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1969-11-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
~· .. ... .,.._,.. ---• l7 po.Ila . Speijd~ a~· !;'~;,ise . . ~ .. . . . .. . •• . . .. (;onrs.e ., ... M,o~~· .. ·Lµnding· . ' . • • ( l ' ·' " r ea11i Said Out·· , . . T , ; <> • • • ·~· .rl.. • • ' ('. . l • \ I ,. r _,,. ...... .. I . . r ·' .:·. • ' ' . . ' t • • -' ' ' '. .. . . ( ; '. . . : ' LaM~~lt I , '. . '. : l ' . . . ' . • ! ' ' 1eld.·a( :Gunpemt . . . Oi 0•~-·~G.~ ... .. ·~ . . -! ~' ' • . . . . . .. ': ' . . . .. , ,_ • "· : .. .. ' . . ' ... ' . ! Ap· ollo· Crew (:~lil*~· EV~, 'l'oe · · -·o~i .. ·~· .~i;±.~::·.i. 1:;~r.~81lbiJtsf P~oW~tJi ~ ~~-~ • j;. .• 'i ' ..... ""' .. ' ~. '' ' : " ~ F aiµ:i~l~ ~iff :fk~ Bidlne :\ . .. ' ... ' . . . . -. . .. r: . For ·hieident ' ' · By EVELYN Sllf:l!WOOD • Of ~ Oillj ')Ilic• Stiff , ' 'Dr: David I. Nie.I.sen. pri!aldent of the . C1ra{ige; €0unty· Midical '.Asl0cl8:tion and eivlc leader in' NewpOrt Beach for niany yearS, died today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Ht was 49. 'Prominent in Orange Cotmt'y medical i:ircles and former court physician to King· Paul of Greece, he had been suf· f~rlng from cancer in recent months. Dr. Nielsen was born in-Minnesota: During his early life his family returned to their native Denmark, then came back to ~metlca in 1936. His activities in Orange County medical end clVic work included award-winning v/ork for the American Heart Association In tl)GO, and service as pre:;ident of the Ofang~ · COuntY Academy of In~emal · ?\-tcdiclnc. Or. Nielsen served as a trustee on lhe ol~ Newport Beach Ele"1entary School Distr.ict-board. He was selected Man of the Year In 1959 by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Co1nmerce. HARBOR l'HYSICIAN DIES Dr. Da~ld "1l•l1tn He also was a~tive in Kiwanis Club 'ac· _ ,_;....,_,;...., ___ ;_ ____ _...._ tivilies, -having served as li_eut~nant ' governor for lhe Khvanis' California· J · h K ___ .] N.wada .reglon. osep . CIUWUY ~ ~erved as a medical off~cer for the , Army"!edlcal,~orps and \he Air Force . Said· ·Near Death dur~ng World War IL • · . Ji. Nielsen's academic credits included . . HY:ANNIS· ~RT, ·-MMI:.. tA.P) _. 8 dOctor or medict0e degree in 1945 ·rrom . Fonn~r Ambassador Joseph 'p, Kennedy, the ·Unlven1ty of Nebraska, followed by a father of a seaside American p011Ucal degt.~ from ,tile ff.ospital of Vienna, dynasty,' was near dtalh' tQday at his Austria, in 1947. hom.e in the Kenqedy compound on cape Sbortly aft~r receiving that diploma Coil. · . Dr ·f Nlelsen served in the court ol the J:US .i?le survi"jipg soi;i, Sen. ~dwaTd M. Grf\Ck )ting. · Kennedy (D·Mass.), was at hi-bedside·. 1·16 rei;e°i-~ed specialist's training in in-His condition was described· as "'very lcrnal medicine in 19a2 at Loilg Beach Jow" by his san-in-law,1 AmbaSsador Vet~ran~s Hospital. iii · He leaves hls widow, Elise, of th e fam i· Sargent Shriver, shortly berore 8 a.m. Jy hiomc 2S85 Tustin Ave.. Newport "The end is · only a matter of 'hours Beclch; three~ daughters, Te~i, Cri,tina a¥.·ay,'' Sl)river tQld'.a ~an af~ at.- and LiSanne · three sons, David, Stephen tending early morninl Mus at SL' Fra. and Paul, ali of the home. . cis Xavier Roman Cauionc •Churcb 1n Other survi vors include three sisters, }lyannis. . . . . ... ?.trs. Joy Barnes and Mrs. Ruth Leedom. Kennedy, .father-o[ the. Jat.e P~i4ent both or Ciosta P..fesa,. and ESther Fai r 0£• John F:'Kennedf., Is St· and 11,aJ·betn 'ID f\1innesota, and one grandchild. J>Ol"I' health roretght years~·· "! : sCrvices wUl be held Wednesday at ll Jte suffered what a..doctor said was a a.m. in SL~ Andrew1s PreSbyterjan rnioor.heart attack over the weekerido · Chbrch, Newport · Beach. Mi I~ tar Y Shriver said tht former 'ambiasador i;raveside riles will follow at Fairhaven ha~ been unable to-eat for .everal 411;. f\Icmorial Park in Santa Ana. 'Slariver and hll Wife, Eunk:e, .Ken- Bell Broadway Mortuary in Costa Mesa nedy's eldest daughter, flew here SUnday '"ill handle arrangements. . f~cm Plria. Shriver II U.S. ambuaadtr Friends who wish may make memor1.1t to rrance. ·., • · ~"htrlbuUons.t.a t.be DE. I\llNjd I-Niels~ . Mn.. B°'9 Kelmdy, matrlare:h of the Memorial Fund of-the Orlnge-Qounty Kernie<17 don, allo----tl\jl ~tedical Association, 330 Flower St., morning at St. Francta.Xavler'11 4 tboulh Orange. (!lee KENNEDY, Pll' I) • • F ... M .. 7··-. 'Plmtned ~lor Decentber or· oon ., ' r • • ,' ' ,._ 'WASHIN<l'l'ONillPI)-~ of the antiwar n1oratortum ~ today - SPACE CENTBR, Houston '(UPI) -theY would li>oriior, ~a 1ctM6es ApOUo 12'• •lefplng crew .sped faster and at the local level 'Dec. -11-U f .ind OA faster today ;'°"ard their rendezvous Chrlatmu eve in an ett.,i to promote with the moon, 'their coune ao Jll'CIR a peace. '(llolltell Blol'y ,._ 4). » · ' · tlnll n~vlgl~ona.I correction. was FOur 'eoomtnatan of. u.·VJemam mor.· ~ atorlum· ~ Aki' Joell ·activities At.I a;.Jh,,'PST, With the force of lunar. wookt lDclUdl Ylllti· to' the home« OffiCea1 lfr8.Yity' 1JU1lii1("the :cratt at an ever lo-ot· ~' .contaeta .Wttb · ter'Vice- creasitJI speed~ thttthree U.S: spaceritin rilen ~·a Cli'Wmais,tve vi,11. ' ~ ' were a.-. ~ 'from the mqOri whm · Thtf wobtd· be-.rdeltgMd U a f011ow two 'of them'.willillrid early WednieSda)r. u'p -to the ·~ antiwll'· rally' fr) u.s: ·Ground coritrollen dtclded' that a hlstort '!hat llicM:-Pliiie' Iii ·WialiliiilOb. coune·correclion planned for•2:47 p.m. over·Ute ftetend. ' '. PST today "100Jd not jJe n«eSSOI')'. before Sam )lrown, cine at· the four coofdh\a· the spaceship1 whips Into )\Illar orbit five tor•. ·tOld a new-. merence fhey felt the hours later. Charles "Pete" 'Conrad, '!spiflt, tlinl Uk{ dlrtCUon Of Clarlsbn8s Richard F.'G9fd<in IJld A~n L. J!lan win !hould be """""1 Uie ward~ Vietnam." ma):e 14 tevohrttons of the moon Tueaday He aaid .'the IJM!clflc aetlvlUeg of the belore qmra(i and Bean descend ~:> the -·~. diYs 1Woufd. be· .decided., by , local. surfaCe early Wedne9day in thelr lunar moratorium organlzatlorui, Bome of which landing vehicle nickJlamed ·Intrepid.· . he said might be planntng commercial -Apollo Jl'• noontime speed was 2·1474 boycotts as a ~ of prot~stin&. tile. miles' an.hour. ~at by the Ume: it whJps war. · ' ' · behind the i.-~ght It will have,ac· =:•ted to more .111an 5,ooo m11 .. an Hotel 'Goes on ·Blook." Conrad, Goi'don and Bean gave··Uie .~ .J •• " -· -• -• • ' folks hack home an early morning! RENO, (U~ll -The Internal l!even~t ~levlslO. vi.W al the apj!roo<hhif moci\ ~· plana .1o0·1uC!Jon 'off'.'tlie .. Once;. ahd the ·spider-Ilk• ·!anding !hip' be!ore I \ ti~ lllv~·' 1:1!!'<1 Tuelday. for they wen.t lo bed for the cl"f.· • , 1 f.lllure, lo ·poy $41,111 Iii. ,,.ck ta1ea; bar- u,.,....,.... PROTEST WITH ' SMIL£ Picket In ·san Francisco At ooe point the camera pkked up the ring any !ala· de"lopm~itl. · approaching yellow quarter m o on . , -• . . , · . _ , , : .1-• • • • Miuion~ coatrol 11ked the astronaut.a ' . · . . where they trould like lo go on the moon.· N· . . t' • C . ' 't · G · · ·h· e:;y;.~e;,.e." replied an o!>vl°".'lyi,' arco .1~ '..;:J:~spec ra S The 56-minute telecast came dur1na: f.be · '· . ·, .. • ~·~ • • ••• , . final . checkout of the lunar module lntr'epl<t -before lhe astronauts awing into 1 orb)t around the pioon tonl&ht. Otfi£er's Gun in·Tussle ' ~ .. ' All was tn order, with bolh .the machinery and Its crew, for· America 's • seCood lunar landing anCI man'• first. . . · · . - . . . . ,,. '. ' . . A Hunt'in"9n Bfa(tt weld~ ·was ar~ rested· Sunday · nigtit on suspicion of at- tertfPt!!d ,m~e~ . aft~ .shooting hi! estranged wife arid her brother While the th(~ :w:ere remdVing ·furniture from his apartment. · Cletus G. Posey, 44, of 17122 EinttaJd L~ne, Huntington Beach, was booked intG Huntington Beach city1jail on suspicion,af assault"with intent to commit murder and assault wlth a de3dly weapon. rl?olice. &liege that Posey aftOt his W:if~; Mrs .. Gerakline. Posey; 33, once in lhe hip, ~nd her brother, Clarence Lee Russe.II, both.._ of ·794f Cypress Axe., Huntington Beach, in the stoma.ch, abbut 5:45 p.m., Sunday. The Poseya ha~ been separated for about a month after a 13-year mar:riagc, according to police reports. Mrs. Posey and her ·brother had gone to -the apart. ~ent to .,remove some or her furnishings, according to her statement, and her hus· band was helping. ' When Mrs. Posey asked her husband wbere his pistol was, ·he-allege:dlf'WUNt It from his waistband atid' fired ' five shots. The trio was in the kitchen i&' the time. ". · Police. said Russell apparently 'ta'lked Jilosey into givlng'bJi'nihe gun'While Mrs. Posey called-police: 'POIJIJ' iiprrendered qulerttly w 1 heo eff~cers •n:l,v'e!I at ·_lh,t ~pa men. -, 1 Mrs. Posey was treated and released Surxfay at Huntirlgton f IhteicominUnify J1~ital. Russell . was rf#ported · in ~fair condition' today. , ' Posey Is scheduled for arraignm~t Tuesday in ' West Oringe¢--•C"-O u }i t ;y Municipal Court, Weatminster. ~ . .. Orange I Coan 1 i ecienUflc explor&itioo or an aUen world.. J , · ~ 1 Jleich polict oflfcer John latter .tried to nin· bul !las downed by: · · Gofd0ri:sumro¥ 1t up: . · . ' , Saportto -momematuy rourid hlfuself ·rac.: ~a~~~~oi the . einsulng slruggle; th~ or. , ''We're ,all:;r:r in g~ ~ta __ ; doing 'Ing bis own gun during a tussle with a fl cer:s· gun· Jiolster. was opened, the· Weataer • grea we exer ae, we slept · well,~! s~ed· nAPc!otics, v,ioliitor' Sp.turday ..... spec! grab•~,the gun iand.''-Jd· 11 at. • :. .. r• · · · · food'• been g ~we've lob of eoljl water • ":'r. • • ~JI Ut:l\I ... ~UMy 'r':"ea •With only a hit X>f . lo1drink and We•\'e eajo;ed the K-enery, afternoon. • • ~ ' S1:1porito's stomach. police Ukl. ' early morfli'M fog wiJJ prevail' over but we do miss the ·&OOli ~le back ~ IUlpes:t &fl . after a. side.walk 'He had succeeded, in wtesWng11he gun lhe Orange Coast Tuesday as temp-1 home." · 1 . ; . . · ~ j wrcs-rnl.~, :~l pol,lct sprlJ!•',ldt;n: from suspect wheri' B8bcotk amived' and' era tu res cling in the temperate The telecast. tfurd itnee Friah'i,,.,... Illy ia known arid. a warrant will be . joined the.'fray ,1 but the mln:broke·away'. middle 70's. ' I ~Iha blastoff, tnded at U:14 1.m.~.1 IGU'.Cbl' rot bli .. :atre.r on clili"aes" · or f~m w1:J:!:f.~=i'hl:T'~es:ri;:::: !:ght; ; - J" · · :. \ •-kill( 1n .Olioef and susplcloft of' from .the dlstrk:Uatlorney'a <>f!ke' todayJ . INSll!ll ·!ODA y : Hiit'bwa ·}f .. d' cs ', 'v;iil1i1on<ot; dtui;~: ' ··J' '· · police said, No lnjulle!• (or ·even ~· 1 ·Sylvia p.,.!,. .aiv<•.'1/0U' /•fr " · I un 8 '?e~ 'Adtni ·dn • .. up; 'Saporito JOOated 1 · ublfonn') ~tre reported after.the liettle., 1<1arnlng lit her'f<"'!nci<il &olu""', F R r f f s . pla&U< bq ....ta\nlnl what 1ppeared to . . I °" ~ 2T JodaJJ of the ki•<I <!! or e Je 0 mog \be mar!Jjlanl hl<ldeD ' !n bUahes outalde. . l con/uaiqn to <%p<Ct when 11~1 . LOS ANGELES <AP> -Gov. n.aion ii& ·minn.yr. st. · · · - . · Lwda·.~·. Pf~'"1ant1 ·, I ;m•c"i/#J~o;;41<>-nrti •: ·,;,·•,'I · ld tod.a ·~•t higbw Ill Le i •"-klence 1 I ' h lied J -' i: '' ' ~' e.f:', ~ . " J '. "' ' • l: dtv~'\';.. = nlie! ~hit"'/',;~: l f~r :• ~.i;,""%Ui<o ·.:'.;t.:i ~yc~sgt.· 'wM~t~llr6ir1. tur1i~~ ';'"P.Oni.~r. I ~=~\':Ji.~;~ ':411. j budjle! ~. . . 'Norihan Babooi:k, '.but before the latter. • Presi&!nl' LYk~' ti. · J<!hhson's eldest ••:.>::.:r • • ~ l:ru . • , ~ In the keynO!e address ~I hit Con-errNICI, a car iWltd up and a ,woman daul!hler.·~ · &bP,· ii ex~llll' ( =-'"' ·,.,~~ u I ference on C.ltfoml1'1 'Chan1Jng pUlenpteot btitandtoo~thebM;' her~.ehl lfN.aY, •. Her~~· \.,:::=-··~ ,1=r:,.1: ~ ~ Envlroomtnt, Jleqan didn't aay how pott1111. Saporll0'1 blac~ and wblte · 11asm~~knoi\'h~~"l'.bY · nd1,:•h0i ~1-·1>n ·-·""'~' • 1 · mudt money will-be designated to-ftcht---pplk:e U\llt, tht womq fled· on foot.. -sakl·trnda~.-;-W~,~r . a~_..· 1 6 .. 'r:l-t rfJ~~ • ..V . ~ smog, but '!""de clear hle bu41et1 for~ . ·~the ~fficer atterhP.ted to plice tb'e gO whh.;~·l·Y4~:c>1li,d,.M}1ter~ ~r •win.. , . .. !" ·; , ,,, ,., " , , ftrst·ttme, Wiii Include lL ~ • male driver of· the car undtt arrekt, the 'Desha. J..' 1 • ~ · • •• ----.. -"" -• ...... • • ii ~. ',, ... 4 • . ·'-t_ I • . •' ''~ >'t/ I' ->f•' ') f t·.j'• ""''> • ... ·.•:\~•t" •. ~ °i .' $ ' /1 ~ t~\:~·-t..•~t:Af;t·,<1 1' ,, '\ f ~ ' . ~ ... , . ..,)'-. , .. , i ' • ~ ' . , . • ' !:z DAll.Y PILOT S lloodo1,.fl....l.b..17, 1969 ,."-----------------~-- &na.tor Hi~ ~aynsw~rth ' ., '· WAllJN'GT<>N ;(UPI) - F .. OI uio > IC llM Oourt llGl!lblalJOll of Clemept ·P. • MQ•awtb Jr. =z;:;a-t bJ' a hnk,., ,_ ~ .. t j Mr'* """1 al ...... ~ ...... -able _,..... TL'"'"--=~-+?Jt.., ~of • .... -w-.. .. Jiit Ot&dll ~ kr, l6en.. ~ C..•Byrd ([).W •. , Va.), Aid. il the stnale rejected llaynsworth, It would dishonor itaelf. • Senate Democratic Leader M l k e Mansfield or Monlana, and Sen. Gordon Allott of Colorado, subbing f o r Republican leader Hugh Scott, .both in· dicated they ·believed the confJrmaUon vote cOuld be reached later in the week. Mansfield mentioned Wedoeadly u a tarret ~. • • r:aµ·sp~:r , I et--~ ~ Freewt;iy Corridor Through County Eyed Siate1llghway engl.neen tod,y have a lo all modes of travel ind transport'' st~y "'.Ill ~ec.es.wU~ ~~lv~ lnlni wlde-r'"""ing study under way which will Some of the methods be cited : erui;111eer111g discipllnei, Ayanlan noted. -. !Usulla learned from the Santa Ana examine possible uses of everythlng from · -A monorail or rapid transit sy~tem. Freeway corridor st,udy. and techniquea air cushion vehicles to monoral1' for -Heliport de~ dotted akllg th~ route developed, will be usefu! later , in ap. transportation between San CJimente and corridor. • · / plication to other corrld~ of fretway Los' Angeles. -ExCIUslve freeway bus lanes. transportation in the state, the enginett The concept la to identify future -Roullngs for' special air cushion buses. suggested . transportation needs for what the -Reconstruction with possible double-"By collective pooling oC what·we know .. engineers tenn "the Santa Ana Freeway decking, of the exiding freeway. now and ,what we will learn t8 the course corridor" "between the southern coastal · -Development of parallel freeway of this study, we can get some 1dea. ot eod.ol Orange 'County and downtown Los all<malel or poo>ible rdinem4nt of tho stepo lo be liken to meet '""'°"""'' iJ>. Angeles. surfxe street dlstribuUon system. creasing trafllc demands," AyanJan COQo Announcemtnt or the wlde-ranglng Ayanian said that Division of Highway! eluded. ~ tnvestlgalion came f r o m engineers will be working closely with The overall study is expected to e~. District 7 State Highway Engineer Haig other agencies heavily concerned with over a period of several years, although AyarUan. Southern California transportation pro-no precise timetable has been developei . It will 'be a teem ef£ort, Ayanlan said, blem11, such as the toe· Angeles Regional by the state engineer!; They promised aimed at identifying the total transporta· Transportation System (LARTS) and periodic progress reports to cooperating tion need.I of those sedors of Orange and Southern California Association of agencies and the public. Los Angeles countlj!S now served by the Governments (SCAG). The state Meanwhile, Division 7 engineers are Santa Ana Freeway., • , . engineen will also seek cooperation with moving ahead on interim projecta aimed Ayanian indicated .that ablg the Santa local, state and federal 8gencle.s. at improving traffic flow on the exlltiq: Ana Freeway route, .. We'll be looi:iDg in-The broad scope.~ coritplexity of lhe Sant.a Ana Freeway. • • " • AUott, a Haynsworth supporter, 11id t•Ume is on our side" and predkied COD- llnnatlon but conceded "it will be very c:loee." He said his mail wu now runninC solidly ln favor of Haynsworth, whenu lt had been about 50-50 for a few w~a. 1 A Hayn1Worth cr!Uc, senate GOP whip Robert P. Griffin of Michlpn, 'alac>Ald the vote wtll be very close but said Jlay~orth would lose. Griffin predicted ~t a news conference in Detroit that hre would be 52 or s.1 votes against con· . Peace .M~lier~ Proteef ·AWOL Re'1enge Bombing . Province Chief Claims ~tlon~. Molcall (D-Mont.), told hiJ EoJ.leacues that as a former member of (he M-.ia Slate Supreme Coor! he was OriciMUY inclined to vote for Haynlworth'a Promotion. After "revel•· tlons wtre made in the press about hll financial'affalrS," Metcalf said he had te- c;ond thoughU. "Judge Hsynsworth's te~timony. wu .hot through with amb1guit1es. misrepresentations and ev.aslons," .~et c;•lf said. "He is a man wtth an ab1din& affinity for inaccuracy." 'Benefit Dance For Injured Hairdre~r Set • A benefit dance for disabled Costa Mesa hairdresser Fred Molina Jr. will be held under sponsorship of I e 11 ow bairdrelltn Sunday at F e l l c i a n o 1 a iestaurant In Newport Beach. r,. Molina, who lost. a leg as a result of a freak accident north of Dana Point earlier this year, received $500 recenUy -• ~ benefit llf>lil*nd by his friends. · ; The dance w111 be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 4 11 doulioo -I bu!!"~ lier. Il wUI·Iulure nonstop wfon11M"" by a bti band and BUr(Jrile peall, orpn!zerl aald. Molina was injured Aug. 3 as he and his fiancee tried to cross Pacific Coast Hi&hway to aid an acddent victim.• A pass1Dg ambulance accidentally hit a guy )fife. , ·. . The whipping cable kU!ed Molina'• companion, a nurse, and mangled tho hairdresaer's leg. The leg later wu am- puleted. Agnew Speech Not Nixon's Idea WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House said today President Nixon did not order, discuss or see an advance text of 15peechJart week by Vice.President Spiro T. Agnew aiticizing television network news coverage. Jn respomie to a question on a report by Time magazine that Nixon ordered the Agnew speech at Des Moines, Iowa, Pms Secrelaty Ronald Ziegler aald: "The President did not discuss the ad- drESS wtth. the vice president ; the Pru!· dent did not see (a copy of) the vice president's speech before be made it, nor -dkl the President order the vice president to make the 1Speech." • • :: ... ~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ' 'i . I l ' ·' OAILI ~llO l . ' ............ llsalk•••.._. . '-·-Ce* __ .,., --Cl¥l'Oll '°"'1 ""'" ...... CCMMlft •·Mrt N. w ... .. ,...,. ... _....., J•tlt l. C...t.y ............ ~ ........ , ........... ii .... net11111 A. M""fl• ---ON Mlle: DI W..I ht> $trwt ._.,.~1 m1._, .. .,...._. ..._ -..111 m ,_,,,,_ , ... 111.-. ~ at ...... .. • A ·South Vietnamese Infantryman says goodbye to his cblld •• be pr .. ~ares to move out on plllrol with his unit In Ball Me Thuo~ South letnam. . , ' " Cost of UCI Operations Figured at $22 Million Spending !or teachlog, rese•ch and other functions ol the (Jc Irvine campus . was $21.1 million during the J96M9 school year with income about $300,000 more at '22.4 million. The UCI budget was less than 2.5 per- cent of total University (lf California budget of $938.9 million for lhe year end· ed June 30. The figures from an annual financial report issued by UC regents show 62 per· cent of UCl's income -'13.9 million - was from state tu: funds. . Federal research 1ranta and contract! brought in $4.3 million. Student tuition aDd fees netted 11.5 milli0f1. reildence and dlolog hll!J II.I million, Uol•erslty Exttnaioo fees '841,0001 private gifts, 1rants and endowments $410,000, sales U,lT1.....,. REPORTED NEAR DEATH Josoph P. Kennedy From Pa9e l KENNEDY •.• not with Shrtver. She ectered the tiny churcll quickly, and remained inside for several minutes after the service was over. There was no word on whether Ken. nedy was comclous, but one unofficial 30Ur"Ce said he was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church Sunday . Richard C.nl!nal CUshing of Ilostoll. A lon1·Ume family friend, said Sunday that l'te had received a teJtphone call from ~ ramlly ~·ad\lising me that he had a very serious setback, and Jt seems that the good Lord Is about to take him in the foreseeable future." Besides Edward and hit ramlly and tbe Shrivers, other memh«'s of the family at the compound Included Patricia Kennedy Lawford and Jean Kennedy Smllh, whose husband Stephen alto wu &here. Jacqueline Onalils, widow of the late president, was en route to the Cape lrom Europe.. And a family spokesman said Ethel Ktnnedy, widow ol the 1•1< Sen. llobert F. Kennedy, had -been nolllled ol the elder Kcnnedy11 condlUon and might relum to the cape also. and 1ervlcea or educational departments '109,000, parking operations '99,000, and &tudent recreaUon fees $32,000. Close to two.thirds of expenditures - $14 million -was for salaries. A breakdown on expenses showed $3.5 million went to the School of Medicine, $2.6 mUlion to the School of Physical Sciences, $1.1 million to the School of }lumanlties, •1.1 million to the School of Social Sciences, and '2.1 million to other educational departments. Al!o, II nillllex1 t<>·t!Je. library,' 11.4 million to operatloo and maintenance of buildings, fl.2 mllljon .to general ad- Jnlnillratlon, #1!,00Q . to University E>· tenlian, $894 ,000 to studeot services and '329,000 to lnaUtuUonal services. Burglar Slays Two iii Baltimore BALTIMORE (UPI) -A gunman ap- parently llll"prlaed while burglarizing a dry cleaning and laundry plant early to- day shot and killed two employes. Police said they found a cloth bag con- taining burglary tools at the plant and recovered a shotgun, believed to be the murder weapon, and a man's jacket and glove in a nearby cemetery. The shootings occured at about 15 a.m. In the main plant of Lord Baltimore Laundry Inc. in southeast Ba!Umore. The victims were identified as foreman Virgil Dawson, 57, and driver Robe.rt Kornmalan, 41, a father o( four. Police said the gunman wu believed to be in his 30s. Marines 'Land' On Roof, Nabbed Two :young .Camp Fenclleton ~tarlnes were apprehended tOOay ' by Laguna 1'each police on the roof of the Ship Ahoy Restaurant, tm S. Coast Highway after an early morning chase. Richard Rudolph Morse and Gerald \Vayne Hall, both 21, Yr'el'e placed under I arrest on suspicion of burglary. P~ claimed a witness, who spotted the pali\ Jugging a television set outside the Hot.el Laguna , reported they dropped the se t nnd fled when t.hey realized they were bolng walched. Polict summoned by the witness, traiJ.. ed the two to the roof of the restaurant and escorted them to the station where they were being held pending ideo- liflcaUon oC the owner or the TV set. President Ends Weekend's Rest WASHINGTON (;\!>) -Pr<sldtnt Nix· on flew back to the White House today after an overnight stay · at Camp David,, his rnOUJllain retreat nelt to Thurmont, Md. ·Mn:. Nixon and their daughter, Trlcla, aCCQIDpanied the PmldeDt on the helicopter !rip. The lint family flew to. camp Dayfd late Sunday, after the Presfdent had watched the Washincfon Red skins •nd Dallas Cowboys lln,le in a Natlonal Football Ltague a:ame. Nixon, lhlJlnt incumbenll'resldenl to see an NFL game, stayed for the enUre contest, won by Dallas fl·28. • County GI, Pal HONOLULU (AP)-Two AWOL WV• Jceqieri, one from Anaheim and the other from Downey, averted arrest here Satw· day when peace marchers ·duiiiped military policemen over a main gate at Paclflc Military Command headquarters. The absent-without-leave .serv!cemen were identified as Navy Seaman Mike Waters, 20, Anaheim and Army Private John Bolm, 18, Downey. They were reportedly ltadini a peace march oc the military.headquarteri when mllilary police moved lo lo arreat b Demonstrators in the croWd of 500 marchers grabbed. the woWd-be arrest. Ing officers as they approached Waters and Bolm. The MPs were dispatched over the main. gate. • The two young men had Jed the crowd of protesters Saturday on a two.mile march and raJly at the gates of camp H. M. Smith. Waters and Bolm were among a group of 30 servicemen who took refuge two months ago in a pair of Honolulu church· es. They fled tO the niainland shortly before military authoriUes raJded the churches. After their return recently the two said they intended to give themselveS up after leading Saturday's protests, but at last repcrt they had not, dooe S9· . " .. .. ... Israeli Planes Hit Radar Base By Un.lied Press lctematlonal Israeli jets aUacking in waves carried out a major strike today against Iraqi. Syrian and Jordanian artillery units in Jordan and "severely hit" an Egyptian.. operaled radar base in southern Jordan. a spokesman reported ih Tel Aviv. It was the Set.'Ond ·big Israeli raid agaJnst the EgyptJan radar station at Mazar, 70 miles south of Amman and 13 miles beyond the Dearl Sea cease-fire line. Israeli planes knocked out the base a year ago but it apparenUy had been rebuilL The base wa.s carable o! giving Egypt an early warning o Israeli strikes across the Sinai Desert. Israel reported Last week it had knocked out the radar bases along the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Suez, thus making Egypt more vulnerable to air raids. Gls Killed 300 Viets QUANG NGA!, Vietnam (UPI) -Col. Ton That Kh.len, chief Of Quang Ngai pro- vince, said today U.S. air and artillery str~kes leveled the village of Son My and kill ed about 300 Vietnamese civilians to avenge the death of U.S. soldiers killed in the area by s~pers. Khie:n 's account of the lncident con- tradicted reports by some of Son My's 1,500 residents that two Am erican pla- toons had .executed nearly 7QO old men, women and chiJdren~·in March, 1968, one month after the TET offeruiive. The villagers told U.S. Army in- vestigators that a 100 man U.S. Army patrol stormed into the coastal village a few miles below the demilitarized zone (DMZ), ordered everyone outside ·and massacred them with Ml6 rifles. They 1&id 70 to 00 persons escaped. Anny spokesmen said the Arn)y was holding Lt. ·w1111am Calley Jr .. 28, of Miami, Fla., at Fort Benning, Ga., in connec tion with the slaying of 109 civilians in the same area on March 11, 1968. A Squad leader in his platoon, S/Sgt. David Mitchell, 29, of St. Franclsvllle, La.o is being investigated at Fqrd,Hood, Texas, for allegedly committing assault with in~ to ~~r ~ the sanu; l!t~ cident. • , .. \ , The Army 's Americal Div.is.ion whl cli operates around the Son • .My refuiee village would say onl)r. Ulat 'Calley at lhe time was a platoon leader in C Company, 20th Infantry, 11th Light Infantry Brigade. Spokesmen said the release of addillonal details might prejudice ~~ case. "I don't believe the Americans shot the civiliarul like the villagers say," .said Marines Begin Drills Off Clemente Coast SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -.A task force of 10 ships began today a five..cfay war game. tesUng their ability to find and destroy enemy submarines and ward o[f air attacks. .. The exercise o[f San Clemente Island and Pl. Mugu wa.s directed by Capt. W. L. Talbot, comqJander of D e s \ r o y e r Squadron JI. The flagship, the guided misslJe frigate Horne, is baaed in Sao Diego. Khien, 40, the former Chief of staff for, the tsi and 2nd Soulh Vietnamese tn;. fantry divisions. "I have worked with the America! Division many limes. . "I know this is not how they operate. Many times I have seen them try to save the lives of people in Viet Cong areas at • risk to themselves. But yes, people told me there was much bombing and art illery near the village during tbl operation and that many people died. "I think perhaps 300 were killed, pro. bably by the artillery and bombing. I talked to the villagers four months aft• the incident and they said they did not see the Americans shoot anyone." Mom, Daughter Shot to Death By NY Bandits NEW YORK (UPI) -A mother and daughter were shot to death aOO the father was wounded critically early today by two gumner( who forced \heir .way 1Dlo tho. family'• Wlshinglon Heighle apmo ment and·robtied1hem of 1bout $100. PolktJ identified the dead women u Moi . .Mauri Leighton Jackson, 40, and her daughter, Dianne, 20. Patrick Jack900, 40, was reported in critical condition with wounds of the head and back. Police said the Intruders, described as -young and about six feet tall, forced the women into a bedroom of the 12th floor apartment, then took about •100 from Jackson. As they Jett, the gunmen opened the bedroom door and began firing, killing the women and·wounding Jackson. The women were pronounced dead at the scene and Jackson was taken to the New York Medical Center. Bomb at U.S. Embassy, YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -A homemade time bomb was found placed at the front gate of th e American con- sulate general building here last Monday night, police announced Tuesday. 'lll.ey said civilian· g_uards found the bomb and removed the fuse. "I Do Love You. However • " • • J \Vben the woman In your life tells you she loves you, but you dress like an old fuddy-duddy, it's time to take a good look in the mirror. Do you see a suit without shape, yesterday's narrow lapels and a lie to match? Shirt the same subtle shade·of white that Calvin Coolidge wore? If so, it's time for a trip to Bidwell Country. Let us show you what's happening. \Ve can't tum fuddy-duddies into dandies, but we can supply the suit that makes even the most conservative man look stylish, feel comfortably self-assured. You can trust us. You can also bring your wife along. 3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m. • I ~ I I [ I ; •• •• .ii .. I I ' ' I i I i, I \ -·-ii I J I. ' I I., '1 I Ir_ . ' ..._,_ __ _ ' ' • \ Di11.Y ,,\.OT,.-.,.. W1tlc111n11 kf'til.t Beat1ties ·and the Balloon · . Fountain Valley Higli Homeco,ming Queen Debbie Nelson (let~) aiid her court matte an1unusual entrance Friday night during halftime of Fountain Vcilley·Edison football ' game .. HQt air balloon was provided ~ourtesy of famed balloonist Don Piccard wh~n students couldn't come up wit.ft' a stag~coach ·to fit western theme of· homecoming. Fountain Valley's football balloon burst, however, in 21~20 loss to ~disqn ... f!u _JJ.,ti':"gton lf eldet Held . ' , · ·~~A.1~1!~1',·A~tem/pt:~Rf!tP . · ·ff Hunim~ Beac~~ w.eJ 1 ~! ar.· '~s. ~. ~:s treated and rel~~-~ ·· rested· sMdJi tfiight on~ -c~. ol at-1 Sllncl~y a{ Huntington Inierconlmunity tpnpted murder . aft.et '.'shooting his H~p.1t.al. Russell was reported in fair ·~ ed ,, nd he broth , h"I the cond1hon .today. ~ .. ang . w.,e,a .. t ,. er w 1 e " Pos~y is schedul~ for arraignment three w~e removing furn1tur~ ,frcim his Tuesday in West . Orange County apartment. Municipal Court, Westminster. Cletus G. Posey, 44, -of ,17122 Emerald Lane, Huntington Beach, "as bboked into H"unUngton Beach city jail on suspicion or , Pres :dent Ends assault with Intent to commit murder and " ~A • S • assault with a deadly weapon. . Ut;':l'.V!Ce, · tJltJ,Qll Police allege U..t Pooey &hot-his wife, Weekend's Rest Mrs. Geraldine Posey, 33, once in the hip, ; ,r • ' ·~·· ·~ -1 • ~ and her brother, Clafence Lee Rllssell, DeCISion Before both ' of 7941 Cypress AV.., Huntington WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix. , • · · · : · f . . r · i '' '1 • · Beach, in the stomach, about 5:45 p.m., on Clew· back to the White HoUse loday ne,·. a·"h'. if'~. UD. • "'. il ' , Sunday. a~ter. an overnight st~y at Camp David, w.:; '-Al '-' The ·pOseys had been separ' ated for his mountain retreat next to Thurmont M.d. • • . 1 • l.i\.~ ~ ~ · . about .fl mi:>nth after •a 13•year•martiage. A'.1 ~la'Mi.J1g Com.mf'$.s't.O.r\ recQm~ ciceording·tO poll'ce llpotts; Mrs. POsey Mrs. Nixon and their daughter Tricia meriQ.atjOn' that serviC,e:stations be 4Uow· and her brother had &one to the apart· accompanied the President '~n th~ ed in·are3s-z0ne<l for eomrilu'nity'busir\eSS ment to remove some ol her furnishings, helicopter trip. districtS is before Uie Huritinlfon BeaCh.. 8ci:ording to her statement, and her bus· The first family flew to Camp David TEN 1CENTs . . 1 • t • , ' • • ·,, OV Bond .. :" ~. ~ 1 • • -VOte 'Set ' • .. . . SehQ~·ls .Seek $7~5Millfun for. B'l~l@iJJ&; ' .. . ' ' . . ·~ ,, .Ocean View SChool Distrtct·voters go to the· p0lls Tuel<!ay to llecide the fate .if a 11.~ mlllloo bond eleclli>n to finance school co"*1JcUon ~gh-1'15: , .1 A two thitcO:·niljority IS reQl!ired for pa ... ,. or the bond. 'lber• are 21,391 vqler, in the d1str1ct-,· · ' POUing places located' at . schools throughout the district will be ofi<!! from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. r- Ocean View administr-.tora i00ay reported that some tyjiograP-l't14;al enors have ' crept into the statement ot com. pllance which accompan'ied ., sample ballots covhlhg Uie bond election. • . ' PaniaraP!>s (1), (2) and (3) on pageo 2 and 3 should be correcteCt as follows': 1t •. ' .0419 centa per $100 ~ val'!'tion in Paragraph (I) 'should J'OOli "4:t9 cents per 11eo. of .-valua· .Jion.~ • , :• • • • .29.10 cetit.. per 1100 of ...wed ;:a~.~~~~c~~r :J r,rO:· ~<2= vaJuation." -, _ ·, ' " •••. 328~cenlS per.lllO of~ valuation'' Ji\ Paragraph (3) should read "32.81 cents. Per $100 of asseseed' vajua- tion." A ~';Wan tOr the ~hool dtStrict ' ' poihted'out the correction' !lf thls-.:lerlcal error· in no waY chiniei the condMiaml of the'"tlectioii. : • I I ... ,, . I t· ' Based on t anticipaUid 1.1 Jocreues ... Jn:, ~ valuaUon, no1irtC1'11S8 in taxes Is foro<ll!I i(;lhe voten ~Jll!l"OYO tllO fl4· milliOn bond +iuue.,. • • . · ~ • • , I . 'ille regiilar"m'l"t¥ic ol }l10 °"' ... vie..: Sc!1ool D«•..i.t • biard, ,"' ·. -· orlglna)ly, ~ulecJ lor tOniji.i, hU bOeii ""JIC~ ~~ oj the bon4 ,~eCtlon ••• A special meetil)g .has be<lt c811!d !\i.~ stead'~or 7:311,P,.m~, .Nov. 2•, at d~ headquarters, 7972 Warner Ave., ~ tipgtqn. ,Beach . Faintly ··at BedSfde ,; ' Apollo Speeds ··, Unerrmgly Joseph Ke~n;edy , ' ' I Lw .... s, .... . . T-0ward· Moon ' I > Near Death ' -SPA!JE CllN!ER, Houston , (jJPll - A~ !l's sleepbig crew sped faster aed HY ANNI$ PORT, Mass. (AP)"",; - f3ster today toward their rendeivou..s Fof11ler Ambassador Joseph P. Kenoedy, with the inoon, their course so precise a father of a seaside American political 1J0al .navigational correction was dynasty, Wll$ near death today \l!t h1s scrubbed.' home in the Kennedy compound on ~ At 9-a.m. PST. with the force of lunar Cod. ' gravity pulling the craft at an ever iir Hfa sole surviving son, Sen. Edward M. creJSing speed. the three U,S. spacemen Kennedy (0-Mass.), was at his bedside. were 21~068 miles from the moori where His condition was described as "very two of J}ltm will land early Wednesday. low'' by his son·ln-Jaw, Ambassador Ground controllers decided that a Sargent Shriver, shortly before 8 a.m.' course correction plaMed for 2:47 p.m. "The end is only a matter of hours J>Sr today would not be necessary before awar," Shriver to~ a newsman af:ter at· the spac.eshJp whips into ·1uhar orbit five l~nding ~arly morning Mas~ at St. Fran-h~rsr -Jaier. 'Cha;rles '.'Pete" Cqnra.d, CtS Xi;1er Roma~ ~~lhol~C ~burch •in Ric)!~ F. <Jpl'doq.and ~Ion~-S,ap will , · H;<.,8/'11 ...,;,,. 1 ilh ·o/ 1il..IJ'i1,;p id nt my..;if.n~ ol tl)e· !\1.'191',-a, I ",111>1-" r ·~ '""'. ! . !"'!' •. Wore cOft~d-~'Bean 'O!iicerld (0 the , JOl)Jl •r :.Ke_nnedy, ls.at ~ .. ~~s ~ ~m face elirly Wednesday in their luna r Poor hl!allh for eighr year1, · . 4 sur · • • . He suffered what a doctor said was· • landing veb~.le ~cknamed lntrep1~. minor ~ea rt attack ov~r the weekend. Apollo JI s noantpne ~ w~s ~·~74 Shriv~r said tt1e former ambassador miles an hour. _But by the lu!'e it whips hatl been W'lable to eat for..aeverll days. behind the moon tonight It will have ac· Shriver and his wife EunM:e Ken- celerated to more thin 5,000 miles an nedy's eldest daughter, riew here Sunday hour. th from Paris. Shriver is U.S .. ambassador Conrad, Gordon and Bean gave e to France. folks back nome an early morning Mrs. Ro5e Kennedy ·matriatch or the television v~e~ of the ap~oach!ng moon Kennedy clan, also ~tt~nded M8'S this and the sp1cter·llke landing ship before morning at St. Francis Xavier's, though they went to bed for the day., not with Shriver. She entered the Uny At one Point the earner~ picked up the church quickly, and remained lftside for approaching yellow quarter m o o n · several minutes after the service w&.s Mission control asked the astronauts over. where they would like to go on the moon. There was no word on whether Ken. "Anywhere,'' · replied an obviously nedy .wa, conscious. but one unofficial eager Bean. source said he was given'the last rile$ of The SS.minute telecast came durinj the th~ Rqman Catholic Church Su.nday. final checkout or the lunar module · Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, a Intrepid before the astronauts swing Into long-time family friend , said Sunday that orbit around the moon tonigbt. he had received a telephorle call from the All was in order, with both the family "advising me that he had a very machinery and its crew, ror America's serious setback, and it 11eenls that' .. the second lunar landing _ and man's first good Lord is about to take him in the scienlliic exploration of an alien world. foreseeable future." . - ~t · Age :B~r.' , Ul'IT ...... REPORTED i'jEAR DEATH · Jol~i>h f>. Konnody · India Premier ' I ' WinS Struggl~ · City Council for ·appr~val .tonight. . . b.and was helping. \ late Sunday, after the President had . :r!le ~~~e: s~t19ns wi!l ~ ·aJl~w~d · When Mrs. Posey asked her husband watched the ·WaShington Redskins and . NEW•,DEµtL'(·AF) ....... Pri,ne Minister d . 1 th "" t he hi . t 1 he 11 edl Dallas Cowboys tangle in a Nati onal M • J(ill' d Hi h un er ~ ~ PfOposa , rou6l .. a u.se perm1 ·, w re s·p1s o was, a eg y pulled ar1ne · e on g way Indira .Gandhi easily won .1oday her first · The P.roP=<f co<!e ~fr!endment ·also it from his. waistband and f~ed five FooNtball League game. · · ' mai'or test in Parliament lllnce the. callslf0r8 review tiY the Soard of Zoning shots. The trio was in the kitchen at the ixon. the first incumbent President to . , Adjustments 'for all .uses in.~cOmmercial· time. see an NFL game, stayed for the entire breakup of 'her ruling Cofigte·ss i)a}1y zones.wttii:!h l1o not require ~PPt<!_val _of a .Police .said Russell apparently talked contest, won by Dallas 41·23. -Indicating her government will be able use. pennit.' . .: • • ' Posey into giving him the gun while Mrs. By Fellow Marm· e's Auto to 1urvive de!pite the 1o .. of Its abocilute .The Councilmen will also act on a Plan· Posey called police. P•y surrendered majority. nifC CommiS!ion proposal to reione pro-.qule'tly when ,officers arrived at the Beach High Sets With the ala.or indepeudents, &ociaU!ts ~yret the north~~t corner of ~fnger apartmen_t. ' Avenue and GOthard Street from One of three El Toro Marines who were Ion. Harlin 's two companions were and Communists, she defeated a censure ma\1.ufacturulg to ·co~cial '.u'Se with ta:. • 'Ah, Wilderness' walking back to their base Sunday night unhurt. motion biou&ht bY lhe right-Wing sw8tan-- 50-foot, 'setbac~ requk9d:' . .1 Westminster PJanS · was struck and killed by a car driven by No chafges, will be filed against Fisher, tra party ·cfltiC~tbe. ~ernment's dtner i\emY, on. ,tonigl\t'a agenda 1n· • , a fellow Marine. CHP officers said. They salddthe accJde~~ participa:tion m. the Rib8l lllimic sum· elude: • · •. ;. · -C } Eugene O'Neill's comedy • 1 Ah Dead when · California HI g h w a·y occurred on a "particularly ark stretch , "t f ' In °'ptembe , ~A-:,Ublic hearinf: tozbe':set'J?r J?ee· t •. -... \!. ~tyral,.A.~ts;_:\Ieek__ .. JV'lkleJ:ne.s.s" ,will . be staged Friday and . pat'rQ1men reached the accident scene qn of Trabuco R.Oad. , . • ., ~ m1 con erence >l': r. on ta."tltlon'i(or,n~te ·increase tiy the • . S!lt_urd8.y by draina students at· .Hun-'Tra~Co Road , n~ar s.and ~anYon, Road ·Harlin's death was the second In-· -jThe-'Vo~J386. u,-143-:Jn ·Mrs. ~G'aniibl's Yello\f'~Cab;.Co, '"ol • .N.eWporf. Beach and Plans for "!e: s.econd ~\u;tl Cultural linato'!i Bea<;h Higl)' School , was P.vt. Donald R. Harlin,· 2o. Pvt. vestiiat~ ,Sunday by cm>nef's offlcen. , favor, showed BM ~II· able lo pick tip Co~ Mesa Irie. , -'.J ( : • ~·· W,ee.t _ in. West~ •":,iJI• ·be j ' • _ '. . • 11111 Couaiy Traffic Jta K~vin O'Brien, 22, of Long Beach, died more v~es than she h&CI Jolt by the split t~.r<)~ed . bids Jn; lr:~Jf1c slgn.1ls 1 on· . ~ssed during a·m~ng se~~Jed for , TM ·P~uc~l°", t.o be ~resented In an 195 Death Toll lit early Sunday \vhen .his ~portscar a~, irl the . Par;f.Y·1. Before'.; tbf: apllt,. the Brnnkhurst streM·ai··two'lPierse_ctioos -7 ,~. ~.m. Tu~~~y .~ t~ .. city s Com· ,_ .~fl!pr~ss1onlst1c setting, wlll be sh~~n at 8 perently ~went out of ~troJ ,on, tile.. Oqngress 'party bad 282 seats·_: 22 .....,.8 1ncijlnapo~ , and-'(.orktof n avenues:· 1T)Umty' !1 ~Mees' ~ullthng, · 8 .2 0 ~ p.m. both nights in the·Hutitingt.on Beach Harlin's home address was withheld. fo. Garden Grove Freeway and smashed nto full , ·. · . ,.,..,, E~ii_nated.~~ o6,. , the.pro JC·~ is ~~. to1 ~ ~:uttrposplnll•erof.Athevt', 7 .. -...... , a•-"rdi 'r 1 • , :J:fii'n ~. chool auditorium.~ , day by Marine officiaJs pending notiflc~-a guardrail near the Golden Wf!sl St~E!et . l n an absolute majcirity, . he jflna~t.bY Ora91e ounty n11.er1a IJ . , ~ _.., ......., n o 1. ket .11 bef .1 'l:>I th doo lion or his next of kin. offramp. · • · • Hljhw'ay Ftnance l'r9tram 8nd State Gas RM~cr1.eal~. and Pansbl"sh• DI~ Saal ' f IC .8 wdri SiVadl a ~at ~. r or Patrolmen Said the' three' Marines -.;,ere Officers said O'Brie.n was at.one. in th,e 4 .. -' T · JUrids 1 (. 1 • , }I 1azzo,1 1s 1..to •esta .1 dates for .the rom any ama stu ent. ._ • \Vaiking south with th;eir backs to South-·· car ancf was driving at high speed when Orange .Coaa& a~, '· · "' : 1 , prc;igram and ways lo tie .in lhe CultUral 1 • P.rices are $1.50 adull3 , $f(or students. bound lraffic when Harlin was struck by he railed to negotiate a curve ~in the rt~ • ~ , Arts Week with lhe City's ~ntennlal ancl 50 .. cents (or elementary school a car driven by Pvt. Ke·nneth FJs9e¥, .21,"I freeway · r ~ • • u.ty. ~g·O Oreets , .C~ebrauon wtiich Star\S next yfar. · students, also or the El Toro Marine Corps~r Sta-The d~ath 'saturday of a Pomona)t;uan · . , ..,.._~··" . , ' · "-\ I .· who waa severely bumed ·Nov. 9 tn •a '· Dr .• -·~· 1 ' • ' • • • :J " ' Brea. traffic accident brougbt. the · ' "•' U 1~f:Fi~.--~~-~~f~~~~ .. -··Fot.~~·· ·fu ·Stated on:I ·Schools .. : ::~~~z~:.~flt~m~~: ~~r~t5~:~1 · "" '....:..l k whe . • -' ' • when. his ,slali9" "ifi<"1 ''~· ~f j •· I'·• la the •--te Bt\a ~win,. .• r: now re . ' I . "I 'I ......... ,, •• , •. .,,. .• "-•'"' ''"""'"'llilaif"a-"'•·~hedu-1111 "' ·~··"' ,.,., -.. .,..... th;>':~ -t . ~ ~ · • t. ~· ~ j~ ·· • •' J "i • i'" 1 · ·;, .• <i 1 ' ;· · , , ., .'.:r, ~·111'?•1 , .'f'l l'"' . • .r-, · ' )·middle 781s. t. • cown:ir·~~· l•:r!ih~~ ' ' '\:' ~ t ,'1.Y· M ~Ptina to Rri' ~· .~· '1~' II ~~fl~i~£z . ~-:~ ... ·~,~~ .! . '. 1.:~.~--1~.· wb:y;9m~'7~pa· .;~u:,· }ii,~i!. ;_. '1 , .. ~!l~:.;19,~-y .. ' F~""""',;'°"·•,• U0fAO~at headof1the. " • .. -·: •:-.-"-.'· 4'' ••• •. ·"'"' •• · .e ,.... k'J. r '''" 1'. • l\1 ff.,. -• ' ' ' /.. I :'i'.'f.~ r'ft~ ·::r. · _ ~ 1 ~· ·' ,Y., j ·~:·.i·"!1' ·~··:·,,~· .. ' ·1'.J"·· Kalihlet11 ·McCtuske:y,,st,·of·Breaf dled ·ln . ·S~hMil>orter gi~ii: t10U. fair H &e~h ·Pier• ,.~~· ( 1 .or.> 1 •• ••• ~ .-··o""" ·· i ~ ti ·.. · · · · : · 1 • 1 1 ·" 1 '· • · h'"I ' · .. ~ I •. ~ ·'-·In· ... 1· · 1 r · ii TM> a·•mm.OlriM.Js, $;rk blue ·Ori.Cb ~ ·~~hr,~nti~ ,~il~]lll~ :Prwi~ will tie I next session oC the Jeiilta~~ •. and ' II DJstll.~t~, Cur~~·81ue~¥e,. b .~ .~!·~eia:.• th! ~8'in&l ~e "' e. . j '_, '. • l • ~r'"'W ' . IHl.1'' lJlllncuz co u,,i whilE; we around. with a r~ border. dlscusSed at •1C6n6nUrltt; lor\im Thur11-priorities in education-QulJt,ions. lt0ro . manager ot Westmlns~ School ~trii:t~ i... l I ~t11P::;2,;~~~~{ ,t!~!:"!:\ ;· • _ • . ,qay ~liht...spon~•byJhe.HunUn&(on, thd loor wlii follow. • ' 1 • • • • .,. 3Stfkk ""•rlcet "' di. n·. I D Beach League of ·W•mtOtvoten. s ' Both Burlte ~and ·Ryan are thember.t ol !Correllan.Jbompaol'l, ~ manqer ' ~ . ) 11earl4 ,w Jorm1 arrive. ' I U il f Ifl .1e •regµant '·l'wo ~"\al< auem~lyin~, &bert H. the ...,...mbly'• EducauOO:.·pommitl'oe, •or lhe .~•111• CoaA_• Ju~ior College NEl1<voai\ (~P\~;n~·;!Ocitii¥rk•l • I=. ll =Jl'".i ·';1 1\'ASlllN!i1'0N (UPi) -r./m.r • ,Bu<loi (R·flunu-. l!oaclli " and lAio J, "'!l\d Ryan Is chainnan of Qll Jbjl!I COm-District_; ' m -'< .... ttimbliol".on .-wide'din&lnl ~lop\"ip:mod• =':°' . ..,, """ --!I President JLyodon B. J-'s eldest R~an (D-San Mlteo) wtll.beitl!O pr_jn<ipal , mitfee on Tcacl!er L)cen1hi1, tid, Pu)\ll•i. -Dave ken~.~-~,teaC!iOr · ef.i~<rldJnlW..(~;.(Sie ~\iooi,. , ' " ,_ . ....;_ ;;;;; dajiltitet 1.fn<1a·Binl.Robb, Is """"°"· opeoters •t the a R.m. -~ at' the School Employm .. t. ,, • "~·Jt, [ lllf· ... ,~ , ~~Cl; p 11'11) · r ,, ', :• · · '"· " , ·=---. l: l::....Or <' • her ~~lkl tn May.' Her pregnancy· .. Wflllm~Hill &6ol;clftCirlUQ1r' Chairman 'ol the ,.meellni:lf ~)1 ,.1· ' ,11 • ~St~· 1 , ' ,,rrier~a, _,,·deOllQM, ~ .. i~Y1~~1 · (:::::::' ~' :C:-· i: ---~~by frlft!!sJ_ ho· t~ Abe t$a bfcct~ "two . neJ!l Marl~ edl!<;IU.O • ~ l , ' , "~'lil'llliMml · Jllll!!i over 1c1Tiinc!eo' oh lhe N..,. Y~ , ·-· '1>u ·•--·• sail LA u, wii tt0p1,. tor a bOy• to ~bfJtrilft. .a. Wf~:,meM'bif panel .';f'Jocal League of WomfnV . , ,. , te 1Jie µn . nlton Bti cti union St'ocJt Excijnge ixPiblfta aa ... tffe:.eiil(ln ''-T=---n-::.,.. "'::;.. """ - gQ]rith )er' 1-)'ear~d diilghter, Lucinda.. io,cat educa~·WUJ qida the(ll on t.utlon Panel members are Dr. CJjlrence H~I~ , Htgh ·School1 Dlatrtct,· and Waldq Price, wbre' orr. An hour before the' close the ' ,.,... · • ' ~' 1 llooba..J -· _ _ or 1c!IOol1, ldiool 111Ds,ii<iinin&.befotc.11>1_iuperlnfeud~of lhe•Ocoan Vleir· SCboof , •principal of Founlalh Velley School, edge was more thon IOO . . . • ' • ' I I " 2 OAllV Pl\OT H r - &Ji ~;Held at Bay ByOwn .Gki ' r - ilt,una Beadl police o11rcer John Sljilrtlo momenllrllJ !oullll blmMU ,..,. In& hll own aun during a tussle with' a ....,._ ~·· violator S.turd•Y "'-· . fta ~ l1ool aft.r a sldewal~ wnii!lllll maid!, bu! police 11y Illa lden- l!IJ is k-. and 'a warrant 'wtll be IOUl!tt ' fer hll arrest on cbarpa of assauhlng art ofOcer and 5USpiclon of violation of drug laws. Acting .on a ·UP, Saporito local<d a plutle bq coa1aW111 what appureil to be inuijuana hldden iD bu.shes outside 'J'2S Glenneyre SL Leaving the evidence In place, he called !or a plain clolbes llakeout by Sgt. Norman Babcock, but before the latter arrived, a car pulled up and • woman -er got out and look the baJ. Spoltlpg S.porlto'1 bla<k and while police lmlt, the :woman J!ed on fool. When the offictr attempted to plaet. the male driver of the car. under arrest. the tatter 'tried to run but wu' downed by Saporito. During the ensuing struale, the of· fleer'• gun hols.ter was opened, the •UIJIOCI grabbed the gun and held It al ,J;aporito's stomach, police· said. He had succeeded in wresUlng the gun e suspect when Babcock arrived and iiled the fray, but the man broke awa7 both officers and escaped on foot. ~ A warrant for bls arrest will be sought from the district attorney's office today, J!Olice uld. No injuries .(or even tom !Jl!ilom11) ,,.,. ..,..1oc1 lft.r the bo111e. Seawater Plant ' ' On Bolsa Island {l'opic in Bea~h ·• 'J'he propoeedil u c l ear·powere d !NWlter.amvenlon and panr plant off the HunUngCon Beach · Cl08lt . will be -Wedneaday by Jolla R. TerrlP,k. ilOP.llJ' -of the Stale DoplrlnWnl ~ =c: J>rindPaJ opeaker al the-~ membenblp ._._of the -Beacb Cb&mber ol Com- -al the --Beacb Inn. .,,,.,_ i-Fadni Callfornla" will 1io the Ullo of bla talk. He wlll.-allde• Ill Ibo 1"1111' .. ol the Sta,11.Ji'~ ~J· ict-' ' · New .-hen ol the dwmJ>r will be by C. E. "Bill". WP.Odl, iil•idllenl.11111..,. flii' ti- -be moda bi M"""'1, ofllclall &aid. A .call IO the cbemblr olfil:e, -1 will .,...,., -•• Teerinl< WU named deputy dlredor of . the Dapartmenl of Wat.r Jlooour<ea by Governor Ronald R<apn In r•hnw>' of 1117. .' • - Prior lo 1>11 appolntme111'11t wu uolJ. tMl ·dllel ........ IOr the jleporlmetol for llZ ,Oan In charfe oi a lllOtewlde plannlnc and --allou of lb• departmenl'I II"' dlslrtct&. Teerink joined the department tn 1946 and hu parllclpeled in all phues or plannlng !or the ~lat. Waler Projecl Huntington L WV Backs Bond Vote The Hunllnc14n Beach Chapter o! the teaaue of Women Voters has endorsed a 17.1 million bond elecUon scheduled !or Tueldly Jn the Ocean Vie\IJ' SChool Dlatricl In a statement released to the pteM, the group llid, "School construction must keep pace with the rapidly increasing populaUon of the· Ocean View School District if double sessions and tbe other problems of overcrowding are to be .... ded." DAllV PILOT ' . ' ClllANOe COAST P\lllltHltte 'COtdNC't l•Mrl N,' Vitti ~ .... .... ,,., ... Clltl~ ' 'Yb ......... lfld GtMr1f~ . ' Tlt11111t lctt¥11 ..... l M"''' Ai M-"ilnt H .. "ttlllt lillliW _.,._. w .••••• A,_....f:lllw ,., ........... OfffM l ot .... Sttttf M1llrllf Alll4rt "I l.o .••• no, 92'41 -·-~ .. t(!I, 1111 w.n• ••ll!flf ....,......,, ,-, ~ C.11 /flet4l1 al W.1 •n fir81 . 'L-"' "°' 3D fort~ .t.11llU9 , l ; .. '-• ~~~~y ~J?~n~:t.~ ~m;phqs~~e {iifi1ci~l:'Ef~~r • / •1~ Unndfled by.Supreme Court ,Evidence in su~ of that. argument . ~.rtroom. ho..,__e~Jttard • jur eon· , .,. " f • , ~ '• ~~Jd "hil arguments, Anknla wilr tnclude a rie..dit!ctor test and • byp-ftss fn the J)OSl·Vti'(QCt Polling that had .OAll'I' PIL.OT !'NM~ f Wf'1 te'fllle CANDIDATES -Girls seeking Fountain Valley J unior Miss crown include (from top) Naomi Young, Cbris Wendell; Coltllie Mitc)lelli Sandi Fukunaga; Judy Dickhudt an4 'Geni' ·carpentel'l ·WiJll!er 'wil " be picked Nov. 22 by city's J aycees. " ' 'I Misses t l l .~ .. . io Mix Valley Girls Seeking Crow1i ' . Sevin Fountajn vauey High School seniors will COlllpete Saturday in the clty'I Junior Mlsa Pageant s~ an-, nually by tbe<Fountaln Valley J"1cees. They'll be seeking the throne currenUy l\eld ~y Nancy 0 1Connell, Foon!Oin Valley Juolor Miss !or i969. Judging will start al 7:30 p.m. in the Fountain Valley Com· munity Cent.er, 10200 Slater Ave. Tryq lo cun bjne the belt In scholarshlp and·penonal poilll to ~apture this year's 1ocal crown are Gerri Carpenter, 17; Judy Dickhudt, 17; Sandi Fulu.mqa, 16; Corurle Mitchell, 17; Olri! Weaver, 17; ~ Wendell, 17, and Na· ooii Young, 17. The Junioc Miss contest is a national Jaycee event with local winners com- peting Iatet on st.ate and national level. Current Junior Miss of America for 1969 is Jackie Benm,ton, a winner from Hun- tington Beach. ! A panel of five Fountain Valley civic leaders will judge the seven girls. They are Diddy Lammers, representative of the America-ii Field Service; Florence Smales, chann school director; Hal Reale, a drama and voice coach; Joyce Erwin, Fountain Valley Women's Club and Richard Ha Ma, a teacher. Girls. will be .judged on personality, character, cbarm. intelligence and talent. Pistol-wielding. Bandit Robs Hamburger Stand A robber wielding a .45 caliber eutom~Uc popped Into a Jack in lhe Box .Dtive-thru in Colla Mesa Sunday · and popped' Ol& ag&Jn with $80 In c&!lb after 1 fOrdnl· two empioyes to lie on the floor, Cauntenneo Augustine Rodriguez and ' ZaCllei'y GeelhDOil told ~ the gunman en-the hamburger ll&nd al IC E. B'enefit Dance For Injured Hairdresser Set ·A benefit dance for disabled Costa ftteea haln:lrtsser Fred MOiina Jr. will be held under sj>onsorshlp of f e 11 o w halrdresaets Suriday at F e 11 c i 1 n o ' s rtstauranL In Newport Beach. • Molina, wbO JOit a leg' as a TeSuJt 0£ a freak accldent north of ·Dana Point earUer. this year, rectlved $IOO recently aftfr a similar benefit .pm.erect by hls friends, The dlllCt will be held lrom t p.m. 1.o I a.m. A 12 doNUIXI Includes a bu!!el din- ner, Jt will feature noooop perform~ by •. big bend. and l\ll'prlae guest>, orgaruiers said. 'Molina was Injured Aug. 3 as be and his II..-1rled lo Cl'Oll Pacl!Jc . Coast H1&hway to aid an acddeot vJCtlm. A ,,...inl ambulance accldenlally,hll a guy wilt. , , , The l'hlpplng ca~le tJued Mqllna'1 compenioo; • """'' and m11111eif the halrdreaaer'1 le1. The lel ialel WU Im• putated. ( 17th St. at 1:35 a.m. with hls hand in his pockeL Whtn he took his hand out of his pocket, It held' the automatic. . "(iive. me ~ .m~y )n .a sack," he said: The men obeyed. 11le robbei; forced .. tbe two to lie ·oq tht floor; then .fled through a serltc. slad.,. IM!ll\ door to a 1161 Chrysler perked on -Tu;Un SlreeL He then drove off. The suspect wa1 de-· scribed as having a li&ht beard and i:urly blond hrur, wearing blue slacks with a tari· trenchcoat. Book Sale Aids S~hool Lih1·ary sate of a \vidc selection of new paperback' books, includJng ·cookbooks, dk:llonaries and educaUonal volumes begins, tonlibt at Fo1¥1ttln Vaiiey'1 l\fcDowell SChooJ. · · · ~ · Proceeds of the sale. sponsored by Mrs. Clara Sdlulti' fifth grade class, will go toward the purchase of an encyclopedia and lib••"' books. I The books will be available in Room 2S from &:~ p.qi. to 7:30 ,p.m. today .and . , !rom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tue.day. Wed- nelday't bdurs are from 2 p.m. io 4 p.m. aod from 1:30 p.m .. to 7:30 p.m. • Hotel Goes on Block RENO CUP() -The lnlmlal R<venue servlCt plans lo .auction off the oftce. liimout Ri..,,ide Hotol· Tueada,.:.ior !allure lo pey 146.214 In· back taxes cbal" ring any late deVeJopments. ' · 'ltiiimU" lawyer tocJly is planning a new not.le eXperimtnt. . , ·~ust gQOe along wlt1' the f?a.Jorlty" when a~l that will be bas'.ed on a:"recently Mrs. Thomas, Z7. is currentfy ~v.~g '. , tbtJul,J ~ tts l'~IC(. , .. I .• ' explcirid aspect" of the San Clemente five-years to 11fe stale prl30n ter:i:n f,91" the _ Judge Sumner l~1ately ~laJ:.ef! a woman's two mUrder trials. murder ·of her Infant son James Jitlwo· mlstflal. '"1e ls,,ue .then 'W~t before Torrance altorney, Dudley Gray said y,ars ago. A series of appeals to both ap..· , Ju<fce Gardner in~a ~ew m~er lrl~l, A_ hla-_.i wm -·the laclor'ol ·~and-·"""" ·~-Wf ;_nere .w11no~dr11n1ib<lul .111e ... Judicial l!rrw, ln proceedlnp Ilia! lo<Mo, ... with wha\ al'l'W'."l lo be~~,.. Cood verdlcL .lin. '\!011111 •II ~ the C01tY4lloo•al the Filipino woman.. j<clloq of Gr.Y's pleadJD&a. .,"-< suiltY on,ll!e capllal OOClll..1;, 1 "f camiol, clarify 'beyond-t¥ Iii °'"!• 'll!'JY'• ar1un1<'11 d judicial' ·~ Gary said bla new afl>IOIM!J ,.... t!pie bitll:am "'°YIDOed' thal'lbe ~· ._ld apper to involve tbe'Or-Oliun-.lhe' P"ll' .. i.<t hla . earllii' ')ll!llon ~will_.,. thflcerlaln illuei ol. t) 8Upe!:tor OU! Jodle1 w11o oniOlded.at IJ¥'oUah .tbe, t'Oderal dl.crlcl~COll!li 'llt< law ...... .tlarely euminOd ape! that tho .bro 'triail -Jillge --&tmnei' 'of federal c~Cllit court ,... ''.'tll .... way olbenwm~"lielljld 14iw>a'lleiidian¢Judgei-tGmlnor afaln to the ! Sul!ieme' C!llrl: II iGr~ &ajo!' he WiJ/ alao ~ :·~· l,'ol l'{ewporl Beach. ' . . ~." .J1u1 li:wil·I, be"oxplaltted,•be !>bl 1rTegib1" a-" by UiO Or111111e. • udge Swnner wu oh_ lhi!.bench !or the bOsed qn an in~ljon ol 1IW "Ulfl In County Dillrlct Altorney'• omc:. doring ..,,..tlonal first ·trial itt w~ Mrs. ,. w•y ·ctWlicla or ii related to 'tile pre'lrlal ltlvet\iiall<N ol Mn.. 'lJ>oo!)U. 'iliomaa ,wudound aullll'· All .-ilhelf • ~lier-•Pliea!J' .. .. .,. . -. . ) .. . ' .. • ~ I ~· . ' '' ;; ' " : :!; "' ..,. ' • , ' ' j • \ I I• • ~ •\ '.i,... • • • • ~earing .S~! ~ -~~o~ed ~"~~~e,t· Physician On· Dec~ 15' .in, . n ' D . ' ·a" N. -I -I -n· B .. · .. h . ·~·b .·. .pr. avi ,1e .s~n . 1es efl,c ~Jii · ery. · · By EVELYN SHEllWOOO . . A ~ry court hearing for a'n., ,Y, ot .... IMllW' PW ,.., Arizona man 'accused of a'ttempifni ·to Df'l David 1 .. J.ilelsen., preakl~t1 of the bribe Huntington Beach Mayor Jad 1 Qrange Counly Medlc'1 Aasoclajloh an.l Credi hu been set for 1 a.m. 0ec: is civic leader 'lia Newport Beach .(or many in ~Wtlt ~OraJ:aae County MunlclJ>&1 . Cclul;t. .·years, died today at Hoag , Memorial WeslmlnStlr. · Hospital He Was 49. 'William New, 18, ~ ~lfll at· Prominent iq Orana:e . Qounty medical ~~ ~of:pJ:, 'ro~Pu':•. ct:cJes and fonner col(ft phnician' to lie olflclal.O]Je ii f~ ... llJ,000 lialL ·IG!>r Paul of .. Greece, he had -Sul· He na metled Nov; 10, 1illlle eintrg, ferln(r from .._ In ...,_ tnGQlha. I " from' the -Flahermaij -R<ilitii'anl. Or. Nl"""1 was born )n Miilne!Ola. :h~J. m:=. iu~ ~or:: During hl6 early "!• his f8J!!llY. relume\I ravor·ible lnflueoCe on · a propOsed tOne to thm native.Deniftark, t1'ftt came back change. to America in 1936. . New had allegedly made the rirst finin. His acUvitie1 in Orange County mediCal · Cial ofter a week earlier. at which time and civic work included award-winning Green contacted police who worked with · work for the American Heart Association the mayor for a week invest.fg8ting the in 1960, and service ~s president or the matter. -Orange County Academy of Internal New allegedly sought help from the Medicine. mayor for a !one change on 20 acrea. ~£ Dr. Nielsen served as a trustee on the Industrial land near Slater Avenue and old Newport Beach Elementary' School Gothard Street. District board. He was selected Man of the Year in 1959 by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. • Chamber Women Pick Mrs. Casey He aho was active Jn Kiwanis Club IC· tivities, having served as lieutenant governor for the Kiwanis' California· Nevada region. HARBOR PHYSICIAN DIES Dr. David Ni•lstn He served as a medical officer for the ' Mrs: Edward J. Casey has been elected 'preSldent of Women'S Divniloh of · t1'e Huntington Beach Chamber of ·Com- merce. She succeeds Mr~ Jake Stewart. .""11~ Medical <i<>tJ1s aod .lhe Air Force ·during ·World'War n. · ... , Dr. Nielseh's academic credits included a doctor af1medicine degree In 1M5 from theitlfliverUt~ of-Nebruim,'f&llowect.by a d~gree from the Hospilal or Vienna, Austria, in ·1947. · Shortly after recelvinc U\at dtploma Dr. Nielsen served in · the ' court Qf. the .Tumbling Class· For : Youngsters·= At 'Valley High· . 0th~ O(tlcersJiei~ted ~~lieidaY are Mrs. Amoltt J. t'odsade, f\rst vice presi· dent; Mrs. Raymond Moorehouse, second vic.e president; Mrs. Harry Bowman, recording secretary; Mrs. Johri Irminger, tceaaurer, and Mrs. John Seltzer, cor· responding secretary. The new officers will be Installed at a dinner dance Dec. 5 at the Meadowla rk Country Club. Greek king. , He . recei ved speciali.st's trai.nlng Jn In- ternal medicine "Jn 1~2 at Long Be.ach Veteran's Hospital, ' Ever had a yearning tG fly through ·the Plans were announced Wednesday for the annual Chrlsbnas lighting contest, by chainnan Mrs. Carol Wall. Theme of the event this year will be "Christmas City." Draft Office Bombed In India na City LAFAYETTE, 'Ind. (UPll -The Tip. pecanoe County Selective Service System office here was damaged early today. An official said the office was firebombed. The Interior of the headquarters in the Mar.Jean Shopping Ceftter on the -city'1 east side was reported to have been damaged badly, Some records were destroyed, but others in metal cabinets apparenUy were spared. He leaves hls widow, Elise, of the farni· Jy home, 258S Tus~n ·Ave., Newport Beach ; three daughters, Teri, Criltina aod Lisanne ; three son.s, David, Stephen and Paul, all of the h!;>~, Other survivors include three sisters, l\ln. Joy Barne,, and Mrs. Ruth Leedom. both or Costa Mesa, and Esther Fair of lifinnesota, 8nd one grandchild.· Services Will be held Wednesday a1 I I a.m. in SL Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, M I 11 t a r y graveside rites wtn follow at Fairhaven Memorial Park in Santa Ana. ·B~U Broadway Mortuary in Cost.a l\lesa will handle arrangements. Friends who wish may ma'ke memorial contributions to the Dr. David I. Niel.Sen J\.lemorial Fund of the Orange" tounly Medical Association, 330 Flower St., Orange. "I Do Love You. However air W.lth the greatest of ease? 'W~ll. if you live in the Huntington Beach·Fountain Valley area, you're in luck. A new tumbling and acrobatics class for girls aged seven through 19 opens up this v;eek at Fountain Valley High &chool. It is combined with. a fun and fitness class for boys and girls aged 4 through 8. The body-building and f u n • a t u n t sessions are held. between 6 p.m. and .a p.m. Monda7s and Wednesdays and are taught by Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baker. Price is $5 for eight lessons. Pa.rents may sign their youngsters up this week by registering at the Fountain Valley City HaU, 10200 Slater Ave, More information is available by call- ing city hall at 962-2424. ,, • • • \Vben the woman in your life tells you she-loves you • Dut _you dress like an old fuddy-duddy, it's·time to take a good look ·in the mirror. Do you s~ a suit without shape, yesterday's narrow lapels and a tie to m.atch? Shirt the same subtle shade of while that . Calvin Coolidge wore? If so, i~'s time for a trip to Bidwell Country. Let us show you what's happening. \Ve can't turn fuddy-duddies into dandies, but ·we can suppl)!' the suit that makes even the inost conservative man look stylish, feel comfortably sell-assured. You can trust us. You can also bririe your wife along. . , ' ·. J~£li]i~ll 3461 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings unLU 9 p.m. I I ' • ' f I . ---. ----------- • • .. . DM• l'lin '.1 Mond.\1, ·~·17, 1969 .... H .... ~ayee·WQr,~b .. ¥..q,es :Qij • UP'll•""'°" Goodbye, Daddy A South Vietnamese infantryman says goodbye to his child as he pre- pares to move out on patrol with his unit in Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam. , . . . ·Province Ch"ief CUiitns Gls Killed 300 Viet,s QUANG NGA!; Vietnam (UP!) -Col. Ton That Khien, chief of Quang Ngai pro. vince, said today U.S; air and artillery strikes leveled the village of Son My·and killed about 300 Vietnamese civilians to avenge the death of U.S.·soldiers killed in the area by snipers. · Khien '! account of the Incident con- tradicted reports by some of Son My's 1,500 residents that two American pla· toons had executed nearly 700 old men, Peace Marchers Protect AWOL County Seaman HON'OLULU (AP)-Two AWOL 'serv· lcemen .. one from Anaheim and the other from Downey, averted arrest here Satur~ day when peace marchers dumped military ·pollcemen •Over a main gate at Pacific Military Command headquarters. The absent-without-leave servicemen were identified as Navy Seaman Mike Waters, 20, Anaheim and Army PriYate John Bohn, 18, Downey.· They. w,ere reportedly leading a SMl,8ce march on the militafTheadquarter~ when military police moved in to arrest ·them. Demonstrators in the cri<?wd of 500 marcllers . gri:ibbed the 'Would.be ai'rf:sl- tng officers as they approached Waters and .BOtm. The MPs were dispatched over the main · gate: The ·two young ·men had .led the crowd of protesters Saturday on a · tw<rmile march and rally at the gates of Camp H. M. Smith. Waters and Bolm were among a group of 30 servicemen· who took refuge · two months ago ·in a pair of Honolulu church· es. Tl1ey f1ed to the 'ma1nland shortly ~fore military authorities raided the. cburcheS. . • After their . return · ·recently . ·the · · t"° s~id they intended to give them&elves. up after leading Saturday's protests, but at Jast report 'Ibey bad not done so. women and children in March. 1968, one monPt after the TET offensive. The villagers told U.S. Army tn- vestigaton that a 100 man . U.S. Army P.alri>l ~rmed into the coastal village a few nilles below the demllitartzed zone (DMZ), ordered everyMe ~ide and mauacred them · with Mll riflea. They said 70 to 80 peraoos escaped. Army sP.Okestnen.1 ~ thet Anny ~~.s holding IJ. William ~ Jc., JI, Of . Miami, Fla., at Fort Benning, Ga., in • ~ wiftb the 1Jayiig of 109 civtllant 1n the1 aame.area·en1 M~ 11, 11188. A·IJCjuad lasder in !Iii plalo"1,'S/:>gt. David Mitchell, 29, of St. FrancisvilJe, La., Is ~I investigated at Ford Hood, Tens, for .allegedly commitUng ·usau1t with intent to murder in . tht same in- cident. 'I1le Anny's Americal Division which operates around the Son My refugee village would say only that Calley at the time-was a,platoon leader.in C,Company, 2'!tb -Jnlaotry, 11th . -Light Infantry Brigade. sj>Ok~men · said the releue '°' addltiooal ·detslls ·might prejudice the case. Mason in Confab On En'vironinent. \ . . . . . . . . . Irvine ·Company President · William R. ?-fason is amoog pa~i;:ipants in the "Governor's Conference on California's Chaniihg · ~nvironment,". whlc'ti ~~ned today in.Los·Angeles. . · . . . Mason was asked by Governor RDnald Reagan , to participate in the con~rence panel disCWilon~, which will cover . four areas:. '.'P.tQPI~ .. aud Air..~' '.'f.e:opl~ .. atid ,Water," "People a1l9 Land,'' and."Pe.ople aild the Urban' Society'." ·. · The governor's invitation asked !or Muon's ~rtici~on. "to 'insure :a· CQ'\. frontatton of the enviroo.tnenW ,iss\Jes .of our · times and ~ to briJlg forth creative i·deas ·omceni~g . a~ quality · envli-Oiiment for ·California's future." Cost of DCI Operations .:. Figured at $22 Million . ' lSpending for teaching, research and ~her functions of the UC Irvine campus was $22.1 million during the l96U9 ~chool !')__ar with inco~e·about $300,000 tn?re' at ~-4 million .. The l.JCJ. b,udget wn less than %.5 per- rint of total University of California b\idget of ,938.9 million for the year end- e~ June 30. The figures from an annual financial report issued by UC regents show 62 per· cent of UCI's income -$13.9 million - was from state tax funds. Humanlties, $1.l million to the School of Social Sciences, and f2.l million to otber edu<;atk>~al departments. · Also,. 12 ·mllllm to the library,. $1.4 . ~ii\(~ to ow.ation. and maintenance of buildings, $1.2 • milljon to general'· ad- miniStri.tr'on, '919,006 to Univetslty El· tension, $894.000 to student services and 1329,000 to lnstl!utiooa! oeMcea. Marines Begin ·Drills -Off Clemente Coast Federal research grants and contr1ets brought in IU mllltoo. Student tuition and fe~ netted fl ,$ million, residence and dining halls 11.l million, Unlvmil\y Ettension fees 'fd,000, private gilts, SAN CLEMENTE f~P) -A task force gnnts and endo_wments '410,000,1 sales of 10 ihlP1 beaAn today a five-day war and services of educaU~f, departments, ' · gaine ielUnl their ablllly to find and 1109,000, park1~g -•"""' $99,000, and destroy •llOlll1 111bmir"'°' m wan! of! atudent recreation feea mooo. air attack.I • Close to two-thirds of expendllures· -The tttrdse of! Sin Clemente Island tlt'million ..... was for salaries. and pt Mul\I was dh'ectled by Capt. W."L. A..tbrealcdown on ·expcnaes showed_$3.5 Talbot., ... commander....;of-D ••tr o y·e r mllHon Wtnl to the School of Medicine, Squadron 2!. The naphip, the (IU!ded 12.r mlllioo to the School of Physical m1so1i. frilato Horne, 11 baled ID &an Sciences, $1.6 million to lhe School ot 'Diego. .. ' Demo Sen(ltor Says Ch(irges ''Unproved' . WASHINGTON (UP!) -Foes 61 Hie Supreme Court nomJnatlon of Chiment F. Hiynawortlt Jr, We<e iCC\)sed by l ·Tank· Ing DeriloOrallc'·senitor,Wcfsy o! ma~ilig· "upproved ·and 'W1pr0vlble. charges" against him. :.<s · Siiiite, leaders ezprtsied hope 0 or a ., · Future Needs Ef1ed ; vote .by ... 'ednelday on tHe Controversial nomination, Sen. Robert C. Byrd '(0.)V. Ya.),, .sai:d Jf , the., 5e~Je~ f'f~ !faynsworth,; Jt would 'dis~ ilielf, Senate' ·nemocrat\c · Leader 'M'~k e . ' ' . . Transportati~;n S,tud,y ~et MllMiield or Moo!alia,, an<\ Sen. Gordon Allott or I _Celorado,: ' subbing f O-r Republipso · leader ·Hush' Scott,, !»Iii In- dicated "they ·believed · the ' confitma'tJon yole cinild ,t>e; reached later; Ip.!"' '>:O!'k· M•nsfield mentione:d w•aday•:.as, a target day. · . ' • ' • J • • ' Along'FreewayCorri~or' · Allott, a· H{lynsworth sut>Porter .. '-Siid ''tiJTl«} is 011 9ur.side'.' and pre<!icted con· rirmau~ t?ut conl::ed~. "it, wi!f be v,ery close.11 1 He sald· hfs in ail ·Was nOw .ru,nnlng soli~Jy in favor .of, ~!JYnsWorih., wh¢r~ it had betn ·abo"ut 50-50 for a feW weeks. ' State highway engineei"ll today have a wide-ranging study undu way which will ei:amine possible uses of everything from air cushion vehicles to monOralls f9r transportation between San Clemente and Los Angeles. The con~pt is to Identify future transP,O~l1on nee(fs ~or .\\;.?µit the engfneera term "the ·santa Ana Freeway c:on'idor." between the southern coastal end of"Orange Cotmty aOO downtown Los · Angeles. · AnnOuncement of the wide-ranging transport investigation came f r o m District 7 State Highway Engineer Haig Ayanlan. , · . Many Will Fa~ Church 'Casino' Gaming Charges Garden Grove detectives were not sure l~e this morning just. which way the wheel of investigative fortune will swing for a number of persons 'who .alleged ly P!U'ticipated Sunday night in a casino- type . gaming operation at a Catholic church in that city. · All will face m'isdemeanor charges of gambling and I or serving alcoholic beverages without a license. But it seem- ed just as likely, investigators 1aid, that charges'of conspiracy would be added · in some cases -felony charges ·that would automaUcaHy . bring the district at- torney 's office into the pict~re. · Sgt. Wayne Wilson refused today to reveal the number of persons who faee arrest following the incident at St. Callistua. Church, nor would be indicate, '1>endtng for further investigation.'' the nµmber of cllarges likely to be filed. , Wilson Iii! eiiht W)µormed oificers and li>o ~'"lquad ·investigator& intO ilie ch11tch following -a tip from a .n anonymous informant. And they found, be alleged, some 400 members of the coi:i- gregaUon -clergy and parishioners in a roomful of gaming equipment and a well stocked and unlicensed bar. No arresta were made Sunday night and none had been !Ued at. presa Ume W. day. "But they are immenant." Wilson said. Wilson said his officers were told. that the ·gathering was stricUy a fund raising event. OfflclaUng clergy at St. Calllstus could not be reached today :Or comment. WilsOn clasaed the gaming operation as "a .t10;000 banking ·4e~l·in w~ gaming chips in three denominations were being sold -25 cents, .$1 and ,$. He.said his of- ficers 'confis'cated ·between $2,000 and .a;ooo ~ casti arid c?ips. · M()1ll, Daughter Shot io Death .. . . By NY llandits ·NEW· YORK <UPI>'-· A mother and daughter were shot to death and tbe father wa1 Wounded aiticaUy .early today by two gunmen1wbo forced their way lnto · tlie family's Washington Heights· apart. nient and robb~l"them of about flOO. Police ldenUfied . the dead women as Mrs. Maurl\Lelghlon Jacllsoo; 40, snd lier daushter, Dlamie, 20. Patrick Jackson, 40 was reported in cr!Ucal cond!Uon with w,;..a, of the head and ba<IC- Pollce aaid the Intruders, described as YOW\I and about 11i1 tuthtall, fo~ced tht women into a bedroom of the 12th ·floor apartment, lhen took about f100 from Jackson. . . • As ·u.ey· left, the gunmen opened the bedroom door and began firing, killing the Woiqen and Wounding Jack~. -The women were pronmmced dead at the scene and Jackson was taken to U>e New York Medical ~nter. . . Bilrglar Slays Two in Baltimore BALTIMORE (U~ll -·A giinman IP' parentiy 'surprllled while : b<ii'fjlariztns a dry cleaning and laundry plant early to- day llhot mt 'killed !wo.•mp~ Pollet said they found a clo!Q bag con-talnin~ burglary tools 'at tile plsol and r«:overed a shotgun, belle'led 'to be the munter Weapon, and a man.'1 jacket lhd. gkwe in a nearby cemelery.. , ne ahootinp occured at. about • a.m. In the maJn plan! ol Lord Ball1mcn Lau!'dry Inc. in ..,thwt BalUmoro. The' vicUms 1Rrt ldtntlfied ·aa foreman Vlrflll Daw ... , 67. and driver. Jl-t Komm&lan, 41, a father of four. Poltct said !be l\llllNID WU beUefed lo be In his 80s. ' It will be a"teiim elf.rt. ,/.yan)an aaid, aimed :at ld<ntJlylilg the.total tr,anspOrta- tion need~'qf tJ>oSe sectors'pr Oranle and LOs A~eles.cou'nties 110)¥ se"rved 6y the Santa Ana'FteeWly. · • AyalTian-indieated ·that a'long the SantA Ana ~way·TQUl.e, "We11·be.looking in- to all modes of Va.vet and trll)JpOr'.1.'~ Some of the niethods he cited : -A mopor~il or ~apid tr.a~slt system. -Heliport depots dotted along !be route corridOr. , · · , ~ -Exclusive fteeway bus laites. -RouUngs for special air cushion buses. -Reconstruction, with. po.ssible.double- decking. ol tlie eJds!i\li ~y. -Development • O! parl'(Jlel free.way alternates or ~Slb1e·refinement of the w:rface street di"stributton system. Ayanian,said.that.Dlyision,of Highways engineers wilt, J:>e ~war.king .closely with other ~ies hea'o[il)' cdricerned, wjth ·Southern . California . transporlaji90 'Pfoi blems, such as the LOlf Ang~l?l.Regjorial Trarisport.a.U.on .1 ,SySl.em. (LA_}\TS) • a'nd Swthern . cantomla .Anoclati(!n · of . Governments .(SCAG). '.l'he. ·state ehgineers Win alSo,seek cooperauoh with !oCr!, stall! •nd r!deral ageilcleS .. The )>road ~ and compl~ly of the study Will necefl.W'ily inVolVe many engineerlflg disclpUnes," Ay.ailian. noted. ·Results· learned . from the sMta Ana . Y.reew~ corridor study, and techniques dev~ •. will be useful later in· ap- . pllcaliori '° · oUier corridors of freeway transpot14tion in the state', the engihffl suggested: ' "By coU~ve p<li!)Ung Of what we know JlOVr' a,00 Wha'.t.we Will learn in the course of this study,.·we can get some idea of steps to be taken to meet tomorrow's in- creasing traffic demands," .Ayanian con- cluded. . The overall. 5'.WdY Is e'xpect0d to extend over a period of several years, alfihough no precise Umetable h.as been. deve~ by, the ' lllatAI enfjlneen. !l'heY ·pram!lled periodic progress reports to cooperating agencies ~~ t}_le public. Meanwhile, Division 7 engineers ll'e moving ahead on brterlth·projects aimed al improving tiaflic Oijv on th~ eJ!iatil!i Santa Ana. Freeway. . A-Hay/is'wotth' crtiic, senale GOP wj'lip &"'rt P. yriflin ol Michiga~; a)so,ssld the vbte . will be .. very close· ~t sa'id Hayosw'okh wOO.ld lo'.se. 'Grlffiii P!~ict~ at a news 'Co'nfe'renCe' iii ·0etr01t tbit there would be 52.or 53 votes against·con- flrmaUon. Sein, Lee· Metcalf ·(.l);.Mont.)~. (Old. h~ . colleagues tb'at'·al a foriner .rgsmber .Of the Montana State Supreme Court lte was originally Inclined to vote for ·Haynsworth's·. promotion. After ·''.l'eVf:la- tions-~.made in the ~ess,a,bout .. hfs finimcial:afrall1,•~ Met.calf iaid be~ se· cond thoughts. . "Judge ' ~~rth:s .• te.s~~y .w~s shot .. throop ·with a·m.b i l '\l'i 1'1 e s . ni~repre~~i'ltatlbns i.apct· ev'asiOnit• '.Jd'et- calf :Said. "H.e is 'a mari wit~ ·an. &biding affinity for tnaccuratY.".' : · ' . : . . . ' Dean D; l.£wis . • \ 1 • • • ' , Funeral · SI~ied Funera1 serviCes 'Wilt •be kld·-TuesdaY for Dean D: 'Lewis: lbng time 'Laguna Beach re~ldent· and vice president.of the Costa · Mesa car .' agency, °'an ~~wis lmPort.s. Mr. Lewis, .73; ·of, i50. Rockledge' Te'r· race, died Friday at bls ·other·restden'ce in Y~cca.v.auaf.aJ\,fr an extended illne96. Services wil be conducted · at · Pacific VitwMortuaey.beg~g at3 p.m. bY·Or. J. Henry Hutchins of Pasadena. F.ntom.b- ment will be in Pa~!fic View M~orial Park... . . . . , Survivors lnclu<te .the.~do'W, Esther of the family honie; ·a son, Richard D. of . corona dei Mir: a I dlu11hter, Bet le Pierson oI Monrov\,; ) &~r, Maude S&Nd ' Qf San · M a.r'i'b 0, · and f!Ve gfandchlldr:en. ' , . •' ' ~ ' · • UP\T-' I • . i ; ' \. . "" ~ · PROTEST·WllH; SM/~E; , - Picket I~:~,~, Fr.~n~ ~~· ~. ·; ; ' I, '' : New Grass~ronts . " " . Moraturium . Set · ; . For Yule Eve· ·· ,, , I "" ~ WASHIN(\1'0N·(UPl)-Dl-<il·lhe antiwar m6tatorium armounced j ~ tiler would "sponsor gr .... roci!S ~ . ·~~ at· the local ' level ·Dec, 13-13 ~a.ad '91' -• ' 'J ' Christmas eVe, in an .effOrt' to prornOti peaee.,(Related itoey, p;ge',i), ' ' .: Four'coordinstorsuir tbe·VIetoam:,;;,;, atorium"coll)llliUee si!d local adl- wOUld ·include vis.its . to the hoine aftlctt of cqressmen, cont.acts with terVic. ,. ' . ~ men .and. a Chrisbnas eve vigil. · · ' , • 'Ibey. would !!" de~lped 4• a ' lol!O:W \!P to tl,l~ b\gg~t · anp~ar. rally in'..u;~ hi~ory that 'took place .in Wasllillglm over the We:ekend. · · ' · '. s.;m BroWn; one Or the" four .coordtil$. tors, told a rle,Vs coilference 'they.felt the ''spirit,: tim.e 'and difection ·of ·~u ~hoµl<l be'~n:iund .uiewar iii Vietna~~,. . ~e said. tbe .'specific 1etivlti.es of .tbt three .days ·would be 'decided bi. l.,cll moratdrlum' organWitiOhs, 'aome "of wblcti lie said mlght·be' ".plannini ·cODJiDerclfl boycotts ·as a means of' protesting the war: · 1 • · " You shoUld .hcive seen what . •, .thQ ac.s.~did '.io .this lawn When they put.in a .new pipeline. " . . . . Butthatwaslast ~· last -1< there wot a tionCh right !lvaugh the ' middled this luih oxponso cf• d!Chondro. Aad the ownor ranbd tho Gos CQmpany 16sf slighlly below 'Attila the Huii on hla amle'of'oll-tfriie 'pillagers. · W. opolqjlad. We exp!alood thot. -bOve· to . ._.r G!X fod!Hfes as sQUthom California grows. w.-to1'I hint •'d pit hfa,lawrl liock the lMIY -loundtt. ' ' · ._ didOl bolIM a wml. ' . . · . . . . Then, aft,. -·d dooe our plpHoylng, .-,.. ... 'pla<od hit dichondra. Neatly. With 0 llflle -dirt under ff so tt would settle ... ;, with ttM. r.il cf ~la · IOwn after o coupl• .of wOteririgs. I .~ ' . We~ .oiiout ~ ...... In ... ,.-.,.;,,. Neatly. Md aiurteousJt. W•·W!ll!f .~ fO liioe UL Aller oU, prodicall~ everybody lo Oii' -'"'• 1'1 Now tflol his lawn Is back In aha.,., thls,partl .. ulor cusfomet'. !Mia pr0tty •good'9bout \It. And he .... 11 ....... -!wt· dOlft9 -lob. ,. Tending to the s;1resent' and futur• enorgy no«lacf ~Call ......... ' ' ~' ' W.'relmnf!rioln'~ .. ' '. ·' " .'i ' ·: ' .. -• .. ,,. ' . . . . - I . I ' I I ~--........... , Taking odvantage· of a new fed· eral law, a young man has notified lhe post office he COll!iders obscene a ietter ordering him to appear for a preinduction pbystcai. With ton· gue in cheek; Robert BS.nch, 20, filed a notice wtlh Terra Linda, Calif. Postal SupL Fronk Ely de- manding . his name be removed from his drnft board'• maiiini lisL Ely said the form will be forwardlld to the Post Office Department in Washington i•on a routine basis.'' • The fir1t pair of bootl AUz GTt/" oowaki of Chicago ever made wa.s /01 the Nazi& and the boot! saved his life. AU: who wa.i held prisoner in ci Nazi slave labor camp, volunteered to make boots for the camp'• com- mandant, though he had no bootmaJc.. •no uperience. AU: delivered the boots and aaid if he didn't he would probabiu haw been beaUn to death. NotD 41, he ii o custom. 1hoemaker1 and hal ~Tl aU ooer Chicago, and in New York, Ohi<J, Washington, Michigan and Wisconsin. • During a procession at Trinity Episcopal church in Redlands, the Rev. Robert L•rkln was pointing out to his congregation childr~n who had dressed as the various saints. 'Ibe minister, who repre- sented St. Nicholas, recognized St. o.or .. , St. Anne and numerous others. Then he pointed to a very small figure wearing a dofs mask. "And who might this be?' inquired the rector. ''I am St. Bement,'' the young boy replied. • Leonard ThisUethwaite, 84, fl to be asktd to mo~ from his fcworiU fishing spot on tht: Rivtr Colne running through the tot.On of Ribury, England. He ccuta from a sidewalk and catcht1 tourist& with hi& hook a& ht flick& his line back. "The local& dodge ·him but M co.tchu the newcomers,• TolDn Clerk Beryl Brodi<~ IGld. • After buying four tickel& to Fri· lay night's home show, Mrs. D•vld C. Kohl was suddenly frantic. "My baby ate lhe tickets," she reported. "'I need four more." One-year-old Cynthl• apparently was unaffected. rhe Women's Guide of the Home of Guiding Hands, sponsor of the benefit, gave Mrs. Kehl new tickets W-charge. fer.eace Opens U.S. Asks End Arms Race HEIBINKI (UPI) -Prooldenl Nixon called today for a reversal of the U.S.· Soviet nuclear anDs race. His statement was read to the long .. awaited opening -or the strategic arms Umllatlon lolU (SALT) which brought the two super powers together . today In a flral proltminary ...ion. 'l1>e tolkl opened with • champagne toast In the mim>red portral~lined aalon of Finland'& yeUow stucco banquet ball which was built for the czarist governors 1so years ago. Nixon'• stat.men! called the SALT meetin& "oat of the mo&t momentous negotJations ever enlruated lo an American dele.gaJian." He asked f..-,.n agreement Jn which both sldes cao hrve confidence.. Today'1 °"""""' oesslon was pur<ly ttremonlol. 'rhe rOal lolU begin Tuesday In the U.S. Embaloy and will altmiate ·~ betwoeo the U.S. and Soviet embasales. They could Jut for months, even yeata. Soviet Deputy Fottlgn M Int st e 1 Vladlmlr s. Sem<ncw,' chief "' the Russian Group, listened aUeatiftlJ as Nixon's remarks were translated Into Russian. Semeftov In his OJ)ening remarks had said "it is our desire to see um meeting In Helalakl IUCCeSlfu1ly aolviJli ita tuka." "Curbing of the strategic arms race. limitaUon and subsequent reduction of such armaments -thla ls an Jmportant goal the achievement of which would meet the "vitol lntowta DOI only ol the Soviet and Americsn peoples but also or other naUC111 of the world. .. Semenov said. NllOll'I llolem"11 wu read by U.S. lll1lll dlrecl<r Gerard C. Smlth, head of the American SALT del'atlon. Atwrney General Calls Peace March Violent WASHINGTON (UPI) -The echoes of the )>lgest peace rally In American hiot<iry fell allent in the debris of a quarter million departed demmstratora today -drawing no comment from President Nilan, but an attack from one- of his lop olllcial1. The barricades which had tRJmlU!lded the White House came down and Nixon hosted a Sunday mornlng prayer .service Premier of Japan Arrives in U.S. After Rioting WASlllNGTON (AP) -Japan's Prime Minister Eisatu Sato arrived i n Washington today for tolks with Presi· dent Nixon on the return of Okinawa to Japan. He uprased confidence the vi&il uwill proVe fruJtfuL" As he lei\ ·Japan, an .estimated 100,000 leftist .. ·I t ti a e n ts -and Workers demonstrated against his trip. Sato arranged to spend the day at the Japanese Embassy preparing for the formal start o( ·talka with Nilon. on Wednesday. Sunday night, L'lousands of radicals had hurled gasoline bombs and baUled police in riots near the airport and other sec- tions of Tokyo. Police arrested l,IStO of 0-leflllU. Sato, Fonolgn Minister Kticbl Alchl and other ollicials took helicopters to the airport to ...:ape the demoostraton. Philip Apologizes To Tom Jones LONDON (UPI) -A Buckingham Palace spokesman aaid Sunday Prince PhDip has written a personal letter to singer Tom Jones apologizing for public remarks he made about Jones' voice and Income. The text was oot released. The Prince angered the singer •ith comments he made to a busines&men's luncheon last week. Philip compared Jones' $2.4 million annual income with what British sbopkeeps-s earn and also indicated he did not like Jooes' perfonnances at a royal variety show a week earUer. "I was surprised when 1 heard what he Mid because he seemed very friendly when we met after the !how," Jones said. "But I went to sing for cbartty, not to do I royal audition.'' Ceatal at the executive inanston. But reporters covering the service were told ·the Prest~ dent was 'adamant" that he was not to be quesUoned about the weekend rally, Attorney General John N. Mitchell, a top Nixon confidant who watched from a Justice Department window while pollce lobbed tear gas at crowds o f demoostrators in the street below, did respond. "I see no reason to condone the Wegal actions of. a hard core of mllitanta merely because they were undertaken during a peace demonstraUoni" Mitchell said. "I am pleued that the greal majority of participants obeyed the 1 a w • Unfortunately, the plll!llled demoostr• lions were married by such eitensive physical injury, property damagi and street conCrontatlon.! that I do not believe that. overall, the gathering here can be characterized as peacefu1," Mitchell said. He said the New Mobilization Com· mittee, which organized the rally, must bea·r the blame, especially "those in- fluenUal members of the steering com- mittee who knew the gathering In Waahington would be fl vehicle f~ vloledCe." He aafd the weW ~Mobe Cbrft.. nUttee "aided this violence through a combinaUon ol inaction and affirmative action." Ron Young, New Mobe projed directer, called Mitchell's charge "a lie." He told a news conference thaf had been scheduled prior to Mitchell's statement: "The major part of the blame for the confusion or last evening has got to-be. )aid on the government and its delay in iivina the pennils. .. Guns in f.amhodia Hit hy Allies SAIGON (UPI) -Allied planes striking Inside C1mbodia for the second con· secutive day today silenced two Com· mu11ist artillery positions which had shelled the Bll Prang Special Forces camp 112 miles north of Saigon in the central hliblands. The planes struck the artillery posts from one hall to three qtW1ers of a mile Inside Cambodia after the N<rth Viet • namese and Viet Cong blt Bu Prang with 68 mortar and artillery rounds in the 21 sl consecutive day ol bombardment from Cambodia. Correspondents also reported heavy fighting around the camp thet Is manned by South Vietnamese l.rregulars and a handful of U.S. Green Beret advisers and said that with the aid of dive bombers th e South Vietnamese kiUed 112 Com- munists at a loss of ll government troops wounded. r-perat•ru HIMt l.-w PM. .......... .. • AM-" • All•11I• .. " 8111'.rsfleld " " 8111Nrdi: " " ... M .. u ... -" " . ...... ,,.., .... n " ... Clllt"' .. .. ... Clllc:lnrwlf " n ..._ .. .. .. -" .. ...... ., " t'•l"-'*t .. .. . .... _ " .. .. ·-.. • -• " ... -• " ._ ... .. .. .. ..... _ .. .. .... _ .. .. ..... , " " .. _. .. ., .. "'""" ...... '"""' .,.,..... wfMI ~ hNrt Mcomll'le -."'1V 1• .. If ..... Ill ,....,_ .. ....., erMI T~. Hll'I ""*'• ilt. V.S. S••••r• ... .....,... ......... ......-.,.,. fPlllCfil ef tf'lt Ur'lttM , ........ .,. wllh ,. .... ,,_.. "" """''"'"*'*' .... ...... """'· touthtrl\' lltfttlw "- .... _..._ Jllelnl to ,,. --°'"' , ...... _ ... _ -y .. ....... Ok"'*"' C/t'f ...... " • ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ., C..lel '-'•"""' ,.,... "-.. ..... ll'llMMI ~.!\I,. rt"M from " .. n. w.w ...... fllft 4. s • ., llf-. rue. MONDAY ~ ...... ••••••••••••• :StJol "·"'· ••• lflCOlllll .. •.• • ••• IO;)f f'.1'11. I.I 'TVllNT ,,,.. lllltll ••••••••••••• ' 1;11 ·"'· JJ ,.lrlt low ............... ll:M •.m. !.J 5-w l'lltf'I ••••••••• •••• 1111 P,IOI, 4.1 SKerllll Ir# ••.•.•••••••.. 111\1 p,,... I .I 1n tllMt 1;117 I.ft'!. hh •:ilt •Jl'I. MM!! Ill._ 1i21 •.m. kh II!"°'°'"' ' I-... tltf'l'llf M -""'-~ Wll'ldl doWl'I _.. 91111 ctl!trtl (llOrttlnl f/f 11\f lltodrlft ..... "''""' T ,.....,.,., ""'""""' """' --IR WYwft'"', (.....,. ltlld -lwft N• ....... __ ...,., -_,,. ... ... ...., "' .... -'''"' -' ~ -...., Mfllf(9. Tllrw ""'""" er .,_ t.11 ,, J/dl'ltV, Nebw •!If ,_ lf!C.htt _,, "'"""" •I C•Hltf'• wy... 11\tkll\f t1'1t toltl "'°"" Oft "" .,.,,,. ftltre ,,.,. ""1M1. "'''" """"' ...... ..... ·-.,_ ...... lt..if Clflt llW llvff .... .... """" h11 OltH kit ftr•ntlkl ...... SllOl!•IM Tr.trrfl•I W1t.'lll'ltllll I " .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. • " .. •• .. • ... "' • .. .. • .. • ...-" " " .. .. ~ " .. .. ... UPIT ........ CONFERENCE TABLE PREPARll!D FOR START OF STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TALKS Finnish Govornm•n".s Bonqvot H~ll Site ol Formal Oponlng C•'""""''" -, I I Save at El Rancho.~. I where t~e price is right! I BAKE A PIE!- " ' OR/ TWO! SO EASY! / --CAN'T MISS! DELICIOUS! _..,.,. I I I I I I I I I ~I LIBBrs /lunJp/tin PilM/Jt Ready for the pie shell •.. smooth, creamy and delicioualy sPiced! Big No. 2Y, can. Pie Crust Mix. ·-·········--···25' Johnston's Pie Shells .... 3 fOI •1 Betty Crocker'• ••• II oz. pkg, ••• simplr mix. Packaa"es of two ••• frozen ••• readr ID fiD! Cool Whip . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ........... 59' ~ch Mincemeat ...... _Sf Perfect topping for pumpkin pie! Qt. !ize. Borde.ti's ·• •• 28 oz. ••• for your other pies! London Broil .................. 51.39 u. Heorcy beef ••• trimmed ID give more pleasure! blake a i&lad ••• or a padding ••• or dessert! Ge{ our free ricipest l'lclr Up Yoln' S11per· Shopper lleclpe1 at El Rancho This Week! Pricu in effutMtnt..1 Tua., Wed,. Nov.11, 18, 19. No Sala to D<Gl<n. See what you can do with PersillllllOlls! FOii' grut recipes! Get your copies this week ••• free! Tute treat.a to makes the·e<miai holidaya more eUOJ• able than ever! Another reuon ID he 11lad f.OUP.referJDohoJ>El ltaacho! ~~~Dr.IJ!Rlncho ~ I PASADEIA1 . 3211 Wat Cokmo llhd. SOU111 PASADPli f111110lihod !Untln&loll Dr. HUllTlllGl'all IUCR: Wimer Ind Al,_a (80lllflllll Clnlatl NEWPORT 8EACH1 2727 Nowport 8111!. "" 2555 E.utblull Dr. ~lu!f Vlllp Cftl I I I I • I ' l 7 \ ' 7 11 I JCIDEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ................ 11.1• " .... 17 Horizon · Club ' Setti .ng Sail Charting a true coiirse toward the future ·are members of lhe:Horizon Club of Huntington Valley; · The new organizati_On, _sponsored by µie Canip ~.Program, i;iow in its sixth year· in the area, 1s.open to all high schQOl girls in the Hunting· ton Beach Union High School District. · · .. Mrs. C. W. Locket~ advisor, explained that the new group will pro-. vide an opportunity for each of the girls to pursu.e ~er <_>WD •tlµ~g whe~er it be interior decoratiQg, aerospace, horsemanship, Indian tore, cooking, one of the arts or other fields of interest: ' . ' Members from e&ch of the five area high schools are meeting twice a month in Mrs. Lockett's home, and many activities and cortununitY, serv- ice projects already have been piano¢. · : ' . Horizon Club members will serve the community . by working as Candystripers, volunteers' in museums, welfare agencies and -clinics and as teachers' aides. They also will work to get out the vote arid 'in anti· litter campaigns. · . Coed activities, parties' ·and dances and exploration of · career and higher education possibilities will provide.a rounded program (oc..t.be young1 women. · · · -• . Wearing new white blazers with the 'Horizon Club insi~nia, slim navy ~kirts and tailored white blouses are Mary Beth Randall., Michelle '.M,uscat, Rae Ann Eshelman, Lani Miller and Joanne Kiesel from Malina1 High School, and Karen Lockett, Joni Smith, May.reen McNamara and Diane Evans from Fountain Valley. Representing Huntington Beach are Kathy Dell and Caroline Dun· can, and from Edison and Westminster are Valerie Lebow and Kathy Vega. Additional information regarding membership may be obtained by calling Mrs. Lockett or the Camp Fire office in Santa Ana. WELCOME ABOARD -Looking ahead to higher purposes and new adv'entures are Diane Evans (left) and Karen Lockeott, members of the Horizon Club o( Camp Fire Girls which recently formed in Hunt .. ington Beach. The club will provide an opportunity for each girl to pursue her ow n thing, whether it be Indian lore or aerospace. Teenage girls from five higll schools are attending meetings twice a month in the home of their advisor, Mrs. C. W. Lockett. ·Monday Members Swing on Tuesd~y Ne w Officers Aglow With Holiday Party 1 Idea s , . GetUng ready to swing Into action are the Mmes. George . Meehan, Charles K. Otis and Arthur Newlin, members of the Goll Section of the· Monday· Mormng Club of Huntington Beach. The .sectit>n plays 18 holes each Tuesday morning at I the Mile.Square course, and members needing-practice play nine holes on -the "Driftwood course. Arrangements also have been made for 6eginners .. Mrs. Fred Mccarl, chairman, and Mrs. Howard Bailly, co-chairman , may be contacted (or additional information. A Christmas dinner dance on Saturday, Dec. Z1, will be the first social event for members ol the new Huntington Beach YMYJ\ \Vomen's Service Club and their husbands. Planning the party are acting officers of the new group (left to right) the Mmes. Norynan R. Scott, vice chairman; Larry Lake, treasurer; George Barnes, secretary, and Carl K·arn Ii, chairman. The club will meet for lunch at noon Thursday, Nov.· 20, in the Fish.erman restaurant and "all community;minded women are invited to attend. Addition- al information may be obtained by calling the YMCA office, 894-4548. ' Set of Values on Church Weddings Generations Apart DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'Mlis Jeller Is fo1: "Bystanders," the pereots who were mad· because their son didn't tell them &00ner that his flancee was pregnant. Tbey had gent out the wedding Jn- vitations, reserved the ballroom, ordered the flowers, engaged the caterers, etc, The parents were told of the pregnancy two weeks before the Wedding and they were furiow. They felt-sure they'd been tricked. The mother added, "By then, of course, it was too late to cancel anything. Sc1"lhe bride wore a tent and both famtljts were humiliated." l th1nk the kids were smart. The same ing hand, especially tn his1cholen field. The docior-husband. won't pay any at. tenUon to his sick kids ind the carpenter- huband Won't'fix the'roOC: · · DEAR LADY 1 Locky 11 right -but I do bope, dear, If you ever need 1111 oper• tlon, yo• wlll caU a IUi'pOD.I I thcn~ght you mi&lil' enjoy a Jetter rroin DEAR ANN LANDERS: l'rn sure peo-~ a wife who has tP ~pl~ints, Jn fact, my · . pie of all ages read YOU.: t'f,llumn. M•ybe husband ·is the greatest guy in the world. someone out there can give me. the hetp-I How could such a terrible thing happen in mixed-up values of our parents kept us Jte l~ a house painter aM has painted our am looking for. our family?" from having lhe wedding we both wanted . home inside and out every spring for th e 1 em ·a woman In my early 60s. All my WherrWeiold171)' folks, my father yell· No r.eed to comment -just print this. It last 11 years,fHe,also does all Lhe plaster· life l've been plagued wilh excesslve might help to bridge the -GENEltA· Ing, carpenter an,d ca,bir\Ct work, plum· perspir~tlon on my back. I've? gO~e to at edJ "l)n eolrig to have lhe. dirty rat ar· TION GAP bing ~ eleclrical wiring. He figures out lea~t s1~ doctors and haye received no TOiled ror rape!" When I tried to tell him DEAR OAP: Jlert It 11. Tb111k1 for tbe our Income tax every )fear and' knows a rel.1ef. I v~ tried shots. pills, sa!ves and I wasn't raped , be screamed, "Shut up. 1( brid1e. lol about law. He Is my psychi atrist and lotions. It s been a waste of time and hyperbidrosls. Y oa.r lettel"' docs Mt say when yoa Int .. ., a dredGr. ntte we :.ome rtlatlvely new medk:atliona for Ud1 annoying problem aad lf )'GI Uven't Ren a pJtyak:tan ln µte pat five yean, J ll'le yoa 10 do 1to. · An_'l Landers' book, "Truth J 1 Stranger," a collection ol her best col- umns ov.er .the past 14 yeaf5 ls availabla at bo'Jk storeS':. It also can be obtained bJ writing Prentice Hall, Englewood CliUs, N.J. Price $4.95. • _tmng hap~ to us. When we ~Id Ray's parents. hJs motfier becameriystenCil. She screamed, "Oh my God! My son has· been golng with a 11lut for two year11! 