HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 • • MESA ATTACI\lJR, 14, NABBED • • 0 .o e ee s n owar DAiLY PiLOT * * * 1oc * * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 14, .1969 VOL. 12. NO. t7.J. 4 llCT!OftS, 0 P'AGll • Nixon Sees Liftoff G.ood Offi~er~ \ Sex Attacker, 14, Captured . ' , I AMessmeni Stpatihle ' Court Denies Assessor . Jn Costa Mesa By ARTJnJR R. VINSEL Of "" 0.l!J l"llltf ti.ff Private Legal Counsel PRESIDENT (RIGHT! WATCHES APOLLO LIFTOFF The Systems •nd the Weather Were Lesa thin PerfKt A team of investigators uslfrg Costa Mesa High School yearbooks and a B.v TOM BARLEY Of tM Olllr l"lllt Sleff fourth-hand tip led to the arrest Thursday Orqe County Assessor Andrew J. Apollo Heads for Moon of a 14.year-old freshman who confessed tw() sex attacks, one only a fnr hours before. "You won't believe it." said Detective Capt. Bob Green in explaining how the boy waa Identified and subsequ,n tly ar· rested at J p.m. Thursday. Hinshaw's demand for a private attorney in his assessment battle wtth the Board of Supervisors ·has been denied by the Fourth District C®rt of Appeal, it was learned today. After Lightning Scare He confessed the attempted rape or a 17-year-old coed on the Orange County Fairgrounds at kn ifepoint earlier in the day, as well as a sexual molestation Oct. IS tn the same area. The appellate J;>ench ruled aga inst the assessor Thursday by refusing to grant the writ Of mandate he sought last Oct. 28. CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -America's Apollo 12 spaceship, apparently jolted by a lie;htning bolt on its takeoff for the moon, hurtled out of earth tod~y toward the nation's sec.1nd lunar landing. The three roan crew planned to reach the moon Tuesday to set up a nuclear po\vf'rcd scientific base and begin man's tirst true explor2tion of another world. Th~ three n1an Apollo 12 crew sue· cessful ly blastOO off on the natlon'S se- cond moon landi ng miss ion today in a last minute thunderstorm. President Nixon, his "·ife , Pat. lht·ir daughter. Tricia. aod Vice Presidenl ::nd ri.1rs. Spiro T. Agnew were among the es- timated half million persons who watched lhe liftoff. "Spectacular," Nixon declared, grin· ning and clapping his hands. The President watched the event from 111 VIP iAewing area about 3Vt miles from the launch pad. Nixon was the first chier executive to witness a nlanned spacecraft launching. ''I'd almost be positive we got hit by li~hlnlng soll}cplace." spacenight com· 1nander Charles "Pete " Conrad, 39, calmly reported after the spaceship was 5afely in earth orbit. He and his companions. Al an L. Bean. 37, •nd Richard F. Gordon, 40, planned lo set up a nuclear powered JclenU£ic base on the moon and begin man's flrltltrue expkn'atlon of another wo rkl. The storm threatened up to the final minutes to delay the launch. But 14 minutes before scheduled blastoff, launch tonlrol reported that weather conditions l•crt within acteptable margins. The big s~turn 5 rocket cleared tho llur1ch tower precisely on time at 1:2l 11.n1. PST, and it appeared a perfec) laun· th. "This J¥1by is really going," Coniad reported. But then things changed drastically. Lol').g~ after · the Crew waa~ aloft, howevU, grou.id controllers stili we.ri. not entirely sure what happeaed. ··"Yt>Ur·theory ·and' your idea· that 'it was prol:lably. li,gbtoing that did it -th8t lookl like about the best theory," Mission Con- trol at 11btfsttm told the as t1'0tlauts. "With tbat in mind,. tbe sequence or ev.ents is explainable." n·uf then· Coiu ·ad i-eSpoiicf'ed : ·"t guesS' the other thing · that we were thinking abQut,. maybe, not lightning so much. just unstable air. We were a pretty big" piece of· static electricity builder-up. per. going tnrough there so we might have just discharged ourselves." .,.l'e!k, · th8t'S · eiicOy" lht ·theory that pevple •re·Uti1'kjng <Sewn· her:e/' -Houston responded. . Later, ground control jokin gly asked ,,·hy Conrad had not paid more attention lo what was going on oulslde while all lhe warning lighta were fluhtn1r on the space- craft. · Conrad countered : "l had a pair of eyeballa that wer'? mnving pretty fast about I.hen -in and out." Youths Buy Gas M~sks The vlctlJ'n of 'nlursda)''s Incident fouR;ht off the five-root.' 10-lnch teenager, while the 10-year-<>ld girl in the first case was forced to Undress and molested but not raped. · Based on lnformaUon ·gtvtn t o lnveMlgator Linda Geisler, Detective Sgt. John Regan,.plus in\Cestigators Bob Len· nert and Art Courteau went to work on the case. "They must have questioned li terally hundreds of people in just a few hours," said Capt. Green today. · One ol Courteau'• camp.ls sources told or overhearing a boy and girl discussing a !!lrange fairgrounds incident about a a.m. In which aomeone, waa heard scl'!amlng and a young man seen runnln1 away. No clari(Jcatlon of the rullng was of- (ered to either party and court officlaJs toaay reru.ecr to do other llJan· tonflnn the decision. Hinshaw today said he will discuss the denial with his Los Angeles attorneys before •offering ·aJ:ly comment on the re.. Jection of his appellate court argument. "All I can say at'tbls atage of the game Is that it has been denied," he said. "For all I know Ulere may -be other Jeiaf FCC Chairman . . Strongly Ba~ks Agµew '.fV Yie~s Trackinc' down the original witness after the p.p.ir heard mentioning the story were contacted, detectJves found that he knew the name ol the ·boy. WASHINGTON (AP) -The chairman Lt. GretD said lbe suspect had betn of the Federal CommunlcaUons Com· met by his acquaintBnce 'walking. down miss.ion, Dean Burch, strongly endorsed Vanguard Way f:-om ArlingtOn ·l}J1ft · today Vice President Spiro T. 'Agnew's before school Thursday momtng. • criticism of ·televi sion commentaries on "Whe re are you goln&?" he asked the President Nixon's Vietnam policy speech. J4-year-old. {See ~ory. Paa:e. 4), , . "I forgot my lunch money," he repJicd. At the same tltne, a ~sman said The youth who provided the key to the .. Burch personalty telephoned · t h e case told authorities he thought that was chairman of the major TV•'networlts two odd because the suspect was headed JD days after Nixon's Nov. 3 addttst-and the oppoolle dJrectlon from his home. asked . for lranacrlj>\11 ol the com· Capt. Green said the attempted rope nl<llfariel whlth !lad followed It. 1uspec:t-who used a small pocket knife .; H~ said Burch had received "a number in each fncldenl :... was frightened 111id of l'OmpJaiMI from Congresskloal and remoneful when arrested . , olher .irces"' about.the comment.arjes. AL"BANV. N.Y. (AP) -A war surplu11 Hf W"•• apP1ren\ly invotvelil In no more Spe:akinc ht Des Moines, Iowa, 1"ufs. dealer says he has sold fl.ve gas ma5ks In -than the two Jncldents. d!1)', l\i&Nit-Arqt.w char1ed that NlxOn's the past week, more ,than he ususally Authorities rilqaed u>f: boy to hJs .... l!pttcfAi!ld bttn "sub)ected to lnatant 5ells in a month, and he said mosl went parents pendln1 Juyinlle court aotll)l'I and 1naly~and set{·appolnted analysts, ~he lo youths toing -te·W11hlngton for Viet.. s.rrangements to secure psycholotical JJ)ajo of whom e:ii:pressed ln one way nam protest demonetretlw t b I 1 counselln& and get to lhe aource of the or ttnot r their hOfitlllty to 1wh1t he had wee.kefld. problem. to s.,-." • ' '· 1\ remedies available and we want to took at all of them bl!fore I say anything ." Hinshaw told newsmen last Oct. 28 that he would take his dispute With lhe county board "all the way to the Supreme Court jf necessary." The ruling is viewed by Involved county officials as the appellate court's opinion of Hlnshaw's argument that a conflict of interest exists between the assessor and County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. Hinshaw has been consistently con-- demned by Kuyper in frahk verbal e~­ changes between the two officials for refusing to obey board instructions to cancel taxes on Upper Bay land transfer· red to the c;ounty by the Irvine Company ~ land offered in exchange for county tidelands in a deal consummated by supervisors. The assessor alleges that land swap as unlawful and unconstitutional and the status or the Irvine-county deal is cur- rently being argued-in tbe· courts. But Kuyper has repeatedly· warned Hinshaw that his duty as asses.!OI'· Is to carry out tbe orders of the Board of Su~rvisors. BOth men recently carried their feud before the Orange County Grand Jury In what has been described as an 1'unusu81ly candid" ~change of views. The panel has backed Hinshaw to the . point that It h8.!1 urged the Board o( Supervisors to appoint private counsel for the assessor. Deputy County Counsel Clayton Parker tod ay commented that the Fourth District decision "justifies in every way the argument laid befol'f': the court by us. This denial more or less ends our Interest in the matter afld any further move would have to come from Mr. Hinshaw ," Parker said. . County Counsel Kuyper waa out of tqwn 1 tod ay and not available for cOmment. • A 8'>\Jrce clOle lo the dispute betw!en uie. two offlciala today commented that , U1e county asseuor "had perhaps made a mi.take In bypajsiq the SUP,Orlor Court and going dlredly to the appellate ieV.I. "This Is never very populur In lhe field of law ," the attorney said. "And. In any event, I thlnk Hinshaw would have done far better to have placed this, particular dispute before ' judges who wer e much more famili8r with this l11sue and who could be expteted lo bear tn mil\(t the co1nmunJty aspcci.S or this litigation.,, ··1 Claims Grand Jury Charges Unfounded Santa Ana Police Chief Edward J. Al- 1cn thoroughJy disapproves of an Orange County Grand JUry indictment chargthg one of his young patrolmen with using uo- due force against a black teenager. • Officer Richard E. Faust, 27, wili also:. remain on duty pending disposition of the case against him , in which he is schedul· ed to be arraigned Dec. S in Superior. Court. He was freed on his own recognizance without posting bail Thursday, on ordei'i of Judge Robert Gardner. • "I was neVer asked for my comments o~ the charaes leadln-to this Indictment _ arid I have no reason to believe the charges were founded ," declared Chief Allen Thursday. "I am not criticizing the Grand, Jury. but I do want to say t~t Officer Faust has a good record and he will remain on duty 'until ibis thing is cleared up," Chief Allen conUnued. The officer 'Is iccused ot 'Using un• necessary force against Jesse Gilmore, then 17, in subduing him after an eacape attempt as he was being delivered to (See ALLEN, Pqe 2) Orange· Weatlaer It won't ,be thick enough to shovel, bUt the fog will P,rn"ail chJr.. J Ing Ult O)Otni~..an<i ~v~lng hours along-the Coist thil weekend. Temperatures will boYer around the middle 70'1. INSWE TODAY Two youno So1tthtrn Ctdifor- nia optra tit1g1r1 wllo 1nada ttame1 /or themselves in New York ore back homt for apptoT'i anctt with tM New York City opera -and enjoutno the pltOltlrta of boating. Ste todau'• Wttktndtr. .. -'. .. / .. -. . DAJlV PllOl' ·• -s Friday, Nowmbtt 14, 1969 • , OAIL'I' ,ILOT S&lfl l"Mtt . ROUNDING UP GOODS FOR VI ETlµM ORPHANAGE Cub Scout Val Aahtoft, 9, and Fellow Den M1mber1 · .. Cubs Aiding · Kids Seek Food for Viet Orphans -~ A performance by a guerrilla theater group garbed In dark clothing and chalk· ' Whi..te makeup mark~ a Vietnam l\ioratortum program Thursday on the sieps of lhe auditorium at Orange Coas: College. ~The-guerrilla theater group, coolpC>Sed of OCC students, staged an i:ndlctment of Q)e American involvemE:nl In the Viet· tiem war. The play CQncludlng with the siudents picking up a lareg-black trunk . sfmbolizlng a coffin, an~ marching down tDe :sidewalk of the campus trailed by a gtrl playing a mournful tune on II. flute. :A large crowd of students sat on the grass and watched quietly; •Later. they listened to draft counselor . Qon Elder. owner ol. the Bird in a·cage OAllY PllOI ....,.,. .................... --_,,_,, ~­CAUPOINIA GlMIGI (CASI P\/ILllMINO (OMl"AH'r llo1int N. W••• f'rc1~ Miii Plllllllll.r Jttlt I. C11tl1y Vlei l"mkM!ll MCI 0-rtt ..... Th•,,.•• tc11wll .... , Tho1'1•• A. M•f,hln• MMl..,,.ffrw -Cotti Melli uo *ttt ,.., ""'' ,........., ._,., 1211 """'' ............. ~ lff(fl; ~I.,._, .. ..._ t+11nt1111fOll' .. ldl1 _. Siii llrMt .. Bookstore, Newport Beach. Other speakers followed Elder at th program, sponsored by OCC's Associate Student Government. Among the students who arranged thr program were Barry \Veinberg, Jae Vaughn and Andy Kincaid, members 1 thl!llnr~ecigtilti!<f-campus SDS Chapter. Attorney Foils Suicide Attempt 1 An Orange attorney (oiled an apparent suicide attempt Thursday as he sue· cessfully fought to prevent a screpmlng woman from leaping from the eleventh floor of the Union Bank building in that city. Lawyer Joseph Siabo lold officers that the woman, since identified as Phy llis Deane Beck, 45, of Orange, smashed her way through a window on the eleventh floor and was ready to jump when he grabbed her. SUlbo ma intains a law of· flee on the tenth floor of the building. 'Mrs. Beck suffered extensive cuts when SUlbo pulled her back through the shat· tered window. She underwent su rge ry Thursday night at Orange County ~fedical Center. Mrs. Beck today was listed by hospital officials as being in satisfactory con- dition. Police said the woman had not .yet explained the reasons for her apparent swcide attempt. Flower Display Slated Sunday A flower show sponsored by the Orango County FloriJts Associatioo wlU be open to the P!Jbllc Crom 1 p.m. to $ p.m. Sun- day at the James Irv ine Room ol the Newport.er Inn, Newport Beach. The tbow wlll ft1ture floral designers demori!lraUng how they work as they Cl'.'Mle floral displ~s in keeping with the Chrlltmat holiday theme. A wedding: llJliloll ollow will al>o be sten. Admission to the 44 displays, put on by 10 of lh• counly'a florists, is 11 .50. -Power Cut Fright~ns Astronauts Wreck Injuries Prove Fatal •' "1ultiple injuries suffered last Nov. 4 in an Anaheim traffic accident have proved fatal for James William 1\fahood, 19, or Anaheim. 1\-layhood lost his nine-day fight for life Thursday in Anaheim General Hospital after being held on the critical list throughout his confinemen t. The youth was struck by a car while running across a busy intersection.to help his rather who had been inv.olved in a minor traffic accident. Police have stated lhet no charges will be filed against the motorist who struck Mahood. Yippies Get Permit For DC Picketing WASillNGTON (UPI) -The Youth tnternational Party (Yipples) has won Rovernment permission to march around IM JusUce Department building for tbrel!I houn Saturday Jn prot•st of the "Chlca10 El•ht" trl>L The Justice Department, which granted the permit Th~y, u.ld tho demonstrAtots would have to keep'Dn the hatr of the the st.rfft cloaest to the bulldlng. Solemn and Silent Protesters File 'Through Capital FB( Captures Suspect In $7M,,468 Theft ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (UPI) -For six ttais the FBI and Maasachuset~ authOrttles had sought George· Brady, ac- cused or stealing $784,468 in 'the Boston Common gai'age scandal. He was ap- preftended Thursday. Brady, arrested by two FBI agents outside his rooming house on a newmian's Up, faces a hearing today on extradlt.ion to Massachusetts. Brady said he would not f!ght extradi~!- Food Stamp Bill Signed by Nixon WASHINGTON (UP I) -President Nixon has signed into law a $610 million appropriation bill ror food stamps for poor Americans. The amount Is nearly 21 Umes the size of the present pro- gram. . The figure represented a compromise between the Senate, which had ap· proprlated $750 million, and the House, which had appropriated $340 million. lt compares with the $280 million program now In effecl Under the food stamp program, poor Americans can purchase food worth nearly twice the face value of the stamps thev obtain. The value of the stamps vaiies in different areas -with the average $6 in stamps bringing in $10 in food at grocery stores. a a opinicm and proves the American people's fine tradition for freedom a n d democracy. "\Ve wish you successes." Tass, the Soviet news a g en c y , transmitted bylined reports from its \Vashington and New York offices calling the demonstrations a "march against death." "The muffled beat of drums heralded the demonstrations at Arlington Cemete· ry," Tass said. "The echo of this grievous and alarming scund swept over Arlington Cemetery where many o[ those who died ingloriously in the Vietnamese war were buried ." The agency also quoted a variety or speakers including Dr. Benjamin Spock, and said that "protest meetings against the dirty war in Vietnam were held dur· Ing the day in front of gove.rnment offices and ln city squares." Viejo Man Wins Another Delay In Theft Case Richard Winters Burke Thursday won a further delay of municipal court action on grand theft charges involving losses from the Orange County Clerk's office. Burke, 'l:l, of 26372 Papagayo Driv~ ~1ls.sion Viejo, was ordered to return Nov. 21 to Santa Ana Municipal Court Judge William Thompson's courtroom. Burke is accused of embezzling nearlt $28,000 from the office of the county clerk. It is aDeged that he forged banking records in that amount during his two year employment. Today 's delay was prompted by the fiJ. ing of an amended complaint by the district attorney's office. Defense at· torney Robert Law successfully argued that he needed more time to examine the new document. a ( R·EMODELING SALE Featuring Upholstery A v•st selection of quality upholstered furn iture et exc:•ptional savings. Choose your upholstery from the following fihe lines; National, Marge Cars on, Jamestown Loung•, Hibritan, Pac ific:, Landmark •nd others. Savinga from 20°/o to 50°/o off. Some examples foHow. Reg . SALE Sofa 1 exture. R'ust & orange . Z & H ........... . 419. $299. 289. EA. $149. EA. 279. EA. $149. EA. 2 Chairs. Blue .:& green. National ............. . 2 Chairs. Orange & gold texture, Pacific ...... . Sofa. Gold velvet. National .................. . 499. $399. Sofa. Floral print. Natior1el ....•.............. 499. $399. Sleeper sofa. Texture stripe .................. . 499. $339. Swival rocker. Damask. Jamestown ............ . 189. $139. 235. Si59. 279. $139. 159. $129. Easy chair. Linen print. National .............. . Easy chair. Blue. ·green print. Marge Carson ..... . 2 chairs. Green. velvet luffed ................ . Rocke~ Red ve~et ......................... . 169. $ 84.50 Over 150 c:he'irs end 25 sofas. All sitat., shapes, and colors to choose from, Ba among the firit to s•lect from this ler9e assortment Of f•rrific: v•lues. YOUR LOC~L DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON -HERITAGE Ni\VPORT JEACH 1727 w .. tcllff °"·· 642.2050 O"N PllDA'( 'TIL t • INTERIORS Prof..,.ional Interior . D11l9ntr1 Avoil1blo-AID-NSID • LAGUNA llACH 34S North Co11t Hwy. Of'IN fllDAY "TtL t 4944551 • ' ' I' ' :bontington Beaell EDITION * -* -. -* VOL. 62, NO. 273, 4 SECTIONS: 41 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVE~BE~ ·14, '1969 • • • . 0 0 ' ea .or -· -· -&,, .... - .. .. • ------ •• ------' :r ,. o.en ~ . ~ .. ~ ... ·--._ ---~ . .: Li h-• :·. g~_"ID.Jng Jolts.&alt ,,., • " .-1 $9.5 Million, 50-cent Override Sought On Liftoff . · :: By RUDI NEIDZIELSKI Of tM D.lltr P'l'91 Stiff A $t.5 million bond election, combined with · a 50-eent 'tax override was set for Feb. , 10 by trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School District Thurs- day after more than two hours of discus- &ion. The bond monies if passed by voters, would be used for the construction of another high school while the tax over· ri~~ . would be applied to district operating funds. DJ. Joseph Ribal opposed both items on the &rounds that the administration ahould conskler making more effective uaes .of present facilities before calling another bond election. "We are re.ally wasting the resources of this district in calling f.i bood election," liaid Rlba1, casting a loud nay vote. Before the vote was taken, Robert Gordon, a Westminster parent asked the board to reacind Its action In calllng the bond election and ro investigate the Possibility of what he c a 11 e d ''a.ltemaUves" to building anolber high school. These, he said could lake the form of lnstitliting a 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. school day, flexible scheduling, a swing shift at one of the bigh schools on a four-day school week. · The trustees and Dr. Max Forney, the district's superintendent, g e n e r a 11 y agreed that Gordon's suggestions were •·interesting" but that they a r e ur.workable because present laws would not permit such Innovations. Trustee chainnan Matthew Weyuker told Gordon, "this board has wrestled v.·ith some of these things in the past and \\P. fee] that they are not the answer." He later added, "I do apprecia te you disturbing our thinking. if nothing else." Another trustee, John Bentley, said New .Rall In Effect ~Bribe Case Arraignment ·JJelaye(l to Next W~ek Hlinungton Beach police will hal·e to wait until next week for the arraignment of an Arizona man accused of trying to bribe Mayor Jack Green wilh $4,000 to in· fluence a proposed zone change. William New, 66, of Phoenix, Ariz .. was sche<Juled for arraignment Thursday in \Vest Orange County Municipal Court, Westminster, but he didn't show up. New had beeo released Tuesday on $12.000 bail from Orange County Jail. By county procedure, he doesn't have to a~ pear in court until one week after his release. Local police were una ware Thursday th.at New had been released. When he was in city jail, bail was set at $25,000 but when New was transferred to ' - county Jail. bail was changed by anoth~r judge to •12.000. New, who claims lo be a mortgage firm representative, was arrested Mon.day after police !pent one week investigating the charge by Mayor Green that New had offered him $4,000 to influence a zoning change on 20 acres of land near Slater A venue and Gothard Street. New, reportedly, was seeking mobile homes on the currently zoned indulllrial land. A Paramount c.ompany, Cactiflor. is seeking a similar zone charge ror the property. Huntington -Beach allorney George Shibata tw stated lhat New was familiar with the Cactlflor company, but police have not discJosed any connection of Cac- lillor with the alleged bribe attempt. Court Rejects Assessor's Plea for tegal Counsel Bv TOJ\f BARLEY Ct "" o.i1r Pli.t stiff Oraf!ge County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw's demand for a private attorney in his assessment battle wilh the Board of Supervisor! has been denied by the Fourth District Court of Appeal, it wa s learned today. The appellate bench ·ruled against the assessor Thursday by refusing to gran t the writ of mandate he sought la st Ocl. 28 .. No c.larificalion of the ruling was or· fered to either party and court officials today refused to do other than confirm the decision. Hinshaw today said he will discuss the denial with his Los Angeles attorneys before offering any comment on the re· jection o( his appellate court argument. "All I can say al this stage of the game Is that It has been denied," he said. "For all I know there ·may be other legal remediel!I avallable and we want to look at all ol them before I say anything." Hinllhaw told newsmen last Oct. 28 that he would take his dispute with the c:oonty board "all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary." The ruling is viewed by involved county officials as the appellate court's opinion of Hinshlw's argument that a cOnflicl or interest exists between the assessor and County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. Hinshaw has been consistently con- demned by Kuyper iq rrank verbal ex· chqes between the two officlalt for refusing to obey board lnstruclions to cance:l taxes on Upper Bay land traJlsfer· red lo the county by the Irvine Company -land offered in exchange for county tidelands In-a deal coroommated by supervilori. The a.s.sessor al\egtl!I thet laod swap 8t'I unlawful · and unconsUU:illonal and tho status of the Irvine-county deal Is cur· rently being argued Jn lhe courts. But Kuyper has repeatedly warned Hinshaw that his duty as assessor ls lo carry out the orders of the Board of Supervisors. Both men recently carried their feud before the Orange County Grand Jury in whal bas been described as an "unusually candid" exchange of views. The panel has backed Hinshaw to the point that it hall urged the Board of Supervisors to appoint privale cou nsel for the assessor. Dtputy County Counsel Clayton Parker today commented that the Fourth District. d~islon. ''.justifie.s In ~v.ery, way Ule' argument laid before the court by us. This derl.ilil 'moi-e or less ends oi.Jr" interest In the · matter · and any further· move would.have to come from·li-lr. Hinshaw," Parker said .. County Counsel Kuyper Y.'as oul of town today ·and not available for commenl. A -source close lo the· dispute between the two, officials toda,y commented. that the county assessor "had perhaps m~de a mistake in bypassing the Superior Court and going directly to lhe appellate level . "This ls never very populcr in the field oJ JaW," the attorney said. ''And, in any event, I think Hinshaw would have done far better to have placed this particular dispute before judg~ wbq were much more familiar with Utls issue and who coold be expected lb boor In mind the communitl upec:t.1:0( Ulla litigaUon.11 Youths Buy Ga s Masks ALBANY, N.V. (AP) -A war surplus dealer say• he has sold five gas masks In the past week, mare than be ususally -sens In a month, and he taki most went to youths golna: to Washington for Viet. nam protea& dtmonatratlons t h I 1 weekend. "You ·have given Ul!I food far thought. Some of your suggestions woold have a good chance to work if tt)edilllrict were unified. Legislation would have to be altered. Then we__ would be able to go ahead and try some of these." "Right now l don't feel 1ike ex. perlmenting with slate funding to see if y,·e can get away wilh some of these lhings," he added. Following the meeting, Gordon told newsmen he would organize a "collec· lion of like-minded individuals lQ oppose the bond election and to prove to the comnwn1ty that there are practical alternaUvm: to building another compre- hensive high school." He Indicated he would·do everything he could to work against tfte bond passage. "I want the results of this selection to constitute a mandate to this board. The aavice to .this board wlU be loud and clear," Gordon sald: ' t:hief Defends SA Officer m ~s.saw~ c~ Sanla 1.na Po!fceoileo;dwarfl:Al' 1en thoroughly disapprovd of an Orange County Grand Jury ludil'tment charging one of hll J«lllB palr<Jlnler\ wllh ullng un· due tOl'C'fl against a black teenager. Officer RJchard E. Faust, 27, wili "'also remain on duty pending disposition of the case agal~st him, in which he is schedul- ed to be arraigned Dec'. S ln Superior Court. He v.·as freed on his own recognizance without posting bail Thursday, on orrlers of Judge Robert Gardner. "I was never as~ed for my comment! on the charges leading to this indictment and I have no reason to believe the charges were founded," declared Chief Allen Thur.&day. "f am not criticizing Ille Gr&(KI Jury, but I do want to say that Officer Faust has a good record and he will remain on duty 'unUI this thing ii cleared up," Chief Allen continued. The officer is accused of using un· necessary force against Jesse Gilmore, then 17, in subduing him after an escape attempt as he was being delivered to Orange County Juvenile Hall. The speclrlc indictment returned after secret Grand Jury testimony charged him with assault with a deadly weapon last July I as a result of his night.stick use. Witnesses said Faust beat the 18-year. old Gil more needlessly after his attempt to Oee from the Manchester Avenue facility was thwarted. "All J've heard are c onf li cting statements from different witnesses," (See ALLEN, Paae Z) --· P~E ~y .(UPI) ,....._i..•1, A~ IZ spaeablp, ·•~Jol!ool i.,,; a Jlptnlng l!o~ .on Ila ~ ritr't¥! moon; hurtled aut of w tJ1:.'lW!!i.lo!fn: lbe natioo'1 aecood iwm~ . '!be three mon ~~I!)~ the .moon 'l'llelda)' lb "' up .a. illclilr' powered scientlll< -ond beclll:lnoi'i -·" . lint.true explonUGn ol anotllei W..W. · '1'ht . three rean:· Apollo1 12 crew ~ CUl!Jlily bluled' oil. Oil the ~·· 111 coftif moon· i.,,dl., mlalOOiloclV ID .; Jut minu~ thundtrsterm. _, ' · • Pruldent NiJDa; hll wile, Pll, tbelr daughter, Tricia, ud·Vice Preakknt and Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew were among the es. timated hall million persons Who watched ,the liftoff. ' .. "Spectaculll'.," Nixon declared, &rift~ ning and c.lappin& his hands. The Presidenl watched the event from a VIP viewing area .about 3V• miles from the launch pad. NllOll was the .first~ executive to,wltneU •~manned spacecr.tt launching • . "I'd almost be positive we .l!ll bit by . = ~~'l'!'~..s.­. ·•:=-•,~""§~"~ --.~-...1 ·hla·<0mpaplollf.1~'-n,---·I 37, and Richlnl F. GordOn, 40; .,_to "D.t.ILV I'll.OT Rtff ...... ROUNDING UP GOODS FOR VIETNAM ORPHANAGE Cub Scout . Vol Ashton, 9,. ind ~oll!" Don "1,..,bora Cubs Aiding l{ids • t' I • I Seek Food fo~ Viet Qrplmru Theft was once an orphanage In Viet. n?m that was raided by the Viet Cong. Fourteen yoll{lgsters and a nun were shot allc1 evety chili:l·oVer 12 wa1 "taken away. Next week more than 50 Cub Scouls of Pack 290 in Fountain Valley will be knocki ng on. doors in an effort to aid what's left of the orphanage at An·phong, now holised Jn an old church. . The C!J,bs are. looking for clothing and especially food staples, rice, baby fonnUia and vitamins to be sent to An· phong. Ariangement.s have been made wilh the U.S. Coast Guard to transport the goods to Vietnam during Decmiber. "The orphans have clothing now," 1ay1 li-!rs. Anthony Urab, who organized this drive after reading aboot &be An-phong plight lifTUil Angeles-newspaper; "What we really need· is food." , The Cub Scoull of Pack 290, 1ponsored by Fountain Valley ,School, are workinc in cooperation with "Ope.ralioq HOPE" (Help Other People Everywhere), a non· profif .charitable organization . The drive it.arts Stmday and conclude• the fol~owing Saturday u ICOUta knock on doorS and leave lnfonnation.abeeU while c.ollec.Ung items · . for the · Aft.phoag orphanage. •I up 1 ouclar ,.,...... lcieotillc boo+ .. --1111 """ ..... ~·lrut 1iplantlon ~--worlc!. • ,. · r "™ 1tomi· threatenod up .to ilio nn.:i min-lb delaJ' the lalmch. Bl!til minutes before scheduled blastoft', launch control reported tllat weather coodJtiool were within acceptable margins. The big Salum 5 rocket cleared the launch tower precisely on Ume at l :D a.m. PST, and It appeared a pedoct lluJlo ch. · · · · · · . "This ba't;y la really goina:," Otarail rep0rted. . But lh•n lhlngs.cbonged di'utlcilly. Long after th&· crew · •u ololt. however, grouM conttOllen atm W«e not entirely sare ~t ha'ppened. " "Your theory ond your id•a t!lol'tt:- piobably llg)itnh\g that did it~ -!Oob like about the best theory," Mlslllon Con- trol at Houston !<1ld. !!)e .~'Oll•UW,.·"Wtlli that in mind, ·the· sequence of evtnts 11 ezplainable." But lhen Conrad responded: · .. 1 guesa the other ~-tMi. ~~ lliliitµ;g ioout;"maylieiiolllililiwijflO much, jusl unstable air. We were 1 prettJ big piece of a~lic. electricity builder-up. per goJnc thr(lt.lgh Jhece so.we ml&ht hive just discharged oUr!H!IVts. '! . ' ·"Pete. that's exactly ·the theqry tliit J)eople are thinking down hut,''. HOUltcJq r<sponc1ed. Later, ground control jokingly u'eor Wi!l' Conr1d had not paid·more 1tt.nlioo tO 'what was going on out.llde ,,bile an the. "!°arnlng llpt1-1rtrt llaablnc on the 1pace· craft. State to Protect Coast Conrad countered: · i'l had a palt of eyeballs that were moving pm.ty fast abOOt then -1il and out." •• Official Describes Ne ·w Maritime ·.Agency · The Slate or California should · plaY a leading role in checking uncontrolled private development of lbe coastline, the head of a ne\v state marlUme depart· ment declared in Newport Beach Thurs. dav. · · Robert \Vallier, new 11ircclor or the lh"rtt-<lay-old State · Department o f Navigation and Ocea:n Developmcnl. tnld a convention or Callfomia's harbor· masters that Gov, Ronald Reagan reor· ganized the department recently wilh that lhwght in mihd. . Walker heads an agency whose role In. eludes that of the former Oivision of Harbors and Watercraft along with mariti me dut.iu once shared by other deoartment.s. , 1'Je phlJOIOPhy of coastline con· iervatlon fpllows development! In the J:ist Msslon of lhe Legislature when t•on· ser:vation emerged as a burning issue, Walker ukl.' Whether the philosophy cwld be •I>' plied di~y to local Issues still is unanswered . he said. His departmtnt could not now t>eco.11e directly involved ln the Upper Bay !:ind cxchangeJssue or the battle over public 1cce11 to j.11& Creek. 1'\Ve might 1f We Wefe to get l!lome new · laws.in the next Legislature," he said.· Walker prefacetl hi.' explanation of the philo50phy or his agency by citing the su"rge Jn ln.terest ir\ the .;oast'llne and tlie s'~'n as a natural resou rce. "The coastline is the most importJnl fc.iture Of Cali!omla·s geography. Police 01ecKing ' . . . . . . . . . . . . " Armed . Robbery • Polli::e loctay are still° lnvestigaUng the 1 1unchtiriie 'armed robber)' Wednesday of a H~rltlngtoh Beach loan companjt: · Pollet: said a man In his early 20s entered the. office of Beneficial Finance Co., t8tJi Beach. Bouievrnl, a)>out 12:30' p:m., · Wednesday; found only one' l'iecretary pre~nt. a~d .at gunpoim forced her to, turn over $325 1i1;1 .oash. No ont rtpOrted M:tlng how the man, ' Jell Ole building', aald police • • .. ' . . '1And It lS,a fixed. qu~n~7/' he'ailld. "' ApproJ!imately IO . percent o I Qali!omla'l!I" shortllne ·1s subject. to pri- vate. developmitilt. ·whic bmay .be incon- sl~teot with: .the: hl&hest public ll'ltereaL The conce.ntration of papulaUon js in-- creal!llni alid publiC 'icCeu'tO tile ahore- llne•is dimin i.Shlng/', Walker said. . He added . th11l uncontrolled , develop- ment of the state's shoreline 11c.an result In irreversible dam•ge. to • .filh and wildlife(" · · · ' . :·F'l!~rmort,·tt ~.ff damage to' many of 'the esthetk: ond· ,._Uoool values oC Ute aboreUne,11 he ulcl., Ii pfah lo prOlel'VI tilt sbo<ell!1e,f9' ill belt public liae llz:ta<ly la In .tl!e ""a, watker sald. . • , , , ·~ 1 His new agency would take .over .work Ott the 1state:s Comprehe&IVe 0Ct11 Att• Pian, whiclt·wlll -ser:ve .111 .a viuter plan lor dev•!qpm .. t of the coasllme. )The objectlye of the p~.li lb ~chlevo optimum planned deveioj>ment of the coastal area for environmental p1,o-' tectlon. scientlflc mo•1eC1ge, trade and tnalntalnlng '.111 of these ln,w1j1 that do not destroy the coa1lal 1i'ee· •• ," I \ ' 0raa•• It won't be thick ....,,h to shovel, but the fog wiD ~all.~ ing lht · morhin1 and eveniq houri along the ...,t · thk -end. Temperalilt<S wtlf boVtt orwrid the middle 11r1 •• -:--:-- • I • • . ·,War~.Protester$ Ma!!~Gh Silently_ "t,'ASJll)IO'l'Q"'<IJP-ll -Vietnam wsr Bued on esUmilel by ihe sp0nsi>ring .,,,,,.._ flied lhll'Ulh the naUon's New llfol>IU..Uoo eoa,millle to End the on Lhe activities of some other, smaller arou111 on tbe .aid<\ine• or \he march. Weather Bureau forecast snow flurries toni&ht and . S.turday, with . tonlaht's ~vemlshl low _temperalure In d!e •"• In capital, .Piii the . WbilA! lloole 11 an W I V • 1 eotlmaled l,000 an bour 'today, moot!Y er · n loltwn ·(Now llfobe), tot'1 'l1le 1!11 evem al the tbnie claya ol pro- test ...2 the major phase of nationwide demooatratlona -comes Saturday mo""' ing_ when a march takes place down Penrf~lvanla Avenue to within a block of the White HO\lse. New Mobe would not estUnate· how many would t.ake part but leaders privately were talking in terms of Washtngtori: ' • .ooltmn ,ucl tlltol. aoopt when U.O, 11,DOll penoo:1 had token ·part In 'the lbou!Od the namei ol war dead towllld _ ~Ille proceulan up lo midday. The • Heavy rain drenched the New Yorli area this &rtemoon, and most other partJ the ~ldent'1 home. · · lotal waa reported to reach 45,000 to Under the watchful eyes of tfieir own 46 nM b s turday · whe th or the country also bad bad weather ....... With forecasts it would · aet worse by .. Saturday. The New England area was warned of the poAibllity of he.avy snow. The Washington skies were dark and threatening but at mid·afterooOft the forecast of rain had not yet materla'UJed. rnanhall and city police, the candle.car.. '':! Y a lllOnung n e rying.demonstraton were orderly, even "mar~ aga_lnst death" ends. , to obeyln' y.ial)i:-don't walk signs along The New Mobe apparently was. making the 4.2-mile route from Arlington Na· every effort to make good on its advance 200.000 or more. . . . tlonal Cemetery to the fl?Ot of Capil;,ol promlae · ot a peaciful protest · But HUL • authOrl.Ues were keeping a watchM eye T!ie leaders conceded th•t the turnout mi&11!:1>e reduced by bad weather. The 2 Youths Held ·In · 20 Beach Bur.glaries PQlice today allep they have solved IO HunUngtop Blach burglaries after the ar .. rest QI ~'WO yOQijls ·jnvolved in a mlnor hit. and run traffic accident · Detectives Wednesday sifted through about $4,000 ;n · Joot recov~ fi:om residential pd auto butglarles the past month in HunUngton Harbour, HunUngton i-..&>otea..aod...Snnset He.!&b~::r=,...=-Arresled QO bu>11lary and au1o t . .. charges were Michael Bladeo, 11, a transient from Yuba City, and a 16-.year· · old HunUogton Beach ·youth. · . The pair was arrested about,10:45 p,m.,. alter police received a report that a parked car, unoccupied, oo ~lnaer Avenue had been struck by another car which ,)eft the .~ They were arrested shortly.alterwllld and diacovered to be In a car allegetily stolen earlier from Newport Beach. ' • . D,ASLY t"I~ ft•lt .....,_ AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS TRACKING APOL~O 11 S.ckyatd Sclentl1t1 Work~•I"!. and Rot1tan Among the recovered p.r.operty was a shotgun, two riOes, several television sets, two major stereo outfitl and several car stereo t.ape outfits, .said police. ' Beac,h Youths' Big Mirror Viejo Man Wms Anoilier Delay In Theft Ca8e -. . - To Track AP.ollo 1-2 Path Richard Winters Burke-Tbunda)' won a further d<lay iii municipal C<lUfl acUoi> on grand theft charges involving losses from the Orange County Clerk's office . .. ~ . Polled against.the overcast sky In Hun-tlnatl>o Beach this ~ Is a huae !Eescope, reaentblfpg a)iowl\l!I'• If, Jilli W ·W"11!1 '1>0 1><>'11ifu1 . to ~~..'Ai>o&':U 11)1Cecraft. And that h exactly what two Huntjngton Beach youn~~ to do 11¥""~ '· -+ I RG411o 1 T"'ry W ' n, 18, are atiat ~er• wbG ll*ve been .elected by Bellcomm lnc., Of Walhlngton D.c:..to participate in the tra<:klng ol today's moonsllol. The company's lracking system Ill'" volves the use of 200' amatelii'I and pr<>- feiliOnal sclentJ.sl! througltout the world who:are participating In a venture called .. Aatronet." Rotstan, tn whole backyard the telmoope, capable of an 890-power prac· tical magnification level, is set up, et· p\ain«lthal excess water dumped from the _,.11 will reflect Ugh\ and .l!t , ...... the brilli"""' ol the ~eel to Ji< . photo&raphed four to five t1mel.. . 'lbe -powerful telescope wlll. be Joined by ll!Olller one tooi~ ill Ille bacl<Y&rd oC Rotst.an's home at 20781 Alcante Lane. -. Burke, J'l, of. 2!6371 .Papagayo Drive. -Together they will be used by the you.ig MWlon Viejo., ·was ordered to return amateurs throughout the AJ?C>UO 12 Nov. 21 to Santa Ana Muolclpal Court mission to record anY, lraCJnj oft the ., ~~~ ~·s courtroom. spaceera1l as it passe)_.lbe lijht ~S1Cfe Of "' Bur&"is 8Ccised. ot.embtzzllhg nearly the moon. fi,iJiQIO-from -Uie Office of the""'"COUnty Whatever Is spotted by them will b clerk. It is alle ed ~ forged banking photographed with a camera which is ~ durlrur hls two tached to one of the telescopes. .., , · ent. ~T:TY'tfT...:.-.. Rotstan is a sophomore at Chapmari To4v) ... P.8 ~ tiy the fit- College, majoring In astronom1 ~&!IWt,1!1!!11a''~ complolDt bJc the previously worked at the Univ~Qf ditb1ct 'aitorftiiYa office, :DefenH 1t .. Arizona Observatory in Tulcoir.:;,H11 tomey: .RobeA. Liw !Utice:afully artQed p~tner, Terry, is a !ludent at $dllon that M;iee_d«id 'JDOre Ume to e:ummeiibe High SchooL _...r.. new docunient. • ' .:~ ! Barbo~·· ..• eling ·:Oil ~tiU Plagues Santa Barbara . -. . --. ' By JOHN VAL TERZA ' 01 ~ o.iiy_ P;ll•t l••tt . ~anta ~ar••' hlrbOrmaster 'I'hura. . day_painted'li grbn plc:tute o( a defea'ted FBI Captures ~uspeet haiOO. sun re<Hng rrom the errects oc '1'0n the ~an side of the boom the oil built.up to a thlckne.u of •i&lit·inches and ''"""luai4' the' pressure Jiii! llrted the J:>oom high enough ror the oil to come through. The pressure also snapped a two:Jncb' line holding the boom. Jt broi"e like it was thread." · , last spring's oil spill disasler. · · In ?784· 468 Theft · And ii all cou\d ,hBppen again, Qonald ·~ ' Satnre told fellow bArbormasters gath- A"n.J.:NTIC CITY, N. J-. (UPI) -F<ir--e?e:d at.a_c<inVelitioa 8t..Newport Beach's sis yean the FBI and Massachustlt!I New}>orter Inn. authorttles had sought George Brady, ac-He said the harbor still Is sufferlng cUltd of stealing $784,~ ln the Boston heavily even though the lhousand1 <lf Common garage 11Clndal. He was ap-gallons-of crude have Wsappeared from prehended Thursday. , rilght. ' ' · .. • Btady, arrested by two FBI ageots Sathre satif the tra'gic, swift surge of oll Sophisticated air-jet booms worked even worse, he said, and when oil·soaked steal\'. floated by, it created whirlpools letting the oil into the harbor, Sathre said. · Efforts to clean lhe sticky ell-clogged rocks of the breakwaters were just as futile. GJtdde his roomlna: hou~e on a Into the harbor borne on one single t.idl!: ne'T1111an's Up. faces a headn& today on proved that Santa Barbera Is tvtally ~Uon to Massach4sett!. Brady said vulnerable to floating oU sli cks and just he jiOOld not fight extradltloo. abovpl4Jp~. "· · • : ~ atfempt to stem the oil's now In· ro lh'e 'harbor proved futile, he said . Tile UnJon OU COmpany (owner of.the v.•ell which blew out in' the channel caus .. ' Ing the i;:lick) has cleaned lhe harbor's jelly rocks twice since last spring. l I I DAILY PILOT fa,f.Hoa CGUT PUIL~tffQ (OMl"AH't I ' I ltoberl N, Wttd l'rnkknl n l'v~lltl!tf 1 J1c~ R. Cu•l'J • Ylct l"ta'*nf 111d Gt ntr MllWI.., 1 I • I j • Thol'l\11 kttvil . fdllor Tholfl•I A, Murpl>l11t N.t"""'9 EOil., Alb.11 W, l1tt1 Aueclttt IEdlior 11f HtttlltffH IHc• OHtce •• JOt Slh Streit ·W1ili11t i-idr1n1 P.O. I•• 7to, t2•41 4 Ottltt OfAcM • ....,.... ltu11' 1111 Wt~! l1\llflt 8coultv1r• , Cos!• M~••: no wetr ••, 11 ..... 1 I t.11111rwi l•.th; 2JJ 1'11te11 Avt"'°' • • • grimly, ' · The attempts .at combating the Initial oil ~pill ware a11 ineffecti\'e, and some, Safure·s;akt wtrt WOI'ie than the disaster ltseH. .:· "Dredges which once' v.1orked lhe harbor entrance each year arc idled now be<;_i'!U5e. pt}blic agencies and citizens cti.a!ge that they ~ creaUng pollution," he related. 1 •. 'Fhe dredges, he said, are suckin g up 1 ug~c debris mixed with oil and dis· ,. perstng chemicals which had settled to the bottom after emergency procedures. "There still is a large area or lhe bay whfre the botton1 Is coated \vilh this muck. The dredges were just picking it up. "lf il ever were to happen again," he said adamantly, "there v.·ouldn 't l>c any chemicals allowed ." Sathre described with !'lome bitterness the reluctance of lha city's politicians to recognize the impending di3aster and balldng of agencies such as the depart· ment ol Fish and Game. "City Hall fs only a halt-mile ay,·ay ~ the harbor li!!t It took hours to coo· vinl.'t the mayor and city manager of the ext.ont of the thing ," he said. -He· said the SI00,000 spent before the ~ister to fill the spaces in lbe harbor '!'! ~amter wu i<D'lllDCY down the drain." "When tbe~on hlt, the breakwater leak· ed like a 'alevt. 4' BOom·«tdlon plans ~·ere just as tutlle, b• allcltcl. A huge boOm arru1tmC11t Jtrelched ilcroA U1e ~arbor entrance proved tolal- ly lnelfecUve, be Aid. . ' "U )'o9' were to, see lhe rocks today tile)' are"juSt' as-black as they were when the oil hit,'' Sathre $Sid. · Santa Barbara is still receiving on, he disclosed, but allegalions that they are coming from the Union oil well which blew out are lncon"eCt, he said. From Pege J ALLEN ... ~:iid Chief Allen. "There has been no forma l complaint at this police depart· inent." "And I've been given no opportunlly tG look al II~ case against Of fleer Faust," he continued. "He's a good officer. J have no quarrel with hls record In the two years he's worktd for us." Chief Allen added to his reference lo the Grand Jwy with what he carefully explained was a commentary and not a criUcism. "I remember the remarks made by its former cbairmtn when he led the 11roup and "hen 90methlng like thts comet: up, you can't help but wonder about it," the chief said. William Martin, mayor of Laguna. Beach. quit lht Grand Jury earlier this year in mid-IU!D, wlthou~ expllcllly IA!ll· i0J1 the reason. • He nevtr denied s110tsUona. honver, tllat lhe _panel was much more liberal tn Ill outlook than he had apectod and .sonle of Jts decisions did not pleaie him. Marlin has said In putille that oome o1 Its acth s ""'" In direct eonf1kl wit~ his ' own P' »nal phllooopble1. • Bitter Rivals · Nearing Finish Of :La Paz Race The 3rd annual Long Beach lo La })1 yacht race was nearing if.s"cooclu~lon tbis afternoon with the first boat to finish - either Blackfin or Windward Passage - expected to cross the line sometime dur· ing the night. Once again, as has beeo true through" mt'St of the race, Blackfin failed tG 1--',"'nsweY UieFttday moming·roU .caD;-but Windward Passage, which did, reported Jt had Blackfin in sight. Pas.sag~ report· ed i~ position as Z3-14 N, 109 Z3 W. a· round Cape San Lucas. Race. committee boat Ranjamar ls speeding to the finish line at. La Paz to 'vait for Ken De.Meuse's 73-foot Blackfin and Mark Johnson's Passage, also a 73- foot ketch. This Colleen's a Queeta Colleen Taft, escorted by Student Body President Scott Lent, made history Oct. 31 when she was crowned "Football Queen" at Edison High School in Huntington Beach. New school is in its first year and has no alumni so coul~'thave a~~ homecoming queen. Next year wlll be a d!flerent storfind Colleen may be first and only "football queen'-' in school's history:-- " ' ' 32 S~hoo Bands Slated To March in Seal Beach Thirty-two intermediate ind junior hJlh school bands and drill teams will parade through downtown Seal Beach salUrday in the 11.blrd annual Jtlr1lor Hlgb Sdlo.o1 Band Review. l.eadlntl the, march wil1 be a color guard from the U.S. Marine Corps de- tachment at the Naval WeapclDI Station, Seal Beach. The parade starts at Main ~eel and Electric Avenue. and proceeda south on a.tain to Ocean Avenue, west on Ocean Avenue to First Slreet The reviewing stand will be on ~1ain Street at Central Avenue. Awards will be made at the conclusion of the parade at Eisenhower Park, Main and Ocean. The band review, only one of its kind in Southern California, features only bands and drill learns from Intermediate schools. Orange Coast entries include the Willis Warner Intermediate School \Vildcat Band which won a first place trophy last year ; Stacey Intennediate School Senti· nel Band and Drill Team , both of West .. minster, and the Oak Junior High School Trojan Band of Los Alamitos. Concerto, John Halt's Columbia 57 from Ne'i\•port Harbor Yacht Club; Dorothy 0, another Columbia 57 from NBYC, skip- pered by Robert Beauchamp, and Rascal, 57-foot yawl from Santa Barbara Yacht Club, all Class A boat!, were bunched about 20 miles from lhe cape. ' Weather reported to Carroll Hudson o! Newport Beach from the Nestor Is l!IUMY and humid with light westerly winds from four to five knots. The sea ls calm. Strong northWest winds of 15 to 20 knots · are expected ·on the way up the Gulf of California to the finish line, but calm ,.,.inds of one to two knots may make it difficult for boats roundlilg the cape. Yacht positions reported this morning were Alerion 24 03-112 50 ; Al Viento 24 56-112 39 ; Aquarius 24 07·112 15; Ariana 23 2&- 111 50; Aventura 24. 23·113 35. Bohemia 23 17-110 47 ; Charisma II 23 28-111 20; Concerto no report (in sight o[ Rascal); Debinda IV 24 20-113 25; Dona J. 2.1 SJ.Ill 25; Dorothy O. no report (in !iight of.~aD; _ Irish Mist 23 57-111 05: Isobar 23 42-112 13; L'Allegro 23 sa.-112 39; La· Prenaa 24. 39-112 24; MaJobi no report (off air with batttry problems) i Mistral no report. Pantera 23 40-112 09; Posada Manana It 25 12-114 32; Perlcus 23 4(1.111 17: Rascal 22 55-110 13; Robon 111 23 42·111 09. Serapis 23 32·111 33; Severn 24 111·112 00; Tanqueray 23 3&-111 24 ; Vector 23 ·4a. lll 12i Windward Passage 2314·109 23. Yippies Get Pern1it For DC Piekeling WASHINGTON [UPI) -The Youth International Party (Yip pies) has won government permission to march around the Justice Department building for threl!I hours Saturday in protest of the "Chicago Ei.e:hl" trial. The Justice Department, which granted the permit Thursday, said the demonstrators would have to keep on the half of the the street closest to Lhe building. 3 57 £3 J L & a '£ 7 ) REMODELING SALE Featuring Upholstery A .,-est selection of qu•lity upholst•r•d furniture •t el!c•ption•I sevings. Choose yoLIT' Bphel t. from the following fine' lines ; National, Merge C•rson, Jem•stown Loung•, Hibrit•n P•cific L.nd,..' 1 •nd otherL. • • r Savings from 20°/o to 50°/o off. Som• examples follow. Reg. SALE 419. $299. Sofa Texture. Rust & orange. Z & H , , , . , .. , , , .. 2 Choirs, Blue & green, Notional , . , ..... , • , ..• 2 Choirs. Orange & gold texture , Pacific . , , , , .. 289. EA. $149. EA. 279. EA. $149. EA. Sofa; Gold velvet, Notional , , , .. : . , ...... , , .. , 499. $399. Sofo. Floro! pri nt. Notional •. , , , • , , , , , , , , , , . , , 499. $399. Sleeper sofa. Texture stripe .... , . , .......... , . 499. $339. Swivel rocker, Domo1k. Jamestown , , , .. , . , . , , .. 189. $139. Easy _choir. Linen print. National , , , , , , .. , .. , .. . 235, $159. 279 , $139. 159. $129. Easy . .c ho ir. Blue green print. Marge Carson , .... , 2 c hairs. Green velvet luffed ........ , . , , . , , . , Rocker. Re d velvet . , , ...... , .... , ....... , . , . 169, $ 84.50 0.-•r 150 chein end 25 sofes. All siz•s, sh•p•s, •nd colors to choos• from , Be •mon9 th• fil'lt to select from this large essortment of l•rrific velu•s. YOUR LOCAL DEAi FPS FOR DR EXEL -HFNREDON -HUil' AGE NEWPORT llACH · 1727 Wottdllf Dr¥ '41·1050 ONM NIDAY 'flL t INTERIORS Profeuiontl lnttrlor LAGUNA l!ACH Dul9nor1 1~ iu North Coal! Hwy A•tUablo-AID-NSID -NIOAY 'flL t ..... , ........... " 0..,. c...., •tt&l a ' I • 4944551 • \ ' - ' ! J 0 f ~ c t I i t I ( 1 ' t I I ' I j I ( ' I ' '• L I' I .. _,, .... .... . ... ... .... Moratorimn " Cuts Classes At UC Irvine the Vietnam War Moratorium didn't totally shut down the UC Irvine campus Thursday ·and today but there didn't ap- pear to be a very large portion _of the 6,000 students on campus. Stu Kramsky of the Moratorium COm• mittee a' a noon rally Thursday claimed a 90 percent effective stfike on classes. Campus adminiatration officials conceded the moratorium had cut heavily into at- . . s --ML~:mOl ·fF Hippo Oft Drugs Power Trouble ~ Sam Adjusti":_g to. Bakersfield Giv~~~~!'.~en the 7.year.old hippopotamus wasn't ha•· Quick ' $~ " : Special lo die DAILY PILOT . I BAKERSFIELD -S.m the hippie lilp. po ls off drugs. The hippopotamus that maey wanted but few could afford has •\IO become quite a cause celebre since his arrlval1tn lhb Kem County potato capital lrorit Orange County last week. · Ing any. ·-• l """"1"."' r~ -' .. .. "We tried •11\lectlons •but lilal dldJil ,SPAt"E:C~TZll•Jtoliden hmr<.t:.. work. Andi.he wouldn1t swallow any p1ll1. eficVicll ·,._, '"1>iitiftfdi~jr,.._-:r But we finally got him to take the stuff .tfl'e,fint,_.,41,\Apollo 11'1 launc vlhen wl hid ii in hls Jello," laid WOlllin. PQll!bly . ...,..i by lllbtnlng llrl\IJJi Sa.m. purchased by Jlakerslleld cat 1 · '~ all, ea...i a ~ • · dealer John Barber ,as a .OV.I' way of 1::..i·Cootrollen:and:ibe · forcing· the issue of establiahlng a crew. , . ; 1 "".,.. ~ , .. , municipal r.oo, ia in temporary residence 1 Afttr Jt ~ wu .all ,;~; and at ~e Kern County Fairgrounds. sp,acecraft wai iafe.'in Orbit, no one · · -tendanee,butreould provide no·mtimates. Cancellatlon.ofpOstponement of cla~, .bY profes!\l)ra,mad~ it so some. stu~erit~ who Would have gone to ·Classes bad n~ .to attend. 'I'ranquilized for the trip to the San JOa- quln Valley, Sam was rather dispelased when he awakened in Bakersfield. a aen- aation shared in the past by many trav. elers. Zoological Society members who have aure exactly what' h•~ • · , campaigned unsucce...tully lor llvt years "We just Jost the (ll!ildanc•) plllll , But if student,s .in large., nll{n~fl. were .not in class theY were not vislbly sup. ,porting moratorium activities. in the ''After we got him unloaded from tbe ' truck and he got over I.he effects of the tranquilizers, he was all ~pset af·~IM in a new environment and a11.'" Hid Richard Wolfsen. · . lo •ang,'' • ...t_.and ·"'.' ~ Cbar'AA .. a.:.-• create a zoo ·tore out two stables, e , 1.vurm ""'U&. .-.-aic: ,..,,,} • · ~ad 1ang out over his radi<>, ~ erected1 ;a. chain lw;1fe n,Ce with dona~ the:.tht"J'lint'of. 'troullie. ul·doii?& mate~s and dug a bapJJng b'.encib • Whit happtJ\ed1'8te .:. had 8~; . "r~~Jive. years , we've bf.en trytnr to tbe.WQrJd drOpptd:ooL!' ~ .l V''• lmpr"f the bureaucracy with the ·.need • C..Cad reporied' .he liad loll 'bit el~ &ame number. , , , ~K'sii'ifilliSh crowa:l)y au previous com:-. parlsons of ·only 250 persons attended a noon rally, just 300 heard an eVening anti-war rock concert and only ·10 slept overnight on the campus lawn in a much publicized "live in." The Kem CoU!!!r._Z9J>l<!glcaLS.ClelY presldent-WolCsen", not Sam-hippc.sat for $4 hours. over the weekend with the 1,800 pound post·tranquilizer fatigue pa· tient. . for a P~ Where our c}llldren's ties cin tr1cll· d.lstr'ibUUon system, and , the. · liiht up iitetng ilg anliOals," wollsen·ex:. -apaCecratt guidpoc;rt mtena -u.i. · form:'·-q\J\t 1W~ ~ 'IOfl1r 1~~: plained. be~'11P. guldapo;e 111!ftn, po~F"" '11 DAILY Pll.OT 511ff ,,.._ PHYSICAL THERAPIST BOB BOLIN ENCOURAGES PATIENT At Fairview, the lmport1nt Thing 11 to Keep Digging Fairview Explores Inner World of Human Beings EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth of six articles dealhig with progra·ms for the mentally retarded a.t Fairview State Hospital fn Costa !1esa. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL • 01 tt,. o.111 Piiot 51111 Specialists in one realm of science chart spaceship voyages to the moon and beyond, 'while others devo~ careers to finding 'the weak spots that make small . ~ -. paN ,defecUve, . Tberaame ia true of research.Jnl~ men- tal retardation. Exploration of this puzzling inner world ls one or the busiest jobs at Fairview State Hospital. The pattern will continue through early years of the next decade. "Things are happening so fast that any report about our program is out of date by the time it is typed," says Dr. Robert T. Ross, chief of the research department. Call it inefficiency'! Call it wonderful. Studies inttt dozens of aspects or the field are carried 'out by or. Ross' eight.- member staff, plus many others among FatrView's ·nursing and psychiatric serV· ices personnel Not all of the latter-who change diapers. and SJ)bonfeed "Jll!.ddleaged crib . patients-hav:e always agreed i h a.·t research is PI'.&Clical work. Given the circumstances, this is un· miraculous discovery. It may only be a young PT noting a new patient respoD&e to a word or gesture. Puzzles fit together with small as well as big pieces. Or. Ross and his staff are currently in- volved in 17 separate research projects. Eleven others have been completed. One of the most practical is his new scale of patient self·belp listing var ious data about the indi.viduaJ. lt likely will be standl!rdized for Califol1Ma and JI.a· Honwide hospital use. The form covers everything from reading ability to toothbrushing skills. \Vhat are the other current activities? -Investi'gation of parental villtinf habits and their effect on patients. -How rewards may help learning abiJ. .t/ for the retarded. -Whether Vitamin A can control drool· ing in patients who suffer from gargoylism. -Whether the drug Metrazol may im· prove memory and learning ability for the retarded. The latter study Is headed by Dr. James 1'1cGaugh, p r o f e s s o r of psychobiology at UCI, along with Dr. Louis Gottschalk. UCI psychiatry depart- ment chairman and Dr. Gilbert Morrison, chief o( professional education at Fairview. Initiated more than a year ago, the Jdea is potentially dramatic, but still quite inconclusive. "The first study just showed us the reefs and shoals," says Dr. Ross, "but we . did learn much about conducting ex-Dr. ~thon~ N. Toto, s:uper1ntendent periments on the wards." derstandable. ar,d med~I director, says. some hav~ ~elt _ .Dr. McGaugh -himself has been researchers a r ~ Mer!1n·lh~Magici~ publicity-shy since a national magazine types who e~erc.ise th~ir minds while broke the news of the experiment 18 others get their hands dirty. . months ago, with ; a not~ of false op. Some felt .they we~e off on·C1oud ~-1ne. limism. Anxious parenta throughout som~where, .. 1ust maki_ng more woi:.~. ~~ America flooded his office with co.ntlnued. But lhe important thi~g is. heartbreaking pleas for help. th~~ Is not a~ Jvo~ Tower concept. "I'm so weary of answering these . If t~e un1v~rs1;11es want to .~se our pa-pathetic letters," he said at the time. flents Jn studies, they can, adds Dr. "We can tell them nothing." Ross. . . . "We might even come up with nothing, The proxnruty o~ l}C Irvin~ ~nd the but we feel compelled to find out," he fact that some Fa1rv1ew specialists are continued, in the manner of a true scien· also !JGl st.aff m~bers allows r~~ed tisl "We don't know exactly what is eiqienme~tal studies. othet universities going to happen." are a1st1 involved. . "If we did we wouldn 't need to run the "~ rese~h prograr.n here ls e1~~d test." ' et overall patient care and. treatrn~nt, 1s No matter what brilliant breakthroughs the way.Dr, Ross phrases its role Ula re-occasionally come. the vast bulk of sclen· cent report. . • tific research is not like blasting a hill In Researc~ ~s a_n lnd1v1dual ~ord m~y half to discover a rich, but unexpected evoke a ~1stingu1shed .scholar 1n a white vein of gold. coat peering into a microscope for some More often, ft is like chipping away at a tall mountain with sand shovels to find Parent· Teacher Scholarship Set For Mark Naylon ~fark Naylon, a IS.year-old Edison High School footbaU player who died OcL 31 from severe head injuries, will be remembered by a scholarship dedl· cated in his name. Mrs. Frank Isselhardt, president of the Edison ·Parent, Teacher and Student Association. Yid that contributions can now be made to the "Mark Nay1on En- dowment Scholarship Fund" through 1.he Barut of America, 18691 Marie SL, Hunt· ini!lon Beach. Naylon, a. junior·varsity player, suf· lered tile 11\)urit.o in a football game Oct. 18. "~1ark Naylon was nearly the ide.al of • spirited, dedicated athlete," sakl Mrs. lsselhardt. ••A number o( ciUiens in the community have expressed a desire (or · 11n opportunltrfor a memorfal U1bute to thls fine )'OU1lg man." a gem suspected to be down there somewhere. The important thing is to keep digging. (Tomorrow: A look ahead.) Attorney Foils Suicide Attempt An Orange attorney foiled an apparent suickle atle.mpt Thuraday 111 he suc- cessfully fought to prevent a screaming "''Olllan from leaping from the eleventh floor of the Union Bant building in that city. · L_awyer-Jooeph Szabo told offlcen thit lhe woman, since ktentUled as Phyllis Deane Beck, 45, or Orange, smashed her way tbrough a window on the eleventh floor and wis ready to jump when he •rabbed her. Szabo maintains a law of. fice on the tenth noor-of the building. Mrs. Beck suffered extensive cUts when Szabo pulled her back through..the shat• tered window. She underwent surgery Thursday nlght at Orange Counly Medical Center. ' ·-- Another speaker at the 'J'.hursday noon rally, History Teaching Assistant Richard Robertson, surveyed the disappointing crowd and made a remark about over· crowded beaches. Today UCI anti.war students :were to caravan to Fuile?ton for a march-with Cnl State Fullerton students on Hughes Ground Systems, a firm with military contracts. Some of the more active we.re plannJ.ng to n1arch in San Francisco on Saturday. Thirteen UCI staff members paraded with picket signs Thursday saying they also with students and faculty oppose the war. UCJ Young Republicans with some suc- ed gathered signatures for a petition sup- porting Presldent Nixon's Vietnam policy. Assistant Professor of Physics George Reiter called on Chancellor Daniel Aldrich to terminate military recruiting on campus. U.S. Army recruiters sched· uled to be on campus Thursday postponed their appearance and U.S. Marine recruiters scheduled for Monday have cancelled. Graduate student David Heskett vowed UCI's Students for· a Deinoc:ratlc Society would block any further m 11 i t ar-' y recruiting appearances as well ai thole of the Central Intelligence Ageney. A veterinarian prescribed medicine1 but Youth Trying Cycle Suicide?- Orange County coroner's investigator:; today asserted there was "a·· strong possibility'' that an Anaheim youth was bent on suicide when he drove his motorcycle at 80 miles an .hour inio a gymnasium waJI at Katella High School, Inquiries into the death Thursday of Wayne Everdt Patterson. 17, have revealed, investigators said, that the Katella studelnt was distraught ss the result of a quarrel with hls 17-year-old girlfriend. Witnesses told police that Patterson roared acre& the campus at high speed Thursday morning scattering trash cvns and schoolbound students before him. 'llley said he made no attempt to avoid contact with the gymnasium wall. Patterson's girlfriend was one of the witnesses to tlle crash. She immediately became hysterical and was placed under sedation by the school nurse. Patterson wu pronounced de.ad a.t the scene. His motorcycle was demolished in the Impact. The Kem County Board of Supervisors' ter1e~ took ov~ -~the flr1t. tthle· eyes didn't exactly light up when the Apollo has used a backup system on zoologlca'I society remodeled t h e ~h. ~ .... · ~ ~ . fairgroulnds property for · Sam without. ..I'm not · sure· ·~'We weren't •hit permission. lightning," Conrad' told tile griund ·~ But liley have •""""' to permit Sam tilings setUed down. 4 reside.nee there duf'iri:i-a six-month stu· "lnr' thinking b8ck' to our bit · " dy of Uie. best location for a· privateJy en-(P.J'Oblem) l remember it rettlQgJ Heh dowed zoo. · otilllde," Coora(J·~a·p _ la!« -.. we've got pleritY of Oflerl rorlle!P •'t'm almoarpo.sitlYe · :. already,"· Sald Wolfsen, ll9lliig Illa! pro' lightning." • • •. • . f!, specfive ·zoo resident& 'l)lcl\ide tliree. Apollo 12 had laken·ofl .tllrouWa llik_~ bean, of Himalayan, Malayan and Cali· deck of. storm ·clouds that ~ ~ fornia bOney speCles. · til minutes before '.laµnch to delay th«': Snm· and the .three bears appear to be. blastoff. It was dart:aod rainy wb!n the~ the siart' or ·K('m County'1 long-sOught rocket took off.,. · . · \ . $, zoo tooay, as a sWimming J>CK:>l company' COnrad t.old ground~control the trouble..,l prepares to build the water-loVing hippo a Ji:ept tfie Crew buiy, ·aimilar tO' the"':.tteubtee decent soaking PQnd... aimula,tlons they practiced befdre launcll "':1 The hefty , argument. In favor of a "We had a couple of cardiac ~~ lormal Bat.rsfield Zoo 'l'fll probably find down here," capaule CODUllWlicaloC i~ his new home. mo~ comfortable than the. Carr replied, · tl4t Orange County Animal Shelter, where he ':We didn't have timeJor that up here, ~ was exiled two weeks ago. . • Com'Bd &ai'i:L • 1 •• 1.J Unemployed construction work« Ron L'ater,.Conrad to)d the 'control emteft .:.. Hochleutner, of Oranp, who bought Sam "We're all chuckling over the (alarai) at a jungteland b&nkruptcy auction for' light&. So many .of them on we couldn't $400 and sold him for considerably more, read them." . couldn't handle him. After the SJlllcecraft appeared abie lo But Bakersfield -where Sam's name mai~ orbit witlJout any difficulty, CODrad Is on bumper stickers and there ls talk of rlKlioed : . , building a statue in hia honor -greeted •:1 tell you· one thing -jt's a first ~ him with open anns. ride, Houston." ~ . " , ,.. "Sim," said Wolf sen, "is the biggest Cart' said it started out sort at ron&1\. - thing that ever happened to Kern "I always like to start. behind the eight County." ball and then get ahead," Conrad said. ------· MAYBE IT'S TIME WE ALL· DID A -LITTLE FLAG·~WAVING ! ; . -· J' • s· FLAG KITS 2.98 ' Toe often we tend to leavt the po1trlotlc dl1play1 to 1u1t a few civic.minded Americans. Are wt leaving the deci1lon1 to just 1 few, too? Mlybe it11 timt we remembered th1t we all hlivt a stake In thl1 countl'y'1 de\tlny. Dl1playln9 . ' . fMt flag Is mort than Just an ••pre11ton of love of country • , • It's • sign that we believe In the prlnclplet upon which that' country was founded. Ltt't procleim our Amtrlc1nl1m by flying the St1rt end Stripes and let11 Jive our Ame ricanism by participating In Amt!i'lc•'• dtmocr1cy. FLY YOUR FLAG ,. this WEEKEND! . Don Swedlund .•. ,. FLY .YOUR FLAG Thi• WEEK·ENDI COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 - I Industries · Report Dip In Profits ·. -Agnew Rips -NclWorKs Urges Improvement i(l Quality, Objectivity ~ .. j tc..tlM .. -01W,.. tl!llU .•1f Former U.S. Chief Justice l1rl Warren 1ay1 the new g~eraUon of college gtudents is better trained and molivalA!d than any in tht•past., 1 11• IDld a Hebrew University audi· ~·ace in Jerusalem he supports · ~ many aims of atudent rebels ~ .. 0 ~auae "change is essential in many •~bf: our ln.stltutions!' Warren aaicl. ~"however, be differs with uaorne of · ~'the more extreme because I belleve · 'ethat there Is enough Oexibility built ' 1!nto our in!Ulutions so that reel ;_,oo11 change is possible." .Tb• for- .1 ".mer chief justice ·spoke after ac- • feptinJ an honorary doctorate de- 0.,aree. ' ' : . •' .. .. .. • • • .> CloerlM A. Lindberg can still Oy : -W-TON IAP)-Book ~II al A-icu _.Ilana before tax• de-clined 1n.0ie July~ber quarter for the !bl ,time olnce 'the 11117 · -~ ·-· the ComJ1leree Depoi'tmenl repm'ted today. . . ' . Th< ~II fell If bllllon belqw the rtcmd aet in the fini. two quar1m: to. a .......aDy ll<!justed'ennual rall cl $92.4 biltiOa.. It WU another Indication that the' 10'tthiment'1 campaign qalnst inflation II bec1nninr to ohcrw ....Wll. Th< department'• Office of Jlullnesa Economics lllld .nlr-tax earnhip:*°'!Jd be ~ billion f ... ~ quarter, doom IU billion from the ._.,.,. quartj'. AM wlY. dlvidmf l*Y!•!Mt' up by .... mi~ Uoo, malned eernlnls dropped by well over S2 billion. At the same time, the department revleed Ill preliminary eotlmate of Gross National Product for the th.trd quartet to a tea900ally adjusted 1nnual rate of '942.I billton, about S500 rnUlion above the original estimate. The ln<reaae amounted to 7% percent when spread over a year's Ume-contln-- uing tbe poUem. of jbe lnllaUooary YWI, _lll_pm:eni_aLthat...JULprlca..izne1 MI while real production of Ille economy ~ed by abrut :iv, perctnl. In a ,broa<f .......ic report, ;111e d" parlmenl allo '!Oled tbat Ille federal government recordf.d a surplul ol f7.3 hllli"I' Ille lhlrd quarter, considerably below tbt!l13 bllllon 'surplu1 for the...,_ ond quarter. Th< ow:pluaell--a goal ol the Nllon admlniltraUOft-follow several years of deficill. Corporate profit! are a tey lnd1cator of the state of Americln. business. The Commerce Deportment reported that manufacturers• profits fell despite an increase In automobile ind\llb'y umlngs, a liDIJ.e-engine plane, even U be is 67, ...S was oomewbat put out·by reporta that he had crash-landed one in a rice paddy. Manila news- which fell in the second quarter as a reault of strikes but recovered ln the July.stptamber period. Qitholic Bishops Hit Birth Plans SCORES TV NETWORKS Agnew Chere•• Blas From Wire Bentctt DES MOINES, Iowa -vtce President Spiro T. Agnew strongly crltictud televi!lon coverage or Pmldent Ntmn's Nov. 3 Vietnam speech ntursday, com- plaining it was subject to "instant analysis and querulous criticism.'" He said the CMt.ent of television news ahown to M million Americans ls in the hands of a dozen people and challenged the nelworb to improve "the quality and objecUvity of news pnsentation.11 The presidents of the three major network!, all of which carried Agnew's tpetch to some 400 ~ at a Midweit Republlcen dinner live, made statements; JuUan Goodman, president of NBC, said "evldenUy he would prefer a dif. ferent kind of television reportjng....()ne that would be subservient to whatever poll!lca1 group wai In authority." CBS President Frank Stanton said Agnew's speech was an "unprecedented attempt" to "Intimidate a news medium.•• ABC's Leonard H. Goldenson uld "We wUI continue to report the news accurately and fully, confident in the .l 11 • -D mb ultimate judgment of the American Klltes-UO · •--Jlllb1tc~ Agnew complained that when President OWll Troops Near Ca1nbodia SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnamese pilots bombed their own ground troops by mistake during a Cambodian border bat· tie today, contributing to the government casualty .toll of 20 dead and $6 seriously wounded. Field reports oald dDml! of other South Vletnameae troopers IUffered minor wounds in the North Vietnamese ground ~ that carried into tbelr camp one mile from Cambodia. Nilon finished his Vietnam Speech "his words and policies were subjected to in- &tant analysil and querulous criticism." "The audience of 79 million. Americans -gtthered to hear the President of the United States -was inherited by a small band of network commentators and 5elI• appointed a n a I y s t 1, the majority of whom expressed, in one way or another, their hostility to what he had to say. "It was obvious that their minds were made up in advance. Those who recall the fumbling and groping that followed 'EFFETE SNOB' PROTESTS SPEECH At least 93 .of the attackers were kUled DES MOINES. Iowa (UPI) -When In the· fi&hting u they rotUed the South Vice Pmlident Spiro T. Agnew finished ~pers said he had cheated death -wben tbe plane came down while tf'iie wu studying wildlife in th• Ila->: bela region. The flier'"8id be Jl!M· -:: ed because of bad weather anct la· :·: ter took off lo continuO his trip •. :: . ' . . . . ' VielnB.meae from , the, outpost aµd scat• speaking and left the grand ballroom of .WASHINGTON fAP.) -U.S. Catholic tered them across the jungle hills under lhe Fort Des Moines Hotel Thursday bishops ,protested 1 today a g a i ~ s t rainy a.kies. night, a college sophomore in the crowd ~: Prlna11 Ann of Briti&n was com .. ~-miasioned colonel in chief of the : • King• H~ Regin\ent of the Bri· : · tiali anny in Paderbon, Gertnany. ; • 'lbe a.year-old daughter· of Queen ; , Elizabeth JI slogged through pud- : • c11 .. of water lo-inspkt the troop I Ne! Col. BullcW.oodd presenled her 1, Willi a dWnoDd 1b144ed brooch. !"' r .• ( • • I ; ! • .. . . .. • • • . . • . • • . ' • &~·spomored programs ol birth Reports •from the field uid the ec-started-disrobing. ~ • . · . cldental bombing occurTed abaut noon ~wtn Debus, Santa Monica, a Grinnell . The semiannual meeting of ~ Na· when the'ceiling had ..i......M to 300 feet. ~ege student, shu~ked his sports coat, tional Conference of Catholic Bishop!, The ·iota foared . ~ .. the tie Wld checkered J5h1rt to reveal a T shi rt represenUng the U.S. hierarchy !11 the homb~'ng ••· N rthonVi In ng Ybu"t °'h.•t proclaiming him an "effete: intelle°ctual church Issued a atatemtnt rufiirm1ng . urc o -Je amese I b " the traditional Cathollc defense · fl the · thea own troo~ -_mstead· 500oe"bus said he was one of about <ta right of life. , The 8oulh Voetn-b a 11 all o a •-~ bo · The sta,kment ll>'Clflcaliy--<ioodtnmecl , ~ alter aevem biun Of liaUllng :i~'" w aune ":""' Gnnnell to what ·ts called projected Tt.M!ucb _.Pf!:... iMGrovi: OU the attiUen. --~~~=~e speech ~for a •• w;anil sponsored by . Ibo N•\t""I· The ""91P;!lea,cni'mlle from Bu Prang, · • lnsl!lule al Cblld llealth'ant _.. -. o\l.&•.-,Berel -· l!J mu.. . ' Development in quest of e ff~e ~west CJ{ Saigon tn the midst of ,,..._.., ' •"'1DO!la>"-•"'•M metf\ods of inducing abortion euljl IA la i ' ,....., Norili Vietnameoe buildup tstabliolled pregnancy. ·' ulol lo Include tanks. ' , ..... ' r. Gal Takes Fertility Pill, . Hits] ackpot-Quintuplets LOftDON (UPI) -.A pmiously chlldlea woman who bad" been/~ a ferlllity drug relled In ...,.U.nt cOad!Uon Coday, Ille mother al • beollh7 oel bl Jane, Julie Aune, Sarah Loulle and Jac- queline Mary • , Hanson 58W the g;ili In lbelr Incubator ol)ortly alter they ..... born end pr .. nowoc:ed lhem beauti!ul. Umale qulntupkla. ; ~."!'be bebles "" saUslac:IOry and Uie :. Getting in Orl the moratorium act mot.her is e1:celltnt," Slid Barry Davis, Officials at Loodon's Queen Chltkltte's Hospital quoted Hanson as aayina: wben informed of the births, "Five! J can't believe It! Five ! That's marvelous! .. : fn • tn<>St unu.rucl 100y, thi.I Ohio Uni· chief prey officer of the Department of : . Hrlft11 sophomore, Mike Chambn-1, Health and ·SOclety·Secwity. : . frpm Columbus, dedc:Ud to 1ho:vt the Dr. Georae Wynn-Wllllams, the con· :: MU-ol!l his-ch.ti t-to outline tM pe:4Ct!----sulting--obltetrlc-aur1eon· wOO-headed -a :: iymbol. Ht ~aid he did it in proteat teamofdoctonandnurRtthltdellvered : · q/ Nlzon'1 V1<tnam policy. the babies, oaid coe has allght reaplralory : : l e trouble. :: t A 35().pound pig named Gronaldo The five girls were bom nlne weeks l ' lu been e I e c t e d homecoming prematurely and delivered from Mn. !: ~een at .we~ Washington State ~ir:e ~:Ze ':;n,: ~::v'n:'n~ : • ege in Bellingham. Grenalda The girls were named today by their ·: sponsored by the college rugby father, 35-year-old engineer John Hanson. ~· ab. Tbe DllllU "" Joanne Lesley, NIA:ola . 1' I A hoepital spokesman said the girls -wel&hed-between-two-pounds.-&il-ounce1-- and three pounds, &even ouncts. Ac. cording to hospllal records, the glrll were the seventh case "of quintuplets born to wo_men who had taken fertility dru.ga. Mn. Hanson, 33, had been tmled wllh • ilrug called RPG (human pituitary gon>dotropln), JVhlch Is derivad from 1 tiny gland at th< baae of lhe brain. She began taking the drug after m years ol ~hlldleas marriage. i:Snow.Blankets Much of U.S. :· t :: . ' • I :·. , :: . • Four to Six Inches.Due in Western NY, Pa. Alhvet!Pravt "'~"" ll•kttMltld l llmlt(k loiM ID$1t!n - ·-~llt. Clllc.,_ Gl~tl ...... Mltlt L .. Prte, 61 31 )7 l? •JS SI 14 I) ,Oi u .. n 41 Tr '' •s '' ti .e.1 U t7 ,JI » 11 m Pruldeiot J-'• clrmnailc dllclOlllre . ol Ills -not 10 aeek ree!ectloe haft aeen tbue men in • 1enuine state al unpre~ Thil was not Jt.11 A While HOOae apokemwo uld today Pmldenl Nlmo, who .rarely waldoes telnlslon, Y1ewed the live b....tcut ol Agnew's speech. Preila aecretarr Ronald L. Ziegler aald "lhe President his great confidence In his Vice President end he aupports his Vice Preaidenl In the of· flee." Zl'ller .uJd be lbouCht ,.,,_.,, In hi1 appearence at • Republlean conclan In Des Moine•, "uprellld hbnlelf with great candor." AW<I If Nl:loa bu voked llml1ar com· plalnll agalnlt the ne1-u. Zlaglet oald, half joking, "the Praldenl halll'I discussed news coverqe Uoe lta.'• Thal WU wben Nl:lon loot • ~ for the govemonblp ol Callfomla and, next morning, waa sharply cr111ca1 cl the newa coverage of bl.I campaign. * * * * * * ~ens 3-1 for Agnew Ill Calls to TV Networks By Tiii!: ASSOCIATED PREM. ed," Agnew _,luded, "doallell,..i to ,, prw for responsjbJe news presentations. Thousands of persons t e I e Ph o :1 e d The people can let the networU tnow televilkln staUons in response to Vice that they want their news · malght and President Spiro T. Ainew'1 challenge to objective • "let the networks know that they want • 1 -••-their com •== _1 ==,.•~a ~i·=ive.""Not;_-,:.:'The_peop e can ,,..._ • •-·-· •• ~ .... ••N ~ =• plaintl on biu through mall I<> tbe all agreed with his criticism ol broadcast networks end phone calla lo lacal Illa· newa. tions." A random survey of 21 radio and television 1tations acl'Oel lhe country that tabu1ated the calls they received Thurs- day night showed Agnew was backed by nearly 3 to 1. Calls supporting his crili· cism totaled 3,296 to 1,389 calls opposed. The While House reported that by n1id· morning it had received about 500 calls. A spokesman said roughly 450 of the callers wpported Agnew while the balance said they were opposed. The National Broadcast1ng Comrany received 1,900 calls at its New York switchboard supporting Agnew and 1,600 endorsing its reporting, a spokesman said. The NBC spokesman said most callers usually criticize network decisions and this response was considered favorable to NBC. An American Broadcasting C o • spokesman said more than 4,000 calls had been received in New York, with a ma· jorty supporting Agnew's criticism. The Columbia Broadcasting System said it had recei ved thousands of calls but had not yet tabulated them. None of the network.! had figures on calls to local affiliates. . In his speech at Des Moines, 10"9Fa, the vice president saJd that the networks allow commentators and newacaitera to give a hJghly selective aod often biased picture of the news. '"The people of America are challeng· Charles Dedicates ·Life on Birthday LONDON (UPI) -Prince Charles furned 21 today and in a commwtlon service in the Tower of London pledged his life to the nation he will some dlY. aerve as King Charles Ill. His mother the Queen sat aiq&lde the redecorated and white ruffed Beefeaters, the yeoman warders of the guard. as the Prince of Wales prayed and dedicated bis life · It marked the slait or a day that ble..i; ed royal pomp and the swinging styie of a jet age monarch and that ends tonight l\"lth a gala at Buckingham Palace. Russ Wi sh US. Luck MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet govern- ment newspaper Izvestia wished t11e three U.S. Apollo 12 astronauts a suc- cessful flight today. "We 1'ish the courageous crew of the American spaceship Apollo U a succ...tul ll!ihl and safe return/' the brie.f item on Page 3u~ J ~) .-..J. ~ . , . ·-· l recwy 1.or the only all-new sports car of the70's? Man ••• you're Challenger Material ... ,.,_ 0.1,.11 P'lltbtl'lli.1 . " .. .. ·• ·11 ~ p.a.,.,..hlgbotylinf,hlgbperfott•••~ atakJw-price. -.. ...... tllllPddiltW. ._ •-. • .._ .._._. • .. ('...ial ""'*'"' -...... l.llfil .... ,11 .... _.lildit ...itflt ..,. -"""' lloun -.. <Of!llM "-' .. ~ I t9 IJ l!""ts lfl ..._ todtl' Mid. ..Mdlly, MltM ,...., "· I CMt.... ...,..,."',.. ,.,... .,,,.. . '8 1S. ,....,.,. ...... twi'-. Pfl'lff ff'MI ft" St, W.11t lMIHAM• al. S••• M-•· Thies ••tN.1' .... llltll ............. 11·• '·"'· J J hcOfllll '°"' . .. . ..... I t• lll.nt. 0,4 IATilllOAY •1,,1 lllfb ••.......•••. ·~" ...... :t.• f lnt i.w .... ,, • .-•...••• , •:•1.fft.J.t ttceflllll l\ltfl ....... , ..... 1,:41 Ill.II'\. J,I ltcOfld low ,.,. ... , ••••• 1:0 11.fll. fJ ... "'* •. ,, 1.m. '"' ·~11 '""" Mtll ltlMI !l;)l 1,m, Stl• ••• jl.M. ' ·-H-IC.tt'IM• CltY ln Vtte1 l• ....... 1 Mi.ml M l__.11 . Nw OtleMIS _ . ..., """"' """"""' "" ....... ...,,., "'""" ·-· "Ill~ f'ertl•llf It•'"' Cll¥ """ l h.ill ··~ Stcr11111mo ~It t.M• Cflr .S.11 0 .... ...... '"''"''-.s .. "" -·~ llltrrn.1 Wtllhlnti,11 • " .. " " " 1t M " .. " " " n • lJ .ffJ IJ JJ M .w .. .u ,, ,,, " " # '' ,., ... " .. = ~~ ·" " " " •s 21 " .. .. .. . .. " .. .. 4 .. " u .. .... aa.n. ..... ...,_ --~ ............. IQ' :: I ..... .. bood.tl • ........ tfptl:r,.. m.ae.. ................ CllWlll • .... Cll Bmii. ........ ,_._._. ~·· ............... _ --.. ~..t.n..c..,~ua-a ..... , ·-·s _. Checlcourlioe. •• Checlcourprice-'lhucouldbel>odgeMaimat. ---o- HARBOR DODGE 2111 HARIOR BlVD. COSTA MESA-540·1111 BEACK CITY DODGE 16555 BEACH BLVD. (Hwy. 39) llllOlllGTOll BEACH-U7~9631 • ,, 1 I 1 Yoo~re a Bondie of Nerves BERKELEY (UPI) -Ir thi.s is one of those days \\'hen you feel like a bundle or nerves, that's just about lft'hat they would look like under a high-powered microscope. ' Scientists at the Universi. ty of CaJlfornia have releas- e d the first c leat photograph s 'of sub- microscopic nerve tissue - bundles of incredibly small fibers and knobs which link together the nervous system. The three-dimensional pic- tures were t a k e n wilh a sca nning e lectron microscope at magnifica- tions 20,000 times life size. They were the first photos to show synaptic knobs, which scientists believe pass nerve impulses from one cell to another. The specimens or nerve tissue in the photographs released Thursday w e r e from the abdomen of a marine snail. UPIT ....... FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF NERVE FIBERS Pictures of an area no big- ger than the point of a pin showed a number or kn.,obs at the end of fibers which seem to lie across each other like a random pile of logs. Other photos, taken at lower magnifications, show complex bundles of I.he fibers and knobs lying together in clusters at the point where the 1 a r g e 'trunkline" fibers ol two nerve cells meet. A team of bio-engineers, headed by associate pro- fCJsor of electrical englnecr- ing. Edwin R. Lewis, said the knobs seemed to have five or six spob which were firmly attached to other knobs or nerve tissues. But the scientists said their conclusion that the knobs form t h e com- munications link between cells niust remain tenta.lve until further evidence is ob- tained. Previous models of nerve links Were based on two- dimensional X·ray like pie· lure s taken with transmission e 1 e c t r o n microscopes. A conventic~al light microsco.pe can magnify only about too times life size. Filipinos . To Leave Vietnam MANILA (UPI) -The Ptillippt,1cs told its Vietnam allies today it will soon withdraw Its 1,500 troops from the "'ar zone, luUllling a cam· palgn promise oC newly re- elected President Ferdinand E. Marcos. It will ~ the first complete pullout by any all~ con- tingent fro1n V i e t n a m • Government sources said the P h 11 l ppine non-<:ombata.1t force '11-'ould be home by Chrislmas. Foreign 1t1inlsler Carlos P. .. QUBNll . _1y l'hlllnt•rland • Romulo told a news con-· ference he had Informed Nguyen Van Loe, the South Vietnamese embassy charge d'affaires in Manila, of the "It couldn't have beeri a very important board meet. decision and sent word to em-ing if & couple of mini·lkirtl can break it basaies of New Zealand, up that euil.v.0 Australia, Thalla:.'\d, South --------------------,-- Korea and the United States - the other Vietnam allies. Marcos, who won an un-c }j c h Off d precedented second lour-year aro na oac ere DAILY '!Ldi'. 5 Actress i ' I Marr.ies . ' Director '. HOILYWOOD CUPll Mary Poppins got married again. Julie Andrews, who won en Oscar as the sweet nanny Jn the film musical "Mary Pop. pins," said Thursday night Ulat .she and director Blake Edwards were manled ln a private ceremony at ,her home. The English • born beauty and Edwards have been in· separable c:ompaniQns fo r more than two years. It ·was the second marriage for each. Miss Andrew's, 34, was Wed to English stage designer Tony \Vallon and is the mother of a daughter, Emma Kate,: 1. Edwards, who recently cym- pleted directing his bri~ in "Darling Lili," ls the father of two daughters by a previous marriage. ---Arms Control-Talks--El • T• te.r:m...in..t.uesday~1 'pre&idenUall--,-------__ ecu•1c · 1eup election, said the forces would be used to fight Communist Selec11·ve Serv1·ce Job IJNITED STATES=--. I 1 Progress Slow H~:"~~l~';,!:: ';;:~~-Action NE\V YORK (UPI) -i'lo Group (PHlLCAG) is a non-COLUfttBIA, S.C (UPI) -Carolina In 1966 said a P~-s was re-~~ Thurs-combatant group which has p I D. tz I .-. th! . t u· r p .d t •"f;.L~ ~~ bee · y· t 1 Se au 1e e , u..:: a et1c represen a ve o res• en day in negotiations ~tween . n r.1 ie nam s nee p- U.S. May Reveal Secrets NATION A~ BANK SOUTH COAST PLAz.4 BRAN CH tember, 1966. P.f a r c o s director of the University of Nixon extended a "feeler of· and CQnsular officers Thurs-spiral of strategic arms In represenlaUves of striki ng previously had said he would South Carolina, says he has fer" \Vednesday night. He NOW 0•1N d . ht order to avoid tensions, un-General Electric Co. \1-'0rkers II th h h · SATURDAYS WASHINGTON (AP) When the nuclear arn'IS-control talks with the Soviet Union open in Helsinki, Finland, ~1onday the United States might have to lilt the veil on some military secrets in order to achieve what Secretary of State Williams P. Rogers calls a "balanced strategy (I r i;ecijrity." ay n1g · and management. reca em w en t e.ir money been offered the post of Selec-refused to identify the caller. Rogers would not predict the certainties and excess costs. ran out. The funds expire next -A reduction of the out-The negotiating rommiltec month. live Service director but he is "l y,·as Oabbergasted ;:i.nd U.S.-Soviet talks -plans for break of nuclear y,•ar through £or the United Electrical f\1arcos' victory was by the turning it down. shocked," said Dietzel. "I told 1 MON.·THZa~ 1 P.M. which were originated und:?r a dialogue concerning issues Workers (UE) scheduled largest margin in Philippine "I was very nattered by all the caller Ulat I had oo •RIDAYS former President Lyndon B. arising Crom the strategic morning and afternoon ta!:.S history. With slightly less than of this, but J have 00 in· background at all for such a 1 .. 1 P.M. 1M P.M. Johnson -would signal an situation. with General Electric officials. two-thirds of the eight million job, but he said they had done 17141 540.5211._ 1.oc.....i .. ,~ end to the nuclea'r arms rac.e. Rogers said "competitive It represents 22,000 of the 147,· votes counted, Marcos held a tentions (>f accepting any other some research on me and felt s.. Cemt "-· c ... MM ~ut. he did list ~ee C_.S. ob-a c c u m u I a t I 0 n of more 000 strikers, but reprcsenta. lead of 1,536.133 votes over his job," said Dietzel, 45. that J was very qualified and ., .. 1• Vk• '"'""-M_,... "The talks themselves will require discussion of military matters by both sides in which the veil or secrecy will have to be, if not lifted, at least refashioned,'' Rogers told a group of retired diplomatic Jectives for the d1SC,uss1ons: sophisticated weapons would tives ofhother unions involved opponent, Liberal party! Sen. The fonner West Pbint they would like to .discuss it E. H. LEVAN -Limitations on the deploy .. not add to the basic security 1~a;ir~e~onii;;it~eii;icoouni:iiiiii;iit~tee~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Se~r~g~io~O~s~m~e~n~a~J~r~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~oa~ch~w~ho~c~a~m~e~to~~So~u~t~h_;w~i~th~m~e~.';;' ;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i:iiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii;i;i;iiii rnent oC strategic arms by of either side. MJlltarily it pro-11 both the United states and the bably would produce little or Soviet Union as a means to no net advantage . "enhance lnterantional secur. Eoonomically it would divert ity." resources needed elsewhere. -tlalling of the upward Politically IL would perpetuate the tensions and fears that 3re the social fallout of the 1 Anierican l\lotors Calls Back 24.000 Vehicles nuclear arms race. I "So our capability f o r I mutual destruction leads to a I mutual interest in putting a 1 stop to the strategic r.uclear arms race." , · DETROIT (UPI) ~ The possibility of a trio of defects in new American Motors cars has forced the auTuIDakers to recall more than 2 4 , O O O vehicles. It will inspect the 1970 models for defective jack sad· dies, mirrors and hood lat- ches, AMC said Thusday. Owners of 14,396 Ambassador sedans a n d Ambassador and Rebel station wagons were notified to return their cars to dealers for replacement of jack saddles. AMC said that, if placed in a certain positiqn, 1be pin of the jack saddle could part from the slot in the rack bar of the jack or the saddle could jolt itself from the bumper. Inside day-night mirrors might also have to be replac- ed, the car builder informed owners of 6,184 Homels, AMX Javelin, Rebel an d Ambassador models. An additional 3,502 Homet owners were notified thal their cars may have misaligned secondary hood latches and the latches should be in· spected. l\iissiles Lofted On West Coast VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) -Two Bomarc A missiles modified lo serve as targets were launched Thursday at 5:45 p.m. and S:2S p.m. p.m. by crews from the navy missile center at Polnt ~ugu. The Bomarcs headed due west down the Afr Force western Test Range and then v•ere turned south t.1lo the aea test area of the Navy's Pacific missile range. Fashion Island-Newport Center Saturday, Nov.15th 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Come watch new champions in the making. Over 600 entries in all competing for prizes, trophies and awards. Best of Breed ..... Best in Match ... Best In Obedience ... each judged by wall-known breeders. Entries -are now closed but this is your opportunity to learn show requirements for your pet In our next Fun Match. 51 FINE STORES ond SERVICES iF --· FASHION> ' ISLAND NllWl'OBT CENTER " PAcmc COAST HIGHWAY.WWElll JAllllOME MD ll.ICUTltUI WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO-·CHOOSE FROM • COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $14,5 II For the homeow ner woth discriminatln1 taslt and •n eye lor•superb workm1nll1!p, liere are 3 complete rooms of Sp1n1sh desi1ned furniture at unsurj)js1ed v1lue1\ The h11ng tt>Om ensemble is warmly accented with ti1nd c.1rved wood tnm on th• sota and lu...e seat lhitt fu lly compliment their sumptuous velvet f1bri<;1. A lowly fern tree, wall plaque alld lamps !ill th• room with e1e11n't w1trmth and ch1rm. Walk Into the bedroom ;11nd you'll Immediately fill in love with this ;raclous furn+. ture that carries throuah th• mast1rful hand desian and' superb con'structlon. 1n1pect this 1rouP· ina carefully •• , from the majestic mirror 1nd triple dresser ••• to the kin1slz1 he1dtloard end fllll si.te nite stands ••• .111 deep ln detail Ind constructed for 1 lifatime: A f!vt; ple'ce dlnin1 room set compi.tes this ~nd1d grouping with intric1le scroll·work on both table pedestal 1nd ch1lr inserts, enhanced by plu$h \11nyl MILL Our prol1s5ion1I detor1tors ,,. at your aervlct. t11y terms, of tourse. •· Complete 3 Room &rOllP lnc:lvdet • Soll • lovtJUl • sq111rt Of bu C:0111modt • 00ta+1 bble •bet • l1blt limp • h1111inr limp • 11icfwo • tripled""" • mirror • Z nitt stands • ~ huAolri • 5 pioco '-iloc -"' All 3 C•MJllJ9fi RH• .,..,. ••r 01dy . . ·s&a·aoo MUST SACRIFICE Each Pl.c:• can be purc1icmd s•pa~ly . at .equal. snfngs e OPEN SUNDAY TILL 6 ' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TERMS NO ' . e NO MONEY · DOWN : PAYMENT Tlll_1970 •• DAILY PILOT EDITORIAi.. PAGE Caution Fountain Valley Mayor Edward Just wants to !mow the fllCU about youth problems In Ill• community. He ts not alone, a lot of parents do too. ')'lie goal Is admirable, but the task Is challenging. Is Advisable request might turn up some wor1hwhile information. So long as the city is cauUous In Its approach to th• s\µdy -the hesltan<y to immediately establi•h a large citizens' committeo without tight guidelines Indicates it wW be cautious -it wUI be a step In the right dlreetlon. Bonds: Nh Ta x Increase It Is worth a try. Perhaps .some enlightenment wlll come from M intensive study of the city'1 youth. The first people to consult must 'be the youth. They are the only ones who know the truth about drug u1e, sex, and juv.enite delinquency among the teens. And past cjvlc efforts have Indicated that only the youlh themselves No crisis exists right now at the Ocean View School can really solve whatever probl~a do exist. District. That's good news for parents who have re. City officials can at least learn ·what programs are peatedJy been asked to dig into their pockets to finance already available· for youth of all ages, bow they are their children's education. used and when. Such infonnaUon mi_ght indicate the But school administrators are casting a wary eye strengths and weaknesses of recreational and social i th f programs. An adj'ustment in that area mi~ht solve a nto e uture, e~ially at the district's building p~ fi bl I t 'tb th ch d gram. They predict that unless something is done to ew pro ems, a eas WI · e younger ren. construct new · facilities, double sessions will soOn be-- But ·the hard·core problems' -drug ui:;e in high come a reality fo.r all Ocean View children. school, sex experimentation, petty thefts -will be very That ls why thel have called a bond election for hard to dig out. The only real ans\\'er ls to Involve the Nov. 181o the tune 0 $7.5 million. 1! approved it v.•ould teens themselves in such a study and hope they v;lll take care of the district·s building needs thro~gh 1975. provide some facts and perhaps even ansJA:ers. D . If voters do not say yes to the bonds some children isagreement among city councilmen on how to at· at every school will be placed on double sessions after tack such a study underlined a basic difficulty. Every-one year of delay in the building program. one has a differept opinion on what to look for and how. The grea~ danger in such a study is that "facts" brought Th.ere 11 a bright spot: A 5teady increase in assessed 1------forth-may_On1y-prove-ta-be-re.gurgitat.ed pre.judices_e,k ___ .YIJ..yation ,en5igeg that tbe tax rate will not go u Dist. tablished by the committee members. Such a mistake Supt. Clarence Hall reports. - • • would only further the ignorance of the adult world re-garding juvenile problems and create a greater gap. According to school officials, the people yet to move Into the area, the ones whose children need the extra At least someone in Fountain Valley cares and class~ms, ~I bear the burden. Therefore, the tax wants to know what is happening to the youth. Just'1 rate will rema1n 'the same. Mitad Blowers · atul Betaders Dangers From Use of LSD B)' NORMAN NIJION, M.D. With the spotlight on marijuana recenlly, the public temporarlly lost sight of LSD and the other hallucinogens, chiefly OMT,' STP, morning glory setd wid psllocybin. an extract from a Mex· ican mushroom. Actually , the use of L.SO · had lessened. For the word was out among pleasure- !eeken> and the disenchanted that these rr.ind·a1terlng drugs were dangerous. • That bad trips with dia!Orted objects, sounds, colors and thoughts were menac- ing and terrifying. That no one could predld with certainty when he took LSD. -whether for -the Orst--or-the um-pt.et.nth time, U he would have a bad trip. And thlt a bad trip could cause pSychosis, uennanent brain damage and ir· revenlble chromosome changes which mlCbl produce birth defects. HOWEVER, BECAUSE ol Operation Jnt.ercept. Ind 1irlcter Jaw tnforcement on both aides ol the Mexican border, sup- pliea of marijuana have dwindled dramaticllly. Without ea.!)' access to marijuana as the "in'' thing to do, many indMdUl1s art now trying other dn.igs, partia.darly LSD, for the excitement of dolnc aomethlng illegal and rebelling aplnst authority. Recently, Diane Unkletter's tragic death dramatiied the Pl)'Chedtlic way of dying following lnaeaUon of LSD. Her jump from a window of her sixth floor Hollywood apartment may have resulted from rear that she was goln.g mid as she ~enscd her impending doom. &IORE UKEL Y, as with many psychedelic deaths whlch are labeLed "ace id en ta I", Diane problbly miscalculated her en\'lronrnenl, ~tvtnc that she could fly by spreadtn1 ·oat her arm& and jumping from a great height. Like other individuals on a bad trip she was mistakenly convinced of her om· nipotence and ability to land safely. Others on LSD have been equally sure lhat they could walk upon the wattrJ or lhe P::icUic Ocean, or wander almlnsly across crowded Coast Highway In Laguna Bea.ch, confident that they could stop traffic and avoid injury. More Import.ant . perceptual diltortions with LSD, ireater even than with alcohol, have )ed to countless automobile accidents. For anyone on LSD _Is an overwhelmin& tra!· fie haze.rd while drivin1 a car. Consequently, many observers believe that the wtsh to die is ~ the niot.ivatlng force in the tragic miscal~ulalions of those on an LSD trip. Instead , it is their delusional thinking Which makes them defy gravity and try all sorts ol iln- plausible feats . "l...50 murdered my daughter'' said television personaJlty Art Linklelter arter his daughter's death. "It wa sn't suicide because she wasn't herself. It was murder. She was murdered by the people who manufacture and sell LSD." It is °*"tandable that Llnkletter wou:d project the blame on aomtone else. Reportedly. his daughter-had Ultd LSD many limes over a period; of months. She must have known that the drug caused unpredictable and irratlonat behavior. UNDOUBTEDLY, SHE experienced panic ~fore. With her lntelligence and uptwinglng, Diane Linkletter, like tens o( thousands of other LSD users, sf\ould have ~wn better. Parents, educators, physicians, etc. can only warn children and youth (also adults still clingin1 to their adolescence ) of the dangers resulting from uslng LSD and the other "mind blowers" an<t "mind benders." But the final responsibility of deciding whether or not they will take lhe risk of destroying themselves belongs to our youth and to no one else. GOP Strongest Since 1920 WASHINGTON -From the structural point of view the Republican Party emerged from recent elections stronger than 1t any Ume sin« the •larding la ndslide of 1920. The governments of 32 of the 50 states will be under Republican control when pe\\'ly elected governors take office. All the large industrial states, with the exceptkrt of Texas. are Republican con- trolled. T he s e include New York, Pennsylvania. California. Illinois, Ohio, Michigan. New Jersey. ~1assachusetts, IndJlftl, Wisconsin and Minnesota. 'I1Je meaning of this structural control ts bard to fathom but it ir; difficult to escape the conclusion that. President Nix· on is left in a stronger political position than after his narrowly-won victory in the preaidenUol ele<:Uon of 19'&. LOOKING A BIT into tht future, beyond the llOCODd otage of the Vietnam War moratorium to the accelerated rate o( withdrawal from Vietnam early next year, there is reason to guess that Nix· on's politica l position will coittinue to Im· prove. This guess can also be made on the assUmplion that inflation may be less of an issue next year than at presenL It is enough for the present that the "polari:r.atlon'' which some or the Viet· nam critics so much deplore seems to work to Nixon's advantage. Certainly ---WWW- Friday, November 14, 1969 Tile <ditorial pog< of the DailV Pilot 1eek1 to i11/orm on.d. sthn- 'lllate: rta.dtt1 bu ~•unting thf.t MK11JX1pn"1 OJNmon.t and com-flWllm'tl on toptc1 of intereat and 1lgnlflcG"""· bu providt11g a forum. /or tM e%J)rtulon o/ o•r rtodcn' opl..,.,, and bV '1eicnUno t11.•, d1otr11 ""'°"" jlol.U of lrifonn«I obunien il>ld "'°"'"""" °" topkl of Ilic <lay. ~obm'N. Weed, PubUsher I polarizaUon is jutt q ef(ective a poUcy as President Johnson's much lamented CQnseruus, which did not last long. Polarization in this case means the rallying of support for President Nixon 's policy of staged and carefully 'calculated withdrawal of Amerlc&n forces frcm \'ietnam and turning the fighUng over to the South Vietn:tmese in a time 1pan that seems reasonable. It seems clearly evl· dent that the Pmkknt hu succteded I" selling thl1 Idea to at Jeut ~third• and maybe lhrtt-fourth! ol the country. HOW LONG nus maJorlly will mnaln sold is. of course. open to question but lt is inherent in their polarl,iaUon that they accept a wllhdraw1\ over a rather pro- longed period of Ume. Another p111t of lht pollll'\iaUon Is reflected in Pruldtnt Nixon's decision not to gag Vice-President Agnew. which he could do eully enouah, btrt does not because Agnew la aaylng what a good many people. think even when he says It awkw1rdly. AIJlew's political acctplanct tiu rlse.n since he begin to speak out in a wa.y that surpriats rU10lt who agl'ffd with PresJ· dent Nixon that we should all lower our voicts. Agnew will not. ht says, lower his voice in defendln& trldltlon1I Amtrk:an values and atandltdl. Other polltlcl1111 are now -rvfng that I h ere la a kind ol polrloUc rtsUJ"l'nCC in this country 11 a rucUon againat those who c•n find nothlnc but bad In American «Jnducl Tilt l'llCllon exl<ndr, ti I• said. lo !he ptrnlflOlvtnes• in lhe arts, cburctl or1onlzaUon. ael\lll !Jthl-· polftlc1I and radii proleol, and ""' tttbll -ol lht young. Tllll u PAllT or the ... pO!arlaa- uon, IOO, and ti ts hltnt explollod by Vlce-Pnstdenl Agnew fn a way IJlot tt bec!nning lo moire him a rival ol Gtorp Wal1-In IDmt porta of lhe South, Taken seperately lhat development al-tJ ol political v1lue lo Nill<ft becalllO he owes oo mucb ol hll lta ¥Jo. tory to the South. If Wallace Is not as ef· fectlve a third party candidate in 1m as he wu in 1968 -NiXQn Is likely to benefit further. How to exte'nd polilical polar ization into the concreSJlonal elecUons next year Is a major problem for Nixon. Vice-President Agnew will try to do It by intervening In elections in those states where he thinks he has a chance to be effective. He has chosen as one of his targets Sen. Albert Gore of Tennessee. a senatorial dove who could prove vulnerable to Agnew's shotcun blasts. AGNEW WILL HAVE other targets ind is just getUng his marksmanship sharpened up f« the congressional elec- tions of 1970. Aner the Republican victories in Vlr1lnla and New Jet'iey gubernatorial elect.Ions, Nixon now has rtaMln to believe -and he 1pparenUy is eapr to believe -that his own pollUcal acU\'lty can havt an inlluenUal or declSlve effect in the right place at the right time. WIMlng elfecUve control of Congress In 1970 is not wholly beyond the aspira- tions of a political party in C1:1nlrol or the aovernments of 32 of the 50 states. Dear Gloomy Gus: Why dou news ol the 11puce" moratorium make me. feel ., much Un 1 German tn um or 1n Aus- lrtlll to 11137! -J. I. II. ~ ...... ~ ,...,.. ·i.w.. "' as .,., .,_. tt fM '""""""'· ltllll ....... '"" " ......... Oillr P'llcl. H Val~y High Girl Def ends On Drugs '-~ To Ute Editor: I ha ve heard of the parents who took their daltghters out or school because or their fear of drug abuse at Fountain VaJ~ey High School. The way they talked, you d think our whole stbool was nothing hut a hangout for drug addicts. This is perfectly rK!icuklul.----- 1 am a student. at Fountain Valley and have been (or four years. r have kno'A•n many kinds of people. a few of whom probably take drugs. But as of no1,·, I have never taken anything. I think if a per.son has will pow.er, courage and just plain guts, he needn't worry how the drugs users affect hirn, but bow they can af!ect the drug users. ALSO, TAKING TJIE girla out of school doesn'i prove anything, except that maybo? they don't have any faith in their daughters. I think it's pretty sad when p1rent.s can't trust their own children. It doesn 't help the kids, elUler, hidina: them from something that they'll have to learn about later. Ltt's face it, we 're not )(ids anymore. Jr1 about time we learn to lace facts and responsibilities, the biggest responsibility being to one.ell. I'm not writing thla only to defend my school, but allO to defend the 1eoeration to which I belong. IL is lhi"'5 lik:e this that ctves 1etn·qers ol today a bad name, when It's onl;y the minority to which It pertains. DENIS& CIRILLO ' 1' e rb•I lfluch To the Editor : Tht br1ien attitude of s t u d e n t journalists who defile their newspapers wlU1 "Tobacco Rold" slang Is an In· dicaUon ol the gft)eral demoralizing process in the rielda of learnJng and en· tertalnment. The exaggerated tolerance and U114!:e of obtctnUy to corrupt the English lan1t.1a1e also corrupts the moral ind mental fiber of men and women who wallow In the verbal muck. These juvenile joumaliltl of the campus preu do not lool!; mort mature by printing 1 mouthful of dirty words. WHAT HAS IL\l'l'llNED lo "the pursuit of excell«1ct" and the "standards ol perfectJon" thlt moUvaltd scholarly studtnll of 50 y1ar1 or more ago? TodlY'' undlsclpllned cotltge students who accept. tophl$try for intellect, ru<lene11 for mannera. crudeness for re(lnement, lmPQdence for modesty, smut for wit and prurience for literature are being ml1-educattd. When lhe crudlUes of lift become more common than the rerlnements, our youth become so accustcmed to them that they carmol distinguish obsct!nity from decen- cy. ARTHVll B. McQUERN Letters from r•cuier1 are welcome. Normollv wriff1'• should ccmoev thttr me1sa11e1 trs !OO word• or las. The right to condfnse lclte11 to fit rpo:ce or etiminot• Ubtl ii r•••twd. AU Jet.- tcrs mU1e incllldl dgnatur• and mail- ing addres1. llwt flOmfl mo11 b• with- held ors requ11t tJ nfftclent rtuon ti appar1nc. Quotes Mn. J""' Pq-, CarmlchHI -"It Is • sad time for Amrricans when we realize that we ha ve taken praytn out of our achoola and put Communists in." 'You're my kind of ball player, John: Changing Of Humor Mores on TV When the new TV season started J thought I'd give It a \\'hirl, just' to demonstrate my sweet nature and sense of justice, since J had ~n kicking TV around for many years. I wistrully hoped things might be a little b!tter on the big tube. But, as my cousin, Alexander Pope, once said, thert Is no point in breaking a butterfly upon a wheel. and the 90-eaJled "new" shows I looked at for a couple of e\'enings \\'ere so uniformly miserable that it woukl·be boorish even to castigate them by n!lme. Anonymity Is all the fate they deserve -and will assuredly have by Ch ristmas. ONE PARTICULAR. asp!cl of the TV scent interested me, however -and that i• the changing mores and standards of humor. Perhaps the wor11t show I caught \\'as a Bob Hope "Special" with some 20 old-time comedians grunting and wheez- lni and sca rcely raising a spontaneous gusl of laughter. Just before and a(ter that huge fiasco, howevel'. I watched a program headed by \Voody Allen, and another featuring Flip \\'ilson. two of the newer comedic names -and both of them fared far better than !he \\"earlly old-fashioned assortment gatl~ered tog!ther by Hope. PERHAPS mE MOST profound and cataclysmic chance in our popular culture the last few yun -matching th• "oew tound" in music -bu been the kind of hqmor exemplified by the ( Svdnev ] . Harris ·< • • I Smothers Brothers, Laugh-in. \Voody Allen. and that \Yhole breca , whose sec ret source of strength \.