HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•
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21 ·Los -~~geles ' CC 14
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W 011111.n Tells All Fenaales
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" ' ·f • Prisoner.
, ' • • •• 1,' '
·Rank ·s._ s~well .
.. Escapes,
1 Outburst Ma r.s P eace:ful Marchi ng
I j ~· • • _.-t , ~· -' . . ~ . I -·:. • I t.:: .,._., ,....,.~ ...,,
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Toiirfvl F1irviow;u.~ ... ,lr11d Te .~·Ovt•~ ~ : ..
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A prisoner who mysteri~ came into
poaession of a gun. elClped ifbm. West
Orange County Court Friday afternoon
but was back in custody today.
Violmce llllmd one Waibin""1. dem-onstnlkn•but ·ellewhert in the naUoo'a
capital and """' the country teM of
i.housm:ls partidplting in the itee(llM\
Vietnam morat<ti\tm conUnued peace-
ful ptM.e.st. •
SJ)Ol'adic c!uhes Friday .night bet.ween
police and a splinter group of protesters
attempting to march on the So!Jth• Viet-
nameae Embassy increased tenlions as
the caplt.11 awaited todly'1 ~c
mass march.
Opporents of the Vietnam protest dem-
onstrations continued to speak out at
rallies and in newspaper advutieementa.
One group ol 25 St. Loull college stu-
dents burned a Soviet nae to express
support for U.S. Vietnam policy. :,
Inclemenl weather across much 9f the \ Orange County Sheriff investigaf.or~
.} captured Douglas 0. Plumley Jr., 27, .or
~ 16S71 Thames Lane, HuntingtOn Beach,
I early this morping in an Alha'inbra bar. A ll M k c • l
" The officers came up behind him just ·po 0 to·-a· e . rue .... "" ~before 2 a.m. closing time and pinned KAI
his arms before he could draw the hand-
gun from his pocket, Sheriff Lt .. Ted
Dwyer said. M • • M T da Plumley, in a holding. tank for a court ission an. euver. . 0 .y . appearance at the county courthouse In
Westminster, suddenly pulled the gun on . 1 • • •
· ~Y ~arshal Rex McCool . at 12:40 . 1
p.m. Friday, the sheriff spokesman said. By UNITED PRF.SS '
He traded places, locking McCool behind Jolted but undamaged by a -violent
bars. electrical surge during launch Ftiday,
Escaping out a rear door, Plumley had Apollo 1! streaked through space today
. Michael Mattucci. 29, of Garden. Grove, toWRrd the moon, steering onto a course
.a(. court to pay a traffic ticket, drive him· thpL will scotch their") guarantee. of· a
into' Paudena. Tbere be stolt $ZO from, free SravilaUonal ride DEick to' iarth. '·
Mathtcci, the , sheriff spokemi.!ln said. 1 ~ criUcal ctJUrse change this even·
Plumley now is in Orange Countx ,J~il · Ing means Chlrlea "Pe$e" Conrad, ft.k:h.
charged with eacape, llldllap and armed ard F. Gordon llllCI Alan ll. Bwl will,
robberY· mueb.•>rlltr thin 1he piloll ol pnvlous
moon Oights, ron the risk o£ beiD& stand·
J etliner Lands
ed in space.
Prtvlous i::noon paths were aligned so
the astronauts would whlp safely around
the moon Jnto earth's gravity and back
home without having to fire an engine.
One or Apollo 12's two big engines must
work or the crew cannot mum.
But evef}'th'Ifti.pointtel toward suceess
on man's first truly ac1enUfic 'expedi.
tibn to another world. The command
ship ,Yl!)kee Clipper Wa, will't1ng per·
fectly and : a c~k of . lhe lunar lander 1ntrepktl.sJio~~· ·it t90 escaped damage
from the harrowing I~ Into a Poud
blanket' over Cape Kehnedy Friday.
The astronauts ~·a J$.minute
colbr television ·show'ai 2:47 (PST) P.M.
At the end of their first dayr in space,
(See APOU.O, Pip II ' . • ~ j ••
Wh.. F : H ·z'J .,.~ '1: '.After Emerge~cy * *. * * · ~ ~ . at· uture o uS,Lf:J an:es EDWARDS AFs«tJPn _ A ·Tran• S · F
•. , ! Worlil Airline> jetliner with 98 passen-• eoonds orever
·Fai'tv'i ew Ro l~ Imp' of.ia nt :·r:i:!.:.a:·.:.::;::,z:;i;. A . JJ_ p F :il . ·i· ·;z'" : _ . . ; . ~. , · 'L .. :.. malfunctioned~ a11er takeoff,,.., po~ ower a ure o tm 1r _ , . . , _ ..... _ . . P~1. Ariz. ,.. -... • • 0 ' 1 ·•P~·"'on i ·~b.J ~tters~1 thtY· fi_TwA ~;.ti.lil'the pilOt., C.!Jf:. SPACE CEN'ilut, · HOUiton • (.{f.) -side· or the rockei had r di~ to the
plhOve iheirt"i d&iioctiyo ~ f', ..,,~, ·H{lllcho\'·:~~ lo io,.er the lillkJ Something ,WI•-wrong. in the .. AJIODo 12 groo\ld, as p:oµnd ·"°plrollen laler con-anallon,~J-~... . . 1 n' 1,· • '• .• ....-par manually ~ore 1"" Jandini -alt and mryone In Mios1on Con-eluded. The jolt had knock'lf oot 1he '~ qu.pn IS •~a·, e. , one and the touChdoa Wu DOrmal." Tbert ..,.... trol· knew it: Ule-.electronic lli\k whh the spacecr1ft electrical system. • •
gavtmor ol I lta\e. with I popUlaUon of . ' lf'GUDd WU' broken. • The astrOlllUls -Conr~ Richard F
VINSEL Ill million. ' .,.,.. no inJllrlfl, • • • · l'Dr 1J a(oolzlng seconds t.lemetry ~. Jr. ud Aljow L. iiu -M • »r ~~~-} ... ,.. ·· Randy is special. He is retarded. The eoe11,. •7'116ot on frcin Tuclcln. the thouaandl o1 bits ot lnf~tion a~/i-~ll ~~ tO ~lk with controlJua, on ra-
. · ·Ht is one•of 14,000 in ii•'!' hospilll1 Ariz., Friday lltal'1IOOll and was bculd spoceeroll l)'1l<ms _stopped. Tbe link dlo ch&ml<l1 ,powerod·1!JI backup bitter·
OplnfOn& on what is Important hi the among an tstim11ted three ptl'Cfllt ClfJhe for Los J\nlelel by .way of__Pboenlx. wtth lnindredl or engineers and banks of its. But telemm stooDed ..
mentally retatded at Fairview S~te .population suUering iOme .rorl!!, of Just alter takeol( from Pboenil troo· COD'lput.m blanted out. "There wan't a whf>le toe said other
H06pitaH>r any other such in-, ~atioo. N~ ~ lllnl!11. l'hit s. a ble developed in the h)'dtaullc system ''It lftmed like about u minutes." said than what wu neceslary," Griffin re-
a;tltuUon-vary greatly. ' .eparate c*gorJl ' · of the nose landing gear. Efforts to open fUgbt cantroUtr Jerry GrUfin. nected later. "Jt WU-obvlou. to me we
Tbey may be plans ror the future, an-1> ";We ,are mhkinl ·prol!'esa-nev~r as a jammed doof,go lhe gear could be low· The trouble occurred 31 seconds after had a well t'raJned crtW.,hudllnl: the sit·
nounced at a pol.ltlcal luncheon. much as we'd Uke-but. v,:e can see the ered lniUally }!ere unsuccesatul ·ind Apollo 12 lilted off In lhe rain at Ca~ uatiOIJ."
They may be solitary things lhat nlakc light at the end of the tunnel," NY• Gov. Nichols decldedlo head for Edwards Air Kennedr Fr1day, and no one knew •hy. WKh years of training t:iehlnd them, the
.today worth.living. • • -Reagan. ' 1 Force Base which ia out of the busy L4s Either H&htafDI had ·~.space-astronall!&-'•11 Nltr-telt1ptlotl before
It depen(!11on who you are. . "We all lite fr~• that we ~~ a tile.to • A.ngele1 lnternaLion&l.Airport trattlc pat· craft, u utrona11l Chlrfes 'Conrad Jr. joinlng the space PfOl"un -acted qukk·
Tw• v•ir. -~!~. calll~,ni"@f_ll:•-:· ~ ' Jloo ~~~· •r•p l>_ tc!ril. · lhoulh~ or •llUe eloctrlclty on !be oui. , 1~ U.IJ!OQNlll. ,.. II
• • -..
East cut ,attendance or forced cancell·
aUon of some local antiwar observances
Friday. Most orgaruzer1 .tumed their ef.
forts lo getting people to Waahlngton
fOf' today'll march. '
There was better ·weather and ,larger
,crowds in the We3t, wher,e f,08Q .ma_rch-
ers walked 10 blocka: throuah downtOwn
Portland, .Orer ·Aftenard ttve busliiada
left far tOday'S ma'ss ·mare.It in ·San
Francisco. ' · • ·
Police in Washington used clouds of
tear gas to break up the mJUtant grQup
they . estimated at 3,000 that tried to
march on the South Vietnjt!TleU Embas-
sy. Leadm of the over-al! protest dis·
av.owed the milit'1tta' actions. '
By midnight police repOrted aboot 311
arrests -mostly for disorcSerli conduct
-and a few mir:ior injuries to police·
men ,and ~emonstrators. SQipe windows were broken.
Even as the tear gu swirled M, Em-
bassy Row, thousands ol ,peacefuJ .march-
ers ci>nlinued filing put the White HDU!e
Jn tbe second day of a "March AgaJnst
. Death." Each · marcher , carried a pla·
c~ with ~ J18fl\e of.a setViceman kJJJ • ~ ·in Vietilam or a . Vietnamese village
Anny tri;ops were bivouacked 1n ffV·
eral downtown -&O't'..ennnent l.gencJes as
":-ptecauu,n against violence today •. Po-lice,~one handled.the clllh Fridiy•flilhl
allhoiigh District of Columbia Nau ... 1
(See PllOT!l!iS, Pa .. Z)
, Orange Cou t
, ·l The. weekend ·•lohg. !lie Oriinge
• Coast will ~ mostlt cloudy with 11 rCll ancft driWe: 'Afternoons SatUr-:• daJ and Sunday will be partly iun-
ny. Jt will aJao ~ a litUe cooler.
Tilt rood to spoce beoln1 on a
Boy Scdut trail. •Ac ltost that
1tatrmen& 1eem1 to bt borne out
bJI an article which /i11dl five out
of JU Amtrico11 a.sironcwtl-all
tllrtt of the Apollo 12 crlfttl1Ple1&
-were .scour&, Fat~Ul11 Wtrk1Y'1
cover feature.
Ast.._,. n -.. c.....,... tl·J6. ~ '''f n· ....,... ,..,. I 6 .......... _, ,, -.
• ' '
AMIL....,_, t
Mt¥ffs , 11
ltMI •lfiltt• It l s,..... tt-M I
l"Kl M,trtlltt , .. " '· UllClt Liii U
• • ' 1 : ~ ov Hefps ·· Educati61ialfy
I « j • j • f '
1)1 RUDI Nll.DZ1ELSKl Today .. after three years In 11164 the tally has grown to For example there are
studen~ ln netd of the special
classes, but who do not exhibit
Erlc's awessive tendencies
and often &o unnoticed in the
screening for p r o b I e m
~14rtn. Furthermo re, the e.x·
pane:Jon of the program to
reach _•••!Y ed~at!onatlyJ>lD· GJCapped student ls not possi·
ble under present state fund·
Ing formulas.
Handicapped !-m.QJ\'Lt.{i./1
we can· allow for this program allow them to cope with these
noW." Ch aA d LC Ubservu'-children on a dai!_l basis and
"but we stilt aren't ruchfiig still be -able to leaCI a nornal
" ot.,.. ....., "",..., Uie program. trlc isn't curtd, 100. Educationally handic1p-STRICTLY JUNIORS
Meet Eric. ffe1s eleven. Tall but he Ll on hill lfl)l-'o ~ • ped cl..u are now under
and lanky. he'a 1 nice-looking Ing a useful CU.lien. Tbll year way at 1.:ark View, f:;len View,
kJd _ very much Uke any he :spen~ on11 ha:lf a, day , in Meadow View and Rancho
out far enough to help." life out!ide their cl•~:"
Lack of trained personnel Coupled w~h that is •tbf fo0t
7 NOW OPEN-.-:-. In The ;Alley..-Of
) ! .
other eleven-year-old boy. the spee>al cj-.ss. ·He• In a View Sc.v!W<>ls. Six teachers
Except f , th' regular classroom for the· are used 1n the program.
• Somtwbe~· ;ong" (h: line,~ other h1lf lod 1s looking Al~~ ,teachers, par~nts
•developed what educators calL. forward to . ~-da;y_ be 1'lll no .and_~iii01.$!.Ta\ors art. un· I. "~"' problem." Eric, :longer .have to auend ~af. prWe'i"With the ~cces~ of
along with Ull other Ocean cluses. ~ c. .the proeram, there. rs still a
View ~ DIJ!rict chlldrtn, Since t.he diltriefbtillJ wiili· /<Joi W•Y. to go, ae«>rdin.g to ~•Uends clisses ·1or the educa-10 h«.idicapped ~ ·ilt Aut SUpt. WoodJs Chaddick.
also impedes even greater that modern med ca I
$<Uccess of the Pn>iram. "We technology still has no exact n~ more t~rs t~~iped in method of diagnosis and no tfU, :uJ. 1 • 'thlJ field." uid Cl\addlc~. cure. • I •MA "And these people, In addition -But at Ocean VieW> a great -... ,,... .._.,....
lo their hl&h lY specialized effort is being' upended to ar· Open 'fri.-lvet. l414 YIA LI.DO AU C:AIDl'f
training, must have particular rive a~ a prescription through 'tll 9 NIWPOAT llACH CAlDS WILCOMI "We're spencli.ig e-iery cent pe.rsoJMI qualities w b f c b education.
lionall1 handicap~.
To IOmt, Erle tMY 1ppear
the prod!_.!Ct of lax upbrlnalng,
perhlil" ij a homt i" which
thf rod "" ,pared. He can't
. ait stt\lJ~ lq. He can't l'On-
centrol• jtey yH. kid It< h..,
a dJ~ time. keeping his
1mpu1-;and ·ms emotions
~·or these problems Ertehjij. d~ ,poorly in scliool.
'f\t .t~ {le .has disrupted his
cla.saniiiP ~ ddisturbed the
orderty p(UCeSI of education in
lhe cl&Uroom.
'Ill• i!il!'lll~, a!lheUU!'\ bl by 'lelt61 .i-, him lo be
above •Vf!!~· .but ' h I a ~~iow 'tbree ,J•ar• .SHELf.J'APER " !i13" CUiiing Board .. ~..: tbe ~-=~ ~;.i ~ . ltpl11£ AAaif!.. ~fr!"'! "' '''"' !"°''' '" 1 98 '--•"Ii~-di.I . 1 2CJ "'"''· '" '""'· .,,.,_ •uu 't ':'~1 • ~ · ~· · . pioa, slicing. • .... :Vl:'lt.":;,.":'T; .. ·u. •.. • · -"· -11111111 Cake Pan
llU! ..,,c,w• ' , Roasters" ltlAMIL smr.. ·
l ol, lle!ll'C>l~io,.11 ••" -. "'NIR!O -lO""""'""Tel-3 2g perlilP' a com61nation or tht 108'' co~ting fOt "~o·~lil:~··
two '1-!5 often a. perplexing ~•~ing. . •
'r COLMIAM-oval sh1pt with built-in &rtY1
wtll tmt collects tile juices l1or.1 meat or fowl.
lid with handle, plus 2 sidt carrying hallllles o~
rnaster. A si1e for e\'!ry teed at 1e~l1:tic prices.
~~ ,.Vi•l" developed a ''Dep" ~';r~~' . Cookie Sheet .. -·~ tbe e0ucatlonally _ ~fl!l , • :MIRO -lSY>1lOY>'I" •~ 2 g9 handlClipped Jn 19N after: ~ -1.55 1 ~..... ~1tb !ello.11" cuHni, buitt-i~
ll1Ws It i. 4 ll.
1110 .. 111 ~. lhl41 t• Ii I 15 i., f111rtr1 12!1. ft•tu11 ll tt
but tn1r
11114111 1• 111 tli.
f1•l1r1ll i.. '
•uat "A ds" llllion C"8pper , y ~ 11o~c1••
3.19 i tup ~i1e of ~ldss with 11i~s gge . in a~sorteli CCIOIS., sta inless . PLAN CANDY
!:!eel blades. 1'.291.79 2 ~te otc&lil""!1a ~ ~ HAIRD• or'";" <! "'' i"P'· •
ble special !Unifs~tcr iilCh u rum b•<'1llil& ,._ 3-Eft fii:ir · ~-rte ·---.. ~y -.~terr. . --'""''' lodt ""' MIRO -"lei'••" ••• ,.. 5g Kitchen-Shears . . Ul~f~ f)me ~-0 ..... lle ... ror~ I! -"" ster SUCCeJ:"~ll: ~I. ~ ~rs • -... ispeci~Hylef,. I with cover and cool blllct IEClAltijlW n W/lll
of trJi.ril, fie lead>ed to tell and used by lfOo bandit. •• ~ ue f(trcelti• time~ • .rnien he leuDfd to di-fessional hiir· . n.r-ler euneled sl!el, w~ bllilt-ill 4 39
Vid• 11\d multiply. ) '''"'"! '-.. for Caody, Jeffy,°"' Fr1... 7gc Po:' or2'~-J~~~~ to •22 1L •
WISS '-cutlery steel With,ni~~el 3 3g plated blades. Cu!s most every-
llrinJ aroutld lloast. ~ • • • • 0
Cake Coaler Rack ·
Taken Is directtd, delicious
lo\Halorie talltf in as-
!itirted flavors cm your
appetite .•. you autom~ti-
1.ally eat le~~. because yod
want le;s. :~ ~p 1: ::: \:\:' ~ ' :~~:·~~~1 •'•~. ''"11· Open Roasters
. California ,,. c~~ii1 ~ !JYen '!Kk Liners I• ~l!~~~:"; ~.~':~: l OH
.. ' .. !'Plane. S Spy . ,if 7gc E-ZPOR .••• R!·usab!ehtavy lar1~enough fGr a 1Stti.f1>w1 • d~ty aluminum catches or.o-5gc or 8· lb. roa;t. ea. • u. p1n2s and ov!rllow. Larte 18i • ~ oP ~ussians i.~ ... , .. ,,,,. ••k~111 ~, W8J
, JOl/z" squa;e of t!lrome ~lal!d 119 ( mela!. Feet on cooler lw!ps it
' • otl table. P1k 11 2 • , . F• Cllappir
•it "I" ••• aulomllic rotating -. ~~'."'II:,;':~ i~~,w;:~ ~\;!: 99e 2. 49 4. 49
1 Caljfomia Fish and Game De-. COLD WATll WASH
. . "Woolite" •DWDll
4 partmeilt has its own spy lor au fir.! wasllables •..
J1l11ne.1t2 report whep the Rus-yoiU loo~ 2rrve ;~ ~v.eaters gee ·111ns are co~ wa~hed in' Woo!lte. 1.U tl:i4 1t ·s111 t. So rar. lhe tw Daine craft h¥• 1~ almost 400 sight-~ii!I' bf· RUsslll,i fishing traw1.
1efs· off the California coast
\aincef 1967, taking . fish from
the fl'M tblt r Joeal fiabermen
like ld thiUiof u their owo.
That doesn't mean' there
have been that many Russian
ships in the area. Some of the
sightincs are of ihe same
ship. ·
G. Ray Arnett, sate direc·
tor of fish and game, said thal
whi le the Russians, and Jap-
anese. are pear the coast,
they have· not viilat.ed thi 12
mJle terrilorlal limit. Amer·
ican territory begins within
111• lirnll.
''To our knowledge , no for-
tiin vweJ has violated the 12
mile filhine zone,'' said Ar-.nett.
· Some California fishermen,
however, don't believe ii. They
Contenq the Soviet.! are fis h-
In& (nslde the 12 mile limit.
And the Rusa.ians, they say,
~e taking mammoth catches.
· ·"The Ru.utans are going to
run WI out of business," said
a trawler owner in the coastal
city of Eureka.
1 A r e p or t e r·photoP"apher
team accompanleti lhe Slate
Fish and Game Department
fll1ht that goes aloog thf! Call-
forl'l.ia coast each week, weath-
er permltilnJ.
' The plane swooped low, and
the crew Was ready to fire
away -with cameras -If it
found 1 ship. But nothing was lighted. '
Whenever the crew finds
one-the only retatiatipn to the
observaUon has been a friend·
ly wave from the Soviet crew
The day before. the crew
hid spotted a few Russ ian
ships off the mouth of a river
-the Rus&an River.
Usually •. the Soviet ahips
Are big ones. runl}ing up to
300 feet in length. The depart-
ment has also spotted some
40 support ships.
A. F. James. state fish and
game wan:Jtn and spotter, said
"our interest ls to protect
fishermen in California. Any-
time foreigners are flahlng oft
cur coast, we want to know
about it. It m•y be te"gal or
llJe11I, but we want to know about it."
What happened If he found
one inlide American terrltor-
1aJ waters?
"This has never happened.
yet, so We don't quite know "'11t to do," he said.
-.1 ... 11 l..Jr,\iey /1 the 0111.,
fwll.tl11111 Mtti119 fflfor wor•111, •• •llY "•,....P•r.•r i11 Oren•• c .... ty. H;, •lfc ,,.,.,., ••• ,,.,,
•• ketl119 '"' yt thflflt "'"'' it t ·tleJff ftthtrt ef the DA ILY •11,0T.
"CINTUIY" lllCTAIC " 1 1rtealillf P.ad • r· l,).tt C.Onltol with Jposiihoe h-.at~
• ••• 1emovatile, washallle
. .• r.ot1011 lla~ntl cover \lllilh 4 2g ' • 11oral priGt. GUl'antte• 2
• j )ear$. #5010 •
•c ' -_, _____ ~(
'EuroRean NatQrals'
SHAMPDfl.lifiNAll CDLOt , .'
The first haitC11\Dring to c1p -J.
ot lurope. CMose from as-
1or1.ed sbadtS. 2.21 Sire • u.
HY.O.VAC Flashlight
•II~ 2 ·r l1tt1ri1s -
!lriffrt rne~I bml with red
t.I? arid "oft~lf'' s...iWI.
le(. I.II .. _ • a1.wJ
"Flavihist P-A" 11taps
CAPSULES -Ama.!ing. 1 98 Ian lasting rcli~ from told ~nl~lcs~ sneezin& and Ras~! 9 tor.gestion.
"O n . " a cenna •oll ~, MATTIL
/4" doll •illlMicallr performs llltJelrtic ;t•l Sie ~:":'O::;lt·~:'J."!m~~ 14 66 la lhe left or 111ht. "pln111~it;,.g" oe . ~ ,
eitlrtr toe. :tJ~i rpm batff:l rccurd is
i11Cluded willl doll. · •
"S"""'" r.~• '" nrupJ .DO\l
Mo1s111aK -24" tan w11h -.• "i root~d "Pixie Bob" style
~tir6u. 5ltt9ing &llSSlflt
eyes. Or!SS!d 8 9g inprin!td.11~·
nel p11amas. •
Toy Chest
'Hi-Riser'-20" Bicycle
iorcf-UlfflM: ••• Canui~,11
· 1~infofcd '"Slftty ~leeves" at
lr1111e ;oiJ!tt, · safe1v coas\rr
Microscope m
;ILIEIT -lllom1nled s•t
hr 'the yollllg slo6ent. Jt un·
Jar;~~ lh! hidd~n .,,orld
arou~d 11$. Provides ~oui<; ,, '"''"'' 8 39 lnl oos.erva-
l•oll. •
a· Velocipede
AMF "Jr."-D!ID~tc~ 1111-
i~hed ia tl.,,boyarrtmaaen11
with Ylhilt ~im. MJU~Ubl1
handfeb11rs and sa!Mle,
'""m' 13 gg pl1t~
lei\der. •
~ __ ........... ~----~·-·~..__ ....
2 Qt. Tea Kettle
Wiil lllNfOl~liD :50 Jt croiheslide
Wil!t rayon truck tire art
~trengtlt. £isy to keep clea11
plastic covering. ggc
Luggage Set
_Ml~EI _-3 piue S!I with "Fasteeth" or "Kleenit.e"
lill'ft lippe~d hit box and fir Dt•titr• W••r•r'
st11tcase with llll·IOp train 2 Cl. S11e ra~teeth hDlos
t st ·ti! ID 4 1 g denture pl;tes. 6 ot. :.1lt c:rd. ~~rted )(leen1le tit a~~ denture$
t:Glorful Plill11· . • \1 lthoot brnshin&.
--------1 ·'t11r c•11c1 e1.
Tea S t . , ____ __::
'' OlffO ~ *Alllfic11 r-':Tl!:P~.T.:D!:'P ---------~--. .... ~. -c.i.~., .. ~. "Controllers" I lct l1r' ••• incllicles pits·
tic cil'ldles llld "'cryruJ• ~11se witlldet· f•r HAii -Br~sh·l/De
o11tor ~s! to 4 sg rol!er designed lot com· add the linal fort, long lasting, ~rfetf
tottch. • hair-do. One co!c1 in eielt
Pool Table ., couc•
J8x21" ~ize featuring handiome
!rained leg pantls; 27" cllt.S,
·• bJ!l~.Jine aclien cushieflS 16 88 plJ> a11tom~tic ba!l retum and
b 111! 1n sco1rrs & le& levelers. -•
"Skittle-Bowl" Game
AUIOIA -400 yur old bo11-l-
in11~:ne hom En1laM. It lak''
,~,II to pl~J. lk!t ewcn a pre-
big •.• ill 3 most ptip~lar
sUes lJISir1 11.
Algene with
••• in a compl~te beauty prearam -~ bra~e. dlto1111 ,lated kick.~!and, 34 · 88 ?ifi111pard and fenders. Boys'
it Pilfplt. 1trls' In pi~~. •
. ~.:hooler tan become 1 clla1119. 6 g9 f htrc · s n~ en~ lo the luR for all
~xes ind ares. •
.. ~'!! 11r11111Dn11~·!! .. !!'''1"'"'f4l'!!fl!'lll ..... _111•111 .. um ....... PANASONIC "W•h .. t"
tleansiftt -Freslttninf. Conn111oning t.~./"'l~'''"!.
lhat be/ps rei:aptur:t the youtMuJ ap-~ J!lrJ~ce ofYoursJ.1n. :;, ,._. ' C•1~ti11i1r
"" '
OPrlt't A!illtlOPM -7D&n& WEIK
IUO lmM, f• ~ ,. ... •
HUNTINGTON BEACH ......... ;..... ... ,
'~"··"' .......
AM/FM Stereo Radio
wit• fO T1•tr & TN s,.-. ... slldt-
rwll tun1n11:. "Stereo Eye" illdiutor, cept!Jlt
&ass, treble tO!llrol. ~ ·g· 9 g5 jids for t~pe ~k 111•
pl!Ono. IR(-7670 •
Clock/ Radio ., •11Wo111c
CN•ISTM&S Place Mats
Solt 12xt8• vinrl 111ith foam ,
blc~s. Ass.I col~ Cll11~t·
Tllil.5 decoi1tiMs.
:1:. age
w""' Table Toppers
Poiddtd 30ft virtyl ~feds bblt lo~.
4 ILSirt
Ski• frH•111r
I 1r. SIJt
F1tt Crtae
2 tl. Sire
Da11lf s!Ja c1re is ess!nLdl
lo elltct\Y!!t ::rrooth l ll'f
all d1yrim lrom yoor ~c111ds
llid body.
Mtist1tiri~t K11• Crt1111
tr Nt1•t11 l111• Cr1~11 . 1 50
111. 2.SO 11. •
DJJ Ski•
•• ,. 2.11 •• ,.l.51
1.00 1.75
" Mlikes .wavts ,, • Jt'1 hshienl
"O ·1 . " g1 vie 11oru•11111111J1r ·
f(lt' 1 limtted IJme -v..11f1 " prtttv Daisy-S!r~i1'n.
fl!(r Qirlt Bili;: ,
2.50 !111111 •
• • ' ·Weekend . . .
• .ED.IT.I O N Dally Pa_per
YOt:. 62, 'NO. 274, s SECTIONS, l'o;f PAGES -;-.. . ' TEN CENTS
• . . ...
·~l • ) ' J ' ' t • ' . • ' • • I ,, I '
Apollo ·. s=et tO Give · Up ·_Free :Rid~e·'. "Back ·Home· .. ·~ ..
. ~ By:uNITED c-
Jolted but undamaged by a violent
electrical sqrge .Wiing launch' Friday.
Apollo ll alreaked,.gb ·~ !Dday toward, the D),000, ,steert.ng onto 'a courae
that wUl sco.tcb. tbe1r guarantee cf , a
free .gravltatlona.1 ride back to earth.
The /:rilical colirSe Change lhls' even-
ing melns Charles "Pete" Conra( Rlcb-o
•nl F. 'Gardon an<I,.~ L. Belin will,
*·' '* * 12 Seconds . .
SPACE CE!fl'ER. Houston (AP). -
Somethl.ni wai wrong in the Apollo IZ
1pacecraft and everyone in Mialon Con-
trol knew it: I.be electronic lint with tbe
ground was broken.
For lJ agonizing seconds, telemetry-
the thousands of bits of infonnatlon about
spacecraft lystans -stopped. The lint
with hundreds of engineers and banU of
computers blanked out.
"It seemed like about U minutes," sajd
flight controller Jerry Griffin.
The trouble occurred st seconds after
:Apollo 11 Jilted off in the rain at Cape
Kennedy Friday, and no one knew w~.
Either llghtnlng had struct the spoCe.
craft, as astronaut Charles Conrad Jr.
thought, or static electricity on the out·
side of the roctet had dl!charged to the
ground, as ground controllers later con-
cluded. 1be jolt bad knocked out the
1pacecraft eledrlcal .ystem.
The astronauts -Conrad, Richard F.
Gordoo Jr., and Alan L. Bean -were
still able to tali with controllers on ra·
dlo channels powered by backup batter--
Jes. But telemetry stopped.
"There wasn't a whole lot S&id other
than what was necessary," Grllfin ~
fiected later. "ft wu obvious to me· we
had a well trained crew handling the sit.
uation." Wl!h yean Or tn1nlng Jielllnll -. the utronauts -all N'avy test pllota befcre lolnlni the space program -acted quiet·
(5ee·ll SECONDIJ, Pap I)
* * *' Calm Outside,
Afraid Inside
For 3 Families
• NASSAU BAY, Tex. (UPI) -')'hat is
It like to keep the long vigil? Two bru-
nettes and a platbmm blonde noW ~
tng placid faces against ao~thlng that
churw: lmide. _, · . TheY try to U.. ll children Ietdliig
norma!' lives, 'fritfiout apprehension or
worry. !Ibey smile when the~
and frteot!s drop 1n. . "': They keep onl.rly cbect of10e gifts al
food •and flowers :that streahi into the
neat rooms arid1g&.qeted kitchens. They
watch 'the television, keep an• ear ·to tlie
NASA ·squawk:box that tunea itself .to
three busb~ o:'1 a great venture of
man. . ,
The Jauddeft peril ol Friday's launch
ls behlnd , them. Now comes the steady
drain on the ·emoti~. 1bey scrape, like
a paring knife, on the spirit.
Just after the laUnch, emotions aud-
denly spllled.
"I djdn't know , I was :frightened until
after Jt wu over -then I not.Iced I waa I shaking," said Mrs. Charles Conrad, wile
of the commander who I.! skippering
Apollo 12 to the moon.
"Worried? I was sick," said Mrs.
I Richard F . Gordon, wife of. the command
module pilot. She watched the launch
with her priest, the Rev. Lawrence Con·
The launch was a "White-knuckle a{.
fair" for Barbara Gordon, said a NASA
protocol official who watched her cleocti. ed. nervous hands during countdown.
Mr1. Alan L. Bean is the newcomer ot
the trio to the loog vlgll the space wHe
keeps. Her ·husband, the· llUlar module
pilot, was the only ~ul who had
never entered space. Soon, if everything
goes ft!l, be will be the fourth man to
wait the moon.
Minor Damage Noted
By Sport Fish erman
No major damaee w1s sustained to the
15-lool sportltshlll( boa! 11ie Newporter
which wu taking cm water and ainklng
at Art'• Landing. In Balboa, early Frf·
day "ben spotted by the Orange County
Harbor P1irol.
Three feet of water in the bow wu
,...ped out sod leaty paclling around
the prop abaft lightened. Sgt Hl"l'
Wright al the Harbor Patrol elllm1ted
that the bolt would hlve-sunlt: under a
cloak ol log In anoU>er hour.
. '
'Jllllo.'m.yt. "BUftt'1 at al IUnny. J~•·•t
1i<als to ~· out 'there in thla' b~ ' . •space. • _! -.:_
· "The )noon dOelh't seem tQ. be-,any
. blgpr !bu •"~ 'f'O left. BQ( II Ioota
more U¥ a ophere alao. If aert al loolls
lib· a tial1."lba\'1 being· huna ·ilUI .lllere .~.It'1H1lly~." · ' ·
'·"'°lld ll'ls lpdledul<ll 'to'""' Into Ju.
(sOe Al'WA>, .... I)
Protests ·Incre3s,e·
.. ! ' ' ·111:THEI ARIOCIATE PRj!:SS ' .. -... '. . ~ -Vieltnc:e-nlarred •one-W ashlngtm·dem-
onst:'•tion but ellewhtre in· the naUoa»s
capttaJ and acrJ.,tbe •couhtry .tens. of
~ands particrp.tlng in the second vwnam moratOriUin continued peace.
lul proleit.
WfuitFutureHoltlsMa kes
. ' • • I ' •
F~irview Role lrr,iP,ortant
EDITOR'S NOTE: Thu r. •Ille con-
cluding articl' in a si?ries·of, si% ~ai.
ing with programs for.' dr.t mfntall11
retariUCf a~Fairview S~te, Hospi~ in
<;Qsta Mesa. · . · , · r , . , '
Of l'M DlllY 'lll;t Std ·
Opinions on what.is _impo?Wlt 'to •the
menfaUy : retar!ied at Fairview Sblte•
H06piW-or any other 1.U c b in-
stltuti~vary greatly.
They may •be plam for the ftiture,.an·
nounceij at a p;oiitftal luilcheon.
'l'h'y"mq bO 0>lilary lhirigs that. make
Iod.r woith 11,vlog. • ·
. Itttiepends on wpo you are.
Two vecy, .special Calilorniam · are
' .
authoriUu . on such. .matters and they
have their 'OWD· dittinctive styles of ex·
plauUon. , · '. ' :
Ronald Reagan'llspeciJ]~He·is,the·one1
gov~· of a ·state• with · a ipoP,ulat.!on,of
20 tnUllon. , · , • · ,
Randy is speCial. He is_~tarded.,.
He is one of lf;OOO 1tn, state hospitals
among an estimated.. three .Percent of the
• pop(ilaUon suffei'Ine · some foqn ot
· reta!'da\km. 'Not mental illneW Thal'a•a
separate cateP"Y. · .
!'We are ·mating .progress-never. as·
· muCh as /We'd like-but we .can1 see llte '
llgbt 'at tbe·end of the'tunnel," aiyi Gov.1
Reagan. ·
"We all like fr!ends f!.tat We are' able .to .
, (See FAIRVIEW,.P•Jei!)' ,
2 Undecided.· Solons Say ·
Sporadic clllhea Friday night between
pollc:e and a llJlllnl<r.group of pn>lealer3
allemJ!llnC to march on the Sooth Vlet-
DID>tle Embassy incrused tensions as
the ~pit41 awaited today's cllrnictlc
Opj>orents of the Vietnam prolell dem·
outrati(!lll cooUnued .to speak out at
rallles and in new1paper advertisements.
One group ol IS St. Louta college llu·
-burned a lovlel llag to upr ...
Prisoner Gets
"Gim., ·E8eapes
'Btft ~ . p ...
• . t •
A ""-wbo lll)'llerlousl)' ._ lulo
pear , • .,, ot· a pn, -.peel ~ West
llrqe qoumy COurt Friday aliemooo
but· Wll back"fii cuatody today.
1lr1Dge · County Sheriff lnvetlliators
captured bougiu D. Plum1ey Jr., 'IT, of
1657( Thames · Lane, Huntington Beach,
early thla morning In an Alhambra har,
The offJcera came up behind him just
befONl J a.m. 'closing time and ·pinned
his 8mll before lie could draw the band--
l\IR, from hla poet et, Sherill LI.· Ted
Dwyer said.
' ' ; . Plumley, in a hold!ng tank far •·~1
appearance at. tbe county courthou1e in
Westminster, suddenly pulled the gµn ·on ~
Deputy Marshal Rox McCool "Al 'U:lO
p.m.1Frlday, the sheriff apokesrnan said. ·.
lfe traded places, locldnc McCOol.bOliliid
· Escaping out a rear door, Pl~ey, had
Michael Mattuccl, · 29, of Garden Grove,
at court to pay a traific ticket, drive him
into Pasadena. There .he stole $20 from
MaUuccl, the lherlll ll'Otun\ln said.
Plumley now l1 in Orange .County Jai1
charged 'with e1eape, kidnap 1Dd armed
robbery. • •
PrevJoualy he had been held on $12,000
bail for .Armed robbery, kldllap alid bur-
glary.in coOnection with two Westminster
har boldups •in Sept<riber. .
''Thal ' turned out all right. Nobody's
hurt · and-now he '• back in," Lt: Dwyer
Mail Now for .lfa)1lsworth· Man Fir~ Shots
WASmNGTON (AP) -TWoJl<?lbli· 'he could not ·Vole for·conflnnation and
can srenators still uncommitted ·in · the · i.dde<i:
fight over the Supreme ·Court namlna-"Since that date admlnfstratlon~calla
tioo. of Judge Clement F, HaynSwortb to my ltate have been lqlon. 'Some of
Jr. report their." mall has Pitched 'in my frt~ have bem1pel"SUllded to.call ·
:At ,Teens, Wife ·
Suffers Attack
his favor. me even though .they bave ·not ~pro-
"At ftrst my man wu aI1·against him, vided coptel of the hearing~ from A Huntinpon Beech man was arnsted
but lately it Is aµ for him.'' Sen. George which they might make~·~. :~nl~~.";l\'b ::;:
D. Alt«1 ol Vennon4 dean al GOP aen· judgment 11 1 have d~. , · and '.,, ""'e wliO' had handed 'him !he ators, tol, d a r....-t .... ,. Jordan said Haynnrqrth• -has aHoWn · ui. v .. . .,....-~ l"'-~ the/'•""''•g ~ his gun,.W=·. a hfilll atw:k, HuntiD(lco He said he reallud a lol al the mail • ~ ....--.. µ• .,.,....,.., ~. B• · was "ltlspi.red" as opposing side& ·wort-bqalne.a activities alnce bf 1ifel1f. .on the e;.Cb1 ce 1ald.
ed to win voles f« the showdown . .,. bellch" .and had falle1fto ""'1ftclale hj>w • . Rlibert 1 Ne-U, o( 1192 Loriiford
. ' ' . . .
" . suppOrl ·for ·U.S. Vietnam 'pOllcy.
Inclement . .weaP>er.'.acrou-muc:h; oJ the
East ' cut attendance or forced cancell-
•Uon' of some loci\ antlWir!GbaervAntts
Fnday. Moot orianlzer• iymeflhe\r ef.
.forta to getting people to Wllhlngton
for today's march. ·
'Ibere was better weedier and larger
crowds in the West, wbere f,000 mucb-
en waited 10 blocts through dotmtcnnt
PorUand, Ore. Afterward: fiYe bualorda
left .for today's mass march ln San
Pol.ice in Washlnston uted cloudt ot
tear gu to break up the mWtant group
they .,tlmaled at 3,000 tllat tried to
marcli.on the South Vfman-Emb.,_
sy. Leaders of the over..aU protest dis-
avowed the mllitanls' ·-. ,
. . '
By midnight ..UC.• repcirted about !O
arrests -m.tfy'for. diaorderly.eonduct
-and a ·few' minbr" lnJurlee to· police-
men and -traton. Some wlndow1 we're brdba. r · • • · 1
Even u · the Iear gu' -led on:Em-
basay RO..,>thouiands a1 poaCe(ul march-
ers conllnued fillng put the While HOUie
In the """'"'1 <lay ol a "March Againll .
Death." EM:b marcher carried a pla·
<an! wlih the nam~ ol a servtcemari klll,
ed in Vietnam or a Vietnamese village destroyed.
Anny troopa wtf'el bivouacked in1 sev.
eral downtown IOft!'lll1llnt a&enciea u
a precaution apinst violence today. Po-
lice alooO bandied.the cl• Frl<lay nlllrt
although District al Colambla NaU..W
(leO l'llOl'D11, Pap I )
'* * *
I• • , • •
.·Marc.Rers Recall Ch"icdgti Rwt .
. ~ ~ 't ~I .. • . t '
•''ff. -<Ari . , -·'1Ier the _ .... -
cblnU.,.. _...., l!Wl' -..;fll .Ille lhiee blocb m,m.IEmMwy--iO
on the thin blul !Ina ol liolmeta.i ... lllieridan Circle, . I coai:i ha" beeii ait-. 16 Cohnn\L! or p~'tiadbot!'e flew llft"ib the air.
San Francilco Stale. ' • 11ie crowdl preued' cl-: 1lie rllual
But bod! lldes In Friday nllht'• clash-•bocenlila were hollered at police. 'lbe es had learned their Jeaom well, and the two skies backed awa)t., ' ,
panlf and fr~ of. many P8.9l\co~ A talvo ·o1 bOtuei and rock~ fiew ap-
taUona , wu u tluai9t 'U the ear gu parently harmlessly, over the<J>Ollce 'Une.
which dbslpaled quietly Jn the · brilt 'lben the police line parted aod two men
wind. · . . carrylll( maeblnes lootlll( liie portable
The helmets marking the most militant -vacuum clemtta '1tepped. out.
marchers who bad come prepared for A policeman warned .av'!" a buIJhoin
he.1d-tnocking were . few among the rveryooe in the area was aUbject ·to ar-
crowd, utl.mated by Police at upwardl rut. The machfnta belcbtd w.bite, bll-
al 3,lllO, uoembled In Dupont Circle lowing clouda Tear ·gu
with .the aim of marching.to the Souill The tldJ 'moved q~ctly chanllnc
Yfetnamese embassy., , ,''Walt. Walk." The police 0held their
The tear gas ge_peraton were, whlrrlng ground "1th only a few officers follow-
loudly behind the )'bolllder·lo-~er po-Ing the demonatraton.
Viets in Tougli Battle
.Wi.ih.Nortli ill.Highlands
' . .
• · SAIGON (AP) -Government troops
battled· the triemy 1n two arU.s ot' the
ctntral bighlandl, military 1POkumen
reporled !Oday. .
Near the Ben 'Het Special Forets camp
290 miler northeast of Saigon, mercm.
arles led by U.S. Green Berets clashed
with 200 North Vletnameae army re~ lar!i. l
Near the Bu Prang Special~ Forcu
camp 110 mUes .nottbeaat ·of ·Salgon, a
government Infantry regiment engaged
an enemy force In he•vy flgti~. ~
Both acUODI took place Jl'ridaf aa the
en&ny kept the ~-.on· tbe. central
l\lghland.r, : where allied Intelligence of·
ficer1 aay he is now coocentrl.Ung . his
efforU, • " The South Vietnamese command hu
'.A W:ot· COuntian I . -. I I . ' • -, • • ~ads Pr<>test
been told the ·flghting ln ·the,. regions ls
theln and no American ·Infantrymen will be commfled; . .
A spokesman said the ftghtlng around
Ben Het was the firat aigniflcan.t action
. iu the area l1nce a North -Vietnamese
siege there 4"' months ago.
He reported that IA a <lay-long Dehl
400·mercenariol, bocked by u. s. aircraft
Ind arlillery, tilled %1 North Vietnamese.
The mercenary, force, made· up· of moun-
tain tribesmen, I011t fOur me.n killed and
an undetermined number wounded.
There were rio .. reports of casuaJUes
among the Green ·Beret advisers.
pected ner;t week 00 confinnition of easily confidence in• the ~~diclary ••can Circle,·.fas booked Into Huntingtm Beach
Haynsworth, currenUy chief judge al the be undermined by even ·tlie ·appeannce City Jill" on chuif" of Ulluil with a An AWOL• Anaheim ...,.lcenwl aod a
4th u.s. Court or Appeals. al fJbproprl«y oo the port·al.--judpo." deedl1 -· buddy from Downer. toot· rdU&• Fridal
The weetend along the Orange
Coast will be mootly cloudy . "Ith
fog and drizzle. Aftemoona saiur.
day sod Suoday will be partly ...,.
ll)'. II will Jlio·be ·, llUie cooler •
. From an ,akie "-Sen. Ma.it Hatfield, · Mn. Leora Newton. I011wu taken to night in tbe aitm1nlstraU<11.1h!lldlq .. ol , H·~-~-' lnlen>:mmunlty ·Hospftal the Eu~Well . <;enter, at the, Uni......,.
(!I.Ore.), -"'"'d that his mail alao Do Ah d ' -·-•-·• Ha all ·,.--v has ·done. turpahout In tlle<Iast week ' w . an' ODS' ...... alle · .. u llmd In fair: ooildlliaa ~ .. . . • ' and under int<nslYI care. About 100 lludentavpporlerl ""e "Ith ru.:=. now is !or HaY?iSJOlib'.s con. , ' Patrolmeil James Howe aa Nmon them. . .•
Alken said lhit although the adminis· Ma~· g Nap· !1Jm' 1. llred a .:II caliber revolv.,. once Into Navy Seaman Appnn;.,~te-Walen, the -and _.. Into the driven aide 20, Anaheim, and Army .rn. John Bobn, tra14on 1 wu promotJfig the nomlnatloo _ ,z..1, ................. __ •-••er.' car JI, of Downey, wtre the prtnciple apaak·
and White HOuse aide Clark Molenoff · MIDLAND, Mlch.1(AP)·-.oOw Cbemf· ~ .... ~-"""""-. · er1 at a MoratOrium Day prop-am at the
had betn to see him, "I havto1t bad any cal Co., the target of nationwide campus 1be stlOtl w•e flrtd abbut 11 p.m. fol· Unlvenity of Hawall.
pressure from the White House." demonstratlom: again.st~ fts manlffa~ture · JowlrC • noisy party • Carrie--1.ane-...._ TheY weft mnong nne 30 senk:tmtn Seii. 'Len .B. Jonlan (R.ldaho), "ho of 'naRalm for use'by 11.S: forcea In Viet-amlnd the.-fnlm the Newtoo home whO t<ro monillt qo !OUlhl refuge ln't<ro
to14 the Senate Friday he would -nuri Ii no_ looger matlll( tlle,lncendlary · CXI ~ Circle, · . !lopoiuhl ~· Waten:llld Bolm ned
against cooflnnetloo, said 1dmlnillra· weapon for the govermnent,,.,...,J/1111 PatrOlmln II"'!< Hid N...ton told NV• to thl· mahiland the Illy baf«e mllltary
lion-genersled pnuure had been pol oo •PGl!um•n said Frtday ·nipL ,. ' era! bqyt Oboul JI and 17 years old they -poti\O raided °" churchea.
11iJn I<> b~k the nomlnaUon. ,Tlie 1potesm>Ji /or the '¥idland-bl•ed • had belt.tr leave the n<lllbborbood and Walen Is AWOL lrom a Pearl Harbor
Jonl1n said he had -ed Atty. Oen, -pany Nld DO" has not produced any ' when iliOy . dldll'I hll .. u. brougbt GUI baaed submarlnt aod Bolm ii AWOL
John N, Mltcllell by !Wt< Oct. 20 that n1palru "IA 1tveral monlha:" the fUI> and be -the ,two lhGlt. from Fort Lewis, Wub.
' . -If I:· .. ..
J ..
The road to spac< begiM on o·
Bov S~out trail. At lea.at that
tt<lttmtnt retm.s to be bomt out
bv an article which findt fioe oue
0 / •~ Amtriean a.rtronau~-Zl
three of the ApoUo 1 Z CTfl4'm171
-were scouts. Familv W11kly11
cover feature.
' All! ..,,,,, ' n CIM'clf • • ..
< ............. "'*' -... "-LIMWf'•'" -. " It• ........ 11 ,,... 1>1'
•• ~)loll
Ullde U. •
. ....,., ~:r • • ....,....... 11 -.
I D.iLV PllOT '
ov He~ps : Ediicatiori-lly
' . Ha.n:dicapped J:..IDQ ALttY
Planet1 Spy
On Russians
SACllAM!:NTO (/J')-'lllt
California Pi.ah and Game o.
' pirtmenl hu Its own spy
piano to report when the Ru.
• Ilana art QOnWll,
So '"'· tbo ~ 11'111 -hu reported almost 100 Bipt.
blgs ol .\luloloo flJhJng traw~
.... of! lllt Ctlllanl• ~ lllnce 1117, lakblg fllh from
lht ar11 11111 IO<al 11'11"11W! no lo llllnt o1 .. tlleir own. 'nllt doesn't mean thert hi•• -lllll lllll1f IWallail ~e in· tbe aru. Some r1 ua. ~~ are qi the Nill!
:r.· Ray Amell, Illa \!l'fO"
tor of liah ~~~am•, 11ld !bat whill Ule INI, ud Jas>-
aneae, art rttar the couli
lho)' hove nol v!olli.d tho II
"'"" lerrl ... 111 llmll Amer-icao ltrTli<lrJ bollM within
·tho lllllll
''To our lmowledp, no for.
elllll. VOIUI bol vlolai.d tba 11
mile filhina: ... " 1ald Ar.
lcm• Callfom!J. ftlherman, ltowtver, don't beU1v1 It. Tbey
contend the Soviltl are lllho
ing inside the 12 mile llm!t.
And the Russians, they say,
are taking mammoth catchg:.
"The Rusalan1 art &~ \Q
run us out ol. blllln .... fl Aid
a trawler owner ln the coastal
city of Eureka.
A repo r t e r-pbotoerapher
~•rn ae<0mpanltd !be ~lilt 1"1'11 and Ga"11 lloi.rtme•I llflhl th•I goes aloni tbo Coll· fornia coast each week, weath-
er permittlng.
Tbt piano nrooped low, and
tht enw wu ready to flrt
away -with camern -if It
found I llhJp, But nothing WU
• ~ tho ..... llndl
......U.. only rollll1Uoo to the
obflrv1Uon Jt11 been a fritnd-
ly wave from !ht llovlel crew mmnblrl.
,,,. dloy -bol ... , ti!• """ Md •potted a few Ruselan
lhlPll all tilt mouth of a river
-the RuOllan ll!ver.
Usually, the lovltt strlp!
""' bi.I OllQ, Ollllllni up to JOO fetf in length. The depart·
ment hu abo fPOlted -jO IUpporl lhlp1.
A. F. James, llate ~lb and
f.ame warden and tpoUel'o said our inlanll if . to .,..iaet
llshermen In Call/ornla, /UrY·
time fore igners are f1a.h1ng off
our· oout, wt want to know
tboot il II may bo te11l or
lllepl, b!lt "' waot lo JQlow ../ tbout tt."
What ~ u lie found
one l.DsJde Amtrlcan territor-1#1 ....... !
1"Jbl.1 hu never happened
Jtl, IO WI doo't guilt lmow
-to do," "" uid.
If Clp sn
FDUY -por•'lod alomioum w;~ 11 9 polrin1 lips in ¥4, ¥.I, ~ sizes.
. ptd \ii coffee measm. •
SHEl,f PAP.I . .li13" Cltlil( Bon
1111111111...... ....... 1111114 ............. " 1· 98
l\.ule29A" ~-::~:·. :-~~==·::~~:!! llllO -ID"sizt wi~"Tel-3 29 lollN COlting !or "na-sticl"
-: . baking. •
uoep''m"~ -Cli11 siili ~-.. . .
CllMI 11111 -15Mi:xlD¥.!xlM Sile 2 98
NAllDll_ SS fer MJN w;~ '1efloo" coati•i bum<1 Mod !nP•· o
--=.iNlr~~ I_ fi!f'-~ "''~2· 69. lrf "' ~ with '"" 1114 COii 1"'11
"'"'"' ""' •d by.... h!ndlt., ,,; " , , I " ,
~1~11 h1lr-' 1llmllllleler ·
. 11lt ~" ~ ' :t,~;.1:(· ='~;;1: 79c 7~ ~~~~~.~ ...
".. '"' :=:"'"' ~t 4~14" size. I =--------"WOOlife'' '°wo11
for au fine washables •••
you'll look alive in sweaters
•• j11 WooliW.
I.II llll 11. ~
"ClllT~ lllCTllC
I Haatin1 Pad .c.""1'"~r-... ••• ~ ... la
<Oi!IO -'<M will 11M1 11111!. Gwalwl I 4 29 ftn.#5010 . I
'European Nlturals'
llllflllt~= :l\~'1: ... IOlttd 1hldtl. Ibo 1, 79.
wit~ 2 .. r latteria -
Brigl!t metal barrel with red
"' "' ., .. tr• swllch. liq.'·"
''Flirtihist P-A" 14 Ct" 111'~1 -Anlll;nL 1 98 ion lartlng ttrief from cord sni~les •. sneezing an~ nasal •
wocan allow lortllll=m allow them to cope wtth ~ . STD•CTLY JUNIORS 1!9W," C~.-~~hk ... IJlllldrto 00 I diily-buia and l'l'<JC -• " ,
"llul "' 14111 -'I-illllbt ablt .to laad LllOl'lllll NOW OPEN • • • In The Alley Of
'"'' "" .......... bflp." -IUt oulaldl tlielr ca-." W!lr ff tr'1* peraoMel Co\lplt4 with thal IJ the lacl allo 1111~ ...., greater that modern m e di ca l
1Ueee1t et the program. "We ttthnology still bas no enet
11eed more teacherl trained in method of diagnosis and no
this field," aaid Cbaddiclt. cure.
11 And tblilll people, iD addlUon But at Ocean Vin a rr11t to Uielr highly specialized effort i1 being upended to ar·
tralnlng, Ul\ll~ have particular rive flt a prescription through
perso.mel quaJIUes w h 1 c h education.
Open Fri. Iv ...
'Ill '
J4J4 AU. c111n
~ .. ~ .... .. .... ,.. ""'"" 1" •· ............ .
"Lysol" lf,UID ·
Wilol1W11-" "1111111
1.11 89' 411l.
111111 Del'"'' .
rtwltr•Jlli. ,.,.
.,,1 It. . ftlffl'• ii.. ftlllfllllt. hart ltNt ll11t
.1.291i79 2.49 3.19
llllOI Clilall'
2 "' ,,,.-,, .... w;1h 1o,. 99c
ill lllO'°' COlOrit ltliftllA o lbom .
11 Ayds" UlltlCI ..
Microscope sn
CILIEIT -lllumiRated set lor t!le yaung student. It 1111-
lockl IM hlddelo ..,Id
arOllftd IS, 'ravldfl llol.P
ol lasci•~-8 39 1ng observa-
tion. •
IH111" -Ctltrt•I nr1o kl fir 4 ••• lncludts pl••·
fie candles and ucsyst.JIM
vase wltfl dec-~itor tll':s~n~ 4 69 fnllch. •
Pool Table ., c•uco
31121" sizefeaturiog handsome
trained leg owls; 27'' euts,
" balls,Aine action cushio111 16 88 plu1 Momltia ball rvtum amt
bullt·l1 scorers I leg levelers. •
"Skittle-Bowl" Game
AUROU. -400 year old bowl·
ing game frtln England. It takes
s~iU to play, but evea a pre-
scl!ooler ca11 become 1 dlamp. 6 99 Th111'1 no eftd"tM '""for111 ............ .
PANASONIC UW1ln•f' 5 11.~~: ... ~~~~ .. ~~~~d~
-rule tuning, "Stereo EreM u1dicatorli
bass, treble control. Ovtplt 99 5 jaclS IM Iii! lle<k "d
piloM. #RI-7170 o
Taken N directed, de!icioir&
IOW-"fioflt ctlld'f 11 N-
SOrte4 fl""' Oillo , .. -· ... "' "''''"'"" cilty e1t ltu, IDUN Y011
Wiii! less.
S.tl 116 It. llr1 1.1111. lift
2.49 4.49
IMAMlllD 2 Qt. Tea Kettle
Hm11wge alumln11m wltll
flllll\lf COiiing in esscrted 2 88 llrlUllnt colors. M1tcflin1
"d do"'1 haodle. 0
50 Ft. Clothesline
With rayol! truck tire r.ore 99" stranJlll. Easy to kett titan "
plastic covering.
"Fasteeth" or "Kleenite"
fer Dellf1rt1 Wurtrs
2 oz. Silt Fastettll holds
dtntwl plates, 6 oz. size
Kl•nite cleans de11ture:; &ue without brushing.
Y11r C-1fc1 ea.
IP· p "Controllers"
fer HAii -Brus•ly~ 1oner desi!ned for CO!ll-fort, long astin1, perf"t
ha;r.ao, oie cclcr In "'h 69C b•& ••• In 3 most POPlllsr ·
alut t.111111 11.
Algene with
••• in a complete~ proaram -
~Jeansiq -Fr8'htftl11 .. &olldilionill ~at helps ""'"" t1o rcvtlM ·~ pe1rarQ of JOll stln. i
'''' ''"~'"' I •LSi11
r1c1 I"•• 211.1111
5.00 Clack/Radio 11rws1M11
"l1C1r11tl" Aliil/fM • , , with bllltt II 111-~ft:i~!'~~~ ":!!,\ 39 95 Hit. 1 59 1 59 "'''' 11 .... •n••t • lts,11111' • "'.'"' GIAY Skin Care
11-PllCIS 11L
SHllf, Mlf. 111~ tin ••• .....,, 1111. llU
OPIN t AM le 10 "'1 -7 DAYS A WUK
NIWP'OltT llACM .... ·-.. _ ... ,,_ HUNTINQTON llACH ·----HUNTINQTON llACM
"" ..... lllltl ·~ .....
wl~ll1M~l1CL#flC.6tll7 o
... Stereo Radio/ Phona
111\ tw11 s~1t1n ••• cont11oous toee •d
:::' 8~=1 '~l:?: 59 95 tio. AC/llattll'/. #IG-'53 o ................ ~-
Place Mats
Seit 12111• "'~ wi~""' ~ks. Ass1 ailirlrl Cllrist-
N S dtcontiOQS.
~:~ st
wH111 Tabla Toppers
PacJdd IOft vl(il "'1'cts 11111 ~pi.
2~69 3~~·
Dlllf skfl C•e IJ eiVl!tJf!
1D tlfecti"tety SlllOO~ ffll1
'" olly.a (~hlol• .. li>IJr.
Ml~llrbfll Miiii 11110
•r 11""11111" Crta. 1 50 ltf.l.N ff, I
llJ Ilia
•oi t.• •111.1.11
1.00 1.75
Meh1 • .,,. ••• 11'1 fuhlu!
11 0gllvie" --
t• I llo;led ti .. -Ii~ • "'"' 11111,.s.,..,. ' rue cwi.,. ear •
2.50 ftr h ll
..... ·---------------···-·-------------
OAlL V l'I"' · f s .
Salt Creek Baule • •
l'Ntll P .. e l
-;;. ' '
Wi'7es:, Deli'7er the Goods ~ • '
. State. M~y· B~iiig
-' -
~OLLO .... . ' .
the Imperturbable ulronautil finally
foorid time to reJ8.x, They even lia:tencd
to ac.ne• twtngy--countiy .-Dct ,~rn-
..# ., -.. • • • r . ' Jr . \ . --'· ,,.
Anti-suffragetre Praises Topless Ban . . ' •
Dis.pµte -~oluti~:D
'1!111Sic prerecorded on a apacecrall tape _ny 'Ill" BARLEY
. player. . Of ... DMIY '""' Sl•tt
Conrad;Iayed a ·couple of ·hti favor-An Anaheim woman who believes that
Iles, ••san Antonio Rose" ~'"'LoOillana her sex has the built·in and bullt·up
Man." ; aliswef ·to mounting divorce litigation
LOS ANGELES -"!'he Stale Wldl
COnunllslon plans to intervene in two
caiel before the California ~
Court that could produce a landmaik
dficision on the controversial question
of public access to beaches, Including
Salt Creek Beacti between Laguna Beach
and Dana Point.
· The commission voted Friday to ask
the attotney generar1 · olfice to. rjlPre-
aent It as "a friend of the court"~in the
case,,· expected to be argued in Januiry,
Houston I. Flournoy, state controller
and ehairman Of the commlssion, saJd
the commission should be represented
"to protect the public interest."
' . FAIRVIEW . ~-:
talk t.o," says Randyt 1
· "0€ course some of us can't talk as
weU as we would like;to," be adds, "but
still we like to have aomeone to talk to
about what's on our mipd."
"After we do, it makes us feel-better
inside.'' ,
Fairview Is one of .. four ii) · utions
devoted solely to c;ai:e and treatment of
the retarded who are in the California
state hospital system. ,
Facts speak for them.selves about re-
cent improvements in that vast network
which includes hope and hopelessness
together under many roofs. The Depart·
ment of Mental Hygiene's budget of •5
million for-this year-will enable.the force
of 18,000 employ~s to provide better care
at higher salaries.
Ten years ago -when Fairview open·
ed in C'-Osta Mesa -27,500 patients were
coOfined throughout the state. The figure
dropped to 22,000 In 1967 and should be
12,308 by next · June.
Only last February, Dr. James Lowry,
director of mental _hygiene, aJ s o
streamlined a plan se~ling 1974 as
deadline for adoption of a new, improved
&taffing system at all hospitals.
June, 1970-four years ahead of
schedule-is now the date.
What does all this mean to Fairview
State H~pital?
"Compared to two years ago, Fairview
has 400 'fewer patients and a staff gain of
211 positions," &:ays Dr. Anthony Toto,
superintendent. and medical director.
·~ is a sizeable increase."
Right along with it comes a decrease in
patients requiring hospitalization, since
local mental health care centers will
SSSU{ll' much of the load. Now, 53 are in
operation,: while a new one opens next
spri'!i at. <;hi)dren's Hospi\'l .c!f .Or'!'~• Cou~y • .::.J.: _ --. •
Fewer hospitalized patients also meana
better care fOr those remaining inside,
plus those among the average 261 pers~
now on the waiting'lists for the next va-
cant state hospital bed.
Improved individual programs at
Fairview and other state hospitals-from
basic education to drug therapy. research
and beefed-up training-can only brighten
the picture further.
During las& year, for instance, the
Fairview staff spent 301 ,304 man-hours in
classroom and. on~uty instruction, ac-
cording to Dick Hauck, professional edu-
cation training usistant.
"We increased by almost 100,000 ever
the prior year," he said. "we sure have a
lot of training going on."
And hundreds of volunteers from
throughout Orange County are donating
thousands cf hours. They feed infants.
They help teach. They scrounge used
toys. They push wheelchairs.
One may change a diaper-then give its
wearer a shave-but just being there
counts for the child who needs a friend .
"Someone to talk to about· what's on
)'..Cur mind," as Randy said. For every
n:tndy, there is a Susan. There are
thousands.more literally walting in line.
So this-in all its facets, simple,
human, theoretical or complu, with hope
ans:f'hopelessness under one roof-is the
iirview State Hospital story.
lt does not, however, end happily.
Jt gOes en th~t way.
....,... ..................... --_,..., --. CAUPOIMA
OlAffG& COMI flt\IM.tlHfffO COMIWf'
l•Hft N. Weff .,.,.. ..........
J•c• a. Cllfl.y
Vb,,.._._ o.. ........
~·-11 ·-n.... A. M..,.Jil••
,.,...,"' E•119r -C... IMM! JJI '#wt ""' ,,,..., ......., tff<rl, nu-... .. ..,......,..._..
L-9"d'I: lh l"-1 •-"""""""" llMcfli . 51111 ttrtlt
• ~ 'AUY .. G.en. iaY L. Shavelson, 11!'U...~ meeting, aald
'"I'hat wun't half bad/' r1dlofd ground delqhted courthouse-bound lawyers and
communlcat9f "Edw~ G. Olbson dl)'ly, , wt-... Thursday with her "make tt ••11-was 1ll bfid. ·~ ~ -~ .. ,..i&b tbe•malea" meaaage.
Al the nUliloo. mil~ n\iUlon wol-e On, Colorflilly atUfed, Barb&ra · "Bo~bie" ~ lhree1Navy conunanden fC!UDll. more Tk!WeJt:llel--up her stall at the. Eighth Un1e to watch. their target, i!le wutng Street entrance to the .COUftty ccurthou.~
mOcn, and farth, the blUe, 'brown and to announce to any interested f~male
white bait they ,left behind. · Qft)ooher that Oratige County's ban on
..... """·of "llelewlde Jnleteit and will set very Im-rnc:edelitil." H• adiled that tt ts the poilti111 -ol the
attorney gener8I's cffice "to prt&ene as
much public beach area as possible and to avoid fencing off beaches."
The cases at issue seeminllY coiitradict
each other in;; earlier appeUate court
"The earth doesn't seem to be getting bottorp~' and • topless dilnclng• "is a
too smaller too~Jast· right now," Bean ' beave~.nt oppar.tunity . for· an us ·
report,ed as Apollo 12 p~ the 70\00G . women. , .
One is Dietz vs. King in which the.rib·
trkt Court of Appeal held tlult by virtue
of long use of a roadway a"Cnin ~ate
property, the public bad access to a
beach 'in Mendocino County.
In the otbtr case,. Gian .vs. the C\ty
of ~nta Cruz, the court ruled there was
no.implied ·wcauon to the cltf because
of public use of more than five .years
of steps leading down a cllif to a beach
in that city. ' ·
Shavelson said the ~me Court-in agreeing to hear argume · on both cases
-evidently was seekin resolve the
appa,reot conflict and eotablbb r pre·
cetlent. '
The Salt.Creek lasue,its similar to the
two cases befft the State Supreme cciurt
in that Orange County Supervison: with-
out benefil of a public hearing abandon-
ed a long-Used access road to the private
beach develOJll"' Laguna Nigllet Corpor·
The corporatioa owna lntervening land·'
betwem the road right.of-way and pub-
lic tidelands belcrw the mean high tide
Ilante Ilescrihes
Life With Lana
. Science· Fiction
mile mark. "But Jt's sort of 'funny. It jµ,t "1'11 ,teU YCIU• why so many o( ua .. are in seems to• hang Clll there in this -black .· the divorce' c:!oUrt," the leathet·lunged .
apace. ' Bobbie •adviltd 1her astonlihed audience
"'The moon· doesn't seem to be any ' to .the' 'ba;Ckiround of "America the
.bigger th'an when we left. BU~ it looks Bea~~ul" . -,pfayed on a portable
more like a sphere also. It sbt1 of Joob · phonograph marupulated by an admirfn&
like a bait that's being bung tOUl theie assistant. . · ·
sbmehow. It's really er~." 1 "We are not delivering th'e gbods to our
. Apollo 12 is sCbtiduled ta wing into Ju. · 'tneh;"· BOb6le ·announced. "Why should
nar orbit Monday night and make .13 thef.bai'e to" look afield fof bare'.bre.asts
loops ;Of ·Ute moon bef9re G.9firad .,nd and'othl!!r things whep \hey can find wtfat
Bean fly ,Jnt,repid toward thf{ southeast·, :they.:warit rigb.t in Uieir own American
em •edge 01' a 'lunar desert called the home?
Ocean of Stcrms. Gordon witI remairi in "i.et. the' men wear the pants and if you
lunar orbit. waiit tO keep the pants then let them .
32 itoURS" QN MOON . -·~ .. the ,belts," urJed ·Bobbie to a not
The two surface explorers will spend always 'respectful 'audiera. "If you want
32 hOW'! on the moon, stage two 31ii; .to ·~p your man you'have the necessary
hotir riiOon'walks, set' up ·a DUclear-powfr. equipmen~ that God iave you and it's
eel science base and collect 100 pounds -• ·~·.~~rvmg me well for more than 20
of rock samples. , ~. )'ean.' -:
The outcome of the $350 milliorrmlssion ' Mrs. , Ti~~e!I, ~' shares her home In
was in doubt for a few frightening mo. Anaheim with a husband who has
ments aft.er the astronauts bl asted off alwa)'.S known that be is the master of
from cape Kennedy the Tidwell house and who looks on me as
. · . . a woman who can deliver the goods.
The moonship suddenly lost its. mam "He'd never ask fur a divorce," the el~lcal power and pnmary gu1d~ce ebullient Bobbie bawled. "And neither
eqwpment. . would yours if yo'u'd toke my advice and _f.1tnr~d_srud..he ill()Ught the spa~aft. be -the woman ·that the good Lord in·
had been hit b~ ~gh~g but flight di· tended you to be."
rector Gerry Griffin s111d later he thought Mrs. Tidwell's mounting message ta
perhaps there was a discharge cf static the gathering mWtitude attracteil the at. electricit~ from the ship to the ground. tentJon Of another "bobby" at a crucial
"The best is to forget it,'' Conrad said point of her address. Ja~. But she ,apparently convinced the red·
To make certain Intrepid was not dam-faced Santa Ana police officer that she
aged, the astronaut.s opened the tunnel had the permission of "District Attorney
DAILY P"-9'T SNI' ......
'Give Your Men the Messagt·Godlv• Gav• Thtm'
linking the two craft and Con{ad and Cecll Hicks, all the marshals in Orange
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The seventh Bean slfthered into it and gave it a County and, yes the approval of Pres!· Anaheim. "And if any man who wants to "Maybe It helped thr,m to find the
husband of Hollywood's famed ''Sweater careful examitlaUon. ,, dent _NlJon if you'd just like to call him hear us h8ll him as the righUul wearer of pleasure they wanted .riaht in their own
Girl," actress Lana Turner, claims his "Things look real tidy" Bean said en your little old phone." the pants wants to be there t11en we want palaces but J just wouldn't know," .. the
six-month marriage to }\er wu Uke ' · The officer retired· and Bobbie im· fiery anti-suffragette said. "But it wUI
"science fiction.'' He bas syed for di· * * 1:f medilrtely hailed him as a·"man who has him to be there," she assured her male · help you'girls -re ad it and give io to
vorce. ri P l a wife who satisfies him, can't you just audience. your man right at that momenl" ~
Nightclub hypnotist Rofiald Dante. flied _ .-rona age see that by the ·respectful way he listened She interrupted her t,estlrnony from "Don't let 'em give you all this stUff
the divorce suit in superior court Friday. to me and iot rny message. Sure, he's a time to time to urge several male about the grass being greeOer," Mn.
and said: }2 SECONDS police officer, but he's· a.man just like cnlookers to repeat their mwnbled com. Ti dwell added. "Your answer to that ii to
"I will tell why no man ls able to live • • • you men. "Give your men the message -ments a little more clearly. U thOse .keep working on your lawn and keep a
with her. 1 will tell what her ether bus· that Godiva gave them, the example of observations were clari!ied they were Id home to which your man _ and yoor
bands are afraid to reveal.'' ly. They traced the trouble, found three Eve in the Garden of Eden," Bobbie ad· made available to the ge~ral audience. master _ will come nmning home to at
The 49-year-cld Miss Turner, the sub-circuit breakers open, ind reset them, monished her growing auclien~e. "A:rnan Mrs. Tidwell urged the audience ta night. Ject of a legend that her sweater-clad restoring electri~l ~er. wants to see what a wcmans ~e of read .her book, "How To Please The "I reject free Jove,11 sbe ·~apped ln
figure attracted ~~ten~· ()f •·movie At 4S seconds into .the mission, .teleme· l and_ he shouldn't· have to go to a bot· American Husband," complimentary · response to a,. q~esUon. "Lore ia 1 ~· ~er 11 !he sat i t ,} toteiCour.. try equipment wu baci on an41~uslo ! t'OmJW·..r ~~ 1 burtelqlie theater' fer cOpl!s: of 'frblch ha Ve' be eh sent to''f\iel'y ·~ RRif 'thing, Uiere11' nOthliij:~ fite abOUt It
ttt,is"averyfineactress," aiftesaid. iary ,system waa at.wort. · · 10meothe:glrltddellverthegoods.11 Amt'.flcan president since , President and 1I do know this much, for all )'OU
BU\..l"'garding befJpq\~at dlffi. ·controlterr .determlotd'']!!t _the tr<>tl· Mn. Tidwell wants 11,000 Ofanp Ejsenhower, to Q11ft9fllllili..,th ~.•n!t __ doller·hll"8'Y , la'!l'._tn here today
cuJtU&. ,he n1a:-"sevenpeop1ecan'fli~-b1e W8i tfli'1JftefGeJClll1 wfiiibr~CouDU"-hou~~to--.ttend~t di.ttng--; PrlntrPh!Up-:--a-nc17"prA1dern~ere·1 iiOUilnTffee,alJClitlllvtf«.·l.'----~-all' at diff• Umes." • : • .spacecraft power. Thq'bad bloWJ:iHfr she hu achediiled tor Nov. 21 Jn ·crownedheadsallovertheworld." ~ .
Miss Turner's previous husbands, Jn t:lrc\ilt breakers. · B km H J ·
order. were: bandleader Artie Shaw, rest4 A minute aftet telemetry flrst stepped I ec an ·e p
auranteur Steve Crane, sportsman Bob · the situation was undtr control. 'B lnckf • ' p R ·
Topplng,actorLexBarker,rancherFre4 ·What •waslt·likeinMlssionControldUJ'. --"In , ass_ a_ ge ace /"' f
May and producer Robert Eaton. She ing those 1% seconds? " ' --1ziYes I.i e~to __ _
was married to Crane twice. "We've ha~ a couple of cardiac ar· The actress' marriage to the 39-year4 .. ·d · t J c
Old Dante lasted 'ix mon••· and one rests, sa1 commun1ca or erry arr, B B L p B 't' ·h Q' .. l
da y. They were married Ma;i following also an astronaut. .... -· ' : ow to ow to a az l'l IS wn
h<' divorce from Eaton April 1. 'lbe "!it , Reflecting late' at a news confuence; · • •
said they separated last Sunday. ·eaed.~ said, "'The atmosphere wu·charg.
Dante said 'he was "very relieved"
that the marriage was nearly over 8nd
said Miss Turner woold have to undergo
a "complete metamorphosis" before
there could be any chance ()f reconcilia-
tion. H charged extreme cruelty in \be
suit and sought division or commmlty
property which Dante's attorney esti-
mated could exceed $1 million. '
Miss Turner currently is starring In
"The Survivors.'' a television series
which was cancelled this week by ABC.
A hearing was scheduled for Nov. 28
on Dante1s request for a restraining or-
der to prevent Miss Turner from dispos-
ing cf community property.
From Pagel
Guardsmen were called on to patrol the
''"""· In New York Friday, a crowd of most·
ly y()Ung demonstra\l:lrs gathered in Cen-
tral Park wbere they Jay down on the
grass and loosed 10,000 black balloons in-
to a clcudy sky while a bugler played
"Taps." Each balloon represented an
American ldlled in Vietnam since Presi.·
de!lt Nl:ii:on took ofnce.
New York City high sch90ls reported
auendance off by 50 percent and City
University students were pennltted to
gkJp ·classes "as a matter of individual
con1cience.'" ~
In ooe counterdemonstration, about 100
persons, many wearing American flap
as arm bands, trooped through midtown
Manhattan on a "loyalty walk."
Prptestera were arriving by foot, car,
bus and plane to participate in today's
march in Sap Francisco billed u ''Mobil·
izaUon West." A candlelight vigil al the
Civic Center Friday nJght drew 300.
The largest antiwar gathering during
the day in California wu a rally In St.an.
ford University tildustrlal Park attend·
'ed by $,000:-'rbtte were 3,000 and -a rally
and picketing of the Navy ROTC build·
ing at the University of CaJU«nJ-_·,1n
-Tn SeatUe, m:we than 2,000 penOM
m&rcliet'I through downtown area. There
WIS a l>rfef flurry ofViclince by a-mill·
tan ( frigge_~p ln which seven large
plate glass window• -ere amaahed. Po-
lite arrested 10 persons.
More than 500 person., holding can.
dles lined walkways to the University Or -Washington Edmundson Pavilion,
\\'htre comedian Bob appeared. Hope had
said 'earlltr he did not know how the
moratorium "can help us. I wish they
woold proiesl a&ainsl North Vielnom."
2 Countians Killed
In Vietnam Combat
Two Orange counUans are among ta
American Servicemen who have died
in combat in Vietnam, the Department
of Defense reported Friday.
They are Spec. 4 Ariel J. Smith of San-
ta Ana and Marine Corps Maj. Howard
B. Henry, husband cl Mrs. Jacqueline
D. Henry, 2915. Via San Jacinto, San Cle-
Blackfin and Windward Pass.tge, oot.
distancing a Oeet cf 28 yachts, raced to
a Onlsh this morning jn the 950-mlle
Long Beach to La Paz race with little
doubt tliat which ever finished first would
set a new· time record. r . ·
But when all .the yachts have tied up~
It probably will be Tanqueray, an Eric-
son 41 skippered by Stan Miller .of Long
Beach Yacht Club wbi.ch will win cor-
rected time laurela.
Tanqueray b expecte<rln sometime late
this afternoon. .
But most of the attention centered on
the two bitter rivals, 73·foot ke~s
which a~e~ were , doing a repeat
cf this year's Transpac race from , Lot,
Angeles ta Honoltilu.
In that one, Windward Passage, then
1klppered by the late Bob Johnson, and
now being handled by his son, Mark, wori
by about an hour over .Ken OeMeuse's
Blackfin. But Passage was penalized tWo
hours for a starting line foul and Blar;kfin
was awarded the victory.
Blackfin, for the fourth. time ill five
days, did not answer the radio roll call
Friday and hsd no offJcial position. But
based on earlier reports and word from
Windward Passage's skipper that he had
Blackftn in sight, Long Beach Yacht Club ,
officials surmised Blackfin wu the lead
Adding to the confusion, Johnson re-
fused to say whether he was ahead or
behind his rival.
The record for the La Pat run of 6~
days was set in 1965 by Mort Haskell's
Viva of Alaniltos Bay Yacht Club.
Expected to cross the line behind Wlod·
ward Passage and Blackfin were three
other Class A yachts, including twc frcm
Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Robert
Beachcpamp's Dorothy 0 and Jahn Hall's
Concerto, both Columbia 57s. Th~y were
bunched with Raiical, skippered by Bill
Wilson of Santa ·Barbara Yacht Club.
l'fCl9' Ill 1111 DAILY '!LOT
The fealherweJght Hamon quintuplet.
In London, England were dolni weU to-
day on human milk pumped hourly
through tu bes into thelf stortiaehs by an
''electronic babysitter" machine rushed ·
from the Beckman Imtrurnt!lts plant 1n
Nicola Hanson, sickliest of the ~ ~rn .Thursday night, rallfed well ·todiy
against her lung defect and sOOwed 12
straight hours of Improvement en the ba-
bysitter machine. She wel~ only twc
pound• 13 ounces.
Her sisters were said to be thrivJ.nc
"in marvelous shape."
The phy&lcian who supervlaed~dellvery
of the quints issued some usera-bewart
advice to .women who use fertility drup,
as Mrs. Irene Hanson did : They may
conceive more children than · they bar·
gained fer.
Mrs. Hanson, prtviously childlesa ln
sir years cf marriage to JS.year-old en·
glneer John Hanson, had taken the fer·
UUty drug·ca!led HPG -huma11"pltultar)'
The electronic. babYsitters from Beck·
man Instruments were .. installed In the
babies' incuWitOrs 11-Queen Charlotta
Hospital. The: space-)lfe, devices keep, 1
second-by-second vlgi over the · qiilnti'
vital' furidioris. · • · · ·
' .
Ohio Girl Finds Ballo.oil
Lofted by Boy in Valley ,
Next week Pattie White of Akron, Ohloo p.m.,• Oct. 25:
WIU read this story beca use she took the · 1"lt sta~ IOUth, toward C<>lta Mw,
trouble to return a post card to De4n then we lost it," he aakl, "lt mull hive
Olsen, 13, of 9924 Sage Circle, Fountaln : been bumped by ocean wlnda to start ll
~alley. ~ ,(ft Its Ohio journey/'
Tm poet card was attached to 1 . Pattie Wtilfe, whoever she ~9 bf, ~ll~·fi!IN_ballOOl'I releued in Fountain . nplaln how ·she--'found . lhe pOiC cafd,
Valley on Oct. 25 by Dean. It apparenUy ·only ·that it tiaf.flolllng on a blllo<la. She
Doated ·ail the way tq Ohio. promptly retuned the card (~
"When I rtleased it," said Dean, "I ex· Nov. I ) with tier own addrtsa on tt.
pected the balloon to land In 'a nearby • Dean plans 'to clip newspiJ!Ot artlcleo
fleld or · maybe as far away U costa on the tiny baDoon fl ight Ind' tend them
Mesa -but not Ohio!" to Pattie and ad for more detllll of the
~an . hid carefully filled out hit .i. !tight. . .
--Gress,placed .. a stamp on I.he-post-card ''It might be ~raster tOan the U.S.
and asked whoever found it to maU ·lt·tO mall,'' commented Dean, "but the
Fount1ln V•ll•r 1111'-1•1 0,1• OIHn
him. He then slJpped a string tr1lllng b11Uoon plus card cost me 1$ cents!•
from the belloon through a whole pun. Dean~s mother chipped In in. lft.
ched In the card. . ": tcrestlng plt<.oe of tnfonnatlon. Akr«I,
The ba:Uoon was from the Fcuntflln Ohio, is the home of the famout
Valley Halloween Parade and Bar~e, Oocdyear Blimp. •
approprlattly marked for good cross. Mayl>e Dean's little balloon wu Just a
.-.., adver11Jln1. Dein rtleued It at I chip.oil the old blimp. -.
\ ... ' .,
f D.111.V '11.0T :
S.IJWdq, NOW"'"": 15, 1969
• . ' Pulpit anil' 'Pew
" Family J.Jle Ind S.r Educa·
tlon Forum' at Goldenweat
Collep la~ IL 7:30 p.m.,.
Sunday to hear guest speiker,
Celestine Kefniklmba , a
graduate atudent at UC! from Tanam., Africa.
1'.LMnc in God's lDYe" Is
the IUbje<I ol tlle Sunday
amnon al II.arbor a.rtatlan
Clludl, llisclpl,. ol Christ, by
Dr. D. W. Mc.Elrby. The con·
·. grepUon. will meet at Harper
Element.ary School, 425 E.
lath SL, Costa Mesa.
Sunday school meet. at 1:30
a.m. and worship is held at
10:45 a.m. Nursery care is
Dr. Charles H. Dlerenfleld,
puto,r of St. Andrew '• ~ Cbvrcb, 600 s~
Andnn, Newport Beacb, wlll
preaCh a sermon enUtled "A
Flngtr iD the Dike" at the 8,
Putor James G. Blain bas 9:30-and U a.m, services Sun-leleded u his sermon UUe for day. 'An inforrnaUve get-
boeh the I and 11 a.m. wonhlp together meeting ls planned
aervktt · ''What Are Our for parent. ol high schoolers
QuallOcatlooa?" for Ne:wpm1 : at a p.m. Sunday at the -1.deru CbRm, 2001 cllurc!>. At 7:30 p.m,. tile
Cliff Drive; NewpOrt Bed. lfl11CtuarY choir under the
dlr.cUon ol Jonah c. Klle"'r
WW prttent ''The CreaUon"
by Joseph Hl)'1ln. The public
Is lnvlled.
Th..u,Mnc ..mc.1o ob-
..,..,...,. ol 'lbanklllvlnl Doy
will be btld al Temple -· 617 Hamlltoo St., COllta Mesa,
Friday, at 8:16 p.m. l!lbbl
Ganon GoodmJR will speak
on upropoattlonlng God,.''
M~-a.:i,~1 ':c~ 'Llf>erer 'l'.ile
st., Colla Mesa, will W«lhlp Speaking on 11Ttte De.-
Sunday at I and lO:IO a.m. velopment of a Liberal Reverend Paul c. · Bl•meyer
will be In the pulpit to preach. Religious Philosophy",
"Ctristialll Are Different." the Rev. Alfred J. N.
Church ICbool la at J a.m. for Henriksen will serve as
all qes fnxn nuroeey lhroogh guest minister Sunday for
hlib -~ ll1d at 10:111 a.m. Cost.a Mesa's Unitarian
for nusery through aWb grade. Universalist Church. The
only. . congregation meet.I at 10
Sunday at S:IO p.m. the a.m. His church, Pacific
Junior Hllh United .lletbodl•t Unitarian, recenUy oUer-
Youtll Fellowship meet. While ed·symbolic sanctuary for
the Senior Hip You t b young men resisting mill-
(See PULPIT, P11• S) tary service.
The Rev. Earl Odell will
c o n d u c t evangelistic
meetings at First Assem·
bly ol Gocl4'.:hurch in Cos-
ta Mesa begiruiing Sun-
day and continuing for
one week. Service times
are Sundays at 10:50 a.m.
and 7 p.m . and week days
at 7:30 p.m. Topics in-
clude "Christians Be-
ware'' and .. Give God a
Christ Presbyterian of
Huntington Beach will
formally inst.all the Rev.
Donald E. Roberts as its
now pastor Sunday, 8 p.m.
The Rev. Cecil E. Holl-
man, Jr:, university pas-
tor at· USC will preach
the sermon. The Rev.
Roberts Was previously
affiliated with Covenant
Church in Westchester.
Viet War: '
Is Moral?
• I:
U~I lt•Htelt Wrltw
Tho agonizing thine about
the Vietnam War la that there
aetm.s to be no policy the
United States can follow thtt in aome aense is not immoral, :
The Jmmorallty--.or con-
tinuing the war ~ stressed by
many religious leaders and
others. They reason like this: '
Whatever motives th e
United States orl&ina!IY had
for intervening in Vietnam, it
Is now obvious that we are
dettroying the country rather
than preserving it!! freedom. ·
Since there appears to be no
reaUstic hope of fair and
st.ab le peace settlement in the
foreseeable future, there Is no
moral Justification for con·
tlnuing the killing of our
soldiers, their soldlei;s and the
(See WAR, Page SI
TIT· -
FAIRYllW IAP"nST CHURCH -1 ... ~ c.1
Fairview Rel. At Fair Dr., Cost• Mtu • ,.. 1 ~ .~ 9 A.M.-Church School IO A.M.-Wonhlp • ..._.._, -~If-.;.. ... ...,· ... I
...._ _. ..... ---Clmiilis -~ MM611 . -' .
• , • • I ~~C?.~e~ .!~".1!!! MC:. HUR CH :
"Mortals and Immortals"
Sund1y, November 16th Sunday Scliool 9 :~ a.m.. Morning Wor~h!P 11 :00 a.m. . 1 .... CHlll• hlln, Postof I
Baptlat TralnJng Union a p.m. F;vening Service 7 p.m. Costa MOaa-Firsl Church of Chrlot, Sdentlot
W~---· Bib! Stud •. Pr 7 00 2110 ,._ , .. Dr .. c... ..... cuu~ay e y ai: ayf!t • • . . .. . .. .. . • • : p.m. f===================~il S111C1er.1Wmi-9:11 A.M. I Ch•rcll s.m.. -11 A.M.
....... ..... USO M .. Y_. Dr.
I Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ, Scitntlot
I 110 Ollwe
. 611 HAMILTON, COSTA MBA •av. J. D. WALl..ACl
Welcomes YtN.
ST, JAMU. Jiff "9 UH, Newp.,. .._.,
7:JO e.-.-Hely l•lletht v t :OI •.a.-MM'll .. ...,...11t I Jrtl 1... \ •
Helt l••a .. 21111 A 4fll IA.
t :OO ... .....a..rc11 ScllMI
'11:00 ... _....,., ...... 1 .. a-Jr4S...
Meni.z ,....,., M & 4111 Su. cwwc.. .. 9:ff ....
............ , ........ 11, .....
Tiie lft'. D..w A. c.r._, AuM.I ... lect.r
Pe&Hlc Yhw lhh9 et Ma;Ci:wrt.. c.,.... ... W..
s.M.y: a:OO. 9:Jt -C111M1 C.. .. 9:JO
...., .......... 111• ........... ...
.._,,.. ............... ._._,._.,44M61
ST. JOHN THE DIVIN!. 21113 Orange-Ave., C.M •
._.,. 7:11 & t :H a.rd s.....-t ill
'""4ep: 6tl0 a 1a· •• -.; Hmty hfl • •1••• ..
YIMr, TM a... • .W.W. D1•lllll• -Pltw 1414J26
2501 Cliff Dr. LI 84293
The 1.,., .S.... •• 11•11, P.mr
n..bt.R....i4WlllN, .............
2900 Pacific View Dr.
1 Corona del Mar
'4rs.. Will." a.....,..i._ ._...W9'tw
Phone 644-2664
t :11 A.M. ~1,w .... 1,
10:00 A.M: httNy CIMlrc• ......
11100 A.M. '-"" WmtM!p
N1NNrY rr..lllW
I F•ll'lllv Wcinh111 t :oO 1o 1a:"il ;.m. 1
SUnaay 5choa4 f :30 IO 10:30 1.m.
Wom1111 l•rvic:t 11 :00 to 12:00
Nursery care available
at all services
Missc11.itl Synod
710 Ylctctt4e lt .. ~C... ....
Lmttt..Y. TctfMW, '-t•t
Wor11'1Jp S1rvkn : l :lJ • 11 A.M. SUn<l•Y $d!OOI: t :• AM. Adult 8Jb!e Cltn: •~• A.H.
CHRISTIAN ILfMINTARY SCHOOL S41-"'61 Su111l1v Sc.hoo! • , , ••••• t :4S. Tr•lning Union ••• ,, •• , • 6:00
Memi"' W0nhip ••••• I l :OD · Evtnl119 Worship •••••• , 7100
WMn1•'•Y ,,,.,., M11ti119 for .n '''' .............. 7:10
,..._ '42·9111 H•fMt'Y Al""YI ~~
hlHlcry kltMI -9:)0 .. 11 =• .
Qlrch-11 A.M. s.ntc.
lteeM11t INlll -II 0 OllN ll~============================~~ll ' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11~""""'""""'"""'"""'"""'""""'55""""'""""'"""'.......:
Ult S. L PALllADll IOAD ~ ·II ,
MOllflflNI WOlllHIP ................................ 11 A.M, lVllUlll• WOlllHI" ................................ 1 P.M.
Latun• Beoch-Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist
Church & lltlldllf Scllffl-9:11 & ll:H
INCll"tl R...t. 214 ,_...
Newport Blach-First Church of Christ, Scl1ntlsl
Chrcll & ....,. kHel-9:11111111
llllli I&. .. CM,_. LIM -,_. Nit of IJl'l't pew. ""''""'"' ._.. ~ .... Tiit ""· ~-c. Ctttr· "' .....
Sunder ~rvk:11
l :M A.M. "'" Coml!IMlll •=• A.M. ••111llJ' ~a Clllrd 11• P.M. lv-k•ll 11• P.M. .,.._.., 11 1• A.M. Mtmllll w.nfll' T._. CMl'dl-lfllrMry C.n P,..,lnf
........... JJllYft!LWe
IUNDAY ltMOOl •.•••.• ~ ........................ t:• A.M, ,
MIOWlll: llJl:VICI WIDNalDAY' r:• P.M-
WHllelll s. Ad9ll. 11''11!1f Cllln:JI ,.... MWQJ t GOD CHURCH "'::;;:::::;:::;::::;:::;:=:=:=:;==~==::==:=:=::::;:::;;i:' i'::' ~I Nawport BHch·Second Church of Christ, Sc1.,1r.1 FIRST ASSEMIL Y of i" . I , · -2100 -..._ "'· c:-.., M• , 146 E. 22ncl St., Coal• Mou "54J761
-FiRST c1RST run1s:r1•w ~· ·~.,-,..,,, •• " ... "'"'"=·,..-----'1-M._C.Cntik..__ .t.lt9hllllll.All11l•I• -........ -,.;..-{~JliURCH . " . -1-~ --~ 17--"" -....... --.... -.;;-nn·c CMii ..... -. .....,,,,, ~ aar-11.-1 "'fl • CHURCH_.,. '.,,-. p I, «.1yNicholnH1,Milli1ltr•fYoVtn
Me..,_. Drin & Mer Strftt, C•r. M..a, C .. lf.
lur!dey kllool: 1:00, t :30 011111 1l:DO-Mor11lrt11 WOrtl'llp: 1:00, f :30 •nd 11;0I
Prine• of P1oc.• luth1r•11 School -Miu E1th tr Ol1on, Princ.ip1I
Office Phone: 649-052 1 School Phon1: 549.0561
?i-Ussouri S)'nod
429_ CyprHI Dr. Lavun• Beach
bt. W. I. Nl1•1~.t. , ..
Worship services -10:00 A.M'. -
Sund&TSchool and Bible Class -8:45 A.M. ~!::::"' .. .:!:' . Pl
' . All are cordially i~vited to attend the chur<h SUNDAY SCHOOL -t :30 A.M. . Victoria&: acentia•Ave. I services and enjoy the privileges of the i t7411 ...,..n •. P.Y. 1 Costa Mesa 1 .... --..-M-,_ '· ,,_, Reading Rooms , EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN 1 ~1iiiPihioinei:iOliiiurciiihi4i94i07998iiiiiiiiiPan;;;;oinagiiiei,i494iii~i1i10iiiilllij
Mlnhflr c•11t1 c.. ,,..,... AT, AU sattcn Mo1nin9 Wo11hi11 l :JO & I I :00 Doutlet He4tee • Nov. 16th thru Nov. 30th
Sundty School •••••• : •• 9:JO TWiii Mll'lllMr llF~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ill Sunday -10:50 AM & 7 PM Yo th Mteting 6 00 llrty Wtr1h111 ............ liM ,,,,, II ' ......... ' "'" '""" ................ ••• •-•· ST. "ATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH T -• th F 'd 7 30 PM Pr•v•r S11vic1 , , •••••• , 6:10 Morn:ni:onlllP .......... 10'* '·'"· IVI ue-.u•y ru r 1 ay -:
Ev1nin9 Sorvic• .~ •••••• 7:00 ,1 ~:::,.. .. ~~.:·:::::::::·::::::~::::: tM i11ourf s.,,.oi11 -SERMON TOPICS:
H•ntn' ..,......_ If •I lln'kn 1 N C p 'd d wor1hipi11, ot th1 ursery are rov1 e UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL .. Christians Beware" 842-2421. 14a.4n1 14MJ41 "What is Your ite'ationshlp'with God?" I Stndburg 1t M•tth1w1 i11 U11i~1r.ity P11k ta I WOHHIP: 1o:Jo A.M. 11Pentecost, What is it?"
Mein & Adams Streets 1
Huntington Beoch
Morni119 Worthlp I •••••••• l :JO & ll:OOAM
l ilil• Sc.hool •• , • ••• • 9:45 AM
You th 6roup1 •••••• 6:00 PM
Ev1nii1g Worship •••• 7:00 PM
l!Mo StwJ Onu11-WM.-7 '·"'· I
N~ C•rt Pr""'lcltd ot •11 PFV!u&
1 Offltl: ~ Dltl ~~
Church of 'tlle Deily Word
Lortt1 0. l"lk,1111w M"""' 11th & lrvin1, Nt•porl lt1c.h I
tStnlor Cltluns Bwllcll111J
1;45 A.M. Sund1y School
10 :00 A.M. D1¥otion1I Strvle1
OFFlC !: 300 W. Co.11 HIOl'IWl 'fl N.I .
Phont: '46Jll1
DIAL·A·PkA Yll -146.0619
CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE • ,...,,.r1 ·--............ CllUrdl .. U11tt.I Cllwcll ••111"-lcl1nc1, "'" Antlln
Ml11l1111'. •.Albor! Burt.o, R.S.t.F,
THI allll CLUI O" NaWl"OtlT •IACM
llJ ....... "" .......
Ro.,, H.,Ni1rm1111 ,Po1tor IJJ.12 11 "The Baptisim of the Holy Spirit"
"The Man God Can Help"
Th• Pim of Cod
The Penon of Christ
The Powtt of tht. HOiy Spirit
Sund~ Sdlool 9 AM
Morning Worship 9 and 10:30 AM Eve11Jna StlYite 7 l'M
Wtdnnd•Y 91blt SIU'dr
ind l'rrter 7 Pio\
NUMI)' during ~IYiCl;S
A f\IR Youth Program·
Cm. of Orange and llnf. St.
Casi• Mes.a ..
Pastor H. [. Jont1; IFCA ~lbr.
"Give God A Chance"
YhftM W..._ -N.,.,. An.tldMt
S,_ Llu.M4 rr.4dlMI -Mr1. J ohR Gollnick, Diroctor
...... : &4S.2121
harbor reform temple
• ti.. meeting at
$~Jomes Episc<>pat Church a 3209.Vlo Lido, Newport BHch
for Information: c.111576-7230
A Cordial Welcome from
1 · --,..---------
! ll•1bo1 '1l1nd
115 Agtf• 675.0950
9;]0 Tr1dilion1I Wonhip
& Sundoy School
Co1tt M11•
19th St. & Herbor 11¥d.
Church Worsh ip -9:10 & 11
ChMrth School -9:30
Coll• M11• North
Mtit Vord• & l1k11 St,
Wouhip & Church School
t:OO & I01JO A.M.
Hunli11gto11 ltteli-Nortlii
6662 Htil A¥o. 142-4461
Wonhip & Church School
9 &: 10:30 A.M.
Irvine -E•1t l luff
lll·l 2JJ
11422 Culvtr Reid
ti U11iv1fctity bri¥1
Worthip & Church Schoel
L19u11• B11ch
116J2 W1111y Driv•
in So. L•9un•
Wor1hip 11 A.M.
Churc.h School 9:30 A.M .
Hu11l inglo11 l!lttch Ntwport S.och
2721 17th St. Sl6·l5l7 I 400 W. ltlbo• 1!11¥d,
1 S..rvic11 -9:30 & 11 A.M. 67l -3t05 PLEASE DON'T ·COME
740 W. Wilson, Cosio MH•
I Nur1try lhru 2nd 1r1d• -11 Worship I ChurCh Scfiool • 'jl~=c'=;·=~ '=~~iii!·~=' y=~=·~=· ~=·~=~=N-C-~!!!,:!!!;l!!c!!!I ~!!!~!!!·~=· !!!!!!!!!!! ~ If you t r• looking .for'" 1ltl.or1t1\1r911re1'1, or soc.iol p111tit•·
lut i i \.011 or1 loo•i119 for i11.d1pth liblt 1tudi11, Chri11l1n ftl•
low1hip. •11d ln1 pirin9 1pirittd •o,.hip, you'll lovo ull l o •t~om-
1'1od•t• our growing church l•mily .,.., now heve two Su ndoy
morning •trylct•, t :lO tft.d 11 iOO. Nu1101y c•rt, Cornet of Grt1n• .. ai, & S~nflow••· \ _
141.2111 641·t512
.JJarlor CkriJlian Ckurck
MMtl"tl R1t91hnt, H~ 11......,.,., kli-••I
415 L 11" It., C.IN M ...
Cllurch School -9:30 A.M.
Worship -10:45 A.M.
H9fMt'Y c.,. PN..tff4
Phone: 675-3915
~ter: Or. O. W. McEiroy
, 420 IO!h St .. Hu11!i119lon l1tch ,I
Phont 511·2120 ·
Adult I Youth 5,..,;,,,, 11 t .tn.
W--lt'"A.M. Clllrtll w..1-11itl A.M.
Dr. """" 0. Mwny, MlrtlUer M~t. lfl'"'Y Sltlloti D.C.L . ~
. "
r "' .~~ .. ~,~~·~·;;·.~·~~ ....
Seventh·DaY Aclventld Ch~ .
~thn Sh•w1r11k1, P11t1r
Phono: 541·6596
hbHtll Sclle•I., • t :JO AM
MOflll .. WIMIWp ••• 11 :•AM
,..,.. MMti .. • W.._7:H PM
. ..__
f'MO ,.,._ ,t,.,.. CT .... &-M ....... ,, POUNTAIM YAUIY
-· :Wonhip & Y•uth &reuP1 -6:]0 p.m, 4
NWMry _..,11111111 ti olf MIVlul
A C-"Y Cllun:ll -Vllttln Art Awirrt W11c:tm1
""""" ·~••o• '" ••IJYllW · I EV ANGELICAL FREE CHURCH
llOlallT •· SllTte CAIL •1MTllY M ........ It IM.11111 MIRl1..,. .. M411k
....., ....... -9141 A.M.
tl1M 4.M-''n. • ....._et~ •. I"
Str1r1•11 by P1dot
7:00 P.M ...... ••1•"" •Mrs. •n, leftmtte M...._.•teMuke
~ -....... ,.. _ • .......,., -011111 c-
"'•1wg181lw .,... .. ".., .. ........... A,..
&17 w .. Ht-, c.te M ..
All JitWhh 'f1111llltt 1,. 111.,JtM ft 191• .. 111 truly '"••11i111ful
IAllATHlftNIN• SDYK:a flltAT et 1111 P.M. -. ' .,,....... Lt.lw-...w ...........
&46.1112 T1111~• st.1ro11 Choir -()Mg Sh•b•t 141·14J2
thl! Church
· of the Coasta I Areas
Christ Church Presbyterian
I 20111 M .. ••ll• CNnr Ad•111) H••tl .... •lffcll
' '"· ~4 1. •oMm. p..., h.., w.-.: 9:JO A.M •. Cltlf'Cfl kllffl1 ·tOi41 A.M.
Offke1 20112 M ....... St. ......: tll-4941
Church of the COY-nt
1111 Mm.. RHd, c .... M-
lruc• A. IC11rrl1. P•lfor
,....., W ... lp: t:JO & 11 -C._. w...lt 91)0
• . PkM: 545-4J04
St. AndNw's Presbyterian Church
W.nlllp & Qwdi Sc .... : a, 9:JI • 11 A.M.
St. Mark l'resbyterknl Church
c.._ J-1,.. • ·~ Drha, c.,_. '-f M• -.............. lthl,..., w.-., & a.ell~ -11 A.M.
• 644-1141
co-iilty -Pm11yter1an Churdi
411.._ .......................... .....
W....., • 9lll&11:MA.M.-a.tlikllMI • t~OA.M. , 494·7111_.;· # .... SUNDAY MORNlNW llllt STUD'!' •••••••••••••• 91.SA.M. I .. HttitklttM.... !
SUNDAY MO .. NING WOASHIP I COMMUN ION •• 10:45 A.M. 1911 Pl.W. AMo 116·79n I
SUNDAY lVENtNW WORSHIP , ••• ••••••• •••• •• , 6:00 ,,M, 11 "'"· Alfnt L. Ml•r. Plflw • ' I f '\ ·. 1 W 1 1• 1 y"
WEDNESDAY fVlNIN& l lZLE $TU D'I' •••••••••••• 7:JOP.M. 1~:::::::::,:;~,.:"-v ..... ~ I • 0 your cno1ce ' • 1 1'UNirARiAN
NUDIAY CAii PIOYIDIO 11 h • •.At -'""'""' ""'"'., r """· ww .. a-......,, , UNIVERSALIST
_ o. M..-0• o. H•"' , •·•~"• co•r••<• o• ""''" ••• • this week/ 1 CHURCH
M......., -AtMcfft MfthNt I l •M-• *' 1 ri 121tVic.ttrltSt,.Co1t•M•••
Ph ... • .... "11 Day or NI .... , ' P.M.-"Leftd ., n ... Wiim ........ ,,... ...... I 'I' ,., u52 ........ Lo---·--------"-----•-" ____ 1._ _______ ... _,_ ... _-_._•_N_. ______ _.,,_ ____________ ,_ _ _,..--.,-.-.,,--, ~ 1t:a A.NI:
I I '· ' ••
Attend tho church
of. yolll' choice
on Sundty ...
Pulpit. I . d an Pe'W
FeUQWahip m,.ta Monday al
the same hour. J\.111. Pat Pem-
brook •Ul present "Challqe
ot the Changing Image" al the
9:30·•.m. Wednesday Women's
meeijng, A film f r o m
Czechoslovakia will be shown
and a profram o( prayer and
self denla will cOOclude lhe
program. Wednesday at 6:~
p.m. the Methodist. Men wllt
meet for a catered dinner.
Guest speaker for the' evening
will be Howard Stephens,
finance officer !or Fountaln
Valley and fonner president of
the HunUngton Valley Bank..
At Community United Meth·
edhit t'bardl. 6662 Heil Ave.,
Huntington Beach, the Rev.
Charles L. Rose will be
preaching at both the 9 and
"10:30 a.m. services. The title
of his sermon will b e
"Remember When You Were
a Stranger." Loyalty Sunday
y,•ill be observed.
Church school classes fer all
ages and nursery care, for the
very young are also held at
boUt hours. An adult Bible
1tudy class Ls held at\9 a.m.
and a class of adults. "The
Architects," meets a\ 10:30
a.m. in the church ChaPel.
Methodist Youth Fellowship
ineets each Sunday evenina at
7 o'clock.
A special business meeting
will be held at the Finl Bap-
tist Cburch of Huntinton
j ch at 7 p.m. Sunday. The
rd of Deacons will meel
day evening, prior to the ·
iness meeting. Th e i r
eduled meeting on Monday
will not be held.
Pastor Willis Loar will bring
his message "The G o o d
Sheperd" from a series '>f
meuages of the Portraits of
Christ at both services: 9:30
a.m. at Peeks Chapel, 7801
Bolsa Ave., Westminster and
11 a.m. at the Huntington
Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange.
The Jane Brown Circles will
sponsor a Christmas Festival
at the home ot Eula Mac
t:omylUI, 6 8 2 I Canterbury
Drive, Friday. Sales are open
to the public.
A special service is slated
for Thanksgiving Day at 10
Dr. 0. Cope Budge. presi·
dent of Southern California
College, Costa M.sea, will hold
a "Charismatic Clinic," Nov.
19 through Nov. 23 at tbe Glad
TtcUngs Assembly el God
Cllurcb 15th -ancf. ~fonrovia
Streels, Newport Beach. The
clinic will meet each evening
at 7:30 p.m. except for
He ~·ill be speaking on the
phenomena of l!le "Divine
Sinspiration. of Speaking in
Tongues and the D I v i n c
Manifestations of the Gifts of
the Holy Spirit"
\Vords from John are part. of
the lesson-sennon on "Mortals
and Immortals" to be read
Sunday ill Coast are Chrt1tlan
Science churches.
Family Lire Conference,
conducted ~YJ Dr. G I e n n
O'Neal, is scheduled Nov. 18-23
aat . w . .-li\\'f"H . """1st
QVdi, W.amtr Avenue · at Golbard strle~ Hllllllqton Beach. '
Dr. O'Neal Is a •gradual< of
Moody Bible ,' Institute and
C<fe< T!*IO&ical !3mlf\81'Y,
He< rectived hla Ph. D. ln
speech from the ,Uolverslly of
Sooth<m Calllomla ID ,1857.
11le Conferen<.'P, will be aim·
ed ,at helplrig ,huibandl1 W!ves~
pareni.s, YOl.lth aiid children lo
understand God's plan for
each of them in the home.
Topics include "For Better
Not For Worse,'' ''Lasting
Home Foondalions'' "How to
Be a Good Husband" and
''How to Be a-Good Wife?''
The Rev. Henry Gerhard,
minjsler of the Cbartb of
Reli1lous Scie11ct of Laguna
Beach, will speak on the sub-
ject, "Are You Giant or
Grass bop per?" Sunday.
Services are held at the
church, 20062 Laguua Canyon
Road, at 9 and ti a.m.
Junior church and the high
school gro!JP meet during the 9
o'clock service. Baby care is
also offered, during the early
service. Thursday lectures are
sponsored by the church at
Leisure World, Clubhouse Two
at 10 a.m. The public ls in·
Prince of· Peace Lutheran
Church, 2987 Mesa Verde
Drive, Costa Mesa, announced
a special series of meetings 0.1
the "Person and Work of the
Holy Spirit" beginning Sunday
and cootinuing t bro ugh
Wednesday nJght.
Guest speaker for this series
vdll be the Rev. Percy Gut·
teridge of Sky Valley. Born in
England, the Rev. Gutteridge
has been'. a pastor for more
lhl!r:l 30 years. He will tpealt at
three Sunday services: 8, 9:30
and 11 a.m. The Sunday even·
ing service will begin at 7
o'clock and the week day
services at 7:30 p.m.
The public is invlled.
;sJl "'l*!lne the f'l'ituJilm.
-&eniees wUI It.art It a-
o'clock, cooductod ·by lllbbl
Ralph DeKoven ~d Robert
Leeds, the rellaloUs ~··
idlnlmstrator. 4. . . . . '.
Tl\e Foonlaln Vall,ey Bible . ~· . ~1111 JOr Jnt.emtod wpmen ll
11 ••
~u .'?eaun at HllDtiqto•VJew ~; Cllarcb, 9'711 Sliter
',\ve.l Fountain Valley. Mj.u
An&elyn Dantume, director of
women's actlllvlea at Nar·
ramore Christian Founclallo • ._.11~
will be teaching the · Bible
At FOUDtaln V a 11 e y
Presbytertu Cbart•, 9 4 2 0
Talbert, the 11 a.m. service
will feature the seventh or a
series of sermops on the ~
year old Westminster Shorter
Cathechlsm: "Salvation .Js Of
the Lord." The Sunday school
hour will pl'!Ctde at 9:45 a.m.
During the e"tenlng worship---------~---------
hour1 7:30 o'clock, th~ pastor
will continue last week'•
pre!entatlon of "Why We Bap-
tize...Jnfants." The· Young Peoo
pl~/.or Chri5t organizaUon will
m;t at'& p.rn.
Lolhf:ran Cburcb of ihe
Master, 2900 PacUlc View
Drive, Corona del Mar · offers
worship at 9:15 and 11 a.m.,
with Sunday church schooJ and
Bible classes at IO a.m.
The congregation w i 1 I
observe Commitment of llfe
Sunday \his week. Dr. William
R. Eller w\11 dellver a
message cnUlled "Come In
A Prayer Vjgil will preceed
the -Commitment. W o r s h i p
from noon until midnight
The first of twq lciyalty Sun--
days will be celebrated at
Cbrtst Cburcb by tbe Sea, 1400 w. )ialboa Blvd., Newport
Beach. The Rev. Dav I d
D!Profio will preach on the
subject "When 1 Md Needs
Early worship and cb.qrch
school are at 9:30 a.m.· wllh ·
morning worship at it o'clock.
Nursery care is provided.
Tbe SenJor High Youth
Fellowship meets at 7 p.m.
each Sunday.
Corona del Mar this Sunday
and t!)e two foll.owing Sundays.
He will speak during the IO
.a:m. worship hour.
The Rev. Albert Burke,
minister or the United Church
of Religious Science 0 r
Newport Beach, announced
that beginning Nov. 16, 11
a.m., services, junior church
and Sunday school, will be
held at the Ebell Club of
Ne~ Beach, 515 W; Balboa
Temple Beth Shc>lom, 13031
Tustin Ave., in Santa Ana.
Purther information concern.Ing
.enrollment and complete class
descrtptlons can be obtained
by contacting Soni Rice, 534·
0331, or the temple office, ft32·
At St. l\11cbaels and All
Angels' Epitcopal C b a r c b 1 3233 Pacifi View D r i v e ,
Corona del J\.1ill', communion
will be celebrated at all three
services: 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.
The sermon at all three
services will be given by the
Rev. John Rogers Davis.
A special parlsh meeting Pat Boone and his. family will be held Sunday evening at
will be featured guests at the 7 o'clock on action taken by
Wilkel'IOD Yoatb Rally at delegates at the Spec I a 1
·AMheim Convention Center General Convention I as t
A Frid 7 .,,. -. August at which $300,000.00 rena, ay, :...v P·~· '"e was designated for the use of
regular speaker of the rally racial minorities. The Rev.
each ~month ls the Rev. David Canon Kenneth Cery, rector of
W~ersoa of New Ycir:k City SL. Matthews parish, Pacific
who is the author of the. be.st Palasades, a ~elegate to the
sellft., ~''The cross and· ttie ·-convention, ~111 speak and
Switchblade." Boone and answer questions.
Pastor Wilkerson have tust
returhed. from New York
where the movie, "The Cross
and the Switchblade '.' w•s
filmed. Boone stars in the film
to be released early in 19711.
Huntington Be•ch
loc:I., lecreett.. hHlll ..
t2t1 h1111htt St., H•lllft .........
N11111ry for arn11l 1h!l~r1n
MOaNIH• WOllHIP -11 :Ot A.M.
Familia r, Yes, But • • •
"'Bonus Hours in • Busy Week".
Com• in •nd ralex-w'!'Tfe • letfel"--f'ead •·boo~-·
· w•tch • thow.,-leevo t ho ralf t! u1-
644,21=5 I'--
.. ...
a .... ...,.. W. M11rttM
t62·7l61 .,. 1~4-H14 ' •Co11fonnt to tho•• btli•h 1114 pr•cllc•• lt•li h!tforlctl1y by
t Pr .. byt1rl1nt.
I See by Today's
Want Ads
eTHAT •. , .• . e DIMI
• • • L. J --
Pisces: Thrinv -OiitClinches ·
Even1D1 lavon aroup activity.
concert, ballet. JtarUer, lanar
position 1tresse1 agreementa
with Irie.ad• • n d un-
derstanding of IHtislc hopes,
Toolg!ll ladlyll!ioaJ bcn aader
Places could Intrigue and c1p-
tu.re headllne1. Applies
especially to womu linked
with Scorpio male.
ARIES: (March 21·April
19): You may feel confined,
restricted ta.ilght. Key i$ to
appreciate time by yourself.
Treasure chance to catch up
with thoughts. Being alone is
not same as being lonely.
Know this.
TAURUS, (April 20. May
20): Qui~t i:et-together with
(ConUnued from Page 4)
WAR ••.
ptl"IOnl who &hare Jntereltl is kooW this ii an llnlilual dly
favored mta:ht. EarUer, a where messages, com-
frank dl&cuuJon about ru11.1l~tJon1, "gettlnc In
flnbhlnf unplewnt sl!Uallon touch" are concerned, Vuy
ts featured. Ton I g h t , at-acUve.
DIOlphere ·la lr1"'1dly. AQUARIVS (Jan, 20-Feb.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20): 18): Income, personal
Accent on beln1 confident poe...stons are opolUg)lled.
enough to be orla:lnal. You can You gain grea~ reeognitlon
have fun being creative today. for effort1: Know thls -and
Most difficult step ls first one. complete lmpOrtan& task. You
Know this 'and proceed. could be on,road to riches.
Message clear by tonight PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
CANCER: (J\llllt 21-July Begin anew. stress originaJ,
.%2): Journey or discussi<T.1 of fresh approach. Throw out the
future travel plans is featured . clicbes. What you do, do In
Thrash out financial or budget poslUve, defbUe ·manner. Cy~
problenu. Emphasize frank cle is blgb; odds ereat for SUC• approach. If practical, you."ac-
tually can accompllsb much. ce;. TODAY 18 y 0 U ll
LEO (July 23-Aug. :12): By BIRTHDAY you are
ton1ght you may be deeply analytical, tend to 1 eek
engrossed in new interest.. perfection. Yet. you also are a
Much that is unusual occurs. ronlanticill You want to
Status quo or. regular pattern believe the beat about mo5t
Is broken. Welcome ch~Uenge. persons. Ai;td you draw people
Jn v,e st lg ate. Explore who take advantage of that
mysteries. believing side of your nature.
VIRGO (Aug, 23-&pt. 22): CondiUona due to Improve. II
tonight you can cement rel•· single. marriage la on horizon.
tlons with one who appeared If manied, better, more ··,
to be driftlng away. Takea ef • stable financial cmdltions are
fort on your part. But 1th·s shown. ·.
worth it. Redi11COver one w o
h ( To tltld °"' wno'J !Lek'/ tw Y011 In means muc o you. frlonn' •llf iov.. onler ~'fdMy Omtr•'• hapless civilians who are UBRA ('·pt 23-0ct -)· booll:let, "1tcr1t Hl11ta tor Mt11 •~ot ~ • ' .. ' Women." s.tld blr!Mlta Mid Kl c..,tt caught In the middle . \Velcome chance to get basic to 0marr A11ro1o1Y s.c""', T11t n••·
THIS UNE of reasonJng chc>res out of way. Strive for LY 'ILOT. 1 .. ne, G"'r111 ctntret
II Im, l · ( S11tleft, Hew YOl't. N.Y. 1001', usua y cu 1pa es m a s rong balance. Show appretiatlon toJ1;:::==========;:;
conviction that the United individual who performs GOSPEL CONCIRT/
States should pull out of Viet· apecial services. Key i s u ENINO nam as rapidly as military moderaUon. Avoid extremes. YOUTn HAPP
logistics will permit and wash SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
its hands of the whole ugly Make your home your castle.
business. Oa.t't try to Impress othen at
Unhappily f o r President c~t of creating discomfort for
Nixon and thc>se who share the yourself. Applies especially ln
burden of decision-making in dealing with visiting members
the U.S. government, this of opposite sex.
course of acti1on also Is open lo SAGITT"AIUS (Nov. 22-• o. s-. •tti.
·severe mora judgment. ·~· d I --Ward Just, a fonner Viet· Dec. it): Avoi 8 e e n g JUit .._•tile
nam War correspondent who persons, situations through MM Clfr Sl...,s
now is an edltortal writer for rc>se-colored glasses. Key ls to hrh Ann
th h P I outline goal -and 1.o be n. l't•riM ..,.. • e Was lngton ost, recent Y aware of detours, obstacles. · 5,.,.. s.Mert
laid out the moral argument Accent on home, property, Pl ~· &clti1'19 Yoirth Telenf
against an American "bug basic security. s .... N.,., IZ - 7 , .....
out." CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -Jan. LON• llACH Because this argument has 19): Spotlight on s h 0 rt MUNICIPAL AUDITOl.IUM
rarely been presented so journeys. You may be a hf l•fe:
vividly, Just's article Is worth vlsllor or host. But you will •inpol. c.-.m J71-0t ll
quoting at some length . . ~~~~;;ii~;iii~~i~~~~~~=====~ ,;IT WOULD be \VOnderful ul i .... .... t t
we could just walk away from \. 9\
ii, pull the boats up to
Camranh Bay nnd steal away ·• . flelnori-1 pork
inlo (he nigh!." said Just. oven . . Ill
"But ii you did th at you would
want !he joumalisls lo leave Th• Smdhlmuf s Mosl &lf#l;fld along with the soldiers
because the stories that would Mnnori411
come with the 'Communist Vic-M.WSOC.aJM • GOlUMIAllUM • CIMlr9T
tory would be pretty grim
stories." -
He said Ult! Communists
have "20 years of scores to
seltle" and it is. unrealistic to
· ~'"ZjTREES ef-:theWGRl..D
""' 0. ,....,_ ....,_. . ..... ,...,... .-a.._.. .
suppo.!!e they would pass UPI;:::====================;:; the opportunity offered by the
collapse of South Vietnamese
resistance in the wake of a
unilateral U.S. withdrawal.