1 say you were raped, y«a were· raped!" DEAR ANN LANDERS: I sUll am ~Y guidan·cc counsclOr. When I have a ~ney,. Perhaps somebody who rea~s 'Ibey refused to let us get married in a gleaming over the letters from all ~e backache or stiff neck, he ·is as ·good as this. knows of sOmelhlng that might help. liireb;lOWFetoped. lt'rbeen-fiV'iryear1--women-wOO-bum npped-thetr-ht.13ba • eny-ebiropractor....--And ... waltr tha1!1.not-all · _I will try @!'Y.Ull!!a: •. .!..SOAKING WET IN now and we have two lovely kids. But we It seems every wife bad the same gripe -he is teachln¥ the boys to play the PLAINFIELD always will feel that the false pride and -her husband refuses to give her a help-· . clsrlnct Sign me · -LUCKY LADY DEAR SOAKING1 Yoo 11111)' have Ann Landen will be glad to hele you with your problems. Sencl"lhem to her In care_of lhLPAILLPJW,.M.-~ enclOfiing a self·addresSed. tllmped envelope. \ • I. I I ... .... American Smile ... _ Crosses Ocean .;· + • ,. .. • •• l : '. BJ DEE WEDEMEYER businesslike . NeW' York is the lop of the NEW YORK CAP -That fashion industry and the place perky girl with the All· ·where models earn more Amer l can smile on the money than ·any other In thi magazine cover may look like wor1d, "lt'a like something the 1Irl next door but chances where you can't go further'.'' are lile'a European. says G,erman ·model Sylvia Modek with years or ex-Poorth. perience in Paris, London, European models with ex- Rome and Milan have come to perience almost immediately New York steadily over the command salaries of $IO to f15 put decade and have become an hour and can·easily earn as an ett.ablished part of the much as $50,000 a year. Stara American fashion scene. like Britain'a Joan Sbrimpton Wllhemina, a Gennan model and Twiggy eaoi: $1.ZS an hour. who has her own modeling Another lucrative fieJd is 11eney, says one.third of her televiSion commercials, but models are European born. union rules limit the work of The Stewart Agency says one-foretgn models there. quarttr of its models are Working conditions here di!- European. fer from th~ in Eurc>pe. The And Jerry Ford of lhe Ford girll stay primarily in one city Modellni Agency says one-here, instead of ltying to a dif· quarter of Ford models are ferept job almost every day. ~and they account for They are hired by the hour, in- ane-half of the agency's stead of by the day. And they business. have stylists to comb their A I "111e1 ha.ea sort o1 gtri-hair and plan their ac-Cruising ong next.door, high fashion look," c~ssories, jobs they do for d · e1plai1"11 Wilhemina. "They themselves in Europe. Sailing aboard the SS Lurline on a 28-ay crwse have Intrigue. They come with----------of the Caribbean is Mrs. Margaret Graves Cf!-~ew- a totally new face to lhe Top Sports Coverage port Beach. The ship will visit Curacao, Tnrudad, In the Moocl for String of Pearls American photographers yet Barbados, Martinique, San Juan, Acapulco and they have experience and in-in The Daily Pi~ot ottier cities. teresUng portfolios." r--:::;iiii••·····~·····---------~=--It's a return to yesteryear for members of St. John the Baptist School Auxiliary as they order sounds of the big bands from Ray Engel's Harm.one.ires Sat- urday, Nov. 22, in the crystal and velvet deCor of the Engagement Disclosed During Cocktail Party Newporter Inn. Social hour will begin at 7 with din- ner at 8 p.m. Getting ready to execute a fox trot to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis \Valz's string of pearls are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walton. Ford uys another reason for the European models' suc- cess· is that they are hard workers, punctual and Book Week Spotlights Children Michael Stocktons Couple Home The betrothal of Peggy Ann Rob90ll and Earl S. Olrich 11 ~·as disclosed during a cocktail bufret party in the Newport Beach home of 1'1r. and ~1rs. Earl S. Olrich, parents of the prospective Na1Uooa1 attention will be fo- , cused on children's books ne1t ,. week as llbrar1e5 throughout · the country arrange special programs to highlight National Children's Book Week. Making their home In Costa Mesa following a wedding trip to Mexico are Mr. and Mrs. MJchael Thomas Stockton. The newlyweds were married in an afternoon ceremony in Dutch Flat Methodist Church . of Alla. The bridegroom ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stockton of Costa Mesa. bride~. · The bride-elec t,' a resident of Balboa Jsland. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Robeon Jr. of Kirkwood, Mo. She and her fiance disclosed to the 50 guests p'e.oent that they will be married in February in Websta G rove I CbristiaD Olurdl, Kittwood. Mls5 Robloo attended lwliaml University ot Ohio and the Univenity of MlssourL ~ She affiliated with Alpha gi1 Omega sorority and Phi ·cm --'Ibeta business fraterntty';'---- T he bridegroom-to-be received his BS degree from UQA. and is doing graduate -work at San Fernando Valley Stale College. He was a menlbu of Blue Key men's Sale Set ----PEGGY ROBSON F•bru•ry Bride honorary and was vice presi- dent of Tbela Delta .Chi fraternity. Newport Beach Library, Balboa branch, will feature an exhibit entitled JOO Years of Children's Literature. Rare books owned by lhe library also will be on display. The week will close with en-tries due for creative writing CC7Jlelt entitled OJt of This World. Deadline la Nov. 2'l with awardf. to be made at a Dec. 15 Oiriltmas party at 4 p.m. ln Mariners Library. The Rev. Philip McGallian officiated. The bride, who wore a while crepe waltz length dress, is the former Jeannette Louise Scheuffele, daughter of hfr. and Mrs. Herbert Scheuffele Attendants, dressed in light blue princess style ensembles, \Vere the Misses Janet Weber, matron of honor, and the bride's sisters, Sandra and Sha ron Scheuffele, bridesmaids. The benedict was attended by best man Steven Lamb& of Sacramento and b r o t h e r s Marl< and Gordon Stocktoo, ushen. Miss Glenda Francisco Young Singers handled th• auest boot 1or a recepLlon in Dutch Flat eom. liven Brunch munity eenter ati.oded by sPecial guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frames Ti>Ri~_ -Jl01;'.° ~r_~11/:1',~tch1~: ~J!.,K~;:.~~.~il ~ _ Larry Lair, assisted by his members of Wednesday Mom-Leroy and Dean Kline families wife, will dlscw the art of ing Club of Costa Mesa of Sacramento. framing with Niguel Arl Wednesday, Nov. 19. In the The new Mrs. Stockton was Association members f n d Balboa Bay Club following a graduated from Colfax High guest& in the auditorium of 10:45 a.m. bninch. School and her husband was Crown Va 11 e y Eleme.1tary The club is looking forward graduated from Costa Mesa School, Laguna Niguel at 8 to a series of upcoming events High School and served in p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. including an Ans ZK1 Crafts Vietnam and Germany With The public Is invited to at-Section on Friday, Nov. 21, at the Air Force. tend the lecture, a n d 10 a.m. in the borne ol Mrs. B. Both plan to attend Orange In Hospital Artist Speaks And Exhibits refreahments will be served. L. Gibbs of Mesa Verde. Coast College. I 1r===========================~. • South Co a s t Community • Hospilal Auxiliary is hoping to ; attract a lot of buyers to its -preCbristmas sale which will ~ take place in the hospital's •· auditorium from 10 a.m. to S ~ p.m. Wednesday to Friday, .. Nov. 19-21. : ?iirs. Harry Sowden, gifl · shop chairman, will host the : sale which featurel Orie~tal .. a pr o n s, novelty ceranucs. ·· stufred animals featured from : the comics, night lights, purse · mirrors, tote bags and other- ~ unusual gifts. .. She said Christ.mas card ~: books will be on display in the • aui:lliary's office In t h e ~ hospital. Proceeds from the ... gift shop h e I p support the ~ h06pital. • .. : Turkey Dinner • Closes Bazaar A turkey dinner will be serv- f'd at a bazaar plB':med by Mesa Rebekah Lodge 402 on , Thursday, Nov. 20, in the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Temple, Costa Mesa . The ba:r.aar featuring a coontry store and homebaked , , goods will open al noon with : • dinner served from 5:30 to : .. 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Andrew : : Lolmough , 548-7109, or f\1rs. : Douglas f\torgam, 548-1938 arc ~ takJng reservations. The lod ge also will celebrate • _ its 21st birthday with a special . • celebration on Tuesday even· • ,. i.J(, Nov. 18. Stitchery 'I"" tapestry artist Mrs. Leo Ric:¥rds will give an evening presentation to members of Nar;port Harbor· Santa Ana Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Tuesday, Nov. 18. .The artist, who opens an el· hibitatthe Invitation al California Cre.fl:I the same day, attended art sc~l in Springfield, 111. and currently teaches ·at Santa Ana .~ Fullerton YWCAs, Laguna Beach AAUW and Huntington Harbour Beach Club. Those interested In at. tending the 8 p.m. meeting in the home of Mrs. Carl Schwarz of Santa Ana ahould call lwfrs. Ross Scott, 543-1401 or Mrs. Gordon Niedringhaus, 836-1745. Speaker Sees Developments Knowlton Fernald ol. Laguna Niguel Corp. will discµss plana for future development in the area during a meeting for Junior Section, ,SOOth Coast1 Club in the Lagipa Niguel home of Mrs. Phillip Brabyn Thursday, Nov. 20. Further information about the gathering may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jack Weber, 495-5541. :~IDQ flLLt.? STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN • . • In The Alley Of • Open ,ri, Ew.._ JUt "IA LIDO ALL CRIDlf 'tll 9 NIWPGIT II.A.CH CAIDI WILCOMI \ I I ' .., ... • 04.l .a o# PRESCR IPTION FOR CHRISTMAS PANIC (Guaranteed to cure those what-am·l-going-to·give · and.how-will-1-pay·for-~·headachas). It's none too soon 10 do your Christmas shoppirtg. And our special H.A.P. (Hide-A-Way Plan) ton ic can help mike It one of the merriest Christmases yet. Just select your gift. Sllrt your paymenll et your convenience ofter ChristmH. You11 hive everything 111 token care of In edvlnce. Pretty strong medicine, isn't it. SLA-VICK'S Jt .,..t l•r• Siftc• 1'11 18 FASHION fSLANO NEWPORT B!ACH -644·1310 y-Cll•m lim:tljlllf ,..""'"' -IJlll!Amfl'lcll'd, M••"r c111,, •• l'llO o,_ Mollffy, Frld.y •••U f ;JO P·"'· 5outh Coast 'Plaza SANTA'S HOME ... AWAY FROM HOME •riSlO. Al $.1riH DllGO flfEWAT, COSTA lllnA PHIN1'.ED OUTING l Young mod designs, bright stripes1 granny flor· els, tot n teen prints gaJore. Priced especially for pre Christmas sewing. A c;uddly soft an'cl ~arm f•bric! 36" wide s•c yd. v•lue 9u1renfe•d w11h1ble 37,~ NO-WALE CORJllROi THE NEW FASHION RIGHT FABRIC Ifs here now! Fashion by the yard! This is the fabric you've been asking for. Durable as corduroy but has the softness and feel of expensive velveteen. ITALIAN IMPORTS! FABRICS "m·/) ,, ilano TWEEDS 100°!. cotton COTTON •PR INTS 1009/e nylon NYLON PRINTS $1,79 yd. 1 ooe;. "trogen acet1t1 $2 29 SATIN SOLIDS • yd. 100°/o nylon NYLON SOLIDS 36" to '45'' wid• 9u1r1nfe•cf we.illabl• $2.29yd. Soft faR colors on a posh dress and suit weight tweed ideal for tho new tweend bell bottoms. rayon, acrylic, cotton nylon & linen blend. 54/bO" wide 7 color, HUNTINGTON CENTER EDINGER AT llEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH O"N MON, TMIU PIU. 10 'TI\. t·P;M~T. 'TIL IP.~. U.NltAMlllCAID • MAITll CHAl•I ACCl,,ID ONN SUNDAYS 114 THIU DICIMlll 897·8013 \ I I I l I \ 7 17 I • l -< I ~;~-- ' ' I: • \,, .i'\ . • ~ ... . :;,.~ .. . . ... .. .. ..... . --. ,,.-.. .VOL .62, N0.1'~1,t-t ~TIONSi.)l>,P~~s .. , ,. '·, ,.1 • I" . ~ ' ,.. 1 ,. . -. '""~~ . ' ~ . -. -• ... .i _ .... ' .. ~ l. ., . '· ' \ I r • ,,_ "' • . Oi!RlGE ,OOU~. ,C~lrpRf4\· . . . ' ~... .. ' . MONDAY, NO~a.·:11, 196' . ' ., \ ,. ' . .. f)V ' Bond ,Vote ,. .:s.et , -, • I • • I •• ' '.• Schools S~ek ~7.5Million ·for ·Bui.Ming ' . ,. . Ocean View School District v91m go to Pa....,...]!111 (I), (!) and (3) on pa,. z the poils TurJdlY to decide the fate of a and~ ll!qo(d be corrected ufollow" 17.5 mil~ bend ·election to. finance • " •• \ .0419 ceata 'per 1100,a.......i school·cOnstrutUon through um,,, • v19luaUori in Parair•ph (1) abould read ~ /' two thirds majority ls required for . "4.19 cents per flOO Of aa•ed valua· passage of Lht bj>nd._ 1bere m 21,M~ Uon."~ v-.• In the district. • · • • " • • • .-cenll per 1100 ol -d • Polling places located .I~ ,achool! valuation" ln Par a gr 1 p Jf (2).ahould ~ u1e dllli'lct will bo'opOQ. from . read ·:u.~, ct11ia per 1100, ol .- 7 a.m. to I p.m. f · • • • · valuation. . Ocean V1ew adm;nliltr.alon) today • • ••.•. 3281 centa per $100 or 1sieased reported thal some.t)"Nrl~~ errors valuaUon" in Paragraph. (S} should read have crept Into lhe~ statement Of com. "32.81 cenll per flOO of auesMd valua- t>llance wfilCb aecom~ SampJ6 ti on." ~ ballots coverlu1 'tbe'bood election. A spokeaman for the school district . . • ' "'• I· •; pointed <>t1t the comct1on ol thl• clerical error Jn.no way c'-·-.. e. the cendiUom ol. • 1h.e electlon.' · ,..,,. ' · B~ ·~ o., anticipited Jncrtuea ·.In ·assessed vaJuaUoo; no Jncreaae tn.tlxes is forecast H the voters apprOvi!! t& f1,5 'miJ11on bONt iaaue. · · , ' '!lie relular meet••• of the. Ocean Vie'tf 'school · oiltrJCt ~ b1rd 1 or· truitees, originally scheduled for tonight, bu been Cancehed because Of' the tiorici' ettcUoi&. · A. speelal•meetlng has been calledr Jn• stead for 7:30 p.m., Nov. if,~tt dllb1ct headquarters, 7r72 Warner Ave., Hun· Ungtoo Belich. A~~t).~~eds l'ainlly at Bedside Une,ri,Dgly. :. · · Tow~<l\toon /osei>h Kennedy Lies· ' . ' Near Death at Ag~:8~ • ' . SPACE CENtER, Hooston (UPI) FoUntain Valley l;ligh · Homecoming' Queen Debbie Nelson (left) and her co1.1rt. made an unusual entrance Ftiday night during halftime of Fountain Valley:Edlson football game. Hot air balloon was pi'ovided courtesy . of famed . balloonist Don Piccard when students couldn't cQme up,,_wjth a stagecoach to fit \Vestern theme of homecoming. ' J:ountain Valley's football ball oon burst, however, in 21·20 loss to -~ .. . . Ai)ollo i'l'a sleeping creW sped r~ and / HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) fa~ loday toward 'their renduvous Fonner Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, with ',the, mpon, their course· so precise a rather of a seaside American political 11nal navf&atlonal correction was dynasty,, was near death today at his &Crubbed. · home in the Kennedy COOlpound M· Cape At I a.m. PST. with the f.orce 9! lunar Cod. _ _ ll'IYitY pulling: the craft at an ever in· His sole surviving son, Sen. Edward M. ~ speed, the three U.S. spacemen Kennedy CD-Mass.), waa at his bedside. . . wen •,OU mJles from the moon where His condition was described as '''very ~ t"o fl thein.·'fiill land. early W~day. l9w" by his son-In-law, Ambassador • ' ·m Ground controllers decided that a Sargent Shriver, shortly before I a.m. H . ., ·· · t ... , · ~ io· w ld . H eollrse correction planned ror 2:47 p.m. "The end Is only a matter of hours · ..... U, n 'f,'n.·g ' n . e er. . e . ' 1'6T teday .would nol be necessary before away," Shrlver told a newsman after al· • th. spact>Nlip whiP;S into Junar orbit five lendjng early momln& Mass at St .. Fran- • ' 1 • hJirs-1{ter. Charleilt'"Pete'' ,Conra~. els 'Xavier Roman · Catholic Church ' in ;QB"';·.:":: M;. ,· """ · ,4 '.ft~ · ... · · . , .. ~.~-... · .. ::~·~v=a:;1~8~~:S:!i .H>:ennQ~y,'fatMr/~ 1~ lfte,1Pru~t . . . ' I o :r ,~.. Ir. mn ' ~D -cwad'end Bean .deltend to the J""'.,f) ~et!nedY.··~ ,.., ...... IHll la . 1 r", ~~, ~-iO ~J:i" :' ~1~~:! ... ',' , -··17r ::.:.:. ,;., . '~ ;·:~ MU"~ace Wty W~nesd1y in the~ lunar ~~ ':Pe~rw~rtay=~ sald' was' -. , • l , • ~ '?ti · •· .. .\ • • -· , ' • Jahdbt¥( vthk:le ~.knamed. lntrtpid. rqinor heart attack over tbe ~eod. , o!. • :le lflliltjl1gtoo ·Beicli ·!ll'dder .waa ar;-a·· rs~L!!•~l<!l .:aod.-......• Jl!OllQ.,lJi:r".-!ffi~~·l!."', 2ttl!IL_ .. 7Sbrl_.....ld··ti.e..lormer·-aqibo•ador·---·,™1id lliiiid;y h# 111 .~ 6f8I. .. · ,at llll/lllngton lnle/com'l'\mlty m11e1 ln .' !liil by . lllne .U '" . "". Jill.~• uuable to eat for ~I days; ' ,tern~ ~murder ~after· traloUh1 his . ~ 1..-~s,.wll .\f~S reported m falr behind the moon tonight It will ~vc at' Sllriver and his Wife, !tmlce, Ken-estr ... ...1· if:' Md 'hh-llrothe ~ "Ii.. the Condttlon todar.:. . . · celerated to more than 5,000 miles an nedy's eldest daughler, {lew ~ Sundl)' · · an~ w t . r w,. ~ · Posey la · sCheduled for arralrnment hour. . · from Palis. Shriver Is u.s: ambassador ~~ w~ r~oving ~.tw'e from his T~e84ay Jn . W~st · . brange c ' o u n t y Conrad, Gc>tdon and Bean lave ~ to France. · ·a~t. . . Municipal CouH, Westminster. ' folks back nome an early mornmg Mrs Rose Kennedy matriarch ot the Cletus·G~Posey,·44;,·or 1712t Emerald ' · television ylew oE the. approach!"& moon Kennedy clan,· also a'ttended Miss Uils Lan~ •. Hun~ngtan .B:ef'b, was booked into and the apider~llke landing ship before mornlilg'at St. Francis Xavier's, though Huhtington Beac~ citj jail on saspicion of ·pr ide' · t Ends ~Y went to bed for the day. not with Shriver. She ·entered the Uny a.ssau1~1Wilh intetit to-cOaunifmurdcr'and es· . U At~ pOint,the camera picked up the church qulckly, and remained lmilde for ~~ ' • Q t•' \ · aJ/SllUlt w'ith,a deaidlr weapon. · · . ap~ching .yellow quarter .moon· several minutes after the service was ~~~~~. ·.:!'~ · ·~~. ·: ·M~~ci:~=~~~~c:.y~nh~e~f~: 'W eeke~d' s' R'est ~:i::he~=~ ~~~e~ ;~ ~:::~ ovn;ere was no word on whether Ken. T\'...! • • B "£ 1 'arid her t>rothU, Cllrence Lee .RUssell, . • \ • " . "An>:where," replied an obviously nedy , was conscious, but one unofficial -~~~,O!J.,· .. e ·.OJ~ .': 'both ol '7941 CJP.r.eU "Ave., ..H4nliniton· WASHJNGTON CAP) -President Nix~ eager Bean. 1 source said tie was given the last rites of Beach; in the siohiaCh, •bOut 5:.45 p.m., on flew back ,lo the White. House today , The 56.mlnute telecast came during lhe Uic Roman Catholic Church Sunday. ri ~.: t h ~ ..... · ; · -.iJ~' ; ' Sunday. · ~ a~ter an ov~tnigltt ~ay ·at Camp Da\.>ld, U~I :checkout or the . lunar ,m~11le Richard · cardinal CUshirig of Botton, a .Kac · · ~UDC -.,J •• The Poseys bad · been ~par~ted for his mountain retreat next to Thurmont Intrepld before the astron~uts awing into long-tfme ramUy rrierid. said S"'day that .. : , 1 , · · · · . · 1 ~ t aboUt a month after a 13-year mamige: · Md. · ' orbit around the moon toruaht. he had 'recelVed a telephone call from the A ·Plennlng Comm i s·s~:oin teoonl-a~ing-to Pouce repcrts. Mrs.· Posef. , r.f~s. Ni~9n and l~if 4augh~r, Tricia, All was . in .order, with both . the family "advising me that he had a very meftdation.,lh.at,service. sla~ns.~ al'6'!,-"anG her brOthei' had'&"P' .to ·the apart· fccompan1ed the ,.P-teaident on the machinery and, Its crew, for Amert<:a's lierlous_ setback, and it seems that the ed'iri ireas zoned for coni'niuni!.)', i>uafness ment to reiDove somt " her furnishings . nelicopter trip. . second lunar landing and man's ftrst good Lord Is about to take hlm in the districts Is bdOre the Hontinlton Beach accOrding to her sta&emeat, aDd her hus'. The fillt family flew to ·Camp David Scientific exploration or an alien world, foreseeable future." Cili·Counelrtor 'approval tonliht. -• . , :band wu helping. . late Sunday, after , the Pretident , had Marine Killed oil Highway By Fellow Marine's Auto ~Theitji-1.ine , tlons, will be .alk>wed • When .Mts. P.o&ey asked her husband• watched lbe r Wa,shingtop Redskins and under~\.he propof81:throl1,gh a. WJi~lt: where·hi•·pbtol·waa,·he ·aue.....ny pulled Dallas .Cowboys . tangle. in a National • ' cod dme I al 6 ""'' Football, Lea. m~ .game.· , . · , · nie ·PfO~ -e amen D so. it frcmt his waistband and 'flrtd ftve a'"" Ca1rs for1a revlfw by \he Boafd, C?(.'1.0nfng Shots. 1be trio was in the kitchen .at the Nixon, the first. incumbent President to J\dl!iurneuts_fQr all u~.e~· 1n cQmmercial _ time. see an NFL. game, stayed for,;the enUre zan~~wtiich ,do.not require approval..of.a • · Policer11aid· RUS81ell' appareoUy talked contest, won by Dallas 41·%8. use''~lt. . ~ Posey in{o giving hJm the·gun while Mrs. · 1he~lmen will a!l().aCt-!Jn a Plan-POl!'Y called police, ~oaey 11urrtndered nifireom'mission proposal to rezone pro-quietly when officers arrived' al the Beac_h .. ffiah., Se•o_ ~i1,y al the northwest 'COl'ner of-Edinger apa~'!L • 0 Utt Avenuet anct. Odlbard Street from ,. .t y One'. Of thi'ee El Toro Marines who were ion. Harlin's two companions were manuraciuring to &mmercial use With a I • 'Ah w !f-:J , ' walking back to their base Sunday night unhurl so'fool setback required . ' ~ . Westminster Plans . .. . ' uuerness was struck and kllli<I by a car dri•!• by No charges will be filed agalMl Fisher, Other jielJll _on• toilight s agenda•~ -· t . , .. _.. a fellow Marine. CHP olllcers said. They said~ acc.ident elude: "' • ' Cul I Ti'r' ·Eugene il'Neill's 'corfM!itty •u Ah Dead when California ~I g h way ocCurred on a "particularly dark 11tretch"' -A ·~bllc bearing to be set-for.Dec . .l lura Arl8 "-eek Wlldemess•Y will be stapil .Frida)' and Patrolmen reached the accident scene on of TrJbuco Road. oJ a petition for a rate lnci'eaf8!, by the Satllf!lay ~Y drama ·'ktudents ai. 'uun.i Trabu'cro ,Road near Sal)d , Caiiyon Road Harlin's death was the · lle®txl ln-Ytllow ·Cab~eo. o( Newpoi-l Beith and ~la~-~ ~sec::n=1,,~itural ,t~_n ·.~ath H)(h 89*''· • wai Pv\. DOnal~ R. Harlin , 20, Pvt. VeaUgated Sunday b)' coroner's officers. Co&ta Mesi Inc. • .. • di ' ·-...:1 . ~ · r · w.,, be -.:. rod 1. to .... · lMI Couey Trlffte' IMI Kevin O'Brien, 22, or Lon& Beach, died •c..,..,. .. ...11 .:.1•·, on traffic signali on SCU..-u dunng 1 meeUng scheduled for 1 •it: P uc ion, 1uc praenled in an 1 Sund h h. --. -~1..,..,......., u\U 1 .w1 , 1• Deatk.Toll ID eary ay wen ·~ s,..,~ ..... ar 1p-Broakhurffl slreet at two intersecti~ :;-'1~.J!, .P-IJI~ .~Y in. the, cKy'a i;om-, · 1mp~~lonistlc setting, will be abown at a pnrently ~nt out of softtril:I on tht ln(lianapolil and Yorktown. avenue!l. '~'tvices . ~ulldln&, a 2 0 ~ . p1m. both nighb'l in the Hi#IUnpm Beach Harlin's home address wa's withheld to-Garden Grove Freew11y and smashed Jn to EstiP'l~COSt ~:.~ ~~j~~~y ~:ri~ : ~ W~ 101";,; ~Ioli.' a~rdlng to ~ High •School a~itoriUm. ' · , ti~~ ~ h~a~~~~ ~~r~i~ls ~nding nolifica-a guardrail near lhe Golden West Street ~~WIJ Fin:~ce P?Jram 'and Stafe Gas R~ti,?n . and P~rks Director Sam ,Tlfke:~ will be a~lablt: at the door or Patrolmen said th~ three. M•rines were of~:r~~~s said O'Brien was alone In the T3.x fund$. _ . · . M~~1m:011 1' 19 . establl.llh dat~. for the , from ,an)' drama stlident. ,,alklng south wl!h their backs to south-car and was driving at high speed when ' • •! I 1 . . ' pr.ugi•m.8' ways k> ti~ I~~ Cultural P.rlces are $1.~ adults, $1.for students. bound traffic when Harlin was struck by he fa iled to negotiate a curve in the G -t ."· Arts Week Willi the City 11 Centenhial itnd 50 cents for elementary school a car driven by Pvt. Kenneth Fishe:r, 21, freeway. GitN Logo . re,~ts Cel~r11uQn wtik:h starta ~It year. sluderlts. ' also of Ute El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta. The death Saturday of a Pomona man '.! who was severely burned Nov. ,9 in a f '_ \ p~ jJ · ~ Br~a traffic accident brou~t l;he i{ir.pUflJ.e ,··ro ts ... F-.?Pllm· .·' ·s.·1a· ·t 0 d . on Schools w.~M:!,1r;,r~:,.:::.~:r::.Jlld~ Alrpli.oet~ nyfug over Huntington"' -'-!I .9i, '!.I Hmpital, Fullerton of injuries, received lhorellne Ill know where t · ~ • ..-when his 1tation , wagon skidded off· ~~. , 'f .""':' . b ',--.. /, ( ( , • , • ' • . \ Lamln a bertfloodRoadc:ontroal~'~lledl. upside down q,y. ...... 1~v1palnied '1lcn-fool·hlg .. Y' .' ·' -+,...,.,.,'l'J"liil • _, · -' .o-•~ c<f!i7 <!-IW city logo on .Iii• roof of the . ~ ;i :. .. 1.J;W>.J!.~JrJeeting ro Review State Financing ~~1~7.°~y ~:.:~1':\~~e~.~:. F&fterinin ~la~~ft at.:tfM? head'Of the . .,. 1 I" • • .:.J · .;:,~ · · · · · · ! • . " • --! , . . K'athleen McCluskey, at, of Bfea, died in · H~tn.~i:11~1~ Is dark blue on a ~~~·~at~~:wiU l;le-next seliSion of ' the legisl1ture, and District ; Curtis ,Bluemk~ 'bus 1ne 111 the blaiin&, vehicle. w~ t.ck&rwilid, .,,1th a red, border. discussed al a comrrnmlt; lorum Thurs-priorities in edq,calton. •Que&ionl trom manall'er 'of Westmin&ler School District : : -. .,., ___ _,,..,...,....,.---"-- ' -~ ---""1;nlght:-"'°""""' .brthe·HunUngton-"tl>c !JOor wm folm:. . . , ' Correllan Tho' mpso'n, bu. sl-· manager Stot!h M•rlcet d B~-1 p t BeaCh· ~ of Women Voters. Both Burke and Ryan are members of ·~ · ' -• · · • Lyn a "'~ ~egnan rwo! state ... ~. Robert H. the Awmbl)\'' EducatiOD Committee, or th~ Orange Coast JUlllor -C<!llege NEW YOllK (AP)..:Ti>e ·sl"!'k' market w"ASHINGTIJN (UPI) r Fonner Bllril! <IWfuntlnllloa Beach) and Leo J. and Ry•n is cliainnan o1 the.Joint Com· · Dlslrlct, · ' l~mbled on 1 wide-ranging front In mod· President Lyndon 8. Johnsol'l's eldest 81an\(b.sap a....ol wlD be tht principal mittee on Teacher ~ and Public Dave Borkenhagen, elementary teacher erate lri<firW late today. (Set quotaUOftl, ...... L nc1a Blid &.~ It--';"" ·11>Uken ·IL Uie ''im' Pn>cram ai the -School EmploymenL In the HunUngton BNch Sd\oollDistMc!· p ~II) · r:;-~ ~·In M;.Hir..;;;; W-HIP caf&rJum_ Chairman.of the meellni•ll M'ra. Ken-Jack Calms, board member In lhe 'Seal ~·N,,;.,iln oi decUriei by indlvldual , -)nade 1mown Sulldar liy.-. who ,FolJOlotior. -the by · the . lwo netb Marl)'n,oducatlcn,o;halrlnon, l'1f the . Beaeh ·flchoot Dillrict: Carl Manneman, i..u .. ovrr advih<el on the' New York rild l.rnda;~·~·for vbOy ·to ao~,11 mwber panel or local~ ot.Women.:.Y.ot.n. ...;,_JMC!&r ~.lleatb.lll-L-s11oc~-Exclian10-•1JN1nded u 'tllo seaoJon g owlll.fl Clilria. -1.~~_lii';Lucliioo iiCal'.illlicitO!i Will'OIJti.lfliln on lllitlon l'anel"rnomlim are Dr. ctar.nc.•nan, , Hl1h School Dlatrict, and . Waldo Price, wore on. An hour before the clooe the · Oeall> for~ oc!M>Ol-bllla ""'""'before the su~t oC'llii Ocein:VW·ScJiool · principal of Founlaln Valley School. edge wu more than 500. • .. J ' ' • U~j.,.;... REP.ORTED NEAR DEATH Joseph P. Kennedy India Premier Wins .Strqggle · · · . . . I . , · NEw·oELHi <AP> • ..., Prl.ne MJnlater ' ' I I • ' ' Jndira Gandhi easUy woo, today her· fint 171ajor •l.t!it• ·in Pai-U:arhent ".thee: the breaku p of he11 ruling Congresi plrty -indic.atlng her; gove.mment ~in be 8~Je to sutVj\.'.~ despite the kiss of iti_;abaol.ute miJjorjty. · With the aid of independent!, Socialists and·Communlsts, she defeated--. ce.nit.u'e 1 motion brought by tbe ript·wtn1 Swatan-- lra party crlUclzlng ule ~l'Mllllt'I particlpaUon In the !label fsJamic IW11• mit ~rence in Septelt\btr) ., , I The vol<, 3116 tq ~43 .ii) Mrs. Gandhi'\ favor. sho~ lhe, was able 1 to pick up more votes than she had lost by the split in the ·-party: Before the , •Pitt. the Congress party: hid'm seats -zz ~ than an absolute majority .• • Orange 'eou&· • ·Wead.er Suriny skies' with· OiiJ)' • 1 hit ol early morning fdl will prevail over the Orange Cout Tuelda,y as temp. eratures cling ln · tbe temperate middle .7011. . ' INSmE TODAY . Suloiaf Porter at.;,,, lJOtl /of~ warnfno in MT f inancial column on Page ~2 toda11 oJ Uit kitld oJ CO!lfUSiO!l to t:r:pect Wht]I ne:r:( t1e:or'1 ·rm fOT'f11$ arrivf, : " " ... , .. • " • • ..... " "' • r ii 4 ,,,,,,,,,, f DAILY PILOT H I - Policeman ' . µeJd at Bay ' I • JjyOwnG~ . 1-• Beach police officer John 8qor1to momenllrlly found himself !ac-bnt-bta .,.. gun·<!Qrlng a· tuwe·wtth a iuspected narcotics violator Saturday afte'Mon. ~ • • The IUF,)ICI n.d aire r a sidewalk l!lltch.-but police Hy blJ 111.fn-and a Warrant ·wW bl hll arrest oti cbat1111 of as11u.lttnf 'an olflCtr and suspic.On of violaUon of dru,g Jaws. Adinf _on a Up. Saporito located, a pllstic bH ...Olllnlnc 'tf!W' •PP<Med to be mM!JuM, blddto In busMa -711 Gltrmeirt St. Ltavtng the evidence in place, he called !or a plain clolbes slakeout I>)' Sat .. Norm.an J,abcock, )ut before lhe lltttt arrived, • car pulled up and a. woman p-nser·1ot out and took lhe bq. Spotllnl Baportto'a black and 11hlta police unll; the woman Deel on root. Wbrn lhe offloeT allempled lo plact lhe male driver ol tbe car under arrtlt, the latter tried to 1'1111 but wu downed I>)' Baporlto. Dw1n( lhe 111111in1 alrlJll]e,. lhe of· ficer'I lt1ft bolJltr WU opened, the ~ crabbed lhe cu• and belil It al tioporllo'a stomaell,'police aaid. • He had ·succeeded in wrt1WJ11 the 11Jn from rusped. when Babcock arrived and Aoined the fray, but the man broke away Jrom both otficers alkl escaped on foot. • A warrant for his arrest will be soucht from the district attorney's office today, Jio!ice said. No injuries (OT' even tom dni!orms) wm rtporled alter the battle. ,Seawater Plant ... ' . On Bolsa Island ;Topic in Beach 'TMDl'OPOMdnuclear -powered .aeawa!er Converalon and power plant off lhe 'HWllln8ton Beach coul wUl be iliacl1seed Wedneadoy by John R. Terrlllk. -dlA¢or of lhe Stele ~l ii/'Wltcr·-; ,,_ ilrlll bl Iha prlncloa! speabr at lhe ' Btach Chambar ol Com· 4 4 t a Q 4 Q 4 z t ~t Q z ~ . . . .. .. -... ------ lhe '?.iftit mombanhlp lunchooll DI m..c. It lbtntaa Beach Inn. DAILY PILOT P11tte., Teny C'Wlllt ·~"Wator -rac1n1 Callfornla~ will CANDIDATIS -Girl• Hekln& Founlllln Valley JWllor Miss crown 6' Iha litll or bll talk. tit will show alldts il>clude (from top) Naomi Young, Chris 'Wendell, Connie Mitchell, :,U-~~.ol ,tho Slate Wala ProJ· Sandi Fukunaga, Judy Oickhudt and Gm! Cil1>8Dter. Winner will 'jo!l ,inobm a1~,e11mnber.;Jn1to ... J»p1c111dl'IOv.112byciv:1J11C••si " , ... ' . -.~. ___ , __ _ ' ' ' ' . ' ~: . ~~ring Set Note4 Coast Physitian · :On Dec. 15 in: n· . 0· ~ ·.d· . N, • •-. n• · · f.B' ·· .~ hB -;:... . , r .. : aVI . , . ~~~en · 1es :· . eac ripery · · .' , · t ' • ' 87 EVIL)'!! SllDWOOD A pn1lmlnarJ court ltiartnc for an . " .. -"'° -' ~ .... ,.,....... "·•ttemPUtc to Dr. Davla ·i llloloen, inaidlnt o1,-th,t' bribe lfllmlnlton Beach Mayor ·Jack Or~nca Coun!r:Meillcal ~Ion lril. i Green •b11 bttn ~t for I 1.in. Dec. ll f lvlc l1adtr ~Newport Beach for.many ·,.., Jn. Weal Orl!111 County MunlciplJ Court, · years, died ·\odoy _,t Hoa1 M!""'rlal •Wealmlnller. ·Hoopltcl. He wu 19. . . . WUllam New, •. Pholnb, wa1 ar· .• ~ ·Promlnent.r'ln O'r~!\&I ~b' medJC°at · ~ ra1pocl tllil m«nlDI Jn. w--. on circla and. lormar · court •phyaiclan: to two coanll ol 'attompliq to bltbe ·a pulj. , • . · . llc'ofllclal. lit lll rr.o .., 111,0llO ~L • KJnr Paul of G,_, be l1t4 been INl- llt ~-·No.. 11, wbJlo....,.. leri!ll from cancer In ..... t m0ntha. N -, tho • ,,_ lllataurant. llr. NJ9'n WU born In Mlnlluota. atlor iillllodl7 mum, blJ -otter Jl.ir~· ... •1y· • · o1 llJIGll lo tho mayor Jn re1um ·flit. . , . ~ ur .1u1 bll lamlly .. turned '"'°"'bit Influence .., 1 propoood ...,. to . 1"Uve lllinmsrk, tbm.came back chanp:. to Amerfca in .1936. New had a11egedly midi Jbe flrlt finu.. Hil actlvitie1 in Ol'aJ11t County medical cial offer a week earlier, at wtl.lch time ind civic "Work Included 1w1rd·wlMlng Gretn C1:1ntacted police who worked with work for the American Heart Alsociation the mayor for a week lnvut11aUnc the In 1980, and service 11 president of the matter. · ~· Orange County Academy ot Internal · New allegedly IOUlht help from .the Medicine . !"ayor for 1 IOnt chanlt on 20 acrea of Or. Nielsen served 1s 1 trustee on the 1nduatrlal land near Slater Avenue and old Newport Beach Elementary School Gothard Street. Ol1trtct board. · · He wa,s selected Man o( the Yur in 1959 by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. • Chamber Women Pick Mrs. Casey He also was active In Kiwanis Club ac· tivll!,e1, · hf:Vl{tJ . aerved u lieutenant governor for the Klwanls1 California· . .. ' . HARiloR PHYSICIAN Dill Dr. David Nlelaen Nevada region. He served as a medical officer far the Mni. Edinn! J. Casey hu been elected •-Medi I r. and th Air F , •"'-' J . w , Dt~-•-1 ... ~ n•Y ca ~rps e orce pno..,.... '" omen s ,._, • ·~ duriDI Wqrld War u. · T· · blin CJ HllnlllfltOn' Beach ' C1Wn~1er ·of Com· Dr:'N11~'•, 1cldem!e C!'1!ilili 1nc1Udtd , UW g aSS merae. She.succeeds Mn. Sake Stewart. 1 doctorlJf meiiiclne degtee in 1945 from Otbet oracer1 selected Wed~ay are th " · ..:. ... tlN ... •· '·"· ""' 1".-V ······ ~~;;~~~~~ ii~"1~.;".ti• ~l'i!i.'iflt"W~~-; •>v't'l r~oungsters . vlco proaident; · l\ltl. Harry Bowman, Austria, In' INT. · . . , . §i:~ZJ?i rn :,.;-_:·Mfs'1e8 :io-·=uU:···· 1-lnlt wu named de1"!1J _dlnc:tor ol Illa Dlptrlmtnt ol Water ltoaolnll by Go••nor llooaJd llealan Jn febnll1'7 of 1111. Prior ,tO bl• appointment hi wu uaJa. tant chllf tnclnttT for Ibo ~t for m ;.... In clllrp or a· atalnlde ~ and _._ ol tho dl!>trtment'• Dve diatricta. . Teerlnk Joined the department In 19111 and bu pu1iclpaled in all phase:1 of plannllll lor tho Stall Water Project. Huntington L WV Backs Bond Vote The HllllllnllOD Beach Chapttr of tho League 'of Women Voiera hu mdoned a 17.i million bond tlectioo acheduled r ... Tuoodal' In th< Ocean View School Olalrlct. In 1 atatement reltued to the pre11, the croup Mid, uschool CONlruetion must keep poa1 with the rapidly lncre11\n1 popU11Uon of the Ocean View School Diltrld lf double IU!l.ons and the other grobltms or overcrowding are to be •voided." ' DMlY PllOI OUHOI ""'1' PUM.1lttiM• COMJWrr ••H• '11, W!ol PrttWinl -M lttllt · J••~ a. C11rl'J Viet :"•._. 111f c;..r Matlt• t~tfl'll' IC...-fl .... Th•,,.•• A. Mur,~1111 MtllNlll1 ....... ""'''"'" w ...... • A4oWl:i.tt l~HW Hntl ...... IMcfl Offlcil JOt Ith Jt11et M1ili11t Ad4r1111 P;O. lor 7t~, '?l41 --....,,.., eud!11"1 W•l h lbl!• leu~rl <ftl• -..: l.)O Wttl I•, 51rtt! .......... .a.uii •» ,..,... ·- Valley Girls Seeking Crown litvtn Fountain V1Uoy Hlsh ilcnool llllion will oompell Slturdly Jn the city'a Junl« Miu Pqeant apooaored an. nually by Iha Founllln Valley Jaycoa. They'll be aeeklnl lhe throne cumnUy ll<ld by Nancy O'Connell. Foonllln Vallt.Y Junior Miu f0< 1111. Judflng will atan at 7:30 p.m. In the Fountain V1ll1Y Ctm· munily Center, ll!IOO:Siater Av .. Trl'inl lo ;'£.~ the bell In acholarihfp and potae lo captura thil yeer'• local Cf'O'rD are a.rt Carpenter, 11; Judy Dtckhudl, 17; Sandi Fukun111, 11; Connie Mitchell, 17; Chrla Weaver, 17: Chr1a Wendell, 17, and Na· oml'Y ouni. 17. '!'ht JllJli« Min conteat la a nallonal Jaycee event with loc,al wtnnen com· petlni ~l<r on stat<( and naUonal'levtl. Cumnt Junior Mia ot Amertci for 1111 I• lock!• 'Benh11ton. a w\mer from Hun-llngi!Jn lltach .. · A ptnel of five Founllln Valley civic ltadn will Judge the 1even glrll. They are Dlddy Lammers, repretentatlve of Ibo AmerlCan Field some.; Flonnc1 Smal•, ·charm 1ehool dJrecttW'i Hal Reale, a drama and voice coach: JO)'co Erwin, Fountain Valier WO!Mll'a Club and 1\iChlrd Haana , a telcbtr. G~la Will be 'Judled on pe-tllty, ebar1cter, chlnri, lntell~enct and talent. Pistol-wielding, Bandit Robs Hamburger. ~tand A robber wieldin& a .46 caliber automatic popped Into a Jack In the Bor Drlv.e·thru jn ~com Me11. .. S;tnday ·~ popped out ••aln with 1811 In ca1h .a!lcr1 fprclnl tw. employ•• to lie .on the noor. Countenrfen AtJSUrtlne Jlodrfiuea and; ~~ G<elhoe,d told poUce the 1Unman ent.red 'lht hOn\btir,U 'llaod it Ill E. Benefit Dance For Injured Hairdresser Set A benefit pdi nCe for disabled Costa M~aa hairdreuer Fred ?ofollna Jr. will be held under · sponaorablp of It 11 o w halrdreurrt Sunday at F e 11 c I • n o ' 1 ri!Uuran( ln Nt!wp:>rt Beach. MoUne~ Who lost a Jee 11 a result of a !reil< aecldtnt north . of Dana Point e&rller thtl Jear, recelvtd tsOO ..reCently alter a ll!nlllr be.ncnt 1ponaored by blJ · lrlflllil.• ' 'l'llt.dsnco .will .be heldJmm t 'p,m. to I 1.m. A ~ donatlM tncld'de3 i batfet dln·, ner. tt will fcatw e ?'IOMfop perfom1ance1 b7 a· i1Ji band and surpriae pm,· orsanlzera aald. Molina .,., il1jured Auc. 3 aa ht and hla . !fancte tried to er.., Pacific Coast H\lhway to aid an accidehl. vlcUm. A pa..Jq ambulance loc\dentllly lilt • IU.Y wife. Thi whipplnc cable l<Uled Molina'• companion, • nlll'ff, and manaled tho · ilalrdrewt'1 lq. Thi 101 lalll'>w• am-putated. 17th St. at 1:3! 1.m. wltb h11 hand In his pocket. When he took hla hand out of hl1 pocke~.il held the .ll!llomatic, '"Clve me the inoney .in a oclc,11 ht: aald, !l'1)t mtn obeyl!!; The l<lbber forwt the two to Ut on lhe· ·Door, lheo fled· thrl'Ulll a -lq -nnt door to • 1111 Cl\ry3ler parked 111· TuaUn lllnlL He then drove or!. The IUl)llCI. wia de- scribed a1 havtni a lilht beard and <:Ufb' blond hair, weartna ·l>lut slacks whh a tan .trencbcoat. Book Sale Aids School Library Sale o( a wide selection or new paperback books, includina: cookbook!, dict.ionariei · and educationll vokim11 begina · tontllht at Fountain Vallay'a Mc~l\ &<bOol. . Proceeds 61 ill< sale, si>on!Ored by MN. Clara Schultz' fifth grade clus, wlll go toward the purchase of an encyclo~· and library boob.. • · The boob will be avallablt In Room U from 8:30 p.m. lo 1:30 p.m. today >nd !n>m I .p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. Wtd- nisday'r houn a .. from I p.m. to 4 p.m. •nd froril l :IO p.m. to 1:30 p.m. . Hotel Goes on Block RENO (UP I) -The lntamal llovenue -., plw to auction oil the once- ll!110Ul llWmidt ' HG4ol Tueldoy for laliure'lo Jiii' lle,114 In bacl< tu•, bal' li!>f 111)' late dmlopmonta. reconllnc oecretu:y; Mra. John JnnJncar, Shortly ·atter .... Mna that d1plom1 A•·' Valley High treuW'W"~ and Mf'I. John &t1t1er, CCII"· Dr. N1ellen Ml'Ved 1n tht court of the J. . rel]>Olldlnc llCl"eilrY Greek kine. . , The new olttceri .:111 be installed at a He receiv_ec;t s~Jallst's trainina In in-Ever bad 1 y~rning to flY: throuah the dinner dance Dec. 5 at the Meadowlark t.ernal med1eutt In ·195Z at Lone Beach •Ir wltb the aruteat of ease? Country Club Veteran'a Hoapita1; W U 1'1 II Pl · --·-~ w~--d Ht Jeavea h11 wl"ow Elise of the f1ml· t ; you ve In the Huntlnston ana were. anuvwn."Q,I vwn;S ay for . ~ ' ' Bea h'F t · v 11 • · the annual Chrlatmaa ltihUnl contest. by 1y home. 2$15 Tustin Ave.. Newport c · oun a1n a ey area, you re in chalnnan Mrs. Carol Wall. 'theme of the Beach: three daulhf.en, Teri, Crirtlna luck. event Ulla year will be "Chriltmu Cit)'." and U&aMe; three aoni, David, Stephen A new lumblinc and acrobaUca clua and Paul. all ol lhe home. other aurvlvon Include three aliters for gi rls aged seven through 19 open.s up Draft Office Bombed Mn. Joy Barnes and Mr1. Ruth Lerdom: thi:i w9'k at FoUntain Valley Hilh School. both or Co1ta .Mesa, and Esther Falr of 1t J1 combl]led with a run and fitnus MIMHOta, and one grandchild. ·class for boys and girls aged f through & Services will be held Wednesday at 11 The body-bulldlnf and fun· It uni a.m. tn St. Andrew'• Prtsbyterian . in Indiana City LAF A Yt'l'TE, Ind. (UPb) -The Tlp- poc.-County Selective Service Syatem office here wa1 dam11ed tart, today. An official said the office WP rtrebombed. Churth, N~ Beach. Mt I {tar y sessions are held betwetn 6 p.m. and B graie1idt rlLil will fbUow al Fairhaven J>.m. ?l.fonday1 and Wednesday• and are Memortal Park 1n Santa Ana. taught. by Mr. Ind Mn. Olarley Baker. Bell Broadway Mortuary In Costa Mesa Price 11 p for elaht lessons. The lnlerior of Iha headquuters in the Mu.Jean Shopplnl Ctnt.r an the cily'1 eut aide wu reported to have been damapd badly. Some ~· were destroyed, but ~ tn metal cablnetl ap)111'11\Uy wm apued. will hlndll!I arrangementa. ·Parente I th I .... Friends who wish may make memorial . . m11y 11 an e r youna~ 1 up contrlbutloni to tht Dr. David t. Ni1l1en this week by reglsltrinc at the Fountain Memorial Fund of the Oranp County Valley City Ha_ll, 102IXI Slater Ave. Medical ASIOdaUon, DI Flower St., ?.fore Jnlormation is available by call· Oraop. Inc c\ly hall at 1162-2424. · "I Do Love You. However • • • When the woman In your life tolls you she loves you, but you dre ss like 811 qld luddy·duddy, lL'i time to take a &ood look Jn the mirror. Do you see 1·1Ull without shape , yesterdicy's nar:row..lapel1 and a Ue Lo match! ShlrUhe same 1ubUe 1hade of white that . Calvin Coolidge wore? U 10, il's lime for a trip to Bidwell Country. Let us show you what '• happening. We can't tum luddy-duddiea into dandl11, but we can supply the suit that makes even the most conservative man look stylish. feel con1!ortably self-assured. You can trust us. You can also bring your wife alana. '· 3467Viii Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evening• unW 9 p.m. I " I ·1 I I • . , ·~ ... ·~ . ' • I I .. More CooiOd m1 .ilwl deactnd 1o the surface early W~y in lhiir lunar landing ·vehicle nlcknamed 'lnt:epld. . Apolk>· 11•s· noontime apeed wM Z.f74 miles an hour. •But by the time it whips behind the moon tonight it will have ac.· celerated~ to more than 5,000 miles an hour. • Conrad, ·GordOn and Bean ·gave the rdlb bock 11nme .. earlJ' mnhdni tel<'dilon view of the •-1dnl - •"" q,. spider-like. il/ldlllg ablp blfnrt ul;'y '""11 lo bed !cir Uie day. -· · At one paint. the ~amera picked up 1he approac.hb,11 y~ .q\ll:rt.er m o o n • Mission control asked the astronauts where they would like to go on the moon. "Anywhere," ~eplied 1 an obviously: t.ager Bean. The 116-minute telec:ut came durinJ the final checkout ot the •klnar module Intrepid before the astronauia mnli lilio orbit irou~ the mbon tonlJ:ht. ' All was in order, with both the machinery· and i~ crew, for Amerlc.a1s second Jurilr landhl' and 1 ma'n•s first' scientific explor1tlon of an alien 'world. ' .. .. .TEN CENTS Gordon llWllllltd It up: "We're all three In good. apirits, doing great, we exerclle, ~ alep( weµ.' the food 's been good, we've Jots ol cold Water to drink and we've enjoyed the scenery, bul "' dp Jliis. the .good pepple liocl< home." .. . The telecast. third since Friday'a hat· rowing blastoff, ended at lJ:lt a.rn. PST. • • • Laguna 0ff ice:r Held . . At .. Gunpoint ...... His _Own ludlel•l ElTor? Narcotics .. J .. Kennedy Hours Away From Death New Appeal for A~tonia Suspect To Cite Another Angle Hunted HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) - Former Amba6aacklr Jooeph P. ~. . ' father of a ~ Amerk:an . politlCal dynasty, was near death today .at bis , i inf'" K~ cnm~pound "!I ~pe, ·~· '" {'" 'I '" •.. ! t -· ... "*· .. ·-· ' . -' K'"11ltdy (!),Maas,), wu al his bldllde. His condition wa ~bed as "very lOw" by ... ~-: ~ ' S..gent Shriver, "9rtJy ~I ,.m. · 1'The ~ "is ,only a mat~. of hours awa)," Shriver told ,a newsman after at. te6ding early morning Mass · at St. i:Fran. cl$ Xavier Roman Citholic · Church in Hyannis. . Kennedy, father of tbe late President Jolin F. Kennedy, It 11 and has ·been in poor health for eight 7ean. · , He auffered what r doctor said ·was a mi.oor heart aUeck over tbe"wetkend. Shriver said the former An>bassitdor · has been ·unable to eat· for sevt:Tal-dayt. Apparently unrµffled by Supreme Court rejection of his argurqenta, Antonia ThOm•s' lawyer today is planning a new appeal· that will be "based on a 'Tecent!y explored aspect" of the san ctemente woman's two Jhurdel''ttials. · i . Torrance >altuney .!Ju.diey. Gray ·said · his MW lppetl w\11 stress the -fld« of 1 MlilAI<-~· =-~ ... WiiitrMIW'Of 'fl ~~· ··~ . "l-. ·beiillcl.·jhJl·.at,Jhis; lime but l ani <OllV!nced that the· higher . c:ourl will ....... thal certain laauea of 11 ... ,.,. ..... bortlJ . ,,...,,..., and •lhlt othen were Jirioreci ... ht 146d. * , • · ·Graf Bakf.M lftll aliio chillenge "Ctr· taln lrfegulir actkml" b1' th"e Orange Count)' .Diftrk:t Att.orney1s1 office during pre-b'tal JnveitJgllUons of Mra. Thomu. Evklenee in SU~ of .Uiat ai'gument will JncilUdt a ,Jie aetfictor telt and a hyp- notic experiment; Mrs. 'MK>mas, '1.7, ls currently serving a flv&-yt!ars tO life State priaon' lenn for ·the murder of her. infant son James Jr. two years ago. A series of appeals to both ap- pella~ and , supreme courts ·ended · last Vfeek with \fhat Jlppeal'ed to be a.final re- j<ction ol \kats. pieadingL . . . Laguna Beach police officer John Gray's argwnent of .. Judicial error Saporito momentarily found himself fac- would apper to involve:~ Orange Coun· l~g hi.sown gun ~uring a tUSJle with ·• tY Suj>eridr eourt jtldges who presided 'at ~cted narcotics violator Saturday the two .trla,IJ -. Judge "BNCt Sum"ner of'. aitem<fl'l· Laguna Beach and Judge RoberfGardner .111e suspect fled after a sidewalk ol N_:._. '-Bea~ 1 1 • 1 wrestlinz match, but polJCe say bis iden· "".-• • • 1 : •• ·: r Uty is known and a warrant will be ,J!!dn6~11lll':!'.~l!S'lllU!!f ~ f~ Ille· sought for hla arrest an cbl!les of .. Ul!MJ fifst/ .. ~Jp,~ r~/ assaulting· 1n· officer" .OO 1U1piCion· 1ot ~fouljlf 8"JllY<Nl = . v~ o/ dnig.laws •.. · ' , .., • =;k:i=llii\lll"; ~~ • Up, Saporito focaled a ..... iull oloog ,.Ith !ho mair--•••• =~ plat~ C COlllabiirc ."bat appeand lo ,.,., "· ... ~I"?""":' .w~ bl . Ulllll hidden m -nullide lhl l"!J reache<j ~ ""l'I<'· 1 < ; • •• ni Gl"'neyre St Ju~,Sumnei-·tmmediatoly,dotW'eG 1 .,,_ ··1. • ,' · . , , r. mllt(,lal., The laaue · ther{ went ,before . ~itving the ev1d~ In J!l~, he callta Judge Gardner In 1 new murder~rial. for • · plain clothes s~akeout by Sgt. There wM no 11.1ch drama.about-ihe ae. No~an Babcock1 but before the latter c.ond , verdict. Mrs. 'Illomas was found ai:r1ved, a car _pulled up and a woman guilty 0n· the capital count. · ' . ~nger got out ~ took t~ bag. Gary said his new appeal will retrace ·Spot~ Sapor1to s black and wtil.te the JrOife,,s of his earlier petjtion poUce unit, the·.woman n~ on fool through the federll' di.strict court the ·When the officer attempted' tO place the federa l ctictrit court and "a]) the' way ft)ale driver of the car under arrest, the again to the Supreme Court I f latter tried to run but was downed by . necessary." But It will, he explained, be Saporito. based oo an lnterpetJilion of'Lnr "tliat Jfi During the ensulnf struggle, the of· no waY connitts of IS rellted to the flcer's · gun hoister. was os)ened, the ..earlier.aJ>Plal." . . . . . SU;Speet arabbed the gun and held it at Sepori\o's stom1ch. pol!Ce said. Shriver and His wife, Eirbict, ~en. nedy 's eldest dauihter, flew heri Sunday from Paris. Shriver is U.S. ambassador to Fraq(e. · Mrs. Rose Kennedy, matriarch of the Kennedy clan, also attended' Mass this morning a\ Sl Francis Xavier'~. though not with Shriver. She entered the tiny church quickly, and remained in~lde for several minutes after the service was over. Marine I®ed·on llighway He bad succeeded in wrestllng the gun from suspect when Babcock arrivtd and joined tile fray. but the man broke away from both officers aad escaped on foot. A warrant for hill arrest Will be aouMt from the district attorney's office today. police said. No Injuries (or even torn uniforms ) were reported after the bl.tut, By Fellow Marine's Auto There was no word on whether Ken· nedy was conscious, but one uDofficlal source said he was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church Sunday. · Richard Cardina1 Cushing ol Bdlt.on, a Jong·Ume·famlly friend, said SUodaY thJt he had received a telephone call from the fam'lly "advising me that he had a very aerious setba'ck, and lt seems that the • good Lord is about to take biin tn the '.; · fort5eeable future.,. Beside$ Edward 8nd his family Ind the Shriven, other members of the family at the compound included Patricia Kennedy La.,ford·and Jean KeMedy Smith, whose husband Stephen a1so was there. Jacqueline Onassis, widoW of the late • president, was en route to tfie Clpe. from Europe. ~ ~ And a family spoltesman Aid Elbel Kennedy, widow of the Ille Sen: Robert F. Kennedy, had been pottned . of. the elder Kennedy's 'condition arid might ' return lo the cape a1ao. Marines 'Land' . On Roof, N-ahbed Two 'young Camp Pendkton Marines were apprehended today by t.guna • Be~h police oo the roof of the Ship Ahoy Reltaur1nt. 480 S. Coast Highway alter an early morning chase. One of three El Toro Marines who were walking back: to. their base Sunday night waa struck and killed by.a·car driven by a fellow Marine. Dead when Ca\Jfornla High w-a y patrolmen reached the accident scene on Trabuco Road near Sand Canyon Road w:-:1 Pvt. Donald R. Harlin, 20, Pvt. Harlin's home· address Was withheld to- day by Marine· officials pending notifiCa· tion of his next of kin. Patrolmen said the three Marine.a were walling south with. UJ:elr backs to llOUU.. 1• Couty Tnfflc I J• t• De•dl Toll 111 bound traffic when Harlin wu ·struck by a car driven by Pvt. Kenneth Eiliher, 21, also of lhe El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· Ion. Harlin'• two rompanions · were unhurt. No c~arges will be filed against Fisher, CHP officers said. They said the accident occurred on a "particularly dark stretch" of Trabuco Road. . .Harlin's death was the sec.on4 ln- \lestl1ate<l Sunday by coroner'• officers. Kevin O'Brien. U, of ~I Beach, died · early Sunday when lU1 sportlcar . ap-· parenUy went out of control on tbe . Glrden Grove Freeway and smashed.into a guardrail near the Golden West Street .offramp. . - orncers said O'Brien was alone In the ~ar and ·was driving at high speed·when . . . ·-' ... ' . Rlchard Rudolph Morie and Gerald Wayne Half, both II, _.. ~ under . arrest on susp4clon of ~&J~ry. Po!~ clllme1f" a witness, who spollta '~ P.1lr . r · · · · wgging • jelevilion 101 outs!<fe th .. Hottl , New YORK (AP>y-.ft.; et.:Ck mar~et' • Laaun• .... ~ the~ dn>l>Ped the iet . •lmnbl>d "" ·1-wid ... angl!lfl0 ffFOt''I:; r and 11ed wben they realiUd Ibey were er.ate tra41ng j<ite today. ·(See 1N011tions, . being watched. I Paie•l;l-13 ). . . P,ollc:o summoned by tl)a wttioeol. t:al~ , The margl~ ol d<clfnes by l r!.tM<!IJal ed the t~ ~ ~ rid of ,tJ>t mtlW"ant ~ l~ea· !JY.!-f ~vancu, oa the New .V.ork and eocorted thril IO ll1'c ~!19q ~· Stpck EJj:~exPli('!I~ as the ..e¥J'90 . they were betOI 11e1a···!l<nil\i<C kfen. 'l'•r• '!Ar· An · r ~!pre the ·close , II(• liflc1tl011<ol the owner of llwl 1TV ,.L · led'e' W.. mo· than, !Go. • · ' • -••,'I ... ., .......... !.~ .. \ .. he failed to negotiate a CW'Ve in tbe freeway. The death Saturday of a Pomona man who was .severely by med Nov. 9 In a Brea irafflc · accident brought the weekend traffic. toll to three ~rsons. William J. Morrow, 44, died In St. Jude Ho!J>ital, Fullerton of injuries )'fµived when bis •talion wagOn 11kidded o(f Lambert Road and finished upeide down in a flood control channel. Morrow was pulled from the bluing \lehicle bf firemen . Hit pusenger, Mri. Kathleen McCluskey, 39, of Brea, died in the blazing velricle. Schools Discuss Libr ary P roblem Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified School 'District will be asked to throw their weight Into the library dlacwslons Tuesday night by approving a ieso1ul)nn uriinc , the City ,Cou1l9ll t,o "move, wltpout further delay'' toward acqulsition of a new Ubrary site. Girl, 17, Hurt In Cliff Tumble A l7·year-old Riverside girl who tumbl· ed !rum atop a cliff at Agate Slreet be&cll in ·La.gui18 Sunday afternoon ls reported iJLaatisfactory condition at Soulh Coa'4 Community.ffolpita!f where the is under treatment for rib fraCttirel . , . Llfeguarda ·Aki Leslie. Fqus wu sl\o ting ~ a rocky Je4ge above the beach when she apparently slipped and ren 15 feet to the sarid below. • Guards Mike Hartley and Skip Conner .. okted by ambulance attendants, ralaed the young wOm1n to the' top of• the cliff In a basket. stretcf)er. ~ or .. ge <:oa•t Weedier Sunny skies wilh only a hit of early morning fog. wlll prevail over the Orange Coast Tue9d1y as tern~ erature.s · cling In the temper1te middle 70's. INSm E 'TODAY · • -The _,...lution · not<:t uiat ~library ~Ices, are the corf of ttvnlni for all · Sul via Porta aivt11 • ~ou /cir i~lv,lduals; .llbrary "fl\cllitJea tn. ~a warning in htr financial column BOach ]\,\v~ bee\\ ·~elely ~-on l'afl• 22 todoy o/ thc ~ind o/ (or .many ,,...,.,~!"'~ ~ µ\ft · con/wion to •"P'<• toht11 _, JTilft Ulan,l!'.per~ ptllbfi,n'ti, II bY yea1'1·1o;: /oms orri~, •. ,., ~~~~=~~~l!~~··(h114r'1: '. :~~ ·~ ·ri :::.U':!: \1 1"' ..., ·r ''""'''" lN'I !!!!';.! """ it w otljtr c:ounty f!iiratla loin ~ "'""' n -· -ral~~e. materials; lnttlequite llbrary · =-'"'"'""' r. i::.::n• .. : facilities a"-or~ tft thole ~~l· 'I ''"'"~ '"" I """"" • bte rOr the 1ictu~l~ of b~ijdreri.. 1' • 1 Jt:"'IMJll ,,:, :=---. ~ '.A.cq"1•1litn of ~.ljte, aD4f ~Uahmtr.'t ~ 1 ~ :i =:...-=.,. ~ or. a new :ty briri!' Rb{ary Is ura"'1 . 1,.... • • ... , 1 "Atlh~e~.~~1 1~,qi~J.:!',. ~ .. I! i '-------------' •• I . l -.. -·-.. .. ~ • ' D,1,11.Y I'll.Of • .:,r; •r ...J ••in £b Many wm ·.F~e~ ·: .·t'1tspo.rt ... St~ }· . ..1........ •i -' .~ .t. ., •• ~,,,:.i;. J • ' ~· .. . ~-., :,;:flr~y,.:C~trjflBir T.~r.:0 g~~c~~~y _Ey~. I I. • ' ~ • Gaming C~.ar.~~s·~'. . ; llMlr~ ~s today ha'9.a.' o~ this otu4Y, ,,.,,..,; g<i l!JD• Idea·~ hy the state ~ 'M1e)I Piom1'"" wldManslnll llucl7 ...ie'r woy which ,.Im , '1fP" to be tak .. C. met! tomorrow•rja, · periodic progr .. rojiort.I lo cooP<ralinll . , examb>e pooalble..., al•ev"'"''"n& from , ~ ll'pfflc demanda," "1~ -~eocles and the publlc. , . , , --~r-ch.tiled. ' . . , ... .i.r ·tr Mein~,,_J)Wialon ,7 engineers are _•Ir. _cushion vehicles ,to m"'!""alls . for '.Ille overiU otudy i. ~to ei~ moving ~J\n tnterbp projeda aimed GvdtD Grove de*Uv~• we~ not IUf'9 la~ th1I morning just which way the wlleel ol lnv..Ugative fqrtune will awing for a number of persoM wi» allecedly P!"lldpltod Sundl,)' night In a cu!no- lJ'PI ~ oPtt:•tion al a Catholic dNrch In that city. ·All will fa.ce misdemeanor charges of gaml>Ung and I or oerving a!coboU< Club1wU5e For Bow~rs . .. Urnkr Study The Laguna Beach Lawn Bowllni Club wtll submi\ revised plans for Ml p1oplltd <'lubhouae for city PlaM!ng Oommlaalon "view tonlghl ,Having abandoned as too C05lly a pro- ject. construction of a clubhouse at the ni>rth "1CI of the Heisler Park.,......., the bOwlen: noW seek permission to place a rijodified structure on the ocun side of tlle greens where the terrain will make bUllding less es:per8ive. "Alao up for PlaMlng COmmiJJllon ncomm"1Clallon will be a propmed resubdiv!Jlon of lots I through I in Tract 28, covering properties on Fontana. Duµte and Enclna Ways, at the top of .\!ta Vbta Way. ;Rite;. Carmel and ~tel -~ permission to-the .U lob Into four hutldlng silel. The original sub- ljivl!lon dates from l917. ,Alao on tonight'• agenda, for report and l'.lMow, I! the revised economic forec:ut ~red as part of the ·city 's general plan study. Commissioners are expected to comment on the economic s.tudy, which will he pr,..nted by planning coo- sult.ant A.braam Krushkhov. City Planner Al Autry said last week coo.tents or the revised report would not be released until commissioners had an cpparlunlty to study ii. Last J llllW'y. • )!rdlml!my economic report pr-..! 1/1, the ,_,.ai planners mw sharp WJtldm11 trom Laguna ma'chanta and ci- 1~ ol!lcial!. Aulry sald JJl(ft than 1;000 -· have -• Into the compleled ~ ·-· . ~tli'1s~ Meei -§et ·W~es4at. . ·t..cuns·s mh amiuai wtnter>awim med will he ~Id a\ 1:30 p.m. W""'-lay, Dec. 3, al the high achoo! pool, .......,.uon director George Fowler ha~ annouoced. JICl!ll'a*"1 now I! open for Junm hlgli ltudents, who may obtain entry .Jonna ~t 'Mluraton Si:hool, a.a high lchoo! awiJn. mm. ·who may "'lister. al the high achoo!. . Participants may enter two eventa and ftne relay. Medals will be presented to !Int, aecond and thin! place winners and ribbons to swimmen placing fourth through sixth tn tbeir events. Entry .deadline is Friday, Nov. 2l. Further lnfonnation may be obtained by callin& Fowler al 194-1121, &xi. 4S. Carrier Oriskany Back From Vietnam ALAA1EDA (UPI) -The aircraft ear· rier USS Oriskany, pennants flying and guns booming, steamed under Golden Gate Bridge today to her home port after uven months off the coast of Vietnam. Tbe carrier, with a crew or 3,SOO of. flcera and men, 1i.red her guns In salute wtli1e passina: the Navy's installation at Ttt.aUre lsland in San Francisco Bay avd Trea.... l>land "'turned the salute.' ·• • l fl I I 'r i I I (I ! .,._ wtlilout •ll-. JIU\ tt ...... ed.11111 u ·UUJy, 1n .. suaatori ~ 111a1 charg,. al ~ would be lidded In .. .,. ~ -·feJOay cha"" lhat would aut~call1 111'111 Iha dlitricl al' '°'WY'• -Into Iha picture. t. SCI. ·"""" Wlllon ·,.tused' today to reyeal the number of persons who face arrM& following the· incident at St.. caruitua Clitirch, nor would be Indicate' 1'pmd.in& for further lnvesUpllOP," tbi nlllilbe< ol cbar.U llktlY to be filed. • Willert led eJcht un!lonned olflcen· and two· vice 1q11ad lnvatlptoR Into the churcti foµowinl & Up. frGm a n aDOl!)'lllOUI ,Wonnml. .And Ibey found, h• ll!leCed. oome IOI manbm ol tbe con-artaatlon -cleigy ud p.r1lbloeen In a roam1u1 ,al aamlna ·-and a well atcicked.snd unlicensed liar. HARBOR PHYSICIAN DIES Dr. Davfcl Nl•IMft Noted Doctor tran.sportaUon between San Clemente and over a period at tevf:ral years, ~b at lmprovi.n1:trafflc flow on the edstinC Los Angeles. , . no preciae Ume\ahle:Has been devr:· Sula Ana Fmway. 11te 'conctpt 1s to Identify 1 future .t f ·- . ti~On needs for What the 1 ' ' ''!"~ ~.. · · ~f· .--. •i • . ~·=~ths:n:::.rr:.:i Cost .of .. uc1·0P.· etattons eqd of Oraqe County end downtown Los "' .. Angeles. · 1 • z~~~1~~·~;1:~~ Figpt~<J r;i~$22 .. Millwn It 'will be a team effort, Ayanian aald, ~ .. · -t aim<d at ldentifyma. the total IJ'ansporta-Spending for teachlni ~ ind ~on needs ol Uio,. sectors al Orange and other,func;tlons ol the UC 1mn,.campus Los Angeles counliei now oerved by the. wu $1U mllUoD during th< 1.-lchoo! Santa Ana Freeway. year With income! ~ ~ more at AyllJlian indicated thll along the Santa f22.4 pillllm. • .• : ~::; . , Ana ~ay route, "We'll 6e looking In-The.UC! ·hlidget ,pJ,1ess than 2.5 per. to all modes of travel and transport." cent bf t.olll ..lJ.aiftl'iitJ:.. cf California Close to tw~thirds ot expenditures - $14 million ~-was for. salaries .. No arrtSt.11 were made Sunday ni1ht and ,_ had been filed ,t Pl"'" time t.. da)'.;-"Bot ·they are Dmnenalltt'' Wilton---· __ .. U:-u.on -his om.,.;.~ ... i01:i llia1 David Nielsen Some of the methods he cited: ' i hudg6t or ISll.• l!lftlloa for the year end- -·A.monorail or rapid tram.U system. ' ed Jui\e 30.-~ ...... -~l!•llJIOll. clepola dotted aldog Pl• rwle Th• r1gum ,-horn .. amwal flnlincial A breakdown on expenaes showed $3.5 million. ~enl to the School of Medldne. 12.1 mlllion to the Sdlool ol Phyatcal Sciences, $1 .6 million to the School of Humanities; 11.1 million to the SchJ>ol ol Social Sciences. 1111<1 $2.1 mlllloo to otber edueation!ll departments. Aiso, 12 mllllon to the library, $1.4 mlllloo l<t qpe,atton' and malntenahce ol bulldinp; .It.I miilloo 14 , aeneral ad- minlllratlon, 1911,000 14 University Ex- tenafcoo, ~000 to atudent aeivlces and !31t,OOO to lnatitulloaal aervicea. the gatllorlng was alricUy a fund, ra!aiq . . . event. corrtdoi'. 1 • l . report-l>J UC r.-'show)I per- : . • · · cent GI ucrLlltcome -iu.1 mtliloo --Exclusive f~ay ,bus lanes. was fi-Pm Ute tax funds. · ·' Offlclatlng clergy at SL CalllJtus could Di t 49 not he ... ached today for commenl es a -RoUtings for S'f>eclal air cushion buses. ~·--~~L -Reconstruction, with possible double-Federal ~ grants and•eonlreel!: decking, o[ the es.isling freeway. brou&ht."ln. lf,S mJ1Uon. --~ tuition. Wilson classed the gamtng operaUon as "a ~10,000 bani:lna deal .in which gaming ctups in three denominations were being sold -25 ceob, $1 and '5. He said his of. - ficers conliacated' he1"een 12,000 . and $3,000 1n culi and chips. - Laguna Thieves Get Color TV, . Costly Hi-Fi Set A color televillon let and expensive high fl equipment were taken in two sepai:ate Laguna Beach burglaries aver the weekend. Carol Ann l<>P!ecola, 380 Poplor St., reported the io.. al a record turntable, two speakers and an amplifier, ap- parmtly removed when she was ablent !run her home Friday. The equipment wmfflued1t"50. A·coi« televllloo set .. lued at l4IO lll1d .. antique pitcher worth 1100 were taken from tbe apartment ol !ID!and Berlo Greene, 2180 Catalina St. some Ume between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. Swlday by a buqlarwho-~an lllllocked wliloll!Wo J)blke ~ ' Later In tho day, the occupant al another apartment al tho Catallna Stre<t -. ~ ~ .. 1'PCrled tbe lou al a ..;.i-candlestlcn, ,.;ia; f7,io; 'l11t victim Aid .... had ~·tho cMd1allcks 'al a Colla Meaa stoie, hut decided to return them lll1d left them In If box In tho lobby of the apartment huUdlnJ !0< parcel pldrup, wh...., the blqlar a~ added them ti> his' loot. Dean D.Lewis Funeral Slated Funeral services wUI he held Tuesday for Dean D. Lewis, long Ume Laguna Beach resident and vice president of the Costa Meli. car qency, Dean Lewis Imports. . Mr. Lewi!; ?3, of 150 Rockleilge Ter- race, died Friday at his other residence in Yucca Valley aft.er an extended illness. Services will be conducted at PaCUlc View Mortuary be&inninl at 3 p.m. by Dr. J. Henry Hutchins or Pasadena. En tom~ ment will be In Pacific View Memorial Park. Survivors Include the widow, Esther or lhe family home; a son. Richard D. af Corona del Mar; a daughter, Bette Pierson of Monrovia; a 11.ster, 'Maude Stead of San Marino, and nve grandchildren. By EVELYN SHERWOOD -Development af parallel freeway and fees drlftted tt.5' mllllon:Ji residence ot 111e oa11r l"ll•t Stiff alternates cs possible refinement of the and diltlnC halls•.1.l.~.mW.10n,'Unlverslty Dr. David I. Niel&en, president ot the surface st~ distribution system. Erlenaion fees~tol, private gifts, A am kt th · · · f !Ugh grants and flJ.O,OOl>r sales Orange County MedJcal Aslociatlon ·end y an S;8 at D1v1s1011. o ways and ¥rvlces'o(Adupl!. . .departments civic leader in Newport Beich for many .,.. enginee{s will be working c,lqatty with $109,IOO, -·""'-~· , -.ooo, .. and .:., . . other agencies heavily coneemed with. .--. .,... years, wed today at Hoag Memorial SOuthern California transportation pro. shtdent recreellofl 13%,000. . Hospital. He was 49. blems, such as the Los Angeles Regional ...,\ · ·: ~t In Orange County medical Transportation System (LARTS) and circles and former coUrt l!hYsiclan to Southern .California Association o f King PIUI ol Greece be had heel ,.,i. Gov.~ls (SCAG). '!be •ta.le . ' .. engmeen. will also seek cooperaUon with ferlng llOl1> cancer 1n recent mootha. local, atate lll1d federal ag""'iea. Dr. Nielsen ~as born in Minnesota. The broad Scope and compleJ:l.ty of the During hil early life hil family returned study will necessarily involve many to their naUve Denmark, then came back engineering disciplines," Aya nlan not.eel •. to America in 1936 · Resµlts learned from the Santa Ana · Freeway corridor study, apd techniques His actlviUes in Orange County medical developed. will be usefu"\ later in ap- and cl~ic work included award-Winning plication to other corridors of freeway work. for the American Heart Association traJ!Sporlatlon in the state, the engineer In 19601 and service as president of the suggested. Orange County Academy or Internal "By collective pooling or what we know now and what we will learn in the course Medicine. MilliJuis .Begin Drills • • • I . . ' ' . . . -. ~ . . Off Clemente Coast . -~. ~ . :. SAN CLEllENTE .(AP).-'A task force of 10 .lhlPJ bt;an. todaY a five-day. )Var ganie ~ their abiliW to fi{MI. and destroy eMl;QY submarines. and'ward off ait. attacks. . . Tbe exercise off San Clemente Island and Pt. Mugu was direct«! by Capt. W. L. Talbot; commander of D e st r o y e r Squailron 2l. '!be flagship, the guided missile fri&ate Home, is based in San Diego. Dr. Nlelsen. served as a trustee on the old Newport Beach Elementary School Dtatrlct hoard. He was selected Man of the Year In 1969 by the Newport Harbor Chamber o( Commerce. He alJo was active in xtWanil .~b IOr tlvltles, having ~ed as ·~~t governor for the KiWanla' California· Thurston to Seek ·Federal Fundsf or.TraiQing C~~ Nevada·nlk>n. ~ 11<1'.Ved ·Ii • 1rnedjca) ollicar fol the ~ lltach. !C!lool bolnl• members · ll .. ·: • ' ;<'JI'! Army Maollcai!C«ps W lbe Air Forca .,Ill he uttd Tu.;.iay night lo authorlu nnc1~1111'-."'~ :~~.ooo.~Lloyd durinl World War II. Thurst I •---.it te Sc'-! Princi I _. -Dr. NielRn.'1 academic credits Included on nwaun:u a ll\N pa. Eald Monda)"., ind nlinlmum. woukl be doc of ed lcin d David Lloyd to submit a proposal to the about $130,000, depending 00 how many of a tor m e egree in 1945 from orfice bf .Health, Edocallon and Welfare the four sul:gested phases-win approval. the UnlversUy•of.Nebraska, followed by a <HEW) that could lead to federal funds First phase would~ in·servtee trltning degree from ~the Hospital of Vienna, for a major teacher training prOject. to Thurston teachers, including work with Austria, in 1t47. The project was sugaested by HEW of· ...,.:1. !tants In lhe' fi Id Shortly al'""' -ivin" that diploma e e:t,..... eonsu 11' e s, visits to ~ ·~.. o ficials after visits to the unique Laguna other areas and attendance .. at eon. Dr. Nielsen. served in tbe court ol the Beach educational f&eility and reports ferencet. . ' . • Peace Miu.-chers . . Protect JA:wot · . ' --" Co~ty GI, Pal HONOLULU (AP)-Two ;\WOi;, llrV· 1.eemen. one Jrom Anaheim and the Oibe. from -:powney, averted amirbere 5atur· day when peace marchers dumpe:d milila!Y policemen over a mafrr pte at Pacific Military ·eommand headquarters. The absent-without-leave se~en were ickntitied as Navy Seaman )\Ike Waters, 20, Anaheim and Army Private John·Bolm, 181 Downey. •.· They were reportedly Jeadfng a peace march on the military headquarters wbeo military poll_ce moved in to arrest .them, Dtmonstritan 1n the ·er.wd o1 .500 marchers gnbhed, the would-he meat• Ing olllcera at Ibey appl1J!lched Walen and Bolln. The .MP• were disJllt(}led .over tl)e malh pte. ' The.!Jt'o young me~ had led the .c!owd of protesters Saturday on a twe>:mile marcb and rally al ihe gates of camp H. M\ Smith. ·· ·Wat.en abd 'Bohn were among &' IJ'OUP of .i serVl.....,., who took """"°'<two months agb in a pair of HonOIDhl a.i:rd>- es. They fled to the mainland -ly before military authorities raided the churches. After their return recentl.r 'the two said they intended to give themselves up after leading Saturday's protests, but at lest report they bad not done so. Greet king. • made by Lloyd and his a590dates at a The second phase, if approved, woutd He recelve4 specialist's training In in-national institute a n differentiated exttrid the .tr~ining lo other schools in the U N y K ternal medicine In 1953 at Long Beach teacher training al the University of Laguna Beach district. • • -Qles lo eep Vtteran'1 Hoepltal. Massachusetts. -Third phase wouk!'sei.frp .'nnit:Bt9n '9 a He leavea his wi~w. Ellse, of the faml-Since Thurston, now in the third year of n.allooal training center-far Qle :.U.8_..0f. F Ol"CCS in S. Korea Jy home, 2585 Tustin Ave., Newport Us flexible .9Chedullng program, iS among rice of -Education and dissemiQl.tbl Of~ Beach: three daughters, Teri, Cristina the most.advanced schools In the U.S. in struction material~·prepared at Thur.too UNITtO .,NATJONS "(UPI) -The and Llsanne; three sons, David, Stephen tbl field of maximum utilization or on a national level. · ' UnitedNilions vOted today with a MrQng and Paul, all of the home. tear.her time and abtlity, the local school A fourth facet of the proJ>OS4]. would majority_ to continue its preeence-ln South Other survivors include three siste rs, admini&tr.a.t«s were advlaed that federal seek fedC!el I~ ~·provide One.year Karea with the ultimate aim of untUng Mrs. Joy ~arnea and Mn. Ruth Leedom. funds miiht be available !or furtber leaves al allsenee for Thurston te.~rs the pent,nsula .uilder -a freely elected both of Costa· Mesa, and Esther F.alr of developm~nt af the Thurston plan, up to wishing to do .graduale· wOik li\ their· government. · · Minnesota, and one grandchlld. the national level. a!ligned fields,· inCJQC!ini payvaftt ·of Rejecting Soviet demands that the ~vices will be held Wednesday at 11 The Thurston staff now ls preparing ib the!: tui~n and •139 of ~P.l~mt United NaUons pull out of the country, a.m. in St. Andrew's .Presbyterian proposal .and board members will be ask· teachers a\ Thursttm duiin.1 ~.'year · the General :Assembly's IIS>membe.r Church, Ne~ Beach. Mi I l tar y ed to approve..aubmls.ston of the plan by The U.S. Qffice..:or F.ducatiori ma.Y ap-· main political commlttee adoP(ed 71to2t graveside riles Will follOw al Fairhaven the Nov. 30 deadline. Final approval. of prove all ar part of tbe .~posal. Lloyd with 22 abstentions a Western raoliJtion Memorial Pa,rk in Santa Ana. . the board would be asked later, depen. said, Aftet wblch·~·JoCat."bOard·will vote which would have the assembly maintain Bell Broadway Mortuary in Costa ?\-1esa ding upon government acceptance of the on acceptance of·iuclf &rants ai mly be the U.N. forees ·as well as its commission will handle arrangements. l!~p~ro~pos[ia~l.i;=========~·~p~pro~ved~. ~-~·;;~' ~-~'.;:::;.:;;:::;:::;::::l:n:South==K:or:e:a.:::. ===:::;;;;;:;:;;;:; Friends who wish may make memorial contributions to the Dr. David I. Nielsen Memorial Fund of the Orange. County J<;O .,..,, ?i.1edical Association, · 330 Flower St., Orange. Capo District .Tr-.istees . In Busy. Meet Tonight By PAMELA HALLAN or ,... Dllb' Pt• '""' ActiObl from selecting names of ne•, schools to deciding whether or not to have a tax· elecUm are before the Capistrano Untried School District Board o( Trustees tonight. The ptt.laens Advllory Committee which -1n11 he meeting aeparately lo finalize their deds1on on wbttbtr or not to recommend 1 tll election lo February Is scheduled to pretent a report llOllletlme he!..-tho achoo! board • meelintl-. llthe comm!Uee decides In r1vor-ol'tho ' el-1he board .ww tben tab offtclal oetlon on the mailer. , llurlnl the llM<i!JJI, memnen wUI be oelec)lq'..,... !or'lour new achoo!• In the dlalilct. 'M1e th,.. elen)eotary sciiool1 ..,, locstod In Mission Viejo, Lquna N1*1Jel and San Juan Ctplstrano and the one junkr hllh school ii In the Shorec!Uf sec:Uoa of Sin Clemtnte. Ncme have yet he<nCOllllrUcted. Durlnl tho pul mOlllh, micientl ol fhooo • ...,.. have submlUed nama Jnd ahort esaay1 m •l\Y they want a particulsr name for eaelt sdloof, Trust.o Robert Beuley has ttported lhal tllert wW be a leoiti17 Hat to choole from. Other business before the boml wlll he decidi111 whether or not to apply for a year JOng Heed Start prngram and con- sidering the recommend1tion of adding an elementary sohool site to Las Lomas plaMed community, a proposal made by North American Rockwell. 'The board will also reconsider the pell· 1 Uon by Mrs. Patty Nugent who is rt· qoestlng emeraency leave with pay to ~ v\slt ·her husband during his R and R period !tom Vietnam duty. The board' waa undeClded at the last · meeting about whether or not 'to· al)ow her to he paid ror the three diY• she wlll ' be-abolnt Jn>m l>tr job. They nqueswL time to took into the matter. Weekend Basketball Program Under Way , Wetitnd rttreaUona.1 blskttball ts under way In Llguna. 'Beech. 'rtcre1uon dinctor ~I• Fowler jlllnowoced this week. • Inter<lted playen are inv!tid to join In Rames play from 1 to$ p.m. evtry Satur- day and Sunday In )he boYs' tl)'lll al Laguna et.ch lllP Sc:bool. . "I Do Love You. However . -: !~ ..: . . . • • • \Vhen the woman in your life (ells you sbe loves you, but you dress like an old fuddy-dud!ly, ifs Ume to take a goOd look lil the mffior. DO' you see a suit without shape, yesterday's narrow lapels and a lie to match? Shirt the same stib\le ahad,ol white that Calvin Coolidge wore? If so, It's time I~ a ltlp lo Bidwell Couritry. Let us sho.w:ybu what's blppening. We can't turn fuddy-duddies into dandies, but we can ~ supply the suit that makes even the most conservative man loo k stylish, feel comfortably sell·aSSlred. You can trult UJ. You can also bring your wtti llon1. -' m1 Via Lido al Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m. - " • - I r ' I ' I • I I .I I ' • ' ' Teda,-'•·n..J .. N.Y,. Steefu. . SPAcy'..CENTER. "!!oultoni (UPI ) -' ........ 2'.1118 miles.from the.fl\0'1'\'w!Mie . . . . ' ' ' . . . eaaer Boon. Gordon suinmed it up: Apollo 1.t;s.,:;tee pgig crew~ r.aster ~nd two of them \fill larid 'eatly ~edntsd.y. faster today toward thelr rendezvous Ground cootrollers decided ,thal a . bet:ore COnra~ •I'd· BUn dOICeod lo ~ surfa~ early Wednesday In th;eir Junar landing vehicle nicknamed Intrepid. ftilkl -~ hoai< .. .-11 ~ toievlalon l'lew of.the~,_ and the spider-lib w..un.ii lblp·bel<n tfley went to bed for the day.' The 51-m.Hwte telecast came itluing the i'lnil checkOut of the !Mar module Intrepid before .the astronauts swl0& Into orbit ar:Ow¥l the m09n lonliht. .. "We're all three In good spirit.a:, d9ina great, we eierclae, "'we tlept well, the food,'s been good, we've IOts of cold wati~ to drink and w:e've enjoyed the scenery, bu\ we dp miss Ille iood people blck with the rooon, their Course SO erecise a course correction plaMed fOr 2:47 p.m. 11n8l1'."i iiavigatiOnal ·c0rreclion w'as PST t{Kiay woy.kf 001 be~nec8~,Y ~Oi-e s.cnibbed. . . the 'splicfship ~h;ps into· lunar arl>lt' five ~ "Jtt 't a:m: PST. with •th'e· force of t'uriar hours· later. Chartes '"~ete'.lf ' ~on tad; grlhlt1rpullin'g the <1raft at.an ever In· ·Jliehard F. Gordon and Alln,LJ. Be&n'wlll e~ni Speecf, tbe thrtelU.S. spacemen miheo+t'revolutions of tbe.mooft\Tueid"ay '1 Jr''\: I • rt' ; :.. .,~.,._ -• :··:.' 1; ' . ' ~· 1"7. ;. I ' ' '1 •• ,.. ' ... • • " J ""'-·1 ··· . ,,_,~,,rt/ r '· • '·•·••l "~--~·,, /~'·d·" -11a." : ...... ~.: l ~ . (8.q. -~ : ~ ;v . 1 -.~-it:'~~ • \.i• ' ..... 1 ' . "' ' • • • J ·• • , ;,..n. V PiL01 ~°n ,.;,. .... .;.t'' ' when ·.fkanine Benton Was n'ain&d 1915911omecom~g QU~'at taguna· Beach High Friday night, she was· so -SurPrlse(l and -:h,pPy · sbe.\ J could've cried. So she did. And dad.,Ctiarles Bentpn, was.readywfth . · a ~boulder . to c~y on. · ' · J \. . ; r Ex_Eei:t . rg~-Spaee S~tellite '}ferg~r' ··; 'NEW-YOllK•JAP) -11\e United Sf•les ~ ~ for ln ...... tional and the Sovlet Union ilhould Join their PUco llld tbe~'Cealiry •l<und commuoicaHons satellite syltetris Into a ' .w-. • workhvide communtc3Uons lfnlr ror 111 summarilinc the·CGnC~·tol'~a c«i~ nadong, expert• from 10 naUOIU ,.y. lertn0e o1 expefll hekl ·Sepl,.Z(~,<lo The propooal was ma<t• Sunday by tho TallOit<s, France. "") <" --- ' Apollo 12'i noontime speed . was Z,474 miles an hour. But by the time It whl))f behind the moon tonight it will h'.ave IC• celerated to more •than 5,000.: miles ' an h(>ur. • • · ~ · • • · Conrad,· Gordon aod Bea~ gavo the . ' At one pd1ilt tne came1a')llcked up 'the approachlni. 'yelk:iw quarter . m o o n . MlsSion contr'ol asked the astronauts where they would like to go on the moon. "Any\Vbei:t," replied .. an obvloualy All ras in , oi'der, with both the machlriery and lts cr.ew, for 'Amerjca's second lunar landing and ·~s flfst aclerillilc eiplora'llOn of an alie1i'world. hoine . '1 • • \ ' The telecast, third s.ince Friday's liar· rowing blastoff, ended at 12:1' a.m. PST. Laguna Officer Held A·t G11np0,int-His Own • ' . ' . ' ' . lad~lBJ . ft+orT N ar.cot.ics ' . J.K~nnedy Hours Aw~y iv~ Appeal io~·Antonia Suspect From Death To Cite Arwther Angle Hunted .. Appamrtly unruffled by Supn!llle Court reit¢1on ol • hil argwntuls, Antonia HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) Thomas' lawyer, today la planning a new, Former· Ambauld0r Joeeph· P. Kennedy, a~ that will be bu«l on a "recently la•~r ol a ltasido Aintrican'Polittcal ••p!Ond ~" ol. \he San Clemente 1"""' woman's two murder biall. · dynast!, was near death toda~ at his Torrance attOmey Dudley· Gray saJd ~ m the Keuoeity com(!OUDd on Cape ru. new appea\ 1"'! stim the faclor ol M . · · ·w~--"-~<mt~· · · 1tc11q --~~ .. Son--fli!••·· ~~,f . . ·•' ~~J _ M..,.l,!'.M:•t blf bemidt. '.;Fi ~ • ~·,tltaf at lhll )Us loo "fll Mertbed. u "'very tm,."lllit I 1l!1f ~ lb! llltillghor· ' L . ~litll~ ...... thOl·<trlaln-ol 1.,.~ by' tiw ,ICl>bl-law, AIDD"~· .. ,..,.,,.., ~" ~ aaii -.t1i41 1i1!i11a1 ~. lhollly l.dor1I a.iii. 01ben _. ~ ... n. ~-.. · · "l'he eod la only • ma!Ur ol. bGun dnir'lili.tle'.;Jq aroo cliiIJenp·~C.- away," Shriver told ~·newsman after at. tatn , JrreauJat iCdons" ·~ the Orange lendlng ... rly niomrn; Mus' •t St •• ..,.,. eoimty .Dillrlf'I A~'• ol!lce <!"'Ill& cis Xavier Roman Catholic' Chun:h in l""•ial htveitlpllons ol Mn. Thilm~. · ' , Evld.nc, ht ou(llOl"I of •that 1J111111eill ljyannls. . Wtll 'liiclUdO .-lit dettcloi-teat inil. hJP. . Kennedy, lather of_ the lato Pmldtnt JIOl!c·e~ Joli/l'F. K"11!edy, is~l and haa ·betn In r,tra.:n-as.17;llcumntly..,.lnga Po!"· heahh 'Dr ~fglit yea,rs. . . n~, 1o lll• ll!la" ~ 1mn 1or !ht . He 'suffefed what R (l;X:tor .aalcf·wu a murder of. .hier Intent l9'l J~ Jr. two . yeen ago. A terlts ol a)lptal• t<>·bolh ap. mmor heart attack·over the w~!te"Ad. pellafe 100) IUJ]rime cOurti · ended ' liit Shriver Wd the 1ohner ambauador Week wHh what.1.ppearei:t to be a ftnal're. has been u~e to ea( for sevtrat d8yl.' ~ ·oc Gray't·i>leadJnp. , Laguna Beach Police officer John Gray's &rg\U'I\ent of judicial error Saporito momentarily found himself fat. would apper to Involve the Orange Co!Jn.. Ing his own gun dutlng a tuaale with a ty Superior Court judges who presided at suspected narcotics 'violator Satutday the two trials .-Judge Bruce Sumner of afternoon. Laguna Beach and Judge Robert Gardner · The suapect fled after a sidewalk of NeWport BeaCh. wrestling match, but police say lll1 lden- Uty is known and a warrant will be Judge Sum~er was on ~ ~ for ~ sought for hjs arr~t ~ charies ~t ,-~ ·',!l>l..,1rla!.;1\'..._ ~ *'· -~!Ung 1111 oUi~, .ud ~"Plf"" el ~ ~ ouT"'~· '!" ............. violation drvg·ll'fl= i19 -.-f , c~, how"'::er, hOml a j'!fbt_ ""!'" -_Ac:llog._m) ..LllR Saporjlo localed •~ !~•In the <posl-verillctJ>olHng tlii\?" tiii1 plastic big i:ont.lnlll('1111at a-'911 lo .Just gone...::-: '!>t 'maJ!l'i!T '.""0 • be marijuana hldd<n in buabel Mlldo lll\llz 8umn.r = de<W a 711 GienllOY!".s~ . . . ,.Z. 'l11t ial(ie !lien ~en( -.,, 'Uiv(ng·the evidence ln.plact, be coiled JlllftOanlntr In a ..,,·riw-·trial. . for a· p!Oln ctolbes !takeout by Sst. n..e was no such druna lboutthe 1e-Norman Babcock, but before the latter cond vefdict. Mrs., Thomu was· fOlmd ¥Jived, a c.ar pulled u_p and a woman guUty on the capltll count. Pl!afenger got out.~ took ~ baf. Guy said hil new appeal wW retrace . Spotting Saporito • blru an41 white the pr-ogress of. his earlier petition ponce untt, the.woman fled on fooc. throul!h. Ille federal dl91rict court, Ille · Wli<ri the officer attempted lo place tho led er al circuit · court ,and . "all· the way male driver of ·the · car under •neat. the again to, the Supreme Court l r latter. tried to run but was d~WDf4 tiy necessary." But 1Jt•,..111 •he explained 'be. Sap6rdo. baled on, an JDterpetaU~ of law "thaf. ln. Du~~g the ens~fng slnJ$:ile, ·the· of. oo way confllcta or ia related to the fleer s gun holstec was · opened, the earlit< appeal." · · · suspect grabbed the . gun " lin\( l)etd It at Saporito's stomach', JX?llce saJd. · Shrivq and -.his w~e1 EIJlil'} Kin. ,' ! • • · ''· · · · .. nedy's eldeJI daupter, ~w her< Sujwjay · • · · · ' r ~";;',!:~·Shriver ls U.S. ambassador · M_ an.n. "•'._. e Killed ' on .Hig" hway . fle had succeeded in wresWng the aun from su'speCt when Babcoek an;iVed and joined the fray , but the man broke away from both officen and escaP,ed on foot. ' Mrs. Rose Kennedy, matriarch, of the Kennedy clan, ·also .attended Mai's • thit morning at St. Francis Xavier's, though :U~~u~~ildSherer::=11~de ~~ several minutes after Ute aervlce wu over .. By Fellow Marme's Auto A warrant ror his arrest Wut be sought from the dlsU:lct .attorney's office today, police said. No Injuries (or even torn uniform.<) were reported alter the blltlt.- There was oo word on whether KeDo nedy was conscious, -but one unofflClal source said.he was.given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Cl1urch Sunday: Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, a loog·tln1e family friend. said Sunday that he had received-a ~phone call from the family "advlalng me that he had a very aerlous setbatk, ·and it seems that the good Lord ls abool lo !aka him in the .foreseeable future ." Besides Edward and bi! family and the "' Sl1riven, other rnemben ol the family at the compoorxt included P1trlcia Kennedy ·Lawford and Jean KenMdy Smith, Whole busbaod Stephen a!so was &here. Jacqueline Onuals, widow of the late. pres14ent, was en route to lhe cape .from Europe. . And • family spokesman .. Id Elhel Kenhedy, widow ol lhe late' Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, had been nollfied of the elder Kennedy's condlUon ·and 'might return to the cape also. Marines 'Land' :On Roof, Nabbed ' . Two young ~mp Ptndlttbn, Marines '9fere apprehended today by IAguna ~h Pollet on iht "'°r ol the Ship Ah?Y Mtaiirai'it, e S. cout Hf&hw•Y lf'ler· an early momh11 cbue. One of three E;I Toro Marlnt1s who were · Walkl!lg·back to tl)elr base Sunday nlgbt Was struck and killed by a car driven by a fello:iv Marine. · · 'Dead when C31Uomla H 1·1 h way p.:;trolmen reached tM accident scene on Trahlico Road near Sand Canyon Road was Pvt. Donald. R. Ht4rlin, 20, Pvt. Harlln's home 8ddius _wu withheld to-. day by ~i'arine officials pendln1 notifies· lion of his next of kin. Patrolmen aaid the three Marines were walkfng aoulh .-Ith their l>ac~ tO aotlth- ltn eoDty Mfflc ltn Ill Dtatll Tell ID bound triftlc When Harlin was· stfutk b'f a car driven by Pvt. ·Kermeth Fisher, 21,' also of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- ion. · ·uailin's two companiona: were unhurt. : No charges will be filed agaln1t Fisher, CHP orficers said. They 1ald the a&ident oCcu rred'on a"'parlkularl)' dark .stretch" ol Trabuco 'Rbld. H.arli1fs de~ was the &eeond-ln-v .. Opted .Sunday I!)' cdrootr's olllcm. • Kevin O'Blitn; t1, ol 1-'Budl,' died . eirlj silnilay' ·-~la lpOftl<ar · ap-~Y : -1 · out ol : CIJlitrol . ·on 1ht Gml«l Grove F!etwaf and amuhtd Into ,; ~nlrall near Ifie. G91Clen Weal Stntt offramp. . : . . • • , Officers said O"Brfen was alone In .-the car .and w~ dl;Jvlng ·~ h!gh s~ when ,Ste«!k M•rket Ricnard Rudolph Morae and Gtrald Wa}11e Hall, both 21, wen pllced under am:st on suspicion of bufglary. PoUt-e clalmed a wltneu, who spottei:I UM plir lugglng a teltvislon ,.t outside lhe Hotel NEW YORK iAP)-The stock markel Laguna, reported they dropped Ihe ft\ tu in bled on-a i>tde-<ah&lfil Iront in mod- and lied when Ibey rtallred the)' were erafa trading lato today. (Seo quotalionl. being walched. , ' Pqo JS.JI). ~ollce .....-by lhc .i-. trail-'l11t margin ol cleclinea by Individual td the I"". it the roof Of •the -anl I-over adv.,_ on the Now York Ond.tSCIJl1ed them lo the otallon Where I ~k l!ICbagt ,aponded U the - they were· beJnr hlld pendlnt -• ~ ..,: ·M .h<W. ""°'" the cloae. Ille . ;1f~Uonol&be~~ .... ~ .. TV~~ ,.. tdp·w'il mor,:tblui,IOO., ~-·· ·r •• 1. he failed · to negotiate a curve In the Jteeway. The death Saturday of a Porpona man who was severely burned Nov. 9 in a Brea traffic accidC~t )>rought the weekend traffic toll to three persons. William J, Morrow. 44, died in St. Jude HoSpital,-FuJJtirton of injuries received .w~p ·1hlJ station wagon ~skidCled off Lambert Road and finished up&ide ~wn Jn a flood control channel. M°""" was pulled !roll! "the blaifng ' vehl~ by firemen. ~ __ ger, Mn. J(athleen McCluskey, 39, of Bret, died in the blazing vehicle. SehO,Qls Discµss . . Library Prohlem Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified School District will be asked tor throw their welghl Into the library 'dbcuistons ru..d.7 n1g!\i by 1pprovlng ·a reaolutlOn Ulllnl'. the Ctty,CooncJI·to. ''mi>ve - further. delay" tow'1"d ~ Of a ne..· Ubrai')' slie. ,,,. ' . futlon ..,... ®' b{'1"f ' ftlO . I -t servlcea are the -oar• ol l~· for all lndlvlduala; ·Dbrary' facllillt, In Laguna Beoch have ,been compltjoly '1>adell!l•to · (or many ·)'eal'I; retearch lndlcatet t)wlt niore than SO percent o·r llf>rary uae ls by . juveniles: parents of students. ~ the d)strlct are forttsl to 'drive their cbUdren to olhe< coUnty libraries \o ol>laln neoded rtference materiall ; inadequate library 1'"1Utlee are orOonc.rn to u-rt-1- blt '°" lhc eclucatloa ~ ehllilHfl. , A~ ol a llte and -b-o\ ·-~y,brf\!Oh Ubrary ·la ..... "11 Ill!! eorll~JIOllll>\l ~·. , I Girl, 17, Hurt ' I ' ' In Cliff Tllmhle A 17-year~ld Riverskle girl who tumbl- ed from atop a cliff at Agate Strttt beach- in Laguna Sunday aftemoQO is reported in satlsfl{Ct.ory condl_UJ!ll at South CoaJI! Community Hollpltal, where sbe Is under treatment for rib frlct\ael. Llleguarda Aki Le9Ue P'lgUS was sit, ting ·on a roclQi ltclg& above Ille beach wht1> she apparently slipped and fell 15 feet lo the ltnd below. Guards Mike Hartley and Skip Conner 1 aided by amtiulance· attendants, ratsed tI\e young woman.Jo uie top ot the cliff In "'l>Uket stretcher. ' ' ' . · ' . Weadlier Sunny sklt1 .-Ith only a hit ol early .-Inc 10( will pnvall ,,_ the Oranp Coiol Tutliday u temp. eratures cling in the temperate middle 70's. f' ' INSIDE" ·TODi\.Y .. S11lviq P<imr • givi1~ Yo" iOfio wantmo: fn 1!.er fitw1ciaZ column o~ !• n todov o/ the kind al con/uion lo t%plct whtn nae 11tar'1 t4% Jonna arHue. .... .,. ,. " ....... ' ..... 4·1 Ci""""' U Ol'Mll c_... 14 c-...... aa,.JP Sr~ """"' 11 c..... J1 '""' ... C'-C Jt Sttc11 MMl• 1N1 ~---14 '""""" " •ltltMll ....... ' """"" • • ....,...,.,.. • ...... 4 ' ,....,. &tJ ..... """"' • ,........... n ..,.. """ •• "-'--' lt ......... ~ .... ,..,... <' • • .. ~ , DAil Y PILOT L . . ~ ,...,, .... , •• , 11;1 ... Cadno in Claurch1 Many Will .Face • • Gaming Charges Qarden Grove detect.ives were not·sme late. thta morning just whtch way the wbee\ 91 lnv11Ua1Uvo fcctune wlll .wmg fer a number ol pel'IODS who alle1edly pOrtldpalld Sunday nl&ht In a culnoo _,. piDlng --al a Calllolic cibard1. tn tti1t city. .. All will face misdemeanor . charges of &ambllni aod I or serving aJcahollc Club1wuse For Bowlers Urukr Study '!be Laguna Beach Lawn Bowufta Cluli 1'11 submit revised plans tor -. pr_.i clubhouse for city Planning OommlsllcJn review tonight. ~.Having abandoned as too COltly a pro- ject. construction of a clul>hclua at the north end of the Heisler Park greens, 'the llowlen now seek perm1ssion &o place a .&odified stru~ on the ocean side of t1Je gffi!DS whtte the terrain will n1&ke buliding Joa ._,.ivc. • -Also up !or P~ Oommla.i --wtli l>e a pnlflCllOd ,....,bdlvlalon ol lol.5 I lhroogh 6 In Tract 26, covering properties on Fontana, Duarte and Enclna Ways, at the top of Alta Vista Way. _.Rik.... Carmel and "-latol ... ~ ,rinnlssion to rldUbdlvlde the 111z kJU Into four building sites. Tb< or1glnaJ BUbo divisk>n dates ltom 1917. •Abo on lo!light'1 a&<oda, for report and nview, is· the reviled flCCGOl'n1c forecast prep&red as part of the city'• general plan study. Commissioners are expected to comment on the economic study, whJch will be presented by planning con- 1Ultant Abraam Krudikhov. City Plann.,. Al Autry said· IHI wett rontents of the revised report would not be released until commissiooers had an opportunity to study Ito Lui JaJNary, a preJJmi-y economic report pneented "' !be , ...... a1 plannera -llwp ..-i from Lquna ..-and c~ ti olficlals. Autry aaJd more than 1,000 -...ur. bave gooe Into Ibo completed fon>cut. •• .. •.· }3th Swim Meet . : Set_ WeAAeed~y. . .. ' - Laiul!I'• 13th annual winier ... 1m meet ..m be lleld at l:!O p.m. Wadnuday, Dec. 3, at the high achoo! pool, recreauon director George Fowler has announced. llgiatraUon nnw i.. open foe jlllllor high st.uden*'-wbo may obtain entry forms at Thur1tdi "Scboo!, and high achoo! IWiJn. mers, ·who may rtgl!ter at · the high ICbool. Participants may enter two events and one relay. Medals will be pruented to firtt, second and third place winnen and rtbbona to llWhnm..-s placiilg l<>urth through slstb in thelr event&. ' Entry deadline 1' Friday, Nov. 28. Further infonnaUon may be obtained by calllna: Fowler at 494-1124, Ext. ts. ' Carrier Oriskany Back From Vietnam ALAMEDA (UPI) -The aircraft car· rier USS Oriskany, pennants flying and guns booming, steamed under Golden Gate Bridge today to her home port after 1even months off the coast of Vietnam. The carrier, with a crew of S,500 of· ficen and men, fired her gum in salute \(Aile pasaing the Navy's installation at '.fieuure laland in San FrancillCO Bay, ..iar ....... 1a1anc1 returned the salute. l ~, ' . ' be1[arqes willlout a ll.,...._ But ~ ....., ed juat •• llkt.ly, SnvesU1ator1 said, that charges of CO!l'Plroey .would, be added m some casn -feloaJ charae. that would a~ca!IY brhil the dlltrlcl a~ lllrjiay'a + lnto-llie plctun. , set.•w.,.. Wllloe . re1wo111 loday to reveal the number of perac\nll who face arrest following the iilcldent at SL Callistus Church. nor would he indicate. "'periling for further lnvesUpUoo," .the number ol c1wJes likely to be filed. W1llon le!I eight unllanned ollleen and two -vice aquad lnvestiialtn Into the chUrd> followln& a tip from a n anonymou< Informant. Aod they found, he allepd, oxne 400 memllen ol the con· greplion -c:l"IY and partshlonen In a roomfU1 ol pmlng equipment and a well s!Ocl<td ml unlicensed bar. No arrests were' made Sunday night and nooe had been filed at presa time to- day. "Bat thei are tmmenant," Wilson uld. Wtlson said hi> orncen wm told lhal tbe gatberiill was sllictly a llll!d ralsiill event. . . Officiating clergy at St. Calllstus could not be reached today for comment. Wilson classed the gaming operation as "a ~10,000 banking deal in which samlng chips Jn three denominaUons were being sold ~ 25 cents, $1 and $5. He said his of. Ileen conllaca!Aid between 12,000 and $3,000 In-~ and chips. Laguna Thieves Get Color TV, Costly Hi-Fi Set A. color televltlon eel and expensive high fi equipment were taken . in two. separate Laguna Beach burglaries over the weekend. . cai'ol Ann IAplccola, 3IO Poplar st., reported the loea of. a record turnt1ble, two speaken and an amplifier. a~ parently removed when &he was absent fmn her -Friday. The equipment wu valued at •· A cob: teltvllion ael valued at fl50 and an antique pitcher wortb $100 were taken frttn the apartment ol Roland Berle G<eone, 11!0 Catalina SL oome time between 2 a.m. and 7 1.m. Sunday by a boq1ar --thrwgb .. unlocked window, Polloe .._ied. i...-In tlHt day, the oceapanl ol anolher apartmOllt at the Catalina Stnel addrea, Eleanor Karr, rtport.ed the lou <I apalrol-candleotlct•, Jlortb 17.lO. The '1ctlm aid. Iba ~ pun:ha!!ll .1111' , CllldleoUcU at a Colt& Mesa atorO, btit decided to rtlum them and left lhem In a box In the lobby ol the apartment building for parcel pickup. where the burglar appamitly added them to hla · looL Dean D.Lewis Funeral Slated Funeral servl<es will be lleld Tuesday for Dean D. Lewis,. long time Laguna Beach resident and vice prt!ident of the Co&la Mesa car agency, Dean Lewis lmJ)O!U. Mr. Lew!J, n . ol 150 Rockledge Ter· race, died Friday at bi.a: other residence in Yucca Valley after an extended Illness. Services will be conducted at Pacific View Mortuary bqlnning at! p.m. by,Dr. J. Henry Hutchins of Pasadena. Entomb- ment will be in Pacific View Memorial Park. Survivors include the widow, Esther of the family home ; a son, ruchard D. of Corona del Mar; a daughter, Bette Pierson of Monrovia; a slster, Maude Stead of San Ma r I no, and five grandchlldren. Tran·spQrt Study ~et ' Fr~ay :C~r~U;Jot. ,j'hroug'h· County Eyed , .UU llJtlnrllY' ..,.ineen today have a widHanatnl•MUdy Under way which wlll .....in. pooslbla uw ol ever)'llllog from alr cum.ion vehicle's' 10 tnoborails f.or transportation between Slri ctemente and 1.os Angeles. • of this study, Wi1 C1n get some SdM ol , steps to be takq to.meet tomorrow's in-crtasJng traffic demands," AYM!lll con· eluded. · · , n.e overall stud:y Is expected,to t!Jend over a periQd pf several years, althOugh no.precise Umetable has been de~e~ ' by the sat. enalni<r•· They prornlle<f periodic progreaa reports to cooperatini asencies and the public. Meanwtillt, Divl!Jon 7 eaetneer1 are moving ahead on int.erlm .p:oject.1 aimed 11.t lmp1_Yvlng traffic flow ori the exlsUng Santa Ana Freeway. '!be concept ls to identify · fUture tram~oa needs for what the '..,.in.era ienn ''the Sarli• Ana ireeway t.'OI tldor" betWft:Tt the 10Uthern coartat end of Orange County and downtown Los Angeles. An.oounctment of the wid~anging "transport Investigation came f r o m Diotric\ 7 State Highway Engineer Haig Ayanian. Cost of ·UCI Operations Figured at $22: Million HARIOR l'HYSICIAN DIES Dr. David NI~..,, Noted Doctor DavitJ Nielsen Dies at 49 By EVELYN SHERWOOD Of tll9 Dallf ,..., Ii.tr Dr. David I. Nielsen, president ol the . Orange County ?.tedlcal Asaociat.lon and civic Jdder in Newport Beach f« many years, died today at Hoq: Memorial Hospital He was 49. Prominent In Orange County medical circles and former court physician lo Kiili Paul of Gr<ece, be ·had been 1111· !ertnc from cancer fn recent mootbs. Dr. Nielsen was born in Minnesota. Duriill his early life bis family returned to their nativ~ Denmark, then came back lo America in 1936. His activlties in Orange County medical and civic work included award-winning work for the AJ:nerican Heart Association fn ISM, and service as president of the Orange County Academy of Internal Medicine. Dr. Nielsen served as a trustee on tbe old Newport Beach Elementary School Dlslrlct boanl. He was selected Man of the Year in 1958 by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. It will be a team effort, Ayanian said, aimed at idenWying the total trwpcrta- lion needs ol lhote aecton ol Orange and Los Angeles coont1eo now served by the Santa Ana Freeway. . Ay•olan indlcated·~t along the Saota Ana Fretway route, "We'll be looking in- to all modes of travel and tranl!lport." Some or the methods he cited: " 'j ~A monorail or rapid tr&ll4it system. , -H.uport depota dotted along. the r<>ite corridor. · -ExclUsfve ~ btis Janes. ,, -Routings for special air cushion buses. -Recorutruction, with possible double-- decking, of the existing freeway. -Development of parallel freeway alt ernates or possible refinement of the surface street distribut.im' system. Ayanian said that Division of Hlgb.ways engineers will be working cloae!y with other agencies heaviiy--~ ·wtth Southern California transportation pro- blems, such as the Los Angeles Regional Tranaportation Syltam (LARTS) aod Southern California Associa.Uon o f Governments (SCAG). The · state engineers Will also seek cooperation with local, atlt& and federal p.gentjee:. The broad"'°"" and complexity ol the &tltdy will nec~arily involve many engineering disciplines," Ayanian no~. Results learned from the Santa Ana Freeway corridor study, ind ,teCbniqties developed, will be useful late!-in a~ plication to other corrldori of freeway transportation In the stat~. the engineer suggE!!lt?C'· "By colleetive pooling of what We know now and what we wtll learn in the course Spending ror teaching, research ·and olber !wictionl ol the UC Irvine campus Waa $22.1 million during the !96U8 school fear with income about .$3081000 mo~ at 122.4 mllli.on. 