\'as the late da rk angel, Lenny Bruce. Bruce was the Gertrude Stein of com· edians. Never popula r himself -because he was too cryptic and lwo scatologk:al for popular taste -he nevertheless in· lluenced a whole generalion of comics just as Stein influenced Hemingway and that generation of "'riters . Her own work was a dead end (so "'as Bruce's). but out nf !hat compost grew the buds of a flourishi ng school. TJilS NEW CO~I EOY -ironic, fr. reverent. and yet honesl and even moral In a \\'ay the old comedy never was - is the best thing I perhaps the only good thing) yet to helve come out of t.M medium of TV. Its future is assured despite the massi~e bureaucratic stupidi: ty or CBS in canceling the Smothers Brothers, and no repressive measures can prevent the yoUnger generation from responding lo it ardently. All one had to do was watch that Bob Hope "Special" for even a few minutes to recogniie that he and his cronies are dead beyond recovery. wholly out of tune and temper with today's comic sense. Mark Twain, Newsman About IM years aa:o a headline ln the San Francisco Dally Morning Call an· nounced : "Another Obscene Picture Knave Captured;..; He Solicits the Custom of School Girls;" So tht promoti11g of obscene Jnd llctnUous books among youni people la nothing new in the municipality. What makes this item of parUcular Interest is that the story was covered by a Call rtpOrtu named Samuel Clemens, • formtt Hannibal. Missouri boy late of the Virglnla City Territorial Enterprise. He reported city newt for the C11l dur· In& foll< monlhl In ISM. This sprightly journalism has been edited by the Mark Twain scholar Edgar ~I. Branch as "Clemens or the Call: Mark Twain In San Francisco," which the University or Calitomla Press will publish November 24 ($10). The "picture knave" entry is typical. A "SCOUNDREL" named George R. Powers, Cle1nens reported, had carried on an obscene book trade over the signature of a "l\frs. Amelia Barstow ." He \lo·rote chatty letters to young girls Jn California seminaries, 9 o 11 c i t i n g patronage for his "Infamous books and pictures." Poftrs' undoing came whtn he ad· dressed a letter to a pan.tcularly alert glrl of 14 whoK home ttachin11 "hid not berM'I of a character to enable her to 1p- prtcl11.te ll '' The letter ofTertd ~ girl her chatce from "• large number of the most delightful boob you can lmallnt ... to rerined young ladies of 1morooa temperament that art •;ust one thing.' " f'or $5. this "Mrs. Barstow" would tend along l\lo'O volumes in "strk:test secrecy." This young lady promptly turned the of· fer O\'U to her father. OFTICKI\ James H. ltts!t'!. 1 dttectlve p..1t on the ca11e, sent 11 dummy reply through P01tm1sttr Pe rkins w h o • Clemen!! emphaslted. "entered Into the work ot entrapping the miserable l\1rs. Barsto\¥ with •s much al1i1crlt1 and • (. ' i' ..... , ' ' . ' The Bo'?kntan ' ' •. J ' ·- earnestness as if the insulted girl had betn his own child." However, no fetnale applied for letters u~der the name of f\1rs. Bars low. Powers picked up the decoy letter. was tailed and subetq®nlly arrested. "He will be tried this morning for orfering to sell obscene pictures?" Clemens wrote, "and perhaps for opening other people's letters." THE EDITORIALIZING in Clemens· news account is a classic comment on a ~ottering .sexual morality : •·He deserve s it (t~e tr1aq, for anyone acquainted with the 1mpresiuonable nature of young girls, ~hut out from the world and doomed to irksome and monotonous school-life k~O\VS the heightened charm and ex: cllement they find Jn amusen1ents that are .contraband and have to be secured by risky evasions of the rules, and is also a1vare that a whole school might be cor- rup~ed by the circulation among them of a single volume of the lecherous trash dtalt in by l\.1r. Powers." \Vllliam Hogan 1---By George --- Dear George : 1t1y girl Insists I get cultured. \\'e stldom have l't'gular dates. She made me take a night cour$e in E~glish Poetry. She made me go "'1th her to drama study. Now she·s lnslsled we go two nights a week to leam trench. What would you say to a girl Ukt that? Cf!ICK·RECKED Dear Chlc)(-Recked : Take a tour and au revoir. -.. -.... ---..-----:: ...... -..... _.,=-·--~·-~--~~-,--...... ·••'I" .... ...,,.., "if"*"''* ...... ~ • • Fount&m -vajley EDIT.ION * *· VOL 62, NO. 273 , 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI.~' ' f.RIDAY;'NOVEMBER 14, ·1949 -0 0 ea ··----.~ o .r ' • • B·ond . 1" -Elec·tio.n Set $9.5Milli(Jn, 50-cent Override Sought • . . . ; r • .. ' TEN CENTS • . . . - oon~ • ' L.ig~W!ng" . . Jolts Craft . . ... . On Liftoff ----:.•e'-y°"RUD""I"'N"E"m"ZIE"°'LS"'Klrr---=a"'Nflii rescirnfllS action in ca l'~rn~g~·~h.~~•rr·v~ou~~~.~ve~gi"'v°'en:-:u°'s'r"oo<1:7"'!or~. t"'11ou=g"ht"'. - . Of ..,. De11r· '1"" fMH bond el~on and lo investlgate the Some of your suggestions would have a CAPE KENNEDY ·(UPI) -Amerioa1t Ajlo!f6 tz,,spaciohlp, apporenl17 jolted bY a lii!htnlng boh on•Jts tskeoff for u.; mOO!l,· hurtled out of ·earth toci&y towaid the _nation's second ·Iuriar lahdlng. '" l A tt.S million bond election, combined possibility of what he c a 11 e d good chance to work if thedistrict were with ·a 50-cent tax override was set for ";:iltematives" to building another high uni£led. Legislation would have· to be Feb: .JO by trustees of the Huntington school~. --altered. Then we would be able to eo Beach Union High School District Thurs. These, he said' could take the rorm of ahead and try some of these." ·day ifter more than t~o hours of discus-insUtuUng a 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. school day, "H.ight now I don't feel like ex- &ion. flexible scheduling, a swing shift at one perimenUng with state funding to see if The ·bond monies if passed by voters, of the high schools on a four-day school w~ can get away with some of these y:ou)d be used fOr the construction of week. · lhings,'' he added. anotfter high school wh!le the tax .ov~-The trustees and Dr. Max Forney, the Following the meeting, Gordon told ride would be apphed to d1Str1ct district's superintendent, general I Y newsmen he would organize a '_'collec- oJ)erating.funds. agreed that Gordon's. suggestions were tion of like-minded indivitluals to oppose Or. JoseJ!h Ribal opposed both items on "interesting" but \hat they are the bond election and to prove · to the the -~grOUnds that the administration unworkable because pt'esenl-l~ws would community _tbai _ Qiere _pe _practical £hould consider making more . effective not permit such innovations. alternatives lo building another compre- uses of present facilities before calling Trustee chairman Matthew Weyuker hensive high school.'~· another bond election. told Gordon, "this board has wrestled He.indicated he would do everything he "We are really wasting ttie resources with some of these things in the past and could lo work against the bond passage. of this district in calling a bond election,'' WP. feel that they are not the answer.0 ''I want the l'tsulta of this selection to iaid RibaJ,, castirtg a loud nay vote. -He later added, "I do appreciate you constitute a m~ate to tlti& board. The BetOre the vote was taken, Robert disturbing our thinking. if nothing else." advice to this board will be loud and Gordon, a.'Westminster parent asked the Another trustee, John BenUey, said clear,'' GordQCI said. New Ball In Effect Chief Def ends Bribe Case Arraignment SA Officer ' Delayed!<> Nex~~ eek ~f!'i~! Runtin~on Beach police will liave to wait until next week for the arraignment or an Arizona man accused of trying to hribe Mayor Jack Green with $4,000 to in· fluence a proposed zone change. William New, 66, of Phoenix, Ariz., was scheduled for arraignment Thursday in West Orange County Municipal Court, 'Vestminster, but he didn't show up. New had been released Tuesday on $12 000 bail from Orange County Jail. By cou'nty procedure. he does n't have to BP- pear in. court until one · week after his release. Local police were unaware Thursday that New had been rel~sed. When he was in city jail, bail was set at $25,000 but when New was transferred to county jail, ball was changed by anotht.'!r judge to $12,000. New. who claims lo be a mortgage firm representative, was arrested Monday after police spent one week investigating the charge by Mayor Green that New had offered him $4,000 to influence a zoning change on 20 acres of land near Slater Avenue and Gothard Street New, reportedly, was seeking mobile homes Qll the currently zoned in~ustri~l land. A Paramount company, Cactdlor, is seeking a similar zone charge for lhe property. Huntington Beach attorney George Shibata has stated that New was familiar with the Cactiflor company, but police have not disclosed any connection of Cac- tiflor wiilt the alleged bribe attempt. Court Rejects Assessor's Plea for Legal Counsel By TOM BARLEY Of tM Diii' ,Ii.I Slafl Orange County Assessor Andrew J . Himhaw's demand for a private attorney 1n his assessment battle with the Board of SuperviOOrs has been denied by the Fourth District Court of Appeal, it was learned today. / Hinshaw that his duty as assessor is to carry out the orders or the Board of Supervisors. Both men recently carried their feud before the Orange County Grand Jury in what has been described as an "unusually candid" exchange of views . len thoroughly disaper@ves of an Orange County Grand Jury {ndietment charging one or bis young palrolmtri. with using un- due force against a black teenager. Ofricer Richard E. Faust, 27, wili also remain on duty pending disposition or the case against him, in which he is schedul- ed to be arraigned Dec. 5 in Superior Court. He was Creed on his own recognizance without posting ball Thursday, on orders of Judge Robert Gardner. "I was never asked for my comments on the charges leading to tWs indictment and I have no reason to believe the charges were , founded," declared Chief Allen Thutsday. "I am not criticizing the Grand Jury, but I do want lo say .that OfOcer Faust has a good record· and he will remain on duty until this thing is cleared up," Chief Allen continued. The officer is accused or using un- necessary force against Jesse Gilmore, then 17, in subduing him after an escape attempt as he was being delivered to Orange County Juvenile Hall . The specific indictment returned aft~r secret Grand Jury _ testimony charged him with assault with a deadly weapon last Ju ly 8 as a result of his nighlstlck use. Witnesses said Faust beat the JS.year- old Gilmore needlessly after his attempt to flee from the Manchester Avenue facll ity was thwarted. "All I've hea rd are conflicting statements from different witnesses,'' (S.. ALLEN, Page %) . • DAILY PILOT.Mt"· ...... ROUNDfNO UP GOODS FOR VIE:rNAM ORPHA/'IAGE · ·Cub Scout Vol Athtooi, 9, .•nd Foll.W Don Members ... ', " Seek Food for Viet Orp'hans· There was onct:i an orphanage In Viet- nam that was raided by the Viet Cong. Fourteen youngsters and a nun were shot and every child o·ver 12 was taken away. Next week more than SO Cub Scoots of Pack 290 in Fountain Valley will be knocking on doors in an effort to aid what's·Jeft' of tne· orphanage at An-phong, now housed in an old church. The Cubs are looking ~ clothing and especially · fo6c:l" staples, rice, baby formula ·and vitamins to be sent to An· phong. Afl:angements have been made with the, U:S. ·Coast Guard to traruiport the goods to Vietnam during December. "The orphans have clothing now," says 1'-lrs. Anthony Ura b, who organized thia drive alter reading about the An-phong plight in a Los·Angeles newspaper;-"what w~ really ne.ed js foqcl." The Cub Scouts of fack 290, sponsored by F~unfain Valley Schpol, are working in cooperation ·with ·"Operation HOPE" (Help Other.People_ Everywhere), a non· profit charitable organization. The drive star'ts Sunday and concludes the following.Saturday as scouts knock on doors and Jeave ·inlOrmatlon sheets whUe col.!ecting _j~e ms for the An-phong orphanage. '. ,,• The three man crew planned to reach the. moon Tuesday ·to set. up a nuclear powerett-JeientifJC baU ~ beglD:iDla•i first true exploration of ·another world -. ' ' . The three man 'ApcUo U crew suc- cessfully blasted orf on ttie natiOn's 'ae. cond moon landlni · misaion today· in i tast-rninute thUffiferStomi. --~ President Nixon, his ;,,.,ife, Pat, their daughter, Tricia, acd Vice President and Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew"were among the es- thnated half million persons who watched !be liftoff. "Spectacular,'' Nixon declared, grin: ning and clapping hb: handJ. · The President watched the event from a Vlf viewing area about 31/4 miles from the launcb pad:-Nixon was the first chief executive to witness a manned spacecraft ,Jaunching. "I'd a.lmost be positiye we got hit by lightning someplace~" spaceflight com· mander ~I!!' . "Pete" (COnrad, 39, cahnly rcpof!e!!. !lfter the spaee$ip wai nlely In earlb'oitilt. ' • He·a11cH1ts Ollllpallfoft1,-Al""1::'Borr.:.--I 37,.and RlchllTII F. Qordon, 40, planned to 11et up a nucleir powered aclenUUc!: base on the mooa and beglh man's first true exploration of aoother world. The storm threatened up to the final minutes to delay the jaunCh. But 14 minutes belof e scheduJed blastofl, launch control reported that weather condiUons were within acceptable margins. The bJg Saturn 5 rocket cleared the laµnch tower precisely on time at 8:22 a.m. PST, and it appeared a perfect Jaun. ch. · "This baby is really going," Conrad reported. But then things changed drastically. Long after the crew was aloft, however, ground controllers still were not enllrely sure what happened. . •.:XOur theoiy and your idel that if was probabfy lightning that did it-that look• like abou t the best theory," Mission Con- trol al Houston told the asb:onauts. "With that In mind; the sequence o[ events ii explainable." · But then Conr11d responded: ,"I guess the other thing that we wer~' thinking· a·boar,·maybi:?--not-1tghtnt'•n~,.~--1 m.uch, just unstable air. We were 8 pretty big piece of static electricity builder·u~ per going ltll'ough there so we might havl just discharged· ourselves." "P~te, that's exacily the ~.l'Y that people are thinking down here," Houston responded. Later, ground control jokingly asked· why Conrad·b,d not paid more attentloq· to what was going on outside while all the warning Jigb.ta wefe Slashing OD the space:-,. craft. . .I The appellate bench ruled against the assessor Thursday by refusing to grant th~ writ,of ma ndate he sought last Oct. 28· I' f The panel has backed Hinshaw to the })9int th at it has urged the Board of Supervisors to appoint private counsel for' the asstSiOI". State to 'Protect Coast Conrad counterea: ''I had a pair 'of eye~alls that wer".! moving preUy fast about then -in and- out." No clarificaUon· of the ru 1ng wa.s. o - fered to .eiJber ~y and court off1c!als today refused to do other than conf1nn the decision. · . . HinShaw toda -said he will discuss the denial with his Los Angeles a~tomeys beftire offering any Comment on the re-- jection of his appellate court argument. "All I can say at ·this st,,ge of the game ts that it has been denied," he said. "For all I know there may be other legal remedies available. and we want to look at all of'tbem before I say anything." HiBSbaw told newsmen last Oct..28 that he )'0ukl take his dispute with the county board "all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary." The 11lling·is \lie.Wed by involved county officials as lhe appellate court's opinion of Hlnsbaw's argument that i conflict of interest etists between the assessor and County CoWlsel Adrian Kuyper. Hinshaw has been consistently con· demned by Kuyper in frank verbal e.x- chabgea between the two olflcfats for refusing to obey board instructionl to cancel tJxes on Upper Bay land transfer· red to the county by the Irvine Company -land offered in e1change foc county Udelanda in a deal consummated by 11upervlsors. The ia&essor alleges that land swap as unlawfut and unconstitutional and the status of the Irvine-county deal Is cur- rently being argued in the courts. But Kuyper bu repeatedly warned Dep\,tty ~1>unty . Cp!.!nseJ Cl.ayton Paj'ker today commented that the Fourth Disti'iCt ·dCc'.isio'n "justifies in 'every way the argumeht' laia before tilt cOutt ·by us. , , This ·denial more or less ends our ·int.ere.!lt In the . matter . and .any. further move would .h~~e .to coµie ,from .Mr. •llnshaw," Parker said. Coiirity CouOsef Kuyper was' out or town today and ·not·available for commen_t. A source close to the dispute between the two officials today commented that the Coilnty assessor ''had pettiaPs'm3de a mistake in bypassing the superior Court and going directly to the appellate level. "This is never very popul<:t in the field ()f law," the attorney said. "And, in any event, I think Hinshaw would have.done far better to have placed this particular di spute before judges who were much more familiar with this. issue and who could be expected to bear in mind the community aspects' of this litlgaUon." Youths Buy Gas Masks ALBANY, N.V. {AP) -A war surplus dealer says:he has sold·five gas masks in lhe past week, more than he ususally sells in a month, and he sai4most went to youths going lo Washington for Viet- nam protest Cl:emonstrations t h i 1 weekend. -~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ .· . ,. · Official :Describes cNew Muritime Agenc~,·: Oraage <:01111& The St.ate Of ~ali!ornia· should 'play .11 leading role in checking uncontrolled private development of the coastline, the head of a new state maritime depart- ment declared in Newport Beach Thurs- day. . Robert Walker, new director of the three-day-old State , Department o f Navigjtion and ·Ocean Development, told a convenUon of California's harbor- masters that Gov. Ronald Reagan reor- ganized the department recenUy with that thoup:ht in mind . Walker heads an agency whose role Jn. eludes that oi the former Oivlsion or Harbors and Watercraft along with maritime duties once shared by other denartments. The philm10phy or coastline con· servalioo follows developments in the last session of the Legislature when con· servatlon emerged as a burning iS3Ue, Walk(r said. Whether I.he philnsophy could llf! up. piled directly to local IS811es still ls unanswered, ht 11id. · His department could not now become d.ireclly in vol ved In the Upper Bay land exchahge issue or. the battle over p{lb!lc acetss to Salt C_r~ek. "' I "We· might if we .were to get some new . laws in t~e ne~t Legisl~ture,'',he·s.aid .. Walker Pilfac~ his eiq)Ianation o! the ' philosophy or his a'gericy by citihg the surge in interest ln ·lhe' \:oastliric and the sea .as a'natural resource. "The' Coastlirle is the mc>st import3nt feature ol €81ilo:rnia's geography. Police Checking Arm~4 Robbery • < • * ·Police today are sti ll ln\lestigating lhe lunctitlme ai;med robber.y Wednesday or ' a Huntington Beach loen company. .PoUce 'said a man in his eai'ly 20s . entered th,e office of B~lclof Finan"' ·~· l~2t.,Jl.e~h BoU!evard.,about 11:30 , p.m., • Wed"nesday, round only ~t secret:ary·presenl, ·and at gunpoint (orced . h(r tb tum over $325 in c8sh. No one reporttct' S;etfng" }low the man. felt th< building, •aid police. .• , , , I • .• ' ' ' ' • -."A/ld1lt ,I~ ~ f!~e4 quantl\y', '.',he 's•id. ·" Approx.illJately · 60 : percent :· .o f California's shortlJ:ne ·Js 'su-bfeet to pri· vate l develop,ment ~wWc 'hmay ~ J~ slstent with the highest publi c Jnterest. The coilcentration of . i>opulaUoft ·15 in-- er.easing· and 1public' access to· the shOr~ lin!l is diminishing-," Walker said. •re add.~ that uncOntrolled CtevP.lop- ml!nt of the State'$ shOreline "ca'.n result in' irreve rsible da~aie to , fish ~nd wildlife." . , . , . , "Furthermore, it could po damage to miny ·of ' the · eStneuc and l'm'eition·a1 values of the shoreline," he said. ·A pltiri· lo preserve 'the shoreliite for its best public ute atreacfy is Jn the works, ' Walke'r said. ' · His new agency would· take o•er' work nn the state's Comprelienslve' e>cean Aru Plan. which will scr\le as a ml18ter' plan for deVelOpment ·o( trit CO.sUtne. · .. The objective of the etan Is to Achlil'e opllimlm · plaon~ devel!ll'lllent of the coa sta l area for trfVlronmenlal pi o--. ttctiOn. sciehtlfJc •knpw ledge', trade and mnintainina: ttll of these ·in ways that do not dC$lroy I.he coastal area ••• " 1 Weatll~r , It won't be· thick enough to shovel, but lbe f6g will prevail dur· ing tile morning and evening houn:: along the , ~t lhis 1 weekend. Temperatures will hover ta.round the middle 70'1. "" INSmE . TODAY Two 11ou110 Southern Califor- nia ope,rp tt11ge re wllo made nan1es for thtmtelvts in New Y Ork are ,back horiie /br appear- a1ice1 w.ith. ihe .Niw York Cit11 opera -and 1njo11i11g the t p~atures of boatl1i.g. Sec toda11'1 W.ektndtr. 1 ----- I • ' 1 D.lllY PILOT H f'rW.,, "4Ji:: ••r 14, 1M I I DAILY PILOT Slfff Pllete AMATEU.R ASTRONOMERS TRACKING APOLLO 1l &.cky•rd Sci1nti1t1 Workm•n and Rot1tan , Beach Y ouths'Big Mirror 1To _ Track AP.ollo 12 Path WASlllNGTON (UPI) -VietilaDJ war prolfttm llled lhn>ugh tbe nation'• c1pilal, pul tbe White HOUM al an ·atlmated .J,OllO' u hour lodly, mostly IOlemn and llllenl erctpl ,whin -Ibey lllouteil tbe nainei ot war deed toP.ard the Preeldeot'1 bou,e, · Under the watchlul eyes of thtir own marshall and city ,police, the. candle-car· ryiog demonstrat.on were orderly, even to obeying walk-don 't walk signs along the -4.2-mile route from Arlington Na~ tional Cemetery to !be fool of Capitol llllL. 2 Youths Held In 20 Beach Burglaries Police today allege they have iolvecf 20 Huntington Beach burglaries after th1rar· rest ol two youths involved in a minor lllt and nm traffic' accident Detectlves Wednesday sifted through about $4,000 in loot rfJCOvered from residential and auto burglaries the pUt mootb In Huntington Harbour, Hunllngton ~SunaelH~ _ Amsted cm burglary and auto theft charges were Mldiael Bladeo, II, a transient from Yuba City, and a -16-year- ·old Hunilngton Beach youth, The pair was aTreated about 10:'5 p.m., after police received a report Ulat a parked car, unoccupied, on Ed.ioger Avenue had.beeD struck by another car which left the area. They were aneated- lhoitly.aflerward and dlacovered to be In a car allegedlj stolen earlier from Newport Beach. . AJnCJn1 the rteOVered pcOpe1ty was a shotgun, two rifles, several television sets, two major stereo outfll& and aeveral car stereo tape oulfits, said police. Viejo Man Wins . · :Anotller Delay In Theft Case Richard Winten Burke Thursday won a lurtber delay al municipal court action on grand· thtft charges involving losses from the Orange County Clerk's office. Po~ l.gainst the overcast sky ln Hun. JWstan's home at 20781 Alcante Lane. .... Burke, 27, ol 263n Papagayo Drive, tin~ .. Beach thi.l .momtni is. a. huge Together they wUJ be used by tht young Mi!!.ion Viejo, was ordered to return miinlt'.ltlOICf!PO.--Illlf a bowllair. amateurs throughout tbe .Apollo II Nov. II to Santa Ana Munlclpal Court If llokl lllit · 11'-w&alclti .. ~ mission to re«>r<f any ll~cw ,of •tho '111dgf 'llllam 'l'hom~'1...riroom, enoutllrto photograph-the_Apollo 11 _•oac=aft as 11 passes tbe light side of Burn h acc:u.ed al embezzling nearly spacecraft. And that la p:actly what two the rriii)n, $'4;000 from the or nee of the county Hu~tJuton Be•oh.Y~~ to do Whal<ver Is 'l'Olted by them will be clerk. II ls ~~d tbal he forged banking if f.hefog ever Jilts... , • ·I\ • (...· photographed with a camera which is at. .. ncord.s in lmount dur1n& his two RdJert Rotltan, . ti. 2Mt1 T e ~ r y tached to one of the telescopes. • ytlr emtiloyment. . . . Wortn\an, 16, are amateur astronomers Rot.st.an Is .• .soph?more al Chapman Today's delq·wai p~ by the f\J. who hive been sele<:ted by Bellcomm College, maJormg In astronomy and Ins of-an amended eom~t by the Jnc., of Washington D.C., to participate In P~viou!ly worked at the UniversJ!y ol dJltijct attorvey'1 offtce. 1Defe8.e, aJ· the trll:king of today's moonS!lot. Arizona Observatory In 'I'ulcoli.-His tomey JWberi Law 11\ceeuful!J araued 1be <.. rompany's tracking ayat.em In-partner, Terry, is a &tudeot at 'Edison that he needed more ttme to en mine tbe' Volm the "" of 200 amateun IOd pro-l!lgh School new document fessklnal scientist.a throughout lhe world who Ire participating in a venture called ,, Attronet.,. Barbor Reeling · Rotstan, in wh05e backyard the telelCOPe. capable of an (KIO.power prac· t.ical magnification level, ts set up, ex· pl~ th.al excess water dumped from the spacecraft will rdttd llibl and in-. cTI!Ue-the brilliance of the object to·be photogtaphed four to fin: times. .Oil Still Plagues Santa Barbara • ne·:powerful telelCOpl-win be joined by 8llOlher one tooighl In !be backyard of . FBI .Captures Suspect In $784,468 Theft A'l'liANTIC CITY, N. J. (UPI) -F0< 5ix years the FBI and Massachusetts autbodUes had sought George Brady, ac- cused of stealing $784,461 in the Boston Common garage scandal. He was ap- prehended Thursday. Brady, arrested by two FBI agents outside his rooming house on a neWJmBn's lip, faces a hearing .today nn extradttion to Massachu.etta. Brady said be would not fight eitraditl<:-'. DAllY PILOT O~GG COAST P\Jll"HINQ (OMltAN't aolt.·f ti. w,,., PrWdtftl .,., Pllllllll'ltr J1,1r It. C111l:r Ykl Pra tocnt .ml G..,.r MlflfWt Tko1111t Ktt'fil Ecmw Tito""'' A. M111pl.l111 Mennlflt (dilW J,IMrt W. l1t1s #41«lt11 l!tHw Hntl ....... ._. Offke l09 !illt S!rttf M10l119 Addrtn1 t.O. 101 790, !264f Otti.r Offtcn 14'""1 IUCll: 2111 Wt•! ••~ tditwtrl Cctlt M<11: .UO Wf•I l•'f 5trro1! t..tflll\lll a..ui: m '""' ,,..,llW OAI\.., PllOr, wllll "'"Id! " CllfllblftW .... ... _,._ 11t euDllSllfd ci.11• •zcff>I ~ <I#'( ti .. ,.1. Mii~ laf Hvnl .... ee.ctt. ,_,,,,. V•llt'r, ce111 MtJa. Hew- .,.,. h«ll .... L-9-9MCll. •lllrof wlllll ... ..... 1411 .... 1, Otf"ft c .. _, F'util"""' a.,. ~ 1Wlftlint IPll'flll ••t •I 2211 Wnl MllN 91"'11 . ""'-..,' BNdt,, anll UI ..... "•Y $1•f'll, Cott• MtM. 1'tft,._. ,,,4, ••2 ... Jt1 ,,.. w...-...., c.n 540.1221 C""'"'-' ~ Mt·l•Jt c.filNi .... 0r... '--f"llW ........ -~ ,. -... ,;, .. .....,..,..., .....,c.i .... , ........ t~ ,......,. _, __ ...._ -~ ~""" ....... .. ,_. ---· lltct ... dfM _._ ... 4 ... .._. -...111 .... cu ...... (aolll\'11111 !~ht'·-'~11 ..., c•rrtolf' u.• -lllf'f'1 """"" "• "*'1'11•1 1111111.,., ow11wr-11.e. -~*"il'. Dy JOHN VALTERZA Of Ille o.lfr f'llll Slaff Santa Barbari's hlrbormaster Thurs. day painted a grim picture of a defeated harbor st.ill reeling from the effects of last sprlng's oil spill disaster. ' And it all could happen again, Donald Sathre told fellow llarbonn asters gath. ered at a convenl.ion at Newport-Beach·s Newporter Jnn. He said the harbor still Is suffering heavily even though the thousarxls of g_a11ons of crude have disappeared from 51jht. Sathre sald the tragic, swift .&urge of oil Ir.to the harbor borne on one single tide proved that Santa Barbara is totally vulnerable to OoaUng oil sllcks and just about helpless. Every attemPt to stem the oil's now m. to the harbor proved futile, he said grimly. The attempts: at combating the Initial oil spill were all Ineffective, and some, Sathre said, were worae than the disaster itself. "Dredges wh.ich once worked the harbor entrance each year are idled now bt>c~use public agencies and citizens charge that they are creal.ing pollution," he related . · The dredges, be said, are sucking up organJc debris mixed with oil and dis. persing chemJcals which had settlet to the bottom after emergency procedures. "There rtlll la a large area of the bay whtre the bottom Is coated with this muck. The dredges \Vere just picking ii up. . "U It ever were to happen again,'' he said adamanUy, "tMrc "·ouldn·t be any chemicall allowed ." Sathre described with some bitterness the reluctance of the city's politicians to recognize the impending disaster and balking of agencies such as lhe depart· ment of Fish and Game. "Clly Hall Is only a half-mHo-•way from the harbor but it look hours to con-- vlnce the mayor and city manager of the e1tent of the thing," he said . lit .. 1d the lt00.000 spent before the C!isuter to fill the spaces in the harbor's brtakwater was "money down tho drafn.'1 "When lhe_oil hit. the breakwater leak·· ed like a 1Jtvt-" Boom erK'Uon plans "'ere just u futile, heldd<d. A hqe boom arTangtment etretthcd eorou the harbor entrance proved tottll· ly ineffective, be said. "On the ocean eide or the boom the oil built lip t.o a Utickness of eicht inches and eventually the ~ure just lifted the boom high enough for the oU to come through •. The pressure also snapped a two-inch line holding lhe boom. It broke like it was thread." Sophisticated air-jet booms v•orked ev~n ·worH; he 11idr and w~oil-soaked straw Ooaled by, it created whirlpools Jelling the oil into . the harbor, Sathre said. Efforts I? clean the sticky oil-clogged rocks of the breakwaters were just as futile. .. The Un.ion Oil Company fowner of the "'ell which blew out lo the channel caus. ing the slick) has cleaned the harbor's jetty rocks twice since last spring. ~Jf you were to see the rocks today lhey are just as black as they were w~n the oil hit," Sathre said. Santa Barbara is still rectiving oil, he di!Closed. but allegations that they are coming from the Union oil well which blew out are ineo1Tecl, he said . Fro1n Page J ALLEN •.. r;aid Chief Allen. "Tbere has been no formal complaint at this police depart- Jnent" "And J've betn given no opportunity to look at the case against Officer Faust," he continued. "He's a good officer. I have no quarrel with his record lo the two years he's worked for us." Chief Allen added to his referenC'e to the Grand Juty \trllh v.1hat he carefully explained was a commentary and not a criticism. "I remember the rtmarks mBde by its: former chairman when he led the group and \\'hen something like this comes up, you can't help but wonder about it," lhe chief said. • William ?.fartln, mayor or Laguna Beach. quit the Grand Jury earller this year in mid.term, without er'pllcitly tell· In• the rtason. He never denied suggesUons, however, that the pant! ,,,.a• mueb more liberal In Its OOllook lhan ht had eirpe<led and some ol Its declslons did not 111M11 hlm . Martin hate Aid in pobUc lhlt 110me nl fl s 1ct1 .... ! we:re ln direct conflld with hi! O\rn r· onal phllosophl,s. . . B~ on esUmattl by UJe sponsoring New lloblllialloa Committee lo E"'1 !be War In Vietnam (New Mobe), some 11,000 pOrson,. had taken pait In 'the 1ing\e-file prOCeUlan up to midday. 'The. total wall nported 1'to reach 45,000 ~o 48,000 by Satut'day nloming when the "m.a.rcb against death'' ends. 1'h'e NeW'Mobe apparently was making every effort to make good on Its advance promise of a peaceful protest But authoritles were keeping a watchful eye on the actlvi~s of some oiher, smaller lro\llll•Oll the oiclellnu of !be march. , ~,bl( e~eot of Ibo tllree days of pro- test -·the major ,phase or nationwide de/J\OQ5traUons ..:.. COD'lts Saturday mor,,.. ini; when a march ta.kes place down Penruylvanla Avenue to within a block of the ¥.'bite House. New Mobe woo.Id hOt . eslimtte how many would take part but leaderS priv"ately were talking in tenns o! 200,000 or more. The leaders conceded that the turnout migbl be reduced by bad weather, The " \\1eather Bureau forecast snow OW"tfel tonl(bl llld SatW'Clay, wltb tool(bl's ovemllht low temperature ID die 11'1 In Washington. lleavy rain dreached the New York area this afternoon, and moat other pvls ·of the country al.lo bad bad ;wea~r·rr with forecasts It 'Would get wone 11'/ Saturday, The New England area .was v.·amed of the possibility o( htavy snow. "the Washington .skies were dart and threatening but at mld-aftemoia the forecast of rain had not yet matlrllliJed. 'Bitter Rivals Nearing Fini sh Of La Paz Race . The 3rd aMual Looi Beach to La Pu yacht race was nearin&,lta conclUlk:m Ulil afternoon with the first boat to finish - either Blackfin or \Vindward Passage - expected to cross the llile sometime dur· ;Dg tbe night. Once again, as has· been .true througli -most-of-tha-race,-BlackfinJaU.~ answer the Friday morning roU call, but \Vindward Passage, which did, reported It had Blackfin lo &igbt. Pa.saage ~eport. ed its position as ~1-4 N, 109 23 W. a· round Cape San Lucas. • . ... • • This Collee~'s a Q~et1 Colleen Taft, escorted by Student Body President Scott Lent, made history Oct. 31 when she..lwas crowned "tootball Queen" at Edison High School in HuntinglQD Beach. New school is in its first year and _ ~ no alumni so couldn't..have a true homecoming queen. Next year will be a different story and Colleen may be-first and only "football queen" "l11::hool's history. . -_ • IU.· I ' . ., 32 School Bands Slated To Marcl1 n1 Seal Beach Thirty-two intermediate and junior high school bands and drill te~ms will parade; through downtown S'81 Beach Saturday in the third aMual J~or High School Band Review, Leading the march will be a CQlor ~ard troin the U.S. Marine Corps de· tachment at the Naval Weapon11 Station, Seal Beach. The parade starts at ?.1ain htreet and Electric Avenue and proceeds south on J\faln to Ocean Avenue, west on Ocean Avenue to First Street. The reviewi ng stand will be on Main Street at Central Avenue. Awards will be made at the conclusion of lhe parade al Eisenhower Park, Main and Ocean. The band review, only one of its kind ln Southern Calilornia, features only bands and drill teams from intermediate schools. Orange Coast entries Include the Willis \Varner Jnterm.edlate School Wildcat Band wh.ich won a first place trophy last year: Stacey Intermediate School Senti· nel Band and Drill Team, both of West· minster, and the Oak Junior High Sc.boo! Trojan Band of Los Alamitos. 5 2 Race committee boat Ranjamar ls speeding. to the finish line at La Paz to wait Cor Ken DeMeuse's 73-foot Blaclcfin and Mark J ohnson's Passage, also a 7l- foot ketch. Concerto, John Hall's Columbia 57 from Newport Harbor Yacht Club; Dorothy 0, another Columbia 57 from NBYC, skip- pered by Robert Beauchamp, and Ra.seal. 57-foot yawl from Santa Barbara Ypcht Club, all Class A boats, were bunched about 20 miles from.the cape. Weather reported to Carroll Hudson ot Newport Beacb from the Nestor ls SUMY and humid with light westerly winds from four to five knots. Tbe sea is calm. Strong northwest winds of 15 to 20 knots ·ere expected on the way up the Gull of Calllornla to the finish line, but calm winds of one to two knota may make it difficult for boats rounding UM cape.· Yacht positions reported this morning \trere Alerion 24. 03-112 '50; Al Viento 24 50-112 39; Aquarius 24 07-112 15; Ariana 2.1 23- 111 50 ; Aventura 24 23-113 35. Bohemia 23 17·110 47; Charisma II 2.1 23-111 20; Concerto no report (in !lgbt of Rascal); Debinda IV 24 20-113 25; Dona J. ZJ 52-111 ~; Dorothy o. no'report On sight-or Rascal): · · Irish Mist 23 57-111 05: Isobar 23 42-111 13; L'Allegro 23 58-112 39; La J.>~enaa 24 39-112 24; Malobi no report (off air wlth battery proble~s); Mistral no report. Pantera 23 ~112 09; Posada Manana II 25 la.11-4 32; PeriC\ls 23 46-111 17; Rascal 22 :i5-110 13; Robon Ill 23 42-111 09. Serapjs 23 32-111 33; Severn 24 111-112 00; Tanqueray 23 38-111 24; Vector 23 43- 11112; Windward Passage 2314-109 23. :Yippies Ge t Permit For DC Picketing WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Yooth Tntemational Party (Yippies) has won government permission to march around the Justice Department building for three hours Saturday In protest of I.he "Chicago Eip:ht" trial. The Justice Department, which granted the permit Thursday, said 1 h a demonstrators would have to keep on the half or the the street closest t.o the building. 3 I --cm p -7 REMODELING SALE • Featuring Upholstery A Yasf s~lact~on ~I qu1rtty, upholster.d furniture at exceptiol'Hl l sevln91. C!;oose your 1:1phcfmtr., lrom th• following fan.t lines; Natrona!, Marge C..rson, J amestowa Lounge, Hibritan, Pacifi.c:, Lindn..1': and othan. Savings from 20°/o to 50°/o off. Some erampln folow. Reg. SALE 419. $299. 289 . EA . $149. EA. 279, EA. $149. EA. 499. $399. 499. $399. 499, $339. 189. $139. 235. $15~- 279. $139, 159. $129. 169. $ 84.50 Sofa T edure . Ru st & orange. Z & H ........... , 2 Chairs. Bl ue &' green, Na ti onal ............. , 2 Chairs. Ora ng e & gol d texture. Pacific ...... . Sofa. Gold velvet. Nation al .................. . Sofa . Flo ral pri nt, Nati onal ................... . Slee per sofa. T erlure stripe , .... 1 ............ . Swival rocker. Darna sk, J a mestown ............ . Eas y cha ir. Linen pri nt. Nati on al .............. . Easy chair. Blue gree n print, Marge Carson .... , . 2 chairs. Green. velvet luffed ................ . Rocker. Red ve lvet ................. , ........ . YOUR LOCAL DEALEPS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON-HERITAGE NEWPORT l lACH 1727 W-1111 Dr. 642·2050 OPIM N.IDA f '11L t • .. INTERl9RS Prof•tlonal Interior o .. 19n•rs Anllabt.-AID-NSID • LAGUNA l lACH 345 North c .... Hwy. , Of'lll ,...., .,.. t \ . ' "'44551 ' ~ ) I , I • "'"--, __ ,. ---------· • 1 ,, Saddlehaek· EDITI ON * * * YOt 62, NO. 273, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI.': ,FRIDAY, l'lOV&MBER 14, J969 TEN CBilTS " . --. - Toro Wife Going to Paris for \Vo_t.tl-® :PilQ t • -"T-~'Z:!i.! .. ~ -.. ~ ~ By BARBARA KREIBICH Of tM Dlllf Plitt''''" An American Flag fl ies every .day out.side one of tile attractive homes on Birdrock Drive in El Toro. There is a Flag ne:it door too, one across the street and an!)ther a little way down the block. .. Nothio1 -has ever been said about the Flap," pys C•Ole Hanson, "but t think pertiaps they put them out because of mine .. Of .course the Jlei&hbors all know about Steve." Tbey know the attractive brunette has nown her Flag every day since June 3, 1967, the day her husband, Marine Cap- tain Stephen C. Hanson, was shot down ~s he J)iloted his helicopter over North Vietnamese territory, that she later rec- ognized tiini in · a picture of American ----· prisoners publls~ ln 1 North Vietnam newspaper and knows be wiU come home, though the government still lists him as "missing in action." "The newspaper picture was so poor they would not accept it as positive proof of his identity." Caorle explains. "But.I reeo~ jllm imm~i,tely and · j:µs family is sure l90." A military passenger on the helicopter. who was rescued after the crash, also reported that the pilot and co-pilot had survived. lhqugh he did not know what had become i>tthem. After more than a year of anxiously awaiting some official word of her hus· band, Mrs. Hanson decided to take ac- tion. "I grardually ~alized that I was just one of hUndreds of women ln thil .aw(ul l!iituati9n -not knowlnc if lhe lr husbands, lathe.rs or sons are alive or ·dead, and with no way to find ou~ for sure. "There are no·w t ,~ American s listed as prisoners of war or missing In act.Ion , Of this only t!O hiiye_been,posiLlvel)1 Iden· tified u pri.90flen. "UUally through North Vietnamese propaganda pictum or word from men who have escaped." As Orange County Coordinator for the Natiooal League Of Faniilles ·or American Prisoners In Southelst Asia,· CU'Olt joill- ed with others in her tragic situation In a vigorous campaign to pressui:e Hanoi into observing the r:ules of the peneva con· vention, which it signed in 1957. These rules, all of which have been to durraarded by .the North Vl<lllam.eJe, Carolf; explains~ Include ¥inc the namey . of all prisoner a, opening cam pg to Jn. , speclion '!?Y an JmPRfl:lal •iencY,. S\,\Ch as the Red Cross, repatriating sick and wounded and permitting correspondence between prisoners and thelr families. "The ,Geneva cOOvenUcxi d~ not~apply only In, tbe cue of a declared war,:• she says. "It specilles nations involved in any armed con:tllct." , II the outcry lrom lhla country about our priaoners II hMrd thraaghout the world, Vietnam will hear about it too, th{IJ's for sur,. They bea r.. about our war protests soon enough, don't they?" she adds wryly. Carole's campaign already has taken (See ·PJUSONERS, P11e %) oon • er ow er Council Give11 . City Economic F~Re_port Wb1t are Laguna's future economic chances~ City Planner Al Autry wasn't telling to- day, but 1~1edged that be has given plo.nning Commissioners an economic forecast that is part of the city's general plan 1tudy. The matter is scheduled on Monday's Planning Commission agenda as the first order of business, with commentary ex- peci.ed from Abraam Krushkhov, plan- ning consultant. Autry said he does not plan to release the report to the press until com- missioners have had a chance tp com- ment OJ)' its contents -they are "ad- justed" and both city councilmen and the Citizens Advisory Committee have been given copies. >utry said more than 1,000 man·hours, Including the time . of a team of economists, have gone mto th~ stu~y .. He said (he in-depth study gives 1ns1ght Into the city's economic potenti~I, how it might de\lelop based-on economics. .. Autry said matters such as population mobility, and leisure time and how lhey relate to Laguna's economic potential have been considered. City economics became something o.f a hot p<>tato in January when the planning consulta11t released a preliminary econ· omic analysis that brought heated retorts from Chamber of Commerce officials and others. Al the time economist Alan J. Weiner, project engineer, stated that tourist dol· lars In Laguna have increased slightly be· tween 1960 and 1967. However, he said, If you adjust the fif!Ures for innation, they have actually declined. \Veiner· also maintained 1hat retail sales In the same period had not kept pace wllh growth in• the city and spoke of leakige in general merchandise sales to ot~r cities and the new shopping mec· cas. 'L Ch1mber officials and others "·ere shirply critical or the 4 5 • p a.g e preliminary analysis and took it apart at coundl sessions' which may be why the new nport has entered the category of a sensiUve document. Laguna Woman's Vacation Costly A Ulguna Beach woman returned home fr.;nn Arizona only to discover $468 worth of clothes and a $7SO check from her ex - husband had been stolen. Police investigating the theft today aald thtre was no sign of forced entry al the home of Suzanna Bali.er, 67l Seavlew St. Stoltn were dresses, capri pants, a coat, shoes and underwear. ln another theft discovered Thursday. 1112 caah was missing from an unlocked cuh box In an unlocked desk at Medical Labontory Servle<a, 3tt Thtrd St. ,Police said 1 tey ma, have been used to gain entry. New Offlelal Speaks Nixon Watches ;Blastoff in . State .Check of Coaswl . .. . l, . t " . • ·~· · · · · ·. · · · . . . MRS. CAR.OLE. HAN ~ON, SON T~i;>D, 3 _, 11n prjjjtnr,m , .. . . , , , , . . . · 1 . I f: , ~f ,,... ~~~~~,_.; ...-1~ ~ , • r ,'.'" •. :ft, ~ ~, •• •_' ~ ,· \ .''' '. _ , ... A~~=-=;~~~ ~A.:ehmf~D.e.f1inds~Officm:-1?.ri vate P:roje cts.lJtged • lllhtnlng 'bok on Its takeoll lot t~ The State or California should play a leading role in checking uncontrolled private development of the coasUine, the head of a new state maritime depart· ment declared in Newport Beach Thurs· day_ Robert Walker, new director of the three-day-old State Department o l Navigation and Ocean Development. IQ]d a convention of California's harbor- masters that Gov. Ronald Reagan reor- ganized the department recently with that thought in 111ind. \Valker heads an agency whose role in. eludes that of the former Division of Harbors and Watercraft along with maritime duties once shared by othc:r departments. The philosophy or coastline con- servation follows developments in the lc!st session of the Legislature when con- servation emerged as a burning issue, Walker said. Whether the philC>SOphy could bP. ~()­ plied directly to klcal issues s!il! is unanswered, he said . His department could. not n:iw become directly involved in the Upper Ba y land exchange issue or the battle over public access to Salt Cree k. "We might if we were to get some new laws In the next Legislature," he said. Walker prefaced his ex planat ion or the philosophy of his agency by citing the surge in interest in the coastline and lhe sea as a natural resource. "The coastline is the most import.Jn! feature of California's j:eograpby. "And it is a fixed quantity," he said. "Approximately 60 percent o f California's· shoreli ne · is subject to pri- vate development whic hmay be incon- sis\e"nl With the' highest 'public interest The . concentration of population is in- creasi.ng aryd. P.U~ljc a~e~. to .t~e shore- lin"e ·is diminishing.'' Walker said. lie ·added that uncontrolled-develop- ment ol the state's shoreline .,can re!ult in Irreversible damage to fish ~nd wildlife.'' "Furthermore, it could do damage ·to many or the esthetic and recreaUonal values or the shoreline,"-he 1aid. A plan to preserve the shoreline for its best public use already i1 in the works, Walker said. His new agency would lake over \\'Ork Of! the state's Comprehensive Ocean Area Plan, which will serve as a master plan for deveklpmentOf-Uie coastline. ''The objective of the plan la IO achieve oplimum planned development o! the coastal area foi: environmental p1 ()> tectlon, scientific knowledge, trade and maintaining all of these In ways that do not destroy the coastal area ••• " Sa nta Ba rbara Fights Oil Leases SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The City and county or Santa Barbara are asking a federal appeals court to annul nelv offshore oil drilling permits granted to three firms by the Army Corps of Engineers. The petition, made public Thursday, asserted that if the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court ol Appeals does not annul the permits, the companl~s will turn "Santa Barbara Channel Into a iey of Wells" befDt'e judicial action is possible. Involved are three permits for P.ll:· ploratory drilling issoed to Union 011 Co., · four issued to Humble Oil. and Refining ·Co. and an eighth issued to Sun Oil Co. for a platform. moon, hurtled out of earth loday toward the nation's second lunar lanctlnl. Tiie three· man crew planned to reach the moon Tuesday to set up a nuclear powered scientific; base and btgin man's first true es:ploratlon .of another world, The -three man Apollo 12 crew suc· cessfully blasted orr on the nation 's sc· cond moon landing miSJlon today in a last minute thuOOerstorm. President Nixon, his wire, Pal, their daughter, Tricia, aDd VJCe President and Mrs. S'pirO T. Agnew were among the & ilmated half mJl)lon persons who 'tl-"atched the liftoff. "i;pectacuJar,'1 Nixon declared, grin- ning and c:lappiJlg his han~s. The President· watc~ed the event from a VIP vi~ng area about 31/• miles rrom the launch pad. Nla:on was the first chief txecutive to witness a maMed spacecraft launching. "I'd almost be positive we got hit by lightning someplace," spacefUght com- 1nander Charles "Pete'' Conrad, 39, calmly reported after the spaceship was safrly in earth orbit. He and his companions, Alan L. Bean, 37, and Richard F. Gordon, 40, planned lo set uj>.a nuclear powered scientific base on the moon and begin man's first true exploration of another world . The storm. threatened up lo the final minutes to delay the launch. But 14 minutes before scheduled blastoff, launch oontrol. reported that weather conditions were within acceptable margins. The big Saturn 5 rockel cleared the launch tower precisely on llme at 8:22 a.nt. i>sT, and It appeared a perfect laun- ch. "This baby Is really· go.ini," Conrad repof!ecl.. · But lhen thinp changed drastically. Long after tilt crew was aloft, however, ground controllers still were not entirely sure what happened. Court Rehuf f s Hinshaw Assessor .Won't Receive Pr ivate Counsel By TOM BARLEY 61' .... o.llf 'lllt Stitt Orange Cowity ft3RSiol' Andrew J. Hinshaw 's demand for a private attorney in his assessment battle with the Board of Supervisors has been denied by the Fourth District Cow1. of Appeal, it was learned today. The appellate bench ruled against tbe aseessor Thursday by refOslng to grant the writ of mandate he aought last Oct 28. No clarification ol lhe...rulinr was of- fered to either party ar>! court ollfclal• today relu..d to do other lhan confirm the decision. Hinshaw t.odly aa1d he will di.sculll· the denial wllh hlJ Los Angeles attorncya before offering any comment on the re· jection of his appellate court argument. cancel taxes on Upper Bay land transfer· "All lcan say at this stage of the 1mne red to the. county by the Irvine Company Is that it has been denied,'' he said, "For -land offered In exchange for county all I know there may be other legal tidcllnds in a deal consummated · by remedies available and we want to look superviaors. at all of chem before I say anythlng." The assessor alleges that land swap as Hinshaw told newsmen last Oct. 28 that unlawful and unconsUtutJonal and the he would lake his dispute with the coority status of ,the Jrvlne-cOUnty de!L ls cur: board "all the way to the Supreme Court rently btlng ~ In the court.s'- lf necessary." &it Kuyper hu ·repettedly warned The ruling is viewed by lnvolvtd rou11ty Hinshaw that hf1 duty u lll.Se880r it to officials as the appellate Ci!Urt's opinion carry oat the order1 ol the Board of of Hinshaw's argument that 1 eonnlct of $upervilora.. Interest exlzts between lhe assessor and Both men recently c~led their ftud Count1 Cow\lel Adrian Kuyper. • before I.he OrJnge County Grind Jury In Hhuihaw has ~ conslst.enlly con-what ~ been de1ttlbed u an dem~ by Kuyper tn frank verbal ex-•/unusually c1ndJd" exchuge of 'tiiws. cbancu betwttn the. two olfictll1 for '· r The ~I has back~~HJOJbllw to tbe refusing to obey board instructions to 1 tSee RJNSHAW, P1gt 1). .. Accused in Assault Case Santa Ana Police Chief Edward J . Al~ Secret Grand Jury tesiimonY charged len· thoroughly diaapprOves of 111 Oran"ge h.im with assault with a deadly weapon County Grand Jury indictment charging last July 8· as a· result of tus nlahtaUct one of his young patrolmen with.usina un· use. due force against a black' teenager. · Witnesses said Faust beat the 18-year· Officer Richard E. Faust, 27. wili allO Cid Gilmore needlessly after his attempt remain on duty pending disposltlon of the to flee from the . Mlll)Chester Avenut case against him, in which he Is schedul· facility wu thwarted. ed lo be arraigned' Dec. s· in. Superior "All I've heard are c o·n f 11 ct Ing court . statements from dlfrerent WltnHSel," He was freed on his own recognizance said Chief Allen. "Thert has been' no without posting bail· Thursday, on (!rders =~·I• cornpl.al.nt . at ·this police ~~ of J1,1dge Robert Gardner. "And I've been given no opportllnif.y.to "I was never asked for my comments Jook:,at lhe case ag'ainst Officer tiust;" on the charges leading 'to this indictment he continued. ''He's a good officer. I have and I have no reason lo ·believe the no quarrel with his record in tfie· two charges were founded ," declared Chief years he's· worked for us." · Allen Thursday. · Olief Allen added to his reference .to "I am not criticizing the Grand Jury, \he ~fand Jory with what he Clr4;!fftl.ly but I do want to say that Office_r Faust ~Ia~ was a cornment~_a®..nol_.a has a good record and he will remaln Criticism. · · · , • on duty ·until this thing is cleared up," "I reme~be~ the rem~rks made b7 fts: Chief Allen continued. former chairman when he led the 'group The ofrlcer is accused of using un· and when something like this comes up", necessary force against Jesse Gilmore, you can't help but wdnder about it," the then 17, in subduing him after an escape chief said. attempt as he was being delivered to William Martin, mayor of Laguna Orange County Juvenile Hall . Beach, quit the Grand Jury earlier this The specific indictment returned after year in mid-term. without expllciUy ·telJ. ing the reason. UCI P r otesters . . Small in Number . . ' ' . . . . , ... The Vietnam; War Moratorium. dJi:ln'l totally shut down .the. UC, Irvine .campus Thur!day ·~ today bul .there didn't •P. pear to be a very 1Jarg~. portion of the_ 5,000 students on campqs. Stu Kramsky of the Moratorium Com· miltee at a noon rally Thurtday clalrped 11 90 percent effective strike on classes .. C.!lmpus admlnlstration officials ~eded the · moratorium had cut heavily into ·at- tertdance, but could provide no e&timates. C•nce!Jatlon qr i)ostponemeDt Or C1usea. by professors made. It so :aqme stOO~t.s who would have gone to ctas:ses had none· to attend. ' · · · ·· · But il studf:nl.5 In' largt .runben :were not In clasg they. were not fillbly SUP-' i;ortlng mor1C.Orium acttytUH :1n. the S'1me number •• ' · · • A smaUish erowd1by •lt'pr.rvlou1 f:Om..I pai'lsons of· only' 2SO' pet8onl ·~ a: noon ·rally, just 300~ heard I n. ,evtdlng antl,war roclr coooert and IOnly :to l!ept· ovemltht on tM cam2Us,Jawn In.a inUch· jiubllclted "live ln." Aoother speaker at Ule ·Thursday noon' rally. Hblory ~eachlng AHlotant•Rlchard Robertson, surveyed the . dlaappointlng, crowd and mad'e a remark about over- crowded tieachet. Today UCI anti-war 1tuden1s WS't~to: Cll'1:YIRI tO Fullf!tlon for I mll'Ch1wtth Col Sim .F.ili<rton IJlljdent.. on ~· Ground Syslenu, a llnn with m!lltal')'I Ct>ntra cta. • · • • l .. '. • -·• • 1• · He never denied suggestions, however, that the panel wu much more liberal in Ila outlook th111 he had expected and acme of Its declsk>ns-did not11lease him. Martin hasisaid:ln.publlc :that IORle Ot Ila actions were i~ di~t .conflict with bis own person;il JhllllOdp~les. ' , Wea,t.er . ' It won't be Uilck eqough to shovel, thit U'le fOB·ly1J.J prevail dur· iqg ~. moi;nipg. ap~ evenl."f houfl , along the _ cout , this weekend. . 1 Temperatw:es. wUI' .hover around 1 . ~ the middle 70'1. , ,.a' " '" INSW E TODAY Two tt0una S~uthent Cali/or· I nia ope'9 ·thlgoers who mode I namn Jor ,t1t.'1melvr& ij1 .Ne.10 i Y.,rk ar1 back helm ior op--I <VIOCS 'wlth .the N(lll York City I qp<rit -• and <11i•ut•u •h• piti;iiuret-of boatmo.•See todaw'• Weekender: • · ··-·-~ 1 '\ DAILY "LOT L _Seh!lols ·M~y -Cut L1µ1ch Costs · :.Strearrilined Methods of Pr~·packaged System Shown ' ~ ~ . . . .. . i -~ ....;.i 'i1111&11yllcm iliot by car or tnd;'to .... lute ISCl>ooli. Lunch th prese~t oyatem, with a geparaie rncreasing IAbor and food coils, 1he could cut cattterta labor Cciltl · 1n the, meftUI ?em4in the llJ'l'lf:, Ekco represen. cafeteria'.il each IChool and a total of air said. have made' it necessary to Increase LaP,na ~nUJed Scbool Dlstrkt'a ~ tl~Yt· · ~ , Hoda expla;ned, with employ~ maa:lmtaa ~uction includinl the school lunc:h price to 45 ce11ti, which elementary schools by an esUmated one.. dlitrlcta"conUnuing to bu)' their own food, preparation and serving L! 10 lunchet per has somewhat decreased S i 1u den i third, and also.reduce the prese11t 45-ctrit but pr&-packaglnr greatly Teduces labor hotir per employe. Under the central ....... 1,.1 ti E the In lunch coet to students. was displayed to n:qulrements. kitchen method1-11he said, this could be .,... ..... pa on. ven so. Jll'Oll'&m administrators, PTA representatives and Each lunch con&lsts or a "hot pack" or increased to 15 or 18 lunches per employe the ~lementary schools is not yet selr-sus· food service empk>yes Thursday a{· main dish packed in a two-<:0mpartment hour. talrnng. .· • temoon. foil container which can be heated at the There would be no need to purchase 'I1le school board now wants .the pro-: In the demonstration, arranged by Mn. uteWte school ~ately before aerv· any,beJv;y equipment, Mn. Garrett aatd, gram to' ClJ!Y certain .operational tl· Marian Garretl, dislrkl oupervlaor of Ing, and a "cold paok" including ouch because .eac11 school alrudy has a COil· _... preY1ou"1 budaeled elaeWbue food ee:rvlces, repruentaUves ot Ekco Jtem1· as cake or tiutJ,ered bre.ad, jelk> or vecUon oven for heating and a and ~cted Mr!. Garrett to, loot Lato Products Inc. presented slides, equip-fruit deuert and aalad, packed in a refrigerat<X'. Only investment would be In 0?51-savmg. sy~ms used in othet ment and sample lunches to Wwtrate the covered plastic container and served carrying basketa and the foll and plastic districts, with a view lo at least breaking pre-packaged hot lunch a:ystem now used directly from refrlae.ratiOn. ;rhe. cold containers. 'lbe latter, sbe said, would even. The lunch prow-am is requlr~ to in 50 CaUrornla school dlsiricts Including pack also carried l ·Dapkin and disposable cott DO more than the Jiaper and p~sUc be run OD a non-profit buls. . 20 dlllricta in Southern California. utenslls ·and dril'!kirl1·1traw for the milt serving e(luipment in use this year, smce ni~ proposed lunch program wdl .be The sySWll calls for preparation of Jun-that goes with the lunch. &ebool J~washing operetion w a 1 considered by the Laguna school board at chei tn a central kitchen and distribution Mrs. Garrett told vlewtn that under eliminated to save labor costs. a forthcoming meeting. Pipe Puffers Arrested on Harbor Bee ling Oil Still Plagues Santa Barbara ' -.. IL •• ILOT .... ,_. Hashish Coun· t By JOHN vALTERZA ,· · ' , • Of flll a.Ur POlt Slatl t~inch Une holding the boom. It broke like it was thread." Lagtina Beach To 'Light Up'- For Holidays 'COLD PACKS' -Laguna Beach. ,.,boo! officials study packaged Santa Barbaia'• barbormuler Thurs-1---~-lllJICbaa-dur!ng-dlscuHlon-ot1--Way1·to-cut-food-cos~left.are_~'l'wo yoonl-'••>meD cherged-wllh-laking ilay pill!ttcnlgrllttl>li:ture on defeal<d Sophistical«! air-jet booms worked even worse, he said, and when oil-soaked straw floated by, it crealed whirlpools let ting the oil into Uie harbor, Sathre &aid. From Ille hillsides to Ille shon!, tquoa Beach will again glow with the spirit of Christmas. ICbool board members Mrs. Jane Boyd, El Morro ~1 Principal alternate pulls on a pipe of hashi&h were harbor still reeling from the effects of William Allen and Mrs. Marian Garrett, sµpervfso r Of food services seized by . Laguna Beach poilce officers last sprlng's oil spill di sas ter. for Laguna Beach Unified School District. Thursday after one allegedly threw the And it all could happen again, Donald pipe into the surf a.s police approached. Sathre told fellow harbormasters gath· The business lights go on Nov. 28 u Laguna merchants launch their tradi- tional hospitality night to welcut visitors to their shops and stores. F,...... PfffJe 1 :EL. TORO PRISONER • • • ·11q to WuhJnaton, D.C. irbere ahe .... gradoatlon he taught for two years al lnvlt.d by .Aliblma C-WU. Catbedral llJgh School In Los Angelts and .Uam L.. Dfctlnson to wltneaa: the inJt.la-ahe ta\lght iecood L'f'ade at JetleriOn tioo of hi& resolution calling on North Elementary· School In Burbank, where Vietnam to abide by the Geneva Coo-She ·grew Up · and her parenta _aUU vention. · · live. Tbey wert married there in Febo : At' -Christmas tlnie she wil1 go evm ruary, 1992. further ;__ to Paris lo seek· a peracmal . The next year, Steve decided to com- : confiootatlon with Xu.n l'btiy, head of tbt bine his JOve of flying wilh his military North Vietnam peace "delegaUon. service obligation and enlisted tn the . NOT NECESSA'RY Marine Corin. .-"It shouldn't be necessary f-0r wives of ~'He's always been crazy about flying," :prllonen:. to have to go to Parl1/' she says Carole. "He grew up in Oxnard and .says. ·••tt -should be government: .to he used to go and sit at the end of the governmMt. but. they don't rfJCOgllize anY runway at the air force base' and watch normal cbannell of ~unlcatioo. I will j.he pllJ)e!. He knew them all, when he r;> u a private clt!Ujl -:-a televh!on ila-. 1'U just a Ultle boy;" lion ts aponeoring my lrlp -and_ without·--• otncer's-tratnlng at Quantico was ~ pemme~t connec_bon. It '!Ill me11n followed by flight trainin& at Pensacola, giving up Christmas v.:1th my lltUe boy. then assigned to a newJy fonned . tiut if It helps bring his father home, it helicopter squadron at the Santa Ana air ~wnl be worthwhile.".. _ -facility. l At Ille--, I sl!lrdy, blOod, 3- :year-old, areets\.lsiunwllh a salute and WONDERFUL YEAR. ... few-tootles on a rather-battered toy That· was when they bought the house 1bugle. He tells you his name. ia Todd and ln El Toro. "We had a wonderful ye\f :hls Siamese c4t 11 ~ s.Qamln". llere before he !cit for Vietnam,11 ~ l Todd has nevtr teen ttie'~er who left Carole. -. • :for Vietnam 10 day& "1M*ire lte was That was on Sept. 7, 1966. Ten days ;born, mi Sept. 17, 196e. But he knows later Todd arrived at Hoag Hospital. Her ·about the helicopter and tbat the North sister, Joan Shipley, who lives at 38i ·'.Vietnamese won't let daddy come home Poplar St. in Laguna Beach and teaches :yet. at Irvine Junior High, took her to the "He's always been quite a talker," say bospital and stayed with her for·a.whlle. Carole, whose quick smil8 belies the dark For the neit nine month& she was-in circles aoder her eyes. "So w~'ve talked touch with Steve and sent him pictures ol a lot about bis father in the past year. It the baby, "We were acheduled foi' an R amazes me to see bow ·he baa develop-and R (mt and recreaUon leave) In tM ed hi.a father'• mannerimls, without ever middle of June. He was shot. ®"ft June 3. .Wng him .• .'' I '··d •• d t "" " Over the fireplace fn the Hanson living t was iuu to &ee u•at a e IO "~' 11ays Carole. room bangs another bugle, larger, but , Since then. there bas been no word, aJso well-worn. A gift. to Steve, Caroi.e a~ . plains. though she writes her husband .every month, ln care of the post of lice at Hanoi. LOOKS YOUNGE R No one knows if the letters arrive, but On the mantel, flanked by l\\'O small, the Wives write. anyway. white ceramic doves, Is a famed picture Since the ~ampeigD started. they have of the handsome Marine oJflctr and his done a lot more whiling. Letters by the wife. She looki: much younger in the pie· hnndred go out to editors of foreign ture, though it can't be more than a few ney,•spapers throughout the ,world, urging )'ears old. She Is only 30 now. them to publicize the cause oC lhe "lost .. 'Rley met, Carole recalls, at a basket. prisoners. Many editors have responded ban game between his scbool,_St. Mary's kindly, Carole. says. CoUege, and hers, San Jose State. Alter URGES SUPPORT Hijacked to Cuba BARRANQUJLLA. COiombia (UPI) - A Colombian DC4 airliner hijacked by slit· armed men completed a refueling stop 'Jbursday night and took off for Cuba with 59 pel'SOIU aboard. DA i i~ D1IQ I ~ COo\11 .... ..., .... owwn • .-. ... w ... ---Jtc\: k. ~t.., VICI,,_.. W 0.-M......, 1\M•• JC.-.11 ·-n ... tt A. M.,,~Tfte ~ ....... Ric~,,. P. N1Q , __ City ltllor ---211 ,.,.,, ""'· M1m111 Ml'"" ,.0. I•• 66'. t211Z --e.tt MN: • '#nt In '°"" ....,.,, 8"dl1 m1 ..,.,,, ......... .._. ~-.... =··-- \ U.S. government official!! and foreign heads of government and their am· bassitdors In this country also get letters, urging support of the effort to persuad~ Hanoi lo abide by Geneva. Carole her!elf launched a bumper GUcker campa.ign, supplying members of the National t.eague with ZS,000 stickers readlng. "Don't Let Them Be For~otten -POW's -MlAs." She has the slickers printed In Costa M"" and financed them herself at first, but other pMso~rs' wtves, who order them by hundreds, now help 1iefr1y·Ule cost, and friends &end dooations . People who wop]d _1Ut'e to help the prisoners' families by volunteering to write, &peat or wllh money to pay f)O&lage , m•Y contact Mrs. Hanson at Post Ofrlce Box 313. m Toro. What does &he think about the war pro- tests and the moratorium? "I can't help feeling this gives aid and comfort to the enemy and may prolong the war. Even if we don't entirel y agree \1:ith the President, as long as we have fathers and husbands and sons over there, v.·e should support t h c gQvernmenfs efforts. VERY IDEAIJSTIC "I am quite sure many of these young peopl.e are very 51nctre, very idealisllc. 1 just feel that ,iiomewhere aJong the-Une, partnl& or schools have falltd to teach them IJOmt of the things they 11hould know about wlu' we are there. "1 understand that Idealistic young peo. ple must have ·a cause to fight for. t ju!il wish some o flhem would Join lll·" Teenegers, she feels, could understand the plight of the families. sometimes il's • little difficult to explain thinJs to a thm-yel!Mld. "Like the other morning," she s1y1. · i·Todd ~as sttUn,c there e1Una: his cereal and IUddtiilJ he asked. 'Why don'l lllose Norlll VleUWnesc just lei daddy take his , llell<opler to the gast nation and gel II .l!Jtd! H 'Then he1could ny right borne, Police and sheriU's narcotics officers ered at a convention at.Newport Beach's seized two more penons, youns men, trus Newporter· lnn. . . morning at the Del Camino Hotel ai>d He said the harlx>r stil! is suff~ring claimed they confi1e1ted· both ~D and heavily even though the thousands of an ounce of hashish. gallons of crude ·have disappeared from Booked after the Thursday beach ar· &lght. rest .. w.ere Christie Ann .Full.QI!, 19,. 4§4 Sathre said the tragic, swift sur&e of oil Canyon Acres Drive; and Robin Leona Into the h;erbor home O!' one single tide Elliott, 18 of 564 Ramona St. They 1ife1" pl'Qved that Santa .Barbara Js ~otally booked on suspicion of possessing mart• vulnerable to Qoatinr ~ &licks :apd just juana with int.ent to sell Jt. abq\rt: helpless. . . Sgl Da,Ve Brown said Officer Joe . E~ey attempt to stem the oiJ!s flow·in- Garcia &aw the~two passl.o&'. a· large P.iPe to the harbor proved futile. he fi3id. back and forth on the bu.ch. As Garcia · .....; ... 1 • ••••• y. and another offictr approached, .&~id-The attempts at combating the initial Brown. one pitched the pipe into the oil spill were all ineffecti ve, and some, ocean and tried to throw a pouch in also. Sathre said, were worse than the disaster Brown said the arresting officers itself. · recovered a quantity of hashish from the "Dredges whi ch once wofked ~he pouch and more hashish from a paper harbor entrance each year are kiled Qow bag. I btcause public ageiicles and · citizens The Fulton woman was released on charge that they are creating pollution," $1,000 bail and the other suspect was he related. released on her own recognizance. by The dredges, he said, are sucking up Judge Richard Hamilton pending ' ar· organlo debris mlied with oil and dis. raignment in municipal court, Browll persing chemicals which bad settled to aaid. the boUom after emergency procedures. Sheriff's narcotics officers wor!Png "'Ibere eUll is a large area of the bay with Laguna police thUI morning arrested where the bottom is coaled with this Robert Eunnt Oppenheimer, 19; and m9Ck. The dredges were ju.st picking it Horace Carl Duncan, 18, both or the Del up. Canlino Hotel, 1289 s: Coast Higtiway · _ "If It ever wer.e to happen again," he Oppenheimer was booked on sus picion said adamaaijy. "there woU!dn't be any of selling IDllifljua;J (an ounce o[ chemicals a~· ed." .. t;~ . haallilh) alllf DUhi:an~ IUlpicion of sell-Sathre de d \\'ilh so~ bitternes:!! ll1i '"' ~b {31 tabJet!' during two the reluctance, f the city's P01,ticiw to pu,rchues). ' · recognize the .liripendlng 4isaster and Nai'cOtiOI tnve.stigators said the bdys balking or a"gendes such as the depart. and arreSt.s ftre madt without fanfare at ment 'of Fish and Game. the hi>tel thiS morning. The unemployed ' "eity ·Hall is only a half·mile away suspects were taken to coanty jail pend· from .the harbor but it too k hours to con- ing a M~Y court arraI&nment. vlnce the m1'Yor ·and city manager of the extent of the tlllng,'' he said,~ . HINSHAW .•. point that It has urged the .Board of Super'l{ilorl to 1ppoint private cCIUMel for the assessor. Deputy County Counsel Clayton Parker today commented that the Fourth Diltrid decWon "jwlifies In every way the argument laid before the court by us. This denial more or less ends our inrerest in the matter and any further .mo,ve would have to come from Mr. Hlrtshaw," Parker said. He 1ald the $100,000 &pent . before the disaster to fill the &paces In Lbe harbor's breakwater was "money down the drain.'"- 1'When the oil hit, the bn!akwater leak· td likJi, a sieve." Boom erection plans were just as futile, he add<d. A huge boom atTangement stretched aeross the harbor entrance proved total- ly ineffective, he said. • 110n the ocean side of the boom the oil bQilt up to a thickness of eight indles and eventually the pressure just lifted the boom high enough for the 'oil to come through. The pressure also snapped a E~orts lo clean the i;ticky oil-clogged rock!! of the breakY.'aters were just as fUtile. - The Union Oil Company (owner of the well which blew out in lhe channel caus- ing the slick) has cleaned the harbor's jetty rocks twice since last spring. "If you were to see the rocks today they are just as black as they were when the <lil }\it," Sathre said. Santa Barbara is still receiving oil, he disclosed, but allegations that they are comlng from the Unio n oil well which. blew out are Incorrect, he said. Ap area known as "Coal Oil Point'' where natural seepage always has oc- curred, is the offender now, he said. Political and public backlash because of the original disaster also adds to the dilemma. · "Before the oil hit there were extensive plans to redevelop the harbor.. Now they appear gone forever," he said. The 'harbor's sportfishing business is entirely wiped out, and the hotel business this year is off 20 percenL "Every sportri!hlng boat w e n t bankrupt after the oil slick, and the com· mercial fishermen are trying to start again," Sathre said. Hi<.: fellow harbormasters grilled-Sathre on the performance of booms lo stem the flow of oil into harbors. Jle replied clling personal experience that booms stretched across breakwaters aren't as effective as they seem on paper. "Grouting (filling the gaps) ti f breakwaters just doesn't WGrk and you would be amazed at how fast oil can work its way through," he said. Tremendous pressures built up by oil pushing against the floating barrien strain the ropes holding the booms and 11can snap jU!t about any line you use." What would he do it it were lo happen again? S~thre"s cryptic reply: ''Head east." AF Grounds Fill Jets WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Air Force today grounded its entire fleet of 224 Fl 11 jet planes because of a new fiaw disc"overed In two of them at Nellis AFB, Nev. County Counsel Kuyper was out ottown today and not available for commtnt. 2 7 7 as Bill Mt'Cready, chainnan of the city's "Festival of Lights", said the JaycttJ will again handle competiUon and judgtrta for both business and r esiden t ial fi:hristmas decorations. Entry blanks will be available at the chamber office, 280 Park Ave. McCready said the three enttanCes tG town will be decorated wit hlhe huge stained glass window religious s<:ene! created by Laguna artist Boris Buzan. . They will be stationed al north and ~outh locations on Coast Highway and alo ng Laguna Canyon Road. Buzan's latest nativity scene is 21,z stories high. They will eventually be a series of sir: y,·or~ positioned in Heisler ·Park on 1u~ . ture Christmases. McCready said large artist's palettes will decorate the downtown area while 20 nr.w Christmas tree decorations will be affixed to light standards aJong south sod north Coast Highway. They are 814.feet tall. Forest Avenue will be strung wllh colored light.c;. . A 40-foot Christmas·tree will be located at the foot of Broadway. Sant3's house •will be there also with Santa Claus mak· · ing his first .ippearance on hospil.ality night, 111cCready said. He said hospitality night is chaired by Bill Axeline of the 1 Downtown Business Association. City work forces will again deet1rat.e cl· ty hall and the fire staUon and string col· ored lights on the heritage pepper tree that towers over the municipal buildings. There will .be lawn decorations at ctty hall and agaln the big monkey pl;fle on North Coast Highway will be decorated. Laguna last year won the Orange Coun- ty Coast Association's sw~pstakes award in the·"Forty ~1iles of Christmas Smiles" competition. A second was won In the n1ost beautiful city hall category and Buzan's windows captured a special award. Gary Archibald, J a y c e e s project chairman, said Dec. 17 is the deadline for home lighting entries. The city has been divided into three sectors for judging of both businesses and residences. Some judging sectors will be Broadway to Irvine Cove; Broadway to Lagunlta ar.d Lagunita to Monarch Bay. a A aource close to the dispute between the two officials today commented that the county assessor "had perhaps made a mlst.ake in bypassing the Superior Court and going directly to \Ile appellate level. ( REMODELING SALE ) "Thls ls never \·ery populur In the field of law,'' the attorney said. "And, in fJlY event, t think llinshaw would have done far belier to have placed this particular dispute before judges who were much mqre familiar with this Issue and who Could be eipected to bear in mind the coinmunily uPects of this lltls1UOn." Massachusetts Funeral Planned Graveside services will be held Y..!onday At Blue •HU Cemetery, Braintree. Mass. lor Robert B. Morris who died Tuesday in Soulh Coast Community Hospital at the age or 80. ~tr. Morris, who lived for 22 years In t.aguna Beach, fonnerly owned a postage stamp vending company ln-the east. After his retirement, be made his home at 393 Myrtle St. Shcf(er Laguna Beach 1-fortuary, direc- ton. Yippies Get Permit For DC Picketing WASHINGTON !UPll -'111e Youth Tnttrnallon.I Party (Ylpples) has won lfO\·ernml!nt permission to march around the Justice De!S'at1ment building for three hout!i Saturday in prottst of the "Chicago El•hl" trial •. The Justice Department; whk:h 17anted the pen)'lit thuradayt uid the demonrtrlton would have to keep on the hoU of lhe the street cl-I<> lhe building. ' . • Featuring Upholstery A" vesf s~lect~o" ~f' quelity . uphol1tered furniture •t exceptio"•I sa"i"9'· O oose your upholst from t he following fine lines; N•t1on•I, M•r9e Cerson, J•mestown Loun9•, Hibriten, Pacific, L•ndm:? end othen. Savings from 20°/o to 50°/o off. Some examples follow. Reg. SALE 419. $299. 289. EA. $149. EA. 279. EA. $149. EA. 499. $399. 499. $399. 499. $339. 189 . $139. 23 5. $159. 279. $139 . 159 . $129. :i 69 . $ 84.50 Sofa Texture. Rust & orange. Z & H , ... , .. , .•. , 2 Cheirs. Bl ue & green. Netionel .. ·, ... , .•... , • 2 Chairs. Orange & gold texture. Pac ific ...... , Sofa. Gold velvet. National •......... , ....... . Sofa . Floral print. Nationa l , .... , . , .......... . Sleepe r sofa . Texture stripe .......... : .... , .. . Swivel ro cker. Dama sk. ~o mestown , ........... . Easy choir. Linen prin t. Nati onal .............. . EosJ; choir. Blu11 green print. Marge Cars on ..... . 2 c airs. Green velvet tuffed ............ , ... . Rock er. Red velvet ........... , .....•.......• 0...... 150. c.hein e nd 25 1ofet. AO ~~··· sh•pei, •nd colors 1o choose from. le emong ttt. fint to ••l•c.t from tfus l•NJe •ssortrnent of terrific v•lues. -. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON-HEIUTAGE NEWPORT llACH 1727 Weetotlff Dr, 642.2050 ... ,.,,., "f1L ' • • INTERIORS Prof .. 1ion1I lnttr1or Dealgna ra LAGUNA I EA CH :US North c .. o1 Hwy. A .. Uebi-..t.10-HSID otDI NIDAY 'Tl&. t ___ ,, .. • • 4'4455t I I ·Lag~na ·neae~ By BARBARA KREIBICH . Of 11111 Dtfly ,. ..... lteft An Amertcan Flag flies every day outside one· of the attracUve homes ·.on Birdrock Drive in El Toro. There is a Flag next door loo, one across the street and another a litUe-way down the block. .. Nothing bas ever been said about the FJap,'' says Carole Hamon, "but I think perhaps they put them out because" of mine. O! -course the neighbors all know about ·Steve." EDl:tl-O N prilonen poblllhed In a Nl>rlh Vietnam newspilper'and knaws be will come home, though the government still lilts him a& "missing In acUon." · · "The neWspaper picture v.•as so poor they would not accept It as positive prooC of his Identity," Caorle exPJ.ains. "But I reeogmZ<d him inunedialely and bis family is sure too." A military passenger on the heliCopter, who was rtscued after 'the crash, alsO reported that the pl.lo&.-and ~pilot had survived. thou&h be did not know what had become of them. · ' .... ol ,,_ ol ....... ht Ulla awful llituatlOn· -Dot ~· U their husbands, fathers· or iofta1 att alife or i'.leadi and· With no· Way \o flnd1 out.f« sure. . "There are now 1,365 Americans listed as prisoners of .war or missiQa in.actiolr. Oi.tllls ooly 411 lialoe'-poolU••lY Iden' lilied aa prlaonen, usual!~ lhr<>Ugh N°':Y! Vietnamese p'ropagliilda 'prcturea or \ybnl from men who h'.iye.e1eaped." 'Ibey know the attractive brunette has flown bet Flag every day since June 3, 19'7, the day her husband, Marine Cap- tain Stephen C. Hanson, was shot down as he piloted his 'helicopter over North Vietnamese 1errltory, that ahe later rec4 ognized him in a picture of American After more than a year of anxiously awaiting some official word of her· hWl- band, Mrs. Hamon decided to take ac.. tioti.. . . ~-grardua11y rtalized-that-1-wa_a j~ As Orange CouDty .Coollllnator for the NaUonal League oll'amlll<s ol AmOrlcan Prl;..,,, In SOOtheut ~1•. ·c.roie join- ed with others in her tragic aituaUon in a vigorous campaitn to prusure !Janot 1810 observing the rules ,ol .the Geneva con- vention, which It slp.,i ln 11117. · •· • Theee-rule&p-all.!.fll-wbiob-Mve-been -= ' . - 0 -0 lo .on . ! . -• ·er ow.er C.Ouncil Given Ci.ty Economic F..Jituu~Report what are Laguna's future economic chalices? City Planner Al Autry wasn't telling to- day. but acknowledged that he has given plaim.ing: commissioners an economic forecast that is part of the city's general plan study. The matter ls scheduled on Monday'5 Ptaoning Commission agenda as the first order of business, with commentary ex· pected from Abraam Krushkbov, plan· m.grcomultant. - . Autry said he does not plan to release the report to the press until · com- rnisSi011ers baW; had a chance to com· ment cm its conte,nts' -they are ''ad· justed" and both city councilmen and lhe OiUzens AdvisOr)' Committee have bee.A given copies. AUtry sa\d more than 1,000 man-hours, Including the time . of a team of economists. have gone tnto th~ stu~Y ·. He said the in-depth study gives 1ns1ght into lhe city's econom.ic-potenti~I, how it might develop based on economics. Autry said matters su~h as population mobility, and leisure Ume and how they relate to Laguna's economic potenUal haYe been considered. . City economics became something of a hol potato in January when the planning c005ultant released a preliminary econ· omic analysis that brought heated retorts from Chamber of Commerce officials and others. At the time economist Alan J. Weiner, project enginee.r, stated that tourist dol· lars in Laguna have increased slightly be· twP.Cn 1960 and 1967. However. he said. if you adjust the ·nm.ires for inflation, they have actually declined. . \Veiner also maintained that retail sales in' the same period had not Rept pace with growth in the city and spoke ol Jeakage in gcn~ral merchandise. sale~ to other ciUes ana the new ~hopping mec· cas. Ch11mber officials and others ~·ere sharply critical ol lhe 4 5 ·pa 1J e p~limlnary analysis and took it apart at C<1unril sessions which may be why .the new re.port has entered the category or a sensWve document. Laguna Woman's Vacation Costl y A LllUD• Beach woman returned home frllm Arizona only lo di9COver $491 worth of clothes and a f150 check from her ex· hu11t.Mthad been stolen. Poltce fnYesUgating th!! theft lod111aid there was no sign of forced entry at the home of Suzanna Balzer, 171 Seaview St. Stolen were dresses, capri l>aqts, a coat, shoes and underwear. · In another theft discovered 1hur!d1y. $132 cash v.·as mi&singt.from an UDlocked cash box tn an unlocked desk at Medical Laboratory Services, 319 Third St Poll~e said a key may have been usecl to· lllZl entry. ' . . . -.. New Official Sp~aks Nixc)n :watches Bl~t0ffin State Chec.k of :Cvcµtal .. • :a:, f' \, .• J. .. 't·~"' . ;: . ., .. --Prlv-~·te· iPr~jecb~tJrgejf ' . . . . . . " ' -.... ,_ ·, .. . ' ...... CAP&-~'(Uf2)"-.Amori<a't N>01!o 1l ' _' ;appi!j,j,tlfjollH bt a. IJihlnlnt. .., ·Ila ·,~ for tht The State of Callfomla should play a leading role in checklnc uncontrolled privafe·development of the eouUine, the head of a new state mafitime depart~ ment declared in Newport Beach Thurs.. day. Robert Walker, new · director of the three-day~ State Department o ! Navigation and Ocean Development .. told a convention of California's harbor~ masters that Gov •. Ronald 'Reagan reor· ganized the department recently with lhat thought in mind. . Wa1ker heads an agenCy. whost rote In- cludes that of the former Division of Harbors and Watercraft along with maritlrile \ dUtits <1iice ·•hared by oth!r departments. · . The phil050phy of · coastline con. servation follows developmenl!:·in the lart session ol the Legislalure when ron· servation emerged as a burning . issue, 'walker said. Whether the philosophy e<iuld bP. <ip. piled dlrtclly io~ local iuues-1till 1' unanswered, he said. His department could not now become directly involved in the Upper Bay land exchange Issue or the baltle over public access lo Salt Creek. "We mlght if We were lo get some new Jaw's in the next Legislature," he said. 'Ylalker prefaced his explanation of the philosophy of his agency by citing the surge in interest ill the coastl ine and t:1e sea as a natural resource. "The coastline is the most importlnt feature of Callfomia's geography. "And It is a fixed quantity," he said. •· Approxi.mate!y 60 percent o f Calffonlia's shoreline is subject to pri· vale development whic hmay be incon· si~t~n~ wJQ1 .the highest publ!i: ln!trfst. The concentration of populauon 1S · in- creasing ·and pubti:c-acm:s to 1.he· sh9re- line. 1$ dlml~lshlng.'.' .Wa)k1!r: pjd, He added that uncontrolled develop- ' '. . ' . ment.()f the 1tate'1 shore.tint 1'ca!'I result in izT;everslble damqe to ·fish and wildlife.'' "Fufthemior'e.~ It· COO.Id ;do darriage to inany . of the esthettc · ind riecreallonal Yaluea of the shortline," be said. A plan to Pres67it'the ahoreiine for its best public ,Ult .alrtady ia in the worU, Walktr said... ' . . Ria new lgtncy w,Ould lJke over 1''ort on u.e state'a ~e ace. Arta Plan-, which· will 1ttVi-.a1' a ~ plan for' deVek,pment·of the Coastll~: · . "The objective of·l11.,plan lj I<> 1c:hi<Ye optimum planned de\ltlopJnetitl of the e-0astal area .for en~mental ·p~O. ' ' . te<:Uon, sclentiQc .knoWledgt! •. ~e and mtiintaining all of these in ways that-:do not dealrCI)' the coastal area •• ·." 1 ' ' Sama Barhara- Fights Oil . Leases SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-'Jbe Cily and county of Santa Barbara are askinl a ftderal apfieals cOurt to annul ntw offshore on drilling pennlts granted to three finns by the · Army Corps of Engineers. '111e petition, made public Thursday, asserted that if the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court ol Appeals does not annul the permlta, the companlea will tlU'n "Santa Barbara ChaMel into· a ,Bay of Wells'' before judlcla1 aetlon is pOsslble. Involved are three permiU for U:· ploratory drilling issued to Union Oil Co., four issued. to Hµmble Oil' and ReflnJng qo. and an eighth iNOed \o sun Oil Co. for a plaUorm. ' mobn, burlled oai Ii wtll' JlidQ· i..lm.i lhe oallon'1-)unar ~(. · Tlie'lllm niai, crew P)~ to Teach th9~moon 1'1~! to Kt uP·a .nuclear pow~ 1clti1Uflc·bue •~'begin niari 's !Int trUe 'e~!Otalki!i OI Ono(her worlil. The three man Apollo .Ji · crtw IUC· cessfully bZasted off on tht naUon's te· CO!Jd_ ~ landiJ1I ·mlalolj. today Jn I Iilii minute ihund&stortn. • · Prmltnt N•:hla -~:Pl!; 1Jleir d .. ~~ •Tilda' ud vi-• alid ............ . . ........, .. Mn. Spiro T.' .\IJ1eW Wert lmOll& the ... timtl<d lllll mlllloo-P<'""!I who walebed lhe liflofl. . ' . "Spectacular," Nixon ·declared. &rin· ~i~,:~==~·;~~l Iiom: ·a. V,~P viewin1~area about sv, mile1 from Uie launch pad.· Nisoo :'!as ijie first chief. executive to wifM:ls I 1JJanned spacecraft launching. ' ' ' ' ... rd.almost be poslilve iwe got~hit by Ughtnln1 aomeplp," spaceflla:bt COIJ'I· mand« · Chlrlet ~'Pete• Coar ad, ~31, calmly reported alter 'the spaceship·wu U.fely in earth orbit. He and hla ~panlons, Alan L. Bean, 37, Ind Richard F. Gordon, 40, planned•to set· u;.·a nuclear P,OWered tcientlflc b8$e on .thf.'mocxt ·•(Id· be&in man'• fint true expli>tall<ill of anoiher world. · · 'l'\1e itonn · lllieaieoec1 up to the Ii1111 minutes ·to delay the launch. But 14 minutes befori lchedUled blastofr. launch control nported ·u.,t weather. conditlOM were within accep&able margins. The bi1 Saturn •·rocket cteartd· the launch tower J>r~self On tlme. at 1:22 a.m. PST, afld It •weared a perfect laun- ch. ''This baby· II nally (oln(,"·Collrad reported. · But then uim., chansed drastically. Lone: afier the'· crew WN aloft, l\oWever; Crountf controlien still were.not enUrely ·~ wllal bappeoed. Court Rebuffs .Hinshaw -- ;i Assessor Won't Rec eive· Privdie C~u~~l jediOn of hi1 apptli~ couft argumeni, cancel taxes on Uew·Bay land transfer· 11'< TOM BARLEY Ot .. °"'., ,. ........ Orangt County -Andnw J. Hinlhaw '1 demand for a private altome1 in his aueasment batUe· with the Board of SuperviJOn baa been denied by the Fourth District Coon G( Appea~ ii· WU Jeamed 16ila7. Tllf appellale bench ruled againot 11\e assessor Thurlday by refusing to grant the writ of mandate he aought last Oct. 23. • No clarification of the ruling W!lS of· fertd to either party and court officials today reJuaed ·to ~ other than confinD 11\e cleclalon. ' Hlnahaw ~ Atd he will discu11 Iba denial wllll hla Lot Anielel allorney1 befon olferlnl: any comment oo tbe re- -·- "All r can ay _at 11Jb 11ap GI Ille ram• ied·to ~ "!"lnl1 .11Y the trvlne. Company Is lhalll has been clenled," he said. ".For -'Tud gll"'4·ln ~!or county all I know ll>en may be olller Jqal lldei.n.li. ID a : tIUt .ci/iniir6vn.,. b)' remedlea fll'ailaWe and we want lo look aupe1 •IML - at all of 0-belo,. I Py"anythlng." i '.Tba ·UlllllOl\allotn lhal'lml nap Iii Hlnahaw lold'-1111'D lall:Ocl. II lhat unlawf\ll ml --'arid-!hr he would 11n·111a dtspul< with the county llltus ol the lrv1-y deal b; ,cur· board "all the way to the Supreme Cow1 renUy being aiPed 'lri the cGurta. II nectsury." • • But .11\Jyl'"' ,,... npealedly w1i;n«t The ruling f1 viewed by Involved COUfllY Hinshaw thlt hla ®ty as assmor Is. to officials u .&he a~late eoui-t's opifdon · c;arrj ·oU.t &he order.a· of the Board ot (){ lUMhlW'S a rcun;nt !hit I conflict of ' SupUvflOfs', • • ', lntereat 1exitt1 between tile asseuir-_,.and . Both men ttteiitly carried.their feud County Counsel 'Adrian Kuypu, ;;';".' bd ... 11\e Or•nie <l01!!llY Grand 'J"'1 Jn Hinshaw hu been conalttenUY:...,. )!ha\ ,,hu · 1*en . dOacrUled • Is an demoed hr Kuyper.·1n frank verbi'-e1-1 'urn:iJuanr c1ndtd" txchtince Of~ changea between the tlto oftlclaJa lor 1he 'paJttl bas backed, H\nsMw to the reluslni to obey board lnotructlono to (1111 IDNlllA W, Pap I) I. • -. ' N.Y. Ste±a . DAJ\Y 111\0T ft'" ..... .. I , , . ;; ,. -.;.:.'1\RS, .. CA"o~I HANSON,.SONTODli;~; '·. . p o te' l •;. ;,;,· .u.J1_ ~Ctf \ I , · .¢ ,4 C $ if ~, ._\ . . ..... ~ ... ·.·-., ......... . S4 Chj~f:~Pe·f ends~(j:fficer- • . ' J ,. ~ I . •• : ~' . • •. . . ' • ,' 1 , • ' • • • , 1 • • I ' , I l • ' • • ' A:ccused . in .A$s(iuli · CU$e · ·· San1e.An.i P.once.Cbi•l,Edwant .~. Al-~;· c.,.;nd ·aury -ie.umony charged len .'tl;larou&IW dlupproves of an Orqe. him with assault ·with a· deadly weapon Cowi!i. GraiMI JiD'y.)J1dh:jJ11tll\ chargil)g last.July 8 aa·a•-11 ol bia nlJhUtlcl: one qr.~s'YOW'& patro]inen with using un. UBe. . ( dui fotce -ac&tnst a black teenaa:er. '.WllRJ!*S s&iid Fauat beat the 13-Jear· : OfO'eer ruCharo'E. Fiullt'.21 'will also ' old GiJm•ore needlesslY after .h.ls lttempt; rtmtin 'di\ duty pe1nd.lni dls~ftlon 9£. the l4? (let· from · the • Mancheater Aveme cue ~gflosl him 1n .whjch .he l•J!Clledul·' lji:Jl!ty•was U,warled. tld to be aiTa!Pe<i .Dec.. S ln SiJperior. ."All l'Ye heard ,ate~c:o,nfll.c·t1ng Cou'rt.', ' ~ : ' . · 1t.i;iteme~ts from ~ifferent Witnet(Sll," · H' w'5 1~ on his· own . recogr\Jzan~e said Cluef Allen .• The!'9 h,s ~ no · lt"~·t • u· b II ThUt&day on orders formal C011J.plaJ11it ~t thi1 police .dtptrt-w •lllU pas n1 a • . 111ent •• .. ol Jupp.R~bert Gai:dncr. "A~ J'ye been given no opportunity to "1 was never ask~ for my·i;omTJlents look at the case against Officer FJUlt," on the Charges leading ;to:thls .lndlctme.nt he C<lfitlnued. "He's a good offlctr. I have a.ncJ 1. b&ve no reaso~. to believe t~ no quarrel with his reCord . In "the. two ch81]e81 were ·founded, declared Cluef years he's worked for ·us."· AllentTh\lf&Pll-Y·. . · Cliief · A'llen added to his reference.. to "1 am not criticizing_the ·Gr~nd _J~,~ the Grand Jury_wilh. .what ..he-carefully_ but fdo want to say piat. Off!ct;r Faust explained was a comm~lacy and, not'-"a has. a .good reeqrd and he will remal~ criticism. . · On duty unUI this thing 11 cleared .up, "I remember·the remarks made bf.Its Chief . i\)J~n continued. former chairman •when he led the group The officer Is · accused ot ·using un· a!Jd when somethin1 like this comes up, nectMar1 force against Jesse Gilmore, you ean;t help but wonder about it, .. the then 17,.in sul;idulng him after an escape . c~lef saJd. _ iUempt .u he was being delivered lo William fl.fartin. mayor of Laguna. orange County Juvenile·Hall. Beach'", quit the Grand Jury earlier this The sPec:lfic indictment returned after yea r in mid.term, 'without explicitly tell· · ing the reuon. UCI · P1·otesters Small in .. Nmnher . '.. . . ' · 'J'bt ·Vietnam ·war Moratortuin di(h;l't · IOtally' itnit down the UC"Irvlne·campus · Thul!day and toclaY blil .lhm-didn't·•P..' pew .. to ~ a m:y lara:e portion of tlle · 5,000 students o:n campus. . , . Stu .KramU)'·ol the Moratorium .com •. mltiee at-a noon rally Thursday clMme'd ll 90 wcent eftectJye stfike '00 cl&SMJ!I. 1 C"lmpuS adrplnlstratlon officials cohced~ the mOr&torlum had· cut heavily Into Jat.' t"e:ldfnCe, but could provide· no estiri'lateil. ~ Cabcellatlon oT postponemenl Of cla$aes · bv professors made ·It so iome ·studentJ . w'hO woU\d have gone to classes had· nooe: to-akeflll. I:,' ~ If , t ' &I.II tl~n,. ln•l•rt• IWlllbOn .were. iioi· ti~~ t1ie1• ""!' -ncit Vtalb!1 ."'P" . Jiorlkwl , 1mon~: at:llvl~ , Ip the · - -....... ·.1i· •' I ' -':;•'.':" _,' . ~·~·' A ..,_,.. "·""" I>!' • .,_.,-.com.. par1eq1ia or .onlf ·* ~ atleodH .. · 1"""''~.J jull-3!0 ~1 .an: .._eni,,. anll-w.r ~ coocut,ud ·oqly 10 .s!ePt . mmllhtr on ilbe campus llirn ln' a mbcb ' aubllcfi.ed 1111ve In:" , , ' Mother ape,ker af Ille Tl\urtd,IY noon ralfy', m1t0r)i Teaching Assistant Richard Robertson. 1111veyed , th• ·~1 .. ppolnll n1!' crowd 1and m•de 'a remark abOut over-, crOWded beachts. . · Today' UCI anU:War stt&dtnta •ere to caravan' to .Fullerton for • march-wlUt. Col' Sutt f'UIIertOO' .sluclenla' i./ mipe. Ground S,stoma.1 I llnn 1'1111 . mllllary · con~att~ · \ ' He never .denied suge&tiona, however, that the panel WU' much more. liberal in I,. outlook than' be bad expected ai1d some of its decisions did not please him. Martin has said In ptibllc that some of lta actions were tn direct ·Conflict with bis own personal phlloeophies . Orange. Weatl!er lt won1t be tbk:k ·en6ugh to shovelt but 'the fog Will prevail dur· in£ the morning· and· evenilig. houi-s • along the 1cout, ·thi11 weekend. T~mpCratUres will. hover afound J the mldd1i . '°'.. . · . ' j INSmE TODA l! I Two rou11a .&>vi~("' Call/or. n!a optnr, liRofr1 10M · mode I .,...,.,.Joo .,,..,,.,., .. ,. In Nro 1'.•rk,or1 ba<l<'home for •J>P<!•r· a!'Ct• '1D!th , tl)e Neto Yt?tk Citu "Pt'rJ -a"'1 • nJo~ng th• J)lecaurrs of.boGting, 'Sec IOdaJ(s 1 Weekender., ~ · hltlM tt Mtllln f e.11,.r1ll• • Mt'lltt .,.. C1t111t:tlli 2Nt Mllhl•I 41-11 CflWct Ir Mltlw!tl HtWI •I c,_..___, H on... c.itY ll Dfftll Mefktf 11 • ._.. ,.... t DI.weft,. , 11 IMCti Mer!letl .. 11 ni''Wltf' ,... • ,......... " """"....... """ .,,...,. .... ,....._ "'" ,......, ~ ...,_.... 14 ........... .., AMll ...... II ............. p.~ r .. I ' .. DAil V l'ILOT L ~R.Y,PILOTlt9fl ...... 'COLD PACKS' -,, ~a· Beach ICboOJ oHiclal1 study packaged 1--~-luncheacdwingcdiocumm on w,ays.MLJ:ut.lood costs. From Iott.·~­ school board meml>e!'f Mrs. Jane Boyd,. El MOrro .S!:hoo) ·?rblclP'!I William Allen and Mrs. Marian·Garr.ett, supemsor ol.lood .. IO!'Vlces for Laguna Beach UnilloC! School Dtatrlct. , • ·~~~;:;...,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From P .. e J ~EL TORO .PRISONER. • • her lo WNhlnlton, D.~ where sho wu lnvtted by ·Alabama· Congraaman WU. • Jiam 4 Dlcklmon to wJtneu the lnlUa- lion of hla resolution calling oa North Vietnoia lo abide· by lhi Geneva. C<ll- r.ventlon'. · · -· ; At Christmas time ahe will go· even .further -to Parjl: to aeek a penonat ,£onfrontallon with x .. n Thuy, head of the North Vietnam peace de}ej:aUon. ~NOT NECEUARY . -· · "It INOuldn't be hecesaary for wives of · prlsoners to have t.o go to Patil," she says:· •'lt should be government to government, hui they don't recogntu any n~ clwmela of comrmu1lcallon . I will .. ., • private cltpen , ·~~l•vls!i!n .. Uoo Is -Ing my trip -and wltliOut anr. pvemment connection. It will me11.n givtng up Christ.mas with my lltUe boy, ..tout U 1~1:'' his father home, it :i..tn be " -, .. Al 1he !Union bomt, a mm!y, b!Ood, 3- : year-old, greeU: visltcn with a salute and ~a few tootles OCl-a:,J:ather ba&tei.'.e;d .. J<!Y i bulJe. He tolls '°".JI!! ~Is Todd and !his Siamese carts n.,ritd JWhJaniln. : ' Todd has never lffll the-lither J!iho Jen •for Vietnam IO days before he was : tiorn. on Sept. 17, 1968. But he knows : about the heli~ter and tbat the North : Vietnamese won t let daddy come home : yet. "He's always been quite a talker," say :Carole, whose qulcll: mrulfl.beJJes the dark :circles under her eyes. "So we:Ve talked :a lot about hla father' ln•thf;·put year. It ·amazes me to see how he has develop. · ed lils father's mannerisma:, without ever ueing him ••• " Over the ·11rep1aee In 1he Hanson llvl!ig , room hangs another bugle, larc~.-b\Jt also well-worn. A gift to Steve, CirOle u'~ plalns. ' :LOOKS YOUNGll!I, • On the mantel, flan);ed by two small, ·while ceramic doves, is a famed pk:ture of the handsome 1-farine o{ficer and "bis wire. She looks much younger In the pie· ture. though it can't bt more than a few ;years old. She is only 30 now. They met, Carole recalls, at a basket. ....... ball-game between bis school. Sl Mary'1 College, and berS', San J05e State. Alter Hijacked to Cuba BARRANQUILLA, Colombia (UPI) -'A Colombian DC4 airliner hi)acked by ~Ix ·anned men completed .a refueling stop Thursday night and took oU for Cuba witb 59 persons aboard. • . . ' [1.f\:J y 1 I QI ORANG~ COM1 PUil...,.. COMMfllf l1Mtf' N. Wff4 ---J··· .. c.rt.., Viet rr..... -Gner•....., Tli••• ICttttl ..... 11i•11111 A. Mirr11ltT1• _ ..... ~r·"•"' '· Nin ·--Clly t:11111r ---221 Fa111t "'"· M1UJ11 Mll1tt1t ,,0. lu "'-tJ'lt --C•• Mtttr JJt....,-., lfY'lft """""'tl«ll: "11 ...,., .............. ~!Mato:••""" ~ graduation .... uupt , ... two ,_, ii ea111.anflliP School In Loi AnJeles and &be taogl>t -grade at Jdltl100 ~ Scllool In Burbank, where she llf'W up and her pareols ·'!llU liY11. TboJ•w.,.. l1W'lled there In Feb- ruary, lta. . • Tlie next year, Sieve doc)d!<f 1o· «!'!'· ~lpe .'l)la Jove .of Oylpg with his mIUiory 1d!i/: ~~lion ~ tnlbt'!I In 1he I . . ~~ ·"He's ahtayl"been crazy about nying,'' u,ys Carole. "He ~ up In Oxnard and he med to IO and sit at lhe end of the runway at the air force base and watch ille.W-:-He, -1hem all, Wben be '11U llll\'a·ntt1e.1>oy.• Offl6er's training at Quanllco wu followed by flight training at Pensacola . then assigned lo a newly formed helicop\er squdroo at the Santa Ana air laclUty. I WONDERFUL YEAR That w•s when they bouaht the hoVJe tn El Toro. "We had a wonderful 3'llt here before be left for Vietnam," fiji; Carole. That was on Sept. 7, 1966. Ten days l~tter Todd arrived at Hoag Hospital. Her sister, Joan Shiplef; who lives It ,SBS Poplar St. In Laguna Beach and le~s· al Irvine J unior High, look her-to the • bospital and stayed wilh her: for a while. For the next nine months she was in. touch wJQi Steve and unt him picf.ores, Of, the baby. "We were schedu1ed for. 1n R and R (rest and recreation leav~) in'the' midd1e 'of June. He was shot dGwn June S.' It was hard to see that date go bY.'' 11y!I Carole. ": ·smCe then ·there has been no word, though She Writes her husband every month, in care of the post a:fflce at Hanoi. No one knows U the letters. ~ve, 'but the wives write anyway. Since tbe campaign starte6, they have done-a lot more whiting. LeUers by the hundred go out to editors at foreign newspapers throu,ghout the world, urging them to publicir:e the cause of the "lost" prisoners. Many editors have respQnded .kindly, Carole says • URGES SUPPORT U.S. government ofricla1s and foreign heads of government and their am· bassadors in·this country also get letters, urging support of the effort to persuade. Hanoi to abide by Geneva. Carole herself launched a . bumper sticker campaigi'I, supplying members of the National League with 25,000 stickers reading. "Don't Let Them Be Forgotten -POW's -fl,llAs ." She has the stickers printed in Costa Mesa and financed them herself 1t 'first. but other prisoners' wives who order them by hundreds, now helP. defray tbe cost, and fri'1\Cl s l'iend donations. People who \\'ould like to htlp the prisoners' familiet by volunteering to \\Tlt4, speak or with money lo pay postage, may con.tact Mrs. Hanson at Post Office Boz 313, El Toro. Wnat does she think about the war pro- tests and the moratorium? "l can't http feeling this gives aid and comfort to the enemy and may prolong the war. Even if we don't entirely agree \\1th· the President, as long as we have fathers and husbands and sons over there, we ' 1hould !iUpport t h e governmentjs efforts. VERY IDEAIJSTlC "J am quite sure many o( theAe: young people ll'e Vtr)' alnctre, very Idealistic. l just fetl that '°mewhere along tbe .line. parents or schools h11ve faUed to teach them some of the things they should lc;now about Why We are there. "I undentand'thet Idealistic young peo- ple mll!t have 1 cauae to flght ror . 1 jUst wish some~o ('them would Join us," Teenagers, 1he feels. could ynderltl~ the plight o! the Jamili.,. Somttlme• It 1 a H"le dlffloull to explain thlnp to a th~year-old. ''Uke the other mom In«," she says. "Tqdd wu alttlng there eatlna bJs ctrul :ind' suddenly he asked, 'Why don' thole North Vietnamese just let daddi' t1l« his hell<opttr to th.a 1ast staUon' and get It. ........ -. ...,.-Tti.it1it ..utdlly right home. • .. - .S~ools May Cut Lunch Costs Streamlined 'Meth~ of Pr~·packaged System Shown .\ •'"'"••I ...I 111o11 JY1f1m u.ai 111 car or truck to 11Jolllle ochools:Lunch l~e· prosent system, wllh a separate locreaslng labor and load ,.cool!,· ebe could cut ClftClrta 1abar ~·In U.. mfaUI remain the ume, Ekco represeo. cafeteiia at each llChool 1UK1 a total of six said, have made·tt nec~ry to lncmse Lacuna. Unmei:I Sc:booJ Dlstrlct'• U... · taUve .Rudy 'ffocb· · explalned, wiPl employe.s, maximum production including . the school lunch price to '5 cenll, which eJomentaiy llChools.1>1..,._estimated__ dlsJ1ictl.conlinulng.lOJ>\JyJJ1.<ir,<2WJ11.'®._ preparation and serving Is 10 lunches per has iOmewhal decl:oueil'. ,I I• dent thlrd, and'also Teduce the present~ but pre.packaging greatly rtdutea ·tabo:r hout' per 'employe. Under the central ' E lunch coat to students,. was displayed to requirtments. , -· kitchen method, she uld. thia could be ~patiQl'I, vehn •1°·J the (>l'tlCHJDI In admlnistraton, PTA representaUves and Each· lunch consisb lJl a "hot pack" or increased to 15 or 18 lunches per em.ploye the elementary sc oo s snot yet se (·SUS· food service employes 'fbursday af· mo1n dish packed in a two<ompartment hour. laining, temoon. -,oil container which can be heated at the There would be no need lo purchase The school board now wants the -~ , Jn the demonltration, arraoa:ed by Mra. 11teWte school immediately before &er\t· any htavy equipment, Mrs. Garrett sakl, gram to carry certain ·operatjOnal"-)x. Marian. Girrett; district r;upervilor of Jng, and a "cold paci" including such because each school already has a con· penses previously bud&eted eLseWfe f~ services, represeritaUves of Ellco items as cake or buttered bread, jello or vectlon oven for heating ·anct . a and instructed Mrs. Ga{rtlt to loo,k ln.~o PrOOucts 1:nc. presented l'ilides, equip.. fruft des.sert 8nd salad, packeti _in a refrigerator. Only investment would be in rosl-saving systems used in other ment and sample lunches to illustrate the covered plastic container and aerved carrying basket& and the foil and plastic districts, with a view to at least breaking pre-packaged hot hmch system now used directly from refrigeration. The eold coolainers. The latter, she said, would even. The lunch propam is required to in 50 Callf.ornia acbool districts lDcWdiJll pack also carried a napkin and disposable cmt no lDOre than the paper and plaJtic be run on a non-profit basis. 20 districts in Southern Califomia. utensils and drinking straw for the milk servlng equipment in use thil year, since The propoeed luncb program will be The Q'lltm calll for preparation of 1~ that goes with the hmcb. &ebool dishwphing operation w a s comidered by the Laguna acbool board at cbes lo a central kitcben and diRribuUoo Mra. GarreU told viewers that under eliminated to 'save labor costs. a furtbcoming meeting. Pipe Puffers Arrested on Hashish Conni Two young women cbarpl with taking alternate puffs on a pipe of hashish were seized by Lagwa Beach poilce officers Thursday afte r one allegedly threw·tbe pipe into the surf as Police approached. Police and .sheriff's nareotics· of~ seized two-ri:iore ·pttaons, 10\lfll·men, ups moruin& at ~ Del Camino HoteJ .a,nd clllmed Ibey confiscaled bo1h LSD and an ounce of huhlsh. Booked after the Thursday beach ar· rest were Christie Ann Fulton, 19, 464 Canyon Acres Drive; and Robin Leona Elliott. 18 of 564 Ramona St. They were booked on suspicion of possessing mari· jllana with inttflt to sell it. - Sgt. Dave Brown said Officer Joe Garcia aaw_tl!o_ll!'O J!l!llnl,a )arge pipe bock and forth OD the Dta<ll. A> Gir<!a a'nd another ·officer appn>iached, .11ld Brown. one pitched tbe pipe inlo -the ocean and tried-to throw a }>Ouch Jn also. Brown· said . the arresting officers recove'red a quantity of hashish from the pouch and mote hashish from a paper bag. The Fulton woman w1s reie1sed on $1,000 ·bail and· the other suspect was released on 'her own recognlzance by Judge Richard ·Hamilton pendin1 ·al'"· raignment in municipal court, Btowa said. Sherill's narcotics officers working wi1h 14uDa police thiJ _,iing arrested -~~,JI; and llorace earl Duncan, 18, ·both· of the Del Camino Hotel, 1289 S. C.0.St Highway. Oppenheimer was booked ·on suspicion oJ ••IUDC Jiiil1juaff.i J"! ounce of ho'iiilili) .. ild Duncan 'otl.iilsPfclon of sell· Ing LSQ (31 ta~ . during \WO '}>Urcl\-), ' ', 1 NarcQtias investigat~ said tl;le . buys 8nd ·arrests :weie m'ade without f,an!are·at \he hotel this morning: .'.fh!o ,imemployed s\ispects Mre laken lo counl;y jail peod-jna .a ·M~af.~ourt .arratgrunenL . ' ' . .: ' Fl'Om Pqe 1 HINSHAW .•• ' point that It baa urged the Boml ol Supe~' 1o appoint pr\vate counsel for the-1asel80f. . Deputy Coui>ty Coonset Clayloo Parker today commented that the' Fourth Distrlct decision "justlfies tn every way, the argument laid before the court by os. This denial mOre or less ends our interest in the matter antl any further move v;·ould have to come from Mr. Hinshaw," Parker said. County Counsel Kuyper was out of town today and not available fot·commeot. A source close to the dbpute between the two o(ficials today commeoted that the county assessor "had perhaps made a mistake in bypassing the Superior Court and lfOlng dlrocUy to the appellaJo level. "This is neyer very popuha In the fleld of ·law," the attorney Sald. "And, in any event, I think Hin.shaw would have done far. be~ to have placed tJUs particular diiPllle be!<n judges who were much more famlllar with uils ilt!ue and who could bt · ezpected to bear in mind the community aspects of this liUaation." Massachusetts Funeral Planned Graveside services will be held T\tonday Rt Blue Hiii Cemetery. Braintree. 1t1ass. for Robert B. Morris who died Tuesday in South Coast Community Hospita1 at the age of 80. • Mr. Morris, who lived for 22 years In t.agUna Beach, formerly owned a postage Elamp vending company ln the east. After his retirement, he made his home al 393 Myrlie St. Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. dlrec· tors. Yippics Get Permit For DC Picketing WASJUNGTON !UPI) -Tho Youth Jntemational Party (Yippies) ha s won ~vfrnm~t permission to mtreh •round the Justice Departmtnt buildln1 for thrt1 hours Saturday In protest of the "CbJca10 E;•ht" trial The JUJ!ice Departmtnt, whlth gr1nted the permit Thund&J, ~Id t b e demOllS\ralnn would have ~p on P,. hall or the lhe llrtel c tq ihe building • Harbor Bee ling Oil Still Plagues Santa Barbara By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. D4tr '*'Stiff Santa Barbara'• harbormasler Thurs- day paJnted·a·gr11n plcturellf'.-d<lea- harbor still reeling from the effects of last !pring's oil spill disaster. And it all could happen again, Donald Sathre told fellow harbormasters gath· ered at a convenUon at· Newport Beach's N<wporter Inn. He said the harbor still is suffering heavUy even though the thousands of gallon.11 of crude hive disappeared from !ilght. Sathre said the tragic, swift surge of oil Into the harbor borne on one single 'tide proved that Santa Barbara Is totally vulnerable to floating oil slicks and just about helpless. Every attempt to stem the oil's now ffi.. to the· harbor proved futile, he said grimly. ' .. : The attempts at Combating 'tbe lniU81 oil .pill were all lneffedive, ·and some, Sathre said,· were worse than the disaster itself. "Dredges which once worked the· harbor entrance each year arc idled now ~t'.ase public agencies and citizens charge that they are creating pollution," be related. · · · The dredges, he 1aid, are sucking up organic· debris mixed with oil ;µid dis· perslng chemicals which)lad settled to the botlom after emergency procedures. ''There •Ull Is a large area of the bay where the bottom is coated with this muck. The dredges were jurt, picking it up. "If it ever were to hapRen again," be l'iaid adam=, "there w~'t be any chemicals an ed." -~-·t Sathre desc with sotne bitterness the reluctance of the city's Politicians to recognize the linpending dliaster and balking of agencies such u the depart- ment of Fish and Game. "'City ;Hall is ·only a half-mile away (rom the harbor but it took ,hoUrs to con- vince the .ma)'or' and city manager of the extent of the thing," he said: •He Said the •100,000 spent before the disaster to fW the spaces in tbe harbor's breakwater was "money . down the drain.'