Us pool Owners moving $Z7,500. 5%'i0 loan available. ranchc> <>Uerl a "heap-o. ar r v ., . . ily room <>verlooking beauti-units that will c ar ry •Cllristmas v.•armth. To P & lerrace. Proressionally Priced le> sell at $89,500 ' 'Immaculate 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Jiving.'' Every comfort has EASTSIDE lul patio for entertaining. themselves on yr round ren- •c.o.ta Me11a area for the landscaped. $159,500. "family room, new carpets & been emboditd in this hc>n1e . . All thi& A mare in 2400 sq fl, tals. 642-2152 BKR JarnUy that !OVO> logethor. 1"ohn macnab quiet'""" ' ''""'· 4 b«lroom, p I"' COSTA MESA -buy'".,. •. $46,.,.,. OCEANVIEW ESTATE Onl $33 500 · * * * * family room and fonnal din. Two bedrooma + large !\en Secluded 5 BR. hc>rne. Lush -y '546.2313 (714) 642..a235 $3'!.500. Ncwpc>rt lleighb. ~ ing room. Le.rze fenced on;hardwood ttoors Bee.utt-landscaping. Spac:, rumpus ' . .. O THE REAL "'\.. t:STATE:RS . CUTE 3 BEDROOM- .NEWPORT HEIGHTS , Only $2.5.500 & the-low inter- , '-est FHA loan rcmalns. Fire. · ·JMace. beautiful tree lirk.'<l : strttt or AliSG. Owner will 'coniikler small down. No in.. : come or credit qualifications • , .. just ~ to tran11rer I.he :'Joan. : St6-tl21 or 54M631 ' .. •• p ' : ~Room For Ever.yon• 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 bdrm, 2 ha.th + dining. rear yard with fire ring and fulily carpeted tfina. <>UI. rm., 2 trplC'!. + view bal· Newpc>rt Beach Nee<ls W<>rk • priced !or im· covered patio, Q~ cul-de-draptd, covered patic>. De-conies. $45,001 Pay $1500 to assume s~~o;--;, loan. 3 bdnn. lan- ai patio. &hag carpets. Price just reduced to a low $27.950. Great Mesa Verde location. mediate sale. sac street. Republ1e home tached double gar&ef! with 1860 Newport Bvld., CM PROPERTIES WEST * * * * area. $39,500. laundry facilities.~ lot, Call 646-Jm8 Eve 644-!655 675-4130 675-1642 $47,950. Gorgeous ~ublic completely fenced, A BAR-iiiii::iiii:iiiii===iiii=:1•~:.:=::~~:::;:"''" rz:=mm:=:=:=:=:=:I hc>me • like new conditl<>n. GAIN AT $Zl,500. Ii Discount fol-C•sh E:.':iE!~';.N~? ~ !.i':"'.: :~ Repossession App. \l Aon· w .. 1o1il1. Dov- --ise-1110nnei Needed available. $9$ down. La.rre 2 story, 4 -er Shc>res Lot with Grant Most plea..sant bldg. at the call 54.>8424 txtrrn Ii. family, 2 bath, ser-Deed. • Jamaica Inn with that Ila· vice porch, :!.ireplace, heavy CALL NOW . 714 • 54::i-7946 waiian atmosphere. Setler shake root. • ·-• lot on Sc>uth Coe.at Real Estate ....... " """' TKEPT XI than u sual commissions, * * * * qu ie t cul-de.sac. Freshly ... ~ duplex. nt many prospecls from tile!;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;; E . Call ·~J""" decc>raled, ready to move location, 1 blk fro1n bch. '"-und'~ mot•! ap•·. ~ -verungi v-r """' Both 3 Br 2 Ba ~1 •· bit VHV ••• • ~ ~ WESTCLIFF into, 71>% -w;1h 1995 ' • "' ~ . cated directly acro1s from Panoramic View! down. CALL 540-1151 Herl· ins. Won 't last lo,ng. (714) "" Nowpon Hor00r Cham· POOL HOME Colesworthy & Co. OCEAN & CATALINA· tage R..i Estate <o..,. •61:.;":.;1861::.::::·..;'1>-4~159::;:,.,=~ oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio;I tier ()f Commerce. Member I ~ OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX S Up MR <>f the Newport Harbor, On a quiet side street w:ltl;l ·-· · · ··-... $37•950 .',.""'!!!11!)!!. l!"!!!"'"""!!!!"""'\.C BR.+ 2 Br. unit. Walk to • '! 1'. 1 ""' : ' ' 54 6 -599~ TEP • G.I. Cost.a Mesa Multiple listin& counyard entra~. Sp-0tleu ·1·.A&irii" .-:ror··A ·\VlSe BU.Y" Deli&htfiil ·4 Bedroom and :::: This one will beat rent. Prie.. service. throughc>ut. Piano sile liv-642·1777 formal dining room, taste. 5 leclftn + 3 Bath •boi:~~ ~~77 ed at $28,000 with m dc>wn BILL HAVEu, R>·'Jor ing room, pa.rqtii!t . Doored fully decorated. Walk to DI • R. + paymcot you.,.. .... thi• 2lll E. Coast.~wy.:-OIM Jamily room. 149.500. Owoer COLLEGE PARK 646-7171 IHftCJ m "BLUFFS"' Bdrm, 50' deok deligfJ.Ut.tl 3 bedTOOm and Call: 67J.3lll wan!s <>tlel'!I. schools and shopping. $26, 950 \VI prime Bay V.i e w. DON~T CALL ME A .DUPLEX I'm an 'extn. nice 2 bedroom HOME with a 2 bedroom MONEY MARKET out back, &th units are owner occu. pied and flawless. Situated on a quiet tree lined Corona de! Mar street, Once you've seen the rest -Come see the be~1. 673-8550 \o ·THEREAL ·~ESTATERS ""'-. 'l"I°' 'J'" 't COME & SEE How well yolir furn. will fit into this 3 Bd., din. nn., fam. rm., 2r., ba .. in lrvint! 'T'erraec-\. Near pat·k. $5'-1,950 R. C. 'uREER Realty 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 LUSK RESALE View. 3 Br. 21,~ Ba, den. Crpl'd & draped. Landscap. ed. By owner $64,950, 3811 Topside Ln. 644-0111 DUPLEX Set. <>[ llwy. 2 houses. $55.000, $8,000 down. lnec>me $450 mo. 675--6044 CAAtEO SHORES: 5 Bednn, Den.Pool. by owner $79,500. 677>-3520 after 5 pn1. Balboa Peninsula 1300 Developer's Duplex Three bedroom upper two bedroom lower, in very good rental area. No\v fuUy leas. ~. _900d grcnvth pc>tcntial. $49,500'. . BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport Blvd,, N .B. 6754630 • fi4Z.::Z5.1 Eves. ; -2. Sepuate houSceS vv/gu. • 'Ton:ed air heel. N{'WJIOrt ; Heights School district. CIC16e to WestclW shopping. Ideal : for inlaws &-income. $30,000 • • . .JU5"1' LlSJ'ED. family room. 2 bath home I ';C:::Z:::Z:::Z~::C:::Zimtl 646-7171 Bi"" Fiesta ~• too! Rich $39.500. Call 64.C-22 59 in good Jocatton_, cJoge JO I• $261950 .., ~ eves/wknds. lido Isle 1351 schooli;. EASTBLUFF WOOd paneling, handsome ..:c.=="'------1.:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;j ; '1111 rr.a.: · · REm~M, ' \V. Belbek, NB 67.>1DXI 1449 E. Coast, Cd.~ 6i5-6060 ·' ' Brand New Listing Lovely Mesa Verde Cam· bridge home, 15 x 36 Blue ven Pool, dressing rm, etc. 3 Real good sized Bl>d- ~rms, lam & din rnis. Appl. :..Only, ' :. ~ '''·5110 • rnarciMnsatllelfrtl '. ~· Clll.EGE REALTY ' . 1500AdalNltHatti" .. ' ·- DOVER SHORES 1 Brand Tie w Ivan Wells• -4 ·:bdrm J bath + pc>wdtr room. F<>rmaJ dining roorn • . tam. rm/we t bar &: lrplc. : "t.uxurloully carpeted. Su. · perb view. Pool in Iand8cap- -~court yard. Roy J, Ward 1430 Gala~ Dr. 646-1550. 3 BR 2 . bat~ Jiome, cm'Tler lot ll0Xl80 -add 5 mett , unils. Drive by 154:; Santa • ~Ans Ave. then call ;: : ilania ittnlty • 642-6560 I' \ t I • \\ 111 I I ~(\It \ \I I \\ °"""' J &lnn., 2 bath. fi-. _, b .,, FORECLOSURE, 3 lk. 2% MUST SELL Adult oocupied, comer Ioe. Much mott. 54().1720 Ba Tnbse. Frpl, pool $27,500 LOWEST PRICE Lovely view .borne. owner compl. surrounded by pinkliOiiiiiiMiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiol TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Liaison Cl. 646--0732 Home ()Jl Lido. 2 Br. 1 ha. )' I \ J I ) ' {I forced to sell at 0 n c e • .c block wan. with boat entry Investment Income FANTASTIC Street·t().Street lot. Bdnns., furm. din. rm, Cliffhave~VIEW and nn. also :klr trailer. OCEAN VIE'W NewP!rt Heights 1210 $42,500 1093 ~er', C.M. b "· Larg · / . Neu J1e'W cp~. thruou.t plus LIDO REAL TY INC. rAUt. nn. e patio w Exclusively oors, this 2 bd-rumpus: nn •• gar .. conver-7 UNITS, l~e lot 132x3C6'; $23,000 NEW 2 BR, 2 BA, din-33TI Vta Lide> 6T3-7JOO Big 5314~.· GI Loan sparkling pool. Just reduc-rm. den hc>me has lowly sic>n. Call now to see. room to ~Id 5 more. $90,000 Adorable h 0 me. Bert or inrtplay area. $ 3 0 , S 0 0 • i~~~~~~~~~ ed to $47,500, vie\v <>( Bay & Ocean. En-Owner will carry 1st TD. everything. % mile to new O\vner ~l Rivers i d e . Mn. Harvey cl<>sed patio & ga.l'dcn. \Ve.II EXCLUSIVE WITH Well1-Mc:Cardle, Ritrs. Marina. Tarbell. 837.Ji38 &12--8099 to take <>ver. No increase \n interest! Neat .C BR on cor- ner w/fully equipped An- thony Pool. Extra tx>nus • just about 4 hicks to Pacific Ocean! Asking $34,SM but 'vha\'s "your" pricet 'Null aaid! .... ._._a.._ .. priced at $4.J,;ioo. 1810NeWpOrtBlvd., C.M. $23,950 -' Newport 548-TI29 6#0684 '""'· "EASY TO BUY" Coldwell, Balker & Co. Barrett Really v· •• 1 ~e;u[;~v~,,;s,:AN~!. ~m~ ~~:~uh~~ 550 Newport Center Dr. 1ctor a dream kitchen. Delightful Newport Beach, Callf. lGIXi \Ves'lcliU Dr. ti, 646-1111 port's tnotit exclusive area. pa.tic>. Soft water. Private 833-0700 ~2430 N.B. ~.... 3 I.Ge. Br .• formal din, rm., orchard. Owner helps with 642-5200 Anytime pool. $15,000. Call for app't. fina.ncirc. 5f0.l'l20 -fREAM PUFF "'viow. TARBELL 2955 Herbor Spanish tile, gay df!Cc>rator ASSUME CORBIN-MARTIN wallpapel's, opeo b<am" DIVORCE SALE REALTOR 615-1662 DUPLEX ,yet bar; bri_c_~ pa~~ S-Va% LOAN---432 MAGNOLIA 3036 E. c:oast _n~ .. _CdM 2.!:· ~.~~ GC:rac!~. ~~~ -$52~00-plarire~ btena 1~ romantic Ownel' transferred anxious Attorney .~u-3-barm -&A:YFRO-NT APT."" or state owner must sell im- FABULOUS barmCmy with this. nr. ne\\' "ill look at all oH;rs on thi; J::astside. C.M. Vacant. Vista Del I ido Pier & slip mediately. 3 BR.. low mW"'"""" $2,. 500 · ' ' NEWPORT h. h value home Offered 4 BR pool home. Wlll carry ~. available. Sell or lease/op-Pyramid Exchangors 646-2629 ''Sound Of M1.11ic" • •·i.....i ig • · large 2nd. tion. Pri~ ;28 500 M V ,_ $"" 000 ".,.,.,. at $34,$0. Oivncr 'vill as· DAVIDSON R It ~... Wll0I" . ••• •r-·-u, thru entire home. • bed· !list in financing. :-'4 . E ff .Y vwurp tamson Need~ a little yard work & room!!'., 2 baths, formal din-Hal P inchin & Assoc. 6--5460 vcs, 545-494.l REALTOR paint & you iave USS's! ing room. 2 e}egant fire. JOO) E. Coast Hwy. srH392 MISSION VIEJO 673-4350 Eves. fiTl-1564 Oventzed bedrooms, delight· places. All electric kltchen. i ii.iioi ... iiil'-.0.;oo;iiiiiO I OPEN SUN. 1-1; NEWPORT BEACH fu1 family room. built in =~uxury features? * EASTSIDE C.M . * 24822 Spadra * 642-1771 Anytime * Charmin&' 3 BR. w / lara;e kitehen, tlrtplaoe. Large Sec th is 3 bdrm. 2 bath, H\V Dean Garden Home plus fncd. yr. cov. patio, Hdwd. Yard. Prestia:e•area. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor flooi"S !rplc. Double car &:ar. vie1v. Sn.500. J BR 1% baths. Ex· .nn., frp]., bltn. kttch. Nr. TARllLL 2955 Harbor 3 HR, 2 BA, family room·. on aJl~y. Try ·$23,000. 26~12 Cortina II.a Paz) eel. terms. Avail. immed. schools, church & shops, DAILY PILOT D 1 l\l E . A. prof dce<>r. 1~~ yr old-xlnl Graham Rlty 646-2414 Early caJifot11i~ Ranch style. Rltr. 642-9730 Eve 548----0720 Owner \V/linance, $27,000 lJNES-You can use them cond. $33,500, 21382 Fleet Near Newport Post Office call for Details. {Ta1·bcll) For Daily Piiot Want Ads Walker Rlty. 675-5200 fc>r just pennies a da.y, Dial Lane, HB. Owner 646-1m 837-3Ti6 or 837-00!5 Dial 642·5678 3366 Via Lido, NB ()pen Sun. 642-5678 Dover Shores 1227 Irreplaceable Vie'v Bay & Mountains! Regal "Old W<>rld" O>ntem· porary picturesque be>~ w/ <>bstructed view • m o s I rooms, 4 Br's, 4% Ba + rna1ds qtrs. Ideal for enter- taining. Easy malnt. Immed occup. $178,000. As s 1.1 n1 e £"'% loan. 548-7249 BY owner~s-nr;-1-na~1: open patios, 2 trpl, lge view lot. crpts, drpg. 0 v er $100,000 675-ml. TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT ' WANT AD Huntin,ton Beach 1400 TOTAL PAYMENT $134 por MONTH Real Sharp 3 Bcdroo1n, 2 Bath home. :Freshly paint- ed. GI Loan of $15,800 at 5* % annual Int, You can't beat it. Service porch, Dou- ble garage. F<>rced air heat. Completely fenced, sprink· lers. Carpets and Drapes throughciut. Family Room. U't us sho1v it to you. WE·SE ll A·HOME--- EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-44.")5 Open 'til 9 PM Owner Transferred Assum!" F~IA loan, Pymnts under $175 month. -4 BR 2 bath Pt-estige Honie, No qualilying. The Real Estate Mart ' 847-8531 1000General 1000 <Nnerol 1000 General lOOOGeneral 1000General ~~iiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~1 ~ NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-1e· NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ~ . HbAtiRatoR BEAcA OJFlci 842!44s5 costA -Misi oFF1cE.:...S4s.9491.54s:&\~6"'s : I ': • l • , 1 • 2043 Westcliff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenings T.U: SHILTEl...,.ORANGE GROVE If you ACT NOW you can •till take advantage or MAXIMUM PREPAID INTER· EST 'll-DS YEAR and bmetlt from DEPRECIATION next year. Appr<>ximately 1000 lree!i (8 Yri. old)) wlth iniption on. IO productive acres "'ilh LAKE VIEW and nearby development. $59,950, ov.•ncr will flnan~! $16'/MO. TOTAL PAYS AIL when you assume this 5\1 'iO annual perctnta&:e rate }".Ji.A. loan. Ou t· atandlng A1ESA VERD~ home with 2 FTREPLACES, ncv.• drapes and luxuri<>U! r.arpeting. COURTYARD ENTRY and AIL the exttu. In beautiful condition for just 128:500. HURRY! ' '"YI OLDE FARMHOUSE" One-block lD \VESTCl..IYF PLAZA wiU, HARD\VOOD FLOORS. heA\·i: SHAI<t roof and Jeriie 'room&. A very functJon&I DIFFERENT floor plan and Cl Afil11NG TARMHOUSE exterior. Won'! last al $31,500! IAY YllW LOT S15,990 for a choict re1ldential XX lot '"-Ith all 11nprovemt'nt in the ht'Br of an excellent NEWPORT BEAOf neighborhood. Build your "Dream Houac'' and uV<>Y the VIEW! Submit your terms I , : ·~;ff : 7612 Edi ... $22,000 4 HDROOM "VACANT" $140 per nion th includes all <>n ex1$Ung Joan any<>ne can U~umt w1th<>ut quall· fylng~ ! Featuring 4 hua:e bedrooms. 2 luxurious baths. Charmin& "Queens" kltch· en. Great living room with r ich panellns;:. Ankle deep carpeting. Excellent cul-de· sac. \VIII sell rnA and VA. , POR THI llG FAMILY 4 Queen Siit bedroom!l. 1\\•o very luxurious b&thL 'I'bla home features l\tepdown living room with romantic fireplace. FORMAL DINmG ROOM. Separate step d<>wn family room leads to oompleteiy enclosed rear yard beautifully landscaped. STEP UP intc> this gorgeous all-electric kitchen. FHA loan has payments <>( $1M Includes all. \Vill sell VA at appraisal of $29,450. DUPLIX WITH HIGH F.H.A. LOAN A~sumt high intcre~t loan \Vlth $3,000 Down. 'Rave independenct' and Jct your tenant pay Your way. Ctt Smart! TolAJ paymtnt <>f $198 includes all. Great Hunt· ins:ton Bf'ach local.ion. , POOL PAD-NOWS THE TIME $.C.000 total cash down 1'lee<\fd t<> as&urne low lntttrttt V./I.. loan tor this sharo ~ bedroom home with 36' ·pool. Lob or decldnr and patlo. Gotaeou• carpet& 6 DraPt•· 111odem .1arden type k!tch~n. rrtced at $27,SOO ruu. PRICE. Total pay .. ment.s, just like rent. WI SELL A HOME EVIRY 31 MINUTES ' --. 27to HAHOR ILVD. o,.. lw•l"t• "ID 9 P.M. $11,000 FULL PRICE R·2 LOT Slick 2 bedroom with room (or &hother home. Your total payments arc S144 per month for thl1 15 year young Custom Home close t<> school &: shopping. Range & oven Included and draped throughout! How about $1.800 ~oY.:n payn1ent ! NIAl THE llACH EXICUTIVIS AmNTION Assume FHA 5%% annually and save $13,000 in interest! Gracious 2 story, -i bedroom h<>me with 3 luxurious bat.hi. Step d<>wn living room with anklti d~Jl carpets! Ma.salve BEAMED CEILING FAMILY ROOM with wall to wall fireplace. Gleaming OAK HARDWOOD FLOORS! Stereo • built-in jntercom ! This no • maintenance be.ck yard has re:gulati<>n VOLLEY BALL CO ORT plus king i;ize- BBQ ttreplt, surrounded b>' secluding bJock wall and ls % :t.m.E TO THE BEACl-t ! Owner transterrtd and <>ffcrs at a LOW LOW $3tl,500 with :liubstantial dO\''n at ON LY $225 ptr month including taxes and Insurance. MESA VHDE lllO FAMILY ROOM I plus 5 BEDROOMS A: 3 luxurious baths. Completely AIR CONDmONEO end in Mesa Verde pri~ Jocatlon <>n quiet street of towering trttsl Spacious FA~1ILY ROOM & PRlV·ATE DEN' if you wish. FOR1'1AL DINING ROOM ! Fabulow Carpel$ ll custom drapttl So immacblate and tuteful lt's hard to believe! Extra large 8000 n. lot ot unfqut lush landscaping with l<>w maintenance. O'vner transferred and anxious at ONLY $48.500. For ibe particular executive. ...._ " ---• I I .. ' . ---~~~ .............................. ..., ...................................................................... ,,.. ...... ,., ... ,,..,,.~>;';-·~""'"""',.."""'"""""""~ -;.-.• -.... "'" ........ ~----..~~ ... ~-....... ~,~ ..................... Jiii Wed•ndaJ, Nowmitlf 12, 1969 '-Ii -~ HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES tOl!,_SALll! RINTALS _ _ RENTALS _ irnilA.I. _ ~--.-.-r "' RINL\.LS-~ . A•WllL ---t.lWI • ~l nglon Btodt 1<400Hunl.!Nfl>n-lloocf\ uoo H-furnished HOUM• UnfurnlHhocl H-Unfu,,.1"'"41 Apts. Fuml Apts. Unfurnlohtd • Apts. Unfurnl""" Apls. DAJLV '11.0f 8 ,.,... UnfuniltltM ' 'i " Jiiiiiiiim:~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~i.iiiii!iiiiii~~ilN~tw.:: . .::po=:rt::_llo~t~ch=.:22::::-:0o -.Vordo 3110 Gtrdon Grovo 3475 Costt M.. 4100 Gontrtl 5Gpo c_oe_tt~·-------llooch BRASHE AR REALTY · l 3 BR, 12 BA; famlly.'1?11. NEW Qi.lev.l 5 BR. oust BAalELOR apt frplc, cpl'L , Q MESA V.rdt 2 BR ••'· New["'.~~==~-:--'-'=! FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 frplcs, bltna, $230 mo/lse. crpt & c:irpl, bl tins Prl paUo. 1 adult, 00 peta. 1 VEND ME decOr. blt • W. No car. C. C. "Chap" & Mox~ll• ba •• patio, adults. ~Ide No pell 673--8213 w/dilbwalber, bkk wall. igs mo. m.~ $1SO/mo. AdWll. Rltr. OPENING. NEW & Villag" Until. ~ul~ 1". $200. 1325, 89'1-2344 IMMACULATE Al'l'SI ~-,;,..,;,,,;,;,..---~ Call 642-QtO or ln.Mt9. Newport INch 3200 , Newport Botch 4200 ADULT II F,U.W.Y DELUXE 2 Br. .,,, Adulll LARGER OFFICE SUITE NEW 2 BR, 11> BA. Bit-Ins, S1nt1 Ant 3610 Newport lle4ch SECTIONS AVAILABLE pref., no pell. 2281 Pomona I ~--:-'..,.--.,.-~"t"J WITH AMPLE PARKING ~?..!!'::!·~~·ar1·~.eeacon I/I -------1 Closotoohoppl,.,Ptrk cccoMr>. Pon>oos & JoAnn. ~ _ ,,_ ,. , , Br. 2 u.. fain nn, "'""· GRAND OPENING * 5pacto"' 3 Br'" 2 u. TOWNHOUSE oven, db:hwhr, crpts. tooted IMMEDIATE * 2 Bedrooms NEW 2 BR a.pt E-6ide RENTAl.S WANTED M I ll AOtSSOCIATES : Bilbot 2300 Now cupettng, now point, 2 potto, !ncd. $235. IS40-0844. OCCUPANCY *Swim Pool, PuV.-n C.,,t" drpl, bllns.' dilllwhr: ** 0HOUPMESLEXES ur • e tsen & Betty Sittltr Bdrm.s., 2 balh.!, split·level ~W'Y p.rden apar~nta * Frpt. lncltvn...t .... fac'll ncl ti ar.h !oh I '!hall 11o-~ •705 ff ·-i . ·-:, " car. prv pa 0 • ... ,..,,l:'_~un ....... ., ere e p you w1 _ ~~C_!~~ 2 s~ 3 BR, 2 Pool. "dulls only. S225. L19un1 ..i;n • 0: er;:'!tc ~_er~ P...11Yll.t'Y. _JIU-.Anat,elm Ave. -642--6251. -a....Y.~LUJJ.l.'~. your real eSfate rieiaS. -BA. Bay View. Completely Month. • OeliUWW tan o.plng &: un-c6STA M&S.A 6'12-2824i . *APARTMENTS 16952 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Bch. ('4 block norlh o! Warner) 847-8507 fum. No students. ~9574. •~ & I-ch 3 I:cti BR, 2 BA, 2 blks to paralleled recreational facU-"'!'~~~!!!"'!'!'!!'!~-2 BR. Lee atudio, crpb, FREE SERVICE uur -beach, view, nr· Emerald !ties in a counu')' club at--UDO BAYFRONT API'S drps, R le 0, 1\, BA, adults, COLDEN WEST RENTALS Lido lilt 2351 5 BR + Maid's room , 3 BA, Completely furnished. $450. mo. Lease. 673--6389 Realty, Inc. Bey. $2:15 mo, 4M-6262 mosphere. Now leasing Jn 2 Bdmur 2 no pets 2885-Mend o i a 53().'6600 901 Do D NB S · 126 Newnnrt Beach. '• Ba., Uni. all big ~21 ver r., wte 3707 "C'..=.~ too1ns, trpJc, just redecorat-1,,.==,,.,.-=-:== ELDERLY Gent I ema n, 64:>-2000 Eves. 548-6966 L•iun1 Niguel "'"''~hed or unfurnished ed. Sweeping view of Bay, DELUXE lge. redc. 2 Bdrm, Plll'.tilllly blind but am· ~!"'"!"~~!"'~~!"" ""='-'-"-'"'--'----"-Models open 10 am to 8 pm one of LIDO'S mo&t attnc-frplc, carp. & dr., $175. bu!Atory, wants pn"v, nn., Exclusive Btycrtsl 3 BR, 2 BJ,, crpta, dt'pl'l, Rents l.rom $15.1 to $310. 