By having intervened In the
lvar on a massive scale slnce
1965, Just said, th e United
States has taken on <l moral
responsibility, not to the
Saigon regime. but lo the
South Vietnamese who have
been forced by our in-
terventior. to take sides end
thereby place their lives in
forfeit if the <X>mmunisls win
an unconditional victory.
moralists ought to a s k I
themselves is where they in·1 tend to assign the
responsibility for the blood left
in the wake or the American
boats, pulled up there in such
haste at Camranh Bay. \Vhen
the newspaper displays the
phoJographs or those killed,
· v.·hat do we do then? Avert our
eyes? Blame Lyndon Johnson?
Prelend that it isn't as bad as
it looks. that the victims are
\var profiteers, or comipt
generals. or pimps or double
Just concluded : "All we can
do oow Is to plaf out the
tragedy and try to learn the
right lessons. On the ground In
South Vietnam, revise the
rules c>f engagement. Initiate a
cease-fire, keep withdrawing
troops, but keep security as
well; try to keep people alive,
oors and theirs; wind all of it
down, but in the winding be
mindful that there are people
whose Uves are at the. merey
of the Americans.
15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach
{Y, II.ck Wfft of HHt H..,lt•I) 646-1620 or'*''"' Tflorn11 lonwtnutl, P11tor -Sam Mlllor, Mu1lcal Director
Nov. 18 thru Nov, 23
with D. O. COPE BUDGE S.T .M., Ed.D.
CPNll4"t .t sec co1..,.1
Sermon Topics:
"TH "''"' ..... of Spoal119 111 T ...... " "Tiie Dl,hto Mlrec,_ 1W tM P.-of tM H°'Y Splrh"
''Th: •1ttt et tM Hofy Spirit fot> T.My" ~~
POl•IYIHISSI " •. fori9v• 11• 011r 4•bh •• w• for9iv• 011'r d1 btor1", M1H. 6:12.
ONLY '' w• for9iv• thot• who off•nd 111
will we b1 for9iv1n OUR offt nt••· l•f ut
ltt et &od i1, SLOW TO ANWER end
QUICIC TO FORGIVE. Mitt. 5:42, N1h.
t:l1o J11111 11icl w• 1ho11ld fortl•• on•
• • p1r1on 4t0 ti111•1 l IM1tt. 11 :121. Hat
1nyon1 tlnl(e4 •1•in1t yo11 490 tlm111 S11ch • on• 1ho11ld bt
yo11r GOOD, FRI ND 1fttr 490 c•t•t of for9iv1t11u. Abr•h•in
Lincoln e11d1 1ft1r,1l1ctlon, th1t ht wo11ld ELIMINATE his •n•·
,.,,;,, lty MAKIN• THEM HIS FRIENDS. Ar• YOU· 1n9ry et •nv•
11t1117 R.1,ltu thlt '"t'' with LOVE 1n<l 1•• Clui1t'1 w1y 111cc••d1
"··•¥trcof!lt o'fll with 1ooc:I", Rom." 12;21 . Thit world NEEDS for•
9lv•ne11. •
W111't LOVE for "''" 1uoMpfM Him to pro•i'o • WO'f' of for9 iv1·
nett for Mt ~'t 1ln1. THAT wey h J•1v1. Ho 1114, "··1 '"" th•
WAY tho ttvtlt aMI tht llf-", Jn. 14;6. 011 tho 1rot1, He 11ld,
" •• F.ih1r, forjl•o tt..111: for they krtOW riot •li•t ttt.y do" IL•.
2J;l'41. St1~n,· the fir1t Chrlttitft fll irtyt, 01,ti..4 ih• 11m•
thoirtltt 11 h• ,1114, "•·L1r>d ,.l1y ·not th!• ''"'"· fttolr ch1r9•"• when ht w111tonM to d11ttl ~II •ntrr ..,..ri., lAth 7;601. Ar•
YOU alil• to t •hlbft thlt •"rl~ •l"fOfJl~11111T It wit •hJl1 .....
w•r• UNWOaTHY of forth·on••-• thtt &.4'1 S~ ,,,,,;d,d for
lt1 "l wt .... ce11tJ11etidoth Hi• I"• 'tow.N .,., 11 tti1t,. wh il• "''
w•ro yet SINNl"S; Chrl1t tliM fOf us", Ro11t. l ;I . VISIT th,•
Ch11r1h of~Ch;l1t 1tt4 1tu41v FOaSf)'JP/IEIS with '' fr•rn Gff •
wortl, tho lllLl1.217 W, Wiie.ft St., CietoJ'~•• C.llf.
St •. Allclrew'1 Sallctuary Choir
600. St. Al4.n1 llf.; N..,... -.
Ao ~ r.,. ....... k H.,. ,
SUNDAY MNING, NOY9MllR 16-7:30 p.m.
The Sar_tctuary Choir, compo1•d of 65 voic••· ls dlr..tet1d 1:.y Jon1h C. kltewer •
Fe•fUred solol1ts ire Rob•tt Randall, Mr1. Andrew ,Smith and Jose,h $1vdle.
Accomp1nls t is or91ni1t Roitert-H .. tls I Ht show11 ln photo), '
I '
.I -
.. . · .· ,• . ... . · : . , ..
.--~~~~~~~~~~~~....;;;;;;....~~---:~-.-~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=--==""""",...,.,.,....,,,..,,.....,..,,..,..,.. ..... ~ ..... ~ .... ~--Miss~~ Viefo .i$-ma~y .thiogs io ~ny.~pl~;·y~f;~ . ·:cQRONAOQ~OM~~~;}h~ ~~-i;~;;,;~~::' 0:Ei?~Rt;oo."Ho¥~:r~~g~ f~~m~23;4oo -to. $29:3?.J>: : '.
, ~rrieds, executiv~s. engine~rs'. _artisans, trad~sm.i;n •. ·r~-. ately pricecj. in ~.ission.Vie!0.··"·11 of t);i~'? ;1re~Jabl!:on ' '..:...W'th ~lit-ar.id:VA tenns. .tvjore tharr l/X)O•hornes• in'tfi.is '
tir!'!es, professio~als, salesmen, entrepreneu~ 1 _0.~ ~o-~HA or.VA·fir1a~cing. At ~J,99509u~ ~-bed~ pl~n is•a • serjes _have been ~Jd, There ar~ 6 models from-2 to·5 ~-
ple live here tajay, and our growtp has just ~gun. Our rare find in an excitingl.y-design.ed .t<:Of11pact.fo£ ~le.~o roo1!'5..all :with· dr~ma!ic 'fireP.laces and rich ·e~terior ~·
residents shop in tree-shaded .village plazas that include don'-t. ne.ed sleeping. capacity, but want, more .house th;in !' tailing. The home shown is the Alondra:,an· exampl~ !)f
banking facilities, restaurants. markets, and ,c.harming_SP,f?· .the minimum. The .Balboa ,s'.arts with ·doubl~ e0try d~rs w~ijus~$24,650 can buy in Mission Viejo, A spectpcuJ~r
cialty stores. We educate our childre'n in our .own schools, to an impressive foyer. The.large living are.a pas~<1 vaul_ted · garden view, through the formal livi~g:dining room. seJs•;a
from day nursery straight through ju.nior college. We ai·t~~ ceiling and glass walls to both the~ re~r. ancLside . patio mood of e)(dt~t·from ·the -foyer; still, the area.is com-,
our own churches. play our QW!118-hole golf course; rel~ ar~-,which can be se.rve!l'l'rom ~~kit~:vi.a a sliding , pletely·fr~ Qf traffic, and_ its firepla<;e :keeps it coi.y. · I
at .our own parks and recreat jon clubs. We !Jave our own pass-thru window. Other .Coronado HO!Tles,bave 3.and 4 More boJste~:activi.~ies take over a ·r~{lfy. "L''.shap~
post office, our own fire station, our own m_edica l cen ter. bedrooms; The Cortez. at ~24.~, f-\as an exceptionally kitchen/family rOQm, open to the side Yilrd through.a wide
And th1?re is more, much more, to come. F.or Mission Viejo spacious kitchen-nook-family roomcombinati~n. a_nd is per· wall:of glass, .while all tbe sleeping rooms aie .quietly sepa·
. is a self-con~a i.ned, i)iasterfully planned community-feet" for informal entertaining. The f'.otl/i la, largest of tbe r<!te on the other side of the house. The .masier suite h~s ' . . ' ' . . '• -. . . I
already America's most successfu l new town-and des-Coronado series, is .. tl:ie lowest .prkedJ story, 4 .~room · doubl~doors ao.d a. deep walk-in cl o,Set",E'ach ·of . t_l'te
ti~ to becqm~ more beautif.ul a's tbe years go by .. Each home in ~range County. ,lt·costs ju5t $25,500.: Att the Eldoraclq. hemes. represents an ·achievement in planning.
of our .families.-.c;:ho5e Mission Vielo for wha.t it is to all Coronado . Homes baire doµble oveAs, . .dish~~-dis-Aij.9re ~rigle::$toJY..®signs Wt\h the ei<ception .of 'tba ' . .. ol~hem,.and. eac)i chQse a home that is perfect for them .pP$er, woo4 shingle roofs, large walls of·glass·and Vil!Jlted .~do, which f~l1'!res-a ·convertible second floor plan
' . ' ' . • • • • • • ' - . -• .-.J -·· •.--
alone. Today, you will see 5 distinguished neighborhoods living room ceilings. Wi!hout doubt._ Coronado.homes offer tha~ma.!<.es-iNdeal forgrowiiig fa~ilies. $tandard·feaf~res '
... 33 model homes ... SO different exteriors ... at prices the very best value to be found in Southern California today. .jn._Eldorado homes include ac;0vered entryway, wood shirg{e ..
from $21,919? to $63,000. Each home is blended by de~ign
with the early California heritage of this coveted land.
Corne and visit us. Discover the homes-and the commu-
. '
,J:lity-that will be your new l:ieginning.
They are closes t of all our neighborhoods to Saddleback roof, double ov~ns, d.ishwashe r, di sposer, fireplace, arid
College, and to the site· which will ultima tel y be a major
regional shopping center. To see them, take the Rancho
Viejo Road turnoff (50911 to bfi.Ave.ry .Parkway) frO!TI the
San Diego_ Freeway. An jncon;e of $800 per,mon!b .Y'ill
qualify for .a !,eautiful_ yi~do H~. =· .·· .... -. ,:,· ··
!11ilny q ~ali ty appointment s. Square foo tage ranges f.ro m
1100 to over ·2000 sq. ft.· In the $20,®$30,000. pri (;e ,
range, noother communi~.Y. in Orange Countl"Y .can,mati:h .i -' :t~val~.andari "1c;cilme<0f $800 permonth wi!l'qualify ·;
:f<>r .~ ~f. these~llding<Jio~,from the San Die~
. I Freevr.y,, take la Paz •Road._-first ef the-.3 tumeffs to •
. .
Find 'voGrself
in M-1ssion Viej0
.. .
. . .~--
.. /
, -.. . .
Mis5ion Viejo.
. . .. : ..
,. . :-. . . .... ~ . ' ' ' .
. . : ' ... . -~.... . . . ... .;. -· . ... . ,. . • 1 ._.,,",I I
. "'-'•----·
.. '
• .. • •
.~ ---I .. ·~
' ' . '
. ..
' '
• •
t A PAZJ-!dMES are close5t-<if.a~-tl>·tfie neart:bf-~t
.. rlay Mi~sioriViejo. They liave earoed-national<<itdaim·ahd
·:numerous awards for-outstandi~g des'ign; and ideseive<!ly
• • w. There are l'O basic'floor 'plans With'3· to 6 bedrooms,
r ' 'l!nd Up to2800 square feet. The plan>-include fcifmal.a inirig
• •• i
. ·..-,-' ' . ' rooms as well. as extra lar-ge·fam ily rooms and-1paeious-Be(!-·
rooms in single-story, t~-story,.amisplit t~~I d~igns.
The San: Miguel is· typical ·ofthe luxury of La ·Pa r Homes.
Its 16-foot high entr'fWay leac!.s thidugh douore.doo.rs·toa
J 'story-and-a-balf entr(foyer. The bei!mec;I living rooin ,Cei l-
' --
' -
' ..
e . .
h ,[ . ., 'I :
'• -;
.. .
. Ing extends into the forma l <lining .room. The re· is also a
·separate breakfast nook. The focal poi/it for family gather-
ings is the-huge fami ly room with its ni~ssive, foll cwall
:fireplace.-The stai rway fa .the bedroom area is 4 feef~ide.
The master suite ha·s.a·spa<fious dressii;g .area and a Vklk-
oeut balcon;>,: but riiialirig it Jor sheet-' size iS an 1s.t0ot
"dormitory" ·room Hiat ,cafv.iileep a .~Jl .ahliy! The'~-.
stairs bedrooh'i a~d bath;.off:the:family r&lm~~er«l~:iae.111y ·
·~s a guest room, maid's fooFIT· 0r d~h,· Wit~irFvial'King . . .
distance, or a ve ry short qr ive, are La Paz Pla.za shopping
center, La Paz PrecSchoo l: Lindi Vi sta Elementary School,
-La Paz Intermediate School, Mission Viejo High Sthoo l,
several ·neighbo rhooCl parks, a Lutheran ·church; ·ancJ..:the ·
.sites fa r·a n~·Count}'<libr.ary·and ·a'Sro.;sl!at-theafiir . ' . .
.plaimecf fo~ the. near-flltUre;:You'cali. see·it' all ·when )tit!
:take the ta Paz RPad,turi.ioff '3°nd tllin -left~ :lliese•hcinies
arepricedirorii $27'.900 .to·$4p:245. '.,.
,.._, Jot""''"" J . Ji!lilri
.c'fiool>C••-·-lcittr. .... oim· ..... r rTfL.t ..... . .
-·~ htholC'M ,,,...,
, .. ,,
The-Son Mi.Quat.. 4 Ndi-oo~ 3 ~hl-$3'.995
. ' ftdudes tM la"d
' . . -' .
( . • •• . .
• .... . ·-··~-~~ .. -..... ,_
GRANADA H~ES ·were:desigued -toiake:<ldv.i'ntage
· of-theirvi!!Wsites.overlooking:tne fairways° of t~e Misslon . . . ... . ~ .
'Viejo GolfCluD::El0quently styled in the·Cali!Omia tradi-
tion; they offei-j1o·6 bedrooms and up to 3·baths. They
are an exce ~t ionar value at prices from $28,990to $40,990.
--He re, Yo~ wil+ fi,;cfthe elegance·of'Cllrving sta i~ays, view . . .
·balconies," endosed courtyards, and deep cove red entry-
ways;·the ·spaciousness ofoversized famH y rooms, formal
dining rooins,·huge unfinished bonus areas, and 3:<:ar
garages. Tlie plan shown is .the Santiago, a 4-.bedrbom
single-story home ciesignedfo.pr~vide zoned piivacy areas
for children and ·p~ren is, as well as wel f-separaied formal . .
and informal entertaining areas .. an ideal plan for familie s . .
with small children or teenagers. Th e ·master suite , living . . ... ' -. '• . . .
room, dining room, and family room all face the view ; the
kitchen.operjSto a wide sicfe-patiO area'. that graciously ex-
\ ' • I . . ' ' ' ' ' -tencis.~;~ s caP,abilify·ftlr. liirgii-gi:oup .erite rtainini
The 5arltiagil is•priced ar $'33;500~()ther Granada Homes
f • I ' ' • ' • ' • hive·upstairs •bon~s·areas which you··C(l~Y COQl(er t. to add i-
t ion~! bedrooms, studio, rum pus room , or s'to rage space,
to suit your o(.,_h .family's needs, To see Granada Home s,
take the Grown Vall~y P.irkway tu rnoff arid turn left.
Yot.i11-.p~s :-''Otd0 M~cDoraii:l's Farm," the werid-famous
attraction fcirfueily·of .Krott'S-Beny Farm: yixi.may want ' . . .
to letthe~ildrenenjoyltWhileyou·tourtlie . .mocfol homes .
' ·~· ' -· . ' ..
• • •
' .
. ' " ~
.. ..
• • ·~ • •. J-• •
' . ' ' . ' .. •
. .
I •• I I
' " . ..
. .
DAIL v r1Lor 7
M issitiN·RfDGEis t~~rY top-~{Missi6n Vi~io. ~here
' • • . • • ~ •. • • ' • -1 •
a limited·gltlupof 3 to Sbedroom esfate homes are oriented
~ ~ . ·~ - -. ~ . ; . . . f' • : . . .
·to-spectacular views across tlie golf course. Eac~ home is
individually fitted to· its :sit~; ~as~· is ind ividu.ally pri~ed
according to its un ique exterior a~d-locat ion. So~e have tile
roofs; other1, heavy shake. At p;it;s '1iom $S3 ,9so 'to . -. . . . -. . -. . . ~ ' . . . \ $63,000, nothing has been left out. These homes-were not
designed forproducti~n. ecdn6my, l:i~·t for absolute liv~bility, .
Plan 26, shOWn, is an example: The ii led e~try ga lier)7; the .•
ai rY, garden-view dining ~oom;·2 separa te side pa'tio~ ;°3 fire -
places; 3-Vi·liaths; 3-c.i~ garage; a separate . privaie b.ilcdny ·
off the sitting-room foyer to the 28-foot: maste r bedr~m;
·;;separate libra,Y or-~aid's room and bath-conven ient . -. . \•
to the enfry, t he 7-foot -l ong ·pa ritry, and the spai:ious
kit.chen, with. a corner Wrap-aroU'ni:l'serving ·ba~. There are
3,334 squa re feet in this hoine: On its ~iew site: no . m~tch
can be foun<i for its value. ii is typica l Of Missio n Ridge.
Stttl; you may'wis h. ici b~ild;wi~r: ov.:n. A limi ted nu,,;,~r
Ot ·!Ots will be av~i l able soon for cus.torh building: It would
be wise. howe~er. to choo se your home t~ay, for when .t!ie
Oso Park way.open s, brin~1ng your guests.to Mi ssion Ridge
directly ihrough tlie golf course , values will mo st certai81y
rise. For now, take ·the La Pa'z turnoi'f, and foll~ tlie golf
course signs.
• 1 ---
-· = -· t' ---' ·,
•• •
Mt.ion Ridp l"la1t ~6t.S btd..-r, 31h. betht-$ST,'-..SO to $1il,9JIJ-lndvcf•1 lli• la"d '--!· . .
You have seen just a few of M.ission V.iejo's homes. There
are too many to describe, but yo~wili find· one that liyes
your own ~ind ·of life. Whichever. you ·cho9ser ty!iss!on
Viejo will add a magic that·maleS:.it. more than it is. Come .
ar:id disco;,,er •. Ceiri!~.fina yqursellf. in ' Kilissioif Viefo'.,.
.. ., l ••
. '
'Vl~Q: . . .
, .
, e llJrOt·M!~O~,'f'tlJO C~'Am
• '
Ii 1'
l~::A':\~. ~· . " . --· ,, ·)·t ... . . ,,~ l . •. ' .,. . " !·
..... .
ET Ollf
"I didn't turn hawk. I was dra ted!"
An 'Absolute Conviction~
. On Outlawing Marijuana
An Editorial In the
Cbula Visll Star0New1
About a year ago, "'hen the Surgeon
General of the United States took a
somewhat ambi valent position on the cf·
fects of smoking marijuana, we too were
not entirely convinced the drug should be
. Now. with new evidence et hand, we
art absolutely conv~ that marijuana
should be absolutely prohibited. It should
not be legalized.
The evidence is quite c:onvlncing, and
mounting every day.
As reported just this month by
Professor Hardin B. Jones of the Donner
Laboratory of the University o f
California at Berkeley. marijuana is not
only habit fomting and productive of
hallucinatory intoxication, bt:lt also has
Jirobable Jong range physical and
cumulative mental effects which can
permanently dimage lhe mind and
' For example, accord ing to Professor
Jones, the use of marijuana is almost
sure to J>roduce the long range land
cumulat.ive) physical e£fect of caus ing
cancer, in the same way that tobacco -
also a combustible vegetable substance-
cfence that marijuana, or "pot." produces
· cumulative, Jong range mental effects
which cause permanent personality
changes, together with the loss or
purpose. drive and the ability to reason
and makfi decisions clearly.
As Professor Jones puts it, "Most
chronic pot users are incapable of having
long-range goals of accomplishment. The
hippie cult started four years ago with
sweet , naive young people being inclurei
to 'expand their perceptions.' fo,1any of
lhem today look sick and aged. They
Thtre has never been doubt in any
competent observer's mind. including the
overly-cautious Surgeon General 's, that
the amphetamincli, LSD. heroin and
morphine are permanently hannful.
There has been some doubt about mari-
juana. however, to the point that many
well-educated bright adults have even
tried it.
TODAY, lour years altrr the mari·
juana craze began In c<1;rnest, competent •
scienlists like Professor Jones ha\'C had
ample opporturl;ity to gauge the effects of
the drug.
Their conclusion is thal it has long-
range harmful effects which are
cumulative. That iii, the eHects don't
"wear off'' after smoking one, two or ten
1narijuana cigarettes. The deleterious cf·
fects remain with the pot smoker,
permanenUy impairirig his ability to
reason and think clearly.
Just as the surgeon general · finally
published his report on smoking and
health, which clearly defined the harm
caused by cigarettes, the ~ienli~s are
today beginning to produce their own
reports on marijuana. And their con·
clusions arc much the same.
TllANKS TO the weight or scientific
evidence. lhe ~nsumption of cigarettes is
Onally beginning to go down. Fifteen
years ago, for example, 70 percent of all
physicians smoked cigarettes; today only
7 percent smoke!
Also In • response lo the evidence.
lcgis\alive bodies Lhroughout the country
are moving to label cigarettes for the
health hazard they are. The tobacco in·
dustry ii.self has agreed to half all
cigarette advertising on TV in 1970, and
firms within the industry are scrambling
to diversify their hol dings ~ as lo lessen
the impact. on profits as cigarette con·
sumplion continues to dwindle .
Should \Ye then outlaw cigarcltes
altogether ?
The time "''ill probably come when thi~
WHAT \\'f,'JlE SAVING here, is that
education. based on sound scientific
cvidenct. is reall y the onl y way a free,
democratic society can make la\\'S for its
own comn1on good.
Happily, today 's you th \Yant~ ii ju~t
that way. Yooth \\'anls all the fa cts
presented in an objective. unbiased n1an-
If we as parents <1nd responsible
cit izens care enough to "lell il like it is"
¥.'hen it comes lo marijuana (and cigarel·
tes and alcohol too!) then perhaps we can
foster a corning generation of voters v.·ho
\\'iii treat these dangers in a more sensi·
ble, responsible manner than we have
K.lo11dike Oil
Sgt. Pres ton First Led the W ay
From an ardcle by ~tarlon Clark la tht
"'aall.lngtoe Post Potomac ~tagaz.lae
Something has been nagging at us all
the while we've bee:n reading about that
ail 007.ing out of Alaska and watchln~ ~he
t!timat.ed value rise over the $100.bilhon
mark. . It's that way back one morning In 1955.
we cracked open a new box of Quaker
P\lffcd Wheat and found thll Sergeant
Preston had given us a free deed to a
one-inch square tract or I a n tJ
aomtwhere up north.
In fact it's been bothering u~ so much
~ ..
\Ji"~ ,
E..le, 11 ... 11. 111111, Ill " • ,
' •
that recently we gol on the phone lo the
Quaker Oals people lo find out just how
we're faring oil wise.
IF YOU'RE LlKE US pnd have a deed
from the Sergeant's "Klondike Big Inch
Land Co., Inc." tucked"""""""hetween old
baseball cards and pressed buUerflies in
an attic In.ink, you can stop smiling.
We 're all sunk. ~J ..
Our one-inch squ are tract, which was
located 1 2 miles north of Dawson.
Canada , on the Yukon River, was so in·
acce ssible that one Quaker Oats man
nearly dl'O\vned trying to reach It.
Worse. It turns out that when Quaker
OalS bought the 19.11 acres of land for
$10,000 all mineral rights were withheld.
\Vorst. the Kk>ndike Big Inch Land Co.
)JlC., was dl!lsolvtd rour years ago. -SERGEANT PRF.STON hin1self ha s
lone since hll the Yukon Trail . The day5
whtn. "On, King! On. you huskies !" was
a ramn lar call around the house a~e
gone. The deeds, it seems, art worthless.
It's l>ttn Ii years since the great Kon·
dike promotion. Sergeant. Preston htts
been replaced by Cap'n Crunch and his
tap'n Crunch l!f :!hort, squat, 11uiet.
ktnd and heroic (agtdfl~t pirate~). \\'c
rton't care. We want lo know u·hen he's
~ttlng aroulll'l to giving away land with
un on fl.
Comment --., . .
The Hippie as
-I .
• '
. .
'll re They_ Scarred or Emotionally 'f~e?
Associated Pren Writer
The.re's • new arrival on l.-0 e
psychedelic scene..,.. the hippie baby.
And the offspring of the hippie mothers
are being raised with Lhe s~me mJxture ·
of jdealism, penhisslveness and.
unorthodoxy practiced by their parents •
including, in some cases, drugs in the
lt is scarcely a world of Mom and Ap-
ple Pie. Yet as different as the hippie
mothers profess to be, they seem ti>
sharf many of the hopes, fears and
frustrations or the mothers back in the
world they call straight.
They even worry about a genera.tjon
gap one day with tbelr own kids, who just
n1igbt go back to Ute world mother re·
INTERVIEWS with more than SO or
these mothers-who asked their last
names not be used -reveal no general
pattern Jn their backgrounds. Some-'are
college educated from affluent families .
Some are leen·age runaways or divorcees
in their 30s. But they are ,au allj~d in
their search !or a new life style• and
desire Ii> do things differently with their
own children.
Aside from the general condeinnation
of the drug aspect of child rearing, scien-
tists evaluating the new families are
often divided on the possible results when
the child grows up.
Or. Allred Auerback, an associate pr~
fessor of psychology at UCLA, says,
"Mothers who Jive in a chaotic and un·
predictable environment as these hippies
do .and subject their children to such a
life arc creating a generation so
psychologically scarred that the damage
may never be undone."
Dr. Lewis Yablonsky, a professor or
soc iology at San Fernando Valley State
College and author of the book, "The Hip-
pie Trip," agrees. "These kids are reallf
going to have a shock when they hit the
real world."
BUT OTHER professionals lake a less
pessimistic view of lhe second generation
"Of course no one knows what's going
to happen. but let's not put these kids
down," said Dr. Theo Solomon. a
sociologist who studied New ·York's East
Village Hippies fi>r more than two years.
"I've seen well -adjusted, creative and
bright children from ages of 3 to 12 as
products of this life style. Their mothers
are genuinely trying ti> retum to the
Christian morality of nonaggressiveness
und love."
"!"II be very surpriSed if these children
don't grow up to be more richly endowed
A.s it does to many women, mothtr-
hood ii coming tto tlit for-out, females
of ttie hippie world. Their child-rear·
.fng theories mau be diffirent, ·but the
htadac4e.s are the same. One uliro-
modern•mom even left htr pad to DO
out and buy a copu of1 Dr, S(i6ck.-
in the positive values of love, peace and
genUeness than their ~own h i' P·P i e
parents," said Dr. Vlncen~ pi~ia, a
socioiogist wilh the Center for the Study
of Social Change at New. Yor!Cs
Roosevelt HDSpltal, who has studied the
hlppielnovement for three years.
'Deipite, bizarre ways of dreas,' a 'casual
approach to housekeeping, Uberal al·
titudes on morality, these mothers talk in ·
term,, .few ' of their more conservative
sisters could quarrel with. They say they
wiut their Children to be honest, to be
genUe, to do something to make the
world better. And above an, to be happy
and fret.
.DINDY, is, barefooted and bJue·jeaned
sepafated from her husband, who roamed
across the country wilh her baby
daughter on her back said: "I'm trying to
be a good hwnan beVig ' with honest
motives' in life. I want Leelannee ~to have
the strength lo overcome Whatever di!·
ficulties might come her way."
Like many urban mothe rs over the
United States, hippie mothers are con -
cerned with violence in lhe street,
schools, and look for a better en--
vironment for their children.
"Schools here are jungles. T want lo
send-, my gir.Js to private schools," said
Nancy, 23. Her husband works at a
"straight" job .in publishing and comes
home to an apartment filled with inceMC,
gongs and psychedelic paintings.
"I just couldn 't subject my Child to
some of the teachers l 've seen." said
Joanne. 26. college-educated wife of a ..
lute player.
"I would really love to get away, find a
c:leaner atmosphere for my child," said a
hippie mother in -a park so strewn with
broken glass and rubbish that most
mothers kept their children in strollers.
miniatures of the way-oot fashions o{
their parents-embroidered bead bands,
cowboy bands, long calico shirts and T-
shirts. "She chooses her own ·clothes,"'
said Dindy of Leelannee's ouUit. ;•[f t~e
dress is dirty and she wants lo wear it.
that's OK by me."
Some mothers sew clothes for their
children while others pay a dollar to ex·
change outgrown outfits (or second·hand
Rents are cheap in New York 's East
.------011r 1Uo1& I n Son F ro11ci1co------1
Puns're Fun
SAN FRANCISCO -fastest pun In
the West : Russell I. Pettit, rising lo
the defense of Haynsworth : "Should
His 1-lonor be wilhout profit in his O\l.'n
country?" ... Babs Baba perused the
menu in a Gennan restaurant to find
that alongside ''Pig's Knuckles,"
~omebody had scribbled : "Police
Brutality :" •.. Flash from John
Costello: "Furthering the legend of
The Mysterious East Bay, Oscar"s in
Oakland begins its list of '\Vhile Din·
1,cr \\'Ines' l\'ilh Vin Ro se'' , .. And
f\.1aurlce Deny reports he did chuckle
appreciatively over those Shasta
billboards (for Tom Collinses) that
read simply "Tom lttix," but adds:
•·Jsn't there anybody left who gives a
lloot about Gibsons?" ... Over in
Tiburon, Gaylynn and Larry 7.erke1
had a housewarming and Nancy
Schrtiber brought three gifts -"~otations F?Om ChliinnanMao," a
bottl e of Cabernet Sauvignon and :i
loaf of sourdough. Larry: "I get it. I
get it -a loaf of bread, a jug of wine
vnd MAO!" Correct .
ONWARD: Ndthing escapes the
eagle eye of Bank of America, lvhose
legal beagles filed a $10,000 suit for
da1nages against an "undergroond"
~hop -beads, old clothes -in Cam-
bria that had tht temerity to can itself
The Left Bank of America. Rather
than go through the hassfe, Owner
R.1ma.des Peri sold the store -for
$UO. Feel ·kinda foolish, O Mighty
AT A"'sE~11NAR on n 11ur"1
childbirth at litayfield School in Piiio '
Alto, Dr. Don Crctvy stressed the im·
port.ance of the father being present in
lhe dellvtry room. 1'thls belag epen-
tial for the rnother's mor1le," and '°
forth. Lblenlnf dewyoeyed: the prcg-
nanl Joan Bau. whose husband D'a\'e,
J!arrls, is servtna thrtt years ln a
federal pr ison for draft resistance.
cisco is doing to observe the 200th an·
nvy. of the Spanish discovery of San
Jo~ranclsco Bay, Linda Liebes has a
q1;estion: "\\'ould you call this
'Portola"s Complaint'~"
issue of The Miami Herald 's Sunday
magazine section, featuring what turn·
cd out lo be the last interview with
Author Jack Kerouac, prophetically
titled "The End of the Road -Jack
Kerouac in St. Petersburg." There
"''as the one-time King of the Beal
\Vrilers. an old man at 47, watching
TV with the sound off as Handel's
'·l\tessiah" blasted away on Lhe record
player. "Call me lilr. Boilermaker,"
he said to Writer Jack ,_tcCllntock,
washing down shots of bourbon with a
bottle of Falstaff. "Jack Kerouac is
alive and not-~well," coneluded
l\1cClintock. A few days later, he \\'&S
-from the \\·orld of baseball, football,
boxing and TV -are involved in the
Army PX looting scandals, but so fs.r
t.'ley've been lucky.
LAMENT OF AN attractive Negro
girl, overheard at Vasili 's : "f'm a
mlddle~\ass white girl In a black
body. and If ~u think TllAT ain't
AS A BRLNK'S Armored Truck drew up at the P06t Street entrance to Fir't
V.'c&tern Bank, 1 hippie le.aned out or
bi.s V\V bus to boiler at· the guard:
"l·Jey, got any spare chqe?''
CAPWELL 'S in Oakland In display.
ing tha\ new plctun boolt of S.F.
under 1111• •Igo -"Rud All Aboul Ille
Queen City !" -and is that tome kin ·
da E. Bay crack? Or do UM!y mtan the
book is a drs.g?
Village, but roomi art shabby and small.
Bed iJ often'only a·maUress on.the floor
Wbere mother and .child. sleep toge.tber,
no one &eems ID worry much about
neatness and ·only if there's a m8n
around does m~r seem to stir herself rnr housecleaning.
But psychologisls and social liCientlsts
who have studied the hippie movement
feel that by and large the women are
concerned about mothethood. "These
mothers ~ve:110 cOmmuter sch~ules to
meet, no large homes to take care or,
oone of the struggles that preoccupy the
middle class," Nys.Dr. Gioscia. "They're
.able to spend lot of time with their ,
~ildr«;n. Theyt iak! u,iem everywhere,
make1he iid•.,,f ·"Part of the seen~."
Som also 1 ~;marijuana or. LSD lo
achJe comm°*h'with their young . • A 32·year"ld mother of three said, "I
think every mother should take drug trips
to understand her children. She'd see thjlt
they're the ones who know what it's all
TH.ERE ARE SOME hippie mothers
who find their own experience under LSD
so beautiful that they share It .wltb their
The effects of drug use by pregnant
women and by infants are stlll being
studied. "There'1 no doubt that the grow-
ing br!Un Is vuliterable to all chemicals
and that the use of LSD by infants would
be inadvisable," says Dr. Sidriey Cohen,
the director or the Division of Narcotic
Addiction and Drug Abuse with the Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health. "Proof
of the trouble that it can cause might not
show up for many years."
Like so many conventions, legal mar·
riage enjoys no particular respect in the
hippie community. The women con-
tinually talk of marriap as being a tl)ing
between two hearts, rather than a uniort1 •
sanctified by chuitb or-state. Marriage is
not "till death do us part" but "UU the
de&th of our love," they say.
One mother had even stronger views.
"Marriage just seems to ruin so many
good relationa.hips."
Dlndy, whose artist husband left New
York for California, says, "I don't think
it's important for Leelannee to have a
father as long as she sees many different
men and relates to them. And I only like
tht men that Leelannee likes too."
Contrary to popular opinion, not all hip-
pie mothers are promiscuous. Dr. Gioscia
emphasizes that many of therii do stay
with the man they think wil~ be besl for
the child.
At the communes in the countryside,
the hippie version of the suburbs, the
mothers expe riment in communal child
raisi ng where children learn to call every
man "father ."
HAVING REJECTED status and social
conformity, many of the mothers wryly
conCede they've been forced ti> play the
same game in the hippie community.
"We came to New York's East Village
lo get away from the status thing, but the
status thing is here loo," said Carolyn.
''Yoo have di· talk about a certain kind of
child rearing .•. you just never admit you
hit your child. You have to nurse your
baby all the time, well past eight mo.nths.
You have to give your kid a strange
name. Including Aron, Morning Star,
Namamanda. You can never admit to
being uptight about where the rel]t money:
is coming from.
"I guess we hippie mothers have very
1niddle class concerns sorpetimes, ••
Carolyn added. "When tbe baby ciime .I
realized I didn't know any of the
practicalities of motherhood, so I snuc k 1 out·to.buy ~copy of Dr. Spock."
One of the univer.sal concerns vi>iced by
these new mothers Is that perhaps
another generaUon gap will develop ·and •
that their chilljren might go "straight• ·
and rejoin the society that the mothers
SOJ\1E MOTHERS. insist, "ll could
never happen!" But those who profess to
be more liberal say lhey'd try to ur>o
derstand if a daughter wanted to become
a soro rity president or a son joined the
United States Marines.
A 29-year-old mother -whots lived the
hippie life from coast to coast ~ a 10·
year-old son in public school. ;'He's SD
middle class I can't believe 1t," :!he
reported sadly.
"I gave him pot when he waS younger,
but now he announced he's off drugs. He
keeps asking why we live in a Slum. He
says he "''ants me to wear red lipstick
and dresses.•·
She pushed back a strand ol straggly
hair and shrugged.
"Like, where have 1 fail ed?"
Dutch Live Witli Marijuan", Hashisli
The Dutch may be on to the most
world·shaking discovery that counlry has
seen since Henry Hudson did his thing
back in the 17th century. While the
United States is arresting and alienating
its youthful drug offenders, radicalizing
them politically and socially, the Dutch
have found it easier ti> Jive \l.'ith drugs (or
soft drugs. such as marijuana and
hashish, al any rate) than to fight them.
Officially, marijuana or any cannabis
derl \'ali ve remains illegal, but police of·
fieials explain that this is because the
Nelherlaiids is party tG internaUonal
agreemenls governing d.iMG traffic. In
practice, hov.·ever. the police ignore drug
use whil e the governn1ent knowingly
subsidizes it at two go..rernment youth
clubs in Amsterdam, the Paradiso and
the Fantasio. The city and national
gove rrunenls provide approxin1ately 32
percent of the clubs' operating costs, with
the rest or the funds coming from
membership dues and gate receipts from
special con~rts.
A.CCORDfNG TO Peter J, lloo1eir
boom, chief of the Interior Depart.meht of
Amsterdam, while the Dutch ~verrunent
doe s not officially sancUon 'the sale and ·
use of di'u&a, 11.<loes reafi,. thal drug •
traffic la dlllicul. if dot_ lmpoaslble. lo
stop. • ": • • ·
Now t.ha.t·tbt clubs .are•tn full opera·
UOJ1, replete , wflli J!ll""'1, """• ...t:. fhousancll or yodllC -. explains
Chief lloopnboom, nOt only II !here lw .
trouble In the ltl'ICll.' but iowta people
h•ve a ~Cl top. 1 ' ,
No one ·uftdet 11· 11 allowed tn the clubll,
and nc.lthtr are bard ·drugs (L.50, ain·
phcl•mines, l(lOl1>hines,. ~-) of "IU'
Variety. •-' -. . ,Tift: ONLY . PROfllS IS _lo I b •
Amsterdam drug· sftuaUoo l{l>e r'"ll'
elU1<r Ibo .~Ireme rlgill-\>I' Uie exlleme
left The eatmenll of the right are upset
thll Utt (.lube ar6_drtlnlng public funds
that could ho jl8'(f elsewhere, while Ille
Nc.w Left actlYWs t1re,. eveil more u~cl
Uu11 the clut..w\ll'removc mucll of I.he
raliOll d'etre. Ior lbeir ·activities ~ ot.ter:.
all. why roster revolutionary change If
society allows you to ''do your thing"?
The Dutch laisse z fa ire attitude toward
drug enforcement did not evolve from
careful policy planning by Dutch officials.
Rather. it can1e abGul as a result of the J
belier that it was betlcr lo indulge th11
younger generation 's drug appetite than ~
to constantly have confrontation .
between youth and the public, many i>[ •
which the police lost through public '
CLOSER :ro llO~IE, it i! noteworthy :
that the New York State police adopted I
mu ch the sa me attitude of "live and let f
Jive"'' at the recent and much·publicized t
\\loodstock Music Fair in Bethel, N.Y. 1 The s\veet smell of marijuana and !
hashish hung continually over the cam-
ping grounds of the 400,000 young
1 gathered there, and police officers freely
admitted to "not daring to make arrest.a
for fear of a riot." t
ti.1ani young ;eople, interviewed by a 1
News Front ccirrespondent. concurred l
with the polke prognosis or •iolence if I
"Arrests had .. been'lnade. But except for
the rainy, weather and 11 frust.rallng
shortage of suppllei, there were indeed, I
as the .advance promotional material pro·
mised,·lhree days· of. Peace & Music at
Bethel. ·
-NEWS n.oNT Macuine
...... li1iiiiiii-
.saturday, November 15, 1969 ' The Comment Page of Iha
Daily Pilot 11eb to Inform •amt stimulate readert bJ
presenting a varietyof com.
mentary on topics of tnter-
.,t and algnlftcance from
Informed obseNers a n d
Robert N, Wted, Publish.,
~ ' •
I • •
Bon Voyages
' '
Said~Too Soon
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 13-year-o~d irl wlth .. a ,\errtble problem. I haye never read an g
U&e it Iii your column and doa't know what to o;
veralmonthl ag!l!l)f. Dad was told that he was being transferred. Jt meant wo would be movtiig 2,000
miles· from be.re._ My girlfriends got together And g1ve1
me a lovely bon voyage
party. I received many
beautiful gilts,
.Dad was told yesterday that
his fransfer Cell throtfgh. I am
llO tmbarrueed r don't know
what to do. 1 I hope you don't
say "give the gifts back" be-
cause I fiave started to use
most or them already -Jike
perj'ume, bath powder, skin
lotion and a walleL J need
your advice rl&hl away.. l
can 't show, my face. '
DEAR CAN: Telcpltone eacll
of tile &irlt ud &ell &Item there
bu been a change in &be
famUy'1 plan. Ask your Mom
If you cu. bave a party at
)'Ollf' place aad repay die girls
wbo were so nice to you. I'll
bet 1be1U say yes.
(P .S.) U you can see the
funny side of this you've got it
made, Toots.
year ago my folks bought me
a guitar. I still can't even play
"Old MacDonald Had a
Farm". A couple of guys \•:ha
live near me learned from a
book. They threw lheir books
away three months ago aod
can play anything.
I feel like a case or arrested
development. My guitar cost
twice as much as the, two of.
Interiors & Engines
%059 Newport, Costa Mesa
Free Pickup & Delivery
IHllAIMl'kfrd Met,.,. (1111'11
ln'eplar Sha,_
Cle9ta Meu Mattreu Co.
tl50 Newport Blv ..
Uberty 8·1303
Mesa Upholslery
Liberty 8-4781
2J50 NlW'°IT ILYD.
thein put together and here 1
an\. looking at it and J can't
PllYTiffiileiu&7 I'm aSl'fam.-'-
ed to ask them the name (t
the book they ieamed from.
Woukl you happen to knoW!
Plwo' h!lp me . -FLOWER-
DEAR CIDLD: I .. ~ -
Ille ume of ., -RI l'R
bet u yoa: a• le aay m1alc
110rt ll *9n IODltone wUI be
hippy to 1811 yoa one.
""' ,., .............. """' ., CH Mell ..... Mftt ....... "• ..................... , .... ,., ...
~ ........ "'*'"""""""""' -Wll9f AA .. \Jllltllt MM """ ,.._
_. • AM u.lln Ill Cln ff ""' _.,.,... _ ........ """ ... ullt ................................. ... -. AM Lfndt,. Win ti.-tlMI te hli, 'l'Ol,I
WI!~ your Pl'Obltf!lt. 5eftd them IO hlr
In c1re fl "" DAILY P'IL0,_1,:, enclllll"' I Mtf .. lld~ ,....,.._ lnftlol'e.
New 52' s 20' L•r. Catcr111ara11, World Crvhh1f, si..,. 11, U1.
W.., 2 M. CalMitt. 2 Hd1 .. 2 9-Ids., Taell Dacb. , ... C..
W.-Scffl S,..ad JO Ihm. r.o .... lflJ, Nawi-t ...... C.iH.
(714» M1-fJ27
A Lecture for
the Stock Market
An •pproach to dyn•mic
investment m1nqem1nt
You ar• invited fo • lecture on dynamic lnw-'•
mint management which will pl•ce 1mph11l1 on
leverage, timing and 1n epprHch to 1ucc111ful
inv.stment deci1lons. Adml11Jon to thi1 lecture 11
ft'ff, but p I 1 a 11 ma~ rtMrvation by phonl"I
644-2292 or 833-0230
Time :
Thur1d1y, November 10
Slarll~t 7:3ip.m.
Dear(.Jtltter & Co.
SSO Newport Center Drive
Newport &t1ch
You're close to mtri !Dito know
1vJ1en you hivt.t& with ...
,_..r~.,.. Yltl:,,. ..,_,.
White blood cells -the body 's
shock troops agai:.lSt invading
.germs-might also be among
the underlying caustS of heart
attacks. a team of New York ...earthen seld today,
,,. Newport Contor or1.. • 644-2192
The paeiibU!ty la sugge!ted
by research on r rabbit!,
reported Dr. Sanford C,
Spraragen and aeveral col·
leagues GI New Yori< City't
Vet e r·1o1 AdmlnistraOon
HasJJibl. and Down!tatc
Medlc1I c.m.r,
Jn a report prepared ror the
M ~ N H · ,J~t.....-..1...J annual fneelln& or the orl'Ol:'t ew1: Ml 8 conOJe swnm111 u. ~ u.i-•ct DPf'ft· Amerlciln Heart Assoclatkr.1'1
lnr and the "'""' mwn.. and financial....,. bfahlipfl,"" c.unon on Arterlosclero51S,
DEAN WITTER MARKET REPORT Dr. Sprar ... n 1lnll<d llllt
KPAC, Dial l'olilion 1330 further wot~ needs ill bt do~
8 05 M_, ... ••-··•Fri'·· bof°" while blood ctlb coukf '"::::;:===' =a.=m="=""'""==~=~= ... ==...,====~l d<llriltoly bt lncrlmlnaled lo -Jnunu hurt dilelae,
IJ 0
II t.
' i~ ··-i! :, _vr, ..-~
An 'Absolute Conviction~
: On Outlawing Marijuano
Ao Editorial in the
Chula Vl1ta Star·News
· About a year ago, when the Surgeon
General of the United States took a
110mewhal ambivalent position on the ef-
fects of smoking marijuana, we too were
not enJirely convinced the drug should be
• Now, wilh new evidence at hand, we
are absolutely convinced that marijuana
should be absolutely prohibited . It should
not be legalized.
The evjdence is quite convincing, and
mounting every day.
'As reported just this month by '
Professor Hard.in B. Jones of the Donner
~borat.ory of the University o f
California at Berkeley. marijuana is not
only habit forming and productive of
hallucinatory intoxication, but also has
p'robable long range physical and
cumulative mental effects which can
permanenUy damage the mind anCf
· For example, according to Proressor
_Jones, the use of marijuana is almost
~-ure to. produce _the long range (and
cumulauve) physical effect of causing
cancer, in the same way that tobacco -
also a combustible vegetable substance-
d'ence that marijuana, or "pot," produces
· cumulative, Jong range mental effects
which cause permanent personality
changes, together v.·ith the Joss of
purpose, drive and the ability to reason
and make deci sions clearly.
As ,.Professor Jones puts it, "Most
c_hronic pot users are incapable Of having
IQng-range goals of accomplishment. The
hippie cult started four years ago with
sweet, naive young people being induced
to 'expand their perceptions.' Many of
~m today look sick and aged. They
There has never been doubt in any
<:ompetent observer 's mind. including the
overly-cautious Surgeon General's. t.hal
the amphetamines, LSD. heroin and
morphine are per1nanently hannful.
There has been some doubt about mari·
juana. however, to the point that many
\Vell~ucated bright adults ha ve even
tried it.
TODAY, four years a fl er lhe mari·
juana craze began in earnest, competent
scieritisls like Professor Jone~ have had
ample opportun.ity to gauge the effects of
the drug.
Their conclusion is that it has long·
range harmful effects which arc
cumulative. Thal is, the effects don't
"\\•ear off" after sffioking one, two or ten
marijuana ciga rettes. The deleterious cf·
(eels remain with the pot smoker,
permanently impairing his ability to
reason ·and think clearly.
Just as the surgeon general finally
published his report on smoking and
health. which t.•learly defined the harm
caused by cigarelles, the scientists are
today beginning to produce their own
rePorls on marijuana. And their con·
clusions are much the same.
THANKS TO the weight of scientific
evidence, the t:ansumption of cigarettes is
finally · begi!'Jning to go down. Fifleen
years ago, for example, 70 percent of all
physicians smoked cigarettes; today only
7 percent smoke!
Also in ' response to the evidence.
legislative bodies throughout the country
are moving to label cigarettes for the
health hazard they are. The tobacco in·
dustry it.self has agreed to half all
cigarette advertising on TV in 1970, and
firms within the industry are scrambling
to diversiry their holdings so as lo lessen
the impact, on profits as cigarette con·
sumption continues to dwindle.
Should 1vc then outlaw cigarettes
The time will probably conic when thls
WllAT \VE'RE SAYlNG here, is that
education. based on sound scientific
evidence. is really the only way a free.
democratic soc iety can make laws for its
0\\'11 comn1on good.
Happily, today's youth \vanls it jusl
that way. Youth wants an the facts
presented in an objective, unbiased man-
If \l.'e as parents and responsible
citizcrts care enough to "tell it like ii is"
·when it co1nes to marijuana (and cigarc\·
tes and alcohol loo~) then perhaps we can
foster a coining generation of voters 1\·ho
will treat these dangers in a more sensi-
ble. responsible manner than 1ve have
Klondike Oil
• Sgt. Preston First Led the Way
that recentl y 1ve got on 4-nc to the
Quoker Oat s people td find out iust how
we're faring oi\\vise . -"----
from an article by l\1arlon Clark In the
Waablogtoo Poll Potomac l\tagazint
Something has been nagging at us all
the while we've been reading about that
oil oozing out of Alaska and watching the
estimated vaJue rise over the $100.billion
It's that way back one morning in 1955.
""e cracked open· a new-bo1..of Quaker
Puffed \\'heat and fouod that Sergeant
Preston had given us a free deed to a
one-inch square tract of I a n tl
1omewhere up north.
Jn fact it 's been bothering us so much
,.,, ... b • ..
£elil, 1111111, llUIH.J!I • '-.'
IF YOU'RE LIKE US ~nd have a deed
from the Sergeant's "Klondike Big Inch
Land Co., Inc:' tucked between old
baseball cards and pressed butterflies in
an. attic. trunk,_ you can stop smiling.
\vc:re all sunk.
Our one-inch square troct. which "''as
located 1 2 miles nort11 of Dawson.
Canada, on the Yukon lUver, waSso in-
accessible thpt one Quaker Oats man
nearly dro\vned trying to reach ii.
\Vorse, it turns oui that when Quaker
Oats bought lhe 19.ll acres of land lor
$10,000 all mineral rights were wlthheld .
\Vorst. the Klondike Big lnch Land Co.
Jnc., v;as di ssolved lour years ago.
Jong since hit lhc Yukon Trail. The days
when "On, King! On, you huskies!" was
a famlllor call around the house art
gone. The deeds. it see1ns·. nre worthless.
ft's bcc!n 14 years since the great Kon·
dikt pro1n0Uon. Sergeant l'reston has
[)ern replaced by Cap'n Crunch and his
.cap'n Crunc~ l:s ~hort. squat, quiel.
~111d nnd heroic t agnlnst pirates). We
don't cart. We want to l:nov,. when htf s l:(,Cltl~ around to giving away land \Yl th 011 on1r --~ --
f;omment Palle -"'' I
The Hippie I as a Mother
Jl re They Scarred or Emotionally Free?
Aa1ociakd Prell Wi'lkr
There's a new arrival on the
psychedelic scene ..,.. the hippie baby.
And lhe offspring of the hippie mothers
are being raised wilh the same mixture .
ot idealism, permlssiveftess 'a n d
unorthodoxy practiced by their parents,
including, in some cases, drugs in the
It is 'scarcely a world of Mom and Ap-
ple Pie. Yet as different as UJe hippie
mothers profess to be, they seem to
share many or the hopes, fears and
frustrations. of the mothers back in the
world they call straight.
They even worry about a generation
gap one day with their 01vn kid.S, who just
111ight go back lo the world mother n:-
INTERVIEWS with more than SO of
these mothers-who asked their last
names not be used -reve.al no general
pattern in their backgroUnds, Some-'are
t'Ollege educated from affluent families .
Some are teen-age runaways or divorcees
in their 30s. But they are all allied in
their search for a new life style; and
desire tD do things differently with their
own children. '
Aside from the general condemnation
or the drug aspect or child rearing, scien-
tists evlluating the new families are
oflen divided on the possible results when
the child grows up.
Dr. Alfred Auerback, an associate pro.-
lessor of psychology at UCLA, says,
"MoUiers who live in a chaotic and un·
predictable environment as these hippies •
d_o .and subject their children to such a
life arc creating-a gen"tr·a'tion so
psychologically scarred that the damage
may never be undone." •
~r. Lewis Yablonsky, a professor of
sociology at San Fernando Valley State
C?lleg~ and author of the book, "The Hip.
pie Tri p," agrees. "These kids are real\)'
going to have a shock when they rut the
real world."
B~T . <>'!HER proressionals take a less
~~m1st1c view of the second generation
"Of course no one knows what's going
to happen, but Jet's not put these kids
down." said Dr. Theo Solomon a ~iologis~ who studied New ·York's East
Village Hippies for more than two years.
'.'I've s~en well-adjusted, cre8Uve and
bright children from ages of 3 to 12 as
products ~f this life style. Their mothers
~re . g.enu1nely ~rying to return to the
Christian morality of nonaggressiveness
.ind Jove."
"~'I! be very surpriSed if these children
don t grow up to be more richly endowed
~s it does to niany 'u9me1t, mother·
hood is comino 'to the far·out: /em<iles
of the hippie WQrfd. Their cliild-rear-
.tng theorifs may be different, ·but the
headaches are the same. One ·ultra•
rnodern •mom even left her·Pad to go
out and buy a copy of· Dr. Spock.
"in the positive values of love, peace· and
genUen~ than their ·~own h f p p i e
pare~ts,'' said Dr. Vincent Gioscia, a
5ociologist with the Center for lhe' Study
of · Social-Change at New_ York's
ROosevelt Hospital, wbo has studied the
hlppiemovement for.three years. '
'DeSplte, bizarre ways of dress; a ·casUal -
appr~ to housekeeping, libeial at·
titudes on morality, these mothers talk in
·term3 .few ' of their more conservati·ve
sisters could quarrel with. They say they
want their Children to be honest, to be
gentle, to do something to make the
world better. And above all, to be happy
and free. ••
D~DY, 26, barefooted and blue·jeaned
·separated from· her husband, who roamed
across the country with her baby
daughter on her back said: "l'm trying to
be a good human being 'with honest
motives in life. I want Leelannee"to ha've
the strength to overcome whatever dif·
ficulties might come her way~''
Like many urban mothers over the
United States, hippie mothers are con·
cerned with violence in the street,
schools, and look for a better err
vironment for their children.
"Schools here are jungles. I want to
l>end my girls to priVate schools," said
Nancy, -23. Her husband works at a
"straight" job ,in publishing and comes
home to an apartment fill~ with incense,
gongs and psychedelic paintings.
"I just couldn't subject my cl1ild to
some of the teachers I've seen ," said
Joanne. 26. college.educated wife of a
lute player.
"I would really love to get away, (ind a
cieaner atmosphere for my child,'' Said a
hippie mother in -a park so strewn with
broken glass and rubbish that most
mothers kept their children in strollers.
miniatures of the way-out fashions of
their parents-embroidered bead bands,
cowboy bands, long calico shirts and T·
shirts. "She chooses her own clothes,·•
said Dindy of Leelannee's ouUit. "IT" the
r~:Ps ~Krur; m~' she wants to wear it\
Some mothers sew clothes fo r their
children while others pay a dollar ta. ex-
change outgrown outfits for second-hand
Rents are cheap in New York's East
011r IUoH In Son Francisco------•
Puns're Fun
SAN FRANCISCO -Fastest pun in
the \Vest : Russell I. Pellit, rising to
the defense of Haynsworth : "Should
His Honor be \\'ilhout profit in his O\l.'n
country?" ... Babs Baba perused the
1nenu in a German restaurant to find
that alongside "Pig's Knuckles,"
son1ebody had scribbled: "Police
Brutality!" . . . Flash from John
Costello : ''Furthering the legend of
The f\tysterious East Bay, Oscar's in
Oakland begins its list of '\Vhltc Din-
t.er Wines' 11·ith Vin Rose'' •.. And
!\faurice Deny reports he did chuckle
appreciatively over those Shasta
billboards (for Tom Collinses) that
read simply "Tom l\1ix,'' but adds:
"Isn't there anybody left who gives a
lloot about Gibsons?" .•• Ove1 in
Tiburon, Gaylynn and Larry Zerkel
had a housewarming and Nancy
Schreiber brought three gifts -
"Quotations From Chainnan Mao," a
bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and a
loar or souti:fough. I.Jarry: "I get-it. T
get it -a loaf of bread, a jug of wine
vnd MAO!" correct.
ONWARD: Nothing escapes lhe
<'agle eye of Bank of America_. whose
legal beagles filed a $10,000 suit for
da1nnges against an "underground"
~hop -beads, old clothes -in Cam·
brla that had the temerity to call ilseU
The Lett Bank of America. Rather
than go through the hassle, owner
&mades Pera sold Iha store -for
$4!0. Fed ·kinda foolbh, O Mighty
federa l prison for draft resistance.
clsco is doing to observe the 2ooth an·
nvy. of the Spanish discovery of San
Francisco Bay, Linda Liebes has a
qnestion: "\Vould you call this
'Portola 's Complaint'?"
issue or The Mian1i Herald's Sunday
niagazine section, featuring what turn·
ed oul to be the last interview with
Author Jack Kerouac, proj>heti,cally
titled "The End or the Road -Jack
Kerouac in St. Petersburg." There
v.·a~ the one-time King of the Beat
\Vr1ters. an old man at 47, watching
TV with the sound off as Handel's
··~tessiah" blasted away on the record
player. "Call me Mr. Boilermaker''
he said to Writer Jack Mcclintock
washing down shots of bourbon with ~
bottle of Falstaff. "Jack Kerouac is
alive and not-so-well.'' concluded
~1cClintock. A few days later. he \vas
dead .
FOUR NATIONALLY koovm na-mes
-f~m the \l.'Orld Of baseball, football ,
boxmg a.nd TV -are Involved in the
Army PX looting scandals bul so far
t!tey'1•e been lucky. '
LAAIENT 01<' AN attractive Negro
girl, overheard at Vasili 's: ··rm a
middle-class white girl IR a black
body, and if you thinl: THAT ain't
hell !''
VJllage. bu~ roomS Ire shabby and small.
~ed is orten only a•mattre.S! on.the, Door
. where mother and . child. sletp together ' . no one Sei!ms to worry much about
neatness and only if there's a ·mftn
arowid does mot.her seem to stir bersel!
for housecleaning.
But psychologists and social scientlst.3
who have studied the hippie movement
feel that by and large the women are
concerned about motherhood. "These
mothers have,.no coµunuter sche<tules to
meet, no large h~mes to take care of,
none of the struggles that preoccupy the
middle class," JfiYs.Dr. Gioscia, "They're
.able to spend &1 Jot of time with their ....
ctµldren. They~t.ake them everywhere f;I. , ' ' make ,the kids;.t· part of the scene,''
Som~ also tqe: marijuana or. LSD to
achiev~ comm-a:q10'n with theit young.
A 32·year-old mother of three said, •·t
think every mother should take drug trips
to understand her children. She'd see Uij!t
they're lhe ones who know whal ifs all
TH~RE ~RE SOME hippie mothers
who find their own experience under'LSD
so beautiful that they share it with-their
child. --
The effects o[ drug use by pre~ant
women and by infants are still being
studied. "There's no doubt that the grow-
ing brain is vulherable to all ch~cals
and that the use of LSD by ·infants would.
be inadvisable,'' says Dr. Sidriey Cohen
the director of the Division of Narcoti~.
AddictJoo and Drug Abuse with the Na.
tional Institute of Mental Health. ''Proof
of the trouble that it can cause might not
show up for many years."
. Like so many conventioos, legal mar-
r~ag~ enjoys no particular respect in the
~p~ie community. ,_Tht; ..iY!'.O!llen con-
tinually talk of marriage as being a thiilg
between two hearts, rather than a wlion1
sanctified by church or state. Marriage is
not ''till death do us part" but "till the
dehth of our love,'' they say.
"One .moth~r had even stronger views.
Marriage 1ust seems to ruin so many
good relationships."
Dindy, whose artist husband left New
~?r~ for California, says, "I don't think
Jf s important for Leelannee to have a
father as long as she sees many different
men and relates to them. And I only like
the men that Leela'nnee likes too."
.Contrary to popular opinion, not all hip·
pie mothers are promiscuQUs. Dr. Gioscia
Cf!1phasizes that many of therii. do stay
with the man they think wil• be best for
the child, ·
Al the communes in the countryside
the hippie version of the suburbs lh~
mothers experiment in communal 1child
raising where children learn to call every
man "father . .,
HAVING REJECTED st.atus and social
conformi , many-of the mothers wryly
conCede they 've been forced to play the
same game in the hippie community.
"We came to Ne1v York's East Viijage
to get away from the status thing, but the
status thing is here too," said Carolyn.
';You have to talk about a certain kind of
child rearing .•. you just never admit you
hit your child. You have to nurse your
baby all the time, well past eight mQnths.
You have to give your kid a strange
name. !~eluding Aron, 'Morning star •.
Namamanda. You can never admit t()
being uptight about where the rel}t money.
is coming trom.
''l guess we hippie mothers have very
middle class concerns sometimes •• . .
Carolyn added. "When the baby came.(
-realized I didn't know any or the
practicalities of motherhood. so I snuck
ourto.buy a copy of Dr. Spock.,!'
One of the universal concerns voiced by
these new mothers ls that --perhaps
another generaUon gap will develop ·and-'
that the~ children might go "straight .. :
and rejoin the society that the :mothers
SOl\fE MOTHERS insist, Hit (ould
never happen!" But those who profess to
be more liberal say they'd try to un-
derstand it a daughter wanted lo become
a sorority president or a son joined the
United States Marines.
A 29-year-old mother ·who!s lived the
hippie. life from coast to coast haS a 10•
year-old son in public school. ••He's S()
middle class I can't believe it."· she •
reported sadly.
"I gave him pot when he was younger,
but now he announced he·s off drugs. He
keeps asking why we live in a slum. He
says he wants me to wear red lipstick
and dresses."
She pushed back a strand of straggly
hair and shrugged.
"Like. where have J failed?''
Dutch Liv_e Witli Marijuana, Hnshish
The Dutch may be· on to I he most
world-shaking discovery that country has
seen since Henry Hudson did his thing
back in !he 171h century. While the
United States is arresting and alienating
its youthful drug offenders, radicalizing
them politically and socially, the Dutch
have found it easier to live with drugs (or
soft drugs. such as marijuana and
hashish, at any rate) than to fight them.
Officially, marijuan'& or any cannabis
derivalive remains illegal. but police or-
ficials explain that this is because tbe
Netherlarids is party to internalionol
agreements governing drug traffic. In
practice, hO\Yever. the police ignore drug
use while the governn1ent knowingl y
su bsidizes it at two government youth
clubs in Amsterdam, the Paradiso and
the Fantasio. The ci!y and national
governments provide approximately 32
percent of the clubs' operating costs, \1•ith
the rest of the funds coming from
membership dues and gate receipts from
special concerts.
ACCOftP-rNG. _TO 1~er J . Hoogen-
boo1n, Chief of tot lnter1<>r Oepaiimtiif or
Amster<lam. whUe the Dutch ~vernment
does not ,officially ~nction ·thC sale and
use of druga, It , does realize that drug
traffic is di[ficutt, if got. impossible, te
stop. · -..
. Now that' the clubs arc In full opera-
lio,n, replete . wJth·· pu&hers, users, and:·
thousand& of )'OUrlg thuria:Ls, explains .
Chief ltoogenboom1 nOt only Js,lhtre Jess·
trouble :1n the &ll'ffts,i but young people '
have a pla~'lo go. . · 1
No one undet L6,ia allowed in the clubs
and neither ~ hard drugi (LSD, .m~ .._
phe~amines, morphines, Mc.) of any
TllE 0.~LY PRoTESTs •. ~to th e
Amsterdam dnq: '$ituatlorr arise fl'OJn
eltl>cr U.. ~tremc right 9r the ulr.me
ten. The tlemtf!.ts of t'1c right are upset
that lhe clubs are drainlng publlC funds
that rould. be· uHd~tlsewhe[t., wbile the
New LeJt activists. ar even mofe llP.$d
lhat the clubl ,W1lt•remove much or the
raison d'etre fQr lbcir nCUv1Ues -.!. after·
all. why roster revolutionary · change tf
society allow s you to "do your thing"?
The Dutch laissez faire altitude toward
drug enforcement did not evolve front
careful policy planning by Dutch officials.
Ra!hcr. it c~n1e about as a result of the
belief that it was better to indulg·e the
younger generation's drug appetit.c than I
to constantly have c onfrontation .
between youth and the public, many of t
whic.h. t,he police lost through public I
hum1hat1on. 1
• CLOSER ·TO 110~1E, it is noteworthy :
that the New York State police adopted I ~u~~ the same attitude of "live and let j
live at the recent and much·publlcized \:
\Voodstock Mwiic Fair in Bethel Ny
1'he . Slo''ee t smell of mari)uani ~nd i h~sh1sh hung continually over tbe cam• j
ping grounds of the 400,000 young \
gathered there, and Police officers freely I
admitted to "not daring to make arrests
for fear of a riot.'' ,
!\1any· young people, interviewed by a i
News Front c6rreispondent, concurred i
~Ith the pollce prognosis of violence tr j
arrests had been ·made. But except for I
the raioy....-weather . and a frustrating \
shortage of suppllea, there were indeed, f
as. lhe. advance P.romotlonal material pro-f
m1sed,1three days' of. Peace&: Music at 1
Bethel. • I
-NEWS l<RONT Ma1az!M '
' r-'~~~,.--~~~~~1
.. .... iiiilliliii-
' Saturday, November 15 '1969 I '
· The Comment Page o! tho
Daily Pilot seeks to Inform
·and stimulate readers b1
presenting a variety of com·
mentary on topic s of tnter·
est and significance from
Informed observers a n d
spote'Sr~n:. 'Robort~W•od,. Publloher
I •
Ant1 unflers ..
B~ Voyages
. .
' -S.aid~ Too Soon
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 'a 13-year-o~d irl
'j'itluLten:ible P.Wilem. IJla.l'.Ul••tr read an g like' ft ln ~ur column and dori•t know what to oc
SevOrill montlis ago my Dad was told that he was being transferred. It meant We Would be moving 2,000
miles (rom here'" My girlfriends got together and gave
me a lovely bon voyage
party. I received many
beautiJul gifts.
,Dad was to14 yesWday that
b.ia transfer fell throUgh. I am
ao embarrasied J--don't know
what to do-.' 1 hope you don't
say "give, ~he gifts back" be-
cause ~t -'have SU.tted to \.ISe
most of them already -like
perfume •. bath powder, skin
lotion and a wallet. I need
your advice rJght away._ l
can ·~ show my race.
DEAR CAN: Telephone each
o( Ule glrl1 and tell &bem there
has been a cbange In the
family's plan. Ask your Mom
if you can have a party at
yoa:r place and repay U.e girl•
who wete so nice to you. I'll
bet 1be'll say yes.
(P .S.) ·U you can see the
funny side or this you've got It made; Toots.
year ago my folks boughl me
a guitar. l still can't even play
"Old MacDonald Had a
Farm". A couple of guys who
live near me learned from a
book. They threw their books
away three months ago and
can play anything.
I feel like a case of 8ITtlled
development. My gujlar cost
twice as mu ch as the, two of
Interiors & Engines
%059 Newport, Costa Mesa
Free Pic kup & Delivery
••nkAmtrlc1rd M,11Mr Cft•tt•
lrr'qular Stla,.,.
Coda Mesa Mattreu Co.
!lliO Newport Blvd.
Uberty 8· 1303
Mesa Upholstery
Liberty 8-4781
tlleirs put logetller and llere I
~loo,kJng atJt and I can't,
play a single tune. ~·m asham-
ed to ask them tbe name ot.
the book Ibey learned from.
Would you happen to 'kr»W?
PleW'O.lp me. -"FLOWER
DEAR CIULD1 I lloo~-
tbe ume of 1lte _. '8t l'U
bet U you 10 le aQ)' mule
store bl &on iamtoK will be
b1ppy to aeU you ne.
MY CHEST: The bra~less fad
does nothing (good, Illa! ls)
for ' the Vast ma)Qrity of
femiles. It'• a cinch to fall
flat if you'll pardon the ex-
pression -and it Cleaerve1 to.
,.... w ~ • ,__ c111"9 .. ,
Cl• .. e111r1t h ..,., W._ ... " ..._. ... "" .. ,......., ..... -... .. ~ ... ..,. '"Ndllt9 -htftlttl -WMt Ar• Ille l.Jmlflt wn .,..,, ,.
_. .. "'"~ ~ 511 ,.,. ., tttll _,,,. __ ._ • "'" 111 ctlll .,,,, ...... _,_,... ............... -· Ann L1ncltn Wiil bf tied hi fltlp VOii wllh rour Pt'Obltm•. SMCI th-to 11tr I" c1re of the DAILY l"ILOT, 1nclDllr.t
I felf .. clclrtsMd. 1hlm* tiiWIOM.
"9w SZ' J: 20' L•1. Cot11'"11r0fl, W11rlil Cr1111J ... , SI..,. 1f. Ln.
Wu, 2 M. Ceblas, 2 Hd1., 2 911H11 lft., THk hcb. , ... C.
w-so11 SP"CI JO Klltl. P.O ..... I ti J, N •• ,.rt ..... C•llf.
f714l M1-tJ27
A Lecture for
' .
the Stock Market
An approach to dyn.mic
investment management
You are invited· to a lecture on dynamic lnw""°
ment management which will place emphasis on
leverage, timing and an approach to succ111ful
Investment decisions. Admisslon to this lecture ts
frH, but p I e a 1 e mal<. reservation by phoni"I
644-2292 or 833-0230
Thursday, Novembtr 10
Starting ~t 7:30 p.m.
Dean Witter & Co.
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach
You're close to men t.Dho know
1ol~en you invest with ...
~MIW Ytrt:,.., bC11oMtt
550 Newport Center Drive • 644-22t2
• NEWPORT llEACH, CA 92660
Marllt Newa: Heat a conci9! summery of the market.open-
ing and the latest businese and ftnancia1 newo blshlishll. on
KFAC, Dial Pooi-18.10
8:06 a.m., MODday throulh Frida.Y
S1turd.oY, NM-15, 1'6t
' '
,,)ti . .....
government's new venture of
providing mortgage subsidies
to help low in~me families
blij' homes has p_aaed the o.'le-
year mark wlth signs of suc-
Some 16,500 families with
average annual incomes of
$5,600 own homes, thanks to
the program, officials at the
Department of Housing and
Urban Development reporl
The number Is expected to
rise to 45,500 by next June 30,
accordi n g to current
estimates. The goal Is 174,000
families by mid·1971 and
332,000 a year later.
.. Ca.1sidering the t I g h t
money problem, the program
has moved along exceedingly
well," said Morton A. Baruch,
director of the department's
low and moderate income
housing division.
Also Friday Secretary of
Housing George Romney an~
nounced a reorganization of
his department to gather
together these ~1ow scattered
activities into new fuilctional
groups: housing production,
research, planning, and hous·
ing management.
The Housing Department's
present structure "reflects an
accumulatlro of s e p a r a t e
bureaucracies, created by in-
d e pe nd en t l egislallve
enactment! over the years,
rather than well planned func·
ti on al alignm'enl!," Romney
The Juture for mortgage
subsidies is bright, despite dif·
ficult entry into high cost
home areas in the northeast
a:id far west.
The Nixon administration
has demons trated full support
for the program enacted under
the Democrats. It asked
Congress to provide the full
$100 million authorized this
The House voted only $80
million. But representatives in
effect invited t h e ad-
ministration to come back for
more later by raisihg the
au thorization level to $125
milllm. The Senate is ex-
pected to vote equal or greater
Organized urban lobbies, such
as the National League of
Cities, and the U.S. Con-
fereDCe or Mayon. are pro-
vi_!'.f~ added legislative sup-
port for the prograrif""" This
unanimity of support i s
unusual. Other housing and
renewal programs -notably
Model Cities, Neighborhood
D eve lopm e nt and rent
subsidies -are feeling the
squeeze of tight money, skim·
py bu d g e t s , skyrocketing
costs, and political bickerin g
between Congress and the ex-
ecutive branch.
The home owners h ip
subsidies were a major in.
noVaUon of the 1968 housing
A low income family is re-
quired to pay 20 percent of ils
adjusted monthly income for
prt.icipal, interest, taxes and
in!uranee. The government in
most cases pays lhe difference
between the 20 percent and lhe
total monthly mortgage costs.
The average yearly subsidy
Is $800 a family, officials
estimate. Approximalely 53
percent of the subsidized
homes have been new and 45
percent rehabilitated.
·An accurate tabulation of
home locati<T.ls is not yet
available. But officials believe
the program is stimulating
migration from crowded inner
city slurqs to suburban areas.
,Satl.lf'day, Nowmbf, 15, 1%9
Domes With Ineoine
Univers~y P~k _Apartments·
' . '
Site Pxeparation(Under Way
Site preparat.ion ls underway bounded on the north by the adult oriented, with one-and
for the first 2M unUs of San Diego Freew•y. on the two-bedroom apartment! and
University Parlt Apartm·ents, east J>i Culver Rofl1:1• and ·on an adult.! oriented, with one.-
a garden apartment complex the south by 'Michelson Drive and two-bedroom apartments
being constructed by tbe and the Rancho San Joaquin and an adult recreation. area
Irvine Company in its Golf Course. wilh swimming pool. Similar Unlverslty 'Plrk cc mllllity , ni;_ighborhoods' are planned for developmenl con"truclloD is --The-apartments lh.e;ls first the otlier are as of the]5f()ject-
scheduled to begin Dee. 1. phase of construcJ;I~ ill be Jn in future p ·h a s e s of
. , . • two-story bulldibill ll(OUped dev•'opment According t to .<Btll Watt, around two lar~ J .u I J Y.--~-'--·---------------
lrvlne'a lf\•~er· o1 housln_g landscaped IJ8/"klng ~ 'l"d con.s~ctiOn, "7tbla prOJect-~ .recreatiob Ja reas. A1sO In·
Jrv1ne s secorif venture \n'to . eluded in ~.initial pJiase will
1 ~e apartment 9!'15lruction be a large' cenlfaJ ,recreaUon .. field. The fflst wu ~e J}'-·,area that will evenliial!y serve
u n It Mar Iner S cf~ are the entire I,24S-unittcomplex. Apartmen~ .Ip Ne?:>port nu; wUJ include an 'Olyrnpic-~ach, ~hie~ j.hey built and ail.e swimming pool and a
'Escape to
"forest I
• DOW ~e..... ' ' "r ~reaUon building ' W J t h
• .Walt said,\''~ new CQOr ..meeting room& and a complete
ple.1 ia designed to coritklue ~':I health club .
H • V 'l1 -·-Ad• • A lheorderlyde'iel9Pfllinti!fthe · ~.apartment! being built Unting tolJ. J. Ul.S JOlR partmentS Uni,.rslty Part Po~ o( th! .Jiuri/lg-0.e !~st phase will be Irvine master plan. , ~dlvld 'e d into two
• The University ' -.,P.a r k ·~.iltighl:iorhoods. One is design·
Whether to spend the family four bedrooms and three loans available at 7% ' cent. Apartment! will eventually ed primarily for families with
lakes· wood•
excitin& home1
!on Dl•p/!1011 AM f_.)l It II Tor.111114 !Ma Ioli. .... 1.,.._ nest egg on a new home or to baths. Paneled den, fireplace, Purchase price of .. prop-contain 1245 unit! on a 49-acre children, and features two and
i nvest i i In l n-a gleaming array of kitchen erties is scaled from $101,500 •ite in the northwestern part th r ff.bedroom 1~ts
come--producling properly is appliances and large· areas of to $113,500. of University P~k'. -n;e ~~e 'ii and a tot ]ol The ~~ i! ·
a question debated at many wardrobes and cabinets are 1-----------------~--""'"-----:--r-~--'~!!'-'-''-'---------------------
dinner tables, decor attractions.
Home builder George Zahler In addition to this private
contends that the one in-family residence, the buyer's
vesbnent can accomplish both property contains four or five
purposes. His organization is adjoining rental units in the
in the vanguard of a new con-form or one, two or three-
cept in r e s i d e n ti a I con-bedroom apartments.
struction. It is called "homes Zahler pointa out that an
with an income," and it pro-ever·increasing demand .for
vides the buyer with a private, apartments in the Huntington
luxury-type home as well as Beach area is il factor spur·
with a d j o i n i n g rental ring sales or the Huntington
apartments from whlch he Villas properties. He says that
derives income. all buyers so far have found "a
That the "homes with an in. virtual line of apartment
come" plan has taken hold hunters waiting at their
with the public s e e m s doorstep, and the need for
demon.5trated by the throngs a pa rt m e n t accommoda-
of viewers and buyers at lions seems to get bigger every
Zahler's Huntington V 1 I I a s day."
development in Huntington Huntington Villas occupies a
Beach. There, the rapid pace park-like seting, with IOts and
of sales that marked the first streets engineered to impart
series of properties is being the feeling of a single-home'
matched by selling activity in neighborhood.
the new series of income~arn-The Broadway S h. o p p i n g
ing estates just completed. Center and Golden West
Huntington Villas centers Junior college are but ~ few
just east of Beach Boulevard blocks away. A b u n d a n t
on Stark Stree t in Huntington employment opportunities ex·
Beach . It is quickly reached ist at DQ!!glas Space Center,
froru the San Diego Freeway North American Rockwell 's
by existing at B e a c h Seal Beach facility and other
Boulevard and driving south nearby industrial parks.
one block beyond Edinger Zahler cites another in-
Avenue. ducement to "homes with an
Each mulU • residence prop-inCome" buyers. "pespite the
erty at Huntington V i 11 as tightening money m a r k e r ,
boasts an owner's villa with up Huntington Villas properties
to 2,000 squat! feet of actual are still being offered at the
living area and as many as orlginaJ financing terms, with
Decor~ting Clinic Set
For W esthaven Hon1es
A clinic covering the finer
J>Oints of interior decorating
will be cond ucted today at
10:30 a.m. for all residents
and visitors at Westhaven, a
master·planned community in
Westminster and Fountain
Conducting the clinic at
15781 Brookhursl St. i n
Westminster will be Grace
Anglin, long·time decorating
consultant for the Shields
Development Co.. planners
and builders of two other ma-
jor developments in Orange
County. All homeowners in
either Yorktowne 1 in Hun-
tington Beach or Yorktowne II
in Westminster as well as
visitors to these communities
are welcome, according to
Mrs. An glin.
MrS. Anglin gives a 11
homeowners free decorating
advice and helps to select the
touches as part of the "tum
key" package offered by
Shields in all of h i s
furniture and ()lher needed
The clinic is being offered at
this time, Mrs. Anglin said,
because many of the women
work or are unable to seek her
services during the week
because of family obligat ions.
Visitors are being invited, she
added, because this will give
them a chance lo see the
many different ideas that can
be utilized in the se homes.
In addition to the decorating
tips, some hints on how to use
the new O'Ketfe and Merritt
electric kitchens wi ll be given
by a representative of the
Southern Califomia Edison
The Edison Company will
aJS() have free coffee and
doughnuts for all ilio&e at.-
I ··C·ompal'e
our San Jose
with any new
home ......
The. San Jose-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room. -----Just compare these features. 1 ·
Homes Too Expensive
OVER 8 ACR~ OF RECREATION PARK (with no maintenance fee) _ _o 1. I
Trail,er Park Boom Seen
The next real estate boom
may be in mobile homes and
mobile home parks.
Real estate brokers from
Minnesota and Colorado jot.1ed
Tuesday In the prediction at
the prediction at the Nationa l
J\JSociation of Real Estate
Boards convent.ion.
With the cos\ of an average
~omc boosted lo 13.1,000 by
eacalating land and con-
struction costs, 50 percent or
Ult \lBtion'1 families just can't
afford a conventional home,
zald Philip C. Smaby of ltlin-
.. We'l"e cut off from half our
mwkel,'1 he said. "But we US·
ecf io handle $10,000 homes,
and we can go back to handl-
ing $10,000 mobile homes "
W. Max Moore of Den1·er
qjd he exped.f substantia l
growth In mobile p a r k
developments and ii growing
volt.ime In selllna z1d reselling
mobUe homes.
Moore said the p r o f l t
margins might be small on In·
dividual sales, but there woo\d
be opportunity for a vast
market volume.
l\1oore said zoning restric-
tio ns are a barrier tO mobile
home parks in Colorado.
He said he eX~ed to see
zoning changes jn the near
"Some Colorado cities and
counties are startbg to break
on zoning. More and Tfr'IOre
pressure will be bullding to
ease the zoning standards,••
Moore said.
.Smaby ancf' Moore agreed
that factory~ilt .homes, now bein& aggressively developed
in fl . Houslnc and Urban
Development d e s i g n com-
petiuo:i.. m11 provide anoUter
answer for low-income
The factory·buitt modular
scc1lons include built·ln wir-
ing. plumbing and heaUng
systems. The sections c:in be
hauled lo a founda tion site and
fastened logt?ther quickly.
Modula r home costs art ex·
peeled io ~ange rrom 10 to 2S
percent under s I a n d a r d
Al H. Jennings Jr .• Atlanta
real estate broker, said he re-
mained skeptical of the fac-
tory·bullt home.
"After all , it's been the In-
dustry 's great white hope for
20 years. and ii hasn't really
come through yet," Jennings
Owen E. Hall or Birm-
ingham, Mich .. said he didn 't
expect to see mobile home or
factory-buil t home expansia.1
Jn Detroit's suburban areas.
He said zoning restrictions
likely would stay tight.
Hall s a id condominium
building likely would grow In
the Detroit areas as land
values increased.
. "The American fam ily has a
re11l urge to own 11 s
own home." llall said.
"If a man can't have a
house 0.1 a lot. he'll buy an
apartment jn a high rise
Hall s a Id condominium
building was booming on the
Florida Gold Coast. with untt!
In "the $10,000 to $20,000 price range.
I -------From $25,400
other models up to $41,500 FHA VA & Conventional terms.
When you live at The Ranch you
own the land. You 'll be surrounded
by, acres and acres of beautiful
c1frus groves with the University
of California:at Irvine nea1by:The
ocean and ~he finest shopping ten ·
tersi n Orange County are just min·
utes away. compare The Ranch
with ot~er h'ome develo pments
and ·you'll see why we're one of
the lestest selling developments in
Southern "California. Phone (714)
-------""' ~~--------
Not to "'le
' I
I ,
Char•• ColtiWOrthy
New Chief ··
Of Realtors
Charles F. ColeswOrthy will
head the Newport-Harbor-Costa
Mesa Boa rd of Reallors in
1970. .
Arthur E. Gordon, !irst vice
president; David Myhre, sec-
ond· vice president. and Earle
R. Corbin, Secr etar y-
treasurer, will ~ the officers
assisting him during the year.
Colesworthy, with several
years experience in the con-
struction field, entered lhe
real estate industry as a
salesman in 1962. He opened
his own firm. C.F. Colesworthy
and Company, in Costa Mesa
in 1966.
He is a native Californian,
and holds a B.S. degr_ee ftQm
the University or ·Soul.hem
California. He is active in .cub
scout work, is president of the
Newport Harbor Republican
Assembly for the secood time,
was the charte\:-fiJ:st, ~vice
president of t~e ot~94e ~,!1::
ty Coordinating ~R,Publlcari
Assembly, and is col'npleting
his term as vice president of
the Orange Coun t y
Coordinating Re pub 1 i can
Assembly, and is completing
his term as vice president of
the local really board .
He has been a director and
delegate for the last two years
in the California Real Estate
Association, and is a member
of the National Association of
Ilea! Estate Boards. He is past
president of the Mariners Home
Owners Community As.socia-
tion, and resides in that area
with his wife, Theresa, and .
their three children. -.:_ :_
-l::Ompl~OOar or
directors for 1970 are J. Peter
Barrett, immediate p a 1 t
president, Curt Dosh, Rod
Calderhead, Perry Zim-
merman , and Harry Winters,
Ill. The l971t officerii and
directors will be installed at
the Bo.ard's breakfast meeting
Dec. lllh at the Balboa Bay
Viejo Tops
In County
Home Sales
The Miss ion Viejo Company
led ell builders in Orange
County in home sales in the
firat eight months of i• with
recorded sales of 401 homes in
?t1ission Viejo.
Recorded Facts, a publica-
tion of First Am·erican Title
Co., released the figur~s,
Showing the Lanvin Com-
pany in second place with 329
recorded sales: S&S Construc·
tion third with Jl7; R. S.
Grant & Co. fourth with 251 ;
and Macco Corporation fifth
with 185. Sixth to 10th places:
Wm. Lyon & Company, 171:
1tobert Smith Company, 169;
George M. Holstein and Sons,
165/ Standard Pacific, 161 ;
ana Donald L. Bren COlllpany,
'!lie publi~lion also noted
that the MiSs1on. Viejo Com-
Pany also has outsold all
Orange County builders in the
AUl\llt JI, 1969, with 1862
recorded sales. Second was
Larwin Company with 1707.
Third through loth: S&S, 1142;
Grant, 909; Lyon, &Ml ; Kaul·
man .Ir: Broad, 813, Deane
Bros., 783 ; Security Fore, 721 ;
Presley-DeYoung, 502; and
Robert Smith, 450.
It was noted. also. In
Recorded Facls that Mission
Viejo's sales were all made in
one place, the new community
of Mission Viejo that the com-
pany is developing J n
aoutheastem Orange County,
while m~ ol. the otht!r major
builders were selling in two or
more developments.
Problem Property?
No Such Thln9
llCHAN901..COUNllLOI ., .,,.,......,
co ,. •
i Son\tthing. excit·
Ing 'Is about to
happen In the
~ Ora nge County
area. Today.
Tiburon . Full-on family townhome
living. 'A moment from the sea.
Our Grand Open ing is this week-
end. To introduce you to the begin-
nin& of the good life in the cool,
carefree new world of green lawns,
colorful flowers and tree-shaded
Each TibUron home is a master-
"\ • ~•s.
piece ol desl1n. Bl1newone and two
story h.omes feature exciting new
1eatures and floorplan ideas.
The whole community is one
1iant park with endless recreat ional
1acllities. Just for the fun of It.
We have the Tiburon Club. For
year-round family fun. You belonr
the day you move in. This Is the per·
feet place to get away from it all.
By staying home.
Tiburon is In the perfect location.
Ri1ht in the heart of the famous
· coastar communities of Newport,
Lido Isle and Balboa .
( ,,"i'.... t
' •
Beaches are six mlnutu ""Y·
Swimming. Skiing. Surfing. Boltin(.
Sailing. You name it.
Features. How about totalhome
refrigerated air conditionin g. At no
extra cost.
And no exterior maintenanc.e. It's
all done by professiona ls.
Come out today. Excellent financ-
ing. Special parkin& facilities. Intro-
ductory prices li.mlted time only.
It's n<it a country club. But when
you live here you'll think It Is.
• ...
,., .... •aa,TIO. Low FHA end VA terms.
·OlrKtlons: Tiburon Is located In Fountain
Valley on Bl'OOkhurst. T tke San D1110 Fwy.
to !lrookhurst, IOllth one block tt·mode11.
. "
I •
, .
-S11t11rd11y, Noveffibt1' 15, 1969
Polyole!in plastic molded \vith realistic ''Stingray'• de-
tails . Features steel constructed steering assembly,
Pedals. drive rods and rear axle. 38" x 17" \V. Melallic
color "'ith 'stripes. ·
Sunday 011111
\VC'st Bend curved popJ>('r
pan for fast popping; clear
glass "see -through'' cover
knob; heat-resistant handh!,
An ideal plant lo compliment any home .
~1~1~_ .. MPf ,-O .. LY -.
• elf .. -~ --.
8l/2'xl'1 1/2' FULL
Only 14aa
Lustrous Cl.it pile rayon ru~ with non-skid latex backing
Choose avocado, vermilhon, turquoise. gold . t;:;;o./
~ green .
Reg. 5.58, 9' x 12' Poly-foam Underlay........... 4.44
2200 HARBOR BLVD. C orner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA
• • . -~----~----
Burahle-.W oody: 9h~p.:,.,Stttfe's ;:.,·M~., of-Steel;~::
~. . f ..
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -"How do
you flcurt him outT" one ol Woody a., ... loeitlme -ia1es ""°'led the
quUUOn. . .,How do you ficw'e out a
''Orie minute 1U is calm and aerene and
th?n ..-iran 11111bMb1oooo. It
takes mote lliah a ~·lo fl&Ur• out The Mari.)1 . ' ..
Th<y rder to . him simply u "Tht
Man" -parl)y· lu llytttllCO, portly In
awe, lar1ely b1 fear. .. ...
He ts-a-man of moods, a Dr;4tkyll and
Mr. Hyde, hated and loved -this
graying, bespectacled, j>ot-bellied man
who cracks the whip for Ohio State, the
natlOn'5 No. t college football team. Ohio
State :puts its 21..game winning atrtat On
the line here today agaimt; powerful
Wil'J>e Woodrow (Woody) Hayes bas .
S.pell ~
Acid Test
Does Vi.nee Lombardi hold a "magic .
1pell" over the Dallas Cowboys?
The Cowboys, leading the National
Football League's Capitol division wllh ~
7·1 mark, will find out Sunday when they
take on Lombardi's Redskins a t
,\t Green Bay, Lombardi's teams
seemed to cast a spell on the Cowboys,
winning all sb. game1 and beattna: Dallas
twice for the NFL UUe. '11\e spell seemed
to be most obvious in the list mimJte of
plAy of their last two meetiill under
In 1966, the Cowboys threatened to lak.f
the lead late in the game, advancing ti
the Packers' one-yard line.· But the·GreeL
Buy line held and the CowboYs lost.
A year later, it was Green Bay
threalenlug oo lhe·~yan! line with 16
-to play. The Packers scored and
again, tile Cowboys Jost.
Lombardi will see 1f ~ old magic is
11Ull there when he sends his Redskim, 4-
2-2 and'-se<ood to Dallas In the Capitol
DlVWon, against the Cowboys.
lot of •Vince tCmbardi ln ... him -the they ~ve competed.' cU his wriat •w1lcb. oft eomes hia _oiJ' k~p them warm. ' •
tou&b • lninded ex -Green Bay and ftOW Thr.y need only two more victories to ba.wball cap,_ .lie ripe it to '1tesls and The next aame .Utt usJptant coach
Wa5.hlnttoo 1\edslcins coech he admires brea~ their own BJa: Ten streak of '17 ' stomps it Into tbe 1f9UJ'd, yelling epithet& found all hill J>OCk:"8 sewn lhyL
iO mudl • .,,, 1tralgh\·trlumphs set in 19$4-58. • that search ter.Ser ears.. ~ • ~~led .yeara qo\Woocb' became
.. H~·· ~ aort of~ ... saidOoe ·playir, 'Jbev say Kayes is buUdif\g another col· Sonte insi~t Haye.s has been seen.cut-lnbensed over tJle demon 1 tr at (1 g "'!ho'!!'.'-ho .Jol(j you to all down yoo lege (ootballilyilas(j. His freshfuan tEam . tmg;his cap .In the msstng room.prior to Mlc!U1an Crowd, it Ahn Arbor. In'. ftl·ol·
don't 'around for-a chair:": . 1 d1is fall ls ·said to compare fa voribly · pracdee to make It 'tuitr -·and riiore anpr, be kicled 'I Atelint .marm. ff.ti a relj-poly Beat Bryant-a strict , 'lflth the great rtnt:year Squad ot 1967 ,dr~ic-to des~. . i lhl{1kln&'lt ,Wis rub~.1 lt ,was ~·,
.1Ji1ctplinaiian, ,bald, a fanatic on can-which fon;ns tbe~leus· of the present "Wt! live lh'~ wiiUng for The ~an He atmosi;etroke'bb: lot but be pined:.taJ1 ·
dJllooint:and fttali. '· · powei:hO • ' ~ ~ ""to esplode,"·-.td ariothet·playtr. "f-ihlni: 1eelfl· arid"'reluad-to limp( • 1-r
"A tie, Ja like kissing your sister. RunlOrs around the" Ohio State calnpus t~ rea1on::t' all~~ do oUr job So w~U . , Hayes Is a. ~tudent o,f rplli~ll!Y ~ci
Cor'lcentrite on trylnr not to lose the ·are .that Hayes, now 56 and 26 years in is to ktil!P !Um rtQm e)tpla:dit11." , and prepares far footbell .. pmet ~
game btlore tryPtc to win it." thb profession~ ,11,·see the 19'9 freihman. ·, "He ieinerilbers every little of£.•lde .... rJ):lliqc ·them lQ ~tua.U~flcecl.,, auch ··wlmlllw· is Pl& name of the game. The cl&JiS through and then resign himSelf to , penal{y or vrlslake lhat cost him a game m11itary gen!uses as C.esar, Najioleon,
price . ii -. spartan wwk, deoia1, con· a quieter life. in the·pist. SO ·when one of us makes the GeneraJ Pillon and FieJd MU1baJ~Rom·
centratlon.. Errors are unforgtveable. To those who know him, I t ' s S3me error, no matter how trivial, he hits mel.
In bis 11 years at Ohio State, Hayes' unimaginable. Without a ch an c e the roof." . ' Hayes got UPfiet when someMe sug·
teams have won 12i games, lost 41 and periodically to blow his stack~ The Man • Hayei. expects his assislf11ls to bear gtsted be must be melk>Wjnl because he
tied liven. They have' won thrff national certainly would die of complete boredom. the same rigors that he does. One cold relaxed his rules against long sideburns
championshJJll, Hve Big Ten titles, and No ~actice session or game is com-day Woody kept reprimanding anJ1ide for and Afro haircuts. He prefers to be whal
the qnly three Role Bowl gamea in which plete \1;1thoot a Hayes eruption. He rips putting his hands In his back pocket! to he calls "a mean, old coach."
"! think he likes to be thought ol as •
touch, caotanken:iua okt IO-Md-lo," aUd
another looltlme Hayes usodate. "He is an hi&torian. He th1nU evily
CUY who lllCCe<ded had to be a be<I bl
IOme ways. General MICArU:Mar .Wll• •
lyrant..NaP.O .. ,Wll a.kook. ~
"Tlie -btlloves ho mmt molntaln a
hard, unb«>dlng Image. When they~•
playing klr him !hi; ro• -a lot of
them, at leut -ba~ his llJI.!. Then ho
will turn am.ind and do a compas.!ionaq,
act nlt man in his place would do. ~y
)ove him.
"Ask all the guys who ever played for
him. They'll tell yoo they haled him •I
times. But they loved to play for hlm
because he made them the best. But U.V
can't show lhe old man how they feel 118
has to always be the old son of a ~
' AFL Games at ·a Gl.ance
Chiefs -,, . . . Favored;·
. ~ . Taylor ·Returns
As if the New York Jell didn't have
enough to worry about, glue-fin&ered
Otis Taylor is back in the Kansu City
lineup. ,
The Chiefs are three-point favorites to
beat the Jets Sundax_ at Shea Stadium,
just enoUBh m-ariin to 1ccomm001te
Jan Stenerud's celebrated toe.
The game is a battle of dlvilional
leaders. New York bolda a 2~~ 1anw
!tad over Houston in the eastern sector
and Kansas City maintains a slim half·
, 1ame margin over Oakland in the Welt.
1 .. ,_. missed the last three games be-
cause of 1n· abdominal strain, but the
Injury practically has to be pressed into
Despite jiil three-game absence, Tay-
lor leadl'"Ute club with 457 yards: on Z3 •
·McKay Groans,_.
• •
USC lnvade8 ·
receptions. And he hu one of the better
passers around the American Football League in Len. Dawson, who· miaaed ·a
good portion of the seasan becaUte ol a
knee injury.
This passing 'combination may see
more acUon than intended by coach Hank
...S.U:am... "'.Ith wide. r~elYer Frank pjtts
and running back -Bob Holmet llittd
only as "problblea" because ol foot
Ntw York is bavtns Its own problems.
Jim Turner, il.s kicking star and !ho
league's lelding scorer, is troubled by
l virus. Anything ol di.stance could pNft
dilficUlt for the weakened booter. · _
In other Sunday 1ames, visiting HOU&:-
ton is a three-polnt pick over DenVtr,
host Oakland ta favored by 14 over San
Diego, the Bengals... are aeven-polnt
c~icea over t.'le Boston Patriots at Clil.
cJnnaU and M.lamf 11 ai Buffalo. · ·
Houston and Oakland, to all intt.nts:
and purposes, will wind up in the new
league playoffs that pit the first place
team of one dlviJlon agalpst the secood
place tum ol the other divitlon, with
the survivors meeting for the AFL UUe
and the right to appear• in the Su~ Bowl > . -
·Danas, which hu always had trouble
wJth w~. leads 1-7-2 in the series.
'!)-. Cowboys needed a If.point last-
~i~-dfQI'.) .1¥t weok to~ ll\Uhbol1I _
New Orleans, ~17. Calvin" Hft1'1 5$-yard
toodxlown -run sparked the rally.
Washington HoUston runs into 1 much improved
Denver squad,. but one that wu eoundty
thumped by Oakland. 41-101 1ut y.reelctnd.
. The OUen Ind Broncoa each ha,ve,cxa
SEA1TLE (AP) -About the only thing four games thJa: seaaon. .
that ham:fhappened lo lhe-llailw1Ky.ol --~ rectlved·o•IOWld.~
Wa.shington this season is 1 football vk· by qbarterback Don Trull in h1s · flrat
tory. The odda are that after the Huskies start as he pa.ued for two toucbdoWDI in
play the Soothem CallfornJa ·Troians to-a 31-31 tie with C1ncinpati. Sonn1 Jurgensen hit for 252 yards and
two touchdowns last week u the
Rcd•klns and the Eagles tied, 21-11.
Dallas is an eight-point favorite io soap
the. Lombardi spell, while in other sames,
filinnesota is nine over Green Bay,_, 'Loi
Angeles ll over Philadelphia, New .York
three over New OrJeans, .Cleveland olne
aver Pittsburgh, Baltimore 2~ ~ San
Francbco, Detroit three over St. Louis
and Chicago six over Atlanta. _
Pl-tinneiota will be lookJng for its eighth
consecutive victory after an opening
game loss when the Vikings take an
Grren Bay, "·hich may be forced to 10
without quarterback Bart Starr. Starr ·
has a sore right ann and ta questionable.
Thr Rams, the only unbeaten team in
pro football, will be sOOoting for their
ninth corisec\llive Victory in their first
vi.sit to Philadelphia since 19St.
The Giants attempt to snap a four.
game losing streak when they take on the
Saints at Yankee Stadium w hi I e
Cleveland looks to bounce back from its
•51-3 rout by Minnesota last week at the
expense or punchless Pittsburgh (1-7).
The Cardinals, with 14 poinls in the
past \wo games, make thtlr first visit tO
Detroit while AUanta, the NFL's No. 1
ranked-rushing team, plays host to
Chlc:A&O, the No. 3 team.
ABA Socked
With ·Sllit
CINCfNN A Tl (AP l -Rof!er B'°"", a
stm' p11yer for the Indiana Pacel"1 of the
American Basketball Association, tiled a
11.S mlllian damage suit tn U.S. District
r.oort tJ.,. Friday, ehaJllng the National
Basketball Association has boycotted him
from pJiying 'in that league.
. The suit was directed agah11t the NBA
and 14 NBA franchise holder,.
Brown. \\'ho fonnerly played at Dayton
University, has been blocked from
pla)'lni in the NBA because ol a 1am·
bllng ICIJ1dal.
He cblll!ed in the ault thal other
players, involved in such tb!np, have
.be<n allowed to play In the NBA.
Brown filed his suit undw the antl-trust
·~ta.,.1 and charged tM NBA and its clubs
with enga1lnc ·ill a "lf'OU9. boy('O(t." He
said his requesta to play in ~ NBA have
be<n rejed<!l or Ignored.
The suit asked for the damages . to
recompense Brown for money he-claims
he lost In salaries by not playing in the
NBA and money lost from not beln1 able
t o partidpate in commerci•I e~
Brown claimed tile llew York Knlcla
nrt<tnally bad him on thelr drift 11.i and
that the ClnclMalJ Royals havo fadlcated
a ddlrt to oeaotiate with him.
WHY THEY'RE NO. ONE -Oblo-State's Bruce
Jankowski and Dick Kuhn go up Jor a pass in the
en<! zone as Wisconsin's Dick HYiand ,tries to ·break
up the play. Jankowski grabbed the pass for an OSU
touchdown. The Butjreyes faCe"'Putdue in a natl~
ally televised ,game 'today with the Big Ten title
going to the· wiMer.
Cla8h Slated
FQr TV Sunday
The Los Angeles Rams continue their
quest ol an ~feated season Sunday in
Philadelphia with area fans having an o~
pommity to lune In the action l>e&iliniJ>t.
at l :CS oa Channel 2. ·, " .
'Mle Ram-Ea11e contest hi~ights a MJ'·
weekend of television fare ranging from·
high school balketball to ·Jll'Ofessional
football and automobile racing.
ABC's Wide World of Spor'ls)xings fli!1
Phoenix 200 milt Tact live and in calor ~
Channel 7 at S o'clock todaf.. .. ~ -·:
And lhia morning (10:25) 'Purdue ariil ' ·
Ohio .• Sllte met. Channel 7l--~iei.stmi:
10 liklition to the usual ~yriad of foot·
. 1"'!1-·r'..,,1nc1ucllng taped re-runs of the
USC arid~~ Saturday games on Sun--•
<IaY: thil'. ulw. •rid Kings will be ~-~ oo Channels.
'111e•Lain,play In Phoenix tonight at I
and the ~;'!ill be seen from Boston
on &inday-evenlng at 6 in a tape delay te~" i1ter the Bruin-Oregon game
~ 'J1i wee.ke~ sports fare on 'IV:
"''' .. Jf.ie:.••M,117) CL:,-NCAA FOO'ltN11l, OMO Sltlt \l'I,
Tt:oo NOOll nu ct -"'' aoone ce1e11r11v Golf •ult.
l :JO """· UI CL -Hklh Sl;llaol lt$k~INU (T1um tDtNl~J.
5:ot ~:·J ISi CL -Tll!t Wl'flc !11 Pro Fool'l>IU. fJI L --Wor111 Of Soor11: 1119 Pllotnls '70t' \• llllMDOI r r~1 II ~nttd HW from PllOf" 1 .VO.It AMret11 " IMd!no llrlftr on The 1Mt USA~ ~1.0t!lef'" llrlwn lftclvH A. J. Fm, 9ol)by ~ &,'(.Tc tiNI "*' Mt Ckllltf<r • ..._, Jim Mcl(1y f/ld _.,.lr-1. =-l:Jll '·'"M\171 CL -HCM l'.._11, Notr. O.mt 11
I vnlll lnltnlrtn 1t1n of n. s ' • fin CL -Thtt Tvrf'llllJ.Ofl -=
_ ... lrtcWl11111. Jallrlnv LOf!lldtn, JtrrY W..t, 11 kYl9rl l"«n O'lri.tl Mid tddi. $MO;.
S~ -.m. (SI CL -Loi ~ Laktl"f; vs. l"llMnbl
~. -f:• l .m. ISi CL -Hotrt DllM Foolbal1. Fletit1 ... ~~.Gewtll• ltdl Y1l'°111 J1ckm. G•n,. T1Dtd
tiU •.m. ltl ci..-l111 """"'" lllrnt ¥t ~i...tofli. 1 .. i. ti l"hlltdehlfll1.
lf:Jll I .I'!!, l•I Cl ,.. A Fl kolHll. Kfnw1 Cit, llltfl .... Htw Y«k Jiii 11 NN Ywti.
11:ot I.wt, (111 CL -111 •tale LA "'I Ctl Stitt l!i:1 ... di I I L-HCll ~ii V11tr1"' 111'11· l lM W-4111 ctlll Tht It!*' ff """ llPM M-.
1:• '•'"· C!I C\. -NP:L r .. ..,.ff,i;.. ... 11""9ft c .. 11 YI I . fl,.,... 11 S.n l'r.nc:tu•, U) -AFL FOMDtll. ...,-0... ~ .... QeaJ1f111 I II 0.klanll.
1 ~• 1.1n. 011 CL -use r.--""'"'"'""' "' w==rs~~ 1Jm =:..~bulb. ,.,_, kNr'M• .. ·---~·~·~ ~~""h~· INIM.
' '
. ·~ .,,,, ....... . ,.
PREPPING FOR OHIO STATE -Stan Brown (22) of Punllie-dives
~ver !ell guard for a tou chdown during a viclory over Michigan Slate.
The &iltlmlten play Ohlo Sla\e.tqcla)"in TV.Qarpe of )II• Wffk for
the Big ll'en tlUe. Also in lite above actlj>n llf• ll'om 'Luken (?7)' and
·Donnie Green -(70f of, Purdue and. Jacwclr Bresllh (42J ancf Ricb;lrd
Saul (88) of Mlchifatt State: ' . · ' . • ~ ""-,-.-
da}' in a P1ci;!lc4 game it stlll will be the Oaktand find1 a San Diep team wJth
onJY !Jililg"\hil !Wn't happened. a new head coach now that Sid Glllnwr
The migbtf Trojans, 7-0.1, may very ii out beca111e of health reuone ...... Mart;j
well come 1nto Seattle cr~s-eyed. 'nley'll Domres, the Ivy Leape CNarterblok
have one eytJ on the Husklei, but. the from Columbia, called the CJW1er lig·
olhflt verj likfly will be .focused a week nali 1n the 27-31 lou ~ Kamal .City ~t
Jn the future, when they meet UCLA in Surlday. There a. a &ood cl)ance new
what looks to be the Rose Bowl decider. coach Charlie-Waller-will -follow Gill·
use Coich John McKay has been man's desire to cti!Uvat.e Dorilres lnto a.
grunting and groaning all week long about top quarterback.
sloppy workouts. Somehow, though, when
it comes right down to it the Trojans pro.
duced 11 regular season games without a
USC la gunning for its fourth straight
R,pee Bowl appearance~•D4 . th1 plaf;n
want to be on the fJrst Pacific-I club ever
to play at the Arroyo Seco four times
One eye would seem enough to keep tn
the Huskies, winlW eight weekl Ullo the:
stason. But the Huskies hav.e been marl·
ing during practices lateJy 1 instead of
wbtmperlng in confusion av• the black
ath,lete controversy that has shaken the
school for two weeks.
'ftle episode may not have been settled,
but 1pparenUy It has been soot.lied: ·
Jim Owens, u usual, has been Juallng
the Husky lineup to meet injurie,.
. Three Huskies -spilt end Dan
Roberson, llnebacker Rick Hug~ and
center Bruce J arvls -are dellnUe
scratches fQr the game. Owens' cor~
responding mov" are Ken Ballena~.lll
center, 'Ernie Janet from, ta~'~ tui(d
and Dan Cunningham in at1~
Clyde ,Werner moves biet'.1.0 ~iddlf
linebacker. Al Maurer \,It,~ e?"···
l '
Lakers ~P
Suns, 127-112
, -LOS ANGELES (AP) -Veteran Elsi-
Baylor with SI poinl.s led the Los Angele<
Lakers to a decl&ive 127-112 Victor)' Fri-
day nlght over the hustling Phoenix Sunt
in Nati0111I Buketball Auociatbrplay.
In scoring his . ..._. ltllb point -
Baylor also contri~ Oll·dtlense as the'
.Laker• broke a· fdiir.Pme losing .aln&Jr;
The Suns' Jim Fm: hid a brilliant ICOr:·
Ing night, l""'\"lng tl!rOUlh 39 polnta in· a losing cill:use. · ·
. .C9nnie Hawkins 1Cored 11 for the~Su:nS
·whllt! ~etry Wist and John Egan of Los.
Angeles contrl!IWd 29 and 31 reepect1.,;. . "' . •r-. . ~r arabbed an early 33-31 fint.
quarttr edge but the Lakers, with Baylor
,playblg put.landing ddense; held • Ha·
. ,intermisalon advantqe.
Can DU,C%s· Slay Giants? :~:
y . . -~
Bruins,:·~regon · ·Tangle
EUGENE~ Ore. (AP) -Oregon'°"' to
work ai i/ ~ant killer todly, alrnlfli to
knock off-' lieventh-ranked. UCLA In a
Pacific-I fi>otball clash in Eugene. " A homecoming crowd ol •boul S3,000 Is
expected to watch Oregon bid for ll! thfrd win in four conference., starU by
containing the Bruins' erpk>alve offense.
Game time 11 l:lll p.m.
The Wlbeoten, -Ued. UCLA
powemou.. Is In Eupne lo(· the-·flrat
lime since 1963 when tbe·Role. Bowl team
of that year topped the DuckJ, 12-0. The
Bruins, 7-0.1 this year, are f.0.1 in 'the
, conference, Including a 20-'20 atandOn
with Stanford.
Oregon coach Jerry Frei baa mapped
out what he c:onslden to be lhe best
strategy to upSet UW: lnvadht1 BrulnJ.
!'rel said this week, "To beat UCLA,
. all we 1¥Y• lo do Is~ a dd.,.. to
stop "tlle ...,.q" .J--Mld<o7 C..retoo .... George rmef and the
catching <I .G,...n ~ Mite Gar·
raU on j>Njes lr<*'1 Daill\ DummlL" . -.
Frei said U his Ducks do all that, "1'4
haye to consider It a miracle."
The contest will send coach. Tommy
Prothro's Bruins a1alnst a Webfoot team
that will have 1i4: No. 2 quarterback at ·
the controls.
Senior John Harrington will start in
· place of· Tom Bl~. the No. J passer
In the conference. Blanchard rtlitjured
the same knee be hurt two years qo.
It was Harrlnrton, then, who mowd in.
to the play callfng.spo< aad -Ille·
lea:n In a 2H h>u to O.J. Slmpoon ml.
Southern Callfornla.
Harrington will have aa prime pass
targca sophomore Bobby Moore, the toP .•
scorer In lhe conference, and W ··
Prothro consider• them, "a labuloul
poir of pus receivers." Moore has •'
catches, Newland SI, maklnc them tbe
top Paclfk:-1 rectlvtr1.
1JC1;A, .a !of"_,.. with USC lot .
lilt: wtfa w.ce Rose Bowl berth, ha lft•
ofic"" Iba\ II • ..,..,... » polllta a
1me.. ... ~ ..
• u•,.
' .~ . •
J4· DAILY PILOT SaturdlJ', Na'tfmbtr 15, 1'6t
i'· • Ill 1tnar-gers Send FV Title Up
Of tJtt 0.UY l"lltf Sl•lf
Fountain Valley High School's dreams
rOr an li'vlf:le League championahip and a
berth in the CIF football playolfs were
smashed Friday nisht when Edison
High's Chargers pulled off their weekly
iiliOCker, nipping the Hirons~ 21-20, before
t ~an overflow crowd at Hunl1ngton Beach
11igh SChooL
II was a shocking turn of events for
,:-eoach Bruce Pickford's Barons. who had
:·iy,ned up for the Edison showdown with
'~n upset of their own, a 21·21 tie with Ir·
, . vine champion .Loar a. . ' ...
And the Barons nearly pulled it off
aa:aJn. but the two-point play tbat Foun-
tain Valley employed Jut week 'to tie
Loara dic!n't work thJa time.
Edison's Rocky Whan dumped quarter4
back Johll Svoboda before he could , re--
lease hls aerial and with I: 17 to go in
the game, the Char1er1 held their 21-20
lead. --
It was-an.-unbeJievabie-dispJay otpoise
by lhe Yount Edison crew that seemed
to nOt only Jr:etp it in the lead for the most
pa.rt of the game, but conUnually inllm i·
dated Fountain Valley's entire defensive
left side.
Time after time quarterb'ack Jerry Hin-
Tenacious C.uhs
• :-::
illast Rustler
:::; • J . • • ' • '
fritle Hopes, 14-0
:~ By HO\\'ARD !... HANDY
: .. : · Of t11e Dtlty ... 11 .. Sl•H ,,. bacher recovering. Two plays later an-
other fumble gave the ball back to \he
Cubs deep in ~ustler territory •
The Cubs tried another field goal. this
lime from the 16 but the attempt was
ojosa exploited thcYBarons' defense with
Inside handoffs w1u1Jback \Vhan and Ken
Funke. ·
When he didn't do that, he kept it after
faking to tailback Jim Moxley up the mid-
dle .
Hinojosa , in all, ran for 103 yards in·
eluding a .J6-yarder in the !ourtb period.
Moxley stood up to his press clippings. The twisting, hard-running junior rlppt'd
off 100 yards in 19 carries and scored l\vo
touchdowns, both on short gainers in Uie
first half, lo give the \vinners a 13--0 lead
(including Gary Balch's PAT).
F'duntain Valley didn 't fold , ,howeve r,
and cam~ back with two touchdowns to
take a brief 14-13.,.edge. ·
The first tally came v.·ilh five seconds
remainlng in the half on Svoboda's strike
to end Gary Valbuena. Tht plays covered
59 yards and Tom Malone. aUdc<J lbe
first of two PATs.
The Barons came back in the sec.'Ond
half wilh a go-ahead TD when Dan Shaw
ran 15 yards with a pitchout capping a
5.5-yard drive.
However. Edison was not to be denied.
Coach Bl!I Vail 's outfit romped 58 yards
in eight plays with Hinojosa nailing John
Fisher with a 24~yard touchdown pass.
1\1Qxley added the two-point convert>ion
with I :03 to go in the third period.
The tt1lly \\•as remarkable considering
the Chargers had st'ored two plays earlier
only .to have 15-yard penalty set them
back. foµntain Valley's Jast. TQ came on a
Svoboda to Valbuena act that covered 10
yards to end a 53·yard march. •
Finl rioWf'I! r11~ll!nO
Finl llOW"1 1t•l.1.J"ll
Fir$! aown• "'"a~:40.1
"ToTal fi '>l down1
Y1td\ tu1h;,..
Yo)•Ot paH!no
Y1rds Iott
Ne1 ViHO• 9~lnfd
PvMi/Ave••vt alsiar.cf
P•n•llle1/Y1ra1 prnllilfd
f vmblt1/Fumb1t1 lo5!
.. • ' • " ,,,
"' • , ..
' JJ a " ••
• " ' • ,,
•• " " ..
1136 0
!151 "'
St•rt ....
FouM•ln Vlllt~
Hin•""' Tale•'
fdlMfl !(fl .,,
" 1#1 n 112 ' ~ . " " ... Fo~•tllll V•ll•Y ---._...,,a
' " " ~ . " ' . l) Ui
" ' • • • " • •• ' " • "
JI '' JM V• 1 4 0 14
Founltln V1U•1 nia211A
"' • •• 11.4 ,.,
••• .. -
'" '·' '' ..
• LOS ANGELES -A tenanclous I.As
:Angeles City College defense held tbe
:eoiden West Rustlers scoreless Friday
~ght and scored an important touch-
41>v.11 on a pass interception in the
'1ourth quarter to lead the Vermont Ave-
~-Jeruri to a 14-0 Soothern California
. ~lereilce -victc:Y . ._____ -
l .'fhe Joss eliminated the Rustlers from
turt.her title contention and left the Cubs tD the thick of the battle for the loop
Final crushing blow to the Rustlers
came on a fourth and 22 situation with
two minutes remairiing. Bonwell passed
to C>on Helton down the sidelines to the
Cub lO for an apparent first down.
P"own. ,
1;The game ·developed into a punt-and-
~lt affalr early and for three quarters
heither team was able to generate an of-
l~ive punch. Golden West was still
_ooldng lor a passing offense when the
final gun sounded.
~'The Rustlers completed tv.·o passes in
'' attempts for 2S yards . and bad two j)lhers. intercepted, one for a touchdown.
Lack of a EUiLable passing attack agai nst pie stout Cub Hefense left the Rustlers ro their own territory most of the night.
: pnly time the visitors moved into Cub
territory in the fir st half. an attempted
(feld goal from the 23 was wi de to the
right. •
' :The CubS likewise moved into Rustler
land on only one occasion in the first
1'.ll. But a field goal from the 42 tell far
i;tiort or the goal' ;.,Los Angeles dented the scoring column
fer Tthe first time early in the fourth
s&:ianza when. Ty'rone .Peterson picked orr
.:rony Bonwell a&ial at the CUb 40 ~
tjced to the end .2Cllle for a tou~down.
Craig Hiatt kicked the first ot two con-
v,ersions. to make it 7-0 with 13 :30 re-
· ·So9n after the tally the Ru stlers had ·•
cfucial fourth and one si tuatiOn on the
CUb 44 and failed to make the neces-
sary yardage.
Next time they had possession, a fum-
bfe gave it to the Cubs who returned the
h1vor on the next play with Sam \Vurti-
Tonight at BB
1be head linesman ruled Hellon was
out of bounds when he grabbed the ball
and the Rustler hopes faded a moment
later when Mike Vickers went 11 yards
to the Golden West five and into the end
tone on the next play. Only 1:30 re-
The Cubs are very much in the title
chase \Vit~ one game remainin& against
Harbor next week. They could gain the
playoffs with a victory while the Rust-
lers conclude the season v.'ilh Cypress
Nov. 22.
Flral d-n• rusllln1
Flrsi 'llown• PISSln,.
Flrtl downt Pe!llUlt l To!ll flrSI _,
Y1ra1 r""11nt
Yl~t P•Hlllt
Ylrd! IHI
Nel Yl r!h gained
Punl!/A~rlgo a l•linct
Pent1tle•/Y1rd1 Ptn11l1ed
Fu..,fllt!/Fumblu loll
O.lolt11 W"I
"' Snvaer " &11Cal1nd " llo!lwtll • "'"""' ' ,VII._ ' T•l•ls n
l.•s A11111fi
Vil;ker1 " """ • ,,,..!Ills " &rv1n ' Will&n ' MltJ ' Totth " llASllN•
0.loltfl Wnt .. ll&nwtll " V1lbu9"a • TOllll " I.It Afttlltl
••v•~ "
ftW( LA • • ' ' : I : lll 11'11
25 A•
•2 Al 111 in
11•e.o 113'.1
,,.. 5/111.
J12 2 2
" " ...
" • "' .. • ,.,
" ~ ·1.0 • • .., • • ...
"' " '·'
" • '' " " •• • ' ,, • M •J.I
' • ••• • ' ••• .. " ,.,
~ "' .. ~· ' ' " .Oil
' • • . .. ' ' " "" • .. .x•
Oilers , Sailors Gunning
For Runnerup Finish
Huntington Beach and Newport Harbor
high schools, two long-time beach rivals.
i;Quare off at Huntington tonight al 8 in a
Sunset League football clash with
prtslige more than anything else at
For a n1oment Friday night it appeared
tonight's 'vinner ...,,oold make the ClF
pJayoffs after Fountain Valley fell oul of
the Irvine League co-title.
· Ho\vever. th e feeble '''hitmont Lea-
gue wound up deadlocked bety,•een \\1hi1 -
tier and h1onte Vi~ta when the latter
bowed to the former, 7-0, Friday ..
The only thing sure is that the victor
tonight will clincl1 no \\'Orse than a tie f~r
second place. and for these t~·o ouU1ts
that prospect isn ·1 too hard to digest.
·Coach Ket! Moats of lluntington and
\\lade \\'alts of Newport ha\·e brought
their teams along in excellent fashion
\\'ith outstanding results in thC". rugged
Sllnset League.
Their records are identical. G·Z 4verall
and 3·2 in league bo!rtilitles. Ho,vever, there are still ti rew things on
the line.
perhaps Lhe key ingredient -depth.
The Tars have five different backJ who
con come through with the clutch effort
and do it with a tricky sin gle wi ng type of
offense that features pulling guard Bob
Quarterback Bill Shedd is the leading
gainer in the Orange Coast area through
the air, ~::impletin,i:: 58 of 109 attempts for
824 yards.
t\untington, mea nwhile relies heavily
on the success of its quarterback's ability
to keep the opposition off balance w(th_
his running and passing.