.' · "When the. oil hit, the breakwater leak· ed like a sieve." Boom erection plans were .just as futile, he added. A bale boom arrangement stretched across the harlxr entrance proved total· ly lneffectiv!, he said. "On the ocean side of the boom the oil built up to a thickness of eight inches and eventually the pressure just 1ifted the boom high. enough .for the .oil to come through. The pressure also snapped a tw1>inch line holding the boom. It broke like Jt was· thread.:' Sopblsllcaled_ air-~ booms worked . even worse, he said, and when oil-soak stra\V floated by, it created whirlpools letting the oil into the harbor, Sathre said. Efforts to clean .the sticky oil<loged rocks of the break~·aters were just as futile. The Union Oil Company (owner of the well which bl ew out in the channel caus- ing the slick) has cleaned the harbor 's jetty rocks twice since last spring. "If you were to see the rocks today they are just as black as they were when the oll hit." Sathre said. Santa Barbara ls still receiving oil, he disclosed, but allegatlons that they are coming from the Union oil well which blew out are Incorrect, he said. An area known as "Coal Oil Point"' where oaturl;tl seepage always has OC· curred, is the offender now, he said. Political and public backlash because (If ~he original disaster also adds to the dilemma. "Before the oil hit there were extensh•e plans to redevelop the harbor. Now Ibey appear gone forever," he said. Tht> harbor's sportflShlng business Is entirely wiped out, and the hotel business this year is off 20 percenl "Every sportfishing boat w e n t bankrupt after the oil slick, and the com· mercial fishermen are trying to start again," Sathre said. Hi!: fellow harbormasters grilled Sathr'e on the pei'fonhahce of booms to stem tM flow of oil into harbors. He replied citing personal experience that booms stretched across breakwaters aren't as effecUve as Chey seem on paper. "Grouting' (filling the gaps) o f breakwaters jus t doesn't wvrk and you would be amazed at· how fast oil can work its way through,'' he said. Tremendous pressures built up by oil pushing against lhe fl oating barriers strain the ropes holding the booms and ••can snap just about any line you use." What wou1d he do it it were to happe n 1galn? · SE1thre"s cryptic reply : '·Head C;ast." AF Grounds Fill Jets WASHINGTON (UP I) -The Air Ferce today grounded its enti re fleet of 224 Fl 11 jet planes because of a new flaw discovered in two of them at Nellis AFB, Nev. Laguna Beach To 'Light Up' For Holidays From the hilWdes to the ahore, Laguna Beach will again glow with the spirit o( Christmas. The business lights go on Nov. 28 a,,, Laguna merchants launch their tr4 tional hospitality nicht to welC<UP visitors to their shops and stolu. Bill McCready, chairman of the city's ''Festival of Llghls", said the JayceQ wHI again handle competition and judglt!I for both business and residential Christmas decorations. Entry blanks: will be available at the chamber office, 280 Park Ave. McCready said the three en~ tO toWn will be decorated wit hthe bugt; stained glass window religious sctnes created by Laguna aft!sl Boris ~uzan. They will be stationed at north and south locations on Coast liighway and along La guna Canyon Road. Buzan's l<-1test nativity scene is 21h stories high. They \Viii eventually be a serles of six v.•orks positioned in lieisler Park on fu· ture Christmases. McCready said large artlst's palettes v.ill decorate the downtown area while 20 11E.1v Christmas tree decorations will be affixed to light standards along south and north Coast Highway. They are 81h feet tall. Forest Avenue will be strung with colored lights. A 40-foot Christmas tree will be located at the foot of Broadway. Santa's house . vt•ill be there-also with Santa Claus mak- ing his first appearance on hospitality night, McCready said. He said hospitality night is chaired by Bill Axel ine of the Downtown Business AS.!lociation. City work forces will again decorate ci- ty hall and the fire station and string col· ored lights on the heritage pepper tree that towers over the mun icipal buildings. There will be lawn decorations at city hall and again the big monkey pine on North Coast Highway will be decorated. Laguna last year won the Orange COun. ty Coast Association's sweepstakes award in the "Forty Miles of Christmas Smiles'' competition. A second was won in the most beautiful city hall category and Buzan's windows captured a lipecial . award. Gary Archibald, J a y c e e s project chairman, said Dec. 17 is the deadline for home lighting entries. The city has been divided into three sectors for judging of both businesses and residences. Some judging sectorS will be Broadway to Irvine Cove: Broadway to Lagunita.. ar:d Lagunita to 1'1onarch Bay. CT? • : :a a , • a ( REMODELING SALE Featuring Upholstery .1, A v•sf s~IKf~on ~f qu1lity. upholst•r•d furn iture at 111ceptional s1Tings. CJtoo.se your 1:rpltolstery from the following f~1 lines: N1t1on1I, Merge Carson, Jemestown Lounge, Hibrit1n, Pecific., L.ndtnark end others. Savidgs from 200/o to 50°/o off. Some examples folow. Reg. SALE 419. $299. 289. EA. $149. EA. 279. EA. $149. EA. 499. $399. 499. $399. 499. $339. 189. $139. 235. $159. 279 . $139. I 59. $129. 169. $ 84.50 Sofa Textu re. Rust & orange. Z & H ........... . 2 Chairs. Blue & green. National ..... , ...... , , 2 Chairs. Orange & gold. texture. P,.cific , , .... . Sofa. Gold velvet. Notional . : .......•...•... , . Sofa, Floral print. National , . , .. , ............ . SI . eeper sofa. Texture stripe ......... , ........• Swival rocker. Damask. Jamestown ............ . Easy chair. Linen print. National ........... 1 •••• EesJ; choir. Blue green print. Marge Ceraon . , , , .. 2 c 'airs. Green velvet luffed ................ . Rocker. Red velvet , •... , •...•... , ........ , .• Ov1r 150. ch1irs end 25 sofe s. All ~l~es, shapes, ind colors to choose from. 181 among the first to 11Tt<:t from this le·rge e11otfment of terr1f1c: velue1. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON-HERITAfiE NllWl'O~T llACH 1721 W-lllf Qr. 642·2050 °"" "'''" 'TU. ' INTERIORS Prof1Uional Interior ONlgnere Avallabl.-AID-NSID LAGUNA BIACH 345 North Coal! Hwy. 4""551 Of'IN NIDAY '1'L t "'-Tell ,._ M• el ot.p C....., 14 .. 1141 . . -· ~·-• ' I ---·--- C~ls c~pa•p•~• . Congress Recess To Be Shnrt One Symphony Scheduled By Doctors The Doctors' Symphony cf Orange County and Long Beach will perform at the Garden Grove Community Churcli, 12141 Lewi5 Street, Sunday, at 2 p.m. The 85.member churcli choir wm Join the orchestra to perfonn the B o r Od l n Polovetllan D a n c e 1. Dr. Arthur Howard will cooduct. A rarely performed Albinonl Concerto for Two Qboes will be played by Dr. Carl Bishop and. James Flowers with harpsichord and orchea:tra ac· companlment. A Mozart Hom Concerto will be played by John Ayre, French horn. Bizet's Symphony No. 1 and Chadwick's Symphonic Sketches round out the pro- gram. A lree wlll ollering·wlll be taken during the concert to benefit the Health Fair of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Orange County M e d I c a I Auoclation. LONDON (AP) -Britain may ease some immigration CQntrols and admit 10.000 Asians holding B r I ti s h passports from East Africa. informed sources reported. Many otherwise would be cast adrift by Kenya's · Africaniuilion program to fill certain Jobs with AfriCBD na- tionals ooly alter Cbrls1mu. Tanumite • Expensive New Jewel With all that extra foot room. shin room, knee room and leg comfort. See if you don't prefer sido-by-side seating in our enormous third-seat sofa. Only the big Chevrolet wagons have all this you can walk into for anywhere near the money. But you ought to know what else you're getting into. 0 } f ~I . ' ' !f .. ~ .;( ',Y ' ' All-vinyl interiors you can wash and wear, and wear, and wear. Carpeting that'll make you want to kick your boou olf. -------~-----~ DAIL V Pilaf 8 Youngest Trustee Founder's .Descendent TUhes On Tcuk .&, Two hundred fifty V8 horses to get you on the move and keep you there. Walk .in. Sit in; And &ec. Putting you tint, keeps us tint. • I Onthemove: The Chevrolet'70s. ' . • . ' ' - I' • Jf DlllY PILOT LEGAL NOTICE Mtry hlft Mor!Ofi Not•rv l>\lbllc: C•lllwnle ,rlft<:IHI Ofllee Ill o,,,.., ,_,... Mr C-1uitll UP1rn Apf-11 ' 1t11 '°Otlll$1Wocl Ori"" (091! Novtmber 1 U. n 21. Ifft LEGAL NOTICE NOTICt: TO C•IDITO•.S SUl"llll:IOI COU•T 0, TMI' •TATILOP CAil.l,OltNIA ,0. 'TM( COUNTY 01' OlltAHOI ... _ f"t t1i. of SALLY l(lNW,t,LO D!l(fftt(t NO.TICE I~ MEltESY GIVEN ta the uw~ Ill tllf: 1boYe 111~ dtc@dent , .... Ill Pfl1lll!lt llllV!fttl ei.lt'N ffllMI lflll Mlf dK'fdeM lnl !"Hlllrtd ta f!)t lllflt'I WI"' tl!fi -.et'V V(IUCl'le,.. In lht Clll!tt ., IM el«fll ltl "'" ·~ f!ll!tted CGV•I or 1't ~ tMffl WU~ lllt nttPcUIN ~' ta fl'tfi Vf!Cltr1l1ned ..i ttit oHlc1 Of Ills 1fl!>f'~ M11rr1v M. Clwtllner 11'111 H H lllel111W11 ~ Dllver Drlv., $ulte Humbrr 4 N~ lleech C.!1Mr11l1 wt.kl!' 11 rM a11c1 al lx/JfM1.t af tht .......-...,,,""' 111 111 m.tl~ Hrl1l11ll'4 to ""' ~t1t1 of uld ll~t-nl wllhln !(II.It mll'ltlls 1rtrr IM lint l'UbllC.llon of lhl1 """' 01ted l)(frtbv n. tut D1vlil J(-K1nw1kl l'l.Culw Of the Wiii Ill ftit lbove Mmtd dtetdtflt MUIUtAY M. CMOTINllt, .... M. tt, •llSMA ... ... .-...... .............. " M ........... C.1ffiw111• T .. r m•> '"''"" .. ,.,..,..,. .......... Putlll.,._ O!'tM• C.~a1t fllll)' Plklf O«*' 2A.. Jl 111<1 NOlltmbsr 1 14 ''" 1196-6t LEGAL NOTICE t: Frtd17, November 14, 19" • Misan Aids Complet~New NASD Ll1tlnp foto Thuraday.'Now.,,btr 13, 1969 OVER THE COUNTER Plans for ' :WESCON -· York Stock List ' Market Symliqb j ' J • : 1 ! : ~ : ~ I • • • • ~ • ~ • • I! I ~ : • • ~ 5 I • ~ • • ,, • : : : • • I l ' I I .. ~·-·----------.....,......_.. ~--- ---- - --------------- --- --- -------------- ----------------- _Fn,..d..;:lf1e.' .::.N::P'l.c.'m;.:bt;_r..:1..::4,..:00=--'L'----~~~PILOT .~J...--. ~- Friday's P~ces ---~ Complete New· York Sl9C~. Exchange List ·. - I Final Stocks In All Home Editions • • 1 J z DAil V PILOT "' ' • Sears J'ermaoPresl~ Stadium Coats• ''"~" 0.1, 1499 Uirnted Quality: Zip out liner. 65% Dae· r on• polyester, 3 ~% cot· ton twill. black. 364~. Men's Dnn Clothing Dtpt. Penna-Prest~ Doubleknit Fabrics 3.B•sn Only l..i111i1r.d Qa1n1i1~! 344 ,. ' Regir!ar $4.99 . , Deek~Sl10es ~ l-Honrt Only' 1.imilf tl Quanri1~ ! 31)7 Cotton duck ·oMoi'd, fully cushioned. insOlc. crepe rubber soles. lo colors. Sb1t Qtpt. 82.99 to S6.99 Watch Bands .i.Houn Only l.imilfd Vuan1i1~! }97 , Take your pick of.rhese 2 popular sryles in white and · · pastel colors. Small to large. Terrific! lingtrit Dept, .. Save $1 to $2. Wh ite, sblid color.and: sr riped·d'rcss · shirts, short or long sleeve. Sizes· 6-20. · · · , BoJJ'·St11Jtn11' Dtpi. .. Mesh nyto n·in:scrts with cushioned Wonderfill ~inina for shape and 1uppol't. Adjustabk: 1traps. 34-40 B-C. ere $4 Featherfifr Bras (3440 D Cup) " for S4: Li•,,,;. Dtpt. ;1) ~:.i/ j l~•Jllf ' l >1i!\ I 1n11t.·r! •Ju 111111\ Ch<>Ose inock turtleneck or collar and pl acke t styles i'l'l 'a wlde fange of colors. Men's sizes. ftl11r 1s Wur Dtpt. Foam Latex Mattress. or t.,oundation . . . ' ' ' Regular '99.95 88 ·F~U or twin eize • l,u:\ ury Se1n-().Pedic 6o inch foam blex maltrtl!s •Quilted rayon d1m111k ro\·er • 1\·I ate Iii n I po ~ture-mate founda1ion fo r firm 1up· port Girl~s--Nylon-'l'rioot-Lingerie,~- 77c eac h ,~ I l(1t:1 • ()nl ,~ l 11111\, ll (Jt1ctr1t1l \ l3uttorl or pullover.styles in solids and pauerns.COlion .flannel ahd broidcroth fabric. In mCn'• siza. · Aftn's Furnishing Dtpt. Save S30! Si9.95 Lingerie Ch esls 3-_H"" Ool y 4988 T.11n1t~rl Q11antitr • Were Sl7.99, 11 Cup Coffeemakers 3·Hours Only l.imit~<f Quantlt) ! 797 F\a,·or sc rength selector, po p·ur basket, twist lock • . .,. ., ·" ·~ '· l • " 100% polye5ter in fash- ion colors 5tay \\•rinkle- frec, machine wash, drip or rumble dry. 60-in. v.'i<le. ;\fen "s or \\'Omen's 11 yles in expansion or semi· e"Xpansio n, bracelet s1~·lcs. \~'hite or yellow gold. S~:;Q.9.) Quecn~ize __ IJ9.88 53i9.9:> h..inge izc 229.88 Ask Aboul Sears 7·drawer sirle in lhoice o( oiled "'·~lnur or rir h avocado finish. 2)xl 6x t6 inches high. top, Bakelice•, pla•tic 1 •'°;, ·lrin1, l ' •rdagt Dr pt. Solid Color Bath Towel s }nctlry Dtpt. Sl.49 "Sentry', Wi ndow !Shades Heavywei,gbt viayl. mili· mum i..w..d. woshablc in white oaly. · . U.98, 46!4-io.•6·fi _:!.9 7 D,."'1 Dtpt. l1ortable Automatic ~tereo Plionograph '-."••n Oolr! 3488 l.1nu1ed Qq1nli1y! 79c Sears Kenn1ore l .aundry Deterge11t . •.lfoon Oolyl 2 $} l.1m11ed . CJu1rtlil)'! (CM' Convenienl Credit Plans --~ri.-. ... A-.lli-.._...,. •Au...,sw. .. u..i~.,.. ...., ............ ~---... Regular 82c Long Rifle Ammunition Bos or se ......,..._...,.___._ YL w y-~ ..... ,,,.,.. ....... _ '22 -'h~.~ • Maimbm play time f tom Geo clothes ttulf cleaner ~·;:.,,.-:.~2!.Z' _: :",.:: pu JUtei:I s_ U5e stack of records. sterce>-andtntly'Whitcr.Pcrforms . .--.... _._All.w..._.,.. ooa<onosi•e primc'r1, ho • F II h·-' ft ero1o ,_. _. .._..... '-_. k •---'·· p n1c sprem. u au". 1n 1m1 or JO water. L~"";•"';'~"·~·~~~~~~ smo CK:H J.IU-.0• tomatit rcoord chanser. floJtJta:#'U Dtpl. -.. ·naic 10 lib• I*' e. ....... _ S/Jflrti•i G-'s IJtPt. TV Dtpt. Use Sean Revolving Cluirge F11r11i111rt Drpr. Terrific Value! Hand \'acuunt J.H~nOol7 1288 Liai1ecl _, Ideal for an. bo~ work· bops;drioeries and much more. Model 6102 V ""'"" C~ Dept. SAVE $1 Regular !5.99 • GmlmShi/J ~--------------------------------• BUENA PARK El MONTE . LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpqu -----------------, POMONA SOUTH COAST PIAIA .1 CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE -COVINA ·INGLEWOOD PASADENA '-----~-----~-------------. ' SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson ·Sears -------------------1 I Shop Nlghls Mondor .... Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 p .M., Sunday 12 Noon to s p .M. ''Satisfaction Guaranteed otYoucMoneyBack" • ·-. _ _. -.. ' -.. • • w I • , -r . -Newport Barhor . EDITION . Today'• J'bgl . -- N.Y. Steeb *ORANGE C6UNTY; CALIFORNIA . TEN CENTS ' • I ... '- ~anta Barbara Still Reels Front Oi:l :Seepag_e ' ' . ~ . By JOUN VALTERZA Of ttlll Dall't ,.llitt Sid . . ' . ) Santa ,Barbara's har_bonnaster-Ttiurs.. 411 patnttd a grim picture of:~ defeated hlibor· still ·reeling from· the effects of lasl .tpring's oil spill disaster. Ancf.it all could ·bappe.n again, Donald SaUu:e told 'fellow harbormasters. gath· erect at a convention at Newport B(lach's NeWporter Inn. 8t ·said the harbor still is suffering beaviJ,y even UlOl!&h the thousands or gallons ot crude have disappeared Wm liight. .. Sathre said the tragic, liwlft surge o( oil Into the harbor borne on one single ·tide proo,;ed that Santa Barbara is totally vulnerable to floating oil slicks and just about helpless. EVery attempt to stem the oil's now in· lo the harbor proved fulile, he said grimly. The attempts at combaling the initial oil ~pill were all ineffective, and some, Sathre.said, were worse than lhe disuter itself. "Dre<ties wtUch once wsirked the harl.ior entrance eaCh year are Idled now btt:c:use public agencies .and citizens charge that-lhey are creating poDutlon,'' he related. The dredges, he said, are .~eking ~up organic debris mJxed with oil and ·dis· persing chenll cal s which had settled ' to the bottom after emergency proced~. "There still is a large are.a or the bey I , whfre tile bottom ts coated lfith this from t~ harbor but. It toet houta to con. muck. The dredges were just picking it vlnce lhe·ma)'.or and city manai:er of the up. extent or the thing," he 'sald. ~"i( U·-ever .. wue. to_bappen ·agiin," he He said the $100,00lf apeilt before the said·adamanUy •• '~eri_wouldn'tl ti'e'any disutu:W fill~ •Rt~Jn &be.~·· cHemicals .i.Jowed," _ • . \. • breakwater was ~.lllonq ,dowrt'"-tho • S&lttr@ deecribed wit.b !Om~ b~ drain." ~ . _ ~ the re)uci.!P ol the clty'• poliUcianf to "When the oil hll;-lh•'brelhiler'leat, recQCnlze :-tbe impendln1 dlSIMr and ed llke a sieve:" 1 1 .. - balf-l'ng of agencies such as tlMi dtJl4U1· Boom erectlon pbilW ... just1 u fJtile, meot of F:lsh arld Game. , I he idded. ft ' "City Hall la only a haU-rGUe •+•)' ! .\_I huge bOom ainnpment ~cbed •I 1 • • _ _,.. Lig·htning Jolt Gives Ast1·onauts Scare CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -America's AJ)oUo 12 spaceship, apparently jolted by a 11plning bolt on . Its takeolf for the mo011, hurtled out of earth today toward the.nation's second lunar landing. The thrt?e man crew planned to reach the Jl)OOn Tuesday to set up a nuclear powered scientific base and begin man's first true exploration of anpther world . The three man Apollo lZ crew suc· cessfully blasted .of( on the nation's se. ~ moon landing mission today in a )asl minute thunderstorm. .Presi~ent Nixon, jtis wife, Pat, their daughter, Tricia, and Vice President and Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew were among the es· Limated half million persons wbo watched the llltoll. "Spectacular," Nixon Ceclared, grin· ning and clapping his hands. Tne President watched the eVent from a VIP viewing area about 31/4 miles from the launch pad. Nixon was the first chief . executive to witness a manned spacecraft launching. "I'd almost be positive we got hit by lightning someplace," spaceflight com.· mander Charles "Pete" Conrad, 39, calmly reported after the spaceship was safely in earth orbit. He and his companions, Alan L. Bean, 37, and Richard F. Gordon, 40, plaMed to set up a nuclear powered scientific base on the moon and begin man's first true exploration of another world . The storm threatened up to the final mi nutes to delay the launch. But 14 minutes before scheduled blastoff, launch ~ control rtporled that weather conditions were with.in acceptable margins. The big Saturn 5 rocket cleared the launt·h tower precisely on time at 8':22 a.nl. PST, and ii; appeared a perfect laun- ch. "This baby is . really going," Conrad reported. But then things changed dr~stlcally. Long after the crew was aloft, however, ground controllers still w~re not entirely sure what happened. "Your lheory aod your idea that it was probably lightning that did it -that looks like ii bout the best theory ," P.1ission Con· trot ill Houston told the asl1'0nauts. "With th<:1t in mind , the sequence of events is explainable.·• SA Chief Def ends Officer Bitter Ri~als . . . . . . N·~· . . i·n1·m·-, ,,.... , . .,....,,...._ A J £' ------_ _;_~'J·=11·;-;;,~·~l.ll~l·~-~ln!~'111~J~1TC~l\~l~l~Al'Ot~~L~O~·L~l;llT~O'P;;l'~·-~·~r~ Accused--:i;n S'8auit base~-.: · -· --·. 1 TM.~ •-ti! '"~'..l.!t.Ul!.tll "•-.:__:: Of La Pai Race · · Santa ..\na Police Chief Edward J. Al· Jen thorooghly disapproves o( an Orange County Grand Jury indictment charging orie of his young patrolmen with using un· due force ' against a black teenager. Officer Richard E. Faust, 1:1, wili also nnrain on duty pending djsposiUon.of the ca.at against him, in which he is schedul· ed to ~ arraigned Dec. S in Superior Coor! •. He was freed on his own recognizance without posting bail Thursday, on orders oC Judge Robert Gardner. "I wa1 never aske<J. ror my comments on the charges Ieadinll: to this indictment and I have no reason to believe lbe charges were founded," declared Chief Allen Thursday. "I am not criticizing the Grand Jury, but I do ,want to say thal Officer Faust has a good record and he will remain on duty until this thing is cleared n up," Chief Allen conUnued. The officer is accused of using un- necessary force against Jesse Gilmore, then 17, in-subduing him after an escape attempt as he was being delivered to Orange County; Juventle Hall. The specific indictment returned after secret Grand Jury testimony charged him with assault with a deadly weapon last July 8 as a result of his nightstick use. . Witnesses said Faust beat the 1&-year- old Gllmore needlessly after his attempt ta flee from the P.1anchester Avenue facility .was thwarted . "All I've heard are conf l icting Blatements from different witnesses,'' • said Chief Allen. "There has bttn no • formal complaint at this police depart. ment." The 3rd annual Long Beach to La Paz Court yacht race was nearing Its conclusion this J{ej_ects Assessor's "And I've been given no opportunity to look at the case against Officer Faust," he continued. "He's a good officer. I have no quarrel with his record in the two years he's worked for us." Chief Allen added to his reference lo the Grand Jury with what.he carefully explainet:I was a commentary and not a criticism. "J remember the remarks made by its former chairman when he led the group and when something like this comes up, you can't help but wonder about it," the chief said. William Martin, mayor of Laguna Beach. quit the Grand Jury earUer this year in mid-term, without expliciUy tell· ing the reason. He never denied suggestions, ho\\'ever, that the panel was much more liberal in its outk>ok than he had expected and some of its deci1ions did not please him. Martin has said in public that some of lts actions were in direct conflict with his own personal philosophies. Youths Buy Gas Masks ALBANY. N.Y. (AP) -A war SU'lllus dealer says he has sold five gas masks in the past week, more than he ususally sells in a month, and he said most went lo youths going to Washington for Viet- nam protest demonstrationa t h i s weeket:Jd. afternoon with the first boat to finish - either 'Blackfin or Windward Passage - expected lo cross tbe line sometime dur· ing the night. . Once again, aa has been true through moJ!t of the race, Black.fin failf4 to answer the Friday morning roll call, but Windward Passage. which did, reported it had Blackfin in sil:ht.; Passagi report· ed its position as 2J.14·N_,, 109 23 W. a· round Cape San Lucas. 1 • Race committee bait Ranjamar is speed ing to the. finish line at LI Pu tQ \vait for Ken DeMeuse 's 73-foot Blackfln and f..1ark Johnson's Passage, a!So ·a n. foot ketch. Concerto. John Hall's Columbia 57 from Ne\\'port Harbor Yacht Club: Dorolhy.O, ano1her Columbia 57 from NBYC, skip- pered by Robert Beauchamp, and Rascal, S7·foot yawl from Santa Barbara Yacht Club, all Class A boats, were bunched about 20 miles from the cape. Weflther reported to Carroll Hudson of Newport Beach from the Nestor is suMy and hwnid with light westerly winds from four to five knots. The sea is calm . Strong northwest winds of 15 lo 20 knots are expected on the way up the Gulf of California lo the finish line, but calm winds of one to two knot! m~y make it difficult for boats rodnding the cape. · Yacht positions reported this morning were Atcrion 24 Q.3..112 50 ; Al Vlento 24. SO.llZ (S.. LA PAZ, P11e.I) •Dairy ·Endeavor Realtors Ga.1nbw Witli Whiskers Everybody knows that Jim Wood and Hal t;>f11chin.are Realtors. but ho\v many Harbor Area residents know that they are also pogonoirOJ)hiles? · .. Before someone suggesU penicillin or psychological counseling, ~haps n should be nol>d that pogonolrophy is the ancient , manfy llld cheap sport of grow. ing whiskers. ona del Mar high school .football gan1e tonight. Game lime Is 8 p.m. at Newport Har· bor High School'a Davidson Field , so the pair will be on neutral turf during their final hours as pogoootrophiles. PJea for Legal Counsel By TOM BARLEY OI "" DllltJ f'lllt Steff -Orange 1County· Asseaaor Andrew : J. of Hinahaw's argument that a conflict or interest i!lists between the asRssOr and Hiftahaw'1 demand ror a private.attorney ' . . County Couuel Adrlan~KU)'~r: Hinshaw· has . b8cn cOnsiitE!nt1y con· deinried by' K'uyper ·in frahk 'verbal ex- ch!U1J,~ between .the · two 'offi~~ls for refuslilg to obey ·board: instructions lo in, h!• ·asseSSJllent ·battle with the 1Board of: SJJper;visors has_ been denied by ·lhe F9¥0h Dilll;ict Cpurt of Appeal,.it1was learned today. The appellate benc;h ruled againSt the useSJOr 1'tiu~ay by refusing to grant the writ or mandate he soUght Jast·Oct. 23. . ' No clarification of , the ruling ~·as of· fered to either party .and court officials today refused to do other than confirm the decision. HJnshaw today said tie will discuss lhe deni,al w!Ui his Los Angeles attQmeys before offering any comment on the re- jection of his appellate court argument. "All I can say at thi$_stage of the game is that i! has been denied," he said . ''For all I know there may be other legal remedies available and we want to look at all Of them before. I say &l)ythlng. '' Hinshaw told newsmen last Oct. 28 that he would take his .dispute with the county· board "all the way to the Supreme Co<lrt it necessary." · · · The ruUng ls. vie¥led by Involved coun~y. officials as lhe. appenaie, Court's ~lnlon ' cancer taxes on Upper Baj !8nd tranif!r- re<t to the county by' the Irvlrie company -land orfered· in exchange _for county tidelands . in a de'al consummated· by supervisors. 'fhe assessor alleges _that land swap aa unla:NfUI and u~nstitutional and the status of th:e Irvine-county deal · ia ·cur· rently being argued in the courts. But'· Kuyper . has l'tpeatediy Wlmed· HtnshaW that his duty as assessor · is to carry out the orders of the Board of Supervisors. Bolh men .recently carried their feud before the Orange County Grerid •Jury in what has be_en de.scribed . a3 an ''unus'ually candid"-exCtiange of views. The ·pa'nel b&s· backed Hinshaw to. the point that. it has urged tpc ~ ,of Supervl~rs,~ .appointprivate ~tfor the assessor.. . • . t>ePuly Coun\y C.WU.1 Clayton Par'" today comM(e(I · 1hat. .the . Fourj.h DIStrict .• deCisfop 14.Juatlfles ,In ey~. w•y the 1rgum.n1 laid belpro ,!he.court by lls. ThJ1 den\al .m.ore .« leU enits our, tntetm In · the mauet • and 11\Y turther 'move would have to come from Mr. HJnshaW," · J>arker qld. . . County Counsel Kuyper was out of town today and not avaflible ror comment. A source ·close ' to the dispute 'between the two officials today commented that the county a1sessor "had perhaps made 1 . mlst.q:e llT'·bypassing the SuperkK' Ctlurt and ping.directly to the appeDate·level. W reek I11jurie!! Prov_e Fatal -MulUp!e lnjurl .. au!fered Wt Nov .. 4 In across the harbor entrance proved totaJ. ly ineffecti ve, he said. "On the...,.1n stde ol the boom the oil bull[ up to a thic:knaa of eight iJ\d!eS ind eventually ~ pn!llW'e just lifted the boom high eooogh for the oil to come through.-The pressure also snapped a tW'D-i.nch fine holding"lhe boom. Jt broke like It was thread.'' Sophisticated air-Jet booms worked even worse, he aald, and when oU«taked (See on. SPILL, PIP Z1 * *' * State Help Now Slated For Coasts '.flie Sliite of Calilornla should_ 2liy 1 leadinf role •In checking · unconlrolled private development ol the coo.tline, the head of a new atale maritime d~part• ment declared in Newport Beach Thurs- day. Robert· Walker, new director cf the three-day-old State Department of NavigatiOn and Ocean Development, told a convention of California's harbo~ masters that Gov. Ronald Reagan rtor• ganized tl\e department recently with that thought In mind. ,' Walker heads an agency whose role In· eludes that of the former Divi&ion or lfarbors and Watercraft along with m~ritime .duties once shared by other departments. · The philooopllx . ol COJ!lllint .... : ....aim folloin dev•lopmenis la 1111 lut -ol the Le~ wlleti .... .er-v~Uon -ernerpd a1 a -burning.1uue, w•tter .. id. Wbetii.r ·tlit phll"°phy could b< op- pUed dirtcU1 to local Issues slill Is unanswered, he said . His department could not now become directly invOlveil Jn the Upper Bay land exthange issue or the battle oVer public access lo Salt Creek. •:we might if we were to get some new Jaws in the nut Legislature," he said. Walker prefaced his explaruition of the philosophy of his agency by citing the surge in interest in the -coastline and the sea as a natural r.esource. .. the coastline 1s the most important fe•ture of California's geography. "AJ>d,il is a rlwd quantity," he aa:d. "ApproxifnateJy 60 percent of California's shoreline is subject to pri- vate deVelopment whic hmay be b>Con- slstent with the highest public· interest. The .concentraiton of population Is in- creasing aP1d public access to the shore- line 1s diminishing," Walker said. He added that uncontrolled devel~ ment of the slate's shoreline "can result in irreversible damage to fish and wildlife." "Furthermore. it could do damage to many of the estheUc and recreational values of the shoreline." he said. A plan to preserve the shoreline•for tt.s best public use already is in the works, Walker said. · His new agency would take over work on the state's Comprehensive Ocean Area Plan, which will serve as a master plan for development of the coastline. - ' ''The objective of the plan Is to achieve ~' optimum plaMed development of the coaetal area for environmental pto- tecUon, scientific knowl~ei trade and maintaining all of ~ese ln ways that do not destroy the coastal area , •• " Oraalf•' · Weatll~r lt won 't be thick enough to shovel, but the fog will prevail dur· Ing .the morning and evening hours . aklng U'ie coast this v.1eekend. Temperfturea will. hOver around the middle 70's. A -pogonolrophile is -who for- mally culUvates them. Pogor;olrophy is eerioUs·businm toi l! •dhereois, bui Wood, pruldont ol Mesa Verde Realty, Costa P.fesa, and Plnchin, of Hal Pinchln and Associates, Corona de! Mar, aren't always Serious. If Estancia wins, PinchJn'a mustache comes off, while If· Corona del Mar emerges victorious, Wood's adornment will be benched for the season . bJ the razor . So take • close look at the two mug shots aa:ompanying this atory, becat11e within a few hours, one will be obsolete, a poor likeness. Bn'AnaMtrli ttalflc acclden Clii\.e 1"ved ' ~;;;.,~ fatal IOr Tames 'William ~Ma~ 117" of _..,. Anahffm. . . . ! ;_ ' ,.., INSmE. TODAY Two . yout10 Southern Cali/or· nfa optro 1hwcr1 who made no.me• Jar" ·t1temsc!vcs in New Y orlc a.rt back home /or oppear- anCta with.. the N1w York Citu oj)Vi -mill •njoylng th• plttl!tJr~s.o/ boating. Stt todau'1 \Vttktnder. \ KEEPING UPPER , •• Gambler Plnchin ' They're aerious gamblers, however. and Wood's real Pancho Villa tOOSt.ache and Pinc~in's dark Groucbo Marx are on. the line for 'the EstancJa.versus-Cor· . I • Vet a third altemaUve exiats, accord- ing lo a lady colleague of Wood and Pino chin with the Costa Mesa-Newport Har- bor Boord ol ll<allol'1. ,. "Let's call On providence for a Lie," she declared.. • l Mayhood losl his nine-day lilf;'t for life 1'hllrldaf In 'Anaheim General HoSpltal ' after being held on ·the crfllcal lbl • · fhrovghoot bis conllnemen~ Tile youth was struck by • car wh.lle running Kross a busy lntersectioO to help -his f•thtr •ho had been Involved In a• minor traffic accldent. Pollet have ataled' that no charg .. wlll be nl..r, against the • motDrilt who struck Mahood. ' · • -....... CllMll'-,_, ·----... ·•-•.i ..... .,, ........ ·-· -·1'!1A l ....... ' " -• • ..... .,_M ..... MVl!tel , .... ii " ............. ••• M Of .... c..., .. " ...... . ... " ·-...... 1•11 ' ,, ...... .. ..,. ,_, .. ,. , .. ,. --• .. --•• " --·· ...... "''' • :f DAILY PILOT ~ ~ ft ! •I I ; • ., • -·-. -- • • ... 0\-. • : <t ,,1 > ,, ---- '.:. NA~ "' -' \ .. ~ " " ~ ~ " ~ <> ~ -. t ' .. \ JI v £ Wai· Mardi l ., ; 't . ' ' ' Silent in Washington WASHINGTON (UPI) -Vietnam "¥ protestei's fIJed through~ lhe .. lfatlQ:n's capital, past the White House ~t an esUffiated J,000 an hour today. !J'O~l~ solemn and silent except when. they shouted the names of war dead toward the 'President's houSe. Under the watchful eyes of their own marshals and city police, the candle-car· rying dem0nstrators were orderly, even to obeying walk-don't walk signs along the 4.Z..mile route from Arlington Na· tional Cemetery to lhe foot of Capitol Hill. Based on estimates by the sponsoring New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (New Mobe), gome 18,000 persons had taken part in · the single-file procw;sion up to midday. 'fhe: total was reported to reach 45,000 to 48,000 by Saturday morning whe!l the "march against death" ends. · The New Mobe appuenUy was mak_ing ev~ effort to make good on its advance promise Ola peaoilui proi..t. But authorities were keeping a watchful eye DARKENED ARIA INDICATES PROPOSE!> RELOCAT ION OF FI FTH AVENUE IN CORONA DEL MAR BELOW FUTURE ~ReEWAY I' ·on the activities of some other, smaller groups on the sidelines of the. march. The blg event rl. the three days o{ pn> test -the major phase of naUonwide demonstrations -comes Saturday morn· ing when a march takes place down Pennsylvania Avenue to within a block of the White House. New Mobe would not estimate bow many would take part but leaders privately were talking in terms cf 200,000 or more. ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ f'tem P .. e 1 OIL SPILL ... 1traw floaled by, fl crealed wblrlpoQJs letting the oll into .the harbor, Sathre •ald. . . - CdM F19eeway Moved North New State Design to Save More Homes Efforll to clean the sticky oil<logged By JEROME F. COWNS He a8jcf he does not know as yet the pushed south to the in~on of·Oold- From Page 1 LA PAZ ••. 39; Aquarlu. 24 07-111 15; Ariana 23 23- 111 50; Aventura 24 23-113 35. rocks ~f the breakwaters we.re just as CM.,.. DMr P'li.111"' ." . preclse ·number,. but he expect.s to have enrod and Fourth avenue;s. Jo the lateri futile. State desiloers of the PacUlc Coast that .Information in time for a. special plan, Fif~ Avenu~:.is .link_® to Golden-- The Union Oil Company (<>Wner of the commtJnity meeUng on the subject Tue.s-rod about a haH~block north of Fourth Bohemia 23 17-110 47; Charisma n 23 28--111 20; Concerto no report (In sight of Rascal); Debinda IV 24 20-113 25; Dona J. 2J 52-111 25; Dorothy 0. no report (In sight er Rascal); Freeway in COrona del ~Mar have lho'9ed A Th 1 ed d th well which blew out. in the. channel cau.s· tl . T -• day nigbl . . venue. e re ocat , ~ way en Ing the allele) has cleaned the harbor's .. the a gnment -f~~ north, Newport. The 8 p:m. meeting will be held In Uie slices on a gradual northeasterly dlag9n- jeUy ~~ t'!'-1.ice since last spring. Beach City Public Works Director 1Jos-Corona del Mar Youth Center building, al until It connects with the existing Fifth "If you were ·~ ~.the rocks today eph T. Devlin disclosed today. .. which will, rronlcally, be destroyed to Avenue at Narcissus· Avenue. they are jqst as black as they were wbeo lt means fewer ·homes in the establish·· · · make ·room for the ne\Vly relocated free-Room to .provide for a more northerly the oil bit," Sathre said. ed resldenl.lal area south of Fifth Ave-.way. · Fifth Avenue waa achJeved by edging the Santa Barbara ls stlll receiving oil, he nue will be·remQ.ved ,.be aald. • state and city representatives wllJ dis-JG.lane freeway itself across a portion of aisck>Md, but illegaUcms that they IJ:e La.st.Julj; teijliUv_~ state pla_ns ~" -cu111 .U. p_laneilll conn~ with the Pr~ ti:le Harbor View Elementary School ......,..i"• froni the Union oil well which the freeway and a relocated Fifth Ave-jecl These plans, Devlin noted, include property. Devlin explained that at first b!;;;OUt are incorrect, he sald. nue taking out m 1 ::.aErlvate propert,ies widening of Goldenrod Avenue between e~ineers with the CaIUomia Division cf An area known as ••Coal Oil Point'' than had been or' · y antJQpated by .Fltil! Avenue"'and Cout.Hi~'!aY.. Highwa)'s had tried to leave the school lhe city. The Pulilic Works director wd the property untouched. For that reason, he where. natural geepq.e .altJays haa .C>Qo\ An esilinated JOO homes stood In Jhe latest ·state P,n?POsal p)aces the freeway 11id, they dipped farther do~ Into the CWTtd~ls tho efttn41tr~ be sallL _ .... path of the frer:way sludy "cima0r." ' ·~and. tht Telded Fifth 1-.•enue, which ?e.4dtntial area to the south. . ' poutlCaJ .nd i-tblic ~ beeaa9e Devlin said the new desrgri, prepared ·would serve· as a freeway 'feeder roa·d, The new plan, he vnphaslzed,-lremoves If tbl.'..OrtJinal disaster aJ.!IO. adds to the after vigoroua city protests; will re&ult , about 130-feet-farther--north-than last no buildings from the school-site, but dilemma. ,...'I : ·itJ r in a "s.ignificant reduction" in the nu July's proposal. _ does cut out a" all piete" g(._the play· ''Be!Se the oil hit thirl!!:.~·muslve her of doomed residences. J , · !zl the: ~!Jan, llft4 Avenue was ground area. · ~ t plans ti redevelop tht.~;i NoWl they "'~ ~ l ~ '°' "" .s 1ppear71t1ne forever,'"M NllJ ...-.,-~ , , ~~· The harbor's sport.fishing business Is -· ~ -· · ~i~r:.,wr~t~·:e~:hotel busin<5' Harbor District ... "Gue_.rrili~ Thea. te .. r G. roup "Eriry •port!lshlng boat w e n t bankrupt after the ell sllok, and the com· B ks S S · ·i .. mercial fishermen .,. trying IAl start ac ea . -eo u ,• . . ~=:.~s::n~:~~t;~t~'! Base Lease Plea -st.~ge·s War Play at OCC flow of oil into harbors. He replied citing pmonil experience that.booms str~tched Pleu by scouting leadera ·for J!J;tensfon ·- acroa ·breakwaters aren t as effective as of the lease. for the Sea Scout Bast on , A· peifoi'mance by a guerrilla theater ~ ~ on pa~-· Newiiort· B.1'.until 1979 have won conCurt ' if?UP~J~ In dark clothhig ~od ~lk· GroUtlng (filling ,the gaps) 1>,f .• rtn<:e by11i8 ~Orange County· Harbor·· white· tmJ.ke'tlp · marked . a Viet.nm breakwaten: just doeso t work and you . . MoratorJwn.. >-program Thursday on the 1 would · tie amazed at how fast oil can District .Commwlon. : . . ··. _ . ....J: • • -A--' k .,. ay "·-·'"""he said. Commissioners .2areed to suaaest that steps'--.of•tbe. nuwlonum at Or~ Pout war J"""f w ...... ""-I"• , -• aa · CoJlatr. . TmnindoUJ pre!4Uie! built up by ~It . ctQllty &QpetY.ison.. ·1pprove the lease-Q:• , .""'e., · _ . ·· - pushina against the floating barri~ . teilsion for the ba!ie·to expire at the ~me ~ ~a theater ~p, .composed strain tbe ropes holding the booms ~~ date of another lease with Ora.nee Coast ol .OCC, st~nts, ilaged an inchctznenl of ••can map jmt about any line you use. College which ope.i;ates 8 ialling and the American involvement in the Viet,.. . What would he do it It were to happen .· · A-'a ' t 'I th · -1-"A·· nam war The play concluding with the 1 ain" rowmg c.~ui.oi;r nex o e scou U<&O>e. · gstrth • crypti reply: Both leases would run out Dec. 21, 1978. ~t~dtDts picking up a Jareg black trunk, "He~ s east." c The action • c·ame Wed.Qesday after sytnbCSllzlnB:· a coffin, and marching down strong requests from Orange County the alde~alk of the ·campus trailed by a ' A large crowd of students aal on the gr..., 1..S wakhed 'quietly. Later, they listened to draft counselor Doil Elder, owner of the Bird in a Cage Book!tore, Newport Beach. Ofher speakeri followed Elder at the program. sponsored by OCC's ASsociated Student Government. :Among the students who arranged the program were Barry Weinberg, Jack Vaughn and Andy KincaJd, members of the unrecognized campus sps chapter. a Jrish Mist 23 57~111 05; Isobar 23 42-1 12 13; L'Allegro 23 58-1 12 39; La Prensa 24 39·112 ·24; Malobl no report (o!f air with battery problems); Mistral no report. Pantera Z3 41).112 09; Posada Manana II 25 12-114 32; Perlct1s 23 46-11117; Rascal 22 SS.110 13; Robon 11123 42-111 09. Serapis 23 32·111 33; Severn 24 111-112 00; Tanqueray 23 38-11 1 24: Vector 23 48- 11112; Windward Pass.age 2314·109 23. 'FJower Display Slated ·Sunday A nower show sponsored by the "Orange County FJorist.s Association will be open to the public from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun- day at I.he James Irvine Room or the Newport.er Inn. Newport Beach. The show will featu re floral designers derhonstrating how they work as they creaJe floral displays in keeping wilh the Christmas holiday theme. A wedding fashion show will also be seen. Admission lo'the 44 displays, put on by 30 of the count)''s florists, is $1.50. ·FBI Captures Suspect In $784,468 Theft ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. !UPI) -For six years lhe FBI and Massachusetts authorities had sought George Brady, ac- cused of stealing $784.468 in the Boston Common garage scandal. He was ap- prehended 'Thursday. 'CT 7 5 2 Tbe leaders conc.eded that ·the ti.Jrnout might be reduced by bad weather. The Weather. Bureau forecast i;now flurries tonight and Saturday, with lonighl's aveli'llght lciw temperature in the 20'1 in Washington. Heavy rain drenChed the New York area this afternoon, and m(lst other parts of the country also had bad wealher - with forecasts it would get worse by Saturday. The New England area was warned cf the possibility of heavy snow. The Washington skies were dark and threatening but at mid-afternoon the forecast of rain bad not yet materiallied. V;iejo ~an Wins Another Dela y In Theft Case · Richard Winters Burke Thursday won a further delay of municipal court act.ion on grand theft charges involving losses from the Orange County Clerk's office. Burke, 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive, ~1ission Viejo, was ordered to return Nov. 21 to Santa Ana Municipal Court J udge William Thompson's court.room . Burke is accused of embeizling nearly $28,000 from the office of the eounty clerk. It is alleged that he forged banking records in tha~ amount during his two year employment. Today's delay was prompted by the fiJ. lng of an amended complaint by the district attorney's office. Defense at· tomey Robert Law SUcceS!fully argued that he needed more time to examine the new document. 2 . ' Hijacked to Cuba BARRANQUILLA. Colombia !l)PJ) ,_ "A Colombian DC4 airliner hijacked by six armed. men completed a refueling ·stop Thund8y JUght and took Off for Cuba with 51· persons aboard. scout leader ~llllam Spurgeon. girl playing a mourniul tune on a flute. Spurgeon, vice president of the Oran'e _./ '-.. Empire Cooneil· ct the Boy Scouts, said th4t the .Organization had funds COJJlmlt· _ FCC Ch • ( REMODELING SALE ) DAllY PllOT ---J1c~ I . C.rl..,- ~,,..... _. C0-.11 ..... ---1211 w .. , •• , .... '"' ....... ..... AU,..11 PA a. 1171. t2UI. --~ "'"'= • *-' .., ..,... ~--ft!nt ,_.A_ """""""" ..... I Jlf ... """' I ted by donors, but they were reluctant·' anman to release the money until they were sure . _ the base would remain. · Under the present lease, three years are· left · • "\Ve need a firm commitQloot to con-•· vi nee the donors that , flie . base. Y(ilJ be there in years to come," be said. He and other scout es:ecuUves present aireed that "just about any plan would be .acceptable, as long.as . .,..e have a few more years to show than we have now." He praised his organliaUon's role in running . the sea Scout base, which last yeJr logged 12,000 VllJlon. '"It's the CfnCst f1"'C.Di.ty on lhe West Coalt,'1 he said, "and we think it pro- vides: a tremendous service to boys." tf the new lease agreement wins super· viSor approval lhe annual paymen~ would re.main the same -one dollar. Launches France Crackdo'vn 011 Militant Left PARIS (UPI) -~ Frell!'h go"""' ment today l1unchtd a :nationwide crackdoWD on militant leftist.s In a series ot dawn raids Unked with t h e jorernmtnt.'s ban on antJ-Vletnatn war- deinoostration&. TM uackdown came-after 60 youths 1tormed .the SoM.U\ Vle:tnamese consulate in Par~ ind brOke windo1'·s and f~uaht poUce in a P.rtlude to a series of ·weekend anUwar. prol~t.s planned acrou EW'Ope. fttnc:h police aald Ibey h•d arre!l>d • ~ 150 peraons for quesUonlng In ParJ1 and In a dozell li>wns 'and cit!" acrosa FrlJ\Ce. • l Strongl y Backs Agnew TV Views , \VASHINGTON (AP) ~ The chairman of the Federal Communications Com· mission, Dean Burch, strongly endorsed today Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's criticism of television commentaries on President Nixon's Vietnam Policy speech. {See story, Page 4) At the same time, a spokesman said Burch personally telephoned the cl1ainnan cf the major TV networks two days after Nixon's Nov, 3 address and :isked for transcripts or the com- nieot:iries "-'hich had follo\\'ed il t~e sai~ Burch had recei\'ed "a number or complaints Crom congressional and other sources" about the commentaries. Speaking in Des Moines, -Iowa, Thurs· dJy night, Agnew charged that Nixon11 speech. had been "subjected to instant analysis and self·appolnted analysts, the majority of whom expressed in one way or another their bosUlity to what he had lo say.". Rumn1age Sale Slated By .Tewiis Boosters -Newport Harbor Hlgb School's ?ennls Booster ,Club will hold -a combined rum; mage and baked goods sale from JO a.in. to s ·p.m. Saturday aod Sumlay-al lltll Rulh Lane, Newport Btach. Procted• rrom lhe Ale ;,,m ·be lt$ed for new uniforms lor the teiinis tiatn an4 court upkeep. Feaiuring Upholstery A .,..,, ••lec:tio" of que fity uphol1t•red furni tur• •t ••c:•ptionel savings. Oioos• your vpholst•ry from th . foUowing fin• lines ; Netion•I, M1 r9• C.rson. J1mesto""" Loung•, Hibrit•n, P•c:ific., L.ndmirk: ind others. Saving~ from 20°/o lo 50°/o off. Some examples follow. Reg. SALE Sofa Te xtu re. Ru ll & o range, Z & H ............ 419. $299. 2 Ch"'."· Bl ue & green. Nation a l ............ , . 289. EA. $149. EA. 2 Chairs. Ora nge & gold texture. Pacific . . . . . . . 279. EA . $149. EA. Sofa Gold I 't N t' I . $ • ve ve . a 1ona ........ , . . . . . . . . . . 499. 399. Sofa. Flora l print. National ..... , . . . . . . . . . • . . . 499. $399. S le~pe r sofa. Texture stripe ...........•...•.. , 499. $339. Sw 1val rocker. Damask. Jamestown ........ , . . . . 189. $139. Easy chair. line n prin t. Nafione l ....... , ....... 235 . $159. Easy chair. Blue .green print. Marge C arson . . . . . . 279. $139. 2 c ha irs . Green velvet tuffed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159. $129. Rocke r. Red velvet .......... : .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 169. $ 84.50 O...tr 150. ch1in i nd 25 sof•s. All sites, sh•p•s, to s•ltc:t from this lerg1 tssortm•nt of t•rrific v11ue1• i nd c:olors to choose frorn, I • ntong th1 lint YOUR,lOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON -HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 w .. tcll lf D.r. 642-2050 OPIM Pllt AY 1'1L t INTERIORS Prol111Jon1J lnt1dor LAG\INA BIACH Dtslgnera ...... North Coll! Hwy Av11!1blo--AID-NSJD -• ' , OPM NIDAY 'TIL t ,._. r.n "-M• 9f °"""ft c.-., MtolJU • , 4™SSI • l I -· I . -rrtu,; Hovembtr 14, 1969 -.... ... . ' •QUmll -. Nerves · Filipirws -To Lea ve You're a Bundle of ly Phll .lnterlancll ' BERKELEY (UP!) -11 this is one of those days when you feel like a bundle of nerves, thal 's just about what they would look like 1.lnder a hi&h-powered microscope. Scienlists al the Universi- ty of Calilornia have releas. ed the first cle.ar photographs of sub- microscopic nerve tissue - bundles or incredibly small fibers and knobs which link 1ogeL'1er the nervous system. Ul"I T•""'llO .. • lower magnifications, show complex bundJes of the fibers and knobs lying together in clusters at the point where the I a r g e 'trunkline'' fibers or two nerve cells meet. A team of bio-engineers, headed by associate pro- fessor or electrical engineer· ing Edwin R. Lewl:s, said the knobs seemed to have five or six spots which were firmly atlacbed to other knobs or nerve tissues. But U1e scientists said their conCtusion that the knobs fonn t h e com- munications link between cells musl remain tentative Wltil further evidence is ob- tained. .. V ietnam MANILA (UP!\ -The PhllippC'!es told Its Vietnam alUes today it will soon withdraw its 1,500 troops from the war zone. fulfilling a cam· paign promise of newly re- eleeted President Ferdinand E. J.farcos. It will be lhe first comple te pullout by any allied con· tingcnt from Vi e tnam . Government sources said the P h 111 ppine non-eombatr.1t force would be home' by Christmas. Foreign Minister Carlos P . The three-dimensional pie· lures were t a k e n with a sca nn'ing electron microscope at magnifica. tioos 20,000 times life sire. They were the first photos to show synaptic knobs, which scientists believe pass nerve impolses from one cell to another. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF NERVE ~S Previous models or nerve lin ks were based 011 two- di.Jnensionat X-ray like pie· tures taken with transmission e I e c t r o n microscopes. A conventional light microscope cari magnify only about 100 times ure size. Romulo told a ne\\'S Con· ference he had Informed Nguyen Van Loe. the South Vietnamese embassy charge 1'le specimens of nerve tissue in the photographs released Thursday w e'-r e from Ole abdomen of a marine snail. Pictures of an area no big- ger lhan the point of a pin showed a number of knobs at the end of fibers which Arms Co•trol Tatu- seem to lie across each other like a random pile of logs. Other photos, taken at d'affaires In Manila , ol the ''It couldn't h&ve been & very important board meet.- decision and sent word to em· in&" if & couple of mini-skirts can break it hassles of New Zealand, up that eaailv.11 Australia, Thailaid, S o-u t h -------------------- Korea ·and the United States·- the other Vietnam allies. Marcos, who won an un- precedented seCQnd four-year -----~El . T '==-·term in~y:i.p....tc1ent1a1 ectric 1eup-election, said the forces would be used to fight Communist U.S. May Reveal Secrets P1·ogress Slow Huk guerrillas at home. The Phtllpplne Civic Action Carolina Coach Offered ·Selective Service Job NEW YORK (UPI} -No Group (PHILCAG) is 1 non-COLUMBIA, S.C (UPI} -Carolina in 1966 said a progress ~as reported Thurs-combatant group which has Paul Dietzel, the athlelic representative of President dav. in negoti"tions betw--been r.1 Vietnam since Sep- WASHINGTON (AP) and consular officers Thurs- day night. ........ tember, 1966. Marcos director of tlH! Uni versity of Nixon extended a "feeler of. spiral of strategic anns ln representatives of striking previously had said he would Sooth Carolina, says he has fer" Wedne$day night. He order to avoid tensions. un· General Electric Co. wtirkers recall them when "e'• money · 1· nd -~-and management ui .... been offered the post of Selec· refused lo identify the caller. certam 1es a excess c~1-:>. · ran out. The funds expire next -A reduction of the out· The negotiating committee month. · live Service director but he is ';I was flabbergasted. and break of nuclear war through for the UnJted Electrical Marcos' victory was by the tumlng it down. shocked ," said Dietzel. "I told a dialogue concerning issues Workers (UE) scheduled largest margin in Ph.lllpplne "I was ve ry flattered by all the caller that I had no arising from the strategic morning and afternoon talks history. With slightly less than of this, but I have no in-background at all for such a situalion. with General Electric officials. lwo-th.lrds of the eight million job, but he said they had done l ts -ooo o1 ·~ 147 tentions of accepting any other DAllY PJLOI.' $ • A ctress .MfJlfr ies ,, • ,: ~ 4 I Direct-Or , . 0 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) I Mar'y Poppins got married again. Julle Andrews, who won.Ian Olcar a.!J the aeet nanny In .the film musrc.aJ :•Mary Pop- pins," said Thursday night Utat she and d~Qr Blake FAwards were married ht a private ceremony· al her home. " The l!:ngUsh • bom beauty and Edwards have been ~in­ separable companlona: f~o r more than two years. Jt w_is the stt0nd marriage for ~h. Miss Andrews, $4,-was wr.<1 to English 1\llge ~Jgner 1'qoy Walton and ls the mother cl • daughter, Emma Kate,;?· Edward!, who recently cOim· pleted .directing ht..· bride. In "Darllng Lill.'' Js the father of two daught.era by a previOus marriage. ' .. ll J\l lTED ': •1 STATES. ., N ATIONA ~i .BA N K ,! .. SOUTH COAST PL.AZ.I\! BRANCH 'l NOW onN . I SATURDAYS '' 'I t• .. t te 1 P.M. MON.•THUU. ,llDATI . . 10-1 P.M. 1M.P.M. 17141 140.1211. Leut.4 .... i: s..c..r ...... e.... ...... j. When the nuclear arms.<:ontrol talks with the Soviet Union open in Helsinki. Finland, Monday the United States might have to lift the veil on same military secreta in order to achieve what Secretary or Slate Williams P. Rogers calls ~· ''~anced . strategy of security." . Rogers would not predict the U.S.-Soviet talks -plans for Which were originated under former President Lyndon B. Johnsoo -would signal an end to the nuclear arms race. But he did list three U .s. ob- jectives for the discussions : Rogers said "competitive t represen ""'• u...: ,-votes counted, Maro:ll held a some research on me and felt a cc um u I a t f 0 n of more 000 strikers, but representa-lead of t ,536,133 Votes over his job," said Dietzel, 45. that I was very qualifled and .... Vic•'""""*' ''" sophisticated weapons would lives or other unions involved opponent., Liberal party Sen. The fonner West Point th~y would like to discuss it E. H. LEVAN ~: "The talks themselves will require discussion of military matters by both side! in whlch the veil of secrecy will have to ~. if not lifted, at least refashioned," Rogers told a group of retired diplomatic -Limitations on ·the deploy- ment of strategic anns by both the United States 8nd the Soviet Union as a means tG ''enhance iiiterantional &eCUr· ity." not add to the basic security 1fa~r~e~onii;,itheii;ico;mm~ittee:;;;;~· --~Se~rg~io~Osm~e~n~a~J~r.i,. ___ ;coa;ch~;w~h~o~ca~m~e;_;to~~Sou~· ~th~~w~lth~m~e~.";;;;;;--~;;;;;;-~~~~;iii;iii;iiii:iiji;iii~-of eith~r side. Militarily it pro-II bably would produce little or no net advantage . Economically it would divert resources needed elsewhere. Politically it would perpetuate the tensions and fears that are the social fallout of the I nuclear arms race. -Jialting of the upward American l\lotors Calls Back 24.000 Vehicles ' DETROIT (UPI")· -'Ille -certain pasttlbn. the pin 0£ the possibility of a trio of defects jack saddle could part from in new American Motors cars the slot in the rack bar of the has forced the automakers to jack or the saddle could jolt recall more than 2 4, 0 0 0 it.self from the bumper. vehicles. Inside day-night mirrors It will inspect the 1970 might also have to ~ replac· models for defective jack sad-ed, the car buJlder infonned dies, mirrors and hood lat-owners of 6,184 Hornets, AMX ches, AMC said Thusday. Jave Ii n, Re bet and Owner s of 14 ,396 Ambassadormodels. Ambassador sedans a n d An additional 3,502 Hornet Ambassador and Rebel station owners were notified that their wagons were notified to return cars may have misaligned their cars to dealers for secondary hood latches and ·replacement of jack saddles. the latches should be in· AMC said that. if placed in a sped.ed. "So our capability f o r mutual destruction leads to a mutual interest in putting a stop to the strategic r..uclear anns race." l\1issiles tofted On West Coast V AND EN BERG-AFB (UPI) -Two Bomarc A missHes modified tO .5el'Ve as targets were launched ThurMay at 5:45 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. p.m. by crews from the navy missile center at Point Mugu. The Bomarcs headed dqe west down lhe Air Force Western Test Range and then were turned aouth t.1to the sea test area of the N8.vy'1 Pacific missile range. Fashion Island-Newport Center Saturday, Nov. 15th 10 :00:a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Come watch new champions in the making. Over 600 entries In all competing fo r prizes, trophies and awards. Best of Breed •.•• Best In Match ... Best in Obedience • , • each Judged by well-known breeders. -Entrles11n111ow closed but this rs-your opponun lty to learn show requirements for your pet In our next Fun Match. 51 FINI! STORES ond SEllVICES ,-a FASHIONJ ISLAND HllWl'C>BT O'HTllB PAClflC COASl lll<iHllAT llJWWI WIQU MD ~AllllUR WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE T.O CHOOSE FROM COMPUTE 3 ROOMS WAS $1495 • for 1ht homeowner with d'lsc!1mlnattn1 t1•t1 1nd 1n ~ye for superb wor\manship, hrr• 111 J compl1t• rooms of Spanish desl11led furniture at unsurp111ed values! The living roorn ensemble !s warmly accented with hand carved wood trim on tha sofa and love 'cat that fully comp!iment •ttMlr sumptuous velvet fabrJCs. A' lovely fern tree, wall plaque a!'ld lamPS flll the room with elt1ant warmth and charm. W11k i11t9 the bedf'OGll' and you'll immtdi1t11y f•H in love with this 1r1cious furn!· lure-that cl-frill llHough the m11terluf hand dfflln 111d·1uperb·con1truction. Inspect this 1roup< ing c1 refuUy •• , from"the majestTc mlrmr al"ld tripla dre1t1r ••• to tlHI kin1slz• he1dbo1rd and full size nite 1l1nds ••. all deep il'I detail alld constructed for a lifetime: A fi119 piece dlnlftl room set cornple te• this 1p!tndid g1oup!n1 with lntrlcatt Kmll•work on botb. tabla pect.1111 and chair inserts, enhanced by plush vinyl Hits. OUr proltsslonal dteo.t.ltots .119 rt YoUr M tvlu . [.IS)' terms, of course. • Compltt1 l Room VOUP include< • $of1 • LMStat • 5q\lllt or hex commodt • coc:•f.111 tlble • tree • lib~""" • llaniillc ~., • pklvrt •triple drnser • 11inor•2atelb'* •'llftpilt ~ ..... • 5 pilcl d~~I -Ill •If::::~ i&!"' .8 ..... 8 .... SACRIFICE Ea ch l'lec•· ca1t be purchased~ at equal ·lllYI"" e OPEN SUNDAY TILL 6 · FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TERMS e NO MONEY DOWN :. NO PAYMENT TILL 1970 I• • I • • • . ' DAILY PDiOT EDITORIAL PAGE - EveryhO'dy's Beach ' ~-the beach ill West ·Newport began disaP~· Ing il>to the sea a few yoars ago,.11 was genirally a11'eed that it was everybody's beeCh and everybody should pay to save it. l So the federal government, the slate go ommenl, the county government and tlie municipal ,government apent everyb0dy1s money to do just that. Fresh sand was hauled in to -rebuild the beach ahd a field of groins was con5lructed to ~ap lbe sand, to keep it from washing away again. The projects involved the-expendjtur'ei of _close to $3 million, most of it in emergency funds from all sourc· es. After more than two years. of. sporadic work, the West Newport erosion control program is now jUst about complete. . Everybody's beach has been saved. Or Is ll everybody's beach? Some people in West Newport now seem to be hav· Ing some second thoughts about lhat. , :l'liey're nol happy with city pl1111S to seek federal and -state IUd to finance acquisJtion and development ot beach parkin~ areas. The city bas pinpointed three sites, which, when improved, would provide spaces for 500 to l,000 cars, depe'nding on the feasibility of m41ti·level construction. In \Yest Ne~1>0rt'ls evident on just about any SUMY day when acbool 11 out Visitors' earl block driveways, pack every lot full and fill hery curbside inch, painted red or ptherwlse. Obviously, with or without parking lots, the "o_ut· alders" are coming to Uie beach anyway ...... and In in· creasin& numbers. And why n0t? It Is their beach. too. It belongs lo everybody. That's why all that federal, state, county and city money was spent to save it. U the_ city " were to follow a policy ol deliberately t.aldng:no action to meet the inten·sifying need for public parking· faciliQes, it could be accused of administering the beach for W~t Newport homeowners only. '!'he city cannot take the approach that the beach in West Newport is anybody's private beach. If it were, il would have slipPed into the sea a long time ago. 'So illso .would many ocean front homes in West Newport . 'J1lat is a hard fact that neither the city nor some of tile homeowner~ can afford to overlook. The Tin Can Drummer Some' West Newport community spokesmen, in Jet•· Sorrtebody ls out tbere in the Back Bay, banging on ten to-'the City Council and the press, are sayinc th~ a tin can. public P,arldng ·facilities would ru.in their. neighboitJOQd. HJ1 purpose, claim Harbor Area nature.lovers, is• Parking lots WOpld make..lllL_~Cb too acces1il>l~ to highW..mlgraling ducks fmm__th -Un pl to too many visitors. lhey say. Public resl ivoms (al'-.~-• ' . --eir:.res g_ aces. ready planned by the city) would be needed, and lhey, The ducks, great swarms of them, then take to flight In turn, would .make the beach in West Newport ~ven ...,. often over gun Clubs above the bay. -ul Pl t di Id f no· th And theri, or so the theory goes, th e ducks are shot more ~p ar. aces 0 ne wou soon ° ow. ey out of the sky. But accident& do happen. AnyOne can fear: litter would pile up; local str~ts· would be further congested. ~ miss a clay pigeon. All of this has to be reckoned \\tjth, But none of it Gun ~lub s~~esmen say they don't know what the poses lnsunnountable problems. -fuss ts about. Th'ey don't know any tin can drummer. That there is a pressing need for public parking lots \Ve don't know any, either. But we wish he'd stop. • • 'You're m;y /<ind of ball pfayer, John.· !NJ Dangers From Dse Of LSD Dear 30 Eiglath Graders Answer Crltlclsttt By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. . Gloomy Gus: Why dOes news of the "peace" moratorium make me feel so much like a German in 113:2. or an Aus· trlan in 1937? -J. L. II. Til!t ...... nf!Khl ~ ........ _ _.., ... .. ... .. ,,,,,,, ..... ............................. ,...... Students Approve Team Teaching To the Edltor: Con<.-trnlng the lttter from Mrs. D. \V. Jordan printed. in Mailbox Oct. 28 - \\'e, ttUdents of Kaiser Junior High, havin& been through the team teaching proiram, wish to express our opinions on the iub)ecl. Tile main purposes of the program are First Woman Prlncl..-1 (1) to make the student more in· To the F.ditor: dependent, (2) to have a more flexible Jn the rfbvernber :, DAIL y PIL9'f you achedule, (3) io live lbe student.s more had a short Jtem at the bottom of the ~aliJed ~· . frooL page entitled "Two Principals l'erbal M•cfc To the Editor: In Chicago, they may end up winnina: the war. THE AUTHORIT'' or a presiding jud&e and his or her interpretation of whea a delendant is in contempt of court is almost certain to be upheld by any higher court in the U.S.A. No'v if the judge in the trial of the "Chicago Eight" should decide that what has been going on is contempt of coort the guilty parties will be punished and this could include a term in prison. With the apoWght on marijuaria recenlly, tlie ,.bile ten\poror!Jy loot otght of ~Q and ...... tlle other haliuclnoJens, chlefly DMT, Sl'P, momlna glory seed and s-Docybtn. an extract from a Mex- icu Dllllhn>om. Aduolly, Ute.,. of LSD rim ·ot all. we In team leachifil: are Reuslenecf." I wu a llWe disturbed by a '---------------""~ to and can lear;t Oil OW' OWfi. Of _staiement thaL WU made in the. article. courae ~~ •mount of self-• , I was in no waf dllturbed by the The brazen attitude of s tu d e· n t journalists who defile their ne.,rspapers wttb <;Tobacco Road" slang is an in- dication of the general demoralizing procesa in the fiel ds of learning and en- tertainment. The exaggerated tolerance and usage of obscenity to COITUpt the EnlhSh laneuage also corrupta the mora1 and mental riber of men and women who wallow in the \'erbal muck. These juvenile journalists or the campus prus do not loqk mote mature by printing a mouthful Of dirty words. Thus, that old saying about how he who laughs lll!it will laugh the best covers this &ituation perrectly. Even though the trial of the "Chicago Eight" is now the trial of the Chicaco Eight ~1inus One, the above obser.oaUon1 are still valid. bad l?riened. · Fer the word wu out amoag pleasure· ,..llm lllld the dilellCl>antA\I that Utese milJd.lllartnl drup were dangerotis, Thal bod lrtp& With diltorted objects, aoUDdl. color• and thouchta Were menac- ing ud terrtfytnc. That no one could predict wflb certainly wb«I he took LSD, whether for the first or the umpteenth timti, if JJe would have a bad trip. And tbat a bid trip coukl cause psychosi5, penn1nent brain damage a n d ir- revenible-chromolome changes whJch milbl produce.birth defects. HOWEVER, JIECAUBE of Operation Joterctpt and stricter law enforcement on t.oth al<k!s of the Mexican border, sup- pliea of. marijuana have dwindled dramaUcaDy. Wlttx:nrt easy access to ~·as the "in'' thing to do, many individuals are now tz:ytng other drugs, particularly LSD, for Ute excitement of dolag ·something ille1al and rebelling against authority. RecenUy, Diane Unkletter':!' tragic death dramatized the psychedelic v.·ay of dying following lna:estion of LSD. Her jwnp from a window or her sixth floor Hollywood apartment may have resUlted from fear that she was going mad as sl1c seoaed·her impending-doom. MORE LlKEL Y, as with many psycbtdtlie deaths which are labeled "accidental", Diane probably m.iacalcu.lated her envlron~nt, believing that she could fly by spreadin1 out her anna and jumping from a 1teat hel1ht Like other lndividuala on a bad triP she wu ml11takenJy convinced or her om· Di.polence and.ability to land safely. Others on L6D have been equally sure thal they could walk .upon the waten of ' the Pacific Oi:ean, or w~ alJ1il•1Y across crowded Coast Highwlf ID Wiuna Beach, confident Lhat Utey could step traffic and avoid injury. Mort hnportant, perceptual dislorlions with t..so, l!'tll..- even than with alcohol, have ltd to countless automobile aeci4ents. For anyone on LSD is an overwhelming traf- fi c hazard while drlvln& a car. Consequenfly, many obtervefs believe that the wish to die is not,&he motJv1ting force in the tragic mlicalculalionl of those on an LSD trip. lMtead, It ts-thel.r delus ional thinking whJch makes them defy gravity aod try all son. ol im- plausible feats. "LSD murdered my daughtfr'' BAI television personality Art Link.letter aftif his daughter's death. "It wun't llJfclde because she wasn't btraelf. It w1s murder. She wu·murdered by tht people who manufactute and 11ell LSD." It is understandable that Llnkletter wou!d project the blame on someene elae. Reportedly, his dau1hter bad used \.SD many times over a period of months. She must have known that the drut caused unpredictable and !national behavior. UNDOUBTEDLY, SHE experienced panic before. Wlth her Intelligence and upbringing, Diane Llnkletter. like tens of thousands of olher LSD ·users, should have known better. Parenta:. educators. phyak:lans, etc. can only warn children and youth (alao adults still clinging to their adoJescence} of the dangers resultlnl from ualfll LSD and the Other "mlncl blowers" and "mind benders." But Ute final i:eaponsiblUty of decidiJli wbelher.cr nit thej will lake the risk of de11troytnc themselves bekmp to our youth and to QQ one else. Power Witlwut Pijllution lil many areas, electric pow~r COO'lp-any n:plnllon has suffered excessive delay as • ftllllt of the oppos!tion of various Jroupl to construction or need 2d plants. Sucb, delay has hamstrung long-range pilrll for plant development to the point tut a number or con1panies have suf· ftttd a aerlow dec1Jne in enerty raerves. Even the possiblllty of a powtr Mortace carries &UCh far-reaching Jm-- plkaUons u to al"OUSt Ole concern of eotry lholJlbUal cltlun. The ooclal Ind pollticol tldt of '1edrtc power -'1!on aod dillrtbuUon 11 too -I to be !Jnortd, And no one "'-' tblo betler !!\an ltoders in the fn. -llCrtc industry. Thal is why they art maklnc an unprecedented dfC<t lo -"1•1rorunenlal, u well u power, needl. aiNFEllENCEI ore belna held acrose 1111 ....,117 to find Wl)'I ol 1ll11I01 feora .-...... ·~ and lhennaf poll.U.. '11111 art belns oou1bi to work with dtbln' '"'1f>a, u well • at rqulltory 1uthorfU011.so that ~iffereocu Inly be mol"9 llld Ute pubtJC bei>dlled lor -...:. ol IOdleso con11ovtrsy and ~ ·Meanwhile, on the J)olltlcal side, the 60Cialist11 ind critics of lhe invr.ator- owned, taxpaylrl& electric lndiutry may be expected to puah with new vlaor for furthtr stultlf)rib& controls over the ln- dUJUy THE ELECl'IUC lndustl]l In llM·Ulllt"4 States bu COOllatenlly lho'"' 111 llMAOI ablHty to keep ahead of dem•nd. 'llwtu to the investor-owned electric lndustr)', "Uvina eltdri<olty" I• a !'llllly In OW' country, while ft I.I a drt11m In - Janda-not.ably, ltnds "'here 1ovt111111tnt ii the oolt producer lllld purveyor ol aloo- trfc powtr. , 1be very flCI thol powtr 1•1ry lt1dtt1 bave recoptsed and m ftlPOI\• dlng in a cooperative way with ·con- servation ind envlronment.al g r o up 1 llhoutd be folr evidence of their pd fa.itb. We &hOuld tntet 01em halfway. ~ltlal~··.a.- dllcipUne lnvolvecf. Aa for the 140 people reassignment of the principels nor by the In µte cl~ at ooe time as Mrs. fact. that Mrs. Betty Kratzle is a new J01'4an men~oqeQ, the greatest number principal Jn the district nor by tht fact of 1~udenll 1n the room never exceeds !hat she Is a woman principal. I was 100. disturbed by the fact that about the mid· We suunt that if her son is not able to die of the article you st.ate u follo\li'S: accom.pllsb tilt work required, he should "She will be the school district's first lranlfer into a regular class. ~f he hall woman principal." been ptttn1 stral&bt ''Al" through grade school. we feel that he ls capable of doing well in the team.feacbing program, that is, if he works cme to his fuU capacity. We must admit tbal all students are not mentally prepared, or even emo- tionally prepared to dlaclplQ>e themselves in clasa:. Unfortunately, team-teaching is not perfect, nor is anything in the world. In the program, you do not get as much iJl. dividual attenUon, but lhen again, the people in this clus are e~ to be. mature enough to W.9f'k on their own. For most of ua, 1his is our second year , In team-teachinc, apd we think it's great! AN EIGHTH G~ApE J;;NG!JSH HISTORY CLASS AT KAISER JUNIOR HIGH -.Averaie A1e -13 Roser Kt,mpler, Morgan Abbott, Tami Bulla, Nancy Newton, Janie Hirata, Lori Miller, Sandy Yeargein. Steve Whlte, Steve Allee. David C a r b e ir o , Melvin Giibert, Bernie Lenhoff. Caren Hai-vey, John Harryman, P.1ike Rowan, Doug Ltma, Kim Luce , Tweed Stone. Shep Salusky, Patty Osmw, Skip Franklin. Toni Rego. Marlene McClay. Terry Fi'eeman, Je( Donatelli, Debra Adam:s, Todd Johnson, Danny Sm.Ith, Dave Thompson and Peter Boss Bontb, Ollerrldes - To the Edltor: - I wonder 11 I read your paper whether echooi llQ)U!nltndeot Cunningllam ~ a bond Nlumln or an educator ? He ...,.. to be going arouna selling bonds or overrides. Where have a II the mJWonl eone we vot.ed for? Now they wJnt millions more. For eight months work i thin~ lhe teachers are welt paid All Ufrelr Wives work, so why poor mouth? J\.10ST OF THE~I live in '30,000 to $40,000, homes. We arc an old couple 70 and 7$. We have to go out to work for very llltle lr1 order lo pay our high taxes to pay the ·te•chers: Would like lo hear frllm PTA• and others. You don't very ofttr1 print my letters, ao ltt's go. The truth alv>'ay' hum. WILLIAM J. KNIGHT . ,---•• Georse---. Dur 0-gt: My lltl lnsim I (el cultured. W• Mktom bavt f'tC\lllr 'data. She mlde me t•ke a nlcht course In Eo&Ush Poetry. She made me 10 wflb ber la drllllla l\udy. Now 1he'1 lnalsted we co two nlchtt 1 wetk to tum French. Whet would you say lo a lifl Uke Lhat! CHICK·RECKED '1>tar Chlck·Recktd: fUe I tour and IU revotr. ' FOR 17 CONSECUTIV~ years prior to uniflcatlo,n, fdlss !Jtrnke Ve~J served as principal of the Newport Elementary Stjlool, the original school in_ .Newport Be~h. She continued in thiJ position for one year after unification. As a fellow principal fer four y..,s and as her superJntende:nt for IS yws, I can speak wttll asslD'ance of the outstanding services-performed by r.flss Vestal in the Newport Beach Clly School District. These aerv~s Q continued to perfonri outstandingly duzing the r~ year of unification. I Utlnk It unfortunate th1t now, Jess Utan 2~ years after her reU~nt. credtt for being the first woman principal in the Ntwport·?\fesa Unified School District is accorded to another. ROY 0. ANDERSEN Stra119 Support To the Editor : I wish to express appreciation and thanks to my tood neithbors, to the music teachers and 11tudents of the Newport-Mesa Unified HJcfl S c h o o I Distrid and lo the many friends who, following Ute report In Ute DAILY PILOT (Mailbox, Nov. 5). spontaneously sup. ported my oppeal to Ute Costa Mosa Cilf · Council for permis.sion to teach music in my home studio. RENE,,,, BREGOZZO ' ltl1. Brtgouo, rtport~d by Richard C. Watts, director of instru11te ntal mu- sic, Horac.t £11.tlgn School, as a full time !cirntfst Jor t-llt National Aero- tiautiu and Spact Administration. IJOUQht a. Uct111e to teach mu.tic at his l1om~,,..in Coata ltlt1a. He ha! the fol· l9Wfng crtdentlal.t: Ro11al Pliilormon ic Aoodcmy: Su perior Diploma, fil14ical Lyceuni (ltal11J; Premier Priz d u Con· scrootoirt (F·rance); member. Ameri· eon F'tderation of Afusician1J: forntt rly pro/csso1 of violin at the Melbour11e Conservatory (A 11stralia): Bologna J\1usical Lyceun1 (Italy J: nltmber Sl/fll· phony Orcl tt stra of Orange Cou11ty: concert ma&ter of the Cltamber Af1Uic Group .tponsored b~ tht Parks & RcC1'tatfon Department of the City of Costa Ale1a. Editor Clle119e tile l.etll To the Editor: Please chanie the law for me, U you do · I will be proud el )'GU. Plwe change lhe la., t,, be ·ll&hter et olaht.-Make It Ughter In lhl' night. ROBIN GmELMAN Aatl Th• DMLY PILOT ltol><• th• dau roUl come whell Wt WIU hav1 Dayligl1t Savlnga Time on 111ar round., for more light at th1t end of the dat1 for safer driving and more recreation time. -.,. -Edito r WHAT RAS HAPPENED to "the pt1rsuJt ol excellence" and the "standards d. perfe(Uon" that motivated scholarly student:; of 50 yeara or mo~ ago? Today'11 uncllsc:iplined C1>llege students who accept sophistry for intellect, rudeness for manners, crudeness for refinement, impudence for modesty, smwt for wit and prurience for literature are being mis-educated. When the crudities of life become more common than the refinements, our youth become 59 1ccu1tomed to them that they cannot tfJsUnguJa)t obtcenity from dtcen- 'Y-ARTllUR B. McQUERN Sllorellne Access To the Editor: I am tn the process or circulating a pe~ljoo r<queslinl Lhal Ute public have 8Ccef1 .to U>e ~wherever pos15ible. Afih:iu.ih' ~ ·havf: beeri many arUcles in the paper about Salt Creek I have fOur.d ·that . JJl&nY Calllomlp.ns know JtOlhin& about Ille Issue. I have been told th1t my efforts are In vaht becauae the supervjaors simply ig· note .the ctemands of a minority who are in favor of conservation. tt so happens that Mother amall group has the power and/er money to destroy our coaat. . I tielleve we must educate the "silent majority" IO ~t in ~ future we can defend our rilt\ti rather than merely fllhl to define lhtni. LINllA LEE NELSON 'Cfllees~ -El9lit' To lhe Edit~ Have t~ of the defendant.I ln the trial of U!t" c110 Elaht" eaused your blood to boU? la steam atarttni to come out of your ean? Actually you should be jumPlns. with jO)' and the rtuon Is ao simple. The defendants must be proved lo h8\'e violated t.he la• wllhoul any reasonable doubt and a jury of 12 individuals must agree uninimously that lhe defendants are guilty. Now, even if they are found guilty, there is a very real chance that ·the supreme Court ... 111 declare the law Olat the "Chicago Elihl" arc being tried under Is unconstitutional. Thus. even thouah the defendants may lose the right • •• Swamped '·--·~--·"-• Golllea, lod.. News: .. Conirea1lon1l corrtspondence hu been runnl11g hol and heavy this session. A k>t. ol letters from lhe folks back homt have been IMplrtd b)' concern over taxes. lntlalJon and IOVlmmtnf aptndin(, lncludlnC no doubt, tbl 4.1 percent ,._, r&l$e Concrt•s voted for tt.telf. Some concresamtn complained they \\·ere bein& swamped by the volume of mall. The retull: T1lo tTOUst of ReprtsentaUv11hu1utboriied the t¥1ing of ~ extra elerks. one for e\'ety member. 1be cott: ta.t million a year •. SomeUm you can't win for losln.g.'' HARRY 8. McDONALD, JR. CJ1e11aleals ha Food To the Editor : Twenty years ago in Sall Lake City, R sign in a 'health food store. "The Whiter Your Bread the SOOner You're Dead ," v.•as removed by the police under pressure from the white bread bakeries. Toi::lay this would take a bit o( doing because health food is now a conversation piece among people who are conscious of air, water and food pollution. A recent denounce1nenl of cyc\amat~ and rnonoso<tium glutamate Is just the beginning of a hard look at the 690 ad· ditive! which have found their way into our foods without ~ thorough le!ting by the FDA. TJIE)E CHEl\11C,\J.S make the food (1) pretty, (2) stay on the grocery shelf longer, and (3) if it should spoil before processing, another chemical, sodium nitrate. can be added to revive it, unlawfully, and this crime has already been discovered. · Another culprit lurking around the cor· ner waiting to get the heave-ho from the FDA is SU!bestro\, injected into a grow- ing chicken to make it suddenly fat and heavy on the scales. Sudden fat in an animal is a symptom of disease, possibly cancer. Stllbestrol in poultry was re- jected in Long Beach in 1963 by reder al fOod inspectors. But it was passed by local Inspectors, wh.icb was wholly wrong. "The Whiter Your Bread the Sooner You're Dead" is a semantic not half a5 dangerous as the ads which promise a beautiful ngure to ladies who are too lazy to exercise, and who depend on chemicals. ~lfLT BASHAM Letter1 from reoder1 are welcome. NormallV writers sltoutd convey their messages in !OO words or less. Tiie rigl&t to cond ense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is r eserved. All let- ters must include sig11a t1tre and niail· i11g addrtss, but ·na1nes nioy be wi!h· held ott tequet t if snff icitnt rtason is appa re1tt. ----- Friday, Novembu 14, 1969 Tht ctlitoria: peg! of the Daily Pilot seeks t.o i11for1n Ofld st im.- ulate rtadtrs b/J prc11enti11g !ltis 1lCW1.Spap4!!r '.r apinious and cont· mt1ttary 01~ topics of inlertst and 1ignifica11.ce , b11 p~ovldtna a forum for t11t t:tpression of our rtodtrs' oµh1ion1, anti by j')rtttntin11 the dlverst view- point.! of inforn1ed obse rver! ana spokesme n 011 lopfcs of tit~ oov. Robert N. Weed , Publisher _, . . • ·O· . --- • • • ,, Mesa ~l?ITIE»N n u _ ~- . '. .. -· ... -... ·-. -. -rn • M~a Fairflrounds ~. 1.' • . ·~ ' 14 Held ' . Boy, 'In Sex By .ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot tM Ofllr "li.t S"fl ~ (eam or investigators Using Cos!a Mesa · IDgh · School yearbooks · and a fourth-hand tip Jed W the arrest Thursday of a 14-year-old freshman who confessed two sex attacks, one only a few hours belore. · "You won't believe it," said Detective Chief Defends SA Officer In ·Assault Case -UWPINO UPPER , , , G•mblor Plnchin Attacks Hairy Endeavor Realtors Go1nble With _ Whiskers Eve.rybody kno\\'S that Jim Wood and Hal Pir1chin are·Re11tors·, but ·how many J-larbor Area residenll!I ·know . that they are also pogonotrophiles'? Before someone suggests penicillin or psychological ~nseling, perhaps iL should be noted that pogonotrophy i! the ancienl, manJy and cheap sport of grow• inc whiskers. A pogonot.ropbile ls 30rneone "'ho for. matly-cu!Uvata them. Pogonotrophy Is serious business to its adherents, but Wood, pres~ent of hfe.111a Verde Realty, Costa Mesa, and Pinchin, <>r Hal Pinchln and Associates, Corona del Mar, aren ·i always serious. They'fe serious gamblers, however, and Wood's real Pancho Villa must.ache and Pinchin't dark Groudlo Mart are on the Une for the Estancia·versus-OJr. • " . on.i dcl l\lar hish sthool football game tonight. Game Ume is 8 ·p.m. at Newport Har- bor High School's Oavideon ·Field, so the pair will be on neut.ral turf during their lif'!&l hours as pogooot.rophiles. If Estanci a w1ns, Plricl'lln's mustache comes off, w.hlle if Corona dcl Mar ·emerges victorious_, W~s adommenl will . be benched for the season by the razor. So take a close look at the two mug shots accompanying this story. because within a few hours, one will be obsolete, a poor llkenw. Yet a third alternaUve exists, act0rd· Ing to a lady colleague of Wood and Pin- chin with the Costa Mesa-Nqwport Har- bor Board of Rea ltors. "Lef1 call on providence for a tie," 1he de<lar<d . • .fRIDAY, ltlOVEMBER 1'4, '1969 --. -• •• . -.. or i~ghtpmg:_ ---. -- JQlts C~aft .-: -~ . - On -Liitof f. · . - Strongly Backs Agnew .TV . Vjews ' --TEN CENTS ·-" -. .. " . ----... aon ~ --. . -• ·· ' . Uf'!Tf__... APOLLO 12 BRIGHTENS SKY Amerjca the Beautiful y;outbs Buy Gas Masks ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A war surplus dealer aays ):\e has sold fi ve gas masks in. th~ past week, more than. he ususally" sells Jh a month, arid he said nlost•W!nt to ;ybuthJ going to Washington for Viet· nam..-protest demonstrations t h i 1 wdekend. ' I 'Orange · Coa•& Wea tiler It woil 't ·~ thick enouih to' shovel, but tliC fog wUl prevail dur· ing ·tile morning and iVerUng houri along the· C'Oast Uiis '!eek end. _, Temperatures ~will hover around the middle 70's. INSWE .TODAY 1 rwo JIOUnO southern Califor- nl~ oper,a • 1ing(Ts ,,_wh~ mode names'-f.!1! themselues in New or .are &aCk ome or appear- an;e8 wJth-the New_ York <;it11 opera --and e1ijol}tng .ttie pleasu~c~ ~ boating. S~e today'& lVee1'fnder. _ . • ., ' I . l ~ • D~llV PILOT c Friday, NOYfmbff lC, 1969 War· Protesters M~r¢h Silently . , WASHQl\;TON (UPI) -Yl$am war tional· Cemetery ·io· 't]je fOo\ of Capitol ' authorWu wert keeping a watchful eye HUI. on 'tlie·activitles of some other, smaller Bued on ... Um..._· by ihe IJJGiillOJ:lnl.: crou~ !>l lb<.;idelines of the march., New Mobtilzallon ·Commltlle tO End ·tho _ . The lill mot of•tbo Uiree daft of pro. test "' the ..., .. pbue ol ~Ide War h! ~letnam . (N~w M~be}, some dcmO!)Slratlons -comes Saturday morn- Weather Bureau forecast snow fltmies. tonight and S:lturday, with tonJghl's overnilbt loW, temperature In tlW :111'1 ID Wublngton. ~ i • \~ • • • · piiiltsten filed throup the notion's capital, .pul .. llio Whl~. H.,.;,. at an ' I • . • • _,. estimated 1,000 an hour t.odly, mo1tll · toleinh ' aricl Wleil uceji when · u..i , shouted the names of war dtad toward the Preslden1'1:houte. Under · !he \Yatchful eyes of thelr own marshal:! and city police, uie candle-car- rying d~monstrators were orderly, even lo obeying walk-don't "'alk signs a!Ong the .4.2·n1ile r<-'ute from Arlington Na- .:~ * * * North Vietnam Lauds Protest ' ' Groups in U.S. . ~From _Wire Ser.vlceJ TOKYO -North Vietnam's cOrnm.lttee for Solidarjty w.lth the American People' has hailed protest marches in the United States against the Vietnam war. In Moscow, the Soviet Press ~ay published aceouiits of -the 'Anleficln- demorutrations. llanol's Vietnam Neft.. Agency, monitored In Tokyo, said Friday the com~ 1nittee had sent this message to the New h-tobiliµ.tlon Comn1ittee to End the War in Vietnam and-the Vietnam Moratorium C.omrni ttee: · ''We wp.rmly -hail your fall offensiv.e, especlallY the activities to be carrJed .out' by the V~ou.s .atrata of A,nerlcan people from Nov. lS .to JS. , 18,000 peraou ~ _taken part in the • ini: .when a match takes place down slqle-fUe proce&S]oa up to midday. The ' Pennsylvania Avenue to within a block of to,al was reported to reach 45,000 to . the Whitt,; House. New P.1obe would not 46,000 by Saturday morning when the esltinate hOw many would take part but "march against death" ends. leaden priv1tety were talking in terms of The New Mobe ~pparently was making 200.000 or more. every effort to make good on its advapce The · eaders conceded thiit the tumout llromise of a peaCt!ruJ protest. But -~might be reduced by bad weather: The Barbor ·· Qeelibg. Oil Still Plagues Santa . Barbara By JOUN VALTERZA or lh DMtt ,...., 1t1H Santa Barbara'$ harbc!l'Jfuuter Thurs. day painted· a grim picture of a defUited harbor· Sun reeling froin Ule effects of last apring's oil sPill. disaster. And U all could happen ag_ain, Donald Sathre told fellow · harbormaste.rr galh· ered at a converiU'oo at NeWPOM Bei.ch's Newport.er lnn. He uid the harbor 1Still Is. suffering heavily tyen though the thousands of · gallorui of crude ~v~ dlsappw-ed from · •ight. Salhre·,aid_~e tragic, swift stirge of oil into the harbor borne on· one single tide proved that Santa Barbara Is totally- vulnerable to floating oil slicks and just about helpless. Every attempt to stem the oil's flow in· to the harbor proved futile ; he said grimly. · Errorls to clean the sticky oil-clogged rocks of the breakwaters were just as futile . The UniQn Oil Company (owner of the \\'Cl! .whi ch blew out In the channel caus- ing the slick) bas cleaned the harbor's jelly ro~ks twice since last spring. . "If you were to see the rocks today they arc just as black as they were when the oil hit," Sathre said. Santa Barbara is dill receiving 011, he disclosed_, but allegations that they are coming from the Union oil well which blew out are incorrect, he said. An area known as. "Coal Oil Point"' where natural seepage always has oc· curred1 is the offender now. he said. Political and public backlash because or the original disaster also adds to the dilemma. "Before the oil hlt there were extensive plans to redevelop the harbor. Now they appear gone forever," he said. "-. 0.t~i ~~T -~llHI llY l1c1u1N"kMlllw '"\\o'e ·resofutely demand · that the U.S. government 11top its aggre53Jon In Viet· nam and bring home immediately all Amei'ican troopS. · · · "Yolir . i:c.Uon constitute! . .i prcipe.r -answer · to th_e t4ixon admhitlltratlon's challenge to Am.erlcan and world public opinion and proves the American people's line .. tradiUon . for freedom and democracy.- The attempt., at combating the iWtial oil spill were all ineffective, aad some, SaUU-e said, 'were woi-R: than the diaas!ei itselr. · · · · · . "Dredges ' which : once \vm'ked lhe harbor "entrance each year are idled nbw becl'.use public agencies · a1l4 · c;tizens charge that they are creating polluOon, •• Tht harbor's sportfishing business Is entirely wiped out, and the hotel business this year is off 20 percenL "Every sportfishlng boat wen l bankrupt after the oil slick, and the com- mercial fishermen are trying to start again." Sathre said. 'ESTABLISHlNG RAPPORT AT SHOPPING CENTER ,tMPD't S9t. T .. Cu'rry, UCl '1 ·Dr. Stephen 'Shapiro -. he related. · · War Pickets Stir Flap At~outk~Ct>mt, P:laza "\Ve wish rou'successes." Tats, the Soviet neY.'S a g e n c y , transmitted Ilytlned reporl<I from Its \Vashington and New York offices calling .. the deIJionstraUons .a "march against death." · T,he dredges, he said, are sucking up organlc debl'Ls mixed witfi ·oil .ind dis· perslng chemicals. \VhJch had st'!ttJed to the bottom aft er emergency procedures .. "There still is a large area pt the bay · wbere lhe bottom is -mated with this muck. The dredges were just picking it up. ;"If it eve r were to happen again," he said adamantly, "there wonldn't be any Hi~ fellow harborma!llers grilled Sathre lln tbe performance 9f booms to stem the flow of oil into h.arbors. He replied citing personal experience that booms stretched across breakwaters aren't as effective 8!1 they seem on paper. "'Grouting (Filling the gapsl of breakwaters just doesn't work and you would be amazed at how fast oil can work its way through," ht said-. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of lltt i;woU-JtlW Staff 1lc 1rvm. mo..ioo...; .. ciemwtra1«>, !t~e manigers ·ana-s8aiit_y guards; and a ~ t.1esa p:>lioe:W ~ aboqt-an. ho~r..ja:Wing at South 4>3st Plaza TPrui-s. ' day .!Jlternoon. . In the end it was dedped by polke_Sgt. C. Ted CUrry, lhe man in th"el middle.~that sl.00.eots had a right to band oat leaflets at lbe shopping center, but ~-ps not in the mall. The students agref;d to st.and oubide with their "End the War" .slgnS and hand out literature there. .chemicals allowed." tenlion, taking the literature v.ilen it wa!I · F}o,ver· Di"splay Sathre described with some bitterness handed to them. One woman expressed the reluctance of the city's politicians to recognition, saying, "Is this th e recognize the Impending disaster and moratorium day? lfow about that" SJate.·d Sunday balking of agencies such as the depart-Sgt. Cutry, who volunteered to handle ment of Fish and Game. '1 the situation alone and avoid a show of· "City Hall is only a half-mile away force, refrained from taking out his n~te t A nower sl)pw sponsor~.d 'or.the Orange frorr. the harbor but it took hciurs to con- pad and did not ask for names. ~aunty Florists AssociaLion will llc. ~en vince the mayo!'-:.~ city m~r of the HP. explained to UCl Assist~!.-Eng1ish toJhJ ppPlic f,fOnfl p~ to,$·p.m. if!\. extent of the lbing,1,:he said. r., Professor Stephen Shapiro that ,!D,: · ~ai ~ J~ Irvine" Room of thi He said the $100,000 spent"tbefore the ladies, .upset at be!ng 'approac~ed lf.t 1:--.:N'~er furl. Newport Beach. . : disaster to fill the spaces in the harbor"s campla1ned. He said the shW 9!'h1Nf • ·Tht show·wiH. feature floral designers . breakwater was "money down the tliCn't v.1ant th~ leaflets handed ou~ , demonstraliijg how, they work as thty dra in:• the mall . · . Create noral displays in keeping with the "When the oil hit, the breakw,.ter leak· Tremendous pressures built up by oil pushing against the floating barriers strain lhe ropes holding the booms and ~·can snap ju!;t about any line you use." What would he do it It were to happen again ? · Sathre's cryptic reply : ''llead east." ' Mesa Postal Worker Hurt Shapiro then told ~e ·st u den,t:J,. • Clirlstmll!I holiday theme. :A wedding ~d like a sieve." "Technica lly we're llahle to arrest inside. _ SaShJOri. show will also be seen. Boom erecUon plans were just as futile, A Costa Mesa postal worker remains I ca'!1'1 see the purpose -Df anybody beinl ..... A·d.mfsslon toi.be 44 displays, put on by, he added. hospitalized today with injuries suff erect bustec!." • .. ~·' • · .30.ot 1he ,,.,.,,,,ru•s Jlorists, is.$1.511. · · ~hen his scooter-type delivery vehicle .• _, , ·-, .....,_...., • · A huge boom arrangement" stretched ... •--bot t ..a. to al slammed into the rear of a c.ar Thursday. -across uJC •wu en ranee provC\I. t • Loren H. Johnson, 49, -of 2111 Wallace Jleavy rain drtncbtd the New Yotli area this afternoon·, and most other parts of the country also:had bad weather - with rotecasts it woukt gel ·worse by- Saturday. The New Engl3nd ·area Was warned' of the f*sibiHty ·ot-hea'vy snow.- 'l'he Washington skies were dark 'and threatening but at mid-aftemooli . tne forecast of rain had not yet materiallzed. · B\tter Ri~als ~ ... Nearing Finish Of La Paz Race The 3rd annual Long Beach to La Paz: yacht race was nearing its conclusion ~ afternoon with the first boat to finish - either Blackfin or Windward Plslage - expected to· cross the line sometime dur· Ing the night. . Once again, as has been true through most cf the race, Blackfin failed to answer the Friday morning ?oil call, .but Windward Passage, whlch did, reJ>Cl1ed it had Blao~in in s.igbt. Pas.,age repofl-e(l'tts pos.1tion as 23-14-rr,lD'J-2.1 W. a· round Cape San Lucas. Race committee boat Ranjamar l.s speeding to the finish line at La Paz to \vait for Ken DeMeuse's· 73-fOOt Blackfin an d Mark Johnson's Passage, also a 73- foot ketch. Coocerto. John Hall 's Columbia 57 Crom r\ev.•port Harbor Yacht Club ; Dorothy 0, anolher Columbia 57 from NBYC. skip- pered by Robert Beauchamp, arid Rascal, 57-foot yawl from Santa Barbara Yacht Club, .all Class A boats, were bunched about 20 miles from the cape. \Veather reporitd to Carroll HudsOn of Newport Beach Cram the Nestor is sunny and humid with light westerly winds from four to five knots. The sea is calm. Strong northwest winds cf 15 to 20 knots are expected on the way up the Gulf of California to the finish line, but calm \l'inds of one to two knots may make it difficult for boats rounding tht cape. · Yacht pos.itions reported this morning \rcre Alerion 24 03-112 50: Al Vie.nto 24 Sl}.112 J9; Aquarius 24 07·112 15; Ariana 23 28- 111 50; Aventura 24 23-113 35. Bohemia 23 17-110 47; Charisma 11 23 23-111 20; Concerto co report (in sight of Rascal ); Deblnda IV 24 20-113 25; Dona J. 23 52-111 25; Dorothy 0 . no report (~ sight of Rascal); Jrish Mist 23 57-111 OS; Isobar 23 42·11'2 13; L'Allegro 23 58-112 39; La Prensa 24 39-112 24; M4lobi n.o z:~porl C9!f a1r with battery problems ); Mistral no report. Pantera 23 40-112 09; Pcsada Manana It 25 12-114 32; Pericus 23 45-11117; Rascal 22 f..5.110 13; Robon 11123 42-111 09. Se.rapis.23 32-111 33; Severn 24 111-llZ 00: Tanqueray 23 33-111 24; Vector 23 41!- J 11 12; Windward Passage 23 14-109 23. From Page l ALLEN •.. Ear}ier in the day l':'O .),J~J students had been expelled from the shopping center by security guards an~ returned to cam])Ul with the news.· That . prompted about . ., students to show up at South Coast Pim 7 Durlng the hour it took to..settle the fs$Ue Uiese things occurred: -A security guard UiliUCcessfully ask· ed the students to gel.out and was heard to lament.. "They have 1'tobody who .1'1ll admit he is in charge of them.:~ -Thomas Morrissey and:-Mrs. Jean Dick!on of TIRED (Taip.a)'ers Indignant ahi>ul Radicals in Educljlli9n) sho'>'·ed up and began distributing "anti-UC! revolu- 11onaries" literature, staying out of sl&bt t.f Sgt Curry. ._N~w.port Ci~~eij's Angered By FreewayShift Prop.osal ly ineffective, he said. ·, "On the 'ocean ·side oI the boom the oil St.; Costa Mesa, is listed in satisfactory builL up~ a thickness of eighL inehes and condition at Hoag Memorial Hospital, chief said. eventually the pressure just lifted the where he is. being treated for a con-William Martin, mayor of Laguna boom high enough for the oil to come cussiQn. Beach, quil the Grand Jury earlier this th1'9ugh. The pressure also snapped a Police said Johnson was driving his rear in mid·term, without expliciUy tell· vehicle south on Harbor Boulevard at mg the reason. fik:f!:~r~~g the boom. It broke f\lerrimac \Vay when he collided with a He never deni~ suggestions, however, ~lower-moving car driven by Joseph S. that the panel was much more liberal in Sophisticated air-jet boom& worked fo.·!iller, 17, of 10631 Desser Lane, its outlook than be had expected and e\·.en worse. he said, and \\'hen oil-soaked Anaheim. some ~f its decisions did not please him • -A UCI guerrilla theater _group ap- peared and carried a cardtioa.rd coffin through the mall. but SgL Curry told lhem Jt was kind or large and could be obstructive. · -An armored transport man carrle.d a hag or bank deposits past ~ group o( ~tudents with gun drav.·n Crom his holster. Through it all, shoppers paid little al· DAllY PllOT I ! OlA)IGI (QA.\1' PUil \$HIN• C(IMll',\lff ' r ' 1'•"-rf N. W••' ., .. ..,,. .,,. 11'..ilt111J Jtl\: l . Curl.-, Vitt "'91111nt tflt ~· ~ Tht1111t k'1evil l:011tr Th1111tt A. Yu,.l.ir1• ~,...lilt 1!411ar t JlD We1I l•y Str••I tt,f1llinf Aid4rtn; P.O. It• IS.0, ,2,26 t """'°""" ·~ lrkfl• llll wn• e.11»1 loo.olllVI,_ 4 .._._ aucn· Ut F.,.11 •- ' • "411111\fttton '"'11; at Jt~ '"'" ' ( By E;VEL YN' SllERWOOU- .... Ol'lft• DlllY Pilot Still A pant'l of ·local ~d state officials wa!I greeted by an overflow cro...,·d of New~ port Beach property owners \Vedncsday-. night. anxious lo kriow if and when' the Pacific Coast frce\vay will 1l'ipe out their ho.Illes. - Plainly surprised at the Cliff Haven Association lurnou1 al C1iff Haven School. Newpm:t Beach Traffic Engineer Robert 'Jaffe and 'bi&' colleagues ga\•e a report ·on freeway status. "The Balboa B~y Club 'ha s asked that the highwl!Y be rtlocited to aitow for hl~Ju:tsc ~ldit)gi on t!Jcir recently ac· quired proj;eoy a~s .~otn the existing club," Jaffe e.~. · Grumbles_ an,d growls ·v.·ere audible as Jl!ffe explafued ·~~ty's ,pos.ition so far in Ule .controy,usy, · • Further ·discussions are planned Nov. ~LJl 10 a.m. in a Balboa Bay Club meel· ing fea turing BBC 1'1anager Dick Steven., 11nd . Wil liam K. l~ashimoto. assistant district engineer for the Slate: Division of Highv.·ays. ,J\'0 COl\'SIDERATION "\Ve have never been allowed to talk about or make any considerations con- cerning the freeway. About three years ago things started to perk up again. "'The adopted rou1e is still en," Jaffe said. There are no questions concerning the highway from the upper bay brldge sOUth. The city of Newport Beach Councll must '=." PtUJ1, ~"''"di•~,.. sign the agreement \Vilh the California .... __ ,. ~i.W::~ ci.":!'~-Highway (Allhmii5loo before plan'.s go ........, .._. "'--'-"-"""'...,_ ahead." ht add ta:· · - -· · ~*"!,:::.-"'~....,C:...ie:-..:r'....::· ''The mOll recint projection calls for J~ ......,... """'" -•1 nn ••! three bridges across the bay on CAast 1 t,-':=--c:.:..--=.~..,.. m w.si l{!&iiwa.y. There "'ould be l"'O compJetc I Jntereti"angea: at Dovtr Drive aiKI Coa5t 1 • ''"'•••• t7t4t 641-4111 Highway~ lliyersidc and Tustin;' he 1 • et_., .,_,.., .. Ml·••n . corit.inUea. '$tF' ::" ~""': ... ~ .. :::.:r.;: t ''lt · stlll lcnYCs something to be de- 11' _,,... ., ~ """"' ~ired,11 ""' not.:.., "from 1n operational ,_ ... iCtil~ ......... "'9Klilf W -• I'" \U -., ""'.., ....,_ -r vle"'POint. '' _, -~ ... "111 tt.....,..,. '"° .. . :0te1 19907 the traffic pr001...dfon I• for .-, a llHift•· ~~ _, l"'-' -~:i---~· 11$,etlL ~t~ a .~ay. M tl\f l'f''!lll .-.IT' i'j~ •. ~ · ~ Um,-tfiere are.•ooo on a_peatJUmmer '-----.:;;......; __ ;....__,, d07.• . - ' - " ' . . "It's pretty local traffic," commented straw floated by, it created whirlpools Investigators said !\Iiller was turning Martin has said in public that some of !he engineer. letting· the oil into the harbpr, Sathre rlghl into the drivc...,•ay at Fairview State Its ai;tlons were in direct conflict with his said. Ilospi tal when the acc idenl OC!:urred. own personal_ philosophi!;!!. SAVEACCIQENTS r~~:;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~;;;:,:~ :'Traffic alwa;y::i: exceeds projections," z ·--ht noted. "The freeway will :save 6,000 ~·z 2 2 Z w -~r'.:'!~:~!'. year and SQ deoth• in ( . REMODE ·L-ING SALE ) He refused to discuss other route pr?- JecUons wHh the demanding audlence. He. declared he would recommend to the City Council the adoption or the route. Featuring Upholstery He admitted the recent change or prop- rrty ownership by the Bay Club had "A vait select.ion of quality upholsteted fur nitur1 •+ exceptional se,.inq1. Ooote your rp~lst.ry, brought about the re·alignment of the from fhe follo.,wing fine linei; Nation1I, Marge C1rson, Jemestown Lounge, Hibritan, Pacific, landmark -~ .~~-Hashlmoto, aW5lant state highway en· gineer. l!lcild today there were 5Ull dis· cussion.~ cnncerning the Bay Club propo!lal . Jaffe said until a short time ago the city wouldn 't even talk about the free- 1vay. "No~ we are discussing thin~s." he added. •·we agree we need a l101v of traffic. This ls the place it should be. There are no bean fields . It is all dow n- lo"'·n." The hostile au<!i~nce muttered during discussions. Larry \\lilson said the deparlment has spent a lot of time studying highway mistakes and admitted the adopted coast freeway route his some "unfortunate" curves. ';For Instance," he said, "the Riverside interchange would leave the business bull<llngs but take the parking." Both 11peskers agreed 811 the propo!e<I pla n for a north route going around Hoag Ho.$1tal. Wilson commented that there Is no lltudy of any other route. · lhe meeting , originally scheduled to ·conclude it 9:30 p.m., was continued at the request of the demanding audience for aruiv.•ers to questions. '1lt "''ill take ttn years," Jaffe uid. "There Is no money to purchase homes in ttie fre eway roult." The list r.i~uisilion wa~ 1988 ~en ll pi:9J)erll's on Kings Road wm llW"' cb•sed from the lrvine Campany. •• ·~e treev.'IY has to IQ. ,srnewbert," Jaffe c:onctudtd: "The tramc probltm-- bu -:to ~ ntOIYed. The db' counctl could ma<e uP Ila mlml 111 ~tlD the : ;rrement bJ January.'' -. Savings from 20°/o to 50°/o off. Some examples follow. Reg. SALE Sofa Texture. Rust & oronge. Z & H ........... . 419. $299. 2 Choirs. Blue & green. Nationol ............. . 289. EA. $149. EA:. 2 Choirs. Orange & gold texture. Pacific ...... . 279. EA. $149. EA. Sofo. Gold vel¥el. Notional .................. . 499. $399. 499. $399. 499. $339. 189. $139. Sota. Floral print. Notion.al .... _. ..........•... Sleeper sofa. Texture stripe ... , .............. . Swival rocker. Damask. Jamestown ............ . !35. S159. 27 9. $139. 159. $129. Easy cho ir. Linen print. Notional .............. . Easy choir. Blue g ;een print. Morge Carson ..... . 2 chairs. Green velv et luffed ................ . I 69. $ 84.50 Rocker. Red velvet .......... , \' ............• . i and colon fo choos• from , Be trno"g the finf1 Over I SO chain and 25 solt1. AU sizes, 1htpes, to select from th is lariJ• essortrnent of t1rrili c v•lue1. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DR EXEL -HENREDON -HEIUT AGE NEWPORT llACH 1727 We1tcllff Dr., 642.2050 OPIN f.lllAT• "TIL t • INTERIORS " Profes1lon1I Interior Dnlgntrt Av1ll1blo-AID-NSID LAGUNA BEACH ~5 North Coast Hwy. Of'lll NIDA T 'TT\. t . • \ 494-6551 I r I ~ \ , \ Bundle oi Nerves Filipiiws . ·fo Leave ly Phll ,lnterfandl llERKELEY_ (UPI) -If this is one ol those days when you feel like a bundle of nerves, that's just about what they would look like under a high.powered microscope. ScienUsts at tbe Universl· ty or California have relcas- e d the first clc.a r photographs or sub- nlicroscopic nerve tissue - bundles o( incredibly small fibers and knobs which link togeL'ler the nervous system. lower magnifications. :show complex bundles cl · lhe filps an~ , knobs ])ting together in clusters at the point where the I a r g e 'trunkline" fibers ol two nerve cells meet.· A team of bio-enginecrs. headed by associate pro- fessor or electrical engineer- ing Edwin R. Le\\'is, said the knobs seemed to havt five or s ix spots which were firmly attached to other knobs or nerve tissues. But the scientists said their conclusion that the knobs fonn t h e com. munications Unk bct\\·een . cells must remain tentative until further evidence is ob- tained. --•• Vietnani MANILA CUPI) -The Philippi'.1es told Its Vietnam allies today it will &oon witbdra\Y It! 1,500 troops from lhe war zone, fulfllllng a cam- P,aign, promise of newly re- elected President ,.Ferdinand E. f.1arros. I~ will be the rirst complete pullout by any allied con· tin.gent from Vietnam. Government sources said the P h i I i pplne non-combahr.1t force would be home by Christmas. Foreign f.1inister Carlois: P. The three-9imensional pic- tures were t a k e n with a scanning electron micrOSC<lpe. at magnifica- tions 20,000 times life sl~. They were the first photos - lo show synaptic knobs, which scientists believe pass nerve impulses from one cell to another. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF NERVE FIBERS Previous models of nerve links were based on two- dimensional X·ray like pie· lures taken with transmission e 1 e ctr on microscopes. A conventional light microscope can magnify only about 100 tinY.!s life size. Romulo told a news eon- ference he had informed Nguyen Van Loe, the South \1letnamese embassy charge The specimens of nerve tissue in the photographs Pictures of an area no big- releascd Thursday w e re ger than lhe point of a pin from the abdoml'fl of a showed a number of knobs marine snail. ., at the end of fibers which Arms Control Talks seem to Ue across each other 1lke a random pile of logs. Other photos, taken at d'affaires in ,_Tanila, of the 1'It couldn't have been & very important board meet.- decision and sent word to em-ing if & couple of mini-skirts can break it bassies of New Zealand, Ul> th&t easil.v." Australia, Theihr.1d, South --------------------- Korea and the United States - the other Vietna1n allies. Marcos, who y,•on an un- precedented second four-year El • T" term in Tuesday's presidential ectrIC ICU p election, said the forces would be used to fight Communist Carolina Coach Offered Progress Slow Huk guerrillas at home. The Philippine Civic Aclion NEW YORK (UPI) -No Group (PHJLCAG ) is a non-COLUMBIA, S.C (UPI) -Carolina In 1966 said a. progress was reported Thurs· cbeeombaltantv· group whicP has Paul Dietzel, the athletic representative of President day in negotiations between n .1 ietnam since Seir U.S. May Reveal Secrets Selective Service Job WASHINGTON (AP) and consular officers Thurs· day night. tembcr. 1966. Marcos director of the University of Nixon extended a "feeler of- spiral of strategic arms in representatives of striking previously had sa1·d he would •-·th c l' h h f " \Ved d · hl H rder lo a·-·d l ns·o 5 un General Electric co. "'Orkcrs """"' aro 1na, says e as er nes ay n1g . e o ... 1 e 1 n . · recall them when the1'r money · f h II rt · 1· d ,,. and management been offered the post of Selec· refused to 1dcnti y t e ca er. ce a1n ies an excess cos,.;. · · ran ouL The fund s expire next -A reduction of the out· The negotiating committee m<fnth . live Service director but he is "I was Oabbergasted and bre~ of nuclear war through for the United Electrical Marcos' victory was by the turning it down. shocked," said Dietzel. "I told a dialogue concerning issues Workers (UE) scheduled largest margin in Philippine "I was very flattered by all the caller that I had no arising from the strategic morning and afternoon talks history. With slightly less than of this, but I have , no in-background at all for such a situation. v.-ith General Electric officials. twe>-thirds of the eight milllon tentions of acceptmg' any other job, but he said they had done ·' D.\11. v l'll01' s Actress Marries Director r ,llOLL YWOOD (UPI) Mary Poppins got married again. Julie Andrews, who won an Oscar as the sweet nanny In the film musical "Mary Pop- pins," sald Thursday night that she and director Blake Edwards were married ln a private cettm0ny at her home. The Eng!~h -'born beauty and Edwar& have been 'in· separable companlone; f o r more than two years. It was the second marriage for eath. Miss Andrews, 34, was wed to English stage dellgner Tony Walton and is the mother at' a daughter.. Emma Kate, . 7. Edwards, who recently com· pleted direc~ng his . bri~ in "Darling Lill," il5 the tathei ef two daughters by a previous marriage.._ __ 1-VIV l .'l'ED STAT..ES NATIONAlj I ' BANK ' ' SOUTH COAST PLA~ BRANCH I· NOW OPIN SATURDAYS ' t. t P.M. ~ ' •· MON.·THUllll. 10.1 P.M. PllllDAYS . lW P.M. 17141 140·1211 ........... ~' S.. C..t "-· C... M .. When the nuclear arms-conlrol talks with lhe Soviet Union 9pen in Helsinki, Finland, ?.1onday the United , States might have to lift the veil on some military secrets in order to achieve What Secretary of State Williams P. Rogers calls a "balanced strategy o f ICCU!'jty.'' . Rogers would not predict the U.S.·Soviet talks -plans for which were originale.d under fonner President Lyndon B. J oh nson -would signal an end to the nuclear anns race. But he did list three U.S. ol> jectives for the discussions: Rog~ said "competitive It represents 22,000 of the 147.-votes counted, 1ttarcos held a some research on me and felt a cc um u I a t ton of more 000 strikers, but represents-lead of 1,536,133 votes over his job," said Dietzel, 45. that-I was very qual\(led and ""'· Yk• .,,....._.., sophisticated weapons wou ld lives or other unions involved opponent, Llberal party Sen. The fonner West Point th~y would llke to discuss it E. H. LEVAN- ''The talks themselves will require discussion of military matters by both sides in which the veil of secrecy will have to be, if .not lifted, at least refashioned," Rogers told a group of relired diplomatic -Limitations on the deploy- ment of strategic arms by both the United States and the Soviet Union as a means to "enhance· interantional secur- ity.'' not add to the basic security 1ria~r~e~o~n~l~h~e ~COll)IlU~~·1~tee~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;~Se~rg~io~O~sm~e~n~a~J~r~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~coa~ch~~wh~o~ca~m~e~~lo~Soo~Jh~;;w~llh~m~e~.'~' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~r of either side. Militarily it pro-11 bably would produce little or no net advantage. Economically it would divert resources needed elsev.'here. Politically it would perpetuate the tensions and fears that arc the social fallout of the I nuclear arms race. -Halling or the upward An1erican l\lotors Calls Back 24.000 Vehicles ' DETROIT (UPI) The possibility of a trio of defects in new "American Motor! cars has forced the automakers to recall more than 2 4 , 0 0 0 vehicles. It will inspect the 1970 models for defective jack-sad- dles, mirrors and hood lat- ches, ArifC said Thusday. Owners of 14 ,396 Ambas.sador ---sedans a n d Ambassador and Rebel station wag003 were notified to return their cars to dealers for replacement of jack saddles. A~fC said that, if placed in a , certain position. the pin of the jack saddle could part from the slot in the rack bar ol the jack or the saddle could jolt itself from the bumll#f Inside day.night mirrors might also have to be replac- ed, the cat builder inlonncd owners of 6,184 Hornets, AMX Javelin, Rebel and Ambassador models. An additional 3,502 Hornet owners were notified that their cars may have misaligned secondary hood latches and the latches should be in- spected. ';So our capability for\ mutual destruction leads to a mutual interest in putting a stop to the strategic r.ucJear anns race." l\Iissiles Lofted On West Coast VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) -Two Bomarc A missiles moWfied to serve as targets were launched Thursday at 5:45 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. p.m. by crews from the navy missile center at Point Mugu. The Bomarcs headed due west down the Air Force Western Test Range and lhen were turned south t.1to the sea test area of the Navy's Pacific missile range. Fashion Island-Newport Center Saturday, Nov.15th 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . Come watch new champions in the making. Over 600 entries in all competing for prizes, trophies and awards. Best of Breed ••• Best in Match ••• Best Jn Obedience ••• each judged by well-known breeders. ' Entries ·are now closed but this Is your opportunity to learn show requirements for your pet In our next Fun Match. 