'The UCI budget was Jess than 2.5 per· ctnt of total University of California budget of $938.9 milll0t1 for the year end· ed June 30. 'Ille figures-from an aMual .Jinancial report llllted by UC ream lhow 62 per· cent of UCl's Income -llU mllllon - was from Stale tu funds. Federal research grants and contracts brought in $4.3 million. Student tuition and fees netteCl $1.~ mllllon1 residence and dlnlng halls $1.1 million. University Extetis.ion feea $141,000, private gifts, grants and eodowinents ${10,000, sales aod ,ervtces of educaUonal departments $1Q?,§OO, ~king operations $911,000, and student recreatloa lees 131,000. Marine11 .. Begin Drills Off Clemente Coast SAN ci.Dmiml (AP) -A taat force of 16 ihips began today a five-day war game testlnl. '11eir ability to fiild and de;sb'oy ~· IUbmarines and ward off air a\taeb. "n.e eurclse off San Clemente l&land and pt~M&lgu was directed by Capt. W. L. TalbOt, C0mmander of D e I t r O ye r squadron 21. The flagship, the guided nUllle frigate Horne, Js baaed in San Diego. Thurston to Seek Federal FundsforTrainin.gComse • He alao was acUve in Kiwanll Club ac- Uv!Ues, havln& aerv~ "-, Ueu\anant governor for the Kiwanis.' California- Nevada region. H• scved u .a medical o!!i<:er !orilhc La~ Beach lchool """' lrltmbm Masimuli'• -of -l!Oolll!lt Amir iiecllcal ~ aDc1 the Air Forte wUI bO 11kod Tuaiday n11iii'lQ ~ under the plan wOWcl be !!00,000,.LloYd dliifli World Wu'n. : ··· · · · Thurotlm Intermediate SC!iool' Prlii<ljioi! said Mooday, ad minimum would be Dr.~lelaen'1 academic credits included Davld Lloycl lo SJbmit a·PfOpOl81 to the about flSCl,000, c;lepending on how many of a doctor of medicine degree In 1945 from Office ol 'Heallb, Education and WeUare the four suggested im-1 win approval. the Unlvel'lity ol Nebraska, followed by a jHEW) lhal could lead to federal funds Fir2t phue would be ln-aervlce t.rainlng deeree from the Hospital of Vienna, or a major teacher tr~lning project. to Thurston leathers, igcluding wor.k with Austria, m· 1947. The project was !!Uggested by HEW of. expert consultants in their fields, y'lsltll to Shortly after receivi\'lg that diploma ficials after vis\~ to the unique Laguna cl.her areas and attendance at con-Dr. Nielsen sei-ved in: the c0urt of the Beach educational facility and reports ferences . Close to two-thirds o( ezpeoditures - $14 million -was for salaries. A breakdown on expenses showed $3.5 million went to the School of Medicine, $2.6 million to the School of Phyalcal Scieoces·, $1.6 million to the School of Humanities, $1.1 million to the School of Social Sci!:nces, and $2.l million to other educational departments. Also, '2 million to the library; •1.4 million to operation and maintenance of bulldlop, 11.2 mllllon to general ado ministration, $919,009 to University Ex- tension, $894,000 to .student servl~s and $329,000 to insUtuUonal services. ' Peace Marchers Protect AWOL County GI, Pal HONOLULU 1 (AP)-Two AWOL oerv· Icemen, oae Imm Anahebn aod the other from Downey, averted arrest.here satur· day when peace marchers dumped milit.ary policemen over a main gate It Pacific Military Command headqu~ The absent-without-leave serv'lcem.en were identified as Navy Seaman· Mike Waters, 20, Anaheim and Army Private John Bolm, 18, Downey. They were reportedly leading a peace march on the military headquarters when military police moved in to arrest them. Demcmtraton in the crowd of 500 marchers grabbed the would-be alftll. lng officers as they approached Waters and Bohh. The JdPs were dlapatcbed over the main gate . The two young men had led the crowd of protesters Saturday on a twHnlle march aod ral\Y at the gat.1 of Camp H.,,M. Smith. . Waters and Bolm "'f1e a.mong a PJ>UP of IJ ieryicemen who took refuge two months ago in a pair of Honolulu church- es .. They fied to the mainland llhortly before military authorities raided the churches, After their return recently the two said they intended to give themselv~ up after leading Saturday's protests, but at last report they had not done 50. Greek king. made by Lloyd and his associates at a The second phase, If approved, would He rtceived specialist's training in ID-national institute on , dllferentiated l!:ttend the training lo other schools in the U .N. Voles to ·Keep ternal medlCine in 19Sl at Leng Beach teacher training at lhe University of Laguna Beach district. Vet.ran'• Hoapital. . M'8sachu .. tt:s. Third phase would set up Thurlton·u a Forces m· s. Korea He lea.vu his widow, Ellse, of I.he fazID. Since Thurston, now 1n the third year of naUonal trainlng center for the U.S. Of· Jy home, 2515 Tustin Ave.. Newport lb flexible scheduling pri>gram, is among fice of Education and dlaaemination of fD. Beach; three dauabten, Teri, ertatlna the moat advanced ICboo1s In the U.S. In •lroctton mat.riall prepared at Tbunloa UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -'Ille D ·d s•· h the field of maximum utilization of on a baUonal level. United Nations voted today wlth a Itron& =~ ~~:11!.ti 0lf:e :~;. avi ' i.c:p en teacher Ume and ability, the 1ocal school A fourth facet of the proposal. would majority to ~ue its presence in South Other survivors include three sister1, adminlstratcrs were advised that federB.I seek federal funds to provide one-year Korea with. the ultimate aim of uniting n •• th Leed funds might be available for further Jea~es of. ab.1enoe for Thuraton teachers the peniruula under a freely elected Mrs. Joy Barnes and Mn. nu om, d I t f !he Th ton I to .~.•~g to do gradua'· work fn ·~-govemm-t. both of Costa Mesa, and Esther Fair of eve opmen o urs pan, up ""UJV!.I' ..,.. .,og, ..... MIMesota, and one grand.child. the natfonal. Jevel. assigned fields, including paym~nt of Rejecting Soviet demands that the Services will be held Wednesday at ti 111e Thurston staff now Is preparing its tbei: tuiUon a00 also of replacement United Nat.ions pull out of the country, a.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian proposal and board members will be ask· teacher!! at Thur*'n during the year. . the General Assembly's 126-member -11 t ed to approve .submis!!ion of the plan by The U.S. Office of ~uc.ilion may ap. main political committee adopted 71lo29 Church, Newport Beach. Mi a r 1 the Nov. 30 deadline. Final · approval of prove all or part of the proPoSil, IJoyd with 22 abstentions a Western ruolution graveaide rites will follo'W at ·Fairhaven the board would be asked •later, depen-scild, alter·whlch the local board will vote which would have. the assembly maintain Memorial Park in Santa Ana. ding upoA government acceptance of the on acceptance of such grants as may be the U.N. forces as well as its commission Bell Broadway Mortuary in Costa 1'o1esa proposal. approved. in South Korea. will handle arrangements. , ~~;;:;ii;:::==============:::::::::::==:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=====•~rri Friends who wish may make memorial Ir contributions to the Dr. David I. Nielsen Memorial Pund of the 0r,nge County Medical Association, 330 Flower St., Orange. ' ' . ·-.__.1 ~~ -C'Di'R twl .... CllMPMl ~ ........... .,, ,,.... .. ...... .,.. 1!4' .. .J:C~==--- Capo District Trustees In B-usy Meet Tonight -·' ,,, "I Do Love You. However • •• When the woman in your. life tells you she loves you, but you dr .. s like an old fuddy-duddy, it's time • • iii.,..; --~---....... ---_ _... ............ .............. --...c-"!!!~ ......... ,_... v ... ,,,_, ~ .......... ~ ......... .,, .... ..... ............... ,... ... ..-.c..-. · ... ~u ... ·:.::.= ... ._~,,..... ... ... ..... :-···· ....., ........ .... !!!i....•·=---r---• -· --~·-!!!.rt..:.~~=·" .. ...,,.~:.: ........ By PAMELA BALLAN ot rtM o.11»' t'tlct S!tft Ac!ioos from aelectlng namea of new schools to deciding whether or not to have a tax election are before the Capistrano UnUled School District Board of Trustees tonight. The CltlzenS Advisory Committee which will be_ meeting separately to finalize their decision on whether or not to recommend a tu election In February Is sc:bedule<! to present a report ""'10llme' before Ibo ldlool board · me<ltoledt. Uthe cunmlU.. decides In fawr ol the e\ectfoa.lhc boord w1l1 thin take ,olflclal action en Ille matltr. - DuitllC the meellnl, member> wU1 be Hlectina names for lour new tchools ln the dbtil<t. 'l1>e throe el•mttttary achool1 are located In Mbllon Viejo, Laguna Nlpel aod San Ju... Caplltranc and the -).-!ttlh achoo! b In the Shorecllff 1IOClloo ol Sao Clemeola. Non• have Y<t -ocnalrucled • Durtnc the put month, mldenll of thole areu hive submJtted nimt1 and short -rs .., w11f they want a partl"*r 111!111 for each scbool. Trulfee Robert Btasley bu reportad that thenr will be a lenalhY list to c-from. , ' Other bualnesa befort the boanl wtn be ' declding whether or not to . apply for a year long Haad start program and con- side!'ing the recommendation of adding an elementary sctiool site to Las Lomas plaMed community, a proposal made by North American Rockwell. 'Ibe board will also reconsider lhe pell· tion by Mrs. Patty Nugent who Is re· questihg emergency leave wlth PiY to vi sit her husband during his· R and R period from Vietnam duty. The board WIS undecided a\ the INt meetinl• 1bc:llt whether or not to allow her to be paid for .the th"" days she will be abotllt !nm her job. They requealed Ume to I"* Into tho mailer. Weekend Basketball Program Under Way_ Weekend rtmaUonal ba1kethall b under way 1u Laguna Beach, recroatlon director George Fowler aooounced thJa week. ' . Intemted ployen are lnvttod to join In glltneS play from I to 5 p.m. OV"f Salur- day aod Stm<lay In the boys' ll)'lll &t Laauna Be>ch Hl8h School to take a good look in the mirror. Do you see a suit without shape, yesterday's narrow lapels and a tie to match? Shirt the same subUe shade of.white that · Calvin Coolidge wore? If so, it's tirrie for a. tpp to Bidwell Country. Let us show you what's happening._ We can 't turn fuddy-duddies into dandles, but we can supply the suit that makes even the most C9Dservative man look stylish, feel comfortably self.assured. You can trust us. You can also brin& your wife alone. 3467 Via Udo it Nev.-port Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings untU 9 p.m. • ' I r \ ' i \ I • '• ' I I 1\ \ • 'GAMMA PHI BE/TA Je•n Sturdevant KAPPA ALPHA THETA Katchtn Cook DELTA GAMMA Nancy Hiii KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Torry Elllt • Horoscope Monday, lowmber 17, 1969 DAIL V PILOT , Jl"_'.. -·I Sagittarius: Build Appeal versatility. Be ready for ficient rest. Co ?.;k er. Don't jump at firlt offtr. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 By SYDNEY OMARR Lunar poaltlon cntlaun favorable for plantla1, filblq. Good for tbol'INllll ffu1e cleantac. Get beblad cracks, crevices. You could discover items Iona: Lbougb.t lost. surprise of pl easant variety. asaociate makes fine geature. PISCES (Feb. lt-March 20): CANCER (June 21.July 22): SCORPIO COct. U.Nov. %1):. Social life improves. Recent Plan ahead -a p p I i e s Added responsibility indJcated. cootacts mike life more especially to travel. Make in· Accept it. You will get credit, pleasant. Continue to take in· qWries. You could do yourself recognilk>n. Welcome chance illatlve. Throw off groundkas a favor by studying certain for change, travel ·and variety. doubts, fears. Assert yourself. pamphlets, other r e a d i n g Status quo may not suffice. material. Check you r paper Act accordingly. for needed infonnation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Give Dec. 21): Someone from your thought to fjnanclal pro-past may make reappearan~. ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): position put forth by mate, Build bridges of friendship. Cycle is on upgrade; try new partner. Be perceptive. Look Yo11 have chance today to ideas. The more creative yo11 beyond surface indications. galn, to build appeal. Help in· are today, the better for all. You make valuable discovery dlvldual who contldes delicate You are rewarded for good if persistent problem. Social Whirl of Activities ~ecd. Be confid~nt. Let. ~l~I.. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): CAPRICORN fOtc. 22 ... Jan. British Group Tells Schedule ' know of your uni~ue abdilles. Permit ethers to take in-19): Dealinp: with relatives TAURU~ (April 21).May 20): itialive. Be especially wary emphasized. Some may claim "'estward Ho Ch apter . Area Girls Pledge Sororities Be receptive. You m~y be .ask· where legal affairs are con· you display arrogance. This Daughters cf the British ed ~o cover u~ certain desires, ce rned. Day to do more listen-could be mere reflection of en· Empire, are meeting ·In Mrs. a~tions. Key is ·patle.nce. You ing than asserting. Diplomatic vy. Put ideas to \\'Ork. Those R.W. Ketteringham's Laguna \v tll get your turn. But. today. approach is best for solid who appear to oppose you will Beach home 3t 12:30 p.m. be moderate. diplomatic. Let results. come around. Tuesday, NoV. II. Fall rushing has concluded at the colleges and universities around the country. Mrs. Charles Vandervort, Newport Harbor Panhellenic files chainnan, w a s in· tni.mental in the Stlccess of Uri! year's rush. She advised the girls, worked with alum- nae recommendation chalnnen and was in charge of compiling and keeping a file on each area girl who was in· terested in joining a sorority. Out of the coeds who pledg• eel sororities this fall, more than half have done voluntttr work aOd were student body or class officers: Many were queen candidates, on the honor roll, the drill team and active in sports. Following is the list of pledges, the school they at- tended, their sorority and the university they currently are attending. · Welcomed 'Into the sorority ranks are the Misses Nancy Ackerman, Marina H i g h School and California State College at Long Beach, Pi Beta Phi. University or Soothem California; P e g g y Adams, Corona del Mar High, Alpha Phi, San Diego Slate College: Teresa Brett, Estan- cia Hlgh, Alpha Chi Omega, S~n Diego State: Lucinda Campbell, Newport Harbor High, Alpha PhJ, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Judith Caachmore, Mater De.i HJgh and Orange Co a s t College, Alpha Chi Omega, UCLA. Mire are the fl.fisses Katllleen Cokas, NH High, Pl Beta Phi, Willamette University; Katchen Cook. Laguna Beach High a n d Stephens College, K a pp a Alpha Theta, USC ; Marcy Davis, Marina lligh a n d Colden West College, Chi Omega. San Diego State; Susan Duffy, NH lllgh, Kappa Kappa Gamma, USC, and Kim Elliott, CdM High, Pi Beta GOP SPEAKER Mrs. J ohn Bowltr ·Republican Report Due Mesa V e rd e Republican Women's Club will host its Costa Mesa counterpart .at a joint monthly meeting in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. John McNaughton oa Wed- . nesday, Nov. 19, at 9:45 a.m. · A report on the naUona l and ·state scene will be deli vered by ftfrs. John Bowler, active in poliUcs si.1ce 1951 who also will discuss recent national and regional conventions. BUtret luncheon will be &erv· ~ al noon. Reservations may be made ~Y phmlng Mn. Calhoun Sumrall, president. Mf.JGO, or Mra. JI me I Woodin, bolpitallty, -· Singles Meet ?.lembers ol' Orange Coast YMCA's Sl111les, comprised of stncle persons 20 years old and older, will meet at Shakey't Plue Parlor, Cosla Mesa, on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Meetlnglf ar< tho· tnlnl Wednellday of ~ach month. others have spollight. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 221: AQUARIUS Uan. 21-Fcb. \Vomen or British anceslr)" Phi, Arizona State University. High, Delta Gamma , Universi-pha Omicron Pi, UCLA: Judy GE~tINI (fl.1ay 21.June 20): Remember recent resoluti'Jns. 11): One born under your :.it{rl are invited to attend and may others are the Misses Terry ty of Alabama: Jean Sturde· Twilegar. CIL\1 lligh, Alpha Xi You may receive special You cannot burn candle at could come up "'Ith profitab:e obtain further information by Ellis, CdM High, Kappa Kappa vant, Estancia High and DCC, Delta, UCLA, and ?-.1 a r y assignment. One you desire to both ends. Means p ace proposal. Be receptive. Ge-calling Mrs. John Harold, .f94. Gamma, Arizona State ; J erry Gamma Phi Beta. USC; Wright, CdM 1-llgh, Cli i please makes request. You get yourself. Be sensible about nuinc bargain is a\'Rilab!e. 9518, or Mrs. Ketterin1ham, Farrar, OCC, P l Beta Phi, San Angela Tosti, Cdfl.1 High, Al-Omega. San Diego Slate, chance to display humor, wo.rk, recreation. Get suf- Take time to tnve,tigale. '4~1. Diego State; Laurie Fraser,1---''-'---'------':...:._----"---"'::..:......:::._:_.:_:_ ______ _:__: __ _:_~.:.....---------------.....:::__::.:.:.:.:::.... _____ _ NH High, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, USC; Betsy Grether, Marina High. Pi Beta Phi, USC; Ann Grimshaw. NH High, Kappa Alpha Theta, University of Ar i z on a ; Virginia Hannahs, NH High and OCC, Chi Omega , University of Oregon; Sharon Haskell, NH High. and OCC, Kappa Alpha Theta, use. and Janet Hester, CdM High, Delta Delta Delta, use. Also ·receiving . pledge pins were the 'Misses T onita Hewitt, CdM 'High, C h i Omega, UCLA; Jo an n e llickok, CdM High and UCSB, Alpha Delta Pi, USC: Nancy Hill, NH High, Delta Gamma, U of O; Gail Hippe, NH High. Alpha Delta Pi. Northern Arizona Univer11ity: Patricia LaHue, CdM High, Kappa Alpha Theta. UCSB, and Don- na Lewis, CdM High, Gamma Phi Beta, U of A. Additional names are the Misses Candice Marks, Estan- cia High arid OCC. Sigma Kap- pa, San Diego State; Candi McNary, CdM High, Kappa Kappa Gamma, U of A; Helen Milano, Marina High and UCI, Alpha Phi, U of A; Katherine Munroe, CdM High, Pi Beta Phi, USC; Carol O'Bil~ Alpha Delta Pi, UCSB : Suzanne Parker, Marina High, Pi Beta Phi, USC; Marilyn Peck, NH High, Chi Omega, University of Colorado; Patti Pfister, Afarina High, Delta Delta D e lta,CS C LB ; Caro l Rosenast, NH High, Gamma Phi Beta, Arizona St ate University; Jan Ro yer , Marina High, Delta Gamma, Uni versity of Pacific, and Lucy Semeniuk. NH High and OCC, Pi Beta Phi, UCLA. More pledges are the ~fisses Sherrie Stephens, Estancia Holiday Comes To Panhellenic Holiday decor \\'ill brighten the meeting of Newport H a r b o r Panhellenlc Wed· 11esday, Nov. 19, as \Vayne Williams or De Muri Tosh Florists creates ·s e a s o n a 1 decorations. Following the 10:30 a.m. demonstration, members will enjoy lunch and bridge in the Corona del Mar home of Mrs. F red Bice. L unche on chairman is Mrs. Sydney Gaynor, assisted by the A1mes. Charles Hall, M. A. Jotmson, John Xelley, Nell Parkinson and Robert Foes. Next event ~will be a Chris t m as party and exchange-luncheon on Dec. 17. Entertainment By Collegiates Sadd leback College students will present a program of literat11re and music t o Women's Club of San Juan Capistrano during a meeting In the women's cltibhouse Tue&clay, Nov. 11. The college's Madrigal Singers. directed by Monte LaBonte, will perform along with students or Dr. Doyle MeKiMey's oral interpretation class. · Abou t 40 students w 111 participate in the event. Mr11. John Given arran1ed for the proaram. Role Revealed Parent • child relatioMhips wlll be discussed at a Wed· nesday, Nov. 19, meeting or the Women's Auxiliary <if Orange Co unty Phannaceutical Association. The 11:30 a.m. meetlna wlll be followed by a noon lun- cheon in the home of Mrs. Ronald Waters, Costa Mesa. The hostess will be mltled by t.frs. Richard Tarlton llld tl1rs. Anthony Wiiiiams. Newport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. When you 're saving money, green is a beautiful color but Newport National Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings picture. Newport National Ba nk pays the high es t bank interest anywhere on your savings- account, and at the same t ime, offers its customers an opportunity to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original oil pai ntings. These striking decorator miniatures will add infinite charm to your living room, office, den , bedroom, or wherever. Al so for memorable gift-giving at Ch ristma s or other specia l occasion s. Framed in antiqued gold, set off by rich velvet, they measure 7%" x 8%" overall. (A regular $15.00 retail value.) Each miniature is ready for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas. Now is the time you can truly admire every entry in your savings passbook. how the program works : for new savin gs accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one miniature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one miniature for $2.95 (plus tax) Open a $300 savings account-and buy one miniature for $1.95 (plus tax) Open a $400 savings account-and buy one miniature for$ .95 (plus tax) Open a $500 savings account-and buy one miniature ~or FREE!• •Limit of two free minia tures re111nt1es.s of a.mount ol deposit '1'/er $1000. for presen t depositors • Each $50.00 deposit to yoor savinp account entitles you to pur· chase one miniature for only $3.95 (plus tax). • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purch3'e a decorator miniature for only $4.95 (plus tax), • A non·depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 {plus tax). (re1ularly a $15.00 vtluo) at unique l'•th 1ccoa11t insurtd to $15,00J.l!.nbet f.0.1.C. A beautiful dl1pl1y of thHe fine decorator miniatures are at all offices. - Altport otnc. MlcAllson tt M•cArth11r 133·3111 • ltpidt Offlct l!111klt 11 Jcmboree &42·1141 • c.11ttt Pffk Olllca N11twood 1t Commonwt1llll 171-2900 • SunftJ HJll1 Orflct H11kt 1t 8rtt m .7290-- SuptdiN qtfkt ~,.rlor 11 l"ltetl'ltil 642·9511 • Utlwmlt;y Oftlcl Ct.t Chtpmtn ti Slllt Collett 179-4140 • Wtltclifl Ofllct Wtsldif[ •t Povtt MZ·llll W ._. Ollkt UiSllrt Wotld, SUI Btadl S96·271l • Llpnt Mins Office ltbuft WOl1d, Lll'JM Hllll 130·.3200 I -. • \ ' ! I ~ I ' .. I DAILY PILOT Disney ·Reports Record lnco1nc BURBANK (UPI) -Wall Disney Productions reported Thursday a re c o r d con· solidated net income of $15,805,000 or $3.49 a share for the fisca1 year ended Sept. 27, 1969. President Da.1n B. Tatum told a di rectors meeUng: "These are record, earnings for the company and compare with $13,108,000 or ! $2.94 per share, as restated, for last year." Gross revenue for~the cur· rent year was $148.367,000 compared with $137,146,000 in the previous year. LEGAL NOTICE '"'"'' (lltTIPIOTI! 01' •USINl!IS. l'ICTITIOUS NAMI! TM Ufiden)fMd .,_ ~llY M Is _. duc:tlfttl • Mine$ It ~ llCllf 1'1 S (a&ll fMM. c.ilf., Ullder rM tktl!JDu. firm -af 11) PAIUC PJtOOUCTS CO. 01 AAflLIE CO ('I MBLE TV SERVICE tl'ld 1nM .. 111 l!rm 11 com-8d of "'e follow-"' """°"' whOse n1me In IUll •nd PIK• gf rnl~ 11 II IDllowt: Dennl1 ICtllfl 8enlol'I. 2Sll Vl1!1 Or,, Newport Seed!. 01ted 10-1'"'9 ~ K;.itn a.,._ Sl1M of C.Htarnlil, Or1t1N Cwnt't: On ~ :rl. INt, b9fore IM• I Nolll"JI Pllbllc !ft ind for wld 51111, Pl..oMllY •-f'f!d 0..1111 IC1flll fl-~ to .... to tie the""'°" whote -i. MltllulbM to the wlll'llfl I~ 1trvrntnt and KltnowleOMd he ••tc:lllld , .... ..-. (OFFICIAL SEAL) .JOSEPH E. DAVIS Hot#f'Y P11blk.C•lffanli. PrlndNI Office In Or..-.e C-1'1' "'' '°"'"'lulofl Eu!rn J-21. lt1'. PublW!ect CW.-C.11 D•ll' Plll:ll, OC!oblr 21, NawmbW :I, IOi. 17 IMf . - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE In High Gear Mercedes Adds to Line Dy CARL CARSTENSEN Of tM D.i-1'1' .. ii.t 51•1f Bi\cked by the assuran~ or a sales record, Mercedes-Benz of North America has launch- ed its 1970 model cars in the U.S. The German auto importer, which has been se!Ung all the cars It can get from lb Stull· girt factory since 1965, a peafs setror Silis of more than 28.000 this year compared to 24 ,553 r.1 1968. Biggest change In the line b the addition of the 250 coupe. AllltQUgh announced th Is· spring in Europe, the new car Is available for sale in the U.S, for the first time in its lf70 version. Significant reature changes tor 1970 include redesigned front ends fOT 280SE coupes and convertibles, heavy duty alternators, axle ratio changes and transistorized i g n i t i o n !ystems. The new 250 coupe is a two- door hardtop. a sporting veraion of the 250 sedan, that featur es Improved per!9rmance with the suse of a 170 cubic inch, 157-horsepower engine normally installed a.Jly in I a r g er M.ercedes·Benz 1llCidels. The coupe accelerates from CMIO miles per hour in It seconds and has a top speed of 115 miles per hour. This new car raises to 17 the number or models available In the United States.· Prices range from $4.680 £or the 220 series sedan through the 250, 280 and -900 series cars to the GOLDEN SHOVEL AWARD -Richard A. Johnson . vice president of Johnson & Son Lincoln-Mercury in Costa Mesa, has received the division's "Golden Shovel" award. The award is presented nationally to top Lincoln-Mercury dealers who build new fa- cilities or modernize their dealerships. All Moi.-A!l.Modols ......... Ill .. -Tf'\ldu "Wh•r• s • ...,;c• M•k•1 th• Differ•nc•" Or""99 Cowotl' U1t C1mpUl Of>. M9W"'9 acl'I. 0141 MO-•H ' L.H ,...... t'4 S. '#ntH11 {21JI 715-1611 $26,963 Grand Mercedes seven- passenger limousine. Notable exterior cha nges for 1970 are confined to the 2MSE coopes and convertibles. These cars have lower hoods ending in front grilles that are four inches wider and three in-- ches lower than 1969 models. ·--BEST Th• DAILY PI LOT off•tt 11o1n• 111 the b.1t f1•lur11, by •clu1I IUn'•Y of ••• c1 ........ ii.bl• in lftY n•w1p•p1r il'I th• n•li•n. * HALLI DAY'S * Choice lamb'• Wool Pleids from Scotl1nd Tht'y mak(' ~rtat sport Jack<'ls \\'hen they art: taJJorl'd in Deani;:gate's oY.·n fh1,vlcs.~ &<>ft shouldrr con1tructlon. The colorings arl' bold , . In a gl'n• tlemanly mannt'r. And 1r ynu·1'i' part ial to chec ks, \\"{' have a i.::ood self'clion in thi~ supcl'ior la1nll"s \\'OOI from Scotland. From S80 Deans9ate~ MEN'S TRADITIO:'IAL CLOTlllNG 11th & UIVINE AVE, -WESTCLIFF ,LAZA NEWPORT l tACl-t PH. 645·01'1 I All cars for 1970 also have il- luminated side refiectors. Fifty~five ampere alternators replace 35 ampere units fitted previously and an ax.le ratio cha':lge for all 250, 280 and 300SEL 2.8 models reduces engine r.p.m. at all road speeds • Improved operating characteristics plus reduced maintenance are benefits of the new transistorized ignition systems fitted to all 1970 Mercedes-Benz except t h e diesel-engined 220 model that now accounts for more than 23 perre.1t or the company's total sales in this country. Jn addition to its 1970 model passenger cars, Mecedes--Benz also has unveiled a radically new hlgh-performance vehicle. Called the C-111, this ex- perimental two-sea ter is powered by a cent er·mounted, lhree·chambe r rotary piston engine producing 335 horsepower. Acceleration from 0-60 miles per hour is 4.9 seconds. Top speed is more tha-.1 160 miles per hour. No production plans have been set for the C..lll, but the factory h3s announced that more prototypes are be ing built for extensive testing. Merccdes·Benz off i c i a I s characterize th e car as an ad- vanced engineering ex- periment being conducted t.1 public instead of behind closed doors. Varian'• Choke Edward E. flatter has been nam<'d director of marketing for V a r i a n IJata h1achjnes. Irvine. The position encompasses Iola! sales respons!l>illty throughout the world. ltle•et'• W•t'th Complet~New York Stock List :1 ~!'1 ••• :~ =i a:: ~~ •• ~· ,:i Newiax Forms To Shock ~= ~: ••• ... krOt lK "" "" "" "" "'' lN l~ lN '" ~= ,., t:: lw , .. ~~ t~ l~ tlil "• l~ '• l .t~ " l "~ l od lM' l~ l • l~ l• l~ "t ll "' " t::: "" '"' t:;j , .. l~ Lv< l"' , .. -M" M" .... ---~ M• M" M" M• M" M" ""' ""' .... ""' ""' .... ""' ,. .. M" Mn ""' M" M" ""' M" ""' M" ~r. M« M« ~ri ~~ M« M« M« •• "" "" M« Md .... MH --"" -·Mu ..... Mft . :i:1i . =~ ::i~ aft M" fAlr M" M" M" M" rlJ -~ M• -..... "" ... ... ... .... .Mo ... ... ... .... Er-. "' .,., Mu ,., . "' ,., ... • N•• •• •• •• • • • •• N< •• ·"' ,. •• Ei '" •• •• •• .. •• " .. ••• . ~: • • ••• . m ~; . S: 'm ·~ ru Ill " •• ,, I N1 .. Market " I ~I •• "' Symbols ru ll1 ~I ~ .. ~ • \ 11 I -Monday's Cl~ng. Priees-f.omplete =·---&:·r-·----------------·1 ' . . Stocl{s Pull Back As Trading Light · NEW YORK (UP!) -Stoclu pulled,beak'lbalJ>' 1Y Monday, ltletdllnf their a!fde tcr five !ellioaa. Turnover was moderate. · Shortly before the close, the UPI marketwide indicator showed a loss of 0.82 percent on 1,598 is· sues traded. There were 960 declines, and 378 ad· vances. The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip Indus· trials was ott 5.53 at 842. 73 near the close. Volume of ·around 10,000,000 share. was about In line with Friday's pace. Neer the close several electrnnlcs !Oil a point or ~. while a number ot oils and chemicals also showed marked wNk.nes1. DuPont attracted some selllnr and closed at 1111-318 Off Z.1/4. It declared a yeaMDd dividend of $1.50 a share, bringing the Iola! for tll• year to $5.25, compared to $5.50 a year ago . Xem cloaed at 105-718 up 1·1/B. Standard OU of New Jersey closed at 64-1/2 off 1/4 while Texaco.closed at 30, unchanged. Aircrafts ranged to around a point lower near the close. Rails and airlines generally traded in mrrowlY irretular fashion. Southern Pacific' closed at 37-l!i, Ullcllangld. . ----· ......,, NwMW 17, 1"9 L -. IWLY 'lltT_.,_ • Real Eatate Seminar Set A~oo .......... I.,. cnJMrelal rMl • • t • l 1 d•v•ao,m.nt~ portlculartJ In --.. <Olllf'l<Jet, will ... btld 1'lt4I! It 1be Nftl* ta I B D Newport ...... . It wUI ... -td bi UCI Ind Ille S6nl«d JI ~ !Welitll Corp. 0 Loo"""*· 'lite •-will be frolll I 1.m. to • p.m. l . . '.ff OAIL V I'll.OT Nonda)',.N,..mbff 11, 1969 How ls Caret Spelled? • With all the ·talk about Elizabeth Taylor's 69:42 carat dlamon~. ·and then with word that it will bang as a pendant on e necklace made with 30 two .carat diamonds, making a total of 129.42 carats that will hang around Miss Taylor's neck. Lisa De Luga, 7, of suburban Chicago, figured she'd look gc><><I with 129 "carrots" hangin~ around her neek .. Miss "Tay- lor's carats are costing 41,200,000. Lisa's carrots cost $2.60, incl~ding tax. What Love Is PrQf Breaks It Down LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - "Love,'' says Prof. George Carpenter, "is nolhlng more or less than an elaborate frlendship." Carpenter teaches a course called "Marriage and Family RelaUons" to 75 students at the University or Nevada. '1he 47-year-old jnstruclor, lather o! six, says he stresses Jove Jn his course because "society ts compulsively In- terested In it b u t refuses to analyr.e iL" His researches on the sub- ject have led Carpenter to this deflnlttoo: "Love is the successful In- teraction of two personalities. lt ls based on and positively correlated with the ability the two peqple had to share con· fldentia1 commwlication. "The pleasure of love ls the emotional security one gets from such interaction." tn an interview; Ce~r¥r . cited the main · ingredients or love as understanding, a sense of quality and mutual reliance. He tells his Students -'who receive three semester credits for the course -that: -There is no such things as Jove at first sight.. Jt's just an "'ideatiud aff ec tion at- tachment" -Se.I l! 1'a beautiful com· panion to Jove" but not a part (lf it.. -1be movies tell ft wrong when they put forth the ideas that love is pennanent, oP- posites attract, there is ·only one person in the world right for you and yo1:1 can love onl)i one pe rson at a time. Ultim.ate Gift Offers " . Masterpiece a Month HOUSTON (UPI) - A large Texas department store has announced the formatioo or the Masterpiece-of-The-month CIUb, a Chrisbnas present that costs $1 million to join. Tbe club offers e v e r y member a painting by Picasso or another famous 20th Cen- tury artisl every month for 12 month.!. The formation or the club was announced by Sakowitz, Inc., one of the largest depart· ment stores in Texas. Robert Sakowitz. executive vice presi- dent, said a club membership is "the ultimate gill" for Christmas. Every year the store offers an expensive gift designed for the Te:ras onman. One year it wu A. J. Foyt's racing car which won the Indianapolis 500. Last year it wu a jeweled 4 dreas worth $125,000. l.n addition to Picasso, the other artists whose works are offered are George Brazue, Paul Klee, Wass:ily Kandinsky, Henri ?.fatisse, Joan Miro, Max Ernst, Jackson Pollock, Giorgio de Chirico, Mart ChagaJI, Bonn a rd and Modigliani. Ty,·o other categories in the monthly masterpiece club, arc a $2,500 membership for 12 graphics and multiple objects, and a $15,000 membership for "the comers, oils by young artists considered by critics to be the coming greats." Statue Slated LONDON (AP) -A bronr.e statue o! Sir Winston Churchill will be unveiled at the main entrance of the House of Com- mons Dec. I by his widow, Lady Spencer Churchlll, house leader Fred Peart announced. i''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''i ~ YOUR !~w~~t~~~;m• Item I i that you no longer need but someone else c1n UH for NOT OVER ? ? ? ? YOUR ANSWER: $50 ? , • You coll THE DAILY PILOT, ook for Cl111ified Advertising, and pl1ce 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA'IE 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT~' - 6 -4 2 • 5 6 7 8 «T.a ,,_Nd c...ty 140.112't .. ~ . -. . ' . . ~ .. Astronauts to 11ea:ve Atom Flantton .. Moon -' . CAPE KENNEDY (UPIJ -tall cylinder with six large Apollo' 12'1 utronalltl will aet fins, ~ve~ls heat ifom ttie. up a nuclear .generator on the radioactive decay ot the moon powered by •lihl poundl , • . of man-made plutonium worth plutonium 238 fuel directly ln- fl million. , to electrical e:iergy. Jt weighs It ls the nrst atomic 43 pounds and hu·no moving powerplanL to be carried In parts. ' 1 • space by men, "'14 elaborate ThJ unit, develoPO<l by the precaution• were taken to pre-Alomlc Energy Commission, vent it from corUminallng the is ~xpected to produce a -eart!i Jn the event of • launch rolhlrilum .of 6.1 watts to power W.SUter. Apollo .1211 five. surface ex· 'Jtie gegeri.tor, an 18-\nch periments for at least' a year. , • 4ay and nlghl. Apollo tt'1 uioonquak'.e meter was kept aoini tn, uyUme only by ""n!fght. The plutonium 238 fuel has a hall llle of about 90 years, which meaM \at the 'e.ld of thiL time' It )VIII be l\(ipplying 11alf lb original heat. '.fhe. U.S. space agency said the cost of Ule fuel was $1 million. Unlike other forms o f plutonium. plu~wn 238•Can-not cause a nuclear explosion. A ' ) . ' 4~fh natiOnwide 9u1r1ntH ___ ...,_...... .. -.---... -- ---.m.--,. -""•!•"'"'· ,,, ____ _....., ... .,!loll _ --·· ---... -...-i..i .... -10 ... _ ... ____ ..... _ -·--.. -.. ---·sis ___ ,,_ ............ ~, .. ... .... -.. -·---·------·--·-.. --·--= ... -· ... ·-·---·=---·=-·-:-= ---, .... ~--· ______ ,_ ""'""': __ ... _._ .... ="'.. ..r .. -.=t:.......:..-..:c,-= = ... _ .... ___ ..... _ .. ------............... _ ___ .. _ .. ___ __ c:.=...-:---- --..,.. _ .. -..,.,..,...... 4.88 for 10.00 Includes • S-quart1 H.O. Quaker State motor oil • lnstoll new AC oil filter • complete li.lbrication • safety check. lnstaUed •original equipment grade• direct double action type • proteds tires and under car parl1 from exce11ive weor •gives you new car ride and slops sidesway • · 1top1 uncontrol• Jobie wheel bounce. Cal'I with air or fof1ion bars slightly higher 4.88 Pr~clslon front wheel alignment b)' Factory trointd mechanics using the kit.It Bear equipment, includes: adju1tment of caster ond <ornber • ••I toe to car mfg. sp.ec:ification1 • 1ofley check. \ . - • But all forma o1 ·plutonlum are designed so that II yoo had exir.niely poisonous .,.i rlgt4 some . laimch abort or aome safety precautions. l)l'e iaken . pi'ptllem you would ruit have. endingered any_me ~ earth," generator~ He will use a Jona band!< tool_!~ ,.in bep him safely away f~ it. Al aoon as the plulmlwn l5 slipped In- to the generator, the unit will start generaUng eiectrtclty. for their use. Alan Bean said recenlly. The plutonium 231 fuel is . "'lbe UUng we worry abollt bebg carried to the·moon in a ••. 1ls the iemperature, qf it. ·It special container mounted on is pretty warm, abbltt 1,400 one of·tbe four legs.of I.he Jun-degrees, a(ter you leave lt out ar tnQdule Intrepid, 'llle fuel for a while." · , cask was designed tp wilh· lt wjll be . Bean's job to stand the worst possible lunch remove the tu·e1 · elel"flent from ex~loslon. ' • its container on the lunar 'The whole thing w a 1 module and , carry it to the Althoogh the genorator fs the flf'St or Its k1.nd to be car-- riecl on a manne<f apaeefll.,I, eight quclear pawet 11stems have been, in9lalled on un- manne<I -aft ~U11Che<I by Ille spai:e ·agency &lei the Department of Defeme. W•have t~ make room for 1hi!)'nlenls of .our new Golden Falcon· tires c.nd we've priced thes.• Pr~mium• tires to sell out fast. If you"re looking for extra safety and long mileage at budget prices, c;ome in and !el us in1lall a set~ your c;ar. * •. , 700-13 695-14 735.u 775-14 825-14 24.81 735-15 775-15 a15.1s . 24.88 855-14 U5·15 . 26.88 885-14. 885-15. 28.81 900-15 915·15 29.81 LIMITED QUANTITIES Senator tires suc;HnY BlfMISHED FACTORY SECONDS •·BELT PLYS OF lYREX PLUS 2:PLYS OF POLYESTER YOUR CHOICE OF RED OR WHITE STRIPE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE WHY' PAY' $50 TO $80 PER TIRE? 29.88 01ro.1.5111.s.1.5} HR70-1.5(MS.1$f JIT0-15(115-1.51 lli't).15(900/915-1.51 ER70· 14 1735·1<1 3l.11 35.U 37.11 :w.1a "'" ,.,,. ii~• -•f 2.Y ,. ; .. 1 ~, ... --.... "" ... ..... w ...... _;,,, """°" .f ,.,.. .ii.~11, 1oi..1.i...r ..... !JrM,. "'909 ....U..Jt ei-tll9 .,.,., loMt II,. Iba! -ef tk t., ti,. •1'. ,. • .., •ftlil _,. donlf'" loll•"""" loech• ., tllt•t -- 1oi. .. 1t11M oM 111 .. ..., ttn '" ..,_, ., .. r.iy -. ·~· SILVER FALCON 4·PLY TIRES ""4·Pll' llybi cord ~l'lt·tita ~~::-:::12 88 t2J..1 4 11.5-1.S 1•.•1 • tSJ..14 ··1-4.5-1.S 16.11 650-IJ -""'·-... <#1n•U1" ...... •••tM .. 11 .-. Wto.-.., a.It - -- WHILE THEY LAST! DISCONTINUID TREAD DESIGN REGENCY 30. TIRES 8.88 FLU 3o.MONTH GUAIANT!! 77$.lA n5-1.S 10.11 12.S.l.4 11.S..1.S 12.11 15.S·TA l-45-1.S 1A.li -r-1. lottM .. "' , ..... J.JP .,..... • "'"· ............ ~ _ . ..,,.,,. __ _ ' I 11 I I \ I l I I ·h v " u .u M ~ \ 1 1 I I I l . .. .. - . . •' · ... * ".. . '* . ·voe. 62, NO. 21s:.~ SECTIONS, ~ .PA~ES " . .-' . • • • ORANGE . coui.,ry, CALIFORNIA \' . .. . . . . .. " MONDAY, !'I()~ '17, 1969 • ' • . • TEN CUfTS ' ' ' . . . ; : : I :lfpprt ,B~ch • • 1 · \. . • . . ,. . Use FeeS Ebbing ' . -t ., # • ':l, ~:} •t .BY.:·~~M .. E,.,·!...,· !)01~' ., -These· are-the key rtvi.aiona In the ' slip, depeoding o.n.the number •of ·alips. "'"T" .. ,_,~ original fet plan, first , preiented , b)'. -In~ ad.ditJon,1residentlal plus located Xitrelaiida-use.feea u;_Niwport1.Beach Pir~·-coinrnittee t~G in'onlhS ago: , over city .tidelands will be charged a $15 1have "ebbed. • ...... !\ charl~of '$1 for each.: foot or boaJ, . ti~lands u,se {ee~ .(The total ~er ~vy ~-C~it C~I committee, headed, by slip o¥!,·~cJ~~..1~~ler~ Ude~a . .m_ has . -:fo~ regis,tr)ati9n_ ,apd US&:-;~iij . ~ , J>e • Vlft'._ lllodolor Parllina todAy Men •-·~·=· . . 125 annually . rkaei ' m.::~ dwJaes in -Under Uie. new plan, ·all residential -Commercial Installations will be •"-~ leVies,'1:. • and commercial P'efs, rep~ of their , · charr· a-.use·fee of 50 cents per li"4?al · ""· ''-" ........ -~-........._ ......... . I . . the •·-~ ill "-' -~--' ' .~ --~-. ~ "'....,. ocaU{ln m , _ -.--• w ·t.M'~~•-a J foot-. lllps and side-tits:·. ·• ·ietliaildl,on Nof. M'tom.-.c1ear •10'laQpUl,'1pier.~.tlQn1ee.".Com· .. -='nw.proposed ta1:·.0n mari ne.fuel .ls . •i, :!Ill ti blke·t'\»e;Jee11fwtltilea1t merclal lnstallations.\Wll also be charged reduced in the new pla n from a -half· Ji ,...._ ·• • .. · registration fees tl al cents to •1 for p _ch cent for each gallon dis~ to three--., < ' . tenths of '\ eent. "~ <*'M\JUee feels that H Is JrOP!!' Parsons explaineCI. in his . report that that all J11!r1008 who have ~era in New· the ~pt· ol. registration fei!. devel· port' Harbc'ir should share' In thla a'dmln-o~ dw;ng~ the put few weeks' dilcut-istratl~e eii:pense/' 'he uid.,.'.'Theretore, sioo 'al .ihe ttdelanda fee llaue. In J1>ioe ·.we .,. recommeadlng • _.,.1e pier Jail<~: he l8ld; it becaipe aPJIU'<i>t, lhlt · ttglltrallon fee. , \he city Ill upeqd!nr a1 much, -l!Jb. "Whlle the tide-fee can apply mly tr'ttv; eflllrt (i...i.cli<iol ud · ..-to lhOoe lll,llallatlanl. oru e111 lltlelanda, k<!!Jiln&l on . plen loealed on prtvale the pier .rqiltr.UOO fee could •P!'IJ Jo all .waterways, COulity tidelands dedJcated piers" in the harbor." . . . underwater right&-0f·way &l!I for those Parsons said Ns commlttee, after tak· piers located over city tidelands. ing into account the cOmments Of "all . . I ' ~." ......,,_~qreed .... ,.. ductlOn In tho ,_ ly recommond- ed. "We 1190 beUeve t ....id be olm)llor to 'charge a flat wre Jee for raklendll· plers·than Jo haff 1 "';,Iba! -,.. quirt specific ~ or. uneai ~ lions for each ~·" --.. The intlclpoled .Dnual c:li1' 1-110 fn>m \11' lnlt!.illy ~ -lee lif $1 for .,ch foot.of 00.t sUp liBd bfttn $17,0QO. The ftVll<d fee ·~ Including . • '(See ·PIER FEES,.Plp I) ' ' . " • 1 ! • J\:p_ollo Speeds ·On . Co .urse V nerring f o-c Lunar Orbit 'SPACE· CENTER. ·U.U.lon (UPI) Apollo :ii•s sleepln3 ere~ sped fester and falter today· towilrd· · tJJeir ·tendeivou!I w;ta: the moon, their counc -so precise a ., -i1nal 1 navtgaUonal • ~rection was srniblied. . 'At 9-3.in. PST, ·with. ltie rorce of .11.lnar &Hvlty pulling the ·cra'n at an ever ln- c~eaaltlg ' speed, the three U.S. spacemen were Zf.0&8 miles from !Pe moon where t~o of them will land earl>: Wednesday. Ground ' 'controllers decided . that a course ~ectlon plan~fld for 2:47 p.m. PST.today Would no( be necessary before the spaceship whiJ)ll into lunar orbit fiv!! ' .... t \ ~! . '"i' f . DAILY,IL01'!',_..•y·C1*91 ....... Heuring Set ' . Dec. 15 iii • • --,. • . I I •. " . ' l · , . , , ' ~lfi:~l,'~ .. OF 'VE.RY PRl.Y~TE. BALBOA 'B,l\Y ·.Cl..U.11 AWAITS VEROICT OF VERY PUBLIC VOTEl!S ' . . ' . . . . . . • i' . -.· • • . -. • -' . ·nwii i :.1 ... • ' ~~:;fi-' ~·~·~\' . ' ~ i "" .i "fi : -u···,eac· . h-··Br.· 'i"e· ry· · :J;>.&>~~~1 • .Leas:e.:ne1Qr~(;.9U-Be-u-i ~.;.. ·~ cburt. ~::. lrl . an · "'t •·.i.:!·_.., -i 1 1 J_ • , , , -• • .: ~ • 1 '· ~.. -" ' ·Ari~ run .accu.ed of att:-e~P11.N to . "Ekctioil on P~ofrJ~rli ',s~~ges~d ~i;,,~:i«~·.':1 3 "'",'. ~~;:::z~?~.!i:~'. Newport Beach. qty councilmeri tonight months negotiating w i t.h . 'Balboa Bay . ::_,;The lessee has ~ireed ' to' 1pay all ~es~~~· . . , will cOnslder callln, for. a Jan .. 13 elec-C~ub vice president Rlcharii Stevens and costa ofi the .speci81 election." Wllll:Sm 'Nl:w, 68, · Ph9enlx, was ar- liOn·-ori ·extenslM ·or the Balboa Bay other club' officials before· endorsing ·the '!be city study of a proposed new lease raigned this rnoi-nJng In westininster, on Clttb s· lease rof city.owned property. lease eii:tension proposal and recommend· began in .earnest ta-" July wheD DeVelop-two cou1Jls of attempting to bribe-a pub- lt .is \Jikely the~ election daj.e ing an ,1ect1on date. menL Research .Associates (ORA) of Los lie official. He ls free on •12,000 ball. will be BpproVed. Mayor Doreen Mar· The &pecial election :date is only three AJ!geles said the alt.ernaUve is to tear He, 1'$1 arrested Nov, JO, while emeri· shall, ·vice l\fa)'or LlndSley Parms and months .prior to the April t• Cjty Coun· dqwn ,the ma.ssiv~ private club in 1998 in" rrom the Flsberrnan ,,-''-.uratit, Couqcilmaq -Paul.ol. Gn!ber rj!Commeild-ciJ el!'!Ct1on. The cooncil commi~ re.-and start over wiQt something new. ORA, i. .n.c:11r.a ed i~r In .a .CQmm.i~ee ·report. 'o U>e ·full port justifies the Januar.y balloting on piomiilent rftunicipal financing 'consUJ. after allegedly niaking his second' offer council. · · th~se grounds : . ta,nls,·said lbat alternative· was . nelther of $4,000 to the mayor in return for The.,report, -which was relea~ 'this -"It will allow the e1eCtoiate to ·g)ve . reasonable ,nor realistic. ravorabl'e irifluence On a proposed aone ~)Un&. endorses amending the lease to their ful). attention 41 this VerJ cOmpJex :since then, Ma'y~ Marshall's' cOmm'it· change. ... _ cover S6 years. The current lease has a and important matter µtvoJYlrui a 36-page tee has been pressing fcir revisions ln 'the New had allegedly made the flrstflnan- t99if tei-mlnitiOn date. 'lile new lease legal documefl:t." . l.-ortilni.1 Jtay Club: offer,~ almOst' a clal ofler a week eatlier, at.which,.. time would-~pire in 2a.l:4. · -"-If 'the electorate apprOves the i>ro-year ago. Green contacted police who worked wlth Cost of the election will be borne en-posed lep.se· amendment, the 'Balboa Bay Stevens and his associates, eager to the mayor for a week invesUgattng the tir_ely. by, the Balboa Bay Club. It could Cfub may proceed with Jts conslruction get uOOer way as soon as possible·wlth matter. . · . . run.as;high as $21},000, according to the three months earlier and save up to 21/i an expansion program, have· not betn in Ne)¥ allegedly sought help from the three-member council committee. percent in construction cost!." (This is m.uch o{ a ~.rgaininJ ppsiUon. Ther>: .need mayor for a zone change on 20 acres or Mayqr•Marshall, Vice Mayor Parsons based on an estimated 10 percent &MUii the extend¢d lease 1n orQtr to obtain indu.slrlal land near"Slater Avenue and and Councilman Gruber spent f i v e hike in construction costs.) (Ste BA"( CLUB, 'Pai;e 2) : Gpthard Street. Family at . Bedside . .. ~.Joseph Kennedy Lies. ' ' ' ~ • -..f'l. • .Near Death at Age ~1 HY ANNIS PORT, Mi!I. · (AP) ~ , Former Ambas'sadOr Joseph P: Kennedy,· · father · ot' a Seaside,. Am'eriim pollliCal · dY.Q~ly, .was . near death tQitay . at his llome in the Kennedy compound on Cape c;.i. . His sole surviving son,.Sen. E~ward M. Kennedy (l)..Mass.), was at his bed!ide. Hiil ·condition was described as "very low" '.by his son-i~law, .Ambassador sirgent Shriver I ~hortly. 1>:erOre a a.m. "Tbe elld is only a maUer of hours away," Shriver tokl a newsmaD after at- tei.cfing e8f.ly mo~ing Mass ·at St.' Fran- •cis Xa vier Roman Catholic Church in . .. ' Hyannis. lteme<IY. father ~ u.e ia1e President .John F. ~ ia ll 'an4·hu been iD pqor he•lth,ror ellht YW.S· · He suffered what a doctor said was a minor hean •ttact O\ter the weekend. &hti.ver l!l;ci the fofm,r ambassador hu been unable to eatJor 1everal days. 'Shriver. and hil .Wlfl. Eunice, K~ nedy's eJdeol daiijhler, lkw Jtere ·sunday.,.,.. !nim Porll. lbliTs II U.S. -· · io France.. • t llnl. Rooe ~. m11Hlrdl of the K!!llDed1 elm, lloi. ,......,. Mas this • momlDI II st 1'1'111<11 XIYilr'o, though nol' "1111 Shriver. She -red· the any dlurcll ~. and rtm11ntd 1-!or seftftf mlnutet 11\er lbe Hf.¥ice was • aver. -'.. I ! . '" ..... ...,i{,.,~o,~t.~ Wearing Cdltl Crowtt · ,'.; ~·-· '. -.... •Corona de! Mar !llgh'a Gael'.Mooney .r.a~ to·annommeril•lh• ,.lie 11 1cbool's 111611 Homecomlnf'Qtleeu, Ulen strug&)es witll crowa 4qrjng ceremonies at Friday mibr1. lootball gllllle ~weoa.Sea KU,..r and -Estancia Elafles •• Gael rilped" but Se~OOoga .clhln:!..Eallfs w®Jhe ball game, 21.18. -" •• ,, 1 • •• ~~:-.~ • 1 hOUJ'! later. Charles "Pete". Conrad; Richard F: Gafdor'f and Aiati L. Bean will make 14 revolutions Of the' moon Tuesday before Coonrad and Bean de9cend to the surface early Wedneaday in their lunar lahding vehicle n{cknanied ~ntrepld. ·Apollo J2's noontime speed was 2,474 miles an hour. But by the tline It whips behind the moon tonight it will have ac· celerated to more than 5,000 miles an hour. 'Conrad, Gordon and Bean gave the folks back nome. an early morn!ng television view of the approaching moon and the spider-like landil)I shlp before they went to bed for llie day.·' . . At one point the cainerli'picked up"tbe apProaching ' Ye1JO't! "quarteJ', m.o' n. Mission control• a~ked the ~ · where tlley ,wooJd Uke ID go.Oll·llll'-• "•--here"· -11ed ' an oliv-· rTil;f" ..... .,... ~ ·' eag~r Bean. . 1 r ~ 'Mle 56-rrilnute telecast came dur:intrthe · final checkoot ·or the lunar , l1\0dUle' Intrepid before the astronauts swine UM orbi.t around. t~e moon tonlght. . · 'All w·as In order, 'Wilh biath , the machl~ry and· its crew, for Americals secoqd lUnar landing and man:s Ont &cientific exploraUCfl Of an: alien world. Noted· Coast Physici;.m · . Pr~ ll~rtd. ~-ie'~~4 P.~~~. - ' ., •. ' ., . l ' By EVELYll.:ai.t:ll'WotlD Of ,.,. DINr ...... .,.,, ' Dr.,}lavMl ,1. ~1,' '" ~ a(..0 OI~ County ... al~.~,_.... cly!C,litdir In Ne. ' Beicll !of '-' ye,rs,, died today at · Hotc Memoilal Hlllpi~. He was 49., . : , J '. • Promlnenl in Or~nge Count)'. medical ctrcle11 and· fo~ ·court physician to King Paul of G,_., be• had b<ei1 suf· ferln& from ·cancer in ·recent months. Dr. Nlelsen was born In Minnesota. During ~ts e3r!y life his family returned to their native Denmark, then ·came back to America in 1931. His activities in Orange County medical and civic work included award·wirining work for the Amerlcl,n Heart AS80Cia:tlon in 1980, ind Service 11 prdldent of the Orange County Academy of Internal Medicine. Dr. Nielsen served 1s a· trustee on the old Newport Beach Elementary Sch0:0I Distrk:t board. He was selected Mein or the Year in l~:t by the Newport Har.bar Chamber of Commerce. · He also was active in Kiwanis Club ac- ti vities, having served as lieutenant governor for the . Kiwanii' CaIUonlia· Nevada region. • ije ser.ved. as.a m.edlcal officer for the• Army Medical Coi'p& ind the Air Force di.Iring World War II. ·Dr. Nlelaen's academic credits included a doctor of medi cine degree' in 1945 ·from the.University of Nebraska, followed by a di!grie from the Hospital or Vienna, AustrJa, tii 1947, · ·Shortly aft.er· rece1ving that dif>loma Dr.· Nielsen served in the court· Of the Greek , king. . . . . · He recitlVed specialist's trainlM 'in in-, ternal medicine in 1~ at Long Beach Veteran'• Hospital. ' . He leaves his wldOw. Elise, of the faml· 1y home.. 2585 Tustin Ave.; Newport Beach; three daughters, Teri, crl~ina , and WsaMe ; three so,ns, David,· Stephen and Paul, all of the home. Other survivors inc1ude three sisters, 1.1rs. Joy Barnes and Mrs. Ruth Leedom, Riot Talk Set · At Orange CQ~t "Riots: Analysis and Altematlves".wilJ. be the oubje<t of a I.Ilk open Jo the public Tuesday at Oringe COasL College. · Andrew Hatcher, · an advltor In. sirumehtal In foimulatiJ1' ~· tjvll rights policy for the . Johii Kenn~ . ad· n'llnlstra!ton,ww .... .-·.111 o.m. IDJhe OCC:'lulllfolliliil>r:-... '·-• ' ·.'ftlere '111 be no admillion,chHf'. lhe fiaa9cla•""·Sl\Jdent Gov•1'1Ui1ii1L wll\'1'8Y . ,.,. \his ?;n.·i!> 'Jlie I11st1biii1oJi¥.speatl • .mes. . . ' .c .• -' .. . " . ' " . '8tQC!k ¥•rket NEW ,YORl\•ChP)-Tbe oJocl< m.n..t · tumbled oo 1 w)dH11!111111 f""1t ln'moil- •l'lle tnillh& Ille JOcloy. st< quototldnl, ' Pogeiwa) .. -· ·•· ... ··, · ' . . ' ~. ' ' ' 'I ' <.j HARBOR PHYSIC IA,. 'Dll!S Dr. D•vld Nl,tlHn . bOth of Costa Mesa, and Esther Fair ol MIMesota, and one grandchild .. 5erV1ce·s WflI'be 'hti1c;t Wed~"'y:at;lJ a.m. in SL. Andrew's Presbyla'iall Church. Ntwport Beach. MJ,11 l a r' graveside rl~ will fotlow ·at Fa.irhaved Memorial Plrll: in Sant\, Ana. " Bell Broadway Mortuary in C.Osta Mesa will lianllle' arta/l'gelni!IJ;. ~ > ' ·rif, Friends who ·wish may make memorial contributlons•to the Dr.' David I. Nielae11 Memorial Fun~ .. of ,the Orange Count1 M~ical Association, 330 F\oW'tl' St., orange. ' Orange " Sunny Ries with <Illy a· hit ol early' morning toe will ~Yait over the Orange Cout 1Vesday 11 Qimp. eratum cling in the temperate middle 70'1. • ,. .~ ' I j I .. ' Gaming Gadget• Gt"•fJbecl Garden Grove policemen unload gambling equip- ment" confiscated by vice officers who walked in on "fund raising even~" Sunday at St. Callistus CaUt· olic Church. No one was arrested, but police are contemplating action. See story. page 3. ~esa Youth, 14, ·Held (n Fairground Attacks By ARTlllJR R. VINSEL • ' OI 1111 Dlltf '"" lt•ll .i. team of Investigators using Com Meia High · School yearbooks and a iomtll ·band· tip has l.d to tbe arrest ot 1 If.year-old freshman who confes~ tWo sex 'attacks. • "YOU won't believe tt,'' said J)e(echve C~. Bob Green in explaining bow the ~-.. 11 ldenUfied and subsequently ar- ~ci.nfes&ed the attempted rape of a. 17.year<lld ·coed on lhe Orange County Fllrsmmds at lmifepoint earlY Thurs- dlf, as well aa ·a·aexuaI mo~tatioo Oct. l5.iin the same area. .. The victim of Thursday's Incident foultht off the live.foot, to-inch tffnager, while the IO-year-old girl in the first case was forced to undreila and mole&ted bul not raped. Based on Information given to Investigator Linda Geisler, Detective Sgt. John Regan, plus lnvestigator.11 Bob Len- nert and Art Courteau went to work on the case. "They must have questioned literally hundreds of people in just a few hours," said Capt. Green today. One of Courteau'& campus sources told of overhearing a boy and girl discuJSlng a strange fairgrounds il)cident about 8 a.m. tn which someone was heard screaming and a young man seen running away. From Pllfle l Trackiri; down the , original wltne" after the pair heard rrientionin« the story D'AY CLUB • • • were contacted, detectives found :that he .L( knew the name of the boy. milli ' Lt. Grefn aaid the suspect had been ~; .. ~or the propoeed '5 on re-met by hi.I acquaintance walking down Tis'1:°:::reason Iha\ they 011""4 . V1ngdai:d w;y ·Iron! >,rli-.i"! · Qrivo to pay an the C0111ts of the special election, before school Thurllday morning. It"'--' to arclrltectural control over ex-"Where are YOl:I going?" he asked t~e aa-.pJ,ans ~ to ~c re-14--year-old. . ~ ·-· ~ ahd alireOd: to !'l)orgt>j, my 1!11'ch-*.Y·" )le {tpl.ied •. I -'--'-~ ..... -0faliiiosi 't.Ur ac"8 ot:t!le ' 'Ille 1outb·woo provldid the k~'~ RlllY"-.-..a """ the __. clH told abihorttles 8-though\ .t · : orlltoalU-ac:na cova-.• , ..--· odd because the suspect was h~~til'lii' 1e;. property covered by the existlnt ~ the·opposlte direction from his hoUlf. • .. -· leaie mends to the center line o( the Capt. Green said the attempted rape Lido Ch nnet u-•-tbe --' sUspecl-'-who used a small pocl<et kn!Ce ~ a · -,..,....... in 'each Incident -·Wlls frlghtened:o1od ornmtment. this boundary would be remonelld when arrested. "'' · pulled b.:k-to the pierhead line. the He was appareoUy involved in no more An lncreue in dty revenue from' h d •·-arU •--' to by than the two intidenta. · -. new lease a ~ e er"&'_,,, Authorities released the boy •. tcf ~11 · the Bay Club. · ~ Ttie mbllmum rental under the existing ~enJ• pending Jqv~nile court actk>!l ~'""' lease ta; $45.000 )'early. Under the am!ftd.. arrangements to HCl:Ife paychohlic~1 ed lelM this rrunlmum would Increase to coiinseUng and gel to the oource Jif the ooo all problem. 11~' addl':: J·111at there would be a lnvesligators noltd tbat he Is b.arely pereeotage rental that woold be to force old enough to have lecally committed a "oniY to the matt that it exceeds the crlmlnal offense, alnce JuVenlle1unaer14 lnilUrDUm rental," according to the.coun-do· not technically conunlt crimes. cil commiu.e. 'Ibis Is how the propcioed ~·rental breaks down: ' -Five perceril fll grool" ...,etpts up to 17511,000. ' -F°"' "'cenl of gTI>S1 receipts in tx· cesa fll $1$0.000 but lees than a million. -Three percent of gTI>SI rec.lpts above I! million, but lees than $3.5 million. -Six and one-half percent of ~s re- ~ipts beyond $3.5 million. On Oct. 1, 1990, the percentage payable On gross receipts goes up to a minimum ef 6 ~ per~t on all receipts. · The propoeed new lease also calls for minimum rental increases every five ~n in accordance with rises in the "'"1 of living index, ~ -' ., ~· ' '• ll~llY PllO I ~ t . ' . ,... .. ' ,,. ..... CQlQ ....... coMPAlf'f' l• 1• 1· • ....... N. Wffl ~. ....... ... MIWllt .. . .J.,k ... C!lrltf •·WW,,._. ... ..,., .. M....., fh11R1t 'IMYil > ·---'nf•H A. M11"'"'" 1 __. ... rc11w -.. , Ji-F. OtlllM -""" . .,,. -''I! _ ..... _ lg : 2211 Wrf ... ,, ..... ,. ; ..... ~1PAlall11.t2&1t ; .. , ........... ' . !·. ""' .... l • .., ... ...... u.e ..... , .. ,...= ............. , .. Benefit Dance For Injured Hairdresser Set A benefit dance for disabled Costa Mesa hairdresser Fred Molina Jr. will be held under sponsorship or f e l 1 o w "hairdressers Sunday at F e 1 l c i a n o ' s restaurant in Newport Beach. -Molina, who lost a leg as a result or a freak accident north of Dana Point earlier ·this y~ar, rettived $500 recently afte,r a ~lfr. be~fiL sponsored by his · £riends. Thi :dance will be ·held from 9 p.m. to I &.m. A U dopaUon includes a buffet din- ner. It WUl'fe.atUre nonstop PerfoOna:nces by a· big, .band .and · surprise guests, organizers ·ta1d. Molin~ wjs injured Aug. 3 as be and hi• ·fiancte tried to cross Pacific Coast Highway to aJd an accident victim. ·A passin&.afllbulance accidentally hit a guy :wife. 1The whipping cable Jcilled Molina's companion . a nurse, and mangled the hairdresser's leg. The leg later was ant· putated. President Ends Weekend's Rest WASHINGTON .(AP) -Presldenl NI•· , on new beck to ·ti!! Whitt Houae \Oday .... .-....at, """' 1ltlOCJI • Ull"4Mef .. 1 after an ovtrnlght' itay at t:a1J1p David, i-" ..,...,. .. • ..,...,... .... ~ his mountain retreat neJt to Thurmont. &.• ~'"':'-t°;1,'"'t'.;.."'_. Md. . • · , ~ ............. ora::"'c.:.,.-,.:.: 'Mr1. Nixon and their daughttr, Tricia, ¥ c.... _..,.. ....... -.. uu ~ ICC'.omn.nled tne President on the ....... _ .... ~._..... r-· -... ,...... c.i. ,,,..... helicopter trip. • • : T t •n•• MMllt The first fam ily flew to Camp David 1 • 21' , .wa1111 .. , • ..,...,. lite S'"unday, after-the President hid i ~ : . .=-:~ .. = 1 watched the Wiahlngloa. Redakins and • • .... • .... nan. Cowboys tangle in a NaUonal . • • ·==•·.,....,.,......,. F ball l • -· oot Lealue same. , . ~.:::r::f~'-:0: Nixon, thf htsl Incumbent Pruldent to· ==....,...I -:..-~ . . . •!t·•n NFL same. olay.d lot the tntlN contest, wo11 by Dallas 41 ·21. • t From Pllfle J PIER FEES ... registration fees, chops the municipal in- come to aboul $40,000 yearly. . Panons ·conceded ·that ci>mrnlttee stu· dieS maailrcreirtN.t tOO percent equity in !)le im)JOfillioo of_ lees ta qow vh'.ttiaJiy: impooslble. ' "But It Is ne""i-theleos felt that 11 would . be less equltable to conUnue, ~e · pattern that has evolved through, the year!. An effort toward greater equity should begin now," ~ said. "'Jhe overrl<ting principle, we believe, is that the public shOuld be compenSated direcUy for the excluilive use of public property." His report noted further that there now. ls no general plan for harbor develop- ment. · "Pen~ng a general plan, and the knowledge and experience to be gained lrom applying Uie p<opooed 1.,.., the committee believes that tidelands usei's should be assured that the fees will not be subject to increase tor at J~~t five years," Parsons said. "lly tile year 1975, with a thoroughly Studied plan as a guide for ttle future, •t will be ,appropriate to l"M!ftthine the lssut.", · · ·• '· He said at that l!me1he dty m1gi,i con: sider Jong.tenn leases of tldehinds to pier-ow~rf. At p;esent, any of ,the -estl· m.ucf lllO \fllY JiJer ~Is can Iii ,.. l/Gliy Ille Clly ~I at any~; at a noticed bearing. SUcb reYOCaUon, how· ever, ta virtually un~ted. copie.· of i j:iroposed ordinance putting the Parsona committee recommendations into effect are now available at the city clerk's offJ.ce at' City HaU. Olhtr members of the committee are Councilmen Robert SJ1'!ton aod Ed.Hirth. ' Bandit Gets $60 In Hamburger Stand Robbery ~A· robber wielding ' a · .4!s' caJlber automatic popped into a Jack in the Box Drive-thru In Costa Mesa Sunday and papped out again with $60 In cash after forcing two employes to lie on the floor. Countermen Augustine Rodriguez and Zachery Geelhoed told police the gunman entered the hamburger stand at 385 E. J7th St. at 1:35 a.m. with hiJ hand in his pocket. When he took hls hand out of his pocket, It held the automatic. "Give me the money in a sack~" he said. The men obeyed.•The robber forced the two to lie on the floor, then-fled through a service staUon nen door to a 1961 Chrysler parked on Tustin SIHel. He then drove. off. The suspect wa1 ct. scribed as having a light beard and i:u?J:Y blond hair, wearing blue lllicks' with • tall trencbcoaL _.. Agnew Speech Not Nixon's Idea WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House -said today President Nixon did not order, diseuss or see an advance text 0£ speech last week by Vice President Spiro T. Agbew criticizing television net-w«t newt coverage. tn response to a question on a report by 71me magazine that Nixon ordered the Agnew. Speech at Des Moines, lowa, P,.... Secretary Ronald Ziegler said: "The !>resident did not dlscuss the ad· drees wllh the vice president: the Prf.li· dent did not oee · (a Copy of) the vlcO preeiderlt'a speech before he macle l~.·11\)t did the President order the vice pmldelil to make the tpeeeh."' HarbQ.l'' High Seniors Will l1tcsenl Comedy , Newport Harbor High Schoo1"5 senior class .will present the comedy "What Di4 We · DO Wrong?" Frlday and Saturday ni1ebtl In the 1Chool11 auditorium . Cunaln Ume for ·lhf com~ win be I o'clock eacb ••enJn&. .Admluion will bl~ It.SO per perooo • N:ew . AntQnia, :cAppe3' 1 ~~~r4~r -~~ns ~-~"(U-Rhas~ Judicial E~~tJr •' .,. \,. . ,.,..,. .. .. . JA""'"8tiY ~eel by Suprome Court will lncl..-.a ne *tor test and a hfP' . "jusl gone along with the majority" when ·rel~~ of. -hll arguments, Antonlai not.le experiment .· the jµ_ry reached, tta. ver~cL 1'110fnu' 1awyer today.is planning a new Mts. Thomal.'1T, ta currently servlng·a J~ge Sumner immediately declared a appeil that will be based on a "recently five-years ·tO Ji~ state prison term for.the.. .11listl{at. ·'Ille· iMUe-. then 1 went before explored aspect'' of the San Clemente. murder o£ her infant son Jarnei' Jr. "two • Judge Gardner in a new murder trtal. · woman's two murder lrials. years· ago.. A aeries of appeals to·bo'b ·~ 'lbere was no such·drama about-the • . Torrance .attonJey, Qudley· .~ray §Bid peliate and supreme courts endetf last cood verdict. Mrs. Thoma& was found his new appeal will st.resa the (actor of week with what appeared to be.a final re-guilty on the capital count. . · · . judicial error In proeeedi!"s .that1led to jfttion of Gray's plead.ini'· , · · Gary said his ~ a~~al will fetr:ace the CO{McUon or the Filipino woman. G-riay'a atgw1lf!lt of ·judicial error tbe progress of hts earlier ~Ion "i cannot clarif)' 'beyond thait at this wquld apper1o Jnvotve '~ Orange Coon; ttltough the fed era~ dietrjct '&ult, the time but I am cmvinced that the higher ty s·upertor Court judges who•-presided 1t · federaJ circuit couR and ''a1l1 the w~y court will recognize that certain issues of the two trials -Judge Bruce Sumner· of again lo the . Su.preme C~rt 1 £ Jaw we~e barely examined and that Laguna Beach and Judge Robert Gard11.er necessary." But it will, he explamed, ~ others we.re ignored," he said. of Newport Beach. , . , based on an interpetati.on of law ·:that Jn ·Gray said he will also challenge "cer· Judie Stimnei' was on 'the bench for the no way con!llct.s or 1s related to the taln ilTegular actions" by the Orange senaaµonal '. fi{St · Vial. in ~ Mrs.. · earlier appe_il." County District Attorney's office during Thomu was found guilty •• An a.stonislied · ~--'-'-'--~------ pre-trial inv~stigaUons of Mrs.-.Thomas. couJtl:oom, however, heard 'a--julµt ~ Evidence m support of tbat argument fess In the poot-verolct polling !bat.be bad Marine ~ed ·~n -Wghwar. ; By Fellow ·Marme's -Auto One of three El Toro Marines who wei-e Officers said O'Brien was alone Jn the walking back to their base Sunday night car and was drfving at hilh speed when was struck and killed by-a-car-driven.by he failed t..-neg6Uate a curve-1:: ... --:--a fellow Marine. ·-.,. m w"' Dead wben Calitomia HI g h w a 'I freeway. ~· ·' patrolmen reached the. accident 1eene on The deaifi ~~Y of i Pcm\ona man Trabuco Road near Sand Canyon Bold who was "seVt!'ely burned Nov. 9 in 1 Wal P\1. Donald . R. llarlln, 20, Pv:L Br.. traffic accident brought tbe JMI Couty TNflle .. ~ weekend \1'111!1• toll to Ihm person& -1•--nma-:Tolli-~m'"'.~-wuUam-r.-Mociow, 44;-died·m-si:-Joae- H••lln'• •-e ·••-11 ,.u withheld to-H'"J>ttlll, Fullerton of lnjurls recdved -. uuu1 CIUUl'C whtn hiJ '1taUon wa1on skidded off day bl' Marine officials pending DOllfica.. Lambirt Road and flnlsbed upside down lion ol his nezl ol kin. . Jn 1 flood Control ctwuieL ' Pitrobrion said the-three Marines were Momiw was pull.d from 1he blazing wa!kJng·soulh with their bacta to south-vehicte .by ·liremen. ·w. passenger, Mrs. bound lralfll; when Harlin ,.., struck· by Kathleen McCluskey, 39, of Brea. died in , a car drtven by Pvt. Ke~ Fi.she~" ~1, . the blazing vehicle. also of ~ El Toro M~ine ~otps Air Sta· • ion. Hai~'• t~o c~ona ~er•· un~:;~ will be l!led against Fis:er, . Laguna Officer CHP officer• said: They said the accldent . ~ · ~'*'~c':'~Cll!arlYdarkstretcll" Held at Gunpoint Harlin'• ·death was the second In-• vesUgated Sanclay by coraoer's Officers. : B ff• • 0 · · G J Kevin O'J!Pen, 22, of iq i!ead!, di"1 ' Y . ~ WR UR l early Stmday w~ h1-··~ IP-" · , parenUy went out· of control on the Laguna Beach Police officer John Garden Grove Freeway and smashed into Saporj.to momentarily found himself .fac· a guardrail near the Golden West Street ing his own gun during a tussle with a off ranip. ' suspected narcoticl violator Saturday afternoon. Marilies 'Land~·"" On . woof, ··Na~~d ~~ -~m jj Two y~ C"'11! :P,ndlt)on· ¥1!1n•i were , epi>r:thende<I ... ~!Y , bf .qitl!!i.) Beach polite·on the root of the Shlp·Afy>y RestaUrant, 4al s. Coast Highw8.f after an early·momlng chase. . Richard Rudolph Morse and Gerald WaYne Han, both 21, were plactd under arrest on zusplcton of burglary. Polle• claimed a wttnese, who spott~ the pair Juggin. a television .. t oulolde .tbe Hotel Laguna, reported they dntpped the sel and ned When they realized they were· being watChed. Police summoned by the witness, trail- ed the two to the · roof of the restaurant and escorted them to the station where Uiey were being held pending iden- tification of the owner of the'TV set. Hotel Goes on Block RENO (UPI) -The Iiitemal Reveriue Service plans to auction off the once. famous Riverside Hotel Tuesday for failure to pay $46,284 in bacJc taxes, bar- ring any late de\'elopments. The suspect fled after a sidewalk wreslllnz m-;."11 police Boy his lden· lily is knQ.wn ·and a warrant will be aought for his __ arrest . on charges_ of -ultlng 1· 111' i>!1tcer '~ "'6pil;lo' .,qJ vlotallon o ~drui 'iaws. Acting <iii a tip~ Saporito loca ted a plastic ~g, containing WhJlt appearect .to be marijuana hidden in bushes outside 726 Glenneyre St. Ltaving the evidence In plaee, he called for a plaid clothes stakeout by Sgt. Norman Babcock, but before the' latter arrived, a car pulled up ·ahd i woman passenger got out and took the bag. Spotting Silporito's black and white Police'. unit, the woinan fled on foot. \Vhen the officer attempted to place the male driver of the car under arrest, the latter tried to run bu\ was downed by S~porito. , • . During the ensuing struggle, the of· ficer's gun holster was opened, the suspect grabbed Lhe gun and held ·it at Saporit.o's stomach, police said. H~ had succeeded in wr~tling.tPe gun from suspect when Babcock. arrived and joined the fray, but the man broke away from both officers and escaped on foot. A warrant for bis arrest wUI be sought· from the district attorney's offi~ today, police said. No injuries (or even torn uniforms) were reported after the battle., ·"I Do Love You~ However DAILY PILOT Stiff PM• THiNKfNG ABOUT RUNNING Los Angel11 D~ Y-ounger Yonnger Thi nks Of Run ning for Attorney ~eneral Evelle Younger, Los Angeles' District Attorney who says he hasn't decided yet whether to lry for California Attorney General, greeted 300 Harbor Are.a Re- publJc!"!I ?ul)day .wh<uthfnk ~e S~!;!u1d. Y~, "'""Ranle!l bf hit Wile, hret with the promiTient GOP personalities at a Sunday evening dinner at the Balboa Bay Club. He told them he still isn·l a candidate. "But I'm thinking seriously about it," he added, 'Itle Los Angeles DA was intrcxluced at the affaJr by Orange County District Attorney Cecil Hicks. The · 300 Republicans assumed a fresh title for the ev~nt, "Orange Countlans Urging Evelle Younger for Attorney Gen- eral." Younger, whose 28 years in law en· forcement includes service as an FBI agen~. deputy Los Angeles City Attorney: and municipal and superior court judge: of late has served on President Nixon's Task Force on Crhne and Law Enforce· ment. If he does decide to follow the Orange County GOP group's urging, he would try for th~ seat of Tom Lynch, the only Democrat in the Reagan Administration. who first was elected Attorney General under the Governor's predectssor, Ed· mund G. Brow·n. Younger told his supporters he would have an answer for them sometime early next year. " •••• When the woman tn yo1,1r life tells you she loves you, bqt you dress like an old fuddy-duddy, it's time · to take a good look in the mirror. Do you see' a suit without shape, 'yesterday's narrow lapels and a tie to match? Shirt the same subtle shade of white that Calvin Coolidge 'vore? U so, it's time tor a trip to Bidwell Country. Let us shOw you \Vhat's bapp~ning. We can't turn £uddy·duddies into dandies,."but we can supply the suit that makes even the most conservative man look stylish, feel comfortably self·assured. You can trust us. You can also bring your wife aloni. ·J ~£ks~ig~ll 3167 Via Lido at Newpottis.uievard, N~wport Beacb · Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m. ' I . I I ) " t I I ! I I l I , I ' I' I l I . •• ._I --:'.:. I -I ,.1 ' ,;] fl n • 7 v ti , I• • ti • s t. f ! I I WEATHER DOES PERMIT-Cocktails will be served on the ter- race of the Newporter· Inn, scene .of tbe upcoming annual gala sponsored by the ;rueScley Uul! of NewpOrt• Harbor, if the'weather pennits, and it appears'ittctoes as the ·Mmes. Benjamln •Modes.ti,. . . . . -. Zonta Dinne r fr.".' 1':\?··'" · <,..::JA.,(J.\_1r,-. ... ~ ~Menu Ri.vals ~ • •• . f :'W6rld's Which is more delightful -an English trifle, an ' lta\j.an scaloppine or German salad? Or·a French hors d'oeuvre or a Dal\ish .plate o( fruit and cheese.? Since it might be difficult to make up one's mind, the Zonia Club of Newport Harbor decided to serve them all, a~ong. with s~veral .other courses, at its Jnternauon·al Gourmet Dinner ·saturday, 'Nov. 22, in the-Zonta Clu~ house. The occasion will be sterling as·th.e club also is cele· brating the 50th anniversary of Zonta lnternational. Each of the tables for 12 will be decorated with a theme from a different country, representing one of the 33 countries where a Zonta Club is located, After champagne is served at 7: 30 p.m. and the candles are lighted for dinner, hostesses in form'al black, wearing organdy English caps and apro11s will begin the serving. the courses and Zontians preparing lhem are: hors d'oeuvres, France, Pate, Mrs. Charle9 Winfield; soup, Greece, Lemon Soup, Mrs. Donald Schoenmehl; entree, Italy, Scaloppine de Tacchino, Robert Harbison (the only male-allowed ln the kitchen) and Mrs. Jack Rein-- ert, risotto alla Milanese, Mrs. Carleton Mears, and Asparaci, Mrs. Joseph Hamblet; salad, Germany., Spin- a\.Salat, Mrs. Roy F9X and Mrs. Laura Lagiosi dessert, England, Trifle, Mrs. Ervin Campbell and Mrs.' George Schoonover. and cheese and fruit, Denmart, Mrs. Jlol>. ert Grizzell. A ·coffee a~nd. liqueur course~ representing America, will cobclud1 the repast. . . · Other Zoo.ta Club mei;nbers assi~ting ,with arrange- ments are the Mmes. Joe Carlos, chairman, and R. L. Bacon, Waldemar Ac~er, Virginia Attwill, James Gal· lagher, Hobart Loud , Virginia Luther; Lucille Wanlle, Eugene Bergeson, Robert Jayred and Dr. 'Hilda Mc· Martius King 81)d Floyd Buell (left to right), preview \he 6 p.m. social hour .. 'J.'he Saturday, Nov. 22, gala is the highlfg~t of the club year and is open to all club members and their guests. ' ' I J I I i ' . . " • - • ' • .. ...,_ __________ .. ·BIA ANDERSON, Edllw • ' -.... • ......,. ,,, 1• • , ... ,, . • 7 ., ' . - •. I If you don't care to dance and bfidge Isn't your forte, then you'd better be. adept .i enjo)'.ing a tourmet dinner or listening t<> music. ~ ' > That is,. U you are a member of lhe Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor, for these are the program highlights planned for the club's annual fling, a dinner dance Sat.1 urdaY-,-Nov. 22:--In,the Newporter Inn. . ------- Cocktails will be served on the terrace at 6 p.m ., weather permitting, and dinner w~ll follow at 7:30 p.m. Since the yearly fling is open to the entire member- ship and their guests, the chairman, Mrs. P. D. Endsley, decided to reserve space for tabJes of bridge to accomo- date those who do not dance.-Thus, all the club mem- tiers and guests SliOuta fUKl:-something ottnterest, •heth- . er it be dining, dancing, bridge or listening. Mrs. Martius King, co-chainnan, has indicated that the dress will be 1semiformal and rourld tables of 10 will ·be set for dinner. · : Decorations, being arranged by Mrs .. Bert SewelJ., will accent fall colors, Using colored leaves and pampas grass. · · Other members .assisting with preparations include the Mmes. Floyd ·Buell, reservatiorui;'&ymond Lewis, tickets, and William Stephenson, prlz~,,. • Greeting guests and preseJ>\lng distaff partygoers with corsages will be Mrs. Jolin Simpson, hostess. The flowers will be arranged on a large topiary tree which \vill be placed near the entrance. Dancing to the music of R~ss Erickson and the Noteworthies will conclude the gala. - Lidoite Selected For Honor A Lido coed has be<n selected as one of 3 1 presentees who ·will b e preaenled to . Cardinal Mel,,. tyre during the 11711 "'-1111- . lion Ball Euler.Monday: 111e I 3th annuat ball iii being 11pa.uored ·by the S o c I a I Service Auxiliary · of Los Angeles and will lake place in the Beverly lfilton Hotel. Repesentlng the H a r b o r Area will be Miss Victoria· Louise Sork, daughter of Mr. and Mrl. Lawrence J. Sori. ' The presentees, daugbtera o( prominent families in Oran,e,' Loe Angelea, Ventura and Sano; ta Barbara counties, :.ow are In college and will return, h0me for the Christmas: holidays to be honored at a: series or teu and parties. The first, to honor them and: their mothers, will be given by' the Presentee Committee in· the ~Hancock Park Mme of' ·Mrs. Frill B. Bums Dec. 30,. Tea chainnan ls MrL Luther· H. Jolwon, who is being assbled by,Mrs. Alfred Vlctot" Ore:ia. '1artney. · .. • · " · ' Reservations will. be limited to 84 and may be made by calling Mrs. Bacon, 646-5466. Proceeds will benefit the e;tpansion fund for the Senior Citizens RecreatiOn Center. CUL TURES ~EET -East, west, north and aoUth will meet wben the ZOhta Club o! Newport Harbor hosts an International Gourmet , Dinner Saturday, Nov. 22. As a salute to·tbe 50th anniversary of Zonta International, the Zonta clubhouse will be decorated In 1themes of different countries where Zonta Clubs· have' beeri char- Another tea la being planned· by Mn. Henry E. Mc:Donald to honor Miss Nahey Lynn Pomeroy, dauihter of Dr. and fl.frs. William l>omeroy ol Bel Air. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thi5 letter Is for "Bystanders," the parent.! who were mad because their son didn't tell them ~f!U that his Dancee wu pregnant. They had sent out the weddlnr in- vitations, reserved lhe billroom, ordered the fklwers, engaged the caterers, etc. 1'he parents were told of the prepancy two weeks before the wedding and they were furious. They felt sure lhey!d been tricked. The mother added, "By then, of oDOrse."it was too lale to caDcel anythtngJ 50' ~ bride wore a tent and both tamilles were humiliated ." I t.hihk the kldJ were smart. 'nle same thing happened to us. When we told Ray's parent.I, hlJ mother became b)'IWl<al, She screamed, "Oh my God! My son bu been going wilh a slut for two yeanl How could such a Lerrlble thing happen in our family?" When we told.my folk<, (llY father yell- ed, "l'm·gotna to have the dirty rat ar· re1ted for rape!" When.I bied to tell him J wasn't raped, he acrtamed, "Shut up. U I say you were raptd, )'OU Were raped I" They refUMd to let WI get married in a church, '°we eloped. Jt'1 been five years now and we hate two 1only kids. But we always w1111 .. 1 lbat the false pride and ... tered. ·Ready to sample tbe seven course dinner:,. in ·appropriate a\tire,' are (left lo right) the Mmes. Laura' Lagios, Joseph Carlos and ·Jack Reinert. ing hand, especially In his chosen ·field . The doct.ar-husband ~won't pey .any .at .. tenUon to his sick kids,~.~ carpenter· hwsband won't fix the roOf. , . '\ .. I .thought yoy might:enjoy·a letter trom a wife who hai no cOmplaintr, In fact1 my husband Is the greatest guy In the wol'ld. mixed.up values of our parents kept us He Is a house painter and 'hn painted our from ha vjng the wedding we both wanted . hom·e inside and out every spring for the No r.eed to comment -just print this. lt Ian 14 years. He alscrdOel all \be plaster- mlght help to bridge the -GENERA· ing, carpenter Bnd i::abinet work, plum- TION GAP bing C\lxf electrical wiring. He figuret out DEAR GAP: Hert it ii. Tbanb for tbe our lricome tax every year and knows a brtdgt. Jot about law. He ii my psychiatrist and DEAR ANN LANDERS: I still am my guidance cOWLSelor .. ~n 1 have a &teaming over the letters from all those backache or stiff neck, 'hie I•' as good as women who bum rapped their hlL,hlnds. any chiropractor. And wait, thlt'a not all It seems ·every wire had the same gripe--he Is teaching ~ bo)'p to, play the -~husband rcfuaes to give her a help-clarinet Sigh me ' -LUCKY LADY DEAR LADY' Lockr'I• ript -bvt I . llyperlddnlil. Yev loller doet IOI .. , 'do llope, dear, U you ever need ID optra. ~wka )'OQ Jut NW I doder. ftere an , tloa· )'OI win call a P,01loa.1 ·~ IODle rtlaUvely llW medlealllu for tbl1 • , 1 • ••••1htl ,...,..._ uil If ya lleven't.,. DEAR ANN LANDERS; I'm sure pco-a ploJllclM lo.Ille p< Ove,JQn, Iv .. ple ol all ages read your column. Maybe JOI &o dt 11. 8Clmeone out there c:an give me the help I am looking for. I am a woman In my early &Os: All my lire J've been plagued with excessive per11plratlon on my1back. I've gone to at least alx doctors irid have received no relier. I've tried shots, pilla, salves and JoUons. It's been a waste of time and money. Perhaps aomebody who reads lhb knows or somethl111 lhat might bolp. I will try anything. -SOAKING WET IN PLAINFIELD DEAR SOAKING; YM m&J uve- An.1 Landers' book. '~Truth "v-- .Stranaer," a collecUon of her best~ umns over ·the put 14 yeara Is availab'9., at tmk stores. It alJG can be Obtalned bf' wrllin& Prentice Hall, Englewood Clllfs, N.J. i'rtce IU~. Ann Landers will be llad lo bolp }'Oii. wllh your problems. Sood -lo hlr In care ol tbe DAILY PILOI' -· enclosing a ,.11-addnll<d, -pt<t envelope . \ l l -~ ,., "" f. • .. _,, . . •• • . • " , . • -· . I • • . • • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . ' • ) ' • ! , • • 1 , • ' ' , ' . l , • • • • . --·-. . .. . . American ·Smile Cros ses . Oc~an . 8 DEE WED£MEY'ft.. .., bi<sfeeu!lke; ' 1 1 ->. 1"-York·). lbt top of the NEW YORK (AP . -That !iabloo lndllltr)' 811c1 the p1&<9 ·perky g~I with the ":¥-whe\'t ·modell earn more A m e r i c a n smlle on ilie money th&n &PY olher-tn • the mag1zine cover may look like world. "ft'1 Uke somelbinc the girl nm door but chances where you can't go further •• are 8be's European. says Germau model Sylvia Moddl with years of' ex.. Poorth. · perieoce in Paris, London. European models with ex· Rome and Milan have roroe to ~ almoit immedlately New Yor~ ma<lily o..,. the cOmmand aa1u1eJ of l80 to fl5 put decade and have become an hour and can easily e8l1l u an Ostai>llslied part of the much as $50,000 a ,W. Stan American fuhion scene. llke Britain's Joan Sbrimploa. Wllhemina, a German model and Twiggy earn $125 an boor. who has ~r own modeling Another lucrative field ls . agency, says one-third of btr televilion commercials but models .are European bom. union rules' limit the. w~rk or • TJ)e .8._t§wart ~geney say!!'ne.. foieign models there. . ·quart& of its models are Workini condltiODS here dif. "'ltw;OJ>ean. fer from Utoee in Europe. The ~... Aild. Jetey" Ford of the Ford girls stay primarily in one city ~odeling ·Agen_ey says one· here, instead of flying to a <,Jif· quarter of Fotd models are ferent job alDlOlt every day, European ani:I they account for They are hlnd bf the hour in- oile-h..U of the agency'• steadof bytheday.Andthey . .... ., . . . ' business. . have Stylists to comb their C • • A/ "They have a sort of girl-hair and plan their ac-ru1 s1ng ong ' hext-door, hiib fashion look," cessories, jobs they do • for · explains Wilhemina. "They themselves In Europe. Sailing aboard the SS Lurline on a 28-day cruioe have intrigue. ·They come with · of the Caribbean is Mrs. Mar$:aret ·Graves Of New- • ti>tally new f a c e to tlie · Top Sports Covorago /port Beach. The ship will vistl Curacao, Tril!idad. h M d f S · f p · / Ametican ·photograp~s yet . , . " ~bados, Martinique, San Juan, Acapulco and . In f e 00 or .fflng 0 ears • ,-; they have experience and in· 1n Th,. Daily Po.ot • other cities. • =,.,.,,,---tensilng.port!oliosc' ,---:;i•i!iiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill~ll'miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--~-::c-Tt's a returrrto""yesterytfar fOT"ftiembers , orst:-JOhn --Newporter Inn. SOciaI tiour Will-tieglll ITT wi din-Ford says another reaso~ the Baptist School Auxiliary as they oider sounds of ner at 8 p.m. Getting ready tb Necute a fox·trot to for the European models' suc- the big bands from Ray E.ngel's Hannonaires Sat· Mr. and A-1rs. Dennis Walz's string of pearls are Mr. cm is that they are hard urday, Nov. 22, in the crystal and velvet decor of the and Mrs. Gerald Walton. workers:, p u o c t u a I aod Engagement Bisclosed During Cocktail Party The betrothal of Peggy Ann · Robson and Earl S. Olrich II "'as disclosed during a cocktail buffet party in the Newport Beach borne or Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Olrich., parents of the prospective bridegroom. The bride-elect, a resident of Balboa Island, is tilt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Robson Jr. of Kirkwood, Mo. She and her fiance disclosed to the IO guests preoent that they will be married in February in Webster G r o v e s Christian Church, Kirkwood. Afiss Robson attended Miami University of Ohio and the University of M!ssouri. She affiliated with AJpha Chi Om!ga sorority and Phi Chi Theta business fraternity. T·h e bridegroom-lo-be re<;eived his BS degree from Uc.A ~ is doing eraduate work at San Fernando Valley State College. lie was a member of Blue Key men 's Sale Set In Hospital South Co a s t Community Hospital Auxiliary is hoping to attract a lot of buyers to its preChristmas sale which will take plact in the hospital's auditorium from 10 a.m.-to 5 p.m. Wednesday to Friday, Nov. 19-21. Mrs. Harry Sowden , gift shop chairman, will host the sale which features Oriental a p To n s, novelty ceramics. stuffed animals featured frOm the comics, night lights, purse mirrors, tote bags an<1 other unusual gifts. She 6aid Christmas card books will be on display in the auxiliary's office in 'the hospital. Proceeds from the gift shop h e I p support the hospital. Turkey Dinner Closes Bazaar A turkey dinner will be serv· ed at a bazaar pll!Jned by Mesa Rebekah Lodge 40% on Thursday, Nov. 20, fu. the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Temple, Costa Mesa. 'llle bazaar featuring a country store and bomebaked goods will open at noon with dlrmer served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Andr e w Lolmough, 543-7109, or Mrs. Douglas h~orgam, 548-1938 are taking reservations. The lodge also will celebrate Its 21st birthday with a special celebration on Tuesday even· bet Nov. 18. ., ' ""'" ...... """' . . PEGGY ROBSON February Bride hofwary .and was.. vice presi- dent of Theta Delta Chi lrattmUy. Artist ~peaks And Exhibits Stitchery and tapestry artist Mrs. Leo Richards will ·give an evening p res e n ta t ion to members of Newport Harbor- Santa Ana Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Tuesd~y, Nov. 18. The irtist, who opens an ex· hibit at the tn vi.t at ion al California Ci'afts the 1ame day, attended art school In Springfield, Jll. aod currently teaches at Santa Ana and Fullerton YWCAJ, Laguna Beach .µpw and Huntington Harbour Beach Club. Those interested Jn at- tending tbe 8 p.m. meeting in the home · of Mrs. Carl Schwan Of santa Ana shoUJd c&n Mrs. Roos SCol~ se1101 or Mn. Gordoo Nledringba111, 13MTIS. Speaker Sees Developments Knowlton Fernald of La.rtma Niguel Corp. will discuss Plans for future development in the area during a meeting for Junior Section, South Coast! Club in the Lagu:ia Niguel home of Mrs. Phillip. Brabyn Thursday, Nov. 20. Further information · about the gathering may ·be obtained by calling Mrs. Jack Weber, 49$-5541. Open ,, .. 1·v... JU4 \IA LIDO ALL CllDIT 'tfl 9 . NIWPOIT MACK CAIDl ,Wll.COMI ·- • Book Week Spotlights Children Mieliael Stbcktons- NatlOnaJ attention will be fo- cused on children's books next week as libraries throughout the country arrange special programs to highlight National Chlfdren's Book Week. Newport Beach Library, Balboa branch, will reatUre an exhibit enUUed 100 Years of Children's Literature. 1Rare books owned by the library also will be on display .. The week will close with en- tries due for creative writing c«intest entitled Out of This World. Deadline is Nov.; 22 with awards to be made at a Dec. 15 Christmas party at 4 p.m. in Mariners Library. Frames Topic Larry ·Lair, assisted bY his, wife , will discuss the .art of framing with Niguel Art Association members a n d guests-rn the auditorium of Crown V a 11 e y Eleme.1tary School. Laguna Niguel at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. The public is invited to at- tend the lecture, a n d refreshments will be served. Malting their home In Costa ~e=e~i~w~ ~;.e:agM~:. Michael Thomas Stockton. The newlyweds were married in an afternoon ceremony in Dutch Flat Methodist Church. The Rev. Philip Mt'Gallian officiated. The bride, who wore a white crepe waltz length dress, is the former Jeannette Louise Scheuffele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scheuffele Young Singers livj:tn Brunch The globe-trotting Mitchell Boys Choir will sing for members of Wednesday Morn· ing Club of Costa Mesa Wednesday, Nov. 19, In the Balboa Bay Club following a 10:45 a.m. brunch. The club is looking forward to a series of upcoming events including an Arts Zld. Crafts SecUon on Friday, Nov. 21, at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. B. L.1Glbbs of Mesa Verde. Home of Alt.a. The bridegroom i.5 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stockton o( C:Osta Mesa. Attendants, dressed in light blue princess style ensembles, were the Misses Janet Weber, matron of hono'r, and the bride's sisters, · Sandra and Sharon Sc h euffele , bridesmaids. The benedict was attended by best man Steven Lomba of Sacramento and bro t be rs Mark and Gordon Stock.ton, ushers. Miss Glenda Francisco handled the guest book for a reception in Dutch Flat Com- mu~ty Center attended by special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kline of Elk City, the bride's grandparents, and tbe Leroy and Dean Kline famillts of Sacramento. The new Mrs. Stockton W&S; gradua ted from Colfax High School and her husband was graduated from C.osta Mesa High School and served in Yietnaro 8Nl Germany ~ the Air Force. B9th plan to attend Orange Coast College. PRESCRI PTIO N FOR CHRISTMAS PANIC (Guaranteed to cure those what·am·l-going-to·give · and·how·will·l-pay·for-it-headaches). It's none too soon 10 do youi-Christmas shopping. And our special H.A.P. (Hid•·A·Way Plan) tonic can help m•ke It one of the merriest Christmases yet. J ust select your gift. Start your payments et your convenience after Christmas. You11 have everything all taken ·care of in advance. Pretty strong medicine# isn't it. SLA..VICK'S Jewelers Si11ce ltl7 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1310 ¥01" (lllrte "--1 WtletfM -••11~A1!11rie.fd, Mt,ltr c;i.1..,e. KIO o,_ M......,, Md.., ••"' t :JO p.111. South Coast ?laza ' SANT A'S HOME •.. AWAY-FROM-HOME Mtve. Al SAN DUGO l'ttrwAT, CO$TA Mt:IA .Young mod desi gns, brigh t stripes, granny flor· al s, tot n teen pri nt s galore. Priced especially for pre Ch ristmas sewing. A cudd ly soft and warm "la bric. 36'' wi de 59c yd. v•lu e gu•r•nf eeG ""••h•bl• ... NO-WALE C8RBIRIV THE NEW FASHION RIGHT FABRIC It" hore now!·F•shion by t he yard! This is the f•bric you've been ~s~ing for. Durable as corduroy but has the softn ess and feel of expensive velveteen. ITAUAN IMPORTS! FABRJ[C§ "m.IJ ,, tlano TWEEDS 1 oo•;. cotton COTTON PRINTS 100-t. nylon NYLON PRINTS $2.29yd. 100•;. ettrogen ac1tlf1 $2 29 SATIN SOLIDS 1 yd. Solt fall colors on• posh dress and suit weight tweed ideal for the new tweend boll bottoms. rayon, acry lic, cotton nylon & linen blend. 100% ny lon NYLON SOLIDS $2.29 yd. 5"/60" wide lb'' to '45" wid• gu•r•nt•ed wtshable HUNTINGTON CENTE~ EDINGE R AT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH Ofl'IN MON. THI U P•I. 10 'TIL t fl'.M-sAT. 'TIL I P.M. MN U MRICAID & MASTll CHl"l •rA"tclPflD Ofl'IN-SUNDATS 11-1 TMiU DICIM IR 7 colors 897°8013 1 ! ' I ,_ 'I '1 I ~ I I ' I I ' I ' f ' I • • ' I • • ---- ' ' • 'f ' • - . • ·~-~Y. ~.w.~ .. VO~. f>2, .NO. 275, ~ ~ECtlONS, SO PAGES' ORANGE d>UNTY,,¢.ALIFORNIA' MONDAY, l'lc>VEMBER '17, l9U • ~ . . -.- ltP ollo ·Hu r tles Uner ring ·:',f OWara· ~MOtin -O~:< ! •• + ; • • ! .. . . ":' .~ ;•-.r ' .: + • SPACE .CENTER, Houston . (UPI) -were 28,Dell mlles•from.Jhe IJ100<I wbfre be/ore Conrad and u .. n de.sc;.., .to the folks back· -an-early morning ...... l!Oan. > 'G!\l'd6ii.'wniod tt-ap:. .. ' ApciUo~tt's sleepini: crew sped faster and t~o of .them '!ill l!lfld early Wednesday. surface. early . Wednesday in ~r lunar-tetevisJon view of the apprOaching moon The Sl-minu~ telecast came during tile ~e'fei .. un. Jn 9'I ~:till ta.ir ,toda)' ioW~. t,heir rendezvous Ground controllers de~ed, that a landing vehicle nicknamed Intrepid: and the 1pider·lip: landing aiUp before fintl checkout ~· ~ lu~ar· 'niodqle ~t •. ;a ilercllll.~~ ~Wiii. .. with.the moon .. 1¥f C®ise so pEecise a. ~~-Ocl;O@_p]§nned~l'! .2:11 P·ll!· . APolloll'o ·noontime opeed -was 2,11t lh'1 went.to bed lorthe day.-· I.~ !Je!cire t()f .-.u11 oiJni IBjo:' • 1am:1 llM\l IOllll.~!Dl'Gf mlcl.- nnai.. .. navigationaL... corr.ectioo _ was . PS,T,..t.Qd_ay _wpuld oot .be ne:cessaryJ>elore. miles an hour. But by' the time lt whips A.t Gne pt'l..nt. Ute:caaiera PiCkeifup th& orbit ~ the ~oon tonllht. · to dririk1 and wl:V.-~.!19' .....,-. scrubbed. the spaceship whips into lunar orbit five behind the moon tonight it will have ac· approld:lin1 ·yepow guarf.ei: m Ot n. ·AU WIS• Jn order, with both the but we do mlU t.bt~ ilDPJe' ... !AJ'f a;m.,,PST, Wilh the·lorce of lunar hours ... later. Charlei :l~~te'' Coqr-a,d, celerated to .more then .S1000 miles an MlSslon control aaked the utronauta niaChlnery 1ahd tt.t· Crew, for America's Jlonlt..,' ' -·' " -, ,_' lflv,llJ JIUllin& the craft·at~"¥ ev:er in· ~ F. Gordon l!.n4 4!U L.,Qi?aiiwill hour. ' . ,.. ' \\'hereitbeY~ like to·go onithe moon. second lunar landing and man's first The telecut,.third since Friday's hu. c~eesiDC:sPtetf, the tliree.,U.S. spacemen mlk&_l4molutionl .Of tbe ~ Tuelday Conrad, Go/don arid Bean· gave the · "~~~": ;repli~. ~ .o~V~Jy.. .-:1.~~ f1P1~~:9f_,..ap~ali1en ~°"Id,', 1 · ·r~·b~f\.~~11:;14..1'-lll-',. • • t ~ . -"' • ' ' , ' , . ' Gamidg Grtdg~ts ~r.-~fJfJed Garden.Grove policeqien unlo8d g.iniblirig e!'.{uip-ohc Churc~. No ~ne ,was. arr.ested, bllt poiiCe are rn'ent·corifiscated1by vice'. officers·w~a1~~e.ct ·l1l·on · · conteipplatin4 actu~n. S~e ,storr1J.alf 3. ,..~ .. r'Y., !~fUnd•~ng.r eVtnt'~~·~y at $tti~li~ 1."'-.... 1,~·~~~. }~ .. 1.1 • , • '" ' J ': . Brm:d ii · 6-eis -$60 · Irt 'M~sa Burger . . .. Stand Robbery _ A robber . wieiciiMg a .45 ··caliber automatic popPed tnto a Jaclt in 'the Box · Drive·thru in Costa Mesa Sunday and popped ,out again with .. $60 in cash after forcing two employes to lie on ·the noor. Countermen Aulusune Rodriguez and zachtry Geelhoed tpld police the gunman entered the hambuiger stand ·at 385 E. 17\b 'St. al.1 :3S a:m. with his hand in his ~ieL Wheil he took· his 'h~d out. of his poCk'et, it held the autlimS.tlC. . "Giv~ me the ,money in a sa'ck," he sa~.''The'men 'obeyed. The robber forced the1 ,two to lie · on . the floor, then fled thtougb a· service $tion next door to a 1961 Chrysler parked on Tustin Street. lle'then ,drove off.' The susP,ect was de· scribfi1f•<haVing a light .be'af.d and p.:rly blonifb8ir, ·wearing •blUe ·Slacks with a tultrenchcOOt. : · . ' Stock Mnrkl<t ' " ~ -~. .. • -~ote~ Cdasi Physician .,. ,( ' I . Dr. DaVid Nielsen Dies By EVELYN SHERWOOD Of lltt C.llJ Pli.t Stiff • Dr. David I. Nielsen, president or the Orange County Medical Association. and civic leader in Newport Beach for many years, died tOday at Hoag Memori8i Hospital.· He was 49. · Prominent in Orange County ·medical circles and former court physiCian to King Paul of Greece, he had been suf· fering from cancer, in recent ·months. Dr. Nielsen was born in Minnesota . During his early life his family returned lo their native Detimark, then came back to America in 1936. His activities ~rt Orange 'County medical and civic wof.k· included award·\viilning ''1ork for the American Heart Association In 1960, and service as president of . the Orange County Academy of Internal Medicine. Dr. Nielsen served as a trustee on the old Newport Beach Elementary . Scllool District board. · ~e was selected Man of the Ye.ar, In 1959 by the Newport Harbor C~imber of Commer~. . ,.., 1.-• ~e also ,Was aottve in Kiw8riis Club ac· tiVitieS, having served' as I lleutenartt governor~ fcir -.the Kiwanis"'· t;Jillfbrnia· Nevada region. . . , ~ Marine l:ilied 0 11 High ~ay He served' as a medical officer for the Army ·Medical Corps and lhe Air Force during World war· JI.. I • Dr. Nielsen 's aCademic credits Included a doctor of medicine degree in lt45 from the University of Nebraska, followed by a degree from the Hospital of Vienna, B--F· ll h M •. · ' A t Austria, in 1947. _ ·, V 1 e U W_ , artn e. s. .u 0 Shortly alter receiving that diploma J 1 Dr. Nielsen served in the court of ·the One of,three El Toro Marines who were "·8Jkina ~ct to their base1Sunday night was strUck • tilled by a car driv.en by a fellow Marine. ' · · Dead when €alifomia' 1 H i g h w a y patrolmen reached the accident scene on· Trabuco Rold near Sand Canyon Road \\'as Pvt. DOnald R. Harlin, 20, Pvt, ,... Couty Traill< 1911 1• Dealll T~ . 