646-2544 548-8333 J I ~-be h • l Uve buildin'"' '-~-at .. ?Uo. • bath &: board in oo-nial HOME. < Bdnn•, de0 lam· vow n>Y. a< ~ poo OAKWOOD •-~--·~· ., prl -4~ •124 * * 2 BR, $155. Opts, drps, home. Gel'l('ral Newport 1 .--Condominium 2950 ily room &: pool. Years v . .,......... ;li,J""l,I • GARDEN Call !\fr. C'ccly bltos. Pvt patio, encl gar. area. 644-5785 Huntington &each 1400Huntlngton Buch ._, lease $;;o()/monlllly including Ad It Alt 6 30 549--0433 l=jjjiiiii~~iiiiii;iiii~~~~iii'iiiii;ioiiiiii;ii~~IFOR Rent. Co.<ta M•"'· gardon". pool sorv~o &,.M __ ,,_,1on __ v_l•_.l_o __ 3_7oa_1 APARTMENTS 5lQ.2960 u '· ' · • • LANOLORDS e 11 Civic. Center. Like new. water. Pete Barrett Realty 1• tliullan Realty Mtl• Verde 5110 FREE RENTAL SERVICE townhouse. 2 car attached 642-5200. 3 BEDROOM, 2 fireplace, lrg 1700 16th Street ' HARBOR cerrus ------.,----Bi-oker 5.14-6982 NEW HOME IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 BDRMS 1'12 BATHS 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH $20,990 HUNTINGTON BEACH Call Now 962-1353 du! N fncd·in yrd, Air/Cond. $300, •:::c::--i":;'c;;' ,;,";::',::~l:.:1:,0 ,.--,= u;n · gar. Patio, pooJ. A ts. o 1--..:---;00=VE=&""'SH"'O"RE=s""'e'"' mo. S37-5676. 1 2 DORMS. cptJ,, drapes, elec. e Free Rental Service e pets. 495--0870 BEAUTIFUL, large Medlter-$30 WEEK & UP BACHELOR unfum from bltns. Priv. glU'll.g!!. Adlllts Brokers I Mgn:, I Owners RENTAL$ ranean hDme. Swiniming: ~ENTAL~ 1 Br, 2 Br, Bach. l\1aid ~er-,$ll0. Also avail 1 _ 2 & 3 only, No pets. Available J;'roperUcs West 675-~ Houses Unfurnished pool, etc. Avail. Dec. lr;t, _Apt~•-·_F_u_r_n_llh_td ___ t vice, ·rv & pool. Bdrm. Heated pools, child ::12::;1,:,1·=646-4==2!;<):=·==== RENTAL SERVICE:· to• 1or2 ,..., ''•"· $650 Gono•el 4000 THE BAYCLIFF ca""nter,adjtosboppln&. h 5200 FREE TO LANDLORDS· General 3000 Per month. 645-0283 No pets. Newport INC * Blue Beacon 645-0111 *· -455 N. Ne\vpo11 Blvd. 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Sharp, WATERFRONT Lux. Apt. on s·1ngle 646-326.S 2700 Petett0n Way BAYFRONT $46,750 tho p · N 2 heir 2 Costa Mesa 546-0370 <:;lean home. Owner trans-enm. ew " 2 Bdr. blt-irui, crpts & drp.s, Luxury 2 BR, 2 BA, 2nd floor ferred but coming back. ~-· pool.ilLseC. ~dbeol!Bals. Boat No child under 12, No pets. • RENT • apt.' with full view of bay. Lease at $189 per month. ,,...ps ava • ari boa, Pool. $155 mo. CaU 54&-1605 3 Rooms Furniture Boat slip reserved far buyer. Walker & Lee ~'.n an do Rd,tn4l Adults aftor5PM. $19.95 & UP RIODLE&ROSS BLUFFS: Lovely 3 BR & OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 ?,[onth-To-Month Rental! 3535 E. Coast Hwy,, Cdl\f Rooms for Rent 5995: 7682 Edinger ,._ Baths. $300 Plus util., "'!DE SE 8 615-7225 e --~ -· I .. 8424455 Open 'til 9 PM den. ~.,ts, drps, pools. Wlk Luxury single, 1 & 2 J " LECTION Huntington Beach 1400 Laguna Beach 1705 to stores, school, club, park. bedroo a artm nts year Y £7" A....,A NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. 3 B~. 2 ba., trp1., bit-ins, I LRG. Room, be:auti1Ullyj 1urn. N1\'ly redec. priv. eb'.1 & ba. for 1 quiet adult. Call 1 548-6983. I $15 \VK & Up W/ kl.tcben.! $30. wk ltudio _apt. 23761 Newport Blvd. ~ ' 4 BR Mesa Verde Vacant & 1-eady fol' your large Thanksgiving din· ner guests. BcauHful family room wilh fire--- plare, completely car- peted & draped, cover- ed patio, lush landscap- ing. Ideal family loca· lion -Quiet street • aose to sebools & shop. ping. (}A'f1ers will carry 2nd. $33,500 /O)a,.. COATS ~WAL~ACE REALTORS- ----546-4t41- (0pen Evenings) SPLIT LEVEL 4 lrg Bedroom$. 3 Baths + l~x19 Jam rm. H\\·d floors thru-out, shake roof + elec. tric kitchen. Assuine 5~•';0 Fl-IA lean. 17097 l\fagnolia, rv 545·0458 NEARLY NEW Corner 3 bdnn 2 balh "~th giant masle1· bedroom, larg.! living room 1vith fireplace, plenty of closets, double gar-- age, Has been vacant 6 nionlhs • vacant now. Pay. ments less than rent. $2500 down will handle Including closing cost. Priced right at $2-1,950. l' illage Real Estat~; fU..4471 ( :.:: ) 5464103 LOW INTEREST LOAN! Lovely 3 bdnn PRESTIGE HOME. O\\·ner \rill carry large 2nd for 10 yrs_ HAFFDAL REALTY 842·4.t05 Tbink Real Big 5 big hdrms, 3 ba, Z-stOiies, 1 great opportunity_ Take over GI loan. Generous sec- onda.i.-y lin. keeps dn pymnt 10111. Huge Fairmont, Rex L. Hodges Rlh·s 8117-2525. BY ()'.vner. 4 bdr., 2 ba., crpt8., <lrps.. beamed cen. ings, Landscaped, fenro:I. Boat gate. Nea r Ocean. Prlce<1 bclo1v FHA. 10 mos. old. 9l11 Landfall Drive., H.B. POTENTIAL UN LIMITED Elegant 4 br. 21,~ ba. condo. 2 .<>-.vim. pools, tennis crt, wlk tu shops & schools, 5 ni in. to bch. Lo assumable FHA loan makes it perfect for fan1ily looking lo Juture. Jnvestor11 Dream! 968--6161 Priced Ta Sell 3 bdrms ~baths Royal Home, 1500 sq ft, cpts/clrps, blt·ins, boat door in garage_ 60x-l20' Jot. BE'lo\1• market at $26,500. Paul Jones Realty 8-17-lXi!i El'~. ~ BY OWNER Rent or Lease Option $315 mo. 675-4497 or m P e • ,,.......,,... HFRC Furniture Rentals patio, }ant. location. 1 block BEAUTIF.UL Large home Mesa Verde $273 644-044.9. furnished and unfur· 3 BR. 2 BA, frp 1 c, 517 w. l9th, Of 543-3481 ~1~ach. l714> 673-7861, BEACH HOME J46_,n;r.th. or 540-6631 BAYCRESJ'. Ca~ Cod ~~~~y ':!i~la~~;~:~ t~~wai:e'::h.s::_:r!(· 1 blk 1!:2°hil'_'.n ~r pe .. t,ploOx .. K.BBtrn.,l"t TRANSFERRED! Beaut 2 . 1 Colonial. 4 br. 2 ba. Child, d 1 b , !-,--;;;;-;,-,...-~--~ ... w"" ... ,,, in ovely Laguna condo. com· pets, OK. $350. ca 11 e country C U 3l-" 1 BR lat"gt!. Near ocean. Beacon 645-0111 BR, 1 BA, blln1, crpUI, drps. n1unity: fronting on magnif· 646-3513_ rnosphere including Upstairs. $150 Yrly. Ulil pd, RENTAL READIER Avail 12/t 673-8Zl5 lcent heated pool, 100 steps WANTED! ''PARK LIDO'' $750,000 wort h of. Sunclec:k. 673-0088 S40-3924. 3 BR, 2_Ba, near ocean. trpl Jrom prlv. heh., tennis cts.t=~=-=~---2 or 3 BR. Clients waiting. recreational facilities L2~a"o~R~.~M~o~b~il-e~H-0-m-,_-Co~m-p. I.:======== $235 mo. yrly, no pets. etc. C.omp. attractive !um, USE OUR HORSES. Custom , __ or buy. L'•'••n Co. designed and operaf... 1 I' 548-0897 \vkdayr; 9-5 includ v.·/w ,.~....+'g d""S ~ ........... urn., adults, .no pets, $140. C u •• _ e """"Y' • ·".' ·• 3 BR (wUI add 4th) tam nn. 646-0732 ed. just for sing 1 e call _ 675--0167. osta ~ 5100 3 BR. 2 Ba. 1133 E. Blllboa Motel1, Trlr. Crts. 5!!1 \VEEKLY rates Sea Lark tltotel, 2301 Newport B!v&, Costa Mesa • SANDY'S TRAILER COURT Spaces avail now. C11'.1 64~9681 Misc. Rentals kgsz master bed; location Back Bay view, new paint J I;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; vd Balboa Pe · Pt deoo~. 2 BR&, 2 B~. gep, In & our. Va•ant. ~·· ·--. CHARMING 3 BR, pool, peop e. OCEAN FRONT Bachelor.1 • Bl . on nin. . lv., din. nns; laun. v.'lth w/d, W tr Pd. 673:.ooor . ..,,.., ""' Bluf!.!I, $325. 2 'BR, patio, RENTS FRO?lf Sl4S. yrly. $120. Util incl. ADULT MERRIMAC WOODS S300 mo yrty lse. 548-8077 GARAGE for rent $20 per stor., 2-car gar. lower lev·1=~·~·~---~~-. trees , COM $~50 . ONLY! 673-3088 Justcompleted,lor2BR,2 mo. 2135 Elden, CM. See el. See to appreciate. Shown RENT Or lease w/opti'On 5 6T~4 ANAHEIM APTS: 1 BR furn & 2 BR un--BA with air cond, ccim-1.B_•_c_k_B_l,_Y ____ S_240_ :l\1gr, Apt. 6. 548-2921 by owner, call for app't. BR. 3 BA. 2600 sq. ft. Liv. I========= 2n So. Brookhursl furn. No childl'P.n or pets. pletely .soundprooled, sell ~!NO=U~STR1AL==7"~'-u-nl~ls-~l-o-r 499-2152, a.m. or wkends. rm. din. rm, fam. rm. Elec. Newport Heights 3210 (1 blk. So. of Lincoln) :Z.105~~ 16th St, N.B. 646-4664 cleaning ovens. wood ceil-VIEW, 2 BR, cpts, drps, ttn 6th S EXCLUSIVE AREA kit. 546-1113 ews l714l 772--1500 CLOSE To beh, :l Br. frplc, Ing~. dishwashers, Ju s h bltns. p~7~~fo, ~~~~1 B:;~c~e~l724 ~-~ bdr. 2'•' ba. tam. nn. 2 $170. 3 BR, 2 Ba duplex. Gold LRG. 3 bclr .• 2 ba., fireplace, beam _,.1 bltn• radio ~r landscaping with sll"ean1s & t-===~======= ~ edau· p r / GARDEN GROVE ..... ' ·'" .. ~ watei'falls. elevators. BBQs, 1 · -fireplaces, Jrg kitchen. Un-m ion.-a io, w w' heated pool, close to schoo.I dr. S220 yrly. 642-3490 clubhouse, saunas, jacuzzi&: East Bluff 5242 Income Property 6000 excelled Ocean View Priv. drps, extras. Childre n Asking $300. Call 13100 Otapman Ave. &h., playground, tonru"• -. \\'elcome. Bkr. 5.~ ** (213) 421·1634 ** MODERN 1 BR, pt·i patio. swilli pools, priv. gar. w/ e NEW DELUXE e lnvettm~t n.;.-rtunity ""' (4 blks W. Santa Ana Fwy.) Carpol't, adults. No pets. storage. Everythlni: new. 1 ..,.,... Only $63.000. Call Tbos, I. $145. 2 BR townhouse. Patio, (714) 636-3030 $1Cl.5 2620 A 67J...rui6 Startmg at $140. Adul ts ~ Br. 2~ ba apt.. tor ease Tax shelter, inflation heda:t Lingo Real Estate, 499-1397. w/w, dlt)I. Avail llOYI, Bier, University Park 3237 NEWPORT BEACH __:___ von. · please. Just Eallt ot 2600 Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din & good income, Four 4-plex. ~980 rm. & dbl garage auto es for sale ~ together or aq. HANDYMAN'S I =~=~--,,,--,.,-, 2 & 3 BR. homes far lease. mVJNE AND 16th Coron• del Mar 4250 Harbor Blvd, next to Nabers door opene; avail. Pool i,. arately. Fu 11 y occupied. Special! -4 Income units 120 $150. 2 BR house. Fenced yd, Prices from $285 to $325. tn4) &15-{ll30 1----------·I Cadillac at 425 Menirnae lholk: Carefully maintained. Close Yds. to beach. Patios, d-k• gor, patio, \\'/w. Family COZY ground floor 2 Br with Way. 545-6300 rec. area. Nr. Ca -~ Red Hill Realty 833-0820 1· t t t h • Oturch. Adults, no pets. In location, C.M. Each l w/ocean vie\v. Nds. paint, OK. Bkr. 5.34--6!!80 S th B Cl b irep ace, c osc o s op g, '"~~!""""!"!l!l~'!'!'!"'~ I Should g OU ay U Adults only, no pets, I' THE VICTORIAN e ONLY $245 e units $45,000 -$7,500 d0\\'11. elc, gross $ ,OOO YT. $200. 4 Br, 2 Ba. frplc, gar. Back B1y 32•0 A rt t Sludcnts ok $170 mo. 865 Amigos Wa.y, N.B. Pt'tl." Barrett Realty 642~ Pr. $B9.00CI. Consider tradci;. Child~n 0.K. Blue Beacon pa men S Hal Pinchin Rcal!or 67~~3.(}2 Just Completed NE\V 2700 sq ft 3 BR&: fam LO\V DOWN PAYMENT l\11SSION RE1\LTY 494-0131 645-0lll $275 LEASE. Custom 3 Br,1-~T=.-,-G,c,o~R~G~E~-o~u~·s~N-"-,-B$~~do~c~d2U~~~ 1~1n~yA: rm. 3 BA. O\\'ller'11 lu.x apt NE\VPORT DUPLEX. Bkr. COASTAL VIEW! $17:5. 3 Br. 11: Ba. Stove, 2'h ba, family, dining, new VAL D'ISERE Balbol 4300 752 Amigos Way. 675-5033. 642·2752 rerrific Joan usumntion! crpts, drps. Avail Wl.5. crptg, intercomm. all elec Crpts-drps-bllns. Sound lnterest rate doesn't in-Blue Beacon 66--0111 kit. Lrg lot. l\'la.ny xtras. Singl-1 br-2 br. Furn-W'lf. CLEAN Bachelor Apls. proofed, pri gar w/storage. Corona del Mir 5250 COSTA Mesa home & 9 unitfl: crea.se; no points. 3 Bdrms., RENTAL READIER 2215 Anniversary L n . Sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards All util incl $85 up :Fenced yd w/patio. Water '°";.;:.::;;..=~;.;.;.--"'-'-' plus room to bid. $125.000:- !amily rm., 2 baths. 5 ytars ,..,,3...,. 642-2228 Therapy k 45' pool, BBQs 315 E. Balboa Blvd. pd. Gardell<'t maintained. COROUDO APTS. 2 Br. 20% dn. Owner 548-8001 ol<J. Reduced to $41,500 oH\r "~ 2000 Parsons Rd. 642·8670 BAI.BOA 673-9945 667 Victoria St. 636-412C Lower levels, studios, pent. 3 & 1 BR. houses on a Joi PLACE JU:ALTY 494-9704 Mesa 3100 Corona del M-r 3250 1 BR. Jo\\'<'r triplex. \V/w,1========= house, Frplcs., pool, dbl. Ea!t C$la Mesa •LEASE/OPTION• Cost• 230 GOLDENROD: 2 belt.. drps, Avail now. lido Isle 4351 Fairway Villa ~pts carports, patio!, $lBO. $220. l•F=ort='"=· ="'='='=''='==~=12=0009:=:1 Xlnt terms for this 5 yr, old 3 BEAUTIFUL 2 bdr. duplx, new kitchen. Large yard Bkr. 534-6980 BEAOI Apts. 1 BR e[. 673·3378 605 Br. 2 ba. home w/~an N1vly decor. Crpts, drps, iv/trees. $200 mo. Call • $120. 1 BR, &!ll', ·w/\v, drps, ficiencil"s, All nciv furn. Near Orange Co Airport & 2 BEDRM. apt, cpts, drps, Buslnest Property O vie1v. Call for terms. bit • in~. charming scmed 673-3748 avail 001\'. Garflgc. 320 Nord. Mrs. UCJ. Adi:!ts only. 20122 a 11 elect kltch + reh1g. PLACE REALTY 494-9704 pa tio. Priv. yd & ~ar. 1 4 BR. 2~~ Ba. duple.x. 2200 Bkr. 534-6980 Aleck (711) 675-7225, Santa Ana Ave. 540.2796 \Vshr, Dryr, Lg gar. Yrly Black Knight Rest. child only. no pets please. ft Bit d" h h 838-0228 lease. $16.5. 675-0945. 330 E. 17th St., C.M. L N. I '!7U/ Avai1Dcclst,$165amo.lst Sq. · ns. is ivas er, Coste M-4100"=========1 ------~=-·t.~~"'='""'""'-"''--~~ d) aguna 1gue -., $300 •10 lease 54!)..7573 1 • --MARTINIQUE t.ARGE 2 BR, view, frplc, (Land & BI i · -'---"-----! & last mo. plus clog depos. "Y • '' • • RENT -SELL. •-s BR. 2% 64&-7535 IRVINE Torr. 2 ,.._ 2 ba. $30.00 Wk. Up Huntingh>n B11ch_ 4400 GARDEN Am. :;~i?g~it ~1:;::·,1= By °""" m: ~ BA $275 mo. waler & lawn CONDOMINIU1rl, 3 BR, 2 ~e. din-tam. rm. $400 mo., e Studio & 1 Br Apt~. BACHELOR & 1 BR furn, Excellent, park·llke r;urround. Full S'fq comm. to all bkrs. care fum. 544-7008. BA, 2 car gar, swimming lease. Agt. 575-2503 e Kitchen & TV incl. $140 up, Adults, no petS. ings tor adultl only, Near pool & rec. facilitie11. $210 3351 e Phone Servlct & Pool 17301 Kcel&ln Ln. 842-7848 shopping. Pool. Mission Viejo 1708 mo. 540-1667 or 557-6829 aJt Lido Isla e fl-faid serviee avail. (West of Beach nr Slater). l, 2 &: 3 BR-APTS 6 CHARl\-lING 3 Br, 2 Ba year· •Day, week & Month 2 BR. furn, frplc. 2 BR, tm Santa Ana. Apt 113 MISSION v1EJ0 B~CK Bay vie\\'. 3 lx\rms 2 ly rental . Just remodeled & 2376 Newport Blvd. 548--9755 bl tins, crpts, d1'}>8. 222 3rd 6·16-5.l-12 or 642·1~6j . baths. with 2 hcrses kepl in deet'>raled, frpl &: patio. $155. A'ITRACTIVE. 1 bdr., SL 536-6321 early AM. • NEW APTS. l\Toving. must sell b k yard (Avail for use by Avail Dec. 1 $335 mo. Eves pool, util paid, garden liv--FREE Util. furn, 1-2 BR • $155 ,& $175 Save $$$$$ by owner . t:~ntl $330 per month. Rltr 673-7044; days 544-5121. ing, adults no pets. 1800 apts. Near beach. $125 up. 1 & 2 bd 2 · t All El Dorado 4 Br hon1e • bke 5-16-4141 r., swun. poo s. a moclel. LivM in -4 mos. • B h 3400 Wallace Ave., C.M. 536-3777 53fr-7282 util. pd. Adlts, only. no pets. \Vill sacrifice. on rence, up-2 BR & garage unfurn. 2 Huntington eic SMALL 1 BR & Bachelor. BEACf[ apts: 2 BR. 2 BA, 1''urn, if desired. 642-3535 graded carpet thruout, drap-children only, ~no pets. $50 3 Bdrin 2 bath home, close to Util pd. 998 El Camino Dr., crpt.s, dr~. pool. Adults. 219 301 Avocado St., CM <'s, landscaping. fireplace, cleanup & $135 mo. Refs. beach. Interior completely C.l\t. 546--0l51 Adults, no 15th SL No. 7. DELUXE 1 bdr. Range & huge patio, & premium lot. reqd. &IB-5637 redecorated. Family with 3 pets, oven, dishwasher, erpt & Priced to sell \\ith small HOUSE For Rent~ 2 bclr. children. $23.5/010. rutr. sruDlO apt suitable-for 1 or Laguna Beach 4705 drps. Elec. pd. Swim. pool .. -~~.;. ON TEN ACRES 1 &: 2 BR. Furn & Unfum Fireplaces I p1iv. patios I Pooh. Tennis • Contnt'I Bkfllt. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 {MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) SOUTH side of hwy, 3 Br, 2 Ba, all elec. bltns, frpl, crpts, drps, gar. 673"1124 6usiness Rent1I 6060 15c SQUARE FT. ": Retail or office space:. • 1200-2400 sq ft, 2U to 219 62nd St., Newport Beacli; Key for entry, N.~--Trawl! Lodge. Owner (213) ~ eves (2'13) 246-0700. WANTED: Bldg. 1n C.M. ap- ])l'OX 2CXXJ sq ft. 11t1itable for cycle shop. Write Daily Pilot Box Jl.1-090 do~·n payment. Owner wUl fenced yd. gar. 1valer pd. 546-4141 2 persons. \Vinter rates, $110 PANORAMIC view overlook· &: gar. Adlt. llving. $140 a S!'YIALL l BR. View S. consider any olfer • carry Drps & crpt. $135 mo. Call l~'1MAC. 1 Br townhoui;e, mo. 2135 Elden Avl"., C.M. ing Aliso Beach. 2 bdr & 3 mo. 241 W. Wilson. 548-0745 Hwy. New carpets 2nd TD, lease • purchase, or 6-12-0073 or 54s-5(:~. quiet adult c 0 m m u n it y Mgr., apt 6. bdr._furn,_All elec. apts, -•~"-'~7>-5--:555~· """",_..==-drapes. $160. 675-6354. .renLCall 714:-830-6532.--2 BDR. me on ·priv. fenced ,v/pool $140 ·or wtll furn. $107 CUTE r;ingle. Util pd . Mature aduliSNOj)eTs or LA PALMAS APTS: I=="'======= of SI'ORE for lease 1100 sq. ft. &. in slxlp ctr on 17th St. Cof;ta Mesa Call day 49'--9615 nite 962-3883 lot, beamed ceil., stoVe, 1588 Call after 5, 962-2919 Quiet. l v.uman. No pets, child. $195 & $230. Call aft. 6 New 2 Br., 1~ baths; cpts., L_l_d_o_l_s_l• _____ 5_3_51 Dana Point 1730 Riverside Pl. Off 16th St. 4 BR., 2 ba. Newly m!ec., 319 University. 642-4ll2 Pl\f, 499-3755 drapes, dishwasher. Enelos-LARGE BAY vrEW 2 Br, ---------!HOUSE in court. Crpts. drps, 1 ands c p e d • Seek ap-SUS CA~ITAS FURN or unfurn deluxe apt, ed garage. S150--$155. See at study, bath ~. Crpts, drps, $17.950! Small, clean 3 Br. 1 carport. 976 \Vest 17th St. preclative occupant. $225. Furn I BR apt. 21lt'I NeWpOrt 2 BR, large living room, 760 W. Wllson 548-6731 annual, adults, no p ets. ba, no gar. Nr Harbor. $3900 Costa Mesa. 968---6215 Blvd, Medallion by Hotpoint. fireplace, fabulous view, 2 IMMAC. 2 hr. crpts. drps. OR 3-750'1. dn. 34032 Copper Lantern. FA SHI ON Shores, luxury 4 1 BR fun!. $l20 mo. Adults patios, garage, just steps to bit-ins, beamed eeil, Adults, ========= 642-490;> Mesa Verde 3110 BR, 2 ba, w/all desired onJy. 168 E. 19th St. beach. 494-6409 No pets. $140. 546-5386 Huntington Beach 5•00 features. 968-4062 891-0196 Condominium 1950 3 BR, 2 BA, ram rm. dbl Newport 8e1cit 4200Newport Bet ch 4200 frplc, drps, bllns, gardener F 11• Vall y 341 O 2 Bdr. crpts. drapes. Xlnt 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UNNERSITY PARK incl. $250 1st/last dep, Im· oun in • area. $150 mo. 646-1891 orll 2 br .. 2 ba. Excell cond, Cash med occupy. 540-3300 4 BR s p AN 1 s H TOWN-534-7463 to owner. 833-2379 1~~~-----~ LOVELY eountrY club villa, HOUSE, POOL & REC. $269. J Bedrm, gas + water plUd, RENTALS 2 BR, 1%. BA Condo. Appl, LONG TERM DISCOUNT. AdWts only no pelt $12ll. Houses Furnished pool, gar. $Wl. 549-3160. 9£2.nl6 Call 646-8592 General 2000 G;;;1 1 4000Gener1f .--4000 Gener•I RENTAL. f ... DERS ~ ••• GUAIAl1lll WM1lAl-lltlllll m.--.n Sl"1CI •n:W.1M.c .... .._,'4-f1n 'V q $ V? - $165. 2 BR, util pd. Famil,y &: pet welcome. Broker 534-6980 S@~~lA-lt£~S" Solvt a Simplt Scrambltd WMd Puuiefcw a Chuckle- O ll:torronge letter• cf tMo ,-~~~~ fovr tc:rombled wordl ~ low to form four tl111ple words.. 4000 Grand Opening -lmmedl1te Occupancy OAKWOOD The best of two worlds your home and your country club For your home, sela'ct from single, one and two bedroom apartments. Furn is h•d or un- furnish•d, each is profession ally decorat•ci and includes cerpeting, draperies, all-electric Westinghou s• 1ppli1nces, st or a 9 • spic• epl•nty end privet• balcony patio. Just st•ps from your door Is 1 whol• world of •xclu1iv• country club recreation : * Prof•s•ional siza Tennis Courts • Resident Tennis Professionel and Shop 2 BDRMS. • 2 BA TH $150/Mo. HEATED POOL fncd, cpVdrps, Kids OK Delaware Studio Apts. 2620 Delaware, H.B. 646-9666 anytime 536-1816 CLEAN 2 bclr. All extras. Kids OK. $'135 mo. Days 842-7110. Eves. 847-1594. DELUXE 2 Br, go o d IDc. blt.-ina, 1 child Ok. $160 .. Days 89'Ui37tl: aft 5-MZ-39'58 2 & J BDKMS, 2· BA, pvt. patio, healed pool, waaher hook Up, 962-8994 S1nt1 An1 5620 Jfl00£N VtLLAGE API'S 2500 South Salta, S.A. ROOM Suitable for gift sl»p, men's shop or ladies shop. Call Jim Berkshire. 673-MOS STORE far ll'!ase, 1500 sq. ft. Oceanfront at Newport P~. 