51 FINE STORES and SE'RVlCES ,--,.. a FASHION, I ISLAND NEWPORT CIJNTIJR PACIFIC CIMST HIGHWAI l£lWWI JAMllOl££MD llAC.Ullllll WAREHOUSE LIOUIDATION OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO CHOOSE fROM COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $14~5 .11 • c ........ s 6 .. ~ . 8 ..... 8 .f··oo II For·the homeowner with distrimin1ting tastt i nd an ~ye for 1upetb Workm1nshlp, htre are 3 <.0mplete rooms of Sp1nlsh dulgri'ed furniture 1t unsurp1s1ed v1lue1! The hring room ensemble Is w1rmlr 1cctnted with hind c1rved wood.trim on th• &of• 1nd love 1e11t that ful!r comphnant tht lr sumptuous velvet l1brits. A IOvely fe1n tree. w.1111 plaque 11nd lamps fill tile room with ele1ant warmth and ctitrm. Walk Into the bedroom 1nd you'll lmmedi1telr fall In love with this Q'.fAclous futni• ture that carries throu;h the maste1lul hand design arid 1uperb conslf'\lttlon. lnspact this 1roup. ing c1relully •.• from the m1/estic mirror ind triple dr11111r •• , to the kinplzl he1dbo1rd ind fuH slz•Jlilo stlJ'ld$ ••• 11l~eep in deun md constructe.d for • lifetime: A fiw piece dlnlni room set completes this splendid grouping With lntrit1te KfOll"•Ork on both table pede"81 i nd ch1ir inserts, enhanced br plush vinyl s11ts. Our prot111fon•I decorators ire •t your service. £.tsy tenns, of course. Complete l Room croup includes: • Sofa .-l.ome1t . ..rt ... bei tOmmodt • eotk(1il t1ble' • lfM • lable lamp • ha11&i111 limp '• pid11rt • triple d~ • mimw • 2 ._._ •linoiu~'' • 5 ....... .,"'"' .. MUST .. SACRIFICE •· '. Each Piece can lie purdiiSed sepamely' at equal-SGYlllJ!t e OPEN SUNDAY TILL . 6 FOR . YOUR CONVENIENCE TERMS e NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TtLL 1970 Promi·se Is · Still There Alter Its much-heralded and promising Optnln(I, tit• Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club seems to have bod one stroke of bad luck after another. Now Costa Mesa city cOuncilmen once more are after a new management arrangement for the 16-hole · coune and Us handsome clubhouse. Whell\er they'll 5Ucceed is a matter of interest· and importanc;e to all Costa Mesans. Jn the over-all "1ewpoint, the Costa l\lesa Golf and Country Club Is a sound -indeed lma(lnallve -plan. II uWizes surplus state-owned land. fr<>m Fairview Stale Hospital -land which would have lain !allow !or many )'aal'l!. . • . • Utilizing a small corporation ol public-minded Costa Mesans, the city govenunent w~ able to or&~ a financing program that would pemut construcilon of two 18-hole courses and a modernistic, fu.qctio'ntl club- house to serve golfers and their guests. The coune was designed by a well·known e~rt a1_1d with the ever· Increasing interest in outdoor sports, plenty of golfing customers were assured when the new course opened. Or so it seen1ed. Management problems i.Q'lmedl· alely beset the operation. accounting procedures were untidy and the greens and, fairways them~el".es ~eren't up to expectaUons. Nonelheless, ~~cce~s ~as m the cards as the course went into operation. RlllllPnlml. Allolhtr group pr<>posea to take over the entire clubhouse and course. So far, councilmen h8ven't been able lo·dedde which of the two oilers is heller - or Indeed 1J either is the best available proposal. Bui. slalisllcally, the Costa Mesa Gol! and Country Club should be a winner. With a half million people with· tn a 00.minute drive to the course, it shouJd be natural that gollers would flock lo one ol lhe lew public courses available. It also should be ·natural that some of Costa Me111s. 7$,000 residents would avail them&elves of the 1ocial activities common to a country cl ub. Despite its setbacks, tht promise is still there. The City Council and the municipal staff must &H lo ii t~al the Coata Mesa Goll and Country Club does indeed be- come the community as5et it once promised -not a locker room Joke. And the sooner the answers are found, the better. The joke ha• ias'led long enough. T11e Tin Can Drummel' Somebody Is Out there i!'I the Back Bay, banging on a tin can. His ·pui'pose, claim Harbor Area nature--lovers, is to 1Pighten migrating ducks from their resting places. · The ducks, great swarms of them, then take to flight -often over gun clubs above-the bay. -- Without gofng into all of the various schemes at· tempted to overcome the club's problems. il can be said that none up to now has been successful to all con· cerned. And so. the city is again trying t&" find some means of pushing the club into reaching its real poten-- tial. And then, or-so the theory goes, the ducks are shot out of the sky. But accidents do happen. Anyone can miss a clay pigeon. -Oun club spokesmen say they don't know what the fl.l6S ts about. Thev don't know any tin can drummer. \Ve don't knoW any, either. But we wish he'd stop. 'Yort'rc my kind of ball player, John:, The City Council is currently ~tlld~ng two propos· als. One group seeks to oP'erate the clubhous• and bar portion, leaving lhe golf course and pro shop to Qtber (C) 30 El91tth Grader• At,iawer Critlclana Dangers From Use Of LSD Dear Gloomy Gua: Students Approve Team Teaching ... "'.,..,...,.._. ~ -· .-.,....,,..,- ( [, .,. Ej'e;yd~y l ', ', 'Prohlems . ~!h~~ I By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. · With the .spoWght On marijUana recenllJ, Ille publlc temporarily lost sight Of LSD ind the otber hallucinogens, cbieAJ QMT. STP, momia1 glory seed and pUJoq;btn, an extract from a ~tex· l<:all.liiilllliuam._ActuaJly,-tlle use ol u;o bed 'l1111ned , for the WVfd WU out a~ng pleasure- -and Ille-dtsenchanlid that tile" mind-llterin& drup were dangerous. 'l1lat bad trtpo with distorted objeets, &OllDdl. coJora and tboughta were menac-toa ~ud terrUytna. '.l'hat no one could pre4lcl with certainly wben he took LSD, whetber for the flnt or the umpteenth time, U' he would hive a bad trip. And that a· bad trip could cause psychosis, ~ brain damage an d lr- revmlble chromosome changes which mJ&bt prodUH birth defects. . HOWEVER, BECAUSE of Operation Intercept and stricter law enforcement on bo&b. aides of the Me1ican border, sup- pll• of marijuana have dwindled drumUcally .. Without euy access. to marljuana·U the "in" thlng to do. many indtViduall are now trying olher drugs, particularly LSD, for the excitement of dolnc aomethlng IUeaal and rebellin& aplnst authority. ~nUy, Diane Unklttter"f tragic death dramatized the ptiychedelic \Vay of dyins following Ingestion of LSD. Her jump from a window of her sixth floor Hollywood aparhTtent may have resulted from fear that she was going niad as she 1enaed her impending doom. MORE LIKELY, as ¥lith many psychedelic i:lealhs which are labeled "accidental '\ Diane probably rnilcalculated her enviroan1ent, believing thl1 she could fly by spreading out. her Mini and jumping from a great height. Like other Individuals on a bad trip she wu m.Istakenty convinced of her om· rlipo&ence and ability to land safely. Olhtt1 6D. LSD have been equally sure. that tbq cOuld walk upon the waters of wtiat do you think woqld' happen If a few North Vietn~ v.'ho are also opposed to tlle war in South Vietnam would start parading dov.·n the main drag in Hanoi carrying !qqerican Uags? -It B. M. Tilll ...... Nfftdl !NI ...... ,..... Mt __., ·a-. .. 11111 ••• •• • .... ,.., ,.. ....,. ......... , ........... ,... I the fa.cific Ocun, or '.l'all4jer llmltsSly ac;oss crowded Coast Highway ti Lasuna Beao:h, confident thal they could st'p trafl'it and avoid injury-f\1ore Importan t, pl'rteptual distortions vl'lth LSD, ireater even than lvilh alcohol, have led to countless auto1noblle accldent.s. for anvu11e on LSD is an overwhelmln& traf· fie hazard v.·hile drivlnr a car. . Consequently, many observers believe that the wish ·to dJe is not the moUvaUng force in the tragic .miacalcWaUons of those on an LSD trip. rnstud; ·it is their delusional thinking which makes them defy gravity and lry all sort. or Im· plausible 'feats. . . "LSD murdered my dauibttr" said television personality Art Unklettu after hi& daughter's death. "It wua't auJclde because she w1sn't herself. It wu murder. She was murdered by the people who manufacture and ull· UD, '' I~ is unde.ntandable that Linkletter "'ou~d project the blame on someone else, Reportedly, his daughter had used LSD many times over a period of months. She must have known Ula( the drug cauaed unpreiiictable and irrational ~havlor. UNOOUBTEDL Y, SHE experienced panic betore. WUh her intelligence and upbringing, Diane Linkletter. like tens of thousands of other LSD user1, 1hould ha\'e kno'wn better. Parents, educators. physicians, ttc. can . only warn children and youlh (also adults still clinging to their adoletcence) of the dangers reaullin&. from 1lllllf( LSD ind the other "mind blowers" ahd "mind benders." But the final m-1billly of deciding wbellter or not they will Ille the ·rnk of destroying lhemselvn beloop lo our youth and to no one else. 16 the !;dil•r: Con1:emlng the letter from Mrs. D. \V. Jord1J1 printed in f\lailbox Oct. 28 - \re, atUdenls of 'Kaiser Junior High, h.'.lt'ing been through the team' teaching provarli, wish. to express our opinions on the mbject. T~ maJn P4fP05eS of the program are (I) to rqake the student more In- dependent, (2) to have a more fle)l;ible scheduie, (3) to &ive &be students more .-pecl1u..cl lrllnln1. First of al~· we. in ~ t~ac~illl are "'illin1 to and can learn on our own. or coune there U a certain amolUlt ot self· disclpliae involved. As for the 140 people in lbe. claurool'I\-at one time as A1rs. J~n meptioned, the greatest number of &ludints in t~ room never exceeds 100. \\'e 1uqest that if her son is not able to ICCOlllpli&h the work required, he should tranaftr Into a regular class. If he has been getting slraight "As'' through grade tiChool, we feel that he is capable of doing well in lhe team-teaching program, that is, if be works cloee to his full cap41city. \\'e must admit that all students are not mentally prepared, or even emo- tionally prepared to cHacipline themselves in class. • Unfortunately, team.teaching ls~ bot perfect, nor is anything in the worl<j. In the program, you do not get as much In·· dlvldual attention, but then again, the people 1n tbia class are expected to be mature e"°"'lb to work on their own. For m05t of us, this is our second year _In t•~-~~chin&1 !lnd we thin~:lt'~ great! All ! I G JI TH GRADE ENQL1SH IUSTORV"CLASS AT KAISER JUNIOR HIGH -Average Age · 13 · Ropr Kempler, Morgan Abbott, Tami Bulla, Nancy Newton, Janie Hirata, Lori MiUe.r, Sandy Yeargeln. Ste v e White, Sttve Allet, David C a r b e Ir o , Melvin Gilbert, Bernie Lenhoff, Caren llarvey, John Harryman, l\tike Rowan, Doug Lima, Kim Luce, T\\1eed Stone, Shep Salusky, Patty . Osmus, Skip Franklin, Toni Rego , Marlene McCJay. Terry Freeman. Jef Donatelll, Debra Adams, Todd JohnSQn, Danny Smith, Dave Thompson and Pater B06S ...... o.,errllfes To the Editor: Power Witlwut Pollution r wonder as I read yeur paper whether school auperlnltndtnl CUnninlh11n II • bond lllelman or 1n educator! Ht eetml to be toln& around salling bonda or overrides. Whtre l}ave aU the 1T1l~ tone we voted for? Now they want mUllOns mort, For· -.eight months work I think the teachers are well paid All their wives work. so v;hy poor mouth? Ia msny areas, electric pawer rompany npal8ion hu suffered exCessive delay as a reeult of the opposition of variou1 &J'OUPI to construction of needed plants. Siacb delay hu hilmst.rung long-range plans for plant development to the point that a number of co1npanles ha ve auf· rerec1 a serioua: decline in energy remves. Even the poWb\llty of a power lhartqe carriN such far-reaching im· pUcltionl 11 to vouse \he concun of every thoqbtfuJ cll.lt.tn. The llOdal lt1d pollUcal aide of electric .,...... .,..._ and dlllrlbulion is 100 ·~ to be lin«ed. And no 4'lne -11111 bel1« li>ln leader• In Ille In· --eleclrlc lndullry. That Is ..ey liter .. l!llklnc 1n unprecedented dlart io meet enVJronmenlal, aa well aa P8"t!:f' I needl, CONraENCa are belnc held 1cross 1111 _, so 11114 "111 or alllJlt>I taars .-lilal almmpltarlc llld thermal polhtlloa. 1'111 m heinr IOU(lbt IO work with dClmm' pipt, u well •• rquilloty -, IO thal dlll .... COI may be rtail11d llld Ille poblic beoollll!d b1 ·-., ..... C<llllroveny and d<f•y. l (' f ' Guest Editotial . llfOST OF THE~f live in $30,000 to ' Meanwhile, on tht pollUcal 11de, the socialists and critics of tilt lnve.tor· owned, taxpaying tlectrlc Industry ma,y be expected to push with new vtiot for /urUler 1tultllyln& Ocmtrol1 over Utt in.. dll$ll')'. $40,000 homes. \Ye are an old couple 70 '/ and 75. We have to go out to work for very llttle in order to pay our high taxes to pay the ttachers. Would like lo hear from PTA1 and others. 11IE ELECTIUC Industry In the Unflad Slates haa COllllllenUy lllowlt an unuJnr ability IO ketp lhead ol demand. Thanu to tbe invtttor~ eltttric industry • "llvtna electrlWly" Is 1 "•Illy ID our countrY. Wblle II Is • drum In -landt--nOLlbly. llnd! wh,re govemmat ii Ille IOle produc<r ind purveyor cl eleo- trk pawer. The very fact that power ~ leader& have f'tCOIDlled and are ,..,._ din& ta a cooperaUve way wtth eon. ltt'Vatkin and tt1vltorunental a r ~ 11 pa llllould be lllr mde... or lltttr ..... fa!th. We should meet them halfW'lf. IHUICrill Nn1 lla>1t" You don't very often print my letters, IO lel's co. The truth always hurl&. WILLIAM J. KNIGHT • .----811 Geof'9e--- D .. r Georae: My a;rl inslJls I gel C11llur~. We aeldom ·1>11ve rqul1r dJles. She midi ate lote 1 nfllll course In Enrll•h P.oelry. She made me 'o wilil brr lo dr11111 lltldy. !low she'• ·, llllllltll wt ao two nf&hl•• w"k lo lt1tDP'nilcll.~~you11y 1o • tlrHln u.1u · ~ CHICK-RICKED lliar Otlck·Recked: T1b a tout and au revoir. f'lr•t 1t'oman Prlnclpel To the Editor : Jn the November S DAILY PILOT you had a short Item at the bottom of the front page entitled "Two Principals -Repsigned." I ... I little disturbed by a statement that wu ~ in the article. I was in no way disturbed by the reassignment of the Pf.~l!_IIOr ~ the tact that Mrs. -Befiy Xf1£Zle is 11 "ilew prlnclpal in the. district nor by the fact lhat she Is a woman principal. I was c.ilslurbed by the fact Utat about the mid· die of the article you stale as follows: "She will be the school district's firsl wom11n principal." FOR 17 CONSECUTIVE yf:ars prior to unification, Miss Be.mice Vestal served as principal of the Newport Elementary School, the original school in Newport Beach. She continued In this position for one year after unification. As a fellow principal for four years and as her superintendent for 13 year•, I can speak with assurance of the outstanding services performed by Mias Vestal in the Newport Beach City School District. These servlce3 sflt; conUnued to perform outstandingly d4ri111 lhe first year of unification. I thi.pk It unfortunate that now, less than 2\.l years after her retirement, crtdlt for being the ftr&t woman principal ln the Ntwport·f\fesa Unified SchooJ District Is accorded to another. ROY 0. ANDERSEll Strong su,port. To the Editor: J wish to exP.ffiis appreciation and thanks to my rOOd nelahbors, to the music teachers and students of the Newport-Mesa UnfOed High S c h b o I Dislrjct and to the Q'lany friends who, following the report. In the DAILY PILOT (Mailbox, Nov. 5), •Pontaneously sup. norted my appeal IO the Coola Mesa City Council for ptrrnis8lon to tucb music Jn my borne ltudlo. ~ J. BllEGOZZO r.rr. Bregozzo, reported by ltichard C. Wattl, director of fmtromental mu. sic, Horoee Em-ion School, a.s a fltl! tfntt ieitntl.rt for Utt Natiot1aL Aero- nautlci and Space Administratlcm, souaM a_Ucense to t1ach_music at his home in Costa Mtl4. He ho.a tlie fol· lowing crede11t"iaU: Jloual Philarmo11 ic Acadt1nv: S11perior Diplon1a, Alusicol Lyccu'n (ltcly); Prtnti ir Pri:t d1i Co11· atrwtoirt (France ); member, Ameri· Verbal Muck To th~ Edltor : The brazen attitude of student jouri:iall.8ts wl'19 defile their newspapers YliU1 '·Tobacco Road " slang is an in· dlcatlon of the. genera l dcn1oralizi11g process in the fields of learning and en- tert.&lnmenL The exaggerated tolerance and usq:e of obscenity to corrupt the EuglislJ language al.so com1pta the moral and mental fitier of men and women who "'&Uow in the verbal muck. These. juvenile journalists or the campus .press do not look more mature by printing a moufrJul of dirty words. WHAT HAS HAPPENED lo "the pursuit ol excellence'' and-tht·"standards of perfection" that rnolivated scholarly student~ of 50 years or n1ore ago? Today's undisciplined college studenl!t who accept sophistry for intellect, rudeness for manners, crudeness for refinement, impudence for modesty, smut for wit and prurience for literature are being miwducated . 'Vhen the crudities of life become more common than the refinements, our youth become so accustomed to them that they cannot c'Jstinguish obtcenily from deeen· cy. ARTHUR B. McQUERN Shoreline Acee .. To the Editor : I ;trn ' in the proceu of circulating a J",:?t.:Uor. requesting that the public have ac.:ess to the thorellne wherever possible. AlthouSh Uwe·have been many articles in tbe paper about Salt Crttk I have fot.rfid that many Californians know nothing ab:Nt.the issue. I have been1 told that my efforts are in vain be<:aUH the supervisors simply ig· Dort tht demands of a minority who are in favor of conservaUon. Jt so happens that another small group bas the power and/or money to destroy our coast. I believe we must educate the "silent majority" llO thllt-in th!! future we can defend our rights r•tber lhan merely flf(hl IO define them.' IJNDA LEE NELSON !C:ltlcqo El1ltt' To the Editor: Have the antics of the deftndants In the trial oC the "Chlc110 lllthl" cauaed your 'lood to boil? ls steam 1tart1n1 to come out of your e.s? Actually yoq should be Jumpln& wJUl joy and the rtasoo is 10 simple. cittl Federation of A-fusiciani; forn1erly professor of uioli1i at llle Melbour11e Conservatory (Australia): Bologna, J\f11sical L11ce11111 (l!aly!; member Syn1. pl1011u Orchestra of Orange Countv: concer& mt21ter of &ht Cluttnber J\.lusic Group i~uortd bu th e Parks & Recreation Dtpdl&mcnt of £he City of 0 it Co1fa Mesa. Editor 1be defendapls must be proved to have \•iolated the law without any reasonable doubt and a jury of 12 individuals must agr;e unanimously t6ii:t the defendants are guilty. Now. even lf they are found guilty, there is a very rtal chance that the Supreme Court \\•Ill declare the law that the "Chicago Ellhl" are being tried undt:r is unconsti tutional. Thus. even though the defendants may lose the fight C:ll4ul99 tlte r.. ... To tht Editor : Plea.te chanit the law for me. tr you do t will be proud of you. Ple1se change lhe h•Y' ~be U1hter al ntahL Meke It lighter In th,. nis;ht. ROBIN GmELMAN Ap I Tilt DAILY PILOT hopu till dov tlJiU come uihtn. w w'U Mvt Dayl ig ht Satihtga TJme all UtGT rou11J; for more light at tM end of the dau /Or ta/er dritdng and mor1 recreation tinit . -Editor I · i:aa· .C~mm.enb •• Gosbu, 18d.. Newt: 11Con,rusiM11I correspondence has been running hot and heavy this session. A IOt ol letter• from the. folks back home have bten Inspired by conct.m over t.a~e.s. lnOaUon and 1:(0\'errtmtnl spending, lncludln& no doub~, tbt 4l percent PIY raise Congrtss l'Oted for ltatlf. SOme oongreumen complained they were beln& swamped by the volume of mall. The remit: the Jlouae of RepresentaUves hu authortltd the hlrtna: of ~ extra clerk.I, nne for t vtry member. The cosl: $3.8 mllHon 1 year. Sometimes you can't win for I05in.a:.'' In Chicago. they may end up winnine the "'Br. THE AUTHORITY of a presidini: judge. ana his or her interpret ation of when a defendant is in contrn1pt of court is almJSl certain lo be 111Jhcld by any higher court in the U.S.A. !\'ow if the judge in the trial of the ··c1ticago Eight" should decide that what has been going on is contempt of court the guilty parties will be punished and this cou ld include a term in prison. Thus, that old saying about how he who lau&Jis last will laugh the best coven this situatton perfectly. Ev1?n though the trial of the "Chicago Eight'' is now the trial of the Chic8go r;ig!l, Joos-One, lhe above observationa are still \'alid. IL~RRY B. McDONALD, JR. C:lremicab In Food To the Editor : T"·enty years ago in Sall Lake City, 11 sigr. in s health food store. ''The Whiter Your Bread th e Sooner You're De.ad,'' was removed by the police under pressure from the \vhlte bread bakeries. Tc.day this tvould take a bit of doing becausr. health food is now a conversation pit:ce among people who are conscious of air .. water and food pollution. A rectnt denouncement of cyclamates and monosodium glutamate is just the beflnning of a hard look at the 690 ad· diUvea which have found their way into our foods without a thorough le.sting by the FDA. ' THESE CllEMICALS make lhe food (l ) pretty, (3l stay on the grocery shelf longer, and (3) if it should spoil before processing, another chemic1J, sOOiurn nllrate, can be added to revive it, unlawfully, and this crime has already been discovered. Another culprit lurking around the cor- ner waiting to get the heave-ho from the FDA is StUbestrol. injected into a grO\\'• ing chicken to make it suddenly fat and heavy on the scales. Sudden fat in an animal is a symptom of disease, possibly cancer. Stllbestrol in poultry was re- jected ln Long Beach in 1963 by feder al food inspectors. But it was passed by local Inspectors, which was wholly wron g. "The Whiter Your Bread the Sooner You're Dud" is a semantic not half as d&flgerou.s as the ads which promise a beautiful figure to ladlea who are too laly to exercise, and who depend on chemicals. ~ULT BASHAM Letter• from readers are 1oelcome. Normally writers should convey their messages in 300 words or Less. The right to conde 11se Letters to fit space o·r e/iniina:e libel is reserved. AU let- ters mus£ i ncl ude signat11re a nd mail· htg address. but ·nomc.~ 1nay be tolt/1 . held 011 f"equcs! if sufficie11t reason is appare11 I. ----iWWW- Frid a y, November 14, 1969 Tht 1ditoria! page of t11c Doily Pilot seeks to i11forlfL and. 1l1t11.o ulatc readers by prcse11ting 11111 11tw1pope1'«.t opinio11s and c:on1. fl!eu1ar11 01t top ics of i11ttrci.·t oud slgn ifica11ct, by providing a f orum fo r the e:cprtssion. of our readers' opt11lon1, and by prtsentlno the diuersc v;ew • polllts of /liforrncd observers oud spokcsrnc1t 011 topic; of tl1c day. Robert N. Weed , Publisher I j 0, fc s c: b Ii p I• r t 1 d I r I ( J ' I ' I f DAILY PILOT Ii.ff,..,_ PHYSICAL THERAPIST BOB BOLIN ENCOURAGES PATIENT At Fairview, the Important Th ing Is tc Keep Digging Fairview Explores Inner World of Human Beings ED ITOR'S NOTE: Tliis is the fifth of siJ; articles dealing with programs for tile mentall-y Tetarded at Fairview State flospitat iii Costa P.1esa. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of the Dl!lr Piiot Stitt Specialists in one realm of science chart spaceship voyages to the moon and beyond, "'hile others devote careers te> finding the weak spots thal make small parts defective. The s-ame is·true of research into me~ ta! retardation. Exploration of this puzzling inner world Is one o[ the busiest jobs at Fairview State Hospital. The pattern \viii continue through early years of the ne xt decade. "Things are happening so fast th&t any report about our program is out of date by the time it is typed," says Or. Robert T. Ross, chief of the r esearch department. Call it inefficiency? Call it wonderful. Studies into dozens of aspects of the fi eld are carried out by Dr. Ross' eight· member stall, plus many others among Fairview's nursing and psychiatric serv- ices personnel. Not ail of the laUer-who change diapers and spoonfeed middleaged crib patients-have always agreed t h a t research is practical work. Parent· Teacher Scholarship Set For Mark Naylon ~Iark Naylon, a lS.year~ld Edison High School football player who died Oct. 31 from severe head injuries, will be remembered by a scholarship dedi- cated in his name. Mrs. Frank Jsselhardt. president of the Edison Parent, Teacher and Student Association, said that Contributions can now be made lo the "Mark Naylon En- dowment Scholarship Fund" throu gh the Bank cif America, 18691 Marie St., Hunt- ington Beach. Naylo n. a junior-varsity player, ·suf- fered the injuries in a footba U game Oct. 18. "Mark Naylon was nearly the ideal of a spirited, dedicated athlete," said Mrs. Jsselhardt. "A nu mber of citizens in the community have expressed a desire for an opportunity for a memorial tribute to this fine young man." Festival Board Helps Art Group The Fest i va l or Arts board ha~ anted up $2,4 15 to spruce up the permanent art collection of a fellow cultural entity. The filndr, recommended by DirectOT Helt!n Keeley, will clean, re pair and revarnish 115 oil paintings. They are the pei1nanent collection of Laguna Beach Art Association. Many of !he scene..s are of Laguna, she said. n.e -'rt association facing costs of r.emodeling ttie majn gallery and painting the ex- terior cannot sbare In the cost, she said. ~1rs. K('(lley estimated lbe rejuvenated '"'orks "'ill be fit ror another SO years or n1ore. The "·ork ts to average 121 pet' pai11ting, she said, because low bidder D!IJ Gilm~r will work on the paintings as he can. Other bidders asked $50 to $60 per painting. ·. Given the circumstances, this is un- derstandable. Dr. Anthony N. Toto, superintendent ar.d medical director, says some have felt researchers a re Merlin-the-Magician types who exercise their minds while others get their hands dirty. "Some felt they were off on Cloud Nine somewhere. just making more work," be continued. "But the important thing is: this is not an Ivory Tower concept.'' "If the universities want to Ute our pa- tients in studies," they can," adds-Dr.- Ross. The proximity of UC Irvine and the fact that some Fairview specialists are also UCI staff members allows related experimental studies. Other universitiea are also involved. "The research program here la aimed al overall patient care and treatment," is the way Dr. Ross phrases its role in a* cent report. Research as an individual word may evoke a distinguished scholar in a white coat peering into a microscope for some miraculous discovery. It may only be a young PT noting a new patient response to a word or gesture. Puzzles fit together with small as well as big pieces. Dr. Ross and· his staff are currently. In- volved In 17 separate research project.a. Eleven others have been e<1mpleted. One of the most pracUcal IS his new scale or patient self-help listing various data about the individual. It likely will be standardized for California and na~ tionwide hospital use. The form covers everything from reading ability to toothbru&hing skills. What are the other current activiUes? -Investigation of pareRlal vi.siting habits and their effect on patients. -How rewards may help learning abll· ty for the retarded. -Whether Vitamin A can control drool- ing in patients who suffer from gargoyl ism. -Whether the drug Metrazol may im· prove memory and learning ability for the retarded. The latter study i'l headed by Dr. ·James McGaugh, pro res so r of psyc hobiology at UCI, along with Dr. Louis Gottschalk, UCI psy<;hlatry depart- ment chairman and Dr. Gilbert Morrison, chief of professional educatfon' 'at Fairview. Initiated more than a year ago, the Idea is potentially dramatic, but still quite inconclusive. "The first study just showed us UJe reefs and shoals.'' says Dr. Ross, "but we did learn much about conducting ex- periments on the wards." Dr. McGaugh himself has been publi city-shy since a national magazine broke the news of the experiment 18 months ago, with a note or fals op- timism. AnxioUs parents throughout America riooded his office w i th heartbreaking pleas -for help. "l'm so weary or answering these pathetic letters," he said at· the time. "We can tell them nothing." "We might even come up with nothing, but we feel compelled to find out," he continued, in lhe_manner olatrue. aclen· tist. "We don't know exactly what ii going t.o happen.'' · "If we did, we wouldn't need to run the ~ lest." No malter what brilliant· breakthroughlr occasionally come, the vast bulk of scien- tific research is not like blasUng a hill in half le> di!ICover a rich, but unexpected vein of gold. More often. It is like chipping away at a tall mou ntain wllh &aod shovels to find a gem suspecled lo be down there somewhere. The important thing ls lo keep digging. !Tomorrow: A look Ghcad.J Friday, N""mbtt' 14, 1969 · s DAIL V l'Jl07 i Teaehers Get Aro·ttnd. -T Dmen tlae ' Sf!.mmer~ Proves Enjoyable Time for Most Mission, By BARBARA IOIEllllCH Of Ille Dlllr ,..., ltttf Travel -from Hong Kong to Honduras 11nd Israel to Ireland -. study, for pleasure and for degrees that wUI boost their professional ratings, and just family fun occupied teachers from Uie Laguna Beach Unified .llchool Dlstric\ thla awn· mer. A aurvey of 8$ teachers, , about two- thirds ol those worlilng in the · dislrlc\, revealed that more than a third t;;ak: ex- tensive trips during lhe 111mmer. many worked in jobs unrelated to their pro- fession' and a large number puraued their own educaUooal development in courst,lJ ranging from marine ecoloa to guitar. One of the most unusual. summer adventures was descyibed by M"'Lee Ter· ry, who teaches El Morro filth graders soclal studies, science and art. Mis8 Ter- ry spent eight weeks in Israel, five of them living Ind wo~klhg on a kibbutz (communal farm') where, she writes, "l worked iD the cotton fields and Weguard- ed at the pool.'' The Lsrael experienc.e was followed by three weeks in Greece, mostly on the island of Crete, which added up to what she aptly describes as "a fantasUc sum· mer!" after dark ... damage ln the rl.ot zones coi.mtry'a r.oclal welfare lnaUtutioni;. [)ut .. ctuld be compared to that of a bombing ing the week, the grqup worked in raid." hospitals, schools, commwtle•tlons an~ High school socJal atudles instructor community centers, and on weekends Bruce Morse dispiayed varied tastes in they camped in the couptryside. . his summer choice of attending an ad· El Morro fifth grade teacher Michael .vanctd black studies series at UC Irvine, Ha:ts combined pleasure with 8 touch of • Trail Chamber Starts participating in the San Diego Chargers business while taking his family for a coaching clinic and pursuing his study 0£ month-long, round-the.U:s. trlP in a self· Member Dri"ve ifandarin Chinese. contained motor home. Stopping tn Vance McKeon, who teaches math and Washington D.C.,· Haas checked lafe> · · science to fourth, fifth and sixth grades details of the Presidential Fitneas S.\DDLEBACK VALLEY ~ The S$1· at Aliso School bad a bua:man's holiday, A\\'llrds program, discovered that five of dleliack Valle·y Chainber of Commerce spending the summer lo a Laguba Beach his students would qualify for the. award h&s-launChed its ; me!nberahJp campaign math workshop where he prepared audio-and picked up the nee~ applications. 'with a goal of 100 ·new members. · visual teaching materials, as developed High school art. teacher •nd coach Meetings take place the third Tuetday ~h!\~.classes, for use in other district Hal Akins spent the summer as usual -:~o'::a~n:o:~d~~~~~~"fi!,~~ Elementary music director Deane Bot-manning his booth at·the festival of Arts. . Tuesday at the same time. ' torf also stayed close to his chosen lteld, El Morro's Pamel8 Ashwood, who Bolh assoclate ·a,nd.active membershlP.1 devoting summer months to teaching a teerhc.o;: langµage arts to fourth throug~ are available. Anyone interested may 6ummer school chorus, writing an album sixth grades, traveled .east te> her write to the organizaUon in Suite 303 O' of dance instruction music for Mclmark parents' New Jersey home for her 'June the Taj, 23521 PaRo de Valencia, Laguna Records and writing a third grade 21 v1edding to William Keefe, then. buf.. Hills or call them at S3'1:.t753. . · workbook in oote-reading for Songflute. ried bcick to Laguna to teach art·in sum· • Cq~ Slgnups s~t School principals alse> stayed on the mer school and resume studies at UC MISSION VIEJO -Adults inte~ ln job, except for two-week vacations, Irvine. sigrung up for a b'asketball league may ~o throughout the summer, as d i d Fot Barbara Mudge, resource teacher so at the recreation center, 25800 ~· Superintendent Dr. William Ullom. at Aliso School, a summer highlight wci:s tanoso. ' Among several teachers who completed a weekend spen,t with the late Bishop Last year's sigQup scattered 14 teams work for their Master's degrees this sum· Pike and his wife. Other activities in-among three leagtles. Any member of the m~ was Jim Herdman who teaches typ-eluded participating in a curriculum recreation center 19 or over is eligible for ing and boys' physica l educaUon at workshop, . driving three Mudge the center's team. I The El Morro teacher has been asked to prepare a program on her stay in JsrJ1.e.U_or,__classroom presentation. Laguna Beach High School Instructor Emanuel Calamaro spent his third sum· mer leading a group of students through Eutope' in a program sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Study. Two-week slays in London, Rome and Paris h"' eluded morning classes and organized ex- cursions to Introduce the teenagers to cultura1, 1>0litical and economic life in those capitals. Thurston Intermediate School. Along with youngster~ to and from sum~er sc.hool Games are staged in the MISsioft Vlejo -his &tudiee-at-Long-Beaeh·State-College.---and_purswng.a.hom~.r.emodeling_1u:0Ject.________High--School-gymnaslum.--lm«estedl---• Herdman held down his regular summer .Fo.r . El Morro kindergarten teacher players must sign up by Nov. 20. It was a football summer for high school electronics teacher Tom Haase, who signed on with the Loi Ang~es Rams and spent three weeks as a punting specialist at their Fullerton camp, then joined the Las Vegas Cowboys as a bolder-punter. El Morro third grade teacher Joan Morrl&on spent her swnmer in Great Bri· tain and included a vtsJt to her native Ireland, arriving the day rioting broke out In Londonderry. "It was most upsetting to see Northern Ireland in such turmoil," she reports. "'For a whe>Je week after my arrival, it was not considered wise to be abroad job as a Laguna Beach lifeguard. V1rg1n1a Kunz •. surpmer ~gan with. ~he .• Education Stallent• An international work-study program task of preparing a reading and wr1tmg · f for young adults took Genene Kluck guide for district kindergartens. After LAGUN~ HILU -A founGer o a spt!Clal skills teacher at Laguna Beach that it was a "vacation at home'' with group against ~llegb diulde~ wpt it: High School to Denmark where she four young daughters, aged three te> guest s~ker ~t t e meetkmCounr o U r arti · ted ~ f' d th eleven. · • Constructive Action Networ c o p c1pa m a program ocuse on e Surr.mer courses at UCI lured Aliso's Laguna Hills on Wednesday. Attempted Hijacking Thwarted in Ohio DAYTON, Ohio (UPI) -A man who allegedly approac~ed the pilot's cabin on .1 Delta Airlines night with an automaUc pistol was aJTested by the FBI today when the plane made a scheduled stop here. The suspect was identified as John Wilmot Kimball, 44, of Livonia, Mich .. The plane, flight 6S en route from Detroit to Atlanta, carried 60 passengers and a crew of five. It was delayed two hours and IS minutes on the stopover here. Deanne Allen and Robin Lawson Barbara Leech, founder of the students Thurston's Marilyn \Vahlq uist, Na~ for ~ducation will "addtesll the pubJ¥: Jaccbsen and Ronny Newman and meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Royal Savings Marton Long of the high school faculty. and Loan, Toro Center. , Also college-bound were Thw:ston's ~be studen~ of English literature la stu· 1-awrence Fisher (oceanography at ~ymg.at .California S~ C:Ollege,.~· UCLA) and Aliso's William Millhollen 1ngue~: Hills.. . (Spanish in Me xico City). 8 Indians ·PllJI Rltu ' AJiso math and science teacher Mary CAPISTRANO. VALLEY -Y Jndlan Peterson also headed south of the border, Guides of the Juanine Nation will conduct all the way to Chichen Itza, capital of u1c an induction ceremony tonight at Forster ancient Mayan empire. Junior Hieh School auditorium in San High school qounselor Art. Wahl took a Juan CapistranG. northerly direction, covefing 10,000 miles . Installation Of the' new Officers and !!);' on a two.month camping trip with his ductlon of new tribes will highlight Uil family, covering the Pacific Coast up to evening with ceremorue·s to begin at 7:9b Canada, t.hen eastward across Canada to p.m. The tribes are from San Clemente, r~nter the U.S. In New York. Dana Point, and Capistrano Beach. MAYBE IT'S-T.IME WE ALL DID A LlnLE FLAG-WAVING! ~:·. ;..~~::· .. FLY YOUR FLAG: Thi s" . WEEK-END I ,, •·.··14. ".r. .., !~~ ~ I 's«-i . , .. ~-;.~·~ .. --::~ :"~-... .. ··::·...;..~ . ~-~ ~ '1 •• Yi 3' x S' Ft;AG KITS 2.98 ·~ ''>; • "4µ""'1~''i ~ . .. ..~fl'_.,.. ...... " ""··. • .:tt;., l~:'i"""" Too often we tend to leave the patriotic dlsplay1 to Just a few clvlc·mlnded Amerlc•nl. Ar• w• l•1vlftg th• decl1ion1 to lu1t 1 few, too? Maybe It'• time we rem•mbertd that we •II hav• 1 1take In this country'• destiny. Displaying the flag 11 more than just •n expression of love of .covntry , •• it's a sign ff?•t we btllav• In tht princlpl11 upon which that country was founded . L•t'• procl11lm our Americanism by flying the Stars end Stripes and let's llvt °""Americanism by participating In America's d•mocracy. Fl Y YOUR FLAG this WEEKEND! Don Swedlund ·-' COMPUTE CAR CAif- Since' 1.959 H ... : 7:JO ' lo 6:00 Delly 540-5710 DAl\V PlllT Industries Report Dip :1n Profits • WASHiNGTON (AP)-Book prollls ol .'.J.rnerbn eorporatkN before taxes d~ Cl!Ded.b(Jh• Ju~'1ftber 'l""'I" ror u..;.:....._...,.;...,.._.,.._..;.i;;,.,•"' the fint time since the 1961 ecooonUc 1~ ., .. ci-. ,.. .... , :ato!Ck>•n. the eommerce Dtpartmerlt r.,,.ned today. , Former· U.S. Chief J"'tlce E•rl • 'l1>e profit! 1'11 13 • billlon bel"' lhe Warren says the new generation~ '.recmd set in the ftnt two quartera: to a college students is bet~ tralneu RISMllly' adjusted aMual rate al $92 . .f and motivated than any lD the past. ·billklb. lt was another indlcaUon that the He told a Hebrew University audi· ·~·s campaign agalnst inflation sal h rts b begiaoing to shoW rtSUit.. ence in Jeru em e suppo 'n1e department's Office of Buaines.s many aims of •tudent rebels be--Economics said ~;tu earnings would cause "change is easential in m~y be $50 billion foC' the quarter. down $1.8 ·of our institutions." Wanen said, billicn from the previous quarter. And however, be difiers ·With 11some of with dividend P'Yfllent.s up by tMIO mlJ· the more e:r.treme because I believe lion, .retained earnings' dropped by well ~that there is enough flexibility built over $Z billion. · into our institutions so that real At the same time, the department social change is possible. 0 The for· revised its preliminary estimate of Gross ·mer chief i· ustice spoke after ac· National Product for · the third quarter d d to a sea.sonaUy adjusted annual rate or , cepting an honorary octorate e-$90.l!I billion, about $500 million above . gree. the original estimate. • Th~ increase amounted to 7% percent when spread over a year's time-contin- uing the pattern of the inflationary years. 5'12 percent of'tbat was irice · Inc:rease! --while-real-production oL the _economy expanded by about 2~ percent. UPI Ttie,ltott SCORES TV NETWORKS Agn.w Charges Bias Allies Bomb Own Troops Near Cainbodia Contributiom to the Neil Arm- atrong Mweum hovt topped tht -f500;000 goal ueded-to-auure- ttl wnitruction i" Wapakoneta., Ohio. Fund-raising chairman tDtf"t told $528,JJI hal bttn rai&· <el. Shortly aft<T the "'°""walk blf Annstrong, a Wapakoneta"°" tiot, 'Coo. Jcrmu A. Rhode• pr~ posed tht museum and plt:dgtd $500,000 in state fun41 if the!I could bt matched th.rough pri· vate donationJ. In a broad . economic report, the de· partment also noted that Ole lederal government recorded a surplU5 of $7.3 billion the third quarter, considerabl,y below the $13 billion surplus for the sec- ond quarter. The surpluses-a goal of the Nixon administration-follow several year_s of deficit.!. Corporate prof its art a key ir\dicator of SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnamese the state of American business. The Commerce Department reported that pilots bombed their own ground troops by e manufacturers' profit.! fell despite an mistake during a Cambodian border bat· ·: ~ Ch•rl• A.. L1ndbert can still f]y increase in automobile industry earnings, tie today, contributing to lhe government : 8 singlwngine plane, even if be is which fell ip the Stcond quarter as a casualty toll or 20 dead and 56 seriously . ' 67, and wu &emewhat put out by result of. strikes but recovered in the wounded. July.S.ptembtr period. . : reports that be had crash-landed Field reports said dozens of other South : : one in a rice paddy. Manila news.. Vietnamese troopers suffered minor ; : papers said be had cheated death Cath li B • h wounds in the North Vietnamese ground ·:when the plane came down while 0 C IS ops attack that carried into their camp one , he was studying witdli:fi in Uie Isa-. . mile from camOOdia. :. hela region. The .flier said he land· Hi·t. B~ ... h. Plans At Jeast 93 ol lhe attackers were killed :· ed because of bad welt.her and Ja.. ll a. , In the fighting as they routed Ute South ;. ter took off to continue his trip. fr the d :: • wAsmNGTON (AP) _ U.S. Catholic Vietnamese om outpost an scat· •· .,.. · b'~....._. · protested . today a g a 1 n s t tered lhem across the jungle hills under t: Princel1 Ann of Brl.Uan was com-..... .,.,.. rainy skies. ;; missioned colonel in chief of the ~sponsoffi! programs or birth Re:ports from the field sald .lbe ac· ~ King• Huuars Regiment of the Bii· .'111e Ml\llalmtJal .,..ung of the Na· cidelllal bo)llbing occurred about .noon ;: tisll army· tn PaderlJon, Gennany. tiooal Conference of Catholic Bishops, wlmrthe ceiling had dropped to 300 feet. :: The ~year-old daughter of Queen representing the U.S. hierarchy or the The pilots roared in ~king they wer.e t; Elilabelh ll slog=througb pud ... church, issu~ a ~s~~meDl'"TeJHirpling bo~b!Jli ~ No~h V1etname~ ~t hit :: d1ea of water to · theltfoop. the traditional Catholic defense· of the their bWn. troops instead. :: ~ Col. Basil W presented her right of life. .The Sooth Vietnamese bat ta 1 ion ·. with a diamond atudded<b-. The staiemonl spotjficaiff .~ regroOJJ<4,alter sevenil Jioun of battifiiC • 1--+"~>r-;.· .,.,----=-·•_,,,_.,c_...~._· ---••wliWN&..Jail-C"tllld.projeCtpi ~-PtD:-•Dd dro Off the attacktrs, _ ., ., .. .. •• j: • gram& a:ponwed bf the. Nl~l Tht"carop Ues one mile from Bu Prang, Institute -of ,Child Health ·•nd" Human a U.S. Green Beret enclave 112 miles Development in quest of e ff e c t l • e north-northwest or Saigon in the midst of methods of inducing abortion early in an a 7,ootknan North Vietnamese buildup establiibed pregnBrlC:Y•. alld to include tanks. Gal Takes .Fertility Pill, •I •' • Agnew Rips Networks' Urges Improvement in Quality, Objectivity From, Wire Senr1ces DES MOINES, Iowa -Vice .President Spiro T. Agnew strongly criticized television coverage or President Nixon's Nov. 3 Vielnam speech Thursday, com· plaining it was subject· to "instant analysis and querulous criticism." He said the content or television news shown to 50 million Americans is in the ha.OOs or a dozen people and challenged the networks to lmprove "the quality and objectivity of news presentation." The presidents of the three major networks, all of whicll carried Agnew's speech to some 400 persons at a Midwest Republican dinner live, made statements. Julian Goodman, president of NBC, said "evidently he would prefer a dif. ferent kind of television reporting-one that wou ld be subservient to whatever political group was In authority." CBS President Frank Stanton said Agnew's speech was an "unprecedented attempt" to "intimidate a news medium." ABC's Leonard H. Goldenson said "We wUI continue to report the news accurately and fully, confident in the ultimate judgment of the American public." Agnew complained-that when President Nixon finished his Vietnam Speech "his words and policies were subjected to in- stant analysis and querulous criticism." "The audience of 70 million Americans -gzthered to hear the President or the United States -was inherited by a amall band of network commentators and self· appointed a n a I y s t a, the majarity of whom e1pressed, in one way or another, thei r hostilit y to what he had to say. "It was obvious that their minds were made up in advance. Those who recall the fumbling and groping that [ollowed 'EFFE TE SNOB' PROTESTS SPEECH DES MOI NES, lowa (UPI) -When Vice President Spiro T. Agnew finished spe&king and left th e grand baJlroom o[ the' Fort Des Moines Hotel Thursday night, a college sophomore in the crowd started disroblng. &win Debus, Santa Monica. a Grinilcll c.oliege atudtnt, shucked his sports coat. lie and checkered shirt to reveal a T-shirt proclaiming him an "effete intellectual lillOb." . • Debus said he was one ot about 40 sb.!der.t! who ~e f~,p"' Grinnell lo demonstrate at· A.gnew'!Ji lllJeeeh for a publican.pthering..llero. • PreiidGlt Jobnton., dramatic disclosure of. hll intention not to seek reelection have seen lhese men in a geuulnt state or unprt~ness. Thia was not it." A White Hooi,. IJIOke•man said today Presi~ Nlaon, who rarely watches televlalon. vle,red the live broadcast of ~·1 ~-Press secretary Ronald L. Zieglu aa:id "the President has great confidence in his Vtce President and he supports biJ Vice President in the . of· fice." Ziegler said he thought Agnew, in his appearance at a Republican conclave in Des Moines, "expressed himself with great candor." Asked If Nixon has volced similar com· plaints against the networks, Ziegler said, halr joking, "the President hasn't discussed news coverage since 1961." That was when Nixon lost a campaign for the governorship of California and. next morning, was sharply criticaJ of the news coverage or his campaign. 1 * * * * * * . . Citizens 3-1 for Agnew " In Calls to TV Networks By THE ASSOCIATED P~ 'Ibousands of persons t e 1 e p h o :t e d television stations in response to Vlce President Spiro T. Agnew's challenge to "let the networli;s know that they \Yant their news straight and objective." Not au agreed wllh liis criticism QE tiroadcast news. A random survey or 21 radio and televisioo staUom across the country that tabulated the calls they received Thurs. day Nght showed Agnew was backed by nearly 3 to I. Calls supporting his crili· cism totaled 3,296 to 1,389 calls opposed. The White House reported that by nlid· morning it had received about 500 ralls. '' spokesman said roughly 450 of the callers supported Agnew while the balance said they were opposed. The Nat ional Broadcasting Comr:iny received 1,900 calla at its New Vo1 k switchboard supporting Agnew and l ,600 endorsing its reporllng, a spoke.sman said. The NBC spokesman said mosl callers usually criticize network decisions and tbis response was considered favor<ible to NBC. An American Broadcas ting C o , spokesman sai d more than 4,000 calls had been received inJ New York, with a ma· jorty supporting Agnew's criticism. The Columbia Broadcasting System said it had received thousands or calls · but had nol ye.I. tabulated them. None of the networks had figures on calls to local affiliates. In his speech at Des fl.1oines, lowa , the vice president said that the networks allow rommenlalors and newscasters to give a higfily selective and often biased pic ture of the news. "The people oL.America are challeng· ed,'• Agnew concluded, t•challeng~ f() press for responsible news presentations. The people can let the networks know that they want their news straight and objective. "The J)eople can resister their com- plaints on bias througll mail to the networks and phone aills to local lta· tions ." Charles Dedicates Life on Birthday LONDON !UPI) -Prince Olarles lumed 21 today and in a communion i:er~·ice in the Tower of London pledged J1is life to the nation he will some daY. serve as King Charles III. His mother the Queen sat alongside the redecorated and white ruffed Bceleaters, the yeoman warders df the guard, as the Prince of Wales prayed and dedicated his lffe. It marked Ute start of a day that blend· ed royal 'pomp and the swinging style of a jet age monarch and thal end s tonight \\ith a gala at Buckingham Pala ce. Russ Wish US. Luck l'\10SCOW (AP) -The Soviet govern· mcnt newspaper l zvestia Yiished the three U.S. Apollo 12 astronauts a suc- cessful flight today. "We wish the courageous crew of the American spaceship Apollo 12 a successful flight and safe return," the brief item on Pagt 3~~. j ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. " Hits] ackpot-Quintuplets · · ' • • '• ., '• ·. l ' Ge&ting -in on Ut.t moratorium act ~ In~ most unmual way, this Ohio Uni· •• vertity sophomore. Mike Chambers, : : froM Cotumbw, decidt:d to 1have thl! :. hai1 on his cheat to ouUint the peace :. fV"lboL Ht 3afd•ht did it in protest :: of Niron'• Vietnam policy. .. . .. i.. 350-pound pig named G .. n•ld• :: ~ been el e c I e d homecoming :-. queen at Western Washington State :· CoUege in Bellingham. Grenalda : · w .. sponsoted by the college rugby • club. LONl)()N (UPI) - A p....JOUJiy chlld1ess woman who bad been taking a fertility drug rested in ei:cellent coodltion today, the mother of a beallb,y set of female quinUqJlets. · ''The babies are aatlsfactory and the mother IS e1ce.llent," said Barry Davis, chief press officer or the Department o{ Health and Society Security. Dr. George Wynn·Williams, the con· aulting obstetric surgeon who headed a team of doctors and nurses that delivered the babie.s, said one has &light respiratory trouble. The five girls were born nine weeks prematurely and delivered from Mr11. Irene Mary Hanson by caesarean section in the space of four minute! Thursday. The girls were named today by their father, 35-year-old engineer John Hanson. The oamea are Joanne Lesley, Nicola Jane. Julie Anne, Sarah Lou1se aod Jae. queline Mary. _ Hanson saw the girls In their Incubator shortly after they were born and pro- nounced them beautiful. Officials at London's Queen Charlotte's Hospital quoted Hanson as saying when inlarmed of the births, "Five! 1 can't believe it~ Five! That's marvelous !" A hospital spokesman said 1he girls weighed ,be twecn two pounds, six ounces and three pounds, seven ounces. Ac· cording to hospital records, lhe girls were the seventh case of quintuplets born to women who had taken fertility drugs. Mrs. Hanson, 33, had been treated with a drug called HPG (human pituitary gonadotropin), which is derived from a tiny gland al the base of the brain. She began taking the drug after six years of childless marriage. : :snow Blankets Much of U.S. -. .. .. . • • • • . .. • • l • I l l t Four to Six Inches Due Cllllfor11'4t c ... , •• Moolfl¥ ~ .,.,.. 1.ltttt v.ri.1119 ...,. nletlt .,... l'l'IOfflll!I "°"" "" umll'lt _, ._ MMflwttt I to IS 'non "' ,,._ t«llJ' •lllf 5-lullll'I'. Hllflt. to.Mr '9. • C..dtf '-tlvNi ''"" l l"Om 60 to I'S. '"""' f"""'111\rttt ''"" """" • to ". W.tw '-"""•tu!'t '1. Sua, Moon. Tides ,llllOAY ' ·~ Htfl ............. 11::!0 .,,.... J.J lecOlld 1ow Utt111:o4Y ,:10 11.m. t.• ,In, ..... . ........ : ... J; .. '·"'· 1 t '""'' low ............... t 1A t .191. J,, ....... Ptltl'I ............. ltt• .,,,.. 1.1 ~ kJw ............. l tU •·'"· 1.2 ... lllMI l tU '""' ..... ••It t.111. M-. ..... ll::U 1.m. lftl ,t. '·"'" .-,_ .. • in Western ·NY, Pa .. Tet11perat11res v.s. s ....... ..., Sno• bl•'*•ld 1111/C:h 01 IN not!"' ffJI MC1lool of !ht Miion ltoNY wtll!t ClllU i.m.tralur.. •-I IOlllhwl•4 t Cl'OU #It Mlllo't'l rnkbtdlon. A 11om! mt.Tl Tnt¥td l'ltrflwtl'C ttortt<HllS .,... '""" ,..,. moun11rn.. et Hortl\ c.rtillrw W t111 ""-G,..t Ukft te91on. ~Y'f' -Wl l'l'll"" ...... 1Mv'4 fOf lf\t wt1tttn HCTlot'4 ol N.-. "f'Cll'll: •n4 lttfll'llVl¥tnl• llld lo!' !flt ut~ norl!IH1! Olllo. Accuonulftloril ftlttt W9"1 ·~-!-lo l!ICRd lour lo 111 llldln br S.tutN'f' ~111f, AIOM '"' Arl•ntlc ...,llM,. """"" ITlllO t it 111'1Mrt4. ~i.lt•llt!I t1U 111 ''"' lorrn ..... 811N:t aid •1t ftl9lllt -lllW•rd t Cfllll 1111 MldWlll l lld w.a. ~td IO l'Mcl'I 0'11 OUlf toltl tofllllhl •• •• AlbuQ~rf!Ut Anchor••~ Boktrol!ri<I e 11m•rck Ba11e llos11>11 .... Bro-1v111t C~k•to Cl"!: Inn.ti .... v "" ....... Dalro•! ,, .. ~~· FNll'IO Htl~t l(•flWI Ci!'I' Lii VtM$ Lm Anfflu Miami ·-· New Orlfflll NPW 'rort ....... ()1[111\orrY C.llY .._ P1lm Sior!nt1 ·-· Plt!UIU1'9h Porll•ncl JltPid (MW lled Bluff • · "'"° !.tfflfl>tfl~ ttall L.-:1 C~ Slrt Oltto :Wn F,.nc;lw:o Stt!ll• &POio.t ilt Tlltrrntt w .... ~IOll . ---·-- tll1h L-'-''" " • " " " " " u .~ • .. • ., " " " " " ... ., " ·" ~ " .. .. " • " .. . .. " • " " • " .. " .. II • 61 " n • " ·" " " " u • ·" .. • " ~ " " .. ... .. " .. " " ... " •1 " " -., " " " • .. ~ .. .. 11 .. .. " .. " .. n .. • ~·readyfor the only all-new sports car of the70's? Man ••• you're Challenger Material ~~~ gi-)Olhighstyling,highperformance at a low price. JJm.'1 u. ..-COIDptd that t:at.. 'em .n flrl. It. riit N!ll'll ud nd\lli.ottoi*m ._. I • 1111Jdd ••• lblaw, lleri; Un. a:r ar:it~ ... ud VDder th. bclOll il an ...pr. U..l'I Jishtfor ,_?.UM dilferenl .... ~fl-. U. 225 N cylinder to• bic a11-.~Wa..,.. p ~~ llatd~···• miTf11111:iii ••• WiW..., tdcn lili• Go-Ma11.CO. 8llhliim and Pbma Cm;r. Check wt. ai.i-... the ..;.._,.--..__. Jetfliqs~ " • Checkourline. .. Checkourprice."'\DucouldbeDodgeMaterial. ---o- HARB.OR DODGE . 2181 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA-540·1881 BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 BEACH BLVD. (Hwy. 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH -147 ·9631 • ' --------:-::-·:--::=::-"'"::-=--:::=--:::::------;--,,---::--:::-----·----·-·-·- ' ' Frld.ay, Novembtr 1.4, 1%9 DAILY PILOT [; You~re a Bundle ot Nerves· Filip.irws To Leave By Phll lnt1rlandl A,ctress Marries Director BERKE~EY (U PI) -If this is one of those days when you feel like a bundle of nerves, that's just about what they would look like under a high-powered microscope. Scientists at the Univcrsi· ly or California have releas- ed th e fir s t c lear phot ographs of sub- microscopic nerve tissue - bundles of incredibly small fibers and knobs which link togeC1cr the ne r vou s system. lower magnifications, shO\f complex bundles -0f the fibers and knobs lying to'gether in clusters at the point where the I a r g e 'trunkline" fibers ot two nerve cells meet. A team -0f bio~ngineers. headed by associate pro- fessor of electrical engineer· · ing Edw\n R. Lewis. said the knobs seemed to have five -0r six spols which were firmly attached to -0ther kn-0bs or nerve tissues. But the scientists said their conclusion that the knobs fonn t he com- munications link between cells must remain tentative until further evidence is ob- tained. Vietnam MANILA (UPI) -The Philippt.1es tald its Vietnam allies today it will soon withdraw its 1,500 troo.ps from the war zone, fulfilling a cam· paign promise of newly re- elected President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Jt will be the first complete pullout by any allied con· tingent from Vietnam. Government sources said lhe P h i I i ppine non-combat.a.it force would be home by Christmas. Foreign Minister Carlos P. HQLLYWOOD !UPI) Mary Poppins got married again. Julie Andrews, who won an Oscar as the sweet nanny in the film musical "Mary Pop- pins," said Thursday night that she and director Blake Edwards were married in a privS:te cerem-0ny at her home. The English • born beauty and Edwards have been in- separable companions f o r rore than two years. It was the se<;ond marriage for ea ch. The three-dimensional pie· lures were t a k e n wilh a sca nnin g electron microscope at magnifica- tions 20,000 times life size. They were the first photos· to show syna ptic knobs, which scientists believe pa ss nerve impulses from one cell to another. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF NERVE FIBERS Previous models of ner ve links were based on two- dimensional X-ray like pic- tu r es taken with transmission e I e c Iron microscopes. A conventional light mi c ro s cope c a n magnify only about 100 times life size. · Romulo told a news con· ference he had informed Nguyen Van Loe, the South .Vietnamese embassy charge f\.1iss Andrews, 34, was wed . to English stage designer Tony Walton and is the mother of a daughter, Emma Kate, 7. Edwards, who recently com· pleted directing his bride in ·'Darling Lili.'' is the father -0f two daughters by a previous marriage. The specimens of nerve tissue in the photographs released Thursday w e r e from the abdomen of a marine snail. Pictures of an area no big- ger than the point of a pin showed a number of knobs at the end of fibers which Arms Co11trol Talks seem to lie across each other like a random pile -0f logs. Other photos, taken at U.S. May Reveal Secrets d'affaires in Manila, of the 11It couldn't have been a very important board meet. decision and sent word to em· ing if a. couple of mini-skirts can break it bassies -0£ New Zealand, UD tha.t eaailv.11 Au stralia. Thailftld, Sou t b --------------------- Korea and the United States - the other Vietnam atlies. Marcos, who won an un· precedented second four-year Elecll•1.C Tt'eU·J> term in Tuesday·s presidenliat election, said the forces would be used to fight communist Prog1·css Slow lfllk guerrillas at home. ~ The Philippine Civic Action Carolina Coach Offered\ Selective Service Job NE\V YORK (UPI) -No Group (PHILCAG} is a non· COtUMBIA, S.C (UPI) -Carolina in 1966 said a Progress Was reported Thurs• combatant group which has p 1 1 ,._ thl . 1 · f p "d t be · v· tn ~-Se au D elzel, "'"' a etic represen ative o res1 en day in negotiations between en r.1 te am Sun.;e P'" VNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH WASHfNGTON (AP) When the nuclear arms-control talks with the Soviet Union open in I Helsinki. Finland. f\.fonday the United States might have to lift the veil on some military secrets in order to achieve what Secretary of State Williams P. Rogers cal!s a "balanced strategy o f security." .ind consular ofricers Thurs· day night. tember, 1966. Marc 0 s director of the University of Nixon ex.tended a "feeler of· spiral of strategic arms ln representatives of striking previously had said he would Sooth Carolina, says he has fer" Wednesday night. Re (lrder to avoid tensions, un-General Electric Co. workers recilll them -when their money t · 1· d st and management been offered the post of Selec· refused to identify the caller. cer a1n 1es an excess co s. · ran out. The funds expire next NOW OPEN SATURDAYS Rogers would not predict lhe U.S.·Soviet talks -plans for which were originated und~r former President Lyndon B. Johnson -w<luld signal an end to the nuclear arms rc;c.e. But he did list three L! .S. ob- jectives for the discu~sions: -A reduction of the out-The negotiating committee month. tive Service director but he is "I was Oabbergasted and ' .. 1 MON •• THURS, FRIDAYS P.M. brea k of nuclear y:ar through f-0r the United Electrical Marcos' victory was by the turning il down. shocked," said Dietzel. "I told a dialogue concerning issues \Yorkers IUE) scheduled largest margin in Philippine "I was very flattered by all the caller that I had no arising from the strategic morning and afternoon talks history. With slightly less than of this , but I have no in-background at all for such a 10.5 P.M. 10-6 P.M. situation. with General Electric officials. two-thirds -0f the e'ight million j-0b, but he said they had done 17141 540·5211 . Loe~ t.1 · It represe ts 22 000 f th 1•7 t d M h I tentions of accepting any other So •--r ., •-·r ... Rogers said "competitive n , o e ,· voes counte , arcos e d a some research on me and felt · -.... -• "' • a cc um u I at i 0 n of more 000 strikers, but representa· lead of 1,536.133 votes over rus job," said Dietzel, 45. that J was very qualified and Aut. Vkt ,.,.,,-MJ......, "The talks themselves will require discussion of military matters by both sides in which the veil of secrecy will have to be, if not lifted, at least refashi-0ned," Rogers told a group of retired diplomatic -Limitations on the deploy- ment of strategic arms by both the United States and the Soviet Union as a means t<> "enhance interanli-0nal secur- sophisticated weapons would tives or hother unions Involved -Opponent, Liberal party Sen. The former West Point they would' like to discuss it E. H. LEVAN not add to the basic security 1~a~r~e~o~n~t~ei;;;i;ico~mmiii;i~it~teeiii;,. ---~S~er~g~io~O~s~m~e~n~a~J~r~. ----~c~oa~chi.;w~h~o~c~am~e~to~~Sou~th~~w~ith~m~e~."------~iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iij ity." ' -Halting -0! the upward • American l\lotors Calls Back 24~000 Vehicles . , DETROIT (UPI) -The possibility of a trio of defects in new American Motors cars has forced the automakers to recall more than 2 4 , O O O vehicles. 1t will inspect the 1970 models for defective jack sad· dies, mirrors and hood lat. ches, AMC said Thusday. Owners -0f 14,396 Ambassador sedans a n d Ambassador and Rebel station wagons were notified to return thei r cars to dealers for replacement of jack saddles. AMC said that, if placed in a certain position, the pin of the jack saddle could part from the slot in the r ack bar of the jack or the saddle could jolt· jtself from the bumper. Inside day-night mirrors might also have to be replac- ed, the car builder informed owners -0f 6,184 Hornets, AMX Javelin, R e bel ancf Ambassad-0r models. An additional 3,502 Horn et owners were notified that their cars may have misaligned secondary hood latches and .the latches should be in· spected. of either side. Militarily it pro-11 bably wo~d .Produce little or no net advantage . Eronomically it \Vould divert resources needed elsewhere. Politically il would perpetuate the tensions and fears that ;:ire the social fallout of the ! nuclear arms race . "So -0ur capability for I mutua l destruction leads to a mutual interest in putting a stop to the strategic r.L1cJear arms race.'' ~iissiles Lofted On 'Vest Coast VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) -Two Bomarc A missiles modified to serve as targets were launched Thursday at 5:45 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. p.m. by crews from the navy missile center at Point Mugu. The Bomarcs headed due west down the Air Force Western Test Range and then "'ere turned south tito the sea test area of.the'N.avy's Pacific missile range. Fashion lslana -Newport Cenle·r Saturday, Nov.15th 10 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . Come watch new champions in the making. Over 600 entries in all competing for prizes, trophies and awards. Best of Breed .... Best in Match ... Best in Obedience ... each judged by well-known bree ders. Entries ·are now closed but.Ibis is your opportunity to learn show requirements for your pet in our nexiFun Match. 51 FINE STORES and SERVICES -. jjBr . FASHJON > J ISLAND .. L NEWPORT CE*TER PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAT IElllE£ft JAMBOREE ANO MAC ARTHUR • WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO CHOOSE FROM COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $1495 II for th!! homeowner with discrlmin<1lln1 taste ind 1n tYt for 1uperb worlcm1nshlp, hefl are 3 complele rooms ol Spanish desla11ed furnltul'll It unsurpassed v1Juet l The liv1n& tocm ensemble is w;umly accented with hand carved wood trim on the ~ola and tove s.e11t that lolly compliment their sumptuous velvet fabrics. A IOYt1)' fern tree, waif plaoue and lamps fill the room with elegant warmth ind charm. Walk into the bedroom a11d you·n immediately fall in IOvt with this gracious furn!• ture that cauies throug:i the masterful hind design ind superb construction. ln1pect thi• group· Ing ca1elull)', , • from the--majestie--mirror--.1nd tripl&-dresse-r , , , to-t~ tlln1slze ntldbe11rd and lull size nite stands ••• all deep 1n detan and constructed fot a lifetime: A live piece dining room set completes this splendid groupina with intricate scroH·work on both table pedt$taLand chair inserts, enhilnted by phl5h vinyl seals. Our professional decorator5 are -1 )Our llrtice, Eaty terms, ol course, I Complelt 3 !loom 1r111111 indudes: •·Sola • lomut • square or flex commo4e • coc•l•il table • tree • table limp'• haftllnt lamp • pict!tt!_ .. ttiPle dr&SS!f -• mirror • Z nite st1nds • •intsin ~-rd. • l.pMct dioinc-• All J Co111plth loofll G,...,. f•r 01lly MUST $68800 SACRIFICE Each Piece c:an be __ purchased separately at equal sciylngs e OPEN SUNDAY TILL 6 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . TERMS NO ' e NO MONEY DOWN PAYMENT TILL 1970 " • DAU.Y PILOT EDITOWA.L P-AGE • Unfortunate Mi·s.take Reaction to the first phase of the Holscher feasibil· tty report on development of a hotel-conference center on Laguna's Main Beach seems unanimoiis -nobody likes it For many years a quiet war has simmered· over beachf'r;ont development. One faction demands that the coast be left as nature made it, so all can enjoy Its beauty. The other insists that more fine tourist hotels are needed to brighten the Art Colony's economy. At the time of the $3 million Main Beach purchase, there seemed to be general agreement that some d~gree of commercial development would be necessary to fi n· ance the project. The Ci ty Council, as a first step, or- dered the hotel feasibility study. Out-of.town exper:ts were hired to undertake the Investigation and nO\V everyone's unhappy. The ex~rts made the unfortunate mistake of basing their statistics on an ima.ginary 20()..room facili~y, which prompUy con· jured up VISi6ns of a "monstrosity" in the minds of the beauty lovers. · The hotel-motel people, usually devoted in their support of increased development of tourist facilitie!'i, are milled because they weren't consulted (at least sufficiently, they maintain) and also take a poor view of the idea of having the city use its bonding capacity for a plunge into the hotel business. It \\'Ould appear that the J-lolscher people harl bet·:er be prepared to answer. \rith specifics, some lively ques· tions at the Dec. 10 study session on their report. Helpi11g Th y Neighbor Thile group eUorls are in happy contrast to the "I don 't want to . get involved" attitude displayed by indi- vidual citizens when 'their neighbors arc in trouble, RecenUy, some prominent South County residents have volunteered a great deal of time and, effort to ''get involved'' with their neighbors' problems. The Mission Viejo Community Council on Drug Abuse will e~and its program to include a much-need- ed "hel p line' on which people with problems they can't solve lhe-mselves will find a sympathetic ear and, il necessary, guidance in finding further help. At the· same time, in the San Joaquin ElementarY School District, educators and parents are fac.ing up to the fact that the narcotics problem is a painful realitr. even in lower school grades and trustees have approved a proposal to initiate a program to protect youngsters in the district. In La guna Beach, two fine counseling progra1ns, in· ltiated as the result of community concern, have helped· hundreds of adults and young people. At the office of the Catholic Social Service in St. ?llary's EpiscopaJ Church, individuals of all ages tP('eive sympathy and guidance on problems rangi n~ from un - \VCd parenthood to marital differences and runa,vay children. For son1e _18 months, and hopefully soon again. a c'lrug abuse clinic was operated two evenings a \veck in quarters provided by the Assistance Leag11e. GearPd to help young people and parents who found themselves entangled in the narcotics scene. this service was in· nitially -fnnded by the .UC, Irvine College of-Medicine and staffed by its psychiatrists and "'ill be resumed as soon as additional fund s are available. Both programs look to civic groups in the commun- ity for their continued operation. There seems little doubt that it wiU be forthcoming. An interesting fact of American culture is the man· ner in which citizens \Vil! pitch in to help solve ptoblems that threaten to disrupt their communities. (Could it be a carryover from pioneer days \vhen "helf thy neigh· bor" \Vas a practical, down-to-earth way o life?) ApparttlUy, even in the closing days of the hectic 00s, helping thy neighbor is not completely out of style. s 1'Ji1td Blowers and Be1aders· Dangers From Use of LSD By NORMAN ~~ON, ~t.D. \Vith the spotlight on marijuana recently, the public temporarily lost sight of LSD and the other hallucinogen~. chiefly D~1T, STP, morning glory seed lind psilocybin. an extract fron1 a ~1ex· ican mushroom. Actually. the USC! of LSD had lessened. For the word v.·as out among pleasure- M!ekers and the disenchanted that these mind·alt.ering drugs were dangerous. Th;lt bad trips with di &torted objects, sounds, colors and thoughts were menac- ing and &e!Tilying. Thal no one could predict with certainty when he took LSD, whether ror the ~fITTt or the umpteenth tirr.t, if he would have a bad trip. And !hat a bad trip could cause psychosis, permanent brain damage and .ir- reversible chromosome changes which might produce birth defects. HOWEVER, BECAUSE of Operation Intercept and stricter law enforcement on both sides of the Mexi can border. sup- plies of marijuana have dwindled dramaUcally. Without easy access to mar:ljuana as the "in" thing to do, many individuah are now tryi ng other drugs, partiatlarly LSD, for the ei:cilement ol doing aomething illegal and rebelling against authority. Recently, Diane Linkletter's tragic death dramatized the psychedelic way of ....... - Everyday Proble11u1 dying following Ingestion of LSD. l-1C' jump lrom a window or her sixth noo. Hollywood apartmen& may have re.sultec~ ... from fear that she was going 1nad as she sensed ber impending doom. " MORE LJKEL Y, as ... lth-many_ psychedelic deaths which are labeled "accidenta l ", Diane probably miscalculated her environment, believing th..1t she cou\cl fly by spreading out her armoi and jumping from a great height. Like other individuals on a bad trip she was n1istakcnly convinced or her om- nipotence and ability to land safely. Others on LSD have been equally Sure that they could walk upon the waten of the Pacific Ocean, or wander aimlessl y across crowded Coast Highway in La"1na Beach, confident that they could stop traffic and avoid injury. More important, perceptual distortions with L.SD, greater even lhan with alcohol, have ltd to countless automobile accidents. For anyone on LSD is an overwbelmin& traf- fie hazard white driving 8 car. consequently, many observers believe that the wish to die is not the motivating fcrce ln lhe tragic miscalculations of lhose on an 1.30 trip. Instead, it is their rteluslonal thinking which makes th· m rlefy gnvity and try all sorts o{ im- p\uU5''ble feat.I. ''LSD murdered my daughter" said 1rlevision personality Art Linkletter ~fter his daughter's death. "It wasn 't suicide because she wasn't herself. It was murder.•She was murdered by the people who manufaclW"e and sell L.SD." Jt 11 undentandable that Llnkletter wou:d project the blame on someone else. Reportedly, his-daughter had-u~ LSD many Umea over a period of months. She must have known that the drug caused unpl'edictable and irrational behavior. UNDOUBTEDLY. SHE experienced panic before. With tier intelligence and upbringing, Diane Linkletter, like tens of thousands Of other LSD users, should have known better. Parents. educators, phys icians, etc. can only warn children and youth (also adulls still clinging to their adolescence) of the dangers resulting lrom using L.5D and the other "mind blower&" and "mind benders." But Lhe final responslb!Uty of deciding whether or not they wUI lake the risk of destroying themselves belon11s lo our youth and to no one else. GOP St rongest Since 1920 WASHINGTON -From the structural point of view the Republican Party emerged from recent elections strong er than at any time since the Hardin~'. land slide of 1920. The governments of 32 of the 50 stales \vii\ be under Republican control v.•hen new ly elected governors lake office . All the large ioclustrial stales. with the exception or Texas. are Republican con· trolled T he :i; e include New Yark, Pennsyl vania. California, tllinois. Ohio, f\.1lchlgan, New Jersey. t\1assachu.selt!, lncHana, Yi'isconsin and t\linnesola. Tile meaning of this structural control Is hard to fathom but it is difficult to escape the conclus;on that ~sident Nix- on Is ,left in a str9nger poh!Jcal pos!Uon than after his narrowly-won victory in the presidential election of 1968. LOOKING A BIT into the future, beyond the sewnd stage of the Vlttn~I]). \Var moratorium lo the accelt.rated rate or w1lhdra1'·al from Vietnam early next year, there iS ~a11>n to guess that Nix· on's political position will continue to Im· prove. This guess can also be made on !he assumption that inflation may be Jess or an issue next year than at present. It la enough for the present that the "polarization" which some of the Viet- nam critics so much deplore 5ttms to work lo Nixon's advantage. Cert3inly ...... ~ Friday, November H , 1969 . The edUorlc:L page of tht Daily Pilot tttb to inform and stim- ulate read.en bt( pre1111ting tJ1il newspaper'& opanloru an4 c:om.- nu:ntarv 011 topicl of •ntertrt and sionlflalnu, bu prouiding a forum for tM upres1ion of our read.ti' opinions, a.nd bu pn1mUng the diU1r11 ~ Polnu of l~formecl obs<r0<'1 ond ipokfsmtm on topks of Iii< ®V· Robert N. Weed, Publisher • Ri cl1ar<l Wilson · polarization is just as effective a policy as President Johnson's much lamented consensus, which did not last lor.g. Polariiation in this case means the rallying of support for President Nixon's policy or staged and carefully calculated y,·il hdrawal of American force& from \'ietnam and turning the fighUng over to the South Vietnamese in a Ume span lhat seems reasonable. It seems clearly evi· dent that the President has succeeded in selling this Idea to at least two-thirds and nltiybe three-fourths of the country. tory to the South. If Wallace Is not as ef· fectiYe a third party candidate In 1972 as he was in 1968 Nixon is likely to benefit further. How to e1tend political polarizatio n into the congressional elections next year is a major problem for Nixon. Vice-President Agnew v.1ill try to do it by intervening in . elections in those states "·here he thinks he has a chance to be effective. He has chosen as one of h.is targels Sen. Albert Gore of Tennessee, a senatorial dovt who could prove vulnerable to Agnew's shotgun blasts. AGNEW WILL HA VE other targets and Is just getting his marksmanship sharpened up for the congressional elec- Uons of 1970. After the Republican victories In HOW LONG TIOS. majority will remain Vtr1Jnla and New Jersey gube rnatorial ~ol~ Is, of ~une, open t? question but It e~ectlons, ~!JOI) now has reuon to 1s-1nherent 1n t~r polarualion that-they-belfevo -and he apparently is eaier to accept a \l.'hhdrtwal over a rather pro-believe -that his own poUllcal activity longed period of lime. can have 1n Influential or decisive effect Another part of the pol~r.atlon Is In the right place at the right time. reflected ln Pre11lde~t Nixon s decls!on Winning effective control of Congress not to gag Vlce·President Agnew. which in 1970 is not \Vholly beyond the aspira· he could do easily enough, ~ut does not lions of a political party in control of the because Agnew is saying "'hal 8 good governments ot 32 of th 50 tat meny people think even when he says It e s es. :l\\'kWMdly. Agnew's political acceptance has risen since he began to speak out In a way \hit surprises those who agreed v.•lth Presi· dent Nixon thot we should all lower our voices. Agnew will not. he !llyl, lower his voice In defending traditional American values and sUndards. Other politicians are now observing fha1-(h e re is a l:lnd or patrloUc resurgence In this country as a re1ction against those who can find nothtng but bad in American conduct. The re1ction extends, It 11 said. to the permiaaivenua In lhe artt, church organbatlon. llUUll behavior, polltkal and radii ,,.._, ml the tribal customs ol the )·ouna. • TIUS IS PART OF !hf. new pjllriu· lion, too, and ft Is being explofted by • Vice-President Aanew In 1 w•y that is ~glnnins to make him a rtval ol George Wallace In some parts or the South. Taken separftely that development ~lone is of political l'alue to Nixon becat11e be owes ao muth rJ his 1981 vb I • Dear Gloomy Gus: Why doe.s MWI of tht "peaet'' moratorium make me fetl &0 much Jlkt 1 German in 1931 or an Aus· Irion In 1137? -J. L. I!. ""' """" ""'9dt ,.,,... •Inn. Mt ~ "'-" If "" 11"""91r • .lnill ,... • """" • .._, o-. Ptillr r111t. S tudents A re Encouraging Diversity _,\Iailhox To till! Editor: As the third month of the school year comes upon us, the students of Laguna Beat:h J!igh Schoo l are experiencing some exciting innovatio~ of a very sound nature in their educat'.ional e.periences. A great~ diversity or S~udenta and student Otr(S are making a commttment to in- volvement in their school that is un· comn1on today v.•hen the movement among so many YQUth is away from their social relationships. The call for individuality that has stir- red the youth in this country with such passion in recent years ls find ing e:<· pression as students have worked with their teachers and through an ever more effective student government to ac- commodale every faction of the student body with the opportunity to get Involved in whatever activity interests them most IN THE SCIENCES and humanities, in 01ath and mu sic, in arts and alhleLics, the students are Identifying individually. yet joining in a total creative effort with respect toward the schOol's character. When once !here existed a BOmewhal less than J1ealthy rivalry between tile "social magn et" of the Associated Student Body and the various "splinter groups," which included oceaslonal brawls and/or van- dalism, today the students share their ef. fort> and. rewards with diversity being encouraged. The school motto, "Joy through achievement" ts indeed being realized In the student 's new sense of 11<:hool spirit. A schoo l needs freedom and unity. Too often the need for unity inhibits freedom. We have a chance here for both greater freedom and greater unity. CONCERNING OUR rtlationship with our community to whom we owe much !hanks in supporting our ed ucational careers, it is olt.en declared that lhe in- sults launched by the generations against one another are beyond repair or lreaty. ~1 uch to the contrary, I recognlie no con- flict as beyond reconclllaUon. Jn fact, 1 loo k forward to warm and happy in- teraction between Laguna Beach and its high school. We can be aggured of UUs warmth by !he strrgle C•rt"that the lnsulta mentioned above.._are fer fewer in number than are the endless examples of students and citizens working together ·for the good of Laguo1 Beach and America. HOWARD HILLS A.S.B. President Letters from rt"adert are wtlcomc. NornK1Ut1 writers should convett their messages i11 :JOO words or lets. Tlie ri(Jltt to co11dense leltt1s to flt~ space or elimi11o<e libel ta rtstrvtd. All lttt· rc rs nit11t include 1ignatur1 and m<Ul· Ing address, but nam1s ma11 be with· held on requesl if 111//ic:ient reaao11 is appor111t. Quotes Mrs. Joseph Papa, Carmichael --"It Is a sad time for Americans whr:n we realize that we have taken prayers out of our achools and pul Communltll in." SOmentt, Ky., Com mi nwe a l lb . Joanaal: "Tho oil Industry mar5hals ila own ftgu~s to show that It pay1 Is ratr Wre or taxes and that both depletion and import controls h.11ve helped maintain a strong domestic industry, which Is as vital to the nation"! security as a strong military t stabllsh.mcnt." 'You're m;y kind of ball pla;yer, John.: Changing Of Humor Mores on TV \Vhen the new TV season started, J thought I'd give it a whirl, just to demonstrate my swttt nature and sense of justice , since I had been kicking TV around for many years. 1 wistfully hoped things might be a little better on the big tube. But, as my cousin, Alexander Pope, or.ce said, there is no point in breaklng a butterny upOO a wheel, and the so-called "new" shows I looked at for a couple of evenings were ·so unifonnly miserable that it would be .boorish even to castigate them by name. Anonymity is all the fate they deserve -ana y,•ill assuredly have by Christmas. ONE PARTICULAR asp!ct of the TV scene interested ine,.however -and that is the changing mores and standaids of humor. Perhaps the worst show I caught was a Bob Hope "Special" with some 20 old·Ume comedians grunting and wheez.- ing. and scarcely raising a spontaneous gusl ol laughter. Just before and after that huge fiasco, however, I watched a program headed by \Voody Allen, and another featu ring Flip \Vilson. two of th e newer comedic names -and both of them fared far bette r than !h<" wea rily old-fashioned assortment i;nt b.c>red togethe r by Hope. PERHAPS THE l\10ST profound and cataclysmic change in our popular culture !he last few yeara: -matching the "new :90und0 in music -has bei!n the kind of humor exempUfied by the ( Sydc.ey .). Harr is I Smothers Brothers, Laugh-in. \.\'oody Allen,· and !hat whole br~Cd . whose secret source of strength was the late dark angel, Lenny Bruce. Bruce was the Certrude Stein of com· edians. Never popular himself -because he was too cryptic and two scatologjcal for popular taste -he nevert heless in· lluenced a \\'hole gener ation of comics, just as Stein influenced Hemingway and tilat gcncratio11 of 11Titers. ti er own work "'as a dead end tso 1\•as Bruce's), but out or that compost grew the buds of a fl ourishing school. TfUS NEW COllEDY -ironic, Ir· reverent. .and yet honest and even moral in a way the old .comedy never was - is the best thing ( ~rhaps the only good thing) yet to have come out or t~ medium or TV. Its future is assured, despite the massh·e bureaucratic stupidi· ty of CBS in ranceling the Smothers Br()lhers. and no repressive measures ean prevent the youngl'r generatio n from responding to it ardently. All one had to do was watch that Bob Hope "Special" for even a few minutes to recognize that he and his cronies are dead beyond recovery. wholly out of tune and temper with today's comic sense. Mark Twain, Newsman · About 105 ytars ago a headline In the San Francisco Dally Morning Call an- nounced : "Another Obscene Picture Knave CaptW'fJd-He Solicits the Custom or School Girls." So the promotlng of obscene and licentious books among young people is nothing new In the mun icipality. What makes this item of particular interest is that the story was covered by a Call reporter named Samuel Clemens, a former Hannibal, Missouri boy late of the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. He-reported city news for the Call dur· ing four months in 1864. This sprightly journalism has been edit~ bY-the Mark Twain scholar Edgar M. Branch as "Clemens of the Call : Mark Twain in San Francisco,'' which the University of Callromla Pre55 will publish November 24 (SIO). The "picture knave·• entry ls typical. A ''SCOUNDREL" named George R. Pov.•ers, Clemens reported, had carried on an obscene book trade over the signature of a "Mri. Amelia Barstow.'' He ">rote chatty lettus to young girls In California seminaries, s o I i c I t i n g patrmage for his "infamous books and pictures.'' Powers' undoing came v.·hen he ad- drwed a letter to a panlculafly alert ilfl ot 14 whooe Iio!ne teachings "had not been of a charaetf!f to enable her to a~ preciate It.." 'Ille Jetttr offered the girl her choice from ua large number of the most delightful book! you c:1n lmaglJlCI ... to refined young ladies of amorous ttmperarnent that are •;ust Qne thing.' " For~. this "Mrs. Barstow" would send alona two volumtJ In "strictest ~ecy." This young l1dy promptly turned !he of· let over to htr father. OFt~JCER Jarnea H. Hes!le. 11 detettive put on the case, seut a dummy reply through Postmaster Perkins w h o , Clemens emphaslted, "entcrttt Into the "·ork of entrapping the mlserablci ~1rJ. Bar1tow1 with as much alacrity. and ( Th e Book111a11 , "\ ' ' i earnestness as if the insulted girl had been his own child." However, no female applied for letters under the name or Mrs. Barstow. Powers picked up the decoy letter, was tailed and subsequently arrested. "He will be tried this morning for offering to sell obscene pictures.'' Clemens wrote, "and perhaps for opening other people's letters." THE EDITORIALIZING i11 Clemens' news account is a classic con1menl on a toltering sexual morality: ··He deserves it (the trial), for anyone acquainted witb the impressionable nature of young girls, shut out from the world and doomed to Irksome and n1011otonous school·life knows the heightened chann and ex: c:ltement they find In a1nu scn1cnts that arc contraband and ha\'e to be secured by risky evasions of the rules, and is also &\vare that a whole school might be cor- rupted by the circulation among them of a single volume ol the l~herous trash dealt in by ~Ir, Powers." \V llliam Uogan 1~~-89 George~~~ Deer George · l\ty girl insisls I grt cultured. \\'e S<'ldorn ht1vt! regu hir dates. She made n1e take a night course in Engl ish Poetry. She made me 'il:o with Mr to drama study. Now shti 't Insisted we go two night! a week to learn .French. What \YOU Id you say to a girl lik'e tllo t! ClllCK·RECKED Daar Chick-Recked ~ 'take a lour and au rcvoir. Ii " s Ii c a ff • h p I! JI c b g " d e c b c it c ti u . d • u 0 li )' II L ' g u c • II ' a r s y f • I y • ( r t' 1 I l II v c 0 r 0 0 n ( 0 h ( :=o---·--,,-· r ,·-- • ' Frid.u, Novernbtr 14, 1969 DAILY PIL!Jf f; . . -~ CotJla .Boyal Family Get ~ong On Own? "" l1IAHGI w MR.MUM Some Woul.d Find Things Touglr, But ~ost Coul.d Make Do By L. M. BOYD f ~ tj JI 1 I I CHECKING •UP• Jifelimc earnings will be around $165,000. And if you're By <;ODFREY ANDERSON LONDON /(AP) -Prince Philip's talk about royal flna.n· ces and his hint that even ab· dication "has Its attractions" started ne,w Unes <if light· hearted speculation into ,the salons and pubs of LondOJ, If the royal family ever ceased being royal, could its men then keep their women In the style to wh ich they have become ac· customed? Philip, as consort a n d Charles, as heir, haven't yet had a chance to show how they'd be as breadwinners. For them the royalty business is a fulJ.time job .. But most of the other men in the family already earn their way -b private bu s ine ss, the diplomatic service or the militaryf. Princess Afargaret's husband, Lord Snowdon, is a tiusy free-lance photographer. No one knows how rich or poor they really are. apart from what the state. pays for their services. Any revenu e from private investments or inheritance is not anno11.1ced. The Queen herself has a vast prlvate fortune. Put by some at $144 million, so it could be quite a time before she. wai down to her last Uara. other more distant, members of the family are less well off, but in me unlikely event that Britain went repuJ)llcan tomorrow they'd b a rd I y starvt. rught now Prince Philip gets about $264 a day for bei:lg Dul<e of Edinburgh and con- sort oC the monarch. He earns it by following a d a 11 y schedule which can run to 14 hours or more. One day last week Philip toured the laboratories of the Queen Mary College of lnven- tioos, launched at the InsUtute Ot Dirtctors, went to the Design Center where h e selecled the wl:u)er ol the 1970 Duke of Edinburgh prize for elegant design, looked in at a t e I e com munlcaUons ex- hibition. dined with the Na- tional Playing Fields Assocla· lion of which he is president, went to a boilng match, and then back to the palace. to bed . U the job evl'!r folded, Philip LOVE AND WAR -It's likely a girl of 18 has already met the fellow she will m3rry, says our Love and \Var man. }low does he arrive at this conclusion? Nothing to it. It is a statistical fact the average girl marries at 20. IL is likewise a statistical fact the a\•crage girl has known her husband-lo-be for two years prior to marriage. So, yoong lady, i( you've passed your 18th birthday, IOQk around. Chances are your luture hus- band is one of your current gentleman friends. a boy now 10 years old, they estimate your lifetime earn· -· ings will be approximately $500,000. • . . CUSTOMER SERVICEoQ. "How much of the merchan- dise in this country is sold al suction?" A, The auctioneers claim 70 percent. Sounds high. but they insist ... Q. "\\'HAT COUNTR y has the lllOSI lllOV· ing picture theaters?'' A. Per capita, it's Spain . But I think th e Soviet Union's 145,000 theaters is the biggest total ••• Q. "JIAS ANY U.S. Presi· dent ever left fewer Federal err.ployes in the White House than were there \vhcn he took over the job?" A Only one. l-lerbert Hoover. SNORING -Did t ever tell ¥ou about thhe frogs that sleep 1n trees and snore all night~ Lot of them in Jamaica, it"s reported. Sometimes they all get together and snore in unison. \Vhich reminds me, a customer recently a s k e d where 1 took my Army boot training. Fort Ord. Al any ralc, those tree-climbing frogs are said to make quite a rackel. Just about deafening. l\IONEY. rttONEY -Let's say you're a man about 50 years old. The computer boys figure your lifetime eurnings "·ill be in the neighborhood of $120,000, if typical. But ir you'n! a man about 30 years old, they calculate your IN ONLY ONE out of fou r instances, do men and \Vomen \Vho meet on blind dates enjoy 1 one another's: company l'!OOUgh to date again ... Artt ASKED ' AT what age does the average I mother have her last child. That 's age 26 ••. GENERALLY. WO:\tEN in mental hospitals respond bet· ter to treatement than do men, but why is a mystery. THE VETS SAY many a dog panics in standing water, scared its head will go under. So if your pup won't hold still for a scrub in a tub, try giving il a bath under a running lap ... NOT LONG ago a scholar earned his doclorate with a thesis on thl'! various ways to spell surnames. To· wit, there arc 29 ways to spell Snyder, 4n ways to spell Burke. 45 ways to spell Bal'!r, and that's enough or that. \VIVES' WAGES-"Has - there ever been a serious - movement to force husbands by law to pay wages to their wi\·cs~" inquires a client. Not in lhis country as far as I kno11·, bu t such campaigns have cropped up in Sweden. Britain and most reccnUy Australia. RAPID REPLY: Yes, 1'-1rs. S., on her third birthday, a lit.- tie girl usually is just about half as tall as she's ever going to get. Your questions and coin· 111ents are welconied and 1oilt be used where ver pas· sible iii "CheckiHg Up." Address mait to L. ~f. Boyd , 111 care of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. Many Enlisted Don't Like Mess fl alls · WASHINGTON (UPI\ - Government auditors report many l'!nlis ted men don't like lo cat in military mCss halls. The investigators indicated they are puzzled because they tried the food and liked it. l'.1 a 27-page report sent lo ifs congressional b o s s e s \Vednesday. the General Ac· counting Office (GAO) pointed out that over the years the Pentagon has built mess halls on tbe assumption 85 percent of the enlisted men cat their n1eals ·there. The figure, according to lhe. GAO,.is way off. A sampling of five fa clUties produced a high of 65 percent at Ft. Carson, Colo., a.id Cannon Air .. .Force ""Base, N.l\f. and-a low of. 47 percent al the Navy su~ marine base in New London, Conn. "The most frequently of. fl'!red reasons for their not eating in the mess hall were poor rood, slow service, the lack or milk at diMer and the Jack of interest i'.1 certain meals,'' the GAO said . The GAO wasn 't salisried. Tts auditors ate several meals at the mess halls and "found the food and service to be ade- quate or•better," the report said. ''We.... conclude,._tberefo['-t that the primary reason that eligible personnel do not eat at the mess hall may be personal preference\' lhe report said. W atcl1 for the full 'veek's T.V. listings in Saturday's editio11 of the , DAILY PILOT. - Declare Your Choice f Tho spirit of '76 in cabinetry, tho plus of RCA performance for '691 RCA cra!Bmen capture the charm of Co Io- nia! design wit~ beautiful. detafflng Iron> ocall<>ped "pie crust• galllittes ·-to ahutter'ed doors, pegged "barn· door" panels, Hitchcock-type or bracket feet. Antiqued Colonial Maple or Mellow Pine Finished ve-- neers contribute io the heirloom fur· nilura look that blends with any Early American room setting. = -Model OL.-a. w dltg .. a& •c. '"· 01C"" > $J49ss· ' • THE FAIRFAX - Giant tcrMn New Vltta COIOr TV with AFT that JoCb In thl correct fine tunlnQ, tfte· trontcalty Ind autonwtlcalty; Fe•bff" two exten~ range dlJo.cOne •peak· era with the effect of •-speaker .ound. ., '!Ml IUflOO'!lll -Tr•n• Vl1t .. lolld State•• COior TV wtth AFT •nd·lf'lltlnt..,lo. All 8oUd Stat. New ""'8 VHFTunerloruneur~ recepllon on 1ny VH, c:NnnlL..FMMM ....... toled ---klo trito ,..,... ....... control•;lll•la.op-•lon•l • tr • - probably would come out best his field In t e I e v I s I o n handsome, He ls alto the rrn»t of the family. At 48 he might documentaries. eligible royal bachelor after be ·a bit late to return to the · Snowda.1, 39, may also have Charlot. royal navy, but ple'.1ty of com-a future Jn the men's fashion After Eton, he finished his panles would llke to have him field. He designed his own educaUon at Cambridge and on their boards of directors. • uniform as constable o ! •Stanford U n i v e r s i t y Jn Besides, a recent poll made Caernarvon Castle and has CalUornia. Alter a spell as a him the most popular choice ~D having talks with Sldnl'!y trainee on the investment side for pres.ldent Of the country Brent, owner of the avant· of Laiard, the mercha.1t happened to become a garde men's boutique Take banken, he took the Com~ republic. Six. This ouUlt makes clothes monwealth Re lations Pffice The future of Charlu. 21, for way«it people like the exam . He served as third would be uncertain. His fluen· Rolli'.1g Stones. It first met secretary or the British High cy lD Wellh wouldn't take him Tony when be ordered a plus· Commission in Nigeria , and far, but by all accounts he's a l#O suit last year. Plus-twos then as second secretary al paasable actor. are Snowdon's updated version the entbassy In Tokyo. His slster, Princess Ann, of the golfing ptus..fours· which Although armchair match· fully u lndepend«it as any or, the Duke of Windsor made makeres have repeatedly link· the men, Ls trendy enough to popalar when Prince of Wales ed his name with various girls, strike out as a bachelor Kiri on in the early '30s. he has not, so far as is known. her own. A Chellt!:a bouUque? 1be other men in the royal had a serious romance. Ht!'s a RldinJ lnatructreat family are less publlcl.ied. gay party.goer and likts big· Lord Snowdcm would have to 1be queen's two surviving game safaris, skllng and malntain 'Princess Maraaret, uncles -lbe Duke of Windsor. !lyt'.ig his own S 3 6 , o o o whotte atate allowance would 75. and the Duke of Comanche plane. cease. But that would be Gloucester, 69 -are retired Prince Richard. 25, his slmple. Now he has few royal from active duty. The Ql:een younger brother, has just left dutll'!S beyond escorting his is believed to make some Cam bridge University and wife, and he has ·.iever quit allowance to Windsor, th e qualified as an architect. He is b e i n g t h e s w i n g i n g King who abdicataed. now abroad, after visiting photographer Tony Prince William or WllliaminTokyo,andhasyet Armstrong· Jones. He'd prob· Gloucester, 28, who stands as lo start in business. ably carry on working for a ninth.irl succtASion '.10W. is the Other first cousins or the London ~wspaper and extend famlly diplomat. Tall and queen are the Earl or • Harewood, 46, and the Hon. Gerald Lasct!lles, 45, both son.If or her deceased air.it, the Princess Royal. The Lascelleses are wealthy, with huge esates left by their father. the sixth Earl of Harewood. The present earl ts the family's pa:ron ot music. He was associated for years with the Royal Opera House, Co-- vent Garden, and he has been director of the Edinburgh Fe~tival. Lord Harewood is also the only prominent member of the royal family to have been through tbe divorce court. His marriage with Austrian-born• Marion Stein, mother of hi! three teen-age sons, was dissolved. 1'.1 1964 he married Patricia Tuckwell , an ex· model by whom he already had a 3-year-old son. Gerald, his younger brother, is a company director. Probably poorest of the Queen's cousins are the Kents -the duke, 34, Princess AleJC· andra, 33, and Prince Michael, 27. They are the children of the queen's youngest uncle, Revolutionary · Value! fuc* " RCA COLOR OUTDOOR ANTENNA : .. .,;a wNll=l•AI .... lvltullr l!fJ ,.,. .......... 33&• -=..111111•= ... ........... , .. ••r•••--• .d.-11 A•rll•I:: ,::au_ ··-·--... ... --·--........... - • .-. • THE YORKTOWN -Features transistorized Wireless Wizard remote control and fiddla- free Automatic Fine T.uning incorporating RCA 'aolld Integrated circuit. Solid Slate Color'Stell!Zer gives you beautifully bal- anced colOt' on RCA'.J largest s_creen., THE ROANOKE- Home Entertainment Canter with new giant screen. Trans Vista-Solid State•• Color TV, Slereo Phono, FM-A.M·AM Stereo Ra-dio. Oeluxe features Include AFT, Instant Pie, brilliant 6-apeaker. stereo sound. TIM AatNQTON - Cotonlal IOWboy-Wlltl $69995* RCA'• taroeet. acreen, 1ron•l"orl1ed WlrolHo · Wizard remote oocrtrot and AFT "Lootltd ln" ttoe~tunlng. lupor ~rlUI -Vista · VHF ner, Solid St1te UHF, IWO e1tlended ranee apea•1r1 • fi/1ttlef'eeJ~dfjbl • --- ... \ .-- , . • l T . " . --'--'-------....:__~ __ .c._.--'-----'---;;...;...""""-----" I ' , f DAil V PILOT 2 Topless Laws Declared Illegal LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Two state laws, only four-days old, giving local governments U1e power to outlaw topless performances were declared unconstitulional Thursday. As a result of ·the decision by Superior Court Judge Jerry Pacht, any city or county ordinance based on the two penal code secti:>ns a I s o became invalid. Pachl said the statutes discriminated against nudity in bars and restaurants while permltting it in thea ters and concert halls. He said the laws violaled the equal protection and due process clauses or the Sth and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. One topless dancer, ~1ary Joe Frazell, and operators of 10 bars in Los Angeles County filed the two suits which led to the ruling. The complaints challenged two ordinances, one specifically county prohib.iting nude performances and the other topl ess appearances by females, whether acting as waitresses or entertainers. Pacht issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the Los Angeles County sheriff from enforcing the enabling legisla- tion or a county ordinance banning nude dancing. &HEAT OLD BOURBON &HEAT NEW PRICEI SUNNY BROOK STRAIGHT BOURBON 1HI OlD SUNHY POOi D1st.co.,1ou1sv1lLf,rY. IO r~.S4.1•4/SQt I ..... ••<U.11• ... ....... ,,_-,, • ·- 4th Nigl-it Of Trouble In Berdoo SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -Police resumed rouline patrols -releasing extra tac- tical forces -early today afte r a fourth straight night or disturbances in the \\•est side Negro community. Officers said Thur s day night's trouble , follovdng the pattern of other days this week, began when 30 to 40 black youths defied "Pi1ayor Al Ballard's 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew and gathered at an in- tersection in. this Southern California commu.1ity of 100,000. • Ul"I Ttlt..rM!IO They broke windshields and windows by hurling rocks at passing cars. officers said. Later, there were reports of fir~mbings and of sporadic gunfire. One officer rad ioed that he may have been the target of gunrire in a sector near 9th and Muscott. No injuries were rrpor!C'd and damage v.·as reported light . JETS DON'T BENEFIT SCHOOL CHILDREN LA Files Suit Against Ai rport Complications About 10 arrests were made, police said, all for c11rfe\v violations. At the height of t h c disturba.1ce. between 60 and iO police and California Highway Patrolmen were on the scene and sealed off trouble <ireas with barricades. LA School Files Suit On A irport Jet Noise I A police spokesman said both the gunshots and the fire bomb tossing appeared to him largely aimed at harassing the ()fficers and creating con- fusion. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -abandonment of a junior high He said mC>St of the rire bombs were merely thrown in- to the streets. flared up briefly and the.1 flickered out . One officer said_he thought the black youths "are getting as tired of this as we are." llowever, Mayor Ballard has said the dusk-to-dawn curfew will remain in effect in the two-square-mile trouble area until further notice . Los Angeles Unified School District has filed suit against the city for $95.8 million damages clain1ing the rn>ise of jct planes at , International Airport has interfered with the education of 46,000 students. The suit filed Thursday charged the noise affected cl<isses at 31 schools in the Vicinity o[ Lhe airport. COO· sidered tile third busiesl in lhe United States. lt also con· tended the noise forced the closing of one elementary schoo l and the forthcoming HOTPOINT p~:~~!~E Hotpoint Food Waste Disposers at .this unheard of low price. ICeitp your •itchitn f,,,h I ·Elimi11ai1t 1099y 9••b•9• b•91, 1111hvqi1nic kitch•n p•il• 1tnd b1td we•lh•r trip• lo the 9•rb191t c1t111. "";" Th. clean. 1anil•rv. ••1v w•y to qet rid of food wa1le befor• it becom•• 9arba9e by nelionelly f•m• °'' Hs1''"'.9' 88 Wh•lt 39.95 Value For Only '~::. ~ 1877 HARIOR IOU LEYA RD 548· 7808 COSTA MESA ·Ope11 Mo11 .• Wed.·Th11n.·Frl. Till 9 p.rn. I school. "An airport is not a more necessary public facility than are lhe schools," the suit said. The suit contended the aircraft. noise, vibrations and fumes had caused injury to the health, safety and welfare of persons using the schools and interfered with their use for educational purposes. Harry B. Saunders, district planning director, said the district turned to the courts after extensive negctiaLions with the airport proved unsuc- cessful. "We have an obligation to make sure the educational program of 46,000 young peo- ple who attend those schols is not victimized by aircraft noise," Saunders said. I 10 Convicted In Chainh1g INDIO (UPI) -Seven of IO persons convicted of im· prisoning Anthony Saul Gib- bons, 6, in a small structure and an open crate at a desert commune for 63 days will be sentenced Dec. 4. Four of the 10 were con- victed Thursday of felony child abuse. three were fciund guilty of misdemeanor chlld abuse and the three others were found innocent. Chevrolet's Sit·in is on. When you buy a wagon you deserve to know \vhat you're walking into. Now is the time to find out. Now \Vhilc our Sit-in is on. Evolution a .Theory State Schools OK Cliange iii Teaclting LOS ANGELES (AP) - Under a revised framework for California public school science teachlng, evolutipn would be presented as -a theory , not fact, and mention also would be made of the biblical version of creation. The change was adopted unanimously Thursday by the State Board <A. Education to meet the ob jectlons o( some board members that the pure- ly scientific theory of evoJu. tion was being espoused as documented fact with no reference to the belief of many that.the world was created by God. The framework is designed as a guideline for textbooks to Resources Protection Promised SACRAMENTO (AP) -Protection of California's natural resources must be given greater and earlier im· portance in planning new water projects, Gov. Reagan declared today. •!is staten1e nt came in remarks prepared for a lun cheon or the Jnterorganizational Water Committee in West Sacramen- to. be selected by the state Cur- riculum Commission a n d formally approved by the board next year. Dropped from the ()riginal framework was this brief sentence : "The oldest ex- planation ls a religious one. that of special creation." In its place, the follriwing tw o paragraphs we.re inserted: "All scientific evidence to date concerning the origin of life implies at least a dualism or the necessity to use ~veral theories to fully explain rela- tionships between established data points. This dualism is not unique to this field of study but is also appropriate in other scientific disciplines such as the physics of light. "While the Bible and other philosophic treatises also men- ~tu~~~~~ ~!~ro~ ~~~l:~ of creation. Therefore, crea• tlon in scientific terms is not a religious or philosophic belier. '"Also note that creation and evolutionary theories are not necessarily mutual exclusives. Some of the scientific data - e.g., transmutation of species -substantiate a process of evolu tion." Dr. Vernon L. Grose, vice president of the Tustin Insti- tute of Technology at Sant,a Barbara, whose remarks were incorporated into the creation revision, said: •·r do favor the teaching of evolution in the public schools." Mexico Stamp in Error LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Mexico's new air mail stamp honoring father Junipero Serra bears the right painti~g but the wrong padre, accordipg lo an authority on Catholic history in California. The !Xk::entavo stamp was issued last July honoring Father Serra, who founded nine of the 21 Spanish missions in California. · But the Rev. Francis J. Weber of Los Angeles said the picture on the stamp is really Father Francisco Palou, the biographer and successor of Father Serra. He said the pie· ture of Palou apparently was copied from a painting \Vhich hangs in the historical museum of the Castle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. The stamp designer ~vidently thought the person stand- ing in the center ()f the picture was Serra, \Veber said. Reagan declared that "we must see that environmental factors are given greater and '-----------------------' earlier consideration in the discussion and planning of water resource projects." He also restated his ad- ministration's determination to honor all contracts with those who have signed up for water from the State Water Project. despite its financial problems. The project , he said. "can- not possibly be cancelled or unduly delayed : to even at- tempt to do so would create inequities and chaos for years to come." DMV Chief Geis' Post SACRAMENTO (AP) Verne Orr. called by Gov. Reagan "one of the key men of this administration," has been na1ncd head of the State General Services Department. Orr has been head of the Department ()f Motor Vehicles since 1967 shortly a ft er Reagan took office. He will take over Dec. 1, and the pay is $30,boo a year. Lynch Does11't Want Guard Spy Systeni SACRAMENTO (UP I) - Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch lhinks the collection of intelli- gence data should remain solely within the state Justice department. Lynch told, newsmen Thurs- day he saw no reason now to enlarge intelligence gathering operations by giving tbe Na~ tional Guard similar respon- sibilities. The California military de- partment is seeking $500,CMXI to set up a centralized compu- ter memory bank on "unlaw- ful antigovernment activities." Maj. Gen. Glenn C. Ames. commander of the National Guard, has said the expanded intelligence network would Plan Endo1·sed SAN DIEGO (AP)-The U.S. Forest Service chie£ Thllrsday endorsed the Walt Disney ski lodge plan at Mineral King which is being opposed by the conservationist Sierra Club. keep track of groups and in· dividuals parlicipating in civil disorders. ''I think it's a very serious question as to who is to gather and release intelligence infor- mation," 4_vnch said following a meeting of the California Council on Criminal Justice. "My office does it right now," he said, "and unless some very cogent reasons are put forth, I see no reason to change the system." The California Bureau of Criminal Identification and In vestigation is a division in the Justice department. which Lynch heads. The National Guard's pro- posed intelligence s y s t e m would require approval by th e council. \\'hich Lynch ser\'CS as chairman. The attorney general de· clined lo speculate on what action the council would take "'hen the application comes before it, but indicated he will oppose lhe proposal. "But I'm only one vote," he said. first, climb into the back of any other wagon in Chevrolet's field. Sec if you don't pre(er a rear board- ing step just the right height. A cutaway roof line so you can walk in standing tall. Then walk into one of our big I 19 "· \vhcelbase Chevrolet wagons. ! t t ( .l t I ,, '' ' ' • ,, ., ;-, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' 'l , I ' I ! I '. " '' '' ' ' ,, \ ,_--,;-_,;•:.