111 · Greek king. Harlin's ~eath '. Was 'the ~d in· He received specialist~& ·training In in· vesUgated Sunday by coroner's. >Officers. ternal medicine ,'in 1952 at --Lonc Beach Kevin 01,Brien, 22, o(J..oeg,Beach, died .. , Veteran's·Haspilal. earlY-Sunday w~en 'Jl1s ·sportscllr ' 3p-· He leaves his widow, Elise. of the faml· parently went oul of control on the Jy home, 25115 Tqstln Ave., Newport Garden Grove Free.way apd ~mas!\ed into ·seich: three daughters, Teri, Cristina ·a guardrail near t-Oe Golden West Street and Lisanne; three sons, David, Stephen offrairlp.'' r and Paul, all or the home. Officers said O'Brien was alone In the Other survivors include t~ree sisters, c~r ,and was dri~ipg a,t high speed when Mrs. Joy Barnes and Mrs. RUth Leedom. he !ailed to negotiate a curye in the both of Costa Mesa, and Esther Fair of JlarUn's home address was withheld to-Jrfeway .... • ' ?.-iinnesota, and one grandchild . <iay by Marine officials pending noUfica· The death Saturday or a Pomona man Se rvices will be heid Wednesday al 11 lion of his next of kin. who was severely hl}med Nov. 9 in a · Patrolmen said the three Marines were Brea traffic accklent brought the a.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian walking south wlth their hicks to south· weekend tralfic toll to three persons. Church, Newport Beach. M i Ii t a r Y bound traffJe.when Harlin was struck-by William J. Morrow, ff, died in St. Jude graveside rites wlll follqw at Fairhaven 1 car driven by Pvt. Kenneth Fisher. 21, Hospital, Fullerton of injuries received Memorial Park in Santa Ana. also of the El Toro Maline~ Air Sta· when his ·Station wagon skidded off Bell Broadway Mortuary in COsta Mesa ton. Harlin's two companions were Lrunbert Road a!1d llniahed upside down will handle arrangement&.. , unhurt Ill. 1 flood control chlnnel. Friends who wish mav make memorial . . ' ' No cbarttS will be tiled against Fi.sher. Morrow WJS pJ!led from the blazing contributions to the Dr. David l. Nlelsen t HP ofncen,Qid. Thty said the 1ccident "ehicle by firemen. His passenger, Mrs. Memorial Fund of the Orange County occurrtd on·•'.!partlcularly dark llrelch" Kathleen McCluskey, 39, of Brea, died in Medical Association, 3JJ ~Flower St., fl Trlliuto-¥loid... · · --~-•.~e l)Jazlng vehicle.. -Or&Dge. ---~-.......,_.,.... •• ,. • .. ' , " I . "~j .. p·. . ,, . M- . . . 1-· (~--. -· .-.. eace. -on.-._" Lesa •. : .. St. Clair, Cit y Reac h 'A g re~inent· .. . ·- Councllma~ William st. Clair, who has beeJl . at freqlJtflt. odds with v&rious tnembeta-..of.'..Ooeta...1Mesi.!11 City-Council and city admln!ltrators, pt e p a r e d another "whife papU" for tonight's buslnta aessloh. 'I! irlll probably never'he ·d<llver..t. Sf. · ~lr. who• raised streniious ob-jecti~ to a.study m-4e. on' the role of lhe ftbance director in Costa Mesa's city lovemment, conferred this morning with City Attorney Roy June and City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie. As a result of the morning se§Sion, It was expected that St. Clair and McKenzie are likely to issue a joint statement Hearing Slated Dec.15 for. l . I , ~ Bribe , Suspect w . ~ pre~iooli'CliWrl!Clfot '"- Adn»a mad l&med" />(" i_yemptll11 to brihe HimUilcton Beach Mayor Jack Green has been set for t ,i .m. Dec. 15 In West Orange County.Munid_pal Court, W estmlnster. William New, 66, Phoenix, was ar· r,aigi;ie:d. ~Is. mor.ni?& j n W~in~t.er •. on two cow;ita of attemptlrtl to bribe a pub- lic Official. He is free on $12.oOO ball. He waS irrested Nov.. JO, wtVJe ·~merg lhg from the · fi'.isherman lrestaurant, after allege'(l.1y making his second offer of $4,000 to the ' mayor in return for favorable lnfluepce on a proposed ·zone change. · New had allegedly made the first flnan· cia1 'offer a1 week earlier; at which UJne Green contactA!d po~ce 'Vho wqrk~ with the qiayor for a week .ipvesttg~\inl' the matter .. · New allegedly sought help from the mayor for a zone change on 20 acres of industrial land near Slat.er Avenue and Gothard Street. Drug Suspect I njured · in Fall ' Fleeing Officer Fleeing• the Jong ·arm of th! Jaw, a Costa Id,~ You!I! ._.iid of Po""sslng sjx stlci1 of mat1JJana ~Jed' a ,5f:(.foot ' . I -' . . ~ fence, then hurtJta 16 feet down tbe other side; landing' on . his ·held. .. Police said Douglas James Cowan; 19, of 735 Joann St., Costa Mesa, ran away from two officers after they asked to sea rch him In a darll;ened parking· lot behind 1714 Placentia Ave. ' He jumped over a .chain-link fence at the north end of the lot, apparently unawl~e that It was much hij:her1 on the . other side, police said. Cowan tumbled , headlong, breaking bones in both.legs and suffering a.coo. cussion. As he Jay there, police re1J10Ved, six· hanc!-ro)~ .clgiu:ette' ~tainin,-a substanc:e,r•mblinc ·marl)U"18 from-bis right front lrouaef PQCket. • . ., · Hew.,, P.(ac;ed ,upder-arresl·and taken to Colrt8 M• Memortal HOlpit.al, w~e " he was treated Ud tnnsferred to the in· flrmary ward ol Orange County Jail. Vatican Thief Gets Haul-Worth $3,200 • VATICA~,CITY (AP) -A cat burglar Who hid In the aip)la of st. Pete:rt1 Bailllca trrok~ into a IM?"ve.nfr ,hop on tt\e root of'the cathedral duHng the nlgllt and stole , cutti' n!lllious objectl: a n d 1 souventra:, many ci u.tm gold, Vatican ' ofllc!als aald. Ooe1 ·source estlma&ed the 1,.. . at · about 13,11111. Mqr. )l'auato Vallalnc, the Vatican ' press •Pokesman, said mile· of Uit 1bJsille1's tre3sui'es waif) missing . tonight that wOuld indicate .past troubles haVe dissolved, . Other-i~ll)l-on-tonight!s. 7 P;ll\- buslness seSslori agenda 'are Of a more routine nature. · . , · A P11bllc h'tlrfng at i :30 p.m. will discuss a speclile pl~n1 for,~ streets sooth of Talbert Avenue, betweeri Harbor Boulevard and the Santa Ana RiVer. All fllture public hCarings will be ~ld· at Tuesday nigti~ legislative leSJl.io~. under the new scliedule adopted by Qi• councll last .week to cope with a heavy work load. . • Swap meets will be dealt with in a new.. ordinance up for . second reading ; and ' " •• ado!Xion tonjgbt In the «;ooncll C21lii!-· ilers.-' • ' -. t-.:.,,Aocordin(-IG~c~~~cr.rt.. C!Jarl<a :i.. Pri!'l,'Jhe new orduiance 'lrill r.iluco .. ~ number al. "ic><fallect ~~prop Sales.": ·· '· .-r·--w --: . i. •-n.i. way; j,edpie with iJdnP ·to·een will be ~le .~ ta,ke . thelJl to ai ~ll11 location to 41'Po'e of lhem," 1\e iilcE . Also on. the a~a \I a reg~ ·fer~ permission ·t~ ereet a· ·ts;; : ~, 15\ti billbdard at IS'l1>'15118 Ntwport lloulevard: The frequently-pootponOd rei!Ueit' l!1 Iiarokl Soper Adveitl..,,, Inc. o1 . G1e.i- 4a1e has been r..ommended tordenial'b1 lhe' planriln& cominisokJo. . · , ' ' ' ~ ' . Joseph l(ert:it.iedy Li~I ·: · I ! ( t , ' '. , ~:eqrG·JJe &h ~<it:A~:"*1-'..'. :"'. : :J. < _.; I i I I, f •; , ~ ... · ' HYANNIS PORT, Mw. AP) - Former Ambassador Joseph'P. K~. father of a seaside Arii~'rican. polltl~ ~~ty, was near deajh 1today "al hit honle in the Kennedy cotnpound on Cape· Cod. ' His sole surviving son, Sen. Edwa~d M. Kennedy (O.Maal, wu at hll bedo!dt. His cOndU.~ ·was detcribfd as· "•ery '1ow" by 1' hls son·in-liw', AJnbusador Sarient Sbiiver, shortly before I a.m. "The end la only a millet Q.f hours away," Shriver told a newamln alitr"at- tendlng early morning Mass at St. fran° els . Xavier Roman Catholic Church in HJ!annla. .' Kennedy, father of the, late President John F. Kennedy, is 11' and has been in pOor, bealtfi for eifbt ·years. He MJffet;ed "hit a .doctor said· w1;1 a mtnor.;.J,eart attack over. the1weekerid. , Shriver said. the former ambassador has been unable to eat for several days. Shriver and his wUe, Eunice, Ken- nedy.'s eldest d8ughter, new here 'Sunday rrom Paris. Shriver is U.S. ambassador to France. ' Mrs. ijose Kennedy, matriarch of the Kennedi ,clan; al~ attended M~s this momlr1g at St. Francis Xavier's, though nol with Shriver. She entered the tlnJ church quickly, and remained Inside tOr several minutes ~ after the service ru over. ' .,~ There wis~ no word on whether Ken; n~y )'U i;im.claua, but one unofJ1c:lal source said he was· gtven the'last rites of the R«aan Catholic· Church Sunday. Richard Cardinal CUBhlnJ,ol .llostoo, a long-time faJ111ly.f[leqil .. sa1d Sun~ay1that he had r~lved, a telephone c&ll ll'OO} the. tainllY "adVislfl& me that he h~d a very serious setback, and it seems \hat the good L«d Js about 1 to take him In ·.lhf' !oresee'able"ftit'll're.'.' · • '' .• Besides Edward aod his family and the Shrivers, other·members o( the family; at the COJ11pound included Pattlci~ Kenftedy Lawford and Jeaa KeMedy Smith, whose huSband·Stephen also .was there . , Jacqueline Onassis, widow o! t~e late president, was en route tO the Cape from· Europe. . ' And a family spokeSman Said ·Ethel Kennedy,.wido)¥ of the late Sen. R4}bert F'.: KennedY, had been , notified -of the. elder Kennedy'~ cOndiUOJI and might . return to the cape, also. · . ' India Premier ' . Wins Struggle T " ·NEW 'IiEi.lli cAPJ .:. Prime Mi~1;1er Indira· oaOdbi easJly won today her:. fird, major teSt Jn Parllal]le'lt since. the bteatup of her rulmg con""' par11 -indicating her governrntnt will be ab~. to aurvlv~ despite the Ioli ol Ila ~lute majority. ' · With the al<1 ol lnde_petldeilia, Soctallots and Conuhuhlltl.I;-1he defeated a censui'e motion brOu&,ht by the rtght·wllig Swatan- tra 'part1 crlUch:ing the igovernment·s ~ partlclpotion·ln ttoe Rabat Islamic .,... mit conference in SCpte:mticr. UPI' Te~ RE PORT ED. lil EA!t 'DEATH •• Jo1oph P. 'Sonno<!'f , .. . " . l . •• ~ • .,, Hotel ~on·Block · · • I I •: • l,t : ! ' l ~ '1 ~1 ENO;(UPl) -'"" ·lnlemal ll<vOnuo Sfrvice .planll to audl\:Jn oft th.! ¥~e; fNllOUS Riverside" lH•t ' 1fuesday1 lot lailure to pay $11,211 In back iax<;S, bar· ri.Og any late df;velopri1eDB; \ . -1 • ' ' ' 't I or .. g., ; . /\' . ·. c:.an ' ' . .. ...._-.· ! I .q q; t. 'ti ,._ I• ' f 'Sunny "'9 ;.u..,...,., 1-blt1o!' ' 1 early m6rnln1 lot wtD prevail oytr I the Orange COao(Tueod13' u temp. eral~res clln& Jn &he temperate middle 70's. , ,. J •· • . INSJl)E 1'Q~i\~., , Sylvia Porter ¢•F• fiou,. jail : Jl!Grning h1 lier finandol cdl"""' · on-Pag• 22 tod•v ·of Ille kq.d'o/ con/Uiion . to e:pe'c1 aihtft ""' · ·vear'• tat form's afr.itk. • 4 ~ • = --· ·-' DMlllJ ....... .. ...,.... ,. .... ·-...... ......... f ~ ......... _ .. < • 4"-... • ~· :.-:::',~· ,4J ,,.,. ..,...,,... .. :: i::r-= '-4 .......... • .: .:' ~ ""'• ·-*"' • --.. J: ._.._ ... . -~ . ~ ... ~ New Antonia .1::+ppeafi Atrorn.ey Plans w ;Empha•i~e J~iCial .Ert,6r --• ' I" ' ~ Appareiitqunniffl~ by Supreme<:ourt EvldenCe hi 1Uppor:t of that areument .c~m, howevff, ~rd a jurist Cafi. rejtctlan of hll argumenl.s, Antonia williriclUde a lie detector test and a hyp-fMs in the post-verdict polll~ INt ,~e had ~ 'lbomas' lawyer today is planning a new not~ exilerlm<tli. · "Ju~ Jiil"" ~'wtill the ll)ll«<JtY ~n appeal tllat will be based on a "recenlly Mn. 'J11omas, 27, ls currentl; Jl;li'.Vlnl '1: the JU?Y.re~ \la v~. "·· red' ! " ' PUTURI OP VERY PRIVATE IALIOA IAY CLUB AWAITS VERDICT OP VERY PUBLIC VOTERS BBC · Le.ase Before Counc·il ' ~:, Election, on Proposal Suggested for Jan. 13 ·Newport.Belch 'c11y CGUDcljmen lonlght WHI conslder calUng for a Jan. 13 elec- tion on extension of the Balboa Bay Clllb'a ,-of·c1ty-owned property. :It la liblY,the,propooed •lecUon dale ttm be approved.' Mayor Dotten Mar· olWI, Vlee lf'!'OI' Lindsley Patl!ON and Councilman· Paid J . Gruber recommend· • it In·.•· committee report to. the lull ~ npori, which was released illls l!iomlng; endor,.s amending the lelS< lo eowr 55 years. The cun-ent lease has a Jiii tertnlilat!Ol'I date. The new leue -1ld expire In 2024. l Cost of the electioo will· be l?orne en- tirely by. the Balboa Bay Club. It could IJlll .. higb as ll0.000, according t<> the tbree-member cOuncil committee. ·Mayor Mar11ball, Vice Mayor Parsons aiJd ewricllman Gruber spent f l v e nlontha negotiating w I t h Balboa Ba1 Clltb vtce ~e'nt ~hard Steven! and other club officials before endorsing the Jease exteoslon propoul and r&:ommend· lni an et.ctlcli Cdale. I . began in earnest tut July when Develop- ment Research As$0Clates (ORA) ·of Los Angeles · said the ·alternative js to t'ar down the massive private club in ~ and IL1rt over with SOln<t!Ung new. DRA, prominent municipal linalicliig COlllO~ tants, said that alternative wu neither reasonable nor reallsUc. Since then. Moy<>r Mars'>atra commit· tee has been pressihg fot revliSOns ln the original Bay Club offer, made almost 1 year ago. . Stevma: aid··hll usoclates, ea1er to pt ~ way u eoon u poaaible with an ~ PfOll'lltl.; have not been in much.of a barialolng ·position. They need the -uteDded ·fem in order to obtain loans . fQr the pioposed $5 mllllon re- buildlng . J>roject. . . Jt is for that ruson that they offered to piy all the cOllS of the special election, a.greed to arcbltect.uraJ control over ex. _.,. 1111111. .-led to Pmodic ro- . view .a(·!-payments, and aireed to a reduction of almost four aCTes of the orl,glnal J! acree covered by the 'P"e!ent 1..... ' .. · . 'Ibo · .,._.iy covered by 'the eliating lease extends to the center llne of the nor1h Lido Chllllld. Uoder the proposed 'tlie .pedil ilectfon dale b only three inl>oihl prior to the April H City Coun- cl eJec11on,'·71>e .council ~Jtee· re- JO!lt ~ illl· ;~. baltalinc· on , . •. ·"' , . . · amendment, this bOund&r)' would be pulled back to the pierhead line. An increase in city revenue from the new leaae had been earlier agreed to by the Bay Club. The minimum rentil under the esistih.g I..,. It 145.000 ywly. Under the amend- ed leue this J'nlillmum would iocrwe to •tSO~OOO annually. : · · In addiUon to Iha~ Ihm woold be a percentage rent.al that would be ln force "only to the ext<ot tllat li exceeds the minimum rental," according to the coon. ell i:Ommltlee. '.lllis Is how the proposed percentile r~ brtaks down: -Five percent ol gross teeelpU up to !75'1,000. -Four percent of groes m:eipta in ex· CC.!!S of $750,000 but less than a milUon . · -Three percent of grcm receipts above $1 million, but less than $3.5 million. -Six and one-half percent of gro&s re- ceipls beyond IU million. On Oct •. l. 1990, the percen_tage payable on gr05s receipts goes up ·t.o a minimum of 61h percent on all receipts. The proposed new leue also caU. for minimum rental increases every five years in accordance with rises in the CX16l ol livinl indei. tbeae ~-~ ' JI • , 1' .. ' • .,_ .. 11 w1nan..;the ··-'~1o.a1•e • 'GOln ·Pu" shm· g ,vOt"ng·0 r ~., -·on,_to ~.'VY,coml'J!i , ~_..._ _ . . . :,.J. .. ·~~ '7 .' _ malllr lltYt>lvJ4' »-, , . • . : • ,. • 1 , • · ,.. ,, •' •• I-' • ·-·'U tile ei.dOrate. appcv,ei the 't°; .. ' tr· · \ i:i.:,-::.=n:~:·~ For. State Crime Post Wee -wlllr and save up to 2\lo ' ~In -..... ('J'bll 11 ,· buld Cll .. ettimaled 10 per-anlull hl-.lnconotructiencoltl.) -"The -bu qned to P'1 all COlll ol the ~ t1st1on." Thi dlJ olUd)' \<f ~ Jllopooed -..... Harold ·Oswald ' Funeral Slated Flm«I! wvfcel will tie lield Wed· neodq I« lf>l\>ld ~ Orwlld, of CCIII& Meil, w11o died Sa\Utday at ff0jil _..l.li111pltal lollowlni a bear\ a~ tack. He >m 17. Oowald. ·Cit· UM Conway Me .. ..U .a --"'building trade1 lor tllt Stale GI calllon>la. He waa born In Ol>Jo, He II IUlVfved by his wtle, Mary ll, and two cblldttn, Philip ll and Joanne Gall ()na)d, all of the home. Allo IUl'VIV· 1ng II a brother, Ctiarlil F., of l«I& Belch. . . Services will be beld Wednoodoy al ~!~ Lm. at the Hil~kle Church in Ro&e JJlll.Manor1al Park, Whittier, wilb in· """"" there to fOllow' . . . • ,. i . ' . • --COtilt ,..._ C09f,ft .............. ......... ~ .ltftl.,c..lof w .. ..,...-............ 'l\IM~ .... ""':' .'1'. '=~ t---' 'I )10 w.t .., $trMf ; Mt111ot.W,..P.oit.1. mQ,9HH . -~ ;.....,....,., .. ,..,.. ....... ' ........... ,. ~ ~-·.-................. ' . . Nl\.Y PILO'I ..... """ 'T~IN~INO 41ioUT RUNNINO LH, ""'9111 DA Yov"90r Marines 'Land' 0~ Roof, Nabbed Two young: Camp Pendletorl Marines Were . 1pprehtnded today by Lapa Beach police on the roof of the Ship /WJy RW.auraat, 4'> S. Coist ,liighway alter an e1rly mOrrilrur chase: Richard Rudolph M<r,. end Guald Wayne HaJI, bpth 21·, were placed under IJ'Ttst on S\1splcloa of burglary. Pollce claimed a wttntaa. who spotted the 'J)alr lugging a televl!ton set outside the Hotel Laguna, reported they dropped, the .. ~ and fled wblrl tllty rullud • ~ ,..... being watched. --· Pol ice 111111moned by the wtl..,,,, tral~ ed the \WO to tllt •rool Of the •roajauranl and elCCl'ted them to the station •hen they . were beln1 beld pendln( Ide .. tillcolloa of the owner of the TV oeL Lynda Bird Pregnant· 1 .WASHINGTON (UPI) -Former Pnllldent Lyndon B. Johnson'• tldut . daughter, ·Lynda Bird Robl>; 11 aapacl\nl hit -* child In Mq. Her pnpnc:y · -made !mown 8undl)' bJ lrla!JdS, wbo · lald Ll'Jldl. 21, WU hoping fO< I l>oy lo ~· wilh her l·YCll'Old daulhtcr, Lucinda Desha. EveUe Younger, Loi Angeles' District Attorney who ta)',I be hasn't decided yet whether to try for Calllornia Attorney General, greeted 300 Harbor Area Re- Publicana Sunday who think he should. Younger, act0mpani~ by his wife, met with the prominent GOP personalities at 1 Swtday evening dinner at the Balboa Bay Club. He told them he: sWI lsn't a candidate. ''But I'm thl .. w ..... seriou.sly about It " be adifedi · · ...... ,. ' 1be Los Angeles DA was Introduced at the a'ffatr by orange County Dl•trlct Attomty Cecll IUcks. The 800 Republicans assumed a fresh title for the event, "Orange Counllans Urging Evelle Younger for Attorney Gen- eral." Younger, whoee 21 ye1r1 In Jaw en· forcement lncludea: service 11 an FBI agent, deputy Los Angeles City Attorney and municipal and superior OJurl judge, of late has served on President Nixon's Task Force on Crime and Law Enforce- menl lf he dOet decide to follow the Orange Counl,y GOP groop's urging, he would try for the · seat ol Torn Lynch, the only Democrat In the Reapn. A!ln>intstration,, who llm. Wll elected Altq(llO)' General under the Governor'• pred-; Ed-mund G. !Imm.' Younger told · hl1 ltlJ)pOl'trrl be woald · have an answer for them 10meUme early next )'ear. , Riot Talk Set At Orange Coast '"ittots: · Anllyals and Alternallves1• will , bf the subject of a talk open to the public Tuead•y at Or111ge Coast College. ·Andrew Hatcher, an advllOI' tn- •lrumenlll In formul1U111 the civil rl1hia policy . fOr the John Kennedy 1d- nilhlttraUon. wlll speak at 11 Lm. In the OCC auditorium. Thtr< will bt 1111 admlaal"" charRe. the Assoclalod -Oovernm'nt wlU pay for this lllk In the DisUngulsh<d Speaker series. Harbor High Seniors Will Present Comedy Ncwporl Horbor Hlah School'• oenlor claa will """"t the comody "Whit Did WI Do Wfonll" Frld1y Ind Satunlay nlpti In the ocbool'I IUdltoriutp. 'CUrllJc time for the comedy will bt I o'clack e1ch evenlna. Admllalon will bt IJ.50 per penon. explored aspect" of the San Clemente five-years to life state prison term for the Judge SuJM~ i~atelJ_oecta ._ a woman's two murder trials. murder of her Infant son James Jr: tWo mistrial. The 1s&1e \hen W~t, before Torrance attorney Dudley Gray-said years ago. A series of appeals to both ap-Judge Gardner in a.new ~urder trial. bis new appeal will stress the (actor of pellate and aw>re{Tle courts ended last '11tere wa! no soch drama about ~ se- judlclal error In proceed~J~ that led to week with what appeared to be' a final re-c~ verdict. M.z:s.,. 'Jbom.~. ~s , ~ the conviction of the FUipllio woman. jecUon of Gray's pleadlocs. guilty on ~ cap1w ~ . '. . "I cannot clarify' beyond that ·at thiJ Gray's argument of judicial error Gary said hiJ new ~~~~.retrace time but I am convinced that the higher would apper to involve'the Orange Coi.Jfl.. the progress or h1J . e8!iter ~tlon court will recognize that certain issues o( ty Superior Court judges who presided at tbroUgh the federal d1strid. <:0urt, ~the law were barely examined and that the two trials -Judge Bruce Sumnel' of federal circuit court and "all the W~y others were lgnored ," he &aid. Laguna Beach and Judge Robert Gardner agai n to th,e Suprem~ Court. 1 [ Grly said he will also challenge "cer· of Newport Beacli. necessary." But It will, be exp!a~ei;t, ~ tain irregular actions" by the Orange Judge Sumner was on the bench for the · based on an l~Uon'Of law that m County Distric~ Attorney's office durina: sen51Uoria.J . fint trial in which Mr3. no way confiict.t· or is retated to the pre-trial investigations of Mn. lbomas. Thomas was found guilty. An astonished • earli~ a~al." Benefit Dance For Injured Hairdresser Set A benefit dance for disabled ·Costa ~fesa bairdreaae~ Fred,Mollna Jr. will be held under spomorshlp of f e 11 o w hairdrepers Sunday at Fe 11 c I a n o ' 1 restaurant in Newport Beach. Molina, who lost a leg as a result of a freak accident north of Dana Point earlier thll year, received '500 recently afler a aJmllat bene(il spoosored h.I. his friends. 'Jbe dance Will bt beld from t p.m. to I a.rn. A ti donation lnc!OO.. a bUlfet din- ner. It will feature nonstop perforinancf:s by a big band and aurprloe ...,.,, organizers sakt MollM wu injured Aug. 3 11 he and hi• fiancee tried to cross Pacific · COast Highway to aid an accident vlc::tim. A paaslng ambulance accidentally hit a guy wife. The ·wlrlpping cable killed Molina'• companion, a nurse, and mangled the hairdresae.r's leg. The leg later was am· pullted. Agnew Speech Not Nixon's Idea WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White Hoose sakl today President Nixon did not order. diEuss or see an advance text of &peech lart week by: V1ce President Spiro T. Agnew criticlz.ing television network news coverage. Jn responiit to a· question tm a report by Time magazine thilt Nl:ion oi'deied the Agnew speech at Des Mo1ftt3; Iowa, Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said: "The President did not discuss the ad· dress with the vice president; the Presi· dent did not see (a copy of) the vice president's speech before he made it, nor did the President order the vice president 1o make the speeeh." President Ends Weekend's Rest WASIDNGTON (AP) -President Nix· on flew back to the White House today after an overnight stay at Camp David, his mountaln retreat nut to Thurmon~ Md. Mrs. Nixon and their daughter, Tricia, accompanied Ute President on the helict1pter trip, The first family flew to Camp David late Sunday, after the Pres.ident had watched . the Washington Redskins and Dallas Cowboys tang.le in a National Football League game. , DAILY PILOT ,,_,. •r Lee ,., ... Weari1ag C:dltl Crow•• Corona del Mar High's Gael Mooney reacts to announcement that she is school's 1969 Homect1ming Queen, then struggles with crown during ceremonies at Friday night's football game between Sea Kings and Estanci~_~agles. Gael reigned, but Sea Kings, d,i4n~t. Eagles wan tbt ball game,28,18. • ' . . .. . • c . Narcot~cs .Suspect Grahs - Officer's Gun in Tussle Laguna Beach police officer John Saporito momentarily found himsell fac· Ing his (IWn gun during a tussle with . a suspected · narcotics Violator ·Saturday afternoon. -· · The suspect Oed after a sidewalk wrestllnJ match, but police say hls Iden· tity is known and a warrant will be sought for hit arrest on cllarges of assaulting an officer and · BUSplclon of violation of drug laws. Acting on a tip, Saporito located a plastic bag containing what appeared to be marijuana hidden in buabes outside 7'6 Glenneyr• SI. Leaving the evidence In place, he called for a plain clothes stakeout by Sg:l Norman Babcock, but before the tatter arrived, a car p.illed up and a wom an passenger got out and took the bag:.· Spotting Saporlto's black and whi te police unit, the woman fled on fool When the officer attempted to place the male driver of the car under arrest, the latter tried to run but was downed by Saporito. -· · During the ensuing struggle, the of- ficer's gun holster was opened, the suspect grabbed the gun and held It at Saporito's stomach, police said.· He h:ad succetded in wreslling: the gun from suspect when Babcocli: trri_ved aod joined the fray, but the man Bme away from both officers and escaped on foot. "I Do Love You. However " • • • \Vhen the \voman in your life tells you she Iove!ryou, but you dress like 3n Old fuddy-duddy, it's time .. to take a good look in the mirror. Do you see a suit \Vith out shape, yesterday's narro\v lapels and a lie to match? Shirt lhe same subtle shade of white that Calvin Coolidge wore? If SO, it's tiine for i trip to . Bid\vell Country. Let us show you \vhat's happening. We can't turn fuddy-duddies into dandies, but we can supply the suit that makes even the most conservative man look stylish, feel comfortably sell-assured. You can trust us. You can also bring your w_ife along. 3~7 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday evenings until 9 p.tn. I I I r I - 200th U.S. B41hday ' His Joh By JEROME F. t'OLLINS 09 Ille IMllY '4 ... ltlff Victor·C. Andrews has a ZOOlh blrtbday coming •P· It lsnt his. It's bis country's. Andrews, 56-year-old Orange Cout civic leader from Lal!\IM Beach. Is help- ing the Nixon Administration prepare for the United States' bicentennial celebra· tion in 1976. It Is the second big job he haa been asked to do by the President. The first is to serve u U.S. represen. tatJ.ve -with rank of ambaaudor -to the 1970 Japanese World's Fair tn OsakL When he Is fil$hed With ·that asaign· ment (Expo '70 opens In March and runs through September), he will start con- centrating on his responsibilities as bicentennial special assistant to Secretary of Commerce Maurice. Slanz. Andrews, a resident of Emerald Bay, '!laid today preliminary d i s c u s s lo n s already have been held by the President's Bicentennial Commission. of which be ls a member, ''We've cranked out a lot o f possibllitiet, but have arrived !It no definite program as yet, and it will be a long time before we do," he said. "But I will say that some of the ideas proposed by commissioners so far are pretty spec· tacular." He said the Ideas range from having an ''ordinary" world's fair to the creaUon of a "new city of the future." "The new city,'' he said, 0 would In· elude all the technological and en- virorunenlal advances man bas been able to conceive. "We're also lalklng a b o u t pro- gramming for the entire year, and we want to make the celebration a nation- wide thing." It is possible, he 15aid, that monthly television specials will be included in the total program. "They'd start at the na· lion's founding in 1776, and wind up in 1976, showing us where we began and where we're going." But. he emphasized, all such Ideas are tentative. And they'll remain so until he and other commissioners are able to give their full attention to the big birthd ay celebration. For Andrews, that time might not come until next Oct. 1. By then Expo '70 will be concluded and his responsibilities as the U.S. 's chief liaison wiUt Japanese · World 's Fair of· fJcials will be ended. ••1•11 be spending the next several months flying between here and Osaka. tieing down all the detail!," he said. ''And I couldn't be more pleased.11 Andrews, who heads Andrews Brothen, a large agricultural firm with !arm.land in Kern and Riverside counUes, always has liked to keep busy -tn public causes. He is a prime mover In the anU-oil Coastal Area Protective League (CAPL), is a member of the South Coast Com· munity Hospital board and a former president, and helped his hometown shove the Pacific Coast Freeway route behind Laguna's hills. His salary for all these efrorts bas been nil. The same, however, can't be said about his Expo '70 and U.S. Bicentennial jobs. For them, he gets $1 a year. But millionaire public servant Victor C. Andrews couldn't c.ire less. Youths May Use Festival Land During Easter Beach evangelism that reaches youth- ful Easter week vacationers may branch out to Laguna's Festival of Arts ground!. The Festival·Boerd has heard a request for use of Irvine Bawl and the grounds t.hre or four days during the spring holi· day by lnter-VMsity ChrisUan Fellow· 5hijl. ' "It could be an excitii;lg happening ror Laguna Beach," wrote Mrs. Betty L. Cooorad, who suggested that the col- lege fellowship group could have a craft and art show on the grounds and Chris· tian singing a\. 1 r v l n e Bowl Jn the evenings. She predicted that Laguna may again have a Dock of collegians next year noting that mlll)' colleges wlU have Eas· ter vacation at the aame Lime. She said FL Lauderdale, Fla. - a city annually observed-during Easter week because or its horde or college rrevelers -welcomes Inter-Vanity Fel· ))wship with open arms. Mrs. Coonrad, a .J.aguna Beach resl· dent, &aid the fellowship movement started In England and moved to the t'.S. several years ago where it flour. iahes on many campuses. She said Dr. William Ullom, IUper· lntendent of Laguna B e a ch Unified School DIS!ttct, and City Mgr. James D. Wheaton are familiar with the· past lo- cal programs. -Wheaton today lauded the beach ev1n- 1elism program and wd he and his wife in put yem had worked at the high achoo! cafeteria preparln( food for the· college students. David YOUll(, F.,Uval director, aald, .. lt sounds exciUn,: 11 it is handled cor- rectly. It could be a real rat race U It wmn't. J'd Uke to Re it come abouL" T'1e board agreed to seek specifics on date.I of use and other Information and Hltmd the m•ttu to the Irvine so .. 1 Polley Committee. -· M....,, Niwmbot 17.1969 ' S 0.\ILY I'll.Or' J CIAl'LY l'n..OT 1"1111 .. ~y lff PIYll9 .. '* • ,,..,... tJte Mission.. Trail DisCussion Set • On Fa_mily Lif~ CAPISTRANO VALLEY . -. A discussion of family iue ed1lcatlon will take place Thureday at 8 p.m. in~ &an Clemente High School little theater. Topics will ·Include new divorce lawB1 marriage and remaniage, do unto others, PTA looks at family life and set education and the f\D'Qf over m ed~ lion . • SPeaken will include Forest Gol~: Pacific zone director mt president d. Orange ·eounty ~ Parents WI thou t Partners;. Mrs. Marion Aguirre, distric t PTA official: Mrs. Pearl Bittle, state PTA ofridal and Dr. Ralph 'Eckerl, mar· riage counseJor and counsekr at large and lecturer at Long Beach Slate College. MOOerator will be Mrs. Bernard Paul. ' e Drug Talk Se!ltecltdell EL TORO - A special program i.ai.rl ing the teenage council on drug abuae wlll take place Tuelday. . SALT CREEK BEACH, WITH DANA POINT IN BACKGROUN> !FAR RIGHT): AN UPROAR THAT BEGAN'AS A RUMBLE The council made of junior and aeniol: high young people will pttoent iJ>. fonnation and lead a dilcussion at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of the El Toro Ollvewood Parent ,Teachers Assoclatiofl in Royal Savings l nd Loan in Toro Center. The public is invi~. : Court to Weigh Access to Beaches 0 Crafu...,.. to i,eet ' • Future of Salt C,reek, Other Beaches May Be Involved in Decision M1SSION VIEJO -The N....,11« meeting of the M!Mm Viejo~ of Artists and Craltlmen wilf tab plact Thursday •. By RICHARD P. NAU. or tM DlllY ""' '"" The question of public acces! to California tidelands -such as those at Salt Creek and lhe rest of Orange C:OUnty -will be weighed by the State Supreme Court next year. The State Lands Commission Friday authorized the attorney general to represent It before the state's top tribunal. The attorney general's office will enter the jmportant proceeding -the court willing -as an Amicus Curia, a friend of the court. The attorney general actually wilt be representing the people of California in fighting for access to hundreds of miles or state tidelands for a population that grows greater daily. Appearing before the commission, Jay L. Shavelaon, aailtant attorney general, Friday aald the cases be.fore Ute court uare of statewide significance and will set very important pre.cedenU ." The appealed cases lo he con1ldered by the court both Involve tideland access for the public. Rulings in the cases thus far appear to have been contradictory. In Dietz versus King in Mendocino Cotmty, a division of the District Court o{ Appeal reversed the Superior Court, and rueld that a long history of public usage of a road across private property estabU.hed public right to keep using the road. The Navarro Beach Road had provided access for more than 100 years and was the only way to the beach in that vicinity. - The landowner· had it blocked to the public. ni.e ·appellate court unblocked it. In Gion versus the City of Santa ,Cruz, the city claimed that there was Implied public dedication by u~ for more .than' five years or steps lead111g down a cur{ to the beach. This was further com plicated by an old legal toughie, the whereabouts of the mean high tide line. .'Jbe. city said the tide line was at the base of the cliff. The plaintiff saKi it was wati?rward of the cliU base and that the beach was privately owned. The trial court ruled that there was dedication by implication. A division of the District Court of Appeal reversed the superior court. ·The posiUon.!1 'of the appellate court justices appear to have been at .odds -although the cases . had important dissimil arities. The Slate Supreme Court decision to hear the two matters in effect removes the appellate court findings from the book. The Slate Supreme Court now will l5et the precedent, if the matter ends there and not in the U.S. Supreme Court. Implications could be vast to surfers, to corporate land owners, to public agen- cies, to people in general. The legal proceedings, attorneys con- cede, might range to broader issues. These might be property rights (beach ownnbip) versus the public right to perch on private beach. In other words if the property owner has been a good guy and let people use his beach has he now Jost any future right to deny them the beach. There is the practical matter too of this issue forcing owners of beach to rush into the task of fencing it or guarding it to prev~t l06ing easement to the public. This has probably already happened to some extent beeause or tbe Deitz vs. King case. The State Supreme Court procedure will doubtless have a bearing on Orange County's own Salt Creek Road case. Willia m Wilcoxen, Laguna Beach at. tomey, is fighting to overturn aban· dmment, of the road by county supervisors (March 1968) to the Laguna Nlguel CorporaUon wbkh owns the sur. roondlng property and plans private development. · A spokesman for the state attorney general said that Wilcoxen has been in- vited to make suggestions to that office fn the matter pending before the State Supreme Court. The matter will probably be argued in Handyman Faces Order of Court I.Orig-standing efforts or the city oC Laguna Beach to persuade handyman j~k i.mpresario Robert Wheeler to tidy up his property at 471 Shadow Lane, now are reinforced by a court order, City Manager James Wheaton advised the City Council. Wheeler, Who Use9 his · truck to "col· lect" a little of everything and stores same Jn a manner that ruffles his neigh· bors, will be hailed into court on an iJ- ju~cUon obtained by the city attorney if he does not cease and desist, Wheaton said today. The Injunction obtained by the city re- strains Wheeler from violating the zon. ing ordinance by: -Commencing or continulng to use premises in the 'single-family (R·l) di~ trict as a storage place for any inoper· able machinery, or paN thereof, scrap metal, junk, salvage, rubbish, debris or other waste materials. -Parking tnK!ks or other commercial vehicles in said R-1 District except as necessary to comply with above require- ments or where necessary to pick up mater:als In the normal operaUon ol. bis business. Gift Makes Sclwlarship • For New Policewoman An anonymous $SOO glfl to Church Women United of Laguna Beach will pr°'" vide a 11eholarship for the woman police officer soon to join the city police depart,.. ment, at the University of Southern Ca1Uornl1 Delinquency COntrol Institute, city manager James Wheaton has an- nounced. Wheaton said be had been advised that the boord cl the cbun:h group voted unanim.OW11y to designate I.he· entire gift for the acholanhip. A 1imllar scholarship provided earlier by the church women .. will be used by juvenile offlctr Alex Jbuel'U. who Is scheduled to attend lhe USC tnsUtute In January. Police Chief Kenneth Huck said Wednesday that tht woman police officer, scheduled to join the department Mon-- day. Nov. 17, Is Carlene Ambrose, 29, who currently b working as a records clerk with the Glendale Police Department. f\Uss Ambrose, Huck said, also ts at. tending Glenda.le College, majoring in police science, with psychology as a minor, and previously studied at Mount San Antonio C.Ollege. She wlU -lnue her COli'le eduction, Huck said, and. also will, attend a basic training session at the Rio Hondo Peace Olflcers Training Academy, along with other new Laguna Beach offlcen. Her dutie.!I as a sworn police officer In Laguna, as approved by the city council, will Include working with juveniles and with women Involved In police cases, both defendants and vlcltms of crime. January but ·a decision is probably several months away -well into 1970. During the Friday meeting of the Slate Lands Commission, Houston J. Flournoy, state controller and chalnnan of the com· mission, said it should be represented by the attorney general's office "to protect the public interest." Shavelson said the aUomey general's office intends "to preserve as much public beaclt area as possible and to avoid fencing off of beaches." The abandoMlent of Salt Creek Road touched off an uproarii that began as a rumble. The road abandonment was brought in· to sharp public focus in Dec.ember during a hearing in Newport Beach of lhe Assembly Subcommittee on Beaches and CoMervatlon. Mrs. Helen Keeley, former Laguna Beach vice mayor, testified at lhe time: "With tliis piecemeal abandonment of Salt Creek Roid. 'It appeilrs td me that the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the Orange County Road Department have tot.ally disregarded the needs of the public by totally d!;sregarding the coun· ty's own Master Plan for Shoreline Development." · Wilcoxen later took the county and the Laguna Niguel Corporation to court In a.n attempt -stiU going on -to overturn the abandonment of the road loop, once part of Coast Highway. Supervisors since have approved a $l mlllion allocation of lax funds for the purpo!;e of beach acquisition. Negotla· tions are under way by the county to gain some type of access In the Salt Creek area. Also, William Penn MoU, state director of beaches and parks, has held preliminary discussions with another large landowner, the Irvine Company, about' some type public access and use of the ~al.ion's benche, betwttfl .Lq:u- na Beach and Corona del M_ar. 1 A demonstration In Chrilllmal art will be given by Mn. Rita Davis, Mrs. Nicole LaCille and Mrs. Blanche Irvine at the 7,30 p.m. meeting In La Pu lntmnediate School. Laguna Slates 'Messiah' Dec. 7 Laguna area singers are Invited to participate in a perfurmance of Handel!a "Messiah" to be presented on Sunday e\'ening, Dec. 7, at the Community Presbyterian Olurcb. Frederick M. Barnes will direct the program, featuring outstanding aolo&ill and ifuitrurrienlalists. · · · F~st rehemal ls scheduled for ·s p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16 at the church .and per-tntenaed in llniloc la tbl cllorus aie Jnvltid to 1tt..id. · . You should have seen What . the Gas _Comf>Cl!lY did to this laWn when · they put in a new pipeline. But that was last .week.. lost -k th«e wao a trench rlghl through tho l!'lddle of this lush --of dtchonif,a~ And the owner ronked the Gas Company just slightly below Attila the Hun· on his IQClle of all-time pillagers. We apologized. We explained that we hove to expand our 'fodllUes as Southern CalifDmia grows. We ...,, told him we"d put his lawn bock the way we found it. He didn't bellevw d -.!. Then, attar -·d done '"" plpe-(aylng, we ,.. placed his dlchondro. Neatly. With a little eX!ro dirt under tt so H would settle even with lh• rest of hi• · lcrwn ofter a c:oupl• of waterings. We go a1*JI ~ng -do In :"19 -way, Neatly. Md c:Ourteously. We -~lo like us. Afterl aU,,'practk:ally everybody 1• our custorrwr. NoW that his lawn ls bock In shape, thl1 portle- ulor customer feels pr.tty~ good about Ulo Md "9 real&:es .we Wer8 just doing out lob. Tending .to the present and future · eneigy needs. of Southetn CalKomians. · Sooihem CIUll1es Ga5 ~ Ao::HrNftC'IMPJCICIXlHDGMTu.l ...................... Taking advantage· of a new fed· era! law, a yoong man haJ notified the post office be considers obaceno a Jetter ordering him to appear for a pnnnducUon physical. With ton- gue In cheek, Robert Blonch, 2D, filed a notice with Terra Linda, Calif. Pos'lal Supt. fronk Ely de- manding hiJ nam~ be removed lrom bll clrall' board's malling 11.i. Ely said the form will be forwarded lo the Post Office Department Ill Wuhingtoo:"on a routine balls.'' • The flnt pair of booll Alu G111- QotJ)lld of Chicago .-made """ fot the Nam and th< booll m><d hil life. Alt:z toh.o toa1 held prisoner in u Nazi slaoe labor camp. volunteered 'to make boot.s for the camp'• com. mandant, though he had no bootmak- ing experience, Ale: delioered the boots and 1aid if he didn't he would probably have been beaten 't.o deoth. Now 47, he ii a cuatom shoemaker. and hal cuatomer.s all ooer Cmcago, nnd jn Ntto York, Ohio, Wa.shington, Michigan and Wirconrin. • During a procession at Trinity Eptacopa! church in Redlands, the Rov. l!obort Lukin was polnllng out to his congregation children who bad dres&ed ·SS the various 1alnt.s. Tho mlnilter, who repre- ,.nted St. Nlcholo1, recognized St. George, St. Anne and numerous others. Then he pointed to a very small figure wearing a dog's mask. "And who might this be?" inquired. lhe rector. ''I""" St. Bernerd,~' the young . boy nplled. ··' . L<onord Thi&tkthwalt<, 84, b to be caked to mow: from hir faoorit. fishing spot <m the Riwr Colne rumUng through the tolDft of RibUTfl, England. He ccatl from a lidewalk and catchu touri.sta with hil hook a.s he fllc/u hb Un< back. "'The !ocall dodge : him but la< catche1 th< '1t'weomtn," Tot.m Clerk Bt~l Brud!ev soid. • After buying four tickets to Fri· !ay night's home show, Mrs, David C. Kehl was suddenly frantic. "My baby ate the tickets," she reported. i.1 need four more." One--year-old Cynthlo apparenUy was unafiected. l'be Women's Guide of the Home Df Guiding Hands, sponsor of the bellelit, gave Mrs. Kehl new tickets .. -charge. Confefftlf!e Ope .. U.S. Asks End To Arms Race .. belftm the U.S. and Soviet embaales. :l'beJ could lul foc DIOl11hl, noo )'Uri. Soviet Deputy ForelcD Mlalller Vladimir s. -· cblel " !he lluulao Graap, --velJ u Nllon'1 remarb were tramltted Into lluooW>. 8emeacwlnbll~remarkl bad said "lt ii ·our deatre to eee this meeting In Helllakl IUCCWlully oolving itl tuks." "Curbing ol !he stralqle anna race, Dmltatlon and sublequent reduction of tuch amwnenta -lhll ta an Important goal the llCblevement of which would med tho vllll lnlu8l.s not only of the Sovie! and Amertcoa --hut allO of other nalklla ol 'tho ...,...d," Semenov ...... NlmJ's ltalement wu rad bJ U.S. lrDll -Gerard c. Smith, head ol tho Am«lcaa SALT clel<eatioo. Attorney General Calls Peace March Vw"lent WASHINGWN (UPI) -'!be echoes ol the blggett peace nlly In American hlatory fell tllent In the debrla of a quart<r mllllon deparied demonstrators today -drawing no comment from President Nixon, but an attack from one· ol his top .oUlcills. The barricades which had ourrooaded the White House came down and Nixon hosted 1 Sunday morntna: p-ayer aervica Premier of Japan Arrives in U.S. After Rioting WASIUNGWN (AP) -Ja)JID'1 Prime Minister Elsaku Sato arrived I n Washington today for talkl with Presi- dent Nixon on the return of Okinawa to Ja-He .~ confidence the vlsil 11will prove fruitful" . A!l he left Ja)JID, oo estJmated 700.000 leftist s t u d e n t s aod wOrktrl demonstrated aplnst bll lrip. Sato ~ to spend the day al the Japinese Embassy JlftPlrlng for the formal 11ar1 •!Vtalkl .with ~ on Wednesday. Sunday nigh~ lhouundl ol radicals had hurled gasoline hcmbo and baWed Police in riots near the airport and other sec· tions of Tokyo. Police arrested 1,8IO of --.. Sato, Foreign Minister Kllcbl Alchl and at the eucuUve m.an.slon. Bot rtporters covering the .. rv1ce were told the Prest· dent wu 'adamant" that he was not to be quesUoned about the weekend rally. Attorney General John N. MltcheJI, a top Nixon confidant who watched from a • JusUce Department window while police lobbed tear gas at crowds o f demomtrators in the street below, Wd reapond. "! oee no nason to c:oodooe the Illegal acUonl " 1 bard core of mWtant3 merely because they were undertalcen during a peace demonstration," Mltchell llld. '"I am pleued that the gr<at majority of participants obeyed tho I a w • Unfortunately, the planned . demonstc&<o lions were married by 1uch aten.sJve phy~cal Injury, property damage and lllreet coalrontatlons that I do not belleve that, overall, the gathering here can be characterized u peaceful,'' Mitchell aald. He said the New MobUizaUon Com· mlttee, which organized the rally, must bear the blame, eopecially ·~-In-fluential members of the steering cam.. mlttee who Jmewr the gathering l.n Washington woold be a vehicle for violence." He said the Nelir Mobe com~ mlttee 11alded thll 'Violence 'through I comblnaUoa cl. lnactlon and tfflrmaUve action." .,Roa YOQDg, New Mobe projed dlr<ctor, eilled Mitchell's cbar8'"a Ue." He told 1 news conference that bald been acbeduled prior lo Mitchell"• slltement: "'lbe major part of the blame for the conluskm ol last evening has got to be laid on the 1ovemment and its delay in living the pmnlta." other olflch!l1 -hellcopl<n to the airport lo -the demomtnlon. Guns in Cambodia Philip Apologizes Hit by Allies To Tom Jones LONDON '(UPI) -A )lucklngharn Palace apotesman said Sunday Prince Phlllp·hu ·wrltlea .• _.letter to linger Tom Joneo apologizing for public remarkl be made about Jones' voice end income. '!be ten WU not r<Jeued. '!be Prince angered the linger with commtnta be mtde to a 'Qlrs'r! IDl!ll'S lunc:beoa lalt weel:. Philip compared Jones' $2.4 million umial Income with what British llhoplleep<n earn and allo indicated he did not Ute Jones' perfannanc'" at a royal variety lhow a week earlier. •• 1 was surprised wilen I heard what he said becauae he seemed very friendly when we met after the lbow," Jone1 said. "But I went lo sing for charity, not to do a roytJ •11d1Uoa " SAIGON (UPn -Allied planes striking tn•lde Cambodia for the second con- secutive day today silenced two Com· munlst artillery positions which had shelled the Bu Prang Special Forces camp 112 miles north of 6aJcoo In the e<ntral hlghlands. The ploJIOI struck the artlllery posts from one half to three quartera: of a mile Inside Cambodia after tho North Viet· nameae and Viet Cong hit Bu PrlJlg with 68 mortar and artillery rowid• In the 21st coosecuUve day of bombardment from Cambodia. Corruponclent. allO reported heavy fighting arourid the camp that is manned by South Vietnamese irregulars and a handful of U.S. Green Beret advisers and &aid that with the aid of dive bombers tho South Vietnamese ldlled 112 Com· mun!Jll at a loss of II gov'fDID"lll troops ......-. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... • u''''~ CONFERENCE TABLE PREPARED FOR START OF STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATI ON TALKS F innish Gov~~ment6"1 B~':.M1~ Hall Site of Farm•I Opening Ceremonies ~,,,,,,~ ----------, I I Save at El Rantllo. ·• • I wllere tlle prite is rigllt! I BAKE A PIE!- o~ / TWO! SO EASY! / --CAN'T MISS! DELICIOUS! .,,....- I I I I I I I I I ~I LIBBY'S PulBp/lin /l/tJ/IJx . Ready for the pie oliell ••• smooth, creamy and delltjoualy spiced I Big No. Z~ can. Pie Crust Mix ··---..---·· 25* . . . Johnston's Pie Shells .... 3 1111 '1 Bel;ty Crocker'& ••• 11 oz. pkg •••• •imply: mix. Packages of two ••• frozen ••• resdy to fill I Cool Whip ............................ 59* Nonesuch Mincemeat ..... _.59' Perfect topping for pumpkin pie! Qt. size. Borden's ••• 28 oz. ••• for your other piea! 1 1 Meat ~oaf ............ ~.! .. ~.·~~ .. ~~ ............................... 79~ Precision ground meats ••. perfectly aeuoned. •• made with whole fresh eggs! Shape and bake! I London Broil -····· ......... $1.39 LL Braising Ribs .... ·--····--······· 4t. .. ·I Hearty_ beef • : • bimmed to give more pleasbre ! Lean ••• E.O much meaty goodneM ! Heavy· Snow Over Midwest· I Persimmons ·························································-· 2 ... 2r I Make a salad ••• or a pudding ••• or de!MJ't! Get our free reciJ)e6! I I I I I I I I I I I • Pric";,, •fleet MO'IL, T ..... WM. Travelers' Warnings Up in Rocki.es, Great Plains )! No •. 17,1a,1a.No&Ja1.oo..w.. '"""" "*1· """' ............. """''.. ...,,. ~-""""' JO .. ,, ltMtl Ill '""""°"' ...... .,,. ~ ....... ....,. "· Clelr.I ~ ,.... """ .. ........................... _fl'IM "1'9n. ................... s-. If-TNlu _ .. , ._.,Met! ....... !' •• ,. l;W"""' '·' llCINllil .... • •. ' ••••• l•~•""""' l.J TU•SDA'I' '"" 1111911 , ...... ,,,,.,, S:t• i,M. J.I ,Int klW .............. ,11:• •.m. I.I ~ ,. ................. J:lt ,,,,., t.J llUl!d • .............. 11:111.m.1.t ..,. 1u ... •:'' '·'"· 1m •1" '·""' M9M ·-1:• 1.11'1, ..... Ill" 1.m. I V.B, B••••r•. AfYWM ....... .,....llM ....., ftllldl -' ,,.. u,.,.. attt. """· w111t '''"" ....,.. ., """'""'"'*•• ..... ........ "'*· -""""' ''"'"' "-"" ....... l'lelN .. "" ........ ....... • ...... Lew,.., " .. " . .. .. .. .. " .. .. u ,. .... " " ... ....... .. .. .... . .. ., " ...... " .. .. .... .. 11 ,II . " '5 " .II .... " .. " .. .. .... " .. .. " .... .. " .... " .. .... .. .... . " ....... ...... ... .. " ..... ... "' .... .. " .... ,. ,, ... l'iclc Up Your Super- Shopper Recipes at El Rancho This Wffkl See whit you can do with Persimmons! Four great recipes! Get your co pf,. this wee.It ••• free I Taate treat.s to makeo 1he cominc hollda71 more onJ01- ab1e than ever! Another re&SOI\ to be glad J.OU prefer to ~op El Rancho! UCADIA: s .... t ood llanlllwlat Dr.~ Raneho Cenllll PASADDIA1 3211 Wiii Coloncle 8lld; SOUTH PASADW: 'fromontand ~Or. HUICTillSTDll BEACll: Womtt lllCl AlfOClllll!a ~ Ctllllrl NEWPORT BEACH: 2n1 NeWPOrt BIW. •1111 2555 f.ls1blulf Dt. jµstb!ulf vm.ei Cialltj I ' , ' FAA ~oise-Curbs ' .. ( I ' " • ' • I' • • ~aJiTake~o~ths • • • . ... ~ . ~ W~'Tqll (AP)-'l)o. a.~·-Ill' t11o ,...... •• -llmlta ... jot ~ ol _........., lb• llrplaDe ...... ,. lnlo ellect -nlet C!Dllld bardlJ .. '1loc. I. ~ It probobl7 will be inltJ effect l!olore 1971. . ' • . Oscar BUH. ~~ UIOCbA llllCIY •llioalhs before , the admJD~ r... pl an i', p.ebllc ~ anr ksl whine estimated that en 11 n • .. ln the Uy. ' a<OUlllcal --r... ' InltiaUJ lho 1lmita are aim-the DCI -1d -about ed al 'lho !our..,.ine l!Oetng IMS,000 per plane, al for, tiio 74'1, llnt 'ol the ~ jets, a 7ffl about fU mJlllGn·-i.. --flilnl bDtel li>b-Bakke --plonea l>T·~ed ,to enter· airline ha,. a hobe OQlplt on -oervlcellle,lnFebnwY. ·and JaMlng ol 111 to 1IO 1be Fedlral ia ~vlat{on 'EPNDB-effeetlve'perJ:tived Admlnlslnllon aaid 1he new noloe declbelll. Depending db • • ni1es , ~ not be applied size and type ol pl-. SI OPd _ . Mriclly at the Ila.rt becaw;e 108 EPNDB. will be tbe·mn~ . .. _ .., ~' ~ '141 l!3iinet wtll.corii.e close hnum permitted for J new 1 · ' · , ', > • to, !t<Jt will net octuoJJy meet, pta~ aue11as7f7s ·""" nc111o." •a•pfl U.er the.~ Since-na(Se ge,n>e,r•·tlo.n ~ r ' . . UPIT ....... In adcUtl;on •to the1 '147, the doublet with each :lddfuonal " . . , ( 1 ,., • • • • • • . llapdardo, inrioul1ced by the . ltJ';PNDl!,the-roiluJatlon ·SOmetim~ l1'•11'8'fd to tell,j/\e wmmrs•from the losers as In this ~·•.when FAA N ... IJ, will apply to the eventually will reduce by ..,. Debbie Pat1011 .J¥tl of Od~s.a,. Ti:x. was ~Miss !l"eenage Amenca ol 1970 ~ Loe~ .LIOU half the current le"1 ol notae al•Fort Wotlll Slitunlay· First runner-up N.,Q:y Meek of Indianapolis seemed and Douilu DClO BU'-bus arounct airports, the FAA~ #. • • -' • giants, ld!edulod for delivery 'l'be FAA noted the 1111-tA> !ulPP.ier-fur lliblde> than Debbie. . • · ... totheairliie.biteintt'Tlorin 1 Ol·EPNDB nge is "' ~. 1 1972. 1 •-' ... equivalent to 4 ''D 8 f l 9 et· • ~ .. Some time alter ne~ ·June perieheed by the operator ol a * 30, however, the FM \wfil four-cycle engine· po" ie r .~· come up with noise-resfrtdJoft mowtt, and Is one-fourth to proposals for jets now in roe-half times quieter than the operation, auch u the Douglas IOUDd.! prOdr.teed b'y a typical , ; DCB and the Boeing 70'1. With rock-and roll band." Seeond Birthday New Heart One Year OM . HOUSTON, (UPI) -Leo A. he said. "! really appreciate Boyd, 51, a Canadian who that." received the heart of a Mex-During the small, quiet•par-· ican woman In an aperation ty Boyd's bedsl4e tab I·e perfonned by Dr. Denton overflowed with gll1' and a Cooley, began today his se-five-inch. two-lay9r cake bak- c on d year wi t h the ed by Mrs. AHce Nye, heart transplanted organ. transplant suite nurse at St. -' , ,. "Die one (heart) 1 had was Luke's Hospital du rt n g of no further use to me or Cooley's 21 optraUom. She anybody," he said at a now is aprivatenurse. "birthday" party Su n d a y • Boyd said "I've been having ·~is one seems to be strong trouble with my legs, but It now; 1 hope it keeps it up. 1 won 't be long-now that I will feel good. I hope I can go on be ambulating around on my ; ·. awhile yet." own. I'm wearing 8' leg braCe Though Sunday was not his afl:d using a walker, but 1'11 be real birthdiiy, Boyd considered rid Of both of them in a short Jt the first anniversary of his while." ·new life; . Boyd left the hoapjtaf'for !lie •"111is (date) was . a little first time over_dllht &hree more important to me. l ''(e weeks ~ and 1W spent twt0: '1iiC! a ear o f life !bit r -., uu-ee ~ • -In hli wliuldn't have had ordinarily;•_• Hpu~ a~ent l1bce then. .. 'LetBuffmna' pamper you.with a manicure or pedicure when you get this new permanent wave 27.50 ... ' I)!! eicpet1s Will creale I 1111'1 petSal-. atized balr slyle to C011plirlllt ,our Bretk Cosmetic pe11111111111t JIM. And, yau may sel~ a maiicare·ot pediarce at no extra cost. 'look your best for. Ute holidays, call for ai appoinbnent llOWI Beauty Sbdo, *fl stares --fina ._._ ..... _ ........ ' !t ..... .,... "' c .................. . . " • 'I ," '. l~\ = ' . . ' • • • . ' ' •' .. ·~ . IDS' T ' ' J All.Y PllOI I Donations Pour In For Queen · .The Twe11tie1• ~·~"" shapes yoar fl11eplece ' Demoerat8 Add .Pair ' . . . · 11. 99 rei 23.~:oo Save on up-ID· Ille-minute watdles lhat Ill a. . . "nCNI" scene-. Select from 1 wardrllbe of fllblm watches that take. the shape of 11urt11 Pii, are wom as rings or ate cai\<lllUonally .stytett with unusual faces and ja111ly dlain linkS · or slick l~lher lmds. All In yell111 er sUwr colored metal will! 17 jewels. They llaka · . great gifts !DC), Fasbion Jeweliy, aU stoM " Saye on le1t•er •1ndb1gs by lewis 2 9. 99 ~i 45;~~:00 Beautiful handbags f7f Lewis. All have ,fine &Old clasps and spacious llne.1Hn~ors. Styled ID fit all occasions. Stretdl, tailored and dressy styles in small ID large sizes. Black, brown, na~ or while ii calt, black.ln·Saffian. Handbags, all stores except Marina ' > ' 1 )j ·1 .1 ·' • . . • . -. 11 ~1 ,, ' ., . • ... I ., -, ·? ,, ,. . .. I•': .'\' "l :· '•' .. " . ' NEWPORT • • • • MONDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHl!R DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 • ' . --• " " • . e . ., DAD.Y PILOT EDITORL\L PAGE • Power From Virginia The Irvine FowldaUon -. which control• Oran1e County's muslve 83,0QO.acre lrvlne Rancll along with 100,0QO acres In oMontana and Imperial Valley -ap- pears to have been mn,led out for special attention in leglalallon approved by the 'Senate Finance Committee. From ·•ll lndlcationa, the leglalaUon, If adopted, could pa11 control of the multi-million dollar Irvine COllJ· pany operetion over to Joan Irvine Smith, wh<> has waged a 12-year-old betUe to take over the reins of. the county-bued instltuUon. , Restrictive legislation on tax.free American· foun- daUons Is hardly surpriring. Teus Rep. Wright Pat- man bas proved that foulidaUons sometimes veer far from their announced lincl Intended goell. Some of them have been set up as a means of perpetuating a family in.terest, without real public benefits, Basically, a tu·free foundation functlona lilte a board of directors of any rum . .It can make decisions and control Its Interests, but profits m...t go Into chart· table or worthwhile avenues. An oppo11te view Is argued: Foe• of the fOUndallon structure maintain that were these operstlom ~ed Ukt private lndUJtry and were thay removed from their mosUy conservative management, their contributions to fellOw citizens would be mucJi.cre•ter. ~ " Whatever lhe outcome of tbe lei11latton, th~ moat : closely watched facet In Oraago County wlll be the Byrd amendment, for Its pusage Could pave the wl(y !Or heiress Joan Irvine Smith to pbi control of the livlat Ranch. .• ' If she doea, It 11 clear'lhat the Irvine operation wUJ be completely overllauled -Including .,..Uy acUva- ted land development. and lnO'eued rtoaholder eirn- ings. It Is Ironic that a U.S. Senator from th• othar side of the nation may be affecting our future more prir foundly than the representatives and governmental agencies in the county and ihe state oi California. Lightning Rods A young Orange Coest College girl has offered a solu· lion to a problem that has baffled at leut three Pres!· dents and their hoards of advisers: How to escape cri· tlcism for conduct of the war in Vietnam? . Our young la dy sug~ests that ~resident Nixon a~ point an End·the-War Action Comnuttee-and put on it some well-known names. --.... $¢4440PW • The blll llOW under cllscusslon In the Senate would place sharp restricUom on all foundaUona, and app ar- ently would mean ·the end of the Irvine Foundation, thanks to a specW· and pointed am<indmen( tacked on 'by Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia-where Mrs. Smith now resides . This amendment specifies that any foundation owning more than ten percent of a county's land is singled o~t to cllvest itself of controlling shares of the ownership. The Irvine Foundation appears to be the only one in the nation owning more than ten percent of an urban county. Foundations -including the Irvine Foundation - offer the advantage of providing large sums for inde- pendent funding of education, fine arts, scientific re-- oearch, hospitels and libraries wid olber worthwhile ventures. Without foundation support, many of th ese would necessarily turn to the government for funding. Nam es such as General Lemay and Senator Mc- Carthy, Bob Hope and Angela Davis, Henry Cabot Lodge and Jerry Rubin, Governor Wallace and Prof. Marcuse, Sam Yorty and Bobby Seale, Senator Fulbright and Max Rafferty. While it is unlikely the group would find a solution lo anything, il would at least draw the lightning away from the White House long enough for the Presidect to answer the telephone. 'Welcome. Do take a program, elae yau can.'t teU tht patienla from tht docflJrs.' Organi%ed Crinae, Scourge of the Nation Put It lnto Perspective By J, EDGAR HOOVER -. Fedenlllvea of lllvestlpdoa It has been apUy staled lhll we ,obooiJd beware of judging men by thetr outward appearance. This wamina ta.tu on ad:ded slplficance when applieil lo the criminal bierarchy ol our country. Prosperous hoodlums are neither the •1pWars of society" that I.hey pretend lo be nor the "friendly neilhborhood bookmakers" of tradiUonal f i ct i o n , DespJle their zeal for a cloak ol respec- tability and their inference for ex· pena!ve clolhlnc, wealllly ~. and f""'"" friends,-there ls nolblng respectable or glamorous about them. Moet of. them are brutal, ruthless tillers, JJOSSeSSinl little human compuslon and oo social conscience. ONE NATIONAL Cola NOl!ra leader, noted for hb contacts in the en· tertainment fiekli was the leading IUIJ)eCt Jn three murdon befwe ho wio old enough to. .YOte. ArtqUw m a J ~ r hood!~ by the FBJ and ~ vided of lntorlerinl with lnf<ntate com- merce-is allqed by his undeml<Jd associates to have participated 1n min. than 20 gangland slaylngs over the year&. " La Cola Nostra means, literally, uour thing" or "our busineu," and the mob's business is violence. Violence is UMd in subduing rebellious union memberl, flghtio& ""°petiliQn In !<g!Umate Jn. d"'1ry, ellmlnaUng wllllellel and In-· formanU, collecting on gambling and loaMbarklng debts, seizing control of certain forms of business, removing. rival moblters, and enforcing discipllnt within lta own ranks. IF ANYONE THINKS of gamblers and racketeers in the Hollywood fashion of buff, but warmhearted, bumblers who wear loud ties and possess funny nicknames, lel him dismiss that idea right now. What. is warmheartec about a loan· shark vlcUm hand<uffed to a basement pipe and beaten aavq:ely beca111e of a dellnquool debt; or a inupeeted Jn. formant impaled on a meatbook and tor- tured to death; or two rival mobsters chopped to death w!tfl a batdiet and a ·third thrown alive Into a flaming furnace: or a young husband 1trq1,i and muUliated beca..e<he would not sur· render Im wife to a rackets boSI smitten with her? Or what is funny about an 11.year-old boy blown to ·death, and his 12·year-old brother seriously injured, by a bomb i""' tended for their father, who incidentally wu killed in tbe .same ezploaion? A l'ODa:R BEAUTY Cll11leslant Im· prtued by the free-ependlng, glamorous company of one hoodlum wu brutally murdered along with him by La Cosa Nostra gunmen who riddled their car with gunfire. The father of four children wu mot down in CGld blood because of an unfortunate set of clrcumatances tbat m1de blm an accldental witness to one of some 60 gqland slayl.ngs which have occurred ill one east cout metropolitan area during the past five years. Fortunately, organiled crime and the grttdy crime lords who prey on lhe American public are receiving more and more exposure. This is good. It helps to dispel some of the myth that has grown up about mob life in the past. But we still have a long way to go. PEACEFUL, RESPECTABLE citizens see the tentacles of vice and corruption crushing the very life out of their com· munity and they ask, "So how does all this affect me?" Possibly if they s~ to consider the answer, they would not be so complacent. Let us examine some trends. Con· linuous, flagrant flouting of our laws can only lead to chaoa and moral decay that may ftll prove to be irreparable. Labor ,racketeering undermines our whole finan- clal struclure by bleeding our worltlDg fon:es, raising consumer prices, an\! Jn. • creulng the C05ts ot prodOC'Uon, di!trlbu· tion, and insurance. Bribery of civic of· Jicials deprjves tjtlzens Qf J,be legislative. judicial, and police protection that civll.lzatlon itseU demands. And narcotics cnn destroy lhe vital fiber of the future - .our current generation of tiigb school and Collegt students. ALTllOUGH FEDERAL, otate, and local law · enforcement a g e n c I e s throughout our country are engaged ln an unending struggle against the un· derworld, little headway will be made wllhout the lull cooperation of a dedJcated and alert populace. And lhat populace, will never be dedicated or alert as long as It thi.nU of organiZed crime in terms of a · "harmless, streetcorner bookmaker" and the 2S-cent numbers bet. The outward appearance of organll:ed crime is a facade of deceit. Jn the future, whenever we think of hoodlums and racketeers, let us picture in our minds the furnace, lhe hatchet, the bomb, lhe theathoolr:, the dead woman, th e mutilated husband. and the bleeding youngster, Then, and only then, will we have organized crime in. a proper perspective and the campaigti: against it can proceed apace, with everyone united in a determination to clean up this evil as rapidly and as effectively as possible. Diversify· the Environment neopll 11 Large: Jm&ead of trying to make mo.t people conform to one social environment, we ought to be trying to diversify our en· vtnament to meet the needs of different types of temperamenu and aptitudes - one obvious reason for so much of what we call "juvenile delinquency" ls the in- cnoDlllll urbanlzation and !D<dianlzalion that leave little room for adolescents lo do the things Tom Sawyer cwld easily •nJo7 dolei· • People recognize that If you feed Junk lnto a computer, junk will come out; but they fall to apply the same rigorous logic to the6r own brains, and vainly keep tr')'llW to make sense out of the mass of no_._ they absorb. ----- Mond1y, November 17, 1969 2'1Y editorial poge of the Dail¥ J!Got ieekl to Inform and 1ttm-'414U rea<Ur1 b11 pre1tnti11g thi1 """IJ>Oper'• oplllfon1 and co,,.. wwntarw on f.o¢cl of int1rest -dgni/ico11<•, b¥ pravidlno a torvm /or the etpre11fon of -rtadm' oplnion1, cm4 b¥ -ling,,.. d-...... i*ftU of fn/onned ob1tniitt'1 cm4 1pokeimen on topfe1 of fM dov. Robert N. Weed, Publisher Speaking of brainl, It ls the particular falling of the intelligent to overestimate the ra.Uonality of others ; or, as Chamfort put It two centuries agO: "Intelligent peo-- ple make many mistakes because they cannot believe that the world is really as foolish as it is." • No cne can be as helpful to a mother as 1 teen-age gtrl -when she is vi.s1Ung overnight in someone else's house. • lf Jt took 40 year& for ao slmple and ob- vious a convenience as the Upper to be accepted, it may lake 40,000 before we replace the world's war• m 1 k Ing machinery with pe1ce·keeptn g machinery. • BloJoglcal science is advanclne to the point where, within the nut decade, 1M1rtnts may be able to decide the render ol the child they want -"'1ldl should help 1tablllu family rela-ps. aince few parents are able to handle both bo)'s and glrll wllh equal skill and falrneso. • The chld problem of educaUon Is to make lhe studenu want it -and this Is not a problem that education can solve, for It la IOdety llleU \h•I c,.•tes a value~stem Jn which learning Is a \'aluable end for Its own aake, or else merely an incidental stepping-atone to "success.'' , • Too much of our social policies Is being • Radicals and reactionaries alike would do well to heed the warning o( Alfred North Whitehead, who warned at the tum of the century that ''ThOle IOCl.eUes which cannot combine reverence for their symbols with freedom for their revision must uJtimately decay, either from anarchy or lhe slow atrophy by useless ahldows." Dear Gloomy Gus: You'd think some teen-agers bave nothlng better to do lhan make ran· dom phone calls to crack dirty jokts. It sure is annoyina to gee Jhls kind ol call L.E.T. Move to End Limitation on " Earnings WASHING TON - A vigorous· fight is as.rured to do away with the long-exlstlng llmitaUon on earnings by Social Secwity beneficiaries. Rep. Benjamin' Blackburn, R-Ga., member of the Banking ancf Currency Committee, has introduced an amen<f. ment for Utls purpose in preparation for raising the islue When the bill to i.Qcttue Social Security paymenl.s reaches the full House later \bis month. Tl'.at leglslaUm is now pending In the Ways ind Means Committet. President Nixon has recommended that the current ,1,600 restriction on outside Income be raised to $1,860. Blackbum wants to wipe it out entirely on three grounds: (1) When a Social Security beneficiary reached 65, he has In effect paid up his insurance policy. (2) Continuance of a celling on outside income means reten-- tlon of a long obsolete concept. (3) Work· ing la good for old people and the economy at large, "I FEEL VERY strongly,'' says Blackbum , "that if a man or woman dur- ing lheir working years pay Into Social Security, they should have the right to receive their benefits without restrie· lions. When they reach 85, they have in effect.paid up their insurance policy, and should be allowed to receive the benefits without limitations. "The President has proposed that Uie ceiling be raised to $1,8&0 from $1,600. That's a step in the right direction, but It doesn't go far enough. The ceiling should be wiped out entirely as a matter of com- mon justlce, and, sound economics." Th8 'Georgia Republican pointed out that the orlginal reuon for Imposing a ltm!tallon bu long sinct disappeared. "In the dirk daya of tbe greal deRl'ea1on when iob4 were scarce;" said Blackbum, "lt wu felt that ,the elderly on Soci&1 stcurity should not tab jobs away from those seeking theqi. So a cell· Ing wu written into the law on the amount . of Income that could be earned by Sqclal Security beneficlarJOI. But all you have to do now la to look It the daily help wanted ads to see that the situation is enUffiy dllfennt." SIMILARLY, ltm!Ung earnlnp now has no rtllUon to a recipient'& ecOnomic status. "No limit, for Instance,'' pointed out Blackbum, "b placed upon the amount of income a retired person may receive from tax-exempt bonds. He can get thousand& of dollan from this source without It in any way affecting his Social Security payments. "The well-to-do, and the. weallhy, get ft.ill Social Security benefit. even thoo.gh their investment income m.aiy run into lar1• fllurta, Cletrly, equity calls for the endlna of an onclent hardship wrought uPOD the elder~wbo have both the health and dealre to Id galntul employment. Work II good II< them; and for the -•t,!arl<. "There II jMllber penoaal nor tc0C1om- lc julJllleatiOn for malntatnlna a pracuco that Jo u lltl/llr u u Is obool<la." BJ Mlert 8. Allen acl J ... A. Goldlmltll Quotes Ptl. 1lunter Brown, 1'1.D., Santa r.tonlca -"When !here Is a need It should be met. • . but subsldlud s oc I a 111 e d medicine ·is a luxury this country cannot afford ." Withdrawal: War Or Cigarettes? Mr. Nixon has dramaUcally appealed to 1'the silent majority" to support his: plan to bring peace to Vietnam by gi~ing the war back lo the South Vietnamese -who were losing it until we sent hall a million men over there. But he guarantees that once we have withdrawn our half miUlon men very, very gradually, it "will bring the war to an end." One way Ol' another. My friend, Harvey Gr:osscup, a charter member of lhe silent majority, is doing his best to decide whether he ought to support Mr. Nixon's peace plan..But he's having a terrible time of it because be's al!O trying to give up smoking. He wa s already a ntn"OWI wreck whto his wife Hermine, brought up the subject at the breakfast table the other day. "ARE YOU FOR Imm ediate withdrawal, Harvey?" 'asked Hermine pouring him a .!ourth cup of coffee. ' "I realize that would be a very popular decision around here," said HarVey, chewlng thoughtfully on h 1 s naptln. "But the shock might damage u,e whole system~ You can't be too careful about these things, you 1'now." "You mean you still plan to taper off gradually?" asked Hermine with concern. "Well, now, as I've already announced, by December 15 I will have cut back ten p~rcent," said Harvey P.fOUdly. "And, lf circumstances warrant, the rate of my withdrawal can become even greater. [ plan to withdraw, dear, on ao orderly scheduled timetable." "OH, HAR\l'.EY,'' said Hermine, wrtng. Ing her bands, "when wlli it all be over?" "I have not and do not intend to ari· n~nce the ,Umetable for my prograni,'' said Harvey firmly. "l must remain Oe1· ible and keep my options open." [.:: ~Art' H~p~ -......... _.....-.....:...-.-. .... "'-----· "But don't you realii.e, Harvey, that each day you go on you destroy your, health, ruin your equanimity and wreck our household budget?" "Look, Hermine, we all realize that 1' shouldn't have gctten Into th1s in the nrst place. The only que91.1.on now ls how btst to withdraw." "But you've got everybody's nerves on edge, dear. It makes all of us irritable. Tile children are flghUng and shouting all the time and our friends ... " "That's one reason I'm planning an honorable witlldrawal -so that we can hold our beads up among our fiiends." · "WELL, THEY'RE all beginning to think you're cruy, what with the way yw pace the floor and pull your hair abd snosh your te.ui all the Ume." "They'll respect me 'again once l've achieved an honorable withdrawal and created a lilUe luting peace around here." "Well. maybe, Harvey. But wbat I can't WKlerstand is why, oh why, you want to prolong the agony?" ."Because frankly, Hermine," said Harvey, ligiJUng his after.IJreaklul cigarette with trembling fingers, ••it &eems like the easy way out." BUT HARVEY, u a duliful member of the silent majority, says he'a going to get around to thinking about 1 Mr. Nixon's peace plan any day now. The trouble, be says, is that every Ume he starb to think about lt, he gets an overwhelming craving for a no t h e r cl1arette. T~e Right to Privacy A public uni versity's tax.supported dormiklry has advantages. But students there may also yield some of their rights to privacy. Recently an officer heard lhal he could find marijuana on a certain campus. With lhe dean of women he entered and searched Mary AM'a room. They found "grass" there. Saying no offense had been committed in the agent's presence, she claimed he had no "probable cause'' to search her room. But at her trial the court said the search was valid. The Fourth Amend- ment prot«Uon did not apply since the school officers had a right to inspect. Had this been hflr own home or her car, the search wculd have been invalid. COLLEGE DISCIPLINE, said the court, does not have all the protections of a cou rt proceeding. Further, the Fourth Amendment does not forbid reasonable searches by some- one charged with keeping discipline there. Students waive objection to ln· spection of their quarters by house mothers and llChool of!ldals. Police may searCh a high school student's locker without a warrant tf a school o(fld1l goes with them, slnce school people have legal power to keep discipline and lo protect tbe school 's in- terests. Al\'YONE CAN freely give consent to starches ()( bl.r home or person. Force, or great power, mny tnvaltdate such "cons@nt." For exa mple, courts hove hrld It invalid to require a "btd check" of people on wtllare In return for welfare ·benefifl_ S(udt.nls In a public school may also be (' ..,........... ···.---···-·····.,,......,, .. ~,...... ' ' 1• J.aW'Jin Ac~i~ l..: . .,. . ' g<l\'erned by a legal rule of "special necessities." Inspectors have greater right to search without a warrant where sorneone run.s a special klnd of business is subject to special government rules o; to n~ds of health or safety protect!Olll. Note: California lawyer,s offer this column so ~ou may know about our lawi. B11 George----. Dear George: My husband, who is old enough to know better, stares at girls who are young enough to be his daughter. Just because some gjrl has a good ngure and wears a skimpy skirt and a Ught sweater, does a man have to make a fool 'of himseU star- ing at her? How old does a man have to be before he qulis leerfnl at )'OW\I women? They tooi· rld!culous. ,. Dear Mtl. Y. P.: MRS. Y. P. They don't look ridiculous to • old leerers, kiddo. (Look, lr:kls, when 1 say, "Stnd your problems to George" t do not mt:an homework. If 1 were smart rnough to do your homework do y~u think t woukf be writing an ad- vice column?) - I • -' DAILYPMT t • fine china! 15% off • ' ' .. ··. Sale! 'French Provincial' ' ' style bedroom-furniture ••• ,UKE IT ••• thru Saturday only! Each piece is carefully made of selecied hardwoods with a creamy white finish and hand applied, aold itriped trim. Matching plastic tops. Drawers ara. French dovetailed with metal center gvide and dust partition. Note the decorative maldod Q,Wday on all drawer fronts and the extra large, lnbic:alely designed hardware with antique while 6nhh. _ REG, '69, NOW • Sintilo"'-w..,-:rx1l'x11• • 4draworch.i-:i2"x ll'x.Q" • Studentdetk-..,.,a1rx31• • Powder tablrt-• x 1r a 31• • -bod.-•fvl• /Mid .... Doublo chMr (not.,_, llB1"9,NOW114 Framed mtnw • ••••• 1EO.. UT, NOW $23 • (Canopy frame ............ -•••• , •• , •• $10 eatns) YOUR CHOICE REG.•49, NOW 541 CHARGE IT! •lac' M-ll'a11°a41• . .,........, __ ,.. .. ' .. NdclA+ Cha .............. ,.llEO. '27, NOW J23 Nightstand •••••••• ll!Q. t3P, NOW t33 6 PC. 'DANISH MODERN' STY1E MAS1E1 BEDROOM lnclud• clooblo -· lra..d -· .c. dra:--chM ad twl11, ,hll • .....,. Ifie "°'!"I heodbomd ... 211sl I loads. In fine American walnt .... ..., •lad:td harcf. __ ._. ..................... lolt andpt-IDplhr-- RE0.9349,NOW f309 I ·Extra Pieces ..... ,....., __ 110.S15NOW$66 ..... _......... \ .llO.j70NOW$63 Shtc:lellf,•11• .. ,., ._UO.,IOONOW$19 o.lr.dllilr, .. , .. ,;,· ...... llO..ti4NOW$10 . large .... -.-...uo. &75 NOW$66 FASHION MANOR MAmlSS SALE ••• THRU SATURDAY! Deluxe quilted firm, twin or full mattress or box spring! Reg. ·~ .. ,Now '45eochplece ~··solid -.;,i lltnDlo, .. ,_. __ llllpo_ ...... noodle qulltod to 14• por,..--pod. ~ ••nl,.. d .... npring,,,.. _"' ...... ,..,, ........... ..._ ..... ' ... las1lnt .. _,. _,, ....... """' ~ .. ....... -g-.11. I 11lls ftnt, .... _ dlM". _., quOJly '••din.tit )"II dur.abl1 encl MW ... llablt ... labvloot 15" reductloo. Tho ........ - -......... 1p1a-..... ~ .m..t and loaf ..... to-.. ....... Hany "' today and .... -chore.I SOLITUDE, VINEYARD, PINEDALE, NEW ROSE 59 piece HI .... 34,98 NOW 'J.9A1 91 piece HI Rog. 64.91 NOW 54.97 ANGELIQUE, HEIRLOOM, PRELUDE, SUZANNE 59 piece HI .... 39.98 NOW 33.97 98 piece HI Rog. 69.98 NOW 59,47 ENGLISH LACE, MARLTON, ARABESQUE 59 piece HI R19. 49.98 ---NOW .42.47 98 pl_ Mt Rog. M.98 NOW 71.97 LEA 59 pr-HI .... 34.91 NOW ''J.9.47 ETERNAL ROSE, VENESSA 59 pr-11t .... 49.98 ' NOW GAi BRANTLEY, CHILTON, CHAMPLAIN 5.9 pr-HI Rog. 59.98 NOW 50.97 MONITTE, LAURA 59 piece Mt Rog. 69.91 NOW 59A1 59 piece set consists of: 11 cups lll!d -.. 8 brtad and buttor plma, 8 salad plates, 8 •- platm, 8 frult/cloaert dhhos, 1 _, with -, 1 cr .. mor, 1 chop plate and 1 salad bowl. · 98 piece set con1l1ts of: ·1a aips, 1? ICllpn, 12 br.acf and buttor p ...... 12 oalad•,..._, 12'd'l!- plates, 12 ioup/certaf bowlt, 12 frult/Cliuiit cllihn. 1 sugar with .....,, 1 cream.,., 1 llMll plattw, 1 large !!::• 1 opon vogotoble clilh. 1 llGl'Y boat, 1 opon THISI STOIES OPEN SUNDAY TOol 12 to 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON NEWPORT BEAC'H HUNTINGTON BEACH VENTURA I ' • • I 1 I I ' • I T • -. ., ....... " --. ..... ~ \ • . f , d~v. ,n.or QU1911E : ~*'!'i.~• ........ 11:·~ -By ~111~~ ,_:_-----'---------r.:-----:-:------------------ .-~~~~---'~~~;__...;;;.;;;~1 ".Around.here. ·aiata.kes are J<1nWwbla with· & atem . lecture and·an evening dinner IJlli dancing • , · .wtth yours tzuly." · · · . I . . ' . . Top Musici.an K~s Of G~neration . Gap BERlJN·(AP) -A genera-duced many of its old ·soonds tion gap•ln j~ was dramatiz.. featuring the equally· ageles!I ed in the annual Berlin Jazz alto saxophoniSt 'i1 oh n n Y : FetC!Vll that ended lei week. Hodg,., plenty of -.tradiUGo • Caught In the crossfire ol there. • ·· tradttionalists and adherents Sarah Vaugha.1 anil Lionel of so:caned frte jazz was Stan Hampton also escaped '1filhoul . Kentm, the American big serious confrontation, although band leader who did as much Miss Vaughan was booed. as anyone to move Jan into Kenton .commehted t pal halls that once were the anybody who buys a ticket has preaerves of Bach, Mozart and the right \<> ~otest or walk Beethoven. • out. He thought maybe It was Declared 8 German jazz t~ ~fght of bit.band's tuxed_os crittc1 "Filleen years ago. that started the ·prores~ .. Keaton r.ve us · promise of a "l llt'!l! ... toJd 1ha~ aorpe new sty e of concert music. of the people objed:e<f to ~~ Now, he ·will· have to re-ex-smiling," 'be :slid., JIDUJng; amine his role . ., ·And in truth; the qenrian vJew , of jazz Js·~Y'serJous. Said Kenton: 11Some of the Keriton... ~he never ex· sounds the avant.garde are pecied -i(,\t;e>tumJed with the playing are terrifying .things EstabllShmtmt .·i" ( . • . It na11y does riot have •A Jot of.; peQP.Je said we anything to do'Wlth'music.". were avan~a~ in our 11li11 club d .p,e. old and ·tllJle;1' he.·paii.ted oul "I do new In jaa ha& been· gplng a.1 not think we· we(e so avant- Jn Berlin for two years or garde Compared to the ·avaot-more. with each side getting garde oi today. ·A 'pas the · booed or whist.led down by the younger people; at 1tut here· other's adherents. Jn Ber:Hn, look at Kenton aS · Kenton cl1d not know this, tradiUonal music and they : and he. was mystlfled when he look at the avant.garde u · waa booed by a small but loud their music. But ~ .th~ that group • ho ltd a loc8\ ioll-star .,~ ~.ri ~·J!i!l!fs. t band plaY!ni -hls-br~y ar-pi!opl~.catE.ifijr_pwn·~as oo rangeme..1ts , Jn Ptµlharmonic relaUO'J to. musfc. It's a Hall. He w~ sbockest when hi~ display, o(_ ,SQ_qle ,kind of em~ crlUca thep' got·up Ind walked ' 'lions. • ( • 'ti. .. !· oul The' night before, when : "It js a1most' 1lke1 humanity the same tbing happened to has bee'n thrown inLo 1a. meat piano:.poundlng: Cecil Ta)ilor .grinder and e V'e,r y' b 0 d y ' s and' his ll'PUPi tt w~ \)\e ·scr614ming for help. ~ do not tradllloeallstis who protelted. .tlee any parallel beh!Oen what About ·the only performer they are pla~ng and_music.~' 1ef.t out of\tbe crossfire in.the German ~~..-..er this six COnceril ...... Dute tu. ·.bi .,.y1ng. tbal ~onl!t ington, to· whorii Ille 1 .. uval llOU':ld, or ·~r:i. the thing was dedleated because of his in free jail.~ They aay ·11.1 e1:- '10th blrthday year: ponenta.are1as.,tedlnicaUy ao- <be German Jazz buff said: compli&be4 as1~ bef~ "Duke Ellington is as fresh in .in' JazZ ,dj!ye!Pp"t. bl1t they, his 80llnd now as he was In have .gooe. .beyond this , wiih 1!1%7." &other, "He ts holy tn th.el t . fndtvtdaalisllc In-· Berlin... HI.I band still pro-t e r prelatio~. • ~nne\fJ . '13eainy~: .. . . . ' .. ,) ... :r . ' -==--/ . ' . What could be lovelier . than an Indian ·Summer holiday fto~i'ng? · ·~.· 1~:s.6 .. : ": · S119 Coiy _'festivat pel'l!I 8.95 includes latliion style cut. . . . w. .. dholti ... ~of .......... \ . . . . . USI .YOUR PINNIY CHARGI CAID- NO APrOMWHT HltlSSAIY ' . . ....,....,.. 19ACW ltiWPWI IUCll IM!t ... c.n1... '"""" ""'"' ........... IMlm ... ""'3 u..ttit \ • • '' " • .. • I i. {' :· ·, " .. . .. , I ,' ' .. . . . . ... . • •, •·. • •• • • ' . .. . ~) . ' .. )', .. ' . • . . -· . ' . -... ' ~ -.. • ' ~ Our Dacron9 /cotton blo ••• ruffled for .. femininity :r ·$a Ruffled-, just enough ·~t'. the wrists and neek; thcit she .won'.t be able to resist its flattery. f~. while, turquoJS<!, "pink; .. misses sizes 32-3Q._ Very gaod for'suit~ ajld pantsuits. · · · -- • • l . " . l l ] ' . 0 . " . ' . ~ . " . . • • ~ " .. ' • ' .. • tt u f ' '· ,, I .. ~ ' ' I .. ' .. ,, ' " " .. • l; 1: I• ~ ;iJ ,, 1 ti ' I ,j ' , ., i ; r 1 t • .. .. J " . .. .. .His fQvorites •.• links , cardigan~ ..... ,Grad slacks ·i .. Stretch his wardrobe ••• with our 10-way suit! Links cardigan and Penn :i t Prest• dlltsi slack team;; • 'His favorite team ... 100% Orlon• aaylic By combining soRds with smashing pall.,., . links cardigans in i-;y, whiskey,.aC:ean blue, he .can haw 10 autfits from a suit coniisting 100% aaylic fink -stitch golf siyle sw141'-11ir . brass, I~;. j:ioy's ·~1~ ... to. -with -of a facke1,2·pa1rs of slacks and amt. Boy\ as he lik .. ~hem in WiMing colon,111111'1....._; nev•r·iro ri, Penn Prest• polyester/cotton J.7, blue, brass, loden. Boy's 8-14 reg. and s.M-L Never.iron Dacron~(1Qly.ter/w~111i. : slacks,. Afh:O blue · ofive, moss, boy's. 1izes slim; medium and light blue. slacks, olive, blue, browrl, blac:lc, men's l!!m-. can11.,... . 7.98 . I t .... · slach 4998 . 3.'1· . . . . 12.98 a.14 15.98 . ...... alack a 1198 $'i1 I t I 6-18 reg: a~J slim. , , '-~ .. ,...-~.~-~ .. ,....._-=~~--,--~,,.....-~.....,.~~~.r-..,..~~~--,~~-..,..--..,..,.....,--~_.....,. __ , __ .J..._-_~_-_______ ._._~ .. -~~~~~-_.:~....;.-.o!_~~ AVAl·µBLE.AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ' ' -e..,+J 1'C'!ER•••se•o;•s Z -z+••t =•s $LC4Ci i:V 42&G oe -· ....... ~ , ' -r: I r < . • " " .. " 1 -l . Q ' • • . . • ' . . . . . ' e .. f • ~ I " " " r, .. ' I " ' ., .. ' ' " " .. • " ' " " I• ' .... .. .. • , • .-·- ' . • ' ' . jOive her a ctardigan •·• ~ For the sheer fun of it ~ ] that's hand embroidered · ••• girl's harem culottes i $6 4-6X ; .,( 7-14 :1 T~indi!pensablec:?t~~ ... prettied,up,;a ·. ~,.49 .. '.~'. ,4.98 .. ~1, rJ!~ke i! special. Full fashi~~e,d,. ~l .J.OO'l:; ac,.Y.-.What fun for a girl k> have ... iride$C811f ruf- 1, II~·-·" iH"p retty cillors to coordinate with all of fled top .... nylon sheef:over tricot ... to.make. '; her ctothes. Girl's sizes S.:M-L (7-16).. : : her glad s~e's o gi~I. Choose fl'lll!I several • :: · · · colors in big and little girl's .sizes. ~1··~----·~~~--~---~-~~---~~-----~--.:1--~~~ ' ' i I ' ' .. •• -. . ' " '. ~ • Printed percale sheets .· ' , I ' Sunbeam or pink arcllid n'ever•iron Penn Pres!9 'Campani.;.,.tte' printed . percales ••• beauti~ll . • . 72ic1041Win or twin·.fi~ bottom ••••...............••• :.;4.99 81x104 full or a 4lf' full fitted bottom •••••••••••••• -.••••.• ~ ••••• s. 99 90x115 qlMW1 ar queen fitted boit0in , .. IA9 10'8x115 king ar king fitted bottam:.10.99 • • .. 42-x.36 cases .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2/3.59 42x46 cases •••••.•••••••••••• ~·········2/3.99 ' .. • :, 1Dtess her in a pretty 1 Colored percale sheet~ .. • • ) • (tftss for the holidays · 7-14 Foi"llltle girls, 100% Orlon• aciyllc bonded tcJ.. lOoo/o ocelot• tricot in assorted colors, rMelty trimmed with lace, 4-6X. Flocked poly- esliil'f>:0iton v6ile dresses, lined '(lith cotton ••• assorted festive colors, for girls; sizes 7-14. .I -"-~ Gold, mass ar pink Penn Prest9 never-itartjllr• cales fol' beautiful beds ••• color c:aorclincrl9cf 'FlJ. 104-twln ar• btin fitted bottom ............. , ..... ~ .. A.19 8Jx104full or full fitted bottom ............................. 5.1·9 ' . ' 90 x115 queen ar queen fitted bottonr.-.. 7. 99 108x115 king or king fitted bottom." .. 9.99" 42x36 cases ....................... : ••••. 2/3.19 42x46 ccises ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 2/3.59 --. . • 1 • i ·' ... " :_. ·-~ ,_._ -.:· ·• • '· ' ' ' . ' (' .. ! • .• • I '. -. - f I ,. ' I ' •. '·• ' ' I •. ~ • •• ,· .. . " •. . ~ ... . \ ·' ' '.' ; . ' . . . . , . . ' . ' . ' ' " ' ' ,_·. . . :',· .. ' .. ... . " ' i'" -.. '• '. ' ,. . . , ... --.... ,.,,. . ·• • • ' ••. <: . Quilte,clnylon.,tt~ · . hoste,ss ro~fcii-J1er ~ I ' • .••. 4'6:X-. '· -· .: . .. 6~~--~-~~~· Just·lib ff,O!Nr's , .. caz)' nyloii.-.ricof hbitesa length robes in a pretl)'-"'lllit:o('°lais to bep t.r warm and ·prwtty at ·IM iame .time. Ilg !~lillle girls. . -,l i,..) -·-.---....· .... ' . .. ' ;;>,. I \"' ' . ~~-:' . uan: .•.. ·. . . . l., . . .. ' . ., ' .1.1...,_.·/,),,.,,. ~-.• .l '·~·:l'fl • : j • \ • • ; . . I . ' .·. ,. 1 ' i • I ' <I ' , "' ( o , 1 I . .. Ac;rytic ·f.itted blc.n~ets nylon-satin'.~·.: . -. . ' Twin --. .. ' • I 7.99; .r . " Ful .a.99 ; Dle>qa lowly clecaralol:;~.fn ,a· JOO.%; e)iic b!mht ·that yoll'~·~ a.nit'.~ clryfor easy care. Soft,warm·ancf~ . ' ..... ~ . . . ' " I· , • ' •' ' " I I j " ' ' !i ' i ' , ' : .' AVAILABLE AT 'V.OUR. LOCAL PENNEY S7r98.E .. ' .. • .. -------------------------·-. .. . "' . .. ~· . "~ . -·-N-"' .17, 1969 DAILY PILOT • . CJn!eldtlfl lip .... ~ ' .. ·-' ' Tall Girls Usually ,· ·~~ry· Bett~r Men " I .. \ ,BY i.. ~-l!Cl'fD, ' what NJIC.TV cali.d Ill. •I« wBAT·is ~ ·~ife ~t weW' 8Choo1 for weatem ac·1 , apt ~ disCartl ' ~uting SP.rln~ tors: Am~ng tlie courses . in · · . · · this eduC&UOllll ente~r1se . c~IJl\!lll Hi r. •Id shoe,s; th', . were "SOmlnar , Jn FaUlng off Junk. IT\M ,aay;. ,. . O~E ~UT Clif:fs" an d r : ~Elementary OF EVERY ,third _snapsbd&..~ ;S~ Bl'.lwti\lg."•· · , pictures a .child .. ··• Tiit I ' ;Cl!BTQl\l~ sl'lRVICE: Q. G AS 0 L 1 N E OO~fP ANIES "llDw many -·· does ·a have come .up•wi\h an odd~-, ma)Or leasue te.am •1111 In a dine. Namely, men don't seu:in?" A. More than 10,000 usually rot 'ttie cir. tank until ' -.. ' · It's below· the quarter level · · · Q. 111AT STATZ wiUI but ~-ome?I gE;Dt:rally rut ~ tThe ~ghtm~!~A Stl"'1t•t.DonsU!tl ., \ jUll. , below the, half . . . exas, n , · · · . ENROLLED. at oklabOma ~eve Texa~ ever. di~ ;ta1!"' State Univenity u a lid nam. that distinction. did 1t . Six: -ed Brick Wall ~ .. I OON'T ~tes . that have more BELIEVE anybody yet has m1lliona1res than Te x 1 s • Jl&w'ed out why murderen on AthleU~ y~ l_adie;s wipl ex- tbe .averqe tend io be about ~Olllll fi~ ffgures are eevea years )'CIW\ler than what T~~ bu the D)OSt of • their Ylctln>s. . ' ' ~y. Ml nlllllonalru . LOVE AND WAR --·Ca!t T~ANJ>.l!l!ORT-"Why; · )'Ol,-fall In love .with mono jhan are the di....., rat.. blaf1er , .one penon at 1. Ume? Thlt LI among short girls than . tall tbe .queation' a' febUntne cttent girls? No big, my It.er Y. • • • 1 ha.I put ot our Love and War Writes a :rtoa.10ke , -reader . Ml.'i\. So he hu started to• file "Short girls,. uaua1ly . beiQg on the niatter. First entry preUy little · thlnp, can find quotes or. J. Richard UndrY husbanqs easily;, so they mar~ of the -Untverally ·of North ry younger, '.before they're Carolina. A man in love tends wise enough to make the right to cut other Ues, but a woman choices. Tall girls have-to 1~ doesn't. the doctor aays. In longer, but when they. do mar- iilller .....u, nftly does a fl', they mllrT)' better l!1ID." man love more than one RAPID REPLY: Certattly. woman at a time, but Jt is the Mn. Gusman who nms a relatively .common · for a filing atattOn in'Tnverwe Oty • won\l'il to }ov~ two men at MJch., qualifies for the Proper once.· Job Club.,Certalnly, certainly. "I GUESS NOTHING thrills Your questions and com· me quite sO much," writes a men ti are welcomed arul lady ,rA 46 years; "as the fact toiU be used wherever pos· that the drilling still stops Sible in 'IChtcking Up." when I walk peat a con-Please address uour mail t.o ltiuctloil,atte_." Wbattver L. M. Boyd, in core of DA· turnl yoolCln, 1-y, •• "'l1IE /LY PILOT, 80>: 1B75, Ncw- ACl10l'.f .ACADEMY'~ was port Beach, Calif. 12U3 • THESE PENNEY STORES -.-~. WILL BE .OPEN SUNDAY ,AFTE·RNOONS "~ . ' 1·2 TO 5 ,P. M . ' •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •Et MONTE •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE ' . • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •.LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH ·-. •·LOS ALTOS •MONTClAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •.NORWALK • NORTH. HOLLYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TOUANCE •·VENTURA • • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA ·•WHITTWOOD " • WHITIIER· DOWNS \ fl Je DAILY PILOT ·Qk:i.nawa E.r a f o End , V .S. to Turn I sland . Over to Japan WASHINGTON (UPI) - Blood and sweat or American Marines woo Okinawa ffum ,Japan -the enemy -during the island war in the Pacific a generation ago. Now the promise or its even· tual return is to be fulfilled to Japan -an ally. A compromise agreement on the long-awajted return is ex; peeled to be ·completed here this week during the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Salo, who arrives in Washington Monday morning. , But the trouble is only 1larUng. The Senate has fGrma lly dema.ided the right to vote on the Okinawan agreement before it becomes final. There are also growing demands in ·both. the House .iind ·5enate foJ' some ~nl. • ~rrep' concessjons f r o m Japan -to reduce a flood·· or .lexti!e eiports which are ~8.maging the P.S. industry;. :aoo to 'take over a share of its wn di'!iense. ' ~ At the sam~ tirrie~ it is by no •nleans:·certain ·that an agree· ... ment to retum sovereignty . ' over OkmaWI to J apan probably in J972 -will Joog satisfy the strident demands of the Japanese leftists who object lo the massive . U.S. presence on, and operations against Viet.na.m from, the island. Ok inawa's location ls what makes it such a strategic prize. It is the main island of the R~yus an J¥and cfiain that stretches south from Japan and separates the Pacific from the East China Sea. Okinawa ls almost equi.Ws· tant from Formosa a'n d Japan; only a little further from Korea and the Philip- pi nes, and Within easy striking distance of Southeast Asia. Congressmen cali it the keystone of U.S. strategic posture in the eiitire Asian area, and "mililaoJ .strategists would 1¥! hard 'preSsed to find other tocatiQJWI fnr the'vital air ~nd nBVal bases , )'I h ! ch 1rep~t nearly a half·billion dollar U.S. investment It is bellev'ed .that t. return of sovereignty to Japan -pro- mised at the end of World War Jf -woul d involve the ' . removal Of m.iclear weapoos stored oftlOkinawa and include • a provisions c:Ondueted from , ~~~~9,._,'ii'"'."'"-'"'.'1'l:"lr'.l'.f U.S. bases there. Many U.S. leaders would like to postpone the reversion of Okinawa, at least until after the Vietnam war is over and the U.S . .Japanese mu t u a I security treaty, which will be opened up in 1970, is renewed. But the realities of Japanese politics make d e I a y im· possible, unless this country is prepared to face the risk of defeat for the SATO govem· ment which has been. on the v.'ho lef' both friendly and coope alive. Opposition demands r or reversion -and only slightly lesser insistence from within SATO's own party -have made further delay untenable. The Okinawan people want .revers.ion, too, although their econox:ny has benefited from U.S. military dollars beinfl'. spen t , there, a growiiig·~~ plei:: of U.S. private indultry,. ·. the money spent on civilian administration of the island, and a sizeable · annUal U.S. economic aid program for tbe Okinawans. · ... · .. ToolandDie Prize Given .·; . ' ! Two Orange COast College Company of lndianapolia. students have re c e i v e d The aw11rds were presented scholarsblps given in ,honor of by Mrs. M.A. Harwood, wlfe one of:\,be pioneers 1ri the &ool of the son of Mr. Harwood and and die field. secretary to Dr. Norman E. Re~iving awards of '$50 Watson, chancellor of the each Were Phillip Richards of Orange Coast Junior College South Coast 1.fu:a HH:if!.°"o1· CBe0018achMeanclsa.. Palll District. Richards is a gradute of The awards .are given an-Fountain Valley High School. nualJy to second-year &ool1 and He will transfer tp California die students at OCC in State Collece at Long Beach. memory of.Ralph L. Harwood Hankins will allO attend Cal Sr., a pioneer ·m the. field of State Lmg Beach and cur- Uie sintering proceu, co-rently is employed as a circuit founde;r and prelident of board designer at Collins Micro-Carbil)e Tool' and Die Radlo in Newport Beach. SANT A'S HOME ... AWAY FROM HOME a11s10. "'$AH DIEGO f .. iEWAf, C05fA MfM .Prices Effecti\'e Beginning Tod<ty Sears SA VE 18% io 30% On Baby Items ~-.. Terry Sleep-Play Sets t " • .,._ J? .. ····..J"--. r i~P~>·: Regi1lar S3.29 'Each for • On 1»piece cotton-nrlon stretch terry - • Gripper fasteners down front and throagh both 1eg openi ngs~ elastic back waists • Boolie-lype feet wi1h double self-Cabrie"oole • Your choice of yellow or aqua colon • s;..,,,, small (6 lo 9 mos.) (JS lo 19-lbe.), medium (I ~ lo 18 mos.) (20 to 26-lbo.)' Use Sears R evolving Charge! l:rih Blankets :\6:WO. in. m e qailted bl1n· ~eu. Assorted coJon. 397 Waterproof Pants Pa llOn l(yfe ol h...,,..;pt "inyl. BoiJable. ftite.i R,..,.. 