675--7566 • Office Ronltl 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Condltlonod ON FOREsr AVENUE Desk space available In newest ollice buildfnc at prime: location 1n downtown Laguna Beach. Air eoDd'" tioned, carpe!ed, beautltul entrances: Frontage on Fores! Ave .. rear Ieadt tO 1'.funeipaJ parking lotai, $iO per month for space. Deit and chain available for ;$,\ Buainen hours answerbJK service av-.llable kr $lll All utilities paid octfl telephone. DAILY PILOT 222~~!1'~~:~ 494--9466 ,. ?\fast gacrillce: V8<'ant 3 BR., Rentals to Share '2005 l ~• Ba.; ki1rh. bltns, Quiet IKIWREN '111'1' • Olyriipic sit• Swimmi ng Pool * Whirfpool Baths • P1ddl• Tennir, Volleyb1l1, B1sk1thall Courts Now renting: 2 BR apts, 2 Ba, patios, $155 per mo. 1000 Sq-.,. Office Space AvaB.:. cul dr.' sac loc, nr. schools CO'M'ACE. nr Cleo St. Bch, &: &bopping. Prestige area,. Laguna, with e mp Io ye d l\fust see to Apprtelate. male, $90 mo, -494·9431 54.1-5775 Aft, 5 PM ROOMMATE wanted, female' e BY OWNER e ro share house on Balboa Very nice 2 Bdrm. l'ii b.1. Jsland. Call aft.6, 673-1988 home. Xlnl ucighhorhood. D..tPL. Lady w/!l'h.1re my Asswne exlstlng 6'6 VA home \\"/same. $17.~ wk. fOA.n : bal. of $17,SOO plus C~f area. Call 546-3215 13.:;so_ MH1" I-='=°====== I Stntt Ant Hgts. 1630 '4 ACRE in &nl1 AM •lghl•. 3 bdr. hse. Smll.llt>r lite !'lus .t corraJs & tack bldJ. 20101 Cypreis St. Adjacent prop('rties &\'all .. 646-4Cll9. Coste Mesa 2100 2 BR, g"r patio, Quiel trop. ical setting ror adUlll onty-. 1 Blk to shops Sl 7S, 544-{1452 Newport Beach 2200 1-.-BR. hou~ ~i blk. to ocean. Adults, no pe111. $1SO rr. lNlle. AJt, IJlS.7«2) IRYC:OK 1 I I' I He was so aooked he could ;;;~-;::~·;:;~-::'.='.._..,'tend In 1tie 'shadow of ·a IHOLTEC ,-11-11 ""'_,l,_...,I~' ~I~, ~I -i o eom,,,.. ,,,. -~ ..-i by flll""1 "' "'" .. , .... ,,.... . I'°" ........ from .... No. 3 bolow. e PRINT NUMBERED I' lETTE l!S ·e UNSCIAMS!E fOll ANSWER I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r I I I I I I I 1 · I I SCRAM-LETS AN$WERS I~ CLASSIFICl.TION 9000 ~----·----- And a 20,000 square foot clubhous• offers thos• f•1turos: • S1p1rot• M•n'1 and Wom en's Heelth Clubs with Saunas • Indoor Golf Driving Ran9•, Billiards Room • Th•etr• TV Loung•, Art Studio, Porty Rooms Modol1 Opon 10 A.M. To 8 P.M. D1 ily llNTS FROM $155 to $310 OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700-l6th Stre•t, Newport Phono: 641·1170 5. Ant Htlghh 5630 SPACIOUS 2 BR duplex,. bltns, crpts. fenced . 300 l ith Si.re.t., H.B. : -1 "!< DELUXE 250 aq. ft. oftlce \.IA"Una 8e1ch 570S liUite In Corona df!I ~i' -~-------I prestige Joe. New carpetl A 100 CLIFF ORIVE d"J>'' -pr;._ parldng ' $125 * 545-1506 $1BO 1 BR, 1% BA. Crpts, RealonomJcs On,>. ~ drps, bltinl, Vkw or ocean. COSI'A Meaa offices. AJC. Walklng dlatance to town. erpts, dtps. Parkfnt. v~ Also turn Bachelor, very nice offices. l~ BUet, large, $110. 49f.-2"9 or 54ti-4890 -·-r ' 4!)4.S3()3. 1 '750=-""SQ"""~ll-.do_Wl>_,_lol-,-.-,._=.,.., .. 1 soru.r. Nt. town le bch. trontagt. PlcnUtul ~. $1Ji0 mo. Inq. 1~ So. Cal 1834 Newport 81\>d. Hwy, or 494-6848 IT'S Beach hOole • GCVE todi,Y -Tbe "Uhlttd lfll ldtction Mrf see • Way" DAILY PILOT WANT Al>SI . .... " Pll0T·AOV£RTISIR-34 JOll & IMPLO•..,mr.w;;p;;.;;--D.::.Al_L_Y_P_l .. LO--, ..... -..::.: :.~o~;~,: c~sm1D INDIX When You noo.-sales arte.r &chool. 3 ,., '•" """"• •'"' 1.,.,., Aullhnc• Want it done ~i' ~~;;t~~. 11 :: DIAL DIRECT 842°5'178 . ht "''pm, ONLY. I .. ____ ,_ __________ _ rig • • • AHractfve Woman ~~~~~s .~?.~ .. ~.~~-~. ,. ii~:!::;i\:f•L ·····:::·::5: Call O• ne of needed for ma"eup lllltrlJC-COSTA MUA ............... 11• IMOUST•U.L P'•O,llTV .... ..... WW ,_ f b . MaU. OIL MAI .............. 11• COMMl•CIAL ...... ., .. -tor. tra... or u.sme" MllA YllDll ............... 1n• iHDUITl"'L lltn,t.L ....... .... the experts of yiout own • toLLIOI r&IC .............. ln• r.OTS ........................ tu• ...._,, ' llltiWl"OtlT llACM ............ 1-IAMCHll , ., ,,, • .,, .. ,,, ..... UO ~ hu Ull.I collocet (213) 182-33.lo NI WPCllT H•••HH .......... 111• C:IT•U• ••OVlfl ............. 1175 "'& tor --t groupdftdt, W• l1"st'ed below'' or write· aAL.o.\ COVIi ,,,,.,,..,, .. ltll ~•IMI ... ,.,., .. ,. .. ,..-" u-•• . flllWl'O•T IMO•IS ........... 1m UKI 1\.llNO•e .............. Oft ~-d:r•-W••I? W~ .. "-• mab lat a 2nd ll bnv ~"· VIVIANE WOODARD '-'"c•••' ...................... 1m a1to•T r1011111tn .......... ms .... rM ~ --~"-... COSMETICS-UVIMOIU -.................. 1m. OIAM91·CO;-PIO...lltTV..........,-•l S•ECIA CLASSIRICATI N ROR jsting 'I'Dll.-BJcr. 543-8381 oov11 swo.11 ............... ltu ouT o• 1TAT1 ... o .......... • r r r SERVICE DIREC O S CE DR Dept. 70'100 14621 Titus St WISTCLI'" ............... tlM ~UMTAiM a 01s11i ........ alt NATURAL IOltN SWA,PlltS dly or ews. T RY ERVI I ECTORY s•RVICE DIRECTORY p • . • HA•IOllt MIOMLANDI ........ 1W SUIOIVlllOfll UNO . "'\" .Ont -..I t anorama City, Calif. 91412 UNIVllllTY .. ~." ........... tur •IA\. ••TATI •••vie• ..... ms S,....,1 Rite ..__._, T .D., '• 63-45 Asphalt, Ollt 6520 C1rpet CINnlng 6625 JanltorJ1I 6790 ATIENDANT H k 1" .. lllVIMI ...................... 12.11 t.I. PtMANGI .............. ~ s Llnes -s t1rna1 -5 buckt •• _., • .,.._ -~ se eep ... 'l!i IA(K tAY ........................ '· •. WANTlllO . .. ........ Oii JIULEI -AD MUl'T 11«\.UOI! 1ST and 2NDS SEALING I: PATOIING CARPET I: Furn. cleaning; SPARKLE Janitorial & Wm-Fsor Blindkl..ady. 2 hrs. day, :e::;r..•.Lu::111:u.Ci"::::::::::::~= BUSINESS ind 1-w• Y9lll ,.. .... 1e .,.._ ..__.. ,.., -"' tr.-. Rrlident.lal • Indus • Come'l for l day service &: qua.Uty dow cleaninr Serv. Wln-days w · Call LI 8-4922. to11toMA OIL MA• ........... 1• PINANCIAL .._.vou• ~ .. •.M, .. '• :!!"-, .~. -• .,""'•u'-.. ",,""""', "'" Compl reas &el'V ...... .:......n"• """ Call ""Au.... •-d Id --A' A " .,. •AL•OA l"•NINIULA ......... 1• tu1111•11 Ol",.OJITUNITl•s .. • _..,., rv -• \..'41'"' 'Y w I """"r....... -ows, res .. .._ ....... const. pp .. can..., temporary ••AtON tAV ................. l• •llllNIU WAf!ITIP .. PHONE 642-5671 So. c.alit. T.O'a. Joe. enpa:ed by Oty of CJ.I. for bli&hlneu! &fi-&520 Cleanup. Free est, ~2691 URGENfl y IAY Ill.ANOS .. , .............. t• OM!ITMINT a .w;.-·:::.-11 ZE"""'° 'I ~ "'-" ..,._,,, · LIOO llUI '· ...... ,. ... ,,.,,,.t., INVllTMINT wW.10 ~It To 'l•c• Your Trlder'e P1rHIM Ad ,, •• .n. ..._,,.. • 1 ""' ... """ atreet restoration. CARPE1' a u-"-1·te-steam DUTCH Main{ Serv ....... t NEEDED• tA\,toA Ill.AND .............. t»1 ••••v ,0 'OAN ...... A2t -·-NATO CORP. .,......., • ., ' .... y~ • MUNTUleTOM alACM 1• '" ... ,, ... _ .. . St--...••A-M--pon•nt Monov w •• ~· ••soil~-., Con•-·t-~"58J8 clea.'ll!C!, al.90 carJ)e\ i~ clng, fir Wax.irlg, windOW *·Exec Sec flUltTINOTIHt N.\AtoUa'':::::1t111 l''!'llt01tJA,L LOANS ........... .AJU .. HAVE: Duplex in Corona -de! Mar. WANT: 8-! unit.a e>rana:e O>wrty. '.l Nancy J, 1.loore, Bkr. ./. 642-7lXXt ., ~HOUSE l Br, 2l' ba, 81.:ut. .ippt:d.' PtiV. pe.rio, p0oi: "" baYJ Val. 132.500. K4t1 for T.D .. car, aamper « !'!' DwnPr ~ ~;.:-; 34' 1.lonterey Double Ender • power boat, r./s radio, x1nt -• dw'acter boa.I. E:<cl'langt' tor nel\-·er C.dillac or R.E (lJ ~l-8766 or 544-4015. • R.E. contracts. Secured. . -, Seu. ID% Int. Last pymnt due April ·n. Discount. ·'-Multiples of $2200. Trd for car or ! call Allan 645-2174 •·' I .. " . 1 ·• • • '6' XKE Coupe. R e a I Cream Pull FOR fixer-up. per hOme, duplex or T.D.'s Hal Pinchln &; Assoc. 3900 E. Coast H\l'Y, 67H392 ! • 8-2 BR. apt.Ii. nr. shopping. •r '_'. ' Eut Costa Mesa. Exchange ~ for more unltli. • ' Fortin, Realtor 6-12·5000 -1101-A \Vestcliff Dr., N.B. • $275,CW F/C leased indUJ: , .. • !rial, Dyer Rd, IO~O return. " •. , For 1'f·l land Oran gt Co. • .. ~ Owner wUJ carr,y paper or ;_ auuml!. 67~ * * .,,...,.,...,....,,... .......... ~ rwu -......, u-.o ...... _.. •• 11.11o' n --·i-F h' H Be T horll nd • h..M.. LINO. ISL• '* 'lliw•L•'t LOANI ............. ... Ou"lt In oo·-1'. Fl-Oua Sw..i.ut ':\· ~ .... guar. or was Ing .. an-y van ynen o.p s 18 ...,Y ... •i: ll'OUltTAIN VALLIY .......... 1411 COt.U'fllltAL LOAld ........ .ow .. ·-••• % ·--... _ ..... ·~ 531-1508 "no '"' _ .. alt 3 skW• •••• ''"" .... lltlAL ll'fATI LOANI , ....... ..... ndl" r-I .. , __ 14 to 10 on Your in~st n-a..... I I 6550 ... ..,.., ·,.... ................ "' o.;Q.il .. ................ MO•TOAOIS Tr111t o...a OMS co on . .....,,,~-1800. ~. . . . IHwrS tt "' • Se<:/Glrl Friday iUNSIT l lA(M ................... MOftl't WAfliTID .... .. atitomatiC disbwUber. Wa.nt ment. We can place your D ,,.0 L 6810 * "'· 1 t GA•Ol!N 011ova .............. l•Jt ........... .. ........,., · tunda di.reel to the borrower CllILD c.,. '" m ho b riperles -endac•plng •.rP s LONG ••ACM .... -............ l• ANNOUNCEMENTS travel U"aUtt 494-47-46 Y me Y --NEWPORT BUSINESS -.uiwooo .................. lue . • • . on title Ins. real estatt loaru the Y.'ttk. Other children, ATTENTION New Home UC'D Japanese landac:lpe SERVICE CENTE >llANOI cou"1'V ............ ,,... and NOTICES Corona del Mar -,JWit pool, @ no extra <:Ott to the lend-fenced yard, play room. R ouT Oii' COUNTY ............. l61S 3 Br •• 2 8&,. frP.l.c, indr bbq. •r, s~ tn or -", ,_ N. ••• .. ~ or ""531ll. Owners! Draperies by Ellie. contractor, Lawns. sprklra.. Fashion Is land area ouT OI' STATI ....... : .... _,,,... l'OUNO c ...... "'' ........... !: ..,.,. ._.. W6.:> ,,............,., V't* REASONABLE (1) 52G-6667 paUos, etc 830-3037 ITAlllTOlt : ....... -......... 1'11 LOIT .................... .. Uve 111 or petf tor leuina. Broadway SA (parw .... on . · 500 Newport Centl'r Dr ws.sTM tNITl:lt ................ 1•11 r••IONA1..I .................. ,.., \Yant: "--a--in Riv r ' n.... EXJ>'O Babysitter bot Su' 981· MIOWA't (IT't ................. 1'1' ANNOUNC:EMINTI ...... ,., ... 6411 • ..........,...,. • o our property) 5U-&l8l dl)I · • E ..... 8 . k 6830 1te 200, NB 6444 SANTA ANA ............ ~ .. ,.,.,. t111tTtts ............... -.......... 1 S.B. Cnty, 61>7{89 • or evn lunches, fenced yard&: play l•drlc1I 6640 JYWtonry, r1c U,NTA ANA MOTi. ............ 1'311 PUNl•ALS .................. t4 U >-;;;;;;;--;;:;;;,;;:;;:;;;;;;<lrrm"'°'"'"====~-equip. CM-NB are a. e A e Y s I TT ER Wanted o•AN01 .................. 1 .. ,A10 011TUA1tY ................ u 8 units near DJ.sneyland. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6'(2..9501 " SIAMESE cat, female, fiea RICHARD AUEN weekdays 8-5. 2 snlall ru1T1N .. .. ............... 1 ... ll'UNl•AL o1•1:CTORI ....... .-·• \V t ho Cost 1.f t bond·• S all . NOltTM TUSTIN ............. ,,lOU PLO•lSn .......... ,,_,,, .... 6411 an me, a esa o and NOTICIS BABYSITJ'!NG N cu, m jobs, main-Custom & s~nlsh children. Call 673-3760 or ANAH 1:1M .. .. ................ 1ts0 c.\•D Oii' THANkl ............. • Laguna area. • nr ewport tenance & repairs. 548-5203 T ..-673-8032 aft S<lO pm 1ILVe1tADO (AN'l'ON ........ ,1611 1111 MIMO•I•'-' .... , ....... " ~--Id Exc'•••o,.. Found IF Ad ) 6400 Heights Heller Park. Lg M1sonry A Spoci1ltyl · · LAGUNA MtLU ................ u·• Cl!MITl•'I" L•n ............. Mll ~ ,.,._..,. ,_,. .... I BABYSITI'ER -2 hoy•, 2 LAOUNA alACM ............... Uts C:IMITl•'Y Clt'l'PTS .. , ........ . 640-2629 yard. Balanced I u n c b. Fl Block, Brick, Concrete LAGUNA ·N1ou1L : ........... 1tv c1M1T11tY c•Y,.TS -......... 11 CAT ) ' :\'8t. &ta.-2TJ4 oors 6665 Free Est. ~2U3 girls, my home, 6 days wk. M11110N v11Jo ............ 11• :••M.AT01u11 .............. 6120 HAVE conference table1, • arp jp'aY &-' ' Applv. 870 Governor, C.M. SAN <L•MINTI ............ 17ll ..-1MOJllAL •AlltlCS ......... ,.'421 and/or 2 ·--·· tabl.. wtiltt. IJ;ljured y car vie BABYSITIING & ll'Onmg Of· CARP£"1' VINYL TILE ., SAN ,ti, .. "'""T•ANO .,. ... lnt llUCTICINS . . .. ............ '431 '41-U • r red REASONABLE BABYSITTER, Live-in or tA .. llTltAMO •UC:M ......... l7U o\VIATION SllVICI .......... o.m WANT photo copitt cJothet Albertson'• Market. Liig. e . Free est. Lie. contr. 541J...7262. Paperhanslng D.utA POINT .................. 1ne T1tAv1L . . ............... ..u drl.r. -"do p-J-:r, Bch. u ..... nn •.. needs •646-7™3* 546-4478 Pi"onll"f 6850 out, ref's, own transp. Nice u.•LsaAo ............ -....... 11• A•• T•ANSl'O•TATION ....... ...-.... "' ~.w • .,. "J f m11y & ho NB••• m7 OCU.NllO• ................... lnt AUTO TIU.NIHltTATIDll 0 ,.,,'445 ~1 ownen. 494-9697 BABYSIT MY HOME a me. .............., SAM o1•CJO .................... lm L•OAL NOT1tt:s .......... so G.rdenf"f '6IO *PAINTING, int & ext. BAR MAID Cni...+.ts) •1v1:11110•.cot1NTY ......... 1• •••MAN & TUTO•tNe ....... om HAVE Snowbird sailboat FOUNO 2 tf(·p. t coll!<! pup 642..(i(l37 '"" MOUSn TO •I! MOV•O ...... l"' . ''1th 1-u-WANT -v-' le 1 nn1.IJ shortha_ iJ'ed..bm. Back from Vietnam. Ba.ck \YANTEO. CONDOMINIUM · ......... 11• SERVICE · DIRECTORY ... '" .... "' I 8 b · tl · AL'S Garoen1n'9 il. Lawn 1 b _,____ · ~ The fl Roo CU,.\.t:X•I ll'O• SALi! ........ 1rrs •-Urr ~..:. tack '-p emt.lu, ]'Uge flopp,v ears. a ys1t ng, In my home. ,...,. n u......,,,.. again. ... """ ame m. A"A•TMl!NTS POI U.\.I .... lllii ACCOUNTING .. , ...... os• u.. • '""=• • .,..~ · •·1 '"• l •~ "<81 $20 Wet!k.. 615 Pop"" Ave. hlainll!nance. Commercial, estimates. Will subcontract. 1880 Mohrovia. CM. RENTALS ANSWl•ING ll•VltE ....... Olll CALL , "o .. ..,r ' 1up . .nD"""1. ...,, lnduatrlal & rnld.ential ''""-IAHCI •1,.A11s.. Plrh .. iM1• 646-4837 DARKED Nurtered male * Corona del tvlar * 645-1089 Call in person at 2 pm. HouMI Fumlshed :~~A~~,~·i~s ·:::::::::;:::::: -Sia B Ll"'"DOayC0 -AM "30 •546-3629 * INT/EXTERIOR Clean BOOKKEEPER GINl•AL ................ 2'MAUTO ............ ,.,..,,c.OMI Have clear ocean view lot me&e· or urme se ..._., ...... 1 ..,; • • •l!NTALS TO SKAila ......... Hll aA•'l'SiniNo .. , .......... MSa w/blue eye Had for 3 or 4 w eek I y, b o I me a.I & COMPLETE neat work . Guaranteed. F/C Advancement11nlimited. tosTA Ml!tA ................ 21• tOAT .,.,.TIMANCW ... . in p V Want "oceanaJr" ' ' MllA OIL MAit .............. 11.. aalC"' MA.ON•Y .ic, ........ ;;; d 1 · ·4 & 2 Bdnna weeks. 847-6803 Harbor-Baker, 54&-1539 Yard MalnL aeanup Reas rates, Free est. Call Lite typing.• Bookkeeping MaSA viaD12111 ... • ..... .. up ex, . R -o 9'18/"' ""'7 Jac-k 894-3895 toll@et if nee. -"'per, or a-··tm' g, ,... tOLLlGI "'•ic .............. 1111 !.~.11N•"',s•av1ca1 ........ "'' Art Glovlnetti Broker FOUND l96f Glendon High W1LL babysit any age, my eas. --1 1l'llHWt ""' ... ...., ... , "' Nl!W .. OltT ••AC" ............ ntl u:~.~.:. a1i """"""""~71 673-7420 School CJaas Rift. home. T am.0:30. JI.Jon-Fri. JIM'S Gardening & lawri SUBpRBAN Painting/Dec business degret". Great Co. ===~ ~.::Q"'••·•"""= tAllNITMAIUNe ............. "91 •~n47 646-3875-or 642-3237 mainte··-n-, & Co E'pert Guaranteed Work Hurry_! Start SSOO. Call Billie ''''""••• .......... .., CA•"•MT1a1tte .............. 6tM 712 s J Pl N ....,.. ... ,_. ....... n.o: • m-"" ................ t•M•NT CtiMretli "'°' t. ames , .8, 3 e 1al * 54()..4837 Free est. No job too large &'"Ck ~ OOVl!lt 1tt0•11 ............... mt CNILO cA•1, uc...;.;;·:::::::: .. 11 Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Qwn.. SHORT-Haired large black ··-m re · · 1 small 494-3lll0 COASTAL AGENCY w.1TtL1'" . .. ............. mt tONTIU.CToas om er '4YS submtt ;..._..,.., or caL Vic 12th & Palm, H.B. Brick, M1sonry, etc.. Japanese Gardener or 00 ' VNIVE•llTY l'AR.K ........... nn CMl"IT cL•A1111•o''::::::::::..u ~--·"" 6560 •INTERJOR .ixrERJOR• '2'1'90 l larbor' Blvd., CM llll:VINI .! ...................... -CAlt"'" UYIH .. ltll'AI• "H land for $30..\f eqty. 1.lark 536-6709 1--------..:;;.:;,; Complete Yard Service Pa.i ntin"' -Pa-·· BOOKKEEPER r::~ .. :LTu::Mc····:::::::::::·= OltAl"l!ll:t~S .................. .... Les, Rltr. 518-ml FOUND • black <:at vie of ., Free Estimate 646-0830 ..... .... COAONA Ol!L MAit USI OIMOLITION ................ '6l! BUILD, Remode , repair. U c. Ins. Guaranteed Oppor, to go all the way to . ........... OttA..,.ING s1avtt1 .......... MP Beach Blvd Ir: Garden Grove Bn'ok, block. oonc-te, CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST! •ALIOA ....................... .,.. •Lt:CT•ICAL .................. .... * "" Harris Painting 642-4558 the top w/interesting diver-LIDO ISL• .................. ml EQUll'MINT ltl'NTALS ....... "16 * * Blvd, GG 847~ carpentcry, oo job too small. f\.1owlng, edging, odd jobs. PAINTING sifted pos. Xlnt Co. in the ::r.~~~~NC:l'"'""'····· .. fi: =~~~~· ...................... u'° ,, BLACK Marui. kitten found Llc. Contr. 962-6945 Reasonable. 54s.6955 EXTERIOR-INTERJOR beach area. start $450. Call IAIT •LUPI' .... :::::::;:;:;;:,,., 11u1tMAti 'iii-ii.i.'1iti .. i.1C."'"':! RIAL ESTATE BUSINESS and on Ba1boa Peninaula . TREE SERVICE, gen'l yard J .,_,_ •AtK IAY ..................... 'JW •u11tNrTU•••1noiii1u -.. . ---------------- Oo '6590 • 646-3185 • ean DIVWU 540-Ql;,5 aACJC •AV ... .. .... ., ... i2<M .... ., ....... IMO "n neral FINANCIAL 673-3103 C1rpenterlng cleanup. s PR I NK LE R COASTAL AGENCY tturn1HoTOM auc:N ......... ,.. oA•DENINO "" , REPAIRS 646-5&48 •PAINTING Interior/Exler. ......,, ll'OUNTAINC VALUT .......... M11 OINltlAL si•vic1:s· .::::::::..., COl'hmercl1t 6085 lut. OpportunltiM •soa L--CARPENTRY * E · J ior. Local references. Im-•'"" Harllor Blvd., CM ~~~ ~':.c~ ''.".'.':::.:·:.:-:: .. :: :~f11No, 01sc1No ........... :,: , . _, 6401 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job xpert apanese m-•. ,.rvic,, ••• =1 BOYS 10 • 14 o•ANOI couNTY ............. 1'11 1 1 · · ................... . BLDG •-= -''"''AMA -oo 0 • N TMUMt ........ -..... '7t0 ~ •' w.-leue, 11,00) sq, ft. ....__,, FINEST WORK 646.0384 .................. -OUN IMO" '"' -, ·-. ~ . .,. x 300', 64~1133 FAMOUS Bn "ND ' FEMALE min. Schnauzer, Too .;muw. cabinet in car-FOR Better Palnti ...... , inter-C&nier Routes Open Wl:ITMINITlll ................ un HIALTH cLUai ................ om a•"t"'•~ .,---""" ._ th bl •· -~ f MIOWA'l'CITY ............... 161' ............. . d Eves 64z. 79 NAME 1ilvet gray, ears uncropped. age1 • 0 er ca ne..,.. 6682 ior & exterior, acoustic: ceiJ. or SANTA ANA MllOMH ........ UH MAllLINO ···· .............. '7>11 ;ys. ' 14 '940 \V. CANOY R011I'ES Rabies tag nbr. 873. CJIU 56-8175, u no answer leave Gen•r•I S.rvlces ina;s. 6464077 & 5"1-350'1 La;una Beach, So. La&una COAITAL . .. .......... ,,2Jll r:.r::~L.fAo~~.,;Tilfit '"00 ·:;~ . :· l th., C.M. N-.. ava"-bl• •'n ~--.. M ~./Tuoti'n Av• .• NB "''"~,,..., nug at 646-2372. H. o. DAILY PILOT t..AOUN A ••AtH .............. 2105 lltCOMI TAX ..... ,,.. v.. .... \Ala esa ,.,,.-~. .,..,, . ...,,",. a ..... _,,,_.. RAIN Gutters l n I Is 11 e d . UOUNA NIOUIL ............ :1111 l~ON ~1t1"1:k:""'""67SO I d Or -~ -"·lny •,-aaon Alm••t He-•. Pla1toro'ng, Ra~•·r 6880 642-4321 MllllON Vll!JO .............. '* ••o••'•o ' ........ ,,,, • n u1trl1I R1nt1I 6090 and many other towns in this ..., ·"" ""' .... ,... >AN CLl/11\l!NT• 2111 · .................. .. ·-a. All ·--.110·· ·-com-PLEASE to II•• -.... n V.'ho CARPENTER r e P_ a i r s. Free eat. Re a s 0 n a b I e CARPET cleaner & window SAN JUAfll C:A .. llt•ANO" ..... 21U INSULATING .................. ,,,. -~ -'"' --= .... .,.. •PATCH PLASTERING tAPllT•ANO tlACH ..... :me tNSU•ANtli ··· ............. ont * COSTA ~tES/\ * 172'5 aq ft, new, $210/mo. , !•. 3100 sq 1U4 offc·s S310 • .