Junior Garth Wise is lhe key to Moats'
orrense \\•Ith exceptional running ability
through traffic.
He's passed for Sii yards on 42
It's the defense, bowever,"lhlit istfiffi·
tington•s forte .
Leading a parade of good, hard nosed
defensive players are linebackers Pc.n
i\foats and Pa ul Moro along with linen1en
.Jim Haberthur, Frank Hanss and I.re
K·EY TO VICTORY -Quarterback Jerry Hinojosa hel d the right
cards Ffiday night as he led his Edison High teamma'les to a 21-20
upset win over Fountain Valley. Here he's ready to hand off to his ace
running back J im Moxley (not in picture) behind the rugged line play
or Mike Balch (64), Jell Carter (54), ·Ross Jenrtings (50) and Mark De-
Huff (65).
Pirates Close
Seaso11 Tonight
At San Diego
Th~ 1969 football season has been an
up-end-dO\Yn affair for the Orange Coast
Pirate\ and v.·hen they conclude play
tonight in San Diego's Balboa Stadiun1
agains; an upset-minded Kniitht eleven,
anythint; could happen . Kickoff is a! 8.
Coach Dick Tucker 's squad moved into
t-arly contention for league honors and
battled from behind on numerous oc-
casi.:i11s .to pos~ narrow victory after nar-
row vic:lory.
Then the bomb exploded. Tailback
Ramon Ricardo was sidelined wilh an in-
.1ury and the Pirate offense has been
han1pt'red ever since .
At !hi timf': of his injury Ricardo wa!'I
a1nong the Jeadirig runners in the Orange
Coast area. He still tops Pirate statistics
despUe having missed two games.
\Vl'ltn the roof caved in on a possiblP.
conference championship for a team that
defeated Fullerton. a leading contender
fur toµ honors, San Diego Mesa came
. along to gain a 31·23 ,·ictory.
Therein lies the story of tonight"!'!
game. San Diego gaYe Mesa a strong bat·
tie all the way before losing. 24-21. The
Knights feel thiy should have won the
game and had il in the win column until
the final 50 seconds.
On_e or the Pirate strong points all
srason. has_ bc~n their . outstandini:
ilefens1ve unit. This platoon 1s riddled bv
injuries as the season ends and Tucke'r
isn't certain just who viii! sLart.
0 \\'atts' Bluejackets have defcaled Mun·
tihgton the past two years and hold an
nyerall 19-14-2 edge over the Oilers in tr.e
i;e.ries that dates back to 1931.
"' Oa•tl Bloocl
ijg 01w1 Ml .,lfl ~·· 1.: ,. ::it ::" ;~ Gr1nl G•l~er
111 ,,.rv smun !~.S I! l*'lllld
I • ' 1 i
Joe ~!1n"' 8111
&•lt'n ~~tl•11d .~·~,J,~' f;,., S!Mnt D1~ M~ ~::~ ~.~,,
"' "' '" "' 1~
"I :Ji
BARONS' FORTE -Fountai n Valley's 1nost e(fec·
tive weapon . the lo-rward pass. failed to de rail the
Edison High express F'rid.ay night. The c:hargers
pressured quarterback John Svoboda ( 14 ) \\'ith Rri-
an Bayless (44 ) and Dale. Norton (75). Blocking for
F'ountain Valley are Bob \Valker (65) and George
Valbuena {74) along v.11th Rick Po\ver (45 ).
F'ur example, both defensive tacklel!
:ire 011 the injured list and \\'ill Jet onlv ll111it~u action . In addition. ~tikc Ezze ll i's
sidelined with a knee injury. Ezze!l is the
f.:iste1t man in the Pirate SeC<>ndary.
If Grorgc Follett and John Nouary arc
sid elined, Harry Carn\ack and Dave
Gleason v.'ill move into the starling tack·
le spots.
.Newport rolls in \\•ilh some hard run·
nlng backs, an l'Xccllcnt pa:iSer and
, ~•\Ml~ I"°"' 1. ·""Port H1•110r 0
l' uni ... ~ ••dt 1,. twoorl H1rbcir 0 -tWPOrl H•rllOr 1, l'IUnllnc!Of' 8t8(~ t
1" ~11$1 "l,,llt<• I 1~ QCkY •9" F•1n•,ti• I "' 1 s .. wt Fl$!1 • PIUI Ol'O "'
Gauchos Duel Danger,ous 51'.ltlU iCOfll ~ "Jl-H~n11n11I"" l!e•<h 2(1, NtwPOrt H•t~~ •, ,. t.-H11nl ~ton 8HCh n. NIWPOrl H•r-ltJJ.44~nllnt"IOJI ltl(h I, NtwHrl t41rtlor • 'ltwPOrt H1rbor •· H~n1l<1<1!0!" •e•'h O
'1 1111111)110!\ 8911d'I 3S, HtWPCrl HI"" .. 1 twllOrt H•rbOr 70. H11Mlnt1on ••th o
I '"'riot' H1rbor l'' Hun111191cn fl••<"• Sad<ll·i..nck CoUeat hat come 1 Jong than seven points to any of 'its last six thr~21Z-pound·plus linemen bolstering -,.,._.. H•rbor • H11n!l<1<1t&n 811<1'1 1 ~ • • ._. H•~ 1, H111111...,tcn ar1~h 1 way sinct the 0 ....... 1ng week .of the 1969 victims. the o msc along Ydth 50n1e exlremel.v
l H• • HunlinctO<" lh•U. o ~.. I lh I -11 K.-" H11n11.,.1o11 e~1cn o footba ll campaign when the Gauchos lost Now they ace e next lo last hurd e to last backs.
""'!f.:i'&n Ch 11 '11:"'0°" Herbor • lh ' I of' be th I b h r .;,,1 "'" ••<'-1 twDOr' Ht•M• • out on a 3l-28 decision to Sou western in gain a pay • r n I e state c an1· · ailbark Javar liayn1ore starts for the
, ' "" noto~ ••di 2~, •-er! Hlrllar • • h' d . t"" I h
1 .....,,1 H••bo• u. Hunt[nglon B••e~ , the final seconds. .pions ips .. . secon time Lnts year or t e Arabs. He
, •t ~= ;J· ~::=:1 :1:~ R:;~~; Slnct then the Gauchos or coach Imperial Valley College and Hs Arahs went 4.i-ynrds to score 011 his fir.~! 1un -.,. •••di .to. Ne~PC" 'V''"'' ' George Hartman have come on likf' 1nove into Mission Viejo High tonighl 31 8 rro n1 scrimmuge lnsl week in 1he 11.a .,,.,'!:'°d'IHI(., .M~l'Jli:'EMtonH•~~~ :J b ... J I • six 'n a r and lo do bstlle with Saddleback 111 11 nes1·rt root of Victor Vall""'. twM"' H•rbor , Hun! "" 1 .. ,h 1 gang u.,.ers. w nn n., 1 ow .,,. -1 H••bol" 1 • H11n netnn •• , .. 11 currently hold the No, 2 spot in the State Conference crucinl. Qunrterb;ick Cal Armslrnng runs l,is
Mt1t lt11 on ee.ai. t, N1wit0t1 14t•bo• • Tb A b f I · t 3 2 I _ ._., H1r11i>< "· Hur!11 ... 1nn •t•r~ 1 ;:r1d rinklng1 for sm all j.11nim' colleges. r. ra s appcor out o 1 1v111 n . • pass ng patLerns our of 1he drop ba ~·k ur ""'1.,.~·~dlll.:1~1!~~.'A~ 111 Thf!Y''Ve won •nd done It with a rtourlsn, .circuit mark but Saddleb11ck n1ust \l"in tu roll1;nlt ~tyles and is ~n cffecti\'e run.1~r. _ ,..=1~.f~~~ $ie,:~~~·m~,~·~·,_ ___ 11sually chalking up bia leads at the h..,at..,r __ • ... eep its slhn lead over ~tira o~ta. Saddlcbaclc meanwhile. dh 1dr.s 11-: ....,, .t:1e.ao t'· ,.....,1eM "'lrw n llflt"r!tialtli,-("honr . mpcri8 \/alley~11 sh:e end 1>ee<I A,,,__,.'flf~n~h up btiiwe41W.4r.Q41 gr!dcl ''i "'~=t ~;~ \t ~:U~\~ ·=· ~ Harlma~'!_crew has not alJQwei:I more pear stronger than Saddlcbnck's w11h Toby \Vhlpplc, the 1vorkhnrsc tn1lll.1· k,
. 11
has scored 10 touchdowns \\'hi I e
ci.uarterback R.od Gra ves has added t:ikhl
inore and end ~larc J-lardy has been Lil
the rL·ceiving end of seven TD thru!Sts.
Gr.:ives', Incident.all\', has thrown 12 '10
p1::1sses in all. '
1·~ MJr• H•rdY 1\1 Br1on Co1W•I no !loll vr~u
111 O'O!l Mlrll" 1•t J~ll Vt•=ln no o.~, Llm•fli
116 11.k 'I: I)..,~
11~ 11.ocl Gr~~~·
H ' lt~i X Flt!C"'' lit! GirV R3flifiJ~
!Sl l Ot Y 1'(11,~~11
San Diego is primarily a running learn
and Tucker is hopeful they conti nue in
thi s manner. "\Ve have done better .igain.~l lhe run th"an against a good pass-
Jng team." he says,
From the Border City, coach Charlie
Davis says, "we've been passing n1orr
11"",an e,·cr in our last two ga1ncs but \\'C
are still prin1arily a running tca1n."
Quarterback Bill Quinn ma'kcs thr of·
fense operate and is the passing star of
the Knight squad.
I '
l I I I
' .
'3 l I I
I ! .
------,------------------------~------;-------· ---· .
Saturday;NO\'tmbtf' 15, 1969 DAIL V PILOT • JS •
Potent Defense Sparks Lion Conq'ue~t of Yi kes •
. . \ . we~stminster. , . '
-" -,.
Flattens Marina9 27-8
By STEVE AND~---~ With Westminster ahead 7.0 In the first lo paydlrt early In the third IWlza to up 43 yardl In II allempts, moat of U..1ota1 ~ or.t11t.o.11r ,., ... •111t quarter, Marina's Saeman. had the ball the count to 21-0. · coming in the second half.
·Westminster eamed at least !_share jarred loose by I>Wio Aldrige. Vemes ftiarina's offense sputtered all night. JohnBalzewastheleadingLlongroond
of ·RCOnd place with a convincing 27-3 came charging in from left tackle and Saeman completed JO of 2J passes for 140 gainer chaJking 4p 72 yards in lfcarrles.
;,.io.over-Mar.lnaJn.a.SunsetJ...eague fooli\.-~UP-_ the ball at the 18 then carried ar,M~ but huave u four devastlng_in.,,·--'--~ iilJonsl-tnrl-Frida night. "1t to tlie Vilting'S tT,W lieie Ed "Bane -tercepUons. ---klt•---Nlttw•
A h.._:i ____ _. · --, Y . ' acored on the neit play. _ The Vilinp also lost two .ftunbles. GLENN WHITE~---GIV"llUlftlU defense. paced Wes~1n-Vernes also-ran back an lntercepted Jim Ct>on's losers were able to fulfill ~~:!.a~he.wlnld-lnth-m-HaM. ~e outings. pass eight yards for the Lions' final score only one sustained drive. It came midway 5 Edi ... -.-~ e arina offense in the folirth period. in the thlrd qliart.er after Westminster's
ports tor :.e~~ ~~thesev1•1• tyhaar~therushi~ for the . The offense generated ~ litUe steam, third score. Saeman drove 51 yards Jn 10 · n . rs 11 Vikings were too. p_lays for Marina's only touchdown, cap-
atoRich ~or a mm1edus 32-fyard tot.al. After taking the. opening klcltoff, Bane ping it wilh a two-yard pass to Steve
emea a lerce ?w'ge that marched Westminster 62 yards in 13 plays Monahan. ~~eked Viking quarterback Rick Saeman carrying it over f~m. the one with 5:49 SaemBn hit Monahan again for the two-
.ive Umes for 58 yards. gone in the first period. point conversion.
• V:em~ also !Jlade tw,o key pla],Si-lo.set .The other I.Jan tally was-provided by Tony Ventimiglia carried the <brunt 'of
up • -,o!_1'(on tou~os._ Char He 'Wlnllles, who ~ 21 yardl• the ·Viking' offen~ve load: H•• scampered
_Lagunan s
·In Finale
Of ht o.llY ftlllf SI.ti
Sleady passing by Kim Carlson·and the
quick reactions o( Ed Coombs spelled
doom for the Artists . of Laguna B¢ch
as the beach city football team dropped
a 12-0 verdict to El ~odena in the Art·
ist homecoming game Friday night.
Coombs provided the big-shocker far
the 00.,ts early in the second period dur-
ing a punting situation. Getting ~ bad
J>a.$s from the_center, Coom~ _found~e was unable to kick so he gathered up
the baiI to convert disaster into a 31-yard
gain, moving to the Laguna 14.
Five plays later, Rob Hillman drove
into the end zone for the score. Santos
Garcia tried a pass to Roger Chadwick
for.the two-point conversion, but failed
and El Modena had a 6--0 adv~age with
9:17 left in the second quarter.
Halfway through the third period Dave
Christbphel' fielded a· punt on the V a:n.
guard 30 then scampered for a 22-yard
return. Ted Mayeda, who picked up 82
y8.r1is in 18 carries, broke over right
tackle for nine yards to the host 39.
-Five yards were picked up in two
plays, then Carlson connected on a 34-
yard pass to Christopher, who made a
spectacular diving catch in the end zone
with two defenders draped over him.
Garcia's PAT kick went wide, giving the
VRnguariis the. final margin of victory,
12--0, with 4:03 in the third frame,.._ ~
Early in the first stanza the .Artists
gave the-appearance of a team hunfry
for victory.
Gary Fissett. led them on an ·8Q..yard
drive that led to an apparent touchdown
as Scott All"en blasted over from two
yards out.
A Lagunan, however, was spotted mov·
Ing before the snap of the ball so the
men in the striped shirts took the se«e
away and gave the Artists a five-yard
, O'H1r1
Larc1110 .......
TOii~ -.. M
i••Zt Mll!!I
Wlllllles ··-Toi.ft
' • • ·-• .. • •11 -:_21
M1rln1 •• '" " '"' • " ·'·' • " • '·' " '" • '·' ' " • ••• ' • " •1'.G .. " " ••• W11t1T11n11..-• ~ • ' '' ' " ' ..,
" " , ..,
' " • 10.t
' ' " • .. , " , -;~ .. .,. " !
CJAMI STATISTICS WM T· Flt1t clownt rlJllllM • Firs! downt P111ln;i ' 7 .
Flrtl clclWIUI '*"11111 1 I
TOlll llrtl dowM " " L1n:11 rul-hlnt •• " Y1rd1 IN$ll!ltl _,. •M~
Y1nh lotl " " Nl't Ylrcl1 11lntd ••• "' P~n!UAVlfl1" dllllllel A/:W.O J/25.1
p...,1t1t1/Y1rd1 lltM!lrtd 10/11 "Q Fumblff/Fumblt\I lotl •• ~· PASSINO
MlriN .. ,JIC ..... " ...
5H!l'll" " " • ·~ ,n
Mori•~·" ' ' • " .....
Toll I$ n " • "' ·"' WHl'!nilltltt .. ~ " 1 1 " ...
Mlln~ ' • ' • .... S!~I ' • • • .... ·-· ' • ' • .... "PT:::1 ' ' • • • -otr • " . 1 • " ..,,
CIA.IL Y PILO_TJ""'" n Pit •O'o..tl The penalty seemed to sap much of
the vigor from -the loserr,wbo_never
threatened to score again.
In the dying moments of the clash,
Carlson coonected with Christopher on
another long pass, 32 yards, to put the
ball on the Artist nine. On the next_play,
Caflson tried another aerial to his favor-
ite target but Denny Schmitz intercepted
in the end zone to ward off the· final
Fissell and Carlson displayed good ov·
er head games for their respective
squads. Fissett completed six of 12 at.
tempts for 74 yards with one intercep.
Carlson made good on seven of 13 at-
tempts for 99 yards but found two of. his
errant throws end up in the arms of the
kl.._ ,.,. C!IHrltrl ... l~llnl 8NCh , • , • • • • • II 0
Et ModtM •·•••······• 0 6
It • II -0
' • -12
Llflllll a11c1t
"' .. " ...
Alltll • " 10 • '·' , .... " • .. ...,
Scllmtl:I ., . • " • l .S · .... ' ' • ,,
Tot1ls " ·~ " •••
If! IMfln•
M1yedl " .. • ...
C1rb1111 1 ,, • " Lldes,,,. ' " ' " Hiiimen ' • • • •• Gt re Ill ' • 1 '-'
'"""" ' " • JLG
TOtlll ~ "' " •••
l.•11111" lffdl ,. "' ... " "'' Flt111t " . ' " ·"' llMllhM
C1rll0ft " 1 ' " ...
CIF Grid Scores
Santa Monica 41, Mira Costa 8
BishoP Mon)4omery 22, SL Monica !
Hutnem• 1 i, Santa Barbara 7
Redlands 33, Chaffey 16
warren 40, Patamount 14
Loyola 14, St. Francis 7
Blair 58, Crescenta Valley 22
t.ong Beach Millikan 10, Long Beach •
Poly I --
El Rancho 39, Long ~ach Jordan 3
Arroyo 21, Arcadia 17
Alhambra 46, Keppel 19
Monrovia 14, El Monte O
Rolling Hllls 34, Torrance 6
Neff 211, Gahr 13
WhiUler 71 Monte Vista O
_ LEAPING_J NTERCEPTION -Doug Milne-(45) o! Westminster goes
high to pull down a Marina piSTID!ended for Tyler Van Nren 42)""Fri·
---day ni ght. Westminster cinched a tie !or scoond place 'in ihe Sunset
League with a'2NI triumph. . ---
Hobbled Mesa
Faces Falcons
lr1 '69 Finale ·
It's the end of the line tonight for Coat.a
. Mesa and Santa Ana Valley High School
· football teams as the two Irvine League
foes meet to conclude O}e 1969 campaign .
"f~lckoff ls set for a· o'clock at Santa '
Ana Stadium.
And, if the injury list of Costa Mesa tS.
any indicalion, it's probably none too
The Mustangs of coach Max Miller
have been handicapped all year with ·
severe injuries tO key personnel and the
lineup he'll be using tonight represents
only a shell of Ule team Costa Mesa
might have been barring the injury bug.
Santa Ana Valley. on the otjler hand,
appears to be at its best strength witb
end Don Naslund and haJrback Kellb,
Denson back at full speed after injuries '
had-kept-both out-of-several-games.--. ..,•
The Falcons came alive last weei: ,tQ ·
upset Corona de! Mar, 1441, and would ap-~ ·
pc;ar to have the momentum to carry a:~
win over Mesa •
In ract, they are six-Point favorites to·
do just that.
Leading their attack are Denson and
Phil Bland, along with quarterback RudY. Munoz; "
Mesa's attack will hinge on
quarterback Robin Senik, a third-atringer
at the start of the year, but a lad who
showed great promise, particularly in ·
the Eslancla victory (31·7).
His ruruUng backs will be Steve
Lefever, Frank Kelly and Jerry Reilly.
Reilly, however, is still hampered from
injuries as Ja; halfback John Manix.
Leading the defensive_play~for...Meaa Is
Pat Sweetland, a 29-S-pound junior. He's
one of the few Mustangs ''hoi bis been
able to sur\rive the season uMCA&bed.
• *' * "* COSTA MllA U. YAUIT m i~~r~rtl I !ii!¥ m ~~·~"' •Yn m~i:~' if'"-I ~ I 1·1:.1.~· !· Jtrrv Rel
• I· •
,. Football--
~·-tio• Lt• A11111le1
II" Loi A11ttlt• Geldlll' Wnt
w I. .. , , ...
l ' •i }!
1 I •1 .S
' 1 .. 11 ··-c ... .,.u lltJ'' o 4 n 1n
.... 'lfMlln ' ' "' " Wt•lfllllllt1r ' , •• " ~Uf!tlon lttc1' , ' u ~
"'--rl Ht rllltl ' ' " " Wi111"n , .. "' S11l1 ... , • .. , .
M~r!M ' • .. "' ,.rlflt'I ktrtl
Wtt!"'IJll.hlr 21. 1 .... rln1 I ' An.r..1111 11. W11!erR n
Tf!litflt'I OlrT\I
Nt-.-1 Htr!llO• 11 Hun11"9ton )tttl'I
giJ!i. ""'''
w L .. •• • ' "' " 41. ,.1.11 • ' .. ~
Miier Del ' , "' u strvlhl ' , .. " SI. Anli'lo!IV ' • .. OU
Pl\111 X • • " "' JlrllltJ'I sc.tt
ltnillt 7, 1"1\11 X D
OllAHOI LIAOUI w L T .. ,.
LM AJ.ml!M • • • "' ~ -· • ' • ... ..
'<•"9• ' • ' '" ... ,, .. _ • ' • •u •• El Elof'ede , , • "' "' VtlMclt • • • " on
ltdllJeb-d: ' • ' " " "" ....... • ' • " ,~
,,.,..,., IC9rt1
IC1ttll1 U, StcldltM<k 14 Sonor1 JI, v11enci. 10
.... "' Loi Arn'"1 ' T•lf~t'I 0-£1 DClr.00 ¥1 LOS AltmlfOI ti Wtl1t tn
,.llWAY LIA.GUI w L •• ·~ Fullerlell • ' "' ...... • , ·~ "' fitVtllM • , ·~ ..
Sunny H!111 • ' "' " '"' • ' '" " LI "Htbrt ' • ~ •n
Lowtlt ' • .. "' BllfM Ptrk • • " ...
''"''•'• Inn• l"ul!trtorl H, KllM..:l'f U
S.v11W11 21, Tnw to
5111111~ Hlll1 sa, lowtll 10
Tt111tM'1 OllM.I
llftM P11'11: et ll H1or1
CllllTYllW llAOUI
1' L ' .. ..
F"ODlltl!I ' ' ... " 0••• • ' • OU " T111t'ln • ' • "' " "' Cllmln!t ' ' ' "' " \11111 ""' ' , ' " u ,,_ , ' • " ,,. 0 l~ •..O. I I • .. ...
M~f!M \lltle t I • u ·~ 'nMY'• sew .. a... C,._" J2, Ml111aft Viele 1
t:t MocllN n. u.-•11<11 • FootflUI & Or1n1111 11 Te11lfllt'1 .. ,...
T11tolll'I ¥ll VUle P't.'11 ti t:I ~
eAllDIN Giii.DYi llAOUI w L T .. .. illt/!Clle At1mllOI • • • m ,.
Gtrdlll Gl"O'll ' ' • "' " .... ~ .... , ' • • ..
Pft ltf ' ' ' ., n
&olY Grtndl ' ' ' " ..
l• Quin!• • ' • " •• 'riMC kW• G1rdtn Gl"Ovt 26, lo Gr1nO. 1
Pac.Illa is, L.a Q111r!lt JO
T"'lt!IYI 011M ll:•ndlo Altl!'lllol VI 5-nllttO II IOIH Grtndf
Tiger Makes
Pu11ching Bag
Out of Kendall
NE\V YORK (AP) -Dick Tiger made
a punching bag of Andy Kendall in the
first four rounds and went on to score a
decisive 10-round victory over the Port·
land, Ore., fighter at Madison Square
Garden Friday night. Tiger weighed
J68~~. Kendall 175~~.
The 40--year-old Tiger, the former
\rorld middleweight·and lightheavyweight
<:hampion from Blarra. apparenlly had
ll is 30-year-0ld opponent on the verge o(
:i knockout just berore the bell ended the
foutth round.
A hard left stunned Kendall and he ·was
pushed into the rop&: by Tiger. There
Tiger landed-a series of Jeft.s and rights,
roughly 10 in a row, without a return.
Kendall, making his first appearance in
a Garden main event, rallied in the next
coople of rounds, making Tiger \\ince
from a hard punch l.O the stomach in
U1e sixth .
At the end, however, Tiger \\'on a de·
cisive victory. Both referee Jimmy De·
vliA and Judge Frank Di Gesu scored it
!l-1 for Tiger. Judge Bill Recht had it 8-2.
The AMOC.iated Press card had it for
Tiger 7·3.
A crowd or 6,0&1, who contributed to
a gross gate of $26,000, saw the veteran
Tiger chalk up his 6lst \ictory agains~
J6 defeats and three dra\\'S,
For the valiant, but outclassed K~n
rlalt it was his sixth defeat against 28
\•ictor1es and six draws .
Dallas Outlasts
' LA Stars, 96-94
LOS ANGELElS (AP) -Led by Cincy.
Powe.II, We D1lla1 Chaparrals edged the
Loi Anaele1 Sim, 16-H, Friday night In
American Baskctblll Aasoclalion action.
Powell who dldri't start the game for
Dlllas, came off the bf:nch in the second
period and wound up the ;ame's high
acorer wllh 26 point.I.
Po11i·eJ1'1 jump ahot with '40 seconds.
left In the game enabled the Chaparral~
to to 1head. lfe 1ddM a free throw with
t\\'Q teCOnd1 rem1lnlrJ1.
The lead chan(Cd hinds 23 Umes and
waa tJcd 10 times. Dall11 trailed most of
the;11mc. '
SEA KING MAKES STOP -Corona de! Mar's Steve Morris collars
Estancia back Jim Schultz after the lat1ter rooyed for 17 yards i•
Of 1111 Dill~ Piiot $1111
Estancia Higtl's Eagles capitalized on
pass interceptions and a fumble to upset
Corona de! i1ar, 28-18, Friday night at
Newport Harbor High in the 1969 grid
finale ior both schools.
Thus the Eagles of coach Phil Brown
close the season as they opened it-in
victory. And they matchOO the best·ever
campaign by an Estancia varsitY-3·&-l.
Mike Shaughnessy struck the first stag·
gering blow to coach Dave Holland's
Sea Kings when he picked off a Keith
Samuels aerial and raced 66 yards for
:i touchdOY<'n \vilh 7:22 Jett ·in the first
Cal Shores booted the first or four CX·
Ira points and it was 7-0. Estancia never
trailed after lhat as the Eagles go\ be-
hind the nifty defensive work or Hod
felts and Bob Fate to throttle Corona's
running game.
Holland's forces couldn 't get together
lhose first two quarters, picking up 46
yards by land and 17 through the air as
lhey left the field behind at intennission,
l~owevcr, Samuels found his shooting
eye in the last half and threw for 162
yards, winding up the night with 18
compltlions in ~ attempts and 179
yards .
In one st.retch he clicked on eight
straight completions. However, two more
interceptions helped break up Sea King
drives as Cu rt Thomes picked of( one
and Shaughnessy got his second theft.
Probably the grimmest moment for the
Se11 Kings came on the second 1half
ki ckoff wllen Corona de\ 1'-far fumbled
;ind Bob Kaiser of the Eagles pounced
on the ball at the CdM 14.
Before the shocked losers could re-
cover Thomas had hit Lee Friedsdorf for
14 yards and six paints. That upped the
EAGLE ON THE;. MOVE -E'1nncla Hi gh'• eurt Thomas (II ) moves
for yardage \rhUc Eagle 11l3lcs Luis l''lorcs (50) arid Dana Kovacic
Tritons Rip
Of "" .....,. ...........
Denny Reese ruahed for 211 yarda In
the first half m· passing the Saii Clemente
Tritons to a 32-7 win over Mission Viejo
High School in a Crestview Leaaue foot--
ball game played Friday night on tht
lours' fie.Id.
San Clemente gained the win without
the benefit of a completed pass as fteelfl
and teammate Rick Brown ran over lh•
hapless DLablos with JIUle diUicUly.
Reese canied the ball on 11 of 21 off en·
sive plays in the first two periods, includ·
i.ng the first rune plays of the aame.
His longest jaunt was an 11).yard touch·
down run that came with 4:02 left before
lntemUssion and pul the game out of
reach, 13..Q. Reele put on a series of ,re1t
movu as he slanted c!f his left side and
then broke up the middle and outran bis
defenders. ·-
~-..... ~The.~ Di4'.QlOI received a number of
breaks in thiit·fir:st .half .as.Sa_n Clemente
lost four fumbles, had an intercept.ion and
was penalized for Q yards, but coach
Ray Dodge's team was still unable to
crack the goal, losing two fumbles and
in general having a difficult t.lme execu-
ting .
Mission Viejo got the first break of the
night when after moving the ball 51 yards
In five carries to the Dllblo eight-yard
mark, Reese bobbled the ball and Terry
Fitirley fell on it.
Unable to move the ball, the Diablo.s
got a large gain when the punt was fum..
bled and Ken Morgan reeovered for Mi&-
sion Viejo. But again the Triton defense
contained its opponents and tht first per-
iod came to a .scorele.u end .
The Diablos punted on the openins play
of the second quarter and it took San Cle·
mente five plays to move the hill Jl
yards for the score with Reese alanUng
over his left end from the two to make 1t
6-0 with 10:23 left.
Friday night action. Estancia upset the Sea Kings, 28-18, with Morris
scoring one of the touchdowns.
It was a Diablo mistake that led to
Reese's 80-yard run when Nollen Boyer
fell on a loose ball after Mlulon had mov·
ed to within 12 yardJ of a score.
Three plays lat.er Reese broke loose and
Joe Uribe booted throuch lhe point after
with a socctr style kick that made it
13-ll . Off CdM, 28-18 The Tritons' junior quarterback Bob
McNamara made it lt-0 when he anuck
over from two yards out with 7:14 left in
the third period. margin lo 21-3 with 11 :34 remaining in
the quarter.
The Sea Kings got. back into conten·
lion, moving .f6 yards in 13 plays as
Steve Judith punched over the last t"·o
yards wllh 8:31 left in the game to nar-
row the gap to 21·12.
However. Samuels' pass for the two-
point c;onversion failed and again Hol·
land's troops had their back to the wall.
Two minutes later they were out o(
reach as Estancia got behind Thomas'
passing genius. He completed two (or
44 yards, the latter covering 25 yards
to Kaiser for the touchdov:n, making It
Corona del Mar's final tally came with
26 seconds showing on the clock as Sam-
uels threw to Steve ri1orris for the la st
eight yards to cap a SO-yard attack.
Corona's first score came on a five-
yard run by Samuels while the Eagles'
second tally went to Dave Johnson, who
crashed over from the one.
(321 bloock, Seen !or Corona del
pl 11ys fullback on oUcnsc.
$<trt t;y OUlrftrl
' ' • • Mi r o 6
F lrst oowr11 ruilll"SI
Flr1t d.ll .. nl 1>1Ulll':I
Ft.ru <MIWfll "n1ltlt1
To111 l!ror 1to""n1 Y1n:11 rll'illlng
Ytrdl 1>111inll Y1rds loll
N9' yarc11 111!ntd
Pun11/Aver111t Gl1!1n<t Ptnt lllt1/Y1rd~ pen11l1td
Futmll• Fumbln to1r
"" • " ' " '" '" " '" 41~.1
"~ v•
S1mu11• T110m81
ll:IC~trdlO" Sal~
Judi!~ To!al~
Cll'MI dtl Mtr ~· i 10 •1 . . ' ' . ' . ' " J-114 1!1l1nc11
,. -111
IJ -u
" • " ' • ' • "
• ' • ' • ~· -~
"' Jltt•
'" ... 10 '·' ••• ••• -1.0 • •• '·'
Rick Geddes shook the Diabk> defense
minutes later when he fielded a punt in 1
crowd, broke loose and teampe.red ~
yards down the sidelines to make it 21-(1,
after Uribe's kick.
San Clemente's final score was tallitd
with 5:57 left in the closing pt.riod by
Brown who went in from two yards out.
Mission Viejo's only touchdown came
with just 1:47 remaining when Dous Citro
climaxed a. 56-yard drive, goin1 in from
the t"'o. Mike Dicks' pojnt after kick end·
ed the night'• scoring.
" MV
First down! ru1nlnt " ' Flrll down1 PIH In• • • Flrll ®Wiii Pl!n1Jtl11 ' ' Jonn'o~ Sonull! Tr " • • " "
• • " "'
" • ' "
" '·' ... TOl•I tlrtl ff"n1 " " V1r<t1 l'tlllo• • "' Y1rd1 ~11•~•1111 "' .. y,,,, ...
E1!1Mll IN JC phi YI
' s 0 '° co .. 111 ••• M•• UJIJ 114
Mar is Ric.k Petro• (34J, who also
" y "" Yl n:ll t•lntd .,, "' PunhlAvtr111 dlmn(1 1/'0.S 7/:16.0 ~tn11tl11/Y'1rd1 l'erllllld tt1e1 l/IJ fllmb11,,iF11mbln IOU ~· "' tnor1 w ~·-"" Cl1m11111 • " " . -" Minion VltJI • • • ,_ ' PAISING
S•• Clt!Mtli. .. " "' .. '" Nw:N1mt r1 ' • ' • v. .. Geodes __,_._. • ... Tottlt • , • ' • ... Miu""°' YMl1 Otvis " ' , N .M> Grt1 • , • ,. ·"' ,,.,~ ' • • • .... Tolt UI " • J "' "" llUSHING
S•11 Cit""""" ... " " ... . ..,. ·' » , ••• McN1m1r1 ' " " u DI vii • • • '' Morris ' • • '·' t row" " "' • '·' PIGM!ln ' " • '·' ll:eese " "' • 11.• S~ar~t ' ' • • •• To!lll .. "' " ••
Molmu Mlnlt!I Vltj9 " " " '·' Oavl1 ' ' ' ·'·' (llrD ' ' " ·1.S M110<1 , ' • ... Wll~ln!«! ' ' • ... Mor-' ' • -1.5 Gr1y ' ' " ••• Tott ts " .. .. • ••
. Funny Car Race
Finals at OCIR
Four teams of eight drivers will com-
pete for the $30,00CI Manufacturers' Fu,,..
ny Car championship at Orange C.Ounty
Joternalional Raceway beginning at 1
Team qualiriers were selected last Fri·
day night with rains washing out th1
finals on Saturday. Terry Hedrick of th•
General Motors team, had top qualifying
lime.at 7:30 followed by Mike Van Sant in
a Wti(:ky Racer at 7:36.
Teams representing Ford, Chrysler,
Ge:neral ltfotors and Wacky Race.rs
(dWimilar enctnes and bodies) wW a>m·
pete in a unique manner torJi&ht.
·-::_-Qualifiers from e.ach team will race. o~
posing team qualifiers for points (ont
point for e.ech win and one point for lo1t
eta~ Ume in etch round) In thret
rounds oC compet.iUon to detennlnt ,
lVl!'lnlng marque.
The two drivers post.in& the low elapMt
times during the three. rounds of team
racing "'ill race a fourth round to deddt
U:c drivers' championship.
loc!uded in the llll of lop drivers 1rt
Tlai1n.v Ongals, NHRA n1tlonat charnpto ...
driving a Mach I Muatang and Gent
Sno\v C>f Ft. Worth, Tezas In a Dodge
Star Systeni Tiikirtg ' tu~ps;.
tow B~dget Films . Succeed
too early to expect to see big.
name stars .cued up at the
state unemployment-~office.
But there can be no doubr-that·
the star system is taking Its
biagest knocks in this yeJt o!
change in the movie industry.
Just two or three years ago,
producers were complaining
they couldn't start films
because most or the top stars
were tied up with future
assignmenl.s. TC>qay, many ot
those same stars are available
for movie work -now.
Why the cbange? Two im-
"MON?.EREY-".O.f'.'. ··-
porlant factors are Involved ;. relatively lnexP.,erWve, youth·
1. ProducL'on has slowed orien\ed rum with acu.n,
almost to a standstill, putUng newcomers.
all movie worken, including The tl)ovie business is begin-
stars, at llbert.y. There are. ning to reap the sorrows of ~ariou:i r.eason§_Jor.......tbe-1Ull~pfiCjj!.S tieyond_
Some studios ParamQUnt, 20th reason. Becausea-Tew stars
Century-Fax a.re waiµng to were considered to be im-
unload. their e x. p e n &cl, v-e portanl draws, their agents
backlogs of films . were able to demand and get
Others -MGM Warner salaries up to a million ~ros. · -have ~ergone dollars, includ.lng a share of
changes o f mana1erp<., the gross receipts. . ,
\vhich require time for retool-That kind of m i s t a k e n
ing. e c onomy i s ·being.
2. The big hits of 1969 have· ~emonstrated t~ay .. Twe~·
been films 'like ''Goodbye , Ueth Century-~ox pwd Juhe
Columbus," "Easy Rider" and Andre\vs. a .~rulll~~ dollars_ to
"Midnight Co.wboy," which appear in Star. reasoning
lack the traditional high· correctly that her last few
voltage stars. this has led ·films . were all blockbusters, . 1. especially "The Sound of many companies to be 1eve M · ,, 8 1 "Sta '" rr d that their salvation is in the usic. u r · oppe ·
So did ''Staircase." for
which Fox paid Richard
~eurton and Rex Harrison $2
million. And Elizabeth Taylor
bas received a million dollars
aeiecie for .such films as
"Reflections in a Golden
Eye," '•The Comedians,"
"Secret Ceremony" a n d
"Boom," all of them busts.
> ..... " " -MG•..,"~"'
$TANl['t' KUBftlCI.
6:45 m r. 1.11 ...
lal!aea ,.nin..ta
·2· --·--
I queried Walter Mirisch
about the trerid away from
star oame. As head of the
a,stute Mirisch Bros. operation
and former president of the
Producers Guild, he is an ex.-
cellent autborily on what is
going on.
"The picture business is
always unll!rgoing change,''
he reflected, ·'But whenever
we go on to something new,
we don't leave the past behind.
New tedutiques are edded to
the old, and out of this
amalgam come n e w ap-
proaches to films.
"Right now the pictures that
are making money are the
ones like 'Midnight Cowboy,'
'Goodbye, Columbus ,' 'Alice's
Restaurant' and ...!Romeo and-
Jl!liet.' which don't require
stars. The main lesson to be
learned from these films is
that films of high quality will
do business whether they have
stars or not.
"Just putt i ng big stars
into pictures doesn't mean
automatic success. On the
other hand, putting big stars
into quality films may mean
added value. Those stars got
where they are because they
could deliver a performance.
and if you need the quality
they can offer, then you'd bet·
ter hire them. I.a I n... 11-~~~~~~~-
-;::.:!!'"' ~-.. ~;:c;~: (i'J'":".:."I I ~ j-
* F11111 lit P11ri1, To•yo, __ *_ H. EY. KIDS!* I
llo11111 l Yl11111111
TONITf.-~r 1 ,~--'· i
----. -. -~··· -.. . . . -~-
Dar~. f layh9use
Won't Gei Funds
'Greasepaint~ Gals
Part of the contingent of urchins in UC Irvine's
musical "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of
the Crowd" includes (standing) Carol Bonenberger,
Sylvia \Vills and Judy Robii:ison. and {seated ) Jac-
queline Corl, Elizatreth Peel .M d Jackie Gonzales.
J ar1ies Bald,wi1i N oiv
Directing in Turkey
ISTANBUL. Turkey <AP) -Turk.ish auAs will react
Amercan •,1ovelist J a m e s wh'n it opens next month.
Baldwin has embarked on a "You can't guess what an
new career -dircting plays audience will take," he ad-
-but he's not sure whether ·tnitted to an interviewer. But
Turkiah audiences will accept the actors he has chosen,
his first production. " members of Istanbul's most
once gUtterin1 school for stars
-Pasadena Playhouse -is
shuttered and dark,· but Los
Angelea County supervisors
say they won't play "angels"
and pay its bllla.
"The people ' of Pasadena
ar_e teyine to unload a white
elephant on the rest of the tax·
paye rs·.'' com p·lained
Supervi;or Kenneth H~hn at a
board meeting Wednesday,
Pasadena's Board ot City
Directors, whlch ha! spent
thousands trylog to save the
sinking school and theater,
asked the couoty t.o chip in
fl2,000 a year.
"The quest ion is whether the
county taxpayers shou ld be re·
quired to play angel to a debt·
riddled, th eatrical en-
terprise," "Said Me lvin A.
Horton, executive vice presi·
dent of the Property Ow.ner.s
Tax Association of California.
The supervisors rejected a
request to have the playhouse
surveyed by engineers to see
if its old Spanish·style stucco
structure is sound.
"Lel Pasadena use ils own
engineers and come back after
a survey," said board
chairman Ernest E. Debs .
Steeped in theatrical tradi·
tlon. the pla yhouse. launched
such meteoric stars as Tyrone
Power, Gig Young, Lee J.
Cobb, Barbara Rush, and most
recently Duslin Hoffman. Its
school , which offered a college
degree, also was a showcase
with ii! own community
Its doors closed for lhe first
Laguna Youth
Show Canceled "It's an odd endeavor" he avant-garde theater group.
says Or his attempt to direct say the play is sure to be a actors io a language he does success. A children's play originally a11.1ounced for prOductlon at not ~ak. Few disagree, but Baldwin, author of "Another the Laguna·Moulton Playhouse i!Vfn fewer -in Istanbul doubt Country" z,1d "The Fire Next has been p o s t p 0 n e d in·
that he will make a success of Thne.". has long been in· definitely .
his first production -John teres_tcd in the theater and has Harriet Brazier McConnell .
Herbert's "Fortt1,1e and Men's written several plays. but this who wu to direct the fantasy
Eyes.·· is his first lry at directing. "Goldilocks and the Three
The choice or the play is He got the idea from Engin Bears," reported that Jack of
ahnost as daring as Ba\dwin "s Cezzar, a Turkish friend who facilities to stage the show.
decision to become a director will star in the play. Auqitions were to have been
in Turkey. ' Baldwin, 41, has many held Sunday afternoo n at the
Turkey's theater is not as friends in Istanbul. The famed playhouse.
sophisticated as London's or Negro wr iter started comingl....c...::.. ___ .
New Yol"k.'s, and the play here r.1 1961 and now thinks of
deals with the degrading im-Istanbul as his home, even
pact of prison life on inmates. though he still visil!I New York
It includes scenes showing ~caslonally.
homo sexual relationshlps.'1 -~---'------
Baldwin is a bit uncertaio.1 how
-Fiil T lUN
Wllli11111 HoldM -Ylr1111 Ll•I
"The Christmas Tree"
'°H ''If It's Tuesday,
It Must Be Belgium" wit~ Sur•nrw 1>1..U.111•
Cwillnwu1 5""'-lr l :M P'.M.
James Garner
Gayle Bunnlcuu
. A !ii ·~· ;: Melrlclltf -
time ln·11early 40 years in 1966
when the Internal Revenue
Service claimed the playhouse
didn't pay its taxes. Its debts
mountejl_t"_j rtR9:rted cu.('.rent
total of l$00,000.
. UW0 yn cu SEE
aaytlilq yau waat )\Lien
COLOft by Dtluit Ua11e• Ar11111
I!!<> T " t '" • .. I
CllRPOllATIOll S•n Diaco ,,.aw•y 11t Brig:1 • 546-21tt
On SATURDAY, NOV, 15 at 12:00
will start Saturday •t 3 P.M.
---PACIFIC ....... :· EfZ[f:or~11:12,ttfJD t
""AT!'JNAl GI Nill At PICTUlll~ ~·
A "'All~ llOQSON PDOOU< liON
'D~'D'DYS Go'"Ne
coi'.b1 ... ~',)_....,.., 0 -1 · ·
A CROWN lllTIRNATIOllAl ~CIUll[ 11~~~~~~~~~;,========~ll AND AT 1:41 ONLY 111
• ::"\. $tl[ CAAIE
G'9'1•rt Peck -OJ'ffr Sli11rif
2ND HOLDOYll Wll!k
lllllllllll Fiii'SOUTH COAST Clll!<~ .. LAZA TH-TftK
CORl'OUTION San Oft10 fre ... y 1t ltittol • 546-271 l
A !ouch O'Blarney and a beap O'lla•lc ------
'It's a lllNQ.A.DIN8 WAD' LAU8H Aff'Alll
·lllllEY -·--• ,,,..
H• K"d 1 ••• ••"'•" .... -••"'' ,.,.... s,.1111 I I S • Sltew -S.twN-v N••· 11 -1 l:ll ·ll•"'•
· : ,'., ro SIT '#!TM IAS'I" ~ '~~ ·~ 1.7Am~1MWKe.
• 1•1(11l!lt~JO
ta.•llroti. U1111a~ A'!t1t1 I,
ALSO PLAYING • • • • •
~~ .. c;, J'uuth Coa:ot R(jJt:rtor_J '
';Funnie st Show offe.,.ed by 0. C., Theatre
tliis year ••. " Tom Titus, D. P,
LAST 1 Wiii($
1117 ~IWl'Oll:T •LVO,. n•1r H•r•r 1'11ElllVA1tONI • INl'Oll.MATION -1 .... l>U
"Wlllnl• Jh• l"ooll" -Dl.LIOHTl'UL le• CHILl)ll:l!N'S THIATll
lunllJl'I .. l :M ..... 21• p.111. C•lll ,., lltttnlli.1
Dick Y1111 Dr•• J•• i.e.... I W.tNt Mlltttl••
w It HUNTINOTON I Ull et HAUO• • ,
G"rt• k•itHcfy -Jc11nn Whlt111•r•
Cli111lto1t Hnto11 -Jeulc11 W•lter
"NUMBER ONE" {Ml ....
aeMrt Mhch11111 -AJttl• DlcklM•• -.................... "YOUNG BILLY YOUNG" !G) ............. ~ ........... .
f1ch1tl•• Or•t• Co1111ty Drl• .. I• 1.,.,.rn.iit
l i11 Mi11n•lli W111lll1U lu•lo11
Shew11 •t 1141 P·"'· -Pl1111 J ee~ ltmm011 W1l1,, Mtllktu
llec•111......,ff fer Ad11ltt
• . . -~·-
s..,. C••Ht"Y -J .... M11•r1
GlelNI ford
"SM ITH" {GI .. ........ ~·~········· ... .
le!"kr• HH'lllty -lllclHird Th.._
AJ111 Ce"' -l rltt 1•1•114
t11 ........... ~ ............ .
(AllllOll IJ.1111:
"~ M1CIU1ll l-'ll:All lll
l't11llv11V .,. ..,, •""' 11 ...... ••111111 ...
' . .....
J.a DAll.Y Ml.DT
.r!f'l--. .. •
.. -----------------------------·--··~------------------~------~----·-------·-----------~~
DAllY I'll.OT If
.---LOW, CLOSE • • . ~ ·-
""" .. , .... WW
-' .
Sail(rd'1; -15,,1969·
1 ' ' ...
Children Agai.t•st'':irather .·
--------------· ... -.... • .. - --• -' .~ ·-·...--.. .... ~ "' •• .,. .. • ••• " ' • • • y •• ~--
·--~••1s!J'~-v . u~n..;·
''~ I .,fl;\ • I +..,,..)
Mamie EiBe kower Reflect,s on Life With Ike
·-j .. r . f'>·''' --. I t• "-~ I ' I . ~ ' E~;• «~~.:., h;, ,~:~ up -I~ fliOthf!t of lils ·"rr~.of have a happy home, -~·pl~l~ ~as 1~~~ulhafor the e.1~
tl•v Frlde.,., F(tty.w .. o1 n-vMr. heart. ~kl, , · ~ where~be. could put aSJde 11.19 ' pr.e_ss,..,uo w•&l ve come ~ •rM w"~ ~i.111 1:1. e•l!Owtr, · ,......_ ·¥'<' aid -1 • ~'''°"I~-· au ffver ' this country and ""'"r In "" .-1,.,. « "" , ,•f"ll s : .' • · ·-~·,_ (.·,;-. -. , _ _±--i;:o_ , ....
'"-"""1"'"1.t """~· 111'• ,.,, "" ',_ •'u-.o.. i.....'" oo' ·~ ~-;. w::;;:;'Coes· Mrs , EiSerlh0>1er foreign lamu in the IMl'l~i.> hn'lew W+tf1 l".ul .v~1,, PuUtltr , ~"""Wi • ~ · v 0" • ' h ,, ' . '_1.:. El' •-d'ed -"!' .. Pfl-ll'lnlf'lt ... ,. _,..,.pllfr, .... .......W.-~-,......~-W~one of . do~ er time? j . ' , i)Uj\;e senuuw-er I •
l•f«•ol!_ltt'wtlll .,f ~ •• tl "''r'!j ·._.1,T • ~ ''d '""h"·ht o1'' ..\•-l i 1. "There ·W.1 so m ny --"!! -...... ';"_.,.._t~pnr 5' as .., m ·~to wl'I: e p •·seere am ~~ 1, • . •
By.Pwi; VATHfl , -· ,~ou that I love you .ln<f Ur. slle'opefll#•~I foor hdun o(<: wOoderful '"4 beautiluj!.l<t· G~RG "~ 'J41r-r1:0:'.:i!{OUld not mein much"~ .. '1:ct.,'day'1~ring~J#ail.: ,1~~1" shes.~ ~
'''ill" "'-'. _Jm . .,,;,'hi":':--,lflth ~-Do , .Jake <"('· She',.-.ers every'~ lhal · F,or ber bf'f!i4ay, no ers ~ . 11 .. w~ our'"'!'~~ a~ M~le.t1 : ~ • • comes.;~ .,11Jso Mf' 1taken *re ·wanted,,: She said.1 She
ptett .yeata ,.,._Ji ere, ··~~ said! ~·· *l®w over ~some t!-.J.be' ~ary spent)he dar with frie~ in · · J!f~• E~_; said .,Jn slnfuti,.~'was tM~ ~e~bOlh ·I~ offices her-tamous>'f\llS· Washington. ·
·• · r<c.tlllng ~ -half~ucy slilo fett!IJ>lijrt each -'ll'>e'r·"" ' beria held, such 'as · ihe111-.. She ;urg!<f 81\YO!le di~
1'. ~·shared 'lii!ll,;'Olie '.qf the ·wiiJf·is tbe:&in~i-for a ,berihlP on the , )>oar~ :of •li>seniln..cbbi¥ay~to
-country'• most\. be Io v e·~~ Jiiarriace ', oM,'),tJiat can ~tates at Q: et t 'y s bur C. Contrl~t~ the money iill&ead le~ers. ,.: ' .. · ..... , .)aat sO,long? ~ ---.t · . qonege. 1 ., • ' to El.senOOwer · Colleg, \ in
'l1le torinfr!1itst lady, ;who •, ~"A happy ma1fi8ge ju,t. Mrs. Elienlpower she seneca· Falls, N.Y.
CtlflbrateCl"· lW 73rd birthday ·~~n"t happen.' • Mrs: •
· Friday •• ~ti_n 'a~~~ker on,uHt'Jr-~~ ~i~; f.i.t. ~equti~
sun flO(i;!j . 61 ~ '~ ~ ;,. ~.deal.ci( '1v~ .and take,
fraipe fannboute ne~, ~;!, ·~l9~e·on ~ si~.':.
-bJstoric .clty .in $0Uth~tral P..l ·c t-u r ·e·s11 .0 fJ.',,:~ i:'s ..
Periosylvanla. Her. fadllllar Elsenhower'.f<J~ren.
banp and. hea!.tiiy'~~ alonf Wl!h'.~'!fi'•ifli color
belied ber -"!' ',/_~ l phptograph . of lief' and Ike
. -
· · Five of the \VatraJ children of St. Louis, whose fath-.
. er, Peter, has filed suit to evict four of them from
their home in an effort to get h.is property back. Mrs.
.: Helen.Watral died of cancer in June 1968, leaving her·
• husband;-Peter; .. 52, .. and six: children. Last February
:." it was ruled in St. Louis County Juvenile Court that
·~-Watral was ~n. unfit parent and barred him from en-
tering the lamily ·home. Two weeks ago, W~ir,;lflled
suit to evict his four oldest olfspri~g from Uie home
in suburban Brentwood, Mo :, where t.Qe family has
lived for the last 25 years. From left are: Joyce; IO;
Janet, 13; Larr)', 16; Jim, 18; and·Carol;2.3. Allot.bet
sister not sHown is Linda, 20. Carol was 'appointed
the children's legal guardian last Feb~ary.
•<Jt,e Iovt:d.tt.,..;efte; said~~... together, >f~e !in~ up <>!! a
ing-'out acr• the .fannlari'll. ~m -.11_ b.u r eai-11.. Tile "He'~nJofe<t.1lie~ aiKf· grandchildren ocAUPY J a tht'.~luslon arid the livestOc~ .. grea~ portiOn of ~life ?lO'!'.'· arM!'~'othet ad.iVities of .~tbil ~· ~ of the~ -David
farm'.'' . _, ,... '~E~~.er, ·;;::."l,1a,w, ,~f ~-~had ~dtn&f 'the Presi~tNJg.~··~ .. ~·· .,·•, pl~C6•'1n 1951~ 8 few inonths Mra.·f;:~·r!{a~.!!st~. bef~ tbe·Eisenhoviers moved a~. the ~~ :tlnfe,!t ~rin
• • "f • America, the\ :~ a n d In1?,the.r.Whlte ~ouse. It was ,,demonstrations :.p&~ disi-up-
tbe _[trst real home Jor thtr~'tioris. · · : , , • sol~~:sta,tesman who -~~-j "I'll Jeave-t~ things up to:
Allted in"._isjon_ 0:r _Europe SM ' 'the Pres.iderlt " she said. "He· wu•~tedt.hesta3411!:t.,;~iden~ of the ha!· ·mY rruu~ faith ··and con:. ~·~, 1\.
Pol_itical Storm Shapes Up
DJ ~; f'd !Oil 'I '' f . •· h ' d. "t~"' I ence, per~ .. ~e or~ is ea '"'' "lnevertoldlkewhat:-1.o(lo.
Eisenhower transferred lltle He hild his own advisers. l
to t~ fann to the U.S. considered ' -myself a
Interior Department _f 0 r housewife. I wanted hlm. to
~-rJ:/ie Most U·11ique Automobile Agency" , ' ~ . ' ' ' , :• GARDEN GROVE JJ; BROOKHURST
SALES • SERVICE • LEASE ... \ 636,2980
L.°""·Mlll. • fir!. ·~1• tot ,.,M. s11. a s1111. t A.M, t. ' ,..M.
Crime Moves
In on Alaska
Oil Boom For Ohio Senate Election
dev~lopment as a national
shrine. Mrs. Eisenhower was
granted use of the residence
for her lifetime.
This was Mrs. Eisenhower's
Youths Pay 1.-=-
Ranch Visit . MAYTAG JUNEAU, Alask• (AP) -•
.Law enforcement officials say
organized crime has begun
moving in on the Alaskan oil
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -Glean also is giving up a
The makings of a political tucraUve position a!i preSident
storm are brewing fn , Ohio of Royal Crown International
where nationt11ly knowii names but wlll serve as a director of -among them Rep. Robert "They have already tried to · Talt Jr,, and ex·aStronaut both the parent Royal Crown
v.·ork into the state, mainly John H. Glenn Jr. _ are finn· and its international
through legitimate busin~!>S." emerging for next year!s May subsidiary. declared Mel Personett, stale .
commissioner of public safety. 5 primary. Gilligan; an insurance ex-
Gov. James A. Rhodes , 60, ecutive in Cincinnati, ,,·on ____Do:u.ilas Bailey, U.S. at· I k' r I t fter lornev-!OrA ha oo ing or a p ace o go a Jatxi endorsement in his last
ney for Jaska;""Sai,~bhe1_~ th.e legal limit of tv.·o tenns•in Senate rac'e and· wa's feat•i•.ed also seen evidence of 1g-1mc of(ice. already is set for a bid
criminal activity and com· lo replace ret iring Democratic in an· expensiv'e Democratic
mented: · Sen. Stephen M. Young, 80. publicity effort.· A It bou gh
"The l!CQnomic situation up Tart, son of the late "Mr. labor support cooled in that
here now is such as to attract Republi can'' Robert A. Talt, is: general e I e. ct i 0 n race,
organized crime. And now is weighing four options -Lake ts Ill II
the time to get in on the Rhod for lhe RepubliCin Dem~a . st ~an~ to~ ect
first birthday without Ike in 53
years. . managed both <it Young's !lUC· To A'mericar1'!, they _ were
cessful Senate campaigns. examples·of domestic devotion About 3,000 third · gride
He recently bought a str'.ng a! Ike arid · Mamie until sttidents from s c h o o I s
of week1y newspapers ar0'1nd Eisenhower died last March 28 throughout Orange County
Cleveland and tl;ley cituld give tD· Washir;igton1s Walter 'Reed have ,visited the Irvine Ranch
Hospital With his wife grti))'.ling' ' In recent weeks 'tO learn first him a strong voice in Ohkl's b h d · ha 'ibo f · Is
most poptilous urban area. He i~,H=~~ coiutjous and knew 'c,.;,~: ut a~ :ima and
has expressed interest in the what was going Ofj_around him •The visits to the ranch are
Senate and .already has sc.n1e tJght up to the end\" she said. coordinated by the County
local party ·endorsement. ;She recalled a conversation Department of Education.
A th.ird , Republican, pr~ a few days before his death Carroll Creighton, reseaich
minent in Ohio and interested when he said: director for county schools, _"We've had a wonderful ·life said the program· has given
in the Senate race, is Rep. together. [ hope there are youngsters a chance to see in
Donald Luk~ns. a MJddletown many mote years left for us." person what they had Only ex·
conservauve who once heilded Her reminiscences ipvolved perienCed v i c a r i o u s 1 y
the national Youn,g Re?iblican him alm~t to the_ exclusion of previously.
'Club. . ;(f ,:-;,~ · .i~·~~i~•U ~ subj~·Tean· ~·, 1. J;Je SaipJle is-apprtci,aUvt .. tf
~· Tiiis Price. l•try•
' Ofte C,n Afford .
a M"1"'9 Washer
· rea!lY · clean clothes.
Works under ·water t~
1970 · trap lint. Its Atrro-
distributes fabric cori-ditloners ta the deep
rinse cycle for soft,. M~I A206 non-clinging fabrics.
' '
' .
ground floor." ry ( • ~~natort:f Ti~inatloft, •nin for • thelr,pcomotibia.~lllpaip1.,,v
.__ ___ Aalsl<a's ,economy long bas gOV'!'flOl',.stay _f~ Cao~;' '~lbl~Jlrd~~~IT_~ '"~luhe.t r e dependent n-federal-retlre-from-poht1cs. , y...acrlnl . awi:: '~ ulo-
,ue naic ~.up ... .;::_.:::;:_:.-__:t.;:_¥_ • ._........__ . , . ""'. ~ '"Una· .,~,. . . ed lilto' her eyes• as ' """ 1lte belp' of--the 'iriine com • ...bli log-of-.. 'iffii~~~~-~---~illy' A>Sri<ullW'O!'--gov~ and Jesaer state of. note sJ.le ~ W}'itten htr hus· and I~ tiopi1g to, fin~ other
flees among both nt·a j 0 r band 1n 1965 .Just befQ;e ~ county local~ ~or. agncul~e 1
s~~ding, mostly by t h e Glenn, 48, says he expects to · =~~ f~~~ ;~u~ ~
military. . announce for the U.S, Set;iate Clel(eland businessman ~ho parties &tarted off ~ a . vacation m and conservation" education But the state's new-found 01! Democratic no m In at 1 on iiiiiiiiiiii
wealth, publicized by the sa le shortly. He started to run
last month of ·more than .$900 against Young in the 1984
million in oil and gas leases on primary but droppe:d out after
the North Slope, is changing suffering head injUries in a.
• ·Au~sta, ·Ga., that was to wind ileld trips.
the state's economic picture. fall. -'
Bailey says Valdez, Former Rep. John J ~
:1-airbanks, Anchorage an d Gilligan, 49, who w on
Kenai are among the Jlkely Democratic nomlnatiOn for Jhe
targets for riilaria and other U.S. Senate and Sent Sen.
cri!lle syndicate operators. Frank J1 La~he irlto retire·
Valdes wtll be the Guif of ment last year, fs a strong
Alaska tennlnal of the planned possibility for the Democralic
·tKX).mile pipeline from the ·race again. Gilligan lost the
-North Slope. Big payrolls will ~eneral election to Republican
·be involved in building the William Saxbe. .
f>lpeline a"!ld terminal, schedu1· Rhodes announcement 1a!it
ed for completion by 1972. week was believed by political
· Fairbanks and Anchorage observers to be a mov'e· lo
are both departure points for head off the SJ.year.old 1 a!t.
flights carrying cargo and Taft, who has served three
Vo'Orkers to the n or t h e r n nonconsecutive tenns ' i n
Alaska oil fields. Congress, is remalnJng silent
·Kenai, situated near other now. He told a news con·
<ill fields in south-central ference here recently he
Alaska, is one of the fa stest thought a primary fight '"ould
growing areas of.the state . • be good for the Republican
B;ajley said Alaska, where party.
193 slate· trOopers keep order Glenn, a former l\1arine
in 500,ooo square ntiles of land, Corps colonel and Arn~rica's
"needs a s t a t e w i d e in-first earth-orbiting astronaut,
telllgencc unit, probably in !he hasn't lived in Ohio in 1u•arly
Public Safety Department," 20 years but is ready lo five
adding: up a New York .City ap~rt-
"I think it needs it now. It ment for one in Columbus. lie
n~s to.dev~lop experience so maintains a voting resuJence
it will be able to spot organiz· at, nearby NeW Conqord, .bis
ed. crime when it ary-i1"es.'' ~irthplace.
SKI · WEEKENb$? · ,
60 when •nd wh~re yo11 w•nt to. wit~oUt res er·
vefion' , •• on • family budget ·that makes ·
sen' · · · .
101/l FT. CAMPER
S1ri1I No. 1552
fACTOltY 5UGGl5TED. PllCE 52014.tl .
SALE PRICE $1395.00·
DISCO.UNT $619.85
l•I ... rr...•r• w..r 1,.._, Jfltl, St-"_.. ... ~
hrt'lea, Mettm.aes,'""""" IJKtrlc-' h ~ Y"'rl ......... tc. • • • •
·°'P 40 CAMHlt5.fN .Lill l~fU~IO n; CLIA~·r
· IUY YOUl TlU~ CAMNI lll0¥ '
Otl~~K & CAMPR:ii':iO:iilALIW=---WH~~ ~1:t :Nl:f~r::: ...
·cOST:i'MfSA . · 64!.0010-
. SA_ll •• Y,OU fl\ONEY JHOUGH A' LEA~E,.PU.N .
• b • '--' ' ~ .. I"
:. ~ :·sA· ... N .. , t. A. A:N.-A. ' .. ; 1 • ' .. • ' ' • '
. '
' .· '
SANTA ANA 547'.9183
' j ..... -, .
QPEN 'TIL 9 Pht-INC:L SUNDAY. .. ' . ' . ' ' ~ usi THAM J MIMl.<~l(S N:rivfus, ' i • • ' I USS THAN 2t MINS. PlOM 'ANTWHlll IM:tHl.COUNn , .. f .
' ' "' ~,, ;
• ~..,.,.,.,. J ' : ' , •• --~~~-co..
' l
r' '
. ·-··-··-··-·-I
• • ..
.. ---~--·--
--~· ... ·~·· ... ;.,
~=~ •.· ••• ... i::
, I
I ' I
' " ...
• ,, ....... _~
'• • Hello. boys and girls. and
': foelcome back to another
: atssion in Uncle Len's Comer.
: j The mail call really pro-
·: puced a bundle this "'·eek, wilh
:: i:nore letters than Uncle Len
:: ~new whal lo do with. Let's
;. keep it up next \.\'eek when the
:! iubjecl for the art contest will
·! 6e Thanksgiving.
·: I Uncle Len is very happy
: loday, and the reason is that
; be is reinembering all the nice
·:Christmas cards you made up
l last year when we had oor
.1 first "Uncle Len's Christm as
,: tard Contest"
·:. It was such a nice contest
; V.·e're going to do it again.
.... .. . " .
{) 0
ly Clitirtes larsottl ,
Wi~e"' b'<"!Y\~S -'f'o..~11 ' 0 0
I) 0
0 'D
: : NOW, DON'T forget lo keep C:. -
! Orawing pictures for Uncle ~--------------------------------11 : Len's regular weekly contest,
: but you can start right now
; lending in entries for this
~ Jpecial Christmas C a r d
. Contest.
. · The rules for it are the same t IS for th e weekly contest, ex-
; Cepl that you can use a bigger
: Piece of paper, but not bigger
~ Jhan a rtgular letter-size sheet
:tB'i1:x 11 inchesl.
* PRIZE WINNER * Cheri Spitler, 11, 10351 Christmas Drive, Huntington Beach
Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you
do : (l} Draw picture an piece of plain, white paper 5• inches wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink antl n1ake lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace
picture. It mu.St be your own work. (3 ) Put your name, age and a ddress
on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY
PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner \viii receive Kennedy half dollar. : : Draw your Christmas ca rd
{ picture \.\'ith a black pencil.
:. ~lack crayon or pen ~·ith black'--------------------------------'
;J 1nk. Do not color the pictures. f. >.nd be sure to write a verse
1-br message, jusl like on a real
: Christmas card . V.lrite the
,; message on the same side of
: the paper wit.h the picture.
\ ' Also, be sure to sign your
' ilamc. age . address and
,, telephone number. All the
~ards-wiil be sent to ·children
·: 11t Fairview State Hospital.
\ some of whom may not get
':any other cards for Christmas.
Uncle Len likes will get Ken-
nedy half dollars. .
So start now. Send in your
Christmas ·cards early. The
contest will close ea rly in
HONQRABL~ mentj_on win-
ners in this week 's art contest
Freedom is a hard-bought thing,
A gift no man can give :
F'or some a way of dying.
}~or most a way to live.
A l(...,,ed., 11,11 do!l•r _, lo ""-rl H1vo1, ina 0o,.11.., L1t111. "lt WllOrl l!ltl<"· lar l~t wl""l"I entno In t~t 1lory 1nlf _.,,
C•Mlllll. Miii your _,.. Of 1lory .to UnCI• Len, 8oJI 15'1.
Co111 M111. C1l!lorn11.
'Sur. .. 11~: CHIEF! WHY
,. ,
I N 1'1""1,
ii: TI-IE aoss ASKS'. lELt
ED/ rve···LIM'-GOT1'0 ~"-
llUt-1 _AW llllAND!
MEllO .. A&B ~V7 T -
GOT lN !,..~
_L -.--
• iind Uncle Len is sure they
; Want to knOw who drew !he ~ Christtnas card.
Lance \Vood, 9. Newport
Beach; Jeff Moses, S, Cost.a l\1esa; Diane Pratt, Costa'---------------------1u;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:~
l\lesa, Terri Mammano. 9 ~. ·
Costa Mesa: Peggy Josephson. /? A /? MOON MULLINS :: ! TIIE CONTEST IS open tn ! boys and girls of any age up to
•: 12 years old .
8. Costa Mesa; Lisa Green-,------Lai•ol~ Lol4ne1~ ------1, rield. 101n. Newport Beach: ,-------..,
: And here's lhe big nev•s.
·~ lJncle Len's rnends a f
• bisneyland have . promised .! 11gain thi s year to give-as
,: first prize in Ole contest-a
! very special holiday visit to t Disneyland to the winner and
·:all his or her brothers ind
··.Sisters (mom and dad, tool. ~ ' That will be for t h e
:·Christmas card Uncle Len
: 11.kes the very best. Some of
: the boys and girls \Yho dra\v
:·other Christmas cards that
l\ta.rk McLaren. 6, Newport
Beach ; Jeffery and Lisa
Marks, 8, South Laguna.
Also, Paula McNamee, 10,
Corona del Mar: Mary
Gustafson, Huntington Beach;
Lynn Brotemarkle. 8, Newport
Beach; Bobby Maestas, 12,
Costa Mesa; Cathy Chousser,
10, Corona del Mar; Tim·
Petersen. 10, Costa Mesa :
Meri Hayos. 11, Newport
Beach; Patricia Harris, 9,
Costa Mesa, and Roger Bran·
non, 8'h, Newport Beach.
S.n4 ¥•• ~1ntten1 t• Ast An4y.
C/• Oro1191 C•• Dally Pll•t, h1
lS,O, c .... W.S., C•llf.
: ... ...,, Mncll I ca .... IPlt 10-V<>klll'~ •~I
.el ""' Wtnd •DOii IMYCltHoll• IO
'k on l!ltk ack, ••~ io, al F0tt
:;Alkhuon, Wl1<ontln. for 1111 "uullon~
,•Who In vente d School? '
Dear Carol: \\!hat i5 red and goes
through walls?
·ME'Jts A1put!Jj •'ff 'Jed••:> : Jt.MSU't
-Ll11 Grffnll11d, 21" llf'd!1nd1 tlr!vt,
NeWPD<"t 811CJ1
Dear Carol: \Vhy shouldn't one trust the ocean
. ~!
~noq• AfiS!f 8u!'it•wo1 •1 •J•'i• •sn•=>•a : JaMsuv
-BoOb\I M1nlt ._ Co1!1 Mttl
City Kid: Why are you running that big steam·
roller all over your field ?
0 J1e.( '!~
IMft~od P•fill'W ''I'' Df eu,o5 eJ ,•M :.1•w..11.;1
Dear Carol : \Vhat do you get when you cross a
fly \Vith a 'rabbit ?
·Auune 11Sn9 :J•Mtuv
-Alert! Mcl1/'9fl, 4. Ntw110rl liltl(h
Dear Carol: lf you COU'nd a n egg in a ba~ket
noating in the Hudson River, where would you
think the egg came from?
treated as friends or even
rel atives of the royal family.
Classes were beld in special
rooms in the palace. They
~·ere limited to the few young
princes who sometimes sneak-·u•'i • WOJ~ :AeMsu y
' : .
JI ll . ' I;
" i5
"THl6 MO~!
ly '1'0111 IC. 1b,9a -
AW C'MONlhl'liRl'( ~ r-:::::::=:::-4~
l'L.EASE?l ... IT'S1ME F"" "'"" REAcnONA""l l<EENES' IDEERTEVEI{ "" ,,,.. '"
HAl7! WH'(, Sll.ICl(S! IT'LL Tll.AMS'fE.
.!A:XJN' ON 'l'atlPES
.. C..l:.S THE ~ONE
l '
By John Miles
By Harold Le Dou
By Fird Johnson
'i6H? you ANY
By Al Smith
: ~tiny people thought of the ~a for themselves a n d
.n.obody knows who started the
first school. Jf your father had
;been a royal king Utousandi of
years ago, you might have
been allowed to attend one of
the world's ea rliest schools.
Centuries later. you mighl
have been allowed to attend a~
11 sort of ool8ider -that is if
you belonged to one of the few
richest and most powerful
families in the land . In those
.days, attending school wa~
something very speciaLindeed.
' The earliest civilizations
'.lYere ruled by kings -and a
.king had to know a great deal
about what was going on In his
realm. lfc also had to be able
lo cope with friendly and not-
so-frlendly ne ig hboring
ki~. In order to stay on
loP of hll job he had to be bet·
ed in their close friends . ~·1 H1ros. N1w110r1 ee1ch L-''--""'..,'---...LI'---'--' ".Uiliiii When the time came for a'----------------------'f -
• tertld-educated than his aub-
ject.a. A aenalble ro11I father
knrw thlt Jearning and
traJnlnc for future kingship
mull ttart early in life. And
since ht' did not ha\'C time lo
;spare, he ordered teacher~ to
·instruct his IOOI In various
subject.I, since one of lhem
~·ould one da.y Inherit his
throne. Jn ancient Egyp1 and
~teeopoWnia, tbc young royal
princu wtre Jnatructed by
prit1Hcbo1MI. The te.cher1
were ret:~led . ind often
young prince to become king.
he was already well~ucated
in the subjeels he would have
to cope with. His teachers
were the best in the land, and
if he had worked at hit
studies, chanc~ are he '"as
better educated lhan his
father. He would be better at
ruling his people -and
<"Verybody "'ould know it. So
people got the idea that school
was an excellent thing for
princes -and also for their
advisors. The wise men or an-
cient Greece knew uil.I and did
something about It. They
believed in the best oC
mankind. that every perton
could and should live a
p!Usant and worthwhlle life.
And his best chance &o make
the best of hlnuell wa1 to
atart leamlng early.
The clule1 In thole Greek
schools grew larger and the
honored telcher1 were the
.l(rcatest scholars tn the land.
The subjecll Included science
and n'ature sludy, math and
l i terature. mu1lc •and
languages, plus plenty of io-
11truction -in 1ame1 a n d
Dennis the Menace •
physicll training. Later, the '----"" Th~ 1eneral story of ancient ' T~NI< ll)!I SO .l'<JCM ! I IMXJWll'r Hit/! INIPS1tX:JD
•choollng wu repealed m>ny .A 1111/111 WnllOllT ')OllR ~S lXf'WjATIC»j$ ! • limes tn many lands.
IAIM' .. ACH1 fT 1$
NI'! PtlTY 'ID "'"°"'" ,al 'THAT A l.!TT!lt w COM! "'11' rou.
By Gus Arriola
By Mell
• ,
General 1000 Gtneral 1000 General -lOOOGontral 1000 General
1000 General 1000 Gener1I 1000 General 1000
Only $25.500 & the IOw inter-
est FHA loan remaillf. Fire-
place, beautlrul ~ lhk'd
street of All!IO. Owner will
consld~'small,down. No in-·
come or credit quaJJflcatk>n$
-just "5 ID trans/er the
PEACE & QUIET Fabulous Newpor t
4 bedrooms, 2 balhs, formal
dini~ roon1. 2 elegant lire-
places. All cle<:tl'lc kitchen.
Extra luxwy !1!alures~
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Superbly decorated 3!XXI sq.
fl. 4 BR, in simply naw lt!ss
1,.-ond. Many outstanding fea·
ture1. Fee simple. $lM,500.
Open Sat. & Sun. )t).5
Pier, slip 3 bedrooms, paneled de n with \vet
bar. Glaffiour master suite with.. Jacuzzi &
steam shower. Large, outdoor, carpeted bay.
front terrace. Additional redwood deck over
water. Today's kitchen with built-in break·
fast area. Professionally decorated & land·
scaped. A real buy. $11 9,500. Call for app'l.
Bes1 IXIOI. b\!f! 3' bdrm,
dct!p shttg curp:.-!:1 & cute
<kcbr. Large pool wlrh
generous amount of deck·
ing. Low interest !g:!w__
avail, $3-&,500.
Large 4 bdrn1 2 bath & flu-i-,.
ily ·room near schools &
shop11ing in t>Xcellent Costll
·Mesa area. $1500 down, to-
11Li monthly payment $219
inc. la.>;e!, Clean & fresh,
ready lo niove Into. Act fa.s(
on thia one. C4\LL 541)-1151
llcrltaa:e Real Estate (open
eves I
On this ~ BCl't', tree shaded;
secluded site in the hean
ol Newport Ek:ach, 5 bclnns
l den, 3 baths. A.frge Jiv.
nn. ·w/vi~w of hills & FaMl-
lon l!land. Spacious master
bdnn w/vie>A'. A unique oU·
dins£ at $33,00> (you own
\M land I. For ttie large
Family lie<'king space &
1921 Santiago Dr. 548-9865
Gen.rel 1000-General 1000 546-9521 or 540-6631
Coldwell, Banker
Custom built & arch. designed for present
ow ner. Luxurious coupll!s home. Extra
large master suite, guest rm. & bath, pan.
den w/frpl & ""et bar. Lushly planted patio.
3 car garage. $147 ,500.
Kathryn Raulston
2216 WATERFRONT DR. Custom built &
perfect. 3 BR. 21.f.t Ba .. din . rm. & unique
party rm. -den with wet bar. View of
bay & ocean. Also, 1 BR. apt. w/deck .
Carol Tatum
333 WEYMOUTH PL., N. end of Laguna.
Architect's unique new home; 3 bedrooms
& den, view kitchen , dining room. Hard-
wood floors. imported hardware, walled
patio. S84,500
Catol Tatum
Decorators delight. 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths.
La rge south patio, 60 ft. lot. street to
street. Few steps to lovely beach; on wide
street. $79,500.
Mary Lou Marion
1941 SANTIAGO. Owner transferred, must
sell. 4 BR's, fam. rm .. pool. Great family
home. Loan can be assumed a t 6%. % int.
Immediate occupancy. $69,500
Cathryn Tennille
231 DRIFTWOOD. 3 Bdrms., 2 baths. Ex·
tra lg. liv. rm. Freshly painted, new car-
pets & d'rap.es. Secluded back yard. 2nd
Story cou1 d be added whi~h would provide
pan. ocean view. $65,000 "\.
Kathryn Raulston
This home has 3 BR's, 3 baths, elec. kilch·
en & pr ivate slip for large boat. Excellent
ar ea close to shopping. $63,500 With good
Walter Haase
Near new, immac. 3 BR., fam. rm. Open
Sun. 1-5. 3430 Seabreeze, in new Harbor
View Hills exclusive development. $49,850
J oe Clarkson
Luxurious 3 bedroom , family room, 2 fire-
p I a c; es, 2 baths. Beautiful landscaping;
courtyard entrance. A real pl easure to
Mary Lou ?\-1arion
Ocean from master bedroom suite, living,
dining rooms & kitchen. Pvt., quiet, en·
trance patio. $43,400. "See".
Al Fink
833-0700 644-2430
General 1000 General
Impossible~ !-But unncL'C'ssnry: Beautifully
kc~t-quii>t-safl'-l.1csa Vrrde neighbor-
hood. \Valk to library and srhool. Squeaky
Clean 3 bedroom 2 bath homt•. Large mas-
lC'r isulte separate rrom the (lthcr bedrooms.
Low maintenance. latl:'r yard. Ready tor
.. )'OU at $29,950 \Ylth easy tenn1
Good sized 3 bc>droom 2 bath family room
home with a great ~'4 % R.Sliumable loan.
\Vlth $6 800 do\\·n your pa.ymC'nts arc $1 46
per n1on'th TOTAL. Or let us hel p you with
lhe llnancing. $23,9$0.
S-P-R-E·A·D CIUI In lhi!i r~rr 4 bfodroom
Colle.cte pnrk hnmt'. New rarpets, drapPS
"nd p&jnt. Ne11t. ex1ra large bai:k yard.
Owner !ill.YI M'll !! Urlng your o"'n terms.
' . "
DelighUui2·story home with view of back
bay from all r ooms. 3 Bedrooms, 31h baths,
den & library with fireplace. Formal dining
room. $82,500. Ope n daily. 1606 Antigua
Read y for immediate occupancy. Large 2·
story Bayfront home with 4 spacious bed-
rooms, 1 a r g e living room, f()l'n1al dini.ng
room; paneled den wifh wet par. Master swte
with sitting roc;>rn, fireplace &: ex t ra large
dressing room. Pier & float for large power
or sail boat. See this exciting buy. $175,000.
Open daily. 515 Bayside Drive.
Large co rner lot in beautiful Doyer ShorE'.5
"''ith view of back bay & mountains. Archi-
tect's p I ans available fo r 4 or 5 bedrO?m
home with pool. Low I e a s e h old. Asking
Dramatic home with exotic atrium. 4 Bed·
rooms, 3 baths & powder room. Mr. & 11-1~.
bath in master suite. 11uge, new pool with
Jacuzzi . Electric blackout dr apes in family
room. Fenced paved' area for badminton or
volley ba ll H~me newly & artistically decor·
aled. '95,000. Call for app't.
A fantastic bayfront buy. 3 large bedrooms,
3 baths; separate dining room: 55 Ct. of bay.
front with pier & slip. Asking $105,000. Open
Saturday & Sunday. 106 Linda Isle Drive.
BEAUTIFUL HOME on 60 fl. lot with pier
& slip. Spiral staircase leads from spacious
entry to tremendous master suite. 4 B~d·
r ooms, 4•h baths: la rge living room, faffilly
room. 4200 sq. fl. $179,500. Open Sat. &
Sun. 333 ~orning Star La:.ne.
john macnab
901 Dover Dr., Suitt 120
Towering Trees
View View View
Virginia Morrison
proud to announce the
a.ddltk>n of Virginia "Gin·
ny" l.1orrison to its staff.
S t a n 1.tC"ycr, RC'allor-
REAL Ti', al!IO speaks ror
hi" other SalC'Smen and
BrokC'r Associalcs \vlw n
he says "t~ aC"<luisition
of the talcn1s. cxpe1ience
and cnchu.~iasn1 o! Ginny
l.1orrison "'ill be a great
as:1t't lo COLLEGE
REALTY", and 11'(' know
sh<-will rontinu..~ lo take
C!U'{> of the l'f'3.l estate
n<'t'ds or a ~reat many
friends in this area,
l.-1iss f.loni:son carnr. to
Orangr County in 1956
and s!a11cd in the real
c s I a I e prolession by
\\'orking at the Nr"·porl
I !arbor.Costa ?>1esa Boa.rd
of R.l'altors in 1960. She
rt'N'iVCd h<'r salesman's
lircnse in 1962, and y,•ork·
C'd pa11·!in1e for a real
<'SlntC' lawyer and a loan
bl'oker. Ginny 1'l'<.'Civcd
hrr h!'oker·i1 Jircnsc in
1961 and a Californiil
f-t<.>111 Estate Certificate
from Orange Coast Col-
il"ge in June of 1965. l\1i:<s
Morrison won th<> Top
Salesman Award -Unit
Sales !or the Newport
Harbor-Costa l.1C'sa Board
of Reallors in 1968.
CALL on Ginny at 1500
Adams at llarbor 'near
the Cinema Theatre!,
Telephone n u m b e r is
and out, new carp('ting, cov·
erect patio, beautiful land·
scoping, block wall fence.
Ownf'r says sell -vacant 3
bod rm.
Belleve It Or Notl N~WPORT HEIGHTS -Ter· $1 ,600 Down Payment!
rifle unobstructed view ol },.antastlc 2,500 sq. ft'(>l of ii
Harbor, fee land, 3 b!lnns. huge BEDROOMS and + bdrm. o!f patio, lge. !iv. FOUR baths NEAR. THE
. din. aree refrig. drap-B~ACH! Old "'ol'ld c~nn rm ' with new ~'Orid ronveruenc.
es, cpl. & washer incl. ONLY cs in farm sized kitchen
Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5
I 546-8640
I Brand New Listing
LoV"ely Mesa Verde Cam-
bridge hon1c, 15 x 36 Blue
Haven Pool. dressing rm.
etc. J Real good sized Bo..'<I·
nns, !am & din nns. Appt.
$46 ·5880
C1111r cinrrna thtatll!)
LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams 11.Harbof,c.M.
DINING RM + $26,950
Big .Fiesta pool too~ Rich
y,'O(ld paneling, handsome
fireplaef!. Breakfast I; a r.
Hurry, -540-1720
TARBELL 2955 H•rbor
$42,500. with built·in FREEZER and The Bluffs REFJUGERATOR! Fom'1
CONDOMINIUM 14 x 12 diiting room! Gleam-
BEST BUY -Cor. location, Very private & secluded
xlnt green bell area across area or to11·cring shade
fron1 pool, lovely 3 bdrm. l11'f"~. Big, Big lot wi1h
DOUBLE DETACHED GAR-71~ barh~. lg(', ]iv. rn1. <Iii'.
AGE! Your rircam hon1c nt area, 1.:pl & drapes, bll·in's a Jo"ULL PRICE OF S2t950.
Westcliff Viii!' EVERY 31MINUTES
c1101CE AREA • CONDO-Walker & Lee MINIUI\1 : 2 bdm1s. 2 baths,
lg<'. liv. m1. din. lll'('a, bit· 2700 1-iarbor Blvd at Adams
in's, v:/\y & drapes · ~.U,500. 54S.9-i91 Open :til 9 Pt.1
adult occupied home, near
!IChools arid shopping, 3 bd· 870 JOANN, CM
rm. 2 bath,,., b\l·lns, cpt & J bdrm." 1~ baths. Room for
dral>('s -NOW ONLY S4li;i(). boot & trailer.
"C" THOMAS DAVIDSON, Realty Realtor ' &16-5460 Eves. 549-1058
22·1 \V. C.oast Hwy 548-:l527 GIVE Now -and latl'r
Newport Beach, Eve 545-5643 UNITED FUND
Open Sunday 1-S
1650 Palau Place
I It J K tlll ~('LS ~~ ..
'•)1~--~a\~ r~.-'Jl~ .ii't''
DfAL direct 642·5678. Charge
your ad, then sit back and 1 'N~o~ .. -,~,.,-,-w~ha-,~,~,-,,-,-you
listen to lhe phone ring! can sell It with a DAILY
Now! P ILOT WANT AD!! 642.5678
Roy J . Ward Co.
tB&ycrcst OUice)
1430 Galaxy Drive &*1550
General 1o0o General 1000 General !GOO
Open Houses
IMP tfll1 ha11d'f' directory wltti ftl• tllh -""4 ft
'" 90 llowso IKl11th19. All ttio lcic11tlo111 Rste4 NtoW
.,. doscrlbff 111 treater' c&mH by ...,...,.1h1t ......
wti.oro 111 tedoy'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Petn1n
1howl119 Opotl lto•toH f~ Mio or to rent ore 11r9"1
lo 1111 1ucll l11f~tio• 111 tills col•-eocll fridar.
(2 Bedroom)
421 Orchid, Corona de! rvlar
673-6900 : 673-1362 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1-5)
934 Miramar, Laguna Beach
494-3066 (Sal & Sun 11-5)
***3121 W. Coast Highway Apt. 2-A,
NB, 675-7225 (Sun 1-5) **20 Balboa Coves. Ne\vport Beach
675-6000; 675-6060 (Sal. & Sun. 1-5)
241 Ogle St. (off Orange & 17th) CM
548-8642 (Su n. 1-5)
(2 Bed room & F•mily or Den)
43 1 Ri verside Ave. (Ne,vport lleights) Nil
642-8099 (Sal & Sunl
(3 Bedroom)
870 Joann Street, Costa Mesa
546-5460 : 540-1058 Eves. (Sun 12-5)
2115 Vista Enlrada (The Bluffs) NB
675-2221 (Sat & Sun 10-3)
*522 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB
673-2020 · (Sat & Sun 1-5)
231 Driftwood (ShorecliUs) CdM
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1-5)
** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Nc,vport Beach
642-8235 I Sat & Sun I
* 1518 Sylvia Lane, Ne,vport Beach
548-326 1 (Sal. & Sun.)
948 Darrell. Costa ?.1esa ·
548-9569; 540-4519 ISal. & Sun. 1-5)
220 Pearl. Balboa Island
675-3331 (Sun. 1·5)
487 E. 19th Street, Cosla fl1esa
646-7171 (Sal. & Sun. 1-5)
2210 Private Road , Newport Beach
675-1642 (Sal. & Sun . 1-5)
30 15 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach
646-7171 (Sun. 1-5)
(3 Bedroom & F•mily or Den)
324 Snug Harbor Road, Newport Beach
645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1-5 )
2298 \Vaterman \Vay, Costa Mesa
645-2000 (Daily 1-5)
1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
**2216 \Vaterfront Drive. Cdf\1
833-07000 644-2430 (Sot & Sun 1-51
333 \Veymouth Place, N. Laguna Beach
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1-5)
3430 Seabreeze (tlarbor Vic\v Jlills) Cdl\I
833-0700: 644-24.10 (Sun 1-51
1606 Antigua \Vay (Dover Shores) NB
642-8235 I Sat & Sun)
2107 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach
833-3430 !Sal. & Sun)
2307 Fairhill Drive (Back Bay) NB
644-1102 !Sal. & Sun. 10-5\
512 Sea\l.•ard Road , Corona del Mar
675-5726 rsat. & Sun. 1·5)
324 Santa Ana (Newport tleigh ts) NB
646-2414 (Sun . 1-51
316 Ruby Street, Balboa Island
675-3331 (Su n. 1-5)
9141 Five Harbors Drive, llunlington Bch.
646-7711 (Sun. 12-5)
2138 Aster, Costa Mesa
546-2313 !Sit. 1-5)
1650 Palau Place {Mesa Verde) CM
546-5990 (Sun. 1-5)
1900 Seadrift, Corona de! Mar
675-3000 !Sat. & Sun. 1-5)
228 Gol denrod, Corona de! Mar
673-5068 1Sal. & Sun. 1-6)
1132 Goldenrod, Corona del t.1ar
675-1642 (Sun. 1-5)
1125 Essex, Ne't'•port Beach
646-7711 (Sal. & Sun. 1-5)
(4 Bedroom)
2144 Vista Laredo !The Blulfs) NB
673-3770 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
4615 Cortland, Coro r1a del Mar
642-9190 (S un. 1:30-5:30)
1921 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB
548-9865 ISat. & Sun. 10-5)
21542 Archer Circle, Huntington Beach
642-1771 (Sal. & Sun. 1-5)
(4 Bedroom & Family or Den)
*1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
3120 Li ncoln \Vay, Costa Mesa
(7 14 ) 521-6012 (Sun)
*1948 Santiago Drive (Dover Shor es) NB
833-0700: 644-2430 !Sal 1-5)
1514 .Warwick Lane (\Vestclif{) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
*1007 Holiday (Baycrest) NB
642-5200 ISun 1-5)
1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB
642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
*1046 Pescador Drive (Dover Shores ) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 (Daily)
**333 Morning Stc.r Lane (Dover Shor·
es) NB, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
***115 Milford Road (Cameo Shores)
CdM. 675-6996 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
**15 Linda Isle Drive (Li nda Isle) NB
675-3210 ISun. 11-5)
316 ratalina Drive, Newport Beach
642·0905 _ (Sun. 11-6)
**1 Linda Isle Drive lLinda Isle ) NB
675-3210 (Sun. 11-5)
**57 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 ISun. 11-5)
*32881 Pinafore Circle, Laguna Niguel
405-4434 (:jal. 1-5)
*1930 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shor~) NB
646-1550 ISun. 1-5)
915 Sonora Road (1i1esa del Mar) C111
646-7171 (Su n. 1-51
1962 Balearic, (h1esa Verde) CM
646-7171 (Sat. & Sun . 1-5)
32B7 Iowa (Mesa Verde) CM
546-5990 (Sun. 1-5)
(5 Bedroom) **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport 'Beach
1\42-8235 ISal & Sun)
2015 1 ~lidland, Huntington Beach
546-2313 (Sun. 1-5)
1769 Ken\vood, Costa h1esa
646-7171 (Sun. 1-5)
(5 Bedroom & F•mily or Den)
*4536 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM
675-3520 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
**16 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (S un. 11 -5)
***1546 Galaxy Drive <Dover Shores)
ND, 675-7203; 548-0273 (Sat & Sun 12-6)
'* Poof * * Wcrterlrellt *. * ,.., ... w ...... ....
lOOO General 1000 General 1000General lOOOGeneral 1000 General 1000General 1000
646-7171 '
Thl" fine 11.rca I!! rccognh:ed as on!' nr NC\I'·
port'it bt_•!ll. 4 BC'droom & large family roorn
home. Quiel ~treet near l\1ariner School &
Park & Westcllff Shopping. Lovely entrance
patio, larie tree surrounded re&r yard. Cn.r-
fJ("tl'd, dra1Jf'd & lovely wallpaper. See
enytime by appt.
In ctu1nnlng Ne~lJOrl Heights. 3 bedroomit,
dining mom, large basement rum11u1 room,
dl'luxe built-in kitchen. $39,900, 10% down.
Trrrucndou!ll Ncwpnrt Hel11:ht1 3 hf'droom.
2 IX\th With 11:tant llh:c family room. p11tlo--
clcan as 11 'pin 1.hroughout. Double Raraa:c
"'llh 10x20 ~·orksho1) !llp&Ct!. JUJ1t 2 bl'ock.s
tn:im 1ehooli1 & 11hopplng. $35,000.
Make more money, get mort aatf•faction In
an office that produces. -'{ou'U get top
advertising supports: newspaper? brochures,
etc. -Come along and reap the harvest.
'Phone Randy Mccardle 1 546-2313
\.0) THE REAL:
. "
I'm an extra nice 2 bedroom JiOME with a
2 b¢d1'oom l\tONEY r.-IAKER out back. Both
unlt& are mvn<'r occunlcd and fl awless. SH·
uated on A 11ulet sttef't lined Corona dcl
l\far .. strl!<'t. Once you've 'Ileen the resl-
Come stt the beit. A Real Estat!'rs Exclu-
Be&.11tif11I VIEW llOMP. Ii BR. cnnv. tJrn
plus !01·0111.I d inln,lf roon1 . All tht!ll phlf.I gor-
geous largr poot~ln a protcctrd courtynt·d, Owner \\'anti ACTION. Now only $7:l.SOO.
Only a couple of block11 from Corona 9C'a<'h
lhia charmt'r wll h J>el!:ked hardwood CJoo..,,
modem kltcht>n and 3 bcdrooma, 2 bathl and ramlly room-$47,500.
EASTSIDE -$21,950
Qui<'t cul de sac. Large lot with 2 car ga·
ro.ge & scads or frui t trees.
Vocont-E. 19th ST.-COSTA MESA
% block to IrVl ne. 3 b<'droom, largr lot, 2
car garage with alley entrance for boal or
New kitchen wtth dlshwa.ther. ltt"e 1h11d{'d
lot, extra work!hop ln rtar-$25,000-lO'i"n
duw n.
Delightful home on extra large R-2 lot \\'i•h
room for more unlll-$23,000 and ownrr
w\IJ carry Y.·ith no loan COAL. Pbone 641i-717l
or 546·2313 to Inspect.
Jnd11strfal Lot and Ofrlct' ..... $32.000
2500 sq. rt. Industrial Plant&. Hqmc: '67.500
2 Bedroom }lome on ~1-1 Lol ·M• ~ ..... $22.950
66x300 Lfvel J\.1-1 Lo\ Owr. wilt nn. $20,500
\~·~u °"'"'·"PILOT SIWtd,,, Hovtmber 15, 1969
f . 1MIUIU POR L\L4 HOi.1111 liOR SALi HOUSIS l'Olt SALi 0....r•I 1000 HOUllS l'OR SALi HOUSIS'l'Oll SALi HOUSU 1'011 ,SALI HOUSIS l'OR SALi HOUSIS FOii SA~I
1 ' 1-1 IOOl-.i 111110....rol . fDGO 0-rol -1000 General IDGO General 1000 General 1aaoO.ner•I 1000
I MA n lA BORDE, Reahor
I ' Ayrw Sine• 1905
RANCHO LA CUESTA Pele Barrell Rea/lg
prt1611nl6 Halecrest
Enter upon bealltl!Ul s hag carpeting into a
large living room with PALOS V E R D E
STONE FIRIPLACE. DJning room with sit·
ding ~lass doors to a huge pallo. Kitchen has
built.w, disposal, dishwasher, and di11hma1-
ter. nree bedrooms, two pullmait baths, one
\Yi th stall shower. Large enclosed yard wJth
rock waterfall, fruit trees and aluminum lool
house. This elegant home can be yours for
ONLY $24,950. Pool, clubhous e and recrea-
tion facilities available.
ofinJa Jd/e
llAYCREST home now available lo the di!·
criminating executive on lease option ba_sis.
Outstanding pool & yard area. Be In & set-
lled for lhe holidays. Phone for details or
~ay Nov. 15 & S1111day Nov. 16 . . '
10 AM to Dark
! see It.
I 'I INITIAL Ol'!NING DAYS Sl'!OWN AT UNIT IV !'RICES 1907 Holldoy Sunday 1.5
3 bdrm 2 bath home near Lido Club House.
MaJniflcent view. Pier &: slip. Private sunny
patio. O w n e r wants immediate action so
priced to sell at $165,000. 968-~29 968-1338
• • ' ij' Rtfrnhm•nts Sunday Noan 'tll Dark BARGAIN I LEASE OPTION I Don't overlook
this excellent BAYCREST borne. Circular
driveway brings you to this large 4 bdrm
home with ·famil y room + office or den.
Large fenced Anthony pool. Reduced to
, I
-. ------- ---------------·----i' General 1000 oeMral ! . 1.;.;.;... ______ _ 1000 O....rol 1000 $69.000 .
FOREST E. Colorado
0 L ·S ·O N But ~~"y is
:; 'lrnocklng "'"· Jusl wh•n
,. .• .. . ~ :
·' " '
Inc. Realton
WHAT!! $14.750
It's no mistake! 'l com-
plete homes on 1 R·2 lot.
Lot alone worth $10,000.
Uve In one, rent the oth· er and have total pay-
ments or $100 a mo nth,
or lnveston rent both for
monthly income of $178.
Ch\'Tler will carry the
loan, no loan fees, and
lo"'' o/11 ratf's. Hard to
beat! DiaJ now. ~-
PAYS $b000
Fantastic vaJue! 3 large 2
bedroom 2 bath units.
~luxe kitchen with
built-ins. Luxury carpet-
ing throughout. Just 7
yea.rs young. Plenty of
parking. Manicured
grounda. Plus the bi g
bonus featuu. A super
pool!! Hurry on this one.
Call 645-0303.
.• Terrific low interest loan. 3
·' large bedrooms. 2 baths. De-
luxe kitchen with built-ins.
Beautiful panetina:, bookcase,
built-in Hl·FJ sy5lem. All or
rich maple. Emnnous brick
fireplace. Many other ex-
tru. $20,000 FHA loan at
6% annual percentaae rale.
L o \V monthly paymenl.!l.
Only $28,!t:iO. Better hurry!
Dial 645-0303'.
everythinli:' in this 4 bed·
room home has reached perfection the owner Is
transferred'. Beautiful
shag carpeting through-
out. int@rior fresh and
sJ)&rkJing and the exter-
ior fre•hly painted.
Snake roof and stone
trim, extras ga1ore such
as air-fUt('ring :(y&tf'm,
automaU<· sprinklers,
,Kitchen Aid dish\vasher.
air conditioner, covered
stor&1;:e in garagl', cover-
ed pat.lo and '"''o tool houses You must see this
one at onJy $28,950.
More People
Go Home
"Than anywhere." \Vhy
not get one to your lik·
Ing? This rancho offers
a "'heap.o-living." Every
comfort has been embo-
died in this home. 2
story. 4 bedroom, plus
family room and formal
dining room. Large fenc-
ed rear yard with firl:!
r ing and covered patio.
Quiet cul-de-sac strttt.
Republic home area. S39,·
For L..ase
Immaculate J bedroom
Nl'wport Shores home on
the water Dover Shores
J b<'droom. view.
Colesworthy & Co.
4 BDR, l TH
Exquisite Waterfront
home, custom interior de«:lr-
ation. immediate possession,
Asking $44,900.
Elegant Contemporary
3 Bdr. 2 bath, f.amily room;
Look 1 like decorator'•
hOme! Priced for quick sa1e.
\Vil! trade for comparable
Arcadia home.
BELLE PARTCH &l:i-1070
Prime Ne.wport Beach loca-
tion . Xlnt rental Pror>@r1)'. 1
block from ocean. $40,0CWJ
BILL aJSICK 6-15-1070
RAPIDLY expanding com·
pany now intervle..ving. We
have many out-of-town buy-
'"'· BELLE PARTCH 645-1070
1607 Santiago Sunday 1.5
WISTC"LIFF -now vacant. 3 bdrms, family
room, dining room + pool. Heavy shake roof
used brick, diamond pane windows, immaCU·
late hoine, lotv maintenance yard. $51,500.
to beach swimming. 3 bdrms open beamed
ceilings in this California style beach home.
Vacant -well priced at '26,000.
home on Jarge R-3 Jot. Room for two more
units. Most convenient location. Walking dis·
tance to 17th Street Shopping Center. Fenced
yard, rear alJey access for boat or trailer.
$15,m .
* * * * * * PLAN AHEAD I C ustom built executive
home, 3500 sq. ft.. now being constructed on
cb0;ice lot ne ar MESA VERDE Country Club.
Add your own personal touches now. Posses·
ston January 1970. '79,950
. ~ ...
1605 Weolcllff Dr., N.8:
642·5200 ·------~
1000 General 1000
for Pef'90nal Tnspection 1--------
Executive view home $78,500 Priv. co!11rnu.nity, recreahon
3 Br .. den, dlnlnr, pool. · & security: JUSt steps 10 the
4545 TREMONT LN. beach. La~e. family hOmi!
CAMEO SHORES w/formal duun~ .ri:n .• huge
• family ~m., a'9<>ln1_ng com.
Sheltered yard, trees $42,SOO plete ki~ch. w/blt·lll BBQ.
2 Br., den, din, patio, foun. Ma:tr. suite w/lrplc_ & huge
tain. Also open Sat l-5 . .. -eloeets, ruest bdrm., child·
• ren'$ dorm. Carpeted & 1319 BONNIE DOONE · dtaped ,& ready Jor yuu.r
lRVINE ~CE family. A pleasure 10 show.
Fam. Kiteh. Corner lot $52,500 $110,0CO.
4 Br .. lam. rm. Adult patio.
WESrCLIFF • Lock It & leave It. $37,500
Medic1l·Profe11. Bldg.
Comer loc. across fl-om
Fashion Island, Corona del
Mar. 2 Extra lots for park·
ing. Gross income $28.716.
S40,IXXI Will hand!'-'. $220.000
Open Sat/Sun
1220 DOLl'HINE
Irvine Terrace
Custom built 3 bdrm 2 bath
12xlS' fonnal <finini room + breakfast area. Family
room ovl'l"iooking beautiful
derorator patio for enter-
taining. All this & more in
2500-sq ft home. Beirt buy in
area, $46,500.
$18,500 That's All
Mesa Del Mar
FOUR BEDROO/i\J, large living room, lam·
ily room and built-In kitchen. Master bed-
room off to itselt \Vith its own private bath.
RecenUy profe1;11ionally. repainted iq.side and
out. Fully carpeted' and draped. Covered&•·
tio a nd fenced yard. ASSUME LARGE L .W
INTEREST ·LOAN. Price d to sell at only
South Santa Ana ,.,
Three bedroom, two bath, fully carpeted and
draped. Built-in k)tchen with laundry facili·
ties. Double garage. fenced yard. 1;, 1cra
ranchero at end of cul-d..,c 1trHt only
$22,900 -FHA TERMS.
Cornforta~le Two Bedroom
ON HARDWOOD FLOORS. Extra large mas-
ter bedroom, cozy kitchen and dining area.
Attached garage -extra large lot. Excellent
neighborhood -beautiful tree lined street.
Seeing is believing ONLY $21,JOO WITH
2211L11111 l4fMI
you'll like our
220 E. SewHtenth St.
IE. 171~ St. 5Mppln1 Ctt.l
friendly service
EVENINGS CALL 64i-2259 OR 646-4579
1000 General
will be your surround·
ings if you sel~t thiii;
truly eXceptional 3 bd·
rm home in a prime
neia:hborf:lood of pres-
tia:e homes. l\fany ex·
lras includin&'. GREAT
\VASl-lER. B 0 A T or
TIO k large FAMILY
R00?-.1 loo! Condition of
the home is IMMACU-
LATE. It:s our be5t buy
Rt only $28.0oo. ·Call for . ......
~ ~1lATS ~WA~ACl
(0pon E .... lnpl
I Lindo Isle DrlYO
' Bedroom, 5 bath h ome In final •laK•• of
completion. Palos Verde stone entry &: fir.-
places. Family room & billiard room. Beauti-
fully decorated. Priced at ..... , ..... $155,000
15 l ind a 1 sle Drive
New & beautiful 4 Be droom, 5 bath homo
with large sunken livin·g room & fam. rm .•
wet bar. Radiant electric heat. Carpeted &
landscaped. Priced ................ ,155,000.
16 Linda Isle Drive
Exquisitely de~orated S Bedroom, 5 Ballr
new home with upstairs view of Coronll,del
Mar hills. 3 !!replaces & BBQ. Cantll•verod
patio deck. Priced with dock at ...... $1~,000.
57 Linda Isle Drive
Must see 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home with patio
deck, sitting roo1n and fireplace in master
bedroom suite. Family roo rn has sunken con.
versation pit and fireplace ......... $162,000.
· Linda Isla Development Ce.
lOIO Bey1ldo Dr., N.B. Bill' Grundy 675-3210
General IOll 1000 Gonerol ~~~;;...
01oice 3 Bdrm., 2 bath .
Adult occupied, corner Joe.
comp]. aurrounded by pink
block wall, \Vilh boat entry
and rm. also for trailer.
Near new cp1g. lhruout plus
rumpus rm. -gar .. eonvf'r•
sion. Call no1v to .stt.
Lovely borne -few mlnute-t
ID Golf Course. Oversized
bedrooms, 2 b9 th&. Family '
room, Cowred patio. Sf0.17'J>
TARBELL 2955 Harber
Cotta Mese 1100
Ne\vly painted 2 BR on nice
corner lot. Carpets, kitchen
1'8.ll&e, large room thru~ut.
Eves. 545-7Q13
THE KES....'EL CO. Rea1tot-s
1916 So. Flower, SA
• 54.>829t •
, $17,500 BARGAIN "'Agent" "For A Wise Buy" : A \real Christmas bargain! I -~~~'='"'~·77~77'-=~~
' You couldn't buy the lot for CORSICAN this price! A real doll house.
Immaculate throughout. \Vall
2 BR. Bk>ck to ocean.
4701 RIVER LN.
For this adorable dream cot-
ta.a:e "'ith 4 room& complete-
ly done over. New bath, new
kitchen, new panelling, newl iiiiiiiiiiiiii
4 BR, 2 BA, frn nn, exec
home. :Bltns, good cond. Pvt
walled !mt patlo, Itt hid
swim pool w/sllde &: div
brd. Prof landii;cpn&. lo
main!. Xlnt nciihborhd .
$43,950. 540-1573 to wall carpeting. freshly HOMES
paint,.. B"ut11ul paneling. WITH INCOME Huge 20 ft. living f'NNll.
Shake roof found only in
more exl)l'nsivc homes. Sub.
mlt down payment. Call
/)01''! &l;:,.{)3(1J
Ne1v delu.."r 4-plcxe!I. All bll.
in1, shag crpt, drps & land-
scaping. 71.~?"<> (annual rate)
loons avail.
675-4392 Anytime ';f.~
Big 5114'/, GI loan 353 N. Coast Hi1vay. t~ take over. No increase in Laguna Beach
tarpets, new paint, new roof * * * *
& low maintainance lot. $22.500. Name your termi1. 3
\\'hert'? East.side Co.ta Mesa .tJdrm, 2 bath. Now vacant -
near 17th Stttet s'1opplng. move in tomorro1\'.
* * .. ..
$27.500. 5%9'11 loan available.
Immaculate 3 bchm, 2 bath.
Investment lntome
College Pork 1115
27 F't. !iv. rm., 3 Br. Lge.
Jot, boat storage. Xlnt area!
S27,200 FOREST E. :o LS 0 N
e l BR·2 BA·hr>lr., plus e 2 BR-2 BA-patios
e 1 BR-1 BA-delll);e single
family room, new carpets & 1ntetut! Neat 4 ~R on cor-49,._7511
ner w/fully equipped An-I -=-===="'°'""=""' 1860 Newport Blvd ., Cl\f thony Pool. Extra bonus • EXECUTIVE ESTATE CALL 646-J'2I quiet streel. * * PEl=ll=ION -.J, .. J" .... y,. ...
7 UNITS, large lot 132:11:3ffi';
room lo build S more. S90,00{I
Owner will carry 1st TD.
Well1-McC•rdle, Rltrs.
lBlO Newport Blvd .. C.M. CORBIN-MARTIN
Btv.·n S. ft1ain & Bristol
Located 1,; mile E. or Sputh
C.oast Plaza Shopping Center
just about 4 hicks to Pacific Loe. on 113 acre in New· Eves. 6~ 644-16.;5 * * * 642·1771 Anytime*
Ocean! Aitking $34,950 but por1"• most exehisive area. '"""'!~'!'!!~~~~!!!!1$32,500. Newport Heiahts. 4
MS-7729 644-058ol eves. 67:)..1662 5.i7-9a$ Eves.
3036 E. Coast 1-hvy .. Cdltf
Inc. Realtors 1\"hat's "your" price? 'Nuff ~• ,. WATERFRONT bdrm, 2 bath + dining. said! 3 La:e. Br., form.... in. rn1., PERFECT PIAN
Olarmlng 3 BR. w I large
Incd. yr, l'ov. pal.io. Hdwd. Newport Be1ch 1200
645•0303 Ca ll 540·1973 541·5110
pool. $75.CXIO. can for app·t. Pier & ii;lip. Immac. 2 M1tr. Needs work • priced for im-
sized txlrms., 2 baths. Pa.
tim. Frplc. $63,500. Owner $26,SOO -G. I. TERMS tne•cintmathubt) 10 view.
at Harbor Center 1l'Z Block Golf Course OLLEGEREALTV CORBIN-MARTIN 2299 Ht1.rbor Blvd .. C.tit. ~I H ~·• Prestige area of n esa Verde. .J500MllM•I ,,_, ... REALTOR ST:.-1662
1969 VOLUME Klnr sized bedrooms, large 3036 E. Coast Hwy .. Cdflf
}125.1 MILLION family room. 2 baths. Sub. 3 HR, 2 BA. ram1!y room,1 ---~~=---
\Vhite elephants! D\ml!-a· 1nit G.1. or t"HA terms! pmf decor. 1~1 yr old-xlnt $21,950
lint" DAILY PILOT \VANT 540-17'20 cond. $32,500. 21382 F1eet Unique & lovely "U" shapc'CI
ADS! TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Lane, HB. O\vner 646-4328 home. Beamed ceilings . .:::;:::;_ _______ ;..====·7·=====~=========/ Brick BBQ, cascadini; water.
General lOOOGeneral 1000 Gener•I 1000 fall plus covered patio. 30 tt .:;,;=~-----....;.=...:.:=;;..;;;.... ---------------workshop. Electric kitchen.
3 bedrooms. 540-1720
TARBELL 2955 Horbor
20 Balboa CovP~
Open Sat .. sun. 1-5
Small Be•ch Cott•ge
Large R-2 lot . $29,:i()O
675-600) REALTOR 61S-6060
DON 'T give it a.way, ,et
quick ca!h for ii with a
Dally Pilot \\'ant Ad.
mediate sale. • • * • $47 ,950. Gorgeous Republic
home • like new condition.
4 bdrm, J bath & fonnal
dining • only one like lt
Call 54;,.M:.?4
&iuth Cout Rell l::sta1e
• • * *
· fin .. [rpJ., bltn. kitch. Nr.
Brand nt'W Ivan Wells' plan. schools, church & shops.
Luxury Jiving at ils best. Owner w/financc. $21.000
Ttrrific view cf upper Bay. Welker Rlty. 67.S..5200
4 bdims 3 bath!! + powder 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun.
room, separate dining room. 521,500 family room \\•ith "''et bar &
second fireplal'e. 19 x 32· 2000 SQ. FT.II
sparkling pool in landsca~ 4 bedroon1s, 2 baths, Jarae
C'd, sheltered patio. $11'.:1.400 den, Jam.ily room. All e!ec-
includes lwrurious carpelina. hie kitchen. dishwasher.
handsome wallpapen & front Room for boat & trailer,
landscaping. Immediate oC. 540-1720
cuparn:y. Call today. TARBELL 2955 H•rbor
General 1000 Gener•I Ivan Wells & Sons 3 BR 2 ""'" hom•. """" WESTCLIFF Very lot 130xl80 • add s m<n
I mmedi ate occupancy Is
&\•ailable on this very Vl•
cant and very handsome 3
BR townhouse. Situated
tight on the greenbdL The
ultimate in carefree livinl,
Only $280/mo or Sll,900 witlf
only~ down. 17&16 Rock.
rose Way in beautitul maa-
tcr planned University Park.
Open for yoor inspection
Solve a Simple SCTa.mbted Word Puzzle for G Chuckle
0 R.orronv-the 6 Jtl"ombl.d ,. ..... -.._...---........... -, words below lo mok• 6
timple wordi. Print lett•rs of
eoth in its fint1 of 1q1.1or9J.
IDYPSOR 1 1 r 1 I' I I
IL AR IC A I A Texas oil miHionairt woa 1-~,-_,.,1,_,1.-.,1-.,1-1 showing liis doughttr, just , ..
. . _ . . . turned from college, his new. ~::::::;:::::::::'.~~~•state. He had. put stvtral
I' 0 II A, 1 E I hondaome ycung life guards
~;,,,,;...;;."°';.;;,._,,....,...-i ·in the swimming pool. j j j j' j "Oh, doddy," she exclolmed,
L...L. -L.. -'·'--'·-"·-'· "you've -it for .....
I I 11-16
, .K,:..:;;A'-'G;,,;,N;.;l'-'Tf-.,--r-1 G Comp let• ril• chuc:k1• quot.d
'I I I' I I I by flll+ng In lhe mi~no words you d1v1loo from slep No. 3 bilow. ._, ....... ,,_,_ ....
• HINT NUMlflfO I' t.tTJflS I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' .I
·~ I I I I I I I l1r fOR [I]
Deslrab1e locttlon Roy J . Ward Co. units. Drive by 154.; Santa
This SPl\Cious 3 bdrm homt E..'<CLUSIVE AGENTS Ana Ave. then call
Sunday 1 to 5
ill beautifully decoraled & 1-130 Galaxy Drive 646-1550 llania 2tralfu
has paf"ll'lll'd family room •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!!!!!!!!!~ I "' :> '·O Till; RE/\L
'""\.. l:ST/\ TER:' with "·et bar. 3 separate 642-6560
outdoor living art!as + many "A"""SS"'U"'"'"M"E"'V"A°'L~O"'A°"N;-
other exceptional ff'a!ures. 3 BR. Pool, Frpl. i24.950.
149,soo. Good .... , 1% ''· RESIDENCE
Barrett Realty
160;) \V~stclill Dr.
BAYFRONT $46,750
Lwtur;; 2 BR, 2 BA, 2nd Ooor
apt_ \vith full view or bay.
Boat s)ip resetved for buy.
er. OPEN SUN. 1-5, 3121 \V.
1:::==:i=:i=:i=:i!Z=:i="/ O>ut Hwy, Apt. 2-A, NB. I' Riddle & Ros• Roaltor1 FISHING ••
Here"• a WHALE of a BUY!
Eutslde C.M •• SZ3.COJ. A 3
BR, 1 bath, Jrpl. SEE 'fO.
N"tar Npt, Poll Ofc. 6'6-2~14
Ulh Tll + POOL
lSlS E. COit! Hl9hwoy
CdM e 67S.n25
"Must sell!'' Lowt1l pricccl
4 BR. 3 b.1th condo. tn the
Blllfts. Overlooks 1reenbelt
&: close to pool. A&kin&:
$39.500. Come see this ... m.
end! 21-44 Vista Laredo.
Open 1·5 Sat. &: Sun.
Delancy Real Estate
2828 E. Coast Hwy, C~t
648 Darrell, ~I With VJ A IJp<n Sat.Sun J.; ew pt.
Pyramid Exchangors Spacious 3 bdrm. 2 bath
~tS69 ~19 Eve. home ; den & formal dinina
room . Beam ceilings. 2 Fir-e-
OCEANFRONT place~: plus I·bc:hin . apt.
5 BEDROOMS with panoramJc view ol
lda1I location Ha1•bor. $49,j()(),
Goor9!5:v:/e.,... john macnab
REALTOR 1714) 642-12:15
673-4350 Eves. 67J.15'4 SCQ. Dover Drive, Suite UO
LEASE \'lith option to buy! .. "'l~~N":'"'~·po~'1 ... S.!!!!ar!!h ... "'!I!'( bedroom, 2 bath, carpeting,. 2 Bl.KS
dral)l's. 2 Jlre:placea. to Ocell.n, new 3 81t
Covered palio BBQ. 3 car oversize DUPLEX w/all
garq:e. Low lnterut. Make the ll'.tru. Best I've attn.
offer. June BJ.Ir ~7833, $9000 will handle. Good 84~1 ma. return.
* $26,IJOO.OCEAN VIEW! URGENTLY """ 2 to 4
Spacious bedrooms. 2 baths. units that ""Ul c arr y
Drea1n bullt·ln kitchen. N1» 1hen1&el\'ts on yr round ren-
thina to do but relax & ('n· tali , 642--2.-"2 BKR
jo7 IUe. Newport Beach!
5'1). J l'lt)
TARBELL 2955 Harber I SUrf's Up! Ultlm.te ln grac)oua livina. !!!:'!'!:'~~~'l':!~~~
s bed""'· o batht, lo.mily $2',000· OCEAN VIEWI
room, 3QO 1q. It. or 1uJ)(!rb Spacious bedrooms. 2 baths.
quality. VI~ of O('('an le Drtam bllllllne. Nothing to DAILY PlLC7I' DIME. A · Sharp .. bdrm. 2 b.. home,
Catalina. Electric kilcl'lf!n, do but rt'\fl.\: & r.n,Joy IUc. LINES. You can uae thtm stePS to ocean! $-19,300
rull dlnlna room. S4().1720 N~'POt'I Beach! M0-1720 ror jolt pennies a. day. Dllll BALBOA BAY PROP,
TARBELL 2955 Harbor TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~":.;;':.;;-M1;;;1:;__ ____ 1 __ 6_73-_7_42'-'0-'A-"n'-'ytCCI:.;;_::..,_ -•
·----·------------------------------------...... .
HMIMI ll'urnlahed Newport Beoch-1200 Back 81y 1240 Huntington &each 14Gl)Huntl""°" ...... 1400 ~.;,....f,==:;rm;:,Q~ODErr1===-f=-BA~e-~~8-AY~H-O_M_e-
Le9una_..':!!.t1t 1700
Cliffh1ven Specie! O~n tloU¥C Sat &:; Sun
216 KINGS PLACE mo oq It, 3 BR. 'BA,
4 BR, 3 ba. on 2 levels. Af. l tt11lc:. $34,500, 10% dn
I 2307 Fait'lliU Drive
ordlng unu.sua l family pri· j -.========== vacy. ALSO a big hobby
room & separate ~ewi1t1 , _E_a_•_tb.;.' l,;;,y_ff ____ ,_2_42
room, Large protecl<xJ pa· 1
Uo. Over 2000 !IQ . It, or liv-
ing al'e«. 0 n l y S.\3,500,
·Shown by app't. only, Call:
l\1r. Robinson
7% INTEREST __ _
il.lSt a t'OCk's thl'O'v from the
cx.-ean. A :l·BR. beach (.-OI-
i.age-\.rith a rental. Enlh"t'
loan to be c1u·rioo by ov.'n· er. rt you're ~1'ious about
wanting beach pl'op., have
a little cash & good cre<lit •
call me, quick -this 1i;
"We" priced at $27.500.
642-2752 Anytime· Bkr.
Delightful 3 Br. 2 ba + tam
rm. home wlcat-eb:ee kHch.
Meticulous lndscpg. Seciucl:
ed Street. $44,000
Open. Sat. & ,.Sun. 2-5
675-4130 675-1642
O~n House Sat & Sun, 1.5 at
522 El. i'l1odena, Npt. Hghts.
3 bdrms, 2 ba, pool, 3 car
gar, green hsc. J\Iove in
<:ond. Price reduc. $5000 to
new lo price of $33,500,
Vogel Co.. 2667 f:, Coast
H\vy., Cd!\!. 673-2020
OWN.ER.-Sln1,:te story condo.
3 BR. 2 BA, c~nd 't. rt·lany
cxtrai. $42. m nt. i tust
move, price ced $200.).
to S27,900. 644-246
El Toro 1244
Lake Forest, 3 BR. 2 BA,
ram rm w/[l'Plc. crptd &
drpd thruout, patio, la1vn/
landscpg in, For sale or
lease by O\\'ner. 830-6147
Coron• dtl Mir 1250
338 Evening Canyon Rd.
Lovely 1·ustic honit•
3 Bed1'00nls & family roo1n
Large yard with
iwm to add on.
l)J)Cn bean1. ceili111:.