3r 97c J forSl.t9 or Sears Dura-Soft Diapei's Receiving Blanket €ouoa.ecrylie. botw1wei&h1. niac.bine ft!hahle. 30:cf0.ln. Fiued Crib Sheet Fi•-S2x.21.fn. ..... ~ f'ortsed eot&oa. NO r1err S..nloN:fld C(lfton di":a~ •re alttmeTf ~beat. P~J.. od! A Seon U<I-.. (12 diopen pu p.1cU,<). R,,..Jor W'pk'° 2 pkp.S5 11,..1.. 2 97c :! for Sl.39 (or &::.11.19 97c ,.-------------------------------------------------, IUlHA rAIK fl MONTE lONG llAOi rtC0 llf a.-POMONI\ SOU1H Ol)Mf ftAIA I CANOOA rMX GttNDAlt CLY~ & soro $ANTA AtfA 1'ClllNCl I I CC>Mf"JOH HOttvwooo OIANGE IS I w.rA ~ YAt\IY I Cow-IA INGllWOOO PASAOENA e ".11 rs sAHTA #Ot:«A VtiUMJNT _, 5'-, _________ ----------------Cl.J.1 ___________________ ,. ------"'""'··"""""'". ,,,_ .... ·, .... ,.s111w"'19:2:lAA .. ttJOP~J n..._ .. s,.-. ... -.-~G•"6!!1d•••h.Muii•t•~ I • ' " For the Man ... I Accustomed to Quality '. I Sears I Kings Crown Suits there's ANEW LOOK Regular SIOO 7 4ss • \\ e most heartily r.icommt-nd th~ K,inpCrn1>·n ouit,, .an iu1o fMJrtallt look for any occasion • ·r.itor~d from irupotted ,..·ool ll ontcd or wool wor.;ted-Eilk • Hand ,JctaUcd finish •=or 3·Lutuin ftylini;s e Rernl~1r,ehort end Ion,:, in FAfl ~1,~Je~ l ·se Se:tri R~·ol\·ing Cbarge! Prices Effecti,·e Br.gi'nning 1'oda~· -1 ' • • .. • :-• • • I; •' •' I : ' :· • ' ,. ,. ,, •' ' • , . .. ,. • '· ' • • ' I \ • -.. , ""':I at ' ' SEAR S this CHRISTMAS \ Shop Mondoy 1 hrou~h Saturclay •1:~l(l t\. \1 , t 1l 9:'.JO P.~I.. ~11n d ,1y 12 Noo11 lO .3 1' .. \f. . ' : . " " Murphy Joins i11 Agnew Attack on TV Ne~smen SACRAMENTO (UPI)' - U.S. Sen George Murphy says television newsmen should make clear to the public whether their report.s are ''news" or "commentary" - "just like the newspapers do.'' California's senior · senator said network news reporting now ia "out of hand " The forme r movie. actor and danceman praised Vice Presi- dent Spiro T. Agnew's criticism of "imtant analysis" TV reporting Saturday night at a $S0 per plate campaign . lundraising dinner. "Oh, he was great, l thought," the senator said to loud applause from the au· dience of 300 Republicans. "We're not going: to attack television," Murphy continued, "but we may ,fight back a lil- lle bit. We believe in a free preu and free speech. But we worry about the Jntense power held by a very few who have control over what you people get lo see on television. lt is too much power to reside in too few.'' You can give the joy of Christmas . ·1 to those you love in • Family Gift Portraits A warm and wonderful way to say "Merry Christ· mas" to Dad, Grandparents, relatives and friends ~ •• with Gift Portra its. It's the gift that only you can give to those you love rriost. Hurry in.now so we can give you unhurf'.ied attention. You'll avoid the crowds and the cold weather ••• and savel 9 CHRISTMAS GIFT PORTRAITS ARE YOURS FOR AS LITTLE AS • 995 .• . On•.lxlO, Two 5x7 encl 6welleh of on11 two o,... '. three ~•oP.le, Huntington BHch 892-3331, E.d. 283 -I II Roor -~==~== Monday, Nov11t1btr 17, 1969 DAIL\'" PILOT J J . EseaP,ee~s Freedom All Ower Nevada Double-killer Caught After 46 Years FOR A 'LIMITED TIME!. Sears I Prices Effective Beginning Today { See This Precious Collection of Genuine Hand-Knotted Oriental Rugs at Sears ••. e 'forranee • Co1ta Me1a • P111dena • Cano1a Park 'J'he following parti•l li1tinJ iodicalet "' •ite in feet and inches. color and price ••• plhered from India, Pak.ittan, Afiduinillan,, )r1n. Visit all four 11.oret and see the lab- ulou1 collection-'?lued at llJI00,000. The $30,000 BidJ•r Rug will be on di1play •l the Coota·Men SIOl'e through November .21 • HaJwai.Bidjar is a ~g made over 80 years :aso. There are no man made dyes used ill rbecolot- ing of this rug., onlr plant and vegetable dyes including barks of trees and dead bodiC's of r~ male insccts.1'-fade of the finest Kashimir Wool selected for years from the shoulders of sheep. Designs, moti fs and colorings ate not repeated throughout rhe rug: Jr rook a grandf~r. father and son ro complete this rug. All gcnera1ions worked for a period of 19 years. Tius rug was owned by a priva[e fam ily and was in constint use in their home for oyer 73 ye~ In the last 7 years ic has changed hands 8 times, each lime bringing a higher price and ao increase in •alue. This is the only known specimen produced by the Halwai Family. Area and Kind Price Acr:ent Rugs Kind Color Price Rnp&om INDIA IRAN KERMANS 12x9 Ch1nd T 8195 ll.2x8.8 Kerman Dlue 11!9S Jl.llx9 Ch•nd l19S 14.2xl0.9 Sarouk. lied 11195 12x8.IO Ch•nd SI 95 J0.9'6.11 Sarouk Rod 1795 9.8x8 Norjahan S48S ll.2'7.3 Miraband Red 16r, 12.lx8.8 Norjahan S59S l l.5x6.8 Mehrab1n Rod 16 5 I 1.9'8.9 AU•r ISSO l l.6x8.IO Sbahribaf Blue 12195 ·Auar 139S 13.2x9.4 TabriE Red IS4S ll.lbB.11 Rajkot 177S 10.2x7.3 Kabutanh1ng Ctt•m SS90 I 1.9'8.8 R-.jkot 169S ll.7x7.9 Sarah•nd Red 1415 9.10x7.10 R•jkot as so l)x8.2 SarOuk Blue l!SSO 12x8.9 Chand 119S 13.lx9. 7 Kerman Red 19~0 I0.4x7.9 Norjah.1n 1490 12.4x8.8 ~arouk Cre•m IH9S 15.lxll.lOAuar S89S l l.5x9.:? Kerman Cttam SI095 Rn••f....,.PAKISTAN 17.8xl1 .8 Kennan C.re•m 12190 15.6x9.7 Kennan <:ream Sl995 3.6x:?.7 Pald~lan 855 J6.7x9.ll Kern1an Cream Sl650 6.10'3.I Pakislau SIJO J7.8xll.8 Kerman Cream S2890 6.7x4.l Pal..i6Lan $199 17.2xl0.4 Kerman Red 12290 5.2:\3.l Pakistan $12S 21 .fix.12.3 Sarouk. Red 13375 4.llx3.5 ~arouk f:rea111 1199 3.9x:?. 7 Paki$la11 155 :?.7xl.IO (;haradjeh Cream 1485 5.IOx,, Pakiatan Sl85 6.3x3.2 Gharadjeh (;reen $119 Rup from AFGHANISTAN !'ii x3.~ Bortchalu Red 199 8.6x6.2 Arghan 8:135 5.6x3.8 Kutabad Reel $145 11.lx7.11 AfAha11 133S J5.lx9.10 Sarouk Red 11995 5.8x4 Afghan 1240 :?2.lxl2.3 Kerm•n Cream 13695 6.9x4.ll Afghan ·S2SS 20.1 Jxll.6 Shahribaf Blue 16300 7.9x6 Afghan 1199 23.7xl3.6 Bidjor Blue 130,000 12.5x9.10 Afghan 1525 l l.10x8.9 K11butar1h1ng Blue 1790 I:l.10x6.10 Af&ha11 S495 12.llx9.9 Heri!5 Brown 11695 9x7.$ Afgh1 n 1275 10.7x6.6 Ya~d Red IS75 14.2xl0.9 Sarouk Blue l23SO TURKISH PRAYER RUGS 7.lx.4 .. 'i l\.tehraban Red Sl99 !?5x2S-I n. Kayseri $125 6.7x4.4 l·lamad11n Red 1140 39x.70.in. K1yseri SI89 6x4.:l J~ilian R•d i1~s 39"70.inr. Kayaeri 8189 6.8x4.3 Aron Red II 5 ..0..90-in. Kayseri 1299 Dardjuin lied 1225 20140-in. · Y a11lie 889 8.Sx4.3 D•rdi•1in CremlD 122S • 7.JxS. l Hu11seinb11d Red 1225 ,IRAN SAllOUKS (.:olor i .5x5.:! Kuta bad Red 1225 2.6xJ.10 . Gh•radjch 825 5.2x3.5 Dardj•zin Blue 1119 2.8xJ.9 Gh•r•dJeh S25 5.2x3.7 D•rdjuin Cn1m 1119 2.9xl.9 Ghar9djth $25 S.2xl.8 D•rdjuin Cream IS9 4.lx2.2 Sarouk Red S99 4.2x2.6 Dardjatin Cre•m 165 5.1x2.7 Sarouk Red 8119 7.Jx4.9 :5arouk Blue 8S25 RUNNER SIZES • S. txa.2 Kerm•n Cream 1199 J4.6x2.6 Kennan Crt:am 1380 6.lx3.7 Kutahad Red SUS 1 2.ix~.6 s.rouk Red 1375 6.IOd.3 l\fehraban Red 1199 H .2.t.9 D11rj•tin R,d 12SO 2.Sx!? Sarouk Pu~hti 14S J6.8x2.8 l\.fehr11ban Ulue 1465 6.8x4.3 Sarouk. Mir. Red S3SO l!xJ Mehr•h•n Red 1195 7.3x4.10 0.hvand Blue 1299 13.7x2.4 Shobribaf Blae •295 6.6x4.7 0.hv•nd Rod 1299 !3.8x2.8 s.rouk Cre1m 136S 7.Sd.S Sh•hriba( Blue 167S J4x2.6 Saroak Rod 1395 -------------------------------------------------~, Above C1rpel8 Sl:::AltS Torn nee st:AR,S Paaadena St:ARS Cotta Me•• SEARS C.no1• Park I I A1'1il1ble al tbe Hawthorne 1t E. Foo1hlll 1 t Br11lol 1t SunOqwtr Victory Bl.d. · I · F0Uowln1 · Sepulved1 Ro•emeid. Phont1 ~ In SooCoatt Plata at F1llbrook I Seo,.. Storj:t• Phone S42-I Sil EL S-4211-MU1·3211 ears Phone S40.3333 Phone 340.Q661 I ~-------------------------., -------------------Shop NltfoliMondoy lfv""9h Sal\lnlay 9,:iq A.M. IO 9,30 P.M., S""""712 -ro) r.M. ---m "SatlslactlonGuarantnd or Your Money lack" ' I I I ) ,. JI DAILY PILOT I 4 • • Army Blasted ~for .Open-"-Air .Gtls~ Tests • WASffiNGTON (AP) -Ac- • · cullng tht Army of "lack of cindor, deception and • dilre&&rd of the public in- terftt," a House committee caUed today for an immed1ate hak to tarp.scale open-air teas of war gas. . ': ' The panel said lhe publlc • snoukl know when future open· ,, • . ' . • ' . air tests -already reslricted report '1there la no adequate u.-lder provi!Sons of an act justification for such secrety adopted by Congress last week and deception." -are made • · · · . 'nle , report came abort.ly Charg.fng a "web, of . after .h.ep. Richard McCarthy secrecy., envelo~ ,Anny (0.N .. Y.) asserted tear cu - chemical and b I o I o "g I c I I '·described as a nonlethal battle warfare _:.. CBW -~ritloRJ, : ald1 tiy ,lhe military -is being the House GoYe'rnmtnt Oper8-used~ as a . weapi:ri of death in tions ComrhHtee ·slid· 'Jn ~· · Viet.1am. ' . ' . ' . . ' . .. McCarthy uqed Pmldent Nixon to resubmit the tns Geneva Protocol on CBW to the Senate, lochtdln& tear gas ln the ban on ·use of all IUCh a,enli& .. in war. The United St.ala. has never ratified the agreeJ:DellL --• 'I1le repraentaUve apoke to students at Johns Hopkt.11 lhlhe11117 In B>a lt Im ~re -,:alcbt: ' The acw•muent operations· ~ report IPI lhe bamt on the Anny's nerve llf'nl VX for the death or in- jury ol l ,000 sheep near the Dupay 'ProvilJi Ground In U!Oh laat yur, Tbe · military procurement bill which cleaiiid the Hauae and ~ lul -llmlll opelMir teats to t h ct I e del<nnlDed '"oec:ulaey to the national -..rl\y'' l!J the secretary of defense. Nothing In the bill "'lvlru the gdvernment to alert the gO:ltral public IO ho Informed, however, the coouiiw .. ,. said. ears • .. I • • • • • • : 7 Ft., :8· Ft.· 0~:9 Ft .. Vec~ra® Tweed ··---• •• ' • ' • • • ' ·~ - -· • .. ~ .. -• .-. ... ... ... - . SA VE !50! Regular '249.95 Early American S9fa •Country sly le with ·-~~·ec.tbeart'' $ 9 ahaped ellached pillow back '. 1 9 •Quilted centered-floral print co\ er, Scolch[[ardlt treated. Plea.led i;k irt- ,e Rever~ible 1tal yure1hane foam i;eal cu611ion~. ~1.iple fiuil;h wood trim '189. 95 ·Demi Sofa_' 169 '149. 95 Chair-' 129 f~otShown) Colonial Occasional Tables •Choice o( ~ock lail table, heXap:<Jn corn: 111ode or.aquare commode •Warm Salem maple fi ni11h,. ?tlar•T't'i!i~flnl to pt for easy care • Heavy anti,1ue bra$~ pu IL SAVE $60 to I SOFAS ·• Vectra• (Olefm Fiber) fabric e Boxweave textured • Locked-in color 9-FL Size Regular $2'19.95 S.FL Size . Regalar$279.9;; 7-Fr. Size Regular $259.95 YOUR CHOICE i ;.. • Loose T ·•haped back pillows, l'fl\lel'lible 5-in. dee p seat cushions ••• ·all of poly.iret~ foam •Upholstered in Ve_ctra• (Olefin Fiber) ••• the fabric with bu ilt-in stain resistance ••• locked· in color. Withstands hard wear • Outside arm panels m biscuit defiign with hutton trim. Hidden casters for easy moving '199.95 Matching Demi-Sofa (not shown) *169 '1 39.95ClubChair(not shown) -*99 Prices EffeetiYe •Biginning Today ,----------------1-~ ------------------------------.. ' I I ' I -PoU1CTA 1·4400, 521 -4530 fl•MOHIE ·GI 3-3911 lONG KACH HE 5-011 1 ° l'OMOHA ED 2·11'5, NA 9-5 161, YU'6·6751 l'ICOWE 8-4262 SOUTHCOASJP\AZA 540-333J CANOGA ,. .. 340-0661 GlUIOAlE CH 5·1004, Cl 4-4611 OlYM!IC . $OTO. AN 8-5211 SANTA AHA Kl 7.337 1 . lOftANCE 5'2-151 I I I COWtON NE 6-2581, NE 2-l761 HOUYWOOO HO .9-5941 OUNG<o637·2f OO, . SANTA fE "'ING! 9'4-l!Ol l VAUrt PO .3~1461, 984-2220 I COVINA 966-0611 INGlEWOOO O• 1-2521 PASADfHA 681-321 1, 351·421) s~ars . SANIA MONIC.\ EX 4-67 11 vttMOl<T f'l 9·1911 '---------~----------------~ _________________ , Shop tf19ht1 Monday through Saturdciy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M., Sunday 12 N-to S P .M. "Sati1faction Guaranteed «WYourMcmeylack" \ • • • • ' ., • " • I I c I t .. c ( c , ' ' • " n 1 - \/Pl T..,_,. Eife ltl1tst ·Go O•• Despite the lhrcat of Communist shelling-a regulai: thing at this special forces camp of Due La~a Montagnard woman hangs her wash near a r o ck e t laUnche.r emplacement .. In lhe background, a GI watches as aupplies are co~ tered irrt.o the camp which has been under siege for a week. Bay Area 'Loses Its Class' SAN FRANCISCO (APj - "San Francisco has Jost its class," complains Agostino Giuntoli, proprietor of what he claims is the oldest night club in the United States. "In Union Square, once upon A time, you WeijJld see lhe most beautifully d r c s s ed women in the world," he con- tinued. "Now they wear slacks ••• they go barefooted." chef II the 365 Club, then at 365 Market st. and _, 365 days a year, The club had been started u a speakeasy at a time when San Francisco refused to take the prohlbitlon law seriously. When the 18th Amendment Giuntoli, whose nickname ls "Bimbo" and who owns "Bim-bo's 365 Club," was talk· was repealed, about the only ing lo reporters Mooday after change at the club wu ad· being named-this city's man of dition ot a sign outside. the year by the City of Hope. Among thole who have YQUll8 •.DlfTHL'l:C •• <a $21S•Ol'l•CKf 011 ucll '5ooo»tNll fl c1t1. It 11111 1111cf1r I 1111111111, ·ptlllclf_ef . r1f!Jc1f •1 cll1ct!l-,.••t Jiii. nRIS II LJT[ AS 25111 UU FIDll 111 , chatilable found~n. . worked Iii Ibo club, W!llch ' ~ old d~' . declared;, Bimbo lalor bough!, were .,. " """"'· the b . ~ad clue" tms ~ Hayworth, Peljillo , A\>t ,.,w even .. Francllco the clown l!ld comedian Jack hafi to,t it.a class. Ifs a hl{d~ Carter. thil'llMO sar °'!~en you love a ·• Bimbo doesn't knock the bcautlfut city. ~ topleuneu o( other San -rassadot accoum ' PAID GlfAlt·TEll:LY! Bimbo, now 66, reached th1I Francisco night apots but he country from hls nati ve Italy doesn't havt it in h I 1 in 1924, carrying only $2, a club, which for the past 19 mandolin and a gullar. years bas been on Columbus COSTA ma· ;zoo H.lllOl llVD. , After working 8s a Palace Avenue · after ZO years on Hot.i· janitor; be became tbo Market Street. For over 100 years the vast body of land spanning 1111 mlddlt OM-fifth of Orange County has b,... known astti. I Nina Ranch. o In 1965 The !Nino Company devised a symbol comprised of a ninch map, bordered by a Spanish stirrup shape and topped with 1 Spanish Don on horseback that became t heir logo or trademark. Sinc;:e that time the symbol .h advertising and printed llteratu • ~haracter of the logo wa ownership of the Irvine . In five short years_ given birth to· a. highly c international.as, well ~.naµ. of Irvine by the National Co Quality, one of the visitors re to ••tour the Irvine Ranch a unexpectedly foun<I tha}. communities rising from appeared on signs, on stationery, in e Company felt that the distinctive te for a corrpany with the historic to cowboys end cattle has ovelopment that has golned During thl rectnt Inspection rliBn AffaiB end Environmental t ~resident Nixon had asked them · 1:hey are doing:' end that he eality a complex of urban What was once 1 of •cult shopping centers and ~Jon sl Complex, 11 new west nancial now 111 stem In five n-In thl lnduruial iVtr>ity of C.llfornla at ch Is Unlvenity Park, .ooo residents. Irvine, and 21 ditf Tustin Meadows, The The lrvjne Com· financed master-pla~-- 11pparent from the" Center, to the resi "" Safari beginning to. Ana Freeways. ci the lll'gllt prlvmly . , size and ICOpe Is Newport. Flninclal to Lion Country Diego end Santa single nemt, Irvine ., Ranch, is now ma Because . of t docided tp create a new mar CO!JIPlny englQld In th8 many differ for tomorrow.'' ".J In thec~tlon of .th ntlhould~ ~ . -the Co111>1ny rath• Is _,tlolly tf\o lingle word "Irvine" i most lnltlnces It Will appear in·• wlll be I IUVW " {lctalll!le at the r nlL ) ·•:1n°-those arees for ·whlch the old 1,.,ina Ranch hlllmtrk Is ~Ill " • approi)riate, they·will continue its use to, represent the proud traditions ~; for. which the Ranch wtS or!tinally knoWh. o For thme activities which ~ · plam to "the' C:reatlon of 1 ·,_ envlronmeot for people, howover, the c~'wlll use Its new rymbof,•o In oo dolllll, they hope t hat In the ""'1 ilW yoa11 their mark will come to stand for• company wh011 lont .:· history Is devoted to improving lht fillln. Irvine • Building Tomorrow'a Cities Today Maildaf. N°"mb« 17, 1'169 Biaf ra Willing to Settle for L'ess OWERRI, Blalra (AP) -hard· lining t n I o r m" •·II on B lafran leader Gen. m.lnlster,· Chief Anthony Odumegwu, OJukwu appears Enahoro. willing to setUe the bloody, 3G-OJukwu hlm"U Is balking at month~ld secesslonlat war for attending peace talks 1n a something leu than Blalra's neutral country, claiming the complete independence. federal forces invariably take At the same Ume, be insists advantage of hi s absence lo launch a major offensive. that the Nigerian federal Ojukwu~s biggest handica p government must a c Ce P t ls the lack of sympathy for his something leis than IUafr.a'a: Cause .in the rest of, Africa,. compl<te lnt..,.aUon into .the, 0.ly Joor Alrician """'11Jlies' Nljferllul .We. and HalU have . n>ooQnlud The leaders of several -Blafra. t;e8ders-of'in1nyDlack . African counlries .are con- Unuirlg Intensive backstage ef- forts to bring the two sides together at the conference table. The closer they seem lo get, the harder ls the altitude of the "hawks" on both sides ......: perhaps in an effort to preP,are bargaining positions tor future peace talks. At a recent news conference Ojui<wu sald a "wide spectrum of sovereign attribute.s" might be subject to negotiation, pro- vided Biafrans came to peace lalks not as defeated rebels but as "free men." The federal Nigerian leader, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, has shown signs of a willingness to meet Ojukwu on equal tenns :--only to be repudiated by bis African governments !ear that success for Ojukwu might tempt their own t r i b a I minorities to-break.away end seek sovereign intemaUonal status. Ojukwu b_uill his would-be state around the Ibo tribe in the old Eastern Region of Nigeria, A massacre of Ibo im~ants in Northe r n Nlgena in 1966·Jed to OJukwu's decision to secede with Ute Ibo homeland, When he declared Biafra independent in May 1967, he claimed all the Eastern Region for the new slate, including many tribes which regard the Ibos as hereditary enemies. Some ol these, the Jb ibios and Rivers People o( the Nlge.r Delta and the. Calabar tribes on the Cameroo n • border, openly opposed the seceu.lon. t?ie Annang tribe in Aba Province split loto pro. and aod-Biafra factions. The Biaft&n regime seems to · mistrust the minority tribes, desplle m 1 n or i t y r e p r es e ntatives in the secessi.onisl government. The secretary·general of l h e government, N. U. Akpan. is an lbiblo. The chief of staff ot Uie armed .forces, Maj. Gen. Philip Elloog;ls lin Allnang. , . But ·llleii pos!Udn ls i"'.00. arid deficate: Oj\Jkwu 'runs the' war himself and hLs orders to front line "COroma~. go out itiiectlr. • from h Is head-' quarters. · The area ol eff ec t ive Bialran administration has been reduced to less than 4,000 of ~e 30,000 square miles of the old Eastern Regioo. A fragile and costly hight airlift is the only leak through lhe federal blockade. Millions of refugees choke hlghwiys and villages. Tfiere is a desperate s.hortage of food and othe esse ntials, The enemy has overwhelming superiority in men and firepower and enjoys the active support of Britain , the Soviet Union and the Afab bloc. The procurement and a1rurt of arms and key supplies - without counting the food ~P"' Sears Has Everything ... BWra. It looks u 11 Ojutwu o borrowing at teat&: 90me ot hlt funds at high interest rates. NowMo•yWeor FALSE TEETH ments of inlematlonal relief organizaUOOI -are Olllmated to coat Blafra mol'fl lhan SlOO mJlllon 1 year. Except for a trickle of cocoa and palm kernel exports flown out in relumlng supply p I a n e s • Biafra has no visible income. The source of funds for her With More Comfo·rt war eflort is a conUnulng d•~~~Plllf:~::nd~ = mystery. Jut 1prtnkl1 PA8TS.rl'B oa fu:: Ojukwu's regime,denles it Is £'dnf..i!.t'J~!: cC:1:'f~ur: ~~-financial ajd ~ '~'f.~ .. ~'{".C::: r n:1~1 oil lnlemtl sald to tie ~tiu. \bit a, u. ... uu ~ hoPfug fot important COD· =~~~-=:::.= ceab!I from an independent . : 1 ) • K-MAC PHARMACY . Try us for your prescription needs. Fast, courteous serv· ,. ice. We will gladly quote prices prior to filling your prescrip· tion. 3333 N1wport Blvd., Newport 811ch Across from Newport Be•ch City Hill Phone: 675~6611 Sunday Hour>: Including SUNDAY SHOPPING to 5 P.M. 12 Noon • Sears FM CONCERT STEREO MUSIC CENTER Prices Effective Beginning Today Buy Now on Sean Easy Payment Plan. )'our monthly paymenta begj n in February Big, Bold, Beautiful Sound Willi Powerf_ull20 Watt Amplifier Individually-$364;90-'-;-'' --SAVE. $55 4-Piece Stereo Outfit e Solid 1llite 4-epeed automatic l!letto phono with integrated .. ~~1 cin:uit $ and Alert Light. Complele "'·i1h Ou!t Cover e Stereo beaidphone has 10.fL cord with stereo plug. Frequency ranges: 20- -17,000 HL • Delue acoastic mspemion &peaker ll)'ltelii. : spea,ken-8-i.n. woofer. J.. in. wide di1per11ion lweeler. Oiled walnut finish l.;b.~ . ..., ... ., Speaken $90 pr. Turntable Complete 'Mtb . .Dust Cover - Only $249.95 ---------------·----------------------------------, I __ ,., 1.,400, ,21 .. "° •-" G4 ~111 '°"' llACl!t-= s.01u l'Qllj(lll4 ro 2·114J, HA •·Sl•t, 'l"U ,.,ru ri:o Wf •-•1&1 aou1Mc:ou11tuA S«llW I I ~ '""1,00661 CltOClo'l.r CH s.100,, a •• u 11 a'wc • 10tO AM 1s111 •-•"""' 1t1 1 JJ11 fOllANt1 )41.1s11 c-. Mf .. 2jtl, Mr 2•Sl'1 llOtltwOOO HO •-lt•I -6J1:,100 ~ w n• n ~·Ulf.\ fl 4.allll ¥"'lit l'O l·•'''· ft..,,. I , (OWi .. "''°'" l"OllWOCO QI ··"11 •• "'°' ........ ,.1111 . l " .. '" Sears .A .. ,.-..... t t ._.,!I ftlllCHt "' .... ,, .. _________________ , --------------------------Shop Nlthh ~ ttwwe" SClttlrder t-.30 AM.. f9 9130 P.M.. S""""112 Nl>M .. J P.M. ••--,. ''Satisfaction Guorortt•ed orYoYf'Moneyloc:k" ' ' ' . l I ' T.C DAii. Y' PILOT School BJ THOMAS· FOll'l'UNlli OtlMDMtJPW ..... SANTA ANA -The obllltJ of llCbool boordl lo -• meeaure of control OYer" U»elr own ddtJny by •~1 new me:mben baa ended. A new law that went b to ef- fect last week calls for popular election of bo~d members io flll vacated aeats. Previously, when a vacancy occurred betwten •lectioo& ~ mainlng board members pJck· e:d a replacement.. Such school board openings have o c c u r r e d frequently along the Orange Coast. In the 13 coastal school districts, 3S lrustees l\1ere initially elected and 33, almost hair. nrst ap- pot.1ttd to a school board. Independent election of each board membeT could have im· DEATH NOTICES DE MAGGIO c.r1ce s. o. M•9'1o. 21• M.,1!11111 st .. Cosl1 ~... S!lrYJved tr. Mti.NI, Nldl1 brotti .... Rkl\erd e . Sult!Yt l'I, Sr., "' ShN¥-I, Louhl1111. s-k•i. 'l'Vftdtv. 1 PM, !loll llrotdwtY Cl\aptl, lltll 8rotdWIY MortuerY, OlrKfon. EVERE'IT Htllll S. EY11rl'tl. 16.U Tuttl11 Av1., • CMll Meu. Survived by h\lt.~nd, • Wl!l11. Pdvtlt wrvlc11 1rid !nl.,.ml'l'll ' WI~ "91d, 8ttl Brad•.., MorlwrY, I Cost• Mtw. Olrectvrt. FRITZ Mt.rt•• .. wv11e Frlli.. '"n P1<1r.c Co.if Hlwh'#l'I" HIJftfll!91Ql'I 9-"· krvlcn pendlnt 11 Smlth.i Mortue,.,. JOHNSON Clllrlft S. JohnMlfl. f"1C Alb9c0tt, Hu"""'"'" B"ch. s. .... 1c" pendl11t II Smllht Morfl/1rY. KOCHAM Lori IC. Koch.,". Jr," IS, et 2517 1.tnt1 Jr,M ....... , Cotll MUI. Olffo et de1lh, · MN~r 15. Svrvl~ed by "''""• Mr. ind Mr1. Jl:oy Koch1m' brofMr, Mkhlll; thrH iltlfrf, IC1r111, Jiii 1nd SVM11, 111 et f"9 ho!M. C"-1 .. ,... l(:H. Tllftdl 'I" NO'ffmber It,. 1 PM, Wntdlff ClllP91. with Fr. T~I J. Nl\'fn ettkl1llnt. lnlemMnf, Good Slwpherd C-WV. Dlnctld b'I W.St- dlff ClllPfl Mottu1rv, ~- KROPF M1rry I', ICl'OPI'. Ave 1f; dll1et111911!. NOY. 16. S<Jrv!vtd b'f w!l1, Gr.Cl M. ""'""' JOI!. H••rY Kroof, of $1"' DI• 1.or lhrM:1r11'1dc1'11ld..nf lhrH •l'ltl• ••1ndc.l!lldrtn. S.,....lcn, Tun.HY. 1 PM, ~111 Cl'llPll. 1n11rmeM. P1clllc Vlr# MeiN...111 Pirie. Dlrlcil'll tty h ttf ~rY. 352G E. Cotlt Hit~ Wll'· Corviwi ctel· M•r. LEWIS Oelft D. Lewb. l.IO ROctltdH .T.,.• r..:1, LI..,,.. Be1cfo. DI'-of dulh, New. U. $1.lrvlYed b'I' wife, E1lhfft 1on. ltlcN•d O.. Cor«wi Olt ~" dlvthler. Bette Piersotl. of MQl'lrovi.t 11si... M1udl 51el<f, s.n M1rl110i ""' 1r111ddolldrM. $1...,lctt. T~Y. l PM, P..:IUc View CMl>el. Enloml>- "'9f'll, P1clllC View Memorlt l P1r'k. DlrK led b'I' P1,lflc View Mortu1r1. MINDER Jin11 M!nckr. lllJl Tl'lom1s, HvnllM· tfll'I t11Ktl, $ttvlc11· pe/ll:llnt 11 $mlth1 Morfu•rY· NlElSEN Dlvld I, NleJ~. M.D. A•t It, nf H U Tvltln Ave.. Pffw'rOr1 BMd'I. sv,...fvtcl b'w' wife. Eiv .. , lflrM '°"., n1vk1', Slft>hltl 1nd !'eut1 lhrH ~"'' t«t. C"rllllt11. Lh1..,.., INI Ttrh tl!rM 1111.n. Mr'I, E11htr' F1!r, Mii· Boards M.ust Eli'd · Appointments ' -- Science Shrinks Painfull' plications for lhe dynamics of &ehool board operation. Ana voters might not put as much emphasis on like-mindedness in choosing a new board mem· ber as incumbent trustees have. But time will le~ thaL The new law was pa.wd by the 1961 Legislature. The reasons gi.ve::i fOT<' the legislation were to prevent political appointments to non- partisan school board positions and to give the people a more direct say Jn chooeing their representatives. It is going to cost residents of the school ·district to hold the special elections when vacancies come up -the amru;it depending upon the number of voters. (The cost can vary from only $127 in Trabuco School District which has ju!t t53 reg. !sler"1 Vol.el> lo 126,000 in North 0nUige County Junior COllege District with its 1!9,000 -members ...... ·•"Ir. • ... _ -~ .. , ___ '"'I"' ,,,. .... .....,_, Hemorrhoids ~ rt~'volen,ll<C«dlll(lo • "'"""''"' '""°'cMIWf'°'"'"" , .. , .. V-,_.., -Sto Itch Rell p 0 the county Superintendtn\ of tracted from_ the totaJ llnd 1 Kli'I\ Vfl"I • LOUii L!lnlk I I illKtlCI. H1rold It""-Wll!ltm e,..,._ 1t'MI Mn.. ps -eves am Schools office.) . ' . ,..._...MtM UlllllH -!allm =·'"' 1111~ ~I ~SNll'd those. appointed to local &ehool "'""'"· Fr•llkll11, J1m11 "BUI" '""''°"' • Mn. ·•~ "' • ... Fi'-•-'"111That Both R-r----Pai"n -·'-_ _.. __ , • ..._ _ _._ • tHa . Doulcl 51t'Hh INI Tl'IOOIWI caMY U-MlllftHIRI Midi ·a:-t\1111 1f1Q9 ffl ~ have -ferred to 1'Dlb their added in,. 8nnt\_lntee"S1"111on11 ika E'llt•bfth ~I •nd R 0 Ill. r f l k •l"I ''"'*' Holdtll • II tdl OrVlllt and Shrinb Pila In Moat Cues ~ a J URI, M."UUUt -1-boardJ P,l'!Or to· unu~a.tloos . P01!>•ed1 · Mr!l.:!«:.ltn bl!"-. "''· Ufloltt, ·J.o: c11.... Nlderlll!'I rw rr""· .. o I"''"'· MKM,UWM • fd. HI-111dld, ~ own replactmentl nthtr tM;t coast Ot.1\nt!mber ·~ ftrst 1.-ia-11 u11111.i -A"'"""' oe''" vl:!_!lltllffltll'Y -1t..-i Nnr Tort. :M.Y. (S,edal): Set.. are) took plaet. 'l'be l«fit fl leave the decilioa to &bl Uc-elected -13i1'lo 31. , · : · 8::~1:':.~'~CS: ~:rrrr.~li:...~.; ~.:' s~~Jd,IWlfti:::i ="=i enee h .. found a IJ*ial fo..., p,.•paratio• H•. The.re·J.--no torate. Here ls a list ot those ap-·~·=·~'1i1111i.. ~~.d Newt!••' ~ee,;::1: •,..-.,. _ Gr111111 mula "'i,U. eT ~ltt, inb'jd.t other formula for licmonhoidt Anahe1m HlCh S Ch 0 0 ) .....i,.o.....1 and • thL-, elected in • Jr., 'Noll~ fl•nwl9l'O 1l'IO St1nl1y Kelln' Bld•rl• Eow1rd l«rVL 11111 LI. Pl\1111• Utelj;:_I.;.!_ nd _,~rr ~ ' like ft. Preparation B alJe .~~ -··•~ lo ,..,.....~ , · ~ t S'i:il"'':/i°'" Raber! ~·_.,, Tt.orn1' Br..til•lcf •'*"n!Wd1 11o11trt P.rMrOll l&o.P ......._an ~1en pa1n. _. Dlsuaa l"WlllW come up the first instance, before rc--tnue1. •rc.iour1 11111 •nd' Robltl •nd J•mn H111or1 11Ktld. Jo C&ff after c••• doctor• •ootbe1 irritated ti11nea u .. with an appointee:· bl one elect! · ' wu e ICI. · Sul tffdl 11'-"'11"" -Jld: JlfO"d, bile tl.7-nllnln~' helP8 PN'mlt further infection. week'a tJme to , beat this <tl: , • . .,t=\\"P=·~·11 t:i~~"1r;p;; .. t~ ~=l~:;oi.tN.';,a=, °'e11'w4i.'".:': ._, ... .:.. ~ (~· hointmentorsuppoti.toqtD ---"s •--•u-, n-,.,_ ,. __ _., Or .... c..f. ~ · C'*-1 -Or ... JOM!lh tt11:'.i: ,Mlttl'llw Wwuktl' end Mr.. ltl.ltll C1llllrtf'11.cit0. ir-t ~ ~ --.... ,,,.,..., ~Id MOtr. wi.111•!".· '1Cft/ltr lfllll ... 1•·1~ 8lu..-'*''°· .. ' _..,........., t.:=-'J: ·-...= .Junior College Diltl1ct quickly. _;-;~";;;··~-~!'!''~.11;111~;,,'.!'~w~-~~·!""'~'_J'~Ji~-~..,~-~·~r~,,.~=~· ~;;~£'::~"'5;:-~,~-~;i:~-g·--=~~"~'~:.~· 'jlei~~'~':i/~,M~ .. ,~.~ .. ~-~·~ 'E-~======================;: filled a vacancy Jut llpringf. .,.. RMert ~ .. e!C)..i. : SW1~. P1vi. c.~· •NI IN•. ll!ld Mr•. • Wllln'llr• •1te1tc11 al!hoogh oo e~.wu just two months •W•Y· Of th• l>3 orl&inilly •J> pointed truatees alo;)g the ()range CoaSt mos~ have since been re-elected one or more times. Westminster Elemeir tary Trustee Ray Schmitt Is the senior · member of this club. First appointed tn 1944, lie has been re-4!lecled seven Umes. . Like all schoo1 , board members; t}\e appointees haw devoted hundreds. of hours to thjs public serviCe without pay. And if they as a group haven't beet independent min- ded they also have11't been mavericks or polit ical demqoguea. · The appointees, rHlected as. incumbenta or eleded to a new unified .dl•lrict board, make up the majority of five coastal IChool boards Orange eout,"Junlor ColJege, Newport.Mesa Unified, Hun- tington Beach. F o u n t a l n Valley and Westminster eleme':ltaries. Saddletiaci: Junior College Is a 2¥.a·year-old school district ~1 .hu.'!l!ll yet fl<P'!rlonced any lruatee turnover. II Ua .. ' . SEARS Has Everything ... Including SUNDAY SHOPPING I Sunday Hours: 12 Noon lo 5 P.l'v1. '13.99, 100% Wool Pile Sculptured Carpet SAVE •4 sq. yd. I •This 100% pile earpet h•s the elepnee ,.,a find only in a richly aculptured broadloom. Rugged wearabjlity, • Choice of 16 classic colors 'B .99 "Soft Step" ' Woman Faces Court Shaggy Carpeting 6?.? In Chil.d Abduction SANTA ANA -A Costa Mesa mother 6f three charged with abducting two · neighbor children fact!S a sanity hearbg Friday in Superior Court.. Mrs. Patricia Stagner, 30, of m W. Wilson SI., originally faced f e Ion y child-stealing charges, but these wen reduc· ed to a misdemeanor level during a preliminary hearing. Mrs. Stagner appeared at the Harbor Judicial District Court Monday, where the judge expressed "a-doubt" ·as to her present sanity and referred her case to Superior r-.~ • -~~ . She was arrested Oct. 17 tn Sa.1 Diego ,after authorities took two brothen, MJchael, 8, and David Finkehteln, 4. and lhe defendant's own three children into prot·ecllve custody. 'The Finkelstein boys were . returned to t h e t r parent!, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chavez, unharmed. Mrs. Stagner and the five children had varushed stx days prior to her arrest from the Wilson Street addreJs· where the Finkelstein boys live in an apartment with their mother and stepfather. Mrs. stagner is fttre on her own recognizance p e n d I n g disposiUon of the cue, SAVE '2 sq. ycL • A plush with a gham look. or a 1bag with a plushy Jook al a budget pri·ce • ldealforapartment.a-0rbedroom! ••• l6colan ' :fl'" SAVE 'l Pastel 1 "Cloud Soft" AccentR 9 ug 9 \- RegularM.99 3 ! 2lx36" Size each ~ e Pat n emphae;~ oC luxury and style Into any i. w-*"' Mr1. J~ B••M• •Ml M .... ,------------------------ .room you'd li.ke to expre1111 quiet, au.btlo 4; glamour. Texture improves with W81bing 1 e Sean exc1uaive non-til<ld Nfety back ••• guari. • enteed for the ]ife of the rug · ' llV!h Lltdorn. bolh of Colt1 Mnt1 •nd -•~•nckhlld. S«Ykn wur bl Mkt Wld!>ndaY, 11 AM, SI. Andrrw"I ,.,....,.,,..,.1,n Churd\o N--1 Be•el>. Mlltt1ry 1r1v11lde rll11, F1l .... wn M-!11 P1rk. F1mlly 111ne1ll thow w11hl"9 I• rrwik1 memorltol COftlrlb\1- ti-r lNll mlllrlbvt1 I• l"4t Docloo' n.vld •• N1t11en Me...-1•1 Fvnd. Or1nN COlllllY Medlul Jr,111Xl1tlan, ntl S. Flowet', Or1nff, C1llP. Bell Brold· !"'W MorlulrY, Cosll Mt>M, Dlt'Kko. OSWAW M.rold 11:1vmotld Os-Id. lln161nt et Cot" Mnl. Dlh: et 6111h, HOY. 15. &tlov.cl hu•lllnd et ~f'Y "· Oswtltll f1th&r o1 Phll!o R. 11>d .lol"M Gill Olwlkl; br111~ at Cl!ttlH F, 01· Wild. S.-Vl<H wilt bti IMld W9dnn· di.,. 11::!0 Jr,M, HHt1kll Chur<h I" Rose HH11 Mtm0rl1l Perle, Whllt~. ROH HUii Mortu1ry, Olr1ttor1, SANDSTROM Pivl I!. S111d1t.-om. All 51, r111dtnl of Rock 1111nd, llllllOlt. 01t1 of e1e1tPI., NIW. IL survived b't' ,.,.., Dlll nl H. !olnd1trom. w1.consl111 11•""· M!ldr9d H1fitv, COtOlll del Mir/ btolhlt, Ht1I· '"' S.ndl.tnm. 1m11011. 1nd two 1rlfld· <hildlle!I. s..rtk•• 1nd lnt"1T'll'ftl ¥1111 bti flt!ld In Rodi. hl111d. lll!roob. llltlr Mortu1ry, Cor-•1 /Mr, f-1rdlnt dlrKtort. STIJLL c.ric• ,,._ stun. 211 f!h St .• Hvntlrll· '°" BN t"-Sllrvlftd trt two '°"'' JAmtt ond OOMlcl; iht1r, Mll>N I011111rr 1l;ht 1r1ndchllclrt"I lour t•t•t-1r1nckhllclr.i1. Prlv&!t tervlc11 Wtrl ~.Id. o!rede-d br PH11. F•mllY co1.,,.i.1 Funer1I Home. ARBUCKLE • SON WmdlllM.....,, 111 E. 11111 61., Costa Me11 llllDI • BALTZ MORTUARIES C.-0 del Mor OR 3-Hll C.ta M.,. Ml 1-ZIU • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 er...lwOJ, Costa Me,. Ul-3m • DILDAY BR0111ERS Bu!111gloo Volley M-Otl' 17111 Beaclt Blvd. UaaUagtoa Buck IU.7171 • PACIFIC VIEW ~!EMORIAL PARK ee_,.eM-.1'1 CUpel 3511 Pdle View Drive N...,.t Bacl, C.Wonlo 14uitl • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL nJNERAL BOMB '1111 BelA An. 'We:t' I •r --• aBD PER MORTUARY .__ $1111 5"" Clemnle ui.1• • SMITHS' MORTVAllY a'l M.tio 81. Bu....,._. - • • f I • • s? useourmoney- and save! Etenat' 1'9...,.cm~•RIJ _.., ___ 111!,IM,W-Pla.Yoa -bonow -$100 to $&,jJOO tor • ....., -bill~ -Oltcar ~ elfJ good"NII M. .lull plaoe or ..,..111 .rid Ill • ...,. ,.,. -. We'I ... ,.,. --...... cool Md ...... ,.. '° COll!ll•• CM' .... ... -lindlago-.c' r a.--,.... --- Morris Plan 1 673·37DO Nelllfl Bach -3700 Newpert M • l other 1iiee and 6-foot width also S colon ~ '2.95 Deco Runner e 100% nylon pile flocked on to clear~ h eavy 85 gauge vinyl ••• decora~ as it protecll Tremendous Tile Selections Prices EITcctive Begirutlng Todny Sears 12xl2-in. Square Carpet Tile Sale Regular 69c per tile c ... • Carpet tiles with adh~ive gtrip you juat peel and stiCk· to the floor • SolOtioR .d yed Acri Ian• acrylie fiber' defies 1 1S't1tins ••• long wearing. , , l!ltays bright •nd new looking ••• won't n1ildew1 shrink, stretch or.fade a. 25'Viny!AsbestosTile "Fantasy" Richly embossed surface. Spectaeu.. Jar Sears a clusive in six bright new colors. 18c b. 7• "F1agslone" Design Tile 4c Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans ' Phone Sears for an appointmenL Free estin1ates, nO .obUgation. • ,-------------------------------------------------, ... -t4 •'*· Jn ... )JO " """""' GI l-lfl I ·-MllCll l:L.S·O.l21 rolfClHA EO z-11•s. N4 f.Sl61. YU Mi/JI ""°wt I 1261 !o(llJTM to.I.ST l'lUA 540 UH I ~-:wo.o.61 ""~'CM S-100', a'·'''' a •.-.:: 1 :io10 AN 1..s111 """"'".......," 1.3m ~ S•J.lll l I I ,_ .. ~"" .. ,..,.. -~"' .... ., -"'·""' I Sea·rs I .. ~. ·""""' ""'"' .,, .. , .. , .......... m. 1 °"""' HU6U 9Ql'MXlfl ot .. 1su ·-.. ,.3111. >)1.1111 -· 11101«A '' • ..,.. "'*OI« I\ f.1•11 ,__________________________ ~----------------1 .......... ......, ....... SatwdoJ9'.lOA/A. ,. 9;30 P.M.. s...ior 12 NOOfl It s P.M. -----"SatidoctionGuoronteed orYourMone,a.k• r c ~ • I ,, ... • ~ fi ti p A ,, 0 n h r ,, c D A I, b ti n g n A 0 b a ) b It u c • c ..... ------------------··-------------------~-----------__,.,,.,----~ ...... ---------:.;·c-:--c.,-------~----:-..,,-:-:-,..,-.,. --Gls Told To Avoid Protests SAi~ (AP).-One com- mand of the U.S. Army In V-letnam ha1 issue d ~· ~meographed instructions to Gia returning to Ille United .. States to steer clear or the Vietnam Moratorium Com· mittee, &p0kesman announced Ftlday. "You as military men returning on leave or to civilian We wlU be prime ~)I ol the VMC," say the ~-by the U.S. Ai'n>Y'•· 'llt"'!q~ Area _Qlmmand ln .aai,on. - ' ' . ' ' • ~ .. '"Aoftrid auOctation with any Pfll10D who ~l!ilS's your sup- •pi>rl of the VMC. Report any "vtndldlve acts apinst you ot any plots revaled to you to tile nearell mllMary pollce of- fice. In all cases, avoid acUons t.hat could cauae adverse UPI TtltPlltlO .Dutch Royal Family Grows ~--1~,\Y for younoU or the First photo of complete family of c-n Princess (from !ell): Prince Johan Friso, Prince l'{Ulem Beatrix, heir to the throne of the Ne therlands, shows AleXander, and 'Prince Constintjjn, "'.ho was born The lnstrucUona are con· her with husband, Prince Claus, and thet"r chUdren Oct 11 tainedon a amall whi~ahe<t------'--'-----'-'..-:C:.C:C:.C.:....:....:...:~-'-'--'-'~·_:..:c·.:....:. ______________ _ ol paper placecj In the pinon- Monday, Novtrnber 17, 1969 DAl~V I'll.OT J jt _ ;\ids Heart, Patients · · , . ' ~evice Stops Flow of Clots DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -back to lh• heart !rom the •leart specialists ttported Fri-lowe.r part of tbe body. da,y devek>pment 'of • Uny, With the patient under Joca.1 umbrella-like device-for in-anest.hcsls, the umbrella Is ln· '' sertion into a large body serted by means of a long vei~and said it can protect hollpw tube called a catbeter. bedridden ~tieals against a Entry to the vena ca'(il is possible "rain" or potentially made··by way of an accessible life;!ndangering blood clot$. vein in the neck. Specifically, the new deylce The umbrella is folded into a is designed to protect .:agalmt capsule at the end of the surgery has often beeo un- dertaken to head off the thrtat in patienf:S who were not being helped by anticoagulant. that is, clot..prtventlng-dnlp. This major surgery involves tying off the inferior vena cava and, the doctors In· dicated. Is highly risky Jn that It usually ls done on patients already severely ill. ''pulmonary emboll"-t-lood catheter. But, when th eJ---------- clots that form in various eruiembte i~ gently positioned parts of the1tiody, most often at the .proper place In the in the leg and pelvic regions, larger vein, the umbrella is and then break loose in the ejected from the capsule, bloodsJream to lodge ulltmate-ly in the blood vessels of the sprh)gs open and fixes itself in lrllllll Ju ng. place. The sharp points oI its Pulmonary embolism. Is a six ribs dig Into the vein wall. common problem among bed· The researchers said the l!IW!lllil ridden hospital patients and is new technique offers a particqlar9'_ pressing in pa· simplified and safer means for tients witti "beart disease . blocking emboU in patients COSTA MISA-ntO H-'-•'I'll. Dr. Kazi Mobil-Uddin and subject to recurrent formation two colleagues of the Universi· of these dangerous clots. Jn ty of Miami School of -~tll":e~pa~s~t,~the~Y-'~"~-d~·-m~aJ~'o:!r =========;::: Medicine told about the newJ development-and its sue-I~-------------------, cessful insertion in 43 patients, 1795 LAGUNA including 14 with very severe CANYON heart disea3e. They described ROAD " nel rues of. men returning home on leave or f o r reusllluntnt. A spokesman for the Headquarters Area Command said 50 to 75 of its men return home weekly. You Can't Judge Marchers by Clothes it in a repOrt to the 42.nd sclen- lifiC session of the American Heart Associalion. The wnbrella has tiny holes ln Its surrace. allowing blood mcCormicl LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY • 1be inrtnrllons have no Army identiflcaUon on them, but the spokesman confirmed they were being put in person· nel files by the adjtaant geDeral's office. By LOUIS CASSELS ' to ooze U}rough it, but block· The idea, apparently, Is not A reporter who minjles with, accept hardshiP cheerfully, ing any large travelling clot to stand out but to blend with them is continually impressed provided they see a mean-from getting to the lungs. 494-9415 • WASHINGTON (UPI) 'I1le overwhelming majority of the young people who took part in the "March Against Death'' were dressed and groomed in the style that is popularly known as "The Hip- pie Look." the young crowd, and the re-with how polite they are to ingtul reason for it. The device is lodged in the suit Is as drably monotonous, strangers, how kind and It ls neither fair nor factual lnfer1'or vena 00va, !he large h E s • "'Ibe bull for this is a m,...g, from USARV (U.S. Army, Vietnam) telling all commanders to make U.S. lroopl reWrnlng to the Sla~s aware of the Viet nam Moratorium Commi1tee and try IO dil<:oorage them from involvement wJth the VMC,'' tile spokesman said. ........ S•rvin9 T • 11tir• ouffl Co•1t Ar•• in its way, as button-dowol-Jg~e~ne~r~ou~s~th~ey~ar~e~w~~eac~h~t~oiw~rl!~~the~m~o~f~f ~as~a~bun:c:h__:v~e~in-;;a~boo~t~a:n~~incb~~i~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shirts and gray flannel sulb. other, how ready they are to or long-haired kooks. diameter-that carries blood Perhaps the most difficult fact fGr a middle-aged person The Headquarters A r e a command spokesman sald he was unaware of what other commands were-dolng. ·NIGHTS SUNDAYS &' HOUDAYS Can be more Profltabla for Y~· CALL U8 NOW FOR INFORMATION AND A BROCHURE. ... _ TWl'HOllE -J.'8)) AllSWElllMI IUllfAU 543-2222 I Ol'l'ICES TO SEIM! ALL OF ORANGE CO. Actually, the style has never been con!ined lo authenUc hip- pies. It has · permeated the whole youth subculture of America and is affected by lllllllY middle-class high school and college students who are very far from having dropped ouL of society. The ground rules permit considerable latitude for in- dividual tastes, but the typical garb includes blue jeans ( preferably much-laundered and knee-sprung); a hip-length coat or jacket, disreputable in appearance but often of ex- pensive quality; boots or loafers; and a be.ad covering which may ~ a broad-brim· med hat or a tight-fitting knit cap. Long halt ts de .riauLfor boys " and g11'11. Boys flourish beards. moostaehes, mutton.- chop whiskers, or goatees~ Both sexes favor "gr~y itasses" -·the small, round, metal-rimmed spectack!s that grandmolher used tO wear. The overall impression derived from wa t ch i ng thousands or persons so at- tired, passing one by one, is that lhis "hippie look" has now become a sort of unifonn whose purpose . is to provide the wearer with protective col- oraUon and instant iden- tiflcaUon. to grasp is that this "lrlpple look" often ls associated with . excellent manners. A person over 40 in.stinctively expects rude conduct and wild talk from a youth who has gone to great pains to look like a social outcast. The expectalion ls seldom realized. Boas Cover Pot Caches MIAMI (AP) -Fifty boa constrictors were used to cover marijuana shipped Into the United States from Soulh America, customs agents said 1'1<5<1ay. , The boOil, !il!lpped In lin•n hap pocked Into five crates, were found atop ioo pounds of marijuana that had been crammed into the same type bags and placed under the snakes. Agentl said t.he snakes, marijuana and 890 animals and birds -Inclu d ing monkeys, exotic birds, 150 baby iguanas and one ocelot - were seized at Miami Interna· Uonal Airport Mooday alter being shipped from Colombia. ' .~ri; Enjor, the Laxary i>f Soft Water :witli an I I Autbmatic Water Softener ' ' . . . ' . Sean Automatic Tak'es tlie W orli Out of Softening Water . . WITH SOFr WATER I ; I on d•l"ll'nbs I 1 I Keept! thinp cJeai> !" Saft lhaey · i BOaP and clotii'. Yll Wtd: lw 1 " without . •flort, . ' _.inrlutalo!llU _I. v . '!hnlnefa liath tub L''------'• nap . - l.J'llD _._T l , . . ,_ Soora ' "Todlr!lt ' SAVEf50 This Week I Sears I So. Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristot St. ...... ---Phone 540-3333 I SAVE $25! 1 Sears Lady Kenmore·· Top-Loading ' ' Replar 17488 1199.95 ~ •.a 1utom11ic •·1!h t)"tlt1 •·ilh 11ltora.1llc ri ruing &!lt nl di~ptnM'.r • HJiicWc W••hing 1r Lion • N1t 11rc-rin~tn~ needed •• , no I 'fHt ti1tlo•d'.p1ttcm la tallow Model 7146 · a All New •.• KennlOl'e Di shwashers Now 1 Feature The Convenience of "Forced Air" Drying! ' e Di>het, poa, -city fomr. ..... ewntr -. ao.d ther come °'' ,..fy m he llllOd \._ • E•sJ to opent~ ••• simply lo.d. No pn> set pettm:a co follow e Powerful spn:rs o(hcx """ get ....,&; •• spukliag cleu aod hyg<1Ually w_sbod • White,#71~2 h ~ ; SAVE '4-0! 1~9'988 l I ~· · Regular "'t S239.9j FREE ltl.Dof Diabwllbtr t HomeTn.l ti SAVE $35! ReJ!Ular $239.95 TftnyGold,Coppc:none,A'rOCOdo. 2()41S 1 #715.34-9 ( B111·now on S-. Defmnd ,. Eay P ayment Plan .Your.monthly poymenll begin in F ebrnary ' SAVE '20! Sears Under Coun ter Built-in Model , R•gultr. 189881 $209.9.) ~ \ • 4 1ulom1t.ic w•1b cyc lc1 • , , • .,_h b.rtto11 conll'OI puel J • Rr&imic wa1b eyele • ! •Front panel• ,,.1i11hl1 In while, coppenone, n-oc11do nr t.hrome. Fa~f lmt1TI1rion An01hl, Mood 7162 _., PMI fA M400, .UMAO CIHOClrA ,.. J«l.06'1 cmtuNH! .. "' .... 'l-!11~. CO'INA. ""'11 & JDft CM a.Jfll -...i.tot S.1004, a A-"11 IQtTWOOe "° ,.,.,~, l'!llrwoon Cll •·1"11 IOHCI &!ICM t'I: S.0121 NOIWAMC,u-f .f-1711" O.TMl'C I to10 AH ~ml CllAHG( ,,7.1100 r"""9M.llU I-Hit,, IL .Mill taWf MHJ fClllliDM4 ro '1·114$, Ml f.J16t, TU Ml'JI &llN mtWllO IM 1.71,1 ·~A.U.ll 7~J11 -..p:J0.1111 • WlfA II ll9Q ,....,,1 _,,PO J.1461, ~mo -.crA9CMCA.0:U711 _P\,,lflf tOV1W Q:wf """" Uo.3m ----.. 0.007·11'1 OIWIClff W'·IW' ('INUlff.lut OOWN1T mw•1 ,_Ltc!ON SU·lltl ......,. CIOWI &lf.'7111 ~ 19.iS :WO.IOSI MCDIDA OIGll. J:IO.JYI SEARS CATALOG AND APPLIANCE STOJ:lS 11.lWl'llt.-c '"'°'" lllGHtAHD PM!l 21"1.Jfll ll.MINGIOM WAOI 14-lS" UQ\ll'CC06J4>7441 IOS AITCS "'-llfd ' lilONl"MUO 72'42W --OWT.WCl"'"2011 rMOJ 'lftllfl m4'fl JVQJrlTIA ,, .... ,,. • WUN)fP.1"1 ---WUTMHam ..,..,... • 'NllTnll '""" . Wl#.MfOlol GIMllUI i ..ure--1M1 •-M)J 1U .... ' ' I I ' • J J 8 DAILY PILOT Mond.,-, Novtmbtr 17, 1%' ' :! ~!~.on Vegas Taking Closer Look at Gam'hlers LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -state's Gaming Commission. corporations, lnsteaa of Jn-MclvJn Chasen, Lum'• vice Monday until the Secwiiie1 of the ftrm's' Hcehae If It broke Lucr1Uve gamblln1 Uci:nses Recently, however, il has dlviduals, are buylng winos presJdent, and hit actl vJtl(';S ln and Eichance Commission the law ln 111 aale of stOck. on the La Vegas Strip have been prodding big corporations and hotels. the vending machine boslneas. r~ lnvestlg1t1ng Parvin-Later he laid the firm had been getting a skepUca l look with questions, d_d.!Wng ap.., Lum's Inc., • rtttaurant The state had licensed Dohrinann, owner ol three Las complifd wltb gaming laws. lately -from Clark County proval .unur-Jhe.Y~ a.r a chain, has alreadY~•l up t:bop Ct\al8n as a Lum '& officer and Vegas bot.els. -1n' ReDo,..Jbe City Council BOMBAY. Y..idia· (AP) _ gambling authoritiel. answered. at MO million caeaars Palace. Harola E. Butler. president of Parvln-Dobrmann'1 1 to c It approvea gambling licenses. Along a dark beach on the The seven-man Clark Coun ty Bill Briare. a member, says but the board sald suddenly DeMy's .Restaurants, lo buy plummeted ln June when Di.st. The only controversies have Recovered PUT WH IN ' YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted Jtems wt th a DAJLY PU.OT Claulfi<!d Ad. PHONI I 642-5678 Arabian Sea, JndJan cu~oms Liquor and Gaming LJcenslng the county isn't nece55arily Monday it wa1 ·de I a y I ng I .I percent or Par v l n • Atty. Georae Franklin, a coun-been over PfOposed licenses oCflcials emerged from a Board rattly turned down getlirig tol.igher, It just has to licenses for the officcr1. It ~ Co. Clark County ty gaming board member, outalde lta: cUno district, call· thicket and grabbed $835,000 In. _:l::iC<JISt::.::::.' ...:.•:!:PP!'."':.::.•ed:::__.:bYc__:'h:::•:..__'.:P::;f'Y:..,.:m::::or:.:•_.:bee=•::•:se:..,.:ce:::m:'.p::l•:•_w:.a:n::ted:::__:m<l:::_re:..:l::nl:or::m::::••:lon::_::°"::....:del:::IY<d~:; RIRl!'.::vl::ng!..::B::ul::ler:_:a:.;l::i«!:::nse:=_sa:::;ld:_::he:_:woo::::ld:.:oee=:k:_r<voe:,:::::::•:::tlo:;:n:;_,:ed:::_:the::_red:_::::·Une:::_:·dll:::trtct::::·:.....,......:!~~~!!!!~~~~~~ gold and watches, along with a 1 · hair a dozen men. ,,. .. • • The raid against smugglers was one of several In the past two months in which offic ials have recovered well over $1 mi llion -the lip of a golden jceberg. Customs me;<J seized more than $6.7 million in gold in 1961. One official estimates the amount i.s "three to five percent or what's coming jn 8JKI it's probably closer to three." . Even the five percent figure means at least $134 million in gokl bullion was bootlegged jo- to Ibis country last year. · To protect reserves of loreig.1 exchange, the goi.•ern- ment has outlawed gold Im· ports, but a seemingly in- satiable demand has produced a booming gold trade. Gold prices in India are now close to double the $40 an ounce figure on the world ma rket. High profits and small risks have made the country the wwld's chief targe t for gold smuggl ing. Describing the demand, a government official 1 a i d , "l·,1herently the Indian has confidence in gold alone. He believes in investing in gold. That is his security against old age and bad luck." A stroll through Bombay's palm-lined streets gives an in- dication of the d e m a n d . Women who sweep street5 for the equivalent of a few cents a day ca.1 be seen wearing gold earrings or other trinkets. Gold shops glitter w i't h merchandise and the city's bullion traders do a brisk business. At .Hindu weddings It is customary for the bride's father to deck his daughter \Yilh as much gold as he can afford. Offi cials says mu g g l In g operations are centered in Dubay, a Persian Gulf port I.200 mil es away and 4~~ days distant by dhow. the vessel tha t forms the backbone of goldn..r.1ning into India's west coast. The yellow metal, usually in the form or biscuit·size \'-'afers marked with the names of 'European banks and trading houses. is paid for in dollars and other -hara currencies bought on the black market, or in silver and cUt diamonds. Indian officials charged with stopping the smuggling cl aim their hands are tied by lack of f1r>1ds and equipment and a dearth of interest from higher authorities. Customs police, for ex· ample, have no craft capable of matching the speed of the 3SO.horsepower dhows. "The only way we can get them is when they're actuall y landing the goods on the coastline," an officer said. ''We've got no way to touch the boats. On the sea we're very weak now.'' Earl y this year a British firm brought in a hovercraft for a trial, and officials said they were elated at the pro- spects of finally obtaini'.1g a ''essel that could overtake dhows. But after the three· month test the government sent the craft back t o England, elli:plaining that the cost - about $400.000 -was very high. M. G. Abrole. chief of Indian customs. says the government is still studying whether to buy a hovercraft. He says the vessel, which travels over land or sea on a cushion of air, is li mited by small fue l capacity, bu t "it would be a,1e of the best interceptors with high speed and maneuverability,'' "Unfortunately th e gold Is being transferred from the dho"'s to fi shi ng boats and the re arc hundreds. \\lhich one do you get?" he added. Woman,111, Dies in Texas PORT LAVACA, Tex. (AP ) -Mrs. Re gina M. Hernandez of Tivoli in Refugio County is dead at the age or 11 L Mrs. Hernandez was born Sept. 7, 1838 at Laguna Seca. a srnaU village M at San Luis Potosi, Me.1ico. S h e im· migrated to Tivoli In 1910 vd th her husband. He died in 1926. She received her America n cilizenShip at the age or 104. Mrs. Hernandez Is survived by two of her 16 children, Mrs. Eduard~ cabeUero and Mrs. J~ermlnia Vill arrtal, both of T I v o I I ; 81 gtandchildrcn great-grandchildren and gre.at· guat..grandchildren. Today 's New< Tod1y in The Deily Pilot ' • • .. .. ··Great savings on great books ·covering almost 'every subject! Gift books to order in ·Novembilr, give in December ... and ,borrow in January! EUROPEAN TRAVEL BOOKS 1. CASTLES Of' EURO'[. By Geollrey Hindley. L111l1hl' i!JLl91r1ted -,Jew ot medle111I history and c111lu•e as seen from 011 battlements nl 12 famous lor1•es11e1. Oesc.,baa in lively d111il how c11U11 were bu111 and org1n1u1d, ellacktd and de1ended; their role as roc;al points in the grtiat power 11n1ggre, ol the ume, center or art 1ctiv1ty, etc. 180 l1J111111tion1. Speci.11 Impart 2.95 2. A88EYS OF t UROPE. By Ian R1ch11ds. Fascinating picture and text history ol mon11shc e1ch!lectu11 co...ers 12 femous 1bbey1 •eng. ing from the 1omant1c ruins ot Fountains In Yorkshire 10 lht majesllc Renaissance cn1111c1nou5e at Pa~1a.. Over 180 Ul11slralions. Special Import 2.95 3. CATHEDRALS OF EUROPE. By Ann Mitchen. Inspiring picture and le~t h1s!Or)" ol 12 ol E'urop11'a llnest Gotnic-llyle masterpieces. Over 160 pt101os , prints erid 01an1. Special Import 2.95 4. PALACES OF EUROPE. By Wayne Oyne1. Brllll1nU)" caelures tile magnificent ar1;1l1111clure, g.ardlll)S and •rt collttllon1 or 12 notabl• royal mansions and de1c1ibe1 lhe principal llgures ind e'ttlnts H IO- ciated w11t1 ea1;n building. 180 ihuslratlons, lr.ctuding noor plans and period-et19<avlng1. Speciaj..lmport 2.95 ~ 5. BAROQUE CHURCHES. By P. and C. Cannon-Brooks. Beautifvllf ftlu61rated study of 12 1upe1b churches, each eacmphlylng an lmpor· tan! <1.si>ett ol 11111 a•chllrc1u1ar style. 180 blat~ ~nd wt1 i11 pho1os and pl!tns: 12 rutr.color plates. lnclutlas 11h>s1a•Y "'""~ Only 2 95 AMERICANA 6, THE AMERICAN YIEST: Plclorlal Epic gf a Coni.n•ul, Uy Lur.!us Beeb11 and cnarles Clegg. o~er 1,000 drawings, pn111cs and prints complement the e•C1!1no 1u~1 ol the wilCl west as ii really w;i1. 8 • 11 ". Orig. pub. 111 10.00 Only 6.95 1. FAREWELL TO STEAM. Photog1aph9 and ltMI by 0. Plowde,,, 145 phot~ in gravure. l nrolllng oor\ta11111 rail and waler·l:lornt 11ars· po" m tne last or th(! iteam era· locomotives, p1ssenger liner1, IUJS, 1er1111s, cargo boa1s, elt 8 \~ a 11~. Pub. al 10.00 Only 3.95 I . THE FRONTIER YEARS. By Mark H. Bro,.11 .,.,d W, H. Fellon. W1lh t25 photos hom 11\o lamous L .ti. Hultman 01<Q rAI,, Tne m<gh1y pa1101amJ o! 1ne We~1ern ho1111e• 15 shown •n all 11~ co101!ul .,,ooder "' 111e tale~ ol tt1e old·hme1s ;rnd !he mdr~elous pro:11s ol 5cene$ ... 11>cll few wni"! men hild eve• seen. Sile a~. • 11 '. Orig. Pub. •t 10 00, New compt<1tc ed. Only J 95 t . THE BOOK OF THE AMER ICAN WEST. Ed by Jay Mooaghan. Tne mo~t n>ngn•licen1 ar1ay ol !ustoric&I 1ac1. legend ind loro about the We'I eve• OlS$embled "'one volume. O.i.•r 600 pages. Sl1e 8~•~ 1 1 1:.~. Haodsom>.l 1:>11101ng . Pub. al 22 50. New comp. ed. Onty 9.95 10. BOOT HILL: H!1lorlc G1•••s of lh• 01d Weil. By L. Flo1m. Over 250 pho10!I. F1~cmaton9 ~ne,doles o1 Ide and death among !he famous and ln!amous charac1ers ot 11ester~ n1story w11h photos ol \hell' historic grave1. 817 ~ 10l «'. Pub. at 12 95. Onlf J.95 11. PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE FRONT IER WEST: Tllelr Ll•e• 1nd Worka. By A. W. And1ews. Over 2'5 rore phgtos depict the ch;iracte• and colOI' ol tile Old Wosl 1n vivid detail. Put>. 11 12 95. Only 3 9~ 12.. HISTORIC FlfltES OF THE WEST. By R. W. '*'nd1ews Ovor 200 chotos and m!Ormat•ve accounts ol h•es ll'>al figured ·~ lht h11lory or Ille West lrcm 18G5 tc 1915. Pub. at 12.95. OnlJ J.95 1l. OLD FORTS OF THE f'AR WEST. By H. M. Hirt. Nearly 300 onolos. Aul.henl!C phASe ot U.S. military t11s1ory In th11 loscinating account In picture and teKt or 1he 10111. lrom Civil War limes lo tht end til !h• 19th centu1y. 8V•~ ll. 10~:.·. Pub, 8112.tS. Only 3.95 14. PICTURE GALLERY PIONEERS: Firtl Pho10gr1phlr9 ol Ille W11t 1150-.l•TS. By Raln~1 W. And•ews. Over 2{;0 PhQIOs. Full ol rar11 scenes of gcl<I rrunu•g, •allroachng, lnt11ans. ea1ly wiews of Cities and towns. etc. 8\'i• ~ 1 0~,·. Pub. at 12 50. Onty 3.95 15. THE BEST JtEMAINING SEATS: Tht: Golct.n Age •I lht:' Mo•I• Palace, 8)' Ben M. Hall. 300 illus. The imp1es1nios and lhl mov11 palaces trc:im ea•Ues1 n1clielo<leon1~ to Radio Ctty Music Hall 8\i " x 11 •. Put>. •I 15.00.· Only 5 95 15. TIMOTHT O'SULLIVAN: '*'merica·1 f o1go1ttn Photographer. 8y J . 0} Horen. The b1illi1nt lens man wllo ch1ooicle<l the A1T11rlcan 1ten• lrom Iha Dlllllel!e!ds ol 1he Clvtt War lo the' flontle1s ot the West. Over •oo r•markabl11 pholos. 8)t 1.11 ~.-. Orig. pub, •t 15.00, NCI'• c-. 111ete ed." Only ,,95 BOOKS ON CARS 11. 11 .. ,.n 1 i> WONOl!RFUL MOOEL T 1901·1927. Ely Floyd Clymer. A fond album ol 500 pholos, cartoons, ads, 100111, joke• .nd lnlorma. hve lt!Jl.t 1bou1 .-.m111c1's la~or•te car, Odg. pub.•! !j,g5. Only 2.98 11. THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AMERICAN fltACING CAR. By Gnl- lllh Bo1ge1on. With '220 photos an<I d11wmgs. The C<>mple1e story ol tne men, thl m•cllme1. tl'le l•llcks. the 1ngin111lng •nd the lea!s ol tile great years DetWetn Wo1ld Wais I 11'!0 II when American racing c11s Khleved cias11C•I pe1lecllC1n. 8 ll 11 \••.Pub. et 12.50 Only 3.9~ 19. A TfltUSURY OF MOTORCYCLES Of THE WOfltLD. By Floyd Clyft'llr. !00 1••• pholo• cover t1vt!ry pocssible -.peC1; • compi.11 P•CIUl• hillOtY of 11>1 1eetinlque1 ot tkl1ng. ~uipmtnt Ind cornpeu. ltons. Orto. pub. II 1.95. Only 3.69 ART BOOKS 20. THE PAPACY. Ed , by c. Hl>IHa. l1undrwd1 ot lllu1tr1tlon1, 50 In tu n color. A history ol ltlt PIPtcy lrom ea1t1•s11Jrne1 to Ill• Ptffffl\. 11 wen 11 1 aplendid a rt book li1 ill expo1ltlofl ol palntl!lfOll , sculp• lure, prints, a1chlTeetu1e •Ml pipe.I t1111u11s.. lmp1lm1lur. 11 Vt -J: 12~·. Pub. a1 2s.oo. Ontr ll~S 21. INDIAN ANO UKlllO AATIFACTI OF NOfltTM AMlfltlc.\. Gr C. I.nit .. Over 2000 1J1.amplt1 In ll'lit p1ctor111 gu!Ot. lnctuo1ng 1 c01111 1:11e1e1, covering •ll of the maj0t kt11C11 ol N011h Arnlrieari nat1'19·n'l•d• 111ilact1 -10011. M 1pon1, pottery, bartetry, bOatl, re;ali11, t1t , 8~t "a l ll:.".P-.b.tt2S.00. Onl)'5.IS 22 .• ,AIN: A Hl1tory In Ari. BJ 6. Smllh With '45 wotk'• ol ,,, repro- Ouc.d "" kill color. A vi1u.i cn1onlcle or SOaln o'ttlr tr>• c1n1-.ri11 - l'l•r d)'Mltlts. 1nv1der1 end conqvests, nowtttng ol her c11Uure1. rt· "°Oiovl ••P91lence. ntr bt1u1y lltld myshcl1m u ••0<e1Md in ""ork1 ol art ranging 110111 !ht c-painting• ol AJh1tftir1 to P1c11110. 1i:1314". P11b. et 30.00. Only 11.15 ' ' ' 23, JAPAN: A Hlatory In Art. By Bradley Smith, Wiltr ZJ7 worlll of ail 11Pro<luctcf In full color. A uniquely t>eauUlul book and mot! II· mark.able record of a peopt11 and their cutlur• containing a matchless collectlon ol plc1ure1 aupeftlly photographtcf. 9 x 12~4 ~. Pub l't 30.00. Only 17.95 24. LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN AfltT, Ed. by Ren• Huyghe. Slunning cpulenlly lllusl1ated encyclopeaia and guide lo, and through, all lhe Intricacies ol moOern art·P•lntlng, 1culptur1. architecture end the ·'minor·• arls. Co..,.·r• Feuvlam, futuriarn, Sur· r11a1i1m, Abttract, •·pgp," and the very li1l111t experimenta ol lodafs young e1tisls. Ov11 1,200 illus111tions, S6 in tu U cotor. 8\1, 111y_.·. Pub, al 20.00. Only 9.95 2s. TH! IERLIN·OAHLEM GALLERY: Great PalnUl\lll fl"Ofll the For· me r Kaiser Frlecf1lch Museum. Intro. 1'1d Comm.nt. by EdWin Rer:f&.. lob. A huge, mag'1itl cent volume wlrt'I grevure 11produC1lona ol over 100 or the bell painting• (60 luU color. suh1bl• for lremlng) !rem one of the w11rld'1 greatest art eolil'ctions. 10'Y4" x 13'1!1.", Pvb.. at 35.oo. Sale 9,g11 .r BOOKS FOR THE OUTDOOlllMAN \ -2r.GUNS: Fiom 11\i lnvenHOn of GunpottdW to'"1hr2ttft e.ntury. Br Dudil'y ~-5i flill eotor Illus. end 300 black e'ld, _wtlilll 111\IS. C1ecor1i. 1hll twge 111 V, x 12V. ") rlchly lnlonnatiw9 boOk lhlf 11119 the CO(Tlplele slory o l the gun in •It lb lorma. A mutt for coll•~,. i nd readers or rnU1tary and naval hi11ory. Pub. 11 22.50. Sele t .99 '21. THE RIDER'S TREASURY. Ed. by Phr1ol1 Hinton. An anlhology of n1W· 1rllcl11 and leatu1e1 by the bett-llno1'1'n wrlletf, photog- raphe1s. and 111u11rator1 lrom tne world of hortes. Over 300 photos; 356 page•: 7-Y. Jl.10~~" .. Pub. at 15,~. ·Sal• 7.98• 21. THE TREASURY OF ANGLING. By L Koller. Huitdf'ld9 ol lull color pholot1 by George Siik ptu1 rare prin\1 •nd dr.wlnga. Thou~ 1and1 ol \!pa on lechnlq1.11t, Hie cyelM ol 1'191"1 impcit19nl ~ I~. plu• anecdotes and 11orl1•. Re;Ular edition. P-.b. •I' 11..15 Only 7.95 2'. THE TMAIURY OF HUNTING. By L KOiier. Megnlllcently 111ua: irated with 133 black end while PttQes p!u1 110 IUll color pa;u. Beautiful volume containing w.pert advice °" tti. best' tedln!qll'IS and gun1 tor hunting every bird and •nlrnet In North AJ-ltce. 8~ 1t 11 J:,•• Pub. ac 14.95. 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By S!ewart P11owne. S1l1rlng t1l11 ~I Jupiter, Apollo, M11rs. Diane, otller legendary Immortals. drawn rrom 1h1 11ch a1011ho-.se ol clessical Roman myll'lology. 24 th color. 8'n it 11 •. Onty2,95 35. INDIAN MYTHOLOGY. By Veronica lens. Trt ltSUl'f of •nclenl epics. legends end fables. lho basis ot Budllhl3t and Jain rellglon, literature tnd art. 24 tolllf pages, over 100 pholog11ph1 ol India's laD11lou1 ert. 8¥1 a 11", S.00 value. Only 2.95 ASSORTED TITl.ES, 1.IM.15 ' :U. 111.f',K. By Olck Schaap, lom1er HY ~rlld Trlbvl'lll city .clll<>r. Captu,.. and balances ttte t1J treme viewt of Roblttt KlftMd)>, en .. tyte1 1he lnelr11Uon hi evoked and 11'• 1-.ror• ht crealitd. ()w.r 250 photot, many previously unpub+l9hl<I: 9'h•1r. Pub. er 12.95 Sele 2.111 37. THI! LIFE Of JESUS IN THE WORK OF REMBRANDT. By Piemo W•llffe. Prnenll the complete 1119 of Je1us th101.19h 1 .. iec1hM ol 6fl supertl drawl'lgs end p1l"t!ng1. 7 full color tll1-fns. t a. 1.12~ ... Spec1al Import 1.98 31. THi ADYIEHTURE OF SPACE F1.IGHT. For young re11dll1s. • lhrll!· Ing. comp1ohen1ive guide 10 the m1ch1nic1 ol ap1c• flight 1nd lhe 11ti,1ac:le1 )'WI to blJ O'ttlr::ome: lhe main eventa In IM lhort but dr•· ma1lc hl11ory ol space e~pto1atio11 aacltinj ly prewnta>d In 19Jl.I end lull colot lllua•t•tlona on every page. 9 x 2". Special Import 1.98 31. STORY Of THE lllLE. By Hendrick Vl'1 l oon. Cleaslc retalllng cot the Olcl i ncl Ne1'1' T111am1nt1 in slory lorrn. 1so lllwtnitlon .. 462 P1191!•· Pub. 11 3.95. Salt 1.98 40. HOW IWEIET !TWAS: T111vi1ion-A Plclcrlal Hiltory.'By A. ShVI· man ancl R. Youm•n. Huge hillQficel pano111m1 with 1,'35 pt'lolo1 Ind commentary of the shows. person1llU11, cOIMdlen~ music, IPI· '1e.IL pan111 and quit shows, C<1ni111nion1I hea,W,01, MWI ahota. cam1>1ign• 111C1 11tcUona. 11¥1 J: 10-. ... Orig. 911b. at 1.2.60. Only •.SS 41. THI! ~RlD OP DOGI. ey W. Boorer. 250 90rgeow Clftdld pho· 101 of 6o0• and puf>Pl•s. 37 111 ep.a..-uno. NU colM. Compr9MnaMi l)l'fstnt111llon ol 111 btte<Js. One or 1he linelt dog ~ .....-pr~ duced.I\• R 11\to-. Pub. 119.t!i. Only 3.8~ 42, CHURCHILL: The Walk With Oe•tlny, Compllff bf H. T. Mll111r ll'llf L, Sa!nlhll!, A be1u111u1 memo1111 album wltll 253 full page ph~ 1n1. Pub. at 7.95. Only 3.85 4J. CATI, CATI, CATI. by J Ol'ln R. Gllbe1'1. Over 300 1111.ie..: $8 In color. Complete booM on cetaJ cowerfng every espllCt ~om ancient t1m" to the p11un1. lull of #!formation n d WOftd!trtvl pholog,.,,.,.. Only 2.91 «. A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF MAGIC AHO lHI IU,Ol .... TUNL e~ "41Ul'ICI 88111. Ne111)' 1,000 l)hoto1 Incl d111wfngl In Wk:le•ltngll'lf h1atory ol tMglc end mysticism ltofn p1..rila1orlc um.1 to PNMM: a"e.lent 1itue11, !flldic!ne~n. wltchea, ""'worvn, •lrola,y,_loW 11Dt1on.a, lertllUy rl111, voodoo. btaclt m11M1, vamplr.., lnttlflllOM, •IC 5111 '"" • '1". Orig. PUb. al i .85. Only 4.95 41.TAllOl'-·A ........... io_ThoT ..... C... .,. ldln.,. n. n _..,. lllllMnUc.ny 11N1trlded 1n .lhi. ...,.. ....... ., ... ,.. 0( tht ...,.., eylWbolllln °" !MM .,.. --- .......... 11' •11'•. Orig! pub. at 3.9$.. Ol'ily 1.11 ... A •ion Of-OllQID. ly eur'go P~rttldoe. TM pub"c,lnd pi1-- 'llle enlcMMnt oif-•lt lh Its IJI08I unmllelned loftll lrom N ti.-. ol tM encltftt O'"kl to l:Pf 20th C4lntr.1iy. 011g. pub. at 3.98. New..co• ~!tie ed. OnlY 1.111 •1. THW'DOTIC ltEYOlUTfON.. By l .. rence L(ptort. An t;fllrmllM yJew of ... NW ~allly ctam!Md "Wllh CIM hltll)f ... , lM MW MlC coda to!''tMnag1111, on ~ college campua, wue .. wepPJng, offlc.e wivu, lnfidellty, lnont. Ul90ltimaey. pre-planned H • 01gles. •tc. PllA. at 1.50. On!y 2.M U. A QUID!: TO OUt AME'AtCAN HOUSEi t700-1IOO. By Henry L. WIUtema.1nd Ottalle ~-Willlamt. The pririelpal •\'fie• ol hO!T\41 build---,"!! wnen 1ty~f -ri chan0!itg· raptdly -Colonlal hGUte·s bUllt by tr.e Englleh, O..\ch, F11ncn, Spanlth, ~ -n 11 coun1ry houMS bvltt by local c•rpen111s.. /llu1tr1ted with 180 r.i_hotogr11phs. pub. It· 10.00. Sale 3.118 . 41. ART NOUYUU. By Refl*I O BarUll. 81 rull·.COIOt' r,11te1. Superbly· iHuslr•led book on .tne l rtla!lc m<>Vemenl thtt nc u1 ahed In tf\e, lala 1tth ancl •arly 20th centu1les. S~ • 7~". Speclal Import 2,95. H . ENGLllH l'ILVER. By JudltyBanlster. 71 tutl-cl>lor pl11e1. A fasc;,. natlng boolt treclrig thl hl1tory and 1tyllng ol lhl!H prlied antiques. 6\li 111'111", SPKlal tmpcct 2.95 · 11. 11.llllonAN ..OllCfl.AIN. Br Mina Oaccl. e9 tun-color pla~L BrlUianl pretentltlon that 111ces thl hl1tory ol Europeh porcel11n• making through all Vie majof lactotln. 6\41 x 7\11.". SpeclaJ \mPol't 2.95 12. !ARLY Ol!CORATIYIE TEXTILES. By ,W. Fritz Volba<:h. 71 lu~ eolor plai.t. A detelled ten and s uperb iltutlriitloos show lhl In- spired creatl'te tchle't'l'menl ol th•s• unknown llr\ist-c,.ll•met1.. SY. ll 1'h". Spec/el Import 2.95 , SJ HOW ro PIOKT A IULL By B. Conrad. lllu1. by phctograph,s and driwlng1. A p•n-by.pa11 lnst1ucUon manutl with lasclnallng bllU· rln9 lore for 1rrnch1lr aliclol'ladoe. Pub. et 7.95, Only 2.98 . 14. OV.lflt THERE; The StOry ot Arnarlca'1 F!r1t Great C>Yerseaa Crti• ude. By Frank Freldel. C>Yer 300 pholog13pha 111-.strate ~ live ly 1ext cl thla mohument•I volume of Amerlc•'I parllclpatlon 1n World ' War 1-lhe trooP! 1nd 'batt111, heroei, naval end air action, the homl tronL l'Yi :a:10~ ... Orig. pub. at 10.00. Nt1'1', complet1 •d. Only 3.95 55. THI COMPLIEAT CAT. By J . R. Speis. 111 Illustrations m<:luding 1CM ~winning phott11, 20 In color. The priv1te life ol the cat !torn klttenhood lo eo1i11'Wiip, aw.td winners, show po"1ts., etc. Pllb, al 8.96. Onfy 3.95 • IL EIQUHtn WOlllt.D OF HUMOl'L Commenlel')' by D. Newmtn.. FONWOnf by M. Muggerldge. Hilarlous col!ecllon ol Clrloon&, ph~ 101, easays and fiction by Tttry Southern, Mori $1hl, MecKlnlay +<- tor, PhlUI) Roth, J11ele1 Mltlorcl, Julee Falk, Tomi Ungerer and many, many othera. Pub. 817.96. Only 2.98 17. HOMES OF THE AMl!RICAN PRESIDENTS. By C. Jones. OV.r 300 pholoe ln lull color. TM liret 1;omp!ele 1Urvey ol !he historic home• o~ the 34 pre•ld•nll from maJe11lc Mt. Ve rnon 10 Gettysburg and Hyannfa Port. Unique lreasury of Americana. wllll Interior 1cenes sllowlng turn I tu re and 1c1;essoriee. 8~ ll 11 Y•w, Pub. •l 13.95 Only 3.95 51, ClEAft FOR ACTION : The Ph11logr•phlc Slory ol Modem Nwal Comb.It 1~1964. By F. Hail•Y 1r1d M. Lane.lot. With 400 supertl phclo1 plu1 eti1rl1, diagrams, log1 and statistics. Every bettle ol lmpertalWI, every new development In 1hl1>1, submerinee and taetlet within thia )'ll rt of modern n1v1I werlare 111 dramaticsUy told in lhll h11g9 8\11JI.11V-.. volume. Pub. et 12.so. Only 4,i !i U. SAN fMNCtsCO. A Profile Wilh Pictures. By Bemllby tonnd. Wllh 200 photoe. • In cclor b)" pttotographlc "great1• from Ansel Adami to Jerorn• Ze!bl. A beautl h.11 hlstgry from Oold Rush d rJS and the ••rthq1t1k• ancl fire 10 thl presen1. 01lg. pub. 1111 .. SO. New, complete ·ed.. Only 3.95 • • · -~. rt~*··' , __ ~J!f'•~-~f!'~"!" ' \> '! l A .~ ~~;ft· ~~~. ~tf.j:,, IO. 1'fftiJlllEil AND COMPANY. By James Thurber. With l'n Jntro, by Helf1' Thltrbe(! Ntw couecti.on ol some of 11111 more lamillar drew- lllOI ol.Thurbtir'a 1mala and female anim•le. Pub. ':,16.95. 0]!.11!.2'1 11. IT.UY B!TRATEO. By Peter Tompklne. 15 phOtog~ Aft·tr>' count of the'lrq lc year, lrom Mu1111linl's lstl lo Ille l!lJlolftioa ef Rome. Pulll. 11 I .SO. Only 1.98 U . GlllEAT IU IATTUS. By O. W.,Mlr. C>Yer 250 pho\Oll, plut nuin, lull color illuL, mlPS, letlerl end diagrams. Cowt rl tlMI mot1t dra· m•tlc lnclTllnll of 400 years ol conllicll lrom Lepanto to World W• U.. 9~ :a: 12¥.". l':Vb. 11 25.00. Only i .95 1.2. 1Hl.IMPTl9No\L SEL,. •o full page drewirigs by ArthUJ Zelcle~ berg. Preface by Sando! Lorand. M.O. The.noted af1ist por\raya th• dark side or U'ltl love Ute ol human being• hy lllu1l1•tions ol ttleir ael;ua1 clevl1llon1. Long QUI gf Print and selt!ng at premium orlcee, • pioneer end daring bogk when li1sl publlslled, it Is now made avail· able again In a 1evised edlrlon. L1rge lorm11, 8'h J 11•. Special 2.98 14. COMt'lrTI! COURSE IN OIL PAINTING, By 0111 No1dmark. 200 IUut. with 14 in lull color. Slep-by·ltep guidance in tradllional and new methods of oil painting -tool1 11'1d mete1l11s. usea ol tight and color, etc. OrfO, pub. In 4 volS. et 15.80. Comp le le 1 ~ol. ed. Only 3.95 If. LOOK AT US. etc, etc.: William Saroyan. l e•I by Wm. Sarayan. Pllologrephed by A. Rothstein. More 11\an 100 1upertl piclur11s b7' lhl nolold Looil photographer depicting life In Amtric.a '"hanced by the bittar1weet prose of • gr1at Amerlea.n w1it11r. 8lr. • 9Y•·· Pub, al 12.SO. Only 3.95 ... STA• COL'-ECTOR'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. Revlted 61h ed. by R • .J. Sutton, 3,000 1ntrle1 In 1lphabetlc11 arr1ng1m1n1, e~plelns eJI phnst· ology, gazed"'· populatlons. coinages, 1ran11at1on s ot phrssK, glquary ~ other phl!ale1lc knowleGge. Hundreds ol lllu11rallon1. Orig. pub. al 10.00. Only 1.96 ' '1, TH!.llll,IE·THROUGH THE AGES. By Frank. Swel" i ncl Ctllby. 1.avlshty ,produced volumo coveting the origin. writing, compllation, p1e11rv1tlon, tran•tation. study and influence ot the Bible. 175 Blblt • rel1\ed ilt-.stratlon1. 40 lull c11lor, l1om •rl 1ourc111 lhroughout 1he w111ld: sllH Ir. 1ht Holy Land, 11rtilacis, 1ul'11, ca1ac11mb pelnlinV!I, 11c. 8Va J 11 \'••. PUb. Ill 15.00. Sale 4.98 t i . A PICTO'"i.&L HISTORY Of' VAUDEVILLE. By Berna1d Sobel. e, tf1'I ,dea'1 ot Americen Theatrical hilloriant, th• tto1y ot v11udeville from minstrel thowt. ah01'1' boR\1 an<! wagcn 1how1 lo lhl cl1c11lls 111d the Palace. Almost 400 pho\01 ol m1C109ls, c11mlc1, mimic• -the Jill Is endleu. f"11b. al 6.95. .S.tt 2.98 u . COUNTRY FURNITURE OF EARL y AMElllCA. By H. Lionel Wil- liam•. O.t1lled descrl1:11ions 01 1he entique 1urnl1ure -.stKI by Atn11rl- ca" pioneers. For lh• ccllector. anHque 111torer i ncl etuden1 ·ct American history. 'Completely itluslrated wi1h 121 pttotographe 1111>d 191 dr1wln91. Pub1 at 10.00. $al11 3,98 70. FLOWIJll AlllMNGINQ IN COLOUR, B~ eeny M11ssln!lham. L1rg. ••I encycl0$)ldi. on !lower. arranging 11ver published, a complete A IC Z guide, prectlcil '"d down to earlh. Over 300 photos. 140 lull color, ehoW •H types of 1rn1ngements. 11 Y• •8V•·. Special Import '·" ' ··················--To order by mail, circle num ber of each book you want. Or ielephone 'fO'JI ~rl 123456719,101\ 1213 14151S1718 19 20 21 ~~~~~v~~~~~"~~~~~$ ~ft~Q«~~~~~~n~MR65 ~~ 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 NAMe.___ AOOREss...._ c1rY:· _______ ..,.r._ ___ _.,,. ___ _ O CHARGE 0 CHECK "" roar M..-CM,.. or 111nkA1Mrk:1rd. Add 51" Tu •nd. 25' lor poatogo/h1nclllltQ, B. Dillon, Bookaeller 5 Falhlon l•land. Newport leech 92860 (714) 833-2200 \714)_~1 • I ""'-------~~~-----,,--------------..,....------------·--~·------. ~-~----------. --------~---~~--------~.,~··---r• • " ,_ .. Russian Trip Shared I . I • r - ' . JEAN COX,-"'6 ,._.,, ........... 11, 1• t ..... tr Th e Laguna Line Colony . Selected . . Art , . ' ' 1979 · Cbnvention For ' . By J EAN COX ' ' Of tlM °"'Y ,_.SI... , , THE ART COLONY has been selected as the site for tlie"15th.aMual sti\te conference for California Women in •Chambers of Commerce· to take place October, 1970. . ' , Mrs. Thomas Johnston, president of Mermaids, the Lag~a ~ch Women's Division, said Surf and San~ Hotel will be headqua~erS .for .th.e three-day conference which will attract delegates from 37 cities m Cali- fornia. . . La ste · More than one-hall of the votes cast at a convention m nca r favored Laguna Beach over four other cities competing for the ~ooor. Mrs .. Johnston said Mermliid members will devote the year to. planning for the major event. · / . • Mrs. Peter Fulmer, immediate past president, will soon be the own· er of a bronze statue of a mermaid which is bein~ designed aJ;ld ma~ by Mia Kranz as a gift from the gro;up. She Wp.s praised for her ~Uilisia$tic service during a past meeting by· Mrs. McClellan Cole who also· presented a pearl-studded tie pin resembling a ¥ermaid to the f._orrq.er ;'J)resident's husband for his service as publicity director. ~ ANTOINETTE WIKING, who won first and second aytards i~ the watercolor ca't~ory during the Biennial Art Elimination Coo~t .. National League of Amencan Pen Women. was one of several-Laguna Beach ~anch members taking bonon at the recent' Long !\each event. · Other winners included Thelma Paddock Hope, Charlotte Light, Vlr· gln!a Woolley and Madeleiie Pichard. , ' , . '· 1 MR, ANO MRS. ARTHUR Stead, outgoing worthy patron and matron, will be honored al a farewell party planned by La~una Beach Chapter, Order of Easter Star, next Friday at 8 p.m. in Masonic Hall. Invitations have been sent to all matrons and patrons in the 90th (lis- lrict, OES, to attend \he event, reported Mrs. Orville H. Suppiger, spokes- man for the group, Inspired by Mrs. Carl W. Adams' talk today on her recent Russian trip, Riviera Book SectiOn members (left to right) Mrs. Jim G.' Allen and Mrs. Orville L. Harper do a little research on their ow n. In addi· tion to the talk by the Rivicran, section members met for the first session of a newly formed creative writing class which is being conducted by Miss Isa· belle -Ziegler, author and educator. Reservations and further information about the group may be ob· tained by calling Mrs . Harper, section chairman. She said Mrs. Harry Hansen and Mrs. Christian Jens.en are in charge of refreshments, and Afrs. Arnold Kohls and Afrs. Harry Thompson. are preparing entertainment. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christensen will take their Posts as worthy patron and matron at· an installation ce'remony at 3 p.m . next Sunday. MomsDHelp . Bo_ys ~lub · All ......,; riii sons belong. in( to Laguna Beach Boys Club are invited to attend a coffee -tomorrow mor:ling at 10:30 when plans will be aired for·a new Mothers' Auxiliary. The introductory meeting will take place in the new club facility, scheduled to open before January, at 10 8 5 Laguna Canyon Road. ''Women attending will be under no obligation to join the gupport group," said Dan Lewis, program director for the club. He and Bill Cook. director, will be pre.sent to ex· plain functions · of the project· ed all1iliary which wilt ha ve fund raising and programming as Ill objectives. A nucleus for the group was formed during a coffee led by Mrs. A. M. Sims, temporary coonihating chairman. Other women meeting were the Mmes. Tom Farmer, Charles Rockwell, Elmer ?i.fcKeown and Stan Moore. Since the initial meeting, the five women have been calling other wOmen in the area and urging them to attend the gathering tomorrow which will ~;lClude a toor of the new facility. ' The new building offers a ,. senior games rOom, a .junior games room, a crafts room, a full-1iie £ymnasium, library facilities and a kitchen. There also are plans for a swinvning pool to be completed by nett 1ummer, 'YOU SHOULO SEE. HOW IT ·LOOKS ON' -Les Petites Fieurs Auxiliary helps serve Children's Home Society by supplying clothes for foster moth· ers. Mrs. Kenneth Wright and Mn. David Adams (left to right) admire a clothing gift with the help of their model, young Daniel Adams. They will have many more clothes after an annual Christmas Party Dec. 6. .._ Shower Ex~cted .Christmas Greeted By Les Petites Fleurs Cocktails and dancing, together with a layette shower, are planned for the annual Christmas pa'rty of Les Petites Fleurs Auxiliary, Children's Home Society Saturday, Dec. 6. Holiday decorations in colors of red and gold , the s'cent of pine boughs and the soft glow of · candles will greet guests as they enter the Laguna Niguel home of Mr.· and Mrs. Douglas J ohnson for festivities which will begin at 8:30 p.m: an4 ·continue until midnight. All the clothing gifts received at the party will be sent to the society's Orange District office for use by fo ster mothers who care for the children until they are placed for adoption by the society. Practically all the foster mothers' clothing needs are filled through the efforts of the more . than 12,000 volunteers belcinging to more than 231 auxiliaries of the society. Mrs. Kenneth Wright of Laguna Niguel, social chairman, is in charge of the affair to which all members and their husbands have been invited, including associate and inactive members. Assisting her will be the Mmes. William Crapo of Laguna Niguel. decorations; Thomas Mauro of Three Arch Bay and Rozella Roberts of Corona del Mar, invitations; Charles Gassett of Laguna Niguel, clean up, and Michael Baum of_Laguna Niguel, ho spitality. Serving with Mrs. Crapo on the decorations committee will be the Mmes. Francis Pieri, Roy Baughman and John Van Dyke of Laguna Niguel, Sidney Hobbs of Laguna Beach and Johnson. Assisting with invitations will be Mrs. Gary Davis of Laguna Niguel. - This will be-the auxiliary's ·first ·major social function involving new provisional and associate members. New provisional members are the Mmes. Larry. Adams, Baughman, George Daech, Thomas Fortune, ~ichael Garman, Jackson Goffman, Van Dyke, Frank Becker, Tom Berg; John Bouvier, Gary Clarke, Gassett, Robert Parsons and ThODU!s Whittaker. Joining associate ranks afe·the Mmes. Robert Boyd, James Harriilg·. ton. William Thompson, Willlam King, l'hilip Charlton, Helmuth Hanne- mann, Conrad Haythorne. Karl Lundberg, John McDougall, Frank Murphy, Walter Nicholson, Charles Patterson, W. 0 . Stephens, Thomas Thornton, !Uchard Webb, Gerald Williams and Joan Swartzbaugh. Set of Values . on Church Wedding ·s Generations Apart PEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia letter Is for "Bystanders," the parents who were mad because their son didn't tell them sooner that his fiancee was pregnant. They had sent out the wedclin« in-- vltaUons, reserved the ballroom, ordered the flowers, engaged the cate~. etc. • The parents were told of the pregnaney ANN LANDERS ~ two weeks before the wedding and they How could ~~h a terrible thing happen in were furious. Tbey re\t IW'e they'd been our family · trjcked. 1'11e mother added, "By then, of, When we tokl my folk!, my father yell· tOUne, it Wll! too tale lo cancel anything. ed. "l'tn gutng to have the dirty rat ar· So "the bride wore a lent and both rested for rape!" When I tried to lell him families were humiliated." l wasn't raped, he scrttmed, "Shut"U . Jf I think the kids were smart. The same ·J say you were raped, you were ra~!" thing happened to us. When we told Ray's They refused to let us get married in a parents, his mother became hyslerlcal. church, so we eloped. It's been rive years She screamed, "Oh my God! My 60f\ hat now and we have two lovely kids. But we been going with a slut ror two years! always w·u1 feel that the falae pride and mixed.up values ·of our parent.. kept us from having the wedding we both wanted. No r.eed lo comment -just print this. tt might help to bridge lhe -GENERA· TION GAJ'. DEAR GAP: Here it ls. Thanks ror the ilridge. DEAR ANN LANDERS: J stlll am sleamlng over the letters from all U1osc women who bum rapped their husbands •. It seems every wife had lhe same grlpo -her husband refuses to give her a help- ing hand, especially In hls chosen field. The doctor·husband won't pay any at. tention to his sick kids and the carpenter· h1,;1iband won't fix the roOf. J thought you might enjOy a leUer from a wife who baa no complaints, lh 'fact, my husb8qd ls the greatest guy in the world. He is A house painter and has painted our home inside and out every spring for the last,14 years. He also does all the plaster-- ing, carpenter and cabinet work, plum· bing and eleclrlcal wiring. He ligures out our Income tax every year. and knows a lot about la"'. He is my psychiatrist and my guidance counselor. When I ha ve a backache or stiff neck, he Is as good as any chiropractor. And wall, thal's not all -he is teaching lhe boys to play the clarbict Sign me -LUCKY LADY • DEAR LADY: Lady b ript -bat I do bope, dear, H yoa eyer need u. ... pera· tlo:i you. wlU call a wgeoa. DEAR ANN LANDER$: I'm oure peo- ple of all ages read your column. Maybe someone out there can give me the help 1 am looking !or. I am a woman In rny early 60s. All my life I've been plagued · with etcesslve perspiration on my back. I've gone to at least six doctors and have rectlved no relief. I've tried shots, pill!, salves and lollons. It's been • waste or lime and money. Perhaps somebody w~ reads this knows of something that might help. I wltl lry anything. -SOAKING WET IN PLAINFIELD _ DEAR SOAKING: You may bave hyperbidrollil. Yoar ltUer does aot 11:1 wben you last a.a" a doctor. Tbtrt are some relaUvely 11ew medications for thiJ •nnoylnr problem and if yOQ bavea't seen •· plly1kla1 la the put five yean, 1 arge )'Ga to do to. An't Landen' book, "Trulh I s Stranger .. " a ~Uecuon or her best c* umns over the ~ 14 years Is avallabte at bo'Jk stores. It also can be obtained by writing Prenlite Hall, Englewood Cillis, N.J. Price f.4.95. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send lhem to her in care of the DAILY PILOT newspaper, enclosing a 1elf-addressed, slamptd envelope . r'-~,~-~,.., .................. ~~~ .... ,... ................... ...,~ • .,.. ....... ,..,, ............................ ~ ... ~~ .. ~ ................. ,..""!!~"!"'""'""'""""" ... i;"';'~"!"~~ .... \"'! ... ":'"",,....,...,.,,.,""'..,,...,....,,...,..~~~-.....-.-~---~ l.... .. ........ '" ............... , ...... ~ ........................... ~ ................. ~····'"'''' ... ~··· .. . " ' .. ·'· .. ' " ' . ': " DAILY PILOT American Smile Crosses Ocean By DEE WEDEMEYER buslneslitlk<. New York is the top of lhe NEW YORK (AP -Thal fashion industry and the place perky airl with the All-where models earn more A m e r 1 c a n smile on the money than an y 'Olbtr In t~ mqulne,cover may look like world. "It's like something the etrl next door but. chances where you can'L go further," are ahe's European. says German model Sylvia Modelt with years or ex-Poorlh. perieDCe In Paris, Lol)don, E,uropean models with e¥- Rome and Milan have come to perlence almom immediately New York steadily over the command salaries of $60 to f75 put decade and have become an hour and can easily earn as an established part of the much as $50.000 a year. Stars American fuhion scene. like Britain's Joan Shrimpton WllhemJna. a German model and Twi&gy earn $125 an hour. 'who hu her own modeling Another lucrative field Is a1ency, 11y1 one-third or her television commercials, but models are European born. union rules limit the work of The Stewart Agency says one-· foreign models there. quarter of its models are \Vorking coi\diUons hert dif- European. fer from thoR in Europe. The And Jerry Ford or the Ford girls stay primarily in one city ModeUne "Agency says one-here, instead of flying to a dif· quarter of Ford models are ferent job almost every day. EW'Opean and they account for They are hired by the hour. ln-on~half ol the ag e n c y ' 1 stead of by the day. And they business. have stylists to comb their C A/ "They have a sort of girl· hair and plan their ac· ruising ong nezt-Ooor, high fashion look," cessories jobs they do for explahia Wilhemina. "They themselves tn Europe. Sailing aboard the SS Lurline on a 28-day c ruise have intrigue. They come with "·----------of the Caribbean is Mrs. Mar~aret Graves of New· a totally new face to the· Top Sports Coverage port Beach. The ship will vi sit Curacao, Trinidad, American photographers yet . . .1 Barbados. Martinique, San Juan, Acapulco and they have experience and in-ln The Daily P1.ot other cities. tereaune portfolios." ,r--::;;;jjjiiillillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillilliiiiiiii;;;::-- In the Mood for String of Peorls ' " It's a return to yesteryear for members of St. John the Baptist School Auxiliary as they order sounds of the big bands from Ray E ngel's Hannonalres Sat· urday, Nov. 22, in the crystal and velvet decor of the Engagement Disclosed During Cocktail Party The betrothal of Peggy Ann Robson and Earl S. Olrich II \\'as disclosed during a cocktai l buffet party in the Newport Beach home or Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Olrich, parents or the prospective bridegroom. The bride-elec t. a resident of Balboa Island . is the daughter of ti.Ir. and Mrs. Ernest S. Rob90n Jr. of Kirkwood. ~to. She and her fiancc disclosed to the 50 guests present that they will be married in February in Webster G r o v e s Christian Church, Kirkwood. Miss Robson a tt en ded ~1 iami Uni versity of Ohio and the University of Missouri. She affiliated wilh Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Phi Chi Theta business fralernity. The bri d egroom-to-be received his BS degree from , _ UCLA and is doin g graduate ~·ork at San Fernando Valley State College. He was a member of Blue Key men 's PEGGY ROBSON February Bride honorary and was vice; presi- dent or Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Sale Set In Hospital South C o a s t Community Hospital Auxiliary is hoping to attract a Jot or buyers to its prcChristmas sa le v.·hich will take pl ace in the hospital's auditorium from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, \Yedntsday to Frida y, Nov. 19,21. Mrs. Harry SO\\'den. g~ft shop chairman, will host the sale ..... ~.I:':. :latures Oriental a p ron s. novelty ceramics. stuff ed animals featu red from the comics, night lights, purse 1nirrors, tote bags and other unusual gi ft s. She said Christmas card books will be on dis play in the auxiliary's office in the hospital. Proceeds from the J:ift shop h e I p support the hospital. Turkey Dinner Closes Bazaor A turkey dinner will be scrv. cd at a bazaa r pl!tl ned by Mesa Rebekah Lodge 402 on 'J'hu rsday. Nov. 20, in the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Tc1nple, Costa Afesa. The bazaar featuring a country store and homebaked goods will open at noon wi th dinner served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Andre w Lolmou gh, 548-?Hl!J. or :r-.trs. Douglas 1'torgam, 548-1938 are la king reservations. The lodge also will Cf:iebrate Its 21 st birthday with a spec ial celebration on Tuesday even· f.1g, Nov. JI, Artis t Speaks And Exhibits Stitchery and tapestry artist ~trs. Leo Richards will give an evening prese ntat io n lo members of Newport Harbor- Santa Ana Alumnae Chapterj of Delta Gamma Tuesday, Nov . 18. 'fhe artist, who opens an ex· hibit at the I n vi ta ti o n a I <;alifornia Crafts the same day, attended art school in Springfield, 111. and currently teach.es at Sa nta Ana and Full erton YWCAs, Laguna Beach AAUW and Huntington J-larbour Beach Club. Those interested Jn at. tending the 8 p.m. meeling in the .home of Mrs. Carl Schwarz of Santa Ana should call t-.1rs. Ross Scott, 543-1401 or t-.1rs, Gordon Niedringhaus, ~745. Speaker Sees Developments Knowlton Femald of Laguna Niguel Corp . will discuss plans for future development in the {lrea during a meeting for Junior Section. South Coast Club Jn the Lagtt.ia Niguel home of Mrs. Phil.Up Brabyn Thu rsday, Nov. 20. Further information about the gathering may be obtai ned I by calling Mrs. Jack \Veber • 1 49~SMI. LID .f\LL~l STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN , •• In The Alley Of Open Fri. Ev•'· J424 ~, ... LIDO ALL CllDIT 'fll 9 NIWPOIJ IU.CH CA.RDS WELCOMI Newporter Inn. Social hour will begin at 7 with din· ner at 8 p.m. Getting rea dy to execute a fox trot to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walz's striiig of pearls are Mr. al}d Mrs. Gerald Walton. ' Ford says another reason for the European model&' sue· ce1s ls that they are hard workers, p.u n c tu a I and Book Week Spot I ights. Children Michael Stocktons National attention will be fo- cused on children's books nex t week as libraries throughout the country arrange special programs to highlight National Children's Book Week. Newport Beach Library. Balboa branch, wi ll £ealure an exhibit entitled 100 Years or Chi ldren's Literature. Rare books owned by the library also will be on display. The week will close with en- tries due for creative V.'fiting ca.1test enti tled Out of This World. Deadline is Nov. 22 with award! to be made at a Dec. 15 Christmas party at 4 p.m. in Mariners Library. Frames Topic Larry Lair. assisted by hls wife, will discuss the art of framing with Niguel Art A.!P<>Ciation membe rs a n d euests in the auditorium of Crown V a I I e y Eleme.1tary School, Lagun a Nigue l at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. The public is invited to at- tend the lecture, a n d refreshments will be served. Couple Making their home in Costa Mesa following a wedding trip to Mexico are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Stockton. The newlyweds were married in an afternoon ceremony in Dutch Flat Methodist Church, The Rev. Philip McGallian officiated, The bride, who wore a white crepe waltz length dress, is the for mer Jeannette Loui se Scheuffe le, da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scheuffele Young Singers Liven s·runch The globe·trotUng Mitchell BoYs Choir. will sing for member1 of Wednesday Mom· ing Club of Costa Mesa Wednesday, Nov. 19. in the Balboa Bay Club following a 10:45 a.m, brunch. The club is looking forward to a series of upcoming events including an Arts a:>d Crafts Section on Friday, Nov. 21, at JO a.m. in the home of Mrs. B. L. Gibbs of Mesa Verd e. Home of Alta. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mr1. Gordon Stockton of C.Osta Mesa. Attendants, dressed in light blue princess style ensembles, were the Misses Janet Weber, matron of honor, and the bride's sisters. Sandra and · S h a r o n Sc h e uff e le , bridesmaids. The benedict was attended by best man Steve n Lomba of Sacramento and b r o t h e r s Mark and Gordon Stockton, ushers. Miss Glenda Fran c l s c;o handled the guest book for a recepUoo in Du~ Flat Com- munity Center attended by special guests, Mr. and Mn. Earl Kline of Elk City, the brjde's grandparents, and the Lel'V)' and Dean Kline families or Sacramento. 'Mle new Mrs. Stockton was graduated from Colfax High School and bu· husband WU graduated frcm cOtta , Mesa High School and seried in Vietnam and. Germany w.ith the Air Force. Both plan to attend Orange Coast. College. t PRESCRIPTION FOR CHRISTMAS PANIC (Guara nteed to cure those what-am·l·going·to·give · and· how-will-I -pay-for-it ·headaches). lt's none too soon 10 do your Christmas shopping. And our special H.A.P. (Hide-A-Way Plan) tonic can help make it o ne of the merriest Christmases yet. Just select your gift. Start your payments at your convenience after Christmas. You'll have everything all taken care of in advance. Pretty strong medicine, Isn't it. SLAYICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -6H-ll80 vov, C~•rve A'"°""' Wtkome -••MAmtr~rd, M1J1tr Cflt1'1•· roa Opt'fl M•ll4oy, f,14•y 11•tll t :JO p.111. &outb Coast ?Iaza SANT A'S HOME ... AWAY FROM HOME l l!ST01 "1 $AN DIEGO 'IEEW"T, COSTA MW PRINTED OUTINGFIJlNNEl Young mod designs, bright stripes, granny ilor· als, tot n teen prints galore. Priced especially for pre Christmas sewing. A cuddly soft and worm fabric. 36'1 wide 59c yd. va lu e gu1rant11d w1,hali l• 37.~ NO-~ALE t:~RBUROY THE NEW FASHION RIGHT FABRIC It's here now! Fashion by the yard! This is the fabric you've been asking for. Durable as corduroy but has the softness and ieel of expensive velveteen. QUILTED ITALIAN IMPORTS! FABRICS 100•;. cofton COTTON PRINTS 100•;. nylon NYLON ~RINTS $J.79yd. $2.29yd.' 100'-' 01trogon e<ototo $2 29 SATIN SOLIDS • yd. 100% nylon NYLON SOLIDS 36" to '4511 wide g1i11rant1ed w11h1bl• $2.29yd. "m.IJ ,, tlano TWEEDS So~ fall colors on a.po•h dress and suit weight tweed ideal for the new tweend bell bottoms. rayon, acrylic , cotton nylon & linen blend. 54/60" wide 7 colors ('f.\i\f'f f-'ll <-, HUNTINGTON CENTER EDINGER AT BEACH HUNTINGTON IEACH OPIN MON. THltU fltl. 10 'TIL t P'.M.-SAT. 11L 6 P.M, IAN UMlllCARD A MAStlR CHARGI ACCIPTID OPIN SUNDAYS ll·S tHIU DIC:IMlll 897·8013 13 ,r,.,--::--~------------------------~~--:----------· -----. ----------------~.....-._, .. I 13 . .. " . , MRS. FREDRICK S. GARCELON Former Melinda Burtt Pamela _ Lusc hen Mrs. Richar d L. Pamela Luschen became the bride 0£ Richard Lynn Scott of ' San Clemente during double · ring nuptials In the Youth Challenge Ce n t e r , San Clemente. The Rev. Max Rapoport perfonned the afternoon ceremony for the daught.er of Dr. and Mrs. Dona1d Luschen '! of Dana Point and the son of ·• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott of Arcadia. ' For her wedding the bride • selected a brocade gown of F satin and a flowing train. Her ' floral headpiece caught an t· elbow length veiling and she 1 carried a cascading bouquet of '• white roses and an orchid. ' Gowned in mint green em· pire gowns with pink flowers in their hair and carrying pink and white carnations \Vere J.trs. Michael Jinkins, matron 11 ol honor and Miss Barbara Cheatum, maid of honor. Dressed Identically were the Misses cathy Christe, Lynn Broyles, Lynn Revehe, Marie . . ottosen. Irene Hong, Pat t Moore, Wendy Bloom and Jan . C~ ·"" Scholten, bridesmaids. f ' · Holly Person and Tiffany I ... - ' l tlll KKll f'll01t Now Scott - •• ~· ~'-· -~ Rapoport were flower girls in pink empire frocks and car· ried la ce baskets with pink blossoms and David Pickard MRS . RIC HAR D LYNN SCOTT was the ring bearer. Hav1aii Wedding Trip Scott Jacobsen was asked to liland as best man. Ushering duti es were assumed b y William Sarnoff, W. t.1. Paul· off, W. t.1. Cbidgey, Brian Boher, Cliff Langley. Homer Waisner, Jim Coldwell, Dennis Luschen, the bride's brother and Jinkins. Coup le Marry The reception followed in the San Clemente Elks Lodge. Circulating the gue.st book among ...1250 guests was Miss Carol t.;0ridero. In San Dieg o The new Mrs. Scott is a senior at San Clemente High · School and her husband was graduated from Bel!Oower High School. He is serving in the Coast Guard Reserve in San Pedro. SL eaul's Episcopal Chap:!l The nc"•ly\veds s~lectcd San In San Diego was the setting Francisce> and Seattle for their for the doub le ring cercn)ooy \\'edding trip and will make linking in marriage f.frs. Ne1vpo rl Beach their home. Phyllis l\felville ?i.lorris of The brid egroom attended Newport Beach and Lyman college in Nebraska and his John Jackson ·01 Anaheim, ..J?ride atlenOed step hen s The newlyweds will honey. moon in Hawaii and make their home in Dana Point. The Rev, Richard Th omson College In Columbia, Mo. HEAR Seminar performed the evening nu p- tials. The new l\!rs. Jackson selected a po1vder blue satin and wool evening suit and car· ' r ied n nosegay of yellow and Parents of h e a r I n g. ban-blue chrysanthemums. dicappeQ ch i Id re n will Attending ~e couple were discover how to prepare their Mrs. Peler M1chM!I Jackson of children for the holid8ys dur· San Diego, her da ughter and ing a Wednesday Nov. 19, Lyman James Jackson of seminar in the HEAR Foon· Anaheim, his son. dation building in Santa Ana. A champagne reception for The 7:30 p.m. meeting en-24 gucsls took place in the titled Preparing the Child for home of Mr. and t.1rs. Peter Christmas will be conducted Michael Jackson. An members by ?i.1rs. Richa rd Roche 0£ of the immed iate families Pomona and Mrs. F a i l h were Jn attendance including Schroeder, language con-special gueits, l\1r. and Mrs. sultant of the Pa sadena Hugh ~farshall Melville of Sun branch, for members and City, parcn£s of the new l\trs. '}Uests. Jackson. Play Lures Couples An "Invita ti on to a llfurder" has been extended to members of the Huntington Beach Temple Hillel Couples ' Club. The group will vie1v the most recent production in the lluntington Beach Playhouse at 8:30 p.rn. Saturday, Nov. 22. Following the play they will attend a pos t·IJ'leater party In the home of Mr. and f\.irs. J~·m Rooenberg where cham-..... pagne punch and o t h e r refreshments will be served. 