-... lS, 18, 25,rm sq tt, sprinklez:t ~ •• : l 'ik' 11q fl, Orange County, -1mmed occupancy. C. Robert Nattress Realtor ·-·Costa Mesa 6t2-14~ merclil or factory, Ver Y picked up the big btautltul rem~ .. addns, patios. \Ve 968-220!! • ·washer needed. Trainees. OANA POINT ... -... ,, 1 INVESTlOATttrto, OttK!J ....... 61111 G S"-h rd FV do ot all Laguna All types. Free estimate Work •'nto lead man, No -·p .......... COUM .................. _4 SAJOTOlltlAL .. .. . ........ 67" high earnlnp. No telllnc in-@.rman n•:P e . area. . area. Experienced BARTENDERS ..... VACATION R.INTA'..i ·:.:·::.::.'lfft 'l:Wl!\.lltY .... All. Ille.. ..... .-. volvod, To ...... u ... ""'U must 847-f664. REWARD! 494-5732 r ....... lng all o--·· Counh·, Call 540-6825 --Dec -but helpful. Start $2.25 SUMM•JI lltlNTA\.S ......... 2'11 !--'"DKAl"IN• ................ 6'11 .. .........._,. "" '''"' ,..,,, V +be ff 5&-2425 CONDOMINIUM 2'51 .OCKSMrTM ·· ....... , .. ,..,."21 be reliable and have one LOST: Precious keepga."::.o:, CARPENTRY, C ab i 11 et s 639-22l3 Plumbing 6890 ne ts. cu,.L1:xe:s PU11tN.:·::::::::::::n11 =~==Yi. ~~~~iii"'-"' ·= hOur •day i~ time (days gold tralemHy kl!y Sigma Remod. No job too small, OUlD ca.re, own home for 2 RENTALS "Alf!ITING, .......... ·::::::.w or evesl. Zl: engraved; canes N. quallty work CaJl·&tS-2576. H1ulln9 6730 TOILET, sJnk stopped up '!' YT old k-4 mo, infant. Ref& Hou ... Unfumiahed ::~::-:~.~.:::::::::::::::: $1200 TOTAL CASH Carter Berkeley . (in Bu!· QUALITY Repairs _ Altera· Router serv. No extra chg CdM 675-5044 Ol!NlllAL .................... ""°"""''"" • ............ •1• REQUIRED fums Fuhion Island. NB.) Hom -New const. by hour 'l ARD I G 8J • t tea nu p Sat. Sun or travel. 497-1457 COf.fPANION, "14 or 15 ""' COSTA MlfSA ........ , ...... l'IM nAS'TlltlNO. '•kAo ... .,. .. .... I I $lo 11 0 ad . Sa.lvageables ......-.,. MEIA. 01.L Ml.It .............. Jlts l"LVM••N• ................ .,. nqu re &bout our "free 54&--5926 afte!' i::. or Contract. 646-3442 PLU?l-IBING REPAIR old girl to act 8Jj companion M•SA Vll!lltDI ................ 1111 "IT elltOOMINO .... bonus route plan." Make.,,..~ fomal• Bluepo •'ntREPAlRS. ALTEnATIONS froe! Remove trees, ivy, COLLIOI rAlltK ............ ,:n11 l'OOLlllltVICI , ......... _ ""'° LllJU~ "r&de 962-8715 No job too small to physically handicapped NIWl"O•T •1.&.tM ............ nee POWllt SWlll"IN• ............. 11 your future secur~ with UI, Slamelll! cat vie. 40th St., CABINET. Any size,,-b I> • 642-3128 • 12 yr old girl. Parts or NllWl'OllT MGMTI ........... ,,ttlt .. UM .. •••VICI ............... HH ""' """" a Dunn & Brad--1 ,_... CLEAN UP & H r NIW .. O•T SHOllll .......... mt •OOl'IMll ........................ .. ~ . <>u~ ra ~ N.B. 67>S9'10 Xi yrs. ('JCper. 548-6713 · au mg v.· I! e kends. Compensated. •AYsNOJlls ................. nu 1tA010. ••In. lk .. , ........ •no ; : ,., SMALL Vt1ltthouR or shop • apace Irvine Industrial ; .. \ Area, near airport. """"' l'"""""~Sq-,n::-c·=~,..---~~ nalional company. For moN . . Trees & .shrubbery trimmed Sowl 6960 Call r.tn. r.1 cCl e llan OOV•• SHo••• ............... :nn REMODELING &-RE .. •t• ''4~ · · ...,., per mo. Incl. information send name •d ..... ,.,. REPAIR. Part1t1ons Small Ol' removed. 549-l3S9 ng w11sTcL11111 ................... • 1t•Moo•LING, XtTtH•Ns ,. .. ON! 4 offices. Immediate oc· dtt•• and,~---# to· • • Per10n1Jt -Remodel, etc. Nile or day, ~3497 eves bet 5 lc 6 UN1VEJ1s1n PAR.K ........... m1 sc11so•1 IKA•l"•N .......... 6•u 16 h s ....,...., • Dressmaking . Alterations IVINI! ..... . ......... -.. nx S•WIMO .. " ,, ............ ·'"' CUPf.llCY. 1 I., N.B. "ROUTE DEPAR.,..,;..,........ PALMIS·TRY & Reas! Call KEN 54()...4679 H 1 1 6735 'al 1 .__ COOK STEWARD 11tv1N1 n:•uc:1 ..•. -...... 12., s1:w1110 MACMIMI 11t••A11ts OHt &C«ZlO or 673-5419 ll•J.LJ•' ous.c ean ng Spec! on coa '""ms tO•ONA DIL MAil ........... JUI Sl .. TIC 'T.t.NKS, SN'.n, •ic. .. •HJ ,.-.~WANTED: 500 sq. It., one '": man mach-&hop. Vic Hntg : .. • Bch « 15 min travel. 213: •• ,,. ' 477-8620 #23, P.O. Box 58, CARD READINGS * 646--&446 * on pvt. yacht, must be free tALllOA ..................... TAILo•tfllo ................ •tn Pomona, Calif. 91769 Bring Your Problem• to Cement, (Qncrete 6600 SPECIAL One \\-eek only! Alteritions....646-5845 to travel, only exp'd., sober ~fric, •,ss'i."1N~s ·:::::::::::::: ... =: ;~L~'i!.~~.~~ .. ::::::.;:;:::~: AUW I Will H I y Carpet & uphol. cleaning. .,,.,, to be considered. n 4: •AL•CIA llU.No .............. ms T1L•, LIMllv• a Mlr9tt ...... 6'1J ate Me -• p OU CEME NT WORK. no job too Guar. quality. ll~ic sq ft. Neat, accurate, -yrs, exp. ,~ •187 . NIWl"OlltT WlflT ............. IUS T••• 11av1e1 .............. 6t111 CANOY SUPPL y Solv• Them. •mall, reasonable. Free 1..-.;r HUNTINGTON llAtM ..... ,.)411 T•Lmsio111, ••,.lrl. 11&:; ... ••s Good Gu,y!l c I e a n i n g . HUNTlllGTOM MA••OU• ..... JoltS u .. MOUTl•Y ............ ·····"" ROUTE 1 give advlee on all mattl!l"li esHm. H. Stufiick 548-8615 bus.iness 646-l393; r es . TILE, Ceramic 6974 COOK/Hsekeeper for 2 ",ouNTAINCVMALLl'r .......... 1411 W0•••'oo"'"w"c 1 0 ........... •ffs Ill h J t d Its 5 d ,,,... IAL al.&. .... ,, .......... MM \. AMIN ........... 6"7 Loh 6100 {No selling Involved) of e, sue u ove, oour • * CONCRETE FLOGRS 645-0298 a u • ays, _,., start. oA•OIN 01tova .............. Mis -JO""''------..;;.;;;.; E.""<celll!nt income for few ship, muTiage, divorce, bus. paUos, etc. Reasonable, ea'.11 *Verne, The Tile Man* Live In/Out. Call 673-7877. LONO llACM ................. uet JOBS & EMPLOYMENT "~ IN COM • -I R 2 I 'th ' I all BAY & Beach Janitorial Serv. Cust \\'Ork Imtall & repairs OlltANGI COUNTY ............ ,,... .10• D i., ~~ · """'"e -at \\'l hours \!o'f'fkly \\'Ork. (Days iness tn.nsaction.s D Don, 642.8514 C I 'ncl fl ' ' · Cosmetician_ Drug SaJes SANTA ANA , .............. t .... Mlf WAllTE •Mn ............ 7IOI ·,·, ~~s!iedtor d~,u~J~Y ig-r~; and Evenlngsl . Refilling and kinds. Reunite th! .. ~~:r· co N c RE TE \\'ork-Block et~ ~~s w~ ~w:,m m ~r:'j ~:tcr. ~~k!~';81~· h ~l~~e~ lady, must be exper. ':~J~~~N~1~: .:::::::::;::::::::: 1~: .. ::~~=g~:-........ mo • collecting money from coin ated, cause_ speedy a ~ Fen-s-Planters. R"modcl· 6,.1401 Call 536-2701. SANTA ANA MllOHTI ......... so. ICMO:Li •0~ .. ,,,,,·,·10··"·.·.·,.","'.., $~000 673-308,1 A.. ' re l. ..... .. ....,.... repair. 847-19571846--0206 COASTAL Jnt .. . opera!"" d1spenaers In Or· PY marriages, ow ome r. ing & Additions. &.12·9Sj2 Ho•s•Apt Clc•n•'•g COUPLE wanted as assis· LAGUNA ••ACM ':'.::::::::::::'"'' JOt ,..,,.AltATION ........... 7111 "-"' R-4 LOT, Costa l\1esa. 40 ange Co. and SlUTilunding valA:, lovers quan-els, evil .. -" I I f M el UOU/ojA NIOUIL ............. sm TMUTlltlc.AL .................. 1111 units. Owner, Phil Suilh'an :trea. \\'e establish rou to!. habit:S-stumbling block~ or Contracton 6620 Rea sonable Prices Trn Service 6980 ants n~~~n °~ c0~ s':.~5~<t~,:~•,l:.-·:::::::::.~·: .. ~ MERCHANDISE FOR • 5$-6761 {Handles name brand candy all kinds. There ls 00 heart • 54(1..9'2Ql • ~o 97""' ewpo ' · · CA,.IST•AMO ........... Jns SALE AND TRADE ·-· k ) 115~ bad ho drea""' • IVINDOWS DIRTY•. TREES pruned, topped, <r" .... CA .. tST•AMO llACN ......... int ....... snac •. ,.,.oo cuh so or ml! so . ., }'~RED H. GERWICK -• 26 DAMA "011o1T ............ ,,,,,,., ll'UIN""'' -• -I bri •. f('mOVO<U. yrs exper. DAY c--... Ji ......... ·-··· CONDOMOMOUM ................ . ·" Lots 6100 required. For personal inter. that cannot ng suns 1ne Building Contrat:tor Free est. 15 years exp. ... .. • ... -• U'V'" · ........... "" OP11'1c• 11uAN1Tu1t1 ........ 1111 1":" ----------· 1 0 1 to It I 1 • 11 J h Dun 642-23&1 A er i a I t o'" e re qui p . area. Have 2 tots 4 & 1. Call DUPLEXIS UN,UltN ....... , .. nn Oll'll'IC• 14"11,._NT .•....•.. 1111 . ..• view n range Co. area, I n , n ac .. m ma er r~am. rm11, bdrms, patio:oi o nny n 494-4505 638--7234 0 .,., "A"" SUMM•• lllNTALI .......... ntS 1To•1 •ou•"MIMT .......... 1111 BtnLD 43 UNITS send name, add~ss and what may be your hope, Licensed-Free estimates * API' CLEANING * • eves o.w-.H.>;J RENTAL:, t All'I:. ••ITAUaANT ......... 11u City of Ontario: Corner lot, ho ..... f blU' DELIVERY MAN A F I L-~ •All IOUll'MINT .... -....... Mu P I'll" num ...... r to 1.IULTI-ear or am on, 1)73..@41 & 549-2170 Fast & thorough 642-8164 * pts. urn Snwu MOUSIMOLD 00001 .......... = 210'x180', all improvements. STATE DIST., INC., 1m \Y, SEE THE . \VlLUAMS Ch~aning Se, rv. Upholstery 6990 Husky, experienced, to d_e~ IJINlfltAL ....................... =~::fT•u SALi ,,............... 1 Ontario In I e r nation a I 8l"08dway Anah · Cal' PALMISTRY READER nd 1 Ila COSTA M•Ui .-. .. o TITo ........ 41• ltl AU TIOM ........ •u A 5 in . . eim, I· . C1rpet Clunlng 6625 CARPETS, \Vindows, firs, CZYKOSKI 'S Cu:oit. Uphol. liver a nstall app nccs. MESA Vl!ADI ................ •11• ""'LIANt11 ................ ·"" lrport m utes away fomut 92802, ITI4l m.5060. I will tell YoU JU.SI what you 6 Day week. Nl!W,D•T ••ACM ............ u• "NT1ou11 .................... 1110 Ne'v r.totor Speedway lO 1 t k OJ nd __. elc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt European Craftsmanship Nl:Wl"O•T HllGMTI .......... 4111 llWl/olO M.f.CHINI ... , ........ 0121 COIN laundries-Frigidaire. wan o . now. . * 1mo s are measu....... work Reas! Refs. 548-f.lll. l00'7o Fin! S42-l454 DUNLAP APPLIANCE Nl!W,.DAT 1Ho•1s ........... 4ttt MUllCA\. INSTltUMl!NT ...... nH minutes. $36,000 cash or Fronl S6.500 to S 4 2• 5 0 0• . Av~. for parties ::,y quality,. 50 are Yi't? 1815 Newport Blvd,. 01 w11TCL11111 . , ............. ml 'IANOI & oaoANs ............. IH submit. Owner P. 0 . Box 9, \V th Th Card -~ .. 13 00 DIAMOND CARPET RENTAL READIER 1831 Ne,\-port 81., C.M. UNtVll1tTY "AlltK ........... 4u7 ~:~~t siOit "·········"••""'.,.. >.nahein1 Costa r.tesa I IS ......... . S41-77IO IACK ., Y ..................... 4141 I .......... : ......... , Cucamonga., Calif. Pb (114) Buena P~rk Fu I ). r I 0"' Receive $5.00 Reading CLEANERS 645-1317 anytime 540-3924 Eo"•T l\.UP~ ............. 4tt ~1·:~ ·.~~~~~~., ............. n..,." 982-2509 ' "• 0 D ll 1 AM t lOPM W ldi 6995 **DELIVERY BOY ** C ONA Ol!L MAit ........... •m ......... . Ganlen Grove, Huntington pen a y o, 0 CARPET SPECIAL! \\'(' .. !_,!!.9 c A Su I ••LIOA ................... UM U.Mlllt.U & EQUt .. MINT .... ... ' " " ,,, " -. . ' Be h •· la Ana ~Y Licensed I . 6755 anyon uto pp 't ••Y 1su.Nos ................. UM MO••Y su"PLll!S ............. INOt Mount. & "'~--....... 6210 ac • .,..n , Tustin, vacuum, shampoo. k lift ron1ng WELDING shop & portable. M3 Broadway, Laguna Bch LIOO ISLI .................. •u1 Sl"ORTINO 00001 ............ 1111 .... ......n La 1.lirada. Ofr. 1213) 697-927:! p ile . In cludes soil •AL•OA llU.l(D ................ &IMOCIH..Alltl, SC:Ollll .... -.. UM Call ~--11 210 \V \Vhittier mvd \VI LL do ironlng in my home Ornaniental iron. DENTAL Assis la n t • MUNT1N•Tot1 ••ACM ............. MJICIL~Naous ............. 1611 ........... e 52:1-7833 . .. retardant! 66-0298 641).1815 ~OUNTAllt VAi.UY ............ It MISC .... llTIO .................. 11 , ... PALM DellU't -Indien \VeUs Fain.'ay lot 70 x 120 priced $4000 under market. Long Beach. GA 431)..:W ASSOCIATE Desired for uni· La Habra 15c a piett. chainidc. Exp'd or l!Chool 11:AL &l!ACN .................... ,. M.AtH1N1•v. •re. ............ 17" UNITED F\md lime 616-7082 GIVE the "'United Wa::t" required. 1 part-time Ir: 1 LONO ••AcN ................. 4HI LVMll!• .................. -... •1M •-t ltllANO• COUNTY ., •• .,.,,,,.,4'11 STOlltAOI ....... . .......... 1171 full -time position. ne ••. OAlllOliN ottov• .............. 4'11 •UILOINO MATl•tALS ....... 1160 -------CaJJ 8·12, 644-7119. WISTM1/ollTl!lt ,. .. ,. ..... ,, ... ,YU IWA .. S •···· .................... t7't ~IOWA't CITY ................ 4'1' p• S IANTA ANA ..................... 4'21 • ~T 1nc1 LIVESTOCK . " -========== que real estate investment * D n't• operation. Beaut. new of. Q • o1 lk~s on Newport Bay. ·-· It. E. Wanted 6240 Active or inactive -small . . . ----inve11tment required! \VIII CalJ U! if you stilJ belieVI! In JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT NOTICE train right party! &t5-1571 cave !ll)'lt datlna:. Job Wtnttd, 24 lfr recording CAFE-fully equip'd & house. ORANGE co. 547~ Wom•n 7020 U you haw a Sor 4 bedroom San!• Ana industrial area. ---,-====i,..---11---------- home for We or for rent, Good incoml!. $21.000 fUll LICENSED e ?ifINICARE NURSING e call as today. We represent price. 540-5589. Spiritual Readings, &dvke Nurses & Aides availabfe for Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 ASSEMBLY DEBURRING DRILL PRESS SANTA ANA Ml'l&MTS ............. "lTI ,GINIJIAL .............. -~Xl1~~L ... , ..................... Co\TI ........... ,. .............. ..,, LAOUNA 11A(M'''"•'·"'""·4"' DOGI ··· ....................... uu LAGUNA NIOUIL ,,. ........... OJ'N MOaSIS ............. ,, ... ,. .tQI MISSION VllOO ............. •JW LIV•STOCJC ........ ,,, ......... .... ............ 47'1 MN CL•M•1n• ............... tll CALIFORNIA LIVING DAMA POINT .................. 4141 fll/ .. LIX. ek. , ....... ,. •• ., .. 4"1 NUa11•1•1 ... ., ............ lltll CONOONUlllUM .................... IWIMMI ... '°°'-' .......... , .... RENTALS 'ATtOS .................. -....... u A U I l"'od l.WNINOI ................... ,,..,,. ~pts. n urn WACATIOff1 .................... am JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~:~~~~~~~e assi~tant Jobs Men. Wom. 7100 543-8844 DePt. Store Accntt. P1y1blo $400.00 HOUSE-WIVES Knowlod .. ol Book., l•e 1yp. COLLEGE STUDENTS lng, beach area, call Lclr-CAREER GIRLS 1int', 1'1crchanls Personnel $ Earn Xtra Money tor . ·.'• the employtt1 of & larp FOREIGN \Vrecker money on all matten. 312 N, El borne care on hourly buis. firm movina: to the Harbor maker. Partner v.ith equal Camino Real, San Oemente l hour minimum. Also shills Art& and they mwit ~ve c.apital wanted. A p p r 0 x 492-9136. 49'l-0076 .k llw--ln. 546-4570 houdnc! Ab cash U derired . $10,000. 714: 646-7670 aft 6 10 AJ.f • 10 PM • Allied Nurse1 &. Aides • ••Nli11tAL .................... -TRANSPORTATIO c:osTA M•u. ................. :s1• N A .. ncy, 20!3 w .. tcliH Dr.. CHRISTMAS .N~··=·c..::."~~~2Ti~0'-~---1 -Enjoy 11n exciting season In . . I I • Call F~ 546-8640 ESTABLISHED t lft shop on STUDENT nttds ride from Of O.C. ~urses Reglstry CALL HARD~Y Balboa. Island for sale. II in. Sl. Augustine Dr, ll.B. to 2729 \V, L1ngan Lane, S.A. For Tinanc1nc terested call 613-4651 for iP. r.tater ~ Hlah Sehl., S.A. NURSES & Aides available * 175-2866 * polntmenL (7141 SJ&..7383 '""'"· tor home care. 54&.-4570 IUSINISS ene ALCOHOLICS a-e Allltd Nunes It Aid" e U&U#I ... ._,. ... OUI Of o.c. NUl'IH Rcgblr)' 1'1-IAL lus. W1nlod QOS Phonl SC.'1217 ... wr!11 to mi w. l.ho<an Lano, s.A. P.O. Box 1223 0>1ta Meu. Bua., Opportunities U0D WAA'T To putthue Newport, '* HARBOR CKUfSE * Job W1ntM. -Balboa. Corona Ml Mir Daily 2 PM F'un Zone Boat Me: & W 7030 HIP Pr.flt Potential profitable busi~ wi th Co .. Balboa• * G7J.-0240 n omen Franehtte Opportunity 1vllh growth potential. Box 1'1691, OiINESE live-in Domestics. Goodv..,,y, a 40 year old na-OAily Pilot. NEWPORT Beach Tcn~ls Pe.nn11.nent. Experienced. Ilona! printin; comPM)'. _ Club family membership, Far East Agency P'rown 00111CC!Pt • txperilnee. ln'llllh1Mt1t Opper. 6310 MW oUt:r. 'g.1:2193 1nll 387-5196 not necnsary. You may DJAL dlrttt 642·56'1S. Charae work ln Omtw or be..,. ab-PARTNER needed ror unJ. your ad, then sit back andl--------- amtee lnvntor. Prime Jo. que ftal estate \.'tl"ltUrE'. ~ listen eo the phone r1na! Jo~n. Wom. 7100 cation now avail&blt In WI 1.fJIUon dollar profit retum. Now! AIDES, Nur.dng. E x p e r . &tea at S29.1!i0., t!nancinc Unbelievable opportunjt;y for IT'S WONDERJ'UL t b e , &vailablt. Rtply to: Robf:rt quick pront. SlS,000 to rlW\1 buyt in 1ppllt.ncts Prtf d. Apply In prrson via Loe".-RtcibnalLllttclor, 670 S:S0.000 rtquired. &'5--1~71. )'OU find tn lhe Cla11Uied PH: 114 -M!075 Vmnont .4vtnVe, Los An· BUSIEST mmetptace tn Ads. Chtt:k I.hem now! l t la, CaU!ornla, or call 2l3-IO~. The DAILY PILO'l' IS Y 0 U R AD I N THF.: SUN , ?\"EVER SETS on lSJ.139\. Qualfled ltctlon. S • "e CLASSlFfED'!' Someone will Cl111IUtd s action power. Pl.cl,.. E~ -Cl\le money, time A eUott. Look be loaltlnc for it. Dial 642· For an 1.d 10 sell •round the y.., • ._ """"" -111 _!671 cloc:ll, dial w.ri -- Progrt".)tivt' mrlal parts man· ufaclul'f'r has inun<'dlate openings for boll1 men & v.·01ncn In above classirlc:a- tlon!!. Excellent v.vrkina: rondltlons a n d company bent>fjls. Day shift. APPLY IN PERSON SHUR·LOK CORP. 1300 &. Nonnandy Pl., SA.n~ Ana ll blk N. o( ?iotcFaddtn, ~ blk \V. of Grarld) Assistant Bkkpr a beautiful stor1.•. TmrnP.(]i. Payroll, general olficc, S.WO ate 11bcral di~count. Full to g!art, and pQJ1 fin1c schalu\cg, Independent day11 and eves. Personnel Agency APPLY PERSONNEL ln6 01-anac Ave., SUlre C 10 TO 4 P.~f. C.M. 6'MJ>;:"'Sl:;.ool9 J. w. ROBINSON Adven.isi1'1'. Agency Fashion lsland Sh1rp Secr1tary f o r Ntwpo11 Beach fast -paced Newport 1-~=.,,.;,~~==~ Beach Agency. Type NOW'$ THE 65-70. Shorlh•nd 100, org•nl•e • Io 11 ow TIME FOR t hru . Under 35. Phono: 642-3910. 425 QUICK CASH Accounting Trainu N. Newport Blvd. ~~.:, ·=: ;;: ' ASST. THROUGH A or ftm&Je. Xlnt salo,ry. r.:::~.E~C H":.~~~y DIRECTOR DAILY PILOT By Appolol. 646-3939 3 TO 11 PM WANT AD DON'T JUsr WISH !or PHONE: $46.6450 .t10mctbln1 to furnish )'Our 1-------,;.c.:..._ 642 567• home ••• find rreat buys In nlE QUICKER YOU CAI.4 • 9 todQ'• Ouaified Adt. 111£ QUICKER. YOU SEU. , --------- MESA v•1101 ................. 5111 •GATI a \'ACNn ... Nl!Wl"OllT alACfll ............ ftM SAILaOAft ............. fflf NIWl'OllT NalOWTI ....... , .. 1111 fllOWla C•u111•i";;;;;;;;:::'.t121 NIW .. OlllT IMO•ll ........... .mt 111•1!0-IKI IDAT NJ11 •llTCLI'' ............... SDI aOAT TllAl\.IAS ....... ,..,,.,, UltlVl!ltSITY l'AR.JC ........... 12.J1 MIAT MAINTINA.C••:.:::::::ttaJ IACJttAY · ................ ,. .. aw tOAT l.AUNCMlll• '°4 IAIT aLU111' , ............. SMI MA•lllll IQUI ... ,,:·::::::::·:,.. COftOHA OIL MAit ........... nM IOAT ILi ... MOCNUM• NM aALIOA ..................... tOAT •••v•c•• ...... ::::::::,., IAY llU.NOI ................. AM IOAT •DTAU ,_ LIDO llLI ........... , ... , .Ah IOAT CHAlltTll :::::::::.::::::,.,, :t~~~:.~~ ... cM·::::::::::: fl'nM4 ... IOATt ............... .... '.u T. V ... •y ltOAT MOVtN• ·••••••••••••., ..... N IN ......,. -........ 1411 IOAT ITOlll:Ae• tM1 SIAL aSo\CH , ........ ,., • .,, .. Mlt IOATI lltilANT•D ''.'.'.".°:::.:-.:,::,.. \.ONe ••ACM .............. SIM At•CaAll'T t!M O•ANO• COUNTY .. -............ PLYllll• L•l1C111i 0 :::::::::::::".11 OAltO•N ••ova .............. 1411 IMlllLI HOMll ,,.. WllTMINITI• ........ -... .,N11 ~TD• HOMft :::::::::::::::flu M10WA'Y Cl1''Y ................. Mlt tlCYClll f'bi SANTA ANA ,, ............ ,.,, ... IL•tT•IC CA11tS•·•·•••"•'"••fHI 11.NTA ANA H•lll'IT1 ......... Ma MINI llK•I ., ..... .,,,, •. ft7J fUITlll .. ~··· .................. ll'OfOaCYCLtii""""""""' .. &'OASTAL ................ IJ1M MOTOlltl(OOTltti ............. '2M ueuNA ••AC• ........... .,.1,. ..,v10 1t:•v1c•• a PAni'"·· .... U.OUllll lllGVIL ............ sn1 AllTO TI)QU & IQUll' ""NI• SAiii CLl!MlllT• .............. lnl ,IU.U,•llt, TtllAVIL • ...... '1ttt SAN 'UAN U."llT'lltAllO ...... ini TflAILll• Uft-........... ... Oo\NA POINT .. .. ....... IHI - . "'" ............ . REAL ESTATE ............................ -, TlltllCIU .......... ,,_ ... ., .... .. General ~'J-"l.1t · •t"T'lt"'""-.. ··:&: "'"Lill .................... "" DUNI •uoe111 "" COMDOMINIUM ............. JM ·IMf'OllT•O AUTOS ........... ,:. R.I NTALI Wo\Jf'flD ........... ,,,. tl'OltT CA•I ......... .,."11 •OOMI llO• ••lllT ................ AllTIQUIS, C:LAlllCS ......... HIJ •OOM I IOA•O .. .... ffM JIACI (Alli, •ODS ......... ,, HJt M.OTl\.S. '1'••1LlR. COUltT1 "'' AUTO •V1Nn ................ W GUlt'f HOMll Sm •UTOI Wlll'flD .............. mt flltlC, ~lJlllTAL•• "" f!IW CAlll ................. ... INCCIM• "fl:Ol"lltTT ......... ... •UTO Ll.UIJle ... ,. .... ,,,, .. "If IUSIHEIS "ltottl•n' -t,ll•D Ultl ..................... .... I I I I I I i \ I I I ~-,.~~~··~~· ... •~1 u ... a..,ss•a .. .,z...,c•a•:~P~&!l'l#O""A5"''"''·~•~GGP~~a""c•c•••&~SSOIM~e .. s~;c .. ¥1""' .. ~• .. Ct~JS"!lQ~.tl!'"'S~l5'Z'!!ll'!'!Sl'!"!'~"~<qjf'111'!l'OUSll'll~.'"'!'•~il:"'l',"::!'~~.~1 tl"':":"':'.~~.-: •. ~r~:.c.•:::-,~-;;~=::::::-,..,,,"'.".,~~.:-:~.-"~·~. ~~~· • -·------ . I • . ' . ' . • • "· ... •• ... . ' . . • .. ·, -• .. .. '· .. - '" .. ' • • .. ' . " l;~;~~~~~~~~W~-~-~,~N~-~·~-~r~U.~1969~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wtd!ftdu, N-1!, 1969 ll·l'Oll SAlol~·lrl'-"lOYMINT· ·JOIS HM,LOYMINT JOIS ~ l~LOY/lllNT JOIS-& IM,LOY•:;::"~,o ... c. .. :::k~:-;":c;"";;;";;;-;i;iir,:.i;,.....,""';;,.,.:;~,.._ Jobe illo<;. Wom. 7100,lello -._ w ..... 7100 Jel:o Mon, w ..... 7100 .... Mor. W-7100 J ~ Mo W '_.:S:.:A:::L:::l.:A:.:N:.:D:..;T.:llA:::::D:.:E:..;.:;:::;:..:::;:;::_:..:;:=:__1 ~I u Jeff.-.Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobe Min, Wem. 7100 °"""' ""' JlOO" cenuar. u 11 " ,, , , ,, _ _ _______ 1 _________ 1TRAINEE: Attrt.ellve rtrl. ·~-----;::::::..::.:::::::~--..::=~I * y R'al Estate Salta SAW -Earn money •itb 11-25, inttrnted ln learnirw * 0 U \Ve have the onb' JUal 00 investmenL s a rah to train doll tor ICN. In H Iv ' Eltate ~ In the Univ •. Coventry JJetd! full a: Ora-Councy. Dort trained ousew es and Mothers CAN JOIN A VITAL EXPANDING Park area, on u.e boom!,,. ..,,.u ... "" .. No de!: .. tor ""'· ,,,..~ • .,.. TV. INDUSTRY' W1TH THE FOREMOST !Nine IW>cb. Wo oow noed In.I~ For Int. ph. ~ 1=2!3-~7G1336~==~~~ . 1 men succeutul real SALESLADY Exp'd lull TYP&iETTER <Cold) MANUFACTURER OF AUTOMATIC -.. ulea person w/ time to • .;... In .......... PROOF READDt wanted. lnterelt: in lfarbor View, 1~ Cd aa1ary mfdlcal Alto PAGING. Put time 13 _ • • .h. VALVES AND CONTROLS. "°"'"' "'' Mar, 1\n110 Fuhkm• ·f .. t.aF....,.. 2i ...,., • .,,.k> A...,. 1n SPANISH MEDn i:RRAN~N Earn extr1 moneyfw * CHRISTMAS .* J, C •. Penney ComlHlfty Faehlon 1•1111" -_,.,, iooch Ho• PHlllone open In * s.1 .. * Santa's Helper * Credit Interviews * Gift wrapping Sch~ul~ including afternoon&, evenings ·and combmat1on of both. · Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex· cellent benefits includin& dl&count privilege. * Apply-* 10 A.M. to f P.M., Monday thru ~rldoy J. C. Penney Company #24 Foehlon leland Newport Beach, C1llfornl1 Rock &: Univ. Parle arta. ,. __ .. ,_ •-•·-ptt90n. Show• Fl •-I F ' t Cl Ample 0oor Ume. Extensive ~1~ ~,d, N' B. THE PENNYSAVElt "'°'"' • ~-mp es . ac ory oaeout1 THESE PERMANENT POSITIONS ARE A't'.611.ABL,...ll!IMIDIATE.L Y adv. & promotioMl po,....am 1545 Newport Blvd., C.M. " ROOMS 0"' .. 'RNnuR& $JH -o uere:a.see: Li Rai50rir 6·A-h~S·M-A· • Re t. t·I • -~--r-l!V ' • e Red Hill Realty Hardware. Rion Hardware, fJptSlS e S pc. 1uth1ntlc Spanl1h Bdrm. ••t, e 96 e .SWING SHl~T e • TURRET LA THE OPERATORS • DRILL PRESS OPERATORS We have provided over 20 years of steady employment for our employHS. ***** CLA-VAL COMPANY 17th & PLACENTIA COSTA MESA, CALIF. 714-548-220 I Univ. PJrk Center,. lrv\ne 1024 Irvine, Newpt. Beh., In csullted tofl with 56 In. m1tchlnt Jove Call Anytime ~-::t~~HPhllPlaz.a. 6Url.1J3. lnterfft\' .. ~t, or ch1ir e 5 pc. Spanish Dinettt, Mk Rec1ptl_onl1t Trainee Sa·..i .. n ._ , :__ P4~~lTthl.5S.rvlce t1bl1 top • 3 huvy Medfterr1ne1n matchlnt Reller PBX S300. • .. ,.s "' JwAHLl• .., ~. • t., C.M. t1blft, top durable enough fH Flamenco lndoj>ondont BRANCH 642•7521 Donclng. Wiil 1111 plec11 lndlvldually. Pa,.onnol Agency MANAGER TYPIST ,...-.,, min Ol ln. ~-A SUI C 1\wdl. Clll Mr. Youn&" ... .... ,.e VI!., le Exp'd • Savlnp & Loan 6f2.TM2 C.M. &ll-OC06, Sti-0979 Enjoy a rewarding career ="""------- Receptionist/Typist and join a highly succtnful TYPIST .. Savings .l Loan As9ociation ti yeart or older pttfrtrtd, $400 In the Nev.1>0rt Beach 11.rta. w/strorc .background in Nice CM firm. This position entaila chal.· IBM el~trie, will train on UNLB:~~1,!tENCY ll'ngin& duties and is adapt-Flexownter. Per'!'anent M for an iodlvidual wllh pmltlon w I mailinc firm. 488 E. 17th SL, SUite 224 imaginative and creative 540-3l)9.\. Costa M@sa 642-1470 :--,..,.-------ab!Utl~. Ex~llent fringe Typist RECEPTIONISTS benefits. Submit your rer Young typist & cirl Friday. ume to Box M·91f Dail¥ 64&3931 for appoint. Interim Pilot. Shop Fir1tl Then See Our Unbeliev•ble luysl 1001 other Items with terrifk 1avlng1I Bank Terms Store Charge Master Chari• BankAmericard All Accepted . , l;~*~~~lg~~~~~~~~~~JI~~*~ A•~· .. •Pf*b-'ty .. ,,.~ Personnel Service S.timstress to $475 ~:1 f 11 I ~ E. 171.h St., C?.I W · ·-• · d • 11 11 --=: 642•7523 oman exp@!'leu1.~ in ry l 'l!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~':"!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I R;;o;;.;;~:!!.~---1 cleaning shop • can AM, Restaurant Merchanta Personnel Act~ Apply In Pe;son Jobo-Mon, Wtm. 7100 Jobe-Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobt-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 * BUSBOYS cy, 2043 w .. tdUf Drlv<. SUR~ & SlllLOIN WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Fumftv,. -Schoola.ln1truction 7600 1---------: Siesta Dental Labora t9ry -HOUSEKEEPEk, Live-in, ••• MACHINIST chainide aaat trainee. MW!t care for 3 achool-q:e girls. Vari@d experience ha\•e dex terity to bend ,;";;;""""'""',;;,==~~~~ Adva.nool Kinetics, Inc. wires. ~11 CdM HOUSEKEEPER &: child I ~.,_,,123,:;l:,,..V.:lctori='=•.:•.::." • .:c.:·'c;"c... DISHWASHER c.ue, S% ...,. wk., ISO wk. MAID Experience for Mot<I E xper iencecl Apply in pereon SURF & SIRLOIN 5111 Pac. Cot. Hwy. Newport Be.eh * DRIVERST _ No Experience Necessary! Alu.rt bav. clean Callfornia drivin& ncord, Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. C:O... M.,. ELECI'RONIC auembler I eoil winder. E.'Cp'd or will train. Call 642-8584 or apply at SR Enginttrin&" 834 Pro- ductkm Pl.., N.B. 8:30-4 pm. + nn I: board. Pd, vac. A :. Gd ·" Su p • • -..ary. nny ~9212 A~• 1.1olel, 2316 Newport, Housekttptr, Cook & Com. C.M. M8-9'/S6. panion. Live In. Call I ..... __ ... ___ _. * ~7316 * HOUSEWORK. NO cook. 3~5: day11 a wk. Mon, \Ved, Fri. 9 to 1 PJ\I. Refs. only. 0..,,-n transp. 644-0902'1N.B. Hotel FOOD CHECKER/ CASHIER Only experienced need apply. Relie.t shift. Apply in person only Contact Bobbie Purdy Tho Newporter Inn Hotel MAINTENANCE , JOURNEY MEN MACHINISTS AMERICAN .CAN co. 110 E. Sapulveda Wllml"tton or call (213) 1~512 Equal Opportunity Employer NURSES Regi1lered • even- ing &: night sbi1ts. Ex. benefits. Apply Personnel Dirioctor, So. Coast C.Om- munity Hosp., 31871 Coast Hwy ., So. Lquna. 49S-l311, ext. 356 * NURSES AIDES * EXPERIENCED * 549-3061 * Office Temporary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary asslenments e SECRETARIES e TYPISTS e ACCNTG. CLERKS e PBX OPERS. * DISHWASHERS N.B. &15.:mo 5130 Pac. Cot, Hwy. Full time, over 18. Neat in SECRETARY-LEGAL Newport leach appearance. No e}lp. nee, Dlverlified ......_ f ...... _ * * WAITRESSES APPLY JN PERSON ....-or __,t" e BOB'S BIG BOY e cal w/gd sklllt, who ~ No experience necessary, we la-1 E lTth St C t.f stand on 0¥.11 2 feet, $550. will train, Full tlme, nN.t · .. · · Huny! can Sally Hart, appearance nee. RES7AURANT: Part time 540.f.C65 APPLY IN PERSON <>P<r;enc<d M"''""' Food COASTAL AGENCY e BOB'S BIO BOY e \Va.ltreu. 6tU2T4 Snellinc &: SntUing 154 E. 171.h St., CJi.f. Resta~t • 7790 Harbor Blvd .• CM WOr.tEN, full O!' part tlme Ancient Manner JR. SECRETARY ....... ;mmed, '°" Chlld I ~~;,!;;;!;;;~ now taking applicatiool for Lite shorthand, eood typist. Care, Aides or Compank>ns. I j Full &c part time day & Dlversilled duties w/lee.d· Age 20 lo 65. &G-3274 e\·es shills. ' ing boat minufa~r. Sitting Pretty Agency e KITCHEN HELP MISS EXEC AGENCY Membfor, We Sit Better, Jnr. e DISHWASHER 410 W, .c.oast Hwy., N.B. YACHT PERSONNEL e BUSBOYS By Appoint. 646-3939 Require followlnr capable, Apply in pel'llOn SECRETARY reliable personnel f or 2601 W. Coast lhvy. Legal typing, SH, & bkkp( modern :D) Ton Yacht: Newport Beach skills. Work for a reaJ Licensed 11klpper, engine.er, RESTAURANT: groovy boss. Xl.nt office & cook, deckhand. Send Exp·d. part tinlC \VAITRESS Joe. Sta.rt $500, Hun-y! Call backJrnund resume to Dall)' 5 lo 9 pin. Jean Brown~ Pilot Box M·l1. ~p'd. Part ti1nc lunch COASTAL AGENCY CASHIER, + 2 eves, 5-9 pm Snelling &: Snelling Apply in person, COLONIAL 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM KITCHEN, 19th & Harbor. Secretaries C.l\f. SAFE DEPOSIT GIRL Interim Young Fry Cook 01 Kitchen Trainff MEN & WOMENI C0 f\.1PUTER PROGRAl\f· Z..llNG IS THE KEY' TO YOUR PROmABI.E FUTURE! Classes :itart soon. Pilot program offering the finest equipment and facil- ities available? Real-time computer pragramming. SALE! New 9 pc, comer arreni. chOice ol clrs. reg. iD>, now S159.50. New beds: KirW $99.50, Queens $89.51\ 1'u11 $54.95, 'J'wing $44.95, tully guam. Kir~isz ~reads 113.91 Headbrds: King1, St.5.95, Queens SU.95, Full $10.11, Tv.·ln& $4.95. Trundle aeti f duo riser l w I inner sprirv malt. reg. $100, now $79.50. 5-pc, Bednn Group $135.SO. Canopy beds re&. $119.50. .now $89.50. f"uU sz. slee'P" sofa reg $239.50, now $169.50. S1vag lamps $29.50, choice o( colors. 50% otf allpoll paintings! Olristmu lay· aways now. SrE~l'A SLEEP SHOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd., a.1 64S.27fi0 dail.y 10.3 Sat· sun 10-fi. Foreign C..r Mechenic1 Good co. ben@llts, ind pa.id vacation, rroup ina, uni. fonns turnllbed b-ee, Good comm. schedule, Ask tor Joe Moott Ph. 540-17&4'. 1107 Jamboree Rd. Newport BNch, Calif. ....,MG""M""'T"'"T""'RA"'"tN"'"E"'"E ""'1 • KEYPUNCH OPER. Jnh!t'Hting job; Xlnt C.O. who Personnel Service furnishes unilonm & picks +is E. 17th St., CM up lhe tab for deaninc. Gd 642·7523 Permanent, full time job. Over 18, Neal-appearance. Oiance for advancement, The Academy d~m TahOOlogy Unloft lonk l~uar• lovth Tewv lulh 40 20 PC. "MADRID'" 3 Room Group FROM A10DEL HOMElll Includes: Quilted IOfa and chair -2 end table1 A oaf. fee table - 2 Jampa -dreu. er -mirror -headboard - quilted box 1Ptine it matt. ress -5 pc, dlnJrv room; I.able & 4 hi-back chain. Insurance Girl $450 GARDENER Nice ~ Dr. will train I...andscape: Ma.lnt~ Back office, Newport Beach. P<nn. po,;11on, Xlnt woridna Call ~~~ST Cond. 40 hn. aood aaluy. Come by Bayside Villa.ge .,..~_·u .. ~ .. ~~-300: E. O:Nl3f Hwy._ NB ~ .... u..,... •• -... .. ....,,,. 1U• 673-1331 ln1urt1nce S.Creta rY f '!!!!'l!""""~~"""""""' Prefer e>C(l@r. in ratina fire General L•borer1 policie1. $400 plus. TOP PAY Independent Apply now! Personnel Agency VOLT Temporvy 1716 Orange Ave., SUite C C.M. 642<Xll6, - INSTANT Job Oppartunffie' $ PERSONNEL Terrific v.·ell • knawn C.O. Training all phases, golden oppor, Full benefits, ~ st.ut. Co. pays f~. Ca J I Gerry \Vhite 54CM'i00o5. Other ·~ and fee job1 availa!Me, COASTAL AOllNCY 2190 Harbor Blvd., CM M•n•gement Trainee High school gnld, career position. $450. to star1. Independent Personnel Apncy 1716 Orange Ave., Suite C C.M. 642-0026, 5G(B'l9 MAN, u ASSEM BLY FOREMAN Exp'd. or will train. S80 wk, lo ttart. J\tust 3M8 Campus Dr, Suite IQ; Newpart. Beach ~741 General: Experienced furniture man & driwr, full ttme. Mil ltacy obliptions filled. 642-2000 Upholsterer be able to do Jilting " GIRL FRIDAY Sharp person w/t;ypinc will land this job w/Co. that has Xlnt irowtri potential. Th.it can't last -$425. Call Sally Ha.rt, Sf0.4i055 COASTAL AGENCY 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM GIRL FRIDAY Handle cotTeSpoodence & books. Phone contact, ~ sponsiblt • interestlni job, Start $450. Call Billie Beck '"""" COASTAL AGENCY Soellini &: Snelling :!"790 Harbor Blvd., CM 1-lELP WANTED SLAVICK JEWELERS " \\'e have c:arett ope:nines for women in ow-l'uldon Wand atore for SILVER LADY, BOOKKEEPER Our emplo~e benefit pn> .rram includes: Profit sbar- inf, paid vacation, 1tock o~ tion, health benefit&. For m. ttrview call Mr, Bn.k."e Mun· No .ewin&, $2.&.; hr phytical work. Apply 9-11 Auto Electricl•n AM. Golden's 1t1agic Wand Exper. $2.15 hr. 946 \V. 17th St., C.M. T •bl• S•w Man J\lEDJCAL Secretary, rroep- Exper. $3 hr. tionlst, front olfice, exper. Sheller• tn bkkpric. & inlur. fonnt. No exper neces!al')'. to &47-2547. $2.65 hr. J\IEDJCAL Receptioni!t F\111 A1Mrnbler1 time. Must be mature &: Any expe:r, kl $2.65 ht l ho rough I y experienced. Glue Mtin Call 646-4461 for appt. Exper w/gl:ue l\M to $2.65 hr 1,,.,,"'.,-'-'--:...:.:'-=='-- Frt1mer1 * OVERSEAS * Exper uscmbly, to $2.25 hr More jobi= than people Carpenters-finish Call Smitty, "114:774-2610 CExt~ tos $3.25Mhr. MFG . u -.n aw tin A profrn11ive manufacturinr Exper. $l hr. company, with ucellent Welders w or le I n I conditions 1.nd Arc, to $3 hr. frin&e benefits has irnmedi- Welder1 Helpers ate openings for: Some exper. $2.50 hr. A~ Hand Screw machine open ton Call GelT)' Whitt 540-0055 ~ Drill pnss operators COASTAL AGENCY C-Debun ~ Auembiy Snelling &: Snellln: Apply at 7190 Harbor Blvd., CM Sta Fast, Inc. J anltor 640 S. Santa Fe. St. J, W. ROBINSON s.n:. Ana l!AS OPENING FOR *JANITORS* APPLY IN PERSON F ASHJON' ISLAND NEWPORT BEACJt MOTEL M1.id, part time. PeninauJa attR. * ns.-1841 * ~""";...;.· "'m=·~'~""='=JMI""". ==-JANITOR -Part time HOUSEWIVES c.up1es n n e: Huntbwton NEWSPAPER Dellwry • 1'1an or oouple, early A?tT tleliv. In Irvine area. Xlnl roule open. s:m plus mo. Approx. 16 hn. wk. Sta. Wag. or van preL Call 962-4633 HAVE FUN Beach atta. Good pay. Call AND EARN 546-9047 art 7 p.m. $$$ LEGAL Secretary Tnlnte, IN YOUR 1.faturc. Must be accurate LEISURE TIME typ;at. cau -644-<452 -you Wltt--cl ~n & Eocrow 111! HELPING Secretary IN THE Muoi hav. -bock· '10HT AGAINST ~-~::. ~ WATER POLLUTION iaJ ,,..,,.,.oes. to 1100. 4 to 6 Hours of Newport (:onscientlous effort per PerlOl'lnel Afency voeek wtll net you !3J DoYft Dr .. NB $100 per month &42.3870 S49-2743 12 Hn.Jwk equals $200 ptt month J M h • "st (Minimum GUaranteed) r 0 IC 1n1 Part Ume Ot:rlcal lotake srNJ1 att \IPI. .ta }In po1ll.lons open ....,__ u~· ~-Details In Penonal owriufl'C". ...a.. .. .. ,.e Inttrvlew Only benelttt. If you are outgoina and ARMALITE want to enjoy yourHlf, _ • Ottloe Secretaries Typists ALL OFFICE SKILLS EARN MORE WITll US Cll1111P3Ene T emparary Help NEWPORT BEACH ll4f lllrch StrHI SANTA ANA 1'16 f ., E . Fourth 540-7l4S M F.qoal Opportunity call Mr. Dl:rtn fo1' appt. al 641-6861 Ct.O •m · 6 pm > 113 E. 161b St. EmplO)'ef THE LINDSAY CO • 414 E. llth St., CJ.1. Costa Mest., Calif. DIAL dh'fCl MUi678. Charge \\o'hlte elephant1! Dime.a. )'OU.r ad, U'len tit back and une DAILY Prutt w AMT htttn 1o tbe Phone rtrc1 ADS! tfowt Holiday &. V tication Pl•n APPLY NO\V VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH S848 campus Dr. Suite 106 54M741 Co. benefits. Start S350. Call l--=~<i-;:;'=,--Jean Brown 540-&l55 SECRETARY COASTAL AGENCY Good typing 1kllls, lite SH. 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM Know!~ or exper in stocks or securitiet. Be your own boss! Hrs. l!exible, up lo 14 hr~ Call Bilhe Beek, APPLY 1N PERSON Bob's Big Boy 1S4 E. 17th Sl.rei!t Costa Mesa CDMPARE AT $7tll.9S Or•nte, Calif., t26" $l'9 ..,..,,,c,,a,,n,,54..,7·.,".,7.,'..,..,. IN" rlown-1-mts only Sl6 rM. WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE MERCHANDISE FOR -COASTAL AGENCY S"LE 'ND T"·oe 600 IV. <th St., Sania ""' 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM School .. lnlfrudlon 7600 "' "' """' Open Daily 9-9 TIME : MONEY AVON Furniture Sat. 9.6 Sun ll-8 'Represenf1tives SECRETARY $500.00 :U ~~! IOOO BEAtrr. import contemp. Sell near home -~ Good Skills, Bee.ch area, caU A / 3 MATCHING furn. Teak couch, walmit their hours -Ge t cooct di• Loralne, Merchants Pef'90l'I. f:t :~ron ': ~~rr Chlne1e large c~=';; chr w/ottomllfl • covered tn counts -Earn ~xcellent net Agency, J:M3 WestdiU INNKEEPErJ° IN:rITU"iE chairs. All for $100. 2 rattan lamb's skin. Teak din money. call for deta.111. Dr., N.B. 645-2770 INTER.NATIONAL bar stdols w/awl~I seats & tbl~xpands la seat 8, 4 SECRETARY with outstano MottVHotel/Apt Mcmt Sehl back.! S9 ea. The Factory, Chivari chrs. 'Orient.al type _"''-'"°"'""""-I :5oJtJ.;:;,;;71)1:;1:_=:::"':_~:::5'J6..4:::351:'.:'.. d!ng skills for diverfified A DMSION OF 1885 Harbor. 540-684l rug from Belgian. Antique: ORDER CLERK SALES : Attract, alrls for law practice. 646-9663 or ANTHONY SCHOOU!l high chair. 900 Sea 1.n., Apt. Equal opportunity emplQYer Gd. figttte aptitude, heavy fuhlon sale• in Orange Co. Ews 673-8565 ln7 S, BROOKHURS'l' c 81• CdM. 644-46511 phone work, gd. phone tech-Full or pft. 842-#19 SEC-PUBLIC ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA d~~~ ~i~ea~rs~tto1:ia;~ BEAUTIFUL ~ pc. Spanish niq~. t().key adding, no SALESLADY RELATIONS COMBO Ouse.1 form every week gT't'en: like new. Cost iJ50: bedroom set $119. Used Sold typiMIS"'s· EXtC "GENCY to handle famous coemetks. ~ who .ia marp look· A!kPloHONBeEJ!;lR APP'I', $175. 548-70'72. sofa & chair $89.. Um! i;;; "' * 53&4900 * 1ng & personable will land r v 71S.SSOO 4 PC f S99 dreumr $31. With mimml 4lO \V. Coast Hwy, N.B.Sal "~,-,--'=='-'---1 this one. Shnd & ability to The Newport M.ra ~Yao~-; !':v! Wartior Th~~· l8IS By Appoint. 646-3939 A • work. on own. Unusual School of Bu1lne11 roc:kera $:15 &:. $35. Contour · . PART Time, male, wiring Ii re you earning ckJ!h1". allow. Start $450. chair $25. Swivel chair $25. USED A~tlque while dinette iddering organ kill. Non-Call Billie Beck, 541)..6«» Features weekly tt',.trnher J\tahog. Drum top tbl S'lO. w/4 chain $25. 9 pc conwr .-... Newport"'"''"'" $250 per Week? COASTAL AGENCY ''"""'' ;, the akilU you M7""" groop, avocado w/O..., * ""l"'"n * 279J Harbor Blvd., CM ~ to iiet the ;job you USED blu...........,,n -fa '· coverlelte $19. Used blsck ......,.. ....,.. v.·1U1t! ~-... ~~ "" "" Chlnese stereo conaole $65. PBX Answering Service. Y()ll can il you are dignified SERVI~ Station Employee•, chair $45. 2 student deskll. The r~actory, 1885 Harbor. &. bondablE', between q:es 2 full time, days. Apply at S9.95 ea. I desk ,\ chair S29. 54()..6842 Experienced preferftd. »55 and married This is Bill Rash Standard, 24CE1 833 Do~~·· N.B The Factory, 1885 Harbor. ==~--~~--1 H.B. Ma. ~ a salts opp<>rtunlty for which El Toro Rd., Lag. Hill1. 540-6842 DON'T Give up! You ma)' SAUCERMAN SCHOOL '""""'===-.,.,--.,-find it at America'1 laraett, Personnel A11i1tt1nf you have M!arched, no can-SERVICE STATION atten. . 