Listed exclu:;iv£'1y "''ith
Call Now 962-1353
Lido Isle 1351 Huntington Be1ch lieoG --------OPEN HOUSE
• 4 Bed1'00ms. 2 Baths.
426 Via Lido Nord,
~lit, and Sun. 1 to :}
·walker & Lee
2790 !·!arbor Blvd. at Adan1s
;;i~S.9~91 ()pen 'Iii 9 Prif
Strikingly ~andso me
Cust, bit. oonterilpo1·ury de·
sign. on huge 1.,'(lr, 101 · som..i
Vlf'\V -OV~J' 4000 sq. fl. 81{:',
ptiv. gardens. $195-~1 .
R. C. GREER Realty
33~ Via Lido 673.93((1 !
llon1r on Lido. 2 Br. I ba.
Strect-t0-street lot,
3377 Via Lido 6i3·i300
$4.000 tot.Ill casb do\vn ne~·
ed to assume. lo1v intcl'e•t
VA loan for this i;harp 5
bedroon1 bcune with 36'
p00L. Lot,s of docking and
patio. Gorgeo~ carpets &
Drapes. Modern garden type
kitchen, Priced at $27.500
1'~ULL PRICE. Tolal Pay.
ments just likie , ren1.
Walker & Lee
2790 Hsrbor Blvd. at Arlan1s
54;).9491 Open 'di 9 P~I
=RE IVORY/ , BB. m Rent1I
BA. Lit. Liv nffl. Eiltatc
saJ~. Vltw of Mn!$ & valley. RESPONSIBLE Adult to
Call an 5, 673-f914 • * 11hart rein or bab)'< tor ========~I room &: board. Muat have
l19ut11 lffch 1705 ref~. &12---9797 •or 642--9931 ---GIRLS need 3rd rooma.te tor AN OLDE beach .... l1rd & Balboa
FASHIONED ~~' NB. is;; _mo. '73-0095
HOUSE COITACE. nr Cleo so. lkh.
Here's nur "BUY or THE: l..afuua, \\itb flmployecl
\'EAR". Channing older male. $90 mo. 494-9431
hOme located in thf' htarl ot -
old Laguna. Nestltd beneath Co1t1 Mtsa 21001
tall shade 1ree11, with l'Ulltic -· --1
exterior of old brick, stu<.w, 2 BR. gar pado, Qult't troP.
all weathered by the'll4.lt ail' ical iieltlng for adults on~.
of the sea, 1 Blk to shops $175. 544-~
Unusual 2 BDRrit. I: DEN
FLOOR PLAN SERVICED Newport Beach 2200
IN BOOKSHELVES GRAC· Ne\\•port Island residence.
ED BY THE \VAflitTH OF Large~~· two bath~. sun
THE OWE BRICK FIRE. deck, ltreplare, furmsh:_d.
PLACE. Olde ta.sl\ioned, par-adults. References. $250.
lor type !iv, rm., "'ith solid Hon.iath Realty 675-l97'l .
oaken Ooon>. 1'~IREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2
BRIGHT & CHEERY, SUN ba., patio, adults. Bayside
DRENCHED KITCHEN HAS Village. UnHI J uly lJ1t. $200.
RILT·IN BRKFST BAR, Call &12-6210 or 613-5419.
1'0R, ETC. Out of to"11 own-B1lbo1 l1l1nd 2355
r1· says sell lhis cha1ming
older homt, AT THE OLDE &yti:ont-3 Bd1•m:1. J.~ASHIONED PRICE OF 498 p~~.;A1,~. REALi'7~l200
FULL PRICE Vac•tion Rtnt•ls 29001 --,.------1 SEE TO BEUEVI£! FOR Thanksgiving~ Nc1v1
0\VNER \VILL r.1an1moth hon1e, <I BR, '2,
HE LP F1 NANCE BA, fa1nilies prl'f f'r r ed ,I
9$ So. C.oast H\\)'., La~una -BY O\VNER: Ne1v, 3 bdr., 2
ba, fam ily l'OOtn, dining 1·n1,
fireplace, shake roof,
carpeted, ch·apes, buiJl.ins,
large patio. fcnced yard.
Ne"1XJt1 Beach. Ford Rd al
J\facArthur. i\'lovc forces
sale • $39.930. 6~~950
$a,QOO Down, O"'ner \V/tar1·y
loan on lovely home. 2 Br.
2 ba. & Igc, rainil)C -din, 107 VIA EBOLI
rn1., iv/all ·luxury features. 4000 SQ. FT.
Tight money & high iutcr.
es•? Fantastic 6'f~ loan
\1L1h reasonable do11·n on
cus101n built :I bdrn1, Jan1ily
roon1. spacious covcrcd pa·
I io, desired built-ins, all on
largc coi·ner lo! in Lake
Park area .. Fairly priced at
day, m Springfield,
Phont (714) 494.0731 Cond~~inium_ 2950 1
BEAUTIFUL FOR Rent. Cosl~ r.1esa.
Sal & Sun, 10-3. 2115 Vista
Entrada. 3 Br .. Sp\lt level,
\\'/Bay vie\\.' & gr~n belt.
T-plan, Cust-0n1 decor. Jn1·
n1ed Occ., 67:-r.2'221 o r
PRICED Belo1v ~larkcl. Ad·
ditionally save -O\"CT $3()00 in
Real Estate Comm. F'OR
SALE BY O\\'NER. 2800 sq.
f1. Playl'001n & pool rn1.
Call 642-51GO
WELL-KEPT duplex. Xlnl
location. 1 hlk Iron1 bc:h.
Both 3 Br, 2 Ba, frpl & bit·
ins. \Von'\ last long. (714)
673-7861. 675-4l:l9
4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. \Valk lo
:;hops. $39,500. Agent
642-3850. or 833·1077
"BLUFF'S" 2 Bdrn1, 50' deck
w/ pl'inie Bay Vie 1v .
$39,300. Call 6 4 4 -2 2 :> 9
NICE 3 Br, 2 Ba home. Pool.
Owner musl sell. 1518 Sylvia
't.ft. ·548-3261 or 642-2601
Ba Tnhsc. F'rpl, J,l(l(,I $27,500
Liaison Co. &IG-0732
3 BR \Vaterlronl. No. 62
Balboa Coves. S00.000. \Viii
trade for acreage. 5-18-77n
4 BDR. Jiv. rni. hrcplace.
din. rm, lam. rm. palio, 316
Catalina Dr .. N.B. 612-0!lOJ.
Newport Heights 1210
Be F~lRSl' to see this just
listcd SIGNAL ROAD beau·
ty! Utmost privacy ls pr'O-
vklcd hy the spacious lot
and n1aturt' shade trees.
?-fassive BR TC K FIRE,·
PLACE. covered p a ! i o,
Jarge bedrooms. See it to
bclieve at at just $29,000!
Walker & Lee
2790 Harbor Blvr1. at Adams
j.;:}.9491 Open '1il !) Prit
NE\V 2 BR, 2 BA. din/ play
area. $::U,;JOO. 011·11<'r 431
River.;idc. 642-8099
Dover Shores 1227
-Ci-Irreplaceable Vie\v-tr
Bay & Mountains!
Regal "Old World" Con!em·
porary picturesque home 1v/
unobstl'UCted vie1v -most
i'OOms. 4 Br's, 4~~ Ba +
n1aids qt.rs. Ideal for enter·
taining. Easy maint. t mmcd
OCcup. $178,000.' A ss u n1 c-
6~1% loan. 548-72-19
OPEN Sat & Sun 12-6
1536 Cala.xie Drivc
S47,500. Quick Occupancy. 4 BR. 31h BA . 3 car gai'llgc.
HOME PLUS INCOME Crpts, drps, unusual featu1-.
Ren1odeled ch11nner on fi'Ont es. Sulit 1967. Ownl'r C. R.
of 35 f1 . R·2 tol w/neii·cr Gangi. 213 I 244-3101: cvcs
2 Br. 2 ha. apt. OVt'r dbl. 213 I 246-0700, Open.
gar. on rear. Apt. lsd. for =====c-7"===-
$200 mo. Lge. u·cc:;; So. ol B~lboa Island 1355
Patitic Shore.Ii Rf'alty
::-.3li·889l or 847·8586
BEACH HOME Civic.-Center. Like new.I
!n lovely Laguna condo, t'Qn1-townhouse. 2 car attached
munity; frot1tin; on niagnil· gar. Patio, pool. Adults. No
icent heated pool, IOI.I ste11s pets. 495---0870
from priv. bch., tennis cts.< c-.-N~T~A~L~S------
etc. Con1p. atu1:1ci.11e lul'n, •
include ,v/1v cilrpt';, drps., HouSH Unfurnished
H1\'Y. $42,jO(),
Cheshire Real Estate 675-1j()3
Brlni:: your paiotbrush .t:
save on these!
3 BR., den, :.! balhs. R.:l lot.
1·n1. lo bld. $::1,JOO
Opi.•n Sat./Sun. 1·j
2 BR .. nr. Post Ofc. 80 stores.
R·2 lo!. bid. inc. S32.i50
Chet Salisbury
673-6900 673-136:! Lvcs.
Fabulous ocean & canyon
view fron1 !gt'. !iv, 1·n1. 3
BR., 2 ba. + great family
nn. 2 Frplcs. Elee, bltns,
Pl'iced right at $5-1,JOO.
Scenic Propc11ies 6T."i-5Tl6
BY 0\\'NER
Only $31,50() for lhis ncal I:
tr1n1 Cd~I <..'1l!lage. l..evcl
R·i lot. &aut. lndscpjz. Am-
ple roon1 for 2nd ho111r .
Call 01\·ncr!B1·okl'r
F·ol' F'an1as1ic Tc1·n1.~.
• 6r.t.Ol.73 •
A won derful chance lo 01\'ll
a luxurious, like new 4 BR.
hon1e. Asking $"3,000.
Open Sun. 1:3().3:30
•16lj CORTLA.i'lD for eal])
i\1ary Gi'ahan1 64Z.919j)
Farel Wilker, Realtor
plus ne1Y 1 BR luxury apt.
Or use at 4 BR, lani.ily rm.
CJ'pts. drapes, 2 b'Opica..I
patios, no yard \York .
$49,900. O\VNER. 675-0312
Vle1Y. 3 Br. 21~ Ba. den.
Crpt'd & draped. Lllndscap.
ed. By 01\'TI<'r $6~,950, 3811
Topside Ln. 644--0~J I
1.,'0rn('t' lot '"' vie1v. 4 BR's.
21 ~ BA, rt·plr-, crpts. drps,
S&t,:.00. \Vould ('on s id tr
lease ,1·/ option. Flcxible
lt'nns. By O\l'ner. 67:'.-3448
OPEN Sill. 8: Sun. J~. Cus,
nf'11' :: Br h1n, n1· bch. Ask'g
S79.::.00. 228 Go l dC'nrod,
DUPLEX $Cl. or l·hvy. 2
houses. $;)5,000, SS.000 down.
Income .$415 n10. Gra-6044
CAMEO SHOR.c:S: a Bednn,
Ot-n,Pool, by owner $79,500.
675-3520 after 5 pm.
SACRIFICE 2 hses on 2 R·2
lots, S. of Hwy. 0.'o'ller.
$56,500. 673-4169
Cameo Shores. 4 BR & Den
ll5 Milford Rd . 6'P-6996
B1lbo1 Peninsul1 1300 -------
316 RUBY ST.
.3 BR, family roon1. 0 pc n
house Sat., Sun. 1·5. Near
North Bay, S:iti,000. Hou.-;e in
A·l ('{)ndition .
J Br. -r 1nodern l·bc.·d1·no1n
apa11mcnt. S61.:,00
William Winton
Rea l Estate 675-3331
~ bdrn1s 2 ba on corner lot,
...\.Valk to cle1n !. St. Franci!
Parochial School. No quali.
fyin~. subtnit on cash do11•n
1-0 1011· intcrcst GI Joan. full
price only S2~.000.
Paul Jones Realty
~47·126:i Evc. 536-6:\.)8
l(gsz master Ued: location Generil 3000
decor. 2 BRs, :! B,\s, sep. ---. ------
Iv., din. rms: laun. wi1 h w/d, FREE RENTAL
lilOI" .. <kar gar. IO\l'Cl' ltV·
rl. See to appf'i'Ciate. Sho11·n SERVICE I
b:· owlll'J", call fo1· ap;:'t. f"OR l:;XA~fPLE:
·199-2152, 11.n1. or 1vkcnds. Beautiful 3 herlrn1. 1 ha11i l
REDUCED $2:"i00. Leavinz hOlllP. \\'ith IH•1J!('J and /il.
for Europe Jan Isl. Custom tct-cd pool in !\le~ Vri•d<'.1
buil1 wood & glass housc. It has huih·ln~. lh'CpJac<'.1
Occan & canyon \'ie1v. 11·all fnn·<'d ah· h<'11lin~. \Vl" h11v1•1
to wall carpeling, buill·ins, n1PrP!
& lireplace. 2 Bcd1'001U, :?
Baths. Uniqur 1.,'Qnstruction.
Huntington Beach 1400 BRASHEAR REAL TY OPEN 1-IOUSE Sat & Sun
V.A. Loan Assumption 16952 Beach Blvd., HB 1J·3. 11·eckdays after 6. 9.'W ORANGE COUNTY'S '~.r,::i~~~:~~~l~':;s;~ ~B=·~u:i:""::o~·;~~;·' .. '° H~7~o~u:s:e:7! • 1~!-~~ka';x~:~:~' u~· ~s La~, v~:=0-:~R""~E~::..'" 2629 HL:RR;oe:~~ VD. I
den cosls. Clean 3 bedrooo1 3 blocks lo beach. 4 - 1 BR 4 bdr. 2% ba. f11m. rn1. Z 546-8640
ready lor occupan(·.v. l'wo units on 50' corner lo!, 4000 fireplaces, lrg kitchcn. Un. OPEN EVES TILL 8 :30 \
gorgeou?: baths. CaqJCts. sq ft. .'\sl..ing $36.50() • $440 excelled Ocean Vic1Y .. Priv. Rent or Lease Option I
Drapes throughout! Doulllc n1onlh 1n1.,'0n1c. Ask about Sch., playgl'OUnd, tenn1:1 crt. Lorge hon1e Mesa Verde S<!75'
Garagf', T11•0 patio!>. Close our ne1Y 4-6·12 & 28 units. Only $63,000, Call Tllos. I. per nionth. I
lo school and shopping_ Sec· Terry Rlty 536-1459 Lingo Real Eslatf', 4%-1397. 546-9521 or 540-6631
ing is bclil'ving! ~? COASTAL VIE\V!
WE SELl A HOME POOLS' Terrific loan as::.'Un11ilion!
EVERY 31 MINUTES • lnterest rat!" <locsn·1 in·
Wa Ike & L 2'. Sharp 3 bdrm hon1c11. crease; no points. 3 Bdl'ms .. r ee 1· Sharp 4 bdrm h-01nc. .lamily rm .. :.! baths. 5 yea.rs IMJ\.IACULATE 3 bcdroon1 1
219() Hat·bor Blvd. a! Adan1s
545-9-191 Opcn 'til ~ Pri1
4' ll'g Bedrooms, 3 Bath~ +
1~.19 rani rm. 11 .... ·d fl 1·s
thru-out, shake: roof -!-el •
IJ'ie kitchen. Assorne 5~( 'In
FHA loan.
17097 )Jagnoli<1, rv
G.1 .'s NO DOWN
Huge added family roorn
1vith lll-eplace and Bar·B·Q
gOC's 1vi!11 this sha1'J) .1 be-d·
room, 2 bath beauty. S2par-
atf' laundry. \\'hat a house.
Formal dining roo1n. Excel·
IC'nt carpcts & drapcs, r.fod.
ern bulll·lns. DoulllP r.ar.
age. Con1plctrly r I" n r r d
yard. Seller 11·iJJ pay somc
ot your costs. Pnc.·!l al
ONLY $25.9C-O. Lo1v Do11n
FHA also. Sec lhis one:
Walker & Lee
2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams
545-9491 ()pen 'til 9 PM
Many EJ1tt·as! Best Buy~! ol•I. Reduced lo $41,500 11. bath hon1r on lhl" 11•a1er:f
HAFFOAL R&AL TY PLACE REALTY 494.9704 Lease. 642-7777 or 646-3129
84244C5 * LEASE/OPTrQm;---Bkr.
Downtown Huntington >...1nl terms for this a yr. old 3 s"1"so~.-;3--;8=,.--:d=,=.1~,c.~.-:c~r=p~o.,c,11
BEAC!l Fillt' 3 BR home (or Br. 2 ba. home "'/ocean drp.~. pario, gar. Avail 12/1.
Jc than l 25,000 .. ramily view. CaJI ror tern1s. Blue Beacon 645--0111
room, huge garage on the PLACE REALTY 49.1·9704 $150. 2 Br, !rplc. Children &.
alley & a fine rear yard ror VIE\V 2 Br. 0.Y.O. $17.~ pet:\ "'l'ICOm<'. Blue Beacon
grt'al outdoor liv1in,i::. EZ trms. Lg. !iv-din. nn. &l:'Hllll
Rex L. ~~~9~1, Rltrs. Xlnt cond. Warren 494-3568 l -cR=E~N~T~A~L~R=E~A~D'°'l~E~R~
$168/Mo Pays All
3 Bdt·n1' 2 Qa, hardwood
fh;i. Take over FHA loan
\\i.th 1011·, lo1v do1o1'T1. $22,500
The Real Estate Mart
r.1t1st l!ilCrilicc; vacanl 3 BR ..
1•1• Ba.: lci1ch. bltns. Quiel
l'Ul de sac Jex·. nr.,schools
8.· ~hoppfn:;::. Pr!'slige a1'Ca.
Musi scr lo apprt>cialt'.
5.1:;.5m An. ;, PM
BY Own<'r. 1 hdr., 2 ba ..
rrpts., tlrps., bcan1t.'d CC'il·
ings. Landscaped. fenced.
Roni gatc. Near Ocean.
Priced bclow F1JA. 10 mos.
old. 9;11 t l.arirlfall Dril"e.,
Ovtrsized bedrooms, :.! balhs.
Built·in kitchen, Delightful
palio. Landscai>e paradisf'.
Near beach. schools & shops.
Fount1in Velley 1410
L19un1 Niguel 17UI
BUIWERS OWN HOME Coit1 Mt11 3100
1 year old, 3500 sq. fl., 2 ---·--
story Spanish. T~c-roof,. 3[LARGE Clean J bdrm with
car garage, 4 BR s, 4 BA s, 12x27' family room. new
2 1:P!cs. family roorn, huge carpets & drapes. Excellent
a.chVlty room, \vrl har. Ea.~tside location. $235/mo.
l...ocated on a large To !lt'f" call 540-115 1
cul-de-sac 101. E.-.ceilent Hl:'ti1a gc Real Esta1t'
view. 18 x 38 <'llS1om heated
pool. LightcJ badmintonl:s~'E~-A~U~T~l~F~U~L'"":2~-~bd'!", .. ""!,~,,~1~,,·11
C'?Urt. Dog run. ~~uld srll Nwly 1lecor. C111ts, drps,
f~r" $80,000-acr1hce fol' bl1 . ins, cha1mlng scrncd
S::i9,500 1714~434 patio, Prh'. yrl &; r:ar. 1
RENT -SELL, 4-5 BR, 21,,; rhild only. no rwts r·lf'!!Sf'.
BA $275 n10. \vatcr & lawn Avail l>I'<' l .~1. SHi."i 11 lnl'.l. 1st
cllJ'e furn. 544-700~. & last 1110. plui; 1·lng 1tPpos.
========='I 646-753"'''==c-c,..-;;;;---;
Mission Vie jo 1708 CONDO~·llN!Ur.-1, 3 BR, 2 ----c,.. BA, :.! l':lr gai·, s11·frnn1lng
MISSION VlgJo pool .<-1·1·c·. r11cilitirs, s210 mo. '.'>W-lliti7 or i·17-6S2!1 ah
Moving, muiit sell 6.
Savf" USS$ by O\Yner S"'2~lac-;L~S~E~.~Je7bdc.-,~ .. ~2"'°'bc,-. ~N;::o.
El Dorado 4 Br home • like CM Cl'Pts &: hd\\·d, drp!!, stv,
a model. Lived in 4 mos. wtr. Nlct yd. Ava.ii Dec. 1,
Will sacrifice. On fence, up-545-36TI ·
graded carpe~ thruo~t, drap-c=o~N~o=o~M"°'I~N~l~U,,.-;:M~.--,C~iv~1:,:11
e!I. landscaping, f11eplace, Center. Nr. new townhouse.
huge patio, & prtmlum lot. 2 BR 2 BA 2 c:ar attached ~ to ~II with sm~ll gar. Poo1. AdultJ11. No pets. d~ payment. Ownc.r will $185. 495--0870
consider any offcr . cai-ryl,.:;::;-"~"-"....,~---
2nd TD, lea.w • purchase., or J BR. l..BA, lg fsm nn, pool
rent. Call 714: 830-6532 & m....,.,,.re n a n ce. New !!!!IJ!!!!!!!!IJ!!!IJ!!!!l!!!!!!I!!~· !!!!~I crpt5/drps. bltns. • ll·plc. -----=-:::--=::=:-Avail IZ/10. :\27:1. 642--2718
C1pi1tr•no Be1c~ 1725 LARGE :.!-Br hou~. fenced
j BR, 4 BA, paneled hu11 rn1
"'' lrplf', 2 Jge pat.i~ 1vl
pool. lw vic1v lo!, (Tpt s,
di·ps. Owncf. Developer'1 Duplex
£jj. 7703 Ol' :118·G:.!7~ Thi'!'(' bcdroon1 llllf)('r II\"(!
High FHA loan payable Sl91
month including~ P.I.T.I. 3
bdrms:? baths. 2 years new,
upgraded "''/\v carpets, drap·
es, ~parate living room
""'ith Palos Verde r;ione fire-
place. Garden kit'chcn ·ll'ith
gold ·anodi1.cd po th thru slid·
ing: \1•ind')1~·s & doors. clf'l"·
trk~ built·ln rang1• & double
oven. Bi·i<'k tilt' (' n Ir y,
SZ7,99:1 • 11·ha1 11 lmri:taln!
2 master suites with private
baths rach plus upstairs
1nas!l'r ha~ fireplace. Large
full 3rd batll. Buill·in range,
oven, big living roon1 111·ith
rlreplaci'. fa1nily roon1. Plir·
cd l'ight if You nccd rilrn1:1 or
roon1 at s:i:1.i.l0 your
OCEAN VIEW yard •. '"'''o'• '~ ""'' 1140 ' Tl!f'l. 646-862:·
CA PI~R.'°INO I JIGll LANDS 3 n",~ . ...c·,=.,,~,, c.--=d~,~.,~. '<;;;;,cc. in~•'· II
Rambhng ranch houSI' • 011 near So .. Coasl Plaza. 2.'JO.
double fenecd lot. Hoo'-C •·an mo. lease. 54~ !~~~~~~'!!!~~~ 1· bcdroon1 101vcr, in very .i;OO(f --.. rc111al are1t No1v fully "lea~
<'d. Good gl'(J\Vl h po!cntial.
Univer1ity Park 1237
fat a hom e? \\'c have a de:o..
perate owner 1o1•anting to sell
desperately. Sm a I I down
190.l Nc1vport Blvd., N.B.
6754ro0 642-2253 Eve11,
payment •. qulck escrow. and Lindi lslt lJ06
)'Our moved in, in !ht' great-I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1
est community in Orangt I 1
SOL VISTA 5 BR. 21.~ Bath, lan1ily room
16642 Rhonc Lane w/ wet bar, ele<:eptional kit·
OPEN Sun 1·5 chen. Drar>ell & carpets,
l11t l'ime offered, Perl 3 BR, Lergt pa.Ho. Oo::;e I. o
1 ~ BA. Bltns. crpt~. drps, sc:hool11. l\1Any ~ x Ir a 5 .
lovely walled )1U'd. Nr !!Chis A.ssumc 7%% Cl. 17538 Live
;:-·1Jroa.ttway··3tiop•g, ... FHA ··Oftk Circle, F'V .. 963-7136 ..
term!. $27.~. 837-5178 Bier.
lw diYided 10 p1'0vidt' JJep-1 ~==~.--~c-,,-=:= II 11r11.lf' mothe.r-ln-llw 11uttr: rrt'lUSE 1n court. C'rpts, dt'Ps,
Lois of wood pan, 4-bc11.~ t:arporl. 976-980 C Wf!lit 17th
c<'il. and plciure "'indoWt> St., Costa Mc~.
1v/ ocean view ~ Rm. ror $lli • 2 br. ()(lpltx. Close--
pool, Horsea permltt«f. Own . in. Adults Only. No Peta.
will trade lor income prop. CaJI 548-5227.
In C. A-Ina, Newport.. Excel, $195. 2 Br. llie. · yard, frplc.
~alue at Only $34.500. R/O. Chlld~n It pets O.K ..
-717f -~-. . Co. This sl)tl.c:lous 3 br home
is "·orth lookin;z At. SJO,;,no.
•red hill
Lind• Isle $22,500 • Santi An1 H9t1. 1630 'O THE REAL
$190. 2 Br. & tm rm. 2 Ba,
trplc, ' R/0, 'w/w, drpg.
Children & pet welcome.
~4 ACRF; in $anUt Ana I>:======== Bkr. 534-6MO ~~~~~~!"hi! plu~l~.corrl!~ei O•n• Point 1·7JO $155 .. 2 e~. duplex~ \\'/\V,
' ' DELUXE tiome, 4 Bedrooms. 5 l/4 0/0 Loan
-t Bo!h!I . boo.I dock. Luxury S~"" annual pcn":Cntagr. l~n.
api)()illtn1en111 thl'u-oul , Ask. f ... xas ,,,..... liv\n,.. room, 1:E1\LTY ln1: srii.f'"{}, ... ,,..,,. 0
Univ. PKrk Center, Jrvn~e BY OWNER flrcphtcc. Cor.y study, Largt drps. patio. aer.o. porch.
tack bldg. 20101 CypT'C$11 St. $17.~! Sm11ll. cJto,IUl 3 Br, l Children 0.J{. Bkr. SM-6980 Adj1lcCn1 properlic1 avail. -
842·6691 OwnC'r 61&.~C91. ba, no aar. Nr Harbor. $.1000 3 IO 1,~s,-~v~a~u~r.--A'°"'D-°'J°'N· dn·, 34032 Capprr Lantern. M111 Verde 1
Call Anytinic R.t.CS20 I !il4 J 675-l:Ua TTRB'EtL
BliSIEsr rnnrketpla<.-c u1 .,;·;,,,...,..,..,..,..,..,~,I ~=-,,,-,...~°""--,c-=:-10"."· The DAIL'i PU.OT roR Sale by ()\\'l'ICI', 4 BR,
CLASSlt'IED? Somrone \viii 642.-490it LOVELY country club \'11111,
be looking for ii. Dial &,12-THE QUICKER YOU CALL.. 2 BR, J•l BA Omdn. Appl,
Saturday, Nowmbtr 15, 196~
OAllY !'!LOT .ff
HOUSI S fQR-ii~lf'--. '"°
·RE Su .
It's the SOLD SIGN t~at counts
\'ou·1·e waited long
t'nough. Va.cant 2990 sq.
foot mansion. Baycrest,
Nl'\\'pol"t Beach. JI, rccks
quality in f'Vt'l"Y detail. 3
baths. All carpeted 11·ith
CrC'cia.n tubs. Wa.Jlpa.1)('r.
Hu:;c 1na.s trr separa1f!
h<'dr-00111 11·ith 011•n bath.
!\in..: si1.f' k11 . bl1·in~.
F-01·mal sPp. dining roon1.
Plu~ park llke yArd
Tahitian p<1ol. A 111u~1.
~prink!r1· and ht"alt'CI
~(''"at $11,9:)0. 546-5440
AND li-O llvabl<' is thi.'1
IOl'l'ly 3 bdrn1 & famil.v
• room in M<'sa Verde. 6
r oon1 hl'.lmc hM ninny
nicE> fcatul'('S. All <'lf'c-
tric built·in kitchC'n
dish\\'asher, loads ,,r
cupbot1 rds, 2 bath1', stall
~hO\\'f'I', 15x22' liYilllo:'.
roon1 \l"i lh brick firf'·
plaef'. Nr"· 11·/1v cnrrct ~.
Lovely yard f<'n1.,'f'd 11·ith
cov<'rcd f")81io. Only $27,.
9~ F.Z ICl'tll.'I, 5-16·5'1'10
Need clbow room! Thi!
ideal ran1ily home ha.,
over 2400 sq ft of living
::.~~1s~1 ;:;~
drar. reot
Joea 1ally
landscaped; pool sh~e
yai·d. Sprinklrrs. Patio.
Only $:~7.000. EZ tcrn1:0..
Al\'n ~n liv11bl(' i.'I thi:o.
S f/4 °/o LOAN
Assume $27,300 loan at no
ln tcl'est chan{:'r $2'~.00
n1onth Includes prin., _inl,
taxe~. Insurance. Vacant 4
BR. 1'~chlier home. 2
baths. Extra lg. lo!. Lot!!
of trecs \vell landscaped.
Large kil bl!-ins. family
l'OOlll. r·ine area. Near
~eh<!OI!<. Only S :I 2 , !t 0 0 •
l·hoicr location. Included Thi~ sup f" r i or :.! slot'}'
In. lo1v pric<' arc w/1v home ls t 0 cat e d in
t'arpr:l$ & drape:o., rlcsirahte ~fcsa Verde 5
lhroughout. Spacious
Jiving room, firep\act' bc>droon1s, 1* bath !.
largc bdrm.~. lots of clo:o.\F"h'Cplacr In LR and F'R.
<'l space. Ga.rdcn kitch· AU bit-ins, 11~ yca1•5 ne\v.
<'TI 1\-'ith buill·in ovcn &
rang,., Fl'n<:rd rca 1· yard
-rl'ont landscftpcd \vit.h
11prinklcrs. Only S~9.175
nn do1vn VA nr mln!-
rrHt111 dn11"n F'H.A-
Ovcr 2800 sq, Ct . Many
sin1ilar modtls seJling ror
$46,000 In S48,000.
Doincslic proble11111 force
,111e at only s,12.o00.
Nice Townllouse overlook:\
the quad. Walk to Hi
School & Collcge. 2 Heated
pools, plu.'1 wading pool
only $21.000 54fi-544fJ
Thi.~ one \l'ill beat rcnt.
Prittd al $28,000 \Vith no
r1o\vn p11ym<'nl you t:a.n
0\1•n !hi~ delightful 3
OCtll'oom and r 11 n1 i I y
Call U!I on this 4 bed1"00n1,
l~~ biith, Lgc fan1ily 1"001n
and good sizc yd. riio.~t
rlesirOO a!'ca or i\lesa Del
r.Iar. Asking $33,JOO, It's a
beauty too! 5'1&-:,140
Roon1y <I Bcdroom hon1e
n('s!]cd Ocnra!h !ol'rly
.~hadP lrN·~, Nic·e fan1ily
1oom, 2 balh honif' in .~!Zf' ki1 chcn. 1''01·11111.I clln·
i;:ood location, i•loSf" tn ing: 1·11(!n1. Near llarho r
~chools_ 5'16-.'1440 Hi. 1'1·i1·1·d al $'16.00o
Imagine! Assun1e this
beautilul loon at S!{ ~1 ..
and you (('! all 1 he~
other goodies -Pool 'n
everything. Exquisite 3
bedroom family' room, 2
full bathl'I in most sought
alter loc:alion. P r ice
$56,500 5-16-5440
Rooin ror evc1·yone In this
lovely 3 bedroon1 home
cl~e to Ha'rbor lli, But-
tercup yel\01v on lhe
outside, neat ag <t pin In·
.!iide. $26,jOO takes lt
all. 54&-5'!40
This you gotta St'c: Great
h-0n1c! Great location!
Crc:at financing. Spol/~s1';
ln and ou! l bedrooms, 2'
hath~. \\/Ith s111all down
t11kP nvr!' r.si~linsz: :'1~~ %
l11an tJr $20.JOO. $lit per
month PHY~ all. 5-J&-:,..140
Popular Pac.es .. ttt"r
w/slr:p down LR. 3
Bt'drooms upstainl. One
do\vn with private bath
away from re:o.t ol the liv-
ing , area. Good terms!
Pricf'd al $41.9~ 546-5410
Have 2 Openin9s Fo r Sales Personnel, Men or Women -2 Open ..
in9 s Now -.Complete Training Pro9ram (Class Room • On The
Jobj Profit Sharing Bonus Medical lnsucenc~ ! CALL FOR
Realty Co.
1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 ·aauilled section. Sa ve I rr·s ~ch _house 1:me:. Big· den !Am rn1, detached ear.
money time &: rUort. Look gl!st $Clerbon C\·er. h the Lt!.J'KC' lot. $19,500. S..ib).tfn1Yn.
'lCh\I"!!!' DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! !\.~ 11h ~•:30 pm, 5611 ;a THE QUICKER. YOU SF.LL J>Ol)l, •~r. $2A.1i. ~~1760, ll.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l! .. !lli"'"•m••• .. -----""'!!ll•••••••IJ
• \ •
lf:-lii:' ........................................... ...,..,.,.,,... ... .,. .. ,.,..,,,.,-.,.~.,,,, ... .,,.,.,~•~""""'~c~H~<,..S..,.,.Z•S"'t>~<...,~\**.,SE•W ... S~$~4 .. .,..., .. ~,~.,.~o•o•c=~~~~ ... ~""""''••=¥ .. •••••••••~·~·•">~•--•••~e~•••~~~ ... -.~•••=~••••••oc~•--~~·~~~
DAILY PILOT Sa1urda1, Novtmbtr 15, 196~
Heuwt Unfurnlashed Houtes Unfurnished Aph. PurnithM AotL IJnfurniatt.d Apt•. tJnfurnlah.d General IEAL IE:Sl an Gener1I FI NANCIA L
!":!!':Xadt ,371J;O_ • n Vallt 3410 New .. ach 4200 G4in1r1t 5000 Cotta M111 5100 lnduatri1I Rental 6090 tndu1trl1I Rental 6090 lndu1trl1l Rental 6090 lu1, Opportunlti• 6SOCI
3 :tla. 2 llA, !amity ""· l HR. '" Ba, FIR. bit"" * BA YCLIFF HARBOR GREENS .. ---r-;;;;;;;:;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=:::::li:iiiiiii;;;;:;:;;.~"'-"j•"°';;CO~ST:f,A;"•M'.1E~SA~*~ "'""'· Panno•
ll\>lc" bit~•· 1230 mo/.,._ CID. X«••· Family & pell MERRIMAC WOODS INDUSTRIAL SPACE FOR LEASE lTLi,. fl,"'"· $110/mo.
l'(o pets 6'13-82l3 \\-el1,.'tln1e. Wtr & truh pi.I. MOTEL * BACHELOn unJurn fro m Just i;'Clmplelfd, I or 2 BR, 2 3\00 !IQ n1~ oflc's $310
•BR :l BA. ram/din rm. Lse S2~. 1'1961 Bay St toU COMMERCIAL RATk:S $llO. AllO avail 1 • 2 & 3 BA ,vlth ai.r cond, coni· 3.600 Sq. !t. A!C off, carpeted. drapes; short 15, JS, 25,IXX> ~ft, 11pr\nkl('r1
bltM, nlcf erpCJ & drps, Talbcrn S3tl "-eek &: up. Kltchenettei. "Bdrm. l:lcated pools, child pl!t('ly 60Wldproolcd,. acll ter1n leases. Close to Orange County Airport S\~e sq ft, 01'l1W~ CoUllly,
ftplc. Ck'* lo shopping $22j 4 BR SPANJSl{ TOWNHSE, TV's, n1ald ~rvlcc, heat~ care cente.r, adj 10 shopptna. clean.ill¥ ovtru;, \YOOd <.'till· lrtuned occupancy, ' ~ POOL &: REC. $269. LONG pooJ, t.i6 N. Ne"'POrt Dlvd. No pets.. lngs, dlshwubcrs. , u 1 h New 1.500 sq. ft. warehouse or mfg. space. c. Robert NM.ttreu Rco.ltor
TERAI 01sc. 962--n16 "&""326;=~·~~----2100 Pttel"$0n Way Jandscapifl1: with srreams , \Yill accept 6 n1os . lease. Bldg's. fully sprin~ Costa ti iesa 6'2.1.~ 1:N;ow;;;po;rt;;;;lle;;•;;<;;h;;:;;;;;:~ I~ BR • Extculivr t)'Pf' home. SINGLE Adulll Luxu r y _.::"";;;'::'•:..::M::•.::,.:.....::546"'3::;:.'.::'-I walN'WJs, elevators, BBQs, klered. Irvine Industrial Complex. 2500 Sq. fl.~ J)l!'r mo. Incl.
.. E>itttmf'ly cletin. sm. garden •pt.I with (.'()Untry • RENT • clubhOullt, U.WW, jacuzi.l & 43,000 Sq. ft. Cree-standing bldg. 8()~ A/C off. • olficcs. l1nmediate o-.,. ..
:I Bdrms .• 1'1 baths. 1\dult.s
only_ fa1.'CS pool , 5275 f\lo,
lay & Beac~
Rea lty, Inc.
901 ·0over Dr .. NB Su11c 126
~2(KJO E\'1•1f. :i-18-6966
\VATERFRONT Lux. Apt. on
the Pt.'nin. l'\t'W 2 lxlr .• 2
ba .• pool. l..'lf'. adult!'. Boal
!dips avail . Carib<• Balboa.
310 Fe rl'l and o Rd., l714~
Bayfront 3 !.: dt'n. Pl\'I', floo1.
ln1ma.~" $200 ,\lo.
l\1agnHict>nt 4 Bclnn .• 4 ba:h
''ic1v homt>. $1 ,000 111•1.
• 839-GOOI • club almotipbef't' and (."Om-swim pooll1, prl\'. i;ar. 1v/ Fl l I' hl' lb h l bid R d cupancy. ltith St., N.B.
plt't,., privacy. SOUTH BAY 3 Rooms Furniture 1tor11.ac. Evt1.1ythln:: new. s~~.rescen ig mg roug ou g. ea Y 642-ti!.110 or 6739119
CLUB APTS. Jrvif'lt'c at JGth, $19.95 & UP Slarl\f\R at Sl40. Adullll --G1rden Grove 3475 N(•w1xu1 Ek'ach. pleaJlC', JWit EMt ot 26IXl
NL'.\V trl·ll'vf'I !t BR. i·ust ----"::'.;."' 64;.IJ'J;:,o ?:onlh-To.J\1onth Renlab llarbor Blvd, rie.xl lo Nabers c. _ _ \VIOE SELECTION Cadillac at 42'j Merrimac
1·r111 &: <ll'p!I, h 11 i us \\'ATEH1"1t0N1', NC' v.·p t . NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. \Vay. 54:i-6300
"'/l1l i;h11·11.11hc>r, blek o,1•all. l~land. Bcaul. )gl.'. duplC'X. llJ>'RC Furni1Urt Rrntal!
S:l2."i. X97-23.iil \i·r1 bar. lnrtry, ~arg. boat 517 \V, 19th, C~1 548-3481 NEW APTS.
l lice BR. 2 BA. 2 bllu to
beach, view, nr F.me1'1lld
Bay. $Z15 nlO. 494-6162
Lagun1 Niguel 3707
dock. \\linlcr or longer . Adulhs, no pc-l.s. 673-78GJ or SlSS. 3 BR studio. Gar, frplc, $1SO & $175
IA05) 687-3384 patio. R/0. Crpt!. Children I l 2 bdr., 2 sw!n1. pools. All
k pe1s welcome. Bk r . utH. pd. Adlts. only, no pcUI.
APTS: I BR furn I 2' BR un· 534-6980 . J.'urn. if delin!d. ~
furn. No ehildron or pets. 301 A do St Ci 2405111Gth St, N.B. 64&-l664 $00. 1 BR, slO\le. r etrlg, voe& ·• • v"/w, drps. Aval! 11/18. J BDRt.t unflll!l cottage,
3 BR. :! HA, 1 r p I e , Bkr. 534-69llO Quiet, reli1\ed lady only. No
dlshwa~her. $2:JO. yl'ly. l lllk t 145 r,1 D . Cr.it
I, 752 Sq. fl. A/C ol!. Carpeted, drapes, im·
mediate occupancy. Near Orange Co. Air-
port ? 1'~reeways; short ter1n leases.
CALL: Dick Cramer or Jerry Cole
133-0700 644-2430
Lots 6100
IN CD~f. Level R·2 lot wilh
ovtrslzed doublP. gai-agc:
stre11scd for apt. By Owner
$2'i,OOO. 673-3084
RA LOT. Coste l\1en. 40
units. Owner, Phil Sullivan
BA YCREST TR. 3763, lot 74.
Sacrifice'. Make offer.
<213) 781J.9T..l
Lots 6100 frorn Beach. 673-24;,:, $00. I Br. stove & refrig. pc 1. esa rive. •
20TM Ci'uh.ul' living! Crown [ -,:-;;;,;~~""":..:::::.~-Couplt> oaly. Blue Beaton RENTALS l BJ<:DR00:0-1, near pi(·r. 645--0111 MH• Verde 5110 · BUILD 43 UNITS
l_n;';";m;';,;;"";;;";;po;;;rty;;;;;;;6;000;;;;-;IClty ot Ontario: Corner Jot. Valley llghlands. 3 BR, 2 Utilities freE-. SHJO. Apt•. Unfurnishff • 21D'xl80', all in1prnvemenls.
Aclive wllh $23,000 to inv!Sl.
Ora.nae Coun1y f'Xcluslve,
Top Jn field. 25 yn Nation-
ally. Extremely hliJt rttum,
plus e.xcellen1 salary. Prin-
cipal .selrc!ed ml.lit have
managerial be.ck.ground. Au-
1omoliv<' e1i:pel'itnct n o I
tlet:'t'SSar)'. \VUI trai11. Your
invcs1Jgatlo11 "'·elcon1ed. Call
for appt. lor this once In a
llfet1n1e, exceptional oppor·
tunily. l<en Clillord tn4\
COIN launc11·1es-J')•iglda.ire.
1-"rom $6,500 lo S•2.~0 0 .
Anaheim. COsta ~[e s a ,
Buena Park, Ful ler ton .
Gu.rden Grove, Jlwitington
Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin,
La ~lirada.
Call Charlie 525-7833
$5CO,OOO Jll'Ofit return 1vithio
John t.'lacnab 642..S:!l.l
BLUFFS: Lovely l BR &
BA. view. Pri beach &: pool .,...... .,. • 82&-3184 • Costa ~la •5100 ADULTS. 2 BR apt. 28&1 H p1ivg . .-. 49;;--0l"' ---'---------' 1 tlickOt"' Pl. No chilUren or untlngton Buc,h S400
den. Crpts. drps. pools. \\1k Mission V iejo
to stores. sc.noot. C'lub. park.
$Jlj n10. 6i:H497 u I' ~ B~::DROO~I, '1 fireplace. lrg
I BR large. f\ear OC'ean. J
Upstairs. $150 Yrly. Ulil pd. NEVER pl'b;. Sl501rno. 548-3 209
Sundttk. G73-808S Rllr.
\VATEID"RONT 2 BR. pal io. BEFOR·E Newport Beach 5200
DELUXE 2 Br, & o o d IOC'.
bll-ins, I chlld ok. S160 ..
Days 89'1-5378: aft 5, 842-3948
2 & 3 BDKl\1S. 2 BA. pvt.
pa!lo, hested pool, washor
hook Up, 962-8994
On1atlo In I e r n al io n a I
Airport 5 n1inutes &l\'ay
Ne1v ~lotor Speedway 10
Ne1v indu.~trial building wilh n1inute1. $36,000 ca.sh or
good tenants. Ne1v lease re-submit. OIYner P. 0 . Box 9.
turning $6,720 per year. Ask· Cucamuri&:a, Calif. Ph_ (714)
lng $59.500. ExeeUent loca-9112--2509
00 days. S25,000 cash nttd-
<'d. til5-1572 day or eve.
t'OMPLETE plumbing &
sheet metal shop for sale. l
l\tachinery, tools, stoc k , ~
&14-Mt9. lncd-in yrd. Air/Cond. S300
WANTED! "PARK LIDO", mo. 8'7-'676.
2 or z BR . Clien1~ 11·a11u,s:. =R~E~N~T=A=L~.------
Lse fl!' buy. Liaison Co. Apts. Furnished
CHARi\IINC ;; BR. pool, General 4000
muU!I. $32J. 2 BR. pa1io.
trets, C D Y. s2:10.
1-BR house. 6 dooN' 10 ocean.
$130 yearly.
Pro~.rties \\IC'st 1ii: .. 16tl
$275. 3 BR. 1~ BA, ln1 rm.
C&D, bltns. Ll;e. No pc\lf.
2107 Annivcrs.'\ry L n.
83l-:H30 or 646--86911
4 YR Old 2 sto1y home, N.B.
3 BR. DR. den. frpl c, '.! gar.
$S50 un-$400 fum. 645-2910
'fhe GORGEOUS Nl'1v
Singl-1 br-2 br. Furn·unr.
Sauna, Acl'y Rm, Bill iards
Therapy & 45' pool. BBQs
2000 Pal'!IOns Rd. 642-8670
$18j. J Br. 11~ Bit Townh.sc.
\\1/\V, di'J>.li. pool. i\lany
xiras, a\'all llO\\'. Bkr.
Sl2.1. 1 Br. Crpts., drps.
bltins. Near 101\·n. adults.
Blue Bea(."On 64~111
Sl.35. 1 Br. pOOl. o,1•/11'. drps.
Newport Htights__.?210 Singles v.•elcom<'. Broker ,_
3 BR. 2 BA. redeC'Oralt!<l . j =::=::='=:======
New hid pool. Nr liChoolll &. Costa Mtn
mkb. S29a. 1 213~ 421-1634
3 BR. 2 Ba, DR. 2 flp cpts,
drps. 2000 sq fl. $27:-i n10.
Dover Shore1 3227
$30.00 Wk. Up
e Stud io &. l Br Apt:..
• KH ehen & TV int·L
• Phone Service & Pool e P.Iaid .t;el'ViCe avail.
• Day, 1~·cek &. r.ionth
boa t do ck . Ycar t.v
!f!ase. • 673-9060 ----1. . B _,, t 2 Brt 2 ba th, t•pts, drps. -·--t\·ed 1n. rllrru n r 111 apt bit-" D/W 116 •1 $150 1 BR fut'n ap1. C,.,•1s. h p · 1 1-1· I ins, :J mo. ·.. ornes. nv11. t pa M>. 111 ng. Near Hoag Hospi!al-i\·Jw.
drps. bHns. Pool. l:i25 Near beach. & shopp1n:;:. A~l 4J:)()A Pal.rice Rd, NB
Placl'nlia w/\V i:a~ctrng, d raprs, prl-64~387 --va~ l1v1ng . 1 ..:.;.;.,.==--~---
Corona del Mir '1250 • 3 BR-2 BA·frplC'., plu! BA YFRONT APT.
-----!e 2 BR-2 BA-patios 22·1 ZQ1h St, l B•. 2 Ba $400 COZY Ground floo1· 2 Br \1'1 lh e 1 BR 1 BA• I · I · ... e u.xr ~tng e mo. y1'. 0""'n Sat·Sun 10-4. rlrepla~. clot>(' to i:hop'g. C • A H ~ Adults only, 00 pel s. o rs1c an pt. omes TI!: 681.6911 9.5 wkdays.
S1ude111s ok $170 mo. SUNfL0\\1ER AVE. OCEANfRONT APTS
Hal Pinchin Riallor 675-4392 Btwn S. Ma in &· Btii!ol lfl\8 \\' Oceanfront, 2 Br.
J BR. u!il furn. 5125. No pets. Located \:i n1ile E. of South Avnil. Oc1', lMI. Adults only.
So of highway. 2521\~ Isl Coast Pla1.a Shopnin:I Cl'nll'r no pc1s. Yrly W., sm.
Ave. C1ll 540.1973 ""~~~?12~1------
LARGE MOD BACHELOR New1u Construe.tad ' BR , "'· "'"'d'"· "'"· Beautifully (urn. all util pd. IJ 1Jlt-1ns. S2151n10. Near
StOO mo. 540-2266 Hoag HoApilaJ. t<.1gr. 4150A
Available Now Putrlcc:' Road. NB 642-4387
Balboa 4300
YEARLY l BR furn apt .
Patio. prl bch. Ulil pd. $12.'.i
1no. 928 N. Balboa Blvd.
CLEAN Bachelol' Apl!.
All util incl $8:1 up
Jlj E. Balboa Blvd.
BALBOA li73-994;)
Lido Isl• 4351
16 I I . . J BR., 2 ba .• [rp.I., bll-ins,
s.ng e ..,5lory units. li11· patio, Xlnt. location. 1 block
furnished ... Br. I Ba. Clp!s, from Mach. t714) 673-7861.
drps, dsh111hr, [ellCCd. pallo. 6T'a-4159
beamecf t't'ilini::; frplc 1;ar-lccc=c=--~~~~~
age-, Adults", ~ pt'~: $16a LARGE upper 3 BR. '/. BA,
mo. frplc, ('pis. drps, Nr ocean.
Refs. sm nio. 4~2128
2650 Elde n , Costa Mesa 2 BR unfurn apt. $150. Palio
(I bJk E. of Nrwpor! Blvd. & pool. C:rpts, drpll & hl!ns.
1 bJk S, of Santa Ana 1325 Placentia.
CounlJ'Y Clubt DUPLEX. uppt>r. 1~·aterfron1,
dock. 2 BR. wl\1' cpt.s, drps,
CLEAN 2 BR studio. Adults.
$150. mo. No pets.
• 84~994 •
Sant• An11 S620
lion. f'or a wony-free in-1oc'=E~AN=·~H~JLL~-.~l,-w-l-ot-.= ... ~1.
vestment, please call K. \V. Laguna Beach. !!Uxl02. Pav-
S1n11.ll . ed SL Util In. Only $8000
E c khoff & A ssoc., Inc. cash. Owner, 64~138
1818 W. C'hapn1an Ave.
Orange. caut. Acrea ge 6200
54I-26Zl, Eves-wknds .)38-5971
Antelope Valley
CAN'T BE BEAT! Busineis Property 605D 37 At·re corner close to ne111
PRlVATE-QUlET Frce"•a.y, Lancaster area. A
APT GARDEN LIVING COJl.1M. Corner. Perfect for s teal at S2500 per acre. To
Niee area. 2 BR, 2 BA all shoppinG center. 150x300. All bl' sold in one piece.
elec, Fully insulated, sound u1il. in. Signal at corllt'r. ~o·,~ Down
proofed , lady's dr essi n g Victorville area. Box · 18,1 •Agent 673-0173 e
roonL. 1000 sq n fl oor space, Ontario, Calir.
72 Sii ft closet space. a ·p1s, """=-='======"'-ReJOrt Property 6205
dl'Pll. air cond. Forced air Busine11 Rental 6060 -healing. Palios. Pool & rec I AC. Lake f\loha1'C Rancholl,
area. SIS.i per monlh. ~'TORB for lease 1100 sq. ft. An r.. NR. Lakes !11ohav~ &
HIDDEN VILLAGE in shOp ctr on l71h St. Costa ~t .. ad SI 000 91i2-89'J:'i
GAJ\DEN APTS. ~~Call day 494-9615 nitt =·=·=·=·====
2"".il!J E: Salta, Senta Ana Mount. & 0.Mrt 6210 ,,...1520 STORE WANTED
S. An• Heights 5630
SPACIOUS 2 BR duplex.
bltns. l·rprs. ren1.-e1J.
Sl25 * 545-lj()6
Laguna Beach 5705
LcaSC', su.itablf" for sale of
liqoor. ?.lust have good park· SANDPIPER
ing. F:VClf 714: 846-2:i64 2 BR 2 bath widen S~.950.
ATTRACTIVE, clran coni· 894-5313 f"a1To1v Realty
n1erclal roo111, 1200 sq. fl., -
100•,: con1plete, ( 7 14 )
ccllent East 17th St., Cilf.
Call Glen Queen 54~1.lJl
Heri~e Real Estate
RE ST A URA NT : l\10Sf
POPULAR in this area for
sale. 642--0905
Bus. WantH 6305
\VANT To purchase Newport,
Balboa. Corona de! i\1ar
profitable businesi; \Vi I h
g:ro1vth potential. Box il-1691.
Dnlly Pilot.
Investment Oppor. 6310
$100,000 PER YEAR
J\1ini1num ineo111e for good
:-nan to participate in highly
profitable realty inveslmenl
operation. Plush red ca~t
officrs on Ne1vpon Bay! Ae-
tive or inactive! Investment
required! \Viii train quali.
lied pa1·ty! 6~5-1574 day or
Money to Loan 6320
DOVER Shores VIE\V Home.
:: Bd1·m.. COil\". dC'n. $750.
nw. Yearly lease. Including
gardener. 642-771 7 o r
615--4841 Bkr.
2376 Nl'11"/)0rt Bl\'d. 548-9735
19b"9 13' J>. 2."1' Trailer. 1 block
from sno11pin!;. S.19 per n10.
'/.I rnos. rt'lll In advallef'.
Opl. lo bu,v. 1640 Neo,11>0rt
Blvd. No. :>:,
BEACH Apts. 1 BR cf-1., ... si .. 1 .. -..... 2 ......... • .. 1_.p .. m .... 1 bltru!I. Adults. B73-t9'l7
ficienc1cs. All r\C'\\' r1u·n. t " -============!LOVELY country c:lub villa,
Garag<'. 320 flioni. i\lrs. $135 Newport Shores 5220 2 BR. I._. BA Condo. Appl.
betv.·ccn Lido Isle & Nt•o,1•. Exchanges, R. E . 6230
pon Blvd. 01\"n /egt 61.r-l747 ft!
\VANTED: Bldg. 1n _C.?-1. ap-'drangl County Motel~'
prox 2000 i-;q ft. t.-uitable for Pr·mt' I r n S..?3;)000 \Viii cycle shop. \Vrite Daily 1 oca IO • '. • 2nd TD Loan
Aleck cn.i I 6 7 ~ -7 2 2 j, AND UP pool, gar. $285. 549-3760. 2 BR 2 BA Duplex. Crpt.s.
8.18--0228 & 2 Bedroom~ llrps, bltns. Nr OCCllll. Sl&l 1 BDR ~1. Nr. IO"'ll &: ""iih:
University Park 3237
2 & 3 BR. homes [or lease.
Pri1.-cs (ro1n S285 to $32:1.
Red Hill Realty 833-0820
ltOUSE TRAILER. ideal for
rclired, liludent or young
couple. SiO n10. 1500
Ne\l'IKlrl Blvd j rcar1 or
81lboa lsl1nd 43SS
E .. 1:...:.T~or~•:,._ ___ .::32~4;.;4 1 occll38-~~~'~1 ~~~~---$155 • ATTRACTIVE, 1 brlr .•
Apt. Yearl,y $8.l mo. ulil pd,
Employed adult o t 2 7,
non-sn1okrr. No hippie or
S1uden1 . ('.!lll 281-036.i. 312
Apolcna. Lake f'orest. 3 BR, 2 BA.
fam rm o,1•/frplc. crptd &
drpd thnJout, p11ho, la1\•n/
landscpg in. f'or Sale or
lellSC' by O\l'Jlt'r. ~147
Corona del Mar 32SO
BR, 1 '~ Ba Duplex. Aveil
()toe lsL $233. 646-2290 ur
t21Jl 944-1818
4 BR. 21 ~ Ba. duple~. ~
Sq. It. B!tns, dish\\'asher.
frpl. S300 r.to. least. 54Q-7j73
3 BDR~IS. 2 Baths
~250 mo. yearly. Unfurn.
\Vn1. \\lin1on Realty 6'ij..3:1J1
DELUXE 2 Br, 2 blks to
hcach. blt-ins. frpl. Unlurn.
S26J, fur n $290. sra--7488
2 BR. Orps, nl"w cpts, ~'.A.
heat. f'rpl . S200 1110.
&-enic Properties tjij...71726
CilARl\111\'.G 3 Br. :! Ba yt'ar-
ly rental. Ju1>t rl"modc\00 &
decorated. lrpl & palio.
Avail DeC' .. 1 Sl3,"1 n10. l::\'eS
673-i(}.\4: cla~·s :YM-."1111.
\\/RITER":' h11ka1ra.v 1 P.r
!or IC11S1' or !<otlt'. 21::·
84:H.i628 Ill' li-1;>-!li 7:\
pool, util paid. garden lh··
ing. aduh5 no pcl5. 1800
\\'alla<."' Avr .. C.1\1.
DELUXE lgt• ;ittr. Br.
blrns, (i'n1 hC'a1. 11('11· crpts.
~;1r. ,\llltUn-arlult $1'.W.
$13~~=v~E='L=\='~l ~b-,-.-,=,-,,
Adults. Close lo s1orf'!t. ]!)Sj
Pomona Avr. a-18-0728
1 Bit f'ncl patio, carpo11.
\\"att'r paid. $120 mo. 2-IJ.'1
Elde11 Ave. • 673-5134
2 BR Duplc."C. 19th &
Ponmna. $125 furn. $110 un·
rum. Call 897--488:)
1 & 2 BR. Pool
17/ E. 2'2nd St. G-12-364:i
CLEAN. single unit, $j(),
Utilitie:r; puid. Qulet. n1atul'c
11'0rking n1a n. 548-275'/.
I Br furn apt Sl20 n10. incl.
ulil. No children or !ll'tS.
Huntington Beach 4400 -------·-
Ra(·helor apls ac:ross frum
beach. Uril p<l. Start $1 2:-i.
per n10. Call 1\1011. 1hr11 t'ri.
OCEA N t'RONT V ie1v
sundeck, beach, nP1v spflc.
<llx 2 BR. elC'gant fu rn.
Bltn.<>. pa!io. lndry. nr ,;hops
&. pier. $215. Adull&, be.by
OK. 536-2131
BACHELOR & l BR fur n.
Sl40 up. Adul!s, no pets.
17301 Keelwn Ln. 842-7848
(\\'e&t of Beach nr Slater).
2 BR. furn. f:rplc. 2 BR.
bll1n~. crpts, drps. 2'.!2 3rd
S1. :>36-6321 early Ai\'I.
fURNT S llEO 2
do1\'lll01\'n I Int.:: Bch,
M111n SL. ~t.'lG-7391i.
li\;,..ltt~R ~ l'~B~R~,"-rn-. ~Sl~,~,-.,,-,_~A=d'"'"l~t.!I Ora nge c~'n-;:;:=4600
only. J68 E. 19th Strttt * 897--0196 * SINGLE arlults. I u x u r y
R dt'n apt~. wt rull recf't"a-
Newport 8e1ch 4200
Ncwpor1 Brach
lio facilities & 1'-0niplel r
pril cy. So11lh Bay Cluh
Ap . ~ii So. Brookhurst.
i11hein1 171 ~1 772-4500
Garden Grove 4610
Garages • built Ins mo. 548-8190 Sl~ mo. lnq. 1020 So. Csl
Oo:ie to shopping lf\1y. or 494--ti!l1S
Poo: -a ir conditioning Lek Bay 5240 LAH.GE 1 Br -apt 11'/IV
JGO W. \Vilson :I: c!'ptlng, util pd Sl9j mo, ls!
VIEW, 2 BR, cpl!, drp5, & lllSI n1o's. rent. 499-4017
bllns. -i>ooL SJG5. i\·lo. REAL EST ATE
*6i3-3G!IJ• General
5242 Rtnt1ls Wanted =~"'------5990
' B;. 2~1 ba apt. for lease
..,.,.~ ...... ~ ... ,..,.. .. , 1ncl. Sj)OC. mastr. suite, din
GRAND OPEN lNG rm. & dbl. garage. auto.
THE VICTORIAN door opener avail, Pool & rec. area. Nr. D1 lhollc Nr11". lat'gr :.! BR. I\) BA . $15o Oiurch. Adults, no j)l'ts. ~dults only. Crp1s~rps·bl!ns. • ONLY $2~j •
:sound proofed. pn ga r w/ 865 AmigOll Way. N.B.
storage. FcnC<'d yd w/par io. ==="==~~~~
\VntC'r pd. Garrlener 013111• NE\V 2700 sq ft .3 BR & fam
1ained. 667 Victoria SI r m, 3 BA. Owner'! lux apl
636-4120 • Th2.Amigos \Vay. 67>-5033.
UI W. lftlo, Cff" M ... 1
645·011 I
-:-• 1•••t•l'1i •OUlt••"ll -:.,,.._.=;,: ~~!! !IO•Ul
Fairway Villa Apts
Corona dtl Mir 5250 • APARTMENTS li~~iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~~ I FREE SERVICE II GOLDEN \VEsr RENTALS
Near Oran~c Co Airport & ._. -
UCL Adt:!ts only. :!OlZ' fJ,.. ~ -v
Santa Ana Ave. 540-2796 ("/~
DELUX>' l ON TEN ACRES " ~. bdr. Rangr I.· I t.: 2 BR. ~,urn & Unfum
Oil n. dishwasher, . crp! & Flreplace:r; / priv. patioa /
drps. E ll'<:. pt!: .s1v1m. pool Pool!. TeMis. Contnt'l Bids!.
& gar. Adlt . h\·1rw::. $140 a 900 Se La CdM &«-2611
n10. 2"1~ \\', \Vilson. _;IS.{)74r. IMac!thu;~, CoP!lt Hivvt or 6T,,...'i).'\."1 · ·• ~
Ne1v 2 Br., 11,, l>a!ti~: cpLS.. Lowrr lc\·cls, studios. pen1.
rh·ape.~, dis hwasher. £nC'los· housr. f"rplcs,, pool, dbl.
r rl Rara_cr. Sl.i().Sl:'ii Sre a l Cal'po1·1s, pali05, $180 • $22ll.
760 \V . \Vil~n ;,18-6731 673-l37!1 ""'=c~---BHAND N C' 11• I & 2 BR. LAllGE :.:! Br upper. ct1rpets,
WI\\' l'p!.~. all bl•n~ u1cl. drap<!!I. refrig., range ,
!it'lf c:lcan111.11: ovl"n. Patios. _cnraJr1'. NICE. Adults, lease
J:ar.\R.r~. ~\rlulL~. &1:>-2108. $18."i. 673-21;);'•
"'°'""° VISITING f·acul!y n1ember
at UC Irvine r cq u ir e ~
fu1·nishC'd hOusr or largr
ap!., Sept 1910 1D Ju/l{' JO,
l!J'i l. Please cell 833-533.\
YOUNG \\'orking C' o u p I e
l900n to~ lhrce!I 11lsh lo
rent 2 BR unfurnishNf houSC"
11•i1h yard. Up to $1~0. 1110.
Broker ~~'\4-li982
e ~·reC' J{enlul Srr1·iee e
Brokers I l\lgr~. I <hvnrrs
Propt."rt ie!<: \l'rst i;t~l&l'J
\VORKING 1111111 lookira for
l'IC'cping roon1, Ne\\' port
Beach area. :l4S--2'l11 ext 770
Pilot Box i'il-690 seU .~r trade for mobile ho1\e ;,-,;::.;.,::.:c;._:::..;::::_ ___ ~I par~.
RETAIL or ofc space.. etc. BILL CUSICK 6-15-1070
000 ''· 1'-+ '°"85' """' 10'-JAY W YE ATS CO 470 Nwpt Blvd. 64z..5.S51. • ' •
BALBOA Island shop for 371 Ne\V ort Blvd .. NB
rent or lease. Great loca·
lion. J:IG-7690 NOTICE ROOnt Suitable for gill sliop. If ""'U .... ve a 3 ,. 4 •-•. men·11 shop or ladies shop. JV ua • ut.'\1
Call J im Bcrkshit"I' 613-9400 roon1 ho111l' for sale or rent. ~~;;:.:;c=;::::::::~: ~:..::::'.'.'[ call us today, \\'e 1-epl't'sent
STORE for leas<;, 1500 sq._ fl. the r mployees or a large
Ottanlront al Ne\vport Pier. fimt nioving 10 the harbor
6T"~r:i00 area and thl'.Y n1ust have
6070 housing! All ca.~h if dcsirr-d.
_...;.:_...;...;.;.:._ ___ .; Call rarro1v j.t{i-86-10
Air Conditioned
Desk spaC'e available tn
11rweat office b1.iilding al
prime IOC'alion in do11•n101vn
Laguna Bcac:h. Air condi·
I ioned. carpeted, beautiful 546-8640
rntranccs: F rontag<? on OPEN EVES Till 8:30
Forest Ave., rear lead! to ·
l\1uncipaI parking lots. $50 R. E. Wanted 6'240
per month for space. Desk ----
and chail"s available for _Sj, NOTICE
Business hours answe1"1ng
,A·ervice ~vaila ble. for ~10. Ir you lu1vr-a 3 or 4 bedroom
II utilities paid e;...:ttpl ho1ne for sale or for rent
telephone. ll 1 ' DAILY Piwr cu us today. Vic ttprcsent
222 1''0REsr AVENUE !~ empl?yees ol a large
LAGUNA BEACll l1rn1 n1ov111g 10 lhe Harbor
49.,_94 Area and they must ha\'e ,_..,..,..,ii;i~"ii.OiiOiiOiii I hou sing! All cash if desired. • t'.all Fami\v 546-S&IO
1000 Square Feet
Office Space Avail.
305 171h Stt'f'ct. 11,B.
Bus. Opportunities 6300
536-8801 l::STABLISHED i;i f1 shop on
DEi U'
,, 2 • .11 • Balboa lslancl ior sale. II in-
.• • c:. .,,, sq. fl. 0H1ce . . -suilC' in Corona dC'l i\Jar ll'~>i1Cd call 673-46:)1 lor ap-
prrstii;e loc. New <:arpefll &[,C"°~'="~'m~'~"-'-=-----
drapl's -priv. parking t:NITED ~'UNO -Have
Prompt, coniidenllaJ service
642·2171 545-0611
Serving irarbor area 20 yrs.
Sattler Mortgage Co,
J36 E. 17th Strttl
Reil Estate Loins 63110
INVESTIIENT group hall
SS'll lor lrullt deeds \Ve
n1ake lsi & 2nd-I& ·.f,Uy e,...:.
isling TDs;. Bkr. ~1
day or l'.'\'es.
For ~·inanci"'
• G7.>-2S66 *
Monty Wanted 6350
s .. 1 lo 10',-0 on your invcst-
;nent. \\'!" ean place your
lund.1 direel. to the borrower
on titlr ins. 1·cal estate loans
{i1 no e;...:tta cost to the lend-
l"'r. Slop in or call, 1323 N.
llroadway, SA {parking on
our property) 543--8381 day
or eves.
Found (Frff Ads) 6.00
FEi\TALE Black killen, flea
collar f.r red collu vie. San-
ta Ana & 22nd, C.r.t .
FOUND: Black &. white
ftta n:< ki t ten, vi e .
Goldenwrsl SI. & Edinger,
llun!in11:1on Beach. 892-5966
TA~TE PC't rabbit whi rr
l\'/blk spol s. Brookhnr.o;t f,,
Hamilton 1-IB 6'16-6008 or
\\'HITE Fen1alr husky. like
dos. abou l !) mos .. no collar
Vir Brookhurst &: Adam&.
I~. B. 962-3669
Huntin-'ton Beach 3400
:; Bedroon1~. 2 Tklth~ frni·.
ed. Buih u1~. $I8j.00 rcn1 .
Sharp llOU!'.C.",
LU\Ul'Y b'•.Htlrri al)al'lnll'tltS
uffrr1ni:: 1·on1plrtr p1·11·1Ji;).
hc>au11ful lamJ,caping & un-
j){irullt>led 1'C'e1·eational fa cil·
lllc>11 in a oountry 1·lub at-
111osphC'rC', No111 lcai;ing in
Nr111>0rt Beach.
:'!~CLE: Adult~ Lu ~ 11 r y
garden apts l\i1 h t'OUnlry
club a11nospherC' :tnd c:um-
plete privary. $OUT If 8 .'\ Y
CLUB APT1' 13Hl0 Chapm:tn
Ave,, Garden Grove (7141
377 \V. \\'llson. BF:At.rr=1=.-=u~L~L=v~.-,,~,, .. ~, .. -d-2"
N~\VLY Oecoartt!d 2 Br Bit, 2 BA \'iC!'\V apt. $29(1.
l\'l1:ar. s12;,_ ~~t'llC't'd yard 25l2 Ocean. ~-36C6
\1·/imtio. \Vater pd. 2224 Sf;IALL 1 BR. Vic1v S. QI
Placentia Ave I Dl. 663-4120 Hl\'Y. NP.w carpets &
Realonon1 ics Co1·p. 675-6100 Ynu Contributl!'d'.' DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS!
Rooms for Rent 5995 COST I\ i\lesa offices. A/C, -===:0"-='====="~~=,;~.;;;;:=:=: I
:::;.=;:...:.::o. .:.:;;c::._.:;:::;. crpts, drpll. Parking. Very Bus. Opporlunltits 6300Bus. Opportunitltl 6300
NICE Room 1 blk heh. art nice oUiccs. 1555 Baker
studio, kitclll'n, veranda. ~ '
HOUSE for lsc. :i Bn, '/. 81\.
Nice loc ation. \Valk to bl'ech
& schools. $220. mo. 962-18&1
or ~18-1821
4 Bedroon1s. bli-ins,
l ~• ba. crpl~ &
dfll!K'S. Call J36-2-t•l2.
Furnished or unfurnished
l\1otlels open 10 am to S pn1
!lent" tram $155 !o $310.
J700 16th SII'C'tl
11.t: ti"2·S170
t~l~IAC. 1 Br to11·nho11:w'.
quiel adull 1·omn1unlty
"A'/poo\ Sl40 01• 11i!I furn. 1-1 .. T-,.,1.,RO ,. .• r . NT Ouplr:-.·
Cl\ll 11.f1cr :,, \}ji:l..:r.11!1 --do1\·~Bul'l'. 1 br. I i,11 •
BR;\J\'I,;> f'\C"•ChnnV1l1;:1R'il. f1 rrplt1t'I', gur. Sidr-h1•. no
Lagun• Beach 4705
rURN or unlurn deluxe apt,
2 BR. large living room.
fil'(lplatt. fabulou:c: vie1Y, 2
pnlim, garagl', just stC'pg to
heaeh. 49.1-MO!I
'l BR. 2 881 h on l)t'11eh. $29:-i
't1I .I II n r-, util Jn1•Ju1l!'d .
499-1 926.
1028 El Camino Drivt drape!. $160. 675-6354..
Deluxe 3 BR. 2 BA apt. LARGE New 2 BR. 2 BA ?t'JMI· _1v/w cp!s. 548-3481 or plus den. Crpts, drps. bltns.
5'10-01:-,.t Vic1\'. 7n-OOGT
crpts. drp.s, bltns, carport. Lido l1le 5i51 Adulls. no pl"ls. S l 3 5. :c::_:_.;c.;.:._ ____ ;_;_c,.
~769 LARGE 2 Br, s1udy1 1% Ba,
S2JO, NE\V deluxe: ;i Br. nr Jrplr. crpt~. drps, annual,
t"rwy .r. ihop'i;:. r r p 1 (' .• adults. no pcls. OR 3-7502.
<li~h1l'hr. I~ palio. Jocked . R1tr. Arlul!s. ~6-4016 Huntington Beach 5400
2 BORMS. -2 BA TH Apts. Unfurnished 2 BA . Nt'1\• r•rpts /..· drp~ pt"ll'I nr i;1n . C'hi ld. 6 n1n!I nr NF:\\,-2-BR apl, ~:-sidr.
thru-uu1. \\'a.lk lo heiu·h. yrl.1'. Av.ii i 11/1. AIJJ)L Only G.n.r.I 5000 Crp1s, dl'J)1'i, hlln:c:, dil'lhwl11',
$215. 111u. S·12-ol•lfi6 11 r ... ::001 Finll'Y· • 714 l ll.1J-11 ;:4.1,;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: r nc:l ~ar, prv patio . • ~96;2-~>1~1~7~.,--,.,....,---,,,-NICE !urn. 11•ntrrfro111 2 Br . &12-62j'/. St:"iOf~·Jo. llt:ATEO POOl.
l BDR~I 2 bath ho111r Glen KpL UJ.i1 . JMI. S\90 1\lonth un-VEN DOME f'OR I I'"·. . 'l lned, cpt/drps, Kids 01\ Mar aJ1!:i.. f'an1i\y 11·i!h 2 Iii ,Jl1ly 1~1 . Reni ... "" :spac. ~ OclawarC' Studt0 Apl ~
·""d 0 K -, Rltr ' RR II I I lx_lr. 2 ba. plu~ fl c n . """-0 ~,.,, .• -. 11.s ."
\;<lU ren · ._, mo. · ... · uu IC l\I\ ri ; ~·rar )' li\U.1ACUI..A'T'E APT$•. Fl I t 1 ---' ~u6
IJ\: "'" $46-4141 S2ij !>lonth rep ace. c;rp · c"'""" yd &: 642-~21 anyt1n1 !.iJ0-1816 ;;;;;:::;:.,=---=~-,.--=. ~hoi·I' Propert i<'~ 6n.9000 ADULT • FAMILY g111r. Al!Ults Only. 646-!l,l.19. e NEW 4 BR .. near beach SECI'fONS AVAll..ABLE l ~tt.lAC 2 b d 2 BEDROO~t 2 BATH. nev.·ly
11ebooh. $245 Mo .. leaM. BAYFRONT APT. Close to .. 1.--i"V, Po1 rk bt 1 'L. .. r_. .. ttf!lS. rp11. dtt0rated. cpts. drapell , Sl&-3963 .. .....,. t-n!, ""8m'""U cell. Adults, Bullt-lrui. 1 blk to 5 Point
d :: Br, 2 &!. 224 20lh St., N.B, * Spacious S Br't, 2 Ba No pe~. St4o. 546-5386 store.. S140 per, n1o. 7681
4 Bit, • BA. wlw <'P £, rps, Open Sat·Sun IQ-4 . $325 mo. * 2 Bedroom.a DEJ,UXE lg~. redc. 2 Bdrm, Ellis. Apl. A open for in·
cloae lo* be~• l\"h\ICr T14. 6344q_1_1 S.5 .,.,.k. *Swim 1"ool. Pu!/gf'('Cn frplc. carp. & dr., $1 75. epcction dally, 642-2835 or
day1. * 1-'rpl, 11\d.lv/lndry fttc'la 646-2."1'14 548-8333. 842-830.1
4 LARGE BR. 2 8,\, frplc, OCEAN FRONT 1 BR. Spnc 1145 Ano1htim Avt. 2 BR. S15a. Crp. t&, rtrps, O;:,E,:L;.:UX:::;:E:,._..,l,._,.bd-,-.. ~,,,..,-,~1,-'"·
ne~· cplJ!: & drl)!i. dbl K<1r. kl! l· nv rm. Nicely furn. C'OST,\ r.IESA .~.612..2824 bl!ns. Pvl f>RllO, e_ncJ aar. p1 l lo, gA r., rl'f r iii:.
len¢d back yd. m: .. 96~! Shag rrpt. Bft.chclor only. . • AduH&. Aft 6:30. ;149--0-~33 mhe_r/drycr. Crpts . .t drps.
\Vhik clcphAntJl Oime.;i·l;-rll' $130 mo. illl"I u!ll, t11 3t SIL .. 2 Br duplex. !'IOl'f' l· BRAl'\0 ne\v rlcluxl' 1 BR. ='="~'\1!=11--~~-~---
Only young people. $9j mo.
Inc u111. Lag Sch 494--Js;;Q
$1 5 \VK &: up w/ kilchen.
$30. 'vk studio apt. 2376
Nev.'J)Ort Blvd. 548-9755.
LARGE con1fortablC' roo1n,
convenient area. $15 11,·~k.
MotelJ. Trlr. Crts. 5997
\\'~::EJ\.LY rRh'!! :-:r;1 I.ark
L\loh'.I. 2,?.01 NC'lrfXll'I Bh·d .•
Co~!a L\IC!>tl
Spa1't'ic avail
Misc. Rent1ls
1.011'. Call
nw. 2317
3700 Newpor!, N.B.
Ot!iccs available. Rn1 ~t.
675-2464 · or 541·50.12 '
7j() SQ fl clol'i'lltown C.M.1
front.age. Plentiful parking. ti
1834 . Ne1\-port Blvd.
2 Ofllcc~ ll'Jlh answrr111i;
!IC'f\lict' furnishrd for rl'nl rtJ:, Crn11'r SI. tups!rsl C.i'1J.' -·
Commerc i1I 6085
Cholt·r 10!-. ltl mnjor~ fl)!~r·
~N·lion. :l·Sty .• 3~ Sii, fl,
bid!:·· prrscntly l<'ased a~
1't'111I r;rare 1Jf!iee. Call •
• 675-0000 •
GARAGE $2;; per
EldeP A\-r .. C:'>f. .,,_,,,,,,
==='="=='='===== I 1nc1ustri1I Rento1I 6090
Income Property 6000 \VANTEO: 500 11q. ft .. 0111!
1111111 mach-shOp. Vic Jlntg
Bch or 15 min ttevt l. 213:
S:'\IAU.. 1\·1u'ChOUSO or ~hop
t1pnce trvltK' I ndustrial
A11'11. tl('t1r 11ltp01'I.
t ·lan or \voman to restock 11e\v type
dispen sers with h ig h qualily cand;·i
OVE R $1,000 Pl::R MONTH.
\Ve have a limited n u m b e r of positions
av11ilable in this area. Both part lime and
lul l time. \Ve require exchange or rcrer·
cnccs before an interview Is granted. You
nee d at least $1,950 to $3, 750 cnsh, \\1hich is
only for s11ppUes and equipment.
\Vrlte. g iving phone nu1nber. to:
• • "'hltc r-lr-phallts' Dimf'-o 69!h;ti21 reJr1s;. ChlhJ1~n OK. Rl1.11.• Al f.i'YT ;,-Rf'llcon &la.-oltl All bltnic, pe.UO, off t\\')', 'So. CLEAN 2 bdr. All 1'.'JClrio;
!Int! 0 LY P1 ~-\\'Alli U.\O IEW R llPI , r111pJO)·f'd -------Coul Plar.a. ~'16. Kld.~ OK SLt'i 1110 Day~
COST A l\tcA11 hon1e &-9 unlls
phis room to bid. $125.<XK>.
21)f'C dn. 011 ncr ,5~8.SOOi
DON'T .!UST \VIS!l for
!<On1r1hlng ID lum!~h your
l1'ln1r-... find treat buys In
ll'l'la.v 111 Cln,•ifi~ Ad~.
~O n1:11 tr-r \1Mt ii L ... ;,:011
1·1111 M"ll ii 11·ith a DAILY
PH..OT \\' Aro.'T AD: : 642.5678
FORN.E\', Brnktr ~HO-JS62 , . I OISTRI B UTO ~ DIRECTOR, DEPT . 19
535 South 2nd Weit
l "'A"D6:,,;.,!===~=~~ adull only. $7.\. 1216 \\.,, R E NTA~l READIER r~ BR. Crpn, rllnar & oV<'n. 3'1'Z·Tl70. 1-:1'ts. MT-l:J&.I
1lf.f: QUICKER YOU CAU.,, 11.ll~ Blvd. 6 T 5-7 5 TS, _ ~39'i4 fll~posal. $1Z\. 132 E. &y -!-'or Daily Pilo t \\'ant Ads
nfE QUIOCER YOU l:iEIJ. ·13-J-9iil C11ARGC: IT! Apt r.. 414 .. 2792 Dial 642-667R \Vhit~ Elephants?
C.i\t. 111.ti\lED. possresion
~ l!<I ft nl()(I. t1lt·up shopl
office. Rtnt ~;; or lt'ase.I
Solt Loke City, U toh 84101
. ··------.....--------------~-
~-~~~··'~*!ml ..... 1!111111 ......... ml!l!! .. l!lllll!I!
_ l'eund fFrn Aolol..,6*0
FOUND: Bike on Balboa
We. C&ll le Identify.
c nu:·s blkt found at Bey·.
2070 Thurln, c.M.
Wh'en You
Want it done
righ t-.. ••• .
1020 Attractive Wo-DZNTAL ..aJril.. l·w-ANTED---, ,-..,.--Olllee--Wrk-......., tor malceup m.truc. ~ •nb'·
wkly, AU 1teretarl..a llkWI tor. Will trlJD. for buslneu sea..au
tncl. IBM ~xec ; clio-()r YoUr. own. .Dl\APEJ\Y Woc\r:0011'
abrtbnd 85 wpm. $46..8$32 ur .,.. : e\W, It trmnee.
fAME 'White n.bbit, ntar
Slnta AN. Ave. I; 16th
Pllee, C.M. U &-IOI
Call one of
the experts
,1 ,._~lis~ed ~low!!
la-; JlPe ao _·_,: c.11 ~ ~113 .. ) 'IUoPIO ~ s.· -
Hom< care avail. 546-<!lO VIVIAl'IE WOODARD -, 900 w. 11th
•·AJUed Nunes l Aldts • COSME.TICS St. CM , ' ,
Ol 0 C N Re..1·-· DePt. 10200, 14621 Tltua St, ORAPiRY , Wdr!Q'oom "'! : 1
GOLDEN Brown oo,c~•r
-· :llll3 Elden, CM lll&-IGl2 .
TAN §l;n; U1nUt cat •. l>Jk
marldnp. blue ;collar. -· SILVER WY ........ vie.
VktOlia .. Meu. Shpc centu -
· • Uretll ..... .,. Pat»Orama City, Callt. 91412 2129 W. Lln.g&n Lane, S.A. ,ttm.Je beJf,' Mel Kol'rborl
. ,
1 C~ll~ o;Q'lt
NATURAL IOltN SWAl'l'EltS SlltVICI DIRICTOllY SlltVICI DlltlCT.OliY s•l!\11~ DllltlCTOltY
REG. Nurse avail in home
where proJ. llC!:f'Vice ls need·
e.:1. Broken bra:. II nect11.
Ref't. Own tt.na. 645-.1790
Spoclal Rite ,. Aophalt, Ollt ·652G P.loe,-M6J' l'iptrhan1lng J b w led
S LI--S ti--S buckt . r.•.....,. ·~ TIL!I Ptlntlnt 6l50 o 1~ '
ATTENDANT at Chevron, .:0--.===·;;;-;:,.:1115=--'-St&Uon It llertz Rent-A-Car 1 •
ht Lquna Beach. CoUece Draftanal\ I
ltUde:nt pret., 20 hrs ~r wk, lnt'rett to mm
mutt be lB, It no long hair.
Salary & commission
w/ralset. 49f-9003. DRAFT.IN
. •uL•• -Ml .... " INC\Uff SEAUNG • PATQQNG -'t-":": ..,. ... , .• ;t.. --~-----Men .. Women 7030 ~."::.~er "Cw. ~ l:. °!:~"'i: Ritldent1al -1ndua -cbmc1 Free ett. Uc. t;OQtr. ~7362. * PAINTING, int &: ext. OUNESE live.Jn DomHtica. out. rd'a, own transp. Nice
a.-.MOTNIHO FOft Ml.8 -TllAOh OMl.'11 C.om.pl ftU ltl'Y. Currently ~71 Back 1ro1n Vietnam. Back Permanent. Exptorienced. tamUf &: home. NB 6'6-4157
To Piece :...0N:..,:~~:r1dlM Ad ::r1ru~:n~ C.M. fol' Olnl1ni"1' 6680 :~:!~s;fill a::~n~:. F8t'ru~~~~cy si:~~ chil~n1~~h.'.
LAlt 6401 R.E. CODtnctl. lle<uttd. 1==-----....:.= -10% Int. Lut .,.,.., USC Gol4 Mon'• Oau Rine. due ,o\pri1 •n. IMcount. '
1952 vie. Newpt. Oenter Multiples er $2200. Trd for
Irvine Tower. R ew'il. ~or'!' c:aDAllan&e-2Tl4
NATO CORP. ~1089 e\l.'n transp. Me.tul't' won\4ll.
Have clear <>C'tn vitw JotGu'I Conlrac:ton 63&ii81I NEW lawns re-seedl na:. Jobs tMn, Wom. 7100 968-1620
tn P .V., Want "oceanalr" . ·Complete I.awn are. Clean INT/EXTERIOR. C I ea n • BEA,:;;;c.UT:;,oY,,__~O~P=E~R-A=T~O~R~. du~,~i~~~ker ...,,..fttnt 6550 :~u::!t~ ~ormo:::f:;. ~ = ~~e~k Fz.!!~1~ AIDES. Nursing. E x p er . exp'd.C.M.Call&tt6Pl\t.
673-7420 Jark as....3195 collect if nee. Pref'd. Apply in person via 557-8281
=-=--,;o;:.,:.:Pl,;....""';-;31 BABYSJTl'ING, nr Newport 84&<1932 SUBURBAN P.Un"-/Dee PH' n1 -49>0<175 IOYS 11 ·14
Minimum thrH yur1
drafting and do1l9n-
~ 'M XKE Q>upe. Rea.I
£111! ,
Cream Puff FOR fixer-up.
per home, duplex or 1'.D.'s
Hal Pinchin & Assoc.
3900 E. Coast Hwy. 675-4392
8-2 BR, apts. nr. shoppinf.
East Costa Mesa. Excbanle
for more unjts.
Fortin. Realtor 642·5000
1701-A· WestdiU Dr., N.B.
tm.OOJ F/C leued indua-
trial, Dyer Rd, 10% return.
For M-1 land Ora.nae Co.
Owner \Vill carry paper or
wume. 675-6044 Bkr.
25' Owens cruiser A-1, new
motor, ftadio, galley, head,
bait tank. $4200 value. \Viii
U.de for Ttullt Deeds or
? ? 673-3045
\Vill trade • 1968 Yamaha
30;) motorcycle in absolute-
ly top shape FOR AH,
Sprite or ~ small car.
Will Incl llhrs &: helmet.
BAY VIEW-"Blutfa" el.e·
,ant 3 BR. 3 BA, 1pllt level.
$13,IXll eq. FOR 4 BR Bay
view. Cdlt1 High atte. or TD,
lncome or ? 6ff.426.}.
Trade Palm $prin;s 2 • R·l
lots • $40,000 clear. Prh!>ge
area near Riviera. Fori in-
oome • L.A. or Orana:e Co,
The Real Eat&~rs 646-n 11
HAVE: Duplex in Corona
dcl Mar. WANT: 3-?? units
in Orange County.
Nancy J. Moore, B.kr.
" 612-111XJ "
HA VE: Conunm:ia1 1 o t,
clear, $15,CQJ. Le.It@ Arrow·
head $10,!Ql clear. WANT
airplane or income proper-
ty. ~r ClJ. 689o880L
* *
ru St, James N.B. Hei&hlS Heller Puk. le AL'S Garoenln& & Lawn ... .., ALTE.1UTION lady, part· carrltt Reutes Opto ~r, 2 Ba, =~ =~~ yan:I. Balanced I u n c h . ind~t~~~· re~:~~· ~!t~~~e:, ~:. tUne , exp'~.~~;:·~ ror .
r MYS s ~2154 ........... "" ,,..,.......... 1 .,_,_ Beach, So. ' ·-··· land for $301\1 eqty. Mark * lWS-3629 * or too small. 491-.3190 -----
Les Rltr 548-7nl RELIABLE babysitter, 5 dy1I J"l'S G·~enlng & lawn HOLIDAY SPECIAL, Int. I: Advertiaing Aatncy DAILY PILOT • · wk, Mesa Verde area. Hot u• .. " Sh•rp Secr1t1ry f o r 60-4321 Level view Jot , Laguna lunch, plan'd dys. Age 3-up. maintenance. Res. & Com-Exl painling, Lie & insurd. fast • peCed Newr.:rt
Niguel. Trade up for apts ... .,, •• 4-. mercial. * 540-4837. Free ests. Local rest'. can
.....ru " Ch k 645-0809 laach Agency. YIM In Orange Co~n.ty. BABYSITTING FOR GARDENING Rou te & uc 65-70. Shorthend 100,
?\tr. Conrad Riviera Realty MOTHERS WORKING DAY Equipment For Sale. Pleue Pnlnllng, inter & ext. •rienln & f 0 I Io w
499-2800 494-1330 Eves. OR NlTE. call,~ eves. 20 yra'in O f and NB th r u , U n d 0 r •',
Lquna lo ly Creace t F'ree est:lmate 548-4373 N
Ba" 0-:..at :'ean views; n2 S42-S299 Japane11e Gardener EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rm. $20 Phene: '42-JtlO. us ·
s1y"'M';i1tt 3 Br 2 Ba. Val. BABYSJ'ITING wkend1, my Complete Yard Service + good paint, neat work. N. Newport Blvd. su2.M. W~ Pacific Hahts. horn~ Newpt Hgb . Under 2 FM Estlma\e 646-0830 loc. ttfs. ROY, 847-1358 Assembly
bom. •----Bkr 4M-3568 pref d. &12-6322 CLEAN-UP SPECIALlSTl ~,,,_ M ·•·· -•-'--odd JO' bs INTERIOR, Exterior Int. , --•·· p-•-Spri••• home BABY S 1 TT ER your/my o .... ._, eapJ&, ' ~,,..,. ....... ... M Sat Reucnable. 548-6955 average 3 BR hon1e $98.50 + pool + 2 income units. home, NB area. on-· labor only. 548-1546
\VANT income units In or Reasonable. 673-18&4 TREE SERVICE, rn'I yard PAINTING
nr Cdll>I. Call 644-5859 after BABYSl'ITING It ironinl ot-cleanup. Sp RINK LE R E>.'TERIOR-INTERIOR
6:30 p.m. fernd REASONABLE. REPAIRS. 646-5848 e 6'6-3185 e
*~TMJ• EXPER. Japane• Gardener. -~~,-;;:;..;==.:...== '60 Rambler Sta Wgn, A·I
shape. Metal office desk w/ BABYSIT "Y HOME Complete Yd. servict. }o~ree • PAINTING lnttrior/Exter.
M Estimates. Call 540-1332 ioi·. Local r~rences, Im-* Expert J ii panese ntcd. service. 646-3657
FINEST \VORK 646-0384 FOR Better Palntlna:, inter-
4 chr.'!, like new. Trade tor 642-&}37
carpeting or submit. -----"----_.,.,--847.n76 Babysittiftl, in my home.
$20 Week. 615 Poppy Ave.
18 vending machines, 10Ups * Corona del J\.tar • Generel Servlc• 6612 & hot drinks. Cost $1800. . .a ..
some on lccation. Trade for WILL babysit d......,., any •· 1----------
car, P/U or boat. =79 yard, my bOme. WHY SQUINT?-TINTI
548-3197 Stop Gia.re, Fade & Heat
• LICN'D n.. .. care. AM..S:30 SUN RESlSl'OR 67 EL DOR.ADO cadlllac, k l-~ h t e al• · an extras + low miles \Vee Y • o m • Applied to Exlstina: Glass
ior &: exterior, acoustic ceil-
in&'s. 646-4077 & 541-350'.l
Platterlnp, Repa ir 6110
All types. Free estimate
xlnt cond. T~de d<lWn fo; Harbor-Baker, ~1539 For f ftEE Estimates, Call
• 1 539-6923 Plumbln• transportation car or . , B . k M et _ • 6190 * , 6444265 . * r1c , asonry, c.6560 f't'Om Beach areas TOILET, sink stopped up ?
ZE 7-0.110 APPAREL. Ladle1 dress, ---------Router se1v. No extra cha:
Elec~mechanical agsembly
includin& solderina:.
Call Por1onnol Dept.
(714) 494-9401
1• 9419 Oia.pman Avt.. 1 91 4'7 shop conalgned stock, tood . G8.l'dtn 'Gi'O~·e Sat, Sun or trave . 4 -1 " le~ -shoppin& ctnter. BUILD, Remodel, re~~· LUMBING REPAlR . I Trade for car camper or ? Brick. block'. concre..:. Experienced BARTENDERS p No job too imall Equal opportunity emp oycr
636-0042 m.iMs carpent!!iry, no Job too small. lttvinr all Ora.nae County. e 642-3128 e , , ASSEMBLERS ••
' 1.L~k=·~Co;:=•tr=·===;;_,;:;= ~2'J33 MALE. ElectricaJ, Meehan!· Lady's diamond clusler1; ::=::;:=:::====== 69'0 cal, New er experienced.
ring. Large stones. Value luaineu ServlH 6U2 G~ T'"'mb 6700 ~wl"I Stable, commercial firm, 40
#78 Fuhion llland
Newport Center, N.B.
CARPET cleaner & wind°'"'
washer needfl:I , Trainees.
Work into lead man. No exp.
nee -but helpful. Start $2.25 + benetitt. 549-2425
QC backa;l'OUnd
4M E. 17th St,, Suite 224
Oo!lta Mesa 642-1470
\Vrappers & Sales. Jn.
quire in perscn only
2300 Harbor mvd~. ·C.M.
A OlCmber or
Snelling & Snelling Tnc.
2100 Harbor Bl, CM 54{).6();)5
Harbor Blvd . at Adams
irig. Able to ... lpi,
plen, and dttail hHt~
Ing, ventlletlon, encl
air conditioning prof·
Tuotdoy1 & Wodnotday
10 •.m. to S r,m,
17141 SJM.156, xt. 671
Equal opportunity employer
!f'" ......
• ••••
l\tinimum 2 ~ experitnce
in the lay-out and taPlnr of
art work Ior printed circuit
Call Per1onnel Dept.
(714) 4f4..9401
L19una Beach
;500, Trade for auto, trailer • Dreamakinl • Alterations yrs in bUliness. l: very li&ht housekeepin&:
or ? ? TYPING mM Exec., tut, Special on coat hems CHRISTIE for healthy mature lady. Equal opporiunity emplcyer
-., ~-a<ourate. Pkk\op & deli'!'•· 1600 * -* El.ECI'RIC OORP. c;ve in • sal&r)'. Call ... * DRIVE~ *
75 Acres. Make a nict Experienced. 644-1063 Squ,re Feet Alterations, restyle &. 2120 Placentia, C.Jl.t. tween 6 Ii: 8 PM. 673-7365 No ExftAl'ience
ranch. Beaumont. l blt. 6590 LUXURY OFFICE CU.Stom Bedspreads A1TENTION BOYS! CONSTRUCTION r-· sub. lob!:, City ot Elsinore, Carpenterln1 Lcuise 548-TUK Guaranteed $1.65 hr. Door to Necessary!
trade Im'"'"'" ' Box 695• Altor1tlon1 646 SMS Door aalea after """"'· 3 SUPERINTENDENT Must havo clnn ~ Rl-. Cali!, CARPENTRY • ·Baytront with wet ha•. bn ., Mon. Fn, < h" SaL (Offsi ht) driving record .. Apply_
*" .• MJNQR REPAll\S. No Job Riddle & Ross Rltrs. Noa~ .aocurale, "'"''·-<XP·" Call 546-5154 btwn 3 pm· 1J · ---yE.LLOW CAB CO. * Too Small. Cabtnet 1n""" * 675-1225 * TILE, Ceramic 6974 4:30 PtD. ONLY. One er Southern cautornia's 186 E. l6lb St. ---------------------
apt 6 o t be r ci.blnets. '!!!:!!!"!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ ~·!.7~=~=::~-;;:=~ BUSIESI' marketplace in largest land developers baa c.o.ta Me .. ANNOUNCEMENTS S.5-8.l'lli, U no anawer leave ; * Verne, The Tile Man• town. The· DAILY P ILOT an immediate openine for
1r1d NOTICIS mac at &t6-23n. IL o. Hiulln9 6730 Cust. work. Inatall A: rep&in. Cla&ailltd aection. Sav e an OUsight Superintendent. • ••~IVE ••• ·
:.;;;:;.,,;;.;;;;..;.;...:..____ Andenon No job too miall. Fluter monev, ~ & ~Uort. Look Experienced in Jarge vol-* ~ CAREER *
Loat S ;;;c.o..c._ ______ , y ARD I G at • c I ea nu p " Startlhl ~ .. 1 .. -. pl"' rom 6401 PerHnlls 640 CARPENTRY, C ab i ne t s I patch. Leaking sh o w er now!!! ume grading operations. Thi! _.._.,. . · S 1O/1 o ad . Salvaae~ es ----------I .. 11 . hall milltlon. First year~
LOsr In vk New port
Heights, en Sat Nov. 1st
small tan do&: p /
chihuahua, p/ pe:kinge~.
AlUI "Baby."' REWARD.
---------1 Rem.ad. No job too small, tree! Remcive trees, ivy, repair. 847-1957/846-0206 ntE SUN NEVER SEJ'S on position o et'!, c enae. 1 $12: ~ 1 lbl 2 PALMISTRY.. quality 'WOl"k. Call 646-2578. ·~ tuture, good working condi-e . ' Pus poss e yr pde 96i-llw 6tlO Clusified's action power. ..,.,,, Sala---•"'"''-te training program. by cen-CARD RE •01NGS REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Tr:ee Service For an ad tc sell around the " .,,. .. v ....... ..,..... t.'"" old tional ~ l haul, clean up or what with experience. Send re-.... .,. na company. Bring Your Problems to CABINET. Any •ize job. ever. Have Pick Up. TREES pruned, t 0 pp e d , 'rnE QUICKER YOU CALL, t Dlll n.i•-t Box B u 1 I n ess or sale• Me -I Will Help You 25 yrs. cxper. 548-6713 Call 536-0074 alt 6 p.m. removed. 26 yrs exper. clock, dial 642-5678. sume 0 Y .ruu backir0w1d helpful, Oppor-
Solve Thtm. REPAIR. Partitiom Small A er i a Ito \Vere q ui p . THE QUICKER YOU SELL M·l3. tunUiea.
LOSl' ....u brown male
Dachs hun d, named
"!!hotze " vie Do~ Shotts
I give advice on aJl matters Remodel, etc. Nite or day, Cleen Up ind Haul 494-4505, 638-7234 NO matter what it is, you $10 a load. 646-2528 of ll!e, iuch as love, court. Reas! can KEN 5tO-C6T9 can sell it with a DAILY
ship, maITiagc, divorce, bus. -CLEAN UP A: Ht.Wini Upholstery 6990 PILOT WANT AD!! 642-5618
ineaa transactions of all Cement, ConcNfe 6600 Trees i: lluubbtty trimmed CZYKOSKl'S CUaL Uphol. NB.~.'~ .
LOSI': 7 wks ago, blk, wht &:
ONJ1Ce cat, Female, no front
claws. $50 Reward!, Call
kinds. Reunite the .ep&r··I---------or removed. 5&1359
ated, cause speedy and hap. CEMENT WORK, no job too :;;;:::=::;:=====I E~ ~p
py matT!ages, overcome rl. small, reasonable. Free Heuteelaanlnt 6735 l831 Newport m ., C.M.
vals, kwen quarrels, evil estim. H. St¢lick 548-8615 -~CK miniature poodle,
uncut, orange ccUar w/ red
setll. Vic c..nyon Sehl, CM.
Reward. 64~7767
hi.bi~, stumblin~ block~ of * CONCRETE FLOORS, * HOLIDAY ~g._ ___ .;6:.:n.:.:S
all kinds, There is no heart patios, etc. Re810nable, Call SPECIAL *
so bacl or home so dreary Don 642-35l4 Complete Lite & heavy WELDING shop & portable.
that I cannot bring sUJ11hinel-=="""'=~c.-c,.-;:;-, cleenlnt1. Maid aervlce. Ornamental iron.
into it Jn fact no matter C 0 NCR E T E Work-Block All work guarantMCI. 5 .----'64:c:,~:::18::15:_ __ =
what may be 'your hope, Fences-Pl~ntera. Rem,?del· yri. In area, FEMALE Min. Schnauzer,
silver gray, ean uncropped.
Rabies tag nbt. 873 548-6681
or 545--0353
GJlEY Toy Poodle, An3wen
te PE PE. Reward! Pleue,
Call -64S-1241.
MEN'S Florsheim shoea lost
betw. Balboa Isl. & The
BluHs. Reward. 6'4-4197
GEMIAN Shepherd, part
Hu1ky, Irvine ldn. Complex
area. Call 546-:9631 8:30--5
fear or ambition, ing & Additions. 642"98;,i2 Call Cleanco '41·516'.
SEE THE PALMISl'RY READER Centr1ctctn 6629
I \\ill tell you just what you FRED H. GERWICK
want to know. Building Con tractor
. Avail. fur parties Fam. mu, bdnna, patios
With This Can:I and $3.00 Llcensed-Free estimates
SPECIAL One week only! .
Carpet & uphol. cleenlni.
Guar. quality. 6Mic sq n.
Good Guys C lean ing,
businea~ 64&-1393; res. .....,,. Receive SS.00 Reading Sn-6041 & 549-2170
Open Daily l O AM to lOPM 1::========= BAY & Beach Janitl'.lria.l Serv.
Fully Liee!lled C t Cl 1 6625 Carpets, windows, floors,
Ott, (n!) 697-927'.I 1!?9 Nn ng etc. Res & Com m c ' I
210 W. Whittier Blvd., * Diamonds are measured I -'646--'=~''°='==,,.-==~ La Habra ily quality, so are we! e \VINDOWS DIRTY!
POISE AND CHARM DIAMOND CARPt'I'. Free est. 15 years exp.
LOST female Bluepoint Sell auura.nce comes to the CLEANERS&tS.1317 anytime Johhny Dunn 642-23&1 NOW'S THE
Siamese cat vie. 40th St., )'OWll" lady \\'ho kno\\'11 her CARPET SPECIAL! \Ve * API' CLEANING '*
N.B. 67>-5920 cwn ~ and bow to use vacuwn, ahampoo, Ir: lilt Fut & thorou&h M2-8tM l et.OST=~, ~a'"'_,-~,,,,_,---:-,-:Thun=o-.1 them. Leam make.up tech-pile. I ncl udes soil WIWA?\1S CJeanin& Serv.
afternoon vie C7th St. NB. niques. proper walking and retardant! 645--0298 CARPETS. wtnclowa, fln, TIME FOR
Call 675-6872 sitttn;, h&ir styles that do CARPET &: Furn. cleaning; etc. Rea or Comc'L Xlnt
the roost for you .•. all the for 1 day service & qUality work Reas! Refs. 54Mlli.
6405 social graces. Nt'\V classes work, Call Sterling for RENTAL READIER QUICK CASH now f<li'llling for teen • age brightness! 642-3520 540-3924 1----HA--P-P_Y___ girls and young ladh!.s. Rea-CARPET At upholstery steam ===· ,;;::===== I
son.able fees, i:onven!t'nt lo.. cleaned, also ~l in-J1nitorial 6790 ·THROUGH A catlOl'I, pl'ofess10nal instruc-lltailation. Results llJ&r. For BELA JED tors. Loc:ally 0\':'11ed and op-free t'St. call 646-6971 SPARKLE Janitorial & Win-
"""'· no hogh·P"''""'· oow clean;n• Se<V. Wlo-DAILY PILOT Jq -lerm "contract" l!clling. I BIRTHDAY r-.rrss PRIM'S ACADE~fY, Carpet Laying&.";:_ dov.•s, resid .. come . const.
J&542 Beaeh mvd .. HB. Call Repair W.26 Cleanup. Free est. 96&-2691
Jackie & Cheryl
962·2666 for full infonnallon. FOR CARPETIN(f ~~ "~a:1~i= WANT AD
LICENSED OR CARPET LAYING \vashing. Harry van Heynen
Spiritual Readings, advice C A Page &e-lOTO ~137_J;iog ii no ans calJ aft 3 ,
on all matters. 312 N, El ' · 642 5678
Camino Real, San Clemente Oriperl•a 6630 Lendte1pl"f 6110 • <192-9136. 49'2-007&
JO AM -10 P~1 ATTENTION New Home LIC'D Japanese: landteapt
YIS IT'S YOUR SELL membenbip in Health OWnen! Draperin by Ellie. contractnr, Lawns. sprkln.
FAULT Studio • 2 yean lcf\. $90. REASONABLE Cl) ~7 patios. etc. 830--3031 c
~1 '!l, ,.:;_.deded,..:•~ lh&t ALOOllOLICS ..__ l loctrtcal · ...0 Ma-ey; Irick 6tl0
ORANGE 00. 517-~ "'t':1:. ";;''" to ELllCl'IUCAL .. rvk• A 'RICHARD Ai.UN '
14 hour recordbw · · b •· repair. 2' hrs. 'I day11. Na c... llh
ATTRACTIVE. d l•ereet *HARBOR CltUlit * Job too amall. 'fte.model & Custom l ..,..n
woman who dota:n't smoke Dau,, 2 PM, Fun 1.0nt Boat a&lltlont Tr it's ~leelrical. Ma.,nry A ~1ftyl
10 meet b\Wne.. or p~ CO •• BaJboa * m.-02tO M fix n! 64&-17n · llock, Br~, 'Cerf..~
fmtonal man, «>«! for -ELECJ'RICIAN• Llce:med 'rM 1st."'°_.,...
companionship. Write Dtily Ctmetery Lots • 1 6411 bonded. small iohs. n\Aint: GIVE Now -anc1 1atu
Pilot Box M·ll enanoe • rept.irl. ~ UNIT,ED
m;wrofitT Beach Ttnnl1 4 P>.aFIC View Memorlal
a ult family membenblp. Park Iota. Vlata del Mar
Malm!' offer, 494-2193 1M!Ctlon. 5'5--50\C
RNd Cta111f iutlon1
In tho
For lbpert
COOK. Responalble pe:non to
cook 11-4 pm Mon-Fri. Filh
Ir Chips Shop 645-1430
Now Interviewing
* COOK * Full Time
Excellent company benefits.
Apply in penon enly
#1 Fashion laland
between 2 - 5 P.M.
COOK/Haekeeper for 2
aduJtl, 5 daya, $300 atart.
Live Jn /Out Call 673-7877.
Cosmetician -Drug Sales
Jady, must be expcr.
Call 5.16-2701.
Equal oppor. empl. M/F
Foreign Cer Mechanics
Good co, benefUs. incl paid
vecation, rroup ins, uni.
Jonns furniahed free. Good comm. lclledule. Ask for
Joe Moore Ph. 540-176.f.
General office clerk, good
w/figures. Apply McGreiior
Yacht Corp., 1631 Placentia,
HOUSEKEEPER, full time.
No exp. nee, Park Lido Con·
valetcent Hospital 642-8044
Housekeeper, Cook & c.om.
l)Mion. lJve In. Call
• 646-7316 •
Housekeeper &: child care,
5% da wk, $50 wk. + rm &
board. Pd. vac. 54()..9212
Combination. Own traruip.
l..S:30 PM Mon.-Frl. 346 E.
l9th, C.M. Call 675-USl or
HOUSEKEEPER, live in. COUN1'£RGIRL, Ovtr 25. Private apt, 2 echoolqen.
App. Jb penon, Expert 675-0310 54&--7197.
Cleaners 333 E. 17th St., 1.INc.;,,:su""'R"AN-CE=-_"'-eom--... ---
C.M. Fire Rate Clerk -eqi'd,
COSJl.1.ETIC Sales. your own Salary open. Em p i r f'
hn It neighborhood for Insurance Co., 1502 N.
Holiday 1ifaglc. 536-4909 Brood'''ay, Santa An a
COUNTERGIRL, run time. 547-1000~"-'-------
Apply in pe:raon to: Insurance G1rl $450
KENTUCKY FRIED N~ Youn&: Dr, will train
CHICKEN _ Back office. Newport Bffch,
693 So. Coast Hwy. Lai(lnl. Call Kay, 546-6410
DAY Catt or Uve--in, Irvine JASON ltll;T
area. Have l tota C &: 1. Call EtnployM.eDt Afency
eves 833-3439 2Uo So. Maln, Santa ~
Must be able lo lake shorthand at 100·110
wpm. E.1 perlence at lhe ·execu tive level ln
a saJes or . markeUng activity preferred.
Will also handle phones & travel arrange-
ments. Excell ent opportunity. Salary com·
mensurale with background.
Please appl y in per.on or call Mr. Kuechler
!or appointment, 8311-4804. •
An Equal Opp\)rlunily Employer M/F
Will bt moving' lo Irvine compler 1970
• -
l • ' "
' ' I'
' i•
•ull r.ct..., , ... ...,.. $96 ~:F:"°°s'9''" 6
+T...X &UC.
' '
' ' .. ,, $96 11 1!>e fcfal d.-f" pay,.enl. St6 !1 l'k 1•1 "'"'tthly 11<11·
"'""' 1nct0:-dl"' ro•, lit<o" .. alld oil torryl .. lcloor ... on OD• Pt0...i credll lot 36 rnONho. o., II .,.., ,iohor t. pay t<t1h, ,.,. ,..11 ....t. prlC8 l• 011!y $2951.'0 IMl114ln1 all ,.,,.,,
11 ..... , 1,...11~1 •"" ..,I•• preDOrol!-, dtll-N In C..1<1
• ....,., ..... ~1 .... _,. •• "'· tt.1 ..... 1 ""''"""' ptlte !1 $:).1;56 lnd\ldlni oil "''rYi•1 c.llor ... ; IO•t, ticatiM, ,..,11111 ood
tlffler pr-•Gli01t. NIOlhint ..... N Pl'f· 0.11-H I• C..to .... ANNUAl l'llCINfAGl U.11 )2..12%
1970 DODGE
' . T•t•I Down·P1ym1nt Tofil Monthly P.,.,,1nt
For Only 36 Montha
. -
' ·.BRAND · NEW· 1.97·0· (HILLENGER
jH23COE105-091, JH23C.OEI03.J571 JH23COf10l-090, J~2'iOE105-0l9.
~ .. , I ~ '
. ·+1.~&l!c.
ANNUAl PllCINlAGI Ull 12.12"4
~:::D 1969 CHA.RG .ER
Fully F"tory !quipped -tholce of Colors
le:'29191J054J7 • X'29891J0675'
• ' X'19191f937JJ • Jt'29l9131)6152
Sil 11 I~• lo!al down .,.,.,..,,, $82 lo ii. !okll ll'IOn!bly
PoY'"•"' lncl11cllnt ICloi, i; ..... end all car1rint chat1 .. on ap"'avff (lff!I fat 36 .,..,tht. Or, If y,,u PNfot tt pa1·m1h,
,.,. NII <ath P•i<• 11 only $2$11 .AO lncludlnt all tao .. ,
11..., .. , "4o1th1 •"" -...., l'"'Po•allano. · D.!lvar..i in Co•••
-· Na!~! ... ll'IO•• t. por. D.t.n•ocf --1 IHI .. lo SJf52 lncludl,.. all cattyln1 <ha,..,, 10 ... , 11 ...... '"'ltM ond
daal9f P1911!"'0!i•a. Nalhlq -'• PllY. D.Uv.r..i '" eo ••• ' ....
ANNUAi. l'llCltft'AGI lA11 S2..12% ..
Sit lo tfMi taMI 4"wn poy11HI, $St lo lht ttlal .,.anthly paymen.I. lncludlnt tai, ll<enH
1...., oil torryin1 dia•.., •• apprOY..i ctfflt fat 36 "'F'"'h•. Or, II ~" ,...i., ••1 poy coth.
the full -~ prl<0-lo OAIJ .$.17lf.AO lndocfl•t .. 1l 101•" li<ff1e, .,_!1M and cloo1er
~11 .... , dell .. r..i in C..ta M.t•. Netlrint .,.,. la pay. O.hnff poy,.,.nt pri<a 11
SllQ.6 °lncl1dl1111 all utryl"9 diar..,, '--· ll<an,., hei1kl and clool•• P••?GfOtlien.
' No!h!a1 -.,. •• ,..,, •n-r..i Jn C.ol• -•·
52588 ~2 .188 . . ~ .
582 582
,t,NNUAl l'llctMfAOI l,t,ff 12.lt% · TOTAL PRIC.E ' l ' . TOTAL PRICE •••• J
TOt1J Down ,P1y19?enl · Toti! Monf~ly P1fm1nt
For' Only 36 Month• +To•&llc. +tAX&UC.
' . .
BRAND NEW s32 s32 1969 DODGE
T1t1I Montlllf. P1y1'11nt Total Down.P1r.m1nt · · ·
v l ·.
Sl\6 !o tM ,.,.1 dew• poy1111nl. S116 h tltt tolat 101nthl1
p0y,,..n1 tncludln• lo•, liarno• Ollll all 11ctHYlnt dio,...
'"" apPfo•..i u..ilt for l6 "'a•lho. Or, If )'OU P"'lff to i1'01
Roh, lho lull ar•h pr!co lo only SlJll .-4() lndudlnt all
,, ... , n ...... ft•lthl and <Molu pr.paroUono, H tt-M
In .Coda Moo ... No1hi11t ..,.,. lo ....,, 0.19•...i "'"'""'
pfico ;, SU76 lndud;n9 all conyl•1 cho•110J, ll<ano•,
• l<ei1ht and doGlor proparo!iat1, Nothi•t _,. tt pay,
O.llv•rff i• Corl'll /11.,a.
For Onlr 36 Month•
' $11 lo tht ra1ar dow>i ,...,., •• ,, $12 h ,.,. lolal .,...,1Mr
payoo••• l•d"~l•• •••• 1; ... ,. ond all cofT)'lnt chortu .. aPpfCIYad ~ ... di! fo r 36 M0•1hl. 0r;1f )'OD "'eJ.r t. p01
cot,h, ti.. NII .. ,h ..,;. Ii ••Ir S25.ll .40 J..,;ludi•t roll
to, ... 11 ...... l••itftt ind ~lff ""'""'atlono: 0.11-..i In Cosio MOia. Holhl•I '"a<o IO l'OY. D.f9tTad pay-I
prica lo $2tJ2 l•cludin1 all <ar"lnt <ll••tOI, 1 ... ,.
.,...,,., -riiltln ond 6-<1\•r ~Po•atl••· No!hl•• mo•• I•
pay. 0.liv•<ff lo Co,lo ·-.
ANNUAL iillCINTAGf IATl 12.12"/e
+TAX & ltC.
Full Faclory Eq'uipped CW~4589E1419661
Immediate Delivery
'2 D~R .. HARDTOPs
'(.t , OUl•11o1le lfO•t111n1.,., ,.,_ slMrll\f, Yl•'tl ln,.•l•t. 11•!.cl Wl•dr~!eld, ~O<ld '°"'' _, Mh1, wh!le ol<M WGU 11t .. , ""told. •-t<lew .,;,.ot. fon.S.t m•u~tad ''""
ol9•olo, H lw .. eor..io, hhldo• w!n~onlold wlperi, Miu .. oahly f10!~r••· Oooiar •I
"1 .... OL23f90l1294' OL23fttl331S19S
,t,NHVAl PllCINTAGI IATI 12,12"/•
+TAX l llC.
Tofil Down P1ym1nt Total Monthlr P1rm1nt
For Only 36 Month•
Radio, Healer,· 8 Ply Rated Tires, Double Bed, Sink, Water Supply, Ice
Box, Cabinets, louvered WindoWs,. -West Coast Mirror, Curtains, Wood
Paneling • .;; 1962164274.
. .
•• < ·-
+TAX & llC.
Full Factory Equipped
Full Factory Equipped
' _____,_'.l.E .~
Ask Our, F1st---l--{ourl •
v LOW PAY 'l
All Available ond,fo:nlly Arr o
Show the dealer my g u
can match it! If not come
home of !he GOLD S
. !
10 t
Look For Tho Gold SI 1
for your prolectiO!I \OO•,~
-This Stor 110!01 in "'i1<11 C
11111ln1 lht cor 100% oga•r
100 doy1 or 4,000 111 i!11 ~
pun:ho11. This i1Klude1 oil
"k ol oquipmenl, boll••Y· •
on oll co". Thi1 pucnonte•
fro111 b ump•r lo tiMntpe• • t
r --·
E ~S
Ir-Court tOU1-Crtdit--Coumelor1
---· ·-----------IE Y:ou-auy
er my guarantee and ask ii he
101 tom t into HARBOR DODGE
1 Gold Sf ar "' The Windshield
lo11 100~~ Uncondltionol Guoronl••
i ill ..,.;,,.,I !hot HOl'bor Oodg1 guor•
00% oga•n11 1111chonlcol d1f1d1 '°"
00 mil•• whlchenr co111e1 firtl ofter
Klude1 o\I 111ed1onkol porlt, •l•c·
, bo:!Uery, 1p11d0111etw, rodio, h110tet
111ioront•• '°"''" olt ports ond lobar ~1111per • bl0!11t1ly free to yo11.
--~----------------------------·-----~-----------··~-,.-:::-<:;:;;~'!·~~~,... -------•
u·s10 · -CAR'
' •• ~ 4
' '
. '
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Nov. 14th, 15th, 16th
' '
'OOK •o• rHI SIAltCHUGHrl 11 I
1969 Dodge Closeout Sale
• .-?,. ·"· . . . ~
' . -
Choke of Models -Choice of Colon -Choice of lqulpment -Immediate Deilvery
AJI Reduced Hundreds of $$$
$$ R~duced H-ndreds $$.
V·I , •le-ti< ................. ,...,; .,. $788 ...,,., Meler, ..,,.,_. -., i.11, $788 v.1, ........ u,, ,1, .. ..c1;1t...1111,1 t $CJBB \l·I, ""'-"'· ....... ._..,., ........ '988 114.._..,,., ... llnwll llNO, loiodlet hd"1 -t-4. (TUlfO)
,.. __ , .. , ... 11 ... ir...Nt, .. -""· ~111-. (VWS. -.fTte:OOj wkl-.ll tln.o. JllAl27J ...,
'28 = '28:::::... 528::! '28 '"" 135 ""' 135 '"'' 135 :.::. 135 ::::... TOTAL Piia -· TOTA&. PIKI ._ -tWf TOTAL PIKI TOTAL PllCI ,.,..,. ...,.. +Tiu & lie. ...... ~ .... +Tiu&.Llc. ,..... ..,... . +Tn & u~ -~ .... + lil• a Uc,
' ..
··~ '"""' .,,,,,.., $188 (TUHlll •
• IOTM. PllCI . ,· .+T •• 1i u,.
'65 FOID WAGON ... ..._..,, ·-· .... . $788 y .......... 1 .. ,.-........... ··s788 • .,..;., Nelle ' ........ a. '988 '""' J,, Mtl-1c. ~-'988 ._,.,, ,._,. 91• -4.. IUU\''761 ........ tuuotl ..... ••h•..il ti,.., ITY11'11 -.• -................ ..t.li. -1111 .... ...u .. IOWYUll '28 ... '28 .... ~35 =::. 135 ::::\.., ._ -fMr tOTAl PIH:I "" -"" TOTAL IOTAl NICI 10TM.llWlll
I 0 PASS. COUNftY llClUlll •
Sf~;-~~ ~aa8
...................................................... :1 ................................... iiiliiiiiiii ............ -.---~-t01'ALNICI~ -
!2'"'" ,. .... . s~s,?, .. , s~5=._"!l ............. ·1!1-J,>• .... ~. --.... ..,. •• ,-~··· ,. '-:I-.,,...~ , ,....., ... -· ··or , .. aT " +TN& lie • . ~-,.. ... +tu &. Uc.
S21 IS THE TOTAL OOWM PAYMfNt . .,. IS "flit TOTAl MOtmllY l'AYMll'n INClUOINO T.U. uaN11 AND All
· ~ ANNUAL "ICINl'AM Uft le.ff%
'65 FORD
U llllNG OIAIOES ON A,,ROYID Cl!DIT fOI ONlT 36"M6NTHS. 01, "YOU r•ErEI TO, .. , CASH, lHl
f Ull Wff l'l lCI! ti ONlY 11'5 . .0 1NCIUOlHG TAX AND tMNSfll.