-.;.••r r :·~ ~===========-=:-..,.,,..=-;-:=== . £artalls £ampalgnlng I • "" • ' ' ' > Congress Recess • . . .. To Be Short One WASHINGTON (AP) 'Senators running for re.elec- tion next year may find themselves a bil short on campaign lime. Major I l y .Leader Mike Mansfield an- t1Cipates only a brief recess for 1970 electioneering. "This is a year-round opera- tion now, and that wi ll have to apply in election years as well 1es off.years," Mansfield said. · · Even with a year-round ·session this year, Congress is "deep in budget-making trooble ' \vilh only two of the 13 annual 'appropriations bills w h i c h finance the government now ·on the 1awbooks. Even today the Senate had ;-to vote on a resolution enabl· : ing government a gen ci es, 1 notably the Pentagon, to meet 1 Friday's payrolls. ' . ' The measure allows the : agencies to keep spending ' n1oney at rates set in their ' last appropriations bills. , Such legislation has been 1 necessary since July I, when 1 the government's bookkeeping • year began without passage 0£ 1 a major money bill. : Adoption of such resoluUons : has become standard pro- ' cedure in a Congress which ~ Joni ago gave up as hopeless . the task of passing ap- , proprialions b e f o r e the business new year. The current measure has a difference: the l'louse wrote in terms adding more than $1 billion in federal aid to educa· lion, instead or simply . ex· tending old rates ol spenchng. 1'1ansfield has said the Senate will accept t h e language, assuming the money won't be spent anyhow, but re· ject the precedent. Today's resolution won't be the la st of the year. Five ap- propriations bills have yet to clear the House, which deals · with them before the Senate acts. Among them : T h e ,massive defense ap.. propriations bHI. and the e!TI· battled foreign aid money bill, · both certain to stir Senate .. debate. "We're going to do our . darndest to gel every one of , them through this year," Mansfield said. The Senate seems unlikely to meet that target. "We woo't be stampeded." said Sen. Richard B. Russell (0-Ga.), chairman of the ap- , proprialions committee. \ The likelihood is that for the first time, Congress will ad· journ for the year without "passing all the year's ap- propriations bills. f.1ansfield said the Senate rirobably will be open for business until Dec. 20, then ·recess for a between-sessions break until sometime between ··Jan. 12 and Jan. 19. He said ·-that schedule is tentative. Symphony Scheduled By Doctors The Doctors' Symphony of Orange County and Long Beach will perform at the Garden Grove Community Church, 12141 Lewis Street, Sunday, at 2 p.m. The ~member church choir will join the orchestra to perfonn the Borodin Polovetsian D a n c es. Dr. Arthur Howard will conduct. A rarely performed Albinoni Concerto for Two Oboes will be played by Dr. Carl Bi.shop and James Flowers wilh harpsichord and orchestra ac- companiment. A Mozart Horn Concerto will be played by John Ayre, French horn. Bizet's Symphony No. 1 and Chadwick's Sy mp h·c n i c Sketches round 01..ll the pro- gram. A free will cffering will taken during the Cdncert to benelit the Health Fair cf the Woman's Auxiliary to the Orange County M e d i c a I Association. Laws Ea sed LONDON {AP) -Britain may ease some immigratiol'!. rontrols and admit 10,000 Asians holding B r I t i s h passports from East Africa, infonned sources reported. Many otherwi se would be cast adrift by Kenya's ·· Africanization program to fill certain jobs with. African na· tionals only after Christmas. 'fanzanite Expensive New Jewel With all that extra foot room, shin room; knee room and Jeg comfort. See if you don'l prefer side>by-side seating in our enormous third-scat sofa. Only the big Chevrolet wagons have all lhi~ you can walk into for anywhero near the money, But you ought to know what else you're getting into. ----- All-vinyl interiors you can wash and wear, and wear, and wear. Carpeting that'll make you want to kick your boots off. , -· . -.. ==== ---- Frldar, Novembtr 14, l %1J 0~1L v PILOT O Yon·ngest . Trustee · . . . Founder's Desce nde nt Takes On Tas k ' ' . Two hundred fif<y VS horses to get you on the move and keep You there. Walk in. Sit in. And see. Putting yo u firs~ keeps us firs t. Onthemove: . . 1be Chem>let'70s. ; .. - " . ' .. ' ....... ., I ( I • ., • I ., • __ l ' I J I ,,.. ' ------~-- JO OAILV PILOT s F"rlday Novtmbtr 14 1969 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE folOTICI! TO CllEOITOJtS SUP'~ltlOlt COVltT OF THI! STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOlt TMI COUNTT OF 01.NfOf No A...OU £ !tit "'SALLV KINWALD Dece11ed NOTICE IS HE111!8V GIVEN la !ht c Mltoo of !he abo.vt nam!'d dKfd~I "''' Ill ... rwM h1vl11g Cl9lms "llMI '"' ••Id decedent I • n<iv red to fill! lhtm wllt1 IN necns•rY wouchtr5 rn ltie ott ct Ill the tier~ of Ille above enllt1e>d «111rt Of' hi p-t ll'>f.om w rh tile n.cesurv ~HI 1o ""' ull<lt~i9ned al the off ce .,f 1111 4ll<'ltnrvs Murrey M Choll~r ,.nd H H Rt'l1m1n tJl Dover Drl.-e Su le Numbl!r f Ntw""'1 Beech C1lltornla Which 11 ll!t P'-U (If bu!IM51 OI 11\f UndtflltMd In ell mellttl ~tt1fnlf111 to lhe nte~ of 1•ld Cff'cech-1'11 wilt.In IOI.Ir monl!ti 11t1r lh1 I n t pybll(.jltlofl ot lt!ls ~·"' Dt !R Oclobrr 21 l%' Dev d Jtrvme 1(1nw11d E~eculor ot lllt! Wiii of the •bovt' nemed deeedf!lf MUIUtAY M CMOTll'IER ..,4 If M REISMAl'I .,,._ ..... lvlt. " ...... '' .. ......., hlCll C111fernl1 Tt>I fTI41 6"1UI ·~ ,., l!•eevlw Publllhtd Ortf\51t COilsl Otlfv P!lol Oct*t 24 Jl arid Now.mbtr 1 u Tfff 1~ ....... CERTIFICATI!: 01' COR,OR.ITIOl'I FOR TltAlllSACTION 01' 9U51NESS UNOER t'ICTITIOUS NAME ,.He UNOER$1GNEO CORPORATION <!Ion herelW cerllf'f' lh&t It 11 cOl\lklcth'tt • bu1lness loc11td at 3111 HI r b or llll!J~lrcl' Colla Mnl C1111rom I Under tM llctltfcJlll f!rm n1m1 ot BIG BR.t.KE S"'FETY CENTER No 0011 1nd 1111! •llld I rm 11 cam~ ot m. foltowlne cor .or1lfon. wllese prln(.IJ>.lll pl1ce of ilui!MSS ft 11 lo!~ Finl Newpart COrJtO!'l t on 31ll HM1IOI' 80!.llev1td Cos11 M•l• C1ll!Ol1ll1 WITNESS lls hind ttlls 22nd dlY of <ktoblr 1Nt (COltPORATE SEAL) First Nt!WDOff Conior1!1on ••~™ B Gallup ~..., Tn!1•Urer STAT! OF CAL1FOllNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) t5 Otl ttlfs 22nd' dtY tJt Odubtt lfMI befto,.. IM • Not1rr Pubtk ln •nd IOI' wkl Counf'f' •nd Slat! per'IOnaltv •P Pf>lnd tlr1WSler ti Gtllllll> ~nown to me to JM INI Secretarv Tretlvrer ol t~e tor PO"tll.., th.i tJK11ted the wit~ n '" ''""""""' on be~a I ol t11e t(lrllllrllton thO!f'eln named and ac~nciw edge~ to m1 1~11 sud'I ccirPGr1llor1 ex«vled !he ume C&EAL) \ JEAN E JUltlCH Nol1ry PUllllC Sia~ of C•lltoml~ P•lt1elp1I Oltlct In Dr•ntt Coun" Mv Comm ~•lon EXPlr~ Marth JI 19'3 Pub! sMcl 0 ·~ Cull D• ly p !QI Odeibtt 24 JI and November 1 I• 1961' 1'1'1~"69 LEGAL NOTICE P !Utt CERTIFIC.t.TE 01' FICTITIOllS BUSINESS. N.t.ME Mesap Aids Plans for :WESCON / , Complete-Ne,v Yorli Stock List ., "t t't11 noo " ... ':~ 0 ' .. ' ' ~~ ·l ,, • " ~.~ ( •• ~i~ ' " '" ' " .. • ' " " • • ' " "l " o! " ,,, ' ,, " " "' " • " " "" '" " • ' . .. •• "" " ,, "' ~11\ ' . ~ ' . ~! ~71, MO. " . ' ' ' . " • . ' •• .. • • , .. "' , " .. '" ,. " '" " M " ' " " ' •• '" l,. "• fi-. .. • " t .. ' ' '" • " ' ' '" " • '" " h '!. '• ' ' ' ' ' " y. ' ' 1. • " . " ' " . •• ' . 1l l •. ,., ~ . ' .. ... Jt • •• " .,, '" ". '" ' . " " ... e l~I• ,, . '" " " " . " " " . ~ '" " . " . " '" '" ' ' '" " ' ' " • .. ,~1 • ' ~ Jf •• ". " '" " ' .. ' • '" " . '" '" ... " . " " 11 • ' . " '" ". ~I " f, " •• " ' ,, rl ., " ' ' . ' ' , " \ • lA -JI; ' _, '" {I -t " ' ' " " _, -. .,. " _, . ' ~1 .. .1 l" i~' ~ J iarl~et Syo 1l;ols c t t ! L t t t " L b ti tl t! ,, u t, " " " " " u " " " Lo " " " '" " Lo " " L> M• M• M• M• M• Mo Mo M• M• Mo M• M• M• Mo "' M• Mo Mo M• Mo M• Mo Mo Mo Mc "' MO M• M• M• M• M• :a~ M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< M< Mo •• Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo :I! ~; MG M< M• MG M< M< M< M'' M < M< M'< Mii M' M'' M" M• M• •• ~i M" M• •• M• M• M°' M" M• M• Mo ... M• M• Mo M" M" M" M" ~; Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo "" "" ... "" ., ... "" "' ... tJat ... "' •o " '" '"' NG "" "" "" "" ... "" thl ... "" ... ... "" "" "" ~I E~ "' '" •• "" '" •• .. •• '" "" ~:' "• ~~ "" ~" •" N:~ ~~ ~~ ~~; ~ll "'' '" •• ... •• ... "• K: •• ... ... ~~ ... ----·-==-..,, ........ ---~---":"""""'"".,...,.._______ --~---------·-=-=---:=-:-:-=---------- , NOYe1T1btr 1'6t O.\JLY PILOT J. ~ Thursday's Closing Prices-Complet~ Y~rk Stock Exchange List American Stoel{ Exchange List Edition s • 11'1 -'·• t:ltl -1•1 16\t + .... '6'"' -)Ii 11\lo -•\i. .. • - I, l ' J ! 041LY PILOT Friday , Novtmbefo 14, 1%'1 -· « .. Sears r I .. . I ........ ~, -~· .,, .. : ....... . .. ' ' ' ,, '~ ~ I_._· Take ____wQlllOJL•_Su~r~n__ Panty Ho oe l-H.,un Only l.im.i!l'd Qu1nti1i: 37c Seamle~s. v.•ith nude heel. In bare beige, sunset, mo- cha. Peti~. average, ta.IL Sheer mesh nylon• 3 pr. 87 e H11itrJ DtJit. Perma·Prest"' Stadium Coats Zip ouc liner, 65';0 Dac- r on• polyester, 3 5~:? C1lt· ton twil~ black. 36-1-i. "''"'' Dress Clorhint, Dtpr. Pern1a-Presl ~ Doobleknil Fabrics 3-Houn Only limited Qa1ntity! 344 100% polyester in fash· ion colors staJ wrinklc- ftte, mach ine wuh, driri o r rumble dry. 60-in. ~·i<lc. 1' 11rl11g1 D1pr. Solid Color Bath Towels Colors ro coorJinate wi1h prints and jacquards. purk· er proof borders. Gold, avocado and white. Dll9Stic Dtpt. Little_Gitls' PERMA-PREST• Dresses ""'"" 0.1, 2 $ 3 f n1111etl Q111nti1~! Regular $4.99 Deck Shoes 397 Couon duck oxford, fully cushioned in sole, crepe rubbe r soles. In colors. Shot Drpr. S2. 99 to 86. 99 Wa tch Bands ;l.!lru1r~ Only l.imi1rrl vu1n1il )! 197 1'fcn's or women's 5tylcs in expansion or semi· <':tpansion, bracelet s1yles. \\lhite or yellow goJJ. }t11-elry Dtpr. .. S2.49 "Se ntry" Wi ndow Shades l-lca\•ywcight vinyl, mil i. mum insul:ucd, washabl e in wh ite only. S3.98. 46~·i n.xG.ft._:?.i17 DufJtrJ Dtpt. ' • , • of , I -Mini;;Jliilf-Slips;J'ettipants ,Wome:ii'i"'3r'eatherliffllras S.ivc Sl to S1. \~hitc, solid color anJ 3tri·ped "dress shirts, short or long l'leevc. Sizes 6-20. ' · BP,,J'.S1uJt11ts' Drpt. Mesh ny on iaser~ with cushioned Woodcrfill lining for shape and support. Adjustable straps. 34-40 B-C. ~ere $4 Featherlifr Bras (}4..40 0 Cup) 2 for $4: Lingrit Dtpt. (~ ! J ·' ',. -' ; _;· ...... . ' r.: ' I," ., ;J. ) .Ji/ -PERMA-PRES'r Xnit Shirts Choose n{ocK· turtle neck or collar and placket styles in a wide range of colors. Men's sizes. f.ltn's Wr11r D1p1. Foam Latex Mattress or 1'..,oundation l"lortable Auto1n atic Stereo Phonograph .. ........ ~,.., . --. 79c Sears Ken111ore I .aunJry Deterge11t ..--''SM ........ _ .... ~ .... ~.,1o1.,. r.11., ~ Jlegul81' 199.95 88 1-~ull or twin 11ize • Lu.,urv :5ean-O-Pedic 6.. incli fo111n late.'t tnattre~s • Quil tc1l ra ~on tlamask 1•n \PI" e \1at r 11i 11p; po ~tu re·m ate · found11t ion for firm sup· port S:?jfJ.9.) Oueen~ize-1 39.88 "SJi9.'Jj h.ingsize 229.88 Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans Reg uhir 82c -Lo ng Rifle Ainmunition "AU,u-. o•du.1.-.:.Bl....i l'f11H-Box or 5(1 ..,IJ GAii 11> """"'OOI M•< "'""~ ..... . d•...r ;, ....... ("°" J .......... .. •~•M l l'llW.-... <II r,,. ... ...i-- ].,(a_ximum plau 1imc fron1 Gl'CS cloth<'s truly cleaner ai11 .. ,_ """""" 21 1d''"',.. oN I .. .......,... No dtl"ff•• •111 M ..... srack of records, stereo· ,lnd truly "'hiter. Performs """'"""'"""·"11..i ... ~bit<•...,ffll. 2:!. cal . higb-veloci1r, Cop- per ph1ted rounds usir non-co rrosive primcr5, smokeless powder. rhonic 'ystcm. Full au· 111 hard or soft water. ~1~,;:..."'"' M•!Qfal 1,,,... w tnm<iliC' f't'COr"d clwige r. rtoru1u·11m Otpl, ··i• LO boxes petCIUIMler' TV Dtpt. Use Sears RevolYing Charge Sp.r1;ng Goods D<pr. 77c each Choose from half slips, pettipants or panties im nyloa with wide lace u ims. White and pastels. S.14. · Girls' Wt•r Dtjlt. Button or pullover· stYles in solids and patterns. cotton flannel and broadCJoth fabric. In men's sU:es. 1\ltn's F1trnishi11g Dtpt. 7·dra\\·er t.fyle in choi ce of oiled walnut or rich avocaJo finish. 23x1 6x iu inches high. f1'r11ilurt Drpt. T errific Value! Hand Vacuun1 3-.ll~un. Onl1 12 38 l.11n11ed Qu1nlil}! Ideal for cars, boats, wor :... shops, draperies and much more. itodel 6101 V«1tN• Cltann D1p1. \'I' ere 311.99, 11 Cup Coffeemakers Li111it•rl (,lu111tit~! 791 Fl a,·or s1r<'ngtlt selec.tor, pop-up basket, rwist Jock top, Bakelire•, p1a&t:ic 1 ri Ill. f./r(trir11/ Dt/Jf. J.Houn Only I imi1f'd IJ11an1i1y! S,\VE SI Regular ~';.99 1-lea.lthy stock, beautifull1 plumased, • cbccrfu.l song- srct. ~------------------------------• BUENA PARK EL MONTE · . LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau -------------------, CANOGA PARK GLENDALE-OLYMPIC & SOTO • I COMPTON • HOLLYWOOD ORANGE COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA '------~------------------ POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I SANTA ANA TORRANCE SANTA FE SPRINGS • .v ALLEY . I SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson -----------~-~-----' Sears Shop Nighls Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M. -"Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" -. I • ;Pilgrims .. With visions ol Edinburgh· spurring them on, knights and their ladies will set oU from all over Orange and Los An geles counties with their trusty steeds on a pilgrimage Thursday, Nov. 20, tll!d will take them to that fabled city -by way ol lhe Uni· versity of Southern California. The knights and ladies, members of the Trojan Leagues of Orange County and 1..-0s Angeles and their guests, will attend the league s' annual llenefit, this year highlighted by a performance of the USC Festival Players who have five years at the Inter~ national Edinburgh Festival to their credit. !T'be only university drama group in the United States to be inVited to the festival, the use· Festi'v3J Players have received the resounding acclaim of critics in both Edinburgh and London. The group, directed by John E. Blankenchip, will present eX:cerpts Crom "More Feifier's People," based on Jules Feiffer's cartoons, with music by Mike Moore, recipient of the Cole Porter Fellowship, and "'The Word," a folk rock interpretation of. the Old Testament with music, lyrics, dialogue and ·di· rection by Diane Gibson. More than 400 Troj{ln League members and guests are expected to make the pilgrimage to. the universi·ty, lending their su pport to the yearly bene- fit whi ch aids, among other things, the USC librar- ies. · Orange CQunty league members who are. sup-- porting the. day's activities are the Mmes. Mathew A. Cox of Corona del Mar, r_ecording_s~reta!'X~ Nor· --·m~a~n -Al>ell J r. ororange. treasurer ; Wilha~. Fortner of Balboa Island, parliamentarian and 1nember of the coordinating council at use . and Robert V. Hodges of Newport Beach, benefit chair· man for Ora:nge County • - ~;~~y to -. J "';" ' •c: L ·l ' . • ' ~ I ~ .. ';!.l~~ •M ; , L DESTINATION MAPPED -Th< romance ol Edinburgh's knights and ladies, castles and moats C' .. '1~ armor and mail ar.e in the dreams Of members of the Trojan. Le6gues or Orange County and Los Angeles. The USC supporters will hear oi the fabled city during the leagues' annual benefit Thursday, Nov. 20, from the USC Festival Players, who have been invited to perfOrm in the Edinburgh ·Festival each August for Ute past five years. Sighting their destina•tion are (left to·right) the Mmes. Notman Abell Jr., Mathew A. Cox and Wmiam E. Fortner. . ' PrlNr, N9vamller 14 Ifft , ... 11 Mr . Bell's All Wrapped Up in His Work Roped into doing double duty is architect Stanley Bell who is tied up with tickets to sell to the Thurs· day,' Nov . 20, production of "Pool's Paradise" in the Lido Isle Clubhouse. The Orange County Chapter of the Women's Architectural League has planned a benefit theat~r party for that evening to view the play in wliich Bell plays a vie.ii'. Mrs. Bell reassures her husband that he will be a ble to join lbe chapter members and their husbands· for..cbampagne ·dur· ing intermi ssion. ' 1 ' . I ! • • - • • • f· ' ' • • Pr.iri.cess Appears on. Harbor Area Scene All softs ' of. i{l.t~i'esling, characters are emerging around the Harbor Area, sueb as the princess, Anne. Eva Newctead, who is having her gown fitted by Mrs . .Rollett.lludgins (Jell) and-Mrs. James-Harris:- . The princess, who is nat really part of a royal fam· 1 ily, will join other cast members of the Children's Theater Guild production of "The Marvelous Story of PUss Ih Boots" Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 29 and 301 at Orange Coast Co~ege. Satu~ay P~tfpr.m-_ ante-tllllfflfte ID a:nt; I ana 3:30 p.m., and Sunday times are 1and3:30 p.m. Admission is $1. I • , Moth'er-to-be Expecting Too ,Man_y Privileges· With Ticket r"'ANN LANDERS • DEAR ANN LANDERS : .Our 19·year· old. daught.er ls in her sixth month o( pregnancy. Her husband is In Vietnam. Jle will be going to Hawaii in seven weeks for his R and R. Vanessa is very cager to join him. Both her father and l think il would be risky since she will be in her eighth month by then. My brother, believe. Can you clarify this situation for DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yesterday l who is an attorney, says most airlines us ? -AKRON QUERY took my Children to see "Chitty ChlUy would refuse to fly her. DEAR AQ: Tbe best autllority 11 Bang Bang." This is a wholesome movie Vnnessa is carrying very small and she VanHsa·1 doctor. It 11 doobttul tat be In col?"r ful1 of good music, joy, fun and i.isisls that if she we.ars a loose coal the would give the go signal to a wo man In laughter. Ideal for children. When I saw airli ne authorities won't even knpw she Is her eighth month. If Vanessa should go it advertised I wu 50 pleased -at long on the screen -An axe murder!!. lt about w·hat ii 1tt• in tbe theater la lo frightened my youngest 90..1 bad ahe write to Ille manager. J recommend it. • uterally screamed out k>ud. This Is not ~ /. the first time such· a thing has occurn:<b DEAR ANN LANDERS: My legs are A few weeks ago When 1 took my brood to well shaped and without question the best see a revival (,( 11Peter Pan," I JI~ to 'tb.lng I have going for me, The only pro- hustle them out fut. Anolher bideou1 blem Is that I am • d~veloplng vartcose preview. That-Ume It was ope ® thote velns. I kept hoping the hemlines would sex orgy films. My child yelled,"How drop , but It looks aa ii they are going to come they go on dalel with~nq cklthes rtmaln sky high fur~ while, at lean The on !" Everybody In the theater roared. question Is this: Would I be belter·orr to Please, Ann, tell uS how we can get the wear my "sklrb a lttile longer than Is messffe across to lhe lheater operator11 fashioDable and feel out of It? Or, should -A MOTHER WHO MIS.SES WALT J lqet about my ugly purple nelwork of DISNEY broken blood vessels, wear t b e are aader 30 I ••nesl a c01metic crtam lo cover tbe velii.s, dark or opaque hose aid th'.! shorter 1kh11. If y11 are over 30, lbe c01metlc and opaqae bole are sUll a gotd tde1, but pleue forget die mfcro- mlnl, dearler. No mlUer bow 1.od yeur Je11 are, the real of you will look ricUCl&luu1. Do yoo feel Ill at ease ... out of It! II everybody having a good time but you? Write for AM La~rs' booklet, ''The • Key to Popularity," enclOsing with your request 35 cents In coin and a long, self· addressed, stamped envelope. I I pregnant. She alsO says 1 l r Ii n e lato labor 31,MI feet O\ler tM PaciOc, Ute last a movie that didn't deal with drugs, stewardesses are \rained to ineet all klo9t nat won't belp ber m1crt.. faggots, lesbians, insanity, kRling and emergencies. • . _ ~~"'It. 11 true tbN airline 1lew.-deuel~""~~~aw sex. '\Vt have.· rectlved 90 much conrtlctlng r11ittC"for tiiiir1Uckt,"Ml tld1 1i e~· While waiting .. or e ea ure, the DEAR MOTll!ll: Doi'& we ant· Walt 11,lk:romlnies and re e I younger th an ot ... 1 ,. .. • ,.... ...i u...uu. .r.lllal-IP<h>~t You-dookle....quo .VJ.DI Ann Landers wil.Lbt..a,~la!\LI!L!'"'l'-J.'!''---4 wtttryu roolem . Send them to her In Jnfonnatlon we don't know what to FCC.ting too much. prcvlew1 for coming attractions Oa.sbed will not pas1 oar WIJ.IOOll 11111. DEAR QUO: Yo. dJdn1& give me Ille 'Ile betl ""1 to nsl•l<r JGOI' ltolJJlp .,.,I lmporlal llCI -yov qe. U you ' care ol the DAILY PILOT, encJosih& a aeU-adtlressed, stamped envelope. :t • • ' ' .. • I ::::======::--------:----======::=:;-=====·-==~=-=--... _ .. __ Jf, DAILY PI LOT Frldar, N0ytmbtr 14, 1969 . Horoscope Cancer: Comes Money to You SATURDAY altp 11 1 Umt. Avoid l'1llhh18 NOVEMBE• 15 In where .... 11 fur lo tread. " Be ... 1y11ca1. By 'SYJlNEY OMAllll · l.IBllA (Sept, IS-Ocl.IZ): AJUF.8 (Mardi H·Aprll It): Favorable luaar '9P0Ct <91!!- You .. •et •··•-GI -····. clduwllh Ume'trbeO you may . -,,. ..... .-. e tmoUooa to overrUle lllllin&ul!'> .hlt]Hen ! a 11 nl EllJor ,.o.rae!l;but lllker aad ane "hf II linceH. you have Iii IC:COlllll for Be dllcriailiJatlnl, Olherwtae, aelm t• iponllnf. . • you could betUae lor a ride. I COJlP.JO' (Qcl.· U- TAulWI. (April •1111 JI): N o v . 11 ) : A I qi ·o 1 t Much M!lvltf Indicated In lrem!ed aet!vlty Indicated In areas Hlaled lo """'11unlty .,.u usu.iJy q\Ud-Wllal·WU .PJ'OJecll, ~pallon. j). a setUed --appoar ... behind the acena comes out In Parent or m;.rr in autborlty open. You Je&fn wbo Ls mallet requesta which turn to r<Sponslble for certain acllops, demandl. lie ready. policies. SAGmAllllJI (Nov. zz. • GBMINI (&Iv 11.Jupe :Ill): Dec. I!): Take cm In ltalflc. AdMty Jn atea Hlaled lo Avoid drlviJll wllb one Wll<> Is Jonc..Silt111ee ~ · lnlemperale. 14..., a IOCl!I t>".bJl!hlnl, ~. llqie but don' make~ Whit you Met 11 at a yeu ' canntt tulfm.· • 'M' U c b dlalance. Qot '1"'Y aad cloao travelinJ: about 1n4icat.cJ. communlcaU.. 1ap. CAPRlCORN (Dec. iz..Ju. CANcER: (June 21.July 11): Don't be buty w!><re .Ill: .Money which actually lll()My 11 concerned. Desplle belo~ to others may ~ome what some w1'o advlae you your r'upoaalb\ljty. Mate or may advocate, thtre la no partner dependt upon your need lo rush. SU.k to budfet. ju4..,.m. Plail wllb cm. Home npalis, aecurlly "1ollld Give ICJllc equal Ume wllb Im-have priority. · pu1... . AQUAllllJS (Jan. :Ill-Feb. LEO (July U-A111. IZ): 11): Be dynamic. Ideal, 1111· Wbat begins u c a 1 u a I gestlons are plenlllul: Display cJJiagreement could ~· confJ4enct, ....,. GI autllorlty. full-blown arpunent. ~ Be 1elecllve. a-quality. this -and eurdse reatralnt. SUCk wllb espt,1...._ Slucly Follow lnmr urr•. Don't make ea,ri.... messap. ~thin( "'t GI nolbin(-then Pl!CE8 (Feb. 1 .. M>r<b :111): il s a constNctive dly. Money talks. But make it V l R G 0 (A u 1. 23 ·Sept. IOUnd constructlve ton e s . IZ): You gain moot lbrough Meaning slJalild be clear by H1ht touch, diplom.ocy. One tonlJll>t. One who was out of who clauns to have bactlng aleht mates surprise ap- IDIY be blulling. Take one pearance. Malnlaln poile. KEE PER OF THE ANI MAL KINGOOM ·-Providing a child's delight Is the heart-warming exp~n.ence of Herr Hans-Ottp 'Steiff, president of the Steiff T.oy Co. He ho.Ids the ongLnal Teddy ·Bear; made in 1903, and Marry Shannon •Hays \Vho happtly cuddles what she wants for ,Christmas. Holiday Theme Picked For Council Breakfast Santa's Workshop 15 the theme selected by the hoaUng Southeast.Area Council for the bimonthly breakfast meeting of the Southerit California Q>uncll, Bela Slpna PhL Mrs.· Frank Roblnson ts breakfast chalnnan, and on the agenda will be the election of a nominating commiUee .for the ensuing year. Zoo Keeper's Delight Bear's Tale Being a third generation zoo The company, W: h J ch keeper has its rewards, says originated the T.eddy Bear, Herr Hans-Otto Steiff. started with felt-covered lo)'&, and the stuffing sUll Ill Ille same, commented Herr Stelff. And, the toys 1tW are handmade. More lhan . 1500 members al!d 811..to. wjll be welcomed iD tbe Anaheim Coove:nUon Centfr on Stmdar. Nov. JI. Cenlerpleca will be Jays wtlb progrill!ll· a!"! Jlll!lelap Cit• rytng out tcena from Sant.I'• Wotbl!oP. Hoslellea wW be draaed u elves. Attending from the Harbor Area will be memben «. Delta Bela Zeta, Omicron Rho, XI EJ!lilon Psi, XI K 1 pp a Lambda, XI Lambda Gamma and XI Mu Llmhfa. Theae duiplera ,help lo IUP- port Chlldml'• Hoopllal of ~ COunly aad the Na~ lonal Foundatkm for C)'ll!c Fibn>W. His "zoo" is not the typical and repreSeriling ·one of the kind, but the reward that he first was a mulUhued duck, speaks of is simil ar -giving bearing the· date of its orlgln pleasure to others. as J 89'8, ' And, al Christmas his heart · Felt was rep~ac'ed by fur-like must overflow with joy, for !11ohair plush tn 1903 with the Herr Steiff's company supplies 1ntro.ducUon . ~f th~ .1'eddy a special delighl to children all Bear. The. ongu~al, which was over the world. Imagining the included in the trunk show, wide-eyed youngalers as lhey looked tattered as con:ipa~ed open packages filled with cud-lo the more be al thy, bfe-like dly, 5luffed toys would be reproducti~ of ~y. The company concentrates on quality and lite-like ex- pressions, he said. The United St.rites· Is the number two buyer of these toys; the top sales are on the • Germ,!Ul Jnarket. The company prtsldent said ~at they. don 't trY to compete with U.S. •COmpanlea. "They W~ys and Means Ideas Grow During Workshop heart-warming indeed. Herr Ste1ff erplained that Herr Steiff was In Newport the fur looked s~abby because Beach with a trunk show of his the plush wasn t cropped as latest merchandise which is a close as current models, complete line of the animal therefore. the longe r fur ap- k.ingdom ln varying sizes. pears thiMer. . Of special note was his The bear owes its name to :i display of antique toys _ the lucky chance. All.hough sales first made by the Steiff Toy had starte~ off badly, . t~e Co., Geingen, Germany. comp~y did l:>ook an intllal American order for 3,000 Iota Upsilon Goes Western For Rush Days Iola Upsilon Chapler of Sigma Phi Gamma is busy rushing; not for the holidays but for new members. bears at the Leipzig fair. The bears \\'ere used :JS table decoraUons at a wed- ding. One of the guests was President Theodore Roosevelt, universally known a~ Teddy and a famous bear hunter. The P resident and other guests were delighted with thi~ odd symbol; newspapers picked it up, and suddenly the little plush bear had a name. Consequently sales soared. use cheaper merchandise so A WIYI and means wor~ they can make larger anbnNa to erclwwe Jdea1 and dllcuu for lw money. fund-calilng project.I for the "We foUow the tradiUon o[ American Field 5ervlce will durability and quality." . take place at 7:30 p.m. Mon- Herr Slelff displayed his day, Ncw.17, tn the Huntington wares in Robinson's, Fashlon Beach High School dlatrtct of. Island. flee. h1r. aqd Mrs. A. WlllilJll Gardeners To Ga t he r Terrarium arrangement.! will be demonstrated by Mrs. Ivan Nelson whl!'.1 the H\ln- tlngton View Garden Club meets 1t 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, · In Marina lQgh School, HunUngton Beach. Gazlay of eor..,. del Mar wlll speak on ways and means pro- jects, and a special guest will be Mn. James B. Stoddard, Orange Cout area repreaen- taUve. .A~ding to Mrs. Gordon Stebblngs, the meeting wtll be comprised of AFS chapter presldentl, treaiuren, w1y1 Sopra no Sing s For Arts Club and meaJLS chairmen. student prealdenta, lbetr advllon aad activ!U.. cllnclora. IJe""""'1laUvea tnm 11\m-Urwton Beach, Marina, Uson, F-.U. Valley ana Weourunmr blgh scbooli will aUend from the illUlllngton Valley area. Auxiliary To Travel The Blllmon and Slaller hotels will be lbe setting for the toth winter national meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, W o ma n 's Aux· lllary. The sorority has arranged a series of parties for pro- spective members beginning ne:it Sunday, \\'ith a 2 p.m. tea in the home of ~1rs. John Haden of Garden Grove. The same mohair plush still covers the anim31s of today, All area women are Invited to attend the demonstration, according to Mrs, J ob n Msha:iey, pruldenl Sunday, Nov. 11, through Thunday, Nov. 20, are the The club 11 a branch of the Women'1 NaUonal Fann and Garden AasociaUon. A musical "Pol-pourte" will dates for the all-encompassing entertain members of Onnce program which wJU Include a County i.!u~cal AtU Club on C<ICkJall party, dinner on Foster Child next Sunday 11 2'IO p.m. In Olvera su.e~ tour• o1 Loa Donning \\'CStcrn g a r b . men1bcrs will gather in the hon1e of ~!rs. Joseph Foder of \Vcstminster on Saturday, t\ov. 22. at 7 p.m. for an old· la.shioned barbecue. Topping off the month , a Las Vegas pa rty \1·ill satisfy the gambling urge of members on Saturday. l"ov. 29. ot 8 p.m. in the hon1e. of ;\irs. Ray Lowman of J<~oun· tai n Valley. · · Gu~ts \1'ill be th e Mmes. Ted Jlu esc her , Mac 1'.1cGonagle1 \VUlian1 Siegrist, Robert Butts, Ray Briscoe, ChcL Davis, Belly Leonard, Jean Snyder and Hilda llarris. Santa Ana l.Jbrary. Anftles culture s "Pots, R S I The program will lftClude sightseeing trips to Port of Talk Topic ummage a e seiecUooa by Mn. Wiibur Loa Angeles and Universal Lawson, SQprano and Miss 6tudl05. · hfembers of Western State A variety of new and u!ltd Juliette Macy, flutist. Mrs. J0teph C. Widmoat Jr. University Law \Y i v e s merchandise will be v.i sale Miu Macy wu a fint place f N Bea h J Assoc:iaUon .wUI hear a talk on tomorrow at an annual rum· winner in the. 11119 Musical ~I •1t'PG~ the c a It»! foster children at a Tuesday, mage sale spomored by Bahia Afts Auditions, conducted nnan s Pe c a Nov. 18,, meeting in Faith Cha p te r of National ea~sprlngforOrana:eCountY.;;;lo;~;;:-;;:;;;;:;;' ;o;;;;i;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,,[ Lutheran Church, .Anaheim. Secretaries Assoclation. music students. II The speech will be delivered Sale hours are frOm 9 a.m. Plans now are under way ,ASTROLOGISTS hy a member of Santa Ana 10 4 p.m. at 690 W. l9lh St., for the 1970 audit l o n s. Probatioa Departn1cnt ;it a Cosla Mesa. Proceeds will be Information a;1d materials p.m. used to further secretarial may be obtained by phoning Members also will excha nge scholarsh.lps and civic proj-chaitman Mn. W 1111 am Christmas ideas for gifts and ''j!:ec~i.~.!i!!i~~i!ii!i!i!l!i!!!i!!ii!iF~a~ci!kii;ner~, i!77~MIH4~~·~i!i decoration and bring reclpcs 1r for compilation of a recipe book.• 11.IOlll l lrthd1r -Wl'Oft9 SlonJ H~Plll "111 ~·t ITlllCllJ" D9 1111 pet"JOMllfY tf"l lll Cl! row flgll dlN•r lrom )'Ollr ,.,--lltrV- OIWllllM y.., T"" lltfl Nnlll l'lflll tll.ll ....,.., '1'9\'r ftll •ltn i. 1M wl'Mlt yow trve ,.,.._111r i.1 Sneat-a-Peet SH WHAT'S NEW , HUNTINGTON ~ID Q f:+LL~Y "-"'"w ltlt' !MrtOMI .. ,.rltni:• ol J'1i.r Ed~nlton wflt; lllt dlllrml~ .. , Wllt!O\ll I c!OvM, tl'lll Ill• fr"\lt 1fvn of ~ toClllC h •tllllill!o!d ION ti.tort ltll Ill" et ltlflt\, TM lrlflUIMI Cit tllt' •Mrt 1t .,..,...,. ~1111!, but, er• ,_ ftll0wtft9 ,,. COfl'ICI •lgl\I? Wrtf9 -for ... '!'!..J..,_HlrlMlf't "'-9 Is o-lftt ............... yW Ult. Tllll .,..,..,,.,,. wlll ..,.bi. iJ'ltll" l!t- -l"CltM No IMfYi• 111111 •1'lflllilfl yot,11" In• llfn. ' STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN ••• In The Alley Of Open Fri. E¥et. 'Iii 9 NIWPOll:T IUCH CAIDS WILCOMI CENTER [~~~'s HALF -S IZE. ~ SHOP 14 HUNTI NGTON CENT!R HUNl'INOTON llACFl- (next lo Barker B.ros.) • ..,., 9!1CI!" SJ wlflt HM ~ 11111" ..... 11'1•11 M ,.._ IEd•nlMll'I, lllC. Yw "m """' rt(tlVI tM TM '"" OW-.lllMtlrt """ ,... .. eotl'l-plt"' Inf nfynl M hMr IEfWffMll ,.,. Ill• 11111yti., Tlllt,dllfit ~ .,.. .,..,._4,,, ll'llllnla. '°'"" tNI N Nllll'la. mD IDWAU ION, INC. .......... LI ~ C_...,1111 nht City .......... S~ ...... Zif! .... .. KATHL EEN MURPHY To Marry Coup le Set · J une Date The engagenient of Kath- leen Murphy and Jack Sipult has been aooounced by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy of Huntington Beach, parents of the bride-elect. The news was revealed on the 72nd birthday of the bride- to-~'s grandmother, P.1 r s. Robert Butler of Oceanside. Mias Murphy ls a senior at Fountain Valley High School where she has been active on the drill team. Her fiance, son or ~tr. and Mrs. James Sipult or Hunt- ington Beach, attended Orange Coast College. T.he couple plan to be mar- r ied June 'll. Eot ing Hab its Children usually don 't eat as much as usual when away from home. New surroundings are too demanding of thei"r attention. Portrait Skjll Demonstrated Portrolt painting ~DI be demonstrated when the Foan- Jaln VAiiey AtU A.Yoatatton meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, in the community center. · Frank M. Tauriello will paint the portrait of the wlo- nlng ticket-holder following a drawing. Taurlello, an In- structor in the Huntington Beach Art Gallery, ls a graduate of Syracuse V.1lversity and has dane il- lustrations for various publica- Uons. He has executed numerous portrait commissions through Portraits, Inc., and Van Dyke Oil Portrai~. including President J ohn.son and Pres!· dent Kennedy, Eve Arden, Hugh Downs, Merv Grif0.1 and Jan Murray. · · 'Ille meeting Is open to the public and all area artists are invited to attend and enter a painting for judging. A cash prize wlll be awarded lhe flnL place winner. AddlUonal in- formation may be obtained by callt.1g Mrs. Joseph Giesing, 962-6985. Palnllng workshops a re being conducted each Wed· ne:;d11y evening in the home of Wayne W i 11 i a ms, art chairman, who may be con- tacted al 962·3510 for in- fonnaUon. Directing chorus rehearsals each Thursday evening in the NB Auxiliary 1'hc Ladies' Auxiliary of Newport Beach F ire Depart- men t gathers the t b i rd Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in various locations. Information regarding location may be: ob- tained by calling Mrs. T. C. Dalley, 548-9835. high ldlool Is Donald Sauter, a.id Mrs. Robert Mackle, stitcbtry chairman, Is con- ducting stitchery workMM>~ each WedDesday evening. The ..,.rjter's group meets each second and fourth Mon· day evening in the home or Mrs. Bryin Flynn, and all In· terested residents are t1vited to attend any of 1he5e ac· tivlUes. Anyone interested in the drama group Is invited to contact Mrs. Al KrukenberJ, 147-1396. Jaycettes Planning Tea Time Fountain Valley Jaycetles are in the midst of plans for the Junior Mi~ Tea which is scheduled for next Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Fountain Valley Community Center. Member~ are assisting the Jaycees with the Junior Miss Pageant on Saturday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the community c:enter. Mrs. Charles Hall 1 s chainnan of lhe tea, and c:halnnan of the Jaycettea' functions at the pageant ls -1ilrs. Terry Dunkelberger. As.si.sting are the 1w1mes. Tom Kelley, Bernie Svalstad and Bai'ney McLaughlin. Tuesday, Nov. 25 at! p.m. the women will gather in the home of Mrs. Joe Tunstall. The December meeting has been canceled and Mrs. Gary Convis will host the January meeting in her· home. OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 10-7 .._ .................................. ~ Friday~ S1turday Only -Nov. 14-15 Qui/led Nylon! Some Pile-Lined! GIRLS' SKI JACKETS Our Reg. /.(i(• 3 3 2 Day, Only Warm u tout ••• and a breele to care ror too! 1oo r. rtY· Ion that retains warmth, keeps out the chill, !Orne with acrylic pfJe linings. ColorfUI flora.I and geometric prints- _,. ~ to 9011d, oome with pile. Attad>ed hoods, too! 4 to H. . . ~ANTA ANA "oRANGF CO,TA ME 'A WESlMIN ~TE R ' • • " '' 'I-Q ' ' 1:cvt 1, ~ • u•~, ~.· , ''" , • ·. \ l ,. .. '• ., ' . . , '• ' • , ' , ' • ' ' , ' .• • .. , ' ;. • • ,. • • ' • ' , •' • • • •, ' • • Buzzsa .. -,. - WL.- Attacker Committed FrfdlJ, NO'ftmbtr 14, 196l1 DAILY "LDT J 5 LEGAL NO'llC:Z CllTtltCAT'm Oii ...... ,.,..,. uMfn!tM' • '"""" ...,. an .UP.HIOm cou•T .. TMI """""""' • Mi-. ti p, 0. loj( a. tTATI Ofl (ALlllQllMIA flOlt llt(TITIOUS MAMll ~ .. I N.lr, C.11,.,fff, ......... "'--TMI COUNTY Ofl Oll4fllMI Tllt ~l'IH 9t tvf}f¥ ~ .,., tln.w fttrfl -ef CATl!lllHO JM. .,_la COlllNdlllt t Ml-. ti '6f IL D( .. ,. Ulft..IMITIO IM llllf MM ....... II ftfT" MrnCI Ofl ......... ., Pltnto. ........ Lent 9-1\, Gll!fot'flle, 11111Mr h ...... .. ,,.. '91•1111 ....... ...... "" MOU.Tl Of WIU. AllD POI: nctniov. llrm -., HATIO+IA L -11'1 Ml tftf ~ d ... i.ti!et Wt Ll,.,.al 0 P AOMllHtTl.ATJOtf l!QUtpMaHT IXC!o!AlrtOI" _. fllet wkt M _.lewl/ WITM-'ftllloea.I.. A•UID 11"91 It~ Ill tfls ........... __...,, l.,.lnl V, lkf\9rdl. 1•1 w. ltfltt lt ..... .J ISTitfJt L HOUU, ... ..._. -lfl 1\11 W ,.,. llf Cltrl, Sel\lt ....... Ctllfonllf. ll!IOWll • llTMlll I . WITH, Oik"MIH, ft1idMCt tn_,. feJ .... 11 ,,.,,., ... Ge\-lft. 114 2ttfl at. '"'-' NOTICI •• Hlltt:IY OIVIH TI!f! ll•'I' I(, ,WIM. inn Oulnttnt t..n .. hlitll. Ctllfrwrllt. llVlltl 'I' H, JOHNIOff lltfl fflllll "'""' ~-e..dl. Callt, 0.llill "'--IL tMf, 1 Htltltll for •roM!if If Wiii ~ for l(aftl G, II:..,,., 177D Qo.llftttN L11., SANTA ANA -A Sa la •-• Jtm' F'. Oolltl\ lt1WftCt f!I l•"-'• If ._,..,..,.,ttlorl H\111,...ltlt ta.ell. C1tlf. n n1• I!.,,,..,. v. ll:ICM,,. w1111-lfll..w111 tMU..r • .,.. Httttontr. O.twcl Nowffl\Nr u, ,.., hou II ho ....... C1lltor"Mo. OrN CIUf!lr: l't'fannc:• .. wlllCl'I 11 11\Ht fol' fl.lrlfltt' 11:.,. P1rloll sew e w waa IO ctlq' °" Nov, IS. , .... ....,. -•• Nottrr Plrlk1111'1lo '"° lMt IM llo'M IM •i.tt I(., .. G. II: ...... about hef man that '""'"" •..Jail P ...... k" lrt tnd Mr ..... Sltft, Mr-llV ot ,..,.,. .,,. -1'111 llMfl. Ml fw STATE OP''CAlUIOll:NIA. one u~ ""41ttd Evt,.,n V. ll:Jdllnll & Jtrrv P'. DlctmMt' It, fftll, fl f:JO 1,m,, In IM Oll:A,H~I! CO\IHTY: t0 eliminate the chance of °"''" M-lo IM le M tM "'-coul1f'Wft ., ~ No. J ot M id Oft Nov, IL 1..,, 1MfDr1 ""• a Not1rv wtlOM fllmt1 art llltllc:rlbtd 1111 IM wUllln _,n._ 1t 100 Ch'lC; _Ctt!ltl' Drlw Wnl, P'Vbll< In flld fer 111111 •SI•!• "'loOl!•llY 6harlng hJm with other womtr.t l1111rvrne"1 •nd K&MwltdMcl """ ••· t1om1trl't wnt 1ttlltti-itrtit)-ln iw. C!IY •Pilf•rtd ll:av Pl'/hlll •I'd l(a'ria -0: 11:o1>-by buzzsaw and hatchet' hlS ecvted tM lllmt. of .. mi. ,.,..., CallWnll. b/111 klltWft lo -Ill 111 tM .. ,_ ""'°'' be.n COmmitted . -(OFFICIAL SEAL) OIMlll ....._.,lltr It. 1... -#I ~rlOtcl ftl t11e wUlllft 1,.. to a mental MIN .., I(. 1o11111y w. t:. IT JOHM. 11r""" ... ' 11111 ac~llldttd ..., ex:tc\lltd h Ital 011rv Pvbn(-(:111,.,..11 c..,,,i., cte,._ ,,,. ..,.mt osp • P•lll<IHI Offlct '" MUlllfl. ••'°•o. MOllllMAlf, (O FflCIAL S!ALI M M ri • ··h •• of 0Nftllt C-"" MUlfT a f'MloacMMITM JHn L Joki rs. a a &.c\: uga, .,,..., "'' c..,...1 •• r.i ,,...,._ '" ...,.. ,_... .-.... No••,., P111111c'. etlltwlll• 2222 S. Standaid St., must Nov. 14. 1tn ,......._ a ....... fttH "'•1nt1 .. 1 Oltk• 111 ' -d an •·~finite period I ~ °''"" c-t o.ii., "11''· "" ,.,., MU,_ 14111 °'""" Counl'f' r-•• ,.,.,.c 0 N~ lil. 11, • ·• DtoM\ho• S. • ......,. ,.,.........,. Mr Commluloll E•.irft treatment at Patton State '"' tn"" PvtllllMd Or.-e..t .,.,,; """· ~rcti ,, 1tn HMpital In San Beniardino LEGAL NOncE ..._.,...., .. IS. 21• ,,. ' 211,.., l"ubl~ °''"" .COit! 0.lh' "''°'· . LEGAL NOTICE ~ 14 21, 21 11W11 o-mt.r s. hf rs. Lechuga -who slipped 1Ht 111Ht NOTICI' Oft INTINTtOfl TO llfftA•lll 1u,ifto1t &U11:f• CW TMI out of the Orana:e County '" TM• SAi.i °" ALCOJtOLIC • fTAT• °' u.&.1 ... 1111• 110fl: • LEGAL NoriCE Medical Center psychiatric •ll'VlllA&ll • ,. ... COUNTY Of' OIAIMI Ward While awall'·.·g sanl'ty TO ........,..,.; "' 1• • .... ...... MOT. kl OP SAL .. ,, WHOM IT MA.'t COpr{CIUUt: lllOTICI 0111 ttt!Alll ... Oft lllkTITH'tlf he.rl·ng and m d 'I t her SUlll~ 1o 1u-• ti 1111 ~ .., Nfl ,.HAT• °" w1L1. &1110 ,Oil None. 11 """'°" •'--'"'ant t. H<• a e 1 0 •lltd tllor. IOCllkl " ... "". •IWfl ht JIM t.ITTl'O TllTAMii'"'":" tloM Jon lftlll )072 ot IM Clvll Codi,,, the native Mexico -was caught llnftl'11t>Nc1 ••-.: to MM 1lcl!llolk -=ti 1nT111c1 1. tMEJIMAN, staff °' C.Jifol'1111 "" undersltf\lll. JOI'' I Oct • • Tiju brnl'-11 flll _...., ~· ti -U"Jon Servi« w!M tell 11 1111.111~1; ao.w;tloro. aga n • iJ 1n ana. follo'M:7 i:' rs MIJll&'t GIVEN Tl'llt 11 161n '"4;11 SoultV1rd, HllO!llfttlon Ramiro Lechuga 4! was at· 16U N-• 11oviw.t11 i1.11:T1-tu• "· •Mtl!M•N ~ flltd Ml'flll • lffdl. c11lllll'"''· e1 • '·"" 111 T"'"41v. • ' c.ta /MM "'lllell tor ...... Ill "'11! and "" tlll 2Jlll dl"I' f1I N~. lHf, Ille tacked by his wife on Aug. 21 ,..,,,_,,t to ludl """'"'"· "" """ lul.IMCt ., ......,, '"''"""'..., to ''"' 1o11ow1ne Oltcrlbtd .. -rl'I'. ••111 at their home alter 8 quarrel ""......, II _..,..._ to "" DWartlMlll 11o111r. l'lf9rlllCe i. '""'ldil 11 .,,....., tor v1ar of, Ctr, tMt• crt Car. 1. o. No., of Akollollc ..... '"' Contret Mr lllUIM:t fllrtttw H~( .....i lfllt ttit tlme tlld Lk-NI. 1$1tt91 over his alleged attentions to "" tr1...,.,. "' •n .•kiollefk ....,.,.., 111• " '*'1':." "" -11n ...., "" IHJ>Ford-l. Sttllon Wlfllll, t I · Other Women' but ped ltctrtM for Uc-l "' 11'1111 ...,,,1_ .. .., ~ t. tHt. at t:Jt 1.M., 111 llM 2J"11CMJ.O, c1ntor"11 H ,,. JIP esca 1o11ows: ' c .. rtf1IO!'i ti~ "'· , "" .,.Id "*"""· Pkll UP. tc1..i110111t. seriowi Injury. ON &All' •rl'1t ' coi;rt, 11 1" wn1 ·'"""h s1ntt, '" ..,. Ar111r1t111 A14121• "'1-i:le1lrllll' to ....... IM luu•M1 (llW' f1I SIM• AM, CtlHomlt._., Said Ille II tor Ille "urPOlt of 11!!1f'f'I"'> The .defendant was charged "Midi 1k1"1et11 _., ,. .. • "lt•llltd..-o-O.*I Hlvtnlhlr ''· '"" ""' of ,... uNM'llllllfld '°" s1or••• With lhr .. COUn•• f f I Jou fftl wllll lnY office; ot llM O••rlmllll rJf • w. I'. IT J011N, l091!ltltr wllh Cotl1 of ldY.,1111111' and eK· .., 0 e on s AICoholle lltvff"' Cllntnil. Wltlll" ,. Cttunl"I' Cllnc.. "'"" .. ol .. ~. assault for her apparent at· dt't• o1 "'' d1ft 111t _... ,,....,,~ wAL1wo•TM, 111Dt1L • c•At~ O•tftl thf1 1:it11 HY of Novtm11t•~ '"' ~ lfrlt -'-d, 11""'9 tl"tlllldl 1W 1'1J W•kllff DftW, 1.itt '"· Jost111! A. Hl1lacher New Disneyland At11f)assado1• Cathy Birk, 20 (right), is Disneyland's ne\v ambas· sador to the world for 1970, succeeding Shari Bescos who. with Mickey Mouse, congratulates the Anaheim miss. Cathy, the park 's sixth ambassador, was chos· en two \veeks ago to accompany the s on of a touring Soviet cosmonaut on a \veekend trip to San Diego. tempt to emasculate Lechuga, 4eft1•• •• tl'O'Ylfled '"' 11w. T11e ,,...,,_ ...,.. 9"""' c,..,... nut ,ubH~ o...... '°"' 0111y P•1~· • once with the electric saw and '" ,_ lk•11Std for "-" ul• 01 •Lcollotlc Tt11 (Jt41 ,.....,,.. · NoYlmber u . 1Ht tllt-49 WYtr"""-Tht larr!t of Yll'Hlc1tlOll "'•V Attw-Mr f'Otff"-tWiCe by hatchet. be 00t11Md tr-'"' ot11c1 of ,,,. Pvbnlllod Ol"•MI CMtl 0111Y Piiot. DIH"-1. NOYOl'l'lblt' 14. 15, ft, IHt 211..., The victim -who had beei Al-vol!. Doro1111 "· & Oscar J. GAL NOTICE NOT1c• INVITING ••DI lying on a bed nudt watchin~ ~"'1,,0~:.,"" Coll! o., .... ,:;i;:; LE Tiit Coomty ,...11.11an OlllMctJ of I le I ' fl II I I NOTIC• Ofl •ULJC Tll:~lf•••• ar ..... Coun,.,, C1llfo•nlf. Wiii r'l(tlvt e v s1on -na Y e LEGAL NOTICE flen 1111-41tf u.c c.1 -i..i bldli ""111 ':oo •.m.. MOn111v. LEGAL NOTICE Students of Marine Daughter Of Mayor Faces Co1u-t screaming for help, bleeding •-... ,.,,... Howmber ''· ,..,, 11 w111(11 1m IMv I •· the ba k " T...... "'"'IH II ~ tfW!I lo 1111 Creditors wlll be ""'btldY _..i lrid IMlmlfttd •I rom ax cu.., on c • 1u111•11:1ot1 cou•T °" TM• Of'"""*" c. a111r w •Ollftt flldlmltn, tr. tl'lkl o1 "" 0111rkt1 • ...,. Elli• Or -~-t SU p e f I 0 r ITf.TI OJI CALl,Oll:lflf. POii: Tr-fof'or&, w111>W bus"*• addr"' Is f.W!lut, l'"Wflf1Jn Vt!ln', Callfor"I•, tor ange ~' Y ™' cou1trr OP oaf.Ht• »4t 1!111 c"'' H1tllw1r, c~ 11111 Mar. 1111 1o11ow1,.. __ , For The Recorfl Divorces · OI VQll:Cl!. JllLf:O 8ool~t-. J•"I• Lt! 'v ltrry E. 0.UQtlertv. MOH I R. "' Jtn• M. Pero, P•t\I''' Htltn •• Rober1 Owen 810<1"1, M tlllf' E. Ys f."nt M, Pllll llos, Claudia E. VI Rober! I. Ford, Jr., Fredotv V• 81rti.1rt Ann Sciences Televised SANTA ANA -S!udents boarding a ship out of Newport Harbor to learn about marine scie.1cc niay br seen during the next several weeks on four different television channels. The program is one in a series "Campus P r o f I I e Presents -Innovations in Store Education '' red era!ly-fu.1de d projects. featuring education The Orange County Depart· rnent of Education's program takes children from various county schools out on a con· verted fishing boat for a marine science la boratory Cx· perience at sea. It may be viewed at 9 a.m. SANTA ANA The daughter of !he mayor of Yorba Linda -arrested after a wild, roll9ver auto accident last Friday -faces e-0urt ar- raignment here Monday on a charge of possession o f dangeroUs drugs. Court Judge Robert Gardner T c .... ,...... Countv of o, ....... SU.It of Cllllornll. ""' SlTE IMPll:OVEMEMTS. PHASE " made h•• n•Jlng on Mrs. 1'0 I • 0, M.,,.,,.. 0, ••TITION • bullr. lr1111'9r 11 ~ " bl llltdl to JIU.NT JrK), t "" •.. l'Olt t'll:OU.T• 0, WILL AND NormM M. l'"lllllt '"' Slwtll flollef', JOI NO. PJ.a.4 Lechuga's sanity after stu-COOlttL ii.ND P'Oll: L. TT I It I Tr ... llerttt. wllott buslMu oddrtU b Thi _,. " 111 be 6orlt llC~I.-. lo .... chi Ir! 1. T•ITAM•NTll•'t 1'"2 Daefl\111 Drrvo. S.1111 ........ CMMIV of .,._ •rid N«lfl~tton1 Oii flll ... 1111 Of· dying reports by JlfiY a s~ !11119 ot JIAUL M.. Hf.LAPOl'"I'", •Pio Or•-Sl•N of Clllforllll. • Jkt of 1111 Sautl1rv. 1111 0!1lrkll al'd who interviewed the woman. kneWll .. PAUL MIKI! MALA.POFF. .... Tiie .,._..,Ill be h"llllffftd" a.etffd ••Id llfflf •rid Nteltlc111Dn1 1r1 bV H Pf.UL HAL~FF, DecttMCI. 11 Die 1!11! CINlll Hklltwl~. Co._ dl:I rrfereMf' rrlfdt I Hr1 ol 11111 nolkt. NOTIC! IS MEll:FllY GIVll!'M 'nlll /Mr, COl.ll'l'IY of Or1,..t, Slllt of ll!ddffl ire twtb'o' llofllltd tNt CHAll:LES R. Hf.JIT. Jll:. 1181 111 ... Cilllonllt. -In! hi ,,,,v111cwtt of 1111 Lib« Cod• hf'l'tl" • Pllltlori tor .....,.,, If win 1rid 51111 .,_.,., II dnerlbld Jn -r•l of Iha $1111 If C1Hloml1, llM Bolnl or Fl. ve G. c:odldl •rid for lllWlllCt " Lttlt" 11: At1 llock '" lrtclt, lblurn. ectUIPf'M'llt Ol•Kllltl of Co<MIY Slnlltllon Dlllrld iven Tesl1rrtenl1rv hi 1111 ""''-'• rtoltrt'I« Mid teod Wiit IMI lfldt llOIM ol 11>11 No. I ll•s 1sc;ertlllled 111t Drev1Ulnt rtlt te wllkll •• mH• !or lurlltlr "rtlc:ular1, •HulY S•kln butlnn1 known 11 .~ of tlltf° dl1m wtffl lft '"' !Otllltr '" wllldt lllCI tlllt !Ill limo 1rid P!ICt ol h11rl110 C°""'lr1lllrs Siok>ll •nd loc•IM 11 Jl4 lhli work 11 te be l>lf'lormtd. 1P1>llC1blt Uc G ts IM llllW llfl bttn HI tor OKM1bei" J. F.•11 C01'1I Ml•llw~Y. Corant 1$11 Mar, lo'"-wort to be dr>nt, te be •• dt<l1lt1"1 , ran lfft, II f :lO 1.m,, In lhe cO<rrtrooni ot Coimty of Orlntt, St1t1 ot C1llfor"l1. In 11>1 Soulller" C1llfof'nll Mls!tr LaDOr o-rf!nin.t No, 3 of 11111 clMlft, at 1111 T1'e 1111nc '''"11tr wm be contllfl'lml'ttd "'"'ttnt"t1, llltd '" ,,,. ottla o1 "'' IRVINE -Uc P Id t' Cl"l'lc Ct11ter Orlve Wt1I, Clo""''"' Wtsl on or tllrr fflt tflh HI' ot NDVtmbe•. Counl"I' S1"1t1tlon Olllrlch of Or•nt" res en I Elt111111 Strftl) Ill fM Clly of llnl1 AM. '"'' 9t 1., 'fKrow Co .. lr>e., 1m M1rtlor CounlY arid In Ille °"lt1 ot Ille A11«l1lrd ScholarshJps have been award-Ct01l1Wnll'r' •1V11., C"'IR M ... , COll!'llY of Or-1, G-rtl Conlradoo of Anwrb, $Ololhe•n lltd'NIYelllbtt 11, Ifft $1~1t of C11lloml1, C1llfoml1 Chll>ltr. ed lo five residents of Orange w. E. ST JOHN, So hr 11 Mow" 10 111e Tr1n11.,,._ 111 Eich Bidder 111u.t bl-11ct111td tn<t r.... COMMUnl·lies Who a-O•L C-fY Cltr11. bullnftl 1\111\ff lfld ldd"ues u•ed by ~lltlllltd lo !lf'rtorm lllt "'l'Orlt conl1l....t 111 VUCUI 1"' K AlfOl:JI, IOLOMOlf & Mf.llT Tr1n1._..,. tor tllt tll!tt rtl'I llsl P.tSI, 111est Docurr>enll. ati.ending UC Irvine n• Wiit a-no •1¥!1. •••r "-· SHcltlcallon1, bid bl1"k' •rod turfllttr ,Ofth Up ID ,-, ·--,,,, .. , ·~,"!· ,.... 01tld: NMlembtr I'll!, 1Nf, ln!-1t!on mtY be obl~I..-11 "'" 1boolO The scholarshJps w • ' · ,.,...11 Nonnen M. fl111t r lddrus. i.1ept,or1t fft·Ull or U).Hlo. =~1r.1.M&'~"H.Lv:'vf=: ~Q111 . e~::r ~~~~. LM::v Olrflft!I LH Lts!' Glll!llrlric. MktlHI P$1I YI Mtrg1rtt Thrifty For Huntington Nov. 16 on Channel 1: at 8:30 a.m. Nov. 22 on Channel 5; al 6:30 a.m. Nov. 28 on Cha.me( 11 , and at 9:30 p.m. Dee. 7 on Channel 52. Sally K. Warren. l 8, daughter of Herbert M. War· ren, is now free cr.i her own rec0gnizance, after b e i n g released from Orange County f.1edical Center for fpnnal booking into county. jail Mon- day. "'r.nn each are .riven based on • .,, CNMl:Ll!S •· Mf.Jlt, Jll. si..1i. Fllhlr Fred A. H1•1ttr. """" e· . lllttll'-r Ill ,,. Pw Tr1nlfffH1 Secr1t1rv academic achievement, f1nan· "ubMll!ld Or•nt• C011t 0111r Piiot. PublllMd Or•ne• C01st 01t1Y Pllol, PubllSNd °'""' c ... 11 011,., p11o1. clal need, character and pro-No'l'tmblr 1.c, u. 11, ,.., 211wt Novnnbef" u, 1Hf 1101 ... Navnntier 14. 1"9 llot.'' ·~ Goldl!r. JudY A, V} Df'nnl• Mlkp K1ubech, Ann W. vs. ll:ollofrl W. JtbOUi.el<. MlrY C11twrlnt YS Otlbul Chtrltl Tut~t•, Jr .. SMr!.v A. YI Cloroc Frint, LlnOI f.. vs Cllnl H. J1nis, Loul11 C. vs Cllffcrd 0. ~~~~':Uk!~::::'~! ~~i:!.o:"~. IC. ~~ .... R~";:i~" ~~!'1~1~ln .. ~~rt Edward Mad!aon. Jt1" M.,Ot Vl Wlll11m J111eo" floyd, Shlr(ty, E1!11belll VI Gordon Gulhrll Jollnso<1, Su1annt W. VI Robert Wiiliam C1hlU. John Ronald V\ MlrDI Ntlt t-rlllln. Marv v1 l!ottPrt ChlYl<I". BHlrk• Ellen v1. David Mor1tenoro ~•n, 5111ron Ann V\ Jll'l'll$ ""lltlo Oanel, J•nkt RtYe YS R1ymond Armin!! Pf'•lles, Af'lrlt M1r!t v' Eddlt JOI Br1ncri. Merit P. V\ lllll Y D. Wlrd. Ond1 L. VS l!-r! T, Hlt!lt, L1-enct G. v, M1r l1 L. Prt11on, OorolhV Alie!• v1 Hlrry CllV w~u1ce, Glenn L. vs M•e Lr• ~clle•er. S1!>dr1 Merv v• j•ck Rlch1rd V1ndenbo1. Clint S. v• ICDCv\ , VI~ Hol\bf'CI<, Routt-M, VI Eric • Flsfltr, An1et11 Cllervl "' Ctrl llutM!ll Srnl!tt. "•'•kfa """" v' J1ck R•lch Adl.11., Bllt"I' W't'mO<I B•t11'let'I VI JKk ' . WoliT. Jani Maril v• Phlllo Norm1n Tauu, S1ntl1ao Car\01 YI E11re11 (1r1<1r, Jlld!lll IC. v1 '°"non M. Mtrr lman. Rober! L. v• F••r><t• Subc••~v. $1t1V E. v1 wavne J. Pm. ll:MHNlt VI 01vkt J . lkl11n, Rull! E. ¥1 Jolln F. H,wen, e1rblrt J. ¥1 ~~"I •-Jtlferv, N1"Mt1t E. VI G1rr It F, Pl!llPoM, llrrncl• vs G1len l "' MllcKe<1!lt, MarllVn A. v• Alll'I' E. Pru!!!. Rebt<c• Hlll•" v• O~vl!I L1rrY s.t>-1!1'1. Nina Louise .,. T1tom11 FOiier Bowe", Thf'r1lvrrY1 Ror11!d Jt""I 'Iv, !11rblrl J. vs llcrt H. C mobell, K••cn L. vs l!otwrl RtY ii:u ..... Dolore1 M , V\ Gl•Y M, Wood. !.lnclrl J. VI G""'lt Alil'I' Mltll!n, J1mft H .• Jr, VI. Ger1 ldlM F. Harp, Judllh Ann vs l!lchard JHry E11tm1n, (>o...,. L,nn vi Bl1!nt Arlhuf Ewers. flonnl1 L. "' Edw1rd W. ErlCU..n. DIYld J1mti. VI, Lturt Mae HolD, Jetn CarOl"I'" v1 Fr<!der!clc C. V1nder Kool, Ctrolc $. vs 011e A, Caucll. Judy 1t1!1!er!"' vs. Larrv Wyn" Lon9, Tl!ornt1 l!khard vt M.lrvlVn Louise R~ckm•"· Fr1nc1s Helen vs GN1r91 Oliver Hlne1. Circle Jt1nM v1 J""n Ernmfl Vermeulen, C~rl Ann V\ R1ymond L, Birrell, lrrn1 vs Jek B. Mankin. RotJerl S. YJ Beth Lee Linville, Miry E. vs Llf"I' 0. ARBUCKLE &c SON Westeliff Mortuary U7 E. 17th Sl, Costa Mesa 146-4118 • BALTZ hlORnJARI~ Corooa del Alar OR 3-H50 Costa Mesa ~ll 1-UU • BELL BROAD\VAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cosll Alesa LI 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley ~tortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. HuntlngWn Beach 112-m1 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e tllortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, C8Uforal1 6-14-!700 • PEEK FAMlLV COLONIAL FUNERAL UOME ':SCll Bold Ave. Westmlntltr l9l-lSli • SHEFFER MORTuARV Llguna Btaclt 49.J.IS!S Saa aemente 4t%-OIOI • SIUTllS' MORTUARY !%7 !fain S1. ( H'untln,eton Bead -· .. Thrifty Drug and Discount Stores have begun building a new store at the interseclio.n of Adams Avenue and Brookhurst Street, Huntington Beach . · T.he. stoce_will c.over 18.V>:5 square feet and will carry more than 25,000 dilferent items. Other federally-funded proj- ects to be shown in thhe series include Calexico schools' bi· lingual program, Pasadena schools' drugs .and com- municable disease, P.rogram, and Riverside schools' con- tinuing education for adu1lS program. Three plastic bags con- taining a total or 46 drug capsules were taken from her demolished car in a flood C9n· trol chcdnel In the Yorba Un- da area, according to sheriffs deputies. mise. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE The winners are Pur.iy'1---::="":;::;=-c:::-7."'.::---::--:.,-::--::--,,--...,--~=------,-----.,. rt•SOlUTIOtil IM, l,_71 lvrltcllcllofl Wiiii 111d "flK' to COlldvtt llmt 111'1 oerson ownlne ••II p,,,....tf Hogen, 1696 Minorca Place, • •llOlUTION Of' TMI CITY c:oui.. ""' trlnt•llllll htr•!n "°"'"" fO'. wllll!" Ille llrrltorv mt"I' -·· beforl Costa Mesa : Amy Honda, 7062 CIL Oii TM• CITT 0, COSTA MISA, NOW. THERIFOtle, IU! lT ll:ESOLV· := :.:.i:~~1:':r::.'!t''~1$'.c~i: ;;;;. Bluesalls, Huntington Beach: CALlfOflNIA, ll:ILATIHO TO AN· ED THAT "" City d CO!lll Mtsl of the GoYlrnmlftl Co61 Linda Kwon' and Robert lflllATlON Of' C•ll:TAIN Tlll:JllTOll:T dlcll'" Its lnltnlltr\ lo u ll I t.l'Klll PASSED ANO ADOPfEO 11111 :)rO di, llCNOWJf Al UCll: •.t.Y lfUM•IJI II f'lldlon 11111 fllrltotr dtcllres Ill l"lttilloll of Howmber '"' M-~ both of horn II • on lllJIOVIOllfO '"°* A ltlEIOl.UTIOlf .. wbmll ... _,lori " tnntllltlon lo • .... ers, w v CAUt• -l'Oll: IPICIAL ILIC'TfON/ ll'it tltc:lon mlcN111 •11111" ,,,. ltOTl!wy. ..... L. PINKLEY the UCigcampw:, and Richard OITlllMIH .... TMI IU,PICllNCT 81! IT ,..Ull:THl!"ll: Jll!"IOl..VED THAT Maror of !flt City Tiberi 110 ~~-•-1 Ave OP "'' ,.,1TJON •ffu11T1Nti t11e 1"1 ... 11o11 1o .1111rn111111 _.,loft"•~ "ca1t• MtM , W"..WU-. •• 5AIO ltLICTIOH1 AMOM•1Uonfollot11actorsw11btMCI,_ San Clemeot.e. MTltlMllUIM TM• JUJlllDM:TIOlf tht fllllnl'll ""' "" •tHlon oi Pf'lltloftf ~11E~TA'1EST °" TM• CtT'I TO HOC••o .. TM• clrcvlllflf llld 11/bmll'ltd lo "" City ot ci,., "c1tr11 ol !lot <OMOUCTllfa .. IHCY ,011 SAID C...lt MfM cortt1ln llDt IHI 1111" -Cl,., of C 0 M Alflfl)lf.TION. lourlll o1 tht ••111llflld tttclor1 rttldlnt Oil 1 111 Countia11 Heir to SSOO!)OOO? THE C:ITY COUN(ll,. 01" TMI! CITY wllliln t11t ...... ltory STATE OF CALIFOll:NIA I OF COSTA MESA. CALIFOll:NIA, DOIEi !IE IT FURTMe'1t ll:ESOLVEO THAT COUNTY OF ORANGE ) HEREIY ll:E$0lVE AS FOLLOWS: tilt Cl!\' of Colli ~ 1111 !ur!lldlctlon 11 CITY DF COSTA MESA )II. THAT WHl!!ll:IAS, c1rl1fn 111tlllOll or 1 col'dll("tl,.. "tftC~ lo prDtffd Wllll iald I, C. IC. PRIEST, City Clerk of Ille (lty 111tlllon1 t'tO\ltlllng llot tnnt•1tlon of It<· tltt!lon. 1!1 11 ,,,,vlOtd tor !" Stcllon of Co1t1 MHI tnd n-o!llclo Clerk of Ille rltory to l!\t ct,., ol Cost• Mew ll1Y1 U111 of 1119 Gov1r"m111! Codt of tht! Siik Cltv Council of Ille Clly of C111!1 M11 .. bHr _ (.Oll'IPllld •flll filed PUrsUlnl to Sl'C· Of C1lltor"l1. ~reby ctrllh lhll Ille •boYe •rod for"°' llon n116 of lllt Govtrnm1nl Codi! 1nd Ill! IT FVll:THEll: ll:E$0LVEO THAT lflt Rf'IOtullon No. 69-1• w11 dul>/ tnd WMlll:E.U. '"' Clly CO\ll'ltU Ol lh• c11, 1tl1tlltd htrtlo. ml1'11td Exlllb!I "A" Ind •t9Ull•l't PIHed •rid ldOPltd Irr lht Cllv English Village May Go to Southern Californian of Colf1 Miil llnd1 lfld decl1r11 !111! 11ld by thll ll'l(lllt reitrtr>et mtde 1 111rt Co1mc!I of the Clh of CO.fl Met• 1t I !Mtl"°" or 1Mlltlon1 1r1 1h1Ncl by not t•H lllrtof, 11 1 mtP "'-Int Ille boundir111 rttular m"tl"g ll>trtol' lleld on 1111 3rd """ _.lourlll of lllt 1111Jltltd 1lt<1ors ot 1111 Pt'OP4r!Y to bt 1nnt•td• whlch 11ld d1y of Nc~111ber. Ifft. By TOM BARLEY OI 1111 01llr Pilot SlaH FULLERTON -An airmail letter which might establish a retired Fullerton accountant as the lawful claimant to a fortune valued at nearly $500,000 ls today on its way to an English village. It contains the claim of Har- ry Hillyard Melhuish, 1201 W. Valencia Drive. to a 700..ftcre estate in Northam, a Devoo village which has bee,1 linked to th~ fl.1elhuish name for ceD- luries. f.telhuish, 66, is one ot several Southland be"arers of the name who have been urg· ed to put in their bids for the valuable southwest England property. Melhulsh was advised of the Jli1elhuish legacy Tues d a y through a telephone call from a John Melhuish or Santa Barbara. "He told me that the search for the rightful claimant to the estate had switched t o Southern Galifornia f r o m England," the former Unio.1 Pacific accountant said. "And he told me that he had a letter from his sister in England confirming that claims should be sent to the clerk of the coun· cil in Northam, Devon, that se"ter~l clailJ!s had_ alre~dy been received but that they were particularly interested in the Califor.1ia branch of the family." Melhuish said that to the best of his knowledge he had no immediate next of kin liv· ing in Devon or indeed in England. "But my grandfathl"r, rtsfdlt;11 within 1111 ttrrllorv la bt 1~ tl!MMlllon 1htll bt dttltn1led 11 lick IN WITNl!!S$ WHEll:EOF, I ll1v1 Much 6f the land WU leaaed 11111H1 oftd 1 a.v No. 1. . l>ereu"lo ~I mY 111nc1 1fld 1lllxtd n11 Seti In th. late 18th -tury and aJJ WHl!ltEAS. 11111 •tlll-..Utll I~ Ill! IT FUll:THEll. ltl!!SOLVEO THAT 1 fH IM Cl,., et Cot.II Miu, 11111 4111 Hr If .. .. n M••lttfl tt tllt Cll'f' -eo.11 M1111 1nd llHrlne 111111 be 1e1 1t1 11111 1n1 lllt" Ill· Novlftlber, l,.,, the leuts will expire in WHl!!Jllt:.U. W!d •llllofl or 111llllon1'"" (JS) dt~• nor mOl'I !111n fwly (401 c . IC. Pll:IEST Morch' 19'111. It '· Ital ff'I ·1vrlklent In 111 tYK11 1111r1u."1 t. dl'I• an., Ille t1111H ol 11111 rt1o0lullon Cll"I' Cltrt •rid t•.ofllclo Clerk &a <V , ac-$td'loft 15111 of tllt Govorl'll'l'ltlll Coclt1 11'd llltl uld hNrll'll 11 M!I tor t11t ht ot !IM CllW' CouMll of lllt Cll'( cording to documenll: beld by lfMI dlY ot Dectfnber, 1Nt, II""' hour ol 7:JO ol Cotll Melf. C1lllornl1. t ... 1. ,. .. I ~!Jll!!AS, !ht Hllllon or HllllOr!I f!I-p.m .. II trot C-/1 l:lltmbtri, 77 F1lr Publllhed O•IMI COlll 011iy Pllof, the source,:tha ~Ill e...., ... w1111 lllt Clt'I' ot COlll '"" .. •l1bll1ll 0r1Yt. C•lt "'-'· Ctl!for"lt, II wlllch NO\lln'lbff •• ,., '"' '°'°"'' tangle be •l!lralrhl•ned out1----------------------------before that time oo that the 'In· .Df.ILY f'ILO.f S11n f'llfll IS HE $500,000 ESTATE SQUIRE?' Fullerton'• Harry Melhuish •hd Wrfe, Gertrude terests ol the present tenants can be prOtided and the UUe preserved. It ls understood that the substantial holdi.1gs will past from the Melhulsh UUe tr a claimant 11 not found wJthin the next alx months. ._ "Anyone ~aring the name , of Melhulsn or who I! con- neCled In any way with the family should apply, especially since the search seems to have switched to this part of the world," the l!lource said. Harry Melhulsh intends to pass• the good word ar0tr.1d to "anyone who mlght have th~ remotest chance Of qualifying for thi1 monej. "Then percent of th.ls would do me Jun fine ," be grinned. "I'm not going into lh1s with any high hopes but I'd be a fool not to apply to . the Northam council. But let me tell you this right now: J belleve In shart.1J the wealth and.If I get 1nyth1ng my faml· ly la going to be°'fit from it, not just me." • He IOOl<"a "long look al hra 1 • the Melhuish family bearing Ing ($480,000). wife, Gertrude, ind stepson lhe dale 1275 AD and probably At is.sue and awaitlng set· Harry. su pplied by England's College tlerbe'<lt, he said, Is an estate "It would be wonderful lf tt of l~cralds. in north Devon consisting of came true," he mused. "And I He can trace the line beck to 700 acres of land and some 100 just don't know whit I'd do royal connections with the houses. And the search for the with my share." marriage or Princess Joa.1 -rightful owner. his documents He waved his pen. "But my sccund daughter of Edward I indicate, go back some 200 letter's going .today," he said • of England -to a f.fclhuish. years to the .reign of George "J can assure you of one thbg, A Los Angele~ source cfose -1·11-, -~~period when the money or no money -they're to documentation sub in itted in Melhu1Shes ~ere substantial going to have to look at my support of other ~1elhuish pcti· landowners 1n that remote claim and acet!pt me or reject lions con firmed existence or part or Englat1d. me before t ,Qrop this thing." the Devon fortune an drfr'=7;::;;;:::=:=:;:::;:::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-I estimated the "1"' of the AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVICE estate et 200.000 pounds slerl· --- Thomas Melhui.~h. came from \\,ales and I'm told that's not too far av.·ay from the location of this estate," he said. "He came to California via Canada and ifs quite CO'.lCeivablc that , I may be connected to the fortune through him." liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .~ COM~~AGE l•lsnH# •• _.,,.,,,.. ,.,.,,,.,,, .. .._.,_,.. -··- f.ielhuish 's father, Walt~r H. Melhulsh, was born in Buffalo, N.Y. and died in Reno, Nev., after a lifetime of raising cat· 1 lie, "If he had any share in an English fortune. he sure rn!vcr told me about it," grinned hi:S skeptical son. SPECIAL -89¢- APPLE CUSTARD PIE INSTANT CA.Kl IN lO MINUTl:S • O.Rltll P111rr -Plllt• F'O.rs - P"I -DOl!Ul• -'1C. DANICA PASTRY SHOP jJI W, l At.llOf. •I.VO;-1n.1111 I•• tll111 ro11.l""llal '-felhulsh said the family; name Is '1unusual In the United Stares but thero'a; quitej a number of us in Canad11," lie also kttps In hia niobilt home ll replica ef the crest or ••••••••••Iii i~ e 11,AND IAG REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANmD TO YOUR SATISFACTION ...--s CONVENIENT SHOl'S _ _, e:wt ., (0Alt MWT, •1101 111:\lllfl AVI!. ~ hf IQ,, .,...,. w .. 1c1111 f'll11 exu VIA LIOO NIWJllNI htCfto ..., •IWIWI •tlfll. .,. .... f tollNION'I er. !'AS""* nu.110 llll 1M l•ltrtf """"" hM\. .... nit .,,.... wt • .,. BA"~.._~1r t!f.f.f*NNEXArtoN TO rNI' Ctn" #' (Nnlt H~ t"ALl"M¥/4 . n .• ~ES __ _ ' t I I ' I I I l. DAILY PIU>T .:Wyoming Play Bo.oks Missing r , • Wilt Leaves Hospital Los An~etes Laker star Wilt Chamberlain, with bis leg in a cast, talks with news_~_e1_1 __ u.,pon. his release ~m the hos~ltal. Chambe.r- lain tore a tendon in liiS ngbt knee dunng a game with the Phoenix Suns. Wilt says be expects to return to th• team, but doesn't i:noW how soon. l(nicl\:s Unstoppable; Garden Fans Get Bored NEW YORK {AP) -The New York Knicks are so good that their fans have begun to look for horiwnS beYQnd simply wlnni.ng. Winning has become routine for the Knlcks. Now the lr\ck la to keep the opposition below 100 points. That's what interests New York fans these days. The Knicks performed that feat for the eighU1 Ume this season Thursday nJght, whipping Chicago 114-99 and tying a Na- tional Basketball ASSOCiaUon record for the fastest start with their 16th victory in 17 games. Except for two hot spurts -18-3 In the second period and 13-3 in the third - which put the game under control, the fans' greatest excitement was reserved for the final moments. ' That's when the Knick scrubs -with buzzsaw Walt Frazier left o\ler from the starters -pulled off a couple of steals to keel ' the Bulls from reaching the century mark. That sent the fans home happy, a co~ Sports In Brief ' dlUon that ls becoming normal ror Knick followers. ln other NBA games, Philadelphia defiated Phoenl1 124-110 and Seatt• overcame Detroit 117·113. In the ABA, Iniflana took Miami 116- 109, Kentucky whjpped Denver 109--104. in overtime• and the game between New York and Wuhington WU postpooed. • The Knteta fell behind lo tile early going against the Bulls and trailed by aa many u 10 polnll ln the first qi.,arter. But there wu hardly a furro'Wtd brow in Madilon Square Garden. Sure enop1b, New Yorlt came back. Frazier, ;t¥ho wears muttonchops that wouJdlye made Slr Walter Raleigh proud, began sniping the ball at haU court and feeding Willis Reed and Dave Stallworth for b&akets. Tl>? momentum shifted qUi<kly and New York moved out to a five.Point Mlftime lead. Stroke Strikes ()'Doul; Emerson Tops German SAN FRANCISCO -Frank "Lefty" O'Doul, who twice won National League batting championships, is in French Hospital today, apparently the victim of a n1lld stroke. "Frank's not feeling very good, but he's a tough old bird and he 'll come ou t of thls," his wile, Jean, said Thursday. O'Doul is 72. For 211 years he managed the old San Frtncisco Seals in the Pacific Coast League. • BUENOS AIRES -West Germany's Helg'l Niessen scored the biggest upset of the touman1ent Thursday, eliminating Dillie Jean King of Loni Beach , 7-5, 6-3 In the semifinals of the South American Open tennis champion.ships. Miss Niessen meets little Rosemary Casals of San Francisco In the finals. fllisi Casals advanced by beaUng Fran- coise Durr of France 6-4, 3-3, S-2. fn the men's quarterfinals, NewPort Beach's Roy Emerson beat lngo ludtng of Wttt Germany 6-71 6-1, M, 6-3. • -- tended from Monday afternoon to Thurs- day. Four of the five Negroes walked off the &quad in reported UnhappinesS over who was being picked to start where. • GAJIDENA-Curtt1 Sifford, playing his first year on the golfing tour, and Dick Phillips, a club pro from San Gabriel, shared the lead with six-under par 658 Thursday in the split first fOUQd or the '10,000 Gardena Valley Open tournament • • SCO'M'SDALE, Arb;, -In some ways, Jimmy Wright's aoU round was lee than ideal. . First, he and other members of the PG.A club and cllampiomhip field, 1tere held up for nearly an hour by a ral'I fog. Then, on the enaulng 18 holes , the In- wood, N.Y., aolf pro missed five grttns: landing in sand trlJll three of. those tim('S. Bul wh en the sand had $e\tled and fog had cleared, the D-year-old Wright had a six-under-par 66 and a two-stroke lead after the lint round of the $50,000 louma· ment, whlch b for dub pros only. .. µllAM!E, Wyo. (APJ -Fonner Unlventty of Wyoming co-captain Joe Wllllamr !*iftiwd today lbai 111ly one of ti black ptayera suspended from the UniYarttly,,, \Jlyomjng f~ team hu relurnad hll play book. · But WUliaml .-one of the If, wu abo adamant m·denytng rumors that aomo of tbt Play books may have ended up in the bands Of Wyomln& opponenll. "Thlt rWnor ii 90 rldlculOua l can't tvfll think ol an answer," he said. The blacks were kJcked off the team by -coech Lloyd Eaton fot weartnc black ann bands to prolut raelal policies of ihe Mormon Cbw'Cb, wblcb o p e r a t e a Brllbaln Y-Unlvtrt!ly. lflUlamr aald of tho play boob: "'nlert was no ~ to live tbtm blek. N<>l>oQ eWlr -· and anyway all they bava In them Ir n&laL" Wyoming defemlve COlclt F r ! t • S!iunnur raid, be.....r, tllat players are expected to turn In plly booitll with their equipment and added a &>layer may not re<Oiye hll flnaJ flfadta unw tile .booitll are returaed. :-. Shunnur al!O said tho booitll do eontlio balic WyornJng pal-, calls and sell. Thursday, Eaton~ !hat only one of the play boob bad been returned and oald he hid heard r-1i aa to what • ' ha-* to -or more or the others. 11e added, however, u tar u ht: mew Jt wu 1lrktly a rumor. Unlvmity sports Information director Bill Young 11id the rumor wu touched off by an unldenUlled girl. • He said •he hid SllQ..t<d during an appearance on an audience participation radio program in Laramie lhat Wyoming opponents had the play books. Williama commentect: "It's pretty ob- vloua to me that girl was just 10meb00y who cUdii't like us, and she wu a loyal Wyoming fan _who would say anythlnf to exPlaJn why the leArn lost games." He lddec:I, "We were expec!in& &OlliP Purdue Challenges Bucs In Saturday TV Biggie ' , ly Auodated. Preli BoUennail«IJor-SpoUennaker&? Tbe Purdue football team llkes to refer to,ji.etf aa the latter, and although they are~ i 17·Polht underdog In Saturday's game with OhJo State, they think they can lq)ock off the nation's No. 1 team in the college football same of the year. The pme at co1 ... buJ, 0 h I o ' ~ti a big November weekttil in •htclr many bowl blda likely will be !ecjded. • Saturdly also coUld throw' some llght JP, the cOtton Bowl. coUon Bowl officiala plan to fan out to five, possibly six gameS In their final courting of prospectJve visiting teams. The games include Maryland • No. 5 PeM Slate, 7-0; Iowa State-Missouri, No. 8, 7·1 ; .. Nebraska, No. 17, 6-%-Kansas State; MissiasJppi State-Louisiana State, No. 12, 7-1 ; and pouibly Auburn, No. 11, 6-J.<l<orgla, No. 16, S.2-1. MiulasJppi, tied for lath at 5-3 plays TtnnesMe, No. 3, 7~. bu.t that gune iln't "" the Uit. "We • could always have 901Tlebody In Knoxville Monday monrlng," a cotton Bowl official nplained. "We're not giving up on TeMessee." The various bowls across the country announce acceptance of their invitations starting Monday. Quarterback Mike Phipps, Purdue's master passer, ls one reason and their record another. Purdue is 7-1 and 10th rar..ted nationally but it has beaten rank· Ing teams such as Notre Dame and Stan· ford .whJle not one of Ohio State's seven vi~ has a WinnJn« record. Phipps has written such predecesso rs as Dale Samuels, Len Dawson and Bob Griese rJ&ht out of Purdue's record books. Lou McCullough, defense coordinator or Ohio Slate's coaching staff, lhlnks Phipps Is so' good, "if he's not the No. I pick of the pros those guys have a hole in their heaJ." Phipps and Rex Kern, the Buckeyes' quarterback who has rewritten some records himself, also are prime can· didates for the Heisman Trophy which goes to the year's oulsl.anding college performer. Kern sat out . last wttk's 62-7 rout against Wl&e0nsln to rest his bruised Viking On the M~ passing arm for Saturday'a game which is being billed as college football's game of the year. It will be televised nationally at 10:25 a.m. PST on Channel 7. The Buckeyes want to win it for prestige since they're ineJl&lble for a return trip to the Rose Bowl. They have a 21-game wiru\ing: streak goin::; and a chance to become lhe ftrst team to win two successive national championships since Oklahoma did it In J95S·56. "With no Rose Bowl to go to, staying No. I LI the only incentive we have," said Ohio State coach Woody Hayes. Purdue 's incentive is to represent lhe Big Ten Conference in the Rose Bowl. Purdue is tled with 14th ranked r.!ichigan at 4-1 arxl will need lo win to slay in the running, especially !Ince ~1ichigan plays Iowa, a less fonnidable oppcnent than Ohio State. The shoe was on the other foot last year. Purdue was No. I and favored to whi p Ohio State but it didn 't turn out that way. The score was Ohio State 13, Purdue O. Joe Kapp, quarterback for the Minnseota Vt.kings, ing the Vikings three years ago, dusted off an old gets treatment for bruised knee from Viking train-..... relic from football 's past. the jump pass, to lead the er Fred Zamberletti. Kapp, the unorthdox Vikings to a 51·3 V.'in over the Cleveland Browns . scrambler who played Canadian football before join-.. LOS ANGELES -\Vilt Chamberlain, just out of the hospital , vows to return to his Los Angeles Lakers before the season ends and help win them the v.·orld basket- ball uu .. Hbi teammates, who face Phoenil' tonight at the Forum, havtn'L won a game sirice the 7-foot-2 center ruptured a tendon below the knee in a Natlona.1 Basketball League game agalnat Phoenil' last Friday night. Dodgers Switch Sudakis to Catcher ruck Robert!lon, a 1-9 rookie, has ,.plae<d Chamberlain in the lineup. • MESA, Ariz. (AP) -The L0$ Angeles Doc11E:r1 last season switched a calchtr to play second base, so what's so startl- ing ror them to shift a third baseman to catch toda,y! " The e1-catchtr WU young T e d SACRAMENTO -"W.-ve made l!JJ SIJtmore wbe dkf a bang·up job at IOCOOd and y,·e're. back in builnul." -iiiii ffttfiilllt aeuori, playing in ill btit That remark by Sacramento State thtet ol the 182 1amea and batting-a cool 1-~~-COllcaa.bukttball coach Jad<Jleron ap. . .21!. _ parently sign•Jed an end lo a short-lived The ntwelt 1Wltch by Ult -Dodg&rs In protoat by his black players tllat ex· the Arizona inatrucl!onal L<li\IO, where .. • six major league team• art operaUn,, Is to send Bill Sudak.la from thlrd base to catch. And who wltl try for SUclakis' old job! Another youna man, Bill Ruasell, a stan dout as • rooklt outfielder ID 1968. "11lc Il\ltructional Lea£Ue In Artr.ona en1bles us to get 1 close look 1l Our yollng players and provide conctnlrated lnslructlon which itll't always Po$Slble during the SeNOn;'' explained Al Cam· pania, the Dodgers' dirtctor of player ptr&onnel. Monty Basgall, one o! lhe seven Dodger coaching aides here, who converted Sizemore from catcher to second baseman , Is in charge of Russell's change · to third base!, f11t yean a club problem •pot. "There Is no quf:!tlon of Russell's abill· ty. He has grea.t hands, a fine arm and, of course h!s speed'U outstanding," says Basgall. • Field manager Tom.my L a a o r d a , dlscu.ulng the Sudakt1 conv1rslon, sa.Jd, "Suds has been wurkin& hard and his pro- gress Is fantastic. He has an e.xcelle.nt arm and has taken lo the pOSIUon. "lfe'a a lake cha rge type of IUY· In one of the nnt games behind the plate he threw out four guys trying to steal." "I like the idea of catching," Sudakll s:ild ''It the pitcher throws a good game f can tal<e credit and tr be g11J bombed -well, It was the pitcher doing tbe thro\\'lng,'' said a smllln1 Sudakls. UM Ulil.'" WyomJng loot to Arizona ~ta I e Unlvenlty I0-11 and to Utah 34-10 .tier the blacb were droppedJrom the ttam. Ill Slit Lake City, Unlvenlty 'ol Utah coach 'Bill Meek sald he heard reports of the mlaslng olay books tile day before hb team met Wyoming. . He said he has not seen any of the books and expresaed . doubt that any coach in the Westam Athletic Conference would use the boob even if they had them. At Tempe, Arizona ,State Univtnlty coach Frank Kuih said ''Tile whole thing squndS ridiculous." GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Golden Jet Back on Earth; Rejoins Hawks CHICAGO (AP) -His financial fringesi apparently resolved, Bobby Hull will quit figure skating and return to hockey skating. · The Golden Jet, the National Hockey League 's record scorer, announced at a mobbed news conference Thursday that he is rej oining the Chicago Black Hawks. It was more of a capitulation as this shiniest of stars ended his season long &!tout. Management brought him to his knees apologizing. Bobby signed a four.year contract call· Ing for a reported $100,000 annually a year ago. He didn't report to the Hawks this season because of personal and business matters involving ' ' fr in g a. benefits." A battery of advisors, said to number as many as 17, and lawyers tried to tic ·things together mutually for both sides. ifuch of it boiled down to Hull giving up_ hl_s _g.Ueotion to iMumerable _outsidc business interests during the hockey season . Reportedly, also, he had borrowed money for business reasons from Black Ha\.vk owner Arthur Wirtz on an agreed ' repayment plan. The return of Bobby with hat in hand was forctt:I mainly because the Hawks suddenly found themselves winning without him. They have a four·game win- ning streak . , The fans for the most part were mollified. They weren't screeching "\Ve Want Bobby!" Jn fact, many of them let it be known that they were getting tired of hearing about his wampum wresllina:. Hornets Wear Holy Cross Grid Jerseys SACRAMENTO J.i. P ) -Tho• Sacramento St~te c0flege rootball team . held a secret meeting and then con· fronted a nervous coach Ray Clemons with its demand : "We would like you to aek lloly Cross If we could wear their jerseys the last game," the players told Clemons . .So, 55 purple and silver Holy Cross College football jerseys are on their way • from Worcester , f.1ass.. 3,000 miles across the country for the Hornets' Nov. 21 geme against Universi~y of Puget Sound. The Holy Cross Crusaders played twO games, then had to ceneel the rest of their season when the entire sqUad developed infectious hepatitis. The Hornets dedicated their season, 6-2 so far. to the Crusaders and sent them a get \\'ell card signed by all the team members. "We got a tremendous response from the peoplt back thue," said Phil Dynan, sports publicist for the 12,000-student Sacramento school, part of the 19-<:ampus C&Utornia State Coliege system. It was then the Hornets, who normally take the field in green and gold jerseys. decldtd ·they wanted lo do more. Clemons won approval of the college's athleli4 board and the purple and silver S1l1M.f will go Into aoUon again. Jn appreciation, I loly Cross oiflclals . have invited Clemons to address the an- nual college athletic awards banquet ht Bollton Dee. It , Invited along i$ Mike Carter, a r,1ayer'who~&!_ve im~tys to th• Tuea of p aying the sea!lon on behalf or Hoty Cross . ____ -_-_-_-___ -_--~-~-----------~-~------~ --.. ---. ------~-----~----~·--:::--------::"".""--::::::---::::=:::===~==~ . CHASING GREASED PIGSKIN -Edison High's Lyle Raymond (12] goes after a loose ball while Huntington Beach defenders Geo rge Oli· vet (50) and Jack Crosby (62) try to outieg him. Tonight Edison cha!· 15,542 WATCH AMAT ROLL, 34-11 Bishop Amat assured itselt of a ClF playoff berth and a share of the Angelu s League championship by slamming previously undefeated St. Paul, 34-11 , Th ursday night before 15,542 at Anahehn Stadium. Th~ Lancers got behind the classy receiving of John McKay, the lad who made so n1any impossible catches that .ufler while they almost seemed routine. St. Paul had taken a 3-0 lead on a 37· yard field goal in the second quarter. But \vlth McKay calching Pat Haden·s throws, ·Amat rolled to a 14·3 halftime Jead ar.d made jt 34-3 after three quarters. H2.den's 245 yards in the air gave him a CJF single season fecord of 2,206 yards. Lions Tackle Vikes; Shoot For 2nd Place \Vestminster High caps Its regular fool· ball season tonight when the Lions host rival Marina in a Sunset League hassle. Kickoff is set for 8 o'clock. The Lions, still with an outside chance nt a portion of the Sunset League title (providing Anaheim loses to \Vestern), have an excell ent shot at a second place tie with the winner of Saturday night's Newport-Hu ntington Beach game. Should the latter pair lie, it would leave \Vestminster alone in second place. Marina has been to the post six times \n the past with Westminster and has yet to post a victo ry against the Bill Boswell- lcd Lions. DAIL'!' PILOT ,.llot. ~t LH 1"1~ ... lenges Fou nta in Valley and is the last roadblock on the Baron title trail. Saturd ay night Huntin gton shoots for a runnerup finish against Newport Harbor. .. FHdal, N"tmbtr 14, 1969 DAILY 'JLOT J·( Rustlers Battlin~ ,., ' To Remain Alive~ - In Title Derby By HOWARD L-HANDY Of "" ........... .... Golden West Colle1e \VIII heve mort at stake than ill best-ever f.ootblll aea.m tonight when the Rustlers ,travel to Loi Angeles City College for a: Soulhern Ca)lfornia Conference game. Kfcloft ls at 8 o'clock. The Rustlen and Cpbs wlll be ~ to hold Sn oullide chance at a C(lnftrence co-champlonahlp. Golden West hn defeated Eaat IAI m ... 11ou-iO "4CC • . " Take lhe Saa Dleit·Frte~IY ...U. lo the Illa Gabriel River,....,..,. !•l:Go aortb to Soto cADI Freeway lllH ~ tnto dnltirwe IM A1 .. 1 ~· CoaUnue oa HeU,•OOll Frenay tt ·Ver· mont Avnllt. Nd Oil Vermont ..... , 4 blocks. Tlte StacU1m 11 oe tbe welt aide Of VemiDOt. Angeles and lost to Harbor. These two meet Saturday night and a Husky win coupled with a Rustler victory would throw the lead Into a three-way tie. Then the Rustlers would be pulllna for a second upset next week when the Cubs and Harbor Lengle. Wishful thinking? Perhap&. But coach Ray Shackleford feels his team will come through tonight and is tabbing the Huskies lo win on Saturday. The Ruliitlers will be f$ctd with much the same problem they had laSt week when they fell to Harbor. 40-29. Cub quarterback John Bryan Is an outstanding passer. Scahawk sianal caller Jim Sander picked the Rustler defense I() pieces last week with a short, accurate aerial game. "He Is a good drop back passer and has bJc llllei!len to prttoct him." Sllackliford aaya:. "furthermore, he is every bft 11 l!"Od a_ ~.u Sandtr but ll tal<es bjllj a,Jlttk ~ to set qp." · Thil ii W .,. the !lustier mentor hopes his team can c~ the picture. "We havD to put, a nnb on him and not give him tJm& to aet up or we wm have the same pioblem." • 1 ln addJtlon to lhe paaajng 'aame Shac:kleford k-s the Cubs wUJ lltld a~ •uncallon of •peedy tunninfl bocld aiid the. Ruatler dtltnllve "-Une wUJ II! Ille ackl test lft contairllna: the1n~ r • Golden West may be pl&Ming a fcW 1urprlae1 of its own. Tony Bonwe·n hi• shown Huhes of puttlni toctlber an outstanding paulng game and with the opUon pl1y he hu run so succeufuJly <OWd II•• the Cuba trouble. ' Charlie Buckland, leading scoftr for t~ Orange Coast area in junior colle1e ranka, makes the runnine 1ame work ' along with fullhlck Rex Snyder aDd reserve tailback Bob Comuke. • Ropr Parkman, Don Hellon and MHte / Priddy have been Buckland's favorite targets to date wJtb Mike Corrigan set-ting Jnto the act on occasion. · Mike Vickers, a sub-10 second sprinte!\ Is the leadlng Cub runner and operates out of the fullback position. Halfback David Moch at 163 pounds, is a scooter aod once away from 1he line of scrim· mage, is hard to nag dOWil. eeLOEH W•IT LOS AMelLI!) :tOf Mlllt CDttlt1n E Jim Gf•ile1111 ,10 20S Alld'f Vor-T Cllttlft Gltd!lfr 2'10 lfO Cllttln M1vere1t G J1y RI "'°'" ,20S ~ fltt1 Merelwll C llU WJICI !t7 ltt Kun Kru•g~r G Oon kll• 1!1 t.U Jiff Jor .. llMn T Rudi' McOonlld 2;!11' 1111 Mlkt Prlocrv E Mike Cl•YIOll llJ ,'° .Ttnv •-111 8 Joll11 Brvtn ''' HJ R°"' P1r~1Nn f'I Mlk• Vlcltf'l't '1" 111 Cl\lrlll-BIX.kllllld II N_,,, Wlloltol't '10 110 Jlt• ,,,.,.,... 11 01vl4 Motl\ 1'1 SUNSET LEAGUE HOPES DASHED • The Sunset League's hopes for tWo team11 in the CIF AAAA football playoffs were smashed Thursday night a1 !.akewooct High upset Long Beacl\ Wilson. at Veterans Stadium, 14-8. virtually tyi,n& up the Moore League three ways. El Rancho High can make it a thre&- way affair tonight wilh a win over lowl,r. Long Beach Jordan. ~ ~ CIF commJ.ssioner Ken Fagan! In· formed the DAILY PILOT Thursday nigt1t that in the event the Moore Leagut!' v.·ere to end up with trl.ChampJO(IS,-thf . CIF would lake all three teams before selecting a second place finisher in thO Sunset circuit. With Bis~p _J.m!_t and_ St._P_!ul Jyjng_ for lhe UUe lil the Angelus League and FountaJn Valley and Loara Ued in the 1rvlne loop, there are no vacancies tor. ~econd place teams. , E,dison Last FV Obstacle On Title Trail -· Edison and Fountain Valley Hljti ,School close out the regular seaaon in Jn•lne League football tonight at Hllh· Ungton Beach Hl1h and both teams have outstanding goals· in sight. The surprising Chargers of Edison are after a winning sea!On with a victory gtV. Ing coach Bill Vail's young ouUit a 4.i;-1 overall record and a 4-2-1 Irvine mark, However, Fountain Valley has ideas-of Its own. And the 'hosts are six-point choices to continue the trend. The Lions presen t a tough offens ive unit !I quarterback Ed Banc _leading SET TO PASS -Tony Bonwell (14) or Golden West College, looks for a ·ta rget in a recent game. Blocking for the Rustler ~arterback is Mike Co rrigan (88) \vith David Scott (88) of the ELA Hblkies closing in for an attempted tackle. Golde n Wes~ plays Los Angeles Ci~Y' College to- night \Vith the \vinner remaining.in Southern California Conference tiUe The Barons, under coach Bruce · Pickford are after their first Irvine fQOt· ball title and need only to turn back ttie Chareers to clinch at worst a tie for the crown and a berth jn the CIF AAAA playllffs. Fountain Valley sports Impressive credentials with five wins and a lie in six: lrvlne outln1s, including four shutouts in its last five games . the w ith his passing and running. Bane s co-mpleted 63 of 132 passes for 760 yards and is the Orange Coast area 's second leading prodl\cer in raw ya rdage, despite sitting out a week because of a Sea IGngs Top by~~diflg '£n~s l" _th• !-io_ns are _ Polo Seedings fullback John Baize and tailback Monie ----~ Downing. Downing has run for 344 yards and ll 3.6 a\'erage while Baize has rushed for 323 ynrds and a 4.3 cllp. Hawever, Marina's Vikings havf! looked sha rp in recent. Qulings behind lhcir ex- cellent defensive corps. Coach Jim Coon's outfit tripped , up I iuntington Beach, 6-3, and nearly pulled one over Newport before falling, 18-15. The Vikes led at one lime, ts.a: The big offensive threa t of Marina ls quarterback Rick Saema·n·s • Passing game. The senim: bas completed 49 of Hl8 1rits for e&8 yards. • MAJl:INA UJ $tfYf ~ m :c::~·· 11S Dm• JtUll!lt 1111 Tl"' ~nl'!lnh ,,, Oe.,. JK"'Mlll KO (IOCI Wlll 1 ~ !Ille-S•rm•n 1.u Mt"'' U.IU#lf Ill) Sl•vt O'H111• UO Tritr Vin A~tl\ Wl$TMJHITIJt E Kllfl Otdrkk T 0111 WltCJOftK G Jim MtN!MlfMOn C OSI\ f'MHllCUI G Wiii J11C11 T Al Otll'S E Ed Mtl 1110t1!1n B td 81M 9-Monte 00.1111\1 e John 1111u 8 )lfYe G1IH!Jojll'llll '" , .. ·~ "' ·~ "' '~ "' "' "' '" Orange Coast area prep wate r polo teams draw byes in the first round of CIF playoff action with undefeated Corona del Mar High's Irvine League champions drawing lhe top seed. Upper Bracket Corona del ti.far bye t:plands at Redlands Mlra Costa bye 0xnard at Dos Pueblos ·Fullerton bye California at Monrovia J.{~e Ulegue No. 2 (Lakewood or Downey) bye E'J 8egundo at Crescenta Valley Lower Bracket J\loore Lt ague No. l (Lakewood or Downey) bye ?itornlngside vs unnamed opponent Costa Mesa bye Anaheim at Servite r\cwporl lfarbor bye So.1nny llills at Valencia Ciltrflen Grovt: bye I...'l Se rna al San ~fai:_lno ' ( conten'tlon. · • Mater Dei in 42-20 Breeze By ROGE i\ CARLSON 01 lllt Otl!Y fllltt Sltll ti.later Dei J~igh's varsity football team exploded for four quick touchdowns. to take a commanding lead, then coasted home with a f2...20 Angelus League victory Th ur11day niaht over visiting St. Anthony 11igh to close out the 1969 campaign. Couch Bob Woods' crew cotnplctcly dominated the first half at Santa Ana Stadium, and \eJ at in termission 34-6, befo>c Saints quarterback Jerry Sum- merfl'lt put on a brilliant second half e>.::- hibition to get the Long Beach oulfi f s point lotal respectable. In reallty. however, it was all over by the end of the first period when Mater Oei had cashed in for a 21-0 lead. After that it seemed only a mauer of what ..the final victory margin would be for the Monarchs. Junior quarterback Bob Haupert wa!I lmprtsslvc runnlng and passing for lhe winners. lie ran tor 62 yards on the second play of th~ game for ·.a touchdo"'·n, added anofh-:r \vlth a ninr-yar<i k@eper over th e n1lddle late In th·e c·ontcst a·nd tossed a ~ yard scoring pass to end Jim Nanry. ln all. he passed tor 157 yards on six completions and ran for 06 yards net. Halfback Mark Dunn scored hls last tw(I touchdowns as a Monarch, boih. on one-yard smashes over the middle. And, senior Stan Jackson ca pped the ni&ht \vHh a nifty 66-yard touchdown dash. Jae.!.; Gentile added four PATs with kicks an{I the Monarchs finished thei r scoring with a two-point conversion on J)ill :\ppleton's pass to Jim Nanry. St. Anthony, however, showed claas and ·rrfu scd to fold after t!°ailing by 28 at the ha lf. Sun1merfelt , a junior, was outstandln~ In pass ing his team to two second·half TDs. In all, he th rew 35 limes and com· pletcd 17 £or 160 yards -mostly on short shot..: over the middle. Mater Del 's sect1nd • hatr effort was further frustrated by sev~ral penalties. Ofricials tapped the Monarchs for 107 yards on 11 separate infracUons; • Perhaps a key to the 1970 11eason was pres ntedWh1!b Woods used M>paDmore Dave Nanry at 4uarteFback and lfaupctt at haUback. The Monarchs finished the season wlth a 6-3 overall fecord and a 3-2 mark .in tl\c Angelu:; circuit · OAMI STATllTICI Flr11 d0wn1 n;ltllfll Finl Mlw.lj IMIHlllJI Flrll downt '*"'Illa Ttl11 llr1t d0wn1 Yards rultllnt MO • • ' " .. SI.A ' • ' " "' ·~ " '" ".10,.$ Y•rCll f,ltHlng ' • '" " "' 4/7tJ "'"" (l\ll NII r••d1 111lnld "vn!1/Avtr•1e dl1!111<t P-Ula/Vlfdt 11tn•ll1rcl Fumblul tt111T1bln 1111 1111n1 ••• "" •• . sewe •r •v....-n s1. An~r o ' ' 1 -10 Miier o.r 21 13 O t -42 Summtrl•ll CiliylOll ""'" Toll KIUPt•I N1n1y ltUlt tuni.m,rren llUIMIMO Mll•r Dtl TC• YO YL AVf. 11 !OS t t ,7 1' IS 1 4,I l j l s.o 10 79• ,. • .• J ' ' .... ''04.$ tt o s.1 4'i JN » So) It, Aftfltllr, . " ~I 1.0 ) 11 0 3.4, - --,ol-U I 4,, 1a1 u '·' .. ASSll'f• 'Mltr Dtt P'A H: "P'Ml YO ••• " • ' '" .... I • • • -"' " • I '" ••• St. Allflllnr " " I •• ... The Barons boast a fleet of good ruo- ners, but the best,of·the lot appear to be Dsn Shaw, RJck Hartsfield and Briady fiioore. ... Shaw leads the Barons in yardaae a•h'I· ed with 32t yards in 69 carries for a 411 average followed by Hartslield's total of 319 on 78 carries. .. What's more, Pickford has come '\1P. with a line pasaina attack to complement his runners .... Quarterback John ~voboda led the Barons to a 21·21 tie with Loara Jut week when he passed for lhree touchdowns..,- route to completina 13 of 22 aerials ror m yaros. Edison, however, haa a couple of &d?! ones. too. Tailback Jim Moxley 111 the Orange ' Coast area's leading runner, averaging '. over 180 yarda. per game and a ':3 average. . . He's tallied 10 touchdowns for the Chara:ers. And. quarterback Jerry Hlnojola l\U pttlormed well at hi• apct with cMc:o : running-and a goad pa"l"I game. · H8'1 ICOl'td Ill TDs and p&ued. for tll~ yards on 38' compleliona In It •llempls .• •DUMTIJN VA\.l.'Y IOllON 110 Otl'Y V11M,.. I! Jol'lll ,1.lltl 11111 ltS 1Ci111 H•Hb T Ml-t l11Cll JI$ 1• Sttw-Jttwill ' G Jell Certtr }ft ,,, 1111 c11em1111on e 1tou Jt!\~1111• -I''· 111 , 1111 Krl1!111tt G ~lit Del'IUff I~ 1,. aw ........ --T '''" MoiWti .. l'I 1,1 1'5 II ... HtNlfl l Ot rv l lkll 11S 118 Jol\rl S11Vt>e~• I Jern> ~ir.lou '~ 1'° IOC:ll ·'""r 1-Jli1t"MO•I• -1tr 1il0 lriill'f' MOOft I 11.odi;y Wll.11'1 lU 1ll Den SMw I ,.,,., ICtltllW ,., ., , ' I -, I, -t ' I • ' • ' • , -:-~p FOR GRABS -E stancia Hi gh players get <l shot at <.1 Sa111.t Ana Valley fumble during recent football action. Seen for E!.l<inc1a are Greg Benton (61), Bob Conklin (70) and Crai~ f\10111ura \:J-,,J. Laguna11s ; _.~n Cellar .. ~scape Bid Plummeting from a one-two finish atop the Crestview League standings last season tO a battle to escape the cellar in their final game of 1969, Laguna Beach High School football team will host El ~1odcna High tonight at 8. The Artists \Von I he Greslview bunting last season with the Vanguards finishing second. However . this year each team has a league record of 1- 5 and tonight"s loser will be mired in the botton1 spot. El Modena wilt be fa vored to top coach Ha l Akins injury- r.lddled Artists for the fir st time in three years of com- petition. Akins \\"ill insert Gary -· JClssette<it quarterbac-k. Brian Ottmer suffered an inju ry t1vo weeks ago and is out ror th e s~ason. Fissette is up from the Cee team and did well in the final quarter last week. Perhaps the biggest loss to the Laguna Beach team is at tailback where Mike Abbey Ms been sidelined w.ith broken ribs. Abbey leads the Artist running attack. On the bright side or the ledger Steve Pahner 11·i!l be back along with Scott Allen in the Artisl backfield. Both v.•ere out wi th injuries last \\'eek. N ifty Cutcf~ Denny Schmitz, qu arterback Jl o11·ard· ;ind l\1aye tslc} ~.h111\ 1 1 ~ starter last game. has been Jy in Nc1r port Bay. 'fhey U)1.,.l .• moved to Abbey's spot <it \Vhich 1vcighed 4'12 pound '>. tailback. -------''------'------ .Coach Robert Lester or _El f\1odena isn't planning any changes tonight. "Our kids did a i;ood job against -Orange (they los! 9.01 and I think we can be<it Laguna Beach. "They have a good \earn and .~Y punished Orange tn the first half be.fore running out of gas." . -Defense has been a strong ,eoint with the Vanguards this ·year. They limited Orange to ·ane sustained drive and gave .;Mp only 147 yards net against -the undefeated league leaders. ~~~:the Vanguard atlack is --directed by quarterback Ken ~rlson with Rob 11illman. ·Max Ledesma and Dave ._:triedman slated to see ac- ... Hon in the backfield. ... •'\.•GUNA BEACH EL MODENA t31 Sweene~ E Chfi>IOl>l>er !SO ,,. Wl1zbow~~; T Joll..son 115 "f!! Sl1elovt G Mfl#rv 160 • ...,.. Seil• c Smll/I 155 ~ M<Murrev G e,rer 160 '1'tl' 11<>wm1" T Bl•ler 115 'Ill Tebo• E Nolle< Ill() " 1«1 Finet1e fl Csrl1on us 1'9 Sc11,.,111 R Hiiimen 1ao 145 P1lm1• e Ledl!-Y!>a 1}5 11' Allen 8 Freidaman 165 ·-· • • • Newpor t, I\ell'port Harbor <Jnd C'oron:1 f;1-t 1;11·•·1 {le! r.far. just recently cro11'n~·1l :idi!cJ t• 11 11 ll';1gur charnpions. !ae!;cr! 11n • I [11 :d r1. one niorl· 1 lctory each Tl1ur ,. flay in non-league \vall.'r pnlo 1 "1 action. J Newport do11·nttl Lon ll Beach \\lilson. R-3 in 1he 1:n:. ~:1·' 1; ;1 .-. I h ins' pool. 11·hilt' C'ornt'la 11, I 111'11 •· l.i: l• Mar v.a ~ 111inni11g for thr 21~1 1 , straight tin1e this SP:t~,1n. 10 4. over her.;\ 1~1 ~cgu ndn I ~-1 '1' Sunsrt l.r·;1u111• ,.11:1111 pir·,, -......--- NeivjJQrl ble11· thr· i•:•n1" n !l -01 in the second and 1h1t"d P• • 1 od~. ·The Tars led ;\L hall li1nl'. 1 1. Tom \\larnel'ke ~rurr('d 1111• attack with fc111r cn:1I~ J(Jr Newport. ,Jeff \\'ill"n~ :1{ldro! three points ;.ind Jim S1nil!1 On('. I Bruce Black p:iced thn Trvinc Lc;:p.ur cha1111ii<1ns [ro111 Corona del r.1ar \ri!h th11 ·l· ~r .. - u l \"ll r ;r'""7 SLOT r . I • ·~ ·1,i Natiotial Gritl Pt)ll 0 Saddleback College niovcd Info t he naUon 's top 20 Jaycee ranR.ings released by J. C. Grid-Wire this \Yeck with a J~h place position and LOs A~1geles Harbor moved to lh ird Jiy virtue or its win over QQld~n West. -Colden West and Orange Coast dropped from lhC' elite SO aio; Northeastern Oklahoma A&M remained alOp lhC li~t foUov,rcd by Arizona \\lcstcrn. Both hav.e 8-G-O records 'the top 20 lcan1s l ' ' l Nor!he""N~ O•I• t,(0,1' j~~ ,.I , ' Arllllfl• W•>T"n 1'-0-01 L. A Harll<lr f6•t-n '· Pterl ~,.,,,Mou 11·0~ $ Tvier, le••1 11·1.0) e. Pd•~d~na (~.1 ·01 1 H~TtMlll'>Oll, k"~'~' f5·~·M I W~1I VBll&~ 11.0·fl t, f~,, L~~ Artvtlr> !~ 1~1 10. 6•~tnlo~IO t~ I 01 11 E~•t, MlUiu-l>Pl 11-1 0 11. FullMIDrl r~ l·OJ IJ. ChOhN 11•1•01 I~ Sen OIMID /,'e· .• (~ (I 15, Venl~•f I~ 1,0J " lt~fl!1~v tt o.r1 11. De 1'r11 Cl·J 0' El C~'l'•"'l IS 1 "l l• s,.ao1~•,,.,• 1~ ,_,., )!) llo•I~•'"'· ""''' 10 11~1 V><ll· (~I~! ,, \~H '"'""' 'V-· •-••· 1 r • , " l •• --- • • • " I " ' l Estancia, - CdM End '69 Action Bv GLENN WHITE Of Ille D1UY PUol Stiff Corona del Mar and Est.an· i:ia J1igh put the wraps around the 1969 footba ll season tonight at Newport 11arbor High School. A throng or 4.000 is expected ror the 8 o'clock kickoff. Corona de! liar seeks to re· boi.Jnd from a t1vo-game losing slreak and can v.1rap up a se- cond strai~ht \\'inning season by knocking off the Eagles. 'Too,icoach Dave J-lol\and's Sea .Kings cQu ld climb from fifth to '1hird irt final Irvine League st'l.ndings. Estancia has undergone f' fru strating campaign. 1vin11ing IV.'ice and tyin ~. once in eigl1 ' cnccun:~rs. The Ea{llcs oi r·o11eh Phil Brown have come 11 Hhin an eyelash of victory in tJ1rl'r of their five losses. I-fri!J<ind's group relies on a ~tudv defense -one which f:"llrCred only once. that being \Vl1Pn rn-chc.unpion Loara rom- 1wr1. 35-14. O!'fensive!v. Corona del Mar l···<; ,sputtei·cd, although it ~""ms tn have the potential 1·.:1 h r:11<1rtcrback K e il h ~· rnucls' rassing plUs th~ h~rd ranning of fullbacks Rick r<>1ros and Steve Judith. . -· ,.,. ·~· Brown fi gures to counter 11·1'11 tv.·n ~uns tonight. He has Da1c Jnhnson, the leading ru~her in the Nev.·port District \Vil h on average of 5.5 yards p!>r carry. 'I ' ' •" I, ' '1 Sc l1no1 . ~.-'r-t U1c vrt:is r ~i· · l l'"C .;ic ,, 1 !e ~ellar Jli.i111os .1,, in l!'~ 1 r.1-' is 3' 0 l !o.·111 I , ,. I; J <'S t I \ l ii ' !';. C'· r"i"ll ~" '.rt j() .-\11d passer Curt Thomas has r·!ir~;ed on 33 of 74 aerials for 4 i'l \",11"11S. n:·o·..,·n believes he can throw <"'"ces,:fullv against the Sea Fin:::s. based on what he Pi~erv!"I Saturday when Santa 1\11,1 \':1!1C'~' staggered Coronu r'r t ,\i0r. I !·6, tnainly on pass· !TI'.'!. ·•I think our passer and receivers arc better than \'alley's so we should be able !0 thn11v against Corona," he states. Ho11·ev1'r, .~Jolland says he has n1<:de .,omc adjuslmenls in thr fl 1lSS defense. The Se:i King tutor says his 11ulfi1 is roming ofr the \vorst 1':11nc ever played by one of ('oron~ 1·arsities. Santa Ana \'i'lllry h::td been manhandled h.v 5"'-\·rn of eir,hl opponents he fore upsetting Holland's I J'O'\ps. I f l I \' ('' ' 1\s Bro\vn points out. "they srcri1t>d to r>lart coasting >1r,:iinsl Valley and slowed Cown 1vl1!1c Valley picked up n·nmrnlum . i 11" ! t' •I r;.1!l ' I\ \.;.;_ ·d\' 1•· · Crd- ' "d fKl 11 ;,.,n !1J I ir;, <·n '.. 1l ll'-!r'\.-T-"! ~ \ I l l l~ i"' ·: •• ·1'1.'; \. 11 ' ' th' J ,1 ' lJ"\ ll'.tl ! "• l)f !:1J I 1\' .d y-' 1\" t•J :· · ·rr ·, 1 i· ,•·r h r•1 111· fJtl\I " ... !i~1 f' 1' I·. ! If ,1r" 1,1-:;;[ \', I) }'(!IT'] I •' •· . i1 I S I) ~ • i 11 ; I:(' C"lfONI>. OEL 1/1 l{ll!O!er 1 '~. ~Jorlh 1•• T•~"Cr 1:1 11cr1 1•1 Hlli'erd " I ~""'Ccr lrJ 1.\-irt,n "~ 5,..,,u,.11 1 "~ P~l•C> 1 c I H10.n1" l ~S 581• MAil E!STA NCIA E IJom~ro J~ T Br~nl 170 C. s~vder 115 C Fare 18! G Mavllon l'IO 1 Fells 1911 E Frleawor! 1r1 B Thcma1 16! D Kovacic 110 8 Jonnson 110 fl Shaughncs•Y 150 Football ANGELUS LEAGUE r1,~~D /\mat 51 F~u• I l~r 0.-1 '' >i!e ~·· AM~on~ P•uS X W L l"F "A 4 I lf.9 SJ •19•6• J7119S? 2 l 61 52 ~~ril~ •1'1 I II ll I 0 r .IJ.11 f)-. Thur1d1Y'• scores n;·~"O "'"~1 ;i.o. SI , Paul l\ M~lcr Oei. ~,. SI AnthOl'IV 2a T.,,,19~1·1 G1mt !':•,~·•• ,,I Plus 'I( ' l ' .JO ~II" CLt:ME'llTI: S;)UTt!ERN CAL CONFERE"E W L PF Pl " l'i H~•T1'1• r.,•1•~n W~<t J a 9• s1 I) 'V»I l"I 1 \ 81 lJ 1197.<li 21 7!~9 1 J 19 ,, ( ~ t JO lli F.,i·.t L"' /\f\q<lt• l ~·. t rmrl•> •' ' "' '" ' ' r .. H<n<:o Cvo•~s• 0 • ll 111 ThurSdlY'I ~<G•I R1n Hor!lo ''· CVPre>1 Q Tonlt"•'I Gl m• c.-o•d~n V'••1 ~· LOS !"l~,lrl s~1ura1v·1 G1me l' ,.11 Los Anq~lt1 at H~•bc• ~ ·•. 0 1 OM EGA ! l l \'~hi~ VVATCH 1 '-·r • -~1nJstcr Chronograph I\ :1 th metal brocclet. 1 "':;'·ct lime on earth : c l 1.1c 1noon. $195. ,. ~ 't 'tClli ·5 •r-:• ISLAN D tf.·CH 6<14-l l&O \ • r ·~· DUNTON FORD 2240 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Pre&ent1 JOE HARRIS'S ·Football Forecasts, Be A 7 Winner With . DUNTON FORD SATURDAY, NOVl!:MIElll U, IHI PROllAllLE WINNERS I SCOltES "Abilene Chrlall•n .,...... . 78 OAkron . . . . 21 •ALABAMA ... ,,,, .. .,,. . l' •A~rl9h1· ................... 70 ¥Atcom A. & M. .. ?3 ARIZONA STATE ... . ..•. 11 "ARIZONA . . .. l' •Ar!(ansaa s1~1e .•. .. . 10 ARK,1.NSAS .. 71 '>ARMV , . '1 OAshl~nd ~ .•..•.• 14 IU6URN .,. .. ... n "!IOSTON COLLEGE .. '~ •8rld9epor! . 18 BRIGHAM YOUNG ..... U •CALIFORNIA ......•. , . t2 CIPll!ll . . 1' QCarMt!e-Mellon . .• . . 73 •Centr•I Con~llcut .. . 10 Centr~I Mlchl<1en ... , . . . . .. 71 •CITADEL (THE) ....... t2 CLEMSON ....... '1 Col1111e_ . .. . 70 "Colorado State Coll. .. U "COLORADO STATE LI. . 21 "COLORADO ................ 71 ~COLUMBIA ... .. 7( C0<1nec1kvt . . . . ... ?I ~c. w. P°'' .. ., n •DARTHMOUTH . 31 • ~Dovldson ........ , J~ D•l"w~c~ . . . . 11 ~OeP~uw T• •Okksl..son . 'lO QDre~cl Tech ....... n F.~st C•rollna . U 1'E~stern Ken1u,ky ... 10 E•1!ern Mlclil9"n . ?O oF.a•I TPnness~~ Sl1!e ... '~ *FAlr,...oot Stal• .. .. •l ~f"crid• A. t. M . . ••.• 31 •FLORIOA STATE ... "?I v FLORIOA •.. " .. •HM'ICl'VPf ... HARVARO •......•• ............ ' ,. Hlllsdele •...•.. •H!r~m .. Hob•rl HClUSTON .. . .. •Humtooldt $11!1 ld·•lio S!~te • •llllnoh Stale IND!ANA "KANSAS STATE k~nvon .. ~L•boo>""n Vallpv Lch"'n .. ~LO•llSIANA STATE ~L"""'~n• T•<h ''LOUISVILLE lt~lrr M1rlel1~ M~rvl~nd S'•le . M~•<AChu~rH• ... MIAMI tOH!Ol e~~ICMtG.O N STATE .. M!CHlr-,ON ... MISSOURI . ....... 0\ . •..• 70 . '" . . 14 .... 70 .. ... ~ " .... "1 . " " . " " ,, . ~~ ., . " . " " " ... ,. .. , . " " ,.Montan1 ~~ •Monttlllr Stolt 11 ~Mor~Vl•n ?G Mo•eh11d St~le . 1• M~hle-n\>l'l"q .. U Trlnllv (Tt•ail H Wntern Kentucky n MIAMI CFLA.l .•. 13 Up..,,IO -···· 6 Pr1rle View A. & M. -H W. T.EXAS (EL P/1$0) H UTAH .. .. . 1J U. TEX/I~ !Artl•~•onl 1' ¢~0. MFT,..ODIST 7 PITTSBUl!GH U W'tlrn""rn 13 'GFt'Jlll';IA U V. M. I 11 A~r<'r~n 1~1~-~~tlon1I -..uTAH STATE s_o,f<! JO~F. STATE <Ott~rt>eln Wish. & J~I!. So. Connec!kul ¢W•vne Sltlt roe1ro1t) F••RMAN .. ,, -..~(ll!TH CAROLINA •Lef•Y~Tte .. w~,.hh~rn IOAHO ,. " " " .. 1' • " . ' ··-1' ,. " .. l• •. 7G OKL,l.HOMA ST.\TE PFNNSYLVANIA •Rh~ Island .... u ,l.d~loh! COl!NFLL .. Wnllrrd •llt15Ton U. W•blosh J'ltlns Hooklns Kinn• Polf\t ~Mar1h1!! .. l~di•na Stale •P.el! Sl•I~ . Ml!ldl• T~nnf"'Sff $1. Eastrrn llllnoh Sllolhe•n (La.l MF.MPHIS STATE KENTUCKY .. C•ntr~ ~BROWN •St_ p.jor~rl K•l~m1100 "'Re~••el1•' Poly . . ~NORTH CAROLINA STl>.TE' . Siocromf~lo s1a1e (Bel" s1atP (lr•dlt'V 'Nf"IPT 'llllESTEll N NEBRASKA ( Adrl•n •. U. S. C. G. A~ad~mv '"13•••knPl1 MISSISSIPPI STATE L•n"ar Ter~ WICHITA STATE .. -·· 71 " ' ' " " " " . " " " " " • " . " ' " . " " • " " " " " " " •• ' " ' .. 1• .. u PR.OIAILE LOSIRS I SCOR.I$ ~Vermont ......................... U e Heklelbel'fl ........••. , ...... , . ... 1 •Del1ware Sft!e .................. U •NiiW"-Ham119hlrt .•..•. , .......... I ..-KENT STATE ................... U MINNESOTA ..................... U Q-IOWA ....•••.... 10 "IOWA STATE ................ 1' Sftuttl O~koll Stale ............... 1' G1auboro SM le . . . .. . ..• . . . ... •. •.• I Junl1ta ... . .... H •KenluckY Slate .. .. ' .:<Fr1nll.Un & Marshall ............ ll Murray Sl1te ••.... 76 Musk1119um ....... · · · ....... •·· · •· · 71 Nor!llern Arlzooa ........•......•.• 11 •Nortllerf\ Iowa .. . ............ ?I •NORTH TEXAS STATE .•..•••.. 71 NOTRE OA.ME ................ · · .. '' •OHIO STATE ................... 7! +OHIO U .......................... 31 ~Ohio ·weslev1n ................... 71 ,,_OKLAHOMA ................. 7' •OREGON STATE ....••....•..... 18 Pacmc !C1lll.l ................... 31 P M C Ccll111•s .................... 11 •PENH STATE ................... 31 •PR1,,,CETON ................... 17 R~ndol1>h·MICOll •• . . 71 aRoc~esler .................. l' SI. Jos•pll'S {lnd.l ............... 7D '"S•n 011!110 Stale ...•. 71 S•ultt Oakoll .................. 10 SO. CALIFDRNtA .......... ?! "Sc Illinois ...... , .••..... 70 ~soiithwesttirn (Te~n.l .•........ , 70 "So•IMllP.ld .....•...•... ,. , ?I •STANFOllO I• ...... ?I So1•~u<!h~nn1 . . • • 11 SYRACUSE ...•.• 71 "'T""'" ........... 34 T""'1>le ................... l' "T•nMS$H Tech ................. 70 TENNESSEE .................. 71 Tl'_XAS A. & M. . ...... 1' "'TF.XAS TECH ................... 1~ "TEXAS ..................... 1 QTOLEDO ..••...•..••. 31 ''Trtn!Of\ Stilt ............ ·· l• TrOY S!1k ................ , l' •TULAN E .................. 71 "Uni!lfl (N.Y.l ..• 71 U. C. L. A. ·•· .•... ?I •llr•!""s ........... 35 "V•1Mt81"" ........... 71 •Vl\.LAl\IOV_., .....•..•.. , 35 VI RGINIA TECH ·:· ..•.... 71 ow~<>n•r 70 cwAKE FOllF.ST u ~Wos~. ISi. Loui•l . 70 wr~r Sia!• 3• l"e!1ey1n . . 71 w~s1t•n ll''c~lnan 70 ~WF~T Tl'"lC.-~ ~TATE ..• U •WEST VIRGINIA • . . ., .• 3' ~w11kes . . . . . . . . . ..•..... 7D •wllll•m Jewell • .. . ......... •O ~Wllll•m• ........•.. U ••YISCONSI" ........... 11 "Wl>D1!er .............. . ...•• 11 Y..YOMING • ·· .••. · • ·· ·• · · · J~ "X•vler roh!cl ............ ?I ~Your>:.,lcw" ....... 10 "W.ASHl,,,GT!N .......... 1 Dra~e •..... . ......... 14 ~~~•yvllle . ll T••ft, ... ... . .............. 14 Alll FORCE ACA DEMY ., ........ 1' "'"~•t••n Marvl8nd ... lJ ,.NAVY ..... 1( n~rt~••n Mlfhlg1n ·······-····· 14 ~N<'rlh~'<""" , . 6 A•.,•lo P~-v Sl~tf I' M''~l~SIPPI . 10 *RICE' .. ll P4..Ylt'JR -····· U Tl'"Y _o,< CHlllSTIAN . ······•·· 7 DAYTOM ...... U Br;dQ""W"'" ~l•le •.... ll .. u. T•nn. (Chatt1noogaf . , , .. 13 Vl~{";INI A ... , ...... 1• 1-1.•mlll<'n ... . ..... I~ .;.ollEGON ... ' H~v~rlord ~Whe~ton ... -. __ ,. ..• 1l WILLIAM & MAllY ..• 11 DUKE ··· ?0 Ho!slr~ ..... · ... ····•" lJ SOUTH CAROL INA ............. 13 W~•hinqton & Lee ........ ·. 1' 01>ar""'s ... -. . . •... 6 .. Trinltv rc,,.,o.J . , .......... 11 *"Orlh•rn llllM'• .......... 1~ f\OWLINr. Gll EEN 1] RlrHMOND U lndl1n1 (P".l ..•.• l~ Ml,sOIJd V11lev , . D AmMn l .. . ... 11 ILLI NOIS ·····••··· I' Oi>erlln .. ... . ....... 6 •NEW MEXICO .• .,. 6 Ouanl!co Marine• . . . .... u Gu1t~vu• AdolPh!rl .. . ••.. U *Fvan•Vllle ....... ,, oFlndlav 6 ~F•e•no Slat~ ••. , .. .. u W~s•ern Illinois . . .. U Tl'LSA . \4 ¢GFt'Jll{";IA TECM ...• I PUllOllF: . ll CINCINNATI U Mn1•nt Union . 1' KANSAS ... 14 WASH!Nr.TON STATE U •S•nM Cl••I .. .. U ~~w••t11..,.~re ~ MAl!VLAND •. 1 YALI': , . H <Wiiiiam• .. All"!~fnY ~F•~n~lln Hew M~~lco STftle ... •U. Nebr. \lma~1) ...•.. '... . 1l •..•.. ll " " . " SUNDAY, NOVEMllElit 16, 1'" NAT IOHAL FOOTIALL L'l!AOUE 8/\L l!MORE CHICAGO \'.:LEVF.LANO DALLAS •OETllOIT LO~ ANG ELES MINNESOTA , . •NEW YOllK GIANTS . " " " ,. " " " " ~S'°'N FllAp.j(l$CO ~,l.TLANTA , . QPITTSBURGH •WASHINGTON ST. \.OUIS . "PHIL,l.Df.LPHIA oGllEEN fl/IV NEW ORLEANS ............ . .. " " " ,. .. io .. ,, ••••• 11 . " .. 23 ,. . AMEllt1CAN l'ODTIALL LEAGUE •·CINC\Np.jATI 1l HOUSTON lt K,l.NSAS CITY ...... . 1' MIAMI .•. 71 •OAKLAND ...... -.,.... ..... 30 - BOSTO" ............. ta •DENVl:'ll ..... , , .. ··•··· 11 •NEW YOllK JETS ............. , ?l •BUFFALO ................. , ..... 