2 DAVENPORTS, beds, kg most unusual unflnishflrl T-spot for a girl who really vass\ng, advancement, gen-da.nt full time, e.xnor, neat Co. FaU"gTOunds, zr, I-8 sz headbrds, micr, furn. vi· ...,. Wh 1!: the p .,.,. furniture .tore. Cor. Redhill likes people, 1.fuat be famil-erous retittment plan. Not See J im at 259() Newport e'I rogram palio furn. 675-7203. &. Santa Ana Fwy, Tuatln. 1 iar with personnel proced· a.~~ ?ut a~iat 1r. Earnlncs fi.lvd. CM ww.a.%15 H~~~~~ KINGSIZE Bed, Twin Bed, mi So. of Newport Fwy. ures -hiring, insurance. 1uu-~ mm..... e Y. . SERVICE Station Attendant Ed D ' Che''Y Camper, \Vuher le Open 362 days per )'!'. processing re c or ds, etc. Call 534-1701 fOT' appoint-expcr. Full time. AmbUl'&t?Y Sf0.4000 ' ·Enroll ncnv Dryer. Call 645-1063 544-5470 Good t;ypini:, sh helpful. to ~epnm''. between 10 am &. Texaco, 2252 Harbor, CM. Ev•a. ~•im Sj,20, " .....,... '"° LTVING room , dinette set, N STENOGRAPHER AUCTIONEERING Bedroom set, twin beds, USED sswrted occasionaJ chairs $14 ea. Froat free 2 dr deluxe G.E. Refrla:. w/ice maker. Sl24. The t'aclory, 1885 Harbor . 540-6842. ewport Sa.Jes UNIV. OF CAL. REGULAR 2 WEEK TERM lamps. etc. Call ~778. Pereonnol Agency GRANT'S SURPLUS IRVINE Be In bus;neu for ,...,...111 D!NING ,..m iabl<. blA<k &33 Dover Dr., NB \Ve arc ltf!eklng a ser:retary Learn to be an au ctiol'leer. walnut with 1ix chairs, like 642-3S70 S49-7743 Now Interviewing wi the ability lo read &: type WEST-BEST School of Aue-new $60. 534-8527 German acCUl'atelf , Good tioneering, P. O. Box 3021, Quall k bed GREAT Buy! Comfortable Engli.oh at••· >kill• -. & A--~,·m. r.o,·r. ~0 ~ ty !JI& .quilted. .___. 1· · h · PClLICE OFFICER $711 to $In Par Month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Srveral ntwly created posittons available with Pl"Olttlllive police de- partment e.xpan:linz in size and 9COPt of activ- ity. Requirements Jn. elude 5'9", 150 pounds minimum; 21 to 31 years of age: 20/30 uneorrect- @d vision; hi&:h school di. ploma. Thoto qUalill<d should rt:port for the neXt writ· ttn teat 6:31) p.m., Nov. 19, 1969, at City Hall Cowx:il Ownben, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Stach, Call( No appll· cadoo nectSSilJ")' prior lo test. For turthf'r lnfOl'o maUon, r.ontact the Pitr- 30Mel Otf ic t, <n41 ~ RECEPTIONIST Do yro like people T Can yoU b'P' ! 1kn lfll.b this one I: enjoy YoU!"ldl'I Work tor a n~ bee-. Xlnl Co. A Joe. si..n $400, Call Jtt.n Brown -COASTAL AGENCY Sneilfna • Snell!Jia !190 Hartior l!lvd., CM SALESMEN '"' • ~.. '""'"" ......, ..........,._, Complele-unuaed no5, worth m1UH11t.~ rec 1n1ng c air. German . sborthand de!ir-INTERNATIONALLY known $250. Aft 5 & wknds 842-6536 Tan. like new , used for only able, P/Time position, 4 hrL E1*oPean •inaft' wlllinr 10 ""'=-",::.,:,:,,;;c,..=:...:.::..:= I short time $75. 546-1819 day,· For info call • 83.l-520!. teach unique a: simple sys-GORGEX>US decorator sec-I"======== Equal opportunity employer. terns for suitu & voice. tional, contemp tine fabric. Office Equipment IOl 1 Full Time Experienced preferred but e SUPERVISORS e CONTACT Coat ss,;,o, "'111199• 4~1---..:..-'-----1 not tle<.1!:5181'Y. Mtny com· Experienctd, to supervise EURO STUDIO TABLE saw $50. Dinette $.15. TYPEWRITER, add. mach., pany benef its. Apply in per. telephone 90llcitora workin; Bedroom set $45. Excellent. calculator, Ve.ry reuonable. 10n only between 2 and 6 from ham e. Net sellina:. &t&-6441 * tG.12, 2-3 Brookhunt/Adams, HB Xlnt cond. 892.2423 P.J\I. Write : P.O. Box 6020, L.A. Please apply TELET JT;>O NeW1>9rt Blvd., CM YPE OPERATOR Sales r.1Jn. 1 yr eX'J)tr', 50-60 wpm. MAGNETIC '"ternattonauy.'""""' ""• SIGNS ~iss EXEC AGENCY New franchise in Orange 410 w. Q:iut Hwy, N.B. County nel!'ds S aalesmen By appoint. &l6-J93!l full or pa rt-time. Call for TELLER appointment 642.QlOS SALESM•N Great Job tor the rlght ,,.,_ "' IOI!! Xlnt loc a: Co. bene- F.ebl.bliahtd, expanslo~mlnd· fi ts. This one won't la1t. ed Co. No exper nece1., but Start $450, Call Salb' Hart pre:ttt ~vy equip, or ~ ~ !Ated . ha<kgrnd. Gd. Co. COASTAL AGENCY benefits. $7200 + Comm. + Snclllna • sndlins gu + car. Call Cm')' 2790 Harbor Blvd CM White 51().600.') .• 'cOMTAL AGENCY TEl.U.'R -Noto & Collec· 2190 Hartm Blvd Cl\f Uon. Call Expu. -Newport -~~~---"'---! National Bank, Mr. Carter. Stit.1 S.cret•ry 642-JW Top skflb, "'""job ==T=RA=l"'N"l!~E~--1 tol600. lncl•-nff t ~.00 Sa.lary, manqemt:nl ...--n IOT' arowfnc co. Military Peraonnel Ae•ncy complele or lY hlJh achool 1716 Orange Avc.1 .St1!le C gnd, call An;, Mercbanta C.llf. 642-0026, )'IS.0079 Pmtonnel. 200 We1tclW Dr .. NO matter what It ill. )'04.I li.N,;·8:;:·.,;";;~;,2::;170,:=~=~· I can 1tU It with a DA1LY TIIE SUN NEVER SETS on PILOT WANT ADlt 642-!i678 DAll.Y PILOT \YANT ADS! l • -' I I .,.. . . . . "' .. __ ,_....,. ............. .. -..,,,_ ...... • .:< .-- PITS '"' l:IVllTOCK TllANSl'ORTATION ,~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;ii;~§ffi~;;~;;I · ----Oott-. -au' MoblW"--. -9200. A~~=~1·.-"!'!...~,.., Imported A-HOO I I A Mbc. Win!M l6IO•l-SILKY--1-·Ellll--ID!-·'"';""MALE--CABANA C<uU, collopalblo) FORD 170 ,.,.;.., rebuilt a!>d AUSTIN HEALEY JjilJ:j!(!\[1)119--. F!A~M~~ =:~~ ri~~=~: ~1~~tl;i ~,~;~od~7i: A~~-l~E:;A IJICOU101 OITS CAHaUAftON , ' Ur.claim~!... ,...;. R..i FROM Pvt . .,;,-. old c111J1a AFGHAN HOUNDS 934-81111, Wkndl 613-9314 ,r ,:.;'r.::;udu=----''.::;500::.: lmm~ula~;..,,~~·"" . OF 1a 'tU~IY APAITMSITS . ean A .liooiihw0.1 van " =-~with -!!Wo. •-111t. lbow ir.Jnod, * VANS * -r ' ~ • PILOT-ADVERTISER 36 T R A I lmportiif Autos -JAGUAR For Sa.le -Jaguar Clauic. 11155 XK-110. 1950. cau ~ fi13...604T •• '63 Jea XKE Riter. ~Iuat sell. to.fake ollt'r. * 675-4331 * 'ST JAGUAlt XK-140. Ex· collent condition. Pb one . Spaniih, ;. .. ...._ ....... FanlllVI• s1oroae. Sealed 11om, Bir-NEED '*""' _ .. 3000 AKC ..., 962·t989 Mini lino 9275 ~'TWI:' ~ ttlsl: Cartons, Wardlobtl. reuoaably~~·WEIMARANER Puppie11970 BOONtE Bike e tru '61 Econoline, $ave LT81C8· ' ' . AU ·.••dAND s~: , ~l""" ~~~I ~ . AKC, -a-...... ''"' <000. mo. Ml;..; lki '63 vw Bua FML16& .•• $1099 . ·lli::.-Medltii'rlne•n_ ' room u1te_1n. ~" e • om ~ e ~lg lllQ plona. · A dirt equip l'lill!W puU, xlllt '66 VW Bill suµ10 .. $1499 IUll:RCEDES BENZ {J\~9~ $349.001 ........................ NOll(JlU:OO ·a·Md~O.\n !"·-~··. • > ·-*cit•> 19i-"'3 .. ..,..,crooc64.-'16U '61'-Dodge._on-Ya -31QOW ...... ll1W)'. • .JiJL_l;.m::::;!"F';:o;=::;:;;:;;';;~~=-1 _11rl u~1011 jl Ill IJ Ll 1 l -:, - Gorge'ou1 Spen1'1 Custom BuiJt Sof• with . !?,.~~nzTV~i.A~~ .. lt~ .. 1 8'>t1.le FORKUFT 2,000,!b. u,.ter TOY Poodles. allver bela:e ··--DEB160 •••••••••••••• $1999 642.WOS MG .... ~1764 · metc:hin9 l ove, S.1t.-Chofct of ~utlful ....,..,r (I<.......,.~ ""' er-PMIL Makt offer! '(14: brcnYn. AKC WW hold. ·' Motorcycles 9300 '68 Oiev Sportama.n Van Authorlted IA:'aa't < <)1.111'1" County·- L ·', q·"·' Sclcct1l)•' r..i'""" & Usr·d r,\prc•·Jr·-> Ben! f·1br'••• IRe9 •. °'1·9'.9•.I .•.. NOW•'"LOO ro.ll••.~~2Wb'!"~Co~r __ , nl: "1·U33 . ,.;.~. • 1<»<43 ................ •-. iJN .. • <rT • ••••• •• • ... a:roup PIC'l&lwm ae.. · .... eves. ..,._._ SLIGtm.Y used Minolta '69 Chev Van v.8 auto, TI~10· DA TS Sp•n.ish Dining Sets ·:························· .. -···$71.00. en, Me<litt' Naup.hy ' DI· Samoyed l Y"1' old,feltllle, SRT 101, 35 mm camera w/ ,.lid Otk End Tebl .. •nd c.11 .. T.bl .. _$1t.10 vao & Tuve)<a~·-•ther. FREE TO YOU ~to i..ed, ISO. 1.7 ...... Plua 135 mm MC Kustom Motors T1/l .D1cor1tor T•ble L•mps ' flt;·Ie1. Cuatom Home Bar A: • Call -645-0156 ltOKKOR 3.5 teleplloto Jens, 845 Baker St.. Costa ti1esa IR.•9· ~9.95 } ... _ .. _ ................... HOW $11.00 · 3. Stool•; Ktrwmn eketrlc BSAJJT, conte:nted kittens, 2 MALE Chihuahua Puppies $2i0. 644-1158 ' AuUt L ll. Dealer 5t0-59l5 Sptl'Jfsh H'n9in9 Sw19 ;.•mps . Guitar & ampll.tier. Portable Dlined 3 moL Adore pup. J25. m West Bay Streel, '67 CL 90 SCRAMBLER. Set GMC"TRUCKS l~eg .. $49.951 ............................ HOW '$12.50 TV, Cedar Chests. fower plet A children. Will live in Colta Mesa. 6'5--295C Up for Dirt. Street Legat Oranae County Sales and A ~decorator dream house on display -3 ~sta ol DraW:ers. 1ar. Meet to apprec. E. IRISH SEI 1m PUPS 6.0CX> ml. Call -536--9874. Service Headquarters. · t rOOtTls:qf gorgeous Spanish furntturC (was ·n.~· B~-~ Ta3b~a & Bluff arta. ~or AK'C-SWEEKS '68 YAMAHA 100 NEW.USED re H"".<tt'la-=: .,.,,..u"S, i .. ,. ..... s, Ni~ """ ~-11/11 * ••• ~r * UNIVERSITY 6· «"""""· · Electric r n Washe v•-.w• ' .,......,..., Trailmaster xlnt cood. ;29a. ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. llunlJ.o&:toa Beach 842-7781 or 540-{l442 '69 PICKUP SA•RlflCE .... ·~,..~ st!vess, &: MU~ FREE to cood home,.fenced COLDtN Retritver-.bnle, 2 5e-.1618 after 4:30.,Pm OLDSMOBILE t., . • • • • • • ...,. MORE . TOO NUMFl\.OUS yard, adorable female Daisy ~ AICC, abdnt trd, e.reat 350 HONDA SCRAMBLER 2SSO ll&tbor Blvd. CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN ; '7 to MENTION!! 1 • _;:· ~;*Abcl:nw~~~ wjehldrn~S250. 642-86UI Xlnt cone!. Law Mlleqe: Co~~~~1a Near ne\v, 1500 "1ilcsi 4 spd, ftArJJYMENl'.RJNDTRouNEl'TITLU"R"E·.·. • nors .1ucnoN ~~~bet7ll/PM13 TRANSPORTATION .::-i!:z:s::;"'I. <OM. FOR SAL" -1961 !'ORD ~~,;,~~ru='.!:~ ... Y h --$ll?5 f ECONOU NE, heavy dty. party. ZQS909LB. Call Ken JX>ME~B~ FREE"to qua( bome,,Jarae; fl & •. h ~ 1~ 646-6448 super van. $1975. 630 W, 494-Sm or 545-0634. n~ Toay'a BlacF .t'la ~~~-j&d~-~! SCRAllLEJS '66% HONDA 305 Scrambler. 17th, C.J\.f. -==:;===::=== 1844 N rt Bl d (It ~..... ,,_ ------, nr '61) FORD P/U, II ton, ttblt ENGLISH FORD . ewpo v •Hubor Blvd.I ~=o.m.\,to• ~a:::\~'° .. h,~ ANSWER·S ~..".!,;~rebuilt.El<-=n~~.,,~ .. z1.ss•;:i; Costa Mesa Only . ~, s~~~fikiatbe~ -~~e~~1e.p~ppn;: \Vinkei-_ Rouie-Jtocky-66~~i! .. 1:w ~bier. " -;:e,;:;~ ~~tc;0::i.·0. Every Night 'Til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'Tll ' . tablt~ ~ bfllttiel with sha.ggy and blacll:, int~· Oothe -CORKSCREW · I =54='="=182======::. I Fully equipt. Priv. Pai-ty umbiebl.'35.~J.3'XS' 1 Jent, affectJonat., houle.. Hew&Jaocrookedhe could 494-15.53, 8AM-10AM I Pl & Oraa 1130 ~fltldihnita. fop oU' desk broken. 494-6144 11:114 stand in the lh&dow of a. A~to p!:;:lcet 9400 '63 Chev. P. u. ~S T. 8' bed, G1tl90 Sale 8022 anot ="" ISO, 1·2' x 3\i' . KE'IOIUP A Mod.,ty need CORKSCREW. i)'d. top <000. 1750. 84>-Ll.i<. FACTORY 'desk .$20. Miecella.neou& good homes. Loveable-a wk 1966 CHRIS Cr.ft 27\ii' 56-9331, ext. 580 Ptx>~ Thi. s wu. whl• CLEARANCE I ~lty"". ~-:""" .. :.J"., ~ o!ld tiger ltltt•N, M/F. Doe. 8-.,;,11erman. Twl" US BEAOI '62 CHEVY P/U ~..... .....,, .,_., _.., kd &: house broken: HP ellifnes. Fly Btidp. ·-----------~-·------ ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES • SERVICE '&!MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Thoodore ROBINS FORD Jim Siemon; Imps. W.!1 <IP• & f1'i.1ip St. S,1n t .1 An;1 '.><l6 ·i 114 19tii 250SE Mercedes Benz coupe VJG083 alt, power, etc. Custom pa in t w/leather interior () n I y ~ full pri<.'t'. J 1 m Slemons Mereedes Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa Ana. 54&-4U< MG MG Sales, Service, Parts , Immediate Dellvel)'. All Modela J1rlUPLlI 1 31Jnport c, 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. 642.>f(X; 540-1161 AuUtorized MG Dealer w/apinners, be a (" h um-Fallctory orderad clearance ~ Paloma Dt. between 20Ut & MS-'813 11/14 $8600. Call 6*-7353. Auto Supply $59'5. 642-«IOO brella, & r-.fisc. ile.ms of all a overage, emonstratoni, Irvine 548-2936 1965 MG Midget. Top Shape! 2060 Harbor Blvd. Wire wheels. Michelin tires. kinds. incl: furn. Reu. 2791 lloor models, atudio .\ ~ p•;.,,;._Bell ·:._,..] 2S SPECIAL! 1 Kittens for 1 20· Inbrd. _Dory "W/trailer, Who! f JHpl Cibola, CM. 540-3465. Nov. turned Pianos &:: Oflans. '";~! ""FM'l8Ule'aolid ._..!~~., .. a person "" well equipped. Must go, esa e 9510 Costa Mesa 642-0010 S900 cash. 968-5650 1=:.<:...---.0.:.:.: ··----oo='=='=====-1 'Jli.18tn. Real savings up to 30%. •ta..,. .'""'' sttteo 0 1-· 11/14 needs wrlc Any fleuo~ble Evi?rything guaranteed Jlke radio. l:tl watt powe~ out· JITY otter acoepttd. Call MG-5146 Prices to All Complete Machine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUILT ENGINES ·55 Reblt Cng. 4 \vhl Cir. Top, SATURDAY. anHqucs, pot bellied irto\-e, dishes,, ping pong table & misc. furn. 1600 Balboa Ave., Little Bal Islt. DEATH In F'amily: hlust sell entire house full. Anti- ques Incl. All Beautiful. 1233 Alabama Ave., H.B. CaU - 636-2$6. new. Sale limited lo specific put 4 r stereo J1U>rd FREE To &ood home. 2 ~EAUTIFUL 33• Riverboat stock • so hurry! No money player, .,.us built-Jn 8 itrack female cock-a-poo'a, very $12,750. 1 yr old Courtesy ~ do1vn OAC, 5 years to pay. tape cartrld;e play,er. 1 moa curly, 2 ~ old. Good wiUt, Brokers. B. w. Tarnutzer This &reat &ale only at: old. Quick Sale. $ 2 9 0 childttn. MS--5927 ll/i4 548-Ml9 1125 Victoria, CM 548-6550 \VARD'S ~WIN sruruo 646-2174 •----~~~-- roll & tow bar, radio, hitch. 646-5568 'G9 JEEPSTER Com1nando, 4 1vltl drive: Warn bubs. pos. l-lraction: 6001 ml. 54&-9853. 1819 Nev.-rt C.M MU48. KIRMlN & ~land . . WA SHER-Drye r com~ * Al.GLAS '5' 18361BeachBlvd,1iB847-0991 o:: E'vezy Nite ' Lolli& XVI Beds, ;::: 1::n:: blnation. you re~ Dfi;er Fly1na: Bridge Express * OPEN 1 DAYS * Campers 9520 . &: ·Sunday Atie~@n .., . tt<I . -1 a-. Sil part works, timer .needs $11 000 * Eves 675-3D7 I !!!!!!!!!"1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I -~:::;====-I o I ass, U<unies. ver. repair. 5'8-8598 WJ5 ' ' I' ·59 CHEVROLET P/U, 4 PIANOS & t)ff.GANS BuU~ deU, Rocker( AU ARLING glJ Kit S llboats fOlO .flNESI' L\1PORTED CAR spd, 6 cyl. $595. 8' cabover FERRARI MGA FERRARI '58 MGA, XLNT COND. Nu N--Imports Ltd. Ot-paint & curtains, Jvg. state .... _.. must sell. 67>3821 anre C-ounty'1 Olll.Y author-========" I lzed deaJer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy • Newport Beach 642-9405 540-1764 Authoriied Ferrari Dealer PO~CHE NEW &: USED Op@n1ng Sale priced for the D t. ten. sre>': • Service in Costa J\.lesa Open Road Camper ;695. Or GARAGE SALE now thru e Yamaha Pianos & Ora:ans Holidays! The Bi a: al' re , wkJ, 675-0477 1l/l3 LIKE SAi LI NG 1 Specialists in Mercedes both for $1195. 222 \V. FIAT · 'Sal 2118 Highland Or., N.B. • i:~mu Ortans ~84~0Beach Blvd., H.B. :~la:~pes. malriiJ DISLIKE TtiEsET ee;.z·1 J~_arPliV:~~G, \Vililon, C.M. 548--0MJ 1----'-.:.:.C"---- !tARE 1955 Porsche Con· li112ntal, as is. Gd. for restoring. isoo. 548--1605 aft 5. 1966 Porscbe 912. 5 spd, air cond., radio, low miles. $3895, Bayside Motors, 1200 \V. est HWy, NB. 646--5055 '61 Pon;che Su[>ef 90. Clean. $2500 Private party. Call before 8 p.m., 839-M40 or 544-5278 Good furn. • K1n1ball Pianos . -• Payment., blah lntereat 18 ,· um 1• '64 DODGE Van Family 1967 f' f 850 • Kohler & Campbell ROUND Table & 4 captains GERMAN Shepherd, 2 yr. depreclatiog, a I i p rental' DAN'S Atrl'OMOTIVE \Vgn. air cond., side awning, 13 1100 COAST MUSIC chairs. Double bed & 1 old female, co ad cleantna:1Murance, etc. ' SERVICE Call• 642-6770 gd. conil. Aft 6 pm. 968-2729 NE\VPORT & HARBOR single bedroom sets. All in \VfChildrel},, -..m9 aft. PREFER THESE! EDLEBR·OCK Hi-R!se C.OSta ,Atesa *-~2.2851 Maple. Ref-stove, kttchen 6. 1U13 • Low cost no \VORK & manlfold & J-lolley carb. '66 CHEV Spt. Van r/h, Re!rlgerato1-s .... fro1n $38. Open 10-6 Fri 10.9 Sun 12-5 set & chests. 543-0436 • CO~tBINATION ·Sink and CAREFREE' SAILING'. Most engines $99.95. Na· auto, taj)e, carpets. etc. GE P 1 "' c 1 TV at s-~ c· 2llO Xlnt $160(l. 673-6359 eves. 01 awe \!Or , BALDWIN Spinet Pia.no 4 ~IOVIE camera stationary· tub. Sin&le sta· Cal 25 lltUe as $14. 'h day tion ~"' enter, - Appll1ncos Cpe -Grey \V/Tan Int. ti.lag Type Wheels, One Owner • Drive to Appreciate. like nu ................ ·Sl1S yr}; old $i50. Pvl ply, Professional hair dry~r ()n tionaey_ tub. Z>322 Riverside ·Try Our Club Plan Harbor, Ch1. 646-6100 Frigidaire elcc dryer $59.9:> 612·7534 or 642-06TI . fltand. Get .. r· cau niter, Dr. S.A. ~el,ihU 11/11 NEWPOltT SAIUNG CLUB AUTO body & Fender Dune Buggies 9525 TIME FOR RCA ~, oJ · lo ·TV •1•" Tbe \Vorlds: Best ~zo::o Car ... u 5 c, ·CO 1· • -.o --546-4.569 after 4 pm wkdays, BEAUTIFUL lovable shiny • 675-nOO • repairs at rcas. prices. '57 Bug -Rail Job. 10" whl!I .. , $1195 WhU1pool aulo washer $50 Telt'#lsion 8205 all day Saturday. ~ . black )'OWll female cat with NEW TOMCAT VW 's a spcc:lality. 5:13-4503 in back. nu tires. Recent re "'UICK CASH GE \Vasher/dryer ••.• $100 , b"·"·· •·" --"'-__,. ··'· f La al · b ""°7 .. " ,. OUNL-AP'S MAGNAVOX Black/white CHARTER memberahij> In· ,_.,. L<U>, ·~ 6"""' 16' Gla6S. Cat&maran as... or ITY· v vc JO • .no-.,.... 1AW DA1SUM IUVICJ 1815 Newpon Blvd., C.M. 19" portable $50. &f2..8501 or N~ewport Beach Tennis .. Club home. 541-3034_,_ . 1Ul3 67?NL2Sly7 ISOO *INC. TRLR67"' .. ~ f'~~ -NMerc •. :.Y..·\V. D-·ssbdyV\V ~ng·-~ .. ChGoodassis, gl~ JHROUGH A u•n11 842-1376 · .Jor We at orlcinal cost $480 FOUND: f'em...:: Sia.mele ,,.. .,.......,.,, B.,,.~ ... s. ew & Ub"'-1 parts, , Llei?n""". couu. -3 4 Y Who!--·•· an ... ~= M t •·U "'" "'8 "Leader in The Beach Cities" ===~~-~-I Leqe Color TV or Black cash. 642-3<E7 · cat approx or mo. ic. 20'. VIKING Sailboat. 2 suits ""'""'to ,,...,.....,.,.. us .x • ...,.,,...,,.... ZIM ER WANT AD KENMORE Auto. \vashcr, & \\'bite Option to b"" CROSS top Re fr ti., 'cannery & Ada.ma Ave. of·sails. $1500 or best offer. MAGS, Mtr Raider, 15"' for r.-1ANX/CORVAIR M MAN ~~ ~c~e7~~;:7i f~ Fn!e se~ce. No de;sit automaU~4tfl\21L ~-962-10&0 ll/ll 833--0150 Ford, 2 for $20. 66-2246 ?.1ake OUer! Desperate! 2195 H~!~~ll10 BLVD. DAILY PILOT pm. A·Active 1V Rental Co. The Houe in Ba~ ~. FEMALE BOXER. spayed, 4 LIDO 14, no. 61 . Good cone!. 2 c•="=";•;,;•;·m=. =====-"'==;•=646'=·=1896==·==-•,===~=;;,;===::..'..======== (!) 522-llfil 11th. 60-57CL montbs old, loves cblldrtn, stt. of saUs. Ow ner ~ Rp;rnJGf;RATOR, 8 yeani _ . · * * * * ; ~ to ~ home with transfer~. $550. 673-2750 old $flj.. 548-16!11 H l·Fi & Starto 1210 FAMILY 'Mmiberahlp t1 t n fenced area. 56-5315 111131=:======== •ru~ 1 . , Irvine Coat 'CountfY DARLlNG calla> and mixed Pow.r Crulatrs 9020 KENtiIO!tE alfto washer. " .,. s e I inunediatelyl :, ·-• .,.._. .uo.. .,.... · k1ttlm -broken 8 wkl )ate m~et, xlnt cond. 8 "SEARS BES'l'". 6' Walnut ?1' _.e. c .. "l· l'Y• .,,.,.. . old Pttase call ~ MUSI' Sell! 17%' Fiberr;laa qcles $65. 546-8672, 847-8115 conscilc s t ereo, Medlt~ ·P~c;ED tor Qu!Gck,'. I ·85 mi Carob st. NB nn.i inboard. Vtry Seaworthy. ~----~--. -ranean, $200. 5J6..8774 Karm,ann h"'" Im-. Ex. concl. $1800 or Best Of-\VESI'INGHOUSE Refri1er· , . . maculate! Original ~~r. l'URE White male cat, 4 ter' 673-9361 ator 1 yr old. avocado. 13 \VJLL Sacr1l1ce T.elefunken See at 4IO Broadway, C!$f, moa old. Mlllt find home or:!'==·======= cu. ft. $100. 494-2359 Stereo, Af._1/FM 1n beaut. * CAJlPET*' aa:..e 3 la toe• to lbtller. S48-4M'l aft loat Trillen ADM IRAL Refrigerator v.'lllnut cabinet. S44-S289 avocadO~ carpet le 6. -11/13 -- Freez,r. Almo5t new. 6'. $100 ELECTRA -VOIC~. FM jute-backed:. Will ·,.• Ice AMC miniature male 18' ~o 22' boat trlt. torsion 9032 -. Call-67l-1607• stereo_ tuner. xlnt. $65'0r of. $2.90 per yd. ~72'5. · Dachahund. g moa. old, all spnnp, &oOd btq. 675-3341 Kh1Jy Vacuum deanfr fer. G42-8J07 or 342-t376 Carpet IQtr hu Hi shots, good wi~ childnn. ,at="='=··====== tidth all attachnlents, $-15. C nylonll $1.99 yd 96U327 11/13 90 Call _ G45-015G. 1mtra1 & Equip. 