AJfllf.IAL -:l!.CINrAl ~ Uri t6.i4%
~~•r "';!.,~!!~D;;,.u!~':· .!:t":;: 51388 "'hli.w•ll li"'1.. (VMUS5/
149 ""' 549 '"'' = =" TOTAL PltCI · · +1 .. auc.
t.:~'":t. ·~ 00~~::-:i.~:u $1388 11 .... GOLD ITA.I (VGnSt1 · '
s49 = s49 =~ .TOTAL NICI ...... . .. J?I!.. . . + , •• ' Ll&."
l•t IS Ttll TOTA\ DOWN l'AYMtMT. Mt II Ttlr•toTAl MON'IMtY l'ATMINT !NCluotNG T,U\ llCl!MSI ANO AlC
DEl'lUED p,-.ylUHf PllCl IS SlllJ 1...0.UDING All IMTllfST, f.U AHD flAHSl'!L
Al9WAI. NIClN'.wl UR J6.J•% .
AT THESE LOW, •35 ~: ··35 M=T '68 °CHiYY:' LOW TERMS ' PATMIHT . PAYMENT NOVA 2 llOOll coun ..
CAllYIHG OIAICIS OH A•l'IOVID UHllT "°. ONLY ,, MONTMS. or.-ir-you ,..,,. 0 '"' CAIH, '"'
ftlU CA»l Pl!CI IS OfolLY 110.0.-40 INCLUDING TAX AHD TIAHllll.
GUND PltX .... ""· '"· ...... -~" ''" $1088 .,._ rlHr., 1MI•. "'°rer. JT5H· -POI------
s39 = s39 !:!:~." TOTAL "ICI NJlllf, .. ylllf. + fe• I. ll~
AT THESE LOW, s39' ~g: s39 M~~~ty 1
ANl«IA' NICINTACN Utl 1"'''%
::.~:;;v::;:" bwiUI ~~ s19 88
s71 :';!, ·S71 ~.,.!~." f oTAl PllCI ,., .... · • ....... + T •• & lie:
.... ........ ~-·-•... $1988 P9"'•' ............ -, Ndl• & h-r. l ...... t•'· GOLD ITAi 1 IV5W.,61
·s71 ''"' 571 ""' · ,._ -.ffllr TOTAL lllll:tCI ,.,_.. .. .... · +1 •• a Ut.
sri 1111t1 toTAl DOWN rAYMe11. 111 IS Tiii T01'A.t MONTttlY ,..,,,.,NT INCl.UDtHO TA.It tlCINll AND ALL, CAHTING Otit.IOU ON APl'IOVID Q:llllT POl ONLY U MONT!fl, O"-If YOU •klfll 0 l'Jtf CAMI, Tiii'
•Ull (AIM PllCI 11 ONLY S2090 . .0 INClUDIHO TAl AND TllANSPft, DUfllfD l'AYMUtl PllCI II S2'17 INClUDING All INTllU1, TAX NUI TIAHSl'I"-. A...u.u NICIM'MI Uri ,lf.14%
............ ,,,~ ·~"" $1188 ii!lllpped. (VJX267) ,
TOTAL NICI _ t '••&ll ..
SATIWTI 2-DOOI HARDTOP •... .,,, .. ,;,, _ .. ""'''''$1588 radio, hit0lllf. GOlO STAI (VfD.· ,.,,
TOT.~ PllQ .f. ;.,. & tic.
SUl'll Ill
•... ~--·" ..... '""'"''$16' s· 8 rodlo, heot.r. GOLD STA.I (ll;HX· ''ll . ' . .
TOTAi. Pll.ICI ' ' + T .. Ii U..
' " '68 DODGE DART
GTs 2·DCiott HAtiilioP
• _ .. , ..... • -"$·1·-788 ,...... ,._...,., lte<\.et Meh, '
• , TOTAL lllltCI + 111 a u ..
(714) 540-8888
(213) 625 .. 7752
Se il1bl1 Espanol
• • ~
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' I
:I ,.
' -
Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The
DAILY PILOT looks ·as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it
does at the front door of thousands of 0 r.a n g e· Coast area homes where it is
dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home-
town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap-
pening at city hall. Whether it's news from around the w or Id or down the
block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. And the simple fact is that,
because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll rfind a lot of stories
in it you can't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international
news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great-
esf. one in the world (for local news). . . .. ..
• •
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• .
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•• ·. :· ' . • . .. • ~ . . ~ ' ' DAILY PILOT
' ..
'• ' ' " > ' ' .
--------·-------------------------------------------------------, ---
E11'n extra money for' DECORATOR Gm CANCIU:ATION
S111nlsli & Mtdltmlllffit furnitwt
* CHRISTMAS * ~ •• J. C. Penney Company
Fashion ltland -N•wport i.1ch
Has pos itions open in
$711 to $172 Per Month 9-pc. M'•d iterrtnten 89cfrooio Suitt.itl Ptc~n
I Rog. $349.001 ................... _ ... NQW '$16'.00 ' ' • • '
* Sales
Gorgeous Spanith C111tom '8ui1t Soft with
metc:hing love s.at-Cholo• 'of• bttvtiful
fobd••· IR09. $419.951 "·--: ... :NOW1,Us.oo * Santa's Helper * Cred it intervie"'S * Gill wrapping
Several ncwl)i cl't'ated
positions available "'lth
prog1-essive police de·
partmento. expanding Jn
size and !iCOpe of activ·
ity, Requirements in·
elude 5 '9", 150 pounds
minimum: 21 to 31 years
of a~; 20130 uncorrect·
ed vision; high school. di·
Spenl1h Oinln9 Sets ...••. , .. , .............. -: ..•...... $71.00 I:
Solid Otk End T1bl11 end Coffee Tabl11 . .$19.50 1~
Tell D1cor1tor Table Lam ps •
IRe9. $49.951 ............... ,,_ .... ,.NOW .$11.00 . ( Schedules including afternoons. evenings and
combination of both. Sp1ni1h Hinging Swag ~amps ·. , •.
A I ::~~r!i:~,~~eam' ho~s~"'(i~"d~~.-:;. $ZZ.~O ~ Finest condilions -Top supervision -Ex·
cellent benefits including discount privilege. rooms of gorgeous Spanish furilitllfe (wa1 ~ reg. $1295. . , ~: * Apply Now * MAGNETIC SACRIFICE • . • . ~ •.. $398 I ~ 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monclay thru Friday SIGNS ' " J. C. Penney Company Tho!t' qualified should
report for the ne..'<I \Vrit·
ten test 6:3o p.m., Nov.
19, 1969, at City Hau
Council ~ainbers, 3300
Newpolt Bl\'d., Newport
Beach, Calif. No appli·
cation necessary prior to
test. For further infor-
mation, contact the P<'r-
sonnel O!fi cc, tTI41
NC\I.' tranchise in Orange
County needs 5 :salesmen
full or part·lime. can for
appointment 642--0JC6,
lat PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL, 1970 I;: 1 ~~~=====.0001 •m FU~N1r_uRe 1 ~ #24 Fashion l1l1n~
Ntwport 811ch, Callfornia PRODUCTION
TECHNICIANS Furnltur• m A ~I" "I~ Salesman-Executive
to $20,lXO. Plast1cs. Terrific
opport. Head up pn.igran1,
Call Bob, 546-5410
Schools-ln1tructjon 7600
To perforn1 electronic check";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; out of microwave products11
--s1-.,-ta--11844 Newport Blvd.Harbo~·•a1v.i.1 ~ IMMEDIATE
l.p.rg!', national con1paoy, ex.
oanding in Orange County,
has created many openings,
~r male & female, lo work
Pa.11 time evenings. No ex-
tk'rience necessary as we
Jijgh school diplon1a and one
,v.ear residence requil'ed.
' Call Sat. & Mon.
Five days a \\'eek
# 3 )<'ash ion Island
Ne\vporl Brach
JANlTOR -Part ti1ne
Couples f i n e: Huntington
Beach area. Good pa)'. Call
5'16-9047 aft 7 p.m.
LT. metal fabrication. age no
batTier. Contac t r.Ir.
~\\·ers, 2700 S. Grand A~·c.,
\'al'ied experience
:'Ad\'anccd Kinetics, Inc,
• 1231 Victoria St., C.M.
• 6~6-716;';
E:qual opportunily e1nployf'I'
ri.h\lD Experlen~ for i\lotel Ap1.5. Gd. salary. Sunny
Acres Motel, 2376 Newport,
c.r.1. 54&-97;.5. -
.. ,.; ·~ ...
11 0 E. Sepulveda
or cell (213) 834-4512
Equal Opportunity Employer
Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100
Let us job hunt for you.
Call Smitty. 714:774-2610.
MEDICAL Secretary, recep.
lionist, front office, exper.
in bkkpng. & insur. forms.
*OVERSEAS * to.lore jobs titan people
Call Sn1ilty, 714:774-2610
$7.00 ph. Call Loraine., 1\-ler·
chants Personnel Agency,
2043 \VestcliI! Dr., N.B. 645-mo
Pa;1. Or l"ull time.
Newport Blvd .. Cti1.
MOTEL f.l aid, part
Peninsula area. * 67:)..1841 *
Exc1llent Employee
Personnel Office
Third Floor
The Broadway
47 Courts of Fashion
Newport Beach
An Equal Opportunity
Employment Agency
2120 So. Main. Santa Ana
SALES -Earn money v.11b
no investment. S 3 r a h
Coventry needs full &
parl-\ime help. No del: \\'C
train. For int. ph. 545-6100
time permanent sales posi-
tions. ri.tust have solid exp.
selling apparel. If you dig
'sell!ng groovy cklthes to
groovy girls, apply in person
at Hubbub. So. Coast Plaza,
and RF Components .• Tech-
nical or service schoOl_ train.
ing in electronics or related
experience desired,
Call Per1onnel D1pt.
(714) 494-9401
Laguna Beach
SALE! Costa Mesa Only" · i
New 9 pc, corner .1trrang. Ev1ry Night 'Tll 9 -Wed:, Set; & SUn. 'Tll 6 ~
choice oI clrs. reg. $230, nqw ii:
$159.50. Ne\v beds: Kin& x
$99.50, Queens $89.50, Full Furnltur• IOOO Appllancaa 1100 I ~
$54.95. Tu·i113 $44.95, ruuy \' ~uaid·",· ~ing s~p1-eads1S1~3: DON'T GIVE UPI -Re-fri-.• -.,-.,-,.-,.-.-.. -. _lro_m_S38._.·I ~
ea n 1"5: • ngs. "· • You may find it at America's GE Port,ble Color TV, ~• ~~~e s S~1fi,rr;,· T Ft~ $l0.9S, largest, most · unusual un. like nu · ••••••••• ;., •.••• $148 l n~ . · · .n1 e set.s finished furniture store. Cor. Frlgldairp eltt; ~r $59.9? I',
(cJuo 1·1ser) '"/ inner spring Redhill & Santa Ana F\''Y· RCA Console, ~lor ·TV $10 ~
malt. reg. Sl06, now $?9.SO. Tustln. 1 mi So of Ne ·t \\'hirlpopl auto wuher $50 i S..!X" Bcdnn Croup $135.50. · wpoi . . . • Can0py beds reg, $119.50, ~iri~pen 362 days per yr. GE Y,"asher/dryer •••• iioo .:
.no,v $89.50. FuJI sz. slttP-1:;''7,,;.,;==,.-..,.---DUNLAP'S ~ i;ofa reg $239.50, now $169.50. 3 MATCHrNG champagne 1815 Newport 'BIW .• C.M. ~
Sales Equal oppot1unity employer Swag lamps $29.50, choice Chinese large occuional 541-7711 j~::. MEN & WOMEN TELLER -Note & Collec-FUTURE! of colol's. 50-;o off all oil chairs. All for $l00. 2 r attan KENMORE Auto. washer,
tlon. Call Exper. -Newpor1 paintings! Christma.'> ·lay· bar fitools w/swivel iseala & 3-speed_cycle, like new. Call
LEADS LEADS National Bank, ri.1r. Cartf'r. Oasscs start soon.1 aways now. SIESTA SLEEP backs $9 ea, The Factocy, 613-3760 or 673-8032 aft 5:30
Wf' have more leads than we 642-llll Pilot program offering the SHOP, 1927 Jlat·bor Blvd ., 1885 Harbor. 540-684~ pm. f
can handle. Our rcferl'al TRAINEES l\fale Pt time finest equipment and facll· CM &15-:.1760 daily 10.9 Sat· 2 PC. Modern sectiofjl, total WASH ER 1 ~
plan is fantastic. Instant CO OK . ' F 0 u" NT.A IN : ities available! He~l·timc sun 10.6. 11 ft., med. brown. Beaut. Xlnt cond.&G ~ ~c~~ ~: '..
help needed. No expeiience BUSBOYS. The Zoo, E. computer prograinming. 17 Pc. King Size Ctlnd. $75. 644--0498 Both only $95. l.!uh or 1.
1-equired. Complt'te training. ~CN~""·~··~t=H-ivy_7"~'-''_A_'~'h_ur",1 'IhCJ\cademy lenns. &12-408J ' RN Eam minimum $50 per day
• PRODUCTION and • Payday everyday iI desir-Bedroom Offlc1 Equ1pm1nt 1011 \VESflNGHOUSE Ref'ria:er-t Ass't. Director •PUBLICATION ARTIS1' ed. \Ve advettise on TV 5 TYPIST recep!ionist, min 60 of"--ator 1 yr old, avoc'ado. lJ t·
l• l l Should know art, paste-up, times daily, Havf' fun dem. S42-TJ5J ICUJ•-.J Lars:e 9 dra~·cr dresser, n1lr. mos. old $350. Alma walnut cu, • · .. word~. Call to.Ir. Young ~!:i!:.,m IBM Selectric TypewTiter 6 ft $100 494-2359 ~
understand offset process. onstrating tht" SI.ll\1 GYM. I=---'------n:ir. 2 bedside stands, kin;: desks, exec. $125: 60'' $100. WASHE.R. & dry~. avocado,
Ynvolven\ent in: Great opportunity. Call Jilr. People ar!' begging IQ fry Typist size beadboanf, lran1e, quilt. Totalia .add. nlach. $65. $125. Relrig-fro&t fret!: $100. {
• NW'slng & p1·oduct J . Princiotta, MoncJay for the G&!loping Lounge Olah·. Young typist & girl 1'-riday. Union l•nk S~u•r• ed nlattl·ess, 1ihccl5, blank· Rich Irwin, Rea1tor 2025 \V. Freezers, SM. ~1095 1 research. appt. N.B. area. 642-9-110. This is the Gravy Train -1 ~..,..='="='='~"...c'"""'~'"~t.--S•ufh Tower ets, etc.. Balboll, NB 675-6000 WHIRLPOOL a u tom a tic $ e Quest IOI' quality nursing RECEPTIONIST-All aboa.rcl NO\V! ! Ca I I \VAJTRESS wanted . <'Xp'd. Sult• 40 Choif'e of Spanish TY PEWRITE washer, excellent condition $.,
cai:e. PUBLIC RELATIONS 546-97111 for appoint1nent; Part ti1nc days. Little or !lilodern Sly!e ' R •. Royal 660, $SO. 54~8934 Calf ROYALE' Fri, Sat or sun. w·-.1 'II •r <9 Or•n1•. C•llf., f2666 All ...._ 5249 elec .• carbon ribbon, Herald >. Attractive, ~·ell groon1ed ""~...,!~~ · •. ·on ~ pm rvr <'Ille IY""'lace. Also staod & REFRIGERATOR Se rv el ' CONV LESCE \VE HAVE LEADS: ~ wv Call 547-9471 1·~ ~ A NT J10SP. lady_ Age 21-45 for beautiful •!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I .,.-W.;;t,;;;;&•!:;od'd• I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I steno chair. Orig cost $550. Gas $35. Weekdays alter 6, ~ 546-6450 omce on Ne\vport Bay. Ex· SALES LADY * \Valtress * Expd'd * No down Pmt!, only $9 mo. Barely used. $29:>. &12-3867 fm..3439. week-ends anytime <
RN's, LVN's, & ceplional o p po rtunity. over 30 for Toy Shop. Night Shift~.,, Union House Ir WELK'S WAREHOUSE TYPEWRITER, add. ma¢h., tt
Nu' ••• Al'doa 64~1574 1 .. 11 • '"'·" Hosp., surgical, ri.1edical, & The FIRST -··'-ula V A ti 1110 > Pennanent-uu time . ......, YW,; tor, ery reasonable. n q~.
On PM and nighl snu,·. ts .. FRll RestaUJ"llJlt G'll-3880 afl 6-. Dent., H'o'w'"AR'· DAR~EptSTy AUin & ONl.Y Xlnt co11d. 89'l·2423 --~------1 >
'"d part tln1e.· App'·· -•· A·nc' le' nt Marin' er pel'$0J1 • 600 w. 4th st., Santa Ana P t Ml h I Anti ' 'Y .. ~ s A L E s r.r AN. Re I a 11 RANT ·~ w "---· HI h o,,., o-uy "9 ROYAL Standard m&""-1 --II . c ae ~.,.. _,f. sonncl ofriC£'. St. Joseph · 'IVl).I • """"' g • franchised ""' "" ,,..._ GRAN~OPINI GI ' no1v taking applicalions for Hanh~:are. Rion Har<hvart, way, Ne·wport Beach, calir. Sat. S.6 sun. 11·6 typewriter 1vith 15.. car· "' ·
Hospital, 1veekdays 8 to J. F"" & • tim d & O"' 1 · N t "-h iiusf-~~ijij~;;iO'iOl ~~~l~~~-~·~s~"~== Fine set<Ction Of ..... -,,..,, " Wl pa1 , e, llY 1 "' rvu'll'. ewp. °" .. WAITRESS age ""· ~ vi r.wv ,• 633-9111 e\·es shifts. \Vestcllff Plaza. 6-12-1133. S-T·R·E·T·C·H J\IUST sacrific:e eompletc & American Victorian fUrn. " NURS-~E~s~.-,.~,,-,-.,-,-,-.-,-v-en· e KITCHEN HELP Ask ror Phil. Experienced & SEW (T.M.) hou~eful or J\;lediten ·anean Gar1g1 Sile 1022 iLUrc. See at 468',E. 17th SL ~
in;: & night shif1s. Ex. e DISHWASHER o! Orange County furn: sofa, love seat, 2 coin· --In C.l'if, 645-7776, lO to 5. ~
benefits. Apply Personnel • BUSBOYS s~:~ $~-ld~1·eekNei;d wj~ Apply in person ~~e ,1an1p lablles, colf~e 2 ~~FBOARDS, slot car OAK Tables. chairs, roll-top l'.
D!rectol', So. Coast Com-Apply in person salespenoTlll. po IP. n ti a 1 SURF & SIRLOIN CHRISTil>l.AS SHOP a c, amps .. co or TV, ?1n se' gc train set. Couch, desk, annoires, chlna, etc. ~
niunity Hosp .• 31872 Coast 2607 \V, Coast Hwy. u n l imited . Call f\frs. 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. 'J'HE EASY \VAY?! set. rclrlg, stereo, king i;1ze poker ~able, dress~r, model Sat 9 am Back Door •
l-lwy .. So. Laguna. 4~13ll, Newport Beach Robinson 842-4449 N 8 h U arn to !!cw on ''knit fab-bdrm set. Queen bdnn set, gas aJrplane,. cnb, . heat ln1ports, 1896 l-larbor Blvd., ~.· ext 356 ~--'-'==..:..:='---·--"•,_w,.,po:..c,•=t ,,::c•~•c:•,c__ n size bednn set, swag lamp, Polaroid s~·1naer. t 19th St CM ' · · Restaurant Sates rics", Make s1retch panrs lan1p, pictures, \va11her &. desk, ladles wig. 2160 E. -'-·• ' ·· •
$773 to $939 Per Month
Cocktail W1itress LOOK! f\tORCOi\tFORT Bra. WAITRESS in 1 hr, a bathing suit for dryP.r. Misc. 894-587:i Ocean Blvd, Balboa Sat & BEAUTIFUL ARMO IRE, ·:
Full tinie, over 21. Apply in \Ve are looking for presenUy $5.00 -even a girdle! ln1· BIRCl1 1'radit Din. tbl 42x62 Sun J0-4 Louis >.'V, i:osewood inlay, ~
pf'rson art. 2 pm. \vol'ldng, with ..ales force. OVER 21 agl11e -T-shirts Ior Ilk! plus 4 8., leave~. <I sd • 2 DAN. Mod. f.l r. & Mrs. Chr'! ~~!112394match1n1:· bed $950. :
THE. FISHERMAN No franchise fee. Unlimited \Vho!c family. arm chrs. $16.i. Matching w/otloman, Se\lg chr, end 0-""""'~====~ •
317 Coast Hwy, l-IB poten!ial. F'or job or fit ting Apply in Person , 'r'"'"'"'NS 'I "t sdbrd, $60. Misc antlq,, table, EUl'e __ ~·-U_p r t'gbt YANKEE WORKSHOP. We _:f. •all f.lrs. Conway. 968-6219 l o'ttlo Bov••'•• Holboou ...,.....,.., : "orn, ai l!tnoon, · Restaurant ... & eves. Golden Oak commode & 48" vacuuni, vanity be n c h , recanc & rush &ntique ; e DISHWASHER aft 6 & Sat. or write Box 2052 Newport Blvd. cof. tbl, chests, woo l Hanging lamp & misc. 1866 rhl'!ll"'. headboards, etc. < e KITCHEN l-IELP 486. Hnti: Sch, Cal. Cosf• Mes• 72<1 l:. l\atella, Orange Y:indcr, Spinnini; wh I Tah111 Dr, (MeM Verde) 54G-68Z2 ,!
t.IAINTE,.NANCE l\tAN 001• -r th-· prol•••o··nal Apply Savings &Rt.oaAN" CH \VAITRESSES I l\I a r u r r 6JJ..2842 ~2-k71r~ ... Flo blu platter. 54~7533 ~ -LADIES Sliver dnster set, i ~: " " •= " " Reuben E. Lee B ladies. Experienced. Day & u•• 00 GARAGE Sale, 1787 Tustin $50. Bone ch in a cup &: • Neat. clean & mature. Saln1)' positions in the Person· '"'--~ ======~~~ II ] $3 • 10 + meal~. Apply in peson. l:Jt E. \..UiUJt H1\J'. MANAGER night shills open. Apply in MERCHANDISE FOR FORi\llCA v11ood grained tbl, Ave .. Costa Mesa. Hours 10-Mucer co ect on .,. . (·
l\lcDonald's 6:::i \V. 19th St. ncl Office. the pe™lnnel Newport Beach person to !\tr. Trudo. Van de SALE AND TRADE 70"x35", 6 niatching chrs: 4, Sat only. Assembled ,"'~"'-"~'' ..,..-~~~,-l·
C[l.I analyst is generalist in Sales Exp'd •Savings & Loan Kamp's Coffee Shop. 3099 lluge 2 tiered !olld Heathkit. Cruico 11troller. Fin• Chine R•storetion •'
nature. It requires a L'OI· A • Enjoy a rc1var<Jing career Bristol, C.i\:1., 2 to 5 Pr.I, furniture 1000 mahogany colfec tahle $25: clothing, appllances & knick THE LOM', 3321 E. Coast t;
:0.1ANAGER. Asst. for 20 unit lcge deiJl'Cc in public or re you earning and join a highly successful Mon thru Fri. Brass frplc sctt'en $25; knacks. Hwy, CdM. 675-6911 f. '.h'at.~ge2 ro~~~1~\ :.~~~k e; :~s~n~~~sclayd~~~~~~~:~ ~a~hng<N& LoartnBeA'a""ch iaa~o," 1-W-A-IT_RE_SSE--S-. -A-1t-1·a_c_ti-vo-& UwS/E,Doh'a"1-~qul~"w9hite dinette swag lamp $8. 83.1-3220 .,_;R;:;O~ST;;L:.,E~S~S-,..~fr~ig-.,-.-,~ld l CABINET Bed w/dbled mlr· ~'~ ' $250 per week? in t e e~'po '" . ""'SI ,., ap~a·an••, ov•1· 21. ., '" lnJ. pc corner US•'O bl I & II' "" t bl t main! c nan c e. o,rncr Joe, and one year of re· , Th. · · t ·r hsl "" ..-' '""-'" gro d /0 ral "' uc-grcen SO a scro enu a es, a ccen rors, $75, Trunk, gla.....,. , 1s position en 81 s c · F ll ·t r E up, avoca 0 \V 0 chai r $1j. 2 student dcaks. chairs, lan1ps, Girls' bikes, &: pictures. 84U182 t: 642-ZS3j cent professional person· y lf'nging duties and is adapt· ~. or r!~1 n n~c. 1 ~; covcrlr.lte $79. Used black 19_9j ca. 1 desk &. chair $29. Exer cycl•, covered patio 'f.'. i'r!ARINE plug and/or ntolcl nel cxpcricncr. Including OU can If you are dignified eel for an individual with , .... riencc , r. ccP".l PP~, 0 Chinese stereo con&Ole $65. any or all of the fol!O\V· & bondable, beht"een ages . d !' fl('rson ......, " , '1 '1 Th L" 1 10.,~ The l''actory, 188J Harbor . svdng, Misc Items. S I M hi 1120 maker cx:pt"r. r c Ii able · imaginabve a n ci-en ive Heliotrope, c_orona cJcl l\1ar. 540-68° •,•2c ory, ooo> Harbor. ;,1~42 2120 \\'estminster Ln, Cl\t ew ng IC nn t: Possible n1gmt potenlial. ing: job analysis. rr. JG.55, and married. This is abilltie~. Excellent fringe -~
SUbml' • .,.~ .. m-Bo,· p.~·"! t·i'Ui!nicnl and iesting, a sales oppo11unity for which .... 1 c II '" H J WOMEN fuu or part tin1e . 2 TURQUOISE ch airs, SMALL English i I e ms. 1969 SINGER w1•--ut w·• ' _ ''"" , ...., .,.,n(' Is. a "IJ" ans ey ,,~,, ··,m~cd. loo·.· Chi'Id USED. assol'tcd occasional uca. .. " c·lassi!ica!ion and pa"', you have searched, no can· (213) •= "'12 cv ,., ·-vc-1.blc cushio"•· White & Glassware. !!ilver, brMs. console & ''•·"'•· M-,< Daily Pilot J, """""" • ea-. Ao'dc.• 0, Conipaoi·ons. chiurs $14 ea. Frosl tree. 2 " " cniployet" t1'1alions. \'assing, advancement, gen. I .. ..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.. ... 1 bel&e couch, xlnt cond. Very watches, etc. Sat&. Sun 12-4. button holes. overcasts. 5 •,: Material Handler c1'0us retireme.nt plan. Not Sec Belly Bruce at Age 'fO to G.;. 6t!·327·1 ~:/icede :;kei~-E$12,1~cf~~~ reasonable. 91:i2-9'762 67:).()()70. 716 Jasmine Ave, Year guar. Full prlc. $33.24 ••
An opening no\v exists on Applicalion and resume must a job but a career. Earnings 6 Sltt1n9 Pretty Agency Factory l 8S:i l-1 a I' bo r ---------CdM. or $5.26 mo. 526-6616 ~
our graveyard shift. No be (IJed beCor'(' 5 p.n1., FJi. start immediately, m Jl,.lember, \Ve Sit Bctter, Inc. 54!)..084£ ' BEAUTIFUL :; pc. Spanish Sale • \Vhlle Elephants "
experience nee. ri.tust be day, Dece111ber 12, 1969 to Call 534-l ffil for appoint. ' ij& Xl!C YAOIT PERSO~Ntl bcdrooin set ~119· Used gold Sat and Sun. Nov. 15 and 16 Mu1lc1I Inst. 1125 ~
1 d d bl Personnel Office, 3300 New· ment, bet\\·een JO an1 & · . • ' • FURNITUH.I:: Sale Sun only sofa & chair .S89. _Uacd Yao-Ky. Tri·Y :; i~aptplya~ a.~~ntoa 4 ~-.tn. po11 Blvd .. N~-port Beach, 4 pm. ~lgOe~~y Clor tC~~r r;:~s Re1~!~ foU0~·1n; ;:apa~tc, 9-5. Refrig $35. Dining table i:lre11sers $31. \V lth mln'Ot's 2270 Channel Rd Balboa GIBSON ES 335 TDC Semi· \' 73-6633 ·• oas -J·• · · N .la e personrn? or $30. 6 chairs $35 & there's $39. The Factory, 1885 P . " aoJld,Jiumbachenhardlhell f Orange Coast Pl11slics Ca.JU., (714J 6 · SALESLADY, Exp'd, full By e.ppo!nt. 6~6-393!1 ~odern 2CJ? Ton Y.achl: more. 620~1 Acacia, CdM . Harbor. 54().68<12 en1n. case. 64>2246 alt 5, •
830 \V. 18th SL, C.f.L time, lo work in Lingerie Licensed sK1 pper. eng1n<?er, WOULD YOU BELIEVE 20 • '$
DAILY PIWT Ol l\t E·A· THE SUN NEVER SETS on store. Gd. salary, medical, SECRETARY cook, deckhand. Send MAPLE Twin & Bunk Beds. QUEEN size box spring & GARAGE SA L ES AT ACCORDION 120 Bass. t•
LINES. You can use I hem DAlLY PILOT \VANT ADS! f'ashions for La.Femme. 23 to $$25.00. s harp skills, background resume to Daily dresser, hldeabed, Jrg. on. ·mattress S75. Avocado sofa ONCE'' BJ k Jong al black. w/ca&e. Xlnt cond. ,.
for ju~t pennies a day. Dial For Daily Pilot Want Ads Fashion Island, N. B. groovey oUice, beach area, Pilot Box M·ll. desk & chr., hutch, end Ibis, $25 or OFFERS. 642-3321. Sat 'N ocl 5th 1 ~-;• $60. * 546-2296 t;
PILOT Classified ad. Dial 642-5678 644-0170 call Loraine, ri.Jerchants dinett.e, S48-86ll ~~; Sa.nta Ana Ave Apt 3 Fri~11la~vO,.., HB. . DRUMS -complete aet, incl :: 1,;~:;;,~~~~~==.!.==::::~~~~"".':.=' I SSALALEESSietS:cerr'kk,:-Ccas;;;;h"-l•;:r.:E>Ex· Personnel Agency, 2Q43 School•lnstrudlon 7600 ALL 11sehold Jo"'\1_m. for sale, i • 1 stool Blue sparlde Like ·:
Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100Jobs--Men. Wom. 7100 perienc«i. l5 hr. \\'k. Incl. WestclifI Dr., N.B. 64i>-2T70 Pxtra cheap, leaving state. PRIV. P ty, must s11ct1flce ~iiJ1~DZt~~e ar:i~~s, 11: new .. $155. 5'15-o4429 · ::
Experit nced
Lathe Opers. Sr.
Mill Opers. Sr.
Drill Press Opers. 'sr.
1866 Whittler Blvd.
Costa Mesa
Sal. SJ.GS hr. See store ,~~ ~H~~! 2316 E lden Ave ., c.r.t. Last complr.te houseful of f!nc pong table & misc.' furn. TRUMPET • Olds "Studio" ~:
n1gr., ~ \V. 19th, C.ilt. SERVICE Station Tie e d' A , _ _. . .... . ' house in alley. dccor~l~r tum. at a fraction 1600 Balboa Ave., LitUe Bal with case & accessories. •: ge, L-...Ucallon no .. ..-!1·1er. f nal ·os1 642-roJG C· J S YO U R AD I N exp·d man for days. Good Let us help yotl quallfy. GREAT Buy! Con1fortahle ~.112°~~:ll{Ua ~v;cy, NB · J!rle. Ltlte 11f!W $145. 64fr1287 ~:
CLASSlFIEO? Sonioonc will \vorking cond\tlon11.' Union INN k."EEPEHS INSTITUTE ma11·11ized reclinlng chair. VJNG G S t
be looking for i1 . Dial 642-Oil, 393 E. 17th St. C.f\t. INTERNATIONAL Tan, likr new, uwd for only TP..ANSFERRED. Sc 11in8 ~:ou~hold f~ag~ Is h in: Pianos & O_rtlM llSO
5618 ••lot•l/Hotel/Apt ri.t ... m1 Sehl short 1!111e $75. ~6-1879 1-on1ple!c hou11eful ol quality io : • •. l\l crlitf!r1'1Cnean furnilure. ei1u1~ & n\isc. 415 ,ACTORY . . A OIVlSJON OF 2 DAVENPORTS. beds, kg 89.,.1..,,. Narcis!u!, Cdr.t CLE'R'NCEI
'Jok-Mln. Wom. 7100Job.-Men. Wom. 7100 ANTHONY SCllOOLS liZ beadbrdK. n1 i&c. lurn. __,,,.., "' "'
li17 S, BROOKltURST palio furn. 67!>-7203. CLUB Chair & ottoman, i\1.At>Lt; . desk. boys bike. Factory orders clearance o! •· * PERSONNEL *
has an opening in its Personnel Depart-
ment, reporting directly to the Employment
Initial duUes will involve screening appli·
cants, ty]iµtg correspondence, handling tele-
phone inqUiries and making travel arrange·
rnents. &?crelarial skills, including short·
hand would be helpful.
This is an excellonL opportunity '''ilh a
growing comoany.
Apply in person or call
D. L. Kuechler, 835·4804 ,
An Equal Opportunity Employer
EI'! CALIFORNI\ , 1 h lod 101s mllic hsehold Items. all overaae, demonstrators, .. ANA H 1•. ' LIVING room, dinette SCI, do"·n ·. eAI e!'ll. en _, ' . nk 2llr35th NB Ouses foim every week green: like new. Cost~. Gfariumu JU Roor models, studio I: re. .-
PHONE FOR APPT. µedroom set, lwl n beds, $175_ 54~7on Slt/Sun tumtd Pianos A Orpns, •.
Ai.k for Betty 776-5800 lamps, etc. Call 540-ST18. TWIN bedsteads, antkiull GARAGE SALE. S k\1, Real aavina:• up to 30"· $
Th. N.wport DINING room table, block ...... 11 ( ) 2 1 · ho"' clothe11. hQu8ewarcs, etc. Ewl")7lhlng a:uaranteed lib "
w11 . e new , win " 706~t MarlgOld Cdf.t Sat Ii; MW. Sale llmlttd to spedtlc ;. School of Business walnut with ab: chain, like AJ2Mllil' 1: matll"euea $110. ..... • ttoclc • '° h.,.....,1 No money -;
new $60. 534-8527 ~~T-9499 1 ,;-;:"~======= -·• , 'A> down OAC, 5 )'tan to PV• "'
Features weekly refresher Quality king bed.quilted. l-IOUSEFUL of French Appllanca 1100 This 1rtat ale only e t: ~
coul'Sf!s In the skills you Ccri1plete·unUM1d '$105, worth Provincial furniture. M·ust ~ ·---~;;:; WARD'S BALDWIN srunto ~
need to l;Cl the job you $250. Aft 5 " w\r:nds ~~ be !IOlcl by next weekend. HOTPOINT ttlriaerator • Ul9 Newport, C.M. 6'2.&4M "
want! GORGEOUS decoretor l!tC· 67!)..1763 freezer, ;ood c ondi t ion. ()pen Evel')' Nile ;
Llonal, contcmp fine fabric. SPANISH cor bed unit, \\'hlte. 1100. 557-9499 A Sunday Atttmoon !:.
$33 Dowr Or., N.B Cost $6SO actll Sf'-:1. 49~·8322 rovert & back grn/R(lld. RE1'"RICERATOR. Hke new, BABY Grand Plan o, ~·
e.tZ..3S70 PRi5VJNC;AL End tab~ Trundle btd/bol!tl'rs, blue. Star~ Coldapot Frostleu Hardman P~k. Stt at 403 ,{
SAUCERMAN SCHOOL ilate 1op t1n1.m table $j(I, Call 830-6531 Sp&ccmakcr. $150. 4 -2101 13th St .. Apt A, lf.B. •:·
Co, Falrgruunds, ar. l·S -646-3603 Yo1JNG Red lox, tnmc $20. FRIGIDAIRE Retrf erator/ HAf.t~IOND Chard Orlan in i-'.
\Vhere the Pt'OfU'll.nl J Jo 111' ~ .~ha the tiiUd 7 FOOT Sofa. bh•.ck fabric, Rucoon. tan111 $50. Ca&e• f"reeter turquoise $$0. aood cond t n . \
good condlUon. SJS. SZ>-S.'iO. $46-2209 644-5859 Call 615-144$ ~
\Ylllli'1'1 ~d.~~cciman, 968-7438 llEYWOOD Wake r leld F1UClDAlRE Elect-ric PRTOIVBAUTYEP~~~oTYroWR .i_:
S.10-4060 Enroll now TIIE QUICKf..'R. YOU CALL. Bedroom set. &Olid birch dryer. C YI"" old. xlnt cond. ""'~
Eve"· 5#-l'IM THE QUICKER YOU SELi.. ,50. * 543-11&.'\ $6.';. 546--11612-or MT-.&ll!i C ;;,;ASll::;;.·--------·~?.
.. .. .. ~ ... .. •
FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES I H-'• How You ·Ca1t U10 ~""""" -~ Dime• A • LlnOI TO SERVE YO ...... ----··"'-...... ..... et ... 4 ce1v•f ... ..,.,..., . ..... , ..•.. , .... ··-
• .... .,.,. -.. ,.tcttl wllll .. It"" "" $15. .
O ~T llACH --2211 ..... -.
o COSTA MESA._ llt_w .. lop
o HUNTINaTON UACH _ Jot l'lflll -• O l:A-llAC:H ---UJ Fwftt Ano ..
l ,.
,c...21 .............. ,.., ... . .
1965 VW parts: 2 ruMina 0-f?LDRENS loya:, puztles, OI.SllES, white chlnii, 50 I CARPETING, w/w, bejze, SCHWINN 'D • ..;-bike $15. OlILD'S .~ -·"·r _ •· b:IUdl SS. RJlht door, b\!Udlrw bloc:ks,•typewrlte.r, l9 SI t ~ 20 .-......,. "-~ ~ DINETTE llf:t, with '4 chain:, DR.U1if ~l. bl~ sparkJe,
p1ect1. · • ""nch 14. )'ml• plua $15.. ox »eai1, BoYt 20" bike $10. ~ Wonder horwe "· ~· -·· """" Am·--· map}• •~. -••a'-" l<t. -pit•• complete s:zs. Headlight S5. pmn, roller 1kate1, Hang•"• I "511 .. _.. .__ ..,. ~ ~v .._......,, _, .,..... -........ ...
~ of
many, man)'
V\"lveta. c u t
b ·• .•1mp ..,, · no.-v· vcautituJ, SU. 'Form ica SALE MONDAY· Tt.blea ri MAPLE -.. __ _, """" .,.,,,,, Tail JJ&h,t S3. Muftler and truclca, tlet:trlc cat race JHtl rown \Vt&; et, 11tyled $4. kltche 1 bl large 1 1 · ... '·"'..., •.• -=~-=-------S25 e&eh. &a-8746. UT E. velvets, ail colors and .W,s,
beater boxes $15. Rear fmountedJ, wagon, f 11 h Clothes, good condition. 50c . [ n
"• ' c \&rs Twtn beds .$20. Dn!uer boa.rd §3>. Double mattteas, NEW ~lK\liD Wtwatcr rod Bil)' St. C, C.M. all hand made $2 • $6.
quart8 windows, 2 for J.>. tank. All 2.Jc to $8. 5'9--6'037. S3. Siu 3, 5, T. Shoes, hard· ree S · Ga.lion brine w/mbTor $20~ t.Uae· chest sprlriga $25. End. tabl~ ST. and reel SW. Boy's J.l:peed =eo""'y"·s'"e=~,,.c.~ 1'$5.~B"°lrd~..,.--on Ladiea clothca. sites 9-1.f, "$1
Uphab:tettd aide panels, 2 CLOTIIES size 16, sood ly wom, siu: S. :ioc. $1. Jee abrimp eg1s S2$. KI 5-3103. $15. Commode $15. Chairs Cott~ table "-Arrw!I bikt u:;. Che.mbitr)l 11el and land s{tlrt -$6, Gi.rl't dresi;es and c4t.
quaJ'ty good d It skates and caiw:, sh:e II, ~ CARPET, Uaed ~veral col· ,_._ Double ~ 125. Woo! c.a.i:nera fl5. Small chain S5 s mp s:i. Men and front. 2 rear SlO. ~9498 .. J • c on ion ; 641)..2133 blankets SI. El-~c ,_, each. T. v. M•-•vox ""· mlcroscopl" $5. Exercllle act Y.'ORlen's travel bags $1.50. sl:t:e 7, Sl -$5. 3 bowlln1 •,,-=--==~~----1 kn111, dre55es, blous•• on 5llc pt -~ N "" .. ' .. ; -·-...... 10AK. ~. heavy, vanit)' lihilta: ~ $2.50
826 BED, extra lortj; double. r )'~.... ew pans $5. Large mirror ui. One whttl trailer $25. $3. Phone &U-20i Sewine: machine $5. All balls, 2 with bags s;; each.
with minor and headboard Buttonahell, N.B. 646-068J. Beautyrest, aood condition. Polynter 2 tone ireen shag Marble top dres~r $25. 54&-53l& HOLLYWOOD &ini)e bed, clothirq: 25c lo SS. Gerrard 3J381 Cnirner Lane, llun-
And footboe.rd $lO. each. LADIES ski boob!, site 8.3~~. Box i;p1ing $20. Maltttss S4 J>tr )'d. 540--0336. HOU8ehold items J41c-$1. 30i.J 1'~CAN potter,y S1 • $10. oomplett-, uood condition record chaJlier $5. Je\velr)' tinglon Beach.. 962-3000 ,,_.,, -"'--u,~ co·'itio• M <. S20. 642-4888 CAPTAINS Cha.i1• $15. Montero, Balboa Me-. 1 indoor shoe skates, • .,.,., ••• 3672 10c to $2. 329 Magnol.la, <11-""""'""" "' """ ... ~..., It 3 S20 _, I>"<"" Cost M EDISON crib, excellent co~ 6Ta-0132 DESK S12. Ortner $20. Guatamala rattan told\.ni" CARRIAGE $.). Keystone a e ' · Dttsser S12· TENNIS rackets l ==a-7'-"--~--~ FINE Swedish modern livin&: . Huteh $25. Playpen $10. 2 ch•ir Sl5. DoubJe headboard 8mm camera $10. Keystone Maple chair ;3. '?°rner table • . ~ • Fur RED velvet, VC'lour. m uch dltion ~ includes mattress
room chair $3), ~ B_ABY cnb & mattress Sl.5. chest• $10 -Sl5. Walnut ,$15. Redv.'OOd table and ben· 8mn1 projector $20. ~1anual $2. , _Wagon tricycle $12. stole $25. Boy~ bike $25. and mate inc chair, very and cover . fi 4 11. 102 g ,
MINK Trim .,.,'OOI coat, siR 1 :~~t :f:t :~~~ dropleaf table $25. Old fruit che1 ;J.50. Jtatta.n bar 1tools Ice crearp freezer S5 :0"" h~Sft fl. BookJbelf I Delik $21), Worklfli:" e.Jectrie good condition, $2S. 962-8745 Newport Beach
$21. 6f4-l869 &trailer SU. walker $3, jars n. car bed $3. Apple $12.50 each. Lamp-table \\'omen's .toe skates S4." s!· ~icy~e = SOc •. $3. amall appliances, toasters 4 BREAKFAST bar stools, 2--3 TONS Bouquet Canyon "°'==.,,.=~~--=I bathtub Sl. baby clothes & pattern dtw. 60 piece tet combo $7.50. Modtl hone Motorola car radio $5. tri~serS? ·G ~ $3. 2 $2.50, irons $1.50, mixer $2. coral oolored CUAhion seats
BABY Oib_SJ.S. Play pen ;s. blankets 50c·S2. childl'en"s $2'5. Chair S2S. Pewter $3. coll Sl~l.50. ;portable TV, 2·painted louvre doors Baby buil)' pm~ ~h ~ Supper casserole $5. Chair $10 each. 2 television8', good and mixed &font', you haul
Both sturdy. 540-1683 tractor· $2, Tonka trucks 50c, Projector $25. Needlepoint l'lffdll tube, AM /Ff.t radio SIS. Oilld's pool 11.xlO feet Sl Wrouiht ~noo dre . SJ. Complete &el melmac pk:ture tubes, 1'lffd minor $20. AM-FM phono $1S.
400 Day clock US. Stand \VO nder hor•c S6 , $5. Bar s tools Sj. SIO. Dog hOuse $8. Ca1'd l\'ide$3.847-1081 table$1S Sho\verftoorupn: dishes $5. Brass clock 13. repairs $7.50 each. Bur· =54=8-0869=~~--~-
$7.50. Hollywood bed a.nd 'ryra11110M.urus Rex, S6 Boy Bedspreads $2. Sarurday and 1•!1J~ and_ chairs S 2 ~. TIRE CHAINS new TI&xl5 S6 4 asaort~ bar stools $i Belly board $2.50. Vacuum roughs addi~ machine S20. BUNK bed set witli mat·
mattress ~-JWI tree s;;. Scout uni!onn S4, Dress SWlday. 502 Larkspur, Cor-:P.!1n1wig $3 .. 8inm movie pair. 673-2315 each. Bottom boat paint 50c S2. Cameras Sl_ J.nd S2. Pole Small folding C?l loam nJ1> tresse& $20. 968-l854.
\Vrought iron 11ta00 $1. form (my double) U?, 2 ona del 1.lar. can1era $6. Fttt: screen and quart. 3 TV's S5. SlG \Vl\eel lamp Sl.50. Pictures 50c ber {llattresa $5. 1750 BTU ---~------t
642-7649 Formica erd tables SS. COLONIAL Craft solid birth tolls $20. Deeopage boxes s;r~~~ Old rash Ione d cbair SlO. Toilet n;.' Liquid $3. Toys 5e . St general wall f~~ Al $10. TWO 10 gallon butane tanks
dinette chairs 50c each full 1iu bookcase head· 50c to 13. Clothing, books ,~ the-wall double bed llOBP 7;;c i&llon Sat-&ln 16Cll Ruth 1..a.ne, N.B. 3 X 4 Steel chainlink gate with regulator $15. 543-9810
\\'ith cover and ~s~:p :S~ dinette table SS. love seai board, foot -size i'ails $2:1. mi~llaneou!. 2002 Baja, ~"· Doubl~ mattrea& tor bed 19692 ConsleUatk.n Hun: 2 POWER mowers Sl5 and $5. Shot gun shell 12 gau1e SOFA $25. Matching chair
1845 Monrovia., Sr). 62. $4, lara:e chair SlO. Ex-Ham f\fatching 2 dra1vcr ni:iht Blulfs, behind c.dM Hi, NB. $10. Mens Western style tington Beach 96'Mi36J $25. Roller skate shoes in $2.SO box. 962-4219 Sl5, good condition. Chrome ,., •~s !: elect. item,,. BC·....., stand Szj. Sn!. """·· all day t-":'C.., '"'f \fiY .• k """"-brown suede boots, C06l $65, BENCH '. 110 R ~ I SIO BOX sprin"' and mat-·• -· '•J Su G73-G3 ........... 1 es •'"• \\'Orn twice llize 91' $25 table Wllb 4 dra\~·crs ca~ · eco ... P ayeL· · • "'".... breakfast tablt:, 2 chain
Deep sea 'rod and rttls $20 w/2X tubes $25. RA 74C nday. 90 bt·sldcd rug Sl5, pi cture ~7056 ' 1 ' · and attached vise SlO. 'l'ooJ Camera and Oash $3. }~ire and frame full llize Sl.5. $20. 54g...9870 •
P .S. $10: box of x fmrs $2, UPHOLSTERED chair SlO. and toys SJ. Pi-iany . . . box Sl.50. Plumbing shelf, screen Sl. Shoes 50c pair. Refrigerator Gibson 2 door
=I :-64~t electric 1860 New Jersey St., c. M. Television stand S2. Dresses Slj, French provincial bed 23 _ Otl ~B.lntmgs for 13Je 74" x 8• ""ith 30 coni· Bedspread and drapes $5. needs 11>'0rk, 6 years oki OOUBt.E hung w i ndow, 540-0863. Sl • $5. Drapes, curtain rods S2J. Extra long mattress ~25. Sizes BxlO to 24x48. partmentll $5. Single day Bowling ball, bag and shoes $12.50. Room heater $7. trame, 4' x 5', $15. Doors $3.
OVAL Braided rug, 91,.S x 14 BOYS 27"
Speed Bicycle 50c • $2. Vases lOc • 50c:. and 1prings $25. Chairs $5. Landscapes, sai lboat s.I bed $2. Patio couch s2. 2 SIO. Pictures S15. Sat-Sun. La1'ie me desk S25, Lavatory with fittin&s ~
$20. Orange .00 gold tweed $2S, Call 646-9792 642-75;)5 f.faple table ~-Chest $2. seasca~~ and othe~. All pole lamps, one S2. One 50c: 231 Knoic Place 842-7294 c6~75-<~_523 _______ : :
rug, 7x9, $12.:'AI. Hanging f.!APLE butt rfl tabl $
GAS range, apt. 11ize. 20'' Bed frames w/headboards are . original, an e>i:cellent Door. JJ~~" s 79~1.". S::S.50. BELLY board $20, excellent METAL bunk beds without BOY 'S l a r ge and men's
lampg $4. Floor lamps $3. A
e Y .e · oven and broiler S25. $5. Mirrol' $2. Games and Chr11tmas gift. 531-3793 Inside door 29\~" x 80'", SJ. condition, Wet suit SlO, Sea mattresses $2). Acrylic 6 X small size shirts, pant!,
"·'-ad•, curia'••, II -•"' mer c an Hert ta.<' ,1 3 d · 9 $"' ea h' S3 t all•• La J DC\.{~,,.~ .,~ --. beds a $10 d f Eslelle. 67..-970 to)'l lOc-$1, Deep fat /ry.!.r DOORS $3. Screen door $3. oors, _various sizes S2 suit, 111edium $10. 54:>-4677 · rug MJ. I tnette . l!Wf!a ers .,.,. de& size
Chairs $10. _174.15 Banyan tablC'p$~. im:e ~~ti~~ SINGLE track motorcycle $3. Jewelry box SI . BedS15.StoolSS.Glauware each. Cabinet panels 35" x BOY'S Schwinn bike. ne"•ly Vanity table $5. 18321 7rlnkrollerskates$5.Shell ~ount&in Vall ey . b~ed rur Sl5. Rooster trailer, good conditioq $25. Stainless SJ. Baby clothe• Sc41. Dishes Sc-s 5 . 36~S". various others sizes painted, excellent condition Jacaranda St. 962-4626 bronze state coins StO. saw ====~~=---I put-up lamps &: matching 642--0368 Z)c, Picture frames 50c--$1 . Thermos 75c. Tra\'el iron and 8 · 4c per loot. Posl. 8' ui. 226.CSbrillo SI. 548-2803 BABY bed S7. Play pen $3. blades Sean 8 inch SI all.
CREDENZA $25 King:, doll-pr. Plank .seat chairs $25. SPANISH \\i"OUght iron din· Cake caJTiers 50e each. Ice $2. Record aJburru 75c. ~ ~~~~ ~2 ; 14 aPndl 108'. ACCORDION 120 bass S25 3 VW bus trailrile hitch $8. New seat belts and bumper
ble bedspread $10. Suit SlO. SmaJJ pine table $18. SmaJI ,· .......... m ••t, 4 cha•·-S8 crusher 50c. Paper maehe Clothes size 12-14, S1·$8. .. • ~ .. per oo · os · · Velzy surfboard Sta. 2$-28 jack S3 each. \Va1nut TV-"" ·-..... •a 1ru· x 8 x 4 SI 2214 Elden '''ood bar stools \11ith green n. ... "' v and end tables solid .,.,"QOO
673-5924 rocker S16. leather hat box •ach. Tab!• '"'· Rattan it $3. Tea service $:>. Shoes some new Sl-13. · .' · 11 Be ..... "'." parts SI !s$25c, 9472 -Sil Ave Cl\1 ;,43--5143 seats 5 each. Jge typing ~1 , ... ___ S4 to $4. Black board 25c;
O'KEEFE And f.1erritt gas S18 Pair Coach lamps $25. headboards and chair, can ver bov.•I $3.· Ceramic Bric-a.brae 25<.~. Dried , . table SlO. \Valnut ~cord "' o , .......... HB. 2-5046 Purses 25c. Beads 15c.;_
range $25. 548-6809 small dough box $22.50. be used as 2 twin or vases 50c-$3. Suits and floral arrangement S 2 , GOl.D naugahyde sleeper cabinet SlO. Double Maple YOUTII bed '"ilh mattress Puzzles 10c. Rag dolls 35c!
Dishes Sl-$10. Pewte.r & kingsize set S25. 1'1atemity 11poru coa.ts size 411 S7.50 to Jewelry SI. New haod knit sofa SIO. Green naugahyde bookcase hesdboard and S4. r.faple end table $4. :r.tystery paper b~cks 2dcl
NICE Lone walnut l..'Ofiee metal llems $3--SlO. t~ruil Clothes 50c .• $2. 111ze 10-14. $15. Copper cani&ter S2. triangle stole $7. Radio SS. rocking chair ~$10. Manual frame $25. 5.)7-9499 847~2 Sund.lea of curtain rods
bible Sl5. Matehing end print • antique frame S18. Little boy"s clothes, sizes 1· Tov.·els 25c: each. Spice rack New deluxe ironing board car coolci· _$3. ~l&-09-18 MATCHING Cloisonne ear-each. Lunch boxes lOc cacfl I
table$12.Tv.:olalldecorator Pictures, frames, prints SI· .t JOc . Sl.50. 1l9 J.tonle and bottle• S2. 3 brass pla· Sl2. f.larble 1dabs S2 . 71 " TV 520. Chevrolet V-8 NE\V organ bench Sl5. Elt>e· rin .... _ __, -If fi-•·-1 ... Ch'ldre )Amps, blue-green $10 each. $7. 2 school desks $11-$12.50. U II h c · I bl a •-.. bu!.._ . tric knile s:;. AdJw;t.ablC' foot ,,.. • .,.... .... ._.,..., '--" I n's Diges1 book.s ltk Vista, C.i\1. 548-42 ques eac . It' s ue wwer "" Sc. 4 2 j auto trans1n1ss10n S 2 5. •<-I "'. ",2 fll'M Ladie11 elect tic razor $3. 963-2927 _
New thin line aqUarium Pitcher !:; bowl $18. 4:>9 t tu tr' · 4 " Cu H J' Cd'! "·d d 13 · lad bo l "" .,, V't ~J'" ===""~~---~o'I PAIR twin beds, complete coa r •m, 111ze ~ r-e iotrope. " ot: sprea . Sil "' Wellas heal cap S2. Shelves sc:H NN
with accesaorles, 10 x 6 x 12 F'rancisco Dr., N ~ w port $20 each. Pair night stands tains $1-45. Plllows SOc. STINGRAY Bike 52j . Maple $4 . Ne'v. i\·laplc ~an1p shade GAS range, apt. size S2.i .1l'ith brackeL"I Sl.50. Basket· Sli:ay '$IS~:JJ. s~ud( r f!°J
in SS. Large gcalJoped tree Beach. S9• Se\'eral table lamps $5 Brown bolsters $3. Orange chairs tables tv.•in bed S1. Radio S3. P1ctu1·c tube Clean. 5'18-3382 ball drop. no net, Sl.50. shade lanips $lj and sin:
rings $1.60 each. OelU>i:e l ·LAMPS S5 each. 2 white. each. 548-lll62 J'1ijl; St. Bl~e _nower _ar-$.)-$2:>: Ca~ting $25 . reju~enator chl'c.kcr $2j. 4 BURNER gas stove v.•ilh Radio SOc. 842'2 Gilton! Large boy jacke\.'I, shi.-;
deep fat fr]ler $2.50. Baby moire shades, v a I an c e 5 rangcment $5. Pink chenille Beginne 12 bass rdi 150~1 E. 18th St. Costa one oven, good c..'Ondition Ch'Cle .. ~·
walker SL Infant seat 50c. blue-gnen fringt trim 74" SCRAM-LETS dbl spread $2. Heirloom dbl s25. ~18 acco on l>fesa, betv.•een Orange iJld $25. fH6-9739 123= .. ~T~V~$2=~Good-~--kn,'; ~O. • ~~angloi::
5(9-0567 long SlO, ~3608 ' spread s:i. Electric broom Newpol1 Blvd. 548-6529 HAlR dryer. prolessioM.I blend~~ $5.
Beauutuf ,;,r;:: uniforms 50c • S2. Chair $J.;
TELE\TlSION. RCA console CAR Seat SlS. play pen,· ,ANSWER·S S5. 10121 Theseus Dr., H.B. BOOKCASE, Slidinl glass SURFBOARD 10' $3). Belly upright, good condition $25. group desk and bookcase Sl5 Velvet paint~_}t Desk a.Qd'.
$20, 545-8837 maple S25, Swingomatic Sj, 54:;..o500. 10 Ml· 4 PM, Sat, doors $8. GE J-apeed board $25. GoU cart $10. 646-5.ill each. 3 drawer student desk chair $20. Fireplace scrtt
DOUBLE o-1 bo• •P"'"P bath tub, scales, etc $5. pool and Sun. portable rec..'Or'd p I a )" er Scub11. tank $25. Regulalor C $15. Bookcases ..,0, $15. $3. 546-6207 afler 10 """" " ,.,, Drop•y -Sinner -Egoism Sl2 50 673-8563 1~. S 11 H k 'ARPET, 'viUow g reen "' and mattreM SlO. 646-9520 cue ldrumstickl $25, small _ Racial _ Loafer _ Tak· CHROME Table 2 chairs · · '""'· ma oover Ian Fortrel, never used brand Vanity dresser $15. White
COPY h1achine, Including rocking horse $5. 5M-8527 \nc; -STOCKED It for ?llE clothes hamper $io. 54>2t97 CORNER China cabi~t S25. vacuum SlO. Phone 53&-3507 nc'" 3' x 31' strip, good for and gold naugahyde dinette
paper S25.
75-1393, 2312 POOL table, large $25, club A Texas oil millionaire '"a.s SEA.RS SUvertone :.tereo i.n M~any che.st or drav.·ers 2 MAG rims. 6" v.'ide, like hall $2(1. 642-4888 chain S4 each. Good
Newport Blvd .. N.B. chair, dark green $10, sho11·ing his daughtl'r, just C'Xcellent cond'tion S50 S25. New chenille spread SS. new. fib! V\V bus and below BARGAIN Rambler radio 1960 $8. 15432 l:=,:,,,~~~.'-'--=----1 school chair. $10. pl a&ter reiurn·~ from college. his 54:>--6795
• New Artloom throw rug $8. or Porsc h e, S2Q each.
homes, Duke Cir. HB, near ~1cFad· DREXEL Twin headboard, ligu,.., & \\'all m"ka 11 12 ........ Hair dryer Sl.25. Ironer S15. 536-1633 fuin.iture: Bookcase S 1 · den and Edwards r k L-~ ' ' nc1v C)late. He had pUl l!eV· BRAND N R" II ' N Card table S2. P atio table 80 ~ oa ' burnisucu metal $3. 763-4144 era! hanf!ig111JL)'.OUng life c1v ive e racing e1v thro1v ~g S I . 7 5. AQUARIUM equipment and S;i. lamps $5. Telephone FIVE Pirelli tires. 5.~13
trim, new $10. 495-5311 DOUBLE box springs&: mat· guards in the: swi1nming pool. set-with loads ol l!'ack, Flah11ll't', 4 p1ect set 50c. fish lanks, complete $3. S25, stand Sl. Electric broUer good tread SlO ca ch .
. JEEP Gas cans, used once, tress 125. 15j7 r-n·ander D•. "Oh, daddy." sL-exclaim-originally priced at $35. will New double v.·ool blanket 89"...-7407 oven s;;: Bar-"jo wilh spit \Vrought iron shelving S2.i. '-"" • nc sell $10. Bclly board design· $l2, New glass coUee pot _ _ "'"" 968-7449
Sl .50. 495-.53TI No. c ed. "yoo"ve STOCKED ii for ed to be used on all public 75c. Antique kitchen table SKI. boot.&, iib.e a and 8 $5 a SS. Decorator items: Quilted ===,.....~~~~-~
TRUNDLE Beds, modem TIRES \V/S\V 8.55xlJ, 4 ?<I.E." beaches, excellenl condiOon Sl:!. Small drop leaf kitcMn pair. 67J...8963 double bed.Spread $1. Area BUTANE tank olf trailer li
design, make into tuJJsize tubeless $8 each pJus I extra BIG box ol dishes, good S~. SlO. Top qua.lily rubber table S9. Pair ne\v figurine 4 STICKLEY f.1aple Spool :;3I; S7io!.s"ire)11~~ ~~ full of butane ga.3 s7
. Patio
twins i( desired $20. <195-5371 for spare free. 4 piett CUM-"· Cake nli.'Cer $4. Small nieat Ismail) K\\'im fins, like nc\v bedroom laniru. S:la. Ne11· back dining chairs $17.50 c•-> $2. p,·ctu-s "· bart:ittue $3. Large boy's ,,--,... ... •• Schwinn bike, ne1v tires. ex.
WESTERN Refrigerator, ex· ed sectional equals .42', grindet• Sl. 119 t"lo11'er SI., S3. May be seen al 3201 ~hol\·er and curtain sel each. Table $20. 5 d111wer Batluwm scale Sl .75. Ice cellent condition S20 .
. cellent, u cu ft, S20. needs reupholstering SIO Costa ~lesa Iowa St .. C.~t. $2.50, Electric broom S7. baby chest Sl5. Pair blonde bucket SI. ladies train case S\lrfboard rack for car 111th
495-53TI cachsection.642·7984 G ENE RAL ~l cc lr l c 5 Drawer Vanity Birdseye Curling ironli SL F ire !!el j oak chests SJ7.50 each. S2. Dresses, sizl' 12-16, $4. Jocks, like ne\v $13. Ne1v
KODAK 8mm movie camera PING Pong table $10, model automatic W8l!hcr, <'XCCllent n1aple 48" diameter n1irror piece SJ . New J picct" 81?ndc coUec and 2 mat· SS. Sal·Sun. 41 76 Brisbane, double sink 32" X 16" S7.
a utomati c eye_ ui'. train SCI S15. 644-1656 \\"Orking t."Ondllio n and v~ry S2.>, good condition. Big Boy ballu"OOm set $7. New linens chi~ end tables SlO each. University Park. 833-2660 Sandstone color, 536-8296. clea •'>""· i\ler c ruii;er 2Jc to •~. Roller sh&des 20c. Pail'_ bunk bed niattress sets 4<>l 7 h S
Technlcolor projector, easy BOYS bike, SJ J tonka trucks mai~ne "'7~chomcter for 4 2'4' BBQ $4.50, \\'ilh spit and \Vai.u:'be ll'tlnk SJ J Toll·el S17,:i0 each set. Eniel'90n TV \\'Orks OK $25. 2 small
1 1
· HB
portable S2(). Best vie.,.,ing $2-$3, games 2X·S2.50. books lind 12 11 1 n1otor. 6' and 7' Xmas trees. bars 75c Neiv 36 pi~ce Cur· Ponable 1V. S2:i. Roll lop bikes Sl2, S15. Small electric BUNH: beds 1vith bookcase
llCI'ttn on stand $l j. All only 5c·$1.50. shoe skates $1.SO, ": c v:~ u ;~ d sy$ ~~'. aluminum S2.50 each. Color rier and ·Ives $2,;. Sugar and child's desk $12.50_. 1.taple heater $5. ~1525 headboard S2J ea ch.
4 yn: old. Buy them all $50. toy1, 5c-$2 excel cond. 3J IV . 1 1 0 • d \\•heel. ne1v Sl.50. Roto-Broil ~,am 13 ~ C 1 _ _, shutter door cabinet for HOLLY\>OOD "·d, b 0 ~· Fire pl art set SlJ. Chest Sl2.
lo h I~ 8 · esting 1ousc e cc MC ryer, · c. er w UIT er auu cc " 494-5311 mn1 \Y a1 ~. t'Ownu! 20 -8 1. ro!isseric $3. Ven et I an · · phone r ecords or liquor springs and mattress SlO. 3 Round table $9. Calkboard
DE.SK, Excellent c..'Ondition ~~~~~as ;i:tf ~: ~an!l:~ ~:it:s $~~:w -~:~~s~ $3. ~ind~s2 21 14~,:;:• 6:1 ~51, l1 h" ~vue~~~a~~e:s ~c~:;~~.e~~.~~: cabinets $15. Pair l\Iaple 1\taple bar stools 24" high s':i~.le19~k ;~.:1·,r~n S~·ir.i\\u1~ $25. 673--1674 sal 1 · J · • · eac · A t H . 1 \'l caplain's chall'S $20 each. $10 for all J. Fostoria
$2. ballet I:. tap shoes Sl ·$.l G.E. garbage dispo · • ike good condition. 962--765.l. u unill' a?.e !£l'vi<.-c or -548-8611 CryEtal "Navarre" pauern 962-6379
MOVIE projector excellent rain boots Sl.25. (21 twin new $10. 1\tetal bed lrames, l!Hll Salmon Lane. J-tun-$2:>. Nc1v hell\')' double L'Ot· · 110 · I~=-""'~~~-~= condition S25. Da y 11 t e spreads, $5 each canopy bed adjustable S2. 54&-8236 Ion blanlcet 59. N r \I' SINGLE. bed mattl'Css and $1 to · Schwinn Slingray SKI rack for V\V 1'00f. like
viewer $6. Chine!e antique top cover St.2:>, drapery tington Beach. material t.'OHon <tlld 11·001 box spnngs. new S25. Cosco bike Sli. Electric skillet 52. new S12. &12-3772
opium pi,_ holder $14 and BOOKSHELF. built-in. ap-FOR Sale; Chrome dinette 75c to I"~. ,\11 n1:·.1· E'lko pl'O-high chair $6. 675-6999 \VaUle iron $2, Bissell rug l\10TORCYCLE h c Im et s' ,,~ hardware Sl box, V.TOught proxiniately 7"6" high, 6'6" table and 4 chairs, 420. tl) ...,, shampooer S3. Girl's coat picture frames and prints S4 iron chain, box S2.25, e!ec· ,vide. Complele to nu any 1 duct egg bc<1lr~· $~. Tool set ROLLrA-\VAY bed.~ Sl5 and size 6 SS. Snow pants size 5 lactory secondg hall price each. 1 --, cop-, 1 ., y trl -• · ..,. · lo• ho \1·indo1v 36x48 co mp et e 11 R u-· *'} N $25 Ooubl~ '·d $2' Chai-$16. 962-0061. HB ......,,. .,.. • cw misc. ~ .. uip • use \\'ail. Beautitul condition \\'/frame S7. S48--042'l · · o in~ P111 ·I•· e\V 12 · h j b;i. k ... _~" $1. Ham radio antenna "l-1,y· I ~""""""=C.,:=--~-hand painted and glazed $16. \\iring. 25c·S5. paing 25c·S1, S:W. 23·· Scott :spreader $5. blouses Sl.JO 10 .tl. Curtain eac · llP e un -ucus Gain'' all brand verlica1 ti).. S\VEDISH n1odei11 ntahogany
2 oval picture lrames old $8 cork 25c, men's pants (3'1 1, Neiv fii~platt screen with Hl Intensity lan1p SJ. ~16 and rlraprs j{).• !Q $3. Nick S25. 205 ·28th SI., NB 80 meters like neiv S25. end tables s nd comer table
each. 2 Chinese Fu dogs $4. shit1s lmedl. clothes 16x-8l accessories $1 5. pi C' n; c Bov.·doin Pl .. C.l\I. n:i.Cks ~ hl ,;; Odds and CHEST of dra\\·ers and vani-Colenian 2 bw·ncr LP fuel S12.j([ each. Tall \\'hite Gl'f'-
each. Chinese hand painted rx--P 1866 Tahili Dr. (i\1esa bench with buill-ln benches, Uf.IBRELI..A Clothe~ dryer. end~ 2,,.· "' SL Glasses. IY S\5 C'ach. 646-1801. 2tll camp stO\"I' u:;ed "''ice 510. cian urn .'.:-way table lan1p
scroll $9. Phone 642-6935 Verdel 546-7533. unusual $20. 64~ aluniinuni frame $5. 2:il6 U!shr~ :I\· lo SJ. 1730 E. 16th St NB &.'O!Ch Koolel" $1. One g<1llon $1:>. 536-87·!0
ETTd E St bdureau 19:>.'i BUICK. runs good $25. 444 ANO 5-l4 Volvo parts $1 Bo\vdoin PL, C.i\1. !\lonu1·c11 Pla1.c1r. J\ledsa 18" PORTABLE: TV S20. thf'nnos SI. 2 lihrc glass AUT()..11•ashe1· s2·1. Duncan
Phyfe 1;'\ble SlO. Anliquf'
!able $7.:-{I. lhiir dl')'Cl' SJ.
Clock radio S'.!.:>0. Baby bed
510. Sl!'Oller $8. End tables.
c..'Of!ce tabll's, and corner
tables $3.SO each. '..! \\"!liker.-..
, n oor o ut oor 540-1S42, 546-9460 • s25. 673--S376 8 Crilcher,y ream<'l'S S20. \'c1~h\ ·;1i;..:~ .l SatUI' ay Dishnia.~tr.r good $2'!. New contour chain; heavy duly,
carpeting Sl sq )'d., white
AND 16 ~~ nails S< 00,,._ . until i<vl;I. cloth can-icr ~J. .'> 1;,., coral l..'Olor SJ rach. 2 Table f SlO 52 ....,,. GIVE hin1 so1nelhing dif· Thompi;on valve guide 1ool --·---. . " ence • can opencr • ~~··Milwaukee dtill $20. 3/8 fet'ellt for Christmas Booze· !ili'f SIO (,o..'C..ette valve 1001 l!.\NU 111·1·,..~ ror u11pn11hng scl'eens. bn1ss S~ · S6. Citr lanip~ 38" I.all s;, each.
pots and pans 25 c. drive metric :socket& set $7. ().meter, a skill game for SlO. 24.: Slilso n pipe \\Tenchl ~-1~1·'.:~:i!tis 0:<1rds S:?O. ice cooler $6.:; hair th•yc1'S Bcig" vlnyl otton1an $3.
lawnmo.,.,·er $3 ~ S18, 2ZIO Orange. C.1.1. den or ,.. tio $10. &t2-li:'>8 s;;, ?ltisceJlaneous body and _.ii~·~' S4 . $8. 2 bathroom scale~ ~I Nl'\v black lamp post tor mogs: set 50c, vaponzer Sl, -~ • S2. Toilet scat $1. 6 clr.C· yard S2. Antique card !able
-'-h d-' k 511c GE electric v.'&Sher filler TIRES, 4 c~ .. , •• , o ·,•14. lender tools $10. Kodak ,\lJTO~!.\TIC 1\·asher S:ll. """'' es .,.ng rac · · ' . · · · vvuu.r .... "'".,. ttic clocks SI . $3. 4 clock S2. Bed pan SI. CI0\\'11 pie· $'..' each. Po11·er n1011-er $15.
camp stove SS, Poles $1, ski flo_automabc, ~xcellent con-\\'hite i;idc walls, 3 have 8mm model 2:l movie t..ai·gc n·;: .~lO. Guitar S6· radios$:>. $10. 3 TV stands rurcs \:}" x 29" S2 each. Garage heaters $3. Clothes
boota $10. Mi"•· $10 -all dltion, a steal at ~. 4000 miles 1 new SlO each. camera 2.7 lens S l 0 · BIJ ~1111 $:;. Lanlp SI. SJ • $5. 2 small radios S:i Boy'8 PF flyet•s lennls shoes :& to S3. Dl'apes 2jc • $2.
t-t•-SI' 11,..pla-•-Js 613-461~ "A" ""1)'7 675-52:>8 V11cuun1 Sl. 769~~ \V. 20th · 3 . va~ '""'-"' '"" wu ~· each 39101 · Channel Pl NB inze \11 n-1 $2. Child'11 car Sl.7:;. Gl~ware 2X · $1.50.
n Bl-ll -•·m-n, BEIGE '°fa $15. Occa•>0' n·• · -S1 of! Ph•o:cuti11. C:'ll · '
• ...,. """ "'"" t'"'""""" •• cu NATURAL Kneehole Desk PORTABLE Type:\\Tller \Vllh _._ ' ' ' 673-1603 !!eat belt new $1. Baby First Old vanity $3. 2'10 10th St.
twin beds w/trames $25, chair $4. Siq:le go l d l9x46". 7 drawc~. iood case $8. Deluxe black baby BEDSPREAD, quUled, dou· . Step like new $4.50. lncredi· H .B. 536-3136
Tank aquarium S20. pipes bedlpread $1. candelabra cond. $25, iirls Jr. 26" car seat SS. Baby tub \\•bite bl<' b(>d, orange $5. Pair SE~RS tt'ailer. ~llt'. \\"heel ble Edile set like new $3.1 ~=-=-""""'----
gal 50c each gT"eat for volley 50c -$1.. Gius salad bowl. English 3 speed bike, fine Sl . ?>1&nual lawnmower $5. bC'ige tlL"apcs, llj" \l'id<', 50" W .Sc:hwl~~ ~e "°12:>· ChristmM Fib re boa rd SCOOP ehair, blue and green
bR.ll, trlhtt ball Ill' um · aerven $1.50, Pyrex teapot $25 Boy' Stri All excellent condition. Ne1v lon_g SS. Brass traverse rod, tn1-gun sul""' .. , lireplace Sl.50. Christmas floral Sl5. Large 6 candled
brdlas. clothes lines wicker 7~ Christmas decoraUves ~bike: new' tiresn~l, large TV stand metal $:>. ""1c111.ls :-0:2", $5. 1971 C. ~b~·n 4mohaw~r ~ DouD1n1b~ lighled canes set of 6 $2. 2 black wrought iron light ti'C·
chair S5. white cottte S2.20 25c • St.50. 313 Rochesler, 391 ' \\"alla('C C.i\1. a c. c irs ~~a. e Boy Scout uniforms size 12 hire $20. f.fanning-Bowman
table $5, drill flres5 $10. Costa Mesa, S aturday . Phone S4S-l032. Call 646-l -• bed $2S. Chest or drawers and 14 $3. CUb s c 0 u 1 e\ecllic hedge clippers, used
grinder SS. 3241 New York 642-5334 ROCKER SlO, bicycle type OLD Model s<!\vlng 1nachlnc ·~ CADILLA~-e-ngine $~. SlO, Old dressl'I'! S20. Roto-C ~1 Sa nd SUn 10 ex e re i so r S 6 . G E $12. Short black \\'ig $.l5. F l'ont ~•\Cl. $2J. ~ Tires $2.1. broil $5. Step stool SI. 2 gun u n i to rm size 10 $3. 3 times $10. 20152 r.tidland
Ave,_ · • l. " TWO 6 x 41 ;" It. v.'001 beige 642_n,,,,, Trll nsmtss10n $25. R.est or it ra"k• ., ••cl• .• 1,p1, ,,... Baby canvas back ctuTier Ln. 96&-7438 A?lt·a p;i.t I rerr•0 erator $2(1. J-ll-Fi S20. ......., · • .,, I t ~ -'' "' 15 •t It I I $6 · • rugs SS.SO f'ach. Po arold X-1;"112. 2 shoiicascs S1l s:.::>. ~ rifle ......,_ Slg l~s or tablci; $2 each. Baby cribs · "a ' poii'f' s IOP · MOVING must sell Bendix
ALL iten\9. excel. cond: Land Color tlW, $25. 3 1peed BEIGE Beaded .!! "'ca I l' r t]I{' nllf' Si. Blonde \\'1g $10 SlO C'ach. Porto-cribs $7 For·X·!!C'\'t-n $2.jl). \\"ooden
Kne:issl "21$" Skis Plastic automatic ttCOl'd changer e~ch. 54G--0,)29, 12-19 \\'atson, $1..30. l picre black suit fmadt: in ~1 . Fishing C'ach. Odds and ends 1112 \V. shoci; $2.50. Gel'lt':ral Ele-t':-;:,:~t· yo~ndbu~ d~~· Ta~~
Lam. w/Nevadil toe S25. $3.75. l\licroscopc $5. ladles Costa f<le~a. 11·/m1nk 1,.'0llar $25. i\lr polt-and rct'l S_'I. \\\V.l n-an front Balboa, hie 12 hour \'apo1·1ter $4 . • 7 14 13. k ,, ~' l'·JJ · bl 1 tennis table $10. 2 folding tire chains .SOX new and men's clotheg tnnn SI • Sfl!ALL All' com plT$S01' $Zol. Blacln1elt black coc tau bayonet $1.i. Bookl! .iOc · $'!.1. 67• !"""" u i11~.r-ue paid bed '· .>-~ rl $ beds and 1n11.tlttsscs $4, for
remote control rrar view $5. Bits and pieces of xn1as cards S3. S\.j(I box. (Ln"!B \l'/coal $10. 2 piccc eulb 1ypc light lixture-s for sprca J, \VoorJcn cannist;r
mirror $5. 22" black glaii~ dl1he1, glasses, china, 2'".JC: • Sinith corona 1y""11Titel' black leather trim cock1ail 11·ork~hop ct<:. S3. i\lC'tal beri GIRL,'S Slingray bik~ Sli.50. liCI $3. 2 b1Jrn"I c11al!'!t all.
beautitul ll'l'OUgtll iron
h !'
" -~ "'" ~1 J d b k s-b bl d al'ld n~1ugahyd<> har stools
exterior Jig t ~ hi.nu Sl. LP records 1De each. 3 x S25. o i·lf'ntal cotfe-c table $Ult \1·/niatching: hal S'ZQ. st1:1nds and spr ings $2. CASH ":8 n, s ~pee 1 ·c ~· l'l'.':11.lha e nau.g11hy r. C..'Ol"fl.I 30.. likl' neiv Sl2 C'ach.
mower SS. walnut table 7 fl. safety glass $15. 2 twin s~. A~,·t,'cl" P3ini trtt $2:1. Rudi Gcmrcich bl'O"'n cul ONL\' 494·W.11 fro1n 6 10 8 Gtrl s Ice skates s.1. 646-3G!l0 $20 <'ach. Old n111.pll.· r1·an1c •• hobb 'u • • ., ,_ 14, 9 \\"estinghousc hulr dryer.
tamp <12'' ..,. '#Ollde-r Y metal frames $2.50 each. Orienl&I llhadoiv bo." SJO. out dress $a. !lites JO .and 12. p.m. only C 0 FF EE tab I e SIS. •nul ... r 111 x 1 1
K S•1. Food never used SS. Very good
ht3rlC 33'" ht SlO.. 54&--1794. Twin mattress: $7. 418~~ Oriental rockina chair $U. Packard Bell StertO rad\o WHITE Desk or vanity ,vtth Fireplace ~('n St>. L&mpa blender like new $5. Chroine siewing machine SlO. s
' f"OO'l'. 4 tube ltuorescettt Heliotrope, QlM. 67$-0689 \Vork bench $1. 536-1857. conibinaUon $25. 8 ft. couch gold handles and 4 drt.V.'ttS Sl C'ach. f.latmJlty clothes c&nnlster set Sl .50. Pyrex &alloM ol Scars Latex Oat
C.ellil'C ~. new $65 EARLY Ammca..11 Maple ELECT. can opener $4.50. KOO<! condition $25. SSU142 StO. Beige rug 12xl6 $7. 3 SI. 675-4138 ='~~rl ~il~~~e:e;:i Indoor paint $2 gallon. G.E.
value, $25. 646-QS, doubl~ bed $20. ~fattras set BleO<ler $8. Juicer $15. l ~t" SEALY Mattress and bOX sets building bloc\cs 13.. \Vild LIKE new, beautifUl dark belts Sl pair. Maple ex· mUtt ms.leer excellent SS.
'.P!;WJUT!:R $15. addina: $20. Early American 19" TV :< 4' x 8' styrofOlm S3., 1640 iprtngs, double Sl2. Baby \Ve~t train set $4 . Fort brown wig pt.Id S175. lll!:ll fm" lension dlninc table $25: 962-a140
macfdne $30. blue chip ct.blne
t $20.IDl.n~ modem Newport Blvd .. No. M. C.l't' elolhe1 $1.50 per box. 21\¥\n Al amo set. $4. Boys skates, $15d · ca:, $4bed. Brown .~th Skis SlO. Birch dinette table l .TR=u.=1=P=ITI'=-~12;~--. ~ea..~-~~
ltampl p .50. Rotart lawn 1tcl ona -each. bed headboards $! each. sltt 6. like new in·ca&e $6. uroy .,.,· covet .,., reaJ nice $25. Antique pie> moulhpleee tor same $10.
mower. )IMda work SS. bat·
Surfboard with car nck SZ. SA1!,_11S00,,NITE1:~:~ Casegolf 3-speed bike good condlOon Girls skates size 71i S3. Set ~a~h~d-'bolster ..,coven51 1 ture frames $J ea eh , Trumpel, olds. $25. c.ue.
tfries •ts. 540-9990. Z--6236 MJ uer, S12. Spider boys bl.kc $6. oc Hardy boys books 25c .,...,:;.,, ""• u sawia ••• a General Eleclrlc tron $1. mouUlpl~ and mwiic liar ghoc-s 512. New \\'00\en · -= bench SJ 50 Black ke WINDOW tiua S/JJ inch, 4 CHAIR a.nd ottoma.n SlO. Gu ~er Sia. Kitctien table each. f.IO\.""le pro)Cetor .~. · · Doll furniture SI • $4. tor same: fll, Tntmpet,
,..... 31' x fil-9 tt... 2 panes .BUl.ineu detk $25. Chair 15-~:;:, !~~-L~u~~n ~ $1. ~ l'lctal Z<'rbagc eans i\lctAI CASC!. for pro~tor SIO. 'si:.!~~h ti~~~s 35c S?~1 ~~ Aatorttd Ouistm1is dctora· Gctzcn sz. Case and
2\i"6 h. µ nc:h, 000\'ef Americana Encyc:lopPdla , 30 ""' W.:iO. Post and rt.ii fcllf.<e l'lovle f"recn SIO. i:oaslers 6;-._9::.68 ' iiorns Sc (.0 $2. Dishes le. $2. nloulhp~ for !!amt $23.
,,iacuum dnner SS. new \'Olumes $22, Tnink $10. cost S150. sell $25-Oi'Cs..<ies. $11, Nciv tennis racket~ S3 and kitchen ulcnsUs jl)(,.--.$13. GlllSllel 5e to 25c. Pou and. Cornet. Holton, S~. Case
auto eeat bfoltl S5 pair, dou· !>4S--8390 milla Slo.$j. I003 11'-''l'n Pl., each. Baacbt\ll chc•t/hc11od Dra w drape• rod• S1 each. 3 •·~AND Sho11·\\ave radio Pana 2k to $2. To>'• tonic And n1outhplecil for same
bit bed .,read ulll!d J F1lEEZER. ll cu ff, che!t Npt. Sch. 64>129.\. protector SI. Insulation 2x.f' iht!lf fillni; cabinet "'i1h lock v.1th head phOnes $10 · \Ike ne"' !5e • U, S9turda,y $10. Cllu1nel, f'.XC<'llent wood
mootbl <sa nn<} S23. Call type, needs frton S t5. 3 811.nlool~. like new, s1:; lk each. Ironing board Slk. $23. pividf'1'S SJ. Grw!t :W9-:w66 11/l<t and Sl.lrtday 11/I&. 10 $2l _Ca.sc. mouthpiece'"'~ ~ &i:Z,...1!21 each. Call S46--42l2 Artif!cil\.I Chrlt:lbli.s tree SI. ~n S3. TraLIC'i-nltch lor USED TV tJ3. ani ro S pin. 3)121 O.yview ~=bo~~ J:,. ~ ~
PORTABLE record playe"r1
G.E. 3 speed $15. Love ae.at,'
La"·son style, needs srip
CO\'er $10. Red velvet arlil
chair S12. l\faplc-aim chair
with 2 cu.lihions $1 O
Beautiful large 1.laple r adio
cabinet $7.50. Mirror, 16 ,..,·
50, Sl. 1\laplc \l'al! 1clephone.
sheU $1. Fil ter Q ueen
vacuu111. sprayC'r and al·
tachn1cnts $10. 4 1ar;c
1viclrer derorator sh e I
bl'ackets 51 each. Linens.
decorator piU01v11 and diShcs
30c • S:l. 422 Hcliotro~
Cdi\I. 67f,_jgn
T\VIN bed S2j. l\11in.bed SIO.
Elec11'ir typc1\'liter S 2 :l.
P in&: pong table, like ne"·
520. Neck 1raction apparatus
$20. Hollman 14" TY. $1S.
Sluka hand control plane S5.
i\l;1nu~I pol'table type1l'riter
S10. Child's skis and boot&
$10. B<1seball n1it t. left·
handed $3. Nc11• TV stand
Sl5. Generator $10. Small
refrigerator SZi Con1pass
$ZI. i\licros<.'opc $3. E:lcetric
popcorn ntakel' $2. 548-8642.
1::12 0o,·e1· Dr. NB
RUG, 9 :-.. 1:! red nylong,
foan1 backing. good con·
dition S20. 1\vin size mat·
tress and box spl'illg, like
nc1\" SZj each. Boy · ,;
Sc:h\\'inn Sting-ray bicycle
$1 j. Tank typr r:ureka
\'acuun1 <:leaner. 11·orki; SS. 4
E:arly :\n1erican pictures
SIO !:!Cl 01· $3 each. New '
<'rnsh heln1t't S.:-1. Boy's
cloH1es. 111ite 10 and 12 and
ladit!'s clothes, sizl' 10 and
12. Z:X.. $j. Sat. only 10 lo 6.
186:i Rhode!i Dr. ~0-9361
FULLrSIZE bed, f-1 a p I c
bookcase headboard $25 .
~laplc dining set $25. OUe(I I
'''alnut bench \\'ith cushions .
1 $25. Small couch $23. Oiled
"'alnut linish cabinet S20.
Nevamar topped coffee
table $5. Chest 'of drawers
S7. Fan $6. Hair dryer $5.
Electric skillet S.'l. Wicker
hamper S4. Lamps. oranae
shade, teak base $15. White
shade, white half' S5. 2500
Salta A\'C, Apt 2:>, Hidden
Vil.late Apt. Take Linda
\Vay, liOl.lth off \Varnrr lo \V,
0-ntral, S.A. 546-4407 .
642-5678 D...ECrRJC l>r)'tr, $2!1, POOL ta!>lt $2l. 2221 J.fr:yen, GAS stovt S2i 1909 Fcdt:ral., Rccorrl pla.yer S J . j 0 , truck v.·ilh bars and .:hain CAU. NO\V A\'tnue. Santa Ana Ht1i1Jhls. •nJ mouthpiece for IBIM
M0-4219 c.tir. Ci\1 ~m m . 54().-1211 :;.~15 ~IS-Jj.43 SZi. SJ6..8:;4t ----------------' •I'
• -•
-------...,...--...... .------------------,--~--
_ .. . _ • . _ • • ., • , S1~, Novtmiblr 15';-1469
·1 ti.nC!iAllCD"' POil MIRCHANDlll ·~ MlllC:••• POR .f~E~ i:o"you l lWliPOR'fATION' 1fW:i1~TATIOf'I TRANIPOll~,;.i'A::.:T:.::I ::::..._
: W.1 AHO TRAiii W.I AND TllADI IAl.I .., ;1'114111' _ 111....-.. .,:-9010 1J!!1t1 ._.:;•, ,..,, r~·-" 1...,.,.w A .... NOO ·~~~~~-!!!I
i Pit-& Ort•na 1111! !!"" '"" • TO eeo.s' -.. •/fenced . , , • BINTUY , , 1~30 Mltcell•-us MOO FllW.l.Yl A BEAU.TY I'd. 11 · ...... old malt Ll!<I M ILlNG ? "::":::. i~,'.'6!~~ ISll Oiovy, I eyt. \I ton, P.
• • .. . . . SHOP U..t ....,. about .D<cM!>und . .All 1hpt1, DISL!Kil'l'HESE! • ...,handbftk $1!!0 1.eb • 0 .'3,000inl.11050.6-12'1812 CLASSIC 1Mt Bentlty, 41\ 1911-. ... 2111 ar;/ . SAVE MAKI YOUR OWN YOU!..:w, oltu ~nt h~u1ebrokfn, aood • P~men~. bql\. ln~t, S.1J.P.B&.Senc~'Lt111'thanr: t1ter6~1--leader. c.111c black aatln,' Sidan power equtpptd +
: t J I Wl1.llY,.,____ ~ latest atylea and w/chlldl'en. NH<I•. kwt. d~~ aJlp rtntl.11 mo old. $U5. Call ~2351. ... Half Ton 'til Chev. Truck, dr, aunrf, MJd.rld £mM,af)' tttctrie lln'OOf •• Blue '**
: •t" c.w. .Ntllon OllUIOlt Wt \\I.Vt •'1Ull Une 0( atont1, :-ln ~u.., all· at rock De~,.ilsl 4"'*'~ ;::~~\etc~ 3~~ HP .MiOf .BU<e W/I pe,.c: Gd , ~;.,!.Owner. ~ car. on&. ~UWr • rnaq. =· ~: N':.°'PC:. Jim
• ltl btauWul walnut lnclu.d-moun~, dlaina, beads, ~~ ·~ fill, fCtT ~ cqcktt mbc f" old • .. WOJtic' f al'ftlter' llk'i .aew. Grei.t 1 Call -N),1166. CM. Eves le wktnd.l ~
, :u"m:~~~! f.lmitta ~~':!.~~~.~ 0ur Spe(.w :uauJ~:· Fritn411. lM• ~dren:1 c~~INci ChliltmUattv_*-_96M211 1 1.C~t'n'V,~iclM9515 CORnNA :.;.~-;:=ca: GOUL ·MUSI'" l'I ~ cuttins equtpmtnt HIP·•tyl•. t op··rrad• "'dohots,Med1 goodhome c.t23~ttltulH, \l doy HONDA ~.196;. a<>Od-1 No.AA)~4 . . v Gold, .Uvei:. cut & l'OUlh trottlnr, recut.ar $30.' fOr w11enced -1rd. Try Our Club Plan dition $100: · ' '62 FORD .FlOO Aulomaftc 196S eortin1. 4 Spied. MtRCB:DtS a.n1 41Ht1
'iol5N."Jaln,SA M7-0881 stones, tutn~lnc rock .t: $25.CaUtoranappolntment ~ 11/17 N~P0~1SAILINGQ..UB &6-l4M. PJl'.,. with 10 ft. alum APA448. $1&9'9. Suniet rO('d SALE~'li6slftnodr PiANOS II dROANS abruivts. OPEN g dl)'S. a tlq\e that IUits YOUR FREE Adorable Iona: haired • 675-noo • BONANZA liflrif Blke·; Jhp, camper. Bia: He.lwi1 ---10 must atll thb 'ftfkeNll.
NEW & USED ant-' Pl1t, SUn Qy &PP.t. schedule. MISS 'PRlM'S, kittens. 1. silver female. l RACING Snipe Ir traUer. $95. SchwiM Con~ntal lQ overload!· Picture wtndow, Makt Ofter. Some 'lt'i ..
a Yamaha. Pia.rJ01 &: Orcans FIVE M GEM & 18M2 Beach Blvd., (Town smoky O'f!Y n'!ale., l ttpr Newb' rebuilt cla.saic. See to ·~bicycle $50. 548-4687 llink, pump, 35 gal water DATSUN . awtonuitk .. ute air. Jlfu
·• Thomu Orsans LAPIDARY SUPPbtS and Country Ctl)ter) RB. striped female. Hou a e believe! $1000. 494-i&93 TACO Mlnl. Bike 3 hp ena: 5 tank. Ice bo."(, •love an:a, Slemoos fmport1. Inc., UO
f Kimball Pianos 2750 Harbor. Blvd. ll·A 982-2686 traiJMed. 96W149 l).117 eves. aft 6:30. <)) ~3162 , mos. old. Llk~ new slls. breakta:i; n ° 0 k $995. ORANG I COUNTY'S \V. W&r111l'1 san~ ~.
• Kohle.r & . Gamp"ll Costa Mesa. l.(X;attd at DRAPES -entire houle, ex-NICE Cock•·VoD family or D4)'• 642-5445. ¥ Kl 9-0l NOo 1 546-4114 "
COAST MUSIC the back ot Collece <::enter. eel cond. Neutral. Some slna:les: 1 male u:; yrs. old, 1 NE\Y TOltfeAT C 9520 DATSUN DIALIR 1961 M!rcedts Bel\I ~ SE
NEWPORT & HARBOR $49.20,19 !Joor to ttil\'I. Btmin. male pup 8 "'°'; otd, I 18' Gtau Catamuan Mot I 9300 ampera DOT D .t. TSUN -pow« + air con4.
Coat.a Mes.a. * "2·2851 CLOSE OUTI 87s.427S female 2 ft'I old. ONLY f900 INC. TR.LR. o,rcyc" ,,.1 1968 ts foot Northwest "'t and aumoqt. Beautttµl can. °"", ... Fri JM S•n l2-5196S box c ... ertna Ca,nb. NATURAL brown min -11/1167;-2511 .. ~ '67 HONDA eo:n~ lr~ile" 18831"Beacb8lvd. •Y•i>Ple hd, with .....
HAMMOND· Stetnwa,y • 'i'a· Christmas, Blrti¥1ays, Get stole, $2)(), xlnt cond. C&ll COUCH, needs recover, pick \rtNTURE n· Xliit cond., 3 305 Sc--bler • It , used 6 llunUncton 8'ach leather l'ntfl'lor <V,TC os:n. ~ • ntw • used pianos W e 11, All Occuion, etc. 64S..2186 btwn 3 Pl'l'!-6 pm. up front porch. UI ffth St.. sails. head. 2 outboards, ,...,.,, , e brand newl I M2-1T8l or 54(}..CIH2 Bl~ Book price f7)30, ~ ·°'SoaJ.l...~a. Beat bu>'• in ""t.1ylatf'fCUlarprice.ae1 DlNElTE table &-6 chair, N.B. ll/LS llps 4, extras. Offer # S749St Co.st $1595, sacrifice $UOO. ENGLISH '""•D price only ~. Jtm
• ....uu.. l'lj;bt here. a.nether at le! $45. 14' Coppertone Hotpoint FRfE FftwOod 548-3955. S-" Can be seen Sat & Sun at rv.,. SZemoM"Mercedn Bem, UO .~NM. MUS!ln,C CO., MINNIE'S Orffting rffrigerator. $90. 5f9.:05U 642-l82S • 15953 Mt. ~1stterhorn, ~'. w. Warner,, Sal'l~ Mt.
Santa ~ Cards & Gift. Shop ACCORDION $50, patio cha.ir U/18 Power CruiMrs ~ Valley. Call -531-0080 ORA.NOi COUNTY'S ,54J.4U4 . i
. ~ • 8511 Heil Aw., .Westminster trAmu $1 each. FR.Eif • FivtfY ~y kitte'i\s, 1968 IS' LAflSON &: trailer. '59 CHEVROLET P/U, 4 VOLUMI •NOLISH MERCEDES itJil Bi' j'jiii"
FREE OMAN Q.ASS:E;S tl b1k E. of Beach Blvd.) 646-7529 8 wkl. 9624186 un7 .lXIKl> h!erc Cruiaer. Sold spd, 6 cyl. $595. 8' cnbover FOltD DIALIR Air, MW ""''· Xlnt. ~ ~Y nltes 7:30. 8:30 pm 147-3131 _ . -Open Road camper $695. Or Offer ovtr $800. 5'$.tMS GOULD-MUStC CO; P~OTO Enlai:_ger sso . .tlee· 3 cute Jdtten1 ·to ll10d 11ome. new tor $«00. Tal<e over both for $ll9S. m w. S~LES ·Slit.VICE ~· N •1··· s \ ...... ""-'D tl'iC· Saw $00. 3241 New 673-2202 after 4:30 ·.,.. 11/15 bal. Of loan, $2600. ltlust Sell w1·1·· c ~A ., •• ,..,,., '69 MODELS
IU'W • ....,,, •• • .... o-wol U QUWATION Sale: Wlas & York, Coat& Mesa. Immed. Call~ atter 6 ,,.,n, ·"" .... o-v.nv Immediate dellvtl')'
T 1 · ;al . 12 A~. Hl&:b Quality -New WH.ITE Sewin" Maehirie With OAJ\LING % arown Orange P~f. Anytime witends. LARGE 6ELECTION
• IYI on 05 & Dtmoriatrator. Prices cabnet $25 .... Glrl's bicycle Tabby ldtt@n. ~2-392911/17 MUST Stll! lll,il' Fibera:las 549-3001 E>l:t. 66 or 61 bed. Removable ~ck d~, Thet~tre Leue Color TV or Black below coats. Can be used for $10, brown fall $40. 646-7529 FREE kittens. ~' Siamese, 7 inboard. Very Sea\\'Ot'thy. 1910 HARBoR BLVD. <ml $36.'.i. li&crifice $:l50. ROBINS FORD
.&: White. ()pUon to buy. Xmas lifts, Alao, Misc. wkl. 893-1795 11/18 Ex. coDd. $1800 Of Stilt 01· (X)SfA MESA 531--0380 ~Frei iirvke. No depo< ~1~r!!c'~6·.,! r.5!::1-.~6• Mr~~~~--.':_W1, ~"""'etc~~ 3 DARLING little kittens. fer! 673-9361 suz 80 bored com I D c;u"n","a=.9=.=,= ... ===9=s=2"s ~,.'°'°M,,.Harbol' Bl1~· .. -o
A-Active TV Rental Co. .. ,. lllJll::', '"""'.w" ~· Po:WI. ""' ' ' · One a callco. 548-6842 11/18 . • • P. re' I ;;,.;.;.c:...;;,;;.:::•:;.;:;;.,..._..:..;;:;; _,_ -. . (l) 522-ll5l ~!<days ii: any t 1m.e Crystal, Little Ialt.nd, Sat.. · . S ::I Ski loett 9030 Pirtllies, CZ·&hockl exp. ch. • I O.msiiC:;;;;;;;;;;-;;vhi;;TI:l;.w;ken&~~"~~---WESTERN oaddl• tooled ,.,.. Wood. '"' SUperim', P~::::: -1115. Schwinn Vanity boy'• '67 Dune Buggy o:~t~ ~nsole TV blac~ A KIRMIN le Mandrin rugs, leather, padded ~at, like Coiita M~A. 646-32.ll 11115 21' CAMPBELL .Cr u i ser, ~'i:&at shape, $35. ~ Road & ralley equip. Lie. ~~1~2t34aood. condition Louil XVI Beds, "Jt & col· new sno. 642'-6898 Pl'is and LIVESTOCK COJnpletely rebll, nw. bot· FYT41J. t:;:::::=======d ored llase. Bronzes, Silver, MUSTY clotets! Ouls room Ge I U00 tom, et~. W/nw '27 Chev. 4 · '65 YAMAHA 250 HI-Fl & Ster90 1210 Butlers dealt, Rocker. All dehumidlDer, llke new, Ptfl, ~ra , whl trailer & nw cover. can YDs.3, $300. ~'."'.'"'.'---'-c.;..-....;;;:.;~I Openinc. Sale priced for the portable. M5. 642--6898 WOT'S NU! be seen at 2305 So. Man-or make offer. 546-1258
'AN. Mod. Packard Bell, Holiday&! The :8 I zarre, TORO 3 HP power bandit Santa Oaus Specials at chester. Anaheim. '66 Honda Scrambler. Xlnt
. AM/Fl\f stereo Multiplex :!t0Beach Blvd., H.B. w/n" mower &: tiller. all 3 'TIS TROPICAL FISH Call -63)..6820. condition. S325.
:con so I e w I Garra td tor $95. Call 642--6898 9080 Edinger tat Maenolla) CLASSIC 17' Chris. 2 cockpit ~aft 5 pm.
r·c!wJpr, walnut cab. $250. 12" DEWALT Radial ann F.V. * * kl~ runabout. 16 coats of 350 HONDA SCRAf.fBLER.
Sf0-2358 saw 5 bJadea • l'' Dato set l6lO varnish. Be1t oHtr. 1100 So, Xlnt cond, Low Mileage, f~E deck$, ampllfitrs, all W/port. t~. 12': Skllsaw le Mlac. Wantecf Dogt ll'U Manchester,. Anaheim, C ·1 842-3368 NB ·
e iV>. ~,~.o~
Newport importt Lid. CJll. ance Count)"• on1J ~
ited dealer. SAL! .. SEllVlCE·PAl!TS
·3100 W. Coast HW)'.
"2·9405 M0-1'764
AutborlUd Ferrari O.aler
_ ___:FIA;:.T __
j~1·1,11'1" I
1\111111111 ..
642-94<11 ~ll'M
Authorb:ed MG Dealer 1
R. H., < -.0· tow mllfl.
Royal blut linlth. Shar(i.
DEAN LE·WIS , !Ile speakers. Tum table. box. Vertical spindJe shaper $ call -633-6820 ru ' ' '
_ 250 tapes. M, lscl ""'Uip. Mu.at & . cutters. 113 Ack elec. $WE BUY stl.h.'Y TERRIER-1\'lALE 17' GLASPAR, S eafare '67 BSA UGHTNNG 650 CC. fie eold. Pri part).~546-42ll mixer. 842-7138 Pupa. 2 moa • shots • SUnliner l(J().horse volvo Like new, Sell or
. MOVING-t $ FURNITURE $ adorable & healthy. SAN· inboard ' I utboa~ w/ trade. * 546--0309
5.49-Jo.11 Ex!. 66 or 61 ·~FIAT 1500 Sp)'der conv., ~ 1966 Harbor, CM. ·661-93q3
1970 HARBOR BLVD. 1~. radiab, R.&H, Gd. Cond. ·~ MG Roadster, .TJ'.· iii),
NEW Pioneer 4 I: 8 track car mus sell! l96S TA'S SPECIAL PRICE $100. trailer. '$l500~ 673-3449 or' '65 YAMAHA 80
, ::~peam~~l:~17~ ~~Nea~.m~:. 8:i'/~!: Color ~~~~~•r•o• 6444'6 (213) m-fS.16 Topi shape! ~ tiru.
COSTA ltlESA l,,;$850;:;;·=543-321=="=· ====-I Old clUlic made new. 1009 DUNE Buggy. New! I Comp. _!fbll. eng, l'H!' etl!1-
-p.m., used fUmlture cunp equ.ip, 1 ,._. • ..._. M SKYE TERRIER, AKC, 15' SKI boat, r.cJ hp. Evinrude 175. * 786 Beautiful! Silver meta) JAGUAR ntw brakes, clutch, t ic. Lo
flake ''Bounty Hun t er' • mil. Call da)'S (ll 5SU&M; .;,,,~..,.:--~---1 boat, sewin1 ma chine, CASH IN Jt MINUTll champ •ired 1emale pup. eleet custom· trlr, 2 tanks. '64 BMW R·21250 cc.
WILL Sacrifice Telefunken drapes clothes, c em e n t e 541-4531 e Habrkn, rare, calm, Duffy $42.S. •• ii: 548-0766 His had rettrrt' work.
Steteo, AM/FM in beaut. block&' wrouaht iron. Best pet. 549.-2547 · $450 ** 497-1697
walnut cabinet 644-5289 offer t'.akes. 847-$668 WE PAY CASH BOXER Puppies -Pet A Marine Equip. 9035 '68 Kawuakl 120 CC.
w/Fireslone racing tires on JAGU.A. R pm "2·~ u k 1or.Mr. J. "big wheelJJ", mags. 90 HP. Jone• ___....:..
Hlgh-toniue Yolks engine, =ict•======="-1
ltECTRA -VOICE FM HOMEMADE Fruitcakes for Show Qual. WW bold f11r Perfect. Dirt ready. Black naugahyde ·bucket Authorlnd MGA
seal5 & interior. $3300 firm. Deeler ·stereo tuner, xlnt. $65 C'.ll' Of· the Holklays. Made w/real ,..Jill WANTED Xmas. 6 t';yl dleael eng. 3 to 1 reduc-S250 • 847-2022
, ·fer. 842-&i07 or 842-1376 buner, chock fUll of .fruita a: ....-Call -962-8031 tion unit. Fresh ·water 1967 HONDA S 90 NSOLE sttreo, record nutt. Flavored &-aged in Good used fui'niture, appli-CHRISI'MAS PUPPIES cool~. Brand new, &till in 1-tANY EXTRAS! $225
Call 673-8651 UnbeUeveable Savina•! 'SS MGA. XLNT COND. Nu,
NE\Y Dune Buggy El Lobo Larae Stock Available! paint a:· curtains, lv1. state
'iili)'er,.AM/Fl\.I, 2 speakus Rum, Brandy or She!T)'. ances, antiques, color TV 's, Great Pyreneea AKC. X· crate. Factory cost. 673-2910 * 5484220 * ~f1'5. 646-ot271 Ordtr now, call 84&-4953 for refri&:'s, stove's, waahers Ir Rayed stock. Loveable llttle1.aJ;;;t,;•=· ======= body styli!', 1966 eng, Slncro e The ALL NEW XJ SEDAN =m="':l::;M:U:.:6::;$-::;!8=21===
trans., radio, top, fully available for demonstration. j,O=========I shes & prices. dryers, etc. l piece or house-Polar Be 80-:1225 1 ·
'r, R ~-12 ful 24 "' ,.Nice. "'· Iott Sii• -rini 9036 Motoracootera 9350 : , ~ape-ef'.Or_..-1-20 LANGE-aki boots 68169 · Ul.J9Zf or 892-3596 AKC Puppies -.. r_ -· ~ ----.. ,;...;; __ ..;.;,.
NORELCO Tape Recorder, 4 mod~I brand.new, never· us.-Pet, Show, Field. Germ. * * 80' SLIP available for 1961 L a m b re t t a Motor
&.ck, 3 sJ)t'«I many xtraa ed. size 6 n. std. $70. Indoor WANTED -Do& House for Shorthair Pointers. Minia. boat& for sale (2) 30' to 35' scooter, good .runin1 cond.,
, :$1.00. 96i-.8T4l ' · roller skate•, girls st 7 $9 ~-~ ti:-e:""nahle Dachshunds. Call _ 60-4424. or (1) 60' to !Kl'. Call Chuck $125 or best ouier. 646--2191
equip. Met11l fiake green.
S2200. 54>6416
V\Y Shortened platform
v.•lcomp. running gear .
Hdtp., rail frame &: misc.
645--1633 -],:;=======~I + """ IS. Aft 12 """· ce. • . AFGHAN HOUNDS A4;:!'!._ 1·,',,,_ °' evea 1t1ntr11 & Equip. 1300 ~ WNG Travel .Top .-or JH ~ Auto Services '65 V\V En1. & Chusls, glaaa
·,..-; KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner Scout.~1~t be reuonable. Show 4 Cl:lmpanion WANTED: Slip or buoy to ljiijliiijPij1ijrtij1iiijiiijiiijjjji9ij4~00·IJhd~y~, jL~ice~oued~.~Goodl[~'°:°":· '!" IIJ.. BUY 16 mm proj. wlth a t t a c b m e n t s & ..._. -496-30f6 AKC rtg. 962·9989 moor 26' Mllboat, Newport 11 Must Sell • 830-3.448
·=t~ toubd. M-~t be in polia:her. Take' over amall FROM Pvt. pty. old china TOY Poodles, 1ilver help, area. Priv prty. Pleue call BEAQI V\Y Enjine, 40 HP, 1964 .
., i:eu. , . ~ents OJ: pay oft balup c•btnet · with curved &WI· brown. AKC. Will bold. day11 5e-68ST Eves. 83&-2645 Rum good S200
900 So. Cat. Hlghwoy
L•guna leech
494-7503 * MWIOG
For Sa1t -Jquar Claulc.
1955 XK-140. ~.
Call -673-6047' ~ ·SELL · Fedfra1 ·ai , S36.40. O'edit 0epi. St&-1736 646-3385 *WANTED * A.uto Supply * Ms.9852 *
Enlarger for 35mm, 53.>'1289. ' FAMO..Y ~ a1ri equip. IRISH SE:M'ER PUPS SLIP FOR 38' BOAT '63 J XKE Rs 214"x2 ~". et.c., in foldaway. BEAUTIFUL hand painted Childit 15 12 10 & 8 AKC -6 WEEKS · 714: o:'>G..M?-Wholesele ltlANX/CORVAJR sell. ~ake offer. let· Muat ·~ 2/masking easel. WW oil portralt ot »i\i or )'Our Ple~ ~1• 64&-isSs * 543-75S7 * . ,,_...,_,•p r.takc Offer! Desperate! * 675-4331 *
trade on ~~jectDr. Call on ·children from a photo1raph. WANTED •Olde' m~el Hild MlNl • -y poodl•s, AKC, Moblle Homu 9200 Prices to All •
1896 ~ XKE Rd "°knds, Fri eve. thru, SUn., A ·wonderful idea for that . uu 1v '62 JAG 11 t er,
.LqunaBeach,499--2152 . ipecial Chriltmu a:i f t Door .machine, 18 or 20''. t_i;:~curly, c;ute male1. SPAC[SI, c;;'J~6e~~~~ Imported Autos 9600 A11~~~~l -Xl~~ndltion,
SLIGHTLY used Minolta Gf&-3629. ' Warking or not. 548-5048 REBUILT ENGINES A I f!.A RQ•UIEQ
SRT 101, 35 mm '"'"'' w/ 2' CU ft CHEST FREEZER 4 N!;EO ,bdclm one to 1000, OCXIE LOVER'S • AKC. • .. ..., -• 'ml ~--~--
1.1 l•n•. Pl~• 135 mm MC '"°' old, 1200_ 1.6 air corn· • nuonably priced. 644-4681 boy & rJri, standard ,..,, 5 NIW '* PARK 1125 Vlctoda., CM 54U5iiO I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I KARMANN GHIA
Jt.OKKOR 3.a telephoto lens. pressor $l50. 40, ladder,$15. wlm. Avail Diec 1. 644-llTI MOVE IN TODAY I 11 18361 Beach Blvd:HB 847.(1991 AUTHORIZED
.$ZO. 644-1158 Aid"' ,.,.., run ~ -"-p FREE TO YOU * AKC Beqlo, male, 18 Choice of Mod1l1 * OPEN 1 DAYS * ALFA ROMEO •-· •· ho -~ "0 or Custom Built $150 mont ... , UlfluL-.....::n, ..,. . D ·
Sporting Good• 1500 642~maJtu5. DALMATIAN/Au.st. Sh•p, M>-2421 * FINEST IMPORTED CAR EALER · , -... .. female, white w/blk spota, _,c.,..;.---~-~~ JN SMOG rnEE WJN, 12 page pump, 145, M O VI~ camei:a. . •all shots, 9 moa. Otildren Welmaraner pUppies, 1 wkll , C fa M Service in Costa Mesa ~WI
Savaae overunder _41~/22, Profm:1onal hair dryer on 0/10 yrs, gd watchdog, AKC $60. Call 847-0168 after OS Isa Specialllt.S in Mercedes "'ar,ais
$35. 357 Peacemaker pistol, 1tand. Gelger counter, natural hunter. ,gd. home .-5",30"'°p".m,,·=-.,-,,--,,,,., Bent, Jaguar, Volvo, MG, . m .... rs
ST5. 646-~77 546-4569 after 4 pm wkda.ys, w/tnce yrd. ~19f6 11118 LABRADOR pups, AK c Newport Harbor Fiat, Triumph & V\V's. .,
1969 HONDA 90 CC. like new all day Saturday. 3 LOVABLE kitteM, 4 mos. black, champ stock, field & ~~;~A~~~~~O
$175. Electric golf cart w/ FIREWOOD for sale-cut to old. 2 11'11 eyed l yellow shoW. s75. 96)..5737 Adult Mobile Home Park
batttry charier, good cond. yo u r specilieationa; well eYfl 1 try 1' rusty l pOODLE, AKC. 8 wks, GREENLEAF ED LE BR 0 CK Hl-R!se
$3)0, 838-6489 seasoned. Dellv & stck'd ~. N~ good 00,;,es. female. Will hold. Mobile Home Sales manllold le Holley carb.
1J GA. automatic with rib & free. S2T.50 % C, $47.50 C. SJ&.4493 11118 Sf5..5216 1750 Whittier Ave., Most engines $99.95. Na-Ca!l collect (n4) 688-0846 tlonaJ Speed Center, 2110 choke co ntrol. Xlnt cond. · HELP! Beagle had 10 pup-POODLE. toy, 1\lvu, male. Co.sta Mesa
$89.50. 842-4526 HANI? fed mu!tla:raph plea. No money. Ju.st bring a wka, papers $60. Take Ne'WJ>Ort Fwy. C'.ll' Harbor, CM. &16-6700
SURFBOARD 6'6", gu n duplicator, mode 80 & aup-Jove and affect i 0 n . 962-5059 Harbor Bl. to 19th St. AUTO body &: fender repairs
lbape, perfect condition $50. plies $85. Sx8 hand fed letter 548-4783 11/18 TRAfl$P0RTATION Drive West to Whittier Ave. at reas. prices. VW'r, a
549-2152 press&: 11upplle1 (6 trays of l l'llrry kittens. 8 weeks old. CALL 1714) 642-1350 specialty. Call L arry
SURFBOARDS fonts ) $50. &42-5027. 2 au white. 1 black &: white. Boats & Y•chl1 9000 IUY J• NIW S43-4503
SIO & up. 548-0015 LE TRAPPEUR buckle ski 5§..7l:i0. 20121 Spruce, S.A. 26, Double Ender Cllaracter SILL , Im USID Porsche • Mere •• V.W. 0. ==='=======I boOts, mens sizt s~:. Skis, ~ 0118 boat, paneled interior, 50 Cooper Buggies. New &: used parts,
"' II l600 poles. boot rack $ 5 0 . CH ISTMA . . Whol•salt to a1J &tZ-0350. '·.;,;;"'•;;;•:::•:.:.:::••;·c"::=.:":::'c.._-..;.::.;.; 546-8934 R s Snow white kit-HP diesel eng. Xlnt shape. TRAILER SALES 1964 Econoline Van Llc.
N36385 Sl099. sunset Ford.
· tens, a:fJOd house manners -$995 546-7834 'I I e STIREO SALE e FOR Sale: GE Portable Color al1a other colored cata. ' ' uy rom • 1"en
Qoaing out all older stock. TV. lmperia_l refriaerator 53$-1?79' ll/ll 1986 CHRIS Craft 27%' who lives in onel'' ata St.Vings: Zenith, RCA , \\ith auto ice maker. Sports Fisherman. Twi:i 185 WE SERVICE Pa,~~ Bell, A1 •• extra 673-6061 "CALICO Girl" lovely fluffy HP encloes. Fly Bridie. WHAT WE SELL~ T II T I ·~· -ki"-1 kno ho to · -'·'· er, rave ~prices on Qllor TV's * * * * ,..,n. w w $8600. Call 646-7353. 324 So. Harbor, Santa Ana
• ApPllances. Now in stock, FAMl1..Y Membership t n ~;~~9 in • h ou~I~ DlNGHY • Fibe.ra:lass 10' 1 Bick So. <Jf Bo/sa 531-1066
a fine selection of 1970 m!> Irvine Coast Country Club Pram Lapstrake, t e & k IA Y HARBOR
900 So. Cat. Highway
lagun• leach
494-7503 * 540-310G
1968 Austin Amer ican
Se~. R. H .• automatic, low
milei;, extra clean. XGGm
1966 Harbor, C.l\f.
&Iles. Service, Parts
Imn1ediate Delivery
All Motle!JJ
1965 Karmann Ohl•
2-door Coupe; Xlnt Cond.
Immacula,Je inlkle and out!
a~ owner. See at 480 Broad..
way, C.M.
Good condlt1on. All oriainal.
$400. 008-4966.
PRICED for Quick Sale! 65
Kar mann Ghia. Im-
maculate! Ori(lnal owner.
See al 480 Broadway. C.M.
1950 f.fercede11 Benz 170
Cabrolet Ciaaslc -New top
I nterior c l utch
transml11ion and motor
recently oyerh&uled -nearly
restored to mint cond. Make
otter for qulck We tTNG
932).·Jlm Slemona Imports,
Inc., 120 w. warner, Santa
(_1, ' •·1.' { ,,, ·' '. y \
L , r ·i· ' '-.. -1 r '''H
~·l• w ,•. I} · !
,-.,, .. " , ,i r I'.
'A -MDI · ~
• SPfe(I. wire .;.,_k; exee\.
lent condition. WUl help ·~
ance. Small do'Wn. PIUo
VATE PARTY. 639-at51T r
OPEL • •
1969\1 OPEL GT. Aaksnr
$3190. Call M<. Conny
644-1230 d~s. f9&..3144 l!Yft.
'611 Ponch< 9118 Toup
Slk. # S2!I
'69 ~be Lie. YNW973
'68 ~e ms Tat:aa
Slk # !1>14
... -911 Cpe . # 5234
... Poncbe '" Cpe ~ '68 Portt:he 912 VRKll'.!:2
'68 Poncbe Sed. Y\'M&Jll
• .. -9U Cpe wtr:oie
... """""" Cpe wxtnll '68 Poncht 9!2T Cpe WXO';!l
'68 P°"""" 9U Taria XEP1ll
'61 Poncio< 912 ep.
Sik # 52~
'67 Porsche 912 epe UYH914
'61 Porsche ms Tqa
'67 Pol'9Che
'61 Poncbe
'66 Porsche 912
'66 Porsche 912
'65Ponche ... ......,,,.
'65 """"" '64 Ponche
'64 PotsChe
'63 Porsche
Stk # 5231
Tll1.Blll va.139
'112 ......, .. Cabro
'5& l'oncbe HT
BI E1112 HE\'315
'59 Porsche VAMr.61
J1 1\t1p111 1
1\iilfllli i"
Mis. Beat. the Chriatma• far salt. Pvt. pfy. 8T3-9ln COLLIE Labrador pupp;es, a trim, 3HP Sea Gull. oe.n. Moltlle Homtl s.1 ••
l'll1h &: savt! EZ pymnta, carp.t layer hu Hi La wks. 414'.~ Emenion, N.B. S275. 673-$4,S. After 8 PM Cua Lo Roll A St · ·
1st payment in March 1970. nylon• $1.99 yd. Shap toH Tustin, betw. 20tr111~ 16' DURA Cra1t 3 5H f' Sheraton~.~. Hom~:: TRAVEL TraUft' 28~. ~· COUt H_"Y_·54:i~ -
Jim SIPmOn > Imp,.
AIR Strtam '69, 2 9 '
AmbassadC'.ll'. Internat'I.
Xlnt cond. Bttter than new!
call (TI4) 644-5073 J1etuport
j\111 Oil ~' Hendenona, _1877 Harbor, from $3.50 uP-+ my-lAbor, 21st) Evtnrude motor, trailer, K!t • PreatJse • Sahara Toilet, shower, etc. Must , Authorited MG ne.Jer
.C1M. ~ 90c per yard. ~O 4 Fluffy kittens, 3 males, 1 cover & extras. $450. Call ALL SIZES .ell. $830. 64Q.-029:) DAILY PILOT D J ltf E. A.