1~ $AN DIEGO , ..................... , 17 DUNTON FORD StrYllllJ Al of o,.....c .... iy "°' av .. so Y ... Over 4'00 New ;nd Used Cars and Trucks to Choose "Home-ef ltd Corpot s ... lct" Ustd~-7076 NtwCan-546-7070 ! P~hahly Leading Blackfin A.gain Fails to Report LONG BEACH, CllU. (AP) ' . ' :--11le ketch Blactnn, tn a tilht 1ea di.let with ~chrlval Windward Passage, again !ail- ed to answer morning roll call Thuraday in the Long Beach- La Paz yacht race, but was believed unofficially in the lead. Officials of the spmsoring Long Beach Yacht Club re- maJned uncancern.ed about the silence, said a s~kesman, on lhe theory the Blact.rm•s skip- per, Ken DtMeuae\ wanted to keep Windward P a s s a g e unawart of hJ.s location. Based on a radio message received from the k e t c h Wednesday, officials said the 73-foot Blackfin, or -the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, should have round· ed the southernmost tip of Ba- ja California late ThUrsday and h!aded Into the gulf of California several hours ahead of WlndwllJ'd Passage. Windward Passage, another 73-fooler s~ppered by Mark JObnioo. of the Labaina Yacht Club, H11.waii, ,' js' the official leader baRd 0111lts Thursday niorning cheCk-in. · Blacldin coolacted the Coast Guard and race offici~ls Wednesday when it was feared one of the 1-7 crewmen had suffered a mild heart attack. A later report said he was resting comfortably and in oo danger. Officials said they expected both boats to reach La Paz early Saturday morning. Race officials said the sloop -Ariana, skippered by George Thorson of the l.Ds Angeles Yacht Club held the apparent lead Thursday in the corrected time categofy. UPI T•l•PllO!t Lido 14 Skippers Set For· LIYC Team Races lfnselaeduled Co1adueto1• An unidentified musical conductor recently led the U.S. Marine Corps orchestra during an afternoon reception at the White House. The mystery conduct- or attended the Inter-American Press Association tea, and took a fe1v 1no1nents out to lend an expert hand to the 1nusical success of the afternoon. The Whi1e I-louse released the photo Wednesday, Local Lido 14 skippers are primed for Lido Isle Yacht Club's annual William L. Mor- ris Ch&1ge of the Watch Perpetual Team Races set for Sunday. First match race will take off from the Lido Clubhouse dock at noon, according to Ed Hayes, race committee chairman. Open to I.he Newport Harbor area clubs, each has betn in- vited to enter a four-boa t team. Lido 14 class. YRU team racing and rules of the Lido 14 Class Associa- tion will govern , t h o u g h membership In the association and boat ownership is not re- qujred. Skippers must be over 21 years of age, however. Skippers entrie3: must be fjJ. ed one-half hour before the first race. The race committee will receive protests following each race. LlYC Commodore R o y Woo l sey invites all participants, their guests, and LIYC members to the clam chowder supper and trophy presentation at the Clubhouse, following the final race. Launching facilities a T e available at the Genoa Boat Garde.1. Poll Shows Nixon Policy Has Support NEW YORK {UPI) Public support for President Nixon's Vietnam po 1 i c i es reached a new high after his Nov. 3 speech, a poll taken by Si ndlinger & Co., a marketing a.1d opinion research firm, showed Thursday. Un~le Ja~k Isn't Bitte1· Girls' Razor Blade Charge Pravecl False PHILADELP HIA IAP) - Kids in the neighborhood used to call him· Uncle Jack. Now jt's Uncle Applejack. Jack B. Thomas chuckled as he told of his new name. But how he got it was no laughing matter. Thomas \•:as fingerprinted, look into !his tn a L l e r photographed and jailed on thoroughly." charges of cruelty to children On his day off Glebocki went and intent to maim. Glebocki was suspicious of to the housing project and the girls' story. He started talked wilh one or the girls. He asking questions and soon said he became suspicious overturned their ·applecart. when she added fresh details The girls admitted the whole to the story. l~e handt:d his in· Potent Entries Almost 8 out of 10 or 79 .2 percent o( those surveyed sup- ported the President, Sind- linger said. The previous high of 72 percent was recorded last June just after his troop withdrawal announcement and was followed by a dr op to 61.5 percent in September. And the big, balding, friend· ly Thomas probably wou!d.l'l be chuckling today ir it weren 't for Matthew B . ·Glebocki, 44. a security guard at the housing project where Thomas lives. thing was a hoax. f_Qf[llation t.Q police. "You may be sure of one Two days later Thomas .,,;as thing," Thomas said today, released from jail and the •·He's my friend from no•v girls were arrested on charges on." of giving police false in· Power Boat Regatta , Shaping Up as Big During the period from Nov. 4 through Nov. 11, Sindlinger interviewed a sample -or 1,981 season, he has racked up ad-adults across the country. ask- dltional and impressive wins, ing, "in your opinion, is Presi- At Elsinore, Calif., before the dent Nixon doing all he can to Two weeks ago -on Halloween -Thon1as. 52, was accused by slx girls of giving one of them an apple con· taining a razor blade while they were trick-or-treating. Unable to raise $10,000 bail , Glebocki said he had seen formatio.1 and conspiracy. Thomas around the housing Their case is pending in project, greeting and being Juvenile Court. greeted b :y neighborhood--Thomas had been -hr police childre.1. -custody-five days. TWo da ys ··1 couldn't believe he did ago the Charges against him it," Glebocki said. "A driving were expunged by Atunicipal force within me told me to Judge William Markert. An international power race of mammoth proportion is shaping up for the annual Wot-Id Outboa r d Cham- pionship, November 29-30, at Lake Havasu City, Ariz. John Sanders, 34 year old airline mechanic and member of the Abilene outboard racing team, is fresh from winning the Berlin 6-Hour enduro. He ls the flrst American driv~r to ever win one of the European endurance c I a ss I cs and preceded the Berlin vi~tory with a fine sesond place win at Paris, just J 1 seconds behind the £1rst place driver, Renato Molinari. Both drivers will be in the world final s at Lake Havasu, as well as a full field of top- notch foreign and American speedsters. Sanders will be piloting a Glastron Molinari hull with tv•in Johnson 115 out- board engines. ln previous efforts U1is settle the war in Vietna m." Paris and Berlin r a c e s ··A monitoring of the in- overseas, he started seventh terviews shows most of the in a field of 49 inboard pilots new support came from young and 47 outboard drivers. Dur-people of college age," Albert Jng the entire 500 mile E. Sindlinger, president of the company, said. marathon, he \l'as never out of "The sequential tabulations 'Momma Isn't ~rylng' Parents Abandon 2 Boys th e top ten, finishing third 1ndicate a steady rise i'.1 sup-CHATTANOOGA, T en .t. They were noticed in the de· with thcin to Lile police sta- place overall, second outboard port for the president 's (UPI)-The abarldoned. four-partment store Nov. 2 by lion .'' overall, and first single engine policies throughout the eight-Fro1n the police station, the powered boat overall. day period (following his year-old boy clut.ched the-store employe Jim Carter. boys were taken to the Cham· Prior to Elsinore, he set speech)'', the firm said. hand of his little brother and "\Ve had all the Christmas bliss Horne for Children where three world speed records ac· The poll also showed 76.S loo.ked solemnly at the welfare merchandise out and they they remain \vhile the welfare cording to the National out-percent of those interviewed worker. were just walking around department and humane soci- boa d A · ti d book \vere opposed 10 this week's "You can help us. Bobby." playt'ng w1.th the toys,"' said cty continue efforts to locate r ssoc1a on recor anti-war demonstration and · at Alexandria, La. These came 1 th h h said Mrs. Jackie James. "I Carter. relatives. in Unlimited I closed course on Y 15·9 percent oug t t ey know your mother is home "Bobby told me his father The welfare <leparl1nent d U I, •t d Ill b h I d \\'ere a good idea. right now crying for you." worked at a service station has been lloodcd w1'th c•lls an n 1m1 e . ot c ose Sindlinger said data ob-course and straightaway. The talned after the Oct. 15 "Momma is not crylng and and that his n1other was going: from persons wanting to adopt world records continued moratoriurn had shoW!?d 57.4 neither is Daddy," he replied. to take his daddy to \I/Ork and the tykes, keep them until Sanders' reputation for percent oppose d the Welfare officials are in-come back for them." said their parents ·arc found. or straightaway and c Io s e d deinonstration but 31.7 percent clined to agree. Bobby and Carter. offering help in other \l'ay s. course CQmpetition as in 1968 supported it. David. about 14 months old, Bobby said l'lis mother's "'The youngest one doesn't he set ten world records in a Of those i·.1terviewed in were left by thei r mother in nnn1e is ··Pat" and his fath-talk. Bobby talks quite freely. Sea the toy department of a large er's nan1c is ''Ray." He's obviously been exposed son . October abdut whether they S d · be r ti store 11 days •go. "They seemed a little scared to the north because he cal!s an ers is a mem r o ie fa vored an immediate troop J h M t ( d Efforts to locate the parents al first, but we got to playing: soft drinks ·pop' and sa<>s o nson o ors spor s a -withdrawal, 21.2 percent sa id 1 · boa d have proven fruitless. lndica-·.vith them and they were ·youse guys,' '' Carter said. v1sory r . yes. The percentage dipped to According to Alan Yaw, l l.l percent in the most recent tions are the boys' home may quite friendly and did not Bobby does not know his last Friday, Novtmbff 14, 1969 -DAILV Pl~Of5:1 OnJy 2:_.GQ,up~ En! Seven-hoµ,r ·Marathili PHILADELPIUA l(Ap) .- ''Keep it moving. Keep" tt mov~ ·Ing ." The dancers obeyed. "You can do it. Think' otthe paunds you'll lose." The dancers whirled atound the small room, beneath the red, blue. yellow and green- balloons1 io-a -Filvjval of-the 192Qs dance marathon, a craie Y.'hich swept Amer-ica.- Fifteen coup les set out -'l'huraday pl&ftl, lh6 ,,..;:;.,. had expeclod so. to ~i.> would win t"'l)l>los by liilJng the scbtduled a e v e n • !?£1.i t marat.hon. ....) Five hours after it stmed three couple.s rtmalned;!tlien there were two. - They called It quits JW I a.m., l'6: h rs ~~ of schedule, and both Ciiles were declared winne·rs . .,. Age won for endut.sllce: 1/2 GAL. S·ALE • ' ' ~peed-methamphclamine-ii a very dangCrou.~ druf. lt J~ named for 1he i.pced with which its ustr rides to supc(~· norma l level~ of excitability and wakefulness. ·• . .. Speed i~ useJ by the medical profe~sion for cniergencie .. • !i~ch as controlling b_lood pressure during surgery and for diet control. But widespread abuse i~ destroying mbr.c young rnind~ in California than any other dr ug. llra~lic efftrts A "speed hinge" ii one of the most phy,ically and psvch(too· .logicaJly_Jj arnaging.-exp£rirnces a per,on can h111ve. Over• ac1iva1ion of lhe ner\OUS system coupled wi th ,.!rain ort. in1ernal organ~ ca n have drastic effect~ on the speed u~r. Death, foU0~1ng ~ule. depre~~ion aOO exh au~lion, c11~ come. from 1_mpur11res 1n the drug, or rhrough -violence :1o;.soc1111ed w1ch 1he u~r.i pi1ycbotiG condition, and the grot1p-1_oxiclty o( other u5er$. · · WJdirly ... nure Spt('J i~ oh1ained from black markel dealers. The quality CJf the drug 1~y dispente is questiona ble. Often it i~ ·•cut'"' '''ith sugar, or any white po1vder, IO ~•relch lhe supply tn. the; de1rin1cn1 nf the user. {'on1aminalion i~ con1mon and rroducc~ injurious side cffec!s, ~uch as ah\Ces.se.,, lilooJ., po1~oning and serun1 hcpalltis from contaminated needles.. }"ormidablt probltm1 ln 1rca11ng ihe .. speed freak" !he medical prnfe~sion i• f~ced wich ho1h ph)'~ical and psychiarric problen1,. Simuf.' taneously the com n1uni1y is faced with lhc need for some· :-;rarchi ng, unJcrsta nd ing and, above all, po~itivc acliori: · Parenl s and concerneJ young people need to direct their encrgi" toward counterac1ing the abuse of such danger· ous drugs as speed, if 1he trend of abuse is 10 bcrever~: What lo do Ac~orJing 1~1 _lormcr drug u.~rJ who ll~ working witf.: vol~n1el'r. cl1n1c1l l1e1m1. there are three basic 5teps Ut: coping \\1th the d1ngerous drug ~i1u1!ion: ,~ t"ir~I: Gel the facls. S.co~d: ~lake 11 st1nd b1sed on clinical evidence, not on.,, cn10\1on. ' ·rhlrd: ln_volve yourself. (jct 101e1her witn other-in your commun11y who are trying lo cope with thi1 problem. "." For harthtr lktailed infonn1tion on lhe iruhj«:t, writt: DmgAbuselnfonnation:·: ~tJJ .'iullrr Strfff, San f'rmu:iKO, C11 /ifrw11itf 9(/01 R. T. Balch Commodore r th Ab'I 'I · be in the north. They were seem to be upset ," he added. na1ne. When told everyone sponsor o e 1 ene 1• ar1ne survey. 11 , d d h d 1•-------------------.:..1 · S d , r· we -uresse an a on war1n "\Ve spent a Jot of time letting has two names. he said, "I racing team, an ers irst Those polled split about important vic tory this season evenly on whether or not the coats and Bobby talks with a them play with the train until might have two names, but I I d Y ht Cl b I "northern" accent. the police came, and I went n1ust have lost the other one." Shark Is an ac u was the third pace \Vin at United States should "so alli------------------------------------------------------named Robert T. Balch com· Elsinore; then came the Paris out to \Vin the war in Vietnam modore at its recent annual second place win, followed by . and get it over \•;ith." election, with Fred Bice, vice the Berlin first place win. Ya1v A plurality, 43.4 perce nt , commodore and Basil K. Wil-says, "We're going to stay said yes but 40.4 percent said liamson rear commodore. first from now on." they di sagreed. Three additional board mem-1---------------------- bers elected were Wirt Shu· rn·••••••••••• ..... •t•tt•••••t•••ttt• ... 1 maker, Roland MacLane and Don Gilford. Holdover d~ecl-·JOUI PROBLEM• ors are Gerald E. Sparks, • Gene Smith, Hal Wllll~ms, y.., want to Hll same item Ward Watson, George Friedl, thlt you no 1.,..r .-but t and Dave. Kune. ..,,..,,. .... cain .,.. for i Appointive officers named were Dick Harl, secretary; N 0 T 0 YE R $ 5 0 Don Gifford, treasu_rer; John 1 .,• ? ? ? ? ? D1llon, fleet captam; Ralph • • • ~:\~y~~a~~=e; a~r:. YOUI ANSWEI· i John R. Bullock, fleet surg~. • You coll THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Clullfltd Adnrtlllnv, ind p1... 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER CUSS!FIED AD ' AT OUl SPECIAL LOW RATE 3. uim 2 ~ 2 DOuAIS . ANO YOUlt CltlDIT IS GOOD I , W hel'I the first Vol~~woge:i~ c.orr1 e :., A -~-:;·. 1co. rnos t peop!e thought we were !~· .. -·. "Too t1Qfy." "They lool J;le !;eello!." · _ But then people ~to1lecl find ing""'" tho t we get greotsos mifeo9e.To~e pint' notq1.1orts of 1oiLhld lhotwecomo lolhe UnitedSloteswilh Cinderella team. foe; h'ty·lroined mechanic~ on cl o worchou:o f uil of spore porls, So now wo don't Jook like losers onymoie. In foe~. \vith our f1Jll'f oulomotic end outomolic slic~ $hift lronsmi,sions, we're one of the strong· e~l teOm~ ii\ the feoa1.11t. Our buses, comperi; end true\~ hove lo~ gf mus::!e. Our squo:ebocks, foslbock~ end Kor~ .. , mOl"!l Ghio's Ofe quic~ Ol'ld 09i!e. And if th11! beetl9 ever relited, jt would be o cinch for tho 1 , • holl of lome, · You might soy it'& the fi1~t time1, 0 c ;ndere llo leorn h~ become th• teom lo bcot • DIAL NOW DIRECT! NEWPORT BEACH SAN JUAN CA PIST RANO HUNTINGTON BEACH " Chick lverion, lno. Bill Yates, Inc. Harbour .Yollswagon ct•,__ c-.... SUll t 445 E. Co11I· Hwy. 32852 Villa Rd . l8711 Beach Bovlevord ., **~********•****•ttaaaaaa••••••••••t.....;l,~-------(7_1_4l_6_73_·_0900 ____________ 4_9_9_·2_2_6_1 _____ ~~-----(7_1_4_J _84~2~_43_5_~----~- •• I I _J • 1 • J --~- ----------·--------------==-:--===::::::::::====--·---·----------;:---• .. -~-'Exp~. .st!~ t q ·~tj.,.g. . ~ f£lu t . _Bigg (Jr ~~tJh:ie~'. ' '< \·' • "'• !-! I • •J ,. • • I. f, ~· " .• •• •. ~ ' -* '·'To., ... • '•·.¥' ..,'1 • ....... 1 . .;( ..... •• .., .. •' .,.~_ ·:, • EW YORK (AP)l--Autinfll Rewaue o{ the 1l1t1~<-0.ustry source. • ! ""11'"'*t v.•oula.t H..:dld E. Grai_ .<tbairman o't~ '1lnd wes\trn omiUed quar~ly . ..&p tnst· $2:r,s18,000, or $%.13 a 2 -'JJ"."" 'd w II s h · d th' b ' 1 ·d d · S t be -"'~~share, ,on revenuesi o f i.. .._s Q,."\n.1ves an a treet ave increase ts year ut The Interest in mergers is rise. Pan Amerlcan.11ays. d v1 ens 1n ep em r« ". .$7182$8000: ·.Jh ~irlill:e 1968 · a.11JySts expect fewer but big-the airline executives and the that they would offer big sav· The last bis airlines merger "\Ve are always looking but Among the Big Three Of V·~<"~f"" ' · · -·~~aJrlJnes as a result of sag-\Vall Street. ilnalys~ feel that ings in equipment and person-"'as in' '196~ -when t.111.U§Q lO:Pk: 1:1re not engaged Jn talks con-cotnmercial aviation in·\~ .. Cli1 Ai[llln~·1_ Earn~ ""': «'S pf2.(its and the tremen-only through . consolidations nel. 011e-r Capital . The c i vi J • cerning a merger wnh any· flrst nine. months or 19511, ttµs ·ffig& ,er;~~i629,000, ·or Sl.22 a : "~~ Costs o( the ne\Y jumbo can a financial debacle be An example ot lhe Jinanct,1g Aeronautics· Board, ho\vever, ol.her airline '' says L. Edwin \Vas the fu1anc1al picture;.-,. \'!lhlire· ·q0 r'evenucs 0 f .'~·· . averted. proLlems of the future fa~d . rejecled the requtlst ~ !' Sm&R, senio$ "vice wesldenl O( • Pan American -:-A defiCi}: ./ JTf8'i9ftA .-C:PIT\Paflld wttlt · The inove to merge was No definite moves can be by aJr UileS is thal the cost of a Ameri.ca'.1 and '1·Eastern to '}'rans \\'orld Airlines. Enrlier. oI t-1.4:17,000, on revcnu~ '61 ~:r;ooe. or Jl.67,a:share, on ,. 1iig~ll~hted Tuesday whe n made· until the Department of ·supersonic tra~rt. ex~ted me rge in 1962. · ~ince then, he had, formally denied ll)at $006,9:»,000, compared With revenUes ·ol.$7l!~iQ!XI .a_y.ear financially troubled Northeast TJ__a._n..s_p_o.r...t a-t-i-o-n-issue.f-t availiiSle after 1m_,__mer~a-cttvlt~Jrcertcon:·~TW'A--W.2'3 dtSl!US'slng-a poS!1b1~ .profit .01$39.197,000. or $1:1/a earlier. -~-A1rnnes·a~nounce<11t woura·6e guidelines r.1 about two would be $40 million, c'om: fined to talks and rumors. merger \Yit h or acquisition of share, a year earlier. In an economy move during merged Jnto No rt hwes t months, ' ' E v e r y bod y is pared with $20 million fQr the "Merger within th e induztfy Norlheas t. T \VA -Earn!flgs or recent weeks, a number of Airlines under a tentative holding their breath until we Boei ng 747 to be in use next can and will do'much to solve \Vilh f.he financial situation $24,014,000, or $1.96 a-sbare, on airlines have cut back .on agreement. get the guidelines," said an in-year •. The cost .of jetliner sup-the airll~s.-,p r Ob J em s , '' bumpy, Pan America1, TWA . revenues o C $831;630.000, personnel and fligh t schedules. H~ds College F ather Donald P. Merri· fiel d, 40-year-old son 0£ Jilr; and l\1rs. Arthur-lvler- rifield of 2437 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa , has beCrl inaugurated ..as t he new president of Loyola UnlV'ersity of J...os Ang~. les.· -- Moclel Ne\V Drunk Law Under Study WASHINGTON (UPI ) -A model dr..:nkenness I a \V , rei,>ealing all public drinkih g laws except drunken driving. ,,.,;11 be recommended to the 50 state go~emments by the Na- tional l'.tstilute of ~1ental He'alth. The la\v was drafted over a two.year period. It is a drastic break Crom most existing legislation and emphasizes -voluntary tr ea t men t of alcoholics, the binge drinker and th e weekend drunk, 'The proposal, v.·rilten ror he mental health agency by the Legislative Drafting Research r~und of Colun1bia University, I WOUid incorporate r.1to Jaw the increasing belief by many m~dica:. social and legal cx- petts that alcoholism is a disease and its victims should !1Ql be pur.ished as criminals. . The model law goes beyond even the b r o a d recom- mendations of the President's commission on 1 a w en- forcement w.1d administration Of justice, which suggested l~~rprunk and disorderly con. due !be retained as a punish· ab1e offense. The ~lental Health Tnstilulc ufged repeal of even !hat law, retaining criminal punishment ghJy·for drunken <lrivi',1g. "To abolish the offense or public intox ication while main· taln.lng the offense of being dnlnk and disorderly y,·ould m~Jy result in shifting ar- t~~-from one category to the other," the institute said. .j~.added Iha!, ''1hc resources available for the treatment of alcoholism arc grossly i".1· ad~uate lo meet the needs or the .estimated 5 to 6 1nillion alroholics in this country" and cxpiessed belief nov.· \Vas the ti1ne·to overhaul drinking lav.·s -in gf!neral. • The model legislation pro- vides : .:_lnstead of being j~iled. •<ln1nks would be taken 10 eme1'gcncy units for rncdica l care and socia l service.~. ;_Treatn1e.it at e1nergenc y units would be \'olun1ary for 1nost drunks. but some could be detained involuntarily for 48 hours. Those Y.1ho \Vt're held against their will y,•ould not be · e'riminally charged and there wOuid be no arrest record. -Drin kers who have lost all sclf..control and who pose a physical thre~t to others could be.committed involuntarily. ..:..Cities and states could cre3(e civilian "emerge-.1cy service patrols" to relieve the poljie from dealing \Vith drunks. These patrols would he authorized to take drunks to t'detnKification units.'' Tl'Je institute. an agency or the Dcpartmeut of Health. Education and We lfa re. said present drinking laws are in- efficie nt, costly and i'.1human c. ''The evidence is clear that arrests for intoxlealion ol - feDses -amounting to almost ooe-.third of all arrests - absdrb an undue· amount of the time and effort o[ Ole na· ·~o_p's lalv cn(orccment agen· cies,'' the i',1stilute said. "It is also clear that there has been 00: corresponding decrease in • , • intoxication.'' J?'urge Goes On • ·PRAGUE (AP) -The na· ti onwide purge of liberals in Ocnnmunist Czechoslovakia haa been extended to children. trhe Czech Union of Children 's and ~ Youth Organizations an· nounced its council ordered ~ crit:ical assessment, at ;ill levels, or "alUludes taken in past deveJopmcnts'• -mean- ing the Soviet-led invasion of Auaust 1968. • . . •\ ,. No. 751 l G PIECE AUTO POLISHING. KIT Methinks Jou could pcry a buck Jor ju•t the bt.1Cket olon• Jn moil place1, but lookH whot olt you g•t for 9?c and tax. Bucket. polishing mill. large car wosb sponge. new poi11blng cloth. while wall scrv.bber and ~ounce DuPont ccir wash. "97c BLACK & DECKER II PIECE JIGSAW KIT Sav• 15%..reqular 23.63 ••t ffOm Black &i Dec: Ur i1X"lude1 the saw. 8 blades. blod• pouch. wrench. wrench holder. and ccmylng ~----:'"'"~·A lamous name In quollly tool1 1hot stonds for excellenc•. 1999 4 L'2" HEAVY DUTY DENCH VISE A bench Yiseyou con tru1t fju1I don't turn your back on ll.I Rugg•d. me1aljaw1. swivel ba1e with ho:mm•rlng O:l'IY\L ond !be price won't cou1e ~99 l l you to lo1e your grip. GALVANIZED RAIN GUTTER Golvanii.d. slip joint and 1o!der!es1, ea1y and light to µut~µ. K•epf water !rom washing your µ\an11 oway. add• voJi.i e to your home. laho.u1 77 cent1 worth.) 10 FT. LENGTH PllESTO LOGS Pull the Mogle Dragon t1ay1 this Is 11 pr61ty hot dlilGl. Box of sp.cially for• muloted wood fi br• log1 burn longer lhan the other kinds. BlilGll wood _. chopping any d"]' (but not dro:gon sloying, right?} 67c 6 IN ·l HEXOLET ' Hondl•• shr plugs. Ho big dlilGI •Iring thing but a real h•!p In kUch•n or go:rage. •. .. N-..'T1•MA'- SliU.S CMEAP · t11eer HE\V ABITIBI PANELS MAID RIT E I4 SPEED ELECTRI C BLENDER By DORMEYEf\ IM tJ!i 'i'UR1l L HICKO.!\Y OR WAI.N UT Great for mix ing anything from gravy lo a gtasihopper.14 speed woncler with 1 button•. high cind low cixle. Makes a great gilt. nie• for health drinks lor th• eternally dioting leenog er. Beautilul µcineling ln modern tones. Don't i>e alraid ol losing 1he shode, you will see 200 to 300 pieces on the Jloor (we can't g•t anybody to Itu1tall them.) Stocki ai'ld stocks al lull 4 x 8 Y·groov11d prelinished paneling. 4 x8 Ar •. 88 PANEL U NE\'i LAWN This'll do it so ntGI and fat! that nround here w• eaH it Super Sweep. Thi1'Jtpiclrup th• lra1h and debris last11r than your kid1 eon litte_r the lawn, and just breaking ev11n the5e days is all we aslr. 42-I HCH ELECTRIC l,AWM CANDLE tow lhat you• lawn »•• h"• sw11p t clean. brighten i! up , with this red candle with yellow flam•. U.L. approved <:o rd and single socket. Usealoneorwllh other decdrations 'n• e'-• • ;,-.!oy. AP r'L!ll. ·ICE • DOZ!i:N ASSORTED ORNAMENTS J>u1 Q ·11t ci! 1h··" u~" _•r l'1c •-e•~ •,r ·'J'"" o'1J "~c.11: "·n I".~ rc:n -ova 1--<·:::,·y oµrlior.i:.·s !.) C1•·c:-:i b(!'· 1r.d \',e.,,. Cher:ptcr !bou o h'"rk 1r.;ury ,! \'''u have lo do the movin9, I Tro:dltional lree ornamen!s ln 11 muhi- lude at exciting colors !hat will go with any period or theme decoration. Don't Jorge\ to pick up some hookr. 2SMM 19 c BOX ._,,,,, .. ~.~ .. ------------~=~-------'·1-------"' 2 x 4 !.'LAS T~[; r-.-:.;;ELS I ~ ... ~.~~ ~ Made ol pla!lic, no dan111r of· Iv·'-~~ le:ing, lrcnslucent <'~lo r I·"· 1 ,., ~ht ,.. !, • ·~/ flhor through. Be ctt>c:iv ... c -q'" ' ' < J wall or get some tt'n':o:; poi<:" oni "" 1 "' -.._,./ moke a mo?eable t:iv:d-:·. '·:/of>,. ~ ;~~~ Yl/f-. ~ Gi FT WRAP FOIL ,.hl1 i1the11tutt you use to wrap the boss a !anq present with so be v.•ond1111 ii you're 11mb•z:tling or not, lt's tho! 11leganl. Colors. choice ol. irl 5 'l7 tJ EA. ANTIQUE COPl?l1:R PULLS 1>o the enllr• •itchl!'n lor pennl•s and then stand back ond iu•t dare th• !omLly to mal<o lillle grubby fingerprinls on 1h1t wholem•i1. .., ff') c u EA. MATCHING HINGES 29' PR • .. · • .. - SHINY DOOR FOIL ' t. .• ,. Thit one olwo:ys CrQC)cs m• up. but if a shi ny door drat It Joryau. here's a deal. Ch001e horn gre•n. gold. or red. Th11 bow is not Included at thi1 price. (I'm MHprl1ed w• Include th• Jo\] a! thl• price.) EA. -• .. 13 13 ------·-·=-=~--..-. ...... ::;,=-.~-· -.... -...... -... ~-....--..----~ ----~ -- - - . - -.. -.. -· .... --·~·~---~·~~~ Frtdq, Novtmber 1'1, 19Q9 . . A Complete. Guide ' .. .. • • • Where go .••• ·to What to ·do • •• 'Avanti' Way of Life For Sing~r '1Avantl! Avanti!" ... This terse command, roughly meaning in JLalian to mov~ one's bones with decid- ~ ed...haste..or....els~. often is heard on the operatic stage. RICHARD FREDRICKS' YACHT AVANTI IS PAMPERED Judith-F-redr:lck•)-Carol-Neblett-end Skipper Fredrlck1 Wor:k on Sheets lfollywood Backstage Ann-Margret~ets S~~nd -..r Chance in Major Movies By VERNON sccrrr Ul"I HollY ... ood eor ... IPOlldtnl HOLLYWOOD -This is lhe kind of town Hollywood is: <'I. An actress makes a couple of "A" 'Pictures and they boi:nb. Thereafter. ~he is.consigned to "B" pictures, a telev1s1on series or marries a guy with a lot of money and sulks around in mink and diamonds. This is also the kind o( town Hollywood is : Ann-Margret starred in "Bye-Bye Birdie," her first movie, in 1963. It. "!as the beginning of a new and promising career. But she made 16 other films. none of which challenged "Sound or Mu sic.'' Soon she was being offered seeond-ra te quickies. Her husband and manager, Roger Smith, refused to al- ·low his wife to accept ! lhem, knowing Of!ce she h8d Cst.ablis~ed herself in the cheapie market the chances ANN-MA•GlllT of landing anotJler niajor picbire would. be nil. Hollywood is like tfiis. too: WEEKENDER INSIDE FEATURES tf you have business which takes you to London with any regularity, · •-join one of the London clubs. It as· ...sures you of a place to sleep in -lhis over crowded city. See Dela· plane column, Page 22. . Gulde to Fun Page 2% -In the. Galleries Page U .. Hume Cl'onyn· Page !! STANLEY KRAMER signed Ann-Mar- gret to co-star with Anthony Quinn in "R.P.M.," a new, big-budgeted movie. Since then Ann-Margret has had a half· dozen bonafide offers for "A'' films. "They're a bunch of sheep," the auburn haired Swedish beauty sa;d. "I guess now I'm the first girl to have two careers while she's still in her 20s. I haven't done a picture here in two years. 1 concentrated on my nightclub act and two television specials. "I don't want to do mediocre junk, but I don 't like being idle either. So Roger and I had a Jot or argu!Jlents about whether I should do some of-the pictures that were offered." S111ith, a former actor himself, patted his wife's hand. "It was worth holding back. In the next year An11-Margret wilt star in three major films. Not only that, we have her second special coming up in Deeember and it's the best I've ever seen. -l "THERE WERE 118 specials last year so there's really nothing special about them anymore. We have Ann-Margret dancing on the freeways in the middle of the rush hour. We've also got Dean Martin and Lucille Ball doing sketches." Ann-Margret said the December 5 spe- cial is titled "From Hollywood With Love," and ex pla ined why. "It's popular ' these days to knock Hollywood," Ann-Margret said. "Our. spe- cial takes a look at the bright side of things." THE BRlGlfl'EST ol the bunch is Ann- Margret's future. U Kramer hadn't selected her to play a rebelli!>;llS graduate student in a contemporary drama , the entire complexion of her career would have been changed. As it is, the youthful actress is getting a second shot' on the carousel at grab- bing the golden ring. If she has the talent to hang in there, Ann-Margret will become a major star. If not-back to clubs, television specials and "B" pictures. Picture if you will, the ruffians hustling down the :steps to bag the terrified :soprano heroine while the sneering basso twirls his evil moustachio close by. Or, maybe, the chaps are about to go into battle and the :senior basso present com- mands them on to victory. All of these possibWties have been ex· plored on stage by New York City Opera baritone Richard Fredericks, who will be heard during that Company's forthcom· Ing engagement in The Music Center's Pavilicin , beginning November 19 through December 7. \ "Avanti'' lo him also means a few hard-fought-for hours p.way from travel· ing the concert circuit and endless rehearsals and performances all over the country. It means sailing his 26-foot Columbia sloop of that name off Redondo Beach, where he sailed as a youngster in another less imposing Craft after classes at El Camino College. TWO YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL .CALIFORNIANS ARE WITH NY CITY OPERA COMPANY Singers Carol Neblett, left, Richard• Fredricks, right, Enjoy' Sun and Se• with Mrs. Fredricks on Avanti Fredricks proved himself a master of seamanship the day these photos were taken. He took "Avanli" away from her mooring slip under full sall •.• after some llelpfill lubber shoved the boat-out Intermission from the dock and pointed the nose in - advertently in the wrong direction toward a blind alley sea wall, instead of-the main channel. Without a word, he tacked down the Jee side of the narrow channel and cmne about into the wind lo reverse his course, without a scratch or a cuss word. 1 30 Years of Williams His beautiful and apprehensive .wife Judith assisted with the jib sheets in the close-haul maneuver, as did colleague soprano Carol Neblett, who was aboard for the aftergoon's sail into Santa Monica Bay. 1\-llss Neblett, who last spring made her debut with the New York City Opera, as f\.1usetta in "La Boheme," also hails from El Camino College. Altbough Fredricks long since made his debuts with the New York City Opera and the San Francisco Opera, both artists are natives of Los Angeles and are irritated somewhat with the necessity of leaving their native city to establish careers elsewhere. "I hate like the devil being treated as a !oreigner in n1y own town," lamented Fredricks, who once c o n s i d e r e d engineering as a serious caree-r but finally decided to stake his livelihood on his tremendous voice. Judging from the repeated appearance of his name on playbills not only for grani; opera, but also for the concert and inusical comedy stage, it has proven to be a wise decision. While Miss Neblett will be heard in thrre performances -as Margherita and Helen oF Troy in "Mefistofele" opening night, November 19, and repeating November 25; and as the wife of "Prince Igor" at the matinee of November 29 - 1''redricks will be heard in four : as Count Almaviva in Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" on November 21 and 30, and as Lescaut in Massenet's "Manon'' opposite Beverly Sills on November 23 and 29. . By TOM T!TllS Of lllt O.lly l"llot t"lf Nearly 30 years ago a young man lrom St. Louis wrote what he called a "play of memory" and became, literally, an -0vfmight sensation in the Broadway theat er. His rise was meteoric -for the neit two decades his plays were hailed as masterworks, each more eagerly awaited than 'the last. But gradually the creative ge niuS flickered and dimmed; the com· pelling reality o( hi s scripts gave way to abstract idealism. Most critics agreed, ha had burned himsell out. This was, and is Tennessee Williams, t and the echoes of his turbulent career will ring next weekend in Newport Beach when the Open End Theater presents "All the Lonely ·People : The Private World of Ten- nessee Williams" for a four-weekend run. wa111ttH DEAc;OH lt will be less a tribute than a retrospective examination of a man generally ranked with Eugene o·Nelll and Arthur 1'1iller as one of America's greateSt playwrights. All the material in the anthology h8.s been written either by or about Willlams. COMPILING AND DIRFCTIN'lilnis project, which he 'terms a "labor of loVe," is Warren Deacon. a Newport Beach actor-direc tor who has eilher stag- ed or performed in eight Tennessee Williams play s. "All ages of Tennessee Wllliams will be Jncluded in the show, •l Deacon declares, The baritone credits his "start" in the "from his first poem, written ln ninth lyric theatre with working in a Santa grt.de, to the last play whiCh we could ac· Monica cabaret, "The Horn." His ex· quire the rights to, 'The Milk Train • pcri~nce tv.!re catapulated him into the Doesn't Stop Here Anymo re.'" The latter national company or "The Music Man." inspired the mov ie "&oom" v.•hich most This followed an invitation to become the critics spelled "Bomb," most fam ous Williams works -"Cat On a· Hot, Tin J{oof," "The Night of the Iguana,'' ''Thi s Property is Condemned" apd "Talk lo Me Like the Rain ." Lump these together with. such suc- cesses as "Orpheus Descending,'' "Sweet Bird or Youth," "Period of Adjustment," etc., and you begin to agree that \Villiams is · nol only one of America's finest playwrights, but also one of the most pro- litic. Deacon's production will be a staged con.::ert reading on the order or "John f!rown 's Body" or "Brecht on Brecht," but it will go beyond the concert format w)th emphasis on acting. Key scenes will bt fully staged, he exp lains. · Interpreting the playwright's three decades of prominence wi11 be an elite corps of performers, including such well known local talent as David and Besty Haul, Genevieve Murray and Qpen End managing director Waller Phelps. All are thoroughly traint'<I in their craft and have professional acting experience, · "IN 6UR PRODUCTIONr._Jtluch of \Villiams hill'\S~lf will be used, including a section in which ;ie talks about his sudden silccess' with 'Glass M~agerie,' Deacon not.cs. Cri tics such as "Brooks AUtirlson, who !!luck by Williams when others deserled him, "'ill 'spee~ through the show also." Deacon, who recently ·moved back to t~e_:__Oral)_ge Coast a{!er a year in Duluth ~ program director for a teleVislon :sta- tfon, currently is pursuing three full-time \~ations -his work at Open End, in- strucling in Cal State Fullerton's com· munication departni,ent, and handling a partnership ln_Cinemedla, a Newport-bas- ed audio.visual effects firm . Now heavily bearded and sporting near-shoulder length hair, in marked con- trast to his appearance laSt year when he v1as employed by an aerospace firm, f)caco1L clearly enjoys being able to devote his full energies to creativity. The Williams show has long been one of his favorile. projects for future attention. , " 'All the Lonely People' wilt attempt to show Williams as an artist affected by the results of his success," Deacon sum- marizes. "It will portray a brilliantly talented man tainted by. the thougbts of what might have been." Graves Relaxes Witl1 Oarinet After a Tong day qlh__ard, dusty ridlng a~d fast shooting, Peter Graves, star -0! MGM's "The Five Man Army," currently 'fijming in · Rome, doesn't resort lo worry l:iea4& or a game of chess to relax ·but r8thet to iin Old high school pastime of "~ing the !!laril}et. ·..t.~Je in high school in MiMeapali!!, '1111v~s. then. I~ and one of the youngest 1.9~be~s of the, Musicians' Union, often ~· ~ with viSIUng name bands. For hia ~h~ bir,thday, .his wife. Joan presented titln With his original high school clarinet, 'fhlch he hifd iput' aside upon graduation. He's been, playing it ever since. Weekend Highlights resident baritone with the St. Louis "The approach will be a 1 nt o s t _ ~1unicipal Opera Co. and he was on his journalistic," Deacon continues, pointing _ way rapidly, to a wide range of repCr· out both hls admiration ror Williams and 1 _ RODEO -More than 150 cowboys will ride, rope and wrestle lf'I a . _,___rod~o bei_i:ig staged at Rancho Califol'Jlla this Sat. and Sun. $5.000 tn prize money will be handed out at the varfous events. Highway 395 midway between San Diego and Riverside. toire. hb agreement that the playwright has in·· FredMcks is a bu' on exercise, Jn. deed written himsell dry. "We are eluding running 2 miles 8 day and long emphaSlzing his important contributions ~ONCERT -Laguna Beach .Chamber. Music ~iety opens its season _ .. • • Laguna Cbamber Concert Page %! ~Herb Alpert'• "Brass" £age_U_ Out 'N' About Pagtt,%J..%4 1---Reynolds Adas Seven distance ocean swimmlng-whene.v.er._he_ lo theater." 1 ~·1lh a presentation or t~e Be~hn Octet 1n the High School at 8:30 p.m., tan. He's also an lntre Id llot. ---oe:a·con notes t~ar;-whlle Williams-is-l--f'Oll 19.. Wotks-~y__Ross1ni, Hindesmlt!Land Schube£L will be played_. ---••---- P p known primarily 3.'i a playwright. he also ' Live' Theater Page U Dl1neyllnd 8olld1y Page %5 Jane lt1organ Page Z$ ·Crossword Puiile Page 25 Gulde to Movtes Page %6 "Krakatoa, East nf Java" Page !8 Comics Page 27 TV Vltw1 Page !7 ~ele,lslon Log Page Z7 Producer Gene Reynolds has added seven actors to the featured cast of the "Alice in Blunderland" tpisodeof "Room 222," 20th Century-Fox Televislon ·s new half-hour comedy-<lran1a, n1ose signed are David Jolliffe, Robert Carricart, Ed Begley Jr., Joe Crawford, Pt!ffl Peter&, Nitchka Newell and David Balley. · ~liss ·Neblett received much of her wrote many short stories (One Ari'n and musical training in Los Angeles, prin· Other Stories, Hard Candy). a novel (The cipally as a soloist wllh the Roger Homan Spring 'of Mrs. Stone) and poetry \Vagner Chorale before S. Hurok assumtd t1n the ·\Vinter of Cil ics). These, ·too. will her managen1ent and her subsequent be included in "All the L<lncly People." LE BON ~1AROfft: -A sale -0f creaUve originals, Holiday dccora- tfo11s and used bargains o( all kinds wilt be pul on sale during the Le Bon Merche, In the Junior Exhibits Building on the Orange county Fa:Jr- grounds. 10 a.m. to-.9 p.m~Nov. 19....AU fUl)d! r_alsed benefit the Newport ltarbOr Art Mucseum. --- auspicious debut with Uic New York City Aft.fONG TllE 'VO..LIAft.lS works to be ('tpera. ~rformed In exce at Ute Qpe_11_ End " SH Gulde to Fun, P19• 22 • Wfio s~yi success iil !lng~r1 mU5r 6i are j'The Gl•s! ~!Kefie!.----i001..:;;:r.. n _,.\ll~-.-.--~------;::';. ;,..iiiiiii-iiiiiiiii.---•••••••••.11 ' mammoth and un1tlractlve? Streelcar Named Desire" -the two 1 · 1+~-- • • . 22 DAILY PlLOf Friday, November 14, 1%• G11ide to E11n To ~Ald Art NOV. 14 AFTERNOON CONCERTS -Preselifed b9 students and facalty of the Department of Music, UC Irvine, Fridays at l p.m. in roorn 178 or the Fine Arts Bldg. Admission free. Re· citals scheduled Jnclude Chamber J\tusic, Nov. 14 ; Vocal Concert, Nov. 21. NOV. 14 • r-;ov. 30 COSTA !\tESA !USTORY -The Museum of Science and In- dustry, 700 -statc-·Drive-.--Exposition Park, Los Angeles, is sho\ving the history of Costa 1.1esa in ~air-ex.llib.i~of photo- graphs. The show will run through the month of NoV:;-da,lJy_ from IO a.m. to S p.m. NOV. 15 IEEN-CLUB·-DANGE--Tbe--Westminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Teen ClutrD11nce.-iQ__ the com- n1unily Center, 8200 Westminster Ave., (for WeSli'ninster teens) each Sat. fro_m a p.m. to midnight. Admission, $):·· for members. $1.50 for non-members. "'Dr. Tripps Medicine Bag" will play for dancing Nov . IS. NOV. 1~ . SADOLEBACK COLLEGE -All home games at Mission Vie- jo High School, 25025 Chrisanta Drive, Mission Viejo; all games at 8 p.m.; Play Imperial Valley, Nov. 15 at home. NOV. 15 • 16 RODEO -The Rodeo Cowboys Association will stage a Rodeo Nov. 15-16 starting at 2 p.m. on the showgrounds at Rancho California. It is the last rodeo to be held in Califor- I __ ,,._......__ LAGUNA BEACH CHAMBE R MUSIC >EASOi l OP ~.<S B~rlin Octet to be Heard Nov. 19 in 1-li oh Scho~I Berlin Octet ~ ~~·~--~--~-~~ . . . .-11 ~· I 1. ' ' , I I' fo r saddle bronc riding. steer wrestling, bull riding, calf The Berlin Ph1lharmon1c ~----~oplrfg-ana-b"areback-bronc-riding:-Tickets;-$2-for-adults-. -Oetet-will·open-the-IOth-settSon $1 children under 16. Rancho Calif. is on Highway 395 midway of the Laguna Beach Chamber Novembe r 19. in the Lagu1 .'l Beach High School auditnriu1.-1 625 Park Ave. .,j __ ' ,,,,, between Riverside and San Diego. Music Society on We<lnesday, Jlrogrammctl far 1he c\·t,.,!. NOV . 16 CIULDREN'S THEATRE -"Winnie-the-Pooh" by South Coast Repertory Children's Theatre, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa ?tfesa. Admiss1on : children, 75 cents; adults, $1.00. Reservations:·646-1365.from noon to 6 p.m. daily. The A. A. M~ne children's classic will be presented Sundays through Nov. 16 at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. ...__ NOV. 19 CHA!ttBER J\1USIC CONCERT -The Chamber Music So- ciety of Laguna Beach will present the Berlin Philharmonic Octet. Nov. 19 at 8:30 p.m. in the Laguna Beach High School auditorium, 625 Park ' Ave. \Vor ks by Rossini. Hindemith arid Schubert will be performed. Tickets, $3.75 for adults; $1.50 for students, available at the door. NOV. 19 LE BON 1ttARCHE -The Junior Exhibits Building on the Orange County Fairgrounds. 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. will be the scene of Le Bon Marche, a sale to benefit the New- port Harbor Museum. Tickets, $1, available at the door, in- clude parking. Hours: IO a.m. to 9 p.m. with food service available throughout the day in the Cafe de la Rue (including ·dinner Service). The booth s will stock creative originals. Holiday decorations and bargains in many categories. Phone 673-8603. N0\1_ 20 ROLLING STONE.5 CONCE RT -The Rolling Stones will be heard in concert on Nov. 2Q. in the Forum in Ing\e\.l.·ood (J\1ancheste r Blvd. al Prairie). Two performances. 7 and 11 p.m. have ticket prices of $4,50 -$7.50, available al ticket In the Galleries 'Bit of Everytlii1ig' BOWERS MUSEUflI -2002 N. to.fain St., Santa Ana. Hours: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tues. -Sat.; I to 5 p.rn. Sun.: Wed. and Thurs. eve. 7.9 p.m. No charge. On exhibit throu gh Nov. 30, special photographic show commemor~ting ~he John Wesley Powell Centennial. ll is part o[ a nat1on -v.·1dc cc!t'- bration of the historic Colorado Ri ver Expedition or 1869, le<I by Powell. HUNTINGTON BEACll LIBRAltY -525 i\1;1in SI,. llun1· lngton Beach. On exhibit during regular library l~ours ~u1d Sundays J . 5 p.m. through Nov .. Oii pain!ings by .Jo_yec C!vrk. Vincent Farrell, Nonie Higgins, Frank Taurirllu ;.ind Or.1 Brimer. COSTA i\1ESA COUNTHY CLUB -llUI Country Cluh Drive. Costa Mesa. Oil paintings by Shirley Howard \Viii be on exhibit on the club's second floor during the month of Nov. agencies and box office. l'\OV zz CALIF. SAVINGS GALLEHY -2700 Harbor Blvd ., Costu GOLDEN \VF..ST COLLEGE FOOTBALL _ All home games 11esa. during regular business h~urs, a diversifi~d ex~ibit 1,( ' I I' { j <, " .. J'•',.''inn I · • ,, I I' 11 n1•/ '( 11 • I ' J ' I 1 11 1 ·1 L1rirn ,111~ \ 1 , 1 j J. '. 1 I i 1 •' ' l' I I \\ il~ J,' t '!• I 1'. ! 1 ' \'i J·1 tr·) ' I '•.r ,1, 11. • jT ~ i 1 • .,., ; t l " t J) •' \ . ', I' .,.·,• .. II.~.~ ,., I r•vrpt'\ll i,; ... 1r1 ;.hn·Jil \, · I I I,.; I \ ( ,_.rr1~ ,,,. i', ·:I ... !., 1: ,., J ·' J,' nn.1-: r,• ·1,_ r 'fh" l : I ·11. ~ )' ., .. ~.~"'' 1 n, t r l ·1·~ !·. J I : a p1;•·:•1Pll I .< I ! J .. Ii•,;:\ 11; i11 L•it·. 'I', \ E•l1nlJu1·• 1 , •"! ' l ·iJ:1'· 1 .. l'lJnC"{'l'!Jl'd i1 .!.•!;~,' ( ·i1!r:•J ; I )r I ~j~111 l I 1 ', 1' 1 , I 'I , ' ]J; ;i 1."-I' r , ·+ n• ' . 'tr~ l. _.,,. ~ ' '111·)1 :• ~ I •;trcf•·"ll' • ·', l lu 11,•r 1:· 1111•;, " I ··•, j i ofi f lt ,J " (I ;I .I 'I I " : . ' . '., .. ' I " '" ;. (' .\tl!l ;\ '1!, t ! .. ;I \, ... 1 ' 11 'l ·'' I ', .. :, Tr,,) 1~1 T1 . .1,• 1:~JfJh l\ir: r~:r 1. r z:i. 0 1'! 11•. 11. I 1., l f --1:.r · . : '• ut OCC LeBard Stadium, off Harbor Blvd . and Fairview Road,'----,.--1,.he arts ~~d crafts by Donna Fr1ebcrtshauser, titled Croll:> -cost •1e·sa· 11-at-s~--. Cypress N·ov 22 Eotpourr1, through Nov. a " • a games ".m. • • ' · MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOA N -2867 E. Coast High-pr-+r~n. t'. 11 1•~ lht· i' 1n.... -I'• l'u;.u l1 •t 1111 .\11r ! : 1 . .'- 11''!,l'IS iJl'C .J t.·1· :i,1] f! 1. I ! l • i ' . '• .• ~ .. ~ •• • "'- •' .-,. •• ;.. ..... •• i-... i;: ~: ... ~ ~. ;..: ::: NOV. 22 . . way, Corona del Mar. On exhibit during regular business .oc . PmL.HARi\tONIC -The Orange ~unty ~hilharmon1c hours thcough Nov., portraits. landscapes by Sylvia Moonier. Society will present the Los Angeles Philharmon1~ Orchestra LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Cliff Dri ve. Laguna under the baton of Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos •n. Crawford Beach. Admission $1. Meinbcrs and one guest [rec. Hours : Hall. on th e UC! campus, Nov. 22 at ~:30 p.m .. Tickets, $4, noon to 5 p.m. On exhibit thr ough Nov .. Calif. National \Vater available at the door or from the Society's office, 201 West Color Society Show and the An1erica Watercolor Soci£'!\' Coast llighv.•ay, Newport Beach. Phone 646·6411. Shoii·. · NOV. 27-29 l\1ESA ART LEAG UE -a!3 Ceo1rr SL. Costa ~it':-.;i. DISNEYLA ND -A three day Thanksgiving weekend revue Hours: Sat. and Sun . I to 5 p.1n. Continuous exhib it of 11rl al Disneyland will be headlined by Paul Anka, Jennifer and 1vork in various media hy Art League members. t\o <idn1 is· "Friends of Distinction," Nov. 27, 28 al)d 29 when the park sion charge. will be open until midnight. Bill Deal and The Rhondels will CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 \I/est Nrwport Blvd ., perform at 9 and II p.m. on the Tomorrowland Terrace ; the Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. r.1on .-Fri. 011 "Sound Castle" at Plaza Gardens, and Teddy Buckner and exhibit through Nov., oil and v.•a\ercolor paintings by 1 [a! his group in the French Market. All begin at 8 p.m. "Kids Akins. of the Kingdom" will present shows on the Tomorrowland NEWPORT NATIO NAL BANK -1090 Bayside D1·ivl'. Stage at 3:30, 5 and 6:30 p.m. and at the Golden Horseshoe Ne1vporl Beach. Currently on ex.hibif. !hrough No1· .. during at 9. JO and II p.m. Disney characters will parade down regular business hours, needle point wall hangin gs by Pat..I Main St. at 12:45 and 4:45 p.m. each day. Oitzenbarger. NOV. 29-30 SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17122 Bt'ach Biid .• PUSS AND BOOTS -Properly titled. "The ~1arve\ous Huntington Beach. ~n ~x.hlbit during r.egul.ar businc.-;s honr~, Story of Puss and Boots," a musical fairy tale will be pre· through Dec. 12, pa1nt1ngs by Ora Br1n1er. se nle<I bY the Children's Theater Guild, in Orange Coast Col-COSTA l\1ESA LIBRARY -566 Center St.. Cns ta \!l.'.-;a Jege Auditorium on Sat.. Nov. 29 at IO a.m., I and 3 p.m.: On. e.xhibit during regular library h?urs through No\· .. oil Sunday, Nov. 30 al l and 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 for each paintings by Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Hies. . per(ormancc. P.1ESA VERDE LIBRARY -296R Mesa Verdl' f) r 1 1· r f ( r'. TIH' i,,.,, 11'1 ·r-, t "f'hii<l l \\di f "}, '1 :n •Jll !h>' lliJ:!o, !/j 11 ,' I J11•I 11 ll I' I ~' I , • , ' \'.!II be ' 1 • J 'r tnr ;1d,,l1 ·' 1'• 11 J'(li' !lil ,11; I' ,;,j l ' I .,,._," I ii • ,,. R J • •• Jt a !ihll I ' t' IJ I ;, •' I i11' ·111 J t 111' t ,,1 \'lol' ul I Ii' r .t I . 1 !' . I .11 ., 111 ., I' ,,. lil · r , , 1 1 ' I " 11 11 11' '' -1 11! 'I ,!r' .. ' ... . "' East. Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regu lar !ibrttr.v hour; through the month or Nov ., oil painti ngs by F'ernt• \\'il!ian1 ~. nnt'l'!l·' ,.1 . ,, I ,1 ~. i l •\ 1 I 'I' ,, '' I ' H11111e Cronyn Pursuing 1'1a11y Careers at Once • Hu me Cronyn is, In the most literal sense of the word, a ''working'' actor: twenty-eight Broadway plays, either as player or star. a score of films an cf seasons of repertory. And he still finds time to pursue three other careers. Cronyn is at present star- ring in •ladrian VII. which is being presented by th e Cente r Theatre Group at I he Ahn1anson Theatre through November 22. His role of ltadrian VII, the self~reated pope,.is as arduou s as that o[ Jlamlet, and aboul as lengthy . Cronyn dominates a b o u t eighty per cent of the action or Hadrian VII. 1-l.ume Cronyn belongs in the higher echelon or actors. His stardom has been m a d e JiCCUre by the av.'ards he has won. ll.is Polonius in the Richard B u r l o n .. Ha1nlet" brought him a 1'ony Award . and an Oscar nomination clled his-performance jn ''The Scvnth Cross.·· HUME CRONYN A Working· Actor CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY -· 420 fl-·larig-old. Corona del Mar. On exhibit through Nov. during regular libr3ry hours. oil paintings by Zoe Smith. ! '• • ' '". I "' I It• UCI ART GALLERY -Third floor. Fine Art.-; Bldg. UC Irvine. Hours: I lo 5 p.m., Tucs.-Sun. 011 c'>:hib1t through Nov. 30, "A n L.A. Esthelic," varie<J nie<l 1;1 b~· tour contemporary artists. CAl\lERA WORK GALI.ERV -2400 \\'. C'o<-1st Jli.(!h\\('.l". Newport Beach. I-lours: Thurs. and Fri. 5 to 9 p.n1.: Sat. I'.! to 9 p.m.; Sun. II a.m. to 9 p.m. Gallrry limitrd to pl1fll1J-. graphy, with "litlle bit of everything"· on viC'w th:·ougll .'lo-.. 30. \!:·,,1!;it11 • ' \, ;11·11·r 11 :1« ,I J, ' ' ,'l I• ''' t• I• 'ti' Iii' 1•· ) l', ,, "' ~·''' I <'11 \ ( ,' / i I 1 1.-, ( ,,i I • , ' Thi.s F'eb_!!l~rtij: 1~ " Camwal ~~;.----~--_, • th "'•· . ·~.,,.= .. • . in Lribb~y~~~:'. Oriana with Gf ~ ·ir~ on deck, El)glish CaSino Mi of ate. pickles an ··and those llrili,h frrlirt• ~·ov r;11i'I ! 11·1 :1• ' .. "' ~('(" ~(l\1r lr;1\l'I <1 'll•L (,.· t. rlt J\i. 1 •+' • .I· J~rili~h Li nc. •. I ,. ·:--~-:--Late in ...1967 he ca me to 11ollywood to appear in iliree duced five and in his earlier Hollywood years escaped from the oppression of leisure by adaing autllOrSliif> lo h i s portfolio of careers. He w&s rewarded by the sale of screen treatments Jor "Rope" and "Under Capricorn." Uoo1t now~ Oriana 1~'1$ Ltts :\ngeirs T•"t>h, 1. J.)·n11t ltiiO. :i •ee~ 8-!lt1ttny-ponr. Curnroo. I a Gu air"' (f>Ort cl catacns), Barbadog, fl.tartiniquc, :)t. 1'homas, Cristobal, Balboa, Acapu leil. You'll <'Clebratc CDmival in Cnrac:ii;. Sl'C 1hc CaribbeatLAnd relax on Orl:inA w1 !h g:amc deek~. 11110 dttks, pubs, a pool-and lhc kind ,of ~urcrb Sll.l'l'l\' luf(!rin~l111n· (lni.111 11· i' 11 d .Uri!Jin.~11h•l .111to.ili1 o .. 1'" '" ~1,1nd:i rd~ li1t' 1i.·11 ~'l'tl , , ' ll\Cl'\•thc lll!~t F11•_'~>I,· 1:-.. • • • • • • ... • •• • films -"Gaily. Gaily," "The Arrangement and "There \Yas a Crooked '1.lan ," whir h cngagCCf -hiM Untll a /~W wt!Cks beJorc he undertook 1 he strcn uou' role of Hadrian VII . Jn his ofr·stage hours he has directed twelve plays, pro- • His first Broadway acllng job -ended after t h r a-e performances. Thus warned that periods ot idleness arc natural hazards ror aclors. he prepared t.o deal with U ~is!"- 1 Wll .. lr• 1141•1 GNfttl •t Wll1hlr•, L•• An9el•1 • (21:.) .Cl . " ........ . . .. . ... I n London By STAN DE LA PLANE 1 J • '-'' 1'\ -'r ill' shar p..A111erican busincssn1cn ,, .J u 111 11 l •\l ·i· hc1 c.·" hJ l join one of London's ('lubs. J\ " a v:av to ti~ sure of a roo1n in this ovcrr.:ro\vded tO\\ n. SninC L·111tlon club have agreements with .\Jn··~·h·<1'1 clu t ,~ tn hnnc1r enc h others cards. \'ou Louid chctk vo ur lluiJ. See \vhat lhcy can do for you. .\ VC'~t r ag J, J Iriend of n1ine got me a quick in1 n1h1.;1 .. hq) 111 J f,1s hion0Ulc ga1nbling club in ( 'urzon ':rel'!. L\ drcury piacc to \Vake up in the rri or11n . bill \\ithu ut it I'd have been sleeping in 11,'fl'.l" }',:irk.) \ 111(•111be-rf.hip in any club sce1ns to put you in - t j ·the JJL.Jl Bnlbon Club in il'Iazatlan. It's really an l'lcg.,,' i.otcJ -at Lhc end of North Beach. 'l'hey · \, tJ(' \, !l' 11 I ;isked the1n \vhal club cards 1 : . f ;::ot tha ide<1 any club \\·ould do if you ." .. eJ :ou~1111-.Lly clcon. * "C 11 v.•e get a hoU$e in Mexico for Christmas? \'::1:::t \·1::-:ld it cost?" 'fh l• { a dt:lightfu!Jy unpredictabl e country. I 1 .i J11111:;e for $300 a n1onth. But at Christmas 111 • . l ~:iUO a \\Cek ·-maybe more. Then there's .. 1:u: ,1,1: 11.0111an 1vho advertises and rents by mail .• rr'1i. • ·he USED to 01vn. The present 01vners are ' ( t:i.'t!\· explaining this to · people 1vho arrive 1vith 1 .. _,,L.,..c un 'the doo r?tep. * xicHn in high po!lition AL\\'A \'S caJls me ,1 ·te l in ~T exico Ci ty. Insists r move into his 1' ,. I t' 1\ os my own. _.. .. orever if I like. "t-.1y car \' 111 h 1' ,(I'(' to pick you up in lhe n1orning." The l .. !l.i~ n \C r a rr ived. * l,1, -1.,ccr the faith. \·'ou can get houses. Ask 1 r ii 1• "ir·o \.illa llolidav folder from \~orl d \Vide ! ·\·' 1·• 1 ~Oil Sul!Sl'l BouJ€vard. Los Angeles. 1'ry l'ro1, • ~1\ ~ !11 ternalion~1L 2201 Filbert street. San l r.ir1i;· .. ;), * ~I 11 !'J n1pl1· runs ~Jo1vcr and a Jot looser than ti• ,.1 •.1 i <ire us<d to -and lhal's the charm of it. 1·1. J ! i.!tal "ith 11ne of these U.S. agencies that J1;;1f' .·t't..:<:ncd the hou se for price and are sure it's I \".!ll,'I . \ .• jL.i hlC'. '1 •-'' n t.;cn,·ir ~ rent houses all over the \Vorld. 'I''. · rt ·l"d housC's in J~ngland. Spain .. Nlexico. l ! ;i". ;1 1 : ·1 :i -nnd done all right. Short term tourist r1 ,.1 1 . 111;.:h. r.111 for a family il's n1ore comfort- • "1 1: 1i1.11 h1 ;:?l~ . .'\nd a lot cheaper . . * " ..• ;:iLo.Jt renting a villa on the south coast of : ,· ;tl ,., ' "'=E'llf'!l'~. l'lus English agencies. They ad- , ..... l. ·~ 1 1 !lie London 'ri1ncs. ·rhe Brit ish travel to ·•~ •1 .. , ;· \•.::i1n1L'r cli n10.te. I noticed se veral ads in 1 :.: 1 nf Sp;;iin gua ranteed ,;roof docs not leak." !· \it1'r(•:. pl t nly of jerry-built housing do\1111 ,·; ~" J 'h g(•t-rich-qu ic:k. tourist boom. * 11, r n nil \ PtJC': f··ri end of 1ninc in J,utin .\ir:1,;-~•1.. 1 \~l-.~c.; 11::.:: .. l.:i ~ thin~ for Peace Corps .t:"r" , "1' ., , L11 ir lf'l'J !' of dulv is to buy a lax- , 1:,1• 1'' Ji 11n1tr r h'!-r in 1->a nanl<l. Then riilc home :.l' · _., .. \1;1c-.1;_..::1 lii~~h1raY." {J /' ':::Ji1· . . / h1i:· ':!JcJig nJ 11 v t<:~ you t o the i r OPEN HOUSE ... • .. . . . . . HE RB ALPERT Nov. 22 Forum Date 'TJ Brass' Golden.Name For Alpert \\'hat's in a name? Herb Alpert. 11·ho brings his famed Tijuana Brass to !he Inglewood F'orun1 Saturdi;iy night. November 22, t;ays ··Everything!'' llerb. an c x c e pt ion a I trumpet player 11'hose idols 11·erc Louis Arn1strong. Bi:< Beiderbecke, Harl'y .Jan1es and Henry Busse among others. recorded a single back in early 1962. \l'hich he called "The Lonely Bulls." He used a pick·UP b:ind . Born in Los Angeles and an en1husiastic frequente r of lhl' bullring in Tiju;lna, he took a tape recorder south of the Uorder to rerord a couple of hours' v.'orth of cro11·d noises, ole's and mtscellaneous background rffects which he added to the record. But he hadn't hit on a name for his band v.•hen Jerry l\1os;;, his partner. ca1ne up wlth "Ti· junna Brass." Herb said. "It. has a nice retention \'aluc." which subsequently proved to be the understatement of the year. This first A&l\I disc. "Lone- ly Bull" on one side and "1\c<1pu!cn 1922'.' nn lhe othC'r. took off like a house afire. Then came another L P, follo"·ed by "i\1exican Shuf- fle." "\Vhi ppcd Creain <lnd Other Delights,'' and the ir fifth album, "Going Places.'' Herb Alpert had slarted 11 vogue, with scores of imitators all over the \vorld. o r course it's Herb's great rnusic and great musicians 1vhich n1ade hini so popular. but the unusual naml', •·Ti iuana Brass," helped tre111endously lt,Q. \ 1· ·~dn sc day, Nov. 19, 7 to 9 P.M. ",U Coust High way , C orona del Mar (across from Five Crowns} \ 'i'1~;1:-.111 y of <~ifts in our l>ra\1 in ~' I : "' I" " 1 , " . ' '\:"~u l'!tlZic: ~-Light \\'cit;hl. l·land·1'ied '\'i_; S L~lcd For \·ou'. ' t·: • , . 673·5950 A FREE GIFT TO YOU 'f' ~::~ ~~~l'!~ING IS ONE 'i'HDNG! ~ !.':~l'.A 2~C::lt~ DS SOMETHD NG ELSE! -~E MC ;aeo! WE RAN OUT OF FLOWERS! WE RAN OUT OF CAKE! ,, r;.:.f a c.!ll for 2 dozen ro ~es fr om l ake Chclrles, L11. Our ipecia ls were , <1 I', u ,·r r 1c pc.::liri g them this week. Flo wer Shop 1111 t i 1:1 o u ia 11 u • fl m • • Iii • • • • • • a • a D 11 a a ''.':t:']·J PEPPE RS tr F,\[S:I CU~UMBERS ~~¢ f er W ~ ,..., ' ;) D • • • • • ALL COLO RS CARNATI ONS a • m • • Q • .. 1 ·,.,.;1 S :i ~c~I! \\'Ith Thi' Coupcn • Ll111it-2 Doitn With l hii Coupon [J r nousa•a •••m••i •••••••a••amna1 " Coupons Expire November 19 l.ic•,,-.,r~ j., f.mo;.i\ fer qcod food! You'll a9rec with us whM · you try •• , I , i1 11 ·. 11 ~r · nd.: h ,al;,d at Gordc ns, Lagun~ Ni9u('I f I ! 7. 1 ·:r ~ rr:.i•~·c-.::m s with crabmeat at the Arc.hes, New r>ort .I ]. )l r rirn~ ILb At OU'mon·~. Balboa • , ·' .• lcl ~~er t-.'od<>llion at Ectk5hi re's "on the Bay" 5. • !11 !lot fr_.it "4rnil L1 re at Rembrandt's, Costa Mtso T " rr •1.;rl'r-• scr~l' fl>o finC'SI fc od s moricy c•n buy, they sl'!rve t~EWP ORT I 'l .. ,...~! "•~'~.1-~rli'. c·111 ·.\ TY'R F'. \$'fES1' CROWING PRODUCE ORGl1lVIZAT!Ofl."' (, __ __, 1 :~ ~PO RT PRODU CE PHONE 673 ·6715 673·8718 ZE.16 ?Jrowport ···~··'•'t-1•f p..,'!;~,,.t" /1 ,._I J(o Covlr:t•c:rd on The Peni:isula • '".Wffcre Q~rnti,1 141-r.i'~--- 0 1 der of the 1-lou,c·· . -------~------·-~-------.~---~-~ ---,----· --. ---. ---·----~-..,,..---..,...,--.-c--...,.----:~· "==•:i•=-""""'"'""""""'"' ,..,,.~.,,,,..,,,,.,.,,~===r::=-~,.,,,.,_~.,.,.,..,.,.,..,.._ WEEKENDER A B T Dy NORH STANLEY I ORANG E COUNTY 'S RE STAURANT, ' N/GliT CL U c;, A ND EN TE RTAINME NT , I SCENE lloliday Plauuiul! It is by no means too early to sta rt finaliz ing plans for all the upcoming holidays. If he 'vho hesi· tates is lost. he who proc rastinates th is filfle o! yeDr may turn up missing altogether "'hen the fcst ivL' dinner tables are set. /.:I!,......~ .i 9 > • = Thanksgiving , Christm as and Ne\11 Yepr's Day are only a matte r of v.•eeks a\vay. No one \l"Jll accuse yo u of rushing events if you start preparing fo r thern right now. LATER THAN YOU THINK Gett ing as many detail s as pOSS1bfcf Oilt -o·r thc- \vay beforehand ju~t mig ht lea~·e n1ore ti1ne to relax and enjoy the holidays-the ideal state Loo many lose out on by lettin g thi ngs go to the last n1 inutc. \Vhat with the gro,v ing trend tc partake of ho!i· day meals in· good restaurants. those \vho inakc their reservations wen in ad va nce ca n be assurl'cl of beating the mob to available space. :\nd not hCJ.Y· ing to contrive sub stitute arrangements. The same goes !or th ose charged \l'il h the rr- sponsibili"ty of staging the an nu<'l l conipan:-; or club bash. To guarantee the fi rst choice of fJcili lies for such parties it is advi sable to book \vith the re~t Ctu r­ ant as soon as poss ible. And 'vhether it is go ing lo be dinne r fnr \\r n nr the \vhole family, cocktails for 20 or 200, J 1nul1 i,i.1Clc· of fine pl aces in t.he area st.:ind ready !{I fill on:: holiday requirements:-But don't· unreasonab~v c,;. pect the1n to do so if you ring on \1·ith on e cl ay's notice. Beu Brown's Even as ·you approach the place, after turning " off the Coast HigJ.1\vay and up into Ali so Canyon. i l is like re treating to a qu iet and ren1ote corner of this ol11erv.1ise hurl y-burly world. ~ Once settled into th e re laxing confines of the dini ng rooin . it is im possible to recall a 1nore co1n- lortablc or unhurried atn1osphere. At least one that l::; not a d<iy's drive a\l'ay. QUITE A SETTING ·rhough \Ve li ve in an area that abounds in scenic benul y, Ben 13ro\rn's is uniquely situated \Vhere the ru.[!ged San Joaquin lli!l s an d the Pacific shorelin e n1cr:::e. The result is a dining loca le unmatched fol' natu ral splendor. Some\vha t disli nctively too. the rustic tranquil- ity is con1plemented by Ure ·-broad green-.~pans e s 01 the golf course of the adjacent Lagun a BCa<'h country Club. Bcyoiid the a(tractions that take us here often, hO\\'CVe r. sti ll another induce ment ca me to li ght dur- in;:; ou r vl sil 1<.i,.;t \reek. It \Vas the handsome new n1cnu the re stauran t h<is just introduced. SOMETHING NEW th.'.'.mpii11011, $i .::"'l: fil ct of r.i,;;.ll~h sole t!1r11nrrrr, $t .~O ; t.>\'ord;i.)fl :-.t!.!a'k, °'i .~r}, WE ,TRJE D THE NE\'/ l 'ns tn1 ~ our l(lt \\'i1:1 thi-,1nt1Jl'<I. \\(' fina llv de- ci ded 111 01dl·t· 111(1 nthcl' di1:!p·,. .1rnon}! tne ne\\' 1•n- 1rccs. J:cth Ii\ Cd un to the ht' 11 -:t:lnr1<1 rd .;; \It' h;:d l'lH.:ountcrcJ i11 pre\ iou~ out ill~!'i ,u 1.:\:'n ,Dro1' n'::i , .l hey \''('f(! r!li. 1;(·1 ;) · 1 ~ I:'c"·, t ~ndcr bOllf'({ bre:.-ist of clu .. ·!.:.n. ~11 ..... l ,,,111 liul:<:r, and clll\f'"· coale d \11th hrl' .. d 1.:1u1t1l1. .. ; ~ u,ct'.\ ;!ll<l .,erve d \1 ill t ....~Hl('.C, rice p1 1HI. >:~ ~.i. · . ,,,.:i cut 1 ... rnli 1_!HiJ1", \'"1"\' 1lcliculr in fl:iv•:r. f'.l~r-l 1.\1iled 111 }.'\1.,f.•,·:1;11, \1,:t1 .hliil{-jeJI)· ··.·,;;rt b,1J;c1t .. i'.1if~-1-n. ~S.:.!.l. 'fhl'Y \,('IC SCl'\'Cd \l"illl Ch('l('(> of :·nllp OJ' :-.;ilall. \Ve cho.sr ~0·11• \Pl·•: 1' r-o:·c-.1~ jon !J:)rl led u,.; to pl,lc(' i)ll illltiul r:•dt·•' ~ 1· ,.J'., :'1t;' Ill~\\' lh'lll O!l \!Jl' 1ncn l1. <J n a !a(',tr.1•(' 1 .·Ii 1rol't1101 ;iJ s:::io. S:1\·o ry lo th{' l·~t l·I I'"' ,·1 rr BJ1!11:1111 c lp t.11cl'. ~e~"rncd nnd lll,_·1'.C'.r·tl r 1:1· !· ''.\· ~:r:it•'d l':1 rr:1e->;1n t'llL·C'~('. iln.J"'T!l.:'d :rill ' ··.-r!il' ;:11rl c rou !un~. l'Cl'l'f\ td ;l'l 1:-.-;;• ·c· 11 • [1' 111" f··h!\'-' idl'.- CLD iAV0.~1 1·c :; i\r ~:l \(I ;1. p<·rh .. • ~ \\t• 1' ill '.'() b.'.l{'!i. tri SOJllC ('\ n11 r ol d P\1.,, fl' '·1' 111,1 .. <i". Su('h ci<; ro3:-.l pl'illH.' r1h r! t, 1 1 • '1 11' ·1 t '!'iv ·Inrl,,:nnc.t·n c, ... ·:-{'1·,-,:[·. I. "t r ... .11», .:ti'.!I nr l \la .... t Lon~ Is· !J1td <:ucJ.:.i,,, • J ,_,. '. t' 1 Ye ..__,r uwn s Jf 1hc inns of England have inspired so 1nany poc•.., to \'erse and painters to rnaslerpieces, we ca n expect a Keats or Gainsborough lo pop up along th e ~uuth Coast an y day . 'J'he J.""'ive Crowns in Corona de! .\l ~1r co uld easily provid e the 1noti vation. :\t th e very leas!, should !hose of artistic genius f 1 ii to 111ateri a lizc. eve ryone rron1 presidents to co1n- 111oners can tnke del i$!ht in the res taurant's Old \\ orld atmo:.ph cre. cheery fires, gourmet rare and L'X lcn::.ivc sclcc\io u of in1porled beverages . c~ --{J FOR HISTORY BUFFS .'\nd hi story buffs can take heart in th e fact that Lh e an nals of the inn date bac k nine centuries to the reign of l(ing l·le nry II. l<~or the exteri or of the build· in~ is a fai lhfu l reproduction of Ye Olde Bell. re- putedly England's oldest inn. fo unded in 1135 A.O. <..~ ll urlcy-on·T hames not far fron1 Lon don. Also. chronic lers of local lore -if they \\1il\ ad· tn 1t to having bee n around that (ar back -can pro- bab l.v tel l you <J.bout lhe days \Vhen it 'vas kno\vn as t!1L' llurlcy BP\I Inn -and \Vas one of the fe\V struc- tll rl'S nlong the entire stretch of Coast lligh.\vay be· • 'l \\'l!CJJ l\c \~JlOrt Beach cind Laguna Beach. ~ J.-ort unately 1t retains al! the grcal en trees lhHt ~. ,1 LIBATIONS h~iYC bee n ser\'C d u! the place since it opened a .Year I• .• 'I ·r:u.'rc is prohabl:v only one \Vay to gel the eve· ngo. But th0r c is cilso a host of intrigui ng ne\1' offer· n111;.: under \1 ~v ;-1t the fo"ive Crov.-·ns. By lingering in r;s. + l '-' \ o\ er ~ome liba tions heforc ordering dinner. _\ni on ~ '!hl':>c arc brochette of beef f\an1 be. por-1 )111.n~ ::l J'c ·1. l !• ,, 11 ;~ :,I\·. :1y.~ furthrr r11. Selec!ions include B!ack Velvet , a he ady n1ix- tio ns of rllarin ated tenderloin \l'ilh green pepper, h:nic.:cd b.v d1.1.t1tl: \n l '~' li.i,11i ,. ,11 tvr d 11111cr for a 1ure nf dark ;1 lc and cha n1pa gnc served in a frosted in ushroonis and onions. cicton1pa nied by a piqu ant 11,\lt llst(·!lill" <Ii' 1 1 " .J' · 1 ,,, '" hv t ilt' N;1t11 ro l ~. lank ard. Pi mn1's 1\/0. One through Six .. Bulmer's 1\Jnc;c an ct-r·\ce ptlaf:-$5.25 : \-re a l Os-ear sliced bab~· 'l'l1l' lhri·c l!', 1 • 'r' 'l 1 ~1 !'1 -;1 r1i1 11.ill J)Jn iel~. Cider. \Valney's London Lag er, Bull's Milk or Gin \'Cill. s.:iutc ed in ti uti er, sur1nounted \Vlt'hiiUngen e!is !~dl Si1c 111~..;~1 ,.1 l \\, 1 .11 l .11. 1111.rr J; 1! 111 d L•:HC'ltl· <lnd It. rra b leg;.. fresh asparagus. sauce bearnaise. ril'.t' ~tr.11c ~'11 1•.•111 .. 1"1c•1•! d \rr-";i,,Jdv ;:s t:11·~ pc·1 (orn1 Then <:on1cs the problem o! de ciding between pilaf, S:l.95: tournedoes de bocuf. fine th ick medal · c,11 17 dJ!fc, -:l~ 111 ·'''"' ::~ .;, pott<1~e or sal<'ld and choos ing" one entree fro1n aboul lions of choice be ef ten derl oi ns, sauteed in butler. ;1 dozen t.:istc-tempt in::: possibilities. ()nf'n fl ,11· ti>r hr• ' 11 "nd 1'1n1"'1" . .is E h d. . . 1 1. ll 1 11 11 ,<;t•r1·ed on golden eggplan t, n1ushroon1 (.'<.l p, sauce \i·t'l l ;1,..; ~•li'1d P' i ,.!l". ,1 t 1 11 ::u 111 .•.. 1_11_ 1.,1.,1 TOM JONES 'ac succee 1ng visit eave s 1t e a11H J ' 1.'1 ! 1 --·1 r '7 ·o '-·r11 r ·r0 ,, Jon 5• I' ·1 -1 bl E 1· I B S I L . 1 1 ,. 1 JCDrn<11sc. r ice pi a . .,. .::i. i_;roirn'!' 1.~ in ,,·~.1 :·, :, ,, 1 1 ,1 J:i"h\\:~Y. ~0111 \J ,J • e ·<:ivouri e is a <OH e ·ng1 s 1 en Br0\1•n's ln out l aguna is one o 1 ir .1011l l 1 1 beef cho p :-elected us \\Cll as broiled to order, and Coa st's fi ne restau rJ nts. I•'ood. decor and sclting go Olhcrs e re \'Cal scatlopini a ID i\larstiln , ~3 .~J : .:l.,'.!1'11;1. ·•"1 . c.:. r I · l 1;' 11 ;1~ l 11unt1y c·iuo hand ln hand to n1akc suc h prai se und ispul ahle. bre ast o( capon co rdon bl eu. S4.50: f i!ct.1ni~n on ci ux ltir ti. Continued on Pa ge 24 r==-=-=----~---~=-~=-=i;;----==-=-~-=~---;--~-,.;;;;,;;;;;;::;,;;;~==-:~=;;~~;;.;;--~---:---=------.:-----=-----''--------:----=--~ Open to the Public ~ N ewly Enlarged ~~¢~--Popul ar ... -r ~ lAR•t · D~S.A NIEV 'S Jeo.0kl\\'~ l j~H~tfG ;.:;~:~7v~~::?~4-·! tJ~:ii·,\i ~~;TH~~~~~~~ • r .i <-i u • """·' ,''.,r! .@,''-....oz ft)', :a'<>u ~ l:'e:1 I lll•i II" CJ 1·~111~l' Co11111;v's l''i11e·sf O\'STEU HAU , [JJ lltSTAUt~'l f '"~') • SUl~r A Y 1•::iu1.c11 J ~.I,~~ ~ ,_a..Lt t;., f' £ COC;{iAlL LOI.ING;: 0 Ll\IE ·vf'FLI-! U u:111:." ~? "ll'11uirr llo!iclr1J11l!rryrr :i11rA.wrtrC." ~ OC'.:A!'IFP.ONT DINING. \'\: ~ Open Dail y 11 A.M. -2 A.M. ATOP TOV'E 1S W l~-fC Of f:;; 1a:sl::l!\'.AT10Ns 1:11i 642·~:;~~ ~ RO O M Enterfeinment Nightly Tues d.ty through T H E FABUL O U S DICK SEAN ~U ;-\1= A'1J SA l..J O l-lO'iEL f-' J . f' ·~~6:;3~0;;:;E;::. ~L~i~c!::;o;:;::P::;a~r~k;;;;D:;:;r~.,:;:N~.::;B~.;-;:;;;6;7;:;::5;·0;:;::1;;0~0~~1~=:"_'.'~'-'~_''~'_'._'_"_'_"_"_'_''_"_y __ -__ 1:_'_~ .. _"_._' -_"_'.._".;...._'_'_~_"_"'_!.._"_. __ , J=~~;;~~·~~~~-~")fl.l~·~·~;;;;;;~"};;;::J1~~;;;;_~-~-~~~~-~~~~~·~ OS ERHANSLl'S OF LONDON f .RCAD IA ~;..:_;-.,,------..._ ·~ * BANQUET FA CILITIES FOR 450 "T.1 ;-. ~ The Populo.- ~:~':?.Z:£ -:;__;~~ -AIR PO RT /~JAN DE NEAU . . , .I * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAI LY Ei\;fiLISll MEAT l'IE.'i MEADOWLARI( country club GOMER SIMS. CECIL HOLLIN GSWORTH. Co-Ow ~~·~ 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH For Reservations Call 846-11 86 or 846-1416 ~41 St .. k 0 St .. k & K;dooy ii -~ fb,,,, ' St .. k .od M"'hcoom• 0 P"'k • 1 -\¥f "/:.{.-~-Vea! & Ha rn 0 Cornish ~~{ ·~'' ~Jl 't;l f'rt;--'\ -;, ..;..· P.t siics 0 Saus.tg e Roll ~ ~ !~ -. ~ \ IMPOJ::lfl) 811.ITtSH FOODS e All FOOD TO GO 11 ,• " I,;, ,. c: . -. .. . . r '· • t • " ' "" ., ' --) HOUr.r , 10 A.M. 7 P.M. e s ~t. 10-6 • CLOSF D SUNDAY ( ' 1724 N. T11>1i" Afe. 270 E. 1 71~ <.r. '":::::::;::::-·::-:::::::: i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'} A 1 iotl~d CA ~apes Fo• Coc~t~:i P~rl<~•. Etc. ---Orcm<jc 637-0144 Coito Meso 645·22 52 ( \"" -.--......-• ----···~;;_ :;~:····.; 'I': 'i.t)l i: '5'.iI;l .i.'.' * Sef'f'inq 1 2:0~ Noo11 -'l' p.m. Appl• Cide<, Auod ecl Reli1l.ei, C~;c~~~ A. L ~ P~,,,~ "ie-un, Toued Greer> Si1l<1cl, G ••d cn Frr•h V~~c 1~6 "' Clo.co i.f Pot•loei, Harn• M ~de Deu eds, H?I Rolli .. nd Bu!h r. ENTREES •••• Roast Tom Turkey, With a ihe Tr;mm iriry" Beked Virgi ni d Ham, Pine apple S11uce Roast Leg of Veal, Dressing Hal ibut Steek Almond Top Sirloi n Sto ek, Broiled to suit your ta ~l e Lobster Tei!. Draw n Butter . . 3.25 'CHILD'S PLATE - -•. Roe•! Turkey, B•~ed H•rn , H~l;bu! '" Gr'>ur>d 5;,J,,;n . $1.7S CORAL REEF MOTEL AND RcST AU RANT -265~ HA:RBOR BLVD., GG5TA--M&SA 54 5.q47 1 00 "II " Truly " " "11 " Distinctive .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .,inntr N•9htlv 5 ta 11 P.M . l uncheon Fro "' 11 :JO A.M. -Mon. thru Fr;, AFTE RNOON COCKTAI L HOUR ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DANCING AND ENTERTAI NMt NT W IT H MIKE & JUDY NOW APPEAR ING FRI., SAT. l SUN. NITES JACK KING· HYPNOTIST RAU1\DA I .\\ '.'i --,ROrn P t\G ·' " .. ii ' ,. :: 1' .. DON JOSE' ~ow Appearing The Sensa tion<il VIC GARCIA LTD. with .vocals by GERMAINE IN TllE FI ESTA fiOO )I J:"P.O NI 8:30 l'.i\I. to 1:30 A.f\1 . FINEST MEXICAN FOOD AT R~ASONA"!tE-PRIC!S e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ada ms (at Magnolia) Hunt. Beach 962.7911- BEAUTIFUL Restaurant • SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE Dan cin g Nioli rly T11esday thru Sunday The Naturals I 3'" MONTH " RESTAURANT I 1 Specia l Sunday Brunch -10:30 -2:30 10$0 WE~T KATllLA , ANAH[ll.4 'fij'I Rt!t••otion91:77~·1'1 0 :: I 3 11 06 COAS T HI GHWAY, SOUTH LAGUNA l"I (~§§§:][~§§§:] ·~§§§:] Ri::""rvaticns 499-266 3 18] I" "II " "IE" "11 00 -,--___ _ ___ ·----- -· . ... S r~rn•) e ··~1·s '!J-· p~ '""'T E''-P.EF~ U-tfl..-• ... , ~IL1 \ f, .11 l,jj .,. rliuC 1•11 , .. J DJNr; I ~::> r .:.t~c: • /> l • ;: I t''''.;·");·.·~ Ori N tc<;;' t~ ft\~, 11 tu l A/', 5 J (, .. 2 !;!lS fOI! Rt:r. I ,Jl()r;' j I," f• .~ Ir C""'' f;wy. Ii.·;,, rj'~n l!i-~d1 l.'~pl ·~ R ' I ~ ''" .,., " · ·c'"' .... ·c·r 'l~c ··" l Jt. ~" '• ... :. ~ '., ~_/ ..• J w j ,., I·' j I J' •," 1r • I ~I ., \,J I 11)ll i' ' ' " ~ ( , <I\ ( •"; J,1;''\."11,fit 1-11\ l,,.(\~-Ul A!1 n S '/Ytci 5R£C I L ~'OLIOJ\Y "'ENU frntnr\ns 1>1 i1·1" 11:·~ rif -g& r.aked 1-intn I '·: '· 1r. ,, TU i<KLlY. " •ii' ... ' ~1~ !, Ce~!t l~i.c.bw-oJ..Y, Ln:t.1r 11 [!each 4t'1'1-11 51 I"; Tf-:c \'IEC'.{r: ~o~~ t·1Af'jAZlt ,. -~ ... , .. ,.,,.'\,., \ !1 TRI O Tll£· 1 ol tlJe I WHAJJ!1 .. I ' . \. '" Mo·N SeafOOd -'j Restaurant ai 'ttie ()!d Pavilion --~ (§le C£ido C£ounge MONOA Y THRU SATURDAY ARLENE SKILES and the DICK POWELL TRIO SUNDAY 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT--(£tfTEl!- ••tween 9uffumt • 8rff.dw• "'m~i. P1rkln-. A-rv1tl111t ~ Gli!4·2030 • _, __ _ f J4 CAIL Y PILOT F'rldll)', NQvtmber 14, 1%4' NOW OPEN °""''' Couftty't New Intl-• ood Dellthtful FRENCH RESTAURANT lfonn~r\y Gerard's) Dln•er S:lO 0 10:00 p.m. TuftClay thru Sunday Corner of Randolph and lrlstol C11hl Mno 540·l6'11 Real Canlonese Food eat her• or t1k• home. ST AG CHINESE CASINO 111 -2lir·pt:, Newport Be1ch ORiole 3°9560 q,.. Yeor Rround Dilly 12.12 -Fri. ond So,, 'tll J •·•· MASCOLAS STEAKS • SEA . FOODS • PRIME Rll MEDITERRANEAN Sl'ECIALTllS Llv•ly Ent•rtal"ment Tllflllay thru 5atuNay Nigh'• TME TAFOLLA BROS. JOHN '"d NOAH 1615 EAST 17th STRIET -SANTA ANA R•Mrvatlon1 547-951 I ALL YOU CAN EAT •..• e Regula r $1.45 Buffet Luncheon ............... $1 .20 e Reg ular 2.99 Buffet Dinner ........................ 2.45 e Regular 3.29 Champagne Brunch '., .............. 2.65 .6.boT• pried 9eod nly with tllli c1up111. e Authentic Chi nese Dinner .............. 1.89 and up ChUdren Under 12-$1.00 Temple G11rde11S Chinese nestu11r11111 1500 AdoJM (At HcirborJ C11hl Mna ~Mt & MHtl111t Cet.,l1t1J '"'to.. , ..... 540·19]7 MONDAY .Nl GHT IS FAMIL y NIGHT I TOP Slll:LOIH SPECIAL. · s1 z9 wtn WM P1hlto or Fro11Ch Fr~ •••.•• ; ••••••••• CWldr• U11Mr 12 o ... Half r,1,, HUNTINGTON IEACH ~ COSTA MESA TOWH a. COUNTRY HILLGlt!N SQUAll:E 1Wl e..cll •1¥11. Hl·HU BEHIHO TEXACO STATION E. 11lh ~ S•nll A~I Hl·l tt'I CHILD'S PORTION HALF PRICE (Childron under 12) PHONE IN ... Ill ITEMS !YllLIBLE TO Tl!E OUT . . • WEEKENDER OUT 'N .ABOUT Continued from Po .. 23 carved Chattaubriand·fashlon at tableside. Served with O'Brien potatoes and string beans with al· monds, serves two, the person $6.50. Roasted rack of soulhdown lamb, a favorite -Of the Prtnce Regent In the heyday of Brtghton, Is also carved at the table and accompanied by a garland of summery vegetables and potatoes, $5.95. -"-Aylesbury duckling consists of one-half or a crisply roasted duckling nestled on a compote of ap-. pies and prunes. Served, with potatoes and string· beans wi th almonds, $4.95. Prime rib is roasted in the traditional manner and Includes creamed spinach as well as individual- ly baked Yorkshire _pudding. Cuts include the Five Crowns, '5.95; English, '5.95; Henry VIII, $6.95. AND FISH Fillets of turbot are superb fish caught in Eng- li sh coastal waters, sauteed in butter and ·served with a duet of tiny sherried s~rimp and silvered almonds in vermouth, \Yith parsley potatoes and broccoli Hollandaise, $4.50. It should al so be noted that comforting hospi- tality is a centuries-old hallmark of English inns. The tradition is carried on most admirably at this picturesque establishment. A Lawry 's Associated Restaurant, the Five Crowns is located at 3801 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Open seven nights a week. Reservations are a must. Carroll Coates Duo New attraction in the Hotel Laguna's Pier 9 Lounge Sunday and Monday nights ts the Carroll Coates Duo. Offering music as soothing as the lap- ping ocean waves outside. A popular vocalist-pianist, Coates came to Pier 9 following many highly successful engagements in Newport Beach. The Naturals in Laguna Three very talented musicians, the Naturals, are playinF. for listening or dancing in the lounge at Ben Brown s restaurant at the La guna Beach Country Club in Laguna. Sketched from left are, Hall Dan· Hotel Laguna is located at 245 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. White Buller Sauce Let's ring the bell for sauce school again today Besides his talents \Vilh piano and voice, Coates and become better acquainted with sauces likely to Is a well known composer and lyricist. Among other show UP, at U1e dinner table in better restaurants. pieces, he wrote "London by Night," which was re-We 11 take a look at white butter sau ce, or corded by Frank Sinatra. beurre blanc a s it is called in France \vhere it origi- His singing and playing gets under way at 8:30 nated. You "'·ill have it served \Vith salmon , pike and the first two nights of the week. other fresh-water fi sh. From Tuesday through Saturday evenings, the IT STARTED tN CHEBUTTE iels, Bill Sherman and Warren G'ale. The group has been playing in this one spot for eight months, an indication o{ the popularity they enjoy. century by Mme. Clemence, who \vas proprietor- chef of a little restaurant on the left bank of the Loire in Chebutte, about 15 miles from Nantes. She is reported to have developed it in line with the great abundance or salmon in the area. The fc\v simple ingredients are shallots, white 'vine vinegar, unsalted butter, salt and pepper. The sauce demands great care because tile heat must be just right, but the perfect product is worth the ef· fort of making it. M. k ' T k 'th th d p · 9 T Beurre blanc was invented at the turn of the ,;;;';;c ;;•;;y;:s.,;.w:;;o;.;;m;;a;;e;;.;w;i'iii;ii;iei;;;;soiiui;;ni;isii;;iiai;;l i;;ii'e~riii;. ~h•;.1[miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiill The very finely chopped shallots are slowly r n TH e ~ cooked in a porLion of vinegar until golden. Then a M o 'if 'ftTf little \Valer, more vinegar and the salt and pepper IT'S OUR 2ND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATE IT WITH US SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 5 pm to 11 pm e FREE CHAMPAGNE for Our Guests e OUT ST ANDING MEXICAN ENTERTAINMENT PLUS OUR USUAL MENU OF YOUR FAVORITE MEXICAN FOODSI J • MITLA LI s~~f::!~P: Ar WV1 are ;~~"\~ cooked down slowly until reduced to w1 llfftl co.t.n "'°""'"'' about one-third of its original volwne. Still main· .,,., -, The Party Bar I taining the low heat, the last step Is to whisk in tho ll~~~~~~~~~~j butter vis-orously, adding it by small bits. Ii; 515 s. MAIN ==The finished sauce is frothy and very white. SANTA ANA . ~ l~e FLING ftMEftA IWiT.AUftANT "Buo/l 111a11giare , ro1na11ze i• ... "1"1tAA..e do/ct vita ... fiP'..,(-114) 642-9711 2~ P1dfic Coa>l lhry., Nt .. port lk..:h ENTERTAINMENT BY THE ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HALL DUO wlltl JW111 11...,.1 .,. ha T1111r. tllr• 51•. MON.·TUIS.·WID. * Larry Lake Singer Guitarist R11r-Me11 Theater SQ'tEf:I! Cost• Met. 141 E. 19ttl S,, J11t .tf Ne.,.,. llvd. Continental Cuisine Cockt1ils PHIL DE SANTO\!============== Servino Luncheon and Dinner TRIO 11!011.day through Saturday. I\~-,,-~!!!-.. -~-,,-~!!!-.. -~-,,-~!!!-.. -~-~ Closed Sundays W• are loe•ted next to the M•Y Co. in South • d.. Make Your Reservations EARLY for • Co•st Pl•te. I MEXICAN RESTAURANT ' "" •. '''"'' \ 547 W. 19th St., Cost• Mesa -642-9764 I c.... M.,. 540°3140 TB4KESGIVllG. DAY DINNER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ·.1 Caribe Room PRESENTS • ENTERTAINMENT -3 SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING Monday thru Saturday JACK COSTANZO Fe11turin9 12 1>.;1 :ro 4 P.M. 3801 E.A~r Co,i,sr I l1G!l\l'AY GERRIE WOO CONTINENTAL CUISINE • Col!ONA ULI. ~l.~R. C...Lll'ORNIA • PHONE: (i l of) 675-1374 21112 OCEAN AYI. IC-t Hwy.I _-HUNTINGTON IU.CH -536-1421 • ~································, 'Where Excitinc TJ'inp c51te ·Happeninc! 111« ,,,,,,, •r1tr~• C°"'f!tl"•" ;,, tliw St vlllt Lo11ngt /Jlnin1 ln tltt -btn#lff11l ,,f,,1,,ior ltMJm . _Bu,,.et Llllfchcon GRAND HOTEL 7 Fl\£Cl'l:'>IAN \VAY A~AIU!IM , CA t.rr. 7i2·7777 •...... ~~.e"::a .. Serving from 2 to 9 p.m. Thursday, November 27 IN ADDITION TD OUR REGULAR MENU . ' . we ire offering with dre11ing with raisin sauce $2.95 CHILDREN"S PLATE (under 12 ye1n) -$1.50 I FAMILY DINING The Jolly Roger 2300 HARBOR BOULEVARD !COSTA MESA • ·-- -=--=---·~-~------------------------------------------· -- ' ~ AU SI.ATS-SI.ff• "o OHi UNDI• 16 ADMlnlD r-' I\ '" . PAlH( ' ' COLOR ~-9. A -lllTllMTIOIW. PICTURE "LOVI" 7:00 • 10:11 .,llytll" 114$ ONL T *HEYKIDSI* 11• PA.L SHOW U.T. 1101 'GWANGI' Pl..........cAltTOOMS-COMIDllS ' '.Anka and Jennifer Set at Disneyland Paul Anka, lhe "Friends of numerous per1ona1 Distinction'' and songstress encagoments. Jennifer headline a special Adding spice to the three-day Thanksgiving revue Thanksgiving holiday. Is a on the Tomorrowland Stage at tradiUonal Tom Turkey dinner Disneyland November 27, 28 with all the trimmings to be and 29 w~n the park will ex-served at Disneyland's three tend Its regular winter-season mo.st famous restaurants, the operating hours, remaining Plaza IM, French Market and' open until midnight e@lch day Blue Bayou. ol the celtbration. Bill Deal and the RhondetS Anka, a singer ,whose will perform on Tomorrowland popularity has bridged the gap Terrace at 9 and 11 p.m. between the rock 'n roll of the '50s and today's pop music , Disneyland's popular Sound will star in twice nightly Castle will present the latest perlormances..at 8 p.m. and 10 in mod muslc at .. Plus p.m.' on I.he '.l'omorrowland Gardens, while I o n g -t I m e Stage. Anka's latest recording favorite Teddy Buckner and hit, "Happy" is s oar Ing toward the top of the nation's his group perform jau at I.he bit p'arades. French Market. ~th groups "Friends of Distinction,'' will perform from 8 p.m. until making their second midnight. ----~~~~-~-~~~-1-1 _Frl.:d.:.:"-'-' _N_..,_m_ber;..:1_;4•.:l.:'16;;.;9 ______ ~DAJL ~~i:E~'°! Live-Theater ~Coast Stages Filled • -•A ru.., 1'111 1'Cbemmy Clttle" Reservations-834-5303. I U.ppeaed •• die A French Farce ls being '1lnvltatloa to 1 ,..._.,n ~ W11 &o UM Fonun" staged at Orange C o a 1 t A murder mystery . la the , MUJ!caJ com~ on staie at College In the auditorium, fsre belng staged at the Hun-t Soulh <:out llepertoi:y. 1117 Nov. I~ at 1,15 p.m. OCC Is tington lltach Plsyhollle, IUO I Ne'NpOrt Blvd, Co.ta Mtll, located at 2701 Fairview Road, · Matn St., Huntlngion Besch. through Nov. 15. Relerva-Costa Mesa. Reservations -Fri. and Sat., Nov. 2l·Dtt. 20 : tJon1 : &f8..1363. OCC Bookstore. at 8:30 p.m. ReservatJOns - ''The Odd COaple" "Siop tbe World - I 53U861. Neil Simon'a comedy ot two Wqt to Get Off" ''All the 1.-ely People" newly dJvorced men, 1t1gtd A mualcal comedy is being Tenneaaee Williama' vi-j by Westminster Communttr. ataJ;ed by the Costa Mt°!a gnettes wUI. be atliged at the z Thuter at Finley Schoo , Civic Playhouae on the Orange o Encl ---~ -S.J .. 21-1-E d-w a rd 1 A-• e., ~-· 1y F 1. pen ··~ter, -ts Villa ~• au grounds (entu Way, Newport Beach; Fri. and Westminster, Nov, 14, 15 and we.rt gate), Fri. and Sat., Nov. Sat., Nov. 21-Dec. IS · at 1:30 22..' Reservations: an.5e02. 21-Dec. I at 8:30 p. m. p.m. Reaervatlonl -t1•1·-. 11Marr\q~ Go Roaad" ii=~:::::====~::;;;~;;;;;~;;,;;;~'~~~ A maritll comedy presented\! In t h e Mlaalon Viejo High School auditorium on Chrla· tlana Ave., Mission Viejo, by the Rancho Community Playel'3 Thurs.-Sun. through Nov. 22. ReaervaUona, IS7- l"IS3. ''Mscbetll" ··snaktjpeire'i tr'• c e d)i 1taged by Golden Wut Colle1e in the Actors' Playbox com- eNnllNkT ..... e VS...ATN,. .. C..... ....... ,.... ..... "HOW TD SEDUCE l fTff Grd .... • More llttnt S•t. Stiow A11ywhore l STILL JUST 3Sc! Disneyland appearance . in re-"Kids of the Kingdom ," th e-· cent months, bring along their park's lively youns·adult team current hit "Going in Circles." of singers and dancers wlll Songstress Jennifer--has ap--present-shows-durln~-the­ peared on the Smothers holidays at 3:30 p.m., 5 p.m. Brothers and Glen Campbell and 6:30 p.m. on Tomor- __municaUons Bldg .. on-Campua, Frl.-Sat., through Nov. 22. Tickets ai bookstore. l ! . . ·-===========-....:.t•::l:•v:_:i:•l:o•::_:•h::o::w::•_:i::•:.•:::ddi:·:::u:on:.::'.to, rowland Stage_ and at 9 p.m., • JO p.m. and 11 p.m. at the ¥ , 4 J buth Coast Repertor y "Funnies t Sllow offered by 0 . C. Theatre this year •.. " Tom Titus, D. P. "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" U27 N•W,.ORT •LVO., nt•r H•rtior ll:tS•rtVATIONS ·INFORMATION --1UJ· "Wllltlltl 1111 ,. .. ~,. -DELIGHTFUL sc• CHILDREN'S THeATrtl SllllilfTl ti l :OI atMI t :M ''"'' Clll Mr llttH,.,lflClw1 S. HUROK presents The Bolshoi's leading mezzo-soprano IRINA Tomorrow-8:10 pm ARKHIPOVA in recital .. Purtty of 'foice, drama lie a1M1r1nca1 powerful drtYe- . Arkhlpov1 l'fli1 It!" -New York 7/mP The return engagement of NHK SYMPHONY OF JAPAN Fri. Dec. 5 8:30pm Golden Horseshoe. Colorful Disney characters will present twic e-dail y parades down ?\-lain Street U.S.A. on each of the days at _ 12:4.S p.m. and 4.:45 p.m. What's Plot Of 'Rise?' The $6S question In film circles in London a n d Hollywood Is: What's it all about Davie and Pete? Because lhe versatile David Froat of TV ha1 gone into film production with his satirist friend Peter Cook and they are refu sing ta reveal the plot of their Warner Bros.-Seven Arts feature. "The Rise and RI s e of Michael Rimmer," shooting in London. Tliey Are Pals J ack \\iild, star of "Oliver," dances and acts his way through the fan tasy world of Living Island as Jim- 1ny, in "H.R. Pufnstuf," on Channel 4 at 9 Satur· day mornings. Jane Morgan Performs On TV's 'Showcase 5' Jane Morgan, I.he songstress \\'ho has fascinated audiences on l\\'O continents with hO?r million-record-selling rendition or "Fascination," moves into Channel S's "Showcase 5" spotlight , Friday, November 21, at a p.m. for a colorful hour of top quality en- tertainment. Joining Miss Morgan as her special guests, are the fast ris- ing "Doodletown Pipers" who have recently scored big on their own. * * BE.&,CH l;!l,VD. AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847-9608 Particularly noteworthy, is the segment In which J a n e pays tribute Lo the late Edith Pia(. During Jane's European career. she developed a strong friendship with lhe great French chanteuse. On this portion of the show, she dons J.he form -fitting long, black gown that was a Piaf trade· mark and wings In French and English, such Piaf songs as ''No Regrets," "Three Bells," "La Vie En Rose," "If You Love Me" and "Mon Afenage A Moi." TONIGHT ONLY! Important MAJOR ~~~~:co PREVIEW Olher numbers d o n e with dram11tic staging and effects arc "Born Free," "If I \Vere A Rich Ma n,u.. "Lullaby Of Broadway," "Big Spender," "The Day The Rains Came," "Georgia," "Fascinalion" and "Love Makes The World Go 'Round ." ''Only Game la To"" A comedy with only three characters, srl in Las Vegas, will be on stage at the Lquna· Moulton Playhouse, I I O Laguna Canyon ftoad, Lasuna ®74'1 Beach, lbraogh Nov. 21. 11et-ll:::=:;::=::::=:;::=:;::=:;::=:;::=:;::=:;::~~~~=~~~~i ervaUons 494-Z250. Ii ''Roar of dte Greapallt SIDell of tM Cniwd" A rnuelcal fantAsy will be staged in I.ht Studio Theater on the UCI Campus, Tuee. -:""' Sat, through Nov. 2Z. Rear· vaUons-833-6117. "Pooh Paracllte" An English farce Js being staged by the Lido Isle Players at the Lido Island Clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud, Nf!WPOJ'l Beach, Tues.-Sat., Nov. 18-22 at 8:30 p.m. ReservaUons -673-tll2. "Luv0 A comedy about mlamat- ched lovers Is on stace at the San C I e m e n t e Community Theater, 20'2 Avenida Cabrlllo, San "Clemente, Thur.Sat., Nov.-26-29 at 8:30 p.m. Reservalions -492--0465. Oscar Helps This Actor '!be Ac:ade!ny Award mayl be a jinx for sqipe acton, but the reverse Is true with George Kenne(bt. The actor, who Ju•t completed a starring role wlt.h Jim Brown and l Fredric March in MGM's Ralph Nelson Film ". • ·I tick ••. Uck ••• lick ••• " has ...... s....1,. eo.ti ....... . ,..., ..... 1,. X1IlifDto1 NlW'OltT llACM • Oft.U.S5b FREE PARKING HELD OYER WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS ~_?.:.,A:-::'BR:':l~LU':":A~N~T~f~ILM~.N~O~T:"!T~0!"!8E!"M!'!'!'!IS'!!SE!!!D"!!l"!ll. J~ ·- ALSO THIS. GREAT FEATURE tour other major plcturesii~~~iiiiiiiiii~ awalilng release and nextl month be~s a atarrlng role in MGM s Freeman-Enders Production "False Wltne5$." Sold out last lime they appeared In the Pavilion HIROYUKI JWAK1, conductor YOSHIO UNNO, violln aololtt T1ckel pricn $1.75, 2.75, 3.7!, 4.75, 5.75 {for ••ch lffrtl) ,,.._ •w1H1bi. 11 Mu1lc C111t1r 0 DOROTHY CHANDLER llu on1,,, Auto Club of So. C1111 .. I Crossword Puzzle THI am OP WISTONS Gr.,..rr P«lr -0-111.,w "MACKENNA'S GOLD" (M) ... .,..,,...,, ... "'"-"""' ""-· "' P' "''I LI 0 N Mutu1I Ag•ncl•• •nd W•lllch's , f"\. V MOJtlC City. for ln for1t11ll1>n call • Of THf MUSIC CfNT(ll '616-7211. Group 111\•1; IH-5781. / ' tl1e-rnesa T . <Jtr~ of Fi ne New App0111trr••-ni s f'Jf ~'JPnF<f J\N f) tl/1.1.'R l)R lt-r ( cr..1 A Ml.SA llUPHONI 541·1S52 FOR INFORMATION. TWIN SOUND SHOW "THE FILM PULLS NO PUNCHES! AS ENIGMATIC, CONTROVERSIAL, AND HONEST AS ITS SUBJECT!" -T&·~~Mo.lt.! ------ DONT LOOK BACK A l'llm By o . A. P•nnebaker -AL50- --~A~L=L-_-,STAR ENTERTAINERS "MONTEREY POP" • IYI. SHOW STA•TS 7 P,M. CONT. $Al. & SUH. F•OM 2 P.M. '". * ONE Hi Kids! •'· IN COLOR * T~ BIG ONES! WILL SHOW AT 7:00 and 10:45 l•y G•t4•a 1n -Oet1't forpt 5,._1.i Sftow -S..1'4.,. Hrt. 11 -IJ:JO p& ACROSS l African rtpubllc S Time of day 9 Monopoll zt; 2 words 14 Small sle d 15 Th in sword 16 lrl sh county 17 Mtlal:.Abbr. 18 Tlllt 1 19 C11tle ranch sectio n , 20 ~njoyment ( 22 '····Sweet" 23 Being the nearest 1 24 App ly I grease: I Informal 2S Equrslrl1n'1 nece s sl ty 128 Ctrtaln of I G.B.Shaw's products 32 Flshtrman's ac cessory 133 01!1il and ' split pea •J4Sli1nola hi : Abbr. j)S Outtr covrrlng l ~Ht Young girl 37 Concrete stctlon 38 f·our-l ooled an!m1J 39 "Dlvlnt Com tdy11 1ulho r l ' • " " 10 " ·40 Pronoun 41 Gtt· togtlhtrs 43 Kitchen app ll antt 44 Wrath 45 Musical group 46 Govrm· mrntal , proj ect ' 49 Pacific Caa5t city 5l San Antonio bulldlng 54 Nasty person: Sl ang 55 Kind or 1kl n l1s fon 5!t·Room 57 Gloomy Dt1n 58 Tht "E" of "Q .E.O.'' 59 Weapon !!Cl Word of approval 61 Turn down DOWN l Show 1pprov11 In a way 2 Clly In Qutbfc l Flt of shaking 4 Cl1lmti:I as due S Sumpl uo11s 6 Mariner's direction • 1 l 7 Part of "to bt" I Man's n!c.kn1m1 9 Journall sis 10 Vtry happy 11 Have a ytn for 12 Exhort ll Equal 21 Jnstru ctlon to one's broktr 22 Rough, to an aviator 24 Parasitic lnstc'I - 2S "Out!'' 2b Leave one'1 beCI 27 Stow lo grasp things 28 Prlttl " .. , 30 Elfac.e 31 Solemn 3J 8um IJ9hl/y lb Canine dlseast 37 Followed furtively 39 Koh·l·noo r, for one 4D Omar's product 42 Vibratory motion 43 Financed 4S Gambling 91mt . 46 lrnptrtlrM!l'ICt: 0111. 47 L~bster ltilurt 41 Splotch of ligh t 49 lt1 tl1n be'1et19e 50 Th in SI f'1klslan'1 neighbor S2 Legat man: Abbr. 54' Fruit . •. ~ .. ;;-.,,,,,..,.,,,,,....,,,.,., ,- GM"JI! K....cfr -J-'W)lm.r. "GUNS OF THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" J1p1ne1• Movl•• Every Tue1d1y NJght CherttOtt tkottM -.t.nlo Wltftw • "NUMBER ONE" (Ml •'" l•'-t MltclHtflt -A .. I• Dlc•I .... · .............. "YOUNG BILLY YOUNG" (0) ............. .,..,,,... ..... ~ ...... lbd..._ e>r.,. C""'7 Drt...-1• ... _ U•• Mi11111lli w.1141.11 lurt•" ''THE STERILE CUCKOO" (M) .... 1141 , .... -..... Je&lf l•"''"'" w.1t1r Mitthau ''THE ODD COUPLE" ........... ,., """' ...................................... s..c.....,·-. .,_.,M_.. • . "DARBY O'OILL AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE" (G) ... .,_ .... "SMITH" (0) ---"l!i!EJ .............. ' .....,....,...,_.~,.._ "LAST SUMMl1t•· (R) ... AlaC~lliht­ "STILITTO'' (Rl emss11s ~ Pllt tAltltOl\. IAXla "PARANOIA" ()() -MlCMAIL u.at.ntM , ........ MUflil•ICUTT "EYE OF THI CAT" (Ml -CAllOAO .. HtRIYtly N -... ti win M •""""'- " ) .. . ' ' l [ ,. ' I •.. !8 DAILY PILOT Editor's No te: T It is niovie guide is prepared by the f ihns co111rnittee of Harb.or Cottncit PTA . li1'rs. Joh.t~ Clal'k is president a11d ft1rs. Hart Su1ee11ey is committee chairman. Jt is i11tended as a re ference ill determining s11i.tablc f ilms for certain a g e groups and wilt appear weekly. You" iews ~at'e solicited. Mail the1n 1.0 Mo· tiie Guide, care af tlLe DAILY PILOT. * * * ADULTS Ace Hlgb tM): Italian-made weslern f,1 which Eli Wallach portrays a happy gunslinger v.·bp is !reed after 15 years in prison and goes hunting for the two who betrayed him. The Babysllter IX): Sex and violence in modern suburbia. Patricia Wymer, George E. Carey and Ann Bellamy star. -Daddy"111 -G<tne ~-Hunting ( M): Ca.1temporary suspense film set in San Francisco. It concerns a happi ly married woman "'hose former lover reappears to terrify her with demands ofber child's murder as atonement for a previous abortion. Carol White, Scott Hylands, Paul Burke. Don't Look Back: Docuinen· lary of singer-poet Bob Dylan during tlis 1965 concert tour of Englao.1d. Eye of the Cat I 1\l I: Suspense builds as two young men and a girl plan the death of an invalid aunt who lives in an old mansion overrun by cats lo whom she had planned to leave her millions. Eleanor Parker, Tim •1e.1ry, Gayle Hunnicutt I, A Woman (X): A mo vie mostly about nudity. Last Summer lR): A ha r- rowing drama about a group of teenagers thrown together for a summer. Barbara Hershey, Richard Thomas. Mac ken n a ' s Gold (M ): Story of a group of men and women who all share a fear of rampaging Apaches and a greed for gold. Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif . Medium Cool (X ): Robert Forster, a tel evis ion ,l-----<amerman-w..h...o s e credo is non-viole.1ce, is assigned !o - cover the 1&68 Democratic convention. Paranoia (XI: Ca rr o 11 Baker is a newly wido\\·ed jet- setter who becpmes the target German Sex Mores Told "Seven \Vomen Per I !earl,'' described as "a revealing panorama of contemporary German sexual mores," is being filmed in color on loca~ lion in Germany by noted Italian direclor Sleno Vaniina for release by Wa rner llt'os.· Seven Ar ts. Vanzina, 'vhose film com· edics ha ve starred Brigilt0 Bardot, Sophia Loren. Vittorio de Sica, Alberto Sordi and many others, was joined by ltalian screenwriter Allessan· dro Continenza in creating the screenplay for "Seven Women Per !·lead." in a plot to clupr lir•r Q.ttt ~·f t ·:· inherituncl' and drive ht'r to kill hersell. The St:.:rHe C11l·ko1t ( • 11 · l.i:ta ~1 inel !i ghcs a 1,.irn111nJ sensiti \'c pcrforniuntc 1n lh+;; story of 111.·o lonC'ly i,;lll!r , .. ! "ho find !rive for the J 1 ~ ti111e. \\le.1dcl! Burlon ;·L11 stars. ' Sl iletto· F'iltn \l'rsinn er Harold' RobbTns nuvcl of murder and intrigue <Hl\Oll~ the l\1afi<i , st;i rri1~g A!ex C 1t'J and Britt Eklund. l\1ATURE TEE~S AND ADULT.:, lf it's Tuesday, This !ltu~t Be Belgium (1\1): A llu~lt1~1d r,!' Atnerican tourist§. \1hiz2in .. '. hilariosuly through 1\l.1ru~:.-in search of instant t l'lt\irc 01ri" shepherded by a jar.lrtl \ vung Englishm an. Ian ~lc:;ha.·•'. Suzanne Pleshellc. 'Lion Jn \\linte r: Clo.sh of tv'n str<lng·willed monarchs-. l\in,; Compose l''s Life Story In .l\iovic L. ''T sc ha iko,·.~ky." lie forthcon1ing \Varnrr Ur o , , rcleac;c in 'vhi ch Sr~ rrt fi l"TI star lnnokenti Sn1oktuno\~I,\ pl<1ys lhe ti!le role of th~· u.;1 · 1 19th Century Hussinn '?"'l· poser. is now bclnrf' 1'11' camera in 70 1nm co:r•· •1rt 1·1 Calion in Paris aft"r rll" 1 ~,", -or fl lming u1 C•H11br;d;, '. England . The Soviet casl <incl 1·rew arc under the direction ol Igor 1'alankin \\'ho a Is o rol· laboralcd on lhe scTt'l'npl:1.v \Vlth Bud imi r J\letoh1ikov .1n•J '\'uri Nagibin. T ll f' un· preced ented project \1>:1~ Jn· itialed by fan1ed /Jnl!y110111 I cnm poser Dhnil ri Ti1, .••;in "'ho is ex ecutive prflfluce1 ,.n,1 general ffiUSiC din.T!nr f.,r lfl• film. lmpo rtan1 1·0Je; in 1h · filn1 are played hy other pn1;11111cn1 Hussian ar1.is!s 1 n c I u d 1 n g "'orld·famcd biJ!Jl'J'HJa J\;av;l PHS'ctskay'L_ f1f the lJJI: !°ioi B:illc l <J:> Or·sri:Cl' .\rlol Antonina S h u r a n n \'a ;·; Baroness von J\1 eck, th·· 1 r11n- poser's patronc~s; 1. i ! i .i Yudina as his \\'ife: '.'t"•t:1•1.1 Leonov <JS his S"rv:,nt: 1:1e Corps rlc Ballet of the 1 "fl· ingratJ Bafll·l an:! the en itrl' 1'.1nscn'" Stale Syrnnhony. In Ol'dcr to pl'O\ ide tltc [;!1n "'ilh lhc qualily 0( L1ul l,c·1: 1 I~· ;:ind rculi~rn d-.:ni<.1 ut.!~d !Jv Tion1k1n. "T:.chaiJ..ov~ky·• 1. lieing filn1crl 111 <;i-rr l'ai In".';:· lions l!Ctll:1lly 1 i:.1h·d 11/ lhc composer. I! \V<JS in Ca111bri(ij'l' in IG'".'1 that Tsc:h ~JkO\',,l>.Y l tC·~:· t•d 1he higlH·st honnr h1·,:, '"•I 1·11 hi1n ou t~idc 111~• ll'>ll \•· t1,.1n;rv -an honur<u.1 lli'·:••l' f1u1;1 Can1bridgc Un11·er~ •!1'. In l'al'is the c '~">:1, y i> r iJ rn in i; .sCl'll > .~ II[ Tst'h:iil;1nsky".~ 11.sit 1.-i ! " Frcnt·h t·;ipil;il r.,,. \ii.· ·11\· ·.I of his closr f1 it·tul. :~ •·.•JI ; l!ubcnste i11. ::ind ;1 :.tdJc ·tiul"lt 1necting t:u:ore 111111 1ht• t!l't•al }{ussian I\' r i L f· r . !1 i Turgclll'V. J ,ubL·11.~tL·ii1 ! ~; !' ·r1·1· 11 nf Cn;-1~,..d ;ind hi.~ ( ' .I, 1 ;1, 'U 'I uf 1\qut\;JUIL', rn~I ; 11 l.11 ill :in t. · (';:p\t'l~11 e t!l':11,1c1 o t 'I !rd~r>' nts of 1 ~h1 r' 11;-.! r1 P1'1f'r r···rr.x.1t , .. , i i\:"lt;:,.111<' l i<'P· Ir 1: ;1. '.'\11111~~"r n:1" ( 'J 1: ('h:irlton 1!<"''•1•; 1 r'1'l\. ,•11 n~1·1g fnot- li: !1 •.t.1r \·.,111 1:1c ::cw Orleans :-:1:·~1, I • :11J fl;ii,• :l,,•111<eh·csl, r Ti1". t'• • 1r-· r;lli~ (JL1est1on ,II. (1U1I ct! 11 Ji Jr: I 'pnJ<Jl'it'JU~ t "1111: !;. J 1 \..lu<'ll l\10 ill 11., i\'h 1. t": 1.irr:e:J:; <ll·C'<lJ l•1 n'f: 11 1n.--:1 1'' \'.':-Her :\!:ii· t 1·:11 ind Ju~;, L~nrn111. P1 111 11; 1't"' r c·<•n1c(]y ; br,.: ;. f'Pl 1 i J J: I t' (l 11 \, ... ). ... r. p;._.)Ll by 1\l<A.JJ i\r1. 1. 1 '10 ;od~ ;1l lill'l'i!. tll f· l • l':i i· :i i11 c·:·d•·r 1(1 ~upport. ],, ·.u ~,,,r •. [,· !>i(·hen1c.;; J.-, ·11.:1!<v l"l j r1 t!a·111 uut ur th eir ,.!urn 1'•1\ i•·n11i11rnL St111c Kinll71 ~1.tt t\IJ: J1itk ~.·1n ny;...; ~,t,1o":. in a comedy ;111 ,•1l ;i l,111k l ·lk·r 1·. l1u grow.:i ;, i.1 11 J lu 1-,,·,1 r .i I.rt i.: ~(JJ1r,. .1~· n: ( ], l ',\ < ') n ;.nJ l~;*,·.nar .• F· r· '1 ... L\} :;!~;,., T::El\S ·A'\O .\UCL TS :!'lfll: \ ~i:a"I' O:!~"sey (GJ· 1~:'"'''HH\l1r;;: J·hn ,,:,('11t the hi"l"fY r·f t!·! for1 naHnri c[ 1<-ir.1' 1,1rv11iJ1 111:• rlc·•clop· 1· 11 r! r."~ 11 In tr:i\r! in · flllt"'. <::r'"'-·J·•"ll l;ir vi~u;1l r.r- f,_,.,~_ !~tir 1J11lJ: :i. Gary Lot k· v.r.~.ii. ''fl'.J:V! Uit:}· Yuun~ (G !· :··:•:n.ti'n~ to f!nd J»s !:on':; 1:''"-r1 1 n 1l: ·: l :.r1~1i'1111 1.. ,)" ;1 ' !' t:h·11 :1•· I~ ·•·f<; :> 1 rJ'"'~ !":':1L un t'•" r'1:1(! '.r1 J.11r :•nd nrd<'r. !',\\·lit.\' Dtirhv O'f~i'I 1.01 I the Lilllr Pr>opll'. (G 1 1\ ri·i-· e or \\';ill o;.1 ·v's fl'!.''"·" :1brt11l ;1 c11n1· I 'l>t' ol<'i I ':"11 ~:l'\ry IL•llr r I oi'l : '' ;,·!'! ;1 h<1l !l' r)f \\'J I-; 1·.1,11 I•, rrch 1• i<c 1u1d 11t(·,r tr ·\ ,it• r ••''1 king. /i ll>t'rt ~h·.·ri . ~·r· 1:1 c 111r:i.:ry, .l,1nr1 I r,1:,11 j(j I , n!r·11·,1· f'l'l111· • f I~~·: "'"Iii :i• 011 1 h · : ' l· I I • ' '. 11~' It l " J I 1 •' " ;11 .:: ~ I :1 ' J1· .. 11i,\'1•;;, ;11 I l!i.ii.1-: of lh is j'l!t' P( ,J ~,11'i\1 I lfl"l~ll!'_', '! ":·p :·: p.·~ 1 1eul:n• ~!1'''· ial ' l I, 1:1 ! ''" ,.. 'I "1th \1:1\. I .J1: !\ :~·I\ J l:tl(i J)i<ll,'.' l» '!' i;1hrr i 1; l : !"r"'11,,ul:1r 1r•11_.1i·.i1 I l 01\n 11t llh·kCn<;'<; ''fl"' i · ;.' :I ;in nq,hauC'd \ ,lj] I I ' I !' ., ~·"J;l Ill!' l'lf ! •' 1.,1~ .. r r-I.~"" Hr• f1n n'lv ,, d ,I I .' ' - ~ 11; i ! " ~· i:·· ' ( .. ,,, " " ' •• I I '111! r "' !l11• '1 'I', ] ,(""'t'I', t 111 { r !:['r·d. J'"·I' 'II(' l'lf 1 .\ l'l • ;!' •d .1:l ;,-;, !1;1~IL•:: ; r p 1 c·; r ·l 1 I',, .•. i '1• 't1 'Cli!i« tt·.t • 11 • ( \,\ 11 'J<.ll\, ,. ,, ,. ('' Ill, ','' ., ' '•1 "' ' ' Ii J 1' ! ' II ' ,) i' /' .' r·•! !, .1 ., ..... , I' 11• ( • ,fi• I I' 'lri. 'it I i · r J<JO/ 'lit --· BRIAN KEITH ANO BARBARA WERLE STAR IN KRAKATOA He is Deep Sea Diver Connerly -She's Called Charlie • I :;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;~ 'l{ral\.atoa' 120th Fil111 · Fo r Rossano Brazzi are also chronicled in the Technicolor production. TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SEAS Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. Now 2 l otollons 21tW. WILSON, COSTA MESA jo!I F~"'~"' RQ., )~8·1961 l17·G. Ri~~":d. Or, -Ntw~ort B~dC~ 11>i'n1na 111• Poo1 Olf•c•I 6"16-8~J4 Actor Rossano Brazzi makes his !20th n10lion picture ap· prarance in Cinerama 's "Krakatoa. East of Java," currently playing at Edwards J\cwport Theetl er. Br:1zz1 has long cpl tomizrd t!Jc sua ve, gallan t continental. But in this fllm-for the fi rst 11n1t•-he docs not have a Jove interest. Brazzi plays the role of t.iovanni Borghese. an cle- g•1 nt n1ann ercd aristocrat \\'ho 1r;1vcls the world 11.·ith his su!IL'n. ha ndsome son, played by Sa ! f\'lin.eo, ancl a circus "Krakatoa. East of Java" stars an international cast 11.'hich also includes ~1axi n1il · ian Schell, Barbara \'icrle. ['.::~~:'.".'.~~:'.".'.'.::::'.'.'.'.::~'.::::'.:_ Brian Kt"ith. Diane Baker and ;J ohn' Leyton . rt is an Am erican Broad· casting Compani.es. Inc., and Cinerama. Inc. presentation produced by \Vill ian1 It for· man and cllrected by Bernard Kowalski with music scored and conducted by Frank De· Vol. ba lloon from which they n1ake ir====:::;::;'':''=='===;ll an adve nturot1s livi ng. The picture, in Cinerama's , wide.scree n process. rela tes 1he story of the erupt ion in 1a11.1 of the volcanic Island of ~.t....tt~M1F~ l\r.1kJ !OJ in the Sunda Str;;iit Tustin&pire_!_ ~-lb9b FIRST RUN ho:"twecn J ava <i nd Sun1atra, w :ll iqm Holdtll _ Vlrna Lisi r;i usi ng the loudest explosion "The Chr,istmas Tree" 1n recorded histury. The cal· Also ;istrnphic event:; of the killer "If It's Tuesday, Ilda! \Vave ;ind the cataclys. It Must Be Belgium" inic disaster \1•hich followed wn~ S1Uann• Ple«~•tt• fl enclricks l:o==·='="="='"='="'='="="~"=-='-'=~=-=·-·=·.:::· .:::~-::1 flonorecl 1 For Filni \\'1 \li:J.111 1.. Jlcndricks. pro- tl'lcf'r of shol't subjects and ! rlnc111n cn!:iry fil1n s for \Varner , B"os. Studios. received the Chris Aw et rd ::it the !Ith An·I nun l Columbia. Ohio f ihn 1 l"e·;tival for "This Is U.S. F.Lu·n1n," 11h ich he wrote and 1,r()duccd. '!he 21·1ninu1c ~horL which 11ri•1 the St;itueuc for ex· C<!llc nre in the cduca 1ional 1•·1ti-gnr.v. v.·;is prnduccd for Ilic 1\nnctl F11rt·cs lnforn1ation ~··r\ 1tc. li.S. Dcp<irt1ncnt of Prrcnse. It (lepicts t 11 c, l1i'lonr;ii l)ai kg rou nd ;ind cu r· 1 l':'I St:t\L!S (If U.S. 1nilitary lurres in E11ropc. I This i~ 111c secon d Chris THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING PROGRAM The Molio11 Pict1fr1 C ode .~d 11..atina Ad'mjn i1tr•tiot1 •i:oplie1 t he f~llowing r.atin g1 lo film1 di1t<ibuted in f~e U.'S A. Pie· ture1 rited G, M O< R quelify for the Code Seal. <@ Pktures ralcd X do no t rec eiva • Seel. The ralinq• apply lo picluref relea1ed eller Novem· ber I. 1968. Piclu••• released befo r• that date ••• de1crib. 1d e1 pr1viou1iy ! ~ end/or SM A I. @)-Su9g•1ted for GENERAL aud!ence 1. {MJ-Suqge.ted for MAT!JRE .audiences ( P•re ntal di1- c•elion 1dvi1ed I. r@ -RESTRICTED -P~110~1 ' ~ under 16 110! .ad m<lted, un le11 •ccomp~nied Gy parent or 1dult gu1rd· 1\1r:1 rd for l!cndrick.~, \l'hO alsoi .@ ·-l'cr5on5 1111dcr 16 not llTU{L' ;ind protluccd lhc 19G7 ad,,.itted. Thi5 •g• •e· I $11',tion may be higho r '~t<l[! !<111!• fOl:Qtflllt tlll<JR ~1'.-i;.'' Un11 ct1 Art1:;ts Who Listens To Landers? One of the principal German locations for "Seven \Von1en Per Head" is Hamburg's Street of Pleasure, t h c Reeperbahn, an of ficially pro- tected qu arter where prostitu· lion fl ourishes. portrayed in 1l1r !1:111 I:\ .- Vladislva Strr.~hcJcldi.. 1 . -r: &!t~•"~·""'' ,, iAriWIM I 111nncr, "A Frt"e People." l=~:':'~':'~"~·;''•·~·-'~'~"~:~C~h~o~d~j~~~[[~~~~~~;.~~· l M 11si~ CHter Oper• Association PreHttts ••• ill . The 11irector of ph1,11':.;1·;1rii f or ' · T s c hniku1 sky" .-; l\largerit ;1 Pili ki1ina. o:w r r 11,., few \\'11111Cl1 Cilll'111<i!Ht:,f· ptll'I ,; in tht' \1orlcl. Opens 1 \Vednesd;iy (Nov. 19) th ru Dec. 7 [ I NEW 'YOR.K crrl OP Eft ;. ·1 ,''41 lul•u' Rl111<'1 1 ,, . .,. JI 1· ' I JO: magnificent operas, 16 memorable performances ~. MEFISTOFELE ""' Wtclnesdar. Now.191 '8\00 pm Tuesday, Nov. 25. a~oo lllll MARRIAGE OF FIGARO "'"" friclay, N.ow, 21. 8:00 pm Sullday,.Now. 30. 8100 pm ,. RIGOLETTO '"" ~nday. f!o~ Z4,8;00 pm Sunday, f'IGw. 30, ?:{II) pm BALLAD OP BABY DO E Moitte/latowcha Monday, Dec. I. 8 O'J pm S1tvrda1, Dtc. 6, 2 00 ~m -~n:·TRIT-TICO p, :t1,; ,,..~ .. _~ ........... ,. ...... !ill ---------· ' I • • .' ;·S O UTH COAST j "" • .'/; PLAZA THEATRE 1• ·u fre.,way ,it Bristol • 5116.271 2 ~~'~""''-~~-~~..;....;~ .; ('-..-• .,.~'\I ! ~ ...... ' I ' .. , roY B."-l<ERY PRODUCTS AND C'/ D'S rcOOT CEER PRESEN T T).) KIDS Oc ALL AGES STOOGES IN ,. ' ~ D THE A DAZE " 1 T'\l("" .. ' ... :-... '1 ..... I I ' t, 5 CARTOONS '.'O" .., r·i:i MASTER ROY GORDON ",'!~. CE AT THI S THE ATRE '.'117:·l I\ r Ar.REL OF FU N ANO A C.' ::...:L OF PiUZfS PRIN(,:E IGOR .ltrMl• II filttr11, Swtt A~1r1!rt, •1•~~1 Sth!,chl Tuetd•~. !Jie11. 2. 6:00 pm S1tmdav Ott-. 61 S,Q(! pm •I c~ :,'\i'.~~f;', r:ov. 15 at 12:00 Saturday, Nov, 22, 8[00 pm Saturday, N01. 29, 2100 pm -,,.,.. ~ MA~ON M~ssen•t =' . j3, "110 pm ~· ,~ ~. 29, a:oo pm ·LUCIA DI lAMMERM R nt111nni Wedl'.es"ii;;v;Jlte. 3, i:l'O P:n ·swndJ,1 llt t '· ! 00 ~l!t TICK•fl HOW II M\IS!t C..ilrt l!O• O~l'C"' O<)fl!)fM•f"A"trl.!\ llJ Nt , G••nd' ... _..., Lo» A119e1cs 90}11 A11to PAVJ LI ON (h,ttl Of SO, C.111., All Mii!~! TIC~tl OHl(M, Wtltkh'5 Muii< ("'11,r, ~o C1tl!I Mu k Co. ~ W• H-.. A•11kAmtrk~rl), M~•ll!f C~lr,:,, 01"""• Club, Ct'l1t 81.i<lUl• •nd AmflllC.in • l'•i:ir•n. Flf' tr1l1r1114t1on, c•H. 11'-1211. _ .1 l PlllCtS: l..I, (ounb' Tl~ ll'Pthllltd• ,, "1 ,. ~5. ., " .. $ r.i M.9~ $)IS fOf IPtCll trn~• r1i.1.' tfll. Mt.1•2•. rt~ •• ~ t•ctou ••ll·•«~nuef 1tail'•''' t~v1!1•1 \, -::~ c;:r:cr:;: CPEt ~S 12 NOON :; ·c\VTIME -12:30 l ...---~·"·--------WALT DISN EY'S I "D ',.,C'/ O 'GILL ANO THE I u TU: PEOPLE" 1 ''~t'\RE " !T Ti1 AP'' ..,.~iii -Jlr•rt !'.1furrltly ~i t 3 P.M. '--~~·~~~------~ ·--., ' EXCLUSIVE! RESER VED SEAT ENGAGEMENT TON IGHT AT 8 ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WAL KED u .. , 11t MOON. FOR THE REST OF U:j, "2001" IS AS CL OS£ AS WE'RE L/KcL Y TD GET. . -OPPORTUNITY SHARI EXPENSES to .ACAPUlC.O. or CARlllEANS . N•w S?' • tO' lv1. C•t•-r••• Wod4 Cr11lsl .. , Slffp• 10, L111. Solo11, Z M. Cobl111, 2 Htb., 2 911H11 Ids., THk hdlt, Teel Co• ltiu-Soll SpHd 30 Kat5, P.O. lo1 1913, Newport lffcli, 'C•llf, ' f71•1 442·flZ7 ~~~ now you can SEE anything you want ~cii:is D:STAUMNl'" """' ARLO GUTHRIE COLOR by Delu•e Unll!!d Arltsls ~~ .... f ·~·· NOW PLAYING-ENOS TUESDAY RAW BEAUTY ••• :P•v,ol...-'·' ', .,J \ 1)0~'fo~ z~1VAGO -- EOWARD!I PLUS This 2nd GREAT FEATURE 2nd TOP FEATURE Starts Wed., Nov . 19th "The Undefeated" j W• •• , ~0><" "•D <><llD<~ N~ST ... , ···~ l l'•llN Gl~Ot N ~KOVE •~AN D<lGO !W~S.. ' Nle, Natalie"· "'""' "" DUKE '"' roi... t.,n.llJ'• !""''-·:.~;'.:-~ 2.id a• HUNilNGTON D e ~ Von Pyke "SOM< KIND OF NUT" -----.-- Now Thru Tuesday 2nd ot HARIOR Joell lemman & Wolttt MC1nh11111 "TRE ODO COUPLE" \'/EST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW AT BOTH THEATRES -• • Jf.~C: ... BLVU. AT ti:tltS • • tluN l ING TOl'<I e~AC H • ••?·••Ort ' .. ·r ~ ,. ,.-,... . .,....,.....,...---.-,..-.--.-..,,... -,.,.. ., • .--.-... ··r·· "-r" ·,.-•• ~-·•• .-, •• , • ... .. .. .. .· . . ·TUMILEWEEDS .. E V E N I N G ,, ; ~ : 6~00.~~il Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. Ji°0·1·. ~ ~ro-1i1tkle & JDt ,.. · m.HunUty·Brillklty (Cl (30) -"( 'i7)l3)ffi CJS~ (C) • -Slift All111 -Sll01f (C) (90) Mor· ". M,, \tlalit:;11t'~C},', · aan1 King, Hug It O'Brian. _ Aloe rt . .F~ ''" t·tr\t) . ~· ·BrO'?k!. M•ry•Futernic~ and,Diahn 1':ZS_ Gi~• Us Tll.s Dtt (C) I '-t:'\I •' (, " I '· I fl.J . : ir-- 1 "\."" l, -( \., ', i I /, -.... . ' Wilham guest. . 7:Jb"iJ S1u11h~ St111Mt::r IC\ 0 LANA TURN ER IS Q liTJf:l Q) ~"1'' ., ' ~' -- *"MADAME X"-COLQR1 f.'!jlfo~9;,1; \/!:\Ye~! r.::11.J ,I r ··• · . · 0:) O"iO \,1. t:\ ·,wi f() • O Sir O'C lotk Mavi1: (CJ ·"M~-8:00~'29 a 1Yt~ J:l~ , t") ~11n1 .r • (111elod1~ma) '66--lan!j tJ ;, J " CD P.c ! 1.., 5 I I Tmntr, John Forsythe, ·Keir OutleJ, G1u~1p t~I I Diet Van Dyka (30) I (il ll'li [3; ffi c~tlJJ ·:1 L '• r1 Peyton Place (30) t;;J Kl'llLa (~) Sbr Trek (C) (50) fl) T~~~5 o: \/.:: $ I What's New? (30) ''Ri~ertoats, fil Gu.,1~1 (~) Showboats and Entert~inment." U:lG O i ll' ~e· [,_·~ :,. · Tiempe ~• Pe1don (30) ii(H 11.J' !'-l - News (C) (50) Jack H1~key. 0 ~.f o .:;) ru1~ r :~ ,'I 6:3D KMBC Newsmice (CJ i30) J ~ C~111~us f'1·~,,~ - t t. .. --/ .. '- • -- ~---,..., -· , . , ,·( !.:-'- . I .. . , I· -· I,, I ' ~; I . ' /.' -"-.-) / 1 "' .\ . , ,.,·.s--... ......... _, __... _ ___,. ____ _ ' I ' i I • \.. ( i I ' ' . • . t '" \ ,: • • ... , ' ...... Cy . Frcrr.'1 ~aginski •• Ey J:zl M l.1ilc:; ,--- . ' ' I The G1me Game (C), (3q) ! . J : • .., .. ~: • · ~ ~ To Te)I the T1uth (C)· (30) k·. ·~'.} I~· J Office of ·lhe Preiident (30) Ci) l.i~~n Ii ~ Conceit (CJ (.30) (R) fl1) ~ · ~ r · Noticlero 3~ (C) (60) 9.<i!l!"') ·,_ , ~.;. 7;00' . ~:;s ~~!111~~) Nevn (Cl (30i ~:.·~'.:'~( .• -~ I~!? 1' r ·N I _:_J !'-.~~-'--"'-'--. ~:-· · \ . l·L Wh1f 1 My ~int? (CJ (Jo') f.-) 17 (-. "-"'-I Low1 l11CY (30) ffi!,i~11~: ''l.;j3 b 1~' (• ) Beabllla Cloek (~) (30) ···,....c;~1tvn nro .. r. J :1 1 " tomlfiodlt)'/-Stodl ·Report (30) m r:.m ·~· r:-~ t1 1-·~ \ ,r Ahora! (Jor f j r : :· ~' American West (Cl (30) 9:30 f"1 ': : r. 'I " · ". : ' ' ' That Glrl (C) (~0) f "q ~l •• \ ~ I 1 ' ; 7:30 . C1 1-, . 1.~ 1 1.