1300 from $3.50 up + ;,,y la FREE Frie.ndly, playful pair Boat Slip Mooring 34 :-.:IAYTAG auto washer, xlnt WILL BlJY 16 mm proj;sUent 90c per yard. • Siamese catl. Altered, 80' SLIP available for boats cood. 4 yrs. old. us. or sound. J\.tu~t be in good ORIGINAL Qilg for aiftl _ ~. declawed, 3 Yrl old. for sale. {2) 40'• or (1) 60' 546-8612, 847-Blli cone!, fl'!88. priced. gilt tramea _ ()}d shlpc _ 813-5747 ll/13 to 8)'. Call Chuck Avery, WEDGEWOOD Gas Range. \VILL SELL Federa•J mission -ca.stle9:, etc. F'l"om fl,UFFY long·baired kittens ~2 or eves call clean, $-10 or best offer. call Enlarger lor 35 mm, $25 to $400 540al98 -2 tri-coi<nd tigers,. 1 llil-:1='!1<-391=~6·,,....,_...,..--- 67>-0645 aftrr 3 P~t. 21,~"x2~i", etc., i~ foldaway STERLNG .. Sil 6 'te ver-black. 491-8858 ll/14 WANT: Rent or buy, moor-cast' \V/ masking euel ver, P ce · 511 Pe · la U ll lO \Viii trade on projector. eall setUng C&ndlella:ht, Towle 2 GOLD It white pfSWnese :i ~ p, kl ni6' 22or ~ A __ n_li~q•_•_•____ on \Vknds, Fri eve. thru $35. Triple action exereycle male Jdttelll. &a&-1773. 2334 H a!t"a ~ · r. P•t Michael Antiques GRAND OPENING! Fine selection ol Eu1'0pean · & Amel'ican Victorian lum- iture, See at 46S E. 17th St. in c.~f. 64;..2776, 10 to 5. Sun., Laguna B e ach, $37.50. 968--TI09 • Westminste r, C.M. ll/13 ~n, IYI •eves '1~2152 Relaxlcilor $50. BLACK m1nlatute -poodle1,67;....,,=6=·====== 11912 Elm St., F.V. puppy. 3 rnoriths old · MobUe"Htnwl 9200 Mi1<•ll•n-1600 '~' -11m ==;..;.;;=:.=...--.;.;; CLOSE CUTI For Sal" ,...., __ MAl.E tl .. r kitt.n, ' m" . SPACES! 1969 box Greetini Carchi. Oranre & Eucalyptus ·old. Unlq~ marking 1 . OU·Lstmas. Bh1hdays, Gel 838-6610 646-3062 11/13 Sawln9M1chlnt1 8120 \V_e JJ, All Occasion, etc. GE Dlsbwaaher for aale. FnEEPl.poN:. .. uy I at regular price • &el $150. Bab Y ~ 54&-696t NEW s+ PARK MDVI! .IN .• TODAY 111 Cholu ol Mod.ls or Custom Bullt 1969 SINGER 11•/bcaut waJ ·console &. zig-l8.I". Make11 bUtton hole!!. overcasts. S Year guar. ·t"'\11\ p1·lce $38.24 .or $5.26 mo. 526-6616 Mu,lc•I Inst. 1125 ACCORDION (21 Xlnt. 120 Bus Len'lllr. 12 Basa Noble. 540-2472 GIBSON ES 335 TDC Semi· ·50lid, Humbachers hardtil'iell 'cue. 645-2241.i aJt S. another at Jc!' Tbl. $30...$41)..836(1aJt12 PM. 11113 MINNll'S Orfftlng 270 YDS: It. gold Acrllan BAY & Border Collie pupa. C11rd1 & Gift Shop · c.upetw/pad; all or part; Goo-d watch do11 . 8511 He U Ave., Westminster Used 1% Yf&n· 6'73-3912 &45-0415 11/11 (1 blk E. o.f Beach Blvd.) UNIQUE" Modtrn Diamond AKC Beqle, ffm. tri-colOttd 847-3131 En~. ring set. $250/beSt needs fenced yard. POOL TABLES ofter. 5464109, 833-0489. ~ · lUll JN SMOG FR.tE Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Secard Pool SKJtRS-.ReT'lt my mobYe 4KC Bueet hound, ttm. l BRUNSWICK-Al\ff ~e .in Mammoth. aj or yr. }ova: cbildl"l!n. Ntedl Adult Mobile Home Park Custom Slate Table wetk. c. Nelli, S3l-43'1j, fenced yard. ~ lUll GREENLEAF trom $239 BROWN r.-tanntt fur coat. FR.EE Ta quallfied home. 2 ?ttobUe Home Sales *~in~~* f'tlt mattria!. Make otter. kittena. Adults only . lT50~~~!v~ .. · 532-.199l .M2-H13 50-ll46 11/ll Taft Nawport Fwy. or Pl~nOI & Or91n1 1130 323 S. ftJain SI. Oi:ana:e Qua!lty klnl' bed.quilted LOVELY youna: Q&)'td cat, Hartior BL to 19th St. KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner complete-uriuttd $105. Y•01'1h ft"ff ta aoocl home . Drive West to Whittler Ave. with at tac h n1e nt s & $250.-A.!t5Acwknds84l-6536 646-'7U96 · 11113 CALL (714) 642-1350 poHsher. Take over small Health Spa tifembership MALE -puppy 5 months old, iAY HARBOR ·11!' cable Ntlson Console pAYfl'lents or pay off balance: for t\\-o &mall breed. 646-868111/13 Mobile Home Sell• in beautllul \\•alnut includ-of $36.40. Crtdit Depl 642-0190 . CUTE Kittens, v.·taned. and Cua Loma JtoU • Away • lng bench, $695. Limited ~'1289. 6 C)olindtr Chtvy mOtot, houaebroken ~ 11/U Shtraton Manor • Homettc . number available! BEAUTIFUL h&l'ld palnled Running. U1t1 oil. TAPPAN 1as n1t1e MS-$110 Kit • PrtsdJe • Sahara , GOULD MUSIC 0" Portrtlt ol YoU or Your 9"-793" 322 Osle St., CM Jl/11 ALL SIZES 20" N u-ln !A &4?-0GSl children ftom a photograph. fi'.t:t.AXACISOR SM•" u---I-"'"'·"' NOW ON DJSP!.AY "" • ·-' A v.vnd«rtul tdea tor that Ulce new -$200 "dd~-1QH' ell.iii 1C25 Balcer St. O:ilta Mesa !WIMOND • Stet~ • Ya--'al Christnw 111 t. * 61""842 * yn • · IO bloct l!:UI 0/ Harbor Bh<d. mUa .. nrw a Ued: piano. 646-3629. . Kttttm ~ •Mb old to SoOd cOsta M.. <n•> 540-&C?O ol all mabl. Best buya In . FIREWOOD for We-cut to Misc. Wtftt9d 1610 .hoC'ne_ 136-4493 IUT . JI HIW So~.':igf'Jtfilc Ol., Yo' r spedtlcaUom; "'"s WE BUY s BABY -.... -SIU. m USID 1907 N. ?ttain. :oicuoned. 0e11v & stck d 1111• Cooper Sallta .,. • ~· !i.':. lA.f·.:::..,c. $ FURNITURE $ plff .... uvlriOCK TRAILER .SALES f'JIEEQRGANCLASSES HAND IOd mulll g••Ph APrLIANCES ~ 1125"1uy ,,_I man Munday rtttta 7.30 • 1.30 pm dupUca!ot, model 80 & au,p. Cef.,TY.,..Pl•11•1-S+t,••• • llv.1 In GMI '' GOULD MUSIC CO. p1~1 ss;. 5xl hand,,. le!ttr 1 ,,_" H-,,. POMEIUN!AN P •PP I e • WE St!\VlCE ~ N. Ma.In, $ .• \.. $47-0681 pre~ & 1upplies 16 traya of CAJ:M Ht JO Miff~ AKC t'el· J "*· + shots. . WHAT WE SELL! i:::,rv;~ pf~JY rJ~ J~''11~!U:~uER , •lllr 54PAI --4Y 5CA31 SH• P'OOoLt ~!in, to1 A 13li1,~"s!'.~.;;,,:ni:,.~1'1:. C>.SH• $4J..60.15 mos old. sn>. T.G alt con1-"' toy, all colon. AKC, lop •63 S'llM1iJI axi2. alum awn- Pt.A.NNLNG to move r You'll prtuor $1!0. 40' Jadde:r, $33. _ quail~. Stud aer. 893-9119 Ina, located adult park 01. Jln(t a:n amaiini QWllber ot Alrleaa •Pray aun .l pump Wfu'fT'E'O -Dc>c Houst for MI NI • TOY p»dlts, AKC, Xlnt oond.. priced low. hDm 1 to today'• a•_... l1ill (;Ina. ~ Rt~lt bl.ck, CW'b'1 oitt m.alf:s. ""4&50 call atttr 4 er all Ma. Chfcll t1'fm ,.,,... 84U14l •"-"' S. Prtct. -...mo art. • IQ..1152 dt1 wetll:itnds. SAVE $300 • ' ZIMMERMAN DATSUN NOT A REVOLUTION BUT A EVOLUTION All·1teel lied 6' x 4'8" wit~ on easy. loading tail-gate. Perfect for pocking bike1, 1urlboards, or rugged work foods up to• half ton. Roomy, vinyl-lined cob, slick 4-ipeed. Whitewall•, last-acting heater / defroster. Proven reliability. Datsun's the No. I Selling Import Truck! THINKotan the things you can put in a 6 foot bed. We Have The Finest Stock of ••• NEW DATSUNS 2000's ·' 5 Spee.ds 8 1600 CC 4 Speed Pick Ups & 1600 Roadsters e 2 Door Sedans • 4 Sp.eeds 8 4 Door Sedona. 4 Speeds or 3 Speed Au· tomatic • 4 Door Station Wagons-4 Speed or Automatic. Available For Delivery Now! George Zimmerman and his staff offer one of the most mocJ. / ern of sport car facilities. The service dept. offering the finest of !er· vice for all makes of sport cars. • HONESTY • INTEGRITY • FAIR· DEALING AT GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DATSUN Sales and-~ 2845 HARIOR BLVD., COSTA MESA, PHONE 540-6410 -- ------------------------------- I .......... .,...~ . .. -,·_..,....~~~~~ ..... ..-..... ~--~""".' ............................................................................ ""' ........................................... ~ ................................................................. ~ .... ........ ' 7. 0PILOT•ADV!:mm W·'··sd N~-1• lM ..• . -If, --" N9 W"""1t/, •• -. it 1969 DAILY I'll.OT t7 i, rRANSPORTATIOh TRANSPORTlTION TRANSPORTATION ··TRANSPORTATION•• llWISPOaT,,lTION . . TRANSPORTATION .~ATIOll _ .• ~ATIOH I fltANSPORTAtlOJi ~; i Imported._ HOO 1,,,,.rloi1 Autos HOO Used C•n 9900 u..a C•ra 9900 • ,, • • , U.. c... 9900 !: I PORSCHE 4mportod Autoo HOO VOLKSWAGEtir ~ATJON twr 2 .. JWCK -· .u.. 9900 ~ Clin : • .... CHEVROLET-u .... ,.,. ~i ~ 1 VOLKSWAGEN ,55 vw cam;;.,,--· NEWPORTER flWITORS CADILLAC .Cl.llVIOUT . CON11NENrAL . , '"""· ™ I .-0. $800, 2006 HARBO!t BLVD. ~-~ ~ """,,,"",· '81 SEDAN Do vme. --• 1• B ............ ~ !. ~ -~~-· : ; YW BUGS 339"2 Coo-r Lantern, Dana cosrA MESA .....,. exp r n f . "' ....UIU .._ . · 1111 CONT IM II: NT A' • ' ~ eecrUke. Call 1!3-!lOS w I du!r lxvwn vb\)11 top, • < "' • • M,.,. -bla all -SEDAN .:.1 'Point. •--5294 or 54a-IS11 xlJ>t ccmd." lull pwr. opd. ~ am., :m Ent air .-tloolll.'-•-'r Lotlded• llla'I om. FROM 1906VWBUS.Great C.nd.40 FINANCl!jG AVAlLABLP: CADILLA<: coatnil, tilt whl. AM/FM, ~ ·Many a...i tllo ,.._ W"lll -l1Sl!O i:.it -., l''MMI HP erctne on wamu11y. ~deck_ $2950..-.... or ame .• ·Mo.. Awract. Jim Semans Merc e~iil ' • if ofolil.il ~t1<1tarter . BUICK '65CADD£YIUE .:-:u=o.vW..Full :·$1595 =-~w~.-CORVAll -, :\ 1960 VW . $425 O.. ae.r '65 WILDCAT Buick, lul1y ,,...., $391S. Exoellent con-1....,;' • 'II Chevy -. HT, po. '65 CORv•-M • , j Ofter. Call 54()..2058 ~pped.air, new tbu. 1 All orlglnal, full pwr, fact dltion. Ml-GJ.49 The ,~da Belt $2000 Cu pb. Bullt up~ 113 w/S tpd. 1Un. °'*' Clallf'I• · -Afler•PM. partyowner.892-6319. &ir,dlr,takeforelpcarJn l,. ;Fut tramptlDn. t•OO Immac.cond.4S,,ODOedull ~.~ ··~·---'-----1 .56 -.. emall-downo-QPA-' -a·M·"·R·o --, --HpL..m0...•-. .......... ,~-+--' BUICK, &tick ahlft. Medi ed. 1111i ,... um· MtSUI a r1C1 ;;;rni:f ' 1 • a.m. to 5 p.m •. Ewl. ~ ~: VOLVO •~rk -· 135.00. 2233· ,Avaloo rn, Phil '9UTl3 or • 'ti uu.n -'DR. :m roRVAIR, • "'· liiO ·-, . --------1 St., Costa Mesa. 5U-0&34. :61 Camaro Convertlble qme ?Jew transm1u1on, ' VOLVO ' '59 Bulcl<. X!ot Cond. Good '67 CAD. -De vm.. Full Rallye Sport. R/H, "" -"Leader In Tht !leecb Cltle•" 'low n.u..,.. X!nt coal. wlllte. Xlnl --· . '64 Convertible with hardtop KOrrl, leather, radials, rack, AM/FM.~ CLEARANCE NOWI 142· 144· I~· 144 THE LOWEST PRICES YOUR BEsr DEAL.'l ~E STULAT DEAN LEWIS transportatlon car. Bal Of· pwr .. fad air A stereo. All hub" Clean. 49>-0411 ZIMMERMAN Low book prt,,.. 64>-!8S2 ...,., 1325. - fer. G'ls.5342 access. 1..owner. Low mi., . (S) 1968 '"'CHEVY 1 1 YIT1'I X!nt .,,nd. ~or bell ol-CHEVROLET ' 2195 HAR119R BLVD. ,mpe" COR TIME FOR 1er.Ca11w1o1ya'""""' '540+411 looded. Priced~ quldci-------i QUICK CASH '62 cad. Sedan DeVl!le, lull '66 CUEVY !mpe11, ' Dr. 1965 Cht,V)I,. eyl. 1~ .... p: I =Ale='=· llllOO===· ==== '65 CORYETIE THROUGH A power, air. clean. lo. ml.. llOI'. BEST OFFER. u. 43,000 ml. $10!0. 111).3112 CON11NINTA. L v.a, • epd, dlr, -lCh!l $985. ~lor5'>7066. *646-1234* -'"'~'=''"PM.""'--~-cond. WW take fotelp ?f · DAILY PILOT '61 CADILLAC Fully equip. '58 CHEVY NOMAD '61 c:ii..y Impel& Q>nv.. '66 CONTINENTAL. Looded, Jn trade, or ....U doWll. Will WANT '.(D BEST OFFER. Private l'U' Station wqon. Cle&nt $2915. Good .,.,..__ -xlnt -·low mlleare tine prvt prfy, lllmS, Call 2 dr, green, 4 spd, dlr, S@e 1966 Harbor .. CM. 6t6-9803 ty. 6tU031 $70 * 64l--OSU call 60--0914. $HIO. 'Prtwte 51)-tm, PbU $9713 or 5f5-06M. ~··, tttls car • 10 apprecla~! · ·..,..,====""'===':=;'=="::::====~=======oa:: -ROU.S '39, side m,ounta, new Small down, will fine. prvt., AntlqUll, Claalcs 9615 New Cara 9loo New Can 9800New Cars 9800 New Can 9800 New C... MOONew Can •'. ROLLS ROYCE paint, new wtw tires, $4950. prty. VWJTIS. Call Ken, 1B56~MARK~;~ll[]Co~n~llne~ntal:.1 iffi~5~ss555~5~555555~§s§~~~5~~~~§555f5~~555fS~~~sss5m Prlv. prty 846-500. 644-0507 494·9773 or 545-0634, ·Brottz:e".~ Brown &: Whlte 'int, • VW '68, SU.nroof, Ski Rack, X1nt cond: 549-285L " TOYOTA oham., ohrnme Poraohe 1931 Model A rims, Michelin tltts, ex· $400 TOYOTA traotor e><haust, wood lnttt. 962'4067 trim. $1650/ or T. o • ·p, ===-==='II 644-2785 Autos Wanted 9700 SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ARE STllL AT V\V '63 Semi-camper, mint cond, OnJy 12,475 ml Fae WE PAY • · DEAN LEWIS re-bit eag, Stereo/radio, pri. CASH ply. $1800/best offer, 1213) 592-1932 or (TI4} 846-1017 69 VW Bug, 13,000 mi. Many Extras $1900 or take good 1966 HarboT, C.M. 64&9303 pickup on trade. U 8-45,5.1 BIIL MAXEY '65 vw Bug, Muat Sell! , nns WEEK! ims. !T!glYIQ!T@ "''""'v"",;:,._o:::=1964:,:,,::=."'::;;:0~' Sod&n,-.-. 11111 BEACH BLVD. New pain~ low mileage. fffi(). Hunt. BHch 147.ass5 Call -615-2916. 3 mi N. of Q:taat Hwy. on Bch '68 VW, red, mag wbeds. MUST Sell, brand new '69 $ave! Olr, 845 Baker, Costa Toyota Land Cruiser. 4-whl l\lesa. ZUM460 dr. Conv, Comp l ete ,65 VW Squareba.ck, llDO eng, w/robar & tobar. .Under 5000 ml, xlnt cond. Asking: warr. Best otter over $2550. $ll50. 67S-57S3 for used can • truckl Just call 111 tor tree estimate. GRODI .CHMOlfT AAk for Sala -1!211 Beat-:b Blvd. Hunttnaton Beac:b Kl &3331 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEYROLEl ~1753 'Sj VW Seel, New tires &: bat. 2828 Harb« Blvd. VOLKSWAGEN tery. Xlnt conci. Best otter. Costa Mela 546-UOO "'8-33'7. WE PAY. TOP 1964 vw • $800 1968 BLUE Volkswagen. Ex· DOLLAR Or Best Oller Ews. 675-3177 or 6734762 1969 V\V BUG tra clean! EXTRAS! $1650. tor good, clean used can, Aft 5: 30, 673-4806. all makes. See George Ra,J '64 VW, Good Mechanical Theodore Robln5 Ford cond. Leavng. state. Must 2060 Harbor Blvd. 0000 mi. Radial tlres · Mint Cond SlB00-548-6502 VW VAN -1961 -53,00'.I mi. $600 Cash. RUNS WELL. Call -61>4958 after 5 PJ\.t. Sell. Make Offer. 548-1251. C.M. M2..Q010 1tlt '66 VW Sqback Deluxe. Gd. cond. Pale blue w/bUc int. $1650. 962-5607 9600tmported Autoa 9600 CORONA SIDAN .... DICUTIYI CAI Jt6t Futt f•ctorv •quip. plu1 r•· clio. s.r. # 54Jl. IXICum'I CAI COIOLLA llD~ Full f•ct. equip. Str. # 9601 5177616 VOLVO EXICUTl•I CAR Str. # 2ll 5 '''' 144 SEDAN, R&H, AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTED $516.50 • Dea.n Lewis Imports Ornt• Co1nty'1 Lo,.,.n •cl M• M.-. TOYOTA· YOLYO DIALll 196' H llOI 64'-9JOJ C... ..... Will Buy Your Volkswagen or Porsche & pay top dollars. Paid tor or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 IMPORTS WANTID · °"'"le lloantlM TOP S BOYER · BILL MAXEY ~~au U88I -""'"' R. Beach. P'4. IC7~ 1969 CADILLAC, from private party. Call ft. 6 p.rn. 546-8757 Auto Louln1 . 9110 LEASE. RENT ORDER YOUR 1'70 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY All -popular makes. Ford ' authorlied leasing system. Get Our Competitive Rates Theodore RO~S FORD ~ bor Rlvd. O:ma 642-0010 LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL Let our tease experts show ynu the best plan for )'Our peraonal needs without obli- gation. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9640 Ill LEASE Ill 1969 M111tang, 2 dr, HT, V-8, air, ps, auto. trans., waw. $79.00 mo. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-21.82 lmp.'f'll<i Autos 96001mportod Autoa 9600lmportod Alltoe ""'""·- BRAND NEW .UGI ; '. 1970'• ON· .DISPUY & READY TO It CHOICE OF COLORS 'ANO, MODELS AT •• , CHICK IVERSON Harbor Area• Only Authorf1od vw., l'ondte Deolor · TWO LOCAno•1 TO sun: Yoa 445 EAST COAST HWY. ot BAYSIDE DRIVJ!, NEWPORT BEACH & 1'70 HARllOR BLVD., COSTA MESA HOME OF THE LOVE IU& SPECIA\.5 I ,, ' •• THAT'S ·. RIGHT!! The Opportu...., te Save Bfl Money on .1969 New Contlnentala, Mercurya and Coulan la Ahn•at o ...... · Over 20 New 1969 Can To ChotaH From. Look at The lxcUnplea Belew. · ' . · · DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER! ' I OUR LAST ONE! BRAND NEW Brand New 1969 Monterey Station WgiL Her• 11 thet1 r.1lly herd to 1 fillCI moclel 111 M1utif~I m•· dlul'l'I Umt metelllc, fully tquipptd "!'i!h •utometfc tr•n1., t55 w. wtllJ, pew1r breli:•t, powtt •tier., whl1,er 1lr cond., r•dlo •nd com• pltlt linltd 9lt11. Wi11clllhi1lcl pric1 S47l7.90 Stock No. 2J. 02 St r. No, 9Z72K61 2726. N ow only Sll90.ot 1969 COUGAR XR-7 3 ~NTINENTAL EXECUTIVE CARS . . Light l lu1 (pl1tiilu111) wltfl lt•fh1r t••t,, w/w•lt1 911xl 5, po-.r v1r1t windows, pow1r window1 too, ' w•Y. powtr •11t, tilt •he1I, dtck lid r1l11t•, •ulo, t1mp 1 ir, AM.FM r1dio, ti11t1d t l•H, •dd protection 9ro1p. PtWir door lock1, flarU whtel cov111, wl11d• 1hi1ld 1licker price S77J J.IO. Stoek Ho. I Ill. Sir. No. !Yt2Al6JOIO. No'llt or1- ly Sl 190.00 ' THIS CAI IS PllCID $1643.10 LDS THAN Oll•INAL WINDSHllLD PllCI 2 Otti.n T• ci.o.. Pro111 At s.lmll• S...11111 CLOSE OUT PRICI $3990.00 SAVE ~897'° • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • CONTINENTAL '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE Medium tur11uof1e rMt1mc t!nlill with m11Gnlng Interior, bl1ck ltndau r"OOI'. Lw11ry equlpptd. Completely lilt tlftrln11 wheel, f1ctory arr, pow· tr door · IOckJ, t!c, ZVP116. $4195 '67 CONTINENTAL '4-DR SED. 8Nu!ll11I Hu,., ltflll !Mll111c tlnW! wltt. ,,,,.ld'I· Ing 1 .. thl!' lntll'lor. 81tdl llMti,t roof, 111.flV lu•11rv t1111IPP111 •rid liclory 1!r cond!!lolllrt;. ~·FM rldkl, •flfto i.111 diet. ont-oW11tr cir. Beau!lluUy INlnlllned. TTN020. $3395 '68 CONTINENTAL. 4-DR. SED. Alll'KllVI llQht <hl"O!NI yellow wl1t1 llltek, IMltl. I!' lnt1rlor &rid lllnd&u roal. Full pow1r eq11tp- ped, llCtoty llr, lie. WXFJU $4395 '67 CONTINENTAL Canvtrl!llle blilullful OC11n Tul"QUOllt ftnlth wllll m1tclll~ 11\lwrlor 1nd wnllt top. COlllOltllly h.lll· ury IQU ptlld, 11111 ~. ~·FM rtdlo, la.:tory 11r, 1111 1111ttftl, .ic. 4 """ llrtu. UOA1N. $2795 '66 CONTIN.ENTAL CONVT. 8'1Ullllll C1rd1MI ttd llnltll wllll f!lci: top 1nd Olttk ltlllfllr lrltttklr, All ttll han;ry fH. turft, !vii pOWW, fadofy 1lr condition!"" •tl!'H t•f: ,.,..,_, 1111111•11t1C trulH controt, tic. Eli:· ''left!' l;OIWI"""· $QA'1J $2695 .Jofuuon 4 Son Bu The R~tatl~ ol Olt~ttfl '.l'fle Flne~t Selection ol Vaed Car• In the Couat"! MERCURY OTHER MAKES '68 MERCURY COLONY PARK '67 PONTIAC GTO 2·DR. H. T. ' pt11•"9•'· l"Ol!tvl•r c1rdJ11tl ,._ .llnfth wHti Gold ml1t l'Mt1l1k llnfth wlltt lllldl blld!tr bllck comfort -"'• vinyl 11'111~ llllO., lt&H, ...,ff, l~IO. tr.ii• .. rldlo & ,..fl!', poWW ,,_,. •ttreo 11p1 dtck. tactory 1lr ltlonlflll, P'.S., Inv, f~fllry t lr. htu!INI COlldltltn. TIU91 P.l ., d11&I -el!Dn· ltU gall. Only 11.000 mH•. $2495 (Tht contr11111111 of s1111on W•OOM.J No. an~. $3295 '67 MERCURY MONTEREY t·Doar H1fd._, t ufomlfk lr1r11mlnlon, rldlo, htlltr, r:= 1teerlng IM lM'"•k•, •Ir concli-67 COUGAR 2-DOOR 1ion1ng. ldlu top. Ll't". uooon L1nll frott ·w1111 mllcft!ng 'o'lnyl bl>ck1fs, 1uto., $1795 211t engln1, P.S., 11:&-H, ,.....,,, ~r lfldt·ln, Cini owmir .rid ..,.,,J(ed DY 1111r i::ornp1ny. VD11:23J. ' $2175 '68 PONTIAC LE MANS 2·Door H•fClllJI. FlrtDlrd I~ ...0: lluckm. faetory 11r, f'.S .. P.B., tier• flPI '9dll, etc. Low 1S,OC!(I mlle't. VCTt12 '67 MONTCLAIR $2595 t·Door H1rdfop, Arctic wlll!t wllll bllck lnllr- k>r 1r>d LM!dlu root. Full pOWer 1111111~ •nd llC!ory •Ir cO!ldltlollfnt. OM o-r. ltlfully '68 JACJUAR XKE·2 COUPE melnltlntit. UOP:W. Attr1ct1v1 lrltlth lt•cfnf o~ 111111111 wllll $2395 bt.ck lllfMr tnllrfor, wlrt .............. Wll P'ly llrn, •!C • ._utlflll~ c:ondltlori, Wl'*1. $46,.5 '66 MERCURY P.ARK LANE 1•00of tl&rdlop, -"•cllc Whitt wllll l'Z l'td !ft. '66 MERCURY MONTCLAIR llrlof' Ind llltek l1ndtu root, MM., &H, P'.S., •Door Slldl11. Trul'( rr" ..,...... -..Cllflrlf P.5., ft(tory tfr (Ofldltlonirll, ll"I klXwy II rea.onlfllt prit.. VZV202 rldory elf. Lie. ucu1 1 $1995 . ;-·1·95 ~,_'~,S~AJ!.~~Y!!:,f..!, "'* '67 CHEVROLIT 'h TON • r""*' ~~,., 9''"~· t111U· p. ... r. I FOOT CAI OVER CAMPER fttlot'f' 1lr Inf, AM·FM 11tr10, ttlt- 1 OWMr", tlrlwn .. ly 1'.000 ml ..... Lie. CM1111 1111 '""':JoowMll, OM ewr11r,""""""" N in. ,.