POOL TABLES 1•male, 7 wks. old, Irvine 613-3977. , NOW ON DISPLAY 1956 31' SILVER Streak. Xlnt LINES. \'ou can uee thent
Stcard Pool For~ I:~~· Cove . Laguna Bch . DINGHY, new $35. 12' elec-14" Baker St., Col!ta Mesa cond. J~W. Coast HW)'., N.B. for just pennlti a day. Dial
•• BRUNSWICK-AMT" 83M670 '94-2835 ll/17 tric boat · very good cond i,, block East of Harbor Blvd. * 645-1633 * &42 Ai.ithorited MG neS:.~764
PILCYI' Clualtled ad.
Custom Slate Table DARI.ING Male kitten. Grey R.euonab1e. $43"004& 'Costa Meaa tn•> S40-94TOl .:!=========-11·=="'"'=='=~~~~~~~~~=::=~~~~~;~~~===•1 From S28t ~P!1,.11d; ~or~~ w/black 11Jipes. Pa T t * ALGLAS 25, CABANA (easily collapaible) Tr1llers, UtllJty 94SO
100% l'inancina: ...-!"' ,.... Sia me1e. I wks . n • .i-s~~--alum., 10 x 2>. louv.rtt a . • :tr "* SECARO POOLS* Uoed 11\ ,...,... 61$-3972 615--0411 ll/11 '~"• ·-piclttn Windows Roof nin-Sl'EEL !ram•, lull a>d'5,"" .'~:lf:~lµni,.,::S=-'=I=':;'.Ao;J!..yJLGA'ZE:R:fl~ 532--1992 Qualify king hed~ted AKC Ra&'d male Dachshund, $ll,OOO * E'Wel. 67>3n 7 forced. Walnut. panel kit tires, xtra lite. Spare tire. I"' ~
3f3 S. Main St. Orange complete-unUled Slat, worth '_,.old, to__,. home with 45' CHRIS tRi..CABIN Mu1t move .:It! Wkdys 213: · ~-""'=:,!;:;====="' • ~A ' Jt.. UHA
All 5 • knd ••• -.~ ,. • ·-TS F/B duals lf'l'I ....... lofA•,· 11 y_. Delly AdMty GlllcM M -· "m * AUCTION * p;,o. • w 11 ~ fenced yard. Prefer adutts. · 0M• •tu .,..•16-·lllN 934-QOl, Wknds 673--9314 Trucka , J.t• ,. Acc.rlf111•,. fll• ,,.,., T ' •
APPROX 85 ..... ...,.. __,, -,,_.·be-• ' • •11/15 ~-~ ·;.:::;;:...;_ ____ 9:;5:;00:: ;:,, '" • ,·_,, To d•v.lop·.....,. .. for SUl"ldov,. oer. 21
U you will &ell or buy . ...,. :t.,.. m v1r~ '"'J BOSTON Whal 26' Dioel LO'I'S AVAILABLE for coach .. 8122-~39 reod~q;;w r"""9'1dir1clto ~ :.Al
give WindYa trY brown t'\\'etd :tl!C 6 SAMOY!:D dOJ, male, 5 yrs. 0 .. -... •Jtt1 er ' · ot )'OUr' ehotce. JN. GMC TRUCKS ~•.t.uau5 ofyc.,wZocUatbiith~
AuttionsFrtday7:30p.m. p8d.$l00.642.-·' GotMI pet, xlnt with~---.~. FORMATION AT SPACE Oranp County Sales and ~AtA.10 I P,, 3l M . ,1 ~
Wi d ' A ,. B NEW TIJXEOO, HARRIS A chll4rien. Needs fe n ced 26. l?rl'twood Beach Oub, Service Htadquarlers. u~Yio 2Mogi.ttle 3a~ •2..W in 'f s UC ion arn FRANK; Size 44. $6.'i. yard .. 531-7636 ll/17 21462 p el1i Cit H HB NEW . USED ,.,. 31 ..... ~ "~ 6)Wlttl a 20ml:?:lewpo'* CAf .846-3686 ... "'~·-... Sall•t1 fOIO . a e . wy UNIVERSIT • 11·13-1"15 •v.u · :u,._ "T-""I Behi -T "."' B1d M 1 '".,.._, ,. ADORABLE kittens, 6 wk.s. -'Mi Spartan Bx42, alum awn-Y 62-73-76 SI)'., 350.-6S Vlctlt<.
nil ony s r. at ' 100• Electrlc sewer roole'r, old. 3 long haired snow wht NEGLICTJtD Trbncnn ~'. Ing, located adult park CM. OLDSMOBILE #.::c'-lfJ:"' 1 ~=
RCA '68 Portable TV suitable for re at aura n t A. 2 long 'hi.ired black. Partnmhtp spilt u:p. ~ Xlnt -cond.. priced low, ~ •!arbor Blvd. IA.ft ~,..._. •LJW, i. ·~11ttnd'. B &: ": UltF motel, apt,. $250. 613-30o&5 • 83J..1S90 aft 5. 11/IS $735 and ltl )'INl'I. MMIT2 &t6-8450 call a1tu 4 or all .Co.ta Mea I 1'~•• . ~......,. "'•tHMs.,
tantr. New br&61 firtpl~ cot::Di'P8f refrl~ 950 RABBITS -two expecting 17' Catamaran •ilboat. cu day .. -eekends. ~ If""-'• ge=:=•• JY~---'.,
acrttn w/aCCHIOl'let. . .... v... . Wiiber ~ ......... t .... us.eooo totable, ~th --"·.1959 NASHUA 10x40. Comp! % T ·62 OiEVY Pick Up 13~ 4,,. r.q;;;;' ..... f¥Mt'U c&l'IM!t 1w8epe1. Sbwe -"!"'nmore u........_ ... ~,,-· "!' ..... / I u~ 51$-87"3 ,. ·: $35 Mttal stand S:SS. f43-.IM9 • • U/1! Reuonabte. -rJ0..01'M -rurtt.-new-,iumlrlmt~awn---w •ttt camper 111'.wll. 8' 1; N;{ .,..... 7'Y•
. !SC Fu,m· lu'e ~-NEWPORT BelJib Te_nnta CUTE amall, mixed breed Arr 24 J3600-. tna. P8()0. 5'&-3636, 5'1-5251 bid, 6 cyl erw. Jmmaculate 160.-·:=.. ?::•::.-• ·-·1 ....... ;-..1 ..-I" 9 -~ Id ~--e. -Ill: ... ~ 2 BA'' n--1. ,.._ 1hN-ouL New 1"l' til"l!I. ,,.,...... .Qr ""' ~bold ~ chtirJ, Oub Memuu..1P -........ pup""'"• wh"" wAll o · -~ .... ractlcrulH. ~ • o.. • .,....,.. « Paint like nt1f. M·u9t lff to llL"" 2 · ~I:..
!tables, la1~1)1. etc.'$1.d'ttice transfer fet. 644-1848 aq.7292 U/17 * (71') 8*-2157 * awning. Cl.e~. Nlee"t CM bellevt! Jtt1sonable a s 2111T"rf !IO • ._
thla \\.-eckC'nd. 2>121 Bonnie CANOE • 11' *1um. w/lntt.rJY, VERY affecttonate • pOtlt, Cl\L ~ .. LOAt>!D ,.,.k . .fo. Steal. MW252 owner rnu1t ..U. Belt otter. 21 A HGocilll · ,, ........., ' ::!,_-. ..._: .... ,...
Pl, Cnr Tustil) le Santa cxtrN, aaU, pad4les, cush. Siamese cat. male, 2,n.ito •· w./Newpott 1Jlp * lO:dS TJUJLER. F.P. 546--1948 ~ -~ Isabell Ot 6424381 ete. SllS. ·542-6898 a'OOd home. 644-4776 WIT Call 5ff.l'fql or~ $2l!iO. not OOASr HJWAY, ~.,,.,.:,,,FO,:.R,:.D~P~/U~.-11-1'>-n-.-,.~blt 24 C.... M= .. ,...it
EXTRA long twin bed, firtl'I. SOfA • Gretn, sr;). fV Con,, 4 ADORABLt ldtlena, 3 UDO lt. nee. cover. XLl!t N.B: trana. big bsd, nmt reocJ. -!fe.,,,' il~ =~
cixctllent $25. Arett. rugs $S 011ental -MO. Eltetric male, 1 femalt', 7 \Illa; <lid. CMCf, Sle(l/On"ER. • 92U ~daYs; 64$--1488 evu 21C9" J:~ 13'im
each. ff3-1200, 6~ nifrlr. $50. Call SJS.11$7 rrvtne Cove. 494-28lS ll!l7 • * l1J.SW '* , 119"!', A Wksnds, Milch $400. :i;.,. ==--::=:e
8 IT. IOla, avocado A aqua MEN'S Raltllh Grand Pm FR.a Black & other cob' LEHMAN "10 11.ilboat, alnt HONDA A Solex bi(:)lclet '54 CHEVY ,. T Steel bottom ,.. __ 11 ®' .1 L......... • _11/1 ~
quilted,. llkt new! Rotor 10 apml. &:Kcellent con-kitteu. tJlo DurtY calico .5 coftd. tneludt1, ev.1tom with 1 cyL tna:'•· Xlnt oond. bed..&d ttm, ry.~ ed. Mk· \ __ _.:.~~~=~~=~===-===:=-==:::!~~~~--=:....I towro mowtr. 518-0165 dltlon. * ~-moo. ol<l.""lll sd4 · 11/IS _,, Qi!;_-, l'vt.'!lf1, m;6l3l '"' M .oo. &d-Tl38
,.nod._ -
•txbaust: stereo: ~
lnt A drta. Make oUer. I"" Convertible with hardtop ~ leather, n.dlals, rack,
!AM!Flf. SS-3063
,., ~ corvt .. gd oond,
brw p1.1nr & clutch, gd top,
~~ $1950. ~le&I
1'!!1!!!:~~!!:!!~..!-~ -Cars -llew Carw HOONaw Car • k'f tlt~ ...... Hao .:;.U.:;.sad;.o...C.:;.•;;.;r.o.•---.· -'-"°°;.;.;;. Used Cara "801lsodCan , 9900
NEW ·CAR l'RADE -IN SALE ! !· CHEVROLET < CORVAIR .. ---------'55 Chevy stalion Wqon. . '68 Oiev. Impala. 2 Or.
Very clean, Brand new '62 CORVAJR, need• mfim Hardtop. Radio, heater,
1969 CAQILLAC 1969 CADILLAC 1969 CADILLAC •.NIM· s.. :im Avo!on, work· woold 'mak< good power ""ring, a~.
Reelwo-4 lro11th•°' T~. FleetwOod lro119h.,., Grey Flootwoo4 Jrq119h111. Me.. CM. ~""""~ CM&lil, $100. ·automatic tnn.anlulon.
whit. loefflw 111}. ~/wlrii'.. 'w/Wk. Yiriyl .. , a Wk. lthr, blue ,../cfrk. W11e •l11vl tep. ~ Best over $1T15. Holiday
,.\,.vi top. F.c. elr, AM./FM. l11t. f•c. elr. AM/FM St•,..• l lue lthr. irtt. Fee, air, AM./ '57 Chevy Bel&ire, HT, J>I, 'b'S CORVuu ~--· -·pe •·as•-•~ H·~r Pb.
Stereo, 6-wey 1oet, ttlt a racl., ._war 1oet, tllt I tel. FM Ster•• racl., 6-wey 1eet, pb. Built up 283 w/3 1pd. I ~".. ,~ ..... 000 "'"":. •• ; ~ ..:!'' .&OIV<I .... ...., '
I I •.. ~ --~ • I ' J F t 1-.. -tlon 14 0 0 mmac. l»' .... ...,, acnuu vu-vu.w e e. 1trri9, whl., pw,, ~ 1tn19 .... 1 •. pwr. ooor oc; 1, tr t & tel. 1trr19. whl. pwr. ~ •uc~ ..... ..,t' • mi. 4-spd, $750. 646-4788 sl,,68=F~-~~u~---~h~W~,---.-,..,-.,,..lo, loek1. LIC. VWY 645 otc. LIC. XWY 122 dr. loekt, etc LIC. YNW404 ~""""' uxu ~....,.,. ow ""6695 $6695 $6695 a.m. 10 5 p,m, Ev.,, 00-020 h<oJer, '°"" "..ring l ~ (5) 1008 CHEVY Impolu, -;-60 Conoalr.nw good air. Best ov" Sl5'tl. Holldoy loaded. Priced for quick Ph 1969 CADILLAC 1967 OLDSMOBILE "''' 11900. ~290 ' ISO !Inn. Le ...... 1'69 Horbor. · !967 OLDSMOBILE ..i-1991 642-<023 Re~twoo4 lrou9h·'"· Ilk 'W/ Yloto c,,,,,, Wt •· f,,,, w/, Toron•do. 6o1J w/blk. •lnyl '61 Che~ Im~·'~ ""'nv blk Yl11yl top I-blk lthr, Int. .,, ~ ....., ·• 1968 FORD LTD 4 dr. hrd\p, -•t•' l•t ••• ,,., 1,11 top. DI•. ii.It Int. Fae. 11Jr, $295 Good -·-nation C"'RVETTE Fae. arr, AM /FM Sttrao "' n, • ' ' pwr. wlricl., •·••Y •a•t, tllt ' Call ;;,"!':,;'4 ' ,.;, 20,000 ml. X'tra clean. 390 ' 6 t tilt l t /• pwr,, pwr. wind,. lik• 11aw, .,.._.,.,.l
Und cars "80
}ft.rd top. ''289" \18., I ltick ' 'I
shift, vleyl root. radio &c
• raG,, ·way •aa • •' LIC WOO JJ:I I-ttl •frn9. whl. Loc al t!at, .~=='",:,.,;;;;:.cc;.:·'-.,~ eng, air cond. PIS, vacuum ~U.S '39, 11ide inountl!I. new •trn9. whl .. P"''· dr, lockl, low rnllti. LIC. USH 751 '66 CHEVY Impala, 2 Dr. ,60 CORVETTE Re-blt eng. door lock, stereo, $2575. Call 5...-3001 Ext. 66 or 67
nt.·new wsw tires, $4950. ale. L1C:. XIM 214 $2695 . $2995 HDT. BESf OFFER. auto. nw, tires & brakes, 546-6345. 1970 HARBOR BLVD.
v, prty Sl&-Ol)U. 64._., 5"' 3031 Ext. 66 °' '1 $6695 ' ..... u:w* "·'="'"'=="..,-,,.--= COSTA MESA .;. ••10 HARBOR BLVD very clean. $12l.?. '5 5 '67% FORD Cortina wagon. --------
Ir SUNBEAM UI OOSTA MESA • 1966 CADILLAC 1961 CADILLAC $125. 1959 Chevj Impala. 4« Nomad nw. paint, gd run. Raaii:> ve r 'Y economical '69 MACll 1, 14,000 ml, lull t . 1967 LINCOLN COM IH De Viii.. Gold w/ c.,. •• ,tlliole. Sliver w/Dllr. Sport Sedan, v..a. Auto nlng cond. $595. 646--3373 $1095.' 6f6...5956 aft 5 & pY.T, all .xtras. Drafted, $595 Silver w/bl\: top I lthr., IHti9e Yl11vl fop, lthr, Int., fop. Reel lthr, 111!. Fae, •Ir, tranB Orig thn\OOl 644-1067 · Co tt S691J t-wknds mu.st sell. Ma.Ire O Ir· SUNBEAl\t Alpine GT. fie. ttr, loaded w/aU tht Ftit, 11ir; P.I,. P.W Loaclocl lotclacl w/e•ha• Local cir, '. rve e n ,y ' 645-1239 ·Good top, Urea. Run5 good 1960 YOLKS e1tra•, LIC. TO D 167 w/e•lr11 LIC. UIL 154 Yt ty cloan (IC WIJ 419 '63 ™PALA Conv. 58,000 ml. Corvette Stingray 1966, '62 FORD Glllaxie battery --------
fro. 531-1433 Hoa1"r4 4 ....... NW.. 2ljd $3195 $3295 $4495 P/S, P/B, 327 VV-8 cng. Exedl<ntoondttton.$2600 down l need•' small NEW '69 Mu&tang Grande, I= Like new. 830-<l201 * 842-1062 • tune-up. Good tires. V-8, PS, all' C:'Ond., dlxe Int.,
J!·;;;;;;;T;;O;;Y;;O;;;;TA;;;;;;;;;;j a·"E· LAVT87N6. LEWIS M•ny OtMr Clea n Lllte Model C•d lllac• '64 CHEV D 6-cyl, auto. $500. '66 FASTBACK, wltlte, 327, 4 543-8lB5 5 new Michelin radials, 2500
! • ••
& Other Makel to Chooae From Rlll, good taruiportation apd, many xtraa, xJnt care 19G9 Ford Country Sedan, mlles. 1'.1ake offer:. 644--0266
ALLEN car. 54H323 """· 13150. -it•tlon wogon, loaded. Pric-OLDSMOBIL'E ORANGE 1966 Harbor, C.M. -&16-930.1 --,------~ ed for qulck sale. i280Dl--------
COAST'S '65 VW -·· tan. Drfv.n CHRYSLER COUGAR , S>l-5290 "OLDEST' 1'" !hon 30,000 mt. by mu. Oldsmobile-Cadillac, :/nc. s""E"'AU;:;:;Tc-, "'·os"'eou=nt"'",.,,""Sq=uir.-=. $1495 Deal school teacher! 5 new 1967 Chrysler · '61 Cougar ~7. Loaded! Au pwr, air, Jo mi. Fl\1:/AM 1967 Olds Cutle11 Toyota er Dunlap dogbone radial tires. 494-1084 A uthori1ed Dealer 547.3103 New Yor ker One owner. Factory war-stereo. Make ofr 673-3823 Supreme lIT Cpe, RIH, pow .
"' Have complete service Custom 4 Dr Sedan, air c:on-ranty. 30,001 ml, 675-5342 l960 FORD Station Wgn. steering, bucket seats, floor t Immediate Delivery records 1rom Chick Iverson. hil 1~ .. 1 TYZJ05 Sl300. 56--0063 days, 1111 SOUTH COAST HIWAT INe.t to the Pottery ShackJ LA•UN.A HACH ditionlng, automatic tnms. $100. 1957 Ford eng. reblt s t, v .. y top.
: on HARD TO GET 646-810.1 ''" '"!!!!!!!!! mt,.lon, power steering & DODGE jso . .....,., DEAN LEWIS : MODELS -call for 1 ~ bmkes, radio, heater, tllt & .
: lnforml t1on VW Squ.areback '67 Loaded I ...... _ _. " &LAA UHd C telescoplc wheel speed &: 1967 DODGE Coronet Wgn. FO~ 6 cyl & trans, JWlt w/extras. Tllpe, exhst sys, mpon.u "'uto1 1'VVV Autos Wanted 9700 ar1 ' '900 . ' . rebuilt new carb, clutch, P. 1966 l!arbor, C.M, 646-9303
1D i ·•-m• •-· nu wide tires,, _____ ....:,___ cnn.se control. New prem-440. PIB, PIS, tac air & p $lOO 644-2576 S45-2380 BANK · •r· II" $ o;iuv •"'"'"" •· CADILLAC ium tires, Absolutely like luggage rack, must sell. · • • "" moro. Muit drtv.! 54.H466, VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY .·. new. $100 b<low whol•Ml• book.1964 Fon! Raru:bero. VS, REPOSSESSION tn atlfS M6-lS44 Now. CASH $2199 $1400. Pri pty. 540--0144 auto, PS., air. Lie. FOH268. 1969 Oldsmobile, 442, 2 d091
, ., '61 VW Sedan. rlh, drives '68 Squareback. 1968 Cad.Wac deVille, 4 door GOOD SEL-ECTION $1099. Sunset Ford . 636-4010 hardtop, power steerins, i9oo So. Cst. H ighway like a top. MU&t seU for Xlnt cond. R1H Nltp. Black wlblack viilyl FALCON ~r brakes, air cond.,
: Laguna Beach brother In service $550. Pr Call 833-2193 ' 'roof, less than 2.0,000 miles ~ UN.COLN auto trans. Excellent co~-
1'4-7503 * 540-3100 pty. 6#-2024 '68 VW -Beige, blk. int. New for med can ll trucks Just <ZVN 33) save $1300. under Q ~ lion. Low mileage. 642-3Ul vw '63 Semi-eamper, mint lires, Xln't cond., $1.700. call UI tor b'ft' mlmalflte. ' ' ~k price only $3995: Jim ~ '63 FALCON C.S. wag. Red. '63 CONTINENTAL, f u 11 Ext 237 or 241. •
TOYOTA cond. Only 12,4'15 mi, Fae ' ~°'~n~n~~~----~-·._,=,,,, GRODI CHM·O cmons Mercedes Benz, 12Xl 0 A.T., 6 cyl CI e" n ! power, factory air, very '66 Cutlass Convertible. Pis,
re-lilt eng, Stereo/radio, prt • ;66 VW SUnroof. low mileage, ~_ii;rner, Santa Ana. •a. , .• s Desperate to sell $595. clean, nearly new tires. Plb, Plw. J\.fAKE OFFER .
.; SPECTACULAR ~:193'l ~: {.;;_4~ 1~io1~2131
radio, very good oondition. Aak ~ =b ~ 'wL" p 6:~Al.CON RANCHERO 494-4129 ~.~: r.o3:!a~i~~
; YEAR END SALE $U1S. <94-173J Hun-Beach ' '65 CAO DE VILLE '\ MERCURY d•l" 4""3141 eves -<
•• ALL MODELS '55 yw BUS. "'w re-bit •"i' 1960 vw Von, """"''° l Kl 0"3. 31 $3tltl. Auto., R/H. l---'------
EAL5 Needs work on trans. Make panelled, 400 mi on new All original, full pwr, fad S4!J.303l Ext. li6 or 61 Private Party. 846-1531 1966 OLDS F·85 Station '! YO~B~ST~AT OUer. 491-5419 eves. Days valve job $600. 67S-4530 WE PAY Wff air, dlr, take foreign car Iii 1910 HARBQR BLVD. '62 Falcon Wagon Os.s729 '~!!~tc~n~ ~ Wagon P\\T str, pwr brakes, • EWIS 549-3343. '68 vw w"te xlnt -nd trade or small down. QPA-COSTA MESA $599. Sunset Ford. 636-4010 00,v053• 5 ..... 1 Ford luggage rack, low book DEAN L vw BUS. bed &: curt.aim xtras $tn00u ~vt pty ..... 43i 322LB, Call Phil 4!M--m3 or =========-1 1962 FALCON ·Mio ..,..,.., Sll50, high $1570. Best OU~ FOR YOUR CAR 545-0634 CO N TAL ol,~~:,:::.-"7.-,-,....,=-,,, by Nov. 17 takes. 491-1044 ;. :... $800 • Ri"'n;oe, N.B. 00-0099 ' · NTI EN Prv prty, 64>'4219 alt "30 1963 Mercuzy M•teor Slation
11t1b Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Call &.&5-0724 after 5 PM ,62 VW CAMPER '68 FTWD BRGM. All ac· Wagon. $450. STA WAG STEAL I : I $1095 '67 VW. Modll'ied 1500 eng. * $850. 645-0JlS * CONNELL eessories. Black. Cost $93)0 1967 Lincoln Cont. 4 door, all FORD * S49-lS97 * ·~ F-85 Wht Wag. Sacrifice.
• Xlnt cond. 11100 or best ol· ~_CHmOLEl new, now $5250/best oUer. powor equlpm .. t + .. i~ & Ortg owner. Exceptional. , 1966 Toyot.t Crown ler. S46-0l67 --. 22,000 miles, lull warrancy. _.. 1963 Ford Station Wagon. '62 htercury Me.u;or. One $1050. * 67l-12Ji Otltom Wagon,.R. H., over-==~---cc-,:~ VOLVO 2821 Harb« Blvd. fTI4) C?n AcL".. stereo (UCL 190). A Lu owner, good conchtton. Eves '55 vw Campe -•""In• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~--=='°'~"7'=----•· I P/S. 6 cyls. overdrive. g-540 _,, II d kn-'-1963 OLDS 98 4 Dr. Full •n've, ru••.• •lean. SUal98 r1 ...... .,. • I ·--~="°"M~-=~546-=12000---;--;; ueautifu one owner car just """°"""' or a ay w "" 11 ... • " 1800 '67 CAD Sed n. Vil! Full gage rack. 40,000 actual · '°"'er, lac air. BEST OF-· 'EAN LEWIS lights, FM I stereo. . · an'-'\: e. traded on a new Mercedes • D VOLVO WE PAY Top pwr I t · • t All mil••· r-• me ... hanical FE" ov•r $290. 54• -66 •• 33952 Copper Lantem, ana ·• ac air • s ereo. Benz, Save $600. only $2995 uuuu " MUSTANG A ~·
Point ~96-9806 SOR RY' DOLLAR acceu. 1-owner. Low ml., this weekend. Jim Semons condition $100 under Blue •64 OLDS 98 2 dr hardtop
1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 :s.i VW _ Meth. A·l orig. for good, clean used ears, Xln
t cond. _;rl95 or best of. Mercedes Benz, 120 w. Booalt k
. Asking $350. 642-396311·-966-285'-M'-U-~-AN-G_H_ord_to-p, a/c, pis, p/b, xlnt rond.
"Iu MAxb y paint, lo ml, Must Sell, Best • all makes. See George Ra,y er. Call wkdys: 644-5468 Wamer, Santa"1l,na. s.16-4114 ,
F I F V..S engine, RIH. P/S. $850. 546-3420 or 542--0343
• ~ Offer. 847-1115. ALL '69's SOLD! n:&r~~m~;;rd '67 Cadillac ~Ville. Full 1966 CONTI,NEN"TAL 4 con utur• w f 1 I w. Reasonable. Pri-'66 'l'ORNADQ. Dix. Beau~
1969 VW CAMPER CHECK OUR DEAL CM. oo.omo power $3975. Excellent t"On. SEDAN Fully facto'fo~ulpped, Dlr. vate Party.~ cond. $1,150 For quck W~ T T ' 4,500 ml, Tent, Radio. Camp. ON 1970 Modelal ' diUon. 548--0t49 Loaded! Xln't Cond. Phone Muun '61 MUsrANq 2 D HT_ PS-Prtv. party. 675-0745 ·.
aaa1 BEACH BLVD. ing equip. &44-515!1 Will Buy CAD 1968 convert 2.0,IXXJ ace: $1950. Call -54&-7843 ·=-==-,:-,--,--,=-,.-,,vinyl top -V-8 -auto • '64 OLDS, F-85, V-8 ftiOJI
14 1964 vw c.--·~-back . ~ WllDf' II"\'$ miles like new. Full power '62 FORD Galaxle ~luxe 2 19,IXXl mi. Will sac. 644-2215 Auto., P/s, etc. $38!1: nt. S.ach 7-8555 ~ ...... Co.,nd UI ,. Your Volkswagen or Porsche a ir inc. Stereo. Ph. !l68-5M8 CORVAIR Or. Per'fect cond. Air. $.175. -· &42--0552 :: I ml, N.' of Coast Hwy. on Bch 1500-S. Xlnt • meters • _v ,_ do'L-. Paid ,__ 644-4493 1965 Mustang V8. Power
Call 842-122'l • ,....., ""'i' ILIUlll ...,. ====_,,...,,,...,.-,XJ:;;:( steering. I.Jc. NQH691 $899. WHERE'S you;r fair sbaref. IUJST Sell, brand new '69 --~------·--or mt, can RRlpb CHEVROLET '&I CORVAIR, $50. Needs '64 FO~ Cty Sq Wag. n Smt.et Ford. 6J6-4010 GIVE Now -United Fund :
'foyota Land Crulser . .f...whl '69 VW Sqback, very clean, 900 So. Cat. Hii.hway 613-0900 work. Auto aif cond. Auto cond-all'. Must &ell, make•1;;;;;==:=:;:=:==:-!..==:=====~":'I .;. Conv Compl•t• lomlg.mustsacriflce$2l.50. • -===-,===--I•~ ~--1 .. Ca · St I Call •·•~ss fl 6~•m I · · ~· · Lanuna Beach B1PORT:s WANTED .......,, "''~ pnce · 000 er. • ...-v•J 0 er. ,......, · U, .. .-C•n 9900 UMd C.trs . 9900! 'f/robar & lobar. Under 536--3115 or 893--1606 4 ,7503• * 544).JlOO n-...... O:>untiet Wagon ..u~ ~r + air ,· ~ warr. Best oUer over $2550. 0'69~VW~-~T-an-. ~S-tll~l ~In~W-ar· 9... TQp,..,$ BUYER cond. (STK No. M352Al. Used C.trt 9900 Used C•n 9900
615-1753 ranty. Ca 11 540-6517 or O YO BILL MAXEY TOYatA Can be bought $500. wider ::;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
fB TOYOO'A Corolla 5#-2107. Y l 18881 Beach Blvd. Blue Book only $1795 this
Fastbook, porl .. t rondttlon. -,-,.-.-VW-Con-v.ro-.bl-,-R. Beach. Pb..,,._ week•nd. Jim Slomons OTHERS TURNED YOU DOWN?
rn-5047 CLEARANCE NO\YI -literCedes Bera, l2l w.
,1968 Tr iumph Gf6
~. R/H, 4 speed, Original
inllide & out. Re4 linish,
black interior. WQW675.
-9'i Harbor, C.hf.
PJY788. SGl9. 142. 144. 145 .. 164 Wanted 1969 Cadillac, from Warner, Santa Ana. 546-4114 SUnset Ford, Ph. 6J6.4010 private party. call aft 6 THE LOWES"r PRICES 54&-8'1S7 '65 Nova SS, bkt seats, auto
wtlh ~54 ·ssbvwllt * . YOUR BESI' DEALS p.m. trans, p/s, r/h, economy 6,
re u engme. .<\P..E STII..J.. AT VAN Or Station wagon under new tires. recent , tune.up
$400. ~ .it 6 DEAN LEW,$ I =$600=, pre=Iu=6=cy=l.,=no=VW=, xlnt oond. By o""'r $995. '61 VW Bus 962-8145 837-5202 days; 673-4566
Y.'ith rcblt engine, $595. eves.
Call 673-8709 1966 H.-, C.M. 61~!13¢1 Auto LHtlnt 9810 P•~ '65 -•-4 ~ ~ 1-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '69 l~fPALA, 2 dr, HT, * '66 VW CAMPER ......., au• "Y"• • ...., [a white, black vinyl, AIC,
$3JOO 494-44&1 aft 6 p.m. a11 w I blk int. r I h, w. oSl/995d. LEASE • RENT turbo, AM/fli.I, p Is'
d.y Wk•nd• , Pvt. pty. Very clean . t I I t ' " · &15-ll.5f eves or 646--1100 ORDER YOUR cruse, wsw. mmacu a e.
'63 VW BUS. A·l oond. R&H, days 1970 TODAY 15,000 mi. $2195. 830-3214
a!,000 mt on new eng. 1-=='======== FOR EARLIEST '68 Chevy Impala custom, ·==~*~673~·~3241~-*_,,,..,.."1 AntlquM, Cl.tlslCI 9615 DELIVERY Turbo-hydro, V..s. P/disc
'65 VW Sed. New tires & bat.. All popular makes. Ford brks, P/s, A/C. Vinyl top, SS: VW, sunroof, 1 ow tery. Xlnl cone!. Best oU~r. 1956 'MARK II Continental. authorized !~a.sing system, Extras! $2795. 496-5571
mlleage, Cle:i.ni one O\.\'Iler. 838-3317. Bronze. Brown &: \\•hlte int. Get Our Competitive Rates '64 OIEVY Impala SS Cpe.
$S75. Cdl\I 673-4923 ~Li68~=BL~U~E~V~ol~k.s-wag_e_n-. E=-x. Xlnt cond. 549--2851. Theodore P/S, R&H, auto trans.
9iii paneled truck. 1 owner, tra clean! EXTRAS! $1650. 1931 Model A ROBINS FORD Clean. Pri pty. $8 95.
good rond. Sll50. See et 595 Aft 5: JO, 673.-4806. $400 2000 Harbor Rlvd. .o"'~2-35=='°~· ~-~=--~
Gtand Haven arcle, C.M. ,64 vw, Good Mechanical 962-4067 Costa Mesa S42-0lllO '64 CHEVY Impala SS convt,
56 VW, LlKE NEW $9'"JO. 602 cond. Leavng. 11t.ate. Mu.at 9620 good cond. Must sell. $7SO.
Acacia Ccll\f between H pm Sell. litake Offer. 548-7251. bee C•n, Rods LEASE ANY MAKE _6l_J.._n_62 _____ _
Ask for Ken. 1969 VW BUG 1957 OIEVY, tube front end. OR MODEL 1965 Chevy ImpeJa S.S. V-8,
'56 VW. E xtr a part1 9000 ml. Radial tt~s Pontiac rear end. 327 Chevy Let ollr tease "e>eperts show R&H, PIS. auto. Ori&
Call LI 8-0341 Mint Cond $190G-548-6502 eng. $800. 846-3221 you the best plan for your own.?r. $1050: 837-9628. ========0:..========~========'i personal needs without obli· 9600 gatlon. mported Autos Imported Autos 9600 Imported A•f<ll 9600 Imported Autos
e N-I• Callf. e Ho4 • 1.,.....i .. e .... l •kn1pt e .No Mde LoHs
e No P11mlhre Leal e No Salary loal e No Co-Sl9..n NeHed e No Collatwol N...._.
'19 CHIV. J.cfr •• , SfS '6l PONTIAC •••• 5191
RIH, OHX 177, Rl-H. Ill 001.
'60 CHEY. w.,... SHS '62 POID Gal .•• S3t5
A.T., RIH, JJY 701. A.T .. Air, PUl 176.
'6J CHIV. W119011 5491 '62 fOltD ~t ••• 5!1it5
A.T., RI H, WYWl 66 A.T. YCS 912.
''4 CLASSIC w, .. S6f l '63 IUICIC S,.clol $695
660. OST l l 1. A.T., R&H. JQY 916.
'65 PONTIAC'°"-5791 '64 FOltD G ..... S7fS
--A.T. R&H. XRJ 012. Y·I . NYK 104.
'64 DART H.T ••• S7tJ '64 LINCOLN COltf. 1995
A.T., Air. ONT 429. A.T, Air. NYM 176.
'6l Y.W. In .•. , 5991 '66 FOltD 4-clr, HT S9t S
RIH. BW t l l5 A.T. WOV 105.
't69 HAllOI
ARRIVED New Shipment
Ch~lce of Colors & Equipment
285o Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa
Re.tdy & Se rwlced for Immediate Delivery
e COROLLAS-Sod•ns-Fastback Sprlntora-Statlon Wagons e CORDNAS--4 Door Saelens-Hardtop Coupoa e MARK ll's-tlardlop Coupaa-4 Door Sadan• e CROWNS-Station Wagons-4 Door Seda ns e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtops 4 Whatl Orin Wagons e PICKUPS-4 Spead Standard Tr~ns.
Automatics -4 speeds -factory eir concl itio ning -1tereo ft p• d•c~1
m1 Q ""h•els ancl m1 ny other optiont,
• Many D-nsltaton at Reduced Prices •
I se teet DOmi1iJc I imported OHd C.tr• BeJOW M.trket Prices I
1969 Mustang, 2 dr, HT, V..S,
air, ps, auto. trans., wsw.
$79.00 mo.
300 W. Cit Hwy, NB 645-2W
Und Cart
BUICK 1963 Special 4 Dr.
Auto trans, very clean, 1
owner: 73,000 mi. Service
manuals incl. 54&-0037
'63 Bulck LeSabre, Good
cond.. roblt. eng. Orig.
owner. 642-50XI 54&-0390
1965 Buick Le Sabre conv.
Sharp, clusy red vtiiyJ
uphol. Xlnt cond. Make QI.
fer, Co.II 673-3921.
'63 BUICK Electra. 'PIB,
P/S. }~ct. air. Under Blu
book, 541)..2699, aft 5
'S7 BUICK. Cood running
t'Ond., X1nt transportation,
1.!16$ ruviERA. iu11.y ioa.ded,
lea11e exp Ir Ing. M'ust
sacrifice. Call 67J.-7155
'6.5 COUPE de Ville. Clea.rt:
With The Purchase Of A New CORTINA • •
• 2 Doors
50 Just Off The Boat
• 4 Doors • Grs
• Wagons
We Will P•y For All Tho Gu It U sos For TWO FULL MONTHS
All Gasoline Must Be Disbursed At Sun1et Ford .... HURRYI
4 speed, floor shift, front disc bra ka1, padded door •rm re1t1, inter•
lor light, h•iivy duty batter y, a1ro vent he.tvy duty M i ter, 2 speed
w ind1hi•ld wipers, w indshi1ld was h•r1, 1e lf adju sting clutch/br.tke1,
fMdded vinyl 1eat1, h eed rests, cold start equipment, parcel shelf,
$19 .. 44
TERMS ••• $191.00 Down, Cash ... Tr..-.... U Easy Payments of $63.st. Annual P1rcenta9• R•te 12.12. Deferred Payment P rice
$2'470.S2. (0.A.C.l
'64 CORYmE Cpe.
e~ .. , .... he...,.,
2828 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa 546-1203
Open Sun. 11·5 540-2512 Nr\\' paint & tlrM. All Xlr'f.11.
~take offer. 6i>J.302 or
873'MS<'' ------. ---- ---------
• •
• • TRANSPORTATION TaANSl'OITATION ,TaANSl'OlltTATION ~ TRANSPORTATI ON TltANSl'O!ITATION -Ulld c,,. 9900 Used Co rs 9900 9900 UMd Cars ' : f900' UM!! c,,_ · -
PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH ---.,----1 ' T-lllD ' .• T·•ID. '· PON'l'IAC
. 1969 Plymouth Sport Subur· '68 Plymouth Suburban. '66 GTO '66 T•llRD 151 PORTHOLE T-Btrd, xln'
, ban 9 pass st \Vigen (ZNV Radio, heater. air, power 1_ dlr ~ Nu tnttl'. t; patnl • 096) u ' -steering Best over i1n:s-4-Sp"'"·--~ .2 Or. HT, full pm,_a!.l",,_ •· n.ii.tt·eflllnt-Clll tJS;.181.., • a f>O\\-er equipped. On· HoJIA ..... • . · .WU pwr -.u. brUec, windows. •
1Y $.1940 miles. Full new car ....., Leui.nr. 19 6 9 ~hie. VI, oower steer-Blue ~ $2500-Take J1900 T·BIRD '65 conyt. Be~ut L
5 year warranty availaDle. lfe.chor: Pb. 642-6CG3 inr~radlo, heateor. Lie. SYM-or forelin car 1n tnde. mI.c. loaded, tact~. mus-i Save $$$ only 13295 this 030. NPV132, call PJUI *'9773 MU $1595. 8»2"l98
, w"'kend, '1'11 Sl emons PONTIAC $11" or~. • •
1 1 Mercedes Beni, . 120 ·' w. , y.1.11.1.NT
l. Warner.-$lnta.Ana. M&-4114 '64 BONNEVILLE conv. Xlnt ~ 82 . T~ 't_OP CON· ...,._ -' oond Ne · t' · t D IT ION. 'TtanmliaaSOn, --•, '68 PlymoUth Fury 4, door. · w ires; pain · ft ~ b~ and ttm; NEW VALIANT •6'.5,. ' dr. a\lill
£ · R.ad!O. 1h ea t er, ail' con· l-Owner 5&l800; 675-39'23 ~~ gc..5031 ' rl:h, new tires, xlnt, pvt ~ diUoning, power ' steering, '65 PONTIAC. wholesale. o --pty, $8Z. M2-QI08 l automatic trans Best over Auto, air. new tires. ' tJ:S 1964 T·BIRD, P/s, PJb, f . --pr
• $1495. Holiday L::aslng, 1969 $'150/best offer. 644-475'1 ' ~p· ~:w;.::n-a11':v pty. ~'=. ~ V~ANT O:er~ ~'
i Harbol'. Ph. 642-0023 '64 CATALINA Wagon, P/S, •'" 644-6279 i-Ylll Saturday & Sund8.y, Only.
1965 BARRACUDA. $~ un-P/B, Air cond, Like new _:;;:;=="'·===-=======-! der whlsc. T1>tal price S190. condition. Call 642-2708. 5~9-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 Imported' Autet 9600 lmPt?rted Autos · 9600
, . Good cond. Call 5.19-2683 or 1959 Pontiac $.iO, 1 Box 1970 HARBOR BL.VO. -
t 64&-8161 . trailer $50. OOSTA MESA
: UNITED ruND-Commun1!y Phone 548-8100 SPECIAL Equip, tor
: Chest They get the job '67 Gran Prix-Sharp! parapalegic (hand operated ~ done best Loaded! S19$. 846-1165 driving ontrolsl 1959 Pont.
Catalina 2 Dr HT .• 389 V-8,
Pis. /b, auto. Good cond. l========-"=_;;..;c..:.._..;_.....;.=-1 Jr desb'ed sell without spec.
• I
L•t• mod1I 12 ft . e1m p11, almost wholly 111{ e:n.
l•in•d includi119 1utom1tie 91;1 r•friger•tor ind .h••t•
!n,. toil•!, '''· Exe•llenl condition inside .J out. . .
1960 3/4 TON CHEVROLET· ·
We will 91 .... you • 1960 ~ l•ll Ch•w•l•t lo h1ul ft
1round witlt -iilr•tcly 1lf•ch•d.-•lld 1110 in •x•
c•ll1nl .:ondition . l ie. No. KISlloJ .
Opn 7 Doys Tfll 10 P.M.
18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach
Hwy. 39 So. ot S• Dl .. o f.,y.
Phone 545-8863 or 847-6839
Open 1 Daya 'Til ID P.M.
cntrls. $315. 642-1434 alt 4
pm anytime Sal/Sun. ·
1969 FIREBIRD • Pontiac.
15,000 actuaJ mi I ea g e
LiP'tick 01·anie w/ white
Cordova top. $2950. Helen
Ryan owner. 546-651t
1!168 BONNEVILLE, fully
equip. ·smau down &-Take
over paymen~. Xlnt ternu:.
'64 BONNEVILLE, PWr sf.l'i,
pwr brks, pwr windows, R I:
H, autO trans, looks &: ru111
1reatl Askin& $750. ~
'65 LE MANS, spon coupe.
See to believe! $100 over
Blue Book. 968-4038
'63 Rambler Conv. DLR. Lie.
NZM260 $499. Sunset Ford
4 Dl.
,,,, .
Full f1~toi:y •quip. plw1 r•·
cli •• s.r. ff 54JJ.
Full f•cl. •quiP,.
Sir. # 9601
Ser. # 2131
'65 T·BIRD, loadod! Xlnl $516.50 col\CI. dk blue. ~1600. By
owner. 61~0
' (• -.
Now. Special savings on our com·
1970 DODGE
21 Ft. & 27 Ft.
plete line of recreational vehicles-from
cam pers and ·family Wagons through" the ultimate in cross-country
living, Dodge ·Motor Homes. There'll never be a better time to put
,yourself into one of the greatest vacation homes going. See us today,
'And save enough to get yo urself way out of town tomorrow.
1969 COREY . 4977 CRUISE" $
Self ·Contained
v.1 •ntin•, 1ir eonclifi•ni .. , •ulo. tr1111mi11io11, po••r 1t••tin1, •J••P• I ,
mono1111lie toil•!, r•frit •r•t•r, m111y oth•r ••Ir••· No. 2012 IU TO, 11111. frorit
for 2, willt r•clil1ln9 p•n•ll••• ••••· ltd, r••r, for 2, witft t•~I., ••rit, 1t.r·
191 c1bin1h , f•rmi.:• top.' tlr•w•rt. &lit•, tint.cl, wlnJ tltLeld A 111 wJndow1.
H11l•r, Hit lt e1pteity, 'with dtfrolltr. ln1ul1tio11 I: 101111tl proofh19. R1Jio, AM.
Bulin• t1nk I: 9eu9•. R•frit•r•t.r, •l•etric, 12 or 110 •olt, Sink, bwilt-111
1l1inl111 li1el. W1t•r t•n•, .,..nt.d clr1i n1 1pproY..I plumbin9 , 1irer1fl·f'fP•·
T•1n1rnl11ion, 1ulom1tic, J 1p1•cl, H.D. w•l•r e~ol1tl. Ut•d, Jo., milttt•·
75 Camper Conversions Ready
for Immediate DeDvery.
. I
GINE ~HARA'S Alli 'Allotit Our Lease Pion
' ' •
• •
F11Uy f•etory •q11ipp•d lne1uclin.g lt•1d r•th, •••t !Mitt,
l:11ck 11p li9hh, wind1hi•ld w11h•(1, oohld• mirror, Cit•
p•h, •tc.
. . FUlt:
1970 DELTA 88 2-DOOR 1970 98 4-DOOR SEDAN
Fully f•clory •quipp.d ineludl119 h;.d r•th, ••~t b•ltt,
b•clr up lr9hfl, wlndihl•ld W•1h•r., o uflid• mirro;, c•r-415 'Va, ;11t~m1tic, pit.,., 1f••rin9, poW,r cl110.. l:ir~k••
••d •tlri•r lu•urc •-'r••· . $389'6 ~~. ' ,.,., '''·s299& FULL
, ........
.. OVER 40
.......... -....... .....
Jiit """'' .......... _, .,..., Ill:, .. , hit· ......... ,... .....
recUo, f11ll ,._ .... .
NEW 1970
;J/4 TON
. ' .
Avto,,...tlt, P. S .• Ylnyl fllp, f cyt. exceptlOn-4 Or. llenltop, fUU ~. rlc!. 1lr, l•utl-
el econc>my ur. M1111INlo 1porecl11t. (UQ;r 1969 TORONADO 1u •vlolnobll• tot 11"'111, ''X"' "°!
$1595 u •• d a1 an executiv• car by $695 KNOB . Over ~ 1690 worth of
extras list•d on window stick.
1968 FURY II er. So fresh - it's dt1pl1 y•d tn 1967 VISTA CRUISER WAG. our new c.a r showrooms. I YCL·
Avto., tktory 1!r, ~. $., V·I, Excrlllnl flm-161 1. f Pt•1t119er, 1~., f9tt. l lr, ~. S. \II, IUCW
111 u r. 4 Door 1fd111. (114.W ,.,, .. ,
$17.95 s4795 $2395
1966 FAIRLANE 500 1966 EL CAMINO 1967 DELMONT 88
t '*"° 11t1dt1111, AulO,, P.S., VI. Ont of !flt A1110 .. f1etorv •Ir, VI, ~.s. (T:tJ001) 4 Dr. 1 .. n1ro,, 'vto., f1ct 11r, '"· s. vt. n tt
Ct.Mlf Clf'I In IOwn (TFC 'lD'll e.r wt• """ flk'" ''r• Of. (VIN 3111
51395 51695 $1995
1988 CHRYSLER 1989 OLDSMOBILE 442 1966 DELTA 88
4 O.Or ~ Nrw Yorker. 1v10n111tc, lull HerdlOll, 4 tOfld, VI. (XSH ·1741 '4 Dcl9f, IU!O., I'. S., VI. ($1M 2D7J "°'*"'' , ect lltnl COlld!lfOn, lttll:llY .. n1ni... CWQI WJ. ' Tllfl IUlo .. 14 19f -r Noioo 'flh'" lnnd MW. • $3095 $2895 $1595
I '
:· . ,,
. . • . ;t . ..
·' '
bAll. Y 1'1\.0T Sotilrdl'I, N-htr 15, 196? " --'-------'-
• ----'• .,
~ ~ ' . . . )' .
::~·;· ..... '. ' \ . </;, ..
' . ~ . ; ' .· .. •, . -......
---' l . • •.. ' ' . '
A Itlagni'yte1l.t · Experien~e
' . ' ' '1"' ·~ -·?,-,~,., l •, I ·1· . . ·" .•.... '' . '. ...... '. ' . . l ' . . . " .. ' ' ' •· l ..• -• . , •.
Exquisite Sapphire Blue Firemist w7
white padded top & white leather ex-
terior, -Flctory Air, Full POwef, Stereo
AM, Power door locks, tilt & telescopic
steering 'wh eel, etc., etc.
!Ser. H910r-792)
Fleetwood Broug han1. Ivanhoe"ireen w/bc1;:::r.
pe.dd~ top &: beige leather, Fact. Air Cond ..
Full Power, Al\1-FM, tilt y.•heel, Cruise Con-
trol. Automatic trunk opener, etc., etc. CMZC14-0)
Dix. Hardtop, gorg~u• 1olden Broil:r:c w/
,Black padded top, .t: &ol Vinyl inter. AM-
FM Radio, Full Power, Air Conditioning, tilt
I: telescopic wheel, Dix J-lub C&ps, etc. (TFB947))
Sedan De Ville. Beautiful Sahafa iOld w/
Black Padded top, black leather intel'ior, Full
PoY.:er, Factory Air, A!l.I-Fi\1 Radio, · tilt.
"'heel, Power door locks, etc. (SIT-121} ..
Spotless 48,000 n1ile Coupe. 4 speed trans ..
chrornc "'ire \vhcels, stereo tape deck, etc ...
etc. Beautirul ppr~undy finish \\'/full Jealher
interior. (f.l\V\V621).
S.edan. De Ville. Full po"·er. factory air con-
d1tlon1ng, AJ\1-Ff\1 radio, power door lock~.
f>O\\'er vent windo\VS. Bron:r:e firemist "'Ith
black padded top and black leather interior. 1822AGA)'. .
. Se;_c!an ~ Ville. Popular N'ewpor~ ~Jue ,wf ,
dlx. interior, Factory Ai!'·Cond., Futl Power
•1:dgnal :seeking ·Radio, tilt & telescopic wheel:
all DL'f."Xtras. (I\VD204).
SALi ··$2100
SALi $2100
$2000 ·
TO '8EL£~T FRO~l
, 1969 CAblLLAC-S!DAN 'DE · YIW
Low mllca;e. Brealht.aki~ flnllh•wlvtn9i'*°P .A deluxe cloth I: leather" trlmm~ J?lU•h inu!r1or. Factory air .cond., 'full• po"·er, 11tereo AM·F¥
radio, Ctt.nse Contr.ol, lilt A: t elescopic whetl,•apllt front ae~ with Mpt.·
rate ldjUstment, -rear window defog a: er, door ~· powet; door locks,
_headlamp dimmers, WS\.l tires, remote b'unk optner. twiU1ht sentinel,
etc., etc. Absolutely ewry option· on thls ,JUXW"loua motor car (Ser.
89132943). h;Iust be seen_& driven! . · · · · -'
' ' ,.
Coupe de Ville. Normandy blue• with black ,,
Landau and blue leather trun. Full power,
factory air conditioning, tilt-tele wheel,
A?if-Fl\f radio, etc. Local one-ownei;.
1967 . Tl:IUNDIRalRD ' . Alpine ·Whlte-With black v1nyf Jnt.erior. Full-
pow~ factory air, Alll-Flit, tilt steorlna:
wheel. (UTC387)
Coupe De Ville. Full power equipment plus
factory air conditioning, 4M·FM• radio, poww
·er door locks. auto seat rele8ses, etc. Lovely
Cameo beige exterior with a flax padded root
.and.Delphine Flak. cloth and leather interior. 1141129) •
1966 TORON.4DO '
Deluxe. Full J>O"'Ct', factory air conditionin~.
tilt wheel, AJ\I-FM radio, silver blue finish,
v~l top, deluxe Interior. (10081)
.H:~nkoP. coupe. cascade green with match·
ing' cloth (Uld leather interior. Full power,
, i factory 8.ir, AM·FM radio, tilt-telescopic
steering whe~l._(RGU643)
1968 CONTINENTAL . , . " ....
Sedan. Glacier grecin "'ith ~ccm leather In-
. tl!rior. Full power, factory air, AM·Flii radio.
, (VWN492·) ~~ . , ' . ... .. .
I;; • •
" .
I .
--., .
SALi $ . -430.0.
SALi $2100
SALi $5500
SALi $2100
SALi $2 000
..----__ NA BERS .. -
2600 Harb.or Blvd.,
Costa Mesa ·
'540~.9100 I
.• -
. \ 1
' lj I t ' 1 ' 3:30 Al\I lo 9:00 Pi\1 1\lon. thru Fri. • 9:00 Al\1 lo 6:00 Pi\I Sat. and Sun.
lmmecli•tt: d•livery e Excellent Selection
Over four acres of fa~tory, author·
lied total Caclllac facDltles design·
eel to bettllt' seli and service new
and 1111td Cadiaac automobiles.
. '
. -
r. • ... • i:_ • .. ,,.
{i .. ,. '1:; • • I! .. ~!-
r. •
Can the Bible Help Us
Sblve Today's Problems?
How Scouting Led:rhem When &. What to ·Tell Your
To Space Exploits PrewTeenen About Sex
,o. rllLIAM B. r1SBLY,
..4...mc-s.G.tr •I
c..u ,. .. ,.,; ... .....
,.. -"" 4' ......... .-
"••••• ••JUl•r•" •I A••r•e•• ••1l .. erl•11-B. C.ry
Jolue-, o....m., Ye.
• The queation cu beet be an.we~
by tJu. ~ of the Sociecy'a recent win·
nen Jn ita uu111al coalelt9 to name oa~
atucliac eqiDeerinc achifmaeDta: Ohio
Ri.u Valley Clea Streams Propam.
1963; Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado
Ri.er, 1964; 0.,-peake Bay Bridae-
Twmel, 1965; NASA (the moon launch
hue at Cape Kennedy, Fla..) 1966; St.
Louil Gateway Arch. 1967, Su Mateo-
Haywud (Calif.). Bridse, 1968; Oroville
Dam and Edward Hyatt Powerplaat
(Calif.), 1969.
fflB. L.4UY rlLDB,
e....-..-'-""" •/ "Tle
Cr•I TfllJc Ahou c...H.1'° .. " ...... ,.,,. ......
_,,, ..... "W.. ...
a.rler -. ... '°" --~
........ """ el.IM1-, ...... ,,,.,.., r--, 'l'ua
• No. I think it it a cheap aubetitate
for a quick laqh..
ftHt ltOD Sl'BIGaa ,,.,.., ...... ...u,..
••)' l'r••••••4 Y••r __, Mfiatll ~ ,.r ,,.,.,...,., r•,-1
--0. C. ENI, B4-
_,., Call/.
• ""l1le Pawnbroker" preeented the .moet
dilicult role I have played becau.e be
wu a mu who attempted to withdraw
from people and life. Couequently, I
played him u a mu who De'fer looked
at people wbe. be epoke to than or
when they spoke to him.
LM..4~~ ,,.,. .. .-.......... ......... .,~
lriafor .._. ,. .. ,
s•orW-'• dt.y ....,
, ..... ,~~AINrcW., ........
e In the National Football Leque tbe
bcae team bu the choice of waiform
colon. The Rau prefer to wear white
eo the fau cu better appreciate the..._
.itiq team'• colorful uniforms. For n·
ample, a fan hun't l.iYed ualete he bu
1eeD the OUcaao Bean in their meuc· hi. ,black.
Mm In Ula Worldl
..._. .,f lllnd Low For •ocalilt .
Ani~ Kerr's new album. 1'be Dolce Vi·
bratiou." she c:ompoeed and arran1ed
lhe muaic, played the piano. and coa·
ducted 35 muaici.an.a. When. ehe fint met
buaiaeu manqer Alex Grob, the told
Ftllftil1 Feeldy, ehe wu diYOroed. with
two little girls, 7 and 3. After a whirl-
wind courtshiP,, they married in 1965.
.. He ia a marveloua atepfather," Anita
ta.id in her soft Tenneeeee drawl .. ~
riqe is better the eecond·time around."
Alex apeed but wanted apillat huty
P•I maniapa: "One muet really bow
one'• life partner. Kid. pt the wron.g
Anffo ".,.,
idea of lo"' and marriace from the mo•·
iea. Sudden inlatuatiou it like a blind
pehOD paiDtiq a picture. U it happens
to you. beware."
Drfvl.. ,............_ '4(Aelral')' to
popular opiniou, aler1neM ie DOt the mo.t
important factor ill mainta.illin1 a aafe
drmag reconl." reporta induatrial .,..,.
chologiat Harry J. Woehr. Baeed on data
from the oomputerimed Pirelli Drift'!'
Penonality Teata taken at the New Yon
uto ehow, Doctor Woehr aars. "Tral&c
violation• are related more aipificUtly
to attitude, mood. and penonal outlook.
Dmen with more tlian 10 riolationa bad
lower atability acorea. poorer attitudee.,
and were moody. Penonallty hu an ef·
feet on u.ctmdual reectioae to critical
driver situations. ..
'Oa PBILUI' .4UJll'I,
N,_ J.nq s.ac_.,
•• IA. eG••• ,,.....
aiel r••••r•, •I••• ,,.... ... ,.,.,,.,..,,...... ,. ,,. ,__....,-c..,., ,...,,_,_ B,...,,,,._, N.Y.
• Only the leaf -bladee contain the poi-
ao.noua oxalic acid and ou.latea of caJci.
um and pot.uaium. Humam ha.e died
from eatinc the cooked leaf ·bladee. Tbe
poiaon •Jlllptoms ue ua.eea. "YOmitiq,
diarrhea, naaal bleedillg. and lack of
blood coagulation. AJao. the leafta haie
camed contact dermatitia in eu.c:eptible
"°"' S.D.
•&Aor •I .. TIM H~ ..
I• ,.., ....,. ,_,.. •I
re,,.. .... en... .....
v .S., -"iela ~ *',.. e•....,.aA.....,,.. ,_,..,..,_'I'. JI.,& ...
e The Brun.o Hauptmann cue. Haupt·
llWlD wu comicted and executed for the
a1ayina of Charles A. Lindbeqb'a baby.
10ll llAaLO f'BOIUS
& .... ,.., ...... ,
"'l'Jwd Gin,,.,., .,.,...
.41B ... ,_ ......
41617 _..,,. I• ,,,__
Y•e•y £. Ferre•, s.o.,,., ,, ..
• When I wa Jookin1 for a eerie& idea.
I met Bill Penky ud Sam ~ ·wbo
apeed to write the pilot for ~ Girl"
I WOii the Hollywood Foreign Pre. A..
eociation'• Golden Globe Award aacl
Pbotoplay'a Moet Promising New
Award (for the fint M1Uo11), plae two
Emmy nomiaatioaa.
roa UlOl't SBlllill'I.
Si... ~ Sc .. da', 1~
a .. -"'• ,-re• ........... , .......
ea•l•d •• ._c•_. f,,,.
eoll•f,or•&loa •U•
lala1--lln. 'I'_, ...,,.,., er-.• .,,,., ,.,.,..
• Any author mar be reached by writiq
to him in care of hi. publiaber. The Jet.
ten are then redirected to the author.
Publiaben are l.i.ated with book atorea.
w ..... ult• '-.,._ • •• •'-f Y--......... .W. --..... ... we'll .... .. -,_ .. ,. J ... ...-,... ....... ~ .. ,...._, ,...,enWF -•
......... 1e Amil 'n.-\'-.elf, F-a,-Y..r.Jy, 6'1 ........... A .... New Yeft., lif.Y.
IMU. Ye__......._, .. ••11e 1, ._.IS wlll ... ,,.W f• eedl -...._
Crime Prftentloft PJ.utic. •urserJ is
DO loqer limited to fadinc morie qaeeu.
youth-oriented bouewiTea, and men in
the poblic eye. Lateet to beaefit ,... du.
new leue oa life are pri8oDen. According
to the Alhaay (N.Y.) Medical <:eater, a
program providing 4.18 in.mat.ea of state
priaona with .. de-aglifying" opentiona
prior to releue. bu cut the rea.dmi..ion
rate aign.i6ca.ntly. MOit reqaested: mno..
al of knife acara and noee repair.
Arttldal Ann MoTed by the tragedy
of limbleea thalidomide babiea, u laraeJi
engineer is developina a IU·powered.
aix·movement artificial arm made of ala .
minWD and nylon diat weisba only 13
ounoea. Dr. Dino Bouaao explained bow
it worb al the Institute of Rehabilitatiou
Medicine of the New Yon Ullffienity
Dr. Dino 8ouuo
and 13-ounce
I atfiliciol arm
Medical Center: "FJect,rodea, placed on
mmclea which can be .-oluatari)y t.emed.
pick up minute electrical impo.I.ea pmer·
ated in the mu.ac~ whenever the patient'•
brain wills them to contracL.. Althoqla
only in the evalu.ation stage for produc-
tion in America. Doctor 8ou&90 uys, .. I
hope it will benefit all manltiDd."
Family~,.. MN •• .,......... N~ ll, 1111
l.IOHAID I. DAV.OW Pl ,...., RoeaT Pn'ZGIMC* ~
u.a IYAN 11~,._ UU-
MAllUI N. TltlNQUI A rt Dtf'NC..-
... -.cat ............ '*_ ....................... " ...... ............................. _ -..... ,. _,.., ...... _
te: D«n. ll.. ,,o. •• un. CUllTOl1. .._
U71t. .................... ....... ................................... ...... ~ ...................... " -.......... ,...... " .............. __ ,...... .. ,..._. ... -................. ,,,,,, ...... _ .. ...,., .. _, ...,_..,...........,,. ........
v.i. ............................... ... .......................... .......,
..... t-tlM ..... c:.lt~lltl-' If..
UTTU CMIX, •ll:lllUN, 490le
The Path of Scouting
LeadS to Out~r Space
Five out of six of our spacemen were Boy Scouts-notably Neil Armstrong
who learned to face emergencies with his boyhood Wolf patrol By KEVIN V.BROWN
the trail through a strange
section of the woods, and sev-
eral patrols of young Scouts,
one at a time, were sent into
the woods alone with only their
maps and compasses to guide
them back to camp.
Only Wolf patrol made it, and they
made it with ao much time to spare
that they went back into the woods
qain to help find members of the
other patrols who bad all become hope-
leuly Joet.
This obuure incident occurred in
the early UMOs near Upper Sandusky,
Ohio, and its significance ie that one
• 1 of the memben of the succesf u 1 patrol
wu a sharp-eyed, moon-faced 12·
year-old boy who wu later to find
hill way over the great.eat unknown
trail in the history of mankind. His
name-Neil Armstrong.
One of the moat aurpilling findings
in studying the biographies of Amer-
ica's utronauts is the number of them
who are former Scouts. No lea than
five out of six of them once wore the
Scout uniform, learned the principles
that were to ruide them through life,
did the thinp that were to tea.ch them
to stand on their own, and studied the
boob that would rive them the epe-
elallzed knowledge that waa to become
ao important to them later.
X-15 tut
All three of the crew members in
both Apollo 12 and 18, and two of the
three in Apollo 14, are former Seoul«!
-eight out of nine.
Perhaps it's not ao aurpriafng at
all. Scouting, with its emphakis on
discovery and teaming, from booka
and from nature, with its development
of character, and with it.A teaching of
self-reliance and leadership, may in-
deed be the road to outer apace.
ldwlft (9uu) Aldrin, Armstrong's
companion on the moon , baa said of
Scouting, "We were motivated to be
better than average. We were not con-
tent with average achievement or
mediocre accompliehmenta."
Astronaut William Andera add11,
"Scouting puts a boy in an environ-
ment where, l'ith some ruida.nce, he
haa to think and do for himself. He
learns t o adjust to situations ~nd
But perhaps the beet example of
how Scouting haa contributed to our
&pace program is a study of Neil Am_t-
strong'a life in the movement. The
beginnings were natural enough.
Neil's f atber, Stephen Armstrong,
wu ohe of the founders and assistant
acoutm'uter of Troop 26 in Upper
Sandusky, where t~ family wu then
living, and be encoura&'ed Neil's par-
ticipation. Actually, little encourage-
ment wu necessary. Younr Arm-
strong took to it naturally, and it
broua-ht out the best in him.
What his fellow Scouta of those
days recall mOBt wu Armstrong's • competitiveneH. It wu probably
forced on him because he was always
thrown in with older boys. There are
two versions of bow this happened.
Dr. K. K. (Kocho) Solacoff, a mem-
ber of Wolf patrol and one of A rm-
strong'a beet frienda, recalle, "His
family moved to a new town, and Neil
walked into the wrong claaaroom on
hie f int d-.y of school He wu in it
six weeb, rettiq atrairht laa. before
they diecovered be wu a rnde too
hip . So they left him there."
Ria father denies it . "Neil wu
l'eadi~ fifth..gt"ade boob in second
grade, ao the teachers thourht he
should be moved up a few rrades. I
only allowed ~ ...
In either cue. Neil did akip a grade
and from then on he wu always com-
peting qainat boys at leaat a year
older than be and birger than he. It
sharpened hia competitive instinct.a,
especially in the Scouts, when he waa
going after merit bad&'es. leamlnr to
read maps, doinl' the Morse code,
swimming, ex,ploring, surviving in the
woods, and, of coune, learning all
about aviation.
"Neil waa far ahead of all of us in
aviation," Dr. Solacoff rememben.
"World War II waa on then, and we
were all interested in airplanes, but
we'd just buy model kita of existing
airplanes. Neil would design hie own
ai rplanea, futuristic designs with
swept-back wings, tricycle landing
gears, and bubble canopies that didn't
exist then. He'd carve them out and
put them together from raw wood.
''I'• ecNWlncecl he got the moon
aaairnrnent because be not only hu
a fine mind, but he's great with his
hands. Ana he got great working for
a merit badge in aviation." ·
Scouts are a1ao taught to be thrifty.
Armstrong was working at part-time
jobs from the time he wu old enourh.
His father a~e hie first job wu mow-
ing the rraaa in a cemetery with a
hand mower, at 10 cents an hour. He
later moved on to handyman jobs in
a grocery store, a drugstore, and a
hardware store, and he used the
money to buy materiale for hia model
airplanes and later for his actual f ly-
inr lessons.
Another tl'OOp member, Bob Gus.
taf eon, now a hil'h-echool teacher in
Springfield, Ohio, says, "I remember
once Neil actually talked about buying
an airplane, and wrote away to the
Government ukinr about war-eurp)ua
planes. There were some available,
but Neil didn't have enough money to
pay the shipping coat."
.._ Ma:xolt, his Scoutmaster, re-
late& the time that Armstrong met
his first genuine emergency, eome-
thing be waa to meet qai:n in bia
flying and apace careers.
.. Four of the Scout.a were coming
home from cunp when a small air-
plane, apparentl,y simulating emer-
rency landinp, came in low over a
field, accidentally hit eome hidden
power U:ne1, and crubed. The Scouts
were the fint ones on the ecene. Three
of them went to the aid of the iMtrue-
tor, who had been in the baclc seat
and waa wandering around in a daze.
"Nell ruabed to the aircraft where
the student pllo't, who wu f n the front
seat and had absorbed moet of the im-
pact, waa atill atrapped in. Re did
everything bis f irst-aid course had
told him to do, but it waa no uae. The ooy died!'
It wu the first real view for Neil
of the dangen of flyinr, bat obvioua-
ly the tragedy didn't affect him.
Within a year or two be took up fly-
Apollo 11 utroMtda (l. to r., CJut.rlta
Coftnad, Ricl&ard. F . GoniOf&, a"4 Alaft
L. Bea11) ICtre form~r 8011 &outs.
ing lesaons himself at the same air-
port where the crashed plane wu
based. And the rest is history.
"The Scouts taught Neil to be aelf-
reliant, to have confidence in his own
abilities," ii the way another member
of the old Wolf patrol, John (Bud)
Blackford, put it. 'They reinforced
the character-building he wu already
rettinar at home, but they also put him
in phys ical situation& where bis own
abilities were put to the test.
"I think the Scouts can take a lot
of credit for Neil Armatron~." And
for moet other aatronautl, too. •
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WHAT ARE the most seriou~ problems confronting the nation
today, and which Bible passages can help solve them?
Several leading American cle1"1rYD1en--Protestant. Roman Catholic. and Jewish
-were asked to anawer thia thought-provoking question, for Faml11 Weekl11.
Their &ru1wers are presented aa a prelude to National Bible Week, Nov. 23..SO,
sponsored by the Laymen's National Bible.Committee, the American Bible So-
ciety, and the Catholic Biblical Aaaociation of America.
Here are the clergymen's views of principal contemporary problems and their .
recommendations for applying the Bible to them:
.Dr. Nonnan VIMeftt ...... , mift.-
i1ter of Marble Col~gio.te Clnlrclt,
N "'" York, pruidnt of th.e Be/°""«l
Chvrch in America, a"4 a1'tMr of
"The Power of Positive Thinking''
aJtd other boob.
The most presaing problem con-
fronting our country today is the de-
terioration of character among our
people--old and young. Our problema
stem baaically from moral laxity. We
need to restore the old-fashioned em-
phasis on character in the making of
a strong j>eople and a strong nation.
It is difficult to find many people
who really believe in something aftd
have the courage to stand up against
all opposition to def end what they be-
lieve. Our young people do not .hesi-
tate to stand up and fight u an
expreuion of protest, but many of
them auume that their cause is such
that they do not have to accept the
consequences of their deeda.
Then, we have parents who, at the
dinner table, diacuu ways to defraud
the Govemment. They aay it ia all
right to cheat on your income tax
or speed or go hunting out of aeaaon
-as long as you can get away with
it. Then they wonder what is wrong
with the younger generation.
I do not know very many people
who have the kind of character we
need today, who take action for what
they believe in. Parents are afraid of
their children. Deana are afraid of
their students. Nearly everyone is
afraid of militants. Businessmen
seem reluctant to take positive or
negative stands on anything. While
they fear the danger of getting out
on a limb, they are also too timid to
Ho-w th
Five leading clergyme
admit this fear. Where are we going
to find people who are willing to stand
up and be counted?
Perhape we ahould tum to the Bib-
lical advice in II Chronicles 7 :14: "If
my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face. and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear
.from heaven, and will forgive their
sin, and will he.al their land."
In other worda, all will be well-or
a lot better-if we can learn to be bold
and brave, acknowledge our wrong-
doings, and face up to the fact that
we .ametime8 haw to pay a price for
what we do in tbU. world-whether it
be wroq or risllt.
1he .... Dr. w. A. Crllwell, pu-
tor of t(u Fint Baptut Clivrclt of
Dalla, Ta:oi, 4'lcl preatdftt of tu
Sot4tltens Ba.ptwt CotattMticm.
National Bible Week brings to the
attention of our American people the
basic and everlasting foundation of
Godlinees upon whjch our forefathers
built this country. The pilgrims came
here for a purpo8e, and those who fol-
lowed them were no lees motivated by
that same dedication-namely, to find
Tiu Ret1. Dr. W. A. CmweU
a place where ihey could build their
homes, rear their children, and wor-
ship their Lord.
The mc;>st serious and ultimately
tragic problem that faces our nation
today lies in our departure from those
fundamental principles upon which
our country was built.
"If the foundations be destroyed,
what can the righteous do 7" That sot.:
g 0 -.. -• tiiP». £&
Family~/ Nwembn· 11, I96!J
Bible Can Help Us
Solve Today's Problems
-Protestant, Ca tholic, and Je wish-find in the Scriptures not only comfor t bu t
gui dance in facing th e turmoil of our times
emn questjon, a.eked so long ago in the
Holy Scriptures, is still unanswered
through the centuries. U those foun-
dations be disaolved, nothing awaits
us but chaos, ana~by. violence, and
This National Bible Week must call
•Js back to those God-given and
Heaven-nvealed principles, obedience
to which makes a people fl"eat. No
civilization yet hu ever turned aside
from lhose great p~pta revealed in
the Word of God and survived; nor
shall we.
We shall either Jove the Book, the
God of the Book and obey the great
precepts of the Book, or we shall per-
ish like other nations before us.
We cannot but pray the prayer of
Moses : "Oh that there were such a
heart in them, that they would fear
me, and keep all my commandments
always, that it might be wen with
them, and with their children for-
ever I" (Deuteronomy 5:29).
John Carcllnal Cocly, Ro1no.~
Ca.tholfr Anllbulwp of Chica.go.
Frontiers are awesome. Not only
intriguing and exciting, t hey are also
a source of insecurity and a cause of
fear. Only the brave cross over.
Today man stands on the brink of
the 21st century. He has planted foot-
prints on the moon and bas stepped
out into space. He sees himself a.e a
citizen of the universe, thrilled but
frightened. Simultaneously open to
him here on earth are the world of
power with its promise and threat,
the world of technology, both awe-
some and awful. and the world of man
filled with hope and despair.
Adventurel'8 and optimists might
see cause for gyea.. hope. But other
voices speak of fear, msecurity, frus-
tration, and despair.
To them, the Bible speaks a clear
and forthright word : ''Fear not!" It
is a repeated urging in both the Old
Testament and the New. T he small
steps of a man do indeed create giant
leaps for mankind.
Sacred Scripture reminds us time
and time again that in our gnat.est
conqueet and our most dismal failure,
we are in the hands of God. "Fear
Jo'lln CcsrdiMl Cod~
not!" He said to Peter when He took
bold steps acroes the waves (Matthew
14 :25-.33 ). "Fear not!" He said to the
women who took brave steps into His
tomb (Matthew 28:1-10).
And to us who stand on the edge
of so many new worlds. He ea.ya .. ain,
"Fear not ... Stand up! Do not be
afraid" (Matthew 17 :5-8).
The Rev. Dr. Jullus Mm*, rabbi
11·m11ritull, Temple Emaftv-El, New
York, C'llurchman of tlu Y ecsr ( 1969)
of Religioiu HeriJage of Amnica..
It is strange that we who are living
in an age of tumult, hatred, and vio-
lence do not tum more frequently and
assiduously to the BibJe not only for
com.fort but for guidance.
The very thought of the transf or-
mation that would occur in our prea--
ent society and in the world at larire
if everyone made a serious effort to
put into practice the age-old dream of
"brethren living together in unity"
Tiu Rn. Dr. Jvliu Ncsrk
and of each individual "livin1 in peace
under hi8 own vine and fir tree with
none to make him afraid" would be
tranalated into blessed reality if we
would "do justly, love mercy, and walk
humbly be.tore God."
There are innumerable other pas-
sqee in tbe Bible which admonish us
not to cune the darkneaa of our gen-
eration but to light a candle. The
prophet Joel, for example, spoke of
the time when "your old men shall
dream dreama and your young men
shall see viaions."
Why are dream.a aaaociated with
the old and visions with the young!
Because it is the nature of the old to
gather up the put and rehuh it in
their dreams, while the younr should
think the future and behold visions
of a more beautiful future.
The hatred and the violence which
have erupted in both our cities and on
our college campusee may~ traced to
the tragic fact that many, but by no
means a majority, of our youth--
white aa well aa black-have become
so frustrated and heartbroken that
they have abandoned a belief in the
future. They no longer see visions but
only dream nightmares.
What ·our nation needs above all is
hope. What the world needs is hope.
Therefore, we must continue to strive
for a revival of vision in youth. a re-
1ival of a-belief that it ia worthwhile
studying, it ia worthwhile building
and not destroying; that there will be
a future and that it is up to all of us
to cooperate and work unitedly.
Dr. Eugene Canoft alake, GeA-
eral Secretarw, World Covncil of
The moet serious problem in our
nation and the world today is a three-
fold one, which involves the confron-
tation of rich and poor, the ideological
queationa poeed by Marxist ideology,
and the pro em of racism. Of these,
racism le the oet difficult. Econom-
ic and ideol gical s1s e s can be
changed relat · , ut we can-
not change akin color.
The churches today are realizing
that working for economic and social
development is one of their major re-
eponaibilities. But the churchea can-
not meet the problem alone. It aeems
to me that unless the American people
begin tO preu busineae, trade unioua,
univenity, and Government leader-
ship to treat poverty as a moral iuue,
our culture and our nation ultimately
will collapee in a deep swamp of greed
and crime.
Ou r motives an d means as we
struggle against poverty must be seen
clearly in contrut to the Communist
stratetrY to the same end. I call upon
conservative Americana to support
these efforts on their own srround of
f ~om, lest all of us find ounelvea
in a world increasingly dominated by
tyrannical materialism.
The World Council of Churches
recently held ah international Consul-
tation on Racism in London, the tint
Dr. EMgne Cor10tt BIAU_
event of its kind in church history.
The consultation endorsed the princi-
p)e of reparations, not advocating any
particular group as the recipient.
Religious institutions were asked to
divest themselves of t heir excessive
material wealth and give a significant
portion of it, without control, to or-
ganizations of the racially oppreaaed.
The Biblical paaaages that I find
most applicable here are from Paul
i"n the Revised Standard Venion: "He
made from one every nation of men
to live on all the face of the earth~ hav-
ing determined the allotted periods,
and the boundaries of their habita-
tion" (Acta 17 :26); "Tbere is neither
Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave
nor free, there is neither male nor
fem ale i for you are all one in Christ
Jesus" (Galatians 8 :28). •
EVERYONE is bored
some of the
time; many people
are bored a good deal
of the time; and 8ome
people are bored
almost all of the time.
Science baa been study-
ing t he whys and hows of
boredom and come to some
conclusions that may help
you beat the boredom
blues. Take this true-false
quiz and learn what the
expert.a learned-and how
they suggest replacing te-
diwn with zip.
1. You')) never be bored
if you can manage to avoid
.boring people, boring
tasks, and boring sur-
2. Boredom may be un-
comfortable and annoying,
but it isn't dangerous.
3. You can 't be both
bored and relaxed at the
same time.
4. Boredom dulls your
wits and slows your re-
flexes as weH.
5. People who are bored
find other people dull.
6. The more intelligent
you are, ihe Jess your job
is likely to bore you.
7. Pe0ple who Jive dan-
gerously are seldom bored.
8. Boredom is far more
fatiguing than hard physi-
cal labor.
1. false. Boredom is
frequently the self-gen-
erated variety which bores
from within and baa its
roots. in one's own person-
ality. This type of boredom
is seldom banished by a
change of scene or new di-
vertissements. People who
are bored with t hemselves
can travel a r ound the
world and be just as bored
as when they started. It
takes a change of attitude
and outlook to cure this
kind of boredom.
2. FalM. Studies show
boredom to be a chief mo-
tivating factor in various
~ ------------ -----------------. . .
SELF-HELP QUIZ What You Can Do to
Banish Boredom By JOHN R. GIBSON
It's not only annoying-it can be dangerous; science, though, has
some suggestions to help you put more zip into your life
forms of delinquency and social
misconduct, among adults as
well as juveniles. This includes
the adolescent who gets into
trouble because, "I was bored
stiff. Nothing to do. So I just
went looking for excitement." It ·
also includes the bored wife or
husband who commits indiscre-
tions be or she wouldn't other-
wise dream of in an attempt to
banish boredom.
3. True. Studies conducted
by psychiatrist David Harold
Fink show that physical and
emotional tensions go hand in
hand with boredom. And when
a person is acutely bored ("I
was simply bored to death!"),
tensions build up to the point
where bis mind, muscles, and
nerves are tight as a drum.
Boredom , the psychiatrist
f?und, can't exist if you are re-
laxed. Remember this the
next t ime you're bored.
4. True. Psychological
studies show your ability
to think and reason is
markedly impaired when
you're bored. You'll have
greater difficulty solving
problems and doing mental
work and are much more
likely to make mistakes.
Slower reflexes and de-
layed reactions also make
you subject to accidenta.
5. FalM. As of ten as
not, they find others inter-
esting enough, but usually
are bored when they are
alone and left to their own
6. False. If you've got
more brains than your job
requires, you're likely to
be bored by it. An4 sur-
veys and studies show that
if you don't particularly
like your work, you not
only will be bored by it,
but the odds are you'll
never excel at it.
7. false. Studies at
Colu.mbia University and
els'ewbere indicate that
these people are actually
more subject to boredom
than the average person.
To escape it, they court
danger, deliberately place
themselves in hazardous
situations (such as driv-
ing recklessly, engaging in
perilous aports such as
sky-diving) and find other
ways to expose themeelves
to risb and chance-taking.
They are constantly seek-
ing to escape boredom by
the kind of thriJl-eeeking
that psychologists have
termed "the pursuit of
I . True. Prof. Daniel
O'Connor of Williama Col-
lege ha.s made an exten-
sive study of boredom. He
describes what it feels like
to be bored by someone.
The symptoms : your at-
tention will not stay fixed ;
you have a sense of "loa.-
ing time"; you are usually
physicaUy uncomfortable
and feel great tenaion. •
I Fa.m.i.l11 Weekl11, No111mbw 16, 1161 _
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''DOCTOR, I don't know
what to do! I was
cleaning my little girl's closet
the other night, and in the
back I found books about sex!
"They were the filthiest I have ever
seen. I just don't know where she got
them!" -
The woman talking to me wu in
the same panic that so many parents
are in when I see them. Their little
rfrl was suddenly not so little any
more-in this case, 12 years old. And
like so many other parents, this
woman wu unprepared to deal with
sex as it confronts children in our
world today.
What dlcl I say to her 1
1 told her first to be honest and
not to make a big scene or punish the
child (for she had done nothing
wrong) but to ask her when they
were al(>ne what she really thought of
the "filthiest" book of the lot.
Of course, if the mother had been
more honest with her daughter while
she wu growing up, these book.a would
not have been hidden in back of the
girl's cloeet. Yet the important point
now wu that the younpter had prob.
ably memorir.ed almost every page of
theee boob and probably eome othen
as wen, so the mother would be fool-
ing herself if she thought she could
somehow undo what her daughter h..t
aeen and read.
And basically there was nothing
wrong with a 12-year-old reading
auch boob. What wu crucial wu the
attitude that the girl took toward per-
versiona deacribed in them, auch aa
lesbianism and eodomy. Did she un-
dentand that these were perversions?
This was what I advised her mother
to find out.
If by chance the girl was not dis-
gusted by moet of wbat she read, then
she might do the same herself some
day. If, unfortunately, this became
the cue, it no doubt would be because
her parents had concentrated too
much on w hat they told her and not
enough on how.
You must know the anawen to your
pre-teener's questions on sex, of
course, for they will come up with
some pretty probing questions. Not
long ago at the dinner table, Jimmy,
the 10-year-old son of one of my
friends, casually turned to his parents
and said : "Chuck says his parents still
make love three times a week. How
often do you'"
Does this seem like an outlandish
que11tion 1 Believe me, today many pre-
teen er• are ukinl' euch question•
(and more provocative ones, too).
Don't feel lucky if y,ours haven't. Be-
came if tbey don't uk ttteir parent..
What and How t
This is the age when your guidance is most
important-not only as to facts but also
in the way those facts are presented
with Paul Neimark
they will probably uk someone else,
someone who may influence them
In thia cue, my friend realized im-
mediatelt that be couldn't ignore the
question, but lw10 he dealt with it
wu what mattered. Obviously, if the
father bad riven him a specific an-
swer, he'd be opening Pandora's box.
lut tllle boy's father recognized
that the underlying reason his son had
asked the question was that bis
friends, and probably their parent.,
bad equated the frequency of inter-
coune with still being in Jove. The
boy bad swallowed thia f alae idea and
wanted to know if bia parent. were
atiD in love.
My friend's answer? "That's a
pretty private thing, Jimmy. I wonder '
how Chuck happened to find out. Do
you know?"
Chuck, it turned out, had over-
heard hia parents bragging about
their sexual frequency to some other
couples after aome heavy drinking at
their summer home.
Soon after, Jimmy and his father
thoroughly discussed the subject so
the boy had a better understanding
of sex and hia friend's parents.
There are aeveral key what areas,
of course, in which you must be espe-
cially prepared if you are to handle
the how properly. With the boy pre-
schooler, tor example, be will ask a
question such aa, "What is this?"-
singling out bis or his f atber's male
organ. And the little girl will ask
about her own genital parts.
When ........... these questions,
I pref er to use the proper names f-0r
the anatomical parts of the body. It
tells the youngster that there ii noth-
ing to be ashamed of in discll88ing the
human body.
Once the child begins school, his
queetions tum from his body parts
to proceeaee .. The eight-year.old rfrl
may aak her mother bow a baby can
pouibty come out of a woman, hav-
ing casually seen her mother's pnital
parts (which should be permitted).
She seea a baby and wonders bow
1omething so large can come out
through so small an opening.
The answer ia that nature baa a
special way of preparing the mother
so the baby is born without injury to
either of them.
In the early school ye.an, the child
will di&cover the sexual act itself. Io
many ca.sea, children have seen ani-
mals, such aa their own pets, having
Naturally ... y want to know more
about it. Here q'ain, the wise parent
answers their questions thoroughly
while not opening up new area.a. Only
give a youngster what be ia ready
for. You can "prepare a child for life"
too mMel.
Once a child learns to read fairly
well, be au re you have available in the
family library some of the better
books dealing with sex. Thia serves
two purposes. First, it is a way of say-
ing that sex is an open subject. Sec-
ond. when discusaions about sex some-
times become difficult (u they will
now and then ), you can ref er the
youngster to a certain book for more
information. ·
No family should be without the
Kinsey Report. It is aa much a part
of Ameriean education u TM Feder-
aliat Papers and Mob11 Dick. If you
bring your child up on D. H . Lawrence
or John Updike, you need not fear
that he wilJ be attracted by such
books, which many mothers find in
the back of their children's closets.
By the same token, don't be afraid
of having books with four-Jetter
words in your home library. Henry
Miller's Tropic of Cancer was banned
for years because of just a couple of
words. Yet every child put the age
of seven bas heard these words. There
are only several of them. Once you've
heard them, that's it. Believe me, it's
mainly when you make a big thing
about matters that you court trouble.
Al!. a child grows into a genuine
pre-teener, however, he will try to pnt
together all the knowledge be has in
Tell Your Pre-Teeners About Sex
tenna of his own burseoning f eelfnp
and deeiree. Fint of all. be will begin
to wonder about hia own relation1hip
to himself 11UUally. lluturbation, in
other words.
Thia subject •lot&ldta't be a difficult
subject to dilcua, yet it almost always
ia because moat adult. don't even
know what tbe proper attitude la
toward it. Very •imply, auto-eroti-
ei.1111 I.a not dirty, and then ia notb.tn•
to be pilty about, either in an adult
or ehi1d.
Oii ......... band, masturbation
doee repreeent mol"e of a you~ stare
of HXUal behavior. The adult who baa ·
known a deepel' way of relatin&' sex-
ually -with another penon win DO
longer be satisfied with masturbation.
It should be remembered, of couree.
that to mature and become an adult,
a youth must go through the mat-
turbatory •tee before he or she can
partake in a mature emotional eaual
relationahfp with the opposite sex.
Once that relatiOlllhip beaina heei-
tantly to bud, all kinda of questiona •
_will come from pn-blenen. In my
day, when you were 11 or 1~ JOU
didn't date. In the Bunp.ry of •ix
dee.dee aso, where I wu b~ht up,
dat~ didn't besin until 16. Even
when I came to the United Statee dur-
ins the Depreuion, younsaten •l-
dom becan da~ before 14.
Today ia different, thoqh. Bo1-
and--sirl partiee beain at 10, and da~
~ often starta at 11. The sjrl ia soon
ukiq henelf whether she Bboukl 1du
a boy OD the fint date. The boJ ia aak-
iq hhuelf whether he abould try to
go farther than a kiu. Nor is it all u
simple u that. Today pot and the pill
can even enter the picture t
0... ..... serious queetiona start,
there are two key factors that I would
convey to parents.
Fint. there are"° pat anawen. In
your libraJ'J, you abould aleo haw
some good balic boob on peychiatry
and peycholon. And row, aa wen u
your children, should read them be-
cause their first meuqe ii that the
pre-teen ii more an individual than
ner before. Bia reeponae to otben
and hia private needs an muck more
individual. Wbat la ~ht for one teen-
a&'er ia not neceaaarily ri•ht for
another. n. 11 ••• ia to remember that the
final year or two of the pre-teen ttqe
ia probably the laat real chance JOQ'D
have to guide 10UJ' child.
Once a boy or riJ'l become9 a teen-
qer in toda.J'• aociet.J', the chancie8
are mWI that be or abe will come to
the parents to aak such queetiona u,
.. Jeanie Johuon •oee in for heaYJ
pettin1. Do you think that's okay r·
Above aD, the ace just before the
teen yean ia the time to make aure
you brinl' home to your yoanpten
what I call the "two aidee of aex."
They should be ruided to know that
sex ia beautiful but that it a1ao fa
very natural Both of theee truths
have come to be hollow clicMa, which
ia much of what ia wrong In oar eo-
clety. We become ao sophisticated ao
younr (sometimes without reaUy
being knowleQeable) that we fail to
realbe what a wonderful rift MX I.a.
Nor ia it only a pb,Jalcal endow-
ment. Sex hu no real meanln1 for
people without emotian1. When a
young person is attraeted to another,
penonality and chancter aiw. pla)-
a Jarse put.
The final truth about MX which wa
mun impart to our pre-teenera ia that.
In ita hi1belt f onn. 11ex ia the fusion
of mind and body. When tbf1 la
achieved. -n no longer refer to what
we feel u merely •u.
It fa caDed love. •
Mon~· Guklance for'° ....... ofYoungChl.._
W8t&t to h 9hl• co ,E4H ....,-eliW tM
~ pfda.u A. or el• ,.,.a to eope
U.uUi11....ti. witA tl• ,...,., ,,,.HU.. of ""°'""" Np--pro•l811&• oo.eeniag •••
f'cltu:etio•, l•altA, Ar1'""• o•r• of
e&otl.1, ~11. ,,.o,..z,, ......,.., S••
M-w ear it it t.t • U1-<po11t kok, "P•r-
nu .. hk,'' prqored., a...u Iutitt&u
olild 111eoialiat1. S••cl owlr 11.11 to
"PARENTS" 61001, Def't. 1004, 4600
N.W. lllt1' St., JIU..i, Flo .
Hipped on Hair
1 2
Here's~ off when you buy
new IRJn.fortlfted Start.
Let's Draw An ..... I Crack.,..
B11 Ann. Da.tlidow
A lion,
A lovable ox,
Are animal crackers
Out of a box.
From a four-letter
word for what you find
on a beach, take away
the first letter and get
a word you use to con-
nect other words.
(See Auwer Bor.)
HI, Math Faml
Remove two letters
from five and get 4.
(See Answer Boz)
Rlddle Me This
Who can drive nine
automobiles at one time?
(See Auwer Boz)
Plus One
To a four-letter word
for a happy kind of smile,
add a lut letter and get
what you do to sharpen
a knife.
(See An,swer Bor.)
You Name It
(See Answer Box)
A bear,
Is the portrait of a liv-
ing President or ex-Pres-
ident ever put on a U.S.
postage stamp!
(See AMwer Box)
Mlulns Vowels
Fill in the blank spaces
with vowels to make four
words, each of which
goes both ACROSS and
s T N
(See Amwer Boz)
'PU!.1.l-U!.1!) :auo lm(d
·pua-puvs :auo &nUJ.W
't = "AI,, = .. e.!f.,
-.. &A!.!1,, 18UW.!{ 'll•K 'lH
"PHHV! . .IOW9al 09 9!
3q lVl{l ql1r3p S!l{ .l~J'8
A(UO B! l! !ON :aonsanb
A\3U ll{.IJ3 l{lJ.M pap1r0(
.t3(!1r.IJ-.IOJ:nui a l{lJ.M .13
-A!.IP y : BJ'LL aw a(ppJH
·uoea 'oiun •euni
'unis :s1aA1LoA luJ88J.W
siuuu3J. :u a111•N no.i
12 Famili/ We.J&l11, No,,em1'er 16, 1969
Greenland Studios
MIAMI, FLORIDA • 33054 .
Tellest, friendliest St. Nick we've •Hnl Fill him with crump6ed ,.,...,..,.,., ptump
him round end firm. He'l l
lblnd 5'9" tell with Chrlstmes
cheetl St.end him up, sit him
down, on roof by the chimney, on porch, a.m, Inside by ft,..
piece: Colorful •ll·w .. ther
plastic. After Chrtstmn, fold
fOf_stor .... Lats yurs.
5275-Ufe.lmlanta ....... .
z..dlae wan ...... ,
........ ,,.. ... :II -" ............. .. betlle0flalpolnt
1' of •nr "°°"" n coven neert, 2 fMt
of wall spece ~NOW
l.,......t In tM unMrM.
12 sculptured zodiac allftl
sunouncl • brtlht •uni
AntJqu.d bfoonn.flnlell fMlel. ..._z..11ac ... ~ ..................... ....
FomilJI Weekl~, Not1.-.ber 16, 1111 11
---=-----------· ----------
UHSI Prevents NP from Ill~ oin1. Hhtnys from tcratchln1 tumlture. UM under i.mps to
protect t.bi.. Cut off •• much tepe H you need •nd fut9n with Mtllftlve blCklns. Keeps
pictures from merrln1 wells, sound-proofs slemmln1 doof's, k...,a out illMCU rrom wlndoWs •nd doon. ttelos remow retUe from cer, ~lnety. 10l"'lc'h•.
1917-f'NID T•,. ......... S1
STOP OIL S'LATTl• WHILI. '•YING. Aluminum mesh fry· pan cover tre~ t.ts to kNp stow top clun. Filter lets stNm
esc•pe •s chicilen, cllooS, burl· ers, potatoes, ftsll fry browner crisper, tHti«. Prevents llot od burnt on tac., bendt. Gives bl1· 1er. better pop-corn kernels . Non..-ust, fits •II 9" to 11" skll· lets. Foods fry qulctler. more evenly fOf' better, richer fteYOt.
llS7-a,utter·---•.... s1.n
••ON. Your iron st.ya .. ,. •nd snu1 -rNCly to use -In this wood c:eddlf. Holds •ny meke,
model· is fireproof Hbestoa lined. H•np on wall. bo.et door °' sill on ironin1 board. Elim· lnetes ctemeen or Injury from falls. Enebles YoU to put a-y llot Iron •t once, no Chance of bums. MelloW walnut finish, 10. ,_JC3W'. Secure protection. IM~r.n CIHNJ ....... SJ.•
SNOOPY PANltWll8HT1 Y ... It ls SnoolW tyln1 •top Ills doll· howe, Wi'th the snow .. ntlY flin. ln1 on and 'round hlm fnslda tllTs pepetWellflt that's ff much tun ... •nd as ettrectlve ... •s It Is ueefull You cen 1.-nd hours
fuat ttYlncto auessw"hat s~ s thinldnc of 1t all. Paperwel Is mede of aturclY !Mffllc th "lloW .. hoUM, ll"Nfl pound,
with a wlllt. bne. 3!r· 1117........,,h ...... $1 .•
HIMU WON'T UCU. Wint AUTO llVlaA81 HOLDCa. Hold 1l•sMs, c:ups, bottles,
cans uf9t1 while drivina Of parked. Removable holder qulc:kly att.c:Ms to btec:Mt on
ct.sh or othet tt.t &Ulface. Rust· proof 3" aluminum rln1 with
vinyl supportlns straps. sett· stictl bfKMt holds .ecurely. U. In boats, on cerd tllbtel,
-11 ~In home, petio, too. ................ , .. 2/ta.71
S"HON 'UMP TRAM.,laS 8Al1 WATl•, ANY Ll8UIDI Qulc11 tnnsrer of ps trom car to i.wn mower. outboard motor any ps tantl. Insert end of 61 hose In t•ntl, squeeze pump, trensfers pllons In 90 seconds.
Nothinf to corrode, no rno11in1 parts o wear. Empties Ush tan~1 balls t>oets. dnilns sinks, etc. 11. .. p one In c:ar truntl, an-
other in tool stied.
40n--SI,._.. '°'""' ..... $1.21
TURN-AROUND 'OR IDILID l'.881 It's all a metter of vtew1 topsJda for loft boiled .... MfWd In the shell, c:ontlnental ~. UIMide down, ~ea arid eet In ~ IMpe cup.
Pwfect aleo for deslefb. a.. c:omblnlltlon eliminates utn
C!,'PS M plate. on shefws. Decor· alive whiw c:er.mlc: wftti peAal Interiors. U• et eny meel. set of 4. •11-~ c.,. .... $1.11
J.f'C eoualllT CHU WHIM( HT In ~ kltdlen •nd lfOU too will ~wilt\ the ftalr and skill of a ,,.ndl c:hefl Whip batters,
eas, pUddlnp~.!8uces• sravies to oerl9ctlon. wire l'looc»I are cnfted spec:lflc:elly to profu. slonal chef's tredltion. Finest· quality, UtY to c:Jeen aluminum. 3 pieces, aach with han11n1 hootu I", 1 O", 12". 1211 ......... Wlailll set .. $1
Kll' YOUa HAIR DRY WITH SHOULDH·SHOWHI Snep new clever slloulder·she>Wer around your neck. It sends splaloh· proof stream of water down·
ward, stws a coollnc, lnvl.,,..t· in1 shOwer withoUt dlsturt>lnl
llelr-do Of m•ke-up. GrN1 fcW Instant frelh·ups witttout pt.
tinl heed wet. 5' 1on1, Mtepter fits eny faucet. It becomes a perrneNT\t shower fixture! ,., ........... er ..... , •• ta.•
14 Fa•il• W...Wt1. No...t.r JI. Ull
"RST AID ,0. D088Y STAltlL Sdefttlfic: min ,..,_.,Is an en-
.a,yme that uts "' the lbln and ,....,,._ beauty to ml.u.ted fab. rlc:s. DesilNd ....,._s1y for tell-
tele spots left by neUAtttY pet.-WOfb wttere ont1rwy st.in remcw-.,.. won't. Even on steins that ere
months old. FOf rup, drllpes, u~ llolst9ty. Now, for the tint time,•
slain remowr Just for thoM..,... c:i.1 problemL Makes 3 pints. 7~ ••••• $1M
SANTA TAUCS TO YOUt Jolly Christmas .,..._, .... rlstrt from
S.nte's moUthl WNt a IUf]M"IM When he ....... ..,.... et the
door with ''Men'Y Christme. .. and
winks Ills~ d911&Mfutllfl Bil· --4Jfe Sent. Is lftMe of color· fuf vtiwt, Ml mule: eound tape
)IOU pull to mai. nlm talk I Eas-
ily ""°"'"*'· 7119W'. 1111-T ............... $1
NETTY TllAIHY ASMTUYI In ~ a linMor·llM repilC8 of the can your trutlman llWS the hellW-hol PNss the tMltton on Its side and the lld ~,. open to hotd your clpre«e.
Ashes ._II Into can wher'9 theV beton&. Deep 21h• slzie etimr-netes conmnt emptyll\I. ~
wnts asi-from icetWlin1-Wlnd-.lst.nt, nowt, attrac> tl~l Wl'9 to start party telkt 4'Q-Traslt C:.. Alfttre~ .. $1
TMll WHfTlat Ho ,,_.. knock· ~~kneel even wMn winds blow. Just snuate Into these 100" vlrs.in ~ wermen for protection f1"om c:alf to lower thlatl. A win· ter "must" for ~ cTreuletlon arthritic: pein, o41tdoor woftcand sports, too. ,...,.. colcnd for
men «women. One slz. fits all.
... "--WanMr ... ,, ...
8UICKll'. HOT NT. All-etectrlc: hot pot bolls 4 CU09 of weter In Just ~ minute.. Hot water In a lluny for Instant coffeeL tee °' hot soup, canned toots. 1>11blf bottle. Handiest thln1 around
the house, office, dorm, llC>MI room. Easy~n. unbf'Mkeble pOllst)ed aluminum with Grip. proof spout. Complete with elec-
tric cord, reed1 to uee. Glut for plcil-m.upsl ----iAie ,.. ...... SJ.•
HDM• WIATHl'.R STATION mounts eeslly on oorctl, fence. windoW. ·bam. Tefls you wind dlNCtlon •nd IC*ICf, rainfall, to-tals, ecc;unte ~t11re. Ex· tn helpfUI in watchlna .,...,, ,...
qul'*"9nta for i.wns an.:t pr-
detls, detlanftlnlns wind condl· lions for boeW'I. y..,.. ot prac:· ticell ueeM Mio. and fun too. V.U' I be tM .,orecaaW'' of ~-~ ..... ., ...
eunALO NIClln Jl'.WIJ.RY{
• &fft with tMt :::-= '°°" Genuine buft8'o hftoen't
beetl mint.Id for ,_,..1=_.wre to become coflector's ln-
c:ruM In 1181119 with time. Mounted on ~at9d tr.mes for hendsome helrtoom cuff llnb (heeds on one, t.ils on other). Buy metctiln1 tie bar for superb masculine lift set of needed acceslOfles.
...._.ielletCdUllb .... U .-1 ....... icUI r .. •ar .... s1.n
fULL LIN8TH Ml•ROR ,m PUaHI Good .,-oc>mlnl •RY·
where, any time with •lnlllnl mlnl-mlnor~ll in size only.
$'-a ful.....,ath view does not miss a thin& from lop fc. loel
Just 4• hllfl, tudc in purM °' oocbt. More then head onty. ,... f'lectlons. Euel.o.dl. Velour
carryint ~h. ens-e,_T•Tee Ml"8r .•. S1
UTHROOlll RACK HOLDS MA8· ADMl UlllA•YI Up to 6 LIFE sizie ma .. zlnes flt In two neat holders! KMPS your Niadln1 ma·
terlel llendY for quic:k browslnl. holds that bootl you "Just cen't put down" While you shew «
thower. Heavy plated steel wire holds securely owr toilet tank under lld, fits either side. Con-versation piece for Intellectual 1ueru1 -... ..,.. ....... ltacll $1
lYCOOll'S TOOntPICK. Tiie IUY. who ''Ms ~irW" doesn't
heve thlsl It's a lllflUfne honest· to-aoodneu solid IVory tooth·
Dicll. A Dl•mond-Jlm BtMy loud\ for the men with cteoe suzetta ta.ta. Slm1Mt9d amp. tor c:ase. Lat the bl1 ..,... flitt. ter his .,,. tMth and swell .~ his .., with thls. You'll find this a deft touctt In ~ lift·
Jdvlnc at a= modest prlce! f144-19etf • . • .... l/S1
Get perfect ea whites -IY time with this st.lnlell steel •II sep•ratorl Unique de· preued center and side ftnts
alloW white to slip thru, while YOik remains intec:t.. s..>arator ls c:ontouNd to flt ower &less Of
cup, °' may be held by fiend. ~" in d~mewr. Eftt'Y lood cook must lleve one for perleCt
e&1 see.eraUon every time! lff1~ .. peratar ..... .._
SNAY.ON TULDM• H,_IRI ~ ~. Kntc:hed Tef· ton• with qulc-. •sy-to-use MfOSOI IPfllJI Makes non-stlctl utensils uuble after 1on1 ..,.
vlc:e. Just spray on demH•d aree, batle and surtac:. Is llke new apln. F« -rythlnl fTom
pots and s-ns to lfllls and arld-d,_, Contln11e to enjoy the ease
of Teflon• coollln& •fter dem-.. 11'1 ut.nslls. 4 OD. lasts IOnl. -T--• -.,.,.o. ,,,,,
aY? WNr our Luck Lepreelleun
en.rm, Irish symbol of IOOd
fOf'tunel He .. one of the tecen· dary little met1 who niem Ire-
land on inlsslons ot aood tuck.
As famous as the Blame1 Stone!
Let him danlle from btec:etet,
nec:ltlace, MY chain. Try the
luck o• the Irish! Jewet«'s met·
a l: ~den Of sllwr .._,_. ~La,.. ...... , ....... . 1• La, ........ ......, .. $1
a ntJ
Con• a pt
••en IONt
l•tun with
~· plant
ctlldl Elm,
AUd Seth ...,.
erythina has a place as you travel alona! Con-venient, spacious Auto Orpnizer hooks over
front or back of car seat Has two larp c:om-~rtments for pepers. maps. mapzines. plus
~lotted tissue pocket A. traveling secretary
for salesmen. Can hold toys, tools, eYef'I a
ftashliaht. Plaid vinyl. 15"x16".
7I07--Aubt Orpnlnr hck ......... $3.11
your home safe! Burglars, trespassers stay
away from liahled areas. Home and lawn are
flooded with li&ht, rives clear view when re-
turning at ni~t. Tums li&ht on at dusk, off
at dawn. Adjusts itself for daytight hour
chances. Installs in seconds. Gives trouble-
free 10,000 hour weather-resistant service.
55M-Outdeor Lilltt Guardian ...... $5..11
VICE! A dish for everyone at the table! Elim-
inates passing of salt shakers and waiting.
Cut-alass desJgn prism pattern looks like finest cut glass-at low cost. Each dish mea-
sures 1 w·x~·. each with serving spoon. Euro-
pean idea, where dining is important as good
food! f« supr or saccharine. Set of 6.
7113-Salt Dilhn Sn ............ $1At
a nut whole instead of crumbling into pieces!
Pampers nuts scientifically with tenderLlov-
ing care. Just push down the handle. 1 hen
remove the meat lntact ... one whole delicious
piece. Tough metal mounted on 9" wood base.
Controlled pressure action will deli&ht even a physics professor ... you enjoy the results.
7221-Piston Nutcracklr .......... $4.M
HOW 'AICINATIN8 DWAM IONIAI THH. [Jlqulalte min· laturea no ,,_.. than 12" hllh,
with perMct branchn, tuws,
eecfl a llvln1 repl lea of fu II· .,own trMS. NUt'Mf'lff .ell for us and more. Seeda, .,,... planted In lndlvlduel pots, In-
chide OrieMal Junl.,.-, Slbefian Elm, Aaietlc Cypresa, ottters.
RNlfy to pow, }Ult add _._.
set "" • dlffwMt V9fleties. Ma-OWMt,..... ..... '2-•
OR, TOO. Enlarae any illustrated material up
to 4 ft. wide. No films. neptives needed. Maa·
azines, newspapers. snapshots. stampl. all
project clear1y in color or blKk & white. Uses
house li1ht bulb. Adjlatable lens. Handy cany case, 12" x 8'" x -4~". EvetY boy or 1ir1 will
treasure ttiis projector!
2517--Project9r ................. $7.N
REYOLYINQ IOOKRACK solves space squeeze in home, of'flce, schoolroom! Holds
up to 20 volumes in just one square foot. R• votves on sturdy t.11-bearing casters, delivers
book to your finprtips. Stores books and ste-
reo tapes in 4 separate larp compartments.
Hand-rubbed, stained oil finished majM>pny
wood. Roomy as a lon1 shelf. 12x12x6J. __
7217-a.oll-CO-Reund ............ $7.18
MINUTE! Provide comfort. convenience dec-
orator styling of luxurious king.size bed. Use
single or double heedboerd. Soft. ~nt,
sanitary foam lays flat~ eliminates uncom-
fcwtable, an~ina pp. 01 lq, 14" wide. In-stalls in less time than puttina on a sheet R•
style bedroom, have kins-size comfort fast!
4807-Span-A-Bed ............... $5.11
temperature from INSIDE day or ni~t. rain or shine. The clear dial is extra sensitive, al-
most unnoticeable. Easily attached to window with powerful weatherproof adhesive. Tells in
an Instant how to dl'e$$ youngsters, how to
plan for day, how YOUR local temperature
compares with official stations.
1117-'0tenaa .. ter ................ $2
HAH 11 attllt'n IN •tNCH SHCCI SOf'M the aqueae In
--crowded clolets. GllrmenU ~ ~ully down the 1e,..ui
of lhl• ............. up just v . HaN alllrta and btoua.ff Without wrinldlns-Mtter Ulan ltor9ea In a esraw.r. s.ota allow "°" lo retftCIW .. ,.. pnnent wtUlout dlaturblna others. Gold-tone
st9ef, ~ IMIMttr WW a"' cloMt ... r. 1•• .,. .. ....., .......• ,
Keep ice, snow, saod off your ,.,ud earl Ends
damaainc Ice scrapina. snow sweeph11. car top stains. Hooks to fenders. adjusts for cu. tom flt. folds compectty. PJotects boat, out-
door furniture, machin&!Y, too. Can't rot, mil-
dew. W•therproof plastic.
A,ute T., lenMt ................. $3.M
11• C ........ ltM I' , .... ., ....... ....
name in flowing script or initials in distinc-
tive block letters. Genuine aold-fllled or solid
sterling silver, hand polished to a satin finish.
For a sift or your own. Spectfr rin' size: 3,
4, 5, 6. Alio one name or 2, 3 inlbals.
P9nenallzed Pinkie Rini .......... $2.41
It.at 111 .. , .. N ~llMr ~a.M DI ......... ~.....,
Talce lnchea off the look
of >'OU' •lat tine ln-atanttvl AdJuat*e.,_,.. 26" to 50" ..... lnatMt l1iP ~ tMt
pro'lidH quick comfOft. aupport of aauln1 atomec!\ ""'9de1t Iida In ucro and lumber
•.UPPOrt. Elaatlclz.~1 aHy-wllall cotton 1UR
7" wide oft9n helps ,..
llfte baek fatllU91 .. alau In bet* Poaw,., Seem. untMn ••• 1!"9 a new ouUoc* and • allm1~!!'!'_. new look Im. meet-,..'°' l'Mft and WOIMR.
ma •••u ......... ~
Do you ever toraet to
remember? Here's an
oversized memo cal-
endaJ with lots of white sp11ee for eech
day. A certain cure If
you're missing impor-·
tant dates. A full 6 week schedule shown
on each &iant 22" x
l&h" calendar sheet
with euy-to-<eld let-
terin1 that's bis. bold and black. Shows 2
weeks of next month as well as the current
month. Complete throu&h 1970. Never apin
be bothered with recalling dates. times, places-just glance at this giant memory.
calendar, be reminded weeks in advance. Like a private secfetaryl
171~nt Calendar ....... $1 3/$2.71
MYmO OttllNTAI. PUZZl.H. '•ac:lnatlon and rMI Pill .,. comolnecl In theM wooden IK&I·
I .... Made of eenturie9 Old pet. tam• In ancient Ortental tndl· tlon. Tai. them apert, piece by
plece1 Hien flt tMm beck to-....... e.utlful natural woods al'9 ueect In lntrate, l'Wl"loua clealcn. Not •sY but lntrl1Ul"1. With 111Ultrat9cf plde. Set of 3 Included. .,.,, ................. , ...
OUM'AltOOlllD IUCIC , ....
MU .. 01. llUTCUCtlU.A ,_,
ftnd "°'" "lfllndma'• attic." Al adorMlte In UM t0¢1y .. the orllinal waa two centunea .... lntrllUi"I V btack Iron aq""'91 alb petlently on Udel>oerd or
table untll nutti'aelllns time. Place nut In "ont paws, pustt
down bll tail. TMt qulctdy lt'a cracMdl Wiii proNbfy do Ul'M
job for nut .. nwationl 4441~11tirret M*ncllw s1.•
Th• pen developed
for astroneut '*' • Pf0"9d by NASA lab-oratoriel to be Uled on ._. )ourMya.
TMt the Spece ,_,
In any poeJtlon, up-
aide down wttUe lytns
In bed, IPIMt. well .
Teena will lowe It u
they do their ,_,..
work on th• floor.
Produce• t ine,•"" atrollH every time. Never aklpa, nenr blotc...._ Ink wpply •ll--• l••h and l••ta-many tlm•• more lltP~lll than ordinary ball pens.
~ dr1es ue>. can
be ueed end then put
away. U•• •l•ln yun iaw-1t wm
writ• at oncel D•·
wetoped to be func· tlonal for • century ...
It pub J'IM.I rllht In
the mlddl• of th• ..-c:e ...... and the
future I
9ruahed aitver fin..
l1h add• beauty
whll• rid.Ced fln••r· hOldlna .,.. provides
wrltlns c:amfort..
7111 .........
1/..... .,., ....
F"'U, W..WW, NOWMkr 11.1111 II
4 •
HIT THI JACK.-OT WHILE YOU IAVll Gamble with your sav-
inp but don't lose! Jackpot bank looks and operates like a one..rmed bandU-.-but you win as ~u uvel Put In a coin, pull
the handle and watch the tum-blers roll as the coin drops safe· ly Into bOK. All the thrills of
pmbllna without the disap-pointments. This 6" high metel
bank holds a full $50. 7221-Jackpot ••nk .•.. $t.41
f'IHONALIHD CAR f'UQUE for the first time, here's your
Y8fY own custom-made auto
Identification. How snooty can
you aet?·Handsome &Olden pol· ished SOiid brass nameplate is l icl ", and reads; Thi• tar Miid• · llll"ial~ '•{ (any name you deslrel. looks impreulve and
officia ·like on the dashboard. Secure adhalve backin1 won't
harm IHther or paint.
D-49U-lelllett Aute f't941111e $1
Lasts 13 times lonaer! See·thru, unbreakable 6" plastic pen holds
thlrtMn assorted color cart· rldrest To chan,. colors, sim-ply unscrew top, select color
cartrldp desired, insert in
holder attached to top and re placer Write eye-catchlnt memos and rreet1n1 cards.' Col·
orinc fun for smalf fry artists. Like 13 pens In one. 17H-U Ce .. r ... ,. .•...... $1
'· • J.
,..----., .. J ,-,! -~· .. -... •' ~ '~ '-:· ... ~ -,~ ; . ....,;:.· ' , .. ""~ -··.a•• ~~
'ASCINATIN8 MAf' f'UUl.I chal .. nps skill, teaches aeo·
sraphy ~t the same time. Think
you know the states? Try un· scramblln1 these lnterlockina. slldlna squares! Avwaae people
require 1~ h04.lrs; aenluses do it In 15 minutes. Pocket size puzzler will kMp )'Ouna end old occupied endlessly. Can be frus·
tratina1 end yet you'll love It.
Great TOI' klllina Idle time.
4171-U.l .A. f"uute '. •.... 7t-
FEE CAN MUGS rack up attention no matter what
your hlvorlta bl'andl Take your choice from these f\111·
sized mup that are color· ful, realistic replicas of ac-tual coffee cans. Ceramic
muas han1 on diSC)lay from peued wooden rack post-ina price of coffee, from full cup to just a spot: all 5¢1 Set of four 3~x3" mup
with 16'r'Jic4-" rack.
:rm-.r:ee:..tfM ten Mus Set ••••.• $4.19
Stately, handso111e and charming this age-old
popular Grandfather clock is now authentically
reproduced in a lovely miniature replica. Exqui-
site hind-finished wood-tone case with embossed
&old dial and swinging pendulum. You'll be
charmed by the chimes striking on the hour and
hllf-hour. Electrically operated for assured IC·
curacy anctdependabillty. A striking combination
of beauty and efficiency! This elegant Junior
Grand Father clock stands 181hx7x3W'.
7....._.•Matller Cleek ............ $19.M
•lfORI YOUlt IYISI The sa1.1e
silicates th11t exist on the moon will deeorate your home with
Space-9&e wonders. Just place
tiny chrps In jar, add "ma1ic" solution (Included). See them arow many times orl1inal size, like mountainous moon ~.>rm•·
tlons. Brllllant, uotlc hues form a colorful wonderland, lasts ln-deflnltely In sealed Jar. fun!
4474-MMft '-nl•n ...... 71c
F..tlW W..WW,N•• ... Nrll,!111
New triple strength masnets hold cover snugly
without strinp, ties or taPe. Windshield stays
clean, clear in WOl'$t winter weather. No more
chipping, chopping, scrapini snow or ice. Just
flip the cover across the wmdshield, powerful
rubber magnets grip the hood and roof. Simply
remove when ready to drive away. 48"x30", fits
all cars. Us&-one for rear window~ too.
4555-Wlndshield Cover .... ~1.98 2/$3.79
Imported liedlepoint Tapestry Tote
Exclusively loomed in
Belgium, th,is unusual
handbag reflects the
old-world art of Euro-pean tapestry at its
finest Oetaifed and
delicate 18th Cen-
tury pastoral scenes ·
are worked on both sides in soft, mellow
colors. Its polished
brass frame and ray-
on lining reflect fine
quality inside as well.
Zippered pocket.
15'hx161h" high over-
all1.. with 3" gusset.
Tote .. $10.91
"SOMIWHE•f MY LOVE." Your precious jewelry
will be encased in
a delicate mini sil· very piano that plays the haunt· '1n1 and lovely
theme from Dr.
Zhivago as_you lift its lid. Transpar-ent top lets you
watch imported mechanism play.
Lined in plush red vel· vet, your Jewelry is •nestled in romantic
loveliness.41{4112V•KlV•" 1211-Jtwtl Bex ff.ti
TICK·TOCK WATCH THAT LOOKS AND SOUNDS REALI Per~ toy watch for kids who want one
Just like Mom or Dad's. Pick It
up, It ticks, they'll be pazed! Has movlna hands and buct<le strap, Just like a arown-up watch. Orop·procf and shock re-sistant. too! Your younpter will
learn to tell time the fun w11y with his proud new -tch, the
ever-tickina timepiece. 5 .. 1 -Tic:fl·TOCk Watch . ' • IS,
For Captain a His ate!
Sea-going, ocean-blue cotton washable slip-
overs with embossed white lettering. Soft,
comfortable, salty-looking. Wear them aboard with spinnakerftying, ashore for furrlounging.
Wann and cozy.for landlubber couples and
sea-farin' boaters, fishing pals. Easy to wash,
no ironing needed.
Shipmates Slipovers each$3.79 HJ 2/$6.98
Ca,Uln: •iwm ... M-Mtd. •H·la. MM-X·La·
Mate: IN7.Slft ....... Id ... 2"C. IMo.X-\.c.
Your darlin1 damsel will love to "dress up" and play atamour 1irt with tttlsl Kit
fncludes: "fur" stole, safe-
sole hi-heels poppet beads, "diamond" rlna,orchid cor-uae, ton1 handle atasses, and hlncy plastic wia. Head-to-toe alamour will make
her the envy of the play. around set! 7 items in set. 7tOC-Dress Up Set $5.11
We've never seen the equal--.1nd you're sure to
feel the.~mel Genuine lh" satin ribbOn priced
so low you can keep several bolts on hand,&l•m·
orously packaae all your &ifts. all year. Most will
cost just a penny! Use our Bowmaker Set to make
rosettes, pompons, etc. Hundreds of other uses.
llft at M ,a. Jest "' 21$1.21 t441-ft1111 1442-
1191t~ ... 1444-$11ww 1441-a• 1..........,w
ltls-.en, a.rt•-........ 21 ,U.IW' .. ''·
Teit duzlln1 outfits for all tHll fash·
Ion lllh" dolls. Hlch fuhlon '"'""' IOWll, cocttail dl'fts, slack sets, biki· nis and dresses. Easily astt111bltcl trOlll simple cttar instruction. All flbrlcs
ind trlmmincs. rippers, sr11ps, etc. incl. Pretty lace cottons, taffet.11, llOW·
tit)' wum. and smart trim. st.._. ... o.ttlt let ......... $1.•
HEART! You've aot to have heart
... and there's plenty of it In this three drawer mini cMst for st•·
tlonery. Sturdy fiberboard decO-rated In dehcate hearts and flowers In pink, lavender and
purple. Twelve folded note sheets, 12 envelopes and 12 self·st1ck heart labels all In lav·
ender. The most romantic slana· ture tor wonien of charm. ·
8172-HHrt Letter Cltnt ..• St
Mahopny clutter~learer is a complete effl.
ci~ center! Organize your desk with its
partitions f()( letters and stationery. Pencil
well for pens, scissors, ruler; built-in coft(
board for tacking memos. Pull-out drawer for
stamps, clips. Rich1 teak finish on mahogany,
looks like fine furniture. Compact l 5x3~x3".
181~1utter~lum ............. $2.11
I ... r:·
SUR. E GRIP FISH CLAMP HAULS THEM IN! Bring in your fish catch with a sturdy, never-
fail "third hand." Fish Clamp holds fish more
securely than a pff without the chance of
slipping away or injury to the fisherman. Cast
aluminum, spring-action clamp grips auto-
matically as you close hand. Serrated teeth
never shp, can't lose catch!
1717-lllh Clltnp ............... $3.91
kids with this aay
'90's apron and snip
away! ColOfful barber·
shop quartet decofa-
tions pacify the rest-
less young, even
make Dad feel at
ease for an occasional
trim. Neatest trick yet:
take it along to the
barber shop for juo-
ior's t..ircut. Makes it
a pleasurable experi-
ence instead of a try-
ing chore for child.