~ ./ w ; • .,) 6 GET SMART CD nr.ul111g ilnQe t"• * TV'S FU NN IEST SHOW . a> Cua11.hs r cu.hrr;:s I) '3 @ Get Smart (C) (30) The Smarts become the parent~ of twins lffC lttl J'I 1-~~~S!Olt but Qnly alter unravcl1nK 1 mix·up Todifs pr~gra~.ni~~ is suhjti! '.~ in hospitals. CQncluslon. chanee fer color co·iuJge cl th~ 0 ffi Hiifl Chi1parr1I (C) (SD) -Jlieht of 1stron•c!.!. lt t:'>111il;. A1 n "Lady fa t(" L. DeJn, Cot RI'"" d F. l'.. 'l 9 Stump the Stars (CJ (30) Jr., and Comdr. l.,JJt!Cs C "' ! l / D (f1) [J) rn Let's Ma~e ii Deal • Jr,. I (C) {30) MClflty Hall hosts. • , _ , Q MiMjon $ MO'llt: (C) .. fOUI IO:D!l f.)~9J(pl f'clK!•OPf r ·t~1 '. ) r Hon11D~n of !hr ~calypsf' (dra· fJ \17)(!.J)CiJl~CfiA FOfl -1 rC_~ ma ) '62-G!enn ford, Charles 811y. ~ Mo11e-: "!k·,en~: cl U.;r' l .ll• er. Ingrid Thulin, Lee l Cobb. (dram•) 'C:A-f:osdnr~ !l!~·-, Judd for the Defense (C) (bO) (dramJ) '4~--HJm~·'·-1 t;., ' it rulh or Cons1q11enus (C) (30) ffiMowie; ''A,! fli:•u:-1 1 .. • .l Teclmical Ccrner (30J g) f:I.. Cbl~r t.e I 11 . The F1tnch Ch•I (30) l0:30 @ 5:ii ~n I ~to~'.ly-'lJ1 '·I J /" Ch~cho et Ro~ !lG) f) '13. · o (f.~ J:m~o 1t1 1:00 mirs11heGood Gur.;(CJ!3' l:1 Mo1·~: "!:Ji ~ P. 'r· II' n I SP~SIA-• I Ju lie L11ndon S~U\'\' -~'l-Wi::.im lh.:1':n. I. •! j I~ (C) (&0) Julie is lh~ s:ar i;;f t'>i O !1'.\''e: "!fn T11ltl'" ( m'usfc al ho•Jr with sp~ci1I gucsa -l, n ~-;~i •r.. j Chad and Jeiemy, The Dappers. an~ 11:()) 0 ''-' (! .t.•d.•e S~i·~ IC) fled and Mlcl\ie r1nn end rriend~.I ''1)123 o f~The r 11bfJ"" O @(J)ffi Tht Brad1 Bu~chl l:30C ,i~ ~,!<!;J A p 11 llo ~H . . / (C')_(30) "A Camping We W1!l Go."I !~c.;.I (,1 A.,,·~tc1.1 vout, -I Q11een for a Qay {C) 00) 11ro~r r1 l ! ~ " • 1 •.,--ol the Wetk ilGI -\be /.ill);;~ ~''"""-~-"·· _ . l~toitaco {CJ ()(}) !lr. Alberti 0 Movie: (CJ "e;1!f.1l;D!f!'f (1. -.: +· ~ _ -~~ (. ¥'-~- Hibbs. (RI ern) '44-·Jo~l M.:<~r~l, I ' I , __ I luceci1a (Cl (30) • l:~O ®J(i)Hoe:an'sHM~S(C)(3~l 1:;f ~r:J:..':1~1 ~. + f ... ..• · Ii) f~ ID Ntme of the G-ame. 7 ~ ti~f.11 L:... J (Cl (90) "The P11soner Wilhin ."1 · 0 IL71 ITJ CD Mr. Ot~s Gots tu 12:()0 r, , & The t.I. '" Tuwn (C) (JO) "\"/e~dong Bel is lor c:J ! 1 .. ~: 1LJ • \ Mr. Deeds." Deeds is on lhe r~ 1 ~-r~· 1:1 •:T,_\ • ,.,vin~ end of a marriage proposal_., L ·':J 1:~m~ , nd ri, . ffi pivid ~rost (C) (90) Sch~d-t '~ r, r )1~~ u'ed gue:;t:; ~re T~e Rev. Je:'ie (·11'.:~:;.1'':'· Jac~son o! "O~&ra1ion B1eed B~s I ~.J 1-:.:< ~ 1-1r. .•. r ~et"' singer Lois Walden. _Lady An· il:J r• .. I ,-r ,~d 1Qnia Fr1~1. 2uthor of "Maty 12:3Df' •,,l'.•r"r Ot1een o1 St0h," and sinBtt -1urly ' O ! ,. · ~1, t ., " li11~ 1 .·. · .. -·-~ Richards. , L.~r~· 1 ~,;1,1 , l lhe Big Yalltj (CJ (60) "'"''· r, n~; ,,, . Sageb!ush Thealle (60} W 1.t~v,~: • ;• ~.n cl ! .~ 1 :: _.-Cmls fl!;iste1 Class (30) 1c,1ru1t) ·.t;!-1~·"··'< .~ .• -Jil11tbes Tapati1s (30) ms!e I~! U'\ tf) • !1:00 1:00 f..)129 ll S1!!'L''I 'l it\ ~.· 8 Natalie Wood Oh'.cii:: ··•111 ,·.,~. ·"" * Dick sha\vn 1, i · ·1·1 , , "PENELOPE" f' I!. t· \~'. I .I ~t·:. l . ' CBS FRID AY MOV IES ~ ~ t • 1 1•• 0 ~91 (iJ CBS frlday Movie: <~l ,, f •:;, \ ~ ''Penelope" (comed1J '?6-Natal1~1 t :JO ,-.., , !- Wood, Ian 8;J11ntn. O"k ~~""'" ;."' -~' . •·1~ fl Playboy After D~rt; (C) (6G11 · ·1 Don Adams. David Hemmings. Glyl• ,. J , ,:_1 , ~ , .. Hunnicutt, Tht Diep Put pie, Lynn ~1 ; ,, , ;1 l<ellogg., Jac~lt Gayle i nd Brent en ~II:-,[ .r~ 1 ·1 Wood 111111· , ,. f1 :1 f~!tt!l~ J _) · g ·{UJQ)'(l) litre Come· !ht f :OO , ~:· ~ lJ I.< fC) Brldts (C) 160) "'The Lq end of Bit . C'l l 1 1nrl \-', d root.'' (,1 , ,.,. @.) Qlvid SUH kind (C) (2 hr) "TMI 2:lD {ll VI~~_ '· f 'r; , ThOll~re: Broadw~y. Very, Very, (!I Yo:r::1 ;;· i ~ r 1~ Vtfl Sick.~ . . t;) [§fil I: .' r . INUM C•ta Mus1c1I (30) I _..h•nd !.'ll·l 1:30 Ntwl (CJ (JG) Bart in VIMd. 1 is!er Dt·-r· " He Said, She Said (C) (SO) I ~ian~;r.h;,>ln:"/ c Rawh ide Roundup (liO) •. "Tho Gri• I :1 , Pandarama (30) I r;i OhH:et 10:00 QJ~).ID BracHn's World ~ .\lbt ~r.~-.o·r ! 1 (CJ (60} 'At! tha B&eutr!ul You"r 2:(){1 ID (he N~--!;· , ·y - Girls." L1ura Dune (f.l•labelh A I'" ·1 "St.0 .. 1.1 , ' ,r / ~ .. l ) I -.. " . r·-t. ·; ~. "i I ···~.' I ..... · r .... _.., \ r.. :L. ·1 . ' , \ ' • . ' . I '" .. ' ,. ., ' !~n) su!lers a heart attack when 1n --~;'~'~"~'~"~'r'-'--!~~,~·---h-~~~---~--------:_ ______ _ -------md-luve---tlirth-ur-thtt)-show1-ua-b11tr .l ·,io ,11 • l • " ·~ ") slill tasls an eve toward younp-r -., • .. ltil 1~·~ R•rls. Luke Halpin, Kevin H~ien a'.s-. 1 :-4 L •,•-.,1 1 ·• • & \" 1 (~) gue~t. I 1:1 r.· r r.·r~1 1 1 o {jl Hews (Cl 130) r'l T • · -1 e· , 0 1L'il (1) CE) Jimmr Dunn!! PrP· ff.\ f-• 1 ', ( , r ienb Tiie Lt11nan Stsl~r• (CJ (_6D)l 3:Jl)(;l Voe1<iQ :I :1 ~ • \'_ '~ •;:·· 1 Geo1i;e Burns. loh~ G81y, ar.d So~-n ~-'1 ' ' t.i .~!'.111 1 ) ny James !nd•H1s Sau!hern Genlle I ~ . •. , • men guesl. r:;(l -, J J IJ~'.s (~i Q Dllli! (Cl (GO) Schedu~td p,uesl~ (f!}P,.t1 1 , ' are Bifl Medley, DGC Sevennson and ffi S" ., r •; ,, ) Mnc 'CopaKe. 4:00 E II' • . (q'l\~ H ~ ~ J (f)Ptf1J M151l,(60) /•r:'llf 'l--•:1V~t. n.·~-1 €D C.reel de Mujeres (lll) ,,,,~, .... ~, --~, r.. o~ (:11 ""-.., 10:30 liil CrlstinJ G!l!min (30) · J':l1:1 ii';) 11:.DOI O Q@ News (C) "'! ·';1 I 1 Alfrod Hitchcoc~ 1 ·1 r · • l"~~~t (1::) • Jahn McKay (C) •• -. ' .. , ':'1 1 Ou111 Limits I _,1 r1~ ., c; f()(l'I for•)'tl Sa&• (Pl C1 ri "! . . in rn News (C) . 4:30 IJ ~q.'~:;_". ~ v :1, I ",.1_ r:~.·( .·)I: ll:lO l)9 (f)Mtl'Y Grill1n (C) r111k A 1;: .I r:n.F~···· .. c .• Gorst11n, s1ar of !ht new Broed11n~I ~m T· • 11111·.:;tr 5 hit. "Jimmt.'" Melba Mo11e, llu or , . · llr'lll(fl Broadway's roe~ musical, "H~ir,"1. ~-Tl\~ Y.~1:;,~1 •• r (~).. s~&u Midtline Kahn and com!d1ar. ~.:Ii> f1 !:"~ -,., '(l \Jl!cle -Onfy. I tn · ' 1 · ' Q Q3 f61in Johnny Carwn IC) '117 · l":')Ar-O•~c' Sche dultd euestJ rnclude Bob Hope, ~~:·~,( ~· ~- Lynn l\ellogg, GeOfge "Goob~t . • • Lindsay ind Roget Miller. f'.l 0: 1'• \. l 1J MO¥it: (Cl "Uncoriq11trtd" (Id· (li) OQ!ma" (t) venture) '47-Gary Cooper. ~ P•'"f 1 r11;n · , O @@ m J11y Bishop (t) fT')T1~.:.r ~ r,) Schtdll!ld 111ests include Georg• , €fl ,u!be. St1tttr Burns. Cl1ire l rn or ind MM1J 5:30§ R.llph ~~ory CCl (~' Brill. . 11'4£C N~•tr.'.t1 1' ! O Movie:: "TM Errand 107" (tom tio· 11: "tt:ll'r''' ~) '61-lltrY Lni~ n"tll 'SJ-11(1-i. .. 1'1 ~-·• J ~ ~· 1 QJM~.(t) "Cllkkpolnf' (dra-m Glil111"'' 1•'11111 ((.J ml.) '57..t.AAl~DllY Ste!lt. fJ) r.11. 1n:t Mrs; f·~o, 12·00 lU.Modt: ''Tba 11anchb1tk of l'I)< f1J IDt!ttn•l>illfl'll H• ~· •: ' • · t11 01mt'' (dtim~) ·:q -Cllfli I -"' ~ · ' '-• 1 •. 1 Lllu&hton. W1u1c1n O'Hlta, I CJ t.;.•-~ ,u t L r- ' - • • , . .. --· • • I -------·- . " . . ·-. , . , '-----·-·-·- \ ' • •• I L • ··-... -' 'I ' , .. -,'; f'.)>1 1~.~ ' I , I c 11 • I Sy 11 !'D SETTE~ I I-TOl:O--A&flEV 'TV [. 1.\E AT ELEVE~ ~l-11\ ,. I . ~· ' -.. -----~· ..... J .. < ··r.~ -J '\j . , I .l , . ·:I ' ....... ~ • ---..:::.-. ' \ I ~ ' .. L l I i \•~-, 1 )-irr~:~ · ~) I ' , ! ------/I .,·, --... -__.,.,-/-, r -...• '/ '\ r',,\,; I ,-.';'•-I ( . . t_ I 1 j_ I .. ~ 'r 7J. -.. ~· 11 I _j, -'-'~-=-~----- I i.:. ' • I '" '' "r' ) ' ", / '+ • -, ·~ • I -· I -~-i .J r . . ' ~ --• • • • ..,)J -• c. 'D· '--, ,. ~}r ,;,..~ - _ __;._· .J.r ___ _, ''1,'. I I • r . .,,, .. ~J···~ ... i., •• 1-1 11'1J,-'-~-------'.::":.LVC..::ll::l:_Of~'i!7 By Cha rles Barsonf ·: ..-:-' ) ........ ,. • ( tZ""' ,.,-r • . , .. ' J 1....:.to..? Pt:ANU.TS ' , By Cllarles M. Sahulz I " '!'J, \' . By CYNTHIA LOWR Y · · -~ ._ 'i ORK·.(.-\~) -On sll'n t noti'cc, all \hrec 1 i,,•l\l()!'l<s proVided li\'c t >JYe r ;.i;,;c o( Vice · n ·r . .\g~ew~s spcec:l1 c1 i~it:izing their 1\nd th· ' r .. p1 1•'Side.nl 1accon1111odJlcd lhe ~el­ \voPks h1 t.ni.~;11n·· in ti:tne for the nct\1u1k:; to pick up tf1cir· rcgul;.11: 1..~1t..:r~ain11'lent·.~C"1i e:;. 4 . . .. ',j .. -· A'BC AND NBC' resumed s<"hl 1!1·1' .l pro6rams. On ('B<.: RQger Mudd sun1marit:!'rl \~H' \ice pres!· dtl1r s crit.\cism and r ead. stalcn11·n: ~ by thr prest~ ! 1,:..,, t 1.,·i::s :11irl '.'JI'(' rl rfcndil,1.'. lilt"t' nc11 s depart- 111.;nt :. 1·nl•1, 1•a~ 110 l111 n11 i 1<1t1· PRstspcctll a11alys is of ~1 · ! n, I "t .-,).!17e1•. c1 1 vizcd.1 1u! a round tJ ble dis- .. 1-ll 1.'11• ~11h11•ct I l'H· ptu]olt:' r,ilo Ci:lllght his • c1 n1 ! 11·~1 c· brl'l1 i.< 1_,r111·. li·J CN E of 1 1111~·'' c11i11~-:11''1ltl': 11·hcrc television in1llJtcs life>, 1·Ironsideh on NP.C had a story about nJ1 ::in~ry young hot-head arr..ested as the leader of :111 rxlrc1nisl, 1nilita11t mir.ority organization. \Vhen Qrr;1i gncd in cnurt, tho _voi1ng 1r1a n spat out a stream of inst·lti:; hi thr j1 11·.~" ;,1 nrt •1·n;; j ililt:d for con tempt. i\ : 111111 ,,.. f''t'lll'< » 'n111'1 r, on <' of the Chicago r·t~h r h:·. t li1·~·n :;1 t" · l,:·._id 1;;,," d;1ys earlier, but t!ic '1 1 , •_, 1.1 ... • 1 .,.~,, <•;.,o. ,, • ·~v, n1 i1J!.-1n1 \ outli 0( cl1n ie:-. 1nl'111': of TV's 1"1 1.enl h ou r~ ih Psr· nighl~, but the "(ron- 1· t1n:;;t 11;~ .1 ~~1np1f )J c li 1· C1 nd \\Cll·bal· : .pt .11..iui ;i ,vu uni.: i\lt~1\l~<1 11-.\n1<'rican in tit t"H.: sluiu. l1 f ill s people. ' 1 · ~ • ' I I 'J. 111(1•r:· ; , 1;;; )'L'rfnr1n·:11l'(' \\'as lurn- .i '! \' 11t1\1 cnn11'r n<1 1nc<l \ ~ 1~11l i 11ez. \Vho 1 ·:'ldi-1·r r'1le 1111 lt-' .:1 \'i\ id 11nprc::;sion as .. I '· • _'I. I ,J.UI •t.;ll.ttt•J\·. hl' plc1 vr•d ll11n as a !w 1 .i l nnU ; .; .i n1art ''hr, ,t .. '111(':1 ·to need ,, I J.i11. l. L:. II d ·'.' rn p ;_i lhelil.'. l'::l l'. r :•/-,..A ....... ":;J.'I~'(, 1·11 1 I. , irely been seen on ie l' l1 • ~,11· 1· ;, I• , tl1 · ···ruday Show," J1"". IJe1_tin1 .. .,, · 1 I 1:". i1·n r.-nst popular f~g_µr_~~ ilt111 n'.( lh " p:i•' }.1 :r 1 1th nn interview sho\v on \', N.'\c-·rv . l !<' ls )o,n popular that ~he sho1v is soon lo llc ~.vnrlicall'd to nLhc1· st<.1liun s. -, • ,.. _ .. .., ,, L--" .. " J ll '!•"><• 1.~"•1 .. ,,. .. .~~c;;rly Evcr,-.one Lil"ten "to Landers f. ' • t I I I r t I l I'- I I I ,, •., _, I ( .... :.·~:. AT~as·j . CilRFSUR -. . ' PLFllOUTHYl•PERIA,L •. / . ~ . . . . \ Co~t-a Mel$&··, . ' " . ,....,. ... ' BRAND NEW 1970 BELVEDERE Seri er No. RL21COE115340 FANTASTIC USED CAR SAVl~G~ 3 DAYS ONLY Atlas stfvic• Department Where Prlde Maku The 'Difference. ~pend· . able and Economic1I Rep11r and W k. For Your Con• Ma1nt1n1nce or • W honor: Carte 'lanche, ven1ence, 1 . Cl b Americ1n Express, M•F D1ner1 u , . Ch r-81nkAmeric1rd, G1sohn1 ... , . ..,...., ' Credit C1rd1. • ' \ . 121 s. SlDAH tOPFbOl l lf tiqllt cir. •"···;7:9 s. ' '65 Dodge COltONn 500 2·Dl. HAIDTOI' VI, r•dio h11t ' l 1111, · ' Ir, •ulo. fr•n1., power 06 11 ·• ~" cond., buck1t 111h, •le. (R'l'C- '1195 I • 111 10H PICICUJI ~ R1dPo, h11ler, 1,1., bull'I , ••·li~1 1~1Jf. Rt II Plr, c1n~11 ciinp. ' ·(L26405) 11 ., 1 9ood runner, t795 . '66 Oldsmobile , 441 HO\.IDDAY COUPE. . ' h VI OWIT 1!11nfl'}o 0 "w1I ,p Sh "l h• Hot n•· 1 th: 1rp. d' h•• ''· . • .auto. '''"'" r• ,o, ISL5'1295 I '· ' We L-.• t'lt ' . , . ' ovy •111 al/ fo ' ' .· . . · r 1"'111•dlati, de/iv ' one oftltela · • · • . : ery •• , '9esr selections of al/ ' sty/es/111odel _.. body . s and colors fo . . . fro111: ·Cltry / · . cltciose ' s •rs, Barr F •' . . aclldas,. VarlCliits ury s, l'IY111out1ts Cilld a;· ' · ': 1 e/vedftres . . f/te SOii! b • • ' at ·· • '9 savings tltat _ • • · wf! Were selling our •69 '·. · · ' ll!Od•ls for • .. fA\.COM WA._GOH ow•r •so cou,., lf1d" to tr1n•-· P io, lt11f1r 4 • '/I radio, h••'''' ~;tii1c101!144 ) rn/111. fVOR.oi1J ~P••J, runt 9r11t. low ,,;,,;.$'89 s, '66 Piymouth '67 Plymouth SATELLITE 2·Dlt, HARDTOP VI d"' h FUltY Ill z.Dlt. MAltDTOI' ' ."' io, ••fir, •ulo t lfrer1n9, eir co'nd b k • .r~111 ., pow,, h 1 0,..1, 1t11r., •ulo. I RTF951 ) ., uc •I 111ts, coniofi • Y'I, r1dio, •• '': ~ t.VAEl71 I 51395 trini. l111111aculat1 1n.,d1 l out. 51595 CHR~ LER PLYMOVTH lltf PERIA-L ' ' . ' . • - • -----·~--------------·----------·------------~ -----~--~------·--·------.. ---# . -- ... . • • Fridir, ~olt;;,bor 14, 196'1 ' . . . -~ , . DAILY ,,L ,ff) ,BRAND NEW · BRA ND · . NEW · ,·· 1970 ' 197 MUSTANG MAV ER C Ser. ,fQFOIL1161 31 IMM~DIAJE DELIVERY $88 ' . TOTAL DOWI s5921 SPECIAL .PURCHASE* FACT. WARRANTY ' . ' 'VAIL. '66 FAIRl:AIE"Sti; .· '1488'. · ·s1a.·Wa'~1v:.s; .a~tomatl~, · , .~ P. steering, fact,.111' cond., -. · radio, heat:,·power rear Window. StF 388: ' . Alla . '65 ~~.!!.radio, h~~!: '"'°rY lir; owr 783, .~988 ; ' ' . '66 DLX. Econolina $1788 C!ub Wagon: Aulomar ic, ra--I d10, heat., air cond., popular three seat model: XIE 289. '66 .. · -·•·1~500 -· 12a:s" Htl_lp.'~i. aut~:· 3?0 engineJ · ---fact:.--a1r cond., (adK>, hut. All , .. ~ vinyl lnt.-RQM 880. ·.. _.,._ '67 PONTIAC Bonne. $1688'. BROHME loaded inti. fa c· · ~ tory aio HZ 01.0. . • I 65 ~~~~,;~g. $588 I 66 !~!.~:.~:.~:" $1488' air:cond. HRA 601. . air c·ond.~All origina l. TAR -· ----...... -----327. 1·62 · POITiAC Tlmpasl '3 88 -,64-FOR_D.....,FIOO-P-.• U-.' .!"""$6_8_8 St11 . Wagon. Automatic · Radjo, heater. Runs good! • rad io -htr. HYW 386. . P79113. '68 FORD Wagon $2388; Country Sedan. 10 Passen-· ger model. V-8, automatic, radio, ~eater, P. steerin(1:" 167487. · ' ' '67' ':THUQ~RBIRD $2388 I . · · Land~µ!· ~.ofJUlar .~udor · . model. Loaded With t.xt.ras. . • SXF 706. I 68 !:~~!.~rin~~!~.~;,$2988 . • · dows, auto., ·1lr cond. Many · · -• · xtras. Ser.~o. 1-16487. ' · I 64 ~~~!:~hea~t~ matic, P. steeri~g. YYA 633. I 66 ~t~~~~~!.~~~!;ing, $588 · radio, heat. RIG 479. 1 '6° ~o~~~.~.1~ •• 5~.~ .• ,.: .. , ... , ... ". $268·8 '69 !~~~~~~w~:!~ .. -H .... M .... s2 388 1 1lr. vinyl !nl., W1W, tlMed gl1u. XS 089 · , F•l(l211J. . -·~· 9 -oAUIIE--S,2688-:_ . : 58~~00RJ111A!~T.' -S'l 488' 115 CHEY;-Bil Air -$1a·a· -'•1:19-CHEvr1111111ro '1980' FAsre.t.eK1 m·_,.., •uta .. ,,:i s:r.;""· UCt. 1rr ~ . , , .. , 2 11g::1o.r· 11r COMI., ""*-' ...u. _ · I U · Autom1tic, radio, heater. . 'f . ' U Stick, radio, heater. 0 • w ¥1nv1 nterlol", ¥111¥1 r , r Ill. 11111et. YQ,! • • , Y It € -PKW "°""· ....._ .. . YEH 82.J,: 169 !:~~! .. !!M'"'•!'"""'"""·'~·'2788, ~69 ~!~~~o:;,~~ s31 ss -.63--~~-,~-!!-.m~ .......... a-,-, -$3_8_8 '66~~.~!~p1~ .. ~:!;.dJ~ $988 I..;. 6 __ 9_~~-~~-·~~-~.,-~!_~~!~_0~m __ .$_2t_8_8 .. I 69 !~~~~~~~:~M•. ·~2588 '67 ;~~;· Clf'J, sdl, s1:4·-.s· '8 ;68· : ;~~;.-.; · ··'19.88 '69 FAIRLANE '"'" $2588 '69 &ALAXIE • -. . ·~ 688 .STA. WGN. V-8, •utomi'l ic,' • FASTBACK. v.a.,automatic, i,:.;-UU • 9 • P: ·Steering, radio, heal. P. steering, rad io~ heat. 5'oin '°"'· "'· V·< ;,.., ""'w ""''"'· 'oo:,;,:i"''~· r.l ,.,),,,,, '· •ITT,t TZP 323 VOV 6.12. : • . radio, l!Nltr. Nctorv •II cond. ZAC: 21~. .. . .ir .. WIW I NI, rldlo.·!*''·" T I ' ~ • ( ~1 Use one of our many ways to finance your new or used car or tnicltiricliiding Bank of America, United Calif:·e~nk', or Ford Motor'Credil Corp. With your Approvecr~redil. ' • ,, • -~-~~------~-------------------------~-.,.._.....,...,......--~---·---------- -• - - .. .:.OUsEs FOR SALJ; HOUSES FOR SALE'it ' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSll.l'OR Si.LE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS I S l'OR SALi! 1-~-~------------1·----~-~-1-~---~-~ G I 1000. -•l· ,_ • IOOOGenerol !000 ' ' Generot 1000 1000 ener• j~·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~-;ilj~ o.n.rat ,. 1000 General 1000 Genera' . 1000 General JCChl lake Over FHA loan lftiftii!i!iiiiiW!i!l!i!i FINE MES -, i~Ma--lfi----Yi--•-;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;i;:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ME•• VERDE •-------S hdnn + 3 ICltll ,. •• -· . 10 .. 0nits . BIG FAMILY ROOM! Dlnl119 Rm + 1t1·•aaw· . R 'HO gn cent 1ew I• -3 BR 2 bath home, comer l'n °"'"' Ell-location clo<e plus 5 BEDROOMS • 3 '"'" lot lllxl80 • add 5 '""" $26, 950 . VIEW HOME . BA.YFRONT to -· Eaoh home -Urlowo ...... Oomplot•ly '""'" Drive by 1545 ..... a;. Fiesto pool loo! Rich .c bdnn, split lev~ w/lg Pier, slip, 3 bedroOrru, paneled den with weJ., ~atftl s; ~'I: patiO tor 'AIR CONDITIONED and In An• Ave. then call-wood ~line. handBOme Great home! Great location! Spbtleas J bedrooms 2 baths. Small down . assume riist- ing 5i4 % loan of $20,500. $1'!.4 per month pays all, nimpus nn, wet bar & Newport Beach privacy, IAW interett _ ~ MHa Verdi prime bcation m f ~ I*'• trplC. v~ 10 Catalina. bar. Glamour mastelr suite with Jacuzzi &: aumable loan. No vaCaney. on quiet street of towerln& P8h a JRt8 •u fireplace. Bf'ffkfut bar. l.iihl! by ·ntg:hi. steam shower. Lar~e; outdoor, caq>eted b:,y-.On the ....... t or 11_,.. . N-Harbor HI trees! SpaQous FAMILY 642-QEiO TMAucRhB...,.ELL. ~~TJOHor•-r .. 1,,.,. front terrace. Add1tlontl redwoo!l·deck o.ver ~" --,~·· -· ROOM• PRIVATE DEN lll·:-::-::-::-_-_-=-_:_"_"'_;.. _____ -_~.,.,-~l:==:==='~==:::-:::'I ~ h · built · bl' ..... BluUL · nm boine Ovtdoob 2 homes on 1 lot ad> ha water. Today's kite en wt.th ·lD e.,... Blllboe. Bay, hu · bnumu! e ve you. ~· FORMAL DIN- fast area. Professionally c.I~ated & .lancl· ·uh p&IJdlirw and hardwood ·~~ rcw!_1 bath·+ Jure ING ROOM! Fabulous ear.G cc:•".,.:;'.:;°';;.__.===IOOl=·=Get=.,.='=•=I = ___ 1000 __ 1 ~~1 1 ·1':~,"';· .. , 546-5990 scaped. A real buy. '119,500.-Call tor app't. ,,....., noon. hl&b beam ~··• · peU • cuotom· ""'""' So -u· Hone· Ranch tmmaoutate and 1u1e1u1 11·· J' \I I • '.\ 111 I I ~t \I:\ \H \\ ' \ I • ' 1093~,.CM. $21.500. 3 BR.l~ ~lhs. Ex- cel. ~mui .. Ava,ll ,immed. Rltr .. 6C--973G Thie 548--0'720 DOYER SHORES VIEW ce ..,.. and !>ri<'< lh-<place, bani to believe! Extra•·-heavy ~e, root and mucb, 2 BR 1 bath· home· A;. double ...... Delightful i-siOry home with view of ba,ck much ~· garqe. lD%-down • OnJ.Y ~ ~'°;!ue m:! bay from all rooms.· 3 Bedroofll', 3'h baths, $23 500. · ...._. o.mer tnmf•md General 1000 Gen•r•·I 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: PANORAMIC VIEW _ OF BOA.IS & JETTY_ Custom built & arch. designed for presen PWf)er. Luxurious couple$ home. EXtra l'-1'ge ma·ster so.Ile, guest.i'Q:l. & ·bath, pan. den w/frpl & mt bar. Lushly planCed patio. ~-~:Cai"lJara~ $147,500. . Kathryn Raulsfon . -· CORONA DEL MAR OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 2216 WATERFRONT DR. Custom built & perfecL 3 BR. 2Y> Ba .. din. rm. & unique party rtn. -den with wet bar~ View of baY·& ocean. Also, 1 BR. apt. w/de~k. $107.500. Caro( Tatum • OPEN SUNDAY -1"5 SPECTACiifAR OCEAN VIEW . .333. WEYMOUTH PL .. N. end of Laguna. Arebitect's .unl9ue new ho.rrie ; 3 bedroom~. & den r view kitchen, dining room; Hard .. wood floors . imported h8rdware, w·aued patio. l84,500 Carol Tatum OPEN SAT. 1·5 . 'OOVER SHORES -VIEW 1948 SANTIAGO. Owner transferred, must. sell . 4 BR's, fam. rm., pool. Great family home. Loan can: be assumed at ~ % int.' Immediate occupancy. $69,500 CaUiryn Tennille NEW USTING-SHORECU~ .,__ Qf.EN.J;t_SU!IDA'( 231 DRIFTWOOD. 3 Bdrms:, 2 tii!liS:-Ex- t'ra Jg. liv. rm. Freshl:r, paJ,nted, hew ca~ • pets & drape•. Seclu ed back yard. 2nd Story could be added which would prOvide -pan. ·ocean view. $65r000 Kathryn Raulston ·NEW , WATERFRONT LISTING . This home has 3 BR's, 3 baths, elec. kilch-, en & private slip.for large.boat. Excellent area close lo shopping. $63,500 With good Joan. . W-aJter· Haase _ LUSK H.V.H. OPEN HOUSE Near new', immaa. 3 BR., fant. rm. Open Sun.: 1-6. 3430 Seabreeze, in.new Harbor View Hills exclusive developm'ent. $49,850 Joe Clarkson BA YCREST-$46,500 Luxurious' 3 bedroom. family room, 2 fire- places, 2 baths. Beautiful landscaping; courtyard entrance. A~ real pleasure to Sho\V. Mary. Lou l\1arion VIEW THE PACIFIC Ocean from master bedroom suite,. living, dining rooms & kitchen. Pvt., quiet, en· trance patio. $43,400. "See". Al Fink COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT <;ENTER DR.;. NEWPORT BEACH den & library with fireplace. Formal dining $SAVE$ ·and anik>Us at o NL y room. '82,500. 0 pen daily. 1606 Antigua s<B.500. ,... the partlculll Way. . -. Mesa Verde . w'E"~Ei.L A HOME BAYFRONT 'lB80-IJtvt1;·CM .EVERY 3f MINUTES . nifs. is a f bedroom m~ ,. .. I L 6'6492.l Ready for immediate Oj:Clli>ancy. Large 2: ··~ · ' Walker & Lee ·story Bayfront home with 4 spacious bed-located in Mesa Verde unbe-~ves.. 644-1Ji55 • --. ~~ lievably priced at $24,950, 2 rooms, 1 a r g e living roOm, ftirmal dining ba!hs. all bwllt·in·. kl~hen room; paneled:.d.en with.wet. bar. Master sui.te with forced air heatfns; ter- with sitting r:oom, fireplace &.e.x l r a larg'e --razzo entry., The owner is dressing rQOm. Pier & float foi' large power. anxioua, Hurry! -cr--sailboaL See this euitlilg buy~U7.5,000. _ Open daily. 515 Bayside'Drive. · · . . . . . VIEW LOT Large comer lot in 'beautifqf Dover Shores with view of. back bay & mountains. Archi .. tect's plan & av<iil~ble · ,for 4 or, 5 bedroom borne wilh pooL Low 1 e·a s e h o 1 d. Asking $35,000. -DOYER SHORES- Dramatic home with exOtic Strium. 4 Bed- rooms, 3 baths &.. 'powder ioom: Mr. & Mrs. bath in master swte. Hl)ge, new pool with J acuzz.L ~tric blackout drapes in family roOm. Fecieed, paved a.rea for b~~tm .or -.volley'b&IL-llome newly & artistioally decor- ·ated. '95,000. i:;au tot app't. LINDA: ISLE BAYFRONT , A fantastic bayfl'Ol)t·.buy. 3 tiirg" 11(droo111s .. 3 baths;, separate dining room; 55 ft. of bay· front with pier & slip. Asking ,$105,000. Open -·saturdai·& Sunday. 106 Linda Isle J?rive. - DOVER SHORES BA-YFRONT. . BEAUTlfUL HOME on 60 fl. lot ·with J>ier & slip. Spiral staircase leads· from spacious entry tO tremendous master suite. 4 Bed- ·rooms, 4th baths; la!'ie living room, family · room. 4200 sq: ft. '179,500. Open Sat. & .Jiun, 333 Morning Star Lane. john.ma~n.ab REALTY COMPJJ(Y • 901 DOVir or;, "SUiia 120 642-8235 Mesa Verde . . . Lease Option Beautiful 3 bedraam, 2 bath home with spariHl'!a lieated am tilt.?red poo1; built-Ina kitch('n, ·cozy brick tlteplace. Won't la.st. . Call today. $300 per montb-._!ncludlng pool service. 3 Bedrooms and Pool $24,950 This ho.me ls In excellerit oon- dition inside and out with deluxe olive gretn .dtrpetinr throughout, beautifully pan- f'l!ed living room with brick fh-cplace. Assume present low inlerest VA loan with payments or under $160.00 including laxes and inslll'- '"""'· ORANGE CQIJNTY'S LARGEST ---·. 2629 HARBOR BLVD. -11640 1000 General OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 1000 1 ........................ ~ FHA·VA TERMS srX YEAR NE\V, comp!Ct.e. 1y redecorated, rou~ BED-ff.POM, ramily -i-oom, 1%. bath hOme "ith fireplace, forct'!d air heat and draped. Large over-sized double car· age wilh washing lacilltie!'l. 15'. x 20' pati9, fenced yard s~rs. O l'I I y minutes from major shopping and schools. C.OfivenienUy locat- ed to COSTA ?.1ESA k HUNTINGTON B E A C H. ONLY $26,950. (Reduced I n .0001 i r!!l!I'!'!~~ M.-M.-lA PrTstige area of Mesa VmJe, Not Quite · ThankscJivi119 But owner wants to "talk turkey". ,.1esa Verde 3 bed- room and family room. Cose to shopping and trans· portatlon. Built-in electric kitctiieri. '.fhe piost ho(lle for 1tie" money in this choice area. $25,5XI ahd Jets tall( terms. Colesworthy & Co. "A-nt" "For /\ \\'isc a-. ..... King sized bedrooms, Ja.rxe a~ '"'"'J" PERFECT PLAN Brand new Ivan \Velis' plan. Luxury .Jiving at Its best. Terrific view o( upper Bay. 4 bdrrns 3 baths ·+ powder room. separate dining room, family room With wet bar &. s001nd fireplace. 19 x 32' sparkling pcioI in land!IC&p.. ed, sheltered patio. S1C6,400 includes luxurious carpeting, handsome wallpapers &: tront landACBping_ Imm"1iale oc. cupancy. can. today, Ivan Wells .& Sons Roy J .. word Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS f·l30. Galaxy Drive '646·15.'IO $18,000 FULL PRICE R-2 LOT, Slick 2 bcdroorii. with room for another home. Your ti> tal payments are $144 p.!r ntonth for this 15 year ymr ng Custom Home 'close to school and shoi)ping. Range&: oven included and Drapes thl'ougO. out!" I-low about $1,80o down payment! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES -,. ,. ,. BA YFRONT $46·,iso -. Luxur:; 2 BR. 2 BA; 2nd Ooor aPI ..... 'filh full view: .o.f bay. Boat ~P re~rved for buy. er. OPEN SUN. 1-5. 3121. W. Coast Hwy, ADt. 2-A, NB. Riddle & ·Ross Realtors 3535 E. Co•st Highw•y CdM • 67.s,m5 ·0.nonl .NEW:! _ TO .. 'tHE 2790 !!arbor Blvd. at Adams 545-0465 Open 'til 9 P1'1 . - MARKET CAMEO HIGHLANDS . . . Prime home in· prime location \\'Ith 180" ~an V1ew. Designed with flair and imagination. 2250 iq. ft. Custom built..Heavy shake roof. 3 Bed-rooffi!'l, separate Dining Room, 2~1 Uvlng Room and over-sized garage. ~fany delightful features. inclu.dlog \\'alnu t panelling, artistic fireplace, \\"etbar; Elec. Kitchen Fabulous view! Truly a quality, beauty ·and value offering at . $69.500. 675·3000 Eves. 673-0554 IRYINE ~RACE ~t farnj.ly home, Spaciousness and elegance . Inside and ouL This is a "'best buy'' In a recog- hized, .quality ptotected area, Irvine rr. 4 Bed- ~. Dining 8 QOPJ, nearly 2500 sq. ft., 2 ~ baths. Modem.--'timcttonal t!oor plan tor easy entertaining, 2 patios, large kitchen and eating spau. An excltiitg home value at $74,500--come and \tt for YouT'6elf. ·Exclusive with our office 675-300CL673-0554 ·- ·.UNIVERSITY PARK ()fi you v;ant to loaf'!' Enjoy carefree living. -"'•Ith no maintenance! Has swlmm"ing pool, ten· n!s court, green belt <and nearby golf coursel. All yours with a ,3-year-new 3 Bedroom plus Famlly room. 2% Bath home-all for under $30 ,000:.lf you're sii:-k of renting and ,\·ant your money to buitd real estate equity rather than rt'nt receipts-by all means, let ua show this proper4'. to yo\J. It's be.i'gain priced at $29,950 and-Vacaitt. 675-300Q Eves. 646-0818 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Attra:ctive, jus_t-redPCOrated inside &: out, 3 Bed- room, extra bath, safe investment for whole- some living, economically priced, well-bullt. Large oornt'1' lot. nicely landscaped-and It's no t leu e land. Ideal location for schoo ls and shop. ping plus frt>sh ocean breeze. off nearby channel and ocean. These special features include a full \\-idth ot thr house enclosed patio with BarBQ and Fireplau. Prief'd saJeably at $.34,950 "''It h a no coi;t as1<:umal}le loan or $25,000 at 6-% <;i, ~kes It one you should l!tt. 675·3000. Eves. 646·5ZZ7. - "COME TIME TO OWN A HOME- COME TO US" ~407 East C9ast Highway-67S.3000 WE ARE HERE TO HELP J.Ien! al·c a few -samples. \\·e have many more: Bi1t price .break on View Lot. Nothing like It at $29,000. 1-fMt for the money CD~1 Duplex, Room to enlarge $31,950. Year old. 5 Bedroom&, Broadmoor Buy. Has everything $65..SOO. Doc· tor's home, ~l Baycresl Area, 4. Bdrm. Pool, Lot of ex~ $72,500. · family room. 2 baths. Dream ===-.""=-m='..,,,== kllchen . Subm it GJ. or FHA $26,000.0CEAN VIEW ! terms! 54().1720 Spacious bedroom!. 2 ba.ths. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Dream built-in kitchen. No- l BR. 2 BA. faml.!.y room, thlni lo do but rela.'I: & en· pro( decor. l 'Ai yr old~Dnt joy life. Newport Beach! cond. $32,500. 21382 Fleet 5'1G-17'.» Waler & Le.e_ ,:..:.................,====== fij 11 \\ ,\ Ill: \I'll Ill: \U .\ I \I . Lane, HB. ~TICr 646-4328 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor 2790 Harbor mvd. ~t Adamm 5-1.5-9491 Open 'Ill 9 PM Open .llq:Uses THIS WEEKEND ..... "'It ......,. .... t ........ .,.. ........... - ,.. ................. All flle 1.-tiOM ...... W.W ............... ~lty ......... ..... w1iere I• MMy'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. ,..... lltewllt .,.. M-'°' Hie or '-rfft .,. •rtM te lltt ... lllfonHriff .. ftb col•• ... friNy. (2 Bedroom) 421 Orchid, Corona del Mar 673-6900: 673-1362 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 934 Miramar, Laguna Beach 494-3066 (Sat & Sun 11-5) ***3121 W. Coast Highway Apt. Z.A, NB , 675-7225 (Sun 1·5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 431 Riverside Ave. (Newport Heights) NB 64Z.8099 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom) 870 Joann Street, Co&ta ltlesa 546-5460: 54t-1058 Eves. (Sun ~) 2115 Vista Entrada (The Bluffs) NB · 675'2221 · ' " (Sat & Sun 1().3) *522 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB 673-:JJ20 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 23l'Driltwood (Shoreclifis) CdM 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1-&) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 64U235 · (Sat & Sun) ' (3 Bedroom & Family or De~ . 324 Sn.iig Harbor Road, Newport Beach 645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2298 Watern1an \Vay, Costa Mesa 645-2000 (Daily 1-5) 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) **2216 Waterfront Drive, CdM Jl33-0700 : 644-WO . (Sat & Sun 1-5) llS Weymouth Place, N. Laguna Beach • ~: 644-2430 (Sun 1-5) 3430 S.abreeie (Harbor-View-Hills) CdM 833--0700: 644-WO (Sun 1-5) 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shares) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (4 Bedroom) 2144 Vista Laredo (The Blufis) NB 673-3770 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) *1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 . (Sun 1-5) 3120 Lincoln Way, Costa Mesa (714) 521-Ml2 (Sun) *1948 Santiago Drive (Dovei Shores) NB 833-0700: 644'2430 (Sat 1-5) 1514 Warwick Lane (\Vestclifi) NB 64Z.5200 (Sun 1-5) *1907 Holiday (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) ·1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 64Z.8235 (Sal & Sun) *1046 Pescador Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) ·**333 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shor- es) NB, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) ***IIS Milford Road (Cameo Shores) CdM, 67fH!996 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom) · **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach ' 642-8235 (Sat le Sun) (5 Bedroom & Famny or Den! *4536 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3520 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1000 Gonorol IMGeneriif -IOOOGeneral 10000.neril IOOOGeneral 1000 THE REAL ESTATERS 2790 HARBOR BLVD. . r 546-2313 REMODEL: THE STREET? . Impouible!!-Bul unnr.ces!l&r}I : Beautifully kept-quict-uf'e-Meaa Verde ne!ghbor- hood. \Valk t.o library and 1chool. Squeaky O ean 3 bedroom 2 baU1 home. Ltu·gie mas- ter r;ulte sepen.te Crom the other bedrooms. Low maJnt.enance, Jarae yard. Ready ror )'ou tt 129.95(1 with easy terlll!I INTEIESTED IN ~1/• 0/o? ~ •ized 3 bedroom 2 bath famJly room bOfl.\e witb a mat 5-" ~ a.uumable Joan. Wt\b $6,800 ~ your p&ymicntr are S146 , pe,r month TOTAL. Or k!l ui belp )'OU with tile !lnancln&-.'23.950. " . ' UKE PRINCETON? S·P·R·!·A·D out In Uilt l'ftNt 4 bc-droom Coll.ff~ Pl.l"k...bopit.. ' w C&.i:peta. drapes. and pe.lnt. .Neat. 4'.Xtra Jargt bllek yard. ,Owner A)'l,llt-U!I Br in' )'uur own lerms. ~ THE REAL ESTATERS 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. 646°7171 RECOGNITIO~ This fine art'a Is f'C('Ognlzcd as one ol New- port's best. 4 Bedroom· &: large family room home. Quiet !trffl near Marlner·School le Park & West.cliff Shopping. Love!)' entrance patio, large tree 11urrounded rtflr )'&rd. CAr- f)f'itd, draped It lO\'e\y wallpaper. See anytime by a ppt. -----.Jn channlng.Newp(,rl ID!lahb. :i btodrooma, dll'ling room. Jarae buemt"nt rumpus room, deluxe built-In Jdtche!J. $39,900, 10~ down. WANT A, WORKSHOP? Tremendous Nf'"'J)Ort liel1h\a 3 bedroom, 2 bath \\•Ith giant slit ramlly room, patlo- clf'ftn u a pin throuahout. Double a•rege "·1th ~10"20 "''ori(ahot' llJ>lct'. J u1t :Z block1 from schools A &ho1>ping. $35,000. ' "'LOOK FOlt,.HIS SIGN .. SALESMEN JOIN A WINNING TEAM Make more monly1 gtt mort satl1f•ttton .in an office that produce._ -You'll get' iop advertising suppOrtll ; newspaper, brochures, --e~ -Come along and nap the. har'veal , Phone ~Ody M~~or•ll• --~·313 . . .. . ' IF 'YOU'RE NEW -'--WE'LL TRAIN -YOU ' ,I • " THE REAL ESTATER5 CORONA DEL· MAR 673-8350 -, . HOME + INCOME I'm an extra nice 2 bedroom HO~IE "·Ith a 2 bedroom ~tONEY ~tAKER out back. Both units are O\\'ner occupied ind flawless. Sit- uated on a quiet &lt<ee l lined Corona dl'I i·tar st~t. Once you'Ye 1ttn the rest- Comc Set the best. A Real Esta\eni EJi:clu- &lvl'. $5,000 PRICE REDUCTION C~MEO SHOREl_ BeautifuJ VIEW HO'ME 3 BR. conv. den plus formal dinlnJ room. All this plw ror· geous &arge pool In a protected courtyard.. Owner-wants ACTION. Now only $72,SOO.. ONE OF A KIND · Only a «iuple of blocks ftom Corona 'Beach thlr-cbarmer wtth P'Ji t"d hanhvood noo .... moaem kitchen and 3 bt-drooma, :z baths ,·Md tamUy room-$47,500, THE REAL ESTATERS CHECK THIS UST FOR UNUSUAL BUYS EASTSIDE -$21,950 Quiet cul de sac. Large lot with 2 car p. rage 6: scads of fruit trees. V•cent-E. 19th ST-.-COSTA MESA \1 block to Irvine. 3 bedroom, Iaree lol.i l car R•rage with alley ent.rance for boat or traUcr-$26.950. Vacont -WESTMINSTER AVE . COSTA MESA Nl'W kitchen wtth dlshwuherJ._trH &haded Jot, extra workshop in ~,000-105'1 down. --- WESTSIDl-CLOSE TO HAlllOR DellghUul home on_ extra Iarse R·2 lol. w!Ui room for more unlta-S23,000 and OWTI!r wtll c&rT)' with no Jot,n cc»t. Phone 6f6..n7t or 5'6.2313 lO intJ)e(:l. • ZONID POR MANUPACTVRIN~ Jndu1trtal Ult and Ottlce ~ .............. $32,500 2500 1q. fl lndustrtal Plant It Home $67,500 2 B!<lroom HOmt on M-1 Ult ......•.. _$22,950 66x300 LM>el ?il·l Ult Owl-. will fin. '20,500 ' \ ' ' I • • I ' • ·~ ( I : • •• I I . I ' I ) " • • • c ' " -.. M J ' • t • ' ,, t 0 ( • • ,p • • •C ,1. :5' .I \ A\ l ' I " ' .. J,. h -~ •• r 0 " r ' ' -E ... ' 3 ' l R $ ~· I t j ,, T . . ... ··-....-.... ··-. Frldq, N-· 14, lM D,ll~Y Pll,Of II HOUllS '011 SALi HOUSES 1,0lt SALi HOUSIS POii SALi HOUSll ,OR SALi HOUSIS ,Oii .SALi HOUSES l'Olt sALI HOUllS 'Oii SALi HOUSI S l'Oil SALi RllNTALS . ~·:.11Ji~~e~·~·~·:-.·~1~~~~~~~-:1~0~-o=-~o;:;Gi~~·'" .. ~~·:-.e~1~~~~~~~.:1~·~·~0~1,~'ia...~~~.:;.·~·~·~~~:~~;~-::1~0~-=00~·1 ~...,~· .~,,.~ .. ~·~ .. ~ ... ~~1~·:g~~~~~·~..,~·~· ~·~· i~""¥1~-~-~~1~··~'~·-~-~·~e.~e~ch~·~!-•ff; 11~ -ltuftll~-~~·~·-.. ~--f~•fe~e~ ... ~~1--~~~'"'~~~ ... "'~·~·~:~;.;·ii·~""~~·~·jlj H•v. .. Unfum.Jtohod • '· " 0-ril 211t Oinl:N. SAT /SUN,. FOIESf'E NF . « 81-ASHEAD REA1 ·J' y· NEW HOME '. 1--1 rr:.'° . ; • . · ' · •-"'1"-s-0-N A;t• ... ft. ~:..Chi ','H :~ u~~ .... "'-'·_. --~· --•-~ IMMIDIA'IE_M~1N ~·,-1':. 2 ;.':~;!:'~ .. : 2001 Com ore \1::-L · . 1--~l:::----'-I ,,_ 4 .JDRMS 1112 IATHS oi<. Bier. - Baycresl's finest 4 bdnn & po o I , Auwne Inc. ~tors .fM ' etf OJllNIN..-'l!llW ' & . l/4 MILi 'FROM · I.EACH ~lld',..~·Q°'.~;.:~ 51'1 % loan & owner will carry large 21\d.•; • • '&R"'-ER OFFICE su-645-0!11 · Owner transferred & anxio~s -will consld-EAST SIDE ..,. '"' ""' $2Q 990 er ALL offers lhis weeke~d. PRIME AREA . ~m.t WITH AMPLE PARKIN& s;:;.,,3 !p._~1'A.'!jj ~~ DAVIDSON REALTY $17,500 BARGAIN ~ . ASSOCIATES: 1 ' Blue..,"" 645--0111 546.5460 Eves: 545-4941 A "'" Olri$tmu bat(aln! M~~'i:!~~s:1::nizi~ltt.lir H::::!C!)9~2~~5~H RINTA~ADllll You couldn't.~"" '9< ta<. vru .. '" ._-.c •slate need!. this price! A real doll houee, <1Y-'!-"~ Cot Miu Immaculate throui:liout. Wall ta lj0e§ .. ~·~·1§§§§1 DDD§ ;;;o;;;e"';;;;;'";;;1;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;';;;DDD;I ~ .. ~'. g.~·.:= ,. .V 16952 Beadl Blvd., Hunt. Bch. HU1111ng1on ....,, 1400 L...,9e ~11ue1 1101 BJ:,~:!;.. 2 :;;. "=: I I/I Huge 20 ft. Hvinr .....,. SPECTA~ULAR VIEW (\" .. block north of Warner), TOTAL PAYMENT RENT ·~, • • 2 bit • Ina, charm ... ocmed Shake root found onl> in Spaciour. luxury i..m.· with 847-850' 7 $1,. PER MONTH' • ~-~ BR. II patio. Prlv. )'d A pr, 1 CLIFFHAVENI ~ expellliVe hornet. Sub. 18odearee vW ot baclc bay, -BA 127S mo. water fr lawn child only, no pets plepe. * * * * $22,500. Name your terms. 3 Open 1·5 Sit. &. Sun. nuno~•. ~,..,,.. ~ezit. Call leaturin& ·exq'tllslte decorat· ~ :::::. ~~itd.~ care furn. 544-7008. Avail' Dec Lit, $165 a mo. ht .bdrm, 2 bath. Now vacanl. 324 SNUG HARBOR ~ ri ,___ 1 n < ~ 5.% · & last mo. pi... cinr depoe. TW. """"' ;., •-~ ... and Ve In .U. room•. New ..,. Unl-lty P1rk 1m Lido lole lUI v -· 0 •·•-•t ~ Mlulon Viti• 1708 64&-1535 move In tomOJTOiv, ""'"'V TAKE OVER FHA .,..111 le drape1. Purehate annual Int, you "'1't beat '°"=,...,.,.......,...,....,---,,, * * * • needs lo>ring """· Thr<e Ind~ • u .. ~ ••• ~ -· • -It. Servi<:< pordl. Doubl• · LAR,!!E Clean, 3 bd,rn> with ' ... ....., don end large Uv -~-~ ---·-K • "ISSION VIEJO ""•" la ilY . $>7,500 5%% loan avallablo. ,_ -m'. R•ed uce d 110· LOW-LOW INTEREST . THIS HOUSE 107 VIA EBOLI •-•· Forced air heal. m i.· .".!_ ~ 1"'1ewt · ' • • ' ' "''6 '"" 1wlmnili1a' P>01 I: YoU own · -SQ. FT c.mp1e1 ... 1 .. fenced, sprlnk-carpe • "'•pt&. """'ce n ·Immaculate 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $32,500, M~t consider lease Tenilic law interest loan. 3 tbe land. $64 500 wu tailored to the site'•· un. • le r..~ Ora Moving, mU!t sell Eists~ location.· $235/mo. , family room, new carpets & option, Absentee Owner anx· large bedroom1. 2 baths, Df. ' • usual amerdties. Thia charm· 4 BR, 3'ii BA. 3 car aaraae. "· -..-..,.ts ~ pes Save $$$$$ by owner To : see call 5 f 0-11 r; l quiet street. 'ious. . luxe klft:hen with built·ina. ine 4 br and den liq a Q:pts, drps, unusual featur. tbrourhout. Family Room. El Dorado 4 Br home • like Heriiagt' Re&i Estate 645-200() Eves. 548-4810 BeautifUl ~inc. bookcaae, ......., Very ven:atile floor plan. ''· B~ 1961. Owne't C. R. , Let US show it to you, a model. Lived Jn 4 mos. ~· ~-"'==-~~-. * * * * btrllt-in Hi-FI system, Allot llOI'--MirJm landlta~ tu Canci-213 I M4-.UOJ.; ews WE SELL A HOME WW sacrltlce. On fence, up-CONOOr.IINlUM, 3 BR, J S3Z.500. Newport Heights, 4 -'"130 -=. 1•;.. care ~. , --~m'~! ,.._ 213 /·246-0700. Open, EVERY 31 MINUTES """""ed carpet ••·-'1 dra"" BA, 2 car gar,. iwtmmlna bdrm, 2 bath + dining. WESTCLIFF ricit maple, Enonnous brick vi.,..., u• .... ~ •u• ,,,...,.. ..... •r w lk & l ••""" u .. ...,... • " pool & rte. facilitle1. $210 Needs work . priced fOl' im· SV2°/o LOAN! tirei:Uce. Many other ex-joyment. Ip. $34,500. LIVE MODERN I a er ee es, landscaping, f~place, mo. s.IO-lf.67 or 557"'829 a.tt mediate sale. Spotless three bedroom . two t:ru. $20,000 FHA loan at --~=-....... C:.":J..t • red hi·11 8 Yr. old 2-«y. contemporary hugePrl...!"tloto' ,.611P~~thtum-~~; 6. · * • * * bath home, Extra la-e liv· 6% annual percentage rate. L~· 4 BR -v den 1682 Ed1111~ .... _ "' ..... ~ 2 BR •-•--~-2 ... Low monthly paymente. ,. . ~ uuu..,. ·1 '""'" • • down _payment. Owner will . • g,..':'6,. u ......... $47,950. Gorgeous Republic ing room, Beautiful new Only $28 , •w din. nn. Dnunadc tiled en-~ Open 'til 9 P:M coos.Ider any offer _ carry chlldrtn on1y, no pets. $50 home • like new condition. kitchen. Small dining room, Dial ~-Better hurcy! REALTY -·. n..1.~ .. rl.-.t #-1._ 2nd TD ll!:&Se. nurchase or cleanup A: $135 mo. Rl!fl, 4 bdrm, 3 bath &. formal covered patio, large corner RESIDENCE -.;r a;•· ... -.:u ... UI,. ........ WHO SAID? ' • ' d ... -·dining _ only one llke it lot! Existing loan can be as· Univ, Paril: Center, Iivlne family. $76,500 • rtnt. Oall TI4: 8.10-6532. .~"""'"'·~~~.,..,'-.-..,,.-,--=·I available. .urned at s;;%, Prloe only 645-0303 With View 'Apt. O.U Anytime '33<ll20 W.iker Realty SlS-'616 $215 I.SE. 3 bdr, •bl. No. Call M>8424 $48,500. Listed with BJB e.x. at Harbor Center Sfiaclous 3· bdrm. 2 bath A LOVELY HOME T~ht money & high inter.. ( pl t Be h 1725 CM crpta &. hdwd, drps, stv, th r ••• "·-• E ta•· cl I " f '"-· d • , • ..:....1 ,.._j,... · est? Fanturic 6% loan a 1 rano ac wtr. NI~ •""' Avail Dec. 1, Sou ~t ,...,..... s u: us Vo:iy 2299 Harbor Blvd CM fJUI"'"': en • vo•J111. uu1 .. ,. a. k a. 12""' No..,; ..... _,._,. .. __ j_bd ,_ * * *-*--645-200>-,,_ ,._,. ...... ,.....,··...,· .,·.. """'~.....,-.. m,,.....""" c -Y -~~-""'" • -. with ,......bi• -. °" . OCEAN VIE 54>-36'll . ..._,. < ba., din, rm, SUney patio. cumn built 3 bdrm lamlly ' W 3;,BR.=::;;,;2:;,BA.,,....,l&=lam..,-,rm,='°°"poo"°'ll EASTSIDE to ::~ N~~ tn ~;~~~;_. 6':; BACK BAY HOME Likenew$89,500..0wnerwill room, sp&cious ~pa-CAPISTRANO JDGJU.ANDS &: maintenance. New COLLEGE PARK $26,950 Cherice 3 Bdrm.. 2 bath. Adult occupied, corner loc. Compl. surrounded by pink block wall, with boat entry and rm. also for trailer . ~Near new cptg. thruout plus rumpus rm •• gar., conver- sion. can now to see, EXCLUSIVE WITH Newport el Victoria 646-8811 Anytime EXPERIENCED COSTA MESA--ihtitt:it!-Neat 4 BR on oor-Harbor. $49,500,-~ 10pe150n H.,...3 SaBR.t ~Sun ircTDG.RCallEE,..R1 lteelty tlo,I ·desired bufilt.u.,_.ln ~-~n Ramdoublbiingr-~lothouH "u "on crpta/drps, bltna. 6'p1e. • h sq ft. .. BA, • • arse oomer ot .L.o&Ae e .,., ... ~ . o se·can -AVaU uno.~$2'15.: &0-2Tl8 OPEN OAltY 1-5 PM n" w/full,y -pped Ax> 10 ft mGCftGb 2 frple. 134.500, lO% dn 335S Via Lido 613-9300 Park area. F""' priced at be dMded to provido """" 2298 WATERMAN WAY (car-thol'I)' Pool. Extra bonus • 230'1 Falrhid. Drive ========d $33,000. OPEN HOUSE Sun-arate mother-in-law sutte. ATl'RACTIVE, Ia:rle 3 BR, ncr or 23rd, just Eaiit of Just about.4 blcks to Paciflc (714) '42-8235 !-========= Huntl!!f!o!t BNch 1400 day, 220 Sprin&tield. "14>ta of wood pan, + beam family nn ~/~lt.:.,_New Santa Ana Ave.) 'Three bed· Ocean! Askin& $34,950 but 901 Dover Dr1ve, Suite 120 Eaitbluff 1242 53&8894 or 84.7-8586 cell. and picture windows carpe!lng, ~ """~ rooms, den, dining room, what's "Your" price? 'NufI Newport Beactl LETS TRADE. W1 ocean view • Rm. for I 'LAR,::.:!c,Gc,E.;.;2;:.-=Br'--,bol-us-,.-."'lenced,..,.-.1 nico ld!,hen, oovored patio. aaid! OWNER.-Single •tory <Ondo. Yo"' old houao ·~ this two LOW INTEREST LOANI. pool. Honea permitted. Own, yanl, garage, oo peb $140 payment from qualit!ed (1111Jcintmlthlltl'lt oversize DUPLEX w/all extras. $42. nuJnt. !lfust Ooae to lt'hool, 4 Bedrooms. in C Mesa Newport Excel 13 ,,;:;,,B~r,;_-~18-, -.,,,.,,..--.bl"'t"-1na=-, I Owner will accept low dowli ~ Ul·SllO 2 Bl.KS to ocean, new 3 BR 3 BR. 2 BA, end unit. Many ,1110\"y, hU&e Prestile home. Will trade for income prop. mo. &46-8625 Buyer. Price. $34.500. Avail· OLUGE REALTY Uie xtru. Best I'w: seen. move, price reduced $2000. 3 Baths. AU electric kitcb-Lovely 3 bdrm PRESTIGE .val~ at~ $34,soo", • _,, .able for occupancy Novem-•lsOoAdlnslllii*r.a& S9000 will bandle. Good to $12!!00. 644-2461 en. ~te Family Room. HOME, Owner will CatT)I 646-7171 near So. Coest Plaza. $250. ber 15th. return. I"'==··====== Beautihd carpets aod Drap-Iarxe 2nd for 10 yrs, mo. lease. M&a59 645-2000 Evos. 548.-l========:IUR"ENTLY '::..~ 2 ~ 4 El To"' 1244 es. Use '°"' V.A. loan "' HAFFDAL REALTY HOUSE In court. Cft>"-..... BAY .& .BEACH I slmenl I u ,_. .... low down F.H.A. UM our · Hl-Mlri carport. 976-980 C West 17th REAL TY, INC. -0Ye llCOllle unlb that wU! carry Laite For.•• S BR, 2 BA. Guarantee Trado Plan. BY Ow • .,_ 2 ba. St.,'Costa Meaa. 901 Dover Dr., Suite 126 NB themRlves on )'2' rOund ren-tam rm w/fl1>1.c, crptd le WE SELL A HOME ner. ~ ........ • p'i::::=::=:=:=::=:=:= 645-2000 1 UNITS, large lot 132x3<1i': ta!• 64>-1152 BKR drpd lhruOut, pa!lo, lawn,! EVIRY n MINUTES ::;::--;:;,,.~ ..::::: Don• Point 1730 Mou Verde 3110 room t.o build 5 more. $90,000 PRICE SLASHED landscpa: in. For sale or w lk & l :;,;:;;.:..c..;.;,;;,;; __ _;..;..;.o1 BAYFRONT HOME ~l~~l!st ~~tn. Open Houae Sat a:~· l.S at ieue by owner. m-614T a . er ee ~ ~ =. l~ $11,9501 Small, clean 3 'Br, 1 3 ~~ lr!~bl!: a:'::se: lBl N ' 522 El Modena, Np( Hghts. C d I Ma 1250 1682 F.dlnaef old •. 95U L&ncHa.11 Drive., ba, no r:ar. Nr Harbor. $3900 incl $250 lat/laat dep. Im· 0 ewport BJvd., C.M. 3 bdn'l'l.I, 2 ba. pool 3 car oron• e r H.B. dn. 34032· eo ......... Lantern. ed 5f0..3300 548-7729 644-0684 ewa. gar, green hie. Move in IRVINE TERRACE MZ~·Open 'tit 9 PM 642-4905 ,..,...... ~m=~occu,,.-'p-'-y_. ~-,-.,--.,,,-•I Hart;f~sian~ Road NEWPQRT iEACH cond. Price reduc. S5CXXI to $5,000 Down, owner w/cany SPLIT LEVEL Fount1ln Valley , 1410 RENTALS 1;°~~i%CC:~~~~ =: new lo price of $33,500. loan on lovely hame. 2 Br. 4 Irr: .Bedrooms, 3 Baths + ' \Vith room for Olarming 3 BR.. w I tarp Vogel Co., 2661 E. Cout 2 b&. I.: lge. family • din. J5xlg fam Hwd fioon 5 BR. 2\i Bath, famlly room Houns Furnished pool, gar. $285. 549-3760. Large Yacht fncd. yr, coV. patio, Hdwd. Hwy., CdM. 673-2020 rm., w/all luxury features. t.tinMut, ~roof + elec. •f Mt bar, exceptional kit-General 2000 3 BR. 2 BA, family rm, ~;~:t~!3i: P~u~~.;5·a~~hesnt !1;5~1~rpJ~h!n:; ~tc~~: BY OWNER: New, 3 bdr., 2 $41,500 .. Quick Ocropancy. trlc kitchen, Allwne 5%.% ~ D~= &Clo~!~ --------frplc11, bltns. $230 mo/be. Most pleasant bldg. at the Lovely, comfortable home. Owner w/flnanoe, $27,000 ba, family room, dining nn, HOME PLUS INCOME FHA klan.. l'lchool11. Pi1any ~xtra i. No peta 6?3-8213 Jamaica Inn w:i!h that Ha· $145,000 Walker Rlty. 675-5200 fireplace, shake roof, Remodeled channer on front Al'l!lurne T\2% GI.11538 Uve New'-rt leach 3200 waiian atmosphere. Better Listed Exclusively With . 3.lfli Via Lido, NB Open SUn. carpeted, drapes, built·lna. of 35 tt. Jt.2 lot w/rw:wer D. -• r ........ ~ Oak Cittle, FV. 968-7136 I ;;;;;;;~;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~ than USU a } comtniSsionS, J.arxe patio, fenced yard, 2 Br. 2 ba, apt, <1V~ dbl. w · ~ ....._ Wft "' IUIMrW f 1 inany •"'""""'""'" the ,A:R,su~ V!_.L0!_!1~ NM~~Beach.MFmt~ ~en,_, Apt. lid. tor , ., M~ S•n"' An• Hgto. 1630 .1n~iin"~ B/I, surrounding mott-1 apts. Lo. 4,,...... ,.-4-...,........,.. llU'Uu•ur. ove _,,_ •-mo. Lee· trees; So. of ' II& .--·-TOWNHOUSE .:;e~!::C~YH!:~01~: ~:;8"~ui:a-CM We~;:Sii950.rf64M950S Upl ~1!4'2~Ertatief15.2503 --::_I-* ACRE In Santa Ana ta•w·""':-:-.,..!4'-'!1•, 3~.2%baths.Multa ber of Commerce. 1'.fember Open Sat-Sun l-5 Y ' BEST BUYS l'l<tn Magnolia, FY Hahts. 3 bdr. hae • $165. 2 BR, utll pd. Famll,y & °'lo/.,.. Facei&poolB~-Moh. • - ol the Newport Harbor. Pyramid Exchangon B · · t.bru11'1 & Smaller llle plus 4 corrals & pet ~lcome. · .,.... Costa Mesa Multiple listing ASSUME VA LOAN Sharp 4 b:!nn. 2 b&. home, =: o::ffer:-m 545-0458 tack bid&. 3l101 Cypreu St. Broktt 534-6930 e•lty, Inc. service. steps to oc@an! $49,500 2 BLDCKS To OCEAN C Adjacent propertie1 avail. -901 Oo\lier Dr .. NB SUife 126 BILL HAVER. Realtor I 'l:l=:'l:ll:ll:l:::::il:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:l=!·Costa Mes• 1100 BALBOA BAY PROP. 3 BR den 2 baths R-2 lot VA ANT Owner 646-4001. Rentals to Share 2005 645-200> Eves. 5481'966 1· f $ ,1• 7420 Aoytlme rm.., .. bid •• ;._. • 3 1x1rm. 2 beth•, 1orm.i :::::::::::::::::7.'CO':'"-:-=.:.i·""!""!""!""~""""!~I 2111 E. Coast Hwy .. CdM PEACE & QUI[ 22 500 EAST _. .,..... -.J le dinf 1 Call : 673-3211 I BLUFFS OPEN HOUSE IDEAL Fort COUPLE = kit~ r:~ b-:: L19una Hiiis 1700 RESPONSIBLE AduJt to lxclu1IV9 B•yc .... r CUTE 3 BEDROOM NEWPORT HEIGHTS Only $25,500 & the low lntel'9 .est FHA loan remains. F ire- . place, beautiful u-ee lined 1 street of Aliso. Owner will 1 ~ider small down .. No in. rcome or credit qualifications ·• just $2:> to transfer the ~952 1 or 540-6631 i . COSTA MESA Sat a: SUn, lG-3. 2115 Vista Open Sat./Sun 1·5 lns, family room rombina· VIEW.' 2 Bt, 1~ Ba, lge llv-share rent or babyait 1'Jr HOME, .f B<!nns, den; fam. On this % ~ere •. tree shaded, Entrada. 3 Br., Split level, 421 ORCHID room & boa.rd. J\.fust have Uy room & pool. Yelll'I ·secluded site in the he~ $1,~ price reduction makes wfBay view &: iretn belt 2 BR. nr J\1lt Ofc &: stores tion. Side Hvin& room with Ing rm. Estate sale. AS!ume refs. 64Z..9791 or &U-99.11 lease $.500/monthJy includin& of Newport Beach. 5 bdnriB dthis·the bestke ~!'!on to-T·plan CUltom decor. Im· R-2 ~ hid Inc i32TSO • ~. $2T.~ fllll price, 5%% loan. 573-89t-t GIRLS need 3rd roornate for gardener, pool ·tervlce I: & den, 3 baths Large llv. ays mar ti nlU\UWOOD med '0cc 675-2221 or Ch.t $II .bu' $3CP>J:lt'1)'0UJ'W.Noother water. P~te ~tt Realty rm. w/view of hills &.Fash-!~RS, sPariding clean S47_1641 ·• a S ry costa. P8,yments Ie15 than Laauna lffch 1705 beach apt. 33rd & Balboa 642_5200• ion Island, Spacious master inside and out. Extra deep REAL'OOR rent.-36 hour l'nO'le, ln. .;;,,z Blvd., NB. ;65 mo. 6TJ.re95 ====:-:--.,...,,-I bdrm w/vie\y. A unique off. lot for &arden or play area P~CED Bf;low Market. Ad· 6'1UOOO 613-1362 Eves. • BEAUTIFUL ews WATERFRONT Lux. ApL on ering ·al $55.COO <you own and QUIEi'. TREE LINED d1tJonally save over $30l'.Xl 1n Turn B•ck The Clock ~-· IEACH HOME oorrACE, nr Cleo St. Bch, the Penin. New 2 bdf., 2 the land), For the large 5treet, Many extru: still in-Real Estate c.omm. FOR To pre • 1V dan. SUnken -r!!"T-• ill lovely Laguna condo, com. Laguna, with em p Io ye d ba., pool. i,.ae. adults. Boat Family seeking 5pace &: eluded at jwit $22,500. SEE SALE BY OWNER. 2&:XI sq. frplc. convtt1ation area, a munlty; frontin& on 'magnlf· male. $90 mo, 494-!MJl .Ups avail. Carlbe'Balboe.) coinfort. TODAY! It. Playroom A pool rm. martini for Dad, can ·ntn-ATRIUM MODEL icentbeated.pool,lOOsteps ROOMMATEwanted·temaJe• 310F'erna ndoRd.,(n4 Roy J. Ward Co. WE SELL A HOME Call 642-SISO troduce family -gtt toreth-HUNTINGTON CREST from priv. bch., tennis cts. ·to share hou.!!e on' Balboa 673-:3003• (Baycrest OUicel EVERY 31 MINUTES WELL-KEPT duplex. Xlnt emeS1, to "hear lt ·u It t1." Here'1 a ~ 3 Bed-etc. Olmp. attractive fum, Island. can alt 6 61'3-1988Bay ~,..-;tro"n°'t""3""•,..do,-n.""P"lor-. O~oa...,.t.1 1430 Galaxy Drive 64&-1550 Walker & Lee location. 1 blk from bch. One or Cameo. Shotts prel· room Home. Move tn quick. include w/w carpt'g, drps., -' ImmaC. $200 ~to. Both 3 Br, 2 ~. frpl &: bit· tiest homes. $78,500 .. With Assume F.H.A." 6'h% An-kggz muter bed; loCatlon Costa Me.II 2100 Magnificent 4 Bdnn., 4 bath ins. Won't last long. (714) genel'OU!I terms. nual loan with paymentt of decor. 2 BRs, 2 BA!, iiep. . -view hom:e. $1,000 mo. COLLEGE PARK 21'.JC ~~Dr, 673-7861. 615-4159 Hal Plnchln & Atsoc. $242 lncludei an. You lhoUld lv,,.di.n. mu; laun. with w/d, 2 BR, ear patio, QuJet trop. John Macnab 642-8235 ._ Purse appeal has this keen OCEAN VIEW DU.PLEX ~E.OJastRwy. 675-4392 see this hUge muter bed. stor.,"2ocar 1ar. lower Jev· lcal setring for adults only. BWFFS: Lovely..;) BR a: : DIVORCE-SALE--3-bdrm-+ !emUy , niom ·s·17• ·M· at. SJ' 01 <BR.+ 2 Brcuntt. Walk to OCEAN VIEW room with lOill5 OfclooeU. el See"' ap.,..,iate, S""';n ~ Blk lo .OOps $115. 544-0452 don. Crp~. d~, pOol,. Wik t-432 MAGNOLIA h?me, All electric built-itJ , "t 0 i'4 tO shops. $39,500. Afl!nt A wonderful chance to own Roman sunken tub, lot.I ol. by owner, call !0r app t, · 'to stores, school, club, park. Attorney says, sell 3 bdrm kitchen, large rear Jiving Cant last Ione on a tree Un-642-3850 or 833-1077 a luxurious, like new 4 BR. mirrof'll. BeautiM, Owner 499-Z152, a.m. or Wkends. Newport Beach 2200 $315 mo. 67>4497 or "d C l\J V room wi.th stone fireplace, ed cul-de-sac in Mesa Ver-"BLUFFS" 2 &Inn, 50' deck home. Askirc $43,000. says subm.tt )'OUr terms. REDUCED $2500. Leaving FIREPLACE p 1 2 bdr 2 ,0644--044.,.:..,;o;;'~· ·~==~= .~st:n <'$23,SOfJa cant. carpets & drapes weu land· de. 3 oversized bdrm•· wl prime Bay v I e w. Open Sun 1·»s·30 WE SELL A HOME to1 ~Jan ht. Custom ba. patio ~d~. ~id WANTED! "PARK LIDO" scape<\, $25,500 Ez terms. large f~ily room&: kit~h-$39,500. Call 644-2259 4615 roRTLAND (~call) ~V~RY 21 .MINUT,ES ~~~-wood• •• ,•,.•,1""vi•w"°, w"'a'11-vniage. JJ~tll July 1st. S'»J~ 2 or 3 BR. Oiel!ll. waiting. en, bullt·ln ·BBQ on patiO, --slwknds. M•..., c-~-•~9190 w lk & l ~--Call 64'~10 s~·.,19 •·-b Llal "· fW.C I ..,... --1 ........... ~ a er ee to wall carpeting, bullt·ins. . ..._ or IJ>J't • ~ n-!,r uy, son ""'· · ... IUMll separate Pay yard, near NICE 3 Br 2 Ba home Pool Fa rel Walke;-Realtor &: r 1 2 Bed 1-BR. house 'h blk. to ocean. .....rv•.J SMW ~y dnr~ ~ :r~ Owner m~st sell. 1518 "sylvi~ BEAUTIFUL 3 , BR Home 7682 Edlnter Bat:.p J:ue cons::.ii~n~ Adults, no pef!I, Sl!iO yr. CHARMING . 3 BR, pool, ~ -_,, ----Heritage Real Estate (open Ln. 548-J261 or 642-2001 plug new 1 BR luxury apt. 842-4456 Open 'til. 9 PM OPEN HOUSE Sat &: Sun lease. Agt. 673-7-UJJ Blulf.s, $325. 2 BR. patio, 1(193 Baker, C.~I. 546-5440 eves). FORECLOSURE, 3 Br, 2% Or uae at 4 BR, family nn. HUNTINGTON Harbour! 11~. weekdays after 6. 934 $150 2 Bedroom tre~l'i,. C J;>M i 250 . -i==~===~ Ii l'l:l~=:::.~~~==1:~~r!:i'l~~~:i:"'f.: I Ba TnMe. Frpl, pool $27,500 Crpts, drapes, 2 troplcaJ Look at this bir beauty &: Miramar, L8'una Beach. -~e Sat &. Sun 10-6 1 _&1><044-o==-,,,===--ii OWNER SAYS EXTREMELY spacious in-Liai!lon Co. 646-0132 patios, no yard work. ' tell Ul!I bow' ycu want to 494-3066 • at 510 35th St., N.B. BEACH COTTAGE ..j. Brand New Listing • • terior.' Ideal yard for boat 3 BR wa1~-nt. No. 62 $49,900. OWNER. 6'75-0312 work out details. You can EXCLUSIVE AREA' 1-BR house. 6 doors to ocean. ''Must sell!'' Lov•est priced hi! <>~v "1vety Mesa Verde cam· 4 BR. 3 bath rondo. in tho.> or c dren. 3 BR, .1% BA. Balboa Coves. S00,000. Will LUSK RESALE trade. vac. land, lea.st, c bdr. 21h ha. fam. nn. 2 Balboa 2300 $130 yearly. 'bridge home, 15 x 36 Blue Blutfs. Overlooks greenbelt assume 5%% FHA. Total trade for acreaie. ~7711 View, 3 Br, 21,i Ba, d~. leaae/opUon, contract, pre-fireplaces, 1rg ldtchen. Un-SPACIOUS 2 glory 3 BR 2 ~ies ~est 615-1642 1Haven Pool, dressing_ rm. ·& clo!e. lo pool. Asking $23,500. Owner .. 642-8ZJ2 4 BDR. llv. nn. fl.replaoe, Crpt'd 4 draped. Landscap. Pd int. or '!' • Immed. oc-excelled Ocean View. Prlv. BA Bay View Complet~ly $275. 3 BR, 1% BA, fm mi. •etc. 3 Real good sized Ek>d· $39.500. Q.mie see this week· WILL TRADE OR SELL din nn tam nn ·paUo 316 ed. By owner $64,950. 3811 C'UJ*l1CY. Rex L. Hodif1 Bch., playground, tennis crt; ~-NO studen'ts. 546-fl6T4• C&O,, bUNI~ Lse, No pets. rms, fam & din nns. Appt. eOO! 2144 Vista Laredo, .t'OPEN HOUSE SUN eaiait~ Dr . .' N.8. 64i-m. Topside Ln. &'I-MU Rlt:"i. 847-2525 Only $63.000. Call Thos, I. 21.07 Anruvepary . Ln , only. Opon J.S Sal. & Sun, 3120 Lincoln Way, CM DUPLEX So. o1 Hwy. 2 $168/Mo hvS AJI Lingo Real Estate, 199-1397. Con~nlum 2950 . s:p-3430 or 646-<698 546 -5880 DeLancy Real Estate 4 BR+ fam rm. $31,900 Newport ·Hefght1 1210 houses '$$,000, $8,000 down. . 1 •J . HANDYMAN'S . 4 VR Old 2 story home, N.B. (nearclnematllm!!) 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM Trust Realty c7i41 521-6012 In~ $415 mo. 675-6044 3 Bdrms 2 ba, hardwood Special! 4 Jnciome wrlti 120 f'<?~ Rent . Cost.a 1t1esa. 3 BR, DR1 den, frP.tc, 2 gar. LEGE REALTY 67~3nO SELi.. or Trade .. 2 bdr. plus NEW 2 BR. 2 BA. din/ pJay CAMEO SHOR£S: :; ~nn. firs, Take over FHA loan ydi. to beach. Patios, decks C1v1c Center .. ·~1ke .' new. ~ ~ tun:i. 645-2910 l~Adlrns at Hsrt>or,Cll "l:C::=l:ll:ll:ll:lC::=ttE~I den, 2 ba. Crpt., fireplace. area. $30,500. Ovme:r 431 Den Pool by owner $'79 500. with low low dow S2'2 500 w/ocean view. Ndi. paint, tuwnhott~. 2 car attached I :=='='='='======I l .. l:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:ll:l::=CC::1• Fenced, gar. Want unit or Riverside . &U-3099 mis:zo ~er 5 pm ' Tl.-Re'•I Eiloten. u .:rt etc ShouJd·rroe• $9{0) yr gar. Patio."pool. Adultl. No Newnort Helgtrts 3210 20 RENTALS 123.~. c.11-•=•. ' ·-~ p ··~ooo ~ ' ' peta ,~ ·-'' "°"' -.JUU """"'UJ<JO M?-853 r. """' . ....,nslder trades. · ~+v 3 BR 2 BA ::..,,~led 3 Bdrms 2 baths, ttouble "gar-2 BDR 1 ba d "I Dover ShoNI 1227 SACR.lFICE 2 bees on 2 R-2 • 1 . MISSION REALTY 4!M-0731 RENTALS •cu=v1• Assume 5 3/4 °/o Loon Beautiful 4 bdrm family Mlfln home. Good Mesa Verde area, clGSe to 11ehools & shopplng. $28.500 JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-3255 age8, Each rental $195 per Larae · eorne' ';:5es::r· lots, S. of Hwy. Owner. BY OWNER ' New httt pool'. Nr 11Cbool1-6 monlh .. waiting list. $340.000 Isabel. ~i -Owner. la *Irreplaceable View* $56.500. 613-C169 M~t aacrifii:e': vaciant 3 BR., COASTAL VIEW! . Hou ... Unfurnished mkts. $295. c:ru1 411-1631 full pncc • $54.000 down. Bey & Mouftf1lnsl * OCEANFRONT-Pool * 1% Ba.; ldtch. blfus. Quiet Terrific loan uaum,pUonl General 3obo ========== Seller pays all cost.3 OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car Regal "Old World" Cnntem· cameo Shores. -4 BR&: Den eul de sac 1oc nr achools Interest rate doesn t in-University· Park 3237 • gar. Lra: lot -suitable for porary plcturetque home w/ ll5 Milford Rd, 61~ & shopping Pttstiie area creue; np points. 3 Bclnns., 3 ~rooms. 2 .Bithl. Sharp _. . ...__-"'~----I \!~llrl',l"'.l'!~ll~oOl!,1!11.IRl!pll• b~llding. 54$:6001 unobstructed view • mo1t Must llC'e . to appreciate: family rm., 2 bath1. 5 years Qean home. Owner uan..: 2 &. 3 BR. homes tor lnle. ------room1, 4 Br's, 4',!J Ba + Belboe Peninsula 1300 545-577~ ''I· PM old. Reduced tu$41,:500 ferred but coming back. Pricesfrom~to$325. -Mesa Verde 1110 maids qtrs, ·Ideal for enter-'1 • · · ,, PLACE IUCALTY 49f.9T04 Lease at $189 per month. Red Hill Realty &13-il820 "'""!'!!'!'!"!'!'~!!!'!~!!!l4;-;;BR.R02-;BA.iA'.°7.im;;-;rm;:;:-, : .. ;:., talnln&. EaoY main!, lmmed Developer'• DuplH Priced To Sell •LEASE/OPnON• w lk & l OCEANFRONT ho Bl occup. 1178.000, Aaaume1'bn;e -upper two 3bdrms2 bath4Royalllom<, Xlnti.nn.ta<!hit5yr.old3 a er ee El Toro 3244 5 BEDROOMS w~ t!:• = ~· : 6%% loan. SM-7249 bedroom lower, tn ftry JOOd • 1500,sq 11, cptl/drpa, bit-lo•, Br. 2 ba. home w/ocean T6$2 Edtngez' . Lake FOtt"st, 3 BR. 2 BA, EXECUTIVE ESTATE lde•I Location 1w1m pool w/51.ide & div BY OWTiet a Br, 4~&. pool, reednta1Goodarea.:!..°! rullr: boat door in raraae. 6Cbc120' VlePLA. "CE· Call ... !?!° terms. 842445 Open 'til 9 J>r\.f fam rm wlfrPlc, "ciptd le Loe, on .Jl 3 t1cre in New-$54,000 brd. Prof landacpng, lo open patios, 2 frpl, Ip view • ..a, 5® ••v-..u• po e lot. Below market at -~ n..c.ftLTY 494-9704 R L Opt drpd thruout, patio, lawn/ port's most exdusivt! area. Georve Williamson maint. Xlnt ne.i&hborhd. lot. crpta. m,... Over .-. · · ' Paul Jon. Realty ent or e•H ion · landlltPI In. For Sale or 3 4,, Bc., formal din. rm., REALTOR 143,950, 511).15T.I $100,000 61$-'l:m. . BURR WHITE 847-1266 Ew. 5.'f6.6358 L'9!'ne N.,.,.I 17a/ La,.. home M ... V-PT.I 1e ... hY awrier. A>H141 pool. $75,000. Call !or •PP'L 67:1-4350 Ev11. 67:1o1564 BUSIEST . muketploce In REALTOR -·lOW-lllTl:DnJ·lftHll-BUJU>ERS·OWN,HOME~ ·/::,52"'' --· .... · .. ·r . .. .._.a to viOw. Colleg..-1"• 1115 liiiiii. "The DAILY 1>11.0'T 290l'lliiiP&'tt!lvd., N.B. 1n1uw UM. 1 yrer, old, 3500 oq. IL, 2 . or ~ Coron• del Mor .... CORBIN·MARTI N .• 1.. * EASTSIOE·C.M. * Nl!WPOllT MODEL Clalaifte!! ...-. So•• f'l5.4l30 · 64i.ml !:vet. "P t•-u--" atary Spulsh. Tile root. 3 CORONA HIGHLANDS. REALTOR 615-ll:ifU Sc~ this 3 bdrm. 2 bath, Jrn' money, time 4 effort. toolc res ..-~· cu gvqe, 4 BR.'a, 'BA's ' " 3036 E Coast fl'N)'. cait floors friX~ Double car aar 21 !'t; liv. nn., 3 Br. Lee-l'IOWlll Lhlct Isle 1251 Lovtly 4 bdrm'home, ~ 2 rtplca. famui morn h ' BR. 11,i Ba. Duplex. AvaO · · on atfuy ~ $23 000. • lot, boat •tonce. Xlnt area! -will CUT)' lat'lt 2nd for 10 activity room wet• :9 . Dec .1st $235. 646-mO "' $26,0DD-OCEAN VIEW I Grahe,;, Rhy . 646-2414 $27,200 TIME FOlt LOWIST PRICI ...... Localed on. e 1a.;; 1170."3BR,2B&duplex.Gold CII:ll 9'1-UIS s"'"'"' ""'1rooms. 2 bath•. Noar Newport Post Ofl!oe CORBIN-MARTIN QUICK (:ASH Home en Lido. 2 Br, 1 be. HAFFDAL IUIY 142-cul-<!""" lot. rx .... uent m<da!Uon. Pa\io, 'w/w, 1·"'°=BR"°.-2~;;,..-,,ea'"".-.~,~p1.,,-, "'==I Dream built·in kitchen. No. _ REAL~~~ THROU"'-H A Stttet-to-itteet iot. BUSn;st' matlcetplace in vltw. U x 38 custom heated drrt., 'xtru. Chl14_r en Sq, Jt......BlU.. ~. thing tQ dG but rtlax k tin-THE SU~ NEVER SETS on 673-l662 55i ·9"593 Eves. .., s.i,e<Xi town. The _D~ILY f~ J>OQl._lJgbted bajjm\n!on welcome. Bier. 534o-6980i frpl. $300 Mo. leua.•51)..1513 joy ltfc. N ........ S.o<hl Cl851ified '• •Cllon ....... , 303ll.l!:..oCooot Hwy., CdM DRY PILOT LIDO REALTY INC. oa..iltecC section. Save "1""· Dog run, Should .. u 114'. SR townhouoe. Patio, .3 BDRMS. 2 Bolhl 541).173) t'o~ an ad to ,e:ll around lhl for first penntu a day. Dial WANT AD 33TI VJa Udo 613-1300 mo..1: dme A dfort. Look tor $80,000-acrUice tor w/w1 drp1. Avail now, Bkr, $250 ·mo. yearly. Urtfur!L TARBELL 1955 Harbor elock. dill! 642-5678. • PILOT C!u1llled ad. . • 1 JIOWlll ~.500 (TI4) 4~ 534--6980 :wm. Winton Reilty ~ " ' • ---~-0 __ _ .......................... .,,...,.....,...,._.,...,....,.._,..._~--~-~ .... --~~~--... .. :;:;; "+t'V'!:f"IF IWFCPt•# P ..... P F IOP S + _ F ¥"'t'•t•"I ;Fi(P F• f f p p-p..-w ii••-•-·r-.. -..--,.r--..-·- H~-V.Pl~.or . .r~.-~.1c, 1169 . " ~ . .. riTltl ~ ,,..,...ALI ' , • 1 Rlln'Al:S ·'• RINTALS . -' 1111-IS .i • · ANNOUNCIMINTI 1 Ila 111 .,. ............ , ,.1Ap!li '""'~, • •-"""-·""'*""'~-1 ,.,.,..,_ Unfvm--•-;.·~·Un~lt!Jpd • " • , fr~ , -*·, : ·'. '!11;·-Jlf -~'!'I -.1NA..C1At.-· -• --..OTICIS ,..... c-..• •1 Mar .mo 'J!!~r-!· ~ .4200' ~ . ....J009 c111~-. ~ .sJao, 1ma.liil• : ~5620 · 1..:: °""""""'""' -L .. t '401 PELtlXE -2-8', 2 !olka-lo 'N•~it"Bcach ._, --"ENQOM. w f , · · c;:AN'T BE IEATI ' " COill'la....,.let'f'rteld&ll'O. i.qsr: 7wk> .... b!k.wht• ... "" blt·lna.. ""'· u....... GRANll OPINlllG .. ~ •• E.' fanaf. Via-tots . l'll!Y.A'r&QUU."'l' ; From 16.!!JO .. ,'.'\~. $00. orans• cat. Fem.ie;oo tront - 1_ $Z). M'!112!IO. it)..'1488 1 ' 1 "-' ·-i .' .," ~''/' iARI', G~~i;N;CJ.VlNG -An.helr'n, Col'f . Mesa, clawi. S50 &watd! Ca.ti I. • " .1.u.u.1PIATE ~ ..... ...--.o ... 0 -1...; Buena Park, Fullerton , -64&:.3265 L u-I~ ..... ,~ ·~ ADULT •-i-.UW..Y ,,e:.r ~e Co Atrpor I l'i1ce arta.~ R, 2 BA all Gard C u.-,-...1,.;c.:;::=e-,----~ , --·" 3351 OCCUPAACY , ..........,.,. •V.\ILAllLE 1 UC!. Adl:lta, • ..i,. ·~ ~. F.U,..lnsulalcd, '°""" ._ · · •• "'"· ·-·-•-111,ACK """"""" poodle, I '-' _, c~··~p . ~ SantaA?l&A'f'e,_~ .,proote<t,1'd.v'adresalng -• ~ta .u.. ~ uncut.oranpeollarw/red CHARMIN9 3 l,lr.,2 Ba,...,.. Lwcwy ,-0 ~ hi ahOpjllng, Per ;:;(.'i 1~ , )! -1 .,.ii\;)/m ,q It "<?!"pace. ' . · Calli.a ~-~-,.,.! _ OOIL Vie C.,,..., Scbl, CM. lyre•taL!ust..modelldt. .. l(..tnr conipJeta -, *llPoc:i'!U'3~'t.2Ba Nl~ARl$;' ,n!,'l,~•P'i:4Coi>t" . · . -. , w~-. -·-Rewll"d.64>-2787 ~ 1ir:.~• .~tSo. beautifutland~A:Wl-' •2BedloomJ , • $155&'$175 ~' ~ drpt, • Forced air " , , ., FANTASTl.C • FEMALE Min. Schnau~r. 673-70'4· da,yr~~Yel .parallelec(rtcrff.~ facU· *Swim M fiivartcn : 1 &: 2 bdr. 2 Awlm. Pllbl•. 4U .~.-~atios. Pool & rec • · _ · ~ .._ REALTY. ~.ROJ~CT. silver gray, ears uncropped. 1 • · ilks In • ~WJtry Cly~ al· * J'rpl. ~j'lPdr-y t..c·ls util pd A.tt ull.J"'..t ·ne: p('... ll"eJ,1 l~ per,mo11th. ~ , ' ..4. ~ • isoo.oro profit mum wlthln Rabin tag nbr. 873 54Mi681 wJt,rrEJt'S hidee.&ay-·2 Br mosphere. Jjow, lea~.in JMS Anehelm Ave~ F\ii=n. 1f dr&d.'·~~·· ~'HIDDEN VILLAGE ' 1 90 day1. $25,000 Wh need· or~ ror leaJe or sale. 21J: Newport Be&ell. • \'" cdsTA 'Mi:sA· • .ifi 301 Avoc:W0 $( r Cli! -0<'\RDEN APTS. _ ~Y!.1h"*tCI r CWLAan5tS?IF~I ' Tl.IJON!iOfF.O?R. ~ 'ed~ ~1572 'day·Or-eve. GREY Toy Poodle, Answers MM6211 or MS-91'r;-. Fw.-ni&bod, ·or Wlfbrn1ahed , · ., 25IXI ~. Salta Santa Ann ~r Cl.Al; :1C,ATIO COMPLETE plumbing & * .. Mod~opeii lel1amto8pm UDOBAYFRONTAPTS jl BDRM : unfurn co~tage. -· !"sm.(525 • ·NAfURAL BORN SWAPPERS.' shee.t metal shop tor u.le. ~J~:'J:.:-:~! Plt.aae, I Huntington Buch 3400 • hnts from $135 to ,$310. lJMrina..'1.Bl .. u.nr:;u b~ ~t1.;~~ l~~nll¥No I ·J ) "' ) Speciti .... Machinery, too~. s toe k. MEN'S Flonheirn shOes lost 1 ... ,....., bit • ..., OAKWOOD room•, !l'plc, Joll •eiloOorat• pe · " '' S. Ano Holghlt 5630 S''llllff ...:. S II~.:... $ bvd<t 100% oomplete, (7 H l b<tw. Balboa.;!"-& The • 1% ba, ttpts & r-.ARDIN . ed. ~:1eeuoo~s'"'-~ or Bfty/ Meu Verde i ,5tt'Q SPACIOUS • 2 BR duple; ~' }..J ~,..!W:\;;., AD .Mu1~u:i .,.,.. ""' """" 675--7038 Blutfa. Reward'.' 6"-Cl97 dra~s.. Call 536-2442. • 'Ill" one,... atttac-r l..... . 1-YOUJI ....... end/W .......... .... .... ., ~ SHOE REPAIR SHOP Ex APARTMENTS · tivebulldln;<~u&k"a(J3&1 . 2BDRMS cpti drape~'i-etec m ..... ,crpts, fenced. , ~OTH1MeFGll~l-TllAQ&aotn.v1 . • ·GERMAN Shepherd, pa.rt ™rc. .. u1'1 Br -·~· • . ! . ' * * . J '·' • -• bll.DI. Priv .;~ ....... e. ~ $125 * 545-1506 I "'. • ·'PHONE 642-5671 ce~nt East.17th st .. CM. ff"·"" Irvine ldn Com~x quet comm un i ty l7t.Q16th~t ·--· T Pl y T·'·r''P di Ad Coll Gt~-·~USl ~· ' i w/pool Sl.40 or will turn. ' TIC• &IMlZO '.· • CllllMr. ~ .' . onl,y. No pets.. Available , L . .._.. 57 . •. lffi ' our r-I 1r1 te m .. -~n ~ area. Call Sf6..96318:30-5 Call afttor 5, 962-2919 NICE fllrn. 'wa~nt· 2 Br. , ~ ' 1211• ~-1 ~ '.! ' 91uni, '-i!'Z'.'. • · . 05 HA VE: Duple~ _In Corona Have clear ocean view lot ' Herttare Real Eltate LOSI' ~emale BI u e poi n I BRAND new chu'mlne 3 BR, apt, 1.Jtil.' -pd, '190.Month un-' ?tt~ .Realty ADULTS. ~ BR ae,t •. •2864 LQ.VI"atY co~ntcy club villa, del ·Mar. WANT: 8-T unlta in P.V., Want "octanair'' ESTABLISHED Ji.rt shop on Siamese cat vie. 40th St., : 2 BA. New crpt.s A drps 111 July, lit; HARBOR GREENS , I Hie~ Pl. t;o ~ildtt.n or '2·~ 1%;BA· Condo. Appl, in·!>ran(e tounry. duplex, 4 & 2 Bdrrri's. BalliQll Ialand for sale. U ln.-J~N~.B~·,:615-S020:;;;:::::,====::-J thnl.out. ·\Valk to beach. 2 BR. on the watu: yearly , pets. $i150/~. ;,48-'3209 pool. gar, $285. 549-3760. Na~ J . 'Moore, l,\kr. :Art Giovinetti, Broker terested call 673-4651 forap- ' ~· mo. 84~ , or SZ75 Month ., BAGJIELOR ."unturo JroJri Rllr. '1 BDRM.'°Nr. ~n &: bch. I 642-?IX» I 673-7420 • pointment. Personals 6'05 ,20ll · Shore· Properties 613-90001 $110: ~ avan 1 : 2 '&. 3 Newpor.t B1;1ch 52op ~50 mo. Jnq. 1020 So. Cs! R.E. rontracts. Secured. 712 St. James Pl, N.B, 3 RE ST A tIR A NT: MOST PALMISTRY • , J BDRM 2 bath home GJen BAYF·RONT APT Bdnu. HeMed: pooll, child -· · wy, or 4rJ.i-6848 Seas. 10% Int. Last pymnt 81', 2 Ba. ocean view., Own-POPUL.AR in lhiS area for CARD READINGS ~ar area. Family w:lth 2 · _ • care oenter.'adJ,to .lboppina:.' BA YPRONT APT. LARGE l Br apl w/w due April 'TI. Discount. ,er '8.YS, submit income or sale. 64~ Bring YtNr Problems to cliildren O.K $225/mo. Rltr. 3 Br, 2 Ba. 22C »th St., N.B: No pets. · . . . .~~· uill pd $195 mo, 1st t1:~flPles. of $:r.?0Q. T,rd .rot land for JJOM eqt)'., Mark 546-4141 · _ qpen Sat-Sun 16-t. $325 m:o~ • ,_ ~ 'ett~·W1i1 ··-224 ~ 1 St. 3 ,Br, 2 Ba $400 & last mo:s. rent. 499-1017 car'cit''I? Can Allah 645-t1'14 Les. Rltr. 548-ml But., W1nted 6305 Me -I Will Help Yov ;, f BR .. 2 ba. Newly redec., winter ni: t84-69ll 9-5 wk. COsta Mese"' 5t84:Ltf0. • . mo: 'Y"· Open Sat·~ l0;4~ RIAL -EST ATE • '"'1 ,XKE • Co•-. Jl ea I :J..evel .view ' lot. Laguna Solve ThM'!. I l·a n d fl c pe d. Seek ap. ~a,ya. -• I • RENT . . • 'll.4 . ...Q4..691.1 9-5 wkday.'I. • O.ner1f... : ~am Putt roR fix<~,.. Niguel. Trade up for aptl. WANT To purchaa! Newport. I give advice on all marten preciatfve occupant. $225. OCEAN FRONT l BR. Spac' • , , , , , OCEANFRONT APl'S • ¥t ~ County. Ba.Jlxla. Olrona del Mar of li!e, such as love, court-~ · kit 1r llv rm .. N!i*ll ·:Nm. 3 Rooms furniture 1918 ·. W. Oceanfront. 2 Br. Rent ii~ Winted 5990 per H~;~~~I~ ':~~.'• ~r. Conrad RJviera Realty profitable business w It b ahip, marriage, dlYMU, but- . NEW 4 BR .• near beach & Shag crpt..Bacl)e~or onJy.. ,$.19.95 & UP· A\f&U •. Dec,l~t.:Adults~. J900.E.°"st Hw.S!5-4392 ~2800 494-13.1(1 Eves. ~Pho~~ntial. Box MG9l, ::s. =~:on~ ":e~ schools. $245 1'1o., ltue. $130 JllO. incl util. (213) l.rM°~T:i.-Month Rentals ~pets. Yrly Lile': $~. RENTAlS. WANTED Laguna, lovely Crescent ated, C!lllSe speedy and hap. ~3963 698-3621 -WIDi; SELECTION·· 222.l * ilOMES g.E! Bt RCo.~_aptsM. ·llr. Exfl~~~1_!!·. Bay. grelt ·ocean ·yiews: 2 lnvutment Oppor. 6310 py marriages, overcome rt. 1 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, iltllc, BACHELOR apt., employed NO D£f'Osri' O.A..C. 3 BR., 2 f.'j• frpl, bll·ins, * DUPI;EXES -as sta csa.. ...,_,._, sty. Medi tt. 3 Br,_'2 Ba. Val. vals, lovers quarrels, ~vil new cpts &: drps. dbl gar, adult only. ·$15, 1216 W. J-tFRC 'Funll~ R.enj.ats'. .f!~·~ ·location. 1 block *GUEST 11ousES _ ~~Uri.ore ~~i:J~ &12:'.'f'IM $ll2-~f. WantPacitlcHghts. $100,oOo PER YEAR habits, stumbling blocks of fencd M.ck yd. $2Q. 962-8994 Balbrli Blvd. 6'1 S ... f816 ,1 511 'w. l9th. ·CM ~l m !"""ch. (Il4J 613-1861, "fr"' . home San F)::an. Bkr49t-3568 Minimum income tor good all kinds. There is no heart 1 4Sf...S4n . , , . / . ~139 * APAR~S • .. 1701-A Westclltf Dr., N.B. man to participate in highly ., bad 0 , home 00 dtt•- F ASHIQN Shores, luxurY , 4 ~. 2 Br 4-ple"-. B!tM, . . FREE SERVI....,. ' Lovely Palm Springs home .. ,, I ,_ ='!11....1 ~la\L..dtsirtd 2 Bdr. blt.:Jns, crp~ .. L drpe., .cbildren It petil O.K. Blue LARGE lipper 3 BR, 2 BA. . · "-"' $275.tn) F IC lea.fled indus-+ pool + 2 income unfts. pn;ifitable realty investment that I cannot brin&: aunahtne ---, ·reatureS: 968-4062 . . ~Ociilli{UOOti'-.l2. No peb. Beaco'n 66-0lll , frp!c. cf>ls, drps, Nr ocean. GOLDEN WEST RENTALS trial Dyer Rd 10% retum. WANIJ' income urtits in or operation. Plusb rtd c~t into it. In tact, no matter 1 • Pool. $1.5S mo. Call .sta-JSOS . Refs. $225 mo. 4£$-2128 · . ~ ror 'M·J iaoo' Orange CO. nr CdM. Call 644·5859 after ol.fil'efl on Newport Bay! Ac· what may be your hope, Fount'11n V1lley 3410 after 5,PM. . :. RENTA~ADIER DUPLEX, upper, waterfront, VISITING :raculty ,member Owner will C&rry po.per or 6:30 p.m. tive or inacttve! Investment !ear or ambition, I . 3 BR, ~ BA, f-rpl c ,· dock. 2 BR, "w/w cpts, drps, -at UC Irvine r equires assum~. 615-604'4 Bkr. Will trade • 1968 Yamaha required! Will train quali. SEE THE : 3C/~· 2% Ba, F/R, bltm, dishwuher. $200. )Tl:y.1 !>Jk, ("ta MMli 5100 bltn!I. Adults. 613-49'lr ' furnished hou!le or large 25' Owens cruiser A·l, new 305 motorcycle 1n abaolule-.tied party! 64.5-1574 day or PALMISTRY READER • Xtras. Family '-pets from .Beach. 613-2455 . -' . apt., Sept 1970 to June IO, motor, Radio, galli!y, head, ly top shape FOR AH, eve. I will tell you just what you 1 v.-elcome. Wtr le trash pd. l BEDRQO~. \M'ar p\:er, Newport Shores 5220 1971. Plrase call 83J.M35 bah tank. $4200 va)ue Will Sprite or other small car. Mo want to know. ' IM $230. 17961 Bay St (of1 Ut1111les free. $100. ' $135 e tANOLORDS e · t-riide Jor Trust 'Deeds .or \Vilt incl lthrs & helmet ney to LOln '320 Avail, for parties 1 Talbert) • . 2 BR 2 BA Duplex. Crpts, .... "'."""". 2 · d J ' \Vilh This Card and $3.00 '. ~184 * AND UP · ti.rps, bltns. 'Nr ocean .. $18.5 FREE RENTAL SERVICE !'? 673·3045 .....,__,,, n D Loan Receive $5.00 Reading ' 4~L ~~~ ~~~1 1 Bit lal'.J:e. ljear ocean.. 1 & 2 _Bed~i:n.s mo. 548-8190 • Broker ,5J:4.6982, '{ii) Rambler Sta Wgn. A-1 18 vending machines, soups Open Daily lo AM to 10 PM TERM DISC 9si.nis· Upslain, .$15(1 YrJy. UW pd. Garag_es • built. ins • 1'"ree Rental Service e shape. J\1etal office desk w/ & )lot drinks. CoSt' $1800. Prompt, confidential service Fully Li~nsed · ,. .Sundeck. 613-8088 p Cloee .to sboppina. Bick 81y ~ 52.40 Brokers / Mgrs, /.Owners 4 chrs, Uke new.' ~111.de ~or 111>me on ·location. Trade tor 642-2171 545-0611 Off. (Z13} 697-9212 . G1rden Grove 3475 WAT~NT s BR; )l&tio, ool iGoaiW ~u!:rung VJE\V 2 BR j '.i;....~ ,Properties West 6~1642 carpeting or subllllt, car, P/U or boat. 1 " ~ Servipg Harbor area 20 yrs, 210 w. Whittier Blvd., boa't', dock .-· Y·'e&rly .. ~ • 1 ' -' cpts, ... .,.., RENTAL SERVICE 847·7176 "5.48-3197 Sattlir Mortg ... Co.. La Habra 'NEW trj.Jevel 5 BR. CUit leaae. * 613-9080 bltna. Pool .. $16.5. Mo.'! .FREE TO LANDLORDS BAY VIEW·"ffiulls" ele· '67 El. DORADO cadillac, 336 E. 17th Street HAPPY crpt. & dtp11, blti.n 1 OCEAN FRONT 'BaCbelor, •67W690.Jt .t. ' * BIUeBcacon ·~ * g~t3~3BA,!!plitlevel.. 11.ll extrh +,low miles, . •• w/dishwasher, blck wall yrly. $120. Util Incl. ADULT .•· . . , . _ ~.00'.l eli. FOR t Bit Bay xlnt cond. Trade cfO\Vtl for Reil Est1te Lo1n1 6340 ~ 89772344 ONLY!~ ~ E11t Bluff 5242 Rooms for Rent 5995 v1ew.CdMHlghareaorTO, tra.nsportation,('8.ror JT, INVESTMENT '"""'P haa 8£lATED -;=='===;·====I ' income or ? 6«-4265. * 6#4285 *" .---Laguna INch 1705 --. . e NEW DELUXE e $15 WK & up wf. kitCllen . $$'!! for trun deeds. We i--=--'~=c...-.;.;..;;: Coron1 del ·~1r. 4250 REAL TORS ~ er. 2% ha apt. (O~ Ie&!;e $30. \\'k studio aPl. 237t 'i * "' * * * make 1st le 2nd & buy ex· BIRTHDAY 3 Lgf! BR: 2 BA. 2 blk&.to COZY ground floor 2 Br with 673-4400 Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din Newport Blvd. 54S-9155. · isting TDs. Bkr. 543-8381 beach, view, nr !=m_trald fireplace close to abop'g nn. & dbl. garage, auto. LARGE comfortable 1 · REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -d-'ay~°'~•~v-'e~'·=~=-- Bay. $215 mo 49f..6262 dul ' · · N ~ C lru ·1 d door opener avail. Pool & . · , wm, -CALL HARDESTY '"="="==·==== A . ts -~•. ~-.P~ts . 81 00$ Ce rec. area, Nr. Catholic conven1entarea:·Sl5wt!ck. G4i.ner1I• General M. ion y · . lfOI Students ok $170 mo. Ch h Adults 6U;tt5S, • , 1 ~--------For Financing 111 1•1° Hal Pinchin Realtor 6'J5.4392 Available Now ur~ ·ONLY ·n":5 ~s. -, ' Office lentil 6070. Resort Property 6205 * ~~ * 3BEDROOM, 2 fireplact, lrg ~R Apt. walk .10 865 Amigo1 Way, N.B. Motels, !,rJr-•'i (rts. 5997 1 AC. Lake Mohave ·Raiichos, Money Wanted 6350 *Don't! to Jackie & Cheryl fncd.in' ynt, Air/Ccihd. $300 beM:h· A:": ~fl. $80 · 16 flingle story unit.. Un. NEW 2'100 sq ft 3 BR & tam WEEKLY :.rateS" Sea Lark LAA~i• UCond~A ~11•1~~~ .... H Ariz. NR. Lakes Mohave & mo. 837-5676. mo/)Tly. Util pt. m.6071 fumishcd 2 Br. 1 Ba. Crptfl, rm, 3 BA. i:>Wner's ttix apt Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., r ~ 8.4 to 10% Oil ;your invest· ltENTAL' I BR, util fum. su:;,:,No pets. drps;,, dshwhr, frpJe, gar. 752 Amigos Way. 6'75-M3.\. Costa Mesa ON FOREST AVENUE Mead. $1,00>. 962-8905 nlent. We can place YoW' Call u. if you tlill believe in Apti. Furnished, .. So of Jrl&lnnt1'~. ~'ii ht age, Adults, no peU • .$165 SANOY'S''i'RllLER'COURT Desk spaee available-Jn . MOUnt " ft---6210 funds direct to the borrower cave style dal:ifli'.. Ave. . mo. Corona dtl Mir ' S2SO Spaces avail now. Call ne_west ,ottlce building at • ...... rt on title ins. real estate loam 2f Hr recording Ge~~·' _ . ~ LARGE MOO BAQIELQR_ 646-9681 pnme location In· ~town PALM Desert • Indian W Us @no extra COit to the Jend.. ORANGE CO. 541-6663 !.-.=..:.:.... ___ _.:;:: -.. · 2~ Elden, Cost• Meta Laguna BeacD.:"All' condl· . _e er. Slop in or call, 1323 N. A'ITRACTIVE, discreet . -i-nv ~~o~~ERE"' t Beau~ ~.u: pd. (l ~~:s~~~~~,1~~vd . ':'..f.3f:.: ~. Misc. R'tntal1 5999 ~~:;":'."""}°!'n1!""geutif~ ~~~: 1~~:. ~~~ :-:~s: ~~ da~ \Wman ·WOO <k>efln't smoke w.. /" to meet business or pro- Slngl·l br-2 br. -Furn-unt. i Country Oubl GARAGE $25 per mo. 2317 Forest Ave., rear isd!I to Beach. GA 4~34. · ,•-,,"~•7v":..,· ====~-fessional man, 4Q.60 for Sauna. ,Act'y Rm; Billian:ls lallto• 4300 Elden Ave .. CM. -Muncipat parlrina: ts.-$50 PALM DESERT ANNOUNCEMENTS companionship. Write Dally Therapy & 45' pool,"l3BQs S37.oo62 aft 7 pm ON TEN ACRES 642-8029 per_mOnth for ,;piee, Desk 1nd NOTICES Pilot Box M·12 2'QI ~s Rd 1 6-12.-m YEARLY l Bi:t turn ' .. ap't. ....... &&iili&iiii&[l t.: 2 BR. Furn & Unfurn and chairs av..ilable fo-r $5. SANDPIPER .;...;.,_.cc;_cc;..;.:::_ ___ 1--~==~~--o ~atio, pri bch. Util pd. $125 MERRIMAC WOODS Fireplaces ; prlv. patios / Income Property 6000 Business hours answering i BR 2 bath w/den $23,950. FoUnd (F,... Ads} 6400 LICENSED 1 i::.· A=~:~pl~i~~;w, ~ N. Balboa J;llvd. Just complatea;-1.0f"21Jr£;: , Tennis. Conbtl'l Bkfst, service available !or $10. · 894-5.113 Farrow ·R.Ulty -Spiritual Readings, advice . ' ' • BA with air Cond, com· 90J 'Sea LaM, CdM 64f.:m,t _c JO'Ooi.:._•·, . All .utilitles pald except FOUND: Black & white on all matters, 312 N, El Bkr. 534-6980 · Q.EAN BachelOr Apt&. pletely llOundproofed, self <MacArthµr nr. CoNt Hwyl _ JM te1ephone. R. E. Winted 6240 Man" k it le n, vi c. Camino Real, San Oemente AU utll hocl·-5 up Cl-°""..;"woOcl cd--DEPRECIATION OAIC~ PIWI' Goldoowe•t St. & Edlllge>', 492-9136, 492-007& $120. ~BR, a:ar, wlw, ~ 315 E. Baibo& Blvd. ii.-, dishwashers, l u 5 :JCOROUOO APTS. 2 Br. 222 FORESI' AVENUE NOTICE Huntington Beach. 892-5966 10 AM • 10 PM BALBOA 673-9945 landacapine.wlth streams & Lower level!!, studios, pent. New indwitrial building wllh LAGUNA BEACH WHITE Female husky .like SELL membership in Health waterfall~, elevators, BBQs, house, l'rpl~.~ poOJ., dbl. good trnaiits. N1~,9 Jeasc re-494-9466 . U ycu have a 3 or 4 bedroom dog, about 9 mos .• no collar. Studio • 2 years left. $90. .a,,ajl'!JOW · ... ", • B~. 534-6981) Coata Maaa 4100 .i3q:0D Wk. Up Lklo Isle 4351 clubhouse, saunaa, jacuu.i & carporta, patiOs~-$180..._ $:221). !Dming $6, '120 per year. Ask· DELUXE 25() · ~· ft. office home tor sale or for rent, Vic Brookhurst & Adams, 962-0Ei61 B"-~=,,CH...;.;;;.:A;....M_•_-1-BR-'=.1• swim pools, priv. gar. w/ 613-3378 . 1~ $59,SOO, Excellent ~· suite in Cortina de! ?ttar c . .U,us todav. We represent H.B. 962-3669 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 50-7217 or write 10 P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. ~ t"" E t1on. For a \VOJTY·free in· . · · " . ficiencies. . All new furn. storaae. verything new. LARGE 2 Br upper, carpets. vestrnent, please call K, \V. p1-estige Joe. New carpets & the employees of · a large SHORT-Haired large black .e Stud~~~ Bi'·Apt=. • Kitchen: & ·Tv incl. ;e Phone Service & Pool .• Ma.id serviee avail. Garage. 320 Nord. Mrs. s:ming J a~ E$1~. td 2600 ull.fl drapes.,. reli;:,ig., range, Small . , drapefl _ priv. parking firm .moving to the Harbor Cat. Vic ~ & Palm, H.B. Aleck: ('{1.4) 6 T ~-12 2,5, p ease. ,us as o garage. NlCE. '.Adults, lease Eckhoff &' Assoc., l'nc. Realonomics Corp. 675-mOO Area and .they .must have 5J6..ii109 * HARBOR CltUfSE * 838-0228 • J?ar~ mvd, next to Nabe~ $185. 673-22755 ' 1818 IV a A housing! Ali cash iI desired. FOUND • black cat vlc of D~"·· 2 p~f. Fun Zone Beat • Day, week & Month Cadillac at 42J 1.-I~rrimac LARGE , BR vi I• t ~ · mpman · ve. COSTA Mesa oUlces. A/C, Call Farrow 546-8640 """J Way 545--6300 • • e\v, .p ..... Orange, calif. crpts, drps. Parking. Very Beach.Blvd & Garden Grove Co., Balboa * 673--0240 Ill~ .. l1ncl , Off · crpts, drps. bltins. Bean1 541-2621. Eves-wknds 5.18·59TI nlce oWees. 1555 Baker, BUSINESS and Blvd, GG 847-3380 NEWPORT Beach Tennis Club family membmlhip. Make ofier. C94-Zl93 2376 ~ewpo_rt_Blvd.. 548.9155 1969 13' x 25' Trailer. l block 1 from lihopping, $39 per mo·. '24 mos. rent in advance. Opl to buy, 1640 Newport Blvd. No. 55 GRAND OPENING ceil. $'?ti. Aft 5 pm 673-6904 "d" ~""" FINANCIAL NICELY Furn. BACHELOR 1,,:,~.:.c~-~~---= Apt. Yearly $&5 mo.·ufil pd. '.THE 'VICTORIAN SOUTH side .of hwy, 3 Br. 2 Investment _OPP:Drtunity 1.1(1 SQ Jl downtown C.M. Bui. OppOrtunlties 6300 Employed adult 01 21 , NE'W, large 2 BR, I'AI BA. SlSO Ba, all elec~ bltns, Jrpl, Tax shelter, 1nflat1on hedge frontage. Plentiful parking. non-smoker, No hippie cir Adults only. Crpts-drps·bltns. crpts, drps, gar. 673-3324 & good bicoi;r1e. Four 4·ple~. 1834 'Newport Blvd. Assoc. Partner student. 1,213J 281.o365. 312 Sound proofed, p1i gar w/ BEAUTIFUIJ,LY appointOO 2 es for sale· together or sep. . , . Ap<ilena. s1.oraa:e. reilced yd w/palio. BR. 2 BA view apt. $290. al'ately, Fu 11 y occl.lpied. 2 O~f1ces \".'th answering HOUSE TRAILER. Ideal for i-::=;:i:::=====-=-Water pd. Gardener niain· 2j 12 Ocean 544.3606 Carefully maintained. Oost! se:v1c: furnLShed for rent. AUTOMOTIVE OEALER GIRL'S bike found at Boy's Oub. 2070 Thurin, C.~1. TAME white rabbit, Santa Ana Ave. & Place, C.r.f. LI 8-1424 near 16lh Cemetery Lots 6411 4 PACIFIC View Memorial Park Iota. Vista del Mar sccUon, 545-5014 :u~ s;~en~: ~~~~ Huntington leach 4400 taJi;ed, 667 Victoria s~. S~1ALL l BR. View s. of ia location, c.~f. Each 4 a.i'J Cenl('r St. (upstrs) C.M. BI~~~· N rl I d . . ,~ 63$.4120 H N units $45,000 -S7.500 down. .._,,,_ A~ 'th $25 000 1 · 1 NO matt•• wbat ,., ,., •ou ewpo B v (rear) or "'Y· ew cafl)els & Pete Barrett ReaHv 642-43.}3 Industrial Rentel ~ ., ... ve Wl · • o 1nves. 67J.3193 ... • " 838-7446 ~ HEY SURFERS! DELUXE l bdr. Range & dra,pes. S160. 675-6354. ~ Orange County exclusive. can sell it with a DAILY $ll5. A1TRACTIVE, 1 bar., Bachelor 11.pllii across f.roqi oven, di1hwuher, crpt & COSTA Mesa home &: 9 units * OOSTA MESA' * Top In field, 25 yrs Nation-Lost 6'0I Pll.OT WANT AD!! 642-S67I ~ uiil paid, garden llv-beach. Util pd. Sta.rt $125. ~.·.,· El. Aecdl.!.pdu···sl::.·m!.I40pqota Lido Isle 5351 plus roon1 I~ bid. $12J,Wl. 1125 sq ft, new, $210/mo. ally. Extremely high return, ="-------"':::: White Elephants? ·-ad Its t l""" "'" M .... Fri ""' •• ,. 20% dn. Ov.ncr 548-8007 3100 . .,,. ft/4 otfc'~$3l0 plus excellent salary. Prln· LOST In vie Newport ----------I i ••• · u no pe s. O\AI per mo.-" on, u•nl • mo. 241 w. Wilson.'S48..Q745 LARGE BAY VJE\V 2 Bi', 2 Bn """ cipal M!lected must have Height!, on Sat Nov. 1st Wallace Ave .. c .r.t. 536-2~19· ' or 675-5555 study, bath ~. crpts, drpS, 3~l C.l~1~ :i:s on a lot 15, 18. 25,ooO aq ti, sprinJtlen managerial background. Au. flmal l tan dog: PI 11ME FOR SUS CA)ITAS BACHELOR&: 1' BR furn, LA PALMAS APTS annual. adult s. no pets. Fortin, Rza:tor fi l2 -500') 81tlc sq Jt, Ora nge C.ounty, tmnotive experience n ot chihuahua, p/ pekingese. QUICK CASH ~ $140 up. AdliltA, l'lo petl. . . . .. • OR 3-To02. immed occupancy. necessary. \Vill train. Your Ans "Baby," REWARD. Furn 1 BR apt. 2110 Newport I iT301 Kee1son Ln. 842-1148 New 2 Br., 1% biUis:_ cptA., B • R I I 6060 investigation welcomed. Call 646-4191· THROUGH A Blyd. Mcdalliqp by Hotp0inL (West of Beach nr Slater). . drapes, dishw.a.$)\er. Enclos· Huntington Boach s~-' ut1nnt en a C. Robert Nattreu Realtor ---------' ' d ,.~.,~ ·-I -c .. •• &!21485 Jor a. ppt. for this. once in a use Gold r.tan's Cius Ring, DAILY PILOT Sl35 LOVELY . ) . hr. •fur, Spa'ckm 1 er. NeW. Sun-7•60 i"v"' .. ,.,Ue • ....,.,.. ""'·,.,:;::~73•1 2 BO ATIRACTlVE, clean com· 08 .i.uesa · · H!etin1e, e:oiceptK>nal oppor-1952 vie. Newpt. C.enter Adults. Cose .to sl.ores. 1983 deck. Few sbips ·to beach. • '' son ;.HO"V RMS: • 2 BA JH mercial room. 1200 8(1. It .. 2500 Sq: ft. $:tJO per i.oo· Incl. tunity. Ken Cillord Cn4) lrvine Tower. Rew ' d . Pomona Ave. S43-0128 $145/mo .. 5.16-1459 anytime BR'AND New l "lt''2 BR. . bch\'l'en Litlo Ii;le & 4 -offices. Immediate OC· 774.1050. 644--0438 WANT AD 2 Bdr. crJiU. tlrapeii. Xlnt 2 BR. """· ,..;_1c. 2 Bn W/W cpts, all bltna incl. $150/Mo. ll.EATEO POOL cupancy. 16th SL, N.B. ==:=======G;~~:,.,,--====='"1=========1 •= ,,.._,,. .._,,.. "'-aelf cleaning oven. Patios, between Lido Isle & Nc\v. IH.2-6210 or 673-5419 B:C Oppo a~a. s......, mo. ,,,_.1191 or bltlna crpte ctrps m 3rd fncd, cpt/drp!I, Kida OK d / us. rtunltles 6300Bus. Oppo_r_tunltlet 6300Bus. Opportunities 6300 • 534--7463 St. s:i8-&m ~ly .A!\t. f;;'W'\vd!,~~t&. IW>2l08. Delaware Studio Apts. 'POl'f Blv · Q\\•ner as:enr \VANTED: 500 sq. U., one __ _._,_ ____ _;_;.;.;.::.;:.;o...:r,;;; 1 BR encl patio, carport, FREE Util furn 1_2 BR ' . 2620 Delaware, H.B. 615-4141 man ma.ch-shop. Vlc Rntg -------------------- water paid. $la& mo. 2459 .,u Near' beach. -$125 up. 1028 El Camino Drive &42-2:l21 anytlnie 536-1816 STORE tor Jease .1100 sq. ft. Bch or-15 tnin 'travel. 213: S@~~~-:-/j£fJ's• Etdtn Aw. * fm...5134 ~ j36.12l2 . Delwi:e 3 BR, 2· BA apt. i BEDROOM 2 BATH l j'n shOp ctr.on 11th 'St. Costa, .:<77.:-86.::::21;:_ _____ _ I;;--;;;,-.,,.-,,--::-. Drpa, w/w cpts. 548-3481 or . ' new Y ... !es& Call ..i .... 494-9615 nite•· 1 BR Duplex. .1!th & FURNISHED t BR, 540-0lS4 _ ~ d~~l~t~. cpt1, drape.s , " · ......,, SMALL' warehouse or &hop Pomona. $125 film, $1+0 un-do\\'ntown Hnt& Bch, 516 . . . _ . Bu11t-1ns. l blk to _5 Pou1t 96z.38&1 -space Jrci.ne Indus tr I a I turn. Call 897-4$85 Main st 53$.-7396, NEW 2. BR apt, ~s\ae. 'stores. $140 per, mo. 7681 STORE WANTED Area, near airport. :--;;N°ASSAU PALMS* _ "' O'pti, drps, bltna. diahwhr, Ellis. Apt. A open for in· ~lse', ·suitable tor sale ol FORNEY, Broker 540-3862 BEACH apts: 2 BR. 2 BA. encl car. piv pa tio . spection daily 6@..2835 or 1 & 2 BR. Pool crtl'U: drpt. pool. Adults. 219 642-Q07. . S.t2"-8300 · liquor. Must have good park· Lots 6100 177 E. 2'lnd St. 64W&t5 15tll St. No. 1. FOR Rent, -$1~. Spac. 2 DELUXE 1 bdr., fireplace:, ing. Eves 71-J: 846-2564 •--------"'-' CLEAN.· single u~t. $50, bdr. 2 bll.. plus den . patio, gar ., re frig, WANTED: Bldg. inC.J\1. a~ IN CD~I. Level R·2 lot with , UUlltle! paid. Qulet, mature Ol'lnp Ceunty 4600 Fireplace. crpl. fenced yd & \\•"her/Myer. Crpts., & (lrps. "l'O;( 2000 sq fl: ,;u~t11.blr. !01· ovcrslzNI double garage 'Wrkina-man, 543-2752 siNGLE adultt, I u x u r y a:ar. Adults Only. &d&-95.'9. 847-88lt cycle shop. Write Daily 5lrcssed for apt. By Ov.·ner a:&rden aptA, w/f\JJJ f't'Ctta• l.GE 2 Br w I a: a ra ge . CLEAN 2 belr. All extl'tl.~. Pilot Bo"° ?ll-690 $26,IXXI. 673-.1084 _ Ntwp0rt Beech 4200 tioo tacDltica &:. complete -(duplex). 2 aduJl children Kids OK. $1J.i nm. Days RI:.....rAJL or ofc space. etc. R-4 LOT Costa Nresa 40 Privacy. South 'Bay Oub OK. Sl.36/month. Owner 842-7170. ~-,, 847-1~. 900 sq. ft.+ 50x85' lronl lot. 't o' PhJI SuJu" SINGLE Adulta Lu x u r y "'~" """ 47'0 Nwpt Blvd. 612-MSl. ~~~ ~l wner, . van 1 • .... .. APlS.. .m So. B:rooktn.nt, 642-4422 · DELUXE 2 Br, goo d loc.1~~80c='~,..,C"""~'---,.. ~·0 gar1 .. n. ap111: '\·Jth muntry Anabeln\ cn4) 712.CSOO I?lfll!AC. 2 bl'. ct1>ts. drps. bit-! 1 h Id k 1160 BAL A Island shop for BA YCREST' TR. 37.e1 lot 14. cluh a.tmosphtrn and .• com· bl '-· ~~ad . 11 Adu! n.'-c 1 0 1 • ~nl or Jea.-;e. Great IOC&· >Mo p!C(e" privacy. SOOTH BAY n.-~Greve 4610 t--. .... .,. .. ,,,;,., .. ;_ lfl, Day& 892-5378: aft 5, 842·3948 lion 536-7690 • • , SaeriU~. Make oHer, a.us Al'TS. """" a1 l6tf!. I:-~"'":=:"::..:~.::=---=-~ No ,.,._ PIO•-1 3 w .. · - ' m ·ml • · . NtWport Bl'aeb. smGi.i Adulta i. u x u r y OELUXB Ip. retie· 2 Bdrm. .:tio. hea~ ~ ~~; ·~RE-~or1lc~, lfm i;· fl · t J 7M-• • ~ fnfl ~ pnten *Qta _witb countr)' 1rplc. ,carp. l.t. dr,. $175,' hook up, 962"8994 675-~ n al ewport icr. Lott 6100 '$30 WEEK & UP Clul> ~·• and ...,,. &t&-2514 54H33!· CLEAN 2 BR ,0.,1o, Adott" '' ' '-'-'------- 1 It. 1 Br, Bach. ?tt•ld •r-=-=~~ 2 blt8,.~ ~&5.P9t~~1 11:;: $1rJO, m!" ~tf'~· * I ;Qff;;l;;•;;•;;R;;•;;n;;l•;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;'°;;TO~ICtty ~~u~a:: ~r lot, THE B,AYCLIFF. ~· Go.ve <n•l Mull>. Alt ''30· li4Ml33 ITS &ach hou,. time. Big-1000 Square Ffft ~~~~in':'.1~~~"~; .iiocii:::======= jMESA VERJ?f 2 BR. clO&Cd rest Miltction ntr! Stt the , , Alrport ,5 mlmltt• away ws N, ne"'°" Bl•d. L -. -4 .... 5 111. drpo .. new cro11. Adol!J, •-h · OffiJCe Space Avail Now Motor s~w•· 16 ~ •s:;=; " IV M pets. A'll.il 12/l. 642-.2319 IT'S ""'"t house time. Bis· . ~ ¥""" ""' •--1~~--:;;;"'-':-~--1 · "-= 1 1~1 ... ~~ .nilnntca. $.16,000 CAAb or -APTS; l BK tu:rn a 2 BR un· 2 BB. t &th on beach. $295 BKAND ne!"'. deluxe l BR. ~s tit '''" on ner! """' lhe 30S' l 7tb Street, t-1~8. ~ubmlt. Owner P. O. Box 9, f\Jrn. No dilldrtn 0t ~. 'Lil Ju 1' e. ulil tnchmd. All bltns._patio, off Fwy,&>. DAILY PILOT Owli\ed s3'a.;aao1 __ . Cucamonga. Calif. Ph (114 ) HOS~ 1Sth St, ?f.B. 'ttS-4664 ~1926. Coast Plaza. 54&-6976. 5er.tion NO\Y~ ~ · • ;::."'-::..:'509:::..· __ • ---- I I t " & PRINT 'NVM•!l!D ui'lus IN I' r I' I' I' I lHES! SQUAIES • _ • • • D UNSCRAMM.E AIOVE UTTERS TO GET ANSWER I I I -1 I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 I " I ' r I I i ) r • • s c ! 8 I ll E I B 8 t I ' B I ' 8 I " I ' ' L: ' \\' ' 6 = B " Li c M 1 • 5 ' , c. F ' J R F l c c: ' c I c c c c I I C . ' ' 11 J -J ,. I' r -t ,, I l' I I I ! ( } ( I ----- When Yov Want it do ne rig ht •.• Call'one of the exp~rts listed below/I SE RVICE DIREO.TORY SERVIC E DIRECTORY VICE DIRECTORY --· A•pholt. Olis 6521) Corpe! Layin g • J1n(torl1I 6790 • . i'~, "'"mbtr 14, 1969 DAILY l'ILOT _}.$" JOIS & IMl'LO\'Mli(i' .-"JOIS.& I Ml'LOYMINT JOIS I I Ml'LOYMI NT JOIS I E/M'LOYMon • Jv-I ...... Lv , , iit-1 """'L liiii ,..,. MOri."W-. 7!00 I J1~1 Mill. w-. 7100J .. 1 Mon. w-7100 J .. o-Men. w ..... 7100 Jolao Mon. w-7100· Jolao Mon. W-. 7100 As&cmbb' • , 1 ~-l I 1a ••I IE ••I I••-t>-•--Ttcbnidan General "j:lac. ~ ,.,,. * * A )tl'Olftuive manu!acturil'lt DRAPERY SALISWOME N co~. • wltfi excellent I•• -Housewives and Mothen . . ~.k ~".:.~.':""'~:f. ... • ate opentnsa for : I JI It , , ' Eem extra mWy for A-Jfanct Screw machlnt ASSEMILIRS * c ff RI STMA s * ~'f' ...... ~-·= C-Oeburr & Aslotmbly l!le(tro-meehanical Uae.mbly Jocludlng soldtl1"C. Call l'o-1 ·Dopt. (7141 -'401 TEL ON IC J. C. P••.!Y Comaany Fuhr.. lllolitl -M;.:f-W ._.,..__ .. * Safu . * Santa'• Belw Apply at SW .Fast, Inc. 840 S. Santa Fe st. Sant. Ana ?.IOTEL MAIDS Part Or Full time. 1967 Newport Blvd., CM. E•porlollcod ""'°""" ExcclMot .Mneflta_ J'\lll time • Apply in penon, ~-crftlce J. W. ROllNSON Fuhlon llknd, NJI. Equal opportunlly ....,i., .. ,, MAGNETIC I Sl<,;_NS . ,., .. ~ , , ... PRODUCTION .TECHNICIANS SEALlNG & PATCliINC R.-ir 6/t26 SPARKLE Janitorial Ir. WLrt· Residenlial • lndua · Conl<''l ------':---do\Y cleani~ Serv. \Vin- • ~~~~reb~ ~r;~,c~~n:i o:~~~~:;~J::1~G ~~;:;:,~ :~~<;J· Schedules including afternoons, evenings and 1 street restoralion. C. A. Page 6!2-2010 DUTQI ~lalnt Serv, crpt combination of both. * Credit inteivlews * Gilt wrapping ENGINEER~G CO. ~tOTEL l\fak:f. part time. Pf:nlNiula area. * 67s.-1$U * RN Au't. Director 3~11 New franchise In Oranae Clounty needs 5 1&1e:1men tun or part·tinle. Call tor appointment. "2-0308 Sal.. ' FOTOMAT DRIYE·THRU To perform electronic check out of mlerowave products and RF· Component.a". Tech. nical or service school train. ill& In electronics or related experience des1re<I. C•ll Per1onnel Dept. (714) 414-9401 l NATO CORP. 6630 elng, Ur -"•axlng, Y.indo\v Legun• lffch Finest· conditions - Top su~. rvision -Ex· 1 Gen'! Contractors 638-5818 Dr•per lt s washing. Ha.rry van Beynen r~ i U • 537-1508 if no ans call au 3 Equal opportunity employer cellent benefits includin& discount pr v ege. ' B11by1itting 6550 A'ITI'.;NTION New Home Owners! Dnperiea: by Ellie. 6ll0 A.'ITENTION BOYS! * Apply Now * • E.'<.P'D Babyliittt>r. hot REASONABLE (1) 526-66G7 L•ndsc1ipin9 Guaranteed $1.65 hr. Door, to 10 A.M. te t P .M ., Monday thru F riday 1' lunches, fenced yard k play -LIC'D Japanese landscape Door uJ.ff ' aft~1 school. 3 oquip. CM-NB ""· Eloctric.I 6640 ·--La ~·-bra., Mon. rn •• hl'a Sal. J c Denney" Company 6-12-roOl , ----------.con~~-. \Vns, sp ...... .., Call 546-Si:>4 btwn 3 pm· • • ...-1 . BABYSJITING. nr Ne\vport ELECTRICAL gervjcc &: patios, etc. s:n.3037 4:30 pm. ONLY. #24 l'eahlon Isla nd Involvement in~ • Nurslna I: praduct research, • Quest tor qua.lily nursin~ ' ,,.,.._ Call ROY ALE' CONVALESCENT HOSP, • Heights Heller Pat·k. Lg repair. 2.i hnl. 1 days. No Muonry, Brick 6830 Attractive WollHlll Newport leech, Cellfornl• yal'd. BalancOO lunch, job too small. Re-model&: ............ fr m·'-up loslruo-* ~ RN's,.LVN's, & , addttioos, It it'1; electrical, RICHARD •UEN ·~ 0 ll.ll<I:' ~ 6~5--275~ ,,.e fix lt! 646-4772 "" tor. Will train for business -11 IJ11 ·1 11: I! 11 =!!.,! 11 ~ NurM1 Aides , RELlABLS babysi tter, 5 dys Custom & S~lsh of your own, · On PM and nl&bt ahltts, Full - "·k. Mesa Verde area. Hot ELECTRICIAN: Licensed, M•sonry A Spec:laltyl call collocet {213) 782"3310 and part time. Apply per- lunch, pla.n'd dys. Age 3-up. bonded. Small jobs, malnt· Block, Br ick, Concre.. or write: fobe Men. Wom. 7100 Jobe-Men, Wom. 7100 sonnel ottice, St, Joeeph cnanee & repairs, 548-5203 •~1 5.19414:.i ' Fr" E st . 6"-2343 VIVIA.NE WOODARD Hosp!...., wtekdaya a to 3. BABY SI TT I NG >'OR f loo"' 666S -COSMETICS °'Pt. s -IMMEDIATE ;;;633-f.;.9Illi;.-===-:= 1 J\'IOTHERS \VORKlNG DAY P•parfMnglng Dept. 70200, 14621 Titus St. HOUSEWIVES NURSES Reg:latered • even- ' OR NITE. CARPET VINYL TILE Paintlnt 6l50 Panorama City, Calif. 91412 PART TIME in& & night shifts. Ex. 6-12-5299 Free est'. Lie. contr. ~7262. -:--:-----::--:----·IATI'ENDANT at Chevron COLLEGE STUDENTS HELP WAN.TED benefits. Apply Pel'll)nMI BABYSITIING Nights 3:30 546-4478 * PAINTING, int &: ext, Station &: Hertz Rent-A-Car CAREER GIRLS Director, So. Coast Com. , 10 1 an1. !\'leal served. 2183 Baek from Vietnam. Baek in Laguna Beach. Colleje l..ar&'e, national company, ex. mwUty ·Hosp., 318'7'2 Coat P..aleigh St .• C.!\'f. Gardening • 66IO in business again. Fret t1tudent pref., 20 hrS per \vk, $ Eam Xtra l\toney for pandin&' in Oranae County, Hwy., So. Laguna. 49$-1311, ___ ..;..______ estimates, \Vill nlbeontraet. must be 18, &: no long hair. CHRISTM •s has created many openln&e, ext. 356 ' B .f!.. BYS I TT ER your/ NE\V Ia1vns r e ·Seed t ng. 64!)..1089 Sa• .. -· & co·m m it1a ton M for male & teniale, to work -.,.....,NU=RSES=,,,,_Al.,."D'°ES"'°'"'*- hon1e. NB a1-ea. ~1on-Sat. Complete Ja,vn care. Clean INT/EXTERIOR C 1 , ...... T 4~9003 · Enjov . •)(citing season In pan time evenJngs, No ex· EXPERIENCED Jlc-aso nable. 675-1664 p by job or month Free · ea n • ""~"~"~''·~~~-:,;,:::,.,,f':~f..-i~ ~stimates, For into'. call neat work . Guaranteed. i'JTENDANT • Ht1ekeepina: • 111:autlful store. lmmedl-perienee neceiAty u we * 549-3061 * l BABYSITTING '>''kends, my B46-09S2 Reas rates, Free est. Calli For Blind Lady. 2 hrs. day, a~ Jlberal . discount. Full train. -;;P;:BX:;-Ao.MW:::''::u1ng:,:::,-s.rv;O:::'O·::,,.,.,._. home Ne\vpt Hgt.s. Under 2 Ja<"k 894-3895 collect if nee. 5 days "'*· Call LI 8-492a. and part time schedules, Hl&h school diploma and one Experienced· preferred. pl'cf'd. 642-6322 AL'S Garoenlng &: Lawn al . /Dec days and eves. ,year residence rt<JUl,red. ~ l -"=.:;:,,~I"'"N~G~&~--:C-C:""c:-7.0f l\falnte11ance. Commercial, SUBURBAN p nUng BABYSlTI'ER -2 boyli, 2 APPLY PERSONNEL Cell S•t. & Mon. H.B. Area. . BABYSl'IT 1ron1 . .., . industriaJ a: resldenUal. Expert Gu_aranteed Work &iris. my home, 6 days wk. 10 TO 4 P.l\t. PERSON Over 18 (no lone fercd R;~~~~LE. •646-3629• Freeest.Nojobtoolarp Apply,81'0Govemor,C.1'1. J W ROllNSONl ---:-=-=n.:_.:_4-,;.725,,,,1,..,=,....I hair), reltred •ar <"""> or too small. 4M-3190 BABYSl'lTER, Live-in or • • lnsur•nce' G irl $450 iieml-retittd as attendant in BABY SifMY HOME Jli\f'S G<lrdening & lawn •INTERIOR EXTERIOR* ou' -I'• own b'ao-. N'-• Fashion lsllllld Nice youna: Dr, will train apartment complex, Apply: maintenaoce·. Res. & Com· .. ... ..,. "" N Be Ba.Ck awe N Beach 542.6037 n1erclal. * S4!H837. Painting -Paperhangin& lamUy &.'home. NB ~157 ewport aeh o . ewport , 31423 Coast Hwy., So. Lie. Ins. Guaranteed 0 Dental L aboratory _ Call Kay, 546-5410 L&guna. B.abysilting, in 1ny hon1e. GARDENING Route & Harris Pain tin& 642-4558 BEAUTY 0 PER AT R • chainlide asst. trainet. l\tlist JASON BEST .=!:::::.------ $20 \Veek. 615 Poppy Ave. Equipment For Sale. Please HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Int. & e:i.:p'd, CJ.;!~,c~ aft 6 Pf.I. have dexter1ty to bend Employment A&ency E OFFICER * Corona de! Mar * call, 968-692.5 eves. Ll &. in.surd ON""""°-' wirez 644-0611 Cd~l 2120 So. 1.laln, Santa Ana POLIC ·1 d ·1 " age Ext painting. e • • BOYS 11•14 . -$711 to $172 Per Month \VILL babys1 a1 y, a Y • Japanese Gardener Free ests. Local re&f. Call DRAPERY \Vorkroom _ INSURANCE -Commer<:lal · fenced yard, n1y home. Complete Yard Service Chuck 64i)..0809 Carrier Routes Opea female help. Mel Morrison Fire Rate Clerk -exp'd, CITY OF 1 642-9879 Free Estimate 646-0830 1 tor 0 -~-, oo• 2035 Salary open. Em p ire NEWPORT BEACH -5 30 Painting, inter & ex . , .,_,.,a Beach, So. l..a&W\I. r'l...-•"" · ...,.,.... lSO N UCN'D Day Care. Ai\'I : CLEAN·UP SPECIALIST! 20 yrs In CM and NB -..-· l>l'&ftlna Insurance. Co., 2 · \Yeckl y, h o t meals, Mo\\·ing, edging, odd jobs. Free estimate M&--437a DAILY Pll.Q'r Broadway. Santa Ana "several newly created Hu.rbor-Baker, 546-1539 Reasonable. 543-6955 1,,,,;;;;. :,.=:=.:=.;""':'::::--;.;,, ___ ..:~:.:;..=;_--547-7005 positions available" with . my .-;:ii;c:;o;;;;..,.;;-=:;;,1-::;_::~ EXT/111t pntg. Aver rm. $20r JANITOR FULJ.. TIME \VILL babysit any age, TREE SERVICE, gen y..._.., + good paint, neat work, , 2 , '" Proart111!dve police de. home. 7 am-5:30, P..ton-l'"l.i. cleanup. SPRINK L ER' Joe, refs. ROY. 841'-llM * IUSIOYS . f'ivedayaaweek partment p:pand~ ln 646-3875. or 642-3237 REPAIRS. 646-5848 si%e and scope of activ- PAINTING APPLY . .. * E xpert J •p•nese EXTERIOR-INTERIOR APPLY rN PERSON DESMOND'S e ity. Requlttmentl in. Bri ck, Masonry, etc. FINEST WORK 646-0384 ' e elude 5'9", 150 pounds 6S60 • 646-3185 • COCO'S ....... #3 Faslllon '51and mlolmum; :n IO 31 Y'"' .,.2 • PAlNTING Interior/Exter. Newport Beach of ap; 20/30 uncorreet· BUILD, Rcn1odel, repair. General S.rwlces -ior. Local relettnees, Jm. #18 Fashion Island JANITOR _ Part tinie _ ed vision; high school di· Brick, block'. c;o ncrete, E:i.:perienced BARTENDERS med. service. 64&3657 Ne\vport Center, N.-8. DRAFTSMAN Couples fine; Huntington ploma. earpenlery, no JOb too small. · serv\11g a)I Orange County. °'ro°"'R::.B;:c,=...,::":r'iP;:alo:;::;tmg;:::,o.h>:;;,.::,..J., ~===--==-:-== "I'' Beach area. Good pay. Call Lie. Contr. 9G2-694S 63~2233 ior &._'e.~terlor, acoustic ceU.1CARPET cleaner & window _ 546:-9041 aft 7 p:m. C.rp.ntering 6S90 H II 6730 'Ing='=· ="=6-4011==·=541=-3500=·== I y,·a~~e~ neI ~d,,ed. TrN•'"",s. ;I. . -, ., ,.,, . • . MACHINIST -_•_u_n:;i______ _ wo1-,. in~ eow man. o ex . "1n1mwn yean exper1 n..... Varled experience CARPENTRY Pl•sfori-, Re .. •lr 6110 nee -but.helpful. ~art $2.23 in the lay-out and taping of C "• ~ I Advanced Kinetics, Inc, MINOR REPAIRS. No Job YARD I u · e I ea n UP + benefits. 549-2425 art \i.'Ol.'k for p1inted circu l TOCI Small. Cabinet In gar-$10 /load. Salvageables •PATCH PLASTE!tJNG CHRISTMAS H!:LP, Wra~ boards. 1231 Vl~~~~t., C.M. ,.,. • 0 1 h,, cabinets. free! Re1nove trees, ivy, All types. Free estimate • °" I :-in -• d """ 074~ Call 540-6825 pers ~es. nqu,.,. C II p 1 D Equal opportunHy employer 545-8175, Uno answer leave ,gr">':a:'.'.•,-'-'~'3~:::::::--'-:::-::;-:::;;: -=========::! person onJy. I ersonne ept. msg at 646-2312. IL O. I haul, clean up or what -6l90 KINGS FOR MEN {714) 494-MOl MAID E.'xperience for ?-.lotel Anderson ever. Have Pick Up. Plumblnt 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.?if. • Apt/I. Gd. sa123uy76N. Suru\Yrt ~==·'=;-;;--::-.,.;::-;-;:I 74 al 6 J..,;:;:=;;;;:;:;:...:;.;.;i';,,..,;-1 Acres l\lolel, ewpo , CARPENTRY, Cabinets Call 536-00 t p.m. TOILET, sink stopped up·? COASTAL AGENCY JELONIC C.M. 548-9155. Remod. No job too sn1all, Cle an Up •nd H•ul Router serv. No extra chg Professfon•I Thost' quali.lled should report for the next v.Tit· ten test 6:31) p.m., Nov. 19, 1969, at City. Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Ne1vport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calll, No appll· cation necessary prior to test. For further infor- mation, contact the Per- sonnel O t fie e, <n4) 673<633. e PRODUCTION and ri1orn1nc abift t am-3 pm A.gt' 18 to 25 SJ.Q; to Sl.9> ))er hr. Apply in person ~fon I: Tues Nov 17 It lSth bttwee:n·9 am. 4:,4-pm·at FOTO/dAT 201 E, 11tti, C.?-.f. TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. SALES .. Earn money with EquaJ opportunity, employer no investment S a r a h CoVentry need9 full I: Typist part .. ttme help. No del; we Younr typist • air! Friday. train. Fdr int. ph. st5-filOO 648-3931 lot appoint. SALESGIRLS Netded. Full TYPING IBM Exec.. fast, Ume permanent sales poal· accUrate. Pickup It deliver. lions. MuBl hive solid elCp. Experienced. 61'-106.1 sell111J apparel, It you dig * \VaJtreaa * Expd'd • &elltni" iroovY elothea to Nl&ht Shifts , .. Union House rroovy alrls, apply in person Ho&p., surgical, .Medical, &: at Hubbub, So. Coe.st Plua, Dtnt., Plana. Apply in C.M. person HOWARD RESTAU· RANT, 4001 w.,O,,,t High. Sales Way, Newport 5each, Calif, MEN & WOMEN WAITRESS LEADS LEADS · r. We have more leads than we can · handle. Our referral plan is fantastic. l111tant help needed. No experience ttCJUtred. Complete tra1nm,. Earn minimum $50 }>er day • Payday evttyday if desir- OVER 21 Apply In. Poroon Little lavarla Hafbrau 2052 Newport Blvd • Cost.a Mesa ed. We advertise on TV 5 WAITRESSES I M a t u re times daily, Have fun dem. ladles. Experienced. Day &. onstratin&: the SLIM GYM. night ahitt& open. Apply in People &!'I! beuina: to try peraon to Mr. Trudo. Van de the Gallopin, Lounp Chair. Kamp's Coffte Shop. 3099 This is t~ Gravy Train • Bristol, C.M .. 2 to 5 PM. ·"U abo&rd NOW!! C a 11 Mein thru Frj. 546-9'>'"11 for appoinb'nent; -.W~A~ITRESSE===.-A-.... -,-..-""~. Fri, Sat ·or SUn. neat in appeai-ance, over 21. WE HAVE LEADS! Full or part Ume. Ex· SALES LADY perlence not nee. Apply In person 4-6 PM. 4 4 O over AO 1or Toy Shop. Heliotrope, Corona del r-.1u. Permanent-full time. Call 613-3880 att 6. WOMEN, fUll Or part Ume SAL ESttAN , Retail needed immed. for: Child Care, Aidel' or Companions. Hardware. Rion Hard.ware, Age 20 to 6S. 642-3274 1024 Irvine, Newpt. Bch., SlttlM Pretty, •-ency Westclttt Plaza. 642-1133. "'• .._ Ask for Phil. r.-fember, We Sit_ Better, Inc. YACHT PERSONNEL Savings Ge Loan Require following capable. BRANCH reliable personnel tor "ANAGER modern 200 Ton Yachl: m Li"'.....i »kipper,, eog!,,..,., Exp'd • Savin&s A: Loan cook, d!ddw:ld. Send Enjoy a rewardina career background resume to Daily and join a hi&N.Y succeasful Pilot Box M·ll. Savings &: Loan Association =========I in the Newport Beach area. This position entails chaJ. lenflng dUt1ts and is acfapt. -;;;;;;;;" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ed for a.n individual with • imaginative a n d creative abilities. Exoellent fringe benetts. Call Mr. Hansley (213) 869-0513. , e PUBLlCATION ARTIST See Betty Bruce at NANCE Should know art, paste-up, qiiality \Voi•k. CM! 646-Zl76. $10 a load. 646-2528 Sat, Sun or travel. 497-1457 Emptoyment REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS CLEAN UP & Hauling PLUit.lBING REPAIR Ass lst•nc• CABINET. Any size job, Trees & shrubbery ttimmed No job too small A member or ENGINEERING CO. 2:J y1·s. c,;pt>1". ~>48-6713 or removed. 549-13.;9 • 642-3128 • Snelling &: Snelling Inc. REPAIR. Partitions Small 2790 Harbor Bl, Ci\I 54!)..60;)3 Remodel, etc. ;.;i1e or day, Housecle11nln9 6735 Sewing 6960 Harbor Blvd. at Adams Reas! Call KEN M0-4679 .. Cement, Concrete 6600 CEMENT \VORJ{, no job too sniall reasonable. Free estim.' 11. Stuflick 548·8613 * cor-;cRETI': FLOGRS. patios, etc. Reasonable, call Don. 6~2-s:il4 C 0 N C R ET E Work-8\ocl< Fenccs-Planters. Ren1odel· 10,. & Additions. 642-9352 0 Contractors 6620 FRED H. GER\VICK Building Contractor Fam. rnts. b<:lnns, palios Licensed-Free eslimales 673-60-11 & 54!)-2170 * HOLIDAY • Dronmak;og . Ali"atlo"' COMPANION SPECIAL * Special on coat henu & very light housekeeping Complete Lite & heavy -=::*:::-:;646-0446:::-=::;;:;:*7 -tor hP8.lthy mature lady. cle aning. Maid service. Alterations, restyle &: Llvr in • salary. CalJ be- Custom Bedspreads t\\~en 6 & 8 Pli-1. 673·736.5 All work guaranteed. 5 Louise 5-tS-710.t y rs. in are•. 1 -~~~c--;;-;-;-..= Call Cleanco 642-5164. Alter1tion1-646...S84S SPECIAL One week only! Neat. accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Carpel & uphol. cleaning. Cuar. quality. 6\~c sq ft. Good Guys Cleaning, business 6~6-1393; re s. 64:i-0298 BAY & Beach Janilorial Serv. Carpets, 'vindO\\'S, noors. etc. Res &: Comm c'I ~1401 TILE, Cer•mlc 6974 * Verne, The Tile ?tlan* Cust. \\'Ork. Install l.i repain. No job too small. Plaster patch. Leaking s ho we r repair. 847-1957/846--0206 Tree Service 6'80 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT I Ofhlght l NE\VPORT ARJ::A -3 hours on<!i" a \veek S9. References. 64:µ)296 -548--0356 i:C:.'::'~""::.:.'..:'::':c .. :;n;..1;..n~g--66-_-:-2,s ..:.;;..~'-,:"~lN",~,'{'~_ ~;~~,s~Y.~~~I"R=~~,P,..., * Dian1onds are n1casu.-. ....... TREES pruned, t o pp e d , removed. 26 yrs exper. Aerial tower equip. 494-4:J0a, 638-1234 One of Southern California's ~est land developers has an Immediate opentnr for an Otfsight Superintendent. Experienced in Jarse vol- ume grading operations. ntis position otters; ehallea1r, futu~. good "'·orkfna t»ndl· tlora. Salary com~nsurate with experience. Send ~ sume ·to Daily Pilot Box it,f.13, Upho!stery 699G COOK. Responsible person to Jy quality. 50 are we! Johnny Dunn 642-2364 D!Ai\TOND CARPET * APT CLEANING + CZYKOSKI 'S Cust. Upbol. cook 11~ pm r.-ton-Fri. fish L•gun• Be•ch MAINTE .. ,.,.,,.,,d ou.,t P"""'· m fl Great opportunity. Call J\Ir. i6d C,.xec 111 l l i ! I ! ; JOURNEY MEN J, Pnoclotta, Mooday for Agoocy for ea .... , Gk'5 Equal oppor.unity employer appt. N.B, area. &n.947o. • 410 \V Coast Hwy., N.B. J.;;~;.:,;:;a:~ * DRIVERS * MACHINISTS' p~~'i;~fioNs By appolot 6<6-3'3' No E I • Attractlvr, well groomed xper enc AMERICAN CAN lady, Ago 2145 <or b<autitul SECRETARY \vlth outslan- dlng skills lor diversified law practice. 646-9663 or Lves li73-8j(j5 Necessary! oUice on Newport Bay. Ex· l\fust have ~an California CO. aptlonal opp'ort u nit,y. driving ~cord. Apply 110 E . S.pulved• 64>1574 SENIOR BLDG INSPECTOR YELLOW CAB CO. Wllmlngton RESTAURANT: Part time Under direction of Dir. of 186 E. 16th St. experienced Mexican Food Bldg & Plan'g. Supervises Costa Me~ or c•ll (213) 134-4512 \Valtress. 642-8274 Inspection and permit ELECTRONIC assembler I Re!ltaurant issuance activities or bldg coil "'1nder, Exp'd or "''ill Equal Opportunity Employer Ancient Mariner dept. Perfonns plan check· train. Call 642-8584 or apply . inf, Requires equivalent fo no\v takinz appllcatiorui lor college de ...... e In engineer· at SR Engtlterlng 834 ~ • tJm d • •"" l'~:!"l'~~~~"'!:~:""I Full part e, ay • ing or architecture + 5 yrs dw.ction Pl., N.B. 8:30-4 pm. •h"'' MAINTENANCE MAN e,·es · in building: inspect. & plan • • • EXECU'i'IVE • • • Neat, clean & mature. Salary ~ KITCHEN HELP cheeking for public agency. + meals. Apply in pewn. e DISHWASHER Salary $71>S929 Filtn: date r-.tcDonald's 63:> \V. 19th St. e BUSBOYS open. Contact Dir. or mdg & Starting salary plus com. Ci\t Apply in person Plannina. City Hall, 50.) mission. First ye~r earnings MALE Help wanted. nlghts 2607 W. Co&st lhvy. Forreat Ave., Lag .. Bch. of ~1~.000.plus possible 2 yr Pre pa re p izza and Newport' Beach 4!M-1124 ext 42 training . Pn>p"am by <..-en-sandwiches Call: 6'f;)-1904 Restaurant SERVICE Station Employees, t~ old national co1npany. Cockt•il Wl itress 2 full ti , day• Apply at Bu s in ess or s ales ~lANACER, Asst. for20 unit F ll U 2I A ly . .,, m , . · . 2 •-d r u me, over · PP BUI Rash Standard~ 2~1 * SALES CAREER * MEN I WOMENI COMPUTER PROGRA?-.1· MING IS THE KEY TO YOUR PROFITABLE FUTURE! Classes start soon. Pilot program offering the finest equipment and facll· ltiea available! Real-Ume computer programming, The Academy afC~== .. 'JCdirioloaym Unl•n ·a.in~ l 11u11re South T..., Si.tlte 4D O'•n1•. C•llt., t2t66 •• .. I• . CLEANERS 64;>.J::;11 anytirne Fast & thorough 642-816-t CARPET SPECIAL! \\'.c \\1TLLIA:\IS Cleaning Serv. vacuunl, shan1poo, & h_ll CARPETS. \Vlndo,vs, firs, European Craftsmanship & Chips Shop 645-1430 100'1'!> Fin! 642-1454 COOK/H!ekeeper for 2 background helpful Qppor· apts. ""' room or e:i.:· alt 2 · ills tun itles. · ch~ge for rental \i.'ork l: P<!.fH£ ,.IS~'£RMAN El Toro Rd., Lag. H_ · _ 827_7900 m a 1 n ten a n c e . Chvnet• -SERVICE Station Attendant, 1 ,;!!!!'!':!!!!'!"~~~:'!'!!!!~I Call 541'Wr --l----I 1831 Ne'vport Bl .• c.~f. adults. s. days, $300 start. '..p il e . I nc lu des soil etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt l'etar<.lant! 645-0298 \\"Otk Reas! Refs. 548-4111. 995 Live Jn/Out. Call 673-7817. ~•l!!i..!!• 6 Cosmetician · Drug.sales , CA RPET & 1'~urn. cleaning: RENTAL READIER ~ for I day SC?rvice & quality 5*3924 \VELDfNG shop j: portable. lady. mu1t be exper. Ornamental iron. Call 53&--2701. 646-1815 COUNTERGIRL, Over 2a. ' \\"Ork. Call Sterling for brightnes~! 