86 STOR ES ..• ALL IN SHELTERED COMFORT llllTOl AT SAH P!fCiO ,,tfWAf, COSTA ME!A • • Monday, lfMmbtr 17,, 1969 OAJLV PILOT J9 Garcelon-Burtt Nuptials Laguna Group Waist Watchers American Legion Auxiliary TOPS Wall! Wat c b e rt ~ Beach c•then the wemble <Very Thuraday at 1 Recited in · lagunq Beach ;·F·venlng===·~=~~==~=· =&=·:!i=~=~=·,V;:;::::iew=Scb=; .. 1 • Wearing her mother's wed-Richard A s s m a r , the The bride 11 a _graduate of ding gown and her great· bridegr<>Qm's-. cousin of Sarr Newport Harbor High School grandmother's Spanish lace Jose, and ua:bers were Ted and attended \fells College, veil, Melinda Burtt excha'.iged Kellogg, another couQI from NeW York. Her husband a vows and rings with Fredrick Emerald Bay and Jett Burtt, 'Laguna Beach Wgh Scboot Scott Garcelon, son of t.lr. and the bride's brother. alunuJJs, is serving with the Mrs. Fredrick F u I t o n A:ackey Swan of TuSUn, the U.S. Marines. He bu bad a Garcelon of Three Arch Bay. bride's voice teilcher 'waa the two-y~r tour of duty in Viet· Setting for the nuptials was soloist. Organist w~ .MJ., J. nam &XI now ii stationed at St. Catherine of Siena Church, H. Norton of.Laguna Jieacb. , Camp_ Pendleton, assigned to Laguna Beach, and officiant The church was decorlted the Marine Corps Band. was the ~v. James F'. · with arrangements of harvest McKeon1. fr~end of t h e flowers and autumn leaves, Garcelon fanuly. and lining the ce:iter aisle The bride, daughter of t.Irs. w e re a u tu m n h u e d Jam Gurney Burtt or Newport chrysanthemum b o·u q u et s Beach and.the lat~ Mr. Burtt, c~ntered }YJlb tall tapers. was glven ln marriage by .her Circulatlng the register to paternal grandfather, John 20I guests during thti ceceplion· Gurney B':111t Sr. in the home of the bride's ~er pr1n~ ~tyled ec,ru ~ mother was Mrs. William c. satin gown was trimmed wtth Warmington Ill, the bride's lace and ~eatured . a full. cousin. Dance mu:ilc was cathedral tram. She ca!rled ii' plqyed by Johnny Lucu aiid c.a;SC&de of stephanohs a~d his Blueblowers. l1hes of the valley on a "'.h1te Following a hroeymoon to prayer book which was given an undisclose d destination, the' to h~r by her god~ents, Mr. newlyweds will reside in Dana and Mrs. Kernut Nutt of Point Altade.13. ' She also wore a diamond cross necklace, beionging te> the bridegroom's mGl.her and carried a small gold bell, dating back 1,000 years, which was given to her by Mrs. Garcelon who found it on an archeologlcal dig in Panama. \\'earing a gown of bronze velvet with an amber crepe sldrt and carryf.1g a sheaf of chrysanthemums in autumn colors and dried wheat Was t.1rs. Lloyd Kavlch o f Berkeley, the bride's sister and matron of honor. In similar gowns In gold and carrying identical sh e a v e s wete. the bridesmaids, Miss Tink Dyer and Miss Caroline Thousand, both of Newport Beach. Atte.1ding as best man was Potpourri Presented Flower arrangements, daisy mirrors, paper weights, stul· fed animals and hand puppets will be among the decorator items offered when Alpha Phi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, sponsoQ a bazaar between 10 a.m. and S p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. The al fresco affair will take place in front or the Ger0cG store, Brookhurst and Wamer Avenues, Fountain Valley. Mrs, Floyd H. Shaver of Huntingte>n Beach is in charge or the annual ways and means project ror the group. New Baby, Discussed By Lea~ue Th< Birth ol a Baby ~nd Family Adju!ltmen will be discuued when La Leche League ol Huntington Beach presents the third in a lel'les of meetings. Members will g a t h e r between 9:45 a.m. and D00.1 Thursday, Nov. 20, in the home of Mn. Elaine Boyaner. All interested women -1 especially expectant or recent mothers -are invited to at- tend, and anyone wi&hlng ad-I dltlonal informatla:t about the league may call Mrs. Robert Boutin, 827-0592, or Mrs. Donald Walker, 982-3917. The league also supplies a lending library with books on childbirth, nursing and cblld care. Medic·al Group Every secoDd Tuesday of the month members of Orange Shores Medical Assistants' Association u,,emble at a p.m. Location may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jania Anderson, <99-2511. Women Delve Into Dream s A special program on dreams and realities will be presented by Mrs. Robert Luckhardt and Mrs. Ralph Short fe>r members of the Women's Society of Christian Service of First U n i t e d Methodist Church, C o s t a Mesa. K-Mac Drug & DiscountStore Our everyday prices are com· petitive with all d i s c o u n t stores. Try us for your health and beauty aids at discount Luncheon, served by the Rebecca Circle in Thompson Hall, will follow the 10 a.m. meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 19. An annual Chri s tma s workshop for children and parents will take place Dec. 14 from 2 to 6 p.m. • pnces. 3333 Newport Blvd., Newport llo•ch Across from N1wpor!_ Beach City H11ll Phone: 675-6611 THE BEAUTY SALON'S DUA RT 1 /2 PRICE SALE -. Avoid tho holidoy rush ond toke odvontoge of our greo,t Duart permanent specials. Choose ony style ••• we do them oil! Solon spociols: 17.50 perm,8.75 20.00 perm, I 0.00 25.00 perm, 12.50 And with our moster stylists: 30.00 perm,15.00 35.00 perm, 17.50 All complete with tho latest in-styling ond cuf. While you're' in visit our fun boutique; Also be sure to. check our hairpiece specials. 35.00 Brush_ 'n Go Konelolon* wig, 21.50 25.00 Brush 'n G'o Bobby wig, 14.50 20.00 COquettes, 8.99 20.00 Coscodes, 9.99. Appointments not always necessary. Phone:· Anoheim, 535-8121; Huntington Beoch, B92-3331; Newport, 644-1212. Beouty Solon, 60 I. ANAHalM 444 N. Elldld JU.1121 MOii. lhrt.1 Sal. 10 1.m. • •:JO p.ni:. N•WPOl:T MUMTIMOTOM l•ACM q '"""" 11191111 ..._n1a 1111 Ed Inver Ave. Men. rtirv Fri. tn-m1 10 a.m. to r:JO p.m. MOii. fhru s11. "'· 10 l .m. ta ' p.m, 10 1.m. to t ;:lll p.m. B4lld .. .., ,..,..i,, ,,.,,.., ""' actual1v ••• LOSE 2 DRESS SIZES by CHRISTMAS . SIZE 227. , • , ••• , ••• , •••• Be a size 20 by DEC. 25 SIZE 207 •••••••••••••••• e. I size 18 by DEC. 25 SIZE 181 ................ Bt 1sire16 by DEC. 25 SIZE 167 •••••••••••••••• Bt 1 size 14 by DEC. 25 SIZE 141 ................ Bt 1sl!I12 by DEC. 25 20 C/ff CER71Fl (Clip Out th/ CA1!' , ..,,,ber 17 th1 '°"PGn.) Valid N - tor izo.oo on ~"ch November~ . Pro111in ,. ny Glorfa Ma~•-.' )Du~ llrdle,. .01 ,_ __ .~..,1 -. . ..... , to ,.... ..,,. '!ft'• Coru In coni/"*'61.,-..( cl'oiM., dirrobiAt .W)'. ~ j>la1room facilidle -(or -Plldrrn. I FIGURE CONTROL SALO~S """' .... "' .. ' , ...... ___ _ NEWPORT BEACH 430 PACIFIC COAST HWY. 642-3630 t2 lllocli:• E••t of l tlbo• l1y Ch1hl 1140 W. 17tti STlllET · 14J•t417 SANTA AHA AllAN•IM, l lVIR\'f NIL ..... COVINA. CtlNIMAW,, ,DOWff•Y, klMOAIA, l.AJCIWOOOi. Lotte llACK. NSWPHT ,llACM. NOll:TM HOLL'f'WOOD, otlTAllO, l'AIADIN .. IAN DllGO, IAMT4 ANA. IAlfT.t. S.t.•1.t.RA. IUflllAllD. T.t.ltUM.t.. WMmlllt ............ 111 Pita-, IAClAMlirfoi, 1AH JOSI, IUMlfn'ALI. W.t.UUIT C:lllllt. • I - I I 1 • ' M DAll.Y I'll.OT Problem g'~, Z'u · Solver ~ft, • ' I I 62119 Ii Jj • I Lachmse I '·'\!'~ i ....... .~~ !-/ '~t.~ " -SPADEA INTERNATI Ol'IAL DESIGNER PATI!RN 6217' For the what·to-wear probJem on vacation or at bo111•, Lachas .. bas a ready solution. Slanted front and back dart. ease In the waist ~ sliin the skirt. Short or long, the Ourry 2•t· ed trim adds a refreshing toocb for any occ • Tr'y ii short !Ji black crepe Cir pink linen -'-or long -anytblng goes !lorn Dowering silk to sheer grey wool. A perfect. foll fo r your favorite necklace, earrin(s and pin! Other fabric suggestions; velvet, velveteen, peau de sole, crepe, shantung, JIOVelly cotton. 62179 ts cut In Misses sizes S.16. Site 12 require• approxl· mately 2-318 yards ol 54" fabric for the long length and 1-5/8 yards 54" fabric for the short length: To order 62179; state size, include name, ad· dtels and zip code. Send $2.00 postpaid for uch pattern. Send onlers for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15, MWonl, N.J. 08848. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding •tones with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the Wedding. FOr encagement announcements lt ls suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be •ubmitted early. II the betrothal announce- me nt 3.J'ld weading date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· c<>pled. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, fOI'JllS are avail- able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Note& staff members at ~1 or 494-9466. Commercials Plug Big Baby Business By GAY PAULEY NEW YORK (UPI) -When a baby earns more than Its parenta and a lltUe old lady In her 70s earns more than her eons, you mi&bt wonder wbat the world 1$ cominl to. Bui lhls hlppeos Jo lhe world oC television com· merclala where a top talent can make from $150,000 to $175,000 a year. It's enou11t lo eend each of \II ecurrying from boulehoid and office rt&bt to talent rtpreeentaUvea. Who uys that yw mcl 1 can't oeD IOlp and loolhputel But hold IL Finl off, not .... ,_ dolna: the Ales pitch for lblmpoo, pol food or .-1 pta into Income lnd<ell comparable to lhooe 0 f corpon1jon pmidenll. Men likely, tho aver,.. la $10.-lo 11$,000 a year. Well, 1111t'1 11111 worth dd«!Jng hoa1ewlfer7 or tb1 •i:r= 1:'/",;JI; ~ In ... 1-.w·THWPY ... I. TllOMl'SON. MD Ctl ..... ,, .. ,_, ... ....,., °""_ .... _ 1111 Wllldlf Dr. Noa,..._. lhls highly specialised O•ld where the lovely word ls ''ra:iduals," the additional paymtnta for a conuntrclal each Ume it is repealed? It ts a lucraUve business. But breaking into it Is a lltUe like making it on Bro1dway. 'Ill• one lhln1 1hst pula 1h• commercial salesman or woman· thee bl the flnt place in a talent few ol us have - lbal lor aellnf. Betty Fumess, or coune, hlS IL She helped lo poaeer the field lor actors. Now, lnmdnlda of pn> fealonais are making com· mertJais, ,.... appearJoi on the ec:reen, but more often 11 •"\tolce ovn'". dotni the Mr• niln( while oom..,,. elae Is on view on the acreen. That eomeone e1ae usually la a pn>- feasional too -bot not weU known. In addltl0n to 1blllly lo perform, they all blve'anothtr q.,lity -they're people you can identify with. •WTIU. l f ltVICf IN l!Yl!ltY AS'!Cf 0, T~'nL !'Olt ALMOST A CIHTUlt'f. • _,.SAM IOA•UIM MILLI ltMiO Nllt?Hf t .IA<M• CALI,. '*' PHONE: 644-4600 1 Construction Boss A House That 'Jane' Built By DOROTllEA JSIK!OKS "In most famUles," Ji.trs. ~ YORK (UPI) -"If. Devlin said, "ft la the WOIJlllP 1151n who makes mMt of the you -whal Is r•ally, tm-. declalon111houl a 11ou .. altera p«tant to )'OU ln a house, ·couple h11 decided on such a:enerally you can 1et it, basics as where they want wtthln the realities of your to Uve and how .much they can bu~L" afford to poy, Sbe knows bow Thele are the words of a her family lives; she's the one WOR\IR who knew what she who has the time and the pa- wf,nted ln a house and, as a &Jenee for the n e c es s a r Y IMll~ ~ la the working -k and Jepork. Mool boll of Mlckty ConatrucUon men jlllt want a comfortable Co., Gdbersburg, Md., home; they are.1't aware of "-builders. what makea Jt .comlortable." Barbara Devlin (Mn. Ed· She w o u Id advise most mund H. Devli:i), mother ol couples embarking on home K1tlly, 13, and Andy, II, knew ownership lo put o(f building euctly what she winted in 'that dream house until they've the home the Devins were hav· Jived in houses long enough to Ing built years aro. know what their dream really When she couldn't get the Js, aupervl!lng carpenter to see it "I build a house the way I her way she fired him and would want It If I were going took over lhe supervillng job to llve in it." What ~ this herself. involve? Good construction She's been building ever practice, of course, but aside since -first on speculiUo;i at from thls mostly JlttJe things. the encouragement ol her bus· "I wouldn't build a house to. band, a Wuhington lumber day without a central vacuum· executive. t.ig system, self-cleaning oven, Hu first spec house went to telephone outlets all Over the the first couple who SIW it.. place.'' Her tint CU5tOm job was for She puts in 1 n t er c o m fami ly. friends. Yes, they're systems, Instant llot water atiU friends, even thou1h she fauctll in the kitchen, panel· did forl't to put lights in the Ing in children's rooms, and closets. "J'd never teen the unusual wallpaper in the, din-house in the dark, you know. I Ing room. just didn't miss them ." "I drive the utility people Tiny, attra(:tlve, sofl'"ipoke':l crazy," she said. "All my Mrs. Devlin atlll bosses the circuJt bares go on the first same construction crew she floor -not i.1 the basement. worked with on that lint Who wants to grope her way house. She's done her share of downstairs when the light.1 go emergency palntiDB and she. oUt? often does the final clean up. H you're building, know "I knew no more about con. your family's special re- structlon than· the average quirement.1 -provision for WOm&l when we 11tarted to pets, perhaps, or, like one of plan our first home," she aaJd. Mrs. Devlin's custom house "I did know what I wanted Jn clients, a sauna bath. "You'd a boule -how it shouJd Jive be' amazed," she said, "at the for my famJly. I read and uk· number of things he'd give up ed questions." tn order to have that sauna. It Mn. Devlln't advice to the was important to him." couple e m b a rt l n g on Things you might w<t.lt to bomeawnershlp? think about? "Fiopping" a "Do your homework. Spend house plan, perhaps to give a time reading books. &!nd for living room a better view, to liter1turt; there's a wealth of put in a family room in beUer It to be Md for the a.sking. position for adjoining outdoor Look at.houses. Ask questions. living space. Think about houses and what Measure our furni ture. 11 you , individually, want i',1 a may be easy for a builder to house. You'll have to com-move a door a couple of feet prom.ile, of course. to make room for an oversize President Returns Hair's News: Wallflower Becomes Ro se Officers Wives' Club of Marbte Corps Air Station, El Toro, will aet a winnower tranaformed Into a rose at a champagne brunch Tuesday, Nov. 11, In the Officers' Club. A rtpraentaUve ol Just 1!1Jr, Santa Ana. w 111 domonalrate lh• llteat In hair atylls following the 10,30 a.m. eocial hour ; then w I 11 demonstrate how to tum Plain Jane Joto a beauty. Unusual table decorations mated under dirtd.lon of Mn. K. D. Vanek and Mn. E. T. Linsley feature handmade coqch or breakfront -it it's done before all the wiring and ducting ii ti the walls. 'nllnk about storage and bulJt.iM. They're not as ex· pensive when done as part of the construc:Uon. • gWMJpped 11 ow er a Jn BE FR EE... autumn colon su~ng mlnlalUn! dolls wl1b lndlvldu1J OJ' J'ACIAJ. HAIR hair styles. Name tqs will POJlll.VIW. LET us SHOW hive removtbie wlp. Ch1inntn of the event Is YOU HOW EAi'/ IT rs ft1rs. A. F. 01rrotto. Reserva- Uona may be made by phoning T O .. EMO VE· EXCESS HAIR Mn. M. v. Tittnld or Mra. s. WITH MDDEftH R. Coffey, U.ICTROL.YI~ • HAL ADISCMR HIARING AIDS C.-Mf.iA~ .... JlfO S•lltM•M 340? !. COAST HWY, CORONA DIL MAR ...,~;·· MIDt CA&.LY APPROVll>, • 1 SAPC1 PMT, GDfT'LE, C-Ul.T WITH OUR UCEllSID TICllHICIAll IK OUR •llAUTY SAi.Oii, ROBINSON'S NEWPORT NOTICE Carltons, Costa Mesa's Finest Men's Store, must close Its door &rever, due to the passing of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationally ad· vertised brands in men's clothing, spartcoats, slacks, and In fine furnishings of shirts, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obligations, all our prices have been slashed drastically from 3 0°1o to 70°10. Come prepared to buy, this Is Orange Caunty's biggest going aut of b11siness sale. ' Our Reg. $55.00 SUITS NOW~9 Our Reg. $49.00 COATS NOW $29 Perm. Press Nat. Adv. Slacks $650 . MRS. CARLTON MEN'S SUITS Our Reg. $69.00 SUITS NOWs39 Our Reg. $79.00 SUITS NOW$49 MEN'S SPORTCOATS Our Reg. Our Reg. $59.00 $69.00 COATS COATS NOW$35 NOW$42 Flares Nat. Adv. & Bells Custom Val. to $16.00 Slacks saoo s1400 Our Reg. $150.00 SUITS NOW$89 Our Reg. $95.00 COATS NOW$59 Imported Fabric Hand Tailor Val. to $35.00 s2000 SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS e KNITS e SWEATERS Cardigan Nat. Adv. Nat. Adv. Nat. Adv. Sweaters Long Sleeve Short Sleeve Suede Front Our Reg. Sweater Dress Shirts Dress Shirts Reg. $28.00 $16.00 NOW s12so $560 s4oo NOW s 21 oo SALE STARTS TODAY -10 A.M. CARLTONS 270 E. 17th St., Hllgren Square, Coda Mesa OPEN DAILY 10.9 DANKAMERICARD OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 5 ,Ol YOUR CONYINllNCI SATURDAY 10.6 MASTER CHARGE -• GAMMA PHI BETA Jean Sturdevant KAPPA ALPHA THETA Kitchen Cook DELTA GAMMA Na~cy Hill . KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Terry Ellis Monday, Novembef 17, 1%11 DAIL V PILOT !l~ Horoscope -· Sagittarius: Build Appeal • ' • TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 versatility, Be ready for !icient rest. C o • w o r k e r , surprise or pleasant variety. associate makes Cine gesture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21'' By SYDNEY OMARR Plan ahead - a p p I i e s Added responsibility indicated. es~ially to trayel. Make in· Accept it. You will get credit, Lunar potllion continues qulries. You could do yourse lf recognitiou . WelcGme chance favorable for planttng1 llsblng. a favo:r by studying certain for change, travel and variety. Good for thorough ' bou.se pamphle~. other r t a d i n g Status quo may not su{{ice. • cleaning. Gel behind cracks, material. Cheek your paper · Act accordingly. ~ - crevices. You could discover for needed information . , ,SAGITfAlllUS (Nov. 22· items long thought ~11, LEO {July 23-Aug. 22 ): Give Dec. 21 ): SQmeone from your thought to financial pro-past m·ay make reappearance. ARIES (Mar ch 21-Ap'ril 19): position put forth by mate, Build bridges of friendship. Cycle is on upgrade ; try new partner, Be perceptive. Look You have chance today ·10 ideas. The more creative you beyond su rface indication,., gain, to build appeal. Help in· are today, the better for all. You make valuable discovery divldual w~o confid~ delicate You are rewarded for good if persistent. problem. Don't jump at first offtr. PISCES (Feb, 19-March 20)' Social life improves. Recent contacts make life more plea~ant . Continue to tak~ in· ltiatlve. Throw off groundless doubts, rears. As!lert yoorself. To 11"4 1>111 wllo'I futkY fQ( YOU In ..onlY 1nd i.•t, or!lfr $YdMV Om1rr·1 bocll.ltl, "$eer.1 Hln11 !or Mtn •~d wom..-." $tN1 blrt1101i.'•<>d !O '*"" lo Om•r< Allrol09y Secrtll, T~ DA•· LV PILOT, 80• 1'00, Grind C1nir11 $!111on, N•w Vork, N.V, 10017. . British Group Social Whi~f of Activities deed. Be confident . Let others VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 .. Jan. know of your unique abilities. Pern1il others to take in· 19): Dealings with relatives TAURUS (April 2G-May 20l: iliali vc. Be especially v.·ary cn1phasiz.ed. Son1e may clain1 \Vest ward Ho Ch a pt er, Tells Schedul e Area Girls Pledge Sororities Be receptive. You n1ay be ask-v.·her e legal affairs arc con-. you display arrogance. This Daughters of the Britisl1 ed to cover up certain desires, cerned. Day to do more listen-could be mere reflection o( en· Empire, are meeUng in Mrs. actions. Key is patience. You in g than 11sserting. Oiplomalic vy. Put ideas to work . 1'l1oi;n · H.\V, Ketteringllam's La'guna. will get you r turn. But. today, approach is best for solid \vho appear to oppose you \\'ill Beach home. at 12:30 p.n1. be moderate, diplomatic. Let results. cotne around. Tuesday, Nov. 18. Fall rushing has concluded. al the colleges and universiti~ around the countcy. Mrs. Charles Vandervort, Ne\vport Harbor Panhelleni c files chairman, was in· trumental in the success of this year's rush . She advised the girls, worked with alum· nae re c ommendation chairmen and was ln charge o( compiling and keeping a file on each area girl who was in· terestcd in joining a sorority. Out of the coeds who pledg· ed sororities this fall, more than half have done volunteer work and were student body <Jr class officers. Many were queen candidates, on th e honor roll, the drill team and active in sports. Following is the list of pledges, the school they al· tended, their sorority and the university they currently are attending. Welcomed into the sorority ranks are the Misses Nancy Ackerman, Marina H i g h School and California State College at Long Beach, Pi Beta Phi, University or Soothem California : Peggy Adams, Corona del r..1ar High. Alpha Phi, San Diego Slate College: Teresa Brett, Estan- cia lligh. Alpha Chi Omega, San Diego State: Lucinda Campbell, Newport Harbo r tligh , Alpha Phi, Unive rsity of California , Santa Barbara, and Judith Caschmore, Mater Dei High and Orange C o a s t College, ~Alpha Chi Omega, UCLA. More are the Mi sses Kathleen Cokas, NH lligh, Pi Beta Phi, Will a mette Un iversity ; Katchen Cook, Laguna Beac h Jligh a n d Stephens College, K a p p a Alpha Theta, USC ; Marcy Davis, J\.farina High and Golden West College, Chi Omega. San Diego State; Susan Duffy, NH High, Kappa Kappa Gamma, USC, and Kim Elliott, CdM High, Pi Beta .. GOP SPEAKER Mrs, John Bowler Republican Report Due Mesa V e rd ·e Republica n Women's Club will host its Costa Mesa counterpart at a joint monthly meeting in tlJe Newport Beach home of Mrs. -John McNaughton on Wed- nesday, Nov. 19, at 9:45 a.m. -~ A report On. the national and state scene will be delivered by J\.frs. John Bowler, active in pofitics · si'.1ce 1951 who also will discuss recent national and regiona l convenlions. Buffet luncheon will be serv- ed at noon. Reservations may be made by phoning t.frs. Calhoun Sumrall, president, 549-1420, or . Mrs. J a 0\ es Woodin, hospitality, 548-8959. Singles Meet Members o£ Orange Coasl YMCA'i~Slngles, con'lprised of s'ingle pe'rsons 2tl years old and older, will meet at Shakey's Piiza Parlor, Costa Mesa, on Wednesday, Nov. 19. Meetings INrthe third Wcdneoday of each monlh. others have spotlight. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. \Vomen of British ancestry Phi, Arizona State University. High, Delta Gamma , Universi· pha Omicron Pi. UCLA ; Judy GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20): Remember recent resoluti'lns. 18): One' born .under your si<(n arc Jnvlted to attend and may Others are the Misses Terry ty of Alabama; Jean Sturd~ T"·Hegar. Cdlo.1 High. Alpha Xi You n1ay receive special You cannot burn candle at could come up with profit<ib:c obtain further information by Ellis, CdM High, Kappa Kappa van\, Estancia High and OCC, Delta. UCLA, and Ma r y assignm ent. One you desire to both {'nds. Means pa ce proposal. Be recepli\'C.. Ge· calling Mrs. John Harold, 494· Gam·ma , Arizona St.ate; Jerry Gamma Phi Beta. USC; \Vright, CdM High. Ch i please makes request. You get yourself. Be .sensible about nuinc bargain is 3\it1ilablc. 9518, or Mrs. Kelleringhan1 , Farrar, OCC, Pi e·eta Phi , San Angela Tosti, CdM High, Al-Omega, San Diego State. chance to display humor, work, recreation. Get sul· Take tin1e to !nvestigale. 494-6441. Diego Slate: Laurie Frase r, 1---""-''--'-'"-.----"'..-'----:.:C.""-:....C:::.::..:.::e.:.c:.:.::.:::.: __ _c...=_.:..:___:.:_:_:_:___:.__:...:__ _ _c:_...=_...=_.:..:__.:..:.. ___________ _::. __ :_.:..:___:. ______ _ NH High, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, USC ; Betsy Grether, Marina High, Pi Beta Phi, USC; Ann Grimshaw, NH Hi gh, Kappa Alpha Theta, University of A r I ~ on a ; Virginia Hannahs, NH High and OCC, Chi Omega , University of Oregon; Sharon Hilskell, NH High and OCC, Kappa Alpha Theta. USC, and Janet Heste r, CdM High, Delta Delta Delta, USC. Also receiving pledge pirµ; were the Misses Tonita H~witt, CdM High,. C h i Omega, , UCLA; Jo anne 'Hickok , CdM High and UCSB, Alpha Delta Pi, USC: Nancy Hill, NH High, Delta Gamma, U of O; Gail Hippe, NH High, Alpha Delta Pi, Northern Arizona University; Patricia LaHue, CdM High, Kappa Alpha Theta, UCSB, and l)oo.. na Lewis, CdM High, Gamma Phi Beta, U of A. Additional names are Uie ?-.1isses Candice Marks,·Estan- cia High and OCC, Sigma Kap- pa, San Diego State; Candi McNa ry. CdM High. Kappa Kappa Gamma, U of A: Helen J\.1ilano, Marina High and UCI, Alpha Phi , U of A; Katherine Munroe, CdM High, Pi Beta Phi. USC; Carol O'Bill, Alpha Delta Pi, UCSB: Suzanne Parker, Marina-High,-Pi Beta - Phi, USC; Marilyn Peck, NH High, Chi Omega, University of Colorado; Patti Pfister, Marina High, Delta Delta De l ta,CSCLB; Carol Roscnast. NH High, Gamma Phi Beta, Arizona St ate University; Jan Royer, Marina High , Delta Gamma, University of Pacific, and '·Lucy Semeniuk, NH High and ·1 • OCC, Pi Beta Phi. UCLA. More pledges are the Misses Sherrie Stephens, Estancia Holiday Comes To Panhellenic Holiday decor will brighten the meeting of Newport H a r b o r Panhellenie Wed- nesday, Nov: 19, as Wayne Williams of De Murl Tosh Florists creates s e a s on a I decorations. Following the 10:30 a.m. demonstration, members will enjoy lunch and bridge in the Corona del Mar home of Mrs. Fred Bice. Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Sydney Gaynor, assisted by the Mmes. Charles Hall, M. A. Johnson, John Kelley. NeU Parkinson and Robert Foes . Next event will be a C hri s tmas party and exchange-luncheon on Dec. 17. Entertainment By Collegiates · Saddleback College sludents · wi ll present a program of literature and mu sic t o Women's Club of San Juan Capistrano during a meeting in the women 's clubhouse TueSday, Nov. 18. The college's Madrigal Singers, directed by Monte LaBonte, will perform along wil~ students of Dr. Doyle ~1cKiMey's oral interpretation class. About 40 students \v 111 participate in the event. Mrs. John Given arranged for the program. Role Revealed Parent • child relationships \viii be discussed at a Wed· nesday, Nov. UI, meeling of the \Vomen's Auxiliary of O ran ge Cou nt y Pharmaceutical Association. The 11 :30 a.m. meeting will be followed by a noon lun- cheon in the home or ?.1rs. Ronald \Vaters, Costa ?.1esa. 'The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. R\cherd Tarlton and lifrs. f4.nthony William~. Newport National Bank offers you the \Varm glow of creative interest you can bank on. Wh en you're saving money, green is a bea utiful colo r but Newport Nalional Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings pi ctu re. Newport National Bank pays the highest bank interest anywhere on your savings account, and at the same time, offers its customers an opportunily to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original oil paintings. These striking decoralor miniat~res will add infinite charm lo you r living room, office, den , bedroom, or wherever. Al so fo r memorable gift.giving at Chiistmas or other special occasions. Framed in antiqued gold, set off by rich velvet, they measure 7%" x 8%" overall. (A regular $15.00 reta il value.) Each miniature i s ready for hanging in decorator grouping or sin gularly in small areas. Now is the time you can truly admire eve ry entry in your savings pa ssbook. how the program works: for new savings accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one miniature for $3.95 (plus 1ax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one miniature for $2.95 (plus ta>C) Open a $300 savings account-and buy one miniature for $1 .95' (plus tax) Open a $400 savings account-and buy one miniature for$ .95 (plus tax) Open a $500 savings account-and buy one miniature for FREE!• 1 l imit of two lree mini11tures regardless of amount of deposit over $1000. for present depositors • Each $50.00 deposit to your savings account entitles you to pur· chase one miniature for only $3.95 (plus tax). • A depositor (with no deposit <.quired) can purchase a decorator minialure for only $4.95 (plus tax). • A non·depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 (plus ta-x). (regularly a $15.00 valu•) at unique fac~ aC"Count 1nsu1ed lo $15,000, Member r.0.1.C. A beautiful display of these fine decorator miniatures are at all offices. A1J,art Offlce Mic.hd1on 1t Mar.Arthur 133·31l1 • l11tid1 Office 811ysldt 1t J1mbore1 642·1141 • Coll1gt P11k Olli ct Mutwood e! Commonwealth 871 ~ • Sunn1 Hillt Olllct H1rbor 1t Bili 111·7290 $11J111iof Offi"~P•tio1 at Pl•cent~ 642·9511 • Unherslty Olllte E1ll Ch1pm1n 11 Stat• Col1t1e 879-4840 • We1tclill OUict Weilct+lf Al Dover 642·3111 a.al IMQ Olli• l.ebur1 Warld, Se•I Betdl 596·2111 • Uaun• Hill• Olllce lei,Orc World, l.lguna HUis 830·3200 I ~ ~ I l ' I • • ! t. '· I I \ • I I' ' ' • --~-.. -. ..,----.--.---T • Monday, No~mb~r 17, 1%9 NEWEST CAR FROM MERCEDES-BENZ IS T\'llS TWO-DOOR HARDTOP Called 250 Coupe, It Is Powered by 157 Hors·epower Overhead Camshaft ~ngihe ~~~~~~~~~~~- Disney Reports Record lucontc BURBANK (UPI) -Wall Disney Productions reported Thursday a r e c o r d con- solidated net incOme or $15,805,000 or $3.49 a share for the fiscal year ended Sept. 27, 1969. Pr es ident Da.1n B. Tatum told a directors meeting: "These are record earnings for the company and compare with $13,108,00Q or $2.94 per share, as restated, for last year." Gross rev~nue for the cur· rent year was .$148,367,000 compared with $137,146,000 jn the previous year .. LEGAL NOTICE P4Sllt C1SllTl~ICATE 01'-IUSIME5S, l'-ICTITJOUS NAME T~1 unde,..lvned doff cH'tlfY ~e II (CN\- dllcllnt • business 1t PO &o• 191 s Cos•• Men. Callf., !Mid.,. 11111 fldUious firm n.,,,. o1 ti) PARK PROOUCTS CO. f1l A-'BlE CO 131 AABLE TV SERVICE •!Ill tNI wld llrm ls ~ of the follow· , n1 ~ICHI, wM$e 111me In lull •nd pl.I~• • Clf rttlder'ICe Is If loiloWS: • Dennis Keith Benson, 2511 Vlsl• Or., Nll!Wl>Ort B11ch,. • • o.i.i 11~''"'' • • Oennlt Keith 8-n : • S:lal11 of Ctlllornl•, 0•11>9e Cov111'1 : , • On October n 1969, before '"'" 11 • •Notary Public In •nd tor 11hl Stile, • • ""~•Ur .ii11e••ed Oennls Kellh Benson ·:known 10 me 1IO be !lie 1>11rMln Wl'>Os• r , r-me 11 wbscrlbed lo Ille wllllln In· : • J,tru....,nl 1nd •d<nDW~ged ht tJOllWled " • Jht 'llt'ne. •(OFFICIAL SEALl • JOSEPH E. DAVIS Notary P~blk:·C11!torni1 Prlnc!1>11I OHlte In Orange Counl\I" My CommlHIOn ExolrH June 11, 1t7tl. Publlsht'<I 0• .. lllt Co.as! Oltll\I" Pilot, ()C;•obtr 27, Noffmber J, \0, 11 1'6'1 . ... ... LEGAL NOTICE P·)S\U CEltTl,ICATE OF auSIMESS FICTITIOUS MAME • Tl\e under-signed do cerll!V 1ht\I" 11rt • t ondudlnt • bus1MSS ,, P. o. SOX 164, • Casi• ~. c1111ornl• \17616, under the • 11c111ious firm name of ASSOCl-'TEO : f'LAHNERS A.NP PE SIGNERS ind !hit! • ~•id llrm It comP<l'ea ol lh11 1011.,wlng • p.rS0111, Whl»t nlmff In lull and Fk!Cet .. ol resldenct are 1s lollowt: •, R 0 ya I F. West, 9'101 Heathfrlon : Circle, Huntington Beach. C1lilor111• f?~mff M. TlbOOf, 376 N. Mou~llM l••ll Ave., Slerr11 Miid•!!, C1llforn•• 9192'1 Dated Odober 1~. 1m ROYli F. Wtsl James M. T!l)l)OI M•t. o1 C1Htornl• Orant• Counlv: on Of;!Qber 2~. 1m, before me. a Not•rv PUbllc In •fld !or 'llld Stilt, per..-11'1 <11-•rt'<I RoYal F. weal afld J ami" M. Tlbbol 1<.nown to me lo be tt>t per-sons whose Nlme'l ••e suDscrlbed to t"t wlll'lln !nslrvmenl ar'ld IKknowlelllled tt>e\I" txecu!ed f"t 'llmt. tOFFIClAL SE-'Ll Man< K. Heron< Nol•rY P11bllc·C•lllornl1 Prlnclpal Ofllct In Orf!l9e Ca<mtv Mr Commlssl°" E~olrH November , •. un Publlillt'<I Or•nte Cca1! 01111\1" PllGl. O<_lober 27 a nd No~tmbtr l 10. 11, 1069 20Q.l-69 !.EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUST EE'S SALE NII. TS·!.61 On OK«mbe• 11. 1969, al 10:00 A.M., S'"IOSHONE SERVICE CORPORATION," C111fornia cor1111rallon, 11 du!Y ao1111lnlt'<I T.,,,,t~ uN:lrr •"" p11r1uanl to Ol!f'd of Trust da!f'd Ot'-c:l!mber 9, 1965, e•l'eult'<I tiv JAMES V. G!Ll. 1fld PATR1C1A E. GILL, hU!.l»lnd 11\d wlfio, 11111 re-cordi!<I Otc:emt>e< XI, IKS. IS lM, •. NO. l,m, 111 bOOk nit, P•Pf mi, ol 0111c111 RKords In llle office of Ille Cou111V Rl!Cofdtr ol Or1119e Countr, Ca!lktrnl•, WILL SELL •T PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGl-lE$l 8100Ell FOR CASl-i loayable ar llmt of sill In lawful montv 01 lht Unllf'd States\ 11! t?S N-Drlh Broadw1y. Santa Ana, C•!lf()l"ll11 •II rltlll, !lllt and lntPrH! con- vtrYed to •nd now ~kl bl' 11 u!ldet 'llld -Deed ot Tr1191 111 thP o.-rtt 1lluali!<I 111 -the Counf\I ol 0<1nge, S!att of C•lllornla, dn<rlbed IS! lot SP,. Trad U65. I'S l>W Mao fl'efll"d ed Jn loolt \al. 01ves 11 afld U o! • MIKl'111-I M•111, rK11rd1 of Orange Counf\I. C•llfornl11. sa1d tale will be n;Mfe, but wnnout cfl'<'tn..,1 or W<!<r•nf\I". t)(l)resi or tm~llPd, '"•rdlno !Ille-. t)OMftSI°". or HI• cumM•nc;IS, TO ,..Y !ht' •t"llllnl!'~ odn· cl~1 wm of tM Niie '~""' bv ••Id Oeed of Tru•I, to-wit: U ,11J.6S. wl!h ln- ttresf from Ftbtua,.., 1, lf61, II In ... ,., nate PfVVldtd· adv•~· If •ny. unctt• trie 1errn1 of wkl ~of Trull, ten, ch1rte1 Md f:O:Pf!'fltn ol Ille l '1"t'°' llnd OI ,,_. lnistl ~•"" IW wld ~ ol lrin!. Thi bllM'lldllY under said o.-...d at 1 Trv11, bY ,.._ of • brea(fl 01 de!•vlr 111 ille Obllt•f!oflt lf(ured I II Ir~ Dy , MtllOI-flltcutH •l!d dellvtr"" !O Ill• IJftCl~•lt""' • Wf"lffM OK~•at!on ot Def•ull and Demllnd tor Sa~. •1111 wrltl""' l"IDflU of brHCll •nil ol tltttlotl to (a!JW iM Ufldtr1l1nH to Mii ialtl P•OP«1Y lo .. U•h' .. Id OOll11tton.. a..a 1Mrtol1or. (I" J utv 1l. ,..,, tllt Ufldenklnl'd t8uled u ld nofk• of btffCl'I and lllf tie< lion '~ br ~ I" bOOk "'71. P8V1! ,,., Of 1•1d Of'fl(i.\ ll:fCOl"di. Olted: H~~ 11, 1ff' $tt0SHONI! $lll:VICf CO•POll.ATIOH "' .. fd ,.,"''"' lh·C~GHI, 5t<rM•rr SP:s IH1f 'utll•~ ·ortMf C..tf• D.tllv l"llol. r.wrnbti ,,. ,4. _. ~a..;; , . Jn High Gear Mercedes Adds · to · ti.ne By CARL CARSTENSEN 01 1111 Dilly Pllol Still Bac ked by the assurance of a sales record, Mercedes-Benz of North America has launch- ed its 1970 model cars in the U.S. The German auto importer, which has been selling all the cars it ca n get from its Stutt- gart factory since 1965, air pears set for sales of more than 26,000 this year compared to 24,553 i,1 1968. Biggest change in the line is the addition of the 250 coupe. Although announced t h i s Spring in Europe. the new car is available for sale in the U.S. for the first time in its 1'70 versioo. Sigoiricant feature changes !or 1970 include redesigned front ends for 280SE coupes .a{ld convertibles, heavy duty alternators, axle ratio changes and transistorized i g n i ti on systems. The new 250 coupe is a two. door hardtop, a sporting version or the 250 sedan, that feature s im prov ed performance with the suse of a • 170 cubic inch, 157-horsepower engine normally installed 11.1ly ln 1 a r g e r f\.1ercedes-Benz models. The coupe accelerates from 0-00 miles per hour in II :seconds and has a top speed of 115 miles per hour. This new car raises to 17 the number-of models availabJe__jn the United States. Prices range from $4,680' for the 220 series sedan through the 250. 280 and 300 series cars to the GOLDEN SHOVEL AWARD -Richard A. Johnson , vice president of Johnson & Son · Lincoln-Mercury in Costa Mesa, has received . the divisi on 's "Golden Shovel" award. The award is ~'presented na•lionally .to top Lincoln~Mercury_deale:rs_w.ho_build_new fa~ cllities or modernize their de31erships. All Makeo-All Models AwttmollHll -Tl\IClu "Wh1re S1,.,ic• Me~e1 th1 Difftrenc1" 0••11!1• C1ullly <!Ht C•mpui o ,. NewpOrl l dt. OU) 54t·JIU l.Ot Angel11 tU 5, Wl"ltrO U Ul 7»-1416 $26,963 Grand Mercedes scven- passenger limousine. Notable exterior changes for 1970 are confined to the 28PSE coupes 8 n d eonvertibl es. These cars have lower hoods ending in Cront grilles that arc four inches wider and th.ree in· ches lower than 1969 models. BEST Thi DAILY PILOT ofl1r1 •uni. of th1 b11' f11ture1, by 1ctual 1urv1y of r1•d1ri, a v•il•lil• i11 •ny n1w1peper in I~• ri1tion. * HALLI DAY 'S * Choice Lamb's· Wool Plaids from Scotland Tl\C.Y make great sport Jackct~ \vhrn they er& lailoted In Dcansgate's ov.·n fla"''lrss sort shoulder construcUon. The colorings arc bold , . in a gC'n· t len1anlf 'man11cr. And if you"rc parlinl to checks, '''e have a good selection in this superior lamb's v.·ool from Scotland. from $80 Deansgate® MEN·S TRADITIONA~ CWTIDNG 17th &-IR..-tNE AVE. -WESTCllFF PLAZ!. NEWPOllT 8(:ACH PH. 1145-01'1 All cars for J!r/0 also have iJ. .Jumina ted side reflectors. Fifty-fi v e ampere . alternators replace 35 ampere units fitted previously and an axle ratio ch<r.1ge for all 250, 280 and 300SEL 2.8 models reduces engine r.p.m. at all road speeds. Improved operating characl.eristics plus redu ced mainte nance are benefits of the new transistorized ignition sys tems fi Ued · to <ill 1970 Mercedes-Benz ·•except the diesel-engined 220 model that now accounts forinore than 23 perce.1t of the company's tota l sales in this country. In addition to its 1970 1nodel passenger cafs, Mecedes-Bcnz also has un veiled a radically new high -performance vehicle. Called the C-111, this ex· pcrimental two-seater i s powered by a center-mounted, three-chamb~r rotary piston c~ginc p ro du cing 335 horsepower. Acceleratipn from 0-00 miles per hour is 4.9 seconds. Top speed is more tha·.1 160 miles per hour. No production plans have been set for the C-111, buL the factory has announced that more prototypes arc being bu il~ for extensive testing. Mercede s-Benz o f'f i c i a I s characterize the car as an ad- \"ance d engi n eeri n g ex- periment being conducted i',1 11ublic instead of behind closed doors. \I tu·ia11's Cloo lce Edward E. Jl alter has been narned dire:clor of 1narkeling for Varia n Data !\·Iachines, 1 rvinc. The position encompasses total sales res ponsibility throughout the world. Jtlon.,"'• Worth New Tax Forms To. Shock ' Finance Briefs HOLLYwOOD (IJPl)-Tele- prompter Corp, of New York bas commissioned 11!J1beo Air- craft Co. to make a lwiblllty By SYLVIA PORTE!\ •tudy of using domallc lfOWld Some time starting after satellites for community an- Christmas and coiltinulDg te~ televialon pr·ogr.am throu~h .early 'Janu_a_ry, you, transmissioa. Teleptun~· America's tens of millions of president Irving Khan aakl lhe taxpayers, will receive In, t.l)e ............... M tnerger of Tele- \mail the •thiCkest, m0st Com.· · ,....,,...._.... -· plex pacbge of income tax prompter and IL & ~ ... Amtf" forms ever -forms which ical\ Corp. wouJ4 ~ate. a will be .. enUrely -new and un-CATV network cov~ 27 familiar to you an'd Wblcb you states and an ~ntlty big·enough must file ·by ·deadliDe in the ~o use satellite station serv- spring of 1970. ices. If you have been filing the simple card form I040A, you'll be stunned just by the size o( your package. ll you earn over $10,000 and itemize your deductions, you'll be numbed by the separate pieces of paper the Internal Revenue · Service expects you to file. ·OF· COURSE, the IRS's ob- jective is not to confuse you even more tha'.1 you already arc by all the bewildering. news about tax reform, other tax Jaw changes. Rather, as Prentice-Hall says, its ob- jective is to make sure you do not overlook certain t a x benefits and to help you report more accurately. But this assurance will not Jessen your shock when you get that package -and thus, this _preview. Old card Form 1040A is out. In its place Js a new Form 1040 which is a one-page com- binatia.1 of the old card and the first page of the old Form 1040. IF AIL YOuit income is from wages, if your dividends do not exceed $100, and if your interest does not exceed $100, if you do not itemize your deductions and you have no special adjustments (moving expenses, sick pay, the like) you generally will be able to report your income and figure your t.ax on the ~iew one-page Form 1040. But once your gross income hits the $5,000 mark or you itemize your deductions, you'll have to use all-new separate Schedule T to figure your tax even though you nee9 not file it. Also, if either y o u r di vidends or interest exceed $100, you'll have to use new Schedule B. You must fill out and file: Schedule A if you itemize }'our deduetiooS.-- ScheduJe B if you "have more lhan $100 of grosS dividends or $100 of interest. Schedule C if you have in-- come or loss from a business or profeSSi0',1. Schedule D if you have gains or loss from sales or ex- changes or property. Schedule E if you have in· coll)e from pensions, an· .nuities, rents, royaltie s , 'partnerships, estates, trusts, such-"other income" as alimony, etc. _ Schedule F ·if you have in- come or loss from a farm. Schedule G if you claim in- come averaging b e n e f i t s • Schedule R if you claim retire- ment income credit. AND SO IT goes on a·.1d on. Here are illustrations from Prentice-Hall whi ch will bring this preview to life. Say you're Jones with a $9,500 salary and $150 of dividends and you take the standard deduct ion. Last year, all you filed was simple card Form 1040A, This year. you file basic Form 1040, Schedu le B to report your dividends and you u se Schedule T to figure your tax but you need not file it. OR SAY YOU'RE Smith with $15,000 or wages. $150 of interest and a $50 state in- come tax refund -a,1d you itemize your deductions. LAst year, you filed the front and back of Form HMO. This year, you file Form 1040; Schedule A to itemi ze; Schedule B to report your in- teres t: Schedule E for the tax refund: and you use Schedule T to fi gure your tax but you need not file it. Or say you're Kane, over 65, with dividends of more than $100 and a $2,000 taxable an- nuity. You itemize your deduc- tions and claim a retirement i.1come credit. LAST YEAR. you filed the front and back of Fonn 1040 and the front and back of old Schedule B. This year, you file Form 1040: Schedule A to itc1nize: Schedule B t.o repo rt dividends; Schedule E for your annuity: Schedule R lo claim your retirement income credit: Schedule T to figure your tex (a total of six forms). Also: this year, you'll file at one of the IO IRS Regional service Centers. As a New Yorker, for instance. I'll file my return at an address in A·.1dover, ~fass . Oh. what. a tax filing year this is going to be! STARS Svdn1t~ O'"•" h on• of I~• world'1 91t~t •1trolo91n. Hi1 colum11 i1 ~"' of th• DAILY t'ILOT'S gr11t f11t~r••· WASHINGTON (UPI)--Olln Mathieson Chemical Corp. has obtained a $26.1 million Army contract for artillery and small arms propellant explosives, JACKSON, Illich. (UPl)-1 Sparton Corp. has obtained a $6.4 million Navy contract to provide sonobuoys, the work to be done at Jackson and at I De Land, Fla. -I NEW YORK (UPl)-Freight traffic of the domestic airlines rose 8.9 percent in August over a year ago to 159.53 mil- Jlon ton miles, the Air Trans- port Association reports. The gain for the first eight months of. the year was 15.4 percent to 1.2 billion ton miles. W ASIDNGTON (UPI) -The sale of used machine tools in September spurled 45.9 per- cent in dollar Value from Au- gust and 22 percent from a year earlier, the Machinery Dealers National A.ssociaUon 1 reports. Unit sales were up 28 percent from Au~t and 18.9 percent from a year ear· lier. However, for ·the whole third quarter, used machine tool sales were down 20.8 per- cent from the -second quarter. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Standard Oil Co. of California Wednesday reported record gross revenues for th.e nine monthS" to _Sept. 30. The company said Its gross income totaled $3,400 billlon, up about 6 percent from the figures for the comparable period last year. Net income tof.aled $340.3 million. or $4 a share agairujt $335.8 million of $3.96 a share a year ago. For the three months the company iepoited profits of $Ill.5 million· against ... 113.4 million in the third quarter of 1968. HAWTHORNE, Calif. (UPI) -Eldon Industries, Inc., an- nounced a three-for-two split in common stock effective Dec, 15 to holders of reConl Nov. 18. VISALIA (UPI) -Western :fi.1edical Care Corp. Monday announced the purchase of Harr"als nursing home· in Buiµ, Idaho. Western president ROSSf H. Boyd said the purch~se was part or his firm's program of expansion, remodeling and rebuilding. Boyd said architects are now working on plans to ex- pand the Harrals operation by 30 to 40 rooms. He said the current staff a n d ad· ministration would remain. WASIDNGTON (UPI) The economic development administration Monday an· nounced approval of a $90,897 grant to help pay the ad- ministrative cost of a plan by East Bay Spanish-Speaking Citizens Foundation, , Inc . , Oakland. WINDSOR LOCKS, Conr. (UPI) -Hi-G, Inc., has entered into a bilateral patent licensing agreement w i t h Western Electric Co. covering various data processing and communications units. NEW YORK (UP I) -J . C. Penney Co, said it plans to open about 180 of its 1,650 stores on Sunday afternoons starling Nov. 9. NEW YORK (UPI) B a di sc he Anilin und Sodafabrik Co. will Close Jts tender offer for shares of Wyandotte Chemical Co. Oct. 28. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Chase Manhattan Corporation has agreed to acquire United Slates Leasing International, Inc., of San Francisco. Bro0ks Walker Jr., chainnan of USLI, and Herbert Patter· son. president of Cha se Man- hattan Corporation, issued a joint statement saying Chase would issue .48 shares of its common stock for each share or USLI, which hes 3t2()2,Slll shares outstanding. USLJ will continue to oper· ate under its present manage- ment and wUJ remain head- quartered in San Francisco, the stal en1ent said. The com- pany has 47 ,000 outstanding leases and had net income las! yea r of $2,204,970. ' Who Reads the Stars .For 1the Stars? ~ ,. ·' ' ' . ' ' ' ·~ ' ~ ~ . . ·~. ""'><fl" It's Sydney Omarr And now thi! or\iculote writer \"lio hes been celled the ".,trologer's estrolo ger" reeds the st ors for you. Sydney Omorr,- longtime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood''s otid 'the:literory world's 1110.st fa;,,ou; sters, is o DAILY PILOT cohJmnist. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions bosed on ostrologicol onolysis is amazing. Whether you read astrological foreca sts for fun or as a serious student of star-gozing, you'll enioy Sydney Omorr'.s doily column inthe . DAILY PILOT • . • • == us tP•••t••»4 e ''·*'' *' .; s wt s ;:;;q;:, ... • 1+ fll<' ,.,.,.~·~l'i'l'l"::"l-""""""'"'f""~'·"""'" ·.;-.-,. .... ,..,._.--.., _., . ..,..4"o..,.. ... ...,,....,., ,,..,., "" ·~·~""'· ............. ,,. · • ,...-.,,. ......... · . a ·~.u-sy Day Today .. ·"We created and'.delivered another fresh edition of Tlw DAILY PILOT TEAMWORX produces eaclt day'1 •an ... w DAILY PILOT, Often opoc:W- ista like Thomas Fortune (left), whose _beat.-is education, work with a sWf photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both tn words and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate the varied story of Oranee Coast life. Nobody knQWS how many local stories we wrote. Not 'even us. • · · • CREATIVITY helps advertisers tdJ their stories and sell "their goods in the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford (cent.er) of display advertising department discusses with layout artist Suzie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist·Bob .Noyes an ad which will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours alter Noyes puts fin.al touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re- tail merchant. / QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used to reprodUce pictures) into page forms as the day's product. begins to take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of printers who "build" the news JlllCS under pressure or deadlines, work- ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in each ediUon during the day. DELIVIRY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor belts carry the papers through the mailroom where they are automatically tied in bundles of SO and tossed to waiting circulation district managers (llke Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them via a 40-vehicle Oett to carriers for delivery. Mailroom foreman George Arauz (left) and his crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour. . VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Andenon (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaders every day sifts, checks and edits more wire reports from worldwlde!.news services than the average weekly news magazine pu)- liahes. Editors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every Zt hours. Speed, born of ~ience, helps them keep it .all fresti, too. . ' . THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson feeds them into a · $25,IXM> computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed. The machines can set type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. a.IACIUNES hasten the processes ot preparing plates for printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (fhreground) and Ed· ward Quinn operate a casting machine which molds curved plates to fit onto high speed presses. The DAILY PrLOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, melted down and used again in the continucus job of printing 100,000 words a day. PtfODERN equipment helps lhe accounting department keep up with the "today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper is being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures into a computronic bookkeeping machine that helps keep track of billings tor ad1 and subscriptions. The machine , forerunner or a brace of computers recently added, handles 5,000 accounLs a month. RAPID communicaUon is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publicaUon of S,000 classified ads -words which help people buy, sell, rent or 1 ease . , . even find ·Jost dogs. Atany of the DAILY PILOO''S 150 phont lines are plugged in here, tlae classified advertising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. PJCl"URES, lOo, get the benefit cf skilled, efficient handling by master craltamen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitized metal plates which are used to reproduce the photos as read· era will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the melal plate. FINJBHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chier, even as high·speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units whictt represent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed into lhese machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. ALMOST before the ink Is dry, the product of our busy day is tossed deftly on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspaperboys who are important links in the chain of people it takes lo bring you today 's news and features .today In the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent merchants, like John Melton here, make iheir deliveries, we're gearing up 10< anoth'f busy day ..., all 1,000 o! us. The 'Now' Newspaper for All The Communities . . Of The Growing Orange Coast I I ... , · l I ' I II I • • • Monday, NMtttb!r 17, 1%9 Bow Is €aret Spelled? With all the talk about Elizabeth Taylor's 69.42 carat diamond, and \hen with word that it will hang as a pendant OR a necklace made with 30 two carat diamonds, making a tota1 of 129.42 carats that will hang around Miss Taylor's neck. Lisa De Luga, 7, of suburban Chicago, figured she'd look gQOd..with 129 "carrots" hanging around her neck. Miss Tay~ lor's carats are costing $1,200,000. Lisa's carrots cost $2.60, including tax. What Love Is Prof Breaks It Down LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - -"Love, .. says Prof. George Carpenter, "is nothing ·more or less than an elaborate friendship." Carpenter teaches a course called "Marriage and Family Relations" to 75 slUdents et tbe University of Nevada. 1be 47·year~ld Instructor, falher of six, says he stresses love in his course because "society is compulsively in- terested in it b u l refuses to ana1yie it." His researches on the sub- ject have led Carpenter to this defintUon: "Love is the successful in- teraction of two personalities. It Ja based on and positively curelated with the ability the two people had to share con- fideoUal communication. ''The pleasure of Jove Is the ·emotional security one sets from such interaction." ,1 . Jn an intervi;ewt C~n~* cited the mairi ingredients of Jove as understanding, a sense o1 quality and mutual reliance. · He tells~his students -Who receive three semester credits {or the course -that: -The.re is l)O SUJ:b things U love at first sight It's Just an "idealized a ff e c l i o n at· tachment." -Sex is "a beautiful co~ panion to love" but not a pail of-it. -The movies tell it wrong when they put forth the ideas . that love is ~ op- posites attract, there. is only one person in the world right for you and.you~ Jove only one .-person at a time. Ultimate Gift Offers Masterpiece a Month HOUSTON (UPI) -A large Tn:u department store has announced the formation of the Mast«pie<Hl·the·monlh ·Club, a Christmas present that • costs Sl million to join. The club offers e v e r y member a palnUng by Picasso or another famous 20th Cen· tury artist every month for 12 months. The formation or the club was announced by Sakowitz, Inc., one oC the largest depart- ment &tot'i!s in Texas. Robert Sakowitz. executive vice presi- dent, said a club membership is "the ulUmate gl(t" for Chr!ltmas. Every year the store offers 1n erpens.i"ve gift designed for the Teus oilman. One year it wu A. J. Foyt's racing car which won the Indianapolis SOO. Last year it was a jeweled dral wmh fW,000. In addition to Picasso. the other artists whose works are offered are George Brazue, Paul Klee, WassilyKandinsky, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro, Max Ernsl, Jclckson Pollock, Giorgio de Chirico, Mire Chagall, B o ~ n a r d and Modiiliani. '\ Two other categories In the monthly masterpieci! club, are a $2,500 membership for 12 graphics and multiple objects, and a $15,000 membership for "the comers, oils by young artists considered. by critics to be the coming greats." Statue Slatccl LONDON (AP) - A brooze statue of Sir Winston Churchill will be unveiled at the main entrance of the House of Com- mons Dec. 1 by his widow, Lady Spencer Churchill, house leader Fred Peart announced. YOUR PROBLEM: You want to tell some item thM you no longer need but MmMM elu can use for NOT OVER $50 ? ? ? ? ? • YOUR ANSWER: ? y..., coll THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Clnalflocl Advertising, ond pl•co • .. ~-PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 3 UNIS 2 TIMIS 2 DOUAllS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I ~trobauts .to Leave ·~~oµi Pl~~ 9p-Moo:o day and night.. Apollo U's ~ut all fo...; ~plutonium.,. dellped '° 0:. tt )'OU . w( _....,,.' H~ ~Ill use • long moooqual<e meter was kept extremely poiaoaoul 8lld rigid aome lauach .wt w ...,,. liandle 'tool tlllt wi1I keep blm going in .dayUme only by . safety preca~w~ are•taken probiem Y'O'l woWd not bave tafely nay~·trom jl Al aoon CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - Apollo 12'1 astronauts will set up a IJU~lear generator on the , moon powered by eight 1>00nds o( man-made plutonium worth $1 million. It 11 the first atomic powerplant to be carried. In space by men, a.id elaborate precauUoris were taken to Pfl!;' vent it from contaminating the earth ·tn Ule event of. a launch disasier. I ' , 'lbe generator. an 18-inch • ' tall cylinder Vllth alx larse {ins, converts heat from the radioacUvt decay of the plulmlwn 138 fuel directly In- to electrical f':lergy. It weighs 43 pounds and has no movlng parts. The unit, developed by the Atomic Energy Commission, is · expected to produce a minimum of 'Ill watts to power Apollo 12'5 five .Urface ex· periments for at least a year, I • .. sunlight. -1 'th~-•ndoDJFed -a.:prth,. .. Ille plyla1ium ii sllpped ,fn. The plulooium 138 fuel has a ~ = ""'· ' Alan Bean ..i.t receal,IJ. to tbit ;.;Deralor, the unit wlll half life of about '90 years, The plutontum Z3I luel is •'11\e lblitg we woriy ablut start iieneraUnc electricity.' • which mea.M at the e:id of bef.1g carried to the moon 1n a ••• la the temperature of. it. It , Although the sener•tor ts that Ume ll will be tuoolying , •pedal container -'"'I on ii pnlly warm, •-1,Mll '..Ille Dnl al iii ldnd)o lie Clll' hall it& original heat. The U.S. one ol the lour Jep al tho lw> ·a.a-. aller 1!Xl leave tt out rled Oil a manned oj>acolll&itl, space a~ said ~ cost ol ar module J.ntrtpld. Tl)e fuel fa( • whUe." • ~ poww •)'Stems the fue l wu Sl mUUon. cask was desig?¥d to ,With· · Jt will be Bean'i job to have be&_ -.um 1 an ,,,..d Unlike ~other forms of stand the worst paulbltl&mch iemove tbe 1uel element from , mamM sprm~~raft jauncbe "plutoniuqi, pl~tonlum 23!1 can-t?i:plosion. <IU: "container on the .._. br the II*' QmC1 D the not c;au1e •·nuclear explosion. , "The whole tftlnc w a 1. :m;octuie and fmT1 Jt:Jo the Depm'tment of Oe'--~\ • .. ? ' A . • ...,nt.-: ntli~• 9u1r1ntff .....ii.\:. ............. _,_..__ .. __ ---·------u. ... __ ..... _... ........ _._ --··' ---... ----·-___ ....... 1~---........... ____ .,,_ ..... _ .. _ --~ ........ ----= .,.. -.. __ -=.:::: =:-...:... • .:. ~--.M-lh.-•OllJ~ .... .;;.,:;;.;.i;--• ....,;_._ ..... -------= .. -~ ... --~----..--·-... __ __.. _,, .. .... * --. ... "'I'.::~.-.. .. ......... --~'"""'""' =. .. :,:'.!1.!-~~-. :c-....: ---"'-"-~.J':.~ c.=..-·----. -• ·--811:11 ....... n:= ~ ·--. 4.88 ' for 10.00 lnslolled lnclude1 • S-quarl1 H.D. Quaker Stole motor oil • in5taJI new AC ail filter • complete lubricotion • safety check. •original eq uipmenl grade• direct double action type • protects tires and under car parts from e11cessive weer • gives you new cor ride and stops sidesway •·stops uncontrol- lable wheel bounce. Corr with olr or torsion bars slightly higher 4.88 Precilion frOf'lt wheel olignmtnt by Factory trained mechonic1 using th9 kife1t Bear equipment, Includes : odju"ment of cosier and camber• set Joe to car mfg. specif icotions • saftey check. '. We· have to make room for ihiPments of our1'ttw G:ilden FalCon tires ond we've priced • these Premium•·tires·to sell out fast. If you're looking for extra safety and' long mileage at budget prices, come in and let us install a set on your car • 735·1' 775.14 125;l:' • .. •·" 24-!IP .. 735·1 5 775-15 815-15 ........ 24.18 855-1, US.15 ' .. , 26.81 • 115-1, 885·15 ' ! • ·'I: 2 .... 900.15 915-15 ~9.1~ .. ...., r.1. &dim T• _, 1,7' .. I.Of .,..... • .a., ....... it ...... . . -. . ~ .-. . '· • • :. ' ; t I ' UMITl'D QUANTm!S Sencifot tires SLIGHTLY BLEMISHED FACTORY SECONDS 4·BELT PlYS OF TYREX PLUS 2·PLYS Of l'Ol.Yl:STER YOUR CHOICE OF RED OR WHITE Sll!IPE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE WHY PAY $50 TO $80 PER TIRE? ' GV0-1.5(115-15', HV0-1$1145-lst Jl70-1.$11U.15) W!).15(900/915-151 SIL VER FA~CON 4-PLY TIRES 37.11 ..... 4.,,.,..,..-.l1sJltCI lllh ~rdkuwW.~~~'.:; 12 8 8 ns..14 775.15 14.11 • 12.si-1 .. , 115-15 14.11 • l.S.S..1-4 145-15 16~11 650-13 ' _,.,.,-"" ._-' '",,. l.!1 ........ -. ..... ilN"'"""" I -..... a.9 ___ _ WHILE THEY LAST! DISCONTINUID TRIAD DUION llfGEHC'f 30.TIIES 8.88 ' flA1 JO-MONIH GUAIANT!E 10.11 125-1-4 115-15 12.11 155-14 145-1 5 ''·'' ' ,,..,... __ .,, ..... , .......................... "'"""'6.. .......... ...,,..___ .. ~ ' J .. · '' ' ' . I I I , •• .• ·' ·' .. ,.1 • •I ; 642-5678 "' DIAL NOW DIRECT! i CT.,,_NdC:....,.Mf.lntl ~1 ··' ,,,. ........................ ..,............................. ''Q .. i . . ... ____________ __,___ ___ _____;,;_::__ I • "'"-----~---':""·---""""'.-"!":::-"-~~-.... "":'~----~----------------·-·----------------· -~---·----'1 -- . Meador :Rekfud.e.S Lethargic hA to 23-17 Win . . . . r~ , r. -.. , Phlladelpiila quarlerllock Norm t Snead poue'1 and MUdor intercepted, retuniing 3t yll'dl for.lhe'TD wblcb put the Rams -to Illy. . - Naturally, he htld on the U\t& point c.onversion. After the Ra.ml ~ered nnotber lwnble, Meodorj8<1 the ball down Jor another Goaaltt· field goal which booeled the ~ leed to '30-IO. • The key Meador play \lfu the fake U.I dgoal.-lie called !lie m8l)ell .. r. "I rolled the dice on that one " said the 'free safety. "l saw the Eagl~ ovenhift to our ltfl u we ~up. I iokt~U'l WU goin( to fab, k tO Ille rtlbt. icjidn'I .even tell our linemen. • , ·'~n .. they hit me I Was scar~ I wasn 't going to make It and then I'd be in real lro_uble. But they hjt me bead~, up high and not down around the' knees. Oltlerwlse I'd probably be hetded in· one direction and the team in anotlier." ' The Eagles were primed (or an upset. They, tepl the Rams uneasy right to the final gun before bowing. " Snead completed a 57-yard ~ to Ben Sore-legged .· DawsOll ·Paces FuotbaJl~s IJp~s ifand .Downs ' ' ' ~iefs Ov~r NY lVlit' TORI\ (AP)" -' Kanaas City'• ¥~ve'irJalcle .wa.s no ""'1'<1oe to u.,; ~ew York Jtla, ·Neither wu the chiefs' offeoll\ .. tlllbllety. ; . But sor&legged Len DaWIOl1 was a rev1UUoa~to -the frustrated New York &!lenders Sund•Y aa illll Chiefs shot down the Jtis U-!S ht an Am<rlcan FOolb;IU ~ IRIDlmlt C!85'1• I . , . "We figured the key to their whole 9f- fen.se WU the ruMing back!," said defensive end Gerry Philbin after Diwaon jOHed the Jets with 23 pass ~ pletiom bi 38 attempts, indcluding three scoring atrikes to 6us Taylor: ,"I cer~ lfhtly didn't expect all that passing." The Clllela' quarterbacll had milled ~';"~=~« games with tom knee Dawson, directing the Chiefs' mulliple- pronged attack two days after the death of bis father came out ttirowtng from the star:t -be hlt Taylor for an JS.yard touchdown on the Chiefs' first play from 1crimmage. The Chie!s' running backs, led by relief man. WarreQ. Mc Vea, picked up 139 ylfds on the ground,· while Dawson passed for 285 behind superb protection. "We couldn't catch the little devil," said Jets' coach Weeb Ewbank after lhe Chiefs QU!pped his club's six-game win- ning streak and extended their own to seven before a record AFL crowd of 6J.. 849. Dawson left immediately after the Rame for Alliance, OWo, where his fath~. James, 70, suffered a fatal heart attJck ~day. "I found it di!ficult to concentrate on football unW the game," he said. Taylor, who snared seven of Dawson'1 passe11 for 96 ~ants, also scoring on seven and l~yard plays, returned \0 tAe Chiers• line-up after sitting out three games with an abdominal Jnjury -and fi nished the -:" day'.s work with broken ribs. ~ . ~ "' The Chiefs, (9"1 ). ·remained .:one-half Rame ahead o( Oakland in the Western Division. New York's. defending AFL chaJl'lps, 7-3, have a two-game edge on Houston in the east. Fitting Fitaish R9yalty Takes Back Seat In Ho1necoming Parade What transpirccl at halftime o f ~aturday's .Orangc Ccast-San Diego City College football gn1ne 1nade 1he whole \\'et, cold trip wortlnv~ile Long an opponent l'J high school and junior college level institutions' annual homecoming celebra tions, I have always \•iewed suc h tradilion as an invasion of privilege belonging exclusively to four· year schools. Further' the tradition or crowning l1omccomlng queens at football game haHLimes has served only to (1) '! ..... ,, ........ ""***"• WHITE WASH "" * """ * *" *" *" * * ~cly disa)lpOinl the 1-0eing girls (I) inilie the winner bawl (3) delay Ille lllart of fte second haU. $retof.e, Bddlng to the mi.9eries of the woijher Saturday nigh!, I had the m~!IDrtune of viewing homecoming fe~lties. flO,rever, tt turned out to be a highly reWarding experience .•• especially in view: of lhe opinion alrtady stated. d er ~ queen 1'.8S ael«tecl, she and he.r court were given a ride around Baltioa Stadium 110 they could wave to the 414 lpectators on hand. ..... ~ll. lhey were transported In a U· Hail trailer, drawn by two y0W1g men lnll'deco<aled with a r.... nowen. •• A real touch of clasa. i * * * k 1hh Clllm• P"'Jeded ... .,.1 w..U 1gi, Mk:hlfu wtn be 1't Bl& T .. re1111t1t•laUfe ht tl9e ROM Bowl, pcMlac fOr911 v0Un1 bJ &H coafernce SadlJ. Se .. Welvcrt.et, a Mvc ltn'W Mt tn f'oar trlpt to P1111deD1, wlD meel either USC tr UCLA. 'I'My rlwed tH IOl'tlM!!o 4M la die !Ml n-BoWf matcL 'J'hey·have ftVtl' met 64.,.. on New Year'• ()17. t~1 ... ua.A'• Unt: ROH: Bowl trek& since tlw: pact-"' &lie Bis Teti wa1 began, Mlcblca lilole U. btn 1't op' ponenL ' Now lite Bl"llM c1a try tllelr skills 11.m•t Mlcbtpa. . It's Jw!:st f~&e for dte Pacific-I tb1t Oblo s1o11 Ii lllellafble to retarn to PalldeD:a. · · * * * The Puadena Bowl, born out of ,the former-Jr. Rose Bowl extravaganza, In· vited Notre Dame ·to~play Saq.,.Diqo Slate. Can .YOU lniagine th~ Iri.ah bypassing the niajoc bawls to accept a berth In the almost unheard ol Puadena BoWI? 'Jbat. would bt like brtiltlng Arnold Palmer to ~ up the MaSters for a pitdl apd putt cour,. townament. ·* * *· n p for TV uaoucer Tom lb~on: OregGO UnlV<nlt,•1 lllcbame h 0..ko. ne Bhven are Orqoa SUik'• lll•K® Alld, dte two-mbnM wanlac •ppllet only &e prt1. I ' llal'lliGO repeoleilf ' nlled 0repo the Belwn ud lln pellted •t lhlt Oregol. toet u .-ece111J)' dmeoat wldt 1:1! le/I lo llalordaf'• pme -UCLA -die -· wornlal .wHld have 1lclpped die ctoCk.' BOWL BERTHS .FILL IN RAPID QRDER Bowl bertN ,...... ftltel in ra!ll<Mtr<-or- det todlY wltll die -that -will lode,.,,... -·iii the Or· ango Bowl; T-le'to,111 to cUel Jt'I«. Ida at the ,G1tor BoWI; Alablml will bat- Ue an unnamed foe .tii die 1Jber1y Bowl and Georg11 Tech .-pod a bid to the Sun Bowl. · Alabama wlli draw Coklrado, Kansas Stale or Nebraalta. Georgia's list of J>06· •ible foeo tnctudts Kanai state, Ari- State or Colorado.· ... • I I ' I ' • • .. 1 ' ~ EFFORt S IN VAIN -In ~he upper photo, San Franci1co 49er'wide r.ecelver .Gene Washington (18) comes to 'ell'th after snagging d pass from John Brodie in the fint quarter ot a game;with the BaJtJmore Colts. Woshington held onto the ball INt the tackle by Tliril Muwefl (42) ol the Colts forced him out ol bounds on the play. In the lower photo, comerback John Woi~t (48} of the49ers breaks up a long pass intended for Col t receiv'er Ray Perkins (27). 'n1e 49ers won their· second game of the season -both agajnst Baltimore -with a win-- nlng touchdown in the last two n1inutes1 20·17. Hawktnl for 1 first down 1t the L.A. 24 wtth ftve ,aeoonds left. He bid UtM to throw two more puses, but both •ere lncompLete, the last sailing over Hawkins' head In the end zone as time ran out. Philadelphia scored on a' 4t.-yard field goal by Sam Baker In the first , ~tod, and booated their lead lo lGi In the se· cood on 1 five play M yard drive, climax- ed by Snead-'• 31-yard TD pau to ex-Ram Harold Jackson. In the final period. now tralllnc, 13-10 - Goesett hid kicked a ·Uilrd·!leld 1oal - the Eqlea tallied on a !-yard llll85h by TomWoode!hlck. . * Sltlltllu ot N Lt1 Allff'-"""l116tlpht1 llll'Mi SllNl•V; ,lrll dOWM •u•l'lint ~•rd•t• Paulnl v11d111 11'1Ulll Yl""91 '"~ ,...,., .. Fumofft. !Ost Ya..V. Pl"flLI'°" " '" ·~ ... l~J0.1 ·~ ' .. " ... m It• 11.,... ..,. ' 1• Bruin-USC Duel Coming Up ·. Next LOS ANGELES (AP) -UCLA's Bruins aim to brealt the Rolle BoWI ·htbtt of arch rival Southern CallfornJa 041 Saturday when the two undefeated P.acUlc-1 fool· ball clubs battle for the league Utle . To the victor allo goes the bid to the PoSt-season claulc at Pasaden1 where USC has performed against a Big Ten foe the past three Umes. Both Los Angeles club.! 'found rough going Saturd1y bef<n UCLA turned back stubborn Oregon 13-10 at Eugene and the Trojans broke 'a 7.7 deadlock to beet Washington at SealUe 18-7. Those -results put the clubs' season records at ldential l-0-1 but In the Pac.a, the Trojans stand ~ and UCLA 5-0-1 since the latter's tie came at the hands of -Stanford. use deldldcked Notre Dame in a non-conference fray.~ , · Tbe-comet.Ck Bruinl,. who wert 3-7 a )'Ur qo, match the •puling of DeMil Dummit and the running of Gree Jones and Mickey Cureton 11alnt the Trojan at~ ~k ~ l!Y. halfback Clarence Dav~ llid Ille ...,.paaa option tbreaL of '· Kern Outdoes. . . Phipps in ~~I ··':For, Heism8n , I COLUMBUS, Oho (AP) -The box score fayored Ohio State's Res: Kem over Punlue', Mike Phipps in their eyeball-to- eyebaD duel for Helsman Trophy, but the quest.loo wu,.left hanging tod1y. How much impact shoukl • single game ·have .on the selection of college . foOtbaJl's Outstanding player of the year? "You have to klok at it from the stand-· point of 111.1pPOrt," said Jack Mollenkopf, the Purdue coach. "We had some good football playtn out there. Ohio State had tons of them.'' Kern wu dlrectbr and trigge'man in en aweeome 446-yard a""'ck that iave µ,e No:l ranked Buckeyes a 42-14 vk:tqry over Purdue Saturday in a naUcm.Uy televlled game that extended Ohio Sta1e's wlnnln( llttak to 22 .Jam ... Hu counterpart on· the oppootng' team was Pblpps, a'Tangy .sha:rplhooter whose U21 yuds and responsibility for 2S 'touchdowns made him college football's -individual offeme leader. Everyone took for granted -alUlough It's not neceuarily llO -that the man who came out on top Jn th1s particular game would have the Inside track for the Helsman Troptiy, the sport's most Coveted award . Kem, a aquirmlng, slashing, ball taking Houdini, gained 57 yards on the ground in 20 carries and completed six of IS pa1111e11 for HM yard11. He ran for two touchdowns and pa1sed for a third •. With the score 42· 7, he watched the last period from the sidelines. Phipps, hara&11ed throughout the day by Ohio State's lightning quick defenders, hit on only 19-of-45 passes for 203 yards but did most of his damage including a 47. yard bomb that set up the second touchdow n -late Jn the game a{ter the Buckeyes had c1lled olf the dogs. He had five passes intercepted - almost half hi• eeason '11 total--and loet seven yards in the 1111 time.II be· kept the ball. It wasn't one of his better days. "The Ohio State rush was so hard that I had to release tne ball before I was ready on molt occasion..," Phippa aakl. "When I did get the ball off, I foond the two sideline receiven usually covered and the zone secondary defeme m· the middle too toU1h to crack. tophomore quarterback Jimmy Jones. · NationaJly telc•.:lsed, the decisive col- lision between the two powerful squads can be expected to draw a full hou&e to the Coliseum for the 3 p.m. kickoff. In nine games, the Uclan's have scored 317 points while holding opponents to 89! while the USC totals stand at 237 and 113. D.immU's short pass to Gwen Cooper with 38 seconds gone in the fourtli quarter at Eulene brought the Bruin! their victory over Oregon and also set a UCLA record -14 touchdown passes In a single season. Jones had scored the first Bruin toochdown on a !~yard run after a drive which included passes of 17, 2Z and 11 yards by, Dununlt. ~ Oregon scored on a plunge by qua,rter- baclc John Harrington alter his 45-yard -to Bob Newland 1et 'up the tally. Harrington hit on a conversfon pus to Al Pitcalthley. The Ducks earlier had llCOred 1 safety. With less than three minutes left in the game, 154-pound defensive halfback Ron Carver intercepted a Harringt.00 pass in the end zone to end the final Oregon threat in a game far closer than an- U~ipatecl. The same proved true at SeatUe where Ute Trojilns were 90lld favorite!! over a W:aabinet9n team wti.ich hadn't won all ....... -:The Huskies deadlocked the Trojan.1 until Ron Ayala booted a 31-yard field goal in the third period. Davis scored an in!lu.rance toochdown in the final stanza. Southern Cal scored the first time 11 coolrol:led ~ ball, covering 66 yards in 11 plays with Jones punching over from tM one and Ayala converting. A 3').yard run by Bo Cornell, who gain- ed 130 yards for the day, set up the tyinR touchdown, scored by Ron Preaton on 1 two-yard run. Through most of the first half, the detennined-Washlngton defense checked the Trojans. In the third periQil, • Washington fumble set up the A)'ala field goal and from then on the Trojans kept ~mmand. It's Notr~ Dame To Cotton Bow) New Y~ar's Day SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) -Notre Dame aceept.ed a bid today to play either Texu or Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl at Dallas on New Year's Day. The decision, reversing Notre Dame•1 policy against postseason football, sencla the Irish to their first bowl appearanct since the fabled Four Horsemen team defeated Stanford and Ernie Nevers 27-10 in the 1925 Rose Bowl. The announcement was made by the Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, executive vice president of lhe univei-slty and chairman of the faculty board in control ol athletics. Father Joyce point«I out that "bowl· connected actlviUes of the football team will fall largely on vacation time ." Notre Dame's Chrislmu vacation runs from Dec. II to·Jan. 5. Father Joyce said "tile crucial con· sideration" involved an urgent need by Notre Dame for funds to finance minority student academic programs a n d 6Cbolarships. "Notre Dame's share of bowl game proceeds will be dedicated to ·this press- ing universky need." he added . · Notre Dame's share of the Cotton Bowl r eceipts i1 guessed to be between '15(11000 and $300,000, Early L~ad Holds · Up As Rosburg Tops Field SCOTl'SDALE, Ariz. (AP) -Veteran Bob Rosbur1 took an early lead and held on Sunday to defea~ Jimmy Wrli;ht by one stroke fot the '50.000 PGA club champtOmhip. The IJ.year.ofd SI. Looi• pro ICOl'ell an even par n Sunday while Wright, rn,wood, Long Jslarld, came ln at 7S at the Roadrunner Golf· -.. llOebur&'• '11- hole total WU 17$. Ro.sburg• atid Wrt1ht entered Ille final rOund deadkliclted at 13 linder ,par. Ro11bur1. however. silnk: a· z.root bl Nile putt on the par--3 sl•lh hole whUe Wright l?<>li~ the, hole to fall behind by two strokes. He was never able la catch up. It y,•as a two-man 1how for the final round, The nearest competitor 1$tU Ogden, Glenview, 111., finished three •lrotc.s off the I'll!'< at to under por :m. Ogden corded a 'IO Sunday. · Tommy Bolt, Sarasota. Fla., and John Molenda, Birmingham, P..1ich., came in at m. Wright blew a chance II> tie Rosburg when he missed • twc>foot pt1tt on the final green. He bogeyed the hole, u did Rosburt, wtlo finished ml nut ea later. · ''I just started to play safe and when you· play safe you know what happens .•. ''RQSborg said, explaining hls fading ptrform1nce. Jl·mmy Powell, Yorba Linda, CaUf., f!nisht>d behind Bolt and Molenda at Jet. Ro.sburg took llomO a ltl,000 Uni orlzc wltlle Wright collected $4,lllO. --------"".""~~~~~,.---"'!""~---------...,.--...,..----....,---,,-~.,.---·-----------·-·-·· ------ Gauchos Await .MJAC; Crumple Arabs, 53-18 By BOB ROTH CM tM o.i1y ~li.t Slllf • 'Saddleback's Gauchos took their final step towards Saturday's showdown·match at ML San Jacinto and had little. dif· iiculty booting Imperial Valley out of the way, rolling to a 53-18 win in a Desert Conference foot.ball game played Satur· day night at Mission Viejo High School. Once again the powerful Gaucho cl- [e~ was on display as coach George lla.rt.man's team built a 2a.-O margin after ooe_ period, allowing Hartmaa t o &ubstitute freely from that point on: ''OUr offense carried us," observed Hartman. "But I didn't think that the 5COre was indicative of the game." The coach was speaking in reference to the put number of breaks that came his team's way, especially in the form of Arab fumbles. Imperial Valley bobbled the ball nine times, losing it on seven OC· casioos. Though the Gaucho defense was op- portunistic, Hartman fee.ls that a grea~ deal must be done before this week 's championabip decider. "I was very displeased wilh our defense," said Hartman. "We'll have to make a 100 percent improvement next week if we're going to wln this thing." Hartman was quick to point oul that the ~ense was tough early in the game. but be observed that they had a tendency to RO flat after they built the lead. Despite hls criUcism, Hartman sakl that he WIS extremely pleased with the overall play of hls club. The two individuals Y\hO . probably pleased Hartman the most were his dependable· duo ol quarterback Rod Graves and fullback Toby Whipple. Graves was extremely accurate with his aerial tosses, netting 211 yards in the air in the fll'St two periods, while Whipple rushed for 78 yards in the same period. Both men were given breathers for lhe beiter part of the last t.wo quarters. The game's out~ was never In dpubt as Saddleback scored three of the fil"St four times it had the ball. The opening drive covered 41 yards and was climaxed when \\1hipple went in from three yards out. John Stewart's kick made it 1=n ·with 9:13 left in the fiitt period. ' Graves then hit on touchdown passes of six and 29 ~ards to Mark Hardy and Whipple 'to inake it 21-0 and Rocky Fletcher clased out the finlt period scor· ing with a_. siJ:-yard run. making it 28-0. Graves · made~it 34.0 •with 10:10 left before intenniision, hitting G a r y RoSllman with the first of his two scoring bombs, before the visitors were able to dent the scoring colwnn with 6:27 show· ing. 'lbp · final Gaucho SCQl1 came on anothu Graves • Rossman pass pro- duction, Steve Smilh's IS.yard nm with an interception and Chris Hector'• pass to Mike Derbyshire that covered S3 yards. /!artman bad particular pr~ 10< Arab quarterback CON'ad Layvas and his favorite receiver Davis Walker, calling them about the best combination he bad seen thll year. Layvas earned Hartfuan's respect by picking apart the Gaucho secondary for 284 yai;d! Jn his loolng effort. CIAM• STATllTIU l'lr1t *-"' rvshlnt l'lnr CIOwN PIMlncl ... • " ' " ' " • """ _,. -Illes TOl•I llrll downl YMb n.itl\lng " "' "' " "' ,,,,,, ' " " "' » Y•rdl _."'8 Y•rdt ,._, "" ,...... ~lrlld P\lflla/11-~ dl1ll11Ce P-llleLfYlnja ~lll«I F<ln>Di.JFll'Tlbltl 11111 "~ ,,, "' l /X,I ,, .. '" ken.,°"'"" 1.,_...i.1 \t•lley 0 6 6 It -II s.dd'-dl 21 II 6 ' -l3 ... _ ·~........ ·~...,, """' 0'9rlfl'I "" '"""" Toi.!$ ' ·-. --, ... ttUIHIN• " ........ v.. . TU. Y• Y\. ""' 1111.1 2 • • 2.1 111 11.6 • :tJ • 1.2 IS4:t2 .l " 7' a6 1.1 -11142•.• •»••·• 11171.6 1 2 I t.I l 7 2 1.7 I 2 $ ' •,f 2101.0 1 1 • 1.0 2 I I •.f •I 17> 11 I.I PASSINO I ,,..... V IH.., PA PC PHI Y• Pd. 22091.000 D It I a.4 .515 Ut\J2nMO , ... i.eca; fl ,, 1 2D _,,, 7 I I SJ .lei • S4 17 I 2IS JIO KEY RECEIVER -Gary Rossman (15) takes in aerial from Rod Graves Saturday night in Gauchos' 53-18 win over Imperial Valley. Coach George Hart· man's crew has won seven straight and are the un- defeated leaders in the De~ert Conference with one game remaining Saturday at Mt. San Jacinto. Sports Cli Rped S lwrt LSU Players Nix Bowl Bid BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Louisiana St.ate football players voted Monday morning not lo accept any bowl bids, The Associated Press has learned. An official announcement was e•pecled from the athletic department later in the day after the NCAA's 11 a.m. EST em- bargo on bowl announctmenls has pass- ed. LSU had been in the running for a top bowl bid until It was reported that Notre Dame was to change its postaeason game p:>lioy. When LSU athletic officials attempted at. the last minute to line up an Invitation for the Gator Bowl, they found Tennessee and Florida had already been given the nod for the Jacksonville. Fla. game. -This left the Bluebonnet as the next most desirable bowl open, but the Tiger players, who already played Houston ooce this year, turned down that trip. .• PHOENIX -Al Unser ol Albuquerque, N.M. Jed all but 111: laps Sunday en route to vk:tory in the rain-delayed, 200-mlle Bobby BaD Memorial Race. Urwer Jfid by 1 haU lap over second p(Oct Lloyd Rllby of Wlchl,. Falls, Teot. Wally Dallenbac:h of East Brunswick, r/.J, WU anolber lap behind In third. Johnny !llltherlord o( Fort Worth finished In fourth place, well behind DalleobOcb. Uoser11 domination ol lhe two-day race began with a quall(JIJni record ol 27.S7 on the one-mUe oval In Saturday's qual i- fying . He led for all 83 laps until the race was called by rain and a four-cat ac- cident involving top challengers. 111ario AndretU, three time national USAC champion, and former national champion Bobby Unser, brother of the winner, ~ eliminated as a result or Saturday's crash. No one was injured in the four-car .col.Uaion. Defending champion G a r y Be\- terihausen or Tinley Park, 111., put on the pressure lo Unser early in Sunday's ra ce b\ll fell out with a burned piston on the 91rd lap, . • BOSTON -no matter what the Lo! Angeler Kings do, they almost al~·ays seem to end up oo the short end ol lhe hockey stick. Tak; last ~end's games. Saturday night m ·Pittsburgh they scored one goal -the sixth time they've done that this year. The Penguins ICOred three and pulled into a Ue with Oakland for fourth place in the National Hockey League's \Vest Division. Sunday nlgllt tn Boston the Kings scored four goal!. They've been able lo gel that many ooly two ollM< times tllls tE'ason. But the Bruins &COfed seven - the most allowed by Los Angeles. The dismal weekend Jr.ft the Kings• record at 3-10. They are last In the West. have averaged 2.6 goals a game and have given up an average or 3.7. And lhey 've dropped four in a row. The third game of the current rune. game road trip ltndl Los Angeles agaln.!t the Maple Le1fl Jn Toronto Wednesday night. That is the only East Division club the Kings have beaten this year. • LOS ANGELES -It figures. Just as lhe Los Angeles Stars draw their biggest crowd of the year at the Sports Arena, and jµst as ,they find themselvs in 1 three· \YIY batUe for first plact, they have to hit the road. There W!fe 2,107 fans on hand Sunday night to watch the Stars and the Indiana Pacers, -the American B a 1 k e t b a 11 AISOclaUon11 defending champions and lraders In the Eutem Division. Ttchnlcally It wu all over before the end of the fint quarter. After the first minute the Pacers were never headed and only <>net dld the Stars manage to Ue it, at 21·21. Then Indiana center Bob Netolicky went to W-Ork. When be wu finished he had a career~11b o( 43 points and the Pacets had a 129-113 victory. It left the SLars' record at 9·'1. Lo.s Angeles, New OrleallS and Washlnilon are deadlocked for the Western Division lead. ANOTHE R TALLY -Saddleback College'• o!!en- sivemight includes Marc Hardy (84). Here e snares a touch<!own pass from quarterback ves in 53-18-Swamplng of Imperial Valley in Desert Confer-. ence clash Saturday night. Defender is James White (46). Story of :'69 OCC Gridders: Inability to Make By GLE.NN WIDTE Ot tfla Dliltr Plllt 11•11 Inability to make that necessary foot on · fourth down was the dlffere~ in Orange C-oast' Colle11e having a areat football season for 1969. Mlssing that foot was a major setback In the Pirates' 23-14 loll to Cerritos. And missin& tho6e 11 Inches on two occasions against South Coast Conference leader San Diego Mesa proved fat.al ln a 31·23 loss. Then Saturday night In rain-battered San Diego, the Pirates had three shots at going one foot for a touchdown. The y miMed all three and wound up tied , '1·7, before 414 rans. So coach. Dick Tucker's Pirates closed out the year wilh a flossy 6·2·1 record, which included thrtt highly imposing vie· tarles. The 20-19 win over potent Fullerton, and 21-20 verdict over Southem Cal Conference champion LA Harbor and the 31-21 triumph over tough Golde!' West came on successive weekends and were the highlight of the campaign, in Tucker's estimation. Then came the injuries, which left the Redcoats a shell of their previous powerhouse. The two most costly losses were when flanker Bruce Hicks and run- ning back Ray Ricardo were hurt. Still. it was OCC's be.st record since the undefeated 1963 team won lhe national championship. Saturday's finale was particularly fruslraUng. The Pirates were nursing a 7- 0 lead , garnered In the second period when Mike Tamiyasu carried over from the three to cap a 58-yard assault. Bob Ryder added the conversion with 3:35 before halftime. But San Diego came back to tie It with OANll STATISTICI o-:c s,, F!!'lt tklWll r1,11olllng J • F lrtl oown5 i-un,.i > > l'!rtl clowni ""41111H II 1 Tott! llrll dawnt I 10 Y1•d1 ruM'llnt 10• Ht Ytn:lt jNHlng •7 \4t Ytrd5 IOll S4 12• Mtl ~1rd1; ,.1nld 1•1 11J Punt5/A.,.r-.o• d!111nc• t/~.1 10121.I P-ll\ft/Y•rcl1 ~lllld I/al \ 111 Fllt'l'IDlli/l'u~lft IOll 4/2 lit k -9Y °"'"'" Otl~ CMS! I 1 0 t -1 ~n 01t00 o t 1 0 -1 "''"'" V...tlt11llllle M•~• TMtlynll Dur1n1t T01116 .. , VINlef' ·-...... ... -"""" Plth TO!tlJ "~ °"'" Tot•ll ltVSMINO or-. CM'1 TCI YO Tl. Al'f. 15 • • ~.I llUll.t I IS 1 1,7 " 11 ,. J ., 1 • • '·' ... ~ ~ 1.1 ... _ .... ' . ' ' . " ' . ' " ' ' ' . 4 ,. PAlltl'IO '° 2.s • <O lJ .s.s u .,_, . .. .• . " • ·1.0 1 .1 D U•. O.ot or ..... Ctttt PA PC '"' YO I'd. n 7 2 tJ .lll 1111 Dllot• I 0 0 1'f 11 ' l:t 11 I . .. .. "' lU "' .311 1:52 lo go lrt the third frame on an 80- yard scoring pass. Orange Coast had a chance to pull ahead in the late stages of the game afler t<iking over on the Knights' 25. A 23-yard toss fro m Tamiyasu to Ron Althouse made it a first down at the two. Then Tamiyasu carried to the goal line. Then Ventimiglia took two shots and Tamiyasu had one at that final foot. Yet neither could make it. "I was bitterly disappointed '\Ille couldn't score from that close." Tucker told the DAILY PILOT. "I would have gone for a field goal if we 'd have been a C'ouplc of yards out. But a fciot -we shoul:t be able to fall that far." After that OCC had to survive two field goal tries. One came from the 17 with l :52 to play but it was wide, to the left. The other was a 50-yarder with 27 oieconds to go and It was short. Defensively, Orange Coast w a 1 CIF Releases Grid Pairings Orange County high schOols hare drawn lough assignments in the opening round of the CIF football playolls witll MAA po\Yers Anaheim a~ Loara going against Long Beach Wilson and Redlands. . In the AAA ctassificaUon, Crestview League champion Foothill entertains Neff and Rancho Alamitos of the G•den Grove League hosts Glendora. Fullerton meets Damien. If Anaheim and Loera are successful In first round compdiUon, they'll meet Jn the quarterfinals. MM Upper Br1eket l\h.nte Wi!;ta at Bishop Amat Arroyo at El Rancho Long Beach Wilson at Anaheim Loara at RedJands Lower Bracket Blair at Hueneme Loyola at Santa t.fonica \\lhitUer 8t St . Paul Con1pton at Lakewood AAA V-Bracl<d South Pasadena at La Puente Oamleri at Fullerton t.1urphy at Cabrillo Bellflower at Lawndale Lower Bracket Lasuen at Rolling HJlls Nell ot Foothill Northvlew al Bonita Glendora at Rancho Alamitos AA Santa Paula at Arroyo Grande Barstow at Ontario Alta Loma at Los Alamitos · El Cen tro at Riverside Poly • a Foot magnificent. San Diego was thrown for 124 yards in losses with George Berg. F'.nch Sterling, Rick While, Ku r1 Clemens, Bill Durkin and George FolleU standing oul 1 Berg threw the Knight&' quarterbaci:. for 46 yards in losses and on anothet play was blocked oul, got up and made the tackle at the line of scrimmage. Lak ers on Road: ' "'est Scor es 45 To Stop 76ers LOS ANGELES (AP) -"We i>J!yed our best game of the season," Los Angeles coach Joe 111ullaney crowed. Laker Star Jerry West said it Was because the team was "playing bettCr together." But the 10,242 fans in the Forum didn't overlook the fact that West txruerd in 45 points -his high mark of the National Basketball Association season -to lead the Lakers over Philadelphja 138-125 SllD· day night. Just one night earlier West had his poorest game of the year, scoring just 13 points as the l.akers lhrew away a Z2· point halftime lead and lost 114--111 &o tht! Suns in Phoenix. ~ Elgin Baylor led the Lakers In that game with 30 poinU. He came back to hit for 32 against tlle 76ers. Keith Ericbon scored 29 lo help Los Angeles even jts record at 7.7 and pull into a second·p1ace tie with Chicago in the Western Division. The Lakers, idle today, embarked ·on•a two-game road trip with. visits lo Detroit on Tuesday night and CincinnaU on \Vednesday. Los Angeles raced to a 36-20 first· period lead against Philadelphia. 'The 1Gers cut the margin to nine points l>y halftime but the La.ken went on another tear to make it 105-34 aflcr U\tee quarters. PHtl..AOlilPHIA . ' ' Gel.iii•• ' w 11 Cunr1Jnghlt11 16 ,_, as Imhoff ) 0.1 6 G.-2 :1-2 ' Ci.rte t f.11 U Httatl a ,,, • JarttOll I H 6 ~ • 0.1 " Opl ...... 2 WtJfllnt"" 4 1•• 10 Tt'tlt !:I 2142 Ill l'?l ll#Hloftill lo. """''" Foultf out -N-. LOI Aff•IL.11 . . ' Erk tiOll II :P>t • ..... iw 1• ... • J!ott«lllOll 4 0.0 • West It f.I• .fJ E~n 1 i.f 14 eow.... t .w .... Glrrttt O M I 1-1.wtn I M '2 "'""" 0 .. • MeC1,,., J 'H 4 lohllt " """ 1• t1 as w '' ._ ns )I,. 1' »-1• lOltl touli -P,,lllld•IP'lll U. l• Mie!tl. ~ Anw1nc1 -10,24 . • c • ~ E ,, b<1 dJd •id• rev c ihil 1"" ton • fl!" .... A Al)I drl ... Jon s IS< J lrol gm • ... Tit ( av< las ma " goc def 1 ""' ... l ( F I bo be chi I eo: Sol pio Pu I fer ( wr da: Su .,.. ,;, fir h• .le; de Cll - I 1 ] I) " B u l F h ·C s c 'p s F c ( ( s 2 ( 2 f. i I I r " 1 ... _________ ..,,.. _____ .., ___ .,....,,...,.,....., __ ........... ., ..... , .. ,...,.~ .... ,, ....... ""',,,, •. ~··~·~··~·~·,·--~·~··· ~··~.-... --·---~~·-~~-.... -·-·-·· ...... ___ _ ~unningh~ 9'lt, lnjiiries. Hit Anteaters lnfurlea have hit the UC Irvine b.u\et- bCll team early ·and All-America can- didate Jeff <;.mnlnPam !s the late31 to be 1kl<lined, a report !nm coach TlnYTill reveeled lhll momtng.' · · eunni~ Injured a tnee In practice drillJ on Salul'dloy and Ille Allleater coocb IJn't ..... -u la limply. -!"' tarn ligamento. 'Cunnintbmn will und<r(o . ~ tests •l<iday to. detmnh>e ~ -ol the lnjurj. A~ to th8 alkllit effort the Antwm ari mUlng lhll year In ·..ny drills, Marl: Barnes ...rtered a -~ nose in two piaces and may be out for as long as three weeks. Steve Sabins has a sprained ankle and ts out of action for·at least a week. All UlttO players are lellennen sW1en from last season, Sabins and Barnes at guard and Cunningham at forward. .. We hope to have all three .ready for our Season opener at Nebraska (Dec. 1 )" Tilt .ail! Ibis morning. cunningham has a two-year scoring average of 17.8 and hit for 21.0 per game last season. Tm describes him In Utis manner: "He bas fantastic offensive moves, is a good rebounder and he likes lo play defense." The Anteaters will stage a frosh-varsity ICrimmage, open to Ille public, Wed· nesday nigh~ Nov. 26 at 7:30. . . UCI in Limbo; Orange Coast Poloists Bow UC tnrlne water polo forces are In lim· bo today, waiting word on whether they'll be invited to the national collegiate champion.ships in Long Beach next week. And it appears that Orange Coast College and Fullerton JC will Mare the South Coast Conference water polo cham· pionsbip after the latter knocked off the Pirates, a..5, Friday at-Fullerton. Each has now beaten the other in con· terence actJon. Coach Ed Newland's ~teaters put tlie wraps on regular aeason bostili\fes SaWT· day by thumping visiting· San Diego . St.ate, 13-3, to post an 18-7 record for the campaign. Jim Bradburn paced the IJoisU, scoring slx goals. Mike Martin and Steve Farmer fired in three apiece while Wade Arens flad two. Single goals went lo Dale Hiihn, Bob McClellan, Duane Olson and Jact Dickman. UC[ trailed 1-0 early In the going. However, it was 7-2 at. the quarter and 13- 1 at halftime. Orange c.oa.st. i& at Santa Ana Tuesday afternoon for the season finale while Fullerton bas a bye. Orange Coast lost a 2-0 first quarw Jead when the Hornets tightened up their defense in the foul -.tjddled contest. Coach Jack Fullerton's Pirates were gtill on top, 3-2, after the quarter. Dul they fell behind at halftime, 5-4, and pever recovered. Eighty-6even fwls were called in the contest, 48 against the Pirates. ~-Pacing Orange Coast scoring was steve Wagner with three. Gary Thompson and Brad Shoemaker had ooe apiece for tne 1968 state champiOM. Rustlers 2nd, Pirates 6th In Loop Finals Golden West captared a secood ptace in the Southern California Conference cross t'OWltry finals staged Friday on the Long Beach Stale course. The Rustlers trailed the champion East Los Angeles Huskies, 32-59, in lhe point totals. The Soothern California championships Friday at Pierce are next on tap. And, Orange Coast College cross coon-- fry hostilities came to a close Friday at ,cenit.os College with the Pirates placing sixth in the South Coast Conference championsflips. San Diego ~fesa. won the title with 53 'tJOinls while the favored hosts scored 5.'i, Santa Ana had 57 and Mt. SAC 68. Fullerton was next with 148, followed by OCC (163) and San Diego City College (173). Dan Mooney was the leading Orange Coast finisher, placing 21st in 21 :41. Fred Sklrde (30th, 22 :11), Ralph Dean (32nd, 22:22), Harry Noonan (37lh, 22:35), Tim Owens ('3rd. 22:48), Ralph Pierce 147lh, 22:531 and Ken Slan!onl (18th, 23:08) followed. Cenitos' Ruben Chappi.ns won the race In 20:20.7. After the Rustlers came LA Harbor, 66 points, loll Angeles City, Ill, Rio Hondo, 121, Cypress. 166, and LA Southwest, 188. ~ McKeon was the top Golden West finiSher coming In second in 21 :15. Neit came Vlc'Martlnez (fourth, 22 :01 ), Craig · SmlUt (!llh, 22 :56), Doug Schmenk 119th, 23:21), Jim Petoehena (23nd, 23:35), Sleve Beylor (31st. 24:17), Dave r;elson (38th, 35:17) and Mel Hobb! (ICUt, 35 :30). Art Martinei of East Los Angeles was crowned the league champion as be hit the tape in 21: 11. • Mondat N°"'"btr 11, I~ (jife.rs Tie for 2nd; WiIJ, 22-14 ' COACH 'OF YEAR Ken Mats Sunset Honors To Oiler Coach, Area Pla yers . Orange Coast area prep team s Hun· tington Beach, Newport Harbor and Westminster dominated the official All· Sunset League football teams, along wittl champion Anaheim, as selected by the DAILY PlLCYI'. Huntington Beach picked up six places on the first team offen se and defense along with Ana~m and Newport Harbor players numbered five: ' Ken Moats of·Huntington :was seleeted coach o(Uie year after guiding the Oilers to second place. It wa s the highest finish ror Huntingtcm tn the Sunset League in 23 years and it's the second time in four years Moats has been selected for the honor. Newport Harbor's guard Bob Tripp was selected lineman or the year after keying the blocking ·syst.em for Newport's tough offense. He was alao a stellar linebacker. Huntington Beach's forte, in racking up a 4-2 league record; lay in the Oilers' defensive ability and it showed with five Oilers making the defensive first team. Back of the year is Anaheim 's Tim Thorn. First Team Offen~e Position Player Weight Class E-Dedrick. Westminster 175 Sr. E-Dlood, Newport Harbor 175 Sr. T-Brigbt, Anaheim 198 Sr. T-Gelker, Newport Harbor 210 Jr. G-Hilsabeck, Anaheim 165 Sr. G-Tripp, Newport Harbor 180 Sr. C-Haymond, Santa Ana 18S Sr •. B-Fraser. Anaheim 175 Sr. B-Wise, Huntington Beach 155 Jr. B-'nlorn, Anaheim 171 Sr. B-Baiz.e, Westminster 175 Jr. First Team Defense E-WaJters, Huntington Beach 170 Sr. &-Hovdey, Anaheim 190 Jr. T-Kennedy, Marina 205 Sr. T-Hanss, HunUngton Beach 175 Sr. MG-Torrey, Newport Harbor 180 Sc. LB-Rodriguez, Anaheim 173 Sr. LB-Moro, Huntington Beach 175 Sr. LB-Moats, HunUngton Beacb 170 Sr. B-Newhouse, Westminster 14-0 Sr. B--Shedd, Newport Hart>or 165 Sr. B--Za!lo&ky, Huntington Beach 160 Sr. Second Team £-Kuchera, Santa Ana 18S Sr. E-Monahan, Marina 146 Jr. T-Surak, Western 181 Sr. T-Aldridge, Westminster 225 Jr. G-Haberthur, Hunt. Beach 180 Sr. G--Jennings, Marina 170 Sr. C--Olivet, Huntington Beacfl 170 Sr. By ROGER CARLSON. and tilt balance ol !he hasslt. ot "" Delfr ...... ltatf Junior quarterback Garth Wise, Wbo Huntington Beach High Scbool'a Oilers 11ltemated at tailback for Huntington J!Ut tile final touches on to a highly SUC• Beach, was brlUlant at both positions. cessfu) football campaign Saturday night Twice he broke 'thmfgh the Newport with an •lmpreilsive 22-14 wtil. over in-defense and sped to touchdowns. l:Us first vadlng Newport Harbor to fini.m tied with breakaway came w:ith 11:54 to go in the Westminster Jar-second place in the second period wheo he outran Sailor highly regaroed Sunset Leque. defenders on a 60-yard seorlng play, Thus coach Ken ·Moats• Oilers hang It Then with 1 :09 to go in the half Wise ' vp f~ the season with a 7-2 overall mark, broke off goother one and went 65 yatds lhe be$t since 1964 when-Moats' Orange up the middle for the clincher. ljnd Black ·won1 the. Irvine League title His second TD made it 22.0. In between -and e«cepl for '61, it:'s·lhe best since 1946. his scoring effort.'