Washable white vinyl.
Full-body cover, one
size fits all.
7214-larber Apron $1
resist this 191' long post that uves furniture
from beiOi clawed. He keeps busy P1Wing
post and playing with ball atop coil sprine.
Deluxe carpet treated with catnip is bounded
on both ends by solid wood. Ext,. catnip
aerosol in 5-oz. spray can.
73~ Post .................. $3.11 731~1p .,,.., .............. $1.49
mort:al praying t..nds come to life on 3-
dimensionel rid seals. Stamped in black on
rigid gold foi ewry detail of these reverent
world-famous h;nds stand out as inspiration.
Just moisten, apply to all correspondence.
Set of 50 see ls, each ,. • x l 'i4 •. Perfect token
fOf your clergyman, tool
I05a-PraJfnt Hands s.t .... "' 2 fer $1
will cut a thick metal file In two minutes,
alass without breakap in one minute! Pre-
cision saws ANY t..rd material, e'lletl cuts
' cUNes, intricate P1tterns easily. Coated with
tu,.sten-c:arbide particles. cuts similar to
diamond wnily. f'orward and t.ckward cuts
minimize effort Fits any hacksaw.
1111--Jet Hadr .................. $2. 79
WaMect under-bed spKe put to excellent use!
Divided compartments hold 9 pelrs of shoes,
neatly insulates them from dust, damap.
Zippered see-thru top lets you pick a peir
in a moment Gold-tone vinyl wardrobe Ms
t..ndle for carryina ease. Just slide under bed or put on top ol closet shelf. 36xl8•.
111t-UM9r-hd ShM Chnt ....... $2.71
SAFE AU WINTER. No more strenuous
shovelinc snow, chlpplnc & choppinc of ice.
Just lay down this amazi"I Ice Mal Keeps soow and ice from re-fonning on cleen sid.
walks. Use it aver and CNer apin. Doesn't
lose strenlrth when wet. harmless to con-=l ~~ s~~~. ~~~-~~~~ _1_~~
NUTI AND aOLTI CUffll .. KSJ No toNw lttletly for the tool cMst, Olis ~ peir of mer'• cutnlnks Is Pd pl.-ct. l:lo ~ witfi tM ,,... heavy loot! In men's ;ew.try. Get a
pelr for }'OU'Mlf and a friend. Be the l'lrst In the office with
ttllt new trend. Alt unuauel
''ilnd" for the collector! TI&flt9n uo you!' -rdfobe.
brMldelt ... eactty to 'IOAN tasta withcMlt tlMln&, ......,.,
'99tlftl. Just plUI In -etectrfC Ea CooUr end ,..,,. up to 4
.... bolled elthef' ~ medium or hard. Stlull off by ltMlf wNn ctone. CompletefY •'*> IMticl KMP rllht on table. enfoy •US ttot-dellclCM.ta. wt.It. pa.ct cen1mlc. .,.~-... ..... C ... iflll let ..... t1M an--. c.Mr ....... a•
.. .1
DOeel• CHlllSTllM HMNm
-little.Mt ...... "' best·
....., clDale '" the """' •rtlht reel TIOftnet .. cheerful holldll1 delllftt. In mild ... titer, i.l hlM weer bell-topped \Mn alone. A c19ndy twitdil W•h-
abte orton dries aoft, fluffV. Flta all doD. llW. them a chic ca-nine IOok. Adorable ~ 'round
for THE afllUent pet who has ~·net 1n~ ........... sa.11.
MAND ONllA'nD HWIMe llA-CHl .. I wortls a~ . . . anytime! Ttlft little ~ par-fonn1 nu a N&Uhw ..wine mac:tllne -and morel Hems dreaaea on the bodY, b.llt.e
Mlpcowrs rllht on fhe fur"'-tuN, haml drapettei whlla haniln&. R...,._ and blind stltcn.i, zlpjp, aewt on but· tons. u... standard ..,.... of thl'Md and needtel. ... ,_...... ltJtcMr ••.•• , ••
a&AMT CLOUT CO¥HI ICU' CLOTHll CL•AN. Replace meuy lnc:ltvldual prlMftt blip
with one doMt cower•ll. 9eWs
clotMI from c...ins. doeet· mua1, atoP• 1hou1c1., dust
martia. s..ttwu tlee~llht ~ hood droPI WW ctoMt henew rod. Openlnp, ...... all ,,rntotc.d . UIS-4.,; c-.. c:ner ..... 11
4811-W ee..et CftW ••• t1.tt •t tPCleMlc:ewr ... t1.-
T00U HDut TI8HT TD ..,.._ NITIC UCKI Smelt _, tu Neo to9fs ftn ... ·tlp MndY and neet at ttle Mme time . ....._. ful lifetime mllSMt 9'olcll 7 ..,., of tools In 12" Miii ...-.. Ellm-lnatft Clutter, llHP" Men ...... Nfe, holds tools hendf In p. ,. .. , toot IMd, utlll~ room,
WOft!ahOp. No ro111na otf ftllt, alOplna ~ldt. rn ldteMn for 1tnrwea1 .., ......... ,... ..... ................• , .• r • .u, w.-i,, N,,.,..kr 11, "" 11
Ideal -Y for childr.en to learn
the names of States as well •• aeo1raphlc locations. Made of
durable molded plastic, each state Is a different color with name In raised letters. When
completed measures 9\l'lX15". All 50 state.a are represented.
Printed on outline form on fiber-
board. Clear plastic cover holds
•nd protects puts. 51 pc. set.
Specially designed to fit snugly qalnst your
plate! Place bones from fish, poultry, meat in
these, keep dinner plate appetizing. Abloom
with floral sprays and bouquets, prates have
scalloped edges, gold trim, are real bone
china. Each 6lh" long. Use for salads, Sauces,
side dishes, too! Set of 6.
queens are enchanted with their own play
wigs. Little girls change from blonde, to bru-
nette to redhead with same ease as fashion-
able mothers. Soft vinyl play wigs are stretchy,
fit any head size. Different hair styles for each
color. Safe, sanitary and washable. Hours of
fun while they imitate stars. Set of 3.
7902-Map llu.ula ........ $1 5957-Bone Dishes Sit ............ $2.11 4526-Play Wi1 Set . : ............ $1.98
WALK! This pedometer mea-sures every step you take,
shows the distance when you're
"walkln1 your lep off!" Clip to ~ur belt. P9dometer automat-ically shows how far you've
Sone. Will settle nelJhborhood walklna championships, clock walks to school, errands, hikes.
Mother can check the "miles"
she -•ks In the house. IOOl-f"eclometer .•.••.•.. St
ANTIQUI ITOVI CLOCK! Nos-tal&fc remlndef of the pest that
1r•nctma will remember. The old ~I bumlna black coekstove
aoes electrical for • quaint dee·
oratlve clock. It's • charmer. complete In detail even to the copper coffee pot and the simu-
lated red flames In the fire boa. It's easy-to-read with lup,
brl&ht numerals, &Old finished
hands. 9 ... " hlah.
7117-lteH Clecll ..••.. $1.11
Slip-on nylon foam covers
for your car go on as easily
as a pillow case. Handsome 100% nylon resists rugged·
everyday wear and stains-
car interiors keep like new.
Stretch covers fit snug-no
creases or bunches. Foam
underside paddin~ adds
comfort and snug fit. They
s·t-r-e-t<-h to fit front or
back seat cushions, one size
fits all. 100% washabre.
Pick color of your choice.
Stat Cenr ~.II Onlan S4t4-
a1ua1 14tl·CflarcHI; 14H· ,
Qreen1 M17·11ecl1 MtMNWn
DOORBELL RINll WITH SWHT TINKLll An old-fashioned Idea
that Just can't be Improved! Twist knotl_•nd musical bell
tinkle announces caller. E111y to
lnshlll In few minutes on any doof. Virtually lnctntructlble.
non•lectric, built for 1on1 un In early tradition. Solid brass
bell. 2Va" face plate. Pretty and
Df'actlcal. You'I love the sound!
Sa¥t lllOllt~ wllllt OWl'llftC -not rentlna-tllt smert dul1n ext111·
SIOll pl\olll wltll slffll COlllPICI
tlnu. Mllcll th• color of • rOOlll
and 111'°1 tllt C011Yt11i111c:1 of an
extra ,illone 1t 11111 low cost. Eacll E11111m1 comes complete 1tlth 5 ft.
cord and 4·Jl(Ollltd plu1. ready to
use In llomt or otfice. Completely
retlabte, 1uarentffd lo wort and
tend ""°"' feslll1111 anywhere. Pe~s for ltHlf In r111t It saws tllt
fif1t few mOflttll. i...,... ............... $ft.tl 11~; 7t..,__..ll1t; 11'4-.....; 7t ......... ;~
Outfit Your Dog Like -Santa Claus!
This Christmas (and many
morel let your dot play
Santa and watch your kid-
dies' eyes light up with
. mirth and merriment! He'll
look cUte as old St. Nick
himself dressed up in his
red Santa hit, floppy wtiite
beard. warm red and white
coat. Cleverty designed in
soft, comfy felt. One size
1 fits all dogs. Adjustable
strap on coat fits under
dog's stomach. 3 set.
1344 S•tl·Del
Oltftt ............ $1
4H1-ceteftial aen ...•..•• SI •
NllSONALIZED RUHU DOOR MAT. Doorway distinction with
your name moulded ri1ht Into • durable, solid rubber -1comln1
mat. Generous 18"a28" sin. 7 ,000 rubber fin1ers automati-
cally scrape off dirt, dust, snow,:
mud! Inlaid Ivory letters, 2~
hilh Va" thick. Print name (up to d letters) specify mat color: red, areen, blue, black. Oistlnc·
tive way to creet your 1uests!
0·107-..Deor Mat ....•.. 'J1,ll
11 Faail11 WHklr, N011.,,.bn 16, 1161
too MA8NITI POR 79--Have au kln':ls of fun and dozens .of
UMS for these 100 rubber-coated 'I•" ma1nets. Adhere to eech other or any metal surface. Use to post memos on steel cabinets,
file•, etc. Holds notes on auto dashboard. Handy foe markers.
Fasclnatin1 for doodlln1. mak·
in1 3-dlmenslonal desl1ns. Ar-ranp them to build houses,
hor'Ms, fi1ures.
4211-Mapet let Jt• 21$1.41
CONTINENTAL STYLI MINI• WALLIET keeps your currency, key&, chanp, credit cards ... in
small space of 3x4Va". All this at your finprtlps In beautifully crafted wallet that opens to a
1iant lray pocket. Two inner compartments hold your extra
necessltles. Handsome black
textured Morocco. A European fashion first, handy accent to
your wardrobe.
7117-Mini-Watlat .•. , .. $1.11
OLLIE THE ·owL RING IS A QEM! Rakish looklnP owl mikes
the most capricious· finger ring!
Richly carved In g:ild-tone jew-
eler's metal, antiqued with mel-low patina to give the :001< of • preclcus heirloom. Wise old owl
has knitted brow of many spar-
kling simulated diamonds, ruf-fled feathers and brilliant pre-
tend emeralds. A wise buy! Ad·
justable ring band fits all. I002-0wl Rine ...•.•.•. $2.H
RAINBOW FlllEllLACE FLAMES show colorful mystic mallc on burnin1 lop. Just place these
maaic color blocks on logs and watch flames .dance in vivid
blue1 red, 1reen, orange, chana-ina rrom one color to another.
Concentrate on the flames and envision a fantasy world as
flames develop into fascinatlna desi1ns to relax, ease away cares of the world. 10 blocks in set.
2744-Flame Set ......... $1
Join tlte Astronauts -
Explore tlte Moon I
Be a member of man's bold· est adventure with this fas·
cinatin1 moon Jlobe recre-
ated from official and au· thoritative NASA photo-
1raphs. For armchair astro-naut or serious student of space, 9" diameter metal
1tobe on uni'i)Od pedestal faithfully reproduces over 500 features: future. past landin1 spots, craters, moun-tains, seas both dark and
earth side In minute detail.
Eacltin1 Lunar Lo1 Book in-cludes facts, photos. room
to enter new discoveries. Moon in authentic blue, aray,
with .-reen letterina.
8217-Meen Globe Set "4.H
Delicate petal bowls etepntly serve fruit, soups,· salads, dips, nuts, desserts, candy at dinner, luncheon, buffet, party. Graceful
tulip desl1n in porcelain. Handy,
multi-use, can even be used as planters. 6 bowls to rainbow sel:
avocado, oranp, 1reen, bl~. yellow, aold. 8 bowls to white set. 4~H across.
1353-Rainttow Set ..... $2.N
1102-Whitt Bowl Set •.• $2.N
Clltrhll blrtll·
d.tHI D1u1t111 IMll·IUdt alollffl
1U aol4ll ptata or 1ter-
ll 111 SllHr WOIWH'S rt111. .........,.. pl11
witll 1erlpt Initial 111 llt(. &Gld Ill (llUM lt*lfY). Mttl's 1t1rt1111 sllwtr fie bar. SOeclfy rt111 size up to and tncludlfll. size t. All ll9ma, specify order
of birth dates. Eacll Diec• can hold up to 7 blrtt11t011H, up to 9 111
pin. ......... ,....,, ... . ••-•tette ....... .. 1-1112 .............. .
..... ~lnrlll111 •7114-Tielar
D-1111-llitlal "" ... 14 l1tnSltM, .... ...... $1
romps around inside-mini-aquar-ium. Pure fun ... ni11h fashion In
this •ae of aroovy necklaces •.• and nothln1 but real monkey
business. Set Includes lYaH glass pendant, 18H golden neck-
lace and supply of sea monkeys ready to hatch in water. Wear
this and you'll be "swimmin&"
with compliments.
7357-Livina Neclllact
EXOTIC UllDEN &ROWS IN A GLASS! Transform any &OOlet or
brandy snifter into a bloomin1 plant paradise. We send you an
Hsortment of unusual plants
suited for life in • "fl•ss" house. They arow Wlthou -ter or care llw as they would In the wilds dependln1 on nature's bounty for nourishment. Raise
them winter or summer for floral bauty. 6 plants, instructions. 07555-Glass 8arden ••• $t.H
PLIES ••. lowly and charmin1 as • summertime prden • pertyl Add deliatitfull romanticism as they •li11\t. •round flickerirtl can-dles. Delicate bone china, lland decorated in pretty pastels, each
with• steel pin. Affix to top and aro~nd deoorative candles, di•· ,uise unsi1htly wicks. Adds pretty fanciful touch. Set of 4. C.ndles not incluaed. eoo1-euttert11 Set ...... $1.21
Rock Polisher
CN"'1a D•H
lecksa.teClu• ..........
f'lrst 1-c•t precl· al011 Mede a11t-tlc flo"'o Roell l'ollaflor otMr•tn 1111• o 1111lt wed by Jowolora to brlq tho apartillft&
a•-to precl-aoms. --
~ ...
hrfect f<W rocll collectors, 111lftlot11ro rock prdom , to ""'lro or Hll. No lltllll roq11lrocl , lint fiftCI UM roclls, or· diner, Prdofl·t1" vorloty or '°"'1-preclOlll •ton.• wltfl 111lneral contot1t. Put them lft tho caftftl&tora with tflo. pol· l1hlft& arlt. Twla t11mblora do Ute Job twice u fut. f"lllly auo,.ntood UL ll1tod cont1n11ou1 d11ty motor wltll .... "" d11ty nylon b .. r1n11 r,11111 Into any "°"'° 1octiot. For .-tl•tl· Ina coins •h•ll cu na•. too. c-to you roMy to we, no HHmbllna nocouary. lntorost1n1 hobby for younastors
just rotl tllt
wllttl ... firm
..sells Md tOM
your syst•. Now
you Clll IChit¥t I
results in just 1 few 111inutas 1 dly. Almost Hiit Niie ycMi II
IOtict hM'ltmy lftd bid lllUSCles beeilt to tiftttlft, lnftS, c:fMst
and lbdotMn wilJ slim down. Roll your • ., to 1 bettef filw•,
betttt posblfe Ind better he11th. No "'°'' strtnuCM nt1tise ...
•ftCI ad111ts ... for f11n ond profit!
771>-ltoQ .... , ...... •2• ... ' 77M-.... ldl ... lrlt p.• ~~~ ~ .............................. $2.11
If ,,_ only aaf.,I Is to
work Md llOIM httJ claJ,
JOO'll IOM tllls SIHll. "It• 1rd" robe. Soft CClttOfl "fur" °" bGtll aides. W• defy J011 to t•ll It from rul -'lin. De· llln llOt Cuddly ltoplrd '91· ttnl 111 OM side, lttrKtlW
cotorlvl plaid °" rewem.
hotlc cllarlll for cll1lr,
coucll. UN for 111to, beoch,
PltlO. 50l80". WISNblt. __ .. la1911rf''
............. $1.• 1.,_..... ........... .
ZEROI Work on principle of Insulation, keeP
body helt in, cokt out Lona-wearing quitted
n~ snua nylon stretch knit cuffs. Great
for huntlne. shoveling snow, spectator
sports. Fits guys 1nd gals. Pick size. 4rn-Het SU (SMall) . • • $1.M
4171-Hot s. (Metllml • $1.M ~ Sa (Lql) . $1.M
WONDER! Enjoy a new fun adventure! Watch
the anttcs of this myste.y. Demonstrate New-
ton's law of Motion, lift one blll on end, re-
lease and opposite one swings. Others trans.-
fer energy without movinc. Various combin.
tions fOf unusual reectK>ns. 6x5x8" plastic
frame. Junii:>r Is smaller. 7373-0elula ....,., $5..98 711t-Jr. $2.98
See it All!
DOK· TOP CAl.CULATOR lives fast and
accurate solutions to math chor9s at
home or In business. Adds, aubtrac:tl,
multipllea In an instant, totals to
99,999.99. Hetps you ntmain true to
the budpt. ficures out tax problems,
bank balance, etc. lowest price eYer for
this tried and tested calculator. 51hx
IOtl-Delk·Top Cakullltor .... $5.ti
. .
VIDUAL IAIONGI Each aunt ~ his own com.,..._ cake or mf
when you prepare In
th~se sln1le·servlce
pens! Perfect for platln
desserts, an&elfood
cake, homemade Ice
creem. Also meet mf,
breeds. Setw lndMdual
taste-temptinc porttonsl
Pie pans are 4~" di· am«er. arc, pens
are 3~· d I lc.t
pans 4~" diameter.
Easy-clean aluminum.
Sebof 4. 1244 -.11 ...., .. Sl
1245 ,,_,..ID d Sit $1 a. ,.. Sit .... $1 •
---~-·--•....._AVE SPR'llU•
Ud W9lll spots In TV Md ,_ rtception dut to llltlMI .ot poilt-
hll II tM npt tlrtctiotl. flew ~ utlNzts -li4rectioMI
lldlnl.-lMt sweep I full 3mc' lft MlfY •rection. Pull In tMrp
picbns, Yilnnt sotlftd from eYtfY .,.. broldclst atltiotl.
A•11l111 "•• co111po11nt·l1tt· for color or balck llld wtUtt, UHF,
.,.. .. --ls just lr lliCfl, VHF TV. for AM·f'M ·fM sttrtO
wtiaM just °"' 2 ........ No rldio. "'°'' hmrdous suptt'-ltructurn Try It 10 dlys wftllout rlM! If
M SW1J in the wind. Installs In ~Is IUltllltltd lftttlN 4ots Mt
lliMltts, with I few IUIWI, Oft IM ycMI the btst holM .....,...
roof window .... ~"' l'lltftt '°" "'" .. ..,..., ,.
httpful for ~t dwtllln. =~ ::: .: ~~nt st!
NMr dtttriomn froM mt or t10ft tMt ,_ wt llt "°" raff. ~ like otMr cllmy Mttll Int. 11111 ... Id. lb fuM r-.
........., probjrw In MtJ dltectiotl of tltt
It's rtldJ to hool up It oa. air WIVtS, will bri• It ID yow
No m-.ly. Twill ~ wtrn set NOW!
111~ .................................... $11.11
RIDERI look, ma, I'm flylncl The most
thrttlln1 ride on wheels helps keep youn1
bodies fit in your own beckyard. Secure
heevy pu,. steel Monorail tine bltnen
trees or posts. BeUbeertnc pul9eyl speed
rider throuah apece, han1ins on handle-
bllr &rips. 50 fwt of tine, coupllnp,
4830-Monorall ............ t7.•
l'..UWW ..... N•H•NrJl.1... M
mottter's dellatit. Younpten can mark up themMIYtll, "' any-
lhln1 ..... beeaUM theM cny-
Oftl are pure soap that washed
cl .. n with water. They can be clowns or Indians In a riotous
arTay of color and all the time they are soapln1 themMIYtll for a c1Unsln1 rlnM. Safe. Set of
12 sticks. Kids 10¥9 '•ml .._ ... , Crey.,. let .... 11
Tiiis fucltlft frOlll • raastlna Pin cat1 be
tll• lllt of tlle PlrtJ
H lie c:asuatlY 11a1111
atlrti ntked O¥tt tlle bl r or out of your •
POCtitt. He's sure to provide ladllt
wtlertftr JOU ,IO. lit· 1ll1tlc d-0 •••
pert colorine, ti.1 pin f•tllen. You'll
tlllt* of • tllOUlllld
WIYI to lllYt full
witll lli111: slttlnc °"
}'OUJ dnllbolrd, In tllt 1111llboll, in desk drawer. Tllis Is ttlt
lffM CfllJ bird
you've •-Dll ttle• viii• used by fa.
, .. , .•.... $2 ...
UPI Electrified antique replica sputters,
coughs, then roars off! Smoke pours from the
radiator, tiny headlights shine. Just like that
talked-about "horseless carriage." With every
tum of the wheel, comes a mem<>fY. Children
adore it. Heavy steel. Detailed design! Uses
C batteries. see page 4.
5087--Gf'lndPl'I Car ............. $5.91
.. • l ... ~. ... .-~
DRAWSTRING GI" BAGS. Even if you're all
thumbs at fift-wrapping. you can't miss with
these nove gift bags. Just pop Rift Into a
colorful bag. pull string. have a pretty pack-a~e. No more searching for just-the-right·
size box. paper, tape. Set of 10 bags, fully
lined in asst. sizes, desi11ns from 61,'t" to 10''
high. Instant gift-wrapping!
5130-Gift Bal Set ......... $1. 3/$2.lt
..--."""'-~, / I ,• ' ·" .·~· ~ ~ -. . J L.T . I / . . z~. . .b.----·-. ~ -~
. . . '"'.;r .. ~'-~
. . .. -
Sleep in comfort without hairnets or rollers!
Magic Pamper-Pillow-Case slips over any pil-
low; you awake to a perfect hairdo. 100%
silky-smooth satin-acetate case has special
weaves that allow hair to breathe and glide as
your head moves in sleep. Washable. 32x22". 776~1oral Pillow Case ........... $2.91
8744-Satin Pillow Case ........... $2.49
accessories with holiday cheer. There's a red,
snug fittinR COYer for toilet seat. tissue roll,
spray can, tissue box. Each is plusl) felty
cotton cloth, appliqued with holiday greetings
and decorations. Re-usable year after year;
insures real holiday spirit even in long-
neglected "Johnny room." Set of 4 items.
5783-Santa Outfits Set ........... $1.98
What a performer! You'll think he's almost
alive as he turns one somersault after an-
other. Just wind him up, enjoy the show, as
he flips and tumbles, just for you. As grace-
ful as a circus gymnast, funny as a real·life
clown. 9" long. sturdy plastic construction,
colorful "grea se-paint" costume.
519~Tumblin1 Clown ............ $1.29
Fill 'em "9-with whatever you wish! Pretty,
Individually desilned cup and uucer
are kine-sized variety for coffee.nounds to s-t-r+t-c-h their coffee ~ukl They're also
areat for soups, stews. Bia, beautiful desicns in ~rilfht colors are h•~inted on fine &lazed ceramic
add a happy touch to any dish. ~ch one Is an orli· inal! Can be used forolanters. 5lh" cuo. 7'h" saucer.
1171-Super Ceflet Cup set .......... , .. $2.41
StU ... S WHllll HAT •ACIU L-• ol the bt•n'I' dftp. dolt ,our cap to th11 hendy. h•nd· .om. het. c;.oet, umb•ell• reek Colotlul neviptoo·s compen
1>ae11in1: enchot deCOr 6 henaer pep end 2 beek hOolls lor flush· lo--11 11an11n1. Heturelly neu·
tical lor h•ll••YJ lemily °' ch••· ctren'• room. 26' . 11H-l "lp'I ~ . . . S4.M
painting a push-button breeze. No brush, no
pallette, just use this battery-operated turn-
table for fun, artistic expression ... Paints col·
lide on spinning turntable. Glorious patterns
emerge. With 4 bottles of color and 25 5"x7"
artboards.2 cut-out mounts.Uses 0 batteries, see pg. 6.
5171-Spin·Art .................. $5.91
he's down on the farm! Moves head from side
to side pecking away for kernels to munch.
Fun to watch him roam in all directions~ try-
ing to satisfy his hunger. Fuzzy yellow fur''
accented with cute colorful bow-tie. A mess-
less farm pet to intrigue youngsters and in·
troduce them to farm fun. Sturdy wind-up. 7".
7111-DlllJ Duck ................ $1.41
Nothing stands in its ny! T•nk-like with nitr
ber treaded tires, it climbs <>Yer any obstacle
in its ~h. Even,climbs up a wall, then flips
over, rights itsel and keeps on goina. Seems
to have a persistent mind of its ownl Plastic
car 7W' long has on-off switch. For C batte-ries, see page B.
7324-Clim...C.r ................ $4.98
are all thumbs! Now create professional look-
ing star bows, pompoms, rosettes, bird bows.
3 popular sizes. Finished bow is secured to
plastic bow pin, inserts into gift box. In-
cludes plastic base, 4 adjustable posts, bow
pin holder, 24 bow pins, instructions.
8634--Bow M•ker Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98
5035-8•1of100 Extra Bow.Pin_• ...... $1
,., .. ,... HCMAfllllS ,..
bfllhl on Cl1115f-s C-\ lllHe l·O M•"l de<-OlalOI Pl·
IN< ou1amt1111 C8fl be 11U4 Oii
&•It& Of Uound Ille llOUU $el
of 6 II.ts· lr11. A111e1. Santa.
Uflltttn. Sle1rh. Houu . C-es
llal ••Ill 11ee•·•••r lldlle1111t
lac>•. ~" 10 8" 111111 '°" -and Pill ••OU11d! 11si-eec•eti.a .
UCll IUIC UllU, llYl
IWUT *"IC Wlfll ..SICAl ..... IC&! (llC!lefltl li41 wl,.lt
11 tU<lltl es It ,iasn! tesr
•• , .. ,. •1111..t '""'" " <tedtflC MUSIC. ,..., '°"'' llJ ........,.,, ill C•llt<t lflCIMH .... •
Kllool Clllkl<ell .,lclly ... ,.,
10 , .. , "'"' .-..s. ""' clue to MUllCll •P'ih1M t -Cll· Nfft ICllOll. MJ111t11fc '41Sllc. ... .............. 111
f e
cer tds
fso in nic ·ia-er. ..
This sign does double duty as a cadd~ for the
4 fine-quality Bavarian style steins.Announces
"Free Lunch" and "Beer 5¢." Quaint reminder
of the good old days. Display in kitchen or
over bar, in den or ·offk:e. Large size steins
hold more than a bottle-full. Traditional Ger-
man cobalt blue decorations. 5 pc. set. 2xl 1".
8283-Sltn Stein Set ............. $6.98
TREADS! Grow a garden in vour tub and pre-Yent slipPing! Softly textured non-slip rubber
treads insure steady footing. These "flOwers
never wilt because they're always being wa-
tered! Complete with pattern for "planting"
finest bathtub garden. 17 green stem-treads
and 5 blossom-treads in set.
7541-Ganltn Tub-Tread Set .....•. $3.98
RINK! He twists and turns just l ike an ice
slt,ating champion, to this happy holiday tune!
He glides smoothly over the "ice rink" set in
a delightful winter scene. Just wind up and
Santa starts to amuse all, setting the mood
for Yule festivities. Skates like magic, is not
connected to base. Skating varies each time!
1014-Skatlni Slnta Stt ........... $5.91
PERSONALIZED WEDOING RING TRAY! Al-ways-cherishe~f keepsake of the big day or a ~tful anniversary gift. Wedding ring mo-
tif with orange blossoms, dainty beaded edge.
Fine workmanship in 18K gold plate or gleam-
ing rhodium silver, 5" dia. Never needs pol·
ishingl Charming server, candy dish, Specify:
silver or·gold, both first names, wedding date.
D-774'-Wtddinl Rini Tr.J ........ $2.91
TALKING ANIMAL BOOK. This book of farm
animals sounds like it's alive. Squeeze each
bright, naturally colored page and hear the
dog bark, the cat "meow," the horse neigh
and the pigs grunt. Squeeze the Whole book
at once and you're down on the farm! Beauti-
ful bright colors, wipe clean! Fascinating edu-
cational enchantment for toddlers!
4013-Aninuil Book ................ 59-
Shesham wood carved into fascinating lacy
desi~ns by artisans of Northern India. So skill·
ful as their craftstnanship, it's carved from
on'! solid block of wood to open and fold flat
readily without hinges or screws. Holds a
.large dictionary, heavy coot<book or bible for
easy reading and reference. Opens to l lx8".
7866-Carved Book Rest .......... $3.98
MOD POP-ART HASSOCK inftltes to use wtien
and where you wanl Instant comfort! The "in"
ha5sock for den, ~tio, dorm, TV viewin1. Ex-tra heavy vinyl wall hold an adult. Deflate for
easy storage. Carry to picnic, beach. Kids love
to sit on them, erown....,ps will relax on their
"floatin&-on-.air" foobtool , use. Reel traffic
signs in actual color. 11" cube.
755~ Hanock •..•..•..... $1.29
Enjoy the unexpected springtime atmosphere
when these little birds perch among your
plants, in flower pots, in floral arrangements.
Realistically detailed birds in cotton and gen-
uine feathers have adjustable wire feet and
flexible_ legs for easy placement. Assorted
natural colors, 3" long. Set of 12.
7985-Minlature Bird Set .......... $1.98
. .
MAllYILOUI llYITaltlA 9LOOMI WITHOUT IOIL. SUN, WATl:lt. This IMaieal plent blos-soms wlttl beeuliful nowws In
vary-shedes of purple. Ho c:e,. et •11-iust put them In wlndoW, on teble, en.ywhete. In • .._
Wffks ftowen Wiii be rMCty. 4" to &" plents hew 6 fK indll
blooms. ~nt• to Mt. D.atl II lteri8 "8Ms •..• 1
T1811t IUPNlll POii Qll-CHAllt HUN'Rltll .Wll 111Mn' like a ~ pusqcet on Illa IOfe uteri In thelle new tlpr pew sU~. str9tctly cnn.. end bleck atrl99 pettem, wtllt• f9ft clews, end t~ ... ther aofes pnwide thet quiet, slinky com-fort. Udy c:ets love them tool One size fits all tlprs. n~Tlpr 111,...,. .... ta.41
LURE. Dives, probes to 15 feet. Climbs,
moves like a maimed minnow buues like
a plump, lazy insect. Drives fish wild! Pellet
charge lasts an hour, comes with season's
supply. Durable plastic in bright fish-atch-
ing colors, 2x~". Get more fun, more fish!
2813-Swlm·N-lure .............. $2.98
8147-Ptlltts Refill ............ , .... $1
most ferocious tiger mat traps dirt at the
door-keeps house clean! Use on the thresh·
old or indoors for kid's room, in kitchen or as
a foyer runner. Nylon and rayon P.ile has rain-
bow tiger stripes that bl'end with any color
scheme. Huge 36"x24", no-slip latex back.
Put a tiger on your floor!
7172-Tlpr Mat ................. $2.4t
flying embers! No more singe marks or tell·
tale spots. Hearth rug absorbs flying sparks,
spares your carpeting. Completely safe and
fireproof, black with decorative eagle design
that enhances any room with its traditional
design in rich gold. Protects your carpet.
Heavy-duty canvas. 22Shx45".
7210-Htarth Ru1 ............... $4.91
L..Ul"•POIT EM•tNH 8&.eW
'" THI DA•tu Unlove Nninl" start con...,sation ctowln1 wtwn you walk Into a room! Thefe J'OU 90, they'll say, a woman Of "'111·
tery who -•rs colonial lftlni· lamp PMl•I They actually shed a soft lilflt. O.n1t11n1 lalftps have a --thru wlnoow that ••· veal a plastic canal• with red wick. ll~t the way to a fashion first. ~ each. Clamp-on 1ty1e,
1211-1ani1111 ~ ..... tt.4•
~ IYl•-•UDY PICllMOLDlal Helldlonie, lmltlnc, IOCl9-stnw dl1penMr offers you Instant • plMtlc tootltpk;kll Uft the CO't-
.,, wetct\ ~kl '9n out
•• • for -.y acceu. Can be-~ attnlcthMIY on any t.ble. ~· feet addlUon to 'any picnic.
Comes with supply Of plastic
I Lic(t·~,
YOU CAii P1X •lfTVltlSI Sew .._.., end tllM on ~ ,.
pe1nr Now, .,... ,._.. Ill*'
iooeen. enc-, brMll or c:hf~ can.......... I
Kit coneaf,. ume II.I~ of ~
... ptOflMelD .... _.., pcwdlifJ
liq'*lt ... "' ....... ...,,. -cu~ ~l•t• l n1tructlon1. r. ,.,..,. .... '°"9-
IHtln1. Enou1J1 material hi-
ctudedtor 6 ~ 11• ...... "" ......••.• .. .. .... ,., .. ...,.,
with your hainio fresh, in fNa.c?e with the mir-
acle protection of this satin-lined sleep cap!
Protects and prolonp set. Reduces friction,
hair glides-doesn't pull out. Bouffant sized,
will not crush even the fluffltSt hainio. Elimi-
nates nets, pins and cur1ers. Comfortable.
i>erfect for travelin&. Washable. )747-Sltln S..., cap .............. $1
Just attach to your set, plua into electric
socket. Power-Plue peeks your TV to better
reception, brines in a bri&ht. cleer picture
even in frinp areas! Banishes cumbersome.
unsi&htly rabbit ears, makes outdoor anten-
nas unnecessary. Allows new TV's to use full
power, ~ves boost to old sets.
5029 YOWll-PIUI Antenna .••.•.... $1.91
sion of giant vaults that prd savines in bi1
benksl 3 tumblers tum to open the see-thru
door -only the owner knows combination,
eech diffeNnt. The family banker can open
and close his W1Ult with the flair of a business
tycoon! Coins drop into slot on beck, holds
many dollars. Plastic, 3~5'rb2W'.
721a.-Mhd·V1Utt .•..•..•..•........ $1 .,_.._ .. ·-·
PAPERS fut and easity in minutes by roll-
ina them with special Mak-A-l.<>1 tool. Bind
up and they'll bum lq end cl•n . .Use on erates in ffrepleces, st~3 grills. Each IOI
. 1ives about 2 hours of coiomJI ftames. Comes
with 12 binders. refill pack has 100. 4774-Matl-~ .................. 79'
50IO Refill hdl ................. 51-
81ANT 12..fOOT FUN BALLOON. Own the bit-
gest balloon on the block, nearly as hi&h as
the house! Inflates easily with ps °' air to
12 to 18 fl hilh. Exciting in backyard, play·
ground, beach. Spectacular way to announce
store openings, church bazaar$, sportina
events. l ong-fastine neoprene rubbef>. Now
available from lf0"'9rnment surplus.
123t-Glant Bllloon .............. $2.91
1lamorous inches to your hair atyle instantly!
Simply drape hair or fall atter plastic Hafr-
Hill. Fits riaht into hair, stays in ~ with
a bobby pin. Mesh-plttem plastic IS felthef-
weight. ~ hi&h, S" across. Added wace and
beeuty for ftowt"I falls. Pemlct for the pop-
ular bouffant styles!
1517-Hllr..tiUI ........... 79' 2/$1.42
............ .ecfl ....
dliJI tlll9ION'OIW llMI t1ltfY .. , SWiu-cnftld KCU-
1'8CJ ...... ~ '°" llted to ~ IMut .......... • 1i.c.! .....
etlod .......... •tl-
....... lc, -··~-. lll«Ufaof. SW.., MC· Ofld ...... ........-.1,
Olltllod In clir0!90 caw
wltll 1t.1i.1111 st•I Ndl.
1'K lold pllto aatill bruMM 411111. lllct ...... 2 ,.., .. ,.... ...
~ tllO •• .. ·-wtttl -quit'"'* 1t tllls _.u.ttt ... llMlto watcll!
,~, ................... $11.•
c:otnplltely cleen between regular bathi~
Mini-bowl makes any toilet fixture a conti-
nental-style bidet. Fits all standard com-
modes. f'or elderly and infirm who find bath-
ing difficult White porcelain-like poly with
OYerflow drain. Deluxe has fill·hose.
7531 Bowl-Bath ................ $5.91 1273-0elun Bowl-Bath .......... $1.91
mqic, any bed pillow becomes a 20"' long
bolster when YoU zip on these cordana covers.
Save money by using pillows already avail·
able. Dress up studio lounge, bed or couch
instantly. Washable, fully zippered covers
transform any size bed pillow.
7294-Gold Bolster Cover .......... $2.91 729~'"" Bolster Cover ......... $2.91
BLOCKS! Protect yourself from assault or
robbery with this piercing '"Screamer" signal.
Stuns attackers and requests aid at same
time. No batteries, no wind-up; air-powered
aerosol high-pitched boet whistle sound is
transmitted with press of finger. Only 4" Iona,
feather·weight for pocket, purse or bedside.
7 383-Tht Sct"N"'tr ............. $1.91
Great fun and excitement for your younasters as they unroll
this newest type colorina "book." Any number can color-
will occupy one child or an entire kindergarten aroup. Un-rolls to 30 feet to tell a complete story. lOH high.
Tell-A.Storr Ctlerin1 Roll ...... each H• Anr 4/$1.81
FIGHTING GAMECOCKS mered metal, finished to• atow· CONQUER WALL DECOR! Ina petlne. Arched In battle, thla m•anlflcent r'' lend d,.metlc Ole! The Spirit of old Spein decor-eccen deCOr-to ltvlrw with 111 Its color end excitement room, den office, Turna • Will' la expressed vividly with thla ex· Into • teetuN ettntetlon. Eectt
qul1rte pelr of 1•mecock will 20x~4"ia:'lr to Mt. plequea. H•ndcf•fted In hem-71S mecooll let ..•. ..._.
MEI Ullll 11 A •Cll&.ACEI All e11Chal'tln1 1ltt Slle'll wur
and remember! [lqulaitely·
crafted In sractfvl feminine script, lland·potlshed, 18K sold pl1te finish. Pendant Is on dt l· ic1t1 16" chain 'wlfh 1peel1I
cllsp to t.eep her trNsurtd necll1ce ufe. 5"Clfr .. t
-· Jrresiatlbl• price 10< 1 testeful .,.rsONll sift! O·S7St~IClllKe ........ $t
n• fUMIED CAllllWS noel to tllt hotldaY scene.
Uf1·1lztd rt1tlsllc birds put 1 fiery ftalll of 1e1rtet In your
Chrl1t11111 1rfftltry. Down cot· ton bodies bttlftlltrtd 1111ittl
1et1ui11t plumac• on 1111ln1s. taus. Elctl 4"1" Ions. 1111itt1
1111lrtd fttt for NIY 1ttaetlln1.
So atln looklns """ puuy-cat 1111111 be fooled. Set of 4. 7~IUll#flet .•. $t
SllWftakH Fal ti Salta
As Jlltlt Biiis Rl11 Ott!
You'll be enchanted as
Jincle Bells resound and
the rewlvinc Christmas
tree is covered in fallinc
snowflakes. Decorated
with smiling Santa and
colorful ornaments, all
you do is tum it upside down, wind up and enjoy
music and action! Turn-
ing tree Is encased in see-thru plastic. 91h"
hip. Brf ghten Christmas
for many years to come.
s.wim .. $5.•
INDOOR HERB GARDEN. Just add water!
Fresh herbs make your meals tanRier! Set of
8 pre-planted 21h" peat pots for chives, dill,
marjoram, fennel, parsley, sage, thyme, rose-
mary-ready to grow in specially enriched
soil. Now you can enjoy fresh grown herbs
with window sill garden. Your cooking will
show the difference! 582~tltt Garden .............. $2.98
Adorable Fuzzy really says "I wuv you!" His
big goo-goo eyes fol·
low wherever you go,
pleading with you to
love him t ool En·
chanting fun for eN·
eryone! Al I you do
to make him talk is
squeeze 18" long
magic cord between
thumb and forefinger,
slide downward. A
perfect conversation
piece. Fuzzy's top is
yellow, his bottom is
blue. His sassy red-
tongue adds to whim·
sical charm of 5"
Fuzzy Head.
8MG-Wuv Fuzzy $1
YEARl For 1970 dis·
play songbirds of a
feather aflutter on this
d~orative towel cal·
endar. Hand-screened
in vivid colors on
100% strong, sturdy
linen. Charms a blank
wall when hung from
wooden dowel and
braided cord hanger
(included). See the en·
tire year at a glance;
and when 1970 has
passed, it becomes a
handsome tea towel.
Splendid present for
holiday gifting! gift-
boxed. l 6x29'.' long.
7887-Bird Towel
Calendar ... $1.29
DO! Ever wonder how commercial artists
wof1< so fast? They use an art reproducer to
project the actual image on drawing paper,
then trace the outline, fill in shades. Adjusts
for perspective and size. Helps teach you
quickly'j develops hidden art talent. Sturdilr.
made. 'it" high. A real artist's working too .
4548-Art RepnHlucer ............. $1.49
strqng man to tears. Our own resident genius
couldn't figure it out...can you? Try to stack
the blocks so that 4 different colors show on
esch side. fascinating way to spend a rainy day ... long after the rain stops, too. Set of 4
plastic blocks. No solution provided, but Pl·
tience is the key.
7359-Puult Blocks Stt .... 89¢ 2/$1.29
Cteate a colorful dis-
play at holiday or
birthday dinners with
a most unusual cen·
terpiece! 15" high
green and gold plastic
tree bears a most pre-
cious harvest -the
holiday remem·
brances of friends and
loved ones who wished
you well at the Joyous
season. Unfold its four
branches at first arriv·
al-cards fit securely
in graceful Yule pine
pattern, topped with
shiny gold star. Holds
up to 96 cards.
7213--Card TNt . $1
1.-Ltrl·TIMI ,.UfT MA8NITS -•ti Geyest wey to tick up memos, with ldoreble h•nd-pelnted fruit end wpteblHI
Brlattt colors meu sure you
won't mlu reminder! Hidden meaneta never tote stninath. ~ notH, recipes, eppolnt-menta without bothersome ticks
or tlpe. Clln1 to refrlllfltot1 atove, met.I Clblneta. Price . ..i of 10 for 1 "Kltchen-Queen.1• ...._,rult Mepet let ~·. lltl
IOOKI AH Hean i.YSA1t CHICK.f'ILI. Looks like 3 el•
pntly bound volumes on your • bookshelf or desk. They're even
IOld-atlmped like • collector's • Item. Secret hll'IP<I lld opens to I reve•I cencelled checks Indexed 4
by yeer •nd month. Whit • novel l wey to atore fln•ncl1I records, ~.
1w1y from pryln1 •real NMr-
pertect w•y to thwert prowlln1 4
hends, too. Lerp 3Vax!!IV.x7". 4 1797-lecret Check rne 11.M
11 JUN8U IUTTlltrUH tt. DELUXE PRECISION SCALES FOR DIET, Genuine Imported buttierflln-POSTAGE! New computer precision scales tropic COW.. ,.,.. deslans. 11rp end amen. Miu uotlc tlbte weigh with pin-point accuracy. Prevent over· tops. trays, new 1unchboXn,
payment on mail postage ... over-eating on purMS. cen be mounted for
diets. Mail Scale indicates 1st class, air mail n 3';;-P:=n ~
and 3rd class postage. Diet Scale shows por· ley ftet tor •ay ndllnt1. 12
weaht in ounces and grams. Jn eet. DelUXAt 1a eet ot 100. un-
780 -'I e--1 ••II uauel beliutJ, colorful IMrklnp. .. -• . •.••........... -· tlM-8fttllftlr ... ,, J/'2.• 7804-Dltt Scalt ................ SS.II 1111 .. ._. t.t ....... M•
FatMlr W.....,, NH1111• ... 11, 1,., •
( • ,
• f c.
E.n;i. ..... .-.n In ... ptMcy "" ""' home It a hction "" ........ CCIII! Our
dll.-...................... = control, relief cf '*llkln. ...... .... . .... lift. betW ........ of tnd ..... del. ltinulMion of clrcue.tlon. Cen M UMd
In Wl1 room or oMce wMhout lrl1tllllloiL Portlbll ••• fDldl up COlllPldJY ...........
-outllt. ......... le lhut-ol. [vtn .. dudll P"*dlw vinrl ftDOr nwt. I'll I .....
In ml111A11. His dlnble.,. cower. C.. ............ -... ........ __.....tD .... .......-a-............• 11.11
MrlM scluon specially deslped for hard-~
trim toe n.ilsl Lons shank ~ utq lw-.,. to .sily cut~ MllS fast without
effort. Steel cuttina ecfea cuts c1..,, sharp,
no Irritation. Use SUflical type instn.ment for incrown n.lls, flntWnalls. 4" Iona. in pro-tective 1>QUCh.
724a-f• N911 T,._., ........... $2.11
EM TllEAIUREl Trenute ... its )'OU undet water. You've teen it but couldn't let to it. Now ct.Im mysterious metal objec[s )'OU"ve
notic.d while boetlnc or ftshi"I-New1 •maz·
Int SamsofHtronc INIP1et retrieves With 100
lb. llttinc power. Astoundinc power ~ Pf9Ssed Into only 4". Use In home loo. ,IOl--Fertune Hunter •........... $2.AI
Tltll. <Mr 100 C*ds
easily IMn •nd . •· tntetlwly dlspl~
on this pderHNtal card tree. W hi&h
when eswnbled. bUt put fW•Y quickly
and Miiiy became It
folds n.t -comes In tts own ...,..... ball.
Addi t.stlvtty to •II 1pecl1l ocoolons
when JOU hew an I~
mediate showplace
for lcMly cardl from
t frle~ rwnem-
' benld -whither It be avtatn... Elstw, .... nlversarr, birthday, ~~ 127~'i,.. $1.11
TIFLOlll• 'M COOU 4 ltOUllD ,ANCMU. Talce all ,,_. and bothet out of ~
with new ParH<Mcer. Just pour in l>Mter •••
the 4 wells below the surta::e aUUN per·
fec:tly shaped ~ wery time. EaD and
buraen, tool Easy to cleen •lvminum, l>uPont
Teflon• coated ror cookint without oil or
flt. No scouri,., 11 w· 01ameter.
I022__,............ ................... .
LY, SAFtLY. Now sleep restfully, knowlnc
your bed sprinc Is virtuelly locMd Into the
bed with U.. all-m.tal supports. ~itlvety can, slip or fall throuch as old-fashioned
wooden sleb or too , .. ITOlll' metal qlls. Fi~
all size beds. Set of 6. 1122-IM let, WMll blls ........ $3.11
UU-IM Set..._, blll ........ $3.11
5 ,Alll Of PANTS ON OM MANIERI Hane more clothes in cloNt with these 5-rod ...,.. en. Uch Is perfKt for .....ty • c:ompMte
w1irabe of lfteft'S ~ ladles' stacb, neckties. belts, skirts; all without • wrinlcJe.
Rubber<CMf'ed to ~ slippinc. ~
end plastic capped rods rnalle for eny p&ac. rnent. removat Metal, 16" wide. · 7501-llltlti...... . ............. $1.31
reec;ha wheN ordinetY peds tail! Wrap ped acrou sl,._ to promote drainqe, relr.,_.
s-in. Enclrc~ le.nee or shoulder, •nY lnftlmed
..... for concentrated heet exactly where )'OU
need il Boon to arthritis, bursitis, rheume-tism sun.... Ad}ustable str.ps, washable
·flannel CXMlt', on-off switch. UL listed. . 4111 .., ............... ,.. .... $5.11
COPY POl.MOID flHOTOI QUICK, urn MW duplicate prints of your fawrite Poi.
roid photos In seconds with Copy-Quick. Just
ptace photo on bese, )'OUr own Pot.roid cam-
.,. on top section and sn1p ... fnt, accur.te. ~· Make u many copteS u )'OU want-
'" colof Of blactl & white. Flts all Polan>ld modefs ucept Swinaer and 180.Sturdy metal. not ,.Wtif c.,,.eu1c11 ......... $UI
M FoMil~ W.-lt1, NH..W 11, 1111
'DialJI S ,,,,,,.,
2 ,,..,,,,,,_ eo.trolsl
,.. Yoo Dol Diii...., Coblotioas Ouid/y-&sfyl ......... ..... ,.... .............................. .
~...,.., ......., .......... twWl CNQlllr .... ,... --
IUCtlJ a .... I ~ IMe RIM .............. ~ ................... ,...., .... ..,. ....... ........ '*'-'I•• ........ -...... , ......
..... .... f1C4111, clleclll ..................... ,...._, -....:1 _... ....... ...,,_. • ,.. ....... u*"lll .-II "'
ru1•ithnrl i-.i .............. ---. lllllJ ... .,...._el
-'~~ .................... It ............ ..
wt ..... 11 JIWI
Zllt'l· ...... a., , ............ _. ............• 11."
Serte the way of the IDUf"'9t •.• from own to
tabte in attr.c:tive au lf'ltin dishes. °"91ity
18 .......... steel with dec:cntive han-dles. A pK:ious way to serw aabnlmt au lntin, IGbster thennidor, potatc.s, ewn ln-
dividwl pies. Tempts )'OU to new, excitlnt aounnet deticacla 6W' diameter. Set of .t. 7744-IUltllii Dilll let ............ $4.•
No keys, no wfnd..up, no betteriesl Yet it
tr9¥efs round and round. Tum It owef, then
rilht It and ..tch the mqic action. ct.up •Ions. pins ~ and rinp its tinkly bell.
Colorful metal train is encased w1der plastic
dome, atop metal pedestal stand. 10"x6".
Turn upside down tor tun and excitement.
7241-lllcic Tnil11 ...........•... $3.41
lllllHTl.NI THE
DAllKJ We pfuckild • btoOm from our ,_,.
d9n and mlde It Into a softly.tilowtrw Slfe. ~ ni&ht-llchtf R ... ls-tlc piNI petals em-
brace • ',\ Witt bulb.
Just pennies a Y99" ~ps It bumlrw 111 nltM In nunwy. hlll·
way, fo,er, bedslde1 n . bouquet Of
Into home.
UL lst.d,~ ~" dlametilr. Looks rosy enou1h to I• snu any pd1t1ert .,.,._,._
NltH.Jtie ••.•• $1.21
"t•T'-~· .,,..,,-J \..-' . ._
JET 1,,__~
aean OriYeways &
Walks of Ice and Snow!
Kills WMdl Fllt ta lu•••rt
Ne Cer*! Ne.....,._! uPtsaei&MJ
Ealy t11 U.I Ne c.tlJ F•H
WINI. FOUNTAIN FOii DINUll ELEIANCEl Hand-cut crystal wine
c:ontalner·server. Sep.
arate capsule holds
ice cubes, fits inside the artistically de·
sCned stass ft8sk to chlll the wine as It's
serted. Automatically
dispenses from the
bottom by a flick of a
t1,....-directly into .
the lfass. Fabulously
decorative in black
wrouaht iron witt
le8Y'U and pape ch&
ters. 22• hlJh, one
quart capeclty. Tr6s
chic dini,.! 1441-WIM
F....W.. .... $11.11
Only 5 minut• a day
of twlstina uerc:lse tones tllbbY muscles,
perks up posture,
helps cut down fa·
tiaue, helps relieve
sore muscJes. Twists
and turns with )'OU,
uses new stretch prln-
c i p I e to condition
arms, back, leis.
Helps slim waist, hips,
thilhs. Solidly con-
structed with a strona
preued board at-
tached to a steel swiv-
el containirw 70 bell beerinp..
ExerciMr $3.•
flOWS flOMTillS
L11t1t and Ion Ir, ttll• 111odern flla· ment 1a111p of a
ttlOuUnd twlnlllNIS
atany lllflta ... the,_. "-tic
MOOd tor -bl• mo111af'lh. INC9-e.. mntef· piece or movln1 tcUlotur• In ll\llftl ll&h{ wlth • COIOr l'lfters1 red, blYe, areen and on11 ... On/off 1witc11. Fune· Uonal as a center· p;ec. or room focAI point. 16a3~·. a.,._...._,., UaM ., ...
Air circulates top to bottom for fastest dryi~! No
more SOCIY towels on table or floor. Saves yoy clean-
up mess: Place dryer on rim of bathtub and see excess
moisture drip away! Bia 26x26• nylon mesh is held
taut by 4 metal lep. Deluxe Is 26x40", more room for
larger loads. Air-dry sweater, knit-wear fast!
4773--Sweater Dtyer $1.11 1114 Deluxe $3.-41
LllHT..U' CMIUITlllAI Tllll "NI A jewel of a piece of Jew. elry ... ICJlden Chrlltmas t'" plly declled with pretend red, .,...,,, whit• baubles. Tiny
switch In back listlt• it qsllr. Battery-operated ll111t thine•
thru deco<atlons w proclaim your holiday spirit! ColOrful or· nament adds tpaftlle to dress,
coa. t or Nndba" A c"8nrin1 lift. 2• hleh, battery Intl. 7171-l.ite..Ulll ,ill ..... ' .. ,,
8HUNll OLD MOIM HIAO f'INMY CUFF LINKI. Rare Amer· lean Indian Head pennla fasll· loned Into unusull jewelry. Ea· pertly cfflaned ind pollahed,
NCtl mu1t be more tll8" 50 ,,..,. old. R .. I collector'• ltem1,
the)' will lncntaM in value as time lltJOS by. Pwr.ct for hit· tory fana. Ideal way to statt family helrlOom jewelry Mtl.
*7-f"llNI)' Llfllll ; .••. N.11
,...-f'11111r Tie aar ..•. P .M
°"'\ ,._~
' -\ . .
• \•I ' I ......
the famoUI ducll who drl"ka on and on for Clays at 2 time. His
hNd pop& Into ttle water, uo qaln, theft ~ • more watar -contlnUU..-r. He comes cor.'I· · plet• wlttl hi• own cup, rMCfY to faeclneta )'OUnl and old. Ho tpri~ no wind-up. A myStltylnt
dude wtlO ls fun to •etch. Fll\#9
out Wtlat maka him IOI
II• Ortllllillc OWll · · · · f1.ft
FACE! Yout hands stay
free for stylinr, not
for holdlns the stand
in place. Three no-
m1r, rubber suction
cups hold Wia Stand
securely to any sur·
face. Yout own wi1
form twists into the
stand's central tube,
stays finn a1 yoy set
and sty1e. Handy Pin
tray swinp out. holds
bobby pins, curlera at
'/OU( flncerti ps. Ill us-
trated head-fonn and
wl1 not Included. Sty-rene stand is 6x6ic2~".
WI& Stand $1.11
Handsome American Eaate and Star meesur-ina cups In hiahlY 1luecf ce11mic add a color-
ful Coloniail touch to kitchen decor. Four mel· surinc cups (1 cup, ~ cup, \4.cup, ~ cup) in
authentic desian. Are attn1Ctive servers too.
Wann tones of sreen1 brown, told. they han1
from lOV.-maple stained woOa rack. IOO~left&.l Menurln1 Set •..•... $2.41
O:HILD'S FlllT locetll ••. NI·
IOMALIZIDI f.ari)' Alneflcan rock« ectuell)' cut from ftlM aralned Wlllt9 pine ~. an-tlqlled ln metlow maote flnlthl SMt, r from floor, has comfy
foam p111ow wlth QOIOnlel swlnt
eowt'. SturdY1 ~~~II~ rocllef's wlttlswno ...,." tM "rowdiest" little rocMn. .......
.Qenulne eowtlldil belt Meis • ~ not. to attire, wtllle "-.t" ~ Inner podcat
hOlds cun.nqo ..... No "tell· ...... IM.ll.... eon-ti~
rea11loned w1• wide atMmlnt bucllle Wfttl 2 or J lnTtlels. In
brown 8Dld-P'ated l>Uckle; black with tl,_, modium budde. ~ w.llt 91• (29 to 44) color choice and lnltlalt. ....................... ~ dllld'• tint -deco-rated on tleCk ,..._ 16" hlltl. 0·1"1--"9netllal ...._ ,,. ••
MIUCU l!lMf LIYll • AJll Neftr llHCI• •11ttr1111. IOll,
car11 .. -I• ltlrlw "' c-1111-0 ...... , llllUfllllt -· lllllld ''"' frlllll tllt ......... cent crowtM • IOllC tlll £ll11ttlll
ClllMel llOW "" CM frelll MlutY to ,_ "-9. I.Ht lfl.
HflltlttlY. M 1lr-rtlllM
llotMl"l clltloeltv to brlltltll! "-or a1 • cllerlllled clft. -~.,, ........... ...
SPACE! Store them
on closet rod with
this space-savln1
wonder-they take up
almost no room at all.
Each tie has It own
individual hllnpr, 35
In all. Tiu stay =' visible for nit. selection. Sol·
Id hardwood hanaet
just 5" Ions.~· thrck,
with bnutone pies.-
tic hoc*I. Deluxe Is ~· '°"" holds 70 ties. Just f\a"I wh.,.
most conYenlent. ••Y to removie for tmef.
7111-JI Tit
-Raotl ...... e::: .144 .,...... '
BALL-INTO.CUP GAME. Hourt of fun with
this tricky pme that's lonJ-been a world·
wide favorite! Toss littl• tMill•t end of 1trln1
into 2" cup. Looks e11y until you try ltl Tests dexterity, coordination of hand and eye.
Gaily decorated with painted deslan on hand-
carved hardwood. Makes a happy stocklna
stutfet'I SM~ll·hlt.Cup GatM ... II-J/$2.41
CONOIMINTI. t.erly'"~ 1tyled mllll stOOI holds mlt-.. stau tllallen for .. It, papoer1
Plut 1 ~· for mwtard and 1 ~ cup tor toottlpldla.
Talia little ,_,, on table. ).
lela'ld -•nut • stained wood
1tOOI stands 4• hl&h. Gf"Nt tor keep!,,. concllrnenll topttw. Your t.ote will haw ttle cMfnl
of Americana. JMe-Mlfll IUel
IOlutlon to motorists' -st • winter Pf0blem1 use the <M's axheust to malt awey snow and
!eel Just fit Snow-Go O\'ar ell• haust, direct heat to tl'"-Snow, lea dlu~I tn MCOnda \ you're frM to IO on your W9Y, wlthoUt fuss or bother. 12 ft. • !::!:. :!r~~~ always f ..... ,... .......... 11.11
-~~---~~~---------------r--....---------------------............... ._ ____ -'!' ________ ._. __ •
Shoot fot ICOl9 just
like r•I bnketblll
with fasch,.tina pme
of tun and skill tot
younpters of all aps.
Spri,...like action on
the shooter (l ~· "' 6W') throws ball into
air towards besket.
Basket hangs on a 6"
x 1~ stand. Durable,
hl·i~ red, areen plastic. Yellow ball.
Easy to set up-store
when not in use. Play teems or individuals.
Instructions, point
system. 5 pieces.
ball ..... $1
...... sue
rust removal drud&efY with this new naval
chemical discovefY. Rust actually rinses
away without .scraping. Apply to Iron, steel,
concrete. Rinse off. Rust dlsa~rs! Simul-
taneously coats with a rust inhibitor. Ad-
heres to ceiling. vertical surfaces-will not
flow away. Safe. 8 oz. jar. 851._,.ust Jell ......... $1.49 3/$3.91
LENS leavies hands free to work on small
objects. Or to write while rudine fine print.
Professionally desianed metal head-band holds powerful 2.SX lens that flip up when
not in use. Adjustable heed-band fits all.
Regular is ell pfastic band, no flip up.
1477-Deluu .. .......,... Mlptflef ... $4.91
8093--Repler Head Band Mapltler .. $1.98
MOODS! Do you feel happy? ... sad? Mold this
adorable fuzzy haired doll·to suit vour mood
by simply brushing her motley hair. Make
hundreds of hilarious chanties with a swish of
the mini-3'4" hair brush included. _. .. high,
movable~ eyes, felt feet, cotton button
nose. En)OY as toy, good luck charm.
M03-ShlllJ Mallie ............... $1
11 MINI YOLUMC FAl•Y TAU U81lAH. A wor1d of enchant· mant ... tts the child who owns
this C0ft"'9Ct llbnry of 12 cte .. 1k fairy talea. MlnlatuN 2xJI'
lllustretiad boob unfold to the ct.lld9 ln'9r'efl owet' and oww.
Fasclnatln1 5•6~" bookcase Imitate• ord fashioned book store. Open doorl, Mlecl ta ... from lhuttiafWd lhaff.
ua.--hfry Tale U.rafJ $1.29
sllfltly nose hair remOV9d •• ty, uslty with one twist of ,...
votvins cytlndar. No pullinc. no lmtatron cw da"9W of Infection. R.,,_.., t.lr cleenty, quldtly. Steat NoM Groom It ~f
hyateftic tolutlon to tt. ~
of nose and •r hair. SetlsfK. tlon auaranteect or mc>na¥ bed{. Just a minute• day acids to tNlt
W.ll·lr'OOmad look. 1m N .... ,.. ........... $1
-<" \
INIPIRATIONAL CROii 8UOTU THI lllLL Taadl b6b-llcel quot.tions to .,0.. tamlty with ttNa truly unusual crou.
Gotd foll COWf9d CtOU4haped ti. holds 140 mlnlatw. scroll• lnacrlbed with quotin from the
Bible. CUf¥ad pick m.-. them .. .,. to .,...,. SCrolls In a rain· bow of colon .,.. r'HIMble. ,..
lec:t one uch day for IMPfratton.
~c.... ...• 1
NltPICT HAIR-DOS wnH HA• VllWIRI N-rear viewer lats
Yot1 ... beck ot "-d. 1aev1ns ·both hands trwa to comb and Hl. Smartly styled, faathar· w.Jlht, _,, Ilka sun ......._ toldi away llke .,....._ Hitndlest helper tor every woman. No
more furnblln1 or "hoplnc" It's ri11rt. A beauty aid Yotl cannot be without tor sophisticated halr4os.
291........., yt..., •...•. $1.11
IMAP-ON LU MU,,S -MO WIRU, NO NNDS. Prot9ct Mrs •plnst wintry blasts with mUffl
Yotl <*TY in pocket cw purw. TllaM lnank>us ur...-s .... 100% cotton janay with poty.
uratl'lana insulation. Slip on1stsJ
MCUNly thf'oup pie Winds, sllp off just as ... uy. Keep with ~u alw.ys. £vwyiona wlll be bouowlftc them! Order enoup.
4JH--Sfta~ I• ..... 11..41
0-.ted pneqtJona qo b1 crafb. men for UM b1 Swiss ermy ~
fllced with tonro.=.lod• of ,.,... llon In Alpine • 12 tools of polished steinless steel fold Into
at.anderd 3~" ceM with brHS baft
loop. From mini. ture UW to 1Cl$o ..,,.,
IMO .. ninl ec.w. ...... $J.,ll
Checkwriter-only $998
Prttlcts fl
$1 ......
Now your own clltdl· lqaccount
Wiii tint • tl!t protec. tlon ti 1 tit. C01ft119111 tfledlwrlterl Wllttl!er ptnOllll « .-11 bullMas, ·clltcb will lie safe .•. wlttl llllOUllt
natty illlpri11ted 111 11,... red 11Ulllbtn •.• to tM.M . St~, lttractlwt for llesll OI drtwet. Self•
Ill =· illstrvctl~ wtft'Mty ...... . -_..., CC?r•tr• .................... $9.•
You'll _,.. to ..., '°"' llDdlec sip when ,, ..
H beeutlfully deail!Md aa this
••• In 90ld finish on pe1rllzed ~. •ntiQUed flll ..... bontar. w.., your ... for fortune Md fatNon. AdJUlt· .... fltl ... Mas. ,.... ......................... fl.•
l .. 1M F lrw1Nt• R1III1Nt-Altll1l.att7-'-9~ l•bh N1 ... Ceaes1 I.... LM· M!!'I:: 1.-S-laNJ Hiii le-1.aM~'*llWJ
I .... --L
HOLDIR keeos unit for ~ etecvlc: blenlcet conveni.n:z :::' .::="~. ":. ":::c.. U:nes k""'-trylna to find It. Metlll
construction with fOlm cushion
bue. Clip to aide penel or Medboerd If )IOU ..... •nd have It lnst•ntly ready any
time of nllht for quick edJuat· ment. Get 2 for twin beds. 42-.C.MNI HeNar JI t/tl.19
ON-«lll'S THtlVIS AWAYI RM:lommencled by PoflOI end ln-sunnce •uthorlllea to PfotKt home ~ from .,,.,...,... aectr)cc&e aut~lty turns ll&ftt on-Off. Simply otua a.mp lrilo unit, It .,.. on et dUM; on 1t dawn. LoOks like 1omeoo1•1
home 9"n If hoUle Is emotY. Sat.ty iweceutlon far traveleb~
7US-Alllll. ~ ......
r----"ORl>e" BYMAJL
~-----.-.._ _____ _ ---,
KNOW! Mena'y Mllrtcer 101wa the ofdHt cerd oleYlna Dl'Clblem, who ,..lly dealt i.-stl 1'tece ttlla rocklna mfnl-tisn In front of
deal«. All knoW at • 111ince. PreterWS friendship. puts trust and fun beck In )IOUr c:erd ptey.
Inc circle. Give •• • sift to ttie &>le"9' who •!we.ya ....... It'•. hi1 tum. 3" hip, aturdY pteltlc.
M•kes every pme • e>*aure.
taO ... ...., ...... , ..• ·--
Flt Mkfitional jeckets, pantr., skirts 1nd blouses Into ell of your clOMts. Simply hoot new
suspension rod -pt'Ment closet pole. E9'M!Clelty Mndy for
children's ructi. Tubuter steel
Is atur~r .~~ flnilh, resists rust. Adjuau from 17" to 361' widths.
UM Da•la Daelllilr RM fl.II
DON'T THROW AWAY TI8HT SHOES! H-t..ther Sb'etcher Spr1y uses them In aeconc11.
Enjoy "old shoes" feelin1 of
'991 comfort. Actually improws and softens leether. Just spray,
!1.11ranteed to do ttie job. The
s.cret" many fine shoos use for l'OOd flttlnc. Use often to keec> shoes In fine condition. Eases tlaht &lows. too. Kinn· less to skin, hole, shoes. un-L.utMr StNtcMr .... $1
WORLD'S SllALLEIT POCKET ltADIO UIH NO BATTERIHI Works on principle of 11'11nd-deddy's old crystal set, with
SP1ce-eee refinements. Ho tubes, no bettefies, nothlna to run
down, repleee. UMS station'• own enero. E.-r-spe•ker &iftl full pGWef' without dlsturt>in1 others. C.rry to keep up with I.test news1 sports events. Don't miss favorite prolfams. 4811-4'Ml!at ........... , ... .
CRAYONS UL.HI -120 CW oa111 ee kins of me Cl'9Y'Ofl
ctOWd with this bonenn cen· nilter of 120-count 'em-cot-orinc crayons. [VllfY one f.ull slzied, non-toxic, In • PY tub
.,. for••~· ... Med-ecfles for om. B••llt-ln point sharpener on bole. Thele'a enoup of every ...... color to produce hundreds of melter·
pieces! Keeps kids occupied! llU-C...,... .......... $1.H
-~i:: ... -.. . _...., ...... . ...... ...., ... . =61·.:i:= ................... .. .., "'-........ _ .. _
··~ .._
AUi Lowly 1tezed ceramic ~ minleture Bible well pl.caue
wltlt Its sln11e radient red rose presents the Lord's Prayer 1n
aold ietterlna on the oi:iposlte
.,. .. for •II to reed, be renewed In their faith. A Mf'l<ive Pf'H·
ent to &Ive Ind • joy to """ In YOUr home.
lln-.1aillla ....... _.. .. ·'' • I
FROM Greenland Studios
Specify Nuntblr & Quentlty of EICll It-• Include PMUlgl • Encfote CMcll or Money Order =y It-Nam.of ftrlnt All l'rtce TOTAL NUfllber ''"' ,.,_. .. "'-Eech
SlllPPI• & IWIDlllll CHMIES TIMI for Merctlendl• •
Ordera up IO Sl.00 ............ -Sllipplng & H1ndflnt •
Onlerl from $3.01 to ss.oo ...... ''-Florida CuttOftlert
Onlerl from $1.01 IO $7.00 ...... 11¢ Add 4% Sain Tu. •
O 2af enctoeed for 1 full 0,.,. from $7.01 IO $1.00 ......... YMrt aub9crtptlon to •
0,.,. °"' St.00 ..... add OftlJ ... rour catllot
• aottRY, MO ITAWS, MO C00'1 TOTAL ENCt.0811> •
0 E D A p c CA CH v
• -' ..,. I• ' : '. L' -• ,.-,; I ' L • •
-----------------_ _J
. ~ ,
\ .
. . ,
I < ' ,
i ' ( i t I
" • I
81tOW DOTIC OllCHIDI AT HOMll H-the kMtli.st or·
chlds this aide of .....i1. we Mnd ~ 8 hyt)rkl C.ttleye Or· Chkl pCent that'I 1U9,.nlMd to
"""' In }'Our own home. Decor· etlve plant Ii a symphony of
veryln1 ahadM of lavender.~ dUCeS ppous blooms, perfect r..w cona .. .1..~dlsplay. With ln-
1tructlons. ~me tar• flowers
NII In ahopa fOf SlO or more. D-JS• Ore~ f'tMl •.•• ta.ti
PHSONAL. MANNH! Made In F,.nc:e, lndivlclual cry,stal~lffr ~ bottle• shaped 1111e srape clusters. Clear &1811 lets the
1perlllin1 hue of the wine ahoW throuah. Lull -PfOOf silvery screw-on caps keeps the bub·
blel bubbfy·frelh until Mrvlna t ime. Malle Y'O'W ne1't dinner party a personal treat fOf each 11ue1t wllh arape·1la1s servers. ... _.,.,. ••ttle $1 2/t1.lt
cozy IOLDIN LOUNH •oon Your 1"t will thank you wMn ttiey•re encuecl In these elepnt
atittet'lna sold quilted loun ..
boots. Smartly styled Coec:hman boets are perlect for after 1kJ.. ins, cold -ther or just Dlaln lcuiflna. W•rm ftennel llnlnp
simulated le•ther soles, they'll
k"P f"t w•rm, w .. tthy look·
ln1. lOW' hllfl.
...... Leunn •oot1, Iii' $2.tl M11·4-1~1 1421·1-W., IU1·M~
RILY 8HIT 8UHTSI Gay 16" red and 1FMn wind chimes tin· .... -•com• with the sliahteat current of air. O.natlna meaaaae aaya "Noel and "Merry Christ· ma1" on 11aa1 mobiles. Com·
pact construction collapses for
safe lleeplna. A novel w•y to say
SHson'1 Greetlnp. ...--.c .. 1 ........ $1 3/$2.71
lllNUINI INllLllH aOMll
Enhance }'Our dinner P9f't1, Md lovety charm to a ~ or IMlf.
TheM •nu1ne EnttJsti bone china roMs, leaws and bowl are dellately hand-rNde In the
famous mnt~ tradition.
Colorl\11, petlt• and sure to -r· rant Pf•lM. 2~"· IMI lanec .... a ...... P.11
20 NAMl·IM ·80LD NJH:tll.
ONLY t t. EY111boc!Y llllff pen. ells with hi• or tier name on uch one. TtleM pencils have any full name or 1toon Im·
Pfinted In sparlllln& aolcfl Solves aift Pf'Oblems in • huny. Good for business adllertisina. ac~. home. Up to 40 chafacten. 0... luu ii 2 sets, same nerne. ~ ., .,,. .......
D·11tl-P'encil Sit ..•..• St D·71M-Deluae Sit .... $1.M t
IUCTllC DlllNTM. LOVE LAM~. Dellc:atety pelnted on Its 6 allk penela are the most fam.
oua beauties of Chi-history
depictlna,.the 1e,.nc11 of their love. Six as are cerwd &Olden cinaons with deep red taslel1
han1ln1 from jede-lllle low symbols. SurptlM your friends with this masterpiece. l2"'lc7~".
7174-CltiMM L.8111111 ........ ..
aAND-Hll 01 HlH-tl-111 Choole tolld stet'llna sliver or
UK 90ld filled In a Claulc ~" wide band for men and women I
Dehan,. rlnp with IOfMOM
h! on your heart peradel Hand p0 shed to a shiny atow •nd c om ~ wlfh hend-some btoc:ll initials. s...ifY tint size 4 thru l l, up to· 3 lnltllAs.
D·7112-Sllver •alMI .... $2.M D·11P-.. ld .. IMI •..•. $2.tl
,.,.. you ludc1 enoulh to have &r8ndfather'I cheriaMd podlet watch? If you love It, ~·u want this 6W antiqued metal
stand 11 a perfect bKllaround f9f that a .. ieu beauty. cast from a century.old mold ind
Dlated, with eaMI back, Instant
holder. Converwation time-piece. Mn-AM. W8tclt ...... $1 ...
HOHi 0.ndy dllalea are a
btoornlnc -.y to hold notea to
metal ... or hant up dish towela,
pOt holder91 Each l ~" diameter ptutlc btoorn has wtllte petals,
sunny )'ellow centere. Adds
flow9r power, color to kitchen,
office. 10 in hokMf Mt. •ran hoc* Mt of 4. Memoe, notes, etc.
at hand. Maanetlc becb. 7112-Daiq Set "-2/tU9 1•-Dal11 HMll Sit .... ..,
NllW aottNIT prfl ANY HAii DIYll. Raplec:. worn-out hood and make your hair dryer like
new •pin. R•Nu Hood fitl any lloM on all dtyers and blowers. Extra·larp ventll•ted cap puffs out to cover and dry any style
Mt, even fluffielt bouffant. f'lta comtonM>ly cwet curlers. Made of quality plastic In •ttractive
floral pettern. Repl•cement bon-
net saves you SSS!
74•-le-N• HIM ... ·'°'·"
•011111 AMO HH 'TWINS pn with pastoral charm on d inlna table while atandln1 by to a.ve you. Bossi• 11 a pitchet' for MfV• Ina milk, c.rHm, syrup. Her cun-nln1 calves .,. ult and peppet ahakera with remo¥able plastic 1topperL Softly colored &1aua ce,.mlc, put counttY charm Into
every me11. Bossfe 6" 1on1. calves 3" Ion .. Kida low to p0ur from Boule. Set of 3. 7~Set ....... $1.4t
miniature automatic ball·retum pool. table!
Sits on top of a table or desk to provide
hours of fun, entertainment. Red plastic table·
with green felt top, 2 cue sticks and 16
marble-size pool balls in assorted colors.
Plastic triangle places balls to "break"! 12"
x 7~" x 2". Fun for all!
1341-PMI Tablt ................ $1.29
Gin RIBBONS THAT S.T.a.£.T.C·HI Elastic
ribbons automate wrapping chorest end tedi·
ous measurina and tyina. and maKe profes-
siONI lookin1 aifts eyery time! Newest con-
venience for holiday present packa1ln1! Just
slip stretch ribbon over one end of box-it's
fascinating to see it stretch to the other end.
36 vinyl ribbons. 8 to 23".
5731-Strltch-Rlbbon Set ........... $1.
SOUfAIH 1per1lles In aolld sterllna silver! Your friends wlll wondet'-ls It or lsni It real?
Only your jeweler knows for
sure! N•tural mlner1I Spinet
hancM•c•ted to fiery beauty of a re11 ,.m. woman's !I-caret stone 11 1top a clellcat. tltflny Mttlna.
Man'a massive Mttlnt. tleevy
aotld stet'lln .. S...Hr aizt. o..etn-w.......-..•"'9 .. sa.• IM'12t-Mat1'a R"'-..•. U.M
smooth gliding into ironing. Color-fast cover
for all standard size boards. Teflon• coated,
scorch resistant felt-backed muslin has draw·
string border to insure snug fit. Now glide
through your ironing with lovely, colorful
smoothness, lighten wort<.
5539-Ttflon• Floral Iron Board Cover $1.98
CINSll little 'ole 1oC cebln brlnp the fresh ,,..,.nee or pine Into ~ home. Drop • •nulne ftr O.lum Incense cone Into metal chimney, lllflt and enjoy the out-dooray aroma.
Effmlnatff smo111n1 and cootilna odors. Removable roof •llows stor~ er 10 cones, Incl. 3X2V. 112'4 . Refill, 15 cones. ... _ ....... ea.i.. .... .., ... _ ..... ea.... .......• .,
Enjoy the lovely luxury of
sleeping between glam·
orous satin sheets. Cool,
smooth to the touch, aids
in providing restful sleep .
Feel like a royal princess
and prince as you relax in the refreshment of
these most elegant sheets
and pillowcases. Give
your beds the ultimate
mark of excellence with
genuine Celenese acetate
satin! lint-free and wash·
able to make them prac·
Oren your tlble
Jlf Ith IUlllJyJ' Ull
1enulnt Roctrs Flo-ra I Sprey dulan
Cold Mt1t Foll, !Ort·
wy L1dl1,Plerc1d
Dessert Serur, Supr Spoon, lkltter K!llfe to slve your
111111tlle banquet 1ooll •
••2 ••tacs ...... S.t .. $5.•
tical as well as, oh so
TWll (7b1W) "'"' .... $7.21 7111_....; 7ttJ.-Wllltt;
711,........; 7114-alal.
..... Siii (1111W) ....... II 111~; m..._....,
7tt1-f'tlk; lit ..........
..... Sin (tllt22W') .. ftt.M
711 ........... ; 7ta ...... ;
7t21--f'IMI; 1'22-Ull.
lilll Sin (ttlatUW') .. $11.11
11~; 7124-nlte:
'1t2$--IWI; 71~ ... .
"" .. Clltl, Mt .. 2 ....... .. 1121_....; 71n-Wt1Me;
7t3-Ptal; 71»-1111.
Jlla8HI Loott out! He'll startle
you into aolna on the w•aon after the first hl&hball! Watch Jiuer with pelr or plastic feet
roam In any dlrec:tlon. Guests may even sw.ar off spirits for· cverl Fiii with Whlakey, wind up with spec:lal key, tum him
lcose on the IUY who's had one
too many. What a R.fKtical Jolla ... no !Ind of fun II )I..., -Ills!
U.7-Wa*"'a liCPr ..... ft
A ..... At ... st
Domeedc prfncy b a tbne
Aa tlala u abl, u fteetlag a• dew.
When I aad my •pG'Ue woald
dMca• eome IMae
We don't want the children
privy to,
We wait to dUeuM It till after
When the time for doing the
clida Dean.
That'• wlaea oar audleaee
cot11da 't be dalaaert
The kid. jut vanish, along with
A little girl lost her tooth and
aaked her mother about the pos-
sibility of the Tooth Fairy leav-
ing a coin under her pillow to com-
pensate for the miuinr molar.
"I hope the fairy doesn't for-
get," the ~rl worried.
.. She won't," her mother said.
"And I hope," the youngster
added, "That she doesn't forget
to add the sales tax."
-Henn. Albri.gltt
The wo1nan wltoae 10ork ii ftei>-
er dcme prob4bl11 ha.a children. tolto
iuilt on helpi"O Mr.
-FraMlirt P. ltmu
What can you buy a man a• a gift?
Nothing any •tore seU.,
U he doean' play pma or drink
Or care how he •mell1!
-M•y Rklucoi.e
Eo.nu1t pe()J)U are ofteft tlto1e
wlto M.bituallr look°" tlu 1erioU1
1ide of tlt.ing• tho.t 11.o.ve "° 1moua
•ilk. -GeM Y cuenak
A divorue got quick cactiota wln
slt.e Mti/i«i lur delit1q1tftft e%-1t.tu-
band tie.at, unlu1 1u paid It.ii bcack
alim!)ft'JI, 11te 10ould repo1se11 ltim.
-W'illi4M Lodge
A proeperoua buildinl' eontrae-
tor found he wu gettinr along
ao poorly with his wife and grown
daughter that be flnal)y lost pa-
tience and divided bis home into
two parts, each a complete dwell-
ing unit. He moved into one part
and his wife and daughter into
"It's ideal," he told an acquaint-
ance. "Now we all live our own
lives. Why, I hardly even know
they're there."
The acquaintance looked puz-
zled. ''Why didn't you just move
out and be done with it?"
"What!'' exclaimed the builder.
"And live all alone!"
-Pat Kraft
Watch out for tlte fellow who
comu up and ala.pi rou °" tlu
back. He'• bound to e%JHct rov. to
cottglt ttp sometlt.i"O.
-LucilU I . Good11eo.r
"Wo1dd 11"" mind repea.ti1'g the ruipe for St4te'• E%1&ibit B, mintn tlte
ro.t poia0f&i1'g ,,,
t t . ,
' ~ I • ' .
I '
I • I
~ ~ •
I I ; I
1 '• I ~: l
I I ,
' . .
I I ' d·
• f ,
"602 S. lolin Ave. • Chicago. Ill. 60632
NAM• o" YOUllt ,.AVOllUTC MUitc: ifoil
8'TOtt• AOOaasa AND CITY
\ fW·11• # ~-----------"
In the modern 1191 JOU teed. tNre come I.lie calm times. too. Strolllnc Mnd In
hend. Reedina tolether. Tetklna to-
aether. Ti-ere th• prKlous l'llO-ments. Altd JOU let nottttnc tntett.re.
Not 9"11 functloNI menstNel distrns.
Howl Witt! MtOOL
Bec:euse MtOOl.• COfltaJM:
•Alt exduatwe 1ntl·IPHmodlc lllet helPI STOI' CIW4rs ...
• Medlceli1-•PCWOWd ln.,.cSlenta l.llet
• Plus • mood bf'lchlener thet pts
JOU ~ I.lie trylnc pr.-enstruel
period teeilnc calm end ~.
Enior llf .. ~day. Wittl NIOOL
,,......_ M-Plece Set ow.-n... au
ICE SUTIICi Piii i '= •1!!.
,..llhFw ..... wllfl' 4, ......................... ,.., . ...._ ....... r--------------,
I ~-111••1
...... I I Lim =-.=:....... I
I -__ _,L1 ... 4 I
I 1W ,_:-.=,_ I _i-;'i)~!:"::-: ~· \=~ ~ I '--------------J
New KlEENITE .• gets dentures
cleanet; briglrter, faster.
Kleenite. ...... -.. '"'""•
-· .. ~· flri(I
"':':"-.. · ... -··-· ../_. ·--
I ~ . .
America's Great
Vacation Surprise-
Here is a sprawling expanse filled with the
coal mines as some travelers believe
A QUESTION, bothered me as I
.t1. recently prepared to writ.e a
book about Appalachia : where, in
the region that seemingly epito-
mi7.es poverty and abandoned coal
mines, would I find a decent place
to stay?
Not unexpectedly, I couldn't'locate a
hotel listed in or near the first remote ham·
Jet in Kentucky that I wanted to visit. So
I called Gordon Moore, a friend and life-
long resident of Appalachia. only to have
him quip: "You juat show up, and we'll
have a surprise for you at the local 'lodge.'~'
The surprise was a pleaaant one. The
"lodge" turned out to be a new motel-like
facility in Jenny Wiley State Park that sat
on a scenic, secluded mountain outaide Pres-
ton.sburr, Ky. :My large, bright room coet
$9.60 ($1-' double) and afforded me a spec-
tacular view of lalces, gorges, and forested
Perta .. 1 the MOIR reuon that Appala-
chia surpriaee so many vacationista is that
few people apparently understand what
makes up "Appa.lachiL"
Actually the abandoned coal chutes and
duaty mining campe are only a small part
of it. The Appalachians are a chain of over-
lappinr mountains that include the Adiron-
dacks, Green, White, Black, Allegheny,
Cumberland, Southern, Blue Ridge, and
Great Smokies.
TOMri.ata °"point
at Ct'1raberland •
Gap, K'V., 11et
triew of Appala-
ehiaacnny .
Ranging in width from S5 to 75 miles,
the mountains form the 2,050-mile lonr
AJ>palachian Trail that extends from Mt.
Katahdin, Me., to Mt. Oglethorpe. GL Not
only doee Appalachia stretch through parta
of Vermont. New Bampehire, New Yori.,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West
Virginia, Tenneeaee. and Georsia; they alao
are within an easy drive from much of the
Eut or Midwest.
Few ecenic drives, in fact, could be more
convenient than through parts of Appala-
chia. Consider, for example, the Blue Ridge
Parkway that begins in Virrinia and fol-
lows the crest of the southern Appalachians
for 355 miles, then winds through valleys
for another 114 milee.
The ftarkway, designed entirely for
sight-seeing, bu no commercial traffic or
developmenta. But as you drive through
vast national foresta, you find innumerable
places to park an automobile and either
picnic, look over a mountainside, or follow
a self-guiding trail (for either 16 miles or
hours) through wilderness and put weath-
ered log cabins, gristmills, split-rail fences,
and bogwalla erected by pioneers to keep
out wild boar .
Anyone who follows the Blue Ridge Park-
way to ita end finda himself at the entrance
of an inatant wonderland : the 800-.quare
mile Great Smoky Mountain National Parle
that straddles weatern North Carolina and
east Tennessee.
____ a zing Appalachia
wonders of nature and notion-not just
In driving or walking through the
Smokiea, you look down from many of the
6S mile-hil'h peaks that frequently off er
clear views in all directions.
Views of the lower terrain are even mon
breathtaking. Natura1ista. in identifying
at leut 3,500 varietiee of plant life within
the Great Smokies, conaider the.le foresta
to be the richest and moet diverse botanical
collection in the U.S. Almost every foot of
the ground sparkles (from late Karch
tbrourh October) with exotic plan ta and
bloominl' wild flowera-includinr some
tbat a.re six feet hicb.
N•• It all of thia wi&demeea remaina
unchansed from the daya when Cherokee
Indians trekked throuwh them in pursuit
of game. Raccoona, fox aquirrels, and ooca.-
sionaUy ruffled grouae, wild turkeys, boar,
deer, and. black bear still run around the
Smokies' waterfaJls and 650 milee of ece-
nic traf la. ·o
Even many Cherokee.a remain-on a 50 -• 000-acre reservation adjoininl' the North
Carolina entranoe to the Great Smokies.
You can watch the Cberok.eee demonstrate
how they made arroWB or du~ut canoee,
perform in numerous Indian dramas oy
archery contest., or have them pide you
through a meticoloua replica of an 18th-
century Indian villap.
Still. no matter what ftl'ion of Appala-
chia that i• visited. JOU can uaually find
uninhabited foreeta. A. one man told me
outside the 6,500-equare-mile Adirondack
wildemea in New York: "People are talk-
ins about runninl' out of living sp11ee, but
we rot a million acree here that ain't even
been walked on yet."
WMle travel .... throurh the Appala-
chians, vacationists are treated to some of
the nation's most significant historical
Only a two-hour's drive from the Great
Smokies is Cumberland Gap National Park
that extends over Kentucky, Tenneaaee,
and Virginia. Here is where American aet-
tleni, who had lon.r been confined to the
East.em U.S. by the seemingly unbroken
Appalachia wall, found that they could
move west. You can peer down upon the
huge natural "gap'' between the mountaim
that wu discovered in 1750 by Dr. Thomas
Walker and five surveyora for the Royal
Land Company in Vif'&'inia.
Twenty-five yean later, Daniel Boone
led 30 "u:men" in cutting the Wildemeu
Road through the mountain pus to a site
208 mite. awa,y In Central Kentucky and
therebyblued the hist.one tnilto the West
Bau, Hft ure at Jlott'Jl.t Jlitd.ell. N.C.,
qfou Great Smok.., M01etlt4iu tle.eir "4f'H.
that wu subsequently U8ed by frontien-
men and trappen. Two miles of the ''Wll-
demesa Road''-and later Civil War forti-
ficationa-are still visible in Cumberland
Gap Park.
One of the moet advantqeoua thlnp
about the Appalacbiau ia that they prob-
ably are cloeer than many touriata realhe.
Ju.at study the elongated mountain raJll'e
on a map of the eaatem U.S. and decide
what areas you with to visit. For more
detailed information on attractions and
facilities, contact either tbe department of
travel and parka in the state or atatee JOU
wish to visit, or the superintendent of any
national park or foreet in the area.
A detailed map listing attraction• alonl'
the Blue Ridge Parkway can be purchaaed
for 15 centa from the Superintendent of
Documents, Government Printing Off ice,
Washington, D.C. 20402.
Further information on the Appalachian
Trail may be obtained from the Appala-
chian Trail Conference, 1718 N Street, NW,
Washington, D.C. 20086.
lut.,,... if you plan only a casual drive
along an Appalachian parkway, wear or
brine shoee and clotbinc that will enable
you to hike.
Kany vacationen intend only to Me Ap-
palachia from their automoblle--a.nd end
up bikina' put Davy Crocbtt'a boyhood
cabin home (in Tenn .... ) or .ion. the
ma1t1 "loet rinn" (in W..t Vlrsinla) that
disappear into the moanta!Mide. •
Yes, The Bible HaS
a LIVING Witness
It may IOUDd ablurd to •1 this word ol God ..• that the New
abour a ooUectioo ol wri.tiQas Tesnmeot paeaa the life and
~ 10 1D10f cmcuria 180-tachin&a ol Jesus Oarilc. far 'ft
For m m.t ~ ol time~ have m the C..tbolic Olmch. •
livio& thiq OD earth bu hem living wimas 10 ptO"te ic.
repeaaedly replaced. Empires and Being respon•ible for me 1og;
civilizatioos hue run cbeircounc matiOD of the New T~
and cliappeared. Who, t:hm, and as custodian fot the Old, cbe
could pcmibly be still around to Catholic Chwcb can ptO'tide a
beu J..ivitUt witne11 to CTeOtl '° great deal of Uitaatioa and help-
-fut infonnarioo about me Bible. remoce in human history? We have put tome ol chi.a into a
The annr~ is. ol muae--<be pocket.me pampbl« wbicb we
C..tholic Qiwch. will be haPPJ to lmCf free to'&DJ
The Chwcb had beco cu:ryioa Bible lover who uquaa a mpr.
OD ia wodc ol ..mrion b years It contains • short story ol me
before the New Tenmem writ-Bible ... explaim why the Cam.
i.ags were complefed. Aod from olic Bible cauaios 46 otd Tcsc.
the ftrf lw&iMio& me IKftd meDt boob, i.nbmtaf from che
~ were in her alllDdy and Jews, and 27 New Tenn-.:
were med in her cnemoaia boob, which me Cbmcb ....
When the time came to decide prOYed as inspired ... giva you
wbkb "WliW,,. were to be ac-tOlid reuoos why you can bel.ifte
ccped as ~.ioely m.pred, it the Bible, but why the Saipaua
wu the Omrcb wbicb Jmde the are oot ~ to uodentand ...
official decWoo. td.ls you whll Orholia bel.ieft
For more than a do•M.Od yeus about the Bible and bow they
price tO the invention of pbotiog UIC it.
by movabae type, all a>pia ol the You an get your fiee copy of
Scripruta were .laboriously band-this ioteratio& pamph)ct by writ-
madc by moob and ICbolan of ing yopl name aod address OD
the C..tholic Oiurch. With the the accompanying coupoo aod
~ioo ol the prmting pcocas mailiag it a>day. You can ~
in 1440, one ol the fine and cu-it in complete privacy and with-
cainly the rDOlt famous publica-out obligation. U it n.iles any
tioo ol the rime WU the Vulgate . questioos in your mind and JOO
vasioo ol the Caddie Bible-want additiooal ~ we will
the ceJrbn.crd Gutmbcrg. ~ glad to supply them. Bot oo-
Not all Oiristiam a8fee ena-body will all OD you.
ly in all thett incuprmtiooa ol Fill io the coupon and mail it
the Scripaua. But all can agRe today. Just uk for Pamphlet
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-------------~--------------~~ WAKEUP
Without Naaina ......... :.~ '-:!.~--=:.:! = OY•"1i.ertloa, ••oUoaal •PHt' or ~,._ .......... llU.tii ..... ... , ...... wtdi ........ ......... ......... _ri.;,_.._ ...... ,.. .............. lrrk&We, .... _..._ "'7 o...·.rm.-........... ...,.m
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ti-, ahran '"'' Doe•'• lam .....
CLet Us [jatherCfOgether f.Or
............ G QGDIN
Let All of Us in Full Accord
Give Grate/ ul Thanks unto the Lord-
A Very Kind and Gracious Lord,
Who Gives Us More Than Our Reward.
-from• old New E.nslaod primer
~Thu Tlta.""8givin.g menu incl-Hdu Hot Ma.drilene, Butt~-Routed Turkey with
H~bed Com Brea.d Stvffi,n.g, cran.berrr chunuu, Goldn WA.ipped Potatou
with Vegetciblu, Mol.ded F"'it au Clt.eeae Sal.ad., au praliJt.e pumpki" pie.
Hot Madrilene
% eap batter
% eap chopped onio•
Z eau (18 OL each) tomato
2 eau (tOY1 oa. eeela) beef
bro ti.
l bay leaf
Grated PanHua dleeee
Panley (about Ya cup .. Jpped)
1. Heat butter in a large saucepan.
Add onion, and cook until tender.
2. Blend in tomato juice and beef
broth. Add the bay leaf. Heat just
to boilinr; reduce heat, and simmer
5 min. Remove bay leaf.
3. Ladle into a soup tureen. Sene
with the cheese and parsley.
Ab°'4t 1 % qt1. IOUJ>
Butter-Roasted Turkey
Tluae iut~tiou for routi"'1 tN4U
uae of att alv•i1111m foil tnt.
Prepare a turkey for stuffinr. Rub
body and neck cavities with ult.
Fill lirhtly with desired •tuJBns.
(ContU&ud on ~ IJ)
A tastier turkey; the easy modern Wl\f,
with real old-time. stllfrmg
1. Stuff your bird with perfecdy-leUOned
Kello&&'• Croutette1 Stuftlna.
Here's real old-time stuffinc that's even tastier
than Grandma ulCd to make. So easy to fix, too.
You start with Kelloa's• Croutettca• Stuffinc
Herb Seuoned Croutons, the modern aoutom
with the old-falhioned flavor of ei&ht ~Dlllll!;;!~;::.::~i;
different 1eal0flinp. They're made
from hcrb-1ea10ned bread baked
especially for Kcl1011'a
Croutettes, then neatly
cubed a.pd alowly oven-
toasted. All you do is
add liquids and the
stu.ffinc is ready to
"pop" into your bi.rd.
Feetive Sugaeatlon: Most
families want~ Croutettea
Stuffinc~ their bird
will hold, IO•tilf'y
'em all by balrinc
90IDC foil-wrapped
"Stuffin'Muftina", too.
See easy recipe on Kelloa's
Croutettea pack.qca.
l. Roast it golden brown the easy, no-baste
way under a "tent" of Reynold• Wrap_.
Your turkey browns beautifully, stays moist and
tender, when you roast it under a "tent" of
Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap. The foil eliminates
the need for basting and prevents oven apat-
terinc. And, if you line your roastin& pan with
Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap, you'll save your-
self a t00urinc job. What could be eaaicr?
Stronc, tear-resistant Reynolds Wrap is ~n
Tempcred for Flexible Strength.
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a.cl MlltMIMt: 0 Mltry DltisllMl I A Hippy flllw Yw. 0 Staon's GrHdnp..
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GIVIN{J .9l1Nl'WR:
(Extra atuffinl' may be put into a creuect.
covered baking diab or wrapped in alu-
minum toil and baked with turkey the
lut hour of roaating time.) Faaten neck
akin to back with skewer and bring winr
tips onto back. Push drumatieks under
band of skin at tail, or tie with cord.
Place turkey, bftUt down, on a foil
band* pot crosawiae onto a rack in a foil-
lined pan. Brush turkey with softened
butter. Place in 825 ° F. oven and roast
according to the timetable.
When turkey baa roasted for about two-
thirds the required time, remove from
oven. and turn breaet up. Use the foil
band to ftip turkey first on the side then
breast up. Brush breast with softened
butter. Insert a roast meat thermometer
into the thickest part of the thigh during
this final one-third of roasting time .
Crease a large piece of aluminum foil
lengthwiae to make a tent, and arrange
it loosely oveJ' bird. Return to oven anCi
continue roasting. Tbe tent keeps turkey
moist and prevents overbrowning.
The turkey is done when thermometer
registen 180°F.-186°F., or the thickest
part of drumstick feels &oft when pressed
with ftngen, and drumstick twists out
of joint easily.
Transfer turkey to serving platter lift-
ing it with the foil band; remove band.
Let turkey stand covered with foil tent,
for about 30 min. tor easier carving; re-
move tent. Garnish platter with chutney-
filled orangea (see photo).
-To make the band, fold a long piece of
heavy-duty aluminum foil lengthwise
over and over to make a 8-in. wide band.
Guide for Roaatino Turb11
8 to 12
12 to 16
16 to 20
Guide to
Total Roasting
3% to 4~
41/2 to 61h
51h to 61h
Herbecl Com Bread Stuffing
Yi cap Htter
1 cup chopped celery
% cup chopped onion
3 CUpll herb-.eaaoaed 1t•lin1
S C1llM C01'1l bread cru•• and
Yi cap Medleaa nlaiu
1 teupodD poultry MUODins % teupooa pepper
1 CH (ltYJ OL) coodewd
beef brotla or 1 ~ caps
liqa:id fro• cooldllc slblet.a
J. Heat butter in a saucepan or skillet.
Add celery and onion, and cook until
crisp-tender, stirring occasionaUy.
2. Combine herb-seasoned stuffing crou-
tons, corn bread crumbs and pieces, rai-
sins, and a blend of poultry seasoning
and pepper in a Jarre bowl. Tou lightly
until mixed.
S. Add the crisp..tender vegetable• with
butter and toaa lig~ly. Adding 1T&dual-
ly, mix in enough broth for desired mob~
neas of Uie stuffing. 1 C1'J>S •hllfi""1
Molded Fruit and Cheese Salad
1 ~ .. (1 lb.) apricot llalTes.
% n p apl'ieot •J'l'llP
1 pkg. (S OL) liae-ta.ored l'elada
1 cup boiU.1 water
1 cup laalnd ud seeded papea
~ cap cold water
1 flDY. adaYored selatia
2 cape cottage et.ee.e
~ cap enabled Bhae dteeee
~ cap dall'J llCMlr crea•
% cap dtepped ttlerJ
1. Pour boiling water over flavored ,.el-
atin and stir until dissolved; blend in
syrup. Chill until partially set; mix in
apricot& and grapes. Tum into a fancy
7-<:up mold, rinsed with cold water; chill
just until set.
2. Meanwhile sprin.kle unftavored gelatin
over cold water in a saucepan. Stir over
low heat until get.tin is dissolved. Cool
3. Beat cottage and Blue cheeses until
well blended. Stir in the sour cream and
celery, then the dissolved gelatin. Turn
into mold over the partially set ,.elatin
layer. Chill until firm, at least 4 hrs.
Unmold onto a pedestal plate (see photo).
Garnish with salad greens.
8 to 10 aenn•11•
Golden Whipped Potatoes
With Vegetables
lmtaaktyle potatoea. mri•c
aaOllllt f or 8 HrTiap
% e11p batter
1 teupooa aalt
~ teupooa Oldn powder
Yi cap •ilk. t.eat.M
1 cap ( 4 os.) allredded Claeddar
~ cap dairy IOQI' creaa
2 boil-in-a bac pkp. (t OL ea~h)
French-style creea beau ba
batter aaace, cooked u directed
on Pkl·
1 boil·ia-a bag pkg. (6 oa.) whole
muhroome in butter
u directed oa pkg.
% cup chopped onion.
cooked in batter
atil tewcler
1. Prepare instan~style potatoes as di-
rected on package, adding butter, salt
/and onion powder to the water in a sauce-
pan. The amount of water will vary with
the kind and amount of iMtant style
potatoes used.
2. Bring to boiling. Remove from heat,
and add the milk. instant-style potatoes,
cheese, and sour cream. Stir u!ltil blended,
foU owing package directiom.
3.. Pile potatoes into a serving dish (see
photo). Mix beans, mushrooms and onion
together, and spoon into dish around the
potatoes. 8 awviftl•
An Office~
Made of "Junk"
N.J., is in the business of
wrecking buildings. But he sees
in what he demolishes much in-
trinsic beauty. Like a housewife
who can't throw away a piece of
string, Ottilio can't throw away
much of what he destroys.
Tbe re1ult ia bia own buildinl', con-
structed from l&lrice over the -yeare. The
Ottilio building, however, is a "junk heap"
only in name : Ottilio, hl1 own architect,
bas formed a atrikin• structure that dom-
inates the suburban skyline opposite New
York City. Little wooder it ia palatial
and handsome.
The front doors are the Intricately wo-
ven iron onea from the Paramount Thea-
Thu 1ta.ireae 100a IGlNt1M '" f'tmodtli"ll
Ntn1J YOf'k'I G«Wt1t Wa.1hiAgtcm Bridge.
ter in New York, built in tbe era of. opu-
lent movie hou&e1 : the fountain com•
from tbe Japaneee Pavilion at the New
York World'• Fair, aa cloee the prden,
transplanted exactly aa it wu o~inally;
the spiral ataircue wu diecarded from
the mammoth Geo~e Waahinaton Bridie.
E~or atone ia from the old Paaaaic
County Jail; marble co1Ulllll8, each 12 tom.
from Barnert Memorial Hospital, Pater-
son, N.J.; electrical circuit.I are bouaed
in old sea cbeeta which were dredpd from
the Hudson River.
"Nothinr waa bourht," aaya Ottilio
proudly. "The rur in DlY ofBce la 28 b7 88
feet and ao thick it ticldea your anklee.
It came from one of the atatelleet man-
aiona in Tuxedo Park. N.Y. It wu a chal-
lenge to build tbi&-from what otben
throw away." +
Jlttel of tM Ot-
tilio hildi110
tenlp. TM f ML•-
t.oi• com.a /rOM
tlt4 N no Y Of'k
World'• Faw, tu 10r0Kolt-1"°"
door1 from the
I amtJd. Paratnouftt
Ottilio'• olfic• l&a.I a rwg, f onurlr '" CJ bio
MGUiofl, .0 1'er'V th.ick "it ticJdu ¥01&f' CJRklu."
Add Indigestion Is thrCMagh,bygull)I
EmQSIWMa ................ ..
loll off the lflCll'9 tire thot epoih ~
tri1111 o~roncel 149 ... wheel with
rubber tire and ltffl grip hondlet
finns up •omodl ~ bed.
ens ' &era. WM.I, .,.,. ppt..
lGOONAMI a~ &Mal, ft
y_. name, oddr.11 and lip code en
on fine wtWte K112 .. poper lobelt to
-dozens el woytl Hove up to' .... in thofp bloct. P1mtic boa.
RPMI 6 lobels, 1000 f1X $1 ppl.
Miles Kimball
Ml ........ 0 t' ........ Mt01
Jumotna on • chair
won't help. But d.CON -.
MOUSE· PllU'E will I -
MOUSf·PltUFE 11 the
amazlna mou11 klllar
that'• ...
•OIT UHCTIVI .•• hat twlu 11 mueh
mou11·klllln1 tncredl-
•nt u other leedlna
bninda. And thl1 Iner• dlent la recommended
, .,, ttte U.S. Goffmmenl.
QF'JRS1A19IAlllST,.,........_.L...JL ..• lu.t pull tab, bl it feedt ......-~.
SAFI ••• ClOflt.alM no vi. l...t ........ when used .. dir.:t.d ... an»Und dlitdfen e;;d pm.
OfBllS OOllBDllD
1 OUT 01' a DOaS
P1dndq, ao.ot deep and a tonnent-
lnc lteh -ar• often ·telltale lllpa of Pln-Wonu .•. usb' parulta that
medkal uperta •>' lnte.t 1 out ol
every I penouuamined. Endrefam-
W. IU7 be vtedma aod DOt know It.
To pt rid ol Pht-W or-. they m\llt
be killed ia the lalp lat.tine where
they llveand multiply. That'uuetly
what Jayne'• P-W tableta do •.. and
bere'1 how they do It: the11=b~ -=d~ b:~~ ~~
they cU.olve. Then-Jayne'• mod· em. medJeally•pproved bwredient
(09I richt to work-kiU. Ptn--Wonnt quickly, eulb' ........... ,,..,_,.,,
Doll't take etian.. with~
OQa. hlchl7 eontuloua Pln-Wonm
which Infect endn lamllia Get aen-ulne Jayne'• P-W Vermlfute ...
amal.I, eaq-to-take tablet. .•• apedal m. for child'" and adults.
TO CUDITS eo.,.,, OaJe Sweet.
,.._ 2l MC, Hetbert HolwellJ ,.._" lochrodtJ Yk ....
,.... "NASA.
,... " ~" .... Sod.ty. I. ,.... 7 , ......... .....
,.... •• ff'G,
,.... 10. ...., ....... ,_ ff'G.
~·· Make $$$ 10 WAYS with flowers
Garden lowers or u1ificial1 rost pennies, brio.g in S'•·
Conaga., Wedding Flo-n, T1ble 1rrangemaiu.
Hobby, home bulinas, ltllrt your own thop. FREE
Color Brochurt Jhow1 )'OU how to learn fKO(eniooll
Fl~ Arranpg and Pl°"'· •r Shop ~radon. Aho
FREE, J·monclu wbtcriptioo to "Flower T1lk;· P\lb-
liation fix home l ower deiupn. floral Ms Cent•
(He.. 5f'"'7 DIY.J, Dept. 41HI, 1621 E. McO•••I Id .. ,.._, .. ML 1-.S.
I t
She Had to Be
Tough to Be a Star
''CHILDREN are a lot
tougher than you
think!" insisted Rita Mo-
reno with the spirit that has
become her trademark in a
d<>7.en years of playing fiery
vixens on the big screen.
"They are also a lot more vulner-
able than we think. AJid only when
they are older do we know if it all
balances out."
Rita ••ak1 from experience.
Her exodua to New York from her
birthplace; Humacao, Puerto Rico,
when she was three years old, had
trauma for her.
"I waa ~rribly shy and intro-
verted, too. I couJdn't speak Eng-
lish. So this created a big problem
wheti I had to en~r school, but
somehow it all worked out.''
For the movie, "Popi," in which
she costarred with Alan Arkin,
Rita returned to the same area of
New York where she grew up. "lt
baa changed, of course," Rita ad-
mitted. "I am glad I didn't see any-
one I knew : it would be too de-
preaaing to think they'd still be
living there!
At present, she lives in New
York with her husband, Dr. Leo-
nard Gordon who, because of two
coronarie11, is now semi-retired and
works on a medical newspaper.
They have a daugh~r, Fernanda,
8. Rita says, "Her daddy calls her
a 'JewTican'-a perfect combina-
tion of a Jew and a Puerto Rican!"
By the time she waa 16, Rita waa
dancing in night cluba in New 1er-
aey, just beyond the reach of the
New 'V' ork authorities. "It waa the
worst pouible environment!" Rita
aaya. "I couJd only dance in joint.a
because I was under age. I met very
rough people !"
She was only 17 when she went
to Hollywood. Hel' film career
started with a cftange of name
from Rosa Dolores Alverio to Rita
Moreno. At the end of the year,
the studio ~roi>ped her contract.
Television filled the gap until she
m&de "Garden of Evil." But Rita
soon realir.ed that she was being
type-cut. "I waa inevitably the
exotic wench or the Mexican
heroine, she says.
Rita's sense of humor stood her
in good stead during these difficult
years. No one could visualize her
as anything but a Latin spit-fire.
But Rita didn't really know why
she waa so unhappy until, "One· of
the actors said to me, 'You don•t
like yourself very much. do you T'
Suddenly, I knew be was right. I
knew then that I wanted to be a
be~r person, and I decided on
psychotherapy.'' ·
Thia period came when Rita,
once again type-cast, was working
on "West Side Story," which won
her an Oscar and worJd fame. ''I
knew when I finished that picture·
that I wouJdn't accept another role
that limited .me," she said. "Thanb
to therapy, I knew myself.''
But "West Side Story" only
proved that Rita was the perf.ect
Latin vixen. Off en poured in. For
six years Rita turned them all
down. In the meantime, she starred
in London in her first non-Latin
role. Then she retumed to the
States and tackled the role of an
Italian in "The Roee Tattoo" in a
stage revival.
Rita is convinced that therapy,
marriage, and motherhood made a
new person of her. "Even the cam-
eramen have remarked how much
be~r I look now than I did when
I made 'West Side Story' because
I am not so ~nae now. I guess my
happiness shows t"
Being tough got Rita Moreno
over the rough spot.I. Now, at 37,
she's certain she can relax and en-
joy being herself. She -fol'e8ee8
enough good roles to keep her ca-
reer rolling ("Marlowe" w ith
James Garner ia her next film).
And if she doesn't find good
roles, that's fine because Rita now
baa a home, a husband, and a baby
to love.
nation'• oldest and laraeat epecialilt in
apparel and footwear foe tall and bia
moo brinp you America'• patat Mle6-
tion of perfect..ftttina clotba. CbOOle bom
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No-Iron Sport Shirts and Actioo-Jaclceta.
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new Flare .Bottoms with looser iaeeams,
hiaher rite, wa.ilb to 60"'.
PLUS 200 KING-S/lf SHOES 10-16 AAA -Ell
CIM>Ole from the world'• laraat ldectioo
for· tall and bii men! All the style bits of
.the lellOD: Huah Puppies, Corfa.m by
DuPont, Basa Floaters, Acme Boob,
Oarb Daert Boob ••• loafers, bropes.
oxfords, slip-cm. cu1111t, aoeaken.
04You must be eompletcly aa•isfted
Both Befcn and After Weariaa."
S HW T 0 DAY tor New FR EE 1 ~ S -Pa ~ e Fu 11 · Co Io r K ING · SI Z E CA T AL 0 G ~
I --~~~~~~~~~~~~....... I
I '
,...__~~~~~~~~~~~ I
°"' I ..,•~~~~~~~~-4~•~~~~-I
" ,,
~ .. ; ..
I . ' '. ..
----~----------------------·~:;'ll==~=~-..,,""'="'~~"""'=!l!!"~~-.::~w..:::M1 __ .....,.,.,. .. __ ... .,.. ....... -.-J-•
all 10 fragrances only $~
Do you want to give an unulUa), elqant gift? Here'• one that will l>rtn1 1a1p1 of
ecataay from the JadJea in your life who are lucky enoup to have you remember
them with thi• aenaatlon.al collection of the world'• matt famout f:rapance•.
Here'• an opportunity to purchue thi• unutual pacbge of 10 perfume• for per-
tonal gifh, butine11, lduin' coutint and every female on yom Utt.
Remember, thit it a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give the m.ott enchanttn1
fralJl'&ncee of the'flneat Parle perfumerie•. Such a wide array-there'• the perfect
scent to match every mood in exotic, bewitching fralJl'aDCet for earthy mooch,
alluring provocative scent• for romance, flowery etMnce• for the demure. Each
one offers a different, exciting new femininity.
Rach in its own distinctive bottle and Mt in a beautiful tri-cotor gift box deco-
rated with gay, crlap drawinp of Parla.
We have Imported a limited number of these exciting gift package• for distribu-
tion in the United Statea and Canada. Please rush your order now while the supply
laata. Upon receipt of your order we wilt rush this amazing gift package of 10
world famous Ptench fragrances, each in ita own different, dl1tlnctlve bottle-
all for only $4.&a. You muat be completely dellpted or your money back promptly.
PleaM do not delay. Mail the no-risk coupon today while our supply la1t1.
• An extravq1nt, exciting gift at an unbelievably low price.
• You save $10.00 when buyiJ111ift packap of 10.
Our price, $1.50foreach bottle If bou&ht separately •
• These are all genuine full strenath perfumes, not toilet water
• All perfumes sealed in the beautiful bottles you see
pictured here.
... ..... IM••rt.rs, Dept. PR-1 !52
210 S. DaePWnes St., Chicago, Ill. 6oeo&
Please rulh It once the flbulous cotlectlon of 10 World famous frllfl"Ct
perfumes for only $4.95 udl set-plus 25¢ for postlle, hendtlna ...o
insurance-on full money-back auarantff.
O I enclose$·-----0 Ship C.O.D. plus post11e & C.O.D. fHs. O Charae to my Diners' Club Acct. No •. ____ _
O Charae to my American Express Acct. No .. ____ _
Ntmt·----------------------------------Address. ___________________________________ _
Ciey, _____________________ ~
Stitt ip Code, _____ _
0 Order 21ift PKkaaes for $8.90 plus soc posbl1e. (S.v• $1.-)
0 Send ••• additional sets @ $4.45 plus 25c po1u1e each.
Canadian orders filled same price.
Jl'l1fDOr DOllB lllRD 'DO.
Bit clip1 to rill. s ... tlt."' roll-
tqp roof reoeall pcirtitioMcl
trGW for ~top 1nt'iu to
ltnlCF'Y MtM•; ea.er itedoor
•~for WOf'/ 8z11%•.
CD 1M Maao or tllOMIUd GI
tHll. 18.SO. Dv.t4CrGft, Dept,
t-F, Pnaoook, N.B. 01101.
1'ltllftT' l'flf'.ol'I -Toi'"'°"
Bolno Ml ~we Mtld-
croeA.eted look "' tmt"®le
oriotl aerrlie. {t', "ligl&t," r.t
"t.a.ke1 08'' tM eAtll. Wl&iU,
blaek, ,m.k, liglt.t bltie. C011&U
ita riul 8-IO. 14.16 ppd. FfrtY
Hmue, Dept. 6, Dobb• 1'frtY,
N. Y.1osn.
,, ML rm.vr l..4111' • fnAt-
tUOOd ~ul& u. .f-t(.)(Jr mtel&
to eotatrol duired liq I&~. Haftll..
IOM6 l&eMqott IM~ ii WPPed
wit. a ,,, diameter "'""'°'
bt&rfap .~. u· oweraU.
116.16. Eutel&e1ter Ligltitlg,
Drpt. FW, J88 Cold&bu
Awe., TieekaMe, N. Y . 1010'1.
Weekend Shopper
UJCl[l' CllARllERS
-Lucky Leprechaun
and Blarney Cut1e
(with chip of real
Blarney Stone )!
Bring good luck 1 Of
course I $8 each in silver; 9 Kt gold, $10 ;
14Kt, $15. Airmailed. Sflvercraft, Dept.
L-10, Albert Walk, Bray, Ireland.
BRONZE statuette of your
dog on marble features his
name on gold plaque. Spec:i-·
fy breed, name. $9.95. la-
maica Silvenmuth. Dept.
FW, 407 Rockaway Ave.,
Valley Stream, N . Y. 11581.
LEARft TO Pl.A Y the
guitar in one week. No
tediom practice or ex-
erciaea. You get 320
aonp, guitar tuner,
complete instructions
with chord selector. Pictures and words
guide ftngera. Fun for the whole family!
$8.98 ppd. Terry Elliott, Dept. FW-46, P.O.
Box 1918, Grand Central Station, New
York., N.Y. 10017.
PIN-ON luxurious fullneH
with a lovely hairpiece cus-
tom matched to your color!
Wuh, aet and restyle it I
Made of Samel dben, it
looks and feel8 "real."
Send hair sample. Style
#221. $4.99. Guild, Dept. FW-119, 108 E .
Broadway, New York. N. Y. 10002.
UNIQUE! A real Gold In-
l'Ot (mold) ia valued at
$631.98 ! Thia 1-kilo rep-
lica even baa ueayen
seal and reAnery at.amp.
Makes a great paperweight! Gold Ingot
replica, $7.96 ; 2, $16; 8, $20. Briakin. Dept.
G, 66 W. 66th St., New York, N.Y.10019.
BE A LOSER and like it! Take
off unwanted pounds with the
help of improved Obesity Bell
Tablets. Simple, it encourages
leu eating at mealtime! 10-day
size, $1 ; 6-week, $4: 12-week.
$6. Hollings-Smith, Dept. FW-
11, Orangeburg, N.Y. 10962.
Your favorite photo can be
made into an 8xto• puzzle.
Send any print or negative.
Hand-oil-colored, $2.26 ;
black and white, $1.86. Add
~ for po8tage. Jipaw, Dept. J-29, 28'
Fifth Ave., New York, N .Y. 10001.
at.home in thia A-line beau-
ty made of drip-dry fake
leopard fur flannel to keep
you warm and cuddly I Cof-
fee coat or hoeteea gown, it
1pol'ta 2 big pockets! Sir.ea
S, M., L. $6.96 plus SW~
qe. World Co., Dept. FW-11, Westport,
Conn. 06880.
type coins holder: 12x
10• wood frame in wal-
nut and gold, die cut
insert, covered with
shatterproof clear ace-
tate. Eaae1 back to stand or bang from wall.
$6.96. Novel Numiamatica, Dept. FW-16,
81 Second Ave., New York. N.Y. 10008.
FREE lift catalog bu 86
~ of Christmu gifts
-many with a religious
theme. Also items for aiving
to cluaes, Advent materi-
ala, boob, toys, etc. from
"Fuay· Boob" to tape re-
corders. Write•to David C.
Cook, P . 0 . Box 856, Elgin, m. 60120.
Slaopping Guide
Buy a ~ Watdlbend Calendar
and you11 know the date anytime,
arwwhel9. GET ONE SET FREE
FOR GIFTS WITH EACH SET OADER£D . . • etrt quantity! Flt9
all !Mn's watcflbendl.. E.-y to at·
tacn and !'9m0¥9. No meaey sttck-
ON. Champagne color metc:Mt all
watchb9nda. Set of 12 METAL cal-endara In gift &>acboe can
stw1lld Sf'/ month. ,....... epec:
Order .... ~ promptly vfa ti
cl ... mall. Buy One Set 8 S1.50:
get One Set fNe ... wry qUMtlty,
Hendy lkllldlng,o.pt. fW ..
Scott City, Kan ... 17871
.......... Ad ........... ..... _ ....................... '-.
..._~ .......
TME AlfY 4 -.c:OROS -ell for 9911 card •fwmya provided. You ..,_ onty
ChooM hit •lbuma by RCA'• own .,eet to buy 4 r9COtCls wtthln • YMf' at ,.....
st."I -plus top.star •!bums of other lar Club prices: utu•lly $4.98 OI $5.98,
top l8bels offer.cl by otfw --------plus SIMI! shipplnt ..,..°b
top record clubs, too -In-Mt•lltrs CllHH frt• ch8rp. Pick any kind of
duclln1 thole thet ctw,.. f•ous Lllltls Llllt Tlltst: music: Popular (M8nclnl,
you $5.00 to joint • MC • L...., DHn Martin, MantovHI,
Y• Git fllEE ........, No • Meo • Metcury etc.), Clusical, Country Ii
• Atlafttlc • "••rot Western, Broectway·Holly· t... ... no dueal As M 8Ctl¥e •..,.. • ""''..._ wood-TV, OI Tocley's Sound =~ C:.::.. ~ == : = : :tt.iJ. (Aretha Fr•nklln, Assocl•·
FRE£ fOI ft9ry two you buy : g:;j"-' : =kte :::· ~ : ..... ) fOI 8C• .rter trl81 rnembefshlp. You .......-: = : =..,. ...... Ho ......, -lCM>mJ l'lttheCtub's monthly lnll9-•!MIMI c-t~'• FllEE Triall You'I be billed sine FR££. You cash In on • ,_. • Viet,... --. end smell shlppi--· •-'•I ... __ _._, • 1....,-.i • Vin ~-• ._ -• -_,_.._ • K.... • WatM<...... a ch8f'l9 -aftw you ,.t
Y• ..... NOT -.., • "9c-• _, ...._. your 4 recordl. If not de-
9"11:11917....., T8ke the lllfrted, return them within
Mein s.tec:tlon, a1 any fnlm owr 300 l O cteys •nd pay us nothlncl No ria Pldl
elternatea ••• or no record ••II thllt 4 l'9COrds now, write their numtier. on
month simply by returnint the h8ndy coupon 8nd m811 without money ~
I '91W-CLl9,P ...... .,.., ........... ....
I ....... ICClltt •II 11111llcattoft ter trill ...... ,.... .. NI tllt llCA ll9cofd Che 11111 ..... M tilt ... ~ ~ ..... -~-., ml •econ1 Clanlllc Clo• Md TOM Alwl Dwtlr·lf1llll Att.dl-1 ....t. 1111 • lltef fof Oll!y • I ecT" tD ,wchAH tow _,. rtco~s wltllln 1 JI• It rtplar Cl!*
fff I • .,~ lllerMfttrJ II '°"I II 1'9111tlll lfl ICtlft ....,LI -.......... ,..... Piii fir.-,
" -.. I 1111rt A .... "'"""' ... '*' dlartt Is~ to teat onltf. :::-..::.-:::--= _I _----611 I -1 ---11 __ _
I ... ...-..... ,__. lft the ......... '11" of mu9ic: (checll !!!! ertlJ) o ......, (IHtrumHbl/Vocal Moods) O CIMllUI 0 C..-, • .. ...,.
0 T ... t .._. (ltecll/Solll/Folll) 0 ......... l11t1• TY ...... ~
C!IJ lip
WEEK OF NOV. 15 • NOV. 21
Dick WUIOll
HuntlaKton Beacla
Honesty is the best policy. A
mid-western minister couldn't
help but smile when he read the
answers to the following ques-
Uo,nnaire mailed out by his
church. A. How far do you live
from church? and B. How long
does it take you to get to
church? The answers on the
questionnaire were: A. About
four blocks and B. About three
months. A parking sign at a dif •
ferent church read : "No Park-
ing Except Sundays. Violators
wtl be given sermons." After
church, you and your family
might visit cur Ford agency
here in Huntington Beach. We
have what many experts think is
llhe finest line of automobiles
ever offered by one company in
any one model year ... the great
new Ford line for 1970. For ex-
ample, there's unsurpassed con-
venience for T h u n d e r b i r d
drivers and passengers with the
new control console, located an
the front seat armrest. The
er windcws, power door leeks.
windows, power door locks,
power seats and the left-hand
outside mirrcr. Redesigned for
1970, the Fingertip Speed Con-
trol, optional on Thunderbird
models, retains its convenient
operation on the steering wheel
with new reliability, closer
regul ation and simplified design.
Comfort's In vogue now that all
bucket seats on Fords are of
high-back design, incorporating
bead restraints. L a r g e r
registers in the SelectAire air
conditioning system give better
directional air now and higher
air volume while changes in the
Flow-ThnJ ventilation system
make for better circulation and
quieter windows-up driving. And
for the outdoor lovers, Thun-
derbird again offers an optional
unroof which operates elect-
rically. If you can find a better
looking car than our fabulous
"70 Thunderbird, bring it by our
dealership here at 18255 Beach
Blvd.. we would like to see It
- --'
~ F"O Rf)
••••••11!9••········· .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
See all the g-newest
ones for
' •.•• ht 10-, ..... 7 hys
THs. tlw• Fri., I •·•· to S '·"'·
Mo:i., I •·"'· ht t P·"'· 592-5511
I •
,,, .. !PORT! HltJHlltJHT!
.. : '
9:30 AMO Notre Dame Footbllll (C) Fighting Irish vs. Georgia Tech
Yellow Jackets. Game taped yesterday.
9:45 IJ NFL Tod•y (C) L.A. Rams vs. Philadelphia Eagles at Phlla·
10:30 D @ (i) Afl Football (C) Kansas City Chiefs vs. New York
Jets at New York.
10:4!5 9 (j) NFL Footbllll (C) Rams vs. Eagles at Philadelphia. Tape
11:00 m Footbllll (C) Cal State L.A. vs. Cal State Long Beach at
Long Beach Memorial Veterans Stadium. Bill Welsh calls the
action of game taped yesterday. Head coach Jim Stangeland,
in his first year with the Long Beach Forty·Nlners, will be drop·
ping a 5-2 record squad on the winless Diablos of Mentor
Walt Turmond.
1:00 II ~ (j) NFL Today (C) Baltimore Colts vs. S.F. 49ers at
San Francisco.
O @ (i) Afl Football (C) San Diego Chargers vs. Oakland
Raiders at Oakland.
1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Tro1ans vs. University of Wash.
Huskies. Taped yesterday at Seattle.
4:00 O UCLA Football (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Oregon Ducks at Eugene.
6:00 O Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Boston Bruins. 1 %·hour
tape delay from Boston Gardens.
10:00 AM 0 @ NCAA football (C) Regional "wild card" game.
Ohio State at Michigan.
1:30 D High School Buketball (C) Dorsey vs. Washington.
O @ (I) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) Tentatively sched·
uled: Nino Benvenuti vs. Luis Rodriguez, 15·round World Mid·
dleweight Championship Contest from Rome, Italy.
3:00 0 @CI) NCAA Football (C) USC vs. UCLA.
8 :00 O lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. S.F. Warriors at San
9:00 0 @ (I) (C) "Aight of the Phoenix." Ten Men battle for sur·
vival after crash landing in the Sahara Desert. James Stewart,
Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch and Ernest Borgnine star.
9:30 D ~ (i) "Madigan." Suspenseful search for a killer who must
be found in 72 hours by two New York Ctty detectives. Richard
Widmark. Henry Fonda, Inger Stevens and Harry Guardino star.
8 :30 D @ 00 (C) "Run a Crooked Mile." Louis Jordan stars as a
math teacher who becomes the victim of an organization plot·
ting the financial collapse of Europe. Mary Tyler Moore, Alex·
ander Knox and Wilfrid Hyde·White co·star.
O @ (}) (C) "The Ballad of Andy Crocker." A returning Viet·
nam serviceman faces problems that are uniquely his~prob·
lems of adjustment, of change and of status. Lee Majors and
Joey Heatherton star.
9:00 II ~ (j) (C) "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone." Vivien Leigh
stars as a wealthy American widow visiting Rome who becomes
involved with an Italian gigolo Warren Beatty, Lotte Lenya and
Jill St. John co-star.
9:00 II ~ Cil (C) "Fanny." A. pregnant girl turns to a wealthy,
aging widower after her boyfriend leaves to go to sea. Leslie
Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Charles Boyer and Horst Buchholz
9 :00 D Q) 00 "Robbery." Suspense drama starring Stanley Baker
and Joanna Pettet, about the planning and e1tecution of a
British marl·traln robbery involving millions of pounds.
TntilHJ alt tuba Cleo11 tuner m1d controls
AH necessary odjustmens -DetaussinCJ -Color
screen setup -Static conver9er1.
CO\IPl.ETEI.\ C.l \H \ vn:..:u :-.E ll\ u:..: O'\
Al.I. un \'\I>~ FICO~t \U\lllC \I, TO ZE~ITll
18931/i Park Ave. Costa Mesa
SERVEO WITH: wl"•• c"Mte, salad,
baked potato. and ""*'n~ of the or
met of sole
chicken ldev
top sirloin
veal cordon bleu
filet ml non tail
Dally ,.Hture
beef brochettes
with Rice .. l&.ff $3.!5
lobster taJl
met mignon buccaneer
a1act1 Anp• IMf ••Chnlvety
"' .. , ... 11 ... v. lltre SI.SO
1 lllre 12.h
ttelretler f .75
R.wrvati.tl• SuttHled
Phone 675-2051
ppen 5:30 • 11 :00
f V i N I ~~ C,
5:00118'1 ,. ... 'Cl (60) Clete Roberts. . 9 (j) m ftntltJ·lrlMllJ (C)
THAN PSYCHIATRY!! 0 One Min Show (C) (30) Comic
JI/try Lester stirs. 0 loss Cfty (C) (30) Sim Riddle
hosts. m 81rb1r1 McN1lr (C) (60) Boyce
and Hart, 0. C. Smith, Charlie
Callas and Jane Kean cuest. m Anlm1ls, Action Incl Adftntvre
(C) (30) "Eleph1nt C1pture." tB TY Relders' Dicest (30)
6:30 D KNBC News Conference (C) (30)
LAKERS TAKE ON SUNS! 0 Jeny Wat Sllow (C) (30) D @ (I) al NCAA Football (C)
(3 hr) Notre D1mt vs. Georai1 Tech. mi IPiciAti!Tlte Tlnltd .. n World Of Sports () (60) Travel host Bill
Burrud Interviews some of the
~ports world stirs includlnr Jeny
West, jockey Johnny Lonrden, Elrin
Baylor, Olympic shotput winner Per·
ry O'Brien and LA. Kinrs Ice hockey
star Eddie Sh1ek. Fiims show the las. Cornell Borchers. lO:JO [Dr. Kildare (60)
champions "doinr their thlnr." I Haw111 Calls (C) (30) News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. EB Dt. Huct.n's Secfet Jo11n11I (30) Sl&*ulll Tlte'1re (60) Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) m I IHclA I Tiie 171' A111111I Old Oii leinc lladl (C) (60) Kitty Wells (C) (30)
f'Wdlen C:..w.tielt (C) (R) Nedlt de EstJeM (2 hr) : The TtJ TUt 8rew Up (60) m Ed .. of 0.....lty (C) (30) l :JO Qt CJ) MJ Ttlrte Sons (C) (30) " e of the Sea."
1:5511 lllen W••.U' (C) Steve and Barbara call it all off one G) Pis.sport i. T11vel (30)
7:00 IJ C8S Eweninc Ntws (C) (30) week before the scheduled weddinr. 11:00 8 0 ma> News (C)
Roger Mudd. D QI (i) m NIC Sat"'dlY Mov· • n. MCIN c .. e (C) Ernest D INIC $e"'f (C) (30) ~: "Tiit Fortune C..ie" (comedy) Borenine. Dana Wynter, John Byner II l. A. LAKERS AND 66-Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau. and Jane Wyatt ruest. * PHOENIX SUNS CAGE Ron Rich. Judy West. Lurene Tuttle. ID Hnt Cun Will Travel ID RoHer DefbJ (C) (60) Bay ' . , ACTION CALLED BY Bombers vs. the New Yorllers. 11:15 0 Saturd.1 ~IPt Mov11; 'World CHICK HEARN! LIVE! t:OO IJ S (!) 81'1tn Acres (C) (30) In .MJ Poc_tet' (drama) 62-Rod D Lallen Balietblll (C) (21h hr) Oliver ind his neighbors try to find Steiger, Na1a Tiiier, Peter Van Eyck,
LA Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns at a way to keep younr people down 11:301 News (C) Clete Roberts.
Phoenix. on the farm. m Johnny Cal10ft (C) O Dutil Y11ley D-rs (C) (30) fE Hone Opera (60) Movie: "Salty O'Rourtl" (dra· m I IHc1lC I S1•_, DIVll Jr. In m NET Pl1Jflouse (C) (90) "Thea· ma) '4>-Ali.n Ladd, Gail Russell.
Europe (C) (60) A one·m1n show as tre Americ1: New Theatre for Now." B Movie: (C) ''Tiie W1dliest Sllip
Sammy dences up a storm in I) In the Almy" (comedy) '61-Jack
France, pl1ys drums In Holland, and 9:20 l1•m Wr1p·Up (C) Lemmon, Ricky Nelson.
performs some wild Impersonations 9:30 9 Cl) Petticoat Junction (C) ID Movie: "Make Mine Mlnll" (com·
In the Roman Forum. (R) (30) Dr. J1net Craif and her as· edy) '60 -Terry·Thomas, Athene tB SullMt Tr1lts (60) sistants set out to administer flu Seyler.
f1i) NET .lolmal (C) (60) ''Who shots to everyone in the entire 11;451J Fabulo11s 52: (C) "Pillow Tar
Speaks for Manr• (R) Hooterville Valley. (comedy) ·s~Doris Day, Rocle
I Do-Re·MI (30) I l.ane Cr~ Tlte1tre (30) Hudson, Tony Randall.
bt Patrol (C) (30) (il) ~(!)Lawrence Welk (C) . .
7:30 fB ~ Jlclle Cltnon (C) (60) • Pllllb1n's People (C) (90) 12:30 m Men 1n Crisis
12) 6 m AncfJ Willia•• (C) luck Owens (C) (30) 1:00 D News (C)
(60) An 's ruests 1re Jimmy Dur• 10:00 IJ 9 Cl) I l .. lc1AL I Mitl Tllll· m All·Nipt Show (C) "Blanche
ante, Jackie De Shannon, the Grass-1p A•rica (C) (90) Diel! Clark Fury," "The Eye Creatures" and
roots, and Rolfe H1rris. Is the on·stare master of cere· "The Mik1do."
O MHliN $ MM: "he M111's moni9' and Marilyn Van Oerbur Is 1•15 O ....... tu f th Se (C) Wllf' (bio·dram1) '64-0on Murray, hostess for the ninth annual pag· • ...... en rn ° • llP111J
William Windom. e1nt from the Tarr1nt County Con· 1:30 IJ Movie: "Tiie C1nlltM Juett" ID Wttldtts ef tM WOttd (C) (30) vention Center In Fort yi'orth, Texas. (drama) '57--lee J. Cobb, Richard
"SIYl(e Dancers of Darwin." I m NtWI (C) (30) Boone. E Caldllles (30) 1111 Andenon (C) (30) 0 Movitt "lnvisibft A&tnt" (ad·
1:00 Merit: "The lie l.ift'' (dr1ma) Ranklt Roundup (60) venture) '42-llona Massey, Peter
ontromery Clift, P1ul Dour· · lox de Mnico (90) Lorre.
Brighter, sharper oolor.
Sony's system uses one gun to shoot the three beams.
One 9un 9 ives us space for one big lens. A lens more
that twi ce as big as anyone else's. With our larger
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30 °/. more color beams reach the screen through the
vertical strips on our "aperture grille."
• New one-gun system
• All-solid-state system
• 35 degrees cooler
• Big twelve-inch screen (measured dia9on•lly I
411 E. 17ttt Stnet
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Where can you get 53,000 pash ...
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Monthly p1ym1nt on 81' year Home-
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HOMEOWNERS -compare Union's new reduced
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See why thousands of homeowners call Union
Home Loans when they need cash for any rea son.
PAY All YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan
from Union. You'll probably cut your present
monthly payments in half, or better ... and have
more money left out of every paycheck!
"UIUON'S REDUCED ,AYM(NT Includes both prlnclp1I & Interest -re·
PIYS loin In full In 98 months. NO IAllOON ,AYM£Nn! Annual per.
cent11e rite Is $14.80 fln1nce chlrae per yur per $100 of unp.1ld balance and 1mount fln1nced Is $2,550. Total of payments over period of
8)( years 11 s.45.00 • month, $4,410. Shorter & fOflaer term loans
av1llable ••. beCIUst AT UIUON, YOU'H TM( 10$1 -YOU CAN "Cit TM£ ,AYMENTS TMAT FIT YOUll IUHO!
. Mr. Newton . OU !S-4141
. Mr. Jennings !539-2122
. Mr. Stevens !589-8711
. Mr. Edwards • !542·3!54!5
. Mr. Gomez .. 787-1424
. Mr. McDowell . 898·118!5
Only Man Can be 'A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'
I "The most surprising fact we learn from
studying wolves may be what it tells us
about human nature." That's an unusual
quote. Especially when you think of the
legends that have sprung up about wolves-
werewolves, "the big bad wolf," fierce,
premiere GE Monogram Special, "The Wolf
Men," on NBC Tuesday at 7: 30 PM, has
achieved a rare understanding of his subject
over the past several months.
He observes similarities between men and
wolves: They are both carnivorous and pred·
ators. Each is highly adaptable to diverse
environments-where man has lived, so has
the wolf.
I blood-thirsty killers.
But Irwin Rosten. who has produced the
produur lrwi11 Rosten 11ntartlted some rxtra·
ordinary 111/ormation about wolvts and tlttir rtlationsltip to man.
The wolfs social organization -den
groups and pack behavior-resembles pre-
historic man who joined tribes to hunt and
Jive together. And the male wolf, unlike
most animals, but like man, takes a hand in
raising its young.
Unfortunately for the wolf, not everyone
feels totally comfortable with Rosten's analo-
Today. wolves are on the brink of extinc-
tion. They ex.ist in only two places in the
United States-Alaska and Minnesota. It is
legal to offer bounty for wolves in Alaska-
and a similar law is being lobbied for in
Rosten, who is a strong conservationist.
opposes bounties. "Wolves play a vital part
in the ecology of any wilderness." he says.
"Without wolves and other predators, deer
herds can quickly outstrip the available for-
age and become stunted-as well as starve.
That happens every winter in New England
where thousands of animals die of hunger."
Men and women who are devoting their
lives to such endeavors as studying the be-
havorial patterns of wolves-and their sur-
vival-are targets for Rosten's MGM cam-
eras. To film the GE Monogram Special, he
sent crews all over the continental U.S., to
Alaska and Canada-seeking out scientists
and researchers. And fact as opposed to
One of the myths be exposes is that of the
wolf as a man-killer. No reported case of
a wolf attacking a man bas ever been sub-
stantiated, Rosten says. Some experts believe
the legend originated during the middle ages
when rabid wolves (who lost their innate
fear of man because of their disease) were
And no matter what you read in Little
Red Riding Hood-a wolf couldn't have
done it!
They're just not good enough acton.
..... 6
All stations reserve the
right to change program-
ming without advance no-
6:15 m The Chrlstophers (C)
6:30 m The Bible Answers
6:55 B Give Us This Day (C)
7:00 B Tom and Jerry (C) m Sunday Funnies (C)
7:30 I Batman (C) I Mormon Tabernacle Choir (C)
• TV Worship of the West (C)
Sacred Heart (C)
7:45 (E) The Christophtfs (C)
@ CD Davey and Goliath (C)
8:00 ~ Cl) limp Unto My Feet (Cl w The Christophers (C)
Cathedral of Tomorrow (C)
Day of Discovery (C)
Wonderama (C)
Allen Revival Hour (C)
1 00 Paul Harvey (Cl
(6) God Is the Answer (C)
8:301 look Up and Live (C) · This Is the Life (C)
Climbing Hl(h (C)
• Movie: "Lightning Strikes Twiet"!
(drama) '51-Ruth Roman,. Richard .,
Kathryn Kuhlman (C) 00 Revival Flres (C)
(!) Full Gospel Revival (C) m The Story (C)
9:00 B Camera Three (C) I O My Favorite Stfmon (C) Rev.
Richard Mitchell, First United Pres·
byterian Church of Upland, guests. I
Day of Discovery (C)
Ca•pus Profile
Gospel Music (C)
1 ~A. A. Allen 6 Kathryn Kuhlman (C)
8 Tom and Jerry (C)
• Nutva Cita
• This Is the Life (C)
· Acfkutture Report
9:30 B Inside Football (C) D m The Eternal li(ht (C) "The
Challenge of the 70's to Labor." 1
U Notre Dame Football (C) Taped I
game with Georgia Tech. n @ CV al DudllJ Do·Richt (C)
(j) Oral Robtt1s (C)
Cl) Batman (C) m Mano a Mano Ranchero
9:45 BNFL Today (C) First game of,
today's doubleheader is LA. Rams
vs. Philadelphia Eagles at Philadel·
10:00 O ~icutture USA (C)
O {J1) 00 al Gtor11 of the Jun·J cit (C) e Movie: "Counterplot" (mystery) I
'59-Forrest Tucker, Allison Hayes.•
I Passport to '1'ofit (C)
@ first leptist Cllvrdl (C) 00 Town Hall Mtttlnc (C)
ii} Cristina liuzman m Realty Review (C)
Only one Los
Angeles television
station brings you a
local early-evening
news broadcast
every night
of the week!
with Clete Roberts
.. ~,·
.~~· ,~~· ~-, \I : ·.~·' ........
15. 1969
! , ,
10:15 ID Homtstt1d (C)
10:30 0 @ (61 m Afl Football
Kansas City Chiefs vs. New
12:30 I Ctne Autry Oral Roberts (C) Y~~~ · Pattern for livln1
1:00 8 ~ (j) NFL TodaJ (C) Balti·
more Colts vs. S.F. 49ers at Sa n
Jets at New York.
I @ (I) (l) Fantastic Four (C)
Faith for TodaJ (C)
Sesame Street (C) A five·hour
replay of last week's daytime show
for preschoolers. Hosts are Matt
Robinson, Loretta Long, Bob Mc·
Grath and Will Lee. All pro11rams
take place on, or departing from
a fictional city street complete with a house, a candy store. a pet shop
and an exc2vatlon site. ~ (j) Popeye Cartoons (C)
10:45 ~ (j) Nfl football (C) LA. at
ClaucltM Lontet ,uest•stars u the
wife of a man who confUSH to a
C'rinw she ts accused of In "Tiie
Rockford Rlddle" episode of NBC'•
The Bojd Ones. Sunday at 10 PM.
11 :00 IJ HomtbUJtrt' Cuidt (C) 0 @ (I) Q) Buflwlnltfe (C) m Football (C) Cal State LA. vs.
Cal State Lon11 Beech at Lon11
ID Cll11rdl in the Home (C)
11:30 0 @ (I) Q) Discovtry (C) ''The
Strangest Mammal of All." fJ Movie: ''TIM Da111 Bus11trs" (ad·
venture) '55-Rlchard Todd, Michael
Redgrave. Ursula Jeans.
.~ I ' f p ·~ () ( I .•
All prep111Mln1 la subject to
cbanp for apedal repol'ts and llvt
coverar• of Apollo XII Mission.
12:00 0 Movie: ''Cltttt Drift" (western)
'51-Joel McCree, Deen Stockwell,
Chill Wills.
I l11t.tlll1ent Par111t (C)
(I) Colle&• Football 1969 (C)
Cine en Su Casa
lnslpt (C)
0 @ @ m AFL Footb1ll (C) San
Uieao Chargers vs. Oakland Raiders
at Oakland. IJ Movie: "Amon& the livln('
(drama) '41 -Susan Hayward, Al·
bert Dekker.
Q @(I) (l) Directions (C)
"Round Trip." O Sherlock Holmes ID Revinl Fires (C)
1:30 Q (i1J (I) c:f) Issues ind AnS1ftrs
(C) m USC Footb1ll (C) USC Trojans
vs. University of Wash. Huskies.
Taped yesterday at Seattle. ID Voice of CalvarJ (C)
2:00-Press Conference (C) Budl Owens Show (C)
(]) SundaJ Matinee: "Anael
Baby," starrina George Hamilton.
f!) Clludlo 11 Roto
(l) Feature (C)
2:301J Movie: "Shock-Proof" (dram•)
'49-Comel Wilde, Patricia Knight. 0 Movie: "loun1 Man Witlt
ldus" (drama) '52 -Glenn Ford,
Ruth Roman, Nina Foch. fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Estlltr
and the llln(' (historical adventure)
'60-Joan Collins, Richard Egan. ID Bill Anderson (C) aJ Estrtflas tn Miami (C)
3:00 ID Sa111son (C)
(l) Upbeat (C)
3:30 ID Patty Dulle
fil) Mlstero11rs' Ntithborbood (C)
3:45 @ (]) lnt1mation1I Traders (C)
4:00 11 Insider I Oubidtr (C) Discussed
Is the relationship between Ne1roe1
and Jews. O On Campus (C) "William Buck·
ley on Campus."
8 Ua..A Football (C) Bruins vs.
Oreaon Ducks at Eu1ene.
Q) Coll111 Football 1969 (C)
I Lovt Lucy
McHalt's Navy
(I) Deatll Yellty Days (C)
Ci) Locltr RMM (C)
: \IWl9at's New? (R)
Ci) Fil11 Feature (C)
• Sports Spectacular (C)
4:30 fJ Mr. Ed 0 CIOM Up (C) Profiles of west·
ern ador Richard Arlen and record
pt'oducer Phil Spector. and a visit
to a Mexican vlllaae in the heart
of Los An1eles.
ISllppy (C)
(I) PIU90rt to Trawl (C)
Voice of die Hour 00 Film Feature (C) ''The Mart w .. te(s Stoiy."
fil) Advent1re: "One More River." A
ac:enic journey down the River Jor·
dan to the Dead Sea.
I (j) f1e9 Utt Nation (C)
Malu' Palabrn
Tiie llfltlllH
5:00 fJ Face till Nation (C) D .,. .. Up (C) Biii Leyden hosts.
"I think the lake woulJ
look nice right HERE!"
An "in-Jepth" look at
California's booming
artificial lake business:
"Ralph Story's
Los Angeles"
6:30 tonight
Pa1e 7
Pa1e I
he was Hud,
or Harper,
or Ho'mbre,
Paul Newman
was one oF
''The Young
.. ' . . , ·~lf·'
11:30 PM
SUNDAY (Continued. ) I Ei) S11ebrush Theatre (60)
0 "BIKINI BEACH " -Color I ·2' OC SlclPPr (C) * ANNETTE FUNICELLO 7:0011 S Lassie <C> (30) Lassie • and Neeka search for a newly FRANKIE AVALON! I hatched banty chick lost in the
O Movie: (C) "li•ini Beach" (mu.1 California redwoods. Cinematoaraph·
sical) '64-Frankie Avalon. Annette er Robert Sparks uses unusu~I
Funicello, Martha Hyer. Harvey Lem camera anales to help tell this
beck, Don Rickles, Keenan Wynn. A story.
croup of surfers run into trouble 0 @ (6 a;, Wild KJncdo111 {C)
when they try to prevent their (30) "Return of the Salmon."
beach from beine taken over for a Sockeye salmon li&ht sw1ft-runn1n1
senior citizens· relirement commu· currents and Alaskan wildfire as
nily. • they return to their spawnine 0 Shirler Temple Theatre: "Our grounds. (R)
little Girt." with Joel McCrea. 0 @ el Land of tht fii1nts
I Man from UNCU (C) (C) (60) "Chamber of Fear " Fitz·
Bltman {C) hugh is captured by two giants and
S.Ven Arts Theatre: "Moun· impriscned in a wax museum. Clilf
lain Road." starrine James Stewartl Osmond, Christopher Cary and Joan
and Lisa Lu. freeman guest.
Ei) How To Murr a Million1ire 0 Joe N1m1th Show (C) (30) 0. J.
@ r6J My World 1nd Welcome to Simpson and Maximilian Schell guest.
It (C) m Movie: ''The Bir lift" (drama)
EE) Boo• Bt1t (C) "Self Portrait." '50-Montgomery Clift, Paul Doue·
David Duncan discusses his book las, Cornell Borchers.
with Robert Cromie. EE) The Advoutes (C) (60) "Should
I (j) C11111ra Thr.ee (C) the federal Government Issue No
Toros f urther Leases for Off.Shore Oil
Here Come the Stus (C) Drilling?"
Run for Your life (C) gJ Comicos '1 C1nciones (30) 5:301 Newam1•m (C) I 7:30 II ~ (j) To Rome, With Lon (C)
· All·Ameriun Collece Sllow (C) (30) Mike Endicott has apartment
fiilli11n's lsl1nd (C) redecorated American style. Leslie
Sunset Tr1ils Parrish and Vito Scotti guest.
@ World Tol!Mfrow (C) 0 TONIGHT from DISNEY
: frtndl CMf: Julia Child pre· * True-Life Adventure
pares lobster. from the world of the
f3 fill• Feati1res (C) "PEREGRINE FALCON"
Extensive cov1r11e of the second
mission t» l1nd nten on the lllOOn
will bt provided by 111 1111jor net·
worb throuchout the wee•. Con·
1tquently, 111 scheduled procr1m·
min& is subject t» cll1nr1 for
time y reports ind live color tele·
casts. Touchdown on the lun1r
1urf1ee Ind two Mp111tl EVA'•
(11travthlcul1r adlvitlu or "111oon
w1IU") 11e pl111ned for Wednes-
day, Novtmbtr 19 ind Titursdly,
Nowt111btr 20. Splnhdown II set
for 1:03 l'M Mondlr, Nove111btr 24.
5:00 II KNn News (C) (30) 0 ID m ..... tbt Press (C)
1J Kinp Hodey (C) (2'h hr) LA.
Kines vi. Boston Bruins. Taped
earlier at Boston Gardens. 0 I sflc!AL, ,1ul Mct.rtney: Th•
Fln1t Verdict (C) (60) famed attor·
ney F. lee Bailey reviews all evi-
dence in the macabre reports of
McCartney's death. Guesting in the
TV trial is Fred laBour, the Detroit
reporter who first printed the story. m Da~ari (C) (60) m Anim1ls, Action ind Adventure
(C) (30) "Ski the Other Side of
the World."
Eli) Specul1tion (C) (60) "A Conver·
satlon With Leslie Caron and Mi·
cha el Laughlin."
(l) Min fro111 UNCLE (C) (60)
5:30 II Ralph Storr (C) (30) 0 9 (i) a;, C.E. Coll111 81Wf
~ (30)
U) ltun fOf Your life (C) (60)
0 @ (6) m Witt Disney (C) (60)
"Varda. the Peregrine falcon." A
semi-documentary nature story trac·
ing the life of a predator whost
existence is approaching extinction.
Gerald Pearce narrates. 0 Million $ Movlt: (C) "Miya"
(adventure) '66--Clint Walker, Jay
Ii) Passport to Travel (C) (30) "Is·
lands of Greece."
Ei) Horse Opera (60)
tJ) Los Caudl;los (30)
II TV's Top Variety Show * ED SULLIVAN Tonite! tJ ~ (I) Ed Sullivan (C) (60)
Carol Lawrence. Jack Carter and
Jerry Lee Lewis euest.
0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI 0 @ CI) a) Tite Fii (C) (60)
"The Sanctuary." Erslline leads a
search for Nale Phelps, former
football hero. hiding in the ghetto.
Billy Dee Williams guest$. Booker
Bradshaw makes his initial 1ppear·
ance es a re1ular special agent to·
night. m Ce11r'1 World (C) (30) "Island
EE) The forsyt1 S.11 (60) "Into the
Dark." Irene decides to run away
with Bosinney.
0) C1nousel Meiiuno (60)
1:201J Kinp Wrap-Up (C)
1:30 0 ~@ m Sill Cosby Show (C)
(30) "The Substitute." Good old
Uncle Chet babysits for his brother's
youngsters instead of rom1ncin1
the new schoolteacher.
I The 81ron (C) (60)
f'robt (C) (30)
World Tomorrew (30) ''Sh1dcled
by Hate." I
•" -ay
e> Id
9:00 IJ ~ Ci) Leslie Uuam1 (C) (60) I (Charles Aidman) takes the blame.
Dick Van Dyke, Ken Berry, David 8 m News (C) (30)
~e _Luest. Let Me Talk To ..• (C) (60)
0 QJ (6) m Bonanza (C) (60) Georae Raft auests.
"Meena." Escapina lrom three out· I Labor Rt110rt (C) (30)
laws who seek to kidnap him lor Manion fotHI
ransom. Little Joe is berriended byl : NET Science Sptdal (C) (60)
a pretty girt (Ann Prentiss) who "Why Save Florence?" (R)
mistakes his expressions of arati· I I Ciran T ntro (60) tude for a marriage proposal. 10:30 World Tomotrow (C) (30) U Gisele MacKenzie's Better-Half Kathryn Kuhlman (C)
Hour (C) (30) Gypsy !Wse Lee and,11:00 0 Q) News (C)
Sebastian Cabot guest. Catlltdral of To.orrow (C)
D (ll) Cl) a> AIC Sunday Movie:, • The Movie Ci11111 (C) Ernest
(C) "Flipt of tbt Ptloeni1" (dra·j Borgnine. Dana Wynter, John Byner
ma) '66 -James Stewart, Richard and Jane Wyatt auest
Attenborough, Peter Finch. Ernest• @(j)Oj Cl) News (C)
Boranine. •11:30 I) Movie: ''The Younc Ptllladtlplli· m I sJICil~ I Thanb&iYin& With ans" (drama) '59-Paul Newman.
The Kin& Family (C) (60) Proaram 1 Ale.is Smith, Brian Keith.
features some 45 members of the I D lollm1n l 8artll1J (C)
lamed musical clan. rrom Momma O William f. Budlley (C) Guests
Driggs to tiny eight·month·old Jen· Or. Alan Guttmacher and Dr. Frank
nlfer Larsen. Ayd Jr. discuss "The Abortion Laws."
Cnalcade of Books (C) (30) m Movie: "father Was a Fullbadl"
Rawhide Roundup (60) (comedy) '49-Fred MacMurray.
: Homewood (C) (60) (R) Q) Movie: (C) "Lease of Ufe" (dra·
• Dominaos Herct.z (30) ma) '56-Robert Donat, Kay Walsh.
9:30 • News (C) (30) Doug Dudley. 1 I~ This Is the life (C)
Tht Sports Set (C) (30) 6 lnsipt (C)
. CGmenh~s, Celtbrida~es (30)111:45 CV m News (C)
10:00 ~ Mission: lmpoSMble (C) 12:00 0 I b1c1Al I The Marti Waters
(60) The IM!. takes a man who 1 Story (C) Story of a dying news
knows the h1~1n1 place o~ stolen paper reporter who writes his own
money on a bizarre submarine YO~· I obituary prior to his death. CR)
age. Stephen McNally and Lee Men· I tJ Movie: (C) "Sincerely Yours"
Weiher guest. (musical) 'SS-Liberace. D ~ 00 m The Bo.Id Ones (C)t @Cl) This Is the Life (C)
(60) "l:Je Rockford Riddle." ClaU· .
dine Lonaet guests as a woman 12:30 D Apollo XII Special (C)
who is exonerated in the death of 1:00 IJ Movie: "Have Roclet, Will Trav·
her husband's girlfriend afte r a el" (comedy) '59 -The Three
1ury trial at which the husband I Stooges.
Muter Furrier
Sf llC!e J 933
wnuo·~ •!NIST FURS
(7UI '44..Ul
Beautiful decorative colors in
many finishes. Wide selection
of GAS LOGS. FREE Estimates given.
tSince 1920)
2202 S. MAIN -545-0491
And th is week hos t
Richard Dawso n welc omes
Beverly Garland, Peter Lupu s,
Linda Kaye Henn ing, Dick
Patterson, Arlene Golonka
and Peter Brown .
..... 10
I • I . : . . ..
The historic events of the 10-diy
tMOn-landina lli&ht of tha Apollo
XII mission will be covertd in a
series of spcdat reports, proaress
reports, and live color pictures di·
reel lrom the moon. Tiie Apollo
XII lunu moduli C111Yln1 astro·
nauts Charles Conred Jr. and AJ1n
L 811n is scheduled to 9tt down
on the moon's surface (on tlll
Ocean of Storms) at 10:S7 PM,
Tutsda1, November 11. All reaular
proara111111inc is svbied to dl•nae
dlrou<out ttie wttll.
fi) Commodity I Stock Report
al) Sesame Street (C) A special
proaram for preschoolers, aa&d 3
to 5, utilizing animated cartoons.
live-action film. The Muppets Pup·
pets and guest stars.
7:25 1 Communl\y Bulletin Board (C)
7:30 foreian Lq lonnaire
PROllERE The His and Her of
It (C) Hosts Suunne and Geoff Ed·
wards present the "Man/Woman
Look·al·the·World" with a blend of
topical humor, male vs. female
thoughts and ideas, talented guests.
and musical·variety entertainment.
Music by the R~ger Pearsall group. '
five·minute news segments wlll be
given at 7:3D. 8:00 and 8:30 AM. 0 It Is WOtten (C); Bible Story
(C) Tues.. Thurs.
Wondtrama (C)
S:OO B ~ (j) Apollo XII Special (C) Bozwo (C) Wednesday. Continued live coverage Ylnkte Do: Thurs. only. ~ CBS News (C) cf the first lunar walk for the mis· l :OO tnl (j) Capt.in Kanaaroo (C)
sion. scheduled for appro~imately Uncle Waldo Cartoons (C) ~:02 to 6:32 A~. Waller Cron~ite • D1phne's Cartoon Castle (C)
1s anchorman, with Waiter Schirra Gu by (C)
as .special analyst. Correspondents CIJmVideo Diaest (C) Thurs. only.
David Schoumacher, .Bruce Morton, News/Stodl Market Nelson Benton and 8111 Stout report. 0 ID m Apollo XII Special I l :l S@ Video Diaest (C)
(C) Wednesday. Continued coveraae 1:30 ! Tht Flintstones (C)
of first EVA. (moon walk) until 7 Rocket Robin Hood (C)
AM. Correspondents Frank McGee, (D Rocky and His friends (C)
John Palmer and John Dancy will I 1:45 a Your Money's Wortti (C) Thurs. I
report the events. m Sdlotl PrOlfllH fJ @ CI)&) Apollo XII S.,edal ,
(C) Wednesday. Continued coverage I 9.00 9 CI> Tiie Lucy Show (C)
of the first moon walk. ABC's an· ti)@ m It Takes Two (C) I
chormen for the coverage are com· Love Th1t Bob: Bo~ Cummlnas.
mentator Frank Reynolds and sci· Movie: See Dayt1m~ Movies.
ence editor Jules Bergman. Debbie Dralle D1ncertaze (C)
5:30 fJ @ (}) Q) Apollo XII Spedal ~~JadlC La Lanni (C)
(C) Thursday. Coverage of the lunar I ( )
lifl·off until 7 AM. 9:25 0 QJ@m NIC News (C)
5:55 B Giv1 Us This Day (C) 9:30 B tS Cl) Beverly Hiiibiiiies (C);
6:0011 SINlriM s .. itster (C); Apollo Apollo XII Special (C) Thursday. Live
111 Special (C) Thursday. Coverage coveraaa of lunar docklna.
of the lunar lift-off. 0 @@ m ~centrltlon (C); 0 @@a;, Apollo XII Spedlt Apollo XII S.,~al (C) Thursday.
(C) Thursday. Coveraae of lunar Color transmission of docklna of
module lift·off from moon surface. lunar module and command module flylna In lunar orbit. 6:25 0 Education Eachln&t (C) IJ Movie: See Daytime Movies .
6:10 11 Odyssey cc> @ (]) m •11o 111 Spta.i 0 Project Kftow-....A1Hrican Litlfl· (C) Thursday. Lunar Spacecraft
ture ltlore the Civil War: Host is dockina. I
Or. C, W, La Salle II of Fordham I Wtttarn Star llllatrt
University. Movie: See Daytime Movies. m Educational ,rO&Tl•S Qu•bJ (C)/Guictepost; '1tbllc m Law for the Lay1nan (C) Wed. Service f ilms, Tues., Thurs.
6:55 0 KNIC NtWMrvice (C) @ Ci) Ha,.t111'1 Happenln& (C)
7:00 8 CIS News (C) Joseph Bent!. 10:00 iJ Andy Grlffltll 0 ~@ a;, Tiie Tod1y Show (C) 0 Cit Ci) a;, Salt of Ille Celttury
Huah Downs hosts. Coveraae of the (C) Jack Kelly hosts. 1 Apollo XI I moon mission will be D @ (])GD ~llo XII Specli
presented Mon .. Wed .. Thurs. MC Tue~ay. Lunar landina.
Satellite color transmissions are • Movie: See Daytime Movl~. .
scheduled daily to cover USA·USSR Esstnce of J11dal1111, Tues .. "'
Arms Talks In Helsinki, f1nland. conclllatlon, Th,urs. .
Ray Scherer reports. §CI) Hayden s H1ppen1111: Thun.
I Eurdce W1t11 Qlori1 (C) NIWl/Stodl M1'11et
Mr. Wldlbon1 (C) @ S11nny Toclly (C)
Fiiia ttle Cat (C) 10:15 Cl) World Tall!, Mon.; Public Strv·
(]) Co•1111111lutlons, Thurs. ice, Wed.; Mr. MlfdllftdW.r. Fri
ged 3
rtoons. s Pup·
rd (C)
10:30 I ~ love ef Ufe (C )
· Q") 6 a;) Hollywood Squrn
(C) Guesb are Betty Grable, Jim
Backus. Lloyd Haynes. Alan Sues.
Ruta Lee and Dick Patterson.
Ii) ~orld of Women (C); Wild Ad·
venh1" (C) Wed. only. I
2:30 § ~ 00 Tllt Edf• of NIPt (C) 9 00 m lAttm to l..ucfl·lll
( ) Gary Owens hosts.
I Girl Ta1' (C)
@ 00 al Dltina Ga .. (C)
Golden Shot Movie: See Day·
lime Movies. Viewers particip1te.
Her of
off Ed·
end of
· @ (iJ m Jeopardy (C)
111:001 9 (j) Where the Heart la (C)
Tiie Calloping Gourmet (C)
Romper Roo111 (C)
Hazel (C)
3:00 Qj 00 Gomer P'Yt• (C)
It's Your Bet (C)
l!!Jflway Patrol
'Will be
30 AM. I
1 Story
i (C)
11:25 II ~ (j) CBS News (C)
11:30 II a (j) SHrch for Tomorrow
(C ; BevtrlJ Hlllbilllu (C) Thursday. · ~ 00 m Name Droppers (C)
JohnnJ Grant (C)
The AnnivlfSlrJ G1 me (C)
Tempo (C) Bader hosts.
Sheriff John (C)
Tr.WI Fi1111s (C); Perspective/
Stretdl and Sew (C) Wed. only.
tI) Seu111 Street (C) (R)
11:55 0 ti) (i) a;, NBC News (C)
(i1) 00 al Ceneral Hospital (C)
MiatrtY Mouse (C)
Bozo's Bil ToP Show (C)
Mr. and Mrs. North 00 Matinee: Don Rodewald.
• Matinee: Don Wilson. I
3:30 I) Ludy Pair (C) Guests: Beverly I
Garland. Dick Pattemn, Monday;
Peter lupus and Arlene Golonka,
Tues .. Wed.; Linda Kaye Henning,
Peter Brown, Thurs., Fri. 1J ~ (j) Apollo lll Report (C)
Tues. & Thurs. Tuesday presents
coverage of highlights of the astro·
nauts' day on the moon. Thursday's
·s. only. 12:00 I ~utlq(iJ"6u~Cy) , Puttl M highlights are the second moon I ~ 1:A:1 ou re na • walk of mission and lunar lift-off.
Oft (C) Guests panelists are Cor· I Mille Doullas (C) I
bett Monica, Joan Fontaine, Alejan· Ozzie and Harriet
1 dro Rey, Pew Cass, Bill Cullen @ 00 aJ OM life To live (C)
and Bre~da .Vaccaro: Hobo Kelly (C)
ads (C)
I Mow1e; See Daytime Movies. TV Rudera' Dipst
Thurs. cm CV Bewitched (C) (j) ,.,.,. Cartooftt (C) I
::.: ~~,:~~ ~~::· I 3:A5 ii) features & News (C)
(C) (j) And' Griffitll (C) 14:00 IJ Su Hunt; Acloll• lit Sptdal
IJO • (C) 1 12:30 I a Ci) As th• World Turns (C) (q Wed .. Thurs., lunar ~alk Recap. nm1~p. . Qj@ m Daya of Our l lvtti Movie: See Daytime Movies. Friday.
Movies. ( ) Macdonald Carey stars. I Tiie NIJltd Truth (C)
(C) I cm CI) That Qlrl (C) @ rn m Dart S"-dowa (C)
C) News (C) Jack Latham. I My FavorlU Martian
Dialin& for Dol!Ms (C) I Peter Gunn
;C) Stock Merlltt AnalJSb 4:15 fli) Tiie Friendly Giant
u (C); 1:00 II QI (j) Love Is a Many Spllft· 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies.
lay. Live doftd Thi111 1C> Diworc:a Court (C)
I (C);
kin1 of
ties .
(C) I
0 ~ liJ m The Doctors (C); News (C) Bill Bonds.
Apollo XII Special (C) Friday. Color • Robert W. M0tpn Show (C)
transm ission from Apollo XII as Tiie flhltatonea (C)
spacecraft emeraes from behind lite Minsters
the moon and inserts into a trans· 1 00 hrry llaton
earth injection. Hof11 Opera
l @rn DrN• Hou11 (C) : Seta•• Street (C) (R)
Password (C) (j) Tit• flintstofln (C)
Oftia of tlle PretWtnt El Dollr de A91ar
Tiie Ci1llopln1 Cour111et (C) • lewitdMd
1:15 0 @ (j) al Apollo XII S,tcial 5:00 UC Nl'ftlrvice (C) <9 On-board transmission. Newa (C) Tom Reddin.
tI) Scbool hO&r119S fl;p,.r (C)
1:301 9 Cl) The Guldin& lieht (C) NIWI (C) George Putnam. · ~ @ m Another World (C) llttaH (C)
father Knows Beat; C:O..ln1 (C) 00 Jhanay 1'om11t11 (C)
ed. only. Cl) McHale'a N"J
0 @ CI} Q) l tt'a Mille 1 Deal • Un Canto dt Merlco
(e) Monty Hall hos1s. • Cilli11n•, laland (C) m Tnitll or Cons~uences (C) Dream HoUll (C)
vies. fl) Technical Corner 5:30 @ (j) &) ABC Newa (C)
es.; Rt· 1:50 Ii) Fasllions In Sewlna (C) Candid Ca•«•
2:00 9 Cl) Secret Sttt'm (C) Qlllipn'a Island (C)
:: Thurs. @@ a;, Brill!l Pro111lae (C) SMutl TraUs
Doar Julia Mtode (C) 00 Tllis Dar 196t (C)
lie Serv· a. Fri.
@ (j) a> Newlywed Ga111a (C) : lllitero1«1' NelfhborMod (C)
I llM Lucy (j) News (C) frank Tracy.
HUtaH htnflt Virllt1 J Capullna
Co•MditJ/Stocll Report • r .... Talk (C)
SUl4NNf & f;f()ff fl)W.4~1)§
1:1()-Sl ~M VAIL}' l\413C-TV
M iss Derry-Lynn Schall, a
Manhattan Beach, California
resident, became the first Grand
Prize winner on The Movie
Game when she successfully
answered all the movieland
questions asked of her on last
week's telecasL Questioned by
host Sonny Fox. Miss Schall
teamed up with guest star pan-
elists Ernest Borgn.lne aod Dana
Wynter against opponents John
Byner and Jane W yatt.
In the process of piling up
her eight consecutive right an-
swers (her star teammates add-
ed five each of their own), Miss
Schall cleaned up The Movie
Game repertoire of prizes: an
artist's kit; a carpet; a stereo
record player; a stereo tape re-
corder; a piano; and finally, the
G rand Prize. a new 1969 auto-
The questions, as always,
ranged from esoteric to perplex-
ing. Derry -Lrnn confessed,
when it was al over, that the
hardest one for her came with
Army Archerd's biographical
sketch of Prank Sinatra: she
finall y identified the ageless
crooner by his birthplace-Ho-
bokcn, New Jersey.
And how did she learn so
much about the movies, without
even livi ng in Hollywood? "Mov-
ies have always been a hobby
of mine." Miss Schall admitted.
She watches them, even reads
about them in numerous books
devoted to the subject. One
book, in particular, which Derry-
Lynn recommends is Lillian
Gish ·s recent best-seller "The
Movies. M r. G riffith and Me."
The Movie Game airs. in
color, Monday -Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday at 11 :00
PM on KHJ. Channel 9.
Paae 11
- 7 Ito•--W.e Buy, Sell for You or Trad<.>
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method. Reas priced. Free est
Call 541-4U4
A semi-documentary in the tradition of the past Academy
Award-winning Disney True-Life Adventures. "Varda, the Pere-
grine Falcon." which airs on The Wonderful World of Disney,
NBC. Sunday at 7:30 PM. chronicles the migration pattern of
this predator that breeds in the arctic region of Alaska aod then
migrates some 10,000 miles across Canada and the United States
to the Florida coast each year.
The film traces the life of one peregrine in particular. named
Vardf for the purpose of telling the story. that is captured in Winter
Gardens. Florida, by a Seminole Jnd1an falconer, Charlie Cypress
(Peter de Manio-a practicing lawyer from Orlando in real life).
He trains the falcon to hunt wild duck and other game birds for
his family. Although he succeeds in training Varda, he doesn't
break her wild spiri t and she eveotually escapes to return to her
homeland to breed.
P•c• 12
Patios -Walks -Driveways
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for old items in your garage,
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07 W. 1ftti ~t., Coste M-
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· · and your confidence"
,..... 642-' 4J2
Produced by Roy E. Disney, this film discloses that the peregrine
falcon is a species of bird that is in danger of e:ictinction. They
migrate with migratory flocks of ducks, which pick up a lot of
DDT from the pesticides on crops and vegetation. The DDT is
then accumulated in the duck's fat, which has more or less be-
come immune to it. But when the peregrine feeds on the ducks.
she gets a lethal dose of the poison, either killing her or making
her sterile.
Interesting note: The peregrine is a fantastic hunter and swoops
at 200 mph. Even shooting 48 frames per second, the photog·
raphy crew, under the direction of Frank Zuniga, couldn't capture
the speed of the faloon.
When the actual falc.on migration began, Zuniga and crew
tracked the flock to Florida. They weren't with the birds every
mile of the way. but figured out from their direction where they
would be able to intercept them and acquire the necessary film
I .
ne I ey
ot I is
DEtlN !11'RTIN
~ ..
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O (C) ''Th• World in His Arms"
(adventure) '52-Gregory Peck.
9:3011 ''Tiit Corsican Brotlltrs" (dra·
ma) '41 -0ouales Fairbanks Jr.
m ''Tiit lnfer•r" (drama) '35-
VICtor Mclaglen. Heather Angel.
10:00 B "A Jolly Bid Fellow'' (comedy)
'64-tee McKern, Janet Munro.
12:0011 "Htfon Dit Youn(' (drama)
'60-Sc.ott Borland, Erika Peters.
2:30 c:J '1tot As I stran11r" (drama)
'55-Robert Mitchum, frank Sina-
tra, O:lvia de Havllland.
4:30 IJ (C) "Rio Brno" Part I (west·
ern) '59-John Wayne, Dean Mar·
tin, Rick Nelson, An1ie Dickinson.
10:00-11:30 PM
Lunar Landing
2:00·7:00 AM
First moon walk.
8:30 PM ·l :30 AM
Second moon walk.
5:30·7:00 AM
Lunar liftoff.
9:30· l 0:00 AM
Lunar spacecraft docking.
1:15·1:35 PM
Onboard TV pictures.
12:30-2:30 PM
Splashdown and recovery.
AGES 3 TO 19
to Audition on
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and Qualify for
Brandon Cru1 joined the
talent pool, and five
months later si9ned a
five year contract with
M-G·M. Now he can
be seen each week et
8:00 Wednesday eve-
nin9s on "Courtship of
Eddie's Father.'1
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Talent Search Being
Conducted by
"The Big News" with
J erry Dunphy, is the
Number l news broadcast
in Southern California,
watched more often in
more homes than any
other news broadcast on
any channel at any time.
,.,. 14
And that is BIG news!
Weeknights at
6 :00 pm on KNXT.
'MONDAY (Continued)
EVf N INl.
6:00 IJ ~i Newt (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. O . HunUey-Brlnkley (C) (30)
John hancellor reports, via satel-
lite, on USA·USSR Arms Talks In
Helsinki, Finlend.
O Sttv• Allen Sbow (C) (90)
Guests are Jim and Henny Backus,
Gerri Granger, The Au Truckin&
Company and William Morrison. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "CJPlr''
Part I (dr1ma) '63-Natalie Wood,
Rosalind Russe:!, Karl Malden. All
ambitious staae mother promotes
her two dauahters in sta1e carter1.
Based on the memoirs of Gypsy
Rose Lee.
DiU Van 0,.. (30)
Peyton Place (30)
Stir Trell (C) (60)
1 (]) Milla Douitu (C) (90)
: Wbara New? (30)
(j) CBS Nns (C) (30)
· Tlt•po de Ptrcfon (30)
• News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
KNIC N1W1trvict (C) (60)
Tiit Ca•t Ca• (C) (30)
To Tell UM Trwtll (C) (30)
Ollice of tilt Prnidtnt (30)
@ Huntlty·lrinllMJ (C) (30)
: Twin Clfc't Hudll..-(C) (30)
Cl) Tiit M11natars (30)
· Notldtro 34 (C) (60) • News (C) (30)
CIS Eftttl11 NIWI (C) (30)
wtaara My U..7 (C) (30)
f Ltn LllCJ (30)
lut .. Cleek (C) (30)
CotHtodlty/Stec:ll R.,.n (30)
(i) MondlJ Sllow (C) (90)
"Send Me No FlowerJ." Doris Day,
Roell Hudson.
fll)AMral (30)
~ (I) Trwtll or Consequences (C)
I Cftar'a World (C) (30)
T111t Clrt (C) (30)
7:30 9 (i) Cuns ... lle (C) (60) "A
Matter oT Honor." Town·drunll Louie
Pheeter1 is ch1r1ed with a mur-
der committed by two farm boy1. 0 m Mr World and WtlcMt ti
It (C) (30) "A Friend ol the Earth."
Monroe finds a a country humo<ilt
too much of 1 ch1llen11 when hi.s
wife and daufhter laufh at the
other men's jokn. Larry Storch and
Arthur Hunnicut 1uest.
RUTA LEE! FUN! D Stu•p tM Stan (C) (30) Mille
Stolley welcomes 1uests Rick Juon.
Will Hutchins and Ruta Lee.
0 (i7) (}) (!) Tiit M•k Sa1t
("?) (45) David Stelnber1 hosts.
es s.
s. • ..
m Alfrn Ric/1
'.~'· :··
Now dJat ea: ~Mc&c Lyndon B. JciDon ma agr-1 U>
become a "i-t-dme 'IV 9tat"' t'w c~ wont ftlters down 4be
line that 4be UU weW see on -the ftl'llt ol bis dne apecfa'8
Dec. 'Z1 wMl ftM!lll1 • f8r ditterent peaa>nail.ty dmn d8t to -whidl
we ~ all eccueo11d5d when Mt-. Jmnaon waa tn tbe WN.18
Acoocdhc «x> producer Jcm Slmmik who N.med ~ &haw
to a ~ -. at die LBJ Ranch near Jcmmat City, Teaca&.
Joblllon -to prive.18 We and cuwer---. .... free..wtleeUtJg ~
WMter 'Oronkite ts the odJel' conver-
sationalist on ttte specla.l and 41.c aione
should provide • certain Uldity, whldJ
8lkng wl.dl Mr. Johmon's newty-folni
tr e&WbeeJling, ooutd make ihe etfort a
How would you rate the delivery ot
past PnWdenm on b!tevisioo? I see them
somedling like 1his:
J>w11bt D. Eisenhower was Che very
RICH symtd Qt democracy and in his
Pre9ident1at addnsses the aura of a great, winning general seem-
ed to reach right into ~living room ... Jend!ng strength to
speeches wNd1 were not et all times models of da.rity. But you
loved the man.
Jalm F. Keanecly: No President ever had more chlrism.a.
Wbetber you agreed wJth ewryddng he sMd or not the manner tn
which he said k bad potency, and of course unequalled cbann.
Every Keooedy address was itruly an e\'t'lnt.
Lyndon Jobnlm: Made good use ot hla father tmage. His
gnt99 roocs appeal often made you forget mat politk::a is all a
game. But LBJ's addre99es seemed better early in bis tenure al
office bn towvds the end.
Rlcbud Nlw: 'lt sometimes appears that MT. Nmlo is io
COIM:b.B d predae detiYery Udlnique& 1Mt be U wary of ~
sma.U hm:nan ~ and mucb of bis penonalky shine throu~.
>4 least that's the way his reoeot Vietnam poldcy address struck
Pemona:lly, eitbougb you tiddie8 reading tHs are pn>bably
coo yotmg co temeub:it', I thin:k dat 4be DI08t effective m c 1 r:aes
to th' people ever \mJ&dcast -and they were on radio -were
the Ffn!JSide Chats of Fnmktin Delano R009evelt.
A real spellbinder and what he said was usually acoopted as
gospel trutll. * * * I bave oftea wandered wily, cwldertns tbe lmmeme bMrest
la alrtlne ~ a TV Ml1es bu D&Wer made a Mdoul attempt
to capbft~ oa It. A few JMl'I ago Wencty ... Me, ..... ctarred
CGllllle Stewm, bad • *line ftnw, but not much. One w two
odlel'I were for Qae birds, If you~ pmdcfn die pun.
1be Um Conway Show, whtdl debuts on CBS Jan. :.> lq>es to
nwnedy Che deticlency. Oonwy, fonnerly ct Mclfa1e's N&vy, wW
be seen as a pilot far a . small U-line .Chat coostantly faces
banknlptcy. But dlls is a sttuatton comedy, as WU Wemty and
How about an bour dra.matic series with a big Mrpoit as cen-
traf locate?
1be epieodes could take place aM over tbe world. The pitJCB
would most oenmnty appeal ito moat ta.ntnine viewers and Che
st.ewa:rdenu provide lota of glamour.
Aad •tori• of wide appeal wttbla sueb a tramewOrt are
In a column wri~ some time ago before the cancellaiion ot
Les!fe Uggams' show I wrote that whatever the late of the 9eries
(lDllmown at •tllat time) it womd be a good ddea to make a new
and eeparate series ot the Sugar HtH tamtly segment of Mm Ug-
gam's program.
Now, as this Js wrttten, CBS is reportedly negotla.t.ing to do
Jmt tblt, with Lel!ilie as die star. (Maybe someone up there read u.e ttem?)
High Powered Duo
Country singing star Johnny Cash sings his smash
hit "A Boy Named Sue," when he guests on The
Tom Jones Show, Thursday at 9 PM on ABC. Last
month Cash swept the Country Music Association's
awards as "Best Male Vocalist," and "Entertainer
of the Year," and also won an award for his album
"Johnny Cash at San Quentin" ("AJbum of the
Year") and the "Best Single of the Year" award for
his hit "A Boy Named Sue." Johnny returns to
ABC with his own series in January.
Scientific experts and amateur
naturalists, who share the belief
that man must understand the
habits of the wolf in order to save
it from extinction, appear in "The
Wolf Men," the new season's GE
Monogram series on NBC, Tues-
day at 7:30 PM. Based on a se-
lection from Time-Life books, the
special shows the wolves living in
their natural habitats in Alaska
and the Northern Plains states,
plus appearances by biologists,
conservationists and others who
have studied the wolf and who are
working to prevent its disappear-
ance from the North American
'Mirror, Mirror'
George C. Scott and Maureen Stapleton both play
dual roles in David Shaw's "Mirror, Mirror Ott the
Wall," in the Prudential's On Stage series of original
dramas, Friday at 10 PM on NBC. Scott portrays a
serious writer whose pseudonym personality, which
is responsible for more flippant writing, takes over
his life. Miss Stapleton is cast as his wife Ruth,
who also develops an alter ego to match . ZJva
Rodan, David Burns and John McGiver co·star.
r ·
Marsha Kramer, a mini-bru-
nette and a maxi-talent. was like
any other young hopeful-
poised for the call that would
mean the first big professional
It came from Leonard B.
Kaufman, the principal writer
and director for Jambo, Ivan
Tors' animal-oriented series nn
Saturday mornings on NBC.
"I think 1 have a part for
you," he said, "the star part in
a Jambo story." Then tentatively,
"But I don't know whether
you'll want to do it. It's about
a school girl who loves animals
and ... "
"I love animals," burst in
Marsha with double enthusiasm.
"What kind of animals?''
Kaufman inquired cautiously.
"I have a dog. a cat and two
"We have a bear, a tiger,
some wolves and a cougar." said
Kaufman. "They're affection·
trained but they're still wild
animals." ·
Silence for the beat of three.
Then the only child of the own-
ers of the Kramer Pipe and
T obacco Shop in Beverly Hills
came back, "I'm affection-
trained. too, so we'll get along
And so it was that M'!rsha,
a graduate in Theater at UCLA
and a student teacher of drama
at Beverly H ills High School,
won her first television guest star
role. She will be seen in Jambo
this Saturday (Nov. 22) as the
mite of a girl (five feet, 95
pounds) who helps in a zoo so
that she can be near the animals.
The major portion of her scenes
are in a cage with a 600 pound
bear, in a field coaxing him to
accept and be led on a leash,
with an angry (for story pur-
poses) 500 pound Siberian ti-
ger. which she calms and returns
to his quarters.
Love scenes? A little petting
with a four-legged wolf and a
m ajestically-maned lion-and a
kiss or two from the bear.
"I've dreamed of playing op-
posite the biggest," Marsha
straight-faces, "but I never
thought it would happen so
soon and they'd be so-o·o
1 'The Baja Marimba Band'
Julius Wechter's Baja Marimba Band may be a visual joke. but
it certainly isn't a musical one. Each of its members is a fine musi·
cian. not a cartoon character-although they all possess Speedy
Gonzales halos. The synthetic Mexican musicians play good music
and have a good time doing it.
''The Baja Marimba Band." first in a series of specials produced
by Chris Craft Industries. Jnc .. for national syndication. airs Tues-
day at 10 PM on KCOP, Channel 13. J ack Benny and Dinah Shore
are scheduled for cameo appearances in the one hour color special.
video taped on location a t the Casino Theater of the International
Hotel in Las Vegas by KCOP's own color remote unit.
Musical number by the group are performed at Boulder Dam,
in the open with the enchanting Nevada desert for a stage, at
McCarran Field ancl other scenic areas around Las Vegas.
When the band was first formed in the early sixties. it was basi-
cally a record act, admits Julius Wechter, its leader. "But," he adds,
"we sold good music and we didn't feel we could just stand there
and play music. So we evolved into an entertainment act. We put
together a real show." The stage act is the result of brainstorming
by Herb Alpert, Gil Friesen, comedian Bill Dana and Julius and is
admittedly corn, but quite palatable.
Wechter and Baja create an instant image of psychedelic happi·
ness. Not totally exciting at first. but they create a mood and atmos-
phere the audience accepts readily. They play middle-of-the-road
music that's happy and honest and they get into it immediately
without anyone wondering what it means or where it's going.
Julius Wechter was one of the original musicians on Herb Alpert's
first block-busting single. "The Lonely Bull." which was recorded
in Alpert's garage by a bunch of studio musicians who later became
the T ijuana Brass. Wechter remained with the Brass until, with the
aid of Alpert, he formed the Baja Marimba Band in 1963 and
recorded his first solo album for A&M. "The Baja Marimba Band."
The group gets its name from a musical instrument and a place
in California. The instrument is the bass marimba. The place is
Baja. California. Baja means "lower" in English, thus. "Baja Ma-
"The Baja Marimba Ba nd'' special was written and produced for
Channel 13 by Lester Colodney and directed by Bill Edwards.
Pa1e 17
MONDAY (Continued)
a ...... s Mowlt: <C> ...,.... , ..
lew ... Is ltpce" (comedy) '65-
Ru H1rrlson, Shlr1ey Mid.line, In·
arid Beramen. Jt1nne MortlU, Ed·
mund Purdom. Ttn yurs In tht
lift ot I Roll•Royce.
I Trd er c....t-(C) (30)
._.. fer tilt .,....... (C) (60) , ..... c... (30)
f.ldlf1' Wbdetl (30) "Don't
Ptoplt M1tttr?" Al1n Witts dtlva
Into tti. mllCOl'ICtptlon th1t per·
son1lity has no value In tti. phllol-
~lu of Asl1. UJCll .... ti .... (30)
1:00 D m lluP.I• (C) (30) Gues' Sid Cffur p'.1ys everythln& from a
11lley sieve to en anti-smuuJlna
flahter on the Mulcan border.
Prosram will be lntmupted for an
Apollo XII Specl1I, but will resume
at 9:00 PM.
D Jack lttl111 (30) Andy Wllll1ms
I QHea for t 0., (C) (30) ,
l1Hc111nee (30) ,
Wortcl Prea (C) (60) '
Hit ,..... (C) (90)
1:15 0 @ (I) &J Tiit Ntw hoplt (C) ITT> "fht Dirk Sid• of the lsl1nd."
Unarthin1 of 1 skeleton st.rts 1 '
panic th1t arows when mlssin1
Heather returns, cl1imin1 1 myste· -1 rious 1mll1nt injured her. Melissa
Murphy •nd Din ftfrone auest. I
1:30 IJ 9 (I) Htr1'1 Lucy (C) (30) I Mliton Berle pl1ys 1 fist tllkina
used car salesman who unlolds 1
$97 "lemon" on Kim ind Cr1i1. ,
D il:' Ape!Jo XII Sptd1I (C) (30) · COior transmission of moon surlece 1
priof to lunar Ofblt insertion.
I Bruins In Action (C) (30)
Dnld Fnm Sllow (C) (90)
T1lt 111 V11'ey (C) (60) Sa,.,. Tlleltrt (60)
9:00 8 9 (I) M1Jbtrr1 R.f'.D. (C) (]O) Sim hires 1 colorful farm
hind who quickly becomes little
Mike's Idol. Glenn Ash auests. D 9 Cl) i1:' llup-ln (C) (30) SICond" h1tt of proarsm lnttfrupted
!Apollo XI I Specl1I.
Htn c. .. tlae Sbrs (C) (60)
erd G. Robinson Is honored to-
nlpt by Tony Bennett. Polly Ber1en,
Sim Jiff•. Allee Ghostley, Jeckie
l<lhlnt, Professor Irwin Corey, Don
Shermtn Ind Joey Villl. o CH) mm n. Surwtwen <C>
(IQ) PlllilP lfastlnas dlSCOYers the
Clrtylt Bink hes becked Slnterra's
revolution ind pl1ns to use the
lnform1tlon to force B1ylor ind
Duncan out; Tracy and B1ylor de-
cide to tell Jeff he Is llle1itim1te1
Jeff ind Shelli discover they hive
1n 1ttr1ctlon for eech other.
fJl) NET JounHI (C) (60) "Guns
Before Breed." In the aftermath of
the Nov. 11 n1tionol election, this
pro1r1m examines the PhUlpplnes'
economic, political and ml!itary
heelth, ts:>eclal:y in terms of Amert·
e1n Influence.
g) LIS Estrtllu r Ustad (30)
*THE DORIS DAY SHOW! II 9 CJ) .,... o., (C) (30) Ed·
The Single Swinger
The brochure for the "ainalea only" take a "aln&lea only" vacation in Mexico.
apartment house oftered him everythina Maybe even place a strictly personal ad
... a blklnl-crammed pool, tennis courts, in a n undera,round n ewspaper.
sauna baths, intimate parties, seldom-What ia llfe really llke for Loa Ahaeles'
bolted doors. playboys and playairla of the Western
And last month he dated a youna bru-world? Blll Bonds and the Eyewitne11
nette from Glendale, her vital atatiatica News team brtna you a special five in-
pre-proQrammed by computer. . ...... atallment report on "THE SINGLE
But he's atlll looking for "the SWINGER ." Beginning Nov. 17th
action." He'll spend Saturday onChannel 7.lfyou'veeverhadthe
night In a "dating bar," perhaps urge to awing, watch~t.
what we reveal today, you'll argue tomorrow. (.Ii
4:30 & 11:00 PM/KABC-TV
itor Michael Nicholson arranaes to
preview a noted Paris designer's
new collection in a fashion show
but his models disappear a few
hours before the event Johnny Hay.
mer. Bobbi Jordan. Gail Stevens
and Arlyn Genson guest.
0 {i) (i) a;, NIC Mond1r Movie: (ey "M1dipn" (suspense-drama)
'68-Richard Widmark. Henry Fon·
da. Inger Stevens, Harry Guardino, 1 James Whitmore, Susan Clark.
I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
Ht Slid, Siie Slid (C) (30)
Rawhide Roundup (60)
Rnista Musicll (30)
10:00 ~ Ci) Carol Burnett SIMIW (C}
(60) Andy Griffith guests. A musa-
cal hillbilly verslon of "Cinderella''
("Cinderellie") is featured. Merv
Griffin also makes a surprise visit.
8 m N ... (C) (60)
@ OO a> Love, A•erlcan
~ (C) (60) "Love and the Bur·
glar.'' "Love and the Roommate,"
"Love and the Wild Party." Noel
Hanison, Judy Carne. Robert Reed,
Ted Bessel!, Diane McBain, Jean·
nine Riley and Frnncine York are
featured. 0 Detl1! (60) Rich Little. Louis
Prima, and Sam Butera & The Wit·
nasses 1uest.
0) hny Mason (60)
fii) firhaa Line (C) (60) "Liberal
vs. Conservative Republican."
I C.rcet de Mui•• (30)
10:30 Cristina Cuzean (30) u:00 ommm ..... <c> Alfi-Id Hitcladl
Movie ca.. (C) Miiton Berle,
Sal'y Ann Howes, Barry Sullivan
and Barbara Rush guest . I Outer U11tlts
1 i~Nna (C) 11~30 I MIR Qriffltl (C) D 6 m!Newa <C>
D DEBUT! Tonitel 11/i Hrs. * Kup's Show -Bob Hope
& Mort Sahl Join Kup
F« lively Exchance II DOUT llupa Show (C) (90)
Columnist Irv Kupclnet ls Joined by
Bob Hope, Patty Duke, Mort Sahl
and Phil Foster k>r a round table
discussion about TV Censorship,
The Smothers Brothers. comedy and
comedians, and Miss Duke's Oscar·
winnlna role In "The Miracle Worker."
8 ()}) (I) 0> loty lltllop (C)
Movie: •'file D.I." (drama) '57
-Jack Webb, Jackie Louahery.
0) Movie: "Mad at tile WOfld"
(drama) 'SS-Frank Lovejoy. 11:531 a (j) A.Pollo XII Report (C) 12:00 Movie: ''Tiie S.VtnU. Yell"
( rama) '46-James Mason, Ann
Todd. II Qj 00 m JohnnJ C.non (C)
Pro1ram orlcinates In Burbank.
Scheduled guests are Ann Blyth,
Vic Damone. Steve Allen. Jayne
Meadowi, Barbara Eden.
12:33 QJ Ci) Apollo XII Report
1:00 II Movie: "Deatll of a Scoundrel"
(drama) '5&--George Sanders, Zu
Zn Gabor. V'ictor Jory.
I Coiw111nltJ Bulletin Board (C)
...... (C)
Colnlfry Miik Thllt (C)
Wiliam Windom Prefers Being Funny
Add the colncldentt that William Windom looks
like James Thurber. whose cartoons form the
basis for NBC's My World and Welcome to It, to
the fact that Windom's father was an artist (and
successful architect) and to the fact that Windom
has a wry sense of humor, and you can understand
a big reason for the show's success.
Many people insist that William Windom is
James Thurber.
Producer Danny Arnold says the secret of
Windom's remarkable characterization of the fam-
ous American humorist is "his ability to subtly
mimic the facial expressions of Thurber's cartoon
drawings and bis ability 'to capture the low-key
throw-away style of the Thurber dialogue."
Windom, who prefers being funny to talkirg
about it, commented (while pouring himself a
paper cup full of water from an old fashioned
water cooler), "If Thurber was drawing this scene,
there'd be a frog in the water jug."
Windom •Y• the 1butber role is the most natu-
ral he's ever played because "I spent the first 20
years of .my life living with an artist who looked
quite a bit like Thurber and had a very similar
sense of humor-my father."
My World and Welcome to It (Mondays, 7:30
PM) is the story of John Monroe, a middl.e aged
cartoonist who lives in Connecticut with bis wife,
Ellen (Joan Hotchkiss) and their daughter, Lydia
(Lisa Gerritsen. 10) and several dogs. He com-
mutes daily to bis job at the magazine Manha11an-
fte, where his boss is self-made editor Hamilton
Greeley (Harold J. Stone).
Monroe's imagination clicks with astounding
ea.se into fantasies, some of which are populated
by his cartoons that come to life, and others with
real people in them.
Sheldon Leonard, necutil'e producer of the se-
ries, says the show's success may be attributed also
to "irreverence." He explains that there are some
episodes that show that kids are not always angels,
dogs are not always man's best friend and cats
aren't always warm companions.
Monroe is an individualist who tries to cope
with life's problems by slipping into the world of
fantasy. His problems usually concern women,
children. dogs and bis boss.
William Windom, like John Monroe, is an indt-
vidualist. He rolls his own cigarettes, shaves with
a straight razor aod pursues a credit-packed acting
career that began in the army.
The matter of rolling his own goes back to his
father. The straight razor belonged to his great·
grandfather, congressman and senator from Min-
nesota from 1859 to 1883 and Secretary of the
Treasury under Presidents Garfield and Harrison.
The Anny-spawned actlna cllf'ffr began in Eu·
rope at Biarritz, where Windom, a paratrooper.
found himself at the end of World War II waiting
to go home. When he learned that Director Rich-
ard Whorf and four actresses were being sent over
from the states to stage Shakespeare's ''Richard
Ill," he decided to try for the title role-"mostly
to meet the girls." He showed up at the first read-
ing, washed out, won a second chance, and with
it. the role. He toured various GI bases in Europe
with the play for six weeks, long enough to sell
him on an acting career.
He lost no time, on returning to post-war New
York, in wrangling a reading and scoring a part
with the American Repertory Theatre. This led to
six roles in six Broadway plays, mostly classics,
within one year. "I fell flat on my face," says
Windom, who then fled the stage for the insurance
business. lt took him three years to decide he was
not cut out for a 9 to 5 office job.
Tbe return to adins, making the rounds of
producers' offices, was probably the toughest job
Windom ever tackled, but he stayed with it. In
1950, he landed the first of what proved to· be
18 Broadway shows in the next 11 years. By 1960
he also did five off-Broadway shows, 25 summer
stock shows, 50 live TV shows, plus assorted
!raining films. commercials. radio and army shows
-and even gripped.
Windom was brought to Hollywood for the
motion picture ·•u .S.A." and never went back. He
bought a house and a boat and dug in for the
duration. He allowed his life of saod and sea to
be punctuated, however, by numerous appearancea
before the cameras of motion pictures and tele-
v islon (including 101 episodes of. "The 'Farmer.·~
His movie credits Include the role of the stuffy
officer in "The Americanization of Emily," Norm-
an Vincent Peale's father in "One Man's Way"
and the prosecuting attorney in "To Kill a Mock·
Windom lives quietly at his Malibu home where
he socializes primarily with non-showbusincss peo-
ple. He avoids Hollywood night life and relaxes
weekends on bis 16-foot Malibu Outrigger sail-
boat. He enjoys an occasional game of tennis,
bicycle riding and chess. He also enjoys traveling,
having recently returned from an around-the-world
cruise on a small freighter and a whirlwind tour
of the Far East by jet.
He and his new bride spent the last two weeks
in October on a perfectly "normal" honeymoon
tour of the Hawaiian islands-on a tandem bicycle,
complete with knapsacks and sleeping bags.
Although be has no prHerence between serious
and comedy roles, Windom says he "never stops
teaming to act. It goes on all the time. I prefer
watching the old time. European-born comedians
whether in pictures or on television-greats like
Sig Arno, Bert Lahr, Mike Rasumny-to a formal
acting course. 1 also like to watch animals and
people who don't know they're being watched-
to learn reactions, timing and delivery.••
,... 19
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O "fiesta" (romance) "47-Esther
Williams. Ricardo Montalban.
9:30 O "Duke of West Point'' (ro·
man<'.e) '38-Richard Carlson.
m "PinkY" (drama) '49-Jeanne
Crain, Wilham Lundig~n.
10:00 fJ "lonelyhurts" (drama) '58-
Monlgomery Clift, Myrna Loy.
12:00 O "Gentleman After Dark" (mys·
lery) '42-Brian Donlevy.
2:30 O "The Min Who W•ued His
Tail" (comedy) '61-Peter Ustinov.
6:00 U Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
John Chancellor reports. via satel·
lite. on USA·USSR Arms Ta!ks in
Helsinki, Finland. O Steve Allen Show (C) (90)
Jonathan Winters. Leroy Van Dyke,
Jim Moran, C.C. Ruku guest. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "tiypsy''
Conclusion (drama) '63 -Natalie
Wood, Rosalind Russell. Karl Mal·
den. A stage mother pushes her
daughter into burlesque. Based on
the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee.
I Dick Van Dyke (30)
Peyton P19'e ( 30)
Star Trek (C) (60)
7) (3) Mike Dou(las (C) (90)
Ell) Whirs New? (30) l9 Ci) CBS News (C) (30) m Tiempo de flerdon (30)
,(D News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
All proer1mmin1 is subjed to
ch1n1e for coveraee ol the Apol:o
XII moon mission.
4:30 £1a (C) "Rio Brno" Part 11 (west-6:30 I KNBC Newservite (C) (60) ~ · The Clime Game (C) (30) ern) '59-John Wayne. Dean Martin, To Tell the Truth (C) (30)
Rick Nelson. Angie Dickinson. Offite of the President (30)
MOO ,. AMILY-F111i<'11CJ11i11Jt t1\ " .wwotli tt'11111 1\'itli "
"family" 1yp1· rl'lutiul/\·/iip «rt' till.' 11tlf.\ nf A BC'.f Tiie• MU(/
Squad. Tire' .H·ri1'.f, in it.1 .wnmd _l't'tlr. ain T111!.\tlt1y .1 111 7:30
PM. t L-R > Clan•11n1 Willit1111\ Ill, M wlrnf'I Colt·. P«'RJ:Y Lip-
"'"· Ti1:1· A 111/n·11"'"
Pase 20
@ (6 Kuntley.Brinldey (C) (30) O Siio.us. 5 (C) (60) "The W Cnsls ol Modern Man (30) Funny World of Jack Carter." Also
)/, (j) Tiit Munsters (30) featured are Gisele MzcKenzie,
· Notkltro 34 (C) (60) Richard Deacon and Bobby Russell.
• News (C) (30) Ell) NET festival (C) (60)
7:00 CB$ Ewenin& News (C) (30) tI) Hor (30)
Wlult's My Line? (C) (30) 9:30 I love Lucy (30)
leit the Clock (C) (30) U GOVERNOR & J. J.
Conunodlty/Stock Report (30 * HIT OF THE SEASON
(1.) Br1nded (C) (30) U ~ (j) The GovtrnOf 1nd J. I.
: Ahou! (30) (C) (30) A protest song recorded
, (j) Truth or Consequences (C) by S.:ra's granddaughter, Marcy. m 11 ands In the Sun (C) (30) proves embarrass1n& to the entire
Cl) That Girl (C) (30) Drinkwater household. * IN 2 HRS. CATCH O News <C> (30) Baxter ward.
JACK CARTER ON TVS m He Said, Siie Said (C) (30)
7:30 1J :jj (i' L.ncer (C) (60) Mur· tE R1whide Roundup (60)
doth takes an unlicensed docto m Chucho Avellanet (C) (30)
from jail at gunpoint to perform 10:00 U ~ (8., Apollo XII Special (C)
surgery on c11t1t!lly inlured Jelly (75) Live coveraae ol the lunar
Pernell Roberts guests. landing on the moon's Ocean ol 0 ~ (6 , m I sJiCll\ I GE Mon Storms. Touchdown al 10.57 PM.
oeram Serles (C) (60) "The Wol
Men." James Coburn narrates thi• IJ DID YOU HEAR WHAT
special about the hzbits and be * REDDIN SAYS ABOUT
h:;vior of wolves, learned throu111> THE "CHICAGO EIGHT"?
studies by scientists and naturalists YOU CAN TON ITE !
0 HOST MIKE STOKEY Im News (C) (60) * WELCOMES RICK JASON, @00 t;D Apollo XII Special WILL HUTCHINS AND ( > (90) Lunar Landing.
RUTA LEE TO STUMP! 0 De la! (C) (60) Rich L1tt1e, Fess
1J Stump the Stars (C) (30) Rici Parker. Rex Reed guest.
Jason. Will Hutchins and Ruta Lee m I SPfCIAL I Baja Marimba Band
0 @ (3) Cl) Mod Squid (C) (60) (C) (60) Julius Wechter and The
"Willie Poor Boy." Pete befriend~ Baja Marimba Band features select hits and acts at the Las Vegas In a young man who is caught in F lernational Hotel. Don Adams and
robbery attempt. Joe Don Bake Jack Benny guest.
<:nd Dan Trzvanty guest. fil Homewood (C) (60)
fJ Million $ Movie; "The Haunt-al Carcel de Mujeres (30) in&" (dri:ma) '63 -Julte Hams C zire Bloom. 0:30 0 tn (il m Apollo XII Speci1I
I T1ulh or ~nsequences (C) (30) (C) (60) Coverage of Apollo XII
Judd for th! Defense (C) (60) lunar landing.
Technical Corner (30) 1:00 I The Westerners
Ell) The City W1tchers (C) (60) · Cristina Guzman (30) al Chucho el Roto (30) · Movie G1111e (C) Sonny Fox
8:00 O Jack Benny (30) Mary Ltv1ng f1l Outer limits
stcne guests, m €!) News (C)
I Queen tor 1 Dar (C) (30) Ell) Rnean Press Conference
It's a Cirut life (30) 1;151J e!j (i) Apolo XII Report (C)
Discotheque A Clo·Clo (C) (60 1:30 rJ @ '6) m News (C)
8:30 9 (i) Red Skelton (C) (60)· O Movie: "Belle Sta"'s D1ufhter"
Geor11e Gobel and Lou Rawls guest lwestem) '48-Rod Cameron. 0 ~ (6 m World Premiere 8 Ci1J (j) Cl) News (C)
Movie: (C) "Run a Crooked Mile" Movie: "David and Liu" (dra
(mystery) '69 -Louis Jourdan m,l '6?-Keir r>ulleii.
Mary Tyler Moore, Alexander Knox. n:to M · • "Bl k Wh' " (d ) Wilfrid Hyde·While, Laurence ,..ai ~ ovie. IC 1P rama
smith, Terence Alexander. Stan!ey 57-Hugh Marlowe: .Coleen Gray.
Holloway. Norman Bird. Richard 11:45 U 'ii (i) Merv Griffin (C)
Stuart (Jcurdzn) becomes the Vic· 2:00 0 (j1 (6) m Johnny Cuson (C)
tim of top British authorities after Trini Lopez, Della Reese, Louis Nye,
he witnesses their secret meeting Red Buttons, Ozzie and Harriet Nel·
lo manipulate the gold standard. son are scheduled guests. O Win With the Stars (C) (30) O @ Ci) Gl Joer Bishop (C)
Kay Stevens and Billy Daniels guest m Movie: "The u ·Mrs. Bradford"
0 (17J [3) Cl) ABC Movie of the (mystery·comedy) '36 -William
Week: (C) "The B1llld of Andy Powell, Jean Arthur.
Crocker" (drama) '69-Lee Majors, 1:00 m Country Music Time (C)
Joey Heathe rton. Jimmy Dean, Bob . .
by Hatfie'd. Marvin Gaye, Agnes 1:15 ~ ~ov!e: "Captive W1I~ Women"
Moorehead, Pat Hingle. Jill Haworth. (sc1·lt) ~3-John Ca!.ra.d1n.e. ..
A touching portrzit of a returning ~ All·N1&ht SJ\~~; Girls Town,
soldier who finds himself disillu-The Dark Man, Remember Pearl
sioned with civilian life. Harbor." m David Frost (C) (90) 2:00 0 (i7) (3) (;D Apo'lo XII Speci1I m The Big Valley (C) (60) (C) On-air telecasts until 7·00 AM.
ffl Saiiebrush The1tre (60) Coverage of the first EVA (moon
Ell) lnterf1(e (C) (30) walk) is scheduled for 3·02 to 6 32
9:00 -M.
0 BY SIMPLY TURNING 2:30 U et?) (i ) Apollo XII Special <C> * A DIAL TO CHANNEL 5 live coverage of the first lunar
YOU CAN ENTER THE walk ror the mission. . .. 0 (N (6) m Apollo XII SpeClll FUNNY WORLD OF (C) Special color coverage nf first
JACK CARTER"' EVA-a 31/2 hour moon walk.
For morning and afternoon
listings. please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O "Lady From Loulsi1n1" (rO·
mance) '41 -John Wayne. Ona
9:30 O "T·Men" (adventure) '47 -
Dennis O'Keefe. June Lockhart. m "Sleepin1 Car to Trieste" (mys-
tery) '49-Jean Kent, Albert l1even.
10:00 O "life Upside Down" (drama)
'65-Charles Denner, Anna Gaylor.
12:00 O ''The Princns Comes Across"
(romance) '36 -Carole Lombard,
Fred MacMurray.
2:30 O "TolllOrrow tlle World'' (dra.
ma) '45 -Fredric March, Skip
4:30 B (C) "The lnaped or ct1ner1I"
(comedy) '49-Danny Kaye, Waltef
Slezak, Elsa l anchester.
NOT MEAN 1776!!
6:00 ! ~ News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · W Hunt:ey-Brinllley (C) (30)
Jo n Chancellor reports, via satel·
Ille, on USA·USSR Arms Talks in
Helsinki, Finland. O Jerry West Show/L11lers W11m-'!2. (C)
U Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) "Seven
Sus to Calais" (adventure) '63-
RDd Taylor. Keith Michell, Irene
Wor th. Hedy Vessel. Sir Francis
Drake plunders treasure-laden
Spanish ships with the secret con·
sent of the Queen of En1land.
I Dick Van Dyke (30)
Peyton Piece (30)
Star Trell (C) (60) 00 Mike Douelas (C) (90)
What'1 New? (30) "A Boy and
His Job." ~ (j) CIS News (C) (30)
6I) Tlempo de Ptrdon (30)
r&) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey
6:10 O Laker1 Basketball (C) (2 hr)
L.A. takers vs. Cincinnati Royals at
6:30 8 KNBC Newservice (C) (60)
• The Game Game (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts.
I To Tell lllt Truth (C) (30)
OUiu of the President (30)
@ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
Guten Te1 (30)
(i) Tht Munsteri (30)
Noticlero 34 (C) (60)
All n11jor t.tlevlslo11 stllltns will
carry llwt ct'ot coverap tf die
Apollo XII mission t11rou1hout the
week, wllich 11111111 tllat all K btd·
ultd prolfammln1 la aubject te
ctu1n1e and prt-e•ption for cover· •re of the llistofic h ents. Touch·
down on ttle lunar surflce Ind two separate lVA's (utravell!cular
activities or "moon walkl") are
planned fw Wednesday, November
J 9 and T1111nday, November ZO.
Splashdow11 Is 1et for 1 :03 PM
Monday, November 24.
e DICK EN BERG SHOWS Im News (C) (60) * ACTION FILMS OF Dillal >C> <60> Rich LlttJe.
SU NDAY'S RAM GAME orm Crosby, Odetta 1uest. l hny Maaon WITH PHILA. EAGLES Rawhide Roundup (60) D R11111 HlpliJhts (C) (30) Taped I'd Rallltr It 1 J llncl Men (C)
tilihliahts of Sunday's a•me be· ( ) A .,obln1 look It the parole
tween the Rams and the Ptliladtl· system.
phla Eaales. t'!) C.rctl de MuJtrts (30) ?, ~ hr) '·lt~C:ver!~, ~~~ 10:30 II) Crlltina GIUlllH (30)
astronauta' second walk on lht sur· 11:001 Tiit Wtttefntn
face of the moon. Movie Ga.. (C) Sonny Foa
Sa11bru1h Theatre (60) 0) m News (C) Tiit Iii Yallty (C) (60) I °""' ll•lta
Sonri111 (30) : NET llwnll (C) (60) "Guns Be· I David f rest (C) (90) hosts.
9:00 if' Ci) Apollo XII S,.Clal (C) fore ~eel" (R)
• News (C) (30) ( Vt hr~ live C4vtraae of the II· ll:3011 Movtt: '°lfute fOJct" (adven·
7:00 CBS Evenin1 News (C) (30) tronauts second walk on the sut· ture) •47 _ Burt Lancaster. Ann
What'• My line? (C) (30) face of the moon. . i!!}1h.
I Lon Lucy (30) 0 Wrtstlin& (C) (60) Mil Masca· B Movie: (C) ''TM Mountll1t"
Beat the Clock (C) (30) ras and Don Carson are featured. (Id tnt rt) ,56 _ Spencer Tracy Commodity/Stock Report (30) Ell) News In Ptf1Pldlv• (C) (60) v u • (6:) America! (C) (30) The New York Times trio of Clif· Robert Weaner. Cleire Trevor. "
: Ahora! (30) ton Daniel, Tom Wicker 1nd Max ID Mcme:, "1111 WaJWlfd ~lrl . 00 Truth or Conaequences (C) Frankel 111alyz11 the headlines of (myitery) 57 -Marcie Hende ton,
(30) the month and Interprets rmiJor Peter Wi lker.
I Wanderlust (C) (30) news developments around the 12:00 m M"'9: "lro11 Cwtafll" (dre1111)
Tbat Girl (C) (30) world. '"-Dana Andrew1. Gent Tierney.
7:30 ~ (i) ctlen Campbell (C) (60) IE) i la Y Enrique (60) . 1:00 UJ Cou!tttJ MMllc n.. (C) Cher. and Bob Newhart auest. 9:30 0 (ii a;, Apollo XII SpKial 0 ~ (61 m Then C1me Bronson (C) { hr) Live cover11e of the 1:30 II M"'9: "A41W9• l.Nwee" (dra·
(C) (60) "You1 love Is like 1 astronauts' second walk on the ma) '56-JOln CrawfOfd. Cliff Rob·
Demolition Derby in My Heart." A surface of the moon. ertson. Vera Miles, Lorne Gleen.
pretty girl's delermination to enter I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. D ~ ~ ~ (j) Ntw1 CC)
a demolition derby and also cir-Ht said, She Said (C) (30) O Com1HnttJ lul&ttifl IMrd (C)
cumvent a big brother who scares Rawtlldt Roundup (60) 91 Alt-Nl{ht Sllew: ''TM ult Days
off wou'd·be boy lrlends puts Bron· 10:00 p 1 •· ''W t ....__ R eel " "I
son in the middle on both counts. 0 FACTUAL REPORTING & ~red~~pe1Str1n,! 1'C::a1:m· W~
Flora Plumb and Tim Mcintire * HARD-HITTING COM· Slopped Llvin1 lftd Btcltnt Mlxtd· ~~@ CE Tiit FlJtni Nun (C) MENTARY ! REDDIN'S Up 1.omblet.''
(30) ''The New Habit." Sister Ber· THE MAN TO WATCH! 3:0011""' (C)
trille loses her ability to fly when -------------------------the nuns are ordered to wear new
habits which include a slreamlined
cornet. 0 Mil'iln $ Movie: (C) "A Girt
Named T1miko'' (drama) '63-
Laurence Harvey, France Nuyen.
When an ambitious European pho·
tographer in Tokyo courts an Amerl·
can secretary to win U.S. citizen·
ship, he doesn't reckon with his'
deep love for a Japanese girl, m Truth or Consequences (C) (30)
U) Judd for the DeftnM (C) (60)
ff) Tecllnic1I Corner (30)
£Ij) Joyce Chen Cooks (30) "Peking
Duck II." m Chucho el Roto (30)
8:00 O @ (3) Cl) Th• CourtJhlp of
Udie s fattier (C) (30) "Any Friend
of Dad's." After Tom advises his
son Eddie lo be gracious. a loud·
mouthed. freeloading old colle&e
chum stretches a "c.ome on over"
invitation to a three·day visit. War·
ren Berlinger guests. •
I Queen for 1 Day (C) (30)
William Tell (30)
The Forsyte Sa1a (60) (R)
lmpactos Muaic1les (30)
8:20 ukers Wrap·UP (C)
8:30 ~ (i) The Beverly Hillbllliea
(C) (30) The Clampetts have mixed
emotions when they meel the
young veterinarian who has been
caring for Elly May's "critters."
Brian West guests.
D KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Burt Bacharach, Tony
Bennett, Lena Horne 0 ID (iJ m Kraft Music Hill (C)
(60) Composer-pianist Burt Bache·
rach is host to Lena Horne, Tony
Bennett and Edward Villella.
f3 ()'CL()C~ M()Vlf
,... 21
hi• 22
Even a war hero has
his breaking point.
6 Huntity-Brinkley (C) (30)
The President's Men, 1969 (C)
..J.. The Munsters (30) m NGticltro 34 (C) (60)
NOVEMBER 20 m News (C) <30>
For morning and afternoon 7:00 I CBS Evenin& News (C) (30) • Whafs My line? (C) (30) listings, please see DAY· 1 J Love Lucy (30)
TIME PROGRAMS. Below, Beat the Cl0<ll (C) (30)
for your co nvenience, are Commodity/Stock Report (30)
the day's movies. All sta· 23 ::t>~ The Ameriun West (C) (30) al) Ahora! (30) tions reserve the right to 29 ~-Truth or Consequences (Cl
change programming with· m True Adventure (C) (30)
out advance notice. a> That Glr1 (C) (30)
9:00 0 "Francis in the Haunt.d House"
(comed y) '56-Mickey Rooney, Vir·
ain1a Wells I
9:30 O "The Rockin& Horse Winner"
(drama) '50-John Mills, Valerie
QI "On Danaerous Ground'' (mys.
tery) '51 -lda Lupino. Ward Bond,
Robert Ryan.
10:00 fJ "The Green Glove" (adventure)
'52-Glenn Ford, Geraldine Brooks.
12:00 O "The Old Fashioned Way"
(comedy) '34-W C Fields. Judith1
~~ I
2:30 fJ "Anna luc;s1J" (drama) '55-1
Eartha Kitt. Sammy De.vis Jr
4:30 I) "Double Dynamite" (comedy)
'51-Frank Sint lra. Groucho Marx.
Jane Russell
7:30 B l!. [i, fami.y AHalr (C) (30)
Buffy and Jody "<:dopt" It runaway
orphan boy-w.thout the knowledge
of Uncle Bill or French. 0 !'A '6 m Daniel Boone (C)
(60) "Target Boone " A vengeful
fanatic sets out to punish Daniel
Boone. whom he blames unreason
ably for his troubles. Will Geer and
Lee Jay Lamber1 guesl
O Stump the Stars (C) (30) Rick
foson. Will Hutchins and Ruta Lee
guest. 0 7.,, ~ ·al The Ghost 1nd Mrs.
Muir (C) (30) "The Firehouse Five
Plus Ghost." Carolyn and the Cap-
tain tec:m up to rid Schooner Bay
ol an antiquated fire engine. Avery
Schreiber guests.
S:OO 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "The last
VoY1ae" (drama) '60-RDbert Stack. 0 TELECOPTER REPORTS Dorothy Matone. Liner. on its last * FACTUAL NEWS, SPORTS voyage, is suddenly ripped by a
& J It. C t 1 thundering explc$ion.
0 mg ommen ary. I Truth or Consequence.s (C) (30) IT's REDDIN News Time! Judd tor the Defense (C) (60)
6:00 IJ Bi& News (C) {M) Jerry Dunphy. Technical Corner (30) 0 m HunUty-Brlnldey (C) (30) Thutte But (C) (30) "The
John Chance lor reports, via salel· Emergence," Ama Giesla Fleminfs
lite. on USA·USSR Arms Talks in play performed by the Company
Helsinki. Finland. I Theatre.
0 KAYE BALLARD IS al Chucho el Roto (30) * STEVE'S GUEST! NO I 8:0011 2! (i) Ji111 Nabors Hour <C>
LAW AGAINST MOTHERS (60) Ken Berry guests.
TUNING IN TONITE !! IJ ~\IJ•,~ft~3a~) Girl (C) (30)
0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Joel -·Fil My Screen and Bug Out."
Simon. Kaye Ballard, Dick Clair and Ann's old boyfriend turns up as
Jenna McMahon. and Bunny Mil-the new landlord of her apartment
llngton guest. building-determined to marry her. O Sb O'Clock Movie: "The R1tk"I Michael Callan guests.
(drama) '56-Paul Newman. Wen I Queen for a D1y (C) (30)
dell Corey, Waller Pidgeon, Edmond Geor1e Jessel (30)
O'Brien, Anne Francis. Lee Marvin : Wuhiniton Week in Review (C)
A war hero returns from Korea • Fe'ici1no! (C) (30)
charged with collaborc:tion with the I 8:30 0 ~ (6) m Ironside (C) (60)
enem~. "Programmed for Danger." Iron· I Dtck Van Dyke (30) side uses Officer Whitfield for bait
Peyton Pl"e (30) to flush out an attacker of blondes
Star Trek (C) (60) I who subsc11be to a meet.your-mate
CI) Mille Oouitu (C) (90) computer service Anne Baxter Wh1rs New? (30) "Rio Grande." guests ·
(j) CBS News (C) (30) I g Bolin (C) (90) al Tiempo de Perdon (30) 0 @ 3 a> Bewitched (C) (30) a> News (C) (60) fock Hickey "Daddy Comes To Visit." Saman·
All proar1mmlna is subjnt to
chance for coveraa• of tlle Apollo
XII moon IWiuion.
6:30 I KNBC Newservlce (C) (60)
• The flame Game (C) (30)
To Tell ttle Truth (C) (30)
OHice of the President (30)
tha's father decides his daughter
shouldn't do household chores like
lg~:i~ Frost (C) (90)
The lie Valley (C) (60)
Sa1ebr11sll Theatre (60)
: NET Pflyhouse (C) (90) "Thea·
Ire America: A Celebration for Wil·
liam Jennings Bryan."
I) ..
&E Music•' Eattellaa (C) (30) 'FILE Q N 0 EV LIN' 9:00 11 9 (i) CIS ThurldaJ Movie:
(C) "The Rom1n Self inc of Mri. Stone" (drama) '61-Vivien Leigh,
Warren Beatty, Lotte Lenya, Jill
St. John. A wealthy Americ1n widow
visiting Rome is the target of an Italian gigolo and his companion.
an ~ng fortune·hunting countess. 1J U1J Q) Ton1 Jona (C) (60)
Johnny Cash. Minnie Pearl. Jeann ie
C. Riley and June Carter join Tom Jones for an evening ol colorlul
country music.
@!) bitomttro (30)
9:30 0 Ii) m Dracnet (C) (30)
"Buralary-Courtroom." Friday and
Gannon testily in court against
three buralary suspects, but their
case Is in Jeopardy over technical· ilies. Dick Whittinghill and Maudie
Prickett 1uest.
I News (C) (30) Suter Ward.
He Said, She Said (C) (30)
Rawhide Roundup (60)
Mu1IC1f Ouart (30)
10:00 0 Q) m De.an Martin (C)
(60) Gail Martin, Gordon MacRae.
Dom Deluise. Stanley Myron Han·
delman and Tommy Tune guest.
& SPORTS REPORTS! 0 m News (C) (60)
A contemporary suspense drama. "The File on Devlin," starring
Elizabeth Ashley, Dame Judith Anderson and David McCallum,
will open the I 9th TV sea.son for the multi-award winning Hall-
mark Hall of Fame series on NBC. Friday at 8 :30 PM .
"You're in for some surprises,'' said producer-director George
Schaefer, who has directed 30
Hallmark plays. ·•'The File on
Devlin' is a complete deviation
from the type of thing the Hall·
mark series is noted for-and a
challenge to say the least.··
The story centers on the intri-1
gue that surrounds the mysterious I
disappearance of Lawrence Dev-
lin, an internationall y-known jour-
nalist. Miss Ashley is seen as Dev-
lin's daughter and Dame Judith
as the second wife of 1he Nobel
Peace Prize-winning novelist. Hel-
mut Dantine. who makes his first
trays the personal secretary of
Mrs. Devlin. McCallum appears
as a secret agent. who pretends to
be writing a biography of Devlin.
The play is set in London and
The cast brings a distinguished
list of credits to the home screen.
IJ@ CI) al It Takes a Thltf (C)
(60) '1he Kina of Thieves." Alex-
ander Mundy lurns to the king of
Rome's petty crooks to rescue a Miss Ashley most recently
kidnapped 1irl. Martha Hyer. Ed· starred on NBC in "The Skirts of
ward' Binns. Lionel Stander and Lex Happy Chance," a Prudential On Barker gu~st. O Della! (C) (60) Rich liltle, An· Stage drama Special. She has also
i Devine guest. ElitJJheth Ashlty and appeared on Broadway.
Perry Mason (60) Damt' 111dlth A11dt'rso11 : The Aclvoutta (C) (60) (R) The name Judith Anderson is
· Carce! de Mujeres (30) normally associated with plays by O"Neill, C hekov, Benet and Shake-
10:30 @!) Cristln1 Gu1m1n (30) spearc. Miss Anderson, a renowned actress in the United States and 11:00101J 0) News (C) England, has starred in such Hallmark Hall of Fame productions
The Westemers JI as "Macbeth" and "Elizabeth the Queen," She received an Emmy
· NFL Game of the W"k (C) Award for her performance in "Macbeth." Outer LI m its
1 (])ID ~ News (C) I "I am always happy to work with George Schaefer." said Dame ' ma> News (C) Judirtf, in reference to the play's producer-director. "He never
11:30 IJ ~ 00 Merv Griffin (C) wastes a se~ond of anybody's time. You come at a certain hour, 0 Q] (I) m Johnny Carson (C) l th h · h Tonight's proaram oriainates live and you are roug al a certaan our.
from Burbank, California. Scheduled
guests include Georae Chakirls. Go'die Hawn, Fernando Lamas, Jane
Powell. O Movie: "Framed" (mystery) '47'
--Glenn Ford. Janis Carter IJ @ (l) GE JOtJ Blthop (C)
"I wear a chinchill a coat that reaches from the neck to the floor,"
she said. ''Getting into nice clothes was such a happy change."
McCallum. who co-starred as lll ya Kuryakin in The Man From
UNCLE series on NBC. was nominated for an Emmy award for
his starring role as a tutor for a mentally-retarded boy in last
season's Emmy "Show of the Year," "Teacher, Teacher," on the
Hallmark Hall of Fame."
O Movie: "The Strange Love of
Martha Ivers'' (drama) '46 -Bar·.
bara Stanwyck. Kirk Douglas. Van! Heflin. ! Dantine's many movie credi ts include roles in "War and Peace,"
0) Movie: ''Secret Venture" (mys., "The Mask or Dimitrios" and "Hotel Berlin."
tery) '54-Kenl Taylor. Jane Hylton.
12:00 m Movie: "Days of Glory" (adven·' "Performers such as these make a director's )Ob a ve ry pleasant
lure) ·44 -Tamara Tournanova., one.'' smiled Schaefer, who gets excited when he talks about the
Gregory Peck. play.
1:00 fJ Movie: "My Forbidden Past"
(drama) '51-Robert Mitchum, Ava
Gardner. Melvyn Douglas.
D IJ News (C)
0) Country Music Time (C)
1:15 O Community Bulletin Board (C)
1:30 m All·Nlaht Show: "Run, Psycho. Run," "Missile Base al Taniak,"
"Face at the Win dow "
2:30 IJ News (C)
"It's a great play for our armchair detectives-all the element!!
of a good mystery-with a surprise ending. There are clues in the
opening scenes and il's important to see it from the very beginning,
or you'll never guess "who done it.''
Hallmark Hall of Fame has received a total of 31 Emmy statu-
ettes from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and 30 of
the 31 were given for shows on which Schaefer wa s either producer
or producer-director.
NfW STUDIO SCHOOL! Yov U11 atllCIJ l>r~dust technlquu •t l\olllt, 111 )'Ollf
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I •m lnftreattd In
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Dt11I. A.uu• ---------------------
Pase 23
For morning and afternoon
listin1s, please see DAY·
for your conftf11ence, are
the d3y's movies. All ala·
tions reaerve the right to
change proeramming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 Q (C) "Qld H11111a" (dr1m1) '40
-Henry Fond1, Lindi Dtrnell, Doro·
thy L1mour.
9:30 II "Ord•• To Kilt" (dram•) '59-
Piul Massie. Eddi• Albert, Lilll1n
Glah. m "Slattlt'y'a Hurrlcat" (drtm1)
'49 -Richard Widmark, Veronica
10:00 0 "The Cir! Cett111" (comedy) '66
-Oliver Reed, J1n1 Merrow.
1Z:OO IJ "Horte Ftlthera" (comedy) '32
-The Four M1rx Brothers.
Z:lO 0 "¥1l11ie" (dr1ma) '57--Sterline
Heyden, Anlt1 Ober1.
4:00 IJ (C) "Yaleftttno" (rom1nce) '51
-Anthony Deller, Eleanor Parker.
Rlchtrd Carlson. P1trlci1 Medin.
1:0011 lif Newt (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlef·lrln~ley (C) (30)
John Chancellor rePorts, via setel-
lite, on USA·USSR Arms Ttlk in
Helsinki, Finlznd.
WH EREYER YOU ARE! 8 Sttwt AAtn Sllow (C) (90) Allin
Sherman, Monty Landis and Georae
Yanok 1111st. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ''The
Rare lreecl" (drama) '66-James
Stewart, Maureen O'Hara, Brien
Keith, Juliet Mills. Texas cattlemen
try to sabota1e the efforts of a
woman to revitalize the U.S. beef
industry with five Herefords from
Diel Yen DP• (30)
Ptyton Place (30)
Stir Tr8 (C) (60)
(I) Mib Douf111 (C) (90) : Whats New? (30) "Rio Grande."
~ Cl) CIS News (C) (30)
• Tle•po de Ptrdon (30)
• News (C) (60) Jack Hickey.
All Pfll&ra••ina is sub;tct to
chlnae for cowra1e of tltt Apollo
lll moon •lulon.
i :30 I MK Newservice (C) (60) • Tiie li111t1 Ct•• (C) (30)
To Tell tM Truttl (C) (30)
Office of the Prealdtnt (30)
Starting a New Chapter
Elizabeth Ashley, shedding her professional obscurity for the first
time in four years, stars as the glamorous daughter of a missing
English diplomat in the debut of this season's prestigious Hallmark
Hall of Fame, Friday at 8: 30 PM on NBC.
The 90-minute show, "The File on
Devlin," signal's Hallmark's increasing
emphasis on contemporary stories fol-
lowing the program's Emmy-strewn fo-
cus on classics. And it marks a promi-
nent return f?r Miss Ashley, who retired
from the screen in 1965 following star-
ring roles in "The Carpetbaggers." "Ship
of Fools" and "The Third Day."
With husband George Peppard, she's
temporarily in residence helping to run
the family spread. a 13,000 acre ranch .
in the northeast corner of California. ElitlllHtlt A.lltl~y
And 1he's planning a new career with zeal: in addition to the
Hallmark show-which she compares to " 'The Maltese Falson,'
except that I'm the Humphrey Bogart character"--5he just com-
pleted a featured role in a CBS Cinema 100 film for TV, "Harpy,"
an which she portrays "a wicked lady with many lines reminiscent
of old Bette Davis roles."
She dropped her career four· years back because "life shouldn't
be a chapter. but a book of many chapters. I got married, had a
baby, decorated my house, traveled, grew and lived real life.
"I had been an actress seven years, and I didn't miss my work.
I don't really like being a public figure and the maintenance of a
career. But oow I'm excited about acting again. Actually, a wild,
freaked~out underground movie is the sort of thing I'd like to do."
That doesn't precisely describe the Hallmark program, but Miss
Ashley is devo~d to Hallmark's famous TV director, George Schaef-
er. He's so respected by the industry, in fact, that he has been
selected to be the first television director honored with a retrospec-
tive of his work, opening Nov. 18 with "Pile on Devlin" at the
Parley Dickinson Museum in New York.
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,,... 26
Dally 9.9 Sat.,_,
I FRIDAY (Continued) man swindled by his late uncle. . m .... ltat (30) I Dnid Frnt (C) (90) ti.I Ci) Tiit M11nsten (30) 'ht Ii& Y111ty (C) (60)
Notldtro 34 (C) (60) Saa.._. 'ht1tre (60)
• News (C) (30) Culls Muter c·au (30)
7:00 CBS btni111 News {C) (30) NeclMs Tapatias (30)
W111fs MJ Lint (C} (30) 9:00 ~ Ci) CIS Friday Movlt: (C)
I Len l11q (30) "F1Hy'' (drama) '61 -bslit (Aron,
ltat tll• Clock (C) (30) Maurice CheYalier. Charles Boyer,
Co111110dity/Stodi Report (30) Horst Buchholz. 00 Cine•• Shewcatt (C) (90) 0 Cold-war thriller!
"Run Like a Thief." Kieron Moore. * THE FILE ON DEVLIN EEi Allof1! (30) H II k H II f F ~Ci) Trutll tr Conuquences (C) a mar a o ame ~ •--• Wut (C) (30) 0 '11JbeJ After Dut (C) (60)
,.,....""" Host Huah Hefner welcomu Soupy Tlut Ciirl (C) <30) Sales. Jack Carter, James Brown,
71):30 GET SMART Marv1: Whitney, Clay Tyson and The
Three Doa Ni&ht. * TV'S FUNNIEST SHOW O @ C.V m Htre c... tt. 11 lt Cl) Citt s.art (C) (30) Bridts (C) (60) "Land Grant." A
Smart and 99 are mistaken for a aroup of Greek immiarants clelm
doctor and his nurse. that they own the Bolt's Bridal a m Hich Ch1p1rT1I (C) (60) Veil Mountain and have I deed to
"The Lost Ones." Because $he once prove it. Lou Antonio cuests.
''magically" saved the life of an : David Susslind (C) (2 hr)
Indian brave. Victoria Is forcibly · Nuewa Clta Muslul (30)
taken to an Apache camp. 9:30 • News (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
0 MIKE STOKEY & Ht Said, She Slid <C> (30) * STUMPERS WELCOME Rawhide. Roundup (60)
RICK JASON, RUTA . Panora•• <3 ... o> .....................
LEE & WILL HUTCHINS 10:00 . tjj oo m 11;rc11~ 1 Prvc1tt1·
tiars On Stap (C) (60) "Mirror, O St.Hip the Stars (C) (30) Rick Mirror. Off the Wall." As a writer's
Jason. Will Hutchins and Ruta Lee. racy "pen-name personality" at·
O fi1) C.V Cf) Let's Make a DNI tempts to take command of his life.
(C) (30) Monty Hill hosts. his wife also develops an alter ·eco. 0 M1llion $ Movie: "hessure George C. Scott and Maureen Sta·
hint" (drama) '62-Sldney Poitier. pleton star in this comedy-fantasy
Bobby Darin. Heiro psychiatrist re· by David Shaw Also leatured are
calls prob'.em he had in 1942 with John McGiver. David Burns and
a vicious youna German-American Ziva Rodann.
1Bunt~:d::·eonse41uences CC> (30) 0 TOM REDDIN TELLS
Judd for the Defense (C) (60) * THE NEWS BEHIND
Tcchniul Corner (30) NEWS! GET THE
The French Chef (30) STRAIGHT FACTS!
Chucho el Roto (30) 0 m News (C) (30)
S;OO 1J S (iJ Tiie Good Gu,s (C) (30) 0 @ (]) (D Jimmy Durante P'tt-
Ruf us and Bert learn that a famous sents The Lennon Sisters (C) (60)
jet set restaurant editor lives near· O Del'a! (C) (60) Rich Little and
by. Phyllis Diller guests. Johnny Brown guest. D VARIETY SPECIAL! '•rry Muon (60) * JANE MORGAN & · Carcel de Mujeres (30> OOODLETOWN PIPERS 10:30 · Cristina Guzman (30) OIDNews (C) 1 HR. IN COLOR The Westerners O Showcase 5 (C) (60) "The Jane • John McltaJ (C)
Morgan Show." Special guests are Outer Limits \
The Doodlelown . Pipers. 1 CV ta) (6) News (C)
O @ Cf) The Brady Buncll : forsyte Saca (R)
(C) (30) "Sorry, Right Number." m m al News (C)
Mike tries lo cure the phone prob-U ·JO 1J ~ (i) News (C)
lem rn his home by installing a ' 0 fjj 00 m John"' C.rt0n (C)
pay phone. Program originates from Burbank. I Queen for • Day (C) (30) Scheduled guests 1ncl.ude Carol
Pley of the WHk (30) Lawrence c:nd Agnes Moorehead. lnterf~ce (C) (30) g Movie; (C) "The Restlns BrHd"
Lucecita (C) (30) (western) '57-Scott Brady.
S:JO 1J 1tt (i) Ho11n's Heroes (C) (30) 8 @ (I)(£) Joey Bishop (C)
An Allied plane is shot down near • Movie: "The Bad Seed" (drama)
Stalae 13 '5&-Nancy Kelly, Patty McCormack. 0 Suspense thriller! ID Movie: (C) "Destination Moon"
* THE FILE ON DEVLIN (sci·li) '50--John Archer. 129) Ci) Wttkend Show ~ desperate _ga"!'ble 12:00 IJ )i (i) Merv Griftin (C)
In cold-war intrigue! m Movie: "The Man In ttie White 0 (l~ C• l m I S .. ECIA\ I H1llmark Suit" (comedy) '52-Alee Guinness.
Hall of Fame (C) (90) "The File on Joan Greenwood. .
Devlin." lnlrigue surrounds at-1:00 I 0 News (C)
tempts to find a missing writer in Country Music nme (C)
this contemporary suspense drama. 1:15 Community Bulletin Board (C)
Dame Judith Anderson. Elizabeth 1:30 IJ Movie; ''The Thing" (horror)
Ashley and David McCallum star. '51-James Arness. Kennelh Tobey. 0 (17) 1Cf) Mr. Deeds Goes to m All·Nipt Show (C) "Drums,"
Town (C) (30) "There's One Born "Samson and the Slave Queen."
Every 30 Years " Deeds helps a and "What!"
t :oo 8 ~ oo m "·'· ,., • ..., <c> I Tiii A....., (C> Movie: (C) "Qtl111trilr1 l11den" 3:00 lhw ~ (C) P1ul Udell.
{dram1) '58-Steve Cochr1n, Oline Ytdl Hcl tM ,.,la (C)
Brewster. lZ:OO 8 4j (I) T1" ....... (C) Dr. KMlft U Ci]) CI) Q) Htt WIMeta (C) Mewit: (C) '"Sil llKl Htnts" ~ (}) 0) NCAA ftotllall (C)
NOVEMBER 22 m Movie: "8111 111 ttlt W..... {western) '62-Audie Murphy, Din USC va. UClA.
&ie Hayes. IJ ..... Md ltctHti911 SMw (C) Tlt•pe cit ,., ....
hff '11' ltddy {C) JKk Rourke hosts. Ii& Pkt•• (C)
7:00 u oo m Htdtt 1 Jtd1t (C)
@ Cl> (!') C.sper (C)
Mr. WisMMM (C)
F tfil ttie Cit (C)
{dr1ma) '57-Forrest Tu~er. M11· Oury11. I Sa••• (C)
Clndtft• ' Mniu I EY11t•fhw• Report (C) 3:30 VlnpMt (C) Jtre Witter hosts.
9:30 I~ Dastardly l Mllttley (C) · T11tre F1•1tiar Mtvlt: (C) "Th Raiden" (Wiit· · 6 m Ianni Splits (C) • Md1twtr ud Ult CtlHll ern) '64-Robtrt Culp, Bri1n Keith. 1 ED Tll• Harctr ..,. <C> 1Z:30 9 Cil w.ar llCel cc> I httJ Me
Auzlnc TllrM Meorit: "Unltft Pldflc" (west-SiMr Wlnp (C) 7:25
Clwt Us T\is Dq (C)
S11nriM SeMtlttf (C) @ Ci) ED ~., ttlt le• (C) 10:00
IHcll111 wn. Your Child (C)
lezt tllt Clewn (C)
All pro1r111111ln1 Is subJect to
Chlnlf for cover11e of Ind rt·
ports on tht Apollo XII moon
· C11trd11 J C11it1n11 ern) '39-Barbara Stanwyck, Joel 4:00 Mtwle: (C) '1'111k fwct" (dr•· ~ Ci) PtHlopt Pitstop (C) McCrea. ma) '58-Victor M1turt, Anthony
@(I)Q) NW footblll (C) m Movi e: ''C11'4hlc.111t Diary" Newtey, Leo Genn.
A 'wild card' a•me--Ohio Stile at (drama) '43-William Bendix, Lloyd CltantpltMMp ......._ (C)
Michia1n. Nolan. • I Spy (C) 0 Movie: (C) ''Cunsmoke In Tue· m St1 tllt USA (C) Min fro• UNCLE (C)
son" (western) '58-Mark. Stevens, 1:00 II a Cil SU,.r•1n (C) McH11t'1 Nwy
Forrest !~c.~er, Gale Robbin~; B Movie: "Tht Crten·Eyecl llonde" • EM1111 O'Totlt
I!) Movie. Never look l1cl (mys. (adventure) '57-Susan Oliver Lin· 4:30 Outdotn (C) t~ry) .'52-Rosamund John, Hugh da Plowman. ' TM Munlfn
Sinclair. I!) lnttm1tion1I Trtdtn I Ho11tt • lrtnct @!) El Dolor dt Amar ltHd (C) • 5:00 It's Audt•lc (C)
1:001J 9 ~ Tht Jtbons (C) 10:15 m Movie: "Sl1vt Slllp" (adven· @m• Clrcel dt Multrta Tiiis Wt8 In Pro football (C)
Q @ 6 m Hert eo... t1tt lure) '37-Warner Baxter, Mickey m Sports Woftd (C) • ~~;-(~"') (C)
Ct111!l ( ) ~ooney. 1:3019 Ci) Jonny Qtllt (C)
I (11J CI> m Clttanoo&• Cits (C) 10:30 I 9 (I) Scooby·Doo (C) . Hip Scllool l111Lttb1ll (C) ;::·~ .. ~~
Ki•bl (C) • ID Ci) m J1•bo (C) Dor~ VS. Washin1ton. : Tr1vtl fll• (C) "Tht Overland
Tilts of Wtfla f1reo Movit: ''lllt Stardllnc Wind" U U1J CI) ED AIC's Wide Wertd Trek." A filmed iccount of the
Cu•by (C) (drama) '46-Robert Youn1. Sylvi1 of Sports (C) month·lonc Journey of members of
1:30 IJQI Ci) lup lunny/Rotd Run· Sidney. Cl) Wrtstlln& (C) 1 Watusi tribt.
Mr Htur (C) 11:00 tJ ~Ci) Tht Ardllt Show (C) @ (i) Ftatwt Film: "Horizons I Futbol·Stcar
I ti) Ci) m Pink Pinthtr (C) Q @ 00 m Tiit Alntst.nes (C) West." Robert Ryan. Rock Hudson. 5:30 Ralph SttfJ (C) (R)
el11p111 Profile (C) 11:30 8 @ 00 m Undt<do& (C) m Seipoww (C) KNIC NtWltlYQ (C) Gordon
Movtt: (C) "The M1&ic Sword" • Movie: (C) ''Cole Youn11r, Cun· 2:00 IJ Sttpe to l.Mrnln1 (C) Graham.
(flntuy) '62 -Basil Rathbone. fl&httr" (western) '58-frank Love· m Tr1vtl tht World (C) I Cilllp11'1 lal1nd (C)
Estelle Winwood, Gary Lockwood. joy, Abby Dalton. 2:30 I WllHls, Kilns and Clay (C) Mr. 1nd Mrs, Ntrtll m Chet Kid I!) Movie: "Clootitd Circle'' (mys· • W1eon Train (C) Ntn In PtnpedM (C) (R)
I!) lodet Rotlln Hood (C) tery) '58-John Smith, Fay Spain. Q lller A&rfculbart USA (C)
Slite T Ible Comptt11
Ball Return & COU11ttn
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