6-12-Sj2() i CARPET'°" upholstery stc~m , cleaned aiso carpet in· : slallatl~n. Results guru·. t~or Ironing 6755 DON'T JUsr \VISH tor App. in ptl'!IOn, Expert :;..;;==------soniethin~ to furnish )'QUI' Cleaneni 333 E. 11th ·St .• \\'ILL do ironing in 1ny home home •• , lind great buyi in ;C;;.M;:::,. ==-'=:-:---:--;:-= 15e a piett. tod .11 Classified Ad s. COUNT~RGIRL, full time. rrce est. call &16-S9"11 ~7082 &.Y Appty ln person to: KENTUCKY FRIED , JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS I EMPLOYMENT JOBS I EMPL CHIOffi'l OYMENT 693 So. Coast H\\'f, La:;una Day Cocktail Waltreu " Job W1nted, Women 7020 CHINESE Jive-in Don1estics. \VANTED: 3 days Office \\'rk PermMent. &xperienced. \Ykly. All secretarial ski~ls Far East Agency incl. IBrit Exec ; dtc-(213) 387-6196 111.phonc; ty'pe 80 wpm; 1---'-'----- $h11hnd 95 wpm . M6-GS22 Jobi Min. Worn. 7100 Home Cl\ft! avail. M&-4570 e Allied Nurses A Aldts • Of O.C. NLll"l!IE!ll J\egi8fry 1729 W, Linpn Lane, S.A. r.F:G. Nurse 11.vail in home ,,·hrl't prof. service Is need· ilJ, Broken hrs. if nece!\S. ~f's. O"'n Iran~. 61;')..1790 (:'.fADUATE Nurse fro1n Gl>rmany desire!!: back of· fite J)IM!i11on. St0-7291 abilit ies anlimft e <'> agenCiY· Quaiity Poeltlons for Qualllled Applicants 488" E. t1th St .. Suite 22t Coll{!. ~1eu Mz.1'170 Jobe-Mon, Wom. 7100 A IDES, Nursing. E x p e r . Pttf'd. Apply In penlOn via PH : TI4 -49f.3Ui$ ALTµtATJON lad)', part· APPL\" IN PERSON -: ""':.;1f<. REUIEN E. LEE Advert:IA1lw: Agency JjL E. Cout HW)'. Sh•rp S.Cret•ry f • r 1,,.,,,..,,N:.;,._:,:c:;,7,,;;B<:.;•i'',-h=::: fe 1t • ,.citcl' Newport DAY Care or live-In. Irvine Be•ch Agency. Ty,. area. Have 2 tots 4 & l. Call 6$.70. Shor thand 100, e\'es 833-3439 or9 enln & f o I I • w * * DELIVERY BOY * * t h r u , U n d • r JS. CaTl)'on Aulo Supply Phone: 642-3'1 0. 425 843 BroadwoY, LazuM Sch N. Newport Blvd. DENTAL eh1.U11ur: &l!iJtant ..:.o:...:::o.::=..;...;;..;..__ experlcnce.t only. ONE rift -many wond~rs 5f8'4844 • N.A, "ARNIE" NIEL.SEN 642-2835 317 Coasl Hwy, HB part,Ume, St\!den~ ot retired JOIN.THE FIELD Equal oppor. empJ. 1\1/F l-tAN, as ASSEJ\1BLY Rertaurant man. Apply Laguna WITH A FUTURE! FOR.El\.1AN Exp'd, or will •DISHWASHER Chevron Station, 604. S. Age/education no bM-h?rl foreign Ca r Meeh•nlcs train. $80 wk. to start. "?-.lusl e KITCHEN HELP Coot.Hwy • ·Let us help YoU qualify. Good co. benefits, incl paid be able to do lifting & Apply SERVIQ; Statton Attendant INNKEEPERS INSTITUTE ·vacation, aroup w, uni.-physical work. Apply S.11 Reuben E. LH expe~'. Fuq time .. An!burJreY INTERNATIONAL tonn11 tuntillhed free. Good AM. Golden's Magic Wand Ut E. Coast Hwy. Texaco, 2252 Harbor, CM. Motel/&tel/Apt·Mrmt ScbJ comm. schedul e. Ask f~ 946 W, 17th SI.. C.l\.1. Newport ~aeh SftAl\tPOO GIRL: ?-.hltt be ~O~~~LS Joe Moore Ph. &10.1764, MARINE plug and/or mold ..nLES: Attract. Sirla tor licensed. Ca11 ·Tony at The in1 ·s. BROOKfllJlUT GALS for production sewlrtg, maker exper. re I i ab I e · fashion sales in Orange Co. Hair. Fattory 64>-0:lll ANAHEIM, CAIJFORNJA famUlar w/patterns & cut· P<>Mlble mgmt potential. Full o·r p/t. 8424149 ' e SUPERVISORS .e Oaases form .every week ting. \Ve furnish all !IU I> Submit resume Dox P~J Sales Experienced, 10 supervise Pl-IONE FOR APPT, pliC!I. Bo:i.: i\I.00 Dally Pilol Dally Pil:t Are JDU eari• telepho~ IOlicitort workln& Ask for Betty 776-SSOO GARDENER Matenaf Handler "• , I.om ho m •· No ,.111, .. SAUCERMAN SCHOO L •o 0-01,._ nO\v exists on $250 k• \Vrlte: P.O. Box 6020, L.A. Co. Fairgrounds, gr. 14 Landscape l\.lll.intenance " I'~ '"5 per wee r Pe1m. position. X1nt '>''Orkin~ our graveyard shift. No • TELLER -Note It Collec· \Vhere the Program Cond. ID tu·s, good satal'y. c:i.:pedence nee, it.lust be . . . tion, Call Exper. -Newport Fits the Child Come by Bayside Village neat and dependable. You can If you are dianified National Bank, lt1'r •• Carter. Willard H. Saucerman, NB Apply 8 a.m, to 4 p.m. & bondable, between aeea &4Wlll Ed. D. 300 E. Coast llwy., 0 ""·-·t Pl r 30-55, and married, This ts ~ Enroll now 673-1331 range ....ueu aa 1cs a aalea opportunity f<>f' which TRAINEES, 1>tale. Pt. time. Evft. S-IS.I7S8 850 W ... 18th.St., C.i\t. you have aiearched no can. COOK. FOUNTAIN. HOUSEKEEPER & child 1>fEDICAL Secretary, recep-vautna: advancem~nt cen. BUSBOYS. The 7.oo. E . MIRCHANDISE FOR ea.re. 5% day wk., $50 wk. tionlst, front office, exper, eroua r'.tt1tement p~. Not Coot Hwy at McArthur, IA.LI AND T~,e.E + rm ' board. ed. vae. -in-bkkpria:. A inlw'. fonns. a job but a Cl.refr, Earnln&:• N.B. -- 540--9212 847~1'. tta:r1. lmmedlale1y. TYPIST rtoeptioniJt, min 60 !_umttuN IOOI HOUSEKEEPER. full time. Men Call 534-1701 for appoln~ words. Call ltlr. Youne BEAUT. 1n,port. oonttll'lp. No exp. nee. Park Lldo Con-* OVERSEAS * ment, between 10 am 6: 642·'1352 rum. Teak couch. walnut valescent llospital 642-8<M4 i\lore jobs than people • pm, TYPIST chr w/ottoman • eovtml In lfousekeepcr, Co;ok k C.On\o Call Smitty. ·714:1'74-2610 SALESLADY, Exp'd, full 23 years or older pretemd, lamb'l!I akin. Te'Ak din panion. LIV«! In. Call MODELS lime, to work in Lil'lg(!r\e w/&trorli background In tbl...e:xl)lnds to .llt'a t 3, 4 * 64&-7316 * $1.00 ph. Call Lol'aine, f\tcr-store. Cd. salary, medical, ffii\f eleetric. \i.1ll train on Chlvarl chrs. Oriental type HOUSEKEEPER. live in. chants Pel'!IOflMI Aatncy, t"'Aihl011' for LaFem1ne. 23 Flexo\Vriter. Ptrrnantnt rua from Belgium. Antique Prlv('te 1,pt. 2 schoolaaera. 2043 Wt1tc1W Dr., N.S. Fa1hion Ii land, N. e. position w I maUlna firm. high chair. 900'Sea Ln., Apt, 67:>-0310 S4S--7197. 645-2770 • ~110 M0-309.5. 81, Cdl\1. ~ ' . - ...--~~--~~------:----~--..,......---------------:--------··--------· --.. --------- • -" • , 'r • I ' I ., I· AMONG TflE ·-·Gi&~lt ONES -.. I. I· " • f~ I• . '" • .. •• . . , . ' ' I " •' 'r. • .. ' ~; '~ • " ,. ' .. . , " ' ' ,I . • I Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The DAILY · PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dr~pp!Ki daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- . town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap- 1~-1--penin!f at city nall.-WFietFier it s news from around the w or Id or down· the block,_ the DAILY PILOT packages i~ best for you. And the simple fact is that, because· tne DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international " news· rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- I est one in the world (for local news). 1. .. ,. • • - .: DAILY PILOT l • ' I' • I • -' • • ' • -. r • - . ,. • • I' • • . I • " -• . -. I . •: • ! : . ~· 1, •• ' .. • " ;. . •, 1 , . • 1 • I' .. I •'· • . .. .. • ' " .. . ,• I ! l . ' • - . .. ' • . . . . " . . • • ' • • . • I . . . f :.• ". .. • ; . i ); I 1·. , . • . . • I· • ' • ' • ,, " .: DON'T PINCH • • • . .. 1 ,. ~ I• . l. '. ' " ,, " . • • r ; . " " • • " 1. ! .. • I : ' ' I· • • 1 YOURSELF (You're Not Drea,ming) But You Can PINCH YOUR PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES DIAL DIRECT 642-5618 YOUR CREDIT IS c;ooD MlllCHANDISI POii SALE AHO TRADE Furniture MUS? Go! Twin bed, compl W/brau hdOrd, q u 11 t e d nliffieN: l 11prlna1, all liM.m ind elec blnkt le lllftad. Glass tbl lamp, Grecian urn ba&e, allk shade. She.ell $1 ea. Side tbJ $5. All perfect. 5-19-193.l 3 MATCHING cb&mpqne Chinese ~ occasional chairs . .,.II for $100: 2 rattan bar stool,!' w/swlvel seats &: backs $9 ea. Th~ Factory, 1885· Ral'bor. 540-6M2 CWB Chair &. ottoman, down & fealhers, loden rreen: like new. Cost '351); $175. 548-7071. USED Antique white dinette \\•/4 chalrs $25. 9 pc corner IJ'OUp,-avocado wfOora.l <.'OVerlette $19. Uted black Chinese alll!f'eO console $65. The Factru;·, 1885 Harbor, ........ , USED assorted occasloua.I chalrs $14 ca. 1''n'.pst free 2 de deh.LXt" G.E. Rebig. MlllCffANOISI l'Oll MEllCHANDIS! POii SAL! AND T'ltADI SALE AND TRADE SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room ... _FIOor Samples • Factory Clo1110Ut1 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE ~389. • 5 ~ authentic Sp1nilh Bdrm. •••· e 96 in. quiltM sof1 with 56 In, matching '°"• INt, o"r chair e 5 pc. Spanish' Dlnttt•, oak table top e 3 hffvy Mechterra~•n matching tab,.1, top durable enough for Flamenco DaJ\Cina. Wiii NII p ieces Individually. Shop f:irlff Then S•• Our Unbelievabla Buys! 1001 other items with terrific savings I St'Ore Charge Bank Terms BofA1 Mastercharge No down OAC, no payments 't il March 1970-So bwy the wife's Christmas 9ifts now!! MIRCHANDIH POii SALE AND TllADE MEllColANDISI l'Ol MlllCHANDlil l'Olt MlaCHANDISI SALE AND TllADI . SALi AND TllADI SALi AND TllADI FurnltuN IOOO l'vrnfllore PUBLIC NOTICE ~ c_, .. a lquip. l300 Mlenrr.-MOO WILL BW l8 mm "''· MAICI YOUll OWN llltnl,.-. ..... boom JIWILRY IOOO DICORATOI ~ WICIUATIOll OF 18 LUXUIY APARTMENTS Sp111illl & MtdiltlTIMlft Funiltu19 AU BRAND NEW 9·pc. Mediterranean Bedroom S"ite in P1can IRe9. $)4,,001 ........................ NOW $161.0I Got9•ous Spanish Custom Built Sofa with matching Love S~at-Choice of beautiful llb<ics. IR09. $.f".951 ............ NOW $225.DO Spanish Dining Seti ...... ·-·········~-········--···$71.00 Solid Oalt End Tables •nd Coffee Tables .. $19.lt Tall Decorator Table Lamp• IR09. $.f,.951 .................. -....... NOW $11.DO Spanish Ha119ing Swag i..tmp1 IR•9. $49.'51 ............................ NOW $22.50 A decorator dream house on di~play -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was FOd conct., reu. pa1cld, W• hav• a Ml line of llonq, WILL SELL-red·era1 ~dlaiM. beads. I Enlarlel' tor S5mm, ftftdliWI 4 elt. Rock boUnd 21' "x2~ ••, etc., In foldaway sappltes, Jewelry ~ cat. cue 2/masklnc fflltll, WW inl a: cutUnr ttu.l&Kntnt. trade on projector. Call on Cold. sliver, cut 4 l'Otlfh )Yknds, Fri eve. tt;iru Sun., stone-. , tu.mblinc. rock A Laruna Beach, -~ abta&lves. OPEN 6 cll,yt, a Sporti"I Goode ~ pm, Sun by qipt • 1500 FIVE M GEM le LAPIDARY SUPPLIES WIN. 12 cuage pump, $4.5. 2r;i0 Htrbor'Blvd ll·A Savage ovenmder 410f22, Costa Ateu. Located at $35. 357 Peacemaker pistol, the ~ck ol CoUere c:enter. f75, 646--2577 549-2(139 1968 HONDA 90 CC. lib °'w CLOSE OUTI $1'1S. Electric pt cart w/ 1969 box Greetinc Cardi. battery charrer, &'OOlf cond. t'hrlttmas, Sirthda.yt. Get $200. m..M89 W e 11, All Oc:caliori, etc. SURFBOARDS ~uy 1 at recuiar Price • cet no le up. 548-0Gl5 another at le! MINNIE'S Groeti"I $398. ..M::.l•::•=•i::;l•::n::..,::-::'°:___;1::600:= I • Conk I Gift Shep -85U Hell Ave., Weslminsler HOMEritADE Fntiteakes for (1 blk E. ol. Beach mvd.} reg. $1295. SACRIFICE •••••• CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN the Holld.,,.. Mado w/noal 847-3131 . ht PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL 1'70 huttu, chuck Ml at fnliu A \\'flee maker, Sl:?4. The :==========7"========='1 Factory, 1885 Harbor. m m FURNITURE n"t" Fla'""" • ..... In LIQUIDATION Sal" Wlp •' Rum, Bra.ndy or ~n'Y· Aooesa. H1gh Quality ~ New Order now. call 846-4953 fot le: Demonstrator. Prices sizes &: prtces. below coats. Can be Wied for 540-684? Fumlture 8000 Furniture 8000 A.LL Hsehold Furn. ror sale, ----------Siesta 1844 Newport Blvd (at RCA .68 Portable TV Xmas &ifts. A1so., MI.c. o Horbo• Blvd.) wl•tand. B & W UHF H"bold 1oodo. • SCM ad-e.-.:u-a cheap, leav!ng slate. 2316 Elden Ave., C.Af. Last house in alley. GREAT Buy! Con1fortable n1a11·siU'd reclining: chair. Tan. like new, used for only sho11 time $75. ~1819 SAYE ~ASH! c L A 5 5 I F I E D SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS c tuner. New biass ti.replace dine machine, 646-0139 alt 6 osta Mesa Only ..... n w''""'"°""· weekday• & •n'""'' Nt'w· 9 P!'. c:orne1· an·ani;:. Blll!iell carpet swee per. wkends, t•ho\ee of ell's. reg. $230, now Every Night 'Til 9 -Wtd., Sat. & Sun. 'TH 6 546-6746 ---.,roo=""L"T"A"B"L"E"s,---1 SALE! Mellie_ Shin(._ Savor_ $159.50. Ne1v beds: Kingl"""""°""""°""°""'°"'°""' MISC Furniture & Secant Pool Profit _ ~IOVIE $99.50, Queens Sfill.j(), F'ull Howrehold. Sota, chairs, BRUNSWICK·Al.IF Anent a dropout: She is. so ~.95, Twins S.W.95, ru!ly Garage Sale 1022 Music1I Inst. 1125 tables. lampe, etc. Sacrifice CUstom Sla~ Table square that she won't read guarn. King st spreads S13.9:i ---------GIBSON ES 335 TDC Semi-this weekend. 24.n Bonnie From $289 Webster's Dictionary" until Headbrds: Kings, S15.95. 2 SURFBOARDS, sJol car solid, Humbachers hardshell Pl, (rll' Tustin &: Santa 100% Flnancinr they make it into a liiOVlE. Queens $12.93, Full $10.93, St"t, lgc train set. Couch, 64>2'l46 aft 5 Isabel) CM 642-&81 * SECARD ' POOLS * ~--------. ~ PiJUsr sacrifice complete !duo riser) \VI 1n.1er spring gas airplane-, crib, heat ACCORDION 121 Ba••. M11alllnMVI l600 323 S. Main SI. Oranre houseful of l\1edlterranean matt. reg, S106. now 179.50. lanip. Polaroid S\\•inger black, w/ca~. Xlnt cond. * AUCTION * furn: sofa, love seat, 2 com· 5-pc. Bedmi Giuup $135.50. dl'Sk. ladies \\'ig: 2160 E'. ,sro:,;;·~*=,...,==""=====,I • STEREO SAL! e Ill mode lamp tables. coU<'t! Canopy beds reg. $119.50, Ocean Blvd, Balboa Sat &. ~ Oostni out till okfer stock. It you wfll 9ell or buy table, lamps .• color TV, din .riow $89.50. Full s7.. i;lccp. Sun 104 Pianos & o__r11n1 1130 Bf&: Savinp: 1.enlth, RCA, live Windy a by ~t. refrig, stereo, king size sofa reg $239.50, 1101v Sl69.:-io. FURNITURE TV Rad. FACT'o~R=Y-"-';;.;; I Packard Bell. Also ext M. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. ~r;tz:C\ie'J~n !':.rn~,: Swag lan1~ .~:l9.:J<l, choic~ Clo1hing, n1~cl ho r s~~: CLEARANCEJ special .Prices on O:ikir TV's Windy's Auction Barn latnp. pictures, "''aShC'r &. oI · ~10~; ~",._off ~11 1 °11 rll'COpa'9't! boxes, can1era, Factory orders clearance of ~ ~li:e~~:;' ~~~~~ 20'ra.\i N~, CM ~ dryer. Misc. 894-5875 painttng~. i u;tnias ay· dog house, fire screen & all overage, demonstrators, dels. Bee.t th• ~"·tma• Behind Tony• Bldr, P.fat L aways 00111. SIESTA SLEEP tools, card table. Jl.1any ~~q BIRCH Tradit Din. tbl 42x62 SHOP,. 1927 H~rbor Blvd., Mi!K", f'ri. Sat. & Sun. 2002 Door models, studio A re--rush &: aave! EZ pymnt:s. 28 CU. ft OiEST FREEZER 4 plus 4 8" leaves, 4 sd _ 2 CM 6~>2760 daily 10-9 ~I· Baja tBluUs) Behind CdM turned Pianos & ()rglltll, lst payment in March 1970. moe old, QJO, 7.6 &1.r com- ann chrs, $165. ~latching Sun 10-6. High School, N.B. Real 11aving1 up to 30%. Hender50M, 18Tl Harbor preuor $150. 40' ladder, $3S. sdbrd, $60. Misc antiqs, Everything gUaranteed Uke C.M. 548-0155 ' Airleu ·~ cun A: pump Golden Oak comniode & 48" 17 Pc . King Size DAN. Mod. Mr. & l-frs. Chr's new. Sale limited to 1pecifte PACKARD-Bell $150 cof. tbl, chests, woo l wfolloman, Selig chr, end stock· so hurry! No money console solid 6f2.-01(1after5 v.'ioclcr, Spinning whl Bedroom table, Eureka Upright down OAC, 5 year1 to pay. stadt,: ~~-A FM stereo MOVIE ' ·1 b 1 Th•'• •-•t -·•e o·'y at·. ra ..,, .wu 'A:att power out-camera. rocker. }~lo blu plattl'r. vacuum, van1 y e nc 1 , ... ""-' •u P"I 4 ~ 1 ~reulonal ha!• d~,, on .. 2-71"° Hang•."" l"•np & m>"". 1866 WARD'S BALDWlN STUDIO · s, .......... 5 ert0 record r•v • • ., ..., Large 9 1h"d1ver d1"<'~!K!r, m\r. •-& .. "'" I I b 'It Ing •land G•'"'' co t Tl ··o 1,1 v '°'"Nowpoo•,C.M."'"o'84 p11.yer.pusu1-track · ...... uner . DO roi-. 2 bcdsirlt' stunds, kini; a 11!1 r. esa erde) '"'..., ' .,.._, la "" •= all 4 kd N'T Give up! You n1ay ".""7 ... 3 Open Eve,... Nill' pe cartridge player. 3 moa ~ er pm '" a.ys, rind ·1 , A · · 1 si1.e ilcadl>oarct fi'l.l111c, quilt.,~"~~=~======= '' old ~" k o.• , 129 all day 0--·~ay 1 a mer1ca s argest, 1. &. Sunday Arternoon · -.iulC .,..,.e. 0 """'""" · mosr unusual unfinishOO I'd Ola!O-css, sheets, blank-1------''--'-''--646-2174 FOR Sale: GE Portable Color I .1 C Red .11 Pis, rh... Appliances 1100 SAVE $300 urn1 ure store. or. h1 KIRMIN & ?llandrin ru"" TV. Imperial relrigerator • Sa"t A F T " 1 Choice of Snn •ll~h ' ----------•"• a na ivy, Usun. ,,.. 1• Louis XVI Bech, "'tt & col· \\1th auto jct maker. mi So. of Newport F\l'Y. or Modei11 Slylc Rcfiigeratol°3 from $38. 41" Cable Nel&On Console 01-ed glass, Bronzes, Silver, 673-6061. Open 362 days per yr. All for $249 GE Portable Color TV, in beautiful walnut lnclud· BuUeni desk, Rocker. AUi----,*_,*_,*_* __ _ 544--5470 like nu ... "····" · · ... $l4S ing bench, S695. Limited Opening Sale priced for the FAMILY Membership 'n USED blue-green sofa & No down Pmts. only $9 mo. Frigidaire elec dryer $59.95 number available! Holidays! The BI z arr e ' Irvine Coast Country Club Chair $4S. 2 &tudent desks. RCA Console, coJor TV SH8 GOULD MUSIC 18423 Beach Blvd., H.B; tor lale Pvt -.. 673-alll 19 i; 1 d ak • -•-'· WELi('$ WAREHOUSE Whirlpool •"'0 wa"'" l50 842-4610 · · •v· · ea. e u-i.. $29. GE walhtt/dryer •.•• 1100 2045 N", Main. SA 547.-0681 Carpet layer bas Hi Lo The Factory, 1885 ·Harbor. U" DE.WALT .Radial ann ,A __ 1199 ~ ~--....,., 600 W. 41h SI .. Sanla Ana DUNLAP'S PIANOS l URGANS ny...,..., • ~ .... ..,.._D 8 N saw 5 blade• -1" Dato set fro 13 SO + ta~ Open Daily 9-9 l 15 ewpott Blvd., C.M, NEW It USED I -L m · Up my ._, 2 TURQUOISE ch airs , Sa " 541-7781 e Yama· ha p;.-• 0.......... w port. tb 12" Skilsaw le 90c per yard. 968-6910 revers.Ible cushions. ""bile & I. J-6 Sun. ll-6 .... ..,;, ·•-'"' box. Vertical spindle 1haperl"'"°"°"',..-~=-.c-,-- beige couch, xlnt cond. Very KENMORE Auto, ivasher, •Thomas Ora:ans .l cutters. 113 sack elec. DRAP&S -entire house, ex- reasonablr. 962-9762 T\VIN Beds Coniplete. head· 3-speed cycle, like new. Call • Kimb&D Pianos mixer. 642-1138 eel cond. N~utral. Some 673-3760 67J....8032 alt s 30 • Kohler &: Campbell floor to ceilina:. Bara:ain. f'ORl\.tICA ~·ood grained tbl, board, n1utrres.'I-.t· frnnic. or : COAST MUSIC LANCE ski boots 68f69 67'°;,-4275 70"x35", 6 matching chrs: $23 each. Call -!"146-6"9-11. "p~o~>.=-------NEWPORT & HARBOR nKJdel brand ~w. never us-N~A~TURA==~L--b,..-wn--m-1 n~k Huge 2 tiered sol id WASHER & electric Dryer. Costa Mesa * 6tl-2S5l ed, site 6 n, ttd: $70. lndoot tole $200 x1 d Call mahogany coffee table 52;1; Office EqUipment 8011 .'Clnt cond. Gu a ra n t e c d. Open 10-6 Fri 10-9 Sun 12_5 . roller skates, girls 12 'l $15 ~S-2la& b • ~t co~ · Braa.<1 lrplc screen $25; · Both only $9;-i. Cash or I """',,.,~~c,,..:::..:...::::::...::.: + case $5 Aft 12 t:oon twn Pm pm. swa{: lamp SB. 833-3220 TYPEWRITER, RoyaJ GOO, terms. 642-4081 HAMMOND -SlelnwQ ·Ya-64~4 , -. DINETTE table Ir. 6 chair, el ho 'bbo I' Id maha • ne1v le used pianos --•AS 14' Copperlo°' H tpolnl BEAUTl.FUL 5 pc. Spanish cc., C/lr 11 r t n, ,era GE refrlgt•rator, \\'Orks & of all makes Best beys lo KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner .,.. · 0 bedroom set $119. Used gold elite typeface. Also stand & freezes OK. Needs door So. CAiif, ri6ht here. wit~1 att achme nt • Ir. refrirerator, $90. 549-0518 sofa & chair $89, Used steno chair. Orig cost' $550. weather strip. s:m. 548-1339. SCHMIDT AfUSIC CO., polisher. Tak~ over amiD ACCORDION $50, patio chair dressen $31. Wi1h mirrors Barely US('(f. s29;,. 642-3867 WESTINGHOUSE Refriger· 1901 N. ?ttaln, payments or pay oU balance frames St each. $39. The Factory, 1885 TYPE\VRITER. add. ma.ch., ator 1 yr old, avocado, lJ Santa Ana of $36.tO.. Credit Dept, 646-7529 Harbor. 540-ti842 j:alculator, Very reasonable. cu. ft. $100. 494-2359 FREE ORGAN a.ASSES 535-1289. PHOI'O En!~r $50. Elec- QUEEN size box spring &. ,"'=n~t~ro_nd....,-~892~-24~'3~--WASHER Ii: dryer, avocado, Monday nites 7:30. 8:30 pm BEAUTIFUL hand pain~ tric Saw ;50. 3241 New mattress $75. A"ocado sofa ROYAL Standard manual $125. Rehig-!rost free $100 GOULD MUSIC CO. oU portrait of you or yoor York. Coeta MHB. $25 or OFFERS. 642-8321. t~pewriter 1vith 15" car-Freezers, $65. 540-1095 ' 2045" N Main S \ s.IT..fQl children from a pholoif'llph. WHITE Sewing ftt'achlne with 2316 Santa Ana Ave Apt 3 -"="";;,~1"1~·=962-=982==·'==== \\IHTRLPOOL au t 0 m a 1 i c PRJV ATE p~~~~ \VANTS A Y>ondertul idea fDr that ca.bnet $25. Glrl'i bicycle C~!. ~ :i::c~:!... Christmas Ii l t · $10, brown fall $40. 64&--7529 Garage Sal_e 8022 :_;:,s_h54cr~ ,!!~Uent condition TO BUY PIANO FOR ~ U':IV'"""o><>~ SPAN ISH cor bed unit. ..,., v-<WJ'I CASH. 54z.io45 MOVING • ~&' mu1I Trundle berl/bolster.<. blur. GARAGE Sal<', 1787 Tustin R~FRIGERATOR SPrvel BALDWIN Spine! Piano 4 FIREWOOD f~ ~e-cut to go. Beds. sofa, TV, etc. lO'l <..'Cvers & back grnfgold. Avt' .. Cos\11 !\1esa. Houn\ 10-G"' ~'"· Wf'f'kday• all'' 6, Id 7· Pvt your specifications: well Crystal, IJttle Island, Sat. Trundle bcdfbolstcrs. blue. .. __, yrs 0 $ 50. pty. seasoned. Dellv It atck'd --=~-~~---830-6532 4. Sal only. Assemble(! 673-34.l9, week-ends anytlm(' &t?.·/.134 or 64:2-0071 free. sn.so ~~ C, $47•50 C. WESTERN saddle, tooled H1eat~ki!, C~'O slroll.('r, HO'fPOINT rc(rigerator • -========== Call collect (Il4) 688--0846. leather, padded Rat. like PRIV. Ply. n1u.sf sacrifice c olhtng, apphanccs & knick [recrer. good con d 1ti0 n ,T -~•"l•c.•.:.;•::l.:.o~n ___ _;l::2::0::5 HAND fed l 1 new $110. 642--&98 complel!! houseful or fine knacks. white. $IOO. 557_9499 .. mu t rraph , . decorator furn. at a fraction Lease Color TV or Black dup.licator, model 80 &. su~ MUSTY_ ~l~t&. Oas1.a ~m of original cost. 642-9006. FROSTLESS refrig., gold REFRIGERATOR, like new, & \Vhile. Option lo buy. plies $85. 5"8 hand fed letter dehumidifier, like new , 1412 Antigua \Vay, NB ac~ll end. labl~s, , ac_cent Seani Coldspot fl'rosUess Free service. No deposit pre111 &: supplies (6 trays of portable, $45. 642-6898 ' chairs. lamps, Girls bikes, Sp•-m•ke'". 1150. 494-2107 A·'-ti"• TV Renlal Co. !oni.·1150 "" ~1 TORO 3 HP hand! TRANSFERRED. Se 11 i n g ElCer cycle, covered patio ...... • . ·-"" • · ""'~~ · pov.'er e complete houseful ol quality swing, !\'lise ilcnur. FRIGIDAIRE Retr1gerator/ (1) 522-1153 LE TRAPPEUR buckle skl w/'ll" mower & tiller · all 3 ftf e d iten'Snean furniture. 2120 \Vestminster Ln, CM Freezer turquoiS(' $511, =========::;::= I boot&, mens size 8~~. Skis, for $93. Call 6421898 892--3596 SAT. Nov l5. Exnt>n<Jo I able, 61M-a839 .H.c.l·.:.F,;,I _;&;.,:Sc;l•::•.:":__..;•::2::.,:10 poles, boot rack $ 5 O. ~ ..;54~i;.si;iii934i';:;:;-;:::::::-,;-;:::::;l:Ml::,::••:·~W~•:n:hd;::_ _ _:116:l::OI T\VJN bedsteads, antique gifl Hems, S1J1ne never used. MUST 11 e 11 immediately! ., white (ne\vl, 2 l\\·ln holC Xnias dee. &. misc. Antiques 1110 "SEARS BEST". 6' walnut 2 TWIN bed frames il head- springs & n1attrcsses $110. Everything in i,:d cone!. no . . -con110le stereo. Me<llter-boards, box 1prtnrs & mat-$ WE BUY$ 557-9499 junk. 6731 Vista Del Sol Dr.. Pat Michael Ant1qu•5 raoean, m. !'136-8774 tresses $15 each. 675-6648 HOUSEFUL or French H.B. 842-.'i840 GRAND OPENING! TAPE decks, ampliflen, all For Sale.• Firewood. $ FURNJTURE $ Provincia l furnitu~. Mus1 Sall' • \'Yhile EJt>phllnt11 Fine selection of EuroJl('an si1,e speakeni. Turntable. Orange&: Eucalyptul! APPLIANCES be 110ld by ocxl weekend. Sar and Sun. Nov. 15 and 16 ~ American Victorian furn. 230 tapes. P.t tacl equip. Mu1t ~O Coler TV-P••••-Sfer••• 67S-1763 Yao-Ky -Tri·Y ~lUr'<'. See _at 468 E. 17~h St, be 110ld. Pri party. 546-4211 710 YDS. It. 1old Acrila.n 1 "'--M HMM M FU ITURE Sal c-.. 2270 Channrl Rd., Balboa In C.M. 64a-2776, IO to .:J, c•-t w/pad·, ati -.,,.,.. CASH IN H MINUTH RN e ~n only NE..W Pioneer 4 & 8 track car -..... .... _... e 9-5. Refrig S3S. Dining table Pt'nin. OAK Tables. chairs, roll-top tape w/4 11peakers $100. 70 URd l~' years. 67~3912 541--4531 e S30. 6 chail"!I S33 & there's WOULD YOU BF;LIEV E 20 desk, itrnM>irel!, china, etc. \V amp $190, 5'18-4842 aft 3 UNIQUE P.1odem Diamond WE PAY CASH more. 621.11~ Acacia, CdJ\1. GARAGE SALES AT Sal 9 am Ba.ck Door p.m. Engage. ri~ Jet. i 250Jbest l\1APLE T1vin & Bunk Beds. ~~E ?~ov~loc~jlh~ng 1 ~~~: ~~~~lj.St1.~-~~bor Blvd.,W '::!L~L::__Sa_cr_if_~-.-T-,-~-,,-n-ke-n oUer. :;tG-8109, 833-0489. 1 ---,-,,~"='""''""==o-- dresser, hideabed, lrg. ofr. Stereo, AM/F!\I in beaut. Quality kitli" bed~ilted r--WANTED desk & chr .. hutch, end tbls, Friesland Dr .. llB. YANKEE \VORKSHOP. \Ve \Yalnut cabinet. 644-5289 complete-unused $105, worth Good used turntiure, appll. dinetle, 5-18-8611 SATURDA\' ant\qu"s pot recanc Ir. rush antique .::=:;::,.=::::::.,:.:..;.,::=.._ $250. Aft 5 & wknds 842-&536 ance11, anti,.,,_, color TV'•, bell' d t ' d" he ., · chairs. headboards, etc, ELECTRA -VOICE FM ,_., 2 DAVENPORTS, beds, kg ie 5 ove. 1~. 6• ping Si!G-6822 stereo tuner, xlnt. $65 or of· 6 Cyllndi!r Chevy motor, refrl&'a, stove's, waahen Ir: sz headbrds. misc. !~. pong tablf" & nHsc. !uni, fer 642-8507 or 842-1376 RuMlm:;. Uaea on. dcyen, etc. 1 piece ot hou3e· patio furn. 67f>-7203. ' 1600 BaJboa Ave., Little Bal LADIES Silver dresser set, .c::=·....:.::.c:::...::....:.=..='-968-'7935 hll, 24 hr aeMce. Isle. $50. Bone chin a cup & CONSOLE stereo, record &42...3921 or ml589 LIVI NG room, dinette set DE TH I J.' .1 . !\f saucer collection $3-$10. pl11yer, AMf1'~llf, 2 speakers RELAXACISOR Bedroom set. twin beds, sci~ entiren oou':1't~i1. A~,~~ 515--5271' $75. &l6-4Z11 Uke neW -$~ WANTED -Doc Houee for lamps, el€'. call 540-5778. ,:::;::::::::;::===== * 642-0842 * Genn. Shep. RealOl'lable qucs incl. All ~)l\Uliful. 1233 Fine China Re1toration R d 1220 Price 646-4320 aft fi DINING room table, black Alabama Ave., ll.B. Call _ THE LOFT, l32l E. Coast Tape ecor er1 APPROX. 85 sq. ydll of · · \\'&lnut \\ilh six chairs, like ~~" .......... lh\'y, CdM. 6,,~1 AKA! T R -1 1 brown tweed carpetng k LONG Travel Top For lH new $60. 534-8527 ~~""" .ru-7• ape eco11.1er, ~:a nu pad, $100. M:J..7299. Scout. ?ltu1t be rea90nable. t.10VING. Gara1e Sa I c CABINET Bed w/dblcd mir-finish cabinet. 4 track ""::_:::::..;:.::..:.:::::. ___ I Call _ 49&--3046 QuaJity kmg bed~uilted. household furn, f Is hi n g 1'01°1>, S75. Trunk, glaSSWllre slereo. liton11.ur11.l 1'Cc0rdlng· NE\Y TUXEDO, HARRIS Ii ==~~-~~,,.-...,.,-1 Complete-unused $10.'i, \\'Orth equii> 1,. nilic. -'ll!i S..· picturc!!:. IM2-&182 plll,)'back. Model 1710. Still FRANK. Size 44, ~ FR0?-.1 Pvt. pcy, old chin• u;:.o. Aft 5 Ir: wknds 8~2-6536 Nai'CiSSUI', Cdi\f in crate. The beil! $.J'15. * 548-4687 * cabinet '1.11h curved I~· GORGEOUS decora.lor sec· CM~A=P~L~E:::.=,,..:,=,-. -boy-,~,~, .. -. Sewing Machin" 8120 I ..;ti~7S-:..:.Tl=60=·-""':.::~l~75=9~o='~'~'·--100' Electric R\\-tt rooter.,l=M8-=~l'l36=--,---,,~-,­ lional, conlemp fir!(' fabric. toys misc hsehold Items, NORELCO Tape Recorder, 4 liuitable for restaurant, FMtILY needa 1k5· equip. Cost S650, tell SOO. 49-1-8322 grnndm!ls' junk 2U·l:>th NB 1969 SINGER wfbeaul wal track, 3 ·~· man)' xtras. motel, apl USO. 673-3045 Oiildren l5, l2.. lO .l I. !!!•·----·•I PROVlNCJAL End labJe $36, Sat/Sun tonsole &: lij:--za.g. Makes $100. 962-8741 COLDSPOT refrigmt.tor $50 Please call ~1955 ...,.1 ., CIT llatelopdnuutable$50.Call GARAGE SALE. Skis, button holes, overcuts. s1w..:::O:.:Lc.L::::E..;N=S:.:A_K--T-a-pe Stove $40 Kenmore washer WANTED :Older model HDd Ill B -646-3608 clothes. housewares, etc. Year guar. Full prk:t $38.~ Deck·new. -Voyapr S.track $35 P.tetal •tand $35. 60-7149 floor machine, 18 or 2D". 7 1''001' Sofa, black fabric, 706~~ ~farlgold. CdM Sat & or SS.~ mo. 526-6616 tape d«k + M1/F~1 radk> NEWPORT Btacll T~nnta W<rkins or not. ~ 11, SI aood C'Ohdition. m. Sun M I I 812 $125. An. 3 PM, MS-7938 Club ft.ftmbershlp S850 incl. NEED bricks one to 1000, 968-7'38 SALE F u1fc1 nat. S transfer fee. &M--1848 '"tonabb priced. W.-T ESTATE : urn , C IE I UOQ HEY\VOOD Wake f I e Id fro!!Ues.<1 ~hig, color TV, ORUl\1S -con1pletc set, incl amer11 qu P. CANOE -16' alum. wfmany l100 Bedroom .et. solid birch n!ellne.r, dishes, misc. Sat 11ool. Blue sparkle. Like Sl.IGllTLY ullt(! l\tlnolta extru. sail, paddlet, cush, MlchlMry, -SC- ~~ $50. * a,i;,..7783 601 1 ~ F'emleal Cd!\1 new. Sl.a.t a.t:;....w:!!l SRT 101, 3S mm ~amera 1,., etc. $1lli &42-6898 P'ORKUrT 2,00J lb, Hywr f;<" T , 2 PC. 1\fodem ~cllonal, total GARAGE SALE oow lhru TR\Th1PET • Old11 ··studio·• l.7 lens. P1us 135 mrn l\fC SOrA -Green, Sn. TV Con., pneu. l\Jake or fer! 'llto ·-...! I ' 11 fl ., med. brown. &a.111. SRI. 21111 llia:hland Or., N.B. with CllM' ' f1C(!('650fit11. noKKOR 3.S tclephoto lens. Orlentlll -'60. Dectrl.c ~ d~: 'TJ.t: arr.2433 cond. SliJ. 644..(1498 Good ~t11·n. Like new $145. 64&-1287 $250. 644.Jl!>A • rcfrlt. '50. Call 536--~7 •-°'-'"'''------- ., ... .,, ..... ~ • • I l -- ' ·(~1.\fORNIA CHARGER H£Aoou ~11,~ ells ~11<'1-" <;,rf> BRAND NEW 1.970 CHARGER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY f11ll fottory Jq11lp,. .. •Hl9C0012321119 s96 ~:~~ s96 Payment For Only 36 Months Tofil Monthly P1yment $ TOTAL PRICE +TAX I llC. Sf6 !1 !he 1otol down ...,,.., •• 1. $96 to t~• total 01ont~ly ...,, • .. en• lnd"dln1 to;, ll<••Y GOd •II conyin1 <~.,, .. , on OP• ,,.,......, u o411 tor 36 -•Utt. Ot, II l'O• P'•lor 10 P<ll '"'~• '"'" f.;11 coo~ ~i<• ;, onl• S19Jl.•O ln<l•dint oll •a•••· ,,,.,, .. , r,.;1111 on~ -lor ,., ... ,.,ion•, ... 1i .. ••d In C.uto M•t0. Wot•ln1 ••<• to "'' 0.h,,rff PoV..,.Of p<luo ;, U.j6 ln<lvdlnt all ror,.,1n1 ••O<t••. ,, .. ., 1lwn,., "91tkl ..,... •oolu '''""'"''°"· WetM,.. •••• t• "'· O.li .. r..S I• C.1!• ""' ... •NMU•L l'llCINfAGI I ATI 12.12i'0 BRAND NEW $19 11 th• 10101 de"'" poy,...nt. $89 11 lho to!ol '"'"'hly PoYotlM lncludl111 to•, llco••• o•d oil '""''"• '""''"' •• "PP••••d «Odil !or l6 .. on!h1. Or, If yow prolo• t. 11111 <••h, tho lull cmh ,.,1 .. 11 ••Ir $1739.•0 lod•di•t 111 '"'"'• li<OfttO, fr1!1~1 ""d _,., .,,,..,.,;_" ... lf•o!M 1" C..IO ~ ... 1'<11>lhlftt -· I• .. -,. °""""" "'-"' .,;,, ;, $3100 h•clw~:,.. 111 ,.,,.,;., .~.,..,, io, ... 11,..,., 1 .. 11hr •"" •oi.r P••Po'.,'""· N.,•l•t • .,., lo "'' •1n.ro6 IA C...llo Ille••· ANHUAl 'lACINfAGI IAl( 12.12'1• . 1970 DODGE CORONET DELUXE 2 -DOOR FULLY FACTO RY IQUIPPID Wl21COE108679 IMMEDIATE DELIVE RY $8 9 s39 Tofil Down P1yment Tot1I Monthly P1yment For Only 36 Months 52588 TOTAL PRICE +-lo•' li<. -BRAND NEW sg2 . sg2 ~969 DODG E To ti! Monthly.Payment Tol1I Down Payment For Only 36 Months U1 k tho lolot "'"" ""'''"•"'· Sil lo !ho t.iol "'°"!hi' """'""" ;,,(\~iilnt IOI, IJ<O• .. °"d oil <Olf)iot <hOotU "" ooo••"" coodil lo< 31> ... n1h1. 0 1, ii••• ,..,f., 10 ""' '"'~· tho h.rll 101h prlto I• onl• ~1531.«I lntl•dl~t oil •••••· hto•,., l•olth• ood dool•• l"""""'loo" O.l .. o••d In (0.,0 Mo11r. Norhi•o '""'" 10 ....,, D.l••10d ,,.. • ., •• , .,,;,. :1 $2951 in<lwdl•t .,,. ••"Yl•t '""'D••. to•"· ••<•nll, fre19ht ond 6-olor pte...,•o•lon. Nolhl•t otO•O 10 JMIJ. O.l;v•to<I In Co<1o ,.,_, •. ANNUAL 'llCIHTAOl IAlt 12.12% 52388 TOTAL PRICE + , .... ' llC. CORONET FAMILY STATION WAGON Full Foclory°Equipped IWL4 5B9E 1419661 Immediate De livery BRAND NEW 1970 CHALLENGER JH2JCOE105-09 1, JH23COE103-3.S7, JH2JCOEJO.ii-090, JH23COEI05-01 9. CHOICE OF COL ORS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOTAL PRIC E +lo• I I ><. l OT"L DOWN 'AYMENT TOTAL MOHlHLT ,ATM!NT fOI ONlY 36 MONTHS • S9J 11 •~• 1010! ~""'." ""''"cot. $93 •1 ,,,. '"'"' -••"I' ""~""""t l•du~l•t 101, llc••H ttMI 11! corrYl•r <"-•t•• "" 1..,,..1d ., •• m ,., 36 oi1ot~1. Or, •f >Ou orolor to...,, <01 ~ '"" 'ull <••~ "'"" ;, o•I• J)il~S.10 inclutllo~ oil ,.,,..., tj,10,., •••;r"' •~d doolt< "'•-•U..,1, doli .. rl<I lo c. ... ""''"· N•t~l•t "'"'" ,.. llGY-0..lon~d PAI"'""' Pf"' " !l3t8. ••<l .. dl•t •II ca1r,in1 cltcr1i••, '"'°" locon .. , f<o+g~t ond clttt!or p<l-Ollo~. Nol~!"' _.,. t• PoY· 0.1,.eoH oo """" ,.., •. ANNUA L 'llClNTAGI IATI 12.12"4 BRAND N~VI 6 9 CHARGER Full y Factory Equippe d -Choice of Colors IMMEDIATE DELIV ERY X P2Qi'l~lC5j57 • XPl989Bl061.i' ~Pl9U9~19J7Jl • ~P1?B~l:J06751 ~11 l• tro !o•n! d~"'" ooy,.,ont $81 h ·~• •olol '"""'M' ll'l•">Ont l,.,,,,~.,~ •~ .. l"•"H o•d all <ony'n; <~•'DI• on ., •. ,,, .. 1 <•od 1 f<>r JI>"'~"'"' O•. If••~ p olu •• ?<>Y co1h. •+• 1.u <OI'• P"<• ., ool; $1Sll •O ••<lud:•1 o!I lo•••, li<eo ... he;tM ,,_d <'Ool•• l>'•oO•Ol<01>t. 0..!> ..... d ;" C..110 M• o "for~;'I .-.o ~ .. Ot>Y Ds•o"o" ?<>>,,.•M ,..;.._ 11 !79~7 >"<lod••t oll '"'"''"' <h••t~i. '"""" "''"'"• l•ol1lo1 ond ""·'" 1>••J>o•••·••. ""'~··· ..... to ..... D.1; • .,,d ;,. (0110 .~ ...... •a2 •a2 TOTAL PRI CE Total' Down PayJnen t Total Monthl y Paymen t + 1.0.X ' llC. ON5 PRBC~ SALE BRAND NEW 1969 D DGE POL AIAS 2 DOOR HARDTOPS v.a "•'•"'•':< ''"" .;,,;.,., """"' """''""· •invl ln•••lo•, lln!o~ '"''•doh •Id, hond '••" "'' "" ·1, •·• -• · '• •oll 11·0!, ""'"do '""' """' "''"••. fond•• "'°""•d '"'" uono!•,, oolu •~ .c,~•'>, ,_.<1-j,~ '"·•d•h•olo "'""'" <Ml••• 101••• t.<t••<e i. C~o•to of F'or Only 36 Months 1116 i1 IN !olol dowo 11'1'1"'""'· S\16;, l~o totol O'tOnlhly "''"""' i•<l•<l••t to•, li<on .. Cllld ell <O"Yl•t ch••t<'t •• oppt<t-ed ct111:1 '"' J6 .., •• ,~ •• 0.-, if"'" ll'•for •• ""' co1h. 1ho f•ll ,.,h prlto 1, ••h ~3581 ,,0 ;nd•dl•t oll lo•ot, 1;con .. , f1oi9h1 Cllld doolot llf•P<>ralion1, cloli•o,.d lo (ouo Iii••"· No1hlnt !'10!1 to ""'· 0..llf!ld "°''"""' p1!co l• $..1176 lo<lwdio1 all """'"' <~••to•. Hcon11, ff91tht -d deollf ..., • ...,,.,,100. No!hlnr "'"'• to P<ll· ANNUAl 'lRCfNTAGI IAtl 12.12•/0 53388 TOTAL PRICE "T' lAlt' LI(. Totel Down P<iym1nl Tot1t Mon thly Payment For Only 36 Month1 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST RECREATION & VEHICLE CENTER • IRAND NEW 1969 DODGE CAMPER FAMILY WAGON, HEAVY DUTY TRUCK, CANOPY Radio, Heater, 8 Ply Ra1ed Tires, Doubl e Bed, Sink, Waler Supply, Ice Box, Cabiriets, louvered Windows, West Coasl Mirror, Cur1ains, Wood Panel ing. =I 962164274. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • $3088 TOTAL PRICE +TAX ' liC. BRAND 1970 DODG~ r~E W UTILITY PICICUP Full Factory Equipped D-13ABOS 104725 IMMEDIAT E s22 DELIVERY TOTAL PRICE +IA~' LI(, BRAND 1970 DODGE NIW MODEL A-1 00 VAN Full Factory Equipped A-12AAOUID6355 IMME DI ATE $2388 DELIV ERY ' •• TOTAL PRICE + l.U: l LI(.• • • - FlEX:EB flNAtlCI !AS! E! 7ER ~M! EV ~RY NEW & USE I IN STOCK F INANC Ask Our Fast & Court eous Cree v LOY/ PAY ·r~EN v EXTENDEI ~ TEE All Avcrilt>ble and E111ily Nr c:n;cd On Y ·----------· ·---- ll~fQ llE Y OU Bl A US~D CAR ANY' Show the dea ler my g ••rantee can match it! If not Com e into HA home of th e GOLD STAR Gll DWNE! ~=-=r :~=1 ~ 10 O~'o. UNCOND ITIONI GUAR ANTIE ~ look For Th e Gold St ar In The ~~: for ~011• prolecloon 100'1• Unuond•l•CI [~ -Th., Sia• 110:111 in ..-.:lio !I •h ot Mo•b an!e~• lh11 cor 100"1• 090• n..i "'•<hon ~~ 100 doy1 O• 4,000 ..,;,,, w/1 •cheve• c {:J pu•cha1e. lh:, incl.,de1 oil r -e<h<lnlu to icol equipment, baUery, •r !domele on oll CCI"-Thi1 911oron!e• • "'" oll lrom bumpet 10 bump., " b ule ly fr ~t.ptMilJ.I ~ ~ ,?.!JllllZi' -'"\"' ..... , r. ,. • .,..,_. "'**"»'•P' ..--·----·----·-----.. -· ··-· --,-·-------·-------~---·-·-·--·-·---··-~~----...-·-----_..., .. EBL~ ICING !EST :M S !'. USED CAR INANCEA&LE ?ous Credit Coun5elors f"ENTS »TE RMS •~gcd On Your Good Cr1dil ·----------· OU BUY ANYwHERE 11arantee and ask if he 'into HARBOR DODGE lT AR GUARANTEE. , OWNER-GENERAL MGR. ITIONAL ANTIE ar In The Windshield Uncenditionof Ouo1on!ee ~ ·~ol Ho1 bor Dodge guor· ~.t meehonicol delech for ,.n,che~•r come• lit1t of1er ••e<honicol po•!I, elec- 11' ~dometer, •odio, he<J!er f 1a•1 oil porh ond lobor ~. utely fteit lo you. • • 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Nov. 14th, 15th, 16th FREEWAY CLOSE FROM ANYWHERE! LOOK FOR rnE SEARCHLJGHrs ' ' ' . O PEN 9 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT £ASr CKA NCE! liNAL ~LEARANCE 1969 Dodge Closeout Sale ON ALL RIMAINING BRAND NIW, IXECUTIVI & DEMOt~STRATORS Choice of Models -Choic e of Colors -Choice of Equipment -Immediate Dellvery All Reduced Hundreds of $$$ FANTASTIC SAVINGS! LARGEST ' USED CAR CLEARANCE A E IN THE HISTORY OF ORANGE COUNTY EVERY CAR IN OUR HUGE INVENTORY $$ Reduced Hundreds $$ GIGANTIC USED CAR SUPERMARKET '65 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA FASTBACK V·!, ou!•1n01I<. '"'I•. ~ecrl••. JNW· •• ot•d•f. w~lt•woll tl.e•, h ckot "'"''· (THIC~2) 528 '~~ 528 ~!:~~1, ''''"'· '''"''·· TOTAL Pr.ICI +la• & ll<- '66 RAMBLE R AMBAl5ADOR 990 '66 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP lo4:•, h1a!1r. bu<~H ••au, tullr la<11rr "'!•iPJl!d· ITLZB~) 528 11111 ,,,.. "''"''· 528 '"" ..... 1hly "'"''· TOTAL llRICI +To• I. Lie. '65 PLYMOUTH ST A TION WAGON '67 VOLKSWAGEN '65 CHEVROLET IAlPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP v .&, allto.,.Gtl<. rO<llt , ~-!•r, -· •• <IMli•i, .. ~ileweU thH. (VWS. .... 535 ~~:~ ~35 ~.i.:~hly ,., .. 1. "'""· '988 TOTAl PllCI +re,l.llc. '65 FORD LTD 2 DOOR HARDTOP '66 FORD GALAXIE 2 DOOR HARDTOP ''"' ... ,~ .. ,,,,,... $788 ITU,llJI TOTAL ,.ICI +Te• .. lie. '65 FORD WAGON v.a. 01110111atl< ,,.,,.., rodio I. ' ho•MI<. loa .. , •I• <Off. [UUY6161 V·I, 1111••mo!I<. po""'' •Ho••·· rodi• & -Ho•. !••Z6D91 A 1-.I, •-.di• I. li.Mtet, bvd•I .. ah, whit~wall '''*'· (fYfl42j ....... po-• .... t ... -··· wflll•· ••ti 11 .. ,, rWl•. (0W'f3.411 '•<I..., olr, 1111-ell<, ""' $988 I 0 PAIS. COUNTRY SQUIRi 3to v.1, ..... '-·· ,...._ -.i.,, . 528 ·~~ 5'>8 ::.:~hly ,.,1111. "' . ,. .... TOTAl PRICI .i.. To• & lie. 528 ""' 528 ..... ...... llllftlhly ,.,1111. '''""· TOTAL l'llCE ..;-To• & Uc . YOuit CKOICE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED CARS AT THESE LOW, LOW TERMS "'28 ·roTAL ill DOWN PAYMENT $28 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT S28 tS THt IOTAl DOWN PAYMENT. S2& \5 THE TOTAl MONTHlY PAYMENT INCLUDl!'IO TA)!, \ICENSE AND All (A••YING CHA•GES ON APP~OVED CaED+I fOI ONLY 36 MONTHS. o~. If YOU PIEffl TO PAY C.UH, THE fVll C.UH Pll(t IS ONLY S8JD.40 INCLUDING l.U AND IUNSf E•. DEfE•lfD PAYMENT PRl(E IS 51008 !NCLUDING lill INT£1EST. TAX AND TUNSFEI. ANNUAL l'IRClNrAOr IATI 16.2•"/• '65 FORD '65 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGO t~ SPORTS FURY O.lu•• lemllr olred do!io" ,..,.,~. $'688 V·I, ou!I. !!Ofto., U>dlo & /IHIO'r, $688 1U11~ ioaory O<tvi_.t. (llJ~J&) "".,.' ""'i"t• "'hl,..woll 111.,, bu<MI IODl1, lonffu top. jYCM67ll s24 tetol $24 '"" 524 "'" $24 .... , .... ~ Mt nthl, TOTAl ,S:ICt: "" 111 .. th!J TOTAL lllllCI '''""· "''"''· 7 lo, I. LI<, t>IJllll. '8fllll. + laa & lie. YOUR CHOICE OF .II.NY OF THI ABOVE LISTED CARS AT THESELOW, LOW TERMS $24 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $34 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT s~· IS THE 101.lt DOWN PAYMENT. Sl 4 15 THt TOTAL MONTHLr PAYM!Nf INCtUDING TAX, \lCfNSf Al'D .llL (..t.llYING CHA•GES ON AP,IO\IEO C'fDll fOI O!'IY 36 11'.0NIHS. 01, If YOU ''Ef(l TO PAY CJ..511, 111E PULL 0.SH PllCE IS ON LY V 1,.0D INClUDJNG TAX AND T•ANSfEI. OEfEllED PAYMENT PllCE IS saaa INCLUDING All INTflfST, l.U AND Tt,1.NSPEI. ANrlUAL rc(NTA, • I.I.Tl 16.24 "/o '67 PLYMOUTH '67 CHEVROLET FURY Ill HARDTOP IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOP TOTAL PRICI + To'il. lie. A•!omo!lc, oh ••~d., """' •!Hr. f•9, •adlO I '->l•r, "'hl!e•Gll ll•H· GO\D STAI (VGll591 549 lt t1I s49 ut1f ··-.... 1h!y ,.,1111. ,-,1111. TOTAL l'llCI +l••&l!t. YOUR CHOICE OJ ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTID CARS AT THESE LOW, LOW TERMS $49 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $49 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT $09 IS T!IE TOTAi DOWN PAYMENT. S4t IS THE TOT.lot MOp.t!H\Y ,AYM(NT INCLUOING TAX UClHSE liNO "'Ll U.~IYING CHAIGES ON APPJOYED ClfDll fO• ONLY l • MONTHS, 01, I, YOU ,Ifft • fo PAY C.UH, THE PUH ~H r•!(f 1$ ONLY 51460.40 IN(tUDING TAX Ai"O TU.NSPl•. OEPEllEO PAYMENT P•ICf tS SI &ll INClUDIMG All INTt•tST, TAX ANO fUNSPll , AN_NUAL l'llCIN'AOI I.I.Tl 16.~4 % • I • $35 ""' s35 "'" ···~ "'""1h1J ,.,1111. ,.,1111 .. TOTAL PllCI + To• I. lie . 535 ~~'.!! 535 ·.·:~ ••• -~ TOTAL ,.ICI _ ~1,1111. ,.,.,. +Te. a. ll<. YOUR CHOICI OF ANY OF THI ABOVI LISTID CARI ' DOWN AT THESE LOW s35 TOTAL LOW TERMS -.PAYMENT $35 TOTAL MONTHLY . PAYMENT $3$ IS THE TOTAl DOWN •,1.YMfNT. $35 IS TH! TOTAL MONTHLY •AYM!NT INCLUDING TAX\ llCfNSf AND A~l U.llYING CHARGfS ON A'~lOVED C•EOIT fOl ONlY )6 MONTHS. Ol, Ir YOU 1lf,EI 0 PAY U.SH, 1111 1Ull U.SH Pl lCE IS ONIY ilD•D.40 INCLUDING TAll ANO TUN51El. OEffllfD PAYMENT fllC! IS S1 2rl0 INCLUDING AU INTEIEST, TAX AND TUNSffl, ANNUA\ HICIHTAGE IAIE 16.24*4 '66 PONTIAC '67 FORD GRAND PRIX FAIRLANE 500 2 Dr H.I, V-1, oul•., fo<!I'" el•. $1088 v.a. •ollio & Mot••· •lftti lft!•rl ... $1088 pit ... , •IN• .• rodl1, heol••· [TSN-!Y(VIM7J ~70) 539 .• ,.1 $39 '''" 539 '"" s39 ,,,,1 .. ~ 111~fttMy TOTAl ,llCE ···~ ..... ,.1, lOTAL lllllCI ...,1111. ,.,1111. ~·'· ,.,,.,. +Toa I Lie. +Tu &Uc. YOUR CHOICI OF ANY OF THI ABOVE LISTID CARI AT THESE LOW, LOW TE~MS $39 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $39 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT Slt IS THE TOT ... L DOWN ,AYMfNT. Sl9 IS THE TOTAi MONIHtr rAYMfNI tNC\UDINO TAX, \ICfNSl AND All CAP.IY ING CMAPG[S Oro! Arr•OVED (lfDIT POI Ot-lY 36 MONIHS. 01, If YOU ,.,,,. TO , ... , (A$H, THI fUL L C.Utt rllCE IS ONLY $11 45.•0 INCt UDING TAX AND IU.NSPER. OEPfllfD PAJ/"ENI r ll(f !S $1113 INO::HJD!NG ALL INTflfST, TAX "'ND IUN5Pll, ANNUAL l'll CIHTAGI IATI 16.21% '68 PONTIAC GTO 2-DOOR HARDTOP ................ '""' .. , .. $1988 con .. I•. (YVN4,lJ 571 .• ,.. 571 '"" 4owft 1111nlhly TOTAL llllCI "''"''· ,,,,..,, + '••' ll<. '68 DODGE CHARGER V-t , a"tom.,lc, Power •l•1tlo1, ~"""' bfo~o" bvtkol oooto, ....t • & h10Ho<. lGnd<t• 10~. GOLD $TAI fVSW616f 571 ""' 571 .. .. ..... .. ... thJy ,..,.,. ,.,111,. TOTAl PllCI +To1 &llc. YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED CARI DOWN MON'rHLY AT THESE LOW, $ 71 TOTAL $ 71 TOTAL LOW TERMS PAYMENT PAYMENT S11 IS THE IO!Al DOWN PAY .. fNT l71 IS THf lOTAt MOHTHlY rAYlilfNT tNCIUDING TAX. llCfNSf AND All 0.llYING CHAIGll OH APPIOVfD (lfDll POI ONIY l• MOtHHS. 01, If YOU rlEfll to '"' WH, THE ft/LL C.UH rllCE II ONlY 52090.0D INClUOtNO TAX .lNO TUNSPEI. Olf(lllD PAYMENT r11c1 IS S26l1 INClUDING ALI INIEllST, TAX AND TUHSPll. ANNUAL PllCINrAGI lAll 16.24% • , O!ANGE COUNTY L.A. COUNTY ~-· ..................... ~ $888 ,...,, 11~1~ rad:. ~UIJI _ _ _ _ _ _ lOTAL NICI +.Tei &,Uc. '68 CHEVY NOVA 2 DOOR COUPI ''"' ......... ''"' '"""' $1188 1qu1,,,_.1. fVJX26n TOTAi. l'ltlCI + l•• I. lie. '67 MERC. CYCLONE O.T. 2-DOOR HARDTOP :~u.'.';.,r;''T .'::~'."·a::::: $1488 ;;;~•woll !I-. GOltl ITAl. lllVV· TOTAL l'ltlCI +Tu & lie. • '68 PLYMOUTH SAnLLITI 2-DOOR HARDTOP .... """'"'· ...... "'"'"''$1588 radio, h.aler. GOlD STAR (VfO-· 71'1 lOTAl PIJCI -J· Te• I. llc. '68 DODGE SUPIR 111 .... """'"" .............. $;688 rodlo, h.at1r. GOLD STAR (XH;.:. 4.43) TOTAL l'ltlCI +'••&lk. '68 DODGE DART OTI 2·DOOR HARDTOP .-. .... """"'" ~··. '"""'$1788 pow.,. 1!1t1trint, bvekitl 10011. GOLD $TAI (WPfl96) TOTA~ P'l!CI +Tu , 1.Ic. . . PHONE: (714) 540-8888 ('213) 625-7752 Se Ha~la Espana! ' DAILY PllOT rrtdoy, N-14, 19" ~~~~rcuT!~~P~!TA~Tr!l~ON~]~NSPOltTATION FREE TO YOU ... 11 a Y•chls too0 Mol>llo Homot 9200 TO (;Gad home, "'¥/fe~ 1968 Centurlan C\llltom Built. >""' u mos. old male 0 c A o.ehthu.nd. All • h 0 l •, JG.5 hP ltt ene.. _p.R_rox bou 1ebfoken, a:ood 20 hrs. Thl3 l1 i.D all around w/ch\ldren. Netds love. M • ptrlonnina, beautiful ~mi · 11n7 cran. 18%'. aver s1eo> apco. tal interior, radio, stereo 8£A1.1l'ITIJL Medium brttd tape, oomp&SS A f\ill)' equip. mU: cocker mix l yr. old. pcd, Oriiinal price $7200. Friendly, lovft childrtn. Our prb $.m5. Trailer Nd lhots. needs good home available. w/Jenced yrd. BAYSIDE MOTORS ass..2929 ll/ll 1200 W, <:oMt Hhvay FREE ·Adorable long haired Newpoi1 Beach • 646-~ •rttterc. 1 sliver (cmal~. 1 16' DURA Craft JSH p smoky lftY male, l liger 1'.Vlnrude motoi:, trailer, attlped fema.le. H ouse cover & extru. $450. Call trained. 962-8149 11/17 673--3977. FREE to 1ood home, 5 mo old ~ • spaniel puppy, shl&IY and black, in telli- rent, aUtt:Honate, house- broken.. ~-'l+l 11114 KETCHUP & Modesty need cood homes. Loveable II wk old tiger kittens, M/F, Dog, kid & house broken . ~ 11/14 NICE Cock-a-poo fan1ily or singles: 1 male 15 yrs. old, 1 male pup S mos, old, 1 r en1ale 2 yrs old. 642-5880 11117 0"1"N"c"'H°'Y'. -=ne=w""l8'"""°."'12'°''e:;I=oo- trlc boat. very good cond, Reuonable. 543-0045 * Al.GLAS Zj' F1ytng Bridge Expttss Sll,CXXJ * Ev~. 675-3717 BOSI'ON Whaler 26'. Diesel. Barpln $450. * 64S-02!l5 * Sailboets 9010 SPACES! NEW 5+ PARK MOVE IN"l'OOAYlll Cholco of Model• or Cu.tom Built JN SMOC FREE Costa Mesa Newport Harbor · Adult l'1lobilc Horne Park GREENLEAF Mobile Home Sales 1750 Whittie1• Ave., O>sta lttesa Take Newport F'w)>. or lft.rbor Bl. to 19th St. Drive West to Whittier Ave_ CALL (714) 642-1350 BAY HARBOR Mobile Honit. Sales Casa Loma. RoU • A WB)' • Shera.ton Manor • Hon1e tt& - Kit -Prcstlgc -Saha1'a ALL SIZES NOW ON DISPLAY 1425 Baker st., Costa Mes& % block East of Harbor Blvd. Costa l'ifesa (TI4l 540-8470 --.. - TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TltANSPOltTATION Mnrtller1 ,,.., ltfate tfltlr Ml ., hll•phone Trtll•r, Travel 9425 9600 l'"porlod Autos '600 lmperlod A- AUSTIN HEALEY !'hones Are Open 8:® a.m. • ~:30 p.m. 9 to Noon Saturday -qosed Sunday AIR Sl:rffm '69, 2 9' Am b a• sador. lntcrnat'I. Xlnt cond. Better than new! can 1n4) M4-!i073 TRAVEL Trailer 28'. ~an, Toilet, lhoftr, etc. Ml.lit aell. $850. 645--0295 fr•llors, Utility 9450 AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Service, Parts lmmedJate Delivery All Modeli MERCEDES BENZ 1967 M~es Benz: 250 SE "" Sedan pow" equipped + DIAL DIREC T-.... 642-5678 I electric 1unroof. BJue book 1 •ri'~ 1<18S. 0ur •rico on1, WESTMINSTER &: NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 $4200 {Slk No, PM42) Jlm SlemOn. Mef'L'ede &ni. 120 Huntington Buch: 540-1220 Lagun1 Beach: 494-9466 W. Wamer, Sant.Iii An& {Ser. No. 4618> .....,_,1 Hours-Regulations-Deadlines STEEL lramc, full 11\dc11, nu MERCEDES Bcru: diesel • tlre11, xlra lite. Spe.re tire. SALE have 4 ~965 ln 1>tock lllORI: "4¥9f'tl89n MuW check thtlr ads Olly •nd report Immediately errol'I · J1rltqJL1r1 31111µ01·1 ,1 -"=....,.=='=====':"'=: 1 ,,::Jf(JW. Cout llW)'.,~764 must sell thu1 weekend. tw mltclaulflutlon1. THI DAILY PILOT 1uum•• ll•t.lllty for 1rrors only to Trucks 9500 Authorlicd ·MC Dealer Make olfer. Some with tht •xteflt of publlshlng the <advtrtlumtnt corr1ctly ont tlmL :.:.:::;::.:_ ____ ....:.:;.:::II ======;:====·1 •Stutomatlcl uscrt.s a.;r. Jj~ DIADLINE fOR COPY· ANO KILLS: 5:28 P.M. tht day btfort public•tlon, •:iicept GMC TRUCKS BENTLEY emons mpo ' nc., f« W•lc•nllf ltlltl•n and Monday ..ctlont when closln1 time 11 5:30 P.M. 0 1·•u• .. e C.Ounty Sales and \V. Warne!', Santa Ana, frltl1y. -·., S.16-4U4 Service Headquarters. CLASSIC 1949 Bentley, 4* """"========iYOU MUST HAY!' KILL NUMllRI Whtft kllllng an •d bec•uH of quick rnultl, NE\V • USED leader, chic black satin, 4 MG INt ..,,. .. m.k• a ncord of the lclll numt.er glvtn you by yKir ad taktr a1 UNIVERSITY dr, sunrl, Madrid Embassy YWifkat5on el your utl. OLDSMOBILE car, orig. leather & m.ahOg.l-----,-lG-----1E'fwy.,,.,, 11 mMt t. klll or cllf'"Nd a new ad that hes betn ordtrtd, llut wt un- 2850 Harbor Blvd. Eves &: wkl!nds 6'1>5983 Sales. Service. Parts not guaran ... te do .. untll th• ad h&t app1trtd Jn th• IM'ptr. Corita f\fesa 541}.9640 DATSUN Immediate {)diver}', DIME·A·LINI Ms a,. 1trlctly c:t1h In ff'f1nc1 by mtil or at eny on• of our ofllc• All Model• NO ...... -~ FOR SAU!: -1967 FORD _..,.._ ECONOLINE. "'""" dty. ORANGE COUNTY'S super van. $1975. 630 \V. NO. 1 11th, C .• M. DATSUN DEALER '80 FORD P /U, \I 10"· rebll DOT : DATSUN lrallll, big bed, runs good. 10~< •· h BI··, 642-6T10 days: 64>1488 eves oo...... ocac vu. &. wkends, f\1itch $400. lluntington Beach 8~2-7781 or 540-t'442 J1rtuµort Jl1 nµorts 3100 W. Coast lfwy. N.B. 642-9405· ~0-1764 Authorl:i:cd MG Dealer ' Thi DAILY PILOT" nnrv.. the right to classify, tdlt. ctntor or rtfuse any 1111"•,... tlHmtnt, and to c:htngt lt1 rat11 and regulatlon1 without prior "otlce. 'Mill Adlll,...1: lox 1175, N1wport B•ach, C•llfornla CLASSIFIED COUNTERS ar1 locetad 11 follows: 4 Fluffy kittens, 3 males. 1 female, 1 "'ks.. old, Irvine Cove. La guna Bch . 49-1-2835 11/17 DARLING Male kitten. Grey RACING Snipe & trailer. Newly rebullt clU!ic. See to beUevel $1000. 4 9 4 -18 9 3 eves. alt 6:30. (1) 633-3162 °"' 1959 NASHUA 1Dx40. Comp! 6S Cbev 'iS Ton P.U. - --$2395 tum, new aluminum awn-Fully equipt. Priv. Parly ENGLISH FORD 1967 MG GT Coupe Da ily Pilot Classified NEW TOMCAT 16' Glass Catamaran ONLY $900 INC. TRI.R. 9225 4M-1553, 8A1'-l-10Afo.I ing. S2600. 548-3636, 548-5251 1,,==c--,,-.,-,,-=--;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[R. H., of speed, low mUes. 1965 Chevy, 6 cyl. 'i1 ton, P. ORANGE COUNTY'S Royal blue finish. Sharp. CLASSIFIED INDEX w/black stripes. Part 673-2517 * 675-2400 _B_lc~y~c_i .. ______ _ Siamei;c. 8 wk s. 675--0471 11/11 VENTURE 21' Xlnt cond., 3 HONDA &. Solex bicycles sails, head, 2 outboards, with I cyl. eng's. Xlnt cond. sips 4, extras. Offer Pvt. pty. 675-5731 2 SPECIAL Specia l 67>-3558. Kittens for l person 11/14 543-39.». UDO 14. Hwy trailer, sail.s. M ini Bikes 927S FREE To .ood h0n1e. 2 extras. Good oond. t¥iust sell 1970 BOONIE Bike, extras, female cock-a-poo's, very this wknd $625. 846-0058 xlnt cond. $190. Mickey B-st t:urty. 2 yn. old. Good with NEGLECTED Trimaran 2'r . & dirt equip, ne\v parts. xlnt children. 548-5927 11114 Partnership split up. Pa)'<>U cond. SUO. 646-1612 AKC Reg·d maJe Dachshund, $7l5 and its yours. 56-!m:l 31,1 HP Pilini Bike w/s park 4 yrs old. to good home with 17' Catamaran Milboal, car arrester, Uke new. Great fenced yard. Prefer adults. Iota b I e , with sails. Ctui11tmas gift. $95. 968-ti215 675-2424 between 8 .& 511115 Re8JIOnable. 830--0794 HONDA 50, 1965, good con-SAt.fOYED dog, n1ale, 5 yrs. CAL 2~ S3600 complete. dllion $100. Good pet. xlnt \Vi th EquipJl('d raee/cruise. 61~14j6 childrtn. Needs f enred .. tTI41 84&-2957 * 11111 l\1 1Nl-Blkc, 4 mo. old. Cat yard. 531-7636 CAL 20 • LOADED 300X 3 HP, Xlnl (.'Ond. $100. FREE Part Collie puppies to $2950, w/Newport slip Call 6"16-6948 the homett with the most Ca.JI 546-1701 or 532-2001 love. 544--0930 call weekday5 '°"=°7.,--:::-:-,-=:::-~~=-BONANZA Pi1ini Bike, 3 hp. aft 5. 11115 LIDO 14, race, cover . ....,,t J9;j, Schwinn Continental 10 cond. $850/0FFER. spd bicycle $50. 548-4687 ADORABLE kittens. 6 wkl. * 673-51l3 * old. 3 Jong haired snow wht =-;;::::;;,="-:i=':-c;-,"'.,-1 TACO M.lni Bike, 3 hp eng. 5 & 2 long haired black. Zl' Pacific, sleeps 4. head, moa. old. Like new Sll5. -~ 1690 aft 5. ll/15 trailer, binged keel. 642-5445. ~ 549-2002 RABBITS -two eicpecting LEHMAN 10 sailboat, xlnt mothers &. bunnies, LI 8-6000 cond. Includes cu s to in 11115 cover. $295. 6'i,'j..()f)t5 LIDO 14, no. 61 . Good cond. 2 sel~ of sails. O w n,. r transferred. $550. 673-2/iJO Power Cruisers 9020 CUTE small mixed breed puppies, "·hite 9 \\'ks old. 842-7292 11/11 VERY affectionate & gentle, Siame&e cat, ma.le, 2 yrs. w good home. 644-4n6 11117 4 ADORABLE kittens, 3 l96S 18' LARSON &. trailer. male, 1 female. j wkll old. 120HP 1t1ere Cruiser. Sold new for $4400. Take over Irvine Co\•e, 494-2835 11117 bal. of loan. $2600. Must Sell FLUFFY long-haired kittens J1nn1ed-Call 83S-6204 after 6 • 2 tri-<:OMJred tigers, 1 ~ PM, Anytime wkends. -Yl!'Hllack. 4!W-8858-l1114 Musr Sell! 17%' Fiberglas FREE Black & other color inboard. Very Seaworthy. kittens. also fluffy calico 5 Ex. cond. $1800 or Best Ol- mos. old. 544-9424 11115 fer! 6i3-9361 ='===="'==== Speod--Skl Boors 9030 BABY 1uinea pig • 5'!5-4309 lVJ4 Pets, General WOT'S NU! Santa Claus Specials at "TIS TROPICAL FISH !I080 Edinger (at fl.lagoolial· F.V. * * 842-4330 8825 SILKY TERRIER-MALE Pups. 2 mos -shots - adorable & healthy. SAN- TA'S SPECIAL PRICE $100. -CHRISTt.IAS PUPPIES Ji' GLASPAR, Sealar e Sunlincr, 100-horse, volvo inboard I outboard, w/ trailer. SlSOO. 673-3449 or (213) 6'12-66?.6 15' SKI boat. 50 hp. Evinrude elec, custom trlr, 2 tanks. $425. as is. S.18--0766 Boat Trailers 9032 18' to 22' boat trlr. fol'!lion springs, good buy. 615-3341 after 6. Great Pyrenees A.KC. X-I E • ~d s tock. Loveable little Mar ne quip. 9035 Polar Bear:c;. 842-1223 Motorcycles 9300 '67 HONDA 305 Scrambler # S1~984 $499 o~ , .:.. S.ID-3001 Exl. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. C'OSTA MESA SUZ 80, bored, comp, rel. Plrclllcs. CZ shock.s exp. rh. $175. Schwinn Varsity boy'.s DR, great shape, $35. Call 548-9688. 1968 S 65 HONDA. Perfect condition. Must sacrifice $75. 546--0TI4 aft S. 450 W. Victoria St. Cfo.I. No. 16 ·~ YAMAflA 250 YDS-3, $300. or make oner, f>1&-1258 '66 Honda Scra.inbler. Xln~ condition. $325. 642--0628 alt 5 pm. 350 HONDA SCRAJ.\1BLER. Xlnt cond. Lo\v l\fileage, Call 642~, N .B. '67 BSA LIGHTNNG 650 CC. Like n ew, Sell or trade. * 54&-00IE '65 YAMAHA SO Top shape! New tires. S175. * 64~786 '68 Kawasaki 120 CC. Perfect. Dirt ready. $250* 8~7-2022 '61 CL 90 SCRAMBLER. Set Up for Di11. Strcet Legal. 6,000 mi. Call -536-981·1. 6 ~·I d iesel eng. 3 to 1 reduc- tion unll fush water 1967 HONDA S 90 AKC Puppies Pet, Show, F ield. Germ. ShOrtha.ir Pointers. t-linia. Dachshunds. Call -&12-4424. cooled. Brand new, still In l\tANY EX'TRAS! $"l25 crate. Factory cost. 673-2910 * s.IS-0221! * -'="='=·========l66 l!ONDA 160 &:ramhler. AFGHAN HOUNDS ~ Tuned pipes, new tires, S300. Boat Sl;p Moodng 9036 547-'31112 ~w & Companion ========== AKC reg. 962-9989 so• SLIP svailable for boats Auto Services TOY Poodles. silver beige, brown. AKC. \Viii hold. 640-3365 IRISH SETI'ER PUPS AKC -6 WEEKS * 548-T;i57 * MINI • TOY poodles, AKC, black. curly, cute males. MZ-1962 lor sale. ~21 40's or (11 60' & Parts 9400 lo 80'. Call Chuck Avery. 613-5252 or eves ca 11 4!»-3916. \\'ANT: Rent or buy, n1oor- ing or slip, Peninsula or off &I Isl area for Col. 22. Mr. Han.sen, days 834-3600, eves 675-6016. BEAOI Auto Supply Wholesale OOXlE LOVER'S -AKC. \\'ANTED: Slip or buoy to boy & girl, standard reds, 5 moor 26'_ sailboat. Newport wk!. Avail Dec L 644-1117 area. Pr1v prty. Pll"&se call days ~ ~II. ~2645 '*' AKC Beagle, male, lS P rices to All Complc1e Pitachlne Shop SPEED EQUtPr,tENT REBUILT ENGINES monlhs. housebroken. $40. Mobil• Homes 9200 5§.-2477 * 1125 Victoria, 01 548-MSO 18361 Brach Blvd, 1'18 8-17-0991 *.OPEN 1 DAYS * Welmaraocr puppies, 7 wks, AKC $60. Call 847-0168 after 5:~p.m. LABRADOR pupg, A KC black. dwnp stock, 6ek1 il: ....... m. ,.,_.m PCX>DLE. AKC, 8 wk1, fmnale. \Viii hold. M!'t-!>216 fltAHSPORTATIDN ._,. & Yochfl 9oc:> :~:', Jim =:: I !!!!~~~""""~!!!!!!!!!!I Cooper FINES'!' Ji\IPORTED CAR Scrv1cr 1n Costa Pitesa TRAILER SALES Spcclal1s11 tn flll'tcedf'& ''Buy from , man Benz. JCt{,'Uf1r, Volvo. t.IG, who lives in ontl" •"tnt. Trtumph l.t V\\''s. \\IE SERVICE DA:'ol 'S AVTOMOTfVE \VHAT WE SELL! SF.lt\ll Q: Call • 6U"no 324 So, Harbor. Santa Ana E DL EBROCK Hi-R!lil! 1 Bick Soo of Bol!a 531·10i6 manl(old & llolley carb. CABANA (easily collapgible) J\l(lSt enilnel $00.95. Na· alum., 10 x 20. louw_red 4 Hooal Speed Center, 2llO picture Wlnd<>wa. Roof rein. Harbor, Ci\t &J6..6700 IOt'cCd.. Walnut ~l Int. AUTO body &: lender n:ipain ~tust mow lfl Wkdys '2lJ: al reaL prlcea. VW'a a 93-141, Wknds 673-9314 speciall)', call Larr)' U. 43.ooo ml. llO.iO. 6':>-3Bl2 VOLUME ENGLISH VYB538 HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS ·~'~~::~ T Steel bottoni FORD DEALER DEAN LEWIS ~!~~R!Ll!SA :: o•~~~~· Furnished bod, gd tires. r11ns gd. Ask-SALES • SERVICE COSTA M•SA '69 l•ODELS 1966 Harbor c i\f 64&-930.1 M•SA Dl!L MAit tlM Ml!IA \ll!ltDI! ing $350.00. 642-7138 ' ' . MEU. \laROE lilt Nl!WPO•T l lf•CM Immediate delivery '5..l ft!G R°'.ldsler. TF 1500. ~~~:::T ... A.'::" 1\U NEWPORT "EIGHTS LARGE SELECTION Old classic made Tle\V, NEWPORT H•10HTI ~!: :W~1:c°L~~'"SHtlRl!S Theodore Comp. reblt. ens: rear end IALIOA CDYl!S 1HJ UNIVERSITY !"ARK '55 Rehl! 4 hi d T ' ' NEWPOllT SHOllS:S 1ttt '''' ,., eng. w r. op, ROBINS FORD new brakes. clutch, etc. Lo IATCRl!ST ~ roll & tow bar, radio, hitch. mil. Call day, ~ .. 7_,.00•-. pm IAYSHDlllll ::: EAIT ILUl'"I' 2060 Harl-· Bl d ~ _,.. COIONA OEL MAil 646-5568 ~ v -642-5239 ask for Mr. J . ::~;:L~::••s 1121 I.ALIDA 'C·0>·ta~M~o~ .. !!"'~~~~6'2~-0J~l0~1 Jones HAll OR HIGIHLANOS :: IAY ISL.ANOS Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 -====;r====="'·I uN1vE1t11TY PARK 1u1 ;~~~!c.~sLAND ---.. -. -IR\llNE lUI FERRARI MGA .'' ••• ' '' •• "UNTINDTON lltAC" '62 fORD FIOO A11ton1atic ----------!EASTILUl'"I' lHt FOUNTAIN VAUl!Y P .U. y.•ith JO ri alun1 .. .El To... 11'4 SC!AL ll!ACH c1:1inpcr. Bi~ H c I w I g FERRARI '58 MCA. XLNT COND. NullRVINe: Tl!ll:llACe: :: ~~~~o~l!~~~NTT ovrrlcmds. Picture windo1v, Newport !Jnports Ltd. Or-paint & curtains, lvg. state ~~~~~: ~:~1::-:u IJOO GAll:OEN GROVlli sink, pump, J.j gal 'vater ans;e Councy's only author-_m="=''="'=·=·'="='='=5-Jl<='='====l ~iN~fN1 ~c."ET ~~ =~~~~N~i~: tanl>. ice bo.'(, s1ove area, ized dealer. -,_., 1su.Nos lllf SANT• ANA breakfast nook $99'5. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS MGB LIDO llLI! us1 SANT• •N• "l!IOl'ITI 3100 W C t H IALIOA ISLAND IUS TUSTIN Kl 9-0121) • 08S Y,')', HUNTINGTON l•ACM l ... (OASTA4. Jllcwport Beach '64 MGB HUNTINGTON H_..1t1oua l4" LAGUNA 1e:ACM 9520 642-9405 540-1764 FOUNTAIN VALLEY t•ll LAOUN• NIOUl!L Campers Authorized Ferrari Dealer se:_.L ll!ACH 14511 MISSION Vlll'JO . SUNSl!T ll!ACN l•H SAN CLEMENTI 1968 15 foot Northwest 4 Speed, \\'Ire v.·hecls, excel-OARDEN GllOV& U7S OANA POINT Coach Camping tr a i I er, FIAT lent condition. \Vil! belpPIRlin-~::::0A:" ::: ~~!io'-o'i!;1i1fu~ \Jeeps S people, used 6 ancc. Small down. · 011:•No1 couNTT 1• ReNTALS Jeeps 95 10 ... ... •n• -•lit '"' "" •1l ' ... "" •• ... ••• ... 415' -~ 4410 USO "~ .... •610 ... ... •• •• .... 1hnes, llke brID\d new!! '66 FIAT1~ Spyder conv., '.i VATE PARTY. 639-3617 g~; ~~ ~~~;:"'-:: Apts. Unfurnished Cost $1595. sacri11cc $1100. spd, I'S.dials, R&.1-I, Gd. Conti. =========== STANTON 1611 G!:Nl!RAL sooo Can be seen Sal & Sun at $850. :>.18-3210. PORSCHE Wl!STMINSTl!ll 1an COSTA Ml!SA s100 .' "WA• '''' '''' ME!A Vl!ROI Silt 15953 ~II. Matlerhom, F. 1A~TA AN.II I,,. NEWPOll:T •E•CN '100 V11ltey. Call -531--0380 JAGUAft 1!>67 POnscHE • 912 SANTA ... ~. MOTi. l•• NEW,.OllT HEIGHTS Jlll " ' I 1 I • OllANQE Ull NEW,.Oll:T SHORIS 512~ ':f.I CHEVROLET P/U. ·11 .;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;,I" Spt'C( * s ac gl't'~ rus11N 1..-. WESTCL'"" sno spd, 6 cyl. $595. 8' cahO\'\-'r Blat:k Intr1·1or • Radio .. NOll:T" TUSTl't 1"45 UNIVl!ltSITT l"ARIC S?ll Open Road Cain!)(r $6.'IJ. Or JAGUAR C0<:0.1 r.1a1s• fl'.E\V TIRE.;; :1~~~!~~0 c..1.NYoN :!: ::;; :tJF,. ;;:: bo1h for $1195. 22"l \V. J chron1e R1n1s. Good ""\I.I.SU U.ICE tl1S CORONA Olfl M.lR Slff C ••o M•3 Col'lditinn -}'orccd to sell LAGUNA "IL\.5 11" I.I.LIO... Jl'OI Wilson, .r.1. ·"o-u.M Authorized . ft LACIUNA ll!ACN 1109 •• ,. ISLANOI Sl50 ln1med1arely. Best 0 er LAGUNA NIOU6L 1111 1.100 ISL• SUI 1968 36" Camper Shell for 8' Dealer lakes ii away. \Vcck days MISSION VIEJO 17ot MUNTINGTON all!'AC H S<IOO bed. Removable back door, Unbcli<'vcnble Savings: afler -1 P.1'1. _all day SHtur-::.:: ~t::P;;".,-r,.~SYI ANO ~~!: =~~:~:'fs~•NLi:!'EY :;:: (.'OSI $365. Sacrilice $2":!0. Larg{' Stuck Availabll'! day & Sunfl11y 5'13-4070 CAl'ISTll:ANO ll!ACH 1ns SEAL IEACH SOii 531--0380 • l 'lie ALL NE\V XJ SEDAN ' OANA ,.OINT 11'11 LONO ••ACH ''°' ·54 DODGE v n Family available for demonstration, 1!l63 PORSCl!E c..1.1tLsl1.o 11-. OllANGE COUNTY "" a 91J L COUPE ~f:•:.~g:. · · ' ·::-~:fN:r~oRv• ~{-: gd. cond. Aft 6 pm. ~2729 Qf•uts punk! radio. t!,OCO l\l i. Polo Houses TO 11! MOVE.o 1t111 SANTA ANA Wlt Wgn.'.alr~cond .. aide-awning. ~ m • AM/Fill shorl 11·ave Blau-lllVEll:SIOE COUNTY 1111 MIDWAY CtTY M16 '\ · 5 5...i CONDOMINIUM ltSI SANTA ANA Nll!'JGMTS Slll 9525 tnDt $ 1'Cd w/black int I"'· mag OUPL•ICl!S l'O• SALlr ••n TUSTIN si~t Dune Buggies If \vhls BEAUTIFUL! S.i295. •P•11:rMENTs "o" ••Le ,, .. co•sTAc. '"" . SIDE MOTORS LAGUN ... IEACH llO! '67 D B S BAY u.cuNa NH•ueL 1•11 • une UCJCJY 900 o. Cst. Highway UGO \V, Coast llighv.'ay RENTALS MISSION Vltt:JO !JOI Road & ralley equip. Lie. La guna Beach Nrw1xll't Bea('h • 6~8-5{!55 Hou1e1 Furf'i1htd ~:: J~!:~~~~STll:ANO :~~: FYT-043. 494-7503 * 540.3100 '66 PORSCHE 912-GF.Nl!R•L "" DANA POINT S7'8 $1699 COUPE ~::r~"'i1Es": SH•ltl := REAL ESTATE, GOOD SELECTION For Sale -Jaguar Cll\SSic. G I 1~5 X" 140 19·..n 5 S1K'Cd, a ir SHllRP'.! .",',',' ~.','•"•" ,',',",' enera • .,.... ..... - . '""• ~nt\N\ A I ••. , ~ TR ll"LllC, ttc. s•eo Call -673-6().17. JoJ,Vl.'1 e 11'" lUl cs. COLLEGE: !"Alli( 111S CONOOMINIUM S?S• $3895 NEWl"Oll:T ll!ACM 1'2• lll!NTALS WANTllO Stff Q ~ '63 Jag XKE Rs1 cr. !\lust B YSIOE MOTORS NE:WPOl!Y "ots. 1211 ROOMS FOii lll!NT sos ~ sell. ?tlake o([cr . A NIWPOllT SHORES ml Ro0M • I OAIO 5'H 0 * 6'75-4331 * 1200 W. Coast High':~~~ ~i~H110~~~llES = MOTl!LS. TllAILE• COU ll:TS 5"1 ' S Newport Beach * &\,,.....,,.,., "'··-· IFI' tu• GUEST "OMl!S 5ttt ' ""' AG Xl(E Rd 1 ....... MISC. •l!NTALS '"' II ' "'6 J -s er, ~AHE 1955 Porsche Coo-UNtVE ll:SITT PAltK "" INCOMI! l"llO,.l!llTY ffot Ii'~~ Al\1/F~1. Xlnt r.ondltion, • . . ' lllVINE 2231 aus1Nl!:SS PllOPEllTY 6Ut $1150 c ll 641-49JO 11ncntal. as IS. Gd. [OT fiACI( IAT tl .. Tll•JLEll ,. .... l(S 60H . II -. resloring. ~-5-18-1605 all 1-.ST ILUl'"I'" ,,., IUSJNESS RENTAL '°'' 64~3001 f'~xt. 66 or 67 '57 JAGUAH. :>.1<-141). Ex-5. ~v~.::Tl'RllACI! iiJ,~t ?:6~;~ri:~iLNTPARLO,.lllT'f ::: 1970 1-tARBOR BLVD. eel.lent (.'Olldition. p h 0 n e '61 Porsche Super ~. Clean. ~~~~~: DEL MA R ~: COMME ICIAL •Oil COSTA MESA G46-29SG $2$00 Private pa rly. Call llAY ISLANDS Jl51 l':,~~STRl,\L lll!NTAL :~o: 1969 DUNE BU"'""'· New'. before 8 p.m ., 83!J-5MO or ~~oL~~!L~sL•llO ~~:~ ""NC"ES ',is,•1 """" KARMANN GHIA 544-5278 HUNTINOTON lll!ACH l40D CITJtUS GllOVE I Beautiful! Sliver n1 et a I ACIEAGE fl04 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1411 LAKE l!LSINOltl! •1111 flake ''Bounty Hunt er'' 1965 Karmann Ghia '64 Conve.rtib!e ·with hal'd!op Sl!AL aEACH t•ff ltESORT PllOl"l!Rl'"f •10, \V/Firestonc racing tll'f.'S on Koni lcalhC'r, rarhals. rack, LONG IEAC" Hot OR.lNCE co. PtOF'EllTT tllJ ••• , .. !Kl HP 2-0oor Coupe, Xln1 Cotld. ' i\I "~" 3063 Oll:ANGE COUNT'r ,. .. OUT 01' STATE 1"11:01". 'XII "'big ..... ,..,., s • nlagS. . . Tn1macula!{' inside' and our? Al\l/t°I .. J.}<r 1"HTA ANA Hll MOUNTAIN .. oeSl!llT 611' High-IOf1lUC' Yolks engine. One Ol\'nC'r. Sec at -ISo Broad-·oo Porsche convt., gd t'Ond, :~:~~~N~~~~ ~i! suao1v1s10N LAND Black naugahyde bucket . ' I h r1 1 ltf:AL !STATE S!:R\llCE \\'11.Y. C.~1, nC'\V pn1nt , (' IJIC . g op, SANTA ANA "EIGHTS 2U• It.I!. EICCNANGI! ••• ,, • interior. lr':>~M lirnl. I ·-· "'"1080 COASTAL noo ..-.. .,_..,., t-l iCh. lll'CS l'1JV . .,,.,.,_ LAGUNA ll!A(" 170S R. I!. WANTl!D Call 673-8651 'S6 KARMANN GHIA lAGUHa NIGUlrL "" .N;E,;W"'"";;oc,,.,,,::;.;.-;;B:::.,.=.=,-E"1"t.o:;bo;: I Good 1·ont.lilion. All .original. ROLLS ROYCE MIS5ION v1eJo 2100 ~ $IOI) 968-'I""" SAN CLEMENTI! IJH body lllylt", 1966 eng. Sincro 1 .~'::'.·c;;::::~~:::.~-~~~,1-...:..:..:~--------1s•H JUAN CA,.IS'fll:ANO 71» lrans., radlo, top, fully PRICED for Quirk Sale! ti.i ROI LS .3, '''" "'"unts ncv.• CAP•STltANO ll!ACH 2130 • ~ .,. ·'-. '_ OANA ,.DINT 11 .. equip. l\'letal flake green. !\arn1ann Ghia. Im-paint. nC"\Y 1\•s11• 11res, $4950. 11v1:1ts10E cOUNT'I' tlll $2200. 545-tMIG 1nacula1l'~ Orlginfll 01\'nl't\ Priv prty &l&-50 11 &ll--0507 VACATION lll!NTALI ~ •• •··· 1 480 s-· 1 · c I\·! • • :oNOOMINIUM ~ V\V Shortened platform ~r n ,., .. il\ay, • · ;,u,.LEXES FUll:N. •u w/comp. ninning gear. TOYOTA Hdlp .. •~II fro mo & mi,;c. •M~E~R~C~E~D~E:S~B~E~N~Z: J;:;;;:;;;~~;:;::;;;:;;;;;.1 RENTALS "'·,c"-~'-633-.,,..""°',.,.-"'"""= 1 -Houses Unfurnished ·Sf Bug_ Rail Job. 10" ,,·hJs l!l67 ~lcrredrs Bcn7. 2:ill SE ORANGE .1f:Ni1t•t *' BUSINESS and FINANCIAL IUUNl!'SS WAN.TEO tNVl:S TMt:NT 0ppu1Unlll•• tUSIN!!:SS OPPOillTUNlfll:S INVESTMENT WA#lfEO MONl:Y TO LO•H "EllSON ... L LOANS Jl:WELll'r LOANS COLlATEllAL LOANS RIAL ESTATE LOANj MOltTG•GES, T11nl Otedl MONEY WAMTl!O Cl!MENT, ClllCr.tf ,. CHILO CARI!', LknnN ,,,. CONTll:ACTOllS MH C .. JtPET CLIANIN" UH C.lllPlfT l.lYING a Rl!PAllt U'Jo OllAl"Ellll!S '6lt OEMGLITION a6H Oll:Al'TINO 51!11:VICS: t6l1 EL•CTlllCAL ..... EC#Ul,.MINT lll!NTALS USt FENCIN" "'I FLOORS i6M1 FUllNACI! R•P•tltS, t!I'-467' FUllNITUll• llESTOll lNO .. llEFllUSIONG un G ... ROeNINO 6llll Gl!Nl!'ll:AL Sl!llVICES ..n GllADING. DISCING 6115 GU.SS 6tff GllEEN THUMI 6104! GUN SHOP 671' HEALTH CLU•S 112' NAU LING 6nt HOUSIECLl!ANINO 61U INTERIO• DECORATIN• 1131 INLOMI.' TAie 1140 IRON. Orum1t1!1!. l ie. f711 lllONINO •1H INSllU.11NQ 11'1 INSURANCE f72t INVESTIGATING, CetK71'19 f7 .. JANITORIAL 61'1 'EWELRY llEPAla. l!IC. '9tt LANOSCA,.tNG 61H LDCtCSMIT" f.IH MASONRY. llllCIC 6131 MOVING lo STOllAOlr "'8 PAINTING, P1a1r~1ntint OSI PAINTINO, Signs 611SJ ,.ATIOS 6UO PHOTOGRAl"N'I' 6111 PLASTERING, l"fltll. lltpltr 1110 ,.LUMBING '"' l"ET GIOOMINC# •ffO ,.OOl SERV1'E &•II POWEii sw•E,.INIO ffU ,.UMP SERVI CE 6110 ROOFING lttl ••010. •~11411,,, "'" ,,. ll:EMODCLING 6 11:!:,.All 61 .. llt:MODE LINQ, ICITCHENS 61~ Scui.on SMrPeio ''" SEWING 6tt0 SEWING MACHINE ll:EPAlllS 6NZ SEPTIC T•lllCS, SIW ..... IE!r;. lil! TAILORING ft7D • TERMITE CONTllCIL '9n TIL E. Ctr•mk: ,.,. TILE, Lln01t11m " M•rt.19 ••n TRl:E SERVIC• '"' TELEVIS ION. •111k1. l'tc. ftlS UIHIOt:STl!llT 6"t WE LDING 6"! WINOOW ClElNING -ml JOBS & EM~LOYMENT JOI WANTIEO, M.o! JOI wi.NT[D, Wemtft JOI W•.NTEO, MEN I ~OMEN SCHOOll S lN~TllUCTION JOI PREPAll:,llTION T"EATRICAL .... ... 1tll "" "~ "" MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE FURNITUIE IOot OFFICE FUll:NITUll:t! IOlt OFFICE EOUl,.MIENT Mii STOll:E EC#UIPMENT lfU CAFE, llEST ... UltAHT MU IAll: EOUl,.MENT llU HOUSEHOLD G0<.101 I0'1I CAltAGE SALi! M1l FUll:HITURE AUCTION IOU APPLIANCES 111111 ~TIOUES l110 SEWINGI M.lCHINE S tno MUSICAL INSfRUMENf UU !"I.I.NOS 6 ORIOANS IUO llAOIO 1100 TElE'llSIDN 110S ~l·FI & STEREO 1111 T.l,.E ll:ECOR OERS lilt CAMERAS I EDUl ,.MENT llCI HOlllY SUPl'LIE5 l40C SPORTINQ GOODS noo llNOCUL.All:S, SCOl"ES IS~ MISCELLANEOUS llot MISC. WANTEO tilt MACHINERY, EiC. t1ot LUMIEt tlH STOll:ACE! 1775 &UllDINO MAff:RIALS 1'41 • SWAPS l lft PETS and LIVESTOCK ,.,TS, CENERAL CATS OOGI HOllSES LIVElTOCI( .... 1811 "" •• •• CALIFORNIA NUllS5rt1Es SWIMMING ,.OOLS PATIOS L l1:iNG "" •• AWNINGS V..CATIONS TRANSPORT ATION "" •• rtu in blu·k. nu tires. RCL'l?nl NU!>(' !)!,}1Vl'r _.._ air cond COAST'S COSTA MESA 1,•,•,, and ~Unl'OOf. &.~11utifUI (;in-••oLDESr' .V.ESA DEL MAii &OATI I v•:HTS not vnlve job. ;14~75·10 ~ESA Vt:ltOI )Ill ~AtLIOATS •tit dyapplc.• l{Nt ll'ilh l\'hlte COLLEGE l"Atl( 311J FOUND CF•• Adi) 'Of POWEii CllUISl:ll$ .. ?. ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES '6S V\V En,g. & Chassis, glas s lrathl'r in1cr1nr ~v.1G 0031, Toyota Dealer NEw,.o•' 111Ac" 11oe LosT ••o• sP EEo-sic• 10•,s tc39 bdy. LirenSe(I. Good l.'Oncl. k . 7~30 HEWPOll:T NOTS. )211 l"EllSONALI , ... s sO•T TltAllE"S ••n II 8'"3148 Blur Boo Pl'l('(' s ,); ' QUI' Nl:Wl"ORT SMOll•S IHO ANNOUNCEMENT$ 6tl0 BO•T MAINTINANCE feJ.I fl.lu"t Se ~ ,w-,' 11rlcr only S6300. ,J l rn Immediate Delivery ••YSHOll:ES 111s 1 111:THI ••H •O•T L..,:JNC"1NG tc~ j\/JANX/CORVAIR Slcn1ons ,\1l'rcedcs &nl, 120 OOVER SHORES ii,.~ l'UNEllALS •• ,, M•JtlNE EDU!I' tOU on HARD TO GET o'IEITCLll<I" n PA ID 011TUAR T •OJ eO•T SL1P. Ml)O RINO •01• f\lake Ortcr ! De~pcratc! \V. \\111.J'tk'I', Sun\a Ana, •\OOELS _-II for UNIVIEllSIT't' l"AlllC 1111 FUNEIAL DlllECTOll:s 411• &O•T SEllVICEI ton • 646-1896 . 5'1(j-JIJ\•I IT "'" !llVIMI! ~JI FLOR ISTS ·~IJ IOAT RENTALS tO.'it Imported Autos 9600 ALFA ROMEO Atrrl-IORJZED ALFA ROMEO DEALER liP!1 mQr,uis ~ tn•tors 900 So. Csl. H ighway Laguna Beach 494-7S03 * 54e-3100 AUSTIN $1595 .1961 Austin American Sett, R. 1-1., automatic, low miles, extra clean. XGG277 DEAN LEWIS information I.I.CK IAY lHI CARO OP THANKI .... I.OAT CM•ll:TI R tll't 19.iO i\ll'rNoflt'i' &nz liO l!:•.ST ILUl'"I'" ,,~, IN MEMORIAM •OJ ll:OSt.ING •o•rs .... El Tlrl 12'4 CEMl:TEll T LOTS ••II 10.\f MOV INC# ... , Cllbroll?t Classic -Nrl\I lop mQ·r,ut's !llVIN I TEllll:ACI! 1J'IS CEMaT•ll'I' Cll'l'PT$ o•ll IDAT STOllAGt: tt4t In I{' r l 0 r t l t1 t ch CORONA DIL MAil Int Clll!MATORIEI ••H IO•TS WlNTIED tOH ,.,,.cnnssion al'lri m 0 I 0 r IALIOA IMI Ml!MOltlAL PAltKS ''" llRCRAFT tlot • 0 motors IA'I' Ill.ANOS ~UI AUCTIONS '~11 Fl'l'INO L f:S~ONS t !$1 f'C'('('ll11y O\•erhRulro"'" nrarly LIOO ISLE llll AVIATION SEllVIC• o•lJ MO~l lE ........ ~\ ,,. ~1ot't'd to niint rond, ~tak~ aac.10 ... ISL•HD JJSS Ttt ... Vl:L ''lS MOTOR MOMES ttlJ offrr ror ~iulck sail" \TNG 900 So. C s t.BHighhway ~.~~:.~~~0:s::.1.cH :J: !~~01;::~~~~~~!~:,_ :::: =~~','.,~~~ LARS !,'!! '.132!. Jln1 SlC'n1ons \111port~. L aguna eac ltU NTINCTON HAlllOlllt ,.., Ll!GAL HCITIC•S ~,. MINI lllCl!S ·---"" Inc., 120 \V. \Varnrr, Santa 494-7503 * S40-310CI 5~~'(':~~c~•LLE1' ~:;: OillMAM a TUTOll!NI» '*t ~~~~:~~~;~!115 ;: Ana. 546--4111! ''""""""":'::'l::":::"'""""""[c-.1.11:1H;:N 011ovt M11 S"RVICE DIRECTORY •uro SERv1c11:1 & PAllfS uoo · Orange Cou nty'15. l.Jrgf>sf Selection New & Used Mercedes Benz . Jim Slemon s Imps 'w ,1rn('r A M:iin St. 46-4114 I $1095 LONG II.I.CM )l<MI o::: AUTO TOOLS I EOUIP. t~IO Oll:A.HGI COUNT'f UM ACCOUNTING IJOI Tll,ltLEll. rRAVl!I-'4JJ 1966 Toyo •• C·own '.',",',•.,·.·.·... •••••• ANSWEll:INC# IEIVICE ~$ fRAtLCllS. l,/Ulllt ,.,. , Al>PLl'Jrll'I! lllPAlllS, Pl"I t<'~ rllU(kl tSOt Custom \VAi:Oll. R. JI ., over-MIOW'AY CtYY 1111' A,.l"llllSIN• •sn 1el! .. S •llt EIC"TO l+lt A51"1'1AI T Ollt o~lt C•MPf:ll S 'Hlt dM\'(', nlCf' & clr;in. S1JC098 ~::;:.t"" H ~,.. AltCHtTECTUlllL Sl!ll\llCI 6UJ CAMPEil •EN1lL$ tlll DEAN LEWIS a11t "UIO lt[l".llll:' .,JI DUNE IUGGtlES ~?I ~AGUN• llE.lC" l1ll •UTO, Seti 1111 .. '"''" IE!'-6<>{1 IMl'Ollll!i D •U101 •ttt ';!1~~.i! ~~~j:I »• IA&'f'SITTING oJSI Sl'OltT CAll:S •111 ,. l1lf 10.lf M.llNlt:N•HCll .ns ANTIQU&S. CllSSICS ttll 1965 Harbor. C.t-1. ~·IB-9303 ~~;,;flllaA~~N JTH lll:ICIC, MASONltf. rte. ·~I ltACI: CArtS. llOOS fUt BILL 1\fAXEY c.Ar'llTIAHO IEAl".H J1H IUllNESS SllVICIS •'U •UTQ l:V[,,lS IOJ j OANA 1"01N1' JH• IUILOllillS tSlt 1 •UTOS WlNJEO t1H I =::::====""'""",...,"""'"''I CONOOMINIUM #St CATl:lt lNO •ltt NEW CAllS •IM l=,..,:ill:'.,.=ir:=r.:~10UPL•1tES UNl'U•Jlt. .,. CAllNETMAKIN• t$N •uto Ll:ASINO ttll !TIOiYJQJ!JAl1---------"-"-·-··-·-·-··-• ___ u_M_"_"_o_,_ .. _. _____ -_I 21' Doubae bder Olaracter boot. ponded lnt<rior. 511 HP dietel en&• Xlnt shape. ... 54&-1834 IJm 0-tRIS Craft nf~· Spa11s Flshl'nnan. Twtn 11! HP ..,.i .. L l'lY Brkf&a. $8600. Call 64-~ 'SS Splrtan 8x42.. lllum :l\vn-M&-4503 lflGli llarbor, C.M. Ing. located adult park Ot. ~-,--:-:--,..--v;;-;;w.,.--o."° I QUICK CASH THROUGH A \VANl AD DAILY PILOT 18111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beac 147.asss 3 nil N. or Coa.sl hvy. on Bch l\TUST i;('u, brvtd nc-.v '&'9 Toyo1a Land Cn.itscr. 4-whl dr. C"onv. Co n1 pl~1t. w/robnr le tobnr. Cnttcr \\'ILIT, 8cS1 ofJrr 0\'~r $z5jo, HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLAns IN YOUR HOME LATELY? __..___. ,_ Pllr.che • Men:. • • • XJnt (.'Ol'ld., l"'"VI' IQW. _.. 6464450 call e.rter 4 or all ~letr. New I: u""" PMU. da,y wec)(ends. Wholeaalo to all 642-0350. • NO m111tcr ""''""' it i5, you ct1n lt'.11 It with a DAILY PlLOT \VANT AD!l &12-M'I'! 67~!7:'!.1 • I .; ., ·----:~------·---·-.. --·-·-·· -----------' Fl'fd.lJ, Novtmbtt 14, 1969 DAIL~ PILDt SI- TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOltrATION -I TRANSPORTATION New Cart 9600Now c... 9800 Now C•rt -u..d c... 9900 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9600 Auto leul'!! ;110 9600 lmportod Autot LEASE ANY MAKE - OR MODEL NEW CAR TRADE -IN SALE ! ! FALCON FORD BRAND Let our teaMf l!XJ)ertt show )'OU the best p!an for your personal needs without obll· gatlon. 7 1969 CADILLAC 1969 CADILLAC 1969 CADILLAC ~ . '63 FALCON C.s.-...,. Rod. ~ -Ford Station Wqon. P/S. 6 cyls. overdrive. Luc~ ei.&e t;Jck. 40,00J actual mllet. Good mechanical condition $100 under Blue Book. Aakfne 1351>, 60-3963 alt 5 NEW . UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 28So Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ~- BUGS UHdC•rs 1968 BU!~~I~~'"· Im- maculate! 23,00J Miles, fact. I 97o'S Y.'arr. avai_lable. If you have gOQcl credit, you can have this car with no down ON DISPLA y & READY TO GD pymnt, only ul•i tax & take over pymnts. Call betw & 7 PM 644-2950 CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT .• , BUICK 1963 Special 4 01·. Fltalwood 9ro11'jlhl'I. T11rq. while ltalher 111!, w/wh;1, vinyl top. Fie. air, AM/FM 511110, 6-wav 11at\ fili A t1l1, 1tr119. "W.hl., pwr, door locks. LIC. VWY 645 $6695 1969 CADILLAC Fl eelwcod Br~119llm, lllk w/ blk vinyl tOp l btk lthr, int. Fae. 1ir, AM/FM St1reo rad., 6·WIY 1111, tilt ' 111. 1frn9. whJ., pwr. dr. lotk1, •ic:. LlC. XIH 214 $669S 1967 LINCOLN Silver w/b!k. fop & lthr., F .. e. air, load1d w/all Ille 1xtr11. LIC. TOD 867 $319S Flttfwood lrou9hm, Gray w/blk. vJnv l fop & blk, lthr. i11t. Fie. air, At,t/FM St1r10 rid., 6-way 1111, till l l1L ilrn9. whl .. pwr. doo' lock1, etc. LIC. XWY 612 $669S 1967 OLDSMOBILE Vid1 Cruis1r W9n. Tuu~. w/ m~lch. int. Fae . air, f11ll rwr., pwr. wind., lllc1 ntw. IC WOO J2e $269S 1966 CAD ILLAC Co1111e 01 Villa. Gold w/ bei91 vinyl top, lthr, int,. Fee. 1ir, P.8., P.W l oidtd w/1rlr11 LIC. Ull 854 $329S Flealwood lro119hm, Ma.&. bl111 W'/drk. bl111 vinyl top. 91111 lthr, int. '•c• air, AM/ FM St1r1• rad., 6°w1y t11t, tilt I tel. 1tr119, whl. P""''· dr, lock1, ate LIC. YNW404 $669S 1967 OLDSMOBILE Toronado. Gold w/blk. vinyf top, Dht. bll:. int. F•c. air, pwr. wind., 6·w1v 111!, tilt & tal tlr119, whl, Local ci r, low milt1. LIC, USH 758 $299S 1968 CADILLAC Convertlbl•. Silv1r w/blll. top. Rad lthr, int. Fie. air, .Joad1d w/111tr11 loc1I ctr, ya,., clean LIC W!J 419 $,449S ' CHICK IVERSON -~2~:~~~~~: cond., reblt. en&. Orig. Many Other Cl•an La te Model Cadillacs & Other Make' to Choose From AtlEN--___, Harbor Areas Onlt Authorized VW, Porsche Deqler owner. 642-5000 548--0390 TWO LOCATIONS TO SEIYI! YOU ·="',_'-,'~· ""==~~---,-~ 445 EAST COAST HWY. al BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH '65 WILDCAT Buick, fully equipped.air, new tires. 1 party owner. 892-6319. Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 673·0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS '63 BUICK Electra, P/B, 549~3031 PIS. Fct. air. Under Blu book, s.®-2699, aft 5 '57 BUICK. Goed running A94-1084 A uthorit:ed Dealer S47-3103 9600 Antiques, Classics 9615 cond., Xlnt U-ctnsportation, U sed Cars 9900 U sed Ca rs ---------1 $125. "53&-ti958 1--....;.;..;. ___ ..:.;.c.; Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos ' 9900 Used Cars 9900 TOY OT.A TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS FROM $399 GODO SELECTION SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE All MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ~ ARE SflLL AT c ~ !~~ c~E!!! ~,0 _,so TRIUMPH ~-1 $2S9S 1968 Triumph GT6 Cpe, R/H, 4 speed. Original inside & out. Red finish, black interior. \VQ\V675_ DEA.N LEWIS 1966 Harbor. C.i\I. 6~6-!l:l03 VOLKSWAGEN 5-i9. 3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970-HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA VW '63 Semi-camper, m int cone!. Only 12,475 mi. Fae re-bit eng, Stereo/radio. pri. pty. $1800/best ofle1', l213) 59"2·1932 or (TI4l 846-1017 '55 V\V BUS, /lC\V rt'·blt cng. Needs work 011 trans. !\lake Offer. 49-J-:>419 evcS. Days 549-3343. * '66 V\V CA!\1PER· $2000 494-4464 an 6 p.m. all $595 day \Vkends. J 960 YOLKS '63 VIV BUS. A-I amd. R&H, 20,000 n1i on new eng. Heater& 4 speed. Nice 2nd * 573.3244 * car. LVT876, l----,,68~Sq~,-are~ba~,,~_--DEAN LEWIS Xlnt eond. R/I-t --· -Call 83~2793 1956 ~lARK II Continental. '59 Buick. Xlnt Cone!. Good CHEVROLET . -------- Bronze. Bro\\•n & \vhite int. transportation car .. Best of---------- Xln t cond. 549-2851. fer. 675-5342 '&1 Chevy SS. V-8, auto. P/S, 1931 Model A 1""""°'R=r~v=IE=RA=.~,ul~ly--,loa--,d-..,~. I P/B. 56,000 mi. x I n t. $400 lease ex PI r i n g. Must 645-1550 days, 968-2876 eves. sacrifiCE'. Call 673-TI55 962-4007 CHRYSLER CADILLAC CONTINENTAi; 1967 Lincoln Cont, 4 door, all po"·er cquipn1cnt + air & stereo {UCL 100). A beautirul one O\Vner car just 1967 Chrysler tradecl on a ne\v Mercedes 1957 CHEVY, tube front end. 1968 Cadillac deVille, 4 door New Yorker Benz, Save $600. only $2995 Race Cars, Rods 962D --------1 Pontiac rear end. 327 Chevy hdtp. Black w/black vi.nyl Custom 4 Dr Sedan, air con. this \\'et>kend. Jim Slemon1 eng. SSOO. 84~3221 roof, less than 20.000 nules ditioning, automa!ic tl'ans-i\lcrcedes Benz, 120 \V. (ZVN J.3:1 save $1300._ un~er mission, power steering & Warner, Santa Ana. s.16-4114 Autos Wanted 9700 book prier only $39'.J:i. Jim brakes, radio, healer, tilt & 19G6 ~ C O NTJNJ:::NTAL --------$lemons Mercedes Benz, 120 telescopic v,•heel, speed & -SEDAN 1969 CADILLAC. from \V. \\ramer, Santa Ana. ciitiSe control. New prcm-Loaded~ Xln 't Cond. ~~~7party. Cail ft. 6 p.m. 546-4ll4 ium tires. Absolutely like ==$=1950=.=Ca!=l=-="=6-='=",.'= '65 CADJ!E VILLE now. A_u_,_.sw __ .n_l_llil __ 9_7_oo GOOD :~·C'E~C-T-I O_N_'---cORVAIR All original, full pwr, fact \VE PAY . . CASH for used cars .ft trucks Just call us for f1'ee estimate. GROTH CHEVROIIT Ask for Sales Manager 18211 Bearh Blvd. Huntington Beach Kl 9-3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL 1006 ""'""· C.M, 6•16-93-0.1 '68 V1V -a.;go, blk. in!. Now CHEVROLEl V\V Squareback '67 Loaded tires, Xln't cond., $1700. '67 CAD. Sedan De Ville. Full pY>T., fact a ir & stereo. All access. 1-owner. Low--mt;; Xlnt cond. $3795 or best of· fer. Call wkdys: 644-5468 w/extras. Tap!', exhst sys, -°'~n_n_;s_-_G4_4-4_020_. ---2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ·54s..1200 chrome rims, nu y,•id<' tires, '66 V\V Sunroof, low n1ileage, -~=~~~='=~- more. Must drive! 543-6466, radio, very good condition. WE PAY TOP 646-1944 Now. $1175. 49-1-4731 DOLLAR '65 COUPE de Ville. Clean. New paint & tires. All xtrRlt ~take-offer. 675-3302 or 673-3434. '67 Cadillac DeVille. Fil.II power $3975. Excellent con- dition. 548--0149 CO_RVETTE 'SQ CORVETTE Re-bJt eng. auto. nw. t~ & brakes, 'very clean, $1200. ' 5 5 Nomad nw. paint, gd run- ning cond. $595. 646-8373 Corvette 6691.intSgra ,y Corvette Stingray 1966, ExceUent condition. $2600 * !M2-1062 * '66 FASTBACK, \Vhile, 327, 4 spd, many xtras; xlnt care $.1150. 614--0425 COUGAR 1968 COUGAR XR-T. Lime ~froshv/-bllrvinyl top;-AfC;' · P/s. 14,000 miles. $2550 or best ofler. &16-1464. '67 Cougar XR7. Loaded! One owner. Factory \\1ll'· ranty. 30,000 m~. 6~5342 DODGE A.T., 6 cyh Clean! Desperate to sell $595. 675-7<119 J!l60 FALCON RANCllERO $300. Auto., R/H. Private 'Party. '846-1531 '62 FALCON, 1tandard. '66 Fitlcon Fut1.1ra $200 or best oiler. Fully tactory equipped. Dlr. Call 673-4287 aft 6 P?.1 $095. 1962 FALCON Ph<>no G4UQl3 Prv pny, £42..4219 aft 3!30 10Ci9 Ford Country Sedan, =========·I rta.tlon wagon, loaded. Pric- FORD ed for quick sale. $2800 534-5200 '62 FORD Galaxle Deluxe 2 BEAUT. '68 Country Squire. Or. Perteet cond. Air. $375. AU pwr, air, lo mi. FM/AM 6M-f493 stereo. !\.take ofr 673--3823 '64 FORD Cty,Sq \Vq. Xlnt 1960 FORD Station Wgn. cond-alr. Must sell, make $100. 1957 Ford eng. RbJt ol!or. 6'15--4331. $30. '*"797 Imported Autos 96001mportod Aulos 1969 1969 COIONA SIDAN ,--4 DW. - DICUTIYI CAI IXECUTIYI CAl COROLIX"ltD-. -- Full fief. 1q11ip, Full factory 1qu!p, pl11• ,,. dlo. Ser. # S4ll. 5177686 VOLVO Si r. "# 9601 DICUTIYI CAI s ••. # 2835 ,,,, ' 144 SEDAN, R&H, AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTED $516.50 Dean Lewis Imports OrCPt!J• Co•..ty'I Lorg .. t Olld M1>1t MIHleni TOYOTA. VOLVO DU.LEI 1,66 HAltlOl 646.tlOl Cotta M ... '55 V\V Camper, new engine, 1960 VW Van, carpeted & lights, fl,f / stereo. $800. pa.ncllcd, 400 mi on new 33952 Copper Lantern, Dana valve job $600. 675-4530 Point. 496-9006 ' '68 V\V, v,•hite. xlnt cond, 1969 VW CAMPER xtras $1650 pvt pty. 431 for good, clean used can, all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2000 Harbor Blvd. CAD 1968 convert 20.00J acc. C.M. 642-0010 miles like new. Full power BRAND NEW 1969 RIVIER·AS 4,500 mi. Tent. Radio. camp. Riverside, N.B. 642-8099 air inc. Stereo. Ph. 968-5348 ;, • ..qu;p_ "''-""' CHEVROLET * "58 V\V * VOLVO Your Volkswagen or Porsche --------- Will Buy \vitb '64 rebuilt engine. & pay top dollars, Paid tor 1967 Chevrolet Caprice St. $400. 675-3530 aft 6 VOLVO or not. Call Ralph \Vagon all pc:M'er + air '61 vw Bus 67J..0900 c:ond. (Sl'K No. M3.)2A), · SORRY' JMPOR-· "'•"'~ Can be ""''"hi $500. under with reblt engine. $595, ,., "·" • ~ ""'46 Call 673-8709 • Orange r.ounti" Blue Book onJy $1795 this TOP $ BUYER weekend, Jim SI e mo n s ·os vw """-M"" s.u1 ALL '69's SOLD! BILL MAXEY TOYOTA """""" """'· 120 w. THIS WEEK! $975. CHECK OUR DEAL 18881 Beach Blvd. Wan1er, Santa Ana. 546-4114 968-l964 after 5 ON 1970 Modelsl H. Beach. Pb. 8474555 '65 Nova SS, bkt seats, auto '65 VW Sed. New tires & bat. tra / /h 6 m • ns, p s, r , economy , 838-""',,· )(177.nl cond. Best offer. ar•attS Auto Leasing 9810 new tires. nx:ent tune-up '\ .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I xlnt cond. By owner $995. 1968 BLUE Volkswagen. Ex-m•t•rs LEASE a RENT 837-5202 days; 67.:t:'9'566 tra clean! EXTRAS! $16SO. ORDER YOUR eves. Aft 5:30, 673-4806. 900 So. Cst. Highway 1970 TODAY '64 vw. Good ~1cchanical Laguna Beach FOR EARLIEST cond. Leavng. state. Must 494-7503 * 540-3100 DELIVERY Sell. i\Iake Olfer. 548-7251. All popular makes. Ford '69 Ii\1PALA, 2 dr, HT, white, black vinyl, A/C, turbo, AM/FM, PIS , cruise, wsw. Immaculate! 15,000 mi. $2795. 83()...3214 1969 V\V BUG VOLVO authorized lea.sing system. 9000 n1i. Radial tif'{'s Get Our Competitive Rates '64 Chevellc Malibu, red iunt Cond $1000-St8-6502 CLEARANCE NO\YI Theodore convt., red vinyl Int., auto, ... V1V, '"nroor, low 142°144-145-164 ROBINS FORD noady "'w ""'~· Real mileage, Clean! one owner. nIE LOWEST PRICES 2000 Harbor Rlvd. sharp. Owner 830--0a72 S875. Cdl't1 673-4923 YOUR BEST DEALS Costa Mesa 642-00JO '68 Chevy Impala _custom. 196.5 paneled truck, 1 owner, .<\RE STil.L AT Turbo-hydro, V.S. P/disc good cond. $ll50. See at 595 DEAN LEWIS IJllll LEASE .~ br:ks, P/s, A/C. Vinyl. top, Grand lfavf'n Circl<', C.M. I""""" Extras! $2795. 496-5571 1969 Mustang, 2 dr, TIT, V·8, '&I CHEVY Impala, SS Cpe. '66 VW, LIKE NEW $950. 602 1966 1-farlxlr, C.M. 6~6-9303 air, ps, auto. trans., wsw. P/S, R&H, auto trans. Acacia Cd:vt between 4-6 pm I "Pt°'800""°~·05=-~.7ir-. -,C-,-'pd,-.-,..,~d $79 00 mo Ask for Ken. Pvt. pty. Very clean $1995. SOUTH COAST ~;.:i~-70. Pri ply. $ 8 9 s. 'S6 VW. Extra part' 64~1154 eves or 646-llOO CAR LEASING •55 Ch Sta . w Call LI 8-0341 days 300 W. Cst Hwy NB 645-2182 evy tion agoa. l ===~;~~~;~;;;~~=~~~~~~~~~·i==;;-1 Very clean. Brand new engine. See 2272 Avalon, ,.$17f§TAR GA'ZEKl<~ ~;,.,,,, ....... HT,"'' i:..::.:::.:.."-'...---:Bra.J..Y1.POLLAN Liii.A pb. Built up 283 w/3 spil. AllD )i.. v .. _ .. ~....,_,, "--;&. M ~ Fast transption, ~4 0 0 UA~JI ·-a.na#y__,,, .... ~ sur.:u " »i. ,, Acc:orJl11f ~ rh1 Slon. ocf.12 833-1554 . 18-32 To deveJop·messoge for Saturday, :J. .4-s. 6 {5) 1968 CHEVY Impala.1, 69-7~79-81 teodwonbcomspondington.mbers 7-1).56 loaded. Priced for quick cf your Zodioc birth sign. • I • ' sale! $100J. 5.14-5290 '&l CHEVY Impala S.S convt, good cond. Must sell, $750. 673-7162 '61 Chevy lmpala Conv,, $295. Good Transportation. Call 642-0914. '66 CHEVY Impala, 2 Dr. HDT, BESI' OFFER. *&f6..12341'r $12.1'. 1959 Chevy Impala. Wr Sport Sedan, V-8. Auto trans. Orig thruout. 644-1067 '63 IMPALA Conv. 58,000 mi, P/S, 'PIB. 327 VV-3 eng. Like new. $30-l0201 ' '6-1 CHEV JI 6-cyl, auto, $500, R&JI, good tansportaUon Cllr. 545-6328 eve11. '58 -arevy NOMAD Station wwn. Cleanl $70 .,, 642-0842 12 ONLY! PRICED AT OUR COST . BIG SELECTION 1910'S NO BETTER PRICES _ ANYWHER·E NEW CAR SALES HAVE 1BEEN FANTASTIC! • WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPED WITH TRADE-INS! CHECK THESE PRICES! '67 T-BIRD '68 DODGE '68 IMPALA 166· FIS '67 OLDSMOBILE l•ndau • doo-. Full Coronot 400 4-dr. fael • 2 Or. H.T. F•e •Ir, •11to Autom•llt tr•nl., "radio, air eond., pow, 1teer• power,-fac:lory air c:on d. •ir c:ond ,, auto fran1., lr•n•. ,power 1te11ing. h1•+•r· RUC 479, auto. tran1. HJB 912 TTE 702 P.S., R&H . VG B '179 WJM li!l9 $2268 S2i93 $2177 $995 51976 '69 JAGUAR '66 MERCURY '67 DATSUN '67 MERCURY '68 PONTIAC Ro•d1lr. 4 1p1ed. wit• Coupe. Full power, f•c• 4 door. 4 1pe•d. r1dlo, Monter11v 2 door hard. 8onn1ville. 4 door h•rd• wh•1l1. Only 10,01)0 lorv air c:ond, TOH 264 he1l1r. (T2J294l top. Auto. tr1111, pow•r lop, FA CTO RY AIR "'il11. YWS 872 C11tla11 Coup•, Factory 1te1r, R&H. UON-704, P.S., P.I. WXG617 ~ $4995 $1487 $1079 $1587 $2783 ' MANY MANY MORE AT OR NEAR WHOLESALE Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a,m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, -Sun. 10 a.m. ta 6 p.m._· AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL. JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE I I ...... '.""..., .... ~•·-·-•~•~·-•~•~•-•~·---~~.~----·~•~-----~·••-•••~--:a~•~•~-•----.--~rt• • +·<ilJ *"" oou;w op •·• •••• w *"'' -• of $F eu w ;u e: 4 o • •• •• ., W•Se 4 ,. - • - • ' • --- SO·LD ' OU·T! Finest Used Cars • Orange ~unty's .Joh11so11 •" Sou llas Tl T/1e Fiuest Sele<'tlo11 of tW R~11111a1lo11 ol Orterhag llsed CHr• >h1-1/1e-Co11111·rJI CONTINENTAL MERCURY YES, JOHNSON & SON IS SOLD OUT OF BRAND NEW 1969 MERCURY MAR9UIS CARS & syATION WAG0 ... 5 ,,.. 5(> WE ARE OFFERING THESE LAST NEAR NEW 1969 EXECUTIVE '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE Medium 111rcruol>1 ml!tlllt 11111$11 w1111 "'1te111no ln!t•lor, l>Mk 11u1C1~11 rool, Lf,IXllf"V ~lpped. CO,..le!tlV till 11i..rlng wheel. IK· '66 MERCURY MONTCL.AIR •Ooo< $edtfl. Truly PG'Ntt e<111illflrd ln<~ng IK!OfJ .r •. Lk UCUlll fO!"f t lr, pf-door , ~ lVl'lll. $4195 CARS Al) AlMOST UNHEARD OF PRICES ••• "CETTER HURRY!! $1595 ' · S011ther11 Callf6rnia's Finest iller<'11r11 Salesmen '68 MERCURY COLONY PARK . . ' '67 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEDAN 1969 MARQUIS 4 DR. HARDTOP Fini1h•d i11 11rcfic white, •19 2V •n11i11•, f~<f!nl I .. •••• "''*'• bl•c.k vi"yl roof, 11l1c• 1hift, W/S/W•ll1, ri"' blo"' 1t,1rin9 wh11I, twin com· fort 111h, 6-'"IY 111!, pow1r brtk•11 till wh11I, po-• 1t1erin9, whi1p1r 1ir cond .. AM r1dio, du1l 1p11~1r1, tint1d 9l11u, dt1, b1lt1 and r•• mol1 rnirro• .. WINDSHIELD PRICE ................ 5356.10 1969 MARQUIS 4 DR. HARDTOP GARY RECD No, 2ll2 1969 COLONY PARK WAGGN Ptinlod in li9ht aqua with •2' lV V.I, 11lect thifl, W/S/W1ll1, 6-w1y 11th. lu99a91 c•trier, lrd 11th, br1k11, 1t11ri119, ti)t ... h1el, w~ilp•r ,;, cond., AM r•dio & complete tint1d gl•u. WINDSHIELD PRICE · ............ $S434.so JOHNSON$ PRICE ................ 4340.00 9Ht;!+fu.t Hul"On bluto -i'M!tlJI< llnlll! with mltcnl, lt'•ther lntlr• ]or: Bliek ••fldau nior, tullv IVkV,.., equlllPtd trod t c!ory tlr «WI- df!lo<\)np, Ahl-FM rWlo, 1t•:rtt .. .,. dKk. Oflf·O-• Cl• Beiwll· luHy malrllll~MI. T TN0211. $3'3 95 "68 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEDAN Anr1c1lvc llghl cnrome "tlow wltn bl.Ck ltollltr ln!f"O• and Ian· d.>11 roof. F11ll power equiPPftl, iac!<>ry 1tlr, f •C. Wlll'»l ~ $.Q29!i '67 CONTINENTAL (On•trtlbf btaulllul Ocean TurQOO'"' 1 .,11n wlln m.oltll!ng 1n1e;;or &no wlll.1 lop Com'>le!tly luxury ~~UIPPtd. lull pawer, AM·FM r..i~. •~c!ory elr, 1111 wtieel, ert. 4 '·'" tfrf•. UOAll•. -$2795 "66 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE BflUlllul C1rdlntl ~ 11'11511 wltll hlack !Ga and hla<~ 1e1!nfr llllCtlOt. A.II rhc luxury r111ure1, full pawu, PCIO•Y ,.1, condmon-lng, 1tert0 I•~ 1y1ltm, 1uto,.,,,r..: c•ulu conrrol, rlt Excellent cOfldlllon. SQ/l.tll $2695 t Pl»•~-Po1111Mir c•rdlnel •I'd lln!s~ wl!h Dl•c• ccmlor! We<l\11 vinyl ln!1rlot, 11u1o., R/H, 11trto 11.-cleclt. •••11)•¥ air c-111.,,,._ Ing, P;S., P.8 .. <111111 Kllon 11111 ""''· Only 19,QOO mlle1 !The I.Oil· tln1n1111 ot Sr.tlon W1gon1,I No. :1611. $3195 '67 COUGAR 2-DOOR Li-''°'' will! ,....Wllfl9 vinyl buc~ttl, 1ulb .. 'lit f'l'lt lnt, P s., lt&H, new Cit tr1de-fn, -o-r Ind 1e•vo<td by OU• c-ny, VOA:4:1J $2195 '67 MONTCLAIR ~·Ooo• H•r-010111, Arctic wMlf w!th bllCX ln!edo• ••'d l •ncl1111 root. F11:1 power equipped •"Cl ffclorr •1• "'''°lrklning Onf o"'n~r C•r• ru11, ,....,n,.lne~. UOFl66. $2395 '66 MERCURY PARK LANE '·Ooo• H1rOI011. A•dlc wtilTe woth l~y gold Interior •NI lll~c~ I~"' d~u rool. •U lo., 11&11, P.5., P.8., lt.:!ory '" (-lllCl'11n;. lleal IU)Ury 11 rlllO<lfOll price VZU202 $1995 '67 MERCURY MONTEREY JOHNSONS PRICE .................. 4190.00 SAVE $1166lG* 42' 4'1 V.8, mth, bleck ~inyl roof, •el1cl 1hifl. whi11 w1lh, power "'indo,.1, !win comfort 1eah, b.w1y power 1eth, power b1tk11, tilt wh11I, power 1!1erin9, .. hi1p1r 1ir cond., AM 11dio, li11ted 91111, d i• .. b1lh end remo te cont•o1 mir. 1or. Tl.i i ''' ;, fni1hed in G1111tif11I dt1k ivv grean. Ser. # 9Z61N555540. SAV.E OTHER MAICES "6B JAGUAR .XK~·2 COUPE Altrnctln Brt•l1h 111<"'9 G•fffl llnl~ll w1!1\ bU.<k ltdlllt r Interior. W<rt ~e;,, R<1dl11 Ply Hr<•, e:c 8raul itul <-•lion VlllXOI $4695 ?·Doc• >iarotop. •utom•Hc tr1mml11lon , r~dkl, ~Iller, pe>we• ilee•· iog •'1il brf~H. •ir conditioning. Lancl111 tep. lie. UOGG>2 $1795 BARGAIN CORNER No. "254 Na. ?2!~ 1969 COLONY PARK WAGON WIND.SHl~LD PRICE .............. 5494.70 196.9 MARQUIS 4 DR. HARDTOP '68 CADILLAC SEOAN DE VILL E M1•oon llnl1ll wl!ll bltck t~nd•u rool and bl1ck l~•,l\n lrilt•klr. In Our Bargain Corner, we have numer· ou1 used cars. Some clean, some not so clea n. Some that are duplications, some we've had too long -in any event the1e cars are real bargains. LOOK 'EM OVER! Luxury equlpl)@d. Full paw~•. 11c1o•·v "I' co,.,,ltlonw.g. AAl·FM Fini1hed in medium gold 42• 2V V-1 . 11!1cl 1hilt, W/S/W1 ll1, pow1r window1, b·W"V 1111, 11199191 <:effier, 3 •e•h, power br1ke1, powtr 1leering, whi1per •ir cond., AM rtdio, d11t l reet 1pt ek1>1. tinled 9!111, r1mole mirro1' 1111d he•vy duly 1u1pen1ion. Ser. # 9Z7bKJll207. JOHNSONS PRICE ...... ONLY 4290.00 42 ' 'JV eng'"'· front & rea< mah, ;vo•y vinyl roof, <1l1ct shill. W /S/W.111, rim blow wh1el, power 1id• window1, b·w1v 1ee+, power br•ke1 & 1l1erin9. tjlt .. heel, trunk r1lee11, ,;, ,ondi- lioner, AM-FM l!ert:>, d u"I speaker1, tinted 91111, power door lock1. 1t~•ro. tete-tin \l~erl~g wheel. On ON~e•, br&utl!ully ma!ntainco. 20,Q()O mlle1. llZT.519 $4795 '67 CH EVR OLET 'h TON 8 FOOT CAB OVER CAMPER 1 owner. o"~cn only 19.000 mlln. LI<. OllS! WINDSHIELD PRICE ............ $5558.90 WINDSHIELD PRICE ................ 5613.90 JOH NSONS PRICE .................. 4590.00 JOHNSONS PRICE , , .• , , . , 4490.00 $1895 '67 PONTIAC GTO 2-DR. H.T. Gold ml!! m1t1ll lc lm\sll w!!il blacX buc~t! "•"· "uto tr•n~ .. ••· '" ' nrercr, """'"' 1!eetlf>ll, M<To•v 1111, Be1ut1tuT "'"OiHon, I RJ!QJ SAVIE $1123 90* SAVE '65 '66 '67 '66 '68 MERCURY 2-Doot Moatcl•lr H.T. f'DD50l FORDD GALA.XIE 500. 2·Dr. Hordtop S¥f052. FOll.D Country W°'OR Station W09. IWEY 6701 T·IUl:D Lo11do11. RTl724. f'LYMOUTH Sat•llit11 W°', VEL,,7 $1275 $1575 $1 975 $2075 $2275 I •THIS CAR LESS THAN OR :GIN"L WINOSMIELQ PR ICE. $2495 I I I NEW CAnG Johnson son USED CARS 540-5635 540-5630 ~ & rru R\ m • ~ ~ rru © llil rru w • © © llil@& rm 64~·0981 262G HARBOR 60UL~VAR!>, 1!:@$i A ffl~ZA ~-I 1 Mile South of the Diego' Freeway San i I ; .9900 TRANSPORillf6N TRANSPORTATION 7it"ANSPORTATION-l!RAN~~~ATION __ ITRANSPORTATION , 1 TRANSPO RTATION ,~NSP~RTATION _ 1! :~uf!~! .~.~I~~~~ ... -s2195 tir.iin. r.• 3 11 ... rtr. VPT 621 '68 CADIWC De Ville s4395 '67 MERCURY Caliente ~~"~i~~~!.4!!.~·~~~~. $1695 ~~~""~!:1:·.~~·?w~!!r ,,, s1995 '68 CHEY. Impala S.S. COUPE'. ~11!0. ""''& .. _, •teerlnt. r..tlo. hi. !tt, \/VW .l.51. '68 CORVETTE 'ti CHEY. Impala CUSTOM HARDTOP C'OUPI!. Auto. rr11n•, ''"''°'""•If' ~.1t1ot1;,,,, ttdlO, 1'1111•. \/fl 231 .. '66 CHEY. Impala Wgn V.f. 1111e. '''"'" -ttllf'r,.., rtdr.. tit•tu, "J" 1-• '64 CORVETTE Ope. eA'\1.,,ld ... i..:..,.. $2495 s4395 ~2395 s1395 s1595 s1995 CON NELL t CHEVROLn 2828 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa 546-1203 ( Used Cars 9900 C1ed Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 . Used Cars ~?00 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 . PLYMOUTH I PONTIAC STUDEBAKER - ------'6'2 Studebak~r. nCeds woric: OLD SMOBILE MUSTANG FORD,, LINC OLN --$1495 l!Xi9 Plyn1outh Sport Subul'· '66 GTO will run. $50. Jiardtop. "2S9" \'1'. stic·k 1 9~7 Olds Cutlass b.1n ~ pa~s Sr. \\'a.c;on ~7.NV 4 Speed Call Gr:>--3107 '65 MUSTANG 1------. .C..--- '63 CONTINENTAL, full I ii2 I:.:CONOLJNf-.: Van rrccntly r"blt, xlni I n1echar.ically. Sha11i look- 1ng! i\h1~t ~II U11s \\Cl'k. ptlll'Cf, factory air, clean. nearly ne\v 4!).l-4129 "" tires. shlf!, vinyl roof. L'~d1u f.: suprcn\1:! llT err. H'll. 113,v .. 0961 all 111.1wc1· equipped. On- h ly SJ'~IO niilcs. Full neiv car Convr11ible, VS. power steer-ealcr. .~l<'rl'ini;:. bu1·kl't !-of'<ll~. floor · d" · 1 L S"'J $10""' :1 ~f'ar \\'lln <inly availabll'. 1ni;t, ra 10, 1;ea CJ'. 1c. ~. · &~r oiler -<ll'L\'l'S a1\ay. 5"1;-}-2081 11 i:hifc. \ 1n~I 1op. TYZ7C5 !".1\'(' s~s only S3:?9J 111111 030. DEllN LE\V !S 11~kcnd. J11u ~lemons $1199 196(1 Ford Gulaxy 500. f' ~. MERCURY P/b. r/h, ne1v lire~. new IS63 i\lercury r.1eteor Sta!1on int. Runs good. s22:-i Ol' bC'!ll \\'agon. S-lj(). offer. ~6-07 14 tifl 5 p·n1. 4j() * 5-+9-1897 ¥- \V. Vicloria St No. 16, Ci\! I;:====='==== • . "-lC'l'f'C'dC'S Ben~. 110 \V. ~ ft~ ~ I""' 11 ,u·hc,::_C.\J G:oOCOJ """.':'."'"· '"~c'""· >16-tlll \i · 0 BANK Hlfu B,\r:.nACU OA. S13J un-ft ~ ~ ~s REPOSSESSION dr1· \\'h!Sf'. Total p rier Si90 ... ~ 0 . . .I\ (. l:Jllfl Oloisniohi!c, -lJ2. z door CO')(I cond. Call 519-1683 or ~Q ,~s ~......... hnrdtop. flOIVC'f HIC('rlng, 6 1ij..SJfH. • SI F'7 6R'DOoCrti. na 11•ago '67~ l''ORD Co11ina wagon. Rnt1io, "cry cconon1ical. SIO'li. 6-16--5956 aft 5 & \1·knrl~. MUSTANG "\ Y flO\.\CJ' btakrs, etir cond., L, .I e1ulo !rans. E'l.Cl'llcnt ('!lll{h. PONTIAC "\ '' 19"<>6 2SJ l\1USTANG Hardtop, :>19-30.:::1 Ex1. 66 or 67 tion. Lo1V niilca&c. tiL'-JUI J V.S cni;lne, R/H. P /S, 1970 llAH.BOR BLVD. Ext 237 ur 1 II. j l!J.3031 E.'I:\. ti6 or 61 19io HARBOR BLVD, COSfA l\IESA 1v I s I w. Reasonable. Prl-COSTA r.JF.~A ---.-=~~-- "G:? FORD G J · ba vale Pa11y. 67;).j~ ·=°'""~·"'""~,c 1966 OLDS r -SJ S1t1C1on '61 BQ;.;~EVILLE. P"'l' strg. p11T brk!>. p11 r 1rindow!I, R & II. nuir• t1·an!I, l'l<Jks & n1n~ ~11·.1!' .\~:,i11l! S/,j(). J-lG-67tij ·j· ,-1 ·lll\Tl~\(~1lmlc~alc. A11tri, air. nr11· r irrs. Si:Y!/h•'"I offer. 61 1-17:17 I .a ax1c, ttery N~~V ~9. 1 ~n.s!ang Gi~ndr, \\"n~n pii 1. ~Ir. pii~· bra:,(' ... , do"·n & ll('('ds ~ma ll '67 l\IUSTANG2 DHT-PS · ~"· Ps,d11 1onr!_ .. t1!'\1: ~,!'· liu;<;.ir:r r;1t.:f., ll)il' IY!fl!; tune-up. Go<xl t 1rl'.!s. vinyl tcp. \'-~. auio • .1nc11·\!1chel1n1:ai1:d .... ~1.\l ,.11 _,, 1.1 51 .-0 ,.,1 1 .... 'IS-SJ"' JOIJOO 1\""11 61' ,,,...,. II \I'· I' !"'I",,,." "' ·"'· ui:i ·". i-1: ... <1,i, ===~=======0..C=··~="='~''=-~''=-'=·-";:''=·==-·~--~=-=''·~'~"='='"='=~"=''='="'-'~~~· ;'~-~~='="'=" b.v JX01 17 tak.-~. -l~li-101 1 __ Imported Aut~!-~~~O Imported ~·1los 96001niported Autos 9600 -STA WAG-S1"EAL_!_ · ~-;,;;iiiiiial • .;o;;,,;,;,..;;;;;m;;;;;;;.; • ..,:.;,,,..,;-;;·;;-~-.,;;··~· · .. •mmmm',,11'6J r -SJ \\'ht l\'ag ~~c l'ifirr. ---------Ii i CAT,,LI:\',\ \\'ni::;on, PIS. i 0 1'1;; 011·1u'r J::.'iceptiona l. 1!'1 !he C:llf ih1f won't taiv1 YOU •nythin9 lo WOHy ~bout. @ $JQ,;,1. f fij3.J2J:.' P J\. 1'1r ~·u:1d Like 1ic•1\· conrli11011. Cati ti-12-2i'08 .. We moka 1ur• of th1 t. W1 9iv1 it the VW 16-poinl 11fely ind perform111ce +11!, It h•1 to P"''· So .... , 9;v1 , l!Xi3 CH~ri . ..; :'.IS I Dr. 1-'1111 .. -,_, LE .\! \i\'.:0: .. ~ryirt l'Ollf'C , ~f'C' tn lwl1r\·C'~ SlOO O\C'I' Bl11C' Conk. ~0<"--I03S :tour 100 % 9111r1nt1e th1t we'll ''"I•<• ell m11ic• me-· 1,011cr. fat· air. f:E.'IT Or- chtnii:tl p•rh• for lO day1 or 1000 mile,, whic~t•tr I• LR n1rT S~'!).'I. ·,1:1;--0'iW c.om1' fin!. l1n't +hit whit • 111w ""r-ownt• ne1d11 A '61 01.DS""'i"l'l-2 iii' hild!U[I bug th"! won't drive you nuh. a /i•. p/~. l'/lJ. '1.ll'I 1 ,.,1d '67 VW Square Back '69 VW SUN ROOF ·6s VW S~DAN Sli'./l :i!'i-:·1:10 !Jr .ji:!-0~!~ En9i~1 o~e ·~~ulrd by '"· 'G~ CL'l L,\,.::s. !IC'!'!ls 11 l:Plt' 1 67 Gr,ir\ Prix-Sharp! The 1m~!I I.may w•go" th•! 1t i1! 11vel you g11 mone~. TFA 755 $1899 '66 PORSCHE Mor11 e11.lr11 thin moil. FM redio ~nd tonn••lil c.ovtr. Comple•aly 'he<:~1d by us. SAB 145. 54199 "67 YW FASTBACK White ~It ov1r with bite~ 1eah. One owner lt1d1 in. T'l'X 3119 $1699 • Beige, ori9i"al fi11i1h. 'f ii:1 i1 • fun, 1un c 1 1, 100 7. VW 9u1r•n!1e. YPS 20J $1899 '68 YW SEDAN Aulom1lic, r1dio & h11le•. Sirik1n9 y 1 I Io w c:olor. Blt t~ i111 ide. XIH 608 $1899 '66 SUNROOF SEO, l1i91 01i9inal color .. So ld "tw by 111. HYrry. SVZ 977 $1499 Spcc:i ~I p~in r .... Geld wi·h hil or l\Ol'k, brand Ill\\' !~1:1r!t rt: Si~l:l.J. s 1G-11G."i da 10. b•own 1hedi~9. '!'PS 111·r·1<. 11ill r11n. S~<ll , Gi:l •. ;1117 J'!_.,\N:\l:\'Lf10rnovl'·.'-You'Jl 7~5 '6ti TOilN 1,1X5-D~GC'a11 1. I rind 11.11 a n1ar.i11:::: nun1bf'r o( $1395 ( rontl. Sl.7;;{) t"nr q11c.:k &dC'. 1 hon1cs i11.to<lny's Classified Pr1v, par"I~ .. G1:, .... cr;~·, 1\ds. Che(·k thl'nl no1v. "6S YW SEDAN Ne .. <I• lr~dt i"· G reen 01i9in~I ptinl t nd interior .. ROA 66' $1299 '64 YW S ~DAN Meroo" ;wi1~ 901;:1 1k~d:nq. <I '""'d 1r.h~'"'· Str·k;~~ ~PP••'•"tf. 0TV7J I $1299 Used Cars 9900 '1,ed Cars OTHERS TU RNED YOU DOWN ? (Iii New fn Calif, fJ Hod a Repossetla11 No !>Ide loans f' See, lor.~rupt e 0 No Fur11l ture Loo~J • No ~olory La11M 0 No C a·~;9ner1 NNl!!ed e No Colloterol Nffdcd \VE CAR :::Y OUR OWN CONTRACTS '!;' CHEY. 2·dt ... S•S R&H, OHX 177. ~CH"ii .. W59e11 S2'~ A.T, .. ll&H . JJ Y 701 . 'ilCHE'f':-"vi0go-n-s•95 A.T .. R&H, WYWl66 '14 C lAS~IC w,n. s6'>s 66'0 .. OST lll. ·6s f'ONTIAC07 •• ~.c. •• ~,n,~,, A.T. R&H . XllJ 012. 164-0ART H.T •.• S7'5 A.T .. Air. ONT <129 . '6) V,W, l us ... , St~S RIH. IW tllS 'bl ri:INTIAC ••. , l\IH. UL 007. ~FORDGC-o1i'."".c..~,nl~ll A.l .. Air, PUL 176. '62-FORD-Fut ... ssts A.T. res •11. •61"'""""1u1Ck Spmclof 51•5 A.T .. R&H . JQV t l6. '14 FOllD Gol. •• 5795 I _v .. 1. NYIC ao• .. I '64 LlNCOLN-C.;,o-,-,,~,~ .. ~, A.T .. Air. NYM 176, •i'i"foRo •·dr. HT Stt5 A.T. WQV 105. ~1't.CIAL 1:: qu ip , for parap.1tegic (hand operated 1Jriving ontrols) l'J.19 Pont. Ca1alina 2 Or HT .. 389 V-S, P/s, /b, t1u!o. Good conrl. H t!csil'l'CI sell 11·i1hout SJ)(!c. cn1rls. $37J. &12-743'1 aft .J p111 'anytimi! Sat/Sun. 1969 FlltJ::BIRD Pont\i-1c. lj.1)00 actual m 1 I ca g e Lip.~lick oransc 11•/ 11·hitc CordO\'a \up. $29.50. llell'.!n P.yan 011·1K'r. ~)'16-651·1. 1~ BONNEVILLE, fu lly equi p. S111all do1vn & Take 01·cr JIRYll\cnt.~. Xlnl tcnns. 6!-1-1357 '6-1 BONNEVILLE conv. :....1nt cone\. Nr1v tire:.. paint. 1-0\\·ncr 67::-.,_1800: 61;...W.3 T·BIRD '66 T·BIRD '.:! Dr. !IT. rull 111vr, air, dh· •• p11•r sca!s. bt'akcs. 1vindows. Blue BIAJk $2j(X) .. Tukc $1900 or fo1'C1gn t·11r in 1n.-u:ie1 NPVIJZ. Call Phil •194·9773 Ol' 5-IJ-C63t 1001 T·HIRD, P/s, P/D,.l P/w, cll'un. Priv ply, $850{ or Tukc ovct' payments.' 64-1-0219 I '0~7'"PO"°R~T~H~O~L~E'""'T~-B~,-,,,~,-.,-.: cell L'OUIJ. Nu. 1ntl'.!1'. &!i paint. Rcl>ll cngnll'. CalrJ S.~8-16'ij '6i T-BHtD 4 dr. an· cond.,,. full p1vr. N11. r;odmls, excell <'On(l. $2100. Cal! :1~1-90i9 ~ '6J T·lilHD. loaded: XInf; cond. rlk bluC'. SlliOO. By' 0\\IJ(')', li7.-,_3210 'Ji PORTHOLl'7,~T~-~B-""<l~.-xJ'°'rit cond. Nu . 1111 rr ,\, pain(.,· Rc1Jll 1•11::1nr. Call S$--7675J T-BIHD '6."> co11111. &aut. U,I n1\g. loorled. fact air, n1ust sl'll s1:ig,\ s:~tl!l..~ VALIANT VALIANT 'tiJ. ·I rlr. auto. r&h, nc1r tires. x!n!, P\1r ply. S,112.). 812~8 10 OAT f'llEE TRIAL f:XCH ANGE 11Tl1c ~lost Ut1/ci11 c A1ito111nhllr Aornc11" 44S East Coast Highway •t IAYSIDE DRIYt NEWPORT IEACH ., I l HOLIDAY SALES & S~RVICE ' ~ GARDEN GROVE AT CROCKHURS T SALES e SERVICE 0 LEASE 636·2980 " I ., .. • ' • ,I " ' " " • ' I J .-.------·-~-r-------·~--·-----·---------,----------·--- ' . ' .. ,,. • <. : _Q BRAND NEW 1970 ·~;··· . r .~~JAL~3~T :WAGON ·• t , ~Ir. coiu~itioni1t9, TU\~Mydr•m•tic, Push· l .• '"b.utto~ "ra~io, Pow9r ...st eering, Power br•kes, Soft R•y 91111 •II •round, front disc brakes ' and •It the delux• st•nd•rd 1quipm1nt 1xtr•s on this be•ufiful P•li· sades Green w•gon. / Serial no (.252460CI CM578. , . .. \' . .... . ... . . ·' '44_. 7 •" ' i-.. ' . •. ' . "'I' ' BRAND NEW 1970 GRAND .PRIX . . T urbO.Hydrem•tic tr•nsmission1 Fiberglas& white siclewell tires, Power 1teerin9, pu1h. butt'ln r•clio, Soft-R•y 9l•ss windshield, ev•p. emission system and •11 the other deluxe items stendercl on the 9rend Prixs. A .b1eutiful Verdero Green. Seri•I no. 2765l02 I I 5307. " ' , I ' . '·. • • • ··~ ,.. ' • .. ~I • •JIA><' I ' -. "' ..... .s· '...-4 .. •'' GREAT TRADE-INS ON THE SEVENTIES ••• OUR FINEST RESALE CARS! '67 BONNEY~LLE;C;Pf. '65 GTO . ... .. 'lfellli1,' li11ltr, 111!01n1 tic, pow1r 1t11rin~, tYi'l;top. l11utiful rid finisk. !REI 5231 '65 OLDS .. . . 4 4o,or lu.ury 11d1t1, hydr11n1tic, power 1l11ring & br1k11, r1dio, h11t1r, whif1 w11f1, f1ctory 1ir. ( NQP 551 I -~65 'BUICK WILDCAT C11to1n 'iolf<'1rlibl1, "vdr11n 1tic, pow1r d11r., I ltrtk .. , 11dio, h11!1r, whit1 w1lt1, f1ctory 1ir. IR~ 404)) '66 GRAND PRIX Auto1n1ti c, r1dio, he1f1r, power 1t1eri119• br1k11·wi l!Clo.wi, f11;fory 1ir, •i11yl fop. lllT'f 0261 . '68 BARRACUD~ F11tb1ek, V.I, 11fom1flc, pow1r 1!11~it19, whit• wallt, r•dio, h11ter. (VOP 01 7) ' '67 vw. s~t~·°'~~ R1dio, h11l1r, 4 1p1.4 ~#:{2•M ~ ' .. ""' ' .,68 GTO' 2·Dr. H1 rdtop. R1dio, h11t1r, pow1r 1t11rin9, 4 1p1td, f1 ctory 1lr, •i11yl top. IXEL64 11 '68 CAif ALI.NA 4·Doo~ S1d~11. V.f, hydr11n•tic fr1n11niu ion, pow1r 1!11rin9 , rtdio. h11i•r, f1cfory 1ir co11dilionin9. !WFE9 20) '66 FAIRLANE 500 Conv1rli bl1, V.t , 1ulo1n1tic, pow1r 1l11rin9, r1dlo, h•1l1r, whit• w1ll1. ITPH 730) '69 DODGE DART G.T. 2 Or. H.T. Vt , 1uto., RIH, po w1r 1t11ri11f I br1k11, vinyl top. 9,000 1pproll'.. mil11. CYQC Jfl I '67 CADILLAC . . ¢o.P• 411 Ylll t . Full pow1r, f1 ctory 1ir con· Jitlonin9, till·t1l11copic 1!11rin9 wh11I, AM · FM .. i111io, blue with white p1dd1d top. 1~6t_6) $ 397 7'.. \!·~~:~~~.~~~ .... ;, ,; ........ . ~ ••• ••cflo,'h11t1r, whit1 w1ll1. f #F6 1 IA I $1577 '67 BONNEVILLE 4°Dr. H1rdlop. r1dio, h11!1r, 1ulo1n1tle, pow1r 1t11rln9 I br1 k11, f1c lory elr, pow1r wit1dow1. !TRH6001 $2677' •• ,, . , 169s' 69s' 69s' ··. ·· , · • • • -..... f-.'· ~. ;~ ~ Over 35 Great NEW '69's ••• All well-equipped and all priced down to the hone! Buy now & save now! • FIRE BIRDS! A g1·eat selection ot the very latest model Firehird! 400s .•• 350s ..... Sprints •• : You name it! []] ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 "HARBOR . BLVD ·/ COSTA MES·A 0 11<1-64444 . . -. r r • I I- 1 ,- H E ' s H A· 4 . R . p E s T • ' p E ~ :1 L ~· " .<;. 1· N ·~ w ,_ ·s r .!;: ' r. '. -- ~ ·~ ''· .,,. .... J'---.;c'•c_--"'''-"'"'-...... • .. " t ' I I ~ " , , --~·-I . . ' .... • . ·• .. . • . ... ;. . ' . '' ~ ·~ '· _" l ... '., ••"• . i-,. .:. r ·· ... ~ .. . . ·-~-~ . ... ·--"("-!-... ,.l • ! . ._ ,. .. . See Them; .ff ll"A.1 O.range Count,>1. . Volume Ford Dealer! ' ' '<t} . ' .... l . ' . ::l ... ~ .u ·V •' ·.' ·_; -. .. ,. --, ~· .. ,;";#· ". ~, ·-. ..... . . '. .. ~i'&~ ~a-oi!l~·i'~ ... ~. \! 'lY9'!1 ! f'W,M~M-l•IVB!~~-. -. ·~v:.· W..,ENDs~· .. · ! · .; ~:.:.-1 :FANt~STIC '-D,SCOUNTS . . .. ON~ALL · -· ----1t:j9~MODEtS : . LARGE . :SELECTION< . . ' ••· - .. OF BOTH ····· •· N.EW AND DEMQNS'IUJOR .CARS I • .... - . " .. LEASE ~; NEYl· -t1ll ALL POPULAR . . MAKES ANl;I ~DELS · we ·At.~A·· ~ · Memr;ir QI. ·Th, Ponl 1Alilhorllfd'. Ui1j1nj;' S~ltiri' . '.<If~• ' . _ .... ". .. ,&, •, \ -Go··When···.~~ ~f'~y~~;~~t.~to without ~ese~~tiO~ .. ; ~ ; •• o~ 4 farliily ·~udget tpai. m'akes sense. . JtANor. MJYi· BRORADO:i . ·-:·.-1•4 :FT.'.'C.:AMRR . .. . . ~CT~F~.,~~:1~··'"~~~DY TO INSTA~:Q~'.\. 50&.;., . ' $1Jt5" YOUR pRESEl(T. tRU¢1( .. . "'!' . . · . 'S OR A NEW FORD· D.ISC. · ' $61.9•~ PICKUP : , '• ;' \ . ~ ' lnclude1,PritsiU~ Water'Syitem·:.$ink, Sto~ with :OvWl4~ ' • .' Ice BOx, Mattre11~1, Dr~p11, Electrlc.lind_Gal Light1,. ···" • _ . • Vlnyl ·Floo~s; Etc-. · 1 • ~ ~ • . • 11111'9~11111111.e~1.U1:i1.11•1111~111111l1il 1111 .. 1111il11111l1111· , . . . . J , ·-•. •"'· · ·>'. . . .•l.OOK ·FOR THE·,DIAGNOSTIC ·CiENl'IR.-SEAL.ON THE· WINDSHIELD. • -. ... · · .. · ·: ·. ,.. " .. · .. ·usu c,•a 1~/o PARTS & .... OR WARRANJY..;;;.@00 MiLES OR'° DAYS . • .... ,,&. ,.., .• ,, :•/ , . . ,._ •. ' . .c .. on oll -ho•lctl ..... 1'!'11(111"1 lnflM, tro .... julon·•rlM ...... 'f!~ !LUS:·loio-.. ttorr OM eahoU1t.1r1-.1 • , .... ... :L -.. ; 'e.'.f,·j ':'.... . . . ;..ir'.'"~.-Hilt'•_ ..... ~ ::71 '' ··::;;:n~i ......... "t*·· .. ~iil•.•.•n:•••H.HHHHllie~ .. ··! .. -. " .. ,-. ' ... . a··~~~~~~~~ter,:"1ihtAn : $990 . ~-,'.·Buy Of-t~e~W~eeif.' . '65'~~::;;.~:::~~YMR,automau,, •8-?lf •6"4 .rc>NTIAc TiMl'IST srA. liiAooN '-· · 65·· '•le~ .. Electm .222.. ~, i j· if -r -~ 11.•· .· · ·· · · ,·· 1 • ',·F' ... ct'Oll)?::AIJt~PNDm_ O"""G, automaUe, $890 4 Dr. H.T. Auto., P.S., p.J.,P w.indo~s, FACT .. 0~~ ~IR.CONDIT!GN. ,6.6 'MIRC\IRY· &bllrtRit . • ,-1290. • - h •-· . • .. _ ... :J ... (FN"'"") · ING lt..iotor No,2431,84. >.. / . • .. · • 2 ~r.'H.T.·""', automat·,·,, •a••o, h•at•r, · ·· : ' ' , '. o •. ~...,.r, powers ....... ..,,~. .n.v-av.. . •: ·11290 ~ • . po~er.stee"Jng. (SLWSG5> w . :-.. . Jl!.6 CHIYY WAGON-· ,' .·, • , . $12ft0 ', : ' ~ · . . •· · · .. .. . · . 1 )ii 'J .·" j .' :(. ·')'ti, ' '1 . · . · . · ' Q '..~~T:9f51;g~•,heater;pawer .... : 1 , .. : " ~ '.· . -.. : .. .. ". ·:·'':-,:·..-c '65'fn~-~7!~t:i~·1e-$11:90', '6'·,, .. !"".'·.u.""8iilti#Jtl. ;.' .· . $2490. i69:_COf~"··.'.: , ,..,. ·, ... • .. , •... , • . ~ig;go~ING .. l'fl~!··•&\11•~.he•ter. :::I.: ' ! .,;:.._ ~· ~~ 1 J Sport''Root,.P.S., Power di!c brakes,·, .. -'4J-:Au -e, radio, beat~. white walls, white -· crulaomati,e,-08 V8, polyglu wide oval with red interiot'. Factory warranty available. . " tiies. '-(ZLH883} ,· ' ' . . . '64 COliYEm HAll.DTOP ' . '189" o·, Approximately 7,800 miles. (YCW061). · , • , ~ . · 1 1617 VOi.VO ~i .. , ·, $1-890 '64 .iA•llA ... it·t11AIK ·ll ' ... , ... ·•·•· ·2190• ~~~'.l~~"1.:~~1::~f:''.j, · , · ,. 4. Dr. Sedan. Automatic, radio, heater, · 4 Dr s~-n A·•~atl< rad! heat-wire · , · --· · --·-• --• • i · · white w/bhlck int 18,979 actual miles. : ' ~ · ' • Whetls.~c~lle~'r~ndiUon. (OMJJ36) · .' ... .:~ '.-• ,. , _ '6·1· ~~~1;b3~E:~~!maue. P~. R, H, . $1·&'90· . '69. ~D CUS~OM .. . . • '1. 7 .. 90' .,.., 3511· . 41,243mlle1.Bur.gundywithbl11.ckvinyl ,,·Dr•·• 429 y8 · ., '' . _ interior. <YW.504.9) .. ... • -=u. • auto., power steering&: disc• · : brake&, btater\ City of Costa Mesa Police cir. . ' · '69 LTD S"U' llE -~. • t . Completely•malntiUned at Theodor. Robins. · . I " · · "' ' · · $2990"· ' 4 Dl'. H.T. F~.!1-~RY AIR COtJDmONING. · ($tk. 'No. 98413) radio,•heater,·'.(~q4-221)' · automa'tic, Ps.: ·~.a..:P~. windows, tilt steet'lni, , · , 1 5 .>..,... . '$1290 ·Remainder of facl warr. avail. (9J51Kll4089) Wagon. 390 VS, 8.ukJ., P.S., P·disc brakes. v•sw. (HIF'i'lt). lie 4, , " -·• ~ ·•, '67 ·DATSUN WAttoiC · · ; . $1. 2' 90 '68. ":,'J:i ;!.~~!'wer steering, <rulrom.atio "'' la· : , "'r,-6""4~T""H~ ... !""~""DD ..... F~f'cto'!.i""D.R'!'. y!"LAl!t•. "":.· oµµ.wto.mm-.u·· ,,·n-&t·<.--,-. •2•w•.-. Stick shift-low ~leap. · transmission, radio and beater. Police Car. · v . . . P.S.,.P.lJ.,.P·\,\.'lndows. 1~) · (T\VV079). • . (115540) · ; · · • . • · ~ •I ' ~ •• ~ ,, __ .,.._.,•1,,, ·•'•~• Ol!iN • • • ~',Y.t • SEVEN . . ' . ·' OAYS A *J.Ei< ' , .... ' ... ' ... · '\ ; . .... . -~·· ...... _ . . . ... '_, -.. , .• .. ~--····-~·--•••\·'-->• (A~L-sALl'PRfi:H l"IC,t1Vl "fil~QU9il ·NIX~ SUNDAY ,'uNL~H PR!V~OU~L'l'.·IOLD.I.. .. . ./. •... 1 ___ ,..1•.:.~ .• -• ( . r • .. 7 . ' .. -.. ' . -• . .. ----- • • ' ' • •