!. lhe Oilers rocked Coach Wade Watts' -Sailors dropped a Newport Harbor for a safety when Craig notch in final league standings behind Zaltosky tackled Steve Fish in the Tar Huntington and Weslminster and finished end zone. 6-3, the third such winning 1record in the Earlier the Oilers had marohed 51 past f.our ~rs. ~anis for the opening score with fullback It was. a game of contrasting-halves Frank Hanu going over from one yard· and the· host ,Oilers' %2-point explosion in out. Hanss added the PAT. the first two , periods was more than The Bluejackets .slruck . bac.k with one: enough to offset a line Newport :Harbor TO with no time left in the first half on a. passing attack !ale in the second period Bill Shedd-Dare! Blood pass play from 12 y1rd1 out. The other !ICOl't came in the fourth quarter when Shedd guided his mates 19 yards in 10 playa. Allen Wallace went over from 10 yards out and Jerry Smith added the two-polnt coovenioo on an end- around play. Derensive standwts for the winners were Lee Wa1ters, Jack Crosby, Arnold Ruiz and linebackers Paul Moro anil. Dan , 1-foab. Shedd passed for t•3 yards on IZ com- pJetJons while Wise made the most of four completions for n yards for Hun- tington Beach. eAM• lfATISTIU •• HO f"ll"ll do""'' n.Mlo'Pll ' • Fir.I downl H MI ... • • F lrll OOWnl -"Ip • ' To,.I lll"ll 6-111 " " Y•rdt · rvshlng ,. "' Y•fd• ..-lfll '" ,. Y1rc11 lot! M • Mt! \'lrdf •tJMd .. ... Punt.,r,r.wr"' dl511nct lJS..I fJ~1.I P-lnntV1rdt ~IWH "" "M F..mblttiFIJn"lblt:s '°"' "' '" 8-Bane, Westminster 160 Sr. B-Fish, Newport Harbor 170 Sr. B-Downing, Westminster 165 Sr. B-Tozer, Anaheim 173 Sr. FUMBLE PLAY -Newport Harbor's Bill Shedd (14) and Jeff Blanchard (12) appear shaky on a hando!J in the Hunungton Beach game Saturday DAILY PILOT """-.,La 1'8¥M night. Shedd sparked hj s mates with a second hall passing rally, but the Bluejackets fell short, :ZZ.14. TAR SEEKS OAYLIGHT -Newport Harbor's Court Reeser (25) carriea for abort gain iII Sat urday night's 22-14 loss to Hont ington Beach in Sun.set League actlor.. Ciustng in arc Oilers Jim Habe rthur (63), • Dave Crockett (20) and Mi<e Feeney (26), Steve Fish (20) !1 also see n for Newport. _,,_ Mw!rtM-. ~" ' " • ...,. H"""° Hlftlor • • • .... llVMll ... , .. , ............ '" .. " . .. W•o " '" • 10.4 H~• • " • ... -• " • ••• ·-• " • ... ,,_, ' • • ••• , ... ' • ' ., .. c .... • " • "' .... ' • • ••• Toti II .. "' I ... --... • • • ••• ,_ .. • • " ... ··-" .. • ••• ··-' ' • ... Smlltl • ' ' ., W1llea " .. ' ••• .... ' " " ••• Tot11t .. "' .. ... .... ,., .. ........ ,.....,. .. .. ... .. ... w ... • • • n .... M<C .. • ' • M .m Tol•lt " • • ,. , .. ·---" " • ·~ ..,, ""' ' ' • Q .... llll'IClllrd ' ' • " .... To!•ll " " • "' .... Miller in Orbit; Mesans Maul SA Valley, 27-0 By J1M CARNETT of .. Dmllr l"H•f II.it ''Whal a great way to end a aeascn. we put 11 all togelher tonight and pi.,.d a game I'll never rorget." said mn ecstatic eo,ta Mesa Mustang ht.ad football coach Max Miller. • Miller's injury-riddled Mustangs, Who had """ only "" ol !heir lft\'10UI eight ball gmnes roUed over the Santa Ana Val· leY l('al<OM;27.0, s.lurday n!gbt II Santa J.M Stadium. Fullback Jorry Reilly acond tlree -to poce tho M-la alt he ran for 112 y.-da on 25 Cll11a. Tbe win Ul't MOia from !lnlahlng In the Ii'Vlriii League cellar~ .. H ••••xrup a garno abead ol tho Falcolll lo final atandings. . Only 15 players _.. able to .Wt up !or the ....... !lnale, while moll ol the. 20 othin! who hid -·knocked oul ol ac- tion earlier in the sea&OD watched th& con- 1"'1 from the ild•llnes. "E;very kid oul there played a lfe3I game," said the Mustang coach N he reached f1tl« and put an ann around one of lib running backs. "All I can aay ii. it aure ls nice lo win." Miller Isn't ready to drnp Ute 1Ubl<cl ol football unlll next September either. "I'm really IDoklng forward lo Dul ....... l thin~ we're going to bave a fine telm. Elgh!Mi ol lhe 25 boYI ..-up for ua tanlgbl will be playing DOii yoor, •. he aald. . .. ~ acore actually dldn1 -tho eua wi1h wh!Cb !he Muolanga roll<d ,,.,.; Ute Falcons. . Tbe Mustangs oul·galned' lhe Falcoos :M-20 l• ... yanla, and the -·· defm. 1tve line l!eld tho Valley running bacU to a minus 25 yards. Four Falcon puses were picll:ed off by Ute deftMi,. """"'1ary, the Muotan8' ran orf 21 more plays than Santa Ana VaJ. Jey, and !he · Falcons riever penelratod the Mesa »yard ·nne. . R<!llly and Jolm M-spearheaded the Mu.tanc nmnlng attack piCkini up 113 yards between them. Defensive' back Dick Fefryman gave Falcon receivers fit& all evening and picked oil two of quarterback lWdy Munoz's pa.s9eS. The Mustanp Jet the favored Falcons know they were out to play football right from the opening klcko!f. Benito RJcardo booted an OJHide kick and when a Valley Uneman fumbled the ball Dan Baker fell on the pipkin on the Falcon 40.. Eleven plays-later Reilly wentoverlefl ~an! from fwe yards out for the 9COtt. RJcardo split the uprights to make tt 7'4. Tbe Mustan8' made lt 11.o at Ute hall as quarterback Robin Sen!k hit end Frank Kelly with a 44 yard pass. Kelly was bumped out of bounds at the one. but Senlk carried it over on the next play With 11 seconds left. Miller heaped praise on sophomores Gary Schoettler and Kerry Bowring. "They both did a tremendous job for us," aakl Miller. Schoettler had 18eVtn una&!list.ed tackles in his first varsity effort. et.Ma ITATISTICS c~ ... Flrtl dowM rutl'll,. " ' Fir.I dowftt P•Hlnil • • l'lnl Nwnl -Ilia ' I Tol•I llrsl oo-" • Y•nl1 """"'-"' • Y•rcll PIHllll N ... Y•rd1 ... • ... H.t \'lrcll 1•lntd .. " l"11n1VA~tr1p dlsl•nc' • ' . .sn~.o Pen1tlln/Y1rclf tNnlllttd "u '"' Ft;mbl .. /FlllT!tlltt .. , '" '" ~ .., Olllfttr• (-a.I• Mnt ' 1 ' .. ,, IMll• AM V•11fY • • • .... •UIMIWO c"" Mn• '" .. -... """ ' " • ... 11 ... 11 ... " "' • u Mt11I• " " • u ... _ ' " • .. .• Tott II • ... • ... 111111 ....... ...,. ....... • ' .. • •• ...... • " • • •• l l•llCI " ~ n -1.1 Ttl•1t " • .. •l.4 l"AlllMG en,. Mt.-.. " "' " ... .... ' • I N ·"' -' • • • .... Tot•ll • • I N AU ......... .,. . ...., M-" • • " .... .... • 2 • " ... '"'" " • • ~ ... Calendar ·-------------~· ...... --·--....... ---·------·--· ·---· -.. -· -------------------~---------------------------...... -....... ,..... ....... ---~--~ ... ,.., ....... ,.---- ' U ' 9'-ILY ,,ILOT -·· N-17, 1969' ~~s ,C.oaeh; 'Young.£hargers- SOF,T SEU: SAM ' By Marvin My.rs ' ,• ~--~- - CHAi~l.IG~J . ' .P\it , ,,_ Dw It on Heart -MIJ :.Bqg. Cr0wns " . ~ -DOLLAR" "-R·=·· -:-. WJ .DO NOT. •· -·-, YPU CAN~ THls . .I'' . . { .. ...... ~· .· ··-~--·-- By ROGER CARLSON 01 .. O..llr P'l191 11111 Usually w h e n discussion centers around the suocess o( a prep football .. team's season one of the basic lrigreditnts is the t rtectlyene.ss of l h e school's overall program and the previous two or three years of work ·that has been incorporated inlo the final pro· duct. A remarkable effort lndffd, especially considering only two seniors played on the two starUng units for Vail. • • However, when you talk of Edison H I g h and its remarkable thlrd place finish in the Irvine League, il"s another story. ' Center ' Ross Jennings a6d de!erWve end Gary Root are the orily· teiulars that Vail stands t~ lose .via gfaduaUon. ,The rest will be · 'back and Edison supporters can be ·assured their Chargers will not be classified a1 ·underdoas in lhe race for the 1970 Irvine League title. The Chargers' lalest con-~ :r , V€R//=/ED YO£.R EMPlDYMfNT, ~ 1HCV 9,/P quest was of Fountain Valley, '-I F.dison began its football history thl:s year aod ·with a squad of green candidates coach Bill Vail molded Jn short order a group that finished with a winning sea90n -a 4~ 2 record. !l'~u!":::~ c~~8:'ti.I: :.:,: YOU'D 'T"XE'N THc DAY CfF 10 sMNDLf a berth in lhe CIF playofls, SCtvlf J.DAN ClJMPANY/' Ed.Ison showed ·rttDarkable ---------------------poise and coof:illeoeCOnce the Sea Kings Gain 7-5 ·Polo Win Edison crew wu tel back · when the otticiala-nded tackle eligible Gary Bakft Wu not elilible on a completed pus In the end zone for an apparent lpuchdown. No matter, the Chargers came bact on Ja fourth down play with I'• Z4-yard pass for Lhe TD ••• then added a two- point conversion. It's that type of effort that makes One consider t h e Chargers indeed in a cla.sa by themsel ves. By STEVE ANDREWS "I'm very happy with the Of l'M 0.llY t"lltf Sii" Corona del . Mar picked up season. I think it was as fine one final .vJctor.y lf>efore en· as 1' ever could have hoped tertni the CIF water polo. for,'' says_ Vall, "It's visual proof to me playoffs witti. .a 7-5 decision over Fullerton Friday. in the· that ·m the game « football, tndi&rls' pool The' win was the hearl. is the. hig commodity Sea Kings' 22nd straight this that m~ . the diff:rence year. 1 • between wummg aDd losing. ll Hwitii:tgton Beach \ri.P?ea · «Sure can't be size:· o r Edison, 12-'t, and A'.18heim strength." downed .Mirlna, 1-3,1 in other The adversities that prevail· Friday games. Saturday., ed. at Edilori didn't help Newport · Harbor e d ·g f d anything. Anaheim, 7-6, , 'l11e Cllarg= were without Co'rona, Beeded1 No. 1 in the· shOwers (of the entire IWIOR upcoming .playoffs, and and only two weeks ago were Fullerton fought right aown to they. able to move the equi~ the ·wire ll1' their' non·league •ment to Ute proper area. baUle~ The Se~ KI 'n g_ s And, the girls h'O me outscored the Jndums, 2·J. ·r.1 economics sewing room pro.- the first and second ·quarters vi<led the tbargers with space for'the margin of victory. for what wouJd normally be a • ~arth ·~rgeson Jed Sea. locker room . K1ag :SCOr1ng w~th four goals. How far a1ong did Vail and Bruce; Black added . two and Jiis assistanll!I bring t h e Scott Nelt'comb one. Chargers" Edilon bat~ Hu~ttnaton Ptrha~ the key to that ~gamely m the fir$ half anner lies in Vail's plans for at the Oilers pool but fell showing the IChool's boolten: ·~·~ = ~ at lhe ~lub the (ilml of the~ ;spring h ""-'"·~~-"' "ortout. , :-,, au .... •-<: Ml'C'I..,,_~ ev . ~ ' ''Wt're,~ to.snow It fot thooBl! th• Chargers Io1Uhe1r edy -"~ " Vail act, Dan -Epdy, ~n· the .firs~ 1 COOl Olfl~• aays • period wi th a major, foul. · Clay Evans led · the ,Oiler charge in the second half· .es they shut out the Charsers 6--0. Evans topped the scoring with seven goals in·.thc game. ' Tom Liodas lallled iwo g~ls to head Ediion scoring.· liiatt Kroona and Pat . WesL-also scored for Ule Chargers. Anaheim.· beat Marina In Viking waters 8'~1d with it went second place in the Sunset League and a berth in the · playoffs. Collegiate Grid Scores t"ACIPIC COAST C1lll11t11l• 31. 511> J-St1te 1 OAton 511!1 lL W1Mllrov!Ofl $11lt 3 &l11tford n, Air Forte :M UCLA U , Ore111111 lC U$C 16. W1shl1>gton 1 MIOWl"IT Ml1t11UOl1 14. Mlchlt1n Stile \G Ml(hflolln •I, IOWI 6 Nonhwfttfrn lt. lndl1n1 11 ~la sr1t1 l~, Pu•dut I• Wli.c:oroln SS, llllnols 14 OkllMmt 31, K1n\11 U N~bfll~I 10. K1n111 S!ll1 I MlHOU!'I 4(1, IOWI Stele ll SOUTH Al1btlm1 11 Ml1ml IFl1\ 6 Florld1 JI, KlfllvC~V ' •u""''" 16. Geo•!li• 3 Miululi»I :II, T--0 Norlh C1rl>lln.t >:!. Clemoon I! Hou11on :!', N.C. 5!111 IJ Vif11fnl1 T~h 4 . Dul<• 11 ~ C1rolhw 11, W1kt For111 ' Wnl Vl•glnlft n . lllchmono 21 Tul1ne Jl, v 1,,1.,11 o Nottp 0.~ ll, G....-911 l~!> 70 M•ml>h11 51. ,., F10rld1 SI. Jt LSU 61, MiH1HIPPI 51. ' .... "'"'"'-""' n .... .,v Ii. e._.. 1'-H1rv1•d !I Pc"" 11, Columbl1 1 D1r1mou1>1 JI, Cor...,11 7 !.Vrltl;USI n. Nl "l' c r-5t1t1 olJ, M1rv11nd a Y1le 11, Prh•<l'lall 1• SOUTK'#IST 'TtXll "· TCV 1 Ar111,,HI ti, WU 1$ North T ... 11 51111 .,, l lllH 11 Ilic. 7, 'Tn11 A&M ' Tlllll lid! It, Slvfor 1 110(101:1 Colal'ldo 17, Oitlt-Stile 11 N.,. Mwto 1'-Wv<1mfnp n Arln11tt1 11, U!ltl 16 Cok!r.00 Sl11e Jl . ld11'G 11 &YU 11, Ullh St1!1 J Pro Grid Standings """ ... ~~i cw.ry~ W L T I'd, t"1t 01'; CllV9l1nd ' ! •I .7'1 ll4 2IM > s1. Louis s J •1 ,J7S 1n n1 New YO<'k ,, •• m 2CI 213 Plttsbllrth -1 •I ' I .Ill 1'6 19 C11111tl 01-mlw 011t1i I 1 0 ... "5 141 WnhlnQI"" I J 2 .571 '°' fU Phllld•lllt>l1 ) S 1 .JIS Ul 116 N•w Or1t1n1 1 1 c .m l a.I m Wrihrn CM!titolc1 W1ll-DIYhlw M!llf!looil I l a <Mt 1'7 tt Dttrolt ' J a .W UI 1J1 Gf'llll I•~ S ' O .5'16 1'6 141 ChltlfO I I G .111 131 l'IM C111l1I Olvl.._ lM A"9ell1 ' G 0 l.OOll 251 146 l1lttmer1 S 4 G .H• 701 l!IO Atltnr. J ' c .ln 161 ?OJ S.n fru1cloce "2 ' I .UO lU 204I • SU"'"'I •-Ill At!at111 d, Chk tto Jl C11Y1t1i"d 21, l'lttlbu,th 3 0.1111 11, W•shlnt!on 11 LI" Anfl'&lll n. PhU1delplll1 11 Mlni>..ot& 9, G'"" S.Y 7 New 0<1_..rtl 2S, N-Y111< 1' Dft!roll 10, SI. Louis t Sin Fr1~~11to 70, 81ltlmort 11 S\lllMY'I khlfult AU1n!1 11 W1Slll"9ton ft11tlmo•e 11 Chltl"' 011!1! 11 LOI Al'IM111 Oll!roll 11 Grttn II~ N"" Yark 11 Cl.V1lend P~ll11ltl•ltlt 11 St. l oult Plthl3Ur9h 11 Mlnlll'IOl1 S1n Fr1ncl-11 Ntw OrlllM NtW '1'0'11: Hou1tot\ 8uilll0 M!1"" ''"~ ... ........... \Oh .... W L T Pd. t"ts. OP 7 Jl.100»1:JOO I I 2 .$0ll Ill Jt' J 1 a .lOO 161 ''' l 71 ,ntU7111 J I o .200 UJ 117 W""'11Dtvltllll 1(1~115 C!IY t 1 0 .tOll 176 1~ 0 •-l•nd • 1 , .... t76 111 Clncln<>1!1 ' J l ,UI 211 ,., OlflVlf 4 S 1 ,4U 2115 'HS Sin Ditto 4 ' I AO lM 21 1 kllflY't 11:...ita 1!tull1lo 71. Ml1111/ I ktfttll CllJ' >4. NIW YCltt 11 llllliOn 2.S. CindNWlll 11 Olkl1nd fl. SM! Ditti 16. Houl!Cll'I •• DlnYll' •• tie l!t~ll•lo :~ ..... c.nv..,. At s.11 oi... Hll\l•IOll 1! l1UUl'll Cln<:l"nlil 11 H-'Vlr\ Olkl•nlil ~ seen-City Does Your Ute Insurance Acl9quately Protect Your Estate? I WIMI OltJON, C.LU. Sreup Lif. & M9'1c1I '•"'''"' .. ,,,fit Sh•rl"f P1rtn1r1hip·S .. &li ~.4...,ptlH K•Y M111-Dtf1tred C11'11p•1t1etl•• 32326 Coatl Bi11wlay, Suite E ' • South LAlun4. Callfomi4 92611 (714) 499-4070 " Football Standings IRYIN• Ll.t.OUI (PIM I) WLT \:el•• ' • ' ""'"!1111 V1ll1Y I I 1 ·~1-• ' 1 M11noll1 S S I COl'Mlll dtll Mir J 4 I Cool1 Mt1<1 J J I E1t1nci. 2 J I S.nt1 Alie V1lltY I 4 0 ..... ,., .. Ian. "" "" In JI IU .. 122 IN '" " " " 12 Ill lit 1411 411 215 C.11,Mffe U, ltf!l1 Allt V11llY I LMr1 :IJ-MHllOll1 1 C•llTYllW LIAOIJI l"IMll W LT Pl' P.t. l"eotflltl 7 • • tJJ Jt 0<1"" • 1 I lM 11 T111ll1t 4 J I IU llJ Sin CllrMnll J l I 102 fl VHle ""9r11 J J 1 17'1 109 IEIModito!i 1s1n11• LHvnt l"Mcll 1 • I 41 ISi Mllllon Ylelo 1 ' t " u• lellrfWY'I Snt11 VIiii Plr11 2'f. TVlflll 2f OIUNOI LIA.0\11 CPIMI) W LT ,.,. t"A Lot Al1mllot 1 1 • n1 tr SOllOl'I ' 1 I ltl • K1fell1 I t 1 ISi 11• 81W I J I l)rl Ut 11!:1~ DDr•dll l 4 • 14' ,. V•l1ntle t S t f<C 1:12 S.lldl~ 1 S11tn 1.otAm'-0 7. 11 2'I ---LOI Altml!Dt 3', l1 DDndll 1S OAIOlfll OIOV• LIAOUI ,, ... " WLT 111:1ncho .t.l•mltn s a I G1fdln Grov1 4 I t P1cfllc1 t t 1 S.nll-1 1 I llol11 Gr11'MW 1 J 1 l1 Qulnl1 I J I ,.,. .. .. ,. 111 n ., 11 . " ~ u ~ .. llfllNllJ'I k- lllftd'lo fJ•mllot '· S1ri1i.11 e SOUTH COAST COHPIRINC• W LT Pl' t".t. Siii ~ M•H 5 I 0 1'1 ft l"ulltrlol'I 4 I I 159 51 Orlnet Cot1l J ' t ti 104 C"rt!IOI 1 1 I 111 " S...0....ClfY IJ1 SJ97 Mt. UC 1 4 I 12 l>t S.1111 AM I I t N 109 ---0..llft C.11 7 ... °"'" ,. ,.Ulllmlt M. ....,. ,,,. ' s.n Of.-M-. ,..fllt\t. IMf•tl ....... ......... . ,.lllttrlM ., ,.,. • .,... .,... - Mt. ~C ti k* .t.1111 $In °'"' .•• '4irr"" SOUTHallN CALll'ORlilllA C:Ofll,llllfllC:• "'-..... "'""'" Goldtn Wnt " W'L ·Pt" 4 • Ill , 1 " t :t 11 2 ' 110 I S IJ 1!1U Lot A11Ml11 lllo Hondo '""" . . ,, S1llll'MY't ~ H11'11ot 20, IE11t lot. "'"""' 11 ,.,....,.. .. _ H1rtior 11 Loli """'" lafll'*y's~ Ettl LOI ._... vt •Jo Hondo 11 El Rll'ldlo HIOtl Cv-. n GlldM Wat II Or.,_ Col•t c;o11- SUM1 .... l:•.WV• (IJ .... }' ·-Hllftllr1tfoll --~ WftlmlntW . NIWPOrt Hfrboo' Slnll ....,.. w .. ,.,,. ,lo\lrllll ·W L ,.... PA ::1~: •tld,1 I S ft fl 24a11s 24'4101 111 '1121 .. ,.,..,.. ,_ Huntlllttorl llldl .a,; ,H..-.rl HI'· "' .. S.n1t AIM fl. E~' 11 c-. -· ' f'lllWAY Ii-UM•, (f'llNIJ. ' -W. I. WI' f'A PullerlDn 6 1 191 '5 Kt1tl'lfdY J 2· 115 121 llvann• s · 2 ·1# 9J Su""" Hint S t T# ~J T~ 4J~ltS.S3 LI H1111'1 :t S n 101 "-II 1 "6 41 227 lutne P1rt-I 7 '1 JU .........,...,_ ~' l 1 H1br1 n, lvtnt t>e~ 6 ' ' OlllllT CONJlllllfilCI w"' '"" "" Slddl.a.d< s t RI 6 Mlr1 Co1!1 4 I lit JJ Ml. Sin J1cl1ti. -4 ·1 '" M 1-'91 v1rt.-r t J 1• tu ColkiH of Deeett 1 .. 1J 7t ... ni-1 4' i" ''' Vidor VeMw o a .1• m ......... ._..' ~ kddll' tic A I~ V""1 11 l1n111w • Vktw v.,.... If ''"'' c... n. cei.i.. " fM .o.-t • • ··-·--·· J:lj ?JI 7 Rt;.t 1111 .t.r--~ Mn (Ml .... Wfw .,.,..,. ' .. ~-"·tlll! &Wt!-! ....... Pro Cage Standings ...._ DIVll .... ... Ntw YIA: •11tlmor• Mllwauec. Pllli.dtllihl• Clncllllllfl Detroit ..... W l. Pd .. H 17 I ,,,,. - 106A2S• 10 7 .. ,.,., ,, .. f\'r • 9 ......... • ' ,llOO fllJ l 11 .214 12 Wnlm Dl'l'ltllin A.l11nt1 Chk lOCI loo AnMln Phoe<'llx S•n Ff'tnclKo " ' • • ' ' ' . •• ' . """" """'' '" s .... ,. ....... "" -""' .. ""' ... ·"' . ... . "" .... .... Mllweull.• 111, Sin Fr.ncl-tt:a.• ·--Lol"-lftla ............ WiUS Pi-M llf, Atlenl• Ill T_,_ .. __ T-.-,.....,... w. ... 11 .. 1nmot1 I.In Dle9I .t ... ,'- LM """""' .t O.trolt Clncll'llllfl .t Mew YIA: l'fll ........... Olle9M M11wM• 11 SM ftlllCIKI l\nneqJ , Mond~y, T~ay, Wednesday -~-~''" · Don't'' let: this... · happen to y:" ur car.! Professional tune-up! Herfs what you get: • New points, plugs, rotor, con· denser and distributor cap • Expert adjustment af cam• dwell, timing and carburetor •.Result ••• more pep, Hthr 111llea9e • More ••loyabla· drlvi19! (Volkswagen) 9.88 (6 cyl.) 14.88* (8 cyl.) 19.8"8* TKISI STOllES Ol'IN SUNDAY TOOi ~2 to 5 P.M .. BUENA PARK(~~.!:,"::/!") (ClQSEOSUNDAYSI DOWNEY CHULA VISTA , CJ.NOGA PARK FULLE RTOl'I MONTCLAIR VENTURA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH " ', OftE ;WEEK ONLY! , 9RAb; . N~ Fl~Sl LINE Q~CORE : • A. TUBµES~ ' JIR~S. '.WlffTEWA~ EU~( 4. PLY. ~~:;; .ROAD HAZARD GUARANtEE· FREE INSTALLATION • DELTA SUPREME 110 ' ' NO THUMP ' ' i f NO BUMI' ,; NO YIBRA noN I TUBELESS WHITEWALL SIIl P-ICl '50· 13 ,,, .. ,. .................... , ........... _ ......... $12.9' 700·13 ·····-··""'······""""""·············"···· $13.76 700-14 or 735°14 ............................ ,,,. $14.97 750·14 or 775-14 .................... , ........... $15.77, 800-14 oi 825· 14 """"'•"" .. ,.,. .... ,.,.,.,. $16.65 850·14 or 855-14 ,, .......... , ........ ,., .... , ... $18.0~ 710-15 or 815-15 ..... ,., ..... , ..... _ .......... , $16.33 760·15 or 845·15 , ..................... -..... ,, $17.45 820-15 or 915-15 ,, .. ,, ..•. , .. ,, ........... ,,,,, $19.tt lf)IClll TAX "'' l.t4 U1 "" "K u• •• .... 1.11 I . • I' l' " i :1 ; :1 ' ; ' • 'j ! ' I ~I THERE'S NO OTHER CHARCOAL GRINDER like the one at Jack Danid's. That's both good and batl Back in the 1800's, the machine was used to grind meaI. It was Lem Motlow who discpvered it ground .charcoal to just the tight size. for mellowing whiskey ... and we've used it that way ever since. Of course, our bookkeeper · complains some over the cost of ma:intaining'sech an old machine, But we figure it like this: Fine wpiskey ~ made first to drink :, . -and then to sell So we'll make Jade Daniel's the way it should be made, and let the bookkeeper go right on complaining. '' CHA}lCOAL MELLOWED 6 DROP 0 ' BY DROP Ill ltNNCSSlC WHISKlV '" 90 PROOI B't CHOI CC ~19't,J.-.k Dtnltl Dl1bt1t11.l""~1ie.1 ('*J..I , ., ,, OISTILLIO A N~.aorruo "JACK DANIEL OI STIL L[RY • UNCHIURG (POP. lll),'lENN l , ' • ,ra 'co 81 "WI ol WI pi ,s. ,ac j ~ 'Cl ' I" im sk • ar ' •m i.pc: ~~· l ~ t~ :si tA:: , ' .·B 0 ~· .. 'o1 N r c w ;ff r. tt .. , ~ 1,C I" "' I~ u " I 0 h I !~ I ' ' ' ' ' -·----...--...... ....,. • ... . . . ~~· ' • GOVERNOR'S·SON-.SEIKS 'TO REGAIN l'IT.&.E.-A'I" HAVASU-' . . . Miko 1( ...... With ~··· °""~ ·qr.,._e . P.otflos, Clioetltt l!qlilp;,..;.i • • •' .. Dq~· Q~v~r H·d-~iw_: .. ;ma.sier;·o'kay · Dua.·filub ' ~ "' I > ' MOllday .. Nowmbtr 17, lM • DAILY "LOT If Italiaµ Cha~p :~ ~t Havasu " . '!be 110\'. -'lul: ..m.thhlg obout Mo i Int t I dellll!t IO wltnesa. He IJIP<On The l•ke HovUI , ... ...,,.. the World·· = boat.a as he is a nephew of the calm and cool at 111 times. sists of two four hour HCUons, ploml)f race' .a . . , att, ~ •.• ~ ._ 9d , boat's inve.1~, A~ g e Io • never takes 1 look bat~ard, be:ilMlq1~t11 a.m. eacb.dly. a11.1ual lnvas,Joa qi Amli1oln Mo&inlri,.·•nd served an ap-jult JIQSel i\to the field, Total number of laps com .. au~ tttln&.~-... bf prenlice.!lllp..under blm in the generally &!'•hi the lead pQli· ple,kA determines the winner the eurrent w.Jd tttk hoklh., shipyards on Lalla Como. A tlon, and rides on to what in at the conclusion of the eight ~~~ -o~''ltol "81ne cloll,I _ ' c::o.usln, Renato MoUnari, will •-::;m:;;os:;;C:;;c=ase=s=i•,,•,,•,,••=•=ic=lo=ry=. ==h=ou=ro=o=f· r:;;llet=n,.g.===· =:; ..._.1:1 ~._.. tNeslo, lta,y.. 'llsci ;ace at Havasu. Now 321r SCotti, JIO pounds~ drJppl.q 'yt•s old, ScOtti has betn rac~ wet. Ii •. toqgh competitor in& shM:t 1ge 18, and has a known for~beping his j'c..•ooU' treriiendous list of wills to his under1 tM moat d l ff i c u It tredlt ihclui:lt.11 the two 'major circumstMcel. 'Ibis year It' American victories to date. Havaai he wtU race twin Jost recenUy he was leading Evlnrude 116'.I O,ft a Moli,11ri the Six Hour Paris race for hult Use' of ,aihile enlt.nes, a , ·almoSt ~five of the first six dual engineilet-up, or three ·or •hours, 'and the Berlin Six Hour more enatnes has ncs effed on tni:turo: f.or three of the first ·the outcome ol the rugged six blurs. Mechanical dif- ArizOna ~t .thls ye(lf, ~all flculties .forced him' to 1ban- claalel'are racifti as lf ~·~ .dOf\,tbe'.se.lea<b. class for-the '50;000· cash Jn 1968, he was. European purse.. ahd Italian .champion In cl1sa: , Scotti _ "Jnv~" another OJ. 1bat same year he won >:mertc1n· domll.1 fthls put the Berlin race-, 8'.1d in 19'7 • racin,J fe~. ~d Came:'off a Scot.t.t )vu ;thlfd place overall wtnner juSt u be· djd at llSt in bQth the Paris and Berlin year's Havasu event: Thlt ra~. 'Other fint place wins race was the Gold C.O{lost "ere chalked up .in 1968, when Mara:lhal'I ~ at, Mlaml, .Fla., he won ·the Milan, Paris, and 8.galn ustfig . EVfnitl'de poWtr Berlin enduros. . on· a ,¥Qltnari .boat. , . Fw1 "any~y who .wltthesl The lean ~amp abquld ~~ ~l~d racinJ, Scotti . is .a WHY NOT P'LAY7 A Public Couru with • ~OU,ftti-Y Club Atmotpherl, Tho Hunt!"'""' S.acllff i:;homplonthlp Golf · Courie •nd Unp•r•lleled !=fubhouH FKllltJe1 ' : ~ . . 1t71 MIN'J AND U.DllU •o).f ~~_A,.,IZAJION APPLlc.ATtoNS AYAILAIU, f'lt0 .tto .. f'IACTICI llllRHI DlllYIH,O. llAH•I lllNTALS CAllT• Lll~ON• Dtftl ... llOOM ' (0C-111'AIL LOI.IN•• •AHOWIT llOOM$ SEACLIFF w~~ ... Bc~c . :4;n/ti~pnizJtio~: Eii:ii : · · · 1 :s.l_itt~s: :Films· SoJ.irig· Ra · · On y ht' ·OPPo•TuNm..:.sttl.1i. 1XPiNSis , _. . . CeS A J~e_iatbjli i~ng stiff . !Ang ll<ach Pcirt 'Master . ·8C mg IO-A'CAPULCO· 6< CAlllllANS • , • ( . fines for p oJLu ti on 9f Lawrence McDowell predicted I H-1r r 1r La Cet•••-. w..w c,.W..,., sk.;s 11. L•a. ~UNTIN~TON )S./ JOOO •PALM AYL 1\ Sl6·il•6 " .............. S,..,....TI_ u .. 1111 -Saifog .a ·~ect race, Don .watef'W"ays with ':oil Or raw 1 strong PPt*itlon to the bUI by Dana Point Yacht Club has w.., 1 M. ~ J ...... z , .... ..._ ,._. hdi&. ,. ... c.. ...,.1._ "c-. •·~ ,...,. ,. ._ .... ,. ... , .. , •. , ~ .. "•"" ,..,.1 ;B.ever: of Sotilhw~t.eni. Yacht sewage"·ba'.I...,.~ hearty en-shipping-Interests· because of ( Scheduled1a ser8 of lectures W......W',s,..4 Ji. ~,P.O. le• lt1J, N•~ .._..; C91M. ,itM" c..._ w: l'ecltk c..1t Hwy. tt .._ wau _. "'"'""' 1 Club from &fl!l Diego fl~t. dorM:Die"Qt:. f~m the 1 statefs th~·~·~ involvM In, ad-and ' film on the sport or sail· '!!!!!!!!!!>!!!'!!!!!!!!!1!7!14!!!!64!!!"!"!'!'!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!::,=""="='=-::;:::===· =· ===========-=' l!_oo_-th!-~at-Memorial harbonp~ers. ,' i , ding Ml"'=i!ll taoks aO(f lrtat-= r~~hy ·last 'Y°eekend. in i;he The harbeirmasters and port ' m~nt &PP.f.ratus M bl& ,$hip! i.ng. Ba~ Cortnthi~n Yacht C1ub captains mtttil'lg in ·Newport using 11}.S, port.I. , , The rirst pn;icram was 1'1~· •;.Soling ma~h ra~es. • Beach unanlmoustY supported Under lhe blll such .. ships 4 .Y.'ben St.an ·Miller ol LOng · Bever took a .tir'St. In all nine House Bi,11414' pl'llY)ding for ,• \\'Ould h?ive to have _federally .:e~~ht·~"':ri":: .f~~Jm ;:!t~: 1 racts over the .three .days. Se-$5,000 fine for each on sp1\l apprQVed devices ins~lled · cond-place went to Robert and a maximwjl ' clean-up within five years. programs are : Bums, Coronado ,Y..acht Club liability ol $10 million for the "It's about time someone :-With 1 ~al af seven wins. out shipping flnn which spills the decided to hit . at a lilrge . fl n~ .. races. ~rd place oil. . polluter of the bays -ships," ~~t Jo fonner Soling cham· The bill also hit.! at· a strong McDowell said dUring lhe . ~~-Derrow °''the Santa source al harbor pollUtloo -harbor .muten' meet 1 n g t~ Yacht C!ub with a the large ship Wjijch .dumps Thursday. Tuesday -Henry Sprague Ill, Congressional Cup winner .in 1958, Corooado-15 national champk>n and Coronado-~ na- tional champion In 1 9 6 9 , fonner Finn national cham· .pion and a member of the 1964 O)ympjc sailing team. -t lCOl't .Df,sil: victories. . raw sewage into harbon: He said t.tie time should end 1 'lbe Soling class, which h~s 1be Jaw would se~1 federal when 'the owner of pltasure \em D81IM!!d a new Olympic standard ol waste dispoul boat must ~e Uhder to , Class, res:embled a fleet or devices aboard an vessela, in· restrictions while a huge ship . r (ll&llY ~~2s m the three days of cludiog navy and merchant anchored nearby has none. \tnatcli racing Each boal and sh' hich · u t · · · Dec. 2 -S a i n t Cicero. Newport B e a t h sailmaker s~ 1939. Dec.• ll -Dick Deaver, of Newport ,Beach, five times r;ia· Uonal PC champion, noted dil10Y sailor and a crewm,n on the medal wlruling Olympic team in 1964.. .,_ · et · h n .. ..:.. boat 1ps· w curren Y •re no Most new ships coming or/ slUW"r m eac 01.ua regulated th , ul ped Ith ~.and skipper while the three-. . . e ways are eq . p w ,t men crews jock_ey for starting A f1ne or $2,008 1~ r,oposed modern . boldl~ ta~ !or '·pqsillotJs in .the 2 bY 2 ,lineup. for oper~Unl a ".esse without sewa,tt, mcluding U.S. Navy ~Tin SOlings competed in the an approved device. vessels. j Qiitial !pOOolak series, wtiich , yachtin« observ~rs . believe t promlles to become one of the l iliM!st small boat series· in the :llciUClient Cafilomia Yachth\g ,Aslni Calendar. i AloOg wth the So!lilg~ ,.'BCYC'1 committ~ .. st.arted six Coronados in a matrh series .. '" I ,,ve'r two days. nie n~t wi,n· ~~ ·Ray Garra, member '<II BCYC and capliln of the Newport fleet. He alSJ>, is ~ktent of the national 'Ooronado 2 5 AMOCiatioit; , ·' whidi is the workrs largbt ,· r ~'that fDnny . . ' )llidget.ocean racing r lass. . . · · In . the six races, Gai'ra fWsbed first In fjve~, Sinq\ .there 't\'ere .onJy .&ix ·b9ats rentered there was n.o hardware .for tl)ose who 1Jollowed. However, for the 1\-ecord, . Ralph Moffett, al rJ.BYC WU second with four .1.wins • and Don Shtlbu~, 1Mlrina del Ray was third with Wff: wins. " . , .. '• ~H · dro 'lane ". y .P ... · iJ~der Way , 'SEAT!'LE (AP -l)av~ Heerensperget, .. chain stor.e operator, announced· ~Y he has corruni.Saloned con-- struction of a loW-proOle. rear- ~ine hydroplane to operate In the unllmiled raclJlg claas . J:; hydroplane wm be wered by . twin Chfysler l engines.· The boat will retain the name. "Pride of Ply ·Pak." It illt be the first United 'built ·along low-pro- file lines with ~uto ·engines ·in the ..,ar, Heerensperger said. 'E,..,OY '.'LOCAL" : SERVICE , • . ' ' •AFl!l!:CJ tN9<.IAANCa ' S1ftd will .h-ot!ltftr Y!,.llr .. ~;, f!' 011r effict tf 110 chtrt•• Nothi119 ch111t•• 1xc1'pt lht Ptf• 111111! • 1Ht11lit11 whit!I y1111 ctll ROW rtcti .. t l j -·~-,,., .•nd A.-11fa~ f"S.URAMCE' """""r*--S<U-1205 ,...., Nir1h °'""'°County ' 474 I. 171fo St. COSTA MISA ' ' -t : ... -. -..... under the· hOOd -the Qenerator? . . ' ' ·Maybe it is. · · ft'aybe it isn't. .. ' ,6,nd may¥ It's kind C?f .foplisl'I to let.the local gllrage spend ,a lot.oflime (and a lot of your mo~ey),. tryln11 to,flnd o • Drlvelntd penneys At.Ito Diagnostic Testing Center. In len,1hil,n one :hour, Y,.~ puf your car thro~gh , a ierles of sc!entlflc tests·(212·ofthem, te>be<exact) that pinpoint any existing probjems·-; an~·w!lm of poientlal ones, Steering. Engine. Brak~•· i:r~•ll)lasio,n. · . ElectrJcal and ,cooling .and lµel'.afi!i'.e.x~a~ syatema. expetl analyals of ev•ryt_hlng lro111.b~l\dhgllt~ .to tl\i!plpe. You watci~ the results come 'out on an ' . • i : • el~romc typew~lter. . .. . . . . KskHl~d diagnostician gcies c)ver l"':~&J the 'f'J'porl with ~u. I! rou wlah, h~:n give you an eatlmate ·of any nece888ry· "'·"'"1.,.,-. . . . \ .. ;epali's. You'll be able to take care of sinall prqb!enis now, before theyidevelop intp big problems c981lng'~ig money. ' · . And, lfyo~ wish, P.enn~.wlll make the.repel~ quli::Rly, accurately, economlcally • ..Rep'alfl !Hat could prevent a ne~le8a hlghwl!Y breakdown. · , ;, ' , .. ./ . ' If you pr•fer,.you can take the report anywhere you like. ·The Qost?-.Only·-9.e~ •. · . Pretty re~nable 'tor an analyst.' thUe ·days . • ~Iii ' ' - luone.hrk'. ' ,,,, 01 , ...... ,,. .... -SU.01'1 ' Pull-n l.OChs::;1f.erM9N .... ., . ...,., .. •• H11iitl11lton lch. 7771.....,Aw. -.-m1 Newport lcli. 24-lto-\ ' . ,..._ •n•• I fOREMOST .TIRE GUARANTEE Ch.,r1nt11 1pintt lr11d w11r1ut. .If yoyr tire wears out durina tht.fi~st hal,f-Of the auarantee per iod , te· tui:n i(wilh your.1uaranlee cerlificate and Penneys ·will ieplace your 1tire witti a new .tire, chargina you 50~li les's than the current selling price including Feder111· E•cise T.a.ii; if. to'U'r tire' wears out durina th• •Second half, )'OU P'f 25,~ fess than the current Sell• ina _pr~ incruchna Fed~al' Excise Tax. · .C~1r.,.U1111i1111 fiilurt. If we r'place the tire dur· ina t~ free-replacement Period, there is no c'tta11e; if ' ·We replace lhe ti.re after the lreo-rl!placement period, I you pay .50,:, or 25'% iess than t~e current' stJlina: . price of the. tir~ inc!udifl• federal Ex~lse Tax. · . CMl1111JCl•I Utt. This cuarahree Is, void where pas· seriaer tires are used po t~cks, u~ed for business, or dqv1n over 30,000 mdes In one ;11ear.: · · 33; MONTHS 'GUARAl\ITEE WITH 1 l ·MONTHS FHE Rfi'L:ACEMENT Her•~• how · yO!ilr iuarqntff aiain1~ failur~ ,w,rks: \ 1 · • • • •• . e'ntir~ r•ple1cemenl QIJCllClnlee. :. · •••• : .33 months ' I fr~ t~pltiQment.periocf .. :, •• ., •. ~. 1-1 7 months . '°"off, -~iod.'.· ..... , •..•.•... 18·251'1'10ntht I 2•~ ff ' ~»· ' I ' 1 ..,,.. a perto0 .•••••••.•• , .•. , -16·P motttht :1 .. --. ' I I . ;:~;'t"E lfl ..• cnA~GE !Tl ' ·• Yt;HITEiliALL OHL Y _1 1 Sile · R~e9. 1 To,C . ! 9Cq.15 ' 33.~.f . ·2.13 . NOW 1 • plut fed. lax ond old tire l!lackwall tubolHs Size .... ....., ... 650-13 •••••••••••••• 18.9.5 •••••• •·•••• ••• 1.7t C71:;T4.,,, •.... , ••.• 20.95 ••••••• , •••••• 2.11 .560-15 ............... 20.95 •••••••••••••• 1.76 700..13 ................ 20.95 •.•••.•••••••• 1.94. ' NOW$20 plu.1 fed. tcix and old tire . . . . Blackwcill'lubole11 Si1• I... .... .... !7S.:1l • ~ ••.•..•.••••• 22 .. 95 •••••••• ~ ••••• 2.41 fZ8·.1" ••••••••••••.• 2.t95· •••••••••••••• 2.54 f78·1~ ••••••.•••••. ~ 2.C)5 •• ••.•••• ••••••. 2.AS 'N.OW'$23 plus led. lox af1C1 old tire i11~1<wa11 1~bol•11 _Sf••,•.' ..... ..... ... G7a.14' , ••.........• 26.\1.S ••• , ...... t ••• 2M li7S.l.C ••••••••••••• 28.9.S ',,, •••••••••• 2.19 J71· 1-, ••..•..•• : ••• 30.9~ ............... 3.00 G7 .. 11 .......... -. ••• 26.91 ····•·•·•·•••• 2"'2 W...1.s •··•·•·•••··· 21.95 ·········~··· 2.1.J ••' ... • ... , .. ' I , '--·-· .;.· -+-'+-----+-....:;.,;....-,·;...-·----..,.-,-------t .1.;·•.--' ' fHal ' -! • 1r:s OPEN SUNDAY 'TOOI 12 lo s '·"'· " .·Bu NA PARK (0·~~~":;::•1). (CLOSEO, SIJNOAVSJ . • .DOWN.EV • FULLERTON i CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA H'JNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAfR NEW.PORT BEACH VENTURA I I l l . ., ... '"""'• 1.. . .. ... -.., -~:, -.: ;: ~~ ~. : ;:~:;;:;:-;: ;-. ~: ;-;-;-.-,-.• -.-~-:-.-:-. -•• -ir-,1'•-,, :-,,,-, :-.-.,-,,..,.,,,:,.,.,., -.-.,-,,., __ .....,_.,.,.,.,, ·"''"·"' , .. ,-..... -.-_...,.., ·"·"'"'•"' "·'"'• .,, ..,,.,, .,; '"·"''"•'"•••"tf,..,.,.,_,.,,.,, .. ,.,,,.,,,..,,.,.,,;1n'"'""' .. ..,,,., • .,,~.,~·°"~··••-••n•~-~· ........ ~~··--~··-·~-· ,,, ·-~~---~~~· ~ 30 OAIL V PILOT MMdl:)', Nowmb!r 17, 1969 Westminster Theater 'Odd Couple' Shaky Slww But Laughs are All There By TOM TITUS 01 tM O.ll't' f'Utl $11H One would be hard pressed to nrld a fUMler comedy mak- Jng the rounds of the little theaters than "The Odd Cou- ple." ll's the sor.t of show that can succeed under the most primitive of COllditions, even when the gaffes outnumbe r the laughs. Playwright Neil S i m o n might wince at the version of his most popular show cur- ''THI!' 000 COUf'Lf" " comtd• bl' Nitll sin-, dlrfCI.., b• r.,ly c.-11-Y. Md'W•k•I d1'~r GfoM •rdY. p,_,.,ln bY W t't' SUlllYI "• ur•Mtlltd bY the Wtllmlniltr c- ""'"llY Thell« In Fllll<tY S<:llOO!, f:do .,1rdi Slrw.i fl Trtlle A-, Wttl• -' "''"''"· THE C.UT ow:wr Mtdl-.......... Sim Brando>I f ell• IJnllf" ............ Jolln Moran IPMO ............ , • , • ,. . Olln $0mrneri Mutlif , ••••••. , ....... RDttf Mt Brldt Roy ••••••••••••.•.•••• Did< TtvKlr v ;nni. .•• .. ......... Jim e.11mti.ld which he In tum lmperU. wllli some awkward lapsef cl. tbn. ing. Yet Jn h1t sharper ICenel -acting like a nautng wlle when Olcar comet hOme late. and especially bit abortive. at. tempt al romance -Moran is :tereamtnaly funny. The cliff.....,. ~ Is tt· pe:rJence. Both actors slip up throughout the thow, but the veteran Brandon mes bla characterluUon as a cover, while Moran is stlll DOl upert in tbls art. , Depth is not a strong suit 1n the Wutminsler production. Of the four poker-playing erooies, only Don Sommen among others -one is Jn-as the cigar-chomping Speed cllned to foraive almost any~ appears really at ease in hi.I thing, Including an airborne surroundings. The o.thers _ pickle dropped io one's, lap. Dick · Taylor, Roger McBride 'nle object is entertainment and the Westminster show, er-and Jim Brumfiekl -take a Wll ) h bo low key, hesitant approach to Sally Hayton gets a little chummy with the bishop (Jack cox as er Y· ratic as it may be, ac-their roles whicb nullifies their friend (Dennis Lambert) looks ~n Jn this scene from the !}do Isle . Players' Snaaslting, Your Grace Writer Dies . . ..... w...,.., ' CINIMA SCION 1.IETROCOLOR Ctclly Pl-n .. ,, ,. . .• Ctrol Ollln(tn Gwendo!Yll Pltwon , .•... Cor"n Tt\'lof renlly being presented by the Westminster Co m m u n i t y Th eater. but everyone else in lhe SRO audience ol Finley Scboors makeshirt theater was doubled up with laughter, including many like t h i s reviewer, to whom the pla y is cerlainly no slranger. co1nplishes that objective. impact. comedy ''Pools Paradise," operung 8 five-day run Tuesday. at the Lido Clul> hchl.eny r~~nsib}e f<>!'1 ther However, a big bonui~ls or-_Jhou~~se~.::_...:....:.:._...:._:_:._~-~-=----~----_:_ ________ 1~~~~~~~~~~~1 s ow s succ"""'m~ m spt e o fered in the form of the itself is Sam Brandon, an ideal birdbrained, chirping Pigeon choice for the rough-hewn slob sisters, well played by ·eoreen sportswriter Oscar Madison. Taylor and Carol Quinlan. Brandon approaches his role successfully applying British as a bulldog approadles a accenb _ especially in Miss piece of raw meat. with an Taylor's case _ they provide aulhoritarian air o f in-a beautiful counterpoint to the timidation and a gravel-voiced blckerin& and b l u s t e r i n g growl, virtually darmg the au-Given the conditions which precipitated this production - eviction from the Westminster group's former home and a frightening lack of rehearsal time on the Finley School set, HO ONI UNDO 16 ADMmtD AU $1ATS--S1.H ""Chips" Fine Re1nake O'Toole Gives Movie New Dimension. d. not lo 1 gb. roommates. 1ence au Sally 'Crowley bu turned in Br VERNON SC01T When Brandon digs In on an 1m.,m.Uve job o1 dlrecUoo HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-Few stage and fixes an "Oh yeah?" · under leas Ulan 1 ij ea l measuring sUckli so clearly gaze on the hapelJs FeliJ:, it is ctrcumstances causing one to-delineate progress or lack of a comic trait few community wonder how ·~ucb better the progreu as the remake of a theater actors can match. This effect might have been in ~ motion picture "Goodbye, Mr. is,doublfapparenttoooewbo old tilea\er with a full Chipe" for instauce. ...-_ has been on the other end ol reheanal schedule. Thls Is Aa with "!,lutllly. on Ute that gaze in the past. especially true in the tecbnlcal Bo 1:1.n t.Y." ••e en It u r," . As Felix, the compulsive area, where blarledJy pllced ''StaBecOacb" and i. dozen neatnik to whom cleanliness ls stage lightl suffice for more · others, the mm,pr la 00!1' next to paranoia. John Moran soptmUcated effedl OIUllly fronted by lmprqved clnemaUc earns a large E for dfort. supplied by the Weatmlnlt<r technlqljd. • Vastly lmpoved over past goop. ·But almolt. without ex- performances, Moran creates Only one perlonnance of cepdon the critics, and fre- a mDSt. believable character 110dd Couple" repialna, whJch queotly i.Ymen -_who are the Facing Charges Barrymore Son LOS ANGELES (UPI) - John Drew Barrymore, '11, son of the late actor John Bar-rymore. WaJ booked Smday on suspicion of possession of narc«lc:s after the car he was riding in was stopped on a traffic violation. Tbe driver of the car, Anthony B. Fairbanks, was booked on the same charge. Is a pity in spl~ of the gt~, critics -call on looseness or the produc:tlon. fllcteritlg recollecUoo to state The show closes Saturday In'· that the first, or ortginal, lllm the Finley School CalelerlL . WU superior. . Crossword ACROSS • 1 Endln9 used with ptfolo and lhtrmo S Garmenl ltatur e t Attorney --: Z words 1.( Air: Prefl11: 15 Soll: Pre riic 10 Comm unlc· a lions medium S4 l lnrry· tllploytt 5• Type of drink 62 Fitts: Informal b5 Demonstrative word '4 As ·~: !entr1lly: words 118 Equ ine 70 Crare 71 Color 7Z Put into Puzzle "Chips" currently Is · being performance. rel eased with Peter O'Toole in Through his gentle wit and the title role and Petula Clark unyielding loyalty to principle, as his wile. Back In 1939, an he installs In his students the age of Innocence ln retrospect, the the roles were played superbly respect of one ZlO r, a nd G special kind or humanity by Robert Donat a reer which transcends fad and ahlf-Garson. Ung values. 'Ibirty years ago Donat won "Go®bye, Mr. Chips" Is not the Academy Award for his without flaws. But it say1 a perfonnance, beating out a great deal about men and magnificent periormance by women and strength of Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in character. "Gone Wllh the Wind... You will seldom see the O'Toole has triumphed in a points made as gently or as virtuoso perfonnaoce as the beauU!ully. m i Id-mannered, exquisltel"y ----'--------11 sensitive Mr. Chipping, a housemaster a t England's Brookfield School who teaches his wards Greek ald Latin with warmth and beauty. It is a sentimental film, the sort that brlngl ~s to the eyes of the most eynical;- whlch II P""llely what the original film did. In thJs 50-i:alled musical version of the MGM classic, one ls pressed to recall a single melody. It hardlY mat- ters. O'Toole wilh a lyrical Irish touch gives Mr. Chips dimensions that even · Donat ;;;;========= fail ed to bring to the character three decades ago. Curiously there is a timeless feeling about the picture ; a telling it like it is. There is no ~udlty, sug- gestiveness nor "inalde" grab- bers. The audience is eallel:I upon to bring something into the theater other than clay tablet minds made blank by overei:- posure to television. ' Gree k and Latin haYe given way to engineeri'.1g a n d physics. But the manner in which any subject is tauaht, the dedication, the discipline and love of learning is what the film is all about. The subtlety with which O'Toole conveys his fragile meaning quite possibly will win him an Academy Award IALIOA 673-4041 -6:45 ntL•-.._Pl•I W NOW-ENDS TUESDAY ·2· _ .. __ La ... 1, -.. .--.. I -·-(!l<;'".¢'1 17 Mont-----: I Quebec •kl IDITJ,OOK BACK service 73 Engllsh compostr 74 Cl1cu it cou rt ll/17/b9 11ominatia,1, as it should. * PU 11 Parts. TH,., ..... va. .. AL~~Aa · ENTERTAINIRS "MONTEREY POP" I 1rta lC!A sens~ 20 -·-man: Stom1ch 12 Gamblin!} st1ke 13 Tob1cco: 39 Fln inc l1t But It is more than bis~ transactlol\ lion to teaching hl s subject .(3 Tumult that enriches the screenplay 4& Waltr body nd al< Chi I db "HOW TO SEDUCE A PLAYBOY" :~ijiij~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~i~i~l 21 PorlB I 23 Compuls ion 2.( Cam e close to 211 MulUlud e 28 Dlrrctlon 31--mll k. 35 Favored 75 Stylish oo•N Informa l 11 R1lsr anima ls 22 Drmon - 1 Fabric Z5 Part of z Coated I wall 48 Und tr: Patt. a m es ps asp aye y 50 Short swim Ji:~o;·~r~oo~le~~·~m~e~m~o~r~•;b~l;e~:;~~;;~~;;::;=lr 53 1mmtnst 55Cry F--" "" '' "'-OW SOUTH COAST . I I I I~ I I Westward Ho-World's Lorget Mote._1,000 Roc:wns Betwttft cllciiii§S I COMPARE YOU'U SAVE ••• 1 -lofjdweek Special/ Now Lowesl Winter IWISI CMpCn cit $16-®4 nww"' r-. doYble bed, flft TV TOU PAY ONLY Sl lln&l•o $1.IO fer 2 ,..,1, C9fl'lpo,. at $11-2 double beds, enly $10.90 No ,..,a. Fri.. Sid. 6 lJ olU.11 .U $2 fiOO Otlm Roo•• Af.'4.iUbl1M $2 A.IWJlowl OCP·ll/17 fp,,E£!s33•• REFUND PACKAGE •• ------ I J ~· both sides 40 Brltf 41 Place 42 Lubrl caling drvlc t .(.( Yem'1!'S capital ..(5 Galh tr I S one's 0'1111'1 .(7 Kansans or Mll nllobans 49 Tutntd to 'llll ltf 51 Kind ol lrull 52 W1dlng bird sheet Iron 27 M11ic ious 3 Ro man r,oman: ..t.Jth 1 nfotma l '"'"" ta er 2, "''"'' srctio n 4 Kitchen 30 Narrates gadget 32 Strrrtcar 5 Glrl ln 3l Kind of 1 song slave lo Ellcl1m1tion. 34 Collf91 7 River VIP of 11111 35 Crlticlzt g -· boil 31o Fattier -If ow r/llng 37 Not unit: Abbr, count erfr lt 10 Oe val d of 38 Common· gratitude wealth of 11 Fill lo comt Nati ons out on top member 57 i~~ ~~dy SHIRM. !A PLAZA TH&ATll• Europt CORf'OUTI* S.. IMlrp f.......,. It lliltol • 546-2711 58 "'""' I HELD OYER IOI OFJICI OPINS ''" (tftlln SHOW STAm ' ,,,., tonal 5, ~';;';~, A tout~ O'lllnleJ ud a beap O'laaJe bO Spoken 61 Iron ---bl Nant at 111: Ola!. .~ Oisrl9u1lng ma1k 67 Part er the head 69 Not ice • WALT DISNEY'S DaqdCli HI 'Kids! • • le, Oerffll Ml -DH'' ,.,,itt S,.CW Sk•• -letetlky N••· 15 -12:JO ,.-. CBARLTOll .IES.5ICA BESTON WAil'Ell • I llillllt llil!I IUlCtai ta•li!Obe Uruled A1'11111 i 2ND HOLDOYll Wiil hrltaN H.,.,. 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT "Me -' "\_i' Natalie •h c:mt:a .......... 111~==- No othtr 11wwip1ptr t1ll1 vov rnore, tvtry div, •bout .. 1t1t'i toin9 on In tht Grt1twr Ortnge ..011t tb11t th1 DAILY PILOT. '2nd TOP FEATURE l'llAllO ... Al Gll'lllRAl PICTU~l~ ' .. A 1'1ARk ~oa~o .. PUOOIJ{l,O) .. 'D~D'DYS Go"NE ~-HUl\l'1il\T'G EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING 'One of the best picUa of 19691 'b.1 ncwrforget thisoncr'f:"":'(g"' ......... mecfium cool aietro.m/vtm!bloomlPereroorm ., m.mn. hi I Ndd l:l.rlmhip ®--.. -1 Dk•·-Dtt• ........... w ........... hd et HUNTINGTON I JM. HA•IOI "SOME KIND OF NUT" "THE ODD COUPLE" WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW AT BOTH THEATRES ' ' • I • • • 'I I , I 1 • ~~ ' I • • • : ~ • • • I t • • l ) I I • ' ' I [ ·• l - I ' t ~~ ••• ' ~· I ' I ! • I 11111••'""-"""------... ------------------------------·~---~-·-----.. --.--··-· ·-·--· .. -··-. --.·---~------·-·---··-.. ··---··~---..-."":.. -M-, N°""btt 11, 19" I • i • • ' I TUMBLEWUDS MONDAY frlOVEMBEI 17 ' • I "..J I "l ( Pl!tlt lllt I*" wlltn missint Hnlhlf returns. cl•imln1 a myst1- 11od1 1mll1nt inju....S her. Melim MurphJ Ind De" F•tron• autll t .. •BCIJllrl's lllCJ' (Cl (30) MiltDll hit plt JI I hst blltlnl utld Cir UltMMn who Ullloait I $97 "ltmon" on flim 1ftd Ct1l1. PLAIN JANE 0 " ~a:M'l'.nn""' ., 1\.£ \t/Al...L-~ IS'1\.E F'Al~ Ol':nQo\ l'J..J,..f SAU Y l~t4~~AS ' ~y Frllllk 11atl111ld "{OU ARE! ' i ··-"' ...... (C) (30) Color V....illloll of moon 111rf1e1 """"'""':-prior to lw1111r ortiit in:s.rtion. ~ .. • --(C) <"l *" """"'· 1 ·-.... ., (C) (30) ! a. Clwarlor reports, via Silt!· Ilia, on USA-USSR. Anni lalb in l lffllhlkl, flnlfnd. ·-- -(C) (90) G.-.. hi eM .,_,. Bacluu. • 8lrff ........ Tiii b Truckifll i ~.and Wllli1111 MorrilOrL !fJ "GYPSY"-Part I l'* ROSALIND RUSSELL NATALIE WOOD-COLOR! • .,.,. .. Acllll (C) (30) ._, f1'lll Ao1'f (C) (90) Schtdultd 11111tt l11cludt aclof Kirk Dourln.. rlCOll~Ur Sim lt¥enson, d1noer SmarlN Qllmy, danctrs Al· thur 1rwl ltftt!IJll llllutT1)', sln1er Ri>blrtl flack llMI tropiul lisll tx· 1M1rt Dr. Htrbtrt Al!llrod. m ...... ,..., (C) <"> ....... n.er. (60) • ~ ) I I D• ...... -(C) .. ,,.,.. hrt I (dr1m1) '63-H1t1lie WoOd, RosallM RliSllll, Kart Malden. An 1mbitious Ital• mottw promotes her two d1ulhl«s i1t st111 c1rtlJ$. Bmd Oil the intftioi11 of Grpq ._ .... t:OOBQl(IJM.,.•rrf l.F.D. <Cl (lli) S.• !lirt.s 1 colorful llrm h1!1d who quicklJ becomls little Mlkt's ldof. Glenn .A.1h riasts. f!S~~ =~ ;,~~~Jl._JJ1U1D1GIEE:::::::P;::A::R::K::E:R=:=::::; ~Apollo XU Special. Utllfl C.... Ill ... (C) (IO) [dnrd G. RobiMOn it .honored to- niJht by Tonf BlftMtt. Polly Btr1e11, S.lfl Jarlet, Alic• Gtloltl.,, Jtcklt JWllM, ''°'....,.. ,,. Cbrty, Don ShlnM• llMll ..,.,. Vi~. OKAY. RN.P' OUT WHAT TIM.E I CM HEU USE rT rotWIROW • .NT ASK W!6 DOM'T LET M*. "THINK Ji\SPB •. By Harold Le Doux t ., ......... (30) ·--(!O) ... ""'lC) (Ol) llZ ())--(C) (90) ....... llw1 oot Ill ((J CU -(C) (30) m-•-<•DI ANU.O IH MISSION d ,. •• -.. ii ubitd .. .... fir CWStp ef lit Afl!ll DI -•illilll. & tl7l CJJGI"' -(C) SJ lfr.,..._. (Cl (60) "Guns Stfort .,...... - (!)Las £stmi. 7 UIW (30) D tmCD CllJon '""°' <Cl · Schtdultd 1u1sts indud1 Jimmr I Dt•n. D111t1 Gl•d)'f Clloprr ind Al· btrt T. B1ny. D llflir. "'Tiit D.I." (dftmt) '57 -Jed: Wltlb, Jacki• Lougtltf)'. ID Mewll: .,... 1t DM Werle" (drl!nl) '55--fr1M lawejoy. • · t!:flDm ..... -Tlll Sln!IUI Y.r l:tll D m l.a&ft-hl (t) ~ Cunt tii•rna) ''S-Jtm•s MaSOll, Sid Citmr pMys Mf)'th1r11 from 1 1111., tlm to 1n 1ntl·S111u1a1in1 D 0 @ ftll Jlh!IJ C... (Cl tidltlr on tttt Meleen borOer. fiisr1m Di!iln1IH in Burti1n•. Prafrlm wll'I bt lntemlptrd for 1n1 Schtcluled sveltl are Ann Bl)'lh, ~lo nl Sptc:iai but will iesumtl Vic D•mont. Stew .llltn. Jaynt .t 9:00 PM. Mndows, l1rti1r1 £dtn ind J1tk 0 Jact; hNll (30) At4t Willilm1 hnnf, 1u11ta. m -.,. ' .., <Cl (30) fl)l-(30) flll .... -(t) (Ol) 11:1 NM , ...... (t) (90) "" n B'1 rn m no ... '"'" «> . {i5) "'l1ii Dark Sldt of t111 lt11nc1;· Unur1hin1 of 1 WlttM .Urll • . TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES • t:e111 D ..,... .. (nlll\ll'IC:t) ·47~ Wlll'tms. Rlau• Monllltft. CD "P111b" (6rtm1) '•9-Jttnnt Ct1in, WMllam Lundlp n. lZ:» Ci) (J) Apollo J:ll R:por1 l :DO II Mwit: "Dtttll 11 • Scoun4rtl" (dr1m1) ·~10111 Slncltrs, Zu bl Gabor, Victor )of)', D c..Mnhr luHlfi11 ltft (C) ·-(<) QJ C11ntry MM TilH (C) 10:00 II "ltfltlJMlrtt" !d,,m•l ·ss- MontiomttY Cltfl M1r1111 Loy. lZ:OO 8 ._U.-Aftlr 11rt.• (mys. llHY'I i,z-er11n 0on1.W,. Z:JO liJ"l>o ............ T ... (~ '11_,... Ulll11111, 4:31 II (C) •• ..,... Ptrt " <•· 11'1'1) •st-JDllll WtfM, OMI! lllltr1!1'1, Ilic• """ Mlit QidirLloll. AFrE• "'' INTEIMEW MTH &ROP'f, ~ PrtVER Rl~ES HOME WMERE HE R'EC.El\IES AM """"° l'MOllE c.LL Fl<Olol .F"'iiF"' /.IBE'f sl'EJl(EI'. ~~ ntERES A IEA5C.IM FOR 'at: QIE50(.W ! MUTT AND JEFF IH1 MISS PEACH ''"'~"'''t"'""'· -"""''-""'""···- ll!CAU~ <T'5 NO ·, FUN WATCH/Nii you LOA AU. '!HE TIMI!. 0'····'·· '-""" ·-. ... ~ .. -.,,_,,,,.._ ly SGunclers -and OYergard l TRllO 'JO DO 'JOI.I A F~ PM.! NICE'ltM; MfT 'Al By Mel POllf W0Ntt AllOUT IT.. JUST HT Nl lfflClfl.VIT FllOM 'Tie HCT-ol» • M/W, ' i 11·'1 ! E'C...-I l PEANUTS By Charles M. Sc'-111 ., ·-- TELEVISION VIEWS 2 Moonwalks On Schedule • lly RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Televiewers will see two more moonwalks by man this week -the second and third in history. Touchdown on the moon by the Apollo 12 crew is scheduled for about 10:53 p.m. PST Tuesday, and there will be live network coverage. The mission's first lunar walk, more than three hours in length, is planned for about 3:09 a.m. PST Wednesday, and vi ewers will see the whole thing. COVERAGE of the second Apollo 12 moonwalk is set for approximately 9:40 p.m. PST Wednesday. and will also last more than three hours. Liftoff from the moon is scheduled. for about 6:23 a.m. Thursday, and will also get live coverage. Apollo 12 Is expected to SJ>lash down Nov. 24 at approximately 12:58 p.m. PS1, and viewers will see the recovery. REGULAR network programming this week in· cludes a notable one-hour docwnentary, 111be Wolf Men;• which '8irs Tuesday on NBC-TV. Focusing in expert& and naturalists who try to understand the habit of wolves in order to ·save them from el((lnc- tion , it is a remartabiy humanistic· broadcast about an animal with a rather bad public reputation. But conservation is the real theme. The achievement of humanism ln '1The Wolf Men" is no accident since the P.roducer-<lirector- w.riter is Irwin Rosten, whose similar touch was ·at .. claimed in the National Geographic video speCial 1'Grizzly." In bis on-screen work, as in person, Rost .. en reflecll the very genuine concern of a man who , .. , the Jong-term need of maintaining an intelligent balance between hwnan beings and nature -from noiJe levels in cities to cootlnulty of rare species. ROSTEN'$ success with his point in the Tues- day program bli.s'home strongly In a llnal sequence. In Alaska, men are seen shooUng wolves for bounty from pkmes. One man says: 11You have to like it. and I ray tliirt ·wolf.hunting is a wonderful •Port." The viewer who has been absorbed in the quietly un- derstated mea1age of the program might well feel disgust at UU. comment. The hour, na?Tated unobtnislvely by James Ce>- burn. outlines wolves' legendary·~tation throuJ!i stories, carioolls, cblkl....,'s l.lleo ( 'LltUe Red Rid· ing Hood") and movies (about the wolf man and werewolves, of coune). It also explains the effort to gain insight abolit man's evolution through study of the woli. IN ADDITION, OM .... experiments with wolves, and some rare footage of the animal l n privacy, or as virtual pei.s (playing with a lady researcher and _hannonizing with a male naturallst who plays clannet), There Is also strikilig footage of a wolf attack on a researcher, and an intelligent ezpJana. tion of the reason. Dennis the lfletu1ee . ~. \ i I 1 • . ' ' ' ' ,. Li% a1ul Bet• Dia11io11d ' J\clress Elizabeth 1:aYlor ar~veS resplendent wearing hef $1 million 69.4 carat diamond at a Scorp10 party given by Princess Grace in Monte Carlo to cele- b_rate. the P~ince~s· 40th birthday. Weari9g the pear:shape? diamond for the first ~e in pubhc, Miss Taylor set it off_ with a double-strand neck'lace of smalJer diamonds. She also wore cape emblazoned with the scorpion, motil of the party. Extensive Expe1·ime11ts Due During Apollo's Moo11 Visit SPACE CENTER, Houston scientific experiments to be (AP) -Could storms o! set up Wednesday on the radiation particles from the moon's Ocean of StoCTns. sun, constantly b Io wing Far more elaborate than the I through space. be exploited two experiments left by the someday to rid earth of its Apollo JI astronauts last July, 1 1 growing air polh.:tior. problem? Apollo l:!'s scientific bundle consists or five in:;truments tO i ls lhe moon a cold, r.ock-like ··be powereQ by <t nuclear...flcc- ·-asteroid or' is it like earth -tric generator. the first atomic ' hot and molten inside and generator C\'.e.r carried on a Apollo 11 to register moon- quakes. meteor impacts and rockslides down crater walls. Data from the device could . tell scientists much about the moon's internal -structure - whether it's hard like a rock all the way through, has a · ynolten inner cOre like earth or is a broken-up s t r u C'l u r e without a pattern: solid on the crust? manned space flight Does the moon tremble from Called ALSEP, for Advanc- within, and does it perhaps ed Lunar Surface Experiments have a very thin atmoSphere Package, the .array is ex- or particles created by decom-pected to beam data to earth posing lunar material? ·for at least one year and Answers to these mysteries. perhaps two. It includfS: and others, could be reveaeld -A seismometer a\mOst by a $25 million array of identical ti> one carried' on Wind Blows Everythi1ig , -A lunar ionosphere detec· tor, which will study-charged gas particles created when Apollo 12's landing craft blasts off from the. moon-detecting the rate the gases dissipate and thus evillUate the moon's ability lo retain an at- mosj>hefe. Even aWect old ladies c~n be driven to high-Dying reaction by blo\\'tng leaves. as witness this woman m Salina. Kan. And just \vhen th e leaves in your yard are carted awoy, here come the nclghbors '. • . _w_ANT_,:__.,,_,., _,..-\w.Ari .~, AD~ill\lLY Pnot;.:{ _L TO :r111e •weae s••w it...w..;.. ·.,. r111e •••• .. c.... ~ ;,.. •• ~'.s.:•' .. :. l CllAN UP OH YOUR CLEAN OUT! FOR FAST! FASTI. ACTION! CALl DAILY PILOT CLASS· IFIED DEPT. D I A l D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 I · I . . '' , ~ ... HOUSES l'QR•.ULI HOUSIS l'OR SALE_ HOUSES l'OR SALi .HOUSIS l'OR SALi HOUSES l'OR SALi I -~•I ' 1-•I <, IDOt-•I IOllO -•I llloO OeMrol · 'I• • • RANCHP .·.1.A:. CUEST/i.. . A'f'" Sln.ce 1905' . 1 . .. IAYClisT . $4+,500 * * '* .. * Luxu:riouS 3 "Bedroom, family $22,SOO. Name your··terms. S room, 2 tiftplaoes, ~ b111:ths. ·bdnn, 2 bith. Now vacant • Beautliul-lllndlcaplng. court• move in tomorrow, )'U"d entrance. A real ·plea· * * * '* N"e to*""· $27,500. 549:. Joan available. GR~, 2!.~~l~!ay ~~I! V ~ ~3~~~~ l 0 AM to Dark ~'°;!~!.e~ t =· ~·=• ~·~~:;,.' ·Newport le•ch/Calif. Needs work. priced for Im- INm~L . OPENING DAYS SHOWN AT UNIT IV PRICES ~ "'4-1430 me<1tate "1•. * • * * $11,•'FULL PRICE $47,000. Gorgeous "Rt"pqblfe MODELS AT ATLANTA & .BROOKHURST · 'R·2 I.OT ~ home • like new condlUon. Slick 2 bedroom with raom 4 bdrm, 3 bath a:· formal 1<M" another home, Your to- General .968-2929 968-1338 Refreshments S1111clay Noon 'Jll Datk · tal payments are $144 per dining • 00cy one llke It month for this 15 )'ttl' young available. CUst:om, Home cltJee to school Call ~ I: Shopping_ Range &: Oven included arid draped through· South C.OUt Real EltAte **·*"* out! HOJ¥ about fl.SIXI down =~~~;;;;;;~~;;;J "'"'=;=;I 'payment! 1000 Go-al . 1000 WE SELL A HOME .. --------- 1000 General -------EVERY JI .MINUTES Colorado comn9 _s_E_C_Lu-s-1o_N_1 HALECREsT Walker & Lee But opportunity is knocking Yes a fantastic home on a Enter upon beautiful shag he1•e .. Just when everything bill with liCclusion to the ut-carpeting into a large living in this 4 bedroom horpe has most in the 1-ear yard, A roo1n with PALOS VERDE 1"eached perfection the own· beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 bath SI'ONE flREPt..ACE. Din· er is transferred. Beautiful home with a large formal ing room with sliding glau sha.&: carpeting throughout, dining room in one ol the doors to a huge patio. Kit· inlerior fresh and sparkling most peaceful, quite neigti-chen ha.a built·ins, di.spoql, and the exterior fttshly .bx'hood in I.be aree. 'I\lere dishwasher, and dlshnuia.. painted. Shake root and Is parking for )'OW' boat or ter. Titree bedtooms, h\'O stone trim, extras galore camper. y 0 u r youngsters pullrnan baths, one with stall such.as air-filtering system, can walk down the hill to shower: l.erge enclosed yard automatic sprinklers, Kitch. school. BeautlJUJ. carpets It with rook waterfall, fruit en Aki dishwasher, air con-drapes. All electrle kit<:heri trtts and t.luminum tool ·diUoner, covered storag~ in for tbe wile. Stone fire:place house. This t-legant home garage, covered patio and adds beauty and warmth to can be yours for ONLY ll\"O tool houses. You must your living room. All this $24,950. Pool, clubhouse and see this one at only $28,950. and much more for only recreation f~lties avail- Colesworthy & Co. "Agent" "For A Wise Buy" 642-Tm Towering Trees $20,iliS Thi!! house ts sharp "inside and out, ~w carpeting, cov- ered patio, beautiful land· scaping, block wall fence. Owner says sell • vacant 3 bodnn, ORANGE C001'4TY'S LARGE$T 2629. HARBOR BLVD. OPEN i~~~6~1LL 1:30 ,. ,. ,. 7B82 Edinger 84241:>5 Open 'til 9 PJ\1 2 FOR I WHATll $14,750 lt's no mistake! 2 complete hoples on l R·2 Jot. Lot alone worth $10,00J, Live in one, rent the other and have ·total payments ol. $100 a . month or investors rent, both for monthly income o1 .fl~. Owner wilt C81T)' the loan, no J.Ol'll1 feet. and Jow % rates. Hard to beat! Dial now, 645-mm. 645.Q303 4 BEDROOMS A· delightful 4 bdrm. l\fesa Verde home with rich shag car- pets, I a r e e family room and cute de· cor. Ne"w on~ mar- ~L 128,....,_ '')" '• I .,, I .. .:-.l \o'r,, .r\, 1,T\' 546-5990 . HAPPY FUTURE $44,:oJ. able. at Harbor Center 229'J Harbor Blvd., C.M. ls predicted for yoo in thli very attrac. income proper- 'ty. This is a property for an investment minded ~ 64S.7tn • O THE REAL ''°' LSTAT ERS COMfY cozy PRIVATE Enjoy countfy seclusion in this 'beautilul 3 bedrrn. 2 bath home in eastside Costa ?.fesa., mountain cabin eUect with knotty pine kitchen ca- binets, walnut paneled liv- ing rm., cozy fireplace and private riourtyard-entry - no d<iWft lo vets -executive neighbo~ -• ~ tuday. ORANGE COUNTY'S .. [ARGESf .. 2629 HARBOR BLVD, . 546 1640 OPEN EVES tlLL .8:30 LAKE FOREST Evenings Call 646-4579 YE OLD HOMESTEAD .WITH BASEMENT for storing all )'OOl' goodies -&: kee~! 4 fanWUeally BIG BE'DROOMS ir. 3, ye1 THREE BATHS! This older THE LAST WORD Enjoy effort.less living in this er. Buy laundromat includ ablllolutely spotless 4 bdrm fixtures and eq'ulp. Get reni It ~ + custom heated ' trOrn 2 other units to . pay pool m preatige Baycrest for bills on loan. Good-1ea.aes, the d~lnate buyer. Total price $15'(0), Many · custom features too ' numeroUs to mention.' See this ex~ptiooal h<nue today, $11.950. I' \ l f • \1 I! 1 I J ~I \H \\I)\\ h ' \ I I < , 1093 &ker, C.M. =!om homO of . HARO. 4 BDRM 2 BATH WOOD"FLOORS al!Cf ~nuine l093, Safer~ ~.M,. .5f6..5440 lmmii.c o....-.-....r I' \I I • \\ Il l l ~ ~I \it\ \II\\ H I \ ! I l I U LA rn · &: Pl:AstER ·i'n In • --~ .... ....,.. Esta.tea PRIME BEACH ,. AREA• CUTE 3 BEDROOM home. l mmed. Poss. J>re. Sbopo " School> """""· NE'N~·T·lfEl!l!iTS ....,. Wg eupet1ng """' Very quiet street of t<1'lffr-Only $'15,500 I: the 'lmv ·intero out and~ landsc. Own- ing knaried shade trees! est FHA loan remains. Fite; .wW flna.nce at 71h%. Big, Big, low maintem.nce place, ~tUul ~\lined r; · yard with rool?l .fOl' roa.nune s~t ot:AH.o. OWrM!r will . kids &nd detached double COCS!dell...amall down. No in. X ~ garage. GET 'I:HIS .. ~.NO 1epme.or.ciredltqualifications ;;3;t;I• '11 DOWNVETSor.$1,700'.Down •just $25 .. to transfer the . REAL.TY COMP. ~ to other qualified ba,ers at 1 loan. · FULL PRICE.OF $24,900. 546,'521 .. or 5_40.6631 * 642-lnl Anytime* WE $ELL A.HOME N ·EVERY 31 MINU.T.ES _ EWPORT BEACH W I k &. L .O\arm.ing 3 BR. w I lalp lk8"tilw Uke "''" ex· a er . ee lnod. "" c:ov. patio, HdW<I. posed beam celll~ 3 · 1lrs., irpt, bltn. Jdtcb, Nr. bdrm home with sep.' 7682 Edinger GO' ViJ REPO lichools, church 1t" .b:,ps, 842-4'55 Open 'til 9 PM . Owner w/f" ,,.,., 000 arate family room. Has I•""""'""'""'"""'""'"'"""' I , . . . inance, ~" recreation facili· Large 4 bdnn 2 bath &: lam· W•lker Rlty. 675-5200 "'' whk h tnd"'1e boat· CQl!£GE ·PARK Uy room near schoo~ & 3386 YJa L;do, NB Open Sun, ing, horse bac_k. fiPing, sho(?Ping in e:iccellent C.OSta $21,500 tennis courts, SWim· $26,950 MeSa area, $1500 down, to-2000 SQ. FT.II . NEW•YIEW•42 ming pool & beautiful Qiolee 3 Bctnn., 2 be.th. tal monthly payment $219 4 bedroo~s, 2 batlu, large Beautifully decorated · "hill• club house. Close tO inc. taxes. Oean &: fr ... ,h, den, family room. All elec- 1 I -~i Adult occupied, corner loc. "' side 3 BR, 2 Bath w/beam-new e emen ary ·~ • :ready to move into. Act fast hie kitchen, dishwaaher. OnI $35 500 compl. surrounded by pink Roo ed. ceilings, tiled entry, Jux· Y • · block wall, with boat cntfy on this one .. CALL 54().llSl m for boat & trailer. ury carpeting & view of Cat· • COATS and rm. also for trailer. Heritage Real Estate (open 540-1720 alina & Palos Verdes, $"2,· & · Near new cptg. thruout plus 1 'li:.w.:::::i:· )=*:itl:::::I:=!:/: TARBELL 2955 Jfarbor :?ddfe & Ross Realtors RWEAALLLATO~! rumpus rm.-gar., conver-1i , OCEANFRONT 3535 E C H' -skin. Call now to see. Big Sl!.% GI Lo•n 5 BEDROOMS • oast •ghway -54M141-EXCLUSl-VE WITH to "take over". No Increase Jn Ideal Loc•tiOn CdM • 675-7225 IOpen Evenings) interest! Nel.t 4 BR on cor-, $54,000 2 On Lot $23,500 Newport "" · w/fwly eq"'PI"'d An. Goo,ge Williamson Eastside Costa /\IC11a \vilh thony Pool. Extra bonus • REALTOR h\'U (2) separate. 2 Bedroom BA YFRONT at itt!it about 4 hicks to Pacific 673-4350 Eves, 673-1564 homes on a CHOICE LOT Pier, slip; 3 bedrooms, pan· V'd I Ocean! Askini" Ul,950 but 3 BR 2 bath home, come• I~ d 1 bar 1 or• V.'hat'1 "'"'iir'' price? 'Null ' "'ith alley access. TWO for c ~"" en \\"th wet . Gia.-~¥ lot l30x180 ~ add 5 m-. • ,., "11 I &a.id! uu:; tht' price of one at just .. mour master swte W1th Ja.. -units. Drive by 1545 Santa S23,500 for both. $2350 Dov.·11 cuzzl & st.ean1 showe r. Anytime &541·SllO Ana Ave. then call · ,l/lfl handle! Large,outdoor carpetedbay-1l::::::l::::::i:::::l:::::l:::::l:::::l:::::l::::::i:;.I llUl'eintmllhiltm B WE SELL A HOME front"""'"· Add;tionaJ red-I ' GE REALTY ... ania llealfij EVERY 31 MINUTES wood deck 0"' "'""· T,,. Open Daily 10·5 -•-.CM ~ W I k & L day Ii kitchen with built-in r .,~~~~~~~..,,.I':"'':"=:',;:;:,=== a er ee b kf 1220 Do1phin, Irvine Terr 1-I . · ra · ast area. Professional-CUstoin built 3 bdnn • 2 CREAM PUFF Cotta Mesa · 11 ly decorated & landscaped. bath.! • lhlS' fonnal dinirii Spanish tile, gay decorator 1----c.:::::: ___ :..:!:'1 7682 . Edinger S-l2-4-t55 Open 'ti! 9 Pi\f Brand New Listing Lovcly ltlcsa Verde Cam- bridge home, 15 x 36 Blue llaven Pool, dressing rm, etc. 3 Real good sized &'Cl· rms, fam & din rrns. AppL only. 1<6·5110 (ntircintml lheltil) UEGEREALTY ISOOMlnis llKlrbor,CM. Owner Moving Price reduced to $22, 750 on 3 bdrm!! l~ baltla cklle: to SCOO!Mli. DAVIDSON Roolty ~ Evea. S4~1008 5 BEDRM + 3 BATH DINING RM + $26,950 Big Fiesta pool loo! Rich \\ood pancling, harxh1on1e llreplaL"'l'. Breakfalit bar. fluny. • 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor It's "FA.IR SHARE" Tif!lc . A real buy . .Sll9,500. can for wallpapers, open beams Cln'E Small 2 Br vacant app't. room • l 1ireplaec + lam-· • home,. redcc. Easy walk 10 , h Uy room overlooking "''"'!· wet bar: brick p11.rio & 11 h S I b 1 I bl t l. shopping. $15,500. 0 n macna ful patio for entcrtainln... pan ers end in romantic 241 OgJ All th'· • · 2•~ ·~1 harmony with this nr. n"W c St. 5 4 8 • 8 6 4 2 (714) 642 -35 ""..-more in ..,,., sq t, ... Own/Rgt -..i: .,__. ....... · 1·~ uv.. 3 BR., low .maintenance 901 "°""" Drl·-.·sw·te .._ oco1 ""J in ·area --.>NV. 2 BDR. • ... .uv high value home_ Offered l ba. double p.r. Newport Beach at $34,950. Olvner \\'ill a~ Large Comer. 245 Santa Lachenmyer UP FOR GRABS 2 HOUSES ON A LOT Excellent East glde O>sta Mesa! Alley in rear for Boat or Trailer Acce98! Home PLUS In co me! FULL PRICE $23.500. Low Ooo·n! HO\\' doe1 that grab you! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee -~ &CZ~ Open 'til 9 PM $26,.0CEAN VIEW! Spacious bedroom:.. 2 baths. !>ream built-In kitchen. N~ thing to do but rcla:ic &. E'n· Jo:· lire. i'lc"'port Bea"h~ >fC.1120 TARBELL 2955 Ha<bor Re,1 lt or :1860 Newport Bvld ., CM c.11 646-3'21 Ev". &-»-16.:iS 644-0345 · ll<ilboa Island 2 bdnns & den in a tcrrlfie locallon. Just 4 houses from South Ba9 Front. Back yard with' room for extra units. Owner wW finance! $44.500. amen· Reilly ~ 1600 'Veatclllt Or., NB J 642·5200 ~ MESA VERDE $33,900 Lo\·ely home • lew minutes 1ist in financing. Isabel. 646-4091 • Owner.,. Hal Pinchln A A11oc. OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car 3900 E; Cout Hwy. 675-4392 gar. Lri lat ~ suitable tor DOVER SHORES . """•1••· s.l><OOt Brand new Iv an \Yells' 4 $21.fiOO. 3 BR 11,t ha_ $148/ mo at 6%. Avail. immed . bdrm. 3 bath + powder Rltr, &12-9730 Eve 548--072>. rcoin. Fom1al dining room fam . i:ml w-et bar"ancJ trplc. Mes• Verde • JllO lAL"<W"iau.!ly carpeted. Su-I--....;..;;;.::...:..._..:,:,:.:[ ipel'b view. Pool in landscap... 4 BR. 2 BA, fm nn, enc ed court yard. Roy J. Wa'nl home. Blthl, iOOd cond. Rvt 1430 Galax;y Dr. 646-l~ walled tmt patio, 1ge htd swim 1>00l w/slide & div brd, Prof landscpng, lo malnt. Xlnt . l1l!i.&hl>omd. 143,950. ~1513 lllY8Stment lllCCllle 7 UNITS, larre lot=·: l:io>i==;;====I room to build 5 more. $90,000 Owner w.Ul carry 1st TO: Welll-McCardlo, Rllrs. 1810 Nl?Y.·port Blvd ., C.A°r. S&S-7129 &l.J...008~ ewt. College Park 111 rr·s Beach houst time. Big-to Goll Course. Oversiied 3 HR, 2 BA, tanuly f'OQJtt, bedrooms, 2 baths. Fan1l\y prof decor. 1\9 yr old-:d.nt gtst se:JecUon cvt'r! See the room, Covercl,PJtlo. MO-tm cond. '32,500, 21382 Fteel D_A_IL_Y....;.P.:.:ILOT;;;,,;._,W.cANT:...:...:.:AD:;S:;l"-'T;:,A::;R::B::E::L::L:.;2t:.;::":..:.:H:,•!::bo=r . Lane. H1J. ~ 616-4328 NEWPORT MODEL 27 Ft. liv. rm ., 3 Br. LccJ lot, boat storage. Xlnt areail 121.200 I CORBIN-MARTIN I REALTORS 6TJ-lli62 ~7-~ EvttJ. 3t)J6 !;, Coaat.Hwy,,_(;W I ' ' _..., __ "'!'"' ___ ,_,,_ _________ ~----------------· -----.-~ ......... ··-·· ----··-----.. - • ' . MOUW l'Oll SAta '. HllUSll l'Ol.'SALI' · HOUSll,OR SALa HOUtal P'OR SA~I 1 lllNTAL~ R,..,.ALS RINTALS R AL . • ' ~ P'uml-'--~ Ho-Unfumlohod A~ Puml"'°". Aoh. Unfu"'l-NfW,_. .... I• Corona .... Mir 1150 -= lwli 1400 H:!•!~ INch 1400 ....,.._ ,.,_ . ' .. -, · ' :::::::; c:: · a.n-t'11ftd -2355 Naw;.rt ...... ,noo Ceola -41qG General IOOO Newpert lwli lfASI c.umo QIOllES • 1.orat . 1-;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;i;=!;,I-, ·rtm OPTION'." .--••rwrww. <"llR'•, NIW'"'HOMl --ht -·-1• ·1 BR-ltlm.-!Utlrno--Mlllta VEN-DOME i ·eR-.-;>aJifi......,..t!O l -SELL .: ?l!.!-'-~3 ""'•o•~l~r· . IMMiE!>IAtl MOJI IN • ~~. REAL~1200 • _!!!~ onJ,y. i: fr.~~~rot : ·, , · ·~.:"'Piac.~..,. • 111 ... I ' ---~ TH$ ovn,.~u-. JIOIACULATE>Al'TS . . i 'lmm•di•te0ccopaney.IJ ,.,.,. w/ option . .Fl<xlblt • IDRMS' 1'72 IA Vacation R1nl1l1 2900 3 _-, 21> batba. Adlll~ Ni•'°" ... ch '200 ·ADULT 6 J'AMILYI 3 Bii. 2 Ba,....,-. frpl • ava!WM• cm lido vt17• v• · "rms. 111 .,.....;m-'1448 1/4 • MIU FROM llACH oitly, ,.,., pool. $21$ Mo, SECl'JONS AVAILABLE 12>5 '·""" yrly, "° peto, r;'~!"m~~_! 0=3~·.!.~J:~ s20· ,990· i;:.:::.~~~tBii'.'~ 'CZ Ir leac~ N~~;ENING Cloooto""""'!nt•P•r~ ~-"5 ' • rlllt!-<>n the.-•""'•~ $19,!00. . .218 Gol~tnrod. BA, tamfiles preferred . Hlty, lnc.5111 ~-M"llDIATE *-Spo<l<>ua.Jllr'il,Ultl_ lllClc-lloy--5240 llta:ro&te in ctref~llvl.nc. m.-&:161 . m-.3100 ' =w:rDr .• ~~:.. OCCUPANCY * 2 B«fioonil' ' Only$280/moorl31,900wltb DUPLEl$ :;;.., °' .H~ •. ' HUNnNGTON IEACH Candomlnkim 2950 Luxury pro•• apartm•nt• •Swl!n Pool. PuVfl'"n VIEW, 2 BR,' q>ts, clrpl, • "-~ S5000W-•• dowln' J_~, lu™6tllul,1Wcmak•· I~ ~fOO..:.._'e ~· . ot1t!rlni' compl@te privacy, * Fl~ ~~lv~I Atac'Ja bltm.. Pool. $165. Mc. ·-~ ,.. --~-~~ ·-.. ~ '"-I Now 962 1353 FOR IWIL Co•ta M .... Newport Htlglltt 3210 beiulllul lands<aping & llll--..n•~ m "9•. .~·-• ttt planned Uillwl"lrity Part. ' 'Vtl • • Civic Centtt. Iii«! new. paralleltd ttcrea.tional facll· COS'tA M&\4. ; ~ u•,,....,.,..., Open for :YOUl''lnJpectioQ ' latbDI:· l'ffln.Vt. 1300 townhouse 2 car attached 3 BR. 2 BA, ndecorated. ltiea,ln a country club at· .-Ent llvff 52A2 Sunday 1 to s ear. Patio: pool. Adults. No New htd pool. Nr' school• & m09Phere. Now leasln; 111 .• ••NJ ' 1---------1 , ~~ ~~~ Dlipto~.:. Huntl...... Boach 1400 .L•-·~u-"°-· _H_n_1,_· __ 1_100_ 1 1 iP'~";;"~95-48'10ri-'-----mk"-12'\. <21ll .421-1634 . N"""°" """h· · 3 R..,,,,. Fur•ll\lro · O NEW DILUl.<lr e ... _ --·~ ""' • -RENTALS 3BR,28&,Dll,2f/oopts. f\liliishedorunlurnlahed $19.9~ •.up •.J!r .. 2111\& .. Llorltue bedtooftl loftr, in very~ · PvvL P"'D -LEISURE WORLD 2 BR. ·l~ -Unfumlihed ~~~.~. sq It. $275 mo. Models open 10 am to 8 pm _. Iocl. Jpac. rputr. 1uue, dln reiitar atta . .Now'.tully1ieU. NOW'S THE TIME BA. .I&e Liv 'Rm. Estate OW'V'l.l Renti: from SlSQ to S310. !.Ionth.To. Onth Rentals rm. A dbl. prace, auto. ed. Good .IP'Owth poteptloL 14,liOO.toW'c:Ult 'dovin need· ,.it.,Vl•w.o(Mnt>&•,tley. Ga_,I 3000 , OAKWOOD WIDE SELECTION d<J!ll'. ...,,., avl'I. Pool & 2 BLKS lo : 3 BR"· !19,l09. . . ed to .,._ 10w lnte"'t Call alt~ 673-8914 . <:* · -Newport Shortt\ 3220 GAR' DEN NO DEPOSIT 0.A.C. · ..c, ·area. llr. ·Catholic ·.,..,,;u. ~~·wiatl· '' IURR_ WHITE _VA loan· lor thi• '""" ~ FREE RENTAL · . HFllC.FornltiJ<e Rtni.Ii aiilrdt.-Mldls,'n<>""" the" xtru. Be;t I've .....i , REALTOR · · bedroom home with 36 L .. un1 B11oli 1705 , , SERVICE 3 Bdrm 2 Bath l"'p)c; dbl · APARTMENTS 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 • ONLY SUS • """' will •--••e -Ne•.,.......,. mvd NB POOL. Lots of decking and rars. Walk to beach. $225. 1700 16t' St"""t . SISS. 3 BR atud\o. ""~r. frplc, 865 Amlgoc Way~1Nl80 ~ '•llllNI • """ ... • """"'' '• . • .. FO-R EXAMPLE·. ••• -&ft-6 PM n '"" yO return · ' ·61$-ll638• 642-2253 Eves. patio. Gorgeout carpets '"' BEAUTIFUL ~..... '" n.t: · 642 8170 patio, RIO. ~ Children' NEW JJm ·aq: ft 3 ·BR & tam · * Drapes. Modem garden type B~ACH HPME Beautltul 3 bednn. 2 bath . : · ' Ir: pels welooine.· Bkr1• rm, a BA. OWner'• ·lux apt URCENTI.Y need 1 2 ~to · 4 .Llnda_lal9 1306 kitchen. Priced at $27.500 In lovely Laguna condo. com. home •witll heated ..,ld fil. DovH ShortJ 3227 * BAYCLfFF 534-6980" , • 752 Am1&oS Way, 6?5-0033. " 'nits that' will ca rr.. , ~FUU.· PRICE. Total Pay. mwtl' ... ·; fronting on magnll· feted pool in Mesa Verde, ~ "OTEL * 190 l BR . fri ' nts j"~ 1·•-t• ~ 1 •·-built Ins f' pl e DOVER Shores VJE\V Home. M • , stove, re g, s••• themselves on "'" roUnd re~ me """" 11"'' ren • ictnt heated pool, 100 steps t •oo.:i· • • ire ac • / d ' A all 11/18 Coron• .. Mar · ~ ,. WE SELL A HOME f ~ •-be """ We ha·-3 Bdrm., conv. den, $T:i0. COMMERCIAL RATES w w, rps. v . · • tais: 64~2752 mm_ · • · • trom priv. heh., tennis cts. ore""' a., •-... ... "'-· Bkr ~~:::-'7--=.u=-~.::iiiiiiiiljijjjjiiiiiiiiiilil ·W•TERFRON~ EVERY 31 MINUTES tc "--· ttracti ru more! mo. Yearly lease. ux:luding $30 week & up. Kitchel'lC!tte1, • WESTCLIFF ,..LI_,_ Ille w 'lk · & L .e · u.nup. a ve m. gardener. 642·7777 or TV's, maid service, beated$90. 1 Br. stOW! & reftjg, • ,: -e· btclude w/w carpt'g, drps., 67"'841 Bkr -~~~:· ~~t ~~ DELUXE born~. 4 Bedrooms, a er , e kgsi: master bed; location .,...... · pool, 455 N. Newport Blvd; Coo.pie onJy.-Blue Beacon ~ ~· ..,...,, . . .,._,_,.;_.i 4-eaths • boat dock, Lwcucy ..,..,.. ~.i• .. -deeor. 2 'BRs. 2 BAs. sep. Corona del Mir 3250 646-3265 645-0ut ) •-• cWous lndscpg. ~!,IUCU appointinents 't:hru-out. A&k-•~ ~ .... r I d" la Ith /d -;;c;;.;;,;:_;..;...;... ___ SINGLE Adult• Luxury $135. 2 Br duplex. Stove & • • · 8CM55 n..... 'tit 9 PM v., 111· mis; wt."'' w ' on •NGE COUNTY'S -•street. ~.IXX:l. ing -$135,COO. , . "'~" · sl'or., 2-car gar. lower tev· ' ~ CORONA HIGHLANDS. 1 2 garden apts with country refrlg. Chll~n O.K. BJue ON TEI( ACRES PROPERTIES W.EST . IY OW~ER • ft eL See to appreciate. Shown . LARGEST BR. 1 ~ Ba Dul?lex. Avail club atinosph(il·e and com. Beacon 645--0lU 1 &: ·2 BR. rUrn • Unfum 675-4130 675-1642 ('114) 615-124> WHO ' SAi D ! by 0wne,, call '°' app't. 2619 HARBOR BLVD. O.c 1st. UIS. 646-2290 or plete prlvacy. SOUTH BAY RENTAL READIER F1"'pla<u / "pit•. P>tlos I "BLUFFS" 2 Bdrm, so· d~ ~'!!!'!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!!'!!!~I 499-2152, a.m. or wkenda, · 546 1640 (213) 944-1818 CLUB APTS, 1tvine at 16th, 540;3924 · PoOls. T.eniifl. Con~ SkfJ.t, w/ prime B&y v I• w . = Tiaftt lllOl10Y-& higl\ 'lntu-"-lfANDYMAN'S OP.EN.EV.ES TILL 1:30 4 ~R-211 a.. <lpplex. ""1 Newport Bette.;, __ ·900 · Sea Laltt, OdM 614-l611 $39.SOO. Call 644 .. 2259 Lido It.. ·1351' eat!'' Fiiltas'tic 6% loan Special! •flncome 'unlts 120 Rent or Lease Option Sq. ft. Bltns, .d,lshwasher, · CU4) 645-05.50 Costa MMa 5100 <MacArthurnr.CoMfffwy) eves/wtmds. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;I with rea.90nable down oit )'ds. to beach.. Patios, decks Lara:e home Mesa Verde $275 frpl. $300 ?t1o. lease. ~'1~73 ·wiiiA~TE~RliF!R~O~N~T.:::::~N~•~w~p~t;.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NICE 3 Br, 2 Ba home. Pool • custom built 3 bdrm, family w/ocean view. Nds. paint. per mot\th. DELUXE 2 er. 2 blks to ·'island. Beaut, Jg~. duplex, OOROLIOO AP7'S. '2 Br. ' OwheT'mUStsell:lSlB·S)ilvla LOWEST PRICE room. spacious covered pa· etc. SOOuld gross $9,oo:J yr, 546-9521 or ~1 beach blt-lns, fil>I . Unfurn. "'el bar, lndry, garg, b:>al $1·35 Lower levels, studkis, pen t-~ 548-3261 or 642-2691 , Home on Lido. 2 Br. 1 ba. tio, desired ·built-ins, all on Pr. $69,900. Con&ider trado;!s. ~.furn $290. ~7488 , dock. Winter or longer. AND UP ho~~ Frpl~:: .~I, ~: Street.to-street lot. large corner lot in Lake MISSION REALTY 49-1.o?ll Adults, no peta, 673-7861 or 1 &: 2 Bedl"l>Om5 carpo •• s .. pauvii, -11-.. • ....,,. FORECLOSURE, 3 Br, 2~~ $42,500 Park area. Fairly priced at 2 BR. Drps, new cpts, F.A. (805) 687-8384 Garagt!e • bl:Jlll ins 673-3378' Ba· Tnhse. Frpl, pee.I $27,500 LIDO REALTY INC. $33,000. OPEN HOUSE Sun-COASTAL VIEW! beat. Frpl. S200 mo. ' ,.,_ t hop Ing 1'LA"""R~G'=E~2~13~-~~....,.,_. I Liaison Co. 6'16--0732 3377 Via Lido· 673--7300 Terrific loan assumption! Scenic Properties 675-5726 \VA TE RF RON T Duplex-""'se 0 1 P r upper, carpe~. day, 220 Springfield . Interest rate doesn't in-IM•IACULATE 3 bedroom, -do11.'l!stairs, 2 br. 1 ba. Poo:. air conditioning drapes, refrig., ran11:e. 3 BR -Waterfront No.-621 '!!""!~~~~~'l'!!!' PacUic Stiores Realty 160 W Wlbo NICE Adults, 1eue tlOO Will t' 107 VIA EBOLI .,7 .,.6 crease; no points. 3 Bdrms., 1%. bath home on the water. Lid" I I 3351 firepla~. gar .. Side tie, no • n gan,ge. • Balboa Coves. $60, • 536-8894 or .,.. _,., fand'-· nn., 2 baths. 5 '"'an Lease. &12-7777 or 646-3129 O s • pets or sm. child. 6 mos o • ~""=-·=673-2155==,.,-==-,-,I .trade for acreage. 548-1171 .t00Q SQ. FT. ~ J~ ;;-; · GI RESALE old. Reduced to $41.500 Bkr. WRITER'S hideaway 2 Br yrly. Avail 12/1, Appt. Only BEAUTIFULLY appointed .a ' h 1210 4 BR, 3~.BA, .3 car a:ar&ge-PLACE REALTY 494-9104 $180. 3 Br duplex. Crpts, lor lease or We. 213: • 3601 Finley. (714) 833--1134. BR, 2 BA view apt. $290. ~ ~ewport Heig fl. -~~~t")9trJ~!rf~~: 4 bdnns 2 ba on corner lot. *LEASE/OPl'ION* drps. patio, gar. Avail 12/1. 845--6628 or 84r>-91i3 OCEAN t'RONT 1 BR. Spac 2512 Ocean. 544-3606 - PRIME AREA Gangi zi3 / m:.3101; eves Walk to eJem & St. Francl:& Xlnt terms for this 5 yr, old 3 Blue Beacon 645--0111 kit &: liv rm. Nicely furn. SMALL 1 ·BR. View S. ol SEil th.ls' 3 BR.·2 Btlo Fam-213 / 2*-0100. Open. Parochial ~ ND qual1. Br. _2 ba. home wloccan $l50 2 Br frplc. Children & Huntington Be1ch 3400 Shag. crpt. Bachelor only. Hwy. New caipet5 ~ ' ~i.1 --2 trpl horn fying • submit on cash down view. Call for terms. ' . ' $130 mo. incl util. (213) drapes. $160. &'fS-.6.154. !• ;..,. room, --.; e to low interest GI loan. Full PLACE REALTY 494-9761 pets \\:elcome. Blue Beacon 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Fenc-698-3627 • ~ ' . .in-top· area. Will•trade tor Huntington Beach .1400 p"--• .. ~·.ooo. ,645--0111 ·-... Bullt ..._ 1185.00 rent, ===,,--.-=='llll/:11/:11/:11/:=:ill/:ll/:=:ILARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA "''K ~ ,-"-.., vuy ....._ VIEW 2 Br O YO 111 "°'" """ BACHELOR apt., en1ployed · pl"• den Crp'· ,_. bJ••· acreage.~·"""' V.A. Loan "Assumption Paul JOne1 Realty · -' · ,"'1V' RENTAL READIER. Sharp House. adult only. Sl5. l2l6 \V. -' "'• ..... t""> ..... Gr.oh1m Rlty. 646-2414 ... th ••.tlOO --• d-n pay-841_1266 · Evo. ~ EZ trmo. Lg. liv-din. rm. 541,3924 WALKER & LEE MERRIMAC WOODS View, 712-0367 Near Newport Post Office "' .,.. ~ v.. X1nt cond. Warren 494-3568 Balboa Blvt1. 615 • 7 816' JuSt completed. 1 or 2 BR, 2 m.ent for this 6% annual WE will cooperate with other Costa Meu 3100 842-445~ 494--9471 BA with a1f cond, com-Lido Isl• 5351 Odv•r-Shore1 1227 G.I. Loan ~·!152·,·L-~ hid-brok,era here because the Ml11lon, Vltiio 1701 -HOUSE For"lse. 3 BR. 2 BA. APTS: 1BRturn &:2 BR un-pletelr soundproofed, self LARG. E.2 B tud 1" o. ---------1 den cdsts; ~an ut:t.1rootn -owner-wants· actkln. AND Co N 0 o M IN I u J\'1', Civic Nice location. Walk to beach fum. No children or pets. cleamng ovellli wood cell-r, s Y, ~ o., *Irreplaceable View.* ready ' for occupancy. Two T:HE. OWNER WIL0 PAY · MISSION · VIEJO Center. Nr. new to,vnbouse. &: schools. $220. mo. OOZ..7864 2405-1,~ 16th St, N.B. 64&-4664 inp, dlshwuhers, i us h frplc, crpts, drps,, annual, Bay & Mountains I ~ :baths. Carpets. PdINI'S so ~A or ·VA 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 car attached or ~7821 1 BR large. Near ocean. landscaping ~Ith 6treams &: adults, no pets. OR J.7502. R-• "Old w-~•" eon•-. Dl'$p8S thrQu&bout! Double tenii.sr'afe, OK. Fine West. Movl_ng,' tnmt sen Pool Adults No ....,ts lMMAC 1 Br townhouse pd watei'falls, elevators, san.., ~--unu """' r__,,,-,,.,, Two "°. tlos. Clooe -t.""--·. "-"Ing for 1"u•t car. ' ' r-. ' ' Upstairs. $l50 Yrly. UUl · "';> H ti ~o 801ch "'00 · ho / ..,..._ of'>6 ......... ,,..,,.,. _.. Sa ·-sh 1185 495-0870 It d It munlty clubhoose,,.u.,..,jacuul& un n •• n -pora.ry picturesque me w to sc:Mol &:nd. shopping, See-$25.250. Rex L. HQdges, ve -y owner . qu e a u com SUndeck. 673-8088 unobstructed view • most El Dorado 4 Br· home • like $ll5. 2 bl'. Duplex. Close. wlpool $140 or will furn. . swim pools, prlv. gar. w/ 2 BEDROOM 2 BAnt, newly rooms. 4 Br's, 4,,_ Ba + ing is believin&! ! ! Rltrs: 847•2525 a model. Lived in 4 mos. in. AduJts only. No Pets. Call after 5, 962-2919 WATERFRONT 2 BR, patio. storage. Everythlne; n e w. decorated, cpts, drape 1 , maids-Ideal for enler-WE SELL A HOME FREE Will sacrlfi~. On fence, up-boat dock . Yearly Starting at $140. AduJts But"lt·•·-. 1 blk to 5 Polnl ._ ... ;>o EVE. RY 31 MINUTES Call 54s-s227. BRAND new charming 3 BR, lease. * 673-9060 1 J E f ~ •• tairiinc·'Ea!J maint. lmmed graded carpet thruoot, drap-hse rd frpl 2 BA. New crpts & drps p ease. w;t ast o _, stores. $140 per, mo. 768.1 occup,,$171,CX:O_ Assume Walker & Lee ROOAL SERVICE es, landscaping, fireplace, St95. 2 Br. . ya 'O KC, thru-Ollt. Walk to beach. $150 1 BR furn apt. Crpts, Har~rBlvd,nexttoNaben Ellis. Apt. A open tor in-&lit% ,b.n. ~1249 huge patio, &: premium lot. RIO. Children & pets · .. S2l5. mo. 842..f.i66 or drps, bltns. Pool. 1525 Cad1Uac_ at 425 Merrimac specfion daily. 642--28l5 or , / ~ ~~ Priced to sell with small Bkr 534-6980. 962.--2017 ~P.;la:,":n,,tla=;:;:=:;=:===:.;~l'!W,;•;oY~-s.;.....,.~!!"~~~!!!!!•1~842-8303~~::,-;:;;-1;;;;::;,;;; OPEN S.t A Sun 12-6 842M55 q.,._ • n 'til 9 PM BRASHEAR REAL TY down payment. Owner will 1190. 2 Br. & Im rm. 2 Ba, GI ;---_.,.,. c-•-~-Drive HB consider any offer _ C",.,.., frplc. RIO, wlw, drps. 3 BDRM 2 bath home . en Corona del Mar 4250 GRAND OPENING DELIJ!CE 1 bdr., fireplace, ~ ~ -• SPU' r· .. "LEVEL _, ~~',~.~···· -., M .... Family Wolh ' N pat I 0 • ., "fr I g 5·fm, 4_BA, ~ fani im . .,.. .._.., 2nd TD, lea.se -purehase, or Children &: _pet welcome. ar a · -THE VICTORIA • • • • wl '.hplc, 2 Ip patios w/ 4 tri Bedrooms, 3 Batrui + B¥ OWNER rent. Call Tut: 830-6532. Bkr. ~ ~~ O.K $22.1lmo. Rltr. ~~;1~:,U~!oo~; ~~~:. ~~~: :~i!:bi~ ;r~~er. Crpta. & drpa. ~· ·lp view · lot. crpts~ .1anLJ:IP...,Hw4,_!1:9ori M" ................. ,.. .• ·•-nt-•BR., $155. l Br. duplex. wlw, d Adul'" nl t C All ,_ ~---••-·-·t •·'--I+ 1 ""'• -"''"""'"" .......... ..i-tio h 4 BR, 2 BA, w/w cptg, rps, "' o y, no p e s, Sound pl'lOfed, pri gar w/ LEAN 2 bdr. extras . ... ...,. vw•..,r. u 14.rvv-• SUIU\C' 1'PO ' e ec-1'4. Ba ki h bltns Q · t D P I f 1730 .... t's, pa • serv. pore · d k $170 _ 6?5-120l .or. S48-(fl'l3 tr:kr kiJ~ .. ~ S*% .: tc • • we 1n• on Children O.I('. ma-. 534-6980 close to beach. Stu ents o mo. storase. Fenced yd w/paUo. Kids OK. $135 mo. Day11 l~!ll!;~'!!!'!!!~'!!!!!!~\ FHA loan. eul de 111.c loc. nr. schools * 9684162 * Hal Plnchln Realtor 615-4392 Water pd. Gardener main-842-TI70. Eves. 847·1594. I; · I: shopping. Prestige area. $17,951'.l! Small. clean 3 Bl', 1 rd 3110 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA. lrplc, LARGE MOD BACHELOR tained. 667 Victoria St. 2 Bclnn Townbouse, 1" bath, W•tclfff 12io ' Mu.st see to· appreciate. ba'., no gar, Nr·Ha:rbor. $3000M ··;;:'°;;;H:;...,;_V,;ct;_;_;• ___ _ ===---U-C_E_D_ ·r.t· EU;. M.7-57'15 Aft 5 PM dft. 34o32 Copper llabtern. 3 BR, 2 BA, family rm, ~~ c:!~k &yd~:d~ Beaut~~y !~&i~~l pd. 6364120 :~:i.its. crpta. drps, .1&5. F41~~ y RED II . /11 ~ BY Owner. • bdr.,. 2 ha., 642-4905 . frplcs. bltn•-$230 mo/Ire. f•i""ay Yiilla Apts ' • 3 BDKMS, 2 BA, pvt. ~b1Bdt&3000\p.dba ~~~ ., e at crpts:, drpl!li,. beamed ceil· RENTALS No pets 673-8213 Fount1ln V1lley 3410 81ltioa 4300 811ft patio, healed pool, washer J·-~ " ·• ~-ings. LandscaJ)ed, fenced. ·Houses Furnished 3 BR 2 BA. fain/din rm, 1---------l·--------·I &I ·kft., Bric. room. 1nauJ.. Boat gate. Near Ocean. bltnll, nlcl! crpts & drps. 3 BR, 2~2 Ba, FIR, bltns, CLEAN Bachelor Apts. Near Orange C.o Airport I hook .up_ 962-8994 '&led. Very attractive. • • • Priced below FHA, 10 mos. I S 200 trplc. Close to shopping $225 C/D. Xtras. Family & ""IS All ut.il Incl $85 up UCI. Adt:!ts only .. 201ZJ CLEAN 2 BR s,tudio. Adulll. -~ ll""'.u--•,·a, FV ol·d. 9511-• --"•·" Ori·-., R9nfl I to har9 J ~·n ..... .,.. Santa Ana Ave. 540-2796 1150. mo. No ""'ts • ....,.,,.,.,.,. ""' .".>06'"'" a..ou""4U .... ~ weJoome. Wtr & trash pd.-315 E. Balboa Blvd. * 84~ *' .:. ~a <;!,EER R:':rx. -545-0458 H!li. RESPONSmLE Adult to UJVELY ""'"tiy dub villa, C.. $250. 11961 B&y St (oU 1 ,B;;A;_:;LBO~A~===·1:;~,:;994;,;5:1--Nif\YAii'fli:--·1::==:====:::;::_f G 0 DOWN FOR Sale by Owner, 4 BR. share rent or babysit for 2 BR, 1%. BA Condo Appl, Talbert) I· NEW APTS. S t A 5620 1231 Hup ~~~: family r00m den tam nn, detached pr, room &: board. Must have pool, gar. $2fG. 549-37so. 4 BR SPANISH TOWNHSE, H!ilnfington Beac,h 4400 $ISO & $175 1 ;;.•;o•=o-'-'"'n..;1 ___ ...;.;.o,.I UnW,onlty Pork with .fireplace in<l ,Bar-8-Q i..,..1ot.1!9;SOO. ISOO down. reb. 64>-9191 or 642-9'331 POOL & REC. 1269. UJNG -HEY SURFERS!-I & 2 bdr., 2 •wim. poolJ. All CAN'T IE BEAT! N•stlec:I In .The Sky goes· with thla ~rp 3 bed-536-M38 aft 5:30 pm. GIRLS need 3rd roomate for N9wport Buch 3200 TERM DISC. 962-7116 Bachelor apts across from :.:n~i ~~~~~~ti. PRIVATE-QUIET I-Jello! world, sitting pretty room, 2 bath beauty._Separ-Fountain Vllley 1410 beach .ap,t. 33rd & Balboa WATERFRONT Lu.'!:. Apt. on 4 BR · Executive type home .. beach. UtU pd. St.art $125. ;i01 Avocado SI., CM APT GARDEN LIVING on a sun-kissed hill-top with ate laundry. What a house. Blvd., NB. $65 mo. 673-0695 the Penln. New 21 bdr., 2 Extrem!ly83c~ ~ per mo. Call Mon. thru Fri. DELUXE 1 bd Ran & Nice am. :l BR, 2 BA all unobstructed view, i.s this Fonnal dining room. Excel· eves ba.,·pool. Lse. adults. Boat 536-2579 oven, dlshwas~r, ~~ &: elec. 'Fully 1i:-sut~ted, sound -•---t new 4 br with sep. Jent carpets &. drapes. Mod-5¥c '/~ COTI'AGE, nr Cleo SL &'h. sl'""" avail. Carl be Balboa, o c EA NF RON T V i e w .i ...... , El-. pd. sw·•m. pooO proofed, lady s d re s s i n g ~-rm. iii Turtle Rock ern built-ins. Double car. Assumable bn. 4 bdrms. Laguna, \\ith em p I 0 ye d at OF e-r n a n d 0 Rd., tn4) L19una Niguel. 3707 sundeck, beach, new spac. & t';ar. Adu. living. $140 a to?m~ l!XXl sq ft floor space, Hills Loaded with extras. age. cOrnpletely ten c e d with large 12x2'2' added on male. $90 m'o, 49+9431 673-3003. dlx 2 BR, elegant I urn. mo. 241 w, Wilson. 548--074S 72 sq ft closet apace. O'pts, BeaU°tltully Jancbcaped' and yard. Seller will pay some family room. Ext:ellent land· ' . 0 20TH Century livt~! Crown Bltns patio lndry nr shopg or G75--5565 · dtps, air cond, Forced air VACANTI fp $47,500 and ot )I-Our. costs. Priced at scaplng with many fruit Newport Beach 2200 Bayfront 3s:xide;0Pier, oat. Valley Hghlands. 3 BR. 2 & p~r. in'5. Ad~ts, baby heating. Patios. Pool le rec ONLY $25,900, Low Down trees in rear yard. $168 per Imm::e, t 4 Bd · 4 bath BA. vtew .. Prl beach & pool OK. 536-2131 LA PALMAS APTS. area. Sl..55 per month. worth it. h 11 fllA alao ·,see this one1 • month pa.ys all' after con-BEAUTIFULLY ·Remodeled Magn n nn., privg. $250. 495--0124 BACHE' nR & 1 BR furn New 2 Br.,.1* baths: cpts., HIDDEN VILLAGE • d • 'WE SELL A HOME slderable down payment. Newport Island residence. vie~ home. Sl,OOO mo. IJV ts' drapes, d1sh,washer. Enclos-• GARDEN APTS. re , I EVERY JJ MINUTES $31,000 fl.Ill price. See this ·~~ms. two baths, sun John .Macnab G42.-8235 Mission Viejo 3708 ~~:l ~~1~:1't, ~1848 ed garage. Slso:.$155. See al 2500 E Salta Santa Ana W lk & L. . one today d~k. fireplace, furnished, BLt:Jri'S: Lovely 3· BR & t Be h -Sia! ) 760 W. Wi1ton 548-6731 ' ' S46-i525 REALTY ' a er. ee ... adults. RefeNnces. $250. den.Crpls,drps,pools.Wlk 3BEDROOM,2fireplace,lrg (Westo, ac_ nr er. BRAND New 1 &: 2 BR. Univ. Park Centi!r; Irvine . fif!EllDl!IJ Horvath Realty 6~19T2 . to stores. school, club, park. fncd-ln yrd, AirJCond. $300 .2 BR. furn, frplc. 2 BR, W/W cpts, all bltns incl. S. Ana Heights 5630 can Anytlme.833-0820 ~ Ed~er ~ FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 belt;, 2 $315 mo. 615-1497 or mo. 837-5676 bltins, crpts, drps. 222 3rd self cleaning oven. Patioe:,1-------- . 8424455 Open til 9 PM ba.,. patio, aduJts. Bayside 644--0449· RENTAL~ St. 53&-6l2l early AM. garages.· Adults. 645--2108. SPAq:OUS . 2 BR duplex. low INTEREST LOAN' s._ nit An• Hgt1. 1630 Village. Until July ht. sioo. CHARMING 3 BR, pool, ·~ Furnlthtd Fu RN I SHED 2 BR. 311 w. Wilson. .blUU""""· ••need. , Eattblvff 1242 • Call 642-6210 or 673-5419, Bluffs, $325. 2 BR, patio, "t"'s' downtown Hnlg Bch, 526 NEWLY Decoarted 2 Br $125 .* 54~1506 t---------''Prestige Home'' IT'S WONDERFUL the trees , COM $250. General 4000 Main St .. 536--7396. wJgar. $125. Fenced yard • , OWNER-Single story condo. Lovely 4 bdrm home, OwntT %. ACRE In Santa Ana many buys in appliances 675-0044 4600 wJpatlo. Water pd. 2224 L-siiuna Beach 5705 =·2J:.e:JE.:= :Oars~,latie 2nd ·for_10 . ~~ m! ptu~·~~e& ~~. ~~n~~:V~ed 43Y:R~~i. ~~ c!;i~72 ~: Th!V l°LRi~EREew ::;~ ca:':7 r ux u rr Pla:t~ ~:~:~~m ~~f .. co:1~~-=: .to $17,900. 644-2467. • HAFFDAL ~t1 842-4405 tacJc bldg. 20101 Cypress SL UNITED ruND-O>mmunity $350 un-$400 furn. 54r>-29to Singf.c·l br-2 br. Fum-uni'. garden apts, w/full recrea-Deluxe 3. BR, 2 BA aPt. pool, 1ar; $285~ 549-3760, '$168/Mo hno AU ~ propiertiea avail. -Chest They ret the job GIVE Now -and lattt Sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards tlon facllities & complete Drps, w/w cpts. 548-3481 or l . BDRM. Nr. town & bCb: Corona clel Mar 1250 t •J• Owner 64&-4081. done best UNITED FUND Therapy &: 45' pool, BBQs privacy. South Ba,y Club 540-0154 S150 mo. lnq. 1020 So. Cst 2tXKl Panons Rd. 642-8670 Apt._ 277 So., Brook~llr&t, ATI'RACTIVE-clean 2 BR, H\vy, or 494-$CS LUSK RESALE 3 Bdrm.a i ·ba, hardwood "'----ral 2000Gener1I · 2000Gener11 2000 nR T h Anaheim (n4) '172-4500 •• A-. bltn --. . -$185. 3 Br, 11..ii ue. own se. :__ crp..,, ... .,.., s, '""""'.'"""LARGE -·1 Br apt W/w · Vitw.· a· Br, 2~ Ba; den. ~ ~a:e. ,:;-'."J°ow~2'Z~ WIW, drps. pX>I. Many Garden GroYe 4610 Adults. no peta. $135. crpting, util pd Sl9S mo. 111 :i;titB'd & dra~r .'c.~~ The Real Est•t• 'Mart d..liU'O~,..( /l:,i::lfjiC::.• ~~~°"avail now. Bkr. ~ 548-6769 1:-last mo's. rent. 499--4017 """' Y own ....,...-, ,. 847~1 p~ J." ~).-J.,;., ~ ~,,.,... SINGLE Adults. J.ux_ur)'$250. NEW deluxe 3 Br, nr REAL 'ESTATE · rws:lde ·f.n. 6#001 SIZ. 1 Br. Crpts, drps, garden apts with country Frwy &: 1hop'1. Fr p 1 c.; Gene · I Small classified ads doa bi . sJlting jObJ Tryonel ,._ 642·5678 Sotve a Simple Si:ntmbled Word Pu.ult for 11 ChUckle bltins. Near town, adults. club atmosphel'I:! and com-dtahwhr, Ira: patio, locked ra ______ 1 Blue Beacon 645--0lll plete privacy. SOUTH BAY gar. Adulta. 546-4016 Rentals Wentecl 5990 Oleotronge .....,, tl tM '°"" · ICioll'lbltd "tll'Ofdl be-bw·fo .fonft four ll111Ple wordt. 1·FOTFES i r111r llRllAR .111'1 11 LI T ! N Woman. •hould mo kt good I I ' ¥ I umpires. A womon never think& g mon ll -when he'' ;l;.S;:;O;::J;::;Y;:O;::U~::::__,1-u-n Fred AU.. ' 11-tlr-1 ..... I -.1--r ...,,,,.-1 .. c-""' .... """"'" ~ V by filling In dl9 tnliainQ wordt -,)'OU dfwlop frOM Qp ~· 3 btilow. •1 6 PRINT NUM8fRED LETTERS _t~ l' ·--· SQL="=';::t''==;;=:\==l--'-'-~::::;=:;;::~ (,' -, I _I I jwHEN H!'SI t I I SC"Ar.: -' IN CLA5$1FICAnON 8000 S135. 1 Br. pool. W/W, drpa. q,UB APTS 13100 Chapman IMMAC. 2 br. crpta:. drps. ---~-----~'I Slngles weloome. Broker Ave., Garden Grove (n41 blt·ln.!, be'amed ceil. Adults, 534-6980 636-3000 No pets. $140. 54&--5386 · 4705' 2 BR, 1156. l:rptl, • rlrpo, R"NT'L FINDERS ;Cocl;:;;:;.;;•.:.M;;: ... :;;;,:; ___ 4_1.;_;00 L111un1 Beech _ bltns. Pvt ·patio, encl gar. •...;. 1. L•••~ $30.00 Wk. Up FURN or unlu.rn deluxe apt, A!:Ju1L~. A1t 6:3tl. 549--0433 ~···;.':;',~..,.. 2 BR, la~ living room, 2 BR, Crpts. range & ovr.n, ~ ... ,1•m•m..,,1t 0 Studio &:: 1 Br Apt::. fireplace, tabulous view, 2 disposal. $125. 132 E. Bayl:~~~::~:;·~-~"~"'~'='• • Kitchen &: TV Incl. palios, 1arage, just atepa to Apt ct 49f.2792 • Phone Service & PIJUl h 494-&Kl9 e Maid service avail. beac ' 1 BDRM unfurn cottaee. ' RENTALS WANTED e Day, week It r'ffonth 2 BR, 2 Bath on beach. $295 Quiet, refined lady only. No *HOMES 2376 Newport BIVd. 548·9'7SS 'tll J u n e, ulil included. pets. 145 Mesa Drive, CM. * DUf~ . 499--lSJ;. * G~ HOUSE~ ';:~ ~~~':;i!. bdJ~'. RENTALS . . Newport ,Bt1ch 5200 * ~~=vti:!l Jng, adults no peta. 1800 , A,m.. UnfurnlsMcl . 2 BR 2 be.ti). cpts, cbpa;, ,GOLDEN WEsr ~ Wallace Ave .• C.M. Geniral-soo6 blMne, O/W t-1 ~-I/ rq-o. 53M600 DELUXE lge altr. 1 Br, -r--_ , , N~ar Hoag Hosp1tal..Mgr. VISlTI~G ('-.cult¥ mt bltns, cenl bea~ n<w ""'" 'HARBOR l!RE£NS 4150A Pltrlce Rd, l<B •t tJC Irvine requlr .. car-Mature adult $125. " , &f2..:4387 furnished house or J• ...... 5'1}6956 BACJIELOR u.nfurn Jr 0 m 3 BR 2 ba. cptaJdrps, frplc, apt , Sept 1970 to June-io: •NASSAU PALMS• SUO. Also av&n 1 • 2 6 3 bll·JIJ!. •W/mo. Near 1971. Please call 833-&35 1 &: 2 BR. Pool Bdrm. Heated pools d'llld Hoaa Hospital. l\tgr. .(150A YOUNG \Vorldns c Ou P 1 e 111 £.22nd St. &f2.JM5 care ctlntor, adj to •~PPl.na· Phtrt~ Rood; NB ~2-G? Caoon to be thrtell w\ah lo l Br /Urn apt $120 mo. Incl. No pPta. NO l\l<tt what It ls, )'OU rcl'lt ~ BR ~nfurnlghed b>uae utll. NG children or peta. 2100 Petcraon Way can &ell it with a DAILY w\th yard. Up to '140. mo. s.fS..1843 Costa Mesa m.o370 Pt.Lo'r WANT ADi i &42-5618 54S+'T!M9 ,__ \ I • ,34 DAil V ,llDT •GWral llEAL ISlATI 'General ~· • '* --····i * JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOU & IMPLOYMINT --ll·':!1ton:1t~l~~an:;;:hd~=5~9'°_:: Lets IOQ' Joi!• Mlft. w~ 11oq 7020 " e LANOLORDS e rn£E RENTAL SERVICE Btoku - BUILD '3 ONITS City of Ontarto; Comtt lot, 210'X181, all improyementa. Ontvlol nternationa l Airport 5 minutes away New Motor Speedway 10 minute&. $36,000 cash er 11ubp\IL Owner P. O. Box 9, C\JC&.~11.o CaliL Ph <n4) 982-2509 Wilen You Want it done right •.•• i:'.'.W~=·n= • CHEC.I HERE Of o.c. N""" R<&talr> 2'129 W. Llnpn Lane, S.A. • Fret Rental Stiytce • Brok<n I Mgn. I OW...ro ( Prope11ies We.st ~1642 I WORKING ..... -tor , aleepina: room. N e w p o rt Calf-one of the experts listed below!! n~,= :11ce 'f.: WITH THE ea. BrODn hn:-U--necess. --""'·Own·-· 64$-l19J JOB KINGS! BH.cb trea. MS--22ll t"XI 770 Rooms for Rent 5".S OCEAN·HILL view lot. R-1. 11:::.:::.:;:;.:.:.c .:;=:.....:.;..;,.:, I Laguna Beach. 80x102. Pav· Whaddy• Want? Whaddya Got? Job Wanted, Mon&Womon 7030 I NICE Room l btk bch. "'' <d ... Util in. Only $.l<Ol SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR I studio. kitchen. veranda. caah. Owner, fitZ.0138 -• -1 .,:,""'_,,_~.c...,""'--NATURAL BORN SWAPl'ERS SERVICI DllllCTOllY SIRVICI OllllCTORY CIUNESE ,.,.. .. Dt>nt<•ti~ Only young l'<'Vl"e. •"" mo. IN COM. Level R·2 Jot with Permanent. Experienced. S!RVICE DIRECTORY I"" util. Lag Boh 49'-3950 ovecsi,.d double ........, Speclal Rete Asphalt, 0111 6520 c.-1 L...,ng & Janltoriel 6790 Far Eaat A&<ncy $15 WK le up wt kitchen. stres.tell far apt. By Owner 5 Lines -5 times -5 IM.tckl -:.....------·..--r· Repel 61.26 {213) 387-5196 $30. wk shxHo apt. 2376 $26,000. ~ ._......., ,.... ,.J.U';.f1,.;,_~ MUn.....=,u~ __,"'.,...... SEALING & P ATCHING ------'--'--SPARKLE Janitorial & Wi.n- Newporl Blvd. 548-9155.. R-t LOT, Costa Mesa. 40 a-vou1t ..-•lldJ_. ..,.... .._, '"" " ~11tto Resldeilttal ·Indus · Oomci FOR CARPETING dow cleaning Serv. WU.. Joh Min, Wom. 7100 a..-NOTHINO fOlt &All -T1tADlll:$ ~lYI r..-pl ~--"" do "• cl, --unit.. Owner. Phil Sulli'an PHONE 642-5671 ~" reaa ........ -~·~~ OR CARPET LAYING ws, re-., com """Ll-----·--- Motelt. Trlr. CrtL 5997 5(8..6761 To Pl1ct Your Trader's P1radlM All engaged by Ot,y Of C.M. tor c. A. ~ &U-2010 Ceanup. Ftoee est. 968-2691 AIDES. NIJrling. Ex P er. i · street reataration. DUTCH Maint Serv, -t · ,1 WEEKLY rates Sea Lark BAYCREST TR. 3763, lot 74. NATO CORP. ,.1 ..... fir··--' ~·r Prel'd, AwiY in penon V'9. I Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., Sacrifice. Make offer. 