~. • nt11e1. vnm $1895 • ·-$4795 ' . ' Z·DOOR HAllDTOP Arctic •hit. with red leetfit, trim. F1011t tricl t••r rublter fl•or mth, tu• tom1tlc tr111111'1l11lo11, f7lx14 whit• will tirt1, pow1r tfetrlflt, pow.r breli:e1, c0:111ol1, f•ctory •Ir colMllitl9tl• 1119, t!r1tH 91•11, del.111• 1111 1r.d fr911t 1ho11ld1r btlh, wire whe1I CO¥'ti"t. AM tf•r•o ftp. •Y1t•m, l.u111,w 91tr4., t k. Wf1Mhhltld tflcktr pric. S46Jl.IO. Stk. No. 4500. S.r. No. tFtJMllJl6' NOWS3121M SAYE $81350 4 ''9 117'1 TO CHOOll FROM AT SIMILAI t.AYIN6S • BARGAIN CORNER In Our Bargain Comer, we han numerous uHd c•r1. Som• cle•n, 1 o m • not IO clNn. Some that are dupllc• tlons, some we've had too long--ln •ny e'ffnt theM cars are rnl bar1•ln1. LOOK 'IM OVERI l ... M .. CU•Y>-~1211 8U ~lllr H.T, P'DDM • ... •••• ....... .... $1111 t-Dr. Ht ...... IV'IU. ... , .. , .. ' U.... ltT1124. •• PL. 'tMOVTN ..._.W ... VIL"1 $2011' S2211 foli-nso;D • s -·on - ll.OOO©lID!l.lm ©lIDOO'ii'OOO~OO'ii'&ll. • 1£ ~ 1l1fil • ~J~llll©lID!mW • ©lIDlID~£1m • 2626 HAllOR IOULIYUD,, COITA MllA -=-- NIW CAU · . ·· I Mlt. louth of tho 140·5630 642·0981 San Dl .. o Froeway I I ' . .. USED CARI 140·1635 • ' ' . • ' . " J · . : • " .. . , . • • • ' ' ' '' . " ' ' . ; • ..... f ' 1 l I , BRAfiD .. N w I 1970 OLDSMOBILE Sl'ORT COUPE ' Fully ftcfety eq1o1Tiip"1 itcliidi119 h11d r11h, 111t b11h1 b1clt lllf lighh, wiiwh fi i1ld w11h1u, ·01,1l1id1 1nirror, cir• p1h, 1tc. FULL PRICE . BRAND NEW ~ . . ' '\\ BllAND NEW • . 1970 DELTA 88 2-DQPR· ~. 1970 i.8 ~DOOR. SEDAN Fully l1cloryl1q11ipp1 d i11dudi"t h11d ,..,.,;.,,,, b1fh, 4SS·VI,' 1:fo1t1etic,)ow.r it11rin9, pow1r di1c br1k1~ b1ck up li,t.h, wi11thhi11cf w1iht"-t 011hid1 miuer ... c~. ·1ild .tfl.r lvxury •*••· . ''"· '''·s299& FULL , .. t PRICE .1 , . i 138'96 FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY ORDElt TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 ·MODELS! OVER 40 SERVICE ST ALLS TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK .. AT PEAK EFFICIENCY! THE GMC's •FOR 1970 ARE . COMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS ••• FROM CAMPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL DRIVES • • • WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A LARGE FLEET ••• WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS BEST! Y0I, ~ f'"' tprt ... _.,,. .. "''"'· ........... ..., .,,, .. ltR, .ir i.,. ,....,, ,_tkwttM 1Cldl1. flill .......... • IMMIDIA.11 DILIVllY IDIAL FOR CA.M,llf NEW 1970 3/4 TON PICKUP $2695 FULL PRICE CE2l9QO !~VAL IOW IS .THE mt£ T~--···A 1 I I quaun vaw£.ut£D llStl ~OAR ·--· 1967 DART G.T. 1968 GTO 1963 OLDSMOBILE 98 'Avtomlt>C, P. s .• \llnyl '°"· ' cy1. ElC'l'I~ J apeed, P. S., VI. (A.Gil 2't) I Dr. Nrd~ full pow1r, ftcl. •Ir. a .. ..,,~ 11 e<_.,,y ct r. MIAI lllt IO 1ppr1t\1!~. (UQF Iv 1vf0inot11i. fl)f fam!ly. (FXH lfGI "''· $1595 $2295 ' $695 1968 FURY II 1967 IMPALA S.S. l967 VISTA CRUISER WAG.· A\llG .. 11ctorv 1ir, P, s., V4 . Eic1nrn1 i.m-Auto .• It. H., f•cl. 1lr, lhitke1 SNI•. Tltit J ~u-ngrr, tulo., ftc1. air, P. S. v•. IUOF ll'i' cir. 4 Ocor >1!1111, IVAW !llt) cir 1mm1cul1te. ~TltJ 1111 "'' $17:95 $1795 $2395 1966 FAIRLANE 500 1966 EL CAMINO 1967 DELMONT 88 2 Clo!o!" t>a'11t@. ,fr,ulO., P S .. VI. OM of Ille Auto., ltc!Qf'p t !r, VI, l".S. (TUDllU ' Dr. ltard!OI), I Uto., ltt l •Ir, ".'· ! VI, 11\ii <;!CIN!t51 Cl'l Ill to-(TFC :!Of) (If Wt1 -!! ll klfl c1r1 of. IVIH .;ot) $1395 $17.95 $1995 1967 COUGAR 1969 OLDSMOPILE 442 1966 DELTA 88 Aute,, fK!Ofy 1\r, P 5, VI, vonyl top. Tiiis Hanltop, I Wlttll, VI. (X~ 0141 l DoOr, IUIO., P. S., VI. CSllM :JOI ) «If I• rM! prrt!~. (VFS SCd ~2195 $2895 $1595 2850 HARBOR BLVD. ' I ' I PILOT ·AOVUTJS[A 38 ·TRANSPORTATION T~SPOltTATlON . """'"5PORTATION ' yRANSPORTATION .,........,-..;......,.-,..;... -. u..d ·c ... · 9900 UM C1rs ·9900 u.M,C.,. 9900 . 1 9900 U"'!C:•rs "°° FORD FO(D ' OU>SMOBILE -; COIVEllE COU&AR 1965-Filril-1966 Fifi! Eutura Re;.gts~~s10N , 19,1. Conetfe--1~ ~ua:.i.~7i~~ CQlintry Sljuire s.1c,.. a..,, .. ~;. Ma1ro. ':,..?:,-rak .. ~;:'121 ;,~=-... · · -; cond. Fully equip. Nu . ing Int ~k Landau Top. pov;er b es. a r cri ., O:lnv,·!Z1' Erw., Auto/Trans. Pol~tas tires. Leav'g entry. ·Nine paMtnpr Wqon, Air A real baiyaln st auto trana. Excellent condl.. Ila~ WllWt Int. -Out. Sa.er! ~1ut see to apprec. Con:t,.PS/PB, Jtool Rack, $11n5 tlon, Low m~eA.ie. 642-3Ul 'tandlnc•car . .Prlctd to s.il ~1250 befr 10 am White W~ fnt. Vary clean ill Ex.t f37 or 241. ilo!l'1 ~$'!"125·9·5'· . ' 19611 COUGAR XJl.I. Lime car."""'! . ., Se)!' 1'hO WorldO Be" $2000 Cu 1966 OLDS F-85 Station . , • , frOlt w/ blk vinyl top. AJC, $1295 , ~Wagon pwr str, pwr brakes, . , .~/.a....14,ooLJnileL...$2500._Ql. _ • luggap rack, low book Tt,,.W.oridl Sett $2000.Cv . lJeel offer. 646-1464. The Worlds Best $200> Car -~ -111-m-1150,~hlgh $1570---.BesLalltr ' '81 Cougar XRT. Loaded! e by Nov. 17 takes. 497-1044 ~ 1 -,.,.., One ow.ner. Factory war· ...... llUI ,.,.,, "LeederJn'l'heBeachCitiei" STA WAG STEALI • ..,,; ~"''"' """'· '°·000 mi. 61>-5342 ...,... -.. ZIMMERMAN ·~~.a;:,';!,~~_:: "Lead., in Tho"'"" CiUes" DOD&E ,,i...;,ZIMdednMThoER8'M•<#>ACiNti01" 2895 HA~~ BLVD. SUl>I. * ~613-1232 : ' ZIMMERMAN 1,.2 DODGE' Con,.rtlble. PL YMOUT 2tf5 HARBOR BLVD. White. air, Pia. Pih, sood 2195 HARBOR BLVD. 1:7s :ordl Stat:. wa,~:· · . i 54M410 ronq. $395. 646-2257 540-6410 gag~ :c~. ~.~ve~;;:j 1965 BARRACUDA. . mUeti. Good mechanical whlse. To ta I pnce $895. !~ported rA~-~600 Imported Ai.rtos 9600 fmpor.ttcl Autot MOO condition Sl.00 under Blue Good cond. C&ll 54~2683 or Book. Askini: $3511. """", "'&IH=l&t=. =====I TRANSPORTATION VW BUGS PIOM $399 '6S~VW 1963 v.w. hetftr, •tc. $Q6 R•dio, •fc:, Sp•c:i•I. UOT- ·$999 ''66 VW F•stback Seel. birt c:ltett I 1how1 p•r• fOlltl c:er1. RQP41 I $1599 194 • $999 '69 vw R1d i• I otM.r f1c:tory •X· tr••· Lilr1 11•w. $1899 a~ 67l.0900 -0 l.. EXT. 61 'f" '66 Porscho 9\2 Cpo. Fin• clrivirttJ c:•r. 5 •Pfl. tt•111. Thorou9hly r•c:orteli· tio11.d. Mutt ••• to tppr•• c:i1I• ih p•r1011tl c:•rt . YQT 205 $4199 '66 Ghia Coupe Th• Pi11lr ltdy R1clio t 11cl he•t•'· Sil( 719 $1699 '67 vw Sptc:itl M1roo11 p1 i11t like 11•w. ITRH 7051 $1499 • aft5 •-PONTIAC '62 ECONOLINE Van . rec en 11 y re bit, xlnt I ·S-PE-C-IA-L--E--. --for- mecbanicaUy. Sharp tooJc-. q u 1 P. ing! Must' sell thla \'--eek. ~palegK: Chand operated Best oller _ drives away. dnvl~ ontrola) 1959 Pont. v M>2081 Ca.t~1na 2 Dr !IT., 389 V-3, ' Pis, lb, auto. Good cond. '66 Falcon futura Fully factory equl.pped, Dlr, $695: Phone 642-6003 '63 Ford Country Squire, F/P Ir. air cond., IO\V ml., $800 xlnt cond., 962-5998 - 036-8296 If desired sell without sptt. cntrli;. $375. 642--7434 a.ft 4 pm •nytlme Sat/Sun. '&I BONNEVIlLE. pwr 11trg, pwr brla, pwr windows, R il H, auto trans, loolu It runs great! Asking $150. 546-6765 '61 PONTIAC LeManns. fully '62 Ford OJ11tom Van, excell. -·1 t f · best ofter hanl--'I look' "''l"'P ·• !LC· air, . • mec cai y, good uia-. 494-93_90 alt. 5 p.m. Best. oUer. ~2J:Bl '64 ATAlJNA W PIS. 1963 Fairlane Wagon, 8 cyl, PfB, Air cond, ~~ new 1tick. $400 or consider offer. condltion. Call 642-7108. 646-44Sl ·68 FIREBIRD 400 Turbo BEAUT. '68 Country Squire. hydro, power, 1tereo FM. All pwr. air, lo mi. FM/ AM $2250 or best otttr. 673-6870 i;tereo. Make ofr 673-3823 '64 BONNEVILLE conv. Xlnt '64 FORD Cty Sq \Vag. Xl nt cond. Ne\v tlres, palnl • cond-air. Mu5t sell, make 1-0wner 67S-1800: 67;;.J923 offer. 675-4331. MERCURY '58 MERCURY Sta. Wgn. Runs good SI 75. Call eve5 64S-1428 '63 Pontiac, xlnt cond., pwr &: air. r th, isoo. Call .....564 '67 Gr'1n Prlx-Sharpl Loaded! $1995. 846-ll65 T0 BIRD MUSTANG '57 PORTIIOLE T-Bird. ex· 1965 Hrdtp Mustang, air ce\I cond. Nu. inter. & • con d . 37 ,000 m i. pa.int. Reblt engine. Call ~= Hydromatic. Immac. i1200. 838-7615 : 6T;l763 1964 T-BIRD, Pis, fib. ~ '67 MUSTANG ?t1ust Sell , P/w, clean. Priv pty. S850 Excel. cond. Lo mile. Like or Take over payment&. • • ne1v, $1650. ~9823 642--7279 '65 Must&.rlg, red. convt., '67,;~T,';·B;:,IRD'=-:•-:;"':-· -:;a;:ir-::.,,::..,:.., ' - $000. Call alter 5: 30 full pwr. Nu. radials, excell : 642--1429 cond. $2400. Call 541-9019 . . . . BRAND NEW 1970 SKYLARK Many Extras Includes Automatic Transminion s2999 ,• BIG SELECTION 1970'S NO BETTER PRICES ANYWHERE NEW CAR SALES HAVE 1BEEN FANTASTIC! WE ARE COMPLETELY SW AMPED WITH TRADE-INS! CHECK THESE PRICES! '67 T-BIRD '61 DODGE '61 IMPALA '65 PONTIAC '67 OLDSMOBILE ltncl•• • diet. Full Coron1t 400 4.clr. f1c:t. 2 Dr. H.T • .F1c: 1ir, •vi• Gr•11d Prix. Auto. lrtn1., t it c;o11d., pow, 1!11r .. po-r, f1c:tory t ir c:o11d. 1ir cofl<I., tulo tr1111., lrt111 , pow1r 1f11ri119. pow 1r 1!11r., r1dio, ••1to. !•1111. HJI 912 TTE 702 P .5., RlH. VSI 979 WJM 119 h11ler. I MQN277l $2268 $2193 $2177 $993 $1976 '69 JAGUAR '66 MERCURY '67 DATSUN '67 MERCURY '68 PONTIAC ll:o1d1tr. 4 1p11d, wir1 Coup,•. ,full r.•wlf, f1c:• 4 clo or, 4 1p11d. rtdi1, Monl1r1y 2 door h1rd. lo11111Yill1. 4 door h1 rd. wh1•I•. Only 10,DOO lory ,;, CCIII • TQH_ 764 "'''''· (TZJ294) lop . .-.uto. tr1n1, power top, FACTORY AIR ma ... vws 112 Cutl11Siiii'ctory ll11r, RlH. UON-704. P.S., P.I . WXG61 7 $4995 $1079 $1587 $2783 MANY MANY MORE AT OR NEAR WHOLESALE , ·• • . " • . • • :r -• . • • . ... -• • ' - • • .~· 3 .. ;;iLOf·A~llTISE •• SAMPLE DISCOUNTS 1969 MONTEREY THESE ARE. THE .r·· -····~ THE FACTORY SAYS 'MOVE THElt--tur ·! '' t . -Cvt1oon 2 dt. H.T. v.1, 111111. tr•ns., factwv 1lr undfllonlog, llO-llNtJng, POwtlr (disc) br•~ n, power Windows, rHlo, hffttr, whltn.111 tlr1t1. llPttil glau, wllffl COVWl. No..tZ5'lUl:l'f5J. Wind. Slkr. $4117.20, Scile Price $3855.00 DISCOUNT $ 962.20 ' Wind. Stkr. $4074.10 Sale Price $3193.78 FACTS! · We are the number one li~coln-Mercury dteler Jn Orange and Sen Diego Counties· by octuel fectory figu res, and we must 'cl.er this finel group of brend new 1969 models to 'l"'ke room for daily shipmont'i , of I 970's. Seo rovi ofter row of models and c~lors now displeyod on C\Uf beck stor19e lot -just es they come off tho . {octory "trucks. Toke your pick end w, will give you same day service end delivery ot the greatest yearend discounts we have ever offtrodl' Still Over 12 Truckktlads of1:New 69's To Go!, . • "' ' • , +I" '1969 COUGAR COUPE V4, 11,110. Jr111t., 4 l!llMd, p0W.,. llHr;.'..g, po- {di.t.I br•kn, Wf!111Wtll tlrn, Hl·perlol'm.11e1 IJC.11'1 tr1C11oft.lal<. HD. ff't1Q"'9Qt. 1969 COUGAR XR7 V.a. 111!11. trins., POwer 1tHrl11111, PO.....,. (dllt) bro-. r1dlD, IM!1ttr, ""!NWllH tlrta, tlnled •Ilsa. Ho. tFtJH5'1.W 1969 MERCURY MARAUDER V.,, 1uio:'1r1n1.; pewer llHrlnf, POwet' Cdllcl llf1kt1o rfflo, llN1tr, ""'llno1ll llrts. tlnttlll 1ta1&. whMI c1v1,., vlnyt rotf, ~,,...,., Sports 5plclel pl!: .. Finder MIMI. HO. t1'°Xl!U67 ' DISCOUNT$ .811.02 Wind. Stkr. $3939.00 .. Sale Price S3i75.00 DISCOUNT $ 664.00 Wind. Stkr. $3982.00 Sale Price · $3325.00 DISCOUN1' $ 657.00 Wind. Stkr. $4849 .20 Sale Price $3825.00 DISCOUNT $1024.20 OVER 70 MORE TO -CHOOSE FROM! ~=:::::::::--......... . . TEST DRIYI YOUl FAVO'RITE TO!lAY TME FA UtOUS. 1970 MU.SCtE CARS AR-·Hll!RE ...... • Boss 302 E1iminator • Cyclone GT : CJ-428 Eliminator • Cyclone 429 Marauder X· 100 Visit Our Complete High Performance Sales-Service- P41r.ts Center! 1964 FORD ~A~ 5 ·CONYT/, 11966·MERCURY CAPRI 2 Dr.' H. > •·•· ............. _.. ,.,;.,,. t "$38 I i . ' $ I 89 rodio, h•olor, whifowoll fittl. Ytll ., , V-1, out.motic, focf. off, Pricocf k-1 • co11't boot thit c•r for tlto 111•'1'•· t l.', low low bl110 book. l ico1110 DLll: _6 • Liconto O/S Ill. DN i.tl6 ~' '~·. , , 707 ·-"' • 1965 DODGE CU.S1'0M 110 H.J. , v .•............... d . ... ....... ... $6 .. 8. 9 Pwr •. C~i;lc l ,brk1., pwr. wind., R/H, 1' whi!owolt tir11, Lu•urv •t • vory · low pric•. lic1n10 REJ 749 1963 CADl 0 LLAC DE VILLE . .... ..... .. ~ ... ~ .K ... ,. ... ; , .. ,.. . . ·t-a·a· . 9. . .. tioni119, 'full powor, rolllio, hu lar, ' ' f , ' "hilowotl lirot. i..i•ury ot ib boil. l ic•l'lto llF911 · ,• '~ 1964 LINCOLN CONTIN!NTAL v.a, f•ctory •ir con,ilio11in9, fu ll powor, r•dio, het l•r, whitow1!1 tir•I. 811cli: wilh bltck inlorior. Li· COlllO IFB 661 $889 1968 OPEL KADm Statlan WCNJan Fully •q11ippod. R11n1 li ~o ·"'""· R!1I .... ' $.88'9· oconomy. lic1n1• XCZ ''5) 1964 OLDSMOBILE STARFll!-E v.a, 1ufo. lr1n1., f1clory ,:, condi· fionin9, f11ll pow1r, r1dio, h11l1r. l 11ckot ••"'· Wllilo interior, Li· CllllO IOR 517 $889 1,64 IUICK SKYLARK V-1, 11110. h1n1., foctorv oir collli· 'tioni119, power 1to~ri 119, power wh1· dow1, rod io, h11tor. Liconto KIX "' 1965 DODGE DART G.T • J 'c)ol~. ilul'o, tr•ri_1:, 1 rodio, li'oo'for. A· too l· croo ni pu-ff. l 11c•1t •••h. Li,01110 PCf 9l 0 1967 TOYOTA CORONA 4 door 1•d•11, 1tick 1hift, rtdio, lioot•r. Wont • 901 1ovor7 Try thi1 o'rio. lic•n1• VOG' 151 1965 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL v.1,. foclory oir con-dilio11in9, r .. 11 • $9 89 powor, -rollliot hoof••· whitow:oll • • , ti,,,; ~itiyl 0r~of, tlntM 9lot1. Pricod bolow low 11:iluo boot Lie. NFG 117 . 1964 BUICK WILDCAT v.a, oulo. lr1n1., foctory oir condi· tioni119, full powor, rodi o, h•1t1r. p,i. ow11or -Font11lic coffition. UcoMo· O PH 156 .. . ' I ... •' ;> ' . . I , . . ' : ~ ... • .. • ' .. ' .. .· . .. 'SAM,l''LE I SAVl.NGS..;.; 1 1,· · · ,( r 1 .. • '·... ~.~ ..... ;.-·:\··. ·1: ~.... ~ ~ • tiW-196~,1fiUaauJS •6HAM . ·:::: '~ ' 2-DOOR.-:.MARDTQP ... ' . .,. . 1 ·WINDOW STICKER $52J9fll· . -. . . I ·' V0I, auta"'trans., factqry air candlrlonln9, pawer steering, OUlt S~LE PRIC. . . S4JCIOOO . .. " " " ' I • " ' I \ .. .. . ' . ' '• ' pawer ( dlsi:) brakes, radla, • ·' • ~. r heater, whitewall tlrits, vinyl • raaf, t In t e d glass, wheel caven. N~; 9Z66N629044. s NOTC.H .TRADE-IN ·CARS! . . v.o, "''°J "'"·· j .... .., ,,; ,,,,,. . $148-.·I tiani"I• ~•w•r •t .. rinf , r•ali., lle•t-' •r. It.cf with !Jri9ht rtd i~t•ri•r -._ · . l i9 mot.r. Lico•'f ll:SU 611 ' 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 1300 SERIES 4•tpood, foclory oir conditio11in9 , rHio, hoolor, whitowoll tirot. Wo nt oconomy 01 w•ll 01 comfort7 -T••• ii homo! 1966 MUSTANG H.T. . .. v.i, 'outomotic, foclory oir, rodio, hooter~ whit~ 1i~i w•ll1, vinyl roof. Uc.01110 avs "64f ~1489 $.1589 . ' 1968 FORD MUSTANG PASTIACK ., . v.o, ..... ~ .... , f0<to,y···· ....... $2289 tio11in9, p-•r 1f1ori11t, rodio, hoot• ' or, w/w tir•t, w>r. covott. lo • , tport, You'll lool 90H . WJM ]60_• \ 1968,. MERCURY COUGAR H.T. v .•.• ~ ................... ;,,, $2389 rodi-. hoo~r, wlil.f~woll tirot, Yin.,f roof, whool covott. Fi ctory w1rron· ty. Lico1110 XEZ 506 .. 1966 IUICK RIVIERA 2 Dr. H.T. . . . v.1, 11110. F11ll power, fo ctorv .o ir. low miloo.9i. Runl 11ko now. l l- co1110 MS-l $2,389 · 1968 FORD TORINd G.T. CONVT. ' 1969 MERCUR'f MAR9UIS H.T. V-1, outo. fr•11•., pow•r 1l1orin9, ro,io, h••l•r, whlf•woll tiror:• Low mil••t o -foctory wortontv. u. con10 WTZ r 11 $·11.89. v .•. "''· ..... , ...... , ,,, ...... $3489 fl~nin1: full p_,,, IVH, w/w tiro1, vinyl roof, tinted 9!011, whl. covort, AM-FM ~toroo. Lie. XIH 166 J.~~?. .. ~~.~~~. ~~:lane$1Bra9uglia8m9 tioni119, full pow•~· R/H, w/w tir•1, •inyl roof, ti11t.,. 91 t11, whl coY•rt. kit M•rc hot fO. offor. UUV 509 1967 MERCURY Calo. Park Wagan 'V0I, f1 cfory oit condition in9, pow· or 1fo1ri119, rodio, hoot1r, whit1w1ll tiro1, whoo! c~-'"'r l i.ttt•fo rock. Ut.1110 TRH.~!-t $1989· 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL V-1, foctory oir 10Hltioni119, full powor, R/H, w/w tirot, t i11to' 91111, whl. covor1. Prlcocl l:iolow bluo l.ook -Worrenty, Uco1110 WXL 414 .$3589 1969 LINCOLN CONTIN!~TAL • v.f i foC+orY ~.1r •IMl1t1en111,, fu ll poww, ~/H; w(w tiro1, tl11tH 91011, Mil, CM"ll"t. Prl•M IMlo,... lilu• boo, -Worf•llN• Lico1110 XTP 232 ' ' t 1 $4589 . ' ' . ' 1301 •.. • ,.-;-> I • , TUST.111,. ,;S~NTA 'aNA OPEH I . ,.a..frl.1il 10 f.1. sat · San. 9 P.ll U~ED c~4,.010 ·we App:reeiate· Vour . Bnsin.es~!'J!'J . . NEW CARS ,547..,183 I • • ' . -. ...._,tr .. f.11 ,...,. t.ctery 1lr, Ml• •101 with WM J~>CVJI ·12') ' . :6~~.~~.~ ....... i;., ,..; • $1-.,3·· 7" .7· \ n-;Of l bnk"' ,..,,., ~ ...... ..;;,, w•ll•, , f rv•ir,lNQl'lllJ '65 BUICK WILDCAT . ' . ;DIMO 'H. OTO . "' · 6rffn, This ont•f1 abtolutely lo~d~ with. nary.Uncei.,.ble. ~wer . a11i1t and fee. eir cond. 'Mus+-•••· '(242379Z.l 11611;1 · DIMO '69 OTO H .T:.R•d. Factoty air c0;ndifionin9 1 P.ower-Clisc bf aiiel, PS, furbo"hy .. dra. trans., R/H. t242l79ZI0906·71 '· . D•O '69, 'LI UltS . . . ' White with b1aclr: fop ancl.b;laclc.buflr:at seats~ Fae, air, PIS, P/I, pwr • ••t, hydro,1tan1. 12l7l79AI 101741 ' • DIMO ''69· LI MANS • ' ' I ' .' •' ( •• ,. Stfver; Fae. 1tr concl., powilf 'ant~nn1, power st'e•r• .l t)nlr:es, hydr1. lran1 •• radlo,J-tor. 12l7l79ZI iqltl I.' · ' -· . . . . . ' . 1 ' . FRO'M ·ALL IRECTIO'NS T.HE ' • .. -"·TRAD£S -ARE O.MIN G.:·IN : ON TH .E UTST .. , iU NEW 1970 WI.DE .. i 0 .p.QNTIACS ! · . \ ' ·•68 ·GTO ~. . •, .. l 00r. H1Nte,. RHio,.1t11t.,,\,_ir 1tt.ff11" 4 1,.ff, f1ctory_ 1lr, •1...,I toj.. lXEU4.1) $2977 -. . . . ~ '68CATALINA \· ·$.2-"2·, 7· 1 4.0.. SM111. V-1, h"'11 .. tic tr1111miuio11, ,..., ttHri.,.-r..li~;M1t1r, f1c:fOl'J. 1ir c1Mttf111i1t1-IWFftJOJ • t •• '66 FAIRLANE .500 Col!'+'fftilt11, V-1, 1utom1tic:, jH:l••r 1t1tri119, r1dio. hi.tor, white w1ll1. ITrH 7301 •• '69 DODGE i>ART G.T. t lllr. H.T, Vt, 1ute .. 1JH, ,_, ,.._..,"' I 'br1U,. Yi11yl top, 9,000 1ppr ... MileJ. ,IYQC • JI I NIW '69 80NNIYIW ' 4 Dr. H'.T •. limelight _t,r••n. PoW•r¥inclcr"'-1teeling-brelc•.i. turbo hyd., radio, heat•r, e'tc .. 1262l99CI07.\o6J. • -' ./ . • ' NIW. '69 IX.lctlTIYI Wago~.~mallg~t ·~green, full poW.r:. faitory •air conditioning, "turbo - hydra. fran'1,, redio, heefff. l216l69Cl2l229) •., .... NEW '69 IXICUTI"' . ' .· ~ Wa.9on. Verdoro green. FUii P\.w~r1 factory air cond.,, fur~o hydra- matic trans., r.1dio, heat•r. (2)43. Cl201521 · '69 CATALINA '~O . 4 Or. H.T. Liberty llue. Decor group, turbo hyd~atic trans., 1pow. str., f~c air, radio, hiat, efc' 1252l99Cl2074l I ' . '681IARRACUDA -'67 YW. SQ. BACK ' aJi .. k1t.r, ... , ... <#n4At. '67COUGAR YI, '4 1peH, ,. •• , ~ ... ri1tf,•tMio,-ff1t.r, wlii t. wills. fTRHlf2) ' '66 IMPALA ' I -., hnl..,. Y.f, -..+e1t1etie, ..,._...,_.. lltf, -tffle. r..etw, •Mte, w111t.r.Ff,N(·I~) ·1 •• $2· 0;77'. $15.77. "Cf• • ' '69 CATAUNA DIMO W•9011 ilue •. PoWar wind...,..; ••• ;.-ciisc br~lc•s. fa.c..air, ride &· hencfl ... lng pfi~ turbo hy.i;a.,·1{1H. l212!69Cl2lllfl . NIW '69 CATALINA I Wl gon. 6 pa111n91r. Silver, full power, faCtorj'·•Tr, turbo hydra. fran.~ lug._ rack, R/H. l212l69CI 1124511 DEMO '69 .BONNIYl"E 4 Or.'.H.T. Antiqu• void. fa~tory air. Full pow"~r 9qui p., tu~bo hydra. trans, radio, ha•t•r, ate 1262lt9CI 13223 )' NEW .'69 GTO -• • . ' • l . ' • Limelithf ''"" Tur9o hydramatic -tran1m·i1sioa, power steer., tonsole, ridio •f'\d heater, ate. (242l7tZl21766l : . . \ . NIW "69 ~~I NEW '69 CATAUNA ~ 2 Dr H.T. Expresso hrewn, full ~ .. ffttliry ei~, .turl:to hydrarnatic 6 ;ass. w19on. light blu•. Fee. 1tr, full power, nitd & h1ncflin9 pllf .. · 'IMO '69 GRAND PRIX Midnith'f """· SteriO radle;,fllt wfieel, power-.+. ... -br1lce1·winCIO"N1, , •·air, turl>o hydra., ate. 127617'P2.69'41l I!""'" radio, h11tar,~; l262l79<;t'!i73'JI. , ' , turlio hydra, RIH.12~~36fCl21~l~I " : -[I] • • • .. ' ~ . . ~ .. .• r -.-" -.·-' " • ' ' . \ • ROY CARVER P-ON ,, ,2,~5 HARBOR. BLVD .l .CO ·S~A -~M L I '. -· . ' •• . ' ' ' ' .. • .~ -......... .. \ . - .•. ., ~ : : .. • ., . ' 7 I -- ., :1 d • ; I l I • J 1 d v r • c d i n ii I I l ' l ' I n ,, l < • I I I