2 Rental homn, Mt. Wtish. 712 SL Ja.mes ~· N.B, 3 Gen'J Contractors 63S-S818 Draperi• 6630 ...... w~ng. window i .:.P.;.H::.'.:"::';..::c.-;:.:::::.::.... __ Costa Mesa (213) 180-9712 ington, L.A. $40,000 Equity Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Qwn.I========= _..;.,. _______ washing. Harry van Beynen Adwttialng Aa:ency ! • SANDY'S TRAILER COURT for clear catlt. or \Vash.in&:· er says 1ubmlt income or B bysltt"ng 6SSO A'M'ENTION New Heme 537-1508 if no ans call afl 3 Sharp S.Cretery f 0 r SJ>aceS avail now. call R.sort Property 6205 ton land. Hal Pinchln & land for S30M eql)'. Mark • 1 Owne:nl Draperies, by Ellie. f ed N ru -~-6i:.>439Z Les, RHr, 548-mt REASONABLE (1) 52&-6667 Lendscaplnt 6110 ast -h pac ewTport :·~-===·=====:=' 11 AC. Lake MOha\lt" Ranchos. $275,000 F/C lea!ied indus----------!RELIABLE bf,bysitter, 5 dys Beec Agency. ype •· NR Lak •. ha • Level view lot, Laguna wk, Mesa Verde area. Hot Electrlc.I 6640 I.JC'D Japane11e land.sc3,pe '5-70. ShorthW 100, 'i l_ncom• Property 6000 Ariz. . es ioto · ve trial, Oyer Rd, 10% return. N" el Trad •--• & f 11 r;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I M ad $1 000 96:UOOS F M l I nd Ora Co tgu . e up ...,.. apts. lunch, plan'd dys. A.Ke J.ilp. ---------contractor, Lawru, sprk.lra, organ1n 0 0 w I.. c · ' · ~('r ·willa carry P~~r 0; In OConrarange County. 54!Ml45 · ELECTRICAL service & l!lllios, etc. ~ t h r u • U n d • r 35. 2000 10 . ,~ """ 8 ,._ Mr. d Riviera Realty BABY~lNG A •-n•·· ol-repair. 24. hrs. 7 days. No Phone: 642-3910. 425 /I Mount, & D-rt 6210 ... Ume, ·~ ~. 499--... 1330 ~·· UV "~ CIA ON -4 """"· lered REASONABLE. job too omoll. Re-model & Meoonry, Bride 6830 N. Newport Blvd. 1 DEPRE Tl 25' Owens cruiser A·l, new *••• -·• additions, ll it'• electrical, PALM DESERT Rad' .... he d '·-··· lovely ~-nt -·~ Acc-•nts R-Clerk I New lndll!itrial bU'Uding wilh motor. K>, g......,y, a • .._ ... _ ~ we fix it! 646-4772 RICHARD AWN --· 1 ~ tenants. New lease l'f'· SANDPIPER bait tank. $4200 value. \VW Bay, KJT&t ocean v1ewa; 2 Babysitting, in my home. ELECTRJCIAN Li Beautiiil offloe. Ute twtng. . turning $6.TlO per year.·Ask· 2 BR 2 bath widen $23,950. trade for Trust Deeds or sty. Meditt. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Val, $20 Week. 6lS Poppy Ave. bonded. Small ~bs, ~~ Cu1tom &. 5p.9nlah S403 start. / ing $59.500. Excellent loca· 894-5313 Farrow Realty _,_,_6_11_·304_5_____ SU.2-M. Want Pad.fie Hghts. *'Corona de! Mar * enance &: repairs. 548-&JJ Masonry A SP.!!t.ltyl Independent T tlon. For a worry·free 1n-I -'======~="' I Will trade • 1968 Yamaha !lome San·Fran. Bkr.494-3568 LICN'D Day Care. AM-5:30 I=======::=;;;; I Block. Brick.. <;oncrete Personnel Ag.ncy 1 \.-e&trnent. please call K, W. Exch•ng•s, R. E. 6130 3ffi motorcycle in absolute-Lovely Palm Springs home wee kl Y. hot mea l s , floors , 6665 l==F=r:iH:::E:•=t=. :::'::33-:=2343== 1716 Oranae. Ave., SUile C Small ly top shape FOR AH, + pool + 2 income units. HaJ'bor..Baker, 546-1539 -----CM. 642-0026. 545-0979 I 'Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. NOTICE Sprite or other small car. WANT income units ln or 8 I k .. ___ : et CARPET VJNYL TILE P1ptrh1nglne •• ASSEMBlERS •• j 1818 W, Oiapman Aw, If _,., have a 3 or 4 bed· Wl1l incl lthn: '-helmet. nr CdM. Call ~ alter r C , ---.ry, C. Free est. Uc. con.tr. M0-7262. Palntin9 6850 MALE, Electrlcol, Meehani· j Qrana:e, calif. r:,;-home for sale or rent, c"".::-.c"'°=~· =~~~-~ 6:3() p.m. 6560 546-4478 1---------cal. New or experienced. \ Ml-2621, Eves-wlmds ~ ee.11 Us today. We represent BAY VIE\v.··ruuUs'' de-'60 Rambler Sta \Vgn .. A-1 ---------1.==:=::====== * PAINTING, lnt & ext Sta~e, commercial firm, 40 I tlm employees of a large gant 3 BR, 3 BA, split level. shape. M~al oWce desk w/ BUILD, Remodel, rep&lr. G•rdenin9 6680 Back lrom Vietnam. Back yrs m business. COSTA Mesa home & 9 units firm moving to the. harbor $13,000 eq. FOR 4 BR Bay 4 chn:, like new. Trade tor ·Brick. block. concrete, in business again. Free CHRISTIE J ~% ~mo: bld~roJ. area &nd they must have view. ~t High area or TO, carpeting or submit. carpentery, no job too &mall. NEW lawns r e-seeding. estimates. Will subcontract. ELECI'RJC CORP. MALE I Cammercial Sll-•&.$650 + conm:Uakm + Clr I: ex· siente•. (W bol eaa l e tumitutt) 2 yrs of coliep!:. Resident of O.C. 5 yn. Good saJes background. Credit Solos M-.et to $650 (Tra.ipee) 2 )"tS colleae. draft exempt, willing to tn.Vt"I. M1r Trol11ff to $6&0 2 yrs college. Stable, YoU?'ll married man. M.-1ca1- $3.SD lw 2 yrs college or 2 )'TS board time, Sr. Welder-Fitter $4.ll llr A1ust read BP. hrolttlt'e Sales $400 ::i yrs exper. Commercial Interior Designer from $3 hr. Must have drafting exper, know color coordinating. I n. Tier , housinr! AU C!Uih if dcsired.1.::tnoo=m.::'::..::•':..':..· .:.":.:'-4265..:::.:;·;,,__ 847-717S Lie. Contr. 962..sMS Complete lawn care. Clean "":.:""::..::'089=--~~---2120 Placentla, C.M. Business Property 6050 Call FUTOW 546-8640 Trade Palm Springs 2-R·l JB vending mach.ines, soupS S • 6562 up by job or month. Free SUBURBAN Painting/Dec ATI'ENTION BOYS! Technical lots· $40,000 clear. Prestige & hot drinks. Cost $1800, Bualneu irvice estimates. For into. call Expert Guaranteed Work Guaranreed ;1.65 h.t. Door to l\t:M. Cotner. Perfect for asea near Riviera. For in· so1ne on location, Trade for .~.....,,,=~,.-~,.--,,~--I Free est No job too larie Door sales after school. 3 l1jectl011 Molcf For_,. shopping center. 150x300. All come -L.A. or Orange Co. car, P/U or boat. S·MILEY'S AL'S Garaentng & Lawn or too small. 494-3190 hrs., Mon • Fri, 4 hrs Sat. Q to $4.50 util. in. Signal at corner. ORANG"E COUNTY'S The Real Es!aters 646-7tn 548-3197 Bus1'ne•• Serv1'ces ?.talntenance. Commercl&l, HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Jnt. &: Call 546-5754 btwn 3 pm-All shifts. Must know VictDrvllle area. Box 18, LARGEST HAVE: Duplex in Corona "67 EL DORA.DO C&dillac, .w industrial I: resldenUaL Ext pajnting. Lie & insurd. "':.'30:::.cpm=·-O:.N..cL:.Y:.· ____ I setups and materials. Ontario. calif. 2629 HARBOR BLVD. del Mar. WANT: s-1 ! un!t.s all extras +, tow miles, * 646-3629 * Free ests. Local re&L Call Attractive Woman 6060 546 16.1.• in Orange County. xlnt cond. Trade dOwn far Taxes, C.P.A.utualbooklreetundp .... 1J"IM=·s,-G"""ard-,-onl.,.-ng_&,....,.la_w_n i =°'=uek;c_.:.-_;_;_~--= ·--.._ N insurance, m s &: needed for makeup instruc-===;..;.,;==--"'"-' OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 ancy J . ~loore. Bkr. transpOrtation car or 7 !, Real Estate investment.. maintenance. Res. 4 · Com-EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rm. $2A) tor. Will train for business SJORE for lease llOO "I· ft. ========= 1 ,,==-'-'~""-·7000_..,..c.(~-* 6444265 * Notary. 646-9006, oo.2221 mercial * 54()...4837. + &ood pafnt. neat v."Ork. of )'Ollr own. I in &bop ctr on 17th St. Costa _R;,.·..;E;,.._W_;_an_,,ted-'----6'-2-40 HAVE: Cornn1ercial Io t, APP ARE~ Ladies drH!I TYPING IBM Exec., fast, Japanese Gardener loc. rell. ROY, 847-1358 Call coUocet (713) 782-3310 M~ Call da, 494-9615 nite clear, $15,COO. Lake Arrow. shop, cona1goed. stock, good accurate. Pickup &: dellver. Complete Yard Service INTERIOR, Exterior Int. or write: I 962-3883 . NQTJC[ head $10,000 clear. WAN'r lease • shopping center. Ex rienced. 644-l063 Free Estimate 646-001 average 3 BR home $98.50 VIVIANE WOODARD I WANTED: Bldg. 1n c.M. ap-airplane or income proper-Trade for car, camper or ? pe CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST! labor only. ~1546 COSMETICS prox ZOO'.> aq ft. 11uitable for II yau have a 3 or 4 bedroom ty. Broker ll) 689-880!. 636-0042, 8J0.2M5 C.rpenhrlng 6590 Mowlna:. edglne, odd jobs. PAINTING Dept, 111.lOO, 14621 Ti tus St. l Bualnea Rental For-$4-4011r Must be familiar w/all phases of yacht &: boat building. ...... & Sflotpe s.t .. ~ 111 .. to $4.50 1w IPF* . Fl.rat and second shift. 5 yn cxper on all B &: S machines. l cycle shop. Write Dally home 1or sale or for rent, 75 Acres. Make a nice Lady's diamond cluster Reuonable.. stS-6955 EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Panorama City, Cafil. 91412 Pilot Box M-690 call us today. We-represent ranch. Beaumont. 1 blk. ring, Large stones. Value CARPENTRY TREE SERVICE, gen'! yard • 646-3185 • BABYSITI'ER. lJve-in or lrowfte • Shspe I ROOM Suitable for gift shop, the employees ol a large sub. lots, CitY of Elsinore, $500. Trade for auto, trailer MINOR REPAIRS. No Job cleanup. SPRINKLER *. PAINTING Interior/Exler. out, rera, own transp. Nk-e O~Fto* 4.00 lit. men's shop or ladies shop. !inn moving to the Harbor trade for units or '?Box 60C>, or ! ? T-•--" ea~-1 In .,..... REPAIRS. 646-5848 • ---• -" •-sr ., Call Jim· Berkshire. 673-9405 Art& and they must have Riverside, CaJU. 636-0042 or 833-2945 , .. --, ~.-0 I h .·-, cablne•-::. EXPER. Japane•• Gardo-,, 10~ I.A.I\;~ '"l;J.:1 • .,,r famt!y·k·home. -NB.64&-4lS7 ·2·· ·yrs expe·r .. OTI ·an B&S l cnn. ft housing! All cash iI desired. .a -. '"" m~-u. serv:ice. BABYSITIER &: Ii g ht machines. Sl'ORE for lease, ......, l!Cf. Call Farrow 546.8640 .. * * * * * 545-8115, It no answer leave Co1nplete Yd. Service. Free FOR Better Painting, inter-housework, 2 chUdren 5 & 4, I Oceanfront at Newport Pier. !~~~'!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!J!!~~!!!!!!li!!ll!!!!!!!!!i!I msg at 646-2372. lL o. Estimates. can 540-1332 ior & exterior, acoustic ccU.. own transp. Mature \\"001an, Punch Press o~- 1 675-1566 BUSINESS •na Andenon r~,...,...,.., &: SU 35a2 FINANCIAL BUSINESS d BUSINESS -• ==~==~---* Expert Jepanese ings. .,..!>"'f\1.. . 968-1620 to $3.00 • • an 809 CARPENTRY, Ca b in e ts FINEST WORK 6t6.0384 ==~Bc,O~Y~S~l~D--~,~.--l 5 ?-.fonlhl experience. j Office Rental 6070 FINANCIAL :..F;:.IN;:.A:.;N:.;C:.:l:.;A.::L ____ , Remod. No job too >mall, PIHlering, Repair 6880 I LAGUNA BEACH Bus. OpportunltlH 6300 quallru k. Call •••2576 ,,.2 Carr1u Routos °""' Electronic Tachniclan Bus. Opportunities 6300 Re•I Est1te Loena 6340 v v.ior ....,.. · Gener1I Service. -for I, Air Conditioned High Profit Potential 1--...:.;'------REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS 1--------*PATCH Pl.ASTERING l.qtma 8'adl, So. Lagwia from $3.SD up/hr. · ON FOREST AVENUE FrandriJe Opportunity with Assoc. Partner INVESTMENT -·p .___ CABINET. Any stze job. ~....-.. need BARTENDERS All typeCalls. ~ .,!!tlmate DA.ll.Y Pn.oT l yn: exper. In_ repairs &: r~ <O •••• ,_ -~--===""'-"~'='=~=== troubl e-a hoo't ln& ol I• Desk spa"Ce available ~In uvuuway, a year old n1.. $S's Jor trust deeds We 25 yrs. cxper. 548-6713 ... serving all Orange County . .-' -----=-=-='-----! amplillen, ·controls I: , newat office building at tional printing company. AUTOMOTIVE make ]st &: 2M & bu·,. ex-REPAIR, Partitions Small ;:~=2233=======: I Plumblng 6190 1' audio equipment 1 prime location ln downtown Proven concept• experience DEALER lsting TDs. Bia. 543-&181 Remodel, etc. Nlte or day, _ * BUSBOYS l Laiuna Beach. Air condi· not necessary, You may day or eves. Reu! call KEN 54B-4679 H1ullng 6730 TOILET, sink stopped up ? Fork Lift Mechanic : · Uoned, carpeted, beauWul work 1n ~ter or be an ab-Active with SZ>,00) to Invest ----Router serv. No extra chg from $3 +J hr. 1 entrances: Frontage on sentee Investor. Pri~ loo Orange County exchlstve. Money Winted 6350 Cement, Concnte 6600 Y A R O I G u . cl e a n u p Sat. Sun or travel. 497-14&7 APPLY IN PERSON fofuat have tho r ough I Forest.. Ave., rear leads to cation now available ln this Top In field, 25 yrs Nation-~ 1 o /I 0 ad. Salvageables led f -'· l '1 MunctpaJ parking Iota, $50 area at $29,750, financing ally, Ex-m•ly h-,~ -tu,n, • PLUMBING REPAIR COCO'S ~ult~e o,,,;'te'.: •. "'o'wnod u-.:c "" ... 8 4 •-lO<'l -t CEMENT WORK, no job too free! R<!movc trees, Jvy, N job too small '"'"'"' ... JM .. .., t per month for space Dctk available. Reply to: Robert plus excellent salary. Prin-· ..., ,o on Your mves · I bl grade 962-8745 ° # hand tools. 'and chairs available for $5. Loew, Reglo.nal Director, 670 clpal selt'Ctcd must have ment. We can platie )'OUl' smal • reaso~ e. ~ • 642-3128 • 78 Fash.ion Island B lne ~ .. -an--"ng •· th v----A Lo fund, dt-t 10 tho bo-w"-estim. H. Stuflick 548-8615 Cle•n Up end H•ul Newport Center, N.B. us ss ,,..,..... • ...... , ..... u ""'"""" venue, s managerial background, Au. ...... ''" ..., ~-6960 AINtllblen to $3.25 lw • . service available tor $10. Angeles, Calltontia, or call tomotive experience n 0 t on Litlt" ins. real estate loans * CONCRETE FLOCiRS, $10 a load. ~2528 -Ing ===~--~~-1 :r yrs experience in ele<> AU utilitiea pald except 213. 383-1391. -·~~. Will tratn. y ,.., @ no extra cost lo the lend· pa.Uoa. etc. Reuonabte, Call CLEAN UP Ir. Hauling . CARPET cleaner & window -m--'---'--' ...... mbly el =~~====~ -, s · -" Do "•2-8514 e Dressmaking. • Alterations wu~-~-•. -'-. uv-<:UJ<Uuuu ...,._ • t ephone. $100,000 P!R YEAR JnVt"stigation welcomed. Call er, top in or c .... , 1323 N. n, "" Trees & shrubbery trimmed ·~ '"='""' ''"""""" DAILY PllhI' Broadway, SA (park:ifl& on or rt!moved. 549-1359 Special 00 coat he.ma \Vork into lead man. No exp, 222 FOREST A VENUE Minimum Income tor good Jor appt. for Uris once In a our property) 543-8381 day Contr1ctors 6620 * 646-6446 * nee -but helpful. Start $2.25 LAGUNA BEACH man to participate in highly IUetimc, excepOonal oppol'-or eves. Alt .. •tion...646-5145 + bendl.ts. 549-2425 494-9466 profitable realty investment tunlty. Ken Clltlord (n4) ~;,;~=====-1--;;::;;:;:-;;-;:;:;;;;;;;:;:;-HouHclunlng 673.S 1600 Square Feet LUXURY OFFICE operation. Plush red carp.!t -"='=·"""==· =· ===== ANNOUNCEMENTS FRED lL GERWICK I---------Neat, accurate, 20 Yd. exp. CHEMIST offices on Newport Bay! Ac-~ end NOTICES Building Contractor DAY QC backgroond tive or tnactlve! Investment Investment Oppor. 6310 F d (F Fam. rms. bdrma, pa.tioa * HOLi TILE, Cerimlc 6974 ABILITIES required! Will train quali. :::°"::".:::...:;..:r.:;H::._;A::::d•:,:l_:640D:::::i Licensed-Free estimates SPECIAL * UNLIMITED AGENCY lied party! &1.>1574 day or FANTASTIC FEMALE Black kitten, fiea 67H04l 11 54~2170 ~~':~I::~ :;,.~:d ~e'::i::. Cu~Lv:·. ~~ ~~~. 488 E. 17th. St., Suite 224 eve. REAL TY PROJECT collar&. red collar vie. San-C1rpet CINnln9 6625 All work guaranteed, 5 No job too small. Plaster D:ista Mesa W..1470 COIN laundrie .. Frlgldatre. $500.000 profit retum within ta Ana & 22nd, C.M. patch. Leaking s h ower CHRISTMAS HELP From SG.500 to $42,500, 90 days. $25,000 cash need-642-3783 1---------·lyrs. In area. repair, 847-1957/846--0206 Anaheim. Costa Mesa, cd, 645-1572 day or eve. *Diamonds are meuum:l Call Cleenco 641·5164. FOUND: Black & white ::,y quality, so are we! BAY&: Beach. Janitorial Serv. Tree Service 6980 Buena Park, Ful1er ton, Manx kitten. vie . DIAMOND CARPET ~ .. =:=:=:::::==::==:=:=I Garden Grove, Huntington 1M;,:;.:0;;.•.:e,_y_;t,:0..;L:.oa:.:.;•;__63;.;;.:2:.:0 Golden~st St. & Edinger, CLEANERS 645-Ul7 anytime 1 1000 Square Feet ~~~ta Ana. Tustin, 2 d TD L Huntington Beach. 89'2--S966 CARPET SPECIAL! \Ve Bayfront with. wet bar, R iddle & Ross Rltrs, * 67'S-7225 • Carpets, windows, floora. etc. Rea Ir. Comm c'l TREES pruned, to pp ed , 646-1401 rt!moved. 26 yrs exper. \Vrappcrs & Sales. In- quire in person only KINGS for MEN 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. •WINDOWS DIRTY? A e ria l towe r eq u lp, COMPANION Skilled llectrlc1-to $4. llr Ex,.,_ Plombento$4. 1'r Put exper. finished c:a.pe.ter Cabinet Assemblers. to $4. hr 111ust have own tools. Jr. Mochlnlst from $2.50 Able to do set-up on small machines. U nsklllecl OffilCe Space Ayal'L Call Charil• 52>-1833 n oan TAME Pot rabbH, whi" ""'""" shampoo, & Ult Prompt, confidential 1erv'ce "')blk spots. Brookhurst &: p 11 e. I nclude a s o 11 ESI'ABLISHED gift shop on 642-2171 ... ~11 Hamilton HB 646-6908 or retardant! 64a--0298 305 17th Street, l J.B. 5-1 Balboa Island for sale. If In-. ~ te.resled call 673-4651 for ap-Serving Harbor area 20 yrs. 54s..2950 CARPET & Furn. cleaning: poinlment. Sattler Mortgage Co. FOUND: Bike on Balboa for 1 day service & quality -~SUN NEVER SETS on•-===336=E=·;'='='h=St=""=='== Isle. Call & I d e nt if y . \\'Ork, Call Sterling for Free est. 15 years exp. 4M-4505, 638-'1'2.14 &: very Ui:h.t bouaeket'pina: Johnny Dunn 642-2364 Upholstery 6990 Jor healthy mature lady. Factory Trol11.-from * APT CLEANING * Live in • salary, Call be-$2.00 llr. 'DELUXE 250 sq, ft . office in.c. 1 · 6~Ei0 brightness! 642-8520 suite in Corona tie! Mar Cl8.5Silied"s action po~-er. Reel Est•I• Loan1 6340 prestige Joe. New carpets & For an ad to sell around the GlRL'S bike found at Boy"s CARPET & upholstery steam d · kl clock, dial 642-5678. HARDE Club. cleaned, also carpet tn-RpeS -pnv. par ng CALL STY 2070 Thurln, C.M. s!allaUon. Results guar. For Realonomics Corp. 675-Gm) WHERE'S YoUl' fair &hare? F:g;ir_: TA!\tE white rabbit, near froo est call 646--59n STA Mesa oUlces. AJC, 1G=IV=E=N=ow==-,,U~nl;,l,Ood=FUtttl,;:;;=...!..<========= Santa Ana Ave. & 16th GIVE Now -and later ·crpts, dtps. Parkin&. Vrry Place, C.M. LI S.1424 UNITED FUND Fast & thorough 642-8164 CiYKOSKJ'S Cust. Upbol. tween 6 & 8 PM. 673-736.S Driver $2.00 hr. WlllJA!\1S Cleaning Serv. European Craftsmansh.ip 100% Fin! 64i-1454 CONSTRUCTION CARPETS. Wtndow•, ""· 18.U N•wport Bl .. C.M. otc. n .. "' eom"1. Xlnt ...o='"'-''-'--'-"--1 SUPERINTENDENT ~'Ork Reas! Reis. 548-41ll. ~~J!i.!!9 6995 RENTAL READIER (Offslte) "An .....,A WELDING shop &: portable. One of Southern California's ...........,.,..... Ornamenta.I. iron. 64&-l81S largest land developers has ONE Gilt Helpa Many FEMALE ni~ ol:fices. 1555 Baker, Bus. Opportunltl" '300 Bus. Opportvnltle1 6300 GOLDEN Brown c o cker spaniel, 2452 Elden. CM 548-1092 --------.-an im~late opening 1or an Ollslte Superintt-ndent. f /C-eeper Type I. Rectpt. $600 All-around &harp g 1 r I. Front off.ice, -BAY LIDO BLDG 3700 Newport. N.B. OUices available. Rm 301. 675-2461 or 541-5032 i;il SQ ft downtown C.M. "frontage. PlenHfu.I parking, 1834 Newport Blvd. 2 Ofilces wilh ansv.'ttizlg .R!"Vlce furnished for rent. :"'15 C.enter St. (ul)ltn) C.M. lnduatri1I Rentel 6090 * rosTA MESA * tm 1q ft. new, S2JO/mo. 100 11q fV4 otJc'5 $310 15, lB, 25.0XI fiQ' fl, sprlnklm; 8\.ie tq ft, Orange County .. )mmed occup•ncy. C. Robm Na1tress Realtor taM8& -s ™ Sq. fl. fkQ rte? . .i oftiees. tmm~\atit oc- cup&nCY. 16th SL. N .B. 642-6210 t1t 8i'S-5<119 ' ANTED: SOJ aq. fl., one man tnadH:hop. Vic llnte I Sch or U min lral'd. :n.l' ,,, __ ·:.IAU.. wueOOUse or Mop spa.ca Irvine Ind us trial ,.........,..,..... FORNEY. BrOlltr !i40-386:i! C.M. IMMED. pollliHSion ( 5fOO tq ft mod. tilt-up M;ip ofllce. Rent M or ~uc. - CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Man or woman to restock new type coin dis pensers with h I g b 'quality candy pro- ducts. WE ARE LOOKI NG FOR THE IND I- VIDUAL WHO WILL WORK TH IS BUSINESS LIKE IT WAS MEANT TO BE-ONE WH O WANTS TO BE FIN- ANC IALLY INDEPENDENT-A PER· SON ASPIRING TO EARNINGS WELL OVER $1,000 PER MONTH. We have a limited nu m b e r o! positions available In Ibis area. Both part lime and full time. \Ye requirt? exchange of refer- ences before an interview is granted. You need at least $1,950 to $3,75(1 cash, which is only for supplies and eq ulpmenL • Write, giving phone number, to; DISTRIBUTOR DIRECTOR, DEPT. 19 535 South 2nd WHI Salt Lake City, Utah 14101 ( BICYCLE. Jrlenilly. ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES Experienced In large vol· ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS um• grading•"'"'"°"'· 'Th~ 1ncf NOTICES end NOTICES posi&n offei."11; challenge, ;.:;,::...;.:.;;..;.;,.;,,_____ ---------1 future,-good worklna: condl· Efttlo...t119 Secrmry to $550 mo ='""'--="c::.;1"'::"::.3,...._= Per1onal1 6405 Penon1l1 TAN Siamese female cal, blk l--------- 6405 Person•I• 6405 tioos. Salary cornmemurate Good SH, typing skills. Familiar w/engr terms. with ~perlenec. Send re- swne to Dally Pilot Box Marketlrtg Sec. $500 marki..., blue o o II &r. HAPPY 53&.-2445 SlLVER TOY Poodle, vie. Victoria-Mesa Shpg center 646-58S8 Loa! 64DI BELATED BIRTHDAY LOSI' mall brown male to D a c h • h u n d, nam<d Jackie & Cheiyl "Sbom," v1c. Do,·er Shores, NB. Reward. ~~2 1--------- BLACK miniature poodle, * Don't• uncut. "'"'"'• collar w/ t'<d e sets. Vlc Canyon Sch.I, O.f. Reward. 64>2767 Call us H )'OU slllJ believe in MEN'S f1orshelm shoes I015t cave sl.)'lo dattn1. ~ 11at~.. 1SI Tbc 24 Hr recordlni; ....,tw. """'" ' & ORANGE CO 547-6668 mutts. Reward. 644-4197 · LOST: Grem Pl.lTOt, Thun. ATTRACT~VE, dl.1c reet afternoon vie •1th SL NB Y.'Oma n "ho doesn t 1mok:e · lo meet busines11 or pro- Olll 6'75-6rT2 fesslonal man, 40-60 Jor PLEASE HELP We lost ov.r companionship. Wrtle .Pal1y Co!Uc, ha.a tags from Colo, Pllo! Box: M-12 ai56 "'F'" Elden m-0182 NEWPORT Be11.ch Tennla ,..5 Club ramily membership. :P..:e::.''°:.::";;'::;l•:,_ __ _;~:.:;:;,1 1'.la~ offer. 49-1-2193 ALOOlIOLlCS Anorlymous * HARBOR CKUtSE * Phont 542·7211 oa· write to Dally 2 PM, Fun Zone BoAI P .o. Box 1223 CMta Mesa. eo .. Balboa * 613-0240 PALMISTRY & CARO READINGS Brint Your Problem• to Me -I Wiii Help You Solve Them. l glve advice on all matters of life, sueh as love, court- ship, man-lage, divorce, bus. iness 1·ransactlons of all kinds. Reunite the separ- ated, C&USc speedy and Mp. PY marriages, overcome ri- vals, lovers quarrels. evil habits, stumbling block9 of aU kinds. Therr. is no heart llO bacl or home so dreary ' that I cannot bring sunshine into it. Jn fa ct, no matter what may be Your hope. tear or 11mbttlon, SEE THE PAUUSTRY READER I will tell you Just what )'OU MDI: to know. Avail. for partita \Vith Thi~ cant anc1 $3.00 Rtttlve $5.00 Rea.ding Open Daily 10 AM lo 10 Pl\I r"'ully Ucensed Off. 12131 6.97·921'2 210 W, \Vhitticr Blvd., L.1 Habra POISE ,AND CHARM Sell aasurance comes to the young lady who lmow& her own assets and how to use Uiem. Learn 1nake-up tech· rrlques, proper walking and sitting, hair styles that do ~ most for you .•. all the S'OClal graces. Ne1v classes now forming for teen . age girls and young ladies. Rea. sonable fees, c:onvenicnt Jo.. cation, profes.sional \nstruc· tors. Locally ov.•ned and op- eratOO. no high·llfC~Urc, lona·tenn "cOntract " J;£'111ng. MISS PRIM"S ACADOtY, 18542 Beach Blvd., HB. call 962-2666 for fun infonnsllon. LICENSEO Splr1tual Readings, advke on aU matte~. 312 N. El Camino Real, Snn Cl£'n1cnte 492-9136, 492-0076 10 AM • 10 Pl\1 Announdlments 6'410 • LADIES • For l!Nllth a~ Sc11uty ha\"e Mas.sage &: 8.\una ball! • 6.16-6170 • M Good SH, typing llkills. -13. ~~!!!!!"'""'"~"'""'""'"I Good 11alr! &. markctini; COOK. Responslble peNJOn to background. cook ll-4 pm ~to~Fri. Fish Salestacly $100 week ,;&;,;Ch;;';";..::Sho:;:,:P..;64>-:,:.:...:,14:;30:,,...-J !\lature lady, completely COOKJHsekecper for 2 famillllr wUh better gowns. adults. S days, $300 start. Live Jn/Out. Cllll 673-7877. Cosmetician ~ Drug Sales lady, must be expt'I'. Call 536-2101. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Factory TraloMI to $2 hr. Exec. S.c. to $600 mo. Sharp ~Mtch gal, able to II()\ up ottlce. Worlc under pn!uurt. •EPF-Employe:r pays fee. Fee jobs also available, APEX Employment Agency l'h blk So. of 1 ttU 1873 HARBOR BLVD. 548-3426 ""'"'"~--...,. ..... __ ..., ___ ........ ..,. ... ,,.._,.., _____ ..., ........ ---~· ---~ .............. --~~~ ... ..,.,..... "<? ··.....---"! ............ _, ____ --.-·-·~·· -• • • .... ... -·. ----~-·---~--·-·---~-;;-.,.,,.,, .. . • -·· .... ,, ... r ~. 196' DAJlY ~ JOBS & I MPLOYlo\INT JOIS & I MpLOYMI NT JOIS & IMPLOYMI~ JOIS & I MPLOvMmNT JOU & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT .IOIS & I MPLOYM'"' JOU I IMPLOYMliNT1JOIS I IMPLO . Men.W...7* j ~·· --~w-11 00 J,ob• Meo>, we· 7100Jobl Mon. w .... 7100 J obi Men, Wom. 7100 ..... ,.._~ Wtim. 7100 J .... Mon. w• 1100 , .... Mon.-W-7100 ..... Meo>, Wom. 11 Jollo I . I . ~i~ a-!~ ••I i ~ ~" ~ --:--SACES . w..unu:ma...1-ll.a.tar I ' -SECURITY lllFUl'S . PORfEAS °"' 30 flor t;; Shop. ---Dor· * * A"'· Dlrtctor Premier . . ~-.c.u ---""'*' Iii • ....... ...... ,,_ ..... Housewives and' Mothers 3·.11 · _.,.~ NEWPORT I Xl'l lUI NCED ' PERSONNEL Kami'• 06o --lnvolve:ll)eAt ln: -· Briltol,C.M..l lil l l'll. ' 0 NursU. • prodAk:t UOUSEWARE. Aro you -• E1m...qtr• "'*"9Y for ·Mon tbru Frt. -......... . PllSONNll. Ex..tlent lmployot pretentJ.y eamlnc what )'Oil • Now lnt1rvlewlng *-CHRISTMAS * • Queot tor quality nun!nr -11 -1DNOdlyourpllD AGENCY W~. Al!JO¢w 6 ""· AlilNCY llte? U not, jlnt faith 1n btat m awearance. ovw 21. Coll ROYALE' APPLY )'OUl'te:U A me wtll brlnl .......... -· Ei• * COOK * -441 ... IM.._ Par ...... 1 'Offlco proepertty lnunediately ln perience not nee. .AM -~ ~i C. Penney Com~ny Ol!"'ALESCENI' HOSP. ..__ "" unlllnlted tleld. Call 2 ConvtnWn.t omce. peN:Jn U PM. 4f0 Full Time -........ ,,, lrd , loo< 494-f425 9 AM.S PM 2024W.Ll-ln u.-. """"" de! Mar. Excellent compaey benefita. I'-lolri -Newport otch RNs1, LVN'1, & 1104 I• 179' IMet The Broadway SALESMAN, Retail Anoholm. 635-2000 WOMEN, f\111 ot part time -. Nuran Akles ........ I Hardwan. ruon Hafdwue, -lmmed. tar. Ollld . " M~ttlons o.,.n In On PM &J'1 nlaht lhUta, FWl 147·'711 11))1 lrvlne, Newpt. Bcb., Woll1 l'trtO BulW~ Cue, Aldet or Co~ Apply ln t>el'IOD only • ~ * es and part timt, Apply per-47 Court1 of Foohlon w"'dltt Plua. &G-1133. Soni• An• Mr Ap 00 ID IO, 60-321C #1 Fuhlon l&1And ' '* Santa's Helper aonnel c:ttice, St. Jo.eph FASHION ISLAND ...... PllJl. ''Wbtte Careen are Mlde" SIH'"9 Pretty Aeaney ... .,,,.. 2 • 5 p .M. * Credit interviews l!oopttal, ~ I to 1 MALE Newport Buch ~: $.'OJ week 1n wl& Member, We Sit Bener, Inc. * Gift wrapping 633-9111 1ub1on lleld. Need 5 ~Int Grad YAOIT PERS>NNEL COUNTERGIRL, .,,.. 25.' Schedules ·fucludlnSi afternoons, evenings and An Equal Opportunity ~ p"c:lten t lal *JR. EX!C • -.. ......... App. ID peraon, Expert J/j_ newport . FEE NEGOTIABLE Em-unlimited. Call Mn. Our dtent~ -pod reliable penonn1t f o r Cleaners 333 E. 17th St., combination of bo . ----w/Jvy Leque lppeu'PC9 -200 Ton' y .... , C.M. Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex· personnel A ..... 1t1«h•T-RECEP TIONIST (Accoonllna -) to .~ tldi>for, -· COASTAL AGENCY $10,000 op Sol .. .--tDto • ltatt tev,l -. -Son~ cellent benefits including discount privilege. agency PBX. .Plwib ~. $400 to LOOK1 MORCOM!'ORT 9'L P rofession.I Dearee In Chemiltry or -'-We are Jookina: for praeatl)' ·pool-1111JO, F .. po1j. . ~r'°~ Emptoym..,t * Apply Now 833 DOVER DRIV:: • * Physiology. Mtrr 1 yr'• lndoponclont -.wtlhMlee'lorce. Coot-ant .• . A1sl1ta nce 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monday thru Friday NEWPORT BEA.a: tralnlne, will open p.,....,.1._., No francblle fee. Unlimited * foo$1 .... Sclilelo-1_ .... 71111 A member of 642·3870 Northern Calif ottlct. potential. For job or fittlna Snellina: & Snelling rnc. J. C~ Penney Company 1718 0nnce Aft., adt1!' C ... Mn. °""""· ......,, Dtciw and '*°" .. em . . • I • PLEASE c'AIL FOR C.M. -·-2190 Harbor Bl, CM 54().G'.65 AN APPOlNTMENT FEE JOBS RECEPrJpNlST-aft I 6 Sat. or .write Box likad. Leld'c u ,. -. .. Harbor Blvd. at Adams ; #24 Faohlon lo land .... """ Bell, c.L npld entry lnln ...... • FOR YOUR l'UBIJC RELATIONB level for m a n ·• COSMETIC Saki, )'Our own Newport Buch, C•llfoml• CONVENIENCE -... -Attractive, ...u .. _.Loan w/~ ctJ19.bWUea, hrs & Miahborhood ix' * """ ~I " ~11 .. ...!.. to $11,000 lady, ... 21-45 ... -Will. BRANCH l<ll«olm. Holiday Maak:. 5.36-4909 Administrative ottice on Newport 111¥. Ex· MANAGER Sa in-Computer Equip. Secretary to $IOO EPF* B.S. EE Degree. YOUJll, ctptlonal opportunltr. Account~ 'lnancfal agresaive Co. only wanlll bp'd • l!avlrcs • Loon *CON ROLLIR .... to $17,000 Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jol»-Men, Wom. 7100 Mu.I .. ,., exper, •• 66-1574 j ! i l 1 1,1,, c.....r oppor. Local "1'ritmy Administrative Secretuy 1 yr exptr. ID clrcull Restaw-aDi Enjoy a mrardl.na career $21,IJOO, J\apidly I srowinc Send resume or call Arman, plus IDp akills. Preftr -n. Ancient Mariner and joln a hichJy 111cceuf\11 mfl. C.O. tet:kl a )'OUtlC ado ii i l l l!I; 5'&>110. Foreign Car Mechanics MANAGER, Asst. for 20 unit .. _ wtlh nnall, ......................... mlnlatn.tor to head 'zP JASON BEST apts. 2 bedroom for ex-progressive firm. Must be: c ......... w ..... -----1n the Newport Beacb uu. pn1 A CI09t accntc. 1ncl . Employmmt Agency Good co, benetlta. incl paid change tor rental worlr: &: a sharp, young lady who to '4.50 .... Full A part ttm., .... 6 Th1I posltkm enta.lb chal· ~·~· . vacation, group Ins. uni. maintenance. Clwn<r ............ ltrwlrw d11tt. and ii adapt. 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana can think on her feet. Two opentnp Dell'ff, S..7 ,rs.. mf& a · . fonn1 tum1abed free. Good 6' .. 2835 e 'KITCHEN HELP ed for an indMclual with . • ·por.requtred. Ml!N & WOMENI • COUNTER.GIRL. full time. comm. schedule. Ask IM F/C. Boo~kMpor Molhtl-e DISHWASHER lmqtnative a n d Clftltve . Apply in penon to: Joe Moore Ph.. 540.1764. miJ j E:xec $650 CRF' e BUSBOYS abillU.. Exctllent ~ Accountl::J l'IMnclol COMPUTER PROGRAM•': KENTUCKY FRI E D FREE BEAUTY Must have acco untln1 Sooponhor $600 op Apply in penon beneftl:. Olli Mr. Ranlley ASS' CORP. MING IS THE KEY TQ i OllCKEN WAitDROBE to our part or theory, plus financial Complete charKe of Opera• 2607 W. Cout Hwy. (213) 88!M:&2. CONTROLLER 693 So. Cout Hwy. Laguna statements. multlplt boob. tlon o1 insert. labelill&', 4 Newport Beach SECRETARY YOUR PROmABLE ' fun time Fashkln C.Onsul-$14,400 I'll! PAID • CREDIT GIRL and knowledge of computer Imprinting machines. EX· to $525.00. Sh ar p Uills, FU'IUREI . tant. No invesbnent • ex· • Agoncy for Reltaurant AcqujQllon --Co. I G"""'1 ofll<r. $C03, start. ceptlonal earnings • will &: machines. per. required. Some col-Cocktail WaltNs• fl'OOYey office, beach area, aHb ~ )'OllllC a.... •ti.rt soon. • Inde pende nt train. Call Miss Hodge for Career Girls Legal Secretary lqe, Full ti.me, over 21. Applf In call Loralnt, Mff'Cbantl CPA to become dlrectb' 1n-Pilot _..,, olt::;!M tM Per soMel Agency interview. TI4: 54s-t088 1()...6 pe!1IOn alt. 2 pm. -,.....,.,, 20l3 nnest ~t and &di~ pm. Fashion Mirror Corp. $540 V. EPF' Credit Cllodol"9 T..i.n THE FISHERMAN Wellelitt Dr .• N.B. 645-2TIU wlved w/acqulaitklnl A ltlel a ble! Real·tlme 1ns Orange Ave., SUite c SECRETARY R.equlremenl1: 3 yrs gen'l merpn. AllO act u ~ computer~ • C.M. &42-0026, 545-097'9 FRY cook, exper, rellel shllt, Exciting and different Co. Cali(. law, dlctaphone, SH, $550 117 Coast Hwy, HD pon.te llai.on tn dlvilion • SERVICE Station need a • DAY Care or live-in, Irvint 5 days $2.30 hr, 562 w. 19th Good skill•. Public contact, A/P. AIR. Good local f'lr)'! career tar putOn who Rellaurant oonb'ollen. M"'t h a v e 1hcAcadt1~1 area. Have 2 tots 4 &: L call St. CM self-5tarter. position. ~ continatl<n of inlkie e DISHWASHER. exp'd man for days. Good potential to advance to OX' - eves 833-3(39 . General "'""' clerk, .,,.., .I: outside work. • KITO!EN HELP workl~ eondtHonl. Unkm pcrate or dlvls!M mamt. af °'1,ilplm• m . SECRETARY BookkHpor $525 ERF' APPiy OU, 393 £. i 7th st. C.M. DUp~y Tralnee1 -MALE w/fi&ul'H. Apply McGreror for trust Dept. ~r's or ~ ....... • iocalYI"' Reuben E. L• Sain/ Morl<ot~ 'ICdllq ': IMMEDIATE Yacht Colp.,, 16:µ Placentia. '""" trial balance. "'"' ..,,... . """'· Now Construction -J.Sl E. Cout Hwy. SERVICE Station Employet1, * SPICTR M • C.M. position. Beauti.ftil offices. !0$110 HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, full time. belptul. lo-key, calculator, Non-defente Co. requires 2 Nowport-.,i, 2 f\111 ti.me, days. Apply at ... ,.... capable ol a Unlenlaftk ....... and 10tne boo k k ee ping w .. Bill Ruh Standard, 2«ll kl.leidolicope of activltie• . DMSION No exp. nee. Parle Lido Co~ SECRETARY yrs exper. El Toro Rd., I..q, Hllll. louthT-' EXPANSION valescent Hospital 642-8044 Santa Ana. Legal, typing machine knowled1e Are you eami111 Marke~ • Mvertilirw? IN skills. Cbtporate exper, 35 desirable. I-Halper $150 SERVICE Station Attmlant, You qu.allty, tt )'Ol.I have lulft 4D ORANGE t'OUNT'l Houaekeeper, Cook &: Cozn.. hr wee. Benefits. put.time. Stud.eat or retired co11..., -· and • Or ... C.ltf., ""' Provides immediate employ. panion. Live In. Call Legal Secretary APF• -chemtstcy ~ $250 per week? man. APPIY La11.1na kMn dH1re IO succeed. Op. Coll 547-9471 * 646-'1316 * Prefer Callf exper plus SH, math coUrsea. Some col· ' , . m~.nt .f.or .. mldenta ot the EXECUTIVE SEC. Cbevn>n Sation, OOI s. portunlt;y to be creative le arta. Experience iln't neces. Housekeeper & .. Clilld--care, Santa Ana. Marketing typing, m:i<I dictapbone, 1..., pttJen-ed You can 11 you are dJ&nlfted C.OUt Hwy independe nt. New A/C ll'A MAN . sary as company trai.rlin&: 5% da wk, $50 wk, + rm & background. Top skills, ex· e SUPERVISORS e auto, fUll wine .I: dine ex~ OIT A MAN'S JOI • Secretary $525 EPF• Saloo Onlor Dnk to $750 &: bondable, between aee• ii turnished. board. Pd. vac. 540--9'l12 ecutive exper. C.Omputer 30-55, and ma.rrled. Thil 11 penae accnt. A top a:a1ary OPERATING ' Good skills. Worl< for EXperlenced, to sUpet'V1.le HEAVY EQUIPMENT START HOUSEKEEPER. -S 1 t t er Co. XInt sa!aey, )'Otln&: extcutive, with o~ Must know wbole 1ale a l&.les opportunity for whkh telephone aollclton worki1IC too. $9,000, Fee pl.id. """ NOW . to ~to AT Combination. Own transp. SECRETARY portunity to .... , In-plwnbln&. you have eearcbed, no can-from h ome. No ,ellin& · Buslne11 earth·movin& B z; $4IO PER MONTH l~: :JI PM Mon.-Frl. 346 E. tettstine people, Must be vaNins, advancemtnt. cen-Write: P.O. Box 6020, L.A. ERS, BACK HOES, GRAD-i Il quaillled and acotpted, go 19th, C.M. Call ~ll81 or Prestige Co. Good skills, aUractive 4 peT9:IGl.b].e. l'llole Prl-$2.50 Ill' erous retirtmmt plan. Not TELLER .. Note • Col.lei> *MIA* ERS, DRAG LINES, a.AM on pe.yroll this Wffk, ........ top grooming. Xlnt poten-Eleclronka Co. -a job but a CUftr. Eamlnp If you. have an MBA SHELLS and. SCRAPERS: HlGH SOIOOI. GRADUATE HOUSEKEEPER, live In. ti&!, Girl Friday $433 EPF' ........... &tart Immediately, !Ion. Call Expor. -Newport degfte, OR are near com-TIM._...,IM~ AGES 20 TO 40 Private apt 2 scbJolagers. 1 girl ottlce, and a wo~ Call 5341701 for appoint. National Bank. Mr. Carta' ' pletion of MBA, OR a re--11 ..... lftll You Qll Krft TELETYPE 6U-3Ill ,.. meney In thla fu t l YEAR RESIDENT _675Jl310 5;48-719'7._ derfu1 boa to work for! Mft. lop. TNlan ment, between JO am 6 cent (t'&d wi th no Mll'k ff• movtnr, action • pu.ked IN AREA INSURANCE -C.Ommercial Min. 1 yr exper. ~ Must be a iOOO -fYiiist. $475op ,,,,,,, nu-.sw. ........,.,.. ..... ......,... llekll Keep -pretent joti CALL Mon. or Tues. Fire Rate Clerk -exp'd, ·wpm, .strictly tele~pe. SALES!.ADY, Exp'd, lull Start Work Some of your """'"' and tnJn at home tn )'OUl' 774-nsJ Accounll~lork If you are willlnl to llUt should have been in ac-•Jie.re time followed by Sal"" opon. Empire General Offlc. TralnM to APF .. at the bottom, terVice ac-time, ID _.. ID Ltname countln1, flnanc e , Ralclml TraJntno In tlM DRAPERY Workroom . l-Co .• 1'02 N. counts, honest I: willing to store. Gd. aluy, medical, Immediately Hunt. Beach. 1"'unnce Wlll train a brtg.ht 'girl. with ''""""ta. actual operation of h!&YJ; various openings days 4 Broadway, Santa Aoa agency background. 1 girl bookkeeping work, thUi ia an unusual Fuhlons far LI.Femme. 23 eortll·"""'"'a ....:.ru-"""'· Exper. & trainee. 547-7005 some opporturuty. Fuhton laland, N.B. GIRLS * GIRLS under .J:;::l<ct tJons •I Beach Drapery, 900 W. 17th office. Public contact. background. -Is In-64C-0110 reprdle11 of the type or wartc our I owned fac:Wtlel SLCM Inspection, marking & pack· Accountant TrainH teresled. in accounting. T-lcal s.i.. SALES aerk, CUhler. Ex· you have done in the put, *GIRLS* near MIAMI, PLOllOA: aglnr, Can you accept a we will trln you in Natlonwtde em~nl DRAPERY Workroom . challenge. Small - Degree in accounting. No $600,_C_ perlenced. 35 hr. wk. Ind. FULL TIME WORK auls~. For ln· female_ help. Mel Morrls:m ·Costa Mesa company l• experience necessary, Male • EPF, employer .. _,.._ Sat. $1.65 hr. ""' ..... Girl Friday ........ $650 formation flll out coupozi Draperies. 548-Zl35 ~ for a woman who is or female. mgr., 590 W. 19th, C.M. Mechontca1 -help. *TAKE CHARGE and mail lottayJ I willing and able to grow pa y s fH Some chtmieaJ education A: S.ln-PollOm Grading fUl but not neceuary. EARN G-..C ,,,_firm. °""3lnan Collectlon Clerk * APF, applicant aome induatrial u.k• re-. $512 PER MO. For prompt reply write to: along v.i th it. For the rlgh' pay1'" quired. to $700 p&us comm. Fee nqoHable. ' Interest to men perd1 1fM!: .opportunity for Must have exper, Good Ground·tloor _.. Exper, ,.,._.......,...., UNIVERSAL HEAVY • typi11t, will pay cost of Jiv. * ERF, company !xecutlve Secnt1ry .•• CONSTRucnoN DRAFTSMAN advancement is exctllent. reimburses fft Office Tndon lo $600 #end rewme or call Bob: In v1tal electrical tnduttr)'. SCHOOLS, INC. lntertSted.. Please call Mni. 1ng over and above salary. A c c ountinl' backpound, 546-5410. ExceUenl opporlunlfy ID ad-* PRIVATI omct Dept. 1203 .Hope at Ddttonic• Oorp. Accounting Clark NURSES Regillel'ed • even-mature, stable wor k JASON BEST vanoe to S850 4 $810 per mo. P.O. Box 476 560401 • DESIGN A/C ing &: Jlii:ht &hilts. Ex. record. Em!lloYmmt ~ In a lblm ttme. Company Be the woman behind the El Toro. CaJlt. 92630 JANITOR FUU. TIME Aptitude for tlgures, sood. benefit&. Apply Peraonnel ~ So. M&ln, Santa Ana benellr., paid vacatlonl, in· Prnldenl of thia Corp. Fee Name_ • Five daya a week lypoL Stl.tlltie&I. 10-key Director, So. Coast Olm· sursnce plam etc. Work tac-paid adding. munity Hosp., 31872 Coast FEMALE -· !my lodllty -.. your .... -Disneyland ' DRAP!RY Poroonnol Soc ..... $470 --APPLY F/C Bookkoopor Hwy., So. Lquna. 4~1311. SALESWOMEN home. AddrCll e DESMOND'S e. ext. 356 FEE NEGOTIABLE CALL MAIN OFFICE * BE IN THE KNOW ~· # 3 Fa.shlon lsl!l.lld Laguna. Payroll 20 through Outside Field Rap. CALL MONDAY Kttp the record• of this Cl\y .. __ S tote -· Newport. Beach rrlol balance, P&C & Experienced prafarred SO.mt J.arae finn. Automatic 6 Financial slatemen~ Typo Credit exper. necessary, Fin-Saloo Socrlfory ~ ., Excellent benefits. Full time, mo. ralaes. Fee pa!d. Zip ~-·-···-Phone _ M inimum thrff years LT. metal fabrication, age no ing 4IMfi • ance or related field. to $600. TRAINEES, Nale, Pt. tlmt. dri fting and deslg""' ..-... Contact Mr . lndapondont Top skill•, 3 )'11 exper with Appty In peraon, COOK. FOUNTAI N . Socrotory ......... $500 JOIN THE FIELD Bowers, 2106 S. Grand Ave., Pe rsonnel Agenc:y nat'l '"'" Co. with Penonnel otnce BUSBOYS. The Zoo, E. Wll'll A FlmJREI Ing. Able to design, S.A. 410 W. CoHI Hwy. hi-ticket conswner Item.. J. W. ROBINSON Coast Hwy at McArthur, *GOLDEN A&</educallon ..... _ plan, and detail heat· Newi::t Beach 1TI6 ~ Ave., Suite C ,J<mw sales schedulina:. N.B. OPPORTUNITY Let ... help )'OU qoalltJ. 3939 C.M, 642-0026, 545-0079 FUhlon bland, N.B. for a aolden llrl: Show off INNKEEPERS INSTmlT!l Ing, ventll•tlon, and I~1f J P.BX An.!lwering Service. Ac ... -tTral-Equal opportunity employer TYPIST reoepUonltt, min 60 your creative abllll;y In th!! INTERNATIONAL air conditioning pr o(· Men Experienced p~. $600 •P Saleama~Executlw """"· Call Mr. Youno world of advertlatng. Front Motel/lloleV Apt """'' ScJo1 ects. I "<.i *OVERSEAS* H.B. Atta. S3&<88l 4 year accountlna degree. 1 to $20.00'.>. Plaattcs. Terrific 642·7.152 oU1oe type. Ftt paid. A DMSION OF Let us job hunt tor ycu, PERSON Over 18 (no Iona: yr work eiq>er, opport. Head up program. WAITRE$ wanted • e:xp'd, AN'n!ONY SOIOO!.S Coll &JZ ~!lHDE.11.1 • ,.,_,.,,, .. ,..., Call Smitty, TI-t: 774-2610. ha I r), r e l Ired Call Bob, 546-SilO Part ..... ...... Little COLLIGE lTIT S. BROOKHURsr or Tu1sdays & Wednesday #<A c_,.. &::,;.;. ,.,~ .. ,_, •-MOOE LS scml-retittd as attendant In Socrlfory $525 JASON BEST Windmill. Mon 5-9 pm CAMPUS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Ao9ll ";;°"' s.tl;i'I .,.,.,, $7.00 ph. Call Loraine, Mer-apartment complex. Apply: Pleuant, lovely front«· Employment Aa'ency 008-1830 Rl!PR!llNTATIVE Cl.wel lonn ..... -10 a .m. to 5 p.m . chant& Personnel A£ency, 31423 Coast Hwy., So. flee appearance. Work with 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana 1r WaitreM 1r Expd'd * $1541 + EXplflffl + PllONE FOR APPl'. 1714) 533-4456, Ext. 678 • • • MACHINIST 2043 Westclilf Pr., N.B. Laguna . public and executives. SALES -Earn money with Night Shifts , •• Union Houte C•r. F• paid. Alk for Betl;y Varied experience 645-2T11> e PRODUCTION and no investment. Sa r ah Hoep., lllfllc.al. Medk:al, I One of the world'• Iarant SAUC!RMAN SCHOOL Equal opportunity emploYE"r Advanced Kinetics, Inc, MCJl'EL Maid, pa.rt time. e PUBLICATION ARTISf Socrlfory $615 eo..ntry .....,, lull A 0.nl., Plans. APPiy In academJc Co'L " ""' Co. Falrsrounds, ar. 14 * DRIVERS * 1231 Victoria St., C.M. Pen1nsu1a area. Slould know art, pUte-up, 3 yn ncrow exper. Able to part-time help. No del: we pet'80n HOWARD RESTAU-)ooldne for recent end to Where the Prosrana No Experience "6-TI65 *~!Sil* undent.and ollset ~-._,.wic Independently for train. For lnl pb. 56-6100 RANT, ""'1 W. O>ul High. repre:aeat Uttm on So. Calli Fill tbe Oliild F.qual opportunity employer MCJ!'EL MAIDS Great o,>portunlty. Carl Mr. top-lligbt' executives frorn SALESGIRLS Needed. Full way, Newport Beach, CalU. ~ Lead& to upper Wlllanl H. sa.__., Necessary! Part Or Full time. 1967 J , Prlnclotta, Monday for other companiea. Prestl&e time permanent Wes posl-WAITRESS mamt po1111oo. E:d. D. MAINTENANCE MAN -Enr.11-Mu!lt have .Clean California Neat, clean 6 mature. S&lary Newport Blvd • ., CM. appt. N.B, area. 642-9470. job. Uons. MUii. have a:>lld exp. lxporloncocl 0..'I Office ..•.. le $500 Ews. 541-llS drt ..... reconf. Apply + meal1t. Apply in peson. Mon. Worn. 7100 selll.ng apparel. U you dig * HERi! IT ISi YELLOW CAB CO. McDonald's 635 W. 19lh SL Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100jobt FEE JOBS .. llinl ...... clotHes to A~ly In fR'-MI RCHANDISI l'Olll l86 E. 16th St. :C.er1o1 H~dler 1 • MAC"'""" ll'OOYY 1trll, apply In pel'IOn SU F & S RLOIN wen tor the btst. PJmh SALi AND TllADI at Hubbub, So. Cout Plua, oflloe 6 pt....,.-· Colla-N-'• AW.. $1 .I S.$2. C.M. 5930 Pac. Cot. Hwy. maJcit this the areateat Job Fumlivro -Engineering S•l•s An openiftl now exists on MACHINISTS Some exper U peo&ible, or " Your Ad ID our Newport llooch aawnd. Fee IPlit. o..,ee ............. Xlnt op. our anaveyvd ahUt. No like helplne people. claalfledl1' Someone wW bt UNITED FUND -Have Rocoptlonlot ...... $39S USED An-""''* -partun!ty ... $12.<nl ....... experience nee, Must bit Koyp•°' to $100 look:ln&: fat It. Dtal 642-5678 You Contributed? w/f chain $25. 9 pc ccrMr lndopondont neat and dependable. .. *MEIT&GRl lT P'OUP• awcado W/Doral Per1onnel' A .. ncy ApplY I a.m. fit_ 4 p.m. E•porloncod Permanent day lhllt. 3 )'11 Jobo Mon, Wom. 7100Jolao Mon. w-. 7100 '!'bis.....,. -" - cowrlette $79, Ueed blade ins Orange Ave., Suitt c Orange Coe.It Plaltlc. exper on 038. KnowJecf&e of tor a pJ •fl )T ~ who Cblnbe 1tereo oc:-.oie SGS. CM. 642-0026. ~ 850 W. 18th St, C.M. Lathe Open. Sr. IOrttt and collater. PERSONNEL can typo 50. Fee paid, Tho FaclDry, 1185 8-. * *--Jobi Mon, Wllffl. 7100Job>-Mon, Wnm. 7100 -(tlrt $1 .65"' ~Gt':Moiious'S= USED Ulorted OCCadonal Mill Open. Sr. Full and pt.rt time. Al· GI NERAL AUTOMATION cbaln $14 ea. Fraet tree 2 *EXEC. SECRETARY* tractiw, 1Um like to work has an opening In !ta Personnel Depart. '!'bis plush lob won't lut." dr delqxe C.E. Rtft1a. with public. menl, reporUng directly to !be Employment Attractive, vivlcklu 6 in-~/tee ........ -The Musi be able to take shorthand at IOl>-11 0 Ori II Press Open. Sr. • .,, Olllco $2.21 Ill' Supervisor . tellla<nt pl " ......... Factory, las Harbo r . _ ... _ .... __ . -· wpm. Experience .at the execuUve level ln Part time. Ute book· lnitlal duties wt11 Involve llCl'ffn~ ai;:ll· MAPl.E 1'oln 6 -Beds, a .. 1.. or marketing acttvlty J'"ferred. k ... u.. ~ 40. l'blne, cants, typing corresf.:ndence, han ( r .. -ling Tr•-.... -· ·-Jra. oa. Will also handle phones & ITav mang0> CAQILLAC CONTROLS Ille. phone Inquiries an makin,. ITavel arrang• ..... $651 dnk 6 ~hr., hutch, m:f tb1a, ments. Excellent opportunity. Salary com· -..,...-ssoo ments. Secretarial akillJ, eluding lbort. * ,ANTASTIC dinette, so-.t1 mensurate with background. DMS!ON OF EX.CELLO CORP. hand would he helpful. -ty tor. -GREAT Bqyl c.mlmtahlt Pleaae 't\'ly In per~ or call Mr. Kuecbler Some lborthand, soma b'Po • Thi& la an excallent opportunity wllh a woman with a BA In ao--redlnJna chall, for appo tment, 83 804. 1866 Whittler Blvd. ""· crowtnr company. ..... ........... lhe dllol Tan. lllle ""'· -lir ...,. . ......... $10,000 Apry In penon or call . acoountant of OU. d......, thort time m. ~ r' 'GENERAL AUTOMATION Com Mesa D. Kuechler, Uli-4804 ment On?. Grow w1tb the ' 1 yr aper IBM 300. GENERAL AUTOMATION but! .... paid DINING nmn tabll, black ' Knowledp of B.A.L. walmt wllh lb: chaln, • ' 1402 E. CHESTNUT ST~ SANTA ANA Ill 646-2491 Nl!WCOMl ltS new • !Df.«DT : ' An Equal Op,portunity Employer M/F AN EQUAL O,POltTUNITY EM,LO't'tlt ALSO FEE JOBS 1402 I; CHI STNUT, SANTA ANA 'WILCDME I Quallt> ..._ -IOI. I Will be mov ng to Irvine complex 19711 An Equll Opportunity Empio~r I'• ond l'roo P .. 1t1on1 Oompl•..........S~..a.1 -SZIJ, Aft 5 I wt:ndl IOG11u: + I I . -- • H . DAILY ~LOT ~· -17, 1'169 -·~""'""'sa fOlt MolCC~ fOIC MfllCl11\ltOIQ l'Oll MlllC'4ANDISI l'OI TltANSPOllTATION TLUISl'Olt1'1\TION TllANIPOllTATlOlf TllANSPOllTATION • ••LI ..... T••ftl, ·S .. ll AND Y.RAD. E IALI AM!f nll>I. • SAl:I .ANO T-' I flREE"·"lO :YOU •• '.• o1 ,..,...;.. • _ T-~-9_ ' ---" --.v ~ -··-.;= NW ........ -·~~ ....... -~ 0 .... C,,. nw i 'vmll..,9 · iill i'Wrnltvr9 •' -' • ...,,,.""""' '' · ICIQO .Goad •-. ·"''~ '· ' · 1 ~:;Aij4C'.iiiiacs"'"'": .,;li.41&.a . .fu a.U.a_ ·1 . .. .. ~-..,(.i~~~ .. u. ' ::: '<>..;;..; ~~ucs.'f.~ ...i -~ "JON ! ho111 ~br ok en, rCiolt c 0.. Servk:t lltadq4et1era. 1MS~Kir:rn'•M Ghia' DU I ~=-·· N""'',~~i '·111X~~S / ' u~Wi~:fi'y rn~~<;:'~~·~~,;.,,. · · I BEWf~<Mldlum'-,,,.._I O"lllfl' I ; '!1Lftlun9IL.E I One-.Seo-lt"fBroW FO' 'RD I ,..,,,._ •• T ... ,~ .... , • .....,,.TIOll . mileccdclie't mbl 1 yr. pkt. -rWhe •HvM.'1't I'! 2350,.1~ Blvd. 'way, C'lll.., ; , ""'""" "" ,,., • .......,....., . Fli<'J'lly,, '°"" chlldi<n. · wi:·SeRVrct"'l'I eo. ·~-1 · • I . ...ANISH MEDntRIANEAN -OF ,l'UOOllY AP~-' . ... ... tl;l ...... ...,......... \Vll~T IVE SEil:! .~~ : I ME,IC1DIS JiNz I' .. I: I .... S-n1·.L ·,.uc....,__lnt~-""··e w/tc~s•~· yrd. , !24 So:·llartio'•. ~ta A<•· ll T '62 CH.,,;;;.~'J>l<k='°'1u"° Show 'R-... Floor S1mplH • F~ry C~seouts r• IP .........,, "'"''"' m-2929 . Ull! I ~·I~ f9· o! !10i>a 93~ wtp .. 1 ·elm;.:' ~ .. :. I ' ' · $ OF •FUR· NITURE $3&9 ' -All' :BRAND .N 1 · FREE Adori!M ''""' haJrtd • BAY HARIOR bed, i cyl '""· Immaculal< · 3 ROOM i • 9-pc. Mecf it-rr1n.1n Bfdroorn ,Suit' In Pec•n ' k\tteQ. l ' ailwe 11emale.~ 1 · Motifte .._.,Selel thru..out. New reai· un.15• · 2240 s. Mllln 546-7076 . .• 5 pc. 8uthentrc Spanllh ldrm.·Mt, e 96 !Reg. $349.001 ........ _ ....... : ...... NOW $168.GO 11moky, PY malt, l tiaer Casa LOma ~.Aw~. Pairit Ille new.tMUst See-10 Jn. q11HNd , l;Ofa with Sf, I!'• ~atc~h~ l~ve Gorgeo~l Sp•nish·Custom 8yilt Sof• .wi th. . 11~ped f Jemale .. Ho\11e ~Sberltoo-t:ll:r'"·'lt'iyTiilte . believe!, Reaeonable . as ... ,, Of ch1lr • S·pc. Srnl•h Dinette, oak m•tChlng .lov'e Se•t-Clloice.,ol bttittiful tmt~ .. 962--8149 . '. Wl1 JOi ' Piwt~:~ 91.han owner muaf tell. Beat ouer. tiblo top· e .3 'h11vy MN1t.rn..., m.tchlng hb.tcs .. I R•9: '4 19.9~ I ,.,.. ....... JlOW fllS;OO NICE Qlck.,.poo family of r • .ALL iiJZES· ~>l&-,;,,;1!118'='=;.,· =~'---~ tables, top i:lut11blt •nouth for ,f.limtnco Sp•nis!. Dining Sat1 •. _ •.. l. ...... ~::.) ..... ~ . .r ••• -.:$7S.oo 1lngle1:'1 m&le 1S yn. ~ 1 riow· 011 ;pISPLAY ·oo.FOfto P/U, 'A ton, rehlt D11ncl,. Wiil Mli!,'l~·lndiviclu•llyJ Solid O•k 'End T•ble1 •nd Coffee T•Dle1:::$1f,SO male pup 8 nu. old, 1 l.W BalCet Sf.,._c;:Qsi'a 'Mesa t.,.ns, bla bed. runs &000. -o U-' r bl I 1 T 110 T bl L · fema,le • i )'l'5 old. \li.bfuciEUtot~..Slvd 64J...6TI0.1 .... 1 : 66-l4S8eves Shop irst! 1nen •• ur rw,• 1 e¥~ ~ ~ys • ecor1tor • e tmp•• 642.-5880 ~ • • U/~? cJ.1& l\feaa ... · '(714) 5f0..IJ:fl0 _, JOOl other. Items with terrific 1avfnt1 I R•9. $49.95) .. .!.. ••••••• ~ ...... -•••••. NOW $.11.00 0k=w~"=""'-=i-' ~"~"',.,h~l<OOc.,.-~· _ Store Charge Bank Terms ·BofA, Master'charge Sp1ni1h H•nging Swig ~•mps . J f'Urry kllten.s .. 8 .,.,.fl':ks..old. ·~ SltA(,S1-'M CH~ \i. T Stet! bonom No Down OA'C, rio IMYm•nt1 'tit M•tc:h 1970 · (Reg.· $49.95 ) ............................ NOW $22.50 ~_!11 ~lte20. ~lack" whi_te. "i• ~·: i!i, tocl.Jy bea,' id llrte:, ·"3ni gd. A.Ilk· •.••. So buy'the wlfe'1 Ch i1tma1 gi~, 1 'nOwll A decQrator dream bou~e on. display --3 ~1°"":'· • ,Spruce, S.f<l. Ntw~· Park Ing $350.00:642-n.38 · · f S · h fu l : ffgU.1 • ~ • U/18 Choloe of 1. Or cusiom rooms o gor'1eous nan1s m ture (was ..... 1. , ~JCbev>:. 6 cyJ, ·lli ton; P. reg. •t-. q ~ : . . 1 , • CHRIS1'1t1AS SOOw \\1Ute kit· vultl·ln• MOOJI free Costa U -.nnn I I'~ o•• """ " ".._, t aoo<t ho Me~-Newpbrt Harb6r. • · ' ""~ ·"1 '. ~· ~ SACRlflC~ • •, •1 ~ .~ •• ~ 5;39-'£i~o;er. ~~£~ c~~~:.:~~:~;;~ea ~f=; r!~~~ ·a\ev. True~. CREDIT. AVAi~ .. NQ MONEY DQWN .. C,wco Girt" lovely fi.tfy 1750 Whittler. CM 6'2·1331J · ~~ii,~,!:~1188S ht PAYMENT NCIT D~l 'TIL 1970 . .. kitten. I know hew to "68 MOBILE HOME 20i43, · m m · I h · tra.a · ~ ad 1 1965 P}JfEL tnd. ]\owner. ',:.Furniture IOboOfflceEllU.l.i-.iot 8011 , •I. AJRNITU, R.E.'. :~Lo~~:: ~~2i'~~·fJ~ ~~"::~:'.:~~1!~~1595 ,~ r""-· 4 \ E NB other dys"bef 5· Plt( ...-~ ;.:I--------TI'PEWRITER, Jtoyal f,60, 1844 Ne'111nort Blvd' (,4t ' ~~· ~~n. ~~~h ' & LOTS>AVAIUBLE tor coach (•mP!r~ . 9520 ',•. Siesta ell!<:., cartion ribbon, Herald ..._ "·r . . •'' .. fl!'t.•r~r llvd1>· natl': . . .' 11,118 of :)'.O'll' cho ice.··'J'?.(·' IR 15 .tOOt -Northwest SALE '· elite typeta~. Al.so.atand & eo·sta· Mesa On'y l 4 nutt¥ kittens, J males. 1 FO~MATJON .'AT sp,AcE COach Camping tf'a iler, .s\efK! cllair. Orig cost $550. , ·t , ~i!mhle, . 7 \vks. ·01~. J.tvi~ 26. DriftwGQd .Beach Cllib, sletp,11 : 8 .:peoplt ,. used ' 6 • Barely used. $295. 642-3867 , . ~ · ,. L n" B • ~ 21'<2. P.•clflc. Cst Hwy HB I tlntca. . .like brand-new! I -: New 9 pc, corner arraw:. Eve,y NW.ht 'TU 91~, Wed,, S•t. &'. 5~. 'TH. 6 4',._' v2835<.. a,•" .. •. µ1" 7· c '"~ ' TYPEWRITER, •• , m••h .• -·55 s--~·-"'"· alum ... ...__ -011"·$,,.,...,,-sa.¢Jlce $1100. choiceof clrs.reg.$230,now .... · --.. ,....._. ,,,,. ,.. __ .__ "A & s SJ"'= N ~. K" c&lculator, y .. ru.reasonablc. G -.1no, 1ocated 1adult-.CM . .._...,,...,,seen -t · un •at · . ....,. eiv UC\.CO: ing xf t nd 89'l"'1tzl , I ·-. , DARqNq ~Ial'°~u~n. Crey Xi"'""nt tond rio!d Jo 15$3: 1'1t. M1tternorn," .F. :. $99.50, Q~ru; $89.50, Full n "° · · Pianos & Org1n1 11~ MIKilf~~ _: l600 wlblack · atriJ'". Pa rt ·• .P w. VaUey.,C4ll -5,3)~ ,. s.;.-1.95, 1\\•ln1 $-l·t95, fully ROY AL .Standar.d manual -------"---I SI am es e. 8 · w Jt s. ~50 call alter 4 «"all •· ruarn. Kine:aBpreads·Sll .95 typewriter wit!! 15" car-POOL TABLES 675-0417 11/11 day 'vee)f,e!'<b ... :, Aeadbrds: }{jngs, $15.95, _ripge $9p. ,962--9824 SAVE $300 5ecl\l'd Pool' • 0010YED q, male, ;; )'l'tl. 1959 NA.sHUA .l~. ·eompl " Queens $12~. F'ulJ $10.95, -BRUNSWICK-A!\fF Goc>d ,. 'pet. · xlnt w Ith fur"n, l\e\V aJumlnulJl. aw~ 1968 36" Camper Shell for 8' bed, Rttnovable back door, cost • $365. Sacrifice $250. 531.Jl3!Q i: 'I\\'lna $4.95. Trundle .sets Garage Sile 8022 41" C'able NeJllOn Console Cus!.Om Sl,ate ,Table childrel\. Nttds. fenced li:ir. ~· 548-~. ~5251 " (duo riser) w/ inner spling _.__ ---~--In beautiful walnut inclU:I-1'l'Om .$289 yard. 531-1636' . , ~/~1 IDx55 -2 BR. 2 BA. Porch & Dune BOnnlea 9525 :;. matt. reg. SH>&. now ·sm.50. StilALL English lt:ems . Ing · bench, $693. Limited l""""' Fl 1 e.u,'ni""'. a. ean. Nicest Ci\f --~~·"·~---- " 0 ·d G !135 ~ GI s re ii bras •um•-, available<. ' ' ,;u ;o nanc ng CUTE small n1ixed bree(I " ... ·~ ..-pc, °"' rm roup . ....,., as wa i s ver. -s, "" • SECARD POOLS * pupplu. whlte 9 .wU old. parjl:. A Ste.&1! 64Z..S252 •67 'Dune 8U"9Y , canopy bed!! l'l?g. $119.50, watche11, etc. Sat & Sun 12-4. GOULD MUSIC 532-1992 * 1.._,,.-:; TRAILER. F'.P . " ' .JlO\v $89.50. Full sz. sleep: 615--0070. 116 Jasmine Ave, 842--1292 · 11111 .,,......, Road & ralley equip. Uc. ' sofa reg $239.50. OO\v $169.50. CdM. 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 323 S. !\lain SI. Oran{::e VERY affectionate & gentle, S2a50. '72o4 COAST lilWAY, FYT-Otl. Swag lamps $29.50, ·choice M"o~v~J~N~G-, -G~-.. -.. -.-"°s.'-a,.-1 !? PIANOS & UH.GANS * AUCTION ~* siame9e Cat; niaJc;-2 yrs: IO N.B. $1699 of colors. S0% off all oil hou¥hold furn, JI shin g "NE\V & USED . If you will sell or buy &;OJd home. ~116 ll/11 GOOD SELECTION paintings! Cbri~tmas lay· equip & misc. 415 • Yamaha Pianos &: Organs five Windy a try 'ETS and LIVESTOCK ll~yc.let 9225 ~ aw•"" now. SlESTA SLEEP Narcissus, cdM •Thomas Gra:am Auc"on Frid 7 00 ~~~-~----~-•·"'lmball Pianos u 1 11,)' ;,,... p.m. ltfEN'S Raleigh Crand Prix ·SHOP, 19'17 Harbor Blvd.. n. w· d ' A t' B ft I I'!-al •• ,.... 0 ~ CM ail .loo e Kohler&: Campbell 1n y s uc ion 1rn "'' 1, _.,.r ~ 10 speed. Excellent cOn-~ 602160 d · y 10-9 Sat· 'Applliincn G\l!OO.-* 54S-82l1 • · • • . . . • s . Sun l!Mi. --~·~· -----. COAST MUSIC 2075~; .Newport,.CM 646-8686 \VOT'S NU? • R'f · -f-m •111· NEWPORT & HARBOR &hind Tony's Bldg, Ma t1. ' San'· Clau1 s-lals at ' ,_ 17 P K. s· ng• ... ·~· ..... '" -· ~ ~-M1 1 111k 9275 ... 11'" . , ·C. lftCJ 118 Gt P_ortalile Color TV, ' Costa tifesa * &12'-2851 ?-10V1NG-n1ust sell ! 1965 'TIS TRbPICAL FISH n . " ' W , • llkc nu. ................ $148 Open J0-6 Fri J0-9 Sun 11-5 Buick, air. 1962 Chev, like 9!'.'80 Ed if)&;tt :lat fl1a&ru;!li:a> BO_N_AN_ZA~-.-llR--B-&-5-. ..,.-Bedroom· F'Tlildaite' elec dryer $59.95 FREE ORGAN CLASSES new. New 1nink. Gold ware, F.V. * * 84~ Big ·Urea. fcnd~r. custo~ RCA Consol~. color 'fV $148 ~londa,Y nHeS 1:3o. 8:30 pm used f~ture camp ~ulp, Stat hand brake, $150. Zebra 549-3031 Ext, 66 or 61 La.ra:e 9 drawer dresser, mlr. ror. 2 bedside stands, kif'IG'. size headl>oaro", Ir.une, quilt. ~ n1attress, sheets, blank- Whirlpool auto washer SSO GOULD MUSIC CO. boat, se11dtig ma cli.1 ne , Dop '825 s HP B&S eng. Less than 6 1910 HARBOR. BLVD. GE \vaSher/dryer ..... $100 20-!5 N. i\IAin, S .. \. 5-17-<&1 drape~, c,lothes, .c ement SILKY TERRIE&-MAi.E mO old, $125. Can ~2358. COSl'A 1'1ESA DUNLAP'S blockS, ~ht iron. Bes! 1969 DUNE 9.,.,....,, New', els, etc. 1 181• N 81 d c '' T J • I 2 offer takes. 841-6668 Pupa. 2 mos • shots • HONDA 50, l96S, &ood. con-......., ., ewport. v ., .1 , • IYtl on 8 OS ·adorable A: healthy. SAM-dition $100. Beautiful! "Sil\.-er metal Oloice of Spanish or i\fodern Style ·SQ..nll ~CoJorTVorBiack HO~EMADE Fruitcakes for TA'SSPECIALPRict_poo. 64>.liSS fi•ke ".Bounty Hunter'' KEN~10RE auto washer~ &: . !he HGlldays. ltlade )v/real 644-4808 w/Fitt&lone raclng tires on AU .for $2!$9 late model. xlnt cond. g White. O_ption to buy. buttet', chuck full of fruits &I;;,=,--,===-.,..,,= ._ "big wheels", mags. 90 HP. cycles. $65, 5$-86"12. 847-8llS F1'ff; ~rv:lcc~ No.deposit nutt. navored & aged .fn SKYE TERRIER,. AKC, Motorcy~tl .. · .. 9300 Hlgh-tOrql!e Yolks erigilie. ; No down Pmts, only S9 mo. 841-3115 A·Actlve; TV Rental Co. Rum, Brandy or Sherry. champ &ired female pup. ·.'67 HON. DA Black naugabyde bucket ()) ~1153 Order "'w call .. ..., A='> ,,, Hsbrk,n, rare, ca.Im. fluffy ·-•. I . •~'Hin 1;-Beau"ful whli• almo.t now ==""''-'""'""=--I • .....,.....,,..,, "-A" .. ~Al ' · sea.a ineraor . .,._,.. "'"" WELK'S WAREHOUSE 11 DANISH .Console TV black & sizes & prica. pel. """".N"t lOi Scralnbler Call 613-8651 GE range, 2 ov.ens, 1 xtra \vhile'_ 23". 'good condo'Uon BOXER Pu' 1 PI '· 600 W. 4th SL, San!a Ana Open Daily 9-9 Sat, 9-6 sun. 11-i. lal'gc, 2 broilers $97.50. 546--• * • * · PP es -e • · · · 1#.574984 · Wl8 , ="°=· =-=1=13='====== FAi\'flLY !\1emberBhip t n Show Qual. ·\Vlll hold for .$4" · Irvine.. Coul Country Club Xmas. , ' · • KENMORE Auto. washer, HJ.fl.& Stereo 1210 1or sal<'. Pvt. pty;-~9Ul c.1i...;.._'16'J..l(l3]_ 1 ·---: ~ 3-speed cycle. like new. Call rn-...t layer ... Hi Le, CHRISI'lt!AS PUPPIES 0 · ' ~ 673-3760 or 673-8032 aft 5:30 o·AN ··~ Pa ka~ "·I' -~ ·~ SCRAM LETS · .,..,..., ' C •u °"" . nylonJl ·it.99 yd, Sbap Great P)'renttt AK<;:. X· ~ , • , • ~·~m~·=~-,---~ Ml/FM stem> l\1ullipleX from $3:50 up ·+ mY labor Rayul stock. Lo'-eable little • ' o , . ·WASHER &·dry(r, avocado, conaq le· w/Ga rr·ard 90c ~r yant 96s.69J.0 ' Polar Bears. 842-l.1Q· , • ', • ~ ANSWER·S $125. Refrig-lrost ftte $1 00. ~~~··walnut cab. $al. Fo1· Sa.I~ 'FireWQOd. WVJNG &: irre1bta!Jle _girl,, A.'" ' .f.reezers, $65. -~lq9j · Oraiige & Etlcalyptu5 , 1 weeks, AKC. Daclis~, ~ , OU set -Briltr -lniet -FRIGIDAIRE E 1 e c t r I c C & E I • a•oo 838-6610 Standard red $45. 8',12-2897 , . Joyous -. 'SAFE When he's dryer, 4 yrs old, xlnt coaj. ameras· .qu P· • -,,-,,..-~-,....,,..-.=.,.. POODLE AKC 8. ks a49-3rol ~I. 66 or 61 OUT $65. 546-8612 or 847-81-l;'i WILL BUY ,16 mm i:;;roj. Q,u.allty king bed-quilted, · al ''Ill ·ici "' ' HllO HARBOR BLVD. \Vontcn should make good i;llent '' ···uoo' . '.· '"'' i" compl ctc·µnused S\D:;. \\'Qrth fem e. W ho ' COSTA MESA . -" .. 1230 ·Aft 5 & wknds 842"'536 -~16 , , umpires .. A ~·001an -never ·Antiques 8110 good rond .. reas. priced. · · · · · : '{il ssA LiGHTNNG 650 CC th inks a.man is SAFE when ---------Y.'IU. SELL FedeSl'I EXTRA long twin lx'd, iirm. POODLE. {Dy, silver, male. Lik e ltew s ·eJ l ' 0 ; he's OUT. Pat M ichael Antiques ~r lot 3"Smn1, excellc~t.m. Area rugs $.J lwks, pa.pen_~--trade.* 5!6--00o9 ~rusr sacr'ilic:e conipl•I• GRA. ND .OPE-NINGI 21_."x2~", etc., inJGlda"·ay each. 673-1200, 67~ · 9&2~ ' , -TRANSPORT"TION . ., ·HONDA 'Trail 90·' 200 houseful of Mediterranean· ·fine selection of-Eumpcan case /masking e<Uel. \\'ill ~ mil~s $300. fum: sofa, !Ovc seat, 2 com-4' An1e.1:kan Victorian furn. trade on projecto1'. Call on Misc. W•nted 86f0 •-·ts & Yoe~, 9000 ,...,,... mode lamv tables, coUee ltutt. See at'J68 E :·11lh St. wknds, Fri eve. thI}I Sun ., -, ... tabte, lamps., C'(llor TV. di. n in·C.ltl; 64a.mG; IQ .to 5: LagUJia Beach. ~99-2152 $ WE a UY $ 1!166 CHRIS Ciaft 271t· '64 B~.f\V R-27 250 ~-. '1 Hu had receht Wol'k .. set, re.frig, slereo, king slie BEAUTIFUL AR MOIRE-. HASSELB'LAD 500C. like . ' • Sports F!shcnnan. Twi~ 185 $450 ·** 497_1691 NE\V Du.nc Buggy El Lobo body i;tylc, 1966 eng. Sincro trans.. radio, toP. fully equip. ltletal Dake .green. $2200. ~16 '65 VW En&. Jt. Chassia, glass bdy, .'LJcerllll!d. Good cOnd;; 1tfust Sell · ·SlG-3448 · V\V Engine, 40 HP, Runs a;ood. $200. * 646-9852 * 1964. Imported A11fo1 96()1) AUSTIN HEALEY A0STIN AMER ICA Se.Jes, Service, Para Immedla1e Delivery • Al.I r.todels J1rtu port 31111 Ort~, • "'4 C::HIY. ...,. $9tl ' " St•H•" We1011. v.1, •vfo· ;, fl\eflc: tr1111mi11lo11, fecfory \ eit, · ,....,., 1t.erllif, ,-.u.. 1• heater. Uc. Oil 214 . ~ ~~.....,,=~==-11 '6t FAllLANI SM'5 1' v.1, eutemetlc: lf•111111J.Mio11, t f1et•ry .1ir, p•wet 1.ttflhtt, ~ heet1r, 4 tleor •-'•!!• lie. !, .. " . Mc Y,CY 201 ., 'H CHIYT $IMS ' N.,.,e. '·4 tlr., 6 c:yl,. e'11t•; nletic: tre111mh1l•l'I., r!Hlre, / !11el1~. etc. Lie. VMll6t 1 , <Sales, ·Sel'VICI!, Parts lmmediate, Delivery, • . . All tdodil• . , ''4 FORD $9tS ]~r llq:1~11 cl111pll1 t~' Ct unlry .Std111. V-1. eul•· 1. m•lie lr•n1ml1llo11, f1c.t-_ry ~. .rr._ 11ower 1teeri11t. rl~li•, ;: h1eler, • hi9h mili.et• car ~. 1t e if.el: Lie. VIS 512 I• " ''7 OLDS SZlH • 3100 \V .• ~ .H~ .:N.~ ~~:.o~!~!. li:~: •• ~.T~o'::!;" ~: &12·!W.1S ' ~B.l'764 steer, Ill"' br1••1, fect.rv '' =A-•-l~ho-•_lud_-_M_G_·_,0.~al~. eo',"'-ll elr <ol'ld, white Will ·firM, I• ·~·;.1\1.G Jloi'dft~a::.TJ:~ ~p!l!I. vi!',YI top, tl11tetl 911u. •' Old ~lllll.BIC made new. '66 .FORD $1295 ~ c;;<>iiip. l'f;·~1t; e[ii, !'fa'"f end, I · X D HT .• I G1 • 500 l 2 r. . • new brikes,' ClutCh,,e c. Lo V.f,. 1utometlc:, ridlo, mu. Call. dayi (1), ~~· heeter, pow... 1tee1i11t. p,m' 6tZ.3239 8$k for ~Ir .. J. 11wr. b1eli••· feetery ·•it . ., <•M . ' . -....... whi" ••II '""' ., h!_GI ''4: MGi . 4 Speed, \\'I.re \\'httb, excel. Jent-condition. ·\Vill help fin. &l\Ce. Small down. PRl- VATE PARTY .. SJS.361 7 OPEL 1969~1: . OPEL GT. Asking $319:>. Call Mr. Gomian 644-1230 days, 49&-3144 eves. PORSCHE vi11yl to11, fintM tl•11. llllM I~) ''5 ·FORD S~H ., G01l111ie 500 Converti .. le. j v.1, •11!0, red io, h11 .. ,, pwr 1t1•r, white w1U firfl, :; OYR ?72.' "'· ,,-,,-c::"'H_,E"'Y,-. --"'$1"t"'S"' II ;; Corse Hird lop. 4 1pe.d, r1dio, t..•l•r. l ie. ns .,], . t " $14'5 • ''6 FORD Country Squire Weto11 V-t , , •11torn1tic, redio, heifer, ' llf"''r aleerl11t, power ~. br1•••• white will ti,.,, ';, ti11ted 91111, 1Ytt•9• rec;Jt. UTI 195. · 'H l'ONTIAC $1491 " ---------llG.T.0.2'Deer Her1hop V:S, 1' eul&rn1tie, r1dio, heeler, '· '69 Porsche 91lS ·Targa Stk. #, 5235 '69 Porsche LiC'. YN}\.'973 '68 Porsche 9115 Targa Stk #. a244 '68 Por'lctle 91 t Cpe # 5234 '68 Porsche 912 Cpc VIV241 '68 Porsche 912 VRHB02 '68 Porsche Seel. VV?tt635 '68 Porsche·.912 Cpc WEEOOO '6! Potsehe Cpe \VXEn' ·~ PorsChe 91ZI' Cpe \VXG~f,2 '68 Porsche: 912 Targ& XEP188 '67 Porsche· 9U Cpe ·· Stk # 5243 '67 Pol'llChe 912 Cpc UYH914. '61 Porsche 9llS Targa Slk#~ '61 Porsche '67 Porsche , '6' Poa'SChe 911 ,,, 'fi8 Porsche 912 • '65 . Pot':SChe , '65 Porsche '65 Porsche '&a Porwc~ '64 Poriiche '63 Pot.sc~ '62 Porsche Cabro ·59 Porsc~ lJT 'jg Porsche THl.899 V:CL139 SQ0461 """"' XH~9 ZRN889 X~l O\VF~ JB932 TQX887 DBE032 JIEVJQ VAi\tC61 vi11yl top, tiotecf 11111 Vil " 024. f ' .. '67 MUSTANG $1HS •• ........... v.1, t1dio, heifer, power ,, 1t1eri11g whit• well tlrel, '' th'lted tle11. UOO 21t ' 'H FORD SZHS ,, W.·1114 Dr.M.T. ~ v.t , •ulom1tic, r&clio, heet• er, 11ower tleerint feelqry eir c:ond,. tlnt14 gle•1, WTE II~ "• 6°3 "'c;;"'o"'R"'YA"'l::-R--:$"'S"'ts' •. ! Monte. eulom•lie tr1n1m"'· 1ien, redio. he•ter, Uc. ~ .61:1R llS \• ··~ 'H MERCURY $14'5 Crcto. •.r. J Dr. H:T. " " v_.a, &utom•tic, redio, h ..... '1. 110..,•r 1teerl119, P•w" .,,,~ ••• fe ct11ry elr e•ncli· tloni11g, tinted tl111. TSA '" '66 COMET $lits Vov•t •'· ' p111. 1tetlo11 w19011, redio, heifer, V.f, eulo1111lie lren1rniu ie11, 110· wer 1te1ri1t9. lie. Riii' 956 'H CORTINA $1HS 1600 d1lux e, ... torn etie tr1n1mi11io11, r1dio, heifer, whitew•ll, 5300 eehlel Mil!I'•· l ie. YWT 111 "'5 FORD $9tS · J1rtupor r 31111 p Ll l 1 ~' Gel. loo ol-Dr .. V.f , euto, 3100 W. Cout Hwy.,' N.B. (ldlo, ~e1t.r, power 1teer, 642-!»ro . 54~1764 white well tire1. SYI 203. bdr~·sct. Queen bdrn1 set. Louis xv. rosewood ln\11...v. ne1v, quick winding crank, $ FURNITURE $' HJ;> eng1ne1. Fly, Bridge. · __ a _ ,'!lZC. bed1·m ~t. •swag ll'ith niatching bed $950. r:naa:i:iitlytng hood, quick "A'PPllANci:S $8600. Call 646-.7353. .. MOtOrtcooters 9350 lamp, pictu1-es, 11·ashcr. & 54~2394· • focusing hand le, polarizing I Ml .. 1 ·--ti G til ~~ 67' 2211 COior TV1-l'i•no1-Slereo1 DINGHY -F1ber&:lass 10 • c ryer. sc. ...,,a =========I ter, ter --tV· ;)-1 "-•er He.M hit Ptam LapslralCe. t eak 1961 Lamb re t 111. ft1'otor Aulhorl:zed ti1G Dealer '61 MUSTANG $1ff5 3100 \V, Colut Hwy., N.B. 1"'9"6,,--;P;:Ot"SC=hec,,--,1°'600""''Su=,.,-,·.11 •,·•·, eutorn etie, 1 r~I•, 642..9405 540-17&1 Rebuilt engine &. trans. •.• er, power 1 ••ri119, DON'T .GIVE-.(jP! Stwtng Machln11 1·120 Spo-·r·'-n Goods CASH IN JO MINUTU trim, 3kP Sea 'GUll, 'oan, scooter, good nin:lng conil., You may find it at An1e1·ica's nn. 8500 e 541-453 I e SZl~. 673-6943. After 6 Pl\1 S~ or beat of~er. ~2191 lai'gest, most uiit1.Si.ia! un-1969. SINGER. w/beaut ...,'al -· --. · -·----- flnl ·~ 1 . C 1 . 12 GA. automatic "''ilh rib & WE PAY CASH . !IS' CHRIS TRI-CABIN. Aul. •· • -vo"Cll snni urn1tur:r ttore. or, conso e &. z1g-zag. ?.lakes l'hoke conlrol. .xJnt cond. TS, FIB, duals, $23.000 -- Redhill & Santa Ana Fwy, t>Uu.on hotel,' Overcasts. 5 ~.so. 842-4526 . ·er 49:1-3916 \iiii·'-',;';;".'ii,iiimiiiiiii9ii4•00 l'Wilin. 1 ml So. of i\eytport Year 1r.1ar. Full· price $38.2t ====="-=---1 . ' Authoriz~ ?l.iG Dealer Bur.sh exhaust; st ereo; new white w•11 tire1. VSK 610 ===="=====I paint !: tires. Make oUer. '66 FOID $1495 DATS.U'N :>40-ll54 Feirle111 SOO ! dr. Herdtop V.f, eulo, r1dio, he1t9r, ROLLS ROYCE pwr. 1t•'••. f¥elory eir ORANGE COUNTY 'S --------11"'""· whil• woll Ii•••· .• ,,. . NO. 1 ed 9le11. STY 105 Fwy. Open 362 days per )'r. or. $5.26 mo. 526-6616 SURFBOARD 6'6", gun r .,. WA~TE.D , S.li.,.-:;;t, 9010 544-5410 shape, perfect condilion ~. Good u.::st'd furniture, appll· --:---• 3 MATCHING chanipezne Musical Inst. 1)25 ==;::::="oo"'='=1="===;=·1 ancts, an!lqucs, coh:lr TV "s, R\6.ClNG · SnlJ':! & trniler. BEACli DATSUN DEALER ROLLS '39, akte mounts. new paint, new waw lirea, $4950. '66 MEICURY $2195 -' DOT DATSUN P1iv.tprt,y 84&-@41. 644--0507 Coutir. v.1, euto, r•dio, Chinese large occasional GIBSON ES 335 TDC ~i· Miscell•neous . 8600 red lri&:'s, stov1·c'~· \\'ushers & Newly rebuilt classic. See to chaln. All !or $100. 2.•a<la" ·"'-==c:c=--="" I rycr!'j, etc. piece 01· boust· bcllcvt'! $1000, ~t-1 89 3 110lid, H\lmbachen; hal'ds ·11 -lul 2J · bar stools w/~'i\-el M"ats & ·CLOSE DUTI . br se1·vlcc. evC's. aft 6:30. {11 633-3162 caS".-6-6-tlf& aH 5. ..1~,....,.. · · · "cka m •a. The F•cto~. • """'"""'I or 892-3.)96 Da~ .. , oa t~ .. • J 1969 bOx Cree ting Cards. 1885 Harbor. MQ...6842 ACCORDION 120 Baas , Christmas. Bil'lhdays, Get FAi\\JLY needs ski equip. V-ENTIJRE 21' X1nl ~ncl.. J r.tOVINC?: AL:L GOES. Broy· =~'; ~~ xtnt "°~· \Ve 11, All Occasion. etc. Chlldt'Cll J;>, 12, 10 & 8. sails, head, '2 . outboart!A hlU Premier beclmi set, · -· 1 ""·1y 1 at nogular ptke . gel Please call &'6-19:'3 ' slp1_ 4, .· e.'l:tru. 0 ff er Sears pan stereo/Port TV tR\Jl\1PET -O)ds 1'Stud'?" anothl'T · at le! \VANTED :Ohta· mode{ Hild 54~ 1 : Match se\.\ing desk end tbl "'Ith case & accesso(les. MINNIE'S GrHting floor . n1achine, 18 or 20". 21' PACJ(IC, 6leeps -1. Head, It ·ctn·. Ne1v "'8s'h rliach Like lll!w Sl4S. 646-!281 · C11rd1 & Gift Shop \Vorklng or not. Ms-5048 traller, hlii!tf!d 'keel. ti7l-6874 8511 Hell Ave., Westinlnsler NEED bricks one to 1000, · ·"* 549-3Xl2 .. 'Auto Supply Wholesale Prices to All Compl"cte ltlachine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT ' REBUILT ENGINES 11~5 Victoria, CM 518._w;)O 183.i"J Bl'1ch BJvd, HB &11-CS'JI * OPEN 7°DAYS * USED blue-green sofe & chair $45. 2 · sttident desks. $9.95 ea: 1 desk & chalr $29. The Factory, lBS:i Harbor. ,......, Pianos ~O_r_gant 8l30 11 blk E. 'of Beach Blvd .I re11.~bly priced. 644-4681 11' Catamaran sallboat, ca1· FACTORY 8l7-3l31 t 0 i a b'I e' \\"ith aalls. fINESt IMPORTED cArt BEAUTIFUL=~,-pc-. ~S..,.-~llh bedroom set Sll9. U8ed gokt eofa &: chair $89. Used d~sserw $31. "'itb mlrrots $!9. The Factory, 1885 Harbor. 541}:.6&12 PRIV. ·pty', must sacrlfioo complete hou&cful ' ol f\nt! decorator furn. at .a fraclion of o;,1.ginal cost. ' 642-9006. 1412 ~ntlgUa' \V•y. NB CLEARAN¢EI S PC wrought Iron patio FREE TO YOU Rearonable. 830--019.J • Service in Costa Mt"s.1. FacJoiy orde1'S clearance of furniture w/ yello1v vinyl CAL 20 • LOADE:O · · Specialists Jn Mct~i all ovCia11e. demonstrators, u Pho Is t e r y SlOO. GE DALl>tATI '''/ smo. \\'/Newport slip Bel\Z. Jaiujr, Votvo, ~JG, 000, mbd, •I•. itud.lo • ~ rotl.s.1erie broil.er & util cart "'~ Aust. She P · · f'iar':. Trlun·.;."'•• V\V'1. '" I al hli /blk Call 5-&G-llOl or ~-2061 .,.., turned Pianos & OJ .... ans. $45. Elec Door polisher SIO. eni e, w e w spo!s, D.AN:S Alll'OMOTIVE • ~ 18 hai all shota, 9 mos. Children ~al aa.ving1 up to JO%. ..armen r setter 0110 yrs,. gd \.\'&lchdoa. 'onr Cru ... rs 9020 SERVICE Call • &12-61i0 Everything iuaranteed like ·$12.50. 67J..9l94. · .. ED LE BR QC K 1-1' R.!se new, Sala limited.to !pteiOc LANGE iJtl boots 6'/69 nahll'al hunter, gd, hoine MUri Seil ' 111" Fltie-las · I· ' 11·/fnct ynf. M6-tm 11/18 -1 boo~ v" ; ,,_ . 'Kt.. manUold &, llolley carb. 1lpck • so hurry! No money model brand ne\\', ncwr us--+---~ n 1u . ery ~a\.\'Orl,.,,. !\lost elJgh~s $99.95., Na- down OAC, 5 years lo pay. ~.size 6 n. std. $70. Indoor 3 ~OVABLE. kitt,ns, 4 nlOI. Ex. copd. $1800 or Best Of· tional specq: center, 2110 Thla great ·Sale only at: roller akates, girls 111 1 SI ZI old. 2 grn eyed, 1 yellow ler! 61S-9361 H bor "o. · 64&-6foo · \VARD'S BALDWIN SfUDIO + C'M $5. 'Aft 12 r.ooll. fl)'e5, l fry, l rusty, 1 . ~"--·-'_ .. __ ~~~ 1819 Newport, G.?tf. ·&&2-3484 644-03:W cliji.1lcoal. Nied iood ho1nl!s. Mllrlnt Ettulf.' , · 9095 Portche • l\1erc •• V.\V, O. . Opan Eyery Nile • KIRBY VACUUi\I Oeaner 336-4"93 11/18 . , . . . ' Ruggies. New&: used parta, ~ Sunday Aftemoon HELP! Beagle had 10 ,..,., .... 6 ':y~ ~ie:tiel en&. 3 to 1 rod. uc-\Vholcsa..le tq aH &d<!35o, -""SFERRED s 11 I 1 ~===~---~ v.·llh a l t ·a c.h n1 e n l 1 4 r-~r 11ori unit: Fresft , ate 1 "'"'• • e n R HAM~tOND • .Stetnway . Ya-po111!her. T,ake O\'e r. small. pll"l!I. No n'IOl'ley. Just bri~ ooo1~ 8 :..._.. .1 0 1 Porsche ~nrlne l&ro CC super complete housctw ,of' quality m•ha • new ll used pianos ""'""ent!i or ,_" oH balance lo'-e and a f f e ct ion , ."'"'· 1"'"' ne"''• 511 n all ne"· $600. .a.fie\-5, 613«l03 :flf e d lterrafle:an lu.mllure. I ail ~ "·• . b ........... ......,, ...... ~-... II/IS crat('. FaC!O!')' o:>st. 673--2910. "=======-= ~ o ma...,., cox t OU)-'11 1 of $36.40. Q'edlt Dept, .....,.....,.,,.. art 4. 1 · ,::.;,;;.;_:,,,~-~~--I So, calU. r\iht heft. ~7289. 4 ADORABLE kittens, 3 _ Trailer, Travel 9425 . ~~ ~:ea!.rs~to:~ SCHM:N~~~~ co.. BEAUTIFUL hand painted male, I female. 1 \.\'ks old. Bolt $Up Moorjng 9036 ' " po•o-11 'of -u 0, you• 'lrYlne Cove, 4.91-2835 ll/11 ·--~-.• . .. . -~ -•·. llke ......,_ Cost.$.150. Santa A. na .. " " J V • 1 Ii -.. ~7072-.. children from a photograph. 1-"'REE Fitt:"'"OOd· • * Ill' SLIP· available for ~.· BABY Orand P i an o, A \\'ondertul idea for that 6'12-1~ boat! for ~le (21· 30' to Jr 'HOUSEFUL 9f Fl'COC h Jlttrdman ~k. See at 402 ~!al Chriatinaa ilft. 11118 or nl 60' to so·. Call Chuck provtnciaJ fUmJture. M\I~ 13th St;, Apt. A. H.B. 646-3629. FREE .• (lulfy vey killeni. :~~16 6113-52:ll or , eve1 --~ -'"'-"·--AIR Strtarp; '69, 2 9' A n1ba1 sador. lntttnlll'I. Xlnt rol"ld. Better than new! ea11~(n41 644-5013 · ~ 1956 31' S!LV~ak. Xlilt cond. ,. -6-1~1633 * be eold by next Wttkend. w.MMOND Chord 01:pn in FIREWOOD· for sale-cut, tq 8 wka. ,962-8186 llil7 W 675--l~ • Rood oondlUon $173. y0 u r specifications; wen 1 . . ANTED: Slip or buoy to YotJNG Rect IOx. wne PO. c.11 m,.1145 11euoned. Dellv . &: &tck'd DARLING I -,ro.>n Ofitige moor 26' sailboal Newport r I Utlli "50 Racoon. tame $50. °'I'• PR.lVATE PARTY lfANTS ftte. $21,50 ~ C, $4.1.50 C. Tabby kitten. sa-J929 ll/17 area. Prlv prty. f1,ut. et.U • rli er1, ty _ .. ,_ S2$450. 5f6..Dll 1'0 BUT PIANO FOR Call rollect fn4) 6M-0846. FREE kitl~m. li SialnCl'le, dal'I 54~7 Ewt. ~ STEEL frame, full Skits, pu SO~A. oofttt, end· t1blt1 l CASH. 542.-«M.J F'Oft·sut: G&Porta~ Color "11•· 893--l79l * .. lllll '* \VAN:TID it tl~11. xtra. Illes, Spare Ute lama-;. Xlnt condition.· It Your Ad m 0 u r TV. tmpt'rial rtfrfztn.tor 3 DARLING little ldtlcnt. SLIP FOR 38' BOAT SlS-&91 <:all ~ ~ clwlt\edt! Somtont will be \\1th auto Jee ma ke r . Onl • et.lb. ~i 11/18 Tl<&: t'i3S-021S , • UNITED Flind time looklna; fot ll DjaJ 6f2.5671 G'fl.6061 IT'S "Fa.lr SM.re" Time Dial 542:5613 for RESULTS t J .... THE QUICh'ER YOU CALL, 'MlE QUJd\ER YOU SELL JSS35 Beach Bl~d.' h!l'•l•r. power 1!1er, p11wer S NBEAM .. r•~••· f1etory eir eend, Hu.n,lin&ton Beach · · U white will lir11, vi11y1 top, .8-12-TiSl or f>ro.t\442 ---tint~d 9le11. UJA 171. ENG4SH FOllD OR#.NGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH .FO~D .D!l\LER SALES · SERVICE. ·' '6' i110 0ELS In1medlatp dell\·~ry - · ~GE SELECTION Tll_..ioro RO~NS .FORD 2000· Harbor Blvd. • Coll• Mesa 6-12-lm.O 1964 SUNBEA!\I Alpine GT. '65 ,LYMOUTH ••ts Good top, tire&. Runa good ..,. s;>la. "531-1433 , l tl¥ed•••· 4 door, V-1, •u· lorn1lie tr en1., power 1te11· TOYOTA . , TQYOTA . ' ' in9, 1.dio, heeler. l ie: RRY "' ''3 'ONTIAC $1HS . . .,... "'' Avtemtitic lr1n1rni11io11, . spe(T"CU'AR f1ctory, •ir, power 1t••ril1v • ..., "' "'\ r•dio, h1eltr. l ie, JNN 244 YEAJI END SALE AtL MODELS , . '67 l'ONTIAC:: $1HS . ~ ·~,,... YOUR B~ uEALS ! 4oor h•1cltop, eutometic ' ARE !nl.A. AT tr1111rnin le11, f1etery eir, 'EAN ~LE\YIS :~~··~:~' ·~, '""~-·~-~-~~,-~~~~~1l96ti .Harbot, C.M.' 8·16-9503 h .b1l Stetio11 Weton. lt'1 FERRARI fhl ero11 cou11try ll'IOdel, BILL · MAXEY ,wHh "1'"'11" '"""''' • .1 11011, redio, heete1, l ie, RRY Newpi>ii;~!!!,RILld. &,, \TwVP.l'*TIAJ ::; C::HR.YSUR $1ttS 1,np Coun~·· only 1uthor-~ ~ N led d 1 ... -, BRA ~--·•D 1w110.1t, 4 d•or herd!op; Z ea er. •• ' 5~ T • Y·f , eut.ometi e lren1111lulo11, SAhES-SERVICE-PARTS Hunt • .._,. . 7-ISS& 11ow•r 11eerl119, redle, hfet· SJOO.W. Coast H\V)', 3 mt.N~of Ooiat Hy.iy, on Bclt er, low low mil••••· Li•. Nl'Wpoft. Beach VTS 642·9400 540-1764 '69 TOYOTA Corolla 111 Aulboriztd Fm"l.11 Drller Futbl.~. pttfect tUld.JUon. •65 'ORD $1 Ot5 • · 61~1 1 Felrl1n1 500. 2 4eor ••r4· =========II '•'· v.1. •••ometie '''"'·· VOLl(Clll AGEN 11owe1 ,, •• ,111,, ,.1111. 11..t-JACO.UAR For Sale -,.,Cl ... ~. ,_..,..,.,__ • ....,. .. "'-·-...... -11"· "'· NHU '" . 19.» XK-140. s~. '6.1 vw oos. A-1 corit1 .. ~&u. .. , ea• -673'3041. :i-,"'·f190=-m-=--' "I'..,.."'"'.,.,...,·""·-· ·~1• DUN. TON . ·* ' 6T.1-3il4 * ' KAR~ANN GHIA '" vw, Goad .,_, PRIGED for Quick Sale! IS K•r mann Gh\11, Im- maculate! OrlrtnaJ o"-ner. Sh at 480 Bm@l<l\\.11,,\', C.M. DAILY PILOT Dl~tE ·A · LtNES. \'ou c:t.n use: them for just pt!nnies a day. Dfal 642~iS ' .,. .... I.ft ................ 1[ FORD ~IL Make Offtt. StJ.'12.\J. 'R VW · Bt~, blk. Int. Nt'w tl~s, Xln't f..ond ., $1600 DelU:ll • 61144<.Q). ''2 VW CAMPl:R * ~-&~···* \JNfrED F'Und time 2240 S. Main 546-7076 .. ' ' I ' i I ' • ' 'I "! I ( ., 4 '• " ------.~------..------·------=--,-::-----.,. -------....------------ CilL .,FllNCftr"~ LIUS.LI ' ' ' IJlSS LAY GA IY lllD NO. 22)2 N' Hl1 '. . . ·.-/" 1".,,;.,._..,. __ ..,._,... ........... ,_..,._.., . ' • • 'J • 1969 MARQUIS 4. li.~:flAllDUIP ., ..._ "'' · 1969 COLONY PARK WAGON fi;i.h· .. ,, .. : .. , ~\;; ... ,, ;~':.., .. , ,,.,, ~ 1969 MARQUIS r••r .~a.h, bl.clc vinyl roof, 11l1ct ihift1 W/S/W1U1, rim blow 1t11rin9 wh11I, twin com• 7.fott 111ti._ 6--way 111t, power bu1k11, tilt wh11I, pow1r 1t.11rin9, wh i1p1r 1ir cond., AM r1dio1 ~~7.;~~::.~· tint~d glen, dlx. belh ind r•: 4 DR HARDTOP . WINDSHIRD.PRICE ................ 5356.10 ~ ' • JOHNSONS PRICE .................. 4190.00 THIS CAI LISS * o:.'t.:A• $1166 1 O '-WINDSHllLD --;,;,__Pl.~ -.......:. ---------. --~-.--....... 1~ COLQNY PARK WAGON . · .. ·" ' fi'11t1Md l11 m1dii.rm 9old <t2 9 2V v.a, 1el1ct •~ft. W/S/W1ll1, pow1r window1, 6·w1y 11ot, lu991g1 c1rri1r, l 111h, pow1r br•••~ 1ow1r 'sh1ri119, whisper air cond ., AM radio, JU. ·,,,, •J1'91l1r11 tint1d 91111, 1'mot1 mirror ind h11vy dltfy 1u•P,1••i1;11t. Si r. # 9Z76KJ81207. :WtllliSHilLQ PRICE ............ $5558.90 JOHNSONS PRICE .... -...... _ .. 4uo.09 ' . ",. . . ' . 1 . " ... oa~INAL "f WiNDSHJILD 4Zt 4V v.1, '"'''· b!1ck v;nyl root. tt lecl 1hiff, w~it1 w1ll1, pow1r windowt, twin 1;0mfort 111h, 6-w1y pow1r 111h, pow1r br1k11, lilt wheel, pow1r 1t111i11g, whi1p1r 1ir co11d., AM r1dio, tinttd 9l1u, ell•. b1lfl 111d fll'IOft control mir· ror, lhi1 cir it f;ni1h1d i11 b1111tif11I cltrk ivy gr1111. Sir. # 9Z68N555540 • WINDSHIELD •PRICE .............. 5494.70 JOHNSONS PRICE ...... ONLY 4290.00 THIS .CAI' LUS THAN OllGINAL_WINDSHllLD PRICE ''~··,~~ ........ 968' 90* ~ ,, ,PllCI:· .s-................................ ..,...__..,. .... ...: . 'I'• 1JHIS CAt· LESS THAN ORIGINAL WINDS.HtEt.D PRICE. P•h1t•d in li9ht •q11• with 429 2V V.t, 11l1Ct •hift, W /S/Woll1, 6·w1y 11•h, lu9919• c•rri1r, lrd 1e1 h , br1k1i, it11rin9, till0wh11I, whi1p1r •ir cond., AM r1dio & compl1t1 ti11t1d gl111, ' ' WINDSHIELD PRICE ............ $504.50 JOHNSONS PRICE ................ 4340.00 THIS CAii: LESS • 0:1~~:AL $1 09410 WINDSHIELD 1 PRICE Ho. 2214 1969 MARQUIS 4 DR. HARDTOP , 429 2V 1ngino, flont l r11r m1h, lvorv ¥inyl roof, 11l1ct 1kift, W/S/WolJ1, rim blow. wh11I, power 1id1 wlndow1, 6·w1y 1111, pow1r br1~11 & ~lt 1rin9, tilt. wh11I, trun•' r1l1111, el't condi- lion1r, AM·fM if1l10, d ual sp11ktr1, t inted glaJ1, pow1r door l1c•1 •• . . ' WINDSHIELD PRJCE .............. .'S61l.90 JOHNSONS PRICE ........ 4490.00 THIS CAI USS * 0:1~~=AL $112390 WINDSHllLD - PRIC' '67 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEDAN IMVtlhil HllF'Ol'I blllf !Ml1lllc; 11111*11 wltfl rNllc.hlng INllllr lnttr- lw. llaek 1&11(1111 roor, 1111/'I' lroo.lry ••"*' -.Id l1d orv •Ir c°"" dll!Onlrlg, AM·FM r1dlo, ......... _ f«k.,·QnMwflflr (If, ... t,111- hllly .,...111te lflfd. TTNHO. $3395 '68 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEDAN Attrt1:fl\l1 llOht chrol!W yw!IOw wltfl bl«ti: IMrlltf• 1nt.rlor 11\d ,_ NII root. Fllll Pl)wtr Ml!JIPl*lo f1ctory llr, ere. WXFW $4~95 •67· CONTIN~NTAL Coowtrllbe be•utlflll oc: .. n TWtlUOIN ll1!11h w!lh IMkhl,,. lrlt.rlor ~ whl!t top, Com~ly lll!OllfY llQU!PC*I. h.111 PGWtr; AM•FM r.alo, t•ctofl' 11r, 1111 Whlfl1 11C. 4 ,.... tlr•-UOA1"4. $2795 $2695 ' OTHER MAKES '68 JAGUAR XKE·2 COUPE Alfl'attlv1 8rlll1ll lt~no Grttn flnl•ll wltl\ blt<k IMttltr 1nt1rlor, WI•• w~i.. Redlll Ply'llrn, 11e. 8MUllful CCll'Dlllon. W10601. $4695 '68 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE M•rwn llnllll with l>latk l1Jlda11 roof Ind lll1ck i..th•r lnt1rlor . Lu~ury equipped. Fun pawtr, lntory •Ir 'condlt10nl1111, AM-FM st.reo, ffle-1111 s~rlng whetl. On owner, bMullh.111~ maini.lnecl, 20.000 miles, VZTS29 $4795 '67 CHEVROLET V2 TON 8 FOOT CAB OVER CAMPER 1 ow~tr, drlwn on!'f lP.000 mlln, Lie. QllSl $1895 '67 PONTIAC GTO 2-DR. H.T. Gold m1•1 mt111tlc llftlil't with bllck ll\ldllf se1tt. •lllO. tr1nt ., ti· ~I• a. f\eltet, pa..., •l•rlns, tKtotY 1lr. a .. utllut cllf!dlllon. TIUlOl $2495 ·DAil V Pl\OT 3 '68 MERCURY COLONY PARK f MM'"91f'. Popular cu·11"''' r'td tltllalt wltll bl•ck comlOrt -• ylnyl "'1.,1or, 11110., 11:/H, sttreo l•P. d«M, h!CIOl''I' 11r' Qll'ld!t'°"" lllg, P.S .. P.I ., ducal KllOn 1111 111!1, 011)y 19.000 mll•, (Tiit COll- lll'ltnl11 ol St111on Wlgo1'11.J Ho. ,_14. $3195 $2195 " '66 MERCURY PARK LANE I-Dow H1~. Arctic whlltl Wl!ll IVY (IOld ltltertor •nd Wlct 11 ... ""' root. •uto .• 1u.M, P.S .. P.8,, flCIOry •If> condlllonl1111, RMI llOlul'Y If l'tMOMble prlc1. VZUJQt t $1995 '67 MERCURY MONTEREY ,.Door H1rdlop, IUJOINllc lr1nam1-.lon1 rldlo, Mtlltfi_OOMr 1tHf• llllt 1nd 1H"1k•, 11r COllCllllonlflt. l.111111u top, L.ltM uooon $1795 BARGAIN CORNER ·In Our 81r9•ln Corner, we h1v1 numer· ou1 uHCI can.. Some clean, some not ao clean. Som• that 1r1 duplications, some we've had too long -in any event th ... can are real bargai ns. LOOK 'EM OVERI '65 MERCURY 2·Dtor ~oatcl.St H.T. PDD50l '66 fORDD GALAXll 100. 2·Dr. HoNtop SYFOSZ. '67 POlllD Ce1111try Weto• Stft1H Wot. (WIT 6701 '66 T·llRD Lc111do11. 11n7z4. '68 rLTMOUTH $etelllte W09. Vlltt7 $1275 $1575 $197$ $2075 $2275 NEW CARS ,. .Johnson-. son. USID CARS 540-5635 ' " 540·5630 ' '' [!. a 00 ©@ Il, 00 ©@00 'jj' a 00 ~ 00 'ii'£ I!. D li:i1I £ 00 ~ Jill[ D li:i1I ~ Im © IlD [ffi w D © ® illl@£ 00 2626c'flARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MISA 1 Mlle South of the San Diego Freeway 111'p.rij<1 ,Aul9s 96GO: '\llifi9d Autol,'' ;,fipo' Imported Autos 9700 Used· Cars 9900 Used C1rt 9900 u .. d C1r1 9900 Used C•r1 . 9900 Used Cars 9900 YOLKSW~~~N /; f ~~~SWAG~N VOLVO P y 'IU vw Sedan. r/O,. driw• r;:' "VIII BUGS· '. " ~-VOLVO WE ·c·A" s' "I ·1965 Buick Le Sabre , conv. ·~~,~·r7h~ e=r!.;,,~u~~ '68 Chev. Impala. 2 Dr. hke a ,top. Must 'Bell·-frr.. • • ,. ·I"' . ) . . _ . ,, .· ... _ _ 5¥t'P· classy re:d vinyl ne\V tltts, recent tune-up Hardtop, Radio, hea t e ~, brothel' 1n ~lee $550". ~ .l . . . I '•l . cLEA'RANCE' NO\Yl .Ji"PiiPT. Xlnt cond. Make 01· xlnt coixl. By Owner ·-$995. power.' 'teeri n g I. !11r, ,1y.6"'"1JU .. · ·~·t -· FROM " -r42 144 145 164 fOTusedcarsA:tnlckl:tud fer.Call67:W921. 8J7-5202 days; 673 _~566 automatic transm1~1on. •$ VW BUS. neW re-bit eng. • • , $39t . ~ ,' TtYIOE· Ui.oR BWEEsr'sr DPEfq~s call us for free esttmat&. •57 BUICK. Good running eve!I. Best over $1775. Hobday llreeds work on· trans. JI.fake '·\" ~ ·~> ., • ·.~ -~ ~ #u..> GROTH Cff!:UnOlfT · nd ~·t Ir tatl n • Leasing. 1969 Harbor. Ph. " · ., ih -''" co ·• ..... u, anspor 0 • 1965 Chevy Impala SS. V..S, 64,.~ ... ' ' FORD CHEVROLET BUICK MUSTANG '69 liJACH I. 14,000 ml, full P\\'l', all xtras. Drafted, must sell. Make11 ofr. 645-1239" NEW '69 Mustang Grande, V-8, PS, nir cond., dlxe Int., 5 new Mlchelln radials. 2500 miles. Make offer. 644--0266 ~'::k """'1B eve •. D"'8, Ojl!l{l'_.l1,L . ' , l~ ' 0~·4""NE SflLLLE•Tw'ts $125. 536-69511 R&H, PIS. auto. Orig =~=~----t . \ •J' . ,. .. ~.tot 'S&lea ~ 1961J RIVJ.eRA, fully loaded, owner. $1050. 837-9628. 1~ Ford Station . 'Vagon. vw BUS";;: ~ <.'1I1aJl'ls o' :, ,,, ' ' "'6fl IJ.:.:A;l::'.s._· r ~· ~),,~, == =· :~~~fic:.xc:J~;7gffis Must CHR.YSLER ~~ 6 ~~~·. o~~~ve~~: OLDSMOBILE ~ ....... '5 p·M · ~ ' " ~ 'n'!~-uur,' r ·M; ·~ KI 9-3331 _.._. miles. Good · mechanical ·--------C, all &l~ue ·a35r , . , ,.,_ :"'!" ,1~,· .• '",pd, J!::. , ~ •' a c. ,.. _ -c:ond!Uon $100 under Blue BANK 67 VW. • ,Mo$111i'J'!. 1""l en~. ' ~-:I 'II· 'hll<' int, 'I h w, q'. id. ' un: PAY CASH CADILLAC 1967 Chryolor Book, Aakilli $35(1, 642-3963 REPOSSESSION PONTIAC '66 GTO 4 Speed Convertible, V8, power steer· ing, radio, beater. Lie. SYM· 000. $1199 o~~~ ~'.t~i6Jl700 or°"' of· ' , .O~"; II; i:/:J:'· ;~:':~·a~:; . fnOR' YOUR CAR Now Yorkor alt 5 1969 Okhunoblle, ""· 2 doo• '65 CAD DE VILLE Cutlom 4 D• Sedan, al• 00•· '88 Ford Ranch Wogon rad;o, IUU'dtop, pow" aleerlng, '55 V\V camper, new encUle, days dlti ni t t' tran liihls,, FM. I ~.. SSOO. ="======== o "i, au oma tc s-heater, power sleering It power l;lrakes, alr cond ., .,.,,,3031 Ext = 67 """~ . CONNELL All , , " f U p ,.... mission, poY;Ct' steering & air. Best over $1590. Holiday auto ·-·s, Excellent -n·"' .,,... <><>or 33952 C.opper Lantern .. Dana, 549. 3001 Ext, 66 or 157 Race Ca ... Rods . 9620 , origin.u, u wr, "' ...... , ....., ..,.. 1970 HARBOR BLVD .~ .. Point. 496-9806 :1170 HARBOR BLVD. ,., HEY OLET air, dll', take forei&"n car in brakes, radio, he1ater~t & Leuing. 1969 Harbor. Pb. tion. Low mileage, 6'2-3111 COSTA MESA • COsrA .,,,,.,..~.. 1957 CHEVY. tube front end. C R trad e? or small down, QPA· telescopic whee • s~ & 642-6023 Ext 237 or 241. '64 vw • · M••h. A-1 orlg. · ~. .. "'"SC control New prem lll69 FIRE ·u, ge Pontiac rear end. 327 Chevy 2828 I1arbor Blvd. 322LB, Call Phil 494-9T13 or · · 1968 FORD LTD 4 dr. hrdtp. 'li6 Cutlass Convertible. P/s, BIRD Pontiac. g1int, lo riliu~ust se st '6.5 VW Sunroof, tan. Driven· ene,..,.$800. 846-3221 Costa Mesa· SfG.D)O 54~. ~i: tires, Absolutely like 20,000 ml . X'tra clean. 390 P/b, P/w, MAKE OFFER. 15,000 actual mi I e age fer. 847-. lesa than 30,0CO mL by little =:=;#=====:;= -°""=~=~="""'-,0:,c:;.0 .:.c:,;..,._~----· eng, air cond. P/S, vacuum Low book $1350. IIlgh Book Lipstick orange w/ white 1Ail9 VW c·•uPER . school teache.i s now Au~· want'·• 9~.00 WE PAY TOP 'w FTWD BRGM. AU a~ $2199 all Conlova top !2950 He! '"' ,...., ,.,.. -DOLLAR cessorles Black c05t $9200 GOOD SELECTION door lock, stereo, $2575. C $18!i0. Mr. Goman 644-1230. · · en l,500 nif·. Teot, R.dlo. camn... Dunlap dogbene<radlal tires. . . 5250' be ff "° °'"· do•s 4~3144 eves Ryan owner. 546-0514. ~ JI pl • JMPOR-'w"~ t _. cl ··-~ new, now $ I st o er. ~ _,, """' ing equip. $4-Sl!XI ave com · e.e ser·v·ice "'ll ........ ..._ or g.....,..., ean l,lllQl ,cars. ~ 1968 BONNEVILLE fu11 l'ffi>~~Chicklvttson. 0ranp Countiea all·makes. See George Ray 22,000 mil<'s, full warranty . 1~9 Ford Country Sedan, 1966 OLDS F-85 Station • Y 1954 VW Squareback · $1.300. ~.56..o663 day a, TOP 1 BUYER Theodore Robins F'ord fTI'4) 639-4663 c~· o~ ,53'-''tdatlof;,.n .. wagq"~~i: Joadtal•,•.· ;'~ l~~•ognepwra' ~k',"wrtowbrabook"k· :~~Pf,a~~~ts~o~nt&te~:~ JSOQ..S, Xlnt Cond, '64841103 eves BILL MAXEY TOYarA· 2060 Harbor Blvd. CAD 1968 convert 20,000 acc. • ~ _,,., ._,, " Ca.II ~·842-1222. -'---'-------18831 Beach Blvd. C.M. 642.ootO n1ilcs like ne\V, J.Ull power $1150, !Ugh ,i1570. Best oiler ~-~~'38=7,===--~ '69 V\V Sqback, ·vezy clean,. V\V '63 Semi-<:amper, mint H. Beacb. Pb. M7..a I nir inc. Stereo. Ph. 96&-5348 ' ~.I. '66 F•lcon f'utura by N'ov. 17 takd. 497-1044 '64 BONNEVILLE, pwr strg, IQ·mlg, mtist sacrifice $21511. cond. Only 12,475 mi. Fa~ Wanted ,_9 Cad"'·c, t-tn' W'll Buy A ,. .,.,,11 ,_ to ul ~ Dir STA WAG STEAL I pwr brks, pwr windows, R & S3&-3llS or 893-1&06 re·blt eng. s~.ereo/radio, ~ .,,.. .... CAMARO W,, · ~ .... y ""'Pilon' '?.,..• e&4Uflllq, P...-. ' · H, auto trans, looks & runs prl, pty.~Be•t otter. (213) private party. CaU aft 6 Yoq:r VoJkswagen or Porsche ·--'-------""'"" '65 F-85 Wht Wag. SacrWce. great! Aikin& $7'°. ~765 ·~!VW -Tan. 'Still In War-593-1932 or C714l 84fr1017 p.m. 546-8757 ._ p•• top dot"-, Pald ,__ Ortr owner. Exceptional, ty C Jl •:tn .. n 7 -.,. ...., ~ ,,.,.. E .,,.,,, * 673-1232 '84 BONNEVILLE conv. Xlnt ~zioT a :"'"""""" or '68 Squareb&ck. VAN Or Station wagon under or not. ean RN.ph '68 4 SI? ED, grey w/ vinyl S.f9..lml Ext. 66 or 87 '63 J"ALt'ON C.S. wag. Red, •':¥""'· cond. New tires, paint. .:.'L . Xlnt oond. R/H $600, prefer 8· cyl., Tio VW, 673-0900 top. Excellent-condltion. 1970 .HARBOR BLVD. A.T.. 6 cyl. C 1 tan I '64 OLDS · 98 2 dr. hardtop J..(}wnef 675-lSOO; 67S-392S !! '6:1 VW Bus ~11 $33-2~ ; 002-8745 ========== $2000. -646-5068 OOstA MF.S.t\. · DespeT&te to eell $l575 ale, p/1, p/b, xlnt cond. •·•'th "'bit -.nne •::ne --1-"~. ~o •o~ or "A" n•A" '65' LE MANS, Sport coupe. '1"1' can·;.:,.. ... :_.:,,,_,.,. '68 VIN,' ..t.hite, Xlilt concl, DIAL direct 642-5678, ~--Au~ Le11ln• 9810 v•~ UOill" -~ .,.._ .,. __ ,• CHARG"'.~E rr'~1 . xtros $160<ViM . pty: 431 '°"'ad, then olt·bacl;~ --;;;';;;;v;;o;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;; CHEVROl,ET . CONTINENTAL BEAUT. '88 Country Squire. '66 TOILNADO Dix. BeauL Btut ~':.'.ll~llll over 1 4',.,:::::::::r:~:;;;~~R=l=ve~n~l~de~,:N:·~B=. :64;:2-llll99~·:::::::":"~•n~, ~'l':·t~he::;p~ho~ne~·rl:;ng:OI= • -• AU pwr, air, lo ml. FM/AM cond. $1,150 For quck Mle.1-'======== LEASE-Rl!NT '69 IMPALA, 2 d•, HT,1966 CONTINE NTAL atmo.Makeotrm.= Prlv.party,615--0115 TBIRD ORDER YOUR wWk, Waok vleyl, MC, SEDAN FORD 6 oyl A tralll, l"" '114 OLDS, F-15, V.S wagon • .. s ....... "''li>' G' ·,.,,,,,E'll>;.'1<¥. 1970TODAY '""'" AM/FM, P/S, lmded• Xln't Cond. J:Obulltnewcarb,clut<h,P. Auto., Pia. •tc. $385 . --.6-6-T-•. -.-IR_D __ I . .L . .CS.JtV .t:S.IU ~ 'it FOR EARLIEST i _:'~"'~1'~'·~"':£w:!:. ~tc!m~m~ac:u~lal_te .. !i-:::i$1950:=:;·:::Call;:;:='=546-=781=3;, P . $100 ~25_111_~~-2380 c";:i.======== F="'•.,'=u:,---JrCUYltl'OLLANr--. -..--_..;.-! DELIVERY 15,000 ml . 12795. Slo-3214 __ • :"'1 """" )Jo ~""D<f~A"':i'fGv"-)Jo ,.,,':',\"'~ AU -pular tnake•. Foro '64 CHEVY Impala SS Cpe, CORVAIR MERCURY PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. HT, full pwr, air, dlr, pwr seats, brakes, wlndoW1, Blue Book. $2500 • Take $191X1 or foreign hr in trade. NPV132. Call PbU 494-9nJ or MS-0634. I ' '.f ::..r...,.•" .Atcorrl1111 lo m .. Stais.· · --L, 22 , ~ PIS R&H auto -·· " -d I f • _. oc;r authorized least..... system. • • u·wq, ·--------"· 2-11 10 eveopmessoge orTueMJoy, •7 "'• Cl n Pr1 pty $895 1--------- , ftadwordscormpofidingtorunbus -•7" Ge'l OUr CompeUttve Rates 84~,;70, ' • '6~ CORVAIR, needs m1nor ,6i Mercury Meteor. One ofyoxZodioc:birthslgn. Theodore .::.:::.=;;:. ______ I work • would make aood -"" ndl"· E n~•• " • .,. ROBINS FORD '57 Chevy Betalre, HT, P" Dune Buggy etwm, lllll. """"'· •-co ~n. vea 2Todoi, J~·Y°"' pb. Built up .283 w/3 spd. !J.36..6958 548-8933 or all day wknds. '•'v~·,. ·,',',.l.odtlrot 2060 Hatbor Rlvd F·-tr U $400 ";;.. '""' Com M... 6'2.Mio e33'.]554 ansp on. '65 CORVAIR M•Ma coupe, MUSTANG 6 Tll:llbll 36 W0t1 ~~~~~~~~'!l!!' .::::.:=------. lnunac. cond. 46,000 actual i=-~~ LEASE ANY MAKE-'67 MAUBU lo mi. ad tires, ml. Wpd. $750. 646-47W 811--------- '"°'"o ""'"' OR MODEL con.ole, bucket "'"· air, a.m. t<>. 5 p.m. Eves. 1142-02.I '65 MUSTANG ~fr.:.i.,1s !1-t:"'°" Let oUt Jc~ eXpert1 ehf!W full pwr, AM/FM, prl. pty. ·McoRVAIR $50 Needs Hardtop "289" V8 1ttck ll~'~ ~~~ YoU the best plan for your. Make offer, 673-004 work. Auto air co~. Auto ahilt, ~1 root, ~lo It 14 v""" "v-persotl41 needs without obll-(5) 1968 OJEVY Impalas, cooler. CaU. 545-075$ heater: 1.5 Oor>'t .,.5 0r gation. loaded. Priced for quick • $1099 ,:~roir: ~~-UNIVERSITY sale! $1900. CORYETI'E 110un .. ,™no OLDSMOBILE '61 Chevy l pa.la Conv.. ~ J:~nrt ~~.... 2850,..~~M'esaBl'vd. $295. Good nsportation. '66 FASTBACK. whlte, 327, 4 c , ,. ~ :u Don't 5 1 Of 'l.oUl'I... Call 4. spd, many xiru, .int oare ~ 22T°*J 52£1.... 540.9640 0 ~~· ~~" ,,, LEASE ,,, '~c:'ifuJi~':i. 2 D•. sal!il:C~OUGAR . ~ . .,~~-4-0$ 21 Poll'lftcl l!7 Mo<to 1969 MU!t11ng, 2 dr, HT, V·S, 1t p 21~1t!IM 511 Todo~• air, ps, auto. trans., w .. w.,. __ '63 CHEVY JI Nova ~Ottrio., ~=' $7!1.00 mo. Good cond, $550. '61 Cougar XRT. Loaded! t<3\ SOUTH COAST ll6l 8794 One owntt, Factocy war-~Goo! \8/~dvtne CAR LEASING UNITED FUND -Have ranty. 30,000 ml, 675-5.142 300 W. Olt H.'cVf, NB 66.21!2 You Contributed? .SOCK lT TO 'EMI . '' 5fl9.3031 Ext. fl6 or 67 19'10 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '68 Plymouth Fury 4 door. Radio, heater, air eon· ditlonlng, power steering, a utomatic trans. Best over $1495. HoUdey Leulng, 1969 Harbot'. Ph. 00..:0023 '62 T-Blrd. DITION. brake11 and TOP CON- Transnmsion, tires, NEW. '68 Plymouth Suburban . 642-0037 RadJo, heatf.r, air, power 1964'""',-,T"·"B"JR"D"'. -,P"ls-.-,P~/b, ateerinr. Best over $1775. P/w, clean. Prlv pty, l850 Holiday Leuing. 1969 or Take over payments. Harbor. Ph. 6f2.fi0'23 644-6279 1965 BARRACUDA. 1135 un- der whlse. Total price $790. Good cond. Call 549-2683 or &16-8164. PONTIAC '67 Gr'an Prlx-Sharpl Lotded! $1995, 846-1165 White elephants! Dbne·a·li~ Wbltt elepbentl! Otme-•· line DAILY PILOT WANT .W,SI . ·s•1=--::PO"R"TH=o"'L"E""'T"-B"';-n1",-x1.,..nt cond. Nu Inter. & palnL Ri!blt engine. Call 838-7675 '65 T·BIRD, loaded! Xlnt cond. dk blue. $1600. 8)t o\vner. 67S-4210 VALIANT '60 VALIANT Wagon -$200 Or Beat OUer. 540-o3811 Sotw'da.y " Sunday, Only. Wh!W Elephants? \ I I ..... ----··-... -... • · / H DA!lY PILOT Mondoy, N-11, 1969 .. -. --· ears S.ave s3oon ON PURCHASE OF ANY COMPLETE REMANUFACTURED ENGINE INSTALLED More New P•rh in Every Remannf'actured Complete Engine •All New Water Tubes •All New Bushings •All New Rocker •All New Seal Shafll Gasket• • AllNewTU.U,.. •All New Exh.tuet Chains Valves • All New Timing • AU New lnt•ke Gean \7 a Ives •All New Main •All New Valve Bearing& Springs •All New Rod •All New Beaings Pistons • All New Hydraulic • All New Chronic· Litten type Rinp ALLSTATE Car and Trnck Engines -Exchanges available for over 950 makes and modeU remaiiufactur· ed romorc cxactinguandards than used in new' engines. Compare ALLSTATE Remana!actured En&ine Quality Blocks and Headt -Re-surfaced Magnaflu.x inspected and pressure tested. Crankcase~ Camshaft, Connectin1 Rods -Reground complete and polished. · Oil Pump. Oil Pan. Front Cover and Rocker CO\,.el'! installed on all OHV en.Ri nes. 24..Monlh or 24,000 Mile Reraanufactured En1ine GUARANTEE Jf aay pm £ails due ro defeca ia mr.teri..ts or work· man1hip . , • during fin1 90 cbys. or 4,000 miles, wbidt- ever occun fin!, we •ill repair or replace puu free 0£ charge, providing requirt;d ..:"ice bu Been perlormed accord.ing to gu.an.ntee cerrificare. After 90 da.rs or 4,000 miles aad up 10 24 months or 24,000 miln, whichever occurs first. pms aad labor chvge •ill be pronrcd bued upon the percentaBc of gua.ra.n1ecd months or miln, whic:bntr is gcun-rcprcscJ1ting nuwe receivtd. Periodic amce U required to ltttp auaranttt in effect. Ca...,111. Appli• T• P-.r C• Applicalio• Onlyt Not Defective 2nds ... Not Factory Defects ..• Not Blemished Tires •.• . But Brand .New Tires.,. ' ·"NYLON SUPER G:UAJU} FULL ·4-P·L1. , · · ~ALLS .. WALLS AND WIUTE . · .. · · · . BLACK . ARAN'i'EE.-COAST TO c.~AS1' .. 33 MONTH GU . ::, . . . 0 , TUBELESS BLACKWALLS 19.95 10.02 9.93 22.95 9.02 13.93 24.95 9.02 15.93 2.20 w· 8.25xl4 27.95 9.52 18.43 2.36 -..1 7. 75x 15 24.95 9.02 15.93 2.21 ...,, ... T.UBELESS WIIlTEWALLS . Sears Conrenient Credit Plans 22.95 10.02 12.93 25.95 9.02 16.93 27.95 9.02 18.93 30.95 10.52 20.43 33.95 12.02 21.93 27.95 9.52 18.43• 30.95 10.52 20.43 33.95 12.02 21'.93 ALLSTATE Pa1sen1erTire Guarantee 'tre•d Lire Gu•nintee (;uaranteed Apinst: All failures ol 1be tire 1e1uliing from normal ra.d hazards or dc£eca in m1.1eri1.l1 or workmanship. For How Long; f or the life of the original ttcad. What Will Se.in Do: Replace nail punctures at oocb~. Ja the c:ase of failure in exchange fot rhe tire, repl.:c it.chargin.s only the proportion o£ aamnt regular selling price plwi fed· crd h d se Tu that repment1 tread used. Tre•d Wnf'oOat Gu•r•ntee Gu;1r.nleed Again!!: Tread ...e11-<1u1. For How Long: The nulllher of mno1h1 specified. What Will Sean Do: In exchange for the tire, rcpt.cc it. charging 1hc current rcgulv seJ1i111 ptic:e plui fe4eral Excise Tsir lcs11bc follcn.oingallowancC! ' P.lonth1 Gu•ranteei:l Allow•nc• J:?to24 1098 27te39 20% 6.50xl3 ' ·TWELESS · BL\,cKWALL Plus l.79'F;.E.T •. l Aiid"Old Tire ' ~~-~-------------~-~----------~. I IUENA .... TA 8·4400, 521 ·4530 n MONT! GI 3-3911 LOHo W.cH HE 5.0121 PICO WE-S·4262 CANOGA PAIK 340·0661 GUNl>Alf Of 5·1004, Cl 4·4C1 OIY.\IPIC & SOTO AN 8-5211 POMONA ED. 2·1145, NA 9 :: ·•,YU ( ~;;1 ------~. SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 SANTA FE SPllNGS 944-8011 ' ·----~--, TORRANCE 542.1'511 I UPl4ND 985-1927 I oo.wTOH NE 6·2581, NE 2-5761 NOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 OltANG! 637·2100 ..• COVINA, 966-0611 INGUWOOO OR 8·2521 PASADfNA 681 ·3211, 351 ·4211 '-~---~.------------------Sh~p Niahts Monday through Saturday 9::io A;flt. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M. • • Sears . was. IOJIUCX .AND co. I SANT4 MON/C4 EX '4 ·6711 VAllEV PO 3-8-461, 9B~-2 2 i.0 SOUTH COAST PlAlA .S.C Q-3333 VEaMONf Pl 9-1911 -~ ..... ------·-----------' "Satis~action Guarantee~ o~ Your Money